YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ARCHIVES State of New Jersey, FIRST SERIES. Vol XXI. This volume was prepared and edited by authority of the State of New Jersey, at the request of the New Jersey Historical Society, and under the direc tion of the following Committee of the Society : ' William Nelson, Garret D. W. Vroom, William S. Stryker, Austin Scott, Francis B. Lee. DOCU MENTS RELATING TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY State of New Jersey VOLUME XXI. Calendar of Records in the Office of the Secretary of State. 1664-1703. EDITED BY WILLIAM NELSON. PATERSON, N. J. : -The Press Printing and Publishing Co., 269 Main St. 1899. CONTENTS. Page PREFACE, - - ix PART I. EAST JERSEY RECORDS. Liber No. I : I A .stumpy folio, of which 183 pages are written on from the front and 155 pages from the back. This contains Indian deeds, patents and other con veyances, confirmatory patents, licenses for the purchase of lands from the Indians, town charters, court proceedings, etc., 1650-1678. The calendar of the reversed side has been reserved for a future publication. Liber No. 3: 28 A.- folio, 177 pages written up in front, and 38 pages from the reversed . side. This contains orders establishing courts, regulating the sale of liquor to Indians, decree of divorce, licenses to beep taverns, and for whale fishing, wills, administrations, inventories of "estates, court proceedings, patents and other conveyances, military and civil commissions, grants and concessions, letters, instructions and orders relative to the government, allowances of lands for immigrant servants, etc., 1665-1682. Liber No. 4: 48 A large folio of 500 pages, of which only 36 from the front and 13 from the back are filled with writing, consisting of patents, Indian and other deeds, court proceedings, surveys of lands, administration of estates, etc. , 1679-1682. Liber A: 52 A very large folio, of 444 pages; the leaves have been folded twice, ap parently for the purpose of filing, before being bound. It contains many documents of the greatest importance relating to the government of East Jersey ; also deeds, wills, administrations, patents, list of imported indented servants, agreements for the sale of land, powers of attorney, confirmations of patents, orders and instructions in relation to the government of East Jer sey, road records, etc., 1676-1688. / Liber B: 91 A folio of 537 pages, containing patents, deeds, mortgages, confirrhatory patents, wills,, bonds, letters' and other documents relating to the government of East Jersey, etc., 1680-1688. Liber C: 130 An immense folio of 344 pages on one side, and 278 pages on the reversed side, containing powers of attorney, patents, deeds, confirmations of patents, VI CONTENTS. Page mortgages, wills, administrations, appointments of guardians, Indian deeds, leases, writs of election, returns of same, proclamations, acts of the Assem bly, orders, letters, instructions and other documents relating to the govern ment of East Jersey, 1670-1703. Liber D: . 162 A folio of 450 pages. Commissions, mortgages, deeds, wills, administra tions, accounts of quit rents, patents, chattel mortgages, Indian deeds, ''let ters testimonial," confirmations of patents, leases, agreements, headlands for imported indentured servants, 1672-1694. Liber E: 199 A folio of 546 pages. Confirmations of patents, deeds, wills, appoint ments of guardians, powers of attorney, warrants for surveys, patents, letters of administration, bill of sale of slaves, returns of surveys, leases, inden tures of service, 1672-1698. Liber F: 246 A very large folio of 743 pages. It consists mostly of deeds, but also contains some patents, confirmations of parents, wills, returns of surveys of roads, mortgages, partitions, "letters testimonial," leases, Indian deeds, 1680-1698.Liber C: 295 A large folio of 370 pages, mostly deeds and patents, with some wills and letters of administration and ''letters testimonial," leases, mortgages, assign ments, powers of attorney, Indian deeds, award of arbitrators, 1683-1702. PART II. WEST JERSEY RECORDS. Liber A, Town Grants, New Salem: 339 A small folio, of 90 pages, containing patents from John Eenwick, and assignments' of the same, 1679-1699. Liber A, or Revel's Book of Surveys: 345 A small fqKq of 155 pages on the front side, returns of surveys in Burl lington and Salem counties, including Daniel Leed's surveys; on the reverse side 17 pages, letters and other papers relating to Daniel Coxe's possessions, and surveys of lands iu Burlington and Gape May counties, 1680-1704. Liber B, Part I: 394 A large folio of 378 pages, containing memoranda of Indian and other deeds, powers of attorney, leases, agreements, mortgages, commissions, con veyance from Daniel Coxe to the West Jersey Society, 1677-1694. Liber B, Part II : 447 A large folio, pages 379-749: Deeds, mortgages, leases, letters, royal patent for wrecks, flotsam and jetsam; deeds from the West Jersey Society for lands in Cape May, ship charters, powers of attorney, commissions, mar riage certificates, letters of guardianship, bonds, receipts for legacies, wills, etc., 1687-1703. CONTENTS. VU ' - " -Page Fenwick's Surveys, 1676-1706: 541 A small folio of 35 pages, containing returns of surveys in the township of Salem, 1G76-1706. Salem Surveys, No I : 546 A small folio of 18 pages, containing warrants for surveys,- returns of sur veys in .the township of New Salem, 1676-1679. Salem Surveys, No. 2: 548 A small thin folio of 73 pages : Warrants for surveys and returns of sur veys in Salem, with memoranda of deeds, leases, miscellaneous memoranda as to agreements, various occurrences, minutes, court proceedings, political essay by James Nevilli Indian vocabulary (about 230 words), leases, etc., 1678-1688.Salem Surveys, 1676: 554 A small, thin folio of 178 pages, containing oaths of office of John Fen- . wick and others, agreement of settlement and division of lands in Fenwick's Colony, warrants for surveys, orders of John Fenwick, returns of surveys, Laws, Orders and Acts of Assembly of New Jersey, 1675, commissions, etc., 1676-1681. Salem No. 1 : 559 A small, thin folio, of 147 pages, containing the Koyal Grant of Charles II to the Duke of York, for New Jersey^ New York and New England, and - mesne conveyances for West Jersey and Fenwick's Colony ; Indian deeds to Fenwick; patents from Fenwick for lands in Fenwick's Colony,, 1675-6; in dentures of agreement relating to the Colony, 1664-1699. Salem Deeds, Liber B: 565 A small, thin folio of 175 pages, containing patents from Fenwick, and deeds for the same, 1672-1702. Salem Deeds, No 2: 573 A small, thin folio of 165 pages, containing deeds for lands in Fenwick's Colony, patents, schedules of personal property, Indian Deeds, etc., 1678- 1686. ^ Salem Deeds, No. 3: 578 A small folio of 260 pages, containing deeds, mortgages, etc., 1680-1687. Salem Deeds, No. 4: 585 A small folio of 172 pages, containing deeds, 1683-1689, and list of pas- • sengers on the "Shipp called the Griffin." Salem Deeds, No. 5: 591 A ' small, stout folio of 495 pages, containing deeds, mortgages, assign ments, leases, etc., of lands in Salem, 1686-1695. Vlil CONTENTS. Page Salem Deeds, No. 6: 611 A small folio of 263 pages, containing deeds, assignments, leases, mort gages, agreement between the purchasers in Fairfield, etc., 1685-1699. Salem Deeds, No. 7: 624 A small folio of 269 pages, containing deeds, mortgages, assignments, .-; agreements, returns of resurveys, commissions, etc., 1698-1703. Nevill's Book of Deeds, Liber A: 643 A small, thin folio of 181 pages, containing records of deeds made by. James Nevill, as agent of William Penn, Proprietor and Governor of Penn sylvania, and. of Salem Tenth, West Jersey, for lands in Salem Tenth, 1684- 1692. Greenwich Town Lots: 646 A small, thin folio of 29 pages, containing records of deeds from Execu tors of John Fenwick, for lands in the Town of Greenwich, in Salem Tenth, - 1686-1703. Volume C--Cloucester Deeds, No. I : 648 A large folio of 150 pages, containing^ principally records of deeds for lands in Old Gloucester, 1677-1689; with, a few powers of attorney "and as signments; also accounts of Kichard Floyd, Treasurer to the Corporation for New England, 1650-1665. Vol. C--Gloucester Deeds, No. 2: 653 A thin folio of 180 pages, containing accounts of farm rents by the Mer cers' Company of London) for various parishes in England, 1652-1664, 23 pages; deeds for land in Old Gloucester, 1684-1700, and a few miscellaneous-' papers. Liber C--Cloucester Deeds, No. 3: 662' A stout folio of 474 pages, containing records of deeds for lands in Old Gloucester, 1681-1703, and some surveys and resurveys of such lands. General Index: Names of Persons and Subjects, 685-709, 710-719, 731-733, 748-764 Indian Landowners' Names, _ . 709-710 Names of Places (principally in New Jersey), 733-748 ,, Occupations, 718-731 Supplementary Index: Names of Persons, Places (principally in England, Scotland and Ireland) and Subjects omitted in the General Index, 765-770 PREFACE The interest, variety and importance ofthe early official rec ords of New Jersey have been known in a general wayfor many years to special students in different fields- of historical research. Their extent has made it difficult for any one per son to master their contents. The present volume has Been compiled with a view to acquainting the people of this State with the character of these early records, and to place at the disposal of students the substance of the contents of the manu script volumes covering the Colonial periodof New Jersey his tory, or to the surrender of the government to, Queen Anne, in 1703. These records were originally kept by the Secretary of the Colony of New Jersey, at Elizabethtown, the first seat of gov ernment. When the Colony was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey, the records of the two Divisions were preserved in their respective capitals — Perth Amboy and Burlington, and there they , remained for upwards of a century. By an act passed by the Legislature, November 25, 1790, the seat of gov ernment of the State of New Jersey was located at Trenton, and it was provided that the records of conveyances and wills pertaining to government, should be transferred from Burling ton and Perth Amboy as soon as proper quarters should be pro vided for them at the new capital. The records of warrants and surveys were retained in the offices of the Registers of East and West Jersey, respectively, at Perth Arnboy and Bur lington. The State has made appropriations from time to time for the erection and maintenance of suitable buildings for these latter offices and records. . In the table of contents is given a brief description of the volumes, the records in which are summarized in the following Calendar or Analytical Index, with a general view of the doc- X PREFACE. uments in each, and the period covered by them, which may serve as somewhat of a guide to the use of this work. New Jersey was one of the Proprietary Governments. The grant by Charles Second to his brother, the Duke of York-f con veyed not only the soil,' but the right of government. In like manner, the title to the soil and the right of government passed from the Duke of York to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley, and from them to their giantees, -in East Jersey and West Jersey respectively. When the right of government was surrendered to the Crown in 1703, the title to the soil so far as undisposed of, remained in the Proprietors. In this volume will be found abstracts of the original grants, concessions, in structions and orders of the first Proprietors and Governors. These records, moreover, describe the circumstances under which the first settlements were made in the Colony, the evolu-, tion of the government, the origin of the land titles in the Colony . and in the various subdivisions thereof, the origin and charac teristics of the first settlers, their occupations, their manners and customs, their early struggles, their failures and theil- suc cesses, and in general the experiences and environments which welded a most heterogeneous population, with; most diverse in terests, into a homogeneous commonwealth, compelled by cir cumstances to be self-reliant, with a feeling of hostility toward outside dictation in their affairs, especially against the Proprie tors (largely residents in England and Scotland), and who not only oppressed the settlers by their exactions of quit rents, but who influenced legislation- and, taxation through their Govern ors and Councils. Thus the people of New Jersey were edu cated for a hundred years in the principles of self-government, intensified by a perpetual'struggle against the effort to impose upon them taxes for the support, of Governors and governments not of their own making. In the following pages can be traced the beginnings of that contest which culminated in New Jersey'sJDeclaration of Independence, on July 2, 1776. The instructions to the Governors, and the grants and con cessions to the first settlers, show how scrupulously careful were the Proprietors to acquire honestly the Indian title to the. occu pancy of the soil. The numerous Indian deeds,- of which ab- PREFACE. X-l - stracts are given, show that the settlers in practice fully con formed to the regulations on the subject. In the index will be found a large number of Indian names of persons and places* from which some idea may be formed as to the extent of the aboriginaloccupancy of the soil, the villages, cultivated lands, fisheries, burial places and other localities in which the primi tive inhabitants were specially interested. Perhaps the consid erable number of these Indian words here given may be of some value to the students of American ethnology and linguist ics, especially~to those interested in the history of the Lenni Lenape. The development of mines and mining, pottery, lumber, whale fishing and other industries is indicated by various deeds, contracts and other documents, cited in the index under appro priate heads. Under the title "Occupations" will be found a list of the early inhabitants whose avocations are described in deeds, etc. This classification throws an interesting light upon the varied character of the first settlers attracted to New Jersey. It is amusingly indicative of the unsettled social status of the seventeenth century immigrants to find the same person described in one instrument as a "husbandman," in another ss a "carpenter," then as a "gentleman," and again as a "black smith" or a "planter." The names given by some to their plantations — "Bacon's Adventure," "Baconsfield," "Bradway's Neck," "Braithwaite's Hall," "Drayton House," "Fenwick's Manor," "Forrest's Grove," "Garrett's Choice," "Guy's Point," "Hancock's Hurst," " Huslefield," "Hedgefield," " Langford's Plantation," • ' Langstaff's Plain," " Lefevor's Chase," "Moseley's Shield," "Provo's Holt," "Petersfield," "Robinson's Plantation," " Roysefield," " Smithfield," "Smith's Bowery,'- " Sonmans' Manor," " Tindall's Bow ery," " Tinton Manor," " Watson's Ranthrope," "Webb's Arladon," " White's Vineyard," etc.,' are significant of the brave ambitions of the early adventurers to found great estates in the New Woild-, wherein their own family names would be perpetuated, after the manner of the Mother Country neigh borhoods whence they came. The Supplementary Index, giv ing the names of places in England, Scotland and Ireland Xll PREFACE. where many of the original owners of land in New Jersey re sided, and whence most of the first settlers "came, shows how wide was the interest of those countries in the new Colony. Nearly half the counties of England are represented in this index. The interest and importance of this volume to the genealo gist will be obvious at a glance. A considerable number of marriage certificates in the early records have been reserved for a -separate volume of Marriage Records, to be" issued in the series of New Jersey Archives. The. philologist will be interested to find in these pages some unusual words — "pytle," "Scotchman," etc., Nicolas Verlett of the Town of Bergen and Nicolas Bayard of New York for land on the Kill van Cole, called by the Indians Sickakus, purchased [ from the natives January 30, 1658. Quitrent 10. 11 1668 March 31. Do. Same to Claes Jansen van (from) Pnrmerrent for land at Haassemus, jurisdiction of Bergen, on the West of the meadow on Hudson R. 10 morgen 362 rods Dutch measure, also a piece of meadow between Haassemus and Hoboken, 9 morgen; also a house lot N. E. of Jacob Stoffelsen and S. W. of Yde Cornelissen van Voorst; item a lot for a garden, altogether 45 acres English. I2 1 For details oi these confirmatory patents for lands in the ancient town of Bergen, see Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson County. EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 3 Page 1668 March 3 c Do. Same to Ide Cornelissen van Vorst for 100 acres on lludsons R. betw. Haassemus and Jan de Lackers Neck. 13 1668 March 31. Confirmatory Patent Gov"" Carterett to Katherin, for merly the widow of Jacob Wallingen van Hoorn, now the widow of Jacob Stoffelsen, for land between Gamoenepaw and the Kill van Koi on the S. of Hendrick Jansen van Schalkwyck, 25 morgen, Dutch measure. _ 14 .1668 March 31. Dp. Same to Jan Vingne for 9 morgen of meadow W. S. W. of the Hobooksche Creek, N. of Claes Jansen Purmerent. 15 1668 March 31. Do. Same to Cornelis van Ruyven, Paulus Leen- dertsen, Allard Anthony and Johannes van Brugge of New York, meadow land half a Dutch league North of Wihaken, anchently known as Jacob Stanghs meadow; also another piece of meadow about a Dutch league far ther North, called Moortien Davidts Valley 15 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Derrick Classen for 141 acres at Comoune- paw, from Derrick Stratemaker's Creek to Comounepaw or Jan Eversen's Creek 16 1668 May 12. Do. Same to same for 59 acres 4 perches in Minkacque, jurisdiction of Bergen. 16 1668 "May 12. Do. Same to Fytie Hartmans, widow of Michiell Jan sen, for 64J acres at Pavonia, alias Comounepan, adjoining land formerly granted to her deceased husband and the land of Nicolas. Jansen Baker. 17 1668 May 12. Do. Same to same for 107 acres at Comounepan, form erly belonging to Jan Everse'n Bout and by him sold to Michiel Jansen, de ceased Sept. 9, 1656. 17 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Nicolas Jansen Baker of New York for 40 morgen at Pavonia, back of Claes Pietersen Cos; also another piece of 7 morgen behind Swan's Point. 17 1668 May 12. Do. Same to same for land, formerly belonging to Jan Evertsen Bout, by him sold to Michiel Jansen, September 9, 1656, whose widow, Fytie Hartmans, has conveyed it to present grantee December 20; 1667; the land adjoins Hendrick Jansen Spiers. 18 1668 June 25 Elisabeth Town. License to purchase Indian lands on the Eastside of Delaware R. from Timber Kill to Oldermans Kill, includ ing Rattcons Island, granted to Cornelis Larssen Vrende, Old. Rase, Ory Jansen and associates ' 19 1668 "June 25. Permission granted to Monsieur Piere Jegou and Mons. Jean Berthollme Desjordaines to settle upon lands on the Eastside of Delaware R. at a place betw. la Croix Creek and Jeremy.es Creek, over against New Castle. (Salem County. ) 20 1668 July 7. Agreement betw. Daniel Pierce cf Woodbridge, of the one part, and John Martin, Hugh Donn, Charles Gilman, Hopewell Hull and Robert Dennis, of the other part, for the division of one-third of a 4 - NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page tract of land, purchased by said Pierce from Govr Carterett, John Ogdon and Luke Watson, which third John Martin, Hugh Donn et. al. have bought of Pierce Dec. 18, 1666. Marginal Note: Robert Dennis and Samuel Moore for themselves and the other people of Woodbridge protest against this agreement April 6, 1669. 20 1666 July 20. Indian Deed. Wenamick, Sackamacar of the land on the Southside of Delaware R. over against New Castle to Isaac Tinna, alias Lapiere, for => parcel of land along the said river from the creek "this side Sofe (?) Johnson'' to the other side of the West Creek. Wit nesses of, John Carr and Anthony Braiant. > (Salem County.) 21 1668 June 25. License to purchase Indian lands on Pumkin Point, Delaware R., over against Mr. Tom's plantation, granted to Peter Jegeu and associates. 21 1668 Sept. 10. Do. do. for land over against Christien Kill, granted to Lucas Pieters. 21 1668 Sept. 10. License to purchase Indian land, two necks called Minienquas as far as the Little Mantados on the Eastside of Delaware R. granted to Jan Jansen and associates. Marginal Note: It was recalled No vember 6, 1671, because no settlement had been made. 22 1668 May 12. Confirmatory Patent. Gov Carterett to Casper Steyn- mitts for land about the Town of Bergen, formerly belonging to Lawrence- Andriessen. 22 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Dirck Sleeken for land in the tract, called Pembrepock, along Hudsons R., 25 Dutch morgen; formerly be longing to Garret Pietersen; also another piece of 25 morgen, once the property of Jan Cornelissen Schoenmaker and by him with Garret Pieter sen sold to Claes Jansen van Purmerent, August 20, 1655, who conveyed it to present grantee September 18, 1658. Both lots contain 125 acres Eng lish measure. (See infra p. 151.) 2-i 1668 May 12. Do. Same to same for 125 acres, partly in the tract,. called Minkackque, adjoining Lawrence Andrissen and along Hudson R., partly adjoining the first on the N. E. side of the creek, running along Derrick Claessen's land. 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Severin Lawrence for 25 Dutch morgen in the Minkackque tract, on the West of the bay, "that leads up into the Hudson." 24 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Pieter Jansen Slott for 25 morgen in the Pembrepook tract S. W. along the bay, leading into the Hudson. 24 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Hendrick Jansen Spiers for 25 morgen on the West of the before mentioned bay. 2, 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Douwe Harmensen for 20 morgen near Bergen, back of Christian Pietersen, also for a lot, bounded S W by Christian Pietersen, N. E. by Casper Steynmits;- altogether 20 morgen* EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., UBER NO. I. ^ Page also lot No. 15 and a tenement in the town betw. Geurt Courten and Cas per Steynmits, also a garden betw. Adrian Post and Derrick Teu- nissen. 25 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Adrian Post for 55 acres near Bergen, betw. Geurt Courten and Lawrence Andrissen and betw. Geurt Courten and Jacpb Luby, with a piece of meadow No. I adjoining Harman Eduart; also a townlot on the corner by the N. W. gate in Bergen, a garden on the N. W. side of the town. 2,6 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Hans Diederick for land near Bergen, betw. Frederick Phillipsen and Jacob Luby stretching to the Kill van Koll, 8 morgen; a piece betw. Captain Nicolas ver Lett and Pieter Jacobsen, 6 morgen 350 rods; a. garden betw. Jan Lubersen and Guardyne, the whole 44 acres. , 26 ^1668 May 12. Do. Same to Hendrick Teunissen for land near the Town of Bergen, on the new Maisland, betw. Casper Steynmits and Nico las Verlet, 20 morgen; a piece of meadow behind Michiell Jansen, 4 mor gen 400 rods; a townlot betw. Jan Swaen and Paulus Leendertsen; a gar- denlot betw. the same neighbours, altogether 48 acres. 27 • 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Paulus Pietersen, for land near Bergen betw. Thomas de Cuyper and Frederick Philippsen, 3^ morgen; a woodlot betw. Jan Swaen and Fred. Philippsen, 9J morgen; a piece of meadow No. 4, S. of Jan Lubersen; a town lot next to Derrick Gerretson; another townlot back of the first and a garden on the South side of the town, the whole 37 acres. 27 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Jan Lubertsen for lots No. 4 and "6 in Town of Bergen, 8 morgen 160 rods; a woodlot betw. Pieter Jacobsen and Arent Lawrensen, 4| morgen; lot No. 3 of meadows, S. of Harman Eduart; a. townlot betw. the schoolhouse and Hans Diederick and a gar- denlot betw. Balthazar Bayard and Hans Diederick. 28" 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Harman Eduard for lot No. 28, old Maisland, near Bergen, 3J morgen; a woodlot next to Derrick Garretsen and Geurt Garretsen 4} morgen; another woodlot betw. Nicolas Ver Lett and Samuel Edsall with a piece of meadow 9 morgen; a lot in town betw. Frederick Philippsen and Casper Steynmits; an outgarden between Arans !Lawrens and Hans Diederick; a piece of meadow, No. 2, South of Adrian Post; all 69 acres. 28 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Frederick Phillipsen for land near Ber gen: I, a piece of 4 morgen betw. Jan Scholten and Arian Hendricksen; 2, a piece of 5 m. 200 rods betw. Geurt Coerten and Paulus Pietersen; 3, a~ piece of 7 m. betw. Scholten and Hendricksen on the N. W. point towards the Kill van Koll; 4, a triangle of 3 m. 200 rods betw. Scholten and the butgardens; 5, 3^- morgens in the old Maisland, betw. Coerten and Pie tersen, 6; 4f m. of woodland betw. the same; 7, 10 m. of woodland and meadow betw. Scolten and Hendricksen, running to the Kill van Koll; 6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 8, 8 m. of meadow over the creek towards Snake Hill; 9, two lots in town, one betw. Harman Edward and Thomas de Cuyper, the other betw. Thomas de Cuyper and Geurt Coerten; 10, a townlot adjoining Gasper Steynmits; 11, a double gardenlot outside of town, next to Thomas de Cuyper, the whole 98 acres. 29 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Nicolas VerLett for upland and meadow, 138 Dutch morgen or 276 English acres, at Hoboocken betw. Hudson R., the creek of Hahassemes, the bay, the Wiehaeckese Creek and the highlands or woods on the N. W., maintaining there a free passage 30 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Derrick Gerritsen, for land in and about Bergen: 1, 22 acres in the old Maisland, betw. Harman Edwart and Geurt Coerten; 2, n£ acres of meadow behind Capt. Nicolas VerLett's wood land; 3, a townlot betw. Paulus Pietersen and Engelbert Steenhuysen 30 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Gerret Garretsen, for land in and about Bergen: 1, 28 morgen N. E. of Hans Diederick and S. W. of Douwe Harmensen; 2, two morgen 200 rods along the road, S. W. of Douwe Har- mensen and N. E. of Derrick Teunissen; 3, a townlot betw. Samuel Edsall and Adrian Post; 4, an outgarden betw. Geurt Coerten and Adrian Law- rensen, in all 17 acres. 31 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Geurt Coerten for land in and about Bergen: 1, 7 m. 216 rods N. E. of Arents Lawrence; 2, a townlot on the S. W. side of grantee and the N. E. of Pieter Rudolphus; 3, an outgarden betw. grantee's other gnrden and Casper Steynmits, in all 22 acres. 31 1668 May 12. Do. Same to same for land in and about Bergen: I, 7 m. 280 rods betw. Adrian Post and Frederick Phillipsen; 2, 3^ morgen in the old Maisland, betw. same neighbours; 3, 4| morgen of woodland betw. the same; 4, 27 acres, East of Samuel Edsall and reaching to Tielman van Vleeck's plantation; 5, a garden outside of the town, betw. Christian; Pietersen and Geurt Gerritsen; 6, another garden betw. Douwe Harmeti- sen and Casper Steynmits; 7, a townlot betw. the last two neighbours, in all 77 acres. - ,2 1668 May 12. Do. Same to Casper Steynmits for land in and about Bergen: I, 10 morgen in the new Maisland betw. Douwe Harmensen and Hendrick de Backer; 2, 17^ m. of woodland and meadow betw. Douwe Harmensen and Nicolas VerLett; 3, 16 m. of woodland, incl. meadowlot No. 5, S. VV. of Geurt Gerritsen; 4, » townlot adjoining Harman Eduart; 5, another townlot betw. Fred. Philippsen and Douwe Harmansen; 6, a garden betw. Derrick Tunensen and Geurt Coerten, in all 100 acres. 32 1669 April 3. License to purchase 300 acres of Indian land on the Eastside of the Delaware, called Sappaen Maronte, on Verckens Kil granted to Mychgyel Baron. 1668 July 4. Patent. Governour Carterett to Captain William Sand- . ford of Barbados for the tract of land, now called New Barbados, betw. " < East jersey patents, etc., liber no. i. y Page the Hackensack and Pawsaick Rivers, 5308 acres of upland and 10,000 acres of meadow. ,, 1665 October 4. Dutch. Indian Deed. Machierick Hitock, Tospecs- mick, Wennaminck Keckquennen, Sachems of Hoppemense, to Fop Jan sen Outhout for the Hoppemense tract between two creeks, over against Anthony Breyant. Witnesses Marten Roseman and Derrick Albertsem. (Salem County.) ^ 1669 May 3. Patent. Govr Carterett to Fop Jansen Outhout for the preceding tract, opposite New Castle, ¦ acres. 35 1668 May 12. Confirmation. Govr Carterett to Abraham Isaacsen Planck for a neck of land, heretofore granted by Director Kieft, called Paulus Hook or Aressechhonk, West of Ahasimus. 36 1668 September 22. Charter, granted to the Town and freeholders of Bergen. ,7 1668 July 20. Indian Deed. Hanyaham, Kenarenawack, Gosque, Anaren, Tamack and Tantaqua to Capt. William Sandford, of Barbados, for a tract, called Meghgectecock, between Hackingsack and Pissawack River, beginning at the mouth of said rivers and thence running about 7 miles North to a brook, called Sandfords Spring. 1 42 1668 February 20. Patent. Govr Carterett to Capt. Nicolas VerLett and Mr. Samuel Edsall, for land adjoining the Corporation of Bergen, from the S. end thereof,, at Espaten and Mordanis, to Aguapock, 1872 "acres. 43 1669 July 20. Confirmation to Marke Noble and Samuel Moore of Barbados, merchants, for land in and about Bergen, purchased from Sam uel Edsall July 15, 1669, viz: 1, a townlot betw. Garret Garretsen and Nic olas VerLett; 2, two gardens, one at the N. W. gate, the other on the N. E. side, adjoining verLetts; 3, five woodlots, 4J morgen, betw. Frederick Philippsen and Douwe Harmensen; 4, five meadowlots; 5, two lots adjoin ing town betw. Casper Steynmits and the common fence. 44 1669 July 20. "Confirmation to Capt. John Berry of Barbados of lands purchased from Samuel Edsall July 12, 1669, viz : 1, a townlot in Bergen betw. Balthazar Bayard and Hans Diederick; 2, two plantations East of the town; 3, six lots of upland in the common field betw. Herman Ed wards and John Luberts; 4, six lots of meadow N.. W. of the preceding up land and stretching down to Hackingsack R. 45 1669 June 10. Patent. Govr Carterett to Capt. John Berry for land toward the head of Pesawack Neck, now called New Barbados, from Sand- fords Spring six miles up into the country between the two rivers 46 1669 June 10. Do. Same to same for land betw. Hudson R. and Overpeck's Creek, from the Northern bounds of Nie. Verlett and Samuel Edsall, 1500 acres. 47 1 Now Rutherford. 8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. -Page 1669 June 12. Do. Same to Govert Loockermans of New York mer chant aud William Thomas of the same place skipper for the land bought rom the Indians. (Supra p. 6). 48 1669 June 12. Do. Same to Capt. Philipp Carterett, James Bollen, Robert Vauquellin and Claude Valot for land at Tapan. A marginal note says, that Vauquellin resigned his interest to Capt. Carterett and James Boiler) sold his to Valot, January 2, 1670. Another note says: "This pattent is void and trowne up.'' 49 1669 June 1. Charter of the Town of Woodbridge. (Vide infra p. 144) S1 - 1669 June 20. Patent. Govr Carterett to himself for land between the Hudson and Overpecks Creek, 6720 acres, running North 3 miles from John Berry's bounds. Marginal note: "This pattent is void." 57 1669 June 24. Patent. Govr Carterett to Mrs. Sarah Kersted, widow of Hans Kiersteden, late of New York, Girurgion,! for a neckt of land, given to her by Oratan, the Sachem of Hackensack and lying betw. the Hackensack R. and Overpecks Creek, 2260 acres. 58 1669 June 21. Do. Same to Isaac Bedloe of New York merchant for land betw. the Hudson R. and Overpecks Creek, North of Capt. Philipp Carteretts land, and South of Baltazarde Haerts, 2120 acres 59 1669 July 30. Do. Same to Robert Vauquellin, Sieur des- Prairies, for 2000 acres, bounded East by Overpecks Creek, North by James Bollen, West by Hackensack R , South by Sarah KieTStede 60 1669 July 30. Do. Same to James Bollen, Secretary of the Province, for 2,000 acres, bounded East by Overpecks Creek, North by the woods or Mathias Nicoll's land, West by Hackensack R., South by Robert Vau quellin. Marginal Note: " This pattent is void." 61 1669 July 30. Do. Same to Mathias Nicolls, of New York, Secretary, for 2000 acres, bounded East by Overpecks Creek, North by William Par don, West by Hackensack R., South by James Bollen. Marginal Note: "This pattent is void, for not being purchased from ye Indians, setled nor any Rent paid within the time limited." 62 1669 July 30. Do. Same to William Pardon of the Council for acres, North of the preceding. Marginal Note: " This pattent is void not being settled within the time limited." g, 1669 July 30. Do. Same to Capt. John Berry of Barbados for 2000 acres North of the preceding. Marginal Note': "This pattent is void not being settled according to the time limited." 5. 1669 July 31. Do. Same to Baltazar de Haert of New York, mer chant, for 2120 acres, bounded East by Hudsons R., South by'lsijac Bedeleau (Bedloe), West by Overpeck's Creek, North by 65 1 Chirurgeon. EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LlftER NO. I. 9 Page 1669 July 31. Patent. Govr Carterett to the Honble Petrus Stuy- vesant, late Governour of New Netherland, for 4 morgen 288 rods of meadow at Hahasemes on the Westside of Comounepans. Creek. 66 1669 Sept. 24. Order of the Governour, explaining how the quitrent due by the Corporation of Woodbridge is to be paid. 66 1669 August 20. Patent. Governor Carterett to John Pike for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt: 1, a house lot of 10 acres at the foot of Straw- bery Hill alias the Sheep Common, adjoining Richard Worth; 2, 222 acres, . South of the houselot; 3, 26 acres of upland and 15 acres of meadow, bounded South by a small creek running into a cove betw. grantee and John Martin senior, East by Papiack Creek, North by a creek, running along granteg's land, the Sheep Common and Richard Worth, West by the highway; 4, 35 acres of the Raritan meadows, not laid out yet. 67 1669 Bee. 20. Do. Same to Samuell Moore of Woodbridge planter for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt; 1, a houselot of 16 acres, bounded East by Henry Lesenbe, West by Samuell Hale, North by a fresh brook, South by William Compton's and Samuel Hale's meadows; 2, 180 acres of upland on Langster's Farm or Plain, adjoining Thomas Blumfeild senior; 3, 36 acres of upland, S. W. of Elishay Elslie's house lot ou the road to Langsters Plain, extending to Bradlie's Brook; 4, four acres of meadow at the North of his house lot, West of John Dennis; 5, two acres of meadow on the Eastside of Papiack Creek; 6, 45 acres of meadow on Raritan R., not yef laid out. 68 1669 Dee. 20. Do. Same to Robert Vauquellin, alias des Prairies, Sur veyor Generalof the Province, for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt: I, a houselot of 12 acres at Vauquellin's Hill on Papiack Creek, S. E. the -meadow of Rehobath Gannet, N. W. the meadow of Samuel Moore; 2, 75 acres on the Southside of Vauquellin's Creek, by the Indians called "now Crain Creek;" 3, 7J acres of meadow on the Southside of Papiack Creek; 4, 2J acres of meadow on the Northside of the same creek, adjoining John Smith Scotchman and Obediah Hayers; 5, 30" acres of meadow on the Raritan tract, not yetJaid out. 70 Boundaries of the preceding 30 acres of meadow in four parcels. 71 1669 Dec. 20. Patent. Govr Carterett to Thomas Blumfeild senior of Woodbridge planter for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt: 1, a house- lot of 17J acres 4 perches on the high way; 2, 240 acres, his proportion for heads, on Langstar's Plain; 3, 9 acres of meadow on the Westside of Papi ack Creek, adjoining Steven Kent senior and the Minister; 4, 60 acres of the Raritan meadows. 72 1669 Dec. 20. Do. Same to John Smith of Woodbridge Scotphmani for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt: I, a house lot of 15 acres, bound- 1 A name given in New Netherland to traveling salesmen, who had no office or store at New Amsterdam. B. F. l0 MEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ed East by Samuel Hale, North by a brook, West by William Compton, South by Strawbury Hill; 2, 5 acres of upland along the highway and West of John Watkins; 3, 7 acres of meadow on Papiack Creek; 4, 120 acres of upland at Whitewood Hill; 5, 30 acres of the Raratan meadows. 73 1669 Dec. 20. Do. Same to Elishay Elsly of Woodbridge planter for; 1, a houselot of 17 acres, North of Joshua Bradlie; 2, 5 acres of meadow on the Eastside of the Papiack Creek bounded North by John Tayler, South by Thomas Blumfeild junior; 3, 120 acres-on Langstars Plain, West of Samuel Moore; 4, 30 acres of Raratan meadows. 74 1669 Dec. 22. Confirmation to Thomas Davison of New York for the tract, called Pembrepock, formerly belonging to Isaac de Forrest and by him sold to Davison April 15, 1665, 25 morgen. 76 1669-70 March 18. Do. to the same for land in the Bay on the West- ;i side of Hudson R., formerly belonging to Jan Gerritson van Imme, by him sold to the Deacons of the Church at New York, who conveyed it to Davison; 25 morgen in Pembrepock tract. 77 1669-70 March 18. Patent. Govr Carterett to Samuel Bakon of Woodbridge planter for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt: 1, a houselot of 135- acres 4 perches, boundedby Joshua Peirce, the highway, a creek and William Binglies; 2, 7 acres of meadow; 3, 120 acres of upland, West •• of the head of Papiack Creek, bounded North by John Bishop senior, West by John Cromwell, East by the swamp South by the Commons; 4, 30 acres of meadows. 77 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to Samuel Hale of Woodbridge planter for land in Woodbridge Patent, vizt; 1, a house lot of 16 acres 3 perches betw. Samuel Moore and John Smith; 2, 6 acres of meadow, bounded South by'Benjamin Parkis, West by Strawberry Hill, North by grantee's houselot, East by Wm Compton; 3, 120 acres of upland, North of Lang- sters Plain, bounded West by Richard Worth, North by the Commons, East by the head of the swamp and Peters Wigwam, South by Samuel Moore; 4, 25 acres of the Raraton's meadows, adjoining Nathan Webster and Richard Worth. 79 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to John Bishop senior for land in Wood- bridge Patent, vizt; 1, a houselot of 39 acres on the Eastside of Papiack Creek, adjoining Robert Dennis; 2, 360 acres of upland on Rahawack River, adjoining John Trewman's houselot; 3, 40 acres of Rawack mead ows. Added to the patent: 28 acres of meadow, bounded N. by Henry Jaques senior, S. by Daniel Pierce. 79 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to John Bishop junior for land in Woodbridge Patent, vizt; 1, a houselot of 10 acres, adjoining John Trew- man; 2, 7 acres of meadow on Papiack Creek betw. Robert Dennis, John Smith and John Tayler; 3, 60 acres of upland on the Mill Brook; 4, 15 acres of Raratan's meadows. 80 EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER N&. I. Il Page 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same. to George Little for land in Woodbridge Patent, vizt: I, 80 acres on Rahawack River; 2, 20 acres of Rahawack meadows, adjoining John Conger. 81 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to Thomas Awger for land in Wood- bridge Patent, vizt: 1, a houselot of 12 acres on a neck in the fork of Bradlie's Brook; 2, 120 acres of upland, W. of the houselot; 3, 35 acres of Raratons meadojvs adjoining Robert Rogers and John Pyke. 82 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to- Obadiah Haiers of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 16 acres between Richard Worth on the South and John - Adams on the South; 2, 5 acres of meadow on Papiack Creek betw. Sam uel Moore and John Smith Scotchman; 3, 120 acres of upland, North of Langsters Farm or Plain, bounded S. by the highway in the rear of Elishay Elslie, W. by Joshua Bradly, North by the Commons, East by Richd, Worth; 4, 30 acres of Raratons meadow, bounded N. by Elisha Parker, S. by John Adams, W. by John Dennis, E. by Daniel Greasie. 82 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to Richard Worth of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 16 acres betw. Strawberry' Hill, John Pike and Obadiah Haires; 2, 5 acres of meadow betw. John Pike and the southern end of Strawberry Hill; 3, 120 acres of upland, "North of Langsters Plain, bound- ' ed W. by Obadiah Haires, E. by Samuel Hale, S. by the highway; 4, 31 acres of Raratan meadows. 83 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to Henry Jacques senior and junior of Woodbridge for: I, a farm of 298 acres on a neck betw. two brooks at the head of Rahawack R., bounded \V. by Hugh Marsh and the road to Eliz-, abeth Town, N. W. by the bounds of Woodbridge Patent, E. N. E. by Rahawack Creek, S. by the Mill Brook; 2, a house lot of 10 acres on Hainses Hill betw. Jonathan Haines and John Dillies; 3, 60 acres of meadow not yet laid out. 84 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to Daniel Robinds of Woodbridge yeo man for: 1, a houselot of 17 acres, bounded S. by JohnDillie, E. by the highway, W. by grantee's meadow; 2, 5 acres of meadow N. of, John Con ger; 3, 120 acres of upland on Rahawack R., bounded W. by John Conger, N. by said river, E. by Rahawack meadows, S. by the Woolfeswamp; 4, 31 acres of Rahawack meadows. ' 84 1669-70 March 18. Do. Same to John Smith of Woodbridge mill wright for: 1, a houselot of 20 acres, bounded N. by John Dilly, E. by Samuel Bakon, S..by the road, W. by a swamp; 2, 10 acres of meadow East of Papiack Creek; 3, a houselot of nf acres, bo't of William Com pton, adjoining Mathew Bunn; 4, 390 acres of upland W. of Hogghill; 5', 95 acres of meadow, in all 51 1£ acres (?) 85 1669-70 March 18. Do. to John Dennis of Woodbridge for: 1, a house- lot of 19J a. betw. Elishay Parker and Daniel Greasie; 2, 7^ acres of meadow betw. Elishay Parker and Craine Neck Creek; \3, 60 acres of upland. along 12 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the upper line of Woodbridge bounds and the Piscataway path; 4, 20 acres of Raratans meadows betw. Tho. Blumfild jun., the great Saltpond, Elisha Parker, Obadiah Heires and Raratans R. _ 86 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Rehoboth Gannet of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 10 acres, bounded S. by John Martin senior, E. by the high way, N. by Charles Gilman, W. by Thomas Blumfeild junior; 2, 3! acres of meadow, S. E. of Vauquellins Hill; 3, 90 acres of upland; 4, 22J acres of Raratons meadows. 86 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Hugh Dunn of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot of 11 acres betw. John Tayler, the highway, John Gilman and Tho. Blumfeild jun.; 2, 4J acres of meadow on Vauquellin's Neck; 3, 60 a. upland N. of John Scotchman; 4, l6£ a. of meadow, bounded N. by Stee- phin Kent jun., S. by Henry Lessenby, W. Benjamin Parkis and Robert Rogers, E. by the meadow left for the accommodation of the Minister and the free school. 87 1669-70 March 18. Do. to John Conger of Woodbridge for: I, a house- lot of 15 a. bounded N. by Papiack meadows; 2, 3^- a. of meadows adjoining the houselot; 3, 120 acres of upland on Rahawack R. ; 4, 30 acres of mead ow, not' yet laid out. 88 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Robert Dennis of Woodbridge yeoman for: 1, a houselot of II acres 8 perches, bounded N. by Mathew Bunn, E. and S. by the highway, W. by the common meadow; 2, 15 a. of upland, adjoin ing John Bishop senr; 3, 10 a. of meadow, E. of Papiack Creek; 4, 360 acres of upland on Rajiawack Neck; 5, 52 a. of meadow along the Eastside of his land. 89 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot of 12 acres betw. Tho. Blumfeild jun. and Joshua Bradly; 2, 5 acres of meadow on Papiack Creek betw. Stephen Kent jun. and Samuel-Smith 3, 1 acre of meadow, Eastside of Papiack Creek, next to Robert Dennis 4, 60 acres of upland in Langiter's Plain; 5, 16 acres of Raraton's mead ow, bounded W. by John Pike jun., N. by David Makany, E. by Robert Vauquellin and Benjamin Parkest, S. by a creek. go 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge for: 1, » houselot of 12 a. betw. Thomas Blumfield junior and Joshua Bradly; 2, 5 a. of meadow on Papiack Creek betw. Stephen Kent jun. and'Samuel Smith; 3, one acre of meadow on the Eastside of Papiack Creek, adjoining. Rob ert Dennis and John Bishop senior; 4, 60 acres of upland at the North end of Langsters Plain, bounded E. by Stephen Kent, W. by Thomas Blum- feilde senior, N. by a road, S. by the road to New Piscataway; 5, 16 acres of Raratons meadow, bounded N. by John Pike junior, N. by David Makany, E. by Robert Vauquellin and Benjamin Parkest; - S. by a creek. g0 1669-70 March 18. Do. to John Blumfeild of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 10 acres, adjoining William Compton; 2, three acres of meadow EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 13 Page West of Papiack Creek, North of John Adams; 3, two acres of meadow, East of the creek, adjoining John Smith Scotchman and Tho. Blumfeild jun.; 4, 60 acres of upland upon a brook at the foot of the Barren Plain, ad joining Wm Compton; 5, 15 a. of Raratans meadows bounded W. by Isaac Tappin, N. by Richard Worth, E. by Raratons R., S. by Joshua Bradley. gl 1669-70 March 18. Do. to Thomas Blumfeild junior of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of ll£ acres, bounded W. by Samuel Dennis, S. and N. by the highway, E. by John Martin, Hopewell Hull, Charles Gilman, Hugh Donn and John Tayler; 2, three acres of meadow W. of Papiack Creek and E. of - Crane Neck; 3, 60 a. of upland at the foot of Barren Plain, along William Compton's; 4, 15 a. of Raratan's meadows betw. the Great Saltpond on the North and Raratans R. on the S. 92 1669.-70 March 18. Do. to David Makany of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot- of 12 acres on the road to New Piscataway; 2, 120 acres of upland on the Piscataway path; 3, 36 a. of Raratans meadows in two parcels-. 92 1670 April 18. Confirmation to Maryn Adriaensen of Bergen for a parcel of land- called Wiehacken in the jurisdiction "of Bergen on Hoboo- ken Creek, 50 morgen Dutch measure, first granted to Maryn Adriaensen dec'd May II, 1647. 93. 1670 April 19. Patent to Hugh March of Woodbridge for: 1, a farm of 268 acres of upland, West of Henry Jacques senior; 2, 52 a. of Rahawack meadows, South of the river. 93 1670 May 20. Do. to Stephen Kent senior of Woodbridge for: 1, a house- lot of 23 acres; 2, six acres of meadow West of Papiack Creek, betw.'Tho. Blumfield senior and Stephen Kent junior; 3, 180 acres of upland, bound ed S. by Raraton R., VV. by Slingtaile Brook, N. by Rehoboth Gannet, E. by a fresh brook, the boundary of .Mathew Bunn's land; 4, 40 acres of meadow, adjoining the preceding on both sides. 94 1670 July 22. Do. to Geurt Gerritsen of Bergen for: 1, three and one half morgen in the old Maisland betw. Herman Edward and Thomas de Cuy per^, two woodlots, gi morgen,- betw. Harman Edward and Paulus Pieter sen; 3, a piece of woodland and meadow No. 6, 22 morgen; 4, 8 morgen of meadow across the creek, adjoining Geurt Coerten; 5, a houselot in Ber gen, "j\ by 12J rods, betw. Hendrick de Baker and Jacob Sergiant; 6, a garden lot outside of town, 8 by 20 rods, in all 100 acres. 95 1670 July 22. Confirmation to Engelbert Steenhuis of Bergen for: 1, ten morgen 400 rods or 21 acres of upland in the new Maisland- betw. Fred. Philippsen and Tilman van Vleeck; 2, lof morgen Or 21 £ acres of upland North of said van Vleeck; 3, 13 morgen 120 rods or 27 acres S. W. of Sam uel Edsall; 4, 10 morgen 130 rods or 21 acres, formerly belonging to Sam uel Edsall and N. E. of the preceding;. 5, 60 acres of meadow adjoining Geurt Gerritsen's; 6, a houselot, 7^ by 12^- rods, betw. Derrick Gerritsen "and the plain. 96 IA. NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1667-8 February 26. Warrant for the Surveyor General to lay out for John Pike the land allowed him by the Associated Company of Wood- bridge December 9, 1667. , 96 1670 October 10. Confirmation to Arent Lawrensen of Bergen for: 1, 26 acres S. W. of Geurt Gerritsen; 2, 16 a. behind- Geurt Coerten;' 3, a gardenlot, 20 by 8 rods, adjoining Christian Pieters; 4, three gardenlots, 23^ by 26 rods, S. of Harman Eduars; 5, a gardenlot adjoining the precede - ing; 6, a houselot in Bergen betw. Adrian Post and Nie. Verlett. 97 1670 October 10. Patent to Daniel Grasie of Woodbridge for: I, a house- lot of 10 acres adjoining John Walkins; 2, 120 acres of upland; 3, four acres of meadow on Papiack Creek on the East side of Strawberry Hill; 4, thirty acres of Raratons meadows, bounded W. by Elisha Parker and John Adams, E. by John Smith Scotchman and skipper Bond (Bun) N. by , S. by Raritans R. 97 1670 October 10. Do. to John Pike jun. of Woodbridge for: 1, a house- lot of 10 a. W. of Richard Wonh; 2, sixty acres of upland, W. of Nathan . Webster; 3, six acres of Raratans meadow, surrounded by his father's; 4, fifteen acres of meadow of Raratons R. bounded E. by Samuel Dennis and David Makany, N. by upland, W. by Abraham Tappan, S. by a great creek. 98 1670 Sept. 10. Do. to Daniel Pierce of yeoman for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt; 1, a houselot of 20 acres on the Eastside of Papiack Neck, adjoining Joshua Pierce; 2, 14^ acres of meadow bounded W. and S. by Papiack Creek, N. by Mathew Moore, and John Cromwell, E. by a branch of Papiack Creek: 3, 140 acres of upland at Renters Neck; 4, eighteen acres of meadow around 'he point of -said neck; 5, 100, a. of upland on Rahawack R. between George Little and John Bishop sen?; 6, 24 a. of Rahawack meadow; 7, a farm of 100 a. W. of Slingtaile Brook; 8, , forty acres of meadow adjoining Stephen Kent senior, in all 456^ a. 99 1670 Dec. 29. Do. to Abraham Tappin of Wood-bridge for: 1, a houselot of 10 acres on the S. side of Isaac Tappin; 2, an addition of 4 a. betw. Samuel Bacon and Isaac Tappin; 3, 60 a. of upland upon John Pyke junior and Isaac Tappin's great accommodation; 4, four acres of meadow on Papiack Creek, next to John Smith millwright; 5, two and one half acres of meadow on said creek adjoining Samuel Dennis; 6, fifteen acres of Raratans meadows, bounded E. by John Pyke junior, S. by a great"" creek, N. by the upland, W. by the unallotted meadows. 101 1670 Dec. 29. Do. to Samuel Moore of Woodbridge yeoman for: I, 60 acres of upland near and along Raratans R. ; 2, 10 a. of Raratans mead ows, bounded S. by Matthew Bunn, W. by Rehoboth Gannett, N. by Rob- eit Rogers, E. by Hennery Lessenby and Thomas Augur. 161 if 70 Dec. 29. Do. to John Wattkins of Woodbridge shoemaker for: 1, a houselot of 11 acres W. of Daniel Greasie; 2, sixty acres of upland at, Langsters Farm; 3, fifteen acres of Raratans meadows, bounded W. by ' EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 15 Page John Smith Scotchman, N. by Thomas Augur, E. and S. by the river; 4, six acres of meadow for the accommodation of his house lot in Raratans meadows, bounded N. by the upland in common, S. by a creek, E. by David Mekany, W. by John Whiteheare. , Note: " This patent transported by John Watkins to Hulick Codriack February 27, 1677." 102 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Govr Philipp Carterett, confirming to him a* grant by the Corporation of Woodbridge for: 1, 250 acres of upland adjoin ing the West corner of the Town of Woodbridge; 2, forty acres of meadow along Raratans R., adjoining the upland, 3, 22^ acres of meadow next to the preceding. Marginal Note: "This sold to 'Richard Powel." 103 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Joshua Bradley of Woodbridge planter for: I, a houselot of. 15 acres, adjoining Saml Dennis; 2, 120 acres of upland on the N. of the highway over against John Pyke jun. and Nathan Web ster; 3, six acres of meadow on Papiack Creek; 4, 30 acres of Raratans meadows, bounded W. by Wm Compton, N. by John Blumfeild, E. and S. by the river. 104 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Benjamin Parkis of Woodbridge for: 1, a house- lot of 15 acres betw. John Adams and Effraim Andrews; 2, 69 acres of up land W. of John Pyke; 3, six acres of Papiack meadows; 4, 15 acres of Rar atans meadows, S. of Robert Vauquellin, E. of Samuel Dennis. Mar ginal Note : "This is solde to Glaude Vallot." 105' 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to John ffrench of Woodbridge mason for: 1, 10 acres of upland on the West of Vaquellins Hill, along Israel Thorncum's -meadow; 2, five acres of meadow, not yet laid out. Margl Note: "This pattent is transported to Robert Vauquellin." 105 1670 Dec. 30. "Do. to Isaak Toppin of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot of 10 a. bounded S. by Abraham Tappin, N. by John Dilley, E. by a road, W. by another road; 2, an addition of 5 acres, bounded by Ab. Tappin on the North, by a swamp on the East, by John Dilley on the West; 3, 120 acres of upland at the upper end of Langsters Farm or Plain; 4, five acres of meadow on Papiack Creek, 5, three acres of meadow on the Sunken Marsh, along the Sound; 6, thirty acres of Raratans mead ows at the Turne about 105 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Robert Rogers of Woodbridge for: 1, a house- lot of 10 acres' adjoining John Pyke junior; 2, 60 acres of upland upon a point betw. two brooks at the South end of David Mekany's accommoda tion; 3, six acres of Raratans meadow, East of David Mekany, 4, 15 a. of Raratans meadows, bounded N. by Hugh Dunn, Henry Lessenby etc. 106 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Stephen Kent junior of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 10 acres West of his father's house; 2, four acres of meadow on the Westside of Papiack Creek, bounded W. by the Meeting house green; 3, sixty acres of upland at the N. E. end of Langsters Farm; 4, fifteen acres of Raratan's meadows, bounded S. by Hugh Dunn, W. by Robert Vauquellin and Benj. Parkis. 107 t6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1670 Dec. 30. Do.' to John Adams of Woodbridge for: 1, 'a houselot of 15 acres; adjoining Obadiah Heires; 2, six acres of meadow at the S. E. corner of Crane Creek Neck; 3, sixty acres of upland at the head of Crane, alias Vauquellins Creek; 4, sixteen acres of Raratans meadows, bounded N. by Obadiah Heires, W. by John Dennis, S. by Raratans R., E. by Daniel Greasie. . 1°7 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Nathan Webster of Woodbridge for: I, a house- lot of 12 acres on Kents Brook and Bradley's Brook, bounded S. by John Witcher, W. by land in common; 2, 60 a. of upland towards the upper end of Langster's Farm or Plain, W. of Elisha Elsie, N. of Isaac Toppin, E. of John Pyke jun, S. of a road; 3, six acres of meadow betw. Stephen Kent sen. and John Witcher; 4, fifteen acres of Raratans meadows; ad joining Elisha Elsley on the West. 108 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Henery Lessenby of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 8 acres at the East end of Crane Neck; 2, four acres of mead ow on the South side of Crane Neck; 3, sixty acres of upland adjoining,. undivided territory,; 4, fifteen acres of R.aratans meadows adjoining Hugh . Dunn. 108 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to John Witcher of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 10 a. next to Nathan Webster; 2, sixty acres of upland W. N. W. along Rehoboth Gannett; 3, six acres of meadow along the Saltpond and betw. Nathan Webster and John Watkins; 4, fifteen acres of Raratans meadows, next to Rehoboth Gannett. 109 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to John Tayler of Woodbridge for:. 1, a house- lot of 7 a. adjoining Hugh Donn; 2, sixty acres of upland at Langsters Plain, next to John Watkins; 3, fifteen acres of Raratans meadow N. of Robert Vauquellin; 4, four acres belonging to his houselot and lying on Papiack Creek. no 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Mathew Bunn of Woodbridge mariner for: 1, a houselot of 11 acres, bounded N. by John Smith millwright, S. by Robert Dennis, W. by his meadow, E. by the highway; 2, 120 acres of upland on Raratans R. ; 3, 25 acres of Raratans meadows, bounded N. by Samuel Moore, E. by Samuel Augur, S. by John Smith Scotsman, W. by Reho both Gannett and Daniel Greasy; 4, four acres of meadow on Papiack Creek, adjoining John Smith millwright; 5, five acres of Raratans , meadows. Ho 1667 March 26. Do. to Barrant Christian of Minkaque planter for 55 ' acres in the Pembrepock tract adjoining Jacob Wallen and Lawrence An- dressen, also 30 acres of meadow on the Kill von Cull. in 1668 March' 31. Confirmation to Claes Jansen van Purmerejit for 25 acres in Bergen bounds bought of Capt. Nicholas Varlett, formerly belonging to Jan Eversen Caresbom and bounded S. by Henerick Jansen van Ostrum, W. by the Commons, N. by a brook, E. by grantee's meadow;" also for 22 acres of meadow adjoining. nI EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBEK NO. I. l>] Page 1670 Dec. 30. Do. to Ide Cornelissen (van Voorst) for 22 acres in Bergen jurisdiction, bounded N. by Angelbert Stejnhuis, W. by the same and grantee's meadow, S. by Jacob Lubek, E. by the Walking Path; also for 9 acres of meadow adjoining the other land. 112 1670 May 25. Deed. Tillman van Vleeck of New York to Ide Cornelis sen of Hasimus for his land in and about Bergen, vizt: 1, a houselot in the town W. of Henerick Jansen van Ostrum, E. of Adrian van Laer, 7^ by 17J rods; 2, 7 morgen 150 rods on the N. E. of Jacob Lubey; 3,. one half of the meadow N. E. of the preceding on the Great Creek.. 113 1671 April 10. Patent to Baltazar D. Harte for 400 acres of land and meadow lying on Hudson R. in several parcels, called Newa-Sink, Yanda- kah, Coqua-ney and Menisacongue, within the limits of Auverstrow. 113 .1671 April 16. Do. to Nicholas du Puys and Henrick van Bommel for 480 acres at Averstrow along Menisakoungue Creek, also 210 a. at the North end of the first, called Ahiqueroney. 114 1671 April 16. Do. to Claes' Jansen van Purmarent for 240 acres at the North end of Tappan. 114 1671 June 3. Do. to Claes Comptah alias Claes Pietersen Cos of Comunipan, jurisdiction of Bergen, for 182 acres, bounded W. by the Ber gen road, N. by Nicholas the baker, E. by the creek betw. Hassemus and Comunipan, S. by Hudson's R. 114 1671 May 19. New York. Indian Deed. Assowakon, Sachem of Tap- pan, Seweggkamin alias Hans Weghwewenin, Saghtew, Messingpejun, Keksameghn, Onatagh, Irramigkin, et. al. to Baltazar D. Harte and asso ciates for land from John Clawson to the Tedious Hook or the beginning of Haverstraw, reaching inland to Metassin Creek and Hackinsack R. . 115 1671 June 10. Patent to Mathew Moore for land in Woodbridge Town ship, vizt: 1, a houselot of 12 acres North of John Cromwell on a neck at the head of Papaika Creek; 2, four acres of meadow along his upland; 3, three acres in the Sunken Marsh; 4, 120 acres on Raratans R. adjoining Samuel Moore; 5, thirty acres of Raratans meadow at the Turn About. 117 1671 June 10. Do. to John Cromwell of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot of 10 acres S. of Mathew Moore; 2, two pieces of meadow on Papaika Creek, 5 acres; 3, 120 acres of upland, called Chestnutt Plaine, adjoining Samuel Bacon and along the Rahawy — Woodbridge path; 4, two parcels, 18 acres, of meadow at Rahawy. 117 1671 Aug^ 10. Do. to Jacob Luby for: I, 14 morgen 50 rods of wood land, near Bergen, betw. Capt. Post and Jan Lubberson; 2, 8 morgen of meadow next to Engelbert Steenhuisen; 3, 3 morgen 450 rods in the new Maisland; 4, 12 m. 350 r. betw. Frederick Philipps and Tielman van * ' Vleeck; 5, 9 m. 250 rods of woodland South of Fred. Philipps; 6, a gar den, 7 by 25 rods, between Jan Swayne and Nicholas Varlett; 7, a, house- lot, 7-J by I2£ rods, betw. Geurt Garetson and Paulus Peetersen, in all 94 acres. 1 18 i 2 XS NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1671 Aug. 10. Do. to Nicholas Varlett and Baltazar Bayard for I, 27 morgen 290 rods of land near Bergen, N. E. of Harman Smeman, S.W. of Poulus Leendersen (van der Grift); 2, 28 m. 100 r. of meadow adjoining and running down to the Kill van Koll; 3, 9 m. 572 r. of woodland S. W. of William de Baker and N. E. of Harman Smeman; 4, a double house k>t in town, 15 by 12J rods, N. E. of the plain; 5, two outgardens, 15 by 35 r., betw. Engelbert Steenhuisen and Tilman van Vleeck, in all 144 acres. . rl9 1671 Sept. 10. Additional Clause to the charter of Woodbridge. 119 1671 Aug. 5. Patent to Peter Jacob of Bergen for three houselots and gardens, 2 acres, in the Corporation of Bergen. 120 Nov. 20. Do. to Claes Jansen van Purmurent of Hassemus for 400 acres on the North side of Tappan IZI 1672 April 24. Do. to Tilleman van Vleeck of Bergen for 44 acres in said township betw. John Lubertsen and Fred. Philipps on the Hackin- sack R. 121 1671-2 February 28. Indian Deed. Hanayaham, Capatamine. Tan- taqua, Tamage to Capt. John Berry for all the land adjoining Capt. Sand- ford's up the Pasagack River, five rods beyond the Warepeake Run, thence across to Hackinsack R. I2t 1671-2 March 10. Patent to William Compton of Woodbridge for: I, a houselot of 8 acres W. of John Smith; 2, sixty acres of upland at.the foot- of the Barren Plain on the South side of Langstar's Brook; 3, sixty acres of upland near Peters Wigwam; 4, twelve acres of upland adjoining - Stephen Kent junior; 5, four acres of meadow on the West of Papaika Creek; 6, thirty acres of Raratans meadows at the Turn About. 122 ¦ 1673 June 6. Do. Deputy Governour John Berry to Jonathan Haynes of Woodbridge yeoman for: I, a houselot of 16 acres near Rawack. Farms, East of John Dilly, South of Henry Jaques; 2, six acres of Rawake meadows next to John Bishop jun.; 3, sixty acres of upland on a branch of Rawake R. adjoining John Trewman; 4, five acres of meadow on a small ' island in Rawake R., joining to John Cromwall and one acre on an island next to Trewman's and George Marsh's meadow; 5, nine acres of meadow not yet laid out. 123 1673 June 6. Do. John Lord Barkeley of Stratton and Sir George Carterett to John Martin senior of Woodbridge yeoman for: T, a houselot of 11 acres on the Piscataway road, S. of Hopewell Hull; 2, eight acres of meadow on the Westside of Papiack Creek; 3, twenty acres of upland, ad; joining the preceding; 4,. thirty acres of upland, bounded E- by Ephrarrn,: Andrews; 5, 140 acres of upland, W. of Abraham Toppin; 6, twenty acres of Raratan meadow, W. of Rehoboth Gannett and John Witgher; 7, thirty acres of meadow, adjoining Samuel Moore and Charles Gilman. 124 I673 June 6- Do. to Ephraim Andrews of Woodbridge for: 1, a houselot of 17 acres, bounded N.«by Israel Thornton, E. by the Sheepr EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 19 , Page Common, S. by Benjamin Parkis, W. by the road; 2, sixty acres of upland adjoining John Adams; 3, six acres of meadow on the W. side 'of Papiack Creek; 4", fifteen acres of Raratans meadows next to Capt. John Pike. 124 1673 June 6. Do. to James Bollen, Secretary of the Province, for a neck of land on the East side of. the Delaware, called Swarten Hook (Black Hook) over against Christaine Creek. * I26 Return of Survey by Daniel Pierce, Deputy Surveyor, of land laid out for John Martin I2- 1671 Dec. 28. Return of Survey by Robert Vauquellin, Surveyor General, of land for Jonathan Donham of Woodbridge. 128 1672 August 10. Patent. The Lords Proprietors to Jonathan Donham of Woodbridge carpenter for: 1, a houselot of 9 acres E. of the Meeting House Green; 2, 48 acres W. of the parsonage lands, N. of Thomas Len- ard; 3, 120 acres -of upland N. of Wilyam Cotter; 4, 36 acres of meadows not yet laid out. I2„ 1671 March 26. Do. to Capt. William Samford in trust for Nathaniel Kingsland for neck of land betw. Pasawack and Hackinsack R. beginning at a point opposite Newark and thence running N. W. to a brook over against Espartine. no i67iv June 1. 'Deed. Nathaniel Kingsland and his wife Mary to.Wil- liam Sandford for the preceding. 132 1673 May 21. Confirmation by Deputy Govr Berry to Major Nathaniel Kingsland of the patent (supra p. 130). 133 I674-5 March — . Patent. Govr Carterett to Hessel Wigersel of Ber gen for a plantation of 20 morgen at Pembrepock, between Cornelis Abramsen and Joas van der Lynden. 134 . 1675 April 19. Do. to Elisha Parker senior for land in and about Woodbridge, vizt-: 1, a houselot of 16 acres next to John Dennis and Sam uel Smith; 2, eight acres, S. of the houselot; 3, eight acres of meadow on Papayack Creek next to John Dennis; 4, sixty acres of upland along the Piscataway road; _5, another sixty acres N. E. of William Cotter;'6, thirty acres of Raraton meadows along the Great Pond. 134 1675 June rS- Do. to Charles Gilman for do. land, vizt: 1, a houselot of 10 a., bounded S. by the houselot of Hopewell Hull, now in possession of Samuel Dennis, N. by the lot of Hugh Donn, now Wm1 Cotter; 2, sixty acres of upland on the Barren Plain; 3, five acres of meadow S. of Vau quellin's Hill; 4, seventeen acres of Raratans meadows 135 1675 Aug. 25. Do. to Jasper Craine of Newark for land in and about there, vizt; I, a houselot of 14 acres, bounded W. by the Commons, S. by the highway, N. by Thomas Pierson, E. by Abraham Pierson junior; 2, seventeen acres of upland on the Great Neck, W. of Ephraim Peninton; . 1 OrVrygerse. See Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson County, 70. The date is there given as March 30, 1675. zo NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 3, eleven acres on the same Neck. E. of Josiah Ward; 4, six acres on the neck, bounded E. by Stephen Freeman, S. by his own land, N. by Thomas Huntinton, W. by the highway; 5, four acres at the bottom of said neck; 6, "twenty acres on Two Mile Brook, Abr. Pierson to the N, Thomas Ludington to the S., George Day to the W.; 7, twenty-six acres - on the Mill Brook, adjoining Thomas Huntinton; 8, twenty acres at the head of a branch of Second River, adjoining Samuel Kitchell; 9, fourteen a. of meadow at the Great Island, bounded N. by John Craine, E. by Capt. Samuel Swaine, S. by Lieut. John Ward, W. by the Great Island; lo, twelve a. of meadow by the Great Pond, N. of Jabez Rogers; 11, four- ; teen a. of bog beyond the Great Swamp, N. of Richard Harrison; 12, five a. of meadow the Great Island on the E. side of the highway; 13, one acre. of meadow at Beefe Point, E. of Edward Ball; 14, four acres of meadow near Wheeler's Point, N. of Henry Lyon. Margl Note: "This land is made over to his two sonns Azarea and Jasper Craine." 135. 1675 Sept. 10. Patent to Hans Alberts of Newark for land there, vizt; 1, a home lot of 6 acres, along the highway on the N, W. of Richard Lawrence and John Ward, turner, E. of Daniel Dod, N. of John Crane and Tho. Huntinton; ,2, seven acres of upland in the Great Neck, bound ed W. by Stephen Bond, E. by Rich. Lawrence; 3, twenty acres'of upland beyond the Mill Brook on the Great River; 4, seven a. in the Mill Brook swamp, adjoining Stephen Davis; 5, three a. of meadows near Wheelers;. Creek, coming up to Tichenors Cave; 6, four acres of meadow near the bay S. of Zachariah Burwell. 13° 1675 Aug. 10. Do. to Mary Bond, for merly the widow of Hugh Rob erts of Newark, for land there, vizt: 1, a home lot of 6 acres S. of Ed ward Riggs; 2, sixteen acres of upland at the rear of the homelot, bound ed W. by her own and Edw. Riges lots, N. by Mathew Canfeild, E. by Wm Camp, S. by Nathaniel Wheeler; 3, 63 acres of upland along the bounds of Elizabeth Town; 4, forty a. of upland along said bounds; 5, twelve acres of meadow at Beef Point; 6, eight acres 3 rods of meadow, E. of the Bound Creek; 7, four acres of bog near the Two Mile Brook; 8, four more a. of bog, N. W. of John Browne jun. 137 1675 Sept. 10. Do. to Robert Lymon of Newark for: 1, a homelot of 6 acres S. of the Mill Brook, W. of the river, E. of the highway, N. of Jonathan Serjant, 2, eleven acres of upland adjoining the homelot; 3, i8£ acres of upland on the other side of the Mill Brook, E, of John Crane, W. of Samuel Plum, N. of Samuel Rose and S. of Jonathan Serjant;' 4, fif teen acres of upland, being part of Mill Bfook swamp, betw. Mathew Canfeild and Stephen Davis; 5, forty-four acres on the mountain, bound ed N. E. by John Baldwin senior, S. W. by Richard Harrison, S. E. by Capt. Samuel Swaine; 6; seven and one half acres of meadow adjoining Samuel Plum and Francis Lindly; 7, five and one half acres of meadow near Maple Island, bounded W. by Joseph Watters, S. by Maple Island Creek. E. by Thomas Richards, N. by the Commonst 137 EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 21 Page 1675 Sept. 10. Do. to Stephen Davis of Newark for: I, a homelot of 6 acres, bounded S. by Aaion Blackly, E. by the river, N. by Samuel Plum, W. by the highway; 2, eight acres of upland on the Great Neck, nextlo John Ward turner; 3, six acres of upland beyond the Mill Brook adjoining Samuel Rose; 4, eleven a. of upland beyond the Mill Brook, N. of Robert Lyrrion; 5, forty acres in the plain beyond the Mill Brook along the highway; 6, four acres on the Great Neck next to Widow Freeman; 7, ten acres in Mill Brook swamp, East of Robert Lymon; 8, seven acres of meadow at Beef Point West of Mary Bond, formerly Mary Roberts; 9, five acres of meadow at the mouth of Morris' Creek, S. of John Catlin; 10, two and one half acres of meadow near the Bound Creek, bounded E. and S. by John Catlin. 138 1675 Sept. 10. Patent to John Ward of Newark turner for: 1, a . homelot of 6 acres, N. of the Elders lot, S. of Richard Laurence; 2, seven acres of upland in the Great Neck, W. of John Catlin; 3, six acres on said neck, S. of the road; 4, five acres on said neck, bounded E. by John Cour tis, W. N. and S. by the highway; 5, six acres next to Richd Harrison; 6, 44a. beyond Second River, bounded N. by Elisabeth Ward, S. and W. by the Commons, E. by the river and a swamp; 7, six acres of meadow at Wheelers Point adjoining Staples meadow; 8, three acres of meadow near the mouth of the river; 9, six acres of meadow near Wheeler's Point betw. John Baldwin senior and Mathew Canfeild; 10, six acres of meadow near Morris Creek, bounded W. by Ephraim Burwell, East by Thomas Staples. . 139 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to John Cattlin of Newark for 120J acres of up land and meadow as per surveyor's certificate. 140 1675 Sept. 30, Do. to Nathaniel Wheeler of Newark for 60 acres in eight parcels, described in Surveyor General's certificate. 140 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to Edward Ball of Newark for 78 acres as above. 140 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to John Baldwin senior of Newark for 78 a." as above. 141 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to John Baldwin junior for ^.4^ acres as above. 141 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to Thomas Huntinton for 129 acres as above. 142 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to Mathew Canfield of Newark for 197 a. as above. 142 1675 Sept. 10. Do. to Aaron Blachely of Newark for 70 *. as above. 142 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to Hanah Freeman of Newark spinster for 92 a. as above. 143 1675 Sept. 30. Do. to Richard Harrisson of Newark for 152 *. as je,. 1676 Oct. 25. Do. to Colonel Lewis Morris of Barbadoes and his associates in the Iron Works at Navesinck for 3840 acres betw. the branches of Swimming River and Falls R., also sixty acres of fresh mead ow S. of the larger tract, the whole to be called Tinton Manor. 155 1676 Nov. 23. Do. to William Pilles of Elizabeth Town for 394 acres in four parcels, as described in Surveyor General's certificate. 156' .1676 Nov. 23. Do. to John Throckmorton of Midleton for 256 acres in 4 pieces as above. Ir.g 1676 Nov. 23. Do. to same for 140 ncres in four parcels asabove. 156 EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. I. 25 Page 1676 Nov. 23. Do. to James Ashton of Midleton for 347 acres in 5 pieces as above. 156 1676 Nov. 23. Do. to Charles Hynes of do. for 220 a. in 2 parcels as above. 157 1676 Oct. -14. Do. to Thomas Moore of Elizabeth Town for 187 a. in 5 p. as above. 157 1676 Nov. 23. Do. to Richard Beach of do. for 102 a. in 4 pieces. 157 1676 Dec. 1. Do. to John Smith of Midleton for 252 a. in 6 par cels. 157 1676 Dec. 1. Do. to Thomas Cox of Midleton for 269 a. in 5 par cels. 158 1676 Dec. I. Do. to Richard Davis of do. for 132 a. 158 1676 Dec. 4. Do. to Benjamin Deuell for 250 a. in Midleton. 158 1676 Nov 30. Do. to Samuel Marsh jun. of Elizabeth Town for 100 acres there in 3 parcels described in Surveyor General's certificate. I5g 1676 Nov. 30. Do. to Benjamin Wade of Elizabeth Town for 144 a. in 6 parcels described as above. 159 1676 Nov. 30. Do. to Symon Rous of Elizabeth Town for 180 a. there in 5 parcels described as above. 159 1676 Nov. 30. Do. to William Cramer of Elizabeth Town for 209 a. there in 9 parcels described as above. 160 1676 Nov. 30. Do", to George Ross of same place for 132 a. in 6 par cels described as above. 166 1676 Nov. 30. Do. to Nathaniel Tuttle of same place for 153 a.- in 6 parcels. 160 1676 Nov. 30. Do. . to Stephen Crane of same place for 156 a. in 4 parcels. 161 1676 Nov. 30. Do. to Samuel Marsh senior of same place for 205 a. in 6 parcels. 161 1676 Dec. 9. Do. to John Wynonsof same place weaver for 200 a. in*- 6 parcels. 161 1676 Dec. 9. Do. to Humphrey Spinage of same place for 218 a. in 8 parcels. 162 1676 Dec. 9. Do. to John Little of same place for 134 a. in 9 par- cels. 162 1676 Dec. 9. Do. to David Ogdon of same place for 73 a. in 3 par cels. 162 1676 Dec. 26. Do. to Jacob Meleins of New York for 450 acres in 7 parcels, described in Surveyor General's Certificate. 163 1676-7 January 10. Do. to Walter Wall of Midleton for 27 a. there in 6 parcels. I^3 26 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1676-7 January 10. Do. to Thomas Whitlocksenior of do. for 217 a. there in 8 parcels. 163 1676-7 January 10. Do. to John Wilson of do. for 276 a. in 6 par cels. 164 1676-7 January 10. Do. to Richard Gibbons of do. for 249 a. in 6 parcels. 164 1676-7 January 10. Do. to William Whitlock of Midleton for land there, vizt. : 1, a tract of 104 acres on Strawberry Field, W. of Thomas Whitlock, senior, along Mochoreras Broyk; 2, twenty eight a. of marsh -¦ and upland bounded E. by John Whitlock, S. W. and N. by undivided lands. 164 1676-7 January 10. Do. to John Vaughn of Midleton for : 1, a tract of 126 acres, bounded N. W. and S. W. by Richard Gibbons, S. E, by un- surveyed land, N. E. by Porisy Run; 2, nine acres of meadow, formerly Benjamin Deuell's, bounded E. by James Grover, W. by Wm. Lawrence, S. by upland, N. by the beach. 165 1676-7 January 10. Do. to John Whitlock of Midleton for :' I, 104 : acres, bounded S. by William Whitlock, N. by a small run, E. by Thomas Whitlock, senior, W. by a brauch of Mochoreras Creek; 2, twenty-six acres of meadow E. of William Whitlock. 165 1676-7 February 20. Do. to Samuel Smith of Woodbridge for 103 acres there in five parcels according to Surveyor General's certificate. 166 1676-7 February 20. Do. to Israel Thornell of Woodbridge carpen ter for 96 a. there in four parcels. 166 1676-7 February 20. Do. to Dennis White of Elizabeth Town for no a. there in 4 parcels. 166 1677 April 24. Do. to Edward Case of Elizabeth Town for : I, one ' hundred acres, called Luke Watsons Point, bounded S. W. by Samuel Marsh, Peter Moss and grantee's meadow, S. E. by the river, N. E. by Barnaby Wyne and Caleb Carwithy, John Wynons and others, N. W. and W. by Nicholas Carter and said Carwithy; 2, six acres of meadow adjoin ing Samuel Marsh; 3, six acres of meadow adjoining Nie. Carter. 167. 1677 April 24. Do. to Mrs. Margaret Baker of Elizabeth Town for 224 a. there in 6 parcels described as before. 16* 1677 May 30. Certificate by James Bollen, Justice of the Peace and Secretary of the Province, that Nicholas Jansen Baker of New York has conveyed to Hendrick Jeorge of Bergen the lands at Comunipan, granted " to him by two patents of May 12, 1668. 7^7 1677 June 4. Patent to Thomas Harbor of Midleton for land there, vizt: 1, a tract of 120 acres on Horse Neck, N. of Navesink River; 2, three acres of meadow W. of Thomas Morefoot; 3, eight acres of meadow at Sholde Harbour N. of Thomas Morford. 168 eas? jersey patents, etc., liBer no. i. 27 Page 1677 June 4. Do. to Richard Stout senior of Midleton for 285 a. there in 6 parcels described as before. 168 1677 June 4. Do. to William Layton of Midleton for 218 a. therein 6 parcels. 168 1677 June 4. Do. to George Jobs of Midleton for 135 a. in three par cels. 169 1677 June 12. Do. to William Cheeseman of same place for 162 a. in 5 parcels. 169 . 1677 June 12. Do. to James Grover of Midleton for 190 a. in 6 par cels. 169 "1677 June 12. Do. to John Ruckman of Midleton for 255 a. in 5 parcels. 170 1677 June 12. Do. to Jonathan Holmes of "Midleton for 500 acres W. of Ramanessing Brook, also 36 acres at Changeroras. 170 1677 June 20. Do. to same for 261 acres in 6 parcels. 170 1677 June 20. Do. to George Mount of Midleton for 284 a. in 7 par cels. 171 1677 June 20. Do. to Daniel Estell of Midleton for 271 a. there in 4 pieces. 171 1677 June 20. Do. to Francis Harbor of Midleton for 132 acres, bounded S. by Ben. Bordon, N. by Wm. Cheesman, E. by a small brook, W. by Ramanessing Brook, also six acres of meadow, formerly Richard Sadler's, at Sholde Harbor and four acres formerly James Ashton, adjoin ing John Wilson. 171 1677 June 20i Do. to John Morford of Midleton for 130 a. there along Ramanessing Brook betw. Wm Cheesman and George Jobes, also nine acres of meadow, formerly Richard Sadler's, on the beach. 172 1677 June 20. Do. to Thomas Morford of Midleton for: 1, 102 a. on Horse Neck, N. of Navesinck R. and W. by Cow Neck Creek; 2, three acres of meadow N. of preceding; 3, eight acres of meadow, E. of Sholde Harbor. 172 1677 June 20. Do. to James Bowne of Midleton for 212 acres there in four parcels described as before. 172 1677 June 20. Do. to James Grover for 517 a. about Midleton in 5 parcels. 173 1677 July 20. Do. to William Lawrence junior of Midleton for 165 a. in 6 parcels. 173 1677 June 20. Do. to Benjamin Bordon of same place for 351 a. in 7 parcels. 173 1677 July 20. Do. to John Jobs of the same place for 256 a. in 7 parcels. i"73 1677 July 20. Do. to Richard. Sadler- of the same place for 290 a. in 6 parcels. 174 2§ NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. - Page 1677 July 20. Do. to James Dorsett of the same place for 202 a. in 3 parcels. J74 1677 Nov. 10. Do. to Hendrick van Ostfum of Bergen for: I, 22 acres there S. of Claes Jansen Purmerent; 2, fifteen acres of meadow along a creek, dividing it from Horsemus. 174 1677 Nov. 10. Do. to John Luby of Bergen for: 1, 23 a. of Wyhaken,. formerly belonging to Marin Adriaensen; 2, 3 acres, N. E. of preceding along Hudson R. ; 3, four acres betw. two hills; 4, sixteen acres of mead ow along Hudson R. 175 1677 Nov. 10. Do. to Geurt Coerten of Bergen for 40 acres of mead ow there adjoining Engelbert Steenhuis. 175 1677 Nov. 10. Do. to Casper Stienmets in right of Trintia Walling, his deceased wife, formerly widow of Jacob Stoffelson, six acres for a gar den at Horsemes, W. of Ide Cornelis. 175 . 1677 Nov. 10. Do. to Thomas Fredrick of Bergen for land there, vizt: 1, g£ acres along the highway S. of Paulus Pieters; 2, ten acres of meadow, East of and along Hackinsack R. ; 3, 6 J a., S. of Hendrick van Ostrum N. of Paulus Pieters; 4, thirteen acres of meadow along the creek ' at the foot of Snake Hill. 176 ' 1677 March 10. Do. to Richard Gibbons of Midleton for 500 acres, bounded S. W., N. W. and S. E. by unsurveyed land, N. E. by grantee and John Vaughan, also 40 acres of Conesconke meadows. 176 1676 May 30. Do. to Charles Tucker of Elizabeth Town for 184 acres there in four parcels, described in Surveyor Generals certificate. 177 1670 Dec. 31. Affidavit of John French, that he has conveyed land and meadow, mentioned in his patent, to Robert Vauquellin. 177 LIBER No. 2, a Book of Warrants and Surveys, is in the Office of the East Jersey Proprietors, at Perth Amboy. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber No. 3. 1665 Aug. 30. Commission Captain Nicholas Verlett to be President of the Court of Judicature for Bergen, Gemoenepaen, Ahasymes and Ho- booken, with the assistance of Harman Smeeman and Casper Steynmets of Bergen and Elias Michiels of Gemcenepaen. • 1 1665 Oct. 16. Order of Govr Carterett concerning the sale of liquor to Indians. 2 1665-6 January 20. Decree of divorce given by the Governour to Claes Pietersen Cost of Gemcenepan from his wife Grietie Maas, whom he EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER NO. 3. 29 Page married eleven years before. Marginal Note: " Recalde and of no Effect. Jas. Bollen Secretary." ' 5 1665-6 Feb. 12. Call upon people claiming property at Pimbrepow and Minkelque, near Constable's Hook, to prove their rights and titles. 6 1665-6 Feb. 14. New York. Indenture. John Day of Elizabeth Town, cooper, binds himself a covenant servant to Gov Phil. Carterett and Capt. Thomas Young of Elizabeth Town for two years. 7 1665-6 March 5. Order, forbidding Jacob Stoffelsen to continue fenc ing land, at Hasemes. 8 " 1666 May 7. Hue and Cry after Robert Gray, a servant, belonging to Luke Watson, 20 years old, supposed to have run away with Ruderic Powell. 8 1666 June 23. Order against the unlawful cutting of timber in and about Elizabeth Town. g 1666 July 30. Order, reserving for the Lords" Proprietors the neckj' called Normans Hook, bounded S. by Arthur Cull River, E. by Snake Hill R. and forbidding the cutting of timber there. 9 1666 Nov. 4. Minute of permission', granted to Eliakim Wardell and associates to purchase Indian land, South of the Gravesend men's pur- . chase, called the Navesinks. 10 1666 Sept. 29. Minute of a license to keep an Ordinary at Elizabeth Town, granted for one year to Peter Wolversen van Couwenhoven. 10 1666 Dec. 14. License to keep an Ordinary at Bergen for one year, granted to Christian Pietersen. 10 1667 July 12. Mortgage. Pieter Wolverson van Couwenhoven of Elizabeth Town, brewer, to Govr Carterett for all his property. 11 1667 July 10. License to keep an Ordinary at Navesinck for one year, granted to James Grover. 11 1667 Oct. 8. Minute of a Commission as Justice of the Peace given to Robert Treat and by him returned, therefore void. 12 1667 Dec. 19. Warrant to John Brackett to survey the bounds of Elizabeth Town. 12 1668 April 7. Writ for the election of Burgesses and Representatives to meet as General Assembly May 25. 13 1668 June 6. License to trade with the Indians, granted* for one year to George Marcelles. , 15 1668 June 18. Certificate, that Hopestill Lyne, 6 to 7 years old, the daughter of Henry Lyne of New Haven in New England, son of John Lyne of Badby, Northamptonshire, which Henry died January 14, 1662, and had the child Hopestill by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Harrison of West Kerby, Cheshire, is still alive as sworn to by Richard Harrison, Thomas Johnson, William Meaker and Ellen Johnson. 16 ¦50 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1668 June 18. Appointment as guardians of Hopestill Lyne of her mother Elizabeth and her present husband John Morris of Newark. 16 1668 June 18. Power of Attorney, John and Elizabeth Morris, late of New Haven in New England, now of Newark, N. J., guardians of Hope still Lyne, to Samuel Willis of Hartford, New England, for the manage ment of the child's property. 17 1668 Sept. 10. License to keep an Ordinary on the Delaware River over against Matiniconck island, granted to Peter Jegou. 20 1668 Feb. 15. Privileges, Conditions and Limitation for the Whale fishery by John Ogden senior, Caleb Carwithy, Jacob Moleyn, Wm John son and Jeffry Jones, all of Elizabeth Town, and 21 partners from Bame- gate to Sandy Hook. 22 1668 Feb. 15. Commission for the preceding. 23 1668 March I. Dedimus potestatem. Christopher Almy to adminis ter the oath of allegiance at Shrewsbury and Midleton. 24 1667 March I. Order forbidding people, who have not taken the oath of fidelity to the Lords Proprietors, to hold office or to vote at election. 24 1668 March 1. Warrant for Peter Parker, Constable of Shrewsbury, to search for and publish the laws of the General Assembly of May 30 and November 7, 1668, concealed by some disaffected jnersons at Shrewsbury and Midleton. 25 1668 March 1. Do. for the same to demand and take a certain paper, subscribed at Midleton, concerning opposition to the laws. 25 1669 March 25. License to keep an Ordinary at , over against New Castle, granted to Foppe Jansen Outhout. 26. 1669 June 21. License to run a ferry between Comunipan and New York, granted to Pieter Hetfelsen, elected ferryman by the people of Ber gen and Comunipan: with rates of ferriage.1 27- i66g Nov. 12. Order forbidding Robert Dennis of Woodbridge to survey land without warrant from the Governour. 30 1669 Dec. 17. Order cancelling the patent for land at Bergen to Nico las Jansen Backer. 31 1669 Dec. 17. Order to Thomas Johnson, Constable of Newark, to publish the order for the recall of Treat's and Craine's commissions as Justices of the Peace. 31 1669 Dec. 29. Order, declaring the cohabitation of Hopewell. Hull and the daughter of John Martin of Woodbridge an unlawful mar riage. 32 1669-70 March 10. License to keep an Ordinary at Bergen, granted to Hendrick Cornelissen.' 33 1669-70 March 15. Commission. The. Justice and Magistrates of 1 Printed in Winfield's History of Hudson County, 234. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 31 Page Bergen to try Emanuel, a negro slave of the family of Capt. Nicolas Verlett dec'd, for arson. 33 1670 April 14. Warrant for the Whaling Company to take possession of a whale cast ashore at the Navesinck. 34 1670 April 18. Permission to cultivate land near his house at Matini- com, on the Delaware, granted to Peter Jegou. 35 1670 Oct. 20. Order for the Court of Woodbridge to try all causes out ' of their jurisdiction, that shall be brought before them. 36 1670 Oct. 25. Order to John Pike, Justice of the Peace etc. of Wood- bridge, not to allow any one there, who has no patent for his land, to be considered a freeholder, fill an office or vote. 36 1670 Dec. 10. Letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Greasy of Woodbridge dec'd., granted to his widow Catherine Greasy. 38 1670-1 Feb. 13. License to keep an Ordinary at Bergen, granted to Hanse Didrick. 39 1670-1 Feb. 12. Warrant to arrest John Luberts, Derrick Garretson', Hendrick Cornelissen, Hendrick Tewinson, Guert Garrison, John Elton' and Hendrick Johnson Ostrum for appearance before the Court of Oyer et Terminer. 40 1670-1 Feb. 27. Letters of administration on the estate of Joshua Pierce of Woodbridge dec'd., granted to his widow Dorothy Pierce. 41 1671 July 18. New York. Power of Attorney. Katherih Harrison, widow, to Thomas Wandall and Humphry Clay for the collection of money due her dec'd husband etc. 42 1671 June 8. Bond. John Smith and Robert Dennis, both of Wood- bridge, for Dorothy Peirce as administratrix of her deceased husband's, Joshua Peirce of Woodbridge, estate. 44 1671 June 1. Inventory of the estate of Joshua Peirce (£131. 3. o.) '45 1671 Sept. 2. Letters of administration on the estate of Lawrence Warde of Newark, granted to Esebell Baldwyne, wife of Joseph Baldwyne of Hadley, Massachusetts, with the consent of Lawrence Warde' s widow Elizabeth, sister of said Esebell. 45 1671 Sept. 4. Assignment of her powers as above by Esebell Bald wyne to her son John Catline and her kinsman John Warde turner, both of Newark. 46 ' 1670 April 18. Inventory of the estate of Lawrence Warde of Newark dec'd made by John Brown and John Warde. (£266.4.10). 47 1670-1 Feb. 26. Last Will and Testament of Hugh Roberts of Newark mentions wife Mary, sons Samuel (eldest) and Hugh (youngest), eldest daughter Priscilla wife of Joseph Osburn. • Executors Robert Treat, Henery Lyon and Sargent John Ward. Witness Robert Treat. 49 32 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1671 Nov. 17. Inventory of the estate of Hugh Roberts of Newark dec'd, made by Michell Tomkins and Thomas Johnson. 50 1671-2 January 18. Commission. John Tymmersenl to be ferryman between Bergen, Comunipan and New York. 52 1671-2 March 21. Warrant. Lawrence Andressen of Bergen to swear in and sit with a jury of inquisition into the death of a child of Judith Aphet. 52 1672 May 28. Bergen. Piotest by Governour Carterett against the assembling at Elizabeth Town of so-called Deputies or Representatives for Elizabeth Town, Newark, Woodbridge, New Pascattaway and Bergen. 2 53 1672 May 28. Bergen. Answer of the Governour to the address of James Grover, John Bowne, Jonathan Holmes, Richard Hartshorne, John Hanse and James Ashton, representing the patentees of Midletown and Shrewsbury. 3 53 1672 June 17. Order not to recognize any other authority, than the Governour's.4 54 1672 July 5. Warrant to Deputy Govr Berry to appoint a substitute. in case of death, sickness or removal. 54 1672 July 1. Defense of Govr. Carterett against slanderous reports of maladministration. 55 1672 July 1. Letter. The Council to the Lords Proprietors defend; ing Govr. Carterett's administration. 5 cc 1672 July 1. . Instructions for Deputy Governour John Berry. 56 ¦ 1672 July 16. Order directing Samuel Edsall to publish the proclama tion of war with the United Provinces of the Netherlands in each town of New Jersey. eg 1672 July 18. Order renewing order of March 5, 1665 (supra p. 8) to Jacob Stoffelson. Repeated after the following: 57 1672 June 15. Letter. The Council to Govr. Philipp Carterett anim adverting on the conduct of Capt. James Carterett and others, who pre tend to act as Deputies, and urging the Governour to go to England and lay the matter before the Proprietors. 57 1672 Dec. 9. White Hall. Letter from the King by Henry Coven try, to Deputy Govr. Berry on the disturbances in the Province.6 58 1672 Nov. 25. White Hall. Do. from Duke of York to Colonel 1 See Winfleld's History of Hudson County, 232-236. 2 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 89. 3 Printed in Learning and Spicer, 663; and in N. J. Archives, I. , 8S. 4 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 91. 5 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 94. 6 Printed in Learning and Spicer, 38; and in N. J. Archives, I., 107, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 33 Page Lovelace, directing him to look into and report on New Jersey mat ters.' sg 1672 Dec. 6. Declaration of true Intent and meaning of us'the Lords Proprietrs and Explanation of theire Concessions made to the adventurers and planters of New Cesarea or New Jersey. 2 en 1672 Dec. 6. Address of the Lords Proprietors to the adventurers, planters and inhabitants of New Jersey. 3 61 1672 Dec. 10. White Hall. Letter. The Lords Proprietors to the Deputy Governour and Council.4 62 1672 Dec. 7. Instructions by the same to the Governour and Coun cil. 5 g3 1672 Dec. II. The Lords Proprietors to the "Pretended Representa tives Of Elizabethtowne, Newark and New Piscataway," offering to hear them.6 63 1672 Dec. 6. Letter. Same to Governour and Council of N. J.: Wm Pardon, Deputy Secretary of the Province, has complained against Consta ble Wm Meaker of Elizabeth towne, for injuries.'!' ' 64 1672 Dec. 7. Letter. Same to same: affirming sentence of banish ment of Abraham Shotwell. 64 Mem., that the letters of the King and the Duke of York, the Declaration of the Lords Proprietors, their Instructions etc. were published at the various towns. 64 1672 May 25. Warrant by James Carterett to the Constable of Eliza beth towne for the arrest of William Pardon. 64 1674-5 January 9. Letters of administration on the estate of John Cox of New-Barbados, drowned in Pisaicke R., granted to Edward Ball of the same place; also his bond as administrator. 65 1672 June 25. Warrant, signed John Ogdon, to the Constable of Elizabethtown for the seizure of Wm Pardon's movable property. 65 1672 July 7. Do., signed James Carteret, to the same for the attach ment of Wm Pardon's real rjroperty. 65 1664-5 Feb. 10. " The Concessions and Agreements of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of New Cesarea or New Jersey to and with all 1 Printed in Learning and Spicer, 31; and in N. J. Archives. I.. 97. 2 PrintebUn Learning and Spicer, 32; and in N. J. Archives, I., 99. 3 Printed in Learning and Spicer, 35; and in N. J. Archives, I., 101. *. Printed in Learning and Spicer, 39; and in N. J. Archives, I., 108. » Printed in Learning and Spicer, 37; and in N. J. Archives, I., 105. <> Printed in Learning and Spicer, 40; and in N. J. Archives, I., 109. t Printed in N. J. Archives, L, 104. 3 34 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. . Page and Every the Adventurers and all such as shall Settle or plant there."! 66 1678 May 14. Certificate of Govr Carteret, that Cornelis Joris, Jurien Marcellis and Jan Claessen, alias Jan Swart, lived at Lay Sie Point, oppo site Matinicum Island, in the time of the Dutch, and that on his visit there in 1666 he had promised to confirm their Dutch patents. 74 1671 May 16-18. Record of Proceedings against William Hackett, . master of the sloop "Indeavor" of Salsbery, Norfolk Co., New England, for unloading and loading at Woodbridge. 75 1671-2 Feb. ,28. Record of Proceedings at a Special Court of Oyer et Terminer, held at Elizabethtown. William Meaker, Jeffry Jones, Luke . Watson, Nicholas Carter, Samuel Mash senior, John Ogdon, jun., Joseph Meaker and Hurr Tompson to be tried for pulling down Rich. Michell's fence. 2 78 1673 May 20. Order of Council, sitting at Newark: Gasper Steenmits and wife Trenica Wallens, formerly wife of Jacob Stoffelsen, forbidden to fence land at Horsemes, leased to them by Gov Nicols of New York March 1, 1667. 82 1673 May 21. Do. All people warned against acquiring property.' from Wm Meaker and his assistants, until their treatment of Wm Pardon is inquired into. (Vide supra p. 65). 82 1673 May 22. Do. Only freeholders to vote at elections or be eligi ble to office and all people to prove or take out their patents.3 83 1673 May 22. Do. setting a day for receiving the submission of the persons who tried tp make an alteration in the governm'.4 83 1673 May 31. Agreement betw. Govr Lovelace 0f New York and Deputy Govr Berry of New Jersey relative to the erecting and firing of beacons in case of an invasion or insurrection of the Indians. 84 J^73 June 7. Elizabethtown. Order, concerning the property of John'-' Wilscn of Elizabethtown dec'd. 84 1673 June 7. Bergen. Mem., that Adrian Post and Ellias Michilson were elected Representatives for Bergen, Thomas Blumfeild. senior and Jonathan Dunham for Woodbridge, and all took the oaths. 84 1673 June 14. Order of Council, continuing order of October 20, 1670, by which Capt. John Pike and the Court at Woodbridge are authorized to try causes between parties not resident. 84 1673 June 14. Do. directing Augustine Herrman to take out a patent* :, for and settle upon the land on Raratan River, called Kehachkanick, ' granted to him November 16, 1666. 85 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 28, from a contemporaneous parchment copy- in the Library of the New Jersey Historical Society, brought to West Jersey by John Fenwick. in 16757 2 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 80. 3. Ibid., 119, ¦( Ibid., 1?Q, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 35 Page 1673 June 14. Table of fees payable to the Secretary, the Surveyor, the Provost- Marshal. g6 1673 June 14. Mem., that the session of the General Assembly has been adjourned. gg 1673 June 13. Act of Assembly: Court appointed; fees of Court offi cers (William Dowglas, Clerk of Court) 87 1672-3 March 19. Last Will and Testament of Mathew Camfeild. Wife mentioned but not by name, sons Samuel, Ebinezar, Mathew, Jona than, daughters Mary, Hannah, Ruth, Sarah. Lands at Norwack already given to son Samuel, other lands next to Sergeant Ward's, to Goodman Waters, to Mr. Pierson on Robard's Neck, at Wheeler's Point. Executors the wife, brother Deten Tompkins, brother Henry Lion and son Mathew. Witnesses John Brown senior and Tho. Pierson senior. Proved June r, 1673. _ 88 1673 June II. Inventory of the estate'of Mathew Camfeild of Newark dec'd., made by John Brown and John Ward (£324. 4. 3). 89 1673 June 30. Letters of administration on the estate of Mathew Camfeild dec'd, granted to his widow Sarah. go J673 June 25. Bergen. Order concerning a stray mare, now in the custody of Thomas Johnson, Constable of Newark. go !673 June 27. Notice, that the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Capt. Wm Sandford, will again sit at Woodbridge in October. gi !673 June 28. Order to the Provost Marshal to enforce the judgment agt the persons convicted of riot by the special Court at Bergen, June' 24th. 91 1673 June 28. Do. concerning the Vendue Master. 91 1673 June 28. Do. forbidding, that the persons, found guilty of riot, shall be reproached or derided. 92 1673 July 15. License to keep an Ordinary at New Piscataway, grant ed to Francis" Drake. 92 1673 July 19. Order, that all property, taken upon execution for debt etc. shall be appraised by three men. 93 1673 July 19. Do. naming the house of Capt. John Berry at Bergen as prison for the Province and Capt. Adrian Post as its keeper. 93 1674 July 31. Whitehall. "Directions, Instructions and Orders, made and given by the Right Honble Sir George Carteret etc. together with a Declaration by him .... and an Explanation of severall Arti cles of the Concessions .... of January 10, 1664." Published at Ber gen in the presence of the Commissioners sent by all the townes Except Shrewsbury the 6 November J674.1 94 1 Ibid., I., 167, from the original, in the Library of the N. J. Historical Society: 36 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1674 June 13. Windsor. Order of King Charles II for the preserva tion of peace in the Province of New Jersey. 1 ' 98 1674 August 18. Whitehall. Letter. Sir George Carteret to the Council of New Jersey: Capt. Philipp Carteret returns as Governour. 99 1674 Nov. 7. New Jersey. Do. The Council to Sir George Carteret, expressing satisfaction at Capt. Carteret's return. 99 1674 July 28. Grant. (Lease and Release) by James, Duke of York, to Sir George Carteret for "all that tract of land adjacent to New Eng land, lying to the Westward of Long Island and Manhatan Island and bounded on the East part by the Maine sea part by Hudsons River and Extends Southward as farr as a Certaine Creek called Bamegat, being about the Midle between Sandy point and Cape May and bounded on the West by a straight Line from the said Creeke called Barnegatt to a Cer taine Creeke in Delaware River called Rankokus kill and from thence up the said Delaware river to the Northermost branch thereof which is in forty-one degrees and forty minutes of Latitude and on the North Cross- eth over thence in a straight Line to Hudson's River in forty-one degrees of Latitude, which said tract of Land is hereafter to be Called bythe Name or Names of New-Cesarea or New-Jersey."2 __ 100 1674 Dec. 11. Elizabethtown. Proclamation, ordering the return of all property, illegally taken during "the late Distractions and Changes in the Government," to their rightful owners. 104 1674 Dec. 11. Order to Sam. Moore, Provincial Provost Marshal, to collect the fines imposed by the Court of Oyer and Terminer at Bergen June 26, 1673. 104 1674 Dec. 11. Order. Surveyor General la Prairie, Capt. John Pike, John Bishop senior, Francis Drake and Benjamin Hull to view the mead ows on the other side of Raratans River and make a report thereon, at the request of Piscataway men. 105 Form of the oath of office, to be taken by a Constable. 105 1674 Dec. 11. Order to Samuel Moore, ut supra p. 104, referring to judgments of the. Court held at Elizabeth town in March 1671. 105 1674 Dec. n. Orders: A general Court to be held at Elizabeth town; the Members of the Council to continue as Justices of the Peace; Thomas Johnson to be sworn in as Constable of Newark, John Woodroff as Consta ble of Elizabeth town, John Blumfield for Woodbridge, Francis Drake for New Piscataway, Richard Stows for Midleton, Peter Parker for Shrews bury, Hans Dedrick for Bergen; the Provost Marshal to collect the fines; the Constables to assist him; the Surveyor General or his deputies to re main at Newark for surveying and patenting of lands; the same to be on certain days at Elizabethtown, New Piscataway and Nevesinks.3 106 ' 1 Ibid.. I., 153. 2 Ibid., I.. 161. 3 Ibid., -I., 176. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 37 Page 1674 Dec. 11. Orders, directing how the Crerk~of the Court of Com mon Pleas and the Surveyor General shall obtain their fees without suing at law. 107 Do. do. concerning the Secretary. 108 Mem., how the preceding orders of December 11, 1674, from p. 104 were concluded and agreed upon. 108 1674 Dec. 28. Order for taking out warrants and entering actions to be tried at the Elizabeth town Court of Oyer and Terminer beginning March 9 next. , 108 1674-5 February 24. Commission. Capt. John Berry to be President, Capt. John Pike, Samuel Edsall, John Bishop and Laurence Andrissen or any three of them with the President or all four without him to sit as Court of Oyer and Terminer. 108 1674 Dec. 28. Warrant to the Marshal to summon a Jury for the Court of Oyer et Terminer. 109 1674-5 February 24. Order in Council, forbidding the exportation of grain from the Province. IID. 1674-5 February 26. Deed. William Jones of New Piscataway to John Smally junior of the same place for a homelot of 10 acres, formerly Samuel Atkins', given him by his father. Witnesses John Fitzrandel and Daniel Denton. no 1674-5 February 1. Last Will and Testament of Obediah Winter, alias Grabum, of Woodbridge. Wife Margaret, sons Josiah and Obediah, father-in-law John Cromwell. Lands, 30 acres lately acquired by exchange with John Conger, and other bought with father-in-law. Executors the wife, John Bishop senior and Jonathan Dunham. Witnesses Mathew Moore and John Conger. Entered April 17, 1675 in . " 1675 March 30. Inventory of the estate of Obediah Winter (£i4g. 12. — ). it2 1675 April ig. Letters of administration on the foregoing estate granted to Margaret Winter, alias Grabum. 112 1675 May 4. Letters of administration on the estate of Henry Pitman, late of Barbados, who died at Elizabeth town, granted to Capt. John Berry. ' "3 1674 July 31. Warrant from Sir George Carteret to lay out for Wm Pardon, the Receiver General, 500 acres of land. 113 1675 July 3. Letters of administration on the estate of Capt. Nicholas Verlett det:'d granted to Samuel Edsall and Peter Stoutenburch. 115 1675 July 15. Commission for the Bergen Company vizt. John Berry, t Captain, Adrian Post, Lieut., Elias Michilson Ensign; for the Wood- bridge Compy vizt John Pike senior Captain, Samuel Moore Lieut., John Bishop jun. Ensign; for the Newark Compy vizt. William Sandford Cap tain, Serjant John Warde Lieut., Joseph Johnson Ensign: for the New oS NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Piscataway Compy vizt Francis Drake Captain (discharged at his own re quest May 30, 1678), Samuel Doughtie Lieut., John .Martin, jun., En sign. Il6 1675 July 15. Instructions for the military officers. 117 1675 July 27. Letter. Governour Carteret to each Captain, transmit ting commission. J1° 1675 Oct. 18. Mem. of a Commission for a Court of Oyer et Terminer to be held at Elizabeth town. "8 1673 June 26. Bond. William Meaker and Thomas Tomson, both of Elizabeth town, for appearing before Governour and Council' in a case of appeal in re William Pardon. 118 1675 June 14. Last Will and Testament of Stephen Freeman of New ark, Wife Hannah, son Samuel, daughters Hannah, Mary, Martha and Sarah. Executors Deacon Michel Tomkins and Lieut. Ward. Witnesses- Obediah Bruen and John Baldwin jun. 119 1675 Oct. 22. Inventory of the estate of Stephen Freeman dec'd. (£554. 19. 4) "9 1675 Oct. 22. Letters of administration upon said estate granted to the widow Hannah Freeman. 120 1675 Nov. 5. Inventory of the estate of John Morris of Newark de ceased, who died intestate. Mem. of letters of administration given to the widow Elizabeth. 120 1675 Nov. 10. Preceding letters of administration in full. The wid ow is to be assisted by John Curtis and Lieut. John Ward. 121 1675 Dec. 9. Letters of administration on the estate of John Wilson, late of Elizabeth town, given to Samuel Moore. 121 1672 July 1. Letter. The Council to Samuel Moore directing him to go to England and assist Govr. Carteret in the settlement of Provincial business. 1 121 1674 July 22. Deed. Henery Lessenby of Woodbridge in the Scout- - ship of Arthur Cull in the New Netherlands to Samuel Moore for 36 acres' of "upland and 5J acres of meadow, formerly bought from grantee April 20, 1670. 122 1675 Nov. 24. Commission for a .Court at Woodbridge, vizt Capt. John Pike to be President, John Bishop senior, Stephen Kent, Thomas Blum feild and Samuel Dennis Magistrates. 122 1675-6 March 13. Coarmission for the County Court of Elizabeth town and Newark, vizt Capt. William Sandford President, Wm Pardon, Robert Bond and Lieut. John Ward Magistrates. 123 1675-6 March 13. Mem. of Commission for the County Court of Woodbridge and Piscataway, vizt Capt. John Pike President, John Bishop 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 93. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 39 Page senior and John Smally senior Assistants. 123 1675-6 March 13. Do. do. for Midleton and Shrewsbury, vizt John Bound President, James Grover and Joseph Parker Assistants. 123 1675-6 March 16. Letters of administration on the estate of John Harrison dec'd granted to his brother Samuel Harrison. 125 1676 April 10. The Secretary's fees. 125 '1675-6 March 13. Commission for the County Court at Bergen, vizt Capt. John Berry President, Samuel Edsall, Laurence Andrissen, _Elias Michilson and Engelbert Steenhuis Assistants. 126 1676 March 31. Do. for a special Court of Oyer et Terminer at Woodbridge to try an action between John Ogden senior and John Cooper of Long Island: John Berry, President, Wm Pardon, Laurence Andrissen and James Bollen Assistants. 126 " 1675 Nov. 20. Last Will and Testament of Thomas Tomson of Eliz abethtown". Children Aaron, Moses," Hur, Hannah, Eljzabeth. Executor son Aaron, Witnesses Stephen Crane and Nathaniel Tuttell. Recorded Septbr. 9, 1676. 126 1676 April — . Inventory of the estate of Thomas Tomson of Eliza bethtown dec'd, made by Aaron Tomson (£152. 15. 6.) 127 1676 Sept. 12. Mem. of Hue and Cry after John Kaneday, servant to Charles Gilman. 127 1676 Sept. 12. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Tomson granted to his son Aaron. 127 1676 Sept. 28. Discharge by Marmaduke Potter of Woodbridge of Mary Roade of the Hoars Kil on Delaware R. from engagement of mar riage. 128 1676 Dec. 4. Commission. William Pardon, Justice of the Peace, John Ogdon senior, Henry Lyon and George Ross, Select men, to sit as monthly Court for the trial of cases under 40 s. at Elizabeth town, under Act of Assembly of December 4, 1675. 128 1676-7 January 31. -Commission for the monthly Court at Elizabeth town as above less George Ross. , 129 1676-7 February 16. Do. for the County Court of Elizabeth town and Newark, vizt: Wm Sandford, President, Justices of the Peace Wm Pardon, Robert Bond and Lieut. John Ward Assistants. 129 1676-7 February 16. Do. for the monthly Court at Newark, vizt Lieut. John Ward, Justice of the Peace, Samuel Swaine and Thomas Johnson. 1 13° " 1676-7 ^February 16. Do. for the County Court at Midleton and Shrewsbury, vizt Capt. John Bound, President, James Grover and Joseph Parker Assistants. I3°i I3I 1676 February 16. Do. for the County Court of Bergen and the ad- a0 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. jacent plantations, ut supra p. 126. l3° 1676 March 3. Do. for the monthly Court at New Piscataway, vizt: John Smally, Justice of the Peace, John Martin senior and Edward Slater. I3I 1676 Feb. 16. Do. for the County Court of Woodbridge and Piscat away vizt: Capt. John Pike of Woodbridge, J. P., President, John Bishop of Woodbridge, J. P., John Smally of Piscataway, J. P., Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge, Magistrate, and John Martin senior of Piscataway, As sistants. I3I 1676 Feb. 25. Inventory of the estate of Tho. Richards, dec'd. at the house of Robert Rogers (£5. 18 6.) 131 1676 March 12. Letters of administration on the foregoing estate granted to Robert Rogers. l"32 1676 March 14. Inventory of the estate of John Harrison (supra p. 125), made by Edward Ball and John Catlin (£57. 8. 6.) 132 1676 July 2. Deed. Mathew Moores of Woodbridge planter to Isaac Tappin of the same place cooper for J of an acre of meadow, on Papiakey Creek, bounded N. E. by Daniel Robins, S. W. by Joshua Peirce, N. W. by John Cromwell, S. E. by a creek. 132 1677 April 20. Letter of administration on the estate of Robert Bond of Elizabeth town, dec'd. granted to his son Stephen. 133 1677 April 18. Inventory of preceding estate, made by George. Ross, Henry Norris and Benjamin Parkis. (£151.14.5.) 133 1677 April 7. Letters of administration on the estate of Capt. Adrian - Post of Bergen dec'd. granted to Cornelis Steenwyck of N. Y. 133 1677 April 6. Inventory of estate of Israel Foulsham of New Piscata way, made by Francis Drake and John Smally jun. (£54. 13. 5) 134 1677 June 7. Letters of administration on the estate of Israel Ful- sham of New Piscataway (bachelor), dec'd. granted to his kinsman John Gilman. 134 & 136 1677 June 6. Bond. Stephen Bond of Newark blacksmith and Mary, widow of Robert Bond, to observe and uphold the award to be made by Lieut. John Ward, Samuel Kitchell, John Ward turner and Stephen Davis, all of Newark, in relation to the estates of Hugh Roberts, left under the management of his wife Mary, and of Robert Bond, on which said Stephen has lately administered. 135 1677 Aug. 30. Commission for the County Court of Elizabeth town and Newark, vizt Capt. William Sandford President, Justices of the Peace John Ward, Thomas Johnson and Wm. Pardon Assistants. 137 1677-8 January 4. Acknowledgment by Henry Jaques, that he was the author of the scandalous reports against Mr. Ezekiel Togg, late Minis ter of Woodbridge, and Alice, the wife of Symon Rowde, which he re tracts. 138 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 41 Page 1676-8 March 12. Commission for the County Court of Woodbridge and Piscataway as above (p. 131). 139 1677-8 March 12. Mem. of Commission for the County Court of Midleton and Shrewsbury vizt: James Grover, Joseph Parker, Richard Gibbons and Jonathan Holmes. 139 1677 June 9. Award of the arbitrators (supra p. 135) between Steph en Bond and Mary Bond. 139 1677 Dec. 13. (Dutch). Last Will and Testament of Engelbert Steenhuys of Bergen, made at Bergen before Allard Anthony, Not. Publ. at New York. Wife mentioned but not named, and sons Stephen, Joost and Pieter live in Germany and if they do not appear to claim the estate in lo years Gerrit Gerritson, Hans Dederick, Claes Arentsen Tours, Pieter Marcellis and Jan Arentsen Tours shall become owners of it and adminis trators. 141 1678 April 9. Letters of administration on the estate of Engelbert Steenhuys dec'd. granted to the men named in his will. 142 1673 July 20. Power of Attorney. Dorothy, widow of Joshua Pierce, of Woodbridge to her uncle Capt. John Pike and his son John, both of Woodbridge, to act "in and about all her concerns," during her ab- sense. 143 1678 April 25. Agreement between the Governour and the Sachems of Hackinsack concerning the treatment of Knatsciosan, an Indian, who had assaulted and wounded Jan Arentsen Tours at his brother's house. 143 1678 March 25. (Dutch). Last Will and Testament of Douwe Har mensen, 54 years old, and wife Dirckie Teunissen Outkoop, 54 years old, of Bergen. Sons Harmen Douwessen, 21 yrs. old and Teunis Douwesen, 12 yrs. old. 144 1676 August 22. New York. Award by arbitrators Oloff Stevensen Courtlandt, William Beackman, Francis Rombout and Guilliam Ver- planck in the difference betw. Anna Stuyvesant, widow of Nicholas Ver- lett of the one side and John de Forest as husband and tutor of Susanna Verlett, Samuel Edsall and Pieter Stoutenburgh, attorneys of Abraham Verlett, the children of Nicholas, on the other side. Agreed to by Bal- 1 thazar-BaVard for Anna Stuyvesant on the other side. 145 1671 Feb. 5, (Dutch.) Last Will and Testament of Guert Coerten from Voorthuysen in Guelderlant, now living at Bergen, made before Claes Arentsen Toers, Constable of Bergen. Annulls testament made with his wife Geertje Jacobs Dueunaers January 15, 1657, because she has been unfaithful, also testament of March 24, 1664, and naming as legatees the son of his sister Pieter Hesselse, brother Thomas Junanses oldest son Ryckje Harmens, Mathys Hendricksen Smack, oldest son of Guertje Harmens, . his brother's daughter, Jan Harmensen, brother's son, Christyntje Claes, dau. of , Claes Christiansen, universal heir brother Harmen Coerten. 146 A2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. .Page 1678 July 27. (Dutch). Last Will and Testament of Thomas Freder- icksen, 67 yrs. old, and wife Maritje Ariansen, 50 yrs. old, of Bergen. Children: Frederick Tomassen, 31 yrs., Aden Tomassen, 27 yrs., Frans- cyntje T., 25 yrs, Cornelis T., 19 yrs., Catarin T., 15 yrs., Johannes T., 12 yrs., Jannetje T., 9 yrs., Thomas T., 6 yrs. 148 1678 Sept. 2. License to keep an Ordinary al New Piscataway grant- ¦ ed to Benjamin Hull. x49 1678 Sept. 12. Mem. of Caveat entered by Capt. John Pike against Abr. Toppin disposing of his estate. 149 1678 Oct. 4. Inventory of the estate of John Terry of Piscataway, carpenter, dec'd. (£4. I. 10.) lS° 1678 Oct. 8. Letters of administration on foregoing estate granted to Vincent Rognion. lS° 1678 Nov. 14. License to keep an Ordinary or public victualling house at Midleton granted to John Crafford. 150 1678 Dec. 18. Commission for a special Court of Oyer et Terminer at Newark to try an action betw Capt. Wm Sandford and Nicholas Blake of N. Y. vizt James Bollen, President, William Pardon, Lieut. John Ward, and Thomas Johnson, Justices of the Peace, Assistants. 15 T 1678-9 Feb. 14. Do. for the monthly Court at Piscataway, vizt John Smally senior, Justice of the Peace, John Martin senior and Capt. Henry Greenland. , 151 1678-9 Feb. 14. Charter for a Whalefishing Company consisting of . Joseph Huet, Thomas Ingram, Richard Davis, Isaac Bennet, Randall Huet, Thomas Huet, Henry Leonard, Samuel Leonard, John Whitlock, John Crafford, Thomas Applegate and Charles Dennis. 152 1678-9 Feb. 14. Proclamation concerning the Whalefishing Com- jnany. 152 1671 August 10. Last Will and Testament of Abraham Pierson of Newark, wife Abigail, daughters Devenporte, Mary and two others not named, sons Abraham, Thomas, Theophilus, Isaac. Executors Jasper Crane, Robert Treat, Lieut. Swaine, brother Tomkins, brother Lawrence, brother Serjant Ward. Witness Thomas Pierson, Proved March 12, 1678. 153 1678-9 March 12. Inventory of foregoing estate, made by John Ward, Michel Tompkins and Thomas Pierson, (£854. 17. 7.) 154 1678-9 March 18. Letters of administration on said estate granted Abigail Pierson the widow. 155 1678-9 March 18. Agreement between John Light of Porchmouth, New England, as husband of Dorothy, late widow of Joshua Pierce, and Capt. John Pike, her attorney, (supra p. 143). about managing her property. 155 1679 March 26. Affidavit. John Slocum of the County of Newasinks EAST JERSEY- DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 43 Page declares himself attorney for the right heir of the estate of George Chute of the same County. 155 1679 March 31. Letters of administration on the estate of George Chute, late of the County of Midleton and Shrewsbury dec'd., whose near est of kin and lawful heir is Giles Gilbert of Tanton, New England, granted to John Slocum. 156 1676 Oct. 28. Inventory of the estate of George Cheut of Shrewsbury, who died Oct. 3, 1676, made by Joseph Parker, Justice, In°. Slocum, Constable, and Peter Parker, Town Clerk. 156 1679 June 27. Commission for a special Court of Oyer et Terminer, vizt Capt. John Berry, John Ward and James Bollen, to decide, who is owner of the vessel, of which Robert Taylor, late master, was drowned. 157 1679 July 10. License to keep an Ordinary at Elizabeth town granted Jonas Wood. 158 1679 Sept. 12. Discharge from the Council of William Pardon, al his own request. 158 1679 Sept. 12. Commission for the County Court at Elizabethtown and Newark, vizt Capt. Wm Sandford, President, Daniel Hooper of the Coun cil, John Ward and Thomas Johnson, Justices of the Peace, As sistants. 159 1679 Sept. 10. Letters of administration on the estate of John Sym- kins of Elizabeth town dec'd. granted to his mother Mary, now the wife of William Oliver, on behalf of her other son, Daniel Symkins. 159 16^9 Sept. 22. Inventory of the estate of Stephen Kent of Wood- bridge, made by Samuel Moore and Samuel Dennis (£262. — . 2.) 160 1679 Sept. 24. Letters of administration on said estate granted to the only son of deceased, Stephen Kent. 161 -1678-9 March 6. Acknowledgment by Anna, wife of George Pake, of Raway, that she has wronged in word and c\eed Elizabeth, wife of Wil liam Johnson of the same place. 161 1679 May 2. Last Will and Testament of John Trueman of Wood- bridge, sick with smallpocks, names as heirs and legatees Hugh Marsh of Nuebery, Hannah Jaques and her children. His lands to go to the Town of Woodbridge. Executors John Bishop senior and Samuel Moore, both of Woodbridge. Witnesses John Morris, Mary Morris and Samuel Moore. 162 1679 May 22. Inventory of the- estate of John Trueman dec'd, made by Thomas Leonard and Joseph Frazey. (£27. 19. — ). 162 1678-9 Feb. 16. Last Will and Testament of Thomas Blomfeild junior of Woodbridge: bequeathes lands at Woodbridge and personal property to brother Ezekiel Blomfeild, to aged father and mother, to cousin Elisabeth, dau. of John Dennis, to cousin Jonathan and David 44 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Dunham, sons of brother-in-law Jonathan Dunham, to brother Nathaniel Blumfield, to cousin John Dennis, to cousin Samuel Dennis, to cousin W7illiam Thornton, to "my boy" Mathew Moore, to brother John Blum- field. Executor brother Ezekiel. Witnesses Ephraim Andross and Sam uel Hale. 163 i67g April 7. Inventory of the estate of Thomas Blumfeild .junior made by Samuel Dennis and Jonathan Dunham (£267. 10. 8.) 163 i67g May 22. Do. of the estate of Henry Jaques dec'd, made by Thomas Leonard and Joseph Frazy. (£142. 6. — .) 164 1679-80 January 12. Commission for the Corporation Court of Woodbridge, vizt John Pike President, John Bishop, Thomas Blum-field, Samuel Dennis', Ephraim Andross and John Isley, Magistrates, Assist ants. 165 1679 Feb. 18. Do. for the Bergen County Court, vizt; Capt. John Berry, President, Laurence Andrissen, J. P., Elias 'Michilsen and Epke Jacobs, Magistrates, Assistants. 165 1679-80 March 4. Letter of administration on the estate of Henry Jaques junior of Woodbridge dec'd., granted to Samuel Moore, who has married the widow with three children. 165 1680 April 15. Mem. of Bond, given by John Light of Portchmouth, New England, as security for the estate belonging to the children of Josh ua Pierce dec'd. 166 1680 March 22. Commission. Capt. John Berry to be Deputy Gover nour to succeed Govr. Carteret in case of death or absence, with Capt. William Sandford as successor. 166 1681 July 4. Mem. of military Commissions for the Bergen Company, vizt. William Lawrence, Captain; Jacob Lubert, Lieutenant; Enoch Michilson, Ensign. j-gg l68ljuly4. Do. do. for New Piscataway: Henry Greenland, Capt.; Samuel Doty, Lieut. ; John Martin jun, Ensign; for Midleton: Captain John Boune, Lieutenant James Grover, Ensign John Stout; for Shrewsbury Captain John Slocum, Lieut. Thomas Huet, Ensign George Hulet; for Eliza bethtown Captain-Lieutenant Benjamin Parkis, Ensign John Woodroff; for Newark Captain Samuel Swaine, Lieut. John Ward senior, Ensign' Jo seph Johnson. j-0 1681 July 29. Mem. of Caveat, entered by Edmond, only son of Ben- aiah Dunham dec'd against his father's last will. 170 1681 Aug. 31. Commission for the County Court of Woodbridge and Piscataway, vizt Capt. Henry Greenland, of the Council, to be President, John Bishop sen., of the Council, John Smally sen., J. P. for Piscataway, and Samuel Dennis, J. P. for Woodbridge to be Assistants. 170 16S1 Aug. 31. Mem. of Commissions for County Courts, vizt at Bergen Laurence Andrissen, President, Samuel Edsall, Enoch Michilson" EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 45 Page and Garret Garretsen Assistants; at Elizabethtown James Bollen, Prest, Capt. Samuel Swaine, John Catlin, J. P. for Newark, and- Henry Lyons, J. P. for Elizabethtown Assistants. 171 1681 July 22. Summons to the Governour of New York for the sur render of Staten Island to New Jersey.l 171 1681 July 22. Letter. Govr Carteret to Capt. Anthony Brockolst, Dep uty Governour of N. Y., transmitting papers.2 171 1681 July 22. Summons to the Magistrates, officers and inhabitants of Staten Island to " forbare yeilding any Obedience" to the Governour of New York. 3 171 1681 Nov. 8. Inventory of the estate of Nicholas Carter of Elizabeth- town dec'd., made by Robert Moss and William Brodwell (£64. 19. 8.) Note, that letters of administration were granted to John Carter, the son, Nov. 14. 172 1681 Oct. 19. Last Will and Testament of Martin Tichanor. Chil dren John, Daniel, Samuel, Jonathan, Abigail, son-in-law John Treat. Real and personal estate. Executor son John, overseers William Camp and Joseph Riggs. Witnesses Ephraim Burwell, William Camp, Joseph Riggs. 172 1681 Oct. 27. Inventory of the estate of Martin Tichanor dec'd, 'made by Samuel Swaine, Wm Camp and Ephr. Burwell (£230. 11. — ). 173 1681 Nov. 14. Letters of administration on foregoing estate granted to John Tichanor. 173 1678 Oct. 1. Last Will and Testament of Jasper Craine of Newark. Sons John, Azeriah, Jasper, daughter Hannah, wife of Thomas Hunting ton, has dau. Hannah, children of 'dau. Bell. Real and personal property (a silver bowl, a silver cup). Executors son John and son-in-law Thomas Huntington. Witnesses John Ward senior and Michell Tompkinse. 173 1681 Oct. 28. Inventory of the estate of Jasper Craine dec'd, made by John Ward and Thomas Pierson. (£289. 19.6.) 174 1681 Nov. 15. Letters of administration on foregoing estate, granted to John Craine and Thos. Huntington. 174 16,81 Nov. — . Mem. of Commission of Oyer et Terminer at Piscat away, vizt Robert Vickers, President, to try an action of John Robinson vs. Lady Carteret concerning land purchased from the Indians. 174 1681 Nov. 10. Affidavit of Edward Slater, about 37 yrs. old, concern ing a statement, made by Amois, alias Poutchmouth, an Indian, about the sale of land to Samuel Edsall and Captain Cornelis (van Langfeld). 175 1681 Nov. 26. Mem. of a Commission of a special Court of Oyer et Terminer at the request of Capt. Christopher Billop to be held at Wood- abridge, vizt James Bollen, Prest, Capt. Henry Greenland, John Bishop, Lawrence Andrissen and Samuel Edsall. !7S 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 349. 2 Ibid. 3 ibid, I. . 350, d.6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1681 Nov. 26. Do. Do. Do. at Midleton at the request of Samuel Moore, vizt Capt. Robert Vickers, Prest, James Bollen, John Trockmor- ton and Capt. Henry Greenland Assistants. 175 1681-2 January 10. Commission. Capt. John Pike to be President of the Woodbridge Corporation Court with Magistrates John Bishop junior, Ephraim Andross, Samuel Bacon and John Ilsley as Assistants. 176 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber No. 3, Reversed Side. 1665. Mem. of fees for Commissions, and order of the Govr ancl Council for payment of the fees. 1675. " Here begins the Rights of Land due according to the Conces sions."l Francis Drake of New Piscataway, wife and son John, George Drake and wife, each 60 acres, beside homelot and meadow. Michell Smith and wife, 3 white servants, 16 negroes in all 780a Capt. John Berry, wife, two daughters, one son, one maid ser vant, 32 negroes. Samuel Moore, five daughters, three sons, two slaves, each 60a Nicholas Carter, of Elizabethtown, wife, son and maid servant 360a Richard Stout, of Midleton, wife, sons John, Richard, James. Peter, daughters Mary, Alice, Sarah. Mary Stout is the wife of James Bound; Alice Stout, wife of John Trogmorton, all 1800a Thomas Whitlock of Midleton, wife, sons Thomas, William and John, each 120 acres Joh. Woodroff of Elizabethtown, wife and three servants. each 90a. Browne, widow of Bartholomew West of Shrewsbury. 1 80a. Her sons Stephen and William and dau. Adry West each 60a. Nicholas Browne of Shrewsbury and wife, 210a. Capt. John Pike asks for the widow and children of Joshua Pierce land in Woodbridge. William Pardon and wife, 240a. For the servants of Sir George and Philipp Carteret, to wit: John Dejardin, Doctor Rowland, Claude Vallot, Richd Pewtin- ger, Richd Michell, Richd Skinner, Wm Hill, Henry Hitt, Erasmus 1 Of Feb. 10, 1664-5, referred to on pp. 33-34, ante. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 3. 47 Page House, John Tayler, John Clark,. Claude Barbour (Barber), Chas. Seggin, Daniel Perrin, John Mittins, Robert Wallis, 2700a 2 Abraham Shotwell, 150a.; Peter Wolverson, wife and servants, 480a. ; Dennis White, 120a. 2 John Bound, of Midleton, wife, father and mother 2 William Compton and wife. / 2 Jonathan Holmes and wife of Navesinks 240a. 2 Obediah Holmes and wife, 240a. 2 Edward Smith of Midleton, 120a. 2 John Gilman, wife and servant, 180a. 2 Charles Gilman, two servants and a purchased-right, 240a. 2 James Ashton and wife of Midleton, 240a. 2 Thomas Coxe and wife of Midleton, 240a. 2 William Pilles of Elizabethtown, 470a. 2 John Throckmorton and wife, 240a., in right of his father John Trogmorton, 240a. ; Job Throckmorton, 120a. 2 Charles Hynes and wife, 240a. 2 Christopher Almy, wife and three servants, 600a., in right of several others 480a. 2 Jacob Meleines, wife and servant, 360a. 3 Joseph Huet for himself, Randall Huet and wife, 240a. 3 Sarah Reape for herself and others, 1170a. 3 1681 July 30. Hans Harmans of Constable Hook, lately come from L. I. enters claims for land for himself, wife, sons Reynier, Harman, John, William, two daughters of 9 and 7 (not allowed), and one maid servant Trinty, 7 in all. 3 1665 Nov. 22. List of inhabitants of Bergen, who have taken the oath of allegiance. 1 5 1665-6 Feb. 19. JDo. Do. Do. of Elizabethtown. l 7 1667-8 Feb. 27. Do. Do. Do. of Woodbridge. 1 13 Do. Do. Do. of Navesink.l 17 Do. Do. Do. of Midleton. 1 19 Do. Do. Do. on the Delaware. 1 23 1664-5 Feb. 10. Commission of Philipp Carterett as Governour of Newjersey.2 ' . 25 1664-5 Feb. 10. Instructions to the same and his Council.3 26 1 See New Jersey Archives, I., pp. 48-51. 2 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 20. 3 Ibid, I., 21, 48 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page" 1666 April 7. Indenture. Robert Gray binds himself as servant to Luke Watson of Elizabethtown 37 1667 May 14. Do. George Browne binds himself etc. to John Mar shall. 37 1675 Oct. 14. Do. John Kanadey binds himself etc. to Charles Gil man of N. J. 37 EAST JERSEY PATENTS,, etc., Liber No. 4. 1682 April 6. Council Minute. Petition of John Robinson, William Pinhorn of New York, merchants, and associates, for land; granted. 1 1681 August 22. Indian'Deed. Indians of East New Jersey to Lady Elizabeth Carteret for a tract, beginning at Matawong or Millstone River, thence N. to Manantaqua Brook and the upper end of Papametapock, op posite the W. end of Staten Island and thence along the Rareton to Mill stone R. 2 1679 May 30. Deed. James Godfrye of New Piscataway to Samuel Walker of Boston, Mass., for 23 acres at Piscataway along Raraton rireadows. 3 1681 Nov. 9. Piscataway. Sentence of Edward Slater of Piscataway for rioting and causing people to assemble and riot. 4 1682 March 25. Woodbridge. Pardon of said Slater by the Govern our, remitting 8 months imprisonment, but upholding fine of ten pounds' sterl. ' 5 1682 April 10. Patent in the name of Lady Elizabeth Carteret, the Lady Proprietor of the Province, to Laurence Anderson of Bergen for 1076 a. at Hackingsack. 6 1682 April 14. Do. Do. to Robert Vauquellin alias Lipperarye, Sur veyor General, for 600a. on the Nprthside of Raraton R. and 60a. on the Southside. « 1682 April 14. Do. Do. to Philipp Carteret, Capt. Mathias Nichols, Jacop Courtillou, Christopher Hoghland, Capt. Albert Albertson, Capt. Richard Stillwell, Hendrick Smok, Robert Yoostl and associates for 5320 acres, a tract called Aqueyquinunke,2 along Passaiack R. 8 1682 April 14. Do. to Govr Phil. Carterett for 285a. in several par cels in the bounds of Elizabethtown. 9 1682 April 14. Do. to Samuel Walker of Boston, Mass., for 178 acres at Piscataway in several parcels. 10 1682-3 March 25. Patent to Albert CawbriscoS of Bergen for 444a. on Hackingsack R. and Tantaque Brook. 4 1 Rutger Joost van Home. 2 The Saddle River tract, between the Passaic and Saddle rivers. :i Zabriskie. 4 Overpeck creek. EAST JERSEY PATENTS, ETC., LIBER NO. 4. 49 Page 1682 April 24. Do. to Cornelias Mathew for 420a. along Hacking sack R. and Tantaque Brook. IO 1682 April 24. Do. to Jaques le Rou and Anthony Hendrickson of Bergen for 120 acres near Hackingsack R. X1 1682 April 24. Do. to Capt. Anthony Brockholls, William Pi'nhorn, John Robinson, Matthias Nicholls,. Samuel Edsall, all of N. Y. and their associates for 3340a. betw. Raraton and Millstone Rivers, along the Man- amtaqua Brook. I2 1682 April 24. Do. to Samuel Edsall of Bergen for 246a. on Con stable Hook, it being an island or neck. j2 1682 April 30. Do. to Lady Elizabeth Carteret and Govr phi]. Car teret in right of eighteen servants brought to the Province in 1665 for 3340 a. in various parcels. t, 1681 Nov. 9. Information against Edward. Slater, taken at Piscat away by Justices Robert Vicars and Henry Greenland. 15 1679-80 March 6. Deed. Richard Powell of Woodbridge to Samuel Walker of Boston for 10 acres of meadow on Raraton R. 16, 20 1682 May 23. Do. Samuel Edsall of Bergen to Cornelis Stenwick of New_York, for a tract in the County of Bergen, called Espating. 16, 20 1681-2 March 17. Indian Deed. Cinanthe, Sachem'of Tappean, and others to the Lady Proprietress for the tract called Tappean. 17 1682 July 4. Deed. William Broadwell of Elizabethtown, cordwainer, to Joseph ffrazey for 130 acres on the, E. N. E. side of Rawack R. 19 1681 May 30. Marriage contract between Seth Fletcherl of Elizabeth- town and Mrs. Mary Pearson of Southampton, L. I., she has three chil dren. 20 1682 Sept. 18. Letters of administration on the estate of Seth Fletcher, of Elizabethtown, Minister of the Gospel, deceased, granted to his widow Mary. » 21 . 1681-2 Feb". 1 and 2. Indenture of Lease and Release. Lady Eliza beth, widow of Sir George Carteret, John, Earl of Bath, Thomas, Lord Crew, Bernard Greerivile, bro. of Earl of Bath, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Edward Atkins, Thomas Pocock and Thomas Cremer to William Penn of Warminghorst, Sussex, Robert West, Thomas Rudyard, Samuel Groome, Thomas Heart, Richard Mew, Tho. Wilcox, Amb'ross Rigg, John Hey- wood, Hugh Heartshorne, Clemente Plumsteed and Thomas Cowper, for all that Easterly part of New Cesarea or New Jersey, extending Eastward and Northward along the seacoast and Hudson R. from Little Egg Har bour to that part of Hudson R., which is in 410 of Lat. and thence to the 1 For a biographical sketch of the Rev. Seth Fletcher, see Hatfield's Hist, of Elizabethtown, 205-9. 4 50 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Northernmost branch of Delaware R. and from this North partition point Southward to the most Southerly point. 1 1682 June 8. Deed. Hendrick Drogstrot of Elizabethtown, baker, and wife Margrett to Hendrick Baker of the same plape, Margrett's son by first husband, for a houselot of 3 acres, bounded N. E. by a road, S. and S. E. by grantors, W. by Elizabeth Creek.2 31 1682 June 9. Do. Same grantors to Hendrick, Nicholas and Abram Baker for all the real estate, patented to Margaret, then widow Baker, April 24, 1677. 32 1682 June 10. Agreement. between Hendrick and Margret Drogstrot on one side and her four sons Hendrick, Nicholas and Abram Baker and Daniel de Haert on the other. 32 1681 May 18. Deed. Nicholas Carter of ' Elizabethtown,- yeoman, to Samuel Wilson of New York, merchant, for the land bought of Jacob Melyns March 9, 1676-7. 34 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber No. 4, Reversed Side. Return of Survey by Surveyor General Robert Vau quellin of land in Piscataway bounds for Samuel Walker, 28 acres, and 210 a. 1 ¦ . — Do. Do. in Elizabethtown for Govr Carteret in right of Peter Wollverson, wife and servant, 256 a. 2 Do. Do. at Midleton for Richard Davis, 100 a. 2 1682 March 31. Do. Do. on Hackingsack R. for Jacob Ie Ro.u and: Anthony Hendrickson, 120 a. 3 1682 March 31. Do. Do. on Hackingsack R. for Cornelias Math ews, 420 a. , 1682 March 31. Do. Do. upon Long Branch in the Town of Shrewsbury for Abija Edwards in right of Mrs. Saraah Roeppe, 127 a. 3 1682 April 11. Do. Do. on Elizabeth Creek, on Rahawack R. for Sir George and Govr Phil. Carteret, 3340 acres. 4 1677 May 10. Do. Do. in Woodbridge for Mrs. Dorothy Pearce and her children in right of her late husband Joseph Pearce, 210 a. 5 1677 May io. Do. Do. at Raway for John Mill and wife, 100 a. 5 1680 May 16. Do. Do. at Midleton for John Johnson, 40-a. 5 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 366. The original instrument is in the Library of the New Jersey Historical Society. 2 See Hatfield's Hist, of Elizabethtown, 250. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER NO. 4. 5 1 Page 1682 April 12. Do. Do. of the Aqueyquinonke tract for Govr Phil. Carteret, Jacop Courtillou, Capt. Mathtas. Nicholls, Christopher Hough- land, Capt. Albert Albertson, Capt. Richard Stillwell, Hendrick Smock and Rogert Yoost, 5320 a. 1 g 1682 April 12. Do. Do. upon Hackingsack R. for Albeit Caw- brisco (Z'abriskie), 380 a. 6 1682 April 12. Do. Do. on West Shore Harber Creek for Garret Walle, 176 a. 6 1682 April 12. Do. Do. at Midleton for Samuel Cullver, 100a. . 6 1682 April 14. Do. Do. on Constable's Hook, adjoining Bergen, for Samuel Edsall, 220 a. 7 1682 April 14. Do. Do. at Woodbridge for Samuel Moore 246 acres along Raraton R; 7 1682 April 14. Do. Do. at Midleton for Jacob True or Truax, 130 acres. 7 1682 April 15. Do. Do. of land on the Northside of Raraton R. for Govr Philipp Carteret, Mr. Minveile, Capt. Pallmer, Mr. Cotherington, Mr. White, Mr. Halle, and John Delavall, 4400 acres. 8 1682 April 16. Do. Do. of land on both sides of Raraton R. for the Surveyor General himself and his servant, 660 a. 8 1682 April 16. Do. Dp. of land betw. Raraton and Millstone R. for Capt' Anthony Brockholls, William Pinhorn, John Robinson, Capt. Mathias Nicholls, Samuel Edsall and associates, 3340 acres. 9 1682 April 20. Indian Deed. Queremaek, Eschereck and Peckca- nouse, to Cornelias Longfeild for a tract on the Westside of the Round- aboute and running up South R. 9 1681 Oct. 17. Do. Keromack, sachem, Escharck, Eschapous and Peckaonus, lo Cornelias Lonfeild for land on the Southside of Raraton R., bounded E. by-Thomas Lawrence of N. Y., baker, and adjoining George Drake of Piscataway. 10 1680 May 15. Return of Survey by the Surveyor General of land at Midleton laid out for Wm Compton, 220 a. II 1680 Nov. 25. Do. Do. Do. for John Crawford, 306 a. 11 1680 Nov. 25. Do. Do. ' at Shrewsbury for Mary, widow of Thomas Barnes, and her children, 146 a. 11 1680 May 15. Do. Do. Do. for George Corler of Shrewsbury, shoemaker, 80 a. n 1680 May 15. Do. Do. in the bounds of the Town on the moun tains for Randolph Hewott of Midelton, no a. 12 1682 Sept. 19. Letters of administration on the estate of John Ogden of Elizabethtown dec'd., granted to his widow Jane. 12 1 The Saddle River Patent, in Bergen County. 52 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1682 May 30. Inventory of foregoing estate, made by Humfry Spin- nege and John Derent. 13 1682 Sept. 6. Inventory of the estate of Seth Fletcher of Elizabeth- town, made by Henry Lyon 'and Isaac Whithead. 13 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber A. 1683 Nov. 23. Proclamation by King Charles II., admonishing the people of East New Jersey to submit to the laws and the government of the proprietors.! I 1680-1 March 16. Declaration of John, Earl of Bath, Lord Thomas Crewe, Barnard Greenville, Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins, trustees of Sir George Carteret's estate, confirming al] patents and grants. of land, made or to be made in the name of Lady Elizabeth Carteret. I a 1681 March 28. Directions and Instructions for James Bollen, Secre tary of the Province, given by Lady E. Carteret. 2 1681-2 Feb. 16. Order of the Proprietors directing the Governour and Council of E. N. J. not to allow.further purchases of Indian lands and the cutting of timber on not jiatented land. 2 1681-2 Feb. 16. Proclamation by the same to the inhabitants of E. N. J. forbidding the purchase of Indian Lands by private parties and reject ing the claims of John Scott, commonly called Colonel or Major Scott and Edward Billing, one of the Proprietors of West New Jersey. 1682-3 Feb. 1, 2. Indenture of Lease and Release,, the same as given in Liber No. 4, p. 22-30. . 4 1682-3 Feb. 2. Assignment by Lady Carteret to Wm Penn et al. of all rents and arrears of rent for the land conveyed. 12 1682-3 Feb. 2. Do. by the Trustees of Sir George Carteret to the same of the same. 13 1682 June I. Agreement between William Penn and his partners (supra, Liber No. 4, 22) concerning their purchase. 15 1682 Dec. 10. Last Will and Testament of Philipp Carteret of Eliza bethtown. Wife Elizabeth, mother Rachel Carteret, brothers and sisters,. not named. Lands in New Jersey and the Island of Jersey. Executrix— the wife with Thomas Rudyard and Robert Vicars of Elizabethtown. Wit nesses Robert Vicars, Isaac Swinton, James Emo.tt, George Jewell, Marth Symco. jm 1682 Dec. 30. Letters of administration on the estate of Phil. Car teret granted to his widow Elizabeth. 18 1682 Sept. 20, 1682-3 Jan. 8, Feb. 20. Indenture of Lease and Re- 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 438. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 53 Page lease. John Catlin of Newark and wife Mary to Henry Lyon of Elizabeth- town for several parcels of land in the limits of Newark. 18 1682 May 10. Last Will and Testament of Thomas Leonard of Woodbridge. Wife Katherine and kinsman Halick Codriath sole heirs, legatee Thomas Cromwell. Executor Halick Codriath. Witnesses Henry Greenland, Samuel Moore, John Gilman. Proved January 1, 1682-3. 22 1682-3 Feb. 22. Deed. George Lockhart of New York, practitioner of physic and surgery, to Thomas Codrington of N. Y., merchant, for a houselot, dwelling house, garden, etc. etc. in Woodbridge bounded as per patent of Decbr. 30, 1670, deed of sale from Benj. Parkis to Claude Velot of Aug. 8, 167.2, and deed from Claude Velot to present grantor of June 23, 1679:" 23 1683 April 19. ' Do. Henry Greenland of Piscataway, County of Mid dlesex, to Samuel Walker of Boston, New England, mariner, for half of a tract of 300 a on Rariton R., as patented September 20, 1681. 23 1682 Sept. 26. Mortgage. Jonas Wood of Elizabethtown to Isaac Deschamps of New York on his house in Elizabethtown. 24 1683 April 17. Power . of attorney. Richard Pattishall of Boston, . Mass., to Samuel Winder for the collection of debts in N. J. 24 1682 June II. Deed. Azariah Crane of Newark to his brother Jasper Crane of the same place for one half of two tracts of upland. 25 1682 Sept. 15. Do. Same to same, for the lower part of their father's,". Jasper Crane's, homestead, orchard and other small parcels. 25 1682-3 March 21. Quitclaim. Pembleton (Pendliton) Fletcher of Wells, Mayne, to Mary, widow of Seth Fletcher, Henry Lyon, both of Elizabethtown, and Thomas Johnson of Newark, for claims upon the estate of his deceased father, said Seth Fletcher. . 26 1683 April 27. Deed. John Toe, weaver,. to Samuel Groome, both of Elizabethtown, for his house and lot, 6 acres, bounded S. E., S. W. and N. E. by roads, N. W. by Evan Salsbury, also for 5 a. of upland, adjoining John Little, and for another piece 10 a. bounded E. N. E. by a road, W. S. W. by Bartholomew Wyns, N. N. W. by a road and Richd Beach, S. S. W. by John Little; further for 20 a. of upland, along Stephen Crane and 60 a. adjoining thereto, 101 a. 27 1682 Aug. 18. Mortgage. John Carter of Elizabethtown, carpenter, to Samuel Marsh and James Hinde of the same place on his house and 190 acres of upland, to hold them harmless for being his bondsmen in the ad ministration of the estate of his father, Nicholas Carter. 28 1683 July 2. Deed. Robert Lymon of North Hampton, Mass., to John Wilkins of Newark, N.. J., for his right, title and interest in and to a parcel of land at Newark, bounded S. by Millbrook Creek, E. by the 54 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page river, N. by Stephen Davis, W. by a road, II acres, also 5| a. on Maple Island Creek. 31 1683 July 2. Do. Same to John Ward junior of Newark, turner, for 3 a. at Newark next to Jonathan Scric (?)' on Mill Brook. 3! 1683 July 2. Power of attorney. Same to cousin John Ward of New ark for the collection of debts, rents etc. 32 1682 April 26. Deed. John Delavall to John Palmer, Thomas Cod- rington, John White and John Royse for all his share in the Indian pur chase of May 4, 1681, called Raritan. 32 1682 April 25. Do. Hannah, widow of Richard Hall of N. Y., mer chant, to the same for her husband's share in the foregoing Indian pur chase. , 33 1683 July 14. Affidavit of Samuel Moore, of Woodbridge, about 53 yrs. old, concerning a statement of the late Govr Phil. Carteret, that his share of the land on Raraton R. about Piscataway was adjoining the Bound Brook. 34 1681-2 Feb. 24. Deed. Elisha Parker of Woodbridge, yeoman, to Francis Walker of Staten Island, husbandman, for 26 acres of upland at Woodbridge, in several parcels. 34 1676 April 24. New York. Do. Samuel Edsall and Peter Stouten- burgh, as administrators of the estate of Capt. Nicholas Varlett, dec'd., and Nicholas Bayard, of N. Y., merchant, to Edward Earle of N. Y., planter, for their right, title and interest in and to a plantation in Kill After Coll, called Sikakus, as granted in the patent of October 30, 1667. 35 1683 Aug. 6. Do. Joshua Snell of New York City to John Inians for lot No. 4 on the Westside of Raritan R., bounded E. by said nver, S. by Andrew Browne, W. by the main woods, N. by Joseph Benbrigg, which said grantee purchased in the name of Joseph Snelling for the use of grantor. 36 1683 May 10: James and Anna, children of James Bollen, late of Woodbridge, Secretary of the Province, who died intestate, select Samuel Moore and Nathaniel Fitzrandolph, both of Woodbridge, as their guard ians. -16 1683 May 12. Letters of administration on the estate of James Bollen granted to Samuel Moore and Nathl Fitzrandolph. 37 1683 May 12. Bond of the foregoing administrators. . 37 1683 March 25. Deed. Samuel Bacon of, Woodbridge and wife Martha to Thomas Rudyard and Samuel Groome, both of Elizabethtown for his houselot and 7 acres of meadow, also 120 a. of upland, adjoining John Bishop senior and 14 a. more, granted by patent of March 18, 1669-70. 38 1 Probably Sayer. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 55 Page 1683 Aug.- 24. Release from marriage bonds. Thomas Davis of Woodbridge to his wife Margaret Blew, whom he married in the Island of Barbadoes Octbr. 2, 1673. 40 1682 June 30. Deed. John Berry a,nd wife Francina to their son Richard Berry for a plantation at New Barbados N. E. of Thomas Stage, adjoining Walling Jacobsen. 40 1682 June 13. Assignment. John Berry to his son Richard of several negro slaves. 41 1682 June 14. Do. William Sandford to his daughter Nidemia, who is to be wife of Richard Berry, of a slave. 41 1683 July 25. Patent to John Shotwell for 4 acres in Elizabethtown, occupied, cleared and improved by his late father Abraham Shotwell. 41 1682 July 21. Last Will and Testament of Moses Taylor, 35 yrs. old, bequeathes personal property to Henry Browne, Edward Clarke, wife and daughter Dorothy Clerke. Wishes to be buried in the garden of Jacob Corbitt by the side of William Nobile. Proved Aug. 21, 1683. 42 1682 Oct. 31. Deed. Aaron Blackley of Gilford, Conn., to Thomas Huntington and Daniel Dodd, both of Newark, for the lands patented to him in Newark bounds Dec. 10, 1675. 42 1683 Sept. 13. Do. Andrew Gibb of Brookhaven, L. I., merchant, to John Injans of N. Y., merchant, for land on the W. side of Raritan R., bounded N. by Thos. Mathews, E. by said river, S. by Edmund Gibons, W. by the woods, 640 acres, purchased by Injans for Gibb. 43 1682 Sept. 23. Deed. William Penn of Warminghurst, Sussex Coun ty, to Robert Barclay of Ewryl ih Scotland for one half of his twelfth share of the tract of land called East New Jersey. 44 1682 Sept. 26. Do. Hugh Hartshorne, of London, England, skinner, to James, Earl of Perth, for one half of one twelfth, his share of East New Jersey. 45 1682 Sept. 26. Do. Thomas Cooper of London, merchant tailor, to John Drummond of Hundy in Scotland for £ of 1-12 of his share of E. N. J. 46 1682 Sept'. 26. Clement Plumsted of London, draper, to Robert Gor don senior of Cluny, Scotland, as preceding. 47 1682 Sept. 25. Deed. Thomas Hart of Enfield, merchant, to Arent - Sonmans of Rotterdam, Holland, as above. 48 1682 Sept. 26. Do. Thomas Willcox of London, goldsmith, to Gawen Lawrie of London, merchant, as the preceding. 49 1682-3 Feb. 27. Do. Same to David Barclay junior of Ewry, Scot land, for his i-24th share of East New Jersey. 51 i-Urie. 56 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1683 Sept. 3. Bond. Elizabeth Carteret, widow, John Desent and Samuel Marsh, all of Elizabethtown, to John Shottwell of Staten Island, for trying on appeal a cause against Francis Williamson, tried Aug. 29 in the Court of Common Pleas. (Double entry of the same.) 51, 52 1682-3 March 15. Patent. James, Duke of York and Albany, to James, Earl of Perth, John Drummond of Lundy, Robert Barclay of Ewry, David Barclay jun. of Ewry, Robert Gordon of Cluny, Arent Son- mans of Wallingford, Scotland, William Penn of Worminghurst, Robert West of the Middle Temple, London, Thomas Rudyard of London, Sam uel Groome of Stepny, mariner, Thomas Hart of Enfield, merchant, Rich ard Mew of- Stepny, merchant, Ambrose Rigg of Gatton Place, Surrey, Thomas Cooper of London, merchant tailor, Gawen Lawry of London, merchant, Edward Byllying of Westminster, James Braine of London, merchant, William Gibson of London, haberdasher, John Heywood of London, skinner, Hugh Hartshorne of London, skinner, Clement Plum- sted of London, draper, Thomas Barker of London, merchant, Robert Turner of Dublin, Ireland, merchant, and Thomas Warne of Dublin, merchant, for East New Jersey.1 53 1683 Dec. 23. Letters of administration on the estate of Francis Duke, late of Piscataway dec'd., granted to Jediah Higgins of the same place. 59 1683 Dec. 23. Bond of Jediah Higgins as administrator. 59 1683-4 Jan. 2. Letters of administration on the estate of John Allen, late of Woodbridge, Clerk, granted to John Dennis, of the same place, and bond of the administrator. go 1683 April 10. Last Will and Testament of Samuel Sturridge of Elizabethtown, yeoman, sole heir and executor Joseph Hart. Witnesses James Emott, Isaac Swinton. g2 1683-4 Feb. 14. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Sturridge granted to Joseph Hart. 62 1683-4 March 9. Do. Do. on the estate of Leonard Headley of Elizabethtown dec'd., granted to his widow Sarah. 63 1683-4 March 10. Do. Do. on the estate of David Bishop of Wood- bridge, granted to his widow Mary. 64 1683-4 March 10. Do. Do. on the estate of Benj. Parkis of Eliza bethtown, granted to his widow Martha.. 64 1683-4 March 1. Last Will and Testament of Thorlagh Swiney. of Middletown. Wife Mary, son John and James, son of Joseph Grover. "Executors Joseph Grover and wife Hanna. Witnesses Peter Tilton, Wil liam Lawrence jun., Thomas Wainewright, John Fish, Richard Gardiner. Proved March 12, 1683-4. • gt 1683-4 March 31. Letters of administration on the estate of Thorlagh Swiney granted to Joseph Grover. gg 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 383. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 57 Page 1683 Nov. 3. Last Will and Testament of William Leagey of Eliza bethtown, provides only for payment of testators' debts to the executor Thomas Johnson and gives the surplus to friend Benjamin Wade. Wit nesses Benj: Wade, George Jewell. Proved January 25, 1683-4. 67 1683-4 March 5. Letters of administration on the estate of William Leagey, granted to Thomas Johnson. 68 1683-4 Feb. 26. Indian Deed. Queremack, sachem, to Capt. Henry Greenland for 80 acres on the E. S. E. of the Roundabout. 68 1683-4 Feb. 26. Indian Deed. Keromacke, sachem, Escharecek, Es- chapouse and Perkaonus to Cornelius Longfield for land on the Southside of Raratan R., W. of Thomas Lawrence of N. Y., baker, and running along the river W. to the plantation of George Drake of New Piscat away. 69 1683 Nov.' 2. Deed. Edward Slater of Piscataway to Capt. John Palmer of Staten Island for 108 a. on Raraton R., as granted by patent. 71 1682 Oct. 12. Power of attorney. Nathaniel Kingsland of the Parish of Christ Church, Island of Barbados, to friend Isaac Kingsland of Long Island, N. Y., to enter his rights to the plantation, called New Barbados, N.. J., also to recover slaves, now in the possession of John Haselwood of Maryland. . 72 1683 Sept. 26. Deed. George Foreman of Chester, Penna, to Richard Jones of New York for land on the Southside of Raraton R., 640 a., bounded E. by Thomas Mathews, S. and W. by the woods in common, N. by the river. 73 1683 June 29. Do. Stephen Kent to Israel Thornill, both of Wood- bridge, for 60 acres on the Eastside of Langstares Farm or Plaine bound ed S. by. the highway, W. by Samuel Dennis. 74 1680 Dec. 14. Do. Vincent Ronginionl of Piscataway; carpenter, to Thomas Fitzrandolph of the same place, weaver, far two lots there, one, grantor's houselot, bounded S. W. by Raraton R., N. W. by Charles Gil man, S. E. by M. (?) Fitz Randolph, N. E. by the other lot, 12 acres, also 34 a. of upland N. of Charles Gilman, as described in the patent of July 20, 1678. 75 1683 May 7. Indenture of service. Arent Sonmans, one of the Pro prietors of East New Jersey, hires James Mitchell of Northumberland, carpenter, and family, to work in New Jersey for three years. 76 1682-3 March 23. Deed. John Heywood of London, skinner, to - Robert Burnett of Leithentie, Scotland, for 1-24 of his share in East New Jersey. 77 1683 July L Deed. Robert Burnett of Lethentie, Scotland, to James Wjllecke, Doctor of medicine in Kemnay, 'Scotland, for ^ of 1-24 share of 1 Rognion, Runyon. 58 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page land, called East New Jersey. 78 1683 July 19. Lease. Same to Robert Hardie, Merchant Burgess in Aberdeen, of 400 acres in his undivided 24th share of E. N. J. 81 1683 July 10. Deed. Same to Andrew Jaffray of Kingswells for 1-16 of his 1-24 part of E. N. J. 83 1683 July 10. Do. James Willeke, M. D. of Kemnay, Scotland, to Andrew Galloway of Aberdeen, merchant, for j of his j; of one 24th share of E. N. J. 85 1683 Aug. 3. Do. Robert Gordon senior of Cluny, Scotland, to Gawen Lawry of London, merchant, for one half of his 1-24 share of E. N. J. 86 1683 Aug. 13. Do. Robert Burnet of Lethinty, Scotland, to Robert Gordon of Aberdeen, cardmaker, for 1-32 of his 1-24 share of E. N. J. 88 1683 Aug. 13. Do. Same to George Alexander of Edenburgh, advo cate, for 1-32 of his 1-24 share. 90 1683 Aug. 30. Do. Same to James Miller of Harshorne, portioned for 1-32 of his" 1-24 share. 92 1683 July 20. Do. Samuel Groome junior of London, mariner, son of Samuel Groome of Stepney, to William Dockwra of the Parish of St. Andrews Under Shaft,. London, merchant, for his undivided twenty-fourth part of East New Jersey. 94 1683-4 Feb. 28. Deed. The Lords Proprietors to John Palmer of Staten Island for 877 acres on the Northside of Raraton R., adjoining Thomas Codrington on the East and John White on the West. g5 1683-4 Feb. 28. Do. Same to- Thomas Codrington of N. Y., mer chant, for 877 a., bounded S. by the Raraton R., W. by John Palmer, N. by the Commons, E. by John Royse. g7 . 1683-4 Feb. 28. Deed. The Lords Proprietors to John Royse of N. Y., merchant, for 877 acres, bounded S. by Raraton R., W. by Thomas Codrington, N. by the hills, E. by the Proprietors gg 1683-4 Feb. 28. Do. Same to John White of N. Y., merchant, for 877 acres, bounded S. by Raraton R., W. by Mr. Graham, N. by the hills, E. by John Palmer. 101 1684 May 1. Do. Richard Beeck and William Broadwell, both of Elizabethtown to James Emott of the same place for 12 acres there, bound ed E. by the street, W. by Nathaniel Tuttle, N. by the brook, called Crane's Brook, S. by Mary Mitchell, widow. 103 1682 Nov. 23. Do. The Lords Proprietors to John, son of David Falconar of Edinburgh, Scotland, for 10 acres of the 1500 a. tract upon' Ambo Point, East New Jersey, 105' 1682-3 Feb. 20, 21. Do. Robert Barclay of Vrie, Scotland, to Davie Falconar of Edinburgh, merchant, for 500 a. of his 1-24 share of the land iu E. N. J. (Lease and Release). 106 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 59 Page 1682 Nov. 23. Do. The Lords Proprietors to Bartholomew Gibson of Edinburgh, his Majesty's forger, for a 10 acre lot in the 1500 a. tract of. Ambo Point. 112 ¦ 1680-1 March 21. Do. Daniel de Hart of N. Y., surgeon, in behalf of himself and the other heirs of Balthazar de Hart dec'd. vizt: Jacobus de Hart, Peter de la Nay, as attorney to John Hendricks de Browne for the child of Matthias de Hart dec'd. and Daniel Veenvas, to George Jew ell of Elizabethtown for a dwelling house and lot in said Elizabethtown, formerly owned by Richard Skinner. 113 — - July 18. (Scotch.) Agreement, made by William Ridford, late in Frier Shaw in Tiveodaill, husbandman, with Arent Sonmans of Wali- foord, one of the Proprietors, to go to East New Jersey where he is to have 100 a. relit free for 10 yrs. 114 1684 May 14. Bill of sale. William Broadwell, cordwainer, to George McKenzie merchant, both of Elizabethtown for cattle. 116 1684 May 6. Deed. William Broadwell of Elizabethtown, planter, and wife Mary to Thomas Rudyard, Secretary of the Province, for 35 acres in Elizabethtown, bounded E. by the creek, S. by Wm Pardon dec'd., W. by William Trotter, N by Nathaniel Tuttle. 117 1684 May 27. Agreement between Lidea, widow and administratrix of John Bowne, late of Middleton dec'd., and John Bowne, son of said John Bowne dec'd, as to division of property, mentions as children pf the deceased John and Obediah Bowne, Deborah, Sarah and Catherine. ng 1684 May 28. Letters of administration on the estate of John Bowne granted to his widow Lidea. 121 1684 May 28. Bond. Lidea Bowne, widow, John Bowne, son, of John Bowne dec'd. and Andrew Bowne of N. Y. merchant for the admin istration. 121 1682 Aug. 21. Last Will and Testament of Samuel Groom the elder of Ratcliffe, Middlesex Co., mariner. Wife Elizabeth, children Susan, Samuel, Elizabeth Braine, Margaret Heathcott, and Mary Taylor. Real estate in Ratcliffe and Lymehouse, England. Executors wife and son. Witnesses Ewseping Sheppard, Henry Philipps, John Allsop, servant, John Brooks, servant. Probated at London March 1, 1683-4. 122 1683-4 March 10. Power of attorney. Samuel Groom, son, and Elizabeth, widow, of Samuel Groom dec'd. to Gawen Lawry, Deputy Gov ernour of East New Jersey, and George Heathcott of Ratcliffe, Parish of Stebonheath alias Stepney, now of New York, to manage estate in America. 126 1679-80 Jan. 27. Deed. Jabez Hendricks of Piscataway to Reni Piat, alias Laflower of Woodbridge, for his right, title and interest in and to 55 acres. of land at Piscataway, bounded. S. by Raraton R., W. by Vincent Runnyon, N. by the Commons, E. by Daniel Hendricks. 128 60 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1683-4 Jan. 10. Deed. Laflpur, alias Reni Piat, of New Piscataway, to John Pound, late of New York, for 55 ». in Piscataway Township, bounded E. by Benj. Hull, S. by Raratan R., W. by grantor, N. by the Commons. 129 1680-1 Jan. 2o. Do. Daniel Hendricke of New Piscataway to La fflower alias Reni Piat, for all his right, title and interest in the preceding lot. 129 1683 Dec. id, 21. Additions to the Fundamental Constitution for the government of East New Jersey, proclaimed by the Governour and Propri etors. 131 1683-4 Feb. 29. Proclamation by Robert Barclay, Governour, and the Proprietors to the inhabitants. 1 133 1684 June 14. Deed. Captain Henry Greenland of New Piscataway and wife Mary to John Schouten of New York, for one half of the tract of 300 acres, granted by patent of Septbr. 20, 1681, bounded S. by Richard Smith, N. by Peter Billiou, W. by Raraton R., E. by unsurveyed land. . 135 1683 Aug. 11. Do. Thomas Cox of London and Charles Cox of Southwark, Surrey, brewer, to David Barclay junior of Ewry, Scotland, for one twenty fourth part of East New Jersey, mortgaged to them by Thomas Willcox of London, goldsmith. . 137 1683 Aug. 24. Receipt. Robert Barclay to Edward Fleatham of Yorke, Co. of Yorke, merchant, for purchase money for 1-10 of his 1-24 of E. N. J. 138 Last Will and Testament of John Ward, turner. Wife mentioned, but not named, sons Josiah, John, Samuel, John Garner. The- wife executrix. Witnesses Richard Lawrence, Stephen Davis. Proved July 16, 1684. 139 1684 July 16. Letters of administration on the estate of John Ward, granted to his widow Sarah. Ijg 1681-2 Feb. 9. Last Will and Testament of Francis Masters of Shrewsbury. Wife Mary, children Clemens, Poolemah, Mary, Cobas Vogden. The wife, Joseph Parker, and Abiah Edwards executors and the last two witnesses. Proved July 24, 1684. 140 1684 Aug. 24. Letters of administration on the estate of Francis Masters granted to Mary and Clemens Masters. 141 • 1684 Aug. 24. Administrators' Bond signed by Mary Masters of Shrewsbury and William Whitelocke of Middletown. 141 1678 Oct. 9. Bill of sale. Richard Gibbons of Midletown to Thomas Aplegate senior of the Falls for 100 acres at the Nut Swamp. 142 1683-4 Feb. 28. Patent. The Lords Proprietors to James Grayham, 1 Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 443. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 6l Page John White, both of N. Y. merchants, Samuel Winder and Cornelius Courson, both of Staten Island for 1904 acres on the South side of Raraton R., adjoining the Long Meadow. 142 1683-4 Feb. 28. Bond of the preceding grantees for the settling and planting of their land. 145 1684 Oct. 26.. Patent to Captain Edward Clemente of New York for 504 acres on the S. W. side of Raraton R., bounded S. E. by Richard Jones, N. W. by Edward Gibbons, N. E. by the river, S. W. by undivided lands. 147 1684 Oct. 26. Do. to Joseph Bainbrigg of New York, merchant, for 504 aqres, bounded S. E. by John Inians, N. E. by Raraton R., N. W. by Gresham Boune, S. W. by undivided land. 149 1684 Oct. 22. Deed. Joseph Hart of Raway to William Broadwell of Elizabeth town for 27 acres on Mill Creek, adjoining Leonard Headley on the North, bounded S. by Joseph Searer, E. by Isaac Whitehead, Joseph Meaker and W. by the Mill Creek. 152 1684 Oct. 24. Do. William Broadwell to Andrew Bowne of N. Y. for the preceding 27 acres. 153 1684 Dec. I. " Tbe names of such p'sons as were imported into this province and brought to bee Registered in the Secretary's books of Rec- ojdsl are as follows: Upon Accompt of Governor Lawrie : Rebecca Lawrie, his daughter, Robert Anderson, Alexander Hardy, Mary Green, Gabrill Holland, under indentures; Margrett Robinson, two negroes. Upon Accompt of Wm Haige Mary, his wife, Rebecca, his daughter, Mary Berk, under indenture for 4 years, Benj. Curlp, indentured until he is 21, four negroes. Upon the Accompt of such of the Proprietors as belongs to Scotland All indentured for four years: John King, John Neismith, John Baird, James Paule, Wm Ronald, Alexander Neper, Janett Hampton, Geo. Reid, Patricke Alexander, Alex- tinder Murt, John Haburnt, James Melven (Nielven ?), Geo. Anderson, Thomas Ridford, Andreas Burnett, James Seaton, Wm Yorbis, James Symson, John Webster, Wm Hardy, Isabel Keith, John Hampton, John Reid, overseer, Jane Shaw, since sold to Robert Hamilton of Midletown. Upon the Accompt of Wm Dockwra: Indentured for four years : John Duckworth, Marmaduke Barnord, Xpofer Corkensbell, Edm. Smith, Thomas Curro, ' Richard Dawson, Thomas Parr, Justinian Hall, - Rie. Spivey, Joseph Crowell, John Maine, Rebecca Court, Isabell Rafford, Wm Newbon, Robert Cole and wife Mary, Eliza Walton, John Carring- i Headlands in certain proportions were allowed for every free person coming and for every servant brought into the Colony. See N. J. Archives I.. 37-40. 62 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ton. For three years: Wm Raxell. For seven years : Henry Thompson, Thomas Powell. For six years: Ephraim Scott. For nine years: Wm Newbonc. Upon the Accompt of John Barclay: Indentured for four years John Browne showmaker, John Salton, tay- lor. For two years Gawen Murhead, John Garner, John Harper. 154 1684-5 Feb. 4. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas. White dec'd. granted to his son Samuel White of Shrewsbury. 156 1684-5 Feb. 4. Bond. Samuel White, planter, and Capt. John Slo- conib, both of Shrewsbury, for the administration as above. 156 1684 Nov. 13. Commission of and Instructions to Deputy Governour Gawen Lawrie from Govr Robert Barclay. 157 ¦ 1684 Nov. 15. Proclamation of Deputy Govr Lawrie and Council, confirming all previous Acts of Assembly. 163 1684-5 March 16. Patent to Hans Diderick, Garret Garretson, Wal ling Jacobs, Elias Machielson, Hartman Machielson, Johannes Machiel son, Cornelius Machielson, Adrian Post, Vrian Tomason, Cornelius Row- lofson, Symon Jacobs, John Hendrick Speare, Cornelius Lubbers and Abraham Bookey, for a tract on Pisaick R., called Acquickemunk, adjoin ing the Northbounds of Newark. 1 1684-5 Feb. 28. Do. to Thomas Rudyard, late Depy Govr and one of the Proprietors for 1038 acres at Chinqueroras, Monmouth Co., on the Westside of the Bluff Hill along Chinqueroras Creek. 166, 189 1684-5 Feb. 28. Do. to same for 1170 a. on Raraton R., in Middle sex Co., bounded S. by said river, W. by John Royse, N by hills, E. by the Bound Brook of Piscataway. 166, 189 1684-5 Feb. 26. to John Inions of N. Y., merchant, for. ig2oa. in two parcels on the Southside of Raraton R. 167, 177 1684-5 Feb. 28. Do. to Benjamin Price of Elizabethtown for 270 a. in said place. , igg 1684-5 Feb. 28. List of persons, imported for account of Stephen and Thomas Warne. Indentured for three years: William Elleson Tanner, for four years: John Kigbin, Norah Kae, for five years: Patrick Kemane, for seven years: Anthony Ashmore, Walter Newman, for nine years; Abraham Smith, for the Custom of the Country: Jane Hankinson and her children Thomas, Peter and Richard Hankinson. All came into the Province about March 31, 1683-4. i7l 1685 March 25. Patent to Cornelis Christianson of Bergen' for 183 acres in New Hackinsack, bounded N. E. by William Dowgles, S. W. by Eptkey Jacobs, S. E. by a branch of Overpecks Creek, N. W. by Hackin sack R. j»l 1 Including the greater part of the present city of Paterson, part of Passaic. and all of Acquackanonk township. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 63 Page 1685 March 25. Do. to Albert Sabberscoel of Bergen, planter, for 183 acres at New Hackinsack, bounded S. E. by the West branch of Over- peck's Creek, N. E. by Derrick Eptkey, S. W. by Rowlo van der Lynde, N. W. by Hackinsack R. 173 1685 March 25. Do. to Rowloe van der Lynde of Bergen for 183 a. at New Hackinsack, bounded N. E. by Albert Sabberescoe, S. E. by the Westbranch of Overpeck's Creek, S. W. by a road, N. W. by Hackin sack R. 174 1685 March 25. Do. to Eptkey Jacobs of Bergen for 183 a. at New Hackinsack, bounded S. W. by Albert Subberescoe, S. E. by the W. branch of Overpeck's Creek, N. E. by Cornelis Christianson, N. W. by Hackinsack R. 175 1684 Nov. 21. Deed. John Pike of W'oodbridge to bis son John Pike jun. of the same place for 80 a. of his farm, bounded N. by a road, E. by grantor; also for 12 a. of Raraton meadows, bounded E. by the river, W. by Israel Thornell and 6 a. of meadow on the houselot creek. Mentions a conditional conveyance to Abraham Tappin and wife Ruth of 20 a. of "upland betw. himself and his aforesaid son and 4 a. of Raraton meadows. ' 179 1684-5 March 9. Letters of administration on the estate of Richard Fletcher, late of Newark dec'd., granted to John Curtis. (Infra, p. 198.) 180 ¦1684-5 March 9. Do. Do. on the estate of John Mackeny, late of Newark dec'd., granted to Thomas Johnson of the same place. 180 1684-5 Feb. 5. Do.' Do. on the estate of Leonard Headley of Eliz abethtown dec'd., granted to his former wife Sarah, now wife of Robert Smith. 181 1679 May 10. Last Will and Testament of Benaiah Dunham of Piscat away, weaver. Wife Elizabeth, children Edmund, Mary and Elizabeth. Land on Raraton R. and Bonhams Creek and in New-England. Execu tors the wife, Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge and John Fitzrandolph of Piscataway. Witnesses Benja Hull and George Hill. 181 1684-5 Jan- J4- Notice. Jonas Wood and wife Elizabeth, late widow of Benaiah Donham, refuse to take the executorship of Benaiah Donham's_ estate. 182 1684-5 Jan- 26. Letters of administration on the estate of B. Don ham, granted to his son Edmund. 182 1685 May 15. Do. Do. on the estate of Joseph Parker, late of Shrewsbury dec'd., granted to Jedidia Allen and George Hulett of the same place. 183 1685-6 March 14. Deed. Edward Ball of Newark to Enoch Machiel son of Bergen, for 50 acres beyond Second River, in Newark bounds, 1 Zabriskie. 64 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page North of Samuel Harrison, also 7 a. of meadow near the bay. 183 List of servants, imported from Scotland by Captain Thomas Pearson in the ship Thomas and Benjamin for his own account Novbr. 5, 1684: Thomas Smith, Robert Webster, Peter Mackgriger, Don ald Mackdonald, John Mackgrigor, John MackdOnald, sold to Mr. David Vilant: Marth. Grise, sold to Benj. Clarke at Amboy: Gawen Gilverson, deceased, Norman Mackinzie, sold to Mr. David Mudy, John Gutrie, George Bruise, James Carnagey, Genett Mackloud, Donald Mackloud in possession of Capt. Pearson. 184 1684 May 26. Confirmatory Patent to Capt. John Palmer of Staten Island for his house and lot on the Northside of said island, for 342 a. on Mill Creek, for 96 a and a mill, 80 a. E. betw. Garret Cruse, Jacob Cor nelis and Francis Barber, 90 a. behind Garret Cruse, go a. betw. Peter Johnson and Garret Cruse and 4500 a. in the middle of the island, being at the S. E. corner of John Vincent's land, running thence_E. to Andrew Norwood's land, thence to the S. W. corner near the South East end of the Cove, thence to the N. E. corner of Thomas Stillwell's land, thence along William Stillwell to the N. W. corner of George Cummins, thence to the S. E. corner of James Hubbarts at the head of Fresh Kil, thence to Carters Neck including the great swamp in the rear of the .Soldiers Lots, thence to Cornelis Courson and Company, thence to place of- begin ning. 185 1684 Oct. — . List of persons brought into the Province by Thomas Gordon, vizt: Himself, wife, four children and. seven servants; James Walker and wife, Isabell Johnstown, disposed of to Samuel Moore; Alex ander Done, John McKelson and wife, Margarett Sturras (?), Alexander Mentieth, Margarett Nicholson, in his own possession. Imported by Thomas Yallerton: himself and his servants, Thomas Grubb, John Christie, Wm. Davidson, John Wheet, John Steward, Alexander Steward, James Steward, Agnes Beeny, Jane Hooks. 187 1685 July 9. License to purchase Indian lands at Manisquan granted to Richard Hartshorne, John Hance, Judah Allen, John Woolley, William Woolley, Remembrance Lepincott, William Laurence, John Williams and Edmond Leffetrate, all of Neversinks. 187 1685 Aug. 14. List of servants imported by Benj. Clarke senior and junior in January in 1683-4: John ffollower, Nicholas Walker, William Cooke, John Mountaine, Margery Harvey, Elizabeth Harvey, Mary Dick, William Butler. The wife of Benj: Clarke came in March 1684-5. Thomas Knowles came as free passenger in January 1683-4. 188 1685 May 28. Patent to Thomas Rudyard for 1170 a. on Raraton R. and Bound Brook S. W. of Woyatopo Wigwam, E. of John Royse. 188 1685 May 28. Patent to Gawen Lawrie, Deputy Governour and one of the Proprietors, for 1000 acres on the Eastside of Cheesquakes Bay. 190 1685 Aug. 13. License to purchase Indian lands at Pessequa-nork-qua, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 65 Page Monmouth Co., granted to Alexander Browne, Samuel Dennes and Thomas Hewett, all of Shrewsbury. igi 1685 Aug. 30. List of servants, imported by Wm Dockwra: Robert Ham, bricklayer, Henry Page, carpenter, Henry Gray, joiner, John Ste phens, blacksmith, imported February 10, 1684-5; Margt Carrington, Willm Strayherne, painter, imp. Febry 14, 1684-5; James Bland, glasier, Ralph Grant, blacksmith, May 15, 1685; John Tankin, carpenter, Thomas Gibbs, bricklayer, June 18, 1685. 191 1684-5 Jan- 2- Deed. Richard and Noel Mew of Stepney to Willm Dockwra of London, for 1-48 share of E. New Jersey. Ig2 1684-5 Feb. 24. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Marsh of Raway dec'd., granted to his widow Comfort. ig2 1685 May 4. Agreement betw. Comfort, widow of Samuel Marsh, and his sons John and Joseph concerning the estate. ig3 1678 April 3. Indian Deed. Seaheppee and Irooseeke, sachems, to Jacob Truax for a certain tract of land. ig4 1684 Oct. — . List of servants, brought into the Province by Robert Fullerton: Margerett Holybourtonne, William Frost, Janelt Walker, Rob ert and Thomas Frost, Robt Hooks, James and William Clarke, John Done, all servants to Robert Fullerton. By John Campbell, who brought wife and three children: Robert Moore, Alexander Mickle, Alex. Scott, Collin and Robert Campbill, Sam1 and Ezabell Mathew, Patrick Robin son, Margrett Stuere, Mary Still, Mary Mitchell, all indentured for four years. For John Doby: Archabeld Campbell, John Moore, Thomas Dun - barr. 195 1685 Oct. 15. List of servants, imported by John Campbill for Capt. Andrew Hamilton in October 1684; John Hume, William Morgan, John Cowborne, Thomas Hue, William Peney, John Whiteburne, Robert Hume, Margeret Dickson, Catherine and Jane Humes, Capt. Hamilton's servants. • 196 1683 10th day 4 mlh. Last Will and Testament of Samuel Marsh of Raway. Wife , children Samuel, John, Joseph and Elizabeth. Wit nesses Wm Pyles, Wm Oliver, Peter Mosse and Sam. Marsh jun. 196 1684, Nov. — . List of children and servants, imported by David Mudy: David, James, Isabella and Margaret Mudy, his children, William and Elizabeth Burnett, Wm Brodie, Effie Streton, Catherine Maxlie; Mar gerett Symson, Andrew Mackemie, Margarett Mudy, Robert Waber, George Johnstone, Margerett Gentleman, James Fitchett, John Giddis, John Loofborow, miller, came as free passenger in February 1684-5. x96 1684-5 March 9. Deed. Samuel Groom to William Dockwra, both of London, merchants, for 1-24 share of the tracts, called East New Jersey. 197 1684-5 Feb. 9. Last Will and Testament of Richard Fletcher of Newark, bequeathes personal property to Samuel Denison, Daniel Titchi 5 66 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page inor and John Curtis and "the rest of my estate to those prsons that brought me home out of the woods." Executor John Curtis. Witnesses John Curtis, John Browne jun. Proved Septbr J, 1685. (Supra p. 180) 198 1684 July 10. Deed. Robert Barclay, Governour and one of the Pro? prietors, to his brother John Barclay for 500 acres of the first division of 10,000 a. 198 1683 Dec. 20. Do. Clement Plumstead of London, draper, to Rob ert Burnett of Lithintie, Scotland, for 1-24 part of East New Jersey. 199 1683-4 Feb. 11. Do. Sir John Gurden, Kn't. and Advocate, to Charles Ormiston for 1-5 of 1-48 part of E. N. J. 199 1683 March 29. Deed. James, Earl of Perth, to Sir George Macken zie of Tarbott, Scotland, for £ of 1-24 part of E. New Jersey. 200 1683 March 5. Do. Ambros Rigge of Gatton Place, Surrey, to Rob- ertBarclay of Vry, Scotland, for j of 1-24 as above. 200 s 1683 Dec. 11. Do. Thomas Cooper of London, merchant tailor, to Sir John Gurden, Kn't and Advocate of Scotland, for 1-48 share of East New Jersey. 200 1682 Nov. 24. Patent to David Barclay jun. of Ery, Scotland, for a 10 acres share of the 1500 acres lot upon Amboy Point 201 1681 Aug. 22. Indian Deed. Emris, Machpetuske, Maquaincke, Abozaweramud, Pernpath, Coathowe, Gnickap, Shappeara, Iroseeke, , Supa Patonarum, Ichchape, Powantapis, Indian proprietors, to Lady Elizabeth Carteret for a tract on Mattawangor Millstone R., running along said river to Moatquacksung, thence N. to a brook, called Manaataqua, thence N. to the upper end of Pametapocke, opposite Staten Island. 202 1685 April 30. Deed. Anthony Brockholls and wife Susannah, Wil liam Pinhorne and wife Mary, John Robinson and wife Margaret, aU of New York, to John 'Royse of the same place for 3340 acres, as granted to them by patent of April 24, 1682. 202 1685 June 17. Do. Capt. Mathias Nicholls of N. Y. and Samuel Ed sall of Aquapeake, Bergen Co., to Thomas Rudyard of N. Y. for their right, title and interest in and to the preceding 3340 a. 205 1685 Nov. 10. Do. Thomas Rudyard to John Royce for the pre ceding. 205 1684 Oct. 29. Do. Joshuah Bradly to Elisha Parker, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for an island of meadow on the Westside of Papiack Creek, about 3 acres, bounded N. by Sam. Hart's Creek, S. by Halick Codricke. 206 1685 Nov. 16. Do. John Inions of N. Y., merchant, to Andrew Bowne of the same place, merchant, for two parcels of land on the South- side of Raraton R., one of 1280 a., bounded N. E. by said river N. W. by grantee, S. E. and S. W. by unsurveyed land, the other of 640 *., bound- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 6? Page ed S. E. by grantee, N. W. by Joseph Bainbridge, N. E. by the river, S. W. by unsurveyed land. 206 1685 Dec. 23. . Declaration of John Pike junior, that he relinquishes all claim to the land, conveyed to him by his father, Capt. John Pike sen ior, Novbr. I, 1684. (Supra, p. 179.) 208 1685 Dec. 3. Deed. Obadiah Ayres to his son John Ayres, both of Woodbridge, for one half of his farm or about 60 acres N. of Langster's Farm or Plain, bounded S. by a road 111 the rear of Elisha Elsler, W. by Josuah Bradly, E. by Richard Worth, N. by grantor; also 15 a. of Rara ton R. 209 1685 Oct. 31. Power of Attorney. Richard Richardson of the Island of Barbadoes to Lewis Morris of Shrewsbury for collecting debts in N. J., N- Y. and New England. 209 1684- April 16. Deed. John Drummond of Lundin, Scotland, to John Campbell of Scotland for £ of 1-24 share of East New Jersey. 210 1683-4 Feb. 13. Do. Sir John Gurden to Andrew Hamilton of Edin burgh, merchant, for 1-10 of 1-48 part of E. N. J. 210 r 1684 June 3. Do. John Campbell to John Dobbie, both of Scotland, for 3 of £ of 1-24 part of E. N. J. (vide supra) 210 1684 . Power of attorney. John Drummond of Lundin, His Majesty's Treasurer Deputy for Scotland, to John Campbell for the ad ministration of his land in N. J. 211. 1682 Nov. 23. Patent to Bartholomew Gibson of Edinbrough, H. M. ferrier for Scotland, for a~ 10 acre lot of the 1500 a. tract on Amboy Point. 202 1684 July 18. Deed. Barthw Gibson to Andrew Hamilton for the preceding 10 acres. 212 1684 June 13. Deed. Sarah Ward, widow and executrix of John Ward of Newark, to her son John Gardener of the same place for her right, title and, interest in the third division of upland, 44 acres, beyond Second R., bounded N. by Elizabeth Ward, S. by Hance Hendrickson, alias Peare, W. by Hendricke Hendrickson van Rand, E. by a swamp. 212 1685 Dec. 7. Lease and Release. John Royse of Roysefield, Middle sex Co., to John Robinson of N. Y. City, merchant, for 300 a. at Royse field, adjoining grantee. 213 1683 Nov. 23. Deed. Robert Vauquellin, alias Leperary, to John Robinson for 600 acres on the Northside of Raraton R., as granted by patent of April 14, 1682. 215 1685 Dec. 4. Quitclaim. John Royse to Anthony Brockholls, Wil- 'liam Pinhorne and John Robinson on behalf of Mathias Nicholls and "Samuel Edsall for his share in the land, conveyed to him April 30, 1685 ' (Supra pp. 202, 205) 216 68 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1685 Nov. 5. Deed. Thomas Rudyard of East New Jersey to John West and wife Anne, dau. of Thomas, Samuel Winder and wife Mar garett, also dau. of Thomas Rudyard, all of New York, for one undi vided half or two-fourths of his 1-24 part of E. N. J. 217 1685 Dec. 5. Power of Attorney. Same to his sons-in-law John West and Samuel Winder for the collection of debts in America. 218 1685 Aug. 19. Do. Thomas Hart, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Barker, Walter Benthell, Clemt Plumstead, Proprietors of East New Jersey, to Thomas Beel to act as their agent in receiving land at Amboy Perth. 220 1684 April 24. Deed. Sir John Gurden to Thomas Pearson of Scot land, mariner, for 1-10 of 1-48 part of E. New Jersey. 220 1685 May 10. Do. Thomas Pearson of Amboy Perth, mariner, to John Bowne of Midletowne, Monmouth Co., for the preceding. 220 1683 Dec. 29- Do. Thomas Barker to Walter Benthell, both of Lon- ~ don, merchants, for 1-48 share of East New Jersey. 222 1684 July 24. Order. Governour Robert Barclay to the Deputy Gov ernour and Council of E. N. J., directing them to lay out and survey a lot of 10 acres on Amboy Point for Andrew Hamilton, who has purchased it from Bartholomew Gibson (supra, pp. 211, 212). 222 1685 Aug. 15. Deed. David Mudy of Amboy Perth, merchant, to William Lawrence of Midletowne, for 1-5 of \ of the Earl of Perth's l-24th share of E. N. J., conveyed by said Earl to David Toschacke of Minewere, Scotland, March 26,. 1684, and by the latter to present grantor - July 15, 1685. 223 1685 Dec. — . List of persons imported by Lord Neil Campbill: He himself, Archibald Campbell, David Symson, Janet Thomson, Dougald and Adam Symson, John, James, Archibald and Orsella Graige, Bessie Pollocke, John and Grissell Hog, Bessie Richardson, James and Sicella Senzeour, Sicella and Agnes Lawson, William and Margery Thomson, William Thompson, Margaret Edger, Robt Gurrey, Agnes Marshall, George Korrie, John and Gyles Duncan, Margarett Robertson, John, Rob ert and Marion Chalmers, Janett Cuningham, William, John and Agnes Dunlop, Alexr Wilson, Magdalen Hattmaker, Andrew Grantt, Alexr Ler- mont, David Allexander, John Campbell, Wm Sharpe, David. Heriott, Patrick Tait, John Wilkey, Patrick Symson, Thomas Sheerer, John Boyd, John Scouler, Alexr Thomson, Wm Toish, Robert Campbell, John Pol locke, Michael Marshall. 225 1685-6 Jan. 18. Patent to Richard Hartshorne of Midletown for* 500 acres on both sides of Manisquam River in Monmouth Co. 226 1685 October. List of servants of James Johnston, imported by him: Margarett Welch, Margarett Eubb, Alexr Adam, William Mountt, James Johnston, John English, John Gibb, George fford and Robert Moure. 226 1684 April 22. Deed. Robert Barclay of Vry, Scotland, to Sir John Dalrimple of Staires, for 1-10 of 1-48 part of E. N. J. 227 EAST JERSEY DEEDS,' ETC., LIBER A. 69 Page 1684-5 March 13. Do. Wm. Dobkwra, one of the Proprietors, to Robert Blackwood senior of Edinburgh, for £ of 1-24 part of E. N. J. 227 1685 Aug. 13. Do. George, Viscount Tarbott to Lord Neil Campbill, for j of 1-24H1 share in E. N. J. 227 1685 Aug. 24. Power of Attorney. Robert Blackwood of Edinburgh, merchant, to Lord Neil Campbell to act as his agent in America for four years. 228 1685 Aug. 13. Do. Sir John Dalrymple of Scotland, advocate, to Lord- Neil Campbill, as above. 228 1684 April 21. Deed. Robert Barclay to David Barclay, both of Vrie, Scotland, for 1-10' of 1-48 share in E. N. J. 229 1685 April 11. Do. Sir John Gurdon to David Falconar for 1-20 of 1-48 share in E. N. J. 230 1685 April 3. Do. Thomas Cox of t London to Sir Eugenius Cameron of Lockeil, Scotland, knight, for 13-40 of r-24 share of East N. J. 231 1685 Dec. 20; Do. The Proprietors to Jaques le Row and Anthony Hendrickson of Bergen Co., for 120 acres, bounded E. by Hackinsack R., N. by Cornelius Mathew, S. and W. by unsurveyed land. 231 1679-80 Feb. 7. Do. Richard Stoute and wife Frances, df Midle towne, Neversincks Co., to William Leeds of Shrewsbury, cooper, for "the manour of Land with the appurtences that lyeth by the Swiming River in the bounds of Midletowne." 232 1678-g Feb. 7. Note. William Leeds of Shrewsbury, cooper, ac knowledges indebtedness to Richard Stoute. 233 1685-6 Jan. 4. Letters of administration on the estate of David Bar clay dec'd. granted to his brother John Barcley of Amboy Perth. 234 1685-6 Jan. 18. Do. Do. on the estate of John Hancocke of Edin- burge, Scotland, who died at sea, while on his way to the Province, grant ed to Peter Sonmans and John Barclay, both of Amboy Perth. 234 1685 Dec. 1. Last Will and Testament of James Grover senior of Midletown. Wife Rebecca, children James, Joseph, Safty, Abigail, wife of Benja Burden, Hanna, wife of Richard Gardiner. Executors son James Grover and son-in-law Richard Gardiner. Witnesses Richard Hartshorne, Thomas Webley. Proved January 28, 1685-6. Letters of ad ministration granted to executors named February 3. 235 1684-5 February. List of persons imported by George Keith: Him self, wife Anna, daughters Anna and Eliza, apprentice Richard Hodkins, servants Mary Smith and Christin Ghaine, Robert Bridgman, merchant, imported himself. , 236 1679-80 Feb. 7. Deed. Vincent Runyon of Piscataway to Nicholas Munday of the same place, for 3 acres of meadow in Piscataway Town, bounded N. by upland, W. by grantee, S. by William Sutton, E. by Rich ard Smith and George Wingfield. 236 70 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page . List of names of Jedidiah Allen's of Neversinks fam ily, formerly imported: Elizabeth Allen, his wife, Experience, Ephraim, Elizabeth, Nathan, Judah, Hester, Ralph, Henry, Mary, Pasience, his children,. 236 1684 May 12. Bond. Andrew Home of Simprine and James Browne of Kelsae to John Home of Kelsae, mason, for the payment of a debt. 237 1682 May 18. Deed. John Martin of Piscataway to his son Joseph Martin of the same place, for 80 acres at the Vinyard in said Township, bounded S. by son John Martin, E. by Nicholas Munday, N. by Samuel Hull, W. by unsurveyed land, as granted by patent of Septbr. 10, 1678; also one half of a 30 a. lot of meadow on Raraton R. in Woodbridge Cor poration, adjoining Charles Gilman (patent of June 3, 1673) 237 1685 Nov. 27. Aboard " Henry Frances of New Castle." Last Will and Testament of William Rig, son of Thomas Rig of Athorny dec'd., names as heirs children of brothers Walter and James Rig of Scot land, Eupham Scott, dau. of George Scott of Pitlockey dec'd., Rev. Archi bald Riddall, James, son of said George Scott, Executor Wit nesses James Dundas, brother of the Laird of Armestonn, James Hutch inson, apothecary, and John Fraser, writing master. Proved February 9, 1685-6. 238 1685-6 Jan. 5. Deed. The Proprietors to William Letts of Eliza bethtown for 150 acres at Cheesquacke, Middlesex Co., bounded N. by Nathaniel Tutle, E. by the Bay, S. by Lamberts Land, W. by unsurveyed land. 239 ' 1685-6 Jan. 5r Patent. Same to Gawen Lawrie for several tracts, vizt: I, 1520 a. on Westside of Hackinsack R., bounded S. by David de Maret, E. by said river, N. and W. by unsurveyed bind; 2, 643 a., bound ed S. by John de Maret, E. by the river, N. by David de Maret, W. by unsurveyed land; 3, 261 a., bounded E. by Hackinsack R., N. by David de Maret, S. by Albert Sabaroscoe, W. by unsurveyed land; 4, 756 a. on the South R., Middlesex Co., bounded N. by David Mudy, S. by Thomas Fullerton, E. by said river, W. by unsurveyed land; 5, 670 a. on the West- side of Raraton R. over against Amboy between Thomas Barclay, John Lambert, William Letts, NatW Tutle, Thomas Lawrie and Thpmas Bart- wod; 6, 250 a., bounded S. E. by Cheesquacke Creek, N. E. by Richard Townely, S. W. and'N. W. by unsurveyed land. 240 1685-6 Feb. 23. Letters of administration on the estate of Michael Symons of Piscataway, granted to John Langstaffe and Symon Brintley. 24-! 1685-6 Jan. 6. Deed. The Proprietors to Hartman Machielson of Comunipan, for an island in Pisaick R., near Aquickanucke, in Essex Co., called Hartmans Island, 9 acres. Indian name of the island was Mene- henicke. 242 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 71 Page 1685 March 30. Deed, Richard Jones to William Dockwra, both of London, merchants, for lot No. 12 of the land, divided among the pur chasers in 1681, lying on the S. side of Raraton R. and called Ahande- wamock, 640 acres. 243 1685 March 30. Do. Edmond Gibbon of Pensielvania, merchant, to-, William Dockwra, for lot No. 9 of the land as above. 244 1685 March 30. Acknowledgment by Edmond Gibbon of having re ceived from Wm Dockwra £20 sterl. for preceding lot. 244 1685 March 30. Do. Do. by Richard Jones. 245 1685 March 27. Patent to William Dockwra in acknowledgment of his services to the Proprietors, for 1000 acres excl. of wastes and highways, to be selected by him. 245 1678 Dec 7. Do to Master Cornelius Steenwyck of New York, mer chant, for several lots in Midletown, vizt r, a gardenlot of i£ acres, ad joining Christopher Almy; 2, two acres of upland, bounded N. and E. by said Almy, W. by hills, S. by Lewis Matix; 3, 357 acres on a neck in Navesinks River; 4, 12 a. of meadow lying at the Northpoint of the pre ceding; 5, lo£ a. of salt meadow, bounded W. by Jphn Throgmorton, N. by the Bay, S. by upland, E. by unsurveyed land. 246 1685-6 Feb. 3. Deed. Sir John Gordone, knight and advocate, to George Gordone, merchant, for 1-10 of 1-48 share in E. N. J. 247 1685 Aug. 6. Power of attorney. Same to same for collecting his dues in N. J. and acting as land agent. 247 1685-6 Jan. 12. Deed. George Gordon of East New Jersey, planter, and Charles Gordone of Amboy Pearth, gentleman, to Thomas Gordone of Amboy Pearth, gentleman, for all their lands in the Township, town lots " excepted. 248 1684 April 27. Deed. Robert Barclay of Wire,l Scotland, to Charles Gordon of Edinburgh, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of E. N. J. 248 1683-4 Feb. 7. Deed. Robert Burnett of Lethentie to Doctor Wil liam Robesone, for 1-4 of 1-48 share of East N. J. 249 1684 April 22. Do. Robert Barclay to James Johnstone of Spots - wood, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of E. N. J. 249 1684 July 23. Do. Robert Burnett to John fforbes, brother to the Laird of-Baynlie, of E. N. J., for 1-5 of 1-48 share of E. N. J. 249 1685 — -. Power of Attorney. John Osgood, linendraper, Francis Camfeild, merchant, John Dew, joiner, and John Vaughton, joiner, all of London, owners of the share of William Gibson, late of_.London dec'd., haberdasher, to Thomas Boell, late of Edmontoun, Middlesex Co., __. gardiner, now about to sail in the ship Francis and Dorothie, Richard Bridgeman, master, for Pennsilvania or East New Jersey, — to survey -' 1 Urie. 72- NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 10,000 acres of their land and act as their, agent. Elizabeth, widow of said William Gibson, gives her consent. 250 1685 May 27. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Marsh of Raway dec'd. granted to his widow Mary of Elizabeth- town. 25°> 271 1685 Dec. 2. Deed. John Royse of Roysefield, Middlesex Co., to James Graham, John White, Samuel Winder, and Cornelis Coursen, for all his estate, right, title and interest in and to the land, granted to pre sent grantees by patent of February 28, 1685. 251 1685 Aug. 19. Indenture of service. John Oliphant of Pencart- , land (?) for himself, his wife Janet Gilchrist, daughters Margret and Janet Oliphant, to John Hancock of Edinburgh as servants in East New Jersey for four years, the daughters until they are 21. 252 1685 Aug. 12. Do. Do. John Galbreath of Edinburgh to the same for four years in E. N. J. 252 1683 Aug. 25. Do. Do. Alexander Ritchie to the same for the same period. 252 1685 Aug. 12. Do. Do. John Shane of Edinburgh to John Han- cocke, indweller in the Housewynd at the Abbay. 253 1684 April 22. Deed. Robert Barclay to David Barclay junior for i-ioof 1-48 share of East New Jersey. 253 1684 October. List of servants imported into the Province by Charles Gordone: William Tynett, Thomas Holliday, Hellein Baine, Isabell Walker, Agnes Steward. 255 1682 Nov. 23. Deed. The Proprietors to John Hamptoneof Elphings- toun, East Lothian, Scotland, gardner, for a 10 acre lot of the 1500 a. tract on Amboy Point. 256 1685 Aug. 13. Do. John Royse of N. Y., merchant, to Capt. Thomas Codrington of Raraton, Middlesex, for a tract on the Northside of Rara ton R., bounded W. by grantee, N. by the hills,- E. by the Proprietors, 836 a. (patent of February 8, 1683-4) 257 1684 Sept. 19. Last Will and Testament of John Bishop senior of Woodbridge. Sons Jonathan, John, Noah, daughters Rebecca, Joanna, Ann, grandchild John Bishop, the natural son of son John. Land at Ra way, and in Newbery Township, New England. Executors son John with friends Samuel Hale and John Blumfield. Witnesses Moses Collier, Rob ert Wright, Agasa White. Proved Nov. 27, 1684. Letters of administra tion granted to John Bishop Jan. 5, 1686-7. 258 1683-4 Feb. 6. Do. Do. of Nicolas Bonhame of Piscataway. Wife Hannah, son Hezekiah, grandchildren mentioned. Executors the wife and son. Witnesses Edward Slater, ' Isaac Smalley. Proved Dec. 18, 1684. Letters of administration granted to executors January 5, 1686-7. 259 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 73 Page 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Do. of George Gordon of Amboy Perth. Lega cies to lifelong comrades Thomas Gordone, his brother Charles, Robert Fullerton, William Laing, John Barclay, Doctor Robeson, servants John Browne, Jean Morison, brother Sir John Gordon residuary legatee. Ex ecutors John Barclay and William Laing. Witnesses Alexander Dow, William Tynett. Letters of administration issued to executors March 8, 1685-6. 260 - 1685 Oct. 2. Do. Do. of Gilbert Innes, late of Aberdeen, Scot land, now of Amboy. Wife Gyles sole heiress and executrix. Witnesses John Campbell, Jas. Emott. Letters of administration issued to his widow Gyles Innes March 8, 1685-6. 261 1684 October 30 (?) Indian Deed. Sewecbromb, Mindowashwen, Can'andus and Newenapee of Essex Co. to the Proprietors, for a tract on Nolnm Mehegam or Wawhahewany Creek near Stephen Osburn's land, along the Minisink Path and Wickakicke Creek; also for a tract near Piscataway Bound Brook. 262 1684-5 March 20. Do. Do. Ishavekak, Rumashekah, Shapunda- queho, Middlesex Co. Indians, to the Proprietors, for a tract on South River, running 6 miles along it from Thomas Lawrence's land. 263 1684 Oct. 16. Do. Do. Sachem Memmes Seytheypoey, Kovand, Mettechmahon, Rawtom, Jan Claas, Mendenmass, Mettatoch, Hepene- man, Marenaw, Hayamakeno, to the Proprietors, for a tract on Hackin sack R., bounded S. and-E. by said river and Kovands land, running from the river N. W. to Kahavoe, thence along Peskeckie Creek N. E. to Metchipakos Cr., thence along said creek to Hackinsack R. 263 1685-6 Feb. 25. Do. Do. Pawmetop, Ishevekak, Neskorhock, Pa- mehelett, Indian owners and Sachems, to the Proprietors for a tract, be ginning ij mile from Amboy Bay near the path along the head of Chees quakes, thence N. W. to the cove of Raraton River, along said river to the Round about, along the South R. to the Indian Fishingplace and to the Indian town Toponemes, thence to Hopp River and along Jona than Holmes and John Bowne to the head of Chinquerorus. 264 1685 Dec. 31. Bond. Samuel Guthrie 'of Woodbridge to David Vilant Of Amboy, for payment of a debt of £200. 265 1685 Dec. 31. Last Will and Testament of the same, sick at the house of Richard Paul! in Woodbridge. David Vilant sole heir and exec utor. "Witnesses John Allance, John Watkins. Letters of administration issued to David Vilant of Amboy Perth May 10, 1686. 265 1682 December, List of persons brought into the Province by Thomas Purdine: his wife Jean and his children William, Thomas, John, Sarah, Mary and Jean. 266 1684 October. Do. of servants imported: I, by George Willock, vizt Arthur Simpsone, Alexander Burhane; 2, by Charles Gordone, vizt Wil- 74 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page liam Tennent, Thomas Helliday, James Walker, Hellein Baine, Isobell Walker (compare list supra p. 255); 3, by John fforbes, vizt James Smith, Andrew Craige, Margaret Anderson. 266 1678 May 15. Deed. William Bingle and wife Elizabeth of Wood- bridge Corporation to Thomas Alger of the same place, for 68 acres along Raraton meadows, bounded W. by grantee, formerly Govr Carteret's land, N. and E. by the commons, S. by said meadows. 266 1685-6 Jan. 18. Patent to Richard Hartshorne of Midleton, Mon mouth Co., for 500 acres on both sides of Manisquam River, bounded N. and S. by Joseph West, E. by the sea, W. by a road; 2, a tract, bounded E. and W. as preceding, N. by Ephraim Allen, S. by William Lawrence; 3, another tract, bounded E. and W. as preceding, N. by W^n. Lawrence, S. by Edmond Lafetra; 4, a tract S. of Judah Allen, N. of Wm. Lawrence along the sea; 5, five acres 011 Southside of Manisquam R. 267 1685-6 Jan. 8. Do. to John Clayton, of Wayceeke, Monmouth Co., for 217 a. on Ramson's Neck, Shrewsbury Township, bounded S. W. by a brook and Restore Lepincott, N. E. by Sarah Reape, N. W. by Newer- sinks River, S. E. by grantee and Calike Sherriffe, also 7 a. of meadow, bounded E. by Sarah Reape, W. by Calike Sheriffe and George Parker, S. by a branch of Shrewsbury R., N. by grantee. 1685-6 Feb. 15. Confirmatory Patent to Jonathan Holmes of Midle- town for the land, granted to him by patent of June 12, 1677, West of Ramanessings Brook. 269 1685-6 March 10. Patent to John Bound of Midletown, for 500 acres in Middletown bounds, bounded S. W. by Wicketonnes' land, N. E. by Richard Stoute, S. E. by Jonathan Holmes. 271 1685-6 Feb. 11. Do. to John Lambert of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., for 100 acres, bounded S. by Richard Tounlie, N. by Wm. Letts, E. by the bay, W. by unsurveyed land. 272 1685 Nov. 16. Do. to John Royse of N. Y., merchant, for 3000 acres between Raraton and Milstone Rivers, called Roysefield, as acquired from A. Brockholls, Wm. Pinhorne et al. 273 1685-6 Jan. 5. Confirmatory Patent to Colonel Lewis Morreis .of Shrewsbury for the land, granted to him by patent of Govr Carteret, dated October 25, 1676, between Shrewsbury and Middletown and betw. Swim ming and Falls Rivers. 274 1685-6 Feb. 17. Patent to Richard Gardner of Monmouth Co. for 86 a. on Old Woman Hill in Middletown bounds, N. E. of James Grover senior; also for 100 a. East of Shole Harbour, near Safty Grover. 276 1685-6 Feb. 16. Do. to Judah Allen of Shrewsbury, for a parcel of land on S. side of Manisquam R., bounded N. by Tobias Hansone, S. by Richard Hartshorne, E. by the sea, W. by a road; also a lot along the sea b-etween William Lawrence and John Hance, a. lot of 2 acres on S. side of EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 75 Page Manisquam, bounded W. by William Lawrence, E. by Ephraim Allen, and -120 a. on the Northside of said river, bounded S. E. by it, N. W. by a road, S. W. by Joseph West, N. E. by Richard Hartshorne. 277 1681; 6 Jan. 7. Patent to Samuel Colver of Middletown, for 100 acres, bounded S. E. by a small brook and a pond, S. W. and W. by Neversinks R, N. E. by the highland, N. W. by Richard Dange. 278 1685-6 Jan. 7. Do. to Joshua Silverwood of Middletown, for 243 acres, bounded S. by William Laurence junior and unsurveyed land, N. by John Smith, E. by a small run, W. by a road. 279 1685-6 Feb. 16. Confirmation to Gawen Lawrie for 504 a. on the South West side of Raraton R., bounded S. E. by Joseph Bainbridge, N. E. by the river, N. W. by James Miller, S. W. by unsurveyed land. 280 1685-6 Jan. 8. Patent to John Hamptone, late of Scotland, now of East New- Jersey, for 164 acres on Neversinks R near Cheesquakes as con veyed to him by Wm. Haige, bounded E. by Wm. Dockwra, S. by unsur- ,veyed land, W. by Thomas Warne, N. by the Proprietors. 280 1685-6 Jan. 5. Do. to William Lawrence of Midletoun, for 420 a. on the South Hope River, bounded on all sides. by South Hope and North Hope Rivers. 281 1685 June 30. Do. to James Miller, late of Scotland, now of Amboy Perth, merchant, for his 2-30 of 1-24 share, acquired from Robt Burnett August 30, 1682,' 608 acres on the S. W. side of Raraton R. in Middlesex Co., bounded S. E. by Gresham Boune, N. E. by the river, N. W. by Richard Jones, S. W. by unsurveyed land. 282 1685-6 Feb. 20. Do. to Remembrance Lippincott of Shrewsbury, for land on S. side of Manisquam R. , bounded W. by Joseph West, E. by. Edmond Lafetra; 2, another tract bounded N. by John Williams and Wil liam Woolly, S. by Joseph West, E. by the sea, W. by a road; 3, a tract on the N. side of said river, bounded S. W. by Tobias Hanson, N. E. by Wm Lawrence, S. E. by the river, N. W. by a road. 283 1685 Nov. 9. Do. to Benjamin Griffith of Elizabeth Town, for 4 a. there bounded S. by Jonas Wood, N. by Aaron Thompson, E. and W. by roads. 284 .1685-6 Feb. 17. Do. to William Suttone of. Piscataway, for several " parcels, vizt: 1, a houselot of 22 acres, bounded E. by Timothy Caute, W. by a road, N. and S. by small brooks; 2, 19 a. of upland, bounded S. by a road, N. by a small brook, W. by Thomas ffarnesworth, E. by George Wingfield; 3, 79 a. of upland, bounded S. W. by Doctor Henry Green land, N. E. by Michael Symones, N. W. by Daniel Lepington, S. E. by a small brook; 4, four acres of meadow, bounded S. by James Godfrey, N. by Vincent Rognion and Nicholas Munday, E. by Richard Smith, W. by Robert Gannett and Peter Bellew. 285 1685-6 March 18. Deed. Mary Silverwood to John Pearce, both of 76 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS." Page Midletoun, for 243 acres there, bounded S. by Wm Lowrance jun. and un surveyed land, N. by John Smith, E. by a small run, W. by a road, ex cepting 50 a. nearest to the town. (Supra, p. 279) 286 1685-6 Feb. 17. Confirmatory Patent to Peter Sonmans, son of Arent of Scotland dec'd., for several parcels, vizt: 1, 1000 acres in the Blue Hills, Essex Co., on the N. W. side of Green River; 2, 1500 a. on S. side of said river, opposite the first and adjoining Robert Fullerton; 3, 46 a. in Amboy bounds, bounded W. by William Bevvies, S. by Raraton R., E. by Sonmans Creek, N. by unsurveyed land.-' 287 1685-6 January 18. Do. to John Barclay of Amboy Perth, for 700 acres, 500 thereof being for the like quantity purchased from his' brother Robert Barclay, the other 200 being head-land for himself and six ser vants. Said tract is bounded E. by Woodbridge line, S. and N. by unsur veyed land, W. by the Bound Brook of Piscataway. 2^7 1685-6 Feb. 24. Do. to Robert Barclay, for his share as Proprietor, 1580 acres on Raway Brook, bounded W. by said brook, N. by Jacob Mo- line, S. by unsurveyed land, E. by Crambrough meadow. 288 1685-6 March 18. Deed. Gawen Lawrie to Robert Bridgman, late of London, now of Amboy Pearth, for 554 acres. (Supra, p. 280.) 289 1682 Sept. 6, 7. Do. of lease and release. John Heywood of Lon don, skinner, to Thomas Warne of Dublin, Ireland, merchant, for £ of 1-12 share of E. N. J. 290 1685-6 Jan. 15. Patent to Garrett Wale of Midletown, for 170 acres on West Shore Harbour Creek, bounded S. by John Smith, S. E. and E. by the creek, N. by unsurveyed land. 296 1685-6 Jan. 5. Do. to Nathaniel Tuttle of Elizabeth Town, for 150 acres at Cheesquacks, Middlesex Co., bounded N. by Thomas Lawrie, E. by the bay, S. by William Letts, W. by unsurveyed land. 297 1685-6 Jan. 7. Confirmation to Major John Berry of Bergen, for land at New Barbadoes, beginning at Sandford's Spring, thence S. E. to Hack insack R., thence N. W. to Pisaick R., and from said* spring 6 miles up into the country N. E. to about 1^ mile from Tantaqua Creek, thence S.- E. to Hackinsack R., thence N. W. 5 rods beyond Sadie R., down Sadie R. to Pisaick R. 298 1686-7 March 13. Tripartite Agreement between Donald Mackquir- rich, of Murderers Kil, Orange 'Co., N. Y., David Toshack of Mine- veard, Scotland, and William Lowrance of Middleloun, Monmouth Co., the first two conveying to the third all their right, title and claim in and to i of 1-24 share of E. N. J., deeded to David Toshack by the Earl of Perth March 28, 1684, and £ of 1-24, deeded by David Moody to Donald Mackquirrich July 22, 1685, also in and to 1-5 of | of 1-24, conveyed by said Moody to Wm Lowrance Aug. 15, 1685. 299 1683-4 Feb. 14. Deed. Thomas Moore of Elizabeth Town, tailor, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 7.7 Page and wife Ezebell, to George Jewell of the same place, for a house and lot of 4 acres there, formerly belonging to Yoakem Andress, dec'd., bounded N. E. by a road, S. by Matthias Hestfield, W. by Dennes Whyte; also 3 acres of meadow at Raway, part of a 20 a. lot. 301 1684 Dec. 16. Do. Joseph Heart to George Jewell, both of Eliza beth Town, for 4 acres, bounded N. W. and S. by roads, E. by Benjamin Ogden. 301 1685 Nov. 28. Do. Same to same for a house and lot in Elizabeth Town, bounded N. by the road, W. by the landing place, S. by the creek, E. by the pittle of Benj. Ogden. 302 Mem. of servants, imported by Dr. John Gordone, vizt. William Daviesone and William Peddie. 302 1685 Aug. 14. Deed. David Moody of Amboy Pearth, merchant, to William Lowrance of Middletoun for 1-5 of \ of 1-24 share of E. New Jer sey. (Supra p. 299.) 302 1685 Dec. 24. Last Will and Testament of Edward Smith of Middle toun bequeathes property to John, son of John Boune dec'd., Obadiah Bonne and Gershom Mott, widow of John Boune, brother-in-law Stephen Arnold, brother Philipp Smith of Newport, Rhode Island. Executor the brother. Witnesses Richard Stoute senior, Andrew Boune, James Boune, Jonathan Huller. Proved April 1, 1686. Letters of administration issued to Philipp Smith April 8, 1686. 304 Record of the births of the children of Jedidiah Allen and wife Elizabeth, born at Sandweth, Plymouth Colony, New England, to wit: Esperance, 30th day, 6th m., i66g Ephraim, 30th " 10th " 1670 Elizabeth, l7th " 8th " 1672 Nathan, 2d " 12th " 1673 Judah, 17th " 8th " 1675 1685-6 March 4. Letters of administration on tbe estate of Abell Porter jun. of Boston, deceased on his way from Scotland to East Jersey; granted to his widow Hannah by the Court of Suffolk Co., Mass., Hum phry Davie, Esquire, Elisha Cooke, assistant. 305 1685-6 March 12. Power of attorney. Hannah, widow of Abell Por ter jun. of Boston, N. E., merchant, dec'd, to Capt. Andrew Belshar of Charlestoun, New England, to collect from Capt. Richard Huttone, now or late of East Jersey what is due to her late husband's estate. 306 1686 April 22. Letters of administration on the estates of Abell Porter junior of Boston and James Rainie, who also died on the voyage, granted to Hannah, said Abell's widow, by the Governour of East New Jersey. 307 1686 April 22. Power of Attorney. Capt. Andrew Belshar of Charles- 3°5 Esther, 26th day, ist m., 1677 Ralph, 7th " nth " 1678 Henry, 24th " ist " 1680 Mary, 15th " 9th " 1681 Pathence, 8th -" 3d " 1680 78 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page toun, New England, attorney of Hannah Porter, substitutes Miles Foster "of Amboy Pearth. 307 1685 April 15. Latin. Letters of administration on the estate of John Allen senior of the Island of New Jersey granted to his son John by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 308 1685 May 1. Power of attorney. John Allen, son of John Allen dec'd., to Daniel Allen of Boston, New England, for the collection of debts and managing the land business. 308 1685 Sept. 13. Deed. Gawen Lawrie and wife Mary to John Palmer, late of Staten Island, now of Cheesquakes, Monmouth Co., for 1000 acres at Cheesquakes, beginning at Sandy Point, as granted by patent of May 28,1685. (Supra p. igo.) 310 1686 May 6. Do. John Robinsone of New York, merchant, to John Ives of London, merchant, for land on the Northside of Raraton R. (In complete.) 312 1685 Oct. 2. Receipt. Thomas Young and Robert Barlow to Miles Foster of Amboy, merchant, for goods to be sold or traded in New Eng land. 312 1686 April 16. Deed. John Palmer of New York City and wife Sarah to Samuel Winder, late of New York City, now of Cheesquakes, for the tract of 1,000 a. (Supra p. 310.) 312 1682 April 29. Mem. of agreement betw. Capt. John Berry and ffolker Hansen, "at present dwelling in the bay upon Long Island," by which said Berry sells to Hansen a piece of land on Hackensack R. betw. Lub- bert Lubbertsen and Charles Howseman, from said river to Sadie R. 314 1686 May 14. Deed. Gawen Lawrie to Andrise Tibout of Kindocka- meck, Essex Co.. for 261 acres on Hackensack R., bounded S. by a road, E. by the river, N. by John Demarries, W. by unsurveyed land. 315- 1686 May 14. Do. Same to Daniel River of Kindockameck for 260 a.., bounded S. by Albert Sobriscoe, E. by Hackinsack R., N- by David Demarries, W. by unsurveyed land. 316 1686 May 8. Do. Same to Jacques Lerowl for 220 a., bounded S. by David Demarries, E. by Hackinsack R., N. by Anthony Hendricks, W. by unsurveyed land. 317 1686 May 15. Do. Same for Peter Sonmans to John Adams of Kin dockameck, for 240 a. of the 720 a., patented for Peter Sonmans' right to present grantor, May 7, 1686, bounded S. by Albert Saberiscoe, E. by Hackensack R. , 317 1686 May 8. Do. Same to Anthony Hendricks of Kindockameck, for 220 a., bounded S. by Jaques Lerow, E. by Hackinsack R., N. and W. by unsurveyed land. 318 1 Now written Laroe and Larue. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 79 Page 1686 May 15. Bill of sale. John Decent of Raraton R., carpenter, to Miles Foster of Amboy Perth, merchant, for some cattle to pay for a judgment, obtained by Hanna, widow of Abell Porter. 319 1686 May 15. Do. Same to same for a negro, to rjay as above. 320 1685 Oct. 1. Mem. of agreement betw. John Shotwell of Staten Island, carpenter, and John Decent of "Middlesex Co., carpenter, concern ing the sale by the first of 120 acres in said County. 320 1686 May 15. John Decent to Miles Foster for the use of Hannah Porter, for 120 a., bought from John Shotwell, lying on Raraton R. and formerly belonging to Richard Smith. 320 1686 May 18. Confirmation to Charles Gordone of Amboy Perth for 1, 600 a., bounded N. by Robert Gordone of Cluny, S. by David Mudy, W. by unsurveyed land, E. by South- River; 2, also 10 a. of meadow on the East side of said river; 3, 150 a. opposite the first and David Mudy's; 4, 5 acres of meadow, bounded W. by the river, all other sides by unsurveyed lands, all purchased from Robt Barclay. 321 1686 May 18. Do. to John Forbes, brother of the Laird of Boynle, Scotland, for 750 acres, bounded N. by Robert Hardie, S. by Wm Dock wra, E. by South River, W. by unsurveyed land; 2, 425 a., bounded S. E. by John Barclay, on all other sides by unsurveyed land; 3, 125 a. for him self and 3 imported servants; 4, 300 a. remaining of the 1-10 share, pur chased of Robert Burnett. 322 1686 June 9. Do. Gawen Lawrie, for Peter Sonmans, to Eptkey Jansen1 of New Hackensack, Bergen Co., for 240 a. of the 720 a. patent, bounded S. and N. by Albert Saberiscoe, E. by Hackinsack R., W. by Winocksack Brook. 323 1683 July 9. Do. Robert Burnett of Lethenty to Robert Hardy of Aberdeen, merchant, for- 1-128 of 1-24 share of E. N. J. 324 1684 April 22. Do. Robert Barclay to Thomas Fullarton, brother germane to Kinnaver, for 1-10 of 1-48 share. 325 1683-4 March 5. Do. Ambrose Rigge of Gatton Place, Surrey, to Robert Barclay, for £ of 1-24 share. 326 1684 April 22. Do. Robert Barclay to Robert Fullarton, brother ger mane to Kinnaver, for T.-10 of 1-48 share. 326 1684 April 22. Deed. Same to John Gordone of Collestoun, M. D., for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East New Jersey. 326 1684 April 22. Do. Same to Thomas Gordone of Edinburgh, mer chant, for 1-10 of 1-48 share. 327 1684 April 22. Power of attorney. Charles Goidone to George Wil- lox, both of E. New Jersey, as general agent. 327 ' 1677 Sept. 28. Indian Deed. Tantaqua, for himself and relations, to > Qy: Jacobs? 80 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Capt. John Berry and Michael Smith, for land on Hackensack, Sadie and Tantaqua Rivers. 328 1679 July 15. Do. Do. Coovang, Maemsey, Rawatones, Anafau, Matachena, Indian owners, to Capt. John Berry and Michael Smith, for a tract, called Aschatking, on Tantaqua Creek. 328 1686 June 16. Deed. Benjamin Wade of Elizabeth Town, clother, to Thomas Moore of the same place, tailor, for 48 acres of upland in Kawack Swamp, bounded S. by Samuel Marsh junior, E. by grantee, N. and W. by unsurveyed land. 329 1683-4 Jan. 2. Commission to Joseph Parker, John Hance and Eliakim Wardell of Shrewsbury to examine Abigaill Lepincott about her late husband's, Richard Leppincott's, will, with said will, dated 23d day 9th month (Nov.) 1683, which mentions: Sons Jacob, Freedom, Remem brance, John, Restore, daughter Increase, wife Abigail. No executor. Witnesses Hugh Dickman, Judah Allen. Administrator's bond of Abigail Lippincott with William Shattock and Francis Burden. - 329 1683 Dec. Mem. that Thomas Lawrie, his son James and dau. Ann imported themselves into the Province. 330 1686 June n. Deed. John Litle of Elizabeth Town and wife Mary to Gawen Lawrie for several parcels of land near Elizabeth Town, vizt: 1, a homelot of 10 acres, bounded S. by George Parks, N. by William Cramer, E. by a road, W. by the Woodbridge road; 2, 9 a., bounded S. W. by Robert White, N. E. by Richard Mitchell, S. E. by William Letts, N. W. by the road to Woodbridge; 3, 6 a. of swamp, bounded S. W. by Robert White, N. E. by Richard Mitchell, S. 'E. by the. said road, N. W. by swamp; 4, another piece of swamp, N. of George Parks, S. of Win Cramer; 5', 30 acres of upland on the N. W. of Capt. John Barker, adjoin ing Roger Lambert; 6, 20 a. bounded S. W. by Stephen Crane, S. E. by Petter Mass, N. E. by an ash swamp, N. W. by unsurveyed land; 7, 30 a. of upland, bounded S. E. by George Parks, N. W. by George Ross, S. W. and N. E. by unsurveyed land; 8, 7 acres of meadow betw. the great river and Thompson's Creek, N. W. of David Ogden; 9, 16 a. of Raway meadows, bounded W. by George Ross, N. , S. E. and S. by a small creek and Jacob Moline, E. by Roger Lambert. 331 1686 June 24. Deed. John Decent of Piscataway to Petter de Siguey of Woodbridge, surgeon, for 60 acres near Elizabeth Town, bounded S. E. by John Winnings, N. E. by Jonas Wood, S. W. by Samuel Marsh, N. W. by unsurveyed land. 332 1686 June 29. Do. Samuel Moore of Woodbridge to Richard Dole junior of Newberry, New England, for 120 acres, formerly belonging to Elisha Elsly of Newberry, by him conveyed to his brother William Il.sly, who conveyed it to present grantor. The land is in Woodbridge Corpora-. tion, bounded E. by grantor, S. by land in common, W. by a fresh brook and by Nathan Webster, N. by a road; also 10 a. of meadow, purchased EAST JERSEY DEEDS", EXC, LIBER A. 81 by Robert Vauquellin, alias Lipperary, Sept. 4, 1673, and 15 a. of Raraton meadows, formerly William Usly's, and a freehold, thereto belonging, bought from John S August 27, 1668. 333 1686 April 9. Patent to James Emott, Secretary of the Province, for ' 270 acres, bounded S. E. by George and John Alexander, N. W. by Toun- lie's land, E. by Raway R. ; 2, 25 a. of meadow, bounded N. by widow Marsh,-W. by Symon Rouse, S. by Raway R., E. by Emett's Creek; 3, five acres of meadow, bounded W. by Joseph Frazie junior, S. by Raway R., "E. by a great creek, N. by a little one. 334 1686 May 26. Do. to William Broadwell of Elizabeth Town, cord- wainer, for 267 acres, bounded S. by Pardone and Morse, W. by Trotter, N. by Parks; also 16 a., bounded by his own land, S. by a brook, E. and N. by unsurveyed land; and 38 a. of meadow bounded E. by Hary Norise, N. by Bound Creek, W. and S. by common meadow. 335 1686 April 28. Do. to John Hume of Elizabeth Town, mason, for 170 acres on Elizabethtown Creek, bounded N. by said brook, E. by John Pearce and William Redford, W. by Governour Barclay, S. by unsurveyed land. 336 1686 May 6. Do. to George Cooles, shoemaker, for 80 acres at Shrewsbury, bounded N. by Neversinks R., E. by Petter Tiltone, S. by a road, W. by unsurveyed land. 337 1686 May 5. Do. to Mary Mitchell of Elizabeth Town, widow, for 125 acres, bounded S. E. by a swamp, N. W. by the West Brook, N. E. and S. -W. by unsurveyed land. 338 .1686 May 24. Do. to Richard Clark junior of Elizabeth Town, for 106 acres, bounded S. by Joseph Frazie junior, W. by Doctor Robinsone, N.. by John Clerk, E. by the river; also 16 a. of Raway meadows, bounded N. by the Island, E. by Beaches meadow, S. by common land. 339 1686 May 24. Do. to John Clerk of Elizabeth Town, for 106 acres, N. W. John and George Alexander, W. Dr. Robinsone, S. Richard Clerk, N. E. Raway R. ; also 16 a. of Raway meadows, bounded S. by Wm Crom- wellj E. by John Simkins, N. by Peter Morse, VV. by upland. 340 1686 May 24. Do. to Joseph Frazie junior of Raway for 135 acres, bounded S. W. by Dr. Robinsone, N. by Richard Clerk, E. by the river and by grantee's father; also 15 a. of meadow, bounded W. by Emett's Creek, N. by Widow Marsh, E. by a creek and James Emet, S. by Raway R. . 340 1686 May 24. Patent to John Pearce of Elizabeth Town, for 50 acres, bounded N. by the Elizabeth Town Brook, E. by William Redford, S. and W. by John Homes. 341 1686 May 25. Do. to Samuel Trotter of Elizabeth Town for 138 acres, bounded S. by Hassockie and Massie Swamp, E. by William Broadwell, N. and W. by unsurveyed land; also 13 acres 3 rods, bounded 82 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page W. and N. by Robert Morse, E. and S. by the brooks; 8 acres of meadow along the creek; 15 a. of meadow; 2 acres of pittle betw. Peter Morse and Stephen Crane; 4 acres for a home lot bounded E. and W. by roads, S. by Peter Morse, N. by Stephen Crane. 342 1686 June 21. Do. to John Reid of Amboy Perth, deputy surveyor, (for making a map of East New Jersey), for a tract to be called Horteneie, on the East branch of Hope River, in Monmouth Co., 200 acres, bounded S. by the West Brook, W. by William Penn and George Gordone, N. by . unappropriated land, E. by the branch of Hope R. 344 1686 May 5. Do. to Tobias Hansen of Shrewsbury for 200 acres, bounded S. by Joseph Wardell, W. by Edward Wartone, N. E. by Re membrance Leppincott, N. W. by a small creek. 345 1686 June I. Confirmation to John Drummond of Londine, Chief Sec retary for Scotland and one of the Proprietors, for 1,000 acres, bounded S. E. by a branch of Raraton R., S. W. by Andrew Hamilton, N. W. and N. E. by unappropriated lands. 346 1686 June 1. Do. to Captain Andrew Hamilton of Edinburgh, mer chant, for 835 acres, bounded S. E. by a branch of Raraton R., S. W. by John Campbell, N. E. by John Drummond of Londine, N. W. by unsur veyed land. '346 1686 June 21. Patent to John Smally junior of Piscataway, for several • parcels near said town, vizt: 1, a homelot of 20 acres, bounded E. and W. by roads, S. by John Smally senior, N. by George Jewell; 2, 30 acres of upland, bounded N. and S. by brooks, W. by Mrs. Fitzrandolph, E. by Richd Smith; 3, 60 acres of upland, bounded W. by Henry Greenland and Symon Brinly, N. W. by Andrew Wooden and unsurveyed land, S. E. by George Lippintowne, N. E. by swamp; 4, five acres of meadow, bounded E. by Nicholas Bonhame, W. by Stephen Merritt, S. by John Smally junior, N. by Richard Smith. 347 1686 April 2. Power of attorney. James Dundas of Amboy to Wal- ' ter Riddell of Woodbridge as general agent. 348 1685-6 March 15. Confirmation to Gawen Lawrie for 1000 acres in Monmouth Co., bounded S. E. by Isaac Bryant, S. W. by the Burlington road and Spotswood Middle Brook, N. W. and N. E. by unsurveyed lands; also two tracts of meadow along Spotswood Creek and two. lots in the Town of Amboy Pearth, bounded East by the Sound, S. by Lord Neil Campbell, N. by Petter Sonmans, W. by a road; 20 acres in .Amboy bounds, 10 in his own right and 10 in right of John Reid, bounded S. E. by Raraton R., N. E. by Andrew Hamilton, W. by Petter Sonmans, N. by unsurveyed lands. , 349 1686 June 1. Do. to John Campbell of Amboy Perth for 1675 acres, bounded S. E. by a branch of Raraton R., called Duncrosk, S. W. by John Dobbie, N. E. by Andrew Hamilton, N. W. by unsurveyed land. 350 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 83 Page 1686 July 30. Patent to George Mount of Midletoun, Monmouth Co., for. 100 acres, bounded S. E. by Saf ty Grover, W. by a brook, on the other sides by unsurveyed lands. 350 1686 July 20. Confirmation to Richard Stoutt senior of Middletouh, for 430 acres about Naversinks, tailed Tanganawamess, along Romanesse Brook; 30 acres of meadow at Conescunk, bounded W. by Richard Gib bons, N. by Naversinks Bay, S. by Richard Hartshorne, E. by common meadow granted by patent of June 28, 1678. 351 1686 July 22. Patent to John Martine junior of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, bounded N. by grantee, E. by John Martine senior, S. and W. by unsurveyed land; also go acres at Chingell Hill, bounded W. by Hopell Hull, S. by Jeffrey Maning, E. by unsurveyed land, N. by John Martine senior. 352 1686 July 22. Do. to John Martine senior of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, bounded N. by his homelot, W. by John Martine junior, South by unsurveyed land, E. by Woodbridge line; also 81 a. bounded W. by Hopell Hull and Thomas Higgines, S. by John Martine jr., E. and N. by unsurveyed lands. 353 1686 July 13. Do. to Richard Davies of Midleton for ig4 acres, bounded S. and S. W. by Claypitt Creek and Richard Gardner, W. by un surveyed lands, N. by James Boune, E. by Samuel Colver; also 6 a. of meadow, bounded E. by James Grover, W. by James Anstine, S. by up land, N. by the Bay. 354 1686 July 22. Do. to John Smally senior of Piscataway, for 100 acres there bounded W. by Edward Slatter, E. by Judah Higgines, S. and N. by unsurveyed lands. 355 1686" July ig. Do. to Hopewell Hule of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, bounded E. by Woodbridge, S., W. and N. by unsurveyed lands; also 90 a. at Chingell Hill, bounded S. by Jaffray Maning, E. by John Martine junior, N. by Thomas Higgines, W. by unsurveyed lands. 356 1686 July 26. Do. to Gershome Bound of Midletoun, for 500 acres, bounded E. by John Boune, W. by Wichatunck, N. by Midletoun Path and unsurveyed lands. 357 1686 July 18. Do. to Edward Slatter of Piscataway, for 200 acres, bounded E. by John Smally senior, S. and W. by unsurveyed land, N. by George Drake. 358 1686 July 21. Do. to Safty Grover of Midletoun, for lands there, vizt: 1, 68 acres, bounded E. and N. by James Grover senior, W. by Job Throgmorton, S. by unsurveyed lands; 2, 32 a., N. E. James Grover sen ior, S. E. Naversinks River, S. W. George Mount, N. W. unsurveyed land; 3, 20 a,, on Eastside of Shole Harbour, N. Richard Gardner, E. James Grover. senior, W. and S. unsurveyed. . 358 1685 April 20. Confirmation to William Dockwra, for 1000 acres as 84 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page part of his share, on Mittevang Creek near Chingaroras, bounded S. E. by said creek, N. E. by Thomas Rudyard, N. and W. by the Scots Propri etors, S. W. by John Hantone and unsurveyed land. 360 ,1685 Sept. 4. Do. lo same, for his share of lot No. 3, 600 acres, on the South River, bounded N. by John Forbis, S. by Robert Gordone, E. by the river, W. by unsurveyed land; also 180 a. bounded S. E. by Ed mond Gibbons, N. E. by Raraton R., N. W. by Thomas Mathewes, S. W. by unsurveyed land. 360 1684 Dec. 1. Deed. James Graham of New York, merchant, Samuel Winder and Cornelius Coursen of Staten Island, gentlemen, to John White of N. Y., merchant, for one fourth of the land granted to all four by patent of February 28, 1683-4, 1000 acres on or near Racawackhacca on both sides of Raraton R. 361 1686 July 22. Patent to James Grover junior of Midletoun for 100 acres there, bounded W. by Robert Hamiltone, E. by a road, S. by , N. by unsurveyed land. 362 1683 July 20. Instructions for Gawen Lawrie from the Proprietors. 1683-4 Jan. 2. Letter. The Proprietors to Gawen Lawrie': Thomas Rudyard's and Samuel Groome's letter: Land-grants: Maps: Purchase of Indian lands: Market. 366 1683-4 Feb. 20. Order from the Proprietors for the laying out and surveying of 10,000 acres for settlement. 368 ¦ Do. Do. establishing the manner in which suc cessors to Gawen Lawrie as Deputy Governour shall be chosen. 369 1684 May 3. Do. amplifying the order of February 20. 369 1685 May 11. Confirmation of former orders, commissions, instru ments, orders and instructions of the Proprietors for " the Right directing and ordering of the affaires of the Province."! 372 1685 July 3. Orders of the same to the Deputy Governour and Com missioners, prescribing rules for the disposal and setting out of lands.2 373 1686 Aug. 9. Deed. Gawen Lawrie to John Demarrie of Hackensack, Bergen Co., for 382 acres in Essex Co., bounded S. by Andrise Tibout, E. by Hackinsack, N. by David Demarrie, W. by unsurveyed land. 376 1685 Aug. 13. Do. Capt. John Palmer of N. Y. and wife Sarah to Capt. Thomas Codrington of Raraton, for a plantation on the North side of Raraton R. in Midlesex Co., 836 acres, bounded S. by said river, W. by John White, N. by common lands or hills, E. by grantee," as granted by patent of February 28, 1683-4. 377 1 Original in the Library of the New Jersey Historical Society. Printed in N. J. Archives. I., 488. 2" Original in the Library of the New Jersey Historical Society. Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 488. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 85 Page 1683 -Dec. 15. Do. John Royse, late of London, now of New York, merchant, to Thomas Codrington, for 877 acres on the Northside of Ra'ra- ¦ ton R., "of Right belonging unto mee," bounded S. bv the river, W. by grantee, N. by hills, E. by land laid out for the "Proprietors. 378 1686 April 24. Do. John Crawfurd of Midletoun and wife Elizabeth to Robert Hamilton of the same place, for a homelot of 16 acres, bounded W. by Richard Stowtt senior, N. by a road, S. by grantee; 10 a. of upland in the rear of preceding, S. a road, W. grantee, E. Stephen -, N. Rich ard Sadler; also 6 a. of meadow, formerly belonging to Francis Farbert (?), bounded W. by William Whitelock, E. by Thomas Cox, N. by the creek, S. by Sarah Reapes. 3^ 1686 July 27. Patent to John Durriw of , for 233 acres, bounded S. by David de Marrie, senior, E.'by Hackinsack R., N. by a road, W. by Winocksack Brook. 380 1686 July 27. Do. to David de Marrie senior of Hackinsack, Bergen Co., for 233 acres, S. John de Marrie, E. grantee, N. Jacque Lerowe, W. unsurveyed land. 380 1686 July 26. Confirmation to Petter Tiltone of Shrewsbury, for sev eral parcels at Naversinks, vizt: 1, a tract, called Marvell Hill, 340 acres, W. James Grover, S. Swimming River, N. Jomping R. ; 2, 200 acres, called Tiltone's Little Farm, N. and W. the commons, N. E. Romaness Brook, S. Swimming R. ; 3, 25 acres of meadow, W. the meadows in com mon, N. Naversinks Bay, E. James Grover, S. Richard Hartshorne; 4, 6 acres of swamp at the head of Jomping R., N. and S. James Grover. (Patent of June 30, i676.) 381 1686 July 27. Patent to David de Marrie senior of Hackinsack, for 2010 acres, bounded W. by grantee and his son, N. by grantors, E. by Chesche Brook, S. by grantors (the Proprietors) and Lawrance the Drawer; also 90 acres, bounded S. by David and Samuel de Marrie, N. W. by Hackensack R., N. E. by grantors. , 383 1685 July 28. Do. to George Scott of Pitlochie, Scotland, for 500 a. as a present for having written a pamphlet, inviting to emigrate to New Jer sey, and for freighting the Henry and Francis, Richard Huttone, master, in which he, the said Scott, wife, servants and passengers, in all about 200 persons, are going over.1 The 500 acres to be laid out in the right of George Viscount Tarbett, Lord McLeod and Castlehaven. 384 1686. Sept. I. Do. to Albert Saberiscoe of Bergen, for 330 acres, called Coovange the Indian's land, bounded E. by Hackinsack River, N. by Daniel] Rivers, W. by Sadie R., S. by grantee; also 250 a. adjoining ' the preceding, N. of Peter Sonmans. • 385 1 George Scot, of Pitlochie, was engaged by the Proprietors of East Jersey to prepare this work, which was styled: "Tbe Model of the Government of the 'Province of East New Jersey in America," and was printed at Edinburgh, 1685. 16mo. Pp.272. Scot and his wife died on the voyage to America. See White head's East Jersey under the Proprietary Governments, 361-2. 86 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1686 Sept. 4. Deed. Albert Saberiscoe to Richard Pope of Hackin sack, Essex Co., for 450 acres, N. Daniell Rivers, S. grantee, E. Hackin sack R., W. Winocksack Creek, part of the preceding patent. 386 1686 Aug. 30. Deed. Gawen Lawrie, for Peter Sonmans, to Richard Pope of Hackinsack, for 240 acres, part of the 720 acres granted by pat ent of May 7, 1686, bounded S". by Eptkey Jacobs, N. by Albert Saber iscoe. , 3°7 1686 Aug. 15. Patent to Ephraim Allane of Shrewsbury for: I, 39 acres on the S. side of Manisquam R., bounded N. by Wm Lowrance, S. by Richard Hartshorne, E. by the sea, W. by a road; 2, one acre, be tween Judah Allane on the West and Joseph West on the East; 3, 60 acres on N. side of Manisquam R., bounded S. W. by John Haunce, N. E. by Edmond Lafetra, S. E. by said river, N. W. by a road. 388 1686 Aug. 24. Do. to William Haige of Amboy Perth, Surveyor ' General of East New Jersey, for 500 acres in Monmouth Co., called Coop er's Neck, bounded N. W. by Gawen Lawrie, S. W. by Isaac Bryan, S. E. by Samuel Leonard, N. E. by unsurveyed land. 388 1686 Aug. 24. Do. to George Keith of Amboy Perth, Surveyor Gen eral, for 650 acres at Passequeneckqua, Monmouth Co., along Burlington Path, bounded on all sides by unsurveyed lands; 24 acres of meadow W. of Manesquam Creek, bounded as before; 3, an acre of upland adjoining the meadow. 389 1686 Aug. 15. Do. to Samuel Dennes of Shrewsbury, for 100 acres betw. Passequenecqua and Manesquam Creeks, bounded W. by Abigaill Leppincott, E. by Passequenecque Cr., S. by Manesquam Cr., N. by un surveyed land. 391 1686 July 13. Do. to Joseph West of Shrewsbury, in right of Eliakim Wardell, for several"parcels on Southside of Manesquam R., vizt: i, 150 acres, N. Remembrance Leppincott, S. Richard Hartshorne, E., the sea, W. a road; 2, 19J acres, between Richard Hartshorne on the Northland John Haunce on the South, E. and W. as aforesaid; 3, i^- acres, W. of Remembrance Leppincott, on the North of Manesquam R. ; 4, 60 acres bounded S. by the river, N. by a road, W. by John Williams and Wm Woolley, E. by Judah Allane; 5, 30 acres, S. the river, N. a road, E. John Haunce, W. William Lowrance. 3g2 1686 Aug. 16. Do. to Robert Hamiltone of Midletoun, for 60 acres along Naversinks R, bounded S. by said river, E. by James Grover; n acres at Cowcoutters Neck; 89 acres bounded E. by James Grover, N. by Walter Wale, W. by the preceding II acres, S. by unsurveyed lands, 393 ¦ 1686 May 1. Do. to John Robinsone of New York, merchant, in right of Robert Vauquelline, alias Lepperary, for a tract, bounded S. by- Raraton R., W. by Wm Pinhorne, grantee and associates, N. and E. by unsurveyed land; also an island of 60 acres opposite the first; in all 660 a. 394 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. 87 ' . Page 1684-5 Jan- 21. Deed. John Martin junior of Piscataway to his brother Benjamin Martin, for a tract at the Vineye and in Piscataway , Township along Woodbridge line, by virtue of patent of Sept. 10, 1678. 395 1684 Aug. 4. Do. John Martin of Piscataway to his son Benjamin Martin, for several tracts, vizt: I, 33 acres along son Thomas Martin and Woodbridge line; 2, a parcel in Woodbridge Corporation along the first; 3, 10 acres of Raraton meadows, bounded E. by Rehaboth Gannett and John Whitcher, W. by Thomas Martin; all by virtue of patent of June 6, 1673. 396 1686 Aug. 28. Caveat of David Mudie of Ainboy, merchant, against the-granting of a patent to John Campble for any part of Monivairds land. 397 1686 Aug. 12. Deed. John Barclay of Amboy Perth, administrator of the estate of his brother David Barclay junior of Urie, Scotland, dec'd., 1 to John Campbell, for the behoof of Andrew Hamilton, for 10 acres, bounded S. by Andrew Hamilton, W. by Govr Lawrie, N. by a road, E. by the Scots Proprietors. 397 1686 May 6. Do. John Robinson of New York City, merchant, to John Ives of London, merchant, for a tract, leased to grantor by John Royce of Roycefield, Middlesex Co., Dec. 7, 1685, lying on Raraton R. and adjoining the land, patented to James Graham, Samuel Winder, John White and Cornelius Coursen. ' 398 1686 May 6. Do. Same to same, for 600 acres, bounded S. by Rara ton R.j W. by William Pinhorne, grantor and associates, N. and E. by un surveyed woods; also an island of 60 acres opposite (supra, p. 394); and 300 acres at Roysefield along Raraton R. 400 1686 May 7. Confirmation to Gawen Lawrie of 720 acres, bounded S. and N. by Albert Saberiscoe, E. by Hackinsack R., W. by Winocksack Brook. 401 1686 Sept. 27. Assignment by Hen. Greenland to William Wright, late of New York, merchant, of all his right etc. to a patent from Sir George Carterett. 402, 404 1686 Aug. 30. Patent to Colonel Lewis Morris of Shrewsbury, for several parcels betw. Hope and Swimming Rivers, Monmouth Co., 2000 acres, vizt: I, 1690 acres on the two rivers; 2, no a. adjoining the first on the N. E. ; 3, 200 a., bounded N. by Hope R., E. by Benjamin Burdein, S. "E. and S. by grantee and unsurveyed land. 402 - 1678 April 30. Do. to Doctor Henry Greenland for 132 acres at New -Piscataway, bounded N. W. by Symon Brinley, S. W. by Samuel Moore, alias Richard Bole, N. E. by grantee and a small creek, S. W. (?) by Rar aton R. 404 1 Died at sea on the voyage from Scotland to Amboy Perth, 1685. 88 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1686 Sept. 16. Patent to Colonel Lewis Morris of Shrewsbury, for 500 acres, 300 thereof in right of Samuel Leonard, 200 in right of Bartholo mew Aplegate, both of Shrewsbury, bounded N. W. and N. by the river, S. W. and S. by unsurveyed land, E. by the pines, Strawberry Neck and Samuel Willcott. 405 1686 Aug. 16. Do. to John Woodroff senior of Elizabeth Town for several parcels there, vizt: 1, 43 acres, an island or hammock in the great meadow; 2, 26 acres, bounded S. by grantee, N. and E. round by the brook in the swamp; 3, 32 acres of hassockSj bounded S. by George Mor- risse, E. by a creek, W. by grantee; 4, 12 a., bounded N. E. by the road from Elizabeth Town to Governours Point, S. E. by Benjamin Price, S. W. by the calves pasture, N. E. (sic) by Ephraim Price; 5, 9 acres of meadow, S. E. Oyster Creek, S. W. Ephra Baker, N. E. a little gully, W. the commons; 6, 5 a. of meadow, bounded S. by Hure Thomson, N. by Leonard Headley, W. by common lands, E. by the Bay. 406 1686 July. 26. Do. to Benjamin Wade of Elizabeth Town for 100 acres there, bounded W. by William Looker, S. by grantee and Umphra Spinage, E. and N. by unsurveyed land. 407 1686 July 28. Do. to William Looker of Elizabeth Town for 60 acres there, S. a swamp, E. Benjamin Wade, N. aud W. unsurveyed land; also ' 40 a., W. Jacob Moline, S. W. grantee, N. E. unsurveyed land; 10 acres of meadow, W. John Woodroff's island, S. and E. common meadow, N. John Ogden. ,408 1686 Sept. 27. Do. to Benjamin Hull of Piscataway, for 72 acres, . called Hull's Farm, N. W. Jabez Hendricks, S. E. John Smally, senior, N. E. unsurveyed land, S. E. Raraton River. 409 1686 Sept. 30. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans of 450 acres at Reed Clift, N. the Bay and meadows, E. unsurveyed land, S. and W. a gushett of land of 150 a., also granted and bounded W. by the great meadow, S. W. by the South River, S. by unsurveyed land; also 50 acres of meadow, adjoining the first. 410 1686 Aug. 17. Do. to same for 1024 acres on the Eastside of Hack- sack River, along the road from Old Tapan to the mill. 411 1686 Sept. 29. Do. to Robert Barclay for 1000 acres, bounded W. by the brook of the Shrewsbury men, N. by that of Isaac Bryan's claim, E. by a brook and unsurveyed land. 412 1686 Sept. 30. Do. to William Haige of Amboy Perth, late Surveyor General, of 10 acres, in right of John Hamptone, in the town; also 3 acres in right of Gawen Lawrie. 413' 1684-5 Feb. n. Bond of Samuel Marsh of Elizabeth Town, for main taining the sale to Peter de Siguey of one third of his saw-mill on Thom son's Creek and one third of his four hundred acres of woodland. 413 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER A. So Page 1684-5 March 2: Endorsement on the preceding by Mary, late wife of Samuel Marsh, that the property was delivered. 414 1684-5 March 2. Deed. Mary, -widow of Samuel Marsh junior of Raway to Peter de Siguey of Amboy, practicioner 'in physic and chyrurgery, for £ of a sawmill on Thomson's Creek, Elizabeth Town, held in partnership with Jonas Wood and John Crooke. 414 1686 Oct. 8. Do. Same, now of Elizabeth Town, to same, now of Woodbridge, for 10 acres of upland, W. the Two Miles Brook, S. Mathias Hartefield, W. David Oliver, N. unsurveyed land; also 4 acres of meadow at Raway. 415 1686 Sept. 2. Confirmation to Gawen Lawrie of 300 acres, bounded N. by Raraton R. and on all other sides by unsurveyed lands. 415 1686 Aug. 17. Do. to same of 700 acres, bounded S. and W. by Peter Spnmans and David Demarrie, E. and N. by Hackinsack R. and a brook; also 200 acres, bounded S. by the Westbranch of said river, E. and N. by the river, W. by unsurveyed lands. 416 1686 Oct. 2. Patent to Samuel Spicer of Midletoun for several par cels there, vizt: I, 450 acres, bounded S. by Richard Gibbons and John Vaughan, E. by a brook and Thurlagh Swyny, N. by Thomas Cox and the barren land, W. by a road; 2, g acres of meadow at Waycack, bounded W. by John Boune, E. by Wm Lowrance, N. by the beach, S. by upland; 3, a houselot of 8 acres, W. of John Stoult; 4, another lot of 8 acres, E. Richard Hartshorne, N. Wm Lowrance junior, W. and S. roads; 5, 6 acres of upland af the Poplare Hill, E. John Boune, W. Richard Gibbons; 6, 12 a. of upland in the Popular Field, E. William Cheesman, W. James Boune, S. a road, N. Richard Sadler; 7, 102 acres, bounded' S. by grantee and Thomas Cox, N. by the rear of the townlots, W. by a road and John Crawfurd; E. by said Cox; 8, 6 acres of meadow at Sholl Harbour Creek, W. Sarah Reape, E. George Job, N. a creek, S. upland. 41 7 1686 Sept. -13. Do. to Jedidiah Higgines of Piscataway for 58 acres there bounded W. by John Smally senior, S. by Hopewell-Hull and Symon Brimley, E. by said Brimley and John Smally junior, N. by unsurveyed land; 22 acres near Raraton R., E. the road, S. the meadow, W. John Longstaff, N. unsurveyed land. 418 1686 Sept. 30. Confirmation to Stephen Warne and Thomas Warne, both' of Amboy Perth, for 400 acres, N. the great or Mittevang creek, also called Nackenakme, E. a small creek, W. and S. unsurveyed land. 420 1686 Sept. 29. Do. to John West of New York of 1500 acres, bought from Thomas Rudyard, on a branch of Raway R., E. Symon Rouse, and Doctor Robinsone, N. said branch, W. and S. common lands. 421 '1686 Sept. 29. Do. to John Campbell and John Barclay, both of Amboy Perth, for several tracts in and about Elizabethtown, vizt: 1, a gO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page houselot of 5 acres, bounded N. W. by Mr. Bobllen's former lot, N. E., S. E. and S. W. by a road and the Mill Creek; 2, another lot of 6 acres, formerly Robert Vauquellines, N. W. said Vauquelline, S. W. and N. E. roads; 3, 153 acres on Elizabeth Creek, N. E. Capt. Thomas Young dec'd., N. W. unsurveyed land, S. and S. W. meadows; 4, 20 acres, N. a road, E. a small creek, S. meadows, W. Mathias Hartfield; 5, 200 acres in the great meadow, part of a 336 a. tract, N. Nicholas Carter, W. upland, E. the Bound Creek, S. unsurveyed meadows; 6, 20 acres of meadow, S. W. the river, N. W. upland, N. E. unsurveyed meadows 421 1683 Dec. 20. Deed. Thomas Moore, of Elizabeth towne, taillour, to Benjamin Wade of the same place, clother, for 43 acres of upland, bounded N. W. by grantee, N. E., S., S. E. and S. W. by unsurveyed land; also 60 acres on the Northside of Elizabeth R., adjoining Hum phrey Spinage, N. Stephen Osburne and Nathaneel Bonell, S. a branch of said river. 423 1686 Nov. 3. Power of Attorney. David Mudy, of Amboy Perth, merchant, about to sail for Montras, Scotland, to his sons David and James Mudy of the same place, as general agents. 423 1684 April 21-22. Deed. Robert Barclay of Urie, Scotland, to Wil liam Aickman of Scotland, advocate, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East New Jersey. 424 1685 Aug. 7. Power of attorney. William Aickman to Archbald Rid- dell, brother germane to Sir John Riddell, as agent in East New Jersey. 429 1685 April 30. Notice given by William Haige of Elizabeth town, Re ceiver General for the Proprietors, that he has appointed Gawen Lawrie his Deputy. 430 • 1685-6 Feb. 15. Agreement of William Cottar and wife Elenor of Woodbridge with George Allan of Elizabethtown, devising to him their property after death. 430 1684 March 27. Deed. James, Earl of Perth, to David Toshack of Monyvaird, Scotland, for 5 of i-24th share of East New Jersey. 431 1684 June 28. Mem. concerning the laying out of roads in Middlesex Co., by the Commissioners appointed by Act of Assembly. 433 1684 June 29. Do. rel. to road from Piscataway to Amboy. 434 1685-6 March 16. Mem., that Mr. Robinson is to relinquish all fight, title and interest in the land, purchased by him, Pinhorne and Taylor etc. 434 1685 March 26. Declaration of Thomas Johnsone of Newark, that he cannot find any estate of William League to administer. 434 Names of John Hantone's children, brought "to the • Province in 1683: Janet, Elizabeth, Lideah, John, David. 434 1688 Aug. 10. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie, Monmouth, as attor- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A. > 91 Page ney for James Miller of Scotland, merchant, to John Bray of Middletown, for 130 acres," belonging to James Miller, bounded N. and E. by Hope R. and a brook, S. by a small run, W. by unappropriated land. 435 1688 Aug. 10. Do. Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, by his attorney ¦ John Reid of Hortencie, to William Lowrance senior of Middletown, for 100 acres on Burlington Path, bounded N. by Hope River, on all other sides by unsurveyed land. 437 1688 Aug. 10. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to John Bray, for 30 acres, bounded S. by Hope R., E. by Braye's Brook, W. by grantee. 439 1688 Aug. 10. Do. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid, to John Hantone, for 50 acres at Passequenecqua, Monmouth Co., bounded S. by George Curlies, N. by Thomas Hewett, W. by Burlington Path, E. by Passequenecqua Brook. 440 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber B. 1684 March 28. Deed. James, Earl of Perth, to David Toshack of Monyvaird, Scotland, for \ of 1-24 of East New Jersey. 1 1685 Ju}y 15. Do. David Toshack of Monyvaird to David Moody of Amboy Perth, for the preceding ^ of 1-24 share. 4 1685 July 22. Mortgage. David Moody to Donald Mcquivrick of Murderers Kil, Orange Co., N. Y., for the preceding \ of 1-24 share. 8 1685 July 15. Bond. David Moody to David Toshack guaranteeing the deed above. 14 1685 July 22. New York. Agreement between the Laird of Mony vaird, David Moody senior and Donald Mcquirrick concerning the pre ceding transactions. 15 1686' Dec. II. Letters of administration on the estate of Marryum Thomas, "late of Bergen, spinster, dec'd., granted to William Douglas of .Bergen. . 16 1686 Sept. I. Confirmation to David Mudy of Amboy Perth for 600 acres on the West side of South R., Middlesex Co., E. the river, W. un surveyed land, N. Charles Gordone, S. Gawen Lawrie; 20 acres of meadow along said river. 16 1686 Nov. 20. Tripartite .Indenture between Donald Mcquirrick of Orange Co., N. Y., David Toshack of Monyvaird and Edward Anthill of New York, whereby the \ of l-24th share, as above pp. 1-14, becomes the property of the last named. 1 17 1682-3 Feb. 6. Deed. Joseph Frazie of Rawack River, Elizabeth - town, to John Toe of Elizabethtown, for 40 acres on said river, S. the Woodbridge line, W. unsurveyed land, N. and E. grantor. 22 g2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1686 Aug. 1 6. Deed. Roger Lambert of Elizabethtown, blacksmith, to John Toe, for 7J acres of meadow, adjoining Umphra Spinage, Stephen Crane, Jeffery Jones and William Piles Neck. 22 1686 Aug. 17. Do. John Toe to Doctor William Robinson for the 40 acres, bought of Joseph Frazie, and the 7J acres of meadow, bought of Roger Lambert. 22 1686 April 2. Do. Lord Neill Campbell of Scotland to Robert Black wood of Edinburgh, merchant, for £ of £ of 1-24 share of East New Jer sey. 23 16S1 April 20. Do. William Lowrance junior to Robert Hamiltone, both of Midletoun, for 165 acres, as granted by patent of June 20, 1677. 24 1686 May 15. Do. Samuel Carter of Elizabethtown, planter, to David Smith of New Haven, Conn., tanner, for 28^ acres along the road; 3^ acres of meadow, bounded by Sir George and Govr philipp Carteret. Tabitha, wife of Samuel Carter, and Nicholas Carter sign the deed with Samuel. 24 1686 June 7. London. Letter. Governour Robert Barclay to the Deputy Governour and Council of E. New Jersey: Capt. Andrew Hamil tone to have £40 sterl. or 500 acres of land on his return to the Province; £100 to be sent to Wm Dockwra, the Proprietors' agent in London, for the defense of the joint interest. 25 1686 Sept. 3. Deed. Thomas Mathewes, mariner, to Edward Antill, gentleman, for land on Raraton R., lot No. it, between Wm Dockwra and the lot of Richard Jones, bought by John Inians and others. 26 1686 Dec. 20. Patent to Edward Antill of New York City, merchant, - for 400 acres, E. and W. Wm Dockwra, N. the Raraton R., S. unappro priated land. 28 1686 Dec. 15. Do. to George Drake of Piscataway, for 100 acres, bounded S. by Edward Slater, E., N. and W. by unsurveyed land. 29 1686 Dec. 15. Do. to George Mount of Midletoun, for 100 acres, bounded S. E. by Safty Grover, W. by a brook, N. and E. by unsurveyed land. 30 1686 Dec. 20. Do. to Thomas Lawrie of Cheesquakes, Middlesex Co., for 60 acres, bounded E. by Raraton Bay, S. by Nathaniel Tulle, W. by Govr Lawrie, N. by Thomas Bartlett. 31 1686 Dec. 16. Do. to John Pearce of Midletoun, for 50 acres there, S. James Grover junior, N, E. and W. unsurveyed land. 32 1685-6 Feb. 7. Confirmation to Doctor George Lockhart of N. Y. City, for a tract, beginning at Tapan Creek upon Hudson's R., running along the division line betw. N. Y. and N. J. 3 miles into the woods with a width of 2 miles from the river Westward. (Patent of June 12, 1669.) 34 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 03 Page 1685 Oct. 31. Last Will and. Testament of William Gedes of Bruntis(?) land, Scotland, made aboard the Henry and Francis of New Castle, Capt. Richard Huttone, commander. Wife Euphan Dempster, children William, Euphan, Margaret, Anna; names as divisors the wife, brother Robert Gede, Alexander Gede, Baillie of Bruntisland; with James Armour of Glasgow, merchant, James Dundas, brother to Dundas of Armiestoun as assistants. Witnesses James Ramie, skipper, Alexr Rid- doch, writer. 35 1686 June 17. Deed. Doctor. George Lockhart and wife. Janet of N. Y. City to Andrew Boune of the same place, merchant, for the Tapan tract (supra, p. 34), excepting one half of the salt meadow on Southside of Tapan Creek, lately conveyed to Frederick Philips of N". Y. and 20 acres of meadow, conveyed to the Proprietors. 36 1686 June 17. Do. Same to the Proprietors, for 20 acres of meadow at Tapan. 38 1685 Aug. 24. Order from Govr Robert Barclay to lay out 500 acres near Pearth for Robert Gordone, owner of 1-32 of Robert Burnett's share, and his agent and- partner William Laing, who comes over with a family. 39 1686 Dec. 20. Confirmation to Robert Barclay of 560 acres, bounded . S. E. by the pretended line of Lowrance, the baker, N. E. by Raratan R. , N. W. by Cornelius Longfield, S. W. by unsurveyed land; also 20 a. of meadow at the Roundabout, N. the Raraton R. 40 1686 Dec. 20. Confirmation to John Barclay of Amboy Perth, in right of his deceased brother David Barclay, for 530 acres on Milstone R., . bounded E. by George Willox, N. and W. by said river, S. by unsurveyed land. 40 1686 Dec. 29. Deed. John Barclay to his brother Robert Barclay of Ury for the preceding tract. 41 1686 Dec. 24. Confirmation to Robert Barclay, of 800 acres in Mon mouth Co., formerly claimed by Isaac Bryant, bounded S. E. by a brook, along Samuel Leonard's land, N. E. by a brook along William Haige's, N. W. by Govr Lawrie, S. W. by grantee; also 25 a. in Amboy, E. the Governour, S. and N. roads, W. land designed for Cluny and- Lethenty. 41 1686 Dec. 20. Do. to John Barclay of Amboy Perth, in right of his deceased brother David Barclay, for 500 acres in Monmouth Co., bounded S. E. by Birlington Path, S. W. by Peter Sonmans, W. by Menelopen Brook, N. E. by unsurveyed land. 42 1686 Dec, 29. Deed. John Barclay to Robert Barclay for the pre- , ceding 500 a. 43 1686 Dec. 24. Confirmation to James Johnstone, late of Spotswood, Scotland, for 1- 10 of 1-48 share, purchased, from Robert Barclay, to wit: 550 acres in Monmouth Co., bounded S. E. and N. W. by brooks, running 04 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page into the N. E. branch of South River, N. W. and N. E. by unsur veyed land. 43 1678 May 29. Copy of endorsement on a deed. Symon Rouse to Jonas Wood of Elizabethtown, for 6 acres of meadow on Elizabethtown Creek, N. Wm Cramer, S. E. Humphrey Spinage, S. W. upland, N. E. the creek. 44 1685-6 March 11. Receipt. Jon Crooke to John Toe for purchase money for 6 acres of meadow, formerly Jonas Wood's. 45 t686 Aug. 24. Receipt. Jon Crooke to John Toe for purchase money for a parcel of land. 45 ' 1686 Aug. 24. Deed. Jeffery Jones and wife Sussanah of Elizabeth- town to Jonas Wood of the same place, weaver, for a houselot and pitie of 5 acres, E. the Mill Creek, N. William Cramer, W. a road, S. grantee. 45 1686 Aug. 25. Bond. Jonas Wood to John Toe, to allow him for fencing timber 50 acres near the Widow White. 45 1686 Aug. 25. Deed. Jonas Wood of Elizabethtown, weaver, and wife Elizabeth to John Toe of the same place, weaver, for 10 acres, bought of David Ogden and Jeffery Jones, E. the Mill Creek, N. formerly Wm Cramer, now Crooke, W. and S. highways. 46 1686 Aug. 25. Do. David Ogden and wife Elizabeth of Newark 'to Jonas Wood for a houselot and pitie of 5 a., E. the Mill Creek, N. Jeffery Jones, W. and S. roads. 46 1686-7 Jan' 27. Mortgage. John Toe arid wife Lidia to Dennis Mor- rice, planter, all of Elizabethtown, for two houselots there of 5 acres, bounded E. by the Mill Creek, N. by Coxe's lot, formerly Wm Cramer's, W. and S. by roads. 47 1685 Aug. 21. Deed. Robert Gordone, of Aberdeen, Scotland, card- maker, to William Laing, jEconomas in the King's College at Aberdeen, for f of 1-32 of 1-24 share of E. N. J. 48 1683-4 Feb. 8. Agreement. Govr Gawen Lawrie, on behalf of the Proprietors, with Benjamin Clark of Amboy, stationer, concerning lot No. 35 at Amboy, facing the Sound. 50 1685-6 Feb. 20. Quit claim. Thomas Knowles, of Amboy, stationer, to Benjamin Clark for all debts, dues and demands. 50 1678-9 Jan. 1. Deed. William Hill, cordwainer, to Benjamin Wade, cloathier, both of Elizabethtown, for a home lot of 4 acres, formerly be longing to William Piles, bounded E. by Nicholas Carter, S. and N. roads, W. by Thomas Pope. 50 1686 Aug. 31. "" Power of attorney. Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, to John Reid of East New Jersey, as land agent. 51 1686 Sept. 14. Order of the Governour and Proprietors of East N. J. and the Governour and Proprietary of W. N. J., Edward Byllynge, direct' EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 95 Page ing the Deputy Governors to appoint Commissioners for running the line between the two Provinces. 1 51 1686-7 Jan. 8. Bond. John Skeine, Deputy Governour of West New Jersey, Samuel Jennings, Thomas Olive, George Hutchinson, Mahlon Stacy, Thomas Lambert and Joseph Pope, proprietors and inhabitants of W. N. J., to Lord Neill Campbell, Governour, Capt. Andrew Hamiltone and John Campbell, proprietors, etc., of East N. J., to stand by the decis ion of Wm Emley and John Reid concerning the running of the division line. 52 1686-7 Jan. 8. Decision of John Reid and Wm Emley, that the line shall run from the Northside of the mouth of Little Egg Harbour N. N. W. 50 min. W. to Delaware R.2 53 1686 Nov. 2. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Ward, late of Newark, dec'd., granted to his widow ffeby. 53 1686 Aug. 30. Confirmation to David Mudy of Amboy Perth for \ of 1-24, purchased from David Toshack of Monyvaird, late cf Scotland, now of New York City, to-wit: 480 acres, bounded S. by a road and Peter Son mans, E. by Lord Lundy, W. by Thomas Barker, N. by unsurveyed land; also 30 acres"in the Town of Wickatunc, S. a road, E. Lord Lundy, W. aijd N. Thomas Cox. . 53 1686 June 22. Do. to the same for \ of 1-24, purchased as before, to-wit: 500"acres, bounded E. by Wm Lowrance, N.. barren land and the back line of Wickatunc lots, W. unsurveyed land, S. do. and Hope R. 54 1685-6 Feb. 19, 20. Deed. Dr. George Lockhart and wife Janet of New York to Frederick Flypsen, for one half of a meadow at Tapan, near Hudson's R., bounded N. by Tappan Creek, E. and S. by Hudson's R., W. by grantor. , 55 1684 Aug. 21. Do. Robert Symon of Northampton, Mass., to Jas per Crane of Newark, for 44 acres of upland, bounded N. W. by the mountains, N. E. by John Baldwine, senior, S. W. by Richard Herrisone, S. E. by Capt. Samuel Swaine. 60 1684 Sept. 3. Mortgage. Benjamin Wade of Elizabethtown, cloath- ier, and wife Anna, to Roger Lambert of the same place, blacksmith, for 8 acres there, bounded W. by Wade's formerly of Old Pope's houselot, N., E., and S. by highways 61 1686 Sept. 10. Deed. Gawen Lawrie, for Peter Sonmans, to George Keith of Amboy Perth, Surveyor General, for 300 acres in Middlesex Co., bounded N. by Raraton R., on all other sides by unsurveyed land. (Pat ent of Sept. 2, 1686). 61 ¦ ". i-Printed in N. J. Archives, I., 519. , "v 1 Printed in N. J. Archives. 1 , 523. See also post. Liber 0., f- 137. Also N. J. Historical Society Proceedings, 3d Series, I.", 131. g6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1686-7 March 1. Return of survey by George Keith of the bounds of the Town of Bergen. 63 1685 Aug. 14. Confirmation to Thomas Rudyard of 80 acres, in Eliz abethtown, bounded W. by a road, S. by Lieutenant Ross, E. by Calf Pasture Creek, N. by Mathias Hartefield and others. 63 1686-7 March 12. Mortgage. Edward Antill to Richard Jones, both of New York City, merchants, for 400 acres, called Mathewes Lot, bound ed E. and W. by Wm Dockwra, N. by Raraton R., S. by unappropriated land. 64 1685 April 3. Deed. Thomas Cox to William Dockwra, both of Lon don, for 1-24 share of East New Jersey. 65 1685 June 12. Caveat of John Berry against granting to Christopher Hoogland, Capt. Albert Albertse, Capt. Jacques Cortillew, Capt. Richard Stillwell, Philipp Carteret, Mathias Nicolls, Hendrick Smoke, and Roger Jooskl, a patent for 5,000 acres on Pisaick R. and Sadlers Brook. 66 1654 Sept 8. Mem., that Robert Burnett of Lethenty has given to James Miller, his agent in E. N. J. 300 acres on Raraton R., for 1-32 of 1-24 share. 66 1687 Feb. 14. Bond of Lord Neill Campbell to James Dundas and James Armour, both of Amboy Perth, for £570, payable Aug. 1, 1687. 67 1687 March 29. Deed. William Bingla of Woodbridge, husband man, to Joseph Dole, of the same place, mariner, for 6 acres of meadow in the Sunken- Marsh, S. W. from the Sound, at the mouth of a small creek. 68 1684 May 1. Do. Richard Beech and William Broadwell to James Emott, all of Elizabethtown, for 12 acres there, bounded E. by the street, W. by Nathaniel Tutle, N. by Crane's Brook, S. by Widow Mary Mitchell. 68 , 1687 May 2. Quitclaim. James Emott to Richard Beech for the pre ceding 12 acres. 69 1685 July 22. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, Penn., mer chant, to Nicholas Brown of Shroesberry, yeoman, for 1-16 of £ of I-I2 share of East New Jersey, said J of 1-12 being purchased from Thomas Rudyard August 23-24, 1682. 70 1688 March 11. Mortgage. Edward Antill to Jacob Millborne, both of N. Y. City, merchants, for \ of 1-24 share of East New Jersey, mort gaged by David Mudy to Donald Mcquirrick and by the latter conveyed to present grantor November 20, 1687. (Supra, pp. 4 and 8.) 72 1685 Aug. 22. Deed. Robert Gordone senior of Cluny and Robert Burnett of Lethentie to John Laing of Craigforth, Parish of Kinkell, Aber deen Co., Scotland, for 1-24 share of East N. J, 77 1684-5 Jan- 21. Do. Benjamin Martine to his brother John Martine EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 97 Page junior, both of Piscataway, for 33 acres in Woodbridge, given him by their father John Martine August 4, 1684. 78 -1686 Nov. 29. Indian Deed. Weighrerens (on behalf of Nackpunck), Wittamackpao, Hanayahame and Tantaqua, Indian proprietors, lo Capt. John Berry for their share of a run of water, called Warepeake or Reraka- nes or Sadie River, of which said Berry had bought a share before. 79 1687-8 March I. Confirmation by Robert Barclay, Chief Governour etc., to his brother John Barclay of the 500 acres, part of his first division of 10,000 a., sold him July 10, 1684. 79 1686-7 Jan. 20. Deed. John Robinsone and wife Margaret of New York to Jeromus Repley, John Tinnisone and Cornelius Tinnissone, all of Brewcklyn, Kings Co., N. Y., for a farm at Roysefield, Middlesex Co., conveyed to him by John Royse December 7, 1685. 81 1686-7 March 22. Do. Same to same, for 300 acres at Roysefield along Raraton R. ; also a tract on N. side of said river, bounded W. by Wm Pinhorne, grantor and associates, N. and E. by unsurveyed land; and an island in Raraton R. of 60 acres; altogether 660 a. 83 1684-5 March 20. Do. John Crawfurd of Middletown to Richard Hartshorne of Portland Point, Middletown, for 100 acres on the S. side of said town, adjoining the home lots of Richard Stout, Richard Gibbons and John Smith. 87 1687 March 25. Patent to Myles Forster of Perth Amboy, who has lost property in a conflagration there, April 10, 1686, for 250 acres at the head of Cheesquakes Creek, Middlesex Co., bounded S. by said creek, E. by Gawen Lawrie, W. and N. by unsurveyed land. 87 1687 March 25. Do. to Francis Jacksone of Shroesberry, for 100 acres, 50 thereof in right of Thomas Huett, the other 50 in his own right, all bounded E. by Passequenecqua Creek, W. by George Keith, N. by John Leppencolt, S. by Morris Worth; also 3^- acres of meadow, W. of John Leppencott. 89 1687 April 16. Confirmation to Robert Fullartone, of lot No. 3, 150 acres, over, against Amboy, E. George Willock, N. the meadow, W. Mel- foord's land, S. unappropriated land; also 20 acres of meadow, N. of grantee, W. of George Willock, E. of Melfoord, S. of common meadow; all by virtue of purchase from Robert Barclay of 1-10 of 1-48 share. 90 1687 April 16. Confirmation to Thomas Robiesone as part of his share for 300 acres, bounded N. by Raraton R, W. by Andrew Galloway and William Gerard, S. and E. by unappropriated land. 91 1686 Sept. 27. Do. to George Willox, late of Scotland, now of Am boy Perth, for his ^ of 1-24 share, bought of Robert Burnett, vizt: lot No. 2 over against Amboy Perth, bounded E. by Thomas Warne, N. by mead ow, W. by Robert Fullartone, S. by unsurveyed land; also 30 acres of meadow N. of grantee, E. of Robert Fullartone: in all 300 acres. 92 gS NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1687 March 25. Patent to William Shaddock of Shroesberry, for 96J acres at Passequenecqua, bounded S. by Birlington Path, N. by a gully and unsurveyed land, E. by Jedidiah Allen, N. by William Worth; also 3^ acres of meadow, E. Job Jenkines, W. Wm Worth. 93 1687 March 25. Do. to George Curlies of Shroesberry, for 96^ acres at Passequenecqua, N. E. unappropriated land, S. W. John Leppencott, N. W. Birlington Path, S. E. and E. Passequenecqua Creek; also 3^ acres of meadow, bounded E. by Morris Worth and Henry Chamberlane, W. by Proprietors' meadow, N. and S. by upland. 94 1687 March 25. Do. to William Suttoiae of Piscataway, for 125 acres there, 25 thereof being due to his wife Jane as headland, the other 100 a. being granted to W. S. as an old settler; all bounded S. by Edward Dun- hame, E. by John Randolph, N. and W. by unsurveyed land. 95 1687 March 25. Do. to John Stoutt of Middletown, for several tracts, vizt: 1, a homelot of 8 acres, bounded E. by Joseph Holmes, N. by a road, W. by Samuel Spicer, S. by a brook; 2, 9 acres in the Popular Field, bounded E. by Thomas Whitelock, W. by William Reape, N. by a road, S. by unsurveyed land; 3, 9 acres, W. of Joseph Holmes, E. of Thomas Whitelock, S. of a road and N. of unsurveyed land; 4, 102 acres of upland, bounded E. by Richard Sadler, W. by Joseph Holmes, N. by a road, S. by unsurveyed land; 5, 60 acres bounded S. by Thomas Cox, W. by Wm Bowne, N. by several houselots, E. by grantee;- 6, six acrres of meadow on Sholl Harbour Creek, E. Edward Tart, W. John Throgmor- tone, S. upland, N. a small brook; 7, 9 acres of meadow, bounded E. by Sholl Harbour Creek, W. by upland, N. by Richard Stoutt senior, S. by Thomas Cox; 8, 6 acres of meadow, N. Richard Sadler, S. James Grover junior, E. a small island, W. a point of upland. 96 1687 April 16 Confirmation to Doctor James Willox of Kemney, Scotland, for his ^ of 1-24 share, purchased from Robert Burnett, of 850 acres at the mouth of Milstone R., Middlesex Co., bounded N. by Rara ton and Milstone R., W. by Governour Barclay, E. by William Dockwra, S. by unsurveyed land; also 4 acres at Amboy, bounded E. by the Sound, N. by John Campbell, W. by David ffalconer, S. by Robert Ful lartone. , 98 1687 April 16. Do. to Thomas Hart of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, of 2,000 acres in the pretended bounds of Elizabethtown, bounded S. E. by a branch of Raway R., W. by Robert Burnett of Leth- entie and Robert Gordone of Cluny, N. W. by unsurveyed land, N. E. by Philipp Carteret, George and' John Alexander, E. by Wm. Piles. 99 1686 Oct. 4. Do. to Thomas Warne, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for lot No. 1 on S. side of Raraton R., 300 acres, N. the meadows, W. George Willox, E. Gawen Lawrie, S. unsurveyed land; also 30 acres of meadow, along the front of his own land. 100 1687 April 16. Do. to John, Viscount Milfoord, one of the Propri- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. OQ Page etors, for 140 acres near the^Bay and Bryan's house, W. of Robert Fullar tone; also 14 acres of meadow adjoining. 101 1687 March 25. Patent to. Edward Williams of Shroesberry for 96^ acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. by Birlington Path, S. the great meadow, E. by Francis Burdein, W. by John Burdein; also 3^ acres of meadow, E. John Worthley, N., W. and S. upland. 102 1687 March 25. Do. to John Havens of Shroesberry, for "96^ acres at- Passequenecqua, bounded E. by Passequenecqua Brook, W. by a run of water, N. by Jacob Leppencott, S. by Henry Chalmerlane; also 3^- acres of meadow, E. Restore Leppencott. W. Joseph Parker's children, N. and S. upland. 103 1687 March 25. Do. to Captain Richard Townley of Elizabethtown, Albert Albertsen of Flatlands, L. I., Jacob Cortillew of New Utrecht, L. I., Richard Stillwell of Staten Island, William Nicholls, Catharina Hoogland, Peter Jacobs, Ruhosten1 Jacobsone, and Hendrick Machielsen, all of New York, for 4,000 acres at Acquikanuck betw. Pisaick and Sadie Rivers.2 105 1687 March 25. Do. lo Abraham Brown of Shroesberry, for 245 acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. W. by Birlington Path, E. and S. E. by Passequenecqua Creek, N. by Peter White, S. by Thomas Huett; also 5 acres of meadow at the head of Manesquam Creek, W. of Thomas Huett, E. of Peter White, N. and S. upland. 107 1687 March 25; -Do. to Thomas Eattone of Shroesberry, for 96^ acres at Passequenecqua. E. Jedidiah Allen, S. the great meadow, N. Bir lington Path and Jedidiah Allen, W. Francis- Burdein; alsb 3^- acres of meadow, bounded E. and W. by Jedediah Allen. 108 1687 March 25. Do. to Jacob Leppencott of Shroesberry, for 193 acres at Passequenecqua, bounded W. by George Keith, E. by Passeque necqua Cr., N. by John Worthley, S. John Havens; also 7 acres of mead ow, bounded W. by his mother Abigail Leppencott, E., N. and S. by unapr propriated land and meadow. log 1687 March 25. Do. to John Worthley of Shroesberry, for g6J acres at Passequenecqua, bounded E. by the creek, W, by George Keith, S. by Jacob Leppencott, N. by unsurveyed land; also 3^ acres of meadow, bounded W. by Edward Williams, E., N. and S. by unsurveyed land. Ill 1687 March 25. Do. to Thomas Huett of Shroesberry, in right of Samuel Spicer, for g6£ acres at Passequenecqua, bounded W. and N. W. -by Birlington Path, E. and S. E. by Passequenecqua Cr., N. by Abraham Brown, S. by unappropriated land; also 3^ acres of meadow E. of Abra ham Browne, W., S. and N. unsurveyed land. 112 1687 March 25. Do. to widow Abigail Leppencott of Shroesberry, 1 Rut [i. e., Rutger] Joosten. 2 See History of Paterson, by William Nelson, I,, 61. IOO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. for 150 acres at Passequenecqua, 50 a. thereof in right of Caleb Sherriff, bounded E. by Samuel Dennes, W. and N. by unsurveyed land, S. by Manesquam Cr. ; also 5^ acres of meadow W. of her son Jacob Leppen cott. 113 1687 March 25. Do. to Francis Burdein of Shroesberry, for 200 acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. by Birlingtoun Path, S. by the great meadow, E. by Thomas Eattone, W. by Edward Williams; also 3J acres of meadow running into a cove from the great meadow into his own land and 3^- acres more in the great meadow, W. of Jedidiah Allen. 115 1687 March 25. Do. to John Burdein of Shroesberry, for 96J acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. by Birlington Path, S. by the great mead ow, E. by Edward Williams, W. by unsurveyed land; also 3J acres of meadow, W. of George Keith. 116 1687 March 25. Do. to John Leppencott of Shroesberry, for g6£ acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. by George Curlies, S. by Francis Jackson, W. by Birlingtoun Path,. E. by the creek; also 3^- acres at the head of Manesquam Cr., W. of his mother Abigail Leppencott. 118 1687 March 25. Do. to Robert Hamilton of Middletoun, for 40 acres there between John Job and John Crawfurd, W. of the road; also 52 acres E. of the road and a piece of meadow at Waycack Creek E. of John Crawfurd 119 1681 July 19. Power of attorney. Anthony Checkley of Boston, New England, merchant, to Samuel Moore of Woodbridge, for the collection of debts. 121 1686 June 24. Deed. Robert Moss of Elizabethtown to Jonas Wood, Samuel Wood, both of the same place, and Petter de Seiguey of Wood- bridge, surgeon, for several tracts in and near Elizabethtown, vizt: 1, 60 acres, bounded S. W. by the West Creek, N. E. and N. by Peach Garden Creek, S. E. by Thomson's Cr. ; 2, 66 acres, bounded N. by common land, E. by Peach Garden Cr., S. E. and S. by the first lot, W. and S. W. by swamp. I2i 1686 June 17. Do. Samuel Winder and wife Margaret, of Chees quakes, to Andrew Bowne of New York City, for 1038 acres at Chinga roras, Monmouth Co., granted to Thomas Rudyard by patent of May 28, 1685, and by him conveyed to present grantor 5, 1685. 123 1687 May 30. Receipt of Jon Crooke to John White on behalf of John ' Toe for purchase money of a. house. 125 1686 Oct. 6. Caveat. John Berry against granting to Philipp Carter et's heirs, Capt. Mathias Nicholls, Jacob Cortillew, Christopher Hoog- land, Capt. Albert Albertse, Capt. Richard Stillwell, Hendrick Smock, Roger Joost et. al. a patent for 5,000 acres between Pisaick and Sadie Rivers near Acquikanuck. (Supra, p. 66.) 125 1687 June 6. Deed. Gawen Lawrie to Hendrick Tunis Halent of. East jersey deeds, etc., liber b. iot Page Bergen, for 222 acres, bounded E. by Hackensack R., N. by a road, S. and W. by unsurveyed land. ¦ 126 1685 July ig-20. Lease and Release. Robert Turner, late of Dub lin, Ireland, now of Philadelphia, Penna, merchant, to John Throgmor- tone of Middletoun, for 1-48 of | of 1-12 share of East New Jersey, con veyed to him by Thomas Rudyard August 23-24, 1682. 127 1686 Oct. 10. Deed. Robert Morss of Elizabethtown to Jonas Wood of the same place, for 7 acres of marsh near said place, bounded S. W. by the West Brook, N. E. and N. by Peach Garden Brook, S. E. by Thom son's Creek. 131 1687 June 7. Do.- Benjamin Devell of Middletoun to Samuel Leon ard of Monmouth Co., finer, for 100 acres at Manesquam, surveyed for Leonard April 15, 1686. 132 1687 June 2g. Do. Jonas Wood to Andrise Price Gaer,l both of Eliz abethtown, for 100 acres in Elizabethtown District on Raway R., bounded S. by Capt. John Baker and grantee, E. by Jeffery Jones, N. and W. by the great swamp; by virtue of patent of October 14, 1676. 132 1687 Aug. 3. Letters of administration on the estate of John Wren, late of Elizabethtown dec'd., granted to Dr. Edward Gay of-the same place. 133 1687 July 2. Nuncupative Will of John Wren, made before Gawen Lawrie, names his wife as sole heiress and Edward Gay executor. John Stephen witness. 134 1687 Aug. 2. Mortgage. Johnlnjones of Raraton R., Middlesex Co., to Capt. Christopher Billops of Staten Island, for 1280 acres on S. side of Raraton R., bounded N. E. by said river, N. W. by Andrew Bowne, S. E: and S. W. by unsurveyed land; also 640 acres, bounded S. E. by Andrew Bowne, N. W. by Joseph Bambridge, N. E. by said river, S. W. by unsur veyed land. 134 1 1687 Aug. 12. Last Will and Testament of Gawen Lawrie, late Gov ernour of East Jersey. Brother Arthur Lawrie, sister Christian's chil dren, sister Agnes' children, George and John Watt, John Swinton of Swinton, Henry Stoutt, Richard Thomas', Thomas Burr of Hartford, chil dren of deceased son James Lawry, of daughter Mary Haig, of daughter Rebecca Foster. Executors, George and John Watt with Francis Campfield atid Robert Barclay as assistants. Witnesses William Haig, Miles Foster, Charles Soddon. 137 1687 Aug. 15. Last Will and Testament of Gawen Lawrie, disposes of the real estate to wife Mary and daughters Mary, Haig and Rebecca Fos ter. Executors the wife with assistance of William Haig and Miles Fos ter, who sign as witnesses. 138 1 See Hatfteld's Hist, of Elizabeth, 105, 269. He gives the name as Pricegaer. io2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page , 1687 Oct. 20. Letters of administration on the estate of Gawen Law rie granted to his widow Mary. I-3° 1685 Dec. 28. Deed. Samuel Moore of Woodbridge to Thomas ~Knowles, late of Amboy Perth, stationer, for 50 acres, part of his farm, called Non Such, beginning at the first cove West of his mansion house, where Bryant Buckworth lives, x39 1686 Oct. 4. Do. Stephen Kent of Woodbridge to Israeli Thornehill of the same place, carpenter, for 30 acres of Raraton meadows, bounded 15 a. thereof S. by Hugh Dunn, W. by Robert Vauquelline and Benjamin Parkis, N. by his father Stephen Kent, E. by a salt pond, the other 15 acres bounded W. by Robert Vauquelline and John Tailer, N. by upland, E. by Nathan Webster, S. by a salt pond. 139 1687 Aug. 6. Do. Thomas Knowles of Amboy, stationer, to John Campbell of the same place, gentleman, for account pf Lord John Mil- foord for 50 acres in Middlesex Co., part of Non Such, supra, p. 139. 140 1686-7 March 8. Do. Thomas Cox of London, to John Baker of Fairleigh alias Fairlight, Sussex Co., for £ of 1-24 share of East Jersey. Hz 1685 Dec. 5. Deed of gift. James Grover senior to his son Joseph Grover, both of Middletoun, for 330 acres, Grovers Inheritance, bounded N. by Peter Tilton, E. and S. by Swimming R, W. by unsurveyed laud; also 200 acres, called Grovers Inheritance, N. and E. common land, W. Romaness swamp or brook, S. Richard Stout junior; and 6 acres of swamp at the head of Jumping Brook, bounded N, E. and W. by .common land, S. by Peter Tiltone. 143 1687 June 23. Deed. Richard Worth to Obadiah Ayres, both of Woodbridge, for 8 acres there. 144 1687 Oct. 11. Letters of administration on the estate of John Clark of Middletown dec'd., granted to Joseph Grover. 145 1687 Oct. 12. Do. on the estate of James Clarkson senior granted to his son James Clarkson of Woodbridge. 146 1687 Oct. 13. Do. on the estate of Gylles Innes of Amboy Perth, granted to John Campbell. 146 1685 July 22. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to George How- litt of Shroesberry, for 1-16 of J of 1-12 share of East Jersey, by virtue of an indenture from Thomas Rudyard of Aug. 23-24, 1682. 146 1681 Sept. 9. Power of attorney. Thomas Snowsell senior of Midle toun, merchant, to Richard Hartshorne of the same place to collect debts and as general agent. 149 1682 April 10. Deed. Richard Hartshorne, as attorney for Thomas Snowsell, to John Crawfurd, for 40 acres, bought from Richard Stout and wife Penelope February 26, 1679-80, being: 1, a homelot, bounded N. by a road, W. by John Smith, E. by Richard Gibbons, S. by land then not EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 1 03 Page laid out; 2, 9 acres of upland in the Popular Field, N. a road, E. Ste phen Arnolls, S. William Laton, W. Edward Smith; 3, 9 acres of meadow, bounded ; 4, 6 acres of meadow on Wakecake Creek, bounded N. by a small creek, S. by Edward Smith, E. by Anthony Page and a large creek, W. by upland. 150 1687 July 4. Do. William Haige of Amboy Perth, Surveyor General, to Myles Forster of the same place, merchant, for 13 acres there, W. Peter Sonmans, S. a road, E. and N. unsurveyed land. 152 1687 Oct. 21. Power of attorney. Mary, widow and executrix of Gawen Lawrie, to her son(-in-law) Myles Forster as general agent. 153 1686 March 30. Do. John Forbis of Middlesex Co., now bound for Scotland, to Robert Hardie, of the same Co. residenter, as general agent and factor. 154 "1686 Nov. 8. Deed. Wrilliam Looker of Elizabethtown to Miles Forster of Amboy Perth, for 60 acres, bought of John Jones of Wood- bridge August 6, 1677, also 15 acres of meadow, bounded W. by Elisha Parker' and John Adams, N. by , E. by John Smith Scotsman, and Skipper Bunn, S. by Raraton R., bought of John Jones as above, all in the Township of Woodbridge, I mile from Stephen Kent's senior dwell ing house. 155 1687 April 26. Do. James Robinsons to Benjamin Devell of Midle toun, for all his worldly goods, on condition of being maintained until death. 157 1684 March 31. Do. Richard Beech to widow Marie Mitchell, both of Elizabethtown, for a. home lot with buildings there, bounded E. by the street, W. by Nathaniel Tutle, N. by grantor, S. by Even Salis- berry. 158 1687 Aug. 18. Do. Same to Marie Mitchell, spinster, for 4 acres at Elizabethtoun, bounded S. E. by grantee, N. W. by Nathl Tutle, N. E. by Crane's Brook, S.~W. by grantor; also 1 acre, bounded S. by grantee, W. by grantor, E. by highways. , 159 1687 Aug. 18. Partly Latin. Bond. Same to same for keeping the conditions of the foregoing deed: 160 1670-4 May 20. Deed. Rehoboth Gannatt, of New Piscataway to Samuel Dennes of Woodbridge, planter, for 10 acres betw. John Marline senior and Charles Gillman, bought of Hopewell Hull of Woodbridge, also 3 acres of meadow betw. Charles Gilman and Lipperarye 161 1687 Sept. 5. Last Will and Testament of Robert Hardie of South •River. Children John, Robert, Alexander, Isabell, son William dead. -Son Alexander executor, the others absent. Witnesses Peeter de Siguey, William Moore, Peter Sonmans. 162, 167 1687 June 20. Patent to Richard' Stoutt junior of Midletoun, for 120 acres there, bounded N. by a brook and Richard Stoutt senior, S. W. and to4 new JerSe¥ OoLoNIaL DOCUMENf S. Page S. by another brook, E. by unsurveyed land. 162 1687 Oct. 28. Letters of administration on the estate of Alexander Anderson of Chingaroras, Monmouth Co., dec'd., granted to John Hamp ton of the same place. 165 1687 Oct. 28. Do. on the estate of James Robinson dec'd., granted to Benjamin Devell, both of Midletoun. 166 1687 Oct 28. Do. on the estate of Bryant Blackman, late of the Island of Barbados, dec'd., granted to Samuel Leonard of Midletoun. 166 1687 Oct. 28. Do. on the estate of Capt. Francis Drake, dec'd., granted to his son George Drake of Piscataway. 167 1687 Nov. 12. Do. on the estate of Robert Hardy of South River dec'd., granted lo his son Alexander. 168 1687 Nov. 4. Patent to Tobias Hansen of Shroesberry, for 39 acres, W. John Williams and William Worthley, E. a road, on S. side of Manes quam R. ; also 60 a. on N. side of said river, S. W. John Hance, N. E. Re membrance Leppencott. 169 1687 Nov. 3. Confirmation to Robert Barclay, as part of his share, for 500 acres, S. W. grantee, on all other sides unsurveyed lands. 170 1687 Nov. 2. Do. to same, as part of his share, for: 1, 400 acres, W. the South R., N. Peter Sonmans, S. Charles Gordone; 2, 60 a. of mead ow, W. the South R., N. David Mudy and Robert Fullartone, E. and S. unappropriated meadow; 3, 70 a. of upland, E. the Hope R.f S. and W. John Reed, N. unappropriated land; 4, 130 a., N. and E. Hope.R. and a brook, S. a small run, W. unappropriated land. 171 1687 Nov. 2. Do. to same, as above, for 500 acres at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., N. a .road, E. Peter Sonmans, S. Thomas Warne, W. Toponemus' lots and unappropriated land. 173 1687 Nov. 2. Do. to same, for 500 acres, W. Milstone Brook, E. grantee, N. and S. unappropriated land. 174 1687 Nov. -4. Do. to James Miller of Scotland, in right of Robert Burnett by virtue of a deed of September 8, 1686, for 300 acres in Mon mouth Co., S. E. road to Birlingtoun, S. Thomas Warne, W. John Kaighen, N. E. Spotswood's Middle Brook. 175 1687 Nov. 4. Deed. The Proprietors to John Reid of Amboy Perth, for 10 acres of boggy meadow, N. E., S. E. and S. W. upland, N. W. un appropriated meadow, also one square chain on each side of the meadow. 176 ' 1687 Nov. 3. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, for a tract at the mouth of Duck Creek, bounded S. by said creek, W. by South River, N. by David Vilant, E. by unappropriated land, first granted him as headland for himself, wife, four children and seven servants, imported in November, 1684; also 14 a. of meadow, S. Thomas FuUertone, W. the South R., N. Govr Barclay, E. unappropriated meadow. 177 EAST JERSEY DE£DS, ETC\, LtfiER fi. 10$ Page 1687 Nov. 4. Do. to Thomas FuUertone, as 1-10 of 1-48 share, bought of Robert Barclay, for 500 acres, N. Gawen Lawrie, S. and W. un surveyed land, E. the South R. ; also 20 a. of meadow in the Round about, S. David Mudy, W. the South R., N. and E. unsurveyed land and meadow. I^g 1687 Nov. 5. Do. to Peter Sonmans of Amboy Perth, for a piece, 8£ ch. by 1, N. William Dockwra, E. the Water Street, S. the Mercat Street, W. Mercat Place. !8o 1687 June 25. Do. to Thomas Hart, as part of his share, of 25 acres in Amboy, S. a road, E. Benjamin Clerk and Walter Benthell, N. and W. unappropriated land; also lot No. 15 at Wickatunck, 480 acres, W. Peter Sonmans, E. Walter Benthall, N. a road, S. unappropriated land; and 32 ' a. in Wickatunc, W. Walter Benthall, E. and S. Elizabeth Gibsone, N. a road. t-Si 1-687 Nov. 4. Confirmation to Thomas Cooper of London, merchant tailor, as part of his share, for 500 acres at Passequenecqua, bounded N. by George Keith and unsurveyed land, S. by unsurveyed land, W. by Clement Plumstead, E. by Thomas Cooke of Shroesberry; also 17^ a. of " meadow at the head of Manesquam R., N. and S. upland, W. Clement Plumstead, E. George Codies. 182 1687 Nov. 4. Do. to Clement Plumstead of London, draper, as part of his share of 482^- acres at Passequenecqua, N. George Keith, S. unsur veyed land, VV. Jedidiah Allen, E. Thomas Cooper; also 17^ a. of meadow, N. and S. upland, W. George Keith, E. Thomas Cooper. 183 1687 Nov. 3. Do. to John Campbell of Amboy Perth, for 12 acres there, 8 thereof granted to him by David Toshack of Mony vaird, the other 4 acres held in his own right as purchased from Lord John Mel- foord, all bounded E. by the Sound, N. and W. by unsurveyed land, S. by Campbell's Creek. 184 1687 Oct. 18. Patent to Samuel Moore of Woodbridge, in right of Daniel Danton of Piscataway, for several tracts, vizt: 1, 260 acres, S. Charles Gillman, E. Alexander Adam, N. and W. unsurveyed land; 2, 20 a., W. the Raraton R., N. Dr. Greenland, E. unsurveyed land, S. Stony Brook. 188 1687 Nov. 4. Confirmation to Capt. Andrew Hamiltone, Deputy Gov ernour, of 250 acres, purchased from Thomas Holland, on the S. side of Raraton R., E. the South branch of said river, S. grantee, N. Hendrick Coursen, W. unsurveyed land. 190 1687 Nov. 4. Patent to John Hance of Shroesberry, for several par cels, vizt: 1, for 58^ acres, N. Joseph West, S. William Lowrance, E. the sea, W. a road; 2, 39 a., N. Judah Allan, S. a river and unsurveyed land, E. the sea, W. a road; 3, 2^- acres of meadow, W. Edmond Laffetra, E. John Williams and William Worthley, all these parcels on S. side of Man esquam R. ; 4, 120 a., S. W. William Lowrance, N. E. Tobias Hansen, S. Io6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page E. the river, N. W. a road; 5, 30 acres, N. E. Ephraim Allan, S. W. Jo seph West, both tracts N. of Manesquam R. Ig2 1687 June 20. Patent to John Bowne of Middletown, for, 240 acres at Chingaroras, of which 40 a. were granted to his father, Capt. John Bound, May 10, 1677. The other 200 are bounded W. by Lupakitonge Cr., N. and E. by the Bay and Chingaroras Cr., S. by unappropriated land. ig3 1687 Nov. 4. Do. to John Leonard of Middletown, for ig4 acres in Monmouth Co., S. and S. E. Lewis Morris senior, also N. and N. W., W. and S. W. unsurveyed land; also 6 acres of meadow at the N. W. corner of the first. 195 1687 Nov. 7. Do. to Peter White of Shroesberry, for 485 acres at Passequenecqua, S. Abraham Brown, N. and W. Birlington Path, E. a gully, if acres of meadow. at the head of Manesquam Brook, W. Restor Leppencott, E. an unappropriated meadow, N. and S. upland. 196 1685 Nov. 27. Deed. John Wilkines, late of Newark, now of Eliza bethtown, to Benjamin Griffith of Elizabethtown, for two parcels, II and 5^ acres, at Newark, bought of Robert Lymon of Northampton, .Mass., July 2, 1683. (See Lib. A, p. 31) 198 1687 Nov. 23. Do. Benjamin Griffith of Amboy Perth, merchant, to John Cockburne of N. Y. City, mason, for the preceding. 200 1687 Nov. 10. Patent to Jedidiah Allan of Shroesberry, in right of Clement MasterSj for 96J acres at Passequenecqua, E. George Keith and the Proprietors, and taken up by Thomas Boell, S. Manesquam Brook, W. Thomas Eattone, N. Birlingtoun Path and grantee; also 3J a., W. Thos. Eattone, E. the cold well spring and grantee. 201 1687 June 20. Do. to Samuel Leonard, of Middletown, for 200 acres on N. side of Manesquam R., 100 acres thereof in his own right, the other 100 in right of Benjamin Devell, by warrant of December 24, 1685, also 8 chains square of lowland, N. E. the river, on all other sides unsur veyed land. 203 1686 Aug. 5. Letters of administration on the estate of William Liv ingston of Amboy Perth dec'd., granted to Alexander Lermouth of. Newark. 205 1687 Nov. 3. Patent to David Mudy junior of Amboy Perth, for 120 acres, as headland for his brother James and sisters Isabell and Margaret, N. and E. Duck Creek, W. and S. South R. 206 1687 Oct. 28. Do. to Jedidiah Allan of Shroesberry, for 410 acres in Monmouth Co., part as headland for himself, wife and ten children, part as to an old settler or patentee, E. and N. Peter Sonmans, W. Wil liam Shaddock, S. and S. E. Birlingtoun Path; also Iii acres of meadow, E. Joseph Parker's children, W. Job Jenkines. 207 1687 Nov. 1. Do. to Thomas Bartlett of Cheesquakes, Middlesex Co., for 60 acres, N. E. Raraton Bay, S. E. Thomas Lawrie, W. and N. W. Govr Lawrie. 20n 'EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 107 Page 1687 Dec. 3. Do. to John Crawfurd of Middletown, for 200 acres there, N. John Wilsone senior, E. Richard Gibbon, S. and W. unsurveyed land. 211 1687 Dec. I. Letters of administration on the estate of Edmond Laf- fetra dec'dr, granted to his widow Frances. 212, 217 1687 Dec. I. Do. on the estate of Samuel Wolcott of. Shroesberry, dec'd., granted to Judah Allan and Thomas Webley. 213, 215 i687 Dec. 2. Do. on the estate of Thomas "Leeds of Shroesberry dec'd., granted to bis son William Leeds of Middletown. 214 1687 May 7. Will of Samuel Woolcott of Shroesberry. Sons Edward Williams and Nathaniel Wolcott. Executors Judah Allan and Thomas .Webley. Witnesses John Martein, Edmond Laffetra, Andrey Webley. 214 1687 Sept. 4. Will of Edmond Laffetra of Shroesberry. Wife , sons Edmond, Joseph, son-in-law John West, daughters Sarah Laffetra, Elizabeth" West, calls Joseph West a son and Robert West, Frances Stoutt, Mary Cammock, Ann Chamberlane children. Wife executrix. Witnesses Nicholas Broun, Judah Allen, Thomas Webley. Proved Nov. 22, 1687. 215 1686 Nov. 13. Will of Thomas Leeds of Shroesberry. Wife Marga ret, sons Daniel, William. Witnesses Jedidiah Allen, Thomas Eattone, Thomas Viccars. Proved Nov. 28, 1687. 217 1687 Dec. 12. Letters of administration on the estate of -Thomas Leeds, granted to his widow Margaret. 218 1686 Dec. 10. Patent to Margaret, wife of John Carrington of Amboy Perth, for one acre there, E. George Keith, Surveyor General, S. Smith's Street, N. the Street on the intended dock, now called the Cove, W. by an unappropriated lot. 218 1684 Aug. 22. Deed. John Martine junior of Piscataway to his father John Martine of Woodbridge, for 15 acres of upland at Piscataway, N. and E. the highway, W. and S. grantee. 219 1687-8 March 17. Will of John Martin of Piscataway. Wife Esther sole heiress and executrix with sons Hopewell Hull, John Martin, Benja min Martin and John Langstaff as overseers and assistants. Witnesses Thomas Killingworth, Will. Button, Benjamin Martin, Thomas Martin, Daniel Lippington. 220 1687 Dec. 14. Letters of administration on the estate of_ John Martin dec'd., granted to his widow Esther. 221 1684 Aug. 4. Deed. John Martine of Piscataway to his son Thomas Martine of the same place for two tracts of land and one tract of meadow, in Woodbridge, vizt: the first, between Abraham Tappine, Piscataway bounds, and son Benj. Martin; the second, betw. Benj. Martine and Pis cataway line; the third, 10 acres of Raraton meadows; all by virtue of patent of June 6, 1673. . 222 10S NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1687 June 27. Deed. John Langstaff and Symon Brimley, adminis trators of the estate of Michael Symons of Piscataway, dec'd. to Timothy Chanlor, son of Timothy and Abigail Chanlor of the same place, for 75 acres of upland in Piscataway, S. E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Daniel Lip- pington and William Sutton, N. W. Vincent Rongiuon, N. E. Capt. Francis Drake. 223 1687 Nov. 9. Will of Esther Martin of Piscataway. Sons John, Joseph, Thomas, Benjamin, daughter Mary Hull, Martha Langstaff, Lidea Smally, grandchildren Hopewell, son of Hopewell and Mary Hull, Mary, dau. of the same. Executor son Benjamin. Witnesses Edward Slat ter and Samuel Hull. Proved Dec. 20, 1687. 224 1687-8 Jan. 6. Letters of administration on the estate of Esther Mar tin granted to her son Benjamin. 226 1680 Sept. 27. Deed. --Peter Tilton of Middletoun to Nathaniel Slocom of Shroesberry for one share of land at Portipeck Neck, N. J. 226 1682-3 Jan. 20. Do. John Vaughan of Middletown, carpenter, to Garret Wale of the same place, for 9 acres of meadow, formerly Benjamin Devell's, at Middletown, E. James Grover, W. Wm Lowrance, S. upland, N. the beach. 227 1684 Dec. 10. Do. William Scott to Hannanias Giffard, both of Shroesberry, for 4 acres near Raco Island,"" W. Nicholas Browne, E. John Burdein,. N. the river, S. an island. 228 1685-6 Feb. 10. Deed of gift. Walter Wall senior of Middletown to his son Garret Wale,, for 100 acres of upland, E. and N. grantor, S. Thomas Whitelock, W. Daniel Estill 228 1686-7 March 14. Will of John Havens of Shroesberry. Wife Anna, sons William, John, Nicholas, Daniel; sons-in-law George Axtone, who has son John (?), and Thomas Wainwright. Land at Sessoconneta and Little Silver. Executors son William and son-in-law Thomas Wainwright. Witnesses Nicholas Brown and Edmond Laffetra. Proved Nov. 22, 1687. 229 1685 July 22. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to Mary, widow of Francis Masters of Shroesberry, for 1-64 of J of 1-12 share of East Jer sey, purchased from Thomas Rudyard August 23-24, 1682. 231 1685 July 22. Do. Same to Ephraim Allan of Shroesberry, for 1-64 of £ of 1-12 share as above. 233 1687-8 Jan. 17. Letters of administration on the estate of Richard - Gardiner of Middletown dec'd., granted to his widow Hanna. 236 1687-8 Jan 26. Do. on the estate of Garterett Holland of Wood- bridge dec'd., granted to John Lofborrow. 237 1687-8 Jan. 4. Will of Thomas Alger of Woodbridge Corporation. Wife Susanna, son William, daughter Mary Gillman, grandchild John, son of John Allan. Real and personal property. The wife executrix. Wit- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 100 Page nesses Edward Slatter, Richard Worth, Charles Gillman. Proved Janu ary 24, 1687-8. 237 1687-8 Feb. 17. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Alger dec'd. granted to his widow Susanna. 238 1686 Dec. 11. Mortgage. Rehoboth Gannett of Piscataway to Joseph Dole of Newbury, Mass., mariner, in consideration of money paid to his brother Richard Dole, formerly of Piscataway, for a houselot there betw. Thomas Higgines and Daniel Hendricks, 29 acres 239 1687-8 Feb. 6. Deed. Robert Barclay, by his attorney J0I1T Reid of Hortencie, Monmouth Co., to Daniel Harcott of Monmouth Co., for 400 acres there, N. E. and S. E. Mine and Cooper's Brooks, N. W. Govr Law rie, S. W. grantor 240 1685 July 22. . Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to Francis Jeffreys of Shroesberry, for 1-64 of £ of 1-12 share of East Jersey, purchased from Thomas Rudyard. 241 1685 Oct. 16. Do. Thomas Fitzrandolph to Thomas Smith, both of Piscataway, for 50 acres there, given to grantor by his mother, bounded N. by Thomas Farnsworth, S.W. by Joseph Fitzrandolph. 244 1687 Nov. 23. Do. Daniel Leppenton to Thomas Smith, both of Piscataway, for 60 acres. there, S. William Sutton, W. Capt. Greenland, N. John Smally junior, E. Michael Symons. 245 1687 Nov. 29. Do. Richard Smith to his son Thomas Smith, for one half of his 5 acre lot of meadow on Raraton R. in Piscataway Township, adjoining Wm Sutton. 245 1687 Dec. 29. Do. Thomas Hewitt of Shroesberry to John Hantone of Cheesquakes, for 96^ acres at Passequenecqua, W„ and N. W. Birling ton Path, E. and S. E. Passequenecqua Creek, N. Abraham Brown, S. un appropriated land; also 3J acres of meadow, W. Abraham Browne, E. un appropriated meadow, N. and S. upland. 246 1687-8 Feb. 7. Mortgage. Daniel Harcott of Monmouth Co., to Rob ert Barclay by his attorney John Reid of Hortencie, for 400 acres (supra, p. 240). 248 1687-8 Feb. 10. Deed. Robert Barclay to James Miller, for 1,100 acres in Monmouth and Middlesex Counties, to wit: 400 a. in Middlesex Co., W. the South R., N. Peter Sonmans, S. Charles Gordone; 60 acres of meadow in same Co., W. the South R., N. David Mudy and Thomas Ful lerton, E. and S. unappropriated meadow; 70 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Hope R., S. and W. John Reid, N. unappropriated land; 130 acres, same Co., N. and E. the Hope R. and the West Brook, S. a small run, W. un appropriated land; these 660 acres to stand for 600; also 500 acres, S. W. Robert Barclay, on all other sides unappropriated land; all in exchange for the following. 249 1687-8 Feb. 10. Do. James Miller and John Reid to Robert Barclay, I io NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page for 608 acres, S. E. Gershom Bowne, N. E. Raraton River, N. W. Richard Jones, S. W. unsurveyed land. 251 1686 Sept. ig. Do. David Mudy of Amboy Perth, merchant, to Daniel Vilant, of the same place, merchant, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey and £ of the lot and meadow on the S. side of South R., and of the land in Wickatunck. 252 1687 Dec. 15. Patent to John Brea of Middletown, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., S. and W. the Hope R, N. Jonathan Holmes, E. unap propriated land. 254 1687 Dec. 15. Do. to Thomas Cooke of Shroesberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Manesquam Cr., E. Abigaill Leppencott, W. Thomas Cooper of London, N. unsurveyed landj including 3^- acres of meadow, N. and S. upland, E. William Worth, W. Jacob Cole. 255 1687-8 Feb. 2. Do. to John Fitzrandolph of Piscataway, for 60 acres there, S. grantee, W. Nicholas Munday and unsurveyed land, E. and N. also unsurveyed land; also 40 acres at Ambrose Brook, S. Edmond Dun- hame, E., W. and N. unsurveyed land. 257 1687 Dec. 15. Do. to Jacob Cole of Monmouth Co., for a parcel of land, E. Passequenecqua Cr., W. George Keith, N. Morris Worthley, S. John Worthley; also a meadow lot, N. and S. upland, E. Thomas Cooke, W. unsurveyed meadow; both 100 acres. 258 1687-8 Feb. 2. Do. to Robert Hamilton of Middletown, for 100 acres there, E. and W. grantor, S. town lots, N. unsurveyed land. 259 1687-8 Feb. 3. Do. to Capt. Andrew Hamilton, Deputy Governour, for 500 acres, S. E. the South branch of Raraton R., S. W. Mellfoord's land, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 261 1688 Feb. 23. Letters of administration on the estate of William Hamilton of Middletown, dec'd. granted to Major Robert Hamilton. 262 1686 Feb. 10. Do. on the estate of Thomas Cocks of Middletown, dec'd. granted to Thomas Inghame of the same place. 262 16S7-8 Jan. 2. Patent to John Ruckman of Middletown, for 100 acres at Sholl Harbour, N. W. grantee, N. E. and E. Gerat Wall, S. John Smith, W. unsurveyed land and Thomas Whitelock. 265 1687-8 Jan. 2. Do. to Restore Leppencott of Shroesberry, for g6£ acres at Passequenecqua, N. Richard Stoutt junior, S. William Scott, E. Passequenecqua Cr., W. George Keith; also 3^ acres of meadow, E. Peter White, W. John Havens, N. and Si upland. 264 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to Thomas Potter of Shroesberry, for several tracts at Dale near Shroesberry, vizt: I, 580 acres, counted as 460, N. a road and Francis Jeffereys, S. a small brook, W. barren land, E. the sea; 2, 92 acres, N. the Whale Pond Brook, E. Francis Jeffery, Benjamin Rogers and John Jelsone, S. a road, W. barren land; 3, 500 acres, counted as 448, on all four sides barren and pine lands. 265 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. Ill Page 1687-8 Jan. 22. Do. to Francis Jacksone of Shroesberry, in right of Hugh Dickman, for I7g acres on Ramsants Neck, Monmouth Co., N. E Thomas Hewett, S. E. Shroesberry R., S. W. a road, N. W. Naversinks R. ; also 3 acres of meadow, N. William Shattock, E. Thomas Hewett, S. a small island, W. a road. Marginal note, dated April 26, l6g4, says, ' that Francis Jackson reconveyed this land to the Proprietors. - 267 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to Hannanias Gifford of Shroesberry, for the following tracts, vizt: I, 180 acres at Long Branch, N. a road, S. Christo pher Gifford, W. a small brook, E. the sea; 2, 100 acres, N. John- Slocum and a_road, S. Christopher Gifford, W. a small brook, E. the sea; 3, 6 acres of meadow at Portapeck, E. , S. E. and S. upland, W. Shroesberry Cove, betw. Christopher Gifford and Joseph Wardell. 26g 1687-8 Jan. 21. Do. to Restore Leppencott of Shroesberry, for 217 acres, counted as 193, on Ramsonts Neck, E. John Claytone, N. Naver sinks R., W. a road, S. grantee and Abraham Browne; also 7 acres of meadow adjoining 271 -1687-8 Jan. 22. Do. to Nathaniel Slocume of Shroesberry, for 165 acres at Long Branch, N. W. Peter Tiltone and a brook, S. W. a road, N. E. and S. E. creeks, that part the tract from George Howlett; also 3 a. of meadow on Comehanack Creek, N. and S. the Crabby Meadow, E. John Slocum, W. said creek , 272 1687-8 Jan. 22. Do. to Calibe Sheriff of Shroesberry, for 82 acres on Ramsonts Neck, W. John Chambers, E. a road, N. Naversinks R., S. a branch of Shroesberry R. ; also 3^ a. of meadow, S. E. George Parker, E. and N. John Claytone, W. said creek. 274 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to John Worthley of Shroesberry, for the fol lowing tracts, vizt: 1, a house lot at Rawananaconck, Moumouth Co., 7 acres, N. a road, S. a branch of Shroesberry R., E. and W. Ephraim Allan; also 140 acres on Ramsonts Neck, W. Nicolas Brown, E.. Ephraim Allan, N. a road, S. a branch of Shroesberry R. ; and 12 acres of upland and meadow, S. W.. Gideon Freeborne, N. W., S. E. and N. E. two small creeks and said river; 4 acres of meadow at Goose Neck, S. Henry Green, E. Joseph Parker, W.'Lewis Mattix, N. said river. 275 168.7-8 Jan. 22. Confirmation to Robert Barclay, for 2,000 acres, 20 miles above the Falls of Pisaick R.', S. said river, E. William Dockwra, N. and W. unappropriated land. 277 1687-8 Jan. 2 Do. to Capt. Andrew Hamiltone,- for 20 acres at Am boy, S. W. Raraton R., W. Gawen Lawrie, N. a road, E. the Scots Pro prietors; also ij- acres, S. said river, E. said Scots Proprietors, S. W. the first lot; all in right of purchase from Bartholomew Gibson and David Barclay. 278 1687-8 Jan. 2. Patent to Edmond Dunhame of Piscataway, for 82 acres at Ambrose Brook, "Piscataway Township, S. E., N. and W. unpat ented land; also 18 a., S. Thomas Higgines and unsurveyed land, W., N. 112 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page and E. unsurveyed land. 279 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to James Reid of Amboy Perth, for 200 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Spotswood Brook, E Gawen Lawrie, N. and W. unap propriated land; also 4 a. of boggy meadow, on * small run entering Spotswood Middle Brook below James Miller's corner; the whole granted as headland for himself, wife and four children. 281 1687-8 Jan. 2. Do. to Edmond Dunhame, in right of his late father, Benajah Dunhame dec'd., for 103^ acres, to wit: 1, a house lot of 10 acres, S. and E. highways, N. Peter Billew, W. Michael Symons; 2, 20 acres of upland, S., N. and W. unsurveyed land, E. a road; 3, 70 acres, W. Raraton R., E. unsurveyed land, N. Mrs. Higgines, S. Vincent Ron- ginione and Jabez Hendricks; 4, 2^ acres of meadow, N. Michael Symons, S. Raraton R., E. Richard Smith, W. a small creek. 283 1688 March 25. Do. to William Austine of Middletown, for 60 acres there, W. Robert Hamiltone, N. E. a brook, E. unsurveyed land and Richard Sadler, S. townlots 284 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to William Worth of Shroesberry, for 167 acres on Ramsonts Reck, Monmouth Co., S. W. Richard Leppencott and a small brook, N. E. Morris Worth, S. E. Shroesberry R., N. W. Naver sinks R. ; also 3 acres of meadow adjoining his brother Morris Worth and 2 acres of meadow, S. and E. Shroesberry R., W. and N. upland, S. Thomas Hewett. 286 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. to John Hantone of Chingaroras, Monmouth Co., for 230 acres in said Co., E. the Hope R., W. the Gravell Brook, S. and N. unappropriated land. 287 1687-8 Jan. I. Do. to Nathaniel Camock of Shroesberry, for 50 acres there, N. E. grantee, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 289 1687-8 Jan. 22. Do. to Samuel White of Shroesberry, in right of his father Thomas' White, for 61.7 acres, to be counted as 560, S. the Long Pond, E. the sea, W. barren and pine land, N. a small brook along Thomas Potter's land. 290 1687-8 Feb. 22. Confirmation to George and John Alexander, both of Scotland, as part of their shares of the Province, for 350 acres, 250 there of for George Alexander, the other 100 for John, the whole bounded S. W. by Doctor Robinsone and William Piles, N. W. by Thomas Boell and Townley, N. E. by James Emott, S. E. by John Clerk and Raway R. 292 1687 March 25. Confirmation to Thomas Rudyard, late Deputy Gov ernour, for the following tracts, vizt: I, 25 acres at Amboy, W. Thomas Warne, S. a road along the bank of Raraton R., E. townlots and the back street, N. a street to the Market Place; 2, 350 acres, E. George Keith, S. unsurveyed land, W. Peter Sonmans, N. the Bay and unsurveyed land; 3, lot No. 18, 470 acres, E. Gawen Lawrie, W. Ambrose Rigge, N unsur veyed land, S. a road; 4, a town lot, No. 18 of the Town of Wickatunck, E. Ambrose Rigg, W. and S. Elizabeth Gibsone, N. a road, 30 acres. 293 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 1.13 Page 1687 Jan. 2. Patent to John Gillman senior of Piscataway, for 18 acres there, S. Hugh Dune, E. N. and W. highways; also 24 acres, E. Benajah Dunhame, S. Andrew Wanden and unsurveyed land, W. and N. unsur veyed land; and 35 a. of upland, W. Edward Slatter, S. meadows, E. Hopewell Hull, N. Eliakim Higgines; 213 acres at Ambrose Brook, W. Vincent Runyon and unsurveyed land, N., E. and W. unsurveyed land; 10 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., E. Benjamin Hull and , N. Samuel Walker, W. John Langstaff 295 1687 Jan. 22. Do. to Benjamin Burdein of Middletown, for 150 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Hope R., S., S. E. and W. Colonel Lewis Morris 297 1684 June 10. Will of Thomas Blumfield of Woodbridge. Wife Mary, children Nathaniel, John (the eldest), Ezekiel, grandsons Thomas Blum- field, son of John, Timothy, son of Ezekiel. Real and personal property. Executors the wife and son Nathaniel. Witness Samuel Moore. Proved March 5, 1685-6. 298 1687 April 20. Deed. Daniel Cox of London, Doctor in phisick, to Samuel Stancliff of London, haberdasher, for 1-24 share of East Jersey. 300 1687. Nov. 19. Deed. William Chamberlaine, cooper, to Edward Wor>Hey, both of Shroesberry, for all his right, title etc. in and to one- half of a patent of 100 acres, dated August 12, 1685. 301 1687 June 23. Do. Robert West of Shroesberry lo Richard Stoutt junior of Middletown, for 50 acres in New Shroesberry Purchase. 301 1687 Dec. 3. Do. Richard Stoutt, junior lo Samuel Leonard for the preceding. 302 1685 Dec 10. Receipt. Gawen Lawrie to Samuel Spicer for quit- rent. 302 1685 Dec. 25. License to purchase Indian land, 1203 acres, at Cros- wicks, granted to Joseph Throgmorton, John Smith and Gerard Wall. 303 1687 Aug. 8. Power of attorney. Charles Gordone to his brother Thomas Gordone, to sue and call to account his former attorney, George Willocks. 303 1686 Sept. 10. Do. Robert Blackwood of Edinburgh, Scotland, merchant, to George Mackenzie of East Jersey, merchant, to collect money from Gawen Lawrie. 303 1687 Aug. i7. Acknowledgment of Sarah Whartman, that she did not, as required by deed of feofment of April 24, 1677, from William Sand - ford, improve the estate, set over to her in trust for Nidemia Sand ford, eldest daughter of William, and her own natural children Catharine, Peregrine, William and Grace. 1 304 1 See Whitehead's East Jersey under the Proprietary Governments, 116. Por some accsount of William Sandford and of his descendants, see History of Pater- son, N. J., by William Nelson, I., 113-115, 8 1 14 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1687-8 March 21. Confirmation to William Dockwra, for 2)000 acres, 20 miles above the Falls of Pisaick R., in Essex Co., S. said river, W. Govr Barclay, N. and E. unappropriated land. 305 1687-8 Jan. 20. Notice to the Governour and Council of East Jersey, that John Smith of Middletown, has sold to Eliezer Coterell of the same place, 100 acres, received from the Proprietors. 306 1682-3 March 17. Permit. Symon Rouse of Raway River, Elizabeth Town, to John Marsh, for making a dam in said river. Witnesses Thomas Mullinex and Robert Rosier. 306 1684 April 19. Will of Mathias Hartfield. Wife and children spoken of, but not by name. Witnesses George Ross, Humphrey Spinige. Proved December 13, 1687. 306 1687-8 March g. Deed. John Throgmortone of Middletown to John Stoutt of the same place, for 1-20 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, purchased from Robert Turner of Philadelphia July 19-20, 1685. 307 1687-8 March 22. Patent to Morris Worth of Shroesberry, for, 48J acres at Passequenecqua, N. Francis Jacksone, S. Jacob Cole, E. Passe quenecqua Cr., W. George Keith; also l£ acres of meadow, E. Thomas Cooke, W. unsurveyed meadow, N. and S. upland 309 1687-8 March 22. Do. to WiUiam Scott of Shroesberry, for 145 acres at Passequenecqua, E. the creek, W. the Proprietors, N. Restore Leppen cott, S. Nathaniel Slocume, also 5^ acres of meadow, N. and S. upland, E. John Leppencott, W. NatW Slocume. 310 1687-8 March 22. Do. to Eliezer Cotterell of Middletown, in right of John Smith, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Jonathan Holmes, S. grantee, E. Hope Creek, W. unsurveyed land. 311 1687-8 March 22. Do. to Thomas Hillburne of Shrewsbury, iu right of Elizabeth Huttone, for 100 acres at Passequenecqua, S. E. Bur-, lington Path, N. W. the creek, a run and a gully, N. E. Job Jenkines, S. W. unsurveyed land. 312 1687-8 March 22. Do. to Edward Woolley of Shroesberry, in right of Robert West and WiUiam Chambedane, for 96J acres at Passequenec qua, S. Restor Leppencott, N. unsurveyed land, E. the creek, W. George Keith; also 3^ acres of meadow, JE. John Burdein, W. John Worthley, S. and N. upland. 314 1687-S March 22. Do. to Frances, wife of Edmond Laffetra of Shroesberry, for 3g acres in Monmouth Co., S. side of Manesquam R., E. the sea, W. unsurveyed land, N. Richard Hartshorne, S. Tobias Hansen; also 60 acres, on N. side of Manesquam R., S. E. the river, N. W. unsur veyed land, N. E. John Williams and William Woolley, S. W. Ephraim Allane; I acre of upland on the S. side, E. Richard Hartshorne, W. Tobias Hansen. 316 1687-8 March 22. Patent to Eliezer Cotterell, for 130 acres, E. Hope R., S. a branch of said river, W., unsurveyed land, N. grantee. 317 , EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. I I.C Page 1687-8 March 22. Do. to William Worth of Shroesberry, for 50 acres, W. Manesquam R., E.,. S. and N. unsurveyed land. 319 1687-8 March 22. Do. to Job Jenkines, for 96J acres in Monmouth Co., S. E. Birlingtoun Path, N. W. a brook and 1 gully, S. W. Thomas Hillburne, N. E. Nathaniel Parker; also 3^ acres of meadow, S. and N. upland, East Jedidiah Allan, W. William Shaddock. 320 1687-8 March 22. Do. 'to Nathaniel Parker of Shroesberry, for 96^ acres at Passequenecqua, S. E. Birlingtoun Path, N. W. a brook and a gully, S. W. Job Jenkines, N. E. William Worth; also 3^ acres of meadow, - N. and S. upland, E. John Havens, W. Jedidiah Allan. . 321 1687-8 March 22. Do. to William Worth, for 96^ acres at Passeque necqua, S. E. Birlingtoun Path, N. W. a brook and a gully, S. W. Nathan- Jel Parker, N. E. Wm. Shaddock; also 3^ acres of meadow, N. and S. up land, E. Wm- Shaddock, W. Thomas. Cooke. 323 * 1687-8 March 22. Do. to John Carringtone of Amboy Perth, for 100 acres on Robi ijson's branch of Raway R., N. said branch, W. Thomas .Rudyard, S. and E. Doctor William Robieson; headland for himself and wife Margaret, imported in 1684. 324 1688 May 15. Confirmation to John Stoutt of Middletown, 1-20 of 1-48 share, purchased from John Throgmorton, to wit: 1, 23 acres, W. John Bowne, E. Samuel Spicer, S. grantee, N. a. road; 2, 9 acres at Pop lar Field, E. and S. grantee, W. Richard Sadler, N. a road;. 3, 18 acres, S. of the last, N. grantee, E. William Laytoun, S. and W. unsurveyed land; 4, 9 acres near Poplar Field, W. Wm Laytoun, S. unsurveyed land, E. Job Throgmortone, N. a road. 325 1687-8 Feb. 7. Deed. Nicholas Browne of Shrosberry to Stephen ' West of Mackatoy Island, New England, for 1-32 of 1-16 of j of 1-12 share of. East Jersey, (Thomas Rudyard and Robert Turner). 326 .- ir88 March 29. Do. Joseph Throgmorton of Middletown to John Stoutt of the same place, for 8 acres there, E. grantee, S. a small swamjj, N. a road, W. unsurveyed land. 329 1688 March 29. Do. Joseph Throckmortone to John Johnstone, for 8 acres at Middletown, E. Richard Hartshorne, N. William Lowrance jr., W. and S. roads 329 1687-8 Feb. 22. Letters of administration on the estate of William Hamilton of Middletown, dec'd., granted to Major Robert Hamilton. 330 1687-8 Feb. 20. Deed. Samuel Spicer to Joseph Throgmortone, -.both of Middletown, for the following tracts; vizt: 1, 450 acres, S. Rich ard Gibbon and John Vaughan, E. a brook and Thurlagh Swyne, N. Thomas Cox and barren land, W. a road; 2, 9 acres of meadow at Way cack, W. John Bowne, E. Wm. Lowrance, N. the beach, S. upland; 3, an other lot of 9 acres, "W. John Bowne, E. Sarah Reape, N. the beach, S. upland; 4, a houselot of 8 acres, E. John Stoutt, S. a small swamp, N. a Il6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page road, W. unsurveyed land; 5, another lot of 8 acres, E. Richard Harts horne, N. Wm. Lowrance junior, W. and S. roads; 6, six acres at Popular Hill, E. John Bowne, W. Richard Gibbons, N. a brook, S. a road; 7, 12 acres on Popular Field, E. William Cheesman, W. James Bowne, S. a road, N. Richard Sadler; 8, 102 acres, S. grantee and Thomas Cox, N. townlots, W. a road and John Crawfurd, E. Thomas Cox; 9, 6 acres of meadow at Sholl Harbour Creek, W. Sarah Reape, E. George Job, N. a a creek, S. upland; 10, 6 acres of meadow in said Harbour, E. James Ash- tone, W. Daniel Extel, N. Sholl Harbour Creek, S. upland. 331 1687-8 Jan. 20. Do. John Throgmortone to widow Lideah Bound, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, purchased from Robert Turner, July 19-20, 1685. 333 1688 March 28. Deed. John Throckmorton to Jonathan Holmes, both of Middletown, for 1-20 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, purchased as before. 335 1688 March 28. Do. Same to Joseph Throckmortone, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, purchased as before. 337 1688 March 28. Do. Same to James Ashton, for 1-10 of 1-48 share ut supra. 339 1688 March 28. Do. Same to James Bound, for 1-10 of 1-48 share ut supra. 342 1688 March 28. Do. Same lo Job Throckmortone, for 1-10 of 1-48 share, ut supra. 344 1688 March 28. Do. Same to Benjamin Burdein, for 1-20 of 1-48 sh., ut supra. 346 1688 March 28. Do. Same to Joseph Grover, for 1-10 of 1-48 share, ut supra. 348 1688 March 28. Do. Same, to John Smith, for 1-20 of 1-48 share, ut supra. 350 1688 March 28. Do. Same to Philipp Smith of R. I., for 1-10 of 1-48 share, ut supra. 352 1682 Oct. 3. Do. Robert Treat senior of Millfoord, Connt, to his son-in-law Azariah Crane and daughter Mary Crane, of Newark, for1 a homelot of 8 acres at Newark, S. Abraham Pearson, E., N. and W. roads; 6 acres of upland and meadow in the Cove, S. E. Samuel Swaine, S. W. a road, N. W. Josiah Ward, N. E. John Treat; 6 acres at Beife Point, N: the river, S. upland, W. Richard Lawrance, E. John Treat. 354 1687 Dec. 30. Will of Mary, widow of James Mitchell, of Elizabeth, sons John, Jacob, William, Nathaniel. Executor Andrew Hamptone, tailor. Witnesses Stewen Crane, Edward Gay. 355 1688 April 12. Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Mitchell of Elizabeth town, widow, dec'd., granted to Andrew Hamp-' tone, 355 EASt JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., L1RKR £. 117 Page 1687 Aug. 13. "Will of John Chambers of Shroesberry. Wife Mary, sons John, Thomas, Richard, daughters Mary and Hannah. Real and personal property. The wife executrix. Witnesses John Leppencolt, Peter White, Samuel Dennes. Proved December 27, 1687. 356 1688 April 12. Letters of administration on foregoing estate issued to widow Mary Chambers. 357 1687 June 24. Power of attorney. Samuel Stancliff of London, mer chant, one of the Proprietors, to Peter Reverdy of London, merchant, as land agent in East Jersey. 357 1687 June 20. Letter. Govr Robert Barclay to the Deputy Govr an^ Council of East Jersey: recommends Samuel Stancliff of London, who has purchased from Doctor Daniel Cox the share of Edward Byllings, or his agents and orders lolay out for him 10,000 acres in two lo'ts of 5,000. 359 1687-8 Feb. 21. Deed. Richard Beech of Elizabethtown, mason, to William Brookefield of the same place, carpenter, for 40 acres of upland, S. W. -of town, one parcel thereof, 10 acres, bounded S. E. by Stephen Crane,-E. by Nathaniel Tutle, N. W. and S. W. by grantor; the other 30 acres, S. E. and S. Barnaby Wynes and William Cramer, N. E. a road S. W. a swamp, N. W. Crane's Brook. 36! 1688 April 27. Patent to Major Robert Hamiltone of Middletown, for 10 acres there, W. Benjamin Devell, E. the brook, S.'a road, N. Richard Sadler. 362 1688 April 27. Do. lo Mathew Gyles of Piscataway, for 120 acres in Middlesex Co., N. W. Bound Brook, S. E. Ambrose Brook and his father N. E. unsurveyed land. 363 1688 April 27. vConfirmation lo John, Earl of Melfoord, one of the Proprietors, for a tract, N. Raraton R., W. Thomas Robieson, E. grantee, S. unappropriated land; also 20 acres of meadow, S. grantee, W. Raraton ,R., E. unappropriated meadow; in all 200 a. 364 1688 March 25. Patent to John Tankine of Amboy Perth, carpenter, for a lot there, S. Smiths Str., W. David Herreot, E. unappropriated lots. 365 1688 March 25. Do. to John Mollisone of Amboy Perth, merchant, ' for a lot of 1 acre there, S. Swamp Str., N. North Str., E. and W. unap propriated lots. 366 1688 April 9. Do. to George Allan of Amboy Perth, for a I acre lot there, E. High Str., W. Back. Str., S. Benjamin Griffith, N. Lord Neil Campbell. 366 1688 April 27. Do. to Jacobus Courtland of N. Y. City, merchant, in right of Isaack Bedloo dec'd., for 2120 acres in Bergen Co., between Hudson's R. and Overpeck's Creek, E. said river, S. Captain Philipp Car terett, W. Overpeck's Creek, N. Balthazar de Haert. 367 1688 April 27. Do. to Benjamin Clark of Amboy Perth, for 275 n8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page acres in Middlesex Co., N., W. and S. grantee and Henry Greenland, E. unappropriated land; headland for himself and 8 servants, imported in January 1683-4. 369 1688 April 26. Do. to John Pope of Raway, for 120 acres in Essex Co., E. Raway R., S. Pope's Brook, W. and N. unappropriated; also 30 acres, W. the pretended land of Jeffery Jones and William Johnstone, on the other sides common lands. 370 1688 April 27. Do. to Symon Rouse of Raway R., for 100 acres on said R, opposite to the mouth of Pope's Brook, W. Raway R., S. Jacob Muline, E. and W. unappropriated; also a bit on the other side of ihe river, from the mouth of Pope's Brook ten chains up Raway R. 372 1688 April 27. Do. to Benjamin Clark of Amboy Perth, for 210 acres at Piscataway, S. S. E. Capt. Henry Greenland, W. S. W. Raraton R., N. and E. unsurveyed land. 373 1688 April 25. Do. to James Gyles of Piscataway, for 100 acres in Middlesex Co., N. Mathew Gyles, W. grantee, S. Benjamin Clark, E. un appropriated land. 375 1688 April 26. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans of Amboy Perth, one of the Proprietors, for 300 acres in Middlesex Co., W. Raraton R., N. James Gyles, F. Ambrose Brook, S. Benjamin Clark. 376 1688 April 27. Do. to same, for 46 acres in Amboy Perth, being the complement of his proportion therein, S. his own land, on all other sides unappropriated. 377 1688 March 25. Patent to Samuel Willis of Newark, blacksmith, for go acres in Essex Co., N. Jebus Rodgers, S. John Davies, E. the road along Pisaick R., W. unsurveyed land; also 10 acres of meadow, E. the Bay, N. unsurveyed meadow, S. the Sunken Meadow along Bound Creek, W. Maple Creek. -378 1687-8 March 22. Do. to Jonathan Stoutt of Middletown, for 30 acres in Monmouth Co., E. a branch of Hope R., S. Jonathan Holmes, N. W.' grantee, W. a point "lying to John Bowne's land." 380 1687-8 April 22. Do. to Thomas Whitelock of Middletown, for 100 acres there, N. E. grantee and his son's meadow at Shoal Harbour, on all other sides unappropriated land. 381 1687-8 March 31. Deed. Richard Beech of Elizabeth Town, yeoman, to Widow Agatha White of the same place, for 44 acres there, 40 of them bounded N. by John Litle and Wm Pardon, S. E. by Stephen Crane and Wm Brookefield, N. E. by Nathaniel Tutle, S. and S. W. by Beeche's Creek; the other 4, N. by the Brook, S. W. and W. by Mary Mitchell, E. N. E. by a road. 383 1687-8 April 16. Do. Agatha White, widow, to William Darbie, yeoman, both of Elizabethtown, for the preceding. ,384 1682-3 Jan- 23- Permit. Joseph Frasie of Raway R. to John' Marsh - EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 1 10 Page of the same place, for making a mill da'm over said river 386 1688 May 14. Letters of administration on the estate of Edmond Gib bon of Delaware R. dec'd., granted to his brother Francis Gibbon of N. Y., merchant. 387 16S5 July 25. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to Jonathan Marsh of Newport, R. I., for 1-16 of £ of 1-12 share of East Jersey. 387 1688 April 1. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans of Amboy Perth, for great lot, No. 21 at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., 480 acres, E. Widow Gibsone and grantee's townlot, W. Robert Burnett and Clement Plum stead, N. the road, S. barren and unsurveyed land; also his town lot, No. 21, W. his great lot, N. the road, S. his great lot and Widow Gibsone, E. Robert Burnett and Clement Plumstead, 32 acres; great lot, No. 14, at Wickatunck, 480 acres, E. Thomas Hart, W. Robeit Barclay and Thomas Warne, N. the road, S. barren and unappropriated land; also townlot, No. 14, 32 acres, W. Gawen Lawrie, E. grantee, S. the road, N. Thomas Cox; great lot, No. 9, at Wickatunck, 480 acres, E. Thomas Barker, W. William Dockwra, S. a road, N. barren and unsurveyed land; townlot No. 9, 32 acres, W. townlot 14, E. Thomas Barker, S. the road, N. Thomas Cox; great lot No. 4, 480 acres at Wickatunck, S. Robert Turner, E. James Braine, W. and N. barren and unsurveyed land; town lot No. 4 in the Town of Taponemus, W. Robert Burnett, E. Thomas Warne, N. Wm. Dockwra, S. barren and unsurveyed land, 32 acres. 389 1688 May 12. Patent to Elisha Lawrence of Middletown, for two hammocks of land at Shoal Harbour, Monmouth Co., 20 acres, S. upland, W. William Camptone, N. the sage meadow, S. E. grantee. 392 1688 May 12. Do. to John Reid of Hortencie, Monmouth Co., for: 1, 100 acres on Duck or Deep Creek, S. W. said creek, on all other sides, unappropriated land; 2, a piece of boggy meadow, N. and E. meadow, S. and W. unappropriated meadow; 3, a strip of land along his own land of Hor tencie; 4, 30 acres, S. Hope R., E. Braye's Brook, W. Braye's land, as headland for himself, wife and three children, imported in 1683. 393 1688 May 12. Do. to Thomas Lawrie of Cheesquakes, tailor, for 100 acres, E. Miles Forster, S. the creek, W. and N. unsurveyed land, as head land for himself and two children, imported in 1683. 395 1688 May 12. Do. to David Vila"t of South R., Middlesex Co., for a tract, N. Charles Gordone, W. South R., S. and E. unsurveyed land; also 50 acres of meadow, S. and E. the woods, W. said river, N. unsur veyed meadow; in all 100 acres, as headland for himself and two servants, imported in 1684. 396 1688 May 12. Confirmation to Lideah Bowne of Middletown, widow, .who holds by purchase from John Throckmortone 1-10 of 1-48 share; for 500 acres at Mowhingsinnge, Monmouth Co, E. Mowhingsinnge Creek, W; Mattawane Cr. and Thomas Warne's Cr., S. W. Thomas Hart, S. Ger- shome Bowne 398 120 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688 May 12. Do. to Robert Barclay, Governour, etc., for the tract on Duck Pond Plain, formerly patented to him as 1500 acres, but upon re- survey found to be only 750 acres, W. Raway River, N. Jacob Moline, E. John Homes, S. Mary Mitchell; also 75 acres of meadow, in the great meadow of Elizabethtown, S. W. upland, N. E. Samuel Trotter, N. W. and S. E. common meadow. " 399 1688 June 12. Deed. John Boune of Nichais-(?) Monmouth Co., to John Reid of Hortencie, for 24 acres, in Monmouth Co., E. Hope Brook, N. and W. grantee, S. grantor. 400 1688 May 7. Draft. Alexander Scott of Duncrosk on John Reid to order of John Campbell, who receipts for the contents at Newperth. 403 1688 May 10. Deed. Andrew Burnett, William Ronald, John Baird, John Webster, James Melvin, John Nesmith, John Hebron, John Moli- sone, Alexr Scott and wife, Andrew Hautone and wife Peter Watsone, ¦wife and children, all of East Jersey, to Robert Barclay for the headland coming to them. 403 1688 May 14. Power of attorney. Peter Sonmans, son of Arent Son mans of Scotland dec'd., to Miles Forster as general agent in East Jersey. 404 1688 May 14. Do. Same to same as proxy in the Council of Propri etors. , 406 1685 May 2. Deed. William Camptone of Woodbridge tb Richard Powell of the same place, for a homelot of 10 acres there, W. John Blum- field, N. a brook, E. John Smith, now John Allan, S. grantor. 407 1687 April 6. Do. Elizabeth, widow of William Gibsone of Lon don, haberdasher, John Gibson of London, haberdasher, son of said Wil liam, and Jane Barnes of London, widow, administratrix of the estate of said Wm Gibsone, to Thomas Cox of London, for 1-24 share of East Jersey. 408 1688 May 14. Patent to Thomas Codrington of Raraton, Middlesex - Co., for 1,000 acres at the foot of the Blew Hills, purchased of John Royce, S. grantee, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 409 r684 Nov. 25. Mem., that Samuel Moore of Woodbridge has sold to Benjamin Hull of Piscataway 20 acres of meadow at Raraton. 411 1685 June 26. Deed. Elizabeth Fitzrandolph of Piscataway, widow and spinster, to her son Benjamin Fitzrandolph, for 112 acres, S. E. Re hoboth Gannet, N. W. Richard Smith, E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Rara ton R. 4I2 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son Joseph Fitzrandolph, for 50 acres of upland, S. E. John Smally junior, N. W. Richard Smith, S. W. and N. E. two brooks; also 70 acres, S. W. a fresh brook, N. another, N. E. Thomas Fitzrandolph, and 5 acres of meadow, N. a small creek, E. John Fitzrandolph, S. Richard Smith, W. Benajah Dunhame; 5 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 121 Page acres of meadow, adjoining the preceding, formerly Samuel Aitkines, bought of William Jones. 413 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son Thomas Fitzrandolph for: 1, 15 acres, E. and S. Michael Symons, N. and W. Vincent Runginion; 2, 50 a., N. E. Thomas Fairnsworth, S. W. Joseph Fitzrandolph; 3, 5 acres of meadow, N. E. upland, S. E. Raraton R., E. and W. Charles Gill- man. 414 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son John Fitzrandolph for: 1, 2 houselots, 30 acres, E. a small brook, N. Nicholas Bonhame, S. John Gillman, formerly Israel Foulshame, W. a small spring, coming from John Martine senior; 2, 60 acres of upland, W. Nicholas Munday, E. Mistris Higgines, N. a swamp, S. John Martine junior; 3, 5 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., N. unsurveyed meadow, E. Woodbridge line, W. Richard Smith and Joseph Fitzrandolph. 416 1686-7 Feb. 10. Do. Israel ffoullshame of New Piscataway to John Gillman of the same place, for all his lands, meadows, etc., in said town. 417 1687 Oct. 12. Do. Nathaniel ffoulshame of in Piscataway River, carpenter, to Benjamin Fitzrandolph, for 30 acres of upland in said Town of Piscataway, S. Raraton R., W. a small brook, N. John Fitzran dolph, E. the Old Mill Brook; also all claims to other land, due him or his brother Israel by right of first settlement in the town. 418 1687 Oct. 11. Deed. Same to Joseph Fitzrandolph, for 5 acres of meadow, N. Jeffery Maning, E.Nicholas Munday, S. Rehoboth Gannet, W. Raraton R. 419 1688 May 26. Power of attorney. Alexander Lermouth of Newark to Peter ffaulconer of Woodbridge, merchant, for the collection of debts in East Jersey or elsewhere. 420 1683 Nov. 10. Will of Samuel Moore of Woodbridge. Wife Hannah, sons Samuel, Thomas, John, Enoch, daughters Hannah, Elizabeth, Frances, Sarah. Real and personal estate: liberates negro-woman Nanny. Executors brothers-in-law Samuel Dennes and Samuel Hale with son-in- law John Blumfield. Witnesses John Pike, John Bishop, Samuel Haile, John Blumfield, John Ilsly, Ephraim Andrise, Israeli Thornehill, Ezekiel Blumfield, Jonathan Bischop, Mathew Moore. 421 1688 June 12. Confirmation to William Dockwra of London for 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., W. Milstone R, S. Samuel Stancliff, N. W. George Willox, N. E. Raraton lots and unappropriated land. 424 1688 June 20. Do. to George and John Alexander, both of Scotland and each holding by purchase from Robert Burnett of Lethenty one share of the Province, for 462 acres at the Blew Hills, Essex Co., S. W. Robert ffullartone, S. E. Robert Burnett, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 426 122 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1688 June 2. Do. to Thomas Cooper of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share for 2,000 acres in Somerset Co., N. Raraton R., E. John Royce and unappropriated land, S. and W. unappro priated. . .427 1687 Sept. 2. Do. to Robert ffullartone, late of Amboy Perth, holding by purchase from Robert Barclay 1-10 of 1-48 share, for- 300 acres at the Blew Hills, Essex Co., S. W. Peter Sonmans, S. E. Robert Burnett, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 428 1687 April 1. Do. to Sir John Gordon of Scotland, holding by pur chase of Thomas Cooper, 1-48 of 1-24 share, for 500 acres at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., W. Thomas Cooper, S. Wickatunck highway, E. John Reid and Gravell Brook, N. unappropriated land. 429 1688 June 20. Do. to Samuel Stancliff of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 5,000 acres in Somersett Co., W. Milston R., N. another tract of 5,000 a., surveyed for grantee, S. and E. unappropriated land. 430 1688 June 24. Do. to Robert Barclay, as part of his share, the fol lowing tracts in Monmouth Co., vizt: I, a tract below Matcheponis bounded S. by the Flepe Brook, W. by the East branch of the South R., N. by unappropriated land; 2, a boggy meadow, surrounded by barren land; 3, a tract above Matcheponis, surrounded by unappropriated land; 4, a tract bounded N. E. by John Reid, on the other side by unappropri ated land; 5, 48^ acres, at Passequenecqua, S. George Curlies, N- former ly Thomas Hewitt, now John Hautone, W. Birlington Path, E. Passeque necqua Cr. ; 6, r£ acres of meadow at Passequenecqua; N. and S. upland, E. Abraham Browne, W. Peter White; 7, 100 acres, on S. side of Hope R., N. said river, on all other sides unsurveyed land, in all 650 acres. 431 1688 June 24. Do. to Clement Plumstead of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., S. Thomas Barker, W. and N. unappropriated land, N, also John Roice's claim. 434 1688 June 24. Do. to Thomas Barker of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres, in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., S. Thomas Hart, N. Clement Plumstead, W. unappropriated land. 435 1688 June 1. Do to Thomas Hart of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 4,000 acres in Somersett Co., along Napoick Brook, E. Milston R., N. Thomas Barker, S. Walter Ben thall, N. unappropriated land. 436 1688 June 2. Do. to Walter Benthall, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., N. Thomas Hart, W. and S. unappropriated land. 431 1688 June 10. Do. to Thomas Rudyard, one of the Proprietors, -ut EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 123 Page supra, for 170 acres in Wpodbridge pretended bounds, at Papiack Creek, E.. the Sound and Baccon's Greek, N. the fences, W. a. meadow, S. the mouth of Woodbridge Cr. 438 . 1686 July 23. Receipt. George Higgines, "sometyme merchant in Linlithgow" Scotland,, now of Woodbridge, to Patrick ffalconar of Edin burgh. . 439 1688 June 26. Confirmation to William Dockwra, one of the Proprie tors, as part of his share 400 acres in Somersett Co., N. W. Raraton R., S. E. grantee, S..W. George Willox. 440 1688 June 10. Patent to Hendrick Coursen of Raraton River, Somer sett Co., for'500 acres there, E. the North branch of said river, S. Gover nour Hamiltone, W. and N. unappropriated land. 441 1688 June 20. Do. to John Langstaff of Piscataway, for the follow ing tracts there, in all 200 acres, vizt: I, a houselot of 8 a., N. James Godfrey, E. his first division, S. Nicholas Munday, W. a road; 2, 60 acres of upland, N. a small spring and Nicholas Munday, W. a road, S. a swamp, E. unsurveyed land; 3, 120 acres, on Raraton R. ; 4, 3 acres, adjoining to Bottle Meadow, W. and §. Hopewell Hull, E. John Gillman, N. a small swamp; 5, l£ acres of meadow, N. the fence, E. John Gillman, S. a small creek, W. the Mill Creek; 6, 5 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R.,. N. Capt. Drake, E. James Godfrey, W. Hugh Dunne, Andrew Wooden and John Martine; 7, 2^ acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., N. Samuel Dotty, E. John Smally junior, W. Mr. Higgins. 443 1688 March 25. Do. to Alexander Adams of Piscataway, for 150 acres, S. Thomas Higgines and Charles Gillman, W. Charles Gillman and unsurveyed land. 446 1688 June 2. Confirmation to Thomas Hart of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 500 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Lideah Bowne, S. John Hautone, W. the Gravell Brook, excepting 10 acres of boggy meadow within these bounds, formerly granted to John Reid. 44g 1688 May 22. Patent to James Coole senior of Blew Hills, Essex Co., for 125 acres, S. W. George and John Alexander, on all other sides unap propriated land;, granted as headland for himself, wife and two children, imported in 168 1. 451 1688 March 25. Do. to William Lattone cf Middletown, for 100 actes in Monmouth Co., E; Grover's land and Joab Throckmorton, S. grantee, W. and N. unappropriated. 452 1688 April 26. Do. to Jeffery Maning of Piscataway, for 100 acres tliere, dri all sides unsurveyed land. 454 1688 April 10. Confirmation to 'John Backer, of Wickatunck, Mon mouth, Co., holding by purchase from Thomas Cox \ of 1-24 share, for half lot No. 22 at Wickatunck and 500 acres in the rear of it, S. the small 124 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page lots, W. Gawen Lawrie and unappropriated land, E. Thomas Cox and common land; also the other half lot No. 22, W. Thomas Barker, E. Thomas Cox, S. a road, N. grantee; in all 750 acres. 456 1688 April 10. Do. to same, for 1,000 acres in Middlesex Co., N. E. John Injones, on all other sides unappropriated land. 457 1688 April 10. Do. to same, for 1,000 acres in Essex Co., E. Raway R., S. John Pope, W. ahd N. unappropriated land. 458 1688 June 12. Deed. John Bowne of Flushing, Queens Co., L. I., to William Leeds, for his share, right, title, etc. in and to land, purchased with others at Naversinks, Norumpsump and Portapeag, Monmouth Co. 459 1688 July 7. Caveat. William Leeds of Middletown against granting to his brother Daniel Leeds a patent for 112 acres of meadow at the Whale Pond Brook, Monmouth Co. 461 1688 July 7. Bond. Same to Govr Andrew Hamilton for suing his brother Daniel Leeds for trespass and ejectment. 462 1680 Sept. I. Will of Robert Rogers of Woodbridge. Wife Anne, sons Thomas, John, son-in-law Henry Allword. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with Ephraim Andrise and Samuel Dennes as assist ants. Witnesses John Dennes, Samuel Haile, John Wilkines. Proved June 15, 1686. 463 1688 April 10. Patent to Benjamin Clark, late of Amboy Perth, for a lot there, E. the town lots, N. and W. unsurveyed land, S. the road to Piscataway. 465 1687 May 2. Power of attorney. Stephen West of West' alias Mack- atoy Island, New England, farmer, to his brother William West of Shroes berry, carpenter, for the collection of debts in East Jersey. 466 1688 July 10. Substitution. William West of Shroesberry substitutes as attorney of his brother (see preceding) "my loving and trusty brother Thomas Webley " 467 1688 July 13. Caveat. Nicholas Browne of Shroesberry against granting to Jedidiah Allan a patent for 30 acres at Strawberry Neck, Mon mouth Co. 46g 1688 July 13. Bond. Same to Govr Hamilton, to sue Jedidiah Allan for trespass and ejectment. 470 1688 April 7. Certificate, that Samuel Dennes, Samuel Harte and John Blumfield, all of Woodbridge, refuse to act as executors of the estate of Samuel Moore. 4»j 1688 July g. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Moore, granted to Thomas Gordone of Amboy Perth. 472 1687 Oct. 26. Deed. Samuel Moore of Woodbridge to James Ar mour of Amboy Perth, merchant, for 640 acres on S. side of Raraton R., EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. I 25 Page granted to him by patent of December 7, 1672. 472 1688 May 3. Do. to James Clarksone of Woodbridge to William Knox of the same place, tailor, for 4 acres, formerly sold by Isaac Tap ping to Thomas Parker, who conveyed it to present grantor. 474 1684 Sept. 26. Permit. Gawen Lawrie, Isaac Kingsland, Thomas Johnsone, John Curtis, to Richard Berry, to have free passage over the land of Thomas Stagg and others to the most convenient land on Pesa- wick R. 475 1685 Nov. I. Will of Margaret Spence, widow of John Verner of Dathvick, made aboard the Henry and Francis of New Castle, Capt. Richard Huttone. Sister Christian Spence, dau. of James Spence of Queensferry, Scotland, merchant, sole heiress. McClelland of Bar- magachan, James Armour, merchant, James Rainie, mariner, executors. William Livingstone, mariner, Alexander Adam, merchant, Alexr Rid- dock, writer, witnesses. 475 1685 Nov. 24. Receipt. Mistris Eupham Scott, dau. of George Scott of Pitlochie dec'd., to Christian Spence, for the passage paid to John Ver ner of four persons to East Jersey. 477 1686 April 29. Letter. Governour Robert Barclay to the Deputy Governour and Council of East Jersey: William Dockwra is to sign and seal documents for the Governour and Council in England. 477 1687 Sept. 24. Do. Same to same: Deputy Govr Andrew Hamilton to have £100 sterl. as a gratuity and henceforth £200 sterl. as annual salary. 478 1687 Oct. 26. Power of attorney. George Hende of Edinburgh, mer chant, to James Dundas of Amboy Perth, as general agent in East Jersey. 480 1687 Oct. 18. _Do. Charles Gordon of Amboy Perth to George Henry, late of Amboy, merchant, as agent in place of George Wil- locks. 482 1687 Oct. 31. Deed. Charles Gordon of Edinburgh, Scotland, to George Henrie of the same place, for I-IO of 1-48 share of East Jersey. 484 1688 July 24. Do. David Vilant of South R., Middlesex Co., to James Emott of Amboy Perth, for 100 acres, N. Charles Gordone, W. South R., S. and E. unsurveyed land; also 5 acres of meadow, S. and E. the woods, W. South R., N. unsurveyed meadow. 486 1684 July 25. Order from Govr Barclay to the Deputy Governour and Council to survey for John Alexander of Scotland, M. D., 312^ acres as his 1-16 of 1-48 share, bought of Robert Burnett, also his proportion at ' Amboy Point in New Perth. 489 1688 July 28. Receipt. Samuel Winder of Cheesquakes, Monmouth -Co., to Andrew Boune of N. Y, City, merchant, for the purchase money of 126 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page land at Chingaroras. 490 1688 July 7. Deed. (Donatio inter vivos). William Cottar of . Woodbridge to his wife Janet, for all his land in Woodbridge bounds. 490 1685-6 Feb. 15. Agreement. William Cottar and wife -Elenor- of Woodbridge with George Allan of Elizabethtown, that the real estate of Cottar shall become the fee simple of Allan, after the death of Cottar ..arid wife. 491 1688 Aug. 2. Release. George Allan to William Cottar from the fore going. 492 1684 Dec. 16. Amboy. Draft of an agreement, that Johiv Campbell shall send a footman in velvet to wait on Monyvaird as a proprietor, when at Parliament in East Jersey. 493 1687 June 27. Deed. John Lang-staff and Symon Brimley, both pf Piscataway, administrators of the estate of Michael Symons, late of the same place dec'd., to Thomas Fitzrandolph, for 25 acres, W. Mistris Fitz randolph and Vincent Ronginione, S. Raraton R., E. a small spring, N. Mr. Martin. 493 1688 June 12. Deed. John Blumfield of Woodbridge to Thomas Fitzrandolph of Piscataway for 7J acres .of -mead.ow, being one "half of grantor's 15 acre lot, W. Isaac Tappine, N. Richard Worth alias Benja min Hull, E. the Raraton R., S. the other half. 495 1687 Dec. 5. Do. Peter Sonmans of Amboy Perth to James Armour of the_same place, for a lot in said town, 8£ chains by 1 chain, N. William Dockwra, E. Water Str., S. Mercat Str., W. Mercat Place 496 1688 Aug. 2, Caveat. William Leeds of Middletown against the re cording for Stephen West a patent for 80 acres on Ramsonts Neek; for 3^ acres at Narawataconck; 2 acres on Goose Neck^ claimed by said Leeds as his own, having purchased the land from John Bowne of Flushing, L. I., who had received it from Govr Nicholls. 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Thomas Cooper of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, vizt: I, one half of lot 24, in Wickatunck, S. the road, E. Sir John Gordon, W. Lockyell, Sir John Gor don and Lord Mellfoord, N. unappropriated land, 250 acres; 2, I2j acres in Amboy, E. a road, S. Clement Plumstead, N. and W. unappropriated land. 500 1688 May 10. Do. to Wiiliam Dockwra, one of the Proprietors, ut supra, for 27 acres in the Town of Amboy Perth, S. the road along Rara ton R., E. Thomas Warne, N. the road from the Market Place, W. the Scots Proprietors. 501 1688 May 10. Do. to Clement Plumstead, ut supra, for half of lot 19 in Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., N. the road, E. Lethentie's land, W.. Thomas Robinson, S. unappropriated land; also the half of small lot 19, N. the road, E. Walter Benthall, W., . Peter Sonmans, S. Lethentie, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. 127 Page bpth lots 250 acres; 12A acres in Amboy, N. Thomas Cooper, S. Walter .-Beirthall, and Thomas Hart, W. unappropriated land. 502 , 1688 July 10. Do. to Thomas Barker of London, merchant, lit supra, half of lot 8, Wickatunck, S. the road, E. David Mudie, N. 1 and W. unappropriated land; also half of small lot 8, S. the road, E.. and W. John Backer, N. the other half of this lot, both 250 acres; 12^ acres in Amboy, S. the country road, E. Thomas Hart, N. and W.. unappropriated land. 503 1688 Aug. 10. Patent to Richard Jones of N. Y. City, merchant, for 500 acres in Middlesex Co., N. E. Raraton R., S. E. Govr Barclay, N. W. •Capt. Clement, S. W. unappropriated land. 504 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Walter Benthall of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, half lot 17, Wickatunck, Mon mouth Co., W. Thomas Hart, N. the road, E. Thomas Robinson, S. un appropriated land; half of small lot 17, N. the road, W. Clem. Plumstead, S. Thomas Robinson, E. Thomas Hart, both 250 acres; also 12^ acres in Amboy, being his proportion therein, W. Thomas Hart, N. Clement Plum stead, E. a road, S. John fforbis. 506 1688 April 10. Do. to John Gordon, holding by purchase from Thomas Cooper, one of the Proprietors, 1-48 of 1-24 share, for half of small lot 24, Wickatunck, 15 acres, S. E. the road, S. W. Lord Mellfoord, ' N. W. and N. E. Thomas Cooper. 507 1688 April 10. Patent to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, for I acre there, E. Water Str., N. a new street, W. High Str., S. unappropriated lots. 508 1688 May 10. Do. - to Benjamin Clark, late of Amboy Perth, for two lots in said town, the Northernmost 8£ chains long, Ihe Southern 10 ch., both 2 ch. wide, E. Water Str., N. Market Str., W. Market Place and High Str., Sv Robert ^Bridgman. 509 1687 March 25. Do. to John Crawfurd of Middletown, for the fol lowing lots, vizt: 1, 100 acres in said township, S. Robert Hamilton, N. John Smith and John Wilsone, E. a road and Samuel Spicer, W. unsur veyed land, to stand for 86 acres; 2, 280 acres, S. W. and W. sinking meadows, Robert Hamilton and Wm Whitlock, N. E. a swamp, N. W. Richard Hartshorne, S. E. unsurveyed land, "which (after allowance for barren land and highwayes) is to remaine for 220 acres." 510 1688 July 13. Patent to Stephen West of Shroesberry, for 6o£ acres on Ramsonts Neck, Shroesberry, S. the road to Long Branch, W. Samuel Woollcatt, N. a branch of Naversinks R., E." another road; 3^ , acres of meadow at Narawataconck, W. Robert West,; E. Mistris Catbrin Broun, S. a small creek, N. upland; 2 acres. of upland at Goose Neck, -S. Sarah Reape,- E. Mrs. Cathrin Broun, W. John Chambers, N. Sliroes- -:, berry R. 511 I2S NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688 May 10. Do. to Joseph Firzrandolph of Piscataway, for 120 acres in Middlesex Co., N. W. a fresh brook, separating Wm. Sutton, Dr. Greenland and Samuel Moore from this lot, S. W. another small brook, separating Samuel Dotty, John Smally, Richd Smith and Mrs. Fitzran dolph, N. Thomas ffarsworth; also 5 acres of meadow, N. a small creek, E. Mrs. Randolph, S. Richard Smith, W. Benjah Dunhame; 50 acres of upland, S. E. John Smally junior, N. W. Richard Smith, S. W. and N. E. two brooks. 513 1688 May 10. Do. to Nicholas Broun of Shroesberry, for 141 acres on Ramsonts Neck, E. John Worthley, W. and N. roads, S. a small brook; 30 acres on Strawberry Neck, N. John Chanmis, S. Eliakim War- dall, E. a road, W. unsurveyed land; 5 acres of meadow, S. Jacob Coole, N. the Mill Creek, going almost around it; 2 acres of meaclow at Goose Neck, W. Ephraim Allan, S. a small creek, N. Shrosberry R., E. John Worthley; 2J acres of meadow on Racoone Neck, E. Francis Burdein, W. Peter Tiltone, S. Racoone Island, N. Shrosberry R. Marginal Note says, grantee surrendered these tracts to the Proprietors October 28, 1693. 514 1688 May 10. Do. to John Fitzrandolph of Piscataway, for: 1, 60 acres in Middlesex Co. at the Dismal Swamp, W. Nicholas Munday, E. Mrs. Higgines, N. said swamp, S. John Martine junior; 2, two houselots, 30 acres, E. a small brook, N. Nicholas Bonham, S. John Gillman, for merly Israel ffoullshame, W. a small spring; 3, 5 acres of meadow, S; Rar aton R., N. unsurveyed meadow, E. Woodbridge line, W. Richard Smith and grantee. 516 1688 May 10. Do. "to Benjamin Fitzrandolph of Piscataway, for 112 acres in Middlesex Co., S. E. Rehoboth Gannet, N. W. Richard Smith, N. E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Raraton R. 517 1688 May 10. Do. to Thomas P'itzrandolph of Piscataway, for: 1, 15 acres in Middlesex Co., E. and S. Michael Symons, N. and W. Vincent Ronginione; 2, 5 acres of meadow in Charles Gillman's meadow, N. E. upland, S. E. Raraton R., E. and W. Chas. Gillman. 519 1688 May 10. Do. to Samuel Hull of Piscataway, for 80 acres there, S. Dottie's Brook, W. Ambrose's Brook, N. and E. unappropriated land. 520 1688 April 28. Do. to John Neill of Amboy Perth, tailor, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Str., W. John Mill, E. John Hume.^521- 1689 Aug. 11. Letters of administration on the estate of Margaret. Spence, widow of John Verner of Dalvick, granted to James Clarksone of Woodbridge, her brother-in-law. (Supra, p. 475). 522 1688 April 9. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans, late of Amboy Perth, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for one acre in said town, N. Benjamin Griffith, S. James Emott, E. Mercat Place, W. the burying place. 522 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER B. I 2Q Page 1688 April 28. Patent to John Mill of Amboy Perth, tailor, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Str., E. John Neill, W. Jean Hankin son. 523 1688 April 10. Confirmation to Thomas Warne of Amboy Perth, for one acre, E. Water Str., N. Robert Bridgman, W. High Str., S. Gawen Lawrie. 523 1688 May 10. Do. to same, for 18 acres there, S. the road along Rar aton R , E. Thomas Rudyard, W. William Dockwra, N. the road from Mercat Place 524 1688 April 28. Patent.to William Thomson of Amboy Perth, carpen ter, for a lot there, 9 by I ch., S. Smiths Str., E. High Str., N. the street frdm the intended dock, W. unappropriated lots. 525 1688 April 28. Do. to Benjamin Griffith of Amboy Perth, merchant, in right of Jacob Rule, for a lot there, 9x1 chains, bo'tof said Rule, E. the intended wharf, N. Cove Str., S. William Brookfield, W. unappropriated lots. _ 525 1687 Nov. 4. Do. to James Miller of Scotland, merchant, for a lot of one acre at Amboy Perth, S. Smith Str., W. George Keith, N. the intend ed dock, E. Conlie's and unappropriated lots. 526 1687 April 11. Do. to Miles fforster of Amboy Perth, merchant, for one acre there, N. Lord Neill Campbell, S. James Emott, E. and W. streets. 527 1688 April 28. Do. to Robert Bridgman of Amboy Perth, merchant, .for one acre there, E. Water Str., W. High Str., N. Benjamin Clark, S. - Thomas Warne. 527 1688 July 10. Do. to >Janies Emott of New Perth, for one acre in Amboy Perth, E. the Marketplace, W. the burying place, S. a street, N. Robert Hardie. 528 1688 April 1. Confirmation to Thomas Hart of London,' one of the Proprietors, for one acre in Amboy Perth, E. Water Str., W. High Str., N. James Emott, S. Thomas Gordone. 529 1688 April 10. Do. to William Dockwra of two lots in Am boy Perth, one, the Southern, 8 chains 50 links, the Northern 10 ch. long, both 2 ch. wide, E. Water Str., S. James Armour, W. High Str. and Mar ket Place, N. unappropriated lots. 529 1688 April 28. Patent to Samuel Gibson of Amboy Perth, inn holder, for one acre there, E. the pretended wharf, N. William Brookfield, W. and S. unappropriated lots. 530 1688 April I. Do. to John Conlie of Amboy Perth, blacksmith, for a lot, 3 by 2 chains, E. Water Str., S. Thomas Warne,' W. James Miller, N. unappropriated lots. 531 1688 April 28. Do* to John Hume of Amboy Perth, mason, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Sir., W. John Neill, E. John Molli- 130 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page sone. S31 1688 April 28. Do. to David Campbell of Amboy Perth, couper, for a, lot there, 9 by 1 chains, S. Smith Str., W. High Str., N. the street from the intended dock, E. John Tankine. 532 1684 July 20. Deed. Robert Burnett of Lethentie to John Alexander, M. D., for 1-16 of 1-48 share of East Jersey. 533 1688 July 21. Will of Richard Sadler of Middletown. Wife Jean, stepchildren John, Sarah, Mary, Jean Purdy; John Job senior, George Job senior.' Witnesses Safty Grover, Robd Johnes. Proved Aug. 31, 1688. , 533 1688 Aug. 14. Indian Deed. Paywarren of Somersett Co., to Capt. Andrew Hamilton for the Proprietors, for land on Hollands Brook and Raraton R. 534 1688 Sept. 12. Deed. John Toe and wife Lideah of Elizabethtown to Doctor William Robinson of Raway R. in the bounds of said town, for 40 acres on the Westbranch of Raway R., N. and E. Joseph Frazie, S. Woodbridge line, W. grantee; also 7J acres of meadow, purchased by grantor of Roger Lambert, bounded by Umphra Spinage, Stephen Crane, Jeffery Jones and William Piles. 535- 1688 Aug. 10. Do. Robert McClelland of Woodbridge to John Smally of Piscataway, for 13 acres 53I rods of meadow in Woodbridge great meadow, S. Mathew Moore. 536 1687 Dec. 21. Deed. (Donatio inter vivos). John Smally of Piscat away, tailor, to his son Isaac Smally, for the preceding. 536 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber C. 1686 March 27. Power of attorney. James Miller of Amboy Perth, merchant, to John Reid of the same place, planter, as general agent. 1 1685 Oct. 13. Warrant. George Keith to John Reid for surveying and laying out land in the Province. I 1688 June 24. Deed. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid of Hortencie, to William Ronald of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Topone- mus, said County, S. Thomas Warne, N. Edward Byllyngs and Alexander Naper, E. John Bawd, W. Edw. Byllyngs and a road. 2 1688 June 24. Do. James Miller of Carshore, Scotland, merchant, by his attorney John Reid of Hortencie, to Robert Barclay of Ury, for 16 acres of meadow on the South R., Middlesex Co., N. Thomas ffullertone, W. David Mudie, S. grantor, E. unappropriated meadow. 4 1674 Oct. 27. Do. Elisha Ilsly of Newburry, Essex Co., Mass., to his brother John Ilsly of Woodbridge, N. J,, for whom brother William EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 131 Page Ilsly has paid the consideration, for a houselot, etc., in Woodbridge, 17 acres, N. E. Joshua Bradley, S. Samuel. Moore, highways at both ends; also 5 a. of meadow, N. John Taylor, W. Papiack Cr., S. a small creek, S. E. Thomas Blumfield jun., E.-the upland of Papiack Neck. 6 1688 Aug. 13. Do. Edward Tartt of Middletown to John Wilsone junior, for all his right, title, etc., in and to the Indian, purchase of the three necks, vizt Nensinks, Norrumson and Potipeck, owned for 23 years. 7 1673-4 Feb. 18. Do. Robert Rogers of Woodbridge in New Nether land, formerly New Jersey, to John Ilsly of the same place, carpenters, for a house and lot of 10 acres there, E. a road, N. a small brook, W. grantee, S. John Pike junior j 1688 Sept. 10. Power of attorney. Thomas Gordone of Amboy Perth to Robert Cole of the same place, to collect a debt from the estate of. Samuel Moore dec'd. 8 1688 Sept. 2. Will of Edward Tartt. Legatees Marjory Jaebes, John Rutmon jr, Thomas Rutmon, Thomas Renshall, Sarah Rutmon, John Wil sone junior, sister Elizabeth and her daughter. Executors James Grover and John Wilsone junior. Witnesses John Throckmorton, John Stoutt. Proved Sept. 2,5, 1688. 8 1687 Aug. 20. Deed. Robert Barclay to William Dockwra, for 500 acres, W. and N. Milston R., E. George Willox, S. unappropriated land. - g 1688 July 31. Do. Henry Lyon of Elizabethtown to Patrick ffalconer of Woodbridge, merchant, for a house and lot in ^Newark, 9 acres, N. Samuel Kitchell, W. and E. roads, S. Abraham Pearsone and Azariah Crane; also 6 acres of upland in the first division, on the great neck, N. .and E. roads, W. John Wood, Turner; 16 acres of upland in the second -division, E. Francis Lindly, S. Richard ffletcher, W. common land, N. a brook; 8 acres of meadow at Beef Point, S. John Baldwine jun. and com mon bogs, E. the river, N. John Brown senior, W. upland; 5 acres of meadow at Beef Point, E. the river, S. John Broun senior, N. Widow ffree- tnan, W. upland; 2^ acres of meadow, N. Stephen Davis, E. and W. Com mons, S. Widow ffreeman. 10 1688 May 10. Patent to Nathaniell Slocume of Shroesberry, in right of Peter Tiltone, for 176 acres on Long Branch Neck, to stand for 161 acres after allowance for highways, S. E. grantee and a small brook, N. W. Henry Bowman, S. W. unsurveyed land, N. E ; also 5 acres of meadow at Portapeck, E. John Burdein, S. the small island, N. Shroes berry Bay, W. unsurveyed meadow. 12 1688 March 25. Do. to William Scott of Shroesberry, in right of Peter Tiltone, for 140 acres in Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., to-wit, 136 a. N. Naversinlcs R., E. John Sloqume, W. and S. roads, and 4 acres 132 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page of meadow on Racoone Neck, W. Nicholas Broun, E. John Burdein, N. Narawataconck R., S. upland. 13 1688 May 10. Do. to Abraham Broun of Shroesberry for 450 acres- there, N. E. a road, S. E. Samuel Dennes,. N. W. Naversinks R., S. E. a branch of Shroesberry R., to be called 440 acres; also 7 acres of meadow, E. Robert Lelock, S. upland, W. a small brook, N. John Hance; 3 acres of meadow adjoin'g John Hance on the North. 15 1688 March 25. Patent to Anna Havens of Shroesberry, widow, in right of her deceased husband John Havens, for I, a house lot of 24 acres at Narawataconck, N, S. and W. roads, E. unsurveyed land and Samuel Willcatt; 2, 133 (120) acres on Ramsonts Neck, W. Edmond Laffetra, E. Judah Allan, N. a road, S. unsurveyed land; 3, 4 a. of meadow at Nara wataconck, S. E. and S. W. Mrs. Cathrine Broun, N. W. a branch of Shroesberry R., N.. E. Francis Burdein; 4, 4 a. of meadow on Racoone Island, S. W. Edmond Laffetra, N. W. Narawataconck R., N. Judah Allan, E. upland. 16 1688 May 10. Do, to Charles Gillman of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, E. Thomas Higgines and unsurveyed land, S., W. and N. unsur veyed land. 18 1688 March 25. Do. to George Parker of Shroesberry,- for a tract of ? acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co. , N. Naversinks R., W. John Hance, E. John Chambers, S. and S. E. the road to John Havens; 3^ a. of meadow, S. W. a small creek, S. a branch of Shroesberry R., E. John Claytone, N. Calib Sheriff, in all 64 acres. 19 1670 Nov. 29. Assignment of all their right, title, etc., "in this patent" (preceding?) by David Mackeney and wife Mary to Samuel Moore. 21 1673-4 March 2. Do. of all their right, etc., "in this within patent" by Samuel Moore and wife Mary to John Ilsley. 21 Mem. "These Indorsements were Entered upon the back of a pattent which is Recorded in Bullen's Records in folio 92." 1688 June 24. Patent to John Reid of Hortencie, for 10 acres in Am boy Perth, E. the Sound and the river, S. Thomas Gordone, N. Monveill's land, W. unappropriated land. 22 1688 June 24. Patent to same, in right of Isobell Keith and James Pawll, who sold their headland to present grantee, for 60 acres in Mon mouth Co., S. Sir John Gordon, E. the Gravell Brook, W. unappropri ated land. 23 1688 June 24. Confirmation to Robert Barclay, in right of Andrew Burnett, William Ronald, John Bawd, John Webster, James Melvin, John Nesmith, John Hepburne, John Mollisone, Alexander Scott and wife, An drew Hantone and wife, Peter Watsone, wife and children, 500 acres in Essex Co. at the mouth of Turkie Brook, E. Raway R., on all other sides EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 133 Page unappropriated land; also a tract of meadow in the great meadow of Eliz abethtown, W. upland, S. -grantee, E. and N. unappropriated meadow. 24 1687 Sept. 13. Writ of Execution to Thomas Gooding, Robert Blainey, John Cole, John Bellany and Benjamin Wetton in re John Backer of Lon don, timber merchant. - 25 1687 Sept. 10. Assignment. Thomas Gooding, Robert Blainey and Benjamin Wetton, as Commissioners, to Robert West of London, of all the personal estate of John Backer. 27 — Inventory of debts, moneys, goods and chattels of John Bocker mentions: Thomas Brett of Fairlight, -Sussex Co., Thomas Ackine of said place. 30 1687 Sept 10. Deed. Thomas Gooding, Robert Blainey and Benja min Wetton, commissioners, to Robert West, for £ of 1-24 share of East Jersey. 31 1688 July -20. Confirmation to Nicholas Broun of Shroesberry, hold ing by purchase from Robert Turner 1-16 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, of 312$- -acres in Monmouth Co., W. grantee, S. and W. the main branch of Shirk R., N. E. unsurveyed land, S. E. and E. the North branch of said . river, less 5 acres, taken out for Hananiah Gilford. 34 1688 May 1. Do. to Thomas Warne of Amboy Perth, still holding ^ of a propriety, of lot No. 6, Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., 500 acres, E. Peter Sonmans, N. Robert Barclay and Peter Sonmans, W. Robert Bur nett, S. unappropriated land. 35 1688 May 1. Patent to Nicholas Broun of Shroesberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk River, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 37 1688 May 1. Do. to John Throckmorton, of Middletown, for the fol lowing tracts, vizt: 1, 25 acres in Middletown bounds, W. William Comp ton, N. a meadow, E. Edward Tailjour, S. the same and unsurveyed land; 2, 5 acres of an island, joining his meadow, N. the sedges, E. the creek, S. the meadow, W. Thomas Morser; 3, 14 acres of upland, W. the Cold Spring, N. grantee, S. and E. Job Throckmorton; 4, 7 a. of upland, N. and E. Edward Tailjour, S. grantee, W. Richard Sadler; 5, ioa. of mead ow at Wackick, E. John Smith, S. upland, N. the beach, W. unsurveyed meadow; 6, 35 a. of upland, E. grantee, W. Poplar Brook and Sadler's land; 7, 6 a. of meadow -at Shoal Harbour, W. a Creek, E. upland, N. John Stoutt, S. Samuel Spicer '38 1688 May I. Do. to Hannaniah Gilford of Shroesberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Shirk R., W. John Chambers, S. and E. unsur veyed land.. , 40 ' 1688 May 1. Confirmation to Robert Burnett of Lethentie, one of the . Proprietors, as part of his share, 900 acres near the Blew Hills, Essex Co., a triangle, S. John fforbis and Ewan Cameron, N. W. Peter Sonmans, Robert Fullarton and Andrew Alexander, E. grantee. 42 134 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688 May 1. Do. to same, as before, 1200 acres in Middlesex Co., on the S. side of Bound Brook, betw. Ewan Cameron and John Barclay. 43 1688 May 1. Do. to same, as before, 900 acres in Middlesex Co. near Woodbridge stake. . 44 1688 May 1. Patent to James Ashton of Middletown, for 100 acres there, E. Richard Davies, S. a gully and unsurveyed land, W. Henry Marsh, N. James Austein, John Job and James Bound. 45 1688 May I. Patent to John West of Shroesberry, in right of William West, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk R., E. Nicholas Broun, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 47 1688 May 1. Patent to John West of Shroesberry, in right of William West, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk R., E. Nicholas Broun, W; and N. unsurveyed land. 47 1688 May 1. Confirmation to Ewan Cameron of Scotland, knight, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 1000 acres on N. side of the Bound Brook, in Essex Co., S. Bound Brook, E. John ff orbis, N. Robert Burnett, N. E. Peter Sonmans, W. unsurveyed land. 49 1688 May 1. Patent to William Cheesman of Middletown, for 100 acres at Naversinks, Monmouth Co. , S., N. and E. George Mount and Safty Grover, W. unsurveyed land. 5° 1688 May 1. Do. to Stephen West of Shroesberry, for 50 acres, N. the Shirk R , S., W. and E. unsurveyed land. 50 1687 Dec. 10. Mortgage. Nicholas and Samuel Carter of Elizabeth Toun to Thomas Osburne of the same place, tanner, for 7 acres of mead- ' ow, S. a little creek, E. Newark Creek, W. Isaac Whitehead, senior, N. a small creek, separating Lyon's meadow from his. 53 1687 Dec. 16. Deed. Jacob Rowell, some time of Elizabeth Towne, carpenter, to Thomas Osburne, for a house and lot, 3 acres, at the N. end of said town, N. Henery Lyon, E. Henery Norrise, S. Hur Thomson, W. a road. 54 1688 Nov. 10. Deed. Peter Watson of Amboy Perth to John Reid of - Hortencie, for a tract at the Great Flype, Monmouth Co., N. E. grantee, on all other sides unappropriated land. 55 1688 Nov. 10. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to Peter Watson of Am boy Perth, for a tract on the Gravell Brook, Monmouth Co., S. Sir John Gordon, E. said brook, W. unappropriated land. 56 1688 June 24. Do. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid, to Peter Watson, for a tract iu Monmouth Co., N. E. John Reid, on all other sides unappropriated land. 58 1687 Sept. 24. Order of the Governour and Council in England to the Deputy Governour, to issue his warrant to the Receiver General for the payment of jEioo sterl. to Lord Neill Campbell. 60 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 13J Page 1683 May 26. Deed. Hugh Dickman of Shroesberry to Richard Lep pencott of the same place, for one half share of the land on Norupsons Neck, in Shroesberry, E. Francis Jackson, W. a road. 61 1683 May 26. Assignment. Richard Leppencott to Thomas Hewett of the preceding. 61 1684 April 18. Acknowledgment by Abigail Leppencott, that her late husband Richard Leppencott received full satisfaction for the foregoing from Thomas Hewett. 62 1687. April 14. Deed. Peter Tiltoun of Middletoun to William Scott of the same place, for 136 acres in Shroesberry. 62 1686 Sept. 28. Do. Christopher Young and Thomas Longworth, both of Southold, L". I., to Henry Lyon of Elizabeth Town, for the whole estate, real and personal, excepting a- sloop, bequeathed to grantors by their cousin Capt. Thomas Young of Elizabeth Town dec'd., by his will of April 29, 1686. 63 1686 .Sept. 10. Assignment. Colonel John Young of Southold, L. I., to Samuel Wilsone of N. Y. and Henry Lyon of Elizabeth Town, of all his estate, right, etc. to a plantation at Young's Point, Elizabeth Town, formerly belonging to his deceased brother, Capt. Thomas Young. 63 1682 July 24. Will of Robert White. Wife , children William Andrew, Ann Lee, Elizabeth; Mary Little. Real estate (home lot ad joining Thomas Lee) and personal property. Witnesses Steven Crane, Isabell Moore. 64 1687-8 March 21. Deed. Richard Beech of Elizabeth Town to Agatha White of the same place, widow, for 10 acres of meadow there, N. W. Thomson's Creek, S. E. the great river, S. W. William Pardon and Charles Tucker, N. N. E. David Ogden, 64 1683 May 23. Do. William Douglas of Pembrepock, Bergen Co., to Lawrence Andross of said County, for half a parcel of land adjoining Cor nelius Christians, at New Hackensack, and half a meadow lot, lying S.-E. 66 1688 June 24. Deed. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid of "Hortencie, to John Baird of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Toponemus, in said County, S. Thomas Warne, E. Peter Sonmans, N. John Nesmith and Alexr Naper, W. Wm Ronald. 67 1688 June 24. Do. Same to James Melvin of Monmouth Co., for 100 a. at Toponemus, in said Co., N. the road, E. Peter Sonmans, S. John Nesmith and Alexr Naper, W. unappropriated land. 69 1688 Dec. 22. Do. James Melvin to John Reid of Hortencie, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot at Taponemus, bounded N. by the road, E. and S. by Melvin's Brook, W. unappropriated land. 72 1688 June 24. Do. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid, to John Nesmith of Monmouth Co.,- for 100 acres at Taponemus, E.. Peter 1*6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Sonman, S. John Baird, W. Alexr Naper, N. James Melvin. 74 ¦ 1688 June 24. Do. Same to Alexr Naper of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Taponemus, S. William Ronald and John Baird, E. John Nesmith, N. James Melvine, W. unappropriated land. 77 1681-2 Jan. I. Do. John Littell of Elizabeth Town, carpenter, to William Robinsone of the same place, cordwainer, for 20 acres, S. W. Roger Lambert, N. W. Benjamin Wade, N. E. grantor, S. E. the road. 80 1687 Dec. 3. Do. Samuel Leonard of Monmouth to Richard Stoutt junior of Middletown, for 20D acres on the N. side of Manasquam R., as granted by patent of June 20, 1687. 8l 1688 May 10. Patent to Joseph Martine of Piscataway, for 60 acres there, E. and S. Nicholas Munday, N. John Martine, W. Jeffery Maning. ' 82 168S May 10. Confirmation to Robert Gordone of Cluny, Scotland, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for:. I, 500 acres in Middlesex Co., N. William Dockwra, S. Charles Gordon, E. the river, W. unsur veyed land; 2, 20 acres of meadow in the Roundabout, S. W. Charles Gordone, N. William Dockwra and the South R, S. said river, E. unsur veyed meadow. 84 1688 May 10. Do. to Philipp Smith of Rhoad Island, holding by purchase from John Throckmorton 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres along Bir lington Path, S. W. James Ashtone, S. E. John Throckmorton, N. E. John Stoutt, N. W. unsurveyed land. 85 1688 May 10. Do. to William Dockwra of London, one of the Pro prietors, as part of his share, 2500 acres in Monmouth Co., along the West Jersey line on the West and on all other sides Crosswicks Creek; also 20 acres of meadow, W. the South R., E. the meadow not laid out, N. Robert Barclay, S. Robert Gordon of Cluny. 87 1688 May 10. Do. to Andrew Galloway of Aberdeen, Scotland, mer chant, holding by purchase from Dr. James Willox of Kemnie, Scotland, j of ^ share, 300 acres iri Middlesex Co., N. Raraton R., W. Peter Son mans, now John Craige, S. unsurveyed land, E. a brook and unsurveyed land; also 350 acres in the same Co., S. Robert Burnett, E. William Gerard, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 88 1688 May 10. Do. to Joseph Grover of Middletown, holding by pur chase from John Throckmorton 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W. Peter Sonmans, S. Jonathan Holmes and unsurveyed land, N. E. Joseph Throckmorton, N. W. unsurveyed land. 89 1680 May 10. Patent to Walter Wall of Middletown, for a lot there at Cowcotters Neck, E. old John Wilsone and unsurveyed land, on all other sides unsurveyed land. gl 1688 May 10. Do. to John Wilsone senior of Middletoun, for 100 acres on Waycack Creek and Mochores Brook, W. Walter Wall, on alL EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 137 Page- other sides unsurveyed land. g2 1688 May 10. Do. to Gideon Freeborne of Shrosberry, for 100 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., W. Francis Burdein, E. Joseph Parker, N. and S. roads; also 12 acres of meadow at Narawataconck, E. John Worthley, W. Francis Burdein, N. and S. two branches of Shros- berr> R. g4 1688 May 10. Do. to John Chambers of Shrosberry, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co. on the S. side of Shark River, N. the brook, W. Stephen West, S. and E. unsurveyed land. 96 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 1500 acres in Monmouth Co., S. E. Birlington Path, S. W. Crosswicks Creek, N. E. James Grover and unsurveyed land, N. W. unsurveyed land. 98 1688 May 10. Do. to same, 480 acres in Monmouth Co., W. Jedidiah Allan, S. the same and lots, laid out for Shrosberry men, S. E. Birling toun Path, N. E. Robert Barclay, N. grantee; 20 acres of the South mead ow, at the head of Manasquam R. 100 1688 May 10. Patent to Thomas Renshall of Middletoun, for 30 acres there, S. W. William Austine, W. Robert Hamilton, N. E. John Smith and the flyel of Richard Sadler, S. E. Samuel Willett. 101 1688 May 10. Do. to John Claytone of Middletoun, for 80 acres there, being a neck called Pine Neck, E. and W. two creeks, S. unsur veyed land, N the Way creek; also a small tract on the little neck in Richard Hartshorne's line; in all 100 acres. 103 1688 May 10. Confirmation to William Gerard of Scotland, for 350 acres near the Blew Hills, Essex Co., W. Androw Galloway, N. and E. un surveyed land, S. Robert Gordone. 105 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert Gordone of Cluny, one of the Propri etors, as part of his share, 910 acres in the pretended bounds of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., S. Woodbridge Town line, E. Thomas Hart, W. Rob ert Burnett, N. unsurveyed land. 106 1688 June 25. Patent lo Gideon Freeborne of Shrosberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Manasquam brook and unsurveyed land, on all other sides barren land. 108 1688 June 25. Do. to John Wilson junior of Middletoun, for 40 acres there, W. his father, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 109 1688 June 25. Do. to John Smally junior of Piscataway, for loo acres there, S. E. Benjamin Hull, on all other sides land not laid .out, III 1688 June 25. Confirmation to Job Throckmorton of Middletoun, holding by purchase from John Throckmorton, 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, 474 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W. Benjamin Burdein, S. E. and 1 Dutch for low meadow. 138 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page N. E. the pines, N. W. unsurveyed land; 10 acres of meadow, S. and S. W. the pines, E. and N. E. the same and unsurveyed land; 12 a. of up land at Sholl Harbour, E. Safty Grover, S. and N. grantee, W. John Throckmorton; 4 acres of meadow at Sholl Harbour, E. James Ashtone, S. upland, W. Richard Gardner, N. sedges and marshes. 112 1688 June 25. Do. to John Stoutt of Middletoun, holding by pur chase from John Throckmorton, 1-20 of- 1-48 share, for 300 acres, S. W. Phil. Smith, S. E. the juries, N. E. Benjamin Burdein, N. W. unsurveyed land. (Crosswicks, Monmouth Co.) 114 1688 June 25. Do. to Myles Forster of N. Y. City, merchant, in right of Gawen Lawrie, his late father(in-law) dec'd., for half lot No. 20 at Wickatum, Monmouth Co., 250 acres, S. E. a road, S. W. Robert Gor don, N. W. land not laid out, N. E. John Backer; also half of a town lot, 18 by 9 ch., S. E. the road, N. W. Robert Gordon, N. E. Thomas Rud yard. 115 1688 June 25. Do. to Joseph Throckmorton of Midletoun, holding by purchase from John Throckmorton, 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres at Crosswicks, S. W. Joseph Grover, S. E. Jonathan Holmes and John Smith, N. E. James Bound, N. W. unsurveyed land. 116 1688 June 25. Patent to John Wilson junior, for 156 acres in Mon mouth Co., E. Grover's Brook, N. Mahoras Brook, W. Richard Stoutt sen ior, S. John Wilson senior; 9 a. of meadow, E. Sholl Harbour Creek, S. Edward Smith, W. upland, N. Thomas Cox; also a town lot of 6 acres, N. - the road, S. and W. John Ruckman, E. John Wilson senior; an out lot of 9 a., S. Thomas Whitelock, W. Mahoras Brook, E. John Ruckman, N. un appropriated land. 117 1688 June 25. Do. to John Johnstone of Monmouth Co., for 150 acres at Matchiponis, said Co., N. E. Matchiponis R, S. W. Govr Barclay, S. E. and N. W. unappropriated land. 119 1688 June 25. Do. to James Emott of Amboy Perth, for 25 acres in Essex Co., S. E. Raway River, on all other sides grantee. " 121 1688 June 25. Confirmation to John Throckmorton, holding by pur chase from Robert Turner, 1-48 share of East Jersey, 480 acres at Cross wicks, S. W. John Smith, S. E. the pines and a brook, N. W. James Bound, James Ashton and Philipp Smith 122 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert Burnett of Lethentie, one of the Pro prietors, as part of his share, half of lot 19 at Wickatunck in Monmouih Co., 250 a., N. W. the road, N. E. Peter Sonmans, S. E. unappropriated land, S. W. Clement Plumitead; also half of a town lot, 15 acres, N. W. said Plumstead, N. E. Thomas Robinson, S. E. Thomas Gibson, W. Peter Sonmans. 12, 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert Gordon of Cluny, one of the Propri etors, as before, half of lot 20 at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., 250 acres,- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 139 Page S. E. the road, S. W. Thomas Rudyard, N. W. land not laid out, N. E. Gawen Lawrie; half of a town lot, 18 by 9 ch., S. E. and S. W. Gawen Lawrie, N. W. John Backer, N. E. Thomas Rudyard. 124 1688 May 10. Patent to James Emott of Amboy Perth, for 300 acres in Bergen Co., N. David Demarrie, W. the Westbranch of Overpeck's Cr., which is also the bounds of Lawrence the drawer and Company's land, called New Hackensack, S. E. and E. unappropriated land. 126 1688 March 24. Patent to John Hans of Shrosberry, for 150 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., E. George Parker, W. a road, N. Never sinks R., S. a small brook; 7 acres of the great meadow, N. Samuel Den nes, S. Abraham Browne and Robert Lacoke, E. a small island, W. a a small creek. 127 168 . Do. to same, for 247 acres in Shrosberry, where he- now lives, S. the South R., called Shrosberry R., N. Neversinks R., W. Ephraim Allen, formerly Eliakim Wardell, E. Thomas Hewit, formerly Hugh Dickman, and a road. 128 1688 May 10. , Do. to Samuel Leonard of Midletoun, for 300 acres on Hog Neck, Monmouth Co., S. E. and S. W. branches of Neversinks R., N. W. Mordecai Gibbons, N. E. land not laid out and Thurloe's Brook. 129 1688 May 10. Do. to Samuel Willcott of Shrosberry, for: I, 160 acres there, E. Stephen Williams, N. Neversinks R., W. unsurveyed land, S. Colonel Morris, formerly Sam. Leonard; 2, 6 acres of meadow, S. W. John Hanse, S. E. the head of a small creek, N. E. Edmond Lafetera, N. W. upland; 3, 4 acres of meadow on Raccone Island, S. W. Gideon Fre- borne, N. W. — River, N. E. unsurveyed meadow, S. E. Shros berry R. 130 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Mordacay Gibbons of Middletowne, for 500 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W., N. W. and S. E. unsurveyed land, N. E. grantee and John Vaughan and 40 a. of Conescuncke meadow, N. the beach, S. upland, W. Richard Hartshorne, E. Richard Stoute; these lands were first granted to his dec'd. father Richard Gibbons in 167-. 131 1688 May 10. Patent'to Gideon Freeborne of Rhoad Island, for 100 acres at the head of Manalopen River near the pines, in Monmouth Co., S. E. said river, N. E. Ephraim Allen, S. W. and N. W. land not laid out 132 1688 May 10. Do. to Daniel Estall of Midletowne, for 50 acres there, N. E. Richard Hartshorne, S. E. a brook, . S. W." and N. W. unsur veyed land; also a tract at Shole Harbour, N. William Whitelocke and unsurveyed land, S., E. and W. such land. > 133 1688 May 10. Confirmation to James Ashtone of Midletowne, holding by purchase from John Throgmorton 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, 480 acres at Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., S. W. James Bound, S. E. John Throgmorton, N. E. Philipp Smith, N. W. unsurveyed land. 134 140 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688 May 10. Patent to Thomas Harbur of Midletowne, for 140 acres there, S. E. Benjamin Devell, S. John Job, S. W. James Ashtone, W. un surveyed land and James Grover, N. E. James Ashtone, Richard Davis, John Jobs and the Bay. 135 1686-7 Jan- X1- Bond. John Skeen, Deputy Governour of West Jer sey, Saml Jennings, Thomas Olive, George Hutcheson, Mahlon Stacy, Thomas Lambert and Joseph Pope, proprietors of said Province, to Lord Neale Campbell, Govr of East Jersey, Capt. Andrew Hamilton and- John Campbell, Proprietors of East Jersey, to stand by the decisiou of William Emley and John Reid, concerning the division line.1 136 1686-7 Jan- 8- Decision of John Reid and Wm Emley, that the line is to run from Little Egg Harbour N. N. W. 50 degrees W. to the Dela ware River. 137 1685 Dec. 1. Instructions and directions, given by Thomas Rudyard, "for my son Mr. John West and Mr. Samuell Winder, 2 for the better ob servation and Execution of such grants, Comissions and Authorities, I have made and given them." (Calls Winder also "his son"). 137 1679 Dec. 30. Deed. Nicholas Bonham to Benjamin Hull, both of Piscataway, for all his right, title etc. in and to a lot of land at Piscat away, N. W. Jabish Hendricks, S. E. John Smally junior, 70 acres, front ing on Rariton R. 139 1701 April 14. Do. Thomas Codrington and wife" Margaret' to Thomas Gauge, late of Westchester, N. Y., shipwright, for a house and lot at Woodbridge, bounded as described in patent of Decbr. 30, 1670, to Benjamin Parkis; deed from said Parkis to Claude Vallet of Aug. 8, 1672, do. from Vallet to George Lockhart of June 23, 1679, and deed from Lockhart to present grantor of Dec. 27, 1681. 139 1701 July 25. Do. Elisha Parker senior of Woodbridge to Elisha Parker junior of the same place, for 60 acres, bo't of Daniel Robins, betw. John Conger, Wm. Merricke, John Codington, John Bishop, Daniel Thorpe, Yutt and Rakawa Rivers. 140 1700-1 Jan. 15. Do. John Worth and wife Jane of Woodbridge to Elisha Parker, for 100 acres there, S. a meadow, E. Wm. Alger, N. com mon land, W. Marmaduke Potter; 9 acres of Rariton meadows, E. Thomas Sutton, N. Samuel Hale, W. Charles Sallier, S. Thomas Fitzran dolph; also one freehold in Woodbridge. 141 1 701 June 21. Do. John Pike and wife Sarah of Woodbridge to Elisha Parker, for 18 acres there on Meeting House Brook. 142 1 See N. J. Hist. Society's Proceedings, 3d Series, I., 136. 2 John West, merchant, who came to New York in 1678, married Anne, daugh ter of Thomas Rudyard, in October, 1684. Samuel Winder, formerly of Staten Is land, married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Rudyard, and then removed to a plantation near Middletown, where he died. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 141 Page 1675-6 March 5. Do. John Wadkins of Woodbridge, cordwainer, to Dr. Henry Greenland, for 10 acres there. 143 1693 Nov. 19. Assignment. Dr. Henry Greenland to Henry Alword of the preceding 10 acres. 143 1690 Aug. 27. Deed. John Brown and wife Jane of Woodbridge to Henry Alward of the same place, for 50 acres there, formerly John Wad- kins' accommodation, adjoining John Taylor. 143 1701 Oct. 30. Do. Isaac Walker and wife Desire of Woodbridge to Henry Alward, for the following tracts, vizt: 1, 98 acres at Langstaff's Farm or Plain, E. John Watkins, W. N. W. the road, S. S. W. the road to Piscataway; 2, 17 acres of upland, S. E. of the first; 3, 15 acres of Rari-. ton meadows, N. the Commons, S. Robert Vauquelline, W. David Mc- Kany and upland, E. Stephen Kent senior. 144 l6gg-i7oo Jan. 11. Do. William Thornell of Woodbridge, cord wainer, to Henry Alward for several lots, vizt: I, 60 acres at Langstaff's Farm or Plain, S. a road, W Samuel Dennes, N. and E. land in common; 2, a lot on the W. side of Slingtaile Brook, along Piscataway road and Harman Perce's Hill; 3, 9 a. of salt marsh, in the Houselot Pond, Rari ton meadows; adjoining Thomas Smith. 145 1701 Nov. 26. Deed. John Smith, late of Piscataway, son and heir of John Smith of Woodbridge, to Robert Cole of Woodbridge, for 5 acres of Rariton meadows, part of a 30 acres lot, patented to his father by Govr Carteret, E. John Watson and Thomas Auger, W. Daniel Greaser, S. Rariton R., N. Skipper Bond; also an island of meadow, 5-6 acres, S. of the first. 146 1701 Nov. 13. Do. William Alger to Adam Hude, both of Wood- bridge, for 15 acres there, adjoining Jonathan Bishop and grantee. 147 1701 Oct. 29; Indian Deed. Tallquapie et al. to John Johnston and "George Willoks, both of Monmouth Co., merchants, for the tract on East- side of the N. branch of Rariton R., along Machcopoiken's land, N. W. to the mountains above Pechpeck and E. along the mountains to the Blew Hills. 148 1701 Nov. 29. Deed. Robert Wright, to his son-in-law John Moores, both of Woodbridge, cordwainers, for 40 acres, N. grantor. 149 1701 Nov. 18. Do. John Johnston and wife Eupham of » Monmouth Co. to Patrick Canaen of said Co , for a lot in the same County, adjoin ing Alexr Adams, as per patent. 15° ¦ 1701 March 26. Power of attorney. Thomas Cooper of London, merchant, to Richard Salter of Freehold, Monmouth Co , planter, to col- lecf debts due by Jaines Mills of N. Y., merchant, and Thomas Boell of Monmouth Co. 151 1701 Nov. 18. Deed. John Robeson, glover, to William Spence, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres there, called Hains.es Hill, E. 1^2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the road, S. Jonathan Haines, now Thomas More, W. John Dillie. 152 1701 Nov. 20. Do. Richard Spencer, yeoman, to his son William Spencer, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres at Hainses Hill, E. the . road, S. Jonathan Hainse, W. and N. W. John Dillie, also 14 acres in Elizabethtown, N. the Two Miles Brook, W. by a small run, S. by unsur veyed swamp, E. Alexander Scott dec'd. 152 1700 Oct. 29. Deed. George Pack and wife Elizabeth of Elizabeth- town to John Baker of Woodbridge, for 22 acres of meadow, N. grantor, S. Rakaway R. and John Pope, E. Lambert, W. John Pope. 153 1701 Sept. 16. Do. Thomas Bills of Shrewsberry weaver, to his son- in-law David Killie of Midletown, for one half of the lot on the N. side of Sawmill Brook, W. another brook. 154 1701 Oct. 1. Patent. Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governor of East and West Jersey, to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsberry, for 100 acres in any unap propriated tract. 154 1700 May 15. Deed. Samuel Layton and wife Janet to William Davison, carpenter, all of Monmouth Co., for one half of a tract in said _ Co. at Wemcoke along the brook, originally belonging to William Oli phant, brother of said Janet and of Margaret, wife of said William Davi son. 155 1701 Dec. 8. Do. John Johnston -to Walter Ker, both of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres of his share in the second division of the Province, as ordered February 24, 1698-9. 156 1701 Aug. 20. Do. Charles Haynes, formerly of Midletown, E. J., and now of Sussex Co.,1 annexed to Pennsylvania, to William Clark of Lewis2 in said Sussex Co., for 220 acres in Midletown, S. John Throck morton, W. unsurveyed land, N. grantor and John Throckmorton, E. Cold Spring Brook, as per patent of Novbr. 23, 1676, less 150 acres, sold to Edward Taylor. 156 1701 Aug. 20. Power of attorney. Charles Haynes to Edward Tay lor and Jedidiah Allen, to acknowledge in Court the preceding deed. 158 1694 Aug. 1. Deed. William Reap, son, and Sarah Reap, his mother and widow of William Reap of Rhoad Island, dec'd., to William, son of Jonathan Marsh of Newport, R. I., mariner, and wife Sarah Reap, grand son of said Sarah Reap widow, for a share of the three necks of land in Shrewsbury, held by said Wm Reap dec'd. with others, bounded N. by Rockhill, S. Whalepond Brook, E. a road, W. Sarah Reap, alias Joseph Brior (?), 8 acres of meadow at Portapeck alias Racoun Island, N. a small island of upland, E. Samuel Spicer alias Thomas Hewet, S. a branch of Shrewsberry R, W. a road. 158 1698 March 1. Do. Josiah Pricket of Burlington to John Harrison of Flushing, L. I., for all his improvements at Cranberry Brook, now occu-- 1 Now in Delaware. 2 Lewes. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 143 Page pied by Anthony Ashmore 160 1698 April I. License to purchase Indian land at Cranberry Brook, granted to John Harrison, to improve road from Burlington to N. Y. 160 1699 May 8. Indian Deed. Hughon and Lumoseecon, Sachems, to John Harrison, for a tract betw. Cranberry Brook and Milston R., York- road and Thomas Budd. 160 1700 Dec. 17. Deed. John Harrison of Pennsylvania, merchant, to George Rescarrick of Woodbridge, for the preceding tract. 161 - 1701 Oct. 15. Do. George Rescarrick of Cranberry Brook to the Pro- ¦ prietors for the preceding. 162 1696 Nov. 9. Do. John Bainbridge of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., to Peter Groome of Assinpinck, Eastjersey, for 200 acres, adjoining Wil liam Watson, on Assinpinck R., as sold to grantor by John Reid of Hor tencie Feb. 22, 1693-4. 162 1701 Sept. 9. Do. Thomas Moore and wife Mary to Robert Gil christ, both of Woodbridge, for the South half of a 100 acres lot at Lang- staffs Farm or Plain; also 10 acres, part of a 45 acres lot of Rariton mead ows; and the freehold, purchased by grantor's father of Henry Lesenby and conveyed to him by his brother Samuel Moore. 164 1700 Oct. 28. Do. John Johnston and wife Eupham of Monmouth Co. to Alexander Innes of said Co., clerk, for a lot in said County, W. Col. Morris, S. Peter Tilton, N. and E. the Hope R. 165 1697 Dec. II. Do. James Miller of Carshove,! Scotland, by his at torney John Reid of Hortencie, to Andrew Burnet of Monmouth Co., for 1-32 share of East Jersey, purchased of "Robert Burnet August 15, 1683; and all the tracts on South R., not yet sold; also the tract adjoining Hor tencie and the land of Manalapen, exchanged from Robert Barclay Febru ary 10, 1687-8; the land on Milstone R., acquired by exchange with Robt Barclay March 14, 1689-90; 40 acres at Barnagate, acquired as before June 17, 1690. 166 1700 Oct. 12. Do. Andrew Burnet of Monmouth Co. to John Reid of Hortencie, for 1-32 share of East- Jersey, and the other tracts, as in the preceding. 166 1701 Dec. 8. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to his son-in-law John An derson and wife Anna, grantor's daughter, for the tract, called Manalapan, Monmouth Co., as per patents and deeds of January 22, 1689, June 23, 1696, Octhr. 7 and 12, 1700, and June 7, 1701. 167 1701 Dec. 25. Do. Jonathan Donham, carpenter and millwright, to John Mores, cordwainer, both of Woodbridge, for a tract of 12 acres there, N. E. grantor, along John Dilly. 168 1701-2 Jan. 26. Do. John Dillie and wife Ruth to George Brown, Query : Carrronshore, a, village near Carron, in Stirlingshire. I44 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page tailor, all of Woodbridge, for 4 acres of upland there, granted to his father John Dillie by patent of August 2, 1676, S. W. Mr. Smith, N. E. Isaac Tappin, S. E. common swamp, N. W. common land. 168 1701-2 Jan. 20. Do. Thomas Gordon and wife Jannet of Perth Am boy to George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., for a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. the head of Cheesquacks and South R. 169 1701-2 Jan. 26. Do. George Willoks of Rudyard to William Letts of Perth Amboy, for the preceding lot. 170 1699-1700 Jan. 10. Do. Thomas Gordon and wife Jannet of Perth Amboy to William Frost of said place, carpenter, for a lot there, 6 by 10 chains, E. grantor, S. a street, W. David Falconer, N. William Thomson, formerly George Willoks, as per patent of April 20, 1696. 171 1692-3 March 26. Do. John Conger of Woodbridge to Ebenezer Ford, for 16 acres, E. grantor, N. a common or sunken meadow. 172 1701 June 7. Do. John Reid of Monmouth Co. to the Proprietors, for 300 acres in said Co., below the "boylling" spring of Manalapan, ad joining James Miller and Milston Brook, in exchange for 173 1701 Aug. 6. Do. Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour, to John Reid of Hortencie, for 300 acres anywhere in the unappropriated parts. 173 1701 June 24. Do. George Willoks and wife Margaret of Rudyard, Monmouth Co. to John Johnston of the same Co., for a lot in Perth Am boy at the N. E. end of the Cove, intended for a wet dock, betw. grantee and low water mark. 174 1700 Dec. 20. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to George Willoks, for 2^ a. in Perth Amboy, whereof one a. is bounded by High Street, N. by the Governour's house, S. by grantee, the other ij acres between the highway and the South corner of Robt Barclay dec'd; the whole first granted to said Barclay Decbr. 24, 1686, and conveyed to present grantor May 24, 1690. 175 1700 Nov. 10. Do. George Willoks of Rudyard, merchant, and wife Margaret to Govr Andrew Hamilton, for two lots on High Str., Perth Amboy, N. Robert Barclay dec'd., W. grantee, S. unsurveyed land, E. High Str., as per patents of February 24, 1698, andNovbr. 28, 1699; also the pre ceding lot on High Str. 175 1699 July 6. Do. George Mackenzie of Kildin.l Scotland, by his attorney George Willoks, to Thomas Gordon of East Jersey, for all his real estate in Perth Amboy, part of his 1-20 of 1-48 share in the Province. 176 1701 July 28. Do. Capt. Samuel Leonard of Shrewsberry to Thomas Daniell late of Hempstead, Queens Co., L. I., for 100 acres in Shrews berry, on Bound Brook, near Manasquam R., along Long Brook and Sarah 1 Probably Kildean, the spot where the English crossed the Forth to the fatal battle of Stirling. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 14C Page Reap. 177 1686 Sept. 13. Power of attorney. George Mackenzie of Kildin, Scotland, to George Willoks of East Jersey, as land agent. 178 1694 Nov. 12. Will of Hanse Harmense and wife Willemtie Waer- naers of Constaple's Point, Bergen. Willemtie's children by her former husband Harmen of Berckeloo, vizt. Jannetie Reynies and Harmen of Berckeloo, Jan Harmense of Berckeloo, William of Berckeloo; children of this marriage: Tryntie and Annetie Hance. Witnesses Hessell Wiggerts and Barent Christianse. Proved in 1701. 178 1701 Dec. 3. Letters of administration on the estate of Hanse Har mense and wife Willemtie, granted to their daughter Tryntie and her husband Peter Lauwranson. 179 1700 Oct. 19. Codicill by Hanse Harmensen appointing guardians for his grandson Hartman Claes, naming sons John Hartmanson and Daniel Shotwell. 180 1701 Dec. 3. Order of the Governour, confirming the appointment of guardians,.as in the preceding 180 1698 May 31. Will of Samuel Roos1' of Newark. Wife Mary, cousins Hannah Brant, Sarah Moris, Abigail Ball, Phebie Day, daughters-in-law Abigail Bunell, Hannah Carter. Personal property. The wife executrix with George' Harrison as assistant. Witnesses Robert Young, Jonathan Sergint, Jonathan Sergint junior. Proved Nov. 24, 1701. 180 1701 Dec. 3. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Roos dec'd., granted to his widow Mary. 181 1701 Dec. 3. Order of the Governour, admitting Samuel Dennes and Capt. John Bishop as guardians of George Darling, all of Wood- bridge 181 1701 Oct. I. Deed. David Lyell of N. Y. City, goldsmith, and wife Katherine to John Ireland of Perth Amboy, yeoman, for 300 acres at Ara rat, Middlesex Co., N. Rariton R., W. Andrew Gallaway and Wm. Ger- rard, S. and E. unappropriated land; under conveyance from Ambrose Rigg of Gatton Place, Surrey Place, Surrey Co., England, owner of 1-12 share of the Province, to Thomas Robinson of Brant Braughton,2 Lincoln Co., of 1-48 share, October 23-24, 1682, the confirmation to said Robinson of April 16, 16S7, the conveyance of the 1-48 share to Andrew Hamilton of Edinburgh, September 9-10, 1687, the bequest thereof by said Hamil ton to Doctor Andrew Hamilton of Edinburgh, who by will of January 21, 1696-7, bequeathed it to George__Clarke of St. Martin's Parish in the Fields, Middlesex Co., tailor, from whom present grantor acquired it April 27-28, 1697. 181 1 Rose. 2 Brant Broughton is a parish about eight miles east from Newark, Lincoln county, England. IU 146 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1699 Dec. 22. Affidavit of Anthony Woodward concerning 2500 acres on Crosswicks Creek, belonging to William Dockwra of London, whose attorney was John Reid. 184 1700 Sept. 11. Do. of Thomas Potter, about 70 years old, concern- the boundaries of Poplar Swamp in Shrewsbury. 185 1701 Dec. 17. Deed. John Barclay of Perth Amboy and wife Kath- erine to auilliam Strayheame of Elizabethtown, for 112 acres in the bounds of said town, vizt: 70 acres, S. W. the Two Miles or West Brook, S. E. John Winnans dec'd., N. E. James. Hindes, N. W. Thomas Terrill; 42 a., N. W. John Winnans, S. W. said Winnans and Sawmill Brook, S. E. Thomson's Cr., N. E. Saml Wood. 186 1701 March 25. Power of attorney. William Dockwra of London to Richard Salter of Freehold, East Jersey, as land agent. 187 1701 March 31. Additional power of attorney by same to same. 189 1701 March 26. Power of attorney. Thomas Cooper of London to Richard Salter of Freehold and Richard Hartshorne of Midletoun, as land agents. 190 1701-2 Feb. 21. Deed. Peter Le Conte of Staten Island to William Binglay of Woodbridge, for 6£ acres of meadow, part of a 12 a. lot in Woodbridge, S. the Sound, E. and W. grantor, N. grantee. 191 1701-2 Feb. 23. Do. William Binglay to Adam Hude, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for the preceding 6£ acres. 191 1701-2 Feb. 14. Deed. John Moore to John Lee, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 45 acres there, in Langstaff's Plain, betw. Robert Gil christ and George Morris; also 5 a. of Rariton meadows, 2J thereof at Red Root, the other 2% at the Great Pond. 192 1701-2 Feb. 27. Endorsment on the deed Binglay to Hude (supra p. igi), correcting boundaries of the lot sold. 193 1701 June 30. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to Peter Watson of Low Hill, Monmouth Co., for a lot West of grantee. 193 1701-2 Feb. 14. Do. John Moore to George Morris, both of Wood- bridge, for 45 acres there, at Langstaff's Plain, being the Easterly half of the tract, given to grantor by his brother Samuel Moore by deed of gift of January 10, 1694, adjoining Robert Gilchrist; 5 acres of Rariton meadows, in two pieces, 2§ thereof at Red Root, the other 4.% at the Great Pond. Ig4 1702 April 2. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to James Edward of Freehold, for 260 acres in Monmouth Co. on the branches of Rocky Brook adjoining WiUiam Dockw.ra; also all the meadow from the head of the N. branch of said brook upward to the upland. 195 i6gg June 13. Do. Samuel Thorp of Springfield, Burlington Co., West Jersey, cordwinder, to Abraham Browne of Mansfield, same Co., for a lot of land and meadow at Freehold, Monmouth Co., E. Jersey, on the EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 147 Page N. side of Manalapan Brook, N. an Indian path, W. grantee, S. said brook and Gideon Freeborn, E. Gideon Freeborn and grantee. ig6 1699 June 14. Do. Abraham Browne of Mansfield, Burlington Co., to William Parant of Freehold, Monmouth Co., for 275 acres in the Town of Freehold, S. Manalapan Brook, W. grantor, N. an Indian path, E. Gid eon Freeborn and land not laid out. 197 1701 June 7. Patent to Cornelius Longfeild of Piscataway, for a tract between Rariton and South Rivers, in Middlesex Co., along Piscopeck or Lawrance's Brook; also one half of the meadow on said two rivers, and along Lawrance's Brook, together 700 acres. 198 1701 Dec. 30. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to Capt. John Ander son of the same place, for two tracts in Monmouth Co., the first on Mana lapan Cr., conveyed to grantor by deed from Robert Barclay, Novbr. 4,, 1699, and patents of October 7, 1700,-and June 7, 1701; the' other tract on Milston R., along the same and the Indian path, as per patent of August 8, 1701. 199 1702 April 29. Indian Deed. Wickwela, Indian Sachem in East Jer sey,' to John Johnston of Scotschester, Monmouth Co., for a tract on Cran berry Cr. in Middlesex Co., half a mile below the Post road bridge 200 1701-2 March 11. Will of William Letts of Perth Amboy, weaver: Wife Ann, sons Francis, William, daughters Ann and Sarah. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses George Willoks, Jona than Hindes, Joseph Hallsy, Robert Doeg. Proved March 31. 1702. 201 1702 April 15.- Letters of administration on the estate of William Letts dec'd., issued to .his widow Ann. 201 Will of Archibald Campbell names John Campbell as heir and executor and leaves a legacy to Elizabeth Swan; statement of debts due by Edwards, Richard Clarke, William Ridford, John Col lins and due to Elisha Parker," Miles Forster, John Barclay, James More, John Lee, John McCalm, George Cumins and Alexander Thomson. .Personal estate. Witnesses James More, John Foreman, Gawin Lock hart. Proved May 12, 1702. 202 1702 May 15. Letters of administration on the estate of Archibald Campbell dec'd., issued to John Campbell. ' 202 1702 May 1. Do. on the estate of William Young, lately deceased intestate, issued to David Harriot of Perth Amboy. 203 1701 Oct 21. Will of Peter Morss of Elizabeth Town. Sons Joseph, Amos, Joshua, Robert, daughters Mary, Sarah, Hanna, grandchild Mary, Joseph's daughter. Real and personal property. Executors sons Amos add Joshua with Joseph Marsh and Sam' Oliver as overseers. Witnesses John Bishop, Frederick Ellis, David Bishop, John Watson. Proved May 8, 1702. Letters of administration granted to executors named May 15, 1702. 203 I48 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1702 April 9. Will of Dennes Morris of Elizabeth Town. Wife Jane, sons John, Dennes, daughters Deborah, Mary. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses George Pack, John Bishop. Proved May 8, 1702. Letters of administration to the widow May 15. 205 1702 May 13. Deed. Robert Burnet, late of Lathantie, Scotland, to Peter Watson of Freehold, for 400 acres on Milston Brook, betw. Robert Holman, the Pinn Hill and John Reid. 206 1702 May 20. Do. Isaac Tappin of Woodbridge, cooper, to Adam Hude of the same place, weaver, for f acre of meadow there, N. E. grantee, S. W. Nathaniel Fitzrandolph, N. W. Sarah Moore, widow of Mathew Moore, S. E. a creek. 208 1701-z Feb. 18. Do. Thomas Ridford of Perth Amboy to Francis Letts of the same place, for 100 acres at the head of Cheesquacks Cr. in Middlesex Co., S. E. said head of the creek, N. E. Frederick Buckalein, N. W. and S. W. unsurveyed land. 208 1701-2 Feb. 14. Do. John Lee to James Grier, both of Woodbridge, for 22 acres on Rahaway Neck at Round Ridge, formerly given by the Freeholders of Woodbridge to William Binglay, who conveyed the land to present grantor December 10, 1700; also 10 acres adjoining. 209 1702 May 9. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to William and John Cramer of Elizabeth Town, for land at Barnagate on Wisconk Creek, along Doctor Cox, as per patent of March 25, 1698. 211 i6gg-i7oo Jan. 31. Do. Thomas Smith to Edward Jones, both of Woodbridge, for 25 acres there adjoining Mathew Force. 211 1702 April 20. Do. George Drake to Robert Webster, both of Piscataway, for 200 acres there, S. W. Ambrose Cr. and unsurveyed land, S. E. by said creek, Wm Sutton and unsurveyed land. 212 1702 May 8. Do. John Mollesone to Robert Webster, both of Piscat away, for 40 acres there, along Ambrose Cr. next to Bay Hull. 214 1 701 Oct. 1. Do. John Ireland and wife Janet of Perth Amboy to David Lyell of N. Y. City, goldsmith, for 250 acres at Taponemus, Mon mouth Co., in the rear of Wickatunck lots, along the highway, part of the land conveyed by Robert Burnet to Robert Gordon (1-32 of 1-24 share), August 13, 1683; confirmed by the Governour and Council Sept. 3, 1694, and made over to present grantor by David Gordon, son and attorney of Robert Gordon June 25, 1696. 215 1689 Nov. 22. Do. Halliack Codrick to Samuel Hale, both of Woodbridge, for 71 acres of saltmarsh there on Rariton R., W.- Elisha' Parker and John Adams, E. John Smith .Scotchman and Skipper Bunn, N. , S. said river. Consideration the frame of a dwelling house. 217 1701-2 March 16. Lease for life. John Pike to James Welch (has wife Margaret), both of Woodbridge, for 8 acres there, E. and S. lessor EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 149 Page and a road running S., N. Abaih Aires, W. Jeremiah Reader or a road. 217 1702 June 9. Deed. Eliphalet Frasey- and wife Margaret of Eliza beth Town to Saml Miles of the same place, for 4 acres of meadow there near the mouth of Rokaway River, E. John Frasey, N. a small creek, S. John Elstine (?). 218 1702 July 9. Do. James Hindes to James Hindes junior, both of Elizabeth Town, for 50 acres there, E. William Darby, S. Joseph Halsey, W. Thomas Terrill, N. grantor. 218 1690-1 Jan. 30. Do. James Johnston to Walter Ker, both of Mon mouth Co., for 100 acies in said Co. near Wemcock Point, W. of William Davison, adjoining grantor's farm at Toponemus and along Wm Oli phant. 220 1701-2 Feb. 4. Patent to Walter Ker, for 100 acres, to be by him taken and for him surveyed anywhere in the Province from unappropri ated lands. 220 1701-2 Feb. 4. Do. to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for 200 acres as the preceding. Endorsement on this document, dated Feb. 11, same year, states, that patentee has sold the foregoing grant to Miles Forster and Mary, widow of William Haig, dau. of Gawen Lawrie. 221 1702 July 11. Deed. Isaac Tappin to Richard Elingam, both of Woodbridge, for 4 acres there at Chestnut Ridge, laid out for grantor by appointment of the Town January 6, 1697; adjoining Matthew Bunn. 221 1701-2 Jan. 30. Do. Quitclaim. Elisha Ilsley of Portsmouth, N. H., Joseph and Benjamin Ilsley of Newbury, Essex Co., Mass., sons of Elisha Ilsly of Newbury dec'd., to their brother William Ilsley of Wood- bridge for all the land owned by their father in East Jersey. 222 1701-2 -Feb. 27. Do. Hannah Bacheller of Redding, Middlesex Co., Mass., wife of John Bacheller and formerly widow of Elisha Ilsly of Newbury, to her son William Ilsly, for all of her first husband's property in East Jersey. 223 1701-2 Feb. 11. Do. Joseph, son of George Litle, late of Newbury dec'd., and John, son of Moses Litle and grandson of George aforesaid, also of Newbury, to William Ilsly, late of Newbury, now of Woodbridge, for a freehold there, obtained by George Litle. 224 1701 Aug. 23. Do. John Smith, son and heir of John Smith, com monly called John Smith Scotchman, to Saml More, both of Woodbridge, for 8 acres, adjoining Jonathan Dunham and John Smith near the Meeting House Brook, originally sold by grantor's father to the father of grantee, but deed lost. 224 1701-2 Jan. 6. Do. Henry Freeman to Samuel Moore, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres of upland there, S. of John Speewell. 225 1699-1700 March 23. Do. Joseph Johnston to Clas Hendrickson 1 50 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Valke, both of Newark, for 80 acres there, E. the Third River and the Commons, N. W. and S. Bearskin Brook. 226 1702 May 9. Do. George Harrison of Newark to Clas Hendricksen Valke, for 14 acres in Newark bounds, N. Dirrick Poulse and his own land, E. John Bradburry, S. Robert Young, W. Barent Christiansen. 227 1701-2 March 3. Do. George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., merchant, to Alexander Dove of Perth Amboy, carpenter, for i£ acres in said Perth Amboy, W. of Robert Barclay dec'd. 227 1701-2 March 21. Do. William Binglay of Woodbridge to his son William, for 14 acres, part of grantor's homelot, along the great creek and adjoining Peter Mossee; one of two islands of meadow; one half of his freehold; 3 acres of upland, purchased from George Willoks in 1696.- 228 1694 Sept. 19. Do. William Leeds senior of Burlington Co., cooper, to his second son William Leeds junior, for 184 acres in Middletown, as per. patent of June 30, 1676, to Richard Stout, who conveyed the tract to present grantor, S. the Swiming R., dividing it from Falls Neck, bounded S. and S. W. by Hope R. 229 1702 March 27. Do. James Edward, farmer, to James Craige, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot betw. Spotswoods Middle Brook and his South Brook 230 1702 April 10. Do. John Craige of Amboy to his son Archibald Craige, for a lot in Monmouth Co., S. W. Spotswood Brook, E. Wm Laing. 230 1701 June 3. Indian Deed. Wikquaylas, Indian Sachem of part of East Jersey, to John Reid of Hortencie, for the tracts near Manalapan; 1st, betw. grantee, Abraham Brown, Milston Brook, Robert Holman, and grantee's land on the branches of Rockie Brook; 2d, a tract on Manalapan River, from its mouth to the mouth of Mount Brook. 231 1 701 Aug. 20. Release. Leflooer alias Renne Peeat of Piscataway to Miles Forster of Perth Amboy, for the 250 acres at the head of Chees- quacks Cr., S. said creek, E. Gawen Lawrie dec'd., W. and N. unsurveyed land, conveyed by said Forster to said Peeat March 1, 1693, and now re turned for non-payment. 232 1701 Aug. 21. Deed. Miles Forster of Perth Amboy, merchant, to James and Frances Peeat of Piscataway, for the preceding. 233 1702 May 28. Do. Robert Burnet, late of Lathanty, Scotland, to John Chambers junior of Piscataway, for: I, a lot in Monmouth Co., sur rounded by .grantor's land; 2, another tract at the crossing of the new Burlington road and Augustin Gordon's line, S. W. of grantor, both con taining together 400 acres. 234 1701 April 2. .Patent to John Swinie of Middletown, son and heir of Thurlow Swinie dec'd., for no acres in Midletown bounds, W. Samuel Spicer and barren land, N. , S. and E. two small brooks. 235 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 151 Page 1701 Oct. 27. Mortgage. William Darbye and wife Elizabeth to John Blanchard, trader, all of Elizabeth Town, for 60 acres there, S. E. Dennes Morris, S. James Hindes, W. Andrew Hampton, E. White's Brook; also 6 acres, N. Dennes Morris' meadow, W. Peter Morse, S. 4aron Thompson dec'd., E. Dennes White. 236 1702 Sept. n. Deed. Miles Forster, merchant, to John White, Col lector of H. M. Customs at-Perth Amboy, for a lot there, W. Water St., E. low water mark, S. Thomas Gordon, N. James Emott ("from sd hygh street to Low water marks aforesd"). 238 1701 Nov. 18. Do. William Dockwra of London, by his attorney. Richard Salter with consent of Andrew Bowne, to John Reid -of Horten cie, for a tract on Milston R., below the mouth of Rockie Creek, conveyed " to him by John Stewart October 2, 1699. 239 I702 Sept. 11. Will of John Baker of Elizabethtown. Wife Agnes, sons Richard, Thomas, Derrick, grandsons John, Ebenezer, sons of Eben ezer Spining of Elizabethtown dec'd., and daughter Frances, Elizabeth, wife of son Derrick. Real and personal property. Executors the wife and son Derrick. Witnesses Samuel Whitehead, Roger Lambert, John Littell. Proved Sept. 24, 1702. 239 1702 Sept. 30. Letters of administration on the estate of John Baker dec'd granted to his executors. 241 1701 June 10. Confirmation to Sir Robert Gordon of Gcrdonston,. Scotland, as his first division of land in the Province, 1500 acres on the S. side of Passaick, along the path from Elizabeth town to Minisinks. 241 1701 Sept. I. Power of attorney. Robert Barclay of Urie, Scotland, lo John Molleson of Piscataway and John Falconar of Sasifrax, Maryland, merchant, for the.disposal of his land in East Jersey. 242 170O-1 March 19. Deed. Mary, widow of John Campbell of Perth Amboy dec'd. to Michael Hawden of N. Y. City, vintner, for 500 acres, grantor's share of the 5000 acres patented to each owner of 1-24. share in the Province, February, 1698; the 500 a. being at Horse Neck on Pas saic R., in Essex Co. 242 1701 June 9. Confirmation to John Johnston of Monmouth Co., for "a tract on both sides of South Hop River, said Co., to be called Scots Ches ter, E. William Lawrance, N. Hop R. branch and William Penn's land at Wickatunck, N. W. David Mudie dec'd., S. Clement Plumstead; the- land having been acquired in several lots by deeds vizt. from David Mudie June 22, 1686, from the same and Edward Antill March 16, 1691, by pat ents of May 10 and 24, 1690, May 10, l6gg, June 20, 1688, June 7, 1701. 243 1702 Dec. 21. Patent to Robert Nisbite, late of New York, tailor, for a town lot in Perth Amboy, S. Smith Str., W. Patrick Murdo, N. a street, E. an unappropriated lot. 245 I C2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1701 June 12. Confirmation to Miles Forster of 'Perth Amboy and Mary, widow of William Haige, in right of Gawen Lawrie, for 1100 on the N. side of Milston Brook, where Rockie Brook empties into it, along Thomas Foullerton, John Reid, Cranberry Brook, George Rescarrick and Walter Benthall. 246 1701 Nov. 12. Do. to Gawine Drummond of Monmouth Co., for the following tracts, vizt: I, a lot at Locharbor, said Co., adjoining Robert Drummond, Thomas Potter and the Camsie Creek; 2, a neck betw. Fan (Farr, Fair?) Cr. and Camsie Cr. ; 3, 12 acres of meadow on Litle Pond, Long Pond, Goose Pond, Duk Cr. or Sharke River; 4, 6 acres at the head of Poplar Swamp Brook; 5, a lot, S. Poplar Swamp Cr., E. John Tucker, W. and N. unsurveyed land; 6, a lot among the barrens, E. Sir John Gor don's half town lot in Wickatunck, W. Perth's lot; 7, a lot on S. side of Sharke R., adjoining Wm West; 8, a lot on S. side of Sharke River Pond, adjoining Annaniah Gifford; 9, a lot on N. side of said pond near Hog Pond Neck; 10, a lot on a branch of Manasquan R. at the mouth of Ma- tuekackson; n, a lot at Menachipanis, on the head of a run going into the Manasquan; 12, a lot, adjoining John Heavens, Thomas Green, Wil liam Goodbody near Manasquan R. ; 13, a lot betw. John Johnston, for merly James Johnston on Milston Brook and John Reid on the N. branch of Rockie Brook; all these tracts containing 1280 acres, whereof 500 are for John Viscount Melf ord, 180 in right of head lands, and 600 in right of Col. Andrew Hamilton. 247 1701 June 14. Do. to Lewis Morris of Tinton .Manor, East Jersey, heir of Col, Lewis Morris, for a tract near Swiming R. and another adjoin ing Sam' Willcott, George Keith and the Falls R., formerly granted to his father, but resurveyed. 248 1701 March 26. Patent to Col. Andrew Hamilton, 'Governour, for 1000 acres in Middlesex Co. along Assinjsink Brook 249 1702 April 14. Confirmation to George Willocks of Perth Amboy, for 20 acres there, purchased by him from Miles Forster and Mary Haig April I, 1702, S. E. Rariton R. at low water mark, N. E. Andrew Hamilton, N. Wm. Haig dec'd., N. W. Peter Sonmans; also two contiguous lots in Perth Amboy, bought of John Harrison and John Johnston April 2 and Sept. 18, 1701, E. Water St., S. Walter Benthall, W. High St., N. Thomas Hart; a banklot parallel to the preceding, N. Thomas Gordon, E. low wa ter mark, W. Water St. ; a strip of land, held by grantee by purchase from David Lyell, E. low water mark, S. David Lyell, W. Water St., N. the street along James Armour's lot to the strand; a lot, bo't by grantee of John Harrison Sept. 18, 1701, E. Water St., S. Robert Burnett, W. James Miller, N. Col. Andrew Hamilton; 125 acres, part of the 1000 a. lot, bo't by grantee and John Johnson of David Lyell, at the head of Cheesquacks, adjoining Wm Ridford; 40 acres, W. of Thomas Warn (patent of June 7, 1701); 125 acres on South R. in Middlesex Co., adjoin- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 153 Page ing Robert Burnett and Thomas Foulerton; a lot in Perth Amboy, held by deed from Thomas Gordon on Water St., running through to High; an other lot in Perth Amboy, bo't of Alexander Dove, N. Clement Plumstead, S. Thomas Barker, E. and W. streets. 250 1701 May 8. Patent to Col. Andrew Hamilton, for 1100 acres adjoin ing Major Anthony Brockholes and Arent Schuyler on Passick and.Pomton Rivers, Essex Co., incl. the Midranagrap Pond or Christians Pool, from which runs Kbtayack Cr. along Sequarch Hill to Enach or George River; also a bog or flyl E. of Christians Pool; the whole 2350 acres. 251 1702 Dec. 10. Confirmation to Michiel Hawdeu of New York, vint ner, holding 1-24 share of East Jersey, as his addition to the second divis ion, 625 acres in Essex Co., on the S. side of and along Passaick R. ; also a, tract in Bergen Co., betw. Hudson's R., Overpeck Cr., Major John Ber- rie and Mary Milburn; a lot in Perth Amboy, E. John Brown, W. John Pollock, S. and N. intended streets; another lot in P. A. on Water St. op posite to S. corner of John Campbell dec'd , running down to low water mark. 252 1702 Dec. 10. Patent to William Hodgson of Perth Amboy, brick- - layer, for a town lot there, E. High St., W. Back St., S. Benjamin Grif fith, N. an unappropriated lot. 253 1702 Dec. 10. Do. to William Frost of Perth Amboy, for a town lot, E. John Reid, W. John Molleson, S. a street, N. a road. 254 1702-3 Feb. 1. Do. to John Collins of Perth Amboy, cordwainer, for a town lot there, S. Smith St., W. John Johnston, N. a highway, E. Thomas Edwards. 254 1702-3 Feb. 1. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, of part of his addition to the second division one half, and to John Johnston of Scots Chester, George Willoks of Perth Amboy, Michael Hawdon of N. Y., John Harrison of Rariton R., Cornelius Lonfierd of Rariton River, the other half as their share of the second division, in right of Robert Barclay; a tract in Middlesex Co. on S. side of said river, betw. Miles For ster, Mary Haig, William Dockwra and the river; another tract on said river, betw. Edward Antill, William Dockwra and James Willoks; 1000 acres. 255 1702 Dec. 10. Do. -to Lewis Morris of Tinton Manor, Monmouth Co., nephew and heir at law of Col. Lewis Morris, in consideration of his services with the Ministers of State in England, for the following tracts in Monmouth Co., vizt: I, on Falls River; 2, a tract adjoining the first and also on Falls R. ; 3, 60 acres of meadow S. half a mile from the preceding; 4, a tract of 100 a. next to I and 2 near, to Swiming R., Leonards sawmiil and Hope R. ; 5, a" lot betw. James Johnston, Benjamin Burden, and Hope R. ; 6, a lot in Perth Amboy, betw. Water St, and low water mark, N. 1 Query: Bog en fly; that is, bog and meadow. The Big Piece, at Pompton Plains, was called De Bog en Vly, by the early Dutch Settlers. I54 NEW- JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Michael Hawdon. 256 1702-3 Feb. I. Do. to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, in right of Miles Forster, for a lot there, E. and W. streets, S. Wm. Hodgson, N. Augustin Gordon; another townlot there, E. Water Street, W. High St., S. Miles Forster, N. Lord Neil Campbell dec'd.; three townlots in Perth Amboy, S. Smith St., W. and N. streets, E. an unappropriated lot; still another townlot, S. and N. intended streets, E. John Hum dec'd., W. John Mills dec'd.; a town lot, S. grantee, W. Water St., N. Jeremiah Basse, E. low water mark; 60 acres in Shrosberry Town on Whalepond Brook, betw. Francis Jeffrayes dec'd and the Sea Fort. 258 1702-3 Feb. 8. Do. to Joseph West of Shrewsberry, carpenter, for a tract there in right of Willcott, Stephen West and Robert West; 150 a. in right of purchase from George Willoks Febry I, last past, betw. John Newman, formerly George Curless, the road from the falls to Narumson, Edm. L'ffetra, John West, the Long Branch road and Lewis Morris. 255 1701 May 6. Do. to Col. Andrew Hamilton for 1500 acres in Mid dlesex Co., on Assinpink Brook, adjoining Doctor Hamilton dec'd. and in cluding 1,000 a. formerly granted (supra p. 249). 261 1702-3 Feb. 1. Do. to George Willoks of Perth Amboy, for a town lot there, E. and W. streets, N. Clement Plumstead, S. Thomas Barker; an other lot formerly granted to him; a third lot, which he holds by purchase from Miles Forster, S. Smith St., W. David Campbell dec'd., N. Dock St., E. James Dundas dec'd. 261 1702 Dec. 10. Do. to John Reid of Hortencie, in right of Col. Andrew Hamilton, for the following tracts, vizt: I, a lot on Deep Brook, between it and Meadows Run; 2, a .lot on a branch of Rockie Brook, adjoining James, now John Johnston; 3, apiece of meadow at the head of North Brook; 4, a lot, N. E. formerly Sam1 Spicer, now Throckmorton, N. W. John Cox, S. W. Lawis Morris, S. E. Thurly Swiny; 5, a town lot in Perth Amboy, S. and N. streets, E. John Molleson, W. John Hume dec'd. 262 1702-3 Jan. 6. Deed. Nathaniel Kingsland, late of the Island of Barbados, now of N. Y. City, and wife Mary to Bartholomew Feurt of ' N. Y. City, merchant, for a tract on New Barbados Neck, Essex Co., part of the land granted to William Sandford in trust for Major Nathaniel Kingsland dec'd., father of grantor, betw. Pissaick and Hackin sack R. 263 1703 April I. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for the following tra-cts, in Middlesex Co., 450 a. thereof in right of John Johnston, vizt:-i, a lot along the road from Cranberry Cr. to John Inians on Rariton R., 400 acres; 2, a lot on Barnagate Beach, betw. Margaret Winder and the mouth of Whale Creek; 3, a small lot in Perth Amboy, N. a street, E. Water St., S. Manis (?) meadow, W. another street; 4, a lot on the W. side of the N. branch of Rariton R., adjoining Peter van Ness; East jersey deeds, etc., libeii c. 155 Page 5, a tract at the Bald Hill, Woodbridge, purchased of Archibald Riddell; 6, a small lot in Perth Amboy, N. Jeremiah Basse, S. grantee, W. Water- St., E. low water mark. 265 1703 April 1. Do. to George Willoks of Perth Amboy, Michael Hawdon of N. Y. City, John Harrison of Middlesex Co., and Cornelius Longfeild of the same Co., as their part of the second division, for a tract on the N. side of Passaick R., in Essex Co , adjoining George Willoks, Major Anthony Brockholes and Arent Schuylers; also a tract in Mon mouth Co., on the W. side of Matchiponix R., adjoining Robert Barclay, on the Manalapan R. ; together 1500 acres. 266 1703 April I. Do. to Archibald Campbell, son of Lord Neil Camp bell, and Robert Blackwood of Edinburgh, merchant, holding together 1-24 share of the Province, for 7600 acres in Somersett Co., which with 2650 a. formerly patented to Lord Neil and 1000 by him sold to George Scott of Pitlochie, makes their complement of 15000 acres, to wit: I, a lot on the W. side of the N. branch of Rariton R., adjoining John Johnston, Rackaway K, George Willocks; 2, a lot on the E. side of said branch, betw. Wm Pinhorn, John Robeson dec'd., Margaret Winder, Robert and Anna Wharton, now Michael Hawdon, Sir John Dalrumple, Archibald Riddell and William Aikman; 3, a tract in Perth Amboy, adjoining John Campbell dec'd., and David Falconar; 4, 900 acres at Barnagate betw. Skale Bay and Clam Bay, N, E. William Dockwra, S. E. the Great Bay and Skale Bay, S. W. Peter Sunmans, N. W. unappropriated land; 5, to Archibald Campbell, as headland for servants, imported by his father, 1350 acres in Essex Co., adjoining Thomas Hart, J"ames Cole dec'd., John and George Alexander, Andrew Gallaway and William Gerrard. 267 1703 April 1. Lease. The Proprietors to Lewis Morris of Tinton Manor, Monmouth Co., of the trees for sawing and making pitch, tar etc. on the tract from Manasquam to Shrewsberry R. along the beach. 269 1702-3 Jan. 6. Deed. Nathaniel Kingsland, late of the Island of Barbados, now of N. Y. City, and wife Mary to Elias Budenot of N. Y. City, merchant, for a part, of New Barbados Neck, S. of Bartholomew Feurt (supra y>. 263), from Pisaick R. S. E. across the neck along said Feurt to Hackinsack R. 270 1701-2 Jan. 6. Confirmation to George Willoks of Rudyard, Mon mouth Co., for 40 acres of Rariton R. meadows, S. said river, E. and W. already patented meadows, N. unappropriated. 272 1703 July 1 7. Deed. Richard Clarke of Freehold to John Browne of the same place, for 100 acres, N. Pound Run, E. Alexd. Adams, S. unsur veyed land, W. William Clark. 272 . 1703 July 19. Indian Deed. Hapehucquoxa and Tolomhon, Indian owners, to David Lyell of N. Y. City, goldsmith, for a tract along the Province line from Senp'nck to Augustine Gordon's, W. of Wm. Waison. 273 156 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1700 Oct. 20. Do. Do. Caponeaoconeaon, Celelemondand Preakae, Indian owners, to Robert Burnett, late of Lathanty, for a tract in Mon mouth Co. on the N. side of Doctor's Creek, along the same from the Province line, E. to John Baker, thence N. by E. to Cattail Brook, down said brook to Day Island, W. the partition line, S. Doctor's Cr., E. John Baker and Augustine Gordon, N. Cattail Brook, Augustine Gordon and unsurveyed land. 273 1703 April 20. - Confirmation to George Willoks of Perth Amboy and John Bradbury of Acquikanunck, Essex Co., merchant, for a lot of land and a stream of water, to wit: to George Willoks a lot in Perth Amboy, S. Smith St., N. Dock St., E. James Dundas dec'd., W. grantee; to John Bradburry all that part of the river to high water mark on both sides as far as the tide flows, namely up to where Third River empties into the Passaic and where he has erected a grist mill.l 274 1702 Nov. 4. Indian Deed. Hoaham and Quenalowmon, Sachems, to Thomas ffolkes of Chesterfield, West Jersey, for Andrew Hamilton, for the following tract, vizt: from and along Rockie Brook to and along Mil ston R. as far as David Lyell's and Senpink. 275 1703 July I. Do. Do. Wickwela, Indian Sachem, to Agnes, widow of Col. Andrew Hamilton, for land in Middlesex Co., from the bridge over Rockie Brook on the Postroad to Milston R., along the same to David Lyell's, along the same to Assinpink Brook, up the brook to the Postroad, along the same to place of beginning. 276 !703 July 30. Deed. George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., and wife Margaret, to John Johnston of said Co., for a lot on Barnegate Beach, at the mouth of Valy Creek, adjoining William Lawrance; also 40 chains along the said beach S. S. W. from Valy Creek, in all 87 ch. or 300 acres, E. the sea, W. the bay, N. Wm. Lawrance, S. unsurveyed beach. 276 1703 Aug. 7. Indian Deed. Wickawela, Indian Sachem, to George Willoks of Perth Amboy, for two lots in Middlesex Co., one S. E. of Rob ert Burnet and adjoining a lot, formerly sold to grantee; the other along the road from Amboy Ferry to Cranberry Creek.. 276 1703 Aug. 9. Deed. George Willocks of Perth Amboy to John John ston of Monmouth Co., for a lot in Middlesex Co., along the road from Amboy Ferry to Cranberry Creek (supra p. 276) bought of Sachem Wick-. wela. 277 1692 Dec. 13. Deed. John Browne to John Johnston, both of Mon mouth Co., for a lot in said Co. on Swiming R., S. said river, E. and W. unsurveyed land, N. Falls Brook, 90 acres. 277 1703 July 14. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to Henry Leonard of Monmouth Co., for a lot there below grantee's sawmill, next to Lewis Morris. 278 1 Near Avondale. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 157 Page EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber C, Reversed Side. Address of Governour Robert Barclay and the Propri- Town. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. 1682 Dec. 12. Do. Do. Do. etors to the "Planters and Inhabitantes of East Jersey." I 1682 Dec. 12. Writ of Election for Representatives from Elizabeth 6 from the Town of Bergen. 6 from the Town of Newark 7 from the Town of Woodbridge 7 from the Town of Piscataway 8 from the Town of Middleton 8 from the Town of Shroesbury 9 1682-3 March 2. Do. for the election of a Freeholder for Shroes bury. 12 Acts of the General Assembly, begun and held at Elizabeth Town from March 2d, 1 682-3. 1 24 1683 Dec. 4. Proclamation of Deputy Governour Thomas Rudyard, forbidding the promiscuous destruction of trees. 67 1683 Dec. 13. Writ of Election for a Freeholder for the Towns of New ark and Elizabeth. 68 1683 Dec. 13. Writ of Election for a Freeholder for the Towns of Piscataway and Woodbridge. 69 1683 Dec. 13. Writ of Election for a Freeholder for the Towns of Middleton and Shrewsbury. 70 1683 Dec. 15. Writ .of Election for a Freeholder for the Town of Bergen. 70 1683-4 Feb. 28. Proclamation of Govr Gawen Lawrie continuing all commissions issued by Thomas Rudyard. 75 1683-4 March I. Order of Govr Lawrie for the examination and, if necessary, arrest of vagrants and suspicious persons. 77 1683-4 March I. Confirmation of Acts of General Assembly. 78 1684 Nov. 15. Proclamation informing the people, who have to pay quit-rent, that William Haig has been appointed Receiver General for the Proprietors. ' 83 1684 Nov. 28. Writ of Election for a Freeholder, directed to the Sheriff of Essex Co. 84 ., 1684 N°v- 28. Do. to Bergen Co. 84, 86 1 Printed in Learning and Spicer, pp. 227-278. I 58 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1684 Nov. 28. Do. to Monmouth Co. 85 1684 Nov. 28. Do. to Middlesex Co. 86 1684 Dec. 15. Confirmation of Acts of General Assembly with excep tions. 96 Acts of General Assembly, begun April 6, 1686.I 101 1685 Dec. 11. Writ of Election for Freeholders for Woodbridge. 107 1685 -Dec. 11. Writ of Election for Freeholders for Old and New Hackensack. 107 1685 Dec. 11. Writ of Election for Freeholders for Bergen. 108 1685 Dec. II Writ of Election for Freeholders for Amboy Perth. 108 1685 Dec. 11. Writ of Election for Freeholders for Middletoun and Shroesberry. 109 1685 Dec. II. Writ of Election for Freeholders on both sides of Rari ton R. and Cheesquacks. 109 1685 Dec. 11. Writ of Election for Freeholders for Acquickenunck and New Barbados. no 1686 Oct. 5. Proclamation of Govr Lord Neill Campbell, continuing commissions issued by Gawen Lawrie. 112 1686 Dec. 11. Do. confirming certain Acts of Assembly. 115 1686-7 March 12. 1688 June 28. Do. of Andrew Hamilton, contin uing commissions given by Lord Neill Campbell. n8 and 139 1687 Aug. 14. Order of Council, making New Perth a port .of entry. 124 Table of import and export duties, payable at New York. I2j 1687 Dec. 17. Proclamation, recognizing Miles Forster as Collector of Customs and Receiver at New Perth. 125 Acts of Assembly, April 6, 1686. % 126 1688 April 16. Proclamation summoning the General Assembly to meet at New Perth ^o Acts of Assembly, May 14, 1688. 3 130 1692 Sept 16. Writ of Election for a General Assembly, with returns of Benjamin Griffith and Thomas Gordon electedTor Perth Amboy, John Insley and Ephraim Andros for Woodbridge, George Drake and Benjamin Clark for Piscataway, John White for Somersett -Co., by Sherif Edward 151 1692 Sept. 16. ' Do. Do. with returns of Richard Hartshorn and Slater. 1 Learning and Spicer, pp. 283-294. - Learning and Spicer, pp. 235-301. 3 Learning and Spicer, pp. 303-311. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. ICO Page Benjamin Burdin for Midletoun, EliakinfWardwell and Judidiah Allin for Shrewsberry, John Johnston and John Reid for Wickatunck and Tapone mus, by Sherif Sam1 Leonard. 152 1692 Sept. 16. Do. Do. with return of Gerbrandt Claesen and Johannes Stynmits for Bergen; by Sherrif Charles McClellan. 153 1692 Sept. 16. Do. Do. with return of John Curtis and Thomas Richards for Newark, Elias McKeilsonl for Aquikanok and New Barbados; by Sherrif Isaac Whitehead. 153 1692 Sept. 16. Do. Do. with return of John Parker and Nathaniel Bunill for Elizabeth Town; by Sherrif Isaac Whitehead, 154 Acts of General Assembly, Sept. 28 to Oct. 6, 1692.2 155 1693 April 2. Order to the Receiver General to pay to Govr Andrew Hamilton £300 sterl. for his services to May, 1690, when his salary was fixed. 185 1693 April 6. Order fixing the yearly salary of Govr Hamilton at £200. 186 1693 April 6. Do. giving to Robert West for services, done to the Province, 960 acres. 187 1692 Nov. 2. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with return of Hanse Harmanse and Johannes Sunniest for Bergen, William Lawrence for Hackinsake, by Sherrif Edw. Earle. 189 1692 Nov. 2. Do. Do. with return of Henry Norris and John Lyon for Elisabeth Town, Thos. Richards and Daniel Dod for Newark, Elias MocealsonS and Walling Jacobs* for Aeque Canong,5 by Sheriff Daniel Price. 190 1692 Nov. 2. Do. Do. with return of John Barclay and John Craige for Perth Amboy. John Pike and Thomas Thorpe for Woodbridge, John Drake and Hopewell Hull for Piscataway, John White for Somerset Co., dated October 1-2, 1693, John Carrington, Sherrif. 191 1693 Aug. 28. Writ for the election of a Representative in place of Hopewell Hull dec'd., directed to the Constable of Piscataway, William Sutton, who returns Thomas Fitzrandolph as elected. 192 l6g2"Nov. 2. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with return of Samuel Dennes and Thomas Cook for Shiewsbury, John Reid and Thomas Boel for Freehold, John Bowne and Richard Hartshorne for Middletown; by William Leeds, Senior Sub Sherrif. 192 l6g3 Sept: 5. Proclamation, summoning the General Assembly to 1 Elias Michielsen (Vreeland), son of Michiel Jansen. He lived in Acquacka- nonk township. 2 Learning and Spicer, pp. 312-325. 8 Elias Michielsen. * Walling, son oi Jacob Wallings (Van Winkel). <• Acquackanonk. l6o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page meet at Perth Amboy 193 Acts of General Assembly, October 12 to November 3, 1693.1 194 1693 Nov. 3. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with return of Capt. William Lawrence for Hackinsack, H'artman Michielson and Edward Earle jun. for Bergen; by John Edsal, Sherrif. 213 1693 Nov. 3. Do. Do. with return of John Treat and Azariah Crane for Newark, John Harriman and Jonas Wood for Elisabeth Town, Walter Jacobs^ and Elias MacceelsonS for Barbados Neck and Acquica- nunck; by Edw. Ball, Sherriff. 214 1693 Nov. 3. Do. Do. with return of David Heriot and William Redford for Perth Amboy, John Pike and Thomas Thorpe senior for Woodbridge, Thomas Higgins and Thomas Fitzrandolph for Piscataway, Thomas Codrington for Somerset Co. 215 1693 Nov. 3. Do. Do. with return of Richard Hartshorn and Job Throckmorton for Middletown, Saml Dennis and Capt. Samuel Leonard for Shrewsbury, John Reid and William Laing for Freehold; by Obadiah Bowne, Sherrif. 216 1694 Sept. 6. Proclamation, summoning the General Assembly to meet at Perth Amboy. 216 Acts of Assembly, Oct. 2 to 22, 1694. ! 217 l6g4 Nov. 10. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with return of Capt. Gerrebrant Clasen and Edward Earle jun. for Bergen, Capt. Wil liam Lawrence for Hackinsack; by Thomas Lawrence, Sherrif. 236 i6g4 Nov. 10. Do. Do. with return of John Harriman and Jonas Wood for Elizabeth, John Treat and Azariah Crane for Newark, Elias Mechilsonl and Richard Berry for Acquicanum; by Benjamin Ogden, Sherrif. 237 i6g4 Nov. 10. Do. Do. with return of Nathaniel Fitzrandolph and John Inslie for Woodbridge, Thomas Higgins and Thomas Fitzrandolph for Piscataway, George Willoks and John Carrington for Amboy, John Royse for Sumersett Co., by Jonathan Bishop, Sherif. 238 1694 Nov. 10. Do. Do. with return of Capt. Saml Leonard and Sam' Dennes for Shrewsberry, Richard Hartshorn and Benjamin Burden for Middletown, William Laing and John Reid for Freehold; by William West, Sherrif. 239 1695 June 15. Proclamation, summoning the General Assembly to meet at Perth Amboy. 239 Acts of Assembly, July 25 to August 3, 1695. 1 240 1 Learning and Spicer. pp. 326-339. 2 Waling Jacobs (Van Winkel). 3 Michielsen. * Learning and Spicer, pp. 339-351. 5 Michielsen. 6 Learning and Spicer, pp. 352-3. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. l6l Page 1695 Dec. 2. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with return of Enoch Macheilsa1 and Capt. Gerrebrant Claese for Bergen, Capt. William Lawrence for Hackinsack; by Francis Moore, Sherriff. 248 1695 Dec. 2. Do. Do. with return of John Browen and John Treat for Newark, John Harriman senior and William Looker senior for Eliza bethtown, Alber Terhiorne^ and Clase Jansonromin^ for New Barbados and Achquickanunck; by Sherrif John Gardner. 249 1695 Dec. 2. Do. Do. with return of Benjamin Griffith and George Willoks for Perth Amboy, John Elslie and John Pike for Woodbridge, Cornelius Longfield and Jedidiah Higgens for Piscataway, John Royce for Sumersett Co. ; by Tho. Higgens, Sherrif. 235 1695 De*c. 2. Do. Do. with return of Richard Hartshorne, Benja min Burden, Daniel Harcutt, Richard Salter, John Williams and Thomas . Hilburne for Monmouth Co.; by Sherrif Samuel Foreman. 250 1695-6 Jan. — . Proclamation, summoning the General Assembly to meet at Perth Amboy. 251 Acts of Assembly, February 20 to March 7, 1695-6.8 252 . l6g6 June 2. Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving for God's pre venting the assassination of the King. 257 1698 April 8. Do. by Govr Jeremiah Basse, continuing all commis sions issued by his predecessor. 270 1698 April 8. Do. by the same, forbidding profanity, immoderate drinking, Sabbath breaking, etc. 270 1698 April 8. Do. Do. that Perth Amboy is the only port of entry in the Province. 271 1697 Oct. 12. London. Letters. Proprietors to Govr Hamilton and Council: Hamilton discharged, because a Scotsman; Jeremiah Basse is to be his successor; Hamilton thanked. 273 1698 April 14. Further Orders and Instructions to Jeremiah Basse, Governour of East Jersey, by the Committee of Proprietors in London. 288 1699 Aug. I. Proclamation, warning the people of East Jersey against giving aid to the Scotch parties, who intend to settle in America (Darien Expedition). 293 l6gg Aug. 24. Do. admonishing the people to assist in the capture of Capt. Kidd. *2g3 1698 Dec. I. Writ of Election for a General Assembly with the re turn of Richard Hartshorn, Benjamin Burden, John Williams, John Hance, John Reid and Daniel Harcutt for Monmouth Co. ; by Sherrif 1 Son ol Michiel Jansen. 2 Terhune. 3 Claes Jansen Romaine. 8 Learning and Spicer, pp. 355-361. 14 1 62 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Obadiah Holmes. 2g4 1698 Dec. 1. Do. Do. with the return of George Willoks, John Barclay, Saml Walker, Jedidiah Higgens, Saml Dennes, John Pike, and Thomas Codrington for Middlesex Co.; by Sherrif Nathaniel Fitzrandolph jun. ¦ 2g5 i6g8 Dec. 1. Do. Do. with the return of Elias Macheilson, Claus John Romine, John Treat, Jasper Craine, John Harriman senior and An drew Hamton for Essex Co.; by Sherrif Wm Sandford. 296 1698 Dec. 1. Do. Do. with return of Johannes Stynmets, Edward Earle jun. and Capt. William Lawrance for Bergen Co., by Sherrif Gerret Gerretsene Jounge.1 296 1698-9 Jan. 3. Proclamation, summoning the General Assembly to meet at Perth Amboy. 297 Acts of Assembly, February 21 to March 13, i6g8-g.2 298 1698 Sept. 8. Proclamation, calling for a search for and the apprehen sion of sailors, who have deserted from the royal man-of-war Towey, Capt. Richard Culliford. 308 1700 Aug. 15. Do. against seditious meetings. 328 1700 May 13. Order in Council at Hampton Court, declaring that Scotsmen are subjects of England and therefore not restrained by the Act of Parliament from holding office; Alexander Skene therefore reinstated as Secretary of the Island of Barbados. 330 Remonstrance of some of the Proprietors, living in East Jersey, to Govr Hamilton. 333 1701 June 18. Proclamation, warning the people against an invasion by a French fleet. 334 l6g8 April 12. London. "Orders and Instructions to be observed and followed by Mr. Rip van Dame mercht of New York Relating to a writting Between the proprietors of ye province of East New Jersey and ye sd Rip van Dam." 335 1702 May 7. Proclamation, proroguing the General Assembly, which was to meet May 28, to the fourth Thursday of November. 338 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber D. 1688 Oct. 3. Commission. Edward Randolph, Secretary and Sole Register of New England, to James Emott as Deputy Register for East Jersey. 1 1 Gerrit Gerritse, junior. 2 Learning and Spicer, pp. 362-381. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 163 Page 1688 Aug. 25. Do. Governour Sir Edmond Andross to James Emott as Clerk of the Peace, etc., in Essex and Middlesex County. 2 1688 Aug. 15. License to James Emott to practice as attorney-at-law in all courts of New England. 3 1688 Oct. 23. Mortgage. Robert Leacocke of N. Y. City, merchant, to Samuel Holland of the same place, for 175 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Shrosberry, E. Samuel Dennis, S. W. Calile Sheriff and a road, N. W. Naversinks R., S. E. a creek, running into Shrosberry R., actually 153 acres; also 7 acres of meadow, W. Abraham Broun, N. John Haunce, E. a road, S. the Great Island, as per patent of January 15, l67g. 4 1688 Aug. 15. Deed. Madam Mary Kingsland of Christ Church Parish, Island of Barbados, widow and executrix of Major Nathaniel Kingsland, to her late husband's nephew Isaac Kingsland of East Jersey, for a tract betw. Pisaick and Hackensack Rivers. The deed recites from the will of Nath' Kingsland, that he leaves sons John and Nathaniel, daughters Isabella, wife of Henry Harding, Carolina, wife of John Barrow Junior, Mary, wife of William Walley, Esther, wife of Henry Aple- whaite. 5 1687-8 Feb. 23. Agreement between the sons of Mathew Canfield of Newark dec'd, vizt Ebehezer, Mathew and Jonathan, concerning the land left by their father, part of which has been claimed by Samuel Canfield of Norwalk. 7 1688 Sept. 4. Mortgage. John White of Raraton R., Middlesex Co., and wife Elizabeth, to Charles Lodwicks of N. Y. City, merchant, for 877 acres on the N. side of said river, W. Mr. Graham's and associates' pur chase, N. the hills, E. formerly Capt. John Palmer. 9- 1688 Nov. 7. Do. John Barclay, of Plainfield, Middlesex Co., to George Mackenzie of N. Y. City, merchant, for the tract, called Plaine- field, 700 acres, E. Woodbridge line, S. and N. unsurveyed land, W. the Bound Brook of Piscataway. 12 . 1688 Nov. 15.- Power of attorney. Same to same for the collection of • debts due by Thomas Warne of Perth Amboy, Samuel Leonard of Middle toun, John Butler, late of New York, Thomas ffullertone, now of the Island of Barbados. 14 1688 Nov. 11. Will of Thomas Eattone of Shrosberry. Wife Jegrisah, an expected child, son-in-law Joseph Wing, friend John Dennes, son of Robert Dennes of Portsmouth, R. I., mother Mary Carrieway, living at Goodhust, Kent Co., England. Real and personal estate. The wife ex ecutrix. Witnesses Judah Allen, Thomas Hillborne, Samuel Dennes. Proved December 13, 1688. 15 1688 Dec. 23. Do. of Jacob Coale of Shrosberry. Daughters Exer- cis, Elizabeth, Elisone and four younger ones. Real and personal estate. Executors father-in-law William Shattock and brother George Curlis. 164 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Witnesses Thomas Cooke, Hannah Leppencott. Letters of administration granted to executors January 20, 1692. 17 1688 March 31. Deed. Daniel Estall, son of Daniel Estall, dec'd., of Middletoun, to Garret Wall of the same place, for 55 acres, S. a small brook, E. Walter Wall, N. his own land, W. land not laid out, as per patent of June 20, 1677. 17 1688 Dec. 29. Do. John Pike junior of Woodbridge to Richard Smith junior of Piscataway, for 60 acres of upland and 5 a. of meadow; the 60 a. bounded E. by Nathan Webster, the 5 acres, part of a 15 a. lot to be surveyed. 19 1688 Dec. 31. Do. Richard Smith to John Fitzrandolph, both of Pis cataway, for 55 acres at Dismal], S. John Martin junior, E. Woodbridge line, N. Dismall Swamp, W. grantee. 20 1685 Sept. 18. Deed. John Woodroff of Elizabethtown to eldest spn John Woodroff, for one half of his dwelling house in Elizabeth with half of the barn and orchard; also apiece of meadow, near the mouth of Elizabethtown Creek, bought of Isaac Whitehead; and a second meadow- lot, bo't of Steven Osburne of Elizabeth. 21 1686 July 5. Do. Same to son Jonathan Woodroff, for 50 acres on the N. side of the town and of the brook, running past his house, except ing 4 acres betw. the meadow and. the barnfield. 22 1688 Nov. 15. Will of Joseph Walters of Newark. Wife , cousin Jonathan Seers, Elizabeth Baldwine. Real and personal estate. Over seers Tohn Curtis and John Brown junior. Witnesses the same. 23 1688-9 Jan- 4- Letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Wal ters, dec'd., granted to his widow Martha. 24 1684-5 Jan- 31- Will of Jonathan Canfield. Brothers Ebenezer, Mathew, Samuel, sisters Sarah and Mary. Real and personal property. Witnesses John Couch and -William Shoores. Proved December 5, 1688. 24 1688-9 Jan- 5- Letters of administration on the estate of Jonathan Canfield granted to Ebenezer and Mathew Canfield of Newark. 25 1688 May 10. Deed. James Pawll and Isabell Keith of East Jersey iu John Reid of Hortencie, for the headland due them. 26 1688-9 Jan. 5. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Tichenal.l of Newark, dec'd. without a will, issued to this widow Hanna. 26 1688-9 Jan- 4- Oo. on the estate of Robert Adam of Raraton R., Somerset Co., who died intestate, issued to Patrick ffalconer of Wood- bridge, merchant. 27 1688-9 Jan. 4. Do. on the estate of George Atkinsone of Amboy Perth dec'd., issued to Patrick ffalconer of Woodbridge. 28 1 Tichenor. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 165 Page 1688-9 Jan- 4- ^a on t'le estate °f William Haige of Amboy Perth dec'd intestate, granted to Myles Forster of Amboy Perth. 28 1683 Aug. 25. Deed. Eliakim Higgines of New Piscataway, carpen ter, to Richard Smith junior, of said place, for 55 acres at Dismal], S. John Martin junior, E. Woodbridge line, N. Dismall Swamp, W. John Fitzrandolph. (Compare supra p. 20.) 29 1687-8 Feb. 20. Do. Hopewell Hull to Vincent Runione, both of Piscataway, for 70 acres, W. Raraton R., E. unsurveyed land, N. Mrs. Hig gines, S. grantee and Jabez Hendricks. 30 1688 May 10. Do. Capt. Richard Townley of -Elizabeth Town and wife Elizabeth to James Emott of New Perth for 500 acres, E. Raway R., S. grantee and John and George Alexander, W. Thomas Hart, N. grantor. ¦ 31 1680 June I. Deed of gfift. John Pike of Woodbridge to Abraham Tapping and wife Ruth, grantor's daughter, for 20 acres, N. a road, W. John Pike junior, S. and E. grantor; also 4 acres of marsh at Raraton be tween sons John and-Thomas; the whole given on condition that they live together on the land. 32 1687 June 22. Mem., that the preceding 4 acres of marsh have been laid out as bounded W. by Ephraim Andrise, E. by grantor, N. Thomas Pike, S. John Pike junior. 33 1687 Nov. 24. Deed. Richard Stoutt junior of Monmouth Co. and wife Frances to William Merill of Staten Island, for 120 acres as bounded in patent of June 20, 1687. 34 1686 Nov. — . Mortgage. David Mudy of Amboy Perth, merchant, to Gawen Lawrie, for a lot on the W. side of South R., E. said river, W. unsurveyed land, N. Charles Gordon, S. grantee; also 20 acres of meadow on the E. side of said river. 35 1686 Nov. 4. Bill of exchange. David Mudie in favour of Thomas Hart or George McKeney of London, endorsed by Gawen Lawrie for David Mudie senior. 36 1688 Nov. 10. "An account of severall men's bills of Quite Rent. John Havens, Isaac Onger, Edward Williams, Nathaniel Cammock, Wil liam Case, Francis Jeffery, Charles Dennes, Hannaniah Gilford, John Morford, Eliezer Cotterell, John Wilsone, Jonathan Stoutt, Franck Her bert, William Binglae, William Broadwell, Benjamin Trotter, William Camp, John Lambert, Major John Berry, Robert Wright, Symon Rouse, John Drake, John Gillman, Edmond Dunhame, Charles Gillman, Samuel Hull, Thomas Ingham, Sarah Reape, Restore, Leppencott, -Nathaniel Slo cume, Samuel White. 37 1687 July 20. Power of attorney. Nathan Webster of Bradford, Es sex Co., New-England, and owner of a house and lot in jWoodbridge, to Joseph Dole of Newburry, said Co., to act as land agent. 38 l66 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688-9 Feb- 8. Deed. John Bloomfield to Joseph Dole, both of Woodbridge, for: I, 12 acres there, N. the Kent Brook, E. Bradlie's Brook, S. John Wicher, W. common land; 2, 60 acres toward the upper end of Langster's Farm or Plain, E. Elisha Ilsly, S. Isaac Tapping, W. John Pike junior, N. a road; 3, 6 acres of meadow, W. upland in common, N. John Wicher, E. and S. a saltpond; 4, 15 acres, S. Raraton R.. E. Elisha Ilsly, N. a rushy meadow in common, W. Samuel Haill. 39 1688-9 Jan. 20. Do. Joseph Dole, as attorney for Nathan Webster, to John Blomfield, for the preceding lots. 40 1688-9 F60- 7- -Do. Anthony Ashmore, late apprentice to Thomas Warne of Amboy Perth, carpenter, to John Kaighin, like apprentice, for 30 acres, ordered to be laid out for him as headland. 42 1688-9 Feb. 7. Do. Walter Newman, apprentice as beforej to John Kaighin, for 30 acres as above. 43 1688-9 Jan. 2. Do. William Ellisone of Elizabeth Town, tanner, to John Kaighin, late of Amboy Perth, carpenter, for his 30 acres of head land, to be laid out in Monmouth Co. 44 1688-9 Feb. 4. Do. Robert Vauquelline, alias Lepperary, of Wood- bridge, to James Emott of Amboy Perth, for 40 acres, N., E. and S. un surveyed land, W. the Two Miles Brook; 12 acres of meadow, S. E. Wil liam Johnston, S. W. a small creek, N. N. W. and W. Samuel Marsh sen ior and junior, N. and N. E. a large creek. 45 1688 Nov. 14. Mortgage. Samuel Winder of Cheesquacks to Abra ham de Peyster, for a plantation in Monmouth Co., called Cheesquakes, now in the tenure of William Richardsone. 47 1688 Oct. 17. Deed. Jonas Wood of Elizabeth Town and wife Eliz abeth to James Emott of Amboy Perth, for 3 acres in Elizabeth Town, W. and E. roads, S. land in common, N. Dennes White's pitie. 48 1688 Nov. 33. Mortgage. Samuel Winder of N. Y. City to Johannes de Bryns of the same place, for a plantation on both sides of Raraton R., now in the tenure of Stephen Barnard. 50 1688-9 March I. Letters of administration on the estate of Edward Crow of Woodbridge dec'd., intestate, issued to his widow Mary. 51 1688 March 27. Power of attorney. Samuel Groome of St. Mary's Parish, White Chapel, Middlesex Co., mariner, son of Samuel Groome of Lymehouse, Parish of Stebenheatb alias Stepney, same Co., mariner, dec'd., and Elizabeth, widow of said Samuel Groome of, Lymehouse, to George Heathcott of Rartliff of Stepney, mariner, for the collection of debts and as general agent in America. 52 1688 Nov. 30. Mortgage. Samuel Winder to Johannes de Byrnes for his plantations on Raraton R. and at Cheesquakes (compare supra pp. 47 and 50.) 54 1686 Sept. 27. Deed. Doctor Henry Greenland of Milston R. to Wil- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 167 Page Ham Wright of New York, for 132 acres in Piscataway Township, N. W. Symon Brinley, S. W. Samuel Moore alias" Richard Dole, N. E. his own land and a small brook, S. W. Raraton River. 55 1689 May 3. Deed. Robert McClellan to Rev. Archibald Riddell, both of Woodbridge, for one third of a lot, bought from Joshua Bradley (see patent of Dec.30, 1670), adjoining at the North end of the third, given by grantor to his son-in-law Gawen Lockhart; also i\ acres of mead ow, E. Raraton R., S. Isaac Smally, W. William Comptone, N. Hopewell Hull. 56 1689 May 17. Caveat of Samuel White of Shrosberry against granting letters of administration on the estate of Robert Tuins of Naversinks dec'd. to anybody but himself. 58 1689 May 17. Letter of administration, granted according to foregoing caveat. 58 1685-6 Jan. 6. Patent to' Symon Rouse of Raway, for 4 acres, N. W. and W. grantee, S. Robert Vauquelline, alias Lepperary, E. a small creek. 59 1688 July 2. Do. to Benjamin Hull of Piscataway, for the following tracts, to-wit: I, 250 acres in Middlesex Co., S. W. William Claus and John Cushane, N. W. John Smalhe and land not laid out, N. E. Ambrose Brook, S. E. land not laid out; 2, 100 acres in same Co. at Sacunck on Bound Brook. 60 1688 July 2. Do. to John Slocume of Shrosberry, for 125 acres in Monmouth Co., N. and E. Manesquam R., S. and W. unsurveyed land, together with an island of one acre S. of his land. 63 1688 July 2. Do. to John Kaighin, late apprentice to Thomas Warne of Monmouth Co., for 145 acres, S. Spottswood South Brook, E. James Miller, N. and W. unappropriated land, 25 a. thereof to be taken out of Thomas Warne's property, the other 120 a. are given in right of Wm. Ellisone, Walter Newman and Anthony Ashmore (supra pp. 42-44.) 64 1684 Aug. 4. Deed. John Martine of Piscataway to his son John Martine junior, for 15 acres of meadow in Woodbridge Corporation, part of the 30 a. lot granted by patent of June 6, 1673. 66 1687-8 Jan. 4. Deed. Richard Stoutt senior of Midletoun to his son Jonathan Stoutt, for part of the patent for land at Waramaness, Midle toun (June 4, 1677), S. John Bowne, E. the Hope R., W. a barren hill, N. the division line; also 5 acres of meadow in Conesconk, to be taken from the E. side of grantor's 30 a. lot. 68 1689 March 25. Deed. John Stoutt to John Bowne, both of Midle toun, for 6 acres of saltmarsh at Sholl Harbour, E. Edward Tart, W. John Throckmortone, S. upland, N. a small creek. 69 1688 Nov. 6. Do. Jeremiah Bennett of Midletown to Jonathan 1 68 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Eleridge, formerly of Long Island weaver, for 30 acres near the New Sands River, adjoining Richard Hartshorne, part of the 130 a. lot bo't of John Crawfurd Sept. 19, 1685. 70 1688-9 Jan. 28. Chattel Mortgage. David Mudy senior of Amboy Perth to David Vilant of the same place, on the servants cattle, viz: Pat rick Wardroper, George Scott, Duncan Robertsone, Catharina Herries, Robert and James Campble. 71 1688-9 Jan. 29. Mortgage. Same to same for a stone house and 2 acres in Amboy Perth, facing the bay and lately belonging to Gawen Lawrie. 72 1689 Aug. 19. Deed. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid of Hortencie, lo John Mollisone of Piscataway (called the "well beloved brother of Robert Barclay"), for a lot along the Burlington Road, adjoin ing Samuel Foreman, S. W. said road, N. W. Gawen Lawrie, N. E. Dan iel Harcutt, S. E. grantor and Saml Foreman; also a lot of meadow, S. W. Saml Foreman, N. E. grantor. 75 1689 Aug. 22. Do. John Mollisone of Piscataway to James Miller of Carshore, Scotland, for the preceding. 78 1689 July 25. Indian Deed. Houghame, Wayweenotan, Auspeakan, of Nolletquesset or Shark River to Nicholas Broun of Shrosberry, for the tract betw. the Pine Bridge and Shark R. in Monmouth Co. going W. of Pequodlenoyock Hill. 80 1689 March. 29. Will of' Umphra Spinage (Humphrey- Speninge) of Elizabeth Town, husbandman. Wife Anna, sons Daniel, Ebenezer, Edward, John, Benjamin, daughters Abigail, Anna and Elizabeth. Real and personal estate. Executors the wife and son Daniel. Witnesses George Ross and Edward Gay. Proved Sept. 10, 1689. 82 1690 Sept. 11. Letters of administration on the estate of Umphrey Spinage dec'd. granted to his executors. 84 1689 Oct. 28. Do. on the estate of John Toe of Elizabeth Town dec'd. intestate, issued to his widow Lideah. 84 1689 Oct. 23. Do. on the estate of Thomas Moore of Raway dec'd. intestate, issued to his widow Izabell. 85 1.689 June 6. Deed. Thomas Lawrence of N. Y. City, baker, to Cor nelis Longfield of East Jersey,' yeoman, for a lot on the S. side of Raraton R. over against New Piscataway, on the N. side of Piscopeck Creek and from that creek to the mouth of Raraton R., under patent of May I, 1678. 86 1688 Dec. 7. Will of Joseph Grover of Midletoun. Son James, wife Hannah, an expected child, daughters mentioned, but .not named. Real and personal property. Executors the wife and her brother William Law rence junior. Witnesses Peter Tilton, William Lawrence, Daniel Aple- gate, William Leeds. Proved March 26, 1689. 88- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 1 69 Page 1690 March 27. Letters testimonial! on the estate of Joseph Grover dec'd issued to his executors. gi 1687 Dec. 30. ¦ Deed. Benjamin Fitzrandolph of Piscataway to Hen ery Coursey of Raraton, Middlesex Co., for 112 acres in Piscataway Town ship, E. William Claus, S. Raraton R., W. Mr. Clark, N. land not laid out. 92 1688 March 30. Do. Henery Coursey to Jeane Crocherpn, both of Raraton, for the preceding 112 acres. 92 1689 Oct. 15. Will of Benjamin Clark of Amboy, merchant. Son Benjamin. Real and personal estate. Executor Benjamin Griffith of Woodbridge. Witnesses Jon and Margaret Carrington. 93 1690 Dec. II. Letters Testimonial on the estate of Benjamin Clarke dec'd, issued to Benjamin Griffith. 94 1688-9 March 4. Deed. Robert McClelland to John Compton, both of Wood-bridge, for 40 acres in said Township at Crane Plaine or Mettuch- inge, S. Obadiah Ayres. . 94 1689 Dec. 2. Do. Jonathan Dunhame of Wpodbridge and wife Mary to Mary Ross, formerly of Boston, daughter of John and Mary Ross of Boston, for a dwelling house in Woodbridge and a lot on the S. side of the road. Marginal note states, that Mary Ross reconveyed the property to Dunhame aforesaid, as per endorsement on this deed. 95 1689 Dec. 4. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Thorp of Woodbridge dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Elizabeth. 97 1689 Dec. 22. Deed of trust. Jonathan Dunham to James Seattoun in trust for his sons Jonathan, David and Benjamin Dunhame for all his real property on Cannoo Hill; son-in-law Samuel Smith mentioned. .. 98 1689 Nov. 20. Deed. Thomas Adams to James Seatloun, both of Woodbridge, James Seattoun having married grantor's dau. Rebeckah, for 30 acres out of the farm grantor lives on, betw. Nathl Fitzrandolph and Cedar Cove, near Richard Pattershall. 99 1683-4 Jan. 21. Do. William Bingley to John Codington, both of Woodbridge, for three score (60) acres at the N. end of Raway Neck, ad joining Thomas Thorp and Jonathan Dennes. 100 1683-4 Feb. 25. Do. Jonathan Dennes to John Codington, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 30 acres, adjoining grantor's farm on the N. W. and 4 a. of meadow adjoining on the N. side of grantor. 101 1685-6 March 16. Do. Same to Daniel Stillwell of Staten Island, for fourscore and ten (90) acres, part of the land inherited from his father Robert Dennis along Raway R. ; also 22 a. of meadow adjoining. 102 1687 Oct. 10. Do. Hendrick Coursen and wife Jesyntje to Peter Vaness, all of Raraton, for a lot at Rahawackhacka on both sides of Rara ton R., E. John White, W. grantee; the lot being one half of the fourth 1 Testamentary. I 70 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. bought by both from grantor's brother Capt. Cornelis Coursen, June 6, 1687. 104 1687 June 6. Deed. Captain Cornelis Coursen and wife Mary of Staten Island to Hendrick Coursen and Peter van Ness, both of Raraton River, for one fourth of a tract, patented to him February 28, 1683, 1904 acres, S. a bank of upland, W. and N. land not taken up, E. Capt. John Palmer and associates, to be called 1800 acres. 105 1687 Dec. 7. Power of attorney. Isobell Sanson, widow of John Livingston, merchant burges of Edinburgh (?) and Jean Livingston, sister of William Livingston, the son of John, and now wife of John Millar of Kelso, merchant, to said John Millar going to East Jersey, to collect there debts due to said William Livingston. 108 1683 April 10. Deed. Samuel Moore to Mathew Moore, both of Woodbridge, for a lot there, formerly Stephen Kent's dec'd., E. Papiack Cr., N. Thomas Blomfield, W. common land, S. the Meeting House Brook, 6 acres. 109 1689 Nov. 22. Will of Henry Forrest, late of Dublin, Ireland, now of Woodbridge, merchant. Wife Margaret, son John, son-in-law William Wolmore, sister Ellenor Franklen, who has son Joseph Francklen of Cork, Ireland, merchant, Mathew Moore and wife of Woodbridge, Capt. John Bischop, Nathaniel Fitzrandolph and Samuel Dennis, all of Woodbridge, apprentice boy John Markfeat. Personal estate. Executors Capt. John Stuart of Barbadoes and Samuel Dennis. Witnesses James Moore, Bar tholomew Doud, Samuel Dennes. Proved Dec. 10, 1689. no 1688-9 March 15. Deed. Stephen Kent of Woodbridge to Mathew Moore of the same place, for two house lots there, one 23 acres, formerly belonging to his father Stephen Kent, near the road at the crossing of the brook, the other of 10 acres, W. of the first. 112 1685 Aug. 14. Obligation. Lord Neill Campbell to George Scott of Pitlochie, to dispose to him 1000 acres in East Jersey, contiguous to the land lately of George Viscount of Tarbett. 113 1688-9 Jan. 24. Will of John Pike senior of Woodbridge. Wife Mary dead. Sons John, Thomas, Joseph, daughters Ruth, wife of Abra ham Tapping, Hanna; Richard Worth, Obadiah -Ayres. Real and per sonal property. Executors sons John and Thomas. Witnesses Joshua Bradly, William Stone, John Adams. Proved January 20, 1689-90. 114 1690 Jan. 21. Letters testimonial on the estate of John Pike sen ior dec'd issued to his sons John and Thomas. 115 1689 Dec. 4. Do. on the estate of William Cramer dec'd intestate, issued to his son Thomas Cramer of Elizabeth Town. ir6 1689 Dec. 30. Do. on the estate of John Hoi well of Raraton R. dec'd intestate, granted to Humphrey Hull of N. Y. City, vintner. 116 1686 May 28. Deed. Samuel Smith to Nathaniel Fitzrandolph, both EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 171 Page of Woodbridge, for a lot of 15 a. of meadow there, part of the land laid out for his father John Smith, now of Sanduj (?), Plimouth Colony, New England, at Smoking Point. rI- 1689-90 Jan. 22. Patent to John Reid of Hortencie, for the following .tracts, vizt: I, a tract at Manalapan R. in Monmouth Co , W. James Mil ler, S. the Cleave Brook, N. barren land; 2, a tract, N. E. Manalapan R., N. W. Mount Creek, S. W. and S. E. barren land; 3, 10 acres of meadow on N. W. side of the said. Cleave Brook; alltogether 500 acres. 118 1687 April 13. Deed. John Shotwell of Staten Island, carpenter, to Benjamin Clark of Perth Amboy, stationer, for 120 acres in Piscataway Township, S. W. Raraton R, N. E. and ,N. W. unsurveyed land, S. E. Elizabeth Fitzrandolph. I2o 1689-90 Jan. 22. Confirmation to Robert West of London, one of the Proprietors, in right of Widow Gibson, for 1500 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Birlington Path, E. and S. barren unsurveyed land, W. Crosswicks Creek. 121 1689-90 Jan. 22. Do. to Andrew Jeffery of Kingswales, Scotland, holding by purchase from Robert Burnett of Lathanty 1-16 of 1-24 share of the Province, for 624 acres in Monmouth Co., W. Manalapan R., S. and E. Robert Barclay, N. unappropriated land. 122 1689-90 Jan. 22. Do. to David ffalconer of Edinburgh, merchant, holding by purchase from Sir John Gordon \ of 1-48 share, for 250 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Manalapan R., S. Robert Barclay, N. and W. unap propriated land. 124 1689-90 Jan. 22. Do. to the Honble the Lord Neill Campbell of Scotland, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for 1650 acres in Somersett Co., S. Raraton R., W. the North Branch, N. William Aick man, E. unappropriated land. 125 . 1689-90 Jan. 22. Do. to Robert Barclay, one of the Proprietors, as above, for 5500 acres in Monmouth Co., N. unappropriated land and grantee, E. barren land and Matchiponis R., S. barren land and Mount Brook, W. unappropriated land. 126 1686 July 27, Power of attorney. Richard Dole senior and Richard Dole junior both of Newburry, Essex Co., New England, to Joseph Dole, mariner, to collect debts in East Jersey. 128 1690 April 22. Lease. Thomas Gordon of Amboy, administrator of the estate" of Samuel Moore dec'd, to Richard Dole of Newburry, mer chant, and Samuel Moore, son of said Samuel dec'd, for one grist mill, mill house, bakery, belonging to Samuel Moore dec'd., in Woodbridge, - also the lease of said mill from said Moore to John Loofborrow of Oct. 7, 1686. 128 1683-4 Feb. 8. Agreement of Governour Gawen Lawrie on behalf of the Proprietors with Jacob Rowell of Elizabeth Town carpenter, whereby 172 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page said Rowell binds himself to build upon the lot chosen by him on the Cove in Amboy a dwelling house, as described, for which he is to receive a deed for the lot. 131 1689-go March 12. Deed. Alexander Meickle, carpenter, of Topone mus, to John Campbell of Monmouth Co., for the headland coming to him. 132 1688 Oct. 20. Do. Peter Bury of Middletoun, single man, to Archi bald Campbell of Wickatunck, for the head land .of 30 acres, coming to him. Mem., that said Bury came as a servant to Gawen Drummond in the ship "Shield" of Stockden, Yorkshire, England, Daniel Towers master. 132 i6go-l Feb. 15. Deed. Archibald Campbell of Monmouth Co., workman, to Alexander Hutton, for the foregoing 30 acres. 132 i6go-i March 17. Do. Alexander Hutton of Monmouth Co. to John Campbell for the foregoing. 133 1689-90 Jan. 22. Do. Alexander Neper of Monmouth Co. to John Pearce of the same Co., for the headland coming to him. 133 1687-90 March 18. Do. Edmund Smith of Midletoun to John Pearce, for the 30 acres of headland coming to him. 133 1689-go March 12. Do. Thomas Warne of Monmouth Co. to John Reid of Hortencie, for 500 acres on Burlington Road and Manalapan R., granted but not yet released by patent from the Proprietors as part of his share of the Province. 134 1685 June 17. Do. Randoll Huitt of Middletoun to John Crawfuird of the same place, for 240 acres, E. Richard Hartshorne, W. Samuel Cul ver, S. Naversinks R., N. the Bay. 134 1689 Dec. n. Do. Thomas Powell, late servant of William Dock wra, to John Broun of Midletoun, for the headland coining to him. 135 1685 Dec. 14. Do. Rebecka Coward of Midletoun, late servant of William Dockwra, to John Broun, for her headland. 136 1689 Dec. 14. Do. Charles Gordon of Midletoun, late servant of John Barclay, to John Broun, for his headland. 136 1688 Aug. 14. Do. Robert Cole of Amboy Perth, inn keeper, Mary, his wife, and Elizabeth Walton, daughter of said Mary by her first hus band Edward Walton, to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, for their head lands. 136 1688 March 15. Do. Richard Dauson of Piscataway, labourer, to Robert Cole of Amboy Perth, for his headland. 137 1688 Aug. — . Do. Robert Cole to Thomas Gordon for the preced ing- 138 1688-9 Feb. 16. Do. John Gibb to Robert Drummond, for the 30 acres of headland coming to him. 138 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 1 73 Page 1689 March 12. Do. James Crighton to Gawen Drummond, for the 30 acres of headland due him. 138 1688 Dec. — . Do. James Kilgouw to Gawen Drummond, for his 30 acres of headland. I3g 1687 May 3. Do. Anna, daughter of Robert Mill of Edinburgh, master mason, to James Reid of Amboy, for her headland. 139 1689-90 Feb. 4. Do. Daniel Mackdaniell of South River to James Reid of the same place, for his headland. 139 1689-90 March 19. Caveat. John Boune of Midletoun, on behalf of his mother Lideah Bound, against granting to Richard Hartshorne, Wal ter Clark or any one else a patent for 100 acres on Chingaroras Creek. 139 1689-go March ig. Bond. John Bound of Midletoun as attorney of his mother Lideah Bound, to Walter Clark of Rhoad Island, not to prose cute said Clark in ejectment. I3g 1686 April 2g. Order of Governor Robert Barclay and the Proprie tors, authorizing William Dockwra to affix the seal of the Province to such documents as may be sent to the Deputy Governour. 140 1688 Sept. 25. Do. Do. ordering the surveying for William Dock wra of a tract of 1200 acres as gratuity for his services. 141 1689-go March 2. Deed. Thomas Parr, brick maker, late servitor to Govr Gawen Lawrie, to Walter Kerr of Monmouth Co., for the 30 acres of headland coming to him. 142 1689 April 1. Will of William Broadwell of Elizabeth Town. Wife Mary, sons John, William, Richard. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses Robert Traverse, Edward Gay. 142 1689 Aug. 26. Power of attorney, made before William Wightman, Notary and Tabellion Royal in London by Peter Sonmans of London, merchant, son of Arent Sonmans of Wallyford, Scotland, to Miles Forster of N. Y., merchant, as general agent. 143 1689 June 17. Certificate of transfer. Christopher Gifford of Sand wich, New England, to the heirs of John Jenkins of the same place, of his right, title, etc., in and to a share of East Jersey, sold by his deceased father William Gifford to said John Jenkins dec'd. 145 1681 April 14. Deed. William Gifford of Sandwich, Government of New Plimouth, New England, tailor, to John Jenkins of the same place, for one share of land in East Jersey, to wit three necks, called Neweson, Patapees and Navanison. 146 1684-5 March 3. Assignment of the preceding by John Jenkins to his son Job Jenkines. 147 1687 April 6. Indian Deed. Wanamasoa, Wallammassekaman and Waywinotunce, Chief Sachems, to Gawen Drummond on behalf of the Proprietors, for a tract "within the branches of a great pone (?) called Ulickaquecks, N. Thomas Potter arid Samuel White, E. the pone, S. a I 74 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page brook, W. a line of marked trees. • 147 1682-3 Feb. 20-1. Lease and Release. John Drummond of Lundine, Scotland, to his brother Gawen Drummond of Edinburgh, merchant, for 500 acres of his 1-24 share of East Jersey. 148 1689-90 March 10. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to James Johnston of East Jersey, for 2500 acres of grantor's £ of Thomas Rud- ¦ yard's 1-12 share of the Province. 153 1690 April 21. Receipt of George Lockhart of N. Y. to James John ston for delivery "of indenture of Margaret Welch, his servant. 158 1689 . Deed. Margaret Gentleman, George Johnstone, John Loofborrow, Gartrett Holland, James Walker and wife Isobell Johnstone, William Tynet and wife Mary Still wille, Alexander Dowe to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, for the headland coming to each of them. 159 1688 April 2. Do. Robert West and- wife Margaret of Shrosberry, to his brother Joseph West, for half of the three necks, called Naversinks, Norumpsump and Portepeag, of which the father, Robert West, sold the other half to Peter Parker. 160 1673 Dec. 5. Deed. Abraham Lubbersen of New Orania, New Netherland, to Mathias Hetfield, of Elizabeth, in After Cull, for a house and lot in Elizabeth. 162 1685 May 2. Do. William Letts of Elizabeth, to Mathias Hetfield, for two lots of 12 a. each there, one bo't of Jeffery Jones, the other, of John Deceut, fronting on the highway, the rear on the Town Creek, N. Humphrey Spinage, S. Richard Clark. 162 1690 May 28. Do. Lieut. Col. Richard Townle'y and wife Elizabeth, to Cornelius Hetfield, son of Mathias, all of Elizabeth Town, for a house- lot of 9 acres, formerly laid out for Dennis White in said town, S. of the creek, E. Thomas Moore, Mathias Hetfield and unsurveyed land, S. S. E. Jonas Wood, W. and N. highways. 163 1690 May 2. Patent to John Reid, of Hortensie, in right of Thomas Warne, for 500 acres, S. E. the Burlington Road, S. W. Robert Barclay, N. E. James Miller, Robert Rae and Spottswood South Brook; also a tract at Manelopen R., W. grantee, S. Robert Barclay, N. and E. unap propriated land. 164 1690 May 11. Do. to John Brown of Midletown, in right of Rebec ca Coward, Thomas Powell and Charles Gordon, for headland for 90 a., S. Swiming River, E. and W. unsurveyed land, N. the Little Falls Brook. 165 1690 May 2. Confirmation to Stephen West of Shrosberry, holding by purchase from Nicholas Browne, 1-32 of 1-16 of 1-24 share, for 312 acres, bounded all around by unsurveyed barren land. 166 1690 May 1. Patent to George Willoks, late of Spotland, in right of himself and two servants, viz.: Arthur Sympson and Alexander Buchan, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 1 75 Page also in right of James Johnstone, William Burnett and Eliza Burnett, as headland, 200 acres in Monmouth Co., W. a brook, S. Joseph Grover and unsurveyed land, N. unsurveyed land. 167 1690 May 11. Confirmation to Peter Sonmans, as part of his share as proprietor, for 120 acres in Middlesex Co., S. the Raritan R., E. grantee, N. a road, W. Mathew Moore. 168 1690 May II. Do. to Ephraim Allen of Sbrowsberry, holding by purchase from Robert Turner, 1-64 of 1-2 of 1-24 share for, I: an island in Shrowsberry R., called the Great Meadow Island, 18 acres, N. Thomas , Hewitt, Francis Jackson, Robert Leacocke and Abraham Browne, S. the said river, E. and W. the mouths of two creeks, which was formerly pat ented to Eliakim Wardall; 2, 164 acres, S. E. a brook, S. W. Gideon Freeborne, N. E. and N. W., land not laid out. 168 1690 May 11. Patent to John Barclay of Plainefield, for 20 acres of meadow in Middlesex Co., S. the Proprietors meadow, W. John Pinke, N. Joshua and Daniel Pearce, E. Stephen Kent. 169 1690 May n. Do. to John Pearse of Midletown, in right of Alex ander Naper's and Edmund Smith's headland (supra, p. 133), for 60 acres as follows: 1, a tract, S. James Grover, W. Wayceeke Path, E. Robert Hamilton; 2, a lot between said path and Shole Harbour Path, W. Way ceeke Path, N. John Willson, E. Shole Harbour Path, 20 acres; 3, 30 acres, S. Robert Hamilton, W. Garrett Wall, N. John Wilson, E. grantee. 170 1689 Nov. 8. Deed. James Johnstone to James Edward, both of Monmouth Co., for 150 acres in said Co., S. and N. Spotwoods South and Middle Brooks, E. headland of several persons. 171 1689-90 Feb. 4. Do. Same to Walter Ker of Monmouth Co., for 50 acres, part of grantor's land at Topenames, N. E. grantor's North Brook, N. W. grantee, S. E. grantor. 172 1683-4 Feb. 11. Will of Samuel Kitchell of Newark. Wife Grace, sons Samuel and Abraham, daughters Elizabeth Tompkins, Abigail Ward, Mary Kitchell, Bethia Kitchell, Grace Kitchell, Susannah Kitchell; the wife executrix; brother-in-law Abraham Pierson and friend John Browne, jun., overseers and witnesses. Proved June 20, 1690. 1 74 1690 June 13. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Kitchell dec'd, granted to Patrick ffalckener of Newark, the executrix named having died before the testator. 174 1689-go March 14, Deed. Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, by his attorney, John Reid of Hortencie, to James Miller of Caishorne, Scotland, for 500 acres on Milstone Brook in Monmouth Co., W. said river, E. James Miller, S. and N. unappropriated land. 175 i68g-go March 14. Do. John Reid to Robert Barclay, for two tracts, the first at Manalapan, Monmouth Co., N. E. Manalapan R., N. W. Mount 176 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Brook, S. E. and S. W., unappropriated land; the second at Amboy, E. the Sound, S. Thomas Gordon, W. Monveil, W. (sic. for N.?) unappropria ted land. 176 i67g Oct. 23. Do. Jeremiah Pecke of Elizabethtown, clerk, to Sam uel Wilson of N. Y. City, merchant, for 223 acres in and near Elizabeth- town as follows: 1, a houselot of 5 a., N. and E., highways, S. Benjamin Parkis, W. the Mill Creek; 2, 24 a. of upland on the small neck, N. Jo seph Bond and Joseph Seares, E. a swamp and a small brook, S. Joseph Seares, W. his own land; 3, 70 acres of upland at the N. end of the plain, N. W. Isaac Whitehead, senior, N. E. a low meadow, E. a small brook and Joseph Seares, Stephen and Joseph Osborne, S. Henry Norris, S. W. a road; 4, 100 acres on the middle branch of Elizabelhtown Creek, S. W. and S. E. two small brooks, N. E. and N. W. unsurveyed; 5, 3 acres of meadow on said creek, E. Benj. Price, senior, W. Stephen Osborne, N. the upland, S. the creek; 6, 21 acres of the great meadow on the Bay, E. the Bay, N. , S. and W. unsurveyed meadow, as per patent of October 21, 1678. 178 1690 July 10 Do. James Johnstone to William Lawrence, senior, of Midletowne, for 400 acres, part of a 2500 a. tract, purchased from Robert Turner March 10, last past. 180 1690 July 10. Do. Same to same, for 50 acres of meadow betw. Man asquam and Little Egg Harbour, as ordered to be laid out for him last May, he having purchased from Governor Barclay 1-20 share. 181 1690 July 10. Do. James Johnstone, late of Scotland, now of Mon mouth Co., to William Lawrence, senior, for 100 acres in said county, N. Hop River, E. Lewis Morris, S. a swamp, W. grantee, including a small tract, S. John Leonard, N., W. and E. unsurveyed land. 182 1690 June 14. Do. James Johnstone, late of Spotswood, Scotland, to Abraham Browne of Shrosberry, for a lot in Monmouth Co., S. the path to Burlington, W. barrows, N. Manalapan Brook, E. Elizabeth Hutton. 184 1690 July 10. Do. • Same to same, for £ of 1-20 share, purchased from Robert Barclay. 185 1690 July 10. Do. Same to same, for 325 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Manalapan Creek, N. an Indian path, E. Gideon Freeborne and land not laid out. 186 1690 May 20. Letters of administration on the estate of John John stone of Middletowne dec'd, intestate, granted to Richard Hartshorne and John Throgmorton of the same place? 187 1689-90 March 20. Deed. Peter Sonmans, by his attorney Myles Forster, to James Emott, for a lot at Amboy Perth, E. the MarkLtt Place, S. grantee, N. a lot, taken up and then relinquished by Benjamin Griffith. 187 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 177 Page 1690 June 21. Do. James Johnstone of Midletowne to Anthony Woodward of West Jersey, for a lot in Monmouth Co., S. Peter Sonmans, W. and N. unsurveyed land, E. James Johnstone. 188 1690 June 2. Do. Same to John Reid, for a lot on Milstone Brook, E. said brook, W. James Johnstone, N. and S. unappropriated land; also a meadow across the Indian path from Wemcooke to New Mana lapan. 1 89 1690 May 6. Do. Thomas Harbert to John Throgmorton, both of Midletowne, for one share of upland and four lots of meadow of the Never sinks lands, as purchased by Stephen Arnold of Pautixit, Providence, R. I., and others, of whom present grantor bo't 2 shares. 190 1688 July 7. Do. John Kaighin, late of Monmouth Co., to Robert Ray of the same Co., for 145 acres, S. Spotswood South Brook, E. James Miller, N. and W. unappropriated land. igi 1690 May 7. Do. James Johnstone to William Davidson, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot, N. the North Brook, E. John Campbell, W. grantor; also another lot, S. and S. E. said brook, W. and N. grantor. 193 1689 Oct. 13. Do. Stephen Osborne and wife Sarah to Joseph Wil son, all of Elizabeth Town, for two house lots there, 12 acres, S. and E. streets, N. formerly Benja Howman (?), W. the Mill Creek, also a small island in the creek, fronting the lots. 195 1677 Dec. 9. Do. John Winons to Richard Mattuke, both of Eliza beth Town, for 40 acres, W. Humphrey Spinage, E. Mathias Hetfield, S. the plain, N. a branch of Elizabeth Town Creek. 197 1689-90 March 21. . Do. Mary, widow of Matthias Hetfield, and Cor nelius Hetfield to Richard Mattuke, .for 40 acres on the S. branch of Eliz abeth Town Creek, W. John Winons, S. the plain, N. said branch, E. un surveyed land. 197 1690 July 21. Do. William Darby to Richard Mattuke, both of Elizabeth Town, for 40 acres there, N. John Lille and William Pardon, S. E. Stephen Craine and William Brookfield, N. E. Nathaniel Entle, S. and S. W. Beeche's Brook; also 4 a., bounded N. by a brook, S. W. and W. by Mary Mitchell, E. and N. b> roads. 198 1690 July 21. 'Do. Richard Mattuke to William Darby, in exchange for the preceding, for 40 acres (as above p. 197).' 199 1688 June 17. Will of James Gyles of Piscataway. Wife Elizabeth, son Matthew, daughters Eliza Olden, Anne Gyles, Mary Booth. Real and personal estate. Executors the wife and son(-in-law?) William Olden with Edward Slater as overseer. Witnesses Edward Slater and William Sharpe. Proved 3d Tuesday of March 1690. 201 1690 July 25. Letters of administration on the estate of Major James Gyles of Raraton R., granted to Mathew Gyles, the executors named hav ing refused to act. 203 12 178 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690 July 14. Deed. William Oliphant of Middlesex Co. to Robert Turner of Philadelphia, "for a lot in Monmouth Co., E. a brook, on all other sides barrens. 203 1690 July 19. Do. Thomas Gordon to George Willox, both late of Scotland, for 30 acres of meadow betw. Manasquam and Egg Harbour on the partition line and 30 a. of upland, adjoining, as ordered to be laid out for him. 204 1690 July ig. . Do. John Barclay to George Willox, for 30 acres of meadow and 30 acres of upland, as preceding. 205 i6go July ig. Do. Andrew Jeffery of Kingswells, Scotland, to John Barclay, of Plainefield, Middlesex Co., for 40 acres of meadow and 40 of upland at. Barnegate, laid out pursuant to order in right of 1-16, pur chased from Robert Burnett. 206 i6go July 24. Declaration of William Olden of Raraton R., surviving executor of Major James Gyles, refusing to act as executor and asking that Mathew, the son of James Gyles, be made executor. 207 1682 April 24. .Deed. John Toe and wife Lidea to Benjamin Price, turner, all of Elizabeth Town, for 8 acres of upland, S. W. Caleb Car withy, S. E. Luke Watson, N. E. and E. meadows. 20S 1682-3 Jan. 22. Do. Same to same, for 6 acres of meadow, bought of William Cramer, N. W. Caleb Corwithier, W. S. W. Luke Watson, S. Symon Rouse, N. E. and E. the creek. 2og 1690 July 19. Do. William Robinson, late of Scotland, Doctor of Physicks, to James Johnstone of Monmouth Co., for 62 acres between Manasquam and Egg Harbour, as laid out to him, he holding by purchase from Robert Burnett ^ of a share. 210 1690 July 21. Mem. William Darby, having purchased from Richard- Mattuke certain land, must pay all the arrears of quitrent (supra,. pp. 198, 199O 211 1690 May 22. Confirmation to Jaines Johnstone, holding by purchase from Robert Turner a warrant for 2500 acres, of the following tracts, vizt: I, 150 a. in Monmouth Co. surrounded by barren land; 2, 500 acres, S. Burlington Path, W. the barrens and Milstone Brook, N. an Indian path and Gideon Freeborne, E. Elizabeth Hutton; 3, 225 a., S. Peter Sonmans and Joseph Grover, N. Decto L (?) Creek, E. and W. unsurveyed land; 4, 300 acres, E. Milstone Brook, N, S. and W. unsurveyed land; 5, 100 a., S. John Leonard, N., W. and E. unsurveyed land; 6, a tract, N. the path to Burlington, E. John Burden, S. unsurveyed land and the great meadow, W. the pines; 7, a lot of meadow, E. Francis Burden, W. Henry Camberline; 8, 250 a., surrounded by the pines; 9, 350 a., S. the Sant Pinke Brook, N., W. and E. unsurveyed land. 212 1683 Sept. 2. Will of Simon Reus leaves all to his wife, not named, with provision for John Looker. Witnesses Thomas Mullinax, John M*1^ EAst JerseV dEeDs, Etc, LiBer D. \hg Page and James Mash. Proved April 24, 1689. 215 1690-1 Jan. 17. Do. of Aise Reus, living "upon Raway" leaves all to her kinswoman Sarah Maninge of Boston, New England, with legacies to Frances, da. of Samuel Moore of Woodbridge. Executors John Herry- mari,l preacher, and Jonathan Ogden, planter, both of Elizabeth Town. , Witness Dr. William Robinson. 215 l6go Aug. 4. Deed. Samuel Wood to Lideah Toe, widow of John Toe, both of Elizabeth Town, for all his right, title, etc. in and to the es tate of the deceased. 216 l6go May 20. Confirmation to Capt. Andrew Hamilton, Governour, in right of Peter Sonmans, of 500 acres in Somerset Co., E. the North branch of Raraton R., S. Hendrick Coursen, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 217 1690 May 10. Patent to John Johnstone of MonmouthCo., for 500 a-. in said Co., E. William Lawrence, S. the barrens and Burlington Path, W. unsurveyed land, N. grantee. 218 1689 Aug. 4. Lease. Thomas Adames of Woodbridge to Rie. TaU tersall of Middlesex Co., for 10 acres thereabouts adjoining lessor. 220 1690 July 17. Will of John Throgmorton. -Wife -" , son Joseph, daughters Rebeckah, Sarah, Patience, Alice, Deliverance. Real and per sonal estate; (land inherited from brother Joseph). The wife sole exec utrix. Witnesses Richard Hartshorne -and Job Throgmorton. Proved August 22, 1690. 221 1690 Aug. 22. Letters of administration on the estate of John Throg morton, granted to Alice, his widow. 221 1690 Aug. 23. Do. Do. on the estate of Joseph Throgmorton, mar iner, granted to the same. 222 1689 Dec. 25. Will of John Campbell, late of Amboy. Wife Mary, children Ann, Gannietta and John. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix, witnesses John and Margaret Carrington. Proved Jan. I, '. 1690. 223 1690 Aug. 2. Letters of administration on the estate of John Camp bell, issued to his widow Mary Campbell. 223 1690 Sept. i. Do. Do. on the estate of John Ward of Newark, turner, dec'd, granted to Benjamin Price senior of Elizabeth Town. 224 1690 Sept. 14. Do. Do. on the estate of Jonathan Davis dec'd, in testate, to his brothers John and Thomas Davis, all of Elizabeth. 224 1690 Sept. 10. Do. Do. on the estate of Alee Rous dec'd, granted to the executors named by her (supra, p. 215). ¦ 225 1690 Aug. 26. Will of Daniel Spinage," bachler, names .Constant, wife of George Royse, brothers John, Ebinezar, Joseph, Edward, Benjamin, 1 Harriman. l80 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page sisters Abigail, Hannah and Eliza. "My estate." Executor George Royse. Witnesses Aron Thompson, John Lamburd, Edward Gay. Proved Sept. g, i6go. 225 1690 Sept. 9. Letters testimonial on the estate of Daniel Spinage dec'd, granted to his executor. 226 1684 Aug. 21. Deed. Robt Symon of North Hampton, Mass., to John Ward of Newark, turner, for 18J acres of upland in Newark, W. John Craine, E. Sam" Plum, S. Saml Rosse, N. Jonathan Serjant; also 15 acres, a piece of Milbrooke swamp, S. Mathew Camfield, N. the com mons, E. Stephen Davis; and 7^ acres of meadow, N. Saml P]um, S. Francis Lindey, E. the river, W. the upland. 227 1684 Nov. 20. Deed. Sarah Ward of Newark, widow of John Ward, turner, to her son, John Ward, turner, for 3 acres of upland in- the great neck of Newark, E. John Curtis. 227 1690 May 24. Confirmation to Myles Forster of N. Y. City, merchant, of 600 acres, N. Muscat'o Creek, E. Barnegatt Bay, S. and W. unsurveyed land; also 22 a. at Wjckatunck, Monmouth Co., S. and W. grantee, N. un surveyed land, E. John Backer. 228 i6go May 24. Do. to Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstone, Scotland, Knt, in right of j share, of a tract at Barnegatt, Monmouth Co., 240 acres, S. Reedy Creek and the Bay, E. the Bay, N. and W. unsurveyed land. 22g l6go May 24. Do. to George Willox, late of Scotland and "one of our proxies in the province," in right of 3-32 and 3-20 shares, purchased from Dr. John Gordon, Thomas Gordon and John Barclay, of 1-16 from Andrew Jeffery, and 1-40 from George Mackenzie of Killdaine, Scotland, of 400 acres at Barnegatt, N. the Fishing Creek, E. the Bay, S. Muscatoe Creek, W. unsurveyed land. 230 1690 May 24. Do. to John Johnstone of Monmouth Co., holding from Robert Turner ^-share, of 300 acres in said Co., in several parcels, vizt: 1, a tract, S. the Goose Creek, E. the Bay, N. and W. unsurveyed land; 2, 30 acres next below the Whale, E. the sea, W. the Bay, S. and N. unsurveyed beach; 3, another tract on the beach, adjoining the Round Hills or Bay Stack, between Bay and sea; 4, 6\ acres in Perth Amboy, ad joining LockyelPs land; 5, a town lot in Perth Amboy, S. the intended dock, N. the North Street, E. the street along the Sound, W. unsurveyed lots. 231 1690 May 24. Do. to Col. Andrew Hamilton, in right of 1-20 share, of 60 acres at Barnegatt, S. Job Throgmorton, E. the Bay, N. John Dobie, W. unsurveyed land. 232 1690 May 24. Do. to Lord Neill Campbell, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, of 1000 acres in Somersett Co., S. E. the North branch of Raraton R., on all other sides unsurveyed land; also 900 acres of meadow at Barnegatt, in right of the f share betw. Lord Neil and Rob- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. iSl • Page ert Blackwood, N. E. William Dockwra, S. E. the great Bay and part of Scale Bay, S. W. Peter Sonmans, N. W. unsurveyed land. 233 1690 May 24. Do. to Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, one of the Proprietors and Chief Governour of the Province, of a tract at Barne gatt, N. the Goose Creek, E. the Bay, S. Thomas Hart, W unsurveyed land; 2, a town lot in Perth Amboy, E. Water St., N. Market St., W. Market Place, S. Bei^Clarke; 3, another townlot, E. High St., N. the lots belonging to the Governour's house, W. Backe St., S. unsurveyed lots; 4, 40 acres of meadow and upland at Barnegatt, in right of 1-32 share of James Miller's, S. the widow Campbell, E. the Bay, N. a sandy hamock, W. unsurveyed land; 5, in right of David flalckener, 30 acres, S. Benj. Burden, E. the Bay, N. , W. unsurveyed land; 6, 10 a. in the bounds of Perth Amboy, in right of said flalckener, S. North St., E. Robt ffullaton and George Willoks, N. John Campbell and Lord Neil Camj>bell, W. the Back St. 234 1690 May 24. Do. to Augustin Gordon, son of Robert Gordon of Clunie, Scotland, dec'd, as part of his share, of 2750 acres in Monmouth Co., betw. Cattaile Brook and Assanpinke Creek along the West Jersey line, S. Robert Burnett, N. unsurveyed land; another tract of 500 a., E. Cesnut Brook, N. Thomas Hart, W. and S. John Backer; 600 acres at Bar negatt, E. the sea, W. the main channel of the Bay, S. and N. unappropri ated beach; 12^ a. in Amboy bounds, S. a lane, W. William Haige, N. Robert Burnett, E. Robert Barclay; a town lot, E. High St., N. Robert Burnett, W. Backe St., S. Lord Neil Campbell. 235 1690 May 24. Do. to Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Scotland, Knt, as part of his share, of 2000 acres in Middlesex Co., between the Bound Brook and the Blew Hills, adjoining Thomas Rudyard; also half of lot No. 22 in Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., S. the small lots, W. John Backer, N. unsurveyed land, E. Thomas Cooper; half of the small lot, S. the road, W. Thomas Barker (Backer?), N. John Backer, E. the Earl of Perth, both lots together containing 250 acres; 400 a. at Barnegatt, S. W. Robert Burnett, S. E. the Bay, N. E. and N. W. unsurveyed land; 83 a. in the bounds of Amboy Perth, E. the road, S. Robert Burnett, S. W. Peter Sonmans, N. W. John Johnstone, N. unappropriated land; a town lot in Amboy, E. Water St., S. David Mudye, W. High St., N. Andrew Gallaway. 236 1690 May 24. Do. to Peter Sonmans, as part of his share, of 300 acres in Somersett Co., N. the South branch of Raraton R., W. the parti tion line, E. Robert Burnett of Lethenty, S. unsurveyed land; 6300 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Lorcl Neil Campbell and Augustin Gordon, S. E. the channel of the bay and the s$a, S. W. and N. unsurveyed land. 238 1690 May 24. Do. to Robert Burnett of Lethenty, Scotland, of 400 acres in Monmouth Co., W. the partition line, S. Doctors Creek, E. John Backer and Augustin Gordon, N. Cattail Brook and iSi new Jersey colonial Documents. Pag8 Augustin Gordon, also unsurveyed land; 300 a., S. W. the South branch of Raraton R., on all other sides unsurveyed land; 1120 a. at Barnegatt, in right of 15-16 share of his own and 80 a. more in right of i-t6 of Andrew Galloway, or 1200 a., N. E. Locheill (Sir Ewen Cameron), S. E. the Bay, S. W. William Dockwra, N. W. unsurveyed land; 25 acres in the bounds of Perth Amboy, N. E. the country road, N. Lochiell's land, N. W. Peter Sonmans, W. William Haige, S. Augustin Gordon, S. E. Robert Barclay; a town lot in Perth Amboy, 3 by 2 chains, E. Water St., S. Smith St., W. James Miller, N. John Cooly; another town lot there, 10 by I chains, E. High St., N. Smith St., "W. Backe St., S. Augustin Gordon. 239 l6go Sept. 26. Deed. Henry Norris to Joseph Wilson, both of Elizabeth Town, for a lot there of 6 acres, N. Joseph Seares, S. grantee, E. the highway or street, W. the Mill Creek, formerly belonging to Benja Howman. 241 1690 July 14. Do. James Johnstone of Monmouth Co. to William Oliphant of Middlesex Co., for a lot in Monmouth Co., N. E. Wemcook Brook, around the other sides barren lands. 242 1684 . Power of attorney. Andrew Jeffery of Kingswells, Scotland, to John Barclay, son of David Barclay of Urie, as land agent in East Jersey. 243 1685-6 Feb. 2. Deed. Richard Sadler and wife , to John Stoutl of Midletown, for the lot, called Poplar Lot, 9 acres, N. the road, S. grantee, E. widow Reap, W. grantee. 245 1689 Maich 26. Do. Thomas Whitelock to John Stoutt, both of Midletoun, for 8 a. there, E. and W. grantee, N. a road, S. unsurveyed land. 246 1679 April 5. Do. Nathan Webster and wife Mary of Bradford, Essex Co., New-England, to Robert Clement of Havorhill, cooper, for several lots in Woodbridge, 93 acres, as per patent.. 247 1690 Sept. 26. Do. Robert Clement senior of Haverhill, Esse* Co., New England, cooper, to his son Jonathan Clement, for the preceding 93 a- 248 1690 Aug. 5. Do. Peter Sonmans, by his attorney "Miles Forster of N. Y. City, to George Keith, of Philadelphia, for 480 acres in Mon mouth Co., W. Jedidiah Allan, S. the same and the men of Shrosberry, S. E. the Burlington Path, N. E. Robert Barclay and grantee; also 20 acres of meadow at the head of Manasquam Brook. 249 1690 July 15. Do. James Johnston, late of Scotland, to William Laing of Monmouth Co., for 200 a., part of 2500 acres lot, bo't of Robert Turner March 10 last past. 250 1688-9 Jan- 28. Do. David Smith, tanner, to Samuel Carter, both of Elizabeth Town, for 32 acres, bought of Samuel and Nicholas Carter, now in England. 252 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER D. 183 Page 1690 June 29. Do. Richard Stoutt of Midletoun to his son Pieter, for a lot at Romains or Hop River, Monmouth Co., N. E. John Wilson, S. E. a small run, S; W. Hope R., N. W. grantor; also 6| a. of meadow at Conesconck, joining David Stoutt. 253 1690 March 27. Do. Mary, widow of Francis Masters of Shrosberry, to Garret Wale of Midletoun, for j of 1-64 of 1-24 share, bo't of Robert Turner July 22, 1685. 254 1690 Dec. 9. Will of William Meaker of Elizabeth Town. Wife Han nah, sons Joseph, Benjamin, John, eleven grandchildren. Real and per sonal estate. Executors sons Joseph and Benjamin. Witnesses John Harriman, Jonathan Ogden. 256 1691 Jan. 15. Letters testimonial granted to Joseph and Benjamin Meaker. 257 1690 March 27. Deed. Mary Masters of Shrosberry, to John White- lock of Midletown, for £ of 1-64, bought of Robert Turner's 1-24 share of East Jersey. 258 1690-1 Jan. 16. Receipt for the consideration money, due by inden tures of May 28, 1690, betw. Lieut. Col. Richard Townley and Cornelius Hetfield, both of Elizabeth Town. (Supra, p. 163.) 259 1688 Aug. 1. Deed. William White to Andrew White, bachelor, both of Elizabeth Town, for 14 acres, N. E. Baker's Brook, S. W. grantor, N. W. the road, S. W. grantee. 260 1690-1 Jan. 15. Letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Ogden of Elizabeth Town dec'd intestate, granted to his wife Sarah. 261 1690-1 Jan. 27. Letters testimonial on the estate of William Broad well of Elizabeth Town dec'd granted to his widow Mary. (Vide supra, p. 142.) 262 1690-1 Jan. 16. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Ingram of Midletoun dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Elizabeth. 262 1690 . Do. Do. on the estate of Jacob Leppencott of Shros berry dec'd intestate, issued to John Test and wife of Philadel phia. 263 1690 May 24. Confirmation to Margaret, widow of Samuel Winder, in right of his ^ share, of the following tracts: I, 500 acres iu Middlesex Co., S. grantee, James Graham and Company, VV. John Robinson, N. and E. unsurveyed; 2, 1000 acres on the North branches of Raraton R., S. W. the N. and N. W. branches, on all other sides unsurveyed; 3, 300 acres at Barnegatt, E. the sea, W. the Bay, N. William Lawrence, S. unsurveyed beach. 263 1690 May 24. Patent to Sarah Reape of Shrosberry, widow, for the following parcels, vizt: I, a lot oii Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., S. W. John Clayton, N. E. a road, N. W. Naversinks R., S. E. grantee; 2, 17 agres of the great meadow, E. a small creek, that parts it from Francis ]8jt NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Burden, W. John Clayton, N. grantee, S. a branch of Shrosberry R., to gether 163 acres; 3, 10 acres at Narawataconck, E. and W. Joseph Parker, N. a road, S. Shrosberry R. ; 4, a lot of upland N. Rockie Hill, S. Whale Pond Brook, E. a road, W. unsurveyed; 5, 14 acres of meadow, N. a small island of upland, E. Samuel Spicer, S. a branch of Shrosberry R., W. a road, 4 and 5 containing 303 acres; 6, 45 a. near John Williams' land, a trian gle, S. W. a small brook, S. E.'the barrens, N. E. Remembrance Leppen cott; 7, the tract, called Portapeck Neck, S. E. a creek, running into the South R., S. W. John Williams and Lewis Mattock, N. W. grantee and other meadow lots, N. E. the South R. ; 8, 28 a. of meadow on the N. side of the neck. 265 1690-1 Jan. 7. Will of Jonas Hall of Shrosberry. Son James, friends Eliza Hutton, William Goodbody, Francis Jeffery, George Hewlett, Sam uel Dennes, John Tucker. Real and personal estate. John Tucker re siduary legatee and executor. Witnesses Samuel Dennes, Geoige Hewlett. 268 1691 Feb. 13. Letters testimonial to John Tucker, the executor named in preceding will. 26g 1688 April 12. Mem., that James Murry of Amboy Perth, mason, has sold to George Keith his right to 60 acres, adjoining James Johnstone in Monmouth Co. and granted to him by the Proprietors March I, 1687, as headland for himself and wife. 269 1689-go March 7. Articles of agreement of James Seatowne of Wood- bridge with Rebeckah, daughter of Thomas and Rebeckah Ad'ames, and her said father; James and Rebeckah having lived together as man and wife under civil contract, they separate, James giving to Rebeckah the dwelling house with furniture on the S. side of Cedar Cove, Woodbridge, and 30 acres adjoining, as described in deed of gift from said Thomas Adames to James Seatowne (supra, p. gg). 270 • 1690-1 Jan. 31, Will of Isaac Whitehead of Elizabeth Town. Wife Mary. Having disposed of his lands by deeds of gift he appoints sons Isaac and Joseph with Nathaniel Bunnell executors. Witnesses John Harriman, John Woodruffe. Proved February 26 following. 271 1691 Feb. 27. Letters testimonial on the preceding will issued to the executors named. 272 i68g Dec. 3. Deed. Isaac Whitehead senior to his son Joseph, for 7 acres betw. the road, Mr. Woodruff and Benj. Ogden; one half of the meadow on the Bay, adjoining Joseph Meeker and Mr. Lyons; one half of the land on the road to Newark, adjoining Mr. Wilson. 273 l6go Nov. 2g. Do. John Leonard of Colt's Neck, Monmouth Co., to William Lawrence of Midletoun, for 6 acres on the Westside and part of the tract granted to him by patent of Nov. 4, 1687. 273 1690-1 March 7. Do. James Johnstone of Monmouth Co. to William EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 185 Lawrence, for 180 acres in said Co., S. Metecunke Creek, on all other sides the barrens. 274 1690-1 March 7. Do. Same to same, for 80 acres in Monmouth Co., E. John Leonard, on all other sides barren lands. 275 1690 Oct. 16. Do. Same to Hanna Grover of Midletoun, for 150 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Doctor's Creek, E. John Backer, W. grantor, S. Peter Sonmans and Joseph Grover, as per patent of May 22, last. 276 i68g April 20. Do. Robert Hamilton to William Lawrence junior, both of Midletowne, for 131 acres, as granted by patent of to Thomas Herbert, who sold the lot to grantor. 277 l68g April 20. Do. Same to same, for 6 acres of meadow, called the Kow meadow, conveyed to present grantor by Jacob Trewax of Midle towne. 278 1690-1 Jan. 2. Will of William Sandford of East Jersey. Wife Sarah, formerly known as Sarah Whortman, "while some Considerable Reasons Engaged vs to Consaile our marriage;" - children Katherine, Peregrine, William, Grace, Elizabeth, Nedemia, wife of Richard Berry. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with Col. Andrew Hamilton, James Emott, both of East Jersey, Gabriel Meenviel and Wm. Nicholls of N. Y. as assistants. Witnesses Patrick ffalconer, John Browne. Proved Janu- uary 3, probated Sept. 12, 1694. 279 1677 March 27. Certificate of Richard Vernon, that he joined to gether in matrimony William Sandford and Sarah Whartman in the pres ence of Capt. William Cowell, John Spencer and others on board the pink Susan in the river of Surenam. 280 1688-9 Jan. 22. Will of George Morris of Elizabeth Town. Wife Abigail, sons George, John, Benjamin; Henry Morris mentioned as neigh bour. Real and personal property. The wife executrix; witnesses Isaac Whitehead, Henry Lyon. 280 1692 April 11. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed grant ed to the widow Abigail Morris. 281 1690 Aug. ig. Deed. Henry Lyon to Thomas Osborne, both of Elizabeth Town, for 20 acres, E. John Woodruff, W. grantor and Benj. Parkis, S. Samuel Moore, N. George Morris. 281 l6go-l March 24. Do. Isaac Whitehead of Elizabeth Town, cord- wainer, and wife Abigail, to Samuel Whitehead of Southampton, L. I.,. cordwainer, for 45 acres in the bounds of Elizabeth Town, S. E. Joseph Meeker, S. W. Henry Lyon, N. W. unsurveyed land, N. E. a road: also 8 acres of meadow there, S. Mr. Woodruff, N. and E. unsurveyed meadows, W. a small creek. 282 i6go-i March 12. Will of John Warren of Elizabeth Town. Wife Grace, Mary, eldest dau. of Samuel Whitehead of Southampton. Real and .personal estate. The wife executrix; witnesses John Parker, Isaac White- , 13 1 86 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page head. Proved March 28, i6gl. 283 1692 March 29. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued to the executrix named. 2°3 l6gl April 27. Will of John Woodruff senior of Elizabeth Town. Wife Mary, sons John, Jonathan, Benjamin, Joseph, David, Daniel, daughters Elizabeth, Sarah, Hanna. Real and personal estate. Execu tors sons John, Jonathan,' David and Joseph with John Herriman, Jona than Ogden and John Parker as overseers. Witnesses Isaac Whitehead, William Browne. Proved May n, 1691. 283 1691 April 16. Letters testimonial on the preceding will-issued to the executors named. 2°5 1691 July 25. Mortgage. John White of Rariton R., Sumerseat Co., to Thomas Trowbridge of New Haven, New England, for 887 acres on Rariton R., said" Co., where mortgageor now lives. 286 1690-1 March 20. Deed. William Easten, weaver, to Mosis Lipet, weaver, both of Midleton, for the following lots, viz;. 1, a houselol of 12 acres there, S. the street, E. Job Throckmorton, N, and W. grantor, derived from James Easten January 26, 1688; 2, an adjoining houselot, bo't of John Throckmorton dec'd.; 3, another houselot of 12 a., adjoining the last, E. and N. grantor, S. and W. roads, bo't of Richard Hartshorne Dec. 13, 1687; 4, 60 acres in the rear of the three lots, as described in patent to grantor of March 25, 1688. 287 1690 May 22. Patent to Lewis Morris of Shrewsberrie, for 340 acres in the bounds of Midletoun, S. the Little Fallse Brook, W. unsurveyed land, N. W. such land and Mordecai Gibbons, N. E. Aplegate's Mill Brook, S. E. Jumping River, E. Joseph Grover. 290 1690 May 24. Confirmation to John Gordon of Collieston, Scotland, M. D., holding by purchase from Robert Barclay 1-10 of 1-48 share of the Province, of 500 acres in Middlesex Co., S. E. Stonie Brook, S. W. Dan iel Brimson, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 292 1691 Aug. 15. Mortgage. Jonathan Bishop of Woodbridge to Gabriell Munvelle of N. Y. City, for a sawmill on the Southern branch of Raway R., called the Mill R., and 100 acres adjoining, E. Capt. John Bishop, W. mortgagor and Michael White, N. said branch. 293 1691 April 2. Deed. David Vilant to Dr. Henrie Greeneland, both of Piscataway, for a house and 2 acre lot in Amboy Perth, facing the Bay, N. of Govr Lawrie, bought of David Mudie January 29, 1688. 295 1688 Oct. 24. Do. John Pope of Elizabeth Town and wife Elizabeth to Thomas Mulliner of Raway, for 30 acres on ihe bounds of Elizabeth Town, W. Jeffry Jones and William Jenson, .N., S. and E. unsurveyed land. 297 1690 July 15. Do. William Davidson, John Mackienzie, Aurthur Simson and John Browne, all of East Jersey, to John Laing of the same EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 187 Page place, for their headland on Bound Brook, adjoining John Barclay. 297 1690-1 Feb. 16. Deed. James Johnston of Monmouth Co. toAntonie Woodward of West Jersey, for a tract in Monmouth Co., E. Hanna Grover, W. grantee, S. Peter Sonmans, N. Doctors Cr. 298 1691 May 26. Do. George Keith of Philadelphia to Robert Rea of Monmouth Co., carpenter, for 90 a. in said Co., S. W. James Johnston's South Brook, N. his land, N. E. John Campbell, E. barrens, S. E. grantee; the tract being originally headland, granted to James Murrey, of Amboy Perth, mason, and Richard Hogskins, grantor's servant, and by them con veyed to grantor. 298 1691 April 20. Do. James Johnston of Monmouth Co. to William Watson of Ningham,! Burlington Co., West Jersey, for 250 acres in Mon mouth Co., E. Augustin Gordon, S. and W. unsurveyed land, N. Assand- pinck Cr. 300 1691 May 1. Do. Alexander Naper to William Clark, both of Midle ton, for 100 acres at Toponemus, Monmouth Co., S. William Ronalds and John Baird, E. John Nesmitlj, N. James Mellen, W. unsurveyed land; the lot having first been granted to Robert Barclay, Nov. 2, 1687, who con veyed it by his attorney John Reid to present grantor. 301 1691 Aug. 31. Do. George Keith of Philadelphia to John Carrington of Amboy Perth, for a mansion house in Amboy Perth and the one acre lot, W. grantee, E. James Miller. 303 1691 Nov. 10. Do. John Blumfield of Woodbridge to John Barclay of Plainefield, for 20 acres of the great meadow on the Rariton in Wood- bridge bounds, W. Samuel Moore, S. and E. Thomas Blumfield, N. the great pond, part of the 60 acres, granted to Thomas Blumfield senior Dec. 29, i66g, and by him bequeathed by will of June 20, 1684, to present grantor. 304 1691 June 6. Do. Samuel Willis of Newark, blacksmith, to- Bonnis -Thomason of N. Y., carpenter, for 90 acres, N. Jabez Rogers, S. John Davis, E. a road along Pisaick R., W. unsurveyed land. 306 1691 Oct. 3. Deed. John Ogden of Elizabeth Town to Samuel Whitehead of Southampton, L. I., for 2 a. in Elizabeth Town, S. and E. roads, W. the Mill Creek, N. the burying ground. 307 1691 Nov. 7. Will of Jonathan Woodruff of Elizabeth Town. Wife Mary, son Jonathan. Real and personal estate. Witnesses Joseph and Isaac Whitehead. Mem. Letters of administration granted to the widow Dec. 20, 1691. 308 1690 March 25. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia to John John ston of Monmouth Co., for \ of 1-24 share of East Jersey, excepting 2500 acres thereof, conveyed to grantee's brother James March 10 last past. 308 1 Query: Nottingham. iSS NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1691-2 Feb. 6. Do. Lieut. Col. Richard Townley and wife Elizabeth of Elizabeth Town to Edward Anteil of N. Y. City, for the following lots, bequeathed to said Elizabeth by her former husband, Govr Philipp Car teret, vizt: 1, 600 acres at Cheasquacks, W. and N. barren land, N. E. the Bay, S. E. a creek (see patent to Ph. C. of Nov. 20, 1681); 2, a house in Elizabeth Town with 4 acres and a lot of 5 acres opposite on the other side of the street (purchased by Ph. C. from Henry Lyon); 3, 153 acres on the Point, N. E. Capt. Thomas Yong, N. W. unsurveyed land, S. E. and N. meadows, S. W. Elisabeth Creek; 4, 20 acres on the Point, N. a road, E. a small creek, S. meadows, W. Mathyas Hetfield; 5, 1508 acres, W.Raway R., N. Jacob Mellyn,-S. unsurveyed land, E. Cranberrie meadows; 6, 1498 a., N. E. Raway R., S. E., N W. and S. W. unsurveyed land; 7, 336 acres of meadow in Elizabeth Town, N. Nicholas Carter, W. upland, E. Bound Creek, S. unsurveyed meadow; 8, 20 acres of meadow, adjoin ing the preceding, S. E. the river, N. W. upland, N. E. meadows; 9, 12 acres along the road from town to the Point, S. E. Benjamin Price, S. W. and N. W. unsurveyed land, N. E. the road; 10, igg acres, on the N. E. side of said road; 11, 24 a. of meadow at Capt. Yong's Point, N. unsur veyed meadows, W. the ponds and Capt. Yong, E. the river and sound, S. the meadows; 12, 50 a. at the Brick Hills in Elizabeth Town, with brick works: 13, 1100 acres in Sumerset Co., bought by said Ph. C, John Palmer and Thomas Codrington from the Indians, and joining the Bound Brook and Major James Tyler dec'd.; 14, grantors' right, title, etc., in and to land on Sadie R. taken up -with Peter Jacobs of N. Y. City and part ners; 15, no acres in Elisabeth Town, formerly patented to Dennis White, February 20, 1676, and taken by Ph. C. in execution of a judgment; 16, 212 acres in several parcels, patented to William Pardon March 25, 1676, and acquired as before. 312 i6gi-2 Feb. 6. Deed. Edward Anteil to Richard Townley for the jnreceding lots. 317 1690 June 11. Do. George Keith, Surveyor General of East Jersey, to John Craig of Middlesex Co., for one half of a lot, patented to grantor September 2, 1686, the said. half containing 150 acres, bounded N. by Rariton R., E. by Andrew Galloway, S. by unsurveyed land, W. the other half. 321 i6go June 7. Do. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid of Hortensie, to James Miller of Carshore, Scotland, merchant, for a lot at Barnegate, S. William Bingly, E. the Bay, N. sandy hammocks, W. un surveyed land. 323 1690 June 17. Do. Same to David ffalconar of Edinbrough, mer chant, for a lot at Barnegate, S. Benjamin Burden, E. the Bay, N. Wil liam Laing, W. unsurveyed land; also 10 a. in Amboy, S. North St., E. Robert ffuUerton and George Willocks, N. John Campbell and Lord Neill Campbell, W. Back St. 324 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 1S9 T690 May 1. Deed. Andrew Alexander and Collen Campbell of Mid dlesex Co., for themselves and for Dunken, Margat and Elisabeth Jamok, servants of Andr. Alexander, Jeane Campbell, wife, Jeane Campbell, daughter, Margrat Stewart and Margrat Anderson, servants of Collen Campbell, to George Willoks of Amboy Perth for the headland due to each, they having come into the Province before March 25, 1685, to wit in November 1684. 325 1690 June 2. George Willoks assigns the preceding to John Johnston of. Monmouth Co. 326 1690 24. Deed. James Reid of Monmouth Co. to' John Johnston of Hopefield, said Co., for 60 acres granted to him by jiatent of March 29, 1689. 326 1690 May 22. Do. David Mudie of N. Y. to John Johnston of Hope- field, for his share of land at Barnegate, as confirmed May 20, 1690. 326 1690 May 24. Confirmation to John Johnston of Monmouth Co. in right of George Scott, of Pitlochie, Scotland, of 1,000 acres and in right of Peter Besignie's headland 50 acres, as follows, to-wit: I, a tract, on the East side and along Vinkson Creek, W. Jonathan Holms and Chingaroras Cr., S. barrens, E. Rappatekon Cr., N. .the Bay; 2, a tract, S. W. Chin garoras Cr., on all other sides unsurveyed barrens, both tracts containing 200 a.; 3, 50 acres, S. his own land, W. William Pen, N. and E. John Brea; 4, 60 acres, N. W. Saml Leonard, on all other sides barrens; 5, 240 a., E. the Bay, N. Miles Forster and unsurveyed land, S. the Goose Cr. and grantee; 6, 400 acres, E. the North branch of Rariton R., W., N. and S. unsurveyed land; 7, 310 a., in right of George Willocks for the headland bought (ut. supra p. 325), N. the False Brook of Tinturne, E. the Pine Brook, S. unsurveyed land, W. a swamp; 8, 4 acres of boggy meadow at the head of Pine Brook; g, a town lot in Amboy Perth, in right of George Willoks, 10 by ich., E. Water St., W. Clement Plumstead, W. High St., S. Thomas Barker; 10, another tract, part of the 1,000 acres, W. Col. Morris, S. Peter Tilton, N. and E. Hope River; n, a lot, 20 chains square, S. Gawen Lawrie, N. the path from Wickatunck via Midle towne to Burlingtoune, E. and W. barren land; 12, 5 acres of meadow and 5 of -upland, N. Thomas, Bowel (?) at Toponemus, W. Thomas Warne, S. and E. barren land; 13, a piece of meadow at the Roundabout, N. and E. Rariton R., S. and W. unsurveyed meadow; 14, in right of James Reid two pieces, one N. of John Reid, E. of the Deep Brook, barrens on the other bounded E. by John Reid and barrens on the other sides, both 60 acres; 15, in right of David Mudie, 60 acres at Barnegate, E. the sea, N. William Lawrance, W. the Bay, S. Stephen West. 327 1691-2 Jan. 27. Deed. John Johnston of Hopefield to John Reid of Hortensie, both of Monmouth Co., for the preceding lots 14 and 15. 329 1691-2 March 16. Deed. David Mudy, late of Amboy Perth, now of N. Y. City merchant, and Edward Anteil of said City to John Johnstone 190 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page of Monmouth Co., for 500 acres in said Co., E. William Lawrence, N. barrens and the rear of Wickatunck lots, W. unsurveyed land, S. such land and Hope River, as patented to said Mudy June 22, 1686. 330 1689 May 6. Will of Mathew Moore senior of Woodbridge. Wife Sarah, sons William, James, Mathew, John, Samuel. Real and personal estate (an Indian girl slave). The wife executrix with John and Noah Bishop as overseers. Witnesses Daniel Robins senior and junior, Agnes Sanes or Stanes. Proof not dated. 335 1693 March 26. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued lo the widow Sarah Moore. 336 1691 Dec. 11. Deed. Thomas Cramer, carpenter, to Samuel Oliver, both of Elizabeth Town, .for half of his farm of woodland and cleared land in fence, half of his orchard, near the Two Miles Brook, and half of his meadow at Peter Moss's Neck, all derived from his father William Cramer dec'd. 336 1691 Dec. n. Bond. William and John Cramer to Samuel Oliver, not to disturb him in the possession of the foregoing. 337 i6g2 April 30. Deed. John Crawford of Midletoun and wife Eliza beth to Major Anthony Brockhols of N. Y. City, for a houselot of 16 acres in Midletoun, W. Richard Stout senior, E. and N. roads, S. unsurveyed land. 338 l6gi-2 Jan. 23. Will of Patrick ffalconar of Newark. Wife Hannah sole heiress and executrix with father William Jones, brother John Jones as assistants and brother James ffalconar and James Emmett as overseers. Legacies to Abraham Peirso^i, teacher to the church at Nework and his daughter Abigail. Real and personal property (land in N. Y., L. I., N.J. and on Westside of the Hudson). Witnesses John Browne, Robert Yong, David Herriot. Proved Feb. 27 following. 339 1691-2 Feb. 27. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed is sued to the widow Hannah ffalconar. 340 1690 May 24. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, of the following tracts in Monmouth Co., vizt: I, 300 acres, N. Swiming R., W. Thomas Leonard, S. W. and S. E. the pines, E. Lewis Morris; 2, 50 a., below Leonard's saw mill; 3, 130 acres on Assandpink Cr. adjoining Wil liam Watson; 4, 50 acres on Manasquan R. adjoining Richard Stout jun ior; 5, 90 acres betw. John Leonard and Lewis Morris; 6, 15 acres, S. John Wilson, E. John Rockman, N. Robert Hamilton, W. Strohorn's Brook; 7, 10 a., S. Midletoun town lots, E. and N. Robert Hamilton, W. John Pearce; 8, 80 a., betw. Thomas Morford on Horse Neck, George Mount and Elisha Lawrance; 9, 25 a. on Bog Pond Neck; 10, 170 a. betw. Mordecai Gibons and John Crawford; 11, 30 a., S. W. Mordecai Gibons, N. W. John Vaughan, N. E. Samuel Spicer, S. E. Thurloe Swing; 12, no' a. in Middlesex Co., N. Ben. Hull, W. Rariton lots, S. E. Edward Slaughter, N. E. George Drake; 13, 20 a. of meadow at the Roundabout,' EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 191 Page ¦ N. John Johnston, E. Rariton R., W. and S. unsurveyed meadow; 14, 4J a. on Botle Meadow, W. Edward Slater, N. the same and Jedidiah Hig gins, E. Hopewell Hull, S. Rariton R. ; 15, l£ a., N. said Higgins, E. said Hull, S. said R., W. Hugh Dun; 16, a town lot in Amboy Perth, 4J chains on High St., 6 ch. on Water St., N. unsurveyed lots; 17, 9 a. in Amboy bounds, on the W. side of and along High St., opposite Gordon's St.; 500 a. of the preceding in right of I-20 share, the other 570 a', in right of headland, bought of Robert Cole and wife Mary, Richard Dason, John Luffborrow, Gartrit Holland, James Walker and wife Isobell, William Tynant and wife Marie, Margrat Gentleman, Andrew Craig, John Geddis, Thomas Grub and wife and of two servants of Dr. John Gordon, vizt William Peddie and William Davidson. 340 1692 June 3. Deed. Thomas Gordon of Amboy, to John Reid of Hor- tensie for lots 1 to 11 incl. of preceding deed, 950 acres. 342 1692 April 1. Do. John Leonard of Monmouth Co. to John Tilton of Gravesend, L. I., for a tract in said Co., at Colt's Neck, S. and S. E. Thomas Gordon, as per ]>atent of Nov. 4, 1687. 343 l6g2 May 16. Do. (Quit claim.) Nathaniel Leonard, brother of John, to John Tilton, for his right, title, etc. in and to the preceding, sur veyed as 180 a. 344 i6gl Dec. 26. Do. Robert Rea of Monmouth Co., carpenter, to John Campbell of the same Co., farmer, for a lot there, S. W. James Johnston's Middle Brook, N. W. his land, N. E. grantee, E. barrens. 345 i6go July 5. Do. John Reid to John Campbell, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot there, W. Manalapan Brook, S. Thomas Edwards, N. and E. unsurveyed land; half of the meadow at the'S. end of the fly' across the . Indian path from Wemcuck to New Manalapan, both together 100 acres. 345 i68g May-28. Power of attorney. Archibald Riddell late of Wood- bridge, minister of the gospel, to James Dundas upon Rariton, for the col lection of debts. 346 1690 Aug. 24. Deed. Nathanell Fitzrandolph of Woodbridge to his , son John'Fitzrandolph, for a lot there on the E. side of Hog Hill; also 15 acres of meadow, W. and S. Hog Hill, betw. two small creeks. 347 i6gi-2 Feb. 26. Do. (Quitclaim.) Mathew Bunn to John Smith, both of Woodbridge, for his right, title, etc. in and tb the part of the houselot, 8j by 4^ rods, sold by his father Mathew Bunn dec'd. to said' Smith. 348 l6gi Oct. 16. Assignment. Robert Burnet of Lethentie to John Laing for land in East Jersey, pursuant to contract of said Laing, as over seer of Robert Burnett and Robert Gordon of Clunie in E. J. 349 r ' Dutch, vly, a low meadow. ig2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1691 ." Certificate of John Barclay concerning the foregoing as signment. 34g i6gi Oct. 17. Power of attorney. Dr. John Gordon of Colliston, Scotland, to his brother Thomas Gordon of New Perth, East Jersey, as land agent. 350 1689-90 Jan. 19. Deed. Andrew Criage, John Geddes, John Nichol son, Thomas Grubb and wife Jeane, to Thomas Gordon of Amboy Perth, for the headland of 30 a. each, due them. 351 1691-2 Jan. 18. Will of Charles Gillman of Piscataway. Wife Mary, wife's mother Susana Alger, wife's daughter Marie Bishop, cousin Charles Gillman, sons Charles, Joseph. Real and personal property. Executors the wife and son Charles, with Hopewell Hull and Edward Slater as. overseers. Witnesses Edward Slater, Thomas Fitzrandolph, Jeffries Man- nen, Hopewell Hull. Proved March 1, 169^. 351 1691-2 March 1. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed is sued to Benjamin Jones in right of his wife Marie, late widow of Charles Gillman. 352 1691-z Feb. 1. Will of Richard Worth of Piscataway junior. Sons John, Joseph, da. Judith. Real and personal estate. The sons executors. Witnesses Edward Slater, Isaack Smally. Proved March I, i6g£. 354 i6g2 Sept. 1. Letters testimonial with will of Major William Sand ford of Essex Co. (supra, p. 27g) annexed issued lo his widow Sarah.* 355 1691 April 8. Deed. Dr. Henry Greenland, late, of Piscataway, now of Milston R., to Cornelius Longfield on the Raraton R. near Piscataway, for 150 acres in the bounds of New Piscataway, part of a 300 a. patent, S. John Schoutten, N. Peter Billieu, W. the Raraton R., E. unsurveyed land. 355 . 1691 May 18. Do. Cornelius Longfield to Benjamin Clerk of Rara ton R., heir of Benjamin Clerk, late of Amboy Perth, for the preceding 150 acres. 357 l6g2~3 March 22. Recorded May 5, 1693. Do. Peter Dassigney of Woodbridge, surgeon, to George Allan of Elizabeth Town, carpenter, for i of 132 acres, S. W. the West Brook, as mentioned in a deed of- June 24, 1686, from Robert Moss to present, grantor, Jonas Wood and Samuel Wood. 353 1692 April 11. Power of attorney. William Dockwra of London to John Reid of East Jersey as general agent. 359 l6g2-3 March 21. Deed. John Barclay of Planefield to John Reid of Hortensie, for a lot on Assanpinck R., conveyed to him by Augustine Gordon June 4, i6go. 361 l6go June 4. Do. Augustine Gordon of London, apothecary, and Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, by their attorney John Reid, to John Barclay, for 200 acres on Assanpinck River, from said A. Gordon's lower EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 193 Page corner 60 ch. up sa'd river. 361 1688 Sept. 7. Power of attorney. Augustine Gordon of the Parish of St.-Buttolph, London, apothecary, son of Robert Gordon, late of Cluny dec'd., and his trustee or guardian Robert Barclay of Ury, to John Reid of East Jersey, as general agent. 362 i6g2 Dec.'!23. Deed. George Ross and wife Constans, Samuel Wood and wife-Margaret to Alexander Scott, all of Elizabeth Town, for 50 acres at Rawack, N. the Two Miles Brook, W. and S. unsurveyed swamp, S. E. Peter Moss. 363 1692-3 Feb. 27. Patent to Daniel Hooper of the Island of Barbados, merchant, for 648 acres in Somersett Co., N. E. the Raraton R., S. E. the commons, S. W. the same and the river, N. W. the S. branch of said . river. 365 1679 Aug. 29. Will of Lawrence Andrise and wife Jannetye Jans of Minacques, N. J., made before William Douglas of Bergen "dark." The survivor to have all the. estate until remarriage. Children of testator by a first-marriage and of testatrix by her first husband Christian Barents: Barent, Cornelius, Johannes Christianse, Andres, Lawrence, Peter, Thomas Lawrence. Witnesses Enoch Mickeilson and Claes Arents Toers. Proved March 19, l6g|. Marginal Note: Letters of administration grant ed to Lawrence Andrise July 13, l6g4. 366 1692-3 Jan. 29. Will of Sarah Lawrence of Newark. Cousins Esther Brown, Joseph Brown, Joseph Bond, Bethia Bond, sister Brown; John and Isaack, sons of friend George Harrison, Silvester Cent. Personal property. Executor George Harrison; Witnesses Samuel Ross, George - Harrison. Proved Feb. I following. 368 1693 April 24. Deed. William Algnr of Woodbridge to Benjamin Jones of Jamaico, L. I., for the following lots in Woodbridge, vizt: 1, a house lot of 12 acres on a small neck in the fork of Bradly's Brook; 2, 14 a. adjoining W. and S. ; 3, 5 acres of Raraton meadows, E. John Pike senior, N. upland, W. Robert Rogers; 4, 3 acres of meadow, being one half of the lot bought by his father Thomas Alger of John Watkins of Woodbridge, E. John Whether, N. upland, E. the other half, now Gawen - Lockhart's, S. the Houselot Creek; 5, 60 a. W. of the houselot, one half of 120 a. patent to his father of March 18, 1679. 369 1686 Nov. 13. Do. Thomas Leeds to Jedediah Allen, both of /Shrewsberry, for 3 acres' there on Rumsqns Neck, S. grantee, formerly Job Alyny of Rhoad Island, E. Shrewsbury R., N. Cottewell, formerly Hannah Jay, W. a road. 370 1693 April 24. Release. Jedidiah Allan to Margaret, widow of Thomas Leeds, foi the foregoing. 372 1692-3 Feb. 15. Appointment by the Governour of East and West Jersey, Andrew Hamilton, of Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Hooten of Shrewsbury, Thomas Hilborne and wife Elizabeth, dau. of said Saml H 194 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Hooten, as guardians of him, he being "rendred uncapable to act through a distemper of lunacy." 372 i6g2 Oct. 21. Deed. William Davidson of Monmouth Co., carpen ter, to Allan Caldwell of Shrewsbury, weaver, for a lot, bo't of James Johnston (supra p. 193), with the house on it. 373 1693 March 26. Will of Hopewell Hull of Piscataway. Wife Mary, sons Hopewell, Joseph, daughters mentioned, but not by name. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with brother Benjamin Hull and friend John Drake as overseers. Witnesses Edward Slater, Benjamin Hull, Edmond Dunham. Proved May 8, 1693. 374 I690 May 9. Recorded May 21, 1694. Deed. John Reid of Mon mouth Co. to his brother James Reid of the same Co., for a lot there, S. E. the Burlington road, S. W. Robert Barclay, N. E. James Miller, N. Spotswood's South Brook. 384 1690 Aug. 30. Do. Richard Stout senior of Middletown to his son Benjamin Stout, "for the Joynture of my Loving wife Penelope," for a lot at Romanis or Hop River, Monmouth Co., S. W. said river, N. W. David Stout, N. E. John Wilson, S. E. Peter Stout; also 6| a. of meadow at Conesconk, adjoining Peter Stout. 385 1690 June 20. Recorded May 21, i6g4. Do. Same to his son David Stout, for a lot at Romanis or Hop River, S. W. said river, S. E. grantor, N. E. and N. W. Bown's land; also 6| acres of meadow at Conesconk, ad joining James Stout. 386 1693 Aug. 23. Do. Joshua Peirce of Portsmouth, N. H., joiner, to Nathaniel Fitzrandolph of Woodbridge, husbandman, for a lot in Middle sex Co., on Papiack Neck, Woodbridge, E. the creek, S. Thomas Rud yard, VV. the road, N. Daniel Peirce; also a lot, E. the creek, S. Daniel Pierce, W. the road, N. unsurveyed land; 10 acres of meadow in two jiieees, one all surrounded by the creek, except 5 ch., the other, E. the creek and Samuel Bacon, S. the Sound, W. and N. the great creek. 387 1693 May 24. Do. John Curtis and wife Hannah of Newark to Cor nelius Roullifson of Hockquickanon, for a lot, N. the line between New ark and Hockquickanon, W. a meadow and a brook, S. and E. the brook. 390 1690' April 2ov Do. William Dockwra of London, by his attorney, John Reid, and with consent of Gov Andrew. Hamilton, to Alexander Nepair of Freehold, for 200 acres at the head or fork of Assan fink River. 391 1693 June 7. Do. Archibald Silver of Matacopine, West Jersey, and wife Christian, late servant to George Keith, to John Campbel of Mon mouth Co., for 30 acres near Topinemus, adjoining James Johnston, laid out as headland for said Christian. 391 1693 Dec. 25. Do. John Reid of Hortencie, Monmouth Co., and EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. I 95 Page James Miller of Carshore, Scotland, to Robert Ray of said Co. carpenter, for a lot there, S. W. Spotswood's South Brook, N. W. grantee, N. E. the Middle Brook, S. E. James Miller. 392 1693 June 17. Do. Thomas Boel of Weekatunk, Monmouth Co., to Peter Imley of said Co., for 160 acres in Weekatunk, N. the intended highway, W. Patrick Canaan, S. grantor, E. Thomas Hart. 393 1693 Dec. 27. Do. Thomas Boel, planter, to Patrick Canaan, car penter, both of Freehold, for 160 acres there, E. Peter Imlay and grantor, N. a road, W. James Melvin and grantor, S. said Melvin and the Cove, excepting i£ a. at Meeting House, as per deed from Peter Sonmans of March 20, 1689. 394 1688 Nov. 16. Recorded May 23, 1694. Do. Honourable Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid, to Samuel fforman of Monmouth Co., for a lot in said Co., S. the Burlingtown road, E. Aaron fforman, W. and N. grantor, a piece of meadow, E., S. and W. Aaron fforman, N. grantor, in all 50 acres. 395 1693-4 Jan. 22. Do. Robert Ray Xo John Campbel, both of Mon mouth Co., for 30 acres there, W. James Johnston, N. grantee, E. and S. the Middle Brook. 397 1693 Sept. 24. Do. Nathaniel Leonard to Thomas Potter, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot, on the N. side of Sawmill Brook, S. and W. two brooks, N. and E. unsurveyed land; also 2 acres of meadow adjoining on the S. E. side. 399 1693 Sept. 27. Do. Thomas Whitelock to John Pearce, shoemaker, both'of'Middletown, for 8 acres there, W. Richard Sadler, E. Daniel Es tall, S. the road, N. unsurveyed land. 400 1685 April 27. Do. Richard Dole of Newburry, Essex Co., Mass., to John Rolf of Cambridge, Middlesex Co., Mass., for a farm in Woodbridge, bo't of Hugh March senior of Newbury January 28, 1670, and confirmed April 19, 1670, 240 acres, E. and N. Henry Jacqui; 23J a. of Rahawack meadow, S. Henry Jaqui, 30J a. of meadow, adjoining Henry Jaqui, as laid out, by Daniel Peirce senior Deputy Surveyor, June 4, 1668. 401 l68j5'June 14. Do. Peter Easton of Newport, R. I., to John Tucker of East Jersey, for all his rights of land in Monmouth Co. 402 1687 Aug. 18. Do. John Tucker of Deale, Monmouth Co., to Thomas Hilborn of Shrewsbury, for the preceding rights. 403 1692 Dec. 4. Do. Abraham Buckkee1 of Hockquecanung, Essex Co., to John Bradbery of the same place, with the consent of Elias Mickelson,2 Simon Jacobson3 and Cornelius Rowleson,* for a lot of 3 a. on the Third ¦River, N. W. and N. E. grantor, S. common land. 404 1 Bockee. 2 Elias Michielsen Vreeland. 3 Simon Jacobsen Van Winkel. 4 Cornelis Roelofsen Van Houten. 196 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1692 April 20. Do. Abraham Pierson of Newark and wife Abigail to John Gardner, of the same place, for all the land in the bounds of Newark, excepting 12 acres, laid out lo Mr. Webster. 405 1690 Dec. 23. Do. La Flower alias Reni-Piat to Thomas Grub, blacksmith, both of Piscataway, for one half of no acres, bo't "of Jabez Hendricks, S. Rariton R., W. Vincent Rugnion, N. land not taken up, S. the other half in possession of John Pound. 406 1693 June 2. Do. Obadiah Ayr of Woodbridge to his son Samuel, for one half of the land, patented to him March 18, 1669-70, said to be 120 acres, S. the other half given to son John Ayr, W. Joshua Bradley, N. the common land, E. a road between grantor and Richard Worth dec'd.; also 8 a. of Rariton meadows, E. son John Ayr, S. grantor W. a small strip of meadow along the Great Pond, N. Elisha Parker. 407 i6g2 Sept. 22. Do. Rev. Archibald Riddel of Scotland, minister, by his attorney James Dundas of Amboy, to Samuel Ayrs of Woodbridge, for a lot in Woodbridge, being one third of the lot, bo't by said Riddel of Rob ert Maclelan May 3, i68g, S. Gawen Lockhart. 408 1761 Oct. 12. Recorded May 26, 1694. Do. Jonathan Ogden, tan ner, and wife Rebecca to Benjamin Price, all of Elizabeth Town, for 6 acres tliere, N. the road to the Point, E. Nathaniel Bunnell, S. the meadow, W. grantee. 410 1690 May 6. Do. Benjamin Devell to Thomas Harbert, both of Mid dletown, for 35 acres on the W. side of the broad Swamp run. 411 1691-2 Feb. 12. Do. Jarrat Wall to Thomas Whitelock, both of Mid dletown, for 170 acres at West Shore Herber Creek, S. John Smith and John Rdckman, S. E. and E. meadows, N. unsurveyed land. 412 i6g4 April 20. Recorded May 28, ]6g4. Do. Ezekiel Blumfeild wheelwright, to John Loofbourrow, miller, both of Woodbridge, for 25 acres of meadow, N. the Great Pond, W. meadow, sold by John Blomfield to John Barclay, S. and E. grantor's meadow. 413 l693~4 Jan. 23. Do. William Allger, planter, and John Dennes, car penter, to John Loofbourrow, miller, all of Woodbridge, for a millhouse, milldam, millstones etc. 415 i6g2 Sept. 14. Do. Hugh Dickman, yeoman, to Francis Jackson, carpenter, both of Shrewsbury, for the Eastern half of a lot there, bo't of Edward Thurston of Rhode Island June 17, 1675, adjoining Thomas Huet. 41.7 i68g Dec. 16. Recorded May 2g, 1694. Indian Deed. Metappis, Olomosecunck, Hiphockanoway, Wawenotong, Indian Sachimackers, to. John Baker of Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., for a tract from the N. W. line of the Middletown men's land at Doctor's Creek, running into Cross wicks Cr., over three branches of Assinpick Cr. ; also about 100 acres on EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 197 1 Page the S. side of the creek, 1 including the meadow, where Anthony Wood ward formerly mowed hay. 418 1694 April 20. Receipt. Robert Barclay, by his attorney John Reid, to Daniel Harcurt for the purchase money, required by deed of February 7, 1687. 419 1685-6 Feb. 17. Deed. Jonathan Holmes of Newport, R. I., to Thomas Maurfoot of Middletown, for 9 acres of meadow at Weikeck, Middletown, S. William Cheesman, N. Stephen Arnold, E. a creek, W. meadow, not yet laid out. 419 1692 June 9. Do. John Reid to Thomas Morfoot, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot at the N. E. corner of grantee's land on Horse Neck, betw. George Mount and Elisha Parker. 420 1694 May 19. Do. Same to Alexander Nepair, for a lot in Freehold, betw. Thomas Rudyard's Wickatunck lot, Walter Benthal, Alexr Adam and Matchiponix path. 421 1694 May 19. Recorded May 30. Do. Same to Alexander Adam of Piscataway, for a lot in Freehold, betw. land bo't by grantor of David- Mudy August 17, 1693, and Matchiponix path. 422 1694 May 19. Recorded May 30. Do. Alexander Nepair of Free hold to John Reid of Hortencie, in exchange foi the lot, supra p. 421, for a lot on the fork of Assanpinck R., at the mouth of Chestnut Brook. 423 1692 Dec. 30. Will of Jeffery Mannin of Piscataway. Wife Hephzi- bah, sole executrix, sons John, Joseph, James, Benjamin, daughter Eliza beth Fitzrandolph, servant Patience Walker. Real ahd personal estate. Witnesses Edward Slater, John Molleson. Proved 3d Tuesday of March 1692-3 Probated April 20, 1694. 423 1690-1 Jan. 8. Deed. Robert West to Nicholas Battersby, both of London, for J of 1-24 share of East Jersey. 425 1689 Dec. 4. Do. Same with his trustee Thomas Cox to Daniel Cox of London, one of the Proprietors, for a full twenty-fourth share of East Jersey. 427 1677 June 15. Recorded May 31, 1694. Do. Nathaniel Bun.ell to Benjamin Price, both of Elizabeth Town, planters, for 6 acres there, N. the road to the Point, E. Matthias. Heathfield, S. the meadow, W. grantee. 430 1693 Aug. 23. Do. Joshua Peirce of Portsmouth, N. H, joiner, to John Loofbourrow of Woodbridge, miller, for his right, title, etc. in and to 120 a. of upland and 25 a. of meadow in the bounds of Woodbridge, lately granted, but not yet surveyed. 431 1693 Aug. 23. Do. Same, widow Dorothy Light and Sarah, wife of Humphry Bradstreet, all of Portsmouth, N. H, to John Loofbourrow for a freehold in Woodbridge. 43*1 1 Which creek? 198 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1693-4 Feb. 22. Recorded June 20, i6g4. Do. John Adams of Hackinsack R., Essex Co., and wife Elizabeth to John de Bryne, mer chant, and Cornelius van der Burgh, silversmith, both of N. Y. City, for 240 acres in Essex Co., E. Hackinsack R., S. Albert Saberesco, N. Epkey Jacobs, W. the commons. 432 i6g4 May 17. Do. Thomas Boel of Budd's Hill, Freehold, to James Melvin of Freehold, for 115 acres there, E. Robert Barclay and Thomas Warne, S. barrens, E. Patrick Canaan and grantor, N. grantor. 434 i6g3 Oct. -26. Do. James Graham of N. Y. City to Peter Vanest of Raraton R., for one quarter of the 1904 acres, patented to grantor, John White, Samuel Winder and Cornelius Courson Feb. 28, 1683; this quarter being bounded W. by Samuel Winder, E. by John White, S. by a bank of upland, N. by the commons. 435 1693 Sept. 14. Do. William Nicols of N. Y. City to David Desmar- ets senior, John Desmarets, Samuel Desmarets, John Durrier and John Gautier, all of Hackinsack R., Bergen Co., for all his estate, right, etc. in and to a tract betw. said river and Overpeck's Creek, 2000 acres, E. said creek, N. William Pardon dec'd, W. Hackinsack R., S. James Bullen dec'd. 43g l6g3 Oct. 26. Do. James Graham of N. Y. City to Peter Vanest of Raraton R. for the quarter of the igo4 acres (see supra p. 435), allotted to Cornelius Courson. 440 1690 June 5. Lease. James Emott of Elizabeth Town and wife Mary to Thomas Pawson of New York, for a mansion in Amboy Perth, on the Market Place, with 2 acres adjoining, N. Benjamin Griffith, E. said Mar ket Place, W. the burying place, S. a street. " 442 1693 March 27. Assignment. Thomas Pawson to John Cockburn of Newark, mason, of the preceding lease. 443 l693 June 9- Deed. James Emott and wife Mary to John Cockburn for the same property. 44, i6g4 May 26. Do. John Cockburn of Newark, mason, to John Hooks of Perth Amboy, inn holder, for the preceding. 444 1687 April 7. Do. Benjamin Hull to Isaack Smalley, both of Piscat away, for a tract on Rariton R., S. E. Samuel Walker, N. W. John Lang staff, S. W. the river, N. E. Edward Slater. 447 1679-80 March 22. Do. Walter Wall and wife Anne to Thomas Snawsel senior, all of Middletown, for a lot of 16 acres therewith a dwell ing house, N. the road, E. John Smith, W. John Wilson senior, S. land not laid out; also 6 acres of meadow on the W. side of Shoal Harbour Neck, betw. John Bowne, James Robertson, William and Whitelock, for merly Benjamin Devell. 445 1681 Oct. 9. Receipt by Thomas Snawsell of a valuable consideration for the preceding from John Pierce. 449 East jersey deeds, etc, liber d. iqq Page 1692 Nov. — . Do. Edward Slater to John Carrington for the books and papers of the County Court and Court of Sessions for Middle sex Co. 450 1677-8 Jan. 1. Promissory Note. Thomas Blackshaw to Thomas Blomfild of Woodbridge for £1.10.7 '" good merchantable tobacco. 450 1672 May 7. Recorded June 1694. Discharge. Nathaniel Kingsland to William Sandford from all obligations, except articles of partnership of June I, 1671. 450 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber E. 1692 Nov. 2. Confirmation to Richard Hartshorn of Midletoun, of 200 acres at Sandle Hook, S. W. grantee, on all other sides the sea, the great est breadth of the tract being 20 chains; also 200 a., N. the. Bay, W. James Boune and Richard Davies, S. Sam. Culver, E. Randall Hewett. 1 1692 Nov. -25. Do. to William Penn of Warminghurst, Essex Co. [England], one of the Proprietors, of 1200 acres at Barnagat along the division line, N. unsurveyed land, E. Dr. Daniel Cox, S. the Bay, W. the partition line; also. lot No. 25 at Wickatunck, 500 acres, N. W. Thomas Cooper and Sir John Gordon, N. E. John Reid and unsurveyed land, S. W. Dr. Cox and Lord Melford's town lot. 2 1692 Nov. 2. Do. to Richard Hartshorn,, in right of Walter Clerk, "late a patentee, now of Rhoade Island and one of the patentees of Nev- ersink,'' of the following lots, vizt: 1, 140 acres in the bounds of Midleton, N. E. grantee, S. W. Daniel Estel and unsurveyed land, E. and N. W. two creeks; 2, 30 a., S. James Ashton, ore the other sides unsurveyed; 3, 20 a., on the S. side of Midletown, E! and W. William Laiton, N. a road, S. Samuel Spicer; 4, one a., E. Richard Stout, W. John Smith, N. the road, S. John Crawford; 5, 10 a. on. the N. side, S. the road, N. Robt -Hamilton, E. Daniel Estel, W. Thomas Whitlock; 6, six a. of meadow at Sholharbour, N. Thomas Whitlock, E. a road, S. John Stout, W. a creek; 7, 60 a., S. Robert Hamilton and Neversinks R., W. James Grover, N. W., N. and N. E. Richard Gardner, William Laiton and others, E. Richard Gardner; 8, 70 a., N. a road along Gibbins' line, adjoining John Craw ford; 9, 100 a., S. W. James Dorset and unsurveyed land, N. W. a cart- road, S. E." Gershom Walley and unsurveyed land, N. E. such land; 10, 50 a., N. John Craford, E. Thomas Whitlock, W. a path, S. unsurveyed ' land; 11, 14 a. of Conescunk meadow, W. James Dorset, N. W. the Bay, E. James Grover, S. Peter Tilton. 3 1692 Sept. 12. Agreement. Nathaniel Fitzrandolf with Joshua Peirce, both of Woodbridge, for the sale by the latter and purchase by the former of two lots on Papiequa Neck, one belonging to grandfather Daniel Peirce, 200 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the other to father Joshua Peirce; also lo a. of the sunken meadow, and 14 a. at the old mill, together with his father's freehold. 5 1692 Dec. 20. Caveat by Nathaniel Fitz-Randolf ¦ against granting to Joshua Peirce a patent for any land formerly belonging to his father, Joshua Peirce, dec'd. 5 1692 Nov. 2. Confirmation to Gavine Drummond, brother to John Drummond, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, holding by purchase from John Drummond of Lundine, one of the Proprietors, 500 acres, — of a lot at Locharbour, Monmouth Co., on Hogswamp Brook, adjoining Robert Drummond and ThomasPotter; a jniece, running from Passage Point or Farr Creek W. as far as the brook goes; the neck betw. Farr Cr. and Campsie Creek; 12 a. of meadow at Locharbour, in all 450 acres. Also 100 a., S. Popular Swamp Brook, E. John Tucker, W. and N. unsurveyed land; 100 a. in the barrens, where William Wooly and W. West mowed their hay; 30 a., S. Sir John Gordon's half townlot in Wickatunck, W. Perth's lot. 5 1690 July 14. Deed. John Reid to Thomas Edward, both of Mon mouth Co., for 100 a. on Manalapan Cr., said Co., W. the creek, N. John Campbell, S. and E. unappropriated land, including half of the meadow across the Indian path from Wemcunck to New Manalapan. 7 1692 May 17. Do. John Wilson, senior, of Midletoune, to his son Peter Wilson, for part of his farm 130 a., S. E. Edward Smith, N. W. John Rockman, S. upland; 9 a. of meadow, E. John Bowne, N. the beach, S. upland. 7 1692 Dec. 24. Do. John Wilson, junior, of Midletoun, smith, and wife Hanna to his father, John Wilson, senior, for a townlot of 6! a., E. grantee, S. W. John Ruckman, N. the road; also an outlot of g a., S. Thomas Whitelock, W. Mohoris Brook, E. and N. said Ruckman. 8 1691-2 Jan. 15. Will of Ann Chamberline of Shrewsberry, widow of Hendry Chamberlin. Son John Chamberlin, brothers Robert (?) and Joseph (?). Real and personal estate. Executors — brothers Joseph West and Nathaniel Cammock. Witnesses — Sarah Reape, Mary Williams, Edward Williams, Thomas Webley. Proved January 25, 1691-2. 9 1692 Dec. 29. Letters testimoniall with preceding will annexed, issued lo Joseph West of Shrewsberry, the other executor named refusing to act. 10 1692 Nov. 23. Letters of administration on the estate of Jean Hanke- son of Perth Amboy, dec'd., issued to Benjamin Griffith of the same place. io 1692 Nov. 29. Do. Do. on the estate of William Newman of Mid dlesex Co., carpenter, dec'd., issued to Jabish Hendricks of Piscat away. I0 1 Testamentary. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 201 Page 7684 March 27. Acknowledgment by Robert Burnet of Lethentie, that he owes to James Willocks, senior, M. D., in Kemny, two shares of East Jersey. 11 1692 Dec. 10. Appointment of guardians for Samuel Hooten of Shrewsberry, a lunatic. (See supra, Liber D., p. 372). II 1692 Nov. 2. Confirmation to Robert Drummond, nephew of Gavine Drummond, of Locharbor, in right of headland for himself, John Gibb and James Chighton, of 90 acres at Locharbor, Monmouth Co., S. the Hogswamp Brook, W. Thomas Potter, N. Popular Swamp Brook, E. Sam uel White. 12 1692 Nov. 2. Do. to Thomas Barker, of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, of 2750 acres in Middlesex Co., S. and W. Milston River, N. and E. unsurveyed rock; 600 acres at Barnagat, N. Walter Benthal, E. the Bay, S. Clement Plumsted, W. unappropriated land; a townlot in Perth Amboy, 1 by 10 chains, E. Water St., N. George Willoks, W. High St., S. unappropriated lots. 12 1688 Dec. 18. Surrender by Walter Clark, of Newport, R. I., to Rich ard Hartshorne, of Shrewsberry, of his claim, etc., to 500 acres, patented to him in East Jersey. 13 1692 Oct. 31. Deed. John Bowne, of Midletoun, owner of 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, to Edward Wooly, late of Shrewsberry, now of Rhod Island, for 60 acres of upland and meadow at Barnagat. 13 1692 Oct. 3(?) Do. James Willoks of Kemney, Scotland, Doctor of phisick, by his attorney, George Willoks of Amboy Perth, to William- Thomson of Amboy, carpenter, for 4 acres in Amboy Perth, 10 by 4 ch., E. the S-jund, N. John Campbell, W. David Falconar, S. Robert Ful lerton. 14 1692 April 6. -Do. Thomas Cooper of London, merchant, to Thomas Boells of Monmouth Co., for 250 acres at Buds Hill, Wickatunck, said Co., half of lot No. 24, S. the road, E. Sir John Gordon, W. the same, Lochyell and Milfoord, N. unappropriated land. 14 1687 April 15. Do. Thomas Parker, of Staten Island, to John Fitz randolph, of Piscataway, for 60 acres, W. John Blumfield, E. the road along William Campton's, S. the old Piscataway-Woodbridge road, N. townlands; also 15 a. of meadow adjoining the first; all. derived from father Elisha Parker by deed of gift. 15 1692 Oct. 18. Do. James Emott of N. Y. City to William and John Cramer of Elizabethtoun, for 40 acres at the Two Miles Brook, Essex Co., N., S. and E. unsurveyed land, W. said brook. 16 1688 May 1. Power of attorney. Andrew Galloway of Aberdeen, Scotland, merchant, to Jchn Barclay, second son of Colonel David Bar clay of Urie, as "actor, factor, commissioner and special errand bearer," in East Jersey. 17 202 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690 Sept. 4. Deed. George Keith, of Philadelphia, to Peter Son mans, late of East Jersey, for 150 acres of upland in Middlesex Co., N. and E. John Craige, S. unsurveyed land, W. Thomas Rudyard; a piece of meadow, adjoining the first, N. Rariton R., E. John Craig and the up land, S. the same upland, W. Thos. Rudyard. 17 1687 Nov. 30. Do. Edward Slater of Piscataway, and wife Elizabeth, to La Flower alias Renipiatt, for 200 acres in Piscataway, in the rear of grantee, John Pond, Benjamin Hull and John Langstaf. 18 l6gl Dec. 11. Do. Thomas Cramer to his brother William Cramer, both of Elizabethtown, for the N. W. half of 80 acres on the Two Miles Brook; and one half of the meadow at Peter Moss Neck, the other half be ing in possession of Samuel Oliver. 19 1690 March 29. Deed of gift. Same to same, of a piece of meadow near Rahaway, to end "all differences . . . concerning what our father left us." ig 1688 Sept. 7. Deed. Francis Jeffreys of Shrewsberry to William West of the same place, for £ of 1-64, bo't of Robert Turner's J of Thomas Rudyard's 1-12 share of East Jersey. 20 1692-3 Jan. 20. Letters testimonial with the will of Jacob Coale, late of Shrewsberry, dec'd. (see Liber D. p. 17), issued to the executors named, vizt: William Shattock and George Curtis. 21 l6g2 Sept. 7. Satisfaction of mortgage, given by James Edwards on his land at Toponemus to James Johnstone. 22 1692-3 Jan. 18. Confirmation to Doctor William Robiesone, holding by purchase from Robert Lethentie J of 1-48 share, of 550 acres, S. Peter Sunmaus, W. unsurveyed land, N. William Watson's path, E. Anthony Woodworth. 22 1691 Oct. 13. Power of attorney. John Fulertoun of Angus County, Scotland, to his brother Thomas Fulertoun, late of N. Y., now of the Island of Barbados, to settle the estate of their deceased brother Robert Fulertoun of N. Y., who died January 1687. 23 1690 Nov. 18. Do. Do. George Bollen to his brother James Bollen, to act as land agent. 24 1692-3 Jan. 19. Confirmation to William Lawrence of Monmouth Co., holding by purchase 1-20 of 1-24 share, of 78 acres in said Co., S. of Man asquan R., N. John Hance, S. Ephraim Allen, E. the sea, W. aroad; 5 a. close by the S. side of said river; 78 a., N. and S. Richard Hartshorne; 39 a., E., W. and N. said Hartshorne, S. Judah Allen; 180 a. on N. side of Manasquan R., S. W. Richard Hartshorn, N. E. Joseph West, S. E. the river, N. W. the road; 60 a., S. E. and N. W. as the preceding lot, S. W. Richd Hartshorne, N. E. the sea, N. W. the road, N. E. the plain. 24 1692-3 Feb. 4. Do. to Thomas Hart of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, of the following, vizt: 1, 875 acres in EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 203 Page Middlesex Co., S. W. Milston Brook, N. W. Thomas Barker, N. E. Cran berry Brook, S. E. unsurveyed laiid; 2, 105 a. on the beach of Little Egg Harbour, E. the sea, N. the old opening or mouth of Barnagate, W. the main channel of the Bay, including the islands, S. unsurveyed land. 25 1692-3 Feb. 6. Do. to the same, of: I, 3000 a. in Middlesex Co., N. Assandpinck Cr., E. Chestnut Brook and Augusline Gordon,. S. John Baker and Cattaile Brook, W. Cattaile Brook: 1200 a. at Cedar Creek, Barnagate, S. the creek, E. the Bay, N. Robt Barclay, W. unsurveyed land. 26 1692-3 Jan. 17. Do. to Jonathan Marsh of Newport, R. I., holding by purchase from Robert Turner, late of Dublin, Ireland, -1-16 of 1-24 share, of a tract in Monmouth Co., S. E. the Marsh Brook and Job Throgmor ton, E. Manasquan R. and unsurveyed land, N. W. and S. W. such land; 624 a., N. of the first tract, 80 a. at Barnagate, S. Matetkunck River, E. the'Bay, N. John Hance, W. unsurveyed land. 27 1692-3 Feb. 6. Do. to Clement Plumstead of London, one df the Proprietors, as part of his share, of 2250 acres in Middlesex Co., E. Thomas Cooper, S. Milston River and unsurveyed land, W. Walter Ben thall, N. unsurveyed land; 600 a. at Barnagate, on Midle Creek, N. Thomas Barker, E. the Bay, S. Thomas Couper, W. unsurveyed land; a town lot in Perth Amboy, 1 by 10 chains, E. Water St., N. Thos. Cooper, W. High St., S. George Willoks. 27 1692-3 Feb. 6. Do. to Walter Benthall of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, — of 2750 acres in Middlesex Co., on Milston R. and Rock Brook, E. Clement Plumstead, W. and N. unsur veyed Jand; 600 a. at Barnagate, N. Cedar Creek, E. the Bay, S. Thomas . Barker, W. unsurveyed Id.; a town lot in Perth Amboy, I by 10 ch., E. Water St., N. a street along Thomas Gordon's lot, W. High St., S. Thomas Cooper. 28 1692-3 Feb. 6. Do. to Thomas Cooper of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, etc., as before — of 2,250 a. in Middlesex Co., S. Milston R., E. Robert Barclay, W. Clement Plumstead, N. unsurveyed land; 600 a. at Barnagate, N. Clement Plumstead, E. the Bay, S. Thomas Warne, W. unsurveyed land; a town lot in Perth Amboy, I by 10 chains, E. Water St., N. Walter Benthall, W. High St., S. Col. Plumstead. 29 1692-3 Jan. 13. Do. to Edward Wooly, late of Shrewsberry, now of R I., in right of John Bowne for 1-20 share — of 60 acres on Barnagate beach, E. the sea, W. the Bay, S. Nicholas Broune, N. unsurveyed .land. 30 1692-3 Jan. 17. Do. to John Lainge of Middlesex Co., in right of headland for Arthur Simson, John Broun, William Davidson and John Mc- ""Kenzie, — of. 100 acres in said Co., N. John Barclay, W. the Bound Brook, S. William Frost. 30 204 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1692-3 Jan. 14. Do. to William Ridfoord of Middlesex Co., as head land for himself, wife and seven children, — of 150 acres, in Essex Co., N. the Elizabeth Town Brook, W. John Pearce and John Hume, E. Benja: min Wade and unsurveyed land, S. unsurveyed land; also 100 a. at the head of Chesquacks Creek, S. E. said creek, N. E. Thomas Lawrie, N. W. and S. W. unsurveyed land. 31 1692-3 Jan. 13. Do. to Edward Taylor of Midleton for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. William Compton, S. and W. John Smith, E. grantee. 32 l6g2-3 Jan. 13. Do. to Nathaniel Slocume of Shrewsberry, of Ig3 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Passaquenecqua Creek, W. Thomas Cooper, S. Saml Dennes, N William Scott; also 7 a. of the great meadow, W. Thomas Hewlet, E. Wm Scott, S. and N. upland. 33 l6g2~3 Jan. 13. Do. to William Frost of Perth Amboy, carpenter, as head land for himself, wife and two children, 100 acres in Middlesex Co., E. Woodbridge pretended line, S. unsurveyed land, W. the Bound Brook, N. W. John Laing. 33 i6g3 April 12. Deed. Matthew Giles of Piscatuay as administrator of the estate of Major James Giles of the same place, to John Peterson Melot of Perth Amboy, blacksmith, for all the real property of said James Giles in Piscatway, 180 acres, as per patent of January 6, t68l; and 100 a. there, N. Matthew Giles, S. Benjamin Clerk, E. unappropriated land. (Side patent of April 25, 1688, Liber B, p. 375, supra.) 34 l6g2~3 March 11. General p6wer of attorney, William Robertson of Elizabeth Town, M. D., to Benjamin Griffith of Woodbridge. 35 i6g2 June 8. Deed. George .Bollen, late of N. Y. City, mariner, by his brother and attorney Jaines Bollen, to Samuel Dennes of Woodbridge, for several lots, vizt: 1, a house lot of II acres, S. and E. the roads to, Strawberry Hill and Piscataway, W. Thos. Blumfeild junior, dec'd., now grantee, N. grantee, formerly Hopewell Hull; 2, 8 acres of meadow on W. side of Papiack Creek, W. the next lot of 20 a., N. a "creek, E. Papiack Cr., S. Ephraim Andrews; 3, 20 a., adjoining the last; 4, 30 a., E. Eph raim Andrews. 36 i6g2 June 8. Do. James Bollen of Midletoun, carpenter, to Samuel Dennes of Woodbridge, for all his estate, right, etc., in and to the fore going. 37 i6go March 28. Do. Thomas Collier and Elizabeth, widow of Moses Collier, to Samuel Dennes, for a piece of meadow in Woodbridge, N. and W. Robert Vakland or Vauquillin, E. the Sound, S. Huegh Dun. 38 i67g June ig. Do. William Bingly of Woodbridge to Samuel Dennes of the same place, for 5 acres of the sunken meadow, S. Robert Deunes, W. small, creeks, N. and E. a greater creek. 39 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 205 Page 1689-90 March 20. Do. Peter Sonmans, late of Amboy, by his at torney, Miles Forster of N. Y., to Thomas Boell of Monmouth Co., for 478 acres in Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., N. the intended highway, W. Robert Barclay, E. Thomas Hart, S. unappropriated land. 39 1692 Nov. 2. Do. Gaven Drummond of Locharbor, Monmouth Co., to Thomas Boell of Wickatunck, for 30 acres there, E. Sir John Gordon, W. Earl of Perth. 40 1692 Dec. 17. Warrant. John Barclay to John Reid for the survey ing of land, etc. 40 1694 July 13. Letters testimonial with the will of Lawrence Andrise and wife Jannetig Jans (supra D. 366), issued to Andrise Lawrance. 41, 1693 July 13. Do. Do. with the will of Hopwell Hull (supra D. 374), issued to his executrix Mary Hull. 41 1693 May 18. Will of Dr. William Robleson (Robertson). Wife Margaret, children — Ann Wynnings, William, Elizabeth, Mary. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and Benjamin Griffith. Witnesses — John Barclay, James Walker, John Luefbourrow. Proved June 3, 1693. 41 1693 July 20. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the executors named. 42 1687 Dec. 12. Deed. John French of Staten Island, mason, to Peter Dassigny of Woodbridge, surgeon, for half a lot betw. Abraham Coole and Claese Smith on Staten Island. , 42 1687 Dec. 12. Consent of Susanna, wife of John French, to the pre ceding conveyance. 43 1687 Dec. 12. Power of attorney. Same to same for the management of his affairs on Staten Island. 43 Draft of will by Daniel Peirce, senior, of Woodbridge, dis posing of real and personal property to his daughter and her children, to which the son, Capt. Daniel Peirc, gives his consent September 29, 1681. 44 1691 Oct. 23. Power of. attorney. Dorothy Light of Portsmouth, N. H., formerly widow of Joshua Peirce of Woodbridge, N. J., and Sarah Peirce, their daughter, to son and brother Joshua Peirce, now bound upon a voyage to Woodbridge, to settle the estate of the deceased. 44 1693 May 16. Confirmation to William Penn, of Warminghurst, Essex Co., one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, — of the following lots: I, 5500 acres in Middlesex Co., W. the partition line, N. Peter Sonmans, E. and S. Hendry Greenland, Milston R., Stony Brook, Dr. John Gordon, . Daniel Brimson and the road from Rariton to the falls of the Delaware; 2, 4,000 a. in Ihe same Co., S. W. Assanpink Creek, W. the-partition line, N. W. Thomas Warn, N Stony Brook, E. Milstone R., S. E. unappropri- 2o6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ated land; 3, 25 acres in the bounds of Perth Amboy, S. E. Thomas Bai-ker, S. W. the Piscataway-Woodbridge road, N. W. and N. E. land not laid out; 4, a town lot, 8 ch. by 6 rods, E. Water St., W. High St., N. E. Thomas Barker, S., W. unappropriated lots. 45 1693 Aug. 28. Patent to Isaac Whitehead, of Elizabethtown, for the following lots : I, 64 acres in Essex Co., S. George Jewell, W. the Mill Creek, N. Jonathan Ogden, E. John Ogden; 2, a houselot, 4 by loch., N., S. and W. roads, E. Isaac Whitehead, dec'd. : 3, another houselot, 4 by 15 ch., S. the road, W. and N. Isaac Whitehead, dec'd., E. Thomas Price; 4, a piece of the great meadow, S. the Sloping Creek, E. John Toe, N. Joseph Ogden, W. unsurveyed meadow; 5, a piece, W. John Wood- roffe, S. and E. a small creek, N. a road; 6, another piece, E. unsurveyed meadow, S. a small creek, N. and W. Oyster Creek; 7, a piece, S. Joseph Ogden, W. and N. unsurveyed meadow, E. Oyster Creek; in all, 100 acres. 46 1693 Aug. 16. Confirmation to David Mudie of Perth Amboy, of a lot in Monmouth Co., along Rudyard's Wickatunck lot, also the bog and fly at the head of a branch of Deep Brook, from the S. corner of John Reid up to Matchiponis path; in all, 500 acres. 48 1693 Aug. 17. Deed. David Mudie to John Reid of Hortencie for the preceding 500 a. 49 1693 Aug. 16. Confirmation to Govr Andrew Hamilton, as 2d dividend of his share, of 500 acres in Middlesex Co. on Milston R., S. of, the mouth of Rockie Brook. 49 1693 Aug. 17. Deed. Andrew Hamilton to John Reid for the fore going 500 a. 50 1693 July 28. Confirmation to John Barclay of Plainfield, for the fol lowing lots: 1, a lot on Assanpink R., along John Bambridge; 2, 3 acres on Shrewsberry R., adjoining John Chambers; 3, 15 a. in Wickatunck, N. W. Benthall, E. Thomas Hart, S. Cox's, W. Burnet's land; 4, 7 a. S. the road, W. Barker's, N. Lochiell's, E. Mudie's land; 5, a slip, 2^ chains wide, betw. John Reid, Wm Penn and Gordon; 6, 40 a., N. W. of W. Penn's small lot; 7, a lot, W. of W. Penn's land at Toponemus, bought of Alexr Neiper; in all, 500 a. 50 1693 July 2g. Deed. John Barclay to John Reid, for the jneceding 500 a. except the 3 a. on Shrewsbury R. 52 i6g3 July 24. Confirmation to Joseph Throgmorton, son and heir of John Throgmorton of Midleton dec'd., of: 1, 137 acres, W. Milston Brook, S. E. Abraham Broun and unsurveyed land; 2, 9 a. at Weykick, W. the beach, N. William Laylon, S. and E. John Crawford; 3, 9 a. in two pieces, one at the mouth of Shoell Harbour Creek, N. the beach and a small island, W. John Smith, S. Thomas Morford, E. the creek, the other adjoining the upland, E. a road, N. John Smith, W. a meadow, for- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER E. 207 merly Richard Sadler's, S. the upland; 4, 18 a. on Shoell Harbour Neck, N. Daniel Estall, W. upland, S. WilUam Lawrence, E. Compton's Creek. 5, a poplar lot of g a., S. the road, W. Richard Hartshorne, N. Richard Sadler, E. James Grover; 6, another" poplar lot, N. a road, W. Benj. Devill, E. Richard Stout senior, S. William Layton; 7, still another pop lar lot, N. and E. a road, W. Richd Stout senior, S. Wm Layton; in all 200 a. 52 1693 Oct. 20. Do. to Peter Sonmans, of London, merchant, one of. the Proprietors, in right of himself, his deceased father Arent Sonmans, his mother Frances Sonmans and his sisters Johanna and Rachel, holding together 5A shares of the Province, — of their full proportion of the first allotment of 10,000 acres to the share: I, 23,000 a. in Middlesex Co., betw. Milston and Rariton R., the jjartition line, Wm Penn, Henry Greenland, Walter Benthall and Daniel Hooper; 2, 15,600 a. in the same Co., on both sides of Lawrance's Creek. 53 1693 Oct. 26. Do. to Thomas Foulerton of the Island of Barbados, in his own right and that of his brother Robert, dec'd., of 550 acres in Mid dlesex Co., betw. Milston R., Rockie Brook and Grape Brook; 120 a. at Barnagate, incl. Little Cedar Island, adjoining the North Cape of Fishing Creek. 54 1684-5 Feb. 24. Recorded Oct. 13, 1693. Deed. Eliakim Higgins of Piscataway tb Robert Fulerton of Middlesex Co., for 104 a. in Piscat away Township, S. E. Benajah Dounham, N. W. a small brook and Sam uel Dotey, N. E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Rariton R. 56 i6g3 Oct. 24. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Winder dec'd., intestate, granted to his brother Charles Winder of the Island of Antego (Antigua). 57 i6g3 Sept. 1. Patent to William Binglay of Woodbridge, for: 1, 30 acres there, E. and S. two creeks, N. Samuel Bacon, unsurveyed land and Thomas Thorp, W. Samuel Bacon; 2, a lot, E. Jonathan Dennes, S. Thomas Thorp, W. and N. unsurveyed land; 3, a small lot, surrounded by unsurveyed land; 4, a lot on Rariton R., S. the meadows, W. Richard Powell, E, and N. unsurveyed; 5, 12 a. of meadow, S.,tbe Sound, E. and W. Daniel Robins, N. grantee; 6, 4 a., S. Daniel Robins, E. and N. a creek, W. grantee; 7, 5 a., being two small islands, in the creeks; in all 166 a. 57 1693 May 26. Do. to George March of Newberry, New England, for: 1, a lot, S. E. the Mill Brook of Raway R., S. W. Robert Wright, E. and N. W. unsurveyed land; 2, 4 acres of meadow, S. E. Papynck Cr., S. W, Michael White, N. W. and N. E. the Commons; 3, 2 acres, N. Raway R, E. Robert Wright, S. Michael White, W. Hendry Jacques; 4,6 a., W. a creek and Michael White, N. Robert Wright, E. the river, S. a creek and, Hendry Jacques; in all 90 a. 59 208 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1692 May 31. Power of attorney. Cornet George March, senior, of Newberry, Essex Co., New England, to Captain John Bishop of Wood- bridge, N. J., as land agent. 60 1693 May 7. Patent to Dr. Henry Greenland of Milston River, for 400 acres in Middlesex Co., S. E. said river, on all other sides unsur veyed. 61 1693 Nov. 1. Confirmation to John Mollieson of Piscataway, as head land for his wife Sarah, her father Simond Howell and her brother John Howell, who came into the Province in 1683, — of 100 acres in Middlesex Co., E. Robert Burnet, N. the Bound Brook, S. and W. unsurveyed land. 62 1693 Oct. 23. Patent to Jacob Tryax of Midleton, for 240 a. there, N. William Merrill, E. a road, W. John Morfit and George Job, S. unappro- rniated land. 63 1690 Aug. 30. Deed. Richard Stout senior and wife Penlope to their son Benjamin Stout, all of Midleton, for a plantation at Romanis or Hop River, S. W. said river, N. W. David Stout, N. E. Wilson's, S. E. Peter Stout's land; also 6| a. of meadow at Conesconk. 64 - 1693 Dec. 15. Patent to Nicholas Broun of Shrewsberry for: 1, 150 acres on Ramson's Neck in said township, E. John Worthley, W. and N. roads, S. a small creek, to stand for 141 a.; 2, a lot on the-W. side of Long Branch path, N. and W. Jedidiah Allen, S. widow Eatton; 3, a tri angle piece of meadow, near the head of South River, N. a road, E. and W. said river; two necks on Mill Creek, adjoining Jacob Coole, 5 a.; 4, 2 a. of meadow at Goose Neck, W. Ephraim Allin, S. a small creek, N. Shrewsberry R., E. John Worthley; 5, 2\ a. of meadow on Racoon Neck, E. Francis Burden, W. Peter Tilton, S. Racoon Island, N. Shrewsberry R. ; in all 200 a. 66 1693 July 26. Confirmation to Robert Rea of Monmouth Co., carpen ter, in right of George Keith, who bought the headlands of James Murray and wife and Richard Hogskins, — of 60 acres in said Co., S. James John ston's South Brook, E. grantee, N. barrens, W. James Johnston; .30 a., W. James Johnston, N. John Campbell, E. and S. the Middle Brook. 68 1693 May 18. 'Do. to Jonathan Holmes of Midleton, in right of 1-40 share, of 240 acres at Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., N. E. John Smith, S. W. unsurveyed land, S. E. pines and unsurveyed land, N. W. Joseph Throgmorton and Joseph Grover; 30 a. at Barnagate, S. Hanna Grover, E. the Bay, N. Benj. Burdein, W. unsurveyed. 69 1693 July 24. Patent to Margaret, widow of Thomas Leeds of Shrews berry, for 3 acres at Rumson's Neck, E. Shrewsberry R., S. Jedidiah Allen, W. a cart road, N. Hannah Joyes. 70 1693 Dec. 22. Letters of administration on the estate of John Eddridge of Elizabethtoun dec'd. intestate, issued Abraham du Peyster of N. Y. 71 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 209 Page l6g3 Oct. 20. Patent to Robert Wright of Woodbridge for: 1, a lot in Middlesex Co., E. John Bishop, S. and W. Jonathan Bishop; 2, a lot, S. E. the Mile Brook, S. W. Jonathan Haines, N. W. unsurveyed, N. E. George March; 3, 12 a. of meadow, W. George March, N. Raway R., E. a creek and unsurveyed meadow, S. George March and Michael White; in all 86 a. 72 l6g3 July 20. Do. to Benjamin Griffith of Perth Amboy, merchant, for a lot there, 1 by 10 chains, N. grantee's lot, bo't of George Allen, E. High St., S. James Emott, W. Back St. 73 1692-3 Feb. 13. Deed. Benjamin Rudyard of the Parish of St. Michaels, Island of Barbados, son and heir of Thomas Rudyard dec'd., to George Willoks of the same place, husband of Margaret, sister of grantor, for all his father's property in East and West Jersey. 73 1692-3 Jan. 23. Recorded Nov. 16, 1693. Do. Joseph Wilson and wife Hannah to John Lyon, all of Elizabethtoun, for 3 acres there, E. the roadl S. and W. grantor, N. grantor's house lot, formerly Benj. Homan's. 75 1691 Nov. 16. Do. Isaac Whitehead and wife Abigail to John Lyon, both of Elizabethtoun, for 20 a. on the Long Neck there, S. formerly Rob ert Bond and Benj. Price senior, E. Nicholas Carter, N. Hendry Lyons, W. a road. 77 1693 July 22. Do. Charles Haynes of Lewis, Sussex Co., Pennsyl vania, surgeon, to Edward Taylor of Midletoun, husbandman, for 150 acres, part of a patent of 220 a. in Midletoun Township and sold to said Taylor March 17, 1677. 78 i6g3 Oct. 24. Letters of administration on the estate of John Baker of Monmouth Co. deceased intestate, granted to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy. 7g 1693 Nov. 7. Nuncupative Will of Joseph Frasey junior. Brothers Edward, William and three younger ones, sister Mary. Real and per sonal estate. Witnesses Mary Bishop and Francis Moore. Proved the same day. 80 1693 Dec. 21. Letters testimonial on the preceding will, issued to Joseph Frasey senior of Elizabeth Town. 80 l6g3~4 Jan. 1. Letters of administration on the estate of Nathaniel Wolcot, dec'd intestate, granted to Edward Williams of Shrewsberry. 80 . i6g3-4 Jan. 18. Do. Do. on the estate of Lord Neil Campbell, dec'd intestate, granted to James Dundas of Perth Amboy. 81 1689 March 26. Will of Simon Rouse. Wife sole heiress, Frances Moore after her death. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Thomas Mullinex, Issabell More, Joseph Hart, John Bishop. Proved at Philadel phia June 8, 1693. 81 ' 15 2IO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page l6g3~4 Jan. 22. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to John Bishop of Raway. 82 i6g2-3 Feb. 17. Deed. Dr. William Robertsone to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for his right, title, etc., in and to 4 acres in said town as being ^ of a share. 83 1686 July 13. Do. Andrew Alexander, attorney for John and George Alexander, to Thomas Gordon, for one share of the land in Perth Amboy, the town lots excepted, in right of one 16th share there or 1-24 share of the Province, 2 a. 83 1686-7 Fet' IO- Deed. Richard Powell of Woodbridge to Marma- duke Potter of Staten Island, for his farm in Woodbridge, 115 a. of up land and 30J a. of meadow, bo't of Philipp Carteret, W. the town line, N. land in common, E. Richard Worth, S. Captain Francis Drake. 83 i6g2 April 18. Bill of Sale. John Palmer of N. Y. to Andrew Ham ilton of East Jersey, for a negro man slave, woman slave and an Indian girl. 84 1680 June 28. Deed. Richard Powell to Richard Worth, both of Woodbridge, for 100 acres there, S. the meadow, E. Goodman Algers, N. the Commons, W. grantor. 84 i6g3 Nov. g. Do. Same to John Worth, son of Richard Worth dec'd., confirming the preceding. 85 1688 Nov. 6. Lease. Samuel Winder of- Cheisquacks to William Richardson, late of Rariton, for his plantation at Cheesquacks, Monmouth Co. 85 1693-4 Jan. 2g. Power of attorney. Peeter Dassigny, late of Wood- bridge, surgeon, to Jeane Evins of the same place, as general agent. 87 1685 Dec. 7. New York. Will of Thomas Rudyard, about to sail to Barbados and Jamaica. Wife, sons John, Benjamin, daughters Ann, wife of John West, Margaret, wife of Samuel Winder; Thomas Fullerton, ser vant Hannah Beamont. Real estate at Rudyard Town, Staffordshire, and in Jersey, jnersonal property. Executors — Capt. Andrew Boone and the sons- in-law for N. Y. and N. J., Thomas Fullerton and Hannah Beamont for West Indies and England. Witnesses — John Delavall, John White, John Royse. Proved in Pennsylvania May 15, i6g3. 87 1692-3 Feb. 24. Quitclaim. John Morris of Newark, son and heir proper in law of John Morris dec'd, to his brother Philipp Morris of New ark, for all property devised by their mother Elizabeth Morris. 89 1694 March 25. Letters of administration on the estate of Philipp Morris, dec'd, intestate, granted to his widow Johanna. 89 1690 June 30. Recorded April 26, 1694. Power of attorney. Samuel Edsall of Newtown, L. I., and Andrew Gibb of Quonettquott, Suffolk Co,, L I., to James Armour of N. Y. City, merchant, to collect debts in N. J. 89 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 211 Page 1693-4 March 17. Recorded May 4, 1694. Deed. John Tailler of Woodbridge, blacksmith, to Isaac Walker of the same place, for 81 acres of upland and meadow, the upland, 66a., at Langstaffs Farm or Plain, betw. John Watkins and the Piscataway road; 15 acres of Rariton meadow, N. land in common, S. Mr. Vauquelline, W. David Markany and upland, E. Stephen Kentt senior. 90 1692 June 29. Do. George Drake and wife Mary of Piscataway to Samuel Walker of Boston, New England, merchant, for a houselot in Piscataway, 25 a., as patented to Capt. Francis Drake July 30, 1678, N. E. and E. roads, S. Mrs. Higgins, W. S. W. a small brook, N. W. the " trayneing place " and unsurveyed land. . gi 1693 May 16. _ Confirmation to William Dockwra of London, mer chant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, vizt: I, 3000 acres in Essex Co., N. the Passaick R., S., E. and W. unsurveyed; 3000 a. in Middlesex Co., W. Chestnut Brook, unsurveyed on all other sides; 3, 1200 a. at Barnagat, N. E. Robert Burnet and IheGreat Bay, S. E. Clam Bay, S. W. Lord Neil Campbell, N. W. unsurveyed; 4, 106 a. at Barna gat, on the beach of Little Egge Harbour, S. Augustine Gordon, W. the main channel of Barnagat Bay, N. Thomas Hart, E. the sea. 93 1693 July 25. Do. to Thomas Webley of Shrewsbury, in right of Stephen and Awdry West, of 120 acres on the North branch of Manasquan R, N. W. Stephen West and unsurveyed land, on all other sides unsur veyed. 94 1693 July 26. Do. to Thomas Higgins of Piscataway, of 27 acres in Middlesex Co., N. Edmund Dunham and. unsurveyed land, W. such land, E. and S. grantee and unsurveyed land; 73 a., S. Hopewell Hull, W. Charles Gilman, N. Alexander Adams; 3 a. of meadow at Governour's Spring, N. upland, E. Woodbridge line, S. the rear of several' lots, W. Samuel Walker. 95 1693 July 26. Patent to Samuel Leonard of Colts Neck, Monmouth Co., for: 1, 160 acres there, N. and W. Sawmill Brook, E. grantee's father, S. a sm£ll brook and grantee; 2, 170 a.,, S. barren land, W. Robert Barclay, N. a small run, E. grantee; 3, 6 a. of boggy meadow al the head of Mine Brook, on the S. side of his brother Henrie; 4, 4 a. of such meadow on the E. side of Rockie Hill, on the S. side of grantee; 5, 6 a. of meadow at the S. end of Cedar Swamp, S. of grantee; in all 346 a. 97 1693 Aug. 14. Do. to Joshua Peirce of Woodbridge, in right of his deceased father Joshua Peirce, for: I, a lot on Papiack Neck, E. the creek, S. Thomas Rudyard, W. the road, N. Daniel Peirce; 2, a lot, E. the creek, S. Daniel Peirce, W. the road, N. unsurveyed; 3, 10 a. of meadow in two pieces, one surrounded by creeks and five chains of upland on the N., the other bounded E. by a creek and Samuel Bacon, S. by the Sound, W. and N. the great creek; in all 30 a. 99 1693 Sept. 26. Confirmation to John Cockburn of Newark, mason, as 212 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page head land for himself, of 30 acres in Essex Co., N. E. the Second R., N. W. unsurveyed, S. W. Samuel Willis, S. E. Jabesh Rogers. 101 1693 Oct. 7. Deed. John Cockburn to Garret Dykin and Jasper Mis- pat of N. Y. for the preceding 30 a. 102 1693-4 March I. Patent to George Jewel of Elisabeth Town, for: I, a lot in the bounds of Elisabeth, S. grantee and unsurveyed land, E. Henry Daker and unsurveyed land; N. unsurveyed, W. Nathaniel Bunel and unsurveyed land; 2, a lot S. the Woodbridge road, W. Robert White, N. John Toe, E. Roger Lambert; 3, a piece of the great meadow, S. Ben jamin Price junior, W. upland, N. and E. unsurveyed meadow; 4, a piece of meadow, S. a road, N. and E. Elizabeth Town Creek; in all 200 acres. ^ 103 1693-4 March 15. Do. to John Curtis of Newark, for: I, 6 acres there, N. Stephen Freeman, S. John Baldwin, W. a road, E. the town swamp; 2, 5 a. in the Little Neck, W. a road, S. Robert Kitchel, E. Thomas Richards, N. Thomas Person; 3, 6£ a., within the Great Neck- gate, W. the Commons, S. and N. roads, E. Thomas Huntingtoune; 4, 30 a. beyond the Two Miles Brook, E. Nathaniel Wheeler and said brook, N. and W. unsurveyed, S. John Brown junior; 5, 5^- a. of meadow, N. John Wood senior, E. the Bay, S. Samuel Plum, W. a road; 6, 4 a. of the salt meadow, E. Robert Treat and a pond, S. and W. the great pond at the head of Morrik's Creek, N. Robert Kitchel and John Baldwin junior; 7, 6 a. at the bottom of the great swamp, E. widow Ward, N. John Brown, W. and S. Thomas Richards; 8, a lot, 20 by 20 chains, E. Raway R., W. Samuel Freeman, N. Samuel Swain, S. unsurveyed land; 9, 7 a. of meadow, E. the Bay, N. Morris Cr., W. John Baldwin senior, S. Nathaniel Ward, in all 100 a.; also as allowance for highways, to be taken out of his land, 10 a. of swainp in L shape, W. Thomas Richards, S. John Craine and Pawell (?) Day, E. Thomas Peirson, Daniel and Samuel Dode, Benja min Baldwine, N. John Morris and John Craine. 105 1694 May 16. Do. to Cornelius Roulifson of Hackquickanon, Essex Co., in right of John Curtis, for 60 acres in said Co., E., S. and W. a brook, N. E. the line betw. Newark and Hackquickenon. 107 1694 May 16. Do. to Samuel Walker of Piscataway, merchant, for a lot there, S. the meadows, E. Woodbridge line, W. the Mill Brook, N. unsurveyed; a lot betw. the road on the S. W. and said brook on the E. ; in all 120 acres. 108 1694 May 17. Do. to John Loofbourrow of Woodbridge, miller, in right of Joshua Peirce, for 60 acres there, W. the township line, S. E. un surveyed land, N. the Mill Brook and unsurveyed land; 60 a. near Dismal Swamp, E. Archibald Riddel, N., S. and W. unsurveyed; 25 a. of meadow, N. upland and swamp, E. Daniel Peirce, now Tho. Noys (?), S. John Blumfield and John Pine. » no 1694 May 19. Do. to Francis Jackson of Shrewsbury, in right of EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 213 Page Edward Thurston and Hugh Dickman, for a lot there"*betw. Thomas Huet, Shrewsbury and Neversinks Rivers; a piece of the great meadow betw. said Huet, William Sh'attock and Ephraim Allen; 2 acres of meadow with a small hamock on Rackoon Island, S. W. the meadow, bo't by grantee of Edward Williams, N. W. Norwaticonk River; in all 90 acres. 112 1694 May 21. Do. to Thomas Huet of Shrewsbury, in right of Rich ard Lippincott and Hugh Dickman, for 130 acres iu said township, betw. Francis Jackson, William Shattock, John Hance, Ephraim Allen and the two rivers. 113 1694 May 22. Confirmation to John Smith of Middletown, as part of his share in the Province, of 240 acres in Monmouth Co., along Burling- town path, N. E. John Throckmorton, N. W. Joseph Throckmorton, S. W. Jonathan Holmes, S. E. pines and-unsurveyed land. 115 1694 May 17. Patent to John Curtis of Newark, for the following tracts in Essex Co., vizt: 1, a lot, 20 by 20 chains, on the W. side of Par vus Brook, S. and E. roads, W. and N. unsurveyed; 2, a piece of meadow, ¦ 3 by 10 ch., W. Ebenezer Camfield, S. John Cockburn, E. a pond, N. other lots, in all 40 acres; 3, a lot, S. Skipper Hendrickson, E. Tunis Johnson and Samuel Harrison, N. Enoch Machelson, W. unsurveyed, 20 acres; 4, a slip betw. John Cockburn on the S., Bastian Vagelsen and Tunis Johnston on the N., Thomas Davis on the W. and other lots on the E. 116 1694 May 22. Patent to Isaac Whitehead of Elizabeth Town, for 65 acres in said town, S. E. Henry Lyon, N. W. Margaret Baker; also 35 a., N. John Toe, W. James Hinds, S. the road to Woodbridge and widow White, E. Roger Lambert, and 2^ a. of the great meadow, betw. " a hole dug by a worming Slow" and the Sloping Creek. 117 1694 May 23. Do. to Benjamin Price junior of Elizabeth Town, for the following lots in Essex Co. : I, 41 acres, N. a road, E. Robert Bond, W. Joseph Bond, S. unsurveyed land; 2, Ig a., W. and N. Benj. Price senior, S. and E. unsurveyed; 3, 14 a. , W. and S. Benj. Price senior, E. Joseph Ogden; 4, a houselot of 6 a. S. and E. the road, W. Thomas Price, N. Isaac Whitehead dec'd.; 5, 2 a. of the great meadow, S. Thomas Price, on all other sides the Commons; 6,88 a., S. W. and S. E. roads, N. E. Daniel Dehart, N. W. Benj. Price senior; 7, 10 a., N. Col. Townley, W. a road, S. Benj. Price senior; 8, 2 a. betw. his father on the S. E. and the road 'to the meadows on the N. ; g, 8 a. of the great meadow, S. W. and N. W. unsurveyed, S. E. and N. E. the Long Pond and Forked Creek; 10, 6 a. of meadow, E. Joseph Seers, N. Long or Forked Creek, S. and W. unsurveyed meadow. ng l6g4 May 23. Do. to John Brown of Perth Amboy, for a lot there, I by 10 chains, S. the N. side of the intended dock, E. John Johnston, N. Back St., W. unappropriated lots. 122 1694 May 24. Do. to Walter Robertson of Piscataway, for 100 acres 214 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page in Middlesex Co., N. Thomas Higgins, E. Hopewell Hull, S. Jeffery Man- nin, W. unsurveyed. I23 i6g4 May 24. Do. to Nathaniel Slocum of Shrewsbury, for 7 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W. Quanhannaick Creek; N. W. George Hewlet, N. E. Eliakim Wardel, S. E. William Cass. 125 1694 May 24. Do. to Thomas Hilborn of Shrewsbury, for 162 acres in Monmouth Co., S. E. Abiah Edwards, Jacob Cole and unsurveyed land, S. W. Jacob Cole and unsurveyed land, N. W. Cole's Brook; 4 a. of meadow in Long Neck, S. Sarah Reap, N. W. Jacob Cole, N. E. a small creek; 4 a. of meadow in Goose Neck, E. Eliakim Wardel, N. Shrews bury R., W. Francis La Masters, S. a creek. 126 1694 May 28. Do. to John Elslie of Woodbridge, for lots in Middle sex Co., to-wit:' I, 18 acres in Woodbridge, S. the road running along the N. side of Capt. Pike's farm, E. John Pike junior and Robert Rogers, N. the road to Piscataway, W. David Mackenzie; 2, 4 a. of salt marsh, E. Jonathan Dunham, S. Rariton R., W. the Proprietors, N. the main creek; 3, a lot on the Northside of Peter's Wigwam; 4, 17 a. of meadow, W. . Charles Gilman, W. S. W. the main creek, S. E. Abraham Tappin, N. up land; in all 99 a. 127 1694 June 18. Letters testimonial with the will of Thomas Rudyard dec'd, (supra p. 87), issued to George Willoks and Robert Wharton, the executors, named in the will and living in the Province having refused to act. 129 1694 April I. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to the Proprietors, for a tract at Taponimus, Monmouth Co., as conveyed by John Barclay July 29, 1693. 130 1694 April 30. Do. Obadiah Aires of Woodbridge to George Brown of the same place, tailor, for 5 acres of meadow, S. Papiequa Creek, N. and E. Papiack Neck, W. and N.-W. Samuel Moor and John Smith Scotchman. 130 1692-3 March 18. Do. Thomas Potter of Monmouth Co. and wife Anna to Mary, dau. of Adam Channelhouse of Shrewsbury dec'd, and her heirs or in default thereof to her mother Mary Channelhouse, now the wife of John Starkie of the same place, for 500 acres in Philadelphia Co., Penna., betw. Sarah Fuller and Richard Ingelos. 131 1692-3 March 18. Do. to John Starkie of Monmouth Co., for a lot on the Northside of the Mill Brook, S. and W. two brooks, N. and E. un surveyed land; 2 a. of meadow adjoining S. E. 133 1679-80 Jan. 19. Do. Robert Dennis to Thomas Adams, both of Woodbridge, for — acres, N. and W. Seder Cove Creek, S. the road along Nathaniel Fitzrandolph's land, formerly John Smith's, E. the Sound. 134 1693 Dec. 29. Do. Thomas Adams to his son-in-law Thomas Ca- wood, for the preceding tract. 135 east Jersey Deeds, Etc., liber e. 215 Page 1690 Nov. 21. Recorded June 28, 1694. Power of attorney. Thomas Hart of London to Thomas Boel as proxy in the Council of Propri etors. 135 1691 Dec. 4. Do. Do. Same to same as agent for the sale of 2,000 acres on Raway River. 135 l6g4 July 2. Letters of administration, on the estate of Isaac Fitzran dolph of Woodbridge, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Ruth. 136 ' l6g2~3 March 24. Indenture of service. Philip Dodaridge of Wood- bridge, with his parents' consent, to John Gibbin of Piscataway, mariner, as apprentice. Cancelled by said Gibbin on payment of £6.6. in silver Sept. 8, 1694. 137 1692-3 Jan. 14. Return of survey. Nicolas Broun and John Slocum, elected by the Shrewsbury men, to assist Surveyor General Leparary to lay out the Shrewsbury lands. 138 1693 April I. Letters of administration on the estate of Gawen Law rie, late Governour of the Province, not yet administered by his widow and executrix Mary Lawrie, issued to John Barclay, Receiver General. 139 1694 Nov. 14. Letters testimonial with the will of William Sandford of Essex Co. dec'd (vide B p. 279), issued to his widow and executrix Sarah Sandford. 139 1694 Nov. 14. Letters of administration on the estate of Doctor Peter Dassigny of Woodbridge, dec'd intestate, granted to William Moore of the same place. 140 1694 Nov. 16. Appointment of Capt. John Bishop of Raway as guar dian of Frances Moore of the same place, a minor. 140 1694 Nov. 17. Will of Obadiah Aires senior of Woodbridge. Sons — • Samuel, John, Joseph, Obadiah; dau. Mary. Real and personal estate. Executors, eldest sons John and Samuel. Witnesses — Ephr., Andrew, John Pike. ~ 140 1694 Dec. 6. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued to the executors named. 142 i6g4 Oct. 2. Testimony of Edward Watson and Richard Smith and wife Ellener concerning the intentions expressed by William Compton of Woodbridge, who died Friday night Sept. 21, i6g4. Mentions a wife, sons— Jonathan, John, William, David. 143 l6g4 Oct. 2. Letters testimonial with the will of William Compton annexed, issued to his widow Mary and to Jonathan Compton. 143 l6g4 July 31. Certificate of Thomas Gordon, Commissioner for taking the probate of last wills, that Mary Johnson, widow of William Brodwell, has properly administered the estate. 144 l6g4 Nov. 2. Will of Thomas Johnson of Newark, about 64 years old. Sons— Joseph, John, Thomas, Eliphalet. Real and personal property. 2l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Executor, son Eliphalet. Witnesses — John Prudden, John Curtis. Proved Nov. 21, i6g4. 144 1694 Dec. 5. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the executor named. 145 1694 Oct. 31. Will of John Warde senior of Newark. Wife Hannah, formerly the widow of Thomas Huntington. Sons — John, Nathaniel; sons-in-law — Jabesh Rogers, John Cooper; children of deceased daughter Hannah Baldwin, grandson John Ward. Real and personal estate. Ex ecutors, the two sons. Witnesses — John Prudden senior, Robert Young. Proved Nov. 20, 1694. 146 i6g4 Dec. 15. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the executors named. 148 1694 Nov. 6. Will of Steven Bond. Children, Joseph and Hannah; widow Elizabeth Ogdan, brother Benjamin Bond. Real and personal es tate. Executors — John Curtis and Jonathan Ogdan. Witnesses — Zophar Beech, Elizabeth Baldwin, John Curtis. Codicill mentions Benjamin Trotter, Proved Nov. 21, 1694. 148 1694-5 Jan. 2. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the executors named. 149 1694 Oct. 20. Will of Joseph Brown of Newark. Wife Hannah, sons — Joseph, Stephen, James, Samuel; daughters — Hannah, Mary, Sarah. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with brothers John and Thomas Brown as overseers. Witnesses — John Brown, Daniel Dod, Thomas Brown. Proved November 21, 1694, 149 1694-5 Jan. 5. Letters testimonial wilh the preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Hannah Brown. 151 1694 Nov. 4. Will of John Crane senior, 59 years old. Wife ; sons — John, Jasper, Daniel; daughter Sarah. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with John Prudden senior and Elder John Brown as overseers. Witnesses Nathaniel Ward, George Harrison. Proved No vember 21, 1694. 151 1694-5 Jan. 5. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued to the widow Hanna Crane. 152 1694 Nov. II. Will of Ebenezer Canfield of Newark. Wife ; son Joseph, dau. Rachel; brother Mathew Canfield mentioned. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with Mathew Canfield and Joseph Harison as overseers. Witnesses— John Lindsly, William Muir, Mathew Canfield. Proved Nov. 21, 1694. 152 I6g4-5 Jan- 5- Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Bathia Camfield. 153 1694 Nov. 3. Will of John Denison, 40 years old, son of Robert Den- ison and wife Esther. Sisters— Esther, Hannah and Sarah, and children of dec'd sister Mary; cousins, by Robert Douglas vizt: John, Esther and EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 217 Page Samuel. Real and personal estate. Executor — the mother and cousin John Brown. Witnesses — John Prudden, John Curtis. Proved Novem ber 21, i6g4. 153 1694-5 Jan. 5. Letters testimonials with preceding will annexed, is sued to the mother Hester Dennison and John Brown. 154 1687-8 Feb. 14. Will of John Weinans of Elisabeth, weaver. Wife Susanna; children — Samuel, Johannes, Conradus, Jacob, Isaac, Elisabeth, Johanna, Susanna Baker. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses — George Ross, Humphrey Speining, Edward Gay. Testator signs Jan Winans. Proved Jan. 15, l6g4~5. 155 1695 May 17. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to Henry Baker, and wife Susanna; Ebenezer Lyon and his wife Eliza beth, all of Elizabeth Town! 156 1694 Oct. 23. Will of John Lyon of Elizabeth Town, now at Burling ton. Wife Hannah, four children, and a fifth expected. Real and per sonal estate. The wife executrix.- Witnesses — Thomas Peachee, John Petty, James Hill. Proved November 2, 1694. 156 1694-5 Jan. 14. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to the widow Hannah Lyon. 157 1692-3 March 24. Will of Thomas Thorpe of Woodbridge. Late wife Rebekah; sons — Daniel, William, Zebulon, George, Joseph, Thomas, Benjamin. Real and personal property. Executor, son Daniel. Wit nesses — John Pike, William Stone, Thomas Pike. Proved December 24, 1694. 157 1694-5 Jan. 23. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to Daniel Thorpe. 159 1691 Oct. 4. Will of Hugh Dun of Piscataway. Wife Elisabeth; sons — Hugh,- Samuel, Joseph; daughters Mary, wife of Hezekiah Banham, Elisabeth, Martha. Real and personal estate, (part of land bought of Peter Bollu). The wife sole executrix. Witnesses — George Drake, Ed ward Slater. Proved Dec. 10, 1694. 159 1694-5 Jan. 23. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to the widow Elisabeth Dun. 162 1688 Aug.' 17. Will of Israel Thornel of Woodbridge. Wife, sons and daughters, no names given; servant maid Rachel Adams.' Real and personal estate. The wife executrix, with Samuel Denis, Patrick Falconer and Ephraim Andrews as overseers. Witnesses— Samuel Hale, Patrick Falconer, John Pike junior. 162 1694-5 Jan. 25. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to the widow Anna Thornel. 163 1687 Aug. 10. Will of David Campbel of Amboy Perth. Daughter Helen, wife of David Hereof, sole heiress and with her husband executrix of real and personal estate. Witnesses — William Oliphant, James ffullar- 2l8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ton, Thomas Edwards. Proved April 24, 1693. Recorded Jan. 18, 1694-5. 163 1694-5 Jan. 25. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to David Hereot and wife Helen Campbel. 164 1692 March 25. Will of Johannah, widow of Samuel Swaine. Chil dren — Elizabeth Ogden; Johannah, wife of Jasper Crane; Christian, wife of Nathaniel Ward; Sarah, wife of Thomas Johnson; Abigail, wife of Eliezer Lampson. Real and personal estate (a silver beaker). Overseers, John Browne and John Curtis. Witnesses — John Brown, Joseph Harison. Proved December II, 1694. 165 1694-5 Jan 11. Letteis of administration on the estate of Matthias Mount of Midleton dec'd, granted to his widow Mary. 167 1694 Aug. 13. Deed. Jonathan Clement of Elisabeth Town and wife Elisabeth to Obadiah Aires of Woodbridge, for a houselot of 12 acres in Woodbridge, N. Kent's Brook, E. Bradly's Brook, S. John Witcher, W. land in common; 60 a. near Langstaff's Farm or Plain, E. Elisha Elsly, S. Isaac Tapping, W. John Pike, N. a road; 6 a. of-meadow, W. Stephen Kent, N. upland in common, E. John Witcher, S. a saltpond, together with the freehold right of commonage. 167 1692-3 March 23. Do. Thomas Thorpe of Woodbridge to his son Daniel Thorpe, for one-half of the farm of 124 acres, derived from father- in-law Daniel Pierce, and one half of the dwelling house and farm build ings. Apparently meant as testamentary codicill to will (supra p. 157). 169 1671-2 March 16. Endorsements on the patent of Henry Lessenby of Woodbridge: 1, transferring the property granted to Robert Vauquillin; 2, Oct. 24, 1672, transfer of said 60 a. by Vauquillin to Gabriel Minvielle; 3, Nov. 13, i6g4, transfer of the same by Gabriel Minvielle and wife Susanna of N. Y. to Anthony Brockholls; 4, Nov. 14, l6g4, transfer of do. by Brockholls and wife Susanna to Thomas Carhart. 170 1694 Nov. 13. Do. on the bill of sale from Robert Vauquillen to Gabriel Minvielle: 1, G. Minvielle and wife Susanna convey to Anthony Brockholls the property deeded; 2, transfer of the same by A. Brockholls and wife Susanna to Thomas Carhart; 3, G. Minvielle and wife to A. Brockholls for 75 acres; 4, transfer of the same property by Brockholls and wife to Thomas Carhart. 172 i6g4 Nov. 15. Nuncupative will of John Binglay, made before Nathan iel Fitzrandolph senior and junior, and Sarah Parker, who was to become his wife, father, brother William and sister. Proved December 18, 1694. I75 1694-5 Jan. 28. Letters of administration on the estate of John Bing lay, granted to his father William Binglay of Woodbridge. 175 1694 Nov. 5. Will of David Compton. Brother John, who has son EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER E. 219 Page John, (three brothers mentioned) sisters Mary and Sarah. A plantation arid, cattle. Executor,- brother John. Witnesses — Samuel Ayres, John Martin. Proved December 10, 1694. iyc i_ . 1694-5 Jan. 28. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to John Compton. jy(, 1681 Nov. 10. Deed. Simon Cooper of Ramsant's Point, Shrews bury, surgeon, to Col. Lewis Morris of Tinton Manor, for Ramsant's Point, as originally owned by Christopher Almy, now of Porthmouth, R. I., who conveyed it to present grantor, to whom the property was confirmed by patent of January 15, 1679-80. 176 1689 April 15. Do. Col. Lewis Morris of Tinton Iron Works, Mon mouth Co., to Lewis, son of Thomas Morris, for the preceding, called Passage Point or Naramson Neck, 330 acres. 178 1683-4 Feb. 6. Do. George Job of Middletown to Jarat Wall of the same place, for 6£ acres of meadow at Shoalharbour, S. W. Samuel Spicer, N. E. John "Whitlock. t8o 1690 May 20. Do. Walter Wall of Middletown to his son Garret Wall of the same place, for 100 acres there, E. eld John Wilson and un surveyed land, N, S. and W. unsurveyed, as patented to him May 10, 1688. 181 1691-2 Feb. 12. Do. Thomas Whitelock of Middletown to Jarrat Wall, for 50 acres, N. Jarrat's Brook, S. the bog and bog-run, also John Whitelock, E. Mohorus Brook. 181 1692 March 25. Do. Walter Wall to Jarrat Wall, in exchange for 46 acres, another lot of 46 a., betw. grantor, grantee and Richard Harts horne. 182 1690-1 Feb. 12. Will of Colonel Lewis Morris of New York, made at his plantation over against Haerlem. Wife Mary sole executrix, vice nephew Lewis, son of dec'd brother Richard Morris. Legacies to Friends' Meeting of Shrewsbury and of New York Province, Thomas Webley of Shrewsbury; William Penn, William Bickly, William Richardson, Samuel Palmer, John Adams, of Flushing, L. I.; John Bowne, of Flushing; Miles Forster, nephew Lewis Morris the principal heir. Real and personal property (gold and silver ware). Executrix the wife, with Richard Jones, Miles Forster, of New York; John Bowne, of Flushing; William Rich ardson of Westchester; Richard Hartshorne and John Hance of Mon mouth Co., William Bickley of Westchester Co., as overseers. No wit nesses. Examined in N. Y. May 15, 1691. 183 l6gi May 15. Letters of administration on the estate of Colonel Lewis Morris of Bronk's Land, Westchester Co., N. Y., granted by Govr Henry Sloughter of New York, to the nephew of Lewis Morris, as next of kin, the widow named as executrix having died, on the testimony of David Lilly and Susanna Roberts, two subscribing witnesses. 188 220 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL SocUMfiNtfS. Page 1688-9 March 15. Deed. Elisha Parker of Staten Island to Jabez Hendrick of Piscataway, for 15 acres of meadow in Woodbridge, one half of a 30 a. lot, of which the other half was given by grantor to son Thomas Parker, who conveyed it to John Fitzrandolph. 189 1694-5 Feb. 4. Do. Alexander Adams to Daniel and John Mack- Daniel, all of Piscataway, for 150 acres there. Vide Liber B. 446- 449- 19° 1694 Dec. 11. Will of Henry Greenland of Piscataway, surgeon. Son Henry; sons-in-law — Daniel Brynson, who has son Barefoot Brynson; Cornelius Longfield, Francis Brynson; servant John du Favour. Real and personal property. Executor Cornelius Longfield. Witnesses Edward Slater, Benj. Hull. Proved Feb. 7, 1694-5. 191 1691-2 March 21. Deed. William Clawson of Piscataway to Thomas Lawrence of N. Y., for a farm in Piscataway, W. John Crosens, E. Sam uel Dotey, S. the Rariton R. 192 1689-90 Jan. 28. Recorded Feb. 7, 1694-5. Do. Hannah Thornel, widow of Israel Thornel, of Woodbridge to Thomas Smith of the same place, for a lot there, adjoining Rehobah Gannet, on the West, E. David Mckeny, (now John Ilsly), S. Stephen Kent, N. the road; also 5 acres of Rariton meadow, part of the lot, bo't by Israel Thornel of Stephen Kent. I94 1691 Sept. 23. Do. William Woolley of Shrewsbury and wife Anne to Joseph Lawrence of Middletown, for 50 acres at Manesquan, as granted to him July 9, 1685. 195 1691-2 Feb. 6. Do. Gawin Lockhart to John Compton, both of Woodbridge, for a lot at Crane Plain, Woodbridge, being one third of a tract of 120 acres, formerly laid out to Joshua Bradly and bo't by grantor's fa.her-in-law Robert Macleland, who conveyed this third to grantor as a gift in April i68g. 196 1694-5 Feb. 13. Letters testimonial with the will of Henry Green land annexed (supra p. igi) issued to Cornelius Longfield. ig7 1694-5 Feb. 9. Do. with the will of Jeffery Mannen of Piscataway dec'd, issued to his widow Hephzibah Mannen. 197 1694-5 Feb. 9. Do. with the will of Sarah Lawrence of Newark dec'd, issued to George Harrison, named executor. 198 1691-2 Jan. 30. Will of Ephraim Allen: mentions wife, two sons, a daughter and wife's father, but not by name. Real and personal estate. Executors the wife and her father, George Allen and John Williams. Witnesses— John Hance, Faith Huet, George Allen, Lydia Wardel, Elisa beth Hance. Proved Feb. I, i6gi-2. 198 l6g4-5 Feb. 13. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to Margaret, widow of deceased and now wife of William West of Shrewsbury, and said West. igg EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 22 1 Page 1694-5 Jan. 14. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Stage of New Barbados, Essex Co., dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Margaret Stage. igg i6g4-5 Jan. 28. Do. on the estate of Ephraim Pennington of New ark, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Mary. 200 1694-5 Jan. 29. Do. on the estate of Thomas Lyon of Newark, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Elisabeth. 200 1694-5 Feb. 11. Do. on the estate of Jabesh Hendricks, dec'd intes tate, granted to his brother Daniel Hendricks of Piscataway. 201 1694-5 Feb. 11. Do. on the estate of William Compton, dec'd intes tate, granted to his brothers John and Jonathan Compton of Wood- bridge. 201 1694-5 Feb. 12. Do. on the estate of Thomas Rudyard, dec'd (supra p. 129), granted to George Willoks, the other executors named in his will having refused to act. 202 1694-5 Feb. 13. Do. on the estate of Joseph Parker, dec'd intestate, granted to John Lippittcott of Shrewsbury. 202 1694-5 Feb. 12. Do. on the estate of William Kilmister of Middle- town, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Sarah. 203 1694-5 Jan. 15. Power of attorney. John Gibb, now of Sussex Coun ty annexed to Pensilvania, mariner, to Jonatham Dunham of Woodbridge as general agent. 203 1693 Oct. 1.6. (French.) Agreement between Jean (John) and Sam uel Desmarets and their cousin Jean Durrier, 1 representing the chil dren of the dead brother David Desmarets, concerning the division of the real estate left by their father. [English translation follows.] 205 1687 July 2. Recorded May 7, 1695. ' Deed and Bond. Samuel Moore to James Clarkson, senior, both of Woodbridge, for 5 acre, betw. two brooks, N. of the prison there; with obligation to convey another 3- acre under certain circumstances. 207 1691 June 15. Bond. John Tatham and James Johnston, owners of the sloop" Unitie, to Matthias de Hart, master thereof, to hold him harm less in regard to his freight of tobacco. 208 1689 March 30. Deed. Symon Rouse of Elizabethtown and wife Alice to Joseph Hart of Raway, for 50 acres at Raway, S. and E. Jaffry Jones, W. formerly Capt. Baker now George Pack, N. Jonas Wood; also 10 a. of meadow, E. a small brook, W. George Pack, S. the first lot. 208 1694-5 Feb. 1. Patent to John Durrie of Hackinsack River, Essex Co., for 233 acres in said Co., S. David Des Marets senior, E. said river, N. a road, W. Winocksack Brook. 209 X^9S June 20. Do. to Frances Moore of Woodbridge, for 58 acres in 1 Duryea. 232 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Essex Co., E. William Johnson, S. grantee, W. Raway R., N. a road; g8 a., N. of the first, E. Sam. Marsh junior, N. W. Robert Vauquellin and a brook, S. W. Raway R. and grantee; 6 a. of meadow, W. and S. said river, N. grantee, E. meadows; 12 a. pf meadow, W. Jaffry Jones, S. said river, E. Jonas Wood, N. Sam. Marsh senior. 211 1693 Sept. 21. Deed. John Berry of Bergen Co. to Margaret Stagge of Essex Co., for 116 acres at New Barbados, Essex Co., N. E. Richard Berry, N. W. Walling Jacobs, S. W. Hannah Hall, S. E. grantor. 213 1694-5 March 1. Do. Margaret Stage of New Barbados to her sons John and William Stage, for the preceding land, excepting 40 acres ad joining Wallen Jacobs. 214 1695 May 20. Patent to John Hance of Shrewsbury, for 75 acres there, W. Ephraim Allen dec'd., N. Neversinks R., E. grantee,, S. Shrews bury R. 215 1695 Ju'y 6- Quitclaim. James Dundas of Perth Amboy, as admin istrator of the estate of Lord Neil Campbell dec'd. to William Sharp of Rariton R., Summersetl Co., for all claims, causes of actions, etc., etc. 216 1688 April 11. Will of Thomas Bartlet of BarcJa's Point over against Perth Amboy. Myles Forster sole heir and executor of real and personal estate. Witnesses — John and Sussanah French. Proved April 16, 1695. 216 1695 July 1. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued to Myles Forster of N. Y. - 217 1695 July 10. Letters of administration on the estate of James Sen- zior of Rariton River dec'd., granted to his widow Sicily Senzior. 217 1694-5 Jan. 9. Will of Thomas Lee of Elizabethtown. Children — Bennone, John, Mary, Anna, Abigail. Persona] property. Executors — John Litle, Aron Thomson and Nathaniel Tutill. Witnesses — John Har- rick, John Erskin. Proved May 28, 1695. 218 1695 July 1. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to John Litle, of the other executors named one having died, the other re fused to act. 219 1694 Dec. 19. Will of Marmaduke Potter of Woodbridge. Wife Mary and son Henry, heirs and executors of real and personal estate. Wit nesses — John Worth, Daniel Hendricks. Proved March 19, 1694-5. 219 1695 July 12. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the. executors named. 220 1694 Sept. 22. Articles of. Agreement. Lewis Mattix of Shrewsberry, living at Mary Chambers' in East Jersey, with said Mary Chambers, he surrendering to her all his property, real'and personal, and she agreeing to maintain him in clothing, meat, drink, etc., until his death. 221 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBEK K. 223 Page 1694 Oct. 18. Will of Lewis Mattix, leaves to Mary Chambers senior of Shrewsbury-all his estate and makes her executrix. Witnesses — John Havens, Remembrance Lippincott and Joseph Parker. Proved July 15, 1695. 222 1694-5 Jan. 4. Deed. John Warlock to Benjamin Cromwell, brick layer, both of Woodbridge, for 5 acres, formerly bo't of John Dille, W. grantor, N. Daniel Robins, E. a road, S. Isaac Tappin; 4 a. of meadow, E. a road, W. and N. a creekalong Josua Peirce, S. Isaac Tappin. 223 1694 Oct. 2. Will of Thomas Adams of Woodbridge. Children- Elizabeth' Adams, Hanna (Anna) Adams, Rebecca Smith, Joseph Sutton, son of daughter Mary, son-in-law Richard Smith. Worldly estate. Ex ecutors— Capt. John Bishop and John Fitzrandolph. Witnesses — Sam. Fitzrandolph, Richard T-attersall. Proved August 17, 1695. 224 1695 Sept. 2. Letters testimonial with preceding will attached, issued to the executor named. . 226 1695 Oct. 29. Deed. Dr. John Gordon of Collestown, Scotland, by his attorney Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, to John Horner, of the same place, for 500 acres in Middlesex Co., S. E. Stonie Brook, S. W. Daniel Brimson, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 226 1694 Aug. 4. Do. George Lockart of New York City to John Browne of the-same place, mariner, for a lot in Essex Co., S. Elizabethtown Creek, E. a road, W. a brook. 227 1695 June I. Confirmation to Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour of the Province, for 233 acres in Essex Co. , S. David Demaretts senior, E. Hackinsack R., N. a road, W. Winosack Brook. 228 1695 July 26. Letters testimonial wilh the will of Charles Gilma'n of Piscataway dec'd., issued to his son Charles Gilman, Mary Gilman, one of the executors named being dead, and Hopewell Hull, one of the over seers named, -refusing to act. 230 l6g5 Sept. 29. Letters of administration on the estate of Ralph War ner of Shrewsbury dec'd intestate, granted to William Scott. 230 1695 Sept. 9: Power of attorney. John Allin, late of London, Eng land, now of Boston, New England, merchant, son and sole heir of John Allin of N. J. dec'd to Capt. Samuel Walker of Boston as land agent in N. J. 231 1694 Nov.' 9. Do. Robert Wharton of N. Y., about to sail for Eng land, lo his wife Ann as general attorney. 232 1694 Nov. 9. Confirmation to Anthony Brockholes and Arent Schuy ler, both of N. Y. City, merchants, in right, of George Willoks, of i.oco acres; in right of David Mudie 500 a.; in right of Thomas Gordon 500 a.; in right of Robert West, 1,000 a. ; in right of the Proprietors, 1,000 acres, in all 4,000 a., as follows: 1, 2750 a., W. Pissaick River, N. grantee, S. 224 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page and 'E. unappropriated land; 2, 1,250 a., W. Poquaneck R., S. grantees, N. and E. unappropriated land.l 233 1695 May I. Patent to John Carrington of Perth Amboy, in right of George Keith, for a lot there, E. James Miller, W. grantee, S. Smith St., N. the intended Dock St.; also a lot in exchange for one bo't by him of George Willoks, E. grantee, S. Smith St., N. the intended Dock St., W. unappropriated lots. 234 1695 Oct. 15. Will of John Carrington. Wife Margaret, executrix; George, second son of William Dockwra of London. Real and personal estate. Witnesses — Thomas Carhart, Edward Slater, William Thomsone, Thomas Fitzrandolph, Benjamin Griffith. Proved November 6, 1695. 235 1695 Nov. 16. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Margaret Carrington. 236 1693 Aug. 15. Lithgow, Scotland. Letter. John Clarksone to James Clearkson: informs him of the death of his mother and disposition of her estate; refers to his own children — James, John, Andrew and two daugh ters. 237 1693 Aug. 22. Linlithgow, Scotland. Do. Robert Whyte to nevoy (nephew) James Clerkson: disposition of mother's estate. 239 1695 Nov. 25. Deed. . George Willoks of Perth Amboy and wife Mar garet to John Reid of Hortencie, for two lots at Wickatunck, together 506 acres, conveyed to grantor by Benjamin Rudyard, son of Thomas, Febru ary 13, 1692-3, (supra p. 73) under patent of March 25, 1687. 239 1695 Nov. 25. Do. (Quitclaim.) Robert Wharton, late of N. Y. City, by his wife and attorney Ann, daughter of Thomas Rudyard, to John Reid, for the preceding 500 acres. 241 1690 July 7. Deed. Augustine Gordon, son of Robert Gordon of Cluny, one of the Proprietors, by his attorney John Reid, to John Layng, for a lot on Chestnut Brook, E. said brook, N. Thomas Hart, W. and S. John Baker. 242 1690 July 7. Do. John Reid, of Monmouth Co. to John Layng of Middlesex, for a lot on Assandpink River, adjoining John Bambrige. 242 1695 Oct. 19. Do. John Layng to John Reid, for the lot (500 acres), bo't of Robert Burnet and Robert Gordon August 22, 1685, (see also supra p. 242 and deed Burnet to Layng of Oct. 15, 1691.) 243 1695 Nov. 7. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to' Daniel Robins of Woodbridge, for a lot on Chestnut Brook, E. said brook, N. Thomas Hart, W. and S. John Baker. 245 1695 Nov. 30. Patent to Sibah Eptke,2 Cornelius Epke, Hendrick Epke, Derrick Epke, John Cornelius, Ruliph Johnston, Martin Powlson, 1 At and near Pompton. 3 The Epkes or Eptkeys were ancestors of the Banta family. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 225 Page Hendrick Yorson,1 John Lotts and Ruliph Westervelt, all of Hakinsack, Bergen Co., for a lot in said Co., bounded by Hudson's River, Overpeck's Creek, James Emit, Cheche Brook, heirs of Jacob Milburne and Jacob van Cortland. 245 1695 Nov. 30. Confirmation to Thomas Warne, one of the Proprie tors, as part of this share, of the following tracts: I, 200 acres in Middle sex Co. a little above the Wadeing Place of South River, surrounded by unsurveyed land; 2, 1,400 a. in the same Co., AV. the Province line, S. and S. E. Stony Brook, and unsurveyed land, E. Daniel Brimson, N. the road from Rariton to the Falls of Delaware; 3, 400 a. at Barnegate, N. and E. Thomas Cooper, S. the Bay and Oyster Cr., W. John Baker; 4, a slip at Topenemus, 8 by 29 chains, E. grantee and Peter Sunmans, W. Robert Gordon; 5, 1,000 a. in Monmouth Co., N. E. William Dockwra, N. and E. John Hampton, W. and S. unsurveyed land; 6, a small lot in Mon mouth Co., S. E. Richard Mount, S. W. Thomas Ingerom, N. W. and N. E. John Stout. 246 1695 Nov. 1. Appointment by the Governour and Proprietors of John Myles of Elizabeth Town as guardian of Benjamen Woodroffe of the same place, a minor. 248 1695 Dec. 2. Do. Do. of Jpnathen Bishop of Woodbridge. as guar dian of Marie, daughter of David Bishop of the same place deceased. 248 1678-9 Feb. 13. Recorded Dec. 3, 1695. Deed. Derrick Sicken of New York and wife Gerty Johnson to Enoch Machilson of Bergen Co., for 50 Dutch morgen in said Co. at Neycusick, also 15 morgen of meadow ad joining, as per patent. 248 i6g4 Dec. 14. Power of attorney, made before Josiah Jones, Notary and Tabellion Public in London by Thomas Hart and Walter Benthall of London, constituting James Mills and Rip van Dam of New York as their agents in East Jersey. 249 1694 Nov. 20. Do. Thomas Cooper of the Parish of Stratford Bow, Essex Co. (England), to James Mills and Rip van Dam, both of N. Y. merchants, and Thomas Boell of East Jersey, gardner, as agents to dis pose Of and sell 5,350 acres in the Province. 250 1694-5 March 23. Quitclaim. James Winder, brother of Samuel Winder of Boston dec'd to his sister-in-law Margaret, late widow of Sam uel Winder and now wife of George Willoks of Perth Amboy, for all his right, title, etc., in and to his dec'd brother's farm at Cheesequakes. 251 1695 -Dec. 2. Deed. Ann Wharton, dau. of Thomas Rudyard, as at torney of her husband, Robert Wharton, and for herself, to George Wil loks of Perth Amboy,, for % of \ of 1-12 share of the Province, bequeathed to her by her father (will of Dec. 7, 1685); also for one-half of all the other land, of which Thomas Rudyard died seized, excepting £ of 36 a. 1 Hendrick Jorissen Brinkernof . 16 226 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page sold to A. Hamilton, and £ of 500 a. sold to John Reid. 253 1695 Dec. 12. Letters of administration on the estate of Zerah Hig gens dec'd intestate, granted to Thomas Higgens of Piscataway and Sam uel Oliver of Roway. 255 1695 Dec. 12. Do. Do. on the estate of Samuel Mathews, dec'd in testate, granted to Alexander Scott of Roway. 256 1690 Sept. 19. Testimony of William Biles before Edward Hunlock, James Marshall and William Myres, Justices of the Peace for Burlington Co., N. J., in regard to what Joseph Throckmorton said at the house of George Emlem in Philadelphia, before sailing for Barbados, about dispos ing of his land. 257 1690 Oct., 4. Do. of Patrick Robinson, stating that lie wrote the will of Joseph Throckmorton at the house of George Emblen in Philadelphia Dec. 2, 1689. 257 1695 Sept. 24. Deed. Ann Wharton, for herself and as- attorney of her present husband Robert Wharton to Col. Andrew Hamilton, for one- half of a 30 acres lot in the bounds of Perth Amboy, inherited from her father Thomas Rudyard. 258' 1695 Nov. 9. Do. George Willoks and wife Margrat to Col. Andrew Hamilton, for one-half of a 36 acres lot in Perth Amboy betw. the four old houses and Thomas Warne, inherited by Benjamin Rudyard from his father Thomas and conveyed to present grantor Feb. 13, 1692-3. 259 1681-2 Jan. 26. Do. John Dennis, carpenter, to John Allin, clerice, both of Woodbridge, for a messuage there on the road from the Meeting House to the Common Court House and Prison, 19J acres, N. Elisha Parker, W. Daniel Greasy, now Thomas Leonard, S. Samuel Moore, with said road between; also 7^ a. of meadow, S. Crane Neck Creek, W. Sam uel Moore, N. the first lot. 260 1692 June 15. Do. John Johnston of Hopfield, Monmouth Co., to John Carrington of Amboy Perth, for a town lot in Amboy, 10 by 1 chains, E. Water St., N. Clement Plumstead, W. High St., S. Thomas Barker, as per patent of May 24, 1690. 263 1695 Dec. 17. Do. Margaret, widow of John Carrington, to the Pro prietors, for preceding town lot. 264 1695 Dec. 21. Appointment by the Governour and Proprietors of Samuel Oliver of Raway as guardian of Richard Higgens of Elizabeth Town, a minor. 264 1690 Dec. 1. Will of Michael White of Woodbridge. Wife Marie, daughter Marie, nephew Isak, son of brother-in-law Richard Curtis. Real and personal property. Executors John and Jonathan Bishop. Witnesses — John Cellie, John Bishop, Margarat Cellie. Proved April 23, 1692. . 265 1695 Dec. 20. Letters testimonial with preceding will, annexed, is sued to the executors named. 265 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 227 Page 1694-5 Feb. 4. Will of Aaron Thompson of Elisabeth Town. Wife Hannah, sons — Thomas, Joseph, Aaron, daughter Hannah, sister Mary Hinds. Real and personal estate. Executors — Rev. John Harriman and Nathaniel Tuttle. Witnesses — William Miller, Steven Crane. Proved October 2, 1695. 266 1695 Dec. 20. Letters of administration with preceding will annexed, granted to the executors named. Marginal note says that Nathl Tuttle beingvdead and Rev. John Harriman having refused to act, the widow Thompson and John Haynes are appointed administrators April 29, i6g6, (Infra, p. 48g.) , 267 1695 May 2. Will of John Ward of Newark. First wife a daughter of Henry -Lyon, present wife Abigail, sons — John, Jonathan, David, daugh ter Marie. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife, with brothers Nathaniel Ward and Joseph Harrison as overseers. Witnesses — John Curtise, John Brown, Robert Yong. Proved September 20, i6g5. 268 1695 Dec. 20. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, -is sued to widow Abigail Ward. 269 1695 May 18. Will of John Tichenor of Newark. Wife Hannah, son Martin, an expected child. Real and personal property. The wife execu trix with brothers Ensign John Treat and Daniel Tichenor as overseers. Witnesses John Browen, John Treat, Jonathan Tichenor. Proved Sep tember 10, 1695. 270 1695 Dec. 20. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed issued to the widow Hannah Tichenor. 271 1693 April 22. Deed. George Allin of Elizabeth bounds, carpenter, (for the love and affection I bear unto) to John Barclay of Essex Co., for 40 acres on the West Brook in Elizabeth near the sawmill and 70 a. adjoining the Widow Hatfield. 272 1695 Dec. 8. Do. Thomas Warne to John Baird, both of Monmouth Co.,yfor 150 acres in said Co. at Topinemis, E. John Melvin, N. grantee, W. grantor, S. unappropriated land. 272 1695 Dec. 27. Letters of administration on ihe estate of George Allin of Roway, dec'd intestate, granted to John Barclay of Perth Amboy. 274 1694-5 March 16. Quitclaim. Joseph Johnson of Newark to his brother Thomas Johnson of Elizabeth Town, for all his claims, etc., against said brother. 274 i6go Oct. 2g. Deed. Joseph Hart of Elizabeth Town, labourer, to Dennis Morris of the same place, for 25 acres at Roway_ River, S. the meadow, E. Jeffrie Jones, W. grantor, N.Jonas Wood; also 5 a. of meadow adjoining the first lot on the North. 275 1690-1 Feb. 13. Do. George Pack to Dennis Morris, both of Roway in the bounds of Elizabeth Town, for 20 acres there betw. Jeffrie Jones and grantor. 276 228 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1685 June 10. Do. Joseph Dennis to James Clarkson, both of Woodbridge, for a lot on Papiaca Neck, N. the Widow Bun (Dun?), E. the road, S. Jonathen Bishop; also a piece of meadow, 4 acres, at Ihe West- end of the first lot as far as the creek; and another piece of meadow, N. Samuel Dennis, E. a creek, S. Daniel Robins, W. William Bing- ley, 3 a. 278 1688 May 29. Do. Daniel Robins to James Clerkson, both of Wood- bridge, for a piece of meadow, 4 acres, on the Eastside Papiack Creek, N. Nathaniel Fitzrandalfe, E. upland, S. W. a small creek and Papi ack Cr. 279 1695 May 5. Do. James Clerkson, boatman, and wife Christian to Thomas Parker, all of Woodbridge, for \ acre there, between two brooks N. of the Prisonhouse. 280 1693-4 March 3. Do. Joseph Dennis to James Clerkson, for 30 acres of upland and meadow on Papiaka Neck, E. said Neck, N. and S. John Bishop, W. Papiak Creek. 281 1693-4 Feb. 22. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to John Bainbridge of Assanpink, for 200 acres on Assanpink River betw. James Johnston and William Watson. 283 i6g5 June 7. Do. Maryen (Marrian) Campble of Amboy Perth, widow of John Campble, to John Carrington of the same place, for 12 acres there, E. the Sound, N. and W. land not laid out, S. Campble's Creek, as per patent to John Campbell of Nov. 3, 1687, and his last will of December 25, i68g. 284 i6g2 April 25. Deed. Thomas Hart of Enfield, Middlesex Co. (Eng land) merchant, to kinsman Richard Mansfield of N. Y. merchant, for 500 acres at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., bounded as per patent. 285 1695 Dec. 31. Quitclaim. Robert Vauquillin alias Lipprary of Woodbridge to Thomas Lawrence, Derick Epkee of New Haekinsack, Bergen Co., and partners, for his estate, etc., to a certain lot betw. Old Hackinsack and John Demaree N. and S., Overpeeck Cr. on the E. and Hackinsack R. on the W. 286 1692-3 Jan. 8. Deed. Thomas Peirson of Newark and wife Mary to Robert Yong of the same place, for 6 acres, N. Benjamin Baldwine, S. E. Jasper Craine, John Gardner and Caleb Baal, W. high ways; 4 a. on the great neck, N. Jabes Rogers, S. John Curtis, E. Martha Sergant, W. the road. 287 1695 July 22. Do. Robert Yong to James Noteman for the preced ing lots. 288 1694-5 Feb. 8. Do. John Gardner of Newark, Essex Co., to James Noteman, of the same place, cooper, for 5 acres of meadow there, E. a small creek, John Borell and Robert Yong,, S. Maple Island Creek, W. Abraham Buckley, N.. a small creek. 288 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER D. 22Q Page 1695 Nov. 9. Do. Robert West of London, by his attorney Col. An drew Hamilton, to Major Anthony Brockhols and Arent Schuyler, both of N. Y., for 960 acres to be laid out for grantor by order of the Proprietors in Council of Sept. 16, 1692. 289 1695 Nov. 9. Do. David Mudie, George Willoks and Thomas Gor don, all of Amboy, to Major Anthony Brockholls and Arent Schuyler, for 2,000 acres to be laid out for them by orders of November 22, 1692, and August 3, 1693, vizt: 1,000 to Willoks, 500 to Mudie and 500 to Gordon. 290 i6g5 Dec. 14. Do. Daniel Robins of Woodbridge to Peter Lacont of Staten Island, for certain parcels there: I, 7 acres, bo't of John Smith, -January 20, 1679, betw. the Sound, Samuel Bacon and William Bingley; 2, 3 acres of meadow, N. Samuel Dennis, E. a creek, S. grantor, W. Wil liam Bingley, bo't of James Clerkson May 29, 1688; 3, one acre of the Sunken Meadow. , 2go 1688 May 2g. Do. James Clerkson to Daniel Robins for 3 acres of meadow (vide the preceding.) 2g2 l6gl April 14. Do. John Conger to John Coddington, both of Woodbridge, for 2 acres of Rahawack meadows, part of 5 acres, laid out for grantor April I, 1684, S. upland, E. grantor, W. Thomas Thorp. 2g2 l6gi April 14. Do. Jonathen Dennes, carpenter, to John Codding ton, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres of Rahawack meadows, granted to him by the Town April 1, 1684, E. his father Robert Dennes. 294 ' 1695 May 8. Do. Thomas Adams to Thomas Cawood, both of Woodbridge, weavers, for too acres on Rahawack Neck, Woodbridge, N. and W. Cedar Cove Creek, S. the road along Nathaniel Fitsrendall, for merly John Smith, E. the Sound. 295 1695 May 8. Mortgage. Thomas Cawood to Thomas Adams for the .preceding 100 acres. 2g7 1690-1 Feb. 10. Deed. William Shores, weaver, to Caleb Baal, both of Newark, for a lot there, part of Jonathen Camfield's former homelot, W. Abraham Peirson, S. Jonathan Camfield, E. a road, N. Thomas Peirson. 300 1695 July 18. Do. Caleb Ball to Jaines Noteman for the preceding lot. 300 l6g5 May 20. Patent to William Camp of Newark, for 100 acres in Essex Co., E. the Oyster Creek, N. John Treat, S. the parsonage meadow, W. Daniel Tichenell. 301 1695 Aug. 16. Do. to Samuel Blackfoord of Piscataway, in right of John Molleson, for a lot in Middlesex Co., N. the Bound Brook, unsur veyed land on all the other sides. 302 1695 Dec. 20. Do. to John Gardner of Newark, for lots in Newark, ¦ vizt: 1, a homelot of 6 acres, W. Jasper Craine, N. Mr. Peirson, E. Ebene- 23O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page zer Camfield, S. the road; 2, 4 a., N. John Pridden, E., S. and W. roads; 3, 2 a., 7 by 3 £ chains, N. Theophelus Peirson, E. Samuel ffreeman, S. Wid- qw Peirson, W. the road; 4, 10 a., N. John Johnston, S. Ebenezer Cam- field, E. the road, W. Samuel Kitchell; 5, 20 a. beyond the Two Miles Brook, S! Jasper Craine, E. ffrancis Linsley, N. Robert Daglish, W. un surveyed land; 6, a lot at the foot of the mountain, N. the mountain, N. E. Azariah Craine, S. E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Jasper Craine and un surveyed land; 7, a piece of meadow, E. the Bay, N. Azariah Craine, W. Samuel Ward and a creek, S. other lots; 8, another piece of meadow, N. Morris Creek, S. Maple Island Creek, W. Arent Blacksha and the creek, E. John Ward and Samuel Plum, in all 100 a. 303 1695 Dec. 20. Do. to the same, for 180 acres within Newark Town ship, S. the Second River, N. the Third River, W. Daniel Dode and un surveyed land, E. unsurveyed land at the tope of the Round Hill. 305 1695 June 6. New York. Indian Deed. Taepan and others, Sa chems of Mininssing, to Capt. Arent Schuyler of New York, for 5,500 acres, to be taken up by him at or near Pekquanach and Pontam beyond Passaya River and the low lands on both sides of the creek.l 306 1695 April 22. Deed. John Campbell to William Davidson, carpen ter, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot on the Eastside of Manelapan Brook, S. Thomas Edwards, N. and E. unappropriated land; half the meadow at the S. end of the fly across the Indian path from Wencock to New Mane lapan; in all 100 acres. 308 1695 June 5. Do. John Hanton to Walter Newman, carpenter, both of Freehold, for 164 acres in Monmouth, called Neversinks side,- near Cheesequakes, E. William Dockwra, S. land not laid out, W. Thomas Warne, N. the Scots Proprietors. 310 1695-6 Jan. 13. Do. William Binglay of Woodbridge to John Cod- dington of the same place, weaver, for 60 acres, confirming deed of Jan uary 21, 1683-4. 311 1695 Oct. 29. Do. Matheus Corneliuson, son of Cornelius Matheus of Hackinsack River, to David Acarman of the same place, for 420 acres, E. said river, N. Albert Sobrisco," S. E. Capt. John Berrie.2 312 1695 Oct- 29- Oo. Albert Sobrisco to Jacob Vansan, for 224 acres, E. Hackinsack R., N. Peter Sunmans, S. David Acarman, W. a branch of Sadie R. [Both deeds given under corrected survey and not agreeing in boundaries with patent of April 24, 1682.J- 313 1695 Dec. 5. Will of Joseph Sayre of Elizabeth Town. Wife Martha, sons — Thomas, Ephraim, Daniel, dau. Sarah; Real and personal estate. Executors — Benjamin Meaker and Daniel Price. Witnesses — Benjamin Meaker, Henry Walwine, Samuel Whitehead. Proved Dec. 11, 1695. 314 1 At and near Pompton. 2 Near Woodridge. Bergen county. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E. 23 I Page 1695-6 Jan. 16. Letters testimonial with .preceding will annexed is sued to the widow Martha Sayre. 316 1695 Jan. 14. Deed. George Willoks and wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas Rudyard, to Robert Wright of Middlesex Co., for 120 acres in said Co., N. John Bishop senior, E. a swamp, S. land in common, W. John Cromwell; the lot having been first patented to Samuel Bacon of Woodbridge March 18, 1669, who with wife Martha conveyed it to Thomas Rudyard March 25, 1683; Thomas Rudyard left it by his will of December 7, 1685, to his two daughters, Ann, the wife of John West later of Robert Wharton, and Margaret, the wife of Samuel Winder, later of George Willoks. 317 1688 June 4. Deed. Archibald Campbell to John Campbell, both of Monmouth Co., for the headland, coining to him. 322 1695 Dec. 9. Do. William Dockwra of London, one of the Propri etors, by his attorney John Reid of Hortencie, by and with the consent of Govr Andrew Hamilton, to John Craig of Middlesex Co., for a lot at Topinemis, Monmouth Co., E. William Layng, S. W. Spotswood's Brook, W. land not laid out. ' 322 1694 Sept. 26. Do. John Williams to John West, son of Robert, both of Shrewsberrie, for the land at Manasquan, granted to him by patent of July 9 (29), 1685. , 324 l6go Aug. 11. Do. James Johnston to William Lawrence, both of Monmouth Co., for the land at Barnegate, patented to Dr. William Robe- sone, of Essex Co:, May 20 last and by him conveyed to present grantor July 19 last. 325 1694-5 March 5. Power of attorney. Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge, having married Mary, the widow of Edward Crow, and thereby legally be come the administrator of the estate of said Crow, who has died intestate, empowers his said wife to manage the estate for the benefit of her chil dren by Crow, vizt-- Mary, Yelvarton, Joseph and Edward; followed by , the inventory of the part of the estate, belonging to the children, and the receipt by Mary Dennis for it on behalf of her children. 326 1693-6 Jan. 23. Appointment by the Governour and- Proprietors of George Willoks as guardian of John Rudyard, a minor, both of Perth Amboy. 328 1695-6 Jan. 15. Agreement of the Proprietors with Miles Forster, confirming the defective will and testament of Thomas Bartlett of Chees- quaks, April 11, 1688, by which he leaves 60 acres, patented to him Nov. I, 1687, t° sal 7- Will of Samuel Winder of Boston, New England. Wife Margaret, daughter Sarah. Real and personal estate. The wife sole executrix. With letters testimonial issued to the widow Margaret Winder Feb. 14, 1688-9, at Boston. 127 1696 Nov. 26. Deed. George Willoks and wife Margaret, late widow and executrix of Samuel Winder, to Dirreck Benson of N. Y. City, for 426 acres on Rariton R. adjoining John Robison, W. John Robinson, E. James Graham, S. Rariton R. ; 74^ a. of meadow, S. and S. W. John Royse, N. said river, E. James Graham; 500 a., patented to said Margaret, then widow Winder, May 24, 1690, S. the first tract and James Graham, John White and Cornelius Coursen, W. John Robinson, N. and E. unsurveyed land. I2g 254 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i6g6 Dec. 2. Patent to Major Anthony Brockholls and Arent Schuy ler, both of N. Y. City, for a lot of the Westside of Pequaneck R., from the mouth of Pompton R. to Pissaick R. ; with a small strip at the great turn of Pequaneck R., 15 ch. wide, 1,500 acres. 134 l6g6 Nov. 21. Deed. John Johnston of Monmouth Co. to Isaac Watson of Notingham, Burlington Co., West Jersey, for a lot on Doctor's Creek along the old path from Shrewsberrie. 136 i6g6 Aug. 14. Do. Joseph Wilson of Elizabeth Toune and wife Hanna to Miles Forster of N. Y. City, for one half of a water grist mill on Elizabeth Towne Creek, now or late occupied by John Harriman. 138 1695-6 March 14. Do. John Horner of Middlesex Co. to Richard Ridgway of West Jersey, tailor, for 200 acres near Stony Brook, Middle sex Co., East Jersey. Bounds given in marginal note, dated April 22, i6g6, as between Richard Stockton and said brook. 141 i6go Sept.23. Patent to John Royse, for a tract on Rariton R.,betw. Robert Vauquellin, now John Robinson, Thomas Cooper, the Peace Brook, Clement Plumstead and Milston River: this patent is given to set tle disputes betw. the Proprietors and grantee concerning land, formerly granted by Govr Carterett to Anthony Brockholls, William Pinhom, John Robinson, Matthias Nicolls and Samuel Edsall. 143 1695 Nov. 5. Deed. Thomas Parker of Woodbridge and wife Marie to Stephen Tuttle of the same place,, cordwainer, for f acre there betw. two brooks N. of the present Prison house, bounding the lot E., S. and N., a fence along the highway on the W. 149 1696 July 18. Do. Samuel Moore of Woodbridge to Stephen Tuttle, for ij acres, betw. a lot, formerly belonging to grantor's father Samuel Moore, then to James Clerkson and now to grantee, and Justice Hale's brook. 151 1695-6 Jan. 31. Do. Daniel Robins of Woodbridge and wife Hope to Adam Hude of Staten Island, for 17 acres in Woodbridge, S. John Dilly, now grantor and Benjamin Crowell, E. the road, W. grantee, N. land in common; 4 a. of meadow in two parcels, one in a cove of Papyack, 2 a., the other, also 2 a., N. John Conger, now Michael White, W. Papiack Cr., E. Mathew Moore, formerly John Conger; 5 a. of upland, bo't of John Dilly, W. the road, N. grantor, E. John Dilly, S. Isaac Tappin. 153 1696 Dec. 9. Confirmation to Adam Hude of Woodbridge, of the preceding 26 acres. 155 1696 Dec. 8. Patent to Samuel Whitehead of Elizabeth Towne, shoe maker, for a lot- there S. of the creek, S. the road, W. grantor, formerly Thomas Johnston, N. George Jewell. 157 1696 Dec. 8. Confirmation to David Demarie of Hackinsack, Bergen Co., in right of his late father David Demarie junior, of 230 acres in said EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 255 Page Co., betw. Hackinsack R., David Demarie's 2,000 a. tract, John Demarie and Samuel Demarie. I5g 1696 Dec. 10. Patent to Theophelus Peirson of Newark, for: 1, a homelot of 6 acres, E. and W. roads, N. Azariah Craine, S. Ester Den- nison; 2, a lot on the road to Wheeler's Point, E. and N. Mathew Cam- field, S. Abraham Peirson, W. a road; 3, a lot on the Westside of Two Miles Brook, N. Abraham Peirson jr., W. said brook, S. Ester Dennison and the road, E. the road; 4, a lot near Tichenor's, 19 by io£ chains, E. Widow Tichenor, S. Abr. Peirson jun., W. and N. roads; 5, a lot at Beefe Point, 10 by 6 ch., W. Lieut. John Ward, N. a road, E. Abr. Peirson, S. Azariah Craine; 6, 2 a., at Wheelers Point, W. Mathew Camfield, S. and N. E. Richard Harrison, N. the Commons; 7, a lot on the road to Wheel er's Point, N. Joseph Wilson, W. Abr. Peirson, S. unsurveyed land, E. the swamp and the road; 8, a lot, N. Abr. Peirson, W. land in common, S. Marie Bond, E. Eliphalet Johnston and Abr. Peirson; 9, 20 a. of meadow at Wheelers Point, N. upland, N. E. Richd Harrison, E. Samuel Kitchell and the pond, S. Widow Brewer, W. the creek and Abr. Peirson; in all 106 a. and all in Newark Township. 161 1696 Dec. 10. Do. to Robert Yong of Newark, for the following tracts in said township, containing 200 acres: 1, a lot at the mouth of Stonehouse Brook, S. Samuel Plum, E. the Third River, W.- and N. un surveyed; 2, a lot near the mountain swamp, S. and W. the said river, N. Achquickenunck line, E. a small swamp; 3, a lot, S. and E. said river, W. unsurveyed, N. John Brodberrie; 4, a lot, W. and N. Raway River and branch, S. Samuel Freeman, E. unsurveyed; 5, a piece of the Millbrook swamp, S. Samuel Plum, N. Widow Craine, W. unsurveyed, E. other lots; 6, a piece of meadow at the head of Fishing Creek, S. John Baldwine junior, W. said creek, N. "a small worme" and other lots, E. another lot; 7, a piece of meadow, S. and W. unsurveyed, N. Morris Creek, E. John Brodberry. 163 1696 Dec. 10. Do. to John Curtise, John Treat, Theophelos Peirson and Robert Yong, all of Newark, for the following tracts there: ist, 1, a homelot, N. John Johnston, S. Daniel Browen, E. and W. roads; 2, a lot, W. a branch of the Millbrook, N. the road, E. Hance Alberts, Samuel and Daniel Dode, S. other lots; 3, a lot, N. unsurveyed land, E. and S. other lots, W. the swamp; 4, a piece of meadow at the Lower Tide Pond, E. a creek running into said pond, S. Hugh Roberts and Thomas Staples, N. said pond, W. Oyster Creek; 5, a piece of swamp-near the great swamp in the neck, S. the bridge, E. the bogs, W. other lots; 6, a piece at the head of the great meadow, E. Samuel Potter, N. Aaron Blackliel and John Johnston, W. the swamp, S. Ebenezer Lampson and unsurveyed land; in all 200 acres allotted for the parsonage: 2d, a lot, 7 by 4 chains, W. John Treat, S. John Johnston, N. and E. roads, for a burying place; 3d, a tri- 1 Blachley. 256 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page angle peece surrounded by roads, for a market place; 4th, another trian gle peece, surrounded by roads, for the training place; 5th, a triangle peece as watering place for the cattle, S. John Plum and Robert Daglish, N. and E. roads; Lastly, all the streets of Newark, as they are now layed out, viz: the high street to remaine about two chaines more or less in breadth, and in length from Hugh Roberts' brook to the Millbrook thorow the middle of the Towne; and the rest of the streetes to bee as they are now in breadth: in trust for the Old Settlers of Newark. 166 1696 Dec. 9. Do. to Thomas Peirson senior of Newark, for the fol lowing tracts there, vizt: 1, a lot on the. hill near Mrs. Craine, N. Benjamin Baldwine, S. John Catlin and unsurveyed land, E. and W. unsurveyed; 2, a lot at Watseson Hill, 16 by 15 chains, S. Daniel Dode, N. Benjamin Baldwine, E. the plain, W. the brook; 3, a lot on Watsesons Plain, 15 by 12 ch., N. grantee, S. Samuel Dode, E. said plain, W. unsurveyed; 4, another lot there, N. W. grantee and Benjamin Baldwine, N. E. George Harrison, S. E. Samuel Rose, S. W. unsurveyed; 5, a lot, W. the brook, N. grantee, E. Daniel and Samuel Dode, S. unsurveyed; 6, six acres of meadow, E. the Bay, S. Aaron Black- ley, W. common meadow, N. Thomas Luddington; 7, 4 a., W. Mrs. Mor ris' creek, N. Samuel Plum, S. Samuel Kitchell; 8, 4 a., E. grantee, S., W. and N. common meadow; 9, 10 a., N. E. Daniel Dode, S. E. the great island, S. W. common meadow, N. W. upland; in all 196 acres. 168 1696-7 Jan. 11. Deed. Thomas Warne of Monmouth Co. to John Houghton of Middlesex Co., for 200 acres in Middlesex Co., as surveyed for said grantee by Daniel Leedes, along the line of partition. 171 1696 Dec. 8. Patent to Samuel Dode of Newark, for 181 acres there as follows: 1, a house lot on the hill, 12 by 6 chains, near Hance Alberts, W. unsurveyed land, N. Jabes Rodgers and Samuel Ro'se, E. a pond, S. a road; 2, a lot near Watsesons Hill, 20 by 13 ch., E. a small brook, N. Daniel Dode, W. unsurveyed, S. the plain; 3, a lot, 15 ch. long, N. E. Daniel Dode, S. W. Thomas Richards, N. W. and S. E. unsurveyed; 4, a lot in the retain beyond the Millriver, 11 by 10 ch., S. Stephen Davis, E. a road, N. Obadiah Brewen, W. the foot of the hill; 5, 11 a. on the North side of the foregoing, W. the long hill, E. a road, N. said Brewen; 6, a lot in the branches of Second River, W. grantee, N., E. and S. unsurveyed; 7, a lot, at the Southend of his lot at Watsesons Hill, S. the Harrisons and grantee, E. unsurveyed; 8, a lot, N. and E. Daniel Dode, grantee and unsurveyed land, S. and W. unsurveyed, N. Thomas Peirson; g, 10 a. of boggy meadow, N. E. Benjamin Baldwine, S. W. Thomas Richards, S. E. a road, N. W. upland. 173 1696 Dec. 8. Do. to Edward Baal of Newark, for 24 acres there as follows: I, a homelot of 6 acres, S. Richard Harrison, E. and W. roads, N. Mrs. Morris; 2, 3 a. in the Great Neck near Beefe Point, W. Stephen EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 257 Page Freeman and Mrs. Craine, S. the road, E. Bartholoineiu Goodrich, N. the meadow; 3, 8 11. beyond the great swamp, S. Samuel Swaine, W. the swamp, N. the Commons, E. grantee; 4, 4 a. of meadow at Beefe Point, N.the river, E. Mrs. Craine, S. grantee, W. Joseph Walters; 5, 3^- a., E. the Bay, W. grantee. 175 1695-6 Jan. 27. Do. to Samuel, Joseph and Daniel Harrison, all of Newark, for the following lots there: 1, a lot in the swamps of Elizabeth Town River, all around unsurveyed; 2, a lot on the branches of Second R., E. Thomas Richards and Samuel Dode, S. John Pridden and unsur veyed land, W. and N. unsurveyed; in all 100 acres. 177 1695-6 Jan. 25. Do. to Samuel Freeman of Newark, for 100 acres there as follows: 1, a lot on Elizabeth Town River; 2, a lot, W. the moun tain, N. grantee, E. Roway R., S. unsurveyed; 3, a lot, VV. Roway R., all other sides unsurveyed; 4, a piece of meadow, E. Oyster Creek, N. Dan iel Browne, W. Anthony Olife. 179 1695-6 Jan. 23. Do. to John Baldwine junior of Newaik, for 100 acres there, as follows: I, S. Edwaard Baall, W. the mountain, N. and E. unsurveyed; 2, a piece of meadow, W. Fishing Cr., N. other lots, S. Ed ward Baall.' 181 i6g6 Dec. 7. Deed. Robert Wharton, late of N. Y. City and wife Ann, late widow of John West, to Michael Hardin, of the same place, vintner, for 1,212 acres as follows: I, gi2 a. in Middlesex Co., W. the Northbranch of Rariton R., betw. Sir John Dalrumple and widow Mar garet Winder, patented to said Ann, then widow West Sept. 3, 1693; 2, 300 a. at Barnegate at the mouth of Manohohaky Creek, N. E. Peter Sun mans, S. E. and S. the Bay, S. W. Thomas Rudyard, N. W. unsur veyed. 183 1696 Dec. 22. Do. Same to same for ^ of 1-24 share of East Jersey, bought by John West, first husband of Ann, from Thomas Rudyard, father of Ann.' 190 1696-7 Jan. 14. Do. Aurthur Simson of Perth Amboy to Mathew Bun, late of Woodbridge, boatman, for the land, bo't from said Bun January 16, 1695-6 (supra p. 4). 205 1696 Dec. 25. Do. Charles Sallyer of Woodbridge, weaver, and his now wife Mary to John Loofebtirrow of the same place, miller, for 60 acres there at the head of Craine Creek, betw. Ephraim Andrews on the W. and Woodbridge Commons. 206 • 1680 Dec. 7. Do. Capt. John Baker to widow Mary Pope and her son John, all of Elizabeth Town, for 50 acres at Raway, called Capt. Baker's Farm, with 5 a. of meadow belonging to it. 210 1680 Dec. 7. Do. Same to George Pack of the same place, for 50 acres at Raway, called Capt. Baker's Farm, with 5 a. of meadow belonging to it. (See preceding.) 211 25S NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1696 Dec. .10. Confirmation to Maryen, widow of John Campble of Perth Amboy, of 600 acres on Pissack River below the mouth of Wachra Brook;l 2 a. in Perth Amboy, E. Water St., N. Smith St., W. High St., S. Peter Sunmans. 212 1696-7 Jan. 13. Deed. Benjamin Clark of Stony Brook, Middlesex Co., to William Oldden of Rariton R., same Co., for 333 acres, betw. the Stony Brook, Richard Stockton and the road. 214 1685 Oct. 26. Do. Jediah Higgins of Piscataway to Peter Elston of Woodbridge, for a house in Piscataway with the lot thereto belonging, N. a road, E. the burial place, S. a swamp and beyond it Capt. Drake and the Widow Bonham, W. the road to Piscataway upper landing. 216 1696-7 Jan. i. Do. Peter Elston of Woodbridge to John Langstaffe of Piscataway, for the preceding. 217 1696-7 Feb. 19. Lease. Mary, widow of Thomas Carhart of Wood- bridge, to Thomas Bills of Burlington, West Jersey, weaver, for a house and farm on Craine Cr., Woodbridge, 120 acres; lease ended by mutual agreement June 11, 1698. 219 1696-7 March 23. Deed. John Demarest senior of New Barbados Neck, Essex Co., to his son John Demarest, for 250 acres in said town be tween Jaque Larou and grantor. 220 1696 April 4. Do. Hanse Dedricks of Bergen to Francis Post of Aquechenonge, Essex Co., for lot No. 2 in Aquechenong between Adrian Post and Jurian Thomas. 222 l6g6 Sept. ig. Do. John Berry of Bergen Co. to Charles Mackleane of the same Co., for 200 acres in Essex Co., betw. Sadie River and Johan nes Johnson. 223 1691-z Feb. 15. Do. John Smally of Piscataway to Jo'seph Worth of the same place, cooper, for 20 acres, E. and W. roads, S. John Smally senior, N. George Jewell. 226 1696-7 Jan. 12. Do. Benjamin Clerk of Stony Brook to Joseph Worth of Piscataway, for 220 acres, in Middlesex Co., bo't of Thomas Warne, betw. the Stony Brook, John Haughton, the Yorke road and the partition line. 227 l6g6 .April 22. Do. Abraham Bockee, late of Aquachonongue, Essex Co., now of the Fresh Water, N. Y., weaver, to Peter Powelse, late of Bergen, now of Aquachonongue, for a lot in Aquachonongue, No. II of the new lots, between Johannes Macheilse and the common lane. 230 1688 May 16. Do. John Mollesone of Amboy Perth, merchant, to Andrew Hauton of Elizabeth Town, tailor, for I acre in Amboy Perth, S. Swamp St., N. North St., E. and W. unappropriated lots. ' 232 1696 April 25. Do. Thomas Johnston of Elizabeth Town and wife 1 In the present Borough of Hawthorne, Passaic county. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 259 Page Sarah to Andrew Hauton of the same place, tailor, for 3 acres there, E. Samuel Whitehead, S. a road and Capt. John Baker, W. a road and John Haynes, N. Elizabethtown Cr. and Colonel Richard Townely. 234 1690 Nov. 6. Satisfaction of mortgage. Dennis Morris to John Toe and wife Lydia of Elizabeth Town for the mortgage of January 27, 1686, on two houselots of 5 acres each in said town, E. the Millcreek, N. one Coxe, formerly William Cramer, W. and S. roads. 237 1695 Aug. 1. Deed. Thomas Johnson of Elizabethtown and wife Sarah to Samuel Whitehead of the same place, cordwainer, for I acre there, opposite to John Harriman, E. town land, S. a street, opposite to John Baker, W. grantor, N. the Elizabeth Town Creek. 240 - 1697 Jan- 2- ^-*°- John Worth of Woodbridge to Thomas Sutten of Piscataway, for 6 acres of Woodbridge meadow, at the Roundabout, E. the river, N. Samuel Hale, W. grantor, S. John Blumfield. 242 1688 May 30. Da Hugh Dun and wife Elizabeth of. Piscataway to John Molleson of New Perth, for 30 acres in Piscataway, S. Benjamin Dunham, E. and N. roads, W. grantor. The same deed is also signed Npy. 15, 1684, according to entry. 244 1696 Dec. 21. Do. Tege alias Timothie Cartee to John Molleson, both of Piscataway, for 5 acres .of meadow there, W. John Chambers, formerly Richard Smith, N. woodland, E. a creek, S. Hezekiah Bonum. 245 ¦ 1696 Dec- 6. Do. Robert Wharton, late of N. Y. City, and his wife Ann, late widow of John West, to Joseph Smith of the same place, for 1,500 acres in Essex Co., on Raway River, E. Symon Rowse and Dr. Rob inson, N. a branch of said river, W. and S. common land, sold to said John West by Thomas Rudyard November 5, 1685. [John West died Au gust 6, 1691, and his widow Ann Rudyard married Robert Wharton Jan uary 28, i6g3.] 247 1696 Dec. 22. Do. Same. to same, for the Calfe Pasture in Elizabeth Town, 80 acres, W. a road, S. Lieut. Ross, E. the creek, N. Mathew Hatfield. 252 1697 April 6. Appointment of Samuel Miller of Elizabeth Town a's guardian of Thomas and Aaron, minor sons of Aaron Thomson of the same place dec'd. 258 1696 Aug. 1. Deed. John Jacquish to Peter Elston, cordwinder, both of Woodbridge, for 2 acres of Raway meadows there, N. the river, E. grantee, S. Michael White, W. Henry Jaquish and Joseph Rolfe. 259 1696-7 March 19. Do. George March of Newberry, Mass., by his attorney John Bishop of Woodbridge, to Peter Elston, cordwinder, for 90 acres, in Woodbridge, S. E. Millbrook of Raway R., S. W. Robert Wright, N. E. and N. W. unsurveyed land; patented to grantor May 6, 1693, 2^° 260 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1695-6 Jan. 2. Do. Thomas Higgens of Piscataway to John Stewart, late of Raway, for 73 acres near Shingle Hill in Piscataway, S. Hopewell Hull, W. Charles Gillman, N. Alexander Adams. 263 1696-7 March 17. Do. John Stewart of Raway to Thomas Martine of Woodbridge, for the preceding 73 acres. 265 1696 Oct. 16. Do. Abraham Adams of Newberrie, Mass., to Abra ham Densley of Woodbridge, weaver, for a freehold in Woodbridge, for merly belonging to his brother John Adams, E. Strawberry Hill or the Sheep Common, S. Obadiah Aires, W. a road, N. Mrs. Thomas Cod- drington. 267 1697 April 3. Do. Abraham Densley of Woodbridge to John ffore- man of Nonesuch, Middlesex Co., for the preceding lot (15 acres). _ 269 1687-8 Jan. 9. Do. John ffitsrendolph to his brother Benjamen ffits rendalph, both of Piscataway, for 70 acres of land and 5 a. of meadow there, of which 30 a. are bounded S. by Israel ffaulson, W. a small brook, West (query: N.?) Nicholas Bonham, E. a brook; 40 a. on Ambrose Brook, S. W., N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land, S. E. Edmond Donham; the 5 a. of meadow, E. Woodbridge line, S. Rariton R., W. Richard Smith, . N. Joseph ffitsrendalph. 271 1696-7 Jan. 25. Do. Abraham Browne of Shrewsberry to his son Abraham Browne of Mansfield, Burlington Co., West Jersey, for a lot in Freehold, N. W. Burlington Path, E. and S. Passequenoque Brook, N. Peter White, S. John Hampton, as per patent of March 25, 1687. 272 i6g6~7 Jan. 26. Do. Abraham Browne of Mansfield, W. J., and wife Lea to John Pearce of Freehold, for the preceding lot, including a boggy fly, called the Woolfe Pitt meadow. 274 i6g6~7 Jan. 11. Do. John Reid of' Freehold to William Ridford of Amboy, for a lot near Wickatunck, E. Augustin Gordon, W. Alexander ' Naipper, S. Clem. Plumstead and Richard Salter. 277 1697 April 20. Certificate of Quietus to Mary Carhart, widow and executrix of Thomas Carhart of Woodbridge dec'd. 279 1696-7 March 9. Power of attorney. Fredrick Phillips of N. Y. City to James Haines of Elizabeth Town, as general agent in E. J. 280 — ; 1697 April 1. WiU of Richard Clerke of Elizabeth Town. Wife Eliz abeth, sons Richard, John, Josua, Samuel, Ephraim, Thomas, Benjamin. Real and personal estate. Executors — the wife and son Richard. Wit nesses — William Janeway, John Glasbrooke, Mary Baker. Proved in New York April 15. 281 1697 May 3. Letters testimonial with preceding will attached, issued to the executors named. 284 1690-1 Jan. 24. Mortgage. James Johnston of Monmouth Co. to John Tatham of Burlington, W. J., for 550 acres in said Co., now occupied EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 261 Page by Walter Kerr, S. and N. brooks, W. Walter Kerr, E. William Davidson, as per patent "of December 24, 1686; also half of the meadow, patented to present grantor May 7, last past. 285 1691 June 16. Declaration of James Johnston that John Tatham has liberty to sell the preceding mortgage. 287 1690 May 28, Deed. James Johnston of Monmouth Co. to Jedediah Allen of Shrewsberry, for £ of 1-10 of 1-4.8 share of East Jersey, bo't of Robert Barclay of Urie, Governour of East Jersey, April 22, 1684. 288 1690 June 3. Do. Same to same, for a lot in Monmouth Co., in the Passequenecqua Indian Purchase, on the Southside of Burlington Path, N. W. the path, E. John Burden, S. barrens and the great meadow, N. the pines; a piece of the great meadow, E. Francis Burden, W. Henry Cham- berlaine; a narrow strip of meadow, one mile S. of tbe great meadow, among the pines; in all 250 acres. 291 1697 April 6. Do. John Woodbridge to John Chaplin, tailor, both of Woodbridge, for 60 acres at the Penny Ordinary adjoining Rehoboth Gan nett and along the path to Langstaff's Farm or Plain. 2g3 1682 April 15. Deed of Partition betw. William Pinhorne of N. Y. and Edward Earle of Cekakus of a plantation at Cekakus, Pinhorne to have the South end of the island, called Long Neck, divided from the Northend by the first great creek, N. of Snake Hill, Earl to have the North part, called Panepack Neck. 2g5 1696 Dec. 8. Confirmation to Thomas Warne of Middleton, one of the Proprietors, of a lot in Perth Amboy, 10 by I chains, E. Water Street, S. the Scots Proprietors, W. High St., N. unappropriated lots. 296 1696-7 March 17. Deed. William Douglas, late of Bergen Co., to Cornelius Mackeelse of said Co., for a lot at Pemberpock, Bergen, betw. John Artse van de Bult and Pawle Dowese, the Hudson R. and Pissaick R. or Hackinsack Bay. 298 l6g6 Sept. I. Deed of Partition. Hartmart Macheilse, Johannes Ma- cheilse, Cornelius Macheilse dividing the real estate of Derick Claes Braeck dec'd, with the consent of Maritie Derickse Braeke, Metie Derickse Braeke and Claese Derickse Braeke, daughters of said Derick Claes: Hartman takes a homelot at Comunipan, next to Fitie Hartmans, a lot ad joining to it, a third homelot next to Johannes Macheilse, the Island of - Reckpokus, a parcel called the Bush land. 300 i6g6 Nov. 6. Deed. Hans Dedricks of Bergen to his son-in-lawl John Adrianse Sip, for a lot, No. II, at Achquikenunck. , 303 i6g6 Nov. 20. Do. Gerret van Dean of New Barbados, Essex Co., to Johannis van Emburgh, for a lot betw. Hackinsack R. and the fresh meadow, S. W. Lowrence Ackerman, S. E. said river, N. E. Anthony Rob- ertse, N. W. the fresh meadow; a piece of the fresh meadow on the North- 1 Stepson. 262 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page side of the first lot. 304 1697 May 4. Do. John Berrie of Bergen Co. to Guilliam Bertholf of Essex Co., for 27 acres in Essex Co., S. E. Hackinsack R., N. E: ffolkert Hanson, N. W. the fresh meadow, S. W. Nicholas Devaux. 305 1696 Nov. 5. Do. Same to Johannes van Emburgh and Cornelius Christiansen, for 20 acres of meadow, formerly Nicholas Devaux's, No. 7. 307 1695-6 Feb. 20. Do. Samuel Edsell of Queens Co., L. I., to Hans Harmans of Constable's Hook, Bergen Co., N. J., for 500 acres at Consta ble's Hook, patented by Govr Richard Nicolls pf N. Y. October 26, 1664, to present grantor and Nicholas Johnson, of whom the last sold his share to the first November 2, 1670. 308 i6g5 Oct. 7. Do. John Bownd of Middletowne to Gerret Schenck, Stephen Courte Voorhuys, Cornelius Couwenhoven and Peter Wyckoff of Flatlands, alias Amesfort, Kings Co., L. I., for 500 acres in Middletowne, as per patent of March 10, 1685, S. W. Wycketon's land (Wickatunck?), N. W. Derrick Tuneson, N. E. Richard Stout, S.~ E. Jonathan Holmes. 312 1697 March 30. Do. Peter Wyckoff to John Schenck, both of Kings Co., L.-L, for his fourth of the preceding 500 acres. 314 1697 May I. Confirmation to Peter Tilton of Middletoune, of 200 acres betw. Swiming and Hope Rivers, called Tilton's Little Farm, cor recting boundaries, as described in patent of July 26, 1686. 316 1697 May 4. Deed. Peter Tilton of Middletoune to Jacob du Truax of the same place, for 100 acres, one half of the preceding, N. W. and S. W. Lewis Morris, N. grantor's land, now occupied by Daniel Aplegate, S. E. Sweeming R. 318 1697 May 1. Patent to Gersum Moattl of Middletoune, for 50 acres there, S. E. a run, coming from James Dorsett's, N. Robert Holeman, S. and W. unsurveyed land. 319 1697 May 1. Confirmation to James Bowne of Middletoune, in right of his father James Bowne dec'd, for: I, a sedge island of 7 acres in the mouth of Shoale Harbour; 2, 150 acres on Pine Brook, near Croswicks, E. said brook, N. unsurveyed land, W. John Baker, S. John Stowt and Job Throgmorton. 321 i6g7 May 19. Deed. Derrick Benconl of N. Y. City, boatman, to Barne Peitersie Cowieman of Albany Co., N. Y., sawyer, for 1,000 acres. (See deed Willoks to Bencon, supra p. 129, this deed being endorsed on it.) 323 1697 May 1. Confirmation to Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour, of a lot in Perth Amboy, E. Water St., N. Dock St., W. James Miller, now 1 Gershom Mott. 2 Benson. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 263 Page George Dockwray, S. John Cowlie. 324 1697 May I. Do. to John Barclay of Perth Amboy, for a lot there, E. low water mark, S. William Dockwra, W. High St., N. Peter Sun mans. 325 1697 May I. Patent to Jebez Roger of Newark, for 250 acres there as follows: I. a homelot of 6 acres, E. the widow Brwen, N. and W. roads, S. Samuel- Kitchell; 2, 6 a. in the Neck, S. E. John Baldwine junior, S. W. Thomas Richards, N. W. and N. E. roads; 3, 10 a. at the bottom of the Neck, N. John Browne junior, E. Samuel Plum, S. Azariah Craine, W. a. road; 4, a tract, E. Pissaick R., S- and W. unsurveyed, N. Second R. ; 5, a tract on the Hill, W. of town, 7 ch. 6 f. on the S , 75 ch. on the W., gj ch. on the N. ; 6, a tract in the Great Neck, 10 by 7 ch., N. the road, E. Richard Lawrence, S. other lots, W. Stephen Bond; 7, another tract there, 10 by 2J ch., S. the road, E. Samuel Rose, N. other lots, W. Benjamin Baldwine; 8, a lot in the branches of Second River, S. John Baldwine, W. Azariah Craine, N. and E. unsurveyed; 9, a lot, W. the Third R., N, E. and S. unsurveyed; 10, 7 acres of meadow at the river side, N. Martine Tichenall, W. upland, S. Richard Lawrence; 10, ij a., E. John Cooper, S. Daniel Dode, W. Joseph Harrison, N. John Baldwine senior; 11, 12 a. on Jasper's Creek, S. John Catlin, E. the Bay, N Jasper Craine, W. the Pan (?). 326 1697 May 1. Confirmation to John, son and heir of Henrie Chamber- laine of Shrewsberrie dec'd, of 50 acres in the Passequanequa Indian Pur chase, as follows: I, a lot, E. Pessequanecqua, Creek, W. George Keith, S. Richard Stout, N. John Haven; 2, 2 acres of meadow at the head of Man asquan R., S. and N. upland, W. Jacob Lippencobate, E. unsurveyed meadow. 329 1697 May 1. Do. to Jasper and Daniel Craine, both of Newark, in right of their- father John Craine, late of Newark, of 147 acres there as. fol lows: 1, a homelot of 4 acres, S. the road, W. John Craine, N. the river, E. Samuel Plum; 2, 5 a. in the Great Neck, N. the road, W. and S. Sam uel Plum, E. Samuel Waard; 3, 6 a. on the Long Hill, E. Robert Lymon, N. Jonathen Serjant, W. unsurveyed, S. John Craine; 4, 3 a. adjoining the parsonage, N. and E. the parsonage, S. Thomas Huntington, W. a branch of the Millbrook; 5, 3 a., N- Hance Alberts, W. Thomas Hunt ington, S. the road, E. other lots; 6, a lot, 34 ch. along " branch of Sec ond R., 20 ch. along Second R, N. said river, W. said branch, S. Nathan iel Waard, E. unsurveyed; 7, a lot betw. Second and Third Rivers, S. the widow Bowen, W. and N. unsurveyed, E. Mathew Camfield and unsur veyed; 8, a tract of swampy land at the head of the Millbrook, S. Robert Yong, E. and W. unsurveyed, N. John Craine; 9, 4 a. of meadow at the mouth of the river, E. the river, S. John Waard, W. the road, N. Joseph Wilson; 10, 4J a., W. Jonathen Serjant, S. the Bound Creek, E. Richard Lawrence, N. unsurveyed meadow. 331 264 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1697 May 1. Do. to Pawll Day of Newark, in right of his father George Day, late of Newark, of 87 acres there as follows: I, a homelot of 3 acres, N. and W. roads, S. Nathaniel Wheeler, E. George Day; 2, a lot on Lightning Hill, S. Jasper Craine, E. Daniel Tichenall, N other lots; 3, a lot in Tompkins Neck, W. and N. roads, N. Zachariah Burrell, E. grantee, S. grantee and Jonathen Tompkins; 4, a lot on the Westside of Two Miles Brook, S. Jonathen Tompkins and the road, W. Joseph John ston, N. the Riggs, E. John Dennison and Theophelus Peirson; 5, a piece of boggy meadow by Maple Island, W. Mathew Camfield, S. the widow Bowin and Robert Daglish, E. a road, N. grantee and Jonathen Tomp kins; 6, 10 a. of meadow, S. Daniel Tichenall, W. Henry Lyon, N. grantee's brother, E. Camfield's Creek; 7, 3 a., E., Samuel Lyon, S. and W. Jonathen Tichenall and Widow Riggs, N. unsurveyed meadow; 8, 3 a. at Beefe Point, N. the river, E. Joseph Walters, W. John Baldwine, S. upland; 9, 2 a. at ffreeman's Point, S. Samuel ffreeman, E. the creek, N. John Craine, W. upland. 333 1697 May 1. Do. to John Craine of Newark, in right of his father John Craine, late of Newark, of 73 acres there, as follows: I, a homelot of 2 acres, W. Jonathen Serjant, N. the river, E. his brothers, S. the road; 2, a tract in the Neck, E. John Morris, S. Thomas Richards, W. the bogs, N. John Baldwine; 3, a tract in the branches of Second R., E. said branches, N., W. and S. Thomas Davis and unsurveyed land; 4, a lot on the Long Hill, E. other lots, S. John Cockburne, W. a road, N. unsur veyed; 5, 5 a. on said hill, S. Samuel Rose, E. Robert Lymon, N. his brothers, W. unsurveyed; 6, 5 a. in the Neck, E. Jonathan Serjant, S. his brothers, W. Thomas Ludington, N a road; 7, a tract of swampy land at the head of the Millbrook swamp, N. other lots, E. and W. unsurveyed; S. his brothers; 8, 4 a. of meadow at ffreeman's Point, E. Thomas Peir son, S. the creek, N. and W. unsurveyed bogs; 9, 6 a. of meadow by the Great Island, W. the island, N. Samuel Kitchell, E. the pond, S. Azariah Craine; 10, 3J a. by Maple Island Creek, E. Samuel Kitchell, S. the creek, W. Samuel Plum, N. the pond. 336 1697 May 1. Do. to Daniel and Jonathen Tichenall of Newark, in right of Martine Tichenall, late of Newark, of 106 acres there, as fol lows: I, a homelot of 6 a. N. William Camp, E., S. and W. roads; 2, a slip by the house,. 5f by J ch., S. Samuel Lyon, E. • Theophelus Peirson, N. the road, W. Widow Tichenall; 3, 4 a. in Tichenall's Neck, W. the road, N. Widow Tichenall, E. Ephraim Burrell, S. Wm. Camp; 4, a lot on Log Hill, E. Elizabeth River, S. and N. unsurveyed, W. Pawll Day; 5, a tract by Hogg Penn Swamp, S. John Curtise, W. unsurveyed, N. Wm. Camp and Joseph Johnston; 6, a lot by the side of Stout Buck Plain, S. Samuel Lyon, W. Thomas Lyon, N. unsurveyed, E. other lots; 7, 6 a. of meadow, E. Wm. Camp, N. Camfield's Creek, W. Pawll Day, S. unsurveyed meadow; 8, 4 a. at the mouth and W. of the river, N. Thomas Richards, W. upland, S. Widow Tichenall; g, 4 a., S. the Bound EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER P. 265 Page Brook, E. Nathaniel Lyon, N. Pawll Day, W. the Riggs; 10, 2 a., S. Oys ter Cr., E. Samuel Waard, N. Widow Tichenall, W. John Treat. 338 1697 May 1. Do. to Martine Tichenar of Newark, in right of his father John -Tichenar, late of Newark, of 54 acres there as follows: I, a homelot of 2 a., S. Samuel Lyon, W. and N. roads; 2, 6 a. in the Little Neck, E. and N. roads, W. Theophelus Peirson, S. grantee; 3, i|- a. ad joining to No. 2, E. and W. roads, S. his brother Jonathen, N. Theophe lus Peirson and grantee; 4, a lot on Stout Buck Plain, E. John Curtise, S. the road, W.the swamp, N. unsurveyed; 5, a lot, JE. Roway R., N.John Browne, W. the mountain, S. Thomas Browne; 6, 7 a. of meadow, N. Maple Island Creek, E. Samuel Ward, S. Jonathen Tichenall, W. Cam- field's Creek; 7, 5 a. at the bottom of the Neck, E. the river, S. Jebes Rogers, W. upland, N. Daniel Tichenall. 341 1697 ^aX I- D°" to Esteri widow of John Browin, late of Newark, in right of her deceased husband, for 160 acres there, as follows: 1, a a homelot of 4^ acres, N. other lots, E., S. and W. roads; 2, 1^ a. of her homelot in the Neck, W. and N. the rear of other lots, E. and S. roads; 3, 4J a. by the Cove in the Neck, E. Stephen Bond and grantee, W., S. and N. roads; 4, 4j a. beyond the Millbrook, W. the road, N. other lots, E. the river, S. Richard Lawrence; 5, 5^ a., N. Stephen Bond, E. Benja- men Baldwine, W. and S. grantee; 6, a lot in the Neck, E. a road and, John Curtice, N. Stephen Davis, W. unsurveyed; 7, a lot in the Plain, E. a road, S. Samuel Dode, W. the hill, N. Samuel Rose; 8, a lot in the Great Neck, N. and S. roads; E. Robert Daglish, W. Samuel Harrison; 9, a lot beyond Second River, N. and N. E. a road, Widow Craine and un surveyed land, W. Thomas Davis, S. Samuel Waard, E. unsurveyed; 10, 5 a. beyond the Millbrook, E. the river, S. Stephen Bond, W. a road, N. grantee; n,,jj-a., E. and N. roads, S. Stephen Bond, W. Hance Alberts; 12, 4£ a. of the salt meadow, W. the island, Sr Mrs. Kitchell, E. the pond, N. Jonathen Tompkins; 13, 3J a. at Beefe Point, N. the river, E. Stephen Bond, S. upland, W. Widow Bond; 14, 4 a., E. and S. the pond, W. Samuel Plum and a creek, N. Theophelus Pierson; 15, 2 a., E. the river, N. Jebes Rogers, W. upland, S: Stephen Bond. _ 343 1697 May 1. Do. to Jonathen Seers of Newark, in right of Joseph , Walters, of 160 acres there, as follows: I, a homelot of 6 a., E. and S. roads, W. Wm. Moore, N. Camfield, Daglish and Linslie; 2, 3^ a. in the Little Neck, N. the road, E. John Baldwine senior, S. Samuel Harrison and Kitchell, W. John Baldwine junior; 3, 3 a. in the same Neck, S. the road, E. Samuel Harrison and John Baldwine junior, N. Jebes Rogers, W.other lots; 4, a lot at Crab Orchard, E. Mathew Camfield and Thomas Davis, N. Samuel Ward, W. and S. unsurveyed; 5, a lot on the hill, S. - Samuel Potter, W. the Harrisons and Theophelus Peirson, N. John John ston, E. Eliezer Lampson and unsurveyed land; 6, a lot on the hill be-" yond the head of the Millbrook, E. Mathew Williams and Nathaniel 266 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Waard, S. John Treate, W. Francis Linsley, N. the road; 7, 4§ a. of meadow at Beefe Point, N. the river, E. Edward Baal, S. upland, W. George Day; 8, 3J a. on Maple Island Creek, W. the creek, N. Mathew Camfield, E. Ebenezer Camfield, S. John Cockburne. 345 i6g7 May 1. Do. to Joseph and Hannah Bond, in right pf their father Stephen Bond of Newark, blacksmith, dec'd, of 160 acres there, as follows: I, a homelot of 4 acres, S. Zachariah Burrell, on all other" sides roads; 2, g a. in the Great Neck, N. the road, W. and S. Widow. Brwin, E. Hance Alberts; 3, II a. in the same Neck, E. Mr. Waard, S. Richard Harrison and Sam'uel Rose, W. Benjamin Baldwine, N. a road; 4, a lot, W. the road, S. Henry Lyon, E. the Bound Cr., N. John Baldwine junior; 5, a lot beyond the Millbrook, 5 a., E. the river, S. Stephen Davis, W. a road. N. Widow Brwin; 6, a lot, E. Roway R., N. Samuel Freeman, W. the top of the mountain, S. unsurveyed; 7, 4 a. of bog in Tompkins Cove, S. Edward Riggs, E. and W. upland, N. Nathaniel Wheeler; 8, 4f a. of meadow, W. the Bound Cr., N. and E. unsurveyed- meadow, S. Michael Tompkins; g, 3 a., N. William Camp, W. the creek, S. the Riggs, E. un surveyed; 10, 3 a. by Maple Island, W. John Denison, N, upland, E. Wm. Camp, S. unsurveyed; n, 3 a. Beefe Point, N. the river, E. Azariah Craine, S. upland, W. Widow Brwin; 12, 3 a. by the side and W. of the river, S. Samuel Harrison, W. upland, N. Widow Brwin; 13, 2^- a. of up land, S. Josiah Waard, E. a road, N. Widow Brwin, W. Hance Al berts. 347 i6g7 May 1. Patent to Cornelius Longfield of Piscataway, for 310 acres on the Southside of Raritan R., as follows: 1, a tract, 160 ch. by 18 ch. 50 links, betw. John Inians, Robert Barclay and said river; 2, 30 a. of meadow at the Round About, betw. the Rariton and South Rivers; 3, a slip, 40 by 2 ch., betw. Peter Sunmans and Thomas Rudyard, N. the Rar iton R. 349 1696 April 25. Do. to John Steward of Elizabeth Town, as headland for himself, wife and two children, for 125 acres in Middlesex Co., on the. Southside of the Bound Brook of Piscataqua, S. unsurveyed, W. Samuel Dotie and Benjamin Hull, N. said brook. 351 1696-7 Jan. 22. Deed. John Steward and wife Agnus to Samuel Dotie of Piscataway^ for the preceding 125 acres. 353 1696-7 March 15. Will of Robert Curtice of Woodbridge. Marie Gunter, "which I brought up from a Childe," a legatee; Edward Jones, "who lives with me," heir and executor. Witnesses — Jonathen Bishop, Noah Bishop, Sarah Force, John Bishope. Proved May 12, 1697. 354 1697 May 25, Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to Edward Jones. 355 1697 May 25. Letters of administration on the estate of Francis Jack son of Shrewsberrie, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Elizabeth. 356 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 267 . Page 1697 June 3. Do. Do. on the estate of John, van der Linde of Bergen, dec'd intestate, granted Abraham de Peyster of N. Y. City. 357 1697 June 3. Do. Do. on the estate of Capt. Thomas Swaswell of Middleton dec'd. intestate, granted to Edward Antill of N. Y. City. 357 1689 May 2. Deed. Samuel Gibson, late of Perth Amboy Inholder -and wife Lideah to Humphrey Hull, of N. Y. vintner, for one acre in Perth Amboy, E. the intended wharf, N. William Brookefield, W. and S. unappropriated, as per patent of April 28, 1688. 358 1683 Sept. 4. Burlington. Do. John Chammis of Shrewsberrie to Richard Hartshorne of Middleton, for the use of Job Almy of Rod Island, for his right, title, etc., in and to a share of land and meadow, formerly owned in Shrewsberry Township, adjoining to William West and his brother. 360 1696 Dec. 28. Confirmation to John Robinson of Woodbridge, black smith, in right of William Cotter of the same place, dec'd, of the follow ing lots: 1, a homelot of II acres, N.John Taylor, E. the road, S. John Gillman, W. Thomas Blumfield jun. ; 2, 60 a. on the Northside of John Smith Scotsman; 3, 16J a. of meadow on the Rariton, N. Stephen Kent junior, S. Henry Lessenbie, W. Benjamin Parkis and Robert Rodgers, E. the meadow, left for the ministry and free school; also in right of John Adams of Woodbridge, dec'd, 6 a. of meadow, N. John Blumfield, E. Papiack Creek, S. William Compton, W. Craine Neck upland; in all 94 a. . 362 1696-7 Feb. 23. Deed. Alexander Scott of Elizabeth Town and wife Helen (Ellener) to Richard Spence of Woodbridge, for 14 acres in Eliza beth, conveyed to present grantor by George Ross and Samuel Woods, N. the Two Miles Brook, W: a small run, S. unsurveyed swamp, E. grantor. 364 1696 Dec. 18. Do. John Jaquish of Woodbridge to John Robinson and Richard Spencer of the same place, Scotchmen, for a houselot of 10 acres there, at Hanses Hill, E. the road, S. Jonathan Haines, i W. John Dillie. v 365 , 1697 May 14. Do. Thomas Warne of Midleton to the Proprietors, for one acre in Perth Amboy, fronting the Governour's house, E. Water Street, W. High St., N. Robert Bridgeman, S. an unappropriated lot; the lot to b'e used as a street to the Governour's house. 366 1696-7 Feb. 23. Do. Thomas Cawood of Woodbridge and wife Ruth to Josuah Musherune of the same place, mariner, for 15 acres in Wood- bridge, on the Mill creek, adjoining the 10 a. lot, bo't by grantee of John Fitsrendalph. 367 1697 June 4. Confirmation to William Barton and_wife Hannah, only daughter of Humphrey Hull, of the lot, bo't by said Hull of Samuel Gib son (supra p. 358). - 37° 26S NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page l6g5 April 7. Patent to John Reid of Hortencie, Monmouth Co., for the following tracts in said Co. : I, a lot at the head of the first branch of Deepe Brook, between Alexr Nepair, David Mudie and Thomas Hart; 2, a lot adjoining Peter Sunmans' Wickatunck lot No. g; 3, a lot on Shark R. along John and William West. 371 l6g6 April 27. Confirmation to Cornelius Macheelsie of Bergen, in right of Garret Peterson, John Cornelisie Schoenmaker and John Gerret- sie van Inne, of 150 acres betw. Hackinsack Bay, Pissaick and Hudson R., S. Pawll Dowessee, N. John van de Billi (?Bilt), W. said bay, E. Hudson R. 372 1697 May 1. Do. to Ezekiah Bonham of Piscataway, in right of his late father Ezekiah Bonham, Thomas ffarnewoorth and Daniel Lippenton; of 182 acres in Piscataway, as follows: 1, a houselot of 12 a., S. Benjamine ffitsrendalph, N. John Martine senior, E. a small . spring, W. a small gully; 2, a lot, E. John Smallie senior, W. George Drake, N. a small brook, S. Daniel Lipenton, S. E. George Jewell; 3, a tract, S. Samuel Dotie, W., N. and E. unsurveyed; 4, a lot on Rariton R., N. Nicholas Bonham, S. E. George Jewell, S. W. said river,! N. W. a brook; 5, 5 acres of meadow, S. and E. a small creek, N. Timothy Carlie, W. the two Smal- lies, senior and junior. 374 l6g7 May 22. Deed. Hezekiah Bonham of Piscataway to Benjamen Fitsrendalph of the same place, for 12 acres, No. 1 of preceding confirma tory patent, S. grantee, W. and N. John Martine and town land, E. a small run. 377 1685 July 15. Do. Samuel Waard of Newark, turner, to Tunis Johnson of Ouglivickenon, 1 husbandman, for threescore acres, N. Hanse Hendrickson Aspeere,2 E. Pissaick R.,'S. Second R., as the patent de- cribes it; 4 a. of meadow on Mapple Island Cr. as per patent. 378 1688 Dec. 27. Do. Same with consent of his mother Elizabeth Waard alias Elizabeth Ogden to Tunis Aspeere of Ouchquikenunk, for 22 acres in Newark, N. Widow Morris, S. John Ward senior, turner, E. Sec ond River. 379 1600 Nov. 22. Do. John Morris of Newark to Tunis Aspeere, for 20 acres in Newark, S. Elizabeth Waard, N. Samuel Harrison, W. unsur veyed, E. Pissaick R. 380 l6g2 April 18. Do. John Gardner of Newark and wife Abigail to Tunis Johnston alias Peare, for 85 acres of upland and 7 a. of meadow on Pissaick R., vizt: 45 a., N. grantee, E. the river, S. Hance Hendrickson alias Speere, W. Hendrick Hendrickson van Arie (in the record: vanrearie) and grantee; 31 a. N. Hendrick Hendrickson vanrearie, W. unsurveyed land, E. the first lot, S. Hance Hendrickson alias Speere and unsurveyed 1 Tunis Jansen Pier, of Acquackanonk. 2 Spier. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 269 Page land; 14 a., N. Edward Riggs, S. Hance Hendrickson, W. unsurveyed land, E. common land, 7 a. meadow, E. a small creek, W. Hance Hen drickson, S. Mapple Island Creek, N. a small creek. 380 l6g6 Aug. 22. Do. Samuel Harrison of Newark and wife Mary to Tunis Johnston alias Speare or Peire, for 20 acres, N. Edward Baall, W. the Commons, S. the swamp, E. the river; in Newark Township. 382 l6g7 June 17. Appointment of Samuel Webb of the Island of Barba dos, joiner, as guardian of Mary, Ann and Violetta, minor children of Bryan Blackman of said island, dec'd. 383 1697 June 22. Certificate of Quietus, granted to Samuel Leonard of Shrewsberry as administrator of the estate of Bryan Blackman of the same place, dec'd. 383 l6g7 June 16. Patent to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsberry, for 83 acres there, as follows: 1, a lot, N. W. Thomas Eatton, S. W. and S. unsur veyed, E. and N. E. Jacob Cole; 2, a lot, N. Judah Allen, W. John Hav ens, S. Hannah Joy, E. grantee; 3, a lot, W. Eatton's Mill brook, N. and E. barren hills, S. barren land; 4, a lot and some boggy meadow, a tri angle surrounded by unsurveyed barren land; 5, a piece of meadow, bounded as the last. 384 1697 May 1. Do. " to Joseph West of Shrewsberry, for 100 acres there, S. the path to Long Branch, E. Edmond Lafetra and John New man, N. the North River, W. a road. 386 1694 Dec. 28. Newport, R. I. Deed. Peter Parker of James Town or Cononicote Island, R. I., husbandman, to Caleb Allin of Sandwitch, Barnstable Co., Mass., for his right, title etc. in and to 156 acres, to be called 123 a., N. meadow and Nevesinks R., W. John Slocum, E. and S. roads; 5 a. of meadow, N. W. the Nawawatacunk branch of Shrewsberry River, S. W. Ephraim Allen, S. E. a road, N. E. Hannah Joy; 4 a. of meadow in the Long Neck, S. E. a small island, N. E.John Chambers, N. W. Shrewsberry R., S. W. Remembrance Lippencoate, the whole lo stand for 130 a. 388 .'1688-9 Feb. 23- Do. John Gillman of Chohansy River, West Jersey, to Jediah Higgens of Piscataway, for 33^ acres in Piscataway, W. Edward Slater, S. the meadow, E. Hopewell Hull, N. Thomas Higgens; ij a. of meadow betw. Hopewell Hull and Hugh Dun. 391 1697 April 8. _ Articles of Agreement. Timothy Cartee of Piscataway agrees to sell lo Thomas Webster of the same place his land there, 60 acres, bounded by Thos. Higgens, Benjamin Cevell, Thomas Sutton and Hugh Dun. 392 1697 May 1. Confirmation to. Thomas Webster of Piscataway, cord- winer, in right of Tymothy Cartee of the same place, of 60 acres there, N. a small brook, E. a road, W. WiUiam Sutten^ S. a small spring. 3g3 1689 Ju'y x6. Will of John' Smally of Piscataway and, wife Ann. 270 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Sons — Isaac, John; sons ofson John vizt, John and Jonathen; daughters — Hannah Banges, Mary Snow (who has three d.aughters). Real and personal property. Executor, the survivor. Witnesses — Edward Slater, Samuel Blackfoord. Proved June 23, 1697. 395 1697 May 29. Deed. Miles Forster of N. Y. City and wife Rebeckah to John Ireland of Perth Amboy, for 60 acres" in Middlesex Co., N. E. Rariton Bay, S. E. Thomas Lawrie, W. and N. W. Govr Lawrie, patented to Thomas Bartlett, late of Cheesequaks November 1, 1687, and by him willed to present grantor April II, 1688, to whom it was confirmed by the Proprietors January 15, 1695-6. 397 1697 Aug. 31. Do. John Ireland and wife Jannett to Aurther Simson of Perth Amboy for the preceding tract, which after allowance for barrens etc., is to be 50 acres. 399 1689 Aug. 26. New York. Will of David Desmarett of Essex Co., yeoman and miller. Sons — John, David and Samuel; maid Anna Counk, legatee of 100 acres. Real and personal property. Executors the sons. Witnesses— Paull Richards, Giles Grandineau, Peter Legrant, Peter D'Lattoy. Proved July 30, 1697. 400 1697 Aug. 18. Letters testimonial with rjreceding will annexed issued to the executors named. ¦ 401 1697 June 28. Will of Abigail, widow of Richard Lippencott of Shrewsberry. Grandson John, son of son John Lippencott; widow and children of son Freedom, whose eldest son Samuel is excepted; grand daughters — Abigail, Sybiah and Rachell, daughters of daughter Increase and her husband Samuel Dennis; sons — Restore Lippencott, Remem brance Lippencott; Friends' Meeting at Shrewsberry. Real and personal estate (slaves.) Executors — John Hance, William Worth and William Shattock. Witnesses — George Curtis, WUliam Shattock, Ann Lippencott, Margarett Lippencott. Proved Aug. 24, 1697. 401 1697 Aug. 28. Letters testimonial wilh preceding will annexed issued to the executors named. 403 1697 Aug. 31. Certificate of Quietus Est., issued to Sarah Mitchell, formerly widow of William Richardson of Elizabeth Town, as administra trix of her late husband's estate. 404 1688-9 March 6. Deed. William Compton of Woodbridge and wife Mary to Nicolas Mundie, of Piscataway, for 7 acres of meadow at the Roundabout or Turneabout, N. grantor, E. Josuah Brodley, S. Mathew Moore, W. the Rariton R. 405 1697 April 15. Do. John Bowne to his brother Obediah Bowne, both of Monmouth Co., for all his right, title, use, etc. in and to 769 acres at Mencokameke or Westfield, in Midleton Township, formerly belonging to their father John Bowne. 406 1696 Sept. ,1. Deed of Partition. Parties same as. Supra p. 300, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 27 1 Page shares of Johannes Machielsie and Cornelius Macheilsie. 407 1693-Sept. 27. Deed. John Berry of Bergen Co. to John Christinson of Essex Co., for, 60 acres at New Barbados Neck, N. E. Hartman Brats, N. W. a fresh meadow, S. W. Nicholas Kip, S. E. Hackinsack R. 4og l6g6 Aug. 10. Do. Miles Forster of N. Y. City, merchant, and wife Rebeccah, Mary, widow of William Hayge and Obadiah, eldest son and •heir of said William and Marie Hayge,. to Rooliph van cler Linda of Hak- ensack, husbandman, for 230 acres, part of a tract inherited from Govr Gawen Lawrie, S. Demarie's land, W. Tapan Path and Peter Sunmans, N. grantors, E. the Chesthe Brook, lot No. 1 on a certain map. 411 1696 Aug. 10. Do. Same to Cornelius Christianse of Hakensack, husbandman, for 400 acres, lots No. 3 and 4 on a certain map, part of the tract of 700 acres, inherited from Govr Gawen Lawrie, to whom it was patented August 17, 1686, bounded S. and W. by Peter Sunmans and David Demarie, E. and N. by Hakensack River. 414 1697 Aug. 25. Do. Henry Jaques of Woodbridge to Colonel Stevanus Cortland of N. Y. City, for 40 acres adjoining grantee's mill on Rawack River, betw. Jonathen Jaques, John Jaques and Elizabeth Town bounds. 417 1696-7 Jan. 27. Do. Joseph Fraizee of Elizabeth Town and wife Mary to their, son William Fraizie of the same place, for 45 acres at Ro way, W. Dr. William Robertson dec'd., S. W. Edward Fraizie, E. and N. W. grantor, S. E. Eliphalet Fraizie; also 18 a. of meadow, at Raway, S. W. the river, N. a small creek, E. Edward Fraizie and the Oyster Creek, S. E. theJBound. 418 1696-7 Jan. 27. Do. Same to son Eliphelet Fraizee, for 39 acres at Raway, S. William Fraizie, W. , N. and E. grantor; also 16 a. of meadow there, N. E. Zerah Higgens dec'd and the great creek, S. E. a small creek, S. W. the great pond, N. W. Spinage's Creek. 420 1697 July 20. Do. Benjamen Fitsrendolph of Piscataway, carpenter, and wife Sarah to John Royse of Roysefield, Sumersett Co., for 72 acres in Piscataway as follows: I, 12 acres, called Bonham's lot, S. grantors, W. Martine, N. Martine and the Commons, E. a small run; 2, 30 a., E. a small brook, N. Nicolas Boneham, S. John Gillman, formerly Isreall Foul- sham, W. a small spring coining fr-om John Martine's junior; 3, 30 a. near the townlanding on the Rariton R., S. said river, E. and W. two brooks, N. grantor, formerly his brother John. 422 1697 Aug. 28: Do. Margarett, widow of John Carrington of Perth 'Amboy, to Michael Hawden of N. Y. City, vintner, for 12 acres, E. the Sound, N. and W. land not laid out, S. Camble's Creek, as patented to John Camble, late of Perth Amboy dec'd, November 3, 1687, by him be queathed (Will of December 25, 1689) to his wife Marie, who sold the land to said John Carrington June 7, 1695, from whom present grantor re ceived it by will of October 15, 1695. 425 272 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page l6g7 Sept. 6. Do. Samuel Dennis of Woodbridge and wife Mary to Richard Powell of the same place, innholder, for 5 acres of meadow tliere. S. Peter Lacount of Staten Island, formerly Robert Dennis dec'd, W. cer tain small creeks and coves, N. and E. a greater creek. 427 1697 July 23. Patent to William West of Shrewsberry, for 148 acres there as follows: 1, a houselot at Norwattacunck, 34 chains by 13 rods, E. Joseph Parker, N. and W. roads, S. a branch of Shrewsberry R. ; 2, 14 a. at the same place, S. a small creek, W. Stephen West, E. Francis Burden, N. a creek going to John Havens; 3, 3 acres of meadow on Long Neck, E. Stephen West, S. and E. Sarah Reape, N. Shrewsberry R. ; 4, a tract on Rumson's Neck, N. and E. roads, S. John Champness, W. George Allen. 429 1697 July 23. Do. to Anthony Woodward of Nottingham, Burling ton Co., West Jersey, for 300 acres in Monmouth Co., on the South side of Doctor's Creek, below the Post Road bridge, betw. the old Shrewsberry Path, Isaac Watson and John Johnston. 431 1693 Aug. 17. John Reid of Hortencie to Govr Andrew Hamilton for 500 acres in Monmouth Co. as follows: 1, 300 a., N. Sweeming River, W. Thomas Leonard, S. W. and S. E. the Pines, E. Lewis Morris; 2, 170 a. betw. Mordicai Gibbons and John Crawford; 3, 30 a., S. W. said Gibbons, N. E. John Vaughan, N. E. (sic: N. W.?) Samuel Spicer, S. E. Thurloe Swinie. 433 1695-6 Jan. 20. Patent to John Cockburn of Newark, mason, for 205 acres there, of which 55 are paid for, 30 are given in right of Benjamin Griffith and 120 are for the headland of Robert Anderson, Mathew Gracie, John and George Sharp; 1, 25 a., E. Pissaick R., S. the Mill Creek, N. Stephen Davis, W. a road; 2, 5^ a. of meadow, W. Joseph Walker, S. Maple Creek Island, E. Thomas Richards, N. common meadow; 3, 12 a. of upland on the South side of the Mill pond adjoining Jabes Rogers; 4, 7 a. in the Long Hill; 5, 150 a. on Second River adjoining Gerrett Dykens; 6, 10 a. betw. said Dykens and John Gardner. 434 l6g7 Oct. 2. Deed. Col. Andrew Hamilton of Perth Amboy to the , Proprietors, for 300 acres on Sweeming R., Monmouth Co., N. said river, W. Thomas Leonard, S. W. and S. E. the Pines, E. Lewis Morris. (Supra, lot 1. P- 433-) 437 l6g6~7 Jan. 5. Do. John Baker of Elizabeth Town to his son Dir reck Baker of the same place, for 4 acres there, S. grantor on the Long Ridge, E. James Hinds, N. Roger Lambert, W. the country road. 439 l6g6~7 Jan. 5. Do. Derick Baker to Marie Johnston of Elizabeth Town for the preceding lot for life. 440 l6g7 April 10. Do. John Fitsrendalph of Piscataway and wife Sarah to his brother Benjamen Fitsrendalph of the same place, for 70 acres of land and 5 a. of meadow there, same as supra p. 271. 440 l6g6 Aug. 21. Do. Stephen Kent of Woodbridge and wife Mary to: EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., UBER F. 273 Page Josias Merlett and Abraham Leutine, late of Staten Island, for his right, title, etc. in and to the West half of the upland, swampland, meadow and marshland adjoining his farm on Rariton R., one half of his freehold in Woodbridge, and all of his other land there. 443 ¦ 1696-7 Jan. 26. Do. Abraham Browne junior of Mansfield, Burling ton Co., W. J., to John Robison of Woodbridge, smith, for a tract in Freehold, S. John Hampton, N. W. Burlington Path, E. and S. Pasaque- noque Creek, N. John Peirce; also the Woolfe Pitt meadow, surrounded by said Pearce. 446 1694 June 27. Do. Benjamen Hull of Piscataway to John Chambers of Rariton, Sumersett Co., for 14 acres in Piscataway, N. and S. two brooks, W. John Smally, E: a road; 20 acres, S. W., N. W. and N. E. small brooks, S. E. Mrs. Fitsrendalph; 2\ a. of meadow, N. Winkfield's meadow, S. John Smally, E. Tege Cartee; 2\ a. of meadow, N. John Fits- rendolph, S. Rariton R., W. grantor, E. Mrs. Fitsrendalph; the whole first patented to Richard Smith, by him conveyed to Jabez Hendricks and Benjamen Martine, who sold it to present grantor. 448 l6g5 June 10. Do. John Blumfield of Woodbridge and wife Alice to George Browne of tbe same place, tailor, for 4 acres of meadow there, S. E. Robert Vauquellin and Samuel Moore, S. W. Ezekiall Blumfield, N. E., Papiack Neck, N. W. Obadiah Aires dec'd. 450 1695-6-Jan. 11. Do. Daniel Robins of Woodbridge to George Browne of the same place, tailor, for 12 acres there, bo't of Abraham Tappen, S. Isaak Tappen, N. the Commons, E. Bingley's swamp, W. the Commons, the house standing thereon being occupied by grantor's son Joseph. 452 1697 Sept. 6. Do. James Greer of Woodbridge, joiner, to George Browne of the same place, tailor, for 14 acres there, W. a road, S. and N. common land, E. John Smith; formerly belonging to Samuel Bacon, then to George Willoks and wife Margaret, who sold it to present grantor October 5, 1696. 454 1696-7 Jan. 27. Do. Joseph Fraizee of Elizabeth Town and wife Mary to their son Edward Fraizee of the same place, for 60 acres at Raha way, S. Woodbridge Line, W. William Robison dec'd., N. grantor and William Fraizee, E. Raway R. ; 15 a. of meadow, S. the Oyster Creek and William Fraizee, E. the Sound, N. John Woodrooffe, W. the Great Creek; condition, to allow a road crossing the land. 456 1696 Dec. — . Do. Isaac Tappen of Woodbridge to his son Isaac, for one half of his 120 acres lot at Matuching, said half to be" bounded N. by Richard Smith, W. Abraham Tappen, S. the Commons, E. the other half; 10, a, of meadow of the tract bo't of Benjamen Hall, the whole bounded E.'by Thomas Blumfield sen., N. John Martine and the great pond, W. Samuel Mores, S. the Rariton R. 459 'I697 Sept. 18. Will of Margaret Carrington of Perth Amboy, gentle- 19 274 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page woman. John Barclay, of Perth Amboy, heir of all real estate and execu tor; brother John Sowlbie and his wife Medrad, Sarah and Rebeccah, daughters of William Dockwra, William Dockwra, son of the same, Kath- erine Mudie, legatees. Witnesses — James Dundas, James Simpson, Grini- ston Bowde. Proved Oct. n, 1697. 460 1697 Oct. 12. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to John Barclay of Perth Amboy. 461 1697 Sept. 2g. Patent to Edward Slater of Piscataway, for 156 acres in Middlesex Co. as follows: ±, 34 a., N. Mrs. Higgens, S. the Bottle Marsh, W. the, old Mill biook, E. John Gillman; 2, 22 a. of meadow, S. Rariton R., N. grantee, E. unsurveyed meadow, W. the old Mill creek; 3, 50 a., S. W. Isaac Smally, N. W. William Sutten, N. E. Edmond Dun ham, S. E. Andrew Woodden; 4, 7 a., a triangle, E. Thomas Higgens, S. and N. W. two runs; 5, 4a, E. and W. Thomas Fitsrendalph, N. the road, S. the Marlines; 6, 40 a., W. Samuel Blackfoord, N. the brook, S. and E. unsurveyed. 462 1697 Sept. 29. Confirmation ' to Isaac Watson of Nottingham, Bur lington Co., N. J., in right of John Johnston of Monmouth Co., brother and heir-at-law of James Johnston dec'd, of 50 acres in Monmouth Co., a mile above the bridge over Doctor's Creek, along the old path from Shrewsberry. 464 1697 Sept. 29. Patent to Peter Lawrence of Bergen Co., for 356 acres tliere, N. W. Hakingsack R., N. the Demaries, S. E. Overpeck Creek, S. W. Lawrence Lawrence. 466 1697 Sept. 2g. Do. to Lawrence Lawrence of Bergen Co., for 240 acres there, S. W. Charles Lazeere, N. E. Pieter Lawrence. 467 i6g7 Sept. 29. Do. to Barnt Christincie of Bergen Co., for 160 acres there, S. W. Thomas Lawrence and Sybah Epke, N. Johannes Christian- cie son. 469 1697 Sept. 29. Do. to Christiancie Johannes, son and heir of Johan nes Christiancie, late of Bergen Co. dec'd, for 160 acres, N. E. Charles Lazeere, S. W. Barnt Christiancie. 471 1697 Oct. 27. Certificate of Quietus to Joseph Rolph of Woodbridge as administrator of the estate of John Rolph dec'd. 472 1697 Oct. 22. Patent to Tunis Johnson alias Espeere and Bastian van Geesen, both of Newark, for 200 acres there at the rear of the Dutch men's lots on Pissaick R., W. the Third River, Eliphelet Johnston and a small brook, E. the Dutch men's lots, N. and S. unsurveyed. 473 1697 Dec. 3. Letters of administration of the estate of George War ren of Elizabeth Town, dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Tidey. 475 1697 Sept. 29. Patent to Nicholas Lazeere of Bergen Co., for 80 acres there, N. E. Lawrence Lawrence, S. W. Johannes Clmstiancie's son, 476 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 275 Page 1694 April 2. Deed. John Reid to Charles Gordon, both of Mon mouth Co., for a tract at Topinemus, Freehold, adjoining Wm. Clerk for merly Alexr Naiper. 4^3 1697 June 9. Deed. (Satisfaction of Mortgage?) Thomas Trow bridge of New Haven, New England, to John White of Rariton R., Sum ersett Co., for 887 acres in said Co., mortgaged to him by White July 25, i69i. 479 1697 Oct. 1. Do. Do. Jaines Graham to John White, for 640 acres, called White's Lot, mortgaged November 20, 1693. 480 1697 Oct. 1. Do. Do. Colonel Charles Lodwick of N. Y. City, merchant, to John White, for 836 acres, S. Rariton R., W. Mr. Graham and partners, N. the hills, E. John Palmer, mortgaged September 4, 1688. 482 1697 Oct. 14. Deed. John White of Sumersett Co. and wife Eliza beth to Cornelius Tunneson of the same Co., for 877 acres on the North- side of Rariton R., S. said river, W. Graham and partners, now occupied by Peter van Ness, N. the Commons, E. John Palmer, now Macheele Dirreckson, as patented February 28, 1683-4. 485 1697 Dec. 9. Do. Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour, to Peter Van est of Sumerset Co., for 500 acres in said Co., patented to grantor in right of Peter Sunmans May 20, 1690, E. the Northbranch of Rariton R., S. Hendrick Coursen, W. and N. unsurveyed. 491 1687 June 25. Do. John Clerk of Elizabeth Town and wife Mary to Benjamen Griffith of Amboy Perth, merchant, for 106 acres, N. W. John and George Alexander, W. Doctor Robinson, S. Richard Clerk, N. E. Raway R. ; also 16 a. of meadow, S. William Cramwell, E. John Sinkers, N. Peter Morse, W. upland. 493 1688 Nov. 10. Do. Jabes Hendricks of Piscataway and wife Hannah to Benjamen Griffith, for two lots in Piscataway, vizt: I, a houselot of 12 acres, E., W. and S. land not surveyed, N. a small swamp and beyond it John Martine jun. ; 2, 40 a. S. E. John Martin senior, N. and E. Nicholas Munday, W. and S. unsurveyed. 495 1690 Dec. 25. Do. George Allen to Benjamen Griffith of Wood- bridge for " the within mentioned lot of land" Marginal Note: "This is an assignment on the backside of a patent from George Allen to Ben jamin Griffith." 4g8 l6g7 Dec. 11. Do. Col. Andrew Hamilton to Tunis Johnson, alias Espeere, and Bastian van Geesen, both of Newark, for the behoof of the Proprietors, for 200 acres in Middleton, S. W. Mordecaij Gibbons, N. E. John Vaughan, N. W. Samuel Spicer, S. E. Thurloe Swinie. 498 1697 Oct' 29- Do. Richard Ridgeway of Piscataway and wife Abi gail to Benjamen Fitsrendalph of the same place, for 210 acres, bo't of John Horner, betw. Richard Stockton and the Stony Brook; 106 a., bo't of 276 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Richard Stockton on Stony Brook; 3 a. of meadow, E. of Richard Stock ton. 50° J697 Nov. 27. Do. Ezekiell Blumfield of Woodbridge, carpenter, and wife Hope to Richard Powell of the same place, Inholder, for 2 acres of saltmeadow there, S. E. John Blumfield, now George Browne, S. Samuel Moore, W. a small creek, N. Papiack Neck. 502 1695 June.24. Do. Mathew Bunn of Woodbridge and wife Sarah to his brother Nathaniel Bunn of the same place, potter, for one half of the 120 acre lot and of the 30 a. of meadow, as patented December 30, 1670, inherited from their father Mathew. 503 1697 Aug. 24. Do. Nathaniel Bunn to Ichabod Smith of Woodbridge for the preceding. 5°4 1697 June 23. July 7. Returns of survey by the Highway Commis sioners of Middlesex Co. 506, 516 1697 Sept. 29. Patent to Thomas Lawrence of Bergen Co., for 160 acres there, S. W. Cornelius Christiancie, N. W. Hackingsack R., N. E. Barnt Christiancie, S. E. Sybah Epke. 508 1697 Nov. 2. Confirmation to Thomas Hart, one of the Proprietors, of the following lots, in all 3,000 acres on Assandpink Creek: I, a lot in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., W. of the Westbranch of South River, betw. David Falconar, Robert Barclay and Thomas Cooper; 2, a lot in Middle toune, W. of Gravell Brook, betw. Thomas Warne and Peter Watson. 509 1697 Dec. 24. Patent to Thomas Boell of Freehold, for 124 acres there, as follows: 1, a lot near the upper end of Long Gully bog; 2, a piece above the bridge of the cart path betw. Wm. Lawrence's cornmill and Samuel Leonard's sawmill; 3, a lot adjoining Sir John Gordon in Wickatunck; 4, a piece of bog, called the Mirie fly; 5, a lot, S. Thomas Barker, W. Peter Sunmans, S. E. John Baker's Wickatunck town lot; 6, a lot, S. and N. Sir Eugenius Cameron; 7, a piece of bog, adjoining Robert Barclay, S. Peter Sunmans. 510 1697 Dec. 7. Deed. John Loofburrow of Woodbridge, miller, to Yelverton Crowell of the same place, carpenter, for 60 acres there, E. Archebald Riddell, S., W. and N. unsurveyed., 512 i6g7~8 Jan. 8. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Darling of Elizabeth Town dec'd., granted to his widow, Mary. 513 1688 Aug. 6. Bond. WUliam White of Elizabeth Town to Andrew White of the same place, batchelour, for the carrying out of an inden'-! ture. 514 i6g6 May 27. Deed. Andrew White of Elizabeth Town to William Darby of the same place, for: 1, 34 acres, N. E. Robert White, S. W. Jonas Wood, N. W. and S. E. two swamps; 2, 20 a. betw. the Millbrook and the road; 3, 6 a. adjoining William White. 515 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 277 Page 1697-8 Jan. 6. Patent to Jasper Craine of Newark, for 140 acres there, as follows: I, a lot in the branches of the Second River, E. John Pridden, W Francis Lindley, S. and N. unsurveyed; 2, a lot, S. said river and Joseph Riggs, W. the Wigwam Brool, N. John Gardner, John Baldwine, unsurveyed land and Tonies Brook, E. other lots; 3, a piece of swamp on Roway River, 17 by 15 chains, W. Captain Samuel Swaine,. S. John Curtise, N. Richard Harrison and unsurveyed, land, E. such land; 4, 9 acres of meadow, 14 by 7 ch., E. the Bay, S. Azariah Craine, W. other lots, N. Nathaniel Waard; 5, 6 a., W. of and 26 chains along Wheelers Point Creek, 4 ch. wide, N. John Baldwine, S. Henry Lyons, W. unsurveyed meadow. 517 1697-8 Jan. 6. Confirmation to Peter Vaness of Sumersett Co., for 600 acres, of which 500 are in right of Col. Andrew Hamilton; E. the Northbranch of Rariton R., S. Hendrick Coursen, W. and N. unsur veyed land. 518 1673 July 20. Deed. Stephen Kent junior of Woodbridge to Jona than Dunham alias Singleterry of the same place, for part of his homelot meadow on Papyack Creek, adjoining grantee, S. of the road to grantee's mill, 2 acres and on the Northside of said road 2 a. more. 519 i6g3 — — 13. New York. Endorsement on Deed Dunham-Ross (Liber D. p. g5), in which Mary Ross conveys back to Jonathan, Dunham the same property. 521 i6g7~8 Jan. 6. Patent to John Martine of Piscataway, for 170 acres there, as follows: I, no a. in the Vineyard, N. Widow Higgens, Widow Fitsrendalph, Nicholas Mundy and grantee's father Martine, W. Samuel Hull and a swamp, E. Woodbridge line, S. a small swamp; 2, 60 a. by Dismall, S. W. grantee, N W. Daniel Hendricks, E. Dismall Brook, S. unsurveyed land; 3, 15 a. of Rariton meadows in Woodbridge, S. Samuel Mores, N. Joseph Martine, E. the pond, W. the common bog. 522 1697-8 Jan. 6. Do. to Hugh Dunn of Piscataway, for 336 acres there, as follows: 1, 120 a., S. W. Hopewell Hull, N. W. unsurveyed, N. E. a great swamp, S. E. a small one or a road; 2, 40 a. S. E. of the first, N. W. Widow Mannen, E. John Langstaff and John Drake, S. W. (sic) the first tract; 3, 160 a., E. Woodbridge line, S. unsurveyed, S. W. Dis mall Brook, N. Wm. Frost; 4, 5 a. of meadow, N. Rehoboth Gannett and Capt. Drake, S. Rariton R. ; 5, 5 a. of the great meadow, N. Capt. Fran cis Drake, S. E. Andrew Wooden, N. E. John -Langstaffe, S. W. John Martine senior; 6, 5 a., W. Samuel Dotie, S. Rariton R. ; E. John Lang staffe, N. Andrew Wooden; 7, i£ a. in the Bottle Meadow, N. upland, S. Rariton R, E. John Gillman, W. Benjamen Hull. 524 . l6g7 Nov. 1-0. Receipt. William Cutter to Joseph Rolfe, adminis trator to his brother John Rolfe dec'd, for his share of the estate. 526 l6g7~8 Feb. 29. Deed. WUliam Binglay of Woodbridge to Peter Le- count of Staten Island, merchant, for 6 acres of meadow in Woodbridge, 278 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page S. the Sound, E. and W. grantee, formerly Daniel Robins, N. grantor. 526 1697 Dec. 30. Do. Isaac Kingsland of New-Barbados, Essex Co., and wife Elizabeth to his brother Gustavus Kingsland of the same, place, for a plantation of 100 acres of upland and 15 a. of meadow there, the loo a. being bounded by Curtise's Creek and Pissaick R., the meadow by Ned's Creek and a branch thereof. 527 1697-8 Jan. I. Will of Isaac Kingsland of New Barbados, nephew of Major Nathaniel Kingsland. Wife Elizabeth, children Edmond, John, Mary, Hester, Elizabeth,- Frances, Isaac. Real and jnersonal estate. Ex ecutors, the wife and brother Gustavus Kingsland. Witnesses — Johannes Vanemburgh, Richard Berrie, John Stage. Proved Feb. 27, 1697-8. 52g 1697-8 March 4, Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to the executors named. 531 1697-8 Feb. 5. Confirmation to Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour, of 500 acres on the Westside of the South branch of Rariton. R., E. said branch, S. grantee, N. Hendrick Coursen dec'd., W. unsurveyed. 531 1697-8 Feb. 11. "Patent to Henry Kemble of Perth Amboy, black smith, for a one acre lot there, E. John Browne, W. John Pollock, S. Cove St., N. North St. 533 1697-8 Feb. 11. Do. to John Pollock of Perth Amboy, shop keeper, for a one acre lot there, E. Henry Kemble, W. an unappropriated lot, S. Cove St., N. North or Back St. 533 1697 Sept. 12. Indian Deed. Pama Corne, Hoaken and Payhicken, for one barrel of cider, five poynts of rum and two shillings, to James Reid of Freehold, for the use of the Proprietors, all the tract on Manas quan River, adjoining Richard Hartshorne. 534 1693 Oct. 27. Lease. John Peterson Melet to Henry Pontony alias Lafortune, of a farm on Bound Brook (?) 535 1698-g March 10. Letters of administration on the estate of Ephraim Philips of Middletoune dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Mercy. 536 1697-8 Feb. 5. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie, Freehold, to Alex ander Adam, late of Piscataway, now of Freehold, for a tract there, E. Clement Plumstead, W. Richard Clerk, formerly Walter Benthill, on Matchepone Path. (See Deed same to same of May 19, 1694, and Deed David Mudie to John Reid of August 17, 1693, D. p. 422.) 536 1697-8 Feb. 5. Do. Same to Alexander Neiper (Neapaire), for a tract in Freehold adjoining the preceding. 539 1697-8 Jan. 20. Confirmation to Joseph Ogden, son and heir of Joseph Ogden of Elizabeth Towne dec'd, in right of his late father, of 90 acres in said town, as follows: 1, a lot, S. E. Benjamin Price senior, S. W. Benj. Price junior, N. E. the great meadow, N. W. unsurveyed; 2, a piece of the great meadow, S. Isaac Whitehead and Jonathen Ogden, E. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 279 Page Joseph Bond, N. and W. unsurveyed meadow; 3, another piece by Oyster Creek, E. Benjamin Price senior, W. Isaac Whitehead, N. said creek, S. unsurveyed. 541 1697-8 Feb. 5. Confirmation to John Inians of Piscataway and wife Marie for their lives, in return for building and providing boats for trav ellers on the great road from Boosten etc. to the West, to Philadelphia, of the Ferry across Rariton River; with tbe obligation to ferry over free the Post and his horse and public messengers. 543 1697-8 March 22. Trust Deed. WiUiam Pinhorne of Bergen to John Barclay of Perth Amboy, for a plantation in the Kill van Cull, called Ceka kus or Snake Hill, Bergen Co., as described in Deed of Edward Earle to said Pinhorne of March 26, 1679, and in Confirmation ot April 15, 1682, some slaves to be held in trust for the benefit of grantor's wife Mary and children Mary, John, Elizabeth and Martha. Marginal Note says that on May 10, 1717, Wm Pinhorne, his wife Mary and daughters Mary Kings- land and Martha Mumpeson cancelled the deed of trust, by breaking the seal and Elizabeth Pinhorne gave her consent on June 2, 1717. 544 1697 Nov. 30. Patent to Clause Yanzen Romine of New Barbados Neck, Essex Co. , for 600 acres in said Co., S. W. Sadie River, on all sides unsurveyed, including 20 a. of meadow on the West side of Pescack R., S. E. from the first tract and at the rear of Gawen Lawrie on Hack ingsack R. 545 1697 Oct. 23. Confirmation to Mrs. Marie. Milburne, widow of Jacob Milburne, in right of Edward Antill of N. Y. as part of the share bo't by said Antill of David Toshack of Monivard, of 1,000 acres in Bergen Co. betw. Hudson's R., Overpeck Cr. and Samuel Edsall. 546 l6g7~8 Jan. 18. Do. to Eliphelet Johnston of Newark, of 3go acres, 270 thereof in right of his father Thomas Johnston of Newark dec'd and 20 a. in right of John Waard of Newark dec'd; all in Newark Township as follows: 1, a houselot, 10 by 6 chains, N. Widow Dennison, E., S. and W. roads; "2, a lot in the Great Neck, 10 by 6 ch., W. Thomas Hunting ton, E. Widow Elizabeth Waard, N. and S. roads; 3, a- lot on ihe hill, 36 acre9, N. Thomas Staples, S. Nathaniel Wheeler, W. the brook, E. the road; 4, 12 a. in the neck by the Two Miles Brook, E. John Browne junior and a creek, W. the Commons, S. a road and the landing place, N. Na thaniel Wheeler; 5, 16 a. at Fullsoms Milston, W. Abraham Peirson dec'd, S. and E. Samuel Lyon, N. Thomas Peirson junior; 6, 50 a. at the foot of the mountain, N. John Waard junior, S. John Waard senior, E. the plain, W. the top of the hill; 7, 4 a. by the fresh meadows, W. a road, E. said meadows or the Two Mile Brook, N. John Browne senior, S. Jo- , seph Riggs; 8, 2 a. at Beeffe Point, E. Theophelus Peirson, W. Nathaniel Waard, N. Samuel Harrison, S. other lots; g, a lot s,X. the mountain, S. E. of lot 6, W. other lots, N. George Day, S. Nathaniel Wheeler, E. unsur veyed; 10, a lot, N. Bastian van Geesen, E. the Third R., S. Claes Hen- 280 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page dricksen, W. unsurveyed; II, a lot al the Stonehouse Plain, S. Robert Yong, E. the Third River, N. Daniel Dode and Samuel Kitchell, W. Sam uel Huntington; 12, a lot, N. William Camp, W. Roway River, S. Black Woolfe Hollow, E. Joseph Johnston and other lots; 13, a lot on the East- side of Third R., W. Samuel Rose, on other sides unsurveyed; 14, a piece of the great swamp, E. Samuel Lyon, N. John Treat, William Camp and unsurveyed land, S. and W. unsurveyed; 15, ig a. of meadow, S. the. Bound Creek, W. the Two Mile Brook and John Browne junior, E. Na thaniel Wheeler and the creek, N. common lands and other lots; 16, I a., betw. the Two Mile Cr. and the common fence, S. the Bound Cr., N. grantee; 17, 8 a., N. Nathaniel Wheeler, S. Morrise's Creek, W. Mathew Camfield; 18, 2 a., E. the Bay, W. the swamp, S. Nathaniel Waard, N. Widow Craine; ig, 20 a. at the mouth of Maple Island Creek, E. said creek, N. Oyster Cr., S. Bound Cr., W. Thomas Davis, the tide pond and other lots; 20, 12 a. in Tomkers Cove, S. Ephraim Burrell,- E. Wheelers Point, N. William Camp, W. the creek. 547 1697-8 Jan. 18. Confirmation to Daniel Dode of New York (sic), Essex Co., of 289 acres in Newark, 114 of which, in right of Aaron Black- ley of Newark dec'd, as follows: 1, a house lot of 6 a., E. Joseph Harri son, W. Stephen Davis, N. Pissaick R., S. a road; 2, 8 a., E. Hance Al berts, N. a road, S. Samuel Huntington, W. the Parsonage lot; 3, 2 a. at Beeffe Point, N. the road, W. Theophelus'Peirson, E. the meadow, S. the middle of the swamp; 4, 20 a. beyond the Second" River, W. grantee, for merly Thomas Peirson senior, S. a brook, N. and E. unsurveyed; 5, 20 a. adjoining to the foregoing on the West, N. E. lot 4, S. E. said brook, S. W. and N. W. unsurveyed; 6, 12 a. of swampy land, S. W. Samuel Dode, other sides unsurveyed; 7, a lot on the Eastside of the Third River, N. said river and Samuel Rose, E. Eliphelet Johnston and Tunis and Bastian van Geesen, S. Thomas Davis and unsurveyed land, W. John Gardner; 8, a lot, W. grantee, S. Samuel Dode and unsurveyed, E. unsurveyed, N. grantee and Nathaniel Ward; 9, a triangle, S. grantee, W. Samuel Dode, E. Samuel Rose and Nathaniel Waard; 10, a lot, also a triangle, E. John Gardner, S. grantee, W. Thomas Davis and Mathew Camfield, N. the Third River; 11, a lot on Ratle Snake Plain, W. Jasper Craine, N. .said Craine, Jonathen Seers and Mathew Camfield, S. Ebenezer Lampson, un surveyed land and Samuel Wilson, E. Thomas Peirson and unsurveyed land; 12, 10 a. of meadow, N. E. Thomas Richards, S. W. Thomas Peir son senior, S. E. the island, N. W. upland; 13, 3 a., S. Morrisse's Creek, and a small almost around it; 14, 6 a , E. the Bay, N. Thomas Peirson, S. and W. unsurveyed; 15, 3 a. of meadow, E. gi'antee, W. upland, N. Thomas Peirson and unsurveyed meadow, S. such meadow. 55b 1698 March 25. Patent to William Pinhorne of Bergen Co., for 500 acres in Sumersett Co., on the Northside of Rariton R., betw. Robison's Island and Lord Neile Camble. 552 1698 March 28. Do. to John Brodberrie of Achquickenunck, Essex EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 281 Co., miller, for 150 acres in Newark Township, as follows: I, a lot, 40 by 37^ chains, E. Bareskin Brook, W. a swamp, called Canoe Brook, N. a spring, S. unsurveyed; 2, a lot, 15 by 15 chains, S. the Dutch Men's land, W. the Third River and grantee, N. Achquickenunck line, E. Samuel Plum and Samuel Waard. 553 1698 March 28. Confirmation to Mathew Camfield of Newark, in right of his deceased father, of 100 acres in said township, as follows: 1, a lot in the Plain, W. the road, N. Benjamen Baldwine, E. unsurveyed, S. Thomas Davis; 2, a lot by the mountain, S. the road, W. unsurveyed, N. Mrs. Waard, E. other lots; 3, a lot on Second River, W. Jonathen Seers, N. Thomas Davis, E. and S. unsurveyed; 4, a piece of meadow, E. Maple Island -Creek, S. Joseph Johnston, N. grantee, W. unsurveyed meadow; 5, 2 a., N. E. grantee, S. W. Morris Creek, W. Daniel Dode. 555 1698 March 25. Patent to Samuel Huntington of Newark, for 100 acres there, as follows: 1, a lot by the .Stonehouse Plain, 25 by 40 ch., N. Stonehouse Brook, W. unsurveyed, S. and' E. Eliphelet Johnston and Robert Yong; 2, a lot on the hill, Westside of town, 11 acres, E. the road, N. John Waard, S. Samuel Kitchell, W. unsurveyed. 556 1698 March 28. Confirmation to Elizabeth, widow of David Ogden of Newark, in right of her father, Capt. Samuel Swaine of -Newark dec'd, of 20 acres there on the side of the Long Hill, S. the road, W. Nathaniel Wheeler and John Johnston, N. George Day, E. John Curtise, and a piece of meadow, N. E. Thomas Peirson, S. E. the great island, S. W. Samuel Freeman, N. W. the creek. 557 1697 Oct. 29. Deed. Richard Stocton of Piscataway and wife Susanna to Richard Ridgeway of the same rjlace, for one-fourth of the 424 acres tract, bo't of Daniel Brimson and jsince confirmed to said Stoc ton August 1, 1696 (supra p. 35). 558 l6g8 March 28. Patent to James Dundas of Perth Amboy, for a lot there, 9 by 1 chains, S. . Smith St., W. not patented, N. Dock Street, E. John Barclay, formerly John Carrington. 560 1697 Oct. 9. Deed. Hezekiah Bonham of Piscataway and wife Marie to Edward Jones of Woodbridge, weaver, for two lots in Piscataway, one bounded E. by John Smallie, S. W. George Drake, N. a small brook, S. Daniel Lippentoune, S. E. George Jewell; the other, 30 acres, being the r remainder of the land, held by Bonham in right of Daniel Lippentone and bo't of Zerah Higgens, N. Nicholas Bonham, S. E. George Jewell, S. W. the remaining part of the land, N. W. a brook. 561 1698 April 6. Letters of administration on the estate of John Hogg of Piscataway, tailor, dec'd intestate, granted to Thomas Higgens of the same place. 562 1697-8 March 4. Deed. John Reid to the Proprietors, for 100 acres, N. Spotswood, S. W. the middle brook, S. E. Gawen Lawrie, W. John 20 282 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Camble. 563 1697-8 March 4. Do.' Mary, widow of John Campble of Amboy, to John Reid of Freehold, for all her share of Barnegate, held as 1-10 of a share of the Province. 563 1697-8 March 4. Do. James Dundas of Amboy. to John Reid of Freehold, for his right, title, etc. in and to 100 acres granted by the Pro prietors November 2, 1697. 564 1698 March 25. Confirmation to John Reid of Hortencie of 880 acres in Monmouth and Middlesex Counties, 500 a. being, in consideration of his attendance for more than 12 years at ihe meetings of Council, 100 a. in exchange for land sold to the Proprietors (supra p. 563), 100 a. in right of James Dundas (supra p. 564), 120 a. in right of Mary Campble (supra p. 563) and 60 a. in right of Walter Kerr, as follows: I, 250 a. along the Province line and Doctor's Brook, adjoining Anthony Woodward, former ly John Baker, and along tbe old Shrewsberrie Path; 2, 200 a. betw. said brook, said path, said Woodward and Isaac Watson; 3, 100 a. adjoining Daniel Robins; 4, 200 a. betw. Thomas Hart and Thomas Fullerton; 5, 50 a. of the land on Manasquan R., lately bo't of the Indians by James Reid; 6, 120 a. at Barnegate, betw. Viscunck Creek and Doctor Coxe; 7, 60 a. adjoining James Johnston. 564 1697-8 March 10. Confirmation to John Royse, Thomas Higgens, Edward Slater, John Drake, Edmund Dunham, John Smallie, Wm. Sut ton, Thomas Sutten, Judah Sutten, Capt. Geo. Drake, Benjamen Corle, Justinian Hall, Benjamen Hull, Capt. Samuel Walker, Hugh Dun, John Molleson, Walter Robison, Joseph Rendolph, Charles Sallier, Isaac Smallie and Jedediah Higgens, all of Piscataway, for a small tract of meadow there, on the Northside of Rariton R., West of the lower landing. 565 1698 April 5. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to Walter Kerr of the same place, for 60 acres (lot No. 7 of patent supra p. 564). 566 1696 May 15. Do. John Berry of Bergen Co. to Claes Yansen Romine of Essex Co., for 150 morgens (300 acres), S. E. Hackingsack R., N. E. Albert Albertson Turhune, N. W. a branch, S. W. Urion Luberts; also 15 morgens of meadow, down Hackingsack R., lot No. 10. 567 1697 Sept. 10. Do. Same lo same, for 360 acres in Essex Co., S. E. Folkert Hanson, N. W. fresh meadow and swamp adjoining, William, Bertholfe, Nico. Devo and Sadie River. 569 1696 Nov. 5. Do. Same to same, for lot No. I of Hackingsack meadows, formerly surveyed for Antony Antonyseen. 571 1696 May 16. Do. Same to. Albert Albertson Tuerhuen of Essex Co., for 210 acres, S. E. Hackingsack R., N. E. grantee, formerly Carre Stevens, N. W. a brook, running into Sadie R., S. W. Claes Yansen Romine. 571 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBEK F. 283 Page 1696 Sept. 2. Indian Deed. Pyahicken, Mockhanghan, Qanalam and Wikgaylas, East Jersey Indians, to John Reid of Hortencie, for the land about Manalapan, from the mouth of Mount Brook up the Manalapan R. to Welch Brook, etc. 573 1695-6 March 3. Deed. Daniel Robins of Woodbridge to his son Joseph Robins of the same place, for 100 acres, lately bo't of John Reid, at Chestnut Brook, Monmouth Co. 574 1690 May 26. Do. John Lambert to John French, for 10 acres on Slingtail Brook, N. Mathew Ganett, E. Stephen Kent. 575 1698 AprU 26. Do. Andrise Lawrencie of Bergen to Barnt Chris tiancie of the same place, for 26 acres of meadow betw. Constable's Hook and Pembrepock adjoining grantee. 576 1698 April 26. Do. Barnt Christiancie to Andriss Lawrencie for 30 / acres of meadow on the Northside of the Kill van Cull. 576 1698 April 28. Letters of administration on the estale of Samuel White of Shrewsberry dec'd intestate, granted to Thomas While of the same place. 577 1698 April 28. Do. on the estate of Elizabeth Jackson of Shrews berry, widow, dec'd intestate, granted to Samuel Leonard of the same place. 578 1698 April 3. Deed. Miles Forster and wife Rebeckah, Mary Haige, widow, by said Forster as her attorney, ajl heirs of Govr Gawen Lawrie, to Benjamen Hull, late of Hempstead, L. I., turner, for 24 chains of the 250 acres lot in Middlesex Co., S. E. Cheesquaks Creek, S. W. Miles Forster, N. W. unsurveyed, N. E. Richard Townelie, patented to Gawen Lawrie January 6, 1685-6. 579 1698 May 10. Letters of administration on the estate of Walter Wright of Middleton dec'd intestate, granted to Thomas Cox of Free hold. 581 1695 Nov. 18. Will of Folkert Hanson of New Barbados. Children — Hance, Jenecke; Jacob Zabrisco and Dawe legatees. Real and personal property. Executors — brothers Sim Hansen and Garret Hansin, both of L I., Albert Zabrisco and Lawrence Lawrencie, both of Bergen Co. Wit nesses — William Lawrence, Lawrence Lawrencie, Margrytie , Albert Zabrisco. Proved May 27. 1698. 583 1698 May 28. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the executors named. * 584 1696 April 23. Deed. Dirk Hogeland of N. Y. City, mariner, son and heir of Christopher Hogland of the same place, merchant dec'd., and his mother Catharina Hoogl and, to Hartman Macheelson of Qumunepa, farmer, confirming conveyance by his father of February 16, 1679-80, un der patent of July 15, 1678. 1 585 1 Por what is now known as the Dundee tract, in the city of Passaic, N. J. 284 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1696 April 29. Do. Jan Dirksen Straetmaker and Dirk Jansen Strate- maker^both of Bergen Co , to Enoch Macheelson of the same Co., for 15' morgen of upland and 15 m. (30 acres) of meadow, at Nyacksick, S. W. Lawrence Andrisse, N. E. Cornelis Macheelsie Vreeland, N. W. the Com mons, S. E. Hudsons R. and a creek. 586 1696 April 26. Do. Haftman Macheelsie of Bergen to Elias Macheel sie of Achquickenunck, Essex Co., for £ of the land conveyed to him by Christopher Hoogland etc. (supra p. 585). 588 1693 Oct. 7. Endorsement on a deed Gawen Lawrie to Hendrick Tunis Albert, whereby said Hendrick Tunis conveys the within specified to Jan Allee farmer of Essex Co. 590 1697-8 March 20. Will of Peter White of Shrewsberry. Wife Mary, sons Peter, Robert, Thomas, seven daughters, names not given. Real and personal property. The wife executrix with cousins Samuel White and Thomas White as supervisors and assistants "to their Aunt." Wit nesses John Lippencoate senior, Poncett Stellie, Joseph Parker, Samuel Dennis. Proved June 10, 1698. 5gi 1698 June 14. Letters testimonial withpreceding will annexed, issued to the widow Mary White. 592 1698 June 8. Mortgage. John Fitsrendalph of Woodbridge, carpen ter, to Jacquo Poillon of Staten Island, N. Y., for a messuage at Wood- bridge, adjoining his father Nathaniel Fitsrendalph; 15 acres of meadow, W. and S. Hogg Hill, betw. two small- creeks. 593 1698 June 23. Letters of administration on the estate of Eliakim Higgens of Woodbridge dec'd intestate, granted to Jedediah Higgens of Piscataway. 595 i6g7 Oct. 16. Power of attorney. John Browne of N. Y. City, mar iner, to Anthony Brockus1 of the same place, merchant, as general agent. 596 1698 April 15. Do. Col. Andrew Hamilton of Perth Amboy to James Dundas of the same place, as general, agent in America. 597 1698- g Feb. 8. Deed. Jonathen Bishop of Woobridge, millwright, to Ephraime Cutter, late of Water Towne, New England, glasier, for 14 acres in Woodbridge, on the Mill River, branch of Roway R., adjoining Robert Wright, John Bishop and Jonathan Bishop. 5g8 i6g8 June 25. Do. Ephraime Cutter, late of Water Towiie, Middle sex Co., Mass., now of Woodbridge, East Jersey, glasier, to John Robeson of Roway, tailor, for the preceding 14 acres. 600 1698 April 28. Do. Hartman Magheelsie of Bergen to Cornelius Macheelsie of the same place, for one-fourth of the tract, bo't of Christo pher Hoogland (supra p. 5S5). 602 1698 April 28. Do. Same to Johannes Macheelsie, for one fourth of EASt JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 285 Page the same tract. 603 l6g8 June 16. Patent to John Reid of Hortencie, for a one acre lot in Perth Amboy, E. John Pollog, S. Cove St., W. WiUiam Frost, N. Back or North St. 605 l6g8 June 16. Do. to William Frost of Perth Amboy, carpenter, for a one acre lot there, 10 by 1 chains, E. John Reid, S. Cove St., W. John Molleson, N. Back or North St.l 606 i6g8 June 16. Do. to John Mathews of Perth Amboy, joiner, for a lot there, 10 by I ch., E. John Molleson, S. Cove St., W. John Plume, N. Back or North St.l 607 1698 June 16. Do. to John Ireland of Perth Amboy, yeoman, for a lot there, 10 by 1 ch., E. High St., N. Augusten Gordon, W. Back St., S. Lord Neele Camble. 1 608 169S June 16. Do. to John White of Perth Amboy for a lot there, g by I ch., E. James Dundas, S. Smith St., W. John Tomkers, N. Dock St.l 6og i6g8 June 16. Do. Margratt Thompson of Perth Amboy, widow, for a lot there, 9 by I ch.. E. ,her late husband's William Thompson, S. Smith St., W. Aurthor Simson, N. Dock St.1 610 1698 June 16. Do. to Aurthor Simson of Perth Amboy, yeoman, for a lot there, g by 1 ch., E. Margratt Thomson, S. Smith St., W. Patrick Murdach, N. Dock St.l 611 l6g8 June 16. Do. to Patrick Murdach of Perth Amboy, tailor, for lot there, g by 1 ch., E. Aurthor Simson, S. Smith St., W. Thomas Edwards, N. Dock St.l 612 1698 June 16. Do. to Thomas Edwards of Woodbridge, hatmaker, for a lot in Perth Amboy, 9 by I ch., E. Patrick Murdach, S. Smith St., W. John Collens, N. Dock St.l 613 1698 June 16. Do. to John Collens of Perth Amboy, shoemaker, for a lot there, 9 by 1 ch., E. Thomas Edwards, S. Smith St., W. an unap propriated lot, N. Dock St.l 6x4 1696-7 Feb. 27. Deed. John Compton of Woodbridge to his brother Jonathen Compton of the same place, for two lots there, vizt: I, 60 acres, W. Elisha Parker, N. and E. land in common, S. the barren plain; 2, 60 a. at Peters Wigwam, along a brook, dividing it from Samuel Plale. 615 1697-8 Feb. 27. Will of John Layng of Piscataway. Wife Margaret, sons John and William. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with John Reid and John Barclay as assistants. Witnesses Nathaniel Fitzrandolph, John Barclay. Proved July 25, 1698. 617 .1698 July 27. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued i Condition, that patentee shall build upon the lot within 12 months a mansion or dwelling house 30 f. long, 16 f. wide and 12 f. studd, or else lose the property. 286 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page to the widow Margaret Layng. 618 1698 July 27. Power of attorney. Robert WoUey, of Loudon, citizen and cloathworker, to his son Charles WoUey, servant to Jeremiah Basse in West Jersey, as general agent; apparently executed at N. Y. 618 1686 Aug. 30. Will of Edward Barker of London, citizen and mer chant tailor. Children — Edward and Elizabeth. "Goods and chattels." Servants Robert Bull, Jeremy Awdrey, maid Jane Sannum legatees. Ex ecutors — father Henry Barker and father-in-law John Pennyman, citizen and merchant tailor, both of London. Witnesses — Storie (?) Barker, John Tatham, James Gibson. 619 1686 Oct. 9. (Latin.) Letters testamentary with preceding will an nexed, issued to the executors named by the Archbishop of Canter bury. 620 1696-7 Feb. 5. Power of attorney. John Pennyman of London, citi zen and merchant tailor, as surviving executor of the last will of Edward Barker to Jeremiah Basse, at present in London, but bound for Pensilva- nia, merchant, to recover from John White and Hannah, widow and ex ecutrix of John Delavall, late partner of John Whyte, and other jjersons in America debts due to the said estate of Edward Barker. 621 -. 1696-7 Feb. 5. Certificate of Sir Edward Clarke, Knight, Lord Mayor, and the Aldermen of London, that John Pennyman is the surviv ing executor of the last will of Edward Barker, that the copy of the will is correct and that said John signed the preceding paper. 622 1697 July 5. Deed. Hance Alberts of Newark, cordwainer, to Wil liam Brant of the same place, for 20 acres, E. Passaick R., S. Richard Laurance, W. Stephen Davis, N. the Commons. 622 l6g5 June 29. Do. John Condict of Newark, weaver, to William Brant of the same place, cordwainer, for 10 acres, N. Hance Albarts, E. Passaick R., S. grantor, W. the road. 623 1698 Aug. j. Do. Samuel Rose to William Brant, both of Newark, for 60 acres on Watseson Plain, N. W. Thomas Peirson, S. E. Nathal Ward and unsurveyed land, N. E. unsurveyed; also 5 a. of meadow, S. Morris Creek, W. Thomas Johnson, N. John Ward senior and John Bald wine, E. Stephen Davis. 624 1698 Aug. 1. Do. Same to John France of Newark, for two lots there: 1, 24 acres, N. the Third River, E., S. and W. unsurveyed; 2, 20 a. bounded as the first. 625 1698 May 31. Newark. Do. Same and wife Mary to Jasper Cran junior and his brother Daniel Cran, both of Newark, for a homelot, bound ed as per patent, excepting the part sold-to cousin John Cran; also apiece beyond the Millbrook, W. the Commons, S. the swamp, N. John Cran; 5 acres of meadow by the Little Island, N. Richard Harrison, E. common meadow, S. the Elders' meadow, N. a creek. 626 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 2S7 Page 1698 Aug. 11. New York. Power of attorney. Stephen Jerome, master of the pink Dispatch, to Myles Forster of New York, merchant, to recover debts due by George Willoks of Amboy-Perth and others. 628 1692-3 March 24. Deed. Benjamin Wade of Elizabethtown and wife Ann to William Miller of East Hampton, L. I., for 70 acres in Elizabeth- town, N. E. Thomas Lee, N. W. grantor, S. W. Roger Lambert, S. E. swamp; also 40 a. in the same town, W. Joseph Sares and a small brook, S. Nicklis Carter, E. a small brook, N. unsurveyed; 12 a. of meadow at Rawha, S. W. William Oliver, N. E. William Cramer, E. a small creek, S. a great pond. 629 1694 July 12. Will of Stephen Osborne of Elizabethtown. Wife Sarah; sons — Jeremiah, Josiah; daughters — Mary, wife of Joseph Frasey; Sarah, wife of John Cramer; Martha, Rebecca and Abigail. Real and personal property. Son Jeremiah executor with brothers Josep'h Osborn and Josiah Stanbrough as overseers. Witnesses — Elizabeth Stanbrough, Jas. Stanbrough senior, Josiah Stanbrough junior. Proved July 20, 1.698. 636 1698 Sept. 5. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to Jeremiah Osborne. 632 1697-8 Feb. 3. Deed. Nicolas Devoue and wife Mary, of Essex Co., to their son-in-law Thomas Brickhor (Bricker) of said Co., now husband of daughter Susannah Shoemaker,! for a lot on the West side of Hackin sack R., S. Garritt van Diene, S. E. said river, N. E. grantor, N. W. the road, 10 acres. 632 1697-8 March 3. Power of attorney. Clement Plumsted of London, citizen and draper, to George Willoks of East Jersey, as general agent. 633 1698 Sept. 29. Letters of administration on the estate of James Dun das dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Jannet. 634 1695 Dec. 31. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to Thomas Lawrie of the same place, tailor, for 32 acres at Wickatunck, half lots 17 and ig, W. Peter Sonmans, N. Walter Benthall and Clement Plumsted, E. — Hart, S. Dr. Coxe. 635 1696 June 20. Do. Richard Clerk of Freehold to Thomas Lawrie, for 16 acres at Wickatunck, W. Clement Plumsted, N. the intended road, E. Thomas Hart, S. grantee. 636 1696 Dec. 14. Do. William Clark of Freehold to Thomas Lawrie, for lot 15 at Wickatunck, 32 acres, formerly belonging to Thomas Hart, W. grantee, N. the intended road, E. and S. Dr. Coxe. 637 1 The original record leaves it doubtful, whether the name ot the dau. was Susannah Shoemaker or whether Bricker was a shoemaker. The Hackensack Church Records note the marriage, July 17. 1697, ot Thomas Brickers, bachelor, b. at Albany, to Susanna De Vouw. spinster, b. at Ackinsack. 288 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1698 Aug. 18. Do. Thomas Lawrie of Freehold, tailor, to his only son James Lawrie, for the following lots there, to wit all the preceding, Thomas Boell having become the neighbour in place of Peter Sonmans (p. 635), Richard Salter in place of Dr. Cox (p. 637). 638 l6g8 May 20. New York. Do. Col. Andrew Hamilton, late Gover nour of East and West Jersey, to James Mills of N. Y. City, merchant, for a lot in Perth Amboy, E. Water St., N. Dock St., W. George Dock wra, late James Miller, S. Cowly's house and lot. 63g i6g7-8 Feb. 7. Do. James Bowne of Midlton to John Ashton of the same place, for a lot al Crosaweeks, S. E. John Throckmorton, N. E. James Ashton, N. W. grantor, S. W. Joseph Throckmorton;, a lot at Bar nagate, E. the Bay, S. grantor, W. unappropriated land, N. John Whit lock; in all 270 acres, being one half of the lot granted by patent of Sept. 3, i6g4. 640 1678 March 28. Articles of agreement. John Lewin and Robert Wol- ley, merchants, with William Pinhorne, factor, all of London,, engaging said Pinhorne as their agent in New York. 642 1678 March 28. (Latin.) Bond. William Pinhorne to John Lewin and Robert WoUey for the faithful performance of his duties, subscribed before William Scorey, Notary Public, of London. 645 1681 March 28. Renewal of the preceding agreement and bond. 646 1697-8 March 5. Deed. Edward Slater of Piscataway and wife Elizabeth to John Royse and Thomas Higgins of the same place, for his right, title, etc. in and to a stream, running betw. their resp. properties with the priviledge of building a dam and erecting a grist mill. 650 1690 June 29. Do. Richard Stout of Midltown to his son James Stout of the same place, for a lot at Rcmanis or Hope River, Monmouth Co , N. E. — Bowne, S. E. Hope R., S. W. Jonathan Stout, N. W. unap propriated land; '5 acres of meadow at Conescunk, adjoining Dan. Stout. 651 1673 Sept. 5. Will of Robert Vauquellin of Woodbridge leaves all his property, real and personal, to his wife Jeane. Witnesses — James Bollen and Saml Moore. 653 1698 Oct. 10. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Jeane Vauquellin. 653 1698 July 5. Probate of Ihe will of Samuel Whyte of Monmouth, with copy of the undated will, which devises real and personal property to wife Elizabeth, son Joall, sister Hester Wardell. Executors — brother Thomas Whyte, uncle John Worthly, cousin John Chessear. Witnesses — Alice Hodgson, Joseph Wardell, Benjamin Rodgers. 653 i6g8 Aug. 20. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the brother Thomas Whyte, the two other executors named refusing to act. 654 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 289 Page 1698 April 11. WiU of Mary Silverwood of Freehold. Son Samuel Hophmire and daughters, not named, son-in-law John Waughan. Real and personal property. Executor the son Samuel. Witnesses — -Patrick Irrllay, James Melvine, Patrick Canaane. Proved Aug. 23, 1698. 655 1698 Sept. 22. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued lo the son Samuel Hophmire. 656 1698 Aug. 26. Will of Walter Robinson of Piscataway. Wife Abi gail, daughter Sarah, four children of the wife by her first husband. Real and personal property. Executrix the wife with Thomas Higgins and Isaac Smally as overseers. Witnesses — Hepsibah Mannin, - Mary Mackdaniell, Edward Slater. Proved Sept. 3, l6g8. 656 1698 Oct. 3. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Abigail Robinson. 657 1698 June 10. Will of John Dury of Hackinsack, Bergen Co. Wife Rachel; children — Janeken, Pieter, Margaret and John. Real and per sonal estate (a gold ring, asilver bodkin, two silver ear royers, books). The wife executrix. Witnesses — Jan Demarest, John Edsall, Edw. Earle junior. Proved Sept. 2, 1698. 658 1698 Oct. 2. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Rachel Dury. 659 1678 July II. Deed. Halick Codriack, late of Ipsige,! New England, now of Woodbridge, to John Morrill, late of Topsfeild, New England, and George Darling, late of Salem, New England, for all his right, title and interest in and to three scores acres, conveyed to present grantor as a gift by John Smith January I, 1673-4, and January 18, 1674-5. 659 1696-7 Jan. 15. Do. Patrick Canaan of Freehold, carpenter, and wife Margaret to Mary Silverwood, late of Middletown, njw of Freehold, widow, for 160 acres in Freehold, E. Peter Emly and a cove of Tho. Boell, N. a road, W. ^- Melvin and said Boell, S. — Melvin and the cove, ex cepting l£ a. at the Meeting House. 660 1693-4 March 1. Do. Miles Forster, late of Perth Amboy, now of N. Y. City, merchant, to .Reune-Peeat, alias Le Flouer, of Piscataway, husbandman, for 250 acres in Middlesex Co., S. Chesequacks Cr., E. Gawen Lawrie, W. and N. unsurveyed. 661 1698 July 15. Lease. John Royse of Summersett Co. to Peter Vanest and Macheele Dirreckson, both of the same Co., for the tract called Roysefield in said Co., on Rariton R., betw. John Robinson, Thomas Cooper, the Peace Brook, Clement Plumsted and Milston R,, excepting two lots, conveyed to James Graham etc. 663 i6g8 Oct. 27. Deed. Hezekiah Bonham of Piscataway and wife Mary to Edward Slater of the same place, for a lot there, bo't of Susannah, [('- 1 Ipswich. 21 29O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. widow of Thomas Farnsworth, S. Samuel Dotey, other sides unsur veyed. 665 l6g5 May 9. Do. Garret Leydecker of Newark, cordwainer, and wife Neeltie to Cornealis and Johannis Tomason, late of Bergen, for a lot of 60 acres in Newark Township, patented to Samuel Ward junior in 1679, S. the Second River, W. unsurveyed, N. Hance Hendrickson Speere, E. Passaick R. and Jasper Nesapate. 666 i6g7 Aug. 26. Do. Charles Tooker of Elizabeth Town and wife Harnah (signs Anna Tucker), to John Thomas of N. Y. City, tailor, for 80 acres in Elizabeth, E. Joseph Wilson, S. and S. W. Peach Garden Brook, N. W. Charles Tooker senior. 667 1698 July 25. Do. Abraham Denslee of Woodbridge, weaver, to John Foreman of the same place, for a freehold, bo't of Abraham Adams, heir of his brother John Adams of Woodbridge dec'd, October 16, 1696. 66g 1687-8 Feb. 4. Do. Hopewell Hull of Piscataway to Edmond Doun- ham of the same place, for 20 acres there, E. Heugh Dun, S. a road, N. W. said Dun, N. E. a swamp. 669 i6g7 Dec. 6. Do. Benjamin Fitz-Randolph of Piscataway and wife Sarah to Edmond Dounham of the same place, for two lots there, one of 40 acres, S. grantee, E., N. and W. unsurveyed, the other 100 a., W. John Fitz-Randolph, N, E. and S. unsurveyed. 670 1695 Oct. 17. Power of attorney. Vrbanas Tompson of Kent Co., an nexed to Pennsylvania, carpenter, to his brother Gerrit Hollard of N. Y. City, mariner, to take possession of 90 acres on Passey Creek near Jas per's mill in New Workel Town, East Jersey, N. Jabez Rogers, S. John Davis, and to sell the land. 672 1697 May 14. Deed. Garrit Hollard (Hollaer) of N. Y. City, mar iner, to Linkes Cooman of Newark, for go acres on Passaick R.., Town of Newark, N. Jabez Rogers, E. a road and said river, S. John Davies, W. unsurveyed. 673 1683 April g. Do. Stephen Kent of Woodbridge to Samuel Moore of the same place, for 8 acres there, granted to his dec'd father Stephen Kent, on the Westside of Papiack Cr., N. of the water-mill of Jonathan Dunham. 674 1687-8 Jan. 26. Marriage Contract. James Dundas of Amboy and Mrs. Jannet Riddel, eldest daughter of Rev. Archibald Riddel of Wood- bridge. 675 1688 June 2. Confirmation to WiUiam Aickman of Scotland, advo cate, holding by purchase from Robert Barclay 1-10 of 1-48 share of the Province, of 400 acres in Summersett Co., on Rariton R., W. the. North- 1 Newark. &AST jfiRSE-iT DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 29 f Page branch, S. Lord Neil Campbell, N. Archibald Riddell, E. unappropri ated. 677 1688 June 2. Do. to Rev. Archibald Riddell of Woodbridge, hold ing by purchase from Wm. Aickman, who holds 1-10 of 1-48 share as above, of 300 acres in Summersett Co., W. the Northbranch of Rariton R., S. Wm. Aickman, E. and N. unappropriated. 678 i6g8 Dec. 12. Deed. John Cooley of N. Y. City, blacksmith, and wife Jannetye to Grimston Boude of the Perth-Amboy, merchant, for a lot in Amboy-Perth, 3 by 2 chains, E. Water St., S. Thomas Warne, W. Jaines Miller, N. unappropriated. 679 1699 May 5. Endorsement on a patent for 1500 acres betw. Hudsons R. and Overpeck Creek, granted by Govr Carteret to John Berry of Barba dos, whereby John Berry conveys the land to Thomas Noell of N. Y. 681 1698-9 Feb. 4. Power of attorney. Tobias Hanson of Dover, N. H. , to his uncle John Hance of Shrewsberry as general agent in New Jersey. 681 Mem., that Robert, son of James Dundas and wife Jannet, was born at Perth Amboy December 10, 1694. 682 1697-8 Feb. 14. Deed. George Pack of Elizabeth Town to his son Samuel Pack,' for two lots, 35 acres, one lot on Roway R. joining John Pope, the other one a. of meadow, adjoining the upland at the elbow of the creek; also 18 a. of upland betw. grantor and John Pope. 682 1697-8 Feb. 21. Do. Samuel Pack of Elizabeth Town and wife Eliz abeth to Benjamin Thorp of Woodbridge, for the preceding 35 acres in two lots. 683 1698-9 Jan. 20. Do. Philipp Doddridge of Elizabeth Town and wife ' Frances to John Maish of the same place, for 5 acres, S. Roway R. and grantor, E. grantee, W. Jeffery Jones, N. grantee and Jeffery Jones. 685 1698 Dec. 7. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to William Hog, of Monmouth Co., tailor, for a lot in said Co. betw. Peter Sonmans' lot No. 9, and the rich swamp. (Patent of April 7, i6g5.) 686 l6g7 June 22. Do. Peter White of Shrewsburry and wife Mary to John Pearce of Freehold, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., being two lots, patented to grantor Nov. 7, 1687, vizt: I, 485 acres, S. grantee, formerly Abraham Browne, N. and W. Burlington Path, E. Passequenecqua Creek; 2, i& a. of meadow, W. Restore Lippencott, E. unappropriated meadow, N. and S. upland. 686 1696 Nov. 5. Power of attorney. Obadiah Haig of N. Y. , merchant, to Miles Forster of the same place, as agent to dispose of 500 acres at Cooper's Neck, Monmouth Co. 688 1698 Dec. 20. Deed. Obadiah Haig, late of N. Y. City, son and heir of William Haig, late of Amboy-Perth, Surveyor General of East Jer sey, by Miles Forster, his attorney, to John Bowne of Monmouth Co., 292 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page merchant, for 500 acres at Cooper's Neck, Monmouth Co., N. W. Govr Lawrie, S. W. Isaac Bryan, S. E. Samuel Leonard, N. E. then unsurveyed, as per patent to William Haig of August 24, 1686. 688 1698 Dec. 20. Do. Peter Sonmans, late of Amboy-Perth, one of the Proprietors, by Miles Forster, his attorney, to John Bowne of Monmouth' Co., for lots No. 9 and 14 in Wickatunck, lot 14 being bounded W. by Gawen Lawrie, E. grantor, S. the road, N. Thomas Cox; lot 9, W. No. 14, E. Thomas Barker, S. the road, N. Thomas Cox, as per patent of April 1, 1686. 691 1683 Aug. 24. Do. Robert Barclay of Ury,- Scotland, to Edward Fleatham of Yarm, County of York, for 1-10 of 1-24 share of the Province of East Jersey. 6g3 1696 Dec. 18. Do. Edward Fleatham, late of Yarm, County of York, merchant, to Gilbert Molleson of London, draper, for the preceding 1-10 of 1-24 share. 697 1696 Dec. 19. Do. Same to same for the same 1-10 of 1-24 share. 698 1695 July 30. Deed of Gift. John Berry of Bergen Co. todiis daugh ter Hannah Noell, for a lot, contents unknown, at New Barbados, Essex Co., betw. Isaac Kingsland on the S. W., Thomas Stag on the N. E , ad joining Wallen Jacobs. 700 1695 July 31. Do. Same to Thomas Noell of N. Y. , merchant, for 50 acres on the N. W. side of Hudson's R., from where Peter Francisco now lives to the high rock. 701 1682 Oct. 23-24. Do. Amrose Rigg of Gatton Place, County of Sur rey, to Thomas Robinson of Brant Braughton, County of Lincoln, for ^ of 1-12 share of the Province of East Jersey. 702 1687 Sept. 9-10. Do. Thomas Robinson of Brant Braughton to An drew Hamilton of Edinburgh, Doctor in phisick, for £ of 1-24 share. 711 — 1696-7 Jan. 21. Will of Andrew Hamilton, of the Parish of St. Anne's, Westminster, Doctor in phisick. Wife Ann Dusancier, half brother Charles Murray, Lady Ann Hamilton of Kister (?) holme, Parish of Kilbright, Clisdeal] Shire, Scotland, Watkinson Taylor of said Parish of St. Anne's, William Graham of London, Capt. James Hamilton, John Cathcart of London, Greorge_Clerke of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, Middlesex Co., Elizabeth, daughter said George Clarke. Real estate in the City and Republic of Geneva, in Scotland, personal property. Executor George Clarke. Witnesses — Richard Duke, George Cadge, Ed mund Bell, N. P. in St. James Market St. 714 1696-7 Jan. 26. (Latin.) Letters testamentary with preceding will annexed, issued to George Clarke. 715 1697 April 27-28. Deed. George Clarke, executor of the last will of Andrew Hamilton, to David Lyell of the Parish of St. Martin's in the EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER F. 293 Page Fields, Middlesex Co., goldsmith, for J of 1-24 share of the Province of East Jersey. 716 i6gg April 27. Do. John Codington of Woodbridge to his son John Codington, for 30 acres, S. of grantor's 60 acre lot, bo't of Wm. Bingla; also 4 a. of meadow, to be taken out of a 10 a. lot, bo't of Jonathan Dennes. 722 l6g2 June 4. Appointment. Sir Thomas Lane, Kn', Edmund Har rison and the rest of the Committee of the West Jersey Society to Jere miah Bass (Basse) as their agent in West Jersey. 723 l6g8-9 March 10. Deed. John Robison of Woodbridge, blacksmith, and wife Jannet to John Okason of llemstead, L. I., carpenter, for 130 acres in Freehold, N. W. Burlington Path, S. John Hamton, E. and S. Passaquenoque Cr., N. John Pearce; also the Woolf Pitt meadow, encir cled by said Pearce. 724 l6gg July 22. Do. George Thorp to Richard Parum, both of Eliza beth Town, for 16 acres in Woodbridge, E. John Conger, N. the cove or sunken meadow. 725 1694 Sept. I. Do. John Pearce of Midlton, shoemaker, to Robert Johnston of Uttrick (Utrecht), L. I., weaver, for the following lots: I, 16 acres, bounded as in Walter Wall's patent of March 22, 1679, conveyed to Thomas Snowsell and by him to grantor Oct. 9, 1691; 2, 4 a. of meadow, bo't of Thomas Whitlock Sept. 24, i6g3; 3, a town lot of 8 a,, bo't of said Whitlock March 10, 1687; 4, 50 a., as per patent of December 16, 1686; 5, . 60 a., as per patent of May 11, 1690; 6, 243 a., less 60, bo't of Mary Sil verwood March 11, 1685. 726 1689 Dec. 21. Do. Matthew Giles of Piscataway to his brother-in-law William Olden and sister Elizabeth Giles Olden of Middlesex Co., for 120 acres in Piscataway, N. W. the Bound Brook, S. E. Ambrose Brook and grantee's father, N. E. unsurveyed land, part of the estate of their father, Major James Giles. 728 1698 Oct. 12. Do. Jean, widow and executrix of Robert Vauquellin of Woodbridge, to Thomas Hawerdin of N. Y. City, merchant, for the plantation at Woodbridge," now- occupied by her and all other real and personal property there; she keeping possession'.until her death. 729 i6g7-8 Jan. 17. Do. David Lyell of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, Middlesex Co.,- goldsmith, to Joseph Ormston of London, mer chant, for 1-48 share of East Jersey. 730 l6g8 March 26. (London.) Power of attorney. William Dockwra of London, merchant, to John Reid, Surveyor General of East Jersey, as gen eral land agent. 732 i6g8 April 7. Deed. Joseph Rolph of Woodbridge to his brother Benjamin Rolph, for one third of 268 acres of upland on the Northside of Jonathan Bishop's sawmill brook and one third of 52 a. of meadow in ^94 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Rahawack meadows. 734 i6g7 July 28. Do. Thomas Cox of Midltown to his brother Joseph Cox of the same place, for 160 acres there, patented to their father Thomas Cox dec'd. December 1, 1676, E. brother James Cox; also g a. of meadow, E. a small creek, W. upland, S. Edward Fast, N. John Stout. 734 i6g8 Dec. 18. Do. Thomas Potter of Freehold, husbandman, and wife Sarah to William Bickley senior of N. Y., shopkeeper, and wife Susannah, for the lot in Shrewsberry, conveyed by said Bickley and wife to Abraham Bickley of Burlington August 20, i6g6, who with his wife Elizabeth conveyed it to present grantor December 2, i6g6, to wit 200 acres, of which one lot is bounded E. by John Clayton, N. Nawsinks R., W. a road, S. grantee and Abraham Brown; 7 a. of meadow' adjoining, W. said Brown, S. and E. two creeks, N. upland. 735 i6g7 Nov. 18. Do. Nicholas Wainright of Shrewsburry to John Cox of Midltown, for a lot in Midltown, W. John Clayton alias grantor, S. Mordicaia Gibbins, E. and N. Joseph Throckmorton. 737 i6go Aug. 11. Do. John Stout of Midltown to Job Throckmorton of the same place, for 15 acres in two lots, vizt: I, 6 a. of meadow, N. Rich- , ard Sadler, S. James Grover senior, E. a small island, W. upland; 2, g a. of upland, called Apopbrlote (?), W. William Laiton, E. Job Throckmor ton, N. a road, S. unsurveyed. 738 l6g8 Nov. 26. Do. John Craford of Midltown and wife Abigaill to Elisha Lawrence of the same place, for the following tracts at Weaksack, Middletown, containing 280 acres: 1, a lot, S. W. and W. a sinking marsh, Robert Hamilton and Whitlock's meadow, N. E. a swamp, N. W. Richard Hartshorne,. S. unsurveyed; 2, 8 a. there, S. E. Stephen Arnold, N. W„ the beach, S. W. a creek, S. unsurveyed. 739 l6g7 June 28. Do. Robert Hamilton of Midltoun to John Wilson senior of the same place, for 52 acres, called Calcondras, Middletown, E. James Grover, N. unsurveyed, W. a small brook, S. John Ruckman and unsurveyed land; 11 a. in a triangle, adjoining the first; 89 a., E.James Grover, N. Walter Walle, W. the preceding 11 a., S. unsurveyed. 740 1696 April 17. Do. Daniel Robins to Adam Hude of Staten Island,. for all his right, title, etc. in and lo a freehold in Woodbridge. 741 1697 Sept. 15. Patent to George Willok, late of East Jersey, one of the Proprietors, for a lot in Perth Amboy Town, E. S. E. of the village, as far as low water mark, betw. John Johnston and the cove; also alotE. S. E. of the village adjoining Robert Cole. "742 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 295 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, etc., Liber G. Page l6g8-g Feb. I. Will of Thomas Appellgate senior of Midlton. Wife Johanna, children Thomas, John, Daniel, Joseph, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Richard. Real estate, partly derived from father-in-law Richard Gib bons, personal property. The wife executrix. Witnesses — Richard Harts horne, John Uahhan, Cornelis Compton, Mary Grover. Proved March 2g, r6gg. 1 i6g9 May ig. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Johanna Appellgate. 1 i6g8 Dec. 28. Will of William Browne of Woodbridge, John Browne of Staten Island, John Moore, George Browne. Personal property. George Browne executor. Witnesses — Adam Hude, George Browne. Proved February 23, l6g8-g. 2 i6gg May 18. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued lo George Browne Qf Woodbridge. 2 l6g8 April 14. Will of Charles Dennis of Shrewsberry. Wife Mary, sons — Philipp, John, Joseph. Real and personal estate. The wife execu trix, with George Curlis and Nathaniel Slocum guardians of "the father less and motherless children" of Francis and Elizabeth Jackson. Wit nesses—Thomas Huitt, George Curlis, Remembrance Lippincott. Proved February g, i6g"8-g. 2 , 1699 May 18. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Mary Dennis. 3 1699 April 11. Will of Thomas Holland of Piscataway. Wife Wine- fret; children — Margaret, Frances, Daniel, natural daughters Ann, Eliza beth. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with Thomas Hig gins as assistant. Witnesses — Thomas Lawrence, Robt Cole. Proved 'April 21, i6gg. 3 i6gg May 18. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Winefret Holland. 4 i6g8 Sept. 30. Deed. James Ashton of Midltown to his son James of Freehold, for 480 acres in the late purchase of Crosewicks, S. W. James Bowne, S. E. Philipp Smith, N. W. unsurveyed; also 60 a. of meadow at Barnagate, S. W. Locheil's land, S. E. the Bay, N. E. John Smith, N. W. unsurveyed. 4 1699 May 20. Do. John Leonard of Shrewsberry to Benjamin Cook of Midltown, for 60 acres on the Northside of Manasquan R., S. W. John Hance, N. E. Edmond Lefettra, S. E.. the river, N. W. the road; also 60 a. on Barnagate Creek, E. the sea, W. the Bay, S. Nicholas Browne, N. unsurveyed; in all 120 a, bo't of Edward WoUey. 5 296 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1698-9 March 10. Do. Elisha Lawrence and wife Lucy of Midltown to Jeremiah Stillwell; late of Gravesend, L. I., for the following lots. in Middletown: I, 120 acres on Hors Neck, E. Thomas Morfoot, W. a creek, N. unsurveyed, S. Neversinks R. ; 2, 3 a. of meadow, E. Thomas Morfoot, S., W. and N. unsurveyed; the whole 123 a. granted to Thomas Harbert by patent of June 4, 1677, by him sold to Robert Hamilton, by him to WiUiam Lawrence, who conveyed it to present grantor; 3, a lot on Plog- pen Neck, bo't of John Reid "June g, l6g2. 6 1699 May 8. Do. John Wilson of Middletown to his son James, for 120 acres, being the remaining part of the tract, patented to grantor Janu ary 10, 1676-7, S. John Craford, W. son Peter Wilson, N. and E. son John Wilson; also one half of 9 a. of meadow, granted by the same pat ent, E. John Bowne, N. the beach, S. upland and 4 a. of meadow, ac quired from Francis He— (broken*), N. the beach, S. E. Edward Smith, 1 Francis Herbert. See next entry. N. W. John Ruckman, S. son Peter. 6 1699 May 8. Do. Same to his son Petter, for 130 acres, part of the patent of January 10, 1676-7, S. John Craford, E. son James Wilson, N. son John Wilson, W. Richard Stout and Wm. Merrill; also 5 a. of meadow, S. E. (?) Edward Smith, N. W. John Ruckman, S. upland, N. son James Wilson, formerly Francis Herbert. 7 1691 Aug. 3. Do. John Craford of Midltoun to his son John Craford of the same place, for 280 acres at Weycock, Monmouth Co., S. W. and W. marsh or sinking meadow, Robert Hamilton and Whitlock, N. E. a swamp, N. W. Richard Hartshorne, S. unsurveyed; . 6 a. there, S. E. Stephen Arnold, N. W. the beach, S. W. the creek, S. unsurveyed; one half of the g a. of meadow at Weycock. (See Liber F, p. 739). 8 1693 Aug. 28. Endorsement on a patent to John Craford (see Liber B, p. 211) for 200 acres in Midltown, whereby John Craford conveys the within lands to John Wilson senior. 8 1690-1 March 7. Deed. James Johnston of Monmouth Co. to Wil liam Lawrence senior of Midleton, for 450 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Assandpinck, all other sides unsurveyed, as per patent of May 22, last. "9 i6g7 July 21. Do. John Reid of Freehold to Thomas Cox of Midl- towne, for a lot in the forks of Assanpinck Creek, as bo't of Alexander Nepair May 19, 1694. 9 1691 Sept. 8. Do. John Johnston of Monmouth Co. to Richard Hartshorn of Midltown, for \ of 1-24 share of the Province, excepting 5,000 acres, whereof 2,500 were sold by Robert Turner of Philadelphia to James Johnston, brother of present grantor, March 10, 1689-90, and 2,500, present grantor reserves for himself. 10 1692 Dec. 1. Do. John Craford of Midltowne, sailor, to Richard Hartshorn of the same place, yeoman, for 100 acres there, S. Robert Ham ilton, N. John Smith, John ? (broken) and grantee, E. a road and EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 297 Page Sam. Spicer, W. unsurveyed land; to stand for 86 a. II 1693 Aug. 8. Do. John Crafford senior of Midltowne to Richard Hartshorne of Portland, Monmouth Co., for 16 acres, formerly the home- lot of Richard Gibbons (see deedslrom said Gibbons of — 1678 and Rob ert Hamilton of May 6, 1691), N. and E. roads, S. formerly grantor, W. formerly Richard Stout senior. 11 1697-8 Feb. 15. Do. Thomas Boell of Freehold to William Law rance junior of Midletoune, for the following tracts in Monmouth Co: 1, a lot, near the long gully bog; 2, a lot, 6 chains above the bridge of the cart road betw. Wm. Lawrance's cornmill and Sam. Leonard's saw mill. 12 1695 March 26. Do. Thomas Cox of Midltown to his brother James Cox, for 80 acres, S. E., of grantor's 240 a. lot, where he now lives, with one acre of meadow at Shoall Harbour, W. Richard Gibbons, N. E. grantor, formerly George Jobe. (See patent to their father Thomas Cox of Dec. 1, 167?). 13 1699 March 30. Do. Job Throckmorton of Shrewsberry to Benjamine Borden of Midletown, for 474 acres of the land at Croswicks, purchased by grantor and neighbours, S. W. grantee, S. E. and N. E. the Pines, N. W. unsurveyed; 10 a. of meadow, S. and S. E. the Pines, E. and N. E. unsurveyed. 14 1696 Oct. 7. Do. John Hamton of Freehold to Benjamine Borden, for "that tract on Burlington path and that meadow called the South meadow, purchased of George Keith and all that tract adjoining to ye s<3 meadow, purchased by John Reid," 500 acres betw. Jedidiah Allen and Robert Barclay on Manalapan Cr. and 60 a. of meadow on Manas quam R. 15 1697-8 Feb. 26. Satisfaction Piece. George McKenzie, late of N. Y. City, merchant, now of Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, to John Barclay of Plainfield, for the mortgage of November 7, 1688, on 700 acres, called Plainfield, Middlesex Co. 16 l6gg Oct. 14. Letters of administration on the estate of Robert Jones of Monmouth Co. dec'd intestate, granted to John Stewart of Shrews berry. 17 1688 Nov. 14. Will of William Johnson senior of Elizabeth" Town. Sons — John, Daniel, Samuel, Benjamin, William,' Henry; daughters — Kathren, Hannah, Abigail. Real estate devised not to be sold from the name and generation of Johnson; personal- property. Executors — Jeffry Jones and Nathaniel Tutle. Witnesses— Thomas Mullinex and Jeffry Jones. Proved October 12, i6gg. 17 1697-8 Jan. 29. Cape May. Affidavit of Hannah, wife of Henry Leonard of Cape May, daughter of William Johnson (above) and formerly wife of Joseph Holden, concerning the preceding will and why it was not 22 298 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page proved earlier, her father having died May 14, i68g; mentions Elizabeth as her mother's name, threats against the mother by son William, a neigh bour Simon Rouse in Elizabeth and Nicholas Martineau of Bur lington. 18 1699 Nov. 22. Deed. HonWe Sir Thomas Lane, Knt, Edmond Har rison, John Jurim, Robert Hackshaw, James Saint John, Robert Mitchell and the rest of the Committee of the West Jersey Society by Honble Jere miah Basse, their agent, to George \\ illoks, of E. N. J., Gerret Veghel and Peter Curtelew, both of N. Y., for 3,000 acres on the Eastside of and along Milston R. in Midlsex Co., adjoining Thomas Barker half a mile above the mouth of Reverdie Brook. 19 1698 Dec. 12. Will of Thomas Cooke of Shrewsberry. Wife Eliza beth; sons — Thomas (youngest), William (eldest), daughter Elizabeth- Real and personal property. The wife executrix. Witnesses — Thomas Potter, Saml Dennis, Abra. Bickley. Proved Sept. 26, i6g9, and in Bur lington Oct. 3, 1699. 20 l6gg Nov. 7. Letters testimonial with preceding' will annexed, issued to the widow Elizabeth Cooke. 21 ¦ Will of John Inians: " My due debts being paid I will all my whole Estate to my Loving Wife Mary Inians wm all debts dew unto me & make her my whole & Sole Executor. Witness my hand being in per fect memorie witness my hand and seale. John Inians." Witnesses — J. Billopp, Mary Cole. Proved Nov. 8, i6gg. 22 1699 Nov. 10. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to the widow Mary Inians. 22 l6gg Nov. 30. Patent to Joseph Billopp, merchant, for a lot of one acre in Perth Amboy, 10 by 1 chains, E. High St., W. Back St., S. Benja min Griffith, N. John Ireland. 22 1697-8 March 10. Deed. Jose, h Worth of Piscataway, cooper, to his brother-in-law John Shippey of Woodbridge, for threescore, acres in Woodbridge, derived from father Richard Worth, being one half of the 120 a. lot, patented to him, W. John Aires, N. land in common, E. brother John Worth, S. a road running past the rear of Sam. More. 23 i6gg Sept. 25. Do. John Shippey of Woodbridge, carpenter, to Jo seph Crowell of the same place, weaver, for 60 acres at Matuching, Wood- bridge Corporation, bo't of Joseph Worth March 10, 1697-8. (See pre ceding). 24 1699 July 24. Do. James Grier of Woodbridge, turner, to Petter Masse of N. Y. City, house carpenter, for 14 acres on Bacon's Cr., Wood- bridge, betw. Joshua Peirce on 'the West and William Bingle on the S. E. ; also a piece, laid out for grantor by order of the Freeholders as compensa tion for land taken for a road, quantity not exactly known; 7 a. of meadow 1 Veghte. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 299 Page in the sunken marsh, S. E. of said creek; 13 a. of meadow, E. William Bingle, S. John Dilly, N. Cross Creek, W. the preceding lot. 24 1698 Aug. 9. Lease. Jefry Jones to Richard Pangburn, both of Raway, for houses and barn, half of the orchard betw. lessor and Dennis, half of the ground, excepting 2 acres, occupied by Edward Cand, two thirds of the great pasture, 13 a. of meadow near John Marsh's Creek. 26 l6g9 Aug. 31. Deed. John Martine of Piscataway and wife Anne to Ralph Ransford of N. Y., butcher, for the following tracts: 1, two house- lots, 20 acres, N. the road betw. them and Smally's town lot, E. grantor's 5 a. lot, S. Nicholas Bonham, W. John Martin senior; 2, 25 a., N. a road and Daniel Lippington, W. Vincent Rugnion or a byway, S. Michael Sy-. mons and grantee, E. grantee and John Martin junior; 3, 14 a., adjoining the preceding 25, S. Rariton R., E. and W. two small springs, N. John Martin senior; 4, 5 a. of meadow, W. said river, E. Hugh Dunn, N. Capt. Drake, S. Hopewell Hull. 26 l6gg Aug. 31. Mortgage and Lease. Ralph Ransford of N. Y. , butcher, to Samuel Walker and Benjamin Hull, both of Piscataway, for the preceding four lots, bo't of J. Martin. 28 1698-9 Feb. 7. Deed. William Dockwra of London, by John Reid his attorney, to Anthony Woodward of East Jersey, for 2,500 acres in Monmouth Co., W. the partition line, on all other sides Crasswicks Creek. 29 1699- Sept. 22. Do. James Bowne of Monmouth Co. to his brother Andrew Bowne of the same Co., for all his right, title, claim or interest in and to 150 acres near Crosswicks, said Co., E. the Pine Brook, N. un surveyed, W. John Baker, S. John Stout and Job Throckmorton; also one half of 60 a. at Barnagate, W. John Whitlock, E. the Bay, S. Phillip Smith, W. (sic ? N. ) unappropriated. 30 l6gg Sept. 22. Do. Same to brother William Boune of Monmouth Co. for all his right, title, etc. in and to 480 acres, at Crosswicks, said Co., on Northside of Burlington Path, S. E. John Throckmorton, N. W. un surveyed, S. W. Joseph Throckmorton, N. E. James Ashton; also one half of 60 a. at Barnagate, bounded as in preceding deed. 31 i6gg Sept. 22. Do. Same to brother John Bowne of Monmouth Co., cordwainer, for all his right, title, etc. in and to the land to be taken up in right of the part of a share of Province, bo't by their father James Bowne dec'd of Robert Turner. 32 r-j:6g6 Aug. 27. Dp. Same to same, for all his right, title, etc. in and to the land in Midletown bounds, bo't by their father James Bowne dec'd of Kichard Hartshorne at the head of Mery Mindes Spring, S. the hills, W. John Jobe, N. Benjamin Divell, E. unsurveyed, 80 acres. 32 1699 Nov. 22. Do. Hannah Barton, only daughter and sole heiress , of Humphry Hull of N. Y. dec'd and widow of William Barton, to John •700 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Ellison of N. Y. merchant, for a lot of one acre in Perth-Amboy, io by I ch., E. the intended wharf, N. Wm. Brookfield, W. and S. unappropriated lots; the lot having been patented to Samuel Gibson,' of Perth Amboy, In holder, April 28, 1688, by him and his wife Lidiah sold to Humphry Hull aforesaid May 2, 1689, and confirmed to present grantor's father June 4, 1697. ^3 l6gg March 28. Do. Peter Tilton senior of Midletown to his son Peter Tilton junior, for 100 acres, E. and S. Peter Tilton, N. and W. Jumping R. and Hogneck Creek. 34 - i6g9 June 15. Mortgage. Peter Tilton junior of Midltown, Inholder, to John Ellison, for the preceding 100 acres. 35 1699 May 12. Deed. Samuel W7ebb of the Island of Barbados, joiner, and wife Lucia to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsberry, for 240 acres along Ihe road to Tinton Falls, N. W. Col. Morris, N. E. several lots, S. E. Eliakim Wardell, S. W. barren land; also 7 a. of meadow at Pottytuck, 5. Sam. Spicer, N. John Burdin, E. Shrewsburry Bay, W. a small island of up land. 36 1699 Nov. 4. Do. Benjamin Jones to John Ilesley senior, both of Woodbridge, for 3 acres of saltmarsh there, E. Gavin Lockyer, W. Rich ard Dowel, S. upland in common, S. (? N.) the Houselot Creek. 37- 1698 Nov. 22. Do. Mary, widow of John Campbell of Perth Amboy, to Michael Hawden of N. Y. City, vintner, for a lot of one acre in Am boy Perth, E. Water St., W. High St., N. Smith St., S. grantor. 38 l6gg Oct. 25. Do. John Stout of Midltown to William Purdine of the same place, for 150 acres at Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., N. E. Benja min Borden, S. W. Phil. Smith; half of the rjatent for 300 a. of June 25, 1688. 39 1699 Nov. 2. Do. Robert Hamilton of Midltown to Richard Stout junior of the same place cordwainer, for three lots at Poplar Fields, Mid dletown, of 9 acres each, the third of 6 a., W. and N. Richard Sadler, E. Stephen Arnold, S. a road. 40 1696 Sept. 18. Do. Richard Robins of Woodbridge and wife Hannah to Thomas Parker of the same place, for 100 acres at Crosswicks, part of the 350 a. lot of John Stout of Middleton and wife Elizabeth, bo't July 26, 1696, N. W. John Smith, N. E. Benjamin Burden, S. E. the Pines, S. W. grantee. 4° i6gg May 10. Confirmation to John Johnston of Monmouth Co., in right of his brother James Johnston dec'd, of the following tracts in Monmouth Co. : 1, 30 acres betw. Thomas Cooper on Manasquam Brook and Cattail Brook; 2, 60 a. on Brown's Neck, betw. Winsunk and Rapa- tacok Creeks; 3, 15 a., adjoining grantee and William Lawrence junior; 4, 6 a., being two small islands in Sweeming River, opposite Wm. Scott and Lewis Morris; 5, 100 a. in the rear of Wickatunck lots, adjoining Al- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 30I Page exander Adams and Plumsted; 6, 30 a. about half a mile above Wm. West on Shark R. ; 7, 30'a. of pine meadow, formerly used by Daniel Hercut, surrounded by barren land; 8, 70 a., S. Judah Allen, all other sides un surveyed; with 115 a. sold by grantee to Robert Ray and 50 a. to Isaac Watson to be called 500 acres; 9, 50 a. on the Northbranch of Rariton R. near Archibald Ridle's. 42 1699 Nov. 24. Patent to John White of Perth Amboy, for a lot there, W. High St., N. the bank lot, E. low water mark, S. the bank lot. 44 1699 Nov. 24. Deed. Honble Jeremiah Basse, Governour of the Jer seys, to Charles Goodman of Perth Amboy, for a lot there, I chain wide and in length running from High St. to low water mark, adjoining John Johnston. 44 - i6gg Nov. 30. Confirmation to Charles Goodman of Perth Amboy, of the preceding lot. 44 1699 Nov. 6. Patent to Capt. George Drake of Piscataway, for 200 acres there, S. W. Ambrose Brook and unsurveyed land, S. E. said brook, Wm. Sutton and unsurveyed land. * 45 1699 May 22. Deed. John Johnston of Hope River, Monmouth Co., to John Havens of Manasquan, same Co., for lot No. 8 of the patent of May 10 (supra p. 42). 46 1698-g Jan. 30. Do. Gerret Gerretse van Wageninge senior of Ber gen to Cristoffe Stynmets of Essex Co., for lot No. 6 at Aquechonenque with one half of the privileges belonging to the 14th part of the common age there. 46 l6g8 April 7. Do. Peter Johnson (Janson) of Hackinsack and wife Jackamaintie to David Provoost of N. Y. City and Johannis van Inburgh of Hackinsack, surgeon, for one half of a tract of 500 acres on Hochaos Brook, bo't of Isaac Kingsland May 12, 1687, and confirmed to present grantor July 24, i6g6. ". 47 1683 Oct. 24. . Do. Randall Hewitt of Middletown and wife Dorithy to Jaines Ashton of the same place, for 5 acres of meadow, on the East- side of Shoall Harbour, W. Samuel Colver .(?), E. Direck Tunisen. 49 1688-9 Jan- 2(>- Do. Richard Davis of Midletowne and wife Eliza beth to James Ashton of the same place, for 5 acres of meadow there, N. the sea, E. unsurveyed meadow, S. upland, W. grantee. 49 1697 Sept. 2. Deed. John Reid of Freehold, to Joseph Allen of Dartmouth, Plymouth Colony, New England, for a lot in Freehold, betw. Clear Brook, Manalapan Brook, Wm. Davison and Thomas Edwards; also the meadow on said Clear Brook and its branches and the meadow on Manalapan River, in all 500 acres. 5° 1698 May 13. Do. Joseph Wilson of Elizabeth to Jonathan Serjant of Newark, for 3 acres of meadow at the bottom of the Neck, E. Thomas Steaples, S. the Bay, E. (sic ? N.) John Crain, W. upland, 51 302 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i6g7 July 2. Do. Thomas Staples of Fairfield, Conn1, to Jonathan Serjant of Newark, for 2 acres of meadow at the bottom of the Neck, W. upland, S. Jeremiah Peck, E. the Bay, N. John Wood, tanner. 52 ""- i6g6 Oct. 22. Do. Benjamin Clarke of Piscataway and wife Ann to William Loveridge of Perth Amboy, felt maker, for 18 acres in Perth- Amboy, E. town lots, N. and W. land not laid out, S. the road to Piscat- away;~also two lots in said town, the Northernmost 8j chains long, the Southern 10 chains, both together 2 ch. wide, E. Water St., N. Market St., W. Market Place and High St., S. Robert Bridgman. 52 1699 July 20. Power of attorney. John Carthew of Boston, Mass., shopkeeper, to John Bishop of Woodbridge, to collect debts in N. Y., Penna. and the Jerseys. Attested by Lord Richard Bellomont. 54 l6gg Nov. 27. Deed. Honble Jeremiah Basse, Governour of ye Jer- seyes, to George Willoks of Monmouth Co., merchant, for 375 acres any where in the Province, not yet ajjpropriated, being jjart of the 5,000 acres allotted to grantor by the Proprietors February 22 last past. 55 1699 Oct. 31. Do. Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, holding by purchase from Robert Barclay of Ury dec'd and George Henrie, late of East Jersey, merchant, 2-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, to George Wil loks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., for 350 acre's out of the 5,000 allotted to grantor as a second dividend on his share. 56 i6gg Nov. 25. Do. Sir Thomas Lane, Knight, Edmond Harrison and the rest of the West Jersey Society, by Jeremiah Basse, their agent, to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for 62^ acres in Perth Amboy to be laid out as dividend of their 2^ shares. 57 1699 Nov. 25. Do. Honble Jeremiah Basse, Govr etc, to John Reid of Monmouth Co., for 1,000 acres, anywhere in East Jersey, not yet pat ented, as part of -J of 1-24 share of the Province, bo't of George Willoks and wife Margaret February 20 last past. 57 l6gg Nov. 25. Confirmation to John Reid of Freehold, in right of Jeremiah Basse, of the following tracts in Monmouth and Middlesex Counties: 1, a lot adjoining Mordicay Gibbons and — Craford; 2, a lot, adjoining said Gibbons, Wm. Jones and Thomas Aplegate; 3, a lot, S. Wm. Leeds, formerly Richard Stout junior, W. James Grover junior, grandson of the patentee James Grover, N. and E. unappropriated; 4, a lot, adjoining John Wilson junior, Thomas Whitelock, Richard Harts horne, John Wilson senior and Wm. Whitelock; 5, 6 acres of meadow, E. the creek, S. a creek, dividing them from Richard Hartshorne, W. up land; 6, a lot, beginning where Milston Brook parts above the Indian path, adjoining Abraham Brown; 7, a lot at the head of Chestnut Brook, W. grantee, N. Wm. Dockwra, E. and S. barrens; 8, a lot adjoining Wm. Dockwra on a branch of Milston R. and grantee; 9, a lot along the great road from Peter Sonmans to Jeremiah Basse's; in all 1,000 acres. 58 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 303 Page 1699 N0V.-28. Do. to George Willoks of Rudyaul, Monmouth Co., holding by purchase from Jeremiah Basse 375 acres and from Thomas Gordon, Secretary of the Province, -350 a., — of 725 a. as follows: 1, a lot in Monmouth Co., on the Westside of Chinquaroras, adjoining the land surveyed for Thomas Rudyard July 3, 1684, and Wm. Dockwra; 2, a lot in the same Co., betw. grantee, Wm. Dockwra, John Hampton, Thomas Warne, the road from Amboy Ferry to Wickatunck, Wm. Ridfoord, Gawen Lawrie and Phil. Carteret; 3, a lot in Middlesex Co., between Thomas Warne, above Amboy Ferry, Gawen Lawrie, Phil. Carteret, John Lambart and Wm. Letts; 4, a lot in Perth Amboy, I ch. wide on High St., N. Robert Barclay, E. High St., S. grantee, W. Col. Hamilton. 59 i6gg May 1. Patent to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for two lots there, 2 ch. wide in front, on the S. E. side of Water St., running down to low water mark, parallel to the. two lots, granted to said Gordon April 20, 1696; also another lot on the S. E. side of Water St., parallel and fronting the lot of grantee patented April 10, 1688. 61 1699 Nov. 25. Appointment. John Reid, Surveyor General of . the Province of East Jersey, to George Willoks of Monmouth, as Deputy Surveyor to lay for Jeremiah Bassee 375 acres and for Thomas Gordon 500 acres and 63 acres more in unappropriated districts. 61 1699 Nov. 29. Deed. John Gordon of Montross, Scotland, M. D., by his attorney Thomas Gordon, to George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., for 250 acres, belonging to grantor for his second division of his 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province. 62 l6gg Nov. 30. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy as part of his second division, of 1,250 acres in Middlesex Co., between David Falconer on Manalapan R. and Jeremiah Basse. 62 i6gg Nov. 30. Do. to same, as part of his second division, of a lot in Essex Co., S. John Cockburne, E. Hanse Speer and Tunis Johnston, W. Thomas Davis, N. Bastian van Geesen and said Johnston; 10 acres of swamp in the same Co., W. Thomas Richards, S. John Craine and Parle Day, E. Thomas Pearson, Daniel and Samuel Dode and Benjamin Bald wine, N. John Morris and John Craine. 63 1699-1700 Jan. 20. Power of attorney. Gilbert Molleson, draper, and Francis Palmer, factor, both of London, to Robert Burnet of East Jersey, Rip van Dam of N. Y. and John Falconar of Maryland, to collect debts due by George Willoks. 64 1700 May 9. Receipt. Margaret Robison, formerly called Margaret Allen, then widow of James Carlile of Scotland, Eliphelet ffrazie and wife Margaret, daughter of said James Carlile, to David Falconer for property, left to said two Margarets by their husband and father James Carlile, who had, by, bis last will, made his wife executrix with his father-in-law Hec tor Allen, his brother John Carlile and David Falconer of Edinburgh, merchant, as overseers; Hector Allen and John Carlile being dead. 65 304 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1699 July 27. Power of attorney. David Falconar, late of Scotland, owner of a share in East Jersey, to his son John Falconar of London, merchant, as land agent in East Jersey. 65 1,699-1700 March 5. Award of arbitrators Adam Hude, Wm. Stone and John Bishop of Woodbridge, settling the differences between John Pike and Abraham Tapin, tailor, of the same place concerning 20 acres of upland and 4 a. of meadow, given to said Tapin by Pike June I, 1680. 66 1696 Oct. 6. Deed. George Willoks of Perth Amboy to Richard Hartshorne of Midletown, for a lot in Monmouth Co., adjoining Joseph Grover and Benjamin Burden, as patented to grantor May 1, 1690. 67 1697 Sepf. 30. Confirmation to George Willoks, as husband of Mar garet, formerly widow of Samuel Winder, of the tract called Rudyard in Monmouth Co. between Cheesquacks or Willoks' and Margarett's Creeks, first patented to Gawen Lawrie May 28, 1685, conveyed by him and wife Mary to John Palmer, Sept. 13, 1685, who with his wife Sarah sold it to Samuel Winder April 16, 1686, from whom by his last will of January 7, 1688-9, h's wife Margaret derived it, James Winder of London; brother of Samuel, relinquishing his title March 23, 1694; said Willoks and wife sold the tract to John Johnston ? 7, 1695, and bo't it from said Johnston November 1, 1695, for 1,000 acres, while it is only 300. 68 1698 Aug. 26. Do. to the same, of a lot in Monmouth Co. betw. Chesquacks or Willoks Creek, Margaret's Creek and the Bay; lots in Perth Amboy, E. S. E. from the front lots, betw. the Cove and Robert Barclay; a lot, adjoining Robert Burnett; a lot betw. John Johnston and low water mark. 70 1698-g Feb. 20. Deed. George Willoks of Perth Amboy and wife Margaret to Jeremiah Basse, for j of 1-24 share of the Province, formerly belonging to Thomas Rudyard, excepting all the land already released of patented in right thereof; also | of 1-24 share, formerlybelonging to James Willoks and Robert Gordon by conveyance from Robert Burnet of Lethanty, Scotland, except the parts already patented in right thereof. 71 i6gg Nov. 25. -Confirmation to Jeremiah Basse, as part of his share, of a tract in Middlesex Co., betw. David Falconer, Peter Sunmans and the Manalapan River, 1,000 acres on the great road and Cranberry Brook, adjoining Walter Benthal], a lot in' Amboy, 10 by 1 chains, N. Gully St.; E. low water mark, W. High St., S. Sir Even Cameron. 73 1699 Aug. 17. nth William 3d. Deed. Cornelius Tunisson of Summersett Co. and wife Neiltie to John Tunisson Midle Swaertl of the same Co., for all his right, title and interest in and to one undivided third of the land bought by grantor, grantee and Jeromus Rapley, all of Breuck- land, L. I., of John Robinson, of N. Y., vizt: I, 300 acres at Roysfield, 1 Now usually written Middlesworth. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 305 Page said Co., on the Rariton River; 2, a lot, S. said river. W. Wm. Pinhorne and John Robinson, N. and E. unsurveyed; 3, an island in Rariton R., 60 a., opposite the jireceding tract; in all 660 a. 74 1698-9 Feb. 22. Do. Sir Thomas Laine, Knt, Sir John More, Knt, Paul Dockmanique, Robert Mitchell, Obadiah Burnett and others of the West Jersey Society, by their agent Jeremiah Basse, to George Willoks of Perth Amboy, for 1,000 acres in Middlesex Co., N. E. John Inians, all other sides unappropriated. 75 1698-g Feb. 24. Patent to George Willoks for Ihe following tracts in Monmouth Co.: 1, 2,100 acres, W. Robert Burnett, N. Thomas Hart and Wm. Dockwra, E. James Bowne, S. the Midltown men; 2, 40 a. at the head of a branch of Doctor's Creek, surrounded by the Pines; 3, 60 a., where Anthony Wodard's path crosses the partition line, W. said line, all other sides unsurveyed; 4, 40 a., S. and E. Jas. Dorsett, N. and W. Rob ert Holman; 5, 10 a., E. Gershom Wallie, S. Widow Bowne, W. Jas. Dor- sett, N, Jeremiah Bennett; 6, a town lot in Perth Amboy, N. John Bar clay, E. High St., S. unpatented, W. Col. Hamilton. 78 l6gg AprU 5. Confirmation to Clement Plumstead of London, draper, one of the Proprietors, of 2, 700 acres on Crosswicks Creek in Monmouth "Co., 2, 500 being in full of his second division and 200 in right of John Royse, the whole along the partition line and George Willoks. 7g 1699 Aug. 2. Do. to William Dockwra of London, one of the Pro prietors, of: 1, a lot in Perth Amboy, E. S. E. of town, betw. the intend^ ed street and low water mark; 2, a lot, bounded as before N. N. E. from Robert Burnett; 3, a lot betw. John Johnston and low water mark. 80 1699 Aug. 23. Do. to the Honble Archibald Campbell, son and heir of Lord Neill Campbell dec'd, for a lot of one acre in Perth Amboy, N. Gawen Lawrie,- E. Water St., S. Lord Neil Campbell and Robert Black wood, W. High St. 81 1696-7 March 2-3. Deed. George Henrie of Edinburgh, merchant, to Thomas Gordon of East Jersey, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of the Province, sold by Robert Barclay to Charles Gordon, who conveyed it to present grantor. 82 1696-7 March 3. Do. Same to same, for 775 acres on the South River, Middlesex Co., patented to Charles Gordon May 18, 1686, and by him sold to present grantor Oct. 18, 1687. 84 1696 Oct. 15. Assignment. George Henrie, late of East Jersey, to Thomas Gordon, of all debts, goods, bills, etc., assigned to him by Charles Gordon October 18, 1687; making said Thomas also his attorney in America. 85 1698-9. March 22. Letters of administration on the estate of Charles Gordon dec'd intestate granted to his brother Thomas Gordon. 86 1698 March 26. Power of attorney. William Dockwra of London to 23 306 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page' Jeremiah Basse, Govr etc, as genera] ag'ent in East Jersey, N. Y. and neighbourhood. 86 1697-8 Feb. 7. Do. Archibald Campbell, son and heir of Lord Neill Campbell, to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, as genera] agent. - 87 1698-9 March 23. Letters of administration on the estate of Lord Neill Campbell dec'd granted to his son Archibald. 88 1698 Aug. 6. Order by the Proprietors in London to the Governour and Council in East Jersey for the resurvey of Roysefield, patented to John Royse Sept. 23, 1690, and of the lands of Clement Plumstead. 88 1698-9 March 18. Deed. Samuel Huntington to Jonathan Baldwine, both of Newark, for II acres on the hill, W. of town, E. the road, N. John Ward, S. Sam' Kitchell, W. unsurveyed land. 89 1699 Oct. 2. Do. Benjamin Thorpe of Woodbridge to Daniel Lam- bart and Lazarus Baroe, both of N. Y., seamen, for two tracts in Elizabeth- town, 35 acres, one adjoining George Pack and a small creek, the other, one acre of meadow, adjoining said Pack, John Pope and the first lot. 90 i6g9 Sept. 29. Do. William Lawrance to John Johnston, both of Monmouth Co., for 400 acres, sold to grantor by James Johnston dec'd, July 10, 1690. 91 i6g9 May 4. Do. John Johnston of Monmouth Co. to William Wat son of Notingham, Burlington Co., West Jersey, for 100 acres in Mon mouth Co., adjoining grantee and N. of Augustine Gordon, to complete a lot of 250 a., sold to said Watson by James Johnston dec'd, April 20, 1691. g2 l6g7-8 March 1. Do. Mary Haige of London, widow, and Miles Forster of N. Y. with his wife Rebeckah, said Mary and Rebeckah being daughters of Gawen Lawrie dec'd, to Joseph Ormston of London, mer chant, and wife Rachel, daughter of Arent Sonmans of Rotterdam, Hol land, dec'd, for 1-24 share of East Jersey. g3 i6g7~8 March 2. The same repeated in extenso, giving the consent of Peter Sonrnans, son and heir, Johanna, daughter of Arent Sonmans, and her husband Joseph Wright. 94 l6g8 Dec. 6. Deed. Eliphelet Johnson of Newark and wife Deborah to Thomas Stage (Staig, Staige) of the same place, for a lot on the West- side of Third River, N. Bastian van Geesen, E. said river, S. Claese Hen drickson, W. unsurveyed. g6 i6gg Dec. 23. Do. John Barclay of Amboy and wife Katharine to John and WiUiam Laing of Middlesex Co., for 700 acres of land and 20 a. of marsh, of which grantor bought 500 from his brother Robert Barclay July 10, 1684, which with 200 a., granted to grantor as headland, for him self and servants January 18, 1685-6, are bounded E. by Woodbridge line, W. the Bound Brook of Piscataway, S. and N. unlaid out land: the 20 a. of marsh were acquired by exchange from John Blumfield of Woodbridge EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 307 and are bounded W. by Sam. More, S. and E. said Blumfield, N. the great pond. (See Robert Barclay to John Barclay of March I, 1687-8, mort gage John Barclay to George McKenzie of Nov. 7, 1688, and satisfaction of February 26, 1697-8, supra p. 16). gy i6gg Dec. 2. Do. John Molleson of Piscataway and wife Sarah to Caleb Campbell of the same place, for 120 acres there, N., S. and W. un surveyed, E. a road. g8 1697 Oct. 14. Do. George Willoks of East Jersey and wife Margaret to William Dockwra of London, for 850 acres in Middlesex Co., N. Rar iton and Milston Rivers, W. Govr Barclay, E. grantee, S. unsurveyed; the lot having been patented to James Willoks of Kemney, Scotland, M. D., father of grantor, April 16, 1687. joo l6gg Nov. 23. Agreement. George Willoks, Garrit Veghte of N. Y. and Peter Cortelew of N. Y. Province, relinquishing to each other all right, title, etc. in and to a tract on the Eastside of Milston R., granted to them by the West Jersey Society Nov. 22, i6gg. (Supra, p. 19.) . iqi i6gg Nov. 30. Power of attorney. Jeremiah Basse, Governour of ye Jerseyes, to Charles Wooley of Perth Amboy, merchant, to collect debts in East Jersey, N. Y., and elsewhere in America, in West Jersey only with advice and consent of John Tatham and George Jewell. 101 1700 May 30. Deed, endorsed on the patent to William Frost of Perth Amboy, carpenter, for 100 acres on the Bound Brook, Middlesex Co., of February 13, 1692-3 (Liber E, p. 33), whereby said Frost and wife Jennet convey the 100 a. to Alexander Thomson of Summer- sett Co. 102 1700 May g. Do. David Falconar of Edinburgh, Scotland, by his son and attorney John Falconar, to Elipbelett Frazie of Elizabeth town, for 250 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Manalapan River, S. Robert Barclay, W. and N. unsurveyed, patented to grantor. 103 1700 June 28. Do. Thomas Rogers of Newberry, Essex Co.J Mass., brother and heir to Robert Rogers of Woodbridge dec'd, to Stephen Tut tle of Woodbridge, for 6 acres of salt marsh there, N. upland in common, W. John Ilsly, formerly David Mackeny, S. a creek and a salt pond, E. Thomas Alger. 103 l6g8 April 19. Do. John Curtiss and wife Hannah to Hance Hen drickson Aspere,! all of Newark, for a lot on the Northside of Second R., S. Skiper Hendrickson, E. Tunis Johnson and Samuel Harrison, N. Enoch Macheilson, W. unsurveyed. 104 1695 April 2. -Do. John Gardner of Newark and wife Abigail to Hance Hendrickson-Spere1 of the same place, for 80 acres, N. John Ward 1 Hans, son ol Hendrick Jansen Spier, was bap. April 8. 1663. For some ac count of Ms ancestry and descendants, see the Speer Genealogy in History of Pat- . erson, N. X, by William Nelson, I., 184-208. 30& NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page senior, turner, S. Sam. Ward, W. unsurveyed, E. Pissawick R. ; also 5 a. of saltmeadow, S. Maple Island Creek, N. grantee, E. and W. John Ward; and 2 a. of boggy meadow, N. Tunis Johnson alias Peare,! S. Hen drick Hendrickson van Rean (?), E. and W. unsurveyed. 105 i6g9 Nov. 18. Do. Hance Albarts ot Newark and wife Joanah to Hendrick, Jacob and Johannes Coman of the same place, for a lot there on the plain beyond the Millbrook, N. the Commons, W. unsurveyed, S. unsurveyed and John Davis, E. said Davis. 106 1698 April 26. Do. Cornelis Lubberts of Bergen to Franss Post of." Achquikanuncque, Essex Co., for 100 acres, lot No. 10 of Aqueckononcque Patent, and half the breadth of lot 9, together with 8-20 of the rights of commonage. 107 1699-1700 Jan. 20. Do. John Smith of Woodbridge to Henry Free man of the same place, for 60 acres there at Whitewood Hill; also one half of 30 a. of Rariton meadows, E. John Woodkins and Thomas Awger, W. Daniel Greasie, S. Rariton R., N. Skipper Bun. 107 1686-7 March 8. Deed and Power of attorney. Robert Barclay, eld est son of David Barclay of Ury, Scotland, to his brother John Barclay of East Jersey, for his right, title, etc. in and to 1-20 share of the Province, inherited from his brother David Barclay, who died at sea on board the America of Stockton, Captain Vivers master, from Aberdeen to East Jer sey, end of August last past; authorizing said brother John to act as land agent etc. in America. 108 1699 May 15. Mortgage. Caleb Shreve, late of Freehold, and wife Sarah to Charles Hubs of Madnans Neck, L. I., for the following lots: 1, 96^ acres, N. George. Codes, S. Frances Jackson, W. Burlington Path, E. Pasquanaqua Brook; 2, 3J a. of the great meadow at the head of Manas quan Brook, W. unappropriated meadow, E. Abigaill Lippincott, N. and S. upland; 3, 100 a., E. Pesquanaqua Brook, W. George Keith, N. John Lippincott, S. Morris Worth; 4, 3J a. in the great meadow, N. and S. up land, E. John Lippincott, W. unappropriated meadow; 5, 48^ a., N. Frances Jackson, S. Jacob Cole, E. Pasquanaqua Cr., W. George Keith; 6, ij a. of the great meadow, E. Thomas Cook, W. unsurveyed meadow, N. and S. upland; in all 250 a., bought by grantor of John Lippincott of Shrewsberry January 24, 1692-3; 7, 3^ a. of Pasquanaqua meadows, E. Restore Lippincet, W. Joseph Parker's children, N. and S. upland, bo't of William Havens of Shrewsberry February 11, 1695-6; 8, 3^ a. of the great meadow, bo't of Nicholas Sarah November 20, 1696. no 1700 June 14. Deed. Thomas Barker of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, by his attorney George Heathcote of Pensilvania, mer chant, to John Bowne of Midletown, for one half of town lot No. 8 at Wickatunck, S. the road, E. and W. John Baker, N. the other half; the 1 For some account ot the Pier family, see ibid., 188. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 309 whole patented with other land to grantor July 10, 1688. 112 1700 June 5. Do. John Bowne to his brother Obadiah Bowne, both of Midleton, for 200 acres, part of the second dividend on 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, bo't of Capt. Thomas Pearson May 10, 1685. 112 1700 June 5. Do. Lydea Bowne of Midletown to her son Obadiah Bowne, for 250 acres, the second dividend on her 1-20 of 1-24 share, bo't of John Throckmorton January 20, 1687-8. 113 1700 June 18. Do. Thomas and Richard Hankinson to Capt. John Bowne, all of Monmouth Co., for 120 acres, the headland, due to their mother Jean Hankinson and brother Peter, both dec'd. 113 1699 July 3. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to John Stewart of Shrews- . berry, for a lot on Milston River below the great road, as bo't from Col. Andrew Hamilton August 17, 1693. 113 1699 Oct. 2. Dp. William Dockwra of London, by John Reid his attorney, to John Stewart of Shrewsberry, surgeon, for 400 acres, the re maining part of Chestnut Neck,, betw. Assanpink and Chestnut Brooks, Thos. Cox and grantor; also a pjece of meadow on the Eastside of Assan pink Brook. 114 1699 Oct. 2. Do. John Stewart of Shrewsberry, surgeon, to WiUiam Dockwra of London, for 400 acres on Milston R., below the mouth of Rocky Brook (supra p. 113). 114 l6gg Nov. 1. Do. Same to John Reid of Hortencie, for 400 acres, acquired from Wm. Dockwra (supra p. 114). 115 1700 May 11. Do. John Reid of Freehold to Richard Davis junior of'Midletown, for 200 acres, part of Chestnut Neck, E. Assanpink Brook, W. Chestnut Brook, S. and N. grantor; also one half of the meadow on the Eastside of Assanpink Cr. 116 1699 Dec. 26. Do. Same to Thomas Leeds of Midletown, for a lot in Monmouth Co., S. Wm. Leeds, formerly Richard Stout junior, W. James Grover junior, formerly his grandfather James Grover, N. and E. unsurveyed. 116 l6gg June 20. Do. John Bowne of Monmouth Co. to Garrett Stoot- lioff, Garrett Wyckoff, John Wyckoff, Derrick von Sutvant, Peter Couwen hoven and Jacob Tysen, all of Kings Co., N. Y., for 1,000 acres in Mon mouth Co., called Gawen Lawries 1,000 acres, S. E. Isaac Bryant, S. W. the road to Burlington and Spotswood's middle brook, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed; also two pieces of meadow on Spotswood's brook, granted to . Gawen Lawrie March 15, 1685-6; excepting out of the 1,000 a. 35, sold to Thomas fforeman May 1, 1699. 117 1700 July 22. Letters of administration on the estate of John Pollock of Perth Amboy dec'd intestate, granted to his widow Rebeckah. 120 1699 Dec. 4. Deed. Jeremiah Basse, Governour of East and West .Jersey, to Charles Woolley of N. Y. City, merchant, for a lot in Amboy, 310 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page io by I ch., N. Gully St., E. low water mark, W. High St., S. Sir Ewen Cameron. 120 i6gg Nov. 27. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, of a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. Peter Sonmans, John Johnston, Sir Evan Cameron, of Lochiel, the public road and the bounds of Perth Amboy; a piece of meadow on the Southside of Rariton River, over against Sandy Point, adjoining George Willoks; another piece of meadow on the South- side of said river, adjoining Thomas Rudyard, now George Willoks, and Peter Sonmans. 121 1700 July 16. Do. to same, as second dividend on his share of the Province, of the following tracts: I, a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. John Melvine and Benjamine Hall on the main branch of Chesquacks, former ly Gawine Lawrie's Laflower alias Rene Peat, formerly Miles Forster, and grantee; 2, a lot betw. John Lambert dec'd and grantee; 3, a piece of meadow on the Eastside of the South River, adjoining David Vilant on the North. 123 1694 Dec. 4. Power of attorney. Thomas Barker of London, mer chant, to George Heathcott of Philadelphia, merchant, to collect debts due by Griffith Jones and others. 124 1700 Oct. 7. Confirmation to David Lyell, late of London now of N. Y. goldsmith, one of the Proprietors, as part of his second dividend, of 900 acres as follows: 1, a lot in Middlesex Co. on Rariton R. between an Indian burying place or John Inians and said river; 2, a lot and small bits of meadow on Assinpink, along the partition line, adjoining Wm. Watson and Augustine Gordon; 3, a piece of meadow above the Indian graves on Rariton R. at the Turn about; 4, 100 acres, W. and S. grantee at Bair (?) Brook, N. grantee, formerly John Reid, E. Wm. Dockwra. 125 1700 Sept. 4. Deed. Benjamin Hull of Piscatgy to Elisha Parker of Woodbridge, for 250 acres in Piscataway, W. Southrery, Wm. Claus and John Cushan, N. W. John Smally and land not laid out, N. E. Ambrose Brook, S. E. land not laid out. 126 . l6gg Dec. 12. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to Margarett, wife of William Davison, carpenter, and Janet, wife of Sam'- Layton, planter, both of Monmouth Co., daughters and heiresses of Wil liam Oliphant of Middlesex Co., dec'd, for a lot in Monmouth Co. at Wemcoke, mortgaged to him by said Oliphant July 14, i6go. 127 1700 Aug. 13. Indian Deed. Mochanhan, Wikquales, Quanalem, Indians of Monmouth Co., to John Reid of the same Co., for a tract at the mouth of North Brook in Rockie Brook, consideration £10 provincial money and a barrel of cider. 128 1700 May 16. Deed. John Bowne of Monmouth Co., merchant, to John Reid of Hortencie, for 64 acres, part of Wm. Penn's land, by deed of January 15 last past, betw. Wickatunck Brook, Penn Brook, Tho. Boell, Sir' John Gordon and grantee. I2g EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 311 Page 1700 Sept. 4. Do. Robert Burnet of Amboy, one of the Proprietors, to John Reid of Monmouth Co., for 700 acres of his second dividend, to be laid out for grantee. 130 1700 Sept. 16. Do. David Lyell of N. Y., goldsmith, one of the Proprietors, to John Reid of Monmouth Co., for 600 acres of llis second dividend. , 130 1700 July 16. Confirmation to John Bown of Midletown, holding 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, or 550 acres, which with 200 a. sold to his brother Obadiah Bowne is in full of his first and second dividend, and 120 a. in right of Thomas and Richard Hankinson (supra pp. 112 and 113), — of the following tracls in Monmouth Co. vizt: I, 140 a., adjoining his late farm, called Nichais, betw. Gershom Bowne dec'd., Obadiah Bowne, James and Jonathan Stout; 2, 60 a., betw. Nichais, Obadiah Holmes, John and Jonathan Stout; 3, 120 a., adjoining Gershom Mott and James Dorsett; 4, 100 a., adjoining Gershom Wallen, Hartshorne, Clayton, Hut- ton's brook and Jer. Bennett; 5, 250 a., between Obadiah Bown, John Bown, formerly John Johnston, Gershom Bowne; to pay quitrent for 670 a. 131 1700 Oct. 7. Do. to John Reid of Hortencie, of 1,450 acres, of which 700 are in right of Robert Burnet, late of Lathantie, one of the Proprietors, 600 in right of David Lyell, also a Proprietor (supra p. 130), as follows: vizt: I, 300 a. at Manalapan, betw. the head of Mount Brook, Manalapan R., Milston R., James Miller and grantee; 2, 300 a. below the Boiling Spring of Manalapan, betw. James Miller, Abr. Brown and Mil ston R. ; 3, 200 a., N. John Ireland and Thomas Warne, N. Wm. Naugh- tie; 4, 200 a., betw. the Rockie Brook, Dockwra and grantee; 5, 100 a. on Irasaca's brook; 6, 50 a., S. E. Hortencie, N. E. Hop brook and Thomas Hankinson, N. W. and S. W. Gordonston; 7, 300 a.-at the mouth of Long • Brook and along Manasquam R. 132 1700 Nov. ig. Mortgage. John Gysbertseu of Monmouth Co. and wife Esther to Gerardus Beekman of Kings Co., N. Y., for I4g acres in Monmouth Co., W. a small spring, E. unsurveyed, N. John Whitlock, S. Mahora's brook. 134 1700 Sept. 7. Deed. Thomas Collier of Woodbridge and wife Hanna to John Robison of the same place, blacksmith, for 10 acres there, N. grantee, formerly Wm. Cotter dec'd, E. the street, S. Saml Dennes, W. Ezekiall Blumfeild. 1.35 1700 Aug. 29. Do. Robert Wright of Woodbridge to his son-in-law Richard Skinner of the same place, for 60 acres there on a branch of Raha way R, S. E. the Mill brook of Rahaway, S. W. Jonathan Haines, N. W. unsurveyed, N. E. George Marcke. 136 1698 Sept. 7. Do. Joseph Frasey of Elizabethtown to Samuel Pack of the same place, for 39 acres there, E. William Jonson and Jaffery Jones, S. Philipp Doderidge, formerly Symon Rouse, W. Rahaway R., N. 312 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page grantor. 137 1700 July 20. Do. Jeremiah Burd of Elizabeth Town to Samuel Pack of the same place, for 34 acres there near Rahaway R., between Thomas Mollinex, John Johnston and a brook, the country road running through it. 138 1700 Oct. 5. Power of attorney. Samuel Sewell of Boston, Suffolk Co., Mass., and wife Hannah, daughter of John Hull of Boston dec'd, lo Duncan Campbell of Boston, now residing in N. Y. Province, to collect from Wm. Loveridge junior formerly of N. Y., now supposedly of Amboy, debts due to the estate of John Hull dec'd. - -139 1700 Aug. 14. Deed. Anthony Woodward of Freehold to Francis Parrett of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., for 150 acres on the S. W. side of Croswicks Creek in Freehold Township, N. E. and S. E. the creek, S. a gully, on other sides grantor. 140 1685 April II. Do. Sir John Gordon, Knight and Advocate, to George Mackenzie of Kildin, for 1-20 of 1-48 share of the Province: 141 1698-9 Feb. 22. Warrant. Jeremiah Basse, Governour of the Jerseyes and agent for the West Jersey Society, lo Thomas Gordon, Deputy Sec retary of East Jersey, requiring him to issue a patent for 4,000 acres in his name, covering 2,000 a. surveyed for John Baker dec'd, now belonging to the W. J. Society, and 1,750 a., laid out for said Society. 141 1700 Sept. 4. Deed. John Reid of Monmouth Co. to Robert Burnet in exchange for 500 acres on the great road from Peter Sonmans to Jere miah Basse, as per patent of Nov. 25, 1699. 141 1700 Aug. 19. Do. Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy to Capt. Sam uel Leonard of Shrewsberry, for 350 acres betw. Tennants Cr. and Deep or Duck Cr., N. David Vilant, S. Duck or Deep Cr., W. South River, E. unpatented. 142 1700 Sept. 3. Do. Capt. Samuel Leonard of Monmouth Co. to Rob ert Burnet of Perth Amboy one of the Proprietors, for the preceding 350 acres. 143 1700 Sept. 3. Do. Robert Burnet of Perth Amboy, one of the Pro prietors, in exchange for the preceding, to Capt. Samuel Leonard of Mon mouth Co., for 1,350 acres, part of his second dividend, to be surveyed for grantee. 144 1700 Dec. 12. Receipt of Duncan Campbell, attorney for Sam' Sew ell and wife Hannah, executors of John Hull dec'd, to William Love ridge of Perth Amboy, vintner, in full for his indebtedness to the estate. 144 1700 Oct. 20. Deed. Jeffery Jones to Richard Parum, both of Eliza beth Town, for 40 acres near the road to Woodbridge, N. E. Thomas Mullinex, N. W. Wm. Johnson, S. W. Joseph Frasey, S. E. unsur- * veyed. . 145 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 317 Page 1700 Nov. 13. Do. William Loveridge of Perth Amboy, vintner, to Samuel Sewall of Boston, Mass., for 18 acres in Perth Amboy, PI town- lots, N. and W. not laid out, S. the road to Piscataway, patented to Ben jamin Clark April 10, 1688; also two town lots there (supra p. 52). 145 1697-8 Jan. 10. Patent to William Dockwra of London and George WiUoks of East Jersey, for a lot on Arthur Cull at the mouth of Raway River, along said river from its mouth to a fresh brook, adjoining Dismal Swamp and Rariton R. ^g 1697 Oct. 21. Deed. Susannah and Mary Barnes of N. Y. City, spinsters and heiresses of their father Thomas Barnes of Shrewsberry dec'd to John Stewart of Shrewsberry, cooper, for 150 acres in Shrews berry, S. W. John Williams and Abiah Edwards, S. E. a brook, N. E. Lewis Mattock and unsurveyed land; also 6 a. of meadow, S. and N. Sarah Reap, W. a small creek, N. (sic? E.) Remembrance, alias John Lippincott. 150 1697 May 24. Do. Isaac Ong senior, late of Shrewsberry, to John Stewart of the same jDlace, for all his right, title, etc. in and to 44 acres, E. Nathaniel Cammock, N. a read to Mrs. Sarah Reap's, W. the orphans of Thomas Barnes dec'd, S. a salt water creek; also in and to the mead ows of Shrewsberry and 140 or 240 a. in Monmouth Co., not yet sur veyed. 151 1683 Nov. 8. Do. Job Almy of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, to Jedi diah Allen "of Sandwich, New Plymouth Colony, New England, for his un divided share in the township of Shrewsberry, excepting a houselot near the Meetinghouse and a piece of meadow, sold by John Chamnes, and the great lot, already divided, adjoining the land of Bartholomew West's children. 153 1700 May 24. Do. John Stewart, of Shrewsberry, chirurgeon, to Capt.. Samuel Leonard of the same place, for 125 acres in Freehold, 100 thereof being in right of land bo't of the heirs of Thomas Barnes and 25 in right of land bo't of Isaac Ong dec'd, patented to grantor Nov. 25 last. 153 1700 June 27. Power of attorney. Thomas Rogers of Newberry, Es sex Co., Mass., to Samuel Sheepard, clerk, and John Bloomfield, planter, both of Woodbridge, as agents to dispose of the real property in Wood- bridge, formerly belonging to his deceased brother Robert Rogers. 154 1700-1 Jan. 20. Deed. Samuel Pack to Richard Parham, both of Elizabeth Town, for a lot there, E. William Johnson and Jeffery Jones, S. Thomas Brodgate, W. Rahaway River, N. Joseph Frasey. 155 1698 Sept. 10. Do. William Cramer of Elizabeth Town to Isabell Mores of the same place, widow, for one acre on Rahaway R., adjoining John Pope and grantor. 156 1698 Oct. 6. Do. Isabell Mores of Elizabeth Town, widow, to her 24 314 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page son Samuel More, for her house and land, including the preceding one acre. 156 1697 Dec. 27. Power of attorney. Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, to Thomas Gordon, George Willoks and John Barclay, to have surveyed for Gilbert Molleson of London, draper, 1,000 acres in East Jersey, out of any land belonging to him as son and heir of Robert Barclay of Ury dec'd; also 120 a. of meadow at Barnegate and 2\ a. in Perth Amboy in right of 1-10 of r-24 share, sold by the father to Edward Fleatham, who conveyed it to said Molleson. 157 1700 April 1. Deed. George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co. and wife Margaret to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for a tract near Chesquacks Creek above Amboy Ferry, adjoining Thomas Warne (lot No. 3, supra p. 59). 158 1700 Oct. 12. Do. Same to same, for a lot in Middlesex Co., E. South River, S. John Forbess, W. and N. unappropriated. 159 1700-1 Jan. 23. Do. Rev. Archibald Riddell of Kirkaldie, County of Fyfe, Scotland, to Thomas Gordon, Secretary Depute in East Jersey, for 10 acres at Bald Hill, Woodbridge, patented to grantor October 11, 1686, and laid out by order of said town of Woodbridge April 29, 1689. 160 I-699 April 1. Do. John Barclay of Perth Amboy to George WiUoks of Rudyard, for a lot in Perth Amboy, N. Robert Barclay, W. Col. Ham ilton, S. grantee, E. High St., jrjatented to grantor in right of his 1-20 share of the town Dec. 10 last. 161 1700 Oct. 7. Confirmation to Robert Burnet, late of Lathantie, Scot land, one of the Proprietor;, holding one whole share, excepting near 1-37, in full of his first and second dividend, of 3,347 acres as follows: 1, 1,600 a. near the great road betw. Clement Plumstead, Thomas Gordon, and grantee; 2, 807 a. above the Wading Place of the South R., betw. Peter Sonmans and the Manalapan R. ; 3, 140 a. of meadow at the Red Bank of Roundabout along Rariton R., adjoining Thomas Gordon, Augustine Gor don and James Emott; 4, 400 a. at the mouth of Fly Brook in Matchiponix R., adjoining Robert Barclay; 5, 400 a. on Milston Brook, betw. Robert Holman and John Reid. 161 1700 Oct. io. Do. to George Willoks of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., in right and full of Dr. John Gordon's second dividend on 1-20 share of the Province, of a tract in Middlesex Co., E. the South R., S. John Forbes, W. and N. unappropriated. 163 1700 Dec. 20. Do. to John Stewart of Shrewsberry, in right of Thomas Barnes and Isaac Ong, for: I, i4oacres, S. W. John Williams and Abaia Edward, S. E. a small brook, N. E. Lewis Mattock and unsurveyed land, N. W. said Mattock and the head of a small creek; 2, 6 a. of mead ow, E. and N. Mrs. Sarah Reap, W. a small creek, N. Remembrance Lip- pincot; 3, 44 a., N. W. a road, N. E. Nathaniel Cammock, S. E. a creek, S. W. Thoinis Barnes alias Walter Herbert; 4, some small points of EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 315. Page meadow at the Fishing Place Point betw. John Williams and Sarah Reap; 5, 160 a. near Manasquam, S. E. John Hance, Wm. Goodbody and R. Hartshorne, N. W. Judah's Creek; 6, 2 a.-of meadow, S. W. grantee, N. E. Isaac Ong, S. E. a creek, N. W. a y°ad, in all 352 acres. 164 i6g9 March, 28. Deed. George Willoks of Perth Amboy to Har- manus King of Flushing, L. I., for a lot in Monmouth Co., along the partition line and adjoining Anthony Woodward, who has paid the pur chase money. 165 1700 Sept. 20. Do. of exchange. John Reid of Monmouth Co. to the Proprietors, for a lot in said • Co., between Mordecay Gibbons and — Crawford, as patented' November 25 last past (supra lot 1, p. 58). 166 1691-2 Feb. 6. Deed. William Compton of Woodbridge to Gawin Lockhart of the same place, for 12 acres there, E. Stephen Kent junior, S. a brook, N. and W. land in common. 167 l6g6-7 Jan. 8. Do. John Mores (Moores) of Woodbridge to Mathew Mores of the same place, carpenter, for 3 acres there, above the Old Mill, E. Papiaka Cr., N. the Blomfields, W. upland, S. grantee; it being part of Stephen Kent's homelot, bo't by Samuel More dec'd, from whom grant or's father Mathew Mores acquired it. 168 1700 i8thday4mth (June). Do. "William Ridford of Freehold and wife Margaret to Thomas Ridford of Perth Amboy, for 100 acres in Mid dlesex Co., S. E. the head of Chesquacks Cr., N. E. Frederick Buckalew, N. W. and S. W. unsurveyed. . 168 l6gg Dec. 15. Do. Abraham Brown senior Of Burlington Co., W. J,, to his son-in-law Samuel Thorp, sometimes living with his father-in-law, for £ of 1-20 share of the Province, bo't of James Johnston July 10, 1690. , 1 70 1697 Dec. 18. Do. Benjamin- Jones of Woodbridge to Richard Gib son of the same place, for one half of three score acres, bo't of Wm. Alger, on the Northside of and adjoining grantor's son-in-law Charles Sallier, said half being bounded S. E. by said Sallier. 171 1700 Dec. 13. Do. Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy to John Harri son of Pensilvania, merchant, for a lot of one acre in Perth Amboy, E. Water St., N. Thomas Hart, W. High St., S. a new street. 172 1700 Dec. 13. Do. Same to Thomas Smith of Woodbridge, for 200 acres in Middlesex Co., E. the South R., S. John Forbess, W. unappropri ated land, N. grantor. 173 1691-2 March 3. Do. Daniel Cox, Governour and Chief Proprietor of West New Jersey and other adjacent lands, to Jonathan Greenwood and Peter Gngon of London, citizens, for 5 shares of West New Jersey, the whole being divided into 100 shares of 13,000 acres each; one of the said five shares, called Bartlett's, having been purchased by grantor from Ben jamin Bartlett of London dec'd- and wife Gratia February 17-18, 2d of 3 [6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page James II. ; also 4 like shares, bo't by John Hind of London, draper, which with one other share were conveyed to present grantor and Sir Tho. Lane by John Brown and Thomas Sands of London, merchants, July 12-13, 3d James IL, Sir Thomas Lane then releasing the said four shares to Daniel Cox; 1 share, bo't of Edward Billing, late of Westminster, dec'd, January 8-g, ist James II. ; 2-7 of a share, bo't of Elizabeth Harris, widow, March 4-5, ist William and Mary; one share, bo't of Charles Madge, son of Humphrey Madge dec'd, January 25-26, 3d James II. ; J of a share, bo't of Charles Madge May 30, 2d Wm. and Mary; j of a share, called Ogle's third, bo't of John Hide May 14, 2d Wm. and Mary; one share, conveyed by Edward Billing to Robert Squibb October 7-8, 1686, and by Squibb to present grantor; one share, mortgaged by said Billing to Daniel Cox March 1, 36th Charles IL, and not redeemed; 2 shares, called West's, bo't of Benjamin Bartlett and wife Gratia, Loveday Billing and Robert West February 26, 3d James II. ; 2 shares, bo't of Thomas Sadler and wife Jane January 12, last past; one share, called Robert Sooley's, and 6-7 of a share, bo't of John Brown February 23, last past; also the tract, contigu ous to West Jersey, called the Minisinks Province, containing 200,000 acres more or less; 2-24 shares of East Jersey, one called West's, bo't of Edward Billing March 20, 2d James, II., the other, Mew's, bo't December 4, ist William and Mary, each containing 50,000 acres; 3 shares or twen tieths of the Province or County Merrimake, New England, each contain ing 50,000 acres and two bo't of Edward Rendalph and Edmond Harri son; 10,000 a. in Pensilvania Co., bo't of William Penn, April 20, 1686; two houses in Burlington, one a dwelling house, the other a pottery house, built by grantor; all of grantor's town lots in Perth Amboy and all his lots in Cloucester Town and Egg Harbour, West Jersey, and whatever other land grantor has in America, excepting what by indentures of lease and release, made December 11 and 12 last past, he has conveyed to John Coldham of Touting Grawney, Surry County, that is: 30,000 acres above the falls of the Delaware, bo't of the Indians of ( ? by) Adlord Bowde and surveyed by James Budd; also £ of 10 undivided shares, of West Jer sey, heretofore granted by John Fenwick to Edmond Warner and John Edridge, with the half of all other land in West Jersey, reserved by said Fenwick for himself and called Fenwick's Colony, and 4,500 a., the resi due of 10,000 a., heretofore granted by Fenwick to Edmond Warner, which last half and 4,500 a. were bo't by grantor of said Warner. -174- i6gl-2 March 4. Tripartite Indenture — between Daniel Cox, Gov ernour etc. and wife Rebecca, of the first part, Jonathan Greenwood and Peter Gugon of London, of the second part, and Sir Thomas Lane of Lon don, Knight, Michael Watts of London, merchant, Edmond Harrison of London, merchant, Thomas Skinner of Dewlish, Dorsett Co., Jaines Saint Johns of London, goldsmith, Nicholas Hayward of London, Mordi- cay Abbott of London, Nicholas Battersby of London, merchant, Robert Curtis, John Jurin, merchant, Richard Broomhall, Robert Mitchell, mer- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 317 Page chant, Charles Mitchell, merchant, James Boddington, citizen and cloth worker, John Gunston merchant, Arthur Shallott, merchant, John Lamb, merchant, William Wightman, Joseph Brooksbank, citizen and haber dasher, Wm. Thompson, merchant, Henry Harrington, merchant, John 'Love, merchant,- Thomas Phipps, linen draper, Isaac Cock's, merchant tailor, John Sweetaple of Lombard St., goldsmith, Thomas Bromfeild, John Norton, merchant, Robt Hackshaw, merchant, John Bridges, mer chant, Joseph Paice, merchant, Edward Riker, mercer, John Alberson, merchant, Edward West, Edward Pauncefort, Obadiah Burnet, merchant, Francis Mitchell, citizen and mercer, Benjamin Steele, merchant, John Slaney, merchant, Nehemiah Ewing, gentleman, John Wilcocks, merchant tailor, Richard Mayo, gent., Jonathan Netheway, citizen and draper, Wm. Brooks, gent., Tracy Pauncefort, gent., Joseph Allen, silkman, Richard Greeneway, citizen and clothworker, all of London, William Dunck of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex Co., and Edward Habbersfield of the Midle Temple, London, of the third part, confirming the preceding conveyance to the party of the second part, dividing the property among the parties of the third part, and conveying to the latter one half of all the shares in West Jersey, the land being al or near Cape May and Marice River, and 1-10 of the land purchased of the Indians above the falls of Dela ware ,R. 177 i6g5 Dec. 14. Deed. Benjamine Clarke of Piscataway and wife Ann to John Feild of Flushing, L. I., for a plantation in Piscataway Township as follows: I, 150 acres, bo't of Cornelius Longefield May 18, , 1691, S. E. John Scouten, N. Peter Billiou, W. Rariton R., E. unsurveyed; 2, 120 a., bo't of John Shotwell April ig, 1687; 3, 275 a. on Ambrose Brook, adjoining Peter Sonmans, John Decent and Henry Greenland, E. unappropriated land; 4, 180 a., S. S. E. Capt. Henry Greenland, W. S. W. RarilonR, N. and E. unsurveyed; 5, 300 a., formerly patented to P. Spnmans, W. Rariton R., N. James Geile, E. Ambrose Brook, S. grantor. 188 1698 April 8. Do. Thomas Foulerton, late of the Island of Barba dos, appointed by Thomas Rudyard of the same island with Hannah Bea mont, late- servant of said Rudyard, executor of his will, to George Wil loks and Margaret his wife, daughter of Thomas Rudyard, for all his right, title, etc. in and to the legacies left him by said Rudyard. 191 l6gg-i7oo March 4. Do. Samuel Webb of tbe Island of Barbados, joiner, and wife Lucey to Edward Woolley of Shrewsburry, for the fol lowing tracts in Shrewsburry Township: 1, 12 acres at Norawatacunck, S. a branch of Shrewsburry R., E. Remembrance Lippincott, .W. Edmond Lafetra, N. a road; 2, 143 a. on Rumson's Neck, E. said Lippincott, N. Neversinks R., W. and S. roads; 3, 7 a. on the furthermost end of Nora watacunck Point, N. E. and S. E. Shrewsburry R., S. W. Thomas Leeds and Peter Parker; 4, 4 a. of meadow on Racone Neck or Island, S. W. Ephraim AUen, N. W. Robert West, S. E. unsurveyed. 193 3 18 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page l6gg Sept. 27. Do. Capt. John Bowne of Midltown, merchant, to Jacob Truex.of the same place, yeoman, for the. following lots: 1, 200 acres, in Freehold, of which 100 were bo't of Thomas Cooke of Shrews burry, dec'd, December 12, l6g8, the other 100 of John Worthley of the same town January 30, 1698-9, E. Passequenocqua Cr., W. George Keith, N. Morris Worth" alias Caleb Shreve, S. John Worthley; 2, a lot in the great meadow at the head of Manasquan R., N. and S. upland, E. Thomas Cooke, W. unsurveyed meadow; 3, a lot, E. Passequenocqua Cr,, W. George Keith, S. Jacob Lippincott, N. unsurveyed; 4, 3^ a. of the great meadow at the head of Manasquan R., W. Edward Williams, E. unsur veyed meadow, N. and S. upland. 195 1695 . Do. Peter-Sonmans of Perth Amboy, by Miles" Forster, his attorney, to Benjamin Clarke of Piscataway, for 300 acres patented to grantor April 26, 1688, in Middlesex Co., W. Rariton R., N. James Gyles, E. Ambrose Brook, S. grantee. 197 1700 Sept. 13. Deed. Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour of East Jersey, and wife Agnes to Jane Joosten of Marbletown, Ulster Co , N. Y., yeoman, for the following tracts: 1, 835 acres, S. E. the Rariton R., S. W. John Campbell, N. E. John Drummond of Londine, N. W. unsurveyed, (patent of June 1, 1686); 2, 250 a. (patent of Nov. 4, 1687), E. the South- branch of Rariton R. , S. grantor, N. Hendrick Coursen, W. unappropri ated; 3, 250 a. (patent of Feb. 5, 1697-8), E. said South branch, S. grantor, N. Hendrick Coursen, W. unsurveyed, adjoining the preceding; 4, 500 a. (patent of Feb. 3, 1687-8), S. E. said branch of Rariton- R., S. W. Melford's land, N. W. and N. E. unappropriated. 198 1699 Dec. 5. Do., Hugh Dunn to John Campbell," both of Piscat away, for 160 acres there, E. Woodbridge line, S. unsurveyed, S. W. Dis mall Brook, N. Wm. Frost. 202 _ i6gg Nov. 12. Do. John Johnston of Monmouth Co. and wife Eu- pham to Mathias Tenicke of Ulster Co., N. Y., for 400 acres in Somersett Co., E. the Northbranch of Rariton R., all other sides unsurveyed. (Pat ent of May 24, i6go. ) 203 1700 July 8. Will of Alexander Scott of Elizabeth Town, planter. Wife Ellin, daughter Elizabeth, sous Alexander and Samuel. Real and personal property. The wife sole executrix. Witnesses — Thomas Akin, Samuel Whitehead. Proved Sept. 17, 1700. 205 1700 Dec. 31. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, is sued to the widow Ellin Scott. 206 1700 Dec. 18. Letters of administration on tbe estate of Anthony Ashmore dec'd intestate, granted to Samuel Leonard. 207 - 1679-80 Jan. 9. Agreement between Stephen Kent and Saml More of Woodbridge for the sale by Kent to More of 6 acres on the Westside of Papiake Cr., laid out for Kent senior dec'd and two a. of meadow, laid out for Stephen Kent junior. 207 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 319 Page 1700 Sept. 16. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to David Lyell of New York, goldsmith, for a lot on Milston R , below the mouth of Rockie Brook, bo't of Andrew Hamilton August 17, 1693. 208 1700 July 16. Confirmation to John Stout of Midletown, holding 1-40 of 1-24 share of the Province, as his second dividend in full, 125 acres in Monmouth Co. as follows: 1, 50 a. on the Westside of Wakake (?) Cr., betw. Garrit Wall, Zebulon Clayton and Wm. Lawrance; 2, 20 a., N. Henrie Marsh and Wm. Estall, E. Wm. Laton, W. and S. W. grantee; 3, 30 a., adjoining grantee, betw. — Cox, Richard Mount and Wm. Laton; 4, 5 a , N. grantee, formerly Sadler's poplar lot, E., S. and W. grantee; 5, 25 a. in two parcels designed by him for his brother Jonathan, the first on Hop Brook, betw. Jonathan Stout and Obadiah Holm, the other betw. the path and line of Nichais and Jonathan Stout; 6, 30 a. of meadow at Barnagate, S. W. John Smith, S. E. the Bay, N. E. John Throckmorton's children, N. W. unappropriated. 208 1700 Sept. 27. Do. to the same, in right of Richard Sadler dec'd, acquired from his widow Jean by deed of Nov. 6, 1696, for a lot at the Wading Place, adjoining John Throckmorton, John Wilson, Wm. Ches- man and R. Hartshorne; also 4 a. of meadow on the Eastside of Shoall Harbour, E. grantee, N. an island, W. Thomas Morfort and upland, S. up land. 210 1700 Oct. 10. Do. to Capt. Samuel Leonard of Shrewsberry, in right of Robert Burnet, being part of his second dividend, 1,350 acres, in right of John Stewart 125 a., in right of John Leonard 45 a., in all 1,520 a., as follows: 1, 970 a. on the East side of South R., adjoining Mana lapan R. ; 2, 100 a. betw. Manasquan R., Job Throckmorton and Sarah Reap; 3, 250 a. betw. said Reap, the Long Run and Barclay's Brook; 4, 50 a. at the mouth of Long Run in Manasquam R. and along Barclay's Br.; 5, 150 a. along Barclay's Br. 211 1700 Oct. 10. Do. to George Hewlett of Shrewsberry, holding 1-16 of 1-24 share of the Province, in full of his second dividend, of a lot in Monmouth Co., on Barclay's Brook and the Long Run. 213 1696 Dec. 18. Deed. Gilbert Molleson of London, citizen and draper, to John Molleson of Piscataway, merchant, for ^ of 1-10 of 1-24 share of the Province, bo't of Edward Fleatham, who acquired it from - Robert Burnet. 214 1696 Dec. 19. Do. Same to same, the preceding in extenso. 215 1699 April 10. Aug. 11. Do. Same to same, for 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, bo't of Edward Fleatham, as above. 217 1699 Nov. j. Do. John Molleson of Piscataway to John Reid of Hor tencie, Freehold, Monmouth Co., for 500 acres, part of a 1,000 a. lot to be taken out of any of the two or three tracts, surveyed for Robert Barclay, then conveyed to Edward Fleatham Aug. 23-24, 1683, by him sold to Gil- 320 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page bert Molleson Dec. 18-19, 1696; also 2^ a. in Amboy. 221 l6gg Nov. 2. Mortgage. John Reid to John Molleson on the preced ing 500 acres. 222 i6g9 Nov. 4. Deed. Robert Barclay of Ury, Scotland, by his attor neys Thomas Gordon, George Willoks and John Barclay, to John Reid, affirming the foregoing conveyance by John Molleson to John Reid of 500 a. and 2£ a. (Supra, p. 221). 223 1700-1 Feb. 6. Endorsement on deed. Joshua Peirce to Nathaniel Fitzrandolph (Liber D, 387), whereby said Fitzrandolph conveys the within property to his son Nathaniel Fitzrandolph of Woodbridge, planter. 225 1700-1 Feb. 6. Deed. Nathaniel Fitzrandolph junior of Woodbridge to his father, Nathaniel F., for one-half of a lot in Woodbridge, W. and S. Papiack Cr., N. Mathew Moore and upland, formerly belonging to John Cromwell, E. a branch of said creek. .-* 226 1700 April 12. Will of Mary, widow of John Inians, late of List Jer sey. Good friend and neighbour, Cornelius Longveilt, sole heir and exec utor of goods and chattels. Witnesses — Lawrence Thomas, Mary Cole, Robert Cole. Proved March 6, 1700-1. 226 1700-1 March 22. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to Cornelius Longveilt. 227 1696 Nov. 6. Deed. Thomas Higham of Midltown and wife Jane, late widow and heiress of Richard Sadler, to. John Stout of the same place, for the lands, bequeathed by Richard Sadler to his wife. 228 1700-1 Jan. 22. Confirmation to Sarah, wife of Moses Lipet, Patience Throckmorton, Else Throckmorton and Deliverance Throckmorton, all daughters of John Throckmorton dec'd, who held 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, in full of the second dividend, of 250 acres as follows: I, 230 acres near Wakake, E. Jarat Wall, S. Daniel Henrickson, W. Ger shom Wallen, N. Zebulon Clayton and John Stout; 2, 17 a. of marsh at Shoall Harbour, N. Compton's Creek, W. Compton's meadow, S. Elisha Lawrance, E. unappropriated marsh; 3, 3 a. of meadow, E. Safty Grover, S. John Throckmorton, W. Richard Compton, N. Richard Sadler; also 60 a. at Barnagate, S. W. John Stout, S. E. the Bay, N. E. Joseph Throck morton, N. W. unappropriated. 228 1700 Dec. 21. Patent to Col. Andrew Hamilton, Governour of the Province, for 120 acres in Perth Amboy, on Rariton R., betw. Wm. Dock wra, Peter Sonmans and Wm. Haige dec'd. 229 1700 Aug. 30. Confirmation to John Barclay of Perth Amboy, gent., in full of his second dividend on 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, of 250 acres on the N. E. side of Crosswick Creek, in .Monmouth Co., adjoining Anthony Woodward and Peter Sonmans. 230 1700 Sept. 12. Deed. John Barclay and wife Katharine to Herman- EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 32! Page us King of Nottingham, Burlington Co., cordwainer, for the preceding 250 acres. 231 1700 Dec. 21. Patent to Col. Andrew Hamilton, for : 1, 3 acres in Perth Amboy, called the Governour's House lot, S. Robert Barclay, W. grantee, E. High St., N. unappropriated lots; 2, 30 a. in said town, betw. Market St., James Emott, Robert Barclay, the road and the Burying Place; 3, all the unpatented marsh on the Southside of Rariton R., opposite to Amboy Point; 4, a lot in Perth Amboy, 10 by 1 ch., S. Water St., E. High St., N. the Church lot, W. grantee; 5, another lot there, S. the Church lot, W. and N. grantee, E. High St. 232 1700 Dec. 22. Confirmation to Rebeccah, widow of John Pollock of Perth Amboy, of a lot there, 10 by 1 ch., E. Henrie Kemble, W. unpat ented lots, S. Cove St., N. Back or North St., granted to her late husband February II, 1697-8. 233 1700-1 Jan. g. Will of Charles Goodman, Collector of His Majesty's Customs at Perth Amboy. William Loveridge of Perth Amboy, vintner, sole heir and executor of real estate (a bank-lot in Perth Amboy) and jjer- sonal property. Witnesses — Thomas Gordon, Geo. Willoks, Geo. Res carrick. Proved March 1, 1 700-1. 234 1700-1 March 22. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to William Loveridge. 235 1700 Dec. 13. Deed. Robert Mors of Elizabethtoyvn, tailor, to Jo seph Kelsey of the same place, planter, for 100 acres there, S. W. Samuel Mills, all other sides unsur%reyed. 235 1700 Dec. 10. Do. William Bingley of Woodbridge to John Lee of the same place, weaver, for 22 acres there, on Rahaway neck, at Round Rudg, granted to him by the Freeholders of said town in two parcels, one of 12 a. the other of 10. 237 l6g8 Aug. 30. Power of Attorney. Christopher Billopp of London, gent., to Joseph Billoop of the same place, merchant, to recover debts due by John Inians and other debts in N. Y. 238 1700 Dec. 22. Confirmation to WilUam Lawrance of Midletown, hold ing 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, in full for his second dividend, of : I, 10 acres, W. of Wakake Creek and Richard Hartshorn, N. said Harts horn, E.J. Rockman junior and J. Wilson junior, S. J. Wilson senior; 2, 15 a. of meadow on the Eastside of said creek, from said Hartshorn's to, the mouth of the creek, including two sedge banks on the West side; 3, 17 a. of upland on the West side of and along said creek, adjoining Zebu lon Clayton; 4, 36 a. on Manasquam R., below Stony Point, adjoining R. Hartshorn; 5, 40 a. there, betw. John Lawrance, the Rock Pond and the sea; 6, 47 a. being all the sedge islands- in Manasquam R., from Joseph Lawrance's upper corner to the sea; 7, 70 a. on the South side of said riv er below Hartshorn's Island to the sea; 8, 15 a. on a branch of Leonard's 25 322 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Sawmill brook, called Mirry Bog Brook; in all 250 a. 239 1700 Dec. 22. Do. To Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Susan nah and Deborah, daughters of Joseph Grover dec'd, holding 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, in full of their second dividend, of 100 acres, near Matchiponix R., adjoining Robert Barclay; 150 a. between the branches of Rock Pond. 240 1700 July 15. Do. To Obadiah Bowne of Midletown, son of John Bowne dec'd., of 1219 acres in Monmouth Co., betw. Hope River, John Wilson junior, John Ghisburtson, Daniel Henrickson, Walter Wright, James Dorsett, Gershom Wall and Gershom Bowne. 241 1700 July 16. Do. To William Dockwra of London, one of the pro prietors, in full of bis second dividend, of 4615 acres as follows: r, 3815 a. on the branches of Milston and Assanpink Rivers, adjoining grantee, Clement Plumstead, Walter Benthall and John Johnston; 2, 800 a. at the mouth of Grape Brook and along Milston R. 243 1700 May 16. Deed. John Reid of Hortencie to John Bowne of Mon mouth Co., for 79 acres at Hortencie, adjoining grantee, Jacob van Dome and along Remis' Brook. 244 1700-1 Feb. 15. Receipt. Thomas Cesfoord to James Edward of Freehold, for money, to be paid at Edinburgh to Alison Neell of Stevens- ton, Parish of Haddington, the wife of said' Edward. 245 1701 AjDril 26. Deed. John Robison of Woodbridge, blacksmith, and wife Jannet to their son John Robison, for 94 acres, as per patent of De cember 28, 1696, and the freehold in said town, formerly belonging to Wm. Cotter dec'd: to their son Andrew, for ioa. in Woodbridge, bo't of Thom as Collier, Sept 7, 1700. 245 1700 Aug. 20. Power of Attorney. Clement Plumstead- of London, to Samuel Carpenter and Clement Plumstead of Philadelphia, to collect debts clue by George Willoks of East Jersey. 246 1700 July 9. Confirmation to George McKenzie of Kildin, Scotland, holding 1-40 of 1-24 share of the Province in full of his first and second dividend, of 375 acres in Middlesex Co., on Cranberry Brook, betw.-Jere- miah Basse and the great road. 247 I700 Aug. 1. Deed. Richard Davis junior of Midletown to John Reid of Freehold, for 200 acres, bounded as in deed from Reid of May 11 last past. 248 1701 June 7. Patent to Col. Andrew Hamilton, for a lot in Perth Am boy, on High St., betw. grantee and Thomas Gordon, adjoining the Gov ernour's Houselot. 248 1701 May 1. Do. to Thomas Gordon of Perth-Amboy, to rectify boundaries of former grants, for 1^ lots on the West side of South R., in Middlesex Co., along said river and the Rariton; also 150 acres on the East side of said river, E. unsurveyed, S. David Vilant, W. the South R., EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 323 Page N. John Reid. 249 1701 June 7. Confirmation to George Willoks, in right of John Lam bert, dec'd, and Wm. Letts, reducing the quitrent from 2 pence to half pen ny per acre; as headland of Benjamin Griffith and Thomas Smith; in right of the West Jersey Society and for exchange of land, of the following tracts: 1, 100 acres in Perth Amboy, betw. Phil. Carteret, dec'd, Thomas Gordon, Wm. Letts, Lambert's Hill and Rariton Bay; 2, 100 a. on said bay, formerly part of Wm. Letts' land, E. the bay at low water mark, S. said Letts, W."" Gawen Lawrie, dec'd, N. Nathaniel Tuttle; 3, 100 a., in right of the West Jersey Society, in two lots, one adjoining Thomas Warne in Monmouth Co., where a path from the head of Chesquacks crosses a small run and leads to Wickatunck, sunounded by the Pines barrens and said path, the other in Perth Amboy, betw. Thomas Barker, Clement Plumstead, Thomas Cooper, the road to Piscataway, Thomas Gordon and John Johnston; 4, a lot in Perth Amboy, betw. Samuel Gib son, John Collins, Pat. Mnrdock, Margt. Thomson, David Harriot and the cove, intended for a wet dock; 5, 60 a. headland as above, on the North branch of Rariton R, betwr grantee and the Rackawa. 250 1701 June 7. Do. to John Johnston and George Willoks, as head land for said Johnston and servants, in right of purchase by Willoks from David Lyell of N. Y., goldsmith, and from the West Jersey Society, — of: 1, 3, 150 acres in Summersett and Middlesex Counties, of which said John ston is to hold 1,200 in right of headland, 750 are in right of David Lyell and 1,200 in right of said Society, the whole betw. Rackawack R., George Willoks, the Northbranch of Rariton R., Michael Hawden, for merly Ann West, and. the mountains; 2, a lot, 40 by 160 oh., in Middlesex Co., on Rariton R., betw. two lots of John Inians dec'd; 3, David Lyell's share in Perth Amboy, betw. Wm. Penn and Thomas Gordon. 252 . 1701 June 7. Patent to John Reid of Hortencie, in exchange, for: 1, 30 acres in Monmouth Co., betw. James Johnston and Milston R.; 2, 30 a. on Spotswood's South brook, betw. Jaines Reid and. Wm. Davison; 3, 35 a. adjoining Gawen Lawrie, betw. Spotswood's North and Middle Brooks; 4, 140 a. at the mouth of Manalapan Brook in Manalapan R., ad joining Robert Barclay; 5, 55 a., N. Peter Stout, W. Wm. Merrill, S. Jacob Truex, E. John Crawford and Peter Wilson; 6, 10 a. adjoining Peter Watson; in all 300 a. 254 1701 June 7. Do. to Lewis Morris of Tinton Manor, lo correct patent of 1,000 acres to Col. Lewis Morris of Shrewsberry of Aug. 30, 1686, for a lot in Monmouth Co. along Swimming R. 255 1701 June 7. Confirmation to" John Johnston of Monmouth Co., in right of headland for the servants, imported by his father-in-law George Scott of Pitlochie in 1685, — of: I, a lot in Midletown between Burden's Brook and Jumping Brook, adjoining Joseph Grover, Geo: Willoks, the Iron Works, Mordicay Gibbons and Thomas Aplegat; 2, a lot qn Milston 324 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Brook, betw. James Johnston dec'd, and Wm. Dockwra; 3, 150 acres on Southside of Manasquam R., along the same from Hartshorn's island up to the upper corner of James Reid's Indian purchase; 4, 50 a. at the Wading Place, on the East side of South R., betw. it, John 'Mudie and Thomas Warne; in all 656 a. ; 5, a small lot in Summerset Co. adjoining grantee and Lord Neil Campbell; 6, a town lot in Perth Amboy, 10 by 1 ch., E. John Collins, S. Smith St., W. Win. Hodgson, N. a street. 255 1701 June 7. Confirmation to Miles Forster of Perth Amboy, mer chant, of a lot there of one acre, bo't by him of Robert Cole, E. Water St., S. Thomas Hart, W. High St., N. grantee; another lot there, one chain wide and in length from Water St. to low water mark, S. Thomas Gordon, W. Water St., N. James Emott, formerly Jeremiah Basse, E. low water mark. 257 1700-1 March 17. Do. to Michael Hawden, of N. Y. City, vintner, holding j of 1-24 share of the Province, in full of his second dividend, — of 650 acres, between Attaquaquamick Hill, Errarck Brook and Katayak Brook, N. E of Major Brockholls and A. Schuyler; also 600 a., 4 miles E. of said Brockholls and Schuyler, on Micbaragrape Pond. 257 1701 June 7. Do. to Thomas Hawardin of Woodbridge, merchant, of 175 acres there, bounded as per patent of December 20, 1699, to Rob ert Vauquillin alias Liprary, whose widow and heiress Jane sold the lot to present grantee, under her last husband's will of Dec. 5, 1673, Oct. 12, 1698. * 25g 1700-1 Jan. 10. Patent to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsberry, gentleman, for: I, 146 acres in Monmouth Co., N. William West, S. Nicholas Brown, W. Judah Allen, E. a road; 2, 8 a. at Narawatacunck, W. Remembrance Lippincott, S. Shrewsberry R., E. Thomas Lee, N. N. W. a road; 3, 4 a. of meadow, S. W. Mamatehasek Creek, S. E. Geo. Hulet, N. E. unsur veyed, N. W. Ephr. Allen; in all 158 a. 260 1701 March 25. Lease. The Proprietors to Arthur Simson of Perth Amboy, of the Ferry over Rariton R. at said Perth Amboy for 15 years. 261 1701 June 7. Patent to John Johnston of Monmouth Co., for a lot on Whingsunk Neck for a landing and road, betw. the old Oysterbank Land ing, called John Reid's, in length from low water mark of Matawan Creek to Wickatunck, 100 feet wide; also 100 acres of barren land, N. Andrew Burnet, formerly Thomas Warn, E. Thomas Hart; to be used by grantee and the following: John Reid, Peter Watson, Patrick Canaan, Walter Ker, Patrick Imlay, John Brown, John Baird, Wm. Ridford, Alexr Neper, John Hanson, John Nesmith, Wm. Naughty, Allan Callwall, John Campbell, Robert Ray, James Reid, James Melvin, Wm. Clarke, Wm. Ronald, Wm. Laing, James Edward, John Hebron, all of Monmouth Co. 262 1701 June 7. Confirmation to Arthur Simson of Perth Amboy, of 60 acres, E. Rariton Bay, WT. and N. Govr Lawrie dec'd, S. Thomas Lawrie, EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 325 Page excepting roonrfor a ferry landing and a road, the lot having first been granted to Thomas Bartlett dec'd, and then confirmed to Miles For ster. 263 1701 June 7. Patent to William Hodgson of Perth Amboy, brick layer, for one acre there, E. John Johnston, S. Smith St., W." Robert Smith, N. a street. 264 1701 June 7. 'Do. to Robert Smith of Elizabeth Town, for a lot of one acre in Perth Amboy, E. WUliam Hodgson, S. Smith St., W. Wm. Young, N. a street. 265 1701 June 7. Do. to William Young of Perth Amboy, for a one acre lot there, E. Robert Smith, S. Smith Street, W. and N. streets. 266 1701 March 26. Warrant. John Reid of Hortencie, Surveyor Gen eral of East Jersey, to George Willoks of Rudyard as Deputy. 267 i6go-l Jan. 24. Statement of John Tatham of Burlington, N. J., that he loaned to James Johnston of Monmouth Co. £60 Boston money on his farm in said Co. 267 1700 Oct. 10. Deed. John Tilton, son of Peter Tilton of Midletowne dec'd, to his brother Peter Tilton of the same place, for a plantation, now occupied by grantee at the mouth of Landing Creek on Swiming R. and along Jumping Brook to Hog Neck Creek. 268 1697 June I. Do. Same and wife Rebeccah to their daughter Rebec cah, wife of Daniel Aplegate, for 100 acres, betw. Hop and Swiming Riv ers, adjoining Jacob Dutruax on the last river, N. W. L. Morris, S. said Dutruax, N. E. Hop R., S. E. Swiming R., as per patent of July 26, 1686. 268 1696 Nov. 4. Do. Richard Hartshorne of Portland, Midltown, Mon mouth Co., to Peter Tilton of the same town, for a lot in Monmouth Co., adjoining Joseph Grover and Benjamin Burden. 269 1700-1 Feb. 4. Do. John Reid of Hortencie to William Naughty of Freehold, yeoman, for 100 acres in Freehold betw. grantee, Vym. Laing, John Ireland, Thomas Warn, Patton's Brook and James Patton. 270 1700 May 17. Do. John Bowne of Monmouth Co., merchant, to Garret Schenck of the same Co., yeoman, for 149 acres, part of Wm. Penn's land by deed of January 15 last past, betw. Albert Connenowen (Couwenhoven) by Reid's bridge over Penn Brook and Jacob van Dorn. 271 1692^-3 Feb. 7. Endorsement on a patent from Govr Phil. Carteret to Benjamin Devell, whereby said Devell of N. Y. City, labourer, and wife Judith, convey the within patent to William Davies of the same place. 271 1698 April 21. Deed. William Davis of N. Y. City, to John Evans, Commander of H. M. ship Richmond, for: I, a town lot in Midletown, 12 acres, E. and N. unsurveyed, S. a road, W. Job Throqkmorton; 2, 9 a. of 326 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page upland in the Poplar Feild, N. a road, E. Edward Smith, W. John Bound, S. unsurveyed; 3, 211 a. at Marymind Spring, S. E. meadows, N. W. and S. W. unsurveyed, N. E. Neversinks Bay; 4, 18 a. meadow on Marymind Spring, N.' W. grantee, S. W. unsurveyed meadow, N. E. the sandy beach; in all 250 a. 272 1698 April 22. Do. William Davis to John Evans, as above, for 250 acres, patented to Benjamin Devell Dec. 4, 1676, and by him sold to present grantor (supra p. 271). " 273 1700 Sept. 20. Power of attorney. Sir Thomas Lane, Knt and Al derman of London, Paul Dockminique and the rest of the Committee of the West Jersey Society to Col. Andrew Hamilton, to dispose of their land in East Jersey. 274 1701 June 7. Confirmation to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, in right of Nathaniel Tutle dec'd,— of a lot on Rariton Bay, S. Wm. Letts, W. Gawin Lawrie, N. Thomas Lawrie, E. the said bay at low water mark. 275 1701 June 7. Do. to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsberry, holding 1-40 of I 24 share of the Province, as part of his second dividend, — of the follow ing lots: 1, a lot in Shrewsberry betw. George AUen, formerly Judah Allen, the road to the Falls, Edmond Lafeter, John Haven and — Exton; 2, 4 a., N. George Allen, E. and S. grantee; 3, 8 a., N. and W. grantee, E. Nicholas Browne, in all 106 a. 276 1701 June 7. Do. to Job Throckmorton of Midletown, holding 1-20 of 1-24 share of the Province, in full of his first and second dividend, — of: 1, 300 acres at Squamcunck on N. side of Manasquam R., S. W. said river, all other sides unsurveyed; 2, 60 a. at Barnagate, S. W. John and Joseph Throckmorton, S. E. the Bay, N. E. and N. W. unsurveyed; 3, a lot at the mouth of Bound Rin in Manasquam R. and on Long Brook. 277 1697-8 Jan. 12. Will of Thomas Pierson senior of Newark. Children — Samuel, Thbmas (youngest son), Hannah, Abigaill, Mary, . Elizabeth. Real and personal estate. Son Samuel Lyon executor. Witnesses — Zophar Beech, Jonathan Tichnar, Benjamin Lyon. Proved March 3, 1 700-1. 278 1701 May 1. Letters testimonial with preceding will annexed, issued to Samuel Lyon of Newark. 279 1700-1 March 20. Deed. Doctor John Johnston of Monmouth Co. to John Reid of Hortencie, for a lot in said Co. on Milston Brook, part of the land patented May 22, 1690, to bis brother James Johnston, who died June 2, 1690. 280 1700-1 March 20. Do. John Reid to Dr. John Johnston, both of Monmouth Co., for 50 acres on Manasquam River, in James Reid's Indian purchase, as per patent of March 25, 1698. 281 EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 327 Page 1700-1 March 13. Do. David Lyell of N. Y. City, goldsmith, to John Johnston and George Willoks, both of Monmouth Co., for 1,000 acres, to be laid out for grantor as his first and second dividend on his 1-48 share. 281 1700-1 Feb. 26. Do. Sir John More, Sir Thomas Lane, Knts and Aldermen of London, Paule Dockminique, and the others of the West Jersey Society, by Andrew Hamilton their agent, to George Willoks, for 1,300 acres in East Jersey, out of their lands there not yet appropri ated. 282 1700-1 March 19. Do. George WiUoks of Rudyard and wife Margaret to Michael Hawden of N. Y. City, vintner, for 1,600 acres at Barnagate, at the mouth of Hockeky Creek, N. E. John West, S. E. the Bay, S. W. Anthony Sharpe, N. W. unsurveyed. 283 l6gg-i700 Jan. 15. Do. William Penn, Proprietary and Governour of Pensilvania to John Bowne of Monmouth Co., merchant, for 500 acres at Wickatunck, N. W. Thomas Cox and Sir John Gordon, N. E. John Reid and John Johnston, S. E. John Johnston and unsurveyed land, S. W. Doctor Coxe and Milford town lots. 285 1700 Aug. 20. Do. Steven Warne, his son Thomas Warne aud Mary, the wife of Thomas, to Andrew Burnet, all of Monmouth Co., for half of the land, called Warne's Neck betw. Matavane and Gravell Creeks. 286 1700-1 March 22. Do. Steven and Thomas Warne to William, Sam- uel'and Andrew Redford, Alexr Neaper, John Browne, Alexr Adam, Pat rick Canaan, John Hebron, Patrick Emly, William Clarke, William Ron ald, Wm. Naughty, John Campbell, Allan Callwall, John Hemton, Wal ter Ker, James Edward, Thomas Boell, John Johnston, James Reid, Peter Watson, Richard Clarke, John Reid, James Melven, John Baird, Archi bald Craig, James Craige, John Ireland, Wm, Laing and John Whitlocke, all of Monmouth Co., for a tract on the Eastside of and along Matavan Cr. 287 1700 Dec. 26. Do. John Reid to Garet Schenck, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot on Spring Run and Hop Brook. 28g 1700 Dec. 26. Do. Garet Schenck to John Reid, in exchange for the preceding, for a lot along Hop Brook betw. the mouths of Spring Run and Corrawa Brook. 28g 1700 Dec. 24. Do. Cornelis Connover (Couvanhoven) and John Schenck of Midletown to Gerrit Schenck, for their share in 500 acres on Hop Brook and Spring Run along Corrawa, first patented to John Bowne March 10, 1685-6, by him conveyed to said Cornelis, said Gerrit, Stephen Corte Voorhuys and Peter Wickof Oct. 7, 1695, whereof said Stephen sold his right to Gerrit Schenck March 18, 1697, and Peter Wickoff his to John Schenck March 30, 1697. 290 328 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1700 Dec. 24. Do. Gerrit and John Schenck to Cornelius Couvan- hoven for the preceding. 291 1700 Dec. 24. Do. Cornelius Couvanhoven and Garret Schenck to John Schenck for the preceding, also a lot adjoining grantors and an other adjoining grantee, along the brook coining from Wickatunck. 292 i6gg Dec. 26. Do. John Reid of Freehold to Thomas Aplegate of Midletown, for a lot in Midletown adjoining Mordicay Gibon's West cor ner, Wm. Jones, grantee and the head of Crooked Run. 2g3 1701 May 21. Do. George Morris of Woodbridge, cordwainer, son and heir of George Morris of Elizabeth town dec'd., to Alexander Keeney of Elizabeth town, for 16 acres of upland there, part of a 20 a. lot, of which 4 were sold to John Thomson, S. the road to Woodroofe's farm, N. Henry Norris, a swamp and Robert Vauquillin, E. Samuel Moore, former ly grantor's. 2g4 1701 May 21. Do. John Morris, late of Elizabeth town, weaver, now resident in Woodbridge, to Alexander Mackeney of Elizabeth, for 40 acres there, N. Henry Norris, E. John Woodroofe, S. Henry Lyon, W. the Plain; given lo grantor by his father George Morris dec'd; also 7 a. of meadow on Woodroof's Creek, S. John Gould, E. said creek, N. a small creek, W. bogs, the lot having been returned as 4 a. 2g5 1701 May 30. Do. John Langstaff of Piscataway to William Olden of the same place, for 120 acres there on Rariton R. 2g6 i6gg Oct. 22. Do. Joseph Frasey of Elisabeth Town, yeoman, to John Robison of Woodbridge, glover, for 6 acres of meadow in two lots in Elizabeth, one of 5 a., S. Rahaway R., E. a small creek, N. Eliphalet Frasey, W. John Elston, the other of one acre, S. Zarah Higgins, E. a creek, N. a creek, W. Eliphalet Frasey. 2g7 1700-1 Feb. 15. Do. Thomas Smith to Samuel Butler, both of Woodbridge, planters, for 60 acres there, bo't of Hannah, widow of Israel Thornell, January 28, 1689 (Liber E, 194), E. David Mackeny, now John Isly, S. Stephen Kent, W. Rehobah Gennett and John Whicher, now the land of John Chaplin. 298 1697-8 Jan. 6. Do. Henry Jequish of Woodbridge, blacksmith, to John Stewart of Elisabeth town, for 40 acres in Woodbridge, N. Mr. Cortland's 40 a., bo't of grantor, W. grantor's brother Jonathan, E. the river; and 8 .a. of Rahaway meadows, W. Wm. Menke, S. brother John Jequish, E. brother Jonathan Jequish, N. Joseph Ralf. 2gg 1697 April 23. Do. Peter Ellston to John Mores, both of Wood- bridge, cordwainer, for 4 acres there, S. E. Papick Creek,, S. W. Michaell White, N. W. and N. E. the Commons. 300 1697-8 March 18. Do. Stephen Coerte of Flatlands, Kings Co., N. Y., and wife Achia to Garret Schenck, late of the same place, for one- fourth of the land in Middletown, bounded as per patent to John Bowne EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 325 Page March 10, 1685-6, and by him conveyed to grantor, grantee et. al. (Supra, P- "290.) 301 1685 22d 5 month (July). Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, mer chant, to Abaiah Edwards of Shrewsberry, shipwright, for 1-64 of ^ of 1-12 share of the Province of East Jersey. 302 1684 May 15. Do. Sarah Reap of Shrewsberry, widow, sole execu trix of Wm. Reap, formerly of Rhoad Island, dec'd, to Abiah Edwards, shipwright, for her right, title, etc. in and to the land, surveyed for Henry Green of Shrewsberry in two lots, one, 233 acres bounded S. E. by Thomas Barnes' children, John Williams and Nathaniel Cammick, S. W. town land, N. W. Peter Easton of Rhoad Island, N. E. grantee, formerly Lewis Mattock; the other, 7 acres, near Goos Neck, N. E. Saltwater Creek and Joseph Parker, S. E. Nathaniel Cammick, S. W. grantor, N. W. Lewis Mattock.- 303 1700 Oct. 15. Deed. Mary Chambers of Shrewsbury, widow, to her son Richard Chambers of the same place, cooper, for a lot there on the Southside of the branch of Shrewsbury R., running N. of Polapeck Neck, adjoining John Williams, Isaac Ong and Mary Barns; 5 acres of meadow on Goose Neck, N. E. John Worthlie, S, E. Abiah Edwards, S. W. a ditch. 305 1700 Oct. 15. Do. William West of Shrewsberry and wife Margaret to brother John West of the same place, for: I, a houselot at Norawata- cunck, 34 chains N. and S. by 13, E. Joseph Parker, N. and, W. roads, S. a branch of Shrewsberry R., except half an acre square, where the father and other relations of grantor and grantee are interred; 2, 14 a. at the same place, S. a small creek, W. Stephen West, E. Francis Burden, N. a creek, going to John Haven's; 3, 3 a. on Long Neck, E. Stephen West, S. and E. Sarah Reap, N. Shrewsberry R. ; 4, a lot on Rumson's Neck, N. and E. roads, S. John Chammiss, W. George Allen, in all 148 acres, as per deed from Stephen West and wife Mercy of Nov. 16, 1691, and patent of July 3, i6g7. 307 1700-1 March 10. Do. John Stewart of Shrewsbury, yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to Joseph Wing of the same place, yeoman, for: 1, 140 acres, S. W. John Williams and Abiah Edwards, S. E. a brook, N. E. ' Lewis Mattock and unsurveyed land; N. W. said Mattock and a small creek; 2, 44 a., N. W. a road, N. E. Nathaniel Cammock, S. E. a creek, S. W. Thomas Barnes alias Walter Harbert; 3, 2 a., S. W. grantor, N. E. Isaac Ong, S. 'E. a creek, N. W. a road; all in Shrewsbury Town ship. 309 1 700-1 March 10. Do. Same to same, for some points of meadow, at the Fishing Place Point, adjoining John Williams, as per deed from Isaac Ong of May 4, 1697, and patent of Dec. 20, 1700. 311 1683-4 March 1. Deed. Lewis Mattoks of Shrewsberry to Abiah .Edwards of the same place, shipwright, for all his right, title, etc. in and 330 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page to a lot, adjoining grantee, S. E. a salt water creek, N. E. another; 25 acres in a triangle; also 33 a., bo't of Richard Hartshorn. 312 1695-6 March 22. Do. John Berry of Bergen Co. to Thadus Michiel son of the same Co., for 400 acres at New Barbados, Essex Co., on the N. E. of Walling Jacobs along Sadie and Passawick Rivers. 313 1700-1 Feb. 27. Do. Sir John Moore; Knight, Sir Thomas Lane, Knt, Aldermen of London, Paul Dockminique, Esqre; Michael Watts, merchant, Edward Richier, mercer, Fran: Minshull, mercer, John Bridges, merchant, Robert Michell, merchant, all of London, and the rest of tbe West Jersey Society, by their agent, Col. Andrew Hamilton, to George Willoks and John Harrison of East Jersey, merchants, for: 1,' 5,000 acres in Middlesex and Sumerset Counties, W. Milston- R., S. the next lot, E. and N. unsurveyed; 2, 5,000 a., W. said river, N. the fore going lot, S. and E. unappropriated; 3, 7,540 a. on the Eastside of Mil ston R., stretching to the rear of Rariton lots, i. e. the N. W. corner of John Inians. 314 i6gg June 23. Do. John Gardiner of Newark, planter, and wife Abi gail to Cornelius and Johannes Tomason of the same place, planters, for 180 acres there, as per patent of Dec. 20, 7th etc., S. Second River, N. Third R., W. Daniel Dod and unsurveyed land, E. unsurveyed land at the top of Round Hill. 317 1701 April g. 'Do. Lewis Morris of Shrewsbury and Dame Issabella, his wife, to Alexander Innes of Midletown, clerk, for no acres in Midle town, W. and S. W. grantor's 1,500 a. lot, N. Hop River, E. and S. Dan iel Applegate and Jacob Trewax. 3ig 1701 May 12. Do. Same to same, for a lot in Monmouth Co., near Swiming River and Hop R. 321 1701 July 30. Endorsement on the last Will and Testament of Govr Gawen Lawrie (Liber B, p. 138), stating that Miles Forster, one of the subscribing witnesses to the will, has sworn to it. 322 1701 Aug. 6. Deed. Jonathan Bishop of Woodbridge to Adam Hude of the same place, weaver, for 15 acres there, adjoining Sarah Mores, widow of Mathew. . 322 1701 July 10. Confirmation to George Willoks and John Harrison, in right of Sir John Moore, Sir Thomas Lane and others of the West Jer sey Society (Deed of Feb. 27, last past), — of 5,000 acres in Somerset Co., along Milston R. betw. Lodging Brook and a small run. 324 1701 Sept. 18. Deed. George Willoks of Rudyard and wife Mar garet to John Harrison of Elizabeth Town, for one-half of all the tracts, conveyed to both grantor and grantee, by the West Jersey Society (supra, P- 3H)- 325 1701 Oct. 1. Confirmation to John Harrison of Elizabethtown, in right of the West Jersey Society, — of 5,000 acres in Middlesex and Sum- EASf JERSEY" DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 33^ Page mersett Counties, W. Milston R., S. the next tract, N. and E. unsur veyed; 5,000 a. on the East side of Milston R., N. the preceding lot, S. and E. unsurveyed; 7,540 a., W. Milston R., S. the preceding two lots, S. E. John Inians. 328 1699 May I. Deed. Matthew Giles of Piscataway, yeoman, and wife Phebee to Robert Webster of Summerset Co.,. planter, for 144 acres, now occupied by grantor, in Piscataway, S. E. John Langstaff, S. W. Rariton R, N. W. John Pond, N. E. unsurveyed. 329 1701 June 14. Patent to Robert Webster of Piscataway, yeoman, for land in Middlesex Co. : j, 72 acres, N. W. Jabish Henricks, S. E. John Smally, senior, N. E. unsurveyed, S. W. Rariton R.; 2, 72 a., formerly John Smallys senior, S. E. John Langstaff, N. W. the first lot. formerly Nicholas Bonum's, N. E. unsurveyed, S. W. said river. 331 1687 April 7. Deed. Isaac Smally to Benjamin Hull, both of Piscat away, for 72 acres, S. E. John Langstaff, N. W. grantee, N. E. unsur veyed, S. W. Rariton R. 333 1701 June 7. Confirmation to John Johnston of Monmouth Co., of 1,819 acres, of. which 1,250 are in right of headland for himself, servants and others, and 56935 part of his second dividend as one of the Propri etors: I, a lot in the rear of the lots on the. West side of South River, betw. Jeremiah Basse and Peter Sonmans; 2, a lot on said river betw. Robert Barclay, Macheponix, Samuel Leonard and grantee. 334 1701 Aug. 8. Do. to John Reid of Hortencie, iu right of Col. An drew Hamilton, of 200 acres in Monmouth Co. betw. Wm. Parrant on Milston Brook near Robert Holman's formerly Abraham Brown's, where the old Indian path crosses the brook and James Miller; and 100 a. on the Northside of North Brook, the branch of Rockie Brook. 335 1701 June 7. Do. to Sir John More, Sir Thomas Lane, Paul Dock- minique, Michaell Watts, Edward Richter, Fran: Minshull, John Bridges, Robert Michell and the rest qf the West Jersey Society, — of three lots in Perth Amboy, 3 acres, S. Governour's House lots, E. High St. and Mar ket Place, N. Market St., W. a street. 336 1700 Sept. 27. Patent to George Rescarrick of Middlesex Co., gent:, and wife Mary for a lot on Cranberry Brook, said Co., and the great road. 337 1701 Oct. 14. Confirmation to Jedidiah Allen of Shrewsbury, gent:, grantee of Samuel Webb and wife Lucia in right of Hannah Joy alias Cook, — of 241 acres in Shrewsbury, N. W. and W. Col. Morris, N. E. several lots, S. E. Eliakim Wardell, S. W. barrens; 7 a. at Portapeck, S. Samuel Spicer, N. John Borden, E. Shrewsbury Bay, W. a small island of upland. 338 1701 Nov. 17. Deed. John Harrison of Elizabeth Town to Theo doras Polhemus, Stoffle Probasco, Cornelius Wyckoff, Hendrick Lott, 332 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Jaques Corteleou, Peter Corteleou, Denise Tunise and Frederick van Lieu, all of Nassau Island,! N. Y., for a lot in Middlesex and Summerset Counties along Milston R. betw. Lodging Brook, George WiUoks, Peter Cortileou, Garret Wechte,2 the road from Piscataway to the falls of the Delaware R. and the rear of Rariton lots. 339 1701 June 7. Confirmation to George Willoks, who has purchased fromWm. Letts a lot on Rariton Bay, adjoining Thomas Gordon. 342 1701 Aug. 14. Do. to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, in right of his brother Charles Gordon dec'd., George Willoks and George McKenzie of Kildin, — of: 1, a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. Cheesquacks and South River; 2, a piece of meadow in said Co., S. W. John Melvine, formerly Gawen Lawrie, S. E. the Main Creek of Cheesquacks, N. E. another branch of Cheesquacks; 3, a lot in Perth Amboy, betw. George Willoks, formerly Samuel Gibson, the intended road and the intended wet dock. 342 1701 Aug. 28. Do. to Jonathan Marsh of Rhoad Island, mariner, in full of his second dividend as one of the Proprietors, — of land in Mon mouth Co. : 1, a lot on Manasquan R., a brook running into it and adjoin ing grantee; 2, a lot adjoining grantee's bog, W. of said brook, W. Job Throckmorton and grantee, E. barren land; 3, a lot on a branch of Man asquam R., S. of Nicholas Brown and N. of Job Throckmorton; 4, a piece of bog at the upper end of a branch of said river, adjoining grantee; 5, a lot on said river and Rid Brook, in all 312 acres. 343 1701 Aug. 28. Do: to Abiah Edwards of Shrewsberry, ship wright, in full of his first and second dividend as one of the Projuietors, — of 118 acres in Monmouth Co., adjoining grantee, formerly Sarah Reap. 345 1688 Dec. 28. Deed. Marie Lambert, widow, to Peter Buckaleiu, both of Middlesex Co., for 100 acres as per patent. 345 1700-1 Feb. 17. Do. Peter Buckaleiu of Perth Amboy, yeoman, and wife Lidia to George Willoks of Rudyard, for a lot in Middlesex Co., S. the widow Carteret, W. unsurveyed, N. Wm. Letts, E. the Bay, patented to John Lambert Feb. 11, 1685-6, and bo't by grantor. 346 1701 July 3. Do. George WiUoks of Rudyard to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for: I, 100 acres in Perth Amboy Township, betw. Phil. Carteret dec'd, now grantee, Wm. Letts and Lambert's Hill; 2, 100 a., E. Rariton Bay, at low water mark, S. said Letts, W. Gawin Lawrie, N. Na thaniel Tutle; 3, a piece of meadow in said town, S. . W. John Melvine, formerly Gawen Lawrie, S. E. the Main Creek of Cheesquacks, N. E. an other branch of Cheesquacks. 347 1 701 Nov. 8. Do. John Lambert of Essex Co., yeoman, to Thomas Gordon of Perth Amboy, for 100 acres on the Southside of Rariton Bay near Cheesquacks Creek, patented to his father, John Lambert, Feb. II, 1 Long Island. 2 Veghte. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 333 Page 1685-6, sold by his mother Mary to Peter Buckaleiu Dec. 8, 1688 (supra, p. 345), and conveyed by present grantor to Peler Buckaleiu, the son, Dec. 21, 1694, who sold it to George Willoks July 3, 1701 (supra, p. 346). 349 1701 June 2. Deed. William Letts and wife Anna to George Wil loks for the land on Rariton Bay near Cheesquacks, 150 acres, patented to him (Liber A, p. 239), endorsed on said patent. 350 1701-2 Jan. 21. Do. George Willoks and wife Margaret to Thomas Gordon for the preceding 150 acres (patent to Wm. Letts of Jan. 5, 1685-6), endorsed on said patent. 351 1.701 Aug. 28. Patent to William West of Shrewsberry, for go acres in Monmouth Co., at the mouth of Shark River. 351 1701 Aug. 28. Confirmation to Nicholas Brown of Shrewsberry, in full of his second dividend as one of the Proprietors, of: 1, 157 acres there, N. E. Sarah Reap, 'S. E. and S. W. barrens, N. VV. Nathan Cam- mock and a small brook; 2, a lot at the Whale Pond Brook, surrounded on all sides by barrens. 352 1701 Aug. 28. Do. to John Molleson of Piscataway, yeoman, as his full second dividend of 1-10 of a share of. 500 acres in Middlesex Co., as follows: 1, a lot, S. W. Matthew Giles, N. W. the Bound Brook, N. E. unsurveyed, S. E. unsurveyed and James Geiles dec'd; 2, a lot adjoining Benjamin Hull on Ambrose Brook; 3, a lot betw. John Smallie, Benjamin Hull, Robert Burnet and Ezekiah Bonham; 4, a lot on Ambrose Brook. 353 1701 Dec. 28. Do. to David Lyell of N. Y., goldsmith, one of the Proprietors, of: 1, 4,700 acres betw. Milston and Assanpink Rivers, ad joining Wm. Penn on Baire Brook; 2, 600 a. at Barnagate, S. E. the Bay, S. W. James Brain, N. E. Charles Ormston, N. W. unsurveyed; 3, a lot on Milston R., below the mouth of Rockie Brook; 4, a lot on Rariton R., adjoining John Inians dec'd, or the old Indian Burying Place; 5, land on Assinpink R., along the partition line, adjoining Aug. Gordon and Wm. Watson; 6, a piece of swamp above the Indian graves on Rariton R. a:t the Turn about; 7, 100 a., W. and S. grantee at Baire Brook, N. John Reid, now grantee, E. Wm. Dockwra. 354 1701 Aug. 28. Do. to Jedediah Allen of Shrewsberry, of 400 acres there, of which 282 a. are in right of Samuel Webb, formerly Hannah Jay's twentie (?), in full of the second dividend, and 100 a. in right of Col. Andrew Hamilton, as follows: 1, a lot on the road from Long Branch to the falls, adjoining Eliakim Wardell; 2, a lot adjoining grantee on the North; 3, apiece on the West of Iron-min — bogg; 4, a piece of boggy ground near Eaton's Millbrook; 5, a lot on the S. E. end of the great bog. 355 1702 April 28. Do. to John Evans, Commander of H. M. Ship Rich mond, of several tracts, bo't by him of Wm. Davis April 22, 1698 (sur ra 334 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page p. 272). , 356 1702 April 2. Patent to John Harrison of Elizabeth town, merchant, for the part of Milston R. along his land from the foot of Rockie Hill to the upper end of the land bo't by George Willoks, Garrit Vighte and Peter Cortelew of Jeremiah Basse as agent of the W. Jersey Society. 583 1702 April 2. Do. to Thomas Grub of Piscataway, for a lot there, where he now lives, 55 acres, S. Rariton R., W. Vincent Runion, N. grantee, E. John Pond. 359 1702 April 2. Confirmation to Walter Ker of Freehold, yeoman, of 300 acres, whereof 100 are in right of Col. Andrew Hamilton, 100 in right of John Johnston and 100 in right of James Johnston dec'd, who gave it to said Ker for the use of his son James, upon whose death it devolved to son John: 1, a lot on Spotswood's North brook adjoining grantee; 2, a lot on Wemcock Brook, adjoining grantee's son; 3, 100 a., the lot given by James Johnston to Ker's son, is bounded S. by Wemock and adjoins Wm. Davidson and Wm. Oliphant. 360 1702 April 1. Do. to John Johnston of Monmouth Co., in right of headland, of: i, a lot in Essex Co., on Passaick R., where the road from Minasinks to Elizabeth Town crosses it; 2, a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. Thomas Foulerton and grantee; 3, a lot in Monmouth Co., adjoining Sarah Reap on Whale Pond Brook; in all 410 acres; 4, a town lot in Perth Amboy, N. George Willoks, S. Walter Benthal], E. and W. intended streets, one acre. 361 1701 July 4. Do. to David Lyell of N. Y., goldsmith, one of the Proprietors, of a lot in Perth Amboy, S. George Willoks, W. Water St., N. an intended street, E. low water mark. 363 1701-2 March 1. Deed. David Lyell to George Willoks for the pre ceding lot. 363 1702 April 9 Do. Miles Forster of Perth Amboy and Mary, widow of Wm. Haige and daughter of Gawen Lawrie, by her attorney Miles _ Forster, to Thomas Gordon of the same place, for a lot near Chesquacks Creek, part of said Lawrie's former property, betw. grantee, formerly Wm. Letts and said Lawrie. 364 1 701-2 Feb. 12. Confirmation to Miles Forster and Mary, widow of Wm. Haig, of 450 acres, whereof 200 are in right of Thomas Gordon and 250 in part of their second dividend: on Southside of Rariton R. adjoin ing Richard Jones dec'd. 365 1702 April 1. Do. to George Alexander of Pepper Mills, Scotland, and John Alexander of Scotland, M. D., in full of their second dividend, of 312J acres on the Southside of Passaick R., betw. said river and Pech- quanneck R. 366 1702 April 1. Do. to Thomas Foulerton, as his second dividend, of 500 acres on the S. side of Passaick R., along said river and Foulerton's EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER G. 335 Page Brook. 367 1702 April 1. Patent to Lewis Morris, George Willoks and Thomas Gordon, for a lot in Perth Amboy, 10 by 5 perches, called the Church lot, E. High St., S., W. and N. Col. Andrew Hamilton. 368 1701 June 10. Confirmation to the West Jersey Society, holding 2^ shares of the Province, of 13,500 acres on the Southside of Passaick R., adjoining John Johnston and Michael Hawden, 368 1702 April 2. Do. to John Johnson Esqre and Michael Hawden of N. Y. City, vintner, for: 1, a lot South of Passaick R., betw. said river and Pechquaneck R. ; 2, a cove in the great, meadow, S. of Passaick R., ad joining George Willoks, in all 800 acres, whereof 500 go to said Hawden in-right of the second dividend due M — 1, widow of John Campbell; 3, 60 a. along Gawen Lawrie's, as headland due to said Johnston. 369 1 Maryon, or Maryen. This John Campbell was doubtless he who is men tioned as having arrived at Perth Amboy about October, 1684, with his wife, three children and eleven servants. Whitehead assumes that he was a son of Lord Neill Campbell, son of the Marquis and brother to the Earl of Argyle, and who fled to New Jersey to escape-hitter persecution in Scotland, remaining here from 1685 until 1687.'- Whitehead's Perth Amboy, 22; Whitehead's East Jel-sey. 169-170. Woflrow, in his "History of the Sufferings," etc., says of Lord Campbell, under date of 1685: "He was forced to go in the Hazard of his Life to America, and leave his Lady and Family behind him."— Vol. II. (folio ed.). p. 549. But John Campbell was not a son of Lord Neill Campbell— though apparently a kinsman. He was one of the East Jersey Proprietors, a member of the Court of Common Right, and a representative in the General Assembly. He died in tbe summer of 1690, his will being admitted to probate August 2 of that year. His eldest daughter, Ann, married John Stevens, of Amboy, the ancestor of the Hoboken family of that name.— N. T. Gen. ana Biog. Record, XVI., 6-10. Part II. West Jersey Records, Calendar of New Jersey Records. WEST JERSEY RECORDS -Liber A, Town Grants, New Salem. Note.— The original cover of this volume is a parchment, partly destroyed, containing an indenture between John Goodwyn senior, gentleman, Mathew Appletree, citizen and haberdasher, both of London, and Thomas Lawrence, Henry Brandreth being mentioned, for land under grant from John Fenwick. 1679 April 26. Patent. John Fenwick, late of Binfeild, Berkshire Co., England, "one of the Lords or Cheife Propriatrs of the Province of New Csesaria or New Jersey & prticularly of Fenwicks Coloney in the sd Province here in America" to WiUiam Milton of New Salem yeoman, for a lot there, called the (rat-eaten) Acres Lot, late in the tenure of Ma — ? Rene (partly destroyed). 1 1679 April 26. Do. Same to same, for the 10 acres lot, late in the tenure of Edward Lumley, bounded as in the certificate of Richard Han cock, Deputy Surveyor of the Colony. 3 1679 May 15. Do. Same to John Smithl of New Salem, gentleman, and wife Martha, for Smith's Bowry, along the road from Salem, 6 acres. 5 1679 May 15. Do. Same to Christopher Sanders2 of New Salem, yeo man, and wife Mary for Sanders Lot, 14 acres, on BroadawayesS Street, 1 John Smith was born in Norfolkshire, England, 20th of 7th mo. 1623, the son of John Smith. He was a miller, and settled at Roxbury. Nottinghamshire, and in 1658 married Martha Crafts, daughter of Christopher Craffs, of Northampton shire.. In April. 1675, he bought from Fenwick 1,000. acres at Salem, and signed the fundamental articles for the government of the colony, June 28, 1675. He came to America with John Fenwick, in the ship Griffith, in the summer or fall of 1675, accompanied by his wife Martha and four children— Daniel, Edward, David and Sarah. 2 According to Smith's History, Christopher Saunders was a passenger in the ship 1 Kent, that brought over settlers for Burlington, who arrived at New Castle, DeL 16th of 6th mo. 1677. 3 That is, Bradway's street, so called after Edwin Bradway. He bought a town lot and 1,000 acres of land in Salem, from Fenwick, in May, 1675, and in June signed the fundamental articles. In 1676 Wharf street was laid "out. and a town lot ol sixteen acres was surveyed on it for Bradway. He and his wife Mary and three children— Mary, William and Susannah— with three servants, sailed from London in the ship Kent, in 3d mo. 1677, and landed at Salem in 7th mo. In 1691 340 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. N. E. Robinson's plantation. 7 (Date destroyed.) Inrolled 23d of May, 1679. Lease. Same to Wil liam Wilkinson,! my ]ate servant, "for all those houses & preell of Land, wch I built & cleared & in w<* John Adams2 now Iiveth," 8 acres, to he called Wilkinsons Workeing House. 9 (Date destroyed.) Inrolled May 30, 1679. Patent. Same to Richard Robinson of New Salem, yeoman, and wife Elinor, for a lot on Broad - awayes St. 10 a. 10 1679 June 2. Do. Same to George Deacon? of (destroyed), and wife Frances, for 10 acres to be called Deacons Pytle, on Neuills Street. 12 i67g Inrolled June 5. Do. Same to John Maddock* of New Salem, he built a large brick house, which was still standing in 1876. When the town was incorporated, in 1693. the name of Wharf street was officially changed to Bradway street, but it is evident from the deeds above that it was so called as early as 1679. It is now called Broadway. 1 William Wilkinson was one of the servants who accompanied Fenwick in 1675. 2 John Adams was a weaver, from Reading, in Berkshire, who had married John Fenwick's daughter Elizabeth, and came out in the Griffith with her and three children— Elizabeth, Fenwick and Mary. He and John Smith and Edward Champneys were among the signers, 25th of 4th mo. 1676, of the agreement for ap portioning and settling the town of New Salem. He had acquired 2.000 acres of land there in 1674, before leaving England. He was a member of the West Jersey- House of Representatives for several years. He affixed his mark. June 28, 1675, to the agreement for the government of Fenwick's Colony. His tract was located at Penn's Neck, and is known as Sapaney. His house, built at Ivy Point, near Mar ket street, Salem, stood until about 18-25. He and his wife died about 1700, or earlier. 3 George Deacon was born in London, in 1642 or 1643, son of George Deacon, of a family of Church Waltham, Essex county, England. He was a felt-maker, by occupation, in England. He came to America with his father, his wife Frances, of Dedford. in Kent, and servant, Thomas Edwards, in the ship Willing Wirid, ar riving November 3, 1677, aud settled at New Salem, but soon removed to Alloways Creek, near Hancock's Bridge, Salem county. He was a prominent member of the Society of Friends, and in 1679-80 was of a committee appointed to purchase lands for a meeting house and burial plot. He was frequently a delegate to the Yearly Meetings at Newton and Philadelphia, so late as 1694 He signed the West Jersey Concessions, March 3, 1676-7; was a member of the West Jersey Assembly or House of Representatives, 1682-1685, and again in 1697; was a member of the Provincial Council in 1701. and in 170J was commissioned a member of Gov. Corn- bury's Council, being reappointed with Gov. Lovelace and Gov. Hunter, serving in that body so late as January 26, 1716. He was a, Justice of the Peace for Salem many years; was appointed a commissioner for laying out highways, in 1685; was King's attorney in 1696, and in 1701 was a Judge of the courts. He m. 2d. in 1688, Margaret Denn; 3d. in 1692, Susannah, dau. of Robert Ashton, of New Castle, on Delaware; 4th, in 1693, Martha Charles, widow of Simon Charles Farm, of North ampton, Burlington county. He removed to the latter place about 1704. He died in 1725, and was buried in Friends' ground at Burlington. 4 John Maddox, son of Ralph Maddox, was born in 1638. In 1638 he removed to London, and resided in the parish of St. Sepulchre, following the occupation of a TOWN GRANTS, NEW SALEM, LIBER A. 341 Page chandler, and wife Elizabeth, for 10 a., late in the tenure of Richard Gibbs,- on Neuills St. 14 l67g Inrolled June 6. Do. Same to John Payne of Salem, planter, for 10 a. there, to be called Payne's Pytle, on Neuills St. along the Ten Acres Creek and next to Richd Giblis. 16 16S4-5 Feb. 10. Do. William Penn, Proprietor and Governour of Pennsilvama, also " Proprietor of Salem Tenth; West Jersey, Samuel Hedgel of Hedgefield, John Smith2 of Smithfield and Richard Tin- dall* of Tindall's Bowery in said Tenth, executors of the last will of John Fenwick, to Richard Daniell of New Salem, carpenter, for 10 acres there, chandler. In 1669 he married Elizabeth, widow of Joseph Durham. They had one daughter, Elizabeth, born in London in 1671, who in 1688 married James Denn. John Maddox bought of Fenwick 1,000 acres of land in Fenwick's Colony, or Salem Tenth, in May. 1675, and on J une 28 signed the fundamental articles for the govern ment of the colony. He came over in 1678, accompanied by his wife and daughter. and stepson, Richard Durham, and three servants, arriving at New Salem in 9th month— November. He signed the West Jersey Concessions, March 3, 1676-7. On arriving in Salem he took a somewhat active part in the affairs of the town. In 1679-80 he was on a committee of Friends to secure a meeting house. 1 Samuel Hedge was the son of Samuel Hedge, a merchant and citizen of Lon don. He came over with Fenwick, -in the summer of 1675, and in the following spring married the latter's daughter Ann. Fenwick conveyed to them a tract of 2.000 acres in the 11th mo. of the same year (February, 1677), in Upper Manning- ton, whither the young couple removed, and where they resided until 1685. It was known as the Hedgefield tract. Hedge signed the West Jersey Concessions, March 3, 1676-7. Eis father-in-law appointed him Surveyor-General of tbe Col ony, April 30. 1678. He was clerk and recorder of deeds of Salem county, until 1692. As a member of the West Jersey House of Representatives he signed an ad dress to King William III., May 20, 1697, congratulating him on his escape 'from a reported plot. He was still a member of the House in 1701, when he and other members petitioned the King for the appointment of Andrew Hamilton as Gover nor of New Jersey. Having been appointed one of his father-in-law's executors, he returned in 1685 to Salem, where he built a brick house on Bradway street, in which he and' his wife resided until their death. They had one son, Samuel Hedge 3d, who married Rebecca Pyle; he died 3d of 11th mo. 1708-9, leaving a will, from which it appears that his father was still living. He left a widow and five chil dren, all sons. 2 John Smith of Smithfield, the son of William Smith, was born in 1645, in Kent, England, and in 1673 married Susannah Maroy. dau. of Edward Marcy. In 1685 he came over with his wife on the Ariel, landing at New Castle in 4th mo. Two months later he bought of Samuel and Ann Hedge 1,000 acres of the Hedge- field tract, at Upper Mannington, and there resided thenceforth, his place being known as Smithfield. He appears to have been a man of unusual business ability, and he must have possessed more than ordinary tact, to win and keep the good will of the irascible Proprietor of Salem Tenth, who in his will, dated August 7, 1683. named him as one of his executors. 3 Richard Tindall came to America in 1678, and soon after bought from Fenwick 200 acres at Mannington, his place being known as Tindall's Grove. He was ap pointed Surveyor General of Salem Tenth, in 1680, and was also employed by James Nevill to survey William Penn's lands in the same Colony. He was named as an executor in Fenwick's will, of August 7, 1683. 343 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page late in the tenure of Widow Elizabeth Daniel], on Fenwick's Creek, the highway (destroyed). 20 1684-5 Feb. 10. Assignment by Charles Angelo of New Salem, planter, to John Worlidge of Peetersfield, of all his right, title, etc. to and in "ye wtnin menconed prmises. " 21 1684-5 Feb. 10. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick to Joseph White of New, Salem, blacksmith, for 10 acres there, late in the tenure of Charles Bagley, on Bradaways Street (destroyed). 22 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to Richard Johnson of New Salem, car penter, for 10 acres there, late in the tenure of Henry Jenjngs, in Brad aways St. 24 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to Anthony Dixon of New Salem, planter, for 10 a:, late in the tenure of George Deacon, on Neuill's St. (destroyed). 26 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to Charles Angello of New Salem, planter, for 10 a. there, formerly laid out for Joseph Bowles, surveyed by John Worlidge as beginning at the fence of John Payne's plantation, along the creek (rest destroyed). 28 "Charles Angello's Assignment Should have beene here recorded, but is under Richard Daniell's Grant." 1685 May 22. Assignment. John Worlidge of Peetersfield, Salem Tenth, yeoman, to Robert Coffin of Salem, cordwa-iner, of "yewtnin menconed Deed or the former Assignment." 29 1684-5 Feb. 10. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick to Christoper Saunders of Quiettitty, W. J., for 8J acres in New Salem adjoining Mor gan Druatt and Henry (destroyed). 30 1685 . Do. Same to James NeuilU of New Salem, gentleman, and wife Creseda, for 29 acres in New Salem between John Mattox, his own plantation, the Millers Creek and a small one (rest destroyed). 32 . Do. Same to Thomas Woodroffe of Salem, tailor, for 10 a. there, on the street to the Governour's lot, next to Wm. Wilkinson, as per certificate of Richard Tindall, Surveyor General, of Aug. 28, 1685. 34 1685-6 Jan. 18. Do. Same to same, for 10 acres in Salem, adjoining 1 James Nevill was a weaver, of Stepney, London, but in the West Jersey rec ords is usually styled " gentleman," indicating that he did not follow his trade in •this country. He came over with Fenwick, and brought a wife, but apparently no children. He seems to have had a decided taste for the law, and a fondness for writing, which led Fenwick to appoint him Secretary for the Salem Colony, April 30, 167tj. He was a magistrate (commissioned Oct. 26, 1679) , a conveyancer and scrivener, real estate agent, and a little of everything else. He signed the West Jersey Concessions, March 3, 1676-7. In 1681-4 he was an agent of William Penn, adversely to Fenwick. One of the volumes of Salem Records is filled with mis cellaneous memoranda, made by him. of leases, law suits, contracts,.etc, etc., of the greatest interest and value.to the local historian. TOWN GRANTS, NEW SALEM, LIBER A. 343 Page Wm. Wilkinson. .,6 1685-6 Jan. 18. Do. Same to John Harden of Salem, brickmaker, fpi 16 a. there along the Township line, next to Tobias Quinton. 38 1685-6 Jan. 18. Do. Same to John Snooke of New Salem, tailor, for 10 a. there, on the street, next to Edwar Champney. 40 .1685-6 Jan. 19. Do. Same to Edward Champneys2 of Salem, joiner, for 10 a. in New Salem, lately occupied by John Maddocks, on Neuills Street and the Ten Acres Creek. 43 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to same, for 10. a. in New Salem, late in the occupation of John Payne, on Neuill's Street and the Ten Acres Creek. 4c 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to John Kylett of New Salem, carpenter, for 10 acres there on the Southside of the road to Allaways Creek, next to Thomas Johnson. 47 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to Roger Smith of Salem, planter, for 9 acres there adjoining John Smith of Amwelbury. 49 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to WUliam Wilkinson, of New Salem, planter, for 10 a. there on the street to the Governour's lot. 51 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to Thomas Johnson of New Salem, car penter, for 10 a. there between Roger Smith, Roger Milton and John Smith of Amwelbury. 53 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. Same to Thomas Kent of New Salem, glover, for 10 a. there, late in the tenure of Peeter Cornelious, betw. the street to Mr. Neiiiil's plantation, the street to the Townlanding, a little creek, run ning by Neuill's Landing and George Deacon. 55 1685 22d 4th mo. (June). Assignment. Joseph White to John Ireson (Irons) of New Castle, Pennsilvania, tanner, of his right, title, etc. to the "within menconed prmises." 58 1686-7 Feb. 18. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick to Edward Lumley of Manneton, Salem Tenth, for 10 acres in Salem, late in the ten ure of Richard Robbinson dec'd, on Bra'daways St. 59 1687-8 Feb. 14. Do. Same to Thomas Woodroofe of Salem, tailor, for 17 a. there, adjoining to Wm. Wilkinson and Benj. Acton, along the street. . 61 1688 Aug. 13. Do. Same to John Snooke of Salem, tailor, for 16 a. therebetween Edward Champney, John Kyllett and Roger Milton. 63 1688 Dec. 10. Assignment. John Snooke to John Kyllelt of the pre ceding 16 acres. 65 1688 Dec. 10. Same to same of the "wthin menconed " deed of 10 1 Husband of Priscilla, daughter of John Fenwick ; he accompanied Fenwick in the ship Griffith, to America, in 1675. He was a joiner, from Thornbury, in Gloucestershire. He brought over his wife, two children, and three servants. 344 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page acres. 66 1688 Aug. 10. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick to William Wil kinson of New Salem, for 10 acres next to John Kyllett. 67 1690-1 March 9. Do. Same (by and with the Consent of ye Inhab itants of ye Towne of Salem) to Joseph Calley of New England, mariner, for a lot in Salem, next to John Worlidge, on the street near Salem land ing. 6g 1690-1 Feb. 17. Do. Same (by and wth as before) to John Worlidge, Salem Co., gentleman, for a lot in Salem, next to Edward Champney, near Salem town landing, adjoining Wm. Wilkinson, one acre. 71 1690-1 Recorded Sept. 28, l6gl. Assignment. William Wilkinson of Manneton Creek to Thomas Yorke, of all his right &c. to the "wthin men coned" Deed. 73 1691 Aug. 18. Do. Thomas Yorke of Manneton Cr. to John Ellis, of "all my Right, title & Interest." 73 1693 July 28. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick, for "ye better In- couragemt of Tradesmen for settleing & improveing ye Towne of Salem," to Isaac Pearson of said town, blacksmith, for 2 acres on the street to Fenwick's Ivey landing and on Brod St. 74 i6g3 July 28. Do. Same, as before, to Thomas Yorke of Salem, bricklayer, for 2J acres, next to his 2 a. lot, between Edmund Lacey alias Griffith. and Richard Marshall. 75 i6g3 July 28. Do. Same, as before, to the same, for 2 a. next to Howell and Jenkin Griffith, on Salem St. between Edmund Lacey and Richard Marshall. 77 l6g3 July 28. Do. Same, as before, to Jenkin Griffith of Salem, shoemaker, for 2 a. between Isaac Pearson and Thomas Yorke. 7g 1695 April 29. Do. Same to Benjamin Acton of Salem, weaver, for 8 a. there, adjoining his 10 a. lot and Samuel Hedge. 80 1695 April 20. Bond. Charles Oakeford and Samuel Wade of Alla- ways Creek, Salem Co., to Abell Nicholson of the same place, to secure a payment by said Oakeford in 1696. 82 1695 April 20. The same repeated, in 1697. 83 1695 April 20. The same for a payment in i6g8. 84 i6g5 April 20. Do. for 1699. 85 1696 Sept. 19. Patent. Executors of John Fenwick, (by & wth ye [consent of ye] Inhabitants of ye Towne of Salem) to Eliezer Dorbey of Boston, New England, mariner, for a. lot, formerly Joseph Calley's dec'd, on Salem Street. 86 1699 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Jonathan Beere of Salem, for 7' acres next to his 16 a. lot, where he now lives. 88 WEST JERSEY RECORDS,— Liber A, or Revel's Book of Surveys.i 1680 Sept. 7. Return of Survey, for Mahlon Stacy, of 100 acres on Assiscunck Creek, Lazy Point side. 3 1680 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for John Hollinshead, of a town lot on Del- laware R., over against the lower end of Burlington Island, along the creek around it, 30 acres. 3 1680 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas Olive, of 200 acres on Delia- ware R. near Plum Point. 3 1680 Sept. 9 and 10. Do. Do. of the partition line between the Yorkshire and the London Proprietors, beginningat the middle of High St. against Thomas Olive's house on the Island and thence running S. E. through the townbounds for about 6 miles. 3 1680 Sept. II. Do. Do. for Samuel Oldale, of 100 acres on Assis cunck Creek, E. of the town bounds (paper very broken and defaced). 3 1 1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for James Pharoe, of 100 acres along Del- [,1-aware R., with a -spherical triangle of meadow, W. N. W. Thomas Wood, E. N. E. a swamp, E. S. E. and E. N. E. (sic) the river and the creek. 4 1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 acres adjoining- the foregoing. 4 1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for John Rogers, of 100 acres on Delia- ware R., adjoining James Pharoe (resurvey, infra, p. 34). 4 1680 Sept. 20. Do. Do. for John Woolston, of 50 a. on the creek back of the Island, S. E. of London Bridge. 4 ;-, (Broken.) Do. Do. for Thomas Ellis, of 30 a., his second lot, on lAssiscunck Creek, adjoining Mahlon Stacy. 4 1680 Sept. 22. Do. Do. for John Kinsey, of his townlot on Assis cunck Cr., 130 a. 53 perches, beginning at the point of a swamp on said creek and running E. along the creek. 5 1680 Sept. 23. Do. Do. for Thomas Harding, of 30 a. on the creek, _ surrounding the Island, adjoining John Woolston. 5 1680 Sept. 23. Do. Do. for Edmond Stuart, of 50 a. along the town line. 5 1680 Sept. 24. Do. Do. for John Cripps, of 30 a. on Assiscunck Cr., at the mouth of a small run. 5 1680 Sept. 24. Do. Do. for Thomas Budd, of 109 a. along the 1 Pages 1 and 2 are missing, 346 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page town line and adjoining Edm. Stuart. , 5 1680 Sept. 25. Do. Do. tor John Long, of 91 a. on Mill Creek, ad joining Thomas Budd. 5 1680 Sept. 26. Do. Do. for Thomas Budd, of 200 a. at Plum Point on Dellaware R., betw. Tho. Olive and" John Hollinshead. 5 1680 Sept. 28. Do. Do. for Robert Powell,- of 30 a. on Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John Kinsey. 6 1680 Sept. 28. Do. Do. for John Dewsbury,'of 100 a. on Assiscunck Cr. (Northside), sold to Jacob Cozens, Lib. B, p, 29. 6 1680 Sept. 2g. Do. Do. for Thomas Eves, of 30 a. on the North - side of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Tho. Ellis. 6 1680 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for William Peachy, of 30 a. above Tho. Palmer's tann house, along the rear of John Woolston. 6 1680 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for John Antram, of 30 a. on the Westside of London Bridge, W. N. W. to the swamp, along the swamp, then S. S. W. to Wm. Peachy, then E. S. E. to John Woolston, thence N. E. to the bridge. 6 1680 Sept. 30. Do. Do. for Eleazer ffenton, of 200 a., on Assis cunck Cr. 6 1680 Sept. 30. Do. Do. for John Shinn, of 200 a. on Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Eleazer Fenton. 7 1680 Sept. 31 (sic). Do. Do. for Godfrey Hancock, of 300 a. on the Southside of Assiscunck Cr. (See resurvey, p. 101.) 7 1680 Oct. 2. Do. Do. for Thomas Gardner, of 100 a. in town bounds. 7 1680 Oct. 3. Do. Do. for Walter Pumphrey, of 100 a. in town bounds, adjoining Tho. Gardner (sold to Francis Beswick). 7 1680 Oct. 5. Do. Do. for Widow Perkins, of 50 a. in town bounds, along the swamp. (See resurvey, p. 22). 7 1680 Oct. 5. Do. Do. for WUliam Cooper, of 80 a., adjoining Widow Perkins and Walter Pumphrey. Marginal Note: "This Resur- veyed being a mistake & is but 50 a. & is Resurvey'd to John Woolston, p. 119, being given by Wm. Cooper to him as Liber B foi 500." 7 1680 Oct. 5 ? Do. Do. for Samuel Lovet, of 30 a. in the town bounds, adjoining Walter Pumphrey. 8 1680 Oct. 7. Do. Do. for Thomas Potts, of 30 a. on Lazy Point side of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Thomas Eves. 8- 1680 Oct. 7. Do. Do. for George Bartholmew, of 30 a. on Lazy Point, adjoining Mahlon Stacy. 8 1680 Oct. 10. Do. Do. for John Cripps, of 80 a. on the West side of Mill Cr., along the town line, adjoining Edmond Stuart. 8 1680 Oct. 11. Do. Do. for Seth Smith and Thomas ffolke, of 80 a. REVEL'S BOOK OP SURVEYS. %Ah Page on the S. W. side of the creek around the Island, along the swamp. " See this entred to Ino Smith ffran: Davenport and Edward Booth in foi: gl." g 1680 Oct. 12. Do. Do. for William Brightwell, of 30 a. in town bounds on Assiscunck Creek, E. John Cripps, W. Robert Powell and John Kinsey. 8 1680 Oct. 21. Do. Do. for Robert Stacy, of 250 a. from Eleazer Fenton's corner N. W. along Assiscunck Cr. Marginal Note: "prcell found to be but 200 a., 100 thereof is past over to Daniel Leeds by deed Recorded in Book B. p. — & y« other 100 Robert hath relinquished & Daniel hath bought it of Mahlon Stacy & Tho. Lambert on ye publique accompt." g 1680 Oct. 22. Do. Do. for Francis Beswick, of 400 acres on Assis cunck Cr., between Robert Stacy, Saml Oldale and Godfrey Hancock. 9 1680 Oct. 23. Do. Do. for Samuel Jennings, of 400 a. on Assis cunck Cr., at Matlacopenny, adjoining John Shinn. 9 1680 Oct. 24. Do. Do. for John Pancas, of 100 a. against Matta- copenny on the Northside of Assiscunck Cr. .. g 1680 Oct. 24. D01 Do. for Thomas Barton, of 100 a. along Assis cunck Cr. adjoining John Pancas. g 1680 Oct. 25. Do. Do. for Samuel Willis, of 100 a. on the North- side cjf Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Tho. Barton. 10 1680 Oct. 28. Do. Do. for John Butcher, of 200 a. at Mattaco- penny, along Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John Shinn and Samuel Jen nings. 10 1680 Oct. 20. Do. Do. for Robert -Stacy, of 66 a., his town lot, from the angle of the " marish " over against his tanning house along the creek, to the swamp, on the Westside of the Rancokus path and on Assis cunck Cr. 10 1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for Robert Murfin, of 8 a. 40 perches of meadow, betw. William Wood and the Delaware R. 10 1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. on the hill top, along Delaware R., the creek and the lane. II 1680 Nov. 12. .Do. Do. for William Black, of 8 a. 40 perches of meadow on Dellaware R., adjoining Robert Murfin. 11 1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. along Dellaware R., adjoining Robert Murfin. 11 1680 Nov. 12. Agreement between Robert Murfin and Wm. Black, that the lane dividing their resp. lands shall be forever a common high way. 11 1680 Nov. 13. Return of survey, for Robert and Thomas Scholey, of 200 acres along Dellaware R. betw. John Rogers and Crosswick Creek, 348 ' NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page (See infra, p. 34.) 11 1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for William Wood, of 36 acres along Del laware R. and the creek S. of Robt and Thomas Scholey. Marginal Note: ig a. of this is surveyed to Robert Scholey, ye rest is swamp. . 12 1680 Nov. 16. Do. Do. for John Snowden, of 100 a. at the hilltop on Dellaware R., along the roads between Snowden and John Hooton and betw. Snowden and Wm. Beard. 12 1680 Nov. 16. Do. Do. for the same, of 10 a., i. e. 4a. of hard land in the swamp, N. William Wood, W. Wm. Beard, S. and E. a small swamp and a creek; and 6 a. of meadow on the "marish" of Crosswick Cr., betw. said creek, E., and Anthony Woodhouse on the West. 12 1680 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for Anthony Woodhouse, of 100 a. along Dellaware R., betw. Wm. Black, John Hooton and Robert Murfin. 12 1680 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for the same, of 4 a. in the swamp, N. W. of Crosswick Cr., S. W. and N. swamp, E. Wm. Beard; also of 8 a. of meadow in the " marish " of said creek, E. John Snowden, W. Wm. Beard. 12 1680 Nov. ig. Do. Do. for John Hooton, of 100 a. along Delia- ware R., betw. Anthony Woodhouse and Wm. Beard. 13 1680 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for Thomas Hooton, for 100 a., at the mouth of and along a creek over against Sepassing Island and along Dela ware R. 13 1680 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for John Hooton, of 4 a." in the swamp on N. W. side of Crosswick Cr., N. and S. swamp, E.' John Snowden, W. Wm. Beard; also of 8 a. of meadow in the marsh of said creek, W. a small creek, E. Wm. Beard. 13 1680 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for 'William Beard, of 100 a. along Della ware R. from the road along John Snowden's to a small creek. 13 1680 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for the same, of 4 a. of upland in the swamp, N. W. of Crosswick Cr., N. and S. swamp, E. John Hooton, W. Anthony Woodhouse; also of 7 a. of meadow, W. John Hooton, E. An thony Woodhouse. 13 1680 Nov. 21. Mem. of agreement between John Hooton, Wm. Beard, Anthony Woodhouse and John Snowden to leave a common high way at the bottom of their several 4 a. lots of upland from the small creek, bounding John Snowden's lot, through Robert Murfin's to Della ware R. and to allow as many other roads through their laud as re quired. 14 1680-1 Jan. 20. Return of survey, for Peter Fretwell, of 100 acres beyond St. Pinckl above the Falls of Dellaware R. and along said river. 14 1 Assunpink. Revel s book oP surveys. 349 Page 1680-1 Jan. 20. Do. Do. for Andrew Smith, of 200 a. at the Falls of and along Dellaware R., adjoining Peter Fretwell. 14 1681 April 2. Do. Do. for Thomas Farnsworth, of 100 a. along " the creek," S. E. of Crosswick Cr. ; also 8 a. on the Northside of Cross wick Cr., betw. the headline of John Snowden, Wm. Beard, Anthony Woodhouse and John Hooten on the N. and said creek on the S. 14 DANIEL LEEDS' SURVEYS. 1681 May 10. Do. Do. for Robert Murfin, of 100 a., S. W. Cross wick Cr., adjoining John Murfin. 15 1681 May 8. Do. Do. for John Starkey, of 100 a. in a triangle, at the mouth of a branch of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John Pancas. 15 ' 1681 May 16. Do. Do. for Richard Fenimore, of 95 a., S. Ranco- kus Cr., E. a road from said creek to the great meadow, N. Lawrence Morris, W. Henry Ballenger; also of 5 a. in the great meadow. "Re leased to Joshua Humphreys see Liber B. B. B. folio 40." 15 1681 May 19. Do. Do. for Lawrence Morris, of 50 a., E. the road from Rancokus Cr. to the great meadow, W. and N. Henry Ballenger, S. Richard Fenimore. "This prcell transmitted to John Cripps as see Bo'ok B, p. 29." 15 1681 May 20. Do. Do. for Walter Humphreys, of 200 a,, E. the road from Rancokus Cr. to the great meadow and Lawrence Morris. 16 1681 April 18. Do. Do. for John Cripps, of 300 a., S. Rancokus Cr., the line running on a S. S. W. course "through a swamp, wherein growes store of HoUey and within said Tract is a mountaine to which the Province East, South and West and North send a beautifull aspect named by the owner thereof Mount HoUey." 16 . 1681 June 11. Do. Do. for John Antram, of 100 a. in the town field, S. E. Tho. Gardner. 16 1681 June 15. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. upon the "fforke of. Rankokus Cr.," N. the Northbranch of said creek. 16 1681 Aug. 15. Do. Do. for John Cripps, of 100 a. on Dellaware R. against Sepassings Island, called Laboure Point, E. a creek. 17 1681 Aug. 15. Do. Do. for Henry Jacobs, of 200 a. on the South- side of and along Rankokus Cr. at the mouth of a small branch. 17 i68"l-2 March 3. Do. Do. for Samuel Jenings, of 50 a., betw. his own land, Elias ffarre and the line betw. the two Tenths. 17 1681 April 30. Do. Do. for Mathew Allen, of 200 a. along the town line. 17 1681-2 March 2. Do. Do. for Walter Humphrey, of 200 a. on Ran kokus alias Northampton River, adjoining Wm. Woolman and Bernard Devonish. 18 1681-2 Feb. I. Do. Do. for John Shinn, of 100 a. on the brook of 35O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Assiscunck, adjoining his own land and Thomas Budd. 18 1681-2 March 4. Do. Do. for Elias ffarre, of 160 a. on Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Saml Oldale on the S. side of the creek and Godfrey Han cock on the N. side, along the path to Burlington: "This is included in a resurvey of 500 Acres Recorded in Page 81." 18 1681-2 March 3. Do. Do. for Samuel Jenings, of 50 a. along the town bounds, adjoining John Cripps. 19 1681 March 30. Do. Do. for the same, in exchange with Thomas Budd, of 450 a., along the town bounds, the " old head " line of Ranko kus lots and the partition line betw. the two Tenths. 19 1681 Dec. 21. Do. Do. for Daniel Wills, of 500 a. on Rankokus alias Northampton R., betw. John Boarton, John Paine and a small creek. 19 1681 Dec. 22. Do. Do. for Daniel Wills junior and George Elking- ton,.of 300 a., 100 for Elkington, the other 200 for Wills, on Mill Creek, adjoining D. Wills senior and John Boarton. 19 1681 Dec. 21. Do. Do. for John Paine for the use of Thomas Greene, of 200 a. on Northampton alias Rankokus R., betw. Daniel Wills and Thomas Harden. 20 1681-2 Jan. 7. Do. Do. for John Chaffing, of 100 acres, bounded S. by the Mill Creek, adjoining Robert Powell. Marginal Note: "This Survey belongs to Hannah Scott." 20 1681-2 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for Isaac Merriott, of 175 a. on Delia- ware R. betw. Wm. Peachee and the Rankokus R. 20 1681-2 Feb. 21. Do. Do. for Samuel Borden, of 200 a. at Hatt's Plantation on the N. W. side of the road from Burlington to Shrowsburry. Marginal Note: "This granted to James Antram by vertue of a deed see Recorded in foi. (425, 426) Libr. B." 20 1681-2 Feb. 23. Do. Do. for Thomas Barton, of 100 a., bounded S. W. by the brook of Assiscunck, betw. John Pancost and Samuel Willis. 20 1681-2 March 1. Do. Do. for John Wills and Thomas Kendall, of 5g3 a., of which 247 are for said Kendall and the rest for Will's, the whole " abutting on the S. side Rancokus alias Northampton R.," adjoining Henry Jacobs. 21 1681-2 Jan. 7. Do. Do. for Robert Powell, of 150 a. on theN. side of Mill Creek, along the town bounds, between Benjamin Scott and John Chaffin. 21 1681-2 Jan. 6. Do. Do. for Walter Clarke and Arthur Cooke, of 1,000 a. between the "old head line" of Rancokus lots, Samuel Jenings and Thomas Gardner. 21 1681-2 Jan. 12. Do. Do. for Thomas Eves, of 100 a. on Rancokus R., betw. John Roberts, the Mill Creek and Thomas Ollive. 21 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 35 I Page 1681-2 Jan. 15. Do. Do. for Samuel Willis, of 150 a., S. E. Thomas Barton. Marginal Note: " This Land sold to Geo. Guest as pr deed ¦< . Arid by Geo. Guest to Tho: Revell as pr deed ." 22 1681 Jan. 16. Do. Do. for William Peachee, of 212 a. on Della ware R., E. Benj. Scott. 22 1681-2 Jan. 17. Do. Do. for Mary Perkins (same as Widow Per kins, p. 7), of 500 a., E. Arthur Cooke and Walter Clarke, S. Ran cokus R., adjoining Richard Fennimore, Lawrence Morris and John Cripps. 22 1681-2 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for John Crips, of 50 a. on the S. W. side of a brook emptying into Dellaware R. at the lower end of Sepassinks Island. (Sold to Henry Stacy, see B, p. 20.) 23 1681 Dec. 20. Do. Do. for Benjamin Scott and William Biddle, of 635 a. of which 135 are for Biddle, 500 for Scoit, the whole on Dellaware R. between Wm. Hewlin and Wm. Peachee. 23 1681-2 Feb. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas Budd, in exchange with Samuel Jenings (supra p. 19), of 500 a. on Assiscunck Cr., at Mattacopeny next to John Butcher and crossing to the Eastside of said creek it stretches to the mouth of a small run and John Shin's land. 23 1681 Dec. 17. Do. Do. for William Biddle,, of 278 a., an island in Dellaware R., called Sepasswick Island: 24 1681-2 March 22. Do. Do. for the same of 322 a., of which 100 are for his townlot at Spring Hill, N. a brook at the foot of the hill. 23 1681-2 Jan. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. on Dellaware R. , over against Sepassinck Island, at the mouth of a small creek bounding the land of Wm. Beard. 23 Do. Do. for Richard Fenimore, of 30 a. in the townfield on account of his house, betw. Samuel Lovett and Francis Bessiack. 23 1681-2 March 10. Do. Do. for Marke Newbie, William Bate, George Goldsmith, Thomas Thackerey, Robert Zane and Thomas Sharp, of 1,600 a. between two branches of a creek, at Arwawmosse, bounded by Wm. Cooper's Cr. . 25 1681-2 March 9. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a., two-thirds there of meadow on the Delaware, near John Ashton's house. 25 1682 April 25. Do. Do. for Thomas Ollive, of 500 a. between Thomas Eves, the mill on Mill Creek and the Rankokus R. (See infra, p. 28.) 25 and 28 1682 April 5. Do. Do. for John Pancost, of 162 a. at mouth of - the Eastbranch-of the Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Thomas Barton. 26 1682 April 28. Do. Do. for Robert and John Murfin, of 343 a., N. Crosswicks Cr., at the mouth of and along a small run. 26 and 29 1682 April 29. Do. Do. for Richard Mew, of 114 a. near Han- 352 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page nah Kimball's, between Wm. Cooper, Jonathan Eldridge, Bernard Devon- ish and Benj; Scott. 26 and 29 1682 AprU 29. Do. Do. for John Chaffin, of 35 a. in the townfield, E. Mathew Allen and Hannah Kimball, W. the town bounds, adjoining James Wills. . 26 and 29 1681 June 16. Do. Do. for James Pharoe (by Wm. Emley), of 4 a. adjoining his meadow, N. a swamp and beyond it Thomas Wood. Mar ginal Note: " The land mentioned of Tho. Wood was sold by him to Geo. HuLcheson. " 27 1682 Aug. 4. Do. Do. for Jonas Keene, of 100 a. (purchased of Samuel Jenings) on Dellaware R., N. E. a small creek, including five acres of meadow. 27 1682 Aug. 4. Do. Do. for Hance Monsiur, Jonas Keene and Fred erick Frederickson, of 500 a., bo't of Thomas Budd and Thomas Gardner on public account, 475 a. thereof along the river, adjoining Jonas Keene, 25 a. of meadow next to Thomas Fairman. 27 1682 Aug. 24. Do. Do. for Frederick Frederickson and John Hance, of 200 a,, bo't of Anna Salter, adjoining Hance Monsiur next to the river. 27 1682 Aug. 1. Do. Do. for Samuel Jenings, of 36 a., " part whereof bo't of Walter Newbury, adjoining his own, between Arthur Cooke and Wm. Evans." 28 1682 July — . Do. Do. for Thomas Ollive, of 136 a. adjoining his own, between Thomas Eves, the Rankokus R. and the Mill Cr. 28 1682 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas Revel], of 30 a. iri the townfield for his house, at Lazy Point along the creek. Marginal. Note : " This Survey voyd & 30 Acres surveyed to him instead thereof in p. 45." 28 1682 Sept. 5. Do. Do. for John Pancras, of 162 a. on Assiscunck Cr. and a branch thereof, adjoining Tho. Barton. 2g 1682 Sept. 2g. Do. Do. for James Wills, of 46 a. in the townfield on Mill Cr. along the town bounds, between Mathew Allen and Robt Powell. ,0 1682 Sept. 25. Do. Do. for John Hooton of 280 a., adjoining his 100 a. lot, along the South side of Robt Murfin's Creek. 30 1682 Sept. — . Do. Do. for William Black, of 217 a., whereof 42 are on Saml Taylor's account, 100 a. on Thomas Farnsworth's and 75 a. on his own account, the whole on Robert Murfin's Cr. 30 1682 April 27. Do. Do. for Thomas Farnsworth, of 140 a. on Crosswicks Cr. at the mouth of a small run, adjoining his 100 a lot. 31 1682 April 26. Do. Do. for John Boarton, of 200 a. at the head of a small creek of Rancokus, which bounds the land of Henry Jacobs. 31 1682 April 26. Do. Do. for the same, of 25 a. for his town lot, N. REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 353 Page W. Henry Jacobs. ,! 1682 May 30. Do. Do. for John Butcher, of 500 u. on the South - side of the Northbranch of Assiscunck Cr., along the Southbranch- and Thomas Budd's. ^! 1682 May 14. Do. Do. for Thomas ffairman, of 200 a. on Della ware R., S. Simsissinck Cr. 32 1682 June 12. Do. Do. 'for William Cooper, of 300 a. at Pyne Point, along a creek, bounding Samuel Cole's land. • 32 1682 July 26. Do. Do. for Abraham Hulin, of 81 a. at the mouth of Rancokus R. , adjoining Wm. Hulin. 32 1682 July 26. Do. Do. for William Hulin, of 76 a. on Dellaware. R., adjoining his own land and Wm. Biddle. " Sold to Anna Salter as in page (85) of booke (B)." 32 1682 July 26. Do. Do. for the same, of 5 a. of meadow on the point at the mouth of Rancokus R., adjoining Abraham Hulin. "Sold as above." 32 1682 July 26. Do. Do. for Isaac Marriot, of io a. on the point at the mouth of Rancokus R, adjoining Wm. Hulin. 33 1682 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas Allen, of 30 a. in the towntield for his house, at the mouth of Assiscunck Cr. betw. George Bartholmew and Thomas Revell. 33 1682 Sept. 20. Do. Do. for Edward Evarett for the use of William Royden, of 500 a. on Dellaware R., opposite to Philadelphia, along Wm. Cooper's Creek betw. Wm. Cooper and Richard Arnold. 33 1682 Oct. 13. Do. Do. for Robert Dunsdale of 500 a., S. Rancokus alias Northampton R., E. William Evans, N. Thomas Ollive's millbrook, W. Thomas French. 33 1682 Oct. 13. Do. Do. for William Evans, of 323 a, on Rancokus R., E. Thomas Harden, W. Robert Dunsdale, N. the millbrook. 33 ' 1682 Sept. 21. Do. Do. for Robert Scholey, of 205 a. on Delia- ware R., adjoining his dwelling house, N. John Rogers, E. Crosswicks Cr. (Resurvey of the land supra, p. 11.) 34 1682 Sept. 22. Do. Do. for John Shin of 120 a. at Springfield, be tween John Butcher, Eleazer Fenton and the -Westbranch of Assiscunck Cr. 34 1682 Oct. 30. Do. Do. for John Days, of 100 a. at Springfield on the Northside of the Westbranch of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John Shin and Eleazer Fenton, including a meadowlot on the Southside next to John Butcher. 34 1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for John Roberts, of 267 a. at the Indian town of Pemisoakin between two branches of Cimsissinck Cr. 35 1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for Timothy Hancock, of 100 a. at Pemi- 29 354 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page soakin, adjoining John Roberts. 35 1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for William Hancock, of 100 u. at Pemi- soakin betw. two branches of Simsissinck Cr. next to Timothy Han cock. 35 1682 Nov. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas Hooton> of 500. a. on Ranco kus R., at the mouth of a small run, over against Thomas Ollive's, ad joining Nowell Mew. 35 1682 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for John Skeen, of 300 a. in the Second Tenth. along tbe division line adjoining Samuel Jenings and Rancokus great meadow. - 36 1682 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for Samuel Jenkins, of 100 a. on the South- side of Crosswicks Cr. over against Wm. Lasswell. Marginal Note: "This_Land forfeited and is now by order of Court ffebr. 20th 1685 taken up & seated by John Browne & Thomas Robinson." 36 1682 Nov. 30. Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 200 a. at Springfield, adjoining his dwelling house, S. Assiscunck Cr., between Eleazer Fenton and Francis Beswick. 36 1682 Dec. 16. Do. Do. for Robert Young, of 50 a. at Springfield, N. Daniel Leeds, adjoining Francis Beswick and including 2 a. of mead ow, W. Samuel Jenings. 36 1682 Sept. 11. Do. Do. for Henry Stacy, of 500 a. on Dellaware R. over against Sepassincks Island at the mouth of and along a creek, be tween Wm. Biddle and John Cripps. 37 1683 March — . Do. Do. for the same, of 4go a. at Arwawmosse alias Newton, on the Southside of a creek, bounding the land of George Goldsmith and Robert Zane. 37 1683 March — . Do. Do. for Richard Mathews, of 500 a. at New ton, betw. Henry Stacy, Francis Collins and Wm. Cooper's Creek. 38 1682 Oct. 28. Do. Do. for Henry Stacy, of 37J a. in Burlington town bounds, W. John Antram on the Westside of the brook near the tannery, N. John Woolston. 38 1683 April 3. Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. on Rancokus R. at the Indian town of Alumhatta, adjoining John Woolston and Thomas Ollive. 38 1683 April 4. Do. Do. for Richard Mathewes, of 500 a., S. Ranco kus R., E. Henry Stacy. 3g 1683 March 27. Do. Do. for John White, of 28 a. in the Third Tenth, on the river opposite to Philadelphia, N. William Cooper, S, S. E. William Roydon. 39 1682 Oct. 23. Do. Do. for Francis Collins, of 500 a., between Henry Stacy, Richard Mathewes and Wm. Cooper's Cr. 39 1682 Oct. 25. Do. Do. for the same, of 450 a. along a brook ad- REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 355 Page joining the preceding and Henry Stacy. 39 1683 Sept. — . Do.- Do. for Francis Collins and Henry Stacy, of 60 a. of meadow and upland, Whereof 10 a. of meadow are for said Stacy, the rest for Collins, the whole at the head of a branch of Timber Cr. 40 1681 Sept. 4. Do. Do. for William Lee, of 40 a. on the river at the head of Matinicunk Island, at the moulh of a small creek. 40 1682- April 17. Do. Do. for John Browne, of 100 a. at the head of the Eastbranch of Assiscunck. (See infra, p. 79). 40 1683 June 29. Do. Do. for Samuel Barker, of 500 a., as his first ¦ settlement, S. a branch of Assiscunck, E. the path to the Indian town of Honehonickon. 40 1683 June 29. Do. Do. for the same, as his second settlement, of 480 a., East of the Honehonickon path. Both tracts "now called Provi dence." 41 16S3 Oct. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas Wright, of 500 a. along Assis cunck Cr., adjoining the town bounds, Wm. Brightwen, John Long, Thomas Budd and Samuel Oldale. 41 1682-3 March I. Do. Do. for Mark Newbie, of 350 a., S. Thomas Thackerey and Newton North Creek, adjoining Joseph Sligh. 42 1683 gth d. 5th mo. (July). Do. Do. for Nathaniel West, of 100 a. on the main river (Delaware) above Matinicunck Island, North from the mouth of a small creek. 42 1683 Oc'- 2m -Do. Do. for Bernard Devonish, of 400 a. on Ranco kus R., at the mouth of a small run, adjoining Walter Humpherey and John Stoakes. 42 1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Samuel Andrews, of 525 a. in the First Tenth, on the Northside of the brook below Spring Hill, adjoining John Snowden. 43 1683 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for John Wood, of 300 a. at the lower side of the mouth of Redbanck alias Woodbury Creek, along the river (Delaware) (Gloucester Co.) 43 1682 Nov. 30. Do. Do." for John Woolston junior, of 300 a., begin ning at an Indian town on Rancokus R., at the mouth of a brook, includ ing 8 a. of meadow on the line between the First and Second Tenths. 43 1683 Sept. — . Do. Do. for John Antram, of 150 a. on the East branch of Assiscunck Cr., betw. John Pancost, Thomas Barton, Samuel Willis and Michael Newbold. 44 1683 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Robert Turner, of 400 a. in ; the Third Tenth/N. E. Wm. Cooper's Creek, W. S. W. Robert Zane and "Thomas Thackerey, N. W. Marke Newbie, N. Joseph Sleigh. Marginal , Note: "This Land is Surveyed and Recorded with 500 Acres more being in one entyre Survey as Recorded in Page (51)." 44 356 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1682 Sept. 21. Do. Do. for Percifall Towle, of 500 a., S. Michael Newbold, including 25 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant, W. John Wool ston, N. and E. Thomas ffolke, S. Mount Pleasant. 44 1684 6th mth (August). Do. Do. for Thomas Revell, of 130 a., 100 bo't of Anna Salter and 30 a. on account of his house in Burlington, the whole on the Southside of the creek emptying into Dellaware R. at Sepas- sincks Island. 45 1683 30th 5th mo. (July). Do. Do. for Joseph Blowers, of 150 a., adjoining John Cripps and Henry Stacy. 45 1684 gth month (Nov. ). Do. Do. for Ebenezer Langford, for two settlements, of 1,000 a. on Rancokus R., adjoining Thomas Hooton. 45 1684. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Richard Russell, for 300 a. at Steele Bay, on Dellaware R., adjoining John Ithell and including 8 a. of meadow on the Southwest side of Pemisoakin Cr. in two pieces, i. c. 7 a. below the "rforke" and I a. above it. 46 1682 13th 3dm. (May). Do. Do. for Samuel Jenings, of 500 a. on Dellaware R., N. Simscissinck Creek. 46 T6S3 Nov. 8. Do. Do. for John Underbill, of 500 a. by the brook below Spring Hill, betw. Samuel Borden and Samuel Andrews. 46 1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Hananiah Gaunt, of 500 a. near Honeonickon, adjoining George Hutcheson. 47 1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. for Thomas Gardner senior, of 204 a. of upland and meadow, the upland joining the townbounds on the North, W. and S. Bernard Devonish, S. S. E. Arthur Cooke; the 8 a. of meadow adjoining Henry Grubb. 47 Do. Do. for Thomas Gardner junior, of 22g a., i. e. 213 a. of upland on Rancokus R. between Anthony Elton and Thomas Stoa'kes along the Mill Creek and 16 a. of meadow; of which 9 lie opposite to An thony Elton's house and 7 near Bernard Devonish's. 48 1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Christopher Weatherill, of 37J a. in the town bounds, on the creek on the Westside of London Bridge, adjoining John Hollinshead, Thomas Budd, Henry Stacy and Wm. Myers. 48 1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for John Calowe, of 210 a. be tween John Curtice and Samuel Andrews. 48 1684 ist mo. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Wood, of 300 a. on the Southside of Crosswicks alias Leeds River, adjoining Robert Wilson. 49 1684 4th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Marcus Lawrence, of 200 ,a. on Dellaware R., N. E. a small creek, S. W. Gasper ffish, including the meadow at the head of said creek. 49 1683 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for William Atkison, of 50 a., E. John Daye, along Assiscunck Cr., incl. 2 a. Of meadow, W. Robert Young, N. REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 357 Page Francis Beswick. 49 1684 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Thomas Hester, of 200 a. on the Southside of Long Harryes Creek, over against John Test. 50 Do. Do. for Thomas Sharp, of 187^ a. between the fork of Newton Creek and a run opposite to the dwelling house of William Alber- son, along the fforke Creek. 50 1685 6lh m. (August). Do. Do. to Martin Holt for the use of John Clarke, of 500 a , N. W. Andrew Robinson, along Mantoes and Deepford Creeks. 50 1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. to the same as above, of 500 a. on Mantoes Cr. and a small branch of Deepford Cr. 50 Do. Do. for Robert Turner, of 500 a. at the head of New ton Creek, along Cooper's Cr. and adjoining Robert Zane, incl. 25 a. of meadow opposite to Wiga Coe< 51 Do. Do. for the same, of 750 a. on Newton Cr., between the preceding and William Bates, along a branch of Arwawmos Cr., ad joining Thomas Carleton and Henry Stacy. 51 Do. Do. for the same, of 900 a. on Dellaware R. along Newton meadows, between Marke Newbie and Richard Arnold. 51 Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. along a branch of Timber Creek, which branch is the Southern boundary of the Town of Arwawmos, and the Beaver branch, adjoining John Hugg. 52 1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. to William Cooper for the use of Samuel Norris, of 1,150 a. on Dellaware R., S. of John Ashton's house, E. a small creek and Robert Turner, adjoining Wm. Roydon, Wm. Cooper and Samuel Cole, along Cooper's Cr. 52 1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. for William Cooper, of 429 a. on Coopers Creek, next below Francis Collins' upper settlement. 53 . : — Do. Do. for Thomas Carleton, of 250 a. in the Third Tenth, at the mouth of Pee ter' s Creek, "which goes out of Newton Cr.," adjoining Wm. Bates, Robert Turner, William Alberson and Tho. Den nis.' Creek. 53 1685 2(1 month (April). Do. Do. for William Bates, of 250 a., N. Newton Creek, near Robert Zaire's house. 53 Do. Do. for Robert Turner, of 500 a. in the Third Tenth on Cooper's Creek between Henry Wood and John Ithell. "Since sold to Thomas Chaunders & by ye said Chaunders called Sales Greene." 54 Do. Do. for Walter Pumphary, of 260 a., on Birch Creek, S. Samuel Barker, adjoining John Antram, William Stayner and Thomas Budd. " Sold to Edw. Tonkan & John Waren." 54 Do. Do. for John Hogg, of 500 a. in the Third Tenth, along the swamp of Timber Creek and Timber Creek branch, the branch being 358 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the South bounds of Arwawmos, N. E. Robert Turner. 55 1683 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. for Joshua Wright, of 285 a. in the First Tenth, on Crosswicks alias Leeds River, at the head of a small run next to the land of Francis Davenport. 55 1683-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. far Thomas Lambert, of 400 a. in the First Tenth, on Doctor's Creek, along a run and the line of the Indian purchase. 55 1683 10th m. (Dec.) Do. Do. for Joseph Stones, of 320 a. in the First Tenth, on the Northside of Crosswicks R. and on Doctor's Creek, adjoining George Hutcheson. 56 1683-4 12 th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Anthony Woodhouse, of 130 a. • and 3 a. of meadow, in the First Tenth, N. W. Wm. Black, along the brook there, 5 a. of meadow adjoining Duke Horsman's meadow. 56 1683-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Isaac Marriott, of 160 a. in the Second Tenth, adjoining his new settlement and Richard Fenimore, on Rancokus R. 5° 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony Nealson, of 100 a. on Dellaware R., on the S. W. side of Great Mantoes Creek, along a small creek. 56 1684 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. for John Newman, of 200 a. near the swamp next to John Butcher's land. " Sold to Isaac Horner." 57 1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for John Snowden, of 112 a., adjoin ing his 100 a. lot, "whereon he now dwells," N. John Hooton. 57 . Do. Do. for John Woolston senior, of 500.11. between Thomas Barton on the Birch creek and Thomas Revel], touching the East- side of the road to Shrewsbury near the bridge, inch 38 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant betw. John Browne and Percifall Towle. 57 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Casper ffish, of 120 a. on' Delia- ware R. next below Marcus Lawrence, adjoining John Ithell. 58 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Hance Hopman, of 200 a. on Ratt- koone Creek. 58 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Monns Houlton, of 100 a. on Ratt- koone Creek, next to preceding. 58 1685 2dm. (April). Do. Do. for Henry ffranklin, of 300 a. at the mouth of a run in Oldman's Creek. 58 1685 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Peter Dalboe, of 100 a. at the head of Little M autoes-Creek. 59 1683 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Thackerey, of .250 a. on Newton Creek, adjoining Robert Zane and along the line of the first gen eral survey to the head of fforked Creek. 59 1684 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for Samuel Lovett, of 76 a. on the Northside of the brook by his house, adjoining Thomas Gardner. 59 REVELS BOOK OF SURVEYS. •» 350 Page 1683 Oct. 2. Do. Do. for John Stokes, of 162 a. on Rancokus R, between Bernard Devonish and Thomas Gardner, incl. 12J a. on the point of the river forks. 60 1684 2d m. (April). Do: Do. for John Bainbridge, of 200 a. N. W. of William Black, incl. 4 a. of meadow N. E. of George Goeforth. 60 1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for William Hulines, of 120 a. on Dellaware R., joining Iris own, along the river to Anthony Morris, E. WiUiam Biddle. "Sold to Anna Salter as per Page (85) of book B." 60 1684 "3d m. (May;. Do. Do. for John Curtis, of 347 a. near Mount Pleasant, now called Ogston, adjoining Percifall Towle. " See this sur veyed with 20 Acres more in one Survey in Page (113)." 61 1684 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for MarmadukeHorsman, of 50 a. .on the creek above Anthony Woodhouse's land and a run, emptying into said- creek. " Sold to Sam" Taylor." 61 1684 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for Godfrey Hancock, of 200 a. at the head of the branches of Birch Creek and at the foot of a mount. " Sold to William Sallaway." 61 1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. for Thomas Curtis, of 150 a on the South branch of Birch Creek, adjoining Peter Harvey. 61 1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. for Samuel Andrewes, of ,100 a. be tween John Calowe, William Ellis and John Curtis. 62 1685 9th rri. (Nov.) Do. Do. for William Hunt, of 200 a. along the line of partition between the First and Second Tenths, adjoining Wm. Biidd and including 4 a. of meadow next below John Shin. 62 1681 Sept. 3. Do. Do. for Michael Newbold, of 400 a. in. the First Tenth on the Southside of a branch of Assiscunck Creek, adjoining John Starkey on the Northside. 62 1682 13th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Samuel Cole, of 500 a. on the main river (Delaware?), bounded by a creek running by Wm. Coop er's laud, adjoining Henry Wood. 63 1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 400 a. on the South branch of Pemisoakin Creek, adjoining Jeremiah Richards. 63 1685 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 350 a. adjoining Richard Heritage. 63 1683 Nov. — . Do. Do. for Richard Lawrance, of 150 a. in the Fourth Tenth, on the Northside of Long Harries or Redbanck Creek. 63 1685 ist ni. (March). Do. Do. for John Furnis, of 250 a. in the Second Tenth, S. Northampton R. near Rainbowe Island, incl. 6 a. of ': meadow surveyed for ffreedome Lippincoat. 64 1685 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Robert Young, of 150 a. in the First Tenth on the Southside of a branch of Birch Creek, N. W. Michael Buffm. "Since conveyed to Daniel Leeds." 64 360 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John Paine, of 300 a., incl. 200 a. formerly recorded (supra p. 20) for theuse of Tho. Greene, on a branch of Northampton R., bounded by Daniel Wills, Benjamin Scott, the Mill Creek, William Evans and Thomas Harden, incl. 5 a. of meadow betw. Enoch Core and Daniel Wills, on the Northside of the South branch of Rancokus R. 64 1686 Nov. - — . Do. Do. for John Bainbridge, of 46 a., W. George Goeforth, along the creek. 65 1685 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Andrew Robinson, of 1,000 a. on the S. W. side of Great Mantoes Creek. 65 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. to John Ithell for WiUiam Steele, of 500 a. "at a place now to be called Steele's Branch, iu the Third Tenth, on Timber Creek alias Gloster River." 65 Do. Do. for William Evans, of 7 -a., according to warrant directed to Daniel Leeds dated 1684 by Symon Charles, of which 1 a. lies above Henry Jacobs Creek and 6 a. on the Northside of the South branch of Northampton R., next above Enoch Core. 65 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Richard ffenimore, of ioo a. at the mouth of NorthamjDton R. next to Isaac Marriott, along the main river N. to Abraham Hulin's, N. Isaac Marriott, E. William and Abraham Hulin, S. Northampton R. 66 Do. Do. for Daniel Wills senior and junior, of 20 a. of meadow in the 2d Tenth next above the fork of Northampton R., on the Northside of the South branch thereof, adjoining John Payne, "All makeing up the Complement of Seaven Hundred Acres Recorded in page Igth, 500 to Daniel senior & 300 a. to Daniel junior and George Elking- ton." 66 1685 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for George Porter, of 140 a. in the First Tenth on the Northside of the creek, that meets the river at Sepas- sincks Ile, adjoining Henry Stacy. 66 Do. Do. for Jaines Antram, of 250 a. in the First Tenth, E. Percifall Towle, adjoining Thomas Barton, Thomas Scattergood and Na thaniel Richards, incl. 11 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant next to John Curtis. 67 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Eliakim Higgins, of 140 a. in the First Tenth, adjoining Michael Newbold. 67 1685 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for William Ellis, of 525 a. in the First Tenth, between John Curtis and Percifall Towle. 67 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas Howell, of 650 a. in the Third Tenth, on Cooper's Creek, adjoining Francis Collins. 68 1684 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Budd, of 216 a. in the town bounds, on Dellaware R. .against Mattinicunck Island, adjoining Richard Guy. 68 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 36 1 Page 1683 g ber — . Do. Do. for Henry Tradway and William Warner of 300a. at Redbanck alias Bachelours Banck, on Dellaware R., from the mouth of Long Harries Creek to Richard Lawrence's. 68 1689 4'h m. (June). Do. Do. for William Ellis, of 460 a. containing 160 a. adjoining to his land at Oneanickon, the whole between John Christopher Butcher, Weatherill, Michael Newbold, Eliakim Higgins, Na- thanielDuggles and John Calowe. Surveyed by Symon Charles. "This Tract is sold to Richd ffrench by Deed Recorded in Page 355 of book B." ' 68 Andrew Robinson Surveyr General] Symon Charles Depty Surveyr- 1685-6 13th 12th m. (Feb.).' Return of survey, for James Silver of 100 acres in the Second Tenth, on Mill Creek, adjoining Arthur Cooke and Thomas Gardner. 69 1687 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for ffreedome Lippincott, of 288 8-9 a. near Pemsokin Creek. 69 , 1687 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Mahlon Stacy, of 1,000 a. on a creek running into Sun Pinck River, bounded by the little run called Shabbaconcke and "a great and hideous swamp." 69 1684 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Andrew Smith, of 200 a., adjoin ing William Wood, per Daniel Leeds. Also of 50 a. adjoining the first, "formerly surveyed by S. Charles, since by Jn° Meredith." 70 1684 . Do. Do. for John Hance and Frederick King, of 100 a. on the N. E. side of Pemsoakin Cr. "This Tract of Land Sold to Peter Long as pr Deed recorded in page 210, book B. " 70 1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Wright, by Daniel Leeds of 500 a. along the line of the Indian purchase. 70 1683 nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. for John Haynes, by Daniel Leeds, of 200 a. along the Southside of the South branch of Northampton R. , ad joining Benjamin Moore. 70 1683 nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Benjamin Moore, of 100 a. on the South branch of Northampton R. between John Haynes and a small creek. 71 1685 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for John Shinn junior, of 200 a., N. Godfrey Hancock junior. 71 Do. Do. Do. for Jonathan ffox, of 320 a. on the North- side of Pemisoakin Cr., adjoining Thomas Wallis. 71 1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. ' Do. for John Cripps, of 30 a. ad joining his 100 a. lot at Labour Point, along a run and a creek. 71 1684 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. Do. for Henry Ballenger, of 262 a. at the Vale of Easham, adjoining William Hulin. 72 1684 IO'h m- (Dec.). Do. Do, Do. for William Hulin, of 240 a. 30 362 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page at the Vale of Easham, S. E. the preceding. 72 1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for William Biddle, of 500 a. along a brook next to Wm. Wood's. 72 Do. Do. Do. for Robert Hudson, of 210 a. on Northamp ton R. between Wm. Evans and Thomas ffrench. 72 Do. Do. Do. for William Budd, of 500 a. on Northamp ton R., W. Jno Woolston junior, along the partition line betw. the First and Second Tenths and the line of the Indian purchase, incl. 25 a. of meadow next to Tho. Ollive. 73 1687 7th m. (Sept.) Do. Do. Do. for Christopher Weatherill, of 150 a. between Michael Newbold and George Hutcheson: " This Tract is 180 acres being resurveyed & recorded page 134." 73 1687 7th m. (Sept.) Do. Do. Do. for Thomas Hooton, of 50 a. in the town. bounds, adjoining Percivall Towle. 73 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for John and Samuel Dennis, of 250 a. on Dellaware R. betw. Jno Ithell and Edw. Ev'arett. 73 1685-6 10th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by S. Charles, for Anthony Woodhouse, of 12 a. "in the First Tenth in lieu of his town bounds, i. e. 2 a. of meadow, W. of his own, and 10 a. of upland also W. of his. 74 1685-6 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for Percivall Towle, of 1335 a. in the town bounds between Bernard Devonish, Daniel Wills and the Widow Scott. — 74 1681 May — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Murfin, of 100 a., S. Crosswicks Cr., along a small brook and adjoining Robert Murfin. 74 Do. Do. Do. for David Lillies, of 100 a. on the Northside of the North branch of Pemisoakin Cr., adjoining Jonathan ffox. 75 1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas Bartin, of 75 a. along James Antram and a brook between John Antram, John Woolston and Thomas Revell; incl. 3 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant next to John Curtis. 75 1686 ist m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for James Saterthwaite, of 150 a., adjoining Joseph Adams. 75 1685 ist m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Robert Engle, of 100 a. along near a branch of Northampton R. adjoining Wm. Hasker's. 75 1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for James Budd, of 500 a. on Rancokus or Northampton R.. adjoining Richard Mathewes, incl. 12 a. of meadow next to Wm. Budd. 76 1683 . Do. Do. for Mahlon Stacy, Joshua Wright, Jno Lam bert, Thomas Lambert and William Emley, of 2,000 a. above the mouth- of Assunpinck Creek, between Peter ffretwell and George Hutcheson", along said creek and on Dellaware R. 76 revel's book of surveys. 363 Page 1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Thomas ffolke, >f 320 a. along Crosswicks alias Leeds R. near the bridge, adjoining John Bunting, incl. 16 a. of meadow in two places, i. e. 10 a. between Francis Davenport and John Thake, and 6 a. S. E. of John Thake. 77 1685 9th m. (Nov.) Do. Do. Do. for John Tomlinson, of 181 a: it Oneanickon (now called Carmell), adjoining George Hutcheson. 77 1684 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. Do. for John Clarke and Jno Rud- lerowe, of 650 a. between the North and South branches of Pemisoakin Cr., adjoining Wm. Clarke. 77 1684 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. Do. for James Saunderland, of 200 a. on Dellaware R. over against Tinicum Island. 77 t 1685 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for John Sharp and Stephen Day, of 267 a., near a swamp. "This survey is sold to ffreedom Lippin cott." 78 1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for John Woolman, of 4 a. of marrish" opposite to Enoch Core's house on the Southside of Northamp ton R. 78 1684 ad m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel Bacon, of 350 a. on the Southside of the brook below his house, between John Hooton, a Southerly branch of said brook and Wm. Black." " This survey is includ ed in his whole Tract of 800 Acres as see page 120." 78 1681 8 ber 18th. Do. Do. for John Wood, of 100 a. on the North- side of and along Crosswicks Creek, adjoining Robert Murfin. "This sd Tract being on a Point, therefore Roome for but one Settlement. This by Will given to his daughter Mary (ye wife of Tho: Colman) and by them sold to Robt Murfin as pr Deed Recorded." 79 1687 Oct. — . Do. Do. for Thomas Bowman, of 200 a. at a point of ¦land next to Walker's Point on Assiscunck Cr., along said creek to Lessa Point house, now called Wingerworth Point. "Now belonging to Edw. Hunloke." 79 1686 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. for John Browne, of 210 a. adjoining his 100 a. lot (supra, p. 40), which is included in this survey; the whole on a, branch of Assiscunck Cr. betw. John Shinn and Michael Newbold. 79 1686 3d m. (May). Do. Dp. for Thomas Revell, of 9 a. in the great meadow near Mount Pleasant, adjoining John Curtis and Purcivall Towle. 80 Do. Do. for John Tuelie, of 100 a. on Dellaware R., below Thomas Terry, adjoining said Terry and Mordeca Bowden. "Note this Land lyeing upon a Point of ye River is the reason that it hath greater breadth at ye River then comonly allowed. Sold to Jno Parker." 80 1685 . Do. Do. for Benjamin Wheate and Benjamin Antrobus, of 500 a. near the mountains, adjoining Godfrey Hancock and William Hunt. 80 364 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Do. Do. for Elias ffarr, of 500 a. (an Exact resurvey of his 500 Acres togeather with allowance for Highwayes by Symon Charles & Daniel Leeds), between Samuel Oldale, Edmond Stuart, crossing Birch Cr. and adjoining Godfrey Hancock. (See supra, p. 18). 81 1688 2d m. (April): Do. Do. for James Pharoe, of i8r£ a. on Wil liam Black's Creek, "pr Symon Charles." 81 1685 Nov. — . Do. Do. for Ralph Trenoweth, of 100 a. between Hananiah Gaunt and Thomas Shin. "This Sold to John Scholey as in Page 188 book B." 82 1684 Oct. — . Do. Do. for William Clarke, of 100 a. between the two branches of Pemisoakin Cr., E. John Roljerts. 82 ¦ "The bounds of ffreedome Lippincott's Land and meadow, whereof all but ye meadowe & allowance for a Highway -was formerly re corded for Tho: Ollive." Surveyed for ffreedom Lippincott 200 ' a. on Northampton R. and Mill Cr. along Thomas' Eves'; incl. 6 a. of meadow on said river next to John Furnis. . 82 j684 . Return of survey, for John Stoaks, of 150 a. on Rancokus alias Northampton R., between Bernard Devonish, Tho. Gardner and the Mill Creek. 83 1684 2d m. (April).' Do. Do. for Thomas ffrench, of 600 a. along Rancokus R. and Mill Cr., adjoining John Roberts; incl. 20 a. of meadow next below Tho: Ollive, " abutting upon the beginning of that part of the River called long reach a little Island in ye River lyeing upon the S. E. side thereof. 83 1688 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Abraham Huling, of 225 a. on the river betw. Benj. Scott, Wm. Peachee and Isaac Marriott. 83 i68g 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Anthony Elton, of 150 a. on the fork of Rancokus Cr., adjoining his own, Walter Reeves and Thomas Ollive, with allowance for highways at 5 a. to the 100. 84 i6go 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Edward Hunloke, of 145 a. in Burlington town bounds, between a gully by Dellaware R. and -Thomas Bowman. 84 1687 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Samuel Nicholas, of ig5 a. on Pemsoakin Cr., betw. Thomas Williatns, Jonathan ffox and David Lillies; also of 5 a. of meadow on said creek and a small run on the lower side of Capt. Hance's land. 84 1690-1 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Robert Pearson, of 100 a., S. S. E. his former survey, adjoining Robert Murfin. 85 1687 loth m. (Dec). Do. Do. for Nathaniel Dugglas, of 150 a. be tween Eliakim Higgins and Daniel Bacon. 85 1689 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas Dugglas, of 200 a. be tween Eliakim Higgins, William Biddle and Nathl Dugglas. 85 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 365 Page 1692 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for John Wilsford, of 200 a. at the S. E. corner of his formerly surveyed land, along Shabbaconke Creek, ad joining Joshua Eley. 8e Survey of the line dividing the 200 a. between Robert and John Murfin, beginning at Crosswicks Creek and running N. E. half a point E. and then E. to the brook, thence N. E. to the boundary line. 85 1686 8th m. and 1689 4th m. Return of survey, for William Biddle, of 500 a. at Oneanickon, between Hananiah Gaunt, John Day, Peter Har vey, Charles Read, Samuel Barker, Daniel Leeds, Jno. Browne and John Skene. * 86 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for the same, of 323 a. adjoining his plantation at Oneanickon. "This Survey belongs to ye Survey of 500 Acres joyning to Wm. Wood." 86 1689 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. near Egghar- bour Beach, on an arm of the sea and a run, bounding the land of Samuel Jenings. 87 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. to Enoch Core for Walter Humphries, of 3 a. of meadow on the Southbranch of Northampton R., adjoining John Paine. 87 l6gi 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Thomas Bowman, of 100 a. on Stony Brook, incl. one half of the water course. 87 i6go August — . Do. Do. for Richard Ridgway, of 600 a. at Stony Brook, adjoining John Houghton and along the line between E. and W. Jersey. "400 hundred of this Sold to Jno Bainbridge & recorded amongst Societies Land page 2." 87 l6go 7th m. (Sept.). Do: Do. for Henry Morley, of 95 a. between Daniel Wills and Henry Burr; also of 5 a. of meadow adjoining the "Burnt Meadow." 88 1690 14th 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Peter Long, of 100 a. at Pemsaukin, on the Northside of and along the creek, betw. Capt. Hance, Saml Nicholas the Swede, Robert Styles and John Rudderowe; also a point of land between his former settlement and Robt Styles, 5 a. 88 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Thomas Lambert, of 400 a. on the Southside of Assunpinck River. 88 1689 Ist m- (March). Do. Do: for Thomas French, of 600 a. on Pemsoking Cr. between Thomas Wallis, Jonathan Fox, Thomas Rodman and Samuel Burrows; also of 21 a. of meadow adjoining Thomas Hooton. "Note 200 Acres of this Survey is taken of And ye remaining 421 Acres stands recorded in Page (100.)" 89 l6gl 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Katharine Beard, of 100 a. at Oneanickon, adjoining George Hutcheson, Wm. Bustill, John Scholey, Isaac Leet and Robert Stacy. 8g i6gi 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Mathew Champion, of 400 a. at 366 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Oneanickon, between John Tomlinson's run and John Warren. 8g l6go 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Henry Burr, of 342 a. on the fork of Ancokus and near the "Burnt Meadow." 90 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do.' for Thomas Bryant, of 300 a. along Ancokus Cr., adjoining Robert Dimsdale. 90 1691 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Francis Davenport, of 77 a. adjoining his former settlement, along the Southside of Crosswicks Cr. , between Samuel Wright, John Bunting, George Nicholson and Thomas ffolk. 90 1686-7 25th 12th m. (Feb. ). -Do. Do. for John Smith, Francis Dav enport and Edward Booth, of 80 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the creek against the island between the two bridges; with the division be tween the three, Joseph Stones signing it as attorney for Booth. 91 -- Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Mary Davis, of 300 a. above the Falls adjoining John Richardson. 92 1684 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for Hance Monsier, of 100 a. on the Eastside of Pensaukin Cr. near a landing. • 92 1692 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, examined by Daniel Leeds, for Richard ffinimore, of 205 a. along Northampton R., be tween Abr. Huling, Tho. Ollive and Tho. French. 92 1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for John Pancost, of 150 a. along the line of the Indian purchase, adjoining Thomas Wright. 92- 1693 ist m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds for Henry Grubb, of a waterlot in Burlington, adjoining Thomas Marshall, 92 1690 . Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Joshua Humphries, of 185 acres at the fork of Ancokus adjoining James Satterthwait. 93 Do. Do. Do. for the same, of the division of 200 a. from Henry Grubb's land, formerly surveyed and recorded; i. e. beginning at a corner tree by said Grubb's land on the Northbranch of Ancokus Cr. , along said laud to Nathaniel Cripps', formerly laid out for Lawrence Morris. 93 1693 Ist in. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Richard Bass- nitt, of a waterlot on Burlington Island, W. his brickhouse, E. Henry Bircham, part of the walerlots belonging to § of a share, bo't from Isaac Marriott Oct. 3, 1685, and to 1-12 of a share, bo't from George, Goforth Oct. 15, 1686. 94 1690 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Percivall Towle, of 3J acres in Burlington, on the Westside of tbe street from Thomas Revell's house to Yorkshire Bridge, between Wm. Emley and Samuel Furnis; also a waterlol in front from Christopher Weatherill's E. 23 f. 8 in., running back to the next street. 94 1685-6 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 120 a. in REVEL'S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 367 Page townbounds, between Barnard Devonish, Daniel Wills, Henry Grubb and Hannah Scott. 94 1693 ist m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Barnard Devonish, of a lot in Burlington, adjoining John Gosling, 40 f. front and back to the next street, being a waterlot. 94 1690 5th m. (July). Do. Do. forPercivall Towle, of a waterlot in Burlington, where his house now stands, W. of the house 18 yards front, to the door of and taking in half of the bake house, in depth to the next street. 94 1681 Dec. — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Thomas Harding, of 200 acres on Rancokus R., next John Paine's; also of 50 a. at the North- end of the 200, next to Wm. Evans. 95 1693 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel Smith, of i£ a. in Burlington, incl. John Woolston's former house, adjoining Thomas Ollive, 14 perches 2 yards front on Broad St., 12 p. 3^ y. deep. 95 1692-3 12 m. (Feb.) Do. Do. Do. for Sarah ffarr, of a lot on High St., Burlington, 114 f. front, West of and next to Samuel Houghton, incl. the Meeting House, 37 poles 3 f. deep to the backstreet; also a waterlot, 29J f. front from Thomas Lambert's lot Eastward, rear on the next street. " This water Lott is thrown up & voyd & her share Surveyed elsewhere & recorded as see page 130." 95 1681 Sept. 20. Do. Do. Do. for William Roydon, of 450 acres on Dellaware R., near opposite to Wickacoe,- along Cooper's Cr. and Coop er's land, incl. the sedge island in the river, over against the land. 95 1689 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas Ollive, of 190 a., adjoining his plantation and Henry Stacy. 96 1688-9 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Robert Murfin, of 200 a., adjoining his own former survey, on a run. 96 1692 June — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Symon Charles, of 7 a. of. meadow on the Southside of the Southbranch of Northampton R. , on the Eastside of Marson's Creek. 96 Do. Do. Do. for the Meeting House, of 6 a. out of the land of John and Samuel Bunting, and of 1 acre for a burying ground out of the land of Thomas ffolk. 96 1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do.' by Symon Charles, for John Warren, of 240 acres at Oneanickon, along the line of the Indian purchase, adjoin ing George Hutcheson. 96 1688-9 nth m. (Jan-)- Do. Do. Do. for Samuel ffurnis, of 75 a. in the town bounds, next to Henry Stacy, along the creek, bounding the island, between Francis Davenport and Nath1 Cripps; also of 25 a. along .' a run and next to Francis Davenport. 97 1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for William Hixson, of 160 a. 368 , NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page adjoining his settlement at Crosswicks, between Samuel Overton on Doc tor's Cr., John Murfin, George Goforth and Thomas Gilberthorpe, making with his former farm 300 a. 97 1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for George Hutcheson, of 220, a. on Crosswicks Creek; adjoining the land once intended for Joseph Stones. "By him (Hutcheson) sold to Tho: Gilberthoysel pr deed recorded f0], 345 & 346 Libr. B." 97 1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel Houghton, of ij a. on the Island of Burlington, a corner lot over against Christopher Weath- erill's, 108^ f. front on High St., 9 ch. 17 links on the street to the Grave yard. 97 1688 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for the same, of 155 a. next to Wm. Hunt's, incl. 6J a. of meadow, N. W. Daniel Leeds, betw. Wm. Sallaway and Thomas Shinn. "Whereof 25 Acres was formerly Surveyed by Daniel Leeds & 130 Acres by Symon Charles, All being 155 Acres besides Highwayes. Examined by Daniel Leeds." 98 1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas Gardner, of 2\ a. on High St., incl. his dwelling house, next to Richard Love, 53 f. front, 36 perches 5 yards length to the next street. 98 1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. - for the same, of a lot, i^- a., on Second St., over against Richard Love, 18 perches, 7 f, along Charles Reade, 10 perches less 4 feet front. 98 1691 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Marmaduke Horsman, of 50 a. near Samuel Taylor's, adjoining George Hutcheson. 98 i6go . Do. Do. for John Bainbridge, of l|- a. and 1 perch in Burlington, fronting on River St., 2|-ch., between Thomas Lambert on the West and Daniel Leeds on the East, 8 ch. 5 f. long: also. a waterlot, 43 f. g in. Eastwards from Sarah ffarr's lot, running back to the next street. g9 1690 . Do. Do. for Thomas Lambert, of 1 a. in Burlington on the Eastside of the street from Tho. Revell's to Yorkshire Bridge, front ing on River St., 8 ch. 5 f. long, 5 perches less one foot wide in the mid dle; also of a waterlot next to Percivale Towle's, front East 69 f. g in., back to the next street. 99 . Do. Do. for Hananiah Gaunt, of 220 a. adjoining Samuel Houghton and Tho. Clark; incl. g a. of meadow on a brook near Mount Pisgah: 20 a. of the whole being an allowance for highways for other laud. ' g9 . Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 188 a. at Oneanickon, on the Southside of the brook, adjoining Tho. Clark, Samuel Houghton and Hananiah Gaunt; incl. 10 a. of meadow, of which 5 are next to said Gaunts 9 a. lot, the other 5 between Peter Harvey and John Snape. 99 1 Gilbertrjorpe. REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 369 Page 1684-5 I2th m- (Feb-)- L>o. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Robert Pear son, of 200 a. on a run, emptying into Crosswicks Cr. and along said creek to Morfiirs Cr. 100 1693-4 nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas ffrench, of 421 a. at.Pensoalan, along the creek, between Thomas Wallis, Jonathan ffox, Thomas Rodman and Samuel Burrows; incl. 21 a. lying remote Eastwards next to Thomas Hooton. "Note this is a Resurvey of ye Tract recorded in Page 8g: onely 200 Acres thereof (being over much) is taken off." 100 l6g3-4 20th 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel England, of a waterlot in Burlington; W. of Jane Rigge's house 41 f. 8 in. to the next street, part of 2-16 and 1-12 of a share. 100 1689 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for Christopher Weatherill, of 647 acres along Delaware R., below Thomas Hutchinson, 37 a. thereof beiug highway allowance for other land. 100 1689 17th 3d m. (May). Do. Do. "Do. for Elizabeth Pope, of 525 a,, adjoining Thomas Hutchinson and Christopher Weatherill, 25 a. al lowance for highways. 100 " The Bounds of George Hutcheson's Land Comprehending Robert Hutchesons 200 Acres & John Warrens 60 Excluding John War rens Settlemt of 200 Acres: Plantation at Oneanickon, 1640 acres, be tween Hananiah Gaunt, Thomas Scholey, the Indian purchase, John Warren and John Tomlinson. "This Tract sold to Richard Stockton as in Book B page 388." 101 1694-5 ist m. (March). Return of Survey by Daniel Leeds, for Na thaniel West, of 5 acres, allowance for highways to his settlement (supra, p. 42), between his own N. E. corner and Wm. Lee. 101 1689 . Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas ffolke, of 120 a. on N. side of Crosswicks Cr. at the old Indian line, adjoining Thomas Wright. 101 — A resurvey by Daniel Leeds, for Godfrey Hancock of 300 a. on the Northside of Birch Cr. (supra, p. 7.) 101 1692 2d m. (April). Return of survey, for John Payne, of 200 a. betw. John Sharp and Jonas Smith. 102 1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Thomas Payne, of 100 a. near a brook running into the Southbranch of Rancokus Cr. 102 1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John Sharp, of 150 a. on the ; Southside of Northampton R., next to Jonas Smith. 102 1694 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Thomas Revel], of 3 roods of land in Burlington, a corner lot, 13 perches 12 f. on York St., 8 p. 13 f. on River St., S. Percifall Towle, W. Sam. Barker. 102 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for the same, of a waterlot next to York, on the Westside", 6oi f. front on Delaware R., back to the next 31 370 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page street. " Wharfe Lott on River Lott being 48 feet front pr Act of Assem bly & 2 wharfe lott for 2 2-32 pts. of a prpriety being 12 foot & £ all is 60 foot & 1-12." 102 1684-5 Ist m- (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Singleton, of 300 a. on Dellaware R. near Coldspring. 103 Do. Do. for Joseph Adams, of a lot in Burlington, 2 acres I rood, fronting on High St. 107 f., between Nathanael Cripps and. Thomas Kendall, along said Kendall W. 37 perches to the next street, 12 perches 14 f. on that street, then E. 18 p. 8 f. to Nathl Cripps. 103 l6g4 June — . Do. Do. for the same, of 12^ a. in Burlington town bounds, between John Kinsey, Thomas Rodman, Samuel Lovett and a small run. 103 1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for William Biddle, of 120 a. in the townbounds, along the Westside of the path to Burlington, between Thomas Kendall, Wm. Cooper, Widow Perkins, Tho: Hooton, George Hutcheson and a swamp. 103 1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 165 a. in the townbounds betw. Samuel Harriott, Wm. Righton and Peter Bosse. 104 1689 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas Mosse, of 100 a. on Pemsawkin Cr. adjoining Stephen Day and Peter Long. 104 Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of a waterlot in Burlington, W. Samuel Terrett, 20 f. 10 in. front on the river, running back to the next street. 104 1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Tatham, of 10 acres in the town bounds, on the Westside of London Bridge, along the Tan House Run and the creek, bounding Burlington,, next to Widow Myers. 104 1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 10 a. in the town bounds along the small boundary creek; adjoining James Wills, Samuel Stacy and Christopher Weatherill. 104 1687 29th 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas Hutchinson, of 2,500 a. on Delaware R., above the Falls. 105 1694-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for William Atkinson, of 5 a. highway allowance for his settlement, next to Peter Harvie and Dan. Leeds. 105 1693 Sept. — . Do. Do. for Henry Burre, of 107 a. adjoining Rob ert Dimsdale, 17 thereof highway allowance for formerly surveyed land. 105 1693 Dec. — . Do. Do. for Francis Davenport, of the lots, belong ing to 1-16 and 1-64 of a share in Burlington, 150 perches and a waterlot. The first, fronting on' High St. between Samuel Ogbourne and Robert , REVEL'S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 37*1 Page Rigg, rear on York St. ; the waterlot being a cornerlot on the Westside of the street 'from Widow Myers to the river, 15 f. 7 in. front. 105 i688'gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for William Hulings, of 465 a., part whereof-is formerly recorded (supra, p. 72), on Pennsawkin Cr., adjoining Henry Ballenger. I06 1688 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for James Bing ham, of 600 a. on the North branch of Pensawkin Cr., between Wm. Hul ings and George Smith. I05 i68g-go nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for Henry Stacy, of 510 a., between Elias ffarr, Tho. Budd and Samuel Barker, Thomas Garwood and Wm. ffoster; also of go a. adjoining Joseph Bowers and John Cripps, on a creek. io6 Do. Do. for the heirs of Henry Stacy, of 240 a. along Del aware R., adjoining the preceding 510 a., Thomas Budd, John Gosling and Samuel Barker. x0y 1691 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Daniel Wills junior, of 480 a. in the fork of Ancokus. 107 1688 9th in. (Nov.). Do. Do. for John Roberts, of 333 a. along. Mulberry Cr., a branch of Pensaukin Cr. 107 1691 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. on the South branch of Pensaukin Cr.; adjoining ffreedome Lippincott. " This 100 Acres is laid out onely to Jn° Roberts for ye use of ffrancis Cole man." 107 i6g4 Oct. — . Do. Do. for the same, of- 122 a., incl. ig a. highway allowance for other lots, adjoining Samuel Cole and of 10 a. next to James Bingham. 108 i6g4 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for William Emley and Joshua Wright, of 1,000 a. adjoining Peleg Scocum. 108 1694 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for the same, of 1,000 a. between Peleg Slocum, Richard Harrison and the partition line. 108 Do. Do. for William Emley, of a waterlot in Burlington, next to Wm. Biddle's, 245 f. 7 in. from Yorke St., thence Eastward 50 f. in front on the river. 108 1694 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for Thomas Williams, of 100 acres, adjoining Tho: Singleton, Nathaniel West, Henry Stacy and Tho. Budd. (See p. 138.) 109 1694 3d m. (VTay). Do. Do. by Wm. Emley, for Mahlon Stacy, of 1,360 a. bn Shabbacunck Cr. opposite to John Wilsford. 109 1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. to John Petty on behalf of William Petty, of 115 a. on John Tomlinson's run, adjoining Daniel Leeds. 109 1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for John Petty, of 85 a. S. E. of the preceding, incl. 6 a. to John Ogbourne. 109 372 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for the same, of 12J a. along the Salem Road, betw. Walter Humphries, George Hutcheson, Robert Wheeler and the Tan House brook. log 1687 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. for William Evans, of 300 a. at Mount Tray. no 1690 loth m. (Dec). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. at Mount Tray. no 1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. between Jonas Smith and Henry Ballenger. no 1693-4 1,2th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for John Hancock, of 4 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant, adjoining Percivall Towle. no 1694 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for Henry Morley, of 200 a. on a branch of Ancocus Creek and a run emptying into it; also of 50 a. adjoin ing Walter Newberry. no Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Calow, of 112^, a. ad joining his own, John Curtis, John Butcher and Wm. Ellis. ill 1684 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. Do. for Robert Dimsdale, of 1,600 a. on the Southbranch of Ancocus alias Northampton R., along the line of an old Indian purchase and the Northbranch of said river; also I33 a. on said Northbranch over against Walter Reeve's. Ill "The Record of 200 Acres att Hatts Plantation Surveyed formerly to SamH Borden, which see Recorded in page 20: is Conveyed to Jaines Antram from ye Administrates of sd Borden &c as appears by Deed upon Record in foi. 425 & 426 of booke B." Ill 1694 27th 2d m. (April). Return of survey by Joshua Barkstead, Dpty Surveyr, "by virtue of a warrant from ye Councell of Proprietors & a warrant thereupon from Andrew Robeson Surveyor General," for Joseph Helbey, of j of a share, 7,500 acres, called Helbey Town, on the Eastside of Delaware Bay, from S. E. side of Tweed River at Oyster Creek to the land surveyed for Thomas Budd, now in possession of Jacob Garassenand van der Hoist, adjoining John Bellasse, along Cedar Creek branch to Samuel Jenings, along Gravelly Run intersecting Mantuxit Creek, to and up the S. E. side of Cedar Cr. Ill l6g3 2d d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. by virtue of a warrant &c. as before, for the same, of 1,666 a. 44J perches, called Helbey's Forrest,. on the W. N. W. branch of Great Egg Harbour and on the S. W. side thereof. 112 i6g4 28th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. by virtue as above, for John Coltman, of 2,000 a., Cattell's Delight, on the East side of Delaware Bay, from the S. E. side of Cedar Cr. to the mouth of the Nantuxit Cr., N. E. a swamp dividing it from Helbey Town, adjoining' John Bel- lass. _ 112 1694 29th J. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. as above, for the same,, REVEL'S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 373 Page of 500 a., called Winter Pasture, on the East side of Delaware Bay, betw. the mouth of Nantuxit Cr. and the land surveyed by John Worlidge by order of Samuel Jenings and George Hutcheson. 113 1691 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds and Symoii Charles, for John Curtis, of 20 a. adjoining his settlement of 347 a., the whole next Percivall Towle, Wm. Ellis, John Calow, Thomas Barton, John Butcher and Michael Buffin. 113 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for William Biddle, of 1 a, J rcod in the Island of Burlington, g perches 4 yards front on Wood St., i8| perches long. "Sold to Isaac Marriott." 113 l6gl 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Edward Rockhill, of 104 a. ad joining his plantation bought of Anthony Woodhouse, the whole, 206 a., between Black's Creek, Black's land and Samuel Taylor. 113 l6g4 loth m. (Dec). Do. Do. for the same, of 55 a., between Daniel Baeon, Widow ffarroe, Benjamin ffield, and his own meadow, incl.. 5 a. of "meadow, S. Samuel Taylor, W. and N. Duke Horsman and Benj. ffield, E. Francis Davenport. 114 — : • Do. Do. for the same, of 1 a. in Burlington, fronting E. on York St., S. Christopher Weatherill, N. Francis Davenport, 6 perches 4 f. wide, 26 p. long; also of a waterlot on the East side of the alley, 364 f. E. of York St., 12J f. front on the river and rear on the next street, 114 l68g June — . Do. Do. for Daniel Coxe, of 28,000 a. on Delaware R. 5 miles 30 ch. from a point half a mile above Pilcock's house Easterly to the Indian purchase, made by Adlord Bowde, S. E. to Thomas Budd's Indian purchase, S. W. to Shabbaconck Cr., down the same to and along Thomas Hutchinson's, N. W. to and along Christopher Weatherill and " Nathl Pope, thence to Delaware R. 114 Do. Do. for the same, of 8,600 a. bought of the Indians by Thomas Budd, along the Bowde purchase or Scotch line to Assunpinck and Shabbaconck Creeks. 114 1686 June 24. Do. Do. by Richard Tindall, for Joshua Barkstead, of 4,g84 a. on a little creek, running out of the River Csesaria. "Exam ined by James Nevill, Agent to Gov1" Penn." 115 Do. Do. for Nathaniel Bacon, of 180 a. adjoining Jonathan Holmes; and of 20 a. of meadow on Keeoppe Creek next to Obadiah ,. Holmes in the Great Meadow. 115 l6g3 . Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, a resurvey of 100 a. with an addition of 60 a.: 1, a lot adjoining John Shinn; 2, a lot at the foot of a mount next to the land surveyed to Wm. Budd for the use of Tho. Budd; 3, a lot on Sallawayes Point, adjoining Peter Harvie and Thomas Shinn. . 115 1694 . Do. Do. for the same, of 160 a. between Thomas - Clarke, Hananiah Gaunt and John Ogborne. 116 374 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i6g4 . Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. on Tomlinson's Run betw. Wm. Pettie, John Ogbourne and the Indian purchase. 116 Do. Do. for Thomas Eves, of 5 a. of meadow, being the island or piece of marrish, called Rainbow Island, adjoining John ffumis on the S. side Rancocus R. 116 l6g4 Dec. — . Do. Do. for Charles Reade, of 425 a. within the bounds of the 650 a. lot, surveyed to John Clarke and John Rudderow (supra, p. 77), betw. the North and the South branches of Pensoakin Creek, WiUiam Clarke and John Walker; incl. 10 a. of meadow in two lots, vizt: 1, 6 a. below John Rudderow's house on the creek; 2, 4 a. above said house on the creek. 116 i6gl . Do. Do. for Thomas Evans, of 400 a. at the Indian Town of Quoexin, on one of the branches of Ancocus R. 117 l6g5 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Thomas Wallis, of 225 a. incl. his former settlement on the Northside of a branch of Pemisaukin Cr. between Thomas ffrench and Josiah Appleton; also of 25 a. adjoining Thomas Hooton and John Adams. 117 i6g5 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Walther Clarke, of 500 a. along a brook in the Indian purchase, made by Daniel Leeds' and Wm. Petty's land; also of 66 a. nearly a mile Westward, next to Hana niah Gaunt. 117 Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for John and Samuel Bunting, of 133 a. on Crosswicks Cr., next to Samuel "Bunting on the N. W., S. W. George Nicholson, S. E. Thomas ffolk; also of 17 a. remote, next to Fran cis Davenport. 117 1695 May 13. Do. Do. by Wm. Emley, for John Calow, of 300 a. above the Society's 30,000 a., from the mouth of a creek N. N. W. along Delaware R. 117 1695 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Symon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for John Bunting, of 56 a. with the bounds of other 80 a. formerly sur veyed, between Thomas ffolk, George Nicholson and Francis Davenport, 14 a.; also a lot betw. Francis Davenport and his own settlement, which is bounded E. by said Davenport, W. by Thomas ffolk, 40 perches on Crosswicks Cr., in all 136 a. 118 1694 . Do. Do. for Walter Humphries, of: I, a lot in Burling ton, la. | rood, between Benjamin Wheat and Widow Myers, fronting on the street from said widow's house to the river, 9 perches 10 f. front, i8£ p. long; 2, a waterlot, 25 f. wide on the river, 15 f. 7 in. W. of said street; 3, 25 a. in the town bounds between John Tatham on the Salem Road, Samuel Harriott and a swamp. 118 1694 . Do. Do. for the same, of 70 a. on the Northbranch of Rancokus Cr. near Mount Holly, adjoining his own, Nathaniel Cripps and Henry Grubb; also of 130 a. on the Southside of Crosswicks Cr., along REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 375 Page the same, a brook bounding Joshua Wright's land and a small run, adjoin ing Thomas ffolk. "AU five prcells Surveyed by Daniel Leeds." 118 1693 Dec. — . Do. Do. for Charles Wbolverton, of 100 a. adjoin ing Anne ffarro and Wm. Wood. " Sold to Math: fforsyth." 119 1695-6 Jan. z. Do.. Do. (resurvey), for John Woolston, of 50 a. in town bounds, given to him and his wife by Wm. Cooper, adjoining Widow Perkins. ng 1688-9 12th m. (Feb). Do. Do. for Barnard Lane, of 40 a. in town bounds, betw. Henry Stacy, Nathaniel Cripps and Samuel ffurnis. ng l6g4 .' Do. D.o. for Benjamin ffield, of 100 a. in three lots: 1, adjoining his own; 2, between Edward Rockhill, Wm. Black and his own; between his own and Samuel Taylor! * 119 Do. Do. for Edmond Stuart, of 62^ a., formerly surveyed by Wm. Emley and Symon Charles, adjoining Elias ffarre. 119 1695-6 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for John Tatham, of 300 a. on Widow OUive's mill creek, on the Salem Road, between said widow, John Chaffin, Nathaniel Cripps and John Chamney. 119 Do. Do. by Symon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for Daniel Bacon of 800 a. ("being bis whole Tract surveyed att severall times," see p. 78), near the head of a brook coming out of Mordecay Andrews' mead ow, crossing Black's Cr. , between Wm. Satterthwaite and Benj. ffield, on Daniel Bacon's Run. 120 1688-9 II:th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for William Satterthwait, of 100 a. between Daniel Bacon and John Snape. 120 1694 Oct. — . Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a., between John Joy- ner, Samuel Andrews and his own. 120 1688-9 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for Samuel Taylor, of 150 a., adjoining his former settlement of 159 a., the whole 399 a. on Black's Cr. adjoining John Bainbridge and Edward Rockhill. 120 1693 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for John Abbett, of 300 a. next to his 140 a. lot, the whole 440 a. on Crosswicks Creek betw. Robert Pearson and Mathew Watson. 120 1694 . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Tomlinson, of 75 a. next to his own, between Samuel Vaus (?) and Tho: Clark. 120 1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas Clarke and Samuel Houghton, of 200 a. on the line of the old Indian purchase; incl. 12 a. of meadow adjoining Mathew Champion and John Chaddock. 121 1691-2 12th m. (Feb.) Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas . Scattergood junior, of loo a. on the Southside of Rancocus Cr., S. E. of a" small run. " Sold to Nath. Paine." 121 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. next- to 376 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Godfrey Hancock, incl. 10 a. of meadow between John Browne, John Woolston and Percivall Towle. 121 1696 2d m, (April). Do. Do. for John Sharp, of ico a. on the N. E. side of Sharp's swamp, adjoining John Paine junior. 12,1 — Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 8 a., allowance for highways, between Francis Beswick, the Mossey Swamp, Robt Young's 50 a. lot, now owned by said Leeds, and John Day. 121 1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of 25 n. in town bounds, between Peter ffretwell, Tho: Wright, John Kinsey and Richard ffini- more. 121 l6g3~4 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same of 50 a. on the Northside of a swamp, adjoining Michael Newbold, James Newbold, Wm. Biddle and Robert Young, on a branch of Birch Cr. ; incl. 3 a. of meadow, a triangle, between Wm. Atkinson and John Day. 122 ¦ Do. Do. for the same, of 2 a. in Burlington, on the street from York St. E. to the Point, W. John Bainbridge, E. Wm. Biddle, 15 perches front, 6 p. rear, as long as the adjoining lots. 122 1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of 4i§ a. in the town bounds, adjoining Peter ffretwell, John Antram, John Hollinshead, Wm. Cooper and Daniel Wills. 122 Do. Do. for John Humphries, of a lot in Burlington for 1-32 of a share, on the street to Yorkshire Bridge, next to Samuel ffurnis. 122 1693 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Robert Pearson, of 240 a. adjoin ing his own, betw. Robert Murfin and John Abbott. 122 1691 10th m. (Dec,). Do. Do. for Thomas Wilkins, of 200 a. next to his own, on Mason's Run. 122 i6g3 . Do. Do. for Mathew Allen, of 3,200 a. on Delaware R. S. from the mouth of Northampton R. to Sweads Creek. 123 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Joseph Birch, of 150 a. next to Joshua Wright and Wm. Emley. 123 1684 . Do. Do. for Richard ffinimore, of 100 a. adjoining his own, Thomas Ollive and Christopher Weatherill, incl. 5 a. of meadow on the point at Rancocus mouth, E. and W. Abrm Hillings, S. Rancokus R., N. Isaac Marriott. 123 1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Mathew Grange, of 100 a. be tween Thomas Wright, Samuel Bunting, Joshua Wright, John Bunting and a brook. 123 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for John Hollins head, of 1,150 a., incl. his former settlement of 1,000 a., along Northamp ton R., between Thomas Kendall, John Rodman and Thomas Hooton. 123 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 377 Page l6g4 . Do. Do. for Mathew fforsytb, of 50 a. adjoining Daniel Bacon and Charles Woolverton. 124 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Josejih Wood, of 100 a. in Dr. Coxe's purchase, on Little Shabbancunck Cr. next to Joseph English; incl. 10 a. of meadow adjoining Thomas Greene. 124 l6g3 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel Oldale, of 150 a. on Delaware R. near Cold Spring, between John Tuely and Thomas Single ton, 124 1687 Dec. — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds and Symon Charles, for Samuel Oldale, of 112^- a. on the Northside of and along Birch Creek, betw. the town bounds and Elias ffarre, adjoining Tho: Wright. 124 l68g 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for the same, of 150 a. next to pre ceding on Birch Creek, along the town bounds. 124 i68g 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Elias ffarre, of 943 a. between Godfrey Hancock, Tho. Scattergood, James Croft, Henry Stacy, Joseph Blower, Wm. ffoster and his own. 124 Do.. Do. for Sarah ffarre, of a lot in Burlington, on the Westside of the street from the river by Widow Myers' house to London Bridge, N. of Robert Hudson, 5 perches 3 f. front and rear, 18J p. long. 125 Do. Do. for John Day, of 7 acres, highway allowance, a triangle between his own land and Eleazer Fenton's. 125 i68g 5th month (July). Do. Do. for the same, of 353 a., adjoining Charles Read, Wm. Biddle, Hananiah Gaunt and Tho. Shinn. 125 1695 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. to the same for the use of John Harvey, of 100 a., adjoining Walter Clarke, Daniel Leeds and John Ogborne. , 125 1691 . Do. Do. for Thomas Gilberthorp, of 300 a. ou the •Northside of Crosswicks Creek, incl. g a. of meadow belonging to Joseph Stones and 9 a. " for other land." 125 1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for James Newbold, of 130 a. on a brook "in ye Lyne of John Antram's," adjoining John Tonkan, Samuel Barker and Wm. Biddle. 126 1695 4th m. (June). Do. Do. to Arther Cooke for Mathew Burden, of 400 a. on Crosswicks Creek and John Tomlinson's Run. 126 1684-5 Ist m- (March). Do. Do. for Thomas Singleton, of 25 a. in the town bounds of Burlington, on Birch Creek, betw. John' Kinsey and -Robt Stacy. 126 ' 1694 2dm. (April). Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 100 a., at the head of a brook, betw. Hananiah Gaunt and Thomas Budd, the line cross ing two brooks. 126 1694-5 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for James Wills, of 4 a. ip town 32 378 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page bounds, on the creek, bounding Burlington Island. 126 "Resurvey (for James Wills) of Tho: Hardings 30 Acres wherein an overplus being found is left out." 30 a. on the creek, hound ing the Island of Burlington, between Barnard Lane and John Wool ston. 126 1694 2d m. (April). Return of survey, for Richard Basnett, of a waterlot in Burlington, W. Mathew Allen, E. an alley near Henry Bircham'st 48 f. 8 in. wide on the river. (See p. 94). Also of a waterlot, between Joseph Adams and John ffox, near. the house late of Tho. Revell, 16 f. 8 in. front on the river and rear on the Back St. 126 1694 Dec — . Do. Do. for Widow Elizabeth Basnett, of 12 a. in the Town of Burlington, N. Brond St., W. High St., E. Yorke St., 52 - perches on Broad, 36 p. 15 f. on High and Yorke Sts. 126 1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for'the same, of 23^ a. "(within lhat Survey of Robert Stacyes 66 Acres Recorded)" on the creek at Yorkshire Bridge, along the road to Ancokus to the first hrook. 127 1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel Harriott upon the right of Wm. Biddle, of 35 a. in town bounds, on the boundary creek and the river, adjoining his own and Christopher Weatherill. 127 1681 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for John and William Borton, of 325 a. adjoining Timothy Brandreth and Noell Mew; the Westside, 175 a., to John, the Eastside, 150 a., to WiUiam. 127 ¦ Do. Do. for John Borton, of 100 a. on Henry Jacob's Creek, adjoining his own and Wm. ffleetwood's. 127 1689 3d month (May). Do. Do. for William Borton, of 200 a. be tween Wm. Evans and John Borton. ' 127 Do. Do. for Thomas Lambert, of a lot in Burlington, 1-12 of a share, on the creek on the Eastside of the island, between Seth Hill, Nathl Pope and the street. 127 1696 Aug. 2. Do. Do. by Jno Meredith, to George Willocks, for the use. of John Rudyard, of a waterlot on Burlington Island, E. Geo. Hutcheson, 100 f. front on the river, Il8.f. 9 in. below the level of John T'atham's pales, rear on Second St.; also of ji acres on the same island, a little above London Bridge, on a point made by the main creek and the next great branch. 127 i6g6 Aug. 2. Do. Do. Do. to the same etc., of 200 acres in town- bounds, between Edward Hunloke, Thomas Wright and Geo. Hutche son. 128 i6g6 Aug. 25. Do. Do. Do. for Samuel Taylor, of 150 a., be tween Slocum, Wm. Emley and Joseph Birche. 128 1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony Woodward, of 450 a. on REVEL*S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 379 Page Crosswicks Creek along the East Jersey line. 128 1694-5 ist m. (March) and 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, on the appointment of George Hutcheson for the use of John, Jonah and Joshua Penford, of 3 a. in Burlington, on the Westside of. High St. 12 perches 4-yards between Sarah ffarr and James Wills, 37 perches long. Also of 190 a. in town bounds, adjoining Tho. Hooton, Percivall Towle and Hannah Kimball. 128 . " The Bounds of Samuel Barkers 155 Acres of Land being formerly Surveyed in Comon wilh Robert Stacy both parts Containing 380: Now Divided as follows:" The line to run from a point on Delaware R. 4 chains W. of a great gulley or spring of water, S. to a point in a swamp at the end of the whole lot, thence W. S. W. to the corner thereof, thence N. by W. to the river and along the same to the place of beginning. 128 1695 3d month (May). Return of survey, for Samuel Barker, of 80 a., ... and (or Edward'Nightingale, of 16 a., adjoining the town boundary and Edward Hunloke. 129 1691 loth m. (Dec.;. Do. Do. for Samuel Barker, of a lot in Bur-, lington, between Thoirias Revell and Daniel Sutton, 9 perches 8 f. front on the street, 13 p. 12 f. long. 129 1689 7th m. (Sept). Do. Do. for George Hutcheson, of 67 acres in the town bounds of Burlington, on the King's Road from London Bridge to Salem, adjoining Barnard Lane and Nathl Cripps. 129 1695 3d month (May). Do. Do. for Edward Hunloke, of 155 a. along Delaware R., between his own and Thomas Budd. 129 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for the same, of 65 a. in town bounds along the boundary line, adjoining Tho: Wright. 129 1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for \Villiam Budd, of 500 a. with 15 a. highway allowance for other land, on the North branch of Rancokus R., along ihe line of the old Indian purchase, adjoining Richard Tucker. I2g. l6g3 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. next to his own, along ihe old partition line and the Southside of Rancokus Cr. adjoining Thomas Atkinson. 129 1694 April — . Do. Dj. • for Robert Chapman, of 250 a. incl. all his formerly. surveyed land, on both sides of Black's Creek, adjoining Francis Davenport, Andrew Smith and John Cheshire. 130 1696-7 Feb. 25. Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Dixon and wife Elizabeth in right of a deed to John Chadwick, of 100 a. at Mount Carmell between George Hutcheson and John Tomlinson. 130 1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Sarah ffarre, of a lot of i a. in Burlington, between Peter ffretwell and High St. 130 .1696- 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of a waterlot in Bur- 380 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. , Page lington, 30 f. front on the river and rear on the next street, between- Joseph Adams and Wm. Biddle. 130 1689 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Stephen Day, of 200 acres on Pemisaukin Cr., adjoining Samuel Nichols. 130 1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon Charles for Henry Beck of 150 a. on both sides of Black Creek, adjoining James Pharoe. 130 1693 Nov. — . Do. Do. for the same, of 12J a. between Charles Woolverton and Daniel Bacon. 130 Do. Do. for ffreedom Lippincott, of 6 a. in Thomas OUive's meadow on the main and a small creek. 130 1682 Do. Do. for John Roberts, of 68 a. on Rancokus alias Northampton R., between Thomas ffrench, the Mill Creek and Tho. Eves, incl. the island in the river, 3 a., near Wm. Evans' meadows. 131 1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John Tatham, Esqre, of 26 a. in town bounds, near Yorkshire Bridge, along the creek, adjoining Tho: Sin gleton, Barnard Lane and Widow Bassnett. 131 i68g 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for ffreedom Lip pincott, of 555 5-g a., incl. 288 a. formerly recorded, (supra, p. 6g) at the head of the South branch of Pemisaukin Creek. 131 1696-7 Feb. 23. Do. Do. by Jno. Meredith, for Stephen Day, of 100 a., mostly swamp, adjoining Arthur Cook. 131 1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas Budd, of 2,000 a. at Mount Pisgah, along the North branch of Rancokus R. and the line of the old Indian purchase, adjoining Wm. Budd. 131 1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Jaines Newbold, of ii a. in Bur lington, next Widow Bassnett's 12 a. lot, on the North fronting York St. 9 perches 6 f. front, 26 p. long, half way to High St.; also of a waterlot" there, 376 f. 6 in. East of York St., 25 f. front-on the river. 131 1686 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for John Butcher, of 340 acres betw. Christopher Weatherill, George Hutcheson and Hsina- niah Gaunt. 132 1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. to John Hollinshead for John Stoaks, of a lot in Burlington by the old burying ground on the Southside of Broad Si., a corner lot, 33 f. on Broad St., 13 perches long, S. by E. by Second, W. from High St. 132 1690 and i6g3 compleated in gth m. (Nov.) 1695. Do. Do. for Rich ard Tucker, of 800 acres on the North branch of Rancokus Creek, adjoin ing Wm. Budd; also of 200 a. adjoining the former and the line of the old Indian purchase; of 66 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the West side of the headspring of the Tannhouse Run, along the boundary line, next to Robert Wheeler and the Penfords near Salem Road; 2 a. in Burlington on the West side of Third St., W. of High, and South side of the street from REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 38 1 Page High by Henry Grubb's house, i8i perches long, 16 p. 4 f. front on Third St.; I a. in Burlington on the North side of the street from High St. to Yorkshire Bridge, E. Joshua Humphrey; a waterlot on the West side of Second St., 113 f. 6 in. from High, 33 f. 4 in. front on the river. 132 l68g 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for William Haines, of 100 a. near Nancutting's old plantation. 133 1688-g 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do., by Symon Charles, for Richard Haines, of 100 a. adjoining Thomas Haines. 133 1691-2 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for John Haines, of 100 a. on the South side of Rancokus Cr., adjoining Jonas Smith. 133 1691-2 12th m. (Feb). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. adjoining his own, along the South side of Rancocus Cr. 133 1688-g 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Thomas Haines, of 100 a. be tween John Haines and Elias Burling. 133 Do. Do. for George Porter, of 100 a., S. W. of his former lot, adjoining Sarah ffarr, James Croft and Tho. Revell. 133 Do. Do. for the same, of 8 a. along the creek, over against Nathaniel Record's house, next to Tho. Revell. 133 Do. Do. for the same, of 6 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant, N. W. of John Woolston. " These 3 lots, being 114 acres, sold to Edw. Boulton." 133 1688 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Thomas Hoo ton junior, of 100 a. on Northampton R. and 500 a. backwards. The first between old Thomas Hooton and John Hollinshead, the other between John Rodman, John Hollinshead and Thomas Rodman. 133 i6g2~3 1st m. (March). " This Division made [date] Thomas Hooton's 500 Acres above Recorded was parted by a Line of partition beginning Thirty five chaine from John Hollinshead's Sjianish oak Corner in ye Southline, the sd Line of partition running N. W. and by W. halfe a point N. till it meets the sd Rodman's Land, leaving 225 Acres next John Hollinshead's Land." 134 1685-6 12th m. (Feb.). Return of survey, for Lawrence Morris, of 200 a. beginning at the town boundary line; incl. 7 a. of meadow adjoin ing Henry Grubb. " Sold to Tho. Crosse." 134 1687 iothm. (Dec). Do. Do. for Nathaniel Duggles, of 150 a. be tween Eliakim Higgens, Daniel Bacon and Tho. Duggles. " Sold to Abrm. Browne." 134 1684 gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Mahlon Stacy, of 200 a. along Delaware R. next to Andrew Smith. " Sold to Joshua Eley." 134 Do. Do. (resurvey), for Christopher Weatherill, of 180 a. (first surveyed as 150) between Michael Newbold and Richard Stock ton. 134 382 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page l6g4 loth m. (Dec). Do. Do. for the same, of 20 a. at Oneanickon, between Daniel Leeds, John Snape, John Day and Wm. Atkinson. 134 i6gi 4th m. (June). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for the same, of a lot in Burlington, 2 a. 3 roods, whereon his dwelling house stands, a cornerlot, 8 perches 10 f. on High St., 52 perches along Broad to York St.; also of a waterlot on the East side of York St. 134 Do. Do.' by Symon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for William Wood, of 530 acres, " The last being done the 4th mo. i68g," on both sides of the brook next Wm. Biddle's, W. Thomas Duggles, along the line of the old Indian purchase. 1 135 1689-90 ist m. (March). Do. Do. for William and Thomas Evans, of 160 a. adjoining their former survey and Timothy Brandrelh. 135 1689 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony Elton, of 150 a. adjoin ing Wm. Boarton and Wm. Evans. "This survey is sold to Stephen Day & is Surveyed and Recorded in a Survey of 200 Acres to him as in foi. 13°-'' . J35 1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Thomas Wil liams, tanner, of 100 a. on the North branch of Pemisaukin Cr. and a small run. 135 1690 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for John Antram, of 200 a. on the brook below Springhill between John Underhill, Samuel Burden, Geo. Porter, Henry Stacy and Wm. Biddle, the whole enclosing 32 a. surveyed to James Antram. 135 1685 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Michael Newbold, of 300 a. ad joining George Hutcheson. 135 1690 . Do. Do. for John Rogers, of 59 a. adjoining his own formerly surveyed land. 135 1694 . Do. Do. for Francis Davenport, of a lot in Burlington, 1 a. 1 rood 10 perches, between Samuel Ogborne and Jane Rigg, fronting on High S't. 38 f. 6 in., the same width in the rear, half way to York St., 26 perches long, and back of said Ogborne. "Mem. The above sd Lott is formerly Recorded except 60 pches." 136 . Do. Do. for Percivall Towle, of 512 a. adjoining his former settlement, one between his own, Michael Newbold, John Browne, John Woolslon, William Ellis and Michael Buffin, incl. 5 a. of meadow, be tween Thomas Barton, Thomas Scattergood and his own. 136 Do. Do. for the same, of 313 a. between his own, Michael Buffin, Samuel Andrews and Tho: Scaitergood, incl. 25 a. of highway al lowance for preceding 512 a. 136 1696 Oct. 10. Do. Do. by Jno Meredith, Dty Surveyor, for Edward Rockhill, of 100 a. adjoining John Moor, MarmaduLe Horsman, Hannah Nicholson, Samuel Bunting, Roger Park and George Hutcheson. 136 1697 Nov. 9. Do. Do. Do. for Thomas Bowman, of 100 a. above REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 383 Page the Falls of Delaware R., at the lower end of an Indian field. 136 1693-4 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Peleg Slo cum, of 500 a. along ihe old Indian line, between John Pancoastand Rich ard Harrison. 137 1696 6th in. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel Wills, of a lot in Burlington, 3 a. less 45 perches, on Delaware R. next to James Verier. 137 1689 6th m. (Aug.) Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for William Quicksale, of 300 a. on the North side of Crosswicks Creek, along the line of the Indian purchase and the East Jersey line, between Thomas Gilber- thorp and Anthony Woodward. "This Survey voyd & see the returns hereof Rectifyed in page 139." 137 . Do. Do. for Joseph Addams, of a lot in Burlington, 1^ roods, on the Eastside of High street, over against Nathaniel Cripps, next to Elizabeth Basnett's 12 a. lot, 6 perches 5 yards front on High St., 26 perches long. 137 1698 Sept. g. Do. Do. by Joshua Barkstead, for Mr. Azariah Penny, of 500 a. in Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohansie R., part of the 10,000 acres, surveyed for "ye Honble ye West New Jersey Society," by John -Budd and John Worlidge, 50 a. of the 500 being part of the 1,000 surveyed for Mr. Thomas Bridge and Jonathan Collett, the other 450 along the Cohansie R. and a branch thereof. 137 l6g8 Sept. g. Do. Do. Do. for the same, a townlot in the Town of Paraphilia, N. of the lot on which the house of the W. J. Society is built, 66 f. wide and long according to Regulations. 137 1698 Oct. 10. Do. Do. Do. for Mr. WiUiam Long, of 200 acres in Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohansie R., along its main run, adjoining Azariah Penny.- 138 1698 Oct. 10. Do. Do, Do. for the same, of a lot in the Town of Paraphilia N. of Azariah Penny, 66 f. wide, etc. 138 1697 May 17. Do. Do. Do. for Mr. Thomas Bridge, of 220 acres on the Eastside of Cohansie alias Cxsarea R., part of the W. J. Society's land, along the ridge on the North side of ffuller's Creek, adjoining John Bellas and the Town of Pamphilia. "This ought to have beene placed in ye Socielie's Lands in ye other end of this book page 5." 138 1694 . Do. Do. for Thomas Williams, of 160 a. between Sin gleton, Henry Stacy, Sarah ffarr, Thomas Budd, his own and Nathaniel West. 138 1698 Nov. 11. Do. Do. by Joshua Barkstead and Daniel Leeds, for Henry Beck, of 1,200 a. at Ninevey on the South side of Anchokus or Northampton R., adjoining Richard Haines, Tho. Wilkins and Francis Austin; touching the pond and the path to Pemisaukin. 138 1698-g Feb. 14. Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Theophila Crips, of 384 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 150 a. near Little Eggharbour, on a neck betw. Eggharbour R. and Fish R. adjoining Michael Buffin. 138 1698-g Feb. 7. Do. Do. Do. for Henry Jacobs, of 800 a. in his own Indian purchase near Egg Harbour. I3g l6g8-g Feb. 14. Do. Do. Do. for Mary and Hannah Slade, of 700 a. on the South side of Little Eggharbour R. between two creeks, the first neck of land next to the Cape of said river. 139 1698-g Feb. 18. Do. Do. Do. for Anthony Elton, of 20 a. adjoin ing his own and Francis Collins. 139 1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for WiUiam Quicks'all, of 300 a. on Crosswicks Cr., along the old line of the Indian purchase 4nd the East Jersey line, between Thomas Gilberthorp and.An- thony Woodward. (See supra, p. 137). 139 i6g8-g Feb. 10. Do. Do. for William Budd, of 1,050 a. as follows: 1, 150 a. near Great Eggharbour, on the bay, adjoining Jonas Valentine and Jonas North; 2, 50 a. on the N. E. of the first; 3, 100 a. on tke N. E. of the second; 4, 400 a. between the bay and Tho Budd; 5, 350 a. on Lit tle Eggharbour R. and a creek, emptying into it, next to James Hilton. Six hundred acres of the whole is in right of Richard Tucker. 139 1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 400 a. at Southwest Cape or the point of fast land at Little Eggharbour R. between the bay and Francis Collins. 140 1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. between Peter Cownnover, a great creek near the bay and Susannah Budd. 140 1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. between William Biddle and Henry Jacobs. 140 1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of- 120 a. on the North side of Little Eggharbour R., along Fish R., near the Indian Fishing place, adjoining Wm. Biddle. 140 1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. between the East Jersey line, Wm. Biddle and a brook. 140 1698-9 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for Susannah Budd, of 2,000 a. "near to ye Eggharbrs" as follows: 1, 500 a. adjoining John Hogg; 2, 500 a. ad joining Thomas Budd; 3, 250 a. next to John Skull; 4, 750 a. on the West side of Fish R., adjoining Eleazer ffenton and Michael Buffin. 140 1698-9 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for Eleazer ffenton, of 300 a. near Little Eggharbour, on Fish R. and a brook. 141 1698-g Feb. g. Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Michael Newbold, of 300 a. on the Sound between the two Eggharbours, adjoining Susannah Budd. I4I i6g8-g Feb. 8. Do. Do. Do. for himself, of 200 a. on the S. W. side of Little Eggharbour R., near the Indian cabins. 141 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 3S5 Page .1698-9' Feb. 4. Do. Do. for William Black, of 50 a. between Wm. Barnes, John Horner, the Mill Greek and Joshua Newbold. 141 i6gg May 1. Do. Do. for the same, of 180 a. on the Eastside of Crosswicks- Creek, along the East Jersey line. 141 1688 Nov. — . Do. Do. by Symon Charles, "Copyed out by Daniel Leeds," for Abraham Hewlings, of 225 a. on Rancokus R. between Benjamin Scott, William Peachee and Isaac Marriatt. 141 1689 4th m. (June). Do, Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Archibald Sil ver, of 100 a. in the fork of Rancokus, on the North branch, adjoining Rob' Dimsdale. 142 Do. Do. for Joseph Steward, of 50 a. 142 l6gg May 10. Do. Do. by Joshua Barkstead " by warrant from ye Honble Govr Jeremiah Basse Esqre date 1 May l6gg," for Arant Sonmans, of 20,000 a. in Burlington Co., called Sonmans Manor, at the head of the Society's purchase, above the Falls and on the North side of Delaware R. , between the Society's land, the East Jersey line, a long branch of Rariton R. and the Delaware. 142 i6gg May 12. Do. Do. by warrant as above, for William Penn, of 10,000 a. in Burlington Co., on the branches of Rariton R. adjoining the next lot of 10,000 a. and running along the E. J. line. 142 i6gg May 10. Do. Do. by warrant as above, for the same, of 10,000 a. in Burlington Co. along the East Jersey line, adjoining Doctor Daniel Coxe. 142 l6g9 May 2. Do. Do. Do. by warrant as before, for Dr. Daniel Coxe, of 20,000 a. in Burlington Co.' between the East Jersey line and Del aware R., on the North side of the long branch of Rariton R., adjoining Arant Sonmans, 142 1699 May 28. Do. Do. Do. by warrant as before, for the Right Honble the West New Jersey Society, of 10,000 a. in Burlington Co., on Delaware R., adjoining the Society's 30,000 a. surveyed by Daniel Leeds. 142 l6gg May 30. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 22,000 a. in Burling ton Co., on Delaware R., next to Dr. Daniel Coxe's. 143 l6gg June I. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 10,000 a. in Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohannsy R., between their land, surveyed by Worlidge and John Budd and that surveyed by Joshua Barkstead Sept. 13, 1694, on the other (East) side of Morrise R. (Now in Cumberland Co.) 143 I699 June 2. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 12,000 a. in Salem Co. at the head of Cohannsy R. and on the West side of the main branch of Allawayes Creek, W. of the Indian town. 143 i6gg June 3. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 1,000 a. on the 33 386 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page bay between Back Creek and Middle Marsh Cr., adjoining Lippincott's land, Capt. Wm. Dare, Mark Reeve and Mr. Helby. 143 l6gg Aug. 3. Do. Do. by Jn° Meredith, for John Woolston, of 23 a. between Geo. Parker, John Langstaffs and Edw. Gaskin. 143 l6g6 April — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Tatham, of 650 a., whereof 300 were formerly surveyed for Benj. Antrobus, along the line of the old Indian purchase, next to Godfrey Hancock. 144 l6gg May 4. Do. Do. for the same, of 2,000 a. on the Southside of the South branch of Rancocus, in two tracts: 1, betw. Wm. Evans, John Boarton, Richard Boyes and Henry Beck; 2, along said South branch and Mason's Cr. between Benjamin Moore and Robert Engle. 144 1699 Oct. 30. Do. Do. by Joshua Barkstead, by warrant &c, for John Pike, William Vaughan and John Perry, of 6,250 a. on Delaware R., above the Falls, part of Dr. Coxe's 20,000 a., over against a small island, along Coxe's line. 144 1699 Oct. 30. Do. Do. Do. Do. for John Hooke, of 3,750 a. on Delaware R., above the Falls, part of Dr. Coxe's 20,000 a. adjoining John Pike and Company. 144 l6gg Oct. 6. Do. Do. Do. Do. for George Willocks, of 2,000 a. on the North side of Pesoick R., 60 chains N. W. of its juncture with Pec- quanick R., adjoining Anthony Brockhurst and Arent Schuyler. 145 1685-6 12th m. (Feb.) and 1689 6th m. (Aug.) Do. Do. for Thomas Scholey, of 340 a. between George Hutcheson, Michael Newbold, Eliakim Higgins and Wm. Biddle. 145 1^99 July 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 38 a. adjoining his own, betw. Wm. Biddle and John Syke; also of 29 a. next to the preceding along John Syke's. 145 Do. Do. for William Biddle, of 500 a. near Eggharbour, on an arm of the sea and the creek, bounding Samuel Jenings' land. " To Nicho: Browne by Deed dated ye 25 December i6gg." 145 1698-9 Feb. 5. Do. Do. for William Black, of 200 a. on the North side of and along Springhill Brook, adjoining Wm. Beard dec'd, John Snowden, Samuel Andrews. 145 1698 Oct. 24. Do. Do. by Wm. Emley, for Henry Scott, of 200 a. within the Proprietors' lands, adjoining John Walton. 146 1686-7 nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Simon Charles, for Peter Boss, of 25 a. in the town bounds of Burlington, on Delaware R. adjoining his own. 146 Do. Do. for Joseph English, of 100 a. on the South side of the creek, falling into Delaware R. at the lower end of Sepassinks Island, between Henry Stacy, Joseph Blower, John Cripps and said creek. 146 1693 July — . Do. Do. for Robert Powell, of 200 a. on the fork of REVEL'S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 387 Page Ancocus, next to Daniel Wills. 146 1691 — - Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for John Sykes, of 200 a.. between Thomas Scholey and John Warren; incl. 6 a. of meadow in the Wigwam meadow. 146 Do. Do. resurvey by Daniel Leeds, for Richard Ridgway; formerly surveyed for Thomas Budd as highway allowance for the planta tion, on which Ridgway now dwells, of 30 a. adjoining Wm. Atkinson, John Crosby and Samuel Barker. 146 l6g4 July — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Mary Myers, of 8 a. in Burlington, along the creek from London Bridge N. E. to the East side of the street coming from the river. 146 Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 21 a. without Burlington Island, between John Woolston and the Tannhouse Run. 146 Do. Do. Do. for the same, 2^ a. adjoining her house in Burlington and Waller Humphery, on the street. 146 i6gi 3d m. (May). Do. Do. - by Simon Charles, for Katharine Beard, of 100 a. at Onanickon, between George Hutcheson, Wm. Bustlll, John Scholey and Isaac Leet; part of it between John Scholey and Robert Stacy. " Recorded already in page 8g but with some difference in that record & ye Coppy of Simon Charles Survey here recorded." 147 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for William ffisher, of the land sold to him by Wm. Righton, 197 a. in town bounds, on Delaware R. next to Peter Bass and Samuel Harriott. 147 Do. Do. by John Meredith, for Arthur Cook, of 105 a., be ing two small islands with marsh, near the bayof Untacooccon R. 147 Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 695 a. 147 1694-5 ist m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for John Scho ley, of 181 a. between John Warren, Joshua Wright and Wm. Emley, crossing a run. 147 1700 May 4. Do. Do. Do. for John Murfin, of 90 a. adjoining John Scholey between John Warren, Mary Wright and a small brook. 147 1683 and 1689. Do. Do. by Simon Charles and Daniel Leeds, for Robert Engle, of 150 a. on the East side of Mason's Cr. adjoining the land, called Nineve. 148 1695 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Mary Wright, •of 230 a. adjoining Wm. Emley, Joshua Wright and John Scholey; also of 30 a. near the East Jersey line on a small brook. 148 1686 6th d. 7th m. (Sept.) and 1700 Sept. n. Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Noel Mew, of 300 a. in the Second Tenth, on the Southside ot .Northampton R., along Henry Jacob's Creek, next to said Jacob's land and John Boarton. 148 J^95 3d m- (May). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Marmaduke 388 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pag« Horsman, of 100 a. adjoining his own, between George Hutcheson, George Nicholson and Francis Davenport, incl. a triangle of i£ a. be tween his own land, Samuel Taylor and George Hutcheson. 148 1700 April 1. Do. Do. by John Meredith, for William Pancoast, of 270 a. near Little Eggharbour, in two lots on Rock Cr. 148 1700 April 1. Do. Do. Do. for Michael Buffin, of 260 a. near Lit tle Eggharbour in four lots: 1, 150 a. next to Arthur Cook; 2, 70 a. in two small "spots " on the creek running along Arthur Cooke; 3, 10 a., a cedar swamp; 4, 30 a. between the land, bo't by him of Nicholas Brown and the lot bo't of Daniel Leeds. 148 1699-1700 March 22. Do. Do. by Thomas Gardiner, for the same, of 2g a. 1 -rood adjoining his own, Wm. Elles, George Porter and Spring- hill. 149 1700 Oct. 24. Do. Do. by W. E., for Christopher Snoden,of 400 a. within the Proprietor's land along Great Shabbacunck Cr., between the Society's land and Jasper Smith. 149 1701 April 15. Do. Do. for " ye Honble Andrew Hamilton Govr " and Benjamin ffield, of 2,000 a. of the West Jersey Society's land, in Ad- lord Bowde's purchase, along the first Eastern line thereof, next to John Clark. 149 — 1701 April 16. Do. Do. for the same, of 3,000 a. of the Society's land, near Wishalimensey, on the S. E, side of the town, on the West side of Hockin Creek, next to John Clark. 149 1701 April — . Do. Do. for Benjamin ffield, of 150 a. along the second East line of the Society's land, next to Andrew. Heath and the preceding lots. I4g 1701 April — . Do. Do. for Andrew Heath of 300 a. along the sec ond East line of the Society's land, next to Tho: Lambert. 149 Do. Do. by Wm. Emley, "by virtue of an Order from ye Surveyor General to me directed being dated the third day of the first month Anno 1700-1," for Benjamin ffield, of 400 a. above the Society's tract, called the 30,000 a. &c. on Delaware R. 149 Do. Do. by Tho: Gardiner, for the same, of 376 a. above the Falls of Delaware R., along the Scott's partition line, next to Tho: Lambert. 150 Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 73 a. above the Falls of Delaware R., between Tho: Lambert and Tho: Stevenson, along a run. ^o 1692 April — . Do. Do. by Simon Charles, for Alexander Stewart, of 2\ a. of meadow, between Daniel Leeds, Thomas Shinn and Wm. Sal- la way. itp • Do. Do. by Charles D. Leeds and John Meredith, for REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 389 Page Alexander Stewart, of 1-60 a. between John Shinn, John Snape, Wm. Hunt, Tho: Atkinson, his own, Tho. Bryant and Joseph English. 150 1699-1700 Feb. 16. Do. Do. by Tho: Gardiner, for the same, of 352 a. adjoining John Shinn junior. 150 1701 May 10. Do. Do. by Thim0: Brandreth, for Joseph Crowell, of 200 a. at Cape May. 150 1701 May 12. Do. Do. Do. for himself, of 300 a. at Cape May. 150 1689-90 March — . Do. Do. by Simon Charles, "coppyed out by Daniel Leeds," for Joseph Marshall, of 666J a. between Pensoakin and Ancocus Rivers, adjoining Tho: Hooton, Rodman, Wm. Evans, Timothy Brandreth and John Hollinshead. 151 1683 Dec. — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Hugh Staniland, of 60 a. below his house by the creek. 151 1686-7 Feb. — . Do. Do. by Simon Charles, for Joseph Pope, of 8 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the Southside of and along Assiscunck Cr. between Robert Stacy and Tho: Singleton. 151 I6gg-I700 Jan. 30. Do. Do. by Tho: Gardiner, for Nathaniel Pope, of 545 a. on one of the Southerly branches of Rancocus Cr. between John Huson and Christopher Weatherill. 151 Do. Do. by Simon Charles " but searched out and resur- veyed by me," Daniel Leeds, for Joseph Pope, of 60 a. in town bounds, ("examined this year i6g5 "), between John Hollinshead, Samuel Lovett, Wm. Biddle. 151 1701 Oct. 2. Do. Do. by Tho: Gardiner, for Benjamin ffield and William Stevenson, of 3,193 a. along the line of the Indian purchase above the Falls, lately made by the Society, on Caponockon Creek, adjoining Andr. Hamiltons and his own former survey. 151 1701 Nov. 1. Do. Do. Do. for Francis Collins, of 726 a. above the Falls of Delaware R. on Capenockon Cr., next 'to Andrew Hamilton's and Ben. Field's 3,000 a. lot. 151 1697 May 24. Do. Do. by John Meredith for Mathew Champion, of 20 a. at Onanickon near his own plantation. 151 l6go-l r2th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon Charles, for Widow ffarrow, of 75 a. on the Southside of and along Black's Creek, adjoining her own, Henry Beck and Daniel Bacon. 151 l6g6-7 nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by John Meredith, for Francis Davenport, of 52 a, next to Widow ffarrow, Henry Beck and the land for merly belonging to said Davenport. 152 i6g6-7 20th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 65 a. on the Northside of Crosswicks Creek between Joseph Stones and Tho: Gilberthorp. 152 39O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1699-1700 19th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Thomas Gardiner, fer the same, of 64 a. 3 roods along the Scott's line between Thomas Wright and Joseph Stewart. 152 1699-1700 20th d. ist m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 38 a. 3 roods adjoining his own and John Bunting. 152 . Do. Do. by John Meredith, for the same, of 28 a. next to Robert Wright and a long run. 152 Do. Do. for John Scholey, of "50 a. adjoining Matthew- Champion. "Sold to Gervis Pharo." 152 1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Isaac Watson, of 40 a. at the back end of John Scholey's next to Wm. Watson. 152 1701 Nov. 26. Do. Do. Do. for Thomas Hilborn, of 440 a. "joyning on the N. E. side the Branch of Great Eggharbour River y£ bounds the County of Cape May." 152 1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Widow Mary Wrenshaw, of 244 a. along the old Indian line between Edward Bolton and John Tatham. 153 Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Isaac Watson, of 160 a. along the partition line and Doctor's Creek. 153 Do. Do. Do. for John Antram, of a lot in Burlington, I a. 25 perches, fronting on Yorke St. between Thomas Lambert and- Francis Davenport, 7J perches front and rear at the end of Robert Riggs, 24 perches 12^ f. long. 153 1699 Dec. 6. Do. Do. Thomas Revell, for John Bainbridge and Ralph Hunt, of 400 a. adjoining William Hixon and Andrew Smith. 153 1702 Sept. 30. Do. Do. by W. Emley, for Nicholas Martinoe, of 160 a. in the Proprietary lands, on the Northside of Stony Brook next to Thomas Smith (Mercer Co.). 153 1702-3 30th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Tho. Gardiner (resur vey), for Joshua Newbould, of 271 a. formerly surveyed by Symon Charles for John ffeat, on both sides of and along Black's Creek, adjoining Wm. Barnes and Farinsworth. 154 1702-3 30th d. ist m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 34 a. next to William Satterthwait. 154 1699 Nov. 17. Do. Do. by Tho. Revell, for John Rue, of 200 a. of the Society's 30,000, adjoining Captain Hollett and Rut Johnson. "Cop- pye from ye Societies Records of Surveys." 154 1689 13th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds', for Thomas Hutchinson, of 1,850 a. on the path to Wissomencey, along and through a swamp near Assimpinck R., along said river and Shabbaconck Cr. and near the road to York. 154 1702-3 31st d. ist in. (March). Do. Do. by Tho. Gardiner, for Samuel Barnes, of two lots: 1, 70 a. along Black's Cr., on the King's REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 391 Page road; 2, 132 a. above Joshua Newbold's mill, the whole to stand for 192 a. and 10 a. highway allowance. 11-4 1689. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Simon Charles, for Thomas Gil- berthorp, of 50 a. on Crosswicks Cr. and Doctors Cr. 155 Do. Do. for Humphry Hughes (Howes), of 243 a. on the Cape Island. ice WEST JERSEY RECORDS— Liber A, or Revel's Book of Surveys. REVERSED SIDE. 1687 Sept. 5. Letter. Daniel Coxe to (first half of first page torn out): on governing the new possessions, confirming the officers ap pointed by Mr. Byllinge, etc.1 1 1687 July 20. "The Coppie of Govnior Coxe his Narrative," tells of the meeting with the Proprietors of East Jersey and of the discussions about the division. 4 1686 Sept. 10. Assignment. John Kerksey to his son Edward Kerksey of a cow and calf with the increase. 9 1686 June I. Do. Same to his son John Kerksey of a cow with the increase. > g 1692 Dec. 31. Minutes of Court Proceedings: before Edw. Hunloke and Tho. Revell, sitting at the house of Richard Bassnett at Burlington: Tho: Potts vs. Elimilech Hudson for debt; Olliver Taylor witness for pltff. Before Tho: Revell and Tho. Lambert, Justices, at the former's house: Jno Browne vs. Jno Pancost; warrant served by Jno Curtis, Con stable of Mansfield. 9 1692 Aug. 5. Letter. Daniel Coxe to Mr. Thomas Bridge, express ing his interest in N. J. 10 1692 July 2g. Do. West Jersey Society to same, encouraging Bridges to emigrate to West Jersey from the Bermudas. 10 1693-4 Feb. 20. Return of survey by Wm. Emley, " Surveyr of the So- cietie's Land above ye ffalls," for John Lee, of 250 acres of the Society's 30,000, along Delaware R., also 12 a. highway allowance. 11 1694 April 4. Do. Do. Do. for William Hixson, of 150 a. in the 15,000 above the Falls. n Do. Do. by Geo. Taylor, for William Whitlock, of 500 a. Cape May Co., on the Bay side above Greene Creek. 11 1694 April — . Do. Do. Do. for Christopher Leaman, of 204 a. of 1 Printed in Smith's History of New Jersey. 190-194, note; and in N. J. Arch ives, II , 4-9. 392 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the Society's land in Cape May Co., on the Sound side, next to Benjamin Hand, "& since Conveyed to Thomas Leaman his sonne." n 1696 April 9. Do. Do. by Josh. Barkstead "Surveyr at Cape May," for Jacob Spicer, of 400 a. of the Society's land in Cape May Co., Bay- side, on the first creek S. of the cedar hammocks. II 1696 June 15. Do. Do. for John Smith, of 500. a. of the Society's 30,000 acres on the river. 12 Do. Do. for John Bainbridge, of 400 a., bo't of Richard Ridgway, "with 10 chains more, that are by measure found to be in ye 600 Acres by sd Richard purchased of JnP Tatham Esqre (Attorney for Dr. Coxe) & which Ten chaines overmeasure are included also & herein bounded:" i. e. between the Division line and the old rear line of the 600 a. as in Daniel Leeds' draught; in all 500 a. with highway allowance and 10 a. of meadow. 12 1696 April 22. Do. Do. for the same, of 130 a. along the East Jer sey line and adjoining Wm. Hixson; also 70 a. along the same line betw. James Price and Richd Ridgway. 12 1696-7 March 3. Do. Do. for John Dixson and wife Elizabeth, of 200 a., in the Society's 15,000 a. tract, between Thomas Greene, James Price, Joseph Sockelt ahd the town lands. 12 1696 Oct. 29. Do. Do. for Edward Hunt, of 200 a., in the Socie ty's 30,200 a tract, in the branches of Shabbacunck Cr. 13 1690 Aug. 20. Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Thomas Greene, of 150 a. by virtue of his Deed from Mr. Tatham (Attorney for Dr. Coxe), adjoining Richard Ridgway. " Sold to Johannes LawrensouUpdick." 13 1695 May 23. Do. Do. for the same, of 105 a. (sold by Thomas Revell on ye Societie's behalfe), between his own, Widow Davis and Jona than Davis. "5 Acres hereof sold to Wm. Hixson being meadow & ye 100 Acres to Johannes Lawrenson up Dick." 13 1697 May 17. Do. Do. by Josh Barkstead, for Mr. Thomas Bridge and Mr. — Collett, of 1,050 a. of the Society's land in Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohannsie R. and the Northside of Sawmill Creek, 1,000 a. for Bridge, the remaining 50 for Collett of Barbadoes. 13 1694-5 Jan. 15. Do. Do. Do. for John Shaw, of 165 a., called Tillsum, in Cape May Co., on the sea board side, between John Parsons and Wm. Shaw. I, l694~5 Ja"- i"5- Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 150 a. called Shoo- makers Hall, in Cape May Co., on the seaboard side, between" the preced ing, from which it is separated b'y a creek, and Arthur Cressey. '14 1697 July last. Do. Do. for Capt. William Hollett, of 1,000 a., in the Society's 30,000 a. tract, adjoining Johannes Lawrenson. 14 Do. Do. for Joseph Sackett, of 300 a., adjoining Samuel Hunt, Jonathan Davis and the public land. 14 REVEL S BOOK OF SURVEYS. 393 Page 1697 April — . Do. Do. for Roger Park, of 400 a. at Wissamenson, on the North side of and along Stony Brook. !4 1697 May -^. Do. Do. for Anne Park, of 100 a.,' S. E. of and next to Roger Park, adjoining Thomas Tindall. 1a 1697 Sept. 16. Do. Do. for Richard Hall, of 150 a. adjoining Wil liam Akerley. j-5 1694 June—. Do. Do. for Ralph Hunt, of 95 a., adjoining Theo philus Philipps; also of 10 a. of meadow next to his own meadow, bo't of Daniel Leeds. 15 Do. Do. for Theophilus Philipps, of 10 a. of meadow, S. of and next to Ralph Hunt. 15 Do. Do. for Ralph Hunt, of 5 a. on the Southside of and along Theophilus Philipps. 15 . "See 220 Acres at ffuller's Creek (for Tho: Bridge) page .138, which should have been entred here, but is misplaced. — of Socielie's Land—." 15 1697 April — . Return of survey, to Andrew Smith for his son Thomas Smith, of 100 acres, next to Roger Park's 400 a. 15 1697 April — . Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. on the Northside of Stony Brook, between Joshua Ward and John Houghton. 15 i6g8 May 25. Do. Do. for Ralph Hunt, of 133 a. of the 15,000 a., in the rear of his 95 a. lot, between Joshua Andros and Theophilus Philipps. 15 1695 May 23. Do. Do. for Jonathan Davis, of 109 a. between his mother's land and Samuel Hunt; also 5 a of meadow. 16 1699 April 20. Do. Do. by Josh. Barkstead, for Thomas Gandy, of 50 a. called the Addition, in Cape May Co., on the seaboard side, adjoin ing Gandy's Hall. 16 1696-7 Feb. 27. Do. Do. for Thomas Parke (margin calls him John)5 of 300 a., next to Thomas Twigg. 16 1696 April 4. Do. Do. by Josh. Barkstead, for Dennis Linch, of 300 a., called Linch's Hall, in Cape May Co., on the seabord side, part of the Society's land, on both sides of Indian Creek. 16 1689 July 16. Do. Do. by John Worlidge, for William Jacocks, by order of Mr. James Budd, Agent to Daniel Coxe,' of 340 a', on the sea side, between Randel Hewitt and a point athwart Cape Island. 16 1696 April — . Do. Do. for William Hixson, of 100 a. adjoining his own, next to Jno Bainbridge along the partition line; also 10 a. of mead ow next to his own, of which 5 are highway allowance for the 100 a. and 5 bought of Tho: Green. 16 1704 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 200 a. on the sea coast near Absecon Creek, between Tho: Budd's 1,000 a., "whereon Peter 34 394 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page White now Dwells," on the S. W. and the brook, bounding Susannah Budd's 550 a. on the N. E. 17 (AGAIN REVERSED.) 1692-3 March — . Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for George Hutche son, of a lot in Burlington, "whereon he has now built," E. the lot on High St., which said George and Isaac Marriott agreed to divide, 44 f. from High by River St., 76 f. 6 in. wide, 150 f. long. 17 1685 (?) May — . Do. Do. Do. to Thomas Mathews for the use of Edward filling, of 1,130 acres on the South branch of Pensawken Creek, between Jeremiah Richards, Wm. Cooper and Francis Collins. 17 WEST JERSEY RECORDS -Liber B, Part 1. 1676-7 Feb. 28 March 1. M.em. of Deed. William Penn, Gawen Lawry, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Billinge to William Peachy for one share, divided as follows: Wm. Peachy J, John Cripps ^, Thomas Doll fa, Richard Smith fa, Richard Mathews fa, Henry Stacy fa, Wm. Kent ^, Wm. Drewitt fa. 1 1677 April 12-13. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Hooton to Bernard De vonish for one eighth of a share. I 1676-7 March 1-2. Do. Do. William Penn et. al. as above to John Kensey, for one share. 1 1677 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. George Hutchinson to Robert Murfin, for 1-32 of a share. I 1677 April 5-6. Do. Do. Thomas Hooton to John Woollman, for 1-32 of a share. 1 1680 Oct. 9-10. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to John Long, for half an acre in Burlington, N. Wm. Brightwell, S. Thomas Garner, E. Backer St. of the Londonside, W. the backmost street or lane; 91 a. in said town ship, near the head of Mill Creek adjoining grantor. 2 1679 June I. Do. Do. Thomas Hooton to Walter Humphreys alias Powell, for 1-16 of a share. 2 1680-1 Feb. 14-15. Do. Do. John Smith to William Brightwell, for 9 acres in Burlington, E. Thomas Budd, N. Delaware River, W. a small creek. 2 1678 Sept. 16-17. Do. Do. George Hutchinson to Samuel Jen nings, for j- of a share. 2 1678-9 Feb. 21-22. Do. Do. Thomas Hooton to John Stokes, for 1-32 of a share. 2 1681 May 2-3. Do. Do. John Lambert to Anne Butcher, for 100 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 395 Page acres, being part of Lambert's sixteenth part. 3 1681 July 26-27. Mem. of Deed. George Hutchinson to Anthony Woodhouse, for 1-32 of 3-90 of 90-100 (the town lot in Burlington belong ing to the said premises excejDted). 3 July 27-28. Do. Do. Same to William Lasswell, for 1-32 of 3-90 of go-100 shares. 3 1677 Sept. 27. Do. of Indian Deed. Mohocksey, Tatameckho, Ap- peringues, Indians, to John Kinsey, Thomas Ollive, Daniel Wills, John Pennford, Benjamin Scott, Joseph Hemsley, Robert Stacy, William Em- lay and Thomas ffolke, for the tract between Old Man's Brook and Tim ber Creek. 3 1677 Sept. 10. Do. Do. Katamas, Sekappie, Peanto alias Ene- quete, Rennowighwan, Jackickon, Indian Sackamackers, to Thomas Ollive, Daniel Wills, John Pennford, Benjamin Scott, Joseph Helmsley, Robert Stacy, William Emley and Thomas Folke, for the land along Dellaware R. between Rankokus Creek on the North and Timber Creek on the South, East a line between the heads of the two creeks named. 4 1677 Oct. 10. Do. Do. Ahtahkones, Nanhoosing, Okaniskhon, Weskeakitt, Petheatus, Kekroppamant, Indian Sackamackers, to Joseph Helmsley, Robert Stacy and the others as in preceding, for the land along the Dellaware R. from Rankokus Creek to Sent Pinck Cr.l at the Falls, East a line from the head of Rankokus Cr. to the partition line. of Sir George Carteret's right against Ihe uppermost head of Sent Pinck Cr.l 4 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. of Deed. Mahlon Stacy to Thomas Farns worth for 1-15 of a share. 4 1677 May 10. Do. Do. Thomas Hutchenson, Thomas Peirson, Jo seph Helmsley, George Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy to Thomas Wright, for \ of their ten shares. 5 1681 Sept.' 28. Do. Do. Bernard Devonish to Richard -Fenni more, for a lot in Burlington near Dellaware R., 112 feet from N. to S. and 38 f. from E. to W., being part of fa share belonging to said Bernard within Thos. Hooton's waterlot. 5 1681 Sept. 27-28. Do. Do. George Hutcheson to William Black, for 1-16 and 1-32 of a share,, the 16th being for the use. of said Black, the 32d for Samuel Tayler. 5 1681 Dec. 22-23. Do. Do. John Kinsey to Thomas Budd, for fa of a share, bo't by John Kinsey dec'd, father of present grantor, of William Penn et. al. March 1-2, 1676-7 (supra, p. 1). 5 1681 -Dec 29-30. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to Arthur Cooke, Walter Clarke and Walter Newberry, for the preceding fa of a share. 5 1676-7 March 1-2. Do. Do. William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicho- 1 Assunpink creek, at Trenton. 396 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page las Lucas and Edward Billing to Thomas Budd, for one share or l-go of. the go equal and undivided parts of West Jersey. 6 1681-2 Jan. 20. Do. Do. Francis Beswick to Daniel Garner, for one acre on Burlington Island, in the N. E. corner thereof, adjoining a street, which divides the first Tenth from the second. 6 1677 April 5. Receipt to Thomas Pearson of Bonwick and Joseph Helmsley from William Penn et. al. for 1-6 of ten shares of West Jersey. ° 1681-2 Feb. 3-4. Mem. of Deed. Hannah Salter to John Hooton, for fa of her 1-6 of a share in the first Tenth of West Jersey, bo't by her late husband, Henry Salter dec'd, of Joseph Helmsley. 6 1681-2 Feb. 3-4. Do. Do. John Hooton to Hannah Salter, for fa of his 1-6 of a share in the second Tenth, bo't by him and William Snowden dec'd, of Richard Mew, July 6-7, 1677. ¦ 7 1681-2 Feb. 5-6. Do. Do. Hannah Salter, John Hooton and John Snowden to John Cripps, for 1-12 of a share, being fa of 1-6 formerly bo't by Wm. Snowden and John Hooton of Richd Mew, July 6-7, 1677. 7 1681 Nov. 17-18. Do. Do. Francis Beswick to Elias Farre, for one half of the tract near Redd Hill, Burlington, the whole containing 400 acres, the half granted lying between Samuel Oldale on the Assiscunck Creek and grantor. 7 1681-2 Jan. 2-3. Do. Do. Thomas Ollive and Daniel Wills, by and with the consent of Robert Stacy, Thomas Budd, Samuel Jennings, Thomas Lambert and Mahlon Stacy, to Henry Jacobs,! for 200 acres on the Southside of Rankokus Creek, in the London or Second Tenth, bound ed as in the record of the survey thereof in Liber A, p. 17. Considera tion: his services as interpreter. 7 1682 April 14-15. Do. Do. Anna Salter to William Haige, for two cottages in Burlington in the tenure of George Bartholomew, wilh the lots, whereon they stand, part of said Anna's 1-12 of a share in the Yorkshire Tenth of Burlington; also a houselot near John Cripps there, part of her 1-12 share in the London Tenth and all the lots lying to the Dellaware R., belonging to said Hannah for her waterlots of the 1-12 in the London Tenth, in exchange for 300 a. of said Haige's in West Jersey. 8 1682 May 1. Do. Do. John Hooton lo Robert Murfin, for 1-32, to be divided in 32 parts, of one of the ten shares, called the first or York shire Tenth of West Jersey. 8 1682 May 2. Do. Do. John Lambert to Thomas Revell, for a lot on 1 Henry Jacobs, probably a Dutchman, was, with Peter Jegou, in possession of Matiniconck or Burlington Island, when the first settlers of Burlington arrived in the Colony, and was of material assistance to them in their dealings with the In dians. The above conveyance was perhaps to compensate him for being ousted by Robert Stacy from Matiniconck Island. See N. J. Archives, I., 286, 287; X., 516; N. Y. Col. Docs., XII., 614-615; Penn. Mag. of Hist, and Biog., X., 214. ¦ WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 397 Page Burlington Island, being the town lot of Thomas Grace and part of the 1-32 of a share, bo't by said Grace of Mahlon Stacy; also a waterlot there, part of the same 1-32. 8 1682 May 1. Do. Do. Frances Beswick to John Browne for 100 acres, part of his land in the first or Yorkshire Tenth. 8 1681 Dec. 22.. Deed. Edward Byling, of the City of Westminster, gentleman, Nicolas Lucas of Hartford, Hartford Co., maulster, and Gawen Lawry of London, merchant, to James Wasse of London, citizen and barber chirurgion, in pursuance of an award made between present grantors and grantee by William Shewen Senil of Southwark, Surrey Co., for 5,000 acres, being the same. proportion he bought of John Fenwick of Binfield, Birks Co., July 12, 1675: 2,500 acres to be taken out of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, surveyed by Richard Hancock, the other 2,500 out of lots g6, 97> 9^) 99 an(i iooi surveyed by. the same; also 1-32 of Antioch Township on Kohanzee Creek (Cumb'erland Co.). 8 1677 Oct- 27- Trust Deed. John Pennford to Thomas Ollive and Daniel Wills in trust for Mary, widow of William Perkins late of England dec'd, and her children Thomas, Mary and Abigail Perkins, for one unde- vided share of his ur.devided one hundredth part of West Jersey, bo't of Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawrie et. al. II 1682 Sept. 1. Mem. of Deed. Anna Salter to Wm. ffleetwood, for 112 acres at Mansfield on Dellaware R., late the plantation of Anthony Wood- house and purchased from him June 28-2g, 1682. 12 1680 Nov. 20. Deed. John Woolston, yeoman, to Thomas French, cooper, both of Burlington, for fa of 1-90 share, except a lot in Burlington of I acre fa rood with a house and 50 a. around it and a lot of 2 a. there; grantor holding said fa by conveyance from Thomas Ollive of Welingbor- ough, haberdasher, of February 26, 1676 7. 12 1682 Sept. 26. Mem. of Deed. John Kinzey to Thomas Ollive, for the lot, called the Three Acres, in Burlington, between Wm. Peachy on the South and grantee on the North, 3 a. 13 1682 Sept. 27. -Do. Do. Thomas Ollive to Olive Hooton, for -a house in Burlington, occupied by William Biddle, and a cottage, occupied by Robert Hudson; also one acre, belonging to said house, and the lot bo't by grantor of John Kinzey, between the preceding one acre lot, Broad St., William Peachee and the next street on the West. 13 1677 July 16. Do. Do. Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas Peirson, Jo seph Helmsley, George Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy to Joshua Wright, for 1-6 of a share. r3 1678 Aug. 26. London. Warrant of Edward Billing and Wm. Penn to Thomas Ollive, Daniel Wills, Robert Stacy, Wm. Clarke and the rest of the Commissioners for allotting to William Ogle, William Roydon, Henry Stacy and Richard Mathewes as much land as falls to one share ' 398 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page out of the lauds purchased from the Indians, Wm. Ogle, Wm. Roydoh and'Nicolas Lax having bo't a share of West Jersey March 1-2, 1676-7, 'of which said Lax conveyed his part to Henry Stacy and Richard Mathewes August 22 last past. The lot to be in the 3d Tenth. 14 1681 July 23. Power of attorney. William Roydon to Edward Evar- ett to enter upon the land to be laid out as in preceding warrant. ¦ 14 1681 July 23. Deed. William Roydon of the Parish' of Christ Church, County of Surry, brewer, to Edward Everett of St. Saviour's in Southwark, same Co., shipper, for 50 acres out of the tract to be surveyed for him, grantor, as above. 14 1678 Dec. 10. Do. George Porter, late of Burlington, to John Yeo of the Whorekill County in America, for 1-6 of a share of West Jersey, be ing 1-100 of an undivided half lot, bo't of Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas Pearson, Joseph Helmsley, George Hutchinson and Mahlon Stacy of York shire July 10. 1677, who purchased said 1-100 from Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Billinge March 7, 1676-7. 15 1682 Oct. 11-12. Mem. of Deed. John Yeo and wife Somilia to Rob ert Young, for 300 acres, being part of the 1-6 of a share of the first 10 shares of West Jersey, purchased from George Porter. 15 1677 10th day 5 mo. (Aug.) Deed. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, yeoman, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, yeoman, Joseph Helmsley of Kelke, yeoman, George Hutcheson of Sheffield, distiller, and Mahlon Stacy, of Dorehouse, tanner, all in the County of York, to George Porter of Kelke, silk weaver, for 1-6 of a share of West Jersey, one share being 1-100 of one half of the whole Province, as bo't from Wm. Penn et. al. March 1-2 last past. 15 1678 Dec. 10. Assignment of the preceding by George Porter, late of Burlington, to John Yeo of the Whorekil, in N. Y. Government. 17 1682 Oct. 19. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Wright to Robert Hopper, for a house and lot in Burlington, part of his fourth of a share in the first. 10 shares of the Province, containing 3 acres. 17 1681-2 Feb. 10-11. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy to Jaines Pharoe, for 104 acres near Drayton House in the first 10 shares of West Jersey, bound ed as per survey in Liber A, pp. 4 and 27. 18- 1682 April 14-15. Do. Do. William Haigh to Anna Salter, for 300 acres, to be laid out in the third ten shares. 18 1682 Aug. 7. Do. Do. Anna Salter to Casp. ffisk, for 100 acres at Putshack in the Third Tenth, part of the preceding. 18 1682 Aug. 7. Do. Do. Same to Markus Lawrence, for 100 acres at Putshack (as above). 18 1670-1 March 1-2. Do. Do. Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edw. Billinge to Samuel Coles and Benjamin Barclett, for one share of the Province. 18 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 399 Page 1682 Sept. 15-16. Do. Do. Samuel Cole to Samuel Jenings, for £ of the preceding share. 19 1682 Oct. 6-7. Do. Do. Anthony Woodhouse to William ffleet- wood, for 95 acres, adjoining Wm. Black and part of the land taken up by grantor in the first 10 shares. 19 1681 Oct. 21. Do. Do. George Hutcheson to John Snowden, for 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, excepting the town lots on Burlington Island. 19 1682 Aug. 28. Mem. of Deed in Trust. John Snowden to Benjamin Scott and John Hooton, for the benefit of bis wife Anne: conveys the pre ceding 1-32 of a share, except 100 acres which he reserves for himself. 19 1682 Aug. 28. Mem. .of Deed. John Hooton to John Snowden and wife Anne, for fa of 1-16 of a share, bo't of George Hutcheson August 12, 1678. 20 1682 Oct. 17-18. Do. Do. John Snowden to Henry Stacy, for 100 acres, part of his 1-32 of a share, bo't of George Hutcheson. 20 1682 Oct. 24-25. - Do. Do. John Cripps to Henry Stacy, for 50 acres in one of the first 10 shares, as surveyed for grantor and recorded in Liber A7 p. 23, part of 1-32 share, bo't of George Hutcheson by Wm. Stories, who sold it to Richard Greene, from whom Anna Salter bo't it,, who con veyed the -land to said Cripps. 20 1682 Nov. l-z. Do. Do. Thomas Bowman to Peter Rambo, for fa of a- share in the Third Tenth, being part of grantor's half of one of the shares of said Tenth. 21 1682 Nov. 1-2. Do. Do. Samuel Jenings to Jonas Keene, for 100 acres in the Second Tehth, as taken up, surveyed and recorded for said Keene at Pumpissinck (Liber A, p. 27); also 5 a. of meadow, next to Thomas ffairman. 21 1681 Nov. 8-9. Do. Do. William Roydon, by his attorney, Edward Evarett, to Richard Wall, for 50 acres in the Third Tenth, to adjoin 100 a. in the same Tenth to be taken up by said Roydon. 21 1682 Nov. 17-18. Do. Do. John Brewster to Edward Read, for 60 acres, part of 200 a., conveyed to grantor by Edward Bylling May 24-25, 1682. 21 1682 Dec. 18-19. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to John Days, for 100 ¦ acres in the First Tenth on the North side of the West branch of Assis cunck Creek, E.- John Shin and Eleazar Fenton, part of the 500 a., pur chased by grantor of John Yeo. 21 1680 Oct. 28. Do. Do. Thomas Wright to John Pancas, for 1-32 of a 10-90 share of the Province. 22 . 1682 Dec. 19-20. Do. Do. John Brewster to John Pattison and wife ..Margrett, for 140 acres, part of his 200 a., granted, to him by Edw. Byl- 400 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page linge May 24-25, 1682. 22 1682 Nov. 2-3. Do. Do. John Smith of Christeene Creek (Del.) to Thomas Ollive of Rancokus alias Northampton River, for 300 acres in the Second Tenth. 22 1682 Oct. 12-13. Do. Do. John Yeo of Maryland and wife Somilia to Thomas Budd of Burlington, for 500 acres, part of 1-6 of a share, pur chased from George Porter (supra, p. 15); also 66 a. in Burlington Town ship with his wharf lot. 22 1682 Nov. 1-2. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy of the Falls to Samuel Oldale, for 1-32 of the First Tenth. 23 1682 Dec. 22-23. Do. Do. John Dewsbury of Burlington and wife Joan to John Woolston of the same place, for two houses near Assiscunck Creek, now or late in the tenure of Samuel Willis with 100 acres adjoining the houses. 23 1680 Dec. 23. Do. Do. John Woolston to Thomas Potts, for^ of a lot in Burlington, called Thomas Ollive Town, N. Dellaware R., 2 acres. 23 1677 April 4. Deed in Trust. Thomas Ollive, late of Wellingburgh, County of Northampton, haberdasher, and Daniel Wills of the Town of Northampton, practicioner in chemistry, to William Biddle of Bishopps- gate St., London, shoemaker, for one half of the tract granted to both parties by William Penn et. al. January 22-23 ^ast past. Marginal Notes tell, that Wm. Biddle sold hereof 300 acres to Richd Beamond of Lon don, weaver, 100 a. to Thomas Harding of Ranccokus R., 500 a. to Rob ert Dimsdale of Bishop Stafford, Co. of Hertford, 150 a. to Wm. Evans of Rancokus R., — a. to Jn° Newman, 500 a. to John Rodman, — to Jn» Langford. (Paper broken.) 23 1677 April 1. Deed. Thomas Pearson of Bonwick and Joseph Helmsley of Kelke, Co. of Yorke, to William Biddle in the Parish of But- tolfs Bishoppsgate, London, shoemaker, for 5 of one of the 10 shares in West Jersey, lately bo't by grantors and others of Wm. Penn et. al. Mar ginal Notes: Wm. B. sold of this land 50 acres to Jacob Cousens, 500 a. to Jn° Underhill, 500 a. to Joseph Ambler. 25 1682-3 Feb. 7-8. Mem. of Deed. Godfrey Hancock of Assiscunck Creek to Samuel Jenkins of Crosswicks Creek, for 100 acres in the First Tenth, on the South side of Crosswicks Cr., over against Wm. Lasswell. Marginal Note: Assigned to Jno Marshall, by him to Daniel Stanton, by him to Ralph Trenoweth (infra, p. 79). 26 1676-7 Feb. 28 March 1. Do. Do. Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Byllinge to William Clarke, merchant, An thony Sharp, merchant, Mathias ffoster, merchant, Roger Roberts, inn- holder, Richard Hunter, tanner, Thomas Atherton, shoemaker, all of Dublin, Ireland, and Thomas Starkey of Abby— Lace, Queens Co., Ire- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 401 Page land, gentleman, for l-go of the ninety undivided hundred parts of West Jersey. 2D 1683 March 29-30. Deed. William Clark, late of Dublin, now of Sussex Co., Penna., to James Grahame of N. Y., merchant, for £ or 2-10 and fa of i-ioof the preceding l-go. 27 1682-3 March 21-22. Mem. of Deed. John Cripps to Lawrence Mor ris, for 200 acres, part of 1-12 in the Second Tenth, bo't of Anna Salter Feb. 5-6, 1681-2 (supra, p. 7), to be surveyed for grantee, in exchange for 50 acres of said Morris near Mount Holly in the Second Tenth. 2g 1682-3 Feb. 21-22. Mem. of Deed. John Dewsbury and wife Joan to Jacob Cozens, for 50 acres in one of the first ten shares, bo't of William Biddle and 1-32 of a-share in the same Tenth, bo't of Susanna ffrith of Chesterfield, Co. of Derby, widow. 29 1683 May 12. Do. Do. John Smythe of Christeene Creek, Penn sylvania, yeoman, to Thomas Wallis of Burlington, filecutter, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 29 1682-3 March 13-14. Do. Do. John Cripps to Walter Clarke, for a lot iu Burlington Town, S. W. and S. E. Samuel Jenings, N. E. Ed mond Stuart, 112J acres. 30 1683 May 26. Do. Do. in Trust. George Guest of Assiscunck to Thomas Revell of Burlington and Godfrey Hancock, for the use of Mary, wife of Samuel Willis of Assiscunck and grantor's sister, and her chil dren, for 100 acres in one of the first ten shares of the Province, to be taken up as a settlement out of his half of 1-32 share, bo't of Samuel Wil lis April 10 last past. 30 1682-3 March 5-6." Do. Do. Samuel Willis to George Guest and wife Alice, for fa of 1-32 of one share in the First Tenth, bo't of Godfrey Hancock October 28, 1680, for life and after their death for their children vizt: Mary, Elizabeth, George and John. 31 1683 April 10. Do. Do. Same to same, for fa of 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, being the other half of the preceding. 31 1683 April 18. Do. Do. John White to Henry Stacy, for 50 acres on the Southside of London Bridge near Burlington, partly along the creek, bo'i of John Woolston, who had it from Thomas Ollive. 32 1683 June 8-9. . Do. Do. Jacob Cozens to Godfrey Hancock, for H2fa acres near Assiscunck Creek, in the First Tenth, between grantee on the West and John Woolston on the East, bo't of John Dewsbury and wife Joan Feb. 20-21, 1682-3. 32 1678-9 Jan. 15. Deed.- Godfrey Newbold of Handsworth Woodhouse in the Parish of Handsworth, Co. of Yorke,, England, yeoman, to William .. Lee of Burlington, West Jersey, his servant, for 40 acres, to be surveyed out of the lands to be assigned to him in W. J. May Day, 1681. , 33 1683 Aug. 11. Mem. of Deed. John Hollinshead to Richard Basnett, 35 402 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page for a house ih Burlington and 30 acres within the town bounds; also four wharf lots in Thomas OUive's share' of Burlington, or 3-16 of his share, of which grantor bo't 1-16 of said Ollive, 1-16 of John Roberts, 1-32 of Robt Powell and 1-32 of Thomas Eves. 33 1682 April 17. Do. Do. John Murfin of Crosswicks Creek to James Pharoe of Drayton House, for 1-64 of 7-9o share, being fa of 1-32 of the same seven ninetieths, bo't by grantor of George Hutcheson of Sheffield, England. 33 1683 Sept. 5. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy to Peter ffretwell, for 100 acres above St. Pinck Creek at the falls of Dellaware R., bounded as in record of survey, Liber A, p. 14. 34 1683 Sept. 17. Do. Do. Henry Stacy to Jeremiah Richards, for 500 acres to be surveyed in the Third Tenth, being 1-6, which with another sixth were bought by grantor and Richard Mathewes of Nicholas Lax. 34 1683 Sept. 11. Do.' Do. Richard Basnett of Burlington to Henry Stacy of Spitlefields, Parish of Stepney, County of Middlesex, England, merchant, for a house and 30 acres in Burlington and four wharflots there (supra, p. 33). 34 1683 Oct. ri. Do. Do. Eleazer Fenton to Nathaniel West, for 100 acres, surveyed for grantee in the First Tenth, as recorded in Liber A. , 35 1683 June 18-lg. Do. Do. Richard Mew of the Parish of Stepney alias Stebonheath, Co. of Middlesex, merchant, to Robert Hopper of Scar borough, Co. of Yorke, mariner, for 1-6 of a share of West Jersey, the whole share having been bo't of Wm. Penn et. al. by' grantor, Percivall Towle, Peter Hayles, Thomas Martaine, Nicholas Bell and Richard Clay ton January 22-23, 1676-7; the 1-6 hereby sold being the share of Richard Clayton, who sold it to Benjamin Antrobus Sept. 20-21,-1678, from whom present grantor acquired it by deed of May 1-2, 1683. 35 1683-4 23d day 12 m. (Feb.). Do. Do." Thomas Budd and Thomas Gardner to Hance Monseur, Jonas Keene and Frederick Frederickson, for 500 acres in the Second Tenth, surveyed as in Liber A, p. 27, sold by au thority of a power of attorney, from the General Assembly of the Province. 36 1681-2 8 and gth d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Mathew Allen to Hannah Kimball, for 100 acres, being one half of 200 a., surveyed for grantor in Burlington and bo't by him of John Smith of Christeene Creek August 13-14, 1680. 36 1683 25th d. 10th m. (Dec). Do. Do. Martin Hoult to Thomas Budd, for a house and lot in Burlington. 36 1683-4 12th d. 12th m. (Feb.;. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to William Budd, for fa of a share in the Second Tenth, the whole having been bo't of Wm. Penn et. ab March 1-2, 1676-7, in which grant the wharf lot to the WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PARt 1 . 403 Page eighth is' included, but the house lot, usually called the town lot in Bur lington Island, excepted; also a wharf lot there, belonging to a sixth part of a share, and a dwelling house in Burlington, in the tenure of Martin Hoult with 8 acres betw. Wm. Brightwen, Benjamin Scott and the creek, surrounding the island. . 37 1683-4 8th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Same to Jonathan Beere, for 1-16 in the Second Tenth, part of the share, bo't as in preceding; fa acre on Wood St., Burlington Island, adjoining Wm. Brightwen. 37 1683-4 Feb. 25. Do. Do. Anthony Morris to John Budd, for a water or wharf lot in Burlington Island, excerjt 8 feet, being \ of a share. 37 1681 Dec. 30. Deed. Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchant, to Arthur Cooke, Walter Clarke and Walter Newberry, all of Road Island, merchants^ for fa of a share of the Province. 38 1683 April 5. Mem. of Deed of Trust. Edward Searson, late of the White Leay in Derbyshire, England, now of South River, Arundell Co., Maryland, yeoman, to Samuel Jenings, Thomas Budd and Elias ffarre, the consideration having been paid by Thomas Ellis of Burlington, white smith, deceased, on behalf of his daughter Elizabeth Ellis, for 1-64 of the First Tenth, being part of the \ of a share, bo't by said Searson of Thomas Hutcheson, Thomas Pearson, Joseph Helmsley, George Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy July 5, 1677. 40 1684 AprU 12. Do. Do. Same, as trustee of William MarkweU de ceased, to said William's brother and heir, Edward MarkweU, for 1-16 of a share, part of the share as above. 40 1684 March 26. Do. Do. Samuel Jenings and Thomas Budd, for public account, under power of attorney from the General Assembly, to Hance Peterson of Karcas Hooke, Pennsylvania, for 50 acres in the Sixth Lower Tenth of the Province. 40 1684 March 26. Do. Do. Same as before to Andreas Anderson of - Carkas Hooke, Penna., for 150 acres in the Sixth Lower Tenth. 41 1684 April 1. Do. Do. Same as before to James Saunderland of Chester, Penna., for 200 acres at the next fast land above the plantation in Israel Helmes tenure in the Lower Tenths of the Province. 41 1684 April 10. Do. Do. Same as before to Peter Dalboe of Schore- ltil, Penna., for 200 acres in one of the Six Lower Tenths of the Province. 41 1684 April 1. D°- Do. Same as before to Henry Tradway, for 300 acres at Red Bank alias Bachelours Bank, where grantee now lives. 41 ¦ 1684 April 1. Do. Do. Same as before to Anthony Nealson of Crump Kil, Penna., for 100 acres in the Six Lower Tenths. 42 1683-4 Feb. 21. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to Joseph Blowers, for 152 aeres in the First Tenth. . 42 404 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1684 April 30. Do. Do. George Hutcheson and Thomas Gardner, by virtue of power of attorney from the General Assembly, to pay a pub lic debt, to Richard Bassnitt, for 300 acres in the Six Lower Tenths. 42 1684 April 30. Do. Do. Same as before to Francis Collins, for 200 acres in the Six Lower Tenths. 42 1684 April 17. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to Elias ffarre, for no acres in the town bounds of Burlington, in the First Tenth, between the town line, the Mill Creek and Edward Stuart. 43 1684 April 29. Do. Do. Samuel Jenings to Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, for 600 acres in the Third Tenth, to be surveyed along Del laware R. and the South branch of Timber Creek. 43 1683-4 March 17. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to Anthony Morris, for 250 acres in Burlington Township, on the Dellaware R., two miles below Burlington, E. a road, S. grantor. 43 1683-4 March 15. Do. Do. Same to Nathaniel Ible, for 200 acres in the Second Tenth on Pennysoaking Creek, adjoining Jonathan Beere. 44 1684 April 12. Do. Do. Edward Searson of South River, Mary land, to William Myers, for fa of 1-64, being the remainder of 5, bo't by grantor (see p. 40). 44 1684 April 14. Do. Do. Bernard Devonish to John Budd, for no acres, W. Walter Humphary, E. John Stoakes, along Thomas Ollive Mill brook. 44 1684 May 8. Do. Do. Benjamin Scott to Bridget Bingham, for 500 acres in the Second Tenth, that is 200 a. thereof to the only use of grantee, the other 300 for Martin Scott, son of grantor, the first adjoining George Elkington. Marginal Note: Bridget Bingham assigns her 200 a. to James Bingham, who conveys the land lo John Scott (infra, p. 341). 44 1684 April 18. Do. Do. William Black to Benjamin Wheat, for a lot in Burlington, 40 feet wide in front, 13 poles long, part of grantor's back or house lot. 45 1683 Nov. 8-9. Do. Do. Mathew Watson to Robert Hopper, for the land in Burlington Township, belonging to 1-12 of a share of the Province. 45 1684 May 14. Do. Do. Daniel Wills and John Antram lo William Myers, for a lot on Third St., London Tenth, Burlington, part of 1-32 of a share, with a house thereon, built by said Antram and now in the ten ure of Richard Woodnutt; also 30 acres in the town bounds. 45 1684 April 30. Do. Do. George Hutcheson to Christop Weatherill, for 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, and fa acre in Burlington, part of grantor's house lot there. 45 1684 May 14. Do. Do. William 'Myers to Francis Davenport, for WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 405 Page I-32 and 1-64 of one share of the First Tenth, part of fa and 1-64 of a share, bo't of Edward Searson April 12 last past. 46 1684 May 26. Do. Do. Francis Collins to Hannah Newbie, for 20 acres adjoining grantee at Newton, W. J. 46 1682-3 March 30-31. Do.- Do. Edward Byllinge to Richard Bas nett, for 200 acres, to be laid out in the Province. 46 1684 April n-12. Deed. James Grahame to Robert Turner of Phila delphia, merchant, for ^ or 2-10 and fa of 1-16 of a share (supra, p. 28). 47 1684 June 17. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Mathewes to Benjamin Bramma of St. John's Creek, West Jersey, for 100 acres in the Fourth Tenth, now occupied by grantee. 49 1682 Sept. 6-7. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to John Gosling, for fa of a share, hot of Wm. Penn et. al. March 1-2, 1676-7. 49 1684 March 28. Do. Do. Arther Cooke to John Gosling, for 500 -.-- acres, being half of the 1,000 surveyed for grantor and Walter Clarke in common in the Second Tenth. 4g 1684 March 28. Do. Do. in Trust. Same to Samuel Carpenter and William fframpton, for the use of John Gosling, for a house and lot in Bur lington, bo't of Anna Salter February 12, 1682-3. 50 1677 April 12. Indenture of Lease. William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Byllinge to Robert Turner, linnen draper, Joseph Sleigh, tanner, Robert Zanes, sergemaker, Thomas Thackerey, stuffe weaver, all of Dublin, and William Bate of County Wickloe, Ire land, carpenter, for one undivided ninetieth share of the ninety equall . hundreds of the Province. 50 1677 April 12. Do. of Release. Same to same for same. 52 1676-7 Feb. 28. Do. Do. Same to Andrew Robinson, late of Lon don, merchant, now of Clonmell, Ireland, for one undivided share of West 'Jersey. 62 1683-4 Feb. 21. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Budd to John Woolston junior, for 200 acres near Rancokus alias Northampton River, in the Sec ond Tenth. (See Liber A, p1. 43.) 66 1682 Sept. 4-5. Do. Do. Samuel Cole and wife Elizabeth to Henry Wood, for 1-20 of a share, bo't by grantor and Benjamin Barclett of Wm. Penn et. al. March 1-2, 1676-7 (supra, p. 18); also a house at Arwaw- ¦¦ mosse with 100 acres. 66 1682-3 Feb. 12. Do. Do. Anna Salter to Arther Cooke, for a lott in Burlington, lately bo't of Benjamin Scott, March 3, 1681-2, with the house thereon to be completed as agreed by Richard ffinimore and Walter Pumphary. 67 1684 May 26. Do. Do. William Myers to Samuel and John Bunt ing, for 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, part of his fa and 1-64, bo't of 406 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Edward Searson April 12 last past. 67 1684 June 12. Do. Do. Richard Bassnett to Hance Hopman, for 200 acres, to be surveyed in Edward Byllinge's portion. (Supra, p. 46.) 68 1684 Nov. 18. Do. Do. William Biddle to John Underbill, for 500 acres at Spring Hill, in the First Tenth, adjoining Samuel Borden and Samuel Andrews. 68 1684 Nov. I. Do. Do. William Black to William Budd, for the land in Burlington, belonging to his 1-16 in the First Tenth, except 40 feet wide and 13 poles long, sold to Benjamin Wheat, and the waterlot. 68 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, ' Eng land, distiller, to John Haslehurst of the same place, currier, for 1-16 of a share of West Jersey. 69 1683 Dec. 19-20. Do. Do. John Haslehurst to John Renshawe of Burlington, for the preceding 1-16. Marginal Note: 200 acres sold to John Shin (p. 87), 100 a. to Walter Pumphary (p. 89). 6g 1684 April 8. Do. Do. George Hutcheson to Thomas Budd, for 100 acres at Lessa Point, Burlington, adjoining Richard Guy. 69 1684 April 8. Do. Do. George Hutcheson and Thomas Gardner, Commrs for the raising of money towards the discharge of the public debt, authorized by the General Free Assembly of the Province, to Thomas Budd for 600 acres, to be surveyed in the Six Lower Tenths. 70 1684 Nov. 29. Do. Do. William Myers to John Antram, for 1-32 in the First Tenth, part of fa and 1-64, bo't of Edward Searson (supra, p. 44)- 7° 1684-5 JaH- 6. Do. Do. Joseph Blowers to John Ogbourne, for 150 acres in the First Tenth. 70 1683-4 Feb. 10. Do. Do. John Smith of Christeene Creek to John Hollinshead of Northampton River (Rancokus), W. J., for 300 acres in the Second Tenth. 71 , 1682 Nov. 15-16. Do. Do. Robert Stacy to Daniel Leeds, for 100 acres in the First Tenth, between grantee at Springfield and Francis Bes wick (Burlington Co.), part of 250 a. surveyed for grantor. 71 1682 April 27-28. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy and Thomas Lambert, by virtue of a power of attorney from the General Assembly, to Daniel Leeds, for 100 acres in the First Tenth, next to Eleazer Fenton, being part of 200 a. surveyed to said Leeds (Liber A, p. 36). 71 1683 15th d. 8th m. (OcL). Deed. Henry Stacy, now of Burlington, to John Gosling, for 100 acres in the Yorkshire Tenth, part of 300 a., late ly surveyed for grantor, grantee and Thomas Budd, to be equally divided between them, adjoining Mordecay Bowden and the river. 72 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 407 Page 1682 Sept. 6-7. Do. Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchant, to John Gosling of N. Y., merchant, for J of a share (being the Indenture of Lease and Release in full, of which Mem. is given on p. 49, supra). 72 1684 March 28. Do. Arther Cooke of Portsmouth, R. I., merchant, to John Gosling, of Burlington, merchant, for 500 acres (supra, p. 49). 74 . 1685 June II. Mem. of Deed. Jeremiah Richards to Samuel Coles for 500 acres, in the Third Tenth, at Pemisoakin, on the Southside of the Southbranch of Symsissnick Creek, bo't of Henry Stacy Sept. 17, 1683. 75 1684 Dec. 22. Do. Do. John Ithell, within the Third Tenth of the Province, yeoman, to William Deareing, ' mariner, for 200 acres in the Third Tenth, at Steele Bay, along Dellaware R., N. E. Casper Fish, S. W. Wm. Steele, backward vacant land. 76 1685 May 11. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington to Hana niah Gaunt of Rhode Island, yeoman, for ,500 acres in the First Tenth. 76 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. Same, then of Sheffield, Eng land, to Thomas Hoyland of Hansworth Woodhouse, Co. of Yorke, hus bandman, for 1-32 of a share. 76 35th Charles II. (1683) July 23-24. Do. Do. Thomas Hoyland of Woodhouse, Parish of Hansworth, Co. of Yorke, England, to Francis Davenport, then of Whittington, Co. of Derby, England, milliner, for the preceding 1-32 of a share. 77 1685 July 3. Do. Do. Thomas Ollive to Peter Bosse, for 200 acres in Burlington Township, as surveyed and recorded for grantor in Liber A, p. 3, along the Dellaware R. 122 perches W. from Plumb Point, adjoining John Cripps. 77 1684 Nov. 1. Do. Do. Nowell Mew to Ebenezer Langford, for 500 acres in the Second Tenth, exchanged from Henry Wood for a like quantity in the Third Tenth. 77 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy to Samuel Barker, for 1-5 of a share in the First Tenth. 78 1684 Aug.29. Power of attorney. Thomas Martin of Lymehouse, Parish of Stepney alias Stebonheath, Co. of Middlesex, meat man, to his brother James Martin, planter, now bound for West Jersey, to act as land "agent. 7^ 1685 Oct. 26. Mem. of Deed. Daniel Stanton of Rhode Island, mar iner, to Ralph Trenoweth of Burlington, husbandman, for all his right, title and interest of and in 100 acres, as the same were surveyed to Samuel Jenkins, or if he has forfeited the land as the same shall be surveyed in the First Tenth, being a lot assigned by said Jennings to John Marshall, who conveyed to present grantor, as endorsed on a deed from Godfrey Hancock ¦to Samuel Jenkins. 79 A08 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1685 Oct. 20. Do. Do. Richard Russell, within the Third Tenth of the Province, shipwright, to John Taylor, late of Barbados, now of West Jersey, merchant, for 300 acres, of which 100 a. were bought of John Ithell and the other 200 of Henry Wood, both deeds dated June 16, 1684, all 300 being in the Third Tenth, at Steele Bay, along Dellaware R., adjoining said Ithell; also 5 a. of meadow. 7g 1676-7 March I. Deed. Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawry, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Byllinge to John Ridges, citizen and skinner, and" Thomas Rudyard of George Yard, Lombard St., gentleman, both of London, for one share of West Jersey. 80 1685 Aug. 14. Power of attorney. Thomas Rudyard late of George Yard, Lombard St., London, now of East Jersey, Esqre, to Andrew Rob inson of West Jersey, merchant, as land agent. 8l 1677 Aug. 2g. Certificate of Thomas Hutcheson, Thomas Peirson, Joseph Helmsley, George Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy, that Nicholas Knight of Godmersham, Kent, has paid in full his share of the charges in West Jersey. 82 1683 Aug. 16. Power of attorney. Robert Knight of Godmersham, Kent, to Anthony Nealson of Croome Kil near Upland, Penna., to receive from Tho. Hutcheson, Tho. Pearson, Joseph Helmsley, George Hutche son and Mahlon Stacy of New Beverley, W. J., yeomen, the ^ and 1-24 of a share of the Province, bought of them by his father Nicholas Knight. 82 1683 Sept. 3. Mem. of Deed. George Guest of Philadelphia, white smith, to Thomas Revell of Burlington, scrivener, for 150 acres in the First Tenth, bought of Samuel Willis. 83 1683-4 Feb. 20. Mem. of Deed.. George Porter, with the appoint ment, &c. of Mahlon Stacy, Willm. Emley and Percivall Tonte (?Towle), his guardians and feoffees, to Thomas Budd for 300 acres in the First Tenth; the wharf lot and the town lot in Burlington, belonging to his 1-6 share. 83 1681-z March 16. Do. Do. George Bartholomew, his wife Mary and William Cooper to Robert Wade of Upland, Penna., for the river lot in Burlington Island, lately bo't by said Mary before her marriage with said George, of Edward Taylor. 84 1684 April 30. Do. Do. Samuel Jenings of Greenhill, West Jersey, to Robert Turner of Philadelphia, for 300 acres in the Third Tenth. 84 1678 July 30. Do. Do. William Kent of Bishoppsgate Street, Lon don, to William Hulines of Cirencester, Co. of Gloucester, woolcomber, for ^ ol fa share of the Province. 84 1685 March 14. Do. Do. Thomas Budd to William Hulines, for 120 acres in the " Second (sic) & front upon the River Dellaware," ad joining grantee. 85 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 409 Page 1685 Sept. 20. Do. Do. William Hulines to Anna Salter, for 200 acres in the Second Tenth, on Dellaware R., of which 120 were bo't of Thos. Budd (vide preceding) and 80 part of the purchase from Wm. Kent (supra, p. 84). 85 1685 Nov. 25. Dor Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to Thomas Chaunders of Coopers Creek, West Jersey, smith, for 500 acres at Coopers Creek, adjoining Henry Wood and John Ithell (Camden Co.). 85 1677 Aug. 31 and Sept. I. Do. Do. Benjamin Barcle'tt of Westmin ster, Middlesex Co., gentleman, to Thomas Howell of Harelston, Co. of Stafford, yeoman, for j of fa of a share, bought by grantor and Samuel Coles of Wm. Penn et. al. March 1-2, 1676-7. 86 1685 Sept. 8. Do. Do. Anna Salter of Tawcony, Penna., widow, to Marcus Lawrence of Putshack, West Jersey, for 100 acres in the Third Tenth, along Dellaware R., N. E. a small creek, S. W. Casp. Fish, ad joining lot bo't by grantee of grantor Aug. 7, 1682. 86 1685 May 13. Do. Do. John Renshawe of Burlington, butcher, to John Shinne junior of Birch Creek, West Jersey, husbandman, for 200 acres in the First Tenth, part of 1-16 share, bo't by grantor of John Hasle hurst Dec. 2g, 1683. (Supra, p. 6g.) 87 1685 Sept. 20. Do. Do. Mathew Allen, now or late of Burlington, carpenter, to Thomas Revell, labourer, and John Calowe, wheelwright, both of the same place, for a house there and fa acre; also 12J a. in the township, bo't of Thomas Eves, and 6 a., back of the house, towards Lon don Bridge and adjoining John Cripps, bo't of John Smith. 87 1683-4 March 8-9. Do. Do. Samuel Oldale of Assiscunck Creek to Marmaduke Horsman, late of White Hill, West Jersey, for 50 acres in the First Tenth. 87 1683 Aug. 27. Do. Do. Francis Pearson of Dringhoe and his son Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, both in Holdernesse, Co. of Yorke, yeomen, to Peter Garbutt, draper, and Francis Breckon, mariner, both of Scarbor ough, said Co., for 1-6 of a share of the Province. 88 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, dis tiller, to Wm. Taylor of Dore, Co. of Derby, husbandman, for 1-32 of a share. 88 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. Same to Michael Newbold of Sheffield Parke, Co. of Yorke, husbandman, for£ of the 3-90 of the Province, bo't- of Edward Byllinge March 1, 1676-7. 88 1685 Sept. 7. Do. Do. William Budd to Richard Bassett, both of Burlington, for a wharf lot there, on the Dellaware, in the First 9r Second Tenth, 36 feet wide on tbe river, 145 f. long to the next street back.' 89 1685 June 10. Do. Do. John Renshawe to Walter Pumphary, for 100 acres in the First Tenth, part of the share bo't of John Hasslehurst 36 410 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page of Sheffield Dec. 19-20, 1683. (Supra, p. 69.) 8g 1685 March 28. Do. Do. Francis Beswick to John Smith of Assis cunck Creek, husbandman, for 50 acres in the First Tenth. 8g 1685 March 28. Do. Do. Godfrey Hancock to John Smith, for 60 acres in the First Tenth. 8g 1685 April 28. Do. Do. John Smith Of Assiscunck Creek to Wal ter Pumphary of Burlington, carpenter, for the preceding two lots, no acres. go 1685 June 30. Do. Do. Walter Pumphary of Burlington, carpen ter, to Edward Tonkan, cordwainer, and John Wearne, husbandman, both of the same place, for 260 acres, whereof 100 were bo't of John Renshawe (supra, p. 8g), no of John Smith (the preceding) and 50 of Wm. Hunt, carpenter; all in the First Tenth, adjoining Samuel Barker, Thomas Budd and Wm. Stayner. (See Liber A, p. 54.) go 1686 May 12. Do. Do. Richard Lawrence of Lower Hooke, West Jersey, yeoman, to John Test of Redbank Creek, W. J., yeoman, for 150 acres on the Northside of Long Harryes or Redbank Creek, bounded as in record of survey, Liber A, p. 63. go 1686 May 20. Do. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Talbut Co., Mary land, to Wm. Biddle of Mount Hope, W. J., yeoman, for \ of one 3-90 share, bo't of Wm. Penn etc. 91 1685 ist d. 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Thomas Ollive of Northamp ton River, yeoman, to John Woolston junior of the Northbranch of Ran kokus Cr., yeoman, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 91 1683-4 Jan. 21. Deed. Robert Hopper of Scarborough, Yorkshire, master and mariner, to Thomas Hutchinson of Talbut Co., Maryland, tanner, for £ of his 3-100 share of West Jersey, in the Yorkshire Tenth or " Scarborough property. gl 1686 May 23-24. Mem. of Deed. Jonathan Eldridge of Hopewell, W. J., cordwainer, to Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, W. J., tanner, for a house and lot of 1^ rood 4 perches in Burlington and 30 acres in said township. 93 1686 July 24. Do. Do. Seth Smith of Burlington to George Heath- cote of N. Y., merchant, for part of a wharf lot in Burlington, bounded with the High St. over against Henry Grub, W., George Hutcheson East, 43J square feet. 94 1684-5 March 19-20. Do. Do. William Black, late of. Mansfield Woodhouse, W. J., stuff weaver, to Samuel Taylor of Crosswicks Creek, stuff weaver, for 1-32 share, bought of George Hutcheson Sept. 27-28, 1681. (Supra, p. 5.) 95 . 1684 April 12-13. Do. Do. Roger Hawkins of Crookhorne, Penna., planter, to William Black of Chesterfield, W. J., weaver, for 62 acres in the First Tenth. 95 West Jersey records, liber b, part i. 411 Page 1682 June 8-9. Do. Do. Anna Salter of Tawcony, Penna., widow, to Anthony Woodhouse of Mansfield, W. J., yeoman, for 112 acres in the First Tenth, in exchange for 112 a. at Mansfield. 95 1682 14— 15 d. 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Edward Byllinge to John Skene of Aberdeen, Scotland, for 250 acres to be surveyed in West Jersey. 96 Apparently the same repeated. 96 1686 Nov. 20. Do. Do. Godfrey Hancock senior of Steetley, W. J., yeoman, to Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchant, for all his land in Burlington Township, 50 acres or fa of a share in the First Tenth. 96 1684-5 March'3-4. Do. Do. Roger Hawkins of Crookhorne, Penna., to Thomas Scholey of Mansfield Woodhouse, W. J., planter, for fa of 1-15 of a share, excepting 62 a. sold to Wm. Black (supra, p. g5) and a lot in Burlington Town. 97 1682 Dec. 10. Do. Do. Robert Scholey of Nottingham Woodhouse, W. J., cloth maker, to Thomas Scholey of the same place, cloth maker, for 1-64 of a share, excepting all lots in Burlington Town and Town ship. 97 1685 May 22-23. Do. Do. John Scrase of Patcham, Sussex Co., husbandman, to John Martin of Stenning, same Co., tailor, for one third of his 1,000 acres, conveyed to grantor, by William Welch October 20-21, 1682. 97 1685 May 10. Do. Do. William Biddle of near Sepassincks Island, W.J., yeoman, to John Newman of Burlington, carpenter, for 200 acres in the Second Tenth, adjoining John Butcher. 98 16.77-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, Eng land, to John Wood of Attercliffe, Sheffield Parish, husbandman, for 1-64 share in West Jersey. 98 1677 Aug. 22-23. Do. Do. Robert Turner of Dublin, linnen draper, to Robert Fairbanks, late of Balnecrosse, Co. of Wexford, Ireland, now of Dublin, tailor,' for 1-10 of fa of a share of West Jersey. Marginal Note: " This by ye decease of Robert Fairbanks is fallen to John Thompson and Sarah his wife, who was Relict of y« said Robert Fairbanks. And by ye sd Thompson and- Sarah his wife sold to William Cooper as see P- 99-" 98 1682 Nov. — . Do. Do. John Thompson of Elsenbourgh, Jurisdic tion of New Salem, W. J., carpenter, and wife Sarah to William Cooper pf Pyne Poynt upon Dellaware, W. J., blacksmith, and wife Margrett, for the preceding 1-10 of fa of a share. 99 1678 Sept. 5-6. Do. Do. George "Hutcheson of Sheffield to Ed ward Taylor of Brigghouse, Co. of Yorke, England, gentleman, for fa of one of the three ninetieths parts of W. J. 99 1680 Sept 6. Do. Do. Edward Taylor of Burlington, merchant, to 412 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Wm. Cooper of the same place, blacksmith, for the preceding fa and a house on the town lot in Burlington. loo 1684 Dec. 30. Do. Do. Francis Collins, late of Burlington, now of - W. J. yeoman, to Wm. Cooper of Pyne Poynt, blacksmith, for 200 acres in the Third Tenth near the head of Cooper's Creek or where grantee may choose. 100 1679 July 9. Deed. Samuel Norris of Watlin St., London to Wil liam Cooper senior, late of Amersum, Buckingham Co., smith, now of West Jersey, for 50 acres of his 2-7 of land in W. J., bo't with Abraham Goedowne of Edward Byllinge July 4-5, 1678. 100 1685 May 1. Mem. of Deed. Mary, widow and executrix of Henry Stacy late of Stepney alias Stebonheath, merchant, by her attorney Elias Farre, to Lawrence Mcjrris of Burlington, yeoman, for a house there, built by Henry Stacy, and the wharf lot belonging to it, 25 feet front along the Dellaware R. and in length halfway back to the next street. 101 1685 March 23. Do. Do. Godfrey Hancock of Steetley, W. J., yeo man, to William Sallway of near Tawcony, Penna., merchant, for 200 acres in the First Tenth, at the head of one of the branches of Birch Creek. 101 1686 March 29. Do. Do. John Newman of Burlington, carpenter, to Isaac Homer of West Jersey, cloth worker, for 200 acres in the Second Tenth, bo't of William Biddle (supra, p. 98). 102 1686 April 8. Do. Do. James Budd of Burlington to John Rodman of Rhod Island, chyrurgeon, for a house and lot on Northampton R. and 492 acres, formerly owned by John Crosby, with 8 acres of meadow, late ly taken up by grantor: deed from John Crosby and Frances Crosbey dated May 13, 1685. 102 1686 April 14. Do. Do. William "Biddle of Mount Hope, W. J., yeoman, to John Rodman of Rhod Island, for 500 acres to be surveyed in the Second Tenth. 102 1685-6 Feb. 12. Do. Do. Robert Zane of Newton, W. J., to John Hugg of Timber Creek, for 500 acres in the Third Tenth, as surveyed and recorded in Liber A, p. 55. 103 1686 May 3. Do. Do. Andrew Robinson to Israeli Helme, for 100 acres, upon which said Helme's house now stands, N. W. the Delia- ware R. 103 1686 June 9. Do. Do. John Skene to Robert Wade of Chester, Penna., yeoman, in exchange for 250 acres, for 200 acres, part of the lot, conveyed to grantor by Edw. Byllinge June 14-15, 1682 (supra, p. 96). 103 1686 June 9. Do. Do. Robert Wade of Chester, Penna., to John Skene of Peachfield, W. J., gentleman, in exchange for the preceding, for 250 acres, formerly belonging to Joseph Helmsley and adjudged to grantor as payment of a debt, by the Court held at Burlington Feb. 20 last. 104 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 413 Page 1685-6 Feb. 20. Do. Do. Percifall Towle of Sutton Lodge, W. J., yeoman, to John Cripps of Burlington, yeoman, for ifa acres, grantor's Burlington townlot, belonging to his 1-6 of a share in the Second Tenth, E. High St., N. grantee, W. Wood St., S. the swamp. 104 1677 July 4. Do. . Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelke, George Hutcheson of Sheffield and Mahlon Stacy of Hansworth Parish, all in Co. Yorke, to George Nicholson of Burton Stather, Co. of Lincolne, yeoman, for 1-24 of a share in the First Tenth of W. J. 105 1677 May 25. Do. Do. Same to Joseph Pope of Burton Stather, Co. of Lincolne, yeoman, for 1-6 of a share of W. J. 105 1686 Sept. 10. Do. Do. Thomas Budd, of Burlington, merchant, to David Lillies of the same place, wheelwright, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 105 1686 Aug. 3. Do. Do. John Ogbourne of Burlington, yeoman, to Walter Pumphary of near Burlington, carpenter, for 150 acres in the First Tenth, bo't of Joseph Blowers of Burlington, bricklayer, January 6, 1684-5 (supra, p. 70). 106 1686 Sept. 6. Do. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, W. J., to Joseph Ambler of Philadelphia, cordwainer, for 100 acres in the First Tenth of the Province, adjoining William Sallaway and Samuel Barker. 106 1686 Sept. 7. Do. Do, William Myers of Burlington, butcher, to John Bunting of Chesterfield, W. J., planter, for 150 acres in the First Tenth, bo't of Edward Searson April 12, 1684 (supra, p. 44). 107 1686 Sept. 13. Do. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Talbott Co., Mary land, yeoman, to John Skene of Peachfield, W. J., for^ of a share of W. J. and all his right, title &c. in and to the property of Francis Beswick in the First Tenth, surveyed by Wm. Emley as part of 1-12 share, bo't by said Beswick of Hutchinson. 107 1686 Sept. 14. Do. Do. Same to same, for 2 acres on Burlington Island, part of his town lots. J07 1677 Nov. 12. ' Deed. Richard Hunter of Dublin, tanner, to Godfrey Canterellof Rossenalleysl in the Queenes County, yeoman, for fa of i-ioof a share, bo't of Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawry, Nicholas Lucas and Edw. Byl- lWge March 1, 1676-7. IQ8 1682 May 22. Do. Godfrey Canterell to William Albarson, for the "preceding fa of I- 10. I0& 1683 April 20. Mem. of Deed. Samuel Jenings and Thomas Budd, by virtue of a power of attorney from the General Assembly, to Frederick Hopman of near Ralcone Creek, W. J., planter, for 100 acres in the Six * Rosenallis, a village in Queen's county, Ireland. The name is corrupted from Ros-fmn-glais, the wood of the crystal rivulet or bright stream. 414 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Lower Tenths. 108 1682 May 12-13. Deed. Robert Chinton of Godaloning, Co. of Sur rey, salesman, to Thomas Martin of Lymehouse, Parish of Stepney alias Stebonheath, mealman, for 1-6 of a share, bo't of Wm. Biddle October 6-7, 1679, who had purchased it from Nicholas Bell October 29-30, 1678, with Richard Mew, Percivall Towle, Peter Hayles, Thomas Martin and Richard Clayton purchasers of a whole share of West Jersey from Wm. Penn et. al. January 22-23, 1676-7. 109 1686 Sept. 25. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Martin, by his attorney James Martin of Burlington, mealman, to Thomas Rodman of Rhoad Island, chyrurgeon, for 1-90 or part of the preceding 1-6. 109 ' 1681-2 Jan. ^-3. Do. Do. Thomas Ollive and Daniel Wills, by and with the consent of Thomas Budd, Samuel Jenings, Thomas Lambert and Mahlon Stacy, to Henry Jacobs, in consideration of his public services as Indian interpreter, for 200 acres on the Southside of and on Rancokus Creek, at the mouth of a branch. 110 1685 Aug. 8. Do. Do. Henry Jacobs of Northampton River near Burlington, yeoman, to Noel Mew of Road Island, merchant, for the pre ceding 200 acres with a dwelling house. Ill 1685 Aug. 10. Do. Do. John Roberts of Pimsawquin, W. J., yeo man, to Noel Mew of R. I., for 300 acres in the Second Tenth. ill 1681 July 25. Do. of Indenture of Service. Sarah, daughter of Thomas Curtis, binds herself as servant for 4 years to Benjamin Scott, husbandman, bound for West Jersey, for which he is to give her 40 acres. III. 1681 July 22. Do. Do. Do. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cur tis, binds herself as servant for four years to Elias Farr, chees monger, going to W. J., for which he is to give her 40 acres. m 1681 Sept. 2. Mem. of Deed. Thomas Hutchinson, late of Beverley, Old England, yeoman, to Daniel Leeds of W. J., for one acre in Beverley, W. J., late called Burlington, in the Scarborough lot. 112 1685 May 20. Do. Do. Daniel Bacon of Baconfield, W. J., yeoman, to Eliakim Higgins of Piscatua, E. J., carpenter, for 100 acres in the First Tenth. 112 1682 May 24-25. Do. Do. Edward Byllinge to John Brewster of New Castje upon Tyne, County of Northumberland, yeoman, for 200 acres to be laid out in West Jersey. (See supra, p. 22, deed Brewster- Patison.) 112 1686 8th of 9th m. Do. Do. of Gift. Jno. Pattison and wife Mar grett of Crosswicks Creek, W. J. to their daughter Mary and her husband William Hickson of the same place, for 140 acres, bo't of John Brewster (supra, p. 22). 112 1686 Nov. 10. Do. Do. William Hickson of Crosswicks Creeks and WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 415 Page wife Mary to John Watkins of Middlehooke in the Fourth Tenth of the Province, for the preceding 140 acres, in exchange for 140 a., part of a 1-32 share, bo't by said Watkins of Obadiah Barlowe. 113 1686 April 14. Do. Do. Obadiah Barlowe, of Sheffield, England, cutter, to John Watkins of Swinflett,! Co. of Yorke, bachellor, for 1-32 of a share of W. J. 113 1686 Nov. 10. Do. Do. Jn° Watkins, late of Swinflett, England, mariner, now of Middlehook in the Fourth Tenth, W. J., to William Hickson, for 140 acres in the First Tenth, part of the preceding 1-32. 113 1682 May 24-25. Do. Do. Edward Byllinge to Roger Parke of Hexham, Co. of Northumberland, England, yeoman, for 203 acres, to be laid out in W. J. 114 1686 Nov. 11. Do. Do. Roger Parke, late of Hexham, now of Crosswicks Creek, to John Watkins of Middlehook, Fourth Tenth, for the preceding 200 acres. 114 1686 Oct. 13. Do. Do. Thomas Budd of Burlington to Benjamin Wheat, of the same place, for a house there and lot, 40 feet front, 13 poles long, in the Second Tenth. 114 1685 Sept. I. Power of attorney. William Steele of Corke, Ireland, merchant, to his brother-in-law John Ithell of Philadelphia, also called of Steele's Bay, W. J., victualler, as land agent. 115 1685 March 13. Mem. of Deed. Arthur Cooke of Bucks Co., Penna., merchant, to widow Mary Gosling of Burlington, for 500 acres, being half of the 1,000 a., surveyed for grantor and Walter Clarke of Rhode Island, grantor buying out said Clarke Feb. 5, 1683-4, and selling one half of the whole to John Gosling, husband of -grantee March 28, 1684 (supra, P- 74)- "5 1686 Sept. 3. Deed. William Steele, by his attorney John Ithell of the Third Tenth of W. J., yeoman, to Humphrey Morrey of Philadelphia, merchant, for 500 acres in the Third Tenth, at Steele's Branch, N. E. Timber Creek, N. W. and S. John Reading, S. vacant land. 116 1686-7 Jan- r3- Mem. of Deed. Anthony Woodhouse of the First Tenth, yeoman, to Roger Parker of Crosswicks Creek, yeoman, for 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, excepting 150 acres and the Burlington town lot, the whole having been bo't of George Hutcheson July 26-27, 1681. ¦ H7 . 1677-8 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. Mahlon Stacy to Godfrey Hancock, for | of a share, being one of the seven ninetieths of the Province, bo't by grantor et. al. of Edward Byllinge. 117 1686 Nov. 5. Do. Do. Percivall Towle of Sutton Lodge, W. J., to 1 Swinefleet, a place of aoout 1,000 inhabitants, five miles from Howden, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. A.l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page William Clarke of Burlington, tailor, for loo acres in the Second Tenth. 117 1686 Aug. 10. Do. Do. John Curtis of Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, to his son Thomas Curtis, for 347 acres at Mount Pleasant, now called Ogston, in the First Tenth. 117 1686 Sept. 20. Do. Do. Mary, widow of Henry Stacy, by her at torney Elias Farr, and John Cripps, to Robert Hudson of near Northamp ton River, carpenter, for 150 acres in the Second Tenth, bo't by said Henry Stacy of said John Cripps, for which no deed was given, and con veyed to Cripps by Anna Salter Feb. 5-6, 1681-2. 118 1686 Sept. 20. Do. Do. Mary Stacy, by her attorney as before, to Robert Hudson, for 50 acres in the Second Tenth, part of fa of a share, bo't by Henry Stacy of Thomas Hooton. 118 1684 July 20. Do. Do. Percifall Towle of Sutton Lodge, W. J., to John Woolston senior of Assiscunck or Birch Creek, yeoman, for 200 acres in the First Tenth. 119 1686 Oct. 20. Do. Do. John Woolston senior to Michael Buffin of near Sutton Lodge, W. J., for the preceding 200 acres. ng 1686 May 10. Do. Do. Percivall Towle of Sutton Lodge to Jaines Silver of Burlington, planter, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth, surveyed as recorded in Liber A, p. 6g. 119 1686-7 Feb. 23. Do. Do. Elias Farr of Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, to John Wills of Northampton River, yeoman, for 146^ acres in the Second Tenth. 119 1683 Sept. 14-15. Do. Do. Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelke, Co. of Yorke, England, yeoman, to William Ellis of Tunstall in Holdernesse, Co. of Yorke, yeoman, for 1-6 of a share of W. J., the money having been paid to Thomas Hutchinson, then of Beverley, same Co., tanner, Sept. 17, 1677. 120 1687 April 7. Do. Do. Wrilliam Biddle of Mount Hope, W. J., to John Langford of Northampton River, for 500 acres in the Second Tenth. • 120 1686 June 4. Bargain. Robert Wade of Upland, Chester Co., Penna., with Thomas Smith of Chohanzy for keeping two cows on half the in crease. 120 1686 July 1-2. Mem. of Deed. Edward Byllinge, Proprietary and Governour of West Jersey, to Jonah Smith of London, merchant, for l-go of ninety hundred parts of West Jersey. 121 1686 Sept. 29. Power of attorney. Jonah Smith of London, mer chant, to John Sutton of Bradford Abbie, Co. of Dorsett, gent:, as gen eral agent. 122 1687 May 10. Mem. of Deed. William Hickson of Crosswicks Creek to John Chesshire of Shrowsberry, E. J., tailor, for 240 acres in the First WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 417 Page Tenth, as bo't of Samuel Taylor Feb. 10, 1685-6, (100 a.), and 140 a. of John Watkins Nov. 10, 1686. 123 1685-6 Jan. II. Do. Do. Andrew Robeson to Benjamin Bramma, for 100 acres in the Fourth Tenth, W. of Kaphockosey or Clonmell Creek, N. and S. grantor, E. vacant land. . 123 1681 Oct. 21. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, England, distiller, to John Wood of near the Falls meadow on Dellaware R., yeo man, for 1-64 of a share in the three ninetieth parts of W. J., the First or Yorkshire Tenth: consideration, certain improvements made by grantee and his brother Thomas Wood upon land near the Falls, sold tb grantor this day. 123 1686 June 4. Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, yeoman, to James Pharoe of Nottingham" Woodhouse, W. J., husbandman, for a lot betw. grantor and grantee near the road and the bridge. 124 1686-7 Feb. 10. Do. Do. Samuel" Taylor of Homers Creek, W. J., yeoman, to James Pharoe, for 100 acres in the First Tenth, part of the land bo't of Wm. Black March 19-20, 1684-5 (supra, p. 95). James Pha roe has son James. 124 1686 May 10. Do. Do. Percivall Towle of Sutton Lodge, W. J., yeoman, to William Hulings of Sanacussinck, W. J., yeoman, for 240 acres in the Second Tenth at Easham, adjoining Henry Ballenger. 125 1686-7 Jan- 29- Do. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, mer chant, to William Hunt of Providence, W. J., carpenter, for 200 acres in the First Tenth, along the line betw. the First and Second Tenths, adjoin ing Wm. Budd and John Shinn. 125 1685 Dec. 22. Do. Do. Samuel Jenings of Greenhill, W. J., and Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchants, as agents of the General Assem bly, to Thomas Holmes of Philadelphia, gentlemau, William Bates of Newton, W. J., yeoman, Thomas Jenney of Bucks Co., Penna., yeoman, and Edward Newbie, son of Marke Newbie, late of Newton, dec'd, for a consideration paid out of the estate of said Marke Newbie at the request of James Atkinson and wife Hannah, mother of Edward Newbie, for 300 acres in the Third Tenth, formerly surveyed for Marke Newbie, to be used by Edward Newbie on attaining the age of 21 years. 126 1686-7 Jan- IO- Do. Do. George Porter of the First Tenth, yeo man, to John Langstaffe" of Y'orkshire Edge, W. J., husbandman, for 50 acres in the First Tenth, at Yorkshire Edge. 126 1687 April 23. Do. Do. Anthony Woodhouse of the First Tenth, yeoman, to Edward Rockhill of Burlington, roper, for 102 acres in the First Tenth, 62 thereof being part of 1-32 share, bo't of George Hutche son July 26-27, -1681, the other 40 given to grantor for his services by Wil liam Cooke of Sheffield, England. 127 1687 April 20. Ballefield. Certificate of Mahlon Stacy, that An- 37 418 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. thony Woodhouse, servant of Wm. Cooke, has done his duty in W. J. 127 1687 19th 2d m. (April). Letter, written at Onnianickon alias Car- mell, by George Hutcheson to Mahlon Stacy, stating that Anthony Wood- house had a right to the 40 acres, sold to Rockhill, as above. 127 1687 May 18. Mem. of Deed Percivall Towle to Isaac Marriot, both of near Burlington, yeomen, for 160 acres in the Second Tenth. 127 1687 28th 10th m. (Dec). Deed. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelke, yeomen, George Hutchinson of Sheffield, distiller, and Mahlon Stacy of Dorehouse, tanner, to John Estell of Langdale, yeoman, all of Co. of Yorke, for 1-24 share of W. J. 128 1684 Oct. 20. Power of attorney. Edward Byllinge to Thomas Mathews and George Hutcheson, Deputy Governour of West Jersey, to dispose of his land in the Province. 129 1676-7 March 1. Deed. William Penn of Rickmersworth, Co. of Hertford, Esqre, Gawen Lawrie of London, merchant, Nicholas Lucas of Hertford, maulster, and Edward Byllinge of Westminster, gentleman, to Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, Thomas Peirson of Bonwick, Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelke," George Hutcheson of Sheffield and Mahlon Stacy of Hansworth, Co. of Yorke, tanner, for 7 shares of W. J. 131 1676-7 March 1. Do. Same to same, for 3 shares. 138 1685 Oct. 21. Do. Anthony Morris, of Burlington, tailor, to William Budd of the same place, brewer, for a house and lot there on High St., S. Isaac Smith, N. Thomas Budd, one acre on Burlington Island, N. River St., E. Bread St. I4o 1687 July 4. Do. William Budd, now or late of Burlington, brewer, to James Marshall of the same place, merchant, for the preceding house and lot on High St. ju 1687 June 23. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Maryland, tanner, to Cbristop Weatherill of Burlington, tailor, for 1-32 in the First Tenth with the Burlington town lots thereto belonging. 142 1686 Sept. 28. Do. Thomas Rodman of Rhode Island, chyrurgeon, to James Martin of Burlington, mealman, for a waterlot on Dellaware R. in Burlington Island, part of 1-6 share sold by. grantee, as attorney of Thomas Martin, to present grantor Sept. 25 last (supra p. 109). 143 1687 July 25. Release. Samuel Abbett of Neshamonyes Creek, bricklayer, and wife Jane, to his mother-in-law Susanna Elton of North ampton R., W. J., widow and administratrix of her late husband Anthony Elton, for their claims upon the estate of Anthony. 144 1687 Ju,y 2S- Do. Same to same and her son Anthony Elton, for their claims upon the estate of his brother-in-law Robert Elton, late of Antigua, merchant, dec'd, 144 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 419 Page 1685-6 March 2. Deed. Thomas Mathews to William Warner, both of Woodbury Creek, W. J., yeomen, for 400 acres on the N. E. side of said. creek, in the Fourth Tenth, part of grantor's § share, bo't of Edward Byllinge and his trustees Nov. 14-15, 1681. 14c 1686-7 Feb- 22. Do. William Budd of the Second Tenth, yeoman, to Benjamin Holt of Burlington, glazier, for half of a houselot on Second St. in Burlington, adjoining Wm. Crues in Yorkshire Tenth, 60 feet front, 13 "poles deep, the whole bo't of Wm. Black Nov. 1, 1684 (supra, p. 68). 146 1685-6 Jan. 20. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to John Bainbridge junior of near Chesterfield, W. J., carpenter, for 204 acres in the First Tenth, adjoining Wm. Black and George Goforth; also 46 a., likewise in the First Tenth. 146 1687 July 7. Do. Same to Samuel Houghton of Burlington, brick layer, for 150 acres "in the part, formerly called the Yorkshire or First Tenth. 147 1687 Aug. 28. Do. Nathaniel Ible of Philadelphia, brewer, to widow Rebecca de Cow of Burlington, for a wharf lot and a house thereon on Burlington Island, belonging to fa of a share, bo't of Wm. Budd October 27, 1685. 148 1687 July 7. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington to Samuel ffurnis of the same place, sadler, for 4-5 of an acre, part of the houselot on High St., bo't of Anthony Morris June 20 last past, except 8 feet front. 149 1687 April 19. Power of attorney. John Langford of Northampton R., W. J., merchant, to his brother-in-law Edward Hunloke of Burling ton, merchant, to act as land agent in West Jersey, Penna., and N. Y. 150 1687 May 25. Deed.- ¦ Percifall Towle, Francis Collins, John Shinn senior, Wm. Peachee, Thomas Barton, Wm. Alberson, Wm. Bate, Wm. Cooper, Thomas Gardner, John Hugg, Wm. Watson, Symon Charles, Thomas Mathews, John Boarton, Bernard Devonish, John Reading, An drew Robeson, Daniel Wills senior, Wm. Roydon, Wm. Budd, Francis Beswick, Thomas Harding, Henry Ballenger, Gilbert Wheeler, Proprie tors of several undivided shares of W. J., to Thomas Budd, for 15,000 acres to be bought of the Indians, under reference to proceedings of Gen eral Assembly of May 12, 1687, concerning the public debts. 150 1687 Oct. 20. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Susanna to Samuel Harriot of Burlington, mariner, for 194 acres in Burlington Township, along Dellaware R., adjoining Wm. Roydon and James Budd (brother of Thomas). 153 1685 Aug. 18. Power of attorney. John Bellers of London, mer chant, to Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchant, to take up 5,000 acres in W. J. and town lots for the settlement of 10 families as required. 154 42O NfeW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1685 May 19. Deed. Thomas Farnsworth of near Mansfield, W. J., shoemaker, to Anthony Morris of Burlington, tailor, for a town lot on Bur lington Island, in Wm. Emley's share, on High St. 154 1687 Oct. 20. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia and wife Susanna to William Righton of near Burlington, mariner, for 97 acres in Bnrling- ton Township, along Dellaware R., adjoining Peter Bosse and Samuel Harriott. i"55 1687 Oct. 27. Do. Samuel Harriott of Burlington, mariner, to Jehoshaphat Leycroft of the same place, cooper, for 97 acres, the half of 194 a., bo't of Thos. Budd (supra, p. 153). -156 1686-7 Jan. 19. Mortgage. Thomas Bowman of Lessa Point, W. J., merchant, to Edward Hunloke of Burlington, merchant, for 100 acres at Lessa Point, bo't of Peter Jegou May 30, 1683. 157 1685 Aug. 3. Deed. Samuel and John Bunting, late of Burlington, masons, to William Crues, late of Southworke, Co. of Surrey, England, for a house and lot in Burlington Island, W. William Budd, N. River St., over against the slaughterhouse of Wm. Myers. 158 1681-2 March 24. Mem. of Deed. William Warner of Redhooke, W. J., cordwainer, to William Beard of Mansfield, yeoman, for 1-24 share in the First Tenth, jnart of the share bo't of Thomas Pearson and Joseph Helmsley April 1, 1677. 159 1677 April 1. Receipt. Thomas Pearson and Joseph Helmsley to William Warner for the purchase money of the preceding 1-24. 160 1687 Nov. 3. Deed. Stephen Pensfone, John Willis and William Willis, all of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., yeomen, to Richard Bassnett of Burlington, yeoman, for 500 acres, to be surveyed in the share and one half in W. J., bought by John Willis of Chalow, Berks Co., Eng land, of Edward Byllinge: 160 1687 Nov. 3. Bond. Same to same for the faithful carrying out of the preceding conveyance. 161 1677 June 2. Deed. Thomas Hooton of Black Fryers, London, chandler, to John Pope of Abery and Anthony Elton of Yattsbury Parish, both Co. of Wilts, yeomen, for fa of 1-90 of 90 hundred parts of West Jersey. 162 1678-9 March 4. Do. John Pope of Avebury, Co. of Wilts, yeoman, . to Anthony Elton of Yattsbury Parish, same Co., yeoman, for one half of the preceding fa. 163 1678-9 March 4. Lease. Thomas Gerish of Bromham, Co. of Wilts, clothier, and Henry Gerish of the same place, yeoman, to Anthony Elton, for | of fa share, bo't by lessors and John Harris of Goat acre, Co. of Wilts, of Thos. Hooton June 2, 1677. 164 1687 April 10. Deed. Anthony Elton of Northampton R., W. J., son and heir of Anthony Elton, dec'd, to his mother Susanna, widow of said West jersey recoils, liBer b, part t. 421 Page Anthony, for 118 acres, to be taken up in the Second Tenth as part of the fa bought by the father, of John Pope. 166 1687 June 18. Do. John Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, by Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, W. J., his attorney, to Susanna Elton of Northampton R., W. J., widow, for 50 acres to be taken up in the Second Tenth, part of his half of a share, boughtby grantor and Thomas Rud yard of Wm. Penn et. al. March 2, 1676-7. 167 1687 Dec. 14. Do. John Shin of Springfield Lodge, Burlington Co., wheelwright, to John Crosby of the same place, millwright, husband of Mary, the daughter of said Shin, for 150 acres, half of a 300 a. lot near Bearch Creek. Marginal Note: "The nth June 1695. This deed by John Crosby and Mary his wife declared to be null & void & another Deed in Liew granted to Jno Crosby by John Shin, which see upon Record foi. 443." 168 1677-8 Jan. 29. Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, England, dis tiller, to William Mathews of the same place, currier, for fa of 1-32 of a share. 169 1683 June I. Do. William Mathews of Sheffield, currier, to Daniel Bacon of the same place, grocer, for the preceding fa of 1-32. 170 1687-8 Jan. 21. Do. Daniel Bacon of Baconsfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Robert Rigge of Burlington, cordwainer, for a town lot and a wharf lot on Burlington Island and 50 acres in the township. 171 1684 April 30. Power of attorney. Mary Stacy of Stebonheath alias Stepney Parish, widow and executrix of Henry Stacy, to Elias Farr of Bur lington, planter, to dispose of her land in West Jersey. 172 1687 Oct. 15. Do. Daniel Coxe of London, Doctor in Phisicks, Gov ernour and Chief Proprietor of West Jersey, to Adlord Bowde, late of Hertford, draper, now bound for Burlington, as land agent. 173 1686 Oct. 2. Do. James Nevell of London, citizen and merchant tailor, surviving executor of Henry Stacy of London, merchant, dec'd, and one of the executors of Mary Stacy, late of Waltham Holy Crosse, Essex Co., widow, dec'd, in right of the children of said Henry and Mary, vizt. : Samuel, joint executor of his mother's will, Mary, Elizabeth and Stacy (sic), to Elias Farr, ut supra, p. 172. 173- 1685 July 15. Articles of agreement or power of attorney. John Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, to Samuel Jenings of Burlington, merchant, to dispose of his share of W. J., bo't by said Ridges and Thomas Rudyard of George Yard, Lumbard St., London, gentleman, of William Penn et. al. March 2, 1676-7. 174 1684 July 2. Power of attorney. Richard Mathews of London, fac tor, to Elias Farr" of West Jersey, yeoman, to act as land agent. 176 .1684 May 30. Deed. Elias Farr of Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, to Thomas Kendall of Rancokus Cr., bricklayer, for 146^ acres in the Second 422 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Tenth. 177 1684 May 30. Do. Daniel Wills of Northampton River, commonly called Rancokus Creek, practicioner in Chymistry, to Thomas Kendall of the same place, bricklayer, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 177 1678 Aug. 21. (Latin). Bond. John Wright of Beighton, Co. of Derby, husbandman, to Godfrey Hancock of Woodhouse, Parish of Handsworth, Co. of York, yeoman, for the payment of £40 after the death of Mary, wife of John Boardman of W. J., at the house of John Nodder at said Woodhouse. 178 1682 May 16. Deed. Edward Byllinge, late of Westminster, to Samuel Burrowes of Wilton, County Pallatine of Chester, webster, for 100 acres in West Jersey. 178 1686 May 20. Do. Samuel Jenings of W. J., merchant, to William Frampton of Philadelphia, merchant, for 500 acres in the Third Tenth, along Dellaware R., on the S. W. side of Pounce hawking Creek, N. Sim- cissinck Creek. I7g 1686 May 24. Mem. cf Deed. William Frampton to Thomas Lloyd of Philadelphia, President, for the preceding 500 a. I7g 1688 March 30. Indian Deed. Hoham, Teptaopamun and other Sackimackers to Adlord Bowde, now of Burlington, merchant, for Gover nour Daniel Coxe, for the tract from a point on the S. S. W. side of Shab- bicunck Creek and on the road to New York, 3 miles from the Falls of Dellaware R. or from Hugh Stannylands N. along Thomas Budd past Men- apenascon to the mouth of Laocolon Cr. above Mecokins Wigwam, thence down along the Dellaware to 2 miles above the Falls Mills, thence E. to Shabbicunck Cr. 179 1688 April 9. Do. Do. Hoeham, Kepanoockonickon,. Romasicka- men, Tiptaopaman and Vevenutting, Sackimackers, to Adlord Bowde, on behalf of Govr Daniel Coxe, for a tract from a point in Thomas Budd's line N. W. to the Northbranch of the Rariton River, down said river to the road from Dellaware Falls to New York, thence S. along said road- to another point in said Budd's line over the Stony Hills on the Eastside of Milstone River, thence N. W. and S. W. to the first point. 181 1687-8 March 1. Deed. Daniel Bacon of Baconsfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to James Croft of said County, husbandman, for 100 acres in the second settlement of fa of 1-32 share, bo't of Wm. Mathews June 1, 1683 (supra, p. 170). 182 1688 March 21. Do. Francis Beswick of Burlington, yeoman, to William Hunt of Providence, same Co., carpenter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in Burlington Co. for his 2-12 share, bo't of Thomas Hutchin son. 182 1688 April 3. Do. Thomas Budd, now or late of Burlington, mer chant, to Elias Farr of Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, for 150 acres in Bur- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 423 Page lington Co. 183 1686-^ Jan. 25. Do. Jonathan Beere, merchant, to John Budd sen ior, upholsterer, both of Burlington, for f of an acre there, on River St., fronting on Wood St., 19 by 7 perches, adjoining James Barrett and pur chased of Thomas Budd February 8, 1683-4. 184 16878 March 24. Do. John Budd to James Satterthwalt of Burling ton, sawyer, for the preceding f of an acre. 184 1682 Dec. 20. Mem. of Deed. Bernard Devonish, then of Northamp ton River, yeoman, to Richard ffinimore, then of Burlington, bricklayer, for a house and lot in Burlington Island, 72 feet in length from N. to S., 38 f. wide, now in the tenure of William Serridge .and Richard Wall, ad joining grantee's other lot, bo't of grantor, on Finnmore St. 185 1 1683 July. 23. Power of attorney. Benjamin Antrobus of London, linendraper, to Benjamin Wheate of Burlington, shoemaker, as land agent, conveying to him 200 acres out of 500 purchased from the Propri etors". 186 1687 Dec. 14. Deed. Benjamin Wheate, to Thomas Shinn of Bur lington Co., shoemaker, for the preceding 200 acres. 186 1677 8 Jan. 29. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Handsworth, Co. of York, tanner, to Thomas ffowke of Holmegate, Parish of Northwingfield, County of Derby, yeoman, for 1-15 of one of the seven ninetieths of New Jersey. 187 1687 June 10. Do. Ralph Trenoweth of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Scholey of near Chesterfield, husbandman, for 100 acres in said Co., bo't of Daniel Stanton October 26, 1685. 188 1687 June 10. Do. Thomas Budd of Burlington, merchant, to Ralph Trenoweth,. for 300 acres to be taken up as part of the share bo't of Ed ward Byllinge and the Trustees. 188 1686 July 10. Do. John Antram of near Birch Creek, W. J., cord wainer, to Thomas Bartin of Assiscunck or Birch Cr., yeoman, for fa of 1-32 share in the First or Yorkshire Tenth, except the Burlington town lots, as bought of William Myers of Burlington, butcher, Nov. 29, 1684. 189 1681 April 20, Do. John Penford of Kerby muckle,1 County of Lei cester, grazier, to Elias ffarr of "ye Hamblett'' of Spittlefields, Parish of Stepney alias Stebonheath, County of Middlesex, cheesmonger, for 1-15 of a share of W. J. 190 1677 April 3. Do. John Kinsey, late of Great Hadam, Co. of Hert ford, gent: to Nicholas Lucas of Hertford, same Co., maulsler, for fa of a share in W. J. 191 1682-3 Feb. 27. Do. Nicholas Lucas to Robert Dimsdale of Ed- 1 Kirby-Muxloe, a chapelry in the parish ot Glenfleld, four and a half miles from the town of Leicester, 424 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page monton, Co. of Middlesex, physician, for the preceding fa. 192 1682-3 Jan. 20. Do. Hugh Lambe, now or late of the Parish of St.- Martins in the ffields, Co. of Middlesex, hosyer, to Robert Dimsdale of Edmonton, for fa of 1-7 of 1-90 share in W. J., the 1-7 having been bought of John Bull March 27, 1682, to whom, Francis Collins and Richard Mew one full ninetieth was conveyed by Edward Byllinge. 193 1676-7 Feb. 26. Do. Thomas Ollive of Wellingbrough, Co. of North ampton, haberdasher, to Robert Powell of London, clothier, for 1-32 of 1-90 share of W. J. 194 1688 June 14. Do. Christopher W,atkin of Middlehooke, W. J., brother and heir of John Watkin of the same place dec'd, to Christopher Weatherill of Burlington, tailor, for 1-32 in the First Tenth, except 140 acres, sold by said John, the whole having been bought by him of Oba diah Barlowe of Sheffield, cutler, April 14, 1686. 195 1686 Oct. 10. Do. John Skene of Peachfield, W. J., gentleman, to John Shinn senior of near Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, for 100 acres in the "' First Tenth, to be taken up and surveyed, where grantee likes. 196 1686 Oct. 10. Do. John Shinn senior to John Skene, for a wharf lot and a town lot in Burlington and a lot in the township, all part of 1-16 share in the First Tenth, bo't of Eleazer Fenton Sept. 6 last past. ig7 1688 June 26. Do. William Royden late of London, merchant, now of West Jersey, to Zechariah Whilpain of Penna., merchant, for 300 acres, over against Philadelphia, along Dellaware R. between Robert Turner and Cooper's Cr., adjoining Wm'Cooper and Saml Carpenter. Ig8 1686 May 12. Do. Richard Lawrence of Lower Hook, W. J., yeo man, to Richard Russell of the same place, yeoman, for 250 acres to be taken up next to grantor's other land. - 200 1688 June 16. Do. Richard Russell of Philadelphia, ship carpenter, to John Haughton, chirurgeon, for 250 acres, adjoining Richard Lawrence at Lower Hook (the preceding). 201 1688 April 30. Indian Deed. Sakamoy and other Indian Sackimack ers to Adlord Bowde, now of Burlington, merchant, on behalf of Govr Daniel Coxe, for a tract from the mouth of Stephants Creek on the N. side of Dellaware Bay to Petequeick or nixt Creek, W. of litle Egg Har bour, down said river of Petaqueick to the most Easterly point of Little Egg Harbour on the sea, then S. W. along the seashore to Cape May, thence along the shore to the "bottom" of the bay, thence W. to place of beginning. 202 1688 June 24. Do. Do. Molhunt and other Indian Sackimackers to the same, for a tract from and along Cohansick Creek to Oldman's Cr., to Timber Cr., thence to a river running into Little Egg Harbour, thence along the line of the preceding to Dellaware Bay at Stephants Isle, thence to the place of beginning. 203 , WEST JERSEY- RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 425 Page 1688 July 5. Mortgage. Zechariah Whitpajne of Philadelphia, mer chant, to William Roydon, late of London, now of West Jersey, merchant, for the 300 acres, bought ut supra, p. Ig8. 204 1688 July 5. Bond. Same to same for keeping the agreements etc. as above. 207 1687 April 30. Do. John Langford of Northampton R., merchant, to Edward Hunloke of Burlington, merchant, for the 500 acres on or near said river, bought of Wm. Biddle of Mount Hope, ut supra, p. 120. . 208 1684-5 Jan- 8- Do. Edward Booth of Peniston Hurst, Parish of Ash- over, Co. of Derby, yeoman, to Joseph Stones of Chesterfield, W. J., yeoman, for 1-15 of a share, bought of Mahlon Stacy January 28-2g, 1677-8. 2og 1688 Aug. 8. Do. Anna Salter of Tawcony, Penna., widow, and-her son John Salter to Peter Long of Simsissinck Creek, W. J., carpenter, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 210 1687-8 Feb. 20. Do. John Skene of Peachfield, W. J., to John Boar ton of Hillsdon, W. J., yeoman, for 100 acres to be surveyed out of the tract, bo't of Thomas Hutchinson of Talbot Co., Maryland, September 13, 1686 (supra, p. 107). 211 lt/87-8 Jan. 26. Do. Ralph Trenoweth of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Nathaniel Duglas of the same Co., husbandman, and wife Amye, daugh ter of grantor, for 100 acres, part of the 300 a. lot, bo't of Thomas Budd June 4, 1687, 212 1688 July 7. Do. Job Bunting to George Nicholson, both of Chester field, Burlington Co., yeomen, for 150 acres in the First Tenth, bo't of Wm. Myers Sept. 7, 1686. .213 1688 May 21. Do. Cornelius Empson of Brandy Wyne Cr., Penna., yeoman, to Andrew Smith of Hopewell, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 200 acres in said Co., at Hopewell, part of 1-24 share, bo't of Benjamin Pad- ley of North Cave, Co. of Yorke, England, baker, Aug. 21, 1684. 214 1686 Oct. 10. Do. Peter Harvey of the First Tenth yeoman and wife Sarah to Thomas Curtis of Buggbrook, VV. J., husbandman, for 40 acres -in the Second Tenth, part of the land formerly belonging to Benjamin Scott. dec'd, and by him assigned to Sara Harvey (supra, p. in). 215 1687 April 20. Do. Thomas Wright of near Crosswicks, W. J., yeo man, to Godfrey Hancock of Steetley near Burlington, Thomas Revell of Baythorp, W. J., both yeomen, and John Heesom of Burlington, carpen ter, for 6 acres on Assiscunck Creek in Burlington Township, adjoining Samuel Oldale. 216 1688 April 30. Mortgage. John Ithell of Steele's Branch, Gloucester Co., planter, on behalf of Wm. Steele of Cork, Ireland, merchant, to Richard Basnet of Burlington, yeoman, for 500 acres at Steele's Bay, along Dellaware R., adjoining Henry Woods. 217 38 426 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1687-8 28th d. nth m. (Jan.). Deed. Thomas Budd, late of Bur lington, now of Philadelphia, merchant, to Andrew Robeson, Proprietor in West Jersey, for 1,600 acres, part of the 15,000 a., conveyed to grantors by the Proprietors May 25, 1687 (supra, p. 150). 218 1687 Aug. 2. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope near Burlington, yeoman, to Charles Read of Burlington, tailor, for 150 acres W. and S. Samuel Barker. 219 1686 May 24. Do. George Porter, late of Burlinglon, batchelor, to Nathaniel Richards (Records), late of the same place, planter, for 50 acres in the First or Yorkshire Tenth. 220 1686 Oct. 2. Do. George Porter of the First Tenth, yeoman, to John Browne, of near Mount Pleasant, W. J., white smith, for no acres in the First Tenth. 221 ' 1688 July 10. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., yeoman, and wife Sarah to Samuel Andrews of Springhill, same Co., yeo man, for 600 acres, of which 400 are at Springhill along the brook, above the bridge, while 200 a. are to be taken up. 222 1688 June 2g. Power of attorney. Daniel Coxe of London, Gover nour of West Jersey, to James Budd, merchant, bound for the Bermudas and thence for West Jersey, to dispose of his eleven shares of W. J. 223 1687 April 14. Deed. William Peachee of the Nursery near Burling ton, yeoman, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for a lot on High St. there, near John Cripps. 223 1688 June 10. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope to James Sat- terthwait of Burlington, sawyer, for 150 acres in the Second Tenth, also part of a wharf lot in Burlington Island, forty feet front on the Dellaware and as long as all water lots. 224 1688-9 March 6. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia to Robert Ashton of Chelsey, New Castle Co., Penna., yeoman, surviving feoffee in trust for Jacob Decowe, son of Isaac Decowe, late of Chelsey, yeoman, dec'd, for 600 acres at Mattacopeny, Burlington Co., now in the tenure of John Chapman, 500 a. thereof being part of a 600 a. lot bo't of Samuel Jenings March 25, 1681, and along Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John Butcher and John Shinn, the other 100 "a. betw. Samuel Barker, John Shinn, John Crosby and Wm. Atkins. 225 1685-6 Feb. io.- Do. Same to Daniel Brenson of near Stony Brook, W. J., planter, for 300 acres, surveyed by and with the consent of the Dep uty Governour and Proprietors. 226 1688-9 Jan- 24. Do. Mary, widow and executrix of Godfrey Han cock of Steetley, Burlington Co., and Judith Hancock, their daughter, to William ffoster of said Co., planter, for 100 acres near grantee's other land in the same Co., part of fa in the Second Tenth, bequeathed to said Judith by the last will of her father of July 31, 1688. 227 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 427 Page 1688 Dec. 21. Do. Daniel Bacon of Baconfield, Burlington Co., yeo man, to Charles Millward of said Co., cooper, for 50 acres, called Turn- ditch, in the First Tenth, part of the land bought of Wm. Mathews June I, 1683. 228 1688-9 March 16. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to William Wood of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-32 of the first ten shares of W. J., purchased from Wm. Penn et. al., also 100 acres in the same. 229 1689 April 4. Affidavit. Thomas Revell of Boythorp testifies, that John Smith dec'd, by nuncupative will gave his lands in W. J. to his wife Sarah, now the wife of James Read; also that John Smith had a deed for one "propriety of land" "in W. J., from which affiant was to make a deed to Mathew Allen, which was burnt with said Smith's house, without being recorded. 230 1689 April 8. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to William Quicksall of Chesterfield, linnenweaver, for 200 acres to be sur veyed out of grantor's lands. 230 1687 May 25. Do. Percivall Towle, Francis Collins, John Shinn senior, Wm. Peachee, Thomas Barton, Wm. Alberson, Wm. Bate, Wm. Cooper, Thomas Gardner, John Hugg, Wm. Watson, Symon Charles, Thomas Mathews, John Boarton, Bernard Devonish, John Reading, An drew Robeson, Daniel Wills senior, Wm. Roydon, Wm. Budd, Francis Beswick, Thomas Harding, Henry Ballenger, Gilbert Wheeler, Francis Davenport, Samuel Jenings, Christopr Weatherill, George Hutcheson, Thomas Ollive, Wm. Biddle, John Tatham, Jonathan Wood, Peter Fret- well, Daniel Bacon, George Nicholson, Robt Wilson, Robt Murfin, Saml Bunting, Wm. Beard, John Snoden, John Murfin, Thomas Gilber- thorp, John Pancoast, John Bunting, John Day, Elias Farr, Joseph Wood, John Ithell, John Ladd, James Atkinson, Wm. Dalboe, Thomas Sharp, John Rambo, Daniell Howell, Benjamin Bramman, Mahlon Stacy, John Rogers, Mathew Watson, Robert Turner, Proprietors of several undivided shares of West Jersey, to Thomas Budd, as above, p. 150. 231 1687 "Aug. 8. Do. The same to James Budd of Burlington, mer chant, for 1,000 acres, by him bought of the Indians, near Northampton R., in consideration of several journeys to N. Y. and for his pains in England on behalf of the Proprietors and according to a resolution of the Genl Assembly. 233 1688-9 Feb. 22. Consent of the Proprietors (names as above, p. 231, with Tho. Thackera, Robert Zane, Wm. Myers, Tho. Butcher, Jno An tram, Henry Grubb, -Robt Stacy, Jno Curtis, Richard Heritage, Samuel Oldale in addition) to the agreement made with East Jersey concerning the partition line by Daniel Coxe.l 233 1 This agreement was subsequently repudiated by all parties. See Proceedings N. J. Historical Society, Third Series, I., 137. 428 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688 July 10. Deed. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Michael Buffin of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres in said Co. 235 1689 April 8. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to William Quicksall of Chesterfield, linnen weaver, for 200 acres. 236 1688-9 March 21. Satisfaction of mortgage. Humphrey Money to William Steele (supra, p. 116). 237 1689 April 23. Do. Do. Richard Basnett to John Ithell on behalf of William Steele (supra, p. 217). 237 ... - 1684 Nov. 29. Deed. James Read of White Clay Creek, New Castle Co., Penna., and wife Sarah, late the wife of John Smith of the same Co. dec'd, to Jghn Clarke of Burlington, mason, for 300 acres in the Second Tenth of W. J., formerly belonging to said Smith. 237 1689 May 8. Do. John Skene of Peachfield, Burlington Co., esquire, to Joseph Adams of Burlington Town, tailor, for a wharf lot and a town lot on Burlington Island, part of 1-16 share,Nbought of John Shinn senior October 10, 1686, the town lot being on High St. 238 1688 Dec. 26. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Burlington Co., yeoman, and George Hutcheson of Burlington, yeoman, to Elias Farr of Farrefield, said Co., yeoman, for 1-12 of a share in the Yorkshire or First Tenth. 239 i68g May 18. Do. Mary Hancock of Steetley, widow and executrix of Godfrey Hancock dec'd, to John Tueley of Burlington Co., husband man, for 100 acres in said Co., fronting on Dellaware R. above the town. 240 l68g May 21. Do. John Tuely to John Parker, both of Burlington Co., for the preceding 100 acres. 241 1685-6 20th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. William Biddle of Sepassing, W. J., yeoman, to Isaac Horner, late of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 100 acres to be surveyed ih the Second or London Tenth. 242 1677 31st d. 6th m. (Aug.). Receipt. Thomas Hutchinson of Bever: ley, Co. of Yorke, and George Hutcheson of Sheffield, distiller, to Elias Farr of London, cheesmonger, for the purchase money of 1-12 of a share in Joseph Helmsley's lot, bo't by said Thomas and George of Wm. Penn et aliis. 243 1685 Oct. 12. Lease. Samuel Norris of Watlin St., London, by his attorney William Cooper of Pyne Point, W. J., to John Ashton of W. J., glazier, for 500 acres, called Ash Point, in the Third Tenth near Newton on Dellaware R. 243 l68g Aug. 1. Deed. John Antram of Burlington Co., cordwainer, to ThomasOllive of Northampton River, said Co., yeoman, for two water or wharf lots on Burlington Island, part of 1-32 of a share, one bo't of John Snoden and wife Ann, the other of John Dewsbury. 244 1689 Aug. 6. Do. John Hilliar of Northampton River, yeoman, and WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 429 Page Bernard Devonish of Burlington, yeoman, to Joshua Humphries of North ampton R., feoffee in trust for Martha, wife of said Bernard Devonish, for ,1-32 of a share, being \ of fa given to said Hilliar by Devonish April 3, 1685. 245 1685 July 25. Do. William Biddle of near Sepassincks Island, W. J., yeoman, to Walter Pumphery of Burlington, carpenter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the Second Tenth. 246 1686 Sept. 6. Do. Eleazer Fenton to John Shinn senior, both of Birch Creek, W. J., yeomen, for 1-16 of a share in the First Tenth, i. e. a river lot and a house lot on Burlington Island (sold to John Skene Oct. 10, 1686, supra, p. 197). 247 1688 Sept. 12.- Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., yeoman, and wife Sarah to William Satterthwait of said Co:, planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the Yorkshire Tenth. 247 1684 Nov. 2. Do. Jonathan Wood of Ewes, Parish of Maltby, Co. of Yorke, husbandman, to Christopher Snowden of Kuckney,1 Co. of Not tingham, yeoman, for fa of 1-32 of a share of W. J. 248 1686 Nov. 20. Do. Godfrey Hancock senior of Steetley, W. J., yeo man, to Christopher Snowden of Burlington, yeoman, for 78^ acres in the next purchase to be made by the Proprietors within the First Tenth. 249 1689 Dec. 26. Mortgage. Thomas Bowman to Edward Hunloke, both of Lessapoint alias Wingerworth, Burlington Co., merchants, for 100 acres there, to be laid out next to Burlington Isld. 250 1684 Aug. 15. Power of attorney. Walter Humphris alias Powell of Painswick, Co. of Gloucester, England, to his son-in-taw Enoch Core and son Joshua Humphris alias Powell, as general agents in New Jersey. 252 1682-3 March I. Do. George Ellis of Higham, Parish of Shirland, Co. of Derby, maultster, to his brother-in-law, Thomas Farnsworth of Mansfield, W. J., to dispose of his land, bought of Mahlon Stacy, late of . Dorehouse, tanner. 252 1680 Aug. 14. Deed. John Smith of Christeene Creek (Del.), yeo man, to Matthew Allen of Burlington, carpenter, for 3,200 and odd acres near Rancokus Cr. on Dellaware R., called the Great Lot; also his land on Burlington Island. 25*3 1688-9 Jan- 22- Do. Thomas Folke senior to Anthony Woodward, both of Chesterfield, yeomen, for 200 acres near there, bo't of Mahlon Stacy, then of Handsworth, York, England, Jan. 28-29, 1677-8. 254 1689-go Feb. 15. Do. John Willis junior of Cooper's Creek, Glou cester Co., W. J., yeoman, to James Sherwin of Northampton R., tailor, for 100 acres to be laid out for grantor in the Indian purchase. 255 1 Cuokney, or Norton-Cuckney, a parish about five miles from Worksop, in the county of Nottingham. 430 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1688 April 10. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope to Hance Mon- seur of Sinamensinck, Burlington Co., planter, for 100 acres in the Sec ond Tenth. 255 1689-90 March 12. Do. Robert Stacy of Philadelphia, tanner, to Richard Bassnett of Burlington, yeoman, for a lot in Burlington Town ship, being part of 1-12 of a share, surveyed for grantor next to Burlington or Yorkshire Bridge, 23^ acres. 256 1689-90 Feb. 15. Do. John Willis of Wantage, Co. of Bailees,! Eng land, by his son and attorney, John Willis of Gloucester Co., yeoman, to John Cornish of Burlington, carpenter, for 300 acres to be surveyed out of his lands in W. J. 257 1689 March 29. Do. Thomas Kendall of near Northampton River, bricklayer, to Susanna Elton of the same place, widow, for 10 acres, at the head of and parted by a small run from grantor's plantation, adjoining grantee. 258 1689 Dec. 4. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, Proprietor, to Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth near Burlington, merchant, for 145^ acres, to be surveyed in the town bounds. 258 1685 June 5. Do. Jonathan Beere of Burlington to George Smith, late of Farnsfield, Nottingham Co., England, for 500 acres in the Second Tenth, bo't of Thomas Budd and Nathaniel Ible, Feb. 8, 1683-4. 259 1688 May 10. Do. John Roger, husbandman, to James Pharoe, both of Nottingham Woodhouse, W. J., for a lot along the line betw. them, two furlongs, beginning on Delaware R. 25g 1689 Aug. 26. Power of attorney. Daniel Coxe of London, M. D., to John Tatham and James Budd of W. J., merchants, as land agents; made before Nicolas Hayward, Notary and Tabellion Public in London. 260 1686-7 10th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Mynhead. Letter. William Steele to brother John Ithell, protesting against the sale of 15 acres of meadow at Steele's branch. 261 1690 Aug. 18. Power of attorney. Job Throckmorton of Middleton, East Jersey, to brother Samuel Leonard, to collect debts due to deceased bro. Joseph Throckmorton. 261 1690 Sept. 22. Do. Do. Alice Throckmorton of Middletown, E. J., widow and executrix of John Throckmorton and executrix of her brother Joseph Throckmorton, dec'd, to Richard Hartshorne of Portland, Mon mouth Co., to collect debts, due to both estates in Yorke, E. J., W. J. and Penna. 261 1689 Aug. 12. Do. Do. James Navell of London, citizen and mer chant tailor, surviving executor of Henry Stacy of London dec'd, and of Mary Stacy of Waltham Holy Crosse, Co. of Essex, widow, dec'd, to Sam- 1 Berks. WEST-JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 431 Page uel Stacy, son of Henry and Mary, now bound beyond the seas, to act as joint executor in behalf of his sisters Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah Stacy. (supra, p. 173). 262 1690 Nov. 3. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to James Pharoe, son of James Pharoe, dec'd, of Nutlingham Woodhouse, said Co., for 50 acres in the Yorkshire Tenth. 263 1690 Oct. 30. Do. John Curtis of Ogstone, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Henry Morley of Northampton R., husbandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the second dividend. 263 1686 May I. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Calowe of Birch Creek, wheelwright, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the First Tenth. 264 1684 March 26. Do. Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU and Thomas Budd of Burlington, on public account by authority of the Genl Assembly, to Peter Erickson of Roppaupey Creek, W. J., planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed between Israel Helme's land and Oldman's Creek. 264 1689 Nov. 12. Do. Mary Hancock of Steetley, Burlington Co., widow, as executrix of her late husband, Godfrey Hancock, and of her son Godfrey Hancock, both dec'd, Judith and Mary Hancock, her daughters, to Joshua Newbold of Burlington Co., carpenter, for one third of the land bought by said Godfrey Hancock senior with Thomas Revell of Boythorp and John Heeson of Burlington of Thomas Wright of near Crosswicks Creek April 20, 1687, for mill purposes. 265 1689 Nov. 12. Do. Thomas Revell of Boythorp, Burlington Co., yeo man, to Joshua Newbold, for his third of the preceding. 266 i68g Nov. 25. Do. Eliakim Higgins to Thomas Duglas, both of Bur lington Co., for a lot between Nathaniel Duglas, grantor and grantee. 267 i6go-l Feb. 2. Do. John Shinn of Springfield, Burlington Co., wheelwright, to WiUiam Bustill of the same Co., carpenter, for 50 acres at Oneanickon, as laid out for Peter Harvey, S. E. Thomas Shinn, N. E. Ralph Trenoweth, N. Hannaniah Gant. 267 1685 May 28. Do. WiUiam Budd of Burlington, brewer, to Samuel" Bunting of the same place, mason, for a wharf or water lot, belonging to 1-16 share on Burlington Island. 268 1684 Oct. 1. Do. Thomas ffowke of Crosswicks Cre'ek alias Chester field, yeoman, to Samuel Bunting (as before), for a townlot and a waterlot on Burlington Island, belonging to his 1-15 of a share. 268 l6go June 13. Power of attorney. John Tatham of Burlington, at torney of Daniel Coxe (vide pp. 223 and 260), substituting George Taylor ' of Cape May, carpenter, for James Budd dec'd. - 26g l6go-l March 10. Do. Do. Elizabeth Brigs of Cape May, widow '.'Of John Brigs, to George Taylor of the same, to prove her late husband's 432 new Jersey colonial documents. Page will and act as her general agent. 269 1684 ist d. 2d m. (April). Deed. Thomas Carelton of Ballincarriclr, Co. of Wicklowe, Ireland, by his attorney William Bate ofNewton, Glou cester Co., W. J., carpenter, to Thomas Dennis of said Newton, shoe maker, for 40 acres, N. E. Newton Creek, S. E. grantor, S. W. and N. W. William Alberson. 270 1691 May 26. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Katharine Beard of Oneanickon (Carmel, Cumberland Co.), widow, for 100 acres. - 270 1690 Nov. 5. Power of attorney. Daniel Coxe of London to Joseph Dudley of Roxbury, New England, as general agent in East and West Jer sey, repeated p. 272 with more powers. 271 1691 Oct. 7. Substitution. Joseph Dudley as above to Edward Hun loke of Burlington. Do. as above. 271 l6gi ist d. 8th m. (Oct.). Deed. William Steele of Corke, Ireland, merchant, by his attorney John Ithell of W. J., to Philipp Richards of Philadelphia, merchant, for 100 acres between Henry Wood' and the river. 273 l6gi 10th d. 4th m. (June). Do. Mathew Allen of Burlington Co., carpenter, to Anthony ffryer of said Co., husbandman, for 200 acres on Northampton R., over against Hulins Point, with 10 a. of meadow near by on said river. 274 i68g-go Feb. 24. Bond. Samuel Stacy as attorney for James Navell, executor of his parents (supra, p. 262), to Elias Farr of Farrsfield, W. J., for the payment of a debt. 274 l6gi Nov. 10. Deed. William Steele of Cork, Ireland, by his attor ney John Ithell of Steele's Bay, W. J., victualler, to Humphry Morrey of Philadelphia, merchant, for 300 acres on Dellaware R., adjoining Phil. Richards, as surveyed by Thomas Sharp Nov. 7, 1691. 275 1691-2 Feb. 20. Do. Thomas Wright of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Bainbridge of Burlington, joiner, for a water or wharf lot there, be ing part of fa of a share, which is one half of the water lot belonging to 3 of a share, bo't of Thomas Hutcheson et. al. May 10, 1677 (supra, p. 5). 276 i68g Oct. 7. Do. Thomas Hooton of Philadelphia, cordwainer, son and heir of Thomas Hooton of the same place, cordwainer,-dec'd, to Rich ard Love of Burlington, cordwainer, for a lot in Burlington, ou the West- side of High St., N. Thomas Budd, S. Henry Stacy, rear on Wood St. (see infra, p. 331). 277 1691-2 March 19. Do. William Wood of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Bainbridge of Burlington, joiner, for a town and water lot there, part of 1-32 of a share, bo't of George Hutcheson March 16, 1688-9 (supra, p. 229). 277 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART, I. 433 Page l6gl Nov. 10. Do. Anna Salter, late of Tawcony, Penna., widow dec'd, by her executors Robert Stacy, John Hart, Charles Picker ing, of Philadelphia, Richard Whitfield of Tawcony and Thomas ffairman of Shackamackson, Penna., to William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., W. J., for the reversion of 2-12 of a share of W. J., bargained for with said Anna Salter during her lifetime. 278 • i6gi May 9. Do. William Quicksall of Chesterfield, weaver, to John Melbourne of Burlington Co., blacksmith, for 10 acres, part of a greater lot, bought of Richard Harrison. 279 1691 1st d. 2d m. (April). Do. William Hixson, husbandman, to John Melbourne, blacksmith, both of Burlington Co., for 60 acres on Doctor's Creek, adjoining Sam1 Overton, John Murfin and George Goforth. . 279 1 691-2 Jan. 20. Do. George Porter, yeoman, to John Melbourne, blacksmith, both of Burlington Co., for 50 acres to be surveyed in the sec ond dividend of the Province as part of 1-6 of a share, bo't of Ttiomas Hutchinson et. al. June 10, 1677. 280 1690 November 10. Do. Anna Salter by her executors (supra, p. 278) to Thomas Revell, then of the Falls of Dellaware R., scrivener, now of Boythorp, Burlington Co., for 100 acres in said Co., sold by said Anna to grantee Sept. 8, 1681. 281 1689 April 17. Do. John Curtis of Ogston, W. J., yeoman, .to Thomas Duglas of W. J., labourer, for 200 acres, in the First Tenth, part of 1-15 of a share bought of Mahlon Stacy. 281 1687 May 18. Do. Hananiah Gaunt of near Oneanickon, yeoman, to William Bustill of Shrewsbury, East Jersey, carpenter, for 100 acres, N. grantor, E. Ralph Trenoweth, part of 500 a., bought of George Hutchin son May ir, 1685. 282 1691-2 Feb. 25. Do. William Biddle of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Peleg-Slowcome of Rhode Island, yeoman, for 500 acres in West Jersey. Endorsed by Daniel Leeds, surveyor, as being in the first Indian purchase and adjoining John Pancost, Thomas Wright and Wolfe pitt Creek. 282 l6go-l 10th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Anthony Elton of Anchocus, Burlington Co., yeoman, to WUliam Myers of Burlington, butcher, for his lots on Burlington Island, excepting the wharf or water lots, belonging to l-l6of a share, bought by grantor's father of John Pope, M-arch 4, 1678-g. Marginal Note tells, that on January 23, 1692-5, said Elton sold to Mary, widow of said Wm. Myers,— perches of land. 283 1690 2d d. loth m. (Dec). Do. Barnard Devonish of Burlington, husbandman, to William Myers, butcher, for I acre 8J chains (10 chains to an acre) on Burlington Island, in the Second Tenth, but not fronting on High St. 284 . - 1690 Dec. 13. Do. William Crues of Philadelphia, potter, to Daniel 39 434 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Sutton of Burlington, tailor, for a town lot on Burlington Island, part of 1-32 of a share, W. Wm. Budd, N. River St., over against the slaughter house of Wm. Myers. 284 1692 April 28. Power of attorney. Daniel Cox of London, M. D., to Jeremiah Basse of West Jersey, now in London, minister, as general agent in America. • 285 1688 July 28. Deed. Jacob Cozens of Philadelphia, serge weaver, to Benjamin Braman of Chemel Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, for 1-32 of a share in the First Tenth, bought of John Dewsbury of Burlington and wife Jane Feb. 21, 1682-3. 286 1692 April II. Commission. Sir Thomas Lane, Knt, Edmond Har rison, Robt Hackshaw, James Sc- John, Dan. Coxe, John Jurin, John Bridges, Mord: Abbott, Wm. Wrightman and Rob: Michel,- Committee appointed by Daniel Cox, to Andrew Hamilton as their Commissioner and Deputy Governour of West Jersey. ,, 287 1692 April 18. Do. Same to Thomas Revell as Secretary, Register and Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Council. 288 1691-2 March 3. Lease. Daniel Coxe, Esqre, Governr & Qhiefe Pro prietor of West New Jersey and other adjacent Lands & Territories there unto belonging in America, to Jonathan Greenwood and Peter Guyon of London, Cittizens, for ffive full e quail Hundredth parts or Proprieties of & in all that Tract of Land in America aforesaid now called West New Jersey (The said whole Tract of Land being into one hundred equall parts to be divided and each of said hundredth parts containing by estimac'on- Thirty Thousand acres more or less) called or knowne by the name of Bartletts ffive Proprieties & heretofore purchased by the sard Daniel Coxe of Benjamin Bartlett1 late of London Mrchant now deceased and Gratia his wife or one of them, Feb. 17-18, 3d James II; alsofour other Proprie ties or like Hundredth parts of West New Jersey, parcell of Tenn full Proprieties bo't by John Hinde of London draper, & first granted with one other full share or Propriety by John Browne & Thomas Sands of Lon; d'on, Mrchants, to Daniel Coxe & Sir Thomas Lane, July 12-13, 3d James II, which said Sir Thomas Lane hath sincereleased and Conveyed his es tate & Interest in the said ffour shares or Proprieties unto the said Daniel Coxe his heires & assignes which said four shares or Proprieties are com monly called or knowne by the name of Browne & Sands Proprieties; also I like share bo't of Edward Byllinge, since dec'd, Jan. 8-g, ist James II; 2-7 of a like share, bo't of Elizabeth Harris, widow, March 4-5 in the 1 Edward Byllynge, the owner of ninety of the hundred shares into which West Jersey was divided, died 16th of 11th mo. (February), 1684-5, leaving two daught ers, his only surviving children and heirs at law: Gracia, who married Benjamin Bartlett, and Loveaday. The latter died before October'5, 1688. Bartlett, who was Bylling's principal creditor, died before Sept. 16, 1691, and his widow, Gracia, was appointed administratrix of his estate. She survived so late as Sept. -12, 1728, •west Jersey records, liber b, part i. 435 Page ffirsl yeare of the Reigne of their prsent Maties [Wm. and Mary]; I share, bo't of Charles, then sonne & Heire of Humphrey Madge, dec'd, Jan. 25-26, 3d James. II; fa of a share, bo't of said Charles Madge, by two sev- : eral deeds, May 17th & May 30, 2d Wm. and Mary; fa of a share, known as Ogle's third, bo't of John Hyde, May 13-14, 2d Wm. and Mary; 1 share, by Edward Bylling granted to Robert Squibb, Oct. 7-8, 1686, who af terwards conyeyed it to said Daniel Coxe by endorsement on the former conveyance; I share, mortgaged by said Bylling to Daniel Coxe, Feb. 29- March i, 36th Charles II, the Equity of Redemption whereof is since law fully come unto & vested in the said Daniel Coxe; 2 shares, granted to said Daniel Coxe by Benjamin- Bartlett & Gratia his wife, Loveday Byl ling and Robert West, or some or one of them, Feb. 25-26, 3d James II; 2 shares, bo't of Thomas Sadler &Jane his wife, Jan. 11-12 last past, and known by the name of Sadlers two proprieties; 1 share, called Robert Sooley's; 6-7 of a share, lately bo't of John Bramen Esqr., Feb. 23 last past; all that Entire Tract of Land lyeing & being contiguous to West , New Jersey & now called & knowne by the name of the Minisincks Prov ince, containing by Estimac'n 200,000 acres, & lately annext to the Prov ince of West Jersey; 2 full equall undivided Proprieties or four & Twen tieth p'ts of the Province of East New Jersey in America (the said whole Province into four & twenty equall parts to be divided), one bo't of Ed ward Bylling March 19-20, 2d James II, and known as West's Propriety; the other bo't of Robert West and Thomas Coxe, Dec. 3-4, ist Wm. and Mary, & known as Mews Propriety, each of said two 24th parts of E. J. containes by Estimac'on 50,000 acres; 3 proprieties or 2oths of the Prov ince or County of Merrimac in New England, each containing 50,000 acres, two of which were lately bo't of Edward Randolph and Edmond Harri son; 10,000 acres in Pennsylvania, bo't of Wm: Penn, Esqre m and by one deed of ffeoffm', April 20th, 1686; two messuages or Tenements scituate in Burlington, one a dwelling house & the other a pottery house newly erected by the said Daniel Coxe & vsed for the making of Earthen ware togeather with ye vtensills & Stock therein Contained requisite & Conven ient for the vse aforesdl; all the said Daniel Coxe's Towne Lotts in Perth Amboy, E. J. ~; all his Towne Lotts in or near Gloucester Towne & Egge Harbour in West N. J.; all his other lands iu America, except those con veyed Dec. n-12, now last past, to John Coldham of Touting Graveney2 in the County of Surrey Esqre, that is to say: (1st) Tract above ye Falls of Delaware River in West N. J., bo't of the Indians by Adlord Bowde & surveyed by James Budd, conteyning by Estimac'on 30,000 a.; (2d) one half of Ten a undivided Shares or proprieties of -West N. J., the said Province into 100 equall shares to be devided, said 10 shares heretofore granted by John ffeiiwick Esqre unto Edmond Wardner & John Edridge; " ' For' some notices of this, probably the first, pottery in New Jersey, see N. J. Hist. Soe. Proceedings, Second Series, XII., 68-70. 2 Lower Tooting, or Tooting-Graveney, in the southwestern suburbs of London. 436 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page (3d)' one Moyetie of all other the Lands, etc. in West N. J. which said John ffenwick reserved tb himself and called ffenwick's Colony; (4th) 4,500 a., the residue of 10,000 a. granted by said John ffenwick to Edmond War ner aforesaid, and by him sold to Coxe; (5th) & all other the Lands, etc., conveyed by Coxe lo said John Coldham by said indenture, being noe part or p'cell of ye prmisses [herein] menc'oned to be granted. Witnesses — Sam: Russell, John Hackett, Ralph Withers. 289 1691-2 March 4. Release. Daniel Coxe Esqre Governor & Chiefe Proprietor of West Jersey and other adjacent Lands & Territoryes there to belonging in America and Rebecca his wife, of the first part ; Jonathan Greenwood & Peter Guyon of London, Cittizens, of the second part ; And Sir Thomas Lane of London Knight, Michael Watts of London Mrchant, Edmond Harrison of London Mrchant, Thomas Skinner of Dewlisk in the County of Dorsett Esqre, James Sc Johns of London Goldsmith, Nicholas Hayward of London Gent, Mordecai Abbott of London Gent, Nicholas Battersby of London Merchant, Robert Curtis of London Gent, John Ju- rin of London Merchant, Richard Bromhall of London Gent, Robert Mi chel of London Mrchant, Charles Michel of London Mrchant, James Bod dington Cittizen and Clothworker of London, John Gunston of London M.rchant, Arthur Shallett of London' Mrchant, John Lamb of London Mrchant, William Wightman of London Gent, Joseph Brooksbank Cittizen & Haberdasher of London, William Thompson of London Mrchant, Henry > Harrington of London Mrchant, John Love of London Mrchant, Thomas Phipps of London Linnendrapr, Isaac Cocks of London Mrchant Taylor, John Sweetable of Lombard Street Goldsmith, Thomas Bromfield of Lon don Gent, John Norton of London Mrchant, Robert Hackshaw of London Mrchant, John Bridges of London Mrchant, Joseph Paice of London, Mrchant, Edward Richier of London Mercer, William Dunch of Lincolns Inn in the County of Midd* Esqre, Edward Habbersfeild of the Middle Temple London Gent, John Alberson of London Mrchant, Edward West of London Gent, Edward Pauncfort of London Gent, Obadiah Burnett of London Mrchant, ffrances Michel of London Cittizen and Mercer, Benja min Steele of London Mrchant, John Slaney of London Mrchant, Nehe miah Erwing of London Gent, John Wilcocks of London Mrchant Taylor, " Richard Mayo of London Gent, Jonathan Netheway Cittizen and Drapr of London, WUliam Brookes of London Gent, Tracy Pauncfort of London Gent, Joseph Allen of London Silkinan, & Richard Greenaway Cittizen & Clothworker of London, of the third part : for the consideration of £9,800 of which £4,800 is to be paid on the delivery of the release, and £5,000 is to be secured by a mortgage for one year on one-third of the es tate, releases the premises described in the lease of March 3, 1691-2 (supra, p. 28g), to Jonathan Greenwood & Peter Guyon, their heirs and assigns forever, to the uses following: the whole to be divided into 1600 equal parts, & allotted as follows : to Sir Thomas Lane, 50; to Michael Watts, 170; to Edward Harrison, 60; to Thomas Skinner, 60; to James Saint WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 437 Page Johns, 60; to Nicholas Hayward, 60; to Mordecai Abbott, 55; to Nicholas Battersby, 40; to Robert Curtis, 40; to John Jurin, 40; to Richard Brom- hall, 40; to Robert Michel, 40; to Charles Michel, 40; to James Bodding ton, 40; to John Gunston, 40; to Arthur Shallett, 30; to John Lamb, 30; to William Wightman, 30; to Joseph Brooksbank, 30; to WUliam Thomjison, 30; to Henry Harrington, 30; to John Love, 30; to Thomas Phipps, 30; to Isaac Cocks, 30; to John Sweetable, 30; to Thomas Bromfeild, 30; to John Norton, 30; to Robert Hackshaw, 30; to John Bridges, 30; to Joseph Paice, 30; to Edward Richier, 20; to William Dunch,l 20;, to Edward Habbersfield, 20; to John Alberson, 20; to Edward West, 20; to Edward Pauncefort, 20; to Obadiah Burnett, 20; to ffrancis Michel, 20; to Ben jamin Steele, 20; to John Slaney, 20; to Nehemiah Eruing,2 20; to John Wilcocks, 20; to Richard Mayo, 20; to Jonathan Netheway, 15; to William Brooks, 10; to Tracey Pauncefort, 10; to Joseph Allen, 10; to Richard Greenaway, io.3 One full Moyetie of the shares, etc., in West New Jer sey as above are at or neare Cape May and Maurice River, & one .tenth part is above the ffalls of Delaware river; said moyetie & said tenth part have bin absolutely purchased by said Daniel Coxe in fee simple of the Indian Natives & fully paid for, & all the charges & expenses for survey ing the same. And whereas some scruple & doubt hath arisen touching & concerning the right & Tytle of the said Daniel Coxe to the Minisincks Province, £400 of the said £4,800 shall remaine as a depositum in the hands of the third parties until further assurances shall be given. Cove nants against grantor's -own acts, of seisin, good right to convey, quiet possession, for further assurances at any time within ten years, & for the production in Court whenever demanded, of the original Deeds of Grant relateing (amongst others) to the said ffour Proprieties or Hundredth parts of West New Jersey aforesaid hereby Granted, bearing date March 27-28, 1682, from William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Bylling, to John Hinde. Witnesses — SamU Russell, Ralph Withers, E. Pockayne, Vrrey* VVetherby, Richard Johnson. 2gl 1691-2 March 4. Daniel Coxe, of London, Esquire, Governor, etc., of West New Jersey, etc., to Sir Thomas Lane and the other grantees named above (p. 289): recites grant by James, Duke of York, Aug. 6, 1880, "for the better enableing Edward Bylling then of the Citty of Westminster Gent since deed his Heirs and assigns to improve and plant that Tract of Land then and now called West New Jersey in America and its rights members & appurtenances with People & to exercise all necessary Govern- mt there," as were granted to said Duke by Charles II, March 12, in the 16th year of his reigne, & June 29, in the 26th year of his reigne; recites the several mesne conveyances to Sir Thomas Lane & associates, as above. 1 Query: Dunah. 2 Query: Ewing or Erving. 3 This makes 1600 shares. 4 Ury, Jerry or Terry. 43§ NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pagd The said Daniel Coxe therefore grants, transposes & assigns to his said grantees "All and every such and the same powers jurisdiccons authori ties and Governmt as & that were granted or intended to be granted by- the said Duke of Yorke to the said Edward Bylling as aforesaid And by the Heires of the said Ebward Bylling were granted to the said Daniel Coxe, his heirs and assignes within or in relation to West New Jersey and other the prmises a foresaid To BE HELD Enjoyed vsed Exercised & Exe cuted by the said Sr Thomas Lane [and his associate grantees] their Heires & assignes and by their Deputies officers Agents & Commissioners as fully and Amply to all intents Constructions & purposes as the said Ed ward Bylling and his Heires & the said Daniel Coxe & his Heires did might could or ought to hold Enjoy vse Exercise & Execute the same by force & vertue of the said Letters Patent and the, said recyted Indenture or any of them or otherwise howsoever." 298 1692 Sept. 7. Deed. Robert Wade of Upland, alias Chester, Penna., yeoman, to Seth Hill of Burlington, mariner, for a riverlot on Burlington Island, bo't of George Bartholomew and wife Mary and Wm. Cooper March 16, 1681-2. 300 i6g2 June 4. - Commission. Committee of W. J. Society to Jeremiah Basse as their Agent. 301 1692 April 22. Power of attorney. John Reeve of East Barnett, Hert fordshire, gentleman, to Jeremiah Basse of W. J: gent: to collect debts due by Wm. Righton of W. J. 302 1689-90 March 4. Deed. John Calow of near Mount Pleasant, Bur lington Co., wheelwright, to William Myer of near Burlington, butcher, for 6 acres on Burlington Island, bo't of Mathew Allen May 30, i68g. , 3o3 1688-9 March 11. Power of attorney. Jonathan ffox of W. J., going to England, to Francis Davenport of Chesterfield,"Wm. Myers of Burling ton and John Day of Springfield, as general agents. 303 1683 May 12. Deed of gift. Mathew Allen of Burlington, carpenter, to Jacob Conoroe alias Allen, for 500 acres on the point of Rancokus Cr., E. said creek, N. Delaware R., part of the land bo't of John Smith of Cristeen Cr. Aug. 14, 1680. 304 1683 May 12. Do. Do. Same to Isaac Conoroe alias Allen, for 500 acres, W. Capt. "Hance, N. Delaware R., part of the land as before. 304 1691 3d d. 2d m. (April). Bill of Lading. John Huling, master of the Robert and William, bound for Bridge Sound, Barbados, to Walter Reeve for cheese, flour and beef, consigned to John Brett, Barbados. 304 1690 Sept. 12. Deed. Cornelius Empson of Goole Grange, Newcas tle Co., Penna., gentleman, to Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, Bur lington Co., W. J., yeoman, for 500 acres, to be surveyed out of the 800 a. . bo't of James Reade of White Clay Creek, said Newcastle Co., and wife WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. i A^i) Page Sarah Dec. 26, 1689, and out of the 1-24 share of W. J., bo't of Benj. Pad- ley of York Co., England, Aug. 25, 1684. 305 1690 Sept. 12. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful carrying out of preceding lease and release. 306 1690 Nov. 12. Deed. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to. Francis Collins of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1,000 acres to be surveyed out of grantor's 2-8 of a share, bo't of Samuel Groome of London Feb. io-n, 1689-90. 306 1681 Nov. 15. Do, _ Edward Byllinge of Westminster, Gawen Lawrie of London and Nicolas Lucas of Hertford to Richard Lawrence, gent:, Thomas Mathews, carpenter, Thomas Cary, silkman, Samuel Groome junior, mariner, Joseph Webster, citizen and weaver, Edward Peare, ship wright, Samuel Cradock, citizen and fishmonger, Gilbert Mace, citizen and weaver,, all of London, for 1-90 part of the 90 shares of the W. J., derived from Wm. Penn. 307 1689-90 Feb. 11. Do. Samuel Groome of London, merchant, to Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, for 2-8 of a share of W. J. (see supra, p. 306). 309 1677-8 Jan. 29. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Handsworth, Co. of York, tan ner, to Thomas Lambert of Handsworth Woodhouse, same Co., tanner, for 1-12 of a share. 311 1679-80 March 12. Do. Robert Stacy of Mattinicunck. Island, W. J., tanner, to Thomas Lambert of Nottingham near the Falls of Delaware, for one half of 1-6 of a share. 313 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Sarah, widowand executrix of Robert Scholey of Nottingham Woodhouse, Mahlon Stacy of Ballifield, Burlington Co., tanner, and Thomas Lambert of Nottingham,- same Co., tanner, her trus tees, to John, younger son of Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, bachelor, for a mansion house and plantation of 200 acres in Nottingham Wood- house. 314 1688-9 IQth d- Ist m- (March). Wrill of Robert Scholey of Notting ham Woodhouse, W. J. Wife Sarah, youngest son Robert, other children not mentioned by name. Real and personal estate. The wife sole exec- trix, Mahlon Stacy and Thomas Lambert trustees. Witnesses— Anne Pharoe, Elizabeth Lambert, William Emley, Justice. 315 1691 Sept. 8. Deed. Robert Stacy of Philadelphia, tanner, to Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, tanner, for one acre in Burlington, first . sold by Francis Beswick as part of his townlot to Daniel Gardner Jan. 20, 1681-2, and then by said Gardner to present grantor March 20, 1682-3. 3l6 l68g Aug. 14. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to ., Peter Long of Burlington, carpenter, for 100 acres in grantor's A of $ - share, boH of James Graham of New York April 12, 1684, he having 44O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page bought it of William Clarke of Dublin March 30, 1683, to whom Edward Byllinge and trustees conveyed it March 1, 1676-7. 317 i6go-l loth d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. John Shinn senior, carpenter, to Edward Bolton, husbandman, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres near Mount Pisgah, along the line of Indian purchase, and adjoining grantor and Sam1 Houghton. 317 1688 Aug. 23. Articles of agreement. Daniel Coxe, Stephen Soames and Benjamin Bartlett, all of London, partners for making jnottery in W. J., with William Gill of Lambeth Parish, Co. of Surrey, potter servant, to go to America with John de Wilde of London, citizen and potter, as his as sistant. 318 1692-3 Feb. 24. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to William Fryley of the same place, carpenter, for 1 1-5 acres in Burling ton, S. Christopher Weatherill, W. High St., 121 feet front, as long as the other lots. 3™ 1691-2 Jan. 24. Do. Nathaniel Cripps, yeoman, to Thomas Kendall, carpenter, both of Burlington, for 25 acres, bo't of Anthony Elton Dec. 20, 1689. 3Ig i6g2 July 25. Power of attorney. Martha Martin alias Grinnell and John Martin, now in London, sole executors of James Martin, lo Percival Towle and George Hutcheson of West Jersey as agent. 320 i6go-i Jan. 26. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Warren of Oneanickon (Carmel, Cumberland Co.), husbandman, for 300 acres; 50 thereof adjoining Samuel Sykes; 10 acres in the Wigwam meadow, 240 a. to be surveyed. 321 i6g3 May 2. Do. The West Jersey Society by Jeremiah Basseof Cohanzy, W. J., their agent, to Benjamin Godfrey of Cape May, mer chant, for 210 acres, sold to present grantee by George Taylor of Cape May, carpenter, as substitute of John Tatham, attorney for Daniel Coxe. 322 1689 June 17. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, W. J., to Daniel Leeds of Springfield, W. J., cooper, for 100 acres betw. Wm. Hunt and John Shinn junior; also 6 a. of meadow betw.'Wm. Salla- way, Thomas Shin and Peter Harvey. 323 1692-3 March 24. Do. Thomas Bowman, now or late of Lessapoint or Wingerworth, Burlington Co., merchant, to Edward Hunloke of the same place, merchant, for 100 acres there, next to Burlington Island. 323 1692-3 Feb. 15. Notice by Andrew Hamilton, Governour of East and_ West Jersey, that he has appointed Elizabeth Hooton, wife of Samuel Hooton of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., Elizabeth, his daughter, and her husband Thomas Hilbourne guardians of said Samuel, a lunatic. (Supra, E. Jersey Deeds, D., 372.) 324 l6g3 June g. Indian Deed. Manhauxett and other Indians to Jere- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 441 Page rnvah Basse on behalf of the W. J. Society, for the land between Cohann- sick Creek and Morris R., beginning at the head of Cohannzie, except a neck between Cohannzie and the River of Tweed from Wm. Johnston's plantation on Cohannsie to Thomas Shepheard's. 325 1690 July 6. Deed. Daniel Coxe of London, by his attorney John Tatham of Burlington, lo Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 200 acres of the land near the Falls of Delaware R., bo't of Thomas Budd, betw. Samuel Darke and Mary Davis. 326 1693 Aug. 2. Do. Eliakim Higgins to Peter Groome, bolh of Bur lington Co., yeomen, for if acres between their two plantations. 327 ibgo Oct. 7. Do. Daniel Coxe, by his attorney John Tatham, to widow Mary Davis of Burlington Co., for 300 acres above the Falls of Delaware R., adjoining John Richardson. 327 i6g3 Aug. g. Do. William Fryley to Samuel Ogbourne, both of Bur lington, carpenters, for 1 1-5 acres on High St., as bought of George Hutcheson February 24, i6g2-3 (supra, p. 3lg;. 328 1693 Aug. 8. Do. under foreclosure. James Hill, Sheriff of Bur lington Co., to Thomas.and Susanna Budd of Philadelphia, for 300 acres near Burlington, W. Thomas Budd, E. Thomas Ollive, N. Delaware R., mortgaged to said Budd by John Chamnis, 'who had bo't the lot of Samuel Jenings April 7, 1684, and whose widow and administratrix Elizabeth Chamnis failed to pay. 328 1688 Sept. 7. Power of attorney. William Bicknell and Joseph Grove, both of the Island of Barbados, as executors of the last will of Oliver Hooton of the same place dec'd, to Samuel Carpenter and John Eckley, both of Pennsylvania, merchants, as their agents. 329 1693 2d d. 4th m. (June). Articles of agreement. Thomas Lambert, as administrator of John Hooton of W. J. dec'd, and attorney for Thomas Hooton of Helpingram, England, with Elizabeth Hooton, Thomas Hil- bourne and wife Elizabeth, guardians pf Samuel Hooton (supra, p. 324), that they shall stand seized of 1-12 of a share of the Province with the mansion house &c, while they renounce all claims to John Hooton's per sonal estate. . 329 1676-7 Jan. 22. Deed. William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Billinge to William Biddle of Bishoppsgate St., Lon don, shoemaker, Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, Northampton Co., haberdasher, and Daniel Wills of the Town of Northampton, practicioner in chymistry, for one share of West Jersey. 330 1693 4th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Rectification of Deed. Thomas Hooton to Richard Love (supra, p. 277), giving boundaries and dimensions. 331 1676-7 Jan. 22. Deed. William Penn et. al. to Daniel Wills and Thomas Ollive, for one share of W. J.. 332 fr 1693 June g. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, and :<¦¦- 40 442 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Wm. Budd of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Peter Resniere of the Town of Burlington, ship carpenter, for 9 acres on Burlington Island, S. W. Wm. Brighiwen, fronting on Delaware R. 333 1689 May 18. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to John Chadwick of Mount Carmell, Burlington Co., husbandman, for 100 acres near Mount Carmell. 334 1689-90 March 15. Do. Samuel Andrews of W. J., yeoman, to his son Mordecay Andrews, for 140 acres. 335 1679 March 27. Do. Thomas Ollive of Burlington, merchant, to Peter Basse of London, citizen and mariner, for 3 roods of land in Bur lington, S. Benjamin Scott, N. Broad St., W. Thomas Eves, E. Robert Powell. 335 1683 April 4. Do. William Welch of London, merchant, to Edmond Tideman of Redrith, Co. of Surrey, mariner, for 1-12 of a share of the Province, to contain at least 1,600. acres. 335 1693 Oct. 6. Do. William Biddle, heretofore of Bishoppsgate St., London, now of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, and Mary, wife, joint executrix and assignee of Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, said Co., to Daniel Wills of Northampton, same Co., for ^ of the share bo't by said Biddle, Tho. Ollive and grantee of Wm. Penn et al. (supra, P- 33°): 336 1693 Oct. 6. Do. William Biddle and Daniel Wills to Mary Ollive for fa of the share as preceding. 337 1693 Oct. 28. Do. Isaac Marriott of Burlington, merchant, to Jacob Perkins of Burlington Co., planter, for a plantation of 320J acres on Del-r. aware R. below Burlington towards the mouth of Northampton R., next above Richard ffinnimore. 339 1691 Sept. 21. Power of attorney. Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelk, Co. of York, England, to William Biddle and Percivall Towle of W. J. as genera] agents. 340 1688 June ig. Deed. Benjamin Scott, son of Benjamin S. of Bur lington, to Abraham Hewlings (Hulings) of Northampton R., yeoman, for 1-32 of a share, excepting 150 acres, the 1-32 having been bought by grant or's father of John Kinsey of Great Hadham, Co. of Hertford, England, April 3, 1677. ' 340 1686 July 31. Do. William Hewlings of near Burlington, yeoman, to Abraham Hewlings of Rancokus Cr., yeoman, for fa of r-32 of a share in W. J., bo't of William Kent of London, cheesemonger, July 30, 1678. 341 1687 Nov. 30. Endorsement. Bridgett Bingham, widow, assigns the "within mentioned" land to her son James Bingham. 341 i6gi Nov. 4. Do. James Bingham assigns the "premises within- written " to John Scott. 341 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 443 Page • 1688 July 27. Deed. Benjamin Scott, son and heir of Benjamin Scott of near Burlington, to James Bingham of the same place, for 1-16 of a share, bo't of John Kinsey et al. (ut supra, p. 340), excepting 300 acres. 341 1691 Nov. 7. Do. John Scott to James Bingham, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 200 acres bo't of his father Benjamin Scott and uncle William Scott April 3, 1677. 342 i6g3 April 13. Do. Samuel Coles of Gloucester Co., W. J., to James Bingham of Burlington Co., both yeomen, for 100 acres, part of the pur chase from Wm. Penn et al. March 2, 1676-7. 343 1677 AprU 3. Do. John Kinsey, late of Great Hadham, Co. of Hert ford, England, gent: to Benjamin Scott and William Scott junior, both of Widdington, Co. of Essex, husbandmen, for fa of a share of W. J. 343 l6g3,Sept. 23. Do. Sarah, widow and executrix of Thomas Evans of Burlington Co., dec'd," and William Evans of Eversham, said Co., to Mary Ollive, widow, Daniel Wills senior and John Wills, executors of Thomas Ollive, for a wharf or water lot on Burlington Island, sold by Thomas Evans dec'd, and Wm. Evans to Thomas Ollive during their life time. 345 1685 June 10. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Thomas Gilberthorp of Chesterfield alias Crosswicks Creek, , husbandman, for a house at Chesterfield and 2ios acres adjoining, also 10 a. of meadow. See survey in Liber A, p. g7- Marginal Note: "yt since ye Executing of this deed ye Court has fixed Tho. Gilberthorp's house within ye Township of Nottingham." 345 i68g May 10. Do. John Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, by his attorney Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington Co., to Samuel Houghton of the Town of Burlington, bricklayer, for ifa acres in said town, a corner lot on the W.estside of High St., over against Christopher Weatherill. 346 1681-2 Jan. 11. Do. Thomas Budd, merchant, to Isaac Marriot, . joiner, both of Burlington, for 1-32 of a share in the London Tenth and 18 acres in the Second Tenth, also a lot on Burlington Island, £ of the water lot. 347 1688 12th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, yeoman, and wife Sarah to John Feak of Long Island, N. Y. , for 300 acres in the First Tenth, formerly belonging to Benjamin Antrobus and derived by grantor through John Gray. 348 1690 Sept. 10. Do. Same to Thomas Tindall of Burlington Co., hus bandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed out of 1-24 of- a share, bought of Joseph Helmsley by Benjamin Padley of North Carr, Co. of York, Eng land, baker, Aug. 9, 1684, who sold it to Cornelius Empson of Booth, said Co., gent: Aug. 25, 1684, from whom grantor bo't it. 348 444 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 34th Charles II. 1682 Aug. 12. Do. John Penford of the Borough of Leicester, Co. of Leicester, England, yeoman, to John Evans of Great Wigston, same Co., husbandman, for 1-15 of a share. 349 1684. Do. John Evans to Jonathan ffox of Burlington, labourer, for the preceding 1-15 of a share. 351 Schedule or Tarry with a deed of bargain and sale (ut supra, p. 12) betw. John Woolston senior and Thomas French, the first acknowledging the sale to the other of 200 acres on Rancokus Creek, S. E. Wm. Biddle, N. W. John Roberts; also 200 a. on the same creek, N. W. Thos. Ollive and a lot in Burlington, N. E. High St., a little alley lying on the S. W. side of John Hollinshead, N. W. Delaware R., S. E. the Back Street, 25 feet front on the river. 352 1692 Dec. 24. Do. William Fryley, carpenter, to James Hill, cord wainer, both of Burlington, for a lot in Burlington, 33 f. 4 in. front on Del aware R., running back with that width to River St., bo't of Wm. Biddle Nov. 10, i6g2. 353 1684 Aug. 9. Do. Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelke, Co. of York,- yeoman, to William Biddle, late of London cordwainer, and wife Sarah, for \ of a share. 353 1678 Aug. 31. Do. John Robinson of Beverley, Co. of York, gent: and Thomas Lambert, late of Handsworth Woodhouse, tanner, to George Hutcheson of Sheffield, distiller, for 2 shares of the ten bo't- by Thos. Hutchinson, Thos. Pearson, Joseph Helmsley, Mahlon Stacy and grantee and by them sold to grantors. 354 1693 Nov. 18. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, sole executor of Wm. Ellis of the same Co. yeoman dec'd, to Richard French of said Co., yeoman, for 460 acres, near John Curtis at Mount Pleasant, Mansfield Township: for boundaries see Liber A, p. 68. 355 1693 Nov. 4. Do. Mary Ollive, widow, joint executrix and sole as signee of Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, Burlington Co., gent:. Dan iel Wills senior and John Wills, executors of said Thomas, to Charles Reade of Burlington, tailor, for a wharf lot on Burlington Island, N. Del aware R., E. Samuel Stacy on the West side of High St., W. Richard Bas- nitt, S. Second St., 34^ f. front, 30 f. rear, where Henry Grubb is on the East side. 356 .1693 Nov. 29. Do. Charles Reade to Bartholomew Minderman, both of Burlington, merchants, for the preceding wharf lot. 357 1691-2 March 11. Do. Barnard Devonish of Burlington, yeoman, to Richard ffinimore of Wellingborough, Burlington Co., bricklayer,, for 1-32 of a share and 50 acres. 358 i6g3 May 11. Do. John Borton of Eversham Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Richard ffinimore, bricklayer, for 100 acres in two lots: WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 445Page 1, g5 a. on a point on the East side of Northampton R., N. Delaware R., S. W. Northampton R., S. Abraham Huling, E. Isaac Marriott; 2, 5 a. of ineadow, higher up on Northampton R., adjoining grantee's other land, ithe 100 a. being part of 1-16 of a- share, bought by John Borton senior dec'd, of John Maddocks of Salem Co. May 3, 1682. 358 -, . l6go May 11. Do. Walter Humphries alias Powell of Painswick, Co. of Gloucester, England, by his attorney and son Joshua Humphries alias Powell of Northampton R., Burlington Co., yeoman, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for a houselot in Burlington, part of 1-16 of a share, bo't of Wm. Peachee March 27, 1677. jen ,i68g Oct. 16. Do. John Murfin of Doctor Creek, W. J., bachelor, to Gervas Pharo of Nottingham Woodhouse, W. J., bachelor, for all the town lots in Burlington Township, belonging to fa of a £5 share or 1-32 of a share of the Province. 360 i6g'3 Nov. 7. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Sam uel Kemball of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 300 acres near Burlington, W. grantor, E, Thomas Ollive, N. Delaware R., lately the property of John Chamnis (supra, p. 328). 360 .1693 Aug. 20. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant,, to Charles Woolverton of said Co, husbandman, for 100 acres in the second dividend, to be surveyed where grantee likes. . 361 1692 March 30. Do. Samuel Oldale of Burlington Co. , mason, to Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, same Co., merchant, for one half of all mines, minerals, salt petre or any sort of, mineral oar whatsoever, found either in ye Bowells or upon any of the lands, creeks, etc., belonging to the now Plantation of grantor, bounded E. and S. by widow Sarah Farr, W. Thomas Wright, N. Assiscunck or Birch Cr. 362 1693 Sept. 4- Do. John Tatham of Burlington, esqre, to Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, for one-fourth of all the mines, etc., in or on the plantation of Thomas Wright in Burlington Township on both sides of Assiscunck Cr., E. Samuel Oldale, which fourth is part of the fa of said mines, bo't by grantor from said Wright Sept. I, 1693. 363 1693 Dec. 12. Warrant. Jeremiah Basse, Agent of the W. J. Soci ety, to William Emley as Surveyor for the Society, , with instrnc- , tions. 364 1693 Dec. 16. Deed. Jacob Decow of Springfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Isaac Decow of Burlington, butcher, for 600 acres at Mattaco- peny, said Co. 365 1.688 Nov. 10. Do. William Biddle of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Feake of Long Island, yeoman, for 50 acres to be surveyed out of grantor's share. 365 . 1688 Oct. 23. Do. Thomas ffaulk of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to his daughter Sarah, wife of John Bunting of the same place, 446 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page carpenter, and her children, for 12 acres on the West side of her husband's house. 3"° i68g-go Feb. 2. Do. Robert Morfin of Crosswick Creek, Burlington Co., husbandman, to Stephen Wilson, late of the same place, carpenter, for 100 acres on the Southside of said creek, adjoining Tho. Farnsworth and Mathew Watson. 366 i6g3 May 10. Do. Stephen Wilson of Newtown, Bucks Co., Penna., carpenter, to John Bunting of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, for the preceding 100 acres. 367 1693-4 Jan. 13. Do. Robert and John, sons of Robert Powell, of Burlington, yeoman, dec'd, and Benjamin Wheat of the same place, cord wainer, guardian or trustee of said John Powell, to Richard Basnit of said place, merchant, for all the land there, 12^ acres, belonging to 1-32 of a share, bo't of Thomas Ollive by the deceased Feb. 26, 1676-7. t 368 1693-4 Jan. 13. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, and wife Sarah to Richard Basnitt, for 3 acres on Burling ton Island, part of fa of a share and 2 a. on said island, being the house lot of 1-6 of a share, held in trust from Wm. Ellis. 369 1692 Dec. 23. Power of attorney. Thomas Penford of the Town of Leicester, Co. of Leicester, England, distiller, eldest son and heir of John Penford, dec'd, Jonah Penford, of the same place, grasier, second son of John, both executors of their father's will, and Joshua Penford of -London, watch maker, third son of said John, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, to dispose of the property in W. J. 370 1688 Sept. 8. Do. Do. Thomas Anderson of the Parish of St. James Clerkenwell, Co. of Middlesex, chandler, to George Hutcheson, of Burlington, to collect debts in W. J. 373 1682-3 Jan. 23. Deed. William Black of Mansfield, W. J., yeoman, to Daniel England of Burlington, mariner, for a waterlot in Burlington, part of 1-16 of a share, bought of George Hutcheson Sept. 27-28, 1681. 373 1693-4 Feb. 19. Do. Nathaniel Cripps, yeoman, to Daniel England, sailor, both of Burlington, for a waterlot there, on Dellaware R., part of 1-12 of a share. 374 1693-4 Feb. 17. Do. Peter ffretwell, tanner, to Daniel England, mariner, both of Burlington, for a waterlot there, part of 1-16 of a share, belonging to Thomas Hutchinson, who conveyed it to present -grantor June 24, 1687. 374 1682 May 17. Power of attorney. Edward Dennis of London, citi zen and merchant tailor, and wife Jane to Wm. Biddle of Burlington, as land agent. 375 1685-6 Jan. 21. Deed. Mahlon Stacy of Ballifield near the Falls of Delawaie R., yeoman, and Peter ffretwell of near said Falls, husbandman, WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART I. 447 to John Wilsford of Chesterfield on Crosswicks Creek, miller, for 100 acres at the Falls above St. Pinck Creek. 375 1689 Nov. 24. Do. Percival Towle to John Wilsford senior, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 100 acres to be surveyed out of grantor's share. 376 1693 June 3. Do. Tomasin, widow of Percival Towle, to John Wils ford of Hopewell, Burlington Co., for 100 acres, bequeathed to grantee by Percival Towle (will of Aug. 26, 1691), part of 800 a. to be taken up by said Percival. 376 1693-4 Feb. 3. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, as executor of Wm. Ellis dec'd, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for a plantation of 500 acres in Mansfield Township, near Michael Buffin's and adjoining John Curlis and Percival Towle. 377 1693-4 Feb. 28. Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua Penford, by their attorney George Hutcheson of Burlington, to Richard Bassnit of Burling ton, merchant, for 3 acres on Burlington Island," part of John Penford's whole share. • 378 WEST JERSEY RECORDS - Liber B, Part 2. 1687 Sept. 2. Deed. John Penford of Newark near Leicester, Co. of Leicester, gentleman, to Thomas Wilkins of West Jersey, labourer, and John Wilkins of Cussington, Co. of Leicester, labourer, sons of John Wil kins, late of Kegham, same Co., husbandman, for 1-15 of a share or goth of the Province. 379 1693 July 20. Do. Samuel Andrews of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Joshua Newbold of said Co., carpenter, for 300 acres in the same Co., on Black's Creek betw. Wm. Barnes and Thomas ffarnsworth, bought of John ffeke of Metinicock, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N Y. 380 1693 4 March 13. Do. Thomas Penford of Leicester, distiller, Jonah Penford of the same place, grazier, both sons and executors of- the last will of their father John Penford, and Joshua Penford of London, watch maker, their brother, by their attorney George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to James Marshall of Burlington, merchant, for ifa acre on the Island of Burlington, 102 f. front on High St., S. the Meeting House lot, N. the same lot adjoining James Wills, rear on the next street. , 380 1693 3d d. 3dm. (May). Samuel and John Bunting of Chesterfield, Burlington, yeomen, to Robert Murfin, John Abbott, Edward Rockhill and John Wilsford junior, all of said Co.-, yeomen, for 6 acres between Thomas ffolke and the burying ground, for a Meeting house. 382 448 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1693 3d d. 3d m. (May). Acknowledgment by Robert Murfin, John Abbott, Edw. RockbilJ and John Wilsford junior, that they have received the foregoing 6 a. only in trust for "ye People of God, called Quakers, belonging unto ye monethly meeting of ffriends Comonly held at Chester- field ffalls." 382 1688 nth d. 8th m. (Oct.). Deed. Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, W. J., yeoman, to Elias and John Burling, both of Burlington, wheel, wrights, for 200 acres to be laid out at Northampton River. 383 1694 April 21. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to Henry Grubb of the same place,- butcher, for a waterlot, to to be laid out at Burlington "according to the laws and methods of West Jersey." 383 1694 April 21. Do. Same to Samuel Harriot of Burlington Co., mar iner, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the townbounds, as fa of a share, the whole bo't by said Biddle, Tho. Ollive and Daniel Wills, of the Propri etors Jan. 23, 1676-7. ,384 1694 April 13. Do. Gilbert Wheeler of the Falls of Delaware, Bucks Co., Penna., yeoman, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for all his town, water and other lots in Burlington and the land in the town bounds, belonging to fa of fa of a share, bought by Gilbert Wheeler of Saint Mar tins Vintrey, London, fruiterer, of William Kent of Bishopgate St., Lon don, cheesemonger, January 28, 1678-9. 384 1691 Oct. 2. Do. Daniel Coxe of London, M. D., by his attorney, John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, to Samuel Dark of Bucks Co.., Penna:, yeoman, for 300 acres, lately bought from the Indians, on the road from Delaware Falls to York", next to Mary Davis. 385 i6gi-2 March 11. Do. Samuel Darke of Bucks Co., Penna:, yeo man, to Joseph English of the same place, yeoman, for 200 a. of the pre ceding 300, adjoining Mary Davis. 385 1684 loth d. 3d m. (May). Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope to Thomas Williams of Burlington, tanner, for 100 a. on the Northside of Pemsoakin Creek, between two small runs, part of one half of a share, bought by Biddle, Ollive and Wills of Wm. Penn et al. January 23, 1676-7. 386 1693 Oct 24. Deed of gift. Thomas Hooton of Helperingham, County of Lincolne, yeoman, to his brother Thomas Lambert of Delaware Falls, W. J., and' wife Elizabeth of his personal estate in the Falls or else where in West Jersey and all other real and personal property, derived from his brother John Hooton and son Oliver Hooton, both dec'd, also all the estate in Barbadoes, . derived from brother Oliver Hooton dec'd. 387 1694 May 9. Deed. Richard Bassnitt of Burlington, merchant, to Peter Resniere of the same place, ship carpenter, for 2 acres, part of the WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 449 Page 3 a. bo't of the Penfords (supra, p. 378). 387 1692-3 10th d. ist m. (March). Do. George Hutcheson of Burling ton, distiller, to Richard Stockton, late of Flushing, Long Island, yeo man, for 1,640 acres Onianickon, Burlington Co., between Hananiah Gaunt, Thomas Scholey, John Warren, the Indian purchase, John Tom- linson and Isaac Leet alias John Chadwick, excepting 200 a. sold to Rob ert Hutcheson and 60 sold to John Warren. 388 1692-3 Jan. 20. Power of attorney. Richard Mathews of London, merchant, to Samuel Stacy, also of London, merchant and now bound for Pennsilvania, to collect debts due by the estate of Richard Whitpaine, late citizen and butcher of London, dec'd, by John Whitpaine of Clift, Sussex Co., mercer, now in Penna., and by Zachariah Whitpaine of Phila delphia, merchant. 389 1692-3 Feb. 2. Do. Same to same, as general agenl and for the sale of his real property in Burlington. 389 1688-9 Feb. 19-20. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, dis tiller, to WUliam Watson of ffarnsfield, W. J., for 1-32 of a share of the Province. 390 1685 April 21. Do. Thomas Grace, of Mansfield, Nottingham Co., tailor, by his attorney, Thomas Lambert of Nottingham near the Falls of Delaware, tanner, to William Watson, late of ffarnsfield, Nottingham Co., England, husbandman, for 1-30 of a share. 391 1687-8 gth d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. John Scholey, late of Aughton, Parish of Aston, Co. of York, England, husbandman, to William Watson (as above), for 103 acres, a plantation now occupied by him, on Doctor's Creek, adjoining grantee. 392 1689 Nov. 29. Do. Samuel Cole of near Pennsawkin, W. J., yeo man, to Stephen Day, of the same place, labourer, for 200 a. on the N. E. side of Pennsawkin Cr. between Thomas Mosse and Samuel Nichols. 392 1694 May- 19. Do. Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., cooper, to Nathaniel West of Mansfield, same Co., planter, for 40 acres, adjoining grantor's land bo't of John Cornish May n, 1694, said 40 a. are on Delaware. R. next to-Thomas Singleton. 393 1692-3 Feb. 2. Power of attorney. John Martin of Wapping, Co. of Middlesex, blockmaker, and Martha GreenhiU of the same place, widow, both executors of the will jf James Martin of Radcliffe, same Co., corn- factor, to George Hutcheson of West Jersey and John Goodson of Penn silvania, as general agents. ' 393 1688 Dec. "12. Deed. Walter Humphries alias Powell of Painswick, County of Gloucester, England, by his son and surviving attorney Joshua Humphries alias Powell of Northampton R., Burlington Co., to Thomas Revell of Boythorp, Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 200 acres at Northampton R. -204 41 450 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. , Page 1690 May 10. Do. Thomas Revell to Joshua Humphries for the pre ceding plantation of 200 a. 395 1693-4 Feb. 2. Sheriff's Sale. James Hill, Sheriff of Burlington Co., to Edward Hunloke, for 100 a. at Wingerworth Point, part of Thomas Bowman's 200, sold to cover a debt to John Cutcher of London, merchant, as whose administrator said Hunloke acts. 395 i68g April 4. Deed. James Reade of White Clay Creek, Newcastle Co., Penna., yeoman, and wife Sarah, late the wife of John Smith of the same place, yeoman, dec'd, to Edward Hunloke of Lessa Point alias Wingerworth, Burlington Co., merchant, for 800 acres, to be suiveyedout of the share of W. J., left by said Smith to his wife, 3g6 l6go March 26. Do. Thomas Perkins to Thomas Wilkins, both of Burlington, husbandmen, for 100 acres on Mason's Run, West side of grantor, adjoining Jonas Smith. 396 1691 Nov. 7. Do. John Scott to William Hillings, both of Burling ton Co., yeomen, far 1-32 of a share of the Province, except the town and town bounds lots and 150 acres of the first survey. 397 1693-4 Jan. 15. Do. Jaines Hill, cordwainer, to Samuel Oldale, mason, both of Burlington, for a lot there, 33 f. 4 in. front on Delaware R. and the same rear on River St., bought of William ffryley December 24, 1692. 397 1690 Oct. 7. Do. Daniel Coxe of London, by his attorney John Tatham of Burlington, to Richard Ridgeway, late of Bucks Co., Penna:, tailor, now of West Jersey, for 600 acres near Stony Brook, W. J., along the East Jersey line, next to John Houghton, part of Tho: Budd's Indian purchase, conveyed to present grantor. 398 1690 April 2. Do. John Willis senior of Wantage, Co. of Berks, England, yeoman, by his son and attorney John Willis junior of Cooper's Creel-, Gloucester Co., W. J., to Thomas Mosse, of W. J., carpenter, for 100 acres on the N. E. side of Pimisaukin Creek, N. E. by E. Stephen Day, N. W. by N. Peter Long. 399 1693 Nov. 17. Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua Penford, by their at torney George Hutcheson, to William Cooper of Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, for 1 acre in Burlington townbounds, N. James Wills, E. High St., where it fronts 71 f. 399 1694 Aug. 13. Do. Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, and wife Mary, relict and administratrix of Bernard Littlejohn, lo Charles Reade of Philadelphia, tailor, for 300 acres between two branches of Pensaukin Creek, part of the 650 a. bought by JaJl!L_Clarke of Pennsilvania dec'd, and John Ruderow of James Reade of White Clay Creek, Pa., and wife Sarah and by said Clarke bequeathed to Bernard Littlejohn, the said Mary (then Chapman, now) Adams and her sister Christian, now the wife 9f Michael Buffin, each to have 100 acres, of which said Littlejohn left West jersey records, liber b, part 2. 451 Page 100 to his wife Mary, now wife of Joseph Adams, and the other second ' 100 was bought by Adams of Michael Buffin and wife. 400 1689 Nov. 9. Do. George and Thomas Hutcheson of Burlington, proprietors, to Christopher Weatherill of said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres in the Province, not yet surveyed, and ifa a. in Burlington, the half acre fronting on High St. and on the South bounded by giantee, the acre run ning parallel with the East end of the half acre and bounded by Broad St., leading from the Market Place on the South, E. Second St. 401 1692 Nov. 20. Do. Thomas Colman of Bucks Co., Penna., tailor, and wife Mary to Robert Murfin of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on Crosswicks Creek, between grantee and a small run, bequeathed to said Mary by her father John Wood of Crookhorne, Bucks Co.," Penna: dec'd. -402 1681 Sept. 29: Do. George Hutcheson of Sheffield, England, dis tiller, to John Murfin of Crosswicks Creek, husbandman, for 1-32 of a share of the Province. 402 1694 Sept. 8. Do. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Burlington Co, merchant, to Jeremiah Basse of Burlington, merchant, for one-fourth of one half of all the mines, minerals, &c, to be found on the plantation late of Samuel Oldale in Burlington townbounds, E. and S. widow Sarah ffar, W. Thomas Wright, N. Assiscunck or Birch Creek. 403 1694 Aug. 18. Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua Penford, by their at torney George Hutcheson of Burlington to Henry Morley of Pensawkin, yeoman, for 250 acres, to be surveyed in said Penford's lands. 404 1694 May 30. Do. George Porter of Burlington Co., batchelour, to-' Joseph Birch of the same Co., husbandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed out of grantor's lands. 405 1688 28th d. 4th m. (June). York. Letter. Edward Nightingale to Thomas Hutchinson, asking for "Deeds for ye Tenne pounds pte of the land in W. J., which my wife paid thy wife Dorothy for," lo be delivered to George Hutcheson. 405 1694 Oct. 27. Deed. Robert Powell of Northampton River, son and heir of Robert Powell of Burlington dec'd, to Nathaniel Cripps of the same place, yeoman, for 150 acres, surveyed for his father as part of his 1-32 of a share, on the Northside of Mill Creek, along the townbounds be tween Benjamin Scott and John Chaffen. 405 1694 Oct. 27. Do. Nathaniel Cripps, son and heir of John Cripps of Burlington dec'd, to Robert Powell of Northampton R., for 200 acres, to he surveyed as part of 1-12 of a share, conveyed to said John by Anna Sal ter. Feb. 6, 1 68 1-2. 406 1680-1 March 16. Do. Anthony Woodhouse of Mansfield near Dela ware Falls, planter, to Robert Murfin of Crosswicks Cr., planter, for 100 a. to be surveyed in the First or Yorkshire Tenth, a joart of 1-32 of a 452 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page sh are. 407 1694 Oct. 20. Do. Thomas ffrench of Wellingborough, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Thomas Wallis of Pensawkin, yeoman, for 100 a. next to grantee's former land, along the Northbranch of Pensawkin Cr. and a run, adjoining Tho: ffrench junior, part of the land bought of John Woolston Nov. 20, 1680. 407 1693-4 Feb. 21. Do. The Penford brothers (supra, p. 380, 404), by their attorney George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, lo Thomas ffrench junior of Chester, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres to be sur veyed. 408 1694 Sept. 19. Do. George Hutcheson to Thomas Wallis of Pensaw kin for 150 a. of the land, bought of Thomas' Hutcheson and Mahlon ¦ Stacy July 1, 1687. 408 1692 May 9. Do. Samuel Oldale, mason, to John Tatham, Esqre, both of Burlington Co., for fa of all the mines &c. to be found on his plan tation in Burlington town bounds, E. and S. widow Sarah ffarr, W. Thomas Wright, N. Assiscunck or Birch Cr. 409 1693 Sept. 1. Do. Thomas Wright of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Tatham of Burlington Town, Esqre, for fa of all the mines, minerals, &c, under his plantation in town bounds on both sides of Assiscunck R., E. Samuel Oldale. 410 1694 Nov. 24. Do. John Tatham, Esqre, to Jeremiah Basse, mer chant, both of Burlington, for f- of the preceding fa of all mines &c 411 1694 Nov. 23. Acknowledgment of Jeremiah Basse, that he owes Dr. -Daniel Coxe of London £77. 412 1692 May 9. Deed. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, merchant, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for fa of fa of all the mines, minerals, &c, bought of Samuel Oldale March 30 last (supra, p. 362). 412 1694 . Do. John Tatham to Nathaniel Westland, merchant,-. both of. Burlington, for fa of all tbe mines &c. under the plantation of Thomas Wright (supra, p. 410). 413 1694 . Do. George Hutcheson to Nathaniel Westland, for fa of all the mines, &c, under the plantation of Samuel Oldale (supra, pp. 362 and 412). 414 1694 Oct. 9. Do. Richard Bassnelt, gentleman, to Nathaniel West- land, merchant, both of Burlington, for fa of all the mines, &c, under the plantation of Samuel Oldale, also fa under the plantation of Thomas Wright, bo't of Samuel Oldale May 4, 1692, part of the § bought of John Tatham Sept. 29, 1694. 415 l6g4 Dec. 13. Do. Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., gent: to Ralph Hunt, yeoman, and Theophilus Philipps, husbandman, both of Maidenhead, said Co., for 100 acres adjoining Joseph English, near WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 453 Page the York Road, and Samuel Dark, jjart of the 200 a. in the purchase by > Daniel Coxe from Tho: Budd near Delaware Falls and conveyed to Leeds by John Tatham, as attorney of Coxe July 6, 1690. 416 1694 Dec. 7. Do. . George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Sarah ffarr of within the Precincts of Burlington, widow, for a plantation, E. grantee, W. Thomas Wright, 262^ acres, formerly Samuel Old- ale's. 417 1694 Dec, 20. Do. Same to Isaac Watson of ffarnsfield, Burlington Co., planter, for 200 acres to be surveyed out of the shares of Tho: Hutch eson and Mahlon Stacy, bought July I, 1687. 418 l6g2 May 10. Do. John Calow of Burlington Co., wheelwright, to John Joyner of the same place, potter, for 192 acres between Samuel An drews and Daniel Bacon, bought by grantor of Tho. ffarnsworth Decem ber 10, 1687. 418 1694 Dec. 24. Do. John Joyner of Mansfield Township, Burlington- Co., yeoman, to Hugh Hutchins of said Co., husbandman, for the preced ing 192 a. 419 1689 Oct. 17. Do. Mathew Allen of Molton Berry, Burlington Co., carpenter, to John Sharp of Northampton R., said Co., yeoman, for 150 acres of " the first laying out in ye Province of W. J.," bought of Samuel Coles December 12, 1682. 4ig 1690 June 7. Do. Thomas Harding of Northampton R. near Burling ton, yeoman, to John Paine, son of John Paine, of the same place, labourer, for 150 acres, part of the land bought by grantor of Daniel Wills February 26, 1676-7. 420 1691-2 Jan. 26. Do. Thomas Ollive of Wellingborrow, Burlington Co., merchant, to John Paine junior of said Co., yeoman, for 50 acres in W. J. 420 1692 July 18. -Do. Barnard Devonish of B,urli)igton, yeoman, to Thomas Paine, son of John Paine, of Northampton R., labourer, for 100 . acres, part of the land bought of Thomas Hooton of London April 30, 1677. 421 1691 4th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Helen Skene of Peachfield, Burling ton Co., widow of John Skene, to Alexander Stewart of Burlington, hus bandman, for 50 acres to be surveyed out of the lands inherited from her husband. . 421 1691 4th d. 6th m. (Aug. 25). Do. Thomas Gladwin, blacksmith, to Alexander Stewart, husbandman, both of Burlington, for 300 acres of the land formerly belonging to William Gladwin, near Oneanickon, S. John Shinn, N. Birch Creek, W. and S. W. unsurveyed, E. John Snap. 421 .1690: Dec.- 20. Do. Daniel Coxe, by his attorney John .Tatham, to Thomas Greene of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 150 acres above Delavvare Falls adjoining Richard Ridgeway, part of Tho.: Budd's 454 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Indian purchase, conveyed to Daniel Coxe. 422 1692 Dec. 24. London. Letter. Robert Hackshaw, by order of the Committee of the W. J. Society, to Jeremiah Basse, their agent (supra, p. 301): complains of receiving no news; intend to purchase Dr. Coxe's re maining third of land; have bo't of him 4,000 acres at Cohanzey or Salem Tenth side; wine and brandy to be made; settlements at Cape May to be encouraged. , 423 1687 July 1. Deed. Mahlon Stacy of West Jersey and Thomas Hutchinson of Maryland, both tanners, to George Hutcheson, for fa and 1-16 of a share, all three being owners of one Tenth of the Province, by virtue of deeds made to them by Thomas Pearson and Joseph Helmsley, both of Yorkshire Co., England; said Pearson having fraudulently tried to sell the land, &c. 423 1694-5 Jan. 7. Mortgage. Eliakim Higgins of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Peter Resniere of Burlington, ship builder, for 130 acres in Mansfield Township, " the boundaries whereof will appeare by ye Records of a Deed for ye same in ye Registrs office for ye County of Burlington." Marginal Note: "November 7, 1695. Eliakim Higgins then cleared this mortgage & ye same become null & voyd." 424 1694-5 Jan. 16. Deed. Thomas Revell of Boythorp, Burlington Co., gentleman, to Joseph White of Burlington, cooper, and wife Anne, daugh ter of said Revell, for a house and lot in Burlington with a wharf lot, 6ofa f. front on the river, rear on the next street. Marginal Note: " This Deed is null & voyd & see the other in foi. 659." 424 1688 July 29. Do. Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelk, Co. of Yorke, yeoman, in trust, to George Hutcheson of W. J., for ifa shares of the Province, except 1-6, as conveyed to him by Thomas Lambert of Hans worth, Co. of York. 425 ^693-4 March 5. Do. Lawrence Morris of Burlington, sawyer, to James Verier of said Co., mason, for ij and fa of an acre jn Burlington, E. Fourth St., N. the river, S. Pearl St. 425 1694 June 9. Tripartite Indenture. Thomas Woodroof of Salem, yeoman, late of London, Francis'-Rawle of Philadelphia, merchant, ad-' ministrator of the estate of Samuel Borden of Penna. dec'd, and James Antram of Mansfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, by which the first two sell to Antram 1-24 of a share of the Province, bought by Woodroof of said Borden. ,2e 1692 Dec. 23. Deed. William Emley. of Nottingham, Burlington Co., yeo.nxn, to Eliakim Higgins of said Co , yeoman, for 40 acres adjoin ing grantee. 426 1693-4 March 22. Do. Joseph Helmsley of Great Kelk, by his at torney William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., to George Hutche son of Burlington, for 1-6 of a share of the Province. 427 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, I.IBER B, PART 2. 455 Page 1694 Oct. 10. Do. William Biddle, senior, of Mount Hope, to Mary Myers of Burlington, widow, for J of an acre on Burlington Island, for a houselot. 427 1685 May I. Do. George Hutcheson, distiller, to Samuel Bunting, mason, both of Burlington, for 120 acres in the Yorkshire Tenth, to be taken up by grantee. 428 1684-5 Feb. 18. Do. Edward Byllinge, Chief Proprietor and Gover nour of West Jersey, to Meriam Mosse, wife of Mosse of Tuksbury, Co. of Glouster, husbandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 428 1688 Sept. 7. Power of attorney. Miriam Mosse, late wife of Samuel Mosse of Tuksbury, Co. of Glouster, now of the same place widow, to George Hutcheson of Burlington,, as agent for the sale of the preceding 100 acres. 428 1694-5 Feb. 7. Deed. Same, by her attorney George Hutcheson, to Lemuel Oldale of Burlington, cooper, for her 100 acres. 429 1692 May 20. Do. Susanna Elton of Burlington Co., widow of An thony Elton, to her son Anthony Elton for "that close of arrable land and pasture, called. North Leynes, in all 8 acres in Compton Bassett, County of Wilts, England, conveyed to her by Robert Elton, late of Soley, Parish of Chillton Follyat, Co. of Wilts." 429 1692-3 March 10. Royal Patent to the Most Noble Mainhardt, Duke of Leinster in Ireland and of Schonberg as owner of all wrecks, Jetsam and Flotsam, Lagan Goods, derelict riches, bullion, plate, gold, silver, coyne, barres or piggs of silver, ingotts of gold, merchandize, &c, &c, left, cast away or lost on the shores of America between 120 and 40° North and within 20 leagues of Bermudas. 430 1694-5 Feb. 2. Deed. Thomas Kendall of Burlington, bricklayer, to John Wills of Northampton R., yeoman, for 240 acres in Everslinm Town ship, Burlington Co., S. grantee, W. Widow Elton, N. John Hollinshead junior, E. Northampton River. , 431 1688 Dec. 24. Do. John Antram r of Birch Creek, cordwainer, to Francis Austin of the same place, carpenter, for 50 acres to be sur veyed. 431 1689 3d d. 3d m. (May). Do. Percivall Towle, yeoman, to Francis Austin, carpenter, both of Burlington Co., for 50 acres to be. sur veyed. 432 '" .1694 Nov. 1. Do. Francis Austin to Thomas Scattergood junior, both of Burlington Co., carpenters, for the preceding two lots of 50 acres each. 432 * 1694-5 Feb. 19. Do. Thomas ffrench, senior, of Wellingborough, Burlington Co., yeoman, to his son Thomas ffrench, junior, husbandman, for 300 acres on Pensawkin Creek, near the bridge, betw. Samuel Burrows, . Tho; Rodman and Tho: Wallis; also 21 a. next to Tho: Hooton. 433 456 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1689-go March 17. Do. Anthony Morris of Philadelphia, meichant, late of Burlington, to James Marshall of Burlington, merchant, for a houselot on the Island of Burlington 65 f. front 011 High St. and 150 f. on Second St., being a cornerlot, next to grantee on tbe South, bo't of Sam uel Bunting August 6, 1684. 433 1687 Dec. 10. Do. George Ellis of Higham, Parish of Shirland, Co. of Derby, England, malster, by his attorney Thomas ffarnsworth of Mans field, cordwainer, to John Calow of near Mount Pleasant, wheelwright, for 1-30 of a share of the Province, bought of Mahlon Stacy January 29, 1677-8. 433 1689 May 30. Do. Mathew Allen of near Rancokus Creek, carpen ter, to John Calow of near Mount Pleasant, wheelwright, for a house and lot in Burlington, N. W. Broad St., S. W. Benjamin Scott, wifh vacant land of Thomas Ollive on both sides; also 12 acres in town bounds bought of Thomas Eves May 3, 1683; and 6 a. on the Island of Burlington, bo't with other land of John Smith August 14, 1680. 434 1685-6 March 1. Do. William Biddle,. yeoman, to John Calow, wheelwright, for 50 acres, to be surveyed in the First Tenth; also a water- lot, to be laid out on Delaware R. in Burlington as part of fa of a share, bought of Thomas Hutchinson May 20, 1686. 435 1694-5 March 2. Release. Daniel Coxe of London, by his attorney Jeremiah Basse, to George Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy, from their bond to the trustees of Edward Bylling. 435 i6g2 Sept. 21. Deed. Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, yeoman, and wife Mary to Restore Lippincott, late of Shrowsbury, East Jersey, now of Northampton R., W. J., husbandman, for the plantation, now occupied by grantee, 570 acres, in Northampton Township, along the line between the two Tenths, adjoining Widow Parker and John Woolston. 436 1688 23d d. 5th m. (July). Do. William Stayner of Springfield near Burlington to Samuel Ogborne of the same place, carpenter, for a planta tion of go acres, on Birch Creek, between Tho: Budd and John Pancoast, - 50 a. thereof bought of Daniel Leeds Dec. — , 1686, the other 40 of Thomas Curtis, date uncertain "by reason of whose death not sufficient ly Confirmed." 436 i6g4~5 March 16. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to Isaac Marriott of Burlington, merchant, for a lot, I acre fa rood, ou the Island of Burlington, g perches 4 yards front on Wood St and in the rear, iSfa perches long (see Liber A, p. 113). 437 1686 Nov. 20. Do. Christopher Snoden of Burlington, yeoman, to Godfrey Hancock senior of Steetley, W. J., yeoman, for 78^ acres in the First Tenth, as 1-64 of a share, bought of Jonathan Wood of Maitby Par ish, Co. of York November 2, 1684; in exchange for 78^ a. in the next division of land to be made by the Proprietors in the First Tenth. 437 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 457 Page i6g3 Oct. 6. Commission. Committee of the W. J. Society to Jere miah Basse and Nathaniel Westland as Agents and Factors General in West Jersey. 437 1695 April 2. Deed. Mordecay Andrews of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, son and heir of Samuel Andrews, late of the same place, dec'd, to Obadiah Hierton of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in said township between John Underhill and William Ellis, bought by said Samuel of Wm. Biddle and left by him to his son Peter, but not to his heirs, whereby the land descended upon Peter's death to grantor. 438 1690 loth d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. Samuel Taylor of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., to Marmaduke Horsman of said Co., both husbandmen, for 53' acres between grantor and grantee. 438 1691 May 11. Do. Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, yeoman, to Marmaduke Horsman, for 50 acres, to be surveyed in the tract lately bought of Cornelius Empson. 439 1694 March 30. Do. Abraham Senior of Burlington, dyer, to Na thaniel Westland of the same place, merchant, for a house and lot in Bur lington, on Delaware R., built by grantor, 60 f. iront, bo't of John Calow Oct. 7, l6g2. 43g i6g2 Oct. 7. Do. John Calow" of Burlington Co., wheelwright, to - Abraham Senior (as above), for 2 waterlots on the Island of Burlington, along Delaware R., one being the full waterlot, belonging to fa of a share, bought of Wm. Biddle March 1, 1685-6, the other belonging to 1-30 of a share bo't of Tho. ffarnsworth dec'd, in his lifetime attorney for George Ellis of Higham, England, December 10, 1687 (supra, p. 433). 439 1684 May 8. Do. Thomas Ollive, merchant, to Freedom Lippincott, yeoman, both of Wellingborough, for 200 acres in W. J. 440 1695 May 7. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope to Thomas Wil liams, heretofore of Pensaukin Creek, now of Philadelphia, tanner, for 100 acres to be surveyed in West Jersey. 440 1695 May 18. Do. Thomas Williams (as before) to Stephen Day of Burlington Co., yeoman, for the preceding 100 acres. 441 1694 Nov. 2. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Appleton of Pensaukin Cr., Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres of the' land bought of Thomas Hutchinson and Mahlon Stacy July 1, 1687. 441 1687 20th d. loth m. (Dec). Do. William Myers of Burlington to John Day of said Co., both yeomen, for 150 acres to be surveyed in the First Tenth, part of the tract bought of John Gray of Neshameny Creek, Penna., who had it from Benj. Antrobus; also the reversion of 1-32 of a share, bought of Edward Searson of South River, Arundell Co., Mary land, tanner. 441 42 458 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690 Nov. 17. Do. Daniel Howell, late of Cooper's Creek, Glouces ter Co., W. J., now of Philadelphia, yeoman, to Josiah Appleton of Ap- pletown, W. J., yeoman, for 60 acres, N. E. John Appleton, N. W. Rich ard Appleton, S. E. and S. W. grantor's vacant land, belonging to fa of a share bought of Mordecai Howell, executor of Thomas Howell dec'd, July I, 1688, said Thomas having purchased it from Benjamin Bartlett Sept. I, 1677, to whom it had been sold by Edward Bylling and Trustees March 1-2, 1676-7. _ 442 1695 loth d. 3d m. (May). Do. Archiball Silver of Northampton Township, Burlington, planter, to James Smith of said Co., planter, for 100 acr.es on the Southside of the Northbranch of Ancokus River, adjoin ing Robert Dimsdale. 443 l6g5 June 11. Do. John Shinn of Springfield Lodge, Burlington Co., wheelwright, to John Crosby of Springfield, millwright, for 150 acres, half of the lot surveyed for said Shinn at or near Birch Creek. 444 1694 3d d. 2d m. (April). Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua Penford, by their attorney George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Rob erts of Pennsawkin Creek, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 130 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 444 1694-5 March 7. Do. Daniel Wills of Northampton, Burlington Co., Practicioner in Chemistry, to Francis Coleman of Woolburne, Co. of Bed ford, England, ironmonger, for too acres, part of the share conveyed to him by Wm. Biddle and, Mary Ollive Oct. 6, 1693. 444 1695 June 8. Do. Jane Ogborne of Burlington, widow and executrix of Samuel Ogborne, carpenter, to Lyonel Britton of Philadelphia, black smith, for a lot on the Island of Burlington, 46 f. front on High St., run ning back half way to the next street, jnart of the land bought by said Sam uel of Wm. ffryley Aug. 9, i6g3. - 445 1695 April 20. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent Jere miah Basse of Burlington, merchant, to Arlher Cressy of Cape May, yeo man, for 350 acres at Cape May. Quitrent: two fat hens or capons, pay able to the Society as Lords of ye Mannr of Cox Hall. 445 1695 April 21. Mortgage. Arthur Cressey to Jeremiah Basse for the W. J. Society, on the preceding 350 a. 446 1695 April 20. Deed. The W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to Csesar Hoskins (Hodgkins) of Cape May, whaleman, for 150 a. at Cape May. Quitrent as above. 446 1695 April 21. Mortgage. Caesar Hoskins (Hodskins) to Jeremiah Basse for the Society, on the preceding 150 a. 446 1695 April ig. Deed. The . W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to John Richardson of Cape May, whaleman, for 124 a. at Cape May. Quit- rent as above. 447 i6g5 April 20. Mortgage. John Richardson to Jeremiah Basse for WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 459 Page the Society, on the preceding 124 a. 447 1695 April 20. Do. The W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to Jona than Osborne of Cape Mayvyeoman, for no a. at Cape May. Quitrent one fat hen or capon. 447 1695 April 21. Mortgage. Jonathan Osborne to Jeremiah Basse for the Society, on the preceding ilo a. 448 1695 April 19. Deed. The W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to ¦ Nathl' Short of Cape May, whaler, for 200 a. at Cape May. Quitrent 2 hens or capons. 448 1695 April 20. Mortgage. Nathan" Short to Jeremiah Basse, for the Society, on the preceding 200 acres. 44g 1695 April 22. Deed. The W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to Cornelius Stelinger of Cape May, whaleman, for 134 a. there. 449 1695 April 23. Mortgage. Cornelius Stelinger to Jeremiah Basse, for the Society, on the preceding 134 a. Marginal Note: " This may Certifie all whom it may Concern that I have Long Since received Satisfaction for the within Mortgage by a payment made by Cornelius Stelinger as Witness my hand this 4th day of May 1724. Lewis Morris." 449 1695 June 9. Power of attorney. Jeremiah Basse, agent of the W. T. Society, to Joshua Barkstead and John Houlden of Cape May, gentlemen, as agents in Cape May Co. 449 1694 June 24. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Thomas Bridge gent: and John Greene, blacksmith, both of Cohansie, Salem Co., for gl2 acres on Cohansie Creek betw. John Bellows and John Smith. 450 Cape May Deeds. Deeds from the West Jersey Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to: 1695 April 22. 1. "Henry Stites of Cape May, whaleman, for 200 a. there and mortgage. 450 l6g5 April 22. 2. Samuel Mathews of Cape May, whaler,- for 175 a. there. 451 1695 April 22. 3. William Mason of Cape May, yeoman, for 150 a. there. Quitrent, 2 fat chickens. 452 1695 April 26. 4. Humphrey Hewes of Cape May, whaler, for 206 a. there. Quitrent, one ear of Indian corn. 452 1695 April 22. 5. Thomas Hand of Cape May, whaleman, for 400 a. there. Quitrent, two fat capons or hens. 453 l6g5 April 22. 6. Abigael Pine of Cape May, spinster, for 200 a. there. Quitrent, one ear of Indian corn. 453 1695 April 19. 7. William Johnston of Cape May, yeoman, for 436 a. there. Quitrent, 2 fat capons or hens. 453 1695 April 22. 8. Elizabeth Carman of Cape May, spinster, for 306 a. 460 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page there. Quitrent, one ear of Indian corn. 454 1695 April 20. 9. Joseph Houlding of Cape May, yeoman, for 200 a. there. Quitrent, as before. 455 1695 April 22. 10. Joseph Wheldon of Cape May, yeoman, for 150 a. there. Quitrent, two fat capons or hens. 455 1695 April 22. II. William Jacocks of Cape May, yeoman, for 340 a. there. 455 1695 April 23. Mortgage of the preceding. 456 1695 April 23. 12. John Canson of Cape May, yeoman, for 300 a. there. 456 1695 April 23. 13. Peter Canson of Cape May, weaver, for 400 a. there. 457 1695 April 23. 14. John Townsend of Cape May, carpenter, for 600 a. there. 457 1695 April 23. 15. John Townsend of Cape May, yeoman, for 260 a. there. 458 1695 April 21. 16. Dorothy Hewitt of Cape May, spinster, for 340 a. there. 458 1695 April 23. Mortgage of the preceding. 459 1691 June 30. Deed. Samuel Jenings of Philadelphia, merchant, to Peter Long of Catarl Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, for 757 acres on Cadar Cr. below Cohansie. 459 West Jersey Society Deeds, continued: 1695 April 22. 17. Shamgar Hand of Cape May, gent: for- 700 a. there. 459 1695 April 22. 18. Same, for 15 a. there. 460 1695 April 22. 19. William Whitlock of Cape May, gent: for 500 a. there. 460 1695 April 22. 20. John Dayton of Cape May, yeoman, for 200 a. there. 461 1695 April 22. 21. Jonathan fforeman of Cape May, yeoman, for 250 a. there. 461 1695 April 22. 22. John and Caleb Carman of Cape May, whalers, for 255 a. there. 462 1695 April 22. 23. Samuel Crowell of Cape May, gent: for 226 a. there. 462 1694 July 28. Deed. Thomas "Wilkins of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Robert Wheeler of Burlington, baker, for one half of a wharf lot in Bur lington and half a town lot there, parts of 1-15 of a share bought by r Or Cador. Query : Cedar. WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 461 Page Thomas and John Wilkins, sons of John Wilkins, late of Keyham, County of Leicester, husbandman, September 2, 1687. 463 1695 July 13. Do. Robert Wheeler of Burlington, merchant, to John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, merchant, and Nathaniel Westland of Burlington, merchant, as feoffees in "trust, for a lot on the Island of Burlington belonging to the half of 1-15 of a share, bought of Tho: Wilkins, 2 roods 16 perches, next to Jonathan West, N. Wood Str., running S. along said street 5 perches 3 f. "and so back ye same breadth being in Length i8£ perches & bounded by ye Lott of John Stokes South." 463 1695 July 13. Confirmation of deed (supra, p. 421). George Hutche son, Robert Wheeler, Samuel ffurnis and Joseph Adams of Burlington, ex ecutors of the last will of Thomas Gladwin of Burlington, blacksmith, dec'd, to Alexander Stewart, for the 300 acres conveyed by him ut supra. 464 1695 May 20. Assignment. David Lillis (Lillye) to Samuel Nichols of Philadelphia, sawyer, of 100 acres "within menc'oned." 464 1686 12th d. 2. m. (April). Deed. Noell Mew of New Port, R. L, mariner, and wife Mary to WUliam Allen of the same place, cordwainer, for 500 acres in tbe London Tenth, on Rancocus Creek, next to John Wills. 464 1688 May 25. Do. Thomas Olive of Wellingsborough, merchant, to Robert Ingle of near Burlington, yeoman, for 100 acres of the first survey in the Second Tenth. 464 1695 June 25. Do. Thomas Wilkins of Eversham, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Robert Ingle of the same place, husbandman, for 50 acres, bo't of John Skene December 20, 1689. 465 1690-1 Jan. 1. Do. John Marson of Burlington Co., yeoman, to William Hasker of the same place, husbandman, for 20 acres, part of the 100 a. bought of Thomas Ollive. 465 1689 April 20. Do. Frederick King of Synamensick, W. J., to Elias Tay of the same place, for 139 acres there. 465 1691 Sept. 10. Do. Samuel Coles of Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, to Mathias Beyllis of W. J., planter, for 82 acres on the North branch Of Pimsaquin Creek, between Samuel Borroughs, Timothy Hancock and Tho. Roadman. « 466 1685 Nov. 20.. Do. Marmaduke Horsman of Chesterfield, planter, to Samuel Taylor of Crosswicks Creek, planter, for 50 acres in the First Tenth on the creek above Anthony Woodhouse, bought of Samuel Oldale of Assiscunck Cr. March 9, 1683-4. 466 1695 March 30. Do. The W. J. Society, by Jeremiah Basse, to John Lee of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 150 acres of the 15000 a. tract, above the Falls. Marginal Note: "The Land hereby granted is by Deed dated 462 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ye first Aprill 1695 Mortgaged for paymt of ye consideration money." 467 1695 May 16. Do. Same to Thomas Revell of Baythorp, Burlington Co., gentleman, for 24000 acres, in trust, Jeremiah Basse intending to go to England. 467 1695 April I. Do. Joshua Barkstead of Cohanzy, Salem Co., mer chant, to Nathaniel Bacon of the same place, husbandman, and wife Kath arine, for 180 acres there next to Jonathan Holmes, and 20 a. of meadow, on Keeappe Creek next to Obadiah Holmes. 468 1695 March 30. Deed in trust. Joshua Barkstead (as above) and Jere miah Basse of the same place, brother of said Joshua, to their mother, Madam Mary Basse of London, widow, and brother Francis Barkstead of London, merchant, for 4984 acres in ffenwick's Colony, on the Eastside of a little creek, running into the River Caesarea-(Cohanzy, Cumberland Co.) and along said river; in trust for grantors and their wives for life. 468 1695 Aug. 7. Deed. Thomas Kendall of Burlington, bricklayer, to Henry Low of Burlington Co., planter, for 70 acres on Northampton R., between the former land of James Sherwin and the lot the same now has bought of John Rush, formerly taken up by John Cornish, and part of the purchase of said Cornish from John Willis Febry 15, 1689-go. 46g i68g-go Feb. 16. Bill of Sale. John Dewilde of Burlington, potter, to Michael Newbold of said Co., yeoman, for fa of the brigantine "Provi dence of Burlington." 469 1695 Sept. 13. Deed. Obadiah Hyerton, yeoman, to Edward Boul- ton, husbandman, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres in said Co., bought of Mordecay Andrews, son of Samuel Andrews, dec'd, April 2, 1695 (su pra, p. 438). 469 i6g2 nth d. 4th m. (June). Do. Anna Salter of Tackony, dec'd, by her executor Robert Stacy, John Hart, Charles Pickering, all of Phila delphia, Richard Whitfield of , and Thomas ffairman of Shacka- mackson, to Samuel Nichols of Philadelphia, sawyer, for 100 acres on Pen soakin Creek alias Cropwell River, between grantee and Thomas Williams, sold to said Nicholls by Anna Stalter during her life, and part of 500 a. conveyed to the executors by Wm. Biddle, Nov. 9, 1691. 46g l6g5 March 30. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Bunting of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., carpenter, for 50 acres in West Jersey. 470 1681-z Jan. 5. Do. Jno Harris of Goat Acre, Co. of Wilts, yeoman, to Walter Humphries alias Powell of Paipswick, Co. of Gloucester, broad- weaver, for fa of fa of a share of the Province, the 8th having been sold by Tho: Hooton of Blackfryars, London, chandler, to Thomas Gerrish and Henry Gerrish, both of Bromham, Co. of Wilts, yeomen, and John Har ris, June 1-2, 1677. 471 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART. 2. 463 Page 1695 Oct. 5. Do. Walter Humphries to Henry Ballenger, both of Burlington, yeomen, for the preceeding fa of fa of a share. 471 1695 Oct. 5. Do. Josiah Prickett of Burlington, baker, to Walter Humphries of the same place, yeoman, for a house there, built bv Jona than Beer, and the lot in the Second Tenth, the whole being § of 1-16 of a share bought by said Beer of Tho: Budd, February 8, 1683-4, and by him sold to James Barratt of Burlington, carpenter, May 19, 1685, who con veyed it to present grantor July 15, 1694. 472 1685 May 19. Do. Jonathan Beere, merchant, to James Barratt, car penter, both of Burlington, for a house and lot there (the preceding). 472 1694 July 15. Do. James Barratt (as above) to Josiah Prickett, for the preceding house and lot. 473 1695 Oct. 5. Do. Walter Humphries, yeoman, to George Elkington, blacksmith, and wife Mary, daughter of said Walter, all of Burlington, for 1-32 of a share bo't of Wm. Peachee March 27, 1677, part whereof in the first and second division being already laid out for grantor, viz: 100 acres at Crosswicks Creek (see Liber A. p. 118); and the house and wharf lots on the Island of Burlington excepted. 473 1688 Nov. 10. Do. Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, W. J., yeoman, to John Langstaffe of Yorkshire Edge, W. J., yeoman, for 50 acres in Burl ington Co., called Holme. 473 1690-1 Feb. 10. Do. Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., to John Langstaffe of said Co., husbandman, for threescore and 13 acres (73), part of the lot bought by grantor of Cornelius Empson. 473 1692-3 Feb". 4. Do. George Hutcheson, distiller, to John Langstaffe, yeoman, both of Burlington, for 200 acres in West Jersey. 474 1694 Oct. 27. Do. Richard Mathews of London, merchant, by his attorney Samuel Stacy of Philadelphia, merchant, to Thomas Bibb of Burlington, whitesmith, for a waterlot in Burlington, 25 f. front on Dela ware R., with the house thereon, now occupied by Samuel Ogborne. 474 1690 Oct. 25. Do. Samuel Stacy, son of Henrey Stacy, late of Peet- ers Alley, Cornhill, London, dec'd, to John Hollinshead of Northampton R. near Burlington, yeoman, for a wharflot there, part of 1-16 of 'a share, bought of Thomas Hooton. 475 1691 Nov. 9. Do. William and Abraham Hulings to John Hollins head, all of Burlington Co., yeomen, for all the townlots in Burlington, , belonging to 1-32 of a share, except the "great Lott without ye Islandof Burlington, called ye Towne bounds of Burlington." 475 1682-3 Feb. 6. Do. John Antram of Burlington, shoemaker, to John Hollinshead, for a wharflot along the river in Burlington, part of 1-32 of a share, bo't of Jonathan Eldridge, shoemaker, May 3, 1680. 475 1691-2 Feb. 9. Do. William Biddle of near Burlington, merchant, to John Hollinshead of Northampton River, yeoman, for a wharflot in Burl- 464 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ington, 12 f. front on the river. 475 1676-7 Feb. 26. Do. Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, Co. of Northampton, haberdasher, to Thomas Eves of London, packer, for 1-32 of a share of West Jersey, bought of Wm Penn et al. January 23, 1676-7 with Daniel Wills, who releases to said Eves his right, etc., Oct. 12, 1695. 476 1687 Nov. 21. Do: Jno. Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, by his attorney, Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Samuel Nichols of Philadelphia, husbandman, for 100 acres in West Jersey. 47^ 1695 July 10. Do. Helena, widow of John Skene, of Burlington, to Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Burlington Co., merchant, for 100 acres in town bounds, part of fa of a share, bo't by John Skene, late of Peach- field, Burlington Co., of Thomas Hutchinson, then of Talbot Co., Mary land, Sept. 13, 1686, and by said Skene devised to his widow Helena by will of August 19, 1690. 476 « 1695 Oct. 18. Do. Edward Hunloke (as above) to John Joosten and John Hammel, both now or late of Sopus, N. Y. yeoman, for a plantation with 500 acres at Lessa or Wingerworth Point, Burlington. Co., in town bounds, of which 100 a. were bought of Thomas Bowman March 24, 1692, 100 a. of Sheriff James Hill Febry. 2, 1693-4, 145 1-2 a. of George Hutch eson Dec. 4, 1689, 35 a. of Helena Skene July 10 last, 119J a. being part of 800 a. bo't of James Reade and wife Sarah April 4, 1689. 477 1695 Oct. 19. Do. Mortgage. John Joosten and John Hammel, both of Wingerworth Point, yeomen, to Edward Hunloke of the same place, merchant, on the preceding 500 acres. 477 1690 April 2. Deed. Symon Charles of Burlington Co., tailor, to Francis Austin of said Co., carpenter, for 150 acres, part of the land bought of Barnard Devonish, December 15, 1687; 6 a. of the said 150 ly ing next to Mount Pleasant between John Woolston and Percivall Towle, the other 144 on the creek at Nathaniel Ricketts between John Woolston and Thomas Revell, all in Burlington Co. 478. 1694-5 Jan. n. Do. Francis Austin of Eversham, Burlington Co., carpenter, to George Porter of Mansfield, same Co., broadweaver, for the preceding 150 acres. 478 1694-5 March 5. Do. Eliakim Higgins of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Joseph English of Maidenhead, same Co., yeo man, for a plantation of 130 acres in said township, of which 100 a. were bought of Daniel Bacon, May 20, 1685, and 30 a. of Wm. Emley, Dec. 23, 1692. 479 l6g5 Nov. 1. Do. Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., to John Cluffe, of said Co., for 50 acres on Tomlinson's Brook, N. Win. Pet ty, E. Samuel Vaas, W. "as now bounded and marked out;" also 12 a. ad- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 465 Page joining Walter Clarke. 4jg i6g5 Nov. 2. Do. Mathew Allen t'o James Sherwin, both of Burling ton Co., yeomen, for 330 acres, surveyed out of the 3200 and odd a.' "at Rancocus Cr. upon Delaware R.", bought by grantor of John Smith, then of Christeene Creek, Penna., August 13-14, 1680; the. said 330 a. are bounded by Rancocus R. on the North, between grantor, John Cornish and Wm. Buddin. 47g 1693 4 3d d. 12th m. (Feb.). Thomas Anderson, of St. James Parish, Clerkenwell, Co. of Middlesex, chandler, by his attorney, George Hutche son of Burlington, merchant, to Daniel Leeds of Springfield, near Burling ton, yeoman, for 1-16 of a share of the Province, bo't of Tho: Hooton Oct. 10, 1678, and excepting 300 acres. 480 1693 Nov. I. Do. George Porter of Burlington Co., silkweaver, to Daniel Leeds (as above), for 300 acres in said Co., the. remaining part of his land in Burlington, belonging to his 1-6 of a share, bo't of Tho. Hutch inson July io, 1677, excepting the waterlot and 2 acres already disposed of; and one half of said 1-6, excepting the land in townhounds and in the country, already sold to the number of 833 a. 480 1694 May n. Do. John Cornish, of Burlington, carpenter, to Dan iel Leeds, for 130 of the 300 acres, bought of John Willis February 15, 1689-go (supra, Part I, p. 257). 481 i6g4 June 19. Do. James Antram of Mansfield, Burlington Co., planter, to Daniel Leeds, for all the land belonging to 1-24 of a share in the First Tenth, except 200 a. already surveyed and fa a. in Burlington, said 1-24 having been bo't of Francis Rawle of Philadelphia June 9, 1694, who had it from Tho: Woodroof of Salem. 481 l6g3~4 March 22. Do. Eleazer ffenton of Springfield near Burling ton to Daniel Leeds, for his right, title &c. in .and to 2 acres, part of the 200 where he now dwells, adjoining grantee. 481 i6g4 10th d. 3d. m. (May). Permit. John Day of Springfield to Daniel Leeds for cutting a drain through his meadow. 481 i6g5 March 28. Deed. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, Burlington Co., tanner, to John Abbat of Crosswicks Creek, husbandman, for 40 acres on said creek. 481 l6g2 Sept. g Do. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Burlington Co., merchant, to Samuel Terrett of Burlington, blacksmith, for 2 wharf lots on the Island of Burlington, one belonging to 1-15 of a share, the other to 1-16, both bought of Samuel Bunting of Chesterfield, mason, July 20, 1688. 482 1688-g Jan. 5. Do. Daniel Bacon of Baconsfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Snape of said Co., husbandman, for 200 acres to be taken out of his fa of 1-32 of a share in said Co., bought of Wm. Mathews June 1, 1683. 482 43 466 NEW-JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690-1 Feb. 2. Do. William Hunt of Springfield, Burlington Co., planter, to John Snape of the same place, planter, for 10 acres at the N. E. corner of grantor's land at Mount Over, part of 100 acres bo't of Francis Beswick March 31, 1688. 483 1695 June 22. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Ballifield, Burlington Co., yeo man, to John Bryerley of Hopewell, same Co., miller, for 200 acres above St. Pincks Creek, in the forks of Shabbacunck Cr., adjoining grantor. 483 1685 April 14. Do. Anthony Morris of Burlington, baker, to Thomas. ffrench of near Burlington, yeoman, for a waterside lot in Burlington, 8 f. front on the "great river," N. the river, S. the Back St., E. grantee, W. Richard Basnett. 483 l6g5 Oct. ig. Do. John Peares of Burlington, carpenter, to Samuel Terrett of the same place, smith, for 100 acres, on the Southside and along Northampton R. and a run, bounding Richard Boyes, on the South, E. John Woolman, bo't of John Bainbridge Nov. 30, 1693. 483 1691 June 4. Do. John Rodman of Block Island, Rhoad -Island, Providence Plantations, and wife Mary, to John Adams of Flushing, Queens Co., Long Island, N. Y., in exchange for land and houses in Flushing, for 475 acres near Rancocus Cr., adjoining John Hollinshead, and 25 a. of meadow, same distance from the house, the whole bought of Wm. Biddle. * 484 l6g2~3 Feb. 21. Do. Thomas Budd, of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Abbatt of Nottingham, Burlington Co., planter, for 1-32 of a share, bo't of Wm. Penn et al. March 1-2, 1676-7, except the town lots on Bur lington Island and the land in town bounds, belonging to the 1-32. 484 l°93 Aug- 8. Do. John Hollinshead senior of Burlington Co., yeo man, to Elias Tay of said Co., planter, for 75 acres, bought of Henryand Mary Grubb November 17, 1691. 484 1691 Nov. 17. Do. Henry Grubb, of Burlington, innkeeper, and wife Mary to John Hollinshead of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-32 of a share of the Province, excepting the town and townbounds lots of Burlington, inherited by said Mary from her father. 485 1695 Oct. 5. Do. Daniel Leeds of Springfield Township, Burlington Co., to John Hollinshead, for a lot in Burlington, 2 roods 20 perches, be tween Broad St. and the new burying ground, 11 "perches wide on Broad St. and in the rear. 485 1693 Aug. 8. Do. John Hollinshead senior of Burlington Co., yeo man, to Frederick King of the same place, planter, for 75 acres of the land bought of Henry and Mary Grubb Nov. 17, 1691. 485 i6g4 Oct. 8. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Richard Pitman of Pensawkin Creek, planter, for 80 acres to be surveyed out of the share or shares bought by grantor of Tho. Hutcheson and WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 467 Page Mahlon" Stacy July I, 1687. 486 l6g4 Nov. I. Do. Henry Grubb and wife Mary, Thomas Raper and wife Abigael, all of Burlington, to Thomas Wilkins of Eversham Town ship, for 50 acres in said township along the Indian line, "derived from Tho: Perkins by Heirship to the aforesd Henry and Thomas by the said Mary and Abigael." 486 1693 Aug.. 18. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Henry Burr of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres in W. J. 486 1688 16th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Dr Robert Dimsdale of Burlington Co.", to Henry Burr, for the reversion of one half of 1-7 of a share of the Province, bought of Hugh Lamb of the Parish of St. Martins in the Field, Co. of Middlesex, hosier. 487 1676-7 Feb. 26. Do. Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough, Co. of Northampton, haberdasher, to John Roberts of Overston, same Co , yeo man, for 1-16 of a share of W. J., bought of Wm. Penn et al. January 23, 1676-7- 487 1688 Aug. 21. Power of attorney. Robert Dimsdale of Burlington Co., physician, intending to sail for England, to John Tatham of Tatham House, Penna., Samuel Jenings and Symon Charles, both of Burlington Co., as general agents. 487 1692-3 Jan. 24. Do. Robert Dimsdale,! of Bishop Stafford, Co. of Hartford, chyrurgeon, to John Tatham, George Hutchinson, both of Burlington, merchants, and Francis Davenport of Crosswicks Creek, planter, as general agents. 487 1689 8th d. 2d m: (April). Deed. Robert Stacy of Philadelphia, tanner, to William Myers cf Burlington, butcher, for 10 acres in Burling ton townbounds, near Yorkshire Bridge, on the N. E. side of the gate, 611 the road to Thomas Wright's and along Assiscunck Cr. to the boundary creek. 488 1 Robert Dimsdale, one of the earliest physicians in West Jersey, bought of William Penn, May 22, 1682, for £25, a tract of 5,000 acres in Pennsylvania. He seems to have been then of Edmondton, Middlesex county. England. He came to America in 1683 with Penn. and located a large tract of land south of Mt. Holly, on both sides of a stream hence known as Dimsdale Run, where he built a large brick house and cleared a farm. Some time prior to 1686 he married, 2d, Sarah, daughter of Francis Collins, who came from the parish of Stepney, Middlesex county, Eng land, and settled in Newton, Gloucester county, in 1682. In 1688 he returned to Eng land, and iived for a while at Theydon Garnon, near Epping, Essex, but in January, 1692-3, he was at Bishop Stortford (a small market town and parish on both sides of the river Stort, formerly crossed by a ford at this place, and which was bestowed by William the Conqueror, soon after the conquest, upon Maurice, Bishop of Lon don, and his successors, whence the name) , in the county of Hertford, where he suffered imprisonment for a time, for practising without a license. While in America he published in London, in 1684, a work advertising a number of specifics for the cure of various diseases. He died in England in 1718. His widow soon af ter returned to this country, and resided at Haddonneld until her death, in 1739. 468 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1691-2 March 10. Do. Mary, widow and executrix of Wm. Myers of Burlington, butcher, Tho: Gilberthorpe, Francis Davenport and John Bunting, trustees under said Wm. Myers' will, to Charles Reade of Bur lington Co., tailor, for 5 acres, the half of the preceding 10, on the road to Tho. Wright and the boundary creek, near Yorkshire Bridge. 488 1691-2 March 10. Do. Same to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for 5 a., the other half of the preceding 10. 489 l6g4 Sept. 26. Do. George Hutcheson to Charles Reade for the preceding 5 acres. 489 1695 Nov. 2. Do. Charles Reade of Philadelphia, tailor, to Bernard Lane of Burlington, labourer, for the foregoing 10 acres. 489 1694 June 25. Do. Benjamin Wheate of Burlington, cordwainer, to Bernard Lane of the same place, butcher, for a lot in Burlington, a corner lot, W. Wood St., N. River St., S. Richard Love, E. grantor, 6 perches 7 f. on River St., 13 perches on Wood St. 490 1691 7th d. loth m. (Dec). Do. Thomas Wood of Burlington Co., husbandman, to John Bainbridge of Burlington, joiner, for all his lots and lands on the Island of Burlington, belonging to 1-32 of a share, bought of Geo. Hutcheson Jan. 29, 1677-8. 490 1691-2 26th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. John Calow of Burlington Co., wheelwright, to John Bainbridge, for a house lot on the Island of Burling ton and 13^ acres in townbounds, part of 1-30 of a share, bo't of Tho: ffarnsworth Dec. 10, 1687; also a lot on said island, N. W. Broad St., S.. W. Benjamin Scott, E. and W. Tho: Ollive and partners, in quantity 1-32 of 9 acres, bo't with other land of Mathew Allen May 30, 1689. 490 1694-5 loth d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. John Bainbridge of . Burlington Co., joiner, to Thomas Clarke of Burlington, for 4 shares of land there, vizt: 1-32 of a share bo't of Thomas Wood (supra), 1-32 bo't of Wm. Wood March 19, 1691-2, 1-30 of a share in Burlington and the lots in town bounds, bo't of John Calow (supra); also 1-32 of g acres bo't of said Calow in said town, all East of Sara ffarne on the Eastside of York St., and 1 acre 2 roods 1 perch betw. Tho: Lambert and Daniel Leeds, fronting the street from Dan. Sutton's to John Tatham's. 4gi 1694-5 Feb. 20. Do. Thomas Gilberthorpe of Nottingham, Burling ton Co., yeoman, to Thomas Clarke of Burlington, carpenter, for all the land in the Town of Burlington, belonging to 1-32 of a share. 491 1687 28th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. William Lasswell to William Hix son for 1-32 of a share of the Province, except the plantation on Cross-: wicks Creek, 150 acres, and the lots in town boundSi 4gl 1687 2gth d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. William Lasswell of Colchester, Co. of Essex, England, fell monger, to William Hixson of Crosswicks Creek, W. J., husbandman, the preceding in extenso. 491 1689-go March 13. Do. Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington- West jersey records, liber b, part 2. 469 Co., yeoman, to William Hixson of Crosswicks Creek, husbandman, for 100 acres to be taken up in W. J., in exchange for 250 acres in ffenwicks Col ony, sold by John ffenwick, late of Salem, to Abraham Browne of New Shrewsberry, East Jersey, Sept. 19, 1679, and since conveyed by said Browne to Wm. Hixson Nov. 2, 1687. 492 1695 Dec. 9. Do. Thomas ffolke junior, to John Bunting, both of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeomen, for 6 acres of meadow at the S. E. corner of John Thake, part of 320 a. surveyed to Tho: ffolke senior in Chesterfield Township. 492 1690 Nov. 3. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Hananiah Gaunt of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-24 of a share of W. J., bo't of Godfrey Newbold of Hans'worth, Co. of York, England, yeoman, August 22, 1684, excepting 200 acres "in the country, which was the pro portion of land allowed to be taken up as the first choyce, belonging' to 1-24." 493 1690 May 1. Do. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, W. J., tanner, to Wm. Hixson of Crosswicks, husbandman, for 50 acres to be surveyed in the Yorkshire Tenth. 493 1691 Sept. 3. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Thomas Wilson of Oneanickon, Burlington Co., husbandman, for 200 acres at Oneanickon. 4g3 1682 May 3. Do. John Maddocks of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, to John Boarton "of Ancokus, W. J., yeoman, for 1-16 of a share of the Province, bo't of John Hewson of Long Lane, London, trunkmaker, July 18, 1678, to whom it had been sold by Tho: Hooton of Black Fryars, London, chandler, June I, 1677, by virtue of a deed from Wm. Penn et al. Nov. 6, 1676. 4g4 1695 Dec. 21. Do. William Boarton, son of John Boarton of Bur lington Co ,. dec'd, to John Hollinshead of Burlington, chandler, for all the lots on the Island of Burlington, belonging to 1-16 of _a share, inher ited by the father's will of July 28, 1687. 494 1695 Dec. 21. Release of the foregoing by John Boarton, son and heir of John Boarton dec'd. 495 1690 Nov. II. Deed. William Biddle of W. J., merchant, to Thomas Harding of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres "of ye first laying out in ye prvince of W. J." 495 1693-4 March 3. Do. Lawrence Morris of Burlington, sawyer, and wife Virgin, to Robert Wheeler of said town, merchant, for two waterlots in Burlington, of which the Westernmost is 23 f. front on Delaware R. and runs back, along John Hollinshead, on the West to the lot of Francis Davenport, formerly sold by Mary Hancock, of Steetley, Burlington Co., widow and executrix of Godfrey Hancock dec'd, to Benjamin Holt of Bur lington, glazier, May 20, 1689, who sold it to present grantor Sept. 16, 470 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1689. 495 1691 3d d. 5th m. (July). Do. Thomas Gladwin- of Burlington, blacksmith, to John Snape of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 100 acres at Oneanickon, on Birch Creek, between Samuel Barker, John Shinn and grantor, part of the land surveyed to William Gladwin. 496 1695 Dec. 28. Release of the foregoing by George Hutcheson, Robert Wheeler, Samuel ffurnis and Joseph Adams, all of Burlington, executors of the last will of Thomas Gladwin, blacksmith, dec'd.; the preceding deed being defective, because Tho: Gladwin did not prove Wm. Gladwin's will. 496 1694-5 March 16. Deed. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, Burling ton Co., tanner, to John Murfen of Crosswicks,. same Co., batchellor, for 50 acres. 497 1686 Aug. 14. Do. Percivall Towle of Sutton Lodge, W. J., yeoman, to Thomas Scattergood of near Sutton Lodge, husbandman, for 100 acres in the First Tenth. 497 1695 Dec 26. Release of the foregoing by Francis Davenport, John Day and John Woolston, allot Burlington Co. , executors of the last will of Thomasin Towlt, late of Burlington, widow of Percivall Towle. 497 1694 May 10. Deed. Thomas Raper of Burlington, smith, and wife Abigael to Thomas Bryant of Northampton, Burlington Co., planter, for 400 acres, whereof 300 are part of 1-30 of a share, given to said Abigael by her father William Perkins Sept. 27, 1677, and lying on Rancokus R., N. Francis Collins; the remaining 100 a. were bo't by said Raper of Thomas Wilkins May 16, 1690, to be surveyed. 498 1693 Nov. 20. Do. Peter Bosse of Burlington, merchant, to Daniel Smith of the same place, butcher, for a lot on the Island of Burlington, 3 roods, S. Benjamin Scott, N. Broad St., W. Thomas Eves, E. Robert Powell. 498 1694-5 Feb. 22. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, yeoman, to Daniel Smith, for 1^ acres on the Island of Burlington. 498 1695-6 Jan. 7. Do. Charles Woolverton, yeoman, to Mathew ffor- syth, carpenter, both of -Burlington Co., for 100 acres there, bought of Wm. Biddle August 20, 1693, adjoining Anne Ph'arro; incl. 20 a. remote with a swamp. 4gg 1694 Nov. 16. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to John Scholey of Oneanickon, Burlington Co., planter, for 125 acres to be surveyed out of the land bought of Tho: Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy July i, 1687. 499 1689 July 3. Do. Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington Co., yeo man, to Thomas Bryant, of the same place, husbandman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed. 4qq 1688 Nov. 10. Do. John Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, by WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 47 I Page his attorney Samuel Jenings, to Thomas Bryant, for 200 acres to be sur veyed. 500 1695 2d d. 10th m. (Dec). Deed of gift. William Cooper of Coop er's Point, Gloucester Co., W. J. , to his son-in-law John Woolston and daughter Hannah, wife of said Woolston, for a house in Burlington with fa acre belonging to it and 50 a. in town bounds, also the town lot bought of Edward Taylor. 500 1693 Oct. 10. Deed. Thomas Lambert senior of Nottingham Town ship, tanner, to Barnard Lane of Burlington, butcher, for 40 acres in Bur lington town bounds, between Henry Stacy, Nathaniel Cripps and Samuel ffurnis. 500 1695 April 24. Do. Barnard Lane of Burlington, yeoman, to Thomas Raper of the same place, smith, for the preceding 40 acres. 500 1690 May 16. Do. Thomas Wilkins of W. J., labourer, to Thomas Raper, for 100 acres to be surveyed within the limits of the first Indian purchase in the Province. 501 1694-5 March 9. Do. Jane, widow and executrix of Samuel Ogborne of Burlington, carpenter, to Joseph Pancoast of Burlington Co., carpenter, for 40 feet of land fronting on High St. and being the Northerly part of the lot bought by said Samuel of Wm. Fryley Aug. g, i6g3. 501 1683-4 March 20. Do. Thomas Budd, merchant, to Thomas Gard ner, tailor, both of Burlington, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 501 1693-4 March 10. Do. Thomas Gardner, tailor, to Lawrence Mor ris, sawyer, both of Burlington, for 192 acres in Northampton Township' N. the townline, W. Symon Charles, S. James Silver, E. grantee; also 8 a" of meadow in Grubb's meadow, S. Henry Grubb; 100 a. being part of 1-16 of a share bo't of Anthony Elton senior March 11, 1678-9, the other 100 a. bo't of Tho: Budd March 20, 1683-4. 502 1682-3 March 22. Do. John Cripps to Lawrence Morris, both of Burlington, yeomen, for 200 acres to be taken up as part of 1-12 of a share in the Second Tenth, bought of Anna Salter February 5-6, 168 1-2. 502 1694-5 March 3. Letter of attorney. Samuel Barker of Barlborough, Co. of Derby, England, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to give title of a house in Burlington to Lawrence Morris. 503 169 1-2 30th d. nth m. (Jan.). Deed of gift. 'Robert, son and heir of Robert Powell of Burlington dec'd, to his brother John Powell for 150 acres, part of the land bought by their father of Thomas Ollive March 20, 1676-7 (see supra, Part I, p. 194). 5°3 1695-6 Jan. 11. Deed. John Woolston of Mansfield Township, yeo man, and wife Hannah, to Edward Hunloke, merchant, John Petty, wooU comber, and Thomas Atkinson, bricklayer, all of Burlington, for 50 acres within Burlington townbounds, part of £ of a share bought by Wm. Cooper of Edward Taylor Sept. 6, 1680, and given to grantors Dec. 2, 472 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1695 (supra, p. 500). 5°3 1695-6 Jan. 13. Do. John Grey alias Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, to Francis Davenport, of Chesterfield, merchant, for 300 acres in the Province, part of fa of a share bought of Benjamin Antrobus of London, linendraper, March 9-10, 1684-5. 5°3 1695-6 Feb. 14. Do. Henry Margerom of Bucks Co., Penna., and wife Jane, late tbe wife of Robert Rigg of Burlington, cordwainer, dec'd, lo Joseph Scattergood of Burlington Co., batchelour, for a lot on High St., Burlington, 40 f. front on said High St. and rear on the next street, next to Josiah Prickett, part of the town lot, belonging to fa and 1-32 of a share bought by Robert Rigg of Daniel Bacon January 21, 1687-8 and left to his wife Jane by will of March 29, 1692., 504 1694 March 29. Do. Lawrence Morris, sawyer, to John Meredith, schoolmaster, both of Burlington, for a house and lot (wharf lot), 25 f. front on Delaware R., in length halfway to the next street, 71 f. square, W. Dr. Coxe, E. John Hollinshead. 504 1693 Nov. 29. Do. Samuel Houghton, bricklayer, to Thomas Clarke, carpenter, both of Burlington, for 150 acres in Burlington Co., along the line of the old Indian purchase, between Mathew Champion and John Chadwick, bought of George Hutcheson July 5, 1687. 504 1695-6 16th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. George Hutcheson to Thomas Clark, for 50 acres in West Jersey. 505 1683-4 Jan. 22. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Nottingham at the Falls of Delaware R., W. J., yeoman, to Robert Pearson of Crosswicks Creek, planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the First or Yorkshire Tenth on said creek. 5°5 1685-6 March 13. Do. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, tanner, to Robert Pearson, for 100 acres in the First or Yorkshire Tenth. 505 1690 Dec. 28. Do. Mathew Watson of Crosswicks Creek, yeoman, to Robert Pearson, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the First Tenth. 506 1693 May 16. Do. Isaac Smalley of Piscatuay, East Jersey, yeoman, and wife Hester to Robert Pearson, for 240 acres in the First Tenth, of which 40 a. were conveyed to grantors by Godfrey Hancock of Assiscunck and 200 a. bequeathed by John Wood of Bucks Co., Penna., dec'd. 506 1685 April 2. Do. Anthony Morris, tailor, to Isaac Smith, wheel wright, both of Burlington, for a lot in Burlington, 45 f. front on High St., 160 f. deep. 506 1688 Nov. 24. Do. William and Edward Smith, sawyers, to Thomas Raper, blacksmith, all of Burlington, for a house and lot there on High St., South Wm. Emley, N. James Marshall. 507 1691-2 March 19. Do. George Hutcheson, merchant, to Thomas Raper, blacksmith, both of Burlington, for a lot there 8 f. front on High St., 160 f. deep, S. Wm. Emley, N. grantee. 507 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 473 Page 1693 Aug. 25. Do. John Gardner, carpenter, to Thomas Raper, blacksmith, both of Burlington, for a lot there, 60 f. fronton High St., 322 f. deep, S. grantor, N. grantee, bo't of Wm. Emley 22d day 12th month (February), 1692-3. 507 1690-I 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Samuel Jenings of Philadelphia, yeoman, to John Butcher of near Burlington, yeoman, whose house was lately destroyed by fire, a duplicate of a former conveyance for J of a share of the Province, each share representing one hundredth part. 507 1689 Nov. 20. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, proprietor, to William Blanch and John Abbett of Burlington Co., wheelwrights, for 100 acres to be taken up in the Indian purchase. 508 1688 10th d. loth ni. (Dec). Do. Thomas Wright, proprietor and inhabitant of West Jersey, to Peter Harvey of the same place, husband man, for 50 acres in the First Tenth.. 508 l6g5 June 10. Do. Helena, widow and executrix of John Skene of Peachfield, gent: dec'd, to Henry Burr of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 300 acres at Peachfield. 508 1687 July 6. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, yeoman, to 'Samuel Sykes of the North Wigwams, W. J., husbandman, for 200 acres of upland and meadow, the upland, 188 a., being at the North Wigwams, the 12 a. of meadow in the Wigwam meadow, both near Hony-Honickon, in the First Tenth. 509 1679 May 23-24. Mem. of lease and release. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, Co. of Yorke, tanner, to Benjamin Antrobus of London, lining draper, for fa of a share. 509 • 1684 May 9-10. Do. Do. Benjamin Antrobus of London, draper, to John Gray, alias John Tatham, of London, gent: for the preceding fa of a share. 509 1688-9 Feb. 22. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Burlington Co., mer chant, to John Tatham of Tatham House, Penna., Esqre, for "all that dividend share, quantity & prportion of Land in ye Towne of Burlington, belonging to fa of a share." 5ID 1688-9 Jan. 22. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to John Tatham, for 6 acres of his town lots, dividends in B. 510 1694 Nov. 13. Do. Thomas Wright of Burlington Co., planter, to John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, for the remainder of fa of a share in the said town, being ifa acres, at the rate, of 18 a. to the share. 510 1695 April 10. Do. Christopher Weatherill of Burlington, tailor, to John Tatham, for 10 acres in Burlington townbounds, along the creek on the S. E. side of London Bridge, next to John Woolston. 511 1681 Sept. 2. Do. Edward Byllinge of London, gentleman, Gawen Lawrie of London, merchant, and Nicholas Lucas of Hertforth, Co. of Hertford, malster, to William Welch of London, merchant, for ifa shares 4.4. 474 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page of the Province of West Jersey. 511 i6ir April 14. Do. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Burlington -J3iR,-l3!TchSnr, tb Michael Newbold of said Co., yeoman, for one third of the land on Assiscunck or Birch Creek, bo't by Godfrey Hancock, Tho: Revell and John Heesom of Tho: Wright April 20, 1687; also faot the corn mill on the said land, which thirds grantor bought of said John Heesom March 21 last past. 512 1691 June 2. Do. Charles Reade of Burlington, tailor, to John Ogborne of Burlington Co , yeoman, for 150 acres in the First Tenth, in Burlington Co., W. and S. Samuel Barker, bo't of Wm. Biddle of Mount Hope August 2, 1687. 512 1688-9 Feb. 15. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Anthony Woodward of Chesterfield, same Co., husband man, for 100 acres, to be taken up in the tract in said Co., bought of Tho: Pearson and Joseph Helmsley April 1, 1677. 512 1690 10th d. 9th in. (Nov.). Do. Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, yeoman, to Anthony Woodward, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in the tract bought of Cornelius Empson. 513 1695 Sept. 10. Do. John Hancock of Springfield Township, Burling ton Co., yeoman, to Michael Buffin of Mansfield Township, said Co., yeo- ' man, for 4 acres of meadow at Mount Pleasant, between grantor and Per civall Towle. 513 1694-5 20th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, to Michael Buffin, for 500 acres, adjoining grantee's plantation and John Curtis, along Percivall Towle's boundary brook, bought of Wm. Bid dle of Mount Hope as executor of Wm. Ellis (supra, Liber B, part I, P- 377)- 5r3 1695 Aug. 10. Do. James Moune of Penna., yeoman, Peter ffretwell of Burlington, tanner, John Antram of Burlington Co., cordwainer, and Samuel ffurnis of Burlington, sadler, executors of the last will of James Hill of Burlington, cordwainer, dec'd, to Robert Wheeler of the same place, haker, for a house and lot in Burlington, 40 f. front on High St., between Tho: Gardner and Tho: Gladwin, running back to Wood Street, halfway 40 f. wide, the other half 50 f., bought of Wm. Biddle by James Hill August 4, 1685, and confirmed to his executors July 19, 1695. 514 1695-6 Jan. 23. Do. Rachell, widow of James Marshall of Burling ton, merchant, to Robert Wheeler, for a dwelling house, bakery and lot, Burlington, from the corner of Tho. Raper's shop along High St. 87 f. to grantor's brickhouse, then along said brickhouse East 16J f. to a lean- to, by said lean-to South 4fa f. and East 10 f. to the outside thereof and continuing East across the middle of the well 23J f. to the pales, then by the pales South yfa I. to the post, then E. 109J f. to George Hutcheson's orchard, along the orchard 75J f. South to Tho: Raper's fence, 160 f. West along the fence to the place of beginning; bought by her late husband of- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 475 Page ^'Wm. Biddle July 4, , and bequeathed to her by his will of November 10, 1694. 514 1695-6 Feb. 7. Release. Thomas Raper of Burlington, loci smith, and wife Abigael to Henry Grubb, of the same place, innholder, and wife Mary, for all their right, title, etc. in and to a waterlot in Burlington, be longing to fa of a share, heretofore the property of Wm. Perkins, father of said Abigael and Mary. 515 1695-6 Feb. 8. Deed. Henry Grubb, butcher, and wife Mary to Mary Ollive of Burlington Co., widow, for a waterlot in Burlington, be longing to fa of a share, to be taken up by grantee, in exchange for a house and lot in Burlington, conveyed to him by said Mary Ollive, Daniel Wills and John Wills, executors of the last will of Tho. Ollive, pursuant to an award of June 29 last by Mahlon Stacy, Wm. Biddle, John Woolston, Peter ffretwell, Isaac Marriott aud Samuel Jenings. 515 l6g5~6 Feb. 8. Do. Mary Ollive of Wellingborrow, Burlington Co., widow, Daniel Wills of Northampton, said Co., gent: and John Wills of the same place, yeoman, executors of the last will of Tho: Ollive, to Henry Grubb of Burlington, butcher, for a lot there, on which his house stands, . N. Samuel Stacy, S. the street between Said house and Samuel Jenings, E. " High St., W. Barthollowmew Minderman. (See preceding deed. ) 515 1688 2gth d. loth m.- (Dec. ). Do. John Skene of Peachfield, Bur- lingon Co., Esqre, to William Evans junior of Norlhampton R., said Co., son of William Evans, yeoman, dec'd, for 300 acres in the first division of West Jersey, bought of grantor by the father, as part of fa of a share which said Skene bought of Tho: Hutcheson September 13, 1686, and for which he gave no conveyance. 5*6 1689 18th d. 4th m. (June). Do. Same to same, for 100 acres, to be taken up as part of fa of a share bought of Tho: Hutcheson. 516 1691 March 26. Do. William Hickson of Crosswick Creek to Chris topher Weatherill of Burlington, tailor, for all the lots in Burlington, be longing to 1-32 of a share. 5*6 1689 April 8. Do. WUliam Myers, of Burlington, butcher, to Chris- .-, topher Weatherill, for 9 acres on the Westside of the Tannhouse Brook, E. said brook, N. the town creek, W. arid S. grantee. 517 1687 June 10. Oo. Mathew Allen of near Burlington, carpenter, to John Antram of Assiscunck Creek near Burlington, cordwainer, for 100 acres, part of the tract in Burlington town bounds, bought of John Smith of Christeene Creek August 14, 1680. 5I7 1695-6 Jan. 6. Do. James Sherwin of Northampton River, tailor, to John Sharp, of Eversham, tailor, for 100 acres to be taken up in W. J., ™, bought of John Willis February 15, 1689-go. 517 l6g5 May 4. Do. James Smith of Easom, Burlington Co., labourer, to Nathaniel Paine of Wellingborrow, husbandman, for 100 acres at 476 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Easom on the Eastside of the South branch of Ancocus Creek, next Tho: Paine, with 10 a', remote at a pond. 517 1682 Nov. 14. Do. Thomas Ollive of Wellingborrow near Burling ton, haberdasher, to John Hollinshead of Burlington, merchant,.' for a wharf lot in Burlington, belonging to 1-16 of a share, bought of Wm. Penn et al. January 23, 1676-7. 5*8 1682 Nov. 14. Do. John Roberts, inhabitant upon Rancokus Creek, yeoman, to John Hollinshead, for a wharf lot in Burlington, belonging to 1-16 of a share, bought of Thomas Ollive February 26, 1676-7. 518 1682-3 Feb. 6. Do. Robert Powell of Burlington, yeoman, to John Hollinshead, for a wharf lot in Burlington, belonging to 1-32 of a share, bought of Tho: Ollive February 26, 1676-7. 518 1682-3 Feb. 6. Do. Thomas Eves of Rancokus Cr., yeoman, to John Hollinshead, for a wharf lot in Burlington, belonging to 1-32 of a share, bought of Thomas Ollive February 26, 1676-7. 518 1677 (2gth year of Charles II.) July 7. Deed. Richard Mfew of Rat- cliff, Co. of Middlesex, merchant, to William Snowden of Edwinsboro, Co. of Nottingham, yeoman, and John Hooton of Skegby, same Co., hus bandman, for 1-6 of a share of West Jersey. 519 1681-2 Feb. 6. Do. Hannah Salter of Tawcony, Penna., widow, John Hooton of Mansfield, W. J., yeoman, and. John Snowden of Mans field, yeoman, son of Wm. Snowden of Edwinboro, dec'd, to John Cripps of Burlington, yeoman, for 1-12 of a share or half of the preced ing 1-6. . 5T9 1681-2 (29th Charles II.) Jan. 29. Do. George Hutcheson of Shef field, Co. of Yorke, distiller, to Francis Gilberthorp of Hasland, Parish of Chesterfield, Co. of Derby, fell monger, for 1-32 of a share of W. J. 519 1681-2 (30th Charles II.) July 18. Do. Francis Gilberthorp of Ches terfield, Co. of Derby, fell monger, to Richard Greene of the City of Gloucester, woolcomber, for 1-32 of a share. Transferred to Anna Salter. 52o 1681 June 19. Do. Anna Salter of Korkanney, N. Y., widow, to John Cripps for the preceding 1-32 of a share. 520 1680 Nov. 25. Do. John Smyth of Christeene Creek, yeoman, to John Cripps of Burlington, yeoman, for ifa acres in Burlington, E. High St., N. Matthew AUen, S. John Woolston, W. another street. 521 1687-8 Feb. 18. Do. Thomas Budd, merchant, to Nathaniel Cripps, yeoman, both of Burlington, for 100 acres in Burlington Co., part of the land bought of Edward Byllinge and Trustees March 2, 1.676-7. 521 1695 Aug. 8. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to Nathaniel Cripps, for 2 acres on the Island of Bur lington. 521 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 477 Page -6 Jan. 2. Do. William Hixson of Nottingham Township, Bur- Co., yeoman, to Job Bunting of Newtown, Bucks Co., Penna-., for a plantation of 240 acres in Nottingham Township, W. Sam- jrton, N. Doctor's Creek, E. Tho: Gilberthorp, S. Crosswicks 521 -9 Feb. 7. Do. Matthew Allen of Burlington Co., carpenter, to Jrubb of Burlington, innholder, for fa of 1-16 of a share, which s bo't of Samuel Coles of Arwawmasse, W. J., December 12, 522 July 1. Do. William Emley of Nottingham near the Falls of .re, yeoman, to Thomas Scholey, late of Mansfield Woodhouse, usbandman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in the First or York- :nth. 522 nth d. 4th m. (June). _ Do. William Black, late of Mansfield, on Co., stuff weaver, to Roger Hawkins of Crook home, Bucks Co., husbandman, for fa of 1-15 of a share, except 60 acres, the former nee having been burned with Hawkins' house. 523 4th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, to Thomas Scholey, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the First or re Tenth. 523 -6 Feb. 22. Do. Jacob Conaroe, labourer, to Anthony ffryer, man, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres on Northampton River, grantor, grantee and Mathew Allen. 523 Nov. 15. Do. William Lasswell of Crosswicks Creek, fell- to Samuel Overton of Bucks Co., Penna., husbandman, and wife , for « plantation of 162 acres on Crosswicks Cr. with houses, :. 5Z4 "2d d. 2d m. (April). Do. William Quicksall to Samuel Over- 1 of Burlington Co., for 40 acres on Crosswicks Cr., late in the Dn of Richard Harrison. 524 Dec. 4. Do. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth near Burling- cht, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for 254^ acres :en up in W. J. 5Z4 Sept. 2. Do. John Scott of Burlington Co., yeoman, to George on, for 3 acres in Burlington, part of house lot. 525 13th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Helena' Skene of Burlington, o George Hutcheson, for fa of a share, excepting 1,200 acres al- r the first taking up, and 100 a. in Burlington town bounds; also a of 1 a., bo't of Thomas Hutchinson and a water lot of 12^ f., bo't Shinn. 525 6 Feb. 21. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, Stacy of Baylifield, W. J., yeoman, and Jn° Hutchinson of Bur- ;o., son and heir of Tho: Hutchinson of said Co., tanner, dec'd, 47S New Jersey colonial documents. Page to John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, for the house and water lots in Bur lington, belonging to fa of a share, to be taken up of the land formerly owned by Joseph Helmsley and Tho: Pearson, from whom grantors bought it. 525 1690-1 Jan. 21. Do. Freedome Lippincott of Burlington Co., plant er, to John Tatham, for 1-18 of a share in Burlington, the waterlot ex cepted. 525 1693 May 12. Do. Thomas Gilberthorp of Nottingham, Burlington Co., yeoman, and Thomasin, widow and executrix of Percivall Towle of Burlington, baker, dec'd, to Benjamin ffield of Newtowne, Queens Co., Long Island, N. Y., husbandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the Province. 526 1693 May I2- J-*0- J°hn Biinbridge of Assunpinck, Middlesex Co., East Jersey, joiner, to Benjamin ffield, for 250 acres, lately occupied by John Calow and bought of George Hutcheson January 20, 1685-6. 526 1695 17th d. 3d m. (May).- Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Benjamin ffield of Chesterfield, yeoman, for 150 acres in Ches terfield Township, W. grantee, E. Anne Nicholson, S. Samuel Taylor. 527 1695 June 29. Do. Benjamin ffield of Chesterfield and wife Experi ence to John Moore, late of Newtowne, Queens Co., N. Y., for 150 acres in Chesterfield, adjoining Marmaduke Horsman. 527 1693-4 Jan. 2. Do. Lawrence Morris, sawyer, to John Budd, vphol- sterer, both of Burlington, for a wharf lot there, E. Second or Wood St., 14^ f. whereof were bought of Anthony Elton May 12, 1690, 12^- f. of Joshua Humphries Sept. 3, 1689; 14 f. were sold by Mary, the widow and execu trix of Godfrey Hancock, to Benjamin Holt May 27, 1689, and by him as signed to present grantor September 16, 1689. 527 1693-4 Jan. 27. Do. John Adams of Burlington Co., yeoman, to his son James Adams, for 237^- acres of land and 12^ a. of meadow, the half of 500 a. bought of John Rodman June 4, 1691. 528 1693 Sept. 16. Do. John Hollinshead of Burlington Co., yeoman, to his son William Hollinshead and wife Elizabeth, for 450 acres, called the Beargarden, W. John Adams and Thomas Hooton; alsj a strip on the Southside of it. 528 1682 April 8. Do. Richard Parkes of Hook Norton, Co. of Oxen, iron monger, to William Evans of South Newenton, said Co., carpenter, for^ of 1-15 of a share, bought of Daniel Wills of Northampton, Co. of Northampton, practitioner in chemistry, and Thomas Ollive of Welling borrow, same Co., haberdasher. 528 1684 Nov. 1. Do. William Biddle of near Burlington, merchant, to William Evans of Northampton R., W. J., carpenter, for 150 acres of the first laying out in the Second Tenth. 528 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 479 Page 1691 June 27. Do. Thomas Ollive to Thomas River (sic for Evans;, both of Northampton R., yeomen, for 400 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 528 1676-7 Feb. 26. Do. Daniel Wills of Northampton, Co. of North ampton, practitioner in chemistry, to Thomas Harding of London, box maker, for 1-32 of a share of West Jersey, bo't of Wm. Penn, Gawen Law rie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Byllinge Jan. 23 last. 529 1695-6 March 14. Release by Mary Ollive, widow of Thomas, of her rights to the foregoing 1-32. 529 1690 1st d. 3d m. (May). Deed. Daniel Wills of Northampton River, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Timothy Hancock on Cropwell Creek said Co., and wife Susannah, formerly Susannah Ives, for 80 acres to be taken up in W. J. 529 1690 1st d. 3d m. (May). Do. Walter Humphries alias Powell of Painswick, Co. of Gloucester, England, by his attorney and son Joshua Humphries alias Powell, of Northampton River, to Timothy Hancock on Cropwell Cr. and his daughter Elizabeth by his former wife Rachell Sur- man, for 40 acres of the land bought of Joan Cames, Mary Parker and Ellenor Baston July 31, 1682. 529 1693-4 Feb. 20. Do. Thomas and Jonah Penford of Leicester, Eng land, by their attorney George Hutcheson, to Timothy Hancock of Pemi- sawkin Creek, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 250 acres to be surveyed in W.J. 529 1687-8 Jan. 30. Do. John Ridges of London, citizen and skinner, by his attorney Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Woolman of said Co., yeoman, for 200 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 53° 1692 July 25. Do. Isaac Marriott of Burlington, yeoman, to John Woolman of Northampton River, weaver, for 50 acres, part of the land bo't of Thomas Budd January 11, 1681-2. 530 1688-9 23d d. 11 m. (Jan.). Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Hutchin son's Manor, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Jonathan Eldridge of Burlington, cordwainer, for 100 acres, upon which said Jonathan's dwelling house now stands, in said County. " Sold to Moses Pettit." 530 1695-6 Feb. 21. Do. Jonathan Eldridge of Burlington Co., cord wainer, to Moses Pettit of Hopewell, Township of Nottingham, said Co., weaver, for 100 acres near the Falls of Delaware R. (the preceding). 531 1693 May 10. Do. Elias Burling of Burlington and John Burling of Bucks Co., Penna., both wheelwrights, to William Haines of Burling ton Co., husbandman, for 100 acres, part of the land bo't of Samuel Jen ings at Northampton R. Oct. II, 1688. 531 1693 May 11. Do. WilUam Salway of Philadelphia Co., merchant, to Henry Burr of Burlington Co., planter, for 200 acres, bought of God- 480 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page frey Hancock March I, 1685-6, at the head of one of the branches of Birch Creek. 531 1694 Oct. 9. Do. Henry Burr of Northampton, Burlington Co., yeo man, to Thomas Haines of said Co., for the precediug 200 acres. 532 1688 Dec. 26. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Elias ffarr of ffaresfield, said Co., yeoman, for 1-12 of a share in the First or Yorkshire Tenth. 532 1695 Sept. 12. Do. Same to Walter Reeves of Northampton, Bur lington Co., planter, for 220 acres of the land bought of Helen Skene. 532 1691-2 Feb. 5. Do. Same to John Burling of Burlington, wheel wright, for a house and lot, 1 acre 1 rood, in Burlington. 532 1692 Nov. 26. Do. John Burling to Daniel Smith of Burlington, for the preceding house and lot. 533 1683 July 21. Do. Thomas Hutchinson, late of Beverley, Co. of York, England, yeoman, to1 Mathew Watson, late of Scarbrough, said Co., chemist, for 1-12 of a share. 533 1688-9 Feb. 9. Do. John Snape of Burlington Co., husbandman, to Daniel Bacon of Baconsfield, said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, bought of John Skene, to be taken up of the land belonging to fa of avshare bought of Tho: Hutchinson September 13, 1686. 533 1695 December 23. Do. Daniel Bacon of Baconsfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Mathew fforsyth of said Co., carpenter, for 200 acres, N. grantor, W. William Satterthwait. 534 1694-5 Jan. 22. Do. Thomas Anderson of the Parish of St. James, Clerkenwell, Co. of Middlesex, chandler, by his attorney, George Hutch eson of Burlington, merchant, to John Ogborne junior of Springfield near Burlington, planter, for 300 acres in West Jersey, part of 1-16 of a share bought by said Anderson of Thomas Hooton October 10, 1678. 534 1687 Dec. 15. Do. Barnard Devonish to Symon Charles, both of Burlington Co.; yeomen, for no acres on Tho: OUive's millbrook, W. Walter Humphries, E. John Stokes; 10 a. on said brook, between Walter Humphries and grantor; also the reversion of fa of fa of a share. 534 1687 24th d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. John Ridges, by his attorney, Samuel Jenings of GreenhiU, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Symon Charles of said Co., tailor, for 7 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 535 1690 10th d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. Barnard Devonish to Symon Charles, for 46 acres in Burlington Co., on the Southside of and along Thomas OUive's millbrook, between grantee, Joshua Humphry, grantor and John Hillyard. 535 l6g4 Sept. ig. Do. Thomas Penford of Leicester, England, eldest WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 48 1 Page son of John Penford of Leicester, gentleman, dec'd, Jonah Penford of the same place, grasier, second son, and both executors of their father's will, and Joshua Penford of London, watchmaker, third son of said John', by their attorney George Hutcheson, of Burlington, distiller, to Jonathan Eldridge of Northampton River, Burlington Co., cordwainer, for 150 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 535 - 1688-9 Jan- 24- Do. Mathew Allen, yeoman, to Henry Beck, hus- bandmai*, both of Burlington Co., for fa of 1-16 share of the Province, bought of Samuel Cole December 12, 1682, except 150 acres of the first dividend. ?-,£, 1677 March 27. Do. William Peachee of Martins Le Grand, Lon don, haberdasher, to John Cripps of the Parish of St. Martin, White Chappel,.Co. of Middlesex, woollcomber, for fa of a share of W. J. 536 1684-5 March Ig. Do. Mathew Allen of near Burlington, carpenter, to John Cripps of Burlington, merchant, for 1^ acres in Burlington, E. High St., W. Wood St., N. and S. grantee. 536 1695-6 Jan. 15. Do. The Penfords (supra), by their attorney George Hutcheson, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for a lot in Burlington, 34 to 35 feet front on High St. and rear on the next street, S. the Meeting house ground, N. James Marshall. 536 1695-6 Jan. 15. Incomplete Deed. Martha Martin alias Grinnell and John Martin, both of London, sole executors of the will of James Martin, by their attorney George Hutcheson, to Joseph Adams for . 537 l6g4 Oct. 30. Deed. Same to same by Benjamin Wheat of Burling ton, cordwainer, for 1 acre on the Island of Burlington, in the London Tenth, whereon a cottage, lately demolished, stood, occupied by Wm. Brightwen, E. Wood St., 37 perches along Bread St. on the West, N. John Beere,' S. John Long. 537 1686 Nov. 10. Do. Mary Stacy of the Parish of Stebonheath alias Stepney, Co. of Middlesex, widow and executrix of Henry Stacy, by her attorney Elias ffarr of Assiscunck Creek, W. J., yeoman, to Widow Sarah Parker of near a branch of Ancokus or Northampton River, for 500 acres near said Rancokus Cr., surveyed for said Henry Stacy, then of Burling ton, late in the tenure of Michael Buffin and George Shinn. 537 1692 May 14. Do. Thomas Gardiner junior of Red Bank, Co. of Gloucester, W. J., yeoman, to Isaac Marriott of Burlington, joiner, for a corner wharf lot in Burlington, fronting Second and High St., N. Benja min Wheat, E. George Hutcheson's garden. 538 1692 Oct. 5. Do. George Hutcheson to Isaac Marriott, for 3 f. 2f in. of a wharf lot, part of a corner fronting on Second St., N. Benjamin Wheat, E. grantor. 538 1680 May 3. Do. Jonathan Eldridge, to John Antram, both of Bur- ;ton 45 482 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Wm._ Kent of Bishopsgate St., London, May 1,, 1678, who had it from Wm. Peachee of Martins le Grand, London, haberdasher, March 24, 1676-7. 538 1683-4 March 14. Thomas Budd, merchant, to John Antram, shoe maker, both of Burlington, for 100 acres in the First or Yorkshire Tenth, in exchange for 50 a. in Burlington townbounds. 538 1689 Aug. 15. Do. Thomas Hutchinson, proprietor and inhabitant of West Jersey to John Antiam, shoemaker, for 70 acres in W. J* 539 1688 Sept. 22. Do. John Antram of near Birch Creek, cordwainer, lo James Antram of the same place, carpenter, for 50 acres, part of 1-32 of a share, bought of Wm. Myers Nov, 29, 1684. 539 1691 Oct. 3. Do. George Hutcheson, merchant, lo Henry Burchin, weaver, both of Burlington, for 50 f. of a waterlot there. 539 1689 7th d. 4th m. (June). Do. Percivall Towle to Thomas Scatter good, singleman, both of Burlington Co.', for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 539 1695 Aug. 31. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to James Verier of Burlington, mason, for 1 acre to be taken up on the Island of Burlington. 540 1695 22d d. 9th in. (Nov.). Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Marmaduke Horsman of Chesterfield, planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the tract bought of Tho: Hutchinson and Mahlon Stacy 1st day 5th month (July) 1687. 540 1685 April 20. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Ballyfield, W. J., yeoman, to Joshua Eley, late of Dunham, Co. of Nottingham, England, yeoman, for 400 acres above St. Pinck between Peter ffretwell on the South and John ffullwood on the North, W. the Delaware R. 540 1695-6 Feb. 22. Do. John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, Bur lington Co., tanner, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for all the town and waterlots in Burlington, belonging to fa and fa, wanting 1-64, of a share. 541 1695-6 Feb. 24. Do. Samuel Barker of Barlbrough, Co- of Derby, England, gent: by his attorney George Hutcheson, to Lawrence Morris of Burlington, sawyer, for a house and waterlot in Burlington, 40 f. front at low water mark and rear on Second St. 541 1696 March 25. Do. Thomas Bibb of Burlington, smith; to Edward Hunloke of the same place, merchant, for a house, shop and water lot there, 25 f. front on Delaware R., bought of Samuel Stacy, agent for Richard Mathews of London, merchant, Oct. 27, 1694. 541 1696 March 25. Bond. Edward Hunloke to Thomas Bibb, for the reconveyance of the preceding under certain conditions. 542 i6g6 April 6. Deed. George Hutcheson, merchant, to Richard ffran- cis, carpenter, both of Burlington, for a stable or a building intended for WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 483 Page a stable there with a lot fronting on Second St. 24 f., rear on the line of Daniel England's lot 58 f. 3 in. C42 1696 April 7. Do. Richard ffrancis, carpenter, to Edward Hunloke, merchant, both of Burlington, for the preceding lot, N. E. Widow Towle lately dec'd, S. W. George Hutcheson, N. W. Daniel England, S. E. Sec ond St. 542 1695 June 16. Do. Joseph Adams, tailor, to George Hutcheson, dis tiller, both of Burlington, for part of a town lot there, 34 to 35 f. front on High St. and rear on the next street, S. the Meetinghouse ground, N James Mai shall (supra, p. 536). t-42 1686-7 Feb. 20. Do. George Nicholson, formerly of Burton Stather, Co. of Lincoln, England, now of near Chesterfield, W. J., yeoman, to John Tomlinson of Oneanickon, now to be called Carmel, W. J., yeoman, for 100 acres in the First Tenth. " Sold to Tho: Greene." 543 .1688 April 5. Do. Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, to John Tom linson of Oneanickon, both yeomen, for 1-64 of a share in the First Tenth, excepting the water lot and the town lot in Burlington. 543 1696 April 14. Do. John Tomlinson of Oneanickson alias Carmel, Burlington Co., to Thomas Greene of Maidenhead, said Co., both yeomen, for a plantation of 256 acres at Oneanickon (see survey thereof, Liber A, pp. 77 and 120). 543 1694 Dec. 10. Do. Henry Grubb with wife Mary and Thomas Raper with wife Abigael, all of Burlington, to Francis Austin of Eversham Township, Burlington Co., carpenter, for 350 acres in two lots, vizt: 1, 200 a., N. Thomas Wilkins; 2, 150 a. along the Indian line adjoining another lot of said Wilkins, inherited by said Mary and Abigael from their brother Thomas Perkins dec'd, who inherited it from their father William Perkins. 544 1695 Dec. 30. Do. Thomas Wilkins of Eversham, Burlington Co., to Francis Austin, for 3 acres, S. grantee. 544 1696 March 25. Do. George Hutcheson, merchant, to Barnard Lane, ¦ carter, both of Burlington, for 67 acres in townbounds there, along the Kings road to Salem between grantee and Nathaniel Cripps. 544 1696 April to. Do. John Hutchinson of Hopewell, Burlington Co., son and heir of Thomas Hutchinson dec'd, to John Bryerley of the same place, miller, for 600 acres in said township, along Delaware R., 86 chains down the river from the Northside of the mouth of Shoomack Creek. 544 1695-6 Jan. 4. Do. George Hutcheson to Mathew fforsyth of Bur lington Co., carpenter, for 50 acres in West Jersey. 545 1694-5 Jan. 10. Do. Daniel Wills senior [signed Daniel Leeds] of Northampton R. to George Elkinton of Burlington Co., blacksmith, for 130 acres, on the Southside of Tho: OUive's millbrook, between grantor and John Petty. 545 484 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1696 April 20. Do. Helena Skene of Philadelphia, widow, to John Antram of Springfield, Burlington Co., cordwainer, for 250 acres, W. William Biddle, S. Hananiah Gaunt, E. John Butcher, N. grantee. 545 1696 April 22. Articles of agreement of sale. Widow Sara ffarre of Springfield Township, Burlington Co., with William ffisher of Ulster Co., N. Y., yeoman, to sell her plantation of 1,660 acres, now in fence, near Burlington. 546 1696 April 22. Inventory of the winter Corne upon ye ground, when John Reeves and John Powell entred upon Doctor Dimsdales Plantation & of ye Cattle, Horses & other goods &c, made by George Deacon and Henry Grubb. 546 1690-1 Feb. 9. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Mathew Champion of Oneanickon, husbandman, for 150 acres to be sur veyed in the Province. 546 1683-4 March 15. Do. William Emley of Nottingham, near the Falls of Delaware, yeoman, to John ffullwood, late of Mansfield, Co. of Nottingham, England, malster, for 1-32 of a share. 546 1677 28th d. 17th m. (Dec ). Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, yeoman, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, yeoman, Joseph Helmsley of Kelk, yeoman, George Hutcheson of Sheffield, distiller, Mahlon Stacy of Dorehouse, tanner, all of Co. of York, England, to Stephen Kedey of Stainton Dale, same Co., yeoman, for 1-24 of a share of the Province. 546 1695 Dec. 20. Do. George Hutcheson, merchant, to Josiah Prickett, butcher, both of Burlington, for a house and lot on the Eastside of High St. there, formerly Seth Smith's and late occupied by Joseph Adams, 27 f. on High St. and in the rear against grantor. 548 1682 April 21. Do. Edward Bylling, late of. Westminster, gent: to Richard Haines of Anve of ye Hill, Co. of Oxon, husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J. 548 1693 May 10. Do. Percivall Towle of Sutton Lodge near Burling ton, to John Haines of Rancocus R., bolh yeomen, for 100 acres in the Second Tenth. 548 1694 Nov. 3. Do. Thomas Haines of Eversham Township, Burling ton Co., to his brother John Haines of the same place, for 85 acres on the Southside of the Southbranch of Ancokus or Northampton R., S. E. grantee, bought of Samuel Jenings December — , 1693. 549 1695 May 30. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent, Jere miah Basse, to Jacob Spicer of West Jersey, yeomen, for 400 acres at Cape May, between Wills Creek and Eyers Creek, fronting on the Bay. 549 i6g3 Nov. 21. Do. Samuel Jenings of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Haines of Eversham Township, yeoman, for 200 acres to be taken WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 485 up in W. J. 54g l6g6 June 6. Do. Thomas Scattergood junior of Burlington, carpen ter, to Nathaniel Paine of Northampton River, yeoman, for 100 acres on the Southside of Rancocus or Northampton R., S. E. of a small run. 550 l6g6 June 20. Do. Thomas Clarke of Burlington, carpenter, to Thomas Scholey of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 200 acres at Oneanickon (see boundaries, Liber A, p. 121). 550 l6g6 May 12. Do. Hugh Hutchins to Jacob Decow, both of Bur lington Co., for 192 acres, bought of John Joyner (supra, pp. 418 and 419); also 3 acres of meadow and 9 of upland, bought of Mordecay Andrews May 11, 1696. 550 1696 May 12. Do. William Pancoast of Mansfield Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, son and heir of John Pancoast dec'd, also execu tor of his father's will, to Charles Woolverton of said Co., husbandman, for 150 acres along the line of the Indian purchase, adjoining Thomas Wright, from whom said John bought the land as the second dividend of 1-32 of a share October 28, 1680. 551 1696 June 1. Do. James Antram of Mansfield Township to Oba diah Hierton of Burlington, for half of an acre in Burlington, N. Thomas Lamberr, on Bonick or York St. 3 perches 4 f., 24 perches 13 f. long to the land of Robert Rigg; said fa a. being part of 1-24 of a share bought of Francis Rawle of Philadelphia June 9, 1694. 551 i6g6 June 6. Do. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, tanner, to Oba diah Hierton, for a cottage (log house) and lot in Burlington, on York St., N. Percivall Towle, S. John Antram, 2fa perches front on York St., 23 p. 10 f. long. 551 i6g5-6 Jan. 25. Do. Edward Rockhill, yeoman, to Francis Daven port, gent: both of Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., for the lots in the town and townbounds of Burlington, belonging to 1-16 of a share, of which 1-16 grantor bought one half of Joseph Richardson of Glamford Briggs, Co. of Lincoln, England, woollen draper, August 18, 1691, to whom the whole 1-16 was conveyed by Edward MarkweU of Redford, Go. of Nottingham, who had bought it of Edward Searson, holding it in trust for William MarkweU, brother of Edward. 552 l68g 20th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. William Black of Chesterfield, stuffmaker, to Mathew Champion, late of the Falls of Delaware, husband man, for 100 acres. 552 l68g Aug. 22. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Baylifield, Burlington Co., yeo man, to Mathew Champion, late of the same place, for 150 acres, to be surveyed in West Jersey. 553 1691 10th d. 5th m. Ouly)- F>o. John Scholey, husbandman, to Widow Katharine Beard, both of Burlington Co., for 50 acres between - grantor, grantee and John Scholey. 553 486 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1695 Dec. g. Do. Thomas and William Yardley, sons of WiUiam Yardley of Bucks Co., Penna: yeoman, dec'd, to Mathew Grange of Bur lington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres in W. J., sold to the father by Percivall Tole 26th day 8th month (October), 1691. 553 1695-6 March 21. Do. John Hutchinson of Hopewell, Burlington Co., yeoman, son and heir of Tho: Hutchinson of the same place, tanner, dec'd, to Mahlon Stacy of Ballifield, same Co., tanner, for 1-12 of a share. 554 1695-6 Feb. 6. Do. John Chawddey, carpenter, to Joseph Birch, husbandman, both of Burlington Co., for 50 acres to be surveyed, inher ited from Percivall Towle (will- of Oct. 26, 169c, proved Dec. 12, 1691). 554 1694 Oct. 6. Do. Walter Humphris alias Powell, late of Pains- wick, Co. of Gloucester, England, now of Burlington Co., broad weaver, to his son Joshua Humphris alias Powell of Burlington Co., weaver, for 100 acres of land and 3 of meadows, the 100 a. bounded E. by Bernard Devonish, W. John Woollman, along Rancocus R. ; also 1-32 of a share, bought of Joan Cames then of Stanley, Co. of Gloucester, England, widow, and Mary Parker and Ellinor Bastin alias Randle, both of said Co., spinsters, July 31, 1682. 554 1696 May 25. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, to Samuel Taylor of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-32 of a share, the papers foi' which were made out by William Taylor "of Dore, Co. of Derby, Eng land, brother of grantee, and committed to Benjamin Pharoe in England, who has not since been heard of. 555 1693 May 18. Power of attorney. John Butler of Stratford, Conn., to Daniel Brenson and John Hough, both of West Jersey, yeomen, to col lect his horses and sell them. 555 1688-9 Feb. 4. Deed. Anthony Woodward to Roberl Chapman, both of Crosswicks Creek, carpenters, for 100 acres there. 555 1690 Dec. 28. Do. Robert Chapman, late of Nottingham, Burling ton Co., carpenter, to William Quicksall of Boulsover, said Co., linnen weaver, for 300 acres on Crosswicks Creek, in the First or Yorkshire Tenth, called Bolsover. 556 1696 May 11. Do. Joshua Newbold of Burlington Co., millwright,. to Moses Petitt of Newtowne, L. I., blacksmith, for 50 acres, near Black's Creek, Burlington Co., on Lawrell Run, adjoining Benjamin ffield and Widow ffarnsworth, part of the 300 acre lot bought of Samuel Andrews, late of Springhill, Burlington Co., dec'd, July 20, 1693. 556 1696 May 12. Do. Isaac Decow of Mattacopeny, Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Hollinshead (HoUinson) junior of Northampton R., said Co., yeoman, for 600 acres at Mattacopeny, bo't of his brother Jacob De cow December 16, 1693 (supra, p. 365). 556 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 487 Page l6g6 April 23. Do. Peter Greene of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Thomas Duggles of Mansfield Township, said Co., yeoman, for ij acres, part of Eliam Higgins' plantation in said township, bought August 2, 1693- 557 1688 May" 26. Do. John Penford "of ye Newarke neare Leicester," gentleman, to Thomas Marshall of Syleby, Co. of Leicester, butcher, for 1-16 of a share of West Jersey. 557 i6g6 June 30. Do. Mathew Allen of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Thomas Bibb of Burlington, smith, for a lot in Burlington, E. Elisabeth Bassnett, W. grantor's wharf lot, 30 f. front at low water mark, 120 f. deep. 557 1684 July 4. Do. John Lambert of Nottingham, W. J., joiner, to William Barnes of Mansfield, W. J., turner, for 100 acres to be surveyed in the First Tenth. 558 l68g May 17. Do. Anthony Elton of Northampton R., yeoman, son aud heir of Anthony Elton dec'd, to his mother Susanna Elton, for 150 acres in the second dividend of W. J. 558 1696 July 25. Do." Susanna Elton of Philadelphia, widow, to Thur- las Sulavan of New Castle Co., Penna: planter, for a dwelling house and plantation of 178 acres near Northampton River, Burlington Co., of which she bought 118 a. of her son Anthony Elton AprU 1687, 50 a. of John Ridges June 18, 1687, and 10 a. of Thomas Kendall March 29, l68g; -also the preceding 150 acres, bought of her son. 559 1688 May 1. Do. John Lambert of Nottingham, yeoman, to Daniel Barthlemew of the same place, for 50 acres in the Yorkshire Tenth. 559 1688 May 22. Do. Daniel Barthlemew, late of Nottingham, planter, to William Barnes of Mansfield, carpenter, for 50 acres, adjoining grantee. 559 1689 Oct. 16. Do. William Emley of Nottingham, yeoman, to Widow. Martha Barnes of the same place, for 40 acres, to be taken up in the Yorkshire Tenth. 56° 1688 16th d. 3d m. (May). Agreement. John ffeake with William Barnes to exchange a lot on the Southside of his land on the creek for a marsh on the Northside of Barnes' on the creek. 560 1694 Aug. 5. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Richard ffinimore of Northampton River, bricklayer, for 100 acres in W. J. 560 1696 July 30. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Widow Hannah Scott of Burlington, for 135 acres in two lots, within the liberties of Burlington: 1, 100 a. on the Northside of Mill Creek adjoin ing Robert Powell; 2, 35 a. along the town line between Mathew Allen and grantee. 56° 488 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1696 July 30. Do. Bartholomew Minderman, merchant, to John Tomlinson, of Burlington, for a cottage dwelling house and. lot there, 30 f. front on Second St., 67 f. deep running toward the river, being the back part of the lot, bought of Charles Reade Nov. 2g, i6g3- 561 i6g6 July 8. Do. Mordecay Andrews of Mansfield Township, yeo man, to John Bowne of Middletowne, East Jersey, merchant, for a farm or plantation in Mansfield Township, 220 acres, of which 140 a. were given to grantor by llis late father, Samuel Andrews, March 15, 1689-90, the re maining 80 left to him in his father's will. 561 1696 June 16. Do. Thomas Revell of Burlington, gentleman, to John Smith of Bucks Co., Penna: blacksmith, for 500 acres along the Delaware R., of the W. J. Society's land (see supra, p. 467). 561 1696 June 17. Mortgage. John Smith to Thomas Revell for the W. J. Society on the foregoing 500 acres. 562 1696 July 21. De^d. Henry Low of Northampton River, Burlington Co., planter, to James Sberwin of said Co., yeoman, for 70 acres, sur rounded by grantee's land, part of which he bought of John Rush, grantor having bought the said 70 acres of Thomas Kendall August 17, 1695. 5fi2 1696 May 11. Do. Mordecay Andrews to Hugh Hut chins, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 9 acres in said Co. adjoining Samuel Andrews and John Joyner. 562 • 1693 May 27. Do. George Porter of Great Kelk, Burlington Co., bachelour, to Widow Mary Wright of Chesterfield, for 250 acres in Ches terfield Township. 563 1692 June 10. Do. Daniel Coxe of London, by his attorney John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, to Joseph Wood of Bucks Co., Penna: yeo man, for 100 acres in West Jersey. 5^3 1696 16th d. 4th m. (June). Do. John Snape of Northampton, Bur lington Co., to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for 25 acres in said Co., E. John Tatham, N. W. Tho: Haines, S. E. Wm. Hunt, S. Sam uel Houghton. 563 1696 June 18. Do. George Hutcheson to John Tatham, both of Bur lington, for the preceding 25 acres. 563 1696 June 29. Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua Penford, by their at torney George Hutcheson, to John Tatham, for 200 acres in Burlington townbounds, of which 180 a. lie between Thomas Hooton, Percivall Towle, Hannah Scott and the town line. 564 1695-6 March 17. Do. Richard Ridgway of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., tailor, and wife Abigael to John Bainbridge, now of East Jersey, yeoman, for two equal thirds of 600 acres, adjoining John Houghton, near. Stony Brook, bo't of Daniel Coxe October 7, 1690. 564 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 489 Page i6g6 Sept. 22. Do. William Biddle and George Hutcheson of Bur lington Co. to Major Anthony Brockholls and Capt. Arent Schuyler of N. Y. City, for 1,500 acres on the Westside of Pequann.ick River, W. J., from the mouth of Pempton R. in said Pequannick to Pisaick R. 565 i6g6 May 6. Do. Thomas Revell to John Bainbridge of East Jersey, joiner, for 200 acres of the W. J. Society's land (supra, p. 467) above the Falls of Delaware, part of the 15,000 a. tract. 565 1696 May 7. Mortgage. John Bainbridge to Thomas Revell, for the Society, on the foregoing 200 acres. 565 1696 Sept. 24. Deed. George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, distiller, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for 30 acres in Burlington town bounds, on Assiscunck Creek, between John Cripps on the East and Rob ert Powell on the West, S. John Kinsey; bought of Joseph Helmsley July 20, 1688. 566 l6g6 Oct. 7. Do. Thomas Revell to Thomas Leaman of Cape May Co., husbandman, for 204 acres in said Co., Society's land (supra, p. 467), surveyed by George Taylor for grantee's father, Christopher Leaman (Liber A, p. 1). 566 i6g6 Ocf. 8. Mortgage. Thomas Leaman to Thomas Revell, for the Society, on the foregoing 204 a. 566 l6gi July 23. Deed of gift. Richard Bassnett of Burlington, gentle man, to his eldest daughter Mary Bassnett, spinster, for the lot in Burling ton, S. W. grantor, N. E. Charles Read, S. E. Back or Second St., N. W. Front or River St. 566 i6g4 July 28. Deed in trust. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Bur lington Co., merchant, and wife Mary, dau. "of Richard Bassnett, to John Tatham and Thomas Revell, in trust for themselves and their children, if any, with the proviso that they may themselves sell the foregoing lot. 567 1696 Oct. 13. Deed of Revocation. John Tatham and Thomas Revell to Edwaid Hunloke and wife Mary, surrendering the foregoing trust. 567 1696 July 6. Deed. Richard Ridgway of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Joseph Sackett of Newtowne, Queens Co., N. Y., yeoman, for one third of the 600 acres lot, bo't of Daniel Coxe Oct. 7, 1690 (supra, p. 564), this third lying between Tho. Greene and grantor. 568 1696 Oct. 23. Do. Thomas Revell to John Bainbridge of East Jer sey, joiner, for 70 acres of the Society's "land (supra, p. 467) above the Falls of Delaware, part of the 15,000 a. tract and included in the survey of 500 a. for said Bainbridge. 5^8 -' 1690 April 2. Do. Elias ffarr of Burlington Co., yeoman, to his late servant Thomas Garwood, for 100 acres in W. J. 568 1688 12th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Ralph Trenoweth of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Hollinshead of Rancokus Cr., yeoman, for 200 acres of 46 49O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the 300, bought of Tho: Budd June 20, 1687; grantor having died before executing the deed Nathaniel Duggles of said Co. and wife Embling, dau. of said Trenoweth, confirm and sign it February 4, 1688-9. 569 1696 April 8. Do. George Hutcheson, merchant, to Christopher Weatherill, tailor, both of Burlington, for the reversion of 1-12 of a share or for the lots after the first and second taking up, belonging to 1-12. 569 1696 April 11. Do. Peter ffretwell of Burlington, tanner, to Christo pher Weatherill, for 25 acres in Burlington town bounds, bought of John Smith, who had purchased the land from Helena Skene November 25, 1691. 569 1696 June 11. Do. George Hutcheson to Christopher Weatherill for ifa roods in Burlington, fronting on High St. and running half way back to York St., S grantee; in exchange for a lot of ifa roods, sold by Obadiah Barley to Christr Watkins and by him to grantee. 570 1696 Sept. 24. Do. Thomas, Jonah and Joshua- Penford, by their at torney, George Hutcheson, to Thomas Tindall of Nottingham, Burlington Co., planter, for 100 acres of the 2,200 a. lot, granted to said Penfords 23d day loth month (December) 1696. 1 570 1694 Sept. 11. Do. John Gardner, carpenter, to Daniel England, sailor, both of Burlington, for a lot there, 50 f. front on High St., 322^ f. deep, N. Tho: Raper, S. grantor. ' 570 1696 Nov. 10. Daniel England, sagler, to Isaac Marriott, merchant, both of Burlington, for the preceding lot; John Gardner stated to be de ceased. 570 1696 Oct. ig. Do. Edward Boulton of Burlington Co., husbandman, to John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, for 100 acres near Mount Pisgah, S. the line of the old Indian purchase or Wm. Budd, E. John Renshaw, N. Samuel Houghton, lately dec'd, W. unsurveyed. 571 1681 Dec. 8.' Do. Mahlon Stacy of the Falls of Delaware, yeoman, and Thomas Revell of Burlington, scrivener, to John Lambert of Burling ton, joiner, for Tho. Revell's houselot in the Falls meadow, 6 acres, with the dwelling house thereon built. 571 1677-8 Jan. 29. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Hansworth, Co. of York, tan ner, to John Lambert of Southwingfield, Co. of Derby, joiner, for 1-16 of a share of West Jersey. cyi. 1695 May 25. Do. John Green and son Thomas Greene, both of Bucks Co., Penna: tailors, to John Richardson, late of the same Co., hus bandman, for 100 acres between Samuel Dark, now Joseph- English and Mary Davies, bought by John Green of Daniel Leeds March 24, l694-5- 572 1696 Nov. 18. Trust deed Francis Collins of Northampton Town- 1 So in tiie record. WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 401 Page ship, yeoman, and wife Mary, heretofore widow of John Gosling of Bur lington, merchant, to Edward Hunloke, Tho: Revell, bolh of Burlington, and Francis Davenport of Chesterfield, as feoffees in trust, for 500 acres, called Mountwell, at Cooper's Creek, formerly conveyed by present grant ors at their marriage December 21, 1686, in trust to James Budd and Rob ert Dimsdale. 572 1696 Nov. 18. Deed. Francis Collins to his son Joseph Collins, for 500 acres,, called Mountwell, being his first settlement for his 4-7 of a share, bought of Edward Bylling and Trustees June 2, 1677; also a water lot in the Town" of Gloucester and 500 acres more, to be surveyed in the next dividend of the Indian purchase. 572 1696 July 7. Commission. Edward Hunloke to be Judge of a Court of Oyer and Terminer for the trial of Thomas York, accused of burning and robbing a widow's house at Salem. 577 1696 Dec. 12. Do. Jonathan Beer -to be Judge of a Court of Oyer et Terminer at Salem, for the trial of Jeremiah Bacon and wife Mary, ac cused of murdering a child of Charles Angelo of Salem. 573 1696 Dec 5. Deed. George Porter to Nathaniel Records, both of Mansfield Township, -yeomen, for a house and plantation there of 165. acres. 573 1696 May 2. Indentures of service. Joseph Birch of Black's Creek, Burlington Co., and wife Martha apprentice to John Browne of said Co. and wife Anne, two boys, William and Joseph Barnes, who have been in Browne's charge since 1692, when they were resp. 3 and 2 years old. . 573 l6gr May 10. Deed of gift. Daniel Wills senior of Northampton River, gent: to his son Daniel Wills junior of Northampton Township, yeoman, for 520 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 574 1680 Dec. 28. Deed. William Cooper, blacksmith, to Thomas" Bar ton, yeoman, both of Burlington, for 100 acres, S. Assiscunck' Creek, N. Samuel Willis, W. Tho: Budd, E. John Pancoast. 574 1696 Dec. 29. Do. Edward Boulton of Burlington Co., husbandman, to Eliasheb Allen, late of East Jersey, now of Mansfield Township, said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in the same Co., bo't of Obadiah Hyer- ton Sept. 13, 1695 (supra, p. 469). 574 1696-7 Jan. 2. Do. Lawrence Morris of Burlington, yeoman, to Thomas Crosse of Byberry Township, Philadelphia Co., wheelwright, for a plantation of 200 acres in Northampton Township, Burlington Co., bought of Tho: Gardner March 10, 1693-4, and 200 a. adjoining, bought of John Cripps March 22, 1682. 574 1695 March 28. Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Benjamin ffield of. Flushing, L. I., N. Y., planter, for 250 acres in Bur- -' lington Co., W. Susanna ffarnsworth, S. grantee. 575 , 1696-7 Jan. 14. Mortgage. John Neve, boatman, to Lemuel Oldale, 492 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page cooper, both of Burlington, on a house and lot there, fronting on Dela ware R., bought of Samuel Oldale, said Lemuel's father. Paid Septem ber 9, 1698. 575 1688-9 Feb- *• Deed- Waltev Humphris alias Powell of Painswick, Co. of Gloucester, England, by his attorney and son Joshua Humphris alias Powell of Rancokus River to Nathaniel Cripps of Mount HoUey, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 25 acres in Burlington townbounds, belong ing to 1-16 of a share, bo't of Wm. Peachee. 575 1696-7 Jan. 22. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, and William Budd of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Francis Collins of said Co., yeoman, for 3 acres on the Island of Burlington, at the end of the 9 acre lot there, a corner lot, 37 perches on Pearl or River St. and 13 perches on the street from the river toward London Bridge, over against Josiah Prickett. 576 1694 March 30. Do. Peter Groome to Thomas Duggles, both of Bur lington Co., yeomen, for a plantation of 100 acres in Mansfield Township, bought of Widow Sarah Scholey. 576 i6g2-3 4th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. John Silver to John Hewson, both of Northampton Township, for 50 acres, bought of Samuel Jenings November 14, i6go. 576 1692 24th d. 10th m. (Dec). Do. Daniel Wills of Northampton River, Burlington Co., chyrurgeon, to John Hewson of said Co., husband man, for 50 acres in W. J. 576 1696-7 Feb. 9. Do. Thomas Duggles of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Abraham Browne, late of Freehold, Monmouth Co., now of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 310 acres in Mansfield Township, run ning over into Chesterfield Township, 200 a. thereof bought of John Cur tis April 17, 1689, 100 a. of Peter Groome March 30, 1694, and 10 a. of Eliakim Higgins November 25, 1689. 577 1696-7 Feb. 24. Do. Edward Hunloke of Burlington, merchant, to George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, distiller, for a lot in Burlington, on Second street, N. E. Widow Towle, lately dec'd, S. W. grantee, N. W. Daniel England, S. E. said street; 24 f. front, 58 f. 3 in. deep. 577 1696-7 Feb. 16. Do. George Hutcheson to Richard ffrancis of Bur lington, carpenter, for a house and lot in Burlington, 24 f. front on Second St., 13 poles deep, W. Tho: Raper, Robert Wheeler and James Marshall dec'd, E. grantor; bought-of Samuel Bunting. 577 1696-7 Feb. 24. Do. Richard ffrancis to Thomas Revell of Burling ton, gentleman, for the preceding house and lot. 57^ 1683 (35th Charles 2d) June 7. Assignment. John Hudson of Lon don, cordwainer, to George Hutcheson of Sheffield, Co. of York, distiller, of the lease of fa of a share of W. J. tor 900 years, received from Thomas Hutcheson of Beverly, Co. of York, merchant, March 21, 1677-8. 578 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 493 Page 1683 (36th Charles 2d)- Aug. ,22. Deed. Godfrey Newbold of Wood- house, Parish of Handsworth, Co. of York, yeoman, to George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, for fa of a share of W. J., less 1-64 of the country land. 578 1696-7 Feb. 23. Do. George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, merchant, to .. Peter ffretwell pf Burlington, tanner, for 21 acres on the Island of Burling ton: i. c, 3 a. bo't of- John Scott Sept. 2, 1691, 4^ a. of Helena Skene April 13, 1695, 4 a. of John Hutcheson Feb. 22, 1695-6, 5^ a. of Tho: Hutcheson and Mahlon Stacy July I, 1687, 2 a. of Godfrey Newbold August 22, 1684, 2 a. of John Hudson June 7, 1683. 579 1696-7 March I. Do. Thomas Revell of Burlington, gentleman, to John Dixson of Burlington Co., husbandman, and wife Elizabeth for 150 acres of the Society's land above . the Falls of Delaware (supra, p. 467)- 579 i6g6~7 March 1. Do. Same to Daniel Leet, son of Elizabeth Dixson by her former husband, Isaac Leet of Burlington, carpenter, for 150 acres as above. 579 i6g6~7 March 8. Do. John Dixson and wife Elizabeth, late the wife of John Cliadwick to Henry Beck of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plan tation of 100 acres at or near Mount Carmell, bought by said John Chad wick of George Hutcheson May 18, l68g; the land is bounded by said Hutcheson and John Tomlinson. 580 1696-7 March 8. Mortgage. Same to same on the 150 acres bought of Tho: Revell as Trustee of the W. J. Society (supra, p. 579). 580 1684 April 17. Deed. Samuel Jenings, yeoman, to Anthony Morris, tailor, both of Burlington, for a lot there, '54 f. front on High St. and rear halfway to the next street. 58° 1691 June 27. Do. Anthony Morris of Philadelphia, merchant, to William ffriley of Burlington, carpenter, for the preceding lot. 581 1692 Dec. 12. Do. William ffriley to. Samuel ffurnis of Burlington, Sadler, for the preceding lot. 58J 1695 Nov. 5. Do. Samuel ffurnis to Thomas Atkinson of Burlington, mason, for the preceding lot. 581 1696-7 March 15. Do. Thomas Atkinson to John Tomlinson of Bur lington, chandler, for the preceding lot, 2 roods 5 perches on the Eastside of High St., a cornerlot, 24.1. on said street, 14 perches Eastwards, then 10 perches S. by E. to the street to Yorkshire Bridge. 581 1696-7 March 10. Do. John Tomlinson to Thomas Revell, for a house and lot in Burlington, 30 f. front on Second St., 67 f. deep towards the river, bought of Bartholomew Minderman July 30, 1696. 582 1693 April 10. Do. John Shinn of -Springfield, Burlington Co., wheelwright, to his son-in-law Thomas Atkinson and daughter Sarah At kinson, for 183 acres in said Co., between Wm. Budd, Daniel Leeds, John 494 NEW J-ERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Langstaffe, John Woolston, Restore Lippincott and Wm. Hunt; and 12 acres, partly meadow, between Joseph Ambler, Peter Harvy, Wm. Salla- wayand Tho: Shinn. 582 1695-6 Jan. 21. Do. John Hutchinson of the Falls, Burlington Co., tanner, son and heir of Tho: Hutchinson, formerly of Beverley, Co. of York, England, late of Hutchinson's Manor, Burlington Co., dec'd, to Robert Wilson of Crosswicks Creek, yeoman, for a £5 share at the rate of £150 for a whole share, sold by his father to George Ward of "Northdale, Co. of York and by said Ward transferred to said Wilson. 582 1696-7 March 24. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J. Soci ety, to Edward Hunt of Newtowne, Queens Co., N. Y., for 200 acres of the Society's land above the Falls of Delaware, in the 30,000 a. tract. 583 i6g6 Nov. 7. Do. Thomas Garwood of Northampton Township, yeoman, to Konradt Rutters of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 100 acres to be surveyed, bought of Elias ffarre April 2, 1690 (supra, p. 568). 583 1682-3 Jan. 30. Mem. of lease and release. Francis Beswick to Thomas Revell, for a wharf lot on the Island of Burlington, belonging to 1-6 of a share of the Province. 583 1688 July 20. Deed. George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, lo Robert Hutcheson of Ony Onyckon, W. J., cordwainer, for 160 acres at Ony Onyckon. 584 i6g7 April 15.- Do. Robert Hutcheson of Philadelphia, cordwainer, to David Curtis of Mount Pleasant, Burlington Co., for 160 acres at Ony- anickon, between Richard Stockton and John Tomlinson, 10 acres thereof separated between John Dixson and John Tomlinson. 584 i6g5~6 Feb. 10. Mem. of deed. Thomas Revell, Trustee for the W. J. Society, to Thomas Greene, for 105 acres of the Society's land above the Falls of Delaware. 584 i6g7 April 22. Deed. Thomas Greene of Springfield Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, to Johannes Lawrenson up Dyck of Newton, L. I., N. Y., yeoman, for 250 acres above the Falls of Delaware, whereof 150 a. were bought of John Tatham, attorney for Daniel Coxe, Dec. 20, i6go, (see Liber A, p. 3), the other 100 a. are tbe preceding 105. 585 l6g6 March 30. Do. Daniel England, mariner, to Peter Resnier, shipwright, both of Burlington, for 3 acres of town land there, 7 poles front on the river. 58.5 i6g7 April 28. Charterparty of affreightment. Abraham Sanford, masLer of the sloop " Loyall York," 30 tons, with John Tatham, Nathanll- Westland, Thomas Revell and Edward Hunloke, all of Burlington, mer chants, for a trading voyage to Philadelphia, Chester and New Castle, Penna: and James River, Va. 585 i6g7 April 30. Charter of a sloop. Edward Hunloke to John Tat ham, Nathll Westland and Thomas Revell, of his sloop "Dove" for a voy- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 49C Page age to Virginia and back to Burlington. 586 l6g6 May 7. Deed. Thomas Revell, as Trustee for the W. J. Soci ety, to Thomas Bridge of Cohansie, Salem Co., gent: for 1,000 acres to be surveyed of the Society's land. 586 l6g6 May 3. Do. William Wardell husbandman, to 'I homas Hig- ham, yeoman, both of Burlington Co., for 10 acres above Moses Petit on Delaware River. 586 l6g6 March 25. Do. Robert Ewer, merchant, and wile Mary, for merly wife of Tho: Ollive of Willingborough, to John Test, merchant, all of Philadelphia, for the plantation of 860 acres, called Willingborough Farm, left to said Mary by Tho: OUive's will of November 8, i6g2. 586 i6g6 May 30. Do. George Porter, yeoman, to Edward Boulton, hus bandman, both of Mansfield Township, for 114 acres, whereof 100, bought of Tho: Hutcheson et al. July 10, 1677, are bounded by grantor, Sarah ffarre, James Croft and Tho: Revell; 8 a. by the creek over against Nathanll Records and Tho: Revell; 6 a. lie at Mount Pleasant N. W. of John Woolston, these 14 a. being bought of Francis Austin January 2, 1694-5. 587 1696 May 12. Do. Nathaniel Westland, merchant, to Widow Sarah ffarre, both of Burlington, for a house and lot there, 60 f. front on Dela ware R., the house having been built by Abrm Senior, of whom grantor purchased the lot March 30, 1695. 5^7 1695 Dec. 20. Do. Daniel Leeds, cooper, to William Bustill, car penter, both of Springfield, Burlington Co., for 35 acres, part of 1-16 of a. share to be surveyed. 587 1696-7 Feb. 26. Do. Edward Hunloke, merchant, to Thomas Bibb, smith, both of Burlington, for a water lot there, 25 f. front on Delaware R., with a dwellinghouse thereon, bought of said Bibb March 25, 1696. ' 588 1695 Dec. 9. Do. John Snowden of Bucks Co., Penna: yeoman, and -wife Anne, to Richard Allison, late of Long Island, yeoman, for a plan tation of 210 acres on Delaware R., called White Hill, above Sepassirigs Island, incl. 6 a. of meadow on Crosswicks Cr. and 4 a. near that meadow. 5°8 1694 Nov. 1. Deputation. Jeremiah Basse to Joshua Barkstead of Cohansie as Deputy Factor for the W. J. Society. 588 1697 June 14. Deed. Jonathan (foreman, yeoman, to John Parsons, cooper, both of Cape May, fur 125 acres or half of the 250 a. lot there, bought ofthe W. J. Society April 22, 1695. 588 1697 June 14. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J.. Society, to Jonathan fforeman of Cape May, for 5 acres, to be taken up as homelot in Cape May Township. Marginal Note: " This is by Sevrall Convances made to Joseph Crwell (?) of Cape May Deceased as Se upon Record in 496 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Lib: B B B ff olio 331 & 332." 589 1697 April 26. Do. Barthollomew Minderman to Nathaniell West- land, both of Burlington, merchants, fer a waterlot there, 34J f. front on Delaware R., E. Samuel Stacy's cornerlot, W. High St., "in ye West upon ye dwelling house of Edward Hunloke, in the rear, towards Second St., John Tomlinson." Marginal Nole: "This Deed being onely in Trust. is made & declared null & voyd." 589 1697 June 16. Do. John Tomlinson, chandler, to Nathaniel West- land, merchant, both of Burlington, for a lot there, 2 roods 5 perches, on the Eastside of High St.24 f. wide &c (supra, p. 581). 589 1697 March 27. Do. William Peachee of Martins le Grand, London, haberdasher, to Walter Humphreys alias Powell of the Parish of Panwick, Co. of Gloucester, broad weaver, for 1-16 of a share of W. J. 590 i6g7 May 28. Do. John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, Bur lington Co., son and heir of Tho: Hutchinson dec'd., to Mahlon Stacy of Ballifield, said Co., yeoman, for 1,000 acres in W. J. 5go 1697 May 25, Power of attorney. John Baker of Burlington, tailor," to his wife, Mary Baker as general agent. 590 1697 May 18. Deed. David Lloyd and Isaac Norris, executors of the will of Thomas Lloyd of Philadelphia, gentleman, dec'd., to Griffith Mor gan of W. J., for 500 acres in the Third Tenth, on Delaware R., S. W. side of Pouns or Ponus Hawking Creek, N. Simsissinck Cr., as surveyed for Samuel Jenings, who conveyed the same to Wm. ffrompton, from • whom Thomas Lloyd bought the land. 590 1697 July 1. Do. Walter Humphries alias Powell, formerly of Pains- wick, Co. of Gloucester, England, broad weaver, now of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Benjamin Moore junior, of said Co., husbandman, and wife Sarah, for 200 acres in Burlington Co., belonging to 1-16 of a share bought of William Peachee (supra, p. 590). 591 1697 July 3. Do. Nathaniel Duggles of Burlington, feltmaker, to Abraham Browne of Shrewsberry, East Jersey, yeoman, for a plantation of 150 acres in Mansfield Township, adjoining Eliakim Higgins and Thom as Duggles. 591 1697 June 28. Do. Josiah Prickett, baker, to Nathaniel Westland, merchant, and Thomas Duggles, yeoman, all of Burlington, for a house, bakery, buildings and lot -there, 27 f. on High St. 591 1697 June 12. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J. Society, to Roger Park of Chesterfield Township, yeoman, for 400 acres of the So ciety's land above the Falls of Delaware, in the 30,000 a. tract. 592 1697 May 20. Do. Same to John Shaw of Cape May, whaler, for 315 acres there of the Society's land. 592 1697 May 20. Mem. of mortgage. John Shaw to Tho: Revell for the Society on the preceding. 592 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 497 Page 1696 June »6. Deed. Michael Newbold, yeoman, to John Browne gunsmith, both of Burlington Co., for 20 acres to be surveyed in W. J. . 592 l6g6 Oct. 20. Do. John Crosby, late of Burlington, millwright, to Isaac Decow of the same place, yeoman, for a house and lot, 53 f. front, on the Eastside of High St., 160 f. long, N. James Marshall, S. Tho: Raper, of whom it was bought March 25, 1696. cg-j l6g5 Nov. 5. Do. Joseph English to Charles Biles, both of Burling ton Co., yeomen, for 200 acres, part of the 300 a. lot granted to Samuel Dark by Daniel Coxe, Oct. 2, i6gi, and by said Dark conveyed to present grantor, March n, i6gi-2, adjoining Mary Davis above the Falls of. Del aware. 593 1697 July 26. Mem. of Bond. Thomas Kendall, bricklayer, to Bar tholomew Minderman, merchant, both of Burlington, for the payment of £100 current silver money. 593 1697 Aug. 2. Deed. Thomas Revell, as Trustee for the W..J. Soci ety, to William Hallett of Newtown, Queens Co., N. Y., for 1050 acres of the Society's land above the Falls of Delaware, in the 30,000 acre tract. 593 1696 June 5. Power of Attorney. John Joosten, late of Burlington Township, to WiUiam Wood of Chesterfield Township, to collect debts. 594 1697 July 12. Deed. Thomas Revell, as Trustee for the W. J. Soci ety, to Johannis Lawrenson op Dick of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeo man, for 1050 acres of the Society's land above the Falls of Delaware, in the 30,000 a. tract. 594 1697 July 13. Mortgage. Johannes L. up Dick to Tho: Revell for the Society on the foregoing 1050 a. "Which mortgage is discharged, wit ness my hand Tho: Revell." 59.4 1697 May 18. Letter. John Tatham of Burlington, to John Barclay of Perth Amboy, asking that certain papers, left with Barclay for record, be handed to Daniel Seabrook, with receipt of Seabrook for the pa pers. 594 1697 July 12. Deed. John Tomlinson of Burlington, chandler, through Tho: Revell, to Nathaniel Westland of the same place, mercht, for a house and lot there, now occupied by Samuel Gibson, .sold by Tom linson to Revell, March 15, 1696-7. 594 1697 July 26. Do. Barthollomew Minderman, merchant, to Thomas Kendall, bricklayer, both of Burlington, for part of a waterlot there, 34J f. front on Delaware R., E. the corner lot of Samuel Stacy on the Westside of High St., W. Edward Hunloke, rear the pale-fence, bought of Charles Read, Nov. 29, 1693. 595 - -1684 July 16. Do. William Black, late of Mansfield, stuffweaver, and .47 498 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Robert Murfin, late of the same place, planter, to John Horner, late of Burlington, yeoman, and wife Mary, for two plantations in Mansfield, 200 acres, above Crosswicks Creek, next to Robert Scholey. 595 1696-7 Feb. 20. Do. John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, Co. of Burlington, yeoman, son and heir of Tho: Hutchinson, dec'd, to Robert Pearson of Crosswicks Cr., yeoman, for 500 acres, to be taken up in the Yorkshire Tenth. „ 596 1696 Nov. 2. Do. James Bingham of Eversham Township, Burling ton Co., to Jonathan Eldridge of the same place, cordwainer, for 50 acres at the N. E. corner of grantor's plantation, S. the North branch of Pemis- awkin Creek, bought of Samuel Coal, April 13, l6g3. 596 i6g5 May 12. Assignment. William Black of Chesterfield, to Daniel Leeds of his right to 25 acres in the town of Burlington, part of 1-16 of a share. 596 1696 June 13. Bond. Mary Andrews, widow, Mordeca Andrews and George Parker to submit to the award of Francis Davenport, et al., con cerning 40 acres left to said Parker by Samuel Andrews, dec'd. 596 1696 June 13. Award. Francis Davenport, William Wood, John Woolston and Daniel Leeds, that the 40 acres left to George Parker by Samuel Andrews shall be on the Southside of the brook by Wm. Ellis' line to John Curtis' land, if necessary also on the North side, and that they shall belong to Hester, said Parker's wife. 596 1691-2 March 3. Power of Attorney. Robert Welsh, late of Vffculml nae of Kentisbeere, Co. of Devon, gentleman, to James Jacob, cordwain er, and Joseph Paul, clothier, both of Philadelphia, to sell his share of land in W. J., bought of Edward Bylling, Dec 25, 1631. 597 1696 Aug. 26. Deed. William Gabitas of Penna: millwright, to Samuel Bunting of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, bequeathed to grantor by Percivall Towle in his will of October 26, 1691. ,597 1697 July 27. Letter of attorney. Bartholomew Minderman of Burlington Co., merchant, to John Hollinshead, gent: and Thomas Ken dall, bricklayer, both of Burlington, as general agents. 597 1697 June 19. Deed. George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, merchant, to Martha, widow of Barnard Devonish, for a house and lot in Burlington, 40 f. front on'Delaware R., grantor having been directed by said Barnard's will of October 30, 1694, to sell the same, in case testator's son Joseph Devonish did not perform the bargain made by Barnard with the Town of Burlington to clear the bushes therein, consideration paid to Peter ffret well, Town Treasurer. * 597 1697 May 10. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J. Society, 1 Uffculme of Kentisbere. West Jersey records, uber b, part 2. 499 Page to Joseph Sackett, late of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 300 acres of the^ Society's land above the Falls of. Delaware, in the 15,000 a. tract. (See infra, p. 717). Note refers to Liber A, p. 4, for the boundaries. 598 1695-6 March 21. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, and by his appointment John Melbourne, late of the same Co., blacksmith, to Caleb Wheatley of Chesterfield, said Co., weaver, for a house and plantation of 120 acres in Nottingham Township, of which said Melborne bo't 60 a. of Wm. Hixson April 1, 1691, 50 a. of George Porter Jan. 20, l6glr2, and the remaining 10 of Wm. Quicksall May g, 1691 (see supra, pp. 279 and 280). 5g8 i6g7 Oct. 18. Do. Thomas Kendall, of Burlington, bricklayer, to John Harrison of Queens Co., N. Y., gentleman, for part of a waterlot on the Island of Burlington, 34^ f. front on Delaware R. see (supra, P^ 595)- 598 1697 Nov. 2. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the West Jersey So ciety, to John Whitlock, now or late of Middletown, East Jersey, carpen ter, confirming deed to said Whitlock by John Jervis of Cape May for 320 acres near Cape May on the Sound side, bought of George Taylor as agent of Daniel Coxe. 59g ; 1695 May 2. Power of attorney. Joseph Richardson of Glamford Briggs, Co. of Lincoln, . England, woollen draper, to Mahlon Stacy, George Hutcheson and Francis Davenport, all of West Jersey, to give deed to Edward Rockhill of Chesterfield," W. J., for 1-16 of a share of land near Burlington and other land belonging to 1-16. 5gg l6g7 Nov. 4. Deed. Thomas Revell, as Trustee for the W. J. Soci ety, to Jonathan Davis of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., planter, for 100 acres of the Society's 15,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware. Mar ginal Note: "This Deed made voyd." 599 1697 Nov. 4. Do. Francis Davenport, John Day and John Woolston senior, executors of the will of Thomsin Towle, widow, dec'd., to John Woolston, junior, for 46J acres, bought of said Thomsin's husband, Per cival Towle. 600 1697 Oct. 26. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J. Society, to John Dixson of Burlington Co., planter, and wife Elizabeth, for 50 acres in the Society's 15,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware. 600 1697 Nov. 3. Do. John Dixson and wife Elizabeth to Johannes Law renson up Dyck of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 200 acres at Maidenhead, between Tho. Greene, James Price, Joseph Sackett and the public land, bought of the W. J. Society, 150 a. March 1, 1696-7, 50 a. Oct. 26, 1697. 600 ' 1695 April 30. Commission. Edward Randolph, Surveyor General of H. M. Customs in North America, lo Edward Hunloke as Collector in the Port of Burlington. 601 500 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1695 4th d. 7th m. (September). Deed. Henry Grubb of Burlington, innholder, with wife Mary, Thomas Perkins of the same place, Abigael Perkins, spinstei', to Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, for 50 acres, formerly surveyed and recorded for Widow Mary Perkins, mother of said Mary Grubb, Thomas Perkins and Abigail Perkins, in Burlington townbounds, as her share of fa of a propriety. "Mem: that ye executing of ye within written deed was neglected in ye lifetime of ye wthin mentioned Thomas Perkins & maidenhood of ye wthin mensioned Abigail Perkins now ye wife of Thomas Raper &c &c." 601 1697 June 10. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Ed ward Hunloke of Burlington, merchant, and John Petty of Burlington Co., brickmaker, for the preceding 50 acres.- 601 1697 Nov. 3. Do. Thomas Greene to John Dixson and wife Eliza beth, both of Springfield Township, planters, for a plantation of 100 acres, bought of Henry Beck, Nov. 2, 1697, who had purchased it of grant ees March 8, 1696-7. (See supra, p. 580). 602 1677 July 5. Do. Thomas Hutchinson of Beverley, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, Joseph Helmsley of Kelk, yeomen, George Hutcheson of Sheffield, distiller, and Mahlon Stacy of Dorehouse, tanner, all of Co. of York, to James Harrison of Stainton Dale, Yorkshire, yeoman, for fa of a share of W. J. 602 " 1677 28th d. loth m. (December). Do. Same to same for 1-12 of a share. 602 1697 April 10. Do. John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, Burl ington Co., tanner, to Thomas Boulby oi Mansfield Woodhouse, Co. of Nottingham, England, sadler, for 1-24 of a share. 603 l6g7 23d d. 7th m. (September). Do. Peter ffretwell of Burlington, tanner, to George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, distiller, for a waterlot in Burlington, belonging to 1-6 of a share given to grantor by his father-in- law's Joshua Wright's will. 603 1697 Oct. 1. Do. Joshua Wright, late of Ashford in the Water, Co. of Derby, yeoman, to George Hutcheson, for 912 acres in W. J. 603 1697 Oct. 18. Do. William Harrison of Choptank, Maryland, yeo man, son and heir of James Harrison of the same place, dec'd, to George Hutcheson, for fa and 1-12 of a share of the Province. 603 1697 Nov. j. Do. George Hutcheson, as attorney for Thomas, Jo nah and Joshua Penford, to Joseph Adams of Burlington, tailor, for 6 acres there. 604 1697 Nov. 2. Do. Joseph Adams to George Hutcheson for the pre ceding 6 acres. 604 1697 Nov- 2. Do. George Hutcheson to John Bunting of Chester field, Burlington Co., carpenter, for 100 acres in W. J., part of the shares bought of William Harrison. 604 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 501 Page 1696-7 March. 18. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee for the W. J. So ciety, to Henry Bell of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 200 acres of the Society's 30,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware. 605 1696-7 March 20. Mem. of mortgage. Henry Bell to Thomas Revell for the Society on the foregoing 200 acres." 605 1697 Nov. 27. Deed. James Antram, yeoman, to Benjamin Scatter good, both of Mansfield Township, for 250 acres, surveyed as in Liber A., p. 67, in said Township, adjoining Percival Towle. 605 1697 June 18. Do. John Scholey of Burlington Co., husbandman, to Gervas Pharo, late of Nottingham, said Co., yeoman, for 50 acres in said Co., adjoining Mathew Campion. 605 1697 June I. Do. Mathew Champion of Oneanickon, Burlington Co., yeoman, and Katharine, "his now wife," formerly Widow Beard, to Ger vas Pharo, late of Drayton House, said Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 200, acres, of which 100 a. were sold to said Katharine, then widow Beard, by George Hutcheson, May 25, l6gi, and 50 a. by John Scholey, July 10, i6gi, and 50 a. to Mathew Champion by Thomas Budd, February 2, 1696-7. 606 1694 6th d. loth ra. (December). Do. George Hutcheson of Burling ton, distiller, to William Wood of Hopewell, Burlington Co., planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 606 1697 Nov. 2. Do. Christopher Weatherill of Burlington to Henry Beck of Burlington Co., yeoman, for one hundred and fourscore acres, as surveyed in Liber A,^p. 134. 606 1697 Oct. 26. .Certificate. David Kinloch, Rector of St. Stephen's, City of Bristol, that Benjamin Burgesse and Jane Buchanan were married in said parish September 15. 607 1697 Oct. 15. (Latin).- Letters of administration. Archbishop of Canterbury to Jane Burgis alias Buchanan on the estate of Hugo Buchanan, late of Bristol, but died in Barbados. 607 1697-8 Jan. 13. Affidavit of Dr. John Robardes of Burlington, given at the house of Henry Grubb there, that Benjainin Burgesse, then pres ent, is the son of Wm. Burgesse, late of South River, Maryland, dec'd. 607 1697-8 Jan. 13. Receipt. Benjamin Burgesse, late of Bristol, Eng land, mariner, to George Deacon of Burlington Co., gentleman, for the proceeds of the estate of Hugh Buchanan, the first husband of Jane, said Benjamin's wife, also for what is due them as gift or bequest of George Prow, late of Salem Co., W. J., cordwainer, dec'd, to wife Jane, by name of Jane Wilkey. 607 1697-8 Jan. 21. Deed. Joshua Humphris of Northampton Town ship, yeomart, to Thomas Paine of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 50 acres, part of 1-32 of a share, given to grantor by his father Walter Hum- 502 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page phris October 6, 1694. 607 1697 July 30. Do. Thomas Brian lo Thomas Hains, both of North ampton Township, husbandmen, for 300 acres there in the fork of North ampton River, adjoining Robert Dimsdale. 607 1697 July 30. Do. Thomas Hines to Thomas Brian, for 200 acres in Springfield Township on a branch of Birch Creek, formerly laid out to Godfrey Hancock, by him conveyed to Wm. Sallaway March 1, 1685-6, who sold it to Henry Burr May 11, 1693 (supra, p. 531), of whom grantor bought it October 9, 1694. ¦ 608 1697-8 Feb. 7. Do. John Hollinshead junior of Chester Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Richard Ridgway of said Co., yeoman, for 600 acres at Mattacopeny, same Co., bought of Isaac Decow May 12, 1696. (See supra, p. 365). 608 1697 March 26. Do. John Test of Wellingborough, Burlington Co., merchant, to Robert Ewer of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Mary, for a mill and plantation, called Willingbro ffarme. 608 1697 7th d. 5th m. (July). Mortgage. Robert Ewer to Edward Ship- pen of Philadelphia, merchant, for the preceding. Discharged, infra, p. 614. 609 1697-8 3d d. 12th m. (Feb.). Power of attorney. Edward Shippen of Philadelphia, merchant, to Daniel Wills of West Jersey, to collect debts due by the estate of Robert Ewer dec'd. 609 1697-8 Feb. 5. Deed. Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, to Thomas Brian of Northampton, Burlington Co., husbandman, for 1-32 of a share, excepting the town, water and townbounds lots, as bought of George Hutcheson Nov. 2, 1697, who purchased it from Wm. Harrison Oct. 18, 1697. 609 1697-8 Feb. 12. Do. Same to Thomas Haines of Northampton, husbandman, for 1-32 of a share, as above. 609 1697 June 26. Do. John Hutchinson, son and heir of Tho: Hutchin son, proprietor, dec'd, to Christopher Wetherill, for 100 acres in Ever sham Township, between Richard Hains, Francis Austin and Wm. Hains. 610 i6g7 Nov. 2. Do. George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, distiller, to Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, for 1-12 of a share, bo't of Wm. Harrison Oct. 18 last, except 1 acre town lot. Marginal Note: "16th of 10th i6g7 then had a warn from Peter ffretwell for 500 Acres & also halfe an Acre of Town Lott & ye wharfe Lott upon this Deed." 6l0 i6g7-8 Feb. 8. Do. Same to same, for 1-24 of a share, excepting the townlots in Burlington. 0I0 1693 Sept. 3. Do. Thomas ffairman of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, to Widow Thomasan Towle of Burlington, for a lot on Back or Second St., WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 503 Page Burlington, E. DanielSutton, S. grantee, W. George Hutcheson, N. said street; consideration money paid to grantor's deceased brother-in-law John Kinsey, who bought the lot of Benjamin Hoult and sold it to Wm. Gladwin, from whom Percival Towle purchased it. 610 1697-8 Feb. 21. Do. Francis Davenport, John Day and John Wool ston senior, executors of Widow Thomsin Towle's will, to Daniel Sutton of Burlington, tailor, for the preceding lot, 60 f. front on Back or Second St., 13 poles long. 611 1697-8 Feb. rg. Do. Mordecai Andrews of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., planter, eldest son and heir of Samuel Andrews dec'd, to Joshua Newbold of the same place, miller, for 17 a. in the great meadow of said township, between Wm. Satlerthwaite, Jacob Decow, Joseph Pan- coast and Edward Andrews. 611 1697-8 Feb. 19. Do. Joshua Newbold to Mordecai Andrews, for 15 acres, called Mordecai's meadow, in Mansfield Township, adjoining grantee on the N. W. 611 1697-8 March 5. Commission. John Worlidge of Salem Co. to be Judge of the Court of Oyer et Terminer for the trial of James Sherron, accused of killing his servant boy Thomas Williams. 611 1697 Dec. 28. Trust deed. Mary Shinn, widow of Thomas Shinn of Burlington, about to marry Silas Crispin of Penna: gent:, to her brother Richard Stockton junior and brother-in-law John Shinn junior, both of Burlington, for the plantation in Burlington Co., bequeathed to her by her husband's will of Nov. 4, i6g4, in trust for her sons Samuel and Thomas Shinn. 612 i6g7-8 Feb. 12. Deed. George Parker and wife Hester of North ampton Township, Burlington Co., to Michael Buffin of Mansfield, same Co., for the 40 acres given to them by Samuel Andrews (supra, p. 596). 612 1697-8 March 5. Do. Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, to Michael Buffin, for 200 acres, part of 1-24 of a share, bought of George Hutcheson Feb. 12 last. 612 l6g7*-8 March 5. Do. James Antram to Michael Buffin, both of Mansfield Township, yeomen, for fa of 1-32 of a share, bought of his brother John Antram December 22, 1688. 612 i6g7-8 March 5. Do. George Porter'to William Pancoast, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 1-12 of a share, excepting the lots already taken up on the Island of Burlington. 613 l6g7-8 March 5. Do. Same to Thomas Potts junior of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 144 acres, part of the 150 a. lot, bought of Francis Aus tin January 2, 1694-5, on the next creek N. from John Woolston, between said Woolston and Tho: Revell, in Mansfield Township, said Co. 613 1697 June 26. Dedimus Potestatem. The King to Francis Nichol- 504 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page son, Governour of Maryland, and the Governours of Maryland for the time being, to appoint Judges, Registers, Marshalls and Advocates for the Admiralty Courts of Maryland, Pennsilvania and West Jersey. 613 1697-8 March 20. Deed. Daniel Wills, gentleman, to his son John Wills, yeoman, both of Northampton Township, Burlington Co., for 467 acres on Northampton River, between Wm. Allen on the S. E. and Widow Elton on the S. W., 200 acres thereof being included in the survey of 593 a. to said John Wills and Tho: Kendall (Liber A, p. 21), the remaining 267 a. "found by a Resurvey of ye aforesd 593 a. to be an over plus." 614 1698 April 2. Do. Joseph English to Richard ffrench, both of Mansfield Township, yeomen, for a house and plantation there, 130 acres, bought of Eliakim Higgins March 5, l6g4~5. (See supra, p. 479). 614 1698 March 28. Release. Edward Shippen, Mary Ewer, Daniel Wills and Nathan Stanbury, executors of the last will of Robert Ewer dec'd, to John Test of the mortgage on a mill and plantation (supra, pp. 608 and 609). 614 1697 Nov. 11. Deed. Mathew AUen, yeoman, to William Budden, husbandman, both of Chester, Burlington Co., for 180 acres on Northamp ton R., adjoining John Rush; bought of John Smith Aug. 14, 1680. 614 1698 April 11. Do. John Day to Joseph English, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 300 acres in said Co., between Hananiah Gaunt, Wm. Bustall and Thomas Shinn, bo't of Wm. Myers Dec. 20, 1687. 615 1698 April 1. Do. Thomas Brian (Bryan) to William Budd, both of Northampton, Burlington Co., yeomen, for 30 acres, S. E. . of the land bought by grantor of Tho: Haines, adjoining John Shinn junior. 615 1698 April I. Do. William Budd to Thomas Brian, for 25 acres, be longing to the share bo't by grantor of his brother Thomas Budd, adjoin ing Restore Lippincott.- 615 1697-8 Feb. 14. Do. Mordecai Andrews to Michael Buffin, both of Mansfield, Burlington Co., for 13 acres, adjoining grantor, Win. Ellis, John Curtis and grantee. 615 l6g7~8 Feb. 14. Do. Michael Buffin • to Mordecai Andrews, for 6 acres of meadow, part of the 40 a. lot bo't of George Parker (supra, p. 612) adjoining John Calow. 615 1697 June 9. Commission. Thomas Lane, John Moore, John Bridges, E. Richier, Michael Watts and Fran: Minsheid to Jeremiah Basse as Gov ernour and Commander in Chief of the Province of West Jersey. 616 1697 Aug. 20. Do. Same, as Committee for the West Jersey Society, to Jeremiah Basse and Thomas Revell as Agents General and Factors in W. J. 616 1697 Sept. 10. Do. Govr Jeremiah Basse to John Jewell and Joshua WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 5.05 Page Barkstead as Surveyors General of the Province. 616 1697 Sept. g. Do. Ben. Overton, Sam Clarke, H. Gobaert, Commis sioners of Customs in London, to John Jewell as Collector and Surveyor at Bridlington, W. J. 616 l6g3 Aug. 22. Bond. Thomas Hackney to John Hollinshead, both of Burlington Co., for the payment of £50 sterl. 617 i6g7 Dec. 10. Deed. Joseph Richardson of Glamford Briggs, Co. of Lincoln, by his attorneys, Mahlon Stacy of Baylyfield, Nottingham Town ship, Burlington Co., and Francis Davenport of Chesterfield Township, said Co., to Edward Rockhill of said Chesterfield, for 1-16 of a share in or near Burlington, and the other land bought by said Richardson of Ed ward Markwel, brother and heir of Wm. MarkweU, who purchased the same from Edward Searson (see supra, p. 599). 617 1694 July 10. Indian Deed. Master Thomas, Indian King of Step sons Island, W. J., to George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, for said island, between Cedar Hamocke and Morrices River, fronting on Dela ware Bay and bounded by Semes and Teyoken Creeks. 617 1698 April 30. Commission. Govr Jeremiah Basse to John Jewell as Naval Officer for West Jersey. 617 1698 June 3. Power of attorney. WiUiam Biddle of Mount Hope, Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., to Joshua Barkstead of Cohanzy, Salem Co., to survey land in the lower Counties and sell it. 618 1697-8 Feb. 20. Deed. Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, to Robert Wright of Nottingham Township, bachelor, for 100 acres to be . surveyed in W. J., as part of the land bought of George Hutcheson Nov. 2, 1697. 618 1696 Dec. 10. Do. William Biddle senior of Mount Hope, Burling ton Co., mercht, to James Sherwin of Northampton River, butcher, for 150 acres on Northampton R. 618 i6g7 Nov. 1. Do. George Hutcheson of Philadelphia, distiller, to Mahldn Stacy of Baylyfield, Burlington Co., tanner, for 1-12 of a share of the Province of W. J., excepting the town lots in Burlington. Marginal Note: "Endorsed on ye Deed yt 800 being ye full due for ye 12th part for first & second divident a want was had from Peter ffretwell." 618 1683 April 5. Do. Edward Searson, late of the White Leay, Derby shire, England, now of South River, Arundel Co., Maryland, yeoman, to Samuel Jenings, Governour of aforesaid Province, Thomas Budd of Bur lington, merchant, and Elias ffarr of Assiscunck Creek, yeoman, feoffees in trust for Elizabeth, only daughter of Thomas Ellis, late of Burlington, .whitesmith, dec'd, who had paid for it, for 1-64 of a share in the First tenth, part of the fa bought of Tho: Hutchinson et al. July 5, 1677. 6l9 -, . l6g8 May n. Do. Henry Beck to William Black junior, both of 48 c06 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Burlington Co., for one half of the 180 acre lot in said Co., bo't of Christr Wetherill Nov. 2, 1697 (supra, p. 506), E. of grantor's half. 619 1697 July 17. Do. John Shinn. of Springfield, Burlington Co., wheel wright, to his son James Shinn, for 120 acres, W. John Day, E. John Butcher, S. a branch of Birch Creek, N. grantor; bought of Wm. Emley Sept. 8, 1680, by a deed for 1-15 or 1-16 of a share. 619 1697-8 March 19. Do. John Butcher of Springfield, Burlington Co., to James Shinn, for 8 acres, between grantee on the West and John Shinn. 619 1697 May 18. Do. Caleb Wheatley of Burlington Co., lining weaver, and wife Sarah, to Mathew Grange of said Co., yeoman, for the land bought by said Sarah, then widow Scholey, of Abraham Senior May 28, 1691. 619 1697 Sept. 13. Do. Richard Stockton of Springfield, Burlington Co., to Benjamin Jones of the same place, for 200 acres there, between Michael Newbold, John Butcher and Henry Beck, incl. in these lines 16 a. of John Warren and John Sikes. 620 1697 Sept. 10. Do. Mary Hancok, widow, and John Hancock, son of Godfrey Hancock, both of Mansfield township, to John Silver of the same place, for 150 acres, East of grantors on the creek, next to John Wool ston, 50 a. thereof being part of the land taken -up for fa of a share, de rived by said Godfrey from Mahlon Stacy January 29, 1677-8, and given to his wife, the 100 a. bought by Godfrey of Jacob Cozen June 9, 1683. 620 1683 AprU 2. Do. Edward Billing of London, gentleman, Gawen Lawrie of London, merchant, and Nicholas Lucas of Hertford, malster, to Arant Sonmans of Wallyford, Co. of East Lowthian, Scotland, mer-' chant, for one full share, i. e. 1 90-100 of West Jersey. 620-21 1683 April 5. Do. Same to same, for another share. 621 1.685 Oct- 20. Do. Thomas Sadler of Lincoln's Inn, Co. of Middle sex, gent: and Edward Billing, to Daniel Cox of London, M. D., for 2 shares of W. J. 621 1685 Oct. 22-23. F>o. Daniel Cox to John Hooke of Gray's Inn, Co. of Middlesex, Esqre, for one share. 622" 1696 Oct. 1. Do. John Hooke to John Pike, gentleman, William Vaughan, merchant, and John Perry, gentleman, all of Tipperary Co., Ireland, for § of a share of W. J. 623 1697 Oct. 14. Power of attorney. John Hooke of Graye's Inn, Co. of Middlesex, Esqre, to Govr Jeremiah Basse of W. J. and Samuel Jenings of Burlington, as agents, to have the fa of a share of W. J. sold, taken~up and surveyed. 623 1678-9 Jan. 27-28. Mem. of lease and release. Wm. Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicholas Lucas and Edward Billing to Daniel Waite, of Westrnin- WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 507 Page ster, Co. of Middlesex, bodismaker, for one share of W. J. 623 1696 Aug. 29-30. Do. Do. Same to William Haige of London, merchant, for one share of W. J. 624 1681 Sept. 22. Mortgage. William Haige to Philipp Ford, both of London, merchants, on one share of W. J. for 500 years. 624 1697 Oct. I. Deed. Philipp Ford to Wm. Penn of Worminghurst, Sussex Co., for the preceding share of W. J. 624 i6g7 Oct. 5. Power of attorney. William Penn to Govr Jeremiah Basse and Samuel Jenings, to survey and settle all his land in West and East Jersey. 624 l6g7 Sept. 22. Do. John Pike of Widdingstone, gent: William Vaughan of Clonmell, merchant, and John Perry of Knocklofty, all Co. of Tipperary, Ireland, to Jeremiah Basse and Samuel Jenings, to take up and improve ihe land belonging to f of a share in W. J., bo't of John Hooke. 624 1697 Sept. 15. Do. Joseph Wright with wife Joanna, Joseph Orm- ston with wife Rachel, and Peter Sonmans, all of London, merchants, to Jeremiah Basse, to act as their land agent in W. J. 625 i6g8 April 2. "Deed. Peleg Slocum of Dartmouth, Co. of Bristol, New England, yeoman, toRecompence Curlie of the same place, for 500 acres in W. J., bo't of Wm. Biddle, along the line of the first Indian pur chase, between John Pancoast and Thomas Wright. 625 l6g8 May 21. Do. Walter Humphris of Burlington, broad weaver, to Isaac Horner of W. J., cloth worker, for 270 acres near Mount Holly, on South Rancokus Creek, between Nathaniel Cripps, Jonathan ffox and Thomas Bryan, bo't of Tho: Hooton of Blackfryars, . London, May 30, 1679. 625 l6g8 May 14. Do. Mathew Allen of Chester Township, Burlington Co., carpenter, to Samuel Kemble of Burlington Township, husbandman, for 100 acres in Burlington town bounds, betw. grantee, formerly Hanna Scott's, on the North and the town line on the South, Hanna Scott on the West and East. 625 l6go March 26. Do. Thomas Wright of Chesterfield, W. J., yeoman, to Richard Harrison of Crosswicks Cr., W. J., for 200 acres with 7 a. for highways, along the old Indian line, adjoining grantor. 626 1698. July 9. Do. George Deacon and Daniel Leeds, both of Bur lington Co,, executors and assignes of Thomas Crosse of said Co. wheel wright, dec'd, to John Antram of the same Co., cordwainer, for a planta tion of 400 acres in Northampton Township, Burlington Co., bo't by said 'Crosse of Lawrence Morris January 2, 1696-7. 626 1694 Dec. 11. Do. 'Anne (Alice), widow of Edward Booth of Peasin- hurst alias Buntingfield, Parish of Ashover, Co. of Derby, England, yeo- ,„ ' man, to Thomas Gilberthorp of Nottingham, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 508 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page fa of 1-15 of a share, bought by her late husband of Mahlon Stacy January 29, 1677-8. 626 1698 Aug. 9. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent Thomas Revell of Burlington Co., to Anne Park, daughter of Roger Park of Bur lington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres above the Falls of Delaware, in the 30,000 a. tract, adjoining her father's land at Wissamenson (see Liber A, - p.*4). 627 1697 Aug. 16. Do. Thomas Revell, as Trustee of the W. J. Society, to Joshua Ward of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., planter, for 100 acres of the Society's 30,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware. 627 1698 Sept. 3. Do. John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, Bur lington Co., yeoman, to Henry Scott of Chesterfield, same Co., husband man, for 200 acres of said Manor. 628 1696 Sept. 23. Do. Matthew Allen of Town of Chester, Burlington Co., yeoman, to James Conaroe of the same place, husbandman, for 100 acres on Delaware R. between Middle Creek and Lacie Boar, bo't of John Smith of Christeen Creek Aug. 14, 1680. 628 1677-8 Jan. 28. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Hansworth, Co. of York, tan ner, to James Lambert of Vnstone, Parish of Dronfield, Co. of Derby, tanner, for I-16 of a share of W. J. 628 1698 Sept. 9. Do. John Neve of Burlington, waterman, to John Gil bert, junior, of Bucks Co., Penna., yeoman, for a lot in Burlington, 33 f. 4 in. fronton Delaware. R, rear on River St., bought by Wm. ffrilie of Burlington, carpenter, of Wm. Biddle, Nov. 10, 1692, sold to James Hill of Burlington, cordwainer, Dec. 24, 1692, who conveyed it to Samuel Old ale, January 15, 1692-3, from whom present grantor bo't it, January 13, 1696-7. 629 1698 Sept. 21. Do. James Standfield of Philadelphia, merchant, ex ecutor of the last will of George Hutcheson, deed, to John Hollingshead, junior, of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a brick house, kitchen and the bank- lot on Delaware R. before the house, with the garden in the rear to the next street, on the Island of Burlington, lately occupied by said George Hutcheson. 629 1698 Oct. 3. Do. Martha, widow and executrix of John Wearn of Burlington, to George Curtis of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., East Jersey, • cordwainer, for a plantation of 130 acres in Springfield Township, half of the 260 a. lot, bo't by Edward Tonkan (father-in-law of said John Wearn) and John Wearn of Waller Pumphrey, June 30, 1685. 629 1696 April 10. Do. Thomas Greene of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeoman, to WiUiam Biles of Bucks Co., Penna: merchant, for 3CO acres of the 400 a. lot, bought of Daniel Cox Oct. 7, 1690, above the Falls of Del aware R., the fourth hundred having been sold to Edward Mayo. 630: 1696-7 Jan. 15. Do. John Calow, late of West Jersey, plowright, to WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 509 Page Joseph Pancoast of'-Mansfield, Burlington Co., carpenter, for 300 acres in ; said Co., W. John Curtis, S. John Butcher, E. Richd ffrench and Nathanl Duggles, purchased of Tho: ffarnsworth as attorney for George Ellis, and of George Hutcheson and Wm. Biddle. 630 1697 Dec. 20. Do. Aaron Beswick, late of Burlington Co., now of Philadelphia, labourer, to Benjamin Moore, junior, of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 200 acres of the land surveyed in W. J. for Francis Beswick, who by his last will of July 12, 1688, left it to grantor. 630 1680 Mar. 27. Do. Daniel Wills of Rancokus, W. J., D' of Phissick, to John Boarton of the same place, husbandman, for no acres on Ranco kus Creek, N. grantor, S. John Petty. 630 1685 May I. Do. Samuel Bunting of Burlington, mason, to George Hutcheson of the same place, distiller, for a townlot there, 1-15 of a share, adjoining Anthony Morris and formerly the back part of Tho: ffolk's and John Curtise's land. 631 I i6g8 June 6. Do. James Stanfield of Philadelphia, merchant, execu tor of George Hutcheson dec'd, lo Henry Beck of Chesterfield Township, , Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-24 of a share in W. J., except the water lot in Burlington (supra, pp. 603 and 604). 631 1698 Oct. 25. Power of attorney. Governour Jeremiah Basse to Mr. Joshua Barkstead, to collect debts. 631 1698 Oct. 21. Deed. James Standfield, executor of George Hutche son dec'd, to Isaac Marriott of Burlington, merchant, for a town lot on the Island of Burlington (supra, p. 631). 632 1697 Nov. 2. Do. Henry Morley to Daniel Wills, junior, both of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres between grantor and grantee, bo't of John Curtis October 30, 1690. 632 ' 1698 Oct. 15. Do. Jeremiah Basse, Governour of East and West Jer sey and agent of the W. J. Society, to Joseph Braman of Gloucester, W. J.,. carpenter, for 100 acres of the Society's land. 632 1698 Nov. 1. Do. John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre to Joseph Bra- man, for 100 acres in W. J. 633 1695 May 28. .Do. Jeremiah Basse of Cohansey Creek, W. J., gentle man, to Capt." John Jewell of London, for 200 acres of the 5,000 a. tract .taken Up by grantor, between said creek and Joseph Browne. 633 -1698 Nov. 2. Do. Samuel Taylor of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Thomas Revell of Burlington, for a wharf and a house lot there, part of 1-32 of a share bought of George Hutcheson by William Taylor of Dore, Co. of Derby, in trust for grantor Jan. 29, 1677-8. 633 I 1695-6 Feb. 20. Do. Thomas Haines of Eversham Township, Bur lington Co., to his brother Richard Haines of the same place, for 100 acres, bought of Samuel Jenings February 10, 1688, on the South side of Rancokus River, adjoining Elias Burling. 633 tj rO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL fiOCUMENTS. Page 1693 Sept. 5. Do. William Bicknell and Joseph Grove, both of the Island of Barbados, merchants, executors of the last will of- Olliver Hooton of the same island, by their attorney, Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, to Thomas Kendall of Burlington, bricklayer, for a lot in Bur lington. 633 1698 Nov. 22. Do. Thomas Gardiner of Burlington, yeoman, to. An thony Elton of Northampton Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plantation in said township, 229 acres, at Rancokus Creek, between Tho: Stokes and grantee. (See' Lib. A, p. 48.) - 634 1698 Dec. 6. Do. Sarah, widow of Elias -ffarr, of Burlington, to William Fisher of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 1,705 acres, bounded as in surveys Liber A, pp. 81, 124 and 125. 634 1698 Dec. 1. Do. Thomas Green of Springfield Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, to Abraham Hewlings of Wellingborough Town ship, said Co., yeomen, for a plantation of 356 acres at Oneanickon alias Carmell, Springfield Township, 256 a. thereof bought of John Tomlinson April 14, 1696 (supra, p. 543), and 100 a. of John Butcher May 2, 1698. , 635 1698 Dec. 2. Do. James Standfield, executor of George Hutcheson, to Henry Beck, of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-12 of a share, except the waterlot in Burlington. 635 1698 May 2. Do. John Butcher of Springfield, Burlington Co., car penter, to Thomas Greene of the same place, planter, for 100 acres, N. grantee, W. John Dixson, E. Tho: Scholey. 635 1698 Dec. 16. Do. Nathaniel Westland of Burlington, merchant, to William Bustill of said Co., yeoman, for a house and lot in Burlington (supra, p. 594). 636 1698-9 Jan. 2. Do. Francis Davenport, William Watson, Thomas Gilberthorp, John Day, Samuel Jenings and Thomas Gardiner, feoffees in trust, appointed by Percivall Towle dec'd, in his last will of Oct. 26, 1691, for "ye People called Quakers," to Seth Hill of_ Burlington, ferry man, for a house and lot there, 42 f. front at low water mark in Delaware R. and rear on the next street; also a lot in Burlington, part of 2-6 of a share, E. York St., N. Tho: Revell, Samuel Barker and Daniel Sutton, W. James Willis, Abraham Bickley, Tho: Gardiner and Samuel Furnis, S. Obadiah Hierton, 3J acres. 636 July 10. Do. (Lacunes in the entry). Thomas Hut—, Thomas Pearson of Bonwick, Joseph Helm , , Mahlon Stacy of Dore to Thomas Warcupp of Bridlington Key, for 1-6 of a share of W. J. Mar ginal Note: "yt ye originalljs prt eaten by ye Ratts." 637 1698-9 Jan. 30. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent, Govr Jeremiah Basse, and Thomas Revell of Burlington, gentleman, to Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., gent., for 1,000 acres to be surveyed WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 511 Page in W. J. - 637 1684 Aug. 7. Do. Richard Warcupp of Waymouth and Melcomb Regis, Co. of Dorset, England, mariner, brother and heir of Thomas War cupp of Bridlington Key, Co. of York, mariner, dec'd, to Richard Tucker of said Waymouth and Melcomb Regis, merchant, for 1-6 of a share. 637 1689-90 Feb. 5. Do. James Wasse of London, citizen and chyrur- geon, to Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, for fa of a share of W. J. 638 1692-3 Feb. 13. Do. Benjamin Rudyard of Ihe Parish of Michaels, Island of Barbados, eldest son and heir of Thomas Rudyard, to George Willocks of the same place and wife Margaret, for all the land in East and West Jersey, formerly belonging to his father. 638 1683-4 Feb. 10. Do. Mahlon Stacy of the Falls of Delaware R., tanner, and George Hutcheson of Sheffield, England, distiller, to Eleazer ffenton of near Assiscunck Creek, W.^ J., yeoman, for 1-16 of a share. Marginal Note: "ye first & second Divident due on this Deed are taken up: ye later 300 thereof by warrt dated Feb. 17, 1698." 639 1698-9 Feb. 17. Do. Susanna, widow and executrix of Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Mary and Hannah, daughters of Ed ward Slade of Burlington, cordwainer, for 700 acres to be taken up of said Budd's share in W. J. 639 1698-g' Feb. 18. Do. Same with her eldest son John Budd to WiUiam Budd of Northampton Township, Burlington Co., gentleman, for 450 acres as above. 63g i6g7 Oct. 18. Do. Eliashab Allen to George Porter, both of Mans field Township, Burlington Co., yeomen, for 100 acres in said Co., bought of Edward Boulton Dec. 2g, i6g6. (Supra, p. 574.) 639 1690 May 1. Do. Thomas Lambert of Nottingham, W. J., tanner, to Andrew Smith, late of the Falls of Delaware, husbandman, for 50 acres to be surveyed in the Yorkshire Tenth. 640 1698-g Feb. 25. Do. Tbe West Jersey Society, by their agent Thomas Revell, to Thomas Smith, son of Andrew Smith of Burlington . Co., for 300 acres of the Society's 30,000 a. tract above the Falls of Dela ware. 640 1698 May 2. Do. Samuel Vaus of New Castle, Penna: merchant, by his agent Daniel Leeds of Springfield, Burlington Co., to Thomas Dug gles of said Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 200 acres in Springfield Township, along a brook, next to Samuel Vaus senior, adjoining Tho: Scholey, Hananiah Gaunt, Tho: Budd and Gervas Pharoe. 640 1698 April 15. Do. John Appleton of Philadelphia, weaver, to Josiah Appleton of Eversham Township, Burlington Co., cooper, for 200 acres, part ofthe 250 a. lot bought of George Smith Dec. 19, 1685, S. W. grantee's land, bo't of Daniel Howell, S. E. George Smith, N. E. Tho: 512 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Wallis, N. W. Richard Appleton. 640 1698-g March 6. Do. Richard Love of Burlington, cordwainer, to Samuel Gibson of the same place, baker, for a lot there, on the Westside of High St., N. Tho: Budd now Samuel Jenings, S. Henry Stacy, now Tho: Gardner, rear on Wood St., 18 yards front and rear, near 37 perches long; bo't of Thomas Hooton, son of Tho: Hooton dec'd, both of Phila delphia, coi'dwainers, Oct. 7, i68g. (Supra, pp. 277 and 331.) . 641 1698-9 March 24. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agents Jeremiah Basse and Tho: Revell, to Thomas Bridge of Fairfield, Salem Co., W. J., gent: for 220 acres of the Society's land on the Eastside of Cohansie alias Coesarea River in Salem Co. (See Lib. A, p. 5.) 641 1684 Dec. 24. Do. Edward Bylling of London to Robert Welsh of Uffcun), Co. of Devon, gent: for 1-10 of a share of W. J. Note: "23d Augt 1697 then granted a warrt to Jos. Paul, ye attorney of ye wthiu men coned Rob' Welsh for 1,000 acres being ye whole quantity by ye wthin written deed for ist & 2d takeingup pr Peter ffretwell Comissr." 641 1698 April 10. Do. Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, to Joseph Steward of Chesterfield Township, husbandman, for 50 acres to be "'• surveyed* in W. J., by purchase from George Hutcheson, of Feb. 18, 1697-8. 641 i6gg April 10. Receipt. Richard Ridgway to John Bainbridge of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., of consideration money (£160) for 400 acres. 642 i6g8-g March 24. Deed. Mordecai Andrews to David Curtis, both of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeomen, for a plantation of 308 acres there, 145 a. of which he received from his father Samuel Andrews dec'd, as a gift, 30 a. were inherited from the father, 30 a. were given by the father to brother Peter- and inherited by grantor, 16 a. of meadow were inherited from the father, 6 a. bo't of Michael Buffin, 55 and 24 of Wm. Biddle. 642 l6g9 April 17. Do. Daniel Leeds to Benjamin Jones both of Spring field, Burlington Co., for 250 acres along the line of the Indian purchase, made by grantor between John or Wm. Petty and Mat. Champion. 642 1699 April 9. Do. Same to Hugh Hutchin of Mansfield, .Burlington, Co., for 100 acres near Springfield, lately in the possession of Anthony Ashmore, lying between John Vnderhill, Michael Buffin, Samuel Andrews and Mordecai Andrews. 642- 1699 April 10. Do. " Edward Andrews to Hugh Hutchin, both of Mansfield, for 20 acres between grantee, Mordecai Andrews, grantor, Samuel Andrews and John Vnderhill. 642 1695 Nov. 30. Bill of lading. Robert Wheeler of Burlington . to Thomas Clark of Jamaica, merchant, or in his absence John Price, for provisions on board the barkentine ship "Dolphin," William ffullwood WEST JERSEY RECORDS, UBER B, PART 2. 513 Page master. 64-3 l6g8-9 March 11. Power of attorney. James Wasse of London, citi zen and barber surgeon, to Hugh Hall of Penna: now in London, gentle man, as land agent to sell 1,000 acres, part of the 10,000 a. tract in ffen- wicks Colony, bo't of John Richardson, and the town lots in Antioch, on Cohanzee Creek, and on Alaway's Creek; also 1,000 acres more in said Colony, bo't of Nathaniel Unwin; one share of W. J., bo't of Sir Thomas Lane and Daniel Cox, and to dispose of the land in the town on Morrise's River. 643 1698 Aug. 18. London. Letter. Sir Thomas Lane and Committee of W. J. Society to Govr Basse: displeased with Samuel Jenings "& his faction of ye Quakers," who try to overthrow the Government; do not in. tend to surrender it to Jenings. 643 1699 April 22. Deed. Richard ffrench of Mansfield Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, and wife Sarah to Caleb Shreeve, now of Freehold, East Jersey, yeoman, for 325 acres at Mount Pleasant, said township, be tween John Butcher, Michael Newbold and Joseph Pancoast, being part of the 460 a. lot of Wm. Ellis, bought by grantor of Wm. Biddle, executor of said Ellis November 18, i6g3. (Supra, p. 355.) 643 l6gg April 22. Do. Thomas Revell to Isaac Decow, butcher, both of Burlington, for a cottage and lot there on Second St., 24 f. front, 13 poles long, in the rear Thomas Raper, W. said Raper, Robert Wheeler and James Marshall, dec'd, E. Geo. Hutcheson, dec'd; bo't of Richard ffrancis Feb. 24, i6g6~7. 644 1698-9 Feb. 1. Do. Michael Newbold of Mansfield, Burlington Co., gent: to Daniel Leeds of Springfield, same Co., for 100 acres in W. J., part of the share belonging to Michael Newbold, the father of grantor. 644 1698-9 Feb. 8- Do. Susanna, widow and executrix of Thomas Budd, . with consent of their son John Budd, to Daniel Leeds, for 350 acres to be surveyed as part of said Thomas' share of W. J. 644 1697 April 11. Indian Deed. Mahomecun alias King Charles, cous in (nephew) of Nenacutton, to Henry Jacobs ffaukinburge of Matinicunk Island, Delaware R., for a tract at the seaside on the Westside of tbe Bay, N. W. of Little Egg Harbour R., called Amlntonck, incl. 5 islands in the marsh. 644 »'-- 1697 July 26. Deed. William Lovejay of Gloucester Co., W. J., smith, to Thomas Kendall of Burlington, bricklayer, for 121 acres in Gloucester Co., near Vxbridge, on the South branch of Cooper's Creek and the Burlington-Salem road, of which 71 a. are part of the 100 a. lot con veyed to grantor by Elias ffarr June 15, 1691, 50 a. part of a 120 a lot. 645 l6gg April 29, Do, Thomas Kendall (as above) to John Ogborne of Burlington, carpenter, for a lot there, 72 f. front on High St., and rear W. 49 5^4 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page against Daniel Smith, bo't as supra, p. 633. 645 1697-8 Mar. 3. Power of attorney. Edward Tucker of Waymouth and Melcomb Ragis, Co. of Dorset, son and heir of Richard Tucker dec'd, to Jonathan Beere of Salem, W. J., to dispose of the 1-6 of a share inher ited from the father. 645 1699-May 13. -Deed. William Jacocks to Thomas Hand, both of Cape May, W. J., yeoman, for 340 acres there, bought of the W. J. Soci ety April 22, 1695. 645 1686 10th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Edward Bylling, Governour of the Province of West Jersey, by his attorney Thomas Mathews of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, to Archibald Silver of said Prov ince, planter, for 100 acres, being 1-52 of a share for the first taking up. 645 1698-9 Feb. 20. Do. Richard Allison to Thomas Black, both of Mans field Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 112 acres, half of the planta tion at White Hill, above Sepassincks Island, said Co., between John Snoden and John Hooton, bo't of John Snoden and wife Ann Dec. 9, 1695, and surveyed for said Snoden as in Liber A, p. 57. 646 i6gg May 10. Do. Benjamin Jones of Burlington Co., yeoman, and wife Sarah, to William Black junior of Chesterfield, same Co., yeoman, tor 200 acres at Oneanickon, said Co., given to grantors by the wife's fath er, Richard Stockton, Sept. 30, 1697. 646 i6gg June 2. Do. Susanna, widow and executrix of Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, to John Clusse of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 300 acres' at Great Egg Harbour, W. J., adjoining Elias Hugg and along the Sound. 646 i6gg May 8. Do. Elias Hugg of Philadelphia, butcher, and wife Margaret, to Thomas Green (of) Spring , Burlington Co., yeoman, for 300 acres on Great Egg Harbour Sound, given by Francis Collins, of Mountwell, W. J., to Samuel Jennings and Robert Dimsdale as feoffees in trust for his daughter, the abovesaid Margaret Hugg AprU 5, 1687. 647 i6gg April 10. Instrument, rectifying boundaries of the 10 acres of meadow, sold by Mathew Allen to Anthony ffryer (supra, p. 274), stating, they are at the mouth of Tarkill Creek and on Northampton River. 647 l6gg June 3. Deed. William Biddle senior of Mount Hope, Burling ton Co., yeoman, to John Clayton of Monmouth Co., East Jersey, yeoman," for a plantation of 823 acres at Oneanickon, Burlington Co., as surveyed in Liber A, p. 86. , 647 i6gg June 8. Do. A Richard Bickham of near Burlington, weaver, and George Gleave of Burlington Co., wheelwright, to Paul Engle of German- town, Penna: cordwainer, for a house and lot in Burlington, fa acre -10 perches, on the Westside of the street from Delaware R. past the house of Widow Myers to London Bridge, a corner lot, 9 perches 7 f. each on Broad WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 515 Page and the other street; bo't by said Bickham of John Hudson and Henry Burr, executors of Mary Hudson, late widow of Robert Hudson of Burling ton, dec'd. 647 l6g8 June 12. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent Thomas Revell, to Ralph Hunt of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 243 acres of the Society's 15,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware. 647 1699 June 16. Do. Same to John Parker, son of Roger Parker of Parksberry, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 300 acres of the Society's 30,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware R. (See Liber A, p. 6(?.) 648 l6gg June ig. Do. Same by their agent, Govr Basse, to Dennis Linch of Cape May Co., ship carpenter, for 300 a. in said Co., on both sides of Indian Creek, called Linches Hall, bounded as in Liber A, p. 6(?). 648 1699 June 20. Mortgage. Dennis Linch to Jeremiah Basse for, the ¦ Society on the preceding 300 acres. 648 i6gg April 10. Power of attorney. Thomas Williams of Burlington Co., carpenter, to his wife Rebecca and Edward Burroughs of Gloucester • Co., planter, to enter upon and take possession of a plantation of 40 acres above Burlington, bought of Bridgett Gay Dec. 2g, i6g3. 648 1699 Aug. 12. Do. Restore Lippincott of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Joseph Eastland of Cohansy, yeoman, to deliver to Robert Eyres, late of Road Island, his tract of land on the lower side of Cohansie River. 648 1698-9 Jan. 4. Deed. Mary, widow and executrix of Robert Ewer of Philadelphia, with her co-executors Daniel Wills senior of Northampton, Burlington Co., gent: and Nathan Stanbury of Philadelphia, merchant, to , John Woolston junior, of Northampton, husbandman, for 23 acres to be surveyed as part of the land of Thomas Ollive of Wellingborough Town ship, W. J., which he left to his widow Mary, afterwards wife of said Robert Ewer. 649 i6gg Aug. 11. Do. Thomas Gardiner of Burlington, yeoman, and wife Hannah, only daughter and heiress of Thomas Mathews of the same place, dec'd, to Michael Buffin of Mansfield Township, yeoman, for 100 acres to be surveyed as part of said Mathews' second dividend. 64g i6gg Aug. 8. Do. Theophile Cripps of Burlington, spinster, daughter of John Cripps, to Joseph English, of Burlington Co., yeoman, for a plan tation of 130 acres called Labour Point, in Mansfield Township, said Co., 100 a. surveyed for her father as in Liber A p. 17, and 30 a. as p. 71. 64g ,1684-5 Feb. 20. Do. Richard Bassnett of Burlington, innkeeper, to Henry ffrancklin of Long Island, bricklayer, for 300 acres to be surveyed in the six lower Tenths. 64g - l6gg Aug. 7. Do. Edward Tucker, by his attorney Jonathan Beere, to William Budd of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 1-6 of a share of 5 [6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page W. J. 650 l6g8 June 15. Do. Joseph Pancoast, carpenter, to Jacob Decow, yeo man, both of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., for 133 acres in said Co., part of the lot bought of John Calow Jan. 15, l6g6-7. 650 l6g8 Dec. 10. Do. Elizabeth, widow and executrix of Richard Bass nett of Burlington, to Samuel ffurnis of the same place, Sadler, for 23J acres there in townbounds, on the Westside of Yorkshire Bridge, on Pope's Run and the Town Creek, bought of Robert Stacy March 12, i68g-9o. 650 1688 Nov. 10. Do. Sarah Parker, widow, of Rancokus or Northamp ton River, to George' Parker of the same place, for 192 acres on the West side of John Woolston, South side of Restore Lippincott, Eastside of grantor and on the North side bounded upon Rancokus Cr., with 8 a. of the great meadow, called Sharks meadow, S. W. John Woolston, S. E. Edward Gascoyne, N. E. grantor, in all 200 a., part of the 500 a. lot bought of Elias ffarr of Assiscunck Creek, as attorney of Mary Stacy, November 10, 1686. 651 1699 April 10. Do. James Smith of Burlington Co., planter, to Alex ander Bennett of Burlington, labourer, for 100 in said Co. on 651 1699 Oct. 11. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent Thomas Revell, to William Hixson of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres of the - Society's 15,000 acres tract above the Falls of Delaware. 651 1694 April I. Indian Deed. Mengootecus, Indian proprietor, to Samuel Harrison and Daniel Dod, both of Newark, East Jersey, for a tract on the N. W. side of the Southbranch of Pesainck River, above the upper falls, between Pequanock River and Seneconock R., running up said Pequanock R. on the Westside as far as where the fort stood on its East- side. 651 1699 Oct. 17. Deed. George Deacon of Burlington Co., gentleman, to William Hall of AUoways Creek, Salem Co., for 250 acres, half of the 500 a. lot bought by grantor and Wm. Johnson of Wm. Malster and wife Catherine April 10, 1679, which 250 a. are on or near Allowayes Cr. ad joining Edward Bramma, now Wm. Hall. 652 1695 Oct. 18. Do. Edward Hunloke of Wingerworth, Burlington" Co., merchant, to John Joosten and John Hammel], both late of Sopas, (Esopus, Kingston), N. Y., yeomen, for a plantation of 500 acres at Lessa Point alias Wingerworth, bought in several lots of Tho: Bowman March 24, 1692-3, of Sheriff James Hill Feb. 2, 1693 4, of Geo. Hutcheson Dec. 4, 1689, of Helena Skene July 10, 1695, and of James Read and wife Sarah April 4, i68g. 652 l6g5 Oct. 18. Bond. Same to same, guaranteeing uudisturbed pos session of the preceding plantation. 652 1695 April 10. 9th William 3d. Dedimus Potestatem. The King to WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 517 Page Edward Randolph, Richard Townley, Thomas Onyon, Edward Hunloke, Henry Lyon and Edward Chilton or any five of the Council and the Col lector of Customs for East and West Jersey, to administer to the Gover nour the oath, required by the Acts of Parliament, for regulating the plan tation trade. Formula of oath and entry of administering the oath to Govr Basse. 653 1695 June 14. Deed. Mathew Allen of Burlington Co., carpenter, to Lawrence Boore of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, part of 3,200 a. tract near Rancokus Creek, bought of John Smith August 14, 1680 (supra, p. 253); said loo a. lying on Delaware' R. 653 i6gg May 1. Do. John Joosten of Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., to John Hammel] of Lazy Point, Burlington, for his share of the plantation, bought of Edw. Hunloke (supra, p. 652). 653 i6g9 Nov. 2. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agent Jeremiah Basse, to Humphrey Hewes of Cape May, planter, for 180 acres of the Society's land in Cape May County. 654 1698 Sept. 30. Do. John Harrison of Queen's Co., L. I.,- gent: to Anthony Woodward of Monmouth Co., East Jersey, for a house and waterlot on the Island of Burlington, 34J f. front on Delaware R., E. Sam uel Stacy's corner lot, W. High St., W. (sic) Edw. Hunloke, running back towards Second St., as far as the pale fence, bought of Tho: Kendall Oct. 18, 1697. 654 1699 Nov. 1. Do. Anthony Woodward to Nathaniel Westland of Burlington, merchant, for the preceding house and lot. 654 1699 April 7. Do. Mordecai Andrews, heir at law of his father Sam uel Andrews, to his brother Edward Andrews, for a parcel of land be tween Geo. Parker on the West, Joshua Newbold on the East, S. John Calow. 654 l6gg May 3. Do. John Tatham of Burlington, Esqre, and wife Eliz abeth to George Willocks of Monmouth Co., E. J., for 2,000 acres in West Jersey. 655 1698 Nov. I. Do. William Borton, yeoman, to John Woolman, weaver, both of Burlington Co., for 110 acres on Rancokus Creek, N. Daniel Wills, S. John Petty, bought by John Borton, father of grantor, of Daniel Wills March 27, 1680. 655 1699 Nov. 20. Do. Nathaniel Cripps to George Parker, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for a house and lot on the Island of Burlington, fronting on High St., N. Joseph Adams. 655 1698-9 March 18. Do. The West Jersey Society, by their agents, Jere miah Basse and Thomas Revell, to Ralph Hunt, J 11° Bainbridge, Johannes Lawrenson (up Dyck), Wm. Hixson, Jn° Bryerley, Saml Hunt, Theophilus Philipps, Jonathan Davis, Tho: Smith, Jasper Smith, Tho: Coleman, Benja min Hardin, Wm. Akers, Robert Lannen, Phillip Phillipps, Joshua Andris, 518 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Samuel Davis, Elnathan Davis, Enoch Andris, Cornelius Andris, James Bice, John Runion, Tho: Runion, Hezekiah Benham, Benja: Maple, Law rence Updike, Joseph Sackett and Edward Hunt, all of Maidenhead, Bur lington Co., for loo acres there, of the Society's 15,000 a. tract above the Falls of Delaware, to be used for a meeting house, burying ground and schoolhouse. 655 l6gg Aug. 3. Power of attorney. Captain Thomas'Edwards of Strat ford, Conn., to Edward Hunloke of Burlington, merchant, as collector of debts in W. J. and Penna. 655 l6gi Aug. 15. Deed. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., yeoman, and wife Sarah to William Deane of said Co., husbandman, for 50 acres to be surveyed in the upper part of said Co., formerly called the Yorkshire Tenth. 656 l6g8 . Do. Widow Mary Davis of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., to her son Samuel D'avis, for 100 acres there of the -300 bo't of Daniel Cox, which 100 a. lie between son Jonathan Davis on the East and grantor on the West. 656 1698-9 Jan. 21. Do. Jonathan Davis, husbandman, to his brother Samuel Davis, weaver, both of Maidenhead, for 20 acres at the head of the preceding 100 a., E. grantor, N. townland, W. Elnathan Davis. 656 1699 Nov. 14. Do. John Brearley of Maiden Town, Burlington Co., yepman", to John Hutchinson of Hutchinson's Manor, same Co., yeoman, for 650 acres, "late appendant to said Manor," above the Falls of Dela ware, N. Tho: Hough, S. John Addinton, late Tho: Kirle, W. Delaware R., E. grantee. 656 i6gg Nov. 15. Do. John Hutchinson to John Watson and Richard P^ayre, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for the preceding tract. 657 1699 Oct. 23. Do. Jacob Conaroe to Abraham Hewlings, both of Burlington Co., yeomen, for 500 acres at or near Delaware R, of which 400 a. were" conveyed to grantor as a gift by his father-in-law Mathew Allen May 12, 1683, and 100 a. bo't of the same Sept. 23, 1696. 657 1699 Nov. 18. Do. Lawrence Boore senior of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, to Abraham Hewlings, for 100 acres in Burlington Co., bought of Mathew Allen June 14, 1695. 657 1699 Aug. 19. Commission. The Governour and Commander in Chiefe of the Province of West Jersey at London to Andrew Hamilton as Governour in West Jersey. 61-7 1694 June 30. Deed. Gilbert Wheeler of the Falls of Delaware, Bucks Co., Penna: yeoman, to Widow Mary Staniland of Hopewell, Bur lington Co., for 50 acres to be surveyed of his share of W. J., that is fa bought of Wm. Kent of Bishopsgate St., London, January. 28, 1678-9- • 658 1697-8 March 9. Do. Joseph Wood of Bucks Co., Penna: yeoman, to WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 519 Page Sarah, widow of Charles Biles of Maidenhead, and Alexander Biles, their second son, for 100 acres, bought of Daniel Coxe June 10, 1692. 658 1699 Nov. 21. Assignment. Peter Long to Edward Petty of South ampton, Suffolk Co., N. Y., mariner, of 757 acres, "by ye within men tioned Deed to me conveyed." 658 1695-6 Jan. 4. Deed. John Snape to William Ogborne, both of Bur lington Co., husbandmen, for 100 acres in said Co., S. John Shinn junior, W. Alexander Stewart, N. and E. grantor, bought of Tho: Gladwin July 3, 1691, and Dec. 28, l6g5. 658 i6gg Dec. 25. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to Nicholas Browne of Little Egg Harbour, W. J., planter,. for 500 acres in W. J., surveyed as in Liber A, p. 145. 65g i6gg Dec. 27. Do. Nicholas Browne to Michael Buffin of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for the preceding 500 acres (at Little Egg Harbour). 65g 1698 June 23. Do. Thomas Revell, gentleman, to Joseph White, cooper, and wife Ann, daughter of said Revell, all of Burlington, for a house and wharf lot there, 6ofa f. front on the river, running back to the next street. 659 1697 May 27. Do. Jane Ogborn of Springfield Township, Burling ton Co., widow of Samuel Ogborn, to Richard Ridgway of the same place, tailor, for a plantation of 90 acres on one of the branches of Birch Creek, below Mattacopany bridge, adjoining grantee. 659 1697 June 11. Receipt. John Moore to Turrolas Shuillivan (Sulavan)t for his share of the freight and hire of the ship " Dolphin," as far as c.on- cerneth Wm. Kidd, Wm. Smith, John Trinnigham (?) and Tho:' Pinckire. 660 1700 March 27.- Deed. Henry Scott of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Thomas Stevenson senior of Newtown, L. I., for 200 acres in said Co., ad joining John Watson, bought of John Hutchinson Sept. 3, 1698, and sur veyed as in Liber A, p. 146. 660 1699-1700 Feb. 20. Do. Robert Powell of Northampton Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Jacob Lamb of said Co., planter, for 200 acres in said township, adjoining Daniel Wills; bought of Nathaniel Cripps, spn and heir of John Cripps October 27, i6g4 (supra, p. 406) 660 ¦ i6gg-i7oo March 4. Mortgage. William Gabitas of Burlington, mill wright, and wife Rachell to Samuel Jenings of the same place, feoffee in trust for James, Eliza, Rachell, Anna, Mary and Francis (further on called Tomasin) Marshall, children of said Rachell Gabitas by her former hus band, James Marshall, on a house and lot in Burlington, fronting W. S. ": .1; Turlough (from the Irish Toirdelvacri, tall as a tower, or tower-like) Sulli van. As a place-name Turlough is from the Irish turlach, a dried up spot; and this has given the name to several parishes in Ireland. 520 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page W. on High St., S. S. E. Robert Wheeler, E. N. E. Isaac Marriott, for merly Geo. Hutcheson, N. N. W. James, the son of James Marshall dec'd. 661 l6gg-l700 March 2. Bond. William Gabitas (as above) to Samuel Jenings, merchant, and Thomas Raper, blacksmith, both of Burlington, for the free support of his wife's children by her first husband, James Marshall. . 661 l6gg-i700 March I. Confirmation Deed. Joseph Devonish to John Hilliard, both of Northampton River, Burlington Co., yeomen, for 1-32 of a share in W. J., inherited from his father Barnard Devonish and wife Martha, who had sold it to present grantee March 3, 1685-6. Marginal Note: "This Deed was drawn & Executed by mistake of ye Scrivener & Parties & therefore renewed wth some Exceptions as in page 682." 662 i6gg-i700 March 2. Deed. John Hilliard (as above) to John Bunt ing of Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 150 acres to be surveyed in W. J., as part of the preceding 1-320! a share. 662 l6g7 June 24. Do. Turlas Sulavan of Eversham Township, Burling ton Co., bricklayer, for a plantation of 178 acres near Northampton R,, bought of Susanna Elton July 25, ]6g6, also 150 a. near William Evans' plantation. 662 l6g9 May 12. Do. Martin Scott to John Watson, both of Notting ham, Burlington Co., yeomen, for a plantation of 400 acres there, above the Falls of Delaware, bought of George Hutcheson May 21, 1695, and 5 a. bo't of Tho. Lambert, Joshua Wright and Wm. Emley April 4, 1699. 663 1697 June 18. Do. Daniel Leeds of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Ger- vas Pharo, late of Nottingham Township, said Co., yeoman, for two lots: 1, in Springfield Township, same Co., between Thomas Clerk and Hana niah Gaunt with 13 acres of meadow; 2, in the same township, adjoining John Stacy, in all 106 a. 663 ,' ' 1698 Sept. 26. Do. John Snoden of Bucks Co., Penna: yeoman, and wife Anne to Robert Pearson of Burlington Co., yeoman, for 302 acres in Burlington Co., Yorkshire Tenth, near grantee, adjoining Robert Mur fin, together with 10^ a. near the first. 663 i6gg-i7oo loth d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Restore Lippincott to his son Samuel Lippincott, both of Northampton Township, yeomen, for 301 acres, with 8 a. of meadow adjoining Parker's meaddw, the whole bought of Tho: Ollive Sept. 21, 1692. 664 i6gg-i70o Jan. 18. Do. Richard Ridgway of Burlington Co., cooper, to his son Thomas Ridgway, for 190 acres, 90 whereof bought of Widow Jane Ogborn May 27, i6g7; the other 100 a. bought of John Hollinshead February 7, i6g7-8, of which 20 are W. of the brook between the Meet inghouse and John Butcher. 664 WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 52I Page - 1696 May 20', Do. Francis Davenport of Burlington Co., yeoman, George Hutcheson of Burlington, merchant, and John Woolston of Mans field, said Co., yeoman, to Richard Gibbs of Long Island, N. Y., hatter, for the plantation of 1,300 acres, called Sutton Lodge, S. Michael New- bold and John Brown, E. John Curtis, N. Michael Buffin, Samuel An drews and John Underbill, N. W. Samuel Borden, W. Tho: Scattergood and James Antram, with 30 a. of meadow, S. E. Tho: Revell and Michael ¦ Buffin, S. and S. W. James Antram, W. Tho. Scattergood and John Woolston, N, E. John Curtis; bequeathed to grantors by Percival Towle in his will of 26th day 8th month (October), 1691. 664 1699 Nov. 3. Do. Michael Newbould of Mansfield Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, surviving executor of his father's, Michael New- bould's will, to John Powell of said Co., yeoman, for 200 acres, formerly surveyed for grantor's brother, Thomas Newbould dec'd, of the father's land given to grantor, Thomas and James, his sons; said 200 a. are in Mansfield Township. 665 1700 March 25. Do. Samuel Terrett of Burlington, blacksmith, to Francis Tunnycliff of Bucks 'Co., Penna: shoemaker, for a wharf lot in Burlington, bought of Edward Hunloke Sept. g, 1692 (supra, p. 482). 665 .1700 March 25. Do. John Powell to John Hilliard, both of Burling ton Co., yeomen, for 150 acres there; bought of Robert Powell, grantor's brother, 30th day nth month (January), 1691 (supra, p. 503). 665 - l6g9-i7oo March 24. Do. John Wills of Northampton River, Bur lington Co, yeoman, to Martin Scott of the same Co., yeoman, for 853 "acres, of which 146^ in the Second Tenth were bought of Elias ffarr Feb. 23, 1686-7 (supra, p. 119), 240 a. in Eversham Township of Thomas Ken dall Feb. 2, 1694-5 (supra, p. 431), and 467 a. were conveyed to grantor by his father Daniel Wills March 20, 1697-8 (supra, p. 614). 666 1700 March 27. Do. Henry Scott of Burlington Co., yeoman', to Thomas Stevenson of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., yeoman, for 200 acres in Burlington Co., adjoining John- Watson, bought -of John Hutchinson Sept. 3, 1698. (See Liber A, p. 146). , 666 1686 April 7. Do. Anthony Morris, late of Burlington; now of Philadelphia, to Peter Boss of Burlington, yeoman, for 25 acres in Burling ton town bounds, about one mile from the Island of Burlington, E. Thomas or Wm. Budd, W. grantee, N. Delaware River, bought of Jona than Beer November 19, T684, as belonging to 1-16 of a share. 667 1695-6 Jan. 10. Do. William Biddle of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., merchant, to William Righton of Burmudas, same Co., merchant, for 100 acres to be surveyed in Burlington town bounds. 667 " 1700 April 13. Do. Peter Boss of Marcus Hook alias Chishopen, Co. of Chester, Penna: to William ffisher of Burlington Co., for 225 acres in Burlington townbounds, of which 200 a. were bought of Thomas Ollive J-U'y 3> 1-685, an^ 25 °£ Anthony Morris (supra). ¦ r 667 50 522 v NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1693 April 5. Do. William Brightwen of Philadelphia, butcher, to Nathaniel Duglis of Burlington, felt maker, for a lot in Burlington, E. John Budd, N. Delaware R., W. a little creek, 9 acres, bought of John Smith February 15, 1687. 667 1700 April 10. Do. John Wills of Northampton Township to James Bingham of Eversham Township, both in Burlington Co., for 200 acres to be surveyed in W. J. as part of fa of a share, belonging to grantor's father Daniel Wills. 668 1698 April 11. Do. Francis Davenport, Wm. Watson, Tho: Gilber thorp, George Hutcheson and John Day, surviving trustees of Perciva Towle dec'd, to Mathew Champion of Burlington Co., yeoman, for one half of the bakehouse and lot in Burlington, 12 f. front on Delaware R. running back to the next street. 668 1694 Nov. 27. Do. Martha Martin alias Grennell, and John Martin both of London, executors of James Martin, by 'their attorney, Geo. Hutcheson, to Mathew Champion of Oneanickon, Burlington Co., yeoman. for one-half of a bakehouse with a wharflot, 47 f. front, W. the other half. E. a lane along Seth Hill's, S. Second St. 668 1700 April 26. Do. William Righton, merchant, to WiUiam ffisher, yeoman, both of Burlington Co., for a plantation of ig7 acres at Burniu das, in Burlington townbounds, g7 of which bought of Thomas Budd and wife Susanna October 20, i68g (supra, p. 155), and 100 of Wm. Biddle- Jan. 10, i6g5~6 (supra, p. 667). 668 1698 Mar. 12. Do. Thomas Revell of Burlington, gentleman, to Ed mund Wells of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 160 acres in Mansfield Township, as surveyed for Samuel Willis (Liber A, p. 22), bought of George Guest Sept. 3, 1683; also 130 acres near the first (see Lib. A, p. 45), 100 a. whereof were bought of Anna Salter Nov. 10, 1690, the remaining 30 a. allotted to grantor in lieu of the 30 a. lot at Lessa Point; and a lot at Mt Pleasant (ib. p. 30). 669 1699 Aug. 19. Commission. . Committee of the West Jersey Society to Colonel Andrew Hamilton as General Agent and Factor in W. J. 669 l6gg-l700 Feb. 2. Power of attorney. Robert Dimsdale of Bishops Starford, Co. of Hertford, chirurgeon, to Francis Davenport, John Shinn and John Scott of West Jersey, now bound there, as land agents. 669 1700 May 11. Deed. Benjamin ffield of Chesterfield, Burlington Co., yeoman, to Benjamin ffield of fflushing, Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for a lot on Mill Creek, Chesterfield Township, E. Widow Bacon, W. and N. Edward Rockill. 670 l6go May 10. Do. Thomas Gardiner of. Gloucester Co., W. J., yeo man, to Thomas Wilkins of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 200 acres in W. J. 670 1700 March 26. Do. John Calow of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, to WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 523 Page John Way of Newton, Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 300 acres in the W^J. Society's 30,000 a. tract above the Fall's of Delaware, N. N. W. from the mouth' of a little creek along Delaware R. (see Liber A, p. 117), bought of George Hutcheson May 17, 1695. 670 1700 May 10. Do. John Snape to John Murfin, both of Springfield, Burlington Co., for 90 acres between John Warren and Thomas Scholey junior, adjoining Mary Wright and along a brook, bought of Tho: Gardi ner Sept. 26, I6gg. 671 . 1700 May 10. Do. Francis Collins, bricklayer, to Richard Hains, yeoman, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres in W. J. 671 1699 26th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Thomas Gardiner to John Snape, yeoman, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres in W. J. 671 1693 May io. Do. Elias Burling of Burlington, wheelwright, and John Burling of Bucks Co., Penna: wheelwright, to Richard Haines of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 100 acres at Northampton R., part of the 200 a. lot bought of Samuel Jenings Oct. 11, 1688. 671 1689 July 3. Do. Samuel Jenings, yeoman, to William Haines, labourer, both of GreenhiU, W. J., for 100 acres to be surveyed 'in W. J., as part of the land bought of Samuel Cole Sept. 16, 1682. - 672 1698-g Jan. 19. Do. Christopher Wetherill of Burlington, tailor, to William Haines of Eversharnl Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres in said township, between Richard Haines, Francis Austin and grantee, bought of John Hutchinson June 26, 1697 (supra, p. 610). 672 1696-7 Feb. 2. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Mathew Champion of Burlington Co., husbandman, for 50 acres to be taken up in W. J. 672 1700 May 27. Do. James Burcham of Eversham Township, Bur lington Co., yeoman, to William Haines of said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on the Southside of Northampton R., in said township, bought of Richard Haines May 11, 1696. 672 1700. May 30. Do. Thomas Ridgway of Burlington Co., yeoman, to Mathew Champion, for 170 acres at Mattacopany, on the Eastside of the" brook, part of 190 a. bought by grantor of his father Jan. 18, 1699-1700 (supra, p. 664). 673 1700 May 30. Do. Mathew Champion to Thomas Ridgway, for 400 acres in Burlington Co., at Oneanickon, on John Tomlinson's Run, next to John Warren. (See Liber A, p. 89.) ' • 673 1700 May 13. Do. Thomas Kendall, bricklayer, to Edward Hun loke, merchant, both of Burlington, for a house and lot at the corner of High and Broad Streets near the Market Place in Burlington, front on 1 This name (from a town in Worcestershire, England) is interpreted as being from the Old English or Anglo-Saxon efes, brink or margin, and ham, bome; whence Eves-ham, the bome on the brink (of the Avon). 524 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page High St., 229 f. from the corner to Daniel Smith on Broad St., from- said Smith's corner S. 209 f. 6 in. to John Ogborn's land, thence E. 229 f. to High St., thence to the first corner, bought of Samuel Carpenter, attorney for Richd Bicknell and Joseph Grove, executors of Oliver Hooton, Sept. 5, 1693 (supra, p. 633). 673 1696 May II. Do. Richard Haines to James Burcham, both of Ever sham Township, Burlington Co., for 100 acres there, on the Southside of Northampton R., bought of Elias and John Burling 10th day 3d month (May) 1693 (supra, p. 671). 673 1677-8 Jan. 29. Do. Mahlon Stacy of Handsworth, 1 Co. of York, England, tanner, to Samuel Reckley of Nottingham, Co. of Nottingham, ironmonger, for 1-15 of „. share of W. J. 674, l6gg-i7oo Feb. 24. Do. John Hutchinson to Andrew Heath, both of Hopewell, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 400 acres in said township, be tween Tho: Kizle on Delaware R., John Brierley and grantor. 675 1700 Sept. 18. Mortgage. Judah Allen of ffreehold, E. J., cooper, to William Allen of Newport, R. I., cordwainer, on a plantation of 500 acres on the Southside of Rancokus R. 675 1684 AprU 12. Do. John Dewsberry of Burlington, sergemaker, and wife Joan to Anna Saltef of Tacony, Penna: widow, on a house and lot of 3 acres in Burlington, bought of Tho: Ollive, and another lot. there, bought of John Kinsey. 675 1688 26th d. 3d m. (May). Assignment of the preceding mortgage by Anna Salter to Daniel England of Burlington, in consideration of 400 -acres ih Cedar Creek, Penna: called Twillington, and some cattle. 675 1684 April 12. Chattel mortgage. John Dewslberry of Burlington, sergemaker, to Anna Salter of Tacony, Penna: widow, for his tools &c. 676 1688 May 26. .Assignment of the preceding chattel mortgage by Anna Salter to Daniel England. 676 1700 Sept. 17. Deed. William Allen of Newport, R. I., cordwainerj ' to Judah Allen of ffreehold, E. J., cooper, for a plantation of 500 acres on the Southside of Rancokus Creek, of which 200 a. were bought by Noel Mew of Rhode Island, merchant, of Henry Jacobs of near Burlington August 8, 1685, and 300 a. bought by said Mew of John Roberts of Pen soakin August 10, 1685 (see Liber A, p. 148, and B, p. Ill); bought by present grantor of said Mew April 12, 1686 (supra, p. 464). 676 i6gg June 15. Do. Joseph Pancoast of Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Borradail of Burlington, maulster, for a lot on the Eastside of High St., Burlington, 40 f. front, 330 f. deep towards York St., next to Francis Davenport, bought of widow Jane Ogborn, now the wife of John Hamp ton, March 9, 1694-5. 676 J Handsworth, Hand's estate. WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 525 Page 1698 May 12. Do. John Hampton of ffreehold, E. J., yeoman, and wife Jane to John Borradail, for a lot, 35 f. 10 in. front on High St. and rear, as deep as other- lots, late the property of Samuel Ogborn, first hus band of said Jane, to whom it was sold by Wm. ffryley Aug. g, l6g3. 677 1695 July 27. Do. Walter Newberry of Newport, R. I., merchant, to Arthur Cook of- Philadelphia, merchant, for 1,000 acres in W. J., of which 112^ a. are in Burlington town bounds, bought cf Walter Clark of New port May 8, i68g. 677 1700 1st d: 2d m ' (April). Do. John and Thomas Cook, sons of Ar thur Cook of Philadelphia, dec'd, to Margaret, widow of said Arthur Cook, for 1,000 acres at the head of Pensawken Creek, given to Thomas by his father's will of 30th day 7th month last past. 677 1700 May 10. Do. Francis Collins, bricklayer, to John Warren, yeo man, both of Burlington Co., for 50 acres in W.-J. 678 1699-1700 March 14. Do. Thomas Potts senior, tanner, and wife Anne to Christopher Wetherill, tailor, both of Burlington, for a house and lot on the Island of Burlington, 2 chains 33 f. front N. on Delaware R. and rear on Second St., W. Daniel England, bought of John Woolston December 23, 1680 (supra, p. 23). 678 ' ¦ 1699-1700 March. 14. Bond. Same, to same for the. quiet possession of the preceding house and lot. 678 1682 June 20. Deed. Roger Townsend of Tetbury, Co. of Glouces ter, woolcomber, to William Petty of Cirencester, same Co., woolcomber, for 1-32 of fa of a share of W. J. 679 1699 Sept. 17. Do. Abraham Brown senior and wife Mary to their son William Brown, all of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., for 200 acres, bought of Daniel Leeds and wife Dorothy October 10, l6gg, adjoin ing John Brown, Michael Newbould and Michael Buffin. 67g 1700 Sept. 18. Do. Samuel Je'nings of Burlington, merchant^ to Wil liam Boarton of Eversham Township, Burlington Co., yeoman, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 67g 1700 Oct. 2. Sheriff's sale. Christopher Wetherill, High Sheriff of Burlington Co., to Edward Hunloke, of 1,000 acres in said Co., called John Langford's Plantation, lately the property of Ebinezar and John Langford, both of them of Burlington Co., merchants, dec'd. 679 1700 June 17. Letter of guardianship. Elizabeth Towle for her children William, Mary and Richard Towle, legatees of Percival and Tomazin Towle. 1 680 1700 June 17. Do. John Towle for his sisters Sarah and Elizabeth Towle, legatees as above. 680 1700 June 17. Power of attorney. Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Towle of London, gunmaker, as guardian of her children under age, Wil liam, Mary and Richard Towle, Samuel Towle, Elizabeth Towle, Sarah 526 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Towle, Thomas Towle, Wm. Keely, shipwright, and wife Anne Towle Keely, all legatees of Percival and Tomazin Towle, late of Burlington, to John Towle of London, baker, to receive their legacies, 680 1700 June 17. Do. John Towle senior of London, baker, brother of Percival dec'd, to John Towle, as above. 680 1698 June 17. Deed. Ursula, widow and executrix of John Green of Cohansie, Salem Co., blacksmith, to Tho: Hasson of Philadelphia, brick layer, for 304 acres at Cohansy, part of 912 a. bought by Tho: Bridge of Cohansy and said John Green of George Hutcheson June 25, 1695. 680 1700 Dec. 21. Do. Hananiah Gaunt to Gervas Pharo, both of Bur lington Co., yeomen, for 200 acres to be taken out of the 220 a. lot in Bur lington Co., S. E. of Samuel Houghton and Tho: Clark. 681 1677 June 2. Do. William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, Nicolas Lucas an certaine prcell of Land for the Conveniency of the'mill." 728 1702 Aug. 17. Copy of a deed (mortgage) made in London. Peter Sonmans of London, merchant, son and heir of Arent Sonmans, late of West Jersey, to Jacob Osterland and John Keyser of London, merchants, for 20,000 acres in Burlington Co.,. at the head of the W. J. Society's pur chase above the Falls of Delaware along the partition line, touching. the long branch of Raritan River. 729 1 70 1-2 Feb. 17. Deed. Francis Collings, bricklayer, to Henry Cooke, both of Burlington Co., for 100 acres in W. J. 730 1688 July 12. WiU of Francis Beswick of Burlington. Wife Precilla, kinsman Aaron Beswick, kinswomen Ann, daughter of Arthur Dickason, WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 1T39 , Page and Ann, daughter of WiUiam Bland, both of Thurnam Browl, Blackimore, Co. of York, England, joint heirs of his real estate; legacies to the Qua ker Meetinghouse in Burlington, Thomas Budd, Joseph Pope, James Hill. Executors — Joseph Pope and James Hill. Witnesses — Christopher Weth erill, John Smithy Samuel Houghton. Proved Feb. 9, 1688-9. 731 1702-3 Mar. 13. Deed. Thomas Branson, husbandman, lo Thomas Ridgway, -yeoman, both of Springfield Township, Burlington Co., for 100 acres there. . 732 1694 Dec. 2. Do. Thomas, John and Joshua Penford, by their attor ney George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Thomas Renshaw of the same place, tailor, for a wharflot in Burlington, 12 f. front at low water mark and rear on Second St. 73-3 1694-5 Feb. 2. Do. Mary, widow and executrix of William Myers, Thomas Gilberthorpe and John Bunting, trustees under the will of said Wm. Myers, to Thomas Renshaw (as above), for a wharf lot in Burlington, where the slaughter house and shop of said Wm. Myers stood, belonging to 1-16 of a share^ 12J f. front and rear on the next street. 734 1702-3 Feb. 12. Do. Thomas Renshaw, tailor, to Hugh Huddey, merchant, both of Burlington, for the last two lots bought of George Hutcheson and Mary Myers. 7-35 1702 Aug. I. Do. Thomas Wakefield, tailor, and wife Katharine, to John Middleton, husbandman, all of Eversham Township, Burlington Co., for 150 acres there, part of the 328 a. lot, bought by Thurlas Sulavan, former husband of said Katharine, of Susanna Elton July 25, 1696; said 150 acres adjoin Wm. Euanceand John and Wm. Boolton.' 735 1703 April 23. Do. Hugh Huddy, merchant, to George Kendall, currier, both of Burlington, for the lots bought of Tho. Renshaw (supra, P' 735)- 736 1702 May n. Do. John Snape of Springfield, Burlington Co., to Daniel Leeds of near Egg Harbour, W. J., for a plantation of 200 acres in Springfield, at the Mountaynes. 737 1697 Dec. 25. Do. Henry Grubb of Burlington, innholder, to Wil liam Pancoast of Mansfield Township, Burlington Co., planter, for fa of , 1-16 of a share of W. J., bought of Mathew Allen January 7, 1688 (supra, p. 522). 738 1702-3 Jan. 11. Do. John Brearley of Maidenhead, Burlington Co., yeoman, to John Routlege of Abbington Township, Philadelphia Co., Penna: yeoman, for 400 acres in the W. J. Society's 30,000 a. tract in Burlington Co., along Delaware R. 739 1697 July 20. Do. John Hollingshead, chandler, to Daniel Smith, 1 Probably Thornborougb, a township in the parish of South Kilvington, wap entake of Bird! ord, North Riding of York ; or possibly Thornbolm, near Brid lington, East Riding of York. 54O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page fellmonger, both of Burlington, for a lot there of I acre, 20 perches, front ing on Wood St., W. Mary Myers, N. grantee, bo't with a waterlot of William Boarton, son of John, Dec. 21, 1695, and confirmed by John, son and heir of said John Boarton (supra, pp. 494 and 495). 740 1701-2 Mar. 19. Do. John Pell of Great Harroden, Co. of North ampton, grasier, to William Biles of the Co. of Bux, Penna: for 1-30 of a share of West Jersey bo't of D. Wills and Tho. Ollive, March. 11, 1676-7. 741 1703 May 18. Do. Daniel Wills of Burlington Co., son and heir of Daniel Wills, late of Northampton Co., England, John Wills of Burling ton Co., second son of said Daniel Wills and one of the executors of Thomas Ollive, Nathan Stanbury and wife Mary, the other executors of said Ollive, to Wm. -Biles, for 1-30 of a share of W. J. 741 1702-3 Feb. 11. Do. Nathaniel Pope, son of Joseph Pope of Burling ton, dec'd, tailor, to Daniel Smith of the same place, butcher, for a town- lot there of f acre, belonging to 1-24 of a share bought by Geo. Nicholson of Tho: Hutcheson et al. June 5, 1677, and by him conveyed to said Jo seph Pope, December 17, 1686. 742. 1702-3 Mar. 6. Do. William and John Hollingshead of Chester Township, Burlington Co., yeomen, to Nathaniel Westland, Robert Wheeler and Hugh Huddy, all of Burlington, merchants, for a lot in Bur lington, E. Wood St., W. Broad St., adjoining a lot bought for burying ground, this lot to be used for building a church, &c. 743 1702 April 17. Do. Henry Beck to Joseph Scattergood, both of Bur lington Co., yeomen, for his share of the gristmill on Beck's Creek, said Co., and half of the land on the North side of said Creek. 745 1702 Dec. 7. Do. Thomas Stephenson of Bucks Co., Penna: yeo man, to Joseph Sackett of Newtown, Queens Co., N. Y., yeoman, for 100 acres in Burlington Co., above the Falls of Delaware R., W. said river, S. grantee, N. grantor. 746 1702-3 Mar. 13. Do. Richard Ridgway junior, yeoman, to Jeffery Cambs, husbandman, both of Springfield Township, Burlington Co., for 58 acres, part of the landbought by grantor and Gervas Pharo of Ananias Gant; adjoining grantor. 747 . Power of attorney. Samuel Barker of Barleboroughi, Co. of Derby, England, to his kinsman William Hunt of Springfield, Burling ton Co., as general agent. 747 1702 Aug. 15. Deed. Isaac Watson, yeoman, to -Johanna Murfen,' spinster, both of Nottingham, Burlington Co., for fa of fa of a share of W. J., except 5,000 acres as sold by Joseph Kirbride, of Bux Co. Penna: to John Watson dec'd, brother ofsaid Isaac, May 15, 1701. 748" i6gg Nov. 24. Deed. The West Jersey Society, by Govr Jeremiah ' Said to signify Beorla's fortified place. WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 541- Page Basse, to John Royce, for 200 acres at Cohansey,' Salem Co., ou the East side of and along Cohansy River, North side of and along Sawmill Creek, next to Tho: Bridges, John Wolding and John Budd; 50 a. bought of Peter Enectsonl; 50 a. on the Eastside of and along Cohansy R. from the mouth of Fuller's Cr., up said creek to Mr. Bridges and the boundary line of Panfilley Town; 80 a. also in Salem Co., on the S. E. side of Cohansie Creek, above Edward Gilman's house, adjoining Lippincotts. 74g 1699 Nov. 25. Do. John Royce to Govr Jeremiah Basse, for the pre ceding lots. 749 bis FENWICK'S SURVEYS, 16r6-ir05. 1676 Sept. 25. Return of surveys by Richard Hancock to John Smith of Salem Town, planter, of 16 acres in the Township of New Salem, grant ed to him Sept. 19, 1676, along the road on Salem Creek. 1 1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to Roger Huckings of New Salem, planter, of 16 acres in said townshipon the highway along the Eastside of the pre ceding. 1 1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to Samuel Nicolson of New Salem, plant er, of 16 acres in said township adjoining Roger Huckings and running down to Fenwick^s River. 1 1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to Edward Champneys of New Salem, join er, -of 16 acres in said township on the highway and on New Salem marsh. 2 1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to Edward Wade of Salem, planter, of 16 acres there on the highway and Salem marsh, adjoining Edward Champ neys. 2 ^1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to William Hancock, of 16 acres in New Salem Township on the highway and Salem marsh, along the S. E. side of Wade's lot. 2 . Do. Do. to John Adams of Salem, planter, of 16 acres (incomplete). 3 1676 Oct. 12. Do. Do. to Anthony Page of Salem, planter, of 16 acres in said Township, on the highway and Salem marsh. 3 1676 Sept. 9. Do. Do. to Samuel Nicholson of Salem, planter, of 468 acres in the half allotment of Allowaies, along Allowaies Creek. 4 1676 Sept. 11. Do. Do. to Edward Champneys of New Salem, join er, of 1968 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, along a small creek, dividing, this tract from Malster's plantation,. adjoining Nicholson's and along Ademeses' and Allowayes Creeks. 4 ' Query: Erecksen. 542 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1676 Sept. 12. Do. Do. to John Adams of New Salem, planter, of 500 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, on Allowayes and Adamses Creeks, adjoining Champnieses plantation. 5 1676 Sept. 13. Do. Do. to Roger Huckings of New Salem, planter, of 468 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, between the line of galem Town lots and Allowayes Creek, adjoining John Adams' plantation. 5 1676 Sept. 14. Do. Do. to himself, i. e. Richard Hancock, of 468^ acres, along the line'parting Salem Town and Allowayes Allotment, on Allowayes Creek and a creek between Lefeavour's or Pledgers and Roger Huckings' plantations. 6 1676 Sept. 28. Do. Do. to John Smyth of New Salem, -planter, of "" 968 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, along Smyth's Creek, parting this lot from Pledger and Lefeavour's and Allowayes Cr. 6 1676 Sept. 29. Do. Do. to Edward Wade of New Salem, planter, of 968 acres in the second half allotment of Allowayes, along the South- side of Allowayes Creek. - 7 1678 June 1. Do. Do. to William Hancock, cordwainer, of 968 acres, to be called Hancock's Hurst, along the Southside of Monmouth River, heretofore called Allowayes Creek. 7 Mem. concerning 1,000 acres at Chohanzicke, intended for Wm. Lawrence, upon Richard. Noble's assignment. 8 Return of survey to Anthony Page, late of Middle Town, N. J., now of Salem, planter, of 1,000 acres (incomplete). 9 1677 Sept. 20. Do. Do. to Thomas Applegate of the Falles in New Shrewsbury, N. J., weaver, of 490 acres in the allotment of Cohan- zick, along the marsh, part of Edward Boarnes' 2,000 a. 10 1676 Oct. 23. Do. Do. to Benjamin Burden of Middle Town, N. J., weaver, of 290 acres in the allotment of Chohanzik, along the South East side of Mount's plantation and along the N. W. bank of Chohanziek River. 10 1676001.23. Do. Do. to George Mount of Middle Town, N. J.,, of 490 acres. in the allotment of Chohanziek, along Chohanziek R., between Burden's and Mount's Creeks, adjoining Burden's plantation. II 1676 Nov. 16. Do. Do. to Robert Wade of Vpland in the Duke's Province1, carpenter, of 468 acres in the second half allotment of Allo wayes, on Allawayes Creek along the Eastside of Edw. Wade's planta tion. II 1678 June 7. Do. Do. to Christopher White, carpenter, of 984 acres, to be called White's Deen, on Allowayes Creek alias Monmouth River, said river being the North bounds. 12 1678 June 18. Do. Do. to Edward Bradaway, bargeman, of 984 1 Upland, Penn. WE,ST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2. 543 Page acres, to be called Bradaway's ffeild or Bradfeild, on the Southside of and along Monmouth R., alias AUawayes Creek. 12 1676 Aug. 13. Do. Do. to Stephen Yerians (Yerines), Lasse Hen- ricks, Mathias Spartleson and Errick Yerians, all of ffynne Town Hook, heretofore called Pumpione Hook, on the Eastern shore of Delaware R., of 1,040 acres, N. W. of said Fyns Town and E. of a small island, along said river. 13 1676 Aug. 19. Do. 'Do. to Matthyas Nelison, Matthyas Matteson and Peter Oulson, all of Boughtown, N. J., planters, of 1,040 acres be tween the mourn of Bough Town Creek and Game Creek, along Dela ware R. 13 1676 Aug. 11. Do. Do. to John Erickson, his daughters Barbareca Erixson and Annica Erixson, and servant Henrick Eurinson, all of Great Staine Hook, to be called Erixson's Staine Hooke, Fenwick's Colony, N. J., of 300 acres along Delaware R. from Staine Creek Southward. 14 1676 Nov. 28. Do. Do. to Richard Guy of Guy's Point, formerly called Elsingburg Fort, Fenwick's Colony, N. J., of 1,000 acres there, from Delaware to Fenwick's River along a creek (illegible). 14 Do. Do.* to Richard Gibbins of Middle Town, N. J., planter", of 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony (incomplete). 14 1676 Nov. 12. Do. Do. to John Pledger and Hypolite Lefeavor of Beriton Feilds and Hollyborne, planters, of 6,000 acres between Manna- tons and AUawayes Creeks, the Mill Creek and Fenwick's River. 15 1676 Aug. 30. Do. Do. to the brothers Ellis and Garrett Gilliame, of 140 acres in West Fenwick Township, E. Fenwick's River, N. a small creek, W. and S. a small run, going into the great swamp; adjoining Hance Hearee. 16 1679 Sept. 3. Do. Do. to Eliz: Smyth, purchaser of the English In terest, of 500 acres adjoining Penton's plantation in the Township of New Salem, along Monmouth River. 16 1679 Sept. 3. Do. Do. of 300 acres intended for Anne Craven of New Salem, widow, dec'd, who refused to accept the deed, vizt: in the Township of East Fenwick, along the Eastside of Smythe's plantation and Monmouth River. Marginal Note: "Anne Craven widow. She was to have it by proposeall as foUoweth wcn her husbands and freinds deswiaded her from, as ajrpeares by their deeds of settlement wch they never sealed, nor would pay for but accepted of an Arbitrarie pi'mit for 500 Acres, whereby Rich. Hancock by his illegall warrt tooke from Abraham Brow 25otie Acres wch lie had surveyed and was payd by him for it as appeares by his certificate." 17 Proceedings concerning the grant of the foregoing 300 acres to Widow Anne Craven. 17 1679 Sept. 3. Return of survey to Abraham Browne of New Shrewes- 544 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page bury, of 250 acres in the Township of East Fenwick, on Monmouth R., adjoining Craven's plantation, part of the 10,000 a. heretofore granted to John Ashfeild and by him reassigned to John Fenwick. 18 ¦ June 24. Do. Do. to John Maddock of New Salem, Fenwick Colony, N. J., chandler, of 1,000 acres, adjoining Salter's plantation and Anderson's, along Unknowne Creek and the branch thereof. 18 Do. Do. to Thomas Anderson, bricklayer, upon his letter of attorney to John Maddock, of 1,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony, and to William Hughes of Marcus Hooke, Western Shore of Delaware R., of 500 acres in said Colony. (See A B of Salem Surveys.) 19 1692 May 16. Do. Do. by Richard Tindall, Surveyor General, to Sam'uel Hedge, of a town lot in Salem of 15 acres, on the street, between Benjamin Acton, the Courthouse lot, Fenwick's Creek and Ivey Point Landing, part of 1,000 a. belonging to John Helmsley and sold to Hedge by order of John Smith. 20 1693-4 Feb. 3. Do. Do. to Nicholas Winton, of 500 acres on Rich Neck Run, between Edward Webb, Richard Maysey, George Gairett, John Cullyer, Tindall's Run and James Viccary, part of the 1,000 a. due to Mary Champneys. 21 1700 March 25. Do. Do. to Jonathan Dennis, of 25 acr.es due him for highway allowance, on Unknowne Creek, along John- William's line. 21 1679 Oct. 16. Do. Do. by Samuel Hedge, Surveyor General, and Richard Hancock, Deputy Surveyor, to Lawrance alias Lance Cornelious, - Andrea Anderson, Matthyas Johnson and Widow Annica Henry, -all of West Fenwick, planters, of 600 acres in said town, between Batstowe and Parting Creeks, along'Fenwick's River. 22 1679 Oct. 16. Do. Do. to Lawrance alias Lance Cornelious of WestFenwick, N. J., of 100 acres there, adjoining Andrea Senixson. 22 1679 Oct. 16. Do. Do. to Andrew Senickson of Fenwick's Point, Township of West Fenwick, N. J., planter, of 226 acres in said township on Fenwick's River, between Parting Creek andasmall creek separating Hance Heares plantation from said point. 23 1680 Aug. 3. Do. Do. to Edward Lumley of Lumles -Sawley in the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, N. J., planter, of 300 acres, to be called Lum- leys-Sawleyl, on Tindall's Run, which goes into East Fenwick Creek, part of John Ashfeilds 10,000 acres. 24 1680 Aug. 3. Do. Do. to Edward Webb of the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, N. J., planter, of 300 acres on East Fenwick Creek, adjoining Edward Lumley. 24 1680 May 10. Do. Do. to Richard Tyndall of Tyndall's Bowery, 1 DoubtlesS so called after Sawley in Yorkshire. FENWICK'S SURVEYS, 1676-1705. 545 Manor of Fenwick's Grove, gentleman, of 230 acres between a small run going into East Fenwick's Creek, called Tyiidall's Run, and Hedges Run, part of John Ashfeild's 10,000 acres. 25 1678-9 Feb. II. Do. Do. to Mark Reeve of Borough Hill, Manor of Fenwick's Grove, planter, of 90 acres on East Fenwick- Creek, by the Indians called Mannataine Cr., part of John Ashfeild's 10,000 acres. 25 Do. Do. to Thomas Watson of Watson's Ranthrope,! Manor of. Fenwick's Grove, planter, of 90 acres on Manneton alias Fenwick's Creek and a small run. 26 1678 June 6. Do.- Do. to Hugh Dickman, of 500 acres along the Southside of Chohanziek River, between Worthe's plantation and Shrewes- bury Creek. 26 1678-9 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. to Marke Reeve and Thomas Nealson, of 20 acres of meadow "wch makes up their nintie acres apeece iqo lo each," at the mouth of a small run going into Fenwick Creek. 27 1682 June 20. Do. Do. to Thomas Pyle of London, citizen and up holsterer, of 10,000 acres, bought by him in the name of Richard Guy of the Parish of Stepney, Co. of Middlesex, cheesemonger, who by a deed of trust conveyed the same to John Edridge, Joseph Hemseley, Richard No ble, Edward Champneyes and Edmond Warner; of said tract 7,905 a. are bounded by Fenwick's River, Cannons Creek, which goes through part of it, Pyle's Mount, Masaeksey alias Oldmans alias Berkley Creek, Pyles Bounder Creek, the balance in Necomusses Neck between Necomusses run, now called Fenwick's Grove Run and Fenwick's River. 27 Do. Do. to Thomas Watson, of 100 acres on Mannaton alias East Fenwick Creek,' adjoining John Pledger. 28 1682 Nov. 20. Do. Do. to John Smyth of Smythes Feild on Mon mouth R., Fenwick's Colony, gentleman, of 1,000 acres, to-wit: 460 a. be tween Edward Champneys on the Northside of Cannon's Neck, the Tenn . Acre Creek, John Payne, Thomas Chaunders and a little creek; 550 a. on the Southside of Fenwick's Creek, adjoining Watson's Ranthrope. 29 1684-5 March 6. "Do. Do. "to William Willis, of 300 acres on Mun Mouth R., alias AUawayes Creek, surveyed by Marke Reeve with permis sion of Hypolitus Lefeuer senior, Mary Lefeuer and John Worlidge. 30 1700 Oct. 16. Do. Do. '(resurvey) by Thomas Gardiner, Surveyor, to Thomas Hutchingsons, of 2,000 acres, of which 1,000 on the Southside of Gravilley Run, at the head of Onknown Creek, between Thomas Ander son and Richard Butcher, formerly Wm. Hughs; the other 1,000 acres ad join the first. 31 1701 Dec. 17. Do. Do. to Thomas Hutchinson, dec'd, for the ac commodating of the 2,000 acre tract, of 500 acres bought by Benjamin - 1 Probably Ranthorpe. 53 546 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Feild of John Hutchinson, on Stow alias Unknowne Creek, near Brad- wayes lower corner. 31 1702 4th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Benjamin Acton to John Ithell, of 1,000 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, between Samuel Hunter, an old Indian field near a branch of AUawayes Creek and Hugh Hutchings. 32 1702-3 6th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. (resurvey) to John Kyllett, of 100 acres on Manneton Creek, adjoining Samuel Smith. 32 1702-3 Feb. 10. Do. Do. Do. by Samuel Alexander, Surveyor, to Richard Butcher, of 500 acres on the S. E. side of Stow Creek, adjoining Thomas Anderson. ^ 32 1702-3 Feb. 5. Do. Do. to Thomas Applegate, of 590 acres on the Northside of Chohansey Creek, between Pine Mount marsh and Nicholas Demires land, in Salem Co., John Adams and William Wailhman. 33 1702-3 Jan. 28. Do. Do. to Mr. Obediah Holmes upon the account of Benjamin Burdon, of 10 acres in the Town of Greenwitch, Salem Co., on the Mill Branch, between Enoch Moore's and Applegate's lots. 33 1702 6th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. to John Dickason, of 500 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, adjoining the Widow Curryer. 33 1702-3 Jan. 28. Do. Do. to Mr. Obediah Holmes on account of Thomas Applegate, of 10 acres in the Town of Greenwitch, on the N. W. side of Enoch Moore and along the street. 33 1703 Nov. 17. Do. Do. to John Pagett, of 63 acres, to make up his complement of - 500 acresj at Unknowne Creek, adjoining Richard Butcher. 34 - 1703 7th d. ioth m. (Dec). Do. Do. (resnrvey) ' to James Browne, of 600 acres on Ouldman's Creek, part of the 10,000 a. called Pile Grove. 34 1705 Sept. 10. Do. Do. Do. to Natt Nudigate of Boston, mer chant, of 1,000 acres, formerly surveyed for Tho: Clark of London, haber dasher, adjoining George Hutchison on Gransby Run, in the Precinct of Greenwitch. (Entered twice.) 34, 35 1 1705-6 Jan. 6. Do. Do. to John Champneyes of 250 acres on Fen wick's Run and Salem Creek, between Charles Angeloe, John Mink and. Andrew Hopman. 35 Salem Surveys, No. l. 1678 18. Letter. Samuel Land, late of the Parish of St. Mar tins, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of New Castle in the Duke's Prov ince on Delaware R., his wife Dorcus and John Yoe of New Castle afore- SALEM SURVEYS, NO. I. 547 Page said, clerk, to John Fenwick, certifying that they have conveyed to Wil liam Penton of New Salem, yeoman, the 500 acres bought of said Fenwick May 14, 1675. (Defective.) 1 1678 June 21. Return of survey by Richard Hancock, Deputy Survey or, to Anthony Page, with consent of Edward Wade of New Salem, plant er, of 100 acres near the mouth of Munmouth R., in the allotment of AUa wayes, "Said river being the North bounds. , 5 1678-9'Feb. 15. "Request of Wm. Malster to Richard Hancock, to survey for William Johnson, tailor, 500 acres of his, Malster's, 4,000 a. ¦ tract on Munmouth River. 7 1678-9 Feb. 20. Return of survey to Wm. Johnson of the preceding —500 acres on Munmouth R. 7 1679 May 2., Certificate of Hypolite Lefever and wife Mary, that they have agreed to sell and convey to George Provo, late of the Parish of St. Martins in the Feilds, Co. of Middlesex, England, nov/ of New Salem, cordwinder, their dividend of the 6,000 acres granted by John Fenwick to said Lefever and John Pledger Nov. 2, 1676, that is 300 acres. 8 1609 (sic) May 10. Return of survey to George Provo, of the preced ing 300 acres along the Northside of Monmouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, adjoining Penton's plantation; the lot to be called Provoes Holt. 9 1677 Sept.. 4. Warrant to Samuel Hedge, Surveyor General, or his .Deputy Richard Hancock, for the survey of 10 acresjn the Township of" New Salem for Henry Jenyngs, taylor, the return to be made to Fenwick Adams, "my Register. " 11 1677 Sept. 4. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township . of New Salem for Richard Robinson, planter. 11 1677 Sept. 4. , Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township _ of New Salem for Christopher Saunders. 12 1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of New Salem for George Decon, hatter. 12 ' 1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of . New Salem for James Nevill, gentleman. 13 - 1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Sale,m for Richard Gibbs, hatter. 13 1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem Township for Peter Cornelious, planter. 14 1678 May 8. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of New Salem for Jobn Cobligh, adjoining Richard Gibbs; return to be made to Samuel Winder, Register. 1 14 1678 May 20. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of New Salem for Joseph Bowels. 15 . " 1678. May 21. Do. Do. for the survey of 20 acres in the Township 548 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page of New Salem for James Nevill, gentleman. . 15 1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem Township for Marke Reeve, adjoining Samuel Nicholson's 16 a. 17 1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of. 10 acres in New Salem Township, for Edward Lumley, adjoining Marke Reeve. 17 1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem Township for Robert Goulsbury, adjoining Edward Lumley. 18 1677 Sept. 7. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem Township for Widow Anne Craven. 18 Salem Surveys, No. 2. 1678 Sept. 23. Warrant of William Malster to" Richard Hancock, to survey for Marcus Ellegar, 1,000 acres of his, Malster's ¦ acres in Allowayes. I 1679 June 12. Return of survey-to Marcus Ellegar, of 1,000 acres on AUoways Creeky at the mouth of a small creek. I 1679 April 10. Warrant by Wm. Malster to Richard Hancock for the survey of 1,000 acres for John Test. I 1679 June 12. Return of survey of the preceding 1,000 acres on Weeck Creek. (Most of the" page destroyed. ) I 1679 June — . Warrant by John Fenwick to Richard Hancock for the survey of 1,000 acres for Thomas Anderson, late of the Parish of St. James Clarkenwell, Co. of Middlesex, England, and wife Anne, adjoining Henry Salter dec'd, and John -Mattocks, in the ranges of Monmouth R. (Partly destroyed.) 2 1679 June 24. Return of survey of the preceding 1,000 acres on Mat tock's alias Unknowne Creek, along the Southside of Mattock's plantation and the Northside of Wm. Hews, W. said creek. 3 1679 June II. Warrant for the survey for Jobn Mattocks, of 1,000 acres in the ranges of Monmouth R., adjoining Henry S (destroyed, Sal ter ?). 3 1679 June 24. Return of survey of the preceding 1,000 acres on Mat tock's alias Unknowne Creek, adjoining Thomas Anderson. (The rest de- troyed. ) 4 1679 June 13. Warrant for the survey for William Hews of Marcus Hook, Western Shore of Delaware, cooper, of 500 acres adjoining John Mattocks and Tho: Anderson; bought of John Fenwick in England, March 24, 1674-5. 5 1679 June 24. Return of survey by Samuel Hedge, Surveyor General, and Richard Hancock, his deputy, of the preceding 500 acres on Mattocks SALEM SURVEYS, NO. 2. 549 Page alias Unknowne Greek, adjoining Tho: Anderson. 6 1678 June 21. Warrant for the survey to James Nevill of Stebonheath, alias Siepney, Co. of Middlesex, weaver, as attorney for Widow Elizabeth Smith of White-Chappie, same Co., of 500 acres in Allowayes Allotment, or as near as may be on the N. E. side of Monmouth River. 7 i67g July I. Return of survey of the preceding 500 acres on AUa wayes Cr. along the Eastside of Wm. Penton and the West side of Widow Craven's plantation. 7 i67g May 15. Warrant for the survey' to Widow Anne Craven .of New Salem* of 300 acres adjoining Wido'w Elizabeth Smith's 500 a., "as it runneth up Monmouth River." 8 l67g July I. Return of the survey of the preceding 300 acres, S. Allo wayes Creek, W. Elizabeth Smith. g 1676 Oct.- 12. Do. Do. lo Anthony Page of 16 acres in Salem (see supra, Fenwick's Surveys, p. 3). g . 1679 Sept. 9. Warrant by Robert Wade to Richard Hancock for the survey to Nathaniel Champneys (Chamnes) of 200 acres of his, Wade's land, next to Edward Wade's. 10 l679»Sept. 24. Return of survey to Nathaniel Champneys of 240 acres on Ailowayes Creek. ( 10 1679 Sept. 24. , Do. Do. to Joseph Ware of 200 acres on Allowayes Cr., along the Westside of Nathaniel Champneys' plantation and the Eastside of Anthony Page's; by "order of Edw. Wade. 11 1676 June 12. _ Do. Do. to Hypolite Lefever and Jon. Pledger, planters, of 5,936 acres in the first half allotment of Allowayes, between Allowayes Creek; the great swamp, Mill Creek, Fenwick's Creek and Man- eton's Creek. 12 1676 Aug. 13. Do. Do. to Stephen Yerians, et al. of 1040 acres (see Fenwick's Surveys,- p. 13). 13 1680 Sept. 13. MiiAtes of a special Court, James Nevill, Wm. Pen- ton, Richard Grey,1 Edw. Bradway, Edw. Wade, Comrs : Order granting , to Charles Beggely a warrant to Richard Hancock for the survey of 200 acres of land, part of the 500 a. which his wife in her widowhood had ¦ from John Edridge and Edmond Warner. John Adams of New Salem, ' planter, and wife, acknowledge their: fault and promise to behave them selves in future. *4 1679 July 5. Minutes of a Called. Court, held for the Whorekill, Cap tain John Auery, Alex. Molstine, Mr. Jon. Roads, James , Comrs. Order granting to Joshua Barkstead a quietus as administrator of the es tate of his deceased brother John. 14 1680-1 March 15. Return of survey by Richard Hancock to Joshua Barkstead of 4,968 acres at the mouth of a small creek near the Indian 55O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Market place and along the Northside of Cohanzey River. 15 1680-1 March 18. Do. Do. to Edward Bradway of 984 acres along the Westside of Unknowne Creek. 15 1680 Sept. 16. Do. Do. by order of Court (supra, p. 14) to Charles Begley, of 200 acres on the North branch of AUawayes Creek. . 15^ 1682 Nov. 15. Do. Do. to Edmond Gibbons of 6000 acres on both sides of Unknowne Creek and on the Northside of Chohanzey River, of which 4500 a. on the path to Chohanzey or Antioch Town, adjoining Wm. Laurense and Wm. Hughs, the other 1500 a. on the_Westside of Chohan zey Cr. along the Southside of Henry Salte'r's. 16 1682 Nov. 10. Do. Do. to Thomas Budd of Burlington, of 500 acres between Fishing and Great Fishing Creeks, near Finns Point. i6£ 1682 Dec. I. Do. Do. to Mich: Barron, of 1000 acres on Salem Creek, Delaware River and Small Fishing Creek, adjoining Fopp John son. 17 1683 21st d. 2d m. (April). Warrant by James Nevill, as attorney for Anna Salter, to Richard Hancock for the survey to William ffleetwood of 300 acres on Stow River alias Unknown Creek. 18 1683 21st d. 2d m. (April). Mem. of mortgage by John Denn of Allo wayes Creek, turner, of his house and plantation to Henry Stacy of Bur lington. 18 Mem. of a letter of attorney from Jon Snook to Samuel Cur tise of Salem Co., to receive from Tho. Snook of East Noyle, Co. of Wilts, father of said John, a legacy of 20 nobles devised to him -by Wm. Brevis of East Noyle, dec'd. 19 1684 Aug. 2. Mem., that Roger Milton of Windham, W. J., passed,a bond for the payment of £21 by Wm. Milton of Warwill, Co. of Berks, to Thomas Haslom, and in case of miscarriage said Haslom appoints James Nevill of Salem to collect the sum of said Roger and pay £15 thereof to his father John Haslom in Ratcliffbridge, Lancashire. 20 1685 April 14. Mem. of a letter of attorney from John Pledger of Bereton, Salem Tenth, lo Steven Worlidge of Portsmouth, England, to sell hisland and houses in Bereton, County of Southampton. 20 Mem. of deed. Edward Champney of Allowayes Creek, joiner, , to Joseph While of Salem and wife Eliz:, for 400 acres on said creek, be tween Robert Dun and Adams Creek. 21 — Mem. Inquiry by-Jacob Young from John Culier of the name of a man who sold trees to Eliz: Adams; payment by Jacob's wife to John Adams' wife for land at Chohanzey through Samuel Hedge and Margret Hastwood. 22 Mem. of lease. Roger Milton to John Surridg, of the planta tion lately belonging to Edward Lumley, next to the meetinghouse in Sa lem, for 15 years. . 22 SALEM SURVEYS, NO. 2. 55 1 Page 1685 March 28. Mem. of agreement. Wm. ffleetwpod sells to Albert Hendricks 400 acres of land. 23 1685 June 9. Mem. of mortgage. Roger Milton on 350 acres, part of Ann's Grove, bought of Joseph White. 23 1685 June 10. Agreement. Edward Champnes and itoger Milton concerning the mill in which they are partners. 24 1685 July 11. Agreement of lease. Roger Milton of Windham to John Paine of Salem Town, of a 16 acre lot in said town. 24 1685 July 20. Do. Do. Henry Jenings to Roger Milton of a yoke of oxen for 2 years. . 25 1685 Aug. 21. Do. Do. Edward Champnes to Josiah Elfreth of Allowayes, of 484 acres there near the grist mill, which said Josiah now inhabits. 26 1685 Aug. 25. Mem. of sale. James Nevill to William Heghes (Hews), of 100 acres on Ouldman's Creek, Salem Tenth, to be surveyed next to John Staubank's 150 a. . 27 Mem., that Wm. Hewes is to have 150 acres of John Stanbank on the N. W. side below the Fishingplace. 27 1685 Sept. 5. Agreement. Richard Johnson is to build for Edward , Wade a house 30 by 18 f., a story and fa high. 28 1685 Sept. 15. Do. Tobias Quintaine is to work for Roger Milton at the mill or otherwise, "until either p'ty dislike each other-," at 3 sh. a day and "for the sure payment of so much as shalbe due to ye s^ Tobias," at the time he shall leave the work, Roger is to convey to him 200 acres at Allowayes Creek' between Anthony Page and Richard Johnson. - 29 Lease. Reyneere (van Hyst) to Wm. Winton and his son Nichollas, of the plantation called Mulberry Ferme, 300 acres, on Mane- ton Creek, for 7 years from September 29, 1688. 3° Exceptions of Wm. Hall, deft., lo a bill of complaint against him by Joseph Moore of New Castle Co., Penna:, carpenter. 31 ¦ Mem. of lease. Tho: York to Charles Angello, of 500 acres with dwelling house, improvements and cattle, for 3 years from November -15.1690. 32 . Lease. Michael Barroon to Robert Hunter and wife, of a plantation where said Michael now lives. 33 • 1690 July 26.^ Mem. of what Tho. Lamson, Garterud Standlyand Rey neere say about the lease from Reyneer Vanhyest to Wm. and Nicholas Winton (p. 30). 34 -r— — "Lease. Reynere Vanhyest to George Web and John Hews, of a plantation,. called . 35 Jv 1685-6 22d d. 12th m. (Febuary). Mem. of sale. Wm. Groom to Richard Marshall, of 200 acres at Allowayes Creek, bought of Marcus 552 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL POCUMENTS. Page Elgar of Middle Neck, Salem Tenth, who is to give deed, the land adjoins Dennis ffisher's 500 a.; purchase consideration to be delivered al Wm. Kelly's house at Salem Townlandir.g. 36 1685-86 26th d. nth m. (January). Mem. of lease. Edward Brad way to Josiah' Elfreth, of a plantation at Stow alias Unknown Creek. 37 Mem. "The name of Tho: Kent's 5 acres of land to be called Spring-well-end." 37 1687 Nov. 21. Memoranda: Jon Walker brings 2 ears of a strange hog, killed by him. Richard Dean lets his house and lot of 16 acres in Salem Town to Roger Milton for 4 years, binding himself to make a good conveyance thereof at the expiration of the 4 years, and Roger Milton 'then agrees to pay a certain price. 38 Do. of grant by John Fenwick to Wm. Maulster, wife Ka- therine and Francis Bowyer of 5000 acres Feb. 24, 1674-5; of conveyance by Malster to Wm. Milton of 1500 a. of the foregoing 5000 April 21, 1679; of conveyance by Wm. Milton to his brother, Roger Milton of said 1500 acres April 6, 1680; of conveyance by Roger Milton to Anne Whitten of 16 acres. 39 1687 Nov. 8. Mem. of deed. Roger Milton to George Haslwood, for a townlot, formerly Edw. Champneys. 39 Jan. 16. Mem. of warrant for Joseph Brown and John Mason for two town lots al Cohanzey. 39 1687 Nov. 28. Mem. of affidavit by Richard Wilkinson of Chestnut Neck, Salem Co., concerning shots be heard fired, , seeing Wooly, brother of Ellen Van Hysst, and a brother of Lass Cooby, and finding a mare of Andrew Andrus shot dead. 40 Mem. of deed. Rdger Milton to Henry Jenings, of 200 acres behind Richard Johnson's and adjoining John Test's 1000 a. at Allowayes Creek. 41 Minute of trial: John Landrigging, pltf, vs. Morris Liston, deft., concerning two horses, lost at the farm. 41 [Pages 42 to 48 blank.] Memoranda: Reyneere Vanhysst and wife Elizabeth convey to Jon Abbet 500 acres at the head of Allowayes Creek; mem., the deed of gift from Barroon is dated December 10, 1688. 49 Deed of Trust. William Willis of Allowayes and wife Eliz abeth to James Nevill of Salem Town, yeoman, for 300 acres, called Pro- voe's Holt on Allowayes Creek, for the use of grantors and their son Wil liam. 50 Deed. Benjamin Acton of Salem Town, yeoman, to Jonathan Beere of Sandyburr Wood, Salem Co., yeoman, for 16 acres in. Salem Town between Geo. Haslwood's and Thomas Woodrooffe's plantations. 51 Mem. about the way in which £120 are to be paid; that Jo1? SALEM SURVEYS, NO. 2. 553 Page Beetie assigns a deed for 200 acres to Mathew Robinson. 52 1690 16th d. 4th m. (June). Lease. John Paine to Edward Champ neys, of a house and lot of 16 acres in Salem Town. 53 Do. Re^neere Vanhysst to Wm. Shute, of a plantation of 300 acres, formerly occupied by Tho. Arnold. 54 1688 19th d. 2d m. (April). Mem. of bond given by Wm. Shute for the appearance in Court of his wife to give evidence concerning Annacka Yerins' pregnancy. 55 1688 19th d. 3d m. (May). Do. of affidavit by Peter Bildr-beek, con cerning a conversation had at Laus Hendrickson's wake at ffinns Point, with Woolla Woulson and Steven's daughter Annacka about her pregnancy; she saying, "she bad a young Youdas, wch is by interpretacon a divill in ffinns language." 55 — Minutes of Court proceedings. George Haslwood vs. Jo ¦Adams, same vs. Hugh Hutchings. Mem. of bond, from said Haslwood and Dennis Leach for the appearance of said Leach to answer the com plaint of James Wall — of New Castle. Geo. Haslwood vs. Wm. Shute. 56 1687-8 8th d. 12th m. (February). Agreement of sale. Anthony Page to Joseph Ware, of 100 acres, bought of Edward Wade. 57 ¦— Political Essay on the powers of law courts &c. by James Nevill, ending with: A Rivers mouth is bigger than its head, So would the mouth of Pensilvania spred, Over Superiors, over all his peers, -Over the English, ffinns, Sweads & Minjieres, Most horrible, monsterous & most Barberous, hee Renders known & Common law, to be, His will is, right or wrong, be't plaintife or defendt, Should" have the Cause, if gold be at y' end ont For Averice & pride, he's not the least Money's the thing, in th' bears nose, & ring, Tis that Commands the Beast. Standing waters will breed corruption & be offensive if it be not some times changed, and for men to be too long in offices of government is to t have too litle regard to others or trre Dignity of the state. 58 It The Indian Interpreter, a vocabulary of Indian words.l j 1684-5 Feb. 9. Mem., that Dennis ffesher of Allowayes Qreek has giv- jr .en a promissory note to Marcus Elgar of Middle Neck, Salem Tenth. 69 1686 . Mem. of lease. Roger Milfon to Rutherien Morris, of the town lots between t.he Meetinghouse and Richard Daniell's townlot. 69 ., * Printed in "Tbe Indians of New Jersey, their Origin and Development, • -Manners and Customs, Language, -Religion and Government," by William Nel- ;> soa. Patersou, N. J.. 1894; pp. 133-139. : 54 554 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. I Page 1686 Dec. 10. Mem. of warrant to John Worlidge for the survey for Francis Buckle of 203 acres, part of Anna Salter's, between the Forrests' 1000 a. and Christopher White's. 69 1684 Oct. 13. Warrant to Richard Tindall, for the survey to Francis Forrest, John Forrest and Richard Dean of 1000 acres on Stow Creek, ad joining Morgan Drewel. 70 1684 Nov. 24. Return of survey of the preceding 1000 acres between Morgan Drewett, Stow Creek and two small creeks. 70 1684 Aug. 2. Warrant for the survey to Morgan Drewett of 600 acres of Anna Salter's land on Unknown Cr. and Delaware R. ; do. to Edward Bradway of 100 a. of Anna Salter's land on Bradway's Neck at Unknown Creek. ' 71 A receipt for a dropsy. 72 1684 21st d. 2d ni. (April). Oath of office as Constable, subscribed by William Surridge of New Salem. 73 [SALEM] SURVEYS, 16f6. 1676 June 21. Oath of office of John Fenwick as Governour of Fen wick's Colony, N. J. I Do. Do. of Richard Guy of Guy's Point, Township of New Salem, Fenwick's Colony, planter, as member of the Governour's Coun cil. I 1676 June 11. Minute of Council: three acres of swamp to be al lowed for one acre of fast land. 2 1676 Oct. 3. Order by John Fenwick, concerning the fencing in of the " plantations. 2 1676 Oct. 4. Do. Do. for the regulating of fences in New Salem: Roger Huckings, John Smyth, Samuel Nicholson, Marke Reve, John Adams, William Hancock, Edw. Wade, Edw. Champneys specially men tioned as ordered to regulate their fences. 3 1676 June 25. Agreement of settlement and division of lands by the chief purchasers of Fenwick's Colony and others now residing there, to wit: every purchaser to have half of his land in the liberties of Chohan- sick, the other half in the liberties of Allowayes; a neck or two to be laid out for a town, at Chohansick, half for the Chief proprietor, the other half in town lots for purchasers; the lots to be of 16 acres; the Town of New Salem to be divided by a street, the land S. E. of that street to be laid out in 16 acre lots for purchasers, the other side to be disposed of by the Chief proprietor for the encouragement of trade. Signed: J. Fenwick, Edward Wade, John Smith, Richard Noble, Samuel Nicholson, John Adam his [SALEM] SURVEYS, 1 676. 555 v Page mark, Ilipolite Lefeure, Edward Champneys, Richard Whitacar, William Malster, Robert Wade. 5 1676 July 5. Oath of office of Richard Noble as Chief Surveyor of Fenwick's Colony. 6 1676 July 5. Oath of allegiance to John Fenwick by Samuel Nichol son, Edward Champnes, Robert Wade, Richard Whiteacre, all planters, of William Handcock, cordwinder, William Malster, gentleman, John Cann, -tailor, Samuel Land, tailor, all of New Salem. 7 [Pages 8 to 22, both incl., blank.]. 1676 July 12. ' Warrant of John Fenwick to Richard Noble for the sur vey of one half of Allowayes allotment, on the Northside of the creek, from the head thereof to its mouth, then three miles up Delaware. R., 'thence in a straight line by the rear of Kimboll's plantation to the rear of the S. W. lots of New Salem, then E. to the path from Salem to John Pledger's plantation, leaving said plantation to the Northward. 23 1676 July 13. Do. Do. for the survey to Samuel Nicholson of New Salem, planter, of 468 acres, he having already laid "out 16 acres as home- lot in New Salem and 16 a. as town lot in Chohanziek, the said 468 a. to be surveyed in the half allotment of Allowayes. 23 - 1676 July 14. Do. Do. . Do. to Edward Champneys of New Salem, joiner, of 1968 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Samuel Nicholson. *- ^ 24 1676 July 15. . Do. Do. Do. to Roger Huckings of New Salem, planter, of 468 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Adams' , or Noble's plantation, a 16 a. lot in Salem and 16 a." in GJiohansick mak ing up his 500 acres. 26 1676 July 15. Do. Do. Do. to Richard Handcock of New Salem, planter, of 468 acres adjoining the preceding and making 500 a. as be fore. 27 1676 July 15. Do. Do. Do. to Richard Noble of 500 acres adjoin ing Adams plantation, in the half allotment of Allowayes. Marginal Note: " He refused to have it surveyed." 27 1676 July 14. Do. Do. Do. to John Adariis of New Salem, plant er, of 500 acres in- the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Edward Champneys. 28 ' 1676 Aug. 16. Do. Do. Do. to John Smyth of New Salem, plant er, of 964 acres in the half allotment. of Allowayes, adjoining Handcock's •plantation; he having 20 a. in Salem and 16 a. at Chohansick. 29 1676 Aug. 16. Do. Do. Do. to Edward Wade of New Salem, planter, of 968 acres adjoining Smyth's plantation in the half allotment of Allowayes, having had 1.6 a. in said town and to haye 16 in Chohansick. 29 1676 Aug. 23. Order of John Fenwick, deposing Richard Noble from his office of Surveyor General for neglect of duty in not surveying accord- 556 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ing to preceding warrants, for creating dissatisfaction &c, and appointing Richard Hancock in his place. 30 1676 Aug. 8. Warrant for the survey to Edward Boarne of the City of Woster of 20,000 acres, sold to him June 1, 1675. 31 1676 Aug. 10. Do. Do. of 300 acres at Great Stayne Hook, Fen- wicks Colony, of which 30 acres to Barbareca Erixson, 20 to Annica Erix son, 230 to their father John Erixson and 20 a. to his servant, Henriek Eurinson. (See Vol. Fenwick's Surveys, p. 14). 32 1676 Aug. 12. Do. Do. to Steven- Yerians et al. (See Fenwick's Surveys, p. 13.) 33 1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. to Robert Wade, of 468 acres in the whole allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Edw. Wade, with 16 a. in Salem and 16 in Chohansick, 500 acres. tr^ and clothworker, for 2000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 46 1675 May 6. Do. Same to John Maddock of the Parish of St. Sepul chres, Co. of Middlesex, chandler, and wife Elizabeth, for 1000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 48 SALEM NO. I. 561 Page 1675 May 6. Do. >Same to Thomas Anderson of the Parish- . of St: James ClerkenWell, Co. of Middlesex, bricklayer, and wife Ann, for 1.000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. e0 1675 May 6. Do. Same to Edward Bradway of St. Paul Shadwell, Co. of Middlesex, lighterman, and wife Mary, for 1000 acres in Fenwick's ;Cplony. 52 1675 May 10. Do. Same to Richard Hancock of Bromley near Bow, Co. of Middlesex, upholsterer, and wife Margaret, for 500 acres in Fen wick's Colony. 54 1675 May 12. Do. Same to Peter Huff of the Parish of Christ Church, London, tailor, and wife Elian or, for 500 acres in Fenwick's Col ony. 56 1675 May 14. Do. Same to Richard Noble of the Parish of St. But- rtolph without Aldgate, Co. of Middlesex, surveyor^ and wife Judith, for 2000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 58 1675 May 14. Do. Same to Samuel Land of the Parish of St. Mar-' tin's, Co. of Middlesex, tailor, and wife Dorcus, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 60 1675 May 14. Do. Same to John Cann of the Parish of St. Martin's in the ffeildes, Co. Of Middlesex, tailor, and wife Mary, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 62 1675 May 15. Do. Same to John Townesend of. the City of Worces ter, blacksmith, and wife Mary, for iooo acres in ffenwick's Colony. 64 1675 May 25. Do. Same to John Pledger, late of Portsmouth, Co. of Southampton, England, ship carpenter, and wife Elizabeth, for 3000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 66 - .1675 May 25. Do. Same to Hipolit Lefever, late of St. Martins in the ffeildes, Co. of Middlesex, gentleman, and wife Mary, for 3000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 68 " 1675 May 26. Do. Same to Christopher White of the Parish of Step ney alias Stebunlleath, Co. of Middlesex, carpenter, and wife Hester, for 1,000' acres in ffenwick's Colony. 7° . , 1675 May 21. Do. Same to Richard Guy of the Parish of Stepney (as above), cheesemonger, for 10,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 72 r" ¦ ;;,. 1675 June 1. Do. Same to Edward Bourne of the City of Worcester, liphysician, for 20,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 74 '"' 1675 June 2- Do. Same to Edmond Warner of London, citizen and poulterer, for 10,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 76 1675 June 2. -Do. Same to Richard Rickston of London, citizen and , draper, for 4,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 78 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Edward Champney, late of Aldmonsbury Co. of Glocester, joiner, and wife Priscilla, for1 2,ooo acres, in ffeii/wick's 55 562 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Colony. 80 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Thomas Mainwaring of London, citizen and goldsmith, for 10,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 82 , 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Edward Duke of Aylesbury, Co. of Kent, gent: and Thomas Duke of London, draper, for 6,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 84 1675 June 14. Do. Same to Samuel Nicolson of Wiseton, Co. of Nottingham, husbandman, and wife Anne, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 86 1675 June 16. Do. Same to Job Nettleship of the Parish of St. George Southwark, Co. of Surrey, singleman, and John Nettleship of the •Parish of Christ Church, London, singleman, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 88 1675 June 16. Indenture Tripartite. Richard Guy of Stepney, cheese monger, of the first part, Thomas Pile of London, upholsterer, of the sec ond part, and John Edridge of St. Paul Shadwell, tanner, Joseph Helmes- ley of Great Kelke, York, yeoman, Richard Noble of St. Buttblph without' Algate, surveyor, Edward Champneyes of Almonsberry, Glocester, yeo man, and Edmund Warner of London, poulterer, relating to the lo,ooo acres granted to said Richard Guy (supra, p. 72), which he bought with money of said Thomas Pile and which are hereby conveyed by said par ties of the first and second part to the parties of the third part, one half thereof to the use and behoof of Simon Gibson of the Parish of St. Paul Shadwell, Co. of Middlesex, carpenter, during the life of his wife Sarah, one of tiie daughters of said Thomas Pile and wife Sarah; the other half in trust for said Tho: Pile and wife during their lives; the whole to go , finally to Ephraim, son, and Elizabeth, daughter, of said- Thomas and Sarah Pile. 90 1675 June 7. Deed. John Edridge of the Parish of St. Paul Shad well, Co. of Middlesex, tanner, and wife Elizabeth to John Smith of the same place, meale man, for 1,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 96 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Richard Morgan of St. Paul Shadwell, cooper, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. , . 97 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Edward Mathews of St. Paul Shadwell, cooper, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 99 . 1675 June 7. Do. Same to Roger Pedrick of St. Paul Shadwell, lighterman, and wife Rebecca, for 1,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 100 1675 June 7. Patent. John Fenwick to Vicessimus Nettleship of London, citizen and Salter, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 102 1675 June 10. Deed. Edmond Warner of London, citizen and poul terer, to John Mason of Winch comb, Co. of Glocester,. farrier, for 5,000 acres in^ffenwick's Colony. 103 1675 June 9. Patent. John Fenwick to Thomas Clarke of London, 'sALem No. I. 563 Page citizen and haberdasher, for 1,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. i0c 1675 June 17. Do. Same to John Barkestead of London, merchant, for 2,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. I07 1675 June 18. Do. Same to same for 3,000 acres in the same Colony. Io8 1675 June-23. Deed. John Edridge of the Parish of St. Paul Shad well, tanner, and wife Elizabeth to Edward Bradway of the same place, lighterman, for 1,000 acres in ffenwickes Colony. II0 1675 June 8. Patent. John Fenwick to the Honble Edward Gray, Esqre, one of his Maties Bed Chamber, for 1,000 acres in Fenwick's' Coi- ^y- , .112 1675 June 24. Do. Same to Roger Huckins of fford, Co. of Wilts, clothier, for 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony. ZI, 1675 May 5. Do. Same to Elizabeth Smith of the Parish of St. .. Mary White Chappell, Co. of Middlesex, widow, for 500 acres in ffenwick's Colony. IXr 1675 June 28. Do. Same to Robert Wade of London, citizen and carpenter, for 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 117 1675 May 28. Do. Same to Joseph Helmesley of Great Kelke in the East Rideing, Co. of York, yeoman, for 1,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. IIg 1675 June 17. Do. Same to Joane Harding of Oakingham, Co. of : Berks, widow, for 1,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony. 121 1675 June 17. Do. Same to Edward Harding of Oakingham, Co. of Berks, weaver, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 122 1675 June 25. Do. Same to John Cassimir ffollet of the Parish of Shoreditch, Co. of Middlesex, chymist, and wife Sarah, for 1,000 acres in his Colony. N 123 1675 June 24. Articles of agreement. John Fenwick with John Edridge, Edward Dude, Edward Wade, Joshua Barkstead, William Ship- pree, John Smith, Joseph Helmesley, Thomas Hutchinson (by J. H.), " Roger Pedrick, Richard Morgan, William Hughes, Thomas Mainwaring, Edmund Warner, Richard Noble, Roger Huckings, John Maddocke, Ed ward Bradway, Thomas Anderson, John Spooner, Edward Champneys, Richard Rickston, William Hancock and John Barkestead, purchasers, proprietors, freeholders, adventurers and planters in Fenwick's Colony in N. J. : that the records of their deeds shall be in law to all intents and' purposes as effectual, as if they were in actual possession of the land, and that every one of them shall, upon going to said Colony, be satisfied with the lot or lots laid out in Lots No. 20, 21, 26, 27, 36, 47, 50, 57, 63, 72; provided that any such purchaser &c, dissatisfied with the allotment, shall Be debarred from any further claim. 125 564 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1675 June 28, Do. . .Same with same and Richard Guy, John Adams, Peter. Huff, John Test, John Cann, Henry Salter, Vicesimus Nettleship Sawmuel Nicholson, John Harding, Edward Harding, Wm. Malster Samuel Lai">d and Richard Hancock, for the survey and settlement of Fenwick's" Colony, he agreeing to buy within 30 days after his arrival in N. J. 30 to 40,000 acres of the Indians, to locate the land sold by him. i2y ' 1675-6 Feb. 26. Patent. John Fenwick to Richard Guy of Stepney, Co. of Middlesex, cheesemonger, and wife Bridgett for 1,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 128 1675 June 17. Do. Same, to John fnemyng of the Parish of St. Dunstan, West London, gentleman, for 1,000 acres in his Colony. 129 ¦ 1675 May 28. Deed. Richard Noble of the Parish of St. Buttolph ¦ without Algate, Co. of Middlesex, surveyor, and wife Judith to Elizabeth and Dorothy Mayers of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange, . Lon don, spinsters, for 1,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 130 1675 June 17. Patent. John Fenwick to John Harding of Oaking ham, Co. of Berks, weaver, for 2,000 acres in his Colony. 132 1675 July 9. Do. Same to Henery Salter of the Parish of St. But tolph without Bishopsgate, London, silkman, and wife Anna for 10,000 acres in his Colorty. tji 1675 July 12. Do. Same to James Wasse of London, citizen and surgeon, for 5,000 acres of his Colony. 135 1676 July 15. Do. Same to Barbara Erixson, the daughter of John Erixson of Luca Point, N. J., for 30 acres to be surveyed at Stayne Hook in his Colony. E37 1676 July 15.. Do. Same to Anuica Erixson, daughter of John Erix son of Lucas Point, N. J., for 20 acres to be surveyed at Stayne Hook. jo j 1676 Aug. 6. Do. Same to Henrick Eurinson, servant to John Erix son of Lucas Point, N. J., for 20 acres to be surveyed at Stayne Hook in his Colony. r,g 1676. Aug. 13. Do. Same lo John Erixson of" Lucas Point, N. J., planter, for 130 acres of land -and 100 a. of marsh to be surveyed at Stayne Hook in his Colony. j™ 1676 Aug. 17. Do. Same to Mathyas Nelison of Boughtowne, N. J.; planter, for 264 acres, to be taken out of the Boughtown lands in Fen-' wick's Colony. j,g 1676 Aug. 17. Do. Same to Mathyas Mattyson of Boughtowne, - N. J., planter, for 260 acres to be taken out of the- Bonghtown lands in Fenwick's Colony. j^o 1676 Aug. 17. Do- Same to Peter Oulson of Boughtown, N. J., plan- SALEM NO. 1. 565 Page ter, for 266 acres to be surveyed there. j. j 1676 Aug. 12. Do. Same to Stephen Yerians of Pompion Hook, hereafter to be called Fynnstown Hook, N. J., planter, for 250 acres, to-be surveyed there. i^2 1676 Aug. 12. Do., Same to Lasse Henricks of Pompion Hook (Fynnstown Hooji), N. J., planter, for 250 acres, to be surveyed there. 142 1676 Aug. 12. Do. Same to Mathyas Spartleson of Pompion or Fynnstown Hook, N. J., planter, for 250 acres to be surveyed there. 143 1676 Aug. 12. Do. Same to.Errick Yerians of Pompion or Fynns town Hook, N. J., planter, for 250 acres, to be surveyed there. 143 1676 April I4.N Do. - Same to Anthony Page of Middletown, N. J., for 1,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony. 145 16,76 Oct. 16. Do. Same to Richard Gibbons of Middletown, N. J., planter, for 500 acres in his Colony. 146 1675 May 31. Do. Same to John Nichols of Stratford, Co. of Essex, weaver, for 1,000 acres in ffenwick's Colony: 147 Salem Deeds, Liber B. 1676 Nov. 30. Patent. John Fenwick to Samuel Hedge, second son of Samuel Hedge of London, merchant, and Ann Fenwick, daughter of grantor and wife of Samuel Hedge, the son, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony in N.' J. 1 1676 Dec. 3. Do. Same to" Hance Heare of Heartie Point, N. J., planter, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in Fenwick's Colony. 2 1676 Aug. 20 (?). Do. . Same to Thomas Potter of Shrewesbury Town, N. J., planter, for 500 acres, to be surveyed in Fenwick's Colony. 3 1676 Aug. 6. Do. Same to Hugh Dickman of Shrewesbury Town, N. J., weaver, for 500 acres in his Colony. 4 1676 Aug. 9. Do. Same to Richard Lippincott senior of Shrewes bury, N. J., planter, for. 1,000 acres in his Colony. 5 s; 1676 Aug. 10.- Do. Same to William Shattock of New Shrowesbury, I N, J., shoemaker, for 500. acres in the Colony. 6 i * ¦ 1676 Aug. II. Do. Same to William North of Shrowesbury, N. J., ., planter, for 500 acres of the Colony. 8 1678 25th d. nth m. (Jan.). Assignment. Hugh Dickman to John Fenwick of the 500 acres, granted as above, p. 4. 9 1672 July 26. ~ Mem. of a grant by Philipp Carteret to Capt. Richard Morris of N. Y., merchant, of 1,000 acres on Delaware R. over against 566 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page New Castle, S. E. Jerymias Kill or Creek, N. W. Pumbians Hook, S. W. the Fyns and barren lands. 10 Grants to Joseph and Ebony Wilson, sons of Samuel Wilson of London, merchant: crossed out. II 1677-8 Feb. 27. Patent. John Fenwick to George Mount of Middle- town, N. J., blacksmith, for 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony, whereof 490 a. on Chohansick River and Mount's Creek, adjoining Burden's planta tion; the remaining 10 a. to be laid out as a townlot in Chohansick. 14" s 1677-8 Feb. 28. Do. Same to Benjamin Burden of Middletown, weaver, for 300 acres in the allotment of Chohansick, 290 a. thereof on Chohansick R. adjoining Mount's plantation, the other 10 a. to be a lot in Chohansick. 15 1678 May 11. Do. Same to Matthias Neleson, for himself and in trust for Katherine Mattison, widow of Matthias Matteson, and her chil dren, and to Peter Oulson, all of Boughtown, N. J., confirming the grants of-Aug. 17, 1676 (supra, Salem No. I, pp. 139, 140 and 141), which had been taken by force of arms and carried with grantor to New York, and making it in all for "the said Boughtown with 1,040 acres, surveyed by Richard Han-cock, Deputy Surveyor, as follows: 380 acres of fast land, 300 a. of marish, 360 a. of swamp, along Delaware River from the mouth of Boughtown Creek to a small creek, running into Fenwick's River or Game Creek. 16, 18 and 21 1678 May 11. Surrender of preceding trust. Matthias Neleson of Boughtown, Fenwicks Colony, to Widow Katherine Matteson and her six daughters, vizt: Anne, the wife of said Neleson, Margrett, the wife of Henry Anderson of Crane Hook on the West shore of Delaware R., Eliza beth, wife of Henry Everson of said Crane Hook, Walburr, wife of Oui Oulson of the Bough on said Westshore, Breitagh Matteson and Engburr Matteson of Boughtown, spinsters. 23 1678 May — . Patent. John Fenwick, confirming to Stephen Yerians, Lasse Henricks, Matthias Sparkleson and Erick Yerians, all of Finstown alias Pumpians Hook the 1,000 acres with 40 a. highway allowance, granted to them August 12, 1676 (supra, Salem No. 1, pp. 142 and 143); surveyed as 740 acres of fast land, 240 a. of meadow and 60 a. of swamp, along the East shore of Delaware R. 24, 26, 28 and 30 1678 May 31. Deed. Hypolite Lefeavour Senior of Holeborne and John Pledger of Bereton ffields, in the Township of New Salem, Fenwick's Colony, N. J., planters, to Walter, Francis and John Forrest, all of Bur lington, millers, for "All that their Westerne bounds w<=h Runs from the head of Great Mill Creeke Northwest downe the said Mill Creeke, the said Mill Creek being the west side bounds of their said Plantacons called Hollebome and- Bereton fields," to build a grist mill. 32 1678 May 31. Do. Samuel Hedge of Ivey Point, New Salem Town- SALEM DEEDS, LIEER B. 567 Page ship, N. J., Surveyor ^General of Fenwick's Colony, and wife Anne to Walter, Francis and John Forrest of Burlington, millers, for the neck, called the Brothers Forrest, 300 acres, along Little and Great Mill Creek. 33 1678 Nov. 14. Do. Edward Wade of New Salem, N. J., late of Lon don, citizen and clothworker, and wife Prudence to Anthony Page of New Salem, planter, and wife Mary, for 100 acres along Munmouth River, heretofore called AUawayes Creek, part of the 1,000 a. tract, granted April 2, 1675. 35 1679 April 11. Do. John Adams of New Salem and wife Elizabeth to Samuel Curtis, late of Crewkerne, Co. of Somersett, clothier, for 500 acres, henceforth to be called Crewkerne Wood, in the half allotment of AUawayes, between Champney's plantation, AUawayes Creek and Adams' Creek. . 40 1679 May 20. Do. Richard Lippincott of New Shrowsbury, N. J., planter, and wife Abigail to their fourth son Freedome Lippincott, for 200 acres of the 1,000 a. tract (supra p. 5) on Chohanziek R. and Wee-hatt- quack Cr. , 42 i67g May 21. Do. Same to their eldest son Remembrance Lippin cott, for 200 acres of the 1,000 a. tract (as above). 45 i67g May 21. Do. Same to their second son John Lippincott, for 200 acres as preceding. 49 1679 May 21. Do. Same to their third son Restore Lippincott,1 fo r 200 acres as preceding. 52 1679 May 21. Do. Same to their fifth son Jacob Lippincott, for 200 acres as preceding. 55 1679 May 12. Patent. John Fenwick confirming to William Shattock of Shrowesbury, N. J., cordwainer, and wife Hannah the 500 acres (supra, p. 6) on Chohanziek River and Weehattquack or Shrowesbury Neck Creek, adjoining Lippincott's plantation. ' 58 1679 May 27. Deed. Hypolita Lefever, late of St. Martin's in the feilds, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of Holleybome, New Salem Township, Fenwick's Colony, N. J., gentleman, and wife Mary, to George Prouo, late of the Parish of St. Martin's in the feilds aforesaid, now of Prouoes Holt, New Salem Township, cordwainer, and wife Joane, for 300 acres on Monmouth River, heretofore called AUawayes Creek, part of the 6,000 a. granted to said Lefever and John Pledger Nov. 2, 1676. 61 1679 June I. Patent. John Fenwick to John Erickson of Lucas , Point, confirming former patent (supra, Salem No. I, p. 139) along Dela- ' Ware R. on the Southside of Staine Creek. 63 1679 Sept. 7. Do. Same to Abraham Browne of New Shrowesbury, N. J., planter, for 250 acres in the Township of East Fenwick,- on Alio- 568 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page wayes Creek or Munmouth R., adjoining Craven's plantation. 65 1679 Sept. 7. Do. Same to Widow Ann Craven, late of Lymehouse in the Parish of Stepney, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of New Salem, N. J., for 300 acres, to be called Craven's Choice, in Fenwick's Colony, on the Northside of and along Allowayes Creek, adjoining Smyth's alias Nevill's plantation. 67 1679-80 nth m. (Jan.). Marriage settlement. Widow Ann Craven (as before) with her husband-to-be Charles Bagaley, late of Chop- tanke, Talbott Co., Maryland, by which she gives-him the foregoing 300 acres, subject to payments to her children Ann Craven, Thomas Craven and Peter Craven. 68 1679 Oct. 12. Patent. John Fenwick to Matthyas Johnson of West Fenwick Township, N. J., planter, Andrea Anderson, ' Lawrence alias Lance Cornelious and Annica Henricks, for 600 acres between the mouth of Bastowe Creek on the South, Purling Creek on the North and Fenwick's River on the East. 70 1679 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Andrea Anderson of VVest Fenwick, N. J., plantei, Lawrence alias Lance Cornelious, Matthyas Johnson and Annica Henricke, for 600 acres, same as preceding. 71 Same to Lance Cornelious, p. 72, and to Annica Henrickson, p. 76. 1679 Oct. 30. Patent. John Fenwick to Lawrence alias Lance Cor nelious of West Fenwick, N. J., planter, for 100 acres there, adjoining Andrea Senickson. 74 1679 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Andrea Senickson of Fenwick's Point, Township oLWest Fenwick, N. J., planter, for said point, between Part ing Creek and Fenwick's River. 77 1678-80 Jan. 26. Do. Same to Thomas Smyth, late of Moseley, Parish of Chadleton, Co. of Stafford, now of Shrowesburie Neck, Fen wick's Colony, gentleman, and William Johnson, for 500 acres at Shrowes bury Neck, between Cohanzjcke River, Borthe's plantation, Shrowesbury Creek, Dickman's plantation, hereafter to be called Moseley's-Shield and Johnson's Cottage, pJrt of the 20,000 a. granted to Edward Bourne in trust for said John Fenwick (supra, Salem No. 1, p. 74). 78 and 80 1678-80 Feb. 18. Do. Same to Jarvis Bywater of Grove's Point, Township of East Fenwick, N. J., gentleman, and Joane Grigson, servant _ of grantor, for 200 acres at Grove's Point, part of the. 10,000 a. tract heretofore granted to John Ashfield and by him assigned to grantor. 82 1680 May 13. Deed. Jervis Bywater, late of Groves Point, East Fenwick Township, now of New Salem, N. J., planter, and wife Joane Bywaler alias Grigson to Elizabeth Adams, grandchild of John Fenwick? for 200 acres at Grove's Point. 81 1680 Aug. 23. Patent. John Fenwick to Richard Tyudall of Tyn- dall's Bowrie in the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, N. J., gentleman, for 230 SALEM DEEDS, LIBER B. 560 Page acres in said manor, on Tyndall's Run, East Fenwick Creek, Hedges Run. 85 1681 Sept. 15. Do. Same confirming to Colonel Lewis Morris of Tynton Manor, East Jersey, the 1,000 acres on Delaware River, over against New Castle, S. E. Jerymias' Creek, N. Pumbian's alias Fynnstown Hook (supra, p. 10). 86 1682 Nov. I. Do. Same to Thomas Watson of Watsons /Ranthrope, Fenwicks Colony, planter, for 200 acres, to be called Watsons Wanthrope, in the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, on Mannaton or Fenwick's Creek. 8g 1683 Aug. 3. Do. Same to Anthony Dixon, late of the Parish of Ar- ladon, Co. of Cumberland, England, now of New Salem, N. J., planter, for 300 acres at the mouth pf Tindall's Run and on Fenwick's Creek. gi 1-683 Aug. 2- Lease. Same to Mary White, late of the Parish of Bremble, Co. of Wilts,' England, now of Fenwick's Grove, N. J., spinster, of the Manor of Fenwick's Grove with all buildings and 3,000 acres, re serving liberty of keeping Court Leet and Court Baron in the manor- house. . g2 1683 1st d. 7th m. (Sept.). Patent. Same to same, for' 500 acres al Fenwick's Grove Neck, on Fenwick's River and Fenwick's Grove Creek. 93 1683 May 12.. Deed. Thomas Potter of Deale near Shrowesbury, N. J., planter, to John Jerson (Ireson) of Road Island near Boston, New England, fellmonger, for 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony, as r/er bill of sale. . . 95 1679 24th d. 2d m. (April.) Bill of sale. Same to same, for 500 acres on Cohanzey Neck. 96 1683 Sept. 6. Patent. John Fenwick to Edward Webb of Webbs Arladon, Fenwick's Colony, planter, for 300 acres in the Manor of Fen wick's Grove on- Fenwick's Creek, adjoining Anthony Dixon. 97 1684 Oct. 27. Do. William Penn, Proprietor and Governour of Penn- silvania &c. -and Proprietor of Salem Tenth, N. J., Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, John Smith of Smithfeild-and Richard Tindall of Tindall's Bowery, in said Tenth and in the Province of West New Jersey, executors of the last will of John Fenwick, to Haunce Shial of Hart Point, said Tenth, planter, for 100 acres on Mill Creek, N. of Clause Johnson's plan tation, W. of Salem Creek. 99 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to Clause Johnson of Fenwick's River, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 100 acres, adjoining Haunce Shial on Mill Creek and Salem Creek. 100 1684 Aug. 2. Do. Same to James Viccary of Fenwick's River, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 300 acres, N. W. of the cranberry swamp and near Salem Creek; also their right, title, &c, ih and to said 300 acres, 56 570 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page called Devonshire Lodge. 102 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to John Scoggin of Fenwick's River, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 200 acres on said river and along the Southside of a creek, running into Salem Creek. 104 1684-5 Feb. IO- ^o. Same to Wooley Woolson of Fenwick's River, Salem Tenth, planter, for 200 acres on said river and Salsenbury Creek, adjoining John Scoggins. 106 1684-5 Jan- J8- F)o. Same to Peeter Wooleyson of the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 400 acres on Fenwick's River and Salem Creek, in said manor, adjoining Evert Aldricks and An drew Berkleson. 107 1684-5 Feb- 8. Do. Same to Andrew Berkleson of Fenwick's River, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 400 acres on a point on the Eastside of Salem Creek and on a branch thereof, adjoining Peter Wooleyson. 109 1685 July 27. Do. Same to Richard Mazey of Manneton Creek in the Manor of Fenwick's Grove, Salem Tenth, W. J. planter, for 150 acres on said creek, adjoining Edward Webb's, now grantee's, land, and on a branch of Cranberry Swamp. 11 1 1685 July 26. Do. Same to Colonel Lewis Morris of Tinton Manor on the Eastside of New Jersey, merchant, for 1,000 acres on the South side of Monmouth River alias Allawayes'Creek, W. Roger Milton and Ed ward Champneys; in exchange for the r,ooo a. granted' Sept. 15, 1681 (supra, p. 86). 113 1685 Oct. 12. Do. Same to Rennere Vanhyst of Manneton Creek, ' Manor of Fenwick's Grove, Salem Tenth, W. J., for 400 acres on said creek, adjoining Richard Measey. 116 1685-6 Jan. 25. Do. Same to John Cullyer of Manneton Creek, Fen- wicks Grove, Salem Tenth, N. J., planter, for 200 acres on said creek and at the mouth of Tindall's Creek. 118 — ' 1685 Nov. 16. Deed. John Ireson of Pennsilvania, fellmonger, to John Clarke of Greenwich on the River Cesaria alias Chohanzey, W. J., planter, for 500 acres on Shrewsbury Neck on said river, adjoining Wm. Johnson, bought of Thomas Potter May 12, 1683. 120 1686 Aug. n. Patent. Wm. Penn et al., executors of John Fenwick, to Edward Webb of Manneton Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, and wife Jane, for 250 acres, part of which was formerly granted to Anthony Dixon, on said creek and a branch of Cranbury Pond. 122 1686 Aug. n. Do. Same to Jonas Scoggin of Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 213 acres on Delaware River, at Salsenbyry Point. Mar ginal Note: "This Deed of Jonans Scoggin should be 220 acres, the Sur veyr mistook & Surveyed but 213, but Since he has Surveyed Seven acres more as may appeare being endorsed on the back side of his Deed by Sam uel Hedge Records " 124 &ALEM DEEDS, LIBER fe. rhi Page 1686 Aug. 11. Do. Same to Roger Pedderick of Ouldman's Creek, Salem Tenth, for 140 acres, to be called Pedderick's Neck, at the mouth of said creek, and a little creek running into it. 126 1686 Aug. n. Do. Same to William Wilkinson of Salem, planter, for 200 acres on the N. E. side of Hedgefeild Run and a branch alon<* Richard Tindall's plantation. I28 1686-7 March 21. Do. Same to Widow Barbery Jacobson of Salem Creek, W. J., for 200 acres, formerly surveyed for John Jacobson dec'd, bn a branch, running into Salem Creek, adjoining Peeter Johnson. 131 1687 April 12. Do. Same to Charles Bagley of Cesaria River, W. J., for account of the estate of Richard Craven of Limehouse, Co. of Mid dlesex, baker, dec'd, for 500 acres, 300 of which near the head of Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, adjoining Widow Smith and Jaines Nevill; 200 a. on the Northbranch of said creek. 133 1687 Nov. 15. Do. Same to Mary White of White's Vineyard, Salem Tenth, spinster, and Thomas Yorke of Fenwick's Grove, said Tenth, planter, for 500 acres in said Tenth adjoining Thomas Pyle on Nicomisses~ Branch. 135 1687-8 Feb. 16. Do. Same to Edward Wade of Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres near the mouth of and along said creek, adjoining grantee's 1,000 a. tract. 137 1687-8 Feb. 16. Do. Same to Jobn Hancock of Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., planter, for 100 acres near the mouth of and along said creek, adjoining Edward Wade. - 139 1687-8 Feb. 16. Do. Same to Thomas, Smith of Cesaria River, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, for 300 acres of marish, near the mouth of said river, adjoining Lippincott's land. 141 1687 Dec. 13. Do. Same to John Worlidge of Mun Mouth River alias AUawayes Creek, W. J., gentleman, for 12 acres on the Northside of said river between John Pledger and John Smith. 143 1688 May 13. Do. Same to John Nickson of Fenwick's River, W. J., yeoman, for 300 acres on said river, in Salem Co., adjoining J. Vic- cary. ^_ 145 1688 May 21. Do. Same to Richard Marshall of Mun Mouth R. Salem Co., W. J., planter, for 50 acres near the mouth and on the South- ride of said river. 147 1687 Dec. 19. Do. Same to George Garrett of New Salem, N. J., pjaflter, for 100 acres near -the head of Manneton Creek, formerly occu pied by Marke Reeve of Salem Co., who paid for the land to John Fen- _ wick. 149 ; ' 1689-90 Jan. 10. Do. Same to same, for 200 acres, called Garrett's 'Choice, on Tindall's Run, formerly surveyed for James Viccary by Rich- 572 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ard Tindall, Surveyor General. 151 1676 April 21. Do. John Fenwick to Thomas Applegate of New Shrowesbury, N. J., weaver, for 600 acres in F-enwick's Colony. 153 1692-3 Feb. 23. Do. Wm. Penn et al., executors of John Fenwick, to Peter Halton of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., W. J., planter, for 200 acres on said neck, adjoining John Scoggin and Joshua Gillett. 155 1693 July 28. Do. Same to Richard Tindall of Tindall's Bowery, Salem Tenth, W. J., for 195 acres near Manneton Creek, adjoining said bowery. - 15&,, 1692-3 Feb. 22. Do. Same to Obediah Holmes of Cesaria alias Chohansey River, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, for 4 acres of marish, with liberty to make use of all creeks &c for the benefit, of a grist mill or mills, to be built between Greenwich and Hedges Neck in said Co. 158 i6g3 July 28. Do. Same to Anthony Woodhouse of Cesaria alias Chohansey River, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, for 80 acres adjoining grantee and Samuel Hunter. 159 i6g3 July 28. Do. Same to Samuel Hunter of Cesarias River alias Chohansie, Salem Co., W. J., planter, for 80 acres on said river and on, . Mounts Creek adjoining grantee. 161 1693 July 28. Do. Same to Richard Tindall of Tindall's Bowery, Salem Co., W. J., for 100 acres in the marsh near the mouth of Chohan sey River, called the Breach, adjoining George Haslewood and including the island, "as it lyes vpon the severall Courses of a little Creek pro- ceeding out of Dellaware River and Running into Chohansey R." 163 1694 June 13. Do. Same to Mary, wife of John Holme of Philadel phia, gentleman, for 2,000 acres on Dellaware R., adjoining Samuel Nich- oldson, Ann's Grove and Locuss Isl'd. 164 1695 April 16. Do. Same to Nicholas Winton of Salem Co., hus bandman, widower of Mary Champney dec'd., grandchild of John Fen wick, for 500 acres on Manneton Creek between Edw. Webb and Richard Maysey. 166 1695 Oct. 7. Do. Same to Charles Bagley of Cesarise River, W. J., tanner, for 200 acres near the head of said river, between George Hasle wood and Joshua Barkstead; in exchange for his right, title &c. in and to 200 a., called Abraham Browne's part of the 500 a. lot, conveyed to grantee April 12, 1687. 167 1697 Dec. 14 Do. Same to Widow Ann Reeve of Cesarise River, Salem Co., W. J., for 60 acres on said river, adjoining John Gillman and Restore Lippincott. 169 1698 July 25. Do. Same to Wade Samuel Oakford of MunMouth R., Salem Co., husbandman, for 200 acres near said river, between Wm. Tyler and Nathaniel Champneys junior. 170 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 2. Ch-y Page 1698 July 25. Do. Same to William Tyler of Mun Mouth Co., W. J., yeoman, for 57 acres near said river, adjoining Nathaniel Champ neys.' I72 1702 May 1. Do. Same to John Hughs of Manneton Precinct, Salem Co., yeoman, for 200 acres near Manneton and Salem Creeks, part of Rich Neck, formerly surveyed for George Webb, on Gravelly Run, oppo site to the line of Nicholas Winton, up to the Beaver Dams and up Home Branch; granted to said Winton in i6gg and by him conveyed to said Hughs, whereof the deed was lost in a fire of said Winton's house and not having been recorded, the conveyance is herewith confirmed. 174 Salem Deeds, No. 2. 1682 Nov. 22. Deed. John Adams of Hedgefield, N. J., planter, and wife Elizabeth to Samuel Bacon of Woodbridge, East Jersey, seaman,' for 260 acres, part of Jacob Young's Neck, hereafter to be called Bacon's Ad venture, on Chohanzey R. (partly torn). I 1681-2 March 12. Do. Same to Henry Jenjngs of New Salem, W. J., tailor, and wife Margrett, for 200 acres of the 1,500 a. tract, surveyed out of 2,000 acres, granted to said Adams and wife by John Fenwick March 15, 1674-5, near Jacob Young's plantation, on Chohanziek River and Abrooke's Creek. 5 1681 20th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Mem. Quasi Indian Deed. Shochanam and Etthunt, Indians,- to Henry Jenjngs, for about 300 acres next to Jacob Young's, on a little creek. ' 9 1682 Dec. 13. Deed. - Cicillia Worgon of AUawayes Creek, W. J., widow of Richard Worgan of St. Paul Shadwell, to Michael Barran of Salem Creek, W. J., 'yeoman, for 500 acres, bought by her late husband of John Edridge and wife Elizabeth June 7, 1675, and for 500 acres, inher ited -by said Cecilia and husband from Edward Mathews, late of St. Paul Shadwell, who had bought the land from said Edridge and wife on the abovesaid date. IO ' 1682' 29th d. gth m. (Nay.). Do. Elianor Huffe, widow of Peter Huffe of the Parish of Christ Church, London, tailor, by her attorney, John Maddocks of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Thomas Budd of Bur lington, merchant, for 500 acres, granted to her husband by John Fenwick May 12, 1675. x3 1680 Sept. 25. Do. Hypolite Lefever of Packagomack, W. J., gen tleman, and wife Mary to William- Rumsey of Elsenburgh, W. J., cord wainer, and wife Ruth, for 400 acres, part of the 3,000 *. tract granted May 25, 1675, near Manhatton Creek. 1S 574 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1682-3 Feb. 12. Do. John Adams of Hedgefield, W. J., planter, and wife Elizabeth to John Nicolds of Chohanziek R., W. J., planter, and wife Hannah) for 100 acres, to be called Hartford, on said river and the Great Tree Creek, adjoining George Haslewood, Henry Jenings and Sam uel Bacon, part of the 2,000 a. tract conveyed to grantors by John Fen wick March 19, 1674-5. 19 1682-3 Feb. 12. Do. Same to Elianor Lewis of MunMouth River alias Alawayes Creek, W. J., spinster, for 100 acres on Chohanziek River and along Gasparus' path, adjoining George Haslewood, part of the 2,poo a. tract (as before). 23 1683 AprU 20. Mortgage. John Nicolds of Chohanziek, R., W. J., planter, and wife Hannah to Thomas Smith of the same place, planter, on the 100 acres, bought of John Adams (supra, p. 19). 27 1681 Aug. 23. Assignment. William Shattock to James Pearce, of the wthin menconed Deed, excepting the land sold to William Waith- man. 31 1680 Sept. 25. Do. William Malster of Windham, Township of New Salem, W. J., gentleman, and wife Katherine, to Roger Milton of New Salem, yeoman, for Windham Neck, on Virkins Kill alias Salem Creek, and a small run emptying into it, between Samuel Nicoldson, Ed ward Champney and Marcus Elger; also a small island, between the Lit tle Fishing Creek and another, running past ffinstown or Pompoon Hook; and 200 acres of marsh, adjoining to the island, except 10 a. of fast land and 10 a. of marsh, reserved by John Fenwick for himself; the whole a part of the 5,000 a. tract granted by said Fenwick to said Wm. Malster and wife and her sister Frances Boyer (Bowyer), late of ihe Parish of Juer, Co. of Bucks, spinster, February 25, 1674-5. 32 Schedule of cattle, household goods &c. sold by Wm. Malster to Roger Milton. 36 i67g Oct. 30. Patent. John Fenwick to Lawrence alias Lance Cor nelius of the Town of West Fenwick, Fenwick's Colony, W. J., planter, for 100 acres in said township, adjoining Andrew Senixson. (See supra, Salem Deeds, B, p. 74.) 37 1679 Oct. 30. 'Do. Same to Andrea Andreson of West Fenwick, W. J., planter, Lance Cornelious, Mathias Johnson and Annica Henrick, for 600 acres in said township at the mouth of Batslowe Creek and along Fenwick's River and Parting Creek. (Supra, Salem Deeds, B, pp. 70 and 71.) 4o 1679 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Widow Annica Henricks of the Town of West Fenwick, Fenwick's Colony, her son Henry Danelson, Andrea And erson, Lance Cornelious and Mathias Johnson for 600 acres (same as pre ceding). 45 and 49 1678 May n. Do. Same as Snlem Deed=, B, p. 16, 18 and 21. SALEM DEEDS, NO. 2. 575. Page 1678 May 30. Patent. John Fenwick to Stephen Yerians et al., same as supra, Salem Deeds, B, pp. 24, 26, 28 and 30. 57, 62 and 66 1679 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Lawrence alias Lance Cornelious, for ' 150 acres of the 600, as granted supra, p. 40. 71 1679 Oct. 30. Do. Same to Widow Annica Henricks and her son Henry Danielson, for 150 acres as preceding. 76 1682-3 Jan. 29. Deed. Edward Champneys of Munmouth River alias AUawayes Creek, W. J., joiner, to John Smith of Amwellberry, juris diction of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, and wife Mary, for 700 acres along the Southside of Salem bounds between Roger Milton, Samuel Nicoldson, Wm. 'Sirredge, John Denn and grantor, to whom and his late wife Pris cilla this was granted in a 2,000 a. tract June 7, 1675. 80 1681 July 5. Do. William Lawrence of Middletown, E. J., planter,. by his attorney, Anthony Page of Munmouth River, W. J., planter, to Jasper Harman of Chohanzey, W. J., yeoman, for 500 acres, part of the 1,000 a. tract bought by said Lawrence of Richard Noble April 15, 1676, to whom John Fenwick had granted it May 14, 1675. 84 1683 25th d. 4th m. (June}. Indian Deed. Shaukamun and Et hoe, Indian proprietors of the land, called Ca-ta-nan-gut, near Chohanzey on Dellaware R., to Samuel Bacon senior of Woodbridge, E. J., yeoman, for 400 acres between a fast landing on Chohanzey Cr., called Jacob Youngs Neck and hereafter Bacon's Adventure, George Haslewood and the Island Creek. 87 1683 25th d. 4th m. (June). Do. Same, brothers, to John Nichold's of Nicholds -Hartford near Chohanzey,' planter, for 100 acres on the Great Tree Creek, between Henry Jenjngs, George Haslewood, Samuel Bacon and Chohanzey River. 89 1683 April 21. Mortgage. John Denn of AUawayes Creek, W. J., turner, to Henry Stacy of Burlinton, yeoman, on 100 acres on said creek, .occupied by said Denn (for 99 years). 91 1683 June 22. "Deed. Charles Bagley of AUawayes Creek, W. J., tanner, to Henry Jenjngs of the same place, tailor, and wife Margrett, for 3 acres there, E. grantee, S. AUawayes Creek, part of the 500 a. lot bought by Anne Craven, then of Shadwell, widow, now wife of grantor, of John Edridge of Shadwell March 20, 1676-7. 93 1683 June- 29. Do- Hipolitus Lefever of Packagomack, W. J., gen tleman, and wife Mary to Roger Carary of Clampitt, W. J., planter, and wife Elizabeth for 400 acres along Manhatton Creek. 95 1680-I Jan. 8. Do. Samuel Curtice, son, heir and executor of Sam uel Curtis of Crewkerne, Co. of Somersett, clothier, dec'd, and of his dec'd mother Elizabeth Curtis, to William Warner of Crewkerne Wood, planter, and wife Jane,' sister of grantor, for one half of the tract called Crewkerne Wood, between Edward Champneys on the W. and Roger 576. NEW JERSEY COLONIAL" DOCUMENTS. Page Huckings on the E., 500 acres, to be henceforth called West Crewkerne Wood; the whole bought by grantor's father of John Adams and wife Elizabeth April 11, 1679. 99 1683 July 20. Mortgage. Richard Hancock of AUawayes Creek, W. J., yeoman, to John Smith of Amwellbury, W. J., weaver, on300acres along said creek. 103 1683-4 March 10. Deed. - Erick Yerians and Stephen Yerians of ffines Point, W. J., yeomen, to Lause Henrickson of the same place, yeo man, for 250 acres between said Erick and grantee, devised to grantors by- Ellen Partleson of ffines Point dec'd, by her last will. 105 1683-4 March 10. Do. Lause Henrickson to Erick Yerians, both of ffines Point, W. J., yeoman, for 83 acres 20 perches of the preceding 250 a. 107 1683-4 March 10. Do. Same to Stephen Yerins of ffines Point, W. J., for 83 acres 20 perches as preceding. 109 1679 Oct. 30. Patent. John Fenwick to Andrea Seiiixon of Fen wick's Poi,nt, Township of West Fenwick, Fenwick's Colony, planter, and wife Margrett Poulson, for 260 acres in said township, at the mouth of "Parting Creek and the head of a small creek between Hance Heare and said Point, along Fenwick's R. in 1683 Aug. 3. Do. Same to Anthony Dixon, late of the Parish of Ar- ladon, Co. of Cumberland, England, now of New Salem, W. J., planter, for 300 acres between Tindall's Run and Fenwick's River, formerly sur veyed for Edward Lumley, who refused to make good his contract. 116 1678 May 11. Do. Same to Mathias Nelleson in trust for Katherine, widow of Mathias Mattyson (same as Salem Deeds, B, pp. 16, 18 and 21). 121 and 126 1681 April 12. Deed. Joseph Ware to Nathaniel Chamneys, both of MunMouth River alias AUawayes Creek, planters, for 100 acres, half of the 200 a. lot on said creek, E. Anthony Page, N. the creek, • bought of Edward Wade Sept. 14, 1679. 131 1680-1 March 7. Do. Edward Wade of Munmouth River, Comr, and wife Prudence to Nathaniel Chamney (as above), for 100 acres ad joining Samuel Wade, part of the 1,000 a. tract conveyed to grantors by John Fenwick April 8, 1675. 134 1683 June 4. Do. John Smith of Munmouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, W. J., gentleman, and wife Martha to Widow Sarah Cannon of New Salem, W. J., for 22 acres in New Salem Township, 16 thereof along the highway and ffenwick's River, the other 6 on 'the road from Salem Landing. 157 1684 Sept. 15. Do. James Peirce of Chohanziek, W. J., to Marke Reeve, for one half of 500 acres, granted to Wm. Shatlock^of Shrewsbury, E. J., by John Fenwick, of which said Shattock sold one half to Wm. Waithman and the other to grantor. , 141 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 2. 577 1680-1- March 7. Do. Richard Guy of Elsenburgh, W. J., Comr, and Edward Wade o{_ Munmouth JR., W. J., Comr, executors of Isabella Han cock, to Richard Worgan of AUawayes Creek, cooper, and wife Cicely, for 500 acres on said creek, half of the 1,000 a. granted by John Fenwick to Wm. Hancock, late of Shoreditch, Co. of Middlesex, and wife Isabella April 7, 1675, and by said Hancock bequeathed to his wife. 143 1683-4 March 12. Do. John. Smith of Amwelbury, W. J., weaver, to John Maddocks of AUawayes Creek, yeoman, and wife Cicillia, for 268 acres, to be taken out of a 284 a. lot on said creek, bought of Robert Wade April 11, 1683. 147 1684 Nov. 8. . Assignment. George Mount of Middle Towne, E. J., and wife Katherine to John Throgmorton, of all their right, title, interest and claim in and to the wthin written bill of sale. 150 , 1684 Nov. 10. Power of attorney. Elizabeth, widow of Richard Gib bons, and Mordical Gibbons, her son, to John Throgmorton of Middle Towne, E. J., as agent, for the sale of their 500 acres on Chohanzey River, Fenwick's Colony. 150 1684 Oct. 13. Deed. James Nevill of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Tobias Quainton of the same place, planter, for 16 acres there on Nevill St. between Charles Angelo and the road to the Miller's Bridge. 151 1684 Oct. 13. Do. William Penton of AUawayes Creek, W. J., yeo man, to William Surredge of New Salem, W. J., bricklayer, for 16 acres, part of the 500 laid out for Salem Townlots, between George Hasle wood and Thomas Woodroofe; said 500 a. were granted by John Fenwick to Samuel Land and wife Doras May 14, 1675, who assigned the same to John Yoe (Yeo) of Castle, from whom said Penton bought July 18, 1678. 154 1685-6 Feb. 10. Do. William Surredge of New Salem, W. J., brick- - layer, to Henry Stubings of Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, planter, for no acres on the Northside of and along said river, between Barnard Devonish and Samuel Nicoldson, being half of the 220 a. lot bought of Edward Champney and wife Elizabeth July 12, 1679. 156 1684 Dec. 7. Do. Edward Champneys of AUawayes Creek, Salem ."Tenth, W. "J., joiner, to Joseph White of Salem, blacksmith, and wife Elizabeth, for 400 acres, between said creek and Robert Dunne. 159 (Year torn off) Oct. 13. Do. Anna Salter of Tuckawny, Penna., widow, by her attorney James Nevill of Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Edward Bradaway of Munmouth River, W. J., yeoman, for 100 acres on Stow Creek. l63 1679-80 Feb. 16. Do". William Surredge of Elsenburgh, W. J., bricklayer, to his brother JohirSurredge, for no acres, half of the 220 a. lot, bought of Edward Champney July 12, 1679. (See supra, p. 156.) l65 57 578 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Salem Deeds, No. 3. 1684-5 Feb. 9. Deed. John Surredge to Anthony Page, both of AUa wayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., planters, for no acres, received from his,brother Wm. Surredge (supra, Salem Deeds, No. 2, p. 165). 1 1685 April 10. Do. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth, W. J., Recorder, and wife Anna to John Thomson of Elsenburgh, same Tenth, carpenter, for 350 acres between Samuel Nichollson and Samuel Carpenter, part of the 2,000 a. tract, granted by John Fenwick November 30, 1676. 4 1684-5 March 16. Do. Joshua Berkstead, now in Pennsilvania, to Thomas Harris of Connecticut, for 450 acres in W. J., on Chohanzey River, bought by grantor's brother of Major Fenwick in England and taken up by grantor. 9 1684 25th d. gth m. (Nov.). Power of attorney. Joshua Berkstead of Chohanzey to Jeames Nevill, as agent for the settling or selling of, 500 acres at Chohanzey. 12 1685 April 10. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefield, Salem Tenth, W. J., Recorder, to Nicholas Demire of New York, merchant, for 1,000 acres near Chohanzey River, adjoining Griffith Jones and Wm. Lawrence, granted by John Fenwick to Anthony Page April 4, 1676, and by him con veyed to present grantor February 10, 1684-5. J4- 1685 April 10. Do. Nicholas Demire of N. Y. City, merchant, to Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Salem Tenth, W. J., gentleman, for 500 acres next to the c'reek beyond Elsenburgh Fort, sold by Edward Duke to John Kymball January 6, 1675-6, and. by said Kymball mortgaged to present grantor June 20, 1675 (sic). . 18 1680 Dec. 23. Do. Edward Bradway of Allowayes Creek, W. J., yeoman, and wife Mary to Richard Wilkinson of New Salem, labourer, for 16 acres in New Salem, part of a 1,000 a. tract granted by John Fen wick May -6, 1675. 22 1685 nth d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Richard Wilkinson of Salem, W. J., planter, to James Nevill of the same place, yeoman, and wife Creseda, 'for,- " that part of the 16 acres, bought of Edward Bradway (see preceding), which lies between that parcell of land, part of the aforemenconed 16 acres, lately purchased- by Richard Johnson and the plantacon of said Nevill." 26 1685 June 9. Mortgage. Roger Milton of Windham, Salem Tenth," W. J., yeoman, to Joseph White of Munmouth River alias Allowayes Creek, yeoman, on 350 acres, part of Ann's Grove, lately bought by Mil-, ton of White. 28 SALEM DEEDS, >)0. 3. 570 Page 1685 Aug. 10. Lease. Henry Jenjngs of AUawayes Creek, Salem Tenth, tailor, to Roger Milton of Windham, same Tenth, yeoman, of one pair of oxen for two years.- -21 1684-5 Feb- 9- Deed. Marcas Elgar of Middle Neck, Township of New Salem, W. J., planter, to Dennis ffisher of Munmouth River, ship carpenter, and wife Susanna, for 500 acres in the uppermost bounds of 1,000 a. surveyed for John Test at MunMouth R., on a little creek, run ning into AUawayes Cr., bought of Wm. Malster and wife Katherine Au gust 13, 1680. 33 1685 June 29. Lease. Roger Milton of Windham, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to John Surredge of Salem, planter, of 15 acres in Salem Town between the Meetinghouse and Widow Abbott's plantation, lately occupied by Edward Lumley. 37 1685 July 21. TJo. Same to John Paine of Salem Town, planter, of 16 acres there, adjoining Henry Salter. 41 1684-5 Jai1, 20. Deed. William Warner of West Crewkerne Wood in the Jurisdiction of Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Edward Lumley of Salem Town, planter, and wife- Alice, for 50. acres, adjoining Edward Champ neys, part of the 2,000 a. tract granted by John Fenwick to John Adams and wife, who sold 500 a. thereof to Samuel Curtice of Crewkerne Wood, clothier, which then were bequeathed by said Curtice to his son Samuel" and daughter Joane, wife of present grantor. 47 1685 Aug. 5. Do. Edward Lumley of Manneton, Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, and wife Alice to Richard Butcher ot New Salem, single man, for the preceding 50 acre's. 51 1681 Nov. 21. Do. Edmund Warner of London, citizen and poul terer, to William Tarrant of Marlborowgh, Co. of Wilks, yeoman, for 500 acres, to be taken out of the 10,000 a. tract granted to said Warner in Fenwick's Colony June 2, 1675. 55 1684-5 March 10. Do. William Tarrant (as above) to Edmund Gib bon of Delaware River, merchant, for the preceding 500 acres. 59 1677 April 6. Do. Edward Duke of Alsford, Co. of Kent, England, gentleman, and Thomas Duke of London, draper, to Edmund Gibbon, late of Beneden, Co. of Kent, gent: now of New York, merchant, for 6,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony, W. J. 62 l67g April 21. Do. WiUiam Malster of Windham on Delaware R., W. J., gentleman, his wife Katherine and her sister, Frances Bowyer, late/ of Jver, Co. of Bucks, England, spinster, to Wm. Milton of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, for 1,500 acres on Wick Creek, between Edward Bradway, William Johnson and Munmouth River, part of 5,000 a., granted to them by John Fenwick February 25, 1674-5. 67 1680 April 6. Assignment b*y Wm. Milton to his brother Roger Mil ton pf Marvill, Co. of Berks, fellmonger, of the preceding 1,500 a. 71 580 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1683 June 14. Deed. Widow Elizabeth ^Smith of the Parish of St. Mary Mattfellon, alias White Chappie, Co. of- Middlesex, to Benjamin East of London, sugarbaker, for 300 acres on MunMouth R., alias AUa wayes Creek, about 5 miles from Salem Town, part of a 500 a. lot, grant ed to her by John Fenwick May 5, 1675. 73 1685 March 28. Do. Benjamin East of Philadelphia Co., Penna., merchant, and wife Hannah to Thomas Graves of said Co., yeoman, for the preceding 300 acres. 81 10th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Power of attorney. Benjamin East of Phila delphia Co. to George Haslewood of Salem, W. J., to make over to Thomas Graves the preceding 300 acres. 80 1686 May 1. Do. Joshua Barkstead of Chohansey, planter, to Jeri- myah Basse, as agent to sell land at Chohansey. 87 1684-5 Jan- 20. Deed. Widow Margrett Elderkin of London to Samuel Jenjngs of New Jersey, merchant, for 2,000 acres in Fenwick's Colony, granted by John Fenwick to Thomas -Beakbane of London, citi zen and clothworker, May 3, 1675, by him conveyed to Henry Barnes of London, dyer, April ig, 1679, who sold it, September 10, 1680, to Ed mund Warner of London, poulterer, from whom present grantor derived the land August 27, 1681. 89 1685 Aug. 10. Do. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Salem Tenth, W. J., Recorder, and wife Anna to Roger Milton of Windham, said Tenth, yeoman, for 350 acres at the head of Locus Greek near Elsen burgh, called Anne's Grove, between Samuel Nicholdson, Kymball's Point and John Thomson. 99 l67g May 20. Do. Edward Champneys of Mun Mouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Township of New Salem,- Fenwick's Colony, W. J., joiner, and wife Elizabeth to Barnard Devonish, late of the Parish of Great Bar tholomew, London, now of Blanford Grove, Township of New Salem, barber surgeon, for 500 acres at the mouth of a creek (Parting Creek), run ning into Mun Mouth R. on the Eastside, part of 2,000 a. on the North- side of Mun Month R., granted to Edward Champneys and wife Priscilla by John Fenwick June 7, 1675. 104 1681 June 20. Assignment by Bernard Devonish and wife Martha to - John Denn, turner, of the preceding 500 acres. Ill 1686 Aug. ,11. Deed. John Adams of Manneton Creek, Salem Tenth, W J., planter to Samuel Bacon of Cesarise alias Chohanzey River, said Tenth, yeoman, for 100 acres, adjoining Bacon's Adventure, on the Northside of said river, and 5 a. more joining the first W. by N. 112 1686 April 14. Do. Roger Milton of Windham, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to Richard Johnson of Salem Town, carpenter, for 500 acres on AUawayes Creek, part of the 1,500 a. tract, derived from his brother Wm. , Milton April 6, 1680 (supra, p. 71). 116 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 3. 5S1 Page 1685-6 2d d. ist m. (March). Assignment by William Surridge to ijamin Acton of New Salem of "all the contents of the wthin ed." 121 1686 Aug. 1. Deed. Roger Milton of AUawayes Creek, Salem nth, W. J., miller, to Thomas Johnson of Salem, carpenter, for 16 acres the Town of Salem between George Gafrett and John Smith, part of : 200 a. lot, bought of Wm. Malster and wife Sept. 25, 1680. 122 1685 May 20. Do. Richard Hancock, late of Bromley near Bowe, . of Middlesex, England, upholsterer, now of ,Allawayes Creek, W. J., >man, to George Prouoe of AUawayes Creek, cordwainer, and wife ie, for a house at AUawayes Creek and 300 acres near it. 125 ]686 May 11. Do. Thomas Graves of Philadelphia Co., Penna:, >man, to Henry Jenjngs of Salem Tenth, W. J., tailor, for 150 acres the Northside of AUawayes Creek, adjoining grantee, part of the 300 a. , bought of Benjamin East (supra, p. 81). 131 1686 May 23. Do. Thomas Graves of Oxford, Penna., to Richard Ikinson of Salem Tenth, W. J., and wife Bridgett, for 150 acres on the^ rth West side of AUawayes Creek, adjoining Wm. Penton and Henry ljngs, part of the 300 a. lot (see preceding). 136 1686 -Aug. g. Power of Attorney. Thomas Graves to George Hasle- od, to give possession to Henry Jenjngs and Richard Wilkinson of the id bought by them (supra, pp. 131 and 136). 140 1686 Sept. 30. Assignment by William Hall and wife Elizabeth, to inces and John Abbott of" the wthin menconed land, house, outhouses ." ¦ 140 1686 May I. Deed. Edward Champneys of New Salem, W. J., ner, to Thomas Kent of the same place, glover, and wife Ann for 50 es along the line of Salem Townlots. I42 1686 1st d. 6th m. (Aug.). Articles of agreement. Isaac Smart, yeo- n, with Edward Godwin, turner, both of Middle Neck, W. J., for the lancy and use of some land, &c. I44 1686 May 2g. Mortgage. Roger Milton of Windham, Salem Tenth, J., yeoman, to James Nevill of. Salem Town, planter, on 400 acres ir the mouth of Salem Creek, called Windham. 148 1686 Nov. 8. Appraisal, by order of Court, of the tract called ndham, by Tho: Woodrooffe, JohirThompson, Isaac Smart and Samuel dge, in forfeiture of mortgage proceedings. 1S° 1686 Nov. II. Deed. James Nevill of Salem to Robert Ashton and :hard Darkin, both of New Castle Co., Penna., yeomen, for the tract led Windham (see above, p. 14S). ' J5T 1685 Aug.~l2. Do. John Nicholds of Chohanzey, W. J., planter, 1 wife Hannah to John Bacon of the same place, planter, for 100 acres, ight of John Adams and wife Elizabeth February 12, 1682-3. 155 582 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1685 25th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Richard Wilkinson of New Salem, labourer, to Richard Johnson of the same place, carpenter, for that part of the 16 acre lot, bought of Edward Bradway (supra, p. 22), lying on the N. W. side of a line drawn from the outermost bounds of grantee's 10 a. lot by the highway leading from Salem Town to the Mill Creek. 159 ' 1686 Nov. 10. Do. William ffleetwood of Northampton River alias Rancocus Cr., W. J., planter, by his attorney James Nevill of Salem, W. J., planter, -to William Hews of Chittester, Penna., cooper, and wife Deborah, for no acres, of which 10 a. at a point, on which is an island of pines, over against Powell's plantation; the other 100 a. on Ouldman's Creek over against grantee's new dwelling house; the whole part of 500 acres, bought by said Fleetwood of Wm. Penn, to be located in Salem Tenth. 163 1680-1 March 7. Do. Robert Wade of Vpland on Dellaware R., carpenter, to Nathaniel Chamneys of AUawayes Creek, W. J., planter, for 200 acres along said creek, part of a 500 a. lot granted to said Wade by John Fenwick July 8, 1675. 166 1685 April 22. Assignment by Jobe Nettleship, heir of Vicessimus Nettleship dec'd., to Robert Hutchinson of New Castle, of his right," title &c in and to all the land granted to his said deceased uncle (2,000 acres) by John Fenwick. ' 169 , 1686-7 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Deed of partition between Marcus Elgar of Middle Neck, New Salem, W. J., and Isaac Smart, of the 450 acres bought by said Elgar of Wm. Malster, E. and S. Windham, W. Ann's Grove, N. Samuel Carpenter, John Thompson and Andrew Thomp son, alias Elsenburgh, of which he sold the Western half to said Smart. 171 1686-7 14th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Deed. Edward Bradway of AUa wayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to Neill Daniell of Stow Creek, planter, for 125 acres on Stow alias Unknown Creek, part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of John Edridge June 23, 1675. 173 1686 Nov. 1. Do. WiUiam Lawrence of Middle Town, East Jersey, by his attorney James Nevill of New Salem, planter, to Griffith Jones of Philadelphia for 500 acres, adjoining Casparus Harman. 177 1686-7 Feb. !4- Do. Edward Wade of Mun Mouth alias AUawayes Creek, yeoman, and wife Prudence, to Nathaniel Champneys junior of the same place, planter, for 100' acres, N. Nathl Champneys senior. 182 1686-7 P"eD- 14- Do. Nathaniel Chamney of MunMouth R., planter, to his eldest son Nathaniel, for 100 acres, as surveyed by John Worlidge, Deputy Surveyor, December 23, 1685. 187 1684 April 8. Do. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, W. J., gentleman, and wife Anna to Joseph North and Rowland Ick hooke of Manneton Creek W. J., planters, for 300 acres, to be called New Brook, on said SALEM DEEDS, NO. 3. 583 Page creek adjoining Marke Reeve and Thomas Watson. igi 1687 May 13. Do. Elizabeth and Mordicai Gibbons, widow and son of Richard Gibbons, by their attorney John Throckmorton of Middle Town, E. J., gentleman, to William Penton of AUawayes Creek, W. J., yeoman, for 250 acres near Cesarioe alias Chohanzey River, adjoining Nicholas Demire and Charles Bagley. ig6 1687 June 13. Do. Margrett Lacroy of Lacroy's Point, Salem Co., W. J., widow of Michael Lacroy of said place, planter, to her children Elizabeth, Anna and Mary Lacroy, for 300 acres, called Lacroy's Point, derived from her late husband. 201 1687 June 13. Do. Roger Milton of New Salem Township, W. J., yeoman, to Georgs^Deacon of MunMouth R., Salem Tenth, W. J., yeo man, for 50 acres adjoining grantee's land, formerly bought of Wm. Mal ster and Edward Bradway. 204 1687 May 13. Do. Elizabeth and Mordecaio Gibbons, widow and son of Richard Gibbons, by their attorney, John Throckmorton of Middle Town, E. J., to Charles Bagley of Cesarise alias Chohanzey River, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, for 250 acres, to be called Newport, adjoining Wm. Penton and Nicholas Demire, the Northern half of 500 acres granted to said Richard Gibbons by John Fenwick Oct. 16, 1676. (See supra, p. 196.) v 209 1687 June 13. Do. Edward Wade of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., planter, executor of Isabella, widow of William Hancock, and guardian of her nephew John Hancock, to Benjamin Napton of Salem Town, blacksmith, for a townlot in Salem of 16 acres between Wm. Wilkinson and Robert Zane, part of 500 a. bequeathed to said John by his aunt; in exchange for 100 a. of marish, surveyed to said John Hancock. 214 1686-7 March 22. Do. Jeremiah Basse, as attorney of Joshua Bark stead of Cesariae River alias Chohanzey, to Barnard Hodges of the same place, planter, for 600 acres along said river and Burden's Creek, running into it. - 219 1687 "Recorded July 19. Assignment by Benjamin Burden of the ' Town of Munmouth, East Jersey, to William Hudson, late of Mattinin- ' cock, N. Y., of all his right, title, etc., in and to "ye Deed." 223 1686 Oct. 9. Deed of gift. Christopher Sanders of Quiet titty,. Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, and wife Mary to their son-in-law Jonathan Beere, late of Burlington, and his wife, Mary, their daughter, for "All ' that Tract of land wch wee now live on Quiettitty" and "alsoo all other our lands, houses, leases, cattle &c &c" 224 1686 Oct. 9. Bond. Jonathan Beere, late of Burlington, merchant, to Christopher Saunders and wife Mary, to build an addition to the house lately occupied by Wm. Cosier, and provide for said Saunders and , wife. 226 584 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1686 Nov. 8. Deed. John Adams of Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, alias gentleman, to Charles Bagley of Chohanzey, said Tenth, yeoman, and wife Elizabeth, for 100 acres at Chohanzey in two lots: go and 10 acres, the latter on Chohanzey R. on the Southside of _ Samuel Bacon. 229 1686-7 Feb. 23. Do. Richard Wilkinson of Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, and wife Bridgett to Henry Jenjngs of AUawayes Creek, slid Tenth, for 150 acres, bought of Thomas Graves May 29, 1686 (supra, P- I31)- 233 1687 Aug. 8. Do. Roger Milton of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, to John Beetle of Mun Mouth River, W. J., carpenter, for 200 acres at the head of Cooper's Creek, adjoining George Deacon. 236 1687 Aug. 8. Do. Marcuss Ellegar of Middle Neck near New Salem, W. J., planter, to Tobias Quainton of Salem Town, planter, for 55 acres on the S. side of MunMouth R., part of the 1,450 a. tract bought . of Wm. Malster August 13, 1680. 240 1687 Aug. 8. Do. John Test of Glocester Co., W. J., gentleman, by his attorney William Rumsey of Manneton Creek, W. J., yeoman, to Tobias Quainton of Salem, planter, for 100 acres on AUawayes Creek, ad joining the preceding lot, bought of Marcus Ellegar. 244 1687 Nov. 26. Do. Roger Milton of Mun Mouth River,. Salem Co., yeoman, to Henry Jenjngs of the same place, tailor, for 350 acres between Samuel Nicholdson and John Thompson, at the head of Locus Creek near Elsenburgh, bought of Samuel Hedge Aug. 10, 1685 (supra, p. 99). " 248 1687 Nov. 26. Same to same, for 250 acres and a grist mill on Mun Mouth River. 251 1686 gth d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. John Stanbanck of Ouldman's. Creek, W. J., to William Hughs of the same place, cooper, and wife Deborah, for 150 acres on said creek, part of 300 acres granted to be laid out in Salem Tenth by Wm. Penn August 22, 1683. 253 1687 Nov. 15. Assignment by Jonas Scogin of Salem Co., planter, on behalf of his wife Barbery Erickson, to John Erickson of the same Co., yeoman, of "the wthin menconed tract of marish." 256 1687 Nov. 15. Do. by John Johnson of Pennsilvania, planter, on be half of his wife Annica Erickson, now Annica Johnson, to John Erick son of Salem Co., yeoman, of "the within menconed Tract of Marish." 256 1687 Nov. 15. Do. by Hendrick Yerianson of Salem Co., planter, to John Erickson of said Co., yeoman, of the " within menconed 20 acres of marish." 257 1687 Dec. 2. Do. by William Hughs and wife Deborah to George Haslewood of Salem Town, carpenter, for "the wthin granted 500 acres, SALEM DEEDS, NO. 4. - 585 Page with special consent of said Deborah, wife of Wm. Hughs of Chechester, Chester Co." 258 1687 April 15. Deed. Charles Bagley of Cesarise River, W. J., planter, to his son-in-law Thomas Craven of the same place, planter, £or 20b acres near the head of AUawayes Creek, adjoining John Smith of Grundel Hill. , 25g Salem Deeds, No. 4. 1687 Aug. 30. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., - W. J., gentleman, to Roger Milton of Mun Mouth River, said Co., yeo man, for 200 acres at the mouth of Locus Creek, adjoining Anna's Grove near Elsenburgh Point, between Joseph White, Samuel Nicholson, Mr. Moore and Delaware River. I 1687 Augr-31. Do. Roger Milton (as above) to Henry Jenjngs of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., W. J., tailor, for the preceding 200 acres. 4 1687 July 26. Do. Widow Margrett Denn of Mun Mouth R., Salem "Co., W. J., to John Mattocks of the same place, for 500 acres1, sold to her late husband, John Denn, June 20, 1681, by Barnard Devonish. _, 7 1687 July 26. Do. John Maddocks of Mun Mouth R., Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, lo Margrett Denn of the same place, for 1,000 acres on Stowe River alias Unknown Greek, Salem Co., granted to him by John Fenwick May 6, 1675; in exchange for the preceding 500 a. n 1687 Aug. 8. Do. John Test of Glocester Co., gentleman, by his attorney Wm. Rumsey of Manneton Creek, to William Wilkinson of Salem, W. J., planter, for 300 acres on the Southside of Mun Mouth R., adjoining Tobjas Quainton. 14 1687-8 Feb. 13. Do. Roger Milton, late of New Salem, W. J., yeo man, to Anthony Page of Mun Mouth River, W. J., yeoman, and wife Mary, for 250 acres at the head of Cooper's Creek, between Richard John son and John Beedle. J8 1687 Nov. 29. Assignment by Anthony Dixson to Edward Champneys \'ol Salem Town, joiner, of "the within menconed Towne lott" (10 acres in.Salem). 23 £•'1687-8 Feb. 15. Do. by Edward Champneys to James Nevill, of "the wthin menconed tenn acre lott." 24 1687-8 Feb. 14. Do. by George Haslewood of Salem Co., yeoman, to his son-in-law Richard Butcher of said Co., planter, of "the wthin menconed Tract of land." 25 -"' 1687-8 Feb. 13. Do. by John Clarke to Michael Issard of "the ¦ 58 586 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page wthin menconed land" (16 acres). Entered twice. '26 1687-8 Feb. 13. Do. by same, of Salem Co., planter, to" Jonathan WoUing of said Co., yeoman, of " the wthhi menconed tract of land " (500 . acres). 27 1683 June 22. Deed. Henry Jenjngs of AUawayes Creek, W. J., tailor, and wife Margrett to Charles Bagley of the same place', tanner, for 3 acres on said creek, adjoining grantor on the East. 28 1685 Oct. 3. Do. Job Nettleship, by his attorney James Nevill of Salem, W. J., planter, confirming to John White of New Castle, Penna., all the estate, right, title &c in and to 2,000 acres, granted to John and Job Nettleship by John Fenwick June 16, 1675. 31 1686 28th d. 4th m. (June). Do. John White of New Castle, Penna., by his attorney James Nevill,"~to Roger Milton of AUawayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J., miller, for the preceding 2,000 acres. 33 1688 May 22. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor of Salem Co., gentleman, and wife Mary to Michael Issard of the Town of Greenwich on the River Cesarise alias Chohansey, yeoman, for 16 acres in said town, formerly sur veyed for Thomas Watson, adjoining John Smith and Tho: Watson. 36 1688 May 22. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild on Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, and wife Martha to Michael Isjard (as above), for 16 acres, a townlot in Greenwich, on the Northside of the street-by the marshside from the little creek, one of the three lots; vizt: one in Salem, two at Chohansey, bequeathed to said Martha Smith by" John Fen wick. 40 1687 Dec. 27. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor senior of Hollybourne, Salem Co., W. J., gentleman, and wife Mary to their son Hypolitus -Lefevor junior and wife Hannah Carle, late of Philadelphia Co., for 900 acres, called Lefevors Chase, over against the Town of Salem on Fenwick River, a swamp called Pudle Dock, and Manneton Creek. 44 1687 June 13. Do. Robert Hutchinson of New Castle Co., Penna., yeoman, to George Haslewood of New Salem, W. J., yeoman, and -wife Margrett, for 1,000 acres on the Northside of the River Cesarise alias Cho-" hanzey, to be called Haslefeild, half of the 2,000 a. tract acquired fro*m Jobe Nettleship, heir of Vicessimus Nettleship, April 22, 1685. 49 1686 May 26. Return of survey by Richard Tindall, Surveyor Gen eral, of the preceding 1,000 acres, as lying between Joshua Barkstead, Chohanzey River, Robert Hutchinson, a branch of said river and George's Creek. 53 1687 Dec. 10. Do. John Pledger of New Salem Co., W. J., yeo'mftn, and wife Elizabeth to their kinsman John Worlidge. of the same Co., gen- ' tleman, and wife Ann, for 3 or 4 acres on AUawayes Creek alias Mun Mouth River, adjoining grantee's plantation on the West. 54 1686 Dec. 4. Do. Marke Reeve of Cesarise River, Salem Tenth, i SALEM DEEDS, NO. 4. 587 Page ., yeoman, to Joseph Browne, late of Philadelphia, merchant, for 16 1 in the^Town-of Greenwich on Cesarise R., the first lot on the N. E. of the great street, near grantor's house, a corner lot. 57 588 May 21. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild, Salem Co., gentle- and wife Martha to" Thomas Watson of the Town of Grenwich on iiver Cesarise, said Co., planter, for 16 acres in said town, W. S. W. rreat street. 62 688 May 21. Do. John Adams of Salem Co., W. J., planter, to uel Bacon of Cesarise River, said Co., yeoman, for 360 acres on the hside of said river alias Chohanzey Creek, adjoining. George Hasle- 1 and Elian'or Lewis. 66 687-8 Feb. 13. Do. Same to William Waithman of Chohanzey, m Tenth, W. J., planter, for 100 acres at Chohanzey, on a point over 1st the Town Neck, along a small creek, leading to Pine Mount, ad- ng Charles Bagley; also 10 a. of marsh near Chohanzey River, on the hsideof Samuel Bacon. 71 688 Aug. 13. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor junior of Lefevor's Chase, m Co.,- W. J., yeoman, and wife Hannah to Jonathan Beere of Man- n Creek, said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, adjoining grantee, on the ap, belonging to Puddle Dock, and Said creek, adjoining Xpopher lers. 75 688 AprU 30. Do. Charles Bagley of Cesarise River, W. J., planter, enry Jenjngs of Mun Mouth River, W. J., tailor, and wife Margrett, acres on said river, adjoining grantee. 80 688 May 21. .Quitclaim Deed. Richard Wilkinson of Salem Co., ter, and wife Bridgett to Henry Jenjngs of said Co., -for 100 acres, of Ann's Grove, on Locus Creek, said Co., sold by Roger Milton. 83 688 May 22. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., Re- er, to Roger' Carary of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 500 i-at-the head of Salem Creek, called Virgin Spring, in said Co., be- n Richard Tindall and the head of a branch of Nicomisses. 84 688 May 1. Do. • Charles Bagley of West Jersey, planter, to John h of Grundell Hill on Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., planter, for 300 i on said river, along the Eastside of Jas. Nevill. 88 687 Aug. 13. Do. Peter Peeters of Lucas Point, Salem Co., W. J., ter, son and executor of Lucas Peterson of the same place, dec'd, to is Peterson (Peters) of the same place, planter, for 100 acres on the hside of Swynes Point, adjoining John Erickson, granted to the :r by Wm. Penn Dec. 20, 1684. 92 688 May 1. Do. Anthbny Page of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., lan, and wife Mary to Joseph Ware of the same place, yeoman, and Martha for 100 acres on "the Southside of said creek, called Page's tation, bought of Edward Wade November 14, 1678. 95 588 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1687-8 Feb. 10. Do. John Adams of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to George Haslewood of Salem, carpenter, for" 200 acres on the Northside of Chohansick Creek, formerly called Jacob Young's Neck, be tween Henry Jenjngs, Dunks Williams, Ellen Fuller and Samuel Bacon. 99 1688 May 20. Do. Edward Champneys of Salem Town, joiner, to Francis Gibbons of Barbadoes, merchant, for 20 acres in Salem, in two 10 ». lots, the first on Nevill St. and along the Ten Acres Creek, the other on the same street and also along said creek. 103 1687 June 13. Do. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Saleni Co.,' Re corder, and wife Anna to John Harding of New Salem, brickmaker, for 240 acres on Manneton Creek, above Hedge's landing. 106 1687-8 Feb. 13. Do. > James Nevill of Salem Town, W. J., yeoman, to John Paine of the same place, planter, for 16 acres, a townlot there, on the Westside of the street, adjoining Henry Salter; bought by said Nevill and wife Creseda, now dec'd, of Anna Salter, widow of Henry Salter, of Salem, dec'd, April 16, 1683. no 1686 April 13. Do. Sarah Pile of Pile Grove, by her attorney Wil liam Hall of the same place, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to Samuel Car penter of Elsenburgh, said Tenth, merchant, for 22 acres in the Town of Salem, on Fenwick's River and the highway from Salem Landing, be queathed to said Sarah by her mother Sarah Cannon, who bought the lot of John Smith June 4, 1683. 113 1686 April 13. Assignment by Samuel Carpenter to William Kylle of Salem, W. J. of the foregoing. 117 1688 Dec. 10. Do. by John Snouke to John Kyllett, of the within mentioned deed of 10 acres. 118 1688 Dec. 10. Do. by same to same of the within mentioned 16 acres. 1 18 1688 Dec. 24. Town Grant of Salem. Wm. Penn, John Smith, Sam uel Hedge and Richard Tindall, executors of John Fenwick, confirming to George Haslewood, Thomas Woodrooffe and Richard Johnson, all free holders and inhabitants in the Town of Salem, John Fenwick's grant of 560 acres of marsh between tire said town, the lands belonging to Wind ham and the bounds of Awelbury. 120 1687 Nov. 30. Deed. Henry Danielson to Peter Bilderbeck, both of Fenwick's River, Salem Co., planters, for one half of 150 acres at West Fenwick on said river, granted by John Fenwick to Annica Hendrickson, widow, and said Danielson in joint tenancy October 30, 1679. ' 124 1688 Dec. 10. Deed of gift. Michael Barron of Salem Co. in the Territorie and Dominion of New England, yeoman, to his son-in-law Ren- nere Vanhyst and wife Elizabeth of Manneton Creek, said Co., for "All that tract of land wch I now live on." 127 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 4. 589 Page 1688 Dec. 10. Bond. Rennere Vanhyst to Michael Barron, to " finde, prvide & alow him, the sd Michael, good Wholesome & Sufficient meat, drinck, Washing, lodgeing & apprell &c." 129 J686-7 Jan. 20. Deed. Anna Salter, widow of Henry, by her attor ney James Nevill of Salem, W. J., yeoman, to Francis Buckle of the same place, labourer, for 200 acres near Unknown Creek between Richard Deanes, the fforrests and Richard Russell. 131 1688 May 7. Do. Roger Milton of Saleni Co., yeoman, to Thomas Chaunders of Glocester Co., W. J., blacksmith, for that part of the 2,000 acres tract granted to John and Jobe Nettleship June 16, 1675, bounded by John Smith's 500 a. lot and Henry Jenjngs, near Manneton Creek, Salem Co. . 134 1684 April 10. Do. Samuel Curtice of Munmouth River alias AUa wayes Creek, W. J., yeoman", to John Snooke of Salem, tailor, for 50 acres, part of the 500 a. lot bought by his father Samuel Curtice senior of John Adams and by him bequeathed to present grantor and sister Joane. 137 1688-9 Jan- 7- Assignment by John Snooke to Richard Butcher of Salem Town, planter, of the preceding deed. 139 1687 Oct. 12. Do. by Richard Daniell of Salem to Thomas Beasley and Hugh Cowler of "the wthin menconed tenn acres of land & Marish," each to have one half. 140 l«88 May 28. Do. by Thomas Befisley, late of Salem, to Benjamin Acton of the same place, of "all his right, title, and interest of the wthin menconed tenn acres. " 141 1687 Dec- 14. Do. by Hugh Cowler to Thomas Beasley, as the pre ceding. 142 1686-7 Feb. 11. Power of attorney. William Worth of Shrowesbui'y, E. J., to William Myres of Burlington, W. J., to enter upon, survey and dispose of the land at Chohanzey, Salem Tenth, granted to him by John Fenwick. ~ r43 1687 Sept. 20. Deed. William Worth of Shrowesbury, East Jersey, planter, by his attorney William Myres of Burlington, butcher, to David Shepheard, now sojourning at Burlington, husbandman, for one half of 500 acres at Chohansey in Fenwick's Colony, granted to him March 4,\ 1687-8. M4 1688-9 Feb. 20. Assignment by Wooley Woolson, to Nellis Nealson, bqth of Salem Co., planters, of "the w^in menconed land." 148 1688-9 Feb. 20. Deed. Rennere Vanhyst of Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to Mary Nickson of said Co., spinster, for 100 acres on Manneton Creek, said Co., between grantors, Richard Mayzey and Cran- bury Pond. r49 1688-g Feb. g. Do. John Erickson to Paul Jaquatt, both of Salem 59Q NEW-JERSEY COLONIAL 0OCUM£NTS. Page Co., yeomen, for 300 acres at Steyne Hook, as surveyed by Richard Han cock, then Deputy Surveyor, August II, 1676. 152 1688-g Feb. ig. Do. Peter Oulson of Boughtown, Salem Co., W. J.,' planter, to his son Oule Peterson, late of the same place, for 80 acres on Delaware River, near Boughtown and Wooly ffranckson's landing. 157 1688 g Feb. 20. Assignment by Oule Peterson of Salem Co., planter, to Wooley Wooleyson of the same Co., planter, of "the wthin menconed land." w 159 1689 June 6. Deed. Robert Zane of Newtown, Glocester Co., W. J., yeoman, by his attorney John Thompson of Elsenburgh, Salem Co., car penter, to William Roydon of said Glocester Co., for 16 acres, a townlot in the Town of Salem, bought by said Zane of Henry Jenjngs. 160 1689 April 23. Do. Lewis Morris, commonly called Colonel Morris, of New York, to William Bickley of the same place; for 1,000 acres, grant ed by the executors of John Fenwick July 26, 1685, on the Southside of Munmouth River. - 162 1689 May 1. Assignment by Frances and John Abbott "of this Coun- tie " (Salem) to James Scole of Philadelphia of "All our right, title &c. to the wthin menconed prmises." 165 1688 May 21. Deed. Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, to Roger Carary of Clampitt, W. J., yeoman, for 16 acres on the S. W. side of the highway by Salem Town Landing. 166 1689 May 27. Do. John Ireson of Salem Town, tanner, to Richard Marshall of Salem Co., planter, for 10 acres in the town, on Edward Bradaway's street, lately in the tenure of Charles Bagley. 168 1689 June 15. Do. John ffuller of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, to Samuel Bacon of tbe same place, yeoman, for his whole estate, real and personal, for which said Bacon is bound to support said Fuller for the rest of his life. 170 i68g June 15. Bond. Samuel Bacon to John ffuller, to maintain him in meat, drink, lodging, etc., for the rest of his life. 171 The Shipp called the Griffin arrived in Dellaware River in wch sd shipp Came the psons hereafter named, being the first English Shipp yt was bound to this part of ye pvince * * * * Imprms John ffenwick Esqr of the County of Berks late pprietr of Salem Tenth in the pvince of New West Jersey, deceased, wth him 3 Daughters Elizabeth. Anna. & Presilia. alsoo John Adams husband to the sd Elizabth of Redding in the County of Berks. Weavor. & 3. Child™ Elizabeth. Aged II: yrs ffenwick aged: 9: yeares. & Mary Adams aged 4 years." Edward Champneys. husband to the sd Pres [silia] of Thornbury in the Countie of Gloster Joyner & 2: Child™ John, aged about years & Mary years ould — 10* Ten Servis vizd Robert Turner — Gervis Bywatr— William iVilkin son— Joseph North— Michael Eaton— El ianor. (ieere— Sarah Hutchings— Ruth Geere SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. 59I Page llacharia Geere, Ann Parsons Servts to the sd Edward Champ- fs— vizd Marke Reeve. Edward Webb — & Elizabeth Waites — John Smith. 1 172 Salem Deeds, No. S. 1688-9 Jan. 27. Deed. Christopher White of Mun Mouth R., alias awayes Creek, Co. of New Salem, W. J., carpenter, and wife Hester to :ir son-in-law John Betle (Bettle) of the same place and wife Elizabeth 100 acres on the Southside of said creek and on Back Creek, adjoining ward Bradaway, part of a 1,000 a. tract derived from John Fenwick Ly 26, 1675. 1 1689 Oct. 28. Do. Edward Wade of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., iman, executor of Isabella, widow of Wm. Hancock, to John Hancock, bella's servant, for 468 acres on said creek, part of 1,000 a. bought by d William of John Fenwick April 7, 1675. 5 1687 Aug. 8. Do. John Test of Glocester Co., W. J., gentleman, by .attorney, Wm. Rumsey of Manneton Creek, to William Cooper of lem, blacksmith, for 500 acres on Mun Mouth River, between Anthony je and Richard Johnson. 8 1686-7 March 10. Do. Williajn Daniel to Charles Bagley, both of ohansey, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeomen, for 4 acres near, and on the W. e of the Town of Greenwich, adjoining grantor, Charles Bagley and El- or ffuller. ' 12 1689 Nov. 14. Do. John Pledger of Bareton feilds, Salem Co., yeo- n, and wife Elizabeth to William BrajUiwaite of Braithwaite's Hall on .nneton Creek, said Co., gentleman, and wife Joane, for 544 acres on d creek, adjoining Wm. Rumsey. x5 1689 Aug. 20. Do. Andrea Anderson of Salem Co., planter, to ynold Hauck (Hauke) of said Co., tailor, for one-third of 150 acres on nwick's River in said Co., granted by John Fenwick October 30, '9. 20 1689-90 Feb. 18. Assignment by Reynold Hauke to Nicholas Phil- it of Penn's Neck, New Salem Co., of the preceding deed. 23 1 The name John Smith appears to be appended as a signature and not as one he passengers on the ship. This interesting document is given above in full I as exactly as ordinary typography will admit Some question has been sed as to whether the last three names— Marke Reeve. Edward Webb and Eliz- th Waites— were servants ot Edward Champneys, or were additional passen- 3, and it is pointed out that Marke Reeve almost immediately became the pur ser of extensive tracts of land, which he could hanrdly have done, if he had ie out as a servant. It is also suggested that the second " viz^ " is repeated in sense of " esaid." The reader must judge for himself from the context. 592 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pag i68g Aug. 20. Do. by Tobias Quainton to William Rumsey o .Salem, shoemaker, " of all his right, title, &c. to the wthin menconed Towi lott." ._' 2, 1689-90 Feb. 18. Do. William Wilkinson of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Mary to William Hall of the same place, yeoman and wife Elizabeth, for 200 acres on Hedge's Creek, adjoining Tindall': Bowery and Hedgefeild. 2' 1690 April 20. Return of survey by Richard Tindall, Surveyor Genl of 210 acres at the mouth of and along Cedar Branch, between Hedg( Run and another run, adjoining Thomas Hackett, Wm. HaU, Richarc Tindall and Fenwick's Grove. 2{ 1688 May 8. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., gen tleman, to William Rumsey of Manneton Creek, said Co., yeoman, foi 500 acres, called the Two Brothers, near the head of Salem Creek, formerly surveyed for Hugh Hutchings, half of the 1,000 a. tract boughl of Nicholas Demire April 10, 1685. 3c 1689 Aug. 20. Assignment by William Rumsey to John Turner ol Glocester Co., planter, of the foregoing deed. 34 1689 Nov. 27. Deed. John Adams of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., gen tleman, to Roger Carary of Clampitt, same Co., gentleman, for 240 acres, part of the 1,500 a. tract granted to said Adams and his late wife Eliza beth by John Fehwick March 19, 1674-5, on the Northside of Cesarise or Chohanzey River; whereof 164 a. lie between grantor and Bacon's, the marsh, 60 a., S. W. of the West Neck, adjoining the Widow Daniels, -Samuel Bacon on the West Neck and the Island Creek, called Tindall's Island; 16 a. a townlot in Greenwich, next to John Nicholds. 35 1689-go Feb. 18. Do. Roger Carary (as above) to Charles Bagley of Bagley Grove on the River Cesariae, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Eliza beth, for the preceding two lots of 164 and 60 acres. 40 1685-6 March II. Do. Richard Hancock of Chohansey, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, to John Smith of Amwelbury, same Tenth, weaver, for 100 acres in said Tenth, part of the 500 a. lot granted to said Hancock by John Fenwick May 10, 1675. 44 l6go Aug. ig. Assignment by John Smith (as above) to John Allen of Salem Co., weaver, of "ye wthin written Deed." 47 i6go Aug. 19. Deed of gift. Samuel Bacon of Cesariae alias Cho hansey River, Salem Co., yeoman, to William Bacon of the same place, planter, for 100 acres at the head of and along a creek, part of 360 a. bought of John Adams May 21, 1688. 48 1690 Aug. 19. Do. John Bacon of Cesariae R.. alias Chohansey, Salem Co., planter, to Samuel Bacon of the same place, yeoman, for 2 acres 52 perches near said river and grantee's dwellinghouse, part of 10c a. bought of John Nicholds August 12, 1685. 52 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. cg-i Page 1690 Aug. 19. Do. Samuel Bacon to John Bacon (both as above), for 65 acres, at the head of a small creek on the Northside of West Neck part of 360 a. bought of John Adams May 21, 1688. 55 1690 July I. Deed. John Gilman senior of Chohansey alias Cesariae. River, yeoman, to his son John Gilman of Salem, farmer, for 200 acres at Chohansey near the path and adjoining 400 a. bought by grantor of Free dom Lippincott. 58 1690 July 31. Assignment by John Gilman junior of New Salem to Hugh Hutchings of the preceding in exchange for his claim to the farm, called Netherland Earm, belonging to John Pledger of Salem. 60 1690 Sept. 29. Deed. John Smith of Amwelbury, Salem Co., yeo man, and wife Mary to their son-in-law John Walker of said Co., cooper, and wife Mary, their daughter, for 100 acres, adjoining Windham and Samuel Nicholson, part of 700 a. bought of Edw. Champneys January 29, 1682-3,' and hereafter to be called Amwell. 61 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Jonathan Walling of Cesarise R. alias Chohan sey,' Salem Co., to James Shephard of the same place, yeoman, for 100 acres, part of a 500 a. lot granted by John Fenwick to .Thomas Potter March 4, 1677-8, sold by said Potter lo John Ireson May 12, 1683, by said Ireson to John Clarke November 16, 1685, and by said Clarke to present grantor Feb. 13, 1687-8. . 65 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Same to John Shephard of Cesariae River, Salem Co., yeoman, for 150 acres, part of 500 (see preceding deed). 69 i6go Sept. 2g. Do. Same to Thomas Shephard of Cesariae R.', Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres as in preceding deeds. 73 l6go Sept. 2g. Do. Roger Carary of Clampitt, Salem Co., Esqre, to John Scole of Salem Town, shoemaker, for 2 acres in said town,, on the S. W. side of Salem St.,, part of the 16 a. lot bought of Roger Milton May 21, 1688. 77 1690 Nov. 18. Do. Anne and Samuel Nicholson, widow and eldest son of Samuel Nicholson of MunMouth River alias AUawayes Creek, to their son and brother Joseph Nicholson, for 194 acres, one-third of the tract granted by John Fenwick to Samuel Nicholson the elder June 14, 1675. 80 1690 Nov. 18. Do. Same to youngest son and brother Abell Nichol son, for 194 acres, as preceding. 85 1688 Oct. 30. Do. John Bellowes (Billess) of London, merchant, by his attorney, Thomas Budd of Burlingtown, W. J., merchant, to Ralfe Horsley of Chohansey -River, planter, fot 100 acres, to be taken out of the 5,000 a. tract near said river. 89 1689 Dec. 11. Assignment by Ralfe Horsley to John Watts of Salem, butcher, of the preceding deed. 92 1689 Dec. 11. Release. Ralfe Horsley, late of Morris River, W. J., 69 594 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Doctor of phisick, to John Watts of Salem, butcher, of all " accons, causes of accons, suites, books, bills &c". 93 1694 Sept. 24. Deed. Benjamin Acton of the Town of Salem, ordin ary keeper, to Jonathan Beere of Sandy Burr Wood, Salem Co., yeoman, for 16 acres, bought of Wm. Sirredge July 2, 1685, and part of a 500 ... lot granted by John Fenwick to Samuel Land and wife Darcus May 14, 1675, conveyed by said Land to John Yeo and by Yeo to Wm. Penton July 18, 1678, who sold the foregoing 16 a. to present grantor as above. 94 1690-1 Feb. 17. Assignment by John Bettle to Mathew Robertson of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, of "the wthin menconed 200 acres." 97 1688-9 Jan- 21. Do. by Anthony Page of Munmouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Mary to John and Andrew Thompson, both of said Co., yeomen, in trust for Samuel Stubings, son of Henry Stubings of AUawayes Creek dec'd., of "the wthin menconed tract of no acres." 98 i6go-i Feb. 17. Do. by William Wilkinson of Manneton Creek to James Barrett, of "this wthin menconed Deed." 100 l6go-i Feb. 7. Deed. Edward Champneys of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., joiner, to James Nevill of Salem Town, yeoman, for 16 acres in said town, on the corner of Nevills St., adjoining John Kyllett. loo i6go-l Feb. 17. Do. Thomas Kent of Salem Town, glover, to James Nevill of the Same place, yeoman, for a house and lot of 10 acres there, between the street to grantee's plantation and the street to the Town Landing, the head of a branch of a little creek and George Deacon. 103 1690-1 Feb. 17. Do. Hipolite Lefevor senior, late of St. Martins in ye ffeilds, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of Hollibourne, Salem Co., W. J., gentleman, and wife Mary, to John Worlidge of AUawayes Creek alias Munmouth River, Saleni Co., W. J., gentleman, and wife Anne, daughter of said Hipolite and Mary, for 1,000 acres on said creek, com monly known by the fifth lot or thousand in the devident, called Peters- feild, near the head of HoUybourne Creek, excepting 300 acres thereof in the occupation of Wm. Willis. 105 1690 I Feb. 17. Do. James Nevill of New Salem, Salem Co., gen tleman, to John Worlidge (as before), for 21^ acres of marish "on the Long Reach below the Salem Landing and on the Westside of Salem Creek, ad joining John Ireson. 109 1691 May 1. Assignment by John Bettle and wife Elizabeth to Chris topher White and wife Hester, "of the wthin menconed land &c. with the' house, outhouses & improvemts." Ill 1691 June 17. Do. by John Watts of Salem, butcher, to Leonard SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. 595 Page erryman of Chohansey, Saleni Co., husbandman, "of ye wtnin men- med 100 acres." 112 _j688 Sept. 20. Deed. William Worth of Shrewsbury, East Jersey, to imes Peirce of Shrewsbury Neck on Chohansey River, West Jersey, lacksnnth, for 250 acres, half of 500 on said Neck between Shattock's lantation and Wee-hat-quack Creek. 113 i6gi April 2. Do. WUliam Kelly of Saleni Town, weaver, to Wil- am Hall, late of Pile Grove, now of Manneton Creek, W. J., yeoman, nd wife Elizabeth, for 22 acres in the Town of Salem, sold by said Hall ) Samuel Carpenter April 13, 1686, and. assigned by said Carpenter on ie same day to present grantor. 114 1690 Nov. 14. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor junior of Salem Co., W. J., eoman, and wife Hannah to James Barrett of said Co., carpenter, and ife Elizabeth, for 200 acres, part of and on the Northside of Lefevor's !hase, along Puddle Dock Swamp, Saleni Creek and Puddle Dock Ireek. 118 1691 May I. Do. James Viccary to John Nickson, both of Salem !o., W. J., yeomen, for 100 acres on Salem Creek, said Co. 121 l6go" Nov. 18. Do. Widow Barbara Jacobson of Penn's Neck, Salem !o., W. J., to Joshall (Joshua) Gillett of the same place, yeoman, for 200 eres, between Peter Johnson, the branch of a creek running into Salem .reek and John Jacobson. ¦ 124 1689 July 3. Deed of gift. John Erickson of Lucas Point, Salem "enth, W. J., husbandman, to his son-in-law John Stalcop of Crisliana. Ireek, New Castle Co. (Penna.), and wife Annake, grantor's daughter, or 183 acres at said Lucas Point, part of 504 a. granted by Wm. Penn in wo lots February 10, 1684-5. I27 1691 Aug. 18. Deed. Reyneere Vanhyst of Salem Creek, Salem Co., eoman, and wife Elizabeth to John Abbett of AUawayes Creek, said Co., ooper, for 500 acres on the main branch of said creek, in - 225 l6gi June 30. Deed. Thomas Budd, late of Burlington, W. J., now of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Worlidge of Salem Co., W. J., yeo man, for 500 acres in said Co., at Quohocking on the Burlington Road, . below the branches of Ouldman's Creek and near the head thereof. 225 l6gi-2 Jan. 22.- Do. William Shattock of Shrewsbury, Mun Mouth Co., E. J., cordwainer, to William Waithman of Chohansey, W. J., planter, for 250 acres on Shrewsbury Neck within Chohansey, adjoining Wm. Worth, between Chohansey and Wehatquack Creek, now called Shrewsbury Cr. 228 l6gi-2 Feb 17. Assignment by Wm. Waithman to Marke Reeve of Cesarise River alias Chohansey, of the wthin menconed tract of land. 232 1692 Aug. 17. Do. by Roger Carary to Anthony Dixon of Cesariae River, Salem Co., planter, of the wthin menconed 16 acres. 233 1688-9 March 12. Deed. Griffith Jones of Philadelphia, merchant, to Dunckin Williams of Bucks Co., Penna., yeoman, for 500 acres at Cho- ' hansey, between the marsh, John Adams and a small creek, formerly the plantation of Casparus Harman, who sold it to said Jones March 20 and 5, 1686. 234 .1692-3 Jan. 18. Do. Jonathan Beere of Salem Town, yeoman, and wife Mary to Bartholomew Wyatt of Salem Co., husbandman, for 600 acres at Quiet titty, on Manneton Creek, said Co., of which 500 a. were received as gifts from Christopher Saunders and llis late wife Mary Octo- 600 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page ber 9, 1686, and 100 a. bought of Hypolitus Lefevor August 13, 1688.' 239 v 1692 Nov. 20. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to Edward Champney of Salem Co., joiner, for 300 acres, called the Cedar Swamp, near Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, and the head of the Cedar Swamp of Stowe Creek. 242 1688 May 20. Do. John Test of Gloucester Cor, W. J., gentleman, by his attorney Wm. Rumsey of Manneton Creek, yeoman,, to WiUiam Sir redge of Salem Co., bricklayer, for 100 acres on Mun Mouth River, adjoin ing Marcus Elger, part of 1,000 acres bought of Wm. Malster, wife and sister-in-law June II, 1675. 245 •1692-3 Jan. 30. Assignment by William Sirredge to Tobias Quainton of Munmouth Riyej^alias AUawayes Creek, W. J., yeoman, of the within mentioned 100 acres. 247 1692-3 Feb. 22. Do. by Widow Margrett Gillett of Salem Co. to Thomas Jones of the same place, planter, of all her right, title, &c. in and to the "w'hin menconed land." 248 1692-3 Feb. 22. Do. by John Worlidge to Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, of "the wthin menconed marish and premisses." 249 1693 March 25. Deed. William Penton of near Cesariae River, Salem Co., yeoman, to John Ketcham of New York Colony, yeoman, for 250 acres near said river, which grantor's father, Wm. Penton senior, bought of John Throckmorton May 13, 1687. 250 1692-3 Jan. 3. Assignment by Henry Hurley to Richard Johnson of Salem Town, carpenter, of "all the wthin menconed land & prmisses" (14 acres supra, p. 213), excepting a lot of marsh in the townmarsh. 253 1692-3 Feb. 14. Deed of gift. Samuel Curtice of Mun Mouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to John Haslewood, son of Geo. Haslewood of Salem Town, and bis daughter Ann Curtice, about to becpme the wife of said John, for one half of the land, he, grantor, now lives on, the other half to go to them after the death of grantor and his wife Ann. 253 1692-3 Feb. 14. Do. George Haslewood of Salem Town, yeoman, to his son John Haslewood and Ann Curtice (see preceding deed), for 500 acres on Cesariae alias Chohansey River, Salem Co., now in the occupation of Ralfe Horsley and .adjoining giantor, with cattle and household stuff. 255 16S8 May 10. Deed. Marcus Elgar of Middle Neck, Salem Co., - planter, io William Sirredge of said Co., bricklayer, for 200 acres on the Southside of Mun Mouth River alias AUawayes Creek and along a small creek,- bounding Dennis Fisher's land, part of the 1,000 a. tract boughl of Wm. Malster et al. June 11, 1675. 257 1692-3 March 4. Do. John Maddocks of AUawayes Creek alias Mun Mouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, to Richard Burnam of the same SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. 6oi Page place, husbandman, for log acres on said creek, over against Robert Denn, part of the 500 a. lot bought of Margrett Denn July 26, 1687. 260 l6g2~3 March 4. Do. Same to Richard Marshall of the same place, yeoman, for 200 acres, adjoining the preceding. 262 1693 May 27. Do. Robert Coffin of' Salem Co., cordwainer, to Charles Angelo of Salem Town, husbandman, and wife Katherine, for a town lot of 10 acres, with the lot of marsh in the town marsh, between John Paine's plantation and the creek, assigned to grantor by John Wor lidge, late of Petersfeild, now of Salem Town. 265 1685 July 17. Do. Edward Champneys /to Robert Donne, for 100 acres, 80 thereof adjoining John Deane, formerly Bernard Devonish, the other 20 also East of said Deane, between Munmouth R. alias AUawayes ^Creek and Joseph White. 267 1685 July 29. Do. Joseph White of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife ElizabeT.li to Robert Donne of the same place, for 30 acres, most marsh, between grantor and grantee, part of the 400 a. bought of Edw. Champneys December 7, 1684. 271 1693 July 5. Do. Thomas Mowyer of Salem Town, weaver, and wife Mary to John Worlidge of the same place, Esqre, for their right, es tate, title, &e. in and to a lot of 8 acres and a lot of marsh in said town. 273 1693 July 7. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor of Hollibourne, Salem Co., gentleman, and wife Mary to Roger Carary of Clampitt, said Co., yeoman, fur 400 acres on the Southside of and along Manneton Creek, along a branch of Myhoppinyes Creek, adjoining grantee, Jonathan Beere and Wm. Rumsey. 275 1693 June 22. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to Thomas Shepherd of Cesariae, Salem Co., yeoman, for 86 acres on Mehat- quak Creek alias River Tweed, between Hester Shepherd and John Smith. 278 i6g3 June 22. Do. Same to Hester and Rachael Shepherd, daugh- . ters of James Shepherd dec'd, the consideration having been paid by Thomas and David Shepherd, both of Cesarise River, brothers and execu tors of said James, for 34 acres, between Thomas Shepherd and Wm. Johnson, like.the preceding and the following part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Wm. Biddle Nov. 10, i6g2 (supra, p. 217). 281 1692-3 Feb. 25. Dor Same to Michael Issard of the Town of Green wich, Salem Co., yeoman, for 16 acres there, adjoining John Nich olds. ' 285 1692-3 Feb. I. Do. Edward Bradway of Mun Mouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to his daughter, Mary Cooper of Salem Town, widow, for a lot of 16 acres in said town, adjoining George Hasle wood, along the highway and on the S. E. side of Christopher White's 60 602 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. - , Page plantation. 288 1693 May 17'. Assignment by John Cann of the Town of New -Castle to Edward Champneys, of AUawayes Creek, of "the wthin menconed patten." 291 l6g3 June 20. Do. by William Hall and wife Elizabeth, to James Sherron of Salem Co., planter, of "all the wthin menconed land." 2gl- i6g3 Sept. 25. Do. by Michael Issard to Obediah Holmes of Cesa riae River, Salem Co., gentleman, of "all his right, title, &c. of, in and to the wthin menconed Land." 2g2 1693 Aug. 3. Deed, j'ohn Worlidge of Salem Town, Esqre, and wife Ann to Wm. Kenton, late of Maryland, now of said town, carpenter, and wife Mary, for 600 acres, part of Petersfeild, on the Northside of and along AUawayes Creek, adjoining John Pledger, Widow Braithwaite,. Wil liam Willis and Penton's. 293 1692 SeptT 27. Do. Edward Bradway of Mun Mouth River alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Mary to their grandson, John Cooper, son of Wm. Cooper of Salem Town, blacksmith, dec'd, and wife Mary, with remainder to Susanna and Sarah Bradway, grantors' daughters, for 300 acres, adjoining Christopher White and along the little creek, part of the 1,000 a. tract on Mun Mouth R., granted by John Fen wick May 6, 1675. 297 1693 Aug. 3. Assignment by John Worlidge and wife Ann to William Kenton of Salem Town, carpenter, of "all their right, litle, &c. of the wthin menconed land." (Entered twice). 300 1692-3 Jan. 3. Do. by Henry Hurley to Richard Johnson. -Mar ginal Note: Mistake, recorded before (supra, p. 253). 301 1693 Aug. 16. Do. by Richard Marshall to Richard Johnson of Salem Town, carpenter, of "all the wthin menconed lott." 302 1690 (?) Nov. 21. Do. by John Hancock to Abell Nicholson of AUawayes Creek, Saleni Co., yeoman, of "all his estate, right, title, &c. of, in or to the wthin menconed 100 acres." \303 1693 Dec. 4. Mortgage. William Kenton of Salem Town, carpenter, and wife Mary to Edward Bradway of Munmouth R., Salem Co., as one of the overseers mentioned in the last will of William Cooper of said town, blacksmith, dec'd, and trustees of said Cooper's children, vizt: John, Hannah and Mary Cooper, on 600 acres bought of John Worlidge (supra, p. 293). 304. l6g3 Oct. 27. Deed. Nathaniel Champneys senior of Salem Co., yeoman, to John Remington of the same Co., husbandman, for 500 acres, or half of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Richard Russell September 9, 1691, on Delaware River. 307 1693 Aug. 9. Assignment by Jenkin Griffith to Isaac Pearson of Salem Town, blacksmith, of "all his right, title, &c. in, to or of the wth;n men- SALEM DEEDSj NO. 5- 603 "*. - Page coned land." jog 1693 Sept. 30. Do. by William Bacon to Samuel Bacon junior of Cesariae River, Salem Co., planter, of "all his right, title, &c. to the w*in menconed land." (Entered twice.) 310 1680 June 6. Deed. Samuel Nicholson of Mun Mouth River alias AUawayes Creek, W. J., planter, and wife Ann to Edward Bradway of the same place, Commr, George Deacon of New Salem, felt maker, Tho: Woodrooffe of the same place, tailor, and Andrew Thompson of New Salem Township, planter, for 16 acres in New Salem Town, on the high way, between Hutchings' homelot and the creek. 311 1684-5 FeD- 3- -Do. Edward Champneys to Christopher White and Samuel Wade, both of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., for a small lot on , said river and a .little creek, part of the 2,000 a. tract granted by John Fenwick June 7, 1675. 314 1693 Nov. 6. Do. Same of Manneton, Salem Co., joiner, to Thomas Yorke of Salem Town, bricklayer, for 8 acres in said town, on the West- side of Salem St., between Tho: Chaunders and Roger Milton, part of the 500 a. lot assigned to grantor by John Cann May 17, 1693. 317 1693 Nov. 21. Release. John Maddocks to John Hancock, both of MunMouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeomen, of his right to cut, make and carry away hay on the land now occupied by said Mad - docks and belonging to the tract mentioned in Hancock's deed, on Mun-' mouth R. 322 1692-3 Feb..2o. Deed. Isaac Sauoy of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., yeoman, to" Charles Peterson of the same place, planter, for 100 acres on Delaware R., between grantor and John Hendrickson, part of the 350 a. lot granted by Wm. Penn March I, 1685-6. 323 1693 Sept. 22. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to James Peirce of Cesariae River alias Chohansey, Salem Co., blacksmith, for 50 acres on said river, between grantee and Tho: Smith. .326 1693 Aug. 28. Assignment by Richard Wilkinson of Penn's Neck, Salem- Co., planter, and wife BricTgett to Rennere Vanhyst of the same ' place, yeoman, of all their right, title, &c. in and to "the wthin menconed 200 acres." 329 1693-4 Jan. 5. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, tb Nathaniel Champneys junior of .MunMouth River alias AUawayes Creek, "Sslem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres near said creek, between Samuel Wade and Edward Wade. 33° 1693-4 Jan. 6. Do. Edward Wade of MunMouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Prudence to Abell Nicholson of said Co., yeoman, for the unsold part of 1,000 acres conveyed to grantorfe by John Fenwick April 8, 1675, and 100 a. of marsh, bought of Fenwick's ex ecutors; to be taken possession of after death of grantors. 333 604 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1693 Sept. 29. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild, Salem Co., gentle man, and wife Martha to Jonathan Beere of Salem Town, gentleman, two 15 acre lots in said town, and 32 a. of marsh adjoining, thereto, in all 72 a., of which 40 on the Soutfiside of Cow Neck adjoining Governour Penn, 32 a. also next to Govr Penn along a little creek, running to Cannoe Neck. 336 1693-4 Feb. 20. Lease. Edward Wade (ut supra, p. 333) and wife Prudence to Abell Nicholson, of the farm and land on Monmouth R., on which lessors now live, with cattle, except the dwellinghouse. (See infra, P- 447-) 33« 1694 April 5. Assignment by John Haslewood to John Davis, late bf Longe Island, Newyorkeshire, husbandman, of all his right &c. to the w*in menconed 200 acres. 341 1693 Nov. 21. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to Abell Nicholson of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres of marsh on the Southside of AUawayes Creek, adjoining Edward Wade and John Hancock. 342 1692 Sept. 12. Do. William de Meyer of Vlster Co., Henricus de Meyer, Philipp Schuyler and Thomas Lindall, all of New York City, and Jan Williams Nering of New Castle, Penna., to John Smith of Salem, W. J., for 1,000 acres on Unknown Creek, between Cohansick and AUa wayes Creek, formerly belonging to Anthony Page, who conveyed, the same to Samuel Hedge, from whom Nicholas de Meyer bought it, leaving it by his last will to grantors. 345 1676 April 14. Remission of quitrent. John Fenwick to Anthony Page of Middletown, N. J., of the quitrent of one couple of hens for the land granted April 14, 1676. 346 1688-g Feb. 20. Assignment by William Penton of Salem Co., yeo man, and John Swyft of Pennsilvania, glasier, executors of the last will of John Hardin, to William Rumsey, of the wthin menconed land. 347 1693-4 Jan. n. Deed. John Maddocks of MunMouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, Minister, for 140 acres near said town, along the Amwelbury line, adjoining Tho. Kent, part of 500 a. bought of Margrett Denn, July 26, 1687. 347 1693-4 March 24. Release. Edward Champneys of White's Vine yard, Salem Co., joiner, to Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, Minis ter, of his claims on the preceding 140 acres, part of 500 acres sold by Margrett, widow of John Denn, to John Maddocks, July 26, 1687, as signed by Bernard Devonish to said John Denn June 20, 1681, and sold by-said Champneys to B. Devonish May 20, 1679, under; grant with 1,500 a. more from John Fenwick June 7, 1675. 350 1693 July 29. Deed. Joseph White of MunMouth R. alias Alia- SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. 605 Page wayes Creek, Saleni Co., yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to John Haslewood of the same place, yeoman, for 370 acres, excepting 1 acre on Delaware R., bought for a Meetinghouse, along said AUawayes Cr. between Adams Cr. and Robert Donne. ' 352 1693 Nov. 21. Do. Elizabeth Abbott of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., widow of John Abbott, to said John's brother Thomas Abbott of the same place, cooper, for 225 acres in the fork of the main branch of said creek, part of the 500 a. lot bought by her husband of Rennere Vanhyst Aug. 18, i6gi. 355 1693-4 Jan. 5: Do. Richard Darkin, Andrew Thompson and Eliza beth Carary, all of Salem Co. and executors of Roger Carary dec'd. [Will dated May 5, i6g2-3-(?)], to Thomas Williams of said Co., planter, for 500 acres, called Virgins Spring, near the head of Salem Creek, cov enanted by said Roger Carary to be sold to said Williams, Hugh Hutch ings, John Loyd and Obediah Loyd. 358 1693-4 Jan. 6. Do. Thomas Williams of the Two Brothers, Saleni Co., husbandman, to Leonard Harris of Southton, Long Island, N. Y., husbandman, for 250 acres, half of the preceding, on the Southside of Salem Creek, between Richard Tindall and Roger Carary. 360 1693-4 Jan. 6. Mortgage. Same to Richard Darkin, Andrew Thomp son and Elizabeth Carary, executors of Roger Carary, on 250 acres of Virgins Spring, i. e. the half next to the Burlington Road. 362 1694 May 5. Deed. Jonathan Beere of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Mary to Reynold Hawke of Salem Co., tailor, for 8fa acres along the highway and Morgan Drewett's Jot, adjoining Henry Salter, received as gift from Christr Saunders Oct. 9, 1686. : 364 1693-4 March 1.- Do. William Wilkinson of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to John Worlidge of Saiem Town, Esqre, for 8 acres in said town, betw. Thomas Woodrooffe and Benjamin Knapton, late in the occu pation of Thomas Mowyer. 367 1686-7 Fe'5- 28- Assignment by ffreedom Lippincott to John Gillman, of tiie 200 acres " wthin menconed." 370 1683 April 9. Do. by John Lippincott to his brother ffreedom Lip pincott, of "all his right & title of lands here within expressed." 370 1693 Oct. 11. Do. by ffreedom Lippincott of Burlington Co., tanner, to John Gillman of Cesarise River alias Chohansey, W. J., yeoman, of " all the wthin menconed tract of land." 371 1693 July 28. Deed. Richard Tindall of Tindall's Bowery, Saleni Co., gentleman, to Thomas Hackett of said Co., husbandman, for 146 acres on the S. E. side of a branch of Hedge's Run, in the valley of Tin dall's Run, along George Garrett's marsh. 372 1694 June 13. Assignment by John Worlidge to John Marsh of Salem Co., husbandman, of "all the wthin menconed tract of 500 acres." 374 606 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1694 Aug. 16. Deed. John Holme of Philadelphia, gentleman, ahd wife Mary to John Mason of Salem Co., W. J., brickmaker, for 150 acres on Locus Island Creek, adjoining Joseph White at Ann's Grove, part of the 2,000 a. tract on Delaware R. bought by said Mary Holme of the ex ecutors of John Fenwick June 13, 1694. 375 , 1694 Aug. 16. Do. Same to Thomas Thompson of Salem Co., yeo man, and wife Rebecka, for 100 acres adjoining John Mason and part of the 2,000 acres as preceding. 378 1694 Aug. 21. Do. John Thompson of Elsenburgh, Salem Co., car penter, to John Mason of said Co., brickmaker, for 100 acres, between the Nicholsons, Thomas Thompson and Samuel Carpenter, part of the 350 acres, called Ann's Grove, bought of Samuel Hedge April 10, 1685. 381 1694 Aug. 21. Assignment by John Thompson to his son Thomas Thompson and wife Rebecka, of "the wthin menconed land" (350 acres) excepting 100 a. in the possession of John Mason. 383 i6g4 Aug. "21. Deed. John Marsh of Salem Co., W. J., husbandman, to John Gilman of Salem Town, husbandman, for 100 acres at Quiahock- ing, Salem Co., S. E. of William Johnson 384 i6g4 June 12. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Anna to Thomas Johnson of the same place, carpenter, for 200 acres in Hedgefeild, adjoining Joseph North and Rowland Ickhoot, along the Pasture branch, except 30 f. square at the landing at Manneton Creek. 387 i6g4" . Do. John Shepherd of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, to his son Dickeson Shepherd, for 150 acres, whereon grantor now lives, as conveyed to him by Jonathan Walling September g, 1690, and 150 acres more West of the first. 389 1694 June 6. Do. William Salway of Pennsilvania, merchant, and William Tyler of Salem Co., W-. J., tanner, as guardians at litem of Mar grett Salway, daughter and executrix of Thomas Sallaway, brother of William, to William HaU of Salem Co., yeoman, for 16 acres, sold by James Nevill and Sarah Pile to Isaac Burges and John Snooke May 28, 1683, by them -assigned to William Hall and wife Elizabeth April 10, 1684, who assigned the same to Frances and John Abbott Sept. 30, 1686, from whom James Scole received it by assignment May 1, 1689, who dy ing intestate the lot descended to his brother John Scole and by him was made over to the ahove-mentioned Thomas Sallaway, from whom his daughter inherited it. 391 1694 April 16. Assignment by John Mason and-Richard Woodnutt to William Hall of Salem Co., yeoman, of the "wthin menconed 16 acres." 394 1693 Nov. 6. Deed. Thomas Yorke of Salem Town, W. J., brick layer, and wife Mary White to Edward Champneys of Manneton, Salem SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5. 607 Page Co., for 500 acres bought of the executors of John Fenwick November 15, 1687.- 395 1688-9 Feb. 21. Assignment by John Kyllett tc^ Richard Johnson of Salem Town, carpenter, of "all his right &c. of, in or to the wthin men coned land." 397 1694 Oct. 22. Deed. John Worlidge of Salem Town, Esqre, to Wil liam HaU of the same place, carpenter, for 8 acres there, between Thomas Woodrooffe and Benjamin Knapton. (See supra, p. 367.) 398 1694 Oct. 12. Assignment by John Remington to Nathaniel Champ neys senior, of "all ye land, Marish &c. wthin menconed." 400 1691 April 18. Deed. Joshua Berkstead of Chohansey alias Cesarise River, W. J., heir apparent and administrator of John Berkstead dec'd, to George Haslewood of New Salem, W. J., carpenter, for 360 acres at Cho hansey. 400 l6g4 Nov. I. Do. Griffith Jones of Philadelphia, merchant, to Jona than Dennis of Chohansey, Salem Co., planter, for 500 acres in the allot ment of Chohansey, S. Dunkin Williams. 402 l6g4 Sept. 28. Do. Elizabeth Abbott of MunMouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Salem Co., widow of John Abbott, to Edward Wade, Sam uel Nicholson, John Smith of Grand Hill and Abell Nicholson, in trust for her daughters'Rachel, Mary and Elizabeth Abbott, for'a plantation of 275 acres near the head of Munmouth R., adjoining Thomas Abbott. 404 l6g4 Sept. 17. Assignment by Wm. Rumsey to John Kyllett of Salem Town, husbandman, of "ye wthin menconed lot of land." 407 l6g4~5 Feb. 18. Do. by John Kyllett to Benjamin Actorr. of the same place, carpenter, of the preceding. 407 l6g4~5 March 24. Do. by William Wilkinson to William Price of Salem Co., husbandman, of "all wthin menconed 100 acres." 408 1694 Dec. 28. Do. by William Sirridge to Tobias Quinton of AUa wayes Creek, W. J., of "all ye wthin houses, orchards &c" 409 1694-5 Jan. 16. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to Joseph Royley of Cesarise River, W. J;, planter, for 85 acres formerly surveyed for Thomas Smith, part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Wm. Bid- die November 10, 1692. 41° 1694-5 Jan. 16. Do. Same as executor of Thomas Smith of Cesariae River dec'd, to Joseph Royley of said river, planter, for Il5_acres adjoin ing the preceding -85 a. 412 1694 June 12. Do. Anthony Windsor of Manneton, Salem Co., planter, and wife Elizabeth to Henry Sloobey of said Co., husbandman, for 200 acres on the S. W. side of and along ffenwick's River bought by Elizabeth Adams, now the wife of said Anthony Windsor, of Jervis By- water and Joane Grigson alias Bywater May 10, 1680. 4I5 608 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i6g4 July 13. Do. Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, to John Haslewood of Saleni Co., yeoman, for a sawmill on Cesariae alias Chohan- hansey River, late in the possession of Richard Hancock, dec'd. 417 1694-5 March 2. Assignment by William Rumsey to William Grooine of Salem Co., husbandman, of "all the wthin menconed townlotts." 4ig 1694-5 Feb. 2.' Deed. John Marsh of- Salem Town, husbandman, to William Johnson of Quiahocking, Saleni Co., husbandman, for 200 acres at Quiahocking, on the Burlington Road, and 10 acres for highways. 420 i6g5 March 25. Assignment by WiUiam Johnson to John Watts of New Castle Co., Penna., butcher, of "the wthin menconed Tract of Land." 423 l6g4-5 March 20. Do. by John Mason to Joseph Browne of the Town of Greenwitch, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Lucie of "all the wthin menconed Tract of land." 424 1694 Nov. 28. Deed. Roger Milton of Saleni Town, yeoman, lo John Sheepherd of Chohansey, W. J., yeoman, for 385 acres near Cho hansey, adjoining Edmund Gibbons. 425 1694 May 3. Do. George Deacon of AUawayes Creek alias Mun Mouth River, Saleni Co., gentleman, to William Tyler of the same place, tanner, for 100 acres on said river, sold by Richard Hancock to John Denn February 12, 1682-3, whose widow Margrett became the wife of grantor. 427 1695 April 20. Assignment by Abell Nicholson lo Charles and Wade Oakford, both of MunMouth River, Salem Co., husbandmen, of "all my right, litle, &c. of, in or to the wthin. menconed 100 acres." 430 1695 April 20. Do. by same to same of "all my right, title, &c. of, in or to the wthin menconed Land & Marish." 431 i6g5 April 20. Do. by same to same of "the wthin menconed 100 acres." • 432 i6g4 June 12. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to David Sheepherd^of Shroesbury Neck, Salem Co., yeoman, for 50 acres on said Neck near the River Tweed alias Back Creek. 433 1695 May 30. . Assignment by John Davis to John Bacon of Cesarise alias Chohansey River, Salem Co., yeoman, of all the within mentioned land. 436 i6g2 Sept. 3. Do. by Roger Carary of Salem Town, yeoman, to William Groome of Beriton ffeilds, Salem Co., of all his right, title, &c. of, in or to "ye wthin menconed Tract of Land" (bought of John Gill man). 437 '1695 June II. Deed. William Hall of Salem Town, yeoman, and- wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Pile, to Joseph White of Philadel phia, blacksmith, for 1,500 acres adjoining Benjamin Acton between Nico- SALEM DEEDS, NO. 5.. 609 Page mis Branch and the main branch of Salem Creek. 438 1695 May 27. Do. Henry Danielson to Thomas Lanibson, both of. Penn's Neck, Salem Co., planters, for one half of the 150 acres on said Neck granted to said Henry and Annica Hendrickson widow, in joint ten ancy, by John Fenwick October 30, i67g, of which present grantor sold the other half to Peter Bilderbeck November 30, 1687. 441 i6g5 May 27. Mortgage. Thomas Lambson, planter, to William Gill Johnson, yeoman, both of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., on the preceding half of 150 acres. 444 1695 April 29. Deed. Thomas Pile of Pile Grove,, Salem Co., gentle man, to William Hall of Salem Town, yeoman, for 1,000 acres, the upper half of the 2,000 a. tract called Pile Grove. 446 1695 April 20. Release. Widow Prudence Wade of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., to Abell Nicholson of the same place, yeoman, for the farm leased to said Nicholson by her late husband Edward Wade February 20, 1693-4 (supra, p. 338). 447 1695 April 20. Surrender. Abell Nicholson to Widow Prudence Wade of the foregoing.. 448 1695 June 15. Deed. Thomas Pile of Pile Grove, Salem Co., gentle man, to James^Browne of Chittester, Penna., weaver, for 600 acres on Ould Man's Creek, said Co. 449 1694-5 Feb. 10. Do. Richard Whitfeild, Thomas ffaireman, Robert Stacey and John Hart, all of Philadelphia Co., executors of Anna Salter of Tawkaney, said Co., widow of Henry Salter of West Jersey, merchant, to John Worlidge of Salem Town and County, "'Esqre, for 200 acres on Stow alias Unknown Creek", on the Southside of the Cedar Swamp Branch. 452 1695 July 20. Do. Samuel Curtise, yeoman, and Benjamin Gill, ship carpenter, both of MunMouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., with his wife Ann Haslewood, now wife of said Gill, executors of John Haslewood dec'd, to the heirs- of Thomas Watson, late of the Town of Greenwitch, dec'd, for 16 acres in said town, formerly, surveyed for Thomas Mowyer, on the main street above the lot formerly laid out for George Prouoe, part of the 2,000 a. granted by John Fenwick to Vicessi- mus Nettleship. 455 1690 June 25. Lease. Joseph Northe of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., planter, to Reynold Hawke of the same place, tailor, of the improved land, houses, &c. on the tract belonging to lessor and Rowland Ickhoot in joint tenancy on said creek; for 21 years. 458 169.5 Aug. 7. Assignment of the preceding lease by Reynold Hawke to John Silver of Burlington Co. 460 1695 May 6. Do..- by Joseph Nicholson to his brother Abell Nichol son and wife Mary, of "all my estate, right,- &c to the wthin menconed 61 6lO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 194 acres." 461 1695 June 17. Do. by Abraham Inlouse to Euart Allderick.of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., husbandman, of "all the wthin menconed land." 462 1690 June 24. Deed. Cornelius Derickson, late of New York, now of New Castle in Dellaware River, to Abraham Inloos of New Castle, mariner, for 234 acres on said river, in West Jersey, S. Fabius Johnson Outhout, N. Edward Allderick, formerly belonging to Derick Albert- son. 463 1695 May 3. Assignment by Peter Erickson of Cesariae alias Chohan sey River, Salem Co., planter, to the heirs of Thomas Watson of the same place, dec'd, of "the wthin menconed land." 464 1692 July 15. Deed. Samuel Jenjngs of Philadelphia, merchant, to Peter Erickson of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, for 50 acres in W. J. 464 1695 May 3. Do. Lambert Johnson, son and heir of Ard Johnson, late of Penn's Neck, husbandman, dec'd, to Sarah Toerson, widow and executrix of Olea Toerson of Penn's Neck, for 10 acres on said Neck, along the strand, adjoining grantee, sold to said Olea by said Ard Johnson and wife Magdalena May 21, 1687. 466 1695 Aug. 5. Assignment by John Worlidge to the heirs of Neale Daniel of Stow Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, dec'd, of "all the wthin menconed land." 4.68 1695 April 2g. Deed. Benjamin Acton of Salem Town, weaver, to William Hall of the same place, yeoman, for 18 acres there, adjoining Samuel Hedge and Roger Milton. 470 1695 April 29. Do. William Hall and wife Elizabeth to Benjamin Acton, all of Salem Town, for 1,500 acres "at the uppermost bounds of the 10,000 a. tract next to Virgins Spring, Nicomusses branch and the Main Creek Branch." 473 1695 June *'¦ Mortgage. Nicholas Winton of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, to John Allen of said Co., yeoman, on 500 acres near said creek, bought of the executors of John Fenwick April 16, 1695. 476 1693 Dec. 25. Deed. Joseph Browne of the Town of Greenwitch upon Cesarise alias Chohansey River, Salem Co., yeoman, to Charles Bag- ley, for a lot 50 feet wide on the street and 55 f. long, between grantor's dwellinghouse and his barn, for a meeting house and graveyard of the "people in scorne called Quakers, who worshipp God" in Spirit & in Truth." 479 1695 Aug. 3. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to WiUiam Dare of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on the Back Neck near the River Tweed in said Co. 481 SALEM DEEDS', NO. 6. 6l I Page 1695 Aug. 3. Assignment by William Dare to Joseph Bacon, both of Chohansey, Salem Co., of the "Wthin menconed 100 acres." 484 1695 Aug. 1. Deed. William Waithman of Chohansey, Salem Co., to Joseph Dennis of the same place, planter, for 69 acres there, on Holt's Creek, part of a 100 a. lot bought of Samuel Jenjngs and wife Margre'tt May 2, 1688. 485 1695 July 15. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to the heirs ot Marke Reeve of Chohansey River, yeoman, dec'd, for 161 acres on the Back Neck, near the River Tweed in said Co., betw. William Dare and David Sheepherd. 487 1686-7 March 10. Do. Charles Bagley (wife Elizabeth) to William Daniel, both of Chohansey, Salem Tenth, yeomen, for 4 acres near the line of the Township of Greenwitch, part of the 100 a. lot bought of John Adams. 490 1695 Oct. 24. Do. Cornelius Corneliusson, husbandman, to Rennere Vanhyst, yeoman, both of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., for 100 acres there, adjoining grantee. 492 1694 Nov. 6. Do. John Holme of Philadelphia and wife Mary to their daughters Hannah and Elizabeth Holme, for 2,000 acres on Dela ware River adjoining Samuel Nicholson and the land called Ann's Grove and Locus Island. _ 494 Salem Deeds, No. 6. 1695 Nov. 30. Assignment by Samuel Hunter to Roger -Mall of Cho hansey, W. J., husbandman, pf the within menconed Deed and 80 acres of land. 1 1685 May 13. Deed. Richard Guy, late of Elsenburgh, Salem Tenth, W. J., yeoman, and wife Bridgett to Samuel Carpenter of Phila- delphia,_merchant, for 812 acres at Elsenburghj. 2 1695 Sept. 10. Do. John Smith, formerly of St. Paul Shadwell, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of AUawayes Creek alias MunMouth River, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, to Thomas Abbott of said river, yeoman, for 250 acres on'the Southside of Chohansey Creek, adjoining Daniel Thirand and John Ireson. 5 1686-7 Feb- H- F)o. Marcus Elgar of Middle Neck, Township of New Salem, W. J., planter, to Richard Marshall of New Salem, planter, for 245 acres on AUawayes Creek, adjoining Dennis Fisher; part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Wm. Malster August 13, 1680. 7 1695-6 Feb. 19. Do.. Joshua Barkstead of Cesariae River, Salem Co., •gentleman, to William Button of the same place, yeoman, for 550 acres on 6l2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page said river, called Arcadia, at the head of Cyprus Branch and" along the main fork of Button Brook, ""adjoining Tho: Harris, part of a 5,000 a. tract granted by John Fenwick to John Barksfead, then of London, Since of Jones County, Penna., June- 18, 1675, of whose estate grantor became administrator. 10 l6g6 March 28. Do. Nathaniel Champneys senior of MunMouth River alias AUawayes Cr., Salem Co., yeoman, to his son-in-law John Hancock of the same place, yeoman, for 400 acres between grantee and Christopher White. 12 1695 Sept. 10. Do. John Smith, formerly of St. Paul Shadwell, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., W. J., yeo man, to Daniel Thirand of Salem Town, gentleman, for 167 acres, on the Southside of Chohansey, adjoining John Ireson; part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of John Edridge June 7, 1675. "14 1696 April 21. Do. Same to Nathaniel Westland of Burlington, merchant, for 83 acres, part of the 1,000 a. tract as in preceding. 16 1695 Nov. 2. Assignment by Jonathan Beere to Thomas- Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, of "all my right, title, &c. of, in & to the same." 18 1696 April 16. Deed. William Hall, yeoman, to Benjamin Knapton, blacksmith, both of Salem Town, for 2fa acres in grantee's ditched marsh in Salem Town marsh. 19 1695-6 Feb. 21. Do. Joshua Barkstead of Cesaria; River, gentleman, administrator of John Barkstead dec'd, to the heirs of Barnard Hodges of the same place, planter, dec'd, for 600 acres, formerly sold to said Hodges by Jeremiah Basse, as agent of present grantor, March 22, 1686-7. 20 1695 Nov. 30. Do. Samuel Hunter of Cesarise River, Salem Co., yeoman, to Samuel Woodhouse, son and heir of Anthony Woodhouse of said river, dec'd, for one half of a 500 acre lot on said river, adjoining Wm. Hudson, bought of Wm. Hickson April 4, 1693, t0 whom and Wm. Hunter, both of Burlington Co., John Throgmorton sold the 500 a. No vember I, 1686. 22 1695 July 12. Confirmation by Joshua Barkstead to Thomas Harris of a former deed. 24 1696 May 4. Assignment by John Worlidge to Hypolite Lefevor of Salem Co., gentleman, of all his right, title, &c. to 100 acres, adjoining HoUybourne plantation. 25 1696 May 5. Deed. Hypolite Lefevor of Salem Co., gentleman, to Joseph Pledger of said Co., yeoman, for the tract called-HoUybourne, 200 acres, W. grantee, N. HoUybourne Creek and Jane Braithwaite, S. Wm. Kenton dec'd. 26 1695-6 Jan. 16. Do. Henry Jenings of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., tailor, and wife Margrett to John Bacon of Cesariae River, said Co., SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. 613 Page for 90 acres on Adams' Neck near Cesariae River, on Abrook Creek, ad joining Withman's plantation. 28 1693 July 25. Do. William Roydon, heretofore of Glocester Co., W. J., now of Philadelphia, yeoman, to Nathaniel Westland of Burling ton, merchant, for a townlot of 16 acres in New Salem on the highway, adjoining Champneys' homelot. 30 1693 April 4. Do. WUliam Hickson of Burlington Co., W. J., yeo man, to Samuel Hunter, son and heir of Wm. Hunter dec'd, for his half of the 500 acres granted to said Hickson and Wm. Hunter jointly by John Throgmorton. 34 1696 June 17. Do. John Kyllett of Salem Town, husbandman, to Jonathan Beere of the same place, Esqre, for 16 acres there next to Wm. Rumsey's. 35 1696 April 16. Do. Roger Milton of Salem Town, W. J., yeoman to John Hughs of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, for 100 acres on Salem Creek and Mill Creek, adjoining Henry Sfoobey. 37 1695-6 Feb. 17. Do. George Garrett of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, to John Besswick of said Co., bricklayer, for 100 acres on said creek, formerly occupied by Marke Reeve. 40 1696 May 9. Do. John Smith of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., yeoman, to William Penton of AUawayes Creek, same Co., for 400 acres, the lower part of the 1,000 a. tract next to Chohansey, on Unknowne Creek, bought of Wm. Demire et al. September 12, 1692 (supra, Liber 5, p. 345). 42 1696 April 27. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor, late of Hollybourn, Salem Co., gentleman, to Widow Joan Braithwait of said Co., for 200- acres on the N. E. side of Hollybourn Creek, W. John Pledger, MihOp- pines Creek and Roger Carary, N. Wm. Rumsey, E. grantee. 44 1696 May 25. Do. Jonathan Beere,. Esquire and Burgess of Salem Town, to Thomas Budd of Pennsilvania, merchant, for four 12 acre lots in Salem Town marsh, belonging to Roger Milton, vizt: 1, the 2d lot above the bank, on the Westside of.the Town Creek, N. a lot of said Milton, sur veyed for John Paine, W. Windham land, E. the Town Creek, S. Wm. Hall; 2, the 4ih lot above the bank, N. the 17 a. lot, W. Windham lands, S. Wm. Rumsey, S. E. the Town Creek; 3, the 6th lot above the bank, N. Wm. Rumsey, W. Windham land, S. E. the Town Creek; 4, the 7th lot above the town bank on the Eastside of said creek, N. Nathaniel West- viand, W. a little creek, S. Thomas Woodrooffe, E. townlands; according to Act of Assembly of October 3, 1693. 46 1696 July 31. Do. Charles Angelo of Salem Town, husbandman, to Widow Elizabeth Smith, late of Cristianna Creek, Penna., now of Salem Co., for her life and after her death, to Prudence, wife of Thomas Killingworth of said town, gentleman, for a house and 10 acres in said town between John Paine and the creek, excepting a lot in the town 674 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page marsh, bought of Robert Coffin May 27, 1693. 49 1695-6 March 18. Do. Joshua Barkstead of Cesariae River alias Chohansey, Salem Co., gentleman, administrator of John Barkstead dec'd, to Obediah Holmes junior of -the same place, yeoman, for 207 acres, part of the 5,000 a. tract granted by John Fenwick to said John Barkstead, June 18, 1675. 51 i6g6 June 13. Assignment by Samuel Woodhouse of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, to William Remington of the same place, husband man, of the wthin menconed 80 acres. 53 i6g5~6 March 24. Do. by William Wilkinson to William Price of Salem Co., husbandman, of the wthin menconed 100 acres. 54 l6g6 Aug. ig. Deed. Lambert Johnson, son and heir of Ard John son of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., dec'd, to Thomas Mowyer of the same place, weaver, for Igo acres on Delaware R. and Antonyes Creek on said Neck. 55 1696 Aug. 19. Do. Thomas Mowyer of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., weaver, to Arthur Redmund of the same place, husbandman, for 95 acres, the lower half of the preceding 190 a. 56 1695-6 March 18. Do. Joshua Barkstead, administrator of the es tate of John Barkstead dec'd, to Jonathan Holmes of Cesarise River, yeo man, for 203 acres in two lots, to wit: I, 163 a. on the Northside of Cho hansey, in the fork of Kiewhaps Creek, along the Turtle Branch of said creek, adjoining Barnard Hodges; 2, 40 a. along said Hodges. 58 1696 Aug. 22. Do. William Hall of Salem Town, W. J., yeoman, to Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, for two lots in Salem Town marsh, one of 17 acres adjoining Roger Milton on the further side of the little creek, the other of 8 a. on the lower side of the sluce and on Salem Creek. 61 1695 June 18. Do. John Kaighin of Bybury, Bucks Co,, Penna., late husband of Ann, formerly widow of Walter fforest of the same place, miller, and guardian-trustee of his daughter by said Ann, Ann Kaighin, William Albertson senior of Newtown Creek, Gloscester Co , W. J., exec utor of said W. fforest, and his son William Albertson junior, one of the legatees of said fforrest, to John Vance, late of Christiana Creek, Penna., now of nearSalem, W. J., miller, for 300 acres, near Salem, called the Brothers fforrest, at the mouth of Little Mill or Ten Acre Creek E. N. E. and N. the Great Mill Creek, also a grist mill on Great Mill Creek. 63 1696 Oct. 20. Assignment by Arthur Redmund to Thomas Mowyer, of the within mentioned 95 acres (supra, p. 56). 71 1696 Oct. 28. Deed. Henry Jenjngs of MunMouth R., Salem Co., tailor, to Abell Nicholson of the same place, yeoman, for 100 acres near said river, adjoining Samuel Nicholson, Nicholas Moore and Ann's Grove. * 71 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. 615 Page 1696 Sept. 29. Assignment by same to John Mason of Salem Co., W. J., brickmaker, of the within mentioned 350 acres. 73 i6g6 Sept. 8. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Anna to John Smith, late of Grundell Hill on AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 1,160 acres,, the now remaining part of Hedgefeild and tract of 2,000 acres, on Manneton Creek, bequeathed to grantors by John Fenwick. 74 i6g6 Oct. 20. Do. Joseph Nicholson, late of Salem Co., now of Glocester Co., W. J., yeoman, to George Abbott of Salem Co., yeoman, for 156 acres, inherited from Samuel Nicholson, son and heir of Samuel Nicholson. (Will of October 24, 1694.) 76 1696 Oct. 28. Do. John Kyllett of Salem Town, husbandman, to Eleazer Dorbey of Boston, New England, mariner, for 10 acres in Salem Town, adjoining Thomas Kyllingworth, excepting a lot in the town - marsh, bought of John Snooke Dec. 10, 1688. 78 1680 Aug. 13. Do. William Malster of Windham, W. J., gentle man, for himself, his wife Katherine and her sister Frances Bowyer, to Marcus Elger of Middle Neck, Township of New Salem, planter, for 450 acres, henceforth to be called Middle Neck, along' Parting Creek and Mid dle Neck Creek. , 80 1696 Aug. 25. Do. Francis Buckle of Stow Creek, Salem Co., hus bandman, to Henry Sikes of MunMouth R., said Co., husbandman, for one half of the 200^1. lot bought of Anna Salter by her attorney James Nevill January 20, 1686-7. ^3 l6g6 July 30. Do. Nathaniell Westland of Burlington, merchant, to Thomas Woodrooffe of Salem Town, gentleman, for 16 acres in said town, formerly laid out for Edward Wade and bought of Wm. Roydon ' July 25, i6g3. 85 1696 19th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Assignment by Isaac Pearson of Salem Town, blacksmith, to Hester Huckings, of the within mentioned land, the consideration to be paid by Roger Huckings and said Hester. 87 1696 Aug. 19. Do. by same to same of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., spinster, of all his right, title, &c. to the within mentioned land. 87 1696 Sept. 8. Do. b^-John Besswick to Thomas Yorke of Salem Town, bricklayer, of the within mentioned 100 acres. 88 1687 Oct. 30. Deed. John Billers of London, England, merchant, hy his attorney Thomas Budd of Burlington, W. J., merchant, to Thomas Yorke of Salem Town, bricklayer, for 100 acres on or near Chohansey River, part of a 5,000 acre tract surveyed to said Billers. 88 1696 April 18. Assignment by Thomas Yorke to Peter Erickson of Cesariae River, Salem Co., W. J., husbandman, of the within mentioned land. 9° 1696 Nov. 14. Do. by Peter Erickson to John Jones of Cesarise 616 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page "River, Salem Co., W. J., husbandman, of the within mentioned land. 91 1696 Nov. 26. Do. by Thomas Mowyer to Paul Jaquat of Penn's Neck, Saleni Co., W. J., yeoman, of one half of the within mentioned land, the half being g5 acres. (Entered twice.) g2 l6g5 Oct. g. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to Jonathan Walling of Cesariae River, Salem Co., yeoman, for 222 acres as follows: 42 a. adjoining Marke Reeve,' David Sheepherd and Wm. Dare, 180 a. between James Peirce, Tho. Smith,- David Sheepherd and Marke Reeve. 93 1693 July 28. Lease. John Smith, Samuel Hedge and Richard Tin dall, all of Salem Co., executors of John Fenwick, to Jonathan Walling of Cesariae R., said Co., yeoman, for the tract called the Mannor Neck, on Cesariae River and adjoining the Town of Greenwitch, now the 'estate of Samuel Hedge, son of said Samuel Hedge and one of the heirs of said John Fenwick. 95 1696 Oct. 5. Deed. William Hall of Salem Town, W. J., yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to John Hopman of Rattcoon Creek, Glossester Co., husbandman, for the plantation called Pile Grove, 380 acres, between the branches of Salem Creek, adjoining Joseph White, excepting fa a. used as burying place. 97 1696 Oct. 5. Mortgage. John -Hopman to William Hall, on the foregoing 380 acres. 100 1696 May g. Deed. William Penton- of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to Thomas ffoster of the same place, weaver, and wife Joane, sister of grantor, for 100 acres, bequeathed to them by his father Wm. Penton dec'd, and to be taken out of the 400 a. lot on Unknown Creek, bought of John Smith. 102 1696 May 9. Assignment by Thomas ffoster and wife Joane to Thomas Craven of Chohansey, Salem Co., husbandman, of ihe within mentioned' 100 acres. 104 1696 Oct. 24. Do. by Jerimiah Bacon to Moses Hewsteed, late of Chohansey, husbandman, of the within mentioned 16 acres. / 105 1696-7 Feb.' 16. Lease. Edward Champneys of Salem Co., joiner, to John Allen of the same Co., yeoman, for 300 acres, part of the 500 a., called White's Vineyard bought of Tho. Yorke and wife Mary. 107 1696 Dec. 23. Deed. Joshua Barkstead of Cesarise River, Salem Co., gentleman, administrator of John Barkstead dec'd, to Joseph Browne of the Town of Greenwitch, same Co., yeoman, for 300 acres on Cesarise River, adjoining Thomas Harris. 109 1696-7 Jan. 26. Assignment by Wm. Hall to Benjamin Knapton of Salem Town, blacksmith, of the within mentioned land. ill " 1696 Oct. 30. Deed. Samuel Curtis of MunMouth River, Salem Co., yeoman, executor of the last will of Robert Donne of the same place,- SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. 617 Page dec'd, tojohn Paine of said Co., yeoman, for 130 acres, of which 100 were bought by said Donne of Edward Champneys July 17, 1685, and 30 0/ Joseph White July 29, 1693. 112 1696 Oct. 5. Assignment by William Price to John Kyllett of Salem Co., husbandman, of the within mentioned 100 acres. 115 1696 Dec. 2. Do. by Richard Butcher to Hugh Middleton of Salem Town, of the within mentioned land. (Entered twice.) 115 1696 Oct. 20. Deed. Joseph Nicholson of MunMouth R. alias AUa wayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to Obediah Holmes senior of the Town of Greenwitch, said Co., gentleman, assignee of Jonathan Walling, for 16 acres in said town between Samuel Bacon, the Manor Neck and Thomas Watson, sold by grantor's brother Samuel Nicholson in his lifetime to said Walling. 117 1697 April 14. Assignment by Thomas Woodrooffe to his son Joseph Woodrooffe, of "all ye Contents of ye wthin Deed," consideration to be paid to Nathaniel Westland. 119 1697 June 16. Deed. James Read of the Town of New Castle, Penna., to William Dare of Chohansey, Salem Co., W. J., mariner, for 800 acres in W. J., not yet taken up and left by will of John Smith to his wife Sarah Smith. 119 ' 1696-7 Jan. 14. Do. William Dare of Cesarise River, Salem Co., mariner, to David Sheepherd of the same place, for 50 acres on the South- side of said river, in the Back Neck, between grantor and Widow Reeve, part of 800 a. bought of James Reed October I, i6g6. 121 ^1697 June 17. Do. Same to Thomas Kyllingworth of Salem Town, for 100 acres at the head of the River Tweed alias Back Creek, on a branch of said creek, called Killpigg Hole, and adjoining John Belluss, part of the 800 acres (supra, p. 119). I22 l6g7 July 28. Do. John Stalcop of Christian Creek, Co. of New Castle, Penna., yeoman, to John Mi nek of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., hus- 'handman, for 183 acres near Lucas Point, Penn's Neck. 125 l6g7 July 27. Do. John Minck of Penn's Neck, Saleni Co., yeoman, and wife -Elizabeth to Margrett Lacroy or Gillett, for their right, title, &c. of, in or to 300 acres, given by Margrett Lacroy, then the widow of Michael Lacroy, jjpw widow of Joshua Gillett, to her three daughters Elizabeth, Ann and Mary Lacroy, of whom said Elizabeth Minck is the survivor. I27 1697 July 27- Mortgage. Widow Margrett Gillett of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., to William Gill Johnson of the same place, yeoman, on the preceding 300 acres. I2° 1697 July 28. Do. John Minck of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., hus bandman, to William Gill Johnson of the same place, yeoman, on 366 acres on saidNeck and Lucas Point, I3° 62 6 iS NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1697 June 28. Assignment by Nathaniel Champneys senior to John Remington, of all the land, &c. within mentioned. 132 1693-4 Jan. 27. Quitclaim by Garrett Van jmy, John Lacroy and Clause Johnson of Penn's Neck, Saleni Co., farthers, to Widow Margrett Gillett of the same place, for all actions and causes of actions, &c. 132 1697 April 8. Deed. Thomas Woodrooffe of Salem Town, tailor, to Eleazer Dorbey of Boston, New England, mariner, for two lots of 10 acres each and two lots of marsh, each of 8 a. all in Salem Town, as follows:, one 10 a. lot adjoining Wm. Wilkinson, the second 10 a. lot between said' Wilkinson and the Governour's lot, one marsh lot adjoining Tho. John son, the other along the creek between Roger Milton and George Hasle wood. 133 1697 April 8. Do. Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, to Wil liam Tyler of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., tanner, for 53 acres on the Southside of AUawayes Creek between Anthony Page, George Deacon and Richard Johnson, part of the 1,500 a. tract conveyed to him by William;] Milton April 6, 1680. 136 1697 June 22. Do. Hypolitus Lefevor, late of Salem Co., W. J.,1 now of New Castle^Penna., yeoman, to William Tyler (as above), for 600-] acres of the 900 a. tract, called Lefevor's Chase, on Fenwick's River, over] against New Salem, along Puddle Dock, Manneton -Creek and Fenwick' Creek. 138 1697 June 15. Do. Benjamin Burdon of Middletown, Munmouth Co., East Jersey, yeoman, to James Hudson of Chohansey, Saleni Co., W. J., son and heir of William Hudson dec'd, for 300 acres on Chohan-j sey River, S. E. of Mount's plantation. 140 l6g7 June 22. Do. Joshua Barkstead of Chohansey alias Cesarise River, Saleni Co., heir apparent and administrator of John Barkstead dec'd, confirming to Peter Blacksfeild of Salem Town, cawcker, and wife Ann, lately the widow of John Haslewood, son and heir of George Hasle wood, for 360 acres at Chohansey, sold to said George Haslewood April 18, l6gi (supra, Liber 5, p. 400). 142. i6g7 June 23. Do. Peter Blacksfeild and wife Ann of Salem Town to William Pope of Chohansey, cordwainer, for 100 acres on the Island Branch, adjoining Edward ffairebanck, part of the preceding 360 a. and of the 1,000 a. tract bought by George Haslewood'of Robert Hutching son. 144 i6g7 June 23. Do. Same to Edward ffairebanck of Chohaiisey, cordwainer, for 200 acres on Chohansey Creek, part of the' 360 acres bought of Joshua Barkstead (supra, p. 142). 147 i6g7 July 2g. Do. Same to John Chatfeild of New Fairfeild, Salem Co., yeoman, for 400 acres, adjoining Wm. Pope, part of the 360 a. (su pra, p. 142) and of the 1,000 a. boughl by George Haslewood of Robert SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. (319 Page Hutchinson. I4g 1694 July 2. Assignment by John Ketcham senior and wife Bethia of New Town, Queens-Co., N. Y., to Thomas Sfathem of West Chester Co., of "the within specified Deed." 151 1697 8 March 24. Assignment in lieu of mortgage by Thomas Yorke to Wm. Thomson of Elsenburgh, Saleni Co., yeoman, of the within men tioned tract." 152 v 1698-g Feb. 21. Assignment by Wm. Thompson to Jn° Besswick of the wthin mentioned land. 152 • 1687-8 Jan. 28. Deed. John Adams of Salem Co., planter, to Wil liam Daniel of Cesarise River, W. J., planter, for 100 acres near said river, between Henry Jenjngs, Wm. Waithman and the Great Tree Creek. 153 r i6g7 Sept. 17. . Do. Andrew Hamilton of East Jersey, gentleman, to Eleazer Dorby of West Jersey, mariner, for 450 acres on Chohansey River, near Joshua Barkstead's third fast landing. 154 ^E l6g7 May 3. Do. John Bellowes of London, merchant, by his at torney Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Thomas Jones, Jona than Moorehouse, Joseph Seeleye and Joseph Sayre, late of New Eng land, now of Cesariae River alias Chohansey, W. J., planters, for 400 acres to be surveyed on said river. . 156 1697 June 10. Agreement between the purchasers in Fairefeild, John Bastard, Thomas Bennet senior, Thomas Jones and Jonathan Morehouse, of whom Joseph Bastard has relinquished his right to said Morehouse and Joseph Seelye, Thomas Bennet senior to John Bennet and Thomas Bennet junior, of which Morehouse, Jones and Bennets assign to Jonathan More house 500 acres, John Bennet 200 a., Thomas Bennet 200 a., John Mills 100 a., Joseph Seelye 200 a., John Chatfeild 200 a., Nicholas Johnson 200 a., Samuel ffoster 200 a., for a Minister 10b a., for a parsonage 100 a., ¦Robert Dallglish 200, Joseph Sayre 200, John Roberts 100, Samuel Bell- raap ioo, John Smith 100, Joseph Grimes 100, Joseph Smith 100, Eleazer Smith .200, Edward Lumis 100, John Griffin 150, Daniel Wastecoate 150, John Bateman 200, John ffaire Child 150, John Ogdon 200, Joshua Curtis I loo, Thomas Kermes 200] Zachiriah fferris 100, Michel Hanna 100, Thomas Jones 250, providing each one should give security for £9 per ioo"* [acres. The grantees in the preceding deed allot the. there 'conveyed 400 acres among themselves, " ye first Twelve Adventurers, yt settled on ye place," Thomas Jones excepted, and John Bennett, Thomas Bennett jun- - ior, John Bateman, Nicholas Johnson, John Mills, Joseph Grimes, Edward llffMs, Joseph Smith, John Smith, John Ogdon, Joseph Wheeler and tbe "Others as above, with their bond for the payment of £9 per 100 a. 159 s 1697 June 10. Deed. Thomas Bridge of Cesarise River, W. J., gen tleman, to Joseph Sayre, Joseph Seely, Robert Dallglesh, John Chatfeild, 620 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page John Ogdon, Edward Lumis, Daniel Westcott, John Mills, Nicholas John son, Joseph Wheeler, John ffairechild, Thomas Bennet junior, John Ben net, Joshua Curtis, John Smith, Joshua Smith, Thomas Kermes and Jona than Morehouse, all of ffairefeild in Cesariae R., planters, personally, sur vivorship excepted, .for 1,000 acres there, on the Eastside of Chohansey River and Northside of Saw Mill Creek, bought of the West Jersey Soci ety through their agent Tho. Revell May 17, 1697. 169 1697 June 29. Do. Thomas Bennett to John Chatfeild, both of the Town of ffairefeild in the Prescinds of Cesariae R., Salem Co., planters, for a homelot of 3 acres in said town, N. a. street next to said river, E. John Bennett, S. another street, W. townland. Sarah, wife of Thomas Bennett, gives her consent separately. 1 173 1697 June 10. Do. Leonard Berryman of Cesariae River to Joseph Sayre of ffairefeild, both planters, for 100 acres below said river,, at or near Cedar Creek, adjoining Jacob Garretson. 176 1697 Oct. 23. Assignment by Edward Hurbert (Hurlbert) to WUliam Hall of Salem, merchant, of the within mentioned tract of land. 178 1697 Oct. 23. The preceding repeated. 178 1697 July 24. Power of attorney. Magdalena Erickson, widow of John Erickson of Salem Co., to her son-in-law John Stalcope of New Cas tle Co., Penna., as agent to dispose of her share in the plantation at Lucas . Point, Salem Co., left her by her late husband: 178" 1697-8 Jan. 24. Deed. James Hudson of Cesariae River, Salem Co., husbandman, to William Eastland,, third son and administrator of Joseph Eastland of Oyster Bay, Long Island, dec'd, for one half of 300 acres on said-river, bought by grantor's father and purchased by grantor from Benj. Burdon June 15, 1697. . J79 1697 Sept. 4. Do. Nathaniel Champneys senior of Salem Co., yeo man, to John Remington of. said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres adjoin ing grantee and part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Richard Russell Sep tember 9, 1691. 181 1697-8 Feb. 18. Mortgage. Andrew Thompson of Elsenburgh, Salem Co., yeoman, to John Thompson and Isaac Smart, both of the same Co., yeomen, on the farm at Elsenburgh, bequeathed to him by his father, Andrew Thompson dec'd. Marginal Note says, the mortgage was satis fied July 17, 1705. ., 184 1696-7 Jan. 14. Deed. William Dare of Cesariae River, Salem Co., mariner, to James Royley of the same place, planter, for 50 acres in the Back Neck on the Southside of Cesariae between Joseph Royley, a gut or creek and David Sheepherd. . 186 i6g6-7 Jan. 14. Do. Joseph Royley of_Cesariae R., Salem Co., yeo man, to James Royley of the same place, for 100 acres, S. W. David Sheepherd and Jonathan Walling, N. E. Wm. Johnson. 188 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. fj2f ¦~ Page 1697 April 16. Do. John Thompson of Elsenburgh, Salem Co., yeo man, and wife Sarah to Richard Woodnutt of the same place, bricklayer and wife Mary, for 39 acres there, adjoining Samuel Carpenter, part of the 220 a. lot, bought of Richard Guy' and wife Bridgett November 1, 1680. j-g0 1697 Oct. 18. Assignment by Charles Bagley and wife Elizabeth to Peter Craven of Salem Co., husbandman, of the within mentioned tract of land. ig2 1697-8 March 10. Do. by Joseph Sayre to Leonard- Bereman of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, of the within mentioned land. 193 1696-7 March ig. Deed. Jacob Garrison to Leonard Bereman, both , of near Ceedar Creek, Salem Co., yeomen, for 300 acres there, below Chohansey, at the head of a branch of Back, Creek, adjoining grantor. ig4 l6g7-8 March 18. Do. Leonard Beereman to Joseph' Sayre of Cho hansey or ffairefeild, yeoman, for 200 acres of the preceding 300, in ex change for 100. 196 i6g7-8 March 17. Do. William Dare of Lebanon, Salem Co., mar iner, to Leonard Bereman of the same place, for go acres there, the East ern half of 180 a. on Morrice's River bought of James Reed June 16, 1697. 197 1698 April 16. Quitclaim. Wade Oakford of Salem "Co., husband man, to Charles Oakford, of his right, title, &c. in and to 200 acres on MunMouth River bought by them together of A.bell Nicholson April 20, 1695. 199 1698 March 28. Deed. Garrett Vanjmy of Glossester Co., W. J., yeoman, to John Bristow of Chester Co., Penna., gentleman, for one half of 300 acres on Fenwick's River, Middle Creek and at the head of a branch of Mill Creek, bought by grantor and Yealious Gill Johnson of James Nevill as agent for Wm. Penn October 27, 1684. 200 \ 1697-8 Jan. 30. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild, Saleni Co., gentle man, and his son Daniel Smith of the same place, yeoman, to William Tyler of Mun Mouth River, said Co., tanner, for 100 acres on said river at the mouth of a litfle creek, between grantors and grantee, part of the 1,000 a. tract granted to said John Smith and wife Martha by John Fen wick April 30, 1675. 202 1697 Dec. 21. Do. William Rumsey of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, to Charles Hollingworth, late of Maryland, now of Salem Town, yeoman, for 16 acres of land in said town, on the street to the Ten Acres Creek, and one marsh lot assigned by grantor to William Groome March 2, 1694-5, who absconding without paying for the land, said Rumsey was put in possession again by order of Court. 205 "1697 Dec. 21. Do. Charles Hollingworth, late of Saleni Town, now of Talbott Co., Maryland, planter, by his attorney John Worlidge, to 622 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page John Scoles of Salem Town, cordwainer, for the preceding 16 acres. ' 207 1698 April 2. Assignment by Nathaniel Westland to Thomas Bridge of Chohansey, Salem Co., gentleman, of the within mentioned 83 acres. 210 1698 April 16. Do. by Thomas Bridge^ to Thomas Sheepherd of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeoman, of the within mentioned 83 acres. 211 1698 April 16. Do. by Daniel Thirand to Thomas Sheepherd of the within mentioned 167 acfes. 212 1695-6 March 19. Deed. -Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to Jacob Garrison of West Jersey, yeoman, for 600 acres below Chohan sey, in one of the Six lower Tenths of W. J., near the head of a branch of Back Creek, adjoining Bellers' land, bought of George Hutchingson and Thomas Gardener as agents of the General Assembly of W. J. (See Liber B, p. 70.) ' 213 1697 June 10. Assignment by Leonard Berreman to William Dare of Chohansey, mariner, of "the wthin 100 acres." 215 1693 April 8. Deed. John Paine of Salem Co., husbandman, to Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, for 12 acres in said township, 011 a little creek running into Salem Creek, and on the S. E. side of the ditch next to Windham. 215 1693 April 8. Assignment by Roger Milton to Jonathan Beere of Salem Town, gentleman, of the within mentioned tract of 12 acres. *" 216 1696 Nov. 11. Deed. John Holme, late of Philadelphia, now of MunMouth River, -Salem Co., gentleman, and Samuel Hedge, attorney for Hannah and Elizabeth Holme, daughters of said John and wife Mary, to Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, for 300 acres on Delaware R. adjoining John Mason, part of the 2,000 acres given by said John and wife to said daughters (supra, Liber 5, p. 494). 217 1697 Aug. 28. Do. Edward Champneys of Manneton, Salem Co., joiner, to Andrew Hopman of West Jersey, husbandman, for 200 acres, on the Westside of Nicomises Run and on a branch thereof, part of the 500 acres near Manneton, called White's Vineyard, bought of Thomas Yorke and wife Mary, lately deceased, November 6, 1693. 219 1698 June 20. Do. John Holme, late of Philadelphia, now of Mun Mouth R., gentleman, to Abell Nicholson of said river, yeoman, for. 100 acr„es, 85 whereof adjoining grantee, Roger Milton and Samuel Nicholson, 15 N. W. of grantee'On AUawayes Creek, part of the] 2,000 'a. as above, p. 217. 222 1698 June 28. Do. Same to George Abbott of~MunMouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, adjoining the preceding and also part of the 2,000 acres. 224 1698 June 28. Do. Peter Peters of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., hus bandman, to William Sloobey of the same place, gentleman, for 137 acres SALEM DEEDS, NO. 6. 623 Page .011 said Neck at Lucas Point, inherited from his father, Lucas Peter son. - 227 1698 June 14. Do. John Paine of MunMouth R., Salem Co , yeo. man, to Isaac Rumsey of ffairefeild, New England, and- now of Salem Town, for a lot-of 16 acres in said town, on the Westside of the street ad joining Henry Salter. 229 1696 Sept. 14. Do. Henry Jenjngs of MunMouth R., Salem Co., tailor, to Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, for 100 acres in Saleni Co. N. Locus Creek, W. Dellaware R., S. and E. the marsh late in the tenure -of Samuel Hedge. , 231 1698 July 30. Assignment by Thomas Yorke to Arthur Redmond of Salem Town, tailor, of the-within mentioned 2 acres. 232 1698 July 30. Do. by same to same of the within mentioned 2fa acres in the Town of Salem. 233 1697-8 March 20. Do. by Isaac Pearson to William Hall of Salem Town, merchant-, of "all my right Title & Interest whtsoever." 234 1697 Dec. 21. Do. by John Scole to William Hall, of "all my Right, Title & Interest whtsoever . . . and alsoe all House, Houseing, Gardings &c. wthin menconed." 234 1698 June 14. Deed. Benjamin Acton of Saleni Co., weaver, to William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, for two 10 acres town lots and two lots in the town marsh as bought of Roger Milton June 13, 1691. 235 l6g8 June 30. Deed of gift. Widow Mary Pledger of Berreton feilds, Salem Co., to her daughter Sarah Hurley of the same place, spinster, for a farm of 200 acres, called HoUybourne, bought of Hipolite Lefevor. 237 -i6go Sept. 20. Deed. William Kenton of Great Choptank River, Talbott Co., Maryland, carpenter, to Hugh Middleton of Salem Co., gen tleman, husband of Mary Kenton, now deceased, late widow of grantor's father William Kenton of Salem Co., dec'd, for the plantation in Salem Co. bought by the father of John Worlidge, in exchange for 300 acres on said river in Maryland. , 238 1698 Oct. 21. Do. Edward Champneys of White's Vineyard, Saleni Co., to John Minck of Penn's Neck, said Co., yeoman, for 300 acres, part of the 500 a. lot near the head of Salem Creek, called White's Vineyard, bought of Tho. Y'orke Nov. 6, 1693. 239 1698 Nov. 26. Do. Benjamin Acton of Salem Co., weaver, to George Garret of said Co., husbandman,. for 200 acres on Chestnut Run, part of the 1,500 a. lot near the head of Salem'Creek, bought of Wm. HaU and wife April 29, 1695. 241 1698 Nov. 6. Do. Same to Thomas Elwell, late of New England, now of Salem Town, weaver, for no acres on Nicomusses Branch, at the upper end of Obranceses old'field, adjoining Tho. Pile, part of the 1,500 a. tract as preceding. 243 624 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1698 Dec. 31. Do^ John Smith of Hedgefeild, Salem Co., yeoman, to Zebulon Stathem of Stow Creek, said Co., carpenter, for 300 acres ad joining a 600 a. lot bought by grantee and Philipp Stathem and part of the 1,000 a. tract on Unknowne or Stowe Creek bought of Wm. de Meyer et al. September 12, 1692. 245 1698 Dec. 31. . Do. Same lo Philipp Stathem, for 300 acres, bounded as preceding. 247 1698 Nov. 26. Assignment by George Garrett to Benjamin Acton of Salem Co., weaver, of the within mentioned land. 249 1681 May II. Deed. William Johnson of Chohansey, W. J., tailor, to Anthony Page of MunMouth R., Salem Co., planter, for35oacres, part of the 500 a. lot on said river bought by grantor and George Deacon of. Wm. Malster April 10, 1679. 250 1680 Nov. 1. Do. Richard Guy of Elsenburgh, W. J., yeoman, and wife Bridgett to John Thompson of the same place, carpenter, and wife Sarah, for 220 acres on Dellaware R., near grantee's dwelling house, along a creek on the East, between Andrew Thompson, Malster's planta tion and grantor. 252 1699 July 8. Do. Thomas Anderson of St. James Clerkenwell, Mid dlesex, bricklayer, and wife Ann, by their attorney Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Taylor of Stow Creek, .Salem Co., tailor, for 200 acres along said creek, adjoining Samuel Johnson. 255 1699 July 8. Do. Same to Samuel Johnson of Stow Creek, weaver, for 300 acres along said cree"k adjoining John Maddocks. 257 1693 Nov. 20. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to bis son John Budd of the same place, merchant, for 500 acres, called Melcum Island, bought of John Maddocks as attorney of EUinor Huffe, widow of Peter Huffe, November 2g, 1682. 259 1684 July 29. Consent of EUinor Huffe to the preceding deed and re ceipt of the purchase money. 263 i6gg July 27. Deed. John Budd of Philadelphia, brewer, to Adam Baldridge of N. Y. City, merchant, for the preceding 500 acres, called Melcum Island. 263 Salem Deeds, No. 7. I6gg-i7oo Jan. 18. Deed. 'William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, executor of Thomas Pile, and wife Elizabeth to William Champneys, son of Edward Champneys of Salem Co. joiner, for 200 acres, bargained for with said Pile and part of the 10,000 acres, called Pile Grove, and 121 a., all on the N. E. side of the mainbranch of Salem Creek, adjoining Joseph SALEM DEEDS, NO. *J. 625 Page White. I 1699-1700 Jan. 18. Assignment by William Champneys to John Rob erts senior and John Roberts junior, bpth of Salem Co., yeomen, of the within mentioned tract of 331 acres. 3 i6gg-i70o Feb. 27. Deed. Thomas Mason of Maneton Creek, Saleni Co., ship carpenter, and wife Elizabeth to John Bacon of Chohansey, same Co., gentleman, for 100 acres in the marsh near the mouth of Cho- "hansey River, between a branch thereof and a creek running into Dela ware R., bought by Richard-Tindall of John Fenwick's executors and be queathed to his wife Elizabeth, now the wife of said Thomas Mason. 3 1699 May 1. Do. -Joseph Bacon of Salem Co. on Chohansey, hus bandman, to Benj. Davis, late of South Hamton, Long Island, N. Y., weaver, for 100 acres on the Back Neck near the River Tweed bought of Wm. Dare August 3, 1695. 6 1698 Oct. 21. Do. Joseph White, late of Pile Grove, now of Salem Town, blacksmith, to Edward Champneys of Salem Co., joiner, for 500 acres, i. e. the neck between Nicomusses Run and the main branch of Salem Creek and what is wanting there of 500 a. to. be taken from the land across said branch, adjoining William Champneys. 7 1698 Nov. 26. ' Do. Benjamin Acton of Salem Co., weaver, to Samuel Bassett of said Co., husbandman, for 150 acres near the head of Saleni Creek, on Chestnut Run, part of the 1,500 a. tract bo't of Wm. Hall April 29, 1695. 9 1699-1700 Jan. 19. Assignment by Samuel Bassett to Thomas Allwell . junior of Salem Co., husbandman, of Ihe preceding 150 acres. 11 1698 May 13. Do. by James Daniel], son and heir to the within mentioned Neill Daniell, to William Brumefeild of Gloscester Co., W. J., of the said 125 acres. . 1 1 1699-1700 March ig. Receipt for mortgage of Thomas Lambson by William Giljohnson. 12 1700 April 18. Deed. Hipolitus Lefever of New Castle, Penn., inn- Holder, heretofore of Salem Co., W. J., to Rothers Morris (of) Elsinburch, said Co., husbandman, for 600 acres, called Hipolitus Point, the remain ing unsold part of Lefever's Chase, fronting the Town of Salem, lately in the tenure of John Loyd. I2 ;' i6gg-i7oo Feb. ,14. Do. Ephrem Beswick, son and heir of John Bes wick of Maneton Creek, Salem Co., bricklayer, dec'd, to William Johnson of Beriton, said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres on said creek bought by said John Beswick of George Garrett Feb. 17, i6g6-7. 15 i6gg-i7oo March 7. Do. John Vance of Brothers Forest, Salem Co., yeoman, to Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, gentleman, for 300 acres, called Brothers Forest, near said town, between the mouth of Lit tle Mill Creek or Ten Acres Creek, the Great Mill Creek being E. N. E. 63 626 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page and N. boundary, bought of John Kaighin et al. June 18, 1695 (supra, Liber 6, p. 63); consideration the payment of debts due by grantor to Wm. Hall of Salem, Nathaniel Shannon of Boston, merchant, and John Kaighin of Gloscester Co., yeoman. 18 1698 June 14. Do. William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, to Wil liam Griffin of the same place, cordwainer, for 18 acres in said town be tween Samuel Hedge and Roger Milton bought of Benjamin Acton April 29, 1695. 21 1700 May 3. Do. Thomas Abbott of Chohansey, Salem Co., cooper, to Robert Barrow of said Co., husbandman, for 225 acres near the head of AUawayes Creek, settled upon grantor by Elizabeth, widow of his brother John Abbot and part of the 500 a. lot bought by said John Abbott of Ren- eire Vanhyst August 18, 1691. 23 i6gg Oct. g. Mortgage. William Griffin of Salem Town, cordwainer, to William Sirridge of Salem Co., bricklayer, on the 18 acres bought of Wm. Hall (supra, p. 21). 25 1700 July 23. Deed. John Maddock of MunMouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, to Jerimiah Powell of the same place, carpenter, for 500 acres on said river, adjoining grantor's plantation, sold by Richard Guy and Ed ward Wade as executors of Isabella, widow of William Hancock, to Rich ard Worgaine and wife Cicely- March 7, 1680-1, and by said Richard Wor- gaine bequeathed to his said wife Cicely, who intermarried with grantor. 27 1700, July 23. Mortgage. Jerimiah Powell to Nathaniel Champneys^ senior on the preceding 500 acres. 2g i6g8 June 21. Deed. Joseph Browne of the Town of Greenwitch, Salem Co., merchant, to John Nicholls of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres on Chohansie Creek, adjoining Ralph Horsley, part of the 300 a. lot bought of Joshua Barkstead December 23, 1696. 31 1700 April 24. Do. John Nicholls of Salem Co., yeoman, to Mary Horslie, widow of Ralph Horslie of Chohansie, said Co., for the preceding 100 acres on the Northside of Cesarise alias Chohansey R. 32 • l6gg-i7oo March 20. Do. Roger Huckins of Salem Town, yeoman, son of Roger and Hester Huckins dec'd, to Joseph Brown of Greenwitch,'' Salem Co., merchant, for 16 acres in the Town of Greenwitch, along the Manor Neck, part of a 500 a. lot granted to his parents by John Fenwick June 24, 1675, of which the father left to his wife Hester there 16 acres,' she bequeathing them to her eldest son, grantor. 34 1700 July 10. Mortgage. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, to William Tyler of MunMouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, for 15 acres in said town adjoining the Court House lot. 36 1696 June 23. Assignment by Rennere Vanhyst to Peter Peterson of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., husbandman, of the within mentioned tract of SALEM DEEDS, NO. J. 627 Page 200 acres. 37 . .1699 Nov. I. Deed. Garrett Venemey of Gloscester Co., W. J., yeo man, to Walter Hughstis of Salem Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 150 acres near Salem Creek, Salem Co. 38 ; 1698 April 24. Do. Joseph Dennis of Chohansie, Salem Co., yeo man, to John Warlock of the same place, planter, for 34^ acres, formerly belonging to Henry Jenjngs, on Hall's Creek, and a branch thereof adjoin ing grantor and one half of the 69 a. lot bought by grantor of Wm. Wayth- man. 40 1699-1700 Jan. 24. Do. John Parsons of Philadelphia, surviving ex ecutor of Hester Watts (Walls), widow and executrix of John Watts (Walls) to John Ithell of Philadelphia, yeoman, for 200 acres at Qui- hochin, Salem Co., along the Burlington Road, bought by said John Watts (Walls) of Wm. Johnson March 25, 1695-6. 41 1700 Sept. 16. Mortgage. Isaac Rumsey of Salem Town, planter, to William Tyler of MunMouth River, Salem Co., yeoman, on 16 acres be- tween Hugh Middleton and Roger Milton, bought of John Paine. (Mar ginal Note says, this mortgage was paid and cancelled June 25, 1703.) 43 f 1699 May 8. Assignment by Reynold Hawke to Hugh Middleton of Salem Co., merchant, of the within mentioned 8 acres. 44 1700 May 22. Agreement between Peter BUderbeck and Andrew Anderson for the partition of their land, said BUderbeck to have of the 100 acres, jointly bought of Wm. Penn, the part next to Peter Peterson, formerly Joshua Gillet's, and Anderson the part adjoining Abraham Van hyst on Salem Cr. 45 1700 Oct. 17. Assignment by Joseph Dennis of the Town of Green witch, Salem Co., planter, to Jerimiah Bacon of said Co., yeoman, of the ¦within mentioned tract of land. 46 1700 June 17. Deed of gift. Haunce Oulson of Birtley River, Salem Co., yeoman, to his sons William and Charles Oulson of the same place, planters, for 150 acres, on which he now lives, with houses &c. 46 ^'1698 July 23. Deed. William Hall of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Elizabeth to Johanes Sineker of Pen's Neck, Salem Co., husband man, for 200 acres, part of Pile's Grove, on the N. E. side of Salem Creek; part of the land given to grantors by Thomas Pile, father of said Eliza beth. . , 47 '\?I7po-l Jan. 27. Agreement between Roger Huckings, yeoman, and John Huckings, labourer, both of Salem Town, for the division ot the land on Aliawayes Creek, left them by their father, Roger Huckings dec'd. ' 49 1700-1 Jan. 27. Deed. Roger Huckings of Salem Town, yeoman, toWadesamuel Oakford of MunMouth R., Salem Co., for 234 acres on said river, between grantor, Curtis and Wm. Tyler, inherited from his 628 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page parents, Roger and Hester Huckings. 49 1700-1 Jan. 27. Mortgage. Wadesamuel Oakford to Wm. Tyler, on the preceding 234 acres. Marginal Note:-"Wm. Tyler,son of Wm. afore said, acknowledges satisfaction of the mortgage Feb. 10, 1703-4." 51 1700 Sept. 29. Deed. Thomas Harding of Philadelphia, carpenter, to Samuel Hunter of Salem Co., husbandman, for 500 acres, called the Two Brothers, henceforth called Spring Hill, in said Co., near the head of Fenwick's River, along Salem Creek between Hugh Hutchings and John Itbill, bought of John Turner by his attorney Wm. Rumsey. 52 1700 Nov. I. Mortgage. Samuel Hunter to Thomas Harding, on the preceding 500 acres. 54 1700-1 Jan. 26. Deed. Wadesamuel Oakford to John Hancock, both of Munmouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, for 200 acres near said river as bought of John Smith et al., executors, July 25, l6g8. 57 1700 Oct. 22. Do. Benjamin Acton of Salem Co., weaver, to Elisha Bassett of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall April 29, 1695. 58 1700 Oct. 22. Do. John Ithell of Philadelphia, yeoman, to John Reed of Peockunck alias Quihocking, Salem Co., for 200 acres along the Burlington Road, bought of John Parsons, executor of Hester Watts, Jan uary 24, l6gg-l700 (supra, p. 41). 60 1700 Oct. 17. Do. Joseph White to John Hancock, both of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., yeomen, for 2o|- acres of marish, swamps and criples, adjoining grantee; inherited from his father Christopher White. 62 1700 Dec. 18. Do. Jeane Daniel of Salem Co., spinster, daughter of Neale Daniel of Stow Creek and wife Elizabeth, to James Daniel of Stow Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, for 263 acres, called the New Plantation, on a branch of said creek, inherited from the mother through grantor's sis- , ter Margrett. 64 1700-1 Feb. 20. Assignment by Wm. Pope to Joseph Burgin of Cesa- 1 riae River, W. J., yeoman, of the within mentioned 100 acres. 65 1700-1 March 20. Do. by John Wallick to John Bacon of Chohan sey, Salem Co., Esqre, 0f the within mentioned 34^ acres. 66 1701 April 20. Do. by John Roberts to Benjamin Bacon- of Cho hansey, Salem Co., yeoman, of a house and 6 acres, within men tioned. 67 1701 April 2g. Deed. Arthur Redmund of Salem Town, tailor, by his attorney Richard Johnson of the same place, . carpenter, to Joseph Stretch of said town, blacksmith, for 4^ acres, in two lots, in said town, bought of Thomas Yorke July 30, 1698. 68 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7. 629 Page ' 1698 July 23. Do. . William Hall of Salem Town, gentleman, and 'wife Elizabeth to Mouns Hopman of Pen's Neck, Salem Co., husband man, for 200 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, between John Hopman, Charles Hopman and John Sineker. 70 1701 May 30. Do.. Benjamin Acton of Pile Grove, Salem Co., weaver, to Stephen Butler, late of Chessester Co., Penna., husbandman, for 100 acres near the head of Salem Creek, adjoining Equilla Barber's plantation, part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall April 29^ ,1695. 72 -^ l6g8 July 23. Do. .William Hall of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Elizabeth to Charles Hopman of Pen's Neck, Salem Co., husband man, for 200 acres at Pile Grove, on the N. E. side of the main branch of Salem Creek, adjoining Wm. Champneys. 73 1680 Nov. I. Do. Richard Guy of Elsenburgh, W. J., yeoman, and wife Bridget to Andrew Thompson of the same place, planter, and wife Isabell, for 168 acres on Dellaware River near John Thompson's house and at the mouth of Salem Creek, between said John's and Malster's plan-" tations and Salem Greek. 75 1701 Dec 18. Assignment by Benjamin Acton to George Webb of- Salem Co., planter, of the within mentioned premises. 77 1700 April 25. Deed.. William Hall of Salem, W. J., merchant, to Gabriell Peterson of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., husbandman, for 250 acres and 13J more for roads &c-at Pile Grove, said Co., on Salem Creek and a branch thereof. 78 1701 April 29. Do. Widow Ann Worlidge of Salem Town to Eleazer Dorby of Boston, New England, mariner, for 10 acres in said town, ad joining grantee, conveyed to grantor by her father Hypolitus Lefevor. 80 1700 Dec. 20. Do. William Hall of Salem Town, merchant,-to Wil liam Sluby of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., merchant, for 337 acres at Pile Grove, said Co., on the small turning of the creek. 82 1701 July 25. Do. Edward Champneys of Pile Grove, Salem Co., joiner, to Benjamin Druet of said Co., husbandman, for 213 acres on the N. E. side of Salem Creek, adjoining Joseph White. 84 1700 April 25. Do. WUliam Hall of Salem Town, merchant, to Hance Peterson of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., husbandman, for 250 acres with 13J more tor roads, at Pile Grove, as surveyed by Joseph Wood rooffe. 85 1700 May 2r. Deed of gift. Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, gentleman, to John Vance of Salem Co., millwright, for 10 acres in said Co., in the Brothers Forrest tract, on the Southside of Ten Acre Creek, adjoining. Samuel Vance. 88 1701 Sept. 1. Do. Do. Widow Jane Wade of MunMouth River, Salem Co., to her son Samuel Wade of the same place, for two-thirds of 630 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page the personal estate left by her late husband Samuel Wade. 8g 1701 Sept. 1. Assignment by William Hall to Richard Wheat of Salem Town, husbandman, of the within mentioned 16 acres. go 1701 Sept. 5. Deed. Obediah Holmes of Chohansey, Salem Co., gentleman, to John Swinney of the same place, labourer, for 100 acres on the Northside of Chohansey, part of the 200 a. lot granted by Joshua Barkstead to Nathaniel Bacon and wife Katherine and by them assigned to grantors, as per endorsement on Barkstead's deed of April 14, 1695. 90 1701 Oct. 25. Do. James Wasse of London, "chyrurginon," by his agent and attorney Thomas Webley of East Jersey, gentleman, to Jonathan Beere of Saleni Town, gentleman, for 300 acres near* a branch of Morrlsse's River, called Quiahocking, part of grantor's 1,000 a. tract. 92 1701 Nov. I. Assignment by Jonathan Beere to Robe'rt Cartwright of Saleni Co., yeoman, of " the within mentioned 16 acres." 93 i6gg May 10. Do. by Alexander Smith to Joseph Browne of the Town of Greenwitch on Cesariae River, Salem Co., gentleman, of the within mentioned 16 acres. (In duplicate). g4 1701 April 15. Deed. Benjamin Acton of Pile's Grove, Salem Co., weaver, to John Loyd of Salem Co., husbandman, for 138 acres on Saleni Main Branch, adjoining George Garrett, part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall April 29, 1695. „ 95 1697 Aug. 23. Do. John Tathem (Stathem) of Burlington, Esqre, to Eleazer Dorby, for 250 acres; part of fa of a share bought of Benj. Antro bus of London, linendraper. 96 1701 May I. Do. Joseph White of Pile Grove, Saleni Co., black smith, to John Nicholds of said Co., for 125 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, adjoining John Loyd, part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall June 11, 1695. 97 1701 Dec. 16. Do. Hugh Middleton of Beriton, Salem Co., mer chant, to Wm. Hall of Salem Town, merchant, for 100 acres, of which 50 in the Precinct of AUawayes Creek, adjoining Edward Champneys, were sold by Wm. Warnner of West Crookerne Wood, Salem Co., to Edward Lumley of Maneton, said Co., and wife Alice January 20, 1684-5; tney conyeyed the land to Richard Butcher of Saleni Town August 5, 1685, and he assigned it to present grantor December 2, i6g6; the other 50a. adjoin ing said Butcher on the East were sold by Samuel Curtise of MunMouth R. to John Snooke of Salem in 1684 and assigned to grantor January 7, 1688-g. 98 1701 Dec. 16. Do. Jonathan Smith of MunMouth Riyer, Salem Co., yeoman, to his brother Jerimiah Smith, for one-half of the 1,400 acres on said river, left to both by their eldest brother David Smith (Will of De- SALEM DEEDS, NO. ']. 62,1 Page cember 3, i6g4), who had received'the land from their parents John Smith of Smithfeild and wife Martha November 10, l6g2. 101 1701 Dec 16. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild, Salem Co., gentle man, to his son Jonathan Smith of MunMouth River, said Co., yeoman, for 200 acres near said river, part of a 500 a. lot E. Colonel Lewis Morris and a swamp, S. the swamp, W. Wm. Maulster, N. AUawayes Creek. 102 1701 Dec. 16. Do. Same to his son Jerimiah Smith of MunMouth R., Salem Co., husbandman, for 300 acres, part of the 500 a. lot, as in preceding deed. I0^ 1701-2 March 5. Do. Eleazer Dorbey of Boston, New England, mariner, to Edward Brooks, late of the same place, merchant, for a lot in Salem Town, adjoining Calley's lot bought of the executors of John Fen wick September ig, l6g6. i0c 1701 Dec. 16. Assignment by Jerimiah Smith to Samuel Smith of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, of the within mentioned 300 acres. 107 1701-2 March- 18. Deed. WiUiam Hall of Salem Town, merchant, to John Hopman of Salem Co., husbandman, for 400 acres on Ouldman's Creek, adjoining Johannes Sineker. 108 1701-2 March 8. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild, Salem Co., gen tleman, to his son Jonathan Smith of MunMouth River, Salem Co., yeo man, for 172^- acres on said river between Col. Lewis Morris and Richard Marshall. " no 1701-2 March 5. Do. Didloue Casperson of Penn's Neck and wife Margret, formerly widow of Joshua Gilletts, to Edward Meecum of the same place, ship carpenter, and wife Barbara, for 300 acres, called La croy's Point, on said Neck. in 1702 April 20. > Assignment by Eleazer Dorby to Richard Wheat of Salem Town, husbandman, of the within mentioned io,acres. 113 1702 April 20. Deed. Richard Wheat of Saleni Town, husbandman, to Richard Johnson of the same place, carpenter, for two lots there, vizt: one of 10 acres, the other of 16 a., butted and bounded as bought of Eleazer Dorby and Wm. Hall. 113 1701-2 March 2. Assignment by Eleazer Dorbey to John ffreeman of Philadelphia, merchant, of the within mentioned premises. 115 l6g7 June I. Deed. Thomas Harris of Philadelphia, merchant, to Andrew Hamilton of East Jersey, gentleman, for 450 acres on Chohanzey River, W; J., at the third fast landing of Joshua Barkstead. 115 1702 April 27. Do. Eleazer X>orbey of Boston, New England, mar iner, to John ffreeman of Philadelphia, merchant, for the preceding 450 acres. rl7 .• 1701-2 March 18. Assignment by John Hopman to William Hall, of 632 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 1 Page the within mentioned tract of 300 acres. 119 1761-2 Feb. 24. Deed. Peter Blacksfeild of MunMouth R., Saleni Co., yeoman, and wife Ann, late widow of John Haslewood, to Timothy Brooks of Cesarise River, said Co., yeoman, for 284 acres near Cesarise River, adjoining Barkstead's, part of the 1,000 a. tract bought of Robert Hutchingson of New Castle, Penna., by George Haslewood, who be queathed the tract to his son John aforesaid. 119 1701 June 12. Do. John Stanbanck of Salem Co. to William fflower of Marcus Hooke, Chester Co., Penn., for one-half of a 300 acre lot, on Ouldman's Creek, Salem Co., near the Fishing place and adjoining John Hickman, of which the other half was sold by grantor to William Howes. !2I 1701 Sept. 8. Assignment by William fflower to Ive Billonge of Chi chester, Chester Co., Penna., weaver, of the within mentioned premises, in exchange for a house and 42 acres. 122 1684-5 Feb- *5- Da ljy Anthony Page °f MunMouth R., W. J., planter, to Samuel Hedge of Hedgefeild, W. J., Recorder, of the within mentioned Deek (Deed). 122 1701 April 7. Do. by Thomas Yorke to Roger Milton of Salem Town, yeoman, of the within mentioned 8 acres. _ 123 1762 Oct. 21. Deed. Elizabeth Curryer of Salem Town, widow of Edward Curryer and before widow and executrix of Roger Carary, to Adam Balldridge of Adams Forrest, Salem Co., gentleman, for 11 acres, part of a 16 a. lot in Saleni" Town, between Joseph Woodrooffe and John Scole, bought by said Roger Carary of Roger Milton May 21, 1688, and be queathed to his wife. 123 1702 May 8. Do. Thomas Mason of Tindall's Bowery, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to Richard Woodnutt of Lefevor's, Chase, same Co., bricklayer, for 300 acres near the Main Creek and now occupied by Edward F'ord, adjoining Samuel Hedge's 500 a. lot, called Virgins Spring, part of the 500 a. bequeathed by Richard Tindall to his then wife, the aforesaid Elizabeth. 125 1 701-2 Feb. 5. Do. Benjamin Acton to Thomas Graves, both of Salem Co., weavers, for 100 acres on the N. E. side of the main branch of Salem Creek, between Wm. Hall, Tho. Alewell and Chestnut Run. 126 1701 Nov. 20. Do. Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Hannah to Rothra Morris of Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, for the plantation of 1,200 acres in said Co., called Elsenburgh, N. Richard Woodnutt and John Thompson, E. Isaac Smart, Tho. Thompson and John Mason, from the head of Locust Creek to its mouth, W. Delaware River; also 400 a. of marsh adjoining thereto, with several islands of fast land therein, N. Locus Creek, E. John Mason, S. John Holme, W. Delia- ware R. 128 SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7. 633 Page 1701 Nov. 21. Mortgage. Rothoro (Ruthra) Morris to Samuel Car penter, on the preceding 1,600 acres. 130 1702 April 16. Deed. Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, gentle man, and wife Prudence to Manuel Assentia of the same place, husband man, for 16 acres, adjoining John Smith of AUawayes Creek. 132 1701 Oct. 3. Assignment by WUliam Hall to Adam Balldridge, both of Salem Town, merchants, of all his right, title, &c, as granted to him, and all houses and improvements, made on the land within men tioned. 133 1702 April 25. Sheriff's Deed. William Griffin, High Sheriff of Salem Co., W. J., to Eleazer Dorby of Boston, New England, mariner, for a house and lotin Salem Town near the wharf and adjoining Widow Eliz abeth Curryer,~also 8 acres of marsh, near said house, on the Marsh St. to Windham, hitherto the property of John Worlidge dec'd. 133 1702 April 27. Assignment by Eleazer Dorby to widow Ann Worlidge, of the within mentioned house, lot and marshlot. 134 1701 July 25. Do. by William Hall to Benjamin Druett, of the within mentioned land. (Entered twice.) 135 1702 June 20. Articles of agreement beween Elizabeth Johnson of Penn's Neck, widow and sole executrix of Clause Johnson, and said Clause's sons, John and Jacob Johnson, whereby said sons receive the plantation on Saleni Cr«ek, adjoining Hance Sheeres. 136 1702 Aug. 27. Deed. Benjamin Druett of Salem Co., yeoman, to Joseph Dennis of the Town of Greenwitch, yeoman, for two 16 acre lots in said town, sold by the executors of John Fenwick to Edward Hurlbert of Salem Co., tailor, April 13, 1696, by him assigned to Wm. Hall, who assigned the lots to said Druett July 25, 1701 (supra, p. 135). 137 i- 1702 Aug. 11. Do. Mary Beere of Salem Town, widow of Jonathan Beere, to James Ridley, late of Talbutt Co., Maryland, now of Salem Town, W. J., yeoman, for a house and 16 acres in Salem inherited from her husband. 138 1701-2 Feb. 24. Do. Peter Blacksfeild of MunMouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Ann to Levie Preston of New England, husband man, for 300 acres near Cesariae River, part of the 1,000 a. tract bought by George Haslewood (see supra, p. 119). I4° 1702 Aug. 29. Do. John Holme of MunMouth R., Salem Co., gen tleman, and wife Elizabeth, formerly widow of William Willis of the same ¦place, to-her son William Willis, for the plantation of 300 acres, called Prouoes Holt, formerly belonging to said Wm.- Willis dec'd. 142 1702 Aug. 29. Bond. William Willis of MunMouth R., Salem Co., yeoman, to John Holme of Prouoes Holt on said river, to allow said Holme undisturbed occupation of said plantation. 143 1702 Sept. 7. Deed. John Remington of MunMouth R., Salem Co., - - 64 634 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page yeoman, to Joseph Redknap of the same place, husbandman, for 175 sicres on Delaware R., on the Southside of the Neck, part of the 500 a. lot near Stow Creek bought of Nathaniel Champneys October 27, 1693, recon- veyed to said Champneys October 12, 1694, and by Champneys assigned to grantor June 28, 1697. 143 1702 July 22. Do. Robert Cartwright of Salem Township, yeoman, to John Vance of Salem Town, turner, for 16 acres in said town, adjoin ing Wm. Rumsey, bought of the executors of John Fenwick by John Harding January 18, 1685-6, whose executors, John Swift of Pennsylvania, glazier, and Wm. Penton of Salem Co., yeoman, conveyed the lot to Wm. Rumsey; he assigned it to John Kyllett, who conveyed it to Jonathan Beere June 17, 1696, and Jonathan Beere to present grantor November. 1, 1701. 145 1702 Sept. 29. Assignment by Benjamin Druett to Robert Weather- by of Salem Co., of the within mentioned tract of land. 146 1702 April 28. Deed. Adam Balldridge of Salem Co., gentleman, to John Jones of New Castle, Penna., innkeeper, for an island in Delaware R., near Salem, called Adams Forest. 147 1702 Oct. 24. Do. Benjamin Acton of Salem Co., weaver, to John Dawson, late of Virginia, now of Salem Town, blacksmith, for 125 acres, S. the mainbranch of Salem Creek, E. Thomas Grave, N. Chestnut Run, W. the upper end of Mill Neck. 149 1702 Aug. 31. Do. Same of Milbrooke, Saleni Co., weaver, to Wil liam Hall of Salem Town, merchant, for one-half of a neck of land, 40 acres, with one-half of a grist mill, on the main branch of Salem Creek, adjoining grantor's plantation of Milbrooke. 150 1702 Aug. 31. Do. William Hall to Benjamin Acton of Milbrooke, Salem Co., miller, for 400 acres on Ouldman's Creek alias Berkley Rive,r, adjoining Steven Butler. 152 1702 Oct. 20. Do. Rothoro Morris of Elsenburgh, Saleni Co., yeo man, to Richard Woodnutt of Lefevor's Chase, yeoman, for 600 acres, the unsold part of the tract, called Lefevor's Chase or Hypolite's Point, con taining 900 a., of which 300 are already sold to James Barrett and Jona than Beere. 153 1701-2 Feb. 27. Assignment by Thomas Killingworth to John Kai ghin of Glowster Co., W. J., gentleman, of all the within mentioned and intended to be bargained land. 155 1701 March 26. Deed. Abraham Albertson of Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, Joseph Satterwaite of Bucks Co., Penna., miller, and wife Re- becah, before her marriage called Rebecah Albertson (dau. of Wm. Al bertson), to John Kaighin of Gloucester Co., yeoman, for the- plantation of 300 acres in Salem Co., called the Brothers Forrest, between Little Mill or Ten Acres Creek on the West and Great Mill Creek on tbe E., N. SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7. 635 Page E. and N. ; also a grist mill on Great Mill Cr. 156 \ 1702 June 23. Do. John Kaighin of Gloucester Co., W. J., Esqre, to Isaac Pearson of the Brothers Forrest, Salem Co., yeoman, for the pre ceding 300 acres and mill. ^ 158 1702 June 23. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the preceding deed. 162 1702 Nov. 20. Sheriff's Deed. William Griffin, High Sheriff of Salem Co., to John Loyd of said Co., husbandman, for the real and per sonal property of John Marsh, labourer, of said Co., dec'd, left on the hands of his executrix Hannah Gillman, now wife of said Loyd. 162 1702^ Aug. 21. Deed of release. Roger Huckings of Manneton Pre cinct, Salem Co., yeoman, to his brother John Huckings, both sons of Roger Huckings of MunMouth R., said Co., dec'd, for his right, estate, title, &c of, in or to the land bequeathed to him by the father (will of December 23, 1689), to wit, a plantation on said river of 468 acres. 163 1701 Nov. 20. Deed. Joseph White of Pile Grove, Salem Co., blacksmith, to Roger Huckings of said Co., yeoman, for 300 acres on the main branch of Salem Creek, adjoining Edw. Champneys. 164 1702-3 Feb. 24. Articles of agreement. Margret Braithwaite, widow of Manning Braithwaite of Manneton Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, dec'd, with John Pledger of New Neatherlands, same Co., yeoman, and heir by law of the estate of said Manning, who died intestate, providing that Pledger is to have the plantation of 544 acres, unless, said widow be de livered of a live child within 9 months. 166 1702-3 Feb. 3. Mortgage. Isaac Pearson of the Brothers Forest, Salem Co., blacksmith, to Nathaniel Champneys of Munmouth R., same Co., yeoman, on 140. acres, the upper part of the 300 bought of John Kai ghin (supra, p. 158). 1 ,167 1702 Oct. 20. Deed. Haunce Oulson and his sons William and Charles Oulson, allot Ouldman's Creek alias Berkley River, Salem Co., husbandmen, to William Sluby of Penn's Neck, said Co., gentleman, for 150 acres on the Southside of said river, given by said Haunce to his said sons by deed of gift of June 17, 1700 (supra, p. 46). 168 1702-3 Jan. 12. - Bond. Benjamin Acton of Millbrook, Salem Co., weaver, to keep William Clowes of saidCo., tailor, harmless against any claim &c. from John Fenwick, Tho'nias Pile, Wm. Hall and wife Elizabeth concerning 400 acres sold to him this day. 17° I702-3 Jan. 12. ¦ Assignment by Benjamin Acton to William Clowes, of the within mentioned 400 acres. I7I 1702 /Nov. 30. Deed. John Dickason of Salem Town, husbandman, and wife Anna to John Stevens of the same precinct, husbandman, and -wife Alice, for 100 acres on Salem main branch, along Curryer's land and grantor's, part of the 500 acre lot, given by John Fenwick to his grand- 636 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page daughter Anna Adams, now wife of grantor, by his will of August 7, 1683. 171 1702-3 April 13. Assignment by William Remington of Chohansey, Salem Co., husbandman, to Samuel Woodhouse of the same place, yeo man, of the within granted land. 173 1701 Nov. 24. Deed. Benjamin ffeild of Chesterfeild, Burlington Co., W. J., yeoman, to Alexander fforeman of MunMouth Co., E. J., yeo man, for 500 acres near the Chohansey-Salem Road, in Salem Co., bo't of John Hutchingson of Hutchings Manor, Township of Hopewell, Bur lington Co., January 6, 1700-1 (see Liber B, p. 685). 173 1702-3 Jan. 26. Do. Roger Huckings of Manneton Precinct, Salem Co., yeoman, to John Huckings of the same place, labourer, for 100 acres between grantor and Edward Champneys, part of the 300 a. lot bought of Joseph White November 20, 1701. 175 i6g3 Nov. 6. Do. Edward Champneys of Manneton, Salem Co., joiner, to Henry Jenjngs of MunMouth R. alias AUawayes Creek, same Co., tailor, for 4g2 acres with 6 a. of marsh, near the -bridge over AUa wayes Cr., adjoining grantor and Roger Milton, bought of John Cann of New Castle, Penna., merchant, May 17, l6g3. 177 1702 June 24. Return of resurvey by Benj. Acton, surveyor, to Henry Jenings, of 500 acres on the Southside of AUawayes Creek on the East- side of the 400 acres surveyed for Edward Champneys and Roger - Milton. 178 1702-3 Feb. 8. Deed. John Loyd of Manneton Precinct, Salem Co., husbandman, to Benjamin Deueel of Salem Co'., yeoman, for 200 acres at Quiahocking, hereafter to be called Pleasant Village, part of the former estate of John Marsh (supra, p. 162). 179 1703 April 3. Do. Mary Beere of Salem Town, widow of Jonathan Beere, to Thomas Stanford of Cape May Co., W. J., ropemaker, for two lots containing 600 acres, of which 30a a. adjoin John Wasse's land, as. surveyed by order of John Reading for the second dividend of the 1-16 of a share bought by said Jonathan of Thomas Budd Feb. 8, 1683-4; the other 300 a. were bought by the same Jonathan of James Wass through his attorney Thomas Webley of East Jersey and are part of the 5,000 a. tract near Morrisse's River, called Quiahocking. ' 180 1700-1 Feb. 22. Assignment by William Daniel to Samuel Bacon of Chohansey, Salem Co., carpenter, of the within mentioned 100 acres, ex cepting two small lots sold to Charles Bagley and John Roberts. 182 1703 May 10. Deed. Jacob Garrison of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeo man, to Joseph Sayre of near Ceader Creek, Precinct of Chohansey, for 200 acres at or near said creek, adjoining John Ogden. 183 1703 May 11. Do. Same to Ephraim Sayre of Chohansey, weaver, SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7. (,-ih Page for -150 acres, part of Garrison's! Neck, near the River Tweed and adjoin ing Joseph Sayre.- !84 1702-3 Jan. 5. Assignment by Richard Woodnutt to Thomas Mason, of the within mentioned land. ige 1702-3 Feb. g. Do. by Michael Izsard (Izard) of the Town of Green witch, SalemXo., husbandman, to Obediah Holmes of the same place, gentleman, of the within mentioned lands. (Entered three times.) 186 1702 July 13. Deed. Samuel Woodhouse to William Remington, both of Chohansey, Salem Co., yeomen, for 80 acres, i. c. 64 a. of land and 16 of meadow, the 64 a., part of the land bought by grantor of Sam uel Hunter November 30, l6g5, adjoining grantor, said Hunter and Roger Maull, the 16 a. part of the 80 a. conveyed to grantor's father, Anthony -Woodhouse July 28, i6g3, by Samuel Hedge, on Chohansey Creek. 187 1702 Dec. 15. Do. John Minck of Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Elizabeth to William Sluby of Penn's Neck, said Co., gentleman, for two plantations, contiguous to each other, on Penn's Neck, the one called John Erickson's, 183^ acres, the other, known as Paul Minck's alias Paul Paulson's, also 1835 a. i8g 1703 May 17. Do. Eleazer Dorby of Boston, New England, mariner, to Richard Johnson of Saleni Town, carpenter, for a 10 acre lot in said town, adjoining grantee, bought of Ann Worlidge April 2g, 1701. igl 1703 May 17. Do. Same to same, for 36 a. in four lots in Salem, vizt: one of 10 acres, adjoining William Wilkinson, the second of 10 acres, also adjoining said Wilkinson on the street to Govr Penn's lot, and two lots, together 16 %., one next to Thomas Johnson, the "other on the East side of the creek, between Roger Milton and George Haslewood. ig2 1703 April 29. Do. George Deacon of Burlington Co., gentleman, to John Pagett of Stow Creek, Salem Co., weaver, for 500 acres, half of the 1,000 a. -tract on said creek, conveyed by John Maddock to Widow Margrett Denn, now the Wife of grantor. 194 1703 May I. Do. John Roberts senior, tailor, and John Roberts jun ior, weaver, both of Salem Co., to Joseph ffogg of said Co., labourer, for 100 acres at Pile Grove, part of the 321 a. lot bought of William Champneys, son of Edward Champneys junior. 195 1703 32d Ghafles II. Aug. 10. Do. John Pledger, late of Portmoulh, Co. of Southampton, England, now of Berreton ffeilds, Township of New -Salem, Fenwick's Colony, N. J., ship carpenter, and wife Elizabeth to Christopher Sanders, late of New Salem Town, now of Sandyburr Wood, said Colony, yeoman, for 500 acres on the Southside of and along Manne ton Creek, called Quiatitty or Sandyburr Wood. 196 1703 Mays.- Do. John Holme of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., gen tleman, to Thomas Thompson of Ann's Grove, same Co., yeoman, for 254 l Elsewhere in the same deed written Garison, Garreson, Garretson. 638 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page acres in said Co., along Delaware R. and the Half Way Creek. 199 1703 May 5. Do. Same to John Mason of Ann's Grove, Salem Co., yeoman, for 394 acres in said Co., along Half Way Creek and Delaware R., between Abell Nicholdson, Rothroe Morris and Tho: Thompson. 200 1703 May 5. Do. Same to George Abbott of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 116 acres in said Co. and on said creek, adjoining Nicholson's. 202 1703 May 5. Do. Same to Abel Nicholson of AUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 160 acres in said Co. and on said creek, near the mouth of Half Way Creek, between John Mason and George Abbott. 204 1703 June 15. Do. Walter Hughstis and Lucas Peterson, both of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., executors of Nathaniel Jeanes, son of Henry Jeanes of said Neck, to John Jeanes of the same place, husbandman, brother of said Nathaniel, for 140 acres at Little Black Hooke, formerly called Skipper Hooke, on Delaware River. 206 1703 April 30. Do. John Pledger of Manneton, Salem Co., yeoman, and wife Dorothy to Hugh Middleton of Berreton, said Co., gentleman, and wife Mary, for 214 acres with 10 a. highway allowance, on Salem and Mehoppings Creeks. 207 1702-3 Feb. 10. Do. Nicholas Winton of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., yeoman, to Thomas Haines of Manneton Creek, said Co., yeoman, for 500 acres, bo't by grantor and wife Mary (since deceased) of the executors of John Fenwick April 16, 1695. 209 1703-4 16th d. ist m. (March). Return of resurvey by Benjamin Acton to Thomas Haynes of 500 acres in two lots, one of woodland, 450 acres, between John Cullyer and the head of Cranhury Pond, on a branch of Tindall's Run; the second of 50 a. of marsh on Vickorys (?) and Salem Creeks. 211 1703 April 7. Deed. John Huckings, late of AUawayes Creek alias Munmouth R., yeoman, to William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, for 468 acres, one-half, excepting 4 a., of the land belonging to his father Roger Huckings, on said creek, N. Salem allotments, E. William Tyler, S. AUawayes Creek, W. Samuel Curtice. 211 1698 Oct. 29. Assignment by William Penton to Thomas Craven of Salem Co., yeoman, of the within mentioned 300 acres. 213 1703 July 9. Deed. Samuel Hunter of Spring Hill, Salem Co., yeo man, to Benjamin Taylor of the same place, husbandman, for 50 acres be tween Roger Mall and Richard Robbins; and 10 a. of meadow at the mouth of Mount's Creek along Chohansey Cr. between Samuel Wood- house and Roger Maull; all part of the land bought by grantor and Wm. Hickson of John Throgmorton November 1, 1686, of which said Hickson conveyed one-half to grantor April 4, 1693. 214 1702 Dec. 17. Do. John Vance of Salem Town, rnillwright, to SALEM DEEDS, NO. J. 6^Q Thomas Killingworth of the same place, gentleman, for a town lot of 16 acres, bought of Robert Cartwhrite and adjoining grantor, also some cat tle and chattels, incl. one painted carpet. 21s 1703 July 16. Assignment by John Hancock to Richard Hancock of MunMouth River, Salem Co., husbandman, of the 200 acres mentioned in the within deed. 216 1702-3 Jan. 23. Do. by Obediah Holmes to Michael Izard of the Town of Greenwitch, Salem Co. , husbandman, of the within mentioned land. (Entered twice.) 217 l68g Dec. 31. Deed. Richard Whitfeild, Thomas ffaireman, Robert Stacey, John Hart and Charles Pickering, all of Philadelphia Co., exec utors of Anna Salter of Taconie, said Co., widow of Henry Salter of West Jersey, to William Tyler'of Salem, W. J., tanner, for 1,000 acres in Salem Co., W. J., of which 854 a. along the marsh and adjoining Richard Russell, and 150 a. at the N. E. end of Francis Buckley's land between John fforrest and Richard Deane; the whole sold by said Anna Salter and her son John Salter to said Tyler April I, 1687. 218 1698 May 10. Sheriff's Deed. Hugh Middleton, High Sheriff of Salem Co., to John Worlidge of said Co., Esqre, for the goods, chattels, lands and tenements, belonging to Roger Milton, vizt: the lot in Saleni Town, N. W. Thomas Sallaway, N. E. the creek, S. W. the Meetinghouse lot and the street to the wharf. 220 1703 June 28. Deed. Isaac Rumsey, yeoman, to Robert Rumsey, cordwainer, both of Salem Town, for 8 acres there, part of the lot on which grantor lives, formerly John Paine's, a corner lot along the high way, adjoining grantee, grantor and Roger Milton. 221 1695 Dec. 21. Assignment by John Silver to his brother Archibald Silver, of an unexpired lease, assigned to him by Reynold Hawke. 222 1700 May 21. Deed. Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, gentle man, to Samuel Vance of Salem Co., turner, for 10 acres in said Co.-, part of the land called Brothers Forrest, between Isaac Pearson, the Tenn Acre Creek and Angelo Bridegefoot. 223 1703 June 16. Indian Deed. Okeyman, Quiatemans and Awisham alias Capt. John, Indians, to John Test of Salem Co., gentleman, for the tract on the main branch of Salem Creek and Hugh Hutchings' Run be tween Thomas Graves and Aqui] la Barber. 224 I703 Sept. 18. Deed. Wade Samuel Oakford, late of AUawayes Creek, now of Penn's Neck, Salem Co , yeoman, to William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, for 234 acres on MunMouth River, lately the land of Roger Huckings, as surveyed by Benjamin Acton. 225 1702 July n. ,Do. Peter -Peterson of Penn's Neck, Salem Co.., hus bandman, to William Hall of Salem Town, ^merchant, for 200 acres granted by Wm. Penn to Richard Wilkinson and wife Bridget March 25, 64O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1688, by them conveyed to Rennere Vanhyst, who assigned the deed to said Peterson June 23, 1696. 226 1702 Oct. 27. Assignment by Edward Brooks, late of New England, merchant, to Michael Hackett of Salem Town, innholder, of all that lot of land within mentioned. 228 1703 Aug. 15. Mortgage. John Nicholds of Pile Grove Precinct, Salem Co., husbandman, to Roger Huckings of the same place, yeoman, - on 125 acres lately bought of Joseph White. 228 1703 Dec. 8. Deed. James Browne of Chester Co., Penna., weaver, to Thomas Thompson of Ann's Grove, Salem Co., W. J., yeoman, for 600 acres on Ouldman's Creek, Saleni Co. 230 1703-4 Feb. 10. Assignment by James Ridley to William Griffin of Salem Town of the within mentioned lots of land and marsh. 231 1703-4 Feb. 10. Do. by William Hall to William Tyler of Mun Mouth River, Salem Co., tanner, of the land within mentioned. 232 1704 May 20. Deed. John Jones of Middle Neck, Salem Co., planter, and wife Gertheritt to their son Marcus Eleger of the same place, for "our Logghouse and all that field, called Sayler (?) Point, one-half of our meadow called The forke," for the repairing and maintaining of that part of the bank called Elsenburgh Bank. 232 1704 July 3. Assignment by Charles Hopman to Thomas Walling of Pile Grove Precinct, Salem Co., carpenter, of the within mentioned 200 acres. 233 1703-4 Jan. 31. Do. by Robert Barrow to Moses Hughstis of Green wich, Salem Co., husbandman, of the within granted land and prem ises. 234 1702 Oct. 20. Deed. Richard Marshall to William Willis, both of Monmouth R., Salem Co., yeomen, for 245 acres on the creek adjoining Dennis Fisher. 234 1703 Aug. 20. Do. Benjamin Acton of Pile Grove Precinct, Salem Co., weaver, to Aquila Barber of the same place, husbandman, for 125 acres between John Loyd and Thomas Graves, part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall April 29, 1695. 236 1703 Sept. 18. Do. William Hall of Salem Town, merchant, to Wade Samuel Oakford, late of AUoways Creek, now of Pen's Neck, Salem Co., yeoman, for 200 acres on said Neck, as per deed from James Nevill, agent for Wm. Pen, of March 25, 1688. 237 1703 Aug. 10. Do. Obadiah Holmes of the Town of Greenwitch, , Salem Co., gentleman, to Edward ffeitzge'red of Ceasaria River, husband man, for 100 acres, half of a 200 a. lot, of which the other half was con veyed to John Swyney. 238 1702 Oct. 24. Do. Benjamin Acton of Saleni Co., weaver, to John SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7. 641 Page Dawson, late of Virginia, now of Salem Town, blacksmith, for 125 acres, S. the main branch of Saleni Creek, E. Tho. Graves, N. Chestnut Run, W. the upper end of Mill Neck, pari of the 1,500 a. tract bought of Wm. Hall April 29, 1695. 240 1704 May 6. Assignment by John Dawson to Benjamin Acton, of the within mentioned 125 acres. 241 1704 June 16. Deed. Benjamin Acton of Milbrooke, Salem Co., weaver, to WUliam Hall of Saleni Town, merchant, for one-half of a neck of land and of a grist mill, the other half of which was sold to said Hall Feb. 5, 1702-3. 242 1703 Oct. 21. Do. Mathew Robinson (Roberson, Robertson) of Philadelphia, farmer, to John Brice of Monmoth River, Salem Co., hus bandman, for 200 acres at the head of Cooper's Creek, adjoining George Deacon, bought of John Beetle. 243 1704 May 30. Do. John Pagett of Stow Creek, Salem Co., weaver, to Richard Butcher of Unknown alias Stow Creek, yeoman, for ,68 acres adjoining grantee, part of the 500 a. lot on said creek, bo't of George Deacon April 29, 1703. 245 1703 Dec. 25. Assignment by Robert Weatherbie of Salem Co., planter, to Roger Huckins of the same Co., yeoman, of the within mentioned land. 246 1699 April 13. Deed. William Dare of Salem Co., mariner, to Benjamin Davis of Cohansie, said Co., planter, for 100 acres on the Southside of Cohanzie, towards the bottom of the Back Neck, part of the 800 a. bought of James Read June 16, 1697. 247 1703 Dec. 18. Return of survey by J. Barkstead for Benjamin Davis, of 125 acres, part of Wm. Dare's 165 a. lot, in the Peach Neck, on the bayside, formerly surveyed for Joseph Bacon. 248 1704-5 Feb. 18, Assignment by William Griffin to James Ridley of Salem Town, innholder, of all right, title, &c. as granted to him, and also allhousing, &c. on the within mentioned land. 248 1703 Oct. 26. Articles of agreement between Andrew Anderson and Danniell Bilderbeek, both of Costanea Neck, for the division of 100 acres there near Fenwick's River, between Widow Cornelious and Joshua Gil- lits, boughl by said Anderson and Peter BUderbeck dec'd,' father of said Daniel, from Wm. Penn through his agent James Nevill June 2, 1689. 248 1703 July 1. Deed. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, and wife Anna, surviving daughter and heiress of John Fenwick, with their son Samuel Hedge to Rothero Morris of Salem Co., yeoman, for 500 acres at Elsonborough alias Guyes Point, said Co., now in the tenure of said Morris, by virtue of a bargain and sale, made by the executors of John Fenwick at Hie direction of Samuel Carpenter, to whom said executors 64? NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page had sold the land, but not conveyed it. 249 1703 June 30. Do. Samuel Hedge of Salem Town, gentleman, John Smith of Salem Co., yeoman, both executors of John Fenwick, and Sam uel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, to Rothero Morris of Elsonbor- ough, Salem Co., yeoman, for 500 acres on Elsonborrow Neck alias Guyes Point, as surveyed by John Worlidge November 3, 1696, formerly sold to said Carpenter. 250 1703 July 24. Do. Thomas Killingworth of Salem Town, gentleman, to Samuel Vane or Vance of the Brothers Forrest, Salem Co., turner, and wife Martha, for a 16 acre lot in said town, called Harding's lot, late in the possession of Jonathan Beere, then sold to Robert Cartwright, after that to John Vance and lastly to grantor; contiguous to Tobias Quinton's lot. 252 1704 April 5. Do. Henry Jenings of Allow wayes Creek, Salem Tenth, W. J,, to Samuel Fogg senior of said Tenth, for 100 acres on said creek and a'small run, adjoining Wm. Penton, part of a 150 a. lot, bought of Richard Wilkinson February 23, 1686-7. 253 1704 Aug. 23. Sheriff's Deed. Captain William Dare, High Sheriff of Saleni Co., to Richard Dorkin of said Co., yeoman, for 253 acres on Stow Creek, formerly belonging to William Holston dec'd, from whom the land descended to his daughter Jane Holstan, also since dec'd. 255 1704 Aug. 9. Appraisal by James Danniell and Robert Pagett, both of Salem Co., of the preceding land. 255 1704 Aug. 24. Deed. George Gerrett of Pile Grove Precinct, Salem Co., husbandman, to Thomas Ellewell junior of the same place, carpen ter, for 25 acres on Chestnut Run, part of 200 a., bo't of Benjamin Acton November 6, 1698. 256 1702 Nov. 17. Do. Richard Woodnutt of Maneton Precinct, Salem Co., yeoman, to James Whitton of Middle Neck, said Co., husbandman, for 163 acres, part of Hipolituses Point, between James Barrett and Salem Creek. _ 257 1703 July 17. Do. Simon Andrews (Andris) of German Town, Phil adelphia Co., carpenter, and wife Hester, the daughter of Christopher White of Allowayes Creek, Salem Co., dec'd, to Josiah White of Salem Co., yeoman, for 150 acres in two lots, inherited from said Christopher White. (Will of September 13, 1693.) 259 1707 April 7. Return of survey by John Worlidge for John Smith of Smithfeild, of 500 acres on the Southside of Cohanzey, along Cohanze Creek above a little creek adjoining John Ireson. (Copy hereof on sep arate slip pasted in.) 260 1706-7 Feb. 25. Deed. Charles Oakford of Little Neck near Allo waies Creek, Salem Co., husbandman, to Stephen Butler now of Manning' ton Precinct, said Co., bachelor, for 80 acres adjoining Joseph Ware, .part SALEM DEEDS, NO. J. 643 Page of the land bought by grantor and his brother Wade Oakford of Abell Nicholson. 261 1715 Oct. 11. Do. Abraham van Hist (Hyst) of Burlington, ship carpenter, to his brother-in-law Joseph Smith of the same place, glover, and wife Garthrod, sister of grantor, for too acres in Salem Township, at Cristiana Neck, adjoining Michael Barron. 263' 1685 Aug. 22. Do. William Penn, Proprietor &c, to Abraham Van hyst of Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 100 acres on Cristiana Neck, ad joining Michael Barron. 264 Reversed Side. 1700 June 10. Commission by Governour Andrew Hamilton to Jona than Beere, Richard Durkin, William HaU, Wm. Sloobey,, John Bacon, Joseph BrOwn, Edward Godwin, Thomas Woodrooffe, Benjamin Acton and Dennis ffisher, all of Salem Co., as Justices of the Peace for said Co., the first five to be of the Quorum. 267 ¦ 1700 June 18. Discharge of Richard Darkin at his own request and appointment of Tho. Woodrooffe as of the Quorum. 267 1699 Dec. 30. Commission to Tho. Woodrooffe, Jonat: Beere, Wm. Hall of Salem, John Bacon, John Thompson, Dennis ffisher, Walter Hugh- tis, Wjn. Sloobey and Joseph Sears as Justices of the Peace in Salem Co., the first four to be of the Quorum. . 269 NEVILL'S BOOK OF DEEDS, LIBER A. 1684 Oct. 27. Deed. William Penn, Proprietor and Governour of Pennsilvania and of Salem Tenth, W. J., by his agent James Nevill, to ¦John Lacroy of Salem Tenth, planter, for 200 acres in said Tenth, along .Delaware R. and at the N. E. side of the mouth of Jeanes Creek. 1 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to Haunce Shiahl and Clause Johnson of Salem Tenth, planters, for 176 acres in said Tenth, on Fenwick's River and the Mill Creek. 4 and 11 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to Michael Lacroy of Saleni Tenth, planter, for 300 acres in said Tenth, along Delaware R. between William Gill Johnson and John Lacroy. 7 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to Yealious Gill Johnson and Garrett Vanjmy*. of Salem Tenth, planters, for 300 acres in said Tenth, on Fenwick's R., between the mouth of Middle Creek and the Mill Cr. 15 and 19 1684 Nov. 27. Do. Same to Johannes Vanjmy of Fenwick's R., Salem Tenth, planter, for 200 acres on the N. W. side of said river and the N. E. side of Middle Creek, adjoining Salsonbury Point. 23 644 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to David BUderbeck of Salem Tenth, planter, for 300 acres in said Tenth, along Delaware R. from the Northside of Horse Creek Northward. 26 1684 Oct. 27. Do. Same to John Henricksen of One Tree. Hook on Delaware R., Salem Tenth, planter, for 400 acres along' said river from the mouth of Horse Creek Southward. 30 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to William Gill Johnson of East Wall on Delaware R., Salem Tenth, planter, for 300 acres on said river, between ffopp Johnson and Michael Lacroy, traversed by Wm. Gill Johnson's Creek. 33 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to Ard Johnson of Salem Tenth, planter, for 200 acres on Delaware R. and Antoneys Creek. , 37 1684-5 Feb. 10. Do. Same to Richard Pickman of Salem Tenth, blacksmith, for 300 acres on Delaware R. and Isaac Sauoy's Creek. 40 Pages 43 to 53 omitted in the record. 1684-5 Feb. 10. Deed. Same to John Erickson and Powell Powelson of Lucas Point on Delaware R., Salem Tenth, planters, for 100 acres along said river, adjoining Bowght Town. 53 1684 Dec. 20. Do. Same to Lucas Peterson of Lucas Point, planter, for 100 acres along Delaware R., on the Northside of Swyne's Point, ad joining Jehn Erickson. 56 1684-5 Jan. 10. Do. Same to Lucas Peeterson, John Erickson and Powell Powelson of Lucas Point, Salem Tenth, planters, for 404 acres in said Tenth on Delaware R., between Henry Jeanes' Creek, ,Lucas Peter son, Bowght Creek and Bowght Town. 59, 63 and 69. 1669 May 3. Patent. Govt Philipp Carterett and Council to ffop Jansen Outhout, for acres between two creeks, called by the Indians Hoppemense, N. Dirrick Albertson, S. Michael Lacroyx. 67 1685 Aug. 22. Deed. Wm. Penn, as before, .to Abraham Vanhyst of Salem Tenth, W. J., planter, for 100 acres on Cristianna Neck adjoining Michael Barron. x 74 1684 16th d. 5th m. (July). Do. Same to John Stanbanck of Ould- man's Creek, W. J., yeoman, for 300 acres on the Eastside of said creek, adjoining John Grisse. 79 1685-6 Jan. 25. Do. Same to Wooley Towson of Salem Tenth, planter, for 178 acres between Jonas Scoggin and Ard Johnson, N. W. Delaware R., along the N. W. side of Johannes Vanjmy. * 82 1685-6 March 1. Do. Same to Isaac Sauoy upon Delaware R. in Salem Tenth, planter, for 350 acres on said river between Deep Creek and a branch near John Henrickson's. 86 — Do. Same to Richard Wilkinson of Salem Co., planter, and wife Bridgett, for 200 acres on Fenwick's River, between Andrew Senix- NEVILL S BOOK OF DEEDS, LIBER A. 645 * Page son, Lawse Cornelious, the marsh by Pipeing Island, Joshua Gillett, Haunce Shial, Andrew Anderson and Peter BUderbeck. (Not signed.) 91 1687-8 Feb. 16. Do. Same to Edward Bradway of MunMouth River alias vAUawayes Creek, Salem Co., yeoman, for 100 acres near the mouth of said river, on the Southside thereof, adjoining the marsh of Richard Marshall. , gj 1687 8 Feb. 16. Do. Same to John and Christopher Pinnick of Ouldmanes Creek, now called'Berkley River, Saleni Co., planters, for no acres on the S. E. side of and along said river, adjoining Wm. Hughes. gg 1688 May 21. Do. Same to George Grisse of Berkley River, Salem Co., planter, for 160 acres on said river, at the mouth of Batts Creek, ad joining John Stanbanck. 104 1688 Aug. 14. Do. Same to Martinus Sheiahel of Salem Co., planter, for no acres near Salem Creek, between Haunce Sheiahel and Andrew Senixson. 108 1689 June 22. Do. Same to Thomas Nossiter of Berkley River, Salem Co., planter, for 300 acres on the Westside of said river, between Roger Peddrick and Beaver Run. Mem: " There being a mistake in the Conveying this aforemenconed Deed as by the Deed hereafter recorded may appeare." 112 1689 Aug. 23. Do. Same to Stephen Yerians of ffines Town Hook or Point, Salem Co., yeoman, for 150 acres on said Point, of which no between Wm. Shute and the swamp; 40 a. of marsh along Delaware R., between grantee, the Widow and Tho. Dunne. 116 1689 Aug. 23. Do. Same to Samuel A^ade of MunMouth R., Salem Tenth, yeoman, for 37 acres of marsh gear the mouth of said river, be tween Nathanl Champley, a little creek, grantee and Edward Wade. 120 i68g Aug. 23. Do.. Same to Thomas Dunn of Salem Co., husband man, for 100 acres between -the ffines Point and Cantwell's Creek, of which 80 between Widow Lause, the Cranbury swamp and Henry Cornelious; the other 20 between Johannes Dehayes and the ffinnes of ffinnes Point. !"33 1689 Nov. 30. Do. Same to Thomas Nossiter of Ouldman's Creek, Salem Co., planter, for 300 acres on the Westside of said creek, between Roger Pedderick and Beaver Run. (See supra, p. 112, from which it dif fers But slightly.) x37 1689 Aug. 23. Do. Same to Widow Mary Hendrickson of ffines Town Hook or Point, Salem Co., for 120 acres on said Point, of which .100 between Stephen [Yerians ?], the ponds of water and the Cranbury swamp; 20 a. of marsh on Delaware R., adjoining Stephen Yerians. 140 ,- 169® March 29. Do. Same to Haunce Oulson of Berkley River, 646 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. * Page Salem Co., planter, for 150 acres on said river, adjoining John Griss. 144 1690 March 29. Do. Same to William ffleetwood, late of Northam- ton R., alias Rancocus Creek, W. J., planter, 'for 500 acres on Berkley R. alias Ouldman's Creek, Salem Co., in exchange for 500 a. in Pennsil vania. 148 1689 June 22. Do. Same to Peter BUderbeck and Andrew Anderson of Salem Co., planters, for 100 acres near Fenwick's R. in said Co., be tween Widow Cornelious on Christeens Neck and Joshua Gillett. 151 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Same to Lause Peterson of Bough town, Salem Co., planter, for 100 acres on the Westside of and along Game 'Greek, in said Co. 156 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Same to Henry Cornelious of Penn's Neck, Salem Co., planter, for 100 acres on said Neck, between the ffines' land and the Cranbury ponds. 160 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Same to Joshua Gillett of Penn's Neck, Saleni Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on said Neck, between Michael Lacroy, John Lacroy, Johannes Dehayes, Jacob Hendrickson, Tho: Dunn, Henry Cor nelious and William Gill Johnson. 164 1692 Aug. 16. Do. Same to Edward Godwin of Salem Co., turner, for 100 acres on Penn's Neck, said Co., between Peter BUderbeck and An drew Anderson, Henry Cornelious, Richard Wilkinson, Michael Browne and Budd's Creek. (Not signed. ) 169 1691-2 Jan. ig. Do. Same to John Smith of Smithfeild, Salem Co., gentleman, for two 15 acre lots in Salem Town adjoining Qovr Penn's land on the Southside of Cow Neck. 173 1692 Aug. 18. Do. Same to William Hanbey of Penn's Neck, Salem Co , husbandman, for 211 acres on said Neck, between John Jacobson, a little marsh island near Swart Hooke Creek, Wappog John's Creek and Henry Jeanes. • \—j Greenwich Town Lots. 1686 Aug. n. Deed. William Penn, Samuel Hedge, John Smith of Smithfeild and Richard Tindall, executors of the last will of John Fen wick, to John Clarke of the Town of Greenwich, Salem Tenth, merchant, for 16 acres in said Town on Cesariae alias Chohanzey River, over against Marke Reeve. : 1686 Aug. 11. Do. Same to same for 16 acres in Greenwich for merly surveyed for James Clarke, on the main street over against Thomas Watson. % GREENWICH TOWN LOTS. 647 Page 1685 May 4. Do. John Smith of Smithfeild on MunMouth River, W. J., yeoman, and wife Martha to Alexander Smith of the Town of Greenwich on Cesarise alias Chohanzey River, planter,, for a townlot there of 16 acres near the first landing, bequeathed to said Martha by John Fenwick. 3 10. Do. Executors of John Fenwick to Alexander Smith (as above) for 16 acres in the Town of Greenwich, adjoining Tho. Watson. 5 1686 Aug. 11. Do. Same to Thomas Watson oi Greenwich, planter, for 16 acres in said town adjoining John Smith. 6 1686 Aug. 9. Do. Same to Marke Reeve of Greenwich, planter, for 16 acres on Cesariae alias Chohanzey River near the second landing and Marke Reeve's house, on the N. E. side of the great street. 7 1688 Sept. 29. Do. Same to John Mason of Greenwich, brickmaker, for 16 acres in said town, adjoining James Clarke. 8 1688 Sept. 29. Do. Same to Thomas Smith of Greenwich, yeoman, for 16 acres there on the main street over against John Nich olds. 9 and 10 1689 Dec. 16. Do. Same to William' Bacon of Cesariae River, Salem Co., planter, for 16 acres in the Town of Greenwich, adjoining John Mason. II 1689 Dec. 16. Do. Same to same, for 16 acres adjoining the preced ing. 12 1689-90 Feb. 16. Do. Same to Joseph Browne of Greenwich, yeo man, for 16 acres in said town, late in the occupation of and surveyed for John Nicholds dec'd, on the N. E. side of the street. - 13 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Same to Samuel Bacon of Cesariae R., W. J., yeoman, for 16 acres in the Town of Greenwich, formerly surveyed for Edward Watson, adjoining Geo. Prouoe dec'd. 14 1696 June I. Do. Same to Jerimiah Bacon of Greenwich, innholder, for 16 acres there adjoining Edward Hurlbert. (Entered twice.) 15 1696 April 13. Do. Same to Edward Hurlbert of Greenwich, tailor, for 16 acres there, on the main street next to-Anthony Dixon. 16 l6g6 April 13. Do. Same to same, for 16 acres in the Town of Greenwich, adjoining the preceding. 1° 16g8 June 14. Do. Sameto Obediah Holme of Greenwich, gentle man, for 22 acres there, below the fast landing, along Mill Creek, g a. thereof adjoining Joseph Browne, grantee, 13 a. on said creek next to Michael Issard. :7 '1700 Oct. 15. Do. Same to Joseph Dennis of Greenwich, planter, for 16 acres there, adjoining his dwelling house. J8 1700 Oct. 15. Do. Same to same, for 16 acres in said town, on the street adjoining grantee. 2° 648 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1702-3 Jan. 10. Do. Same to Obediah Holmes of Greenwich, gen tleman, for 16 acres there between Roger Huckings and Joseph Dennis. 2I and 22 1701-2 Jan. 10. Do. Same to Enoch Moore of Greenwich, husband man, for 16 acres there, on a branch of Mill Creek adjoining grantee. 24 .1701-2 Jan. 10. Do. Same to same, for 16 acres in said town, on the street and a brar.ch'of Mill Creek, 'adjoining Moses Hughstis. 25 1701-2 March 2. Do. Same to Francis Alexander of Greenwich, cordwinder, for 16 acres there. 1701-2 March 2. Do. Same to same, for 16 acres in said town. 27 1703. Oct. 13. Return of survey by Samuel Alexander for Francis Alexander, of 2 lots in Greenwich. 28 VOLUME C- GLOUCESTER DEEDS, No. 1. 1683 3d d. 2m. (April). Deed. Edward Byllinge of Westminster, Co. of Middlesex, gentleman, to John Wood of Bury, Co. of Lanchester, clothier, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in West Jersey. I and 2 1683 3d d. 2d m. (April). Do. Same to Henry Wood senior of Bury, Co. of Lanchester, yeoman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 3 and 4 1683 4th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Same to Constanty, Jeremiah and Henry Wood junior, all 6f Bury, yeomen, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 5 and 6 1686-7 29th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Thomas Matthews of Woodbury Creek, W. J., yeoman, to John Test, late of the same place, yeoman, for 100 acres^on the N. E. side of said creek, N. W. Wm. Salsbury, S. E. Wm. Higgins. 7 * 1686-7 March 19. Do. Andrew Robeson, Proprietary in West New Jersey, "to John Ashton of W. J., yeoman, for i8j acres, adjoining New town meadows and grantee. 8 1686 May 12. Do. Richard Lawrence to Richard Russell, both of the Lower Hooke, W. J., yeomen, for 250 acres, adjoining grantor. 10 1686 May 16. Edward Byllynge, Governour of W. J., by his attorney Thomas Matthewes of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Richard Lawrence of the Lower, Hook, same Co., gent., for 650 acres, the first dividend of fa of a share, to be taken up near said Lower Hook, front ing on Old Man's Creek, said Co. 12 1687 June 1. Do. Thomas Howell of W. J., planter, to Richard Wright of Cooper's Cr., W. J., planter, for 100 acres in Coopers Cr., be-- tween Francis Collins and grantee. 14 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. I. 649 1687 May 16. Do. Richard Lawrence of the Lower Hook, Glouces ter Go., gentleman, tp John Ladd of said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J. 16 and 17 1686 10th d. 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Edward Byllynge, Govr of W. J., by his attorney Thomas Matthewes of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Thomas Gardiner of Burlington, yeoman, for 1,150 acres, the first dividend of 7-32 of a share, to be surveyed in W. J. 20 1686 Nov. 12. Assignment. Thomas Gardiner to his son Thomas of Woodbury Creek, of the foregoing 1,150 acres. 22 1687 ist d. 10th m. (Dec). Deed. Thomas Sharp to William Bate, both of Newton, Gloucester Co., for 50 acres on Northside of the South branch of Cooper's Creek, adjoining grantee. 23 1687 ist d. 10th m. (Dec). Do. George Goldsmith to Stephen New- by, son and heir of Marke Newby dec'd, all of Newton, Gloucester Co., for 20 acres along Newton Creek, between Thomas Sharpe and Marke Newby. 25 1687 1st d. loth m. (Dec). Do. Francis Collins of Mountwell, Gloucester Co., gent., to George Goldsmith of Newton, said Co., yeoman, for 20 acres along "the line of the first general survey of Newton peoples land," between Benjamin Whitehead and Henry Stacy. 28 1687 Dec. 30. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to George Goldsmith (as above), for 100 acres, 80 thereof on Newton. Creek and the line of the first general survey of Newton; and 20 also on said creek between Tho: Sharpe, Marke Newby and George's Creek. 31 1687 Dec. 2. Do. Same to John Taylor of Gloucester Co., merchant, for 300 acres in said Co. in two lots, to wit: 200 a. on Pensawquin Creek, adjoining Tho: Prichard; 100 a. on Delaware R., between Christopher Sybthorp and John Taylor, formerly Richard Russell. 34 1687 1st d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Thomas Matthews to James Thomas, both of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 200 acres on the Southside of said creek, N. W. John Bethell, S. E. Tho. Hester. 37 1695 16th d. 2d m. (April). Do. William Cooper of Cooper's Point, -Co. of Gloucester, W. J., to his son Daniel Cooper, for a plantation of 114 acres on Delaware R., near said Point, bought of Wm. Roydon; also one-half of 430 a. on Cooper's Creek; 505 a. on the Northbranch of Coop er's Cr., adjoining Anthony Sharp; one-half of 300 a. to be surveyed on the South branch of Glocester River; one third of the meadow on Delaware R., near. Israel Helms'. 39 ' ' 1687 Ist d- 7th m- (Sept.). Do. John Browne, late of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., planter, to William Salsbury of the same place, carpenter, for 100 acres on said creek, N. W. Wm. Warner, S. E. John Test, lately grantor's. 4° 1687 March 8. Articles of agreement. Daniel Howell and Mordecai 650 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Howell, sons of Thomas Howell dec'd, about the division of the property left by their father. 42 1687--8 March 8. Bond. Daniel Howell to his brother Mordecai Howell, for observing the foregoing agreement. 44 1688 July 3, 10. Receipts. Same to same, for goods, chattels and money, due him under the agreement of March 8. 45 1688 3d d. 12th m. (Feb.). Deed. Joseph Pope of Burlington to. John Wood of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., both yeomen, for 140 acres, to be laid out in said Co. as belonging to 1-6 of a share bought of Tho: Hutcheson et al. May 25, 1677. 45 1686 20th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Edward Byllynge, Governour of W. J., by his attorney, Thomas Matthews of Woodbury Creek, to William Higgins of W. J., brickmaker, an indentured servant of said Govr Byl lynge, for 330 acres in W. J. 1 4g 1682 Sept. 22. Do. Edward Byllynge of London, gent:, to Joseph? Hunt gent: of Stratford upon Avon, William Hunt of Radway, yeoman, and William Walton of Oxhill, yeoman, all in Co. of Warwick, for i-io of a share of W. J. 52 and 53 1687 28th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Do. William Roydon of Gloucester Co., gentleman, to William Cooper of Pine Point, said Co., yeoman, for 900 acres in W. J. 56 1688 21st d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Robert Ewer, late of Highworth, ^Co. of Wilts, now of Philadelphia, merchant, to Jonathan Wood of Glou cester Co., W. J., weaver, for 1-25 of a share of W. J., bought with 2-25 more of Thomas Stanton of Vpton, Co. of Barks, England,.' malster 2, 1687. 59 and 61 1677 Nov. 12. Do. Richard Hunter of Dublin, Ireland, tanner, to Godfry Canterell of Rosenally, Queens Co., Ireland, yeoman, for fa of 1-10 of a share of W. J., bought of Wm. Penn et al. March I, 1676-7. 64 1682 May 22. Assignment. Godfrey Canterell lo William Albe'rson of the preceding. ' 65 1688 June 12. Deed. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Ladd of VV. J., yeoman, for 1-5 of fa or 1-20 of a share of W. J., ex cept 250 acres in the Third Tenth and the toyvnlots in Glouces ter. 66 and 67 1686-7 Jan- »¦ Power of attorney. Samuel Dennis of Cork, Ire land, merchant, to his brother John Dennis of the same place, joiner, as land agent for property jointly held in W. J. 71 1688 April 25. Substitution of attorney. John Dennis ,to Thomas Thackery of W. J. »l 1688-9 ist d. ist m. (March). Deed. William Roydon of Gloucester Co., gentleman, to James Atkinson of Newton, said Co., yeoman, for 300 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. I. 651 Page aci=es near or at the head of Gloucester River, adjoining Anthony Sharp. 72 - 1685 25th d. 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Robert Turner of iPhiladelphia, merchant, to Thomas Chaunders of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., smith, for 500 acres on said creek between grantee, formerly James Cooper's, and Mathew Burden on the S. E., Henry Wood and Win. Steele on the N. W. 74 1682 Sept. 21. Do. Edward Byllyng of Westminster, Co. of Middle sex, gent:, to James Cooper of Stratford upon Avon, Co. of Warwick, , shoemaker, for 50 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 77 and 79 1685 20th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Assignment. James Cooper (as above) to William Dilling of Philadelphia,, sadler, for the preceding 50 a. 80 . 1688 1st d. 2d m, (April). Deed. William Dilwyn of Philadelphia, sadler, to Thomas Chaunders of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., smith, for the preceding 50 acres, laid out on Cooper's Cr., N. W. grantee, S. E. Mathew Burden, S.- W. said creek, N. E. a branch thereof. 81 1688-9 1st d. 1st m. (March). Do. Daniel Howell, yeoman, to Moses Lakin, planter, both of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., for 42 acres at or near said creek, in two lots, to wit: 38.4 a., S. E. the late Thomas Howell, N. W. Mathew Burden, S. W. grantor; 3.6 a. nearer said creek, S. E. grantor, N. W.. said Burden. 83 1689 April 12. Do. Francis Collins of Mountwell, Gloucester Co., Esqre, to Thomas Shackle of said Co., planter, for g5 acres in said Co. W. William Cooper, N. John Willis, S. grantor; and 5 a. of meadow, E. of the g5 a. 87 1688 April 23. Do. John Dennis, late of Cork, Ireland, now of W. J., joiner, for himself and as attorney of his brother Samuel Dennis, to Christopher Sibthorpe of "Philadelphia, brasier, for 250 acres in Glou cester Co., on Delaware R. 89 and 9I 1688 Aug. 7. Do. Christopher Sibthorpe (as above) to Thomas Pep- pett of W. J., yeoman, son-in-law of Barbara Sibthorpe, grantor's de ceased wife, for 250 acres in W. J., on Delaware River. 94 and 96 1688 21st d. 8th m. "(Oct.). Do. Robert Ewer" of Philadelphia, mer chant, to John Ladd of Gloucester River, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 1-25 of a share of W. J. 97 and 99 1683 Nov. 21. Do. Thomas Matthews of Burlington, carpenter, to Henry Treadway of Red Banke, W. J., for 375 acres " vp by ye Creek be- , low ye aforesaid Red Bank." _ I02 «¦"¦• 1688 21st d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Robert Ewer of Philadelphia, mer chant, to Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., weaver, for 1-25 of a share of yi. t IP3 and 104 "1689 April 20. Do. William Roydon of Gloucester Co., gent:, to Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchant, for 50 acres in said Co., one (W NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. / Page end on Delaware R. over against Philadelphia, the- other adjoining Wm. Cooper, N. E. John Songhurst, S. W. Zachariah Whitpain, formerly grantor's. Ic,8 1687-8 rst d. ist m. (March). Order of Court, held at Gloucester, Francis Collins, Andrew Robeson, John Wood, Christopher Watkin and Samuel Spicer, Justices, appointing William Roydon as ferryman from the mouth of Cooper's and Newton Creeks to Philadelphia. no 1687 24th d. 3d m. (May). Deed. Samuel Coles of near Pensoakin, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Samuel Spicer of said Co., Esqre^for 350 acres in the same Co., adjoining Richard Herritage. in 1687 27th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. William Roydon of Gloucester Co., gentleman, to Samuel Spicer of Hopewell, said Co., Esqre, for 400 acres in W. J. H3 1688-9 25th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., weaver, to William Chester of Newton, said Co., planter, for 1 3-5 acres in the Town of Gloucester, part of 1-25 of a share of W. J. 116 and 117 1688 5th d. loth m. (Dec). Do. Same to John Ashbrook of Glou cester River, planter, for 100 acres to be surveyed in W. J., as part of I -25 of a share. 121 1686 1st d. 3d m. (May). Do. Thomas Matthews, yeoman, to John Bethell, miller, both of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., for 283 acres on the Southside of said creek, E. John Thomason, W. Henry Treadway;. also ifa a. of meadow on- the Northside of said creek,- adjoining Wm. Warner. 123 1688 15th d. loth m. (Dec). . Do. Joseph Browne of near Philadel phia, brickmaker, and Gervace Bywater of Philadelphia, husbandman, executors of the last will of Wm. Higgins of near Philadelphia, brick maker, dated May II last past, to Martin Holt of Great Manto Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., bricklayer, for 150 acres in W. J. 125 1688 8th d. 10th m. (Dec). Do. Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., weaver, to John Burroughs of Gloucester River, said Co., planter, for 100 acres in W. J., belonging to grantor as purchaser of 1-25 of a share bought of Robert Ewer 22d day 8th month (October) 1688. 128 1688-9 lst d. Ist m- (March). Do. John Ladd of Gloncester River to John Loyd of Steel's Branch near Gloucester R. for 100 acres in W. J., part of 1-25 of a.share bought of Robert Ewer October 22,' 1688. .132 1689 Sept. II. Do. Thomas Gardiner junior of near Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Peter Mattson of Little Manto Cr., said Co., yeoman, for 50 acres of the 1,150 a. tract bought by grantor's father of Thomas Matthews November 10, 1686 (supra, p. 20), and by him assigned to his son November 12. 136 1689 Aug. 2g. Do. Robert Turner of Sweadland, near Philadelphia, merchant, to Richard Herritage of Sutton New Garden, Gloucester Col, GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. I. 653 Page yeomarT, for 100 acres in said Co. j-^ 1690 July 17. Do. Thomas ' Sherman, late of Gloucester, now of Salem Co., W. J., husbandman, to Mordecai Howell of Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 8 acres in the liberty of Gloucester, in a branch of Timber Greek, between grantor, Wm. Roydon and Don Wood, bought of Wm. Chester February 12, 1689-90. 142 - 1689 April 24. Do. John Ladd of Gloucester River, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Nathaniel Ible of Philadelphia, innholder, for all the land be longing to 1-25 of a «hare in Gloucester townbounds. " 143 1688-9 2d d. ist m. (March.) Do. William Cooper of Pine Point, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Mathew Medcalfe of Gloucester, smith, for 2 acres in the town and 10 acres in the town bounds of said Gloucester, belonging to 1-20 of a share bought of John Thomson and wife Sarah No vember 10, 1682. 145 1688 Nov. 27. Power of attorney. Edmund Tompkins and wife Jane, of Radway, Co. of Warwick, to Richard Heritage of Sutton New Garden, Gloucester Co., W. J., to collect debts due by Joseph White' of N. J. 147 1688 Sept. 15. Do. John Willis alias Westbrook of Wantaige, Co. of Barks, England, yeoman, to his son aud heir John Willis alias Westbrook of Cooper's Creek, W. J., to take up and enter upon 2,000 acres in W. J., part of .his share. 149 Reversed Side. Accounts of Richard Floyd, Treasurer to the Corporation for New England, from August 22, 1650, to March 24, 1664-5. VOLUME C— GLOUCESTER DEEDS, No. 2. 1652-1664. Accounts for farm rents by the Mercers' Company of Lon don, for Woodhorne, Northumberland. x 1652-1664. Do. Do. by John May et al., Trustees of the Parish of Hampstead, Co. of Middlesex. 3 1652-1660. Do. " Do. payable out of the Prebend of Binchester. 5 1653-1660. Do. Do. by Anthony Cheston, tenant to the Manor of Erswell, Suffolk. 7^ 1653-1660. Do. Do. by John Geeson and Robert Crane, tenants of the Manor of Chamberlynes in Erswell, Suffolk. 9 ' 1655-1660. Do. Do. by John Littleton of Enfield, Dr. in Divinity. XI 1654-1660. Do. Do. by Peeter Heringhooke and John Godscall, tenants of. a house in Buckler's Bury, London. *3 654 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1654-1660. Do. Do. by Blunt Sadler and Richard Hansonn, ten ants of a house in Buckler's Bury, London. 15 1654-1660. Do. Do. by Richard Price, tenant of a house in Buck ler's Bury, London. 17 1655-1659. Do. Do. by John Powell, late tenant of a house at the West end -of Paules, London, given to this Corporation by Captain Caysh, and now occupied by Paule Sinderly of London, citizen and ? ig 1655— 1659. Do. Do. by Edward Barnard, tenant of a house in Trin ity Parish, London. 21 1657-1660. Do. Do. by Thomas Denham, tenant of the farm, called Suffolk Place, Co. of Kent, leased from Sir Robert Joslayne. 23 1701-2 Feb. 5. Deed. Francis Collins of Burlington,' gentleman, to Richard Grey of Newton, Gloucester Co., husbandman, for 117 acres on the Southside of and along Cooper's Creek, said Co., from the mouth of a small run to John Willis. 25 1701 Sept. 20. Do. John Brown of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., son and heir of John Brown of Upton on Gloucester River dec'd, to Arthur Powell of said Co., for 118 acres in several lots, to wit: 51 a., bought by the father of Israel Ward of said Upton January 9, 1698-g, of which 50 front the Southbranch of Gloucester R., adjoining Edward Wil-, Hams and I a. adjoins Joseph Tomlinson; 32 a., bought of Edw. Williams January g, i6g8-g, of which 30 front on said river, next to John Hedger, and 2 a. are part of an 8 a. lot, surveyed to said Williams; 35 a. bought of William Ward of Upton December g, i6g8, of which 25 are on the Southside of said South branch and 10 a. in the Cat taile meadow. 26 1701-2 March 2. Do. Thomas Kendall of Gloucester Co., brick- «- layer, as executor of John Cornish of Burlington dec'd, to Joseph Austell of Gloucester, gentleman, for 220 acres, part of the 2,000 acre tract bought by said Cornish of John Willis junior, attorney of his father, Feb ruary 15, i68g-90, John Willis senior having purchased- it from Edward' Bylling and Trustees March 27, 1682-3. 28 1701 Dec. 2. Do. Thomas Bull to George Brown alias Ward, both of Gloucester Co., husbandman, for a plantation of 250 a. at Upton, said Co., fronting on the Southside of the South branch of Gloucester River, bought of Isaac Pearson of Salem June 8, 1698. 29 1701 Dec. I. Do. Andrew Robeson of Greenwich, Gloucester Co., ^executor of the last will of Samuel Robeson of Philadelphia, gent:, dec'd, to Peter de Lachaumette of Barkley River, said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres . on the Northside of Barclay R".,, S. E. the Beaver-Branch of said river, N. W. Daniel Lindsey, part of a share of W. J., sold by Edw. Bylling and Trustees to Andrew Robeson, father of said Samuel, March I, 1676-7. 3I 1689 Sept. 7. Do. William Salsbury of Gloucester, carpenter, to GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 2. fire Page Jonathan Waynwright of Woodbury Creek, shoemaker, for 100 acres on said creek, N. W. William Warner, S. E. John Test, lately John Browne. 32 1677 Aug. 31. Do. Benjamin Bartlett of Westminster, Co. of Mid dlesex, gentleman, to Thomas Howell of Harleston, Co. of Stafford, yeo man, for fa of fa of a share of W. J. 33 and 35 1689-90 Feb. 12. Do. William Chesler, planter, to Thomas Sher man, carpenter, both of Newton, Gloucester Co., for 1 3-5 acres in the town of Gloucester and 8 a. in townbounds, belonging to 1-25 of a share bought of Joseph Wood January 26, 1688-9. 38 1689 June 20. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Walker of Old Markett, Gloucester Co., joiner, for 100 acres, ^part of fa of a share bought of James Graham of New York, April 12, 1684. 40 1689 April 3. Do. Henry Beal of Bradley, Co. of Stafford, maulster, to Mordecai Howell of Tamworth, Co. of Warwick, gent:, for fa ol a share of W. J. 42 1689- April 4. Bond. Same to same, for the proper observance of the foregoing conveyance. 45 1681 Dec. 24. Deed. Edward Byllynge of London, gent:, to John Bissell of Loxley, Co. of Warwick, gent:, for 1-20 of a share of W. J. 46 1689-go 1st d. ist m. (March). Do. - Robert Zane of Newton, Glou cester Co., yeoman, to Mathew Medcalfe of Gloucester, blacksmith, for 2 acres in Gloucester and 10 a. in townbounds, part of 1-20 of a share. 48 1689-90 1st d. ist m. (March). Do. Jonathan Wood of Gloucester Co., weaver, to Mathew Medcalfe (as above), for 1 3-5 acres in Gloucester - »and 8 a. in townbounds, part of 1-25 a share bought of Robert Ewer Octo ber 22, 1688^ 5° 1689 Sept. 14: Do. Jonathan Waynewright, shoemaker, to John Tatum, carpenter, both of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., for half of the 100 acre lot on said creek bought of Wm. Salsbury September 7 last (supra p. 32). 52 1689 June 10. Do. Andrew. Robeson of W. J., proprietor, to John Parker, late of' Road Island, yeoman, for 500 acres on Great Mantoes Creek, Gloucester Co. ^ 54 1689 Oct. 11. Do. Thomas Gardiner, administrator of Thomas Mat thewes of Woodbury Creek dec'd, to Samuel Harrison of near Gloucester, mariner, for 1-20 of a share, part of f bought by said Matthewes of Edw. Byllynge et al. November 15, 1681. 4 55 -¦:.' 1688-9 20th d. ist m. (March). Do. Robert^Turner of Philadel phia, merchant, to John Burroughs of Gloucester Co., planter, for 100 acres in W. J., part of fa of a share bought of James Grayham April 12, 1684. 57 656 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i68g-go_Feb. 1. Do. John Parker to Robert Parker, both of W J., yeomen, for 140 acres on Great Mantow Creek, in Gloucester Co., S. pf grantor's 500 a. lot. 59 1688-9 4th d. ist m. (March). Warrant. John Reading, Commis sioner, to Andrew Robeson, Surveyor General of West Jersey, to lay out 500 acres on Cooper's Creek, for Thomas Chaunders, already settled by him. 61 1689 4th d. 3d m. (May). Return of survey by Thomas Sharp of 500 acres for Thomas Chaunders, on Cooper's Creek, between Henry Wood, John Ithell in Steels Bay and Matthew Burden. 61 1687-8 March 12. Deed. Daniel Howell, son and heir apparent of Thomas Howell of W. J. dec'd, to Mordecai Howell, for 250 acres on Cooper's Creek, adjoining Richard Wright and Francis Collins. 62 1688 July 1. Do. Mordecai Howell, executor of the last will of his father Thomas Howell, to Daniel Howell, all of Cooper's. Creek, Glou cester Co., for fa ot a share of W. J., excepting Ihe preceding 250 acres and 100 a. on the creek laid out for Richard Wright. 64 1690 June 2. Do. Daniel Howell, late of W. J., now of Philadel phia, yeoman, to Daniel Pegg of Hartsfield near Philadelphia, brick maker, for 300 acres in W. J. 65 and 66 1684 May 19. Do. Edward Byllynge of London to Richard Herrit age of Brayles, Co. of Warwick, carpenter, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 69 and 70 168S March 28. Do. Thomas Scholey of Ony-onickhon, W. J., hus bandman, to Nicholas Young, late of Burlington, sawyer, formerly ser vant of Roger Hawkemgs of Penna., whose estate said Scholey bought, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 71 1690 June 24. Recantation by Samuel Taylor of Gloucester River, W. J., sawyer, of calumnies told about John Ladd of that place, and wife - Sarah. 72 1689 loth d. 7th m. (Sept.). Deed. James Read of Muscle Criple in White Clay Creek, Co. of New Castle, Penna., yeoman, and wife Sara, ex ecutrix of the last will of her former husband, John Smith, dec'd, to Chris topher Watkins of the Lower Hook, Gloucester Co., gentleman, for 300 acres in W. J., bought by said John Smith of Edw. Byllyng et al. March 2, 1676-7. 73 1689-90 Feb. 10. Do. Robert Turner of Sweadland near Philadel phia, merchant, to Thomas ffairman of near Philadelphia, merchant, for 1,000 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 75 1690 Aug. 29. Do. Robert Ewer of Philadelphia, merchant, to Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, for fa of a share of W.J. 77 and 78 1690 Aug. 30. BondV Same to same, for the faithful observance pf GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 2. 657 Page foregoing conveyance. 81 1689-90 March 4. Deed. John Ladd of Gloucester River, Glouces ter Co., yeoman, to Jacob Cozens of said Co., serge weaver, for Cifa acres, to be surveyed in W. J., as part of 1-25 of a share. 82 1688 Dec. 25. Do. Same to Jonathan Wood of Gloucester Co.,. weaver, for fa of 1-20 of a share of W. J., bought of Robert Turner, ex cept one half of 250 acres in said Co. and of the town and town bounds loi in Gloucester. 83 1688-9 March 1. Do. Same to John Browne of Vper Red Bank, Gloucester Co;, and wife Ann, for the land belonging to the second divi dend of J of 1-20 of a share, or 120 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 86 1688-9 7th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Same to James Whiteall of Glou cester R., planter, for 100 acres in W. J. 88 1689 May 3. Do. Robert Turner, merchant, to Isaac Pearson, smith, both of Philadelphia, for 200 acres in Gloucester Co., W. J., on the South branch of Gloucester River. 91 1688 Nov. 30. Do. Same to Joseph Wood of W. J., yeoman, for 190 acres with allowance for Saleni highway and 10 a. of meadow S. W. of it, along Timber Creek. (Lease and Release.) 92 1690 Sept. 2. Do. Robert Stiles ot Crapwell River, Burlington Co., yeoman, tb" Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 50 acres on Cooper's Cr.,-' adjoining grantee, half of the lot bequeathed by Thomas Howell dec'd, to his daughter Priscilla, wife of said Stiles. 94 l68g-go Jan. 22. Do. Daniel Howell of Cooper's Cr., Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Isaac Pearson of Gloucester River, -said Co., smith, for 50 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 95 1689-go Jan. 22. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the foregoing conveyance. 9^ 1686 May 12. Deed. Richard Lawrence of the Lower Hook, W. J., yeoman, to John Test of Red Bank Creek, W. J., yeoman, for 150 acres on the Northside of -Long Harry's or Red Bank Cr., along a small run. g7 l68g 18th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Joseph Browne of near Philadel phia, brickmaker, and Gervace (Jarvis) Bywater of Philadelphia, hus bandman, executors of Wm. Higgins of near Philadelphia, brickmaker, dec'd, to John Test of the same place, inn holder, for 80 acres on Wood bury Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., S. E. grantee, N. W. John Browne, "lately grantee's. I0° 1689-90 Jan. 17. Do. John Willis senior of Wantage, Co. of Berks, England, yeoman, by his son and attorney, John Willis junior of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., to John Test of Philadelphia, innholder, for 100 acres on Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., S. E. Wm. Warner, N. W. the Hors-shoe branch of said creek. -• ¦ IM 67 658 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690 Sept. 20. Do. Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., yeoman, to John Test (as above), for 54 acres in W. J., part of his fa of -^ share bought of Robert Ewer August 30, 1690. 102 1690 May 1. Do. Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to George Goldsmith of Newton Cr., same Co., yeoman, for 200 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. as part of fa ot a share bought of Henry- Beal of Bradly, Co. of Stafford,, England, April 4, l68g. 104 i6go Sept. 1. Do. Joseph Wood, yeoman, to Joseph Tomlinson, husbandman, both of Gloucester Co., for II2£ acres in W. J., part of the fa of a share bought of Robert Ewer. 105 and 106 l6go Sept. 2. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of foregoing conveyance. 107 l6go Oct. 31. Deed. Daniel Howell, late of Cooper's Creek, Glou cester Co., now of Philadelphia, eldest son of Thomas Howell of said creek, dec'd, to John Kay of Darley, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 200 acres to be surveyed in W. J. as part pf fa of a share bought of, Mordecai How ell, executor of said Thomas. 108 l6go Nov. 4. Do. William Salsbury, late of Gloucester, W. J., now of Philadelphia, carpenter, to Daniel Reading of Gloucester River, Esqrs, for a lot in Gloucester, 20 yards wide, 66 yards long, N. E. a lot adjoining Widow Bull, S. E. back lots, S. W. grantee, N. W. Water St. and Dela ware R., bought of John Reading January 20, 1688-g. no l68g Sept. 1. Do. William Roydon of Pine Point, Gloucester Co., gent-, to Daniel Reading (as above), for a lot in Gloucester, 20 yards wide, 66 long, to be surveyed according to law. in i68g-go Jan. 16. Do. Same to William Cooper of Pine iPoint, yeo man, for 78 acres in Gloucester Co., on Delaware R., one end right over against Philadelphia, the other adjoining grantee, S. W. Zachariah Whit paine, N. grantee; also 50 a. next to said Whitpaine, bought of Samuel Carpenter December 12, i68g. 112 1689-90 Jan. 18. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance. of the foregoing conveyance. _ 114 1691 April 30. Do. Daniel Howell, .son and heir of Thomas Howell dec'd, and Mordecai Howell, executor of said Thomas, to John Wright of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., son and heir of Richard Wright of the same place, dec'd, for iod acres in Gloucester Co., part of fa of a share bought by Tho: Howell of Benj. Bartlett September 1, 1677, on a branch of Cooper's Creek, adjoining Francis Collins. 115 1690 April 13. Bond. John Wright to Mordecai Howell, both of Cooper's Creek, to hold him harmless in the Court of Justices of ihe Peace, Francis Collins and John Wood, concerning an obligation. 116 1691 April 13. Do. Same to Thomas Chaunders of the same place, as the preceding. 117 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 2. 659 Page 1691 April 30. . Articles of agreement. Constance Wright, widow of Richard Wright, with John Wright, son and administrator of said Rich ard, concerning the division of the property. 117 and ng .1691 April 30. Bond. John Wright to his mother Constance Wright, for the faithful observance of the foregoing agreement. 118 1691 April 30. Do. Constance Wright to her son John -Wright, as the preceding. ng 1691 April 30. Do. John Wright to his eldest sister Sarah Wright, spinster, for the payment of £12. 120 1691 April 30. Release. Sarah Wright of Cooper's Creek, spinster, to her brother John Wright, of all claims upon the estate of their father Richard Wright. 120 1691 April 30. The same bond and release to and from Hannah, the youngest daughter of Richard Wright. 121 i6gi May 18. Deed. Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, Glouces ter Co., yeoman, to Samuel ffurnis of Burlington, saddler, for 200 acres, to be surveyed' as part of fa of a share bought of Henry Beale. 121- 1691 July 21. Do. Robert Turner of Sweadland, near Philadelphia, merchant, to Thomas Chaunders of Sealsgreen, Gloucester Co., W. J., yeoman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J., as part of his fa of a share. 123 1691 Aug. 3. Return of survey by John Reading, Deputy Surveyor for the seacoast, of the foregoing loo acres with 5 a. highway allowance, at Mullbery Point, near Great Egg Harbour, on Poquessute or Chaunders Creek. 124 1688 20th d. 2d m., (April). Deed. Andrew Robeson of Clonmel, Gloucester Co., W. J., Esqre, to Joshua Lord of said Co., carpenter, for 200 acresin W. J., to be surveyed as part of one share. 124 i6go Sept. 2. John Ladd of Gloucester River, Gloucester Co., yeo man, to Joseph Tomlinson of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J., part of ihe 300 a. lot bought of Cornelius Empson February 21, i689r90. 125 1691 1st d. 4th m. (June). Do. Francis Collins of Mount-well, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Thomas Atkinson, late of the same place, bricklayer, for 157 acres in said Co., on the South branch of Cooper's Creek, N. E. Wm. Bate, E, John Martin. 126 1691 June 16. Do. Same to Simeon Ellis of Gloucester Co., cloth ier, for 200 acres, S. W. the North branch of Cooper's Cr., S. E. John Kay, N. E. unsurveyed land, N. W. Francis or Margaret Collins. 127 ¦$£1690-1 March 21. Do. Thomas Sharp of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Samuel Harrison of Gloucester, mariner, for ifa acre in Glou cester and 6| a. in town bounds, belonging to 1-30 of a share. 128 660 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1690-1 March 21. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the foregoing conveyance. 131 1687-4 24th d. ist. m. (March). Deed. Robert Turner of Philadel phia, merchant, to William Bate of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 350 acres at the head of a small branch of Cooper's Creek, in Gloucester Co., adjoining John Willis. 131 l6g2 Aug. 30. Do. Thomas Chaunders, late of West Jersey, now of Philadelphia, smith, to Arthur Powell of Penapecca Creek, Philadelphia Co., Penna., yeoman, for 100 acres at Mullberry Point (supra, pp. 123 and 124). 133 l6g2 Aug. 30. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to Arthur Powell (as above), for 100 acres on the sea- coast near Great Egge Harbour. 134 i6g2 Sept. 20. Do. Jonathan Wood junior of Wood-bury Creek, Gloucester Co., executor to Joseph Wood of the same place, dec'd, and Jonathan Wood senior, father and guardian of the first, to Thomas Nor- rice of Vpton on Gloucester River, planter, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 136 l6g2 Sept. 2g. Do. Daniel Howell of Hartsfield near Philadelphia, yeoman, to Daniel Pegge of the same place, brickmaker, for go acres, to be surveyed in W. J.-as part of the 400 a. lot bought of Mordecai Howell June 5, i6go. 138 i6gi-2 Feb. 1. Do. Daniel Howell, late of Cooper's Creek, now of near Philadelphia, son and heir of Thomas Howell of the said creek, dec'd, to his brother Mordecai Howell of the same place, executor of their father's last will, for 430 acres on the N. E. side of Cooper's Cr., S. E. John Wright and Francis Collins, N. E. Henry Wood and , N. W. Moses Lakin and Katharine Howell, S. W. said creek, called Line- well.' 140 l6g2 May 28. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to Samuel Harrison of Gloucester, mariner, (incomplete). 142 l6g6-7 March 1. Do. John. Reading of Gloucester, Gloucester Co.,, yeoman, to Harmanus Helme of said Co., husbandman, for 200 acres in W. J. I43 1700 Oct. 1. Do. Richard Herritage of Sutton New Garden, Glou cester Co., yeoman, to William Mattlock of Cropwell, W. J., yeoman, for g40 acres on the Southbranch of Cooper's Creek, N. and N. W. lately John Willis, now John Haddon, Mordecai Howell, Zachariah Prickett, lately John Bissell's; 7go a. thereof bought of John Sibley and wife, Katharine of Philadelphia June 1, 1696, as part of 6-25 of a share of W. J., devised to said Katharine by her former husband Isaac Martin; 130 a. bought of John Reading February I, 1695-6, being part of 350 a. purchased by said Reading as the land belonging to fa ol a share, from Maurice Trent of GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 2. 66l Page Penna., mariner,1 as attorney for his uncle Maurice Trent of Leith, Scot land, merchant; 20 a. bought of James Atkinson of W. J., yeoman, June 15. I7°3- , x43 1692 April 12.. Do. William Lovejoy of Gloucester Co., carpenter, to Jaines Atkinson of Newton, said Co., yeoman, for 100 acres to be sur veyed in W. J., bought of John Skeine (Skiene) of Peachfield, Burlington Co., January 6, 1 688-9. r46 1692-3 March I. Do. Robert Turner of Sweadland, near Philadel phia, merchant, to Samuel Tombs of Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. 147 1692 Oct. 29. Do. Andrew Robeson of Philadelphia, Esqre, to Richard Lawrence of- the Lower Hook, Gloucester Co., gentleman, for 150 acres in said Co., on Old Mans or Barkly Creek, S. E. Daniel Lindsy, N. grantee. J49 1690-1 March 2. Do. Joseph Wood of Gloucester Co., yeoman, to William Chester of Newton, said Co., planter, for 71 acres, E. grantee, S. the North branch of Gloucester River, W. Samuel Taylor. 150 l68g Nov. 30. Do. Same to same for 95 acres in Gloucester Co., E. John Hugge, S. the North branch of Gloucester R., W. grantor. 152 1693 June 3. Do. John Test of Philadelphia, inn holder, to John Healy of Jamaica " in ye parts of America," mariner, for 484 acres, on the Northside of Woodbury Creek, in two lots: 384 a. on said creek, S. E. Jonathan Wood, N. W. John Tatum; 100 a. lower down on the same creek, S. E. William Warner, N. W. the Horse shoe Branch of said creek. J54 1693 June 3. Do. Tbjsmas Gardiner of Grovely, Gloucester Co., ad ministrator of Thomas Matthews dec'd, to John Healy of the Island of Jamaica, mariner, for 12 acres in W. J., part of f of a share bought by said Matthews of Edw. Byllynge et al. November 15, 168 1. 158 1689-90 March 13. Do. Robert Turner, merchant, to Edward Smout, sawyer, both of Philadelphia, for 446 acres to be surveyed in W. J. l6° 1693 Nov. 18. Do. John Bethell, late of W. J.7 now of Sculkill, Penna., miller, to Thomas Nickson of New Castle Co., Penna., husband man, for 183 acres on the Southside of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., E. James Thomas, W. Elthew Cprnocks, N. said creek; also-i£ a. of meadow, adjoining William Warner. Ib2 1693 Dec. 3.1. Do. Thomas Gardiner of Grovely, Gloucester Co., administrator of Tho: Matthews dec'd, to Hugh Durborrow, sawyer, Dan iel Standish, bricklayer, and Daniel Radley, sawyer, all of Philadelphia, for 355 acres in Gloucester Co., N. William Steel, S. John and Samuel Dennis, E. the South branch of Gloucester River. I65 K< -1692-3 March 24. Do. "William Lovejoy of Gloucester Co., yeoman, %i" - . 662 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page lo John Martin of Philadelphia, tailor, for 150 acres in Gloucester Co., on the South branch of Cooper's Creek, S. grantee. 168 1693-4 March I. Do. Thomas Thackera of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to James Graisberry of the same place, shipwright, for 200 acres _ in said Co., on the Northside and along Gloucester River, E. John Ash- brook, W. Anthony Sharp. 17* 1693 April 15. Do. John Burroughs of Gloucester Co., weaver, to Thomas Thackera (as above), for the preceding 200 acres. 172 1696 May 12. Do. Joseph, Benjamin and James Graisberry, late of the Island of Bermudoes, now of Philadelphia, shipwrights, to John Wil lis of Philadelphia, ship wright, for 50 acres on Newton Creek, Glouces ter Co., between Samuel Stacy and Francis Collins, part of a 500 a. lot on the S. E. side of and along said creek, S. W. Wm. Bate and Archibald Mickell, N. E. Samuel Stacy, S. E. Francis Collins, bought by grantors of Robert Turner November 5, 1693. 174 1694 Aug. 3. Letter. Timothy Forbes of Burlington to Thomas Gardiner concerning a sale of 50 acres to Wm. Lovejoy, with affidavit of Joseph Hutcheson, made at Philadelphia February 1, 1695-6, that he was present when said Forbes sold the land to Lovejoy at the hotrse of Rich ard Basnett. 176 1699 Oct. 3. Will of Peter Mattson alias Dalbo of Little Mantus Creek, W. J., written and translated from the Swedish by Andrew Rud- man, Minister at Wicacoe. Wife Kathrine; sons — Peter, .Mathias, Jacob, John, daughters Elizabeth, Kathrine, Mary, Margrett, Bridgett. Legacy to Wicacoe Church. Real estate and personal property. Witnesses — ; Andrew Rudman, Andrew Bankson, Woolla Dalbo. Proved September I, 1 701. 1700 Sept. 24. Sheriff's Sale. Matthew Medcalfe, High Sheriff of Gloucester Co., to Nathaniel Westland of Burlington, for 500 acres on the Southside of Great Mantus Creek and tbe upper side of Dedford Creek, formerly owned by "John Clark of London, brewer, judgment debtor of said Westland. 1 LIBER G— GLOUCESTER DEEDS, No. 3. Pages I and 2 missing. 1693-4 March 23. Deed. Mordecai Howell, yeoman, to Aaron Bez- wick, planter, both of Livewell, Gloucester Co., for 300 acres, called Christianity, near the head of the South branch of Cooper's Creek- in said Co. -2 1693-4 Nov. 5. Do. Same to John Wright of Gloucester Co., yeo- GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 663 man, for 23 acres near grantee's dwellinghouse, on Cooper's Cr. between grantor and grantee. « 5 1691 May 20. Bond. Thomas Smith of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., East Jersey, to Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Cr., Gloucester Co., W. J.., for the payment of £15 current silver money. y 1693 Nov. 5. Assignment of the preceding bond by Mordecai Howell to John Wrighi. y 1692-3 March 24. Deed. Mordecay Howell, yeoman, to John Shiv ers, butcher, both of Livewell, Gloucester Co., for 100 acres in said Co., on the Millbranch, adjoining John Wright; also a piece of meadow, 4 a., called the Horseshoe, adjoining grantor on Cooper's Cr. 8 1690 2d d. 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Thomas Sherman of near Glouces ter, carpenter, to Thomas Thackera of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for all the land belonging to 1-25 of a share, i. e. 1 3-5 acres in Glouces ter, bought of Wm. Chester February 12, 1689-90. 11 1693 Nov. 5. Do. John Wright to Mordecai Howell, both of Coop er's Cr., Gloucester Co., yeomen, for the vyaterrights for a cornmill on a branch of Cooper's Cr., running through grantor's land. 13 1691 June 2. Do. Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to John Driver of Red Bank, same Co., yeoman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed in W. J., as part of fa ot a share bought of Henry Beal April 4, l68g. . 15 1693 July 2g. Do. Kathrine Howell of Philadelphia, widow of Thomas Howell, to Henry Johnson, late of Cape May, now of Philadel phia, mariner, for a house and lot of 88 acres on Cooper's Creek, Glou cester Co., adjoining Moses Lakin. 17 1690 Sept. 29. Do. Daniel Howell of near Philadelphia, son and heir of Thomas Howell of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., dec'd, to Katharine, widow of said Thomas Howell, for the preceding 88 acres. 20 1694 Aug. 29. Do. Robert Turner, merchant, and John Linck, ship carpenter, to John Colley, hatmaker, and wife Susannah, all of Philadel phia, for 100 acres in Gloucester Co., W. J., on Cooper's Creek, W. Rob ert Turner, E. Joshua and Abraham Carpenter, formerly in the possession of Tunis Finch* 22 1693 Oct. 7. Do. Andrew Robeson of Philadelphia, EsqW, to An drew Robeson junior of Gloucester Co., W. J., Esqre, for Raccoon Island, at the mouth of Raccoon Creek, .65 acres. 25 1694 ist d. 8th m. (Oct.). Do. George Hutcheson of Burlington, distiller, to Thomas Nixson of Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 50 acres, for merly sold by grantor to John Bethell October 6, 1692, and reconveyed to him by said Bethell July, 11, 1694. 26 1687 ist d. 9th m. (Nov.). Do. John Reading, yeoman, to Matthew 664 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Medcalf, blacksmith, both of Gloucester, for 250 acres in W. J. ^27 1689 June 10. Do. Robert Zane of Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Matthew Medcalfe (as above), for 6 acres in the Town of Gloucester and 30 a. in town bounds, all the land belonging to 3-20 of a share. 29 1690-1 March 3. Do. Andrew Robeson of Clonmell, W. J., Esqre, to Matthew Medcalf of Gloucester, for 40 acres or all the land belonging to one full share in the Township of Gloucester, excepting the two middle most divisions, on High St. 31 1695 April 3. Do. John Reading of Gloucester, yeoman, to George Goldsmith of Newton Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 10 acres within the bounds of the Town of Gloucester, . belonging to 1-20 of a share, bought of Thomas' Thackera May 20, 1691. 33 1693-4 March 1. Do. Jaines Whiteall of Vpton on Gloucester' River, yeoman, to Israel Ward, late of Long Island, husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J., bought of Henry Johnson and wife Miriam Aug. 12, 1693. 34 1681 Nov. 30. Do. Anthony Sharp, merchant, to Thomas Sharp, woolstead comber, both of Dublin, Ireland, for 1-30 of a share of W. J., being fa oi 1-10 of i-go. 36 1694-5 Jan. 10. Do. Isaac Wood flf Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to James Whiteall of Vpton on Gloucester River, said Co., yeoman, for "one two" parts of fa of a share bought by Joseph Wood of Robert Ewer August 30, 1690, bequeathed to his brother Jonathan, from whom it descended to the next brother, the present grantor. 39 1694-5 March 12. Do. George Goldsmith of near Newton, Glouces ter Co., yeoman, to Nicholas Smith of the same place, tailor, for 24 acres in said Co., on the North branch of Newton Creek, between John Willis and Richard Matthews. 41 1695 May 1. Do. William Chester of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., husbandman, to John Ireson and Thomas Gibson, both of said Co., husbandmen, for 166 acres in said Co., on the North branch of Gloucester River, E. John Hugg, W. Samuel Taylor. 42 1686 ist d. 4th in. (June). Do. John Bethell, miller, to Elthew Cor- nok, spinster, both of Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., for loo acres on Southside of and along Woodbury Creek, between grantor on the E., Henry Tread way on the W., part of 283 acres bought of Thomas Mat thews May 1, ,1686. 45 1695 July 5. Do. Thomas Gardiner of Grovely, Gloucester Co., as administrator of Thomas Matthews dec'd, to Edward Smout of Philadel phia, for "ye Just Right full proportion and quantity of Land," belong ing to f of a share of W. J. in the town bounds of Gloucester, or 75 acres, except the full proportion belonging to 1-20 of a share or 10 a. in the same limits, formerly sold by said Gardiner to Samuel Harrison.- 46 1694-5 Feb. 18. Do. Same to Edward Williams of Vpton on Glou- GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 665 •cester River, husbandman, for 100 acres, to be surveyed as part of Mat thews' f of a share. ^g 1695 April 1. Do. Isaac Hollingam of near Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to Thomas Thackera of said Newton, yeoman, for 200 acres in said Co., on Cooper's Creek, a small run and Newton Cr., adjoining grantee and Robert Zane. c0 1695 Nov. 30. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to John Sommers (Somers) of W. J., husbandman, for 1,500 acres on the Sound, N. E. of Great Egge- Harbour, N. E. James Steelman, N. W. Patconck Creek, S. W. the Bay, S. E. the Sound; also 800 acres betwgen Patcpnck Cr. and Bass River, N. a branch of Patconck Cr., S. the Bay; and 700 a. on the Sound side of Great Egg. Harbour between Peter Cow- onover and Patconck Creek (now in Atlantic Co.). 52 1695 Nov. 30. Do. Same to Jonathan Adams of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 200 acres at Great Egg Harbour, between John Skull and Patconck Cr. 55 1695 Nov. 29. Do. Same to John Skull, late of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 250 acres at Great Egg Harbour, in two lots, one between the marsh next to the Sound, Peter Cowanover and Patconck Creek, the other between said marsh, Jonas Valentine and Patconck Cr. 56 1695 Nov. 2g. Do Same to Jonas Valentine, late, of Long Island, N. Y., for 100 acres at Great Egg Harbour, between Jonathan Adams^ Pat conck Cr. and the marsh next to the Sound. 57 l6g5 Nov. 29. Do. Same to Peter Cowanover, late of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 250 acres at Great Egg Harbour in two lots, one be tween the Sound, the marsh, John Gilbert and Patconck Cr., the other between the marsh next to the Sound, John Skull and said creek. 59 1695 Nov. 29. Do. Same to John Gilbert senior of Bucks Co., yeo man, for 100 acres at Great Egg Harbour, between the marsh next to the Sound, Peter Cowanover, Patconck Creek, James Steelman and the Sound. 60 1695 July 10. Do. Daniel Pegg of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, to Thomas WiUard of Gloucester Co., yeoman, for 200 acres in Gloucester Co., on Delaware R. and a small creek, adjoining Samuel Jenings, bought of Daniel Howell June 2, 169- 61 1695-6 Feb. 10. Do. John Reading of Gloucester, yeoman, to Ed ward Smout of Philadelphia, yeoman, for 54 acres in W. J., part of fa ot a share bought of Maurice Trent January 20 last. 63 1695-6 Feb. 1. Do. Same to Matthew Prichard of Gloucester Co., shoemaker, for 150 acres in W. J., part of fa of a share (as above). 65 1695-6 Jan. 13. Do. George Goldsmith of near Newton, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to- John Ireson of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres near the head of Newton Creek, S. E. Samuel, late Henry, Stacy, 8. W. the 666 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page North branch of said creek, N. W. Isaac Hollingam, N. E. John Willis, 80 a. thereof bought of Robert Turner November 30, 1687, 20 a. of Fran cis Collins December I, 1687. 67 1695-6 Jan. 13. Do. Same to same, for his right, title, &c. in and to 83 acres near the head of Newton Creek, part of a lot of 107 a., of which grantor sold 24 a. to Nicholas Smith March 12, 1694, and which 107 a. were surveyed to grantor by an order of the Council of Proprietors as sur plusage for fa of a share bought of Mordecai Howell May I, 1690. 69 l6g5-6 Jan. 13. , Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the preceding deed. 71 i6g5-6 Jan. 6. Deed. Elias Hugg of Glocester River, Glocester Co., yeoman, and wife Margrett to Simeon Ellis of Cooper's Creek, same Co., yeoman, for 400 acres at Holly brook, said Co., S. W. Cooper's Creek, N. W. a branch thereof, Wm. Cooper and Tho. Shackle, S. E. grantee, N. E. John Willis; the tract having formerly been conveyed by Francis Collins, father of said Margrett Hugg, to Samuel Jenings and Robert Dimsdale as Trustees for said Margrett, April 5, 1687. 71 l6g5~6 Jan. 6. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the foregoing deed. 74 l6g5-6 Feb. 1. Deed. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Richard Heritage of Sutton New Garden, Glocester Co., yeoman, for 350 acres in W. J., part of fa of a share bought of Maurice Trent January 20, 1695. 74 1685 Dec. 22. Do. Samuel Jennings of GreenhiU, W. J., yeoman, and Thomas Budd. of Burlington, merchant, as Commissioners of the Gen eral Assembly for the sale of land in the six Lower Tenths, to Richard Ar- noll of W. J., yeoman, for 200 acres on Delaware River, including an Indian field. 76 1681 July 2. Do. Edward Byllyng, Gawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas to Maurice Trent of Leith, Scotland, merchant, and Hector Allen of Prestonpans, Scotland, mariner, for one full share" of W. J. 77 1695 April 22. Power of attorney. Maurice Trent of Leith, Scot- | land, merchant, to his nephew Maurice Trent of Pennsilvania, merchant, as agent for the sale of fa of a share of W. J. 88 1695 Dec. 3. Deed. Thomas Budd, of Philadelphia, merchant, to William Chester of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J. 8g 1695 Dec. 3. Do. Same to Richard Lord of Woodb.ury Cr., Gloces ter Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J. 91 l6gi June 15. Do. Richard Matthews of London, citizen and mer chant, by his attorney Elias ffarr of near Burlington, to William Lovejoy of Glocester Co., blacksmith, for 100 acres in said Co., between Cooper's Creek and Francis Collins. 93 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 667 Page 1695 Dec. 3. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, for 200 acres, called Mount Eagle, on the coast, near Great Egge Harbour, E. Apsecom Creek alias Reading River, S. the Sound or mouth of said creek. g4 1696 March 28. Do. Nathaniel Zane of Newton, Glocester Co., yeoman, to Simeon Ellis of said Co., yeoman, for 200 acres in W. J., part of a 500 a. lot inherited from his father Robert Zane, who bought it as 1-5 of a share from Edward Byllyng et al. April 13, 1677. g6 1682 March 27. Do. Edward Byllyng, Gawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas to Thomas Crouch of Agmonsham or Ammersham,! Co. of Bucks, maulster, Thomas ffarre of the same place, tailor, Thomas Hester of Mar tini in 'ye ffields, Co. of Middlesex, bricklayer, John Willis of Charloe, Co. of Bucks, maulster, Thomas Stanton of Upton, Co. of .Berks, maulster, and Isaac Martin of London, grocer, for one full share of West Jer sey. 98 1695 Sept. 29. Do. Robert Stacy of Philadelphia, tanner, to John ,, Hugg junior of Glocester Co., Esqre, for 200 acres in W. J., part of 1-6 of a share bought of Mahlon Stacy January 29, 1677-8. 108 1696 April 10. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to John Hiigg junior (as above), for 200 acres in W. J., part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of James Read February 24, 1695-6. 110 , 1695-6 March 1. Do. John -Ladd of Gloucester Co., yeoman, to John Hugge junior (as above), for 100 acres in W. J., part of 1-16 of a share bought of Maurice Trent January 20, 1695-6. 112 1695-6 Feb. 17. Do. Thomas Gardiner, as heir at law and admin istrator of Thomas Matthews dec'd, to John Hugge junior of Plain Hope, Glocester Co., Esqre, for 250 acres in W. J., part of f of a share bought by said Matthews of Edward Byllyng et al. November 15, 1681. 114 1694 Aug. Ib. Do. George fforman of Chester Co., Penna., mer chant, and wife Helen, Jasper Yeates of the same Co., merchant, and wife Cathrine, Maurice Trent of the same Co., mariner, and wife Mary, all daughters" of James Sandilaiid of the said Co., merchant, dec'd, to Charles CrosStwhyat of — — ' in the Colony of New England, weaver, for 230 acres in W. J., pn Delaware R., over against Tinicum Island. 117 1695 6 Jan. 21. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Thomas Stevens of Vpton on Glocester Riyer, carpenter, for 100 acres in V?. J.,- part of fa of a share bought of Maurice Trent January 20 last. 120 «""">, 1697 Aug. 7. Do. Mordecai Howel of Christianity, Glocester Co., ; jeoman, to Henry ffranklin of New Yprk City, bricklayer, for a planta tion in Glocester Co., called Livewell, on the Northside of Cooper's Creek, along Mill Creek, between John Wright, John Chivers, Henry l. Agmbndesham, i. e., "Aegmond's home," now Amersham, a market-town gaita parish atiout twenty-five miles from London. 668 NEW JERSEY .COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Johnson.and Cooper's Cr., 330 acres. 122 l6g7-8 ist d. 1st m. (March). Do. Jeremiah Bate of Newtown Township, Gloucester Co., yeoman, to John Kaighin of the same place, carpenter, for 5J acres of swamp and meadow on the Northside of the Meadow Creek, in Newton meadow, near Delaware River, W. grantee, formerly Tho. Sharp, N. grantee, E. Tho. Thackera, S. said creek. 125 i6g6 14th d. loth m. (Dec). Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Susanna, to John Kaighin of the same place, yeoman, for 455 acres in Gloucester Co., W. J., along Delaware R., between Wm. Roydon, the Meadow Creek, Stephen Newby, Wm Bate and Robert Zane; also 4^ a. of swamp next to said Zane's; of which 455 a. 290 are part of grantor's 2-7 of a share bought of Samuel Norris September 21, 1686; 100 a. bought of John Ashton and wife Patience May 15, 1689; 50 a. bought of Richard Wall and wife Saiah April 2, 1686, who hadthe lot from Edward Everett and wife Mary December 9, 1681, 9 a. were bought of Tho. Sharp April 12, 1693; 6 a. of John Burroughs July 6, 1693. 127 l6g7 May 16. Do. Same to Archibald Mickell of Glocester Co., -yeoman, for 510 acres in said Co., on Delaware R., between Richd Arnold, Edward Newby and the Meadow Creek, excepting two lots of 1^ a. each, belonging to Stephen Newby and Jeremiah Bate and a lot-of 2fa a. belong ing to Nathaniel Zane. 133 1696 Sept. 8. Do. John Hugg junior of Plain Hope, Glocester Co., Esqre, to Archibald Mickell (as above), for 114 acres within the town bounds of Glocester, on tbe South branch of Newton Creek, N. W. John Reading, S. E. Abraham Alberson, late Andrew Robeson. 136 1698 June 1. Do. William Alberson senior of Bucks Co., Penna., to his son William Alberson junior of Glocester Co., W. J., for a planta tion of 250 acres in Glocester Co., N. Newton Creek, E. Tho. Cayleton, S. E. Archibald Mickell, S. W. and W. the South branch of said creek; excepting 4 a. in the possession of Tho. Dennis and 20 a. at the Upper Landing of said branch, laid out to Abraham Alberson. 139 1698 June 1. Do. Same to his son Abraham Alberson of Glocester Co., W. J., for 220 acres in said Co., of which 200 are on the Southside ot the South branch of Newton Creek, N. W. Archibald Mickell, S. E. Sam uel Dennis, bought of Andrew Robeson September I, 1692; 20 a. on the Northside of said branch, at the Upper Landing, enclosed by William Alberson's land. 14! l6g2 Sept. 1. Do. Andrew Robeson of Philadelphia, merchant, to William Alberson of West Jersey, yeoman, for 200 acres in the town- bounds of Glocester, between Francis Collins, the little' boundary creek, (North), the highway, and John Dennis. 144 i6g6-7 March 1. Do. Mordecai Howell, yeoman, to Gervace Kay, husbandman, both of Glocester Co., for 100 acres in W. J., bought with other land of John Reading December 1, i6g6. 145 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 669 Page 1694 Dec. 1. Do. Philipp Howell of Philadelphia, tailor, and wife Elthew to James Ward of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., husbandman, for 100 acres on the Southside of and along said creek, E. John Bethell, W. Henry Treadway, bought by said Elthew under the name of Elthew Cornock of John Bethell ist day 4th month (June) 1686 (supra, P- 45)- 147 1696 Dec. I. Do. John Reading to Mordecai Howell, both of Glo cester Co., yeomen, for 200 acres in W. J., bought of Samuel Robeson, son and heir of Andrew Robeson, September 2, 1696. 149 1696 Aug. 10. Do. Sarah Welch, widow and administratrix of Wil liam Welch, late of New Castle, Penna., dec'd, to Mathew Medcalfe of Glocester, W. J., yeoman, for 50 acres in the townbounds of Glocester, part of ifa shares bought of Edw. Byllyng et al. September 2, 1681. 151 1697 May 20. Do. Same to same, for 60 acres as in preceding deed. 153 I6g6 June 1. "Do. Francis Collins of Burlington Co., gentleman, to Mathew Medcalfe of Glocester, yeoman, for the land belonging to 4-7 of a share in the Town of Glocester. (Paper badly broken. X 155 l6g7~8 Feb. last. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Sam- -uelThorn of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for 1,000 acres in Glocester Co., fronting on Glocester River, between Samuel Carpenter on the N. W. and Wm. Ste (paper broken) on the S. E. with a piece of the Great ' Meadow. 158 and 160 l6g6 April 1. Do. Same to Lawrence Bartleson of Pennsilvania, planter, for 200 acres in W. J., of which 100 are part of fa of a share bought of Maurice Trent January 20, i6g5-6, the other- 100 part of the 1,500 a. tract bought of James Read and wife Sarah, formerly wife of John Smith, February 4, i6g5~6. I(H l6g7 Oct. 16. Sheriff's Sale. William Warner, High Sheriff of Glo cester Co., to George Robeson of Philadelphia, butcher, for 270 acres in said Co., adjoining Robert Chinton on Great Mantus Creek, seized for a debt, due by said Chinton, late of Philadelphia, innholder, to said Geo. Robeson. l66 l6g6 Oct. 5. Do. Isaac Wood of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeoman, to John Roe of Long Island, N. Y., yeoman, for igo acres with allowance for Salem highway and 10 a. of meadow, inherited from his - brothers Jonathan Wood junior and Joseph Wood, lying on Timber Creek, now Glocester River. l68 L ¦ l696 Oct. 5. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful performance of the preceding deed. I7I l6g6 Oct. 5. Release. Rebecca Wood and Rachell, wife of Wm. Bromfield of near Woodbury Cr., sisters of Isaac Wood, to John Roe, of their claims to the 200 acres above. x72 670 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page i6g6 Oct. 1. Deed. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to John Roe of Long Island, yeoman, for 100 acres in W. J., to be taken up as part of one full share of W. J., bought of Samuel Rpbeson September 2, 1696. 173 1697-8 March 1. Do. Thomas Taper, husbandman, to John Roe, yeoman, both of Glocester Co., for 100 acres in said Co., adjoining grantee, bought of John Reading September 10, 1696. 175 1696 May 31. Do. John Sibley of Philadelphia and wife Kathrine to Richard Heritage of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 6-25 of a share of W. J. 178 and 179 1696 Oct. 6. Do. Richard Heritage of Sutton New Garden, Gloces ter Co., yeoman, to his second sou Joseph Heritage of the same Co., for 237 acres in said Co., on the South branch of Pensokin Creek alias Crop- well River,- near grantor's dwellinghouse and plantation, part of 350 a. bought of John Reading February I, 1695-6. 182 1696 July 30. Do. Aaron Bezwick, late of West Jersey, now of Phil adelphia, planter, to Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, Gloucester Co., ' yeoman, for 300 acres, called Christianity, near the head of the South branch of said creek, formerly bought by grantor of grantee, March 20, 1693-4. 184 1697 Sept. I. Do. Richard Heritage to Mordecai Howell, both of GJocester Co., yeomen, for 200 acres in W. J., part of 6-25 of a share bought of John Sibley and wife Kathrine, formerly wife of Isaac Martin (supra, pp. 178 and 179). 186 1697 Sept. 1. Do. John Reading to Mordecai Howell, -both of Glo? cester Co., yeomen, for 100 acres in W. J. bought with other land of Sam uel Robeson September 2, 1696. 189 1696-7 March 23. Do. Daniel Standish of Philadelphia, bricklayer, to John Parsons of the same place, carpenter, for 355 acres in Glocester Co., W. J., N. Wm. Steel, S. John and Samuel Dennis, E. the South branch of Glocester River, part of f of a share bought by Tho. Matthews of Edw. Byllyng et al. November 15, 168 1, and sold by said Matthews' ad ministrator, Thomas Gardiner, to Hugh Durborow, Daniel Standish and Daniel Radly December 31, 1693. 191 1695-6 March 23. Do. John Somers of Great Eggharbour, Gloces ter Co., Esqre, to James Steelman of the same place, yeoman, for 100 acres there, S. W. grantee, part of the r, 500 a. tract bought of Tho. Budd November 30, 1695. I94. i6g5 Nov. 10. Do. Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, merchant, to James Steelman (as before), for 500 acres at or near Great Egge Harbour in two lots, vizt: 200 a. on Patconck Creek, the other .300 part of grantor's 850 a. lot. lo6 1693 Sept- i- Do. George Goldsmith to William Alberson, both of-.- GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 67 1 Page Newton Creek, Glocester Co., yeomen, for 100 acres, or half of the 200 a. lot bought of Mordecai Howell May 1, 1690. log 1698 July 20. Do. Gunner Rambo, eldest son, and John Rambo, youngest son, of Peter Rambo, late of Philadelphia, dec'd, to John Bowles of Philadelphia Co., yeoman, for 257 acres between the branches of How- man's alias Newport Creek, Glocester Co., part of a 300 a. lot inherited from their father by said Gunner Rambo as belonging to fa of one Of " ye third tenn proprieties" of W. J., bought by said Peter of Tho. Bowman of N. Y.r merchant, November 2, 1682. 202 1697 Nov. 2. Do., Hugh Durborow, sawyer, Daniel Radley, sawyer, and John Parsons, carpenter, all of Philadelphia, to John Ashbrook of Glocester River, Glocester Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on said river and on Allomannessing alias Steel's Branch, adjoining John and Samuel Dennis, part of 355 acres bought of Thomas Gardiner, as administrator of Thomas Matthews, December 31, 1693. 205 1696 April 10. Do. John Ladd, yeoman, to Matthew Matson, hus bandman, bpth of Glocester Co., for 200 acres at or near the head of Trumpeter's Creek, said Co., part of 1-16 of a share bought of Maurice Trent January 26, 1695-6. 209 1698 June 17. Do. John Martin of Philadelphia, tailor, to Joseph Tyndall, late of Long Island, now of Glocester Co., husbandman, for 300 acres on the South branch of Cooper's Creek, S. Edward Burroughs, N. grantee. 211 1699-1700 March I. Do. James Wood of Philadelphia, ship carpen ter, to Joseph Nicholson of Cooper's Creek, for a plantation of 290 acres on saidcreek, between Thomas Chaunders, Wm. Steel, Samuel Spicer and a small run; 240 a. thereof inherited froin his brother Henry Wood junior, 50 a. from his father Henry Wood senior. 214 1697 June 12. Do. John Colley of Philadelphia, hatmaker, and wife Susannah to Joseph Cooper of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 100 acres on Cooper's Cr., said Co., W. Robert Turner, E. grantee, late Abrm. and Josuah Carpenter, bought of Robert Turner and Tunis Linch August 29, 1694. 1 219 1697 June 12. Do. Abraham and' Josuah Carpenter of Philadelphia, merchants, to Joseph Cooper (as before), for 423 acres in Glocester Co., on Cooper's Creek, between grantee, late Tunis Linch, Francis Rawls, Edward Newby, Tho. Thackera and Robert Zane. . 222 1699 Dec. 12. Do. Edward Clements of Glocester Co., yeoman, to , Thomas Buckman of the same Co., blacksmith, for 80 acres on the North branch of Cooper's Creek, said Co., between John Kay andy grantee's land, bought of the executors of Annah Salter September 1, 1692. 225 1691 Sept. 25. Will of John Bissell of Loxley, Co. of Warwick, elerk. Son John Bissell, sons-inTlaw^John Gibbs (wife Alice and daughter 672 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Frances Gibbs), Samuel Dennet; George Dennet, Nathaniel Dennet, Frances, wife of Thomas Allyborne, Mary, daughter of John Gibbs. Real estate in Debworth, Co. of Glocester and in West Jersey, personal prop erty. Executors — Joseph Smith of Stratford, ironmonger, and Thomas Nason, barber-surgeon. Witnesses — Wm. Strickly, Samuel PhUlipps; Elizabeth Gibbs. If Mary Gibbs marries Edward Philipps she is to have only one shilling. 227 l6g6-7 Jan. 1. Deed. Samuel Dennet of Loxley, Co. of Warwick, yeoman, and wife Susannah, John Bissell of Eastham, Co. of Worcester, yeoman, and wife Mary, to Richard Bromley of Stratford upon Avon, Co. of Warwick, malster, for 1-20 of a share of W. J. 22g and 231 l6g6-7 Jan. 6. gth William 3d. Do. Richard Bromly the elder of Stratford on Avon,. Co. of Warwick, malster, to his son and heir Richard Bromly of London, glover, for the preceding 1-20 of a share. 236 and 237 l6gg 6th d. 2d m. ("April). Do. John Kaighin of Glocester Co., carpenter, to John Dole of the same Co., shoemaker, for 220 acres in two lots, to wit: ig8 acres on Delaware R., between Wm. Roydon and the Round Meadow; the other of 22 a. on the Northside of the great meadow, along the creek and adjoining Steven Newby; the whole a part of the 455 ': a. lot bought of Robert Turner December 14, i6g6 (supra, p. 127.) 240 l6g7 May 24. Do. John Ireson- of near Newton, Glocester Co., yeo man, to Widow Margrett Erwin, late of Long Island, now of said Co., for 100 acres near the head of Newton Creek, S. E. Samuel Stacy, S. W. the North branch of said creek, N. W. Isaac Hollingham, N. E. John Willis. 242 l6g6 May 25. Do. John Wood of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeoman, to Thomas Gardiner of~Grovely, said Co., Esqre, William Warner and Josuah Lord of the same Co., yeoman, for a lot, 100 by 70 feet, near his dwelling house, to be used as a graveyard by the inhabitants of Gloces ter Co. between Glocester River and Great Mantus Creek. 244 1699, Nov. 29. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Peter Long, late of Salem Co., now of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 500 acres in Glocester Co., called Nahundsey Neck, S. W. Mathew Mattson, N. E. Andrew Robeson, at Nahundsy, part of a share bought of Samuel Robeson September 2, 1696. 247 1700 April 20. Do. Henry Treadway of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeoman, to James Whiteall of Upton on Glocester River, same Co., yeoman, for a plantation of 411^ acres, called Red Bank, now in the tenure of Joseph Tomlinson, on Delaware R., S. E. Tho. Gardiner, S. W. said Gardiner's swamp. . 251 1700 Dec. 26. Do. Jeremiah Bate of Glocester Co. and wife Mary, , daughter of Samuel Spicer dec'd, to Hester Spicer, widow and executrix of said Samuel, for their right, title, interest, &c. in and to 200 acres in Glocester Co., near Francis Collins, bequeathed to said Mary by her GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 673 Page father. 257 1699 Dec. I. Do. William Warner, yeoman, to John Talem, ship carpenter, both of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., for 204 acres in said Co., on the Northside of and along said creek, S. E. Isaac Wood, late Jonathan Wood, N. W. James Ward, part of a 484 a. lot bought of Charles Saunders and John Duplouvy of Philadelphia, as attorneys of John Healy April 24, 1697: ' 258 l6gg Dec. 30. Do. Susannah, widow of John Langly of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., to John Tatem (as above), for 50 acres on Wood bury Creek, N. W. Wm. Warner, S. E. John Test, half of the 100 a. lot sold by Wm. Salsbury to Jonathan Wainewright September 7, l68g, and 50 a. thereof of him bought by said John Langly September 14, 1689. ¦ 263 • 1698 June 17. Do. John Martin of Philadelphia, tailor, to Edward Burroughs of Glocester Co., husbandman, for 33^ acres in said Co., on the South branch of Cooper's Creek, S. grantee, N. Joseph Tyndall. 266 'f 1697 Sept. 20. Do. William Steel, late of Cork, Ireland, now of Bristoll, England, merchant, by his brother and attorney, John Ithell, late ofGlocester Co., now of Philadelphia, to James West of Philadelphia, ship.carpenter, for 200 acres in Glocester Co., on Delaware R., E. John | Taylor, W. Humphrey Morrey. - 270 |i i698_Sept. 14. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, -to John Walker of Glocester Co., joiner, for 210 acres on the Westside of Pounshoakin Creek, surveyed by Thomas Sharp for Thomas Jones June 17, 1687, adjoining John Taylor.- 272 1697-8 Jan. 10. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to ,,, Philipp Paul of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 600 acres in W. J., bought with other land of. Samuel Robeson September 2, 1696. 275 1700 18th d. 4th m. (June). Do. John Taylor of Glocester Co., yeoman, to John Jones of Philadelphia, merchant, for 100 acres in said Co. on'Pensoqwim Creek adjoining grantee's 100 a., the whole 200 bought I of Robert Turner 17th day- 3d month (May) 1700. 277 * • 1699 May 18. Do. John Hugg junior of Glocester Co. and wife Pris cilla to John Hinchman, late of Long Island, N. Y., now of said Co., peoman, for a plantation of l.oco acres in said Co., on the South branch XNewlon Creek, called King's Run, between Sarah Collins, Joseph Col lins, the Salem Road, John Hillman and the North branch of Glocester ^River, of which 400 a. were conveyed by Francis Collins, father of said Priscilla Hugg, to Samuel Jenings and Robert Dimsdale in trust for said Priscilla; 250 a. were bought by grantor of Tho. Matthews, 200 a. bought j>f John Reading April 10, 1696, and 150 a. bought of Robert Stacy Sep tember 29, 1695. 279 1698 Nov. 16. Do. Joseph Heritage of Glocester Co., carpenter, to 69 674 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Samuel Burrows of Burlington Co., son and heir of Samuel Burrows of the same place dec'd, for 300 acres on the Southside of the South- branch of Pemsoakin Creek alias Cropwell River, in Glocester Co., of which 150 a. were bought of Matthew Prichard May 16, 1697, and the other 150 a. are part of a 237 a. lot conveyed to grantor by his father, Richard, Her itage, October 6, 1696. , 285 1700 Aug. 15. Do. Francis Collins of Burlington Co., yeoman, to William Bate of Newton, Glocester Co., yeoman, for 165 acres in W. J., part of 4-7 of a share bought of Edward Byllyng et al. June 2, 1677. 288 1700 Nov. 6. Do. Thomas Kendall of Glocester Co., bricklayer,. to William and John Hollinshead of Burlington Co., yeomen, and Nathan*- iel Westland of Burlington, merchant, for 121 acres in Glocester Co., ' at Vxbridge, on the South branch of Cooper's Creek and on the Salem- Burlington Road, together with a cornmill bought of Wm. Lovejoy July 26, 1697. [Intervening page numbers left out.] 301 1700 June 1. Do. Patrick Robinson of Philadelphia and Andrew Robeson of Glocester Co., executors of the last will of Samuel Robeson, son and heir of Andrew Robeson of Philadelphia, dec'd, to Peter Long of 1 Glocester Co., yeoman, the tract" of 500 acres, called Nahundsey, in said Co., between Maple Run and Nahundsey Run, adjoining John Parker; also 20 acres of meadow on the West side of Hoeman's alias Trumpeter's Creek, same Co. 304 1695-6 March 1. Do. Daniel, Howell, yeoman, with wife Hannah, Robert Wallis, plaisterer, with wife Esther, Jacob May, labourer, with -., wife Susannah, John Ironmonger, husbandman, with wife Sarah, and Rachel Lakins, spinster, all of Philadelphia, brothers-in-law and sisters • of Moses Lakins of Cooper's Creek, Glocester Co., dec'd, intestate, to Henry Johnson of said Cooper's Cr., yeoman, for 42 acres on said creek bought of said Daniel Howell March I, 1688-9, of which 38.4 a. are bounded N. E. by unappropriated land, S. E. Tho. Howell dec'd, N. W. " Matthew Burden, S. W. Daniel Howell; 3.6 a. nearer Cooper's Creek and next to said Burden. 309 i6gg-i7oo March 1. Do. Anthony Sturges of Philadelphia, hatter, to Henry Johnson (as above), for 200 acres on Cooper's Creek, between Isaac Hollingham and John Shiver, being half of the 400 a. lot bought of Robert Turner December 12, 1699. 31.3 1699-1700 Jan. 27. Do. John and Ezekiel Siddon of Newton, Glo cester Co., to John Smith, late of Flushing, L. I., now of Burlington, car penter, for 200 acres in Newton, on Cooper's Creek, between Isaac Hol- lingam, a small run, Newton Creek and Nathaniel, late Robert,- Zane; bought of Thomas Thackera December 1, 1699. 316 1700 Sept. 21. Do. Stephen Newby of Newton Township, Glocester Co., yeoman, to Henry ffearn of the same place, husbandman, for 240 acres on a small branch, running along Anthony Sharp's land into tire GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. far Page North branch of Timber Creek, opposite to the Indian field, called Sifeganees', adjoining James Atkinson. ,!» _ 1700 Dec. 14. Do. Jeremiah Bate of Newton, Glocester Co., son and heir of WiUiam Bate of the same place, dec'd, to Elias Tay of Bur-' lington Co., gentleman, for 265 acres in Glocester Co., adjpining Joseph Cooper and John Haddon, of which 165 a. were bought by said Wm. Bate ,'of Francis Collins August 15, 1700, and 100 a. are part of 1-20 of a share bought by the same Wm. Bate of Edward Byllyng et al. April 13, . t677- 32! 1700 Aug. 10. Do. John Hugg jr. of Glocester River and wife Pris cilla to Peter Scull of near Great Egge Harbour, husbandman, for 100 acres on the coast near said Egge Harbor, adjoining' the Bear Swamp. ,24, 1699-1700 March 18. Do. Thomas and Richard Bull of Glocester ¦ Co., gentlemen, and Sarah Bull of -Bucks Co., Penna., spinster, to Thomas ¦ Gibson of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 150 acres in W. J., part of fa of a share bought by grantors' father, Thomas Bull dec'd, of Edward Byllyng et al. 027 1700 Nov. 4. Do. Andrew Hoeman_of Hoeman's alias Trumpeter's Creek, Glocester Co., to John Bowles of the same place, yeoman, for 95 acres on the South branch of said creek, N. W. grantee, S. E. Andrew Lock; also 4^- a. of meadow on the North branch of the. same creek, above Steven Jones, and fa a. of marsh op said South branch. 329 1698-g 6th d. nth m. (Jan.). Do. Nathaniel Zane of Newton, Glo cester Co., to John Kaighin of the same place, carpenter, for 8fa acres there, on Delaware R., N. grantor, E. and S. Elnathan and Robert Zane, ^grantor's brothers. 331 •^ . 1697-8 Feb. 26. Do. Samuel Taylor to John Richards, bo,th of Glo cester Co., husbandmen, for 150 acres on the North branch of Glocester . River, bought of Robert Turner April 10, 1689. 333 1696-7 March j. Do. Thomas Thackera, yeoman, to John Whiteall, husbandman, both of Newton, Glocester Co., for 60 acres in said Co., on Newton Fork Creek, adjoining Edward Newby and grantor. 334 17.00 Dec. 14. Do. Same to Daniel England of Philadelphia, for ' 264^ acres in Glocester Co., on the Northside.of the North branch of Glo cester River, W. John Hugg, E. Wm. Alberson. 336 1700 April 27. Do. Nathaniel Zane of Newton, Glocester Co., yeo man, to Joshua Lord of the same Co., yeoman, for 300 acres in W. J., part of a 500 a. lot inherited from his father, Robert Zane. 337 1698 April 10. Do. William Warner to James Ward, both of Wood bury Creek, Glocester Co., yeomen, for 180 acres in paid Co., on said frreek, N. W. John Tatem, S. E. grantor, part of 484 a. bought of ;. Chas. Saunders and John Duplouvy April 24, 1697. 339 676 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1697 April 24. Do. John Healy, late of Pennsilvania, now of ^re- land, mariner, by his attorneys Charles -Saunders and John Duplouvy of Philadelphia, to William Warner of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeo man, for 484 acres on said creek and in said Co. bought of John Test, inn holder, June 3, 1693. 341 - 1697 April 24. Bond. Same to same, for the faithful observance of the preceding deed. 343 1698 Aug. 30. Power of attorney. William Etheridge of the Town and County of Pool, yeoman, and wife Joane, late widow and- executrix of James Gilbert of the same place, mariner, dec'd, to Richard Diamond of London, merchant, Samuel Carpenter and John Goodson of Philadel phia, merchants, to act as land agents. 343 i6gg Oct. 2. Deed. Anthony Sturges of Philadelphia to John Shiv ers of Cooper's Creek, W. J., butcher, for the upper half of 200 acres on said creek, between John Haddon and the lower half. 345 1700 25th d. 5th m. (July). Power of attorney. John Haddon of 1 Rotherith, Co. of Surrey, blacksmith, to his daughter Elizabeth Haddon of the same place, as general agent. 347 1693 Dec 10.. Deed. William Bate of. Newton, Glocester Co., yeo- man, to his son Jeremiah Bate of the same place, for a plantation of 234 acres there, on the Southside of and along Newton Creek; also 16 a. of fast land and meadow in Newton meadow. 348 1701 Dec. 2. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Thomas Gibson of Glocester Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in W. J., part of the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch, widow and administratrix, and Susannah Turner, daughter and only surviving heir of William Welch of New Castle, Penna., merchant, dec'd, February 28, 1700-1. 350 1700 April 12. Do. William Dalboe to Thomas Bull, both of Glo- cester'Co., yeomen, for a plantation of 242.(254) acres in said Co., on Lit tle Mantus Creek in several lots: 69 a. along said creek, near grantor's dwelling house, 46^ a. also on said creek, surrounded by land of Peter Mattson, 52J a. on the N. E. side of said Mattson, 25 a. adjoining to the last mentioned lot and Henry Treadway, fa of 35 a., a neck of land adjoin- - ing the 69 a. lot and extending towards Delaware R. ; also one-fourth of 176 a., adjoining the foregoing parcels of grantor and Peter Matson, on Delaware R. and Little Mantus Cr., N. E. late Tho. Gardiner,- now Michael Laycon. ' • 351 1700-1 March 13. Do. William Etheridge of Pool and wife Joane, by their attorney Samuel Carpenter of Phila'delphia, merchant, to John Couperthwait of , W. J., yeoman, for 1,000 acres in W. J., of which James Gilbert, first husband of said Joane, died seized. 1 354 1699 Nov. 20. Do. Susannah Budd, widow and executrix of Thomas Budd of Philadelphia, dec'd, and lierison John Budd to Peeter White of GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 677 Page Burlington Co., planter, for 4-5 of a 1,000 acre tract, laid out for said Thomas at Egg Harbour, along Absecom Creek and the Sound. 358 1697 Nov. 20. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to George Webb of Salem Co., planter, for 500 acres in W. J., to be surveyed as part of one full stiare bought of Samuel Robeson September 2, 1696. 360 1701 Oct. 1. Do. Richard Heritage of Sutton New Garden, Gloces- . ter Co., yeoman, to WUliam Mattlack of Cropwell, W. J., yeoman, for 10 acres to be surveyed out of the 350 a. lot bought of John Reading Febru ary 1, 1695-6. 361 1701 April 28. Do. John Ladd to Joseph Austell, both of Glocester Co., yeomen, for 600 acres in W. J., part of the 4,000 a. tract bought of 'Sarah Welch and Susanna Turner, widow and daughter of Wm. Welch. 362 1698-9 Jan. 9, Do. Israel Ward to John Browne, both of Vpton on Glocester River, husbandmen, for 51 acres, 50 thereof on the South branch of said river, next to Edward Williams; I a. of meadow, part of grantor's 10 a. lot adjoining JoSeph Tomlinson. 364 1701 June 30. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Joseph Austell of Glocester Co., gentleman, for 160 acres in W. J., to be sur veyed in the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch and Susanna Turner, jvidow and daughter of Wm. Welch, February 28 last. 366 1700 May 1. - Do. James Whiteall of Upton on Glocester River, yeoman, to Richard Chue of Flushing, Island of Nassau, N. Y., yeoman, for a plantation of 300 acres in Upton, on or near a branch of Great Man tus Creek and on the South branch of Glocester R. bought of John Ladd January 8, 1689. 368 1695-6 Feb. 4, Do. James Read of New Castle, Penna., yeoman, to John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, for 1,500 acres, to be surveyed in W. J. as part of one full share bought by John Smith, first husband of grantor's wife, of Edw. Byllyng et al. March 2, 1676-7. 371 1695-6 Jan. 19; Do. Maurice Trent of Leith, Scotland, by his nephew and attorney Maurice Trent of Philadelphia, mariner, to John Ladd and John Reading of Glocester Co., yeomen, for fa and fa oi 3-16 shares of W. J. 372 1700 March 30. Articles of agreement. John Taylor of W. J., trus tee and guardian of Markas Hullings, with Lawrence Hullings for the lease to the latter of 100 acres belonging to said Markas and adjoining said Lawrence, 374 1700 March 30. Receipt. Lawrence Hullings of Glocester Co. to John Taylor for his share of the estale left by his father Markas Hul lings. 374 1696-7 Jan. 10. Deed. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Mar tin Jarvis of Glocester Co., cordwainer, for 50 acres, to be surveyed in 678 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page W. J. of the land bought of Samuel Robeson September 2,. 1696. 375 1701 ist d. '7th m. (Sept.). Do. Martin Jarvis (as before)- to John Martin of Philadelphia, tailor, for the preceding 50 acres. ' 376 1696-7 March 1. Do. Thomas Buckman of Glbcester Co., black smith, to Martin Jarvis of the same place, fbr 29 acres on the Southside of the North branch of Cooper's Creek, adjoining Wm. Lovejoy, of whom the -lot was -bought June 18, 1695,'being part of a. ido a. lot -bo't by. said Lovejoy of Elias ffarr, attorney to Richard Matthews of London, June 15, "1691. 376 1701'1'std. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Martin Jarvis to Thomas Buckman for the preceding 29 acres. .378 1700-I Feb. 27. Do. n Sarah Welch of Philadelphia, widow and ad- ' ministratrix of Wm. Welch of New Castle, Penna., dec'd, and Susannah Turner,' widow of Robert Turner, daughter' and heiress 0f said Wm. Welch, to John Reading of Glocester and John Ladd of Glocester Co., yeomen, for'8,000 acres, to be surveyed as part of a full 'share of W. J. bought by said Wm. Welch of Edw. Byllyng etra"l. September 2, * 1681. 379 and 380 1701 April 28. Do. Henry ffearn of Glocester Co., -husbandman, to Mordecai Howel of Christianity,' same Co., husbandman,- for 240 acres in said Co., on a small run emptying into the -North branch of Timber Creek alias Glocester River, opposite to- the Indian or Sheganees' field, between Anthony Sharp and James Atkinson; bought of Stephen, Newby, ] son of Mark Newby, September 21, 1700. 383 1701 May 27. Do. George, Webb of Salem Co., -husbandman, to John Kay of Gloucester Co., Esqre, for 350 acres in Gloucester Co., on both sides of the North branch of -Raccoon Creek, near the old Salem- 1 Burlington Road. 385 i6gg Dec. i. Do. Daniel! Cooper of Gloucester Co., yeoman, to ! Richard Chue of Flushing, L. I., yeoman, for 300 acres on the South • branch of Gloucester River, conveyed to grantor by his father, Wm. Cooper, June 1, l6gg. 387 1701 Dec. I. Do. Andrew Robeson of' Greenwich Township, Glou cester Co., executpr of the last will of Samuel Robeson, of Philadelphia, dec'd, to Hance Holton of Raccoon Creek, Gloucester Co., husbandman, - for 100 acres on the Southside of Raccoon Creek, adjoining Lassey Hol ton, sold to said Hance Holton by Andrew Robeson, father of said Sam uel, who did not give a deed for it. , 389 1701 Oct. 20., Do. Edward Smout, yeoman, to Jacob Coffing, cloth ier, both of Philadelphia, for a plantation of 500 acres in Gloucester Cov W. J., on the South side of the South branch of Gloucester River, N. W. John and Samuel Dennis, S. E. Thomas Bull. 391' 1701 March 26. Do. Thomas Thackera of Newton, GloucesterGo., GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 67Q Page yeoman, to-Robert Lord of said Co., husbandman, for 100 acres in said Co.ln two'lpts, to wit: 71 a. on Hesters.Branch of Woodbury Creek, ad joining. Tho. Bull, arid 29 a. on Breakback Run, the whole bought of Han nah Blake, formerly wife and then administratrix of Jacob Decow dec'd, and pf Abraham Decow, son and heir of said Jacob, November 18, i6gg, which after said Abraham's death was confirmed by his sister Hannah," wife of Tho. England May 4, 1701 (?) ' 3^3 1695-6 Jan. 21. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to Edward Williams of Upton, Gloucester Co., husbandman, for fa ot a share of W. J." ' ' ' 394 1701 Dec. I. Do. Thomas and Richard Bull,, gentlemen, and Sarah Bull, spinster, allot Glocester Co., lo George Brown alias Ward of the same Co., husbandman, for 100 acres there, on the Southside of the South branch of Glocester River", part of fa of a share bought by their father, Thomas Bull, dec'd, of Edward Byllyng and Trustees August 29, i677- '''" 395 1702 May II. Do. John Loyd of, Salem Co.,, husbandman, to Thomas Gibson of Glocester Go., husbandman, for 100 acres at or near the head of the North branch of Woodbury Creek, in Glocester Co.,' ad joining grantee. 396 l6g3 Aprill. Do. Robert Turner of Philadelphia, merchant, to Isaac Hollingam of Glocester Co., chapman, for 404 acres in said Co., ' S. Newton Creek, N. W. Cooper's Creek, W. Robert Zane, E. George Gold smith and . 397 1701 Dec. I. Do. Thomas and Richard Bull, gentlemen, and Sarah Bull, spinster, all of Glocester Co., to Philipp Paul of the same Co., Esqre, for 50 acres in W. J., part of ^- of share (see supra, p. 395). 400 1701 Dec. 2. Do. John Ladd, yeoman, to Andrew Matlsbn, planter, DOtli of Glocester Co., for 150 acres, part of the 4,600 a. tract' bo't of Sarah Welch and Susanna Turner Feb. 28, I7001!. 401 i6gg 4th d. 10th m. (Dec). Do. Archibald Mickle to Joseph Low; both of Glocester Co., coopers, for 125 acres in said Co., on the King's Run alias Alberson's Creek, between John Kinsey, the Graisberry's and rho. Herlton; part of a 250 a. lot bo't of Robert Turner 'March 25, ' 1690. - , ' 402 ^,•1695-6 Feb. 20. Do. John Reading, yeoman, to Edward Eglington, :ooper, both of Glocester, for 208 acres in W. J. 4°3 ¦ l6gi-2 March 3. Power of attorney. Robert Welsh, late of Vffculm, low of Kentisbeere, Co. of Devon, gentleman, to James Jacob, cord- vainer, and Joseph Paul, clothier, both of Philadelphia, as agents to dis- iose of his 1-10 of a share of W. J. 4°5 1702 Aug. 25. Deed. Susanna Budd, widow and executrix of Thomas Sudd of Philadelphia, and her son John Budd to John White of Bucks 680 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page Co., Penna., malster, for 1,000 acres in Glocester Co., at the mouth and S. W. of Absicon Creekalong the Sound at Egg Harbour. 406 1701 June 16. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to James Whiteall of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 200 acres in W. J., part -of the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch and Susannah Turner. - 407 1698 Sept. 29. Do. Thomas Gardiner of Burlington,^yeoman, to John Roe of Glocester Co., yeoman, for I-IO of a share of W. J. 408 and 409 1701 May 26. Do. John Ladd, yeoman, to John Kay, Esqre, both of Glocester Co., for 500 acres in W. J., part of the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch and Susanna Turner. 410 1702 Sept. 1. Do. Andrew Robeson, late of Glocester Co., now of Philadelphia Co., gentleman, surviving executor of Samuel Robeson dec'd, to John ffinny of Philadelphia Co., gentleman, for a plantation of 693 acres in Glocester Co , called New Stockholme, on Delaware R., near Raccoon Creek, adjoining Canute Justeson. 412 1701 Sept. 1. Do. Hugh Durborow of Philadelphia, yeoman, to Benjamin Braman of Glocester Co., yeoman, for one undivided half of 530 acres in said Co., N. E. Great Mantus Creek, S. W. Clonmell Creek; bought of Philipp Paul October 8, 1700. 415 170! Dec. 25. Do. Isaac Wood, late of Glocester Co., now of Phil adelphia Co., son and executor of Jonathan Wood, brother and heir of Joseph Wood, both late of Glocester Co., yeomen, dec'd, -to John Brown of Glocester Co., husbandman, and wife -Susanna, for 50 acres in W. J. 418 1701 Sept. I. Do. Hugh Durborow of Philadelphia, yeoman, to John Parker of Glocester Co., yeoman, for one undivided half of 530 ^acresin said Co., N. E. Great Mantus Creek, S. W. Clonmel Creek. 419 1688-9 J4tn d- IIta m- (Jan.). Return of survey by. Tho. Sharp, Dep uty Surveyor, to Thomas Thackera, of 240 acres with 24^ a. highway al lowance on the North branch of Glocester River, adjoining John Hugg. 423- l68g April 18. Do. Do. to Tho. Thackera as attorney of John , Dennis, of 500 acres with 25 a. highway allowance, on Glocester R., be- , tween Tho. Gardiner and Edward Smout. 423 i68g-go 7th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. to the same, of 158 acres between Samuel Tomb, John Test, Samuel Carpenter and said Dennis' 500 a. lot. 424 i6go Dec. 2. Do. Do. to the same, of 18J acres in Glocester town bounds, on the South branch of Newton Creek, between Andrew Robeson and Anthony "Sharp. 424 l6g2 10th d. 4U1 m. (June). T>o. Do. to Mathew Medcalf, of 250 acres with 12 a. highway allowance, on Woodbury Creek, adjoinirrg Widow Bull. 425 GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. 3. 68 1 Page — Do. Do. to the same, of 58 acres in Glocester town bounds, on Glocester River branch, between Wm. Roydon and Widow BuU. 425 1694 20th d. 6th m. (Aug.). -Do. Do. to John Colley of 100 acres on Cooper's Creek, between Robert Turner, Francis Rawles and Josuah and Abraham Carpenter. 426 Do. Do. to George Goldsmith, of 107 acres in a fork of the North branch of Newton Creek, between Francis Collins, Rjchard Mat thews, John Willis and Samuel Stacy. 426 ! Do. Do. to Benjamin, Joseph and James Graisbury, of 507 acres, surveyed to Robert Turner and sold to said Graishurys, on Newton Creek, between Wm. Bate, Archibald Mickle and Francis Collins. 426 1694 7th d. 5th m. (July). Do. Do. to Thomas Fitzwater, of 100 acres with highway allowance, on the South branch pf Cropwell River, ad joining John Walker. 426 1694-5 22d d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Tho. Gardiner, Sur veyor General, to James Whiteall, of 105 acres with highway allow ance. 427 p Do. Do. by Tho. Sharp, to Noell Mew, of 1,972 acres near -the head of the North branch of Cooper's Creek, between Anthony Sharp and said branch. , ' 427 P>, 1689 7th d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. to Richard Lawrence, of 525 acres wilh highway allowance, at the ffishing place on Barkley River, betw. Henry ffranklin and the Beaver Branch. 427 ^-1689 7th d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. to the same, of 148 acres with highway allowance adjoining Daniel Lindsey. 427 1689 7th d. gth m. (Nov.). Do. Do. to the same, of 140 acres with highway allowance. 428 h 1689 8th d. 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. to the same,( of 326^- acres "with highway allowance on Barkly River. 428 I Do. Do. to the same, of 190 acres, whereon John Stand- hank did live, whose improvements, 20 a., are deducted, and the remain ing 170 a. are on Delaware R. and the mouth of Barkley R. 429 — Resurvey for Robert Turner of 403 acres, whereon John Ash ton lived, on Delaware River, along Newton meadows. 430 b , ?- Do. for the same of 476 acres, whereon Jonathan Wood lived, on Delaware R. between Richard Arnold, a small run and Newton meadows. 43° 1687-8 27th d. I2,th m. (Feb.). Return of survey to Robert Turner of 22oacres with highway allowance on Delaware R., between Richard Ar nold, Edward Newby and Newton Creek. 431 ' Do. Do. to Nicholas Smith of 24 acres out of George Gold smith's land, on the North branch of Newton Creek, between John Willis, 70 682 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. ] Richard Matthews and Geo. Goldsmith. Do. Do. to Jacob Cozens of 204fa acres on Dedford Cr adjoining Martin Holt. Do. Do. to the same of 13 acres of meadow on Delav R., adjoining John Brown. Do. Do. to the same of 12 acres on Dedford Creek kr small run. : Do. Do. to Frederick H pman, of 100 acres on Race Creek and a branch thereof, adjoining John String. 1690 22d d. 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. to Joseph Wood of acres of cedar swamp. 1690 6th d. 4th m. (June). Do. Do. to Walter Newberry of 1, acres adjoining Noel Mew. 1702 18th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. to John Willis of 50 acres of the Graisberry's land, on Newton Creeli, between Samuel Stacy, J Hinchman, the Graisberrys and said creek. Do. Do. to Peter Long of 1,000 acres, surveyed in 168; Andrew Robeson, on Maple Run and another branch adjoining Parkers and including. 20 acres on Homan's Creek. — ; ¦ Do. Do. to Richard Arnold of 2,00 acres with highway lowance, on Delaware R., between the Sand Point, Robert Turner, ward Newby and Archibald Mickle. 1686 22d d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. to John Martin in righ John Willis, of 50 acres on the South branch of Cooper's Creek, betw Wm. Lovejoy and John Martin. Pages 437 to 440 inclusive blank. 1701 Nov. 1. Deed. Andrew Robeson of Glocester Co., surviving ecutor of Samuel Robeson dec'd, son and heir of Andrew Robesoi Philadelphia dec'd, to John Reading of Glocester Co., yeoman, for full share of W. J. or 5,000 acres and the townlots thereto belonging. 1701 Dec. 1. Do. John Reading to Andrew Robeson (as above), the estate, right, title, &c m and to 3,220 acres, part of the prece' 5,000 a. 1699 Sept. 2. Do. Edward Williams of Vupton on Glocester Ri husbandman, to Thomas Stevens, late of Long Island, now of Gloce Co., carpenter, for 98 acres and 5 a. highway allowance in said Co. a near the South branch of Glocester R., bought of Tho. Gardiner (sr p. 48.) 1682-3 Feb. 6. Do. Thomas Atherton of Dublin, shoemakei John White of Catherlagh, Co. of Catherlagh,! malster, for fa of 1-10 1 Now called Carlow.in the Province ot Leinster. In Irish, Cetherloch (c ruple lake, referring to its location on the borders ot a large lake, which has GLOUCESTER DEEDS, NO. $. gg-5 Page share of W. J. 445 and ^6 1695-6 Jan. 20. Do. John Ladd to John Reading, both of Glocester Co., for 1-48 of a share of W. J. w and ^ 1701 Dec. 2. Do. Same to William Hoeman of Homan's Creek, Glocester Co., husbandman, for 100 acres of the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch &c. ' B „„ ¦ 449 1702-3 March 1. Do. to John Test of Salem, yeoman, for 100 acres of the 4,000 a. tract bought of Sarah Welch &c. 450 >-¦- l°9S Aug- !S- Do- Isaac Wood of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeoman, to John. Hedger of Vpton on Glocester River, husbandnian, for 100 acres belonging to "one two" parts of fa of a share. 451 1698 June 8. Do. Isaac Pearson of Salem, W. J., yeoman, to "Thomas Bull of Vpton on Glocester River, husbandman, for a plantation of 250 acres in Glocester Co., on the South branch of said river. '-' 452 ;,.' 1698-g Jan. g. Do. Edward Williams, planter, to John Brown, hus bandman, both of Vpton on Glocester R., for 32 acres, of which 30 are on "the South branch of said river, adjoining John Hedger, the other 2 a., glmeadow, are a part of an 18 *. lot surveyed for grantor on said ^branch. .-. 1701 Sept." I. Do. Hugh Durborow of Philadelphia, yeoman, to Benjamin Braman of Glocester Co., yeoman, for an undivided half of 530 acres in said Co., N. E. Great Mantus Cr., S. W. Clonmell Cr. (see supra, P-4I5)- 455 1702 Dec. 10. Do. John Austell of Glocester Co., gentleman, to Thomas Gardiner of Burlington, Esqre, for 314 acres to be surveyed in W.J. - ^ 1702 June 2. Do. John Ladd, yeoman, to Philipp Paul, Esqre, both of Glocester Co., for 100 acres of the 4,000 a. tract bo't of Sarah Welch &c 457 l6gg June 26.- Do. Richard Matthews, formerly of London Black- well Hall, factor, now of Stock Newington,! Co. of Middlesex, to John. Haddon of Rothereth,2 Co. of Surry, anchor smith, for fa of a share of W. J. 458 and 45g sin.ce disappeared), pronounced Caherlough, and gradually softened into its pres- entname. The early English writers-closely followed the Irish spelling, and wrote the name Catherlog'h, Katherlagh, or Catherlagh, as in the text above, but early in the nineteenth century adopted the present phonetic spelling. 1 Stoke Newington (from the Saxon stoc or stocce, the stem or trunk of a tree, and Newington, the name of the Norman Lord of the manor) , a town long since swallowed up by London. Here resided at different periods Queen Elizabeth's favorite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Daniel Defoe, Isaac Watts, John Howard, Mrs. Barbauld, and others distinguished in history and letters. 2 Rotherhithe (from the British yr odar, the boundary, and the Saxon hithi; a Port: "the port on the (river) boundary," the seat of Canute, and the scene of Wat Tyler's insurrection. 684 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Page 1698 Dec. 9. Do. William Ward to John Brown, both of Vpton on Glocester R., husbandman, for 35 acres, whereof 25 are on the South side of the South branch of said river and 10 a. in the Cat-tail meadow. 461 1697 April 10. Do. Isaac Wood of Woodbury Creek, Glocester Co., yeoman, to John Brown of Upton on Glocester River, yeoman, for 50 acres in said Co., W. Anthony Sharp, E. James Whiteall. 462 i6gl Sept. 1. Do. Daniel Howell, late of Cooper's Creek, Glocester Co., now of near Philadelphia, son and heir of Thomas Howell dec'd, and Mordecai Howell of Cooper's Creek, second son and executor of saids Tho.' Howell, to their sister Miriam Howell of Cooper's Creek, second daughter of said Thomas, for 100 acres in W. J., part of fa of a share1. 4°4 1700 May 13. Do. Henry ffranklin, late of N. Y. City, now of Long Island, N. Y., bricklayer, to John Champion of Hemsted, L. I., yeoman, for a plantation of 330 acres in Glocester Co., W. J., on Cooper's near Mill Creek, between John Wright, John Shivers and Henry Johnson, bought of Mordecai Howell August 7, l6g7. 465'! 1696-7 March 1. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to An- i drew Lock of Glocester Co., husbandman, for 150 acres in W. J. bought1 with other land of Samuel Robeson September 2, 1696. 466 1 1703 April 15. Do. John Ladd to John Hugg junior, Esqre, both of, i Glocester Co., for 500 acres in W. J., part of the 4,000 a. tract; bought of , Sarah Welch &c February 28, 1700-1. 467' 1703 July 15. Do. John Reading of Glocester, yeoman, to' John Hugg junior of Glocester Co., Esqre, for 109 acres on the North side of Oldntans Creek alias Berklye River, near the bridge on the Salem Road, N. W. George Lawrence, S. E. unsurveyed land. 468 1703 July 12. Do. John Ladd to Benjamin Braman, both of Gloces-i ter Co., yeomen, for 100 acres of the 4,000 a. tract in W. J. bought of Sarah Welch &c. 469 1703 July 6. Do. John Hugg junior of Glocester Co., Esqre, and, wife Priscilla to Henry Jennings of Salem Co., tailor, for a lot in Gloces-i ter, i8d by 60 feet, on the South side of High St., S. W. Thbmas Bull, N.' W. Front St. and Delaware River, N. E. High St. 470 1702 Sept. I. Do. Andrew Robeson, exe.cutor of Samuel Robeson dec'd, to'Garrett van Imma of Glocester Co., yeoman, for 1,000 acres with highway allowance in said Co. in two lots, to wit: 883 a. at the mouth of Clonmell Creek, along Delaware R., adjoining Israel Helm, the Wilder ness and Benjamin Braman; 167 a. near the head of Clonmell Cr. next to said Braman. 471 1702 Oct. 6. Do. William White of Philadelphia, son and heir of! John White, formerly of W. J., dec'd, to John Hugg junior of Glocester< Co., Esqre, for 1-20 of a share of W. J. bought by said John White of Tho.j Atherton of Dublin, Ireland, February 27, 1682-3. 473 and 474 GENERAL INDEX. Abbat, Abbet, Abbett, Abbot, Abbott: Elizabeth, widow of John, 605, 607, 626 Elizabeth, dau. of John, 607 Frances. 581, 590. 606 George, 615, 622, 638 Jane Elton, wife of Samuel. 418 John, 375-6, 447-8. 465-6, 473, 581. 590, 595, 605-7, 626 Jo'n. 552 Mary, 607 Mordecay, 316, 434, 436-7 Rachel, 607 Samuel, 418 Thomas. 605, 607,-611, 626 Widow, 579 Abramsen, Cornelis, 19 Acarman, David, 230, 236. 243 Ackerman, Lowrence, 242, 261 Ackine, Thomas, 133 Acton, Benjamin, 343-4, 544, 546, 552. 581, 589, 594, 596. 607-8, 610. 623-6. 628-30, 632, 634-6, 638-42 Acts of Assembly, 557-8 Adam, Adams, Adames : Abraham, 242, 251, 290 n. Alexander, 68, 105, 123, 125, 141. 155. 197. 211, 220, 240, 260. 278, 301, 327 • Anna, 223 Eliza, 550 Elizabeth, wife of John. 198, 223, 560, 567, 573-4, 576, 581, 590, 592; wife of Anthony Windsor. 607; granddau. of John Fenwick, 568; dau of John, 590 Fenwick, 547, 590 James, 478 John, 11, 13, 14. 15, 16, 78, 103, 148, 170, 198, 219, 242, 251-2, 260, 267, 290. 340, 374, 466. 478, 541-2. 546,549, 550. 554-5, 557. 560. 564, 567. 573-4, 576, 579. 580-1, 584, 587-90. 592-3, 599, 619. Jonathan, 665. " Joseph, 362, 370. 378. 380. 383, 426, 428, 445, 447-8, 450-1. 461. 470, 474, 481, 483-4, 489, 500, 517, 535, 553 Mary, 590 Mary, wife of Joseph, 450 Rachel,. 217 Rebeckah, 184 - Robert, 164 ¦ Thomas, 169, 179. 184, 214, 229 Addinton, John, 518 Adriaensen, Maryn, 13, 28 Aikman, William, 155, 171, 23.4, 290-1 Aires, Airs — see Ayr. Ayres, etc. Akerley, William, 393 Akers, Wm., 517 Akin, Thomas. 318 Alberson, Abraham. 668 John, 317,436-7 ' William, 357, 413, 419, 427. 432, 650, 670. 675 William, senior, 668 Alberson, William, junior, 668 Albert, Hendrick Tunis, 284 Alberts, Hans, 20, 244, 248, 255-6, 263, 265-6. 286, 308 Joannah, wife of Hance, 308 Albertson, Abraham, 634.' Capt. Albert, 48, 51. 99, 100 Derrick, 7, 610, 644 William, 598, 634 -1 William, senior, 614 William, junior, 614 Aldricks Allderick, Evert, 570, 610 Alewell, Tho., 632 Allwell. Thomas, junior, 625 Alexander, Andrew, 133, 189. 210 David. 68 , Francis: 648 George, 58. 98, 112, 121, 123, 155, 165, 210, 275, 334. John, 98, 112. 121, 123, 130, 155, 163, 210, 275 John, M. D., 125, 334. Patrick, 61 i Samuel, 546, 648 Alger, Susanna, wife of Thomas, 108, 109 Susannah, 192 Thomas, 11, 14-5, 74. 108-9, 193, 232, 246, 307-8; will of, 108 William, 108, 140. 141, 193, 196, 232. 315 see Auger, Augur, Awger. Algers, Goodman, 210 Allance. John, 73 AUee, Jan. 284 Allan, Allen, Allin : Caleb, 269 Daniel, 78 Daniel, of Boston, Mass., 78 Eliashall, 491, 511. 537 Elizabeth, wife of Jedidiah, 70. 77. Ephraim, 70,74. 75, 77. 106, 108. UI, 114, 128, 139. 175, 202. 208, 213, 222, 269, 317, 324; will of. 220 Experience, 70, 77 George. 117, 126, 192, 209. 220. 227, 249, 272, 275, 326. 329 Hector. 303, 066 Henry, 70, 77 Hester, 70, 77 Isaac, alias Conoroe, 438 Jacob, alias Conoroe, 438 Jedidiah, 03, 70, 77. 98, 99, 100, 105,106, 107, 115, 124, 137, 142, 159, 182, 193, 208, 245, 261, 269, 297, 300, 313, 324, 326, 331, 333 John. 120, 223. 592, 610, 616 John, son of John, 108 Rev. John, 56. 226, 237-8 John, son of John, clerk 237 John, senior, of the Island of New Jersey, 78 John, junior. 78 Joseph, 301, 317, 436-7 Judah, 64, 70, 74, 77, 80. 105, 107, 132, 686 GENERAL INDEX. 163, 202, 269, 301, 324, 326, 524 Allan, Margaret, 303; widowof Ephraim, 220 Mary, 70, 77 Mathew, 349, 352, 376, 378, 402, 409, 427, 429, 432, 438, 453, 456, 465. 468. 475-7, 481, 487. 504, 507-8, 514, 517-8, 533, 539. Nathan, 70, 77, 529 Patience, 70, 77 Ralph, 70. 77 Thomas, 353 William, 461, 504, 524, 537 Allison, Richard, yeoman, 495, 514 Allsop, John, 59 Allword, Alward, Henry, 124, 141, 232 AUyborne, Frances, wife of Thomas, 672 Thomas, 672 Almy, Christopher, 30, 47, 71, 219 Job, 267, 313 Alrioks, Pieter, 1 Alyny, Job, 193 Ambler, Joseph, 400. 413. 494 Anderson, Alexander, 104 Andreas. 403, 544, 568, 591, 627. 645-6 Ann, wife of Thomas, 548, 561, 624 Anna Reid, wife of John. 143 Geo., 61 Henry, 566 John, 143 Capt. John, 147 ' Justa, 596 Margaret, 74. 189 Margret Mattison, wife of Henry, 566 Robert, 61, 232, 272 Thomas, 446, 465, 480, 527, 544-6, 548-9, 561, 563, 597, 624 , 544 Andress, Yoakem, 77 Andreson, Andrea, 574 Andrews, Andris, Andriss, Andros : Cornelius, 518 Edward, 503, 512, 517, 527, 534 Enoch, 518 Ephraim. 15, 18, 44, 46, 121, 124, 158, 165, 204, 217, 257 Hester White, wife of Simon, 642 Joshua, 517 Mary, widow, 498 Mordecai, 375, 442, 457. 462, 485, 488. 498, 503-4, 512, 517. 534, 538 Peter, 457, 512 Samuel,- 355-6, 359, 375, 382, 386. 406, 426, 442, 44T, 453, 457, 462, 486, 488, 498, 503. 512, 517, 521, 524 Simon, 642 Andriessen, Andressen, Andrissen, An- - derson. Andros, Lawrence, 2, 4, 5. 16, 32, 37, 39, 44, 48, 135, 205, 284; will of, 193 Andros, Sir Edmond, Gov'r, 163 ' Joshua. 393 Andrus. Andrew, 552 Angelo, Charles, 342, 491, 546. 551. 577 601, 613 Katherine, wife of Charles, 601 Anthony, Allard, 3, 41 Antill. Edward, 151, 153, 183, 189, 267, 279 Antonyseen. Antony, 282 Antram. James, 350, 360, 362, 372, 382. 454, 465, 482. 485, 501, 503, 521 John. 346, 349, 354-5, 357, 362, 376-7, 382, 390, 404. 406, 423, 427-8. 455. 463, .474-5, 481, 484-5, 503, 507, 531, 536 Antrobus, Benjamin. 363, 386, 402, 423, 443, 457, 472-3, 630 Aphet, Judith, 32 Aplegate, Appellgate: Benjamin, 295 Daniel, 168, 262, 295, 325, 330 Elizabeth, 295 Johanna, wife of Thomas, 295 John, 295 Rebecca Tilton, wife of Daniel, 325 Richard, 295 Thomas, 42, 302, 323, 328, 542, 546, 557, 572 Thomas, son of Thomas. 295 Thomas, senior, 60; will of, 295 Aplewhaite, Esther Kingsland, wife cf Henry, 163 Henry, 163 Appleton. John, 457-8, 511 Josiah, 374, 458, 511 Richard, 458. 512 Ariansen, Maritje, will of, 42 Armour, James, 124-6, 129, 152, 210, 237 Arnold, Arnoll, Arnolls: Richard, 353, 357, 666, 668, 681-2 Stephen, 77, 103, 177, 197, 294-5, 300 Thos 553 Ashbrook, John, 652, 662, 671 Ashfleld, Anne, wife of John, 559 John, 544-5, 559, 560, 568 Mary, wife of Richard, 247 Richard, 247 Sir Richard, 559 Ashmore, Anthony, 62, 143, 166, 167, 318. 512 Ashton, James, 25, 27. 32, 47, 116, 134, 136, 138-40, 199, 235, 288, .295, 298-9, 301 James, son of James, 295 John, 351, 357, 428, 648, 668, 681 Patience, wife of John, 668 Robert, 426, 581, 596 Aspeere. Tunis, 268 Assembly. Acts of, 557-8 Assentia, Manuel, 633 ' Atherton, Thomas, 400, 682, 684 Atkins, Aitkines: Sir Edward, 49 Sir Robert, 49 Samuel, 37, 121 Wm., 426 Atkinson, Atkinsone: George, 164 Hannah, wife of James, 417 James, 417, 427, 650, 661, 675, 678 Sarah Shinn, wife of Thomas, 493 Tho.. 379, 389, 471, 493, 529, 659 William, 356, 370, 376, 382, 387 Auery, Capt. John, 549 Auger, Augur : Samuel, 16 Thomas. 141 Austell, Joseph, 654, 677 Austein, Austin, Austine : Francis, 383, 455, 464. 483, 495, 502-3, 523 James, 134 William, 112, 137 Awdrey, Jeremy, 286 Axtone, George, 108 John. 108 Ayr, Ayres, Ayrs, Aires, Airs.-Oyrs: Abaih, 149 John, 67, 196, 215, 232, 244, 298 Joseph, 215, 253 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 687 Ayr, Mary. 215 Obadiah, 67, 102, 169, 170, 196, 214, 218, 241, 251, 260, 273 Obadiah, senior, will of, 215 Obadiah, son of Obadiah, senior, 215 Samuel, 196, 215, 219, 253 see Hayers. Bacheller, Hanna, wife of John. 149 John, 149 Backer, John, 123, 127, 133, 138, 139, 180, -481, 185 Baoon, Bakofir Benjamin, 628 Daniel, 363-4, 373, 375. 377, 380-1, 389, 414, 421-2, 427, 453, 464-5, 472. 480, 529, Jeremiah, 491, 616, 627, 647 John, 5S1, 592-3, 608, 612, 625, 628 Joseph, 611, 625, 641 Katharine, wife oi .Nathaniel, 462, 630 Martha, wife of Samuel, 54. 231 Mary, wife of Jeremiah, 491 ' Nathaniel. 373, 462, 630 Samuel, 10, 11, 14, 17, 24. 46, 54. 194, 207, 211, 229, 231, 282, 250. 273, 573-5, 580, 584, 587-8, 590. 592-3, 617, 636. 647 Samuel, senior, 575 Samuel, junior, 603 William, 592, 603, 647 -Widow, 522, 529 ,592- Bagaley, Bagley, Beggely, Begley: Anne, wife of Charles, 575 Charles, 342, 549-50, 568, 571-2, 575, 533- 7, 592, 610-1. 621, 638 Elizabeth, wife of Chas., 584, 592, 611, 621 Bainbridge, Bainbrigg, Benbrigg: John, 143, 206. 224, 228, 359, 360, 365, 368. 375-6, 390, 392-3, 432, 466, 468, 478, 488-9, 512, 517, 536-7 John, junior, 419 Joseph, 61, 67, 75, 101 Sarah, wife of John, 536 Baine, Hellein. 72, 74 Baird, John, 61. 120, 135, 136, 187, 227 Baker, Abram, 50 Agnes, wife of John, 151 Derrick, 151, 272 Elizabeth, wife of Derrick, 151 Frances, 151 Hendrick, 50, 217 John,' 142, 156, 196, 203, 209. 224, 225, 234, 250, 253, 257, 259. 262, 272. 276, 282, 299, 308, 312, 496; will of, 151 Capt. John, 22, 24, 101, 259 John, of Fairlight, Sussex Co., 102 Margaret, 26, 213 Mary, 260; wife of John, 496 Nicholas, 50 Nicolas Jansen, 3, 26, 30 Richard, 151 Susanna Weinans, 217 Thomas, 151 Captain, 221 Baldridge, Adam, 624, 632-4 Baldwin, Baldwine, Baldwyne : Benjamin, 212, 228, 244, 248, 256, 263, 265-6, 281, 303 Elizabeth, 164, 216 Esebell, 31 Hannah Warde. 216 John, 212, 244, 263-4. 277, 286 John, senior, 20', 21, 212, 243, 263/265 Baldwin, John, junior, 21, 38, 131, 212, 241 243. 248, 255, 257, 263, 265-6 Jonathan, 306 Joseph, 31 Ball, Baal, Baall: Abjgail, 145 Caleb, 228, 229, 248 Edward, 20. 21, 33, 40, 63, 242, 244. 252, 256-7 266, 269; Sheriff, 160 Ballenger, Henry, 349, 361, 371-2, 417, 419, 427, 463 Banges, Hannah Smally. 270 Bankson, Andrew, 662 Banta, Cornelius Epke, 224 Derrick Epke, 224 Hendrick Epke, 224 Sibah Eptke, 224 see Epkee, Jacobs Barber, Aquilla, 629, 639, 640 Francis, 64 Barbour, Claude, 47 Barclay, David. 69, 111, 182, 308 David, junior. 55, 56, 60, 66. 72 Col. David, 201 John, 62. 66. 69. 73, 76, 79, 97. 134, 146, 147, 159, 162, 172, 175, 178, 180. 187, 19i. 196, 201, 203, 205, 206, 214,227, 241. 247, 249, 263, 274, 279, 281, 285, 297, 3D5-8. 314, 320,497 John, son of David, 182; Receiver General, 215 ; Surveyor General, 232 Katherine, wife of John, 146. 306, 32n Robert, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 66. 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 79, 97, 101, 104, 105. 109. 111. 114, 117, 119, 120, 122, 125, 127. 130-8. 143. 144, 147. 150, 151. 153, 155, 156. 168, 171, 173-6. 181-2, 186-8, 192-5, 197-8. 203, 205, 211, 245, 247, 261, 266, 276 290. 292, 297, 302-8, 314, 319-23, 331 Thomas, 70- Barclett, Benjamin, 398, 405, 409 Barents, Christian. 193 Barker, Edward, son of Edward, 286 Elizabeth, 286 Henry, 286 Capt. John, 80 Samuel, 355, 357, 365, 369, 371. 377, 379. 387, 407, 410,413, 426,- 470-1, 474, 482, 510. 540 Storie, 286 Thomas, 56, 68, 119. 122, 124. 127. -153-4. 181, 189, 201, 203, 206, 226, 234, 276, 292, 298, 308, 310, 323 Barkstead, Franeis,"462 J.. 641 John, 549, 563, 607, 612, 614, 616,618 Joshua, 372-3, 383, 385-6, 392-3. 459. 462, 495. 505, 509, 549, 563, 572. 578, 580, 583, 586, 607, 611-12, 614, 616, 618-19. 626, 630-1; Deputy Factor W. J. Socie ty, 495 ; brother of Jeremiah Basse, 462 Barley, Obadiah, 490 Barlowe, Obadiah, 415, 424 Barlow, Robert, 78 Barnard, Edward, 654 Barnerd, Stephen, 253 Barnes. Henry, 580 widow Jane, 120 Joseph, 491 widow Martha, 487 Mary, 245, 313; widow of Thomas. 51 Samuel, 390 Susannah, 313 Thomas, 51, 313-14, 329 William, 385, 390, 447, 487, 491 688 GENERAL INDEX. Barnord, Marmaduke, 61 Baroe, Lazarus, -306 Baron, Barron, Barroon, Mychgyel, 6 , Michael, 550-2, 573, 588-9, 595, 643-4 Barratt. James, 463 Barre, Charles, 243 James, will of, 243; son of James, 243 Mary, wife of James, 243; dau. of James, 243 Barrett Elizabeth, wife of James, 593 , James, 423, 594-5, 634, 642- Barrow, Caroline Kingsland, wife of John, junior, 163 John, junior, 163 Robert, 626, 640 Barthlemew, Daniel, 487 Bartholomew, George, 346, 353, 396, 408, 438 Mary, wife of George, 408, 438 Bartleson. Lawrence, 669 Bartlett, Benjamin, 315-16, 434, 440. 458, 655, 658 Gratia, wife of Benjamin. 315-16, 434 Thomas, 106, 231, 270, 325 see Barcle^t. Barton, Hannah Hull, wife of William, 267 299 Thomas, 347, 350-2, 355, 358, 360. 362, 373, 382, 419, 423, 427, 491 William, 267, 299 Bartwod, Thomas. 70 Basnett. Bassnett, Bassnitt: Elizabeth, 383, 487; widow, 378; wid ow of Richard, 516 Mary, 489 Richard, 366, 378, 391, 401-2. 404-6, 409, 420/425, 428, 430, 444, 446-8, 45'i, 466, 489, 515-16, 528, 662 widow, 380 Basse. Jeremiah, 154, 155, 161, 286, 293, 298; Governour E. J., 301-7. 309, 312, 322, 324, 331, 334. 385; minister and general agent for W. J., 484, 434, 438, 440-1, 445. 451-2. 454. 456-9, 461-2, 484, .495, 506-7. 509-10, 512-13, 515. 517, 540-1, 580, 583, 612; Gov'r of W. J.. 504 Mary, mother of Jeremiah, 462 Bassett, Elisha, 628 Samuel, 625 Bastard, John, 619 Bas ton. Ellenor. 479, alias Randle, 486 Bate, Jeremiah, 668, 672, 675-6 Mary Spicer. wife of Jeremiah, 672 Bates, William, 351, 357, 405. 417, 419. 427, 432, 649, 659, .660, 662, 668, 674-6, 681 Bateman, John, 619" Bath, JohnvEarl of, 49 Battersby, Nicholas, 197, 316, 436-7 Bawd. John, 130, 132 Bayard, Balthazar, 5, 7, 18, 41 Nicholas, 2, 54 Bayley. Eias, planter, 528 Baylis, John, 1 1 Bayly. John, 1 Beach, Beech, Beeck, Richard, 24, 25, 53, 58, 103, 117, 118, 216 Zophar, 216, 242, 326 Beackman, William, 41 Beak'ebaine, Beakbane, Thomas, 560, 580 Beal, Henry, 655, 658-9, 663 Beamond, Rich'd. 400 Beamont, Hannah, 210, 317 Beard. Katharine, 365, 387, 432 Widow Katharine, 485, 501 Beard, Wm., 348-9, 351, 386, 420, 427, 529 Beasley, Thomas, 589 Beek, Henry, yeoman, 380. 383, 386, 389. 481, 493. 500-1, 505-6. 509, 510, 529, 537-8, 540 Bedloe, Isaac, 8, 117 Beedle, John, 585 See Beetie, Beetle Beekman, Gerardus, 311 Beel, see Boell. Beeny, Agnes, 64 Beere, John. 481 Jonathan. 344, 403-4, 423, 430, 463. 491, 514-5, 521, 552, 583, 587. 594. 597-9, 601, 604-5, 612-3, 622, 630, 633-4, 636, 642; Burgess of Salem, 613 Mary Sauders, wife of Jonathan, 583, 599, 605, 633, 636 Beetie, Jo'n, 553 Beetle, John, 5S4, 641 See Beedle, Bettle Bell, Edmund, 292 Henry, 501 Nicholas, 402, 414 Bellany, John, 133 — Bellasse. Bellas, John, 372, 383 Bellers, Bellowes. Bellus, Billers, John, 419, 593, 615, 617, 619 ,622 Bellmap, Samuel. 619 Bellomont, Lord Richard, 302 Bellows, John, 459 Belshar, Capt. Andrew, 77 Benham, Hezekiah. 518 Bennet, Bennett, Alexander, 516 Isaac, 42 Jeremiah, 167, 305 John, 619-20 Sarah, wife of Thos., 620 Thomas, senior, 619 Thomas, junior, 619-20 Benson. Dirreck, 253. 262 Benthall, Walter, 68, 132. 126-7, 152. 197, 201, 203, 206-7, 225, 235, 240, 247, 278. 287,304,322. 334 Berk, Mary. 61 Berckeloo, Harmen of, 145 ' Jan Harmense, 145 William, 145 Berkleson, Andrew, 570 Berkeley, Lord John, 2, 18, 559 Berrv, Berrie, Francijia,, wife of John, 55 John, 250, 258, 262, 271, 282, 291-2, 330 Capt., 7, 8. 18. 19, 34, 35. 37, 39, 44, 46 55, 76, 80, 97, 100, 222, 230, 242^3 Major, 153, 165,236; Dep. Governor, 32,596 Nedemia Sandford, wife of Richard, 185, 250 Peter 235 Richard, 55, 125, 160, 185, 222, 250, 278 Berryman, Bereman, Leonard, 595, 599, 620-2 Bertholf , Guilliam, 262, 282 Besignie, Peter, 189; see Dassigny, de Signey Ressiack, Francis, 351 Besswiek, Beswick, Aaron, 309, 662, 670 Ephraim, 625 Francis, 346-7, 354, 357, 376, 396-7, 406, 410, 413, 419, 422, 427. 439, 466. 494, 509, 532, 537; will of, 538 John, 613, 615. 619, 625 Precilla, wife of Francis, 538 Bethell, John, 649, 652. 661, 663--4, 669 Bettle, Elizabeth White, wife of John, NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 689 591. 594 Bettle, John, 591, 594 ' See Beedle, Beetle Bevvies, William. 76 Bevllis, Mathias, 461 Bttfl), Thomas, 463, 482, 4S7, 495, 528, 530 Bice, James, 518 Bickham, Richard, 514 Biokley, Bickly, Abraham, .294, 298, 510, 537 Elizabeth, wife of Abraham, 294, 537 Susannah, wife of William, 294 William, 219, 590 William, senior, 294 , Bicknell, Richard, 524 William, 441, 510 Biddle, Sarah, wife of Wm., 426, 429, 444, 446, 518 /William, 351, 353-4, 359, 362, 364-5, 870-1, 373, 376-8, 380, 3897-9, 402-4, 408-11, 413. 417-9, 421, 427-8, 430-3, 440-4,, 446-7,- 449, NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 709 450-8, 461-3, 465-9. 470-3. 476-80, 481-4, Indian Landowners' Names : 486-9. 490-4, 498-9, 500-3, 505, 508-13, 516, 520-3, 526, 530-5, 537, 539, 546, 632, 663 >Hutohinson. James, 70 1 John. 477, 482-3, 486, 493-4, 496, 498, 500. 502. 508, 518-9, 521, 523-4, 527-8, 530-2, 537-8. "546, 636 Joseph. 662 Robert, 449, 494. 582. 586, 618-9, 632 Thomas, 369, 370, 373, 390. -395, 897-8, 403, 408. 410, 413-6, 418,- 432. 425, 428, 432-3, 440, 444,-446, 451-4, 456-7, 464-fi, 470, 473. 475, 477, 479, 480, 483-4, 486, 492-6, 498, 500. 502, 505, 510, 526-7, 530, 540, 545, 560, 650 - Hutton, Alexander, 172 Huttone, Elizabeth, 114, 176, 178, 184 Richard, 125 Capt. Richard, 77 Hyerton, Obadiah, 462 see Hierton Ible, Nathaniel, 404, 419, 430, 653 Ickhoot, Rowland, 583, 606, 609 • Ilesley. Ilsley, Ilsly, Benjamin, 149 Elisha,. 130; 149, 166 Hannah, widow of Elisha, 149 John, 44, 46, 121, 130-2, 220, 307, 328 John* senior, 300 Joseph. 149 William, 80, 131, 149 see Elsiie Imlay, Patrick, 289. 324 Imley, Peter, 195 see Emley Immigrants, lists of, 61. 62, 64, 65. 68. 69, 70,72.73; sale of , 64, 64 Indians, 188, 564; laws regarding. 558; of Essex Co., 73; of Hackensack, 4 ; of Middlesex Co , 73; /Of Monmouth Co., 290; of Somerset Co , 180; of Tappean. 49; sale of liquor to, 28; trade with, 29; as slaves, 190,210; deeds from. 17. 18, 48-9. 51, 57, 64-6, 73. 79, 80, 97, 130, 141, 143, 147, 150, 155-6. 168. 173, 196. 230. 278, 283. 505. 513, 516, 556-7, '559, 560, 5T3, 575, 639; Interpreter, the. 553; lands of, li-^ .. cense to purchase, 113 Indian Landowkibs' Names: Abozaweramud, 66 Allowayes, 559. Ahtahkones, 395 ¦ Anaren, 7 Appamankaogh. 2 ,,- Apperingues, 395 Assowakon, 17 Auspeakan, 168 Awisham, 639 Bomokan, 1 Canandus, 73 Capatamine, 18 Oaponeaoconeaon, 156 .Capt. John. 639 - Celelemond, 156 . Coathowe. 66 Cottenochgue, 560 -Cowescomen, 1 Emris. 66 Encheim, 2 Enequete, 395 Eschapous, 51, 57 , - Eschereck, Escharecek, 51, 57 Gnickap, 66 Gosque, 7 Hanyaham, Hanayaham, 7, 18. 97 ' Hapehucquoxa, 155 Hayamakeno, 73 Hepeneman, 73 Hiphockanoway, 196 Hoaham, 156, 422 Hoaken, 278 Houghame, 168 Hughon, 143 Ichchepe, 66 Ifooseeke, 65, 66 , Irramigkin, 17 Ishavekak, 73 Jaokiokon, 395 Jan Claas. Indian, 73 Kagkennip, 1 Katamas, 395 Kekrbppamant, 395 Keksameghn, 17 Kenarenawack, 7 Kepanoockonickon, 422 Keromack, 51, 57 Kovand, 73 Lumoseecon, 143 Maohieriok Hitock, 7 Machpetuske. 66 Mahawksey, 559 Mahomeoum or King Charles, 513 ' Manamowaone, 1 _ Manhauxett, 440 Maquaincke, 66 Marcnaw, 73 Master Thomas, 505 Mattano, 1, 2 Memewockan, 1 Memmes Scytheypoey, 73 Mendenmass, 73 Mengootecus, 516 Messingpejun, 17 Metappis. 196 Mettatoch, 73 Metteohmahon, 73 Mindowashwen. 73 Mookhanghan, Mochanhan, 283, 310 Mohocksey, 395, 559 Mohutt, Mousett, 559, 560 Molhunt. 424 Myopponey, 559 Nackpunck, 97 Nanhoosing, 395 Neckaoch, 2' Neconis. 559 Necossheseo. 559 Nenacutton, 513 Neskorhook, 73 Newenapee, 73 Okanishkon, 395 Okeyman, 639 Olomosecunek, 196 Onatagh, 17 • ¦ Oratan. Sachem of Hackensack, 8 Pama Corne, 278 Pam'ehelett, 73 Pawmetop, 73 Pavhicken, Pyahicken, 278, 283 Paywarren, 130 Peanto, 395 . Peckcanouse. Peokaonus, 51, 57 Pernpatte, 66 Petheatus, 395 Powantapis, 66 710 GENERAL INDEX. Indian Landowners' Names : Qanalah, Quanalem, 283, 290 Quenalowmon, 156 Queremack, 51, 57 ' Quiatemans, 639 Rawtom, 73 Remmatap, 1 Rennowighman, 395 Romasickamen, 422 Rumashekah. 73 Saooutorey, 559 Saghkow, 1 Saghtew, 17 Sakamoy, 424 Sames, 1 Scochanam, Shaukamun. 573 ' Seaheppee, 65 Sekapple, 395 Sewecbromle, 74 Seweggkamin, 17 Shappeara. 66 Shapundaqueho, 73 Supa Patonarum, 66 Taepan, Sachem of Minissing, 230 Tallquapie, 141 Tamack, Tamage, 7, 18 Tantaqua, 7, 18. 97 Tatameckho, 395 Teptaopamun, 422 Therinques, 1 Tolomhon. 155 Tospecsmick, 7 Vevenutting. 422 Wallammassekaman, 173 . Wanamasoa, 173 Wappappen, 1 Wawenotong, 196 Wayweenotan, 168 Waywinotunce, 173" Weghwewenin, 17 Weighrerens, 97 Wenamiek, 4 Wennaminck Keckquennen, 7 Weskeakitt. 395 Wewenatokwee. 1 Wiokwela, Wikquaylas, Wiokawela, 147, 150, 156! Wikgaylas, Wikquales, 283, 290 Wittamaokpao. 97 Industries, see Mining Rights, Pottery, . Whale fishery. Ingelos, Richard. 214 Ingerom, Thomas. 225 Inghame, Thomas, 110, 165, 183 Ingle, Robert, 461 Ingram. Elizabeth, widow of Thomas, 183 John, 528 Thomas. 42 Inians. John, 54-5, 61-2. 66, 101, 124, 154, 234. 253, 266, 279, 305, 310, 321, 323, 330-1, 333 John, will of, 298 l- Marie, wife of John, 279, 298 Mary, widow of John, will of. 320 Inloos, Inlouse, Abraham, 610 Innes, Alexander. 143 Alexander, clerk, '330 Argebald, 250, 252 Gilbert, 231; will of , 73 Gylles, 102 Gyles, wife of Gilbert, 73 Insley, John, 158, 160 Ireland. .la.nfit. wiffi nf .Tnhn 148. 9~(\ 327 Ireson, Irons, John, 343, 569, 570, 590. 593-4, 611-2, 642, 684-5, 672 , Ironmonger, John, 674 Sarab Lakin, wife of John, 674 Issard, Michael, 585-6, 601-2, 647 see Izard. Ithell, John, 356-8, 360, 362, 407-9, 415. 425, 427-8, 430, 432, 546, 627-8, 656, 673 _ Ives, John, 78 Susannah, wife of Timothy Hancock, 479 Izard, Mich., 637, 633 Jackson, Jacksone, Elizabeth, widow of "" Francis, 266 Elizabeth, wife of Francis, 295 Elisabeth, widow, 283 Francis, 97,100. Ill, 114, 135, 175, 196, 212-3, 266, 295, 308 Jacob, James, 498, 679 , Peter, 18 Jacobs. Epke, 44, 62-3, 198, see Banta and Jansen. Henry,. 349, 350, 352-3, 360, 384, 387, 396, 524 Henry, Indian interpreter, 414 Peter. 5, 99, 188 Symon, 62 Walling, 55, 62, 222, 250, 292. 330 Jacobson, Jacobsen, Jacobsone, Barbery, widowY571, 595 John, 571, 595, 646 Peter, 5, 99, 188 Rut Joosten, 99 . see van Winkel. Jacoks, WiUiam, 393, 460, 514 Jaebes, Marjory, 131 Janes. Archibald. 246 Janeway, William, 260 Jans, Jannetye, wife of Lawrence An drise, 193, 205 Jansen, Eptkey, 79, see Banta. Jan, 4 Ory, 3 Peter, 301 Widow of Michiell, 3 see Johnson. Jaquatt. Paul, 589. 616 Jaques, Ja.cques. Jacqui, Jaquish, Han nah, 43 Henry, 18, 24, 40, 44, 195, 207, 259, 271, 328 Henry, senior, 10, 11, 13 John, 259, 267, 271 Jonathan. 271, 328 Joseph, 328 Jarnok, Duncan. 189 Elisabeth. 189 Margat, 189 . Jarvis, Martin. 677-8 Jeanes, Henry,' 596, 638, 644, 646 John. 638 Nathaniel, 596. 633 Jaffray. Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Andrew, 58, 171, 178. 80, 182 Francis, 103-10, 154, 165, 184. 202, 236 Jegou, Piere, 3, 4, 30-1, 396, note. 420 Jelsone, John, 110 Jenings. Jenjngs. Jennings, Henry, 342, 547, 551-2, 573-5, 579,531,584-90,612, 614. 619, 623, 627, 636. 642, 684 John, 528 IVTsvi-o-aTol- wifo nf TTotittt R73 575. NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 711 Jenings, Margaret, wife of Sam., 611 Samuel, 140, 347. 349. 350-2, 354. 356, ~ 365, 372-3, 386, 394. 396, 399, 401, 403-4, 408, 413-4, 417, 421-2, 426-7, 431, 441, 443, 448, 460. 463, 464, 467, 470-1, 473, 475, 479, 480, 484. 492-3, 496, 506-7, 509, 5i0. 512-4, 520, 523.535, 531-3, 535, 580, 610, 665-6, 673 Samuel, Gov'r of Maryland, 505 Jenkines, Job, 98, 106, 114-5. 173 John, 173 Samuel. 354, 400, 407 Jenney, Thomas, 417 Jenson, WUliam, 186 Jeorge, Hendrick, 26 Jerome, Stephen, 287 Jervis. John, 499 Jewell, George, 52, 57, 59, 77, 208. 212, 254 258, 268, 281, 307 John. 504-5, 509 Job, Jobe, Jobs, George, 116. 208, 219, 271. 297 George, senior. 130 John, 27, 100, 134, 140, 299 John, senior, 130 Johannes, Christiancie, 274 Johns, Richard, 527 Johnes, Rob't 130 Johnson. Abigail. 297 Annica. Erickson. wife of John, 584 Ard, 610, 614, 544 Benjamin, 297 Clause, 569, 618, 633, 643 1 Daniel, 297 Elizabeth, widow of Clause, 633 Elisabeth, wife of William, 298 Elizabeth, 43 Ellen, 29 Fopp, 550. 644, see Outhout. Gerty, wife of Derrick Sicken, 225 Hannah, wife of Henry Leonard, 297 Henry, 297. 534. 663-4, 667-8, 674, 684 Jackamaintie, wife of Peter, 301 Jacob, 033 Johannes, 258 John, 50, 152, 215, 297. 584, 633 Joseph, 37, 44, 215, 227 Kathren, 297 Lambert, 610, 614 Magdalena, wife of Ard, 610 Mary, -widow of Wm. Brodwell, 215 Mathias, 544. 588, 574 Miriam, wife of Henry, 664 Nicholas, 262, 619-20 Peter, 64, 247, 301, 571, 595 Richard, 342. 436, 551-2," 578. 580, 582, 585, 588, 591, 600. 602, 607, 618, 628, 631, 637 Rut, 390 Samuel, 297, 624 Sarah Swaine, wife of Thomas, 218 Sofe. 4 Thomas, 22, 29, 30, 32. 35-6, 39, 40, 42-3, 53, 57, 63, 155, 218, 227, 286, 343, 581. 606, 618, 637 Thomas, son of Thomas, 215 Thomas, will of, 215. see Johnston. Tunis, 213, 268, 274-5, 303, 307-8, see Spear. Wm., 30, 43, 222, 312-3, 516, 568, 570. ' 579. 601, 606, 60S, 620, 634-5, 627 William, son of William, 297, 547 William, senior, will of, 297 William Gill, 609, 617, 643-4, 646. see Johnson, Yealious Gill, 621, 643-4 Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone, Johns town, Deborah, wife of Eliphelet. 306 Eliphalet, 215, 216, 248, 255, 274, 279-81, 306 Eupham, wife of John, 141, 143 George, 65, 174 Isabell, 64 James, 68. 149, 152-4. 174-8. 182, 184, 187, -191, 194-5. 202, 208, 221, 228, 231-2, 234-5, 238„240, »60-l, 274, 282, 296,300, 306, 315, 323-6, 334, 531 John, 115, 138, 141-4, 147, 151-6, 159, 176. 179, 180-1, 187, 191, 213, 226, 230, 232; 235, 238, 250, 252, 254-5, 265, 272, 274, 281, 294, 296, 300-1, 304-6, 310-2, 322-6, 331, 334-5, 531 Dr. John, 326-7 Joseph, 149, 248, 264, 280-1 Marie, 272 Peter, 242 Robert, 293 Ruliph, 221 Sarah, wife of Thomas, 259 Thomas, 244, 254, 258-9, 279 Tunis, 213 William, 118. 166, 441. 459 see 'Johnson. Jones, Benjamin, 300, 315, 506, 512. 514 Edward 148, 266, 281 Gertheritt (Gertrud), wife of John, 64U Griffith, 310, 578, 582, 599, 607 Hannah. 190 Jeffry, 30, 34. 101, 118, 130. 174, 186. 231-2 227, 237, 291, 297. 299, 311-3 John, 103, 190, 615, 634, 640, 673 Josiah, 225 Richard, 57, 61, 71, 75, 110, 127, 219, 334 Robert, 297 Sarah, Stockton, wife of Benjamin. 514 Steven, 675 Thomas, 600, 619, 673 William, 37. 121, 190, 302, 311, 328 Joost, Roger, 100 Joosten, Jane, 318 John, 464, 497, 516-7 Joris, Cornelis, 34 Joy, Hannah, 193, 269. 333 Hannah, alias Cook, 331 Joyes, Hannah, 208 Joyner, John, 375. 453, 485, 488, 528 Mary, widow of John, 528 Jurianse, Thomas, 41 Jurim, John, 298, 316, 434, 436 7 Justeson, Canute, 680 Kae, Nor.ah, 62 Kaighin, Ann, wife of John, 614 "Ann, dau. of John, 614 Kaighen, John, 104, 166-7, 177, 614, 626. - 634-5,668,672.675 Kaneday, Kanadey, John, 39, 48 Kay, Gervace, 668 John, 658-9, 671, 678, 680 Kedey, Stephen, 484 Keely, Anne Towle, wife of Wm., 52a . Wm., 526 Keene, Jonas. 352, 399, 402 Keeney, Alexander. 328 , Keith. Anna, wife of George, 69 Anna, dau. of George, 69 GENERAL INDEX. Keith, George, 69, 97, 99. 100, 185-7, 110, 112, 114, 129, 130, 152, 182, 184. 187, 194. 202, 208. 224, 240. 245, 263, 297, 308,318; Surveyor Gen'l of E. J., 188 Isabel, 61, 132, 164 Kelly, Nicholas, 534 Wm., 552. 595 Kelsey, Joseph, 321 -_ Kemane, Patrick, 62 Kemball. Samuel, 445 Kemble, Henry, 278, 321 Samuel. 507, 529 Kendall. George, 539 Thomas, 350, 370. 376, 421-2. 430, 440. 455. 462, 487-8, 497-9, 504. 510. 513. 517, 521, 523, 533, 654. 674 Kenoweth, Amye, 425, 490 Kent, Ann, wife of Thomas, 581 Mary, wife of Stephen, 272 Stephen, 12, 38, 43, 57, 102, 170, 175. 218. 220. 232,'272, 283, 290, 3)5, 318, 328 Stephen, senior, 9, 13, 14, 16, 103, 141, 211 Stephen, junior. 12, 13, 85, 267, 277, 315, 318 Thomas, 343. 552, 581, 604 Wm., 394, 408-9,442, 448, 482, 518 Kenton. Mary, wife of Wm . 602 Mary, widow of Wm. , 623 Wm., 602. 612, 623 William, son of Wm., 623 Ker, Kerr, Walter. 142. 149, 173, 175, 240, 261, 282, 324, 327, 334 Kerksey, Edward, 391 John, 391 John son of John, 391 Kermes, Thomas. 619-20 Kersted. Mrs. Sarah, widow of Hans. 8 Ketcham, Bethia, wife of John, senior, 619 John. 600 John, senior, 619 - Keyser. John, 530 Kidd-, Capt.. 161 • Wm., 519 Kigbin, John, 62 Kilgouw, James. 173 Kill, Nicholas, 534 Killie, David, 142 Killingworth, Prudence, wife of Thos., 613, 633 Thomas, 107, 604, 613, 615, 617, 625, 629, . 633-4, 639, 642 Kilmister, Sarah, widow of William, 221 William, 221 Kimball, Hannah, 352, 379, 402 Kimboll, — -. 555 King, Frederick, 361, 461, 466 Harmanus, 315, 331 John, 61 Kingsland, Edmorrd. 278 Elizabeth, wife of Isaac, 278 Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac, 278 Frances, 278 Gustavus, 278 Hester, 278 Isabella, 163 Isaac, 125, 163, 247, 249. 292. 301 Isaac, of Long Island, 57 Isaac, son of Isaac, 278 Isaac, will of, 278 John, 163, 278 Mary, 155, 163, 278 Mary.jwife of Nathaniel, 19, 154 Kingsland. Nathaniel, 19, 57, 154-5, 163, 199 Major Nathaniel, 278 Kinloch, Rev. David, 501 Kinsey, Kinzey, Kensey, John, 345-7. 370, 376-7, 394-5, 397, 423. 442-3, 489. 503, 524, 535, 679 John, son of John, 395 Kip, Hendricus, 250 Nicholas, 271 Kirkbride, Joseph, 530. 540 Kirle, Tho., 518, see Kizle. Kitchell. Abraham, 175 Bethia. 175 Grace, wife of Samuel, 175 Grace, dau. of Samuel, 175 Mary, 175 Robert, 212 Samuel, 20, 40. 131, 230, 244, 255-6, 263-4, 280-1. 306; will of. 175 Susannah, 175 Mrs.. 243. 265 Kizle, Tho., 524.see Kirle. Knapton, Benj., 605, 607, 612, 616 see Napton. Knight, Nicholas. 408 Robert, 408 Knowles, Thomas, 64, 103 Knox, William, 125 Korrie, George, 68 Kylle. William, 588 Kyllett Kylett. John, 343-4, 546, 538. 607, 613, 615, 617, 634 Kymball, John, 578 Laoey, Edmund, alias Griffith. 344 Lacroy, Anna, 583, 617 Elizabeth, 583 Elizabeth wife of John Minck, 617 John, 618,643. 646 Margret, widow of Michael, 583, 617 Mary, 583, 617 Michael. 5S3. 617. 643-4, 646 Ladd, John, 427, 649-53, 656-7, 659, 667, 671, 677-80, 683-4 Sarah, wife of John, 656 Laf etra, Laffetra, Leffetrate.Edmond. 64, 74-5, 105, 107-8, 132, 139, 154, 269, 295; will of, 107 flam.. 317, 326 Edmond, son of Edmond, 107 Frances, wife of Edm,. 114 Frances, widow of Edmond, 107 Joseph, 107 Sarah, 107 Lafleur, see Piat, Rene. Lafortune, see Poutony. Laing, Layng, John, 186, 191, 203-4, 224, 306; will of, 285 John, son of John, 285 Margaret, wife of John, 285-6 " William, 73,. 150. 160. 182, 188, 231, 234, 236, 251. 285, 306, 324-5, 327 Lakin, Hannah. 208 Moses, 651, 660. 663, 674 Lakins, Rachel, 674 Sarah, 674 La Masters Frances. 214 Lamb, Jacob, planter,' 519 Lambe, Hugh. 424, 467 John,-317, 436-7 Lambert, Lambart, Lamburd, Daniel, 306 Elizabeth, 439 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas. 448" NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 7T3 Lambert. John, 70, 74, 165, 180, 283, 303, 310, 323, 332, 362, 394, 396, 439, 487, 490 -John, son of John, 332 Marie, widow of John, 332-3 Robert, 130 Roger, 24. 80, 136. 151, 212-3, 272. 287 Tho., 140, 347, 358, 382, 365, 367-8. 378, 388,390-1.396,406, 410. 414. 439, 441, 444, 448-9, 454, 465. 468-9, 470, 472, 477. 511, 520, 526. 530-2 Thomas, senior, 471 ; , 142 'Lambson. Anna Spartleson, wife of Thomas, 598 ' Lampson, Abigail Swaine. wife of Eli ezer, 218 Ebenezer, 255, 280 . Eliezer, 218, 265 Lamson, Lambson. Thos., 551. 598. 609, 625 Land. Dorcus, wife of Samuel, 546, 561, 577, 594 Samuel. 546, 555, 561. 564, 577. 594 Landrigging, John, 553 Lane, Barnard, 375, 378-9, 380, 468, 471, 483. 529 Sir" Thomas, 293, 298, 302, 305, 316, 328-7, 330-1, 434, 436-8. 504, 513 Lanrford, Ebenezer. 356, 407, 525 John. 400. 416, 419, 423, 525 Langly. John, 673 Susannah, widow of John, 673 Langstaffe, John. 7ii, 107-8. 113, 123. 126. 198. 203, 233, 235, 237, 239, 243, 258, 277, 328. 331. 385, 417, 463, 494 Martha Martin, 108 Laning. John, 531 Lanney, Robert, 517 'la-Pierre, see Finnev. rLasswell, Wm., 354, 395, 400, 46S, 477 .Lause, widow, 645 Lauwranson, Peter, 145 Lawrence, Ltiwranoe. Laurance, Low rance, Andres, 193, 205, 283 Daniel, 243 Elisha, il9. 190-,294, 296, 320 George. 634 Johannes, 243 John, 321 Joseph, 220, 238. 321 Lawrence, 193, 274, 283 Lucy, wife of Elisha, 296 Marcus, 356, 353, 398, 409 Peter, 193/274 Richard, 20, 21, 60, 116. 244, 233, 265, 236, 353, 361, 410, 434, 648-9, 657, 661, 681 Sarah, 220 Sarah, will of, 193 Severin. 4 Thomas, 51, 57, 73. 168, 193, 220, 228, 274, 276, 295; Sheriff. 160 Wm., 26, 44, 64, 68/74-7, 105. 103, 115, 151, 156, 159, 163. 179. 183-5. 189, 190, 202, 207, 231, 233, 243, 250.. 276, 233, 296-7, 308, 319.321, 541, 550, 557, 575, 578, 583 WiUiam, senior. 176. 235, 296 Wm., junior," 27. 56, 75-6, 115-6. 168, - 185,238.297.300 Capt. Wm., 160-2 Lawrensen, Adrian, 6 Arent, 5, 6, 14 ' . Johannes. 528, 535 .'Lawrie. Ann. 80 Laurie, Arthur, 101 Gawen, 55-6, 58-9, 60-1. 64. 70, 75-6, 78-9, 80, 97-8, 100. 105-6, 109, 111-3, 119, 124 5. 129, 138-9, 149. 150, 152, 157, 165. 168, 171, 173, 186. 189, 215, 243, 247, 253-3, 270-1, 279. 281, 283-4. 289, 292, 303-6, 309-10, 323-4, 336, 332, 334-5. 394-5, 397-8. 400, 405, 408. 413, 4,18,437, 439,441 473, 479. .506, 526, 559, 666-7; will of. 101, 330 James, 80, 101. 288 Mary, wife of WiUiam 'Haige, see Haige Mary, wife of Gawen, 78, 101-2, 304: widow of Gawen, 103. 215 Rebecca, 61 ; see Forster, Rebecca Thomas, 70, 76. 80, 106, 119, 204, 240, - 250, 252, 270. 287-8, 334, 326 Lawson, Agnes, 68 Sicella, 63 Lax, Nicolas, 398, 402 Laycon, Michael. 676 Layton. Laiton, Laton. Lattone, Janet Oliphant, wife of Samuel, 142, 310 Samuel. 14.2. 310 William, 27, 103, 115, 123, 199, 206-7, 294. 319 Lazeere. Charles, 274 Nicholas, 274 Leach. Dennis, 553 Lsacocke, Robert. 133, 139, 163, 175 Leagey, William, will of, 57 Leaman, Christopher. 391, 489 Thomas, 393. 489 le Conte, L^cont,"Lacount, Peter, 146, 229. 240, 272, 277 Lee, Abigail, 222 Anna. 222 Ann White, 135 Bennone, 222 John, 146-8, 223, 321, 391, 461 Marv, 222 Thomas, 135, 245, 287, 334; .will of, 222 William, 355, 369, 401, 533 Leeds. Charles D., 388 Daniel, 107. 124, 126, 256, 347. 349, 354, 359-69. 370-9. 332-4, 386-90, 393-4, 400, 414 433, 410-1, 449, 452. 456, 464-6. 483, 490, 493. 493, 498, 507, ,510-3, 520. 525. 527. 529, 535, 538-9 Dorothy, wife of Daniel, 525. 537 Margaret, wife of Thomas. 107 Mirgaret^widow of Thomas, 193. 208 Thomas, 107, 193. .208, 309, 317; will of, . 107 William, 69, 107. 124, 16S. 302 Wm., senior. sub-Sheriff, .159 William, senior, 150 William, junior, 150 „.,,.. Leendertsen. Paul, (van der Grift), 5 Leet, Daniel, 493 Isaac. 365, 887. 449. 493 Lefever, Lefeavor, Hanna Carle, wife of Hvpolite. junior, 536-7, 595 Hypolite. 543, 547, 549. 555, 557-8 561, Mr" 573. 575, 586, 600-1, 612-3, 618, 623, 625. 629 Hypolitus, senior. 545, 566, 536, 594 Hvpoli tus, junior. 586-7, 595 _ Marv. wife of 'Hypolite, senior o45, 547, 561, 567, 573. 575, 086, 594, 601 Lefeavour, — . 542 Leflooer. alias Rene Piat, 150 Legrant, Peter, 270 Leinster, Duke of, 455 714 GENERAL INDEX. Leonard, Hanna Johnson, wife of Henry, , 297 Henry, 42, 156, 211, 236, 239, 297 John, 106, 176, 178, 184-5, 190-1,238,295, 319 Katherine, 53 Nathaniel. 191, 195, 236, 239 Samuelr42, 101, 101. 106. 113, 136, 139, 163, 189, 211, 239, 269, 276, 283. 292, 297, 318. 331. 430 Capt. Samuel, 144. 160, 236, 312-3, 319 Samuel, Sheriff. 159 Thomas, 19, 43-4, 190, 226, 236-7, 239, 272 Thomas, will of, 53 Lermont, Lermouth, Alex'r, 68, 106. 121 le Rou, le Row, Larou, Jaques/Jacob, 49, 50, 69, 78, 243, 258 Lesenbe. Lessenby, Henry, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16 38, 143. 218, 247, 257 Lethentie, Robert, 202, see Burnet, Rob ert Letters: Proprietors to "Pretended Representatives," 33; to Gov'r and Council, 33; Sir Geo. Carterett to ¦ Council Of N. J., 36; Council to Sir George, 36; Council to Samuel Moore, 38; Daniel Coxe to , 391; Daniel Coxe to Tho. Bridge. 391; W. J. Society to Tho. Bridge, 391; Geo. Hutcheson to Mahlon Stacy, 418; Wm. Steele to John Ithell, 430; Edw. Nithingale to Tho. * Hutchinson, 451; W. J Society -to Jere. Basse. 454, 513; Sam Land to John Fenwick, 546; Tim Forbes to Thos. Gardiner, 662 Letts, Anna, wife of WUliam, 147, 333 Ann, daughter of William, 147 Francis, 147, 148 - Sarah, 147 WiUiam, 22, 70, 74, 76, 80, 144, 174; will of, 147 William, son of William, 147 Leutine, Abraham, 273 Lewin. John, 288 Lewis, Elianor, spinster, 574, 587 Leycroft, Jehoshaphat. 420 Leydecker, Lydecker. Garret, 250, 290 Neeltie, wife of Garret, 290 Light. Dorothy, 42 Dorothy, widow. 197 Dorothy, formerly widow of Joshua Peirce. 205 John, 42, 44 Lilly, LUlies, David, 219, 362, 364, 413, 461 Linch, Dennis, 393, 515 Tunis, 671 Linck, John, 663 LindaU, Thomas, 604 Lindly. Lindsley. Linslev, Lindsey, Francis, 20, 131, 180, 230, 246, 248, 252, 266. 277 Daniel. 654, 661, 681 John, 216 -Lipet, Moses, 186, 320 Sarah, wife of Moses. 320 Lippencott, Lippincoate, Leppencott, Lepincott. Lippincott, Abigail, 100, 110, 308 Abigail, wife of Rich'd, 567 Abigail, widow, 99 Abigail, widow of Richard. 80, 135; will of, 270 Lippincott, Freedom. 80, 270, 359, 381, , 383-4, 371, 380, 457, 478, 567, 593, 605 Hannah, 164 Increase, 80, 270 Jacob, 80, 99, 100, 183, 263. 318, 567 John, 8U, 97-8, 100, 114, 117, 221, 270, 3'i8, 313. 567. 605 John, senior, 284 John, son of John, 270 Margaret, 270 Remembrance, 64, 75, SO, 104. 184. 223. 237, 269. 270, 295. 313-4, 317. 324, 567 Restore, 74. 80. 99, 106, 110-1, 114. 165, 270, 291, 308, 456, 494, 504, 515-6, 520, 529. 567. 572 Richard, 112, 135. 213, 567; will of. 80 Richard, senior. 565 Samuel, 270. 520 -, 386, 541 Lippington, Lipenton, Lepington, Dan iel, 75, 107-9, 268. 281. 299 Lipperarye. 103. see Vauquellin Liston, Morris, 552 Little. Littell, Litle. George, 11, 14, 149 John, 25, 53, 80, 118, 136, 149, 151, 177, 222, 245 Joseph, 149 Mary, 135 Mary, wife of John, 80 Moses, 149 Littlejohn, Bernard, 450 Mary . widow of Bernard, now wife of Joseph Adams. 450 Littleton, John. D D., 653 - , Livingston. Jean, 170 John, 170 William. 106, 125, 170 Lloyd. David, 496 Thomas, 422, 496 Lochyel. 20 1. see Cameron, Sir Ewen Look, Andrew. 675, 684 Lockhart, Gawin, 147, 167,. 193, 220, 232, 315 George, 53, 140. 174, 223 Lockyer. Gavin, 300 Lodwick, Colonel Charles, 275 L6dwicks, Charles. 163 Long, John, 346. 355, 394, 481 Peter, 361, 385, 370, 425, 439, 450, 460, 519. 672, 674, 682 William. 333 Longfield, Cornelius, 51, 57, 147.' 153, 155, 161. 168, 192, 220, 247, 252, 266, 317, 3;0_ Longworth, Thomas, 135 Lockermans, Govert, 1, 8 ~- Loof borrow, Luffborrow, John, '65, 108, 171, 174, 191, 196-7, 205, 212, 239, 240, 257, 276 Looker. John, 178 William, 103 - William, senior. 161 Lord, Joshua, 659, 672. 675 Richard; 666 "... Robert. 679 - Lott, Hendrick, 331 Lotts, John, 225 Love, John, 317, 436-7 Richard, 368, 432, 441, 468, 512 Lovelace. Gov. 33, 34 Lovejoy, William, 513, 661-2, 668, 674, 678, 682 - LoVertdge, Samuel. 237 WiUiam, 302, 312-3, 321 Wm.. innim- 315". NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 715 535, 537 Lovett, Jonathan, 532 LowVHena- 462, 488 , Joseph, 679 Loyd, Hannah Gillman, wife of, John, 635 John, 605, 625, 630. 635-6, 640, 652. 679 Obediah, 605 Lubbers, Cornelius, 62, 308 Lubbersen, Abraham, 174 Jan, 5, 17-8 Lubek, Lubey, Jacob, 17 Lubert, Jacob, 44 Luberts, John, 7, 31 , TJrion, 282 Luhbertsen, Lubbert, 78 Luby, Jacob, 5 - John, 28 Lucas, Nicholas, 394. 396-8, 400, 405. 408. 413, 418, 423, 437, 439, 441, 473, 479, 506, 526. 559, 666-7 LuSington, Thomas, 20, 244, 246, 248, 256, . 264 Lumis, Edward, 619-20 Lumley, Alice, wife of Edw., 579, 630 Edward, 339, 343. 544^ 548, 550, 557, 576, 579, 630 LyeU, David, 145, 148, 152, 155-6, 292-3, 310-1. 819, 323, 327, 333-4 s Katherine. wife of David, 145 Lymon, Robert. 20, 21. 106. 246, 263-4 Robert, of North Hampton, Mass., 53 Lyne, Elizabeth Harrison, 29, 30 Henry. 29 Hopestill, 29, 30 John, 29 Lyon. Lyons. Benjamin, 326 Ebenezer, 217 EUzabeth, 243 Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer, 217 Elisabeth, widow of Thomas, 221 Hannah, wife of-John. 217 Henry, 20, 23. 31, 35, 39, 45, 53-3, 131, ' 134-5. 185, 188, 209. 213, 227, 244-5, 248, 264, 266. 277, 328. 517 John, 159, 209; will of, 217 Nathaniel, 265 Samuel, 22. 261-5, 279, 280, 326, 536 / Thomas, 221, 241, 245 Mr., 184 Maas. Grietie, 23 Mace, Gilbert. 439 , Machielson, Maokeelse, Cornelius, 62, 261. 268, 271 Elias, 62. 162,284 /'- Enoch. 63, 213; 225. 253,-284. 307 Hartman. 63. 70, 261, 283, 284 y- Henarick/99 , Johannes, 61, 258, 261, 371, 284 .--. see Michielsen Mackdaniell, Daniel. 173, 220, 535 -MaekDaniel, John, 220 Mackdaniell, Mary, 289 Mackdonald," Donald, 64 John, 64 Maekeniie, A-narew, 65 , Mackeney. Alexanaer, 328 John, 63 Mackenzie. David, 214 George, 59, 113, 144-5, 180, 297, 307, 312, -.-' 321. 332 Sir George, 66 • McKenzie, John, 203 Maokgrigor, John, 64 Mackienzie, John, 186 Maekinzie, Norman, 64 Macklease, Charles, 258 Mackloud, Donald, 64 Genett. 64 Mackquirrich. Donald, 76 Maddock, Maddocks. Mattocks, Cicillia. wife of John, 577, 626 Elizabeth, wife of Jobn, 341, 560 John, 340, 343, 445. 469. 544, 560, 563, 573, 577, 585, 597, 600, 603-4, 624, 626, 637 Madge, Charles'. 316. 435 Humphrey, 316, 435 Maine, John, 61 Mainwaring, Thomas, 562 Mall, Maull, Roger, 611. 637-8 Malster, Catherine Bowyer, wife of Wm., 516, 552, 560, 574, 579, 615 Wm., 516, 547-8, 552, 555, 558-, 560, 564, 574, 579, 581-4, 600, 611, 615 624. 631 Maning, Maninge, Mannin, Mannen, Ben jamin, 197 Hephzibah,*wifeof Jeffery, 197, 220; widow; 239, 289 T 3 tti P '¦l 1 Q7 Jeffery, 121. 123, 136, 192, 214, 220, 239; will of. 197 John, 197 Joseph, 197 Sarah, 179 Widow, 277 Mansfield, Richarrd, 228 Maple. Benj , 518 Marcelles, George, 29 Marcellis, Jurien, 34 Peter, 41 Maroke, George, 311 Margerom. Henry. 472 Jane, wife of Henry, 472 Markfeat, John, 170 MarkweU, Edward. 403, 485, 505 William. 403. 485. 505 Marriage, 30. 39, 40, 55, 290, 501, 535, 568 under civil contract, 183 certificate of Wm. Sandford and Sarah Whartman. 185 Marriott, Isaae. 350. 353. 358. 360, 364, 366, 373,376,335,394,418, 443-3, 445, 456, 475. 479. 481, 490. 509, 520 Marsh. March, Comfort, wife of Samuel, 65 Elizabeth, 65 -George, 18, 207, 209, 259 George, senior, Cornet, 208 Henry, 134, 319 Hugh, 11, 13.43 - Hugh, senior, 195 Jomf^'lU, 118, 249, 291, 299, 605-6, 6! 8, 635-6 Jonathan. 119, 142, 203, 332 Joseph, 65, 147 Mary, widow of Samuel, 72 Samuel, 26r53. 56, 72, SO, 166; will of, Samuel, senior, 25, 34, 222 SamueL jun., 25. 65, SO, 166, 222 Sarah Reap, wife of Jonathan, 142 William. 142 Marshall, Agnes, 68 Anna, 519 Eliza, 519 T^rci.Tin.RR. 519 7r6 GENERAL INDEX. Marshall, James, 418, 447, 456, 472, 474, 4sl, 483, 492, 497, 513, 519, 520, 530 James, J. P. Burlington Co., 226 James, son of James, 519, 520 John, 48, 400, 407 Joseph, 389 Mary, 519 Michael, 68 Rachel, wiaow of James. 474 Rachel, dau. of James, 519 Richard, SU, 551, 571, 090, 601-2, 611. 631, 640, 645 Thomas, 366, 487 Tomasin, 519 - \ Marson, John, 461 Martine, Martaine, Ann, wife of John, 299 Martin, Benjamin, 107-8, 235, 238, 273 Esther, wife of John, 107 Esther, will of, 108 '. Isaac, 660, 667, 670 James. 407, 414, 418. 440, 449, 481, 522 John. 3, 13, 19, 30, 70, 97, 107-8, 123, 136, 167, 219, 288, 273, 277, 299, 411, 440, 449, 481. 522, 659. 662, 671, 673, 678. 682; will of, 107 John, senior, 9, 12, 18. 40, 42, 103. 121, 239, 268. 275. 277, 299 John, junior, 38. 44, 107, 121, 128. 164-5, 167. 239, 252. 271, 275, 299 Joseph, 70. 108. 136, 235 Katharine, widow-of Isaac, 660, 670 Martha, alias Grinnell, 440, 431, 522 Thomas, 107-8, 260, 402, 407, 414, 418 Mr., 126 Martineau, Nicholas, 298, 390, 535 Maryland, 57, 505 Mason, Elizabeth, wife of Thos., 625 Elizabeth, late widow of Richard Tindall, 632 John, 552. 562, 606, 60S, 615, 622, 632, 638, 647 Thomas, 6%, 632, 637 William, 459 Masters, Clemens, 60. 106 Francis, 183'; will of. 60 Mary, wife of Francis, 60 Mary, widow of Francis, 108, 183 Mary, dau. of Francis, 60 Pooleman, 60 Mathers, Richard. 597 Mathew, Mathews, Cornelius. 49, 50, 69, 2» Edward. 562, 573, 595 Ezabell,-65Hannah, 515 John, 285 Mary, 531 Richard. 354, 362, 394, 397-8. 402, 421. 449, 461,482, 664. 666, 678, 081-3 Sam'l, 65, 22o, 459, 531 Susanna, 581 Thos., 55, 57. 394. 405. 418, 419, 427.439, 514-5, 648-52, 655, 661, 664, 667, 670-1, 673 William, 421-2. 427, 465 Mathis, Samuel, 537 Matteson, Mattison. Matson, Ann, 566 Breitagh, spinster, 566 Elizabeth, 566 Engburr. spinster, 566 Katherine, widow of Mathias, 566. 576 Mathias. 543. 558. 561 Rfifi 57R fifi? Mattlock, WiUiam, 660, 677 Mattocks, Matix. John, 548 Lewis, 71. Ill, 184, 222, 245, 313-4, 329: will of, 223 Mattson, Anarew, 679 Briagett, -662 Elizabeth, 662 J acob. 662 John 662 r- Kathrine. wife of Peter, 662 Kathrine, aau. of Peter, 662 Margret, 662 Mary, 662 Mathew. 671-2 Peter. 652, 676 Peter, alias Dalbo, will of, 662 Peter, son of Peter, 662 Mattox, John, 342 Mattuke, Richara. 177. 178 Maxlie, Catherine, 65 May, Jacob. 674 John. 653 Susannah Lakin, wife of Jacob, 674 Mayers, Dorothy, 564 Elizabeth, 584 Mayo. Edward, 508 Richard, 317, 436-7 Maysey, Mazey, Measey, Mayzey, Rich ard. 544, 570. 572, 589 McCalm, John, 147 McClellan, Charles, Sheriff, 159 McClelland, Robert, 130. 167, 169, 196. 220 McClelland, . 125 McKany, McKeney, Makany, David, 13, 14-5. 132, 141, 211, 220, 307, 328 McKeney, George 165 Mackeney, Mary, wife of David, 132 McKelson, John, 64 Meaker, Benjamin, 183, 230, 249 Hannah, wife of William, 183 John, 183 Joseph. 34, 61, 183-5 William, 29, 33-4, 38; will of, 183 Medcalfe. Mathew, 653, 655, 664, 669, 6S0; High Sheriff of Gloucester Co., 662 Meeoum, Barbara, wife of Edw.; 631 Edward, 631 Melbourne. John, 433, 499 Melfoord, Lord Viscount John, 97-8, 103, 105. 110, 117, 126-7, 153, 199, 201.234 Mellen, James, 187 Melot. John Peterson, 204, 278 Melvin, James, 61, 120, 132, 135-6, 195. 198, ^89. 324 528 John, 227. 253, 310, 332 , . 289 Melyen, Mellyn, Meleine, Jacob. 22, 25, 47. 50. 188, 204 see Molyne. Menke. Wm.. 328 Mentieth. Alexander. 64 Meredith, Jno., 361, 378, 380, 3S2, 3E6-90, 535 John, schoolmaster. 472 Merlett, Josias. 273 Merricke. W., 140 Merrill. William,' 165, 208, 296, 323 Mew, Mary, wife of Noel. 461 Noel, 65, 354, 378, 387, 407, 414. 461, 524, 681-2 Richara, 49, 56, 65. 351, 396, 402, 414. 424, 476. 526 Michel, Charles, 436-7 NAMES OF PERSONS ,AND SUBJECTS. 717 Michell, Robert, 330-1. 484, 436-7 Miohiels.Michilson. Michielson, Mickeil- son, Elias, 28, 34. 37, 39, 44, 159, 160 Enoch, 44, 161, 193 Hartman, 160 Thadus. 250, 330 see Machielson. Mickle, Mickell, Alexander, 65, 172, 235 Archibald, 662, 668, 679, 681-2 Middlesworth, John Tunisson, 304 Middleton. Hugh, 617. 623, 627, 630. 638; High Sheriff of Salem Co., 639 John, 539 Marv, wife of Hugh, 623, 638 Milburne, Jacoo, 225, 279 Milburn, Mary, 153; widow of Jacob, 279 Miles, Samuel. 148 % Military, 37, 38, 44 Mill, Anna, 173 - John, 50, 128, 129 Robert, 173 Millar, John. 170 Millard, Charles. 527 Miller, James, 58, 75, 104, 109, 113, 129, 130. 143-4, 152,' 167-8, 171. 174-5. 177, 181-2, 187-8, 194-5, 224, 247, 252', 262, 288, 291, 311, 331 Samuel. 259 William, 227, 287 Mills, James, 14J. 225, 340, 250, 288 John, 154. 178, 619-20 Samuel, 331 Millward, Charles, 427 Milton, Roger, 343, 550-3, 570, 574-5. 578-9, . 580-1. 583-7, 589-90, 593, 596, 600, 603, 608, 610, 613-4, 618, 622-3, 626-7, 632, 636-7, 639 William' 339, 550. 552, 596, 618 Minck. Elizabeth Lacroy, wife of John, 617, 637 Paul, 637; see Paulson Minderman, Bartholomew, 444, 475, 488, 493.496-8 Mining Rights, 445, 451-2 Mink, John, 546, 617, 623, 637 Minsheid, Fran:, 504 Minstiull. Fran:, '330-1 Minvielle, Minveile, Meenviel, Monveill, Munvelle, Gabriel, 185-6. 218 Susanna, wife of Gabriel, 218, Mr., 51 , 132 Mispat, Jasper, 212 Mitchell, Charles, 317 Francis, 317 James, of Northumberland, 57 John, 116 Marie, spinster, 103 » Mary, 65, 118. 120, 177; widow, 58, 103; widow of James, will of, 116 Nathaniel, 116 ^ - Richard, 80 Robert, 298. 305, 316, see Michel. Sarah, 270 William, 116 Mittins, John, 47 - Moleyn, Moline, Jacob, 30, 76, 80, 118, 120T see Melyn. Molleson, Gilbert, 292. 303. 314. 319, 320 Mollison, John, 117, 120, 129, 132, 148, 151, ~153-4, 168, 229, 258-9, 282, 285, 307, ' 319-20 333 ¦MoUieson, Sarah Howell, wife of John. 208, 30T Molstine, Alex., 549 75 Monsiur, Hance. 352, 366, 402, 430 Monyvaird, Laird of, 126, see Toshack Moore, Moores, More, Benjamin, 361, 386 Benjamin, junior, .496, 509 Elizabeth, 121 Enoch. 121, 516. 648 Ezebell, wife ot Thomas, 77; widow, 168 -Frances, 121, 209, 215, 221 Frances, dau. of Samuel, 179 Francis, 209; Sheriff, 161 Hannah, wife of Samuel, 121 Hannah, dau. of Samuel, 121 Issabell, 209; widow, 313 James. 147, 170. 190 John, 65, 121, 141. 143, 146, 190. 247, 295, 315, 328, 382, 478, 504, 519 Sir John. 305, 327, 330-1 Joseph, 551 Mary, wife of Thomas. 143 Matthew. 14. 17; 37, 40, 44, 121, 130. 148. 170, 175, 233. 254, 270, 315, 320 Mathew, son of Mathew, 190 Mathew, senior, will pf , 190 Nicholas. 614 Robert, 65, 68 Samuel. 4, 7, 9-11. 14, 16, 18. 36-8, 43-4, 51, 53-4, 64. 80, 100, 102, 105. 113, 120. 124,131,143,146. 149, 167, 170-1, 179, 185, 221, 226. 237-8. 246-7, 252. 254, 273, 276-7, 288, 298, 307, 314-5, 318, 328 Samuel, son of Samuel. 121 Samuel, will of, 121 Samuel, Treasurer, 558 Sarah, 121 ; widow of Mathew. 148 Sarah, wife of Benj., jr., 496 Thomas, 25, 76, 80, 121, 142-3, 168. 174, 247 William. 103, 190, 215, 246, 265 Mr.. 565 ' Moorehouse. Jonathan, 619-20 . Morford, Morflt, John. 27, 165, 208 Morford, Morefoot. Maurfoot, Thomas. 26, 27, 190, 197, 206. 296. 319 Morgan, Griffith, 496 Richard, 562-3 WiUiam, 65 Morison, Jean, 73 Morley, Henry, 365. 372, 431, 451. 509 Morrey, Humphrey. 415. 428, 432, 673 Morrill. John, 289 Morris, Abigail, wife of George, 185 Anthony, 359. 403-4, 418-20, 456, 466, 472, 493, 509, 521 Benjamin, 185 Deborah. 148 - Dennes, 151, 227. 259; will of, 148 Elizabeth, 30, 38 k Elizabeth, wife of John. 210 Elizabeth, widow of Lewis, of Shrewsberrie, 239 George, 146, 328; will of, 185 George, son of George. 185, 328 Henry. 185 Isabelle, wife of Lewis, of Shrews bury, 330 Jane, wife of Dennes, 148 Johanna, widow of Philipp, 210 John. 30, 38, 43, 148, 185, 210, 212, 238, 244, 248, 264. 268, 303, 328 Lawrence, 349, 351, 366. 381, 401, 412, 454 469. 471-2. 478, 482, 491, 507, 527 Lewis, 67, 154, 156, 176, 186, 190, 262. 272, 300, 325, 335, 459 Lewis, senior. 106 718 GENERAL INDEX. Morris, Colonel Lewis, 24, 74, 113, 139, 143, 152-3, 189, 219, 300, 323, 331, 569, 570, 590, 631 Lewis, nephew of Col Lewis, 219 Lewis, of Passage Point, son of Thomas, 219 Lewis, of Shrewsberrie, 239. 330 Lewis, of Tinton Manor, 152, 153, 155. 323 Mary, 43, 148 Mary, wife of Col. Lewis, 219 Philipp. 210 Richard, 219 Capt. Richara, 565 Rutherien, Rothers, Rothero, 553, 625, 632-4, 638, 641-2 Sarah, 145 Thomas, 219 Virgin, wife of Lawrence. 469, 527 Mrs., 256 Wiaow, 268 Morser, Thomas, 133 Morss, Amos, 147 Hanna, 147 Joseph, 147 Joshua, 147 Mary, 147 Peter, will of, 147 Robert, 147, 321 Sarah, 147 widow of Samuel, 455 Moss, Peter, 22, 23, 26. 65, 80,150-1, 190, 193, 202. 275, 298 Robert, 22, 23, 45, 100-i. 192 Mosse, Meriam, wife of , 455 Samuel. 455 1 Thomas, 370, 449. 450 Mott, Gershom, 77. 262, 311 Richbell, 528 Moune. John. 474 Mount, George, 27, 134, 190, 197, 542, 556. 566, 577. 596 Katherine. wife of Geo., 577, 596 Mary, widow of Matthias, 218 Matthias. 218 Richard, 225, 319 Mountt, William, 68 Mountaine, John, 64 Mowyer, Mary, wife of Thos., 601 Thomas, 601, 605, 609, 614, 616 Mudie, Mudy, Moody, Ann, 237 Christian, 237 David, 64-5, 68, 70, 76-7, 79. 104-5, 109, 110. 127, 130, 151, 165, 181, 186. 189, 197, 206, 223, 229, 236, 247, 253, 268 David, son of David, 65 David, will of, 237 David, senior, 168 David, junior, 106 Elizabeth, 237' Isabella, 65, 106, 237 James, 65, 106, 237 Jannet, wife of Thos. Gordon, 144 237 Jean Stracken, 237 John, 237, 324 Katerin. 237, 274 Margaret, 65, 106, 237 Marie, 237 Muir, William, 216 Mullinax, Thomas, 114. 178, 186, 209, 297 312 Mumpesson, Martha Pinhorne. 279 Munday, Mundie, Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas, 233, 252 Munaay, Nicholas. 252 Nicholas, son of Nicholas, 252 Murao, Murdach, Murdock. Patrick, 151 285, 323 Murfen. Murfin, Ann, widow, 535 Johanna, spinster. 540 , John, 349, 351, 362, 365, 368; 387, 402. 427, 433, 445, 451, 470, 523, 535 Robert. 347-9, 351, 362-5, 367, 376, 394. 396, 427. 446-8. 451. 498, 520 Murhead, Gawen, 62 Murray, Charles, 292 Murrey, James, 184. 187, 208 Murt. Alexander, 61 Mussorune. Musherune, Josuah, 251, 267 Myers, Mary, 387, 540 Mary, widow of Wm., 433, 455, 468, 529, 539 Wm., 356, 404-6, 413, 420, 423. 425, 427, 433-4. 438, 457, 467-8, 475, 482, 529, 539. 589; J. P. Burlington Co., 226 Widow, 370-1, 374, 377, 514 Myles, John, 225 Napton. Benjamin, 583 see Knapton. Nason, Thomas, 672 Naughtie, Wm., 311, 324-5, 327 Nealson, Anthony, 358, 403, 408 Nellis, 589 Thomas, 545 NeeU, Allison, wife of James Edward, 322 Neill, John, 128-9 Nelison, Ann Matison, wife of Mathias, 566 Nelleson, Nelison, Mathias, 543, 558, 564, 566, 576 Neper, Naper, Nepair, Neiper, Naiper, Neapaire, Neaper, Alexander, 61, 130, 135-6, 172, 175, 187. 194, 197, 206, 236, 240, 260, 268, 275. 278, 296, 324, 327 Nering, Jan Williams, 604 Nesapate, Jasper.-. 290 Nesmith. Neismith, John, 61. 120, 132. 135-6, 187, 324 Netheway, Jonathan, 317, 436-7 Nettleship, Job, 562, 582, 586, 589 John, 562, 589 Vicesimus, 562, 564. 582, 586, 609 Neve. John, 491, 508, 535 Nevill, Navell, Creseda, wife of James. 342, 578, 5«8 James. 342, 373, 421. 430, 432, 547-52, 558, 571, 577-8, .581-2, 585-9. 594, 596-7, 606, 615, 621, 640-1, 643; poetical at tempt of, 553 Newberry, Newbury, Walter, 352, 372, 395. 403, 525. 682 Newbold, Godfrey, 401, 469, 493. 533 James, 376-7, 380, 521 Joshua, 385, 390-1, 431, 447, 486, 503, 517. 534 Michael, 355-6, 359-63, 376. 381-2, 384, 386, 409, 462, 474, 497, 506, 513 521, 525, 527, 538 Michael, son of Michael, 513, 521 Thomas, 521 Newbon, Wm., 61-2 Newby, Newbie, Edward, 417, 668, 671. 675, 681-2 Hannah, 405 Marke, 351, 355, 357, 417, 649 678 Stephen, 649. 668, 672, 674, 678 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 7l9 Newman, John, 154, 269, 358, 400. 411-2 Walter, 62, 166-7, 230 William, 200 Nicholas, Samuel. 364 Samuel, the Swede, 365 Nichols, Nicholas, Nieols, Nicolas, Han nah, wife of John, 57J, 581 John, 565, 574-5, 581, 592, 601, 626, 630. 640, 647 Mathias, 48-9. 51, 66-7, 100. 254 Samuel, 380. 449, 461-2, 464 Nicholls, William, 99, 198 Nioholson, Gov'r Francis, of Ma., 503 George, 366, 374, 388, 413, 425, 427, 483, 540 Hannah, 382 John, 192 Joseph, 593, 609, 615, 617, 671 Margarett, 64 Mary, wife of Abel. 609 t , Samuel, 541, 548, 554-7, 562. 564, 572 574-5, 577-8, 580. 584-5, 593, 603. 607, " 611, 614-5, 617, 6'2 Samuel, son of Samuel. 593, 615 Nicholsons, the, 606 Nicoll, Mathias. Sec'y of N Y., 8 NicoUs, Gov'r Richard, of N. Y., 1, 126, 262 Nicolson, Nicholson, Nicholdson, Abell, 344, 593. 602-4, 607-9, 614, 621-2, 638, 643 Anne, wife of Samuel. 562, 603 ; widow of Samuel, 593 Anne. 478 Nickson, John, 571, 595 Mary, spinster. 589 Thomas, 661. 663 Nightingale, Edward, 379, 451 Nisbite, Robert, 151 NobUe, William, 55 Noble, Judith, wife of Richard, 561, 564 Mark, 7 Richard, 541, 545. 554-5, 557, 561, 562, 564, 575; Chief Surveyor Fenwick's Colony, 555; deposea as Chief Sur veyor, 555 Nodder, John. 422 Noel, Noell, Hanna Berryv 292 Thomas, 291-2 j-Norman, Claes Carstensen, 2 f. Norrice, Thomas, 660 , Norris. Henry, 23, 40, 134. 159, 176. 182, 328, 357 "''-. Isaac, 496 Samuel, 412, 428, 668 North, Jonas. 384 Joseph, 582, 590, 606, 609 William. 565 Norton, John, 317, 436-7 Norwood. Andrew, 64 -Nossiter, Thomas. 645 Noteman, James, 228-9, 248 Noys, Tho., 212 ___ Nudegate, Nate, 546 Oakford, Oakeford, Charles, 344, 608, 621, 643 - Wade, 608. 621, 643 Wade Samuel, 572, 627-8, 639, 640 Obrancese, , 623 -. Occupations. Profession and Tbades. Agriculturists, i. e., farmers, hus bandmen, planters and yeomen: Agriculturists: Abbott, Geo. Abbot, John Adams John Adams, Jonathan Albertson, Abr'm Albertus, Wm. Allderick, Evart Allen, Eliashab AUen, John Allen, Math'w, also carpenter. Alien, Nathan Allger, Wm. Allison, Rich'd AUwell, Thos., jr. Anderson, Andr. ¦ Andrews, Edw. Andrews, Mordecai Anarews, Sam'l Angelo, Chas. Antram, James Appleton, John ana Josiah Ashbrook, John Ashton, John Ashton, Rob't Assentia, Manuel Atkinson, James and Thos. Bacon, Benj. Bacon, Dan. Bacon, Jere. Bacon, John Bacon, Joseph Bacon, Nath'l Bacon, Sam., junior Bacon, Sam. and William Bacon, , Bagley, Chas. Barkstead, Joshua Barber, Aquilla Barran, Michael Barrow, Robert Barthlemew, Dan. Bartleson. Lawrence Barton, Thos. Basnett, Rich'd Bassett, Elisha Bassett, Sam. Bate, Jeremiah Bayley, Elias Beard, Wm. Beck, Henry Beere, Jon'n Berkleson, Andr. Berryman, Leon. Beswick, Fran. Beyliss, Math. Biddle, Wm. BUderbeck, Peter Biles, Chas. Bingham, Jas. Binglay, Wm. Birch, Joseph Black, Thos. Blackfield, Peter Bloomfield, John Blumfeild, , Boarton, John Boarton, Wm. Boel, Thos., also gardener Boulton, Edw. ^ Boore, Lawr. ' Borradaill, John Borton, Wm. Bowles, John Bradley. Joshua 720 GENERAL INDEX. Agriculturists: Bradway, Edw. and Wm. Braithwaite, Manning Braman, Benj. Brandereth, Tim.. Branson, Thos. Brearley, John Brenson, Dan. Brian, Tho. Brice, John Briggs, John Broadwell, , also shoemaker Brooks, Tim. Browne, Abr'm Brown, Geo., alias Ward Browne, John Browne, Joseph Brown, Nich. Brown, Preserve Buckle, Francis Budd, Wm. Budden, Wm. Buffin, Mich. Bull, Thos. Bunell, Nath'l Bunting, Job Bunting, John Burcham. James Burgin, Joseph Burnam, Rich'd Burr, Henry Burroughs, Edw. Burroughs, John Burt, Rich'd Butcher, John Butcher, Rich'd Butler, Sam'l Butler, Stephen Button, Wm. Cambs, Jeff. Campbell, J orm Canterell, Godfr. Carary, Roger Carter. Nich. Cartwright. Rob't Canson. John Chadwick, John Champin, Math. Champneys, Edw. Champneys, Nath'l Charles, Symon Chatfeild, John Chester, Wm. Christian, Barent Christianse, Corn. Clarke, John Clark, Wm. Clements, Edw, Clusse, John Coles. Sam'l Collins, Fran. Cooper, Joseph Cooper, Wm. Cornelious. Henry Cornelius, Lawr Cornelious. Peter Corneliussen, Corn. Couperthwait, John Craven, Peter Craven, Thos. Cressy, Arthur Cripps, John Cripps. Nath'l Croft. Jas. Crowell, Joseph Agriculturists : Cullyer^JohnCurtis, David Curtis, John Curtis, Sam. Curtis, Thos. Dalboe, Wm. Daniel, Wm. Danielson, Henry ¦ Darbie, Dark. Sam'l Darkin, Rich'd Davis, Benj. Davis, John Davis, Jon'n Day, John and Stephen Dayton, John Deacon, Geo. Deane, Wm. Decow, Isaac de Lachaumette, Peter Denn, Daniel and Joseph Dennis, Jon'n Dennis, Joseph Dennis, Rob't- Dennes, Sam. Deneel, Benj. Devonisbr, Bern. Devonish, Joseph Dickason, John Dixon, Anth'y Dixson, John Drewitt, Morgan Driver, John Druety, Benj. Duglas. Nath'l Duggles, Tho. Eastland, Joseph Eayre, Rich'd Eaward, Jas. ^ Eley, Joshua Elgar, Marcus Ellis, Simeon Ellis, Wm. Elsly, Elton, Anth'y Emley, Wm. — Empson, Corn. English, Joseph Erickson, John Erickson, Peter Estell, John Evans, Wm. Eves, Tho. Farr. alias, also cheesemonger Fearn, Henry Fenton, El. Field, Benj. Fitzgerald, Edw. Fitzranaolph, Nath'l Fleetwooa, Wm.' Folke, Thos., sen. Folke, Tho., junior Foreman, Alex'r Foreman. Jon'n Forrest, Francis ana John Foster, Wm. Fountaine, Vincent Frasey, Joseph French, Rich'a, French, Tho., senior French, Thos., jr. Fretwell, Peter Fryer, Anth'y Fuller, John OCCUPATIONS. 721 Agriculturists: Gardiner. John Gardiner, Thos., jun. Garret, Geo Garwooa. Tho. Gaskitt, Edw. Gaunt, Hananiah Gibbins, Rich'a Gibson, Thos. Gilbert, John, senior Gilberthorpe, Tho. Gillett, Joshua Gilman, John, senior Gilman, John, junior Goiasmith, Geo. „ Goraon, Geo., also merchant Grange, Math. Graves, Thos. Greene, Peter Greene, Tho. Grey, Richard Grisse, Geo. Groome, Peter Groome, Wm. Guy, Rich'd Hackett, Tho. Haines, John Haines, Wm. Hains, Richard Hains. Tho. Hale, Sam, Hall, Wm. Halton, Peter Hammel, John Hanbey, Wm. Hancock, Godf-r. -Hancock, Goaf., sen. Hancock, John Hanacock, Richara Hand, Tho. Harding, Tho. Harman. Jasper Harris, Leonard Hartshorn, Rich.'d Harvey, Peter Hasker, Wm. Hawkins, Roger Haslewood, John Haynes. Jon'n Heare, Hance Helme, Harm. Helmsley, Joseph Henricksen, John Hewes, Humphrey Hewson, John Hewsteea, Moses Hickson, Wm. Hierton, Obaaiah Higham, Thos. HiUiara, John Hinqhman. John Hixson, Wm. Hodges, Barn. Hoeman. Wm. Hollingam, Isaac" ' ' Hollingworth, Chas. Hollinshead, John, also chandler Hollinshead, Wm. Holmes, Jon'n Holmes, Obediah Holmes, Obediah, junior Hooton, John Hopman, Chas. Hopman, Fred. Hopman, Mouns Agriculturists : Horner, Isaac Horner, John Horsley, Ralf, also Doctor in phisick Horsman, Marm. Hough, John Houlding, Joseph Houlston. Wm. Howell, Daniel Howell, Moraecai Howell, Thos. Huckings, John, also labourer / Huckings, Roger Huason. Jas. Hugg, Elias Hughs, John Hughstis, Moses Humphris, Walter Hunt, Ralph Hunt, Wm. Hunter. Samuel Hutchins. Hugh Hutchinson, Geo., also distiller Hutchinson, Rob't Hutchinson, Thos. Hewlings, Abr. and Wm. Ickhooke, Rowland Ingle, Rob't Ireland, John Ireson. John Ithell, John Issard, Michael Jacobs, Henry " Jacocks, Wm. Jaquat, Paul Jeanes, Henry, John and Nath'l Jenings, Sam'l ' Johnson, Ara. Johnson, Clause Johnson, Mat. Johnson, William Gile Johnston, Wm. Jones, Thos. Joosten. John Joyner, John, also potter Kaighin. John Kelsey. Joseph Kemble, Sam. Ketcham, John King, Fred. ¦ Kirkbride. Joseph Kyllett. John Lacroy, John Lacroy, Michael Laad. John Lakin, Moses Lamb, Jacob Lambert, Tho. Lambson, Thos. Lane, Bernara, also butcher ana carter Langstaffe. John Laning, John Lawrence, Rich'a, also gentleman Lawrence. Wm. Layton, Sam'l Leaman, Thos. Lee, John Leeds, Daniel, also cooper Lefeavor, Hypolite Lefever, Hyp., junior Lippincott, Freedom, Restore and Sam. Lippincott, Rich'd, senior Long, Peter 722 GENERAL INDEX. Agriculturists : Lord, Joshua Lord, Richard Lovejoy/Wm. Low, Henry Loyd, John Lumley, Edw. v Machielson, Hartm. Maddocks, John Mall. Roger Marriott, Isaac Marsh, John- Marshall. Rich'd Marson, John Martin, Jas and John, sen. Matthews. Thos. Mathis, Sam. Matteson, Mat. Mattlock, Wm. • Matron, Andr. Mattson, Peter Mazey, Rich'd Melvin, Jas. Mickell, Arch. Middleton, John Milton, Roger, also miller Milton, Wm. Minck, John Monseur. Hance Moore, Benj., jun. Moore, Enoch Moore, Sam'l ' Moores, Math. Moorehouse. Jon'n Morley. Henry Morris, Dennis Morris, Lawr. Morris, Rothero Mosse, Sam. Mott, Richbell Moune. Jas. Murfin, John Murfin, Rob't Naughty. Wm. Nealson, Nellis Nelison, Mat. Nevill, James, also gentleman, also weaver Newbold, Godf. Newbold, Mich. Nicholds, John Nicholson, Abell Nicholson, Geo. Nicholson, Joseph Nickson, John Nickson, Thos. Nicolson, Sam. Norrice. Thos. North, Joseph North, Wm. Nossiter, Thomas Oakford, Charles and Wade Samuel Ogbourne,. John and Wm. Ollive, Thos., also haberdasher Osborne, Jonathan Oulson, Peter Qverton, Sam. Page, Anth'y Paine, John, and John, jun. Paine, Nath'l Pancoast, Wm. Parker, Elisha Parker, John Parker, Roger , Paul, Phil. Agriculturists : Peachee, Wm. Pearson, Rob't . Pearson, Thos. Pegg, Dan. Penstone, Stephen Penton, Wm. Perkins. Thos. Peters, Peter Peterson, Charles Peterson, Gabriel Peterson, Hance Peterson, Lause Pharo. Gervas Pharoe. Jas. Philipps, Theoph. Pier, Tunis Pierce, Daniel Pinnick, Christ'r and John - Pitman, Rich'a Pleager, John Pope, John Pope, Joseph -/ Pope, Nath'l Porter, Geo. Porter, Thos. ' Potter, Thos. 'Potts. Tho., junior Powell, John Powell, Rob't Preston. Levi Price, Benj. Price, Wm. Quainton, Tobias Reaae, Jas. Recoras, Nath'l Redknap, Joseph Redmund. Arthur Reeve, Mark, also servant Reeves, Walter Remington, John Remington, Wm. Revell. Thos. Richards, John Richardson, John Ridford, — r- Ridgway, Rich'd Ridgway, Rich'd, jr. Ridgway, Thos. Ridley, Jas. ! Roberts. John Roberts, John, sen. and jun. Robertson, Mat. RObinas, — — Robinson, Mat. Robinson, Rich'd Roe, John Rogers, John Routlege, John Roydoni Wm. Royley, Joseph Rue, John Rumsey, Isaac Rumsey. Wm. Rush, E3w. Russell, Rich'a, also ship. carpenter Rutters, Konraa Sackett, Joseph Sanaers. Christ'r Satterthwait, Wm. Savoy, Isaac Sayre, Joseph Scattergood, Joseph Schenck. Garret Scholey, John OCCUPATIONS. 723 Agriculturists : Scholey, Thos, Scoggin, John Scoggin, Jonas Scott, Alex'r Scott, Benj Scott. Henry Scott, John Scott. Martin Scott, Wm., jr. Scrase, Jobn Scull, Peter Searson. Edw. Seeleye, Joseph Senickson, Andr. Shackle Thos. Sharp, John Sheiahel.' Mart. Shepheard, David Shephard. Jas. and Thos. Shjal, Haunce Sherman. Thos. Sherron. Jas. Shinn. John, jr. Shreeve, Caleb Sikes, Henry Silver, Arch'd Silver, Jas. Simpson, Arthur Sineker, Johanes Skull, John Sloobey, Henry Slowcome, Peleg Smalley, Isaac Smart, Isaac , Smith, Andr. / Smith, James Smith, John, of Grundel Hill Smith, John, of Hedgefield Smith, John, of Smithfield Smith, John, of Salem Smith, John, of Amwellbury Smith, John Smith. Roger Smith, Sam. Smith, Seth Smith, Thos. Smout, Edw. Snape, John Snowaen, Christ'r Snowden, John Somers, John Southwick, Josiah Spencer, Rich'd Spicer, Jacob Spinage, Humph. Staey, Mahlon Stanbanck, John Steelman, James Stevens, John Stevenson, Tho. Stevenson, Thos., senior Stewart, Alex'r Stewart, John Steward. Joseph Stiles, Rob't Stoakes, John Stockton, Rich'd Stones, Joseph Stubings, Henry Sturridge, Sulavan, Thurlas Surredge, John Sykes, Sam. Taper, Thos. Agriculturists; Tarrant, Wm. Tay, Elias Taylor, Benj. Taylor, Edw. Taylor, Sam'l Tes V John Thomas, James Thompson, Andrew ana John Thompson,- Thos. Thomson, Wm. Thorn. Sam. Tinaall, Thos. Tomason, Corn, and Johannes Tombs, Sam. Tomlinson, Joseph Towle, Pere. Townsend. John, also carpenter .Towson, Wooley Trenoweth, Ralph Turner, John Tyler, Wm. Tyndall. Joseph UpDyck, J. L van Hyat, Abr'm, also ship carpenter Vanjmy, Garret and Johannes Viccary, Jas. Wade, Edw. Wade, Rob't Waithman, Wm. Walker, Francis Walling, Jon'n Wallis, Thos. Walton, Wm. Ward, Israel Ward, James Ward, Joshua Wardell, El. Wardell, Wm. Warlock, John Warner, Wm. Warren, John Watson, Isaac Watson, John Watson, Math. Watson, Thos. Watson, Wm. Way. John Wearne, John , Weatherbie, Rob't Webb, Edw. Webb, Geo. Wells, Edm. Wells, Henry West, Nath'l West, Wm. Wheat, Richard Wheeler, Gilbert Whelden, Joseph White, Joseph White, Sam'l Whiteacre, Rich'd Whiteall, James Wliitton James Wilkins, Tho. Wilkinson, Richard, also labourer Wilkinson. Wm. Willard, Thos. Williams, Dunckin. Willis, John and Wm. Wills, Dan., junior Wills, John Wilsford, .John, sen. Wilson, Rob't Wilson/Tho. 724 GENERAL INDEX. Agriculturists : Wing, Joseph Winton, Nich's Wood, Henry, sen. and jun., Con- stanty, Isaac and Jeremiah Wood, John Wooa, Joseph Wood, Tho. Wooa, Wm. Woodhouse, Anth'y Woodhouse, Sam. Woodward, Anth'y Woolverton, Chas. Wooleyson, Peter Woolson, Wooley Woolston, John Worlidge, John Worth, Wm. Wright, John Wright, Rich'd Wright, Sam'l , Wright, Tho. Wyatt, Barth'w Yerians, Erick ana Stephen Yerianson. Henar. Yorke, Thos. Zabriskie. Albert Zane. Nath'l Zane. Rob't Apothecaries, chemists, practitioners in chemistry : Follet. John Casimir, chemist Wills. Daniel - Attorney at law: Emott, James Bakers : Bowyer, Arthur Drogstrot, Hendr. Gibson, Samuel Lawrence, Thos. Morris, Anth'y Prickett, Josiah Towle, Pere. Wheeler, Robert Bargeman: Bradaway, Edw. Bslliesmaker: Willis. Sam. Blacksmiths: Bibb, Tho. Bond. Steph. Buckman, Thos. Chaunders, Tho. Coolie, John Cooper, Wm. Dawson, John Elkington, Geo. Gladwin, Tho. GreeDe. John Grub, Thos. Kemble, Henry Lambert, Rob't Lovejay, Wm Medcalfe, Math Melbourne, John Mount, Geo. Mundie, Nich Napton, Benj. Pearson, Isaac Peirce, James Petitt, Moses Pickman, Rich'd Robison, John Smith, John, of Bucks Co. Smith, John, of Burlington Blacksmiths: Stretch, Joseph Tailler, John Terrete, Sam'l Townesend. John White, Joseph Willis, Sam. Wilson, John, jr. - Boatmen: Benson, Derrick Neve, John Vansan, Jacob Brasier: Libthorpe, Christ'r Brewers : Budd. John and Wm. Ible, Nath'l Bricklayers : Abbett, Sam. Anderson. Thos. Atkinson,- Thos. Besswick. John Blowers, Joseph Collins, Francis Cromwell. Benj. Fenimore Rich'a Francklin, Henry Hasson, Thos. Hoagson, Wm. Holt. Martin Houghton, Sam. Kendall. Thos. Stanaish, Daniel Sulavan, Tur. Surreage, Wm. Wooanutt, Rich'a York. Tho. Brickmakers: _ Browne, Joseph Harden, Harding, John Higgins. Wm. Ingram, John Mason, John Parr, Thos. Pegg, Daniel Broaaweavers : Humphries, Walter Porter, Geo., also silk weaver Butchers : Brightwen, Wm. Decow, Isaac Grubb, Henry, also innkeeper Hugg, Elias Lane, Bernara, also carter Myers, Wm, i Ransfora, Ralph Renshawe. John Robeson, Geo. Sherwin, James Shivers, John Smith, Daniel Watts, John Welch, Joseph Caramaker: Goraon, Rob't Carpenters : Acton, Benj. Allan, Geo. Allen, Mat. Anarews, Simon Antram, James Austin, Francis Bacon, Sam. Bainbriage, John, jr. Barnes, Wm. OCCUPATIONS. 725 Carpenters : Barratt James Bate, Wm. Bloomfieia, Ez. Bollen, Jas. Braman. Joseph Brookefield, Bunting, John Bustill, Wm. Canaan, Patr. Carter, John Chapman, Rob't Chawkley, John Clarke, Thos. Cornish, John Cramer, Thos. Crowell. Yalv. Daniell. Rich'd Davidson, Wm. Decent, John Dennes, John Donham, Jon'n EUewell, Thos , junior Evans, Wm. Fitzrandolph, Benj. Fitzrandolph, John Forsyth, Math. - Foulshame, Nath'l Francis, Richard Friley. Wm. Frost. Wm. Gardner, John, also joiner Gibson. Simon HaU. Wm Harding. Thos. Haslewood, Geo. Heesom, John Heritage, Joseph Herritage. Rich'd Higgins. El. Hunt, Wm. Jackson, Fran. Johnson, Rich'd Johnson, Thos. , Kaighin. John Kenton, Wm. Kylett, John Lee, Wm. Leet, Isaac Littell. John Long, Peter Lora, Joshua Lovejoy, Wm. Mathews, Thos. Meickle, Alex'r Mitchell, Jas. Moore. Joseph Mores, Math'w Mosse, Pfeter Mosse, Thos. Newboia, Joshua Newman-, John Newman, Walter Ogborne, John Ogborne, Sam. Okason, John Pancoast, J oseph Parsons, John Peares, John Powell, Jere. Pumphary, Walter Rea. Robert Rowell, Runyon, Vine. Salsbury, Wm. 76 Carpenters : Soattergooa, Joseph Scattergcoa, Tho. • Soattergooa, Thomas, junior Sharp, John Sherman, Thos. Shippey, John Shotwell, Abr. Smith, John, of Burlington Stathem, Zebulon Stevens, Thos. Tantum, John Taylor, Geo. Thompson, John Thomson, Wm. Thornell, Isr. Tompson, Urbanus Tonkan, Townsena, John, also yeoman Vaughan, — - Waae, Rob't Walling, Thos. Warne, Thos. West, Jos. West, Wm White, Christ'r Whitlock, John Williams, Tho. Wooawara, Anth'y Carter: Lane. Barnard, also butcher. Cawker : Blackfield, Peter Chandlers : Hollinshead, John Hooton, Thos. Lovett, Sam. Maddock, John Tomlinson, John Chapmen: Hollingam, Isaac Wait, Wm. Cheesemongers : Farr, Elias Guy, Rich'd Clerks, clergymen or ministers : Allen, John Basse, Jere. Douglas, Wm. Harriman, John Innes, Ajex'r Killingworth, Thos. Peeke. Jere. -Pierson, Abr'm, senior Riddell, Arch. Rudmary, Andrew Sheepard. Sam. Yoe. John Clothiers: Adams, John Chamberlaine, Wnf Cofflng, Jacob Curtis. Sam. Ellis, Simeon Gerish, Thos. Huckins, Roger Paul, Joseph Wade. Benj. Wood, John Clothmakers,- clothworkers : Beakbane, Thos. Horner, Isaac Scholey, Rob't Scholey. Thos.. also planter Wade, 'Edw. 726 GENERAL INDEX. Coopers : Abbett, John Abbott, Thos. AUen, Judah Appleton, Josiah Campbell, David Chambers, Rich'd Day, John Eglington, Edw. French, Thos. Hews, Wm. Hull, Sam. Leeds, Daniel Leeas.'Wm.Leycroft, Jehosh. Low, Joseph Mathews, E3w. Mickle, Arch. Millward, Chas. Morgan, Rich'd Noteman. Jas. Oldale, Lemuel Parsons, John Tappin, Isaac Walker, John Wetherill, Thos. White, Joseph Worgan, Richara Worth, Joseph Corawaiuers, see shoemakers. Curriers : Kenaall, Geo. Mathews, Wm. Distiller: Hutchinson, Geo. Drapers: Bowde. Adlord ¦ Duke, Thos. , Rickston, Richard Dyers : Barnes, Henry Senior, Abr'm Farrier: Mason. John Fellmongers: Ireson. John Lasswell, Wm. Smith, Daniel, also butcher Feltmakers: Deacon, Geo. Dugles, Duggles, Nath'l Loveridge, -Wm. Ferrymen : Hill, Seth Roydon, Wm. File cutter : Noble, Rich'd Gardeners : Boell. Thos. Hampton, John Gentlemen : Adams, John Allen, Jed. Antill, Edw. Anstell, Joseph Bacon, John Balldridge, Adam Barclay, Thos. Barkstead, Joshua Bassnett, Rich'd, also innkeeper Braithwaite, Wm. Bridge, Tho. Bristow, John Browne, Joseph Bull, Rich'd and Thos. Gentlemen : Bywater, Jarvis . Carary, Roger Collins, Francis Crowell, Sam. Davenport, Fran. Deacon, Geo. , also feltmaker Duke, Edw. Fleming. John Gardner, Thos. Gordon, Chas. Gordon, Thos. Hall, Hugh Hall, Wm. Hand. Shamgar Harrison, John Hedge, Sam. Holhnshead, John s Holme, John Holmes, Obediah Holmes, Thos. Houlden, John Howell, Mordecai Hunt, Joseph Kaighin, John, also carpenter Lawrence, Rich'd Lefever, Hypolite Malster, Wm. Middleton, Hugh Nevill James, also weaver Newbold, Mich. Perry, John Pike, John Roydon, Wm., also ferryman Rudyard, Thos. Skene, John Sloobey, Wm. Smith, John Smith, John, of Munmouth R. Smyth, John Smyth, Thos. Taylor, Edw., also merchant Test, John Thiraud, Daniel Watkins, Christ'r Webley, Thos. Whitlock, Wm. Wills, Dan. Wills, Daniel, sr. Winder, Sam. Woodroof, Thos , also tailor Worlidge, John Glasiers: Ashton, John Cutter, Ephr. Holt, Benj. Swyft. John Glovers : Kent, Thos. Robeson, John Smith, Joseph Goldsmiths : Bingham, John Lyell, David, of N. Y. Mainwaring, Thos. Grasier: Pell, John Gunsmith: Browne, John Haberaashers : Clarke. Thos. Ollive, Thos. Peachee, Wm. Hatmakers, hatters : Colley, John • OCCUPATIONS. 727 Hatmakers, hatters : Deoon, Geo. Edwards. Thos^ Gibbs, Rich'd Sturges, Anth'y Innkeepers : Acton, Benj. Bacon, Jeremiah Bassnet, Rich'a. also gentleman Chinton, Rob't Cole Rob't Gibson, Sam. GrUbb. Henry Hackett, Michael Hall. Wm. Hooks, John" Ible, Nath'l Jones, John Lefever, Hvp. Powell, Rich'a Ridley, James- Test, John Tilton, Peter, junior Joiners: Bainbridge, John . Champneys Edw. Dennis. John Gardner, John, also carpenter Green, Jas. Lambert, John, also yeoman Marriott, Isaac Martineau, Nich. Mathews, John Peirce, Joshua Walker, John Webb, Sam'l Labourers: Bennett, Alex'r Beswick, Aaron Buckle, Francis Campbell, Arch. Cpnaroe, Jacob Dauson, Rich'd Day, Stephen Devell, Benj., also yeoman Duglas, Thos. Fogg, Joseph Haines. Wm., also yeoman Hart, Joseph Huckings, John Lane,- Barn. Marsh, John May, Jacob Paine, John Paine. Thomas Revell, Thomas, also scrivener "Rogers, John Smith, James Watson, John Wilkins, Tho. Wilkinson, Rich'd Lightermen: ' Bradway, Eaw. Pearick. Roger Linen araper: Turner, Rob't Linen weavers: Quicksell, Wm. Wheatley, Caleb Locksmith : Raper, Tho. Maltsters: - Borradail, John Fullwooa, John White, John Mariners, seamen: - Bacon, Samuel Bollen, Geo. Browne. John Bunn. Math. Calley. Joseph Crawfora. John Dare, Wm. Dole. Joseph Dorbey, El. Dummer, Rob't England, Daniel Gibbin, John Groome, Sam'l Harriott, Sam'l Harrison, Samuel Healy, John Hill, Seth Hogland, Christ'r Inloos. Abri Johnson, Henry Ma,thews, Thos. Mew, Noel Pearson, Thos. Righton. Wm. Trent, Maurice Masons : Atkinson. Thos. Beech, 'Rich'd Bunting, John and Samuel Clarke, John Cockburn. John French, John Hume, John Murry, Jas. Oldale, Samuel Verier, James Mealmen; Martin, Jas. Smith, John Merchants : Bainbridge. John Baldridge, Adam Barkestead, John ¦ Barkstead, Joshua Bedloe. Isaac Beere, Jon'n Benthall, W. Biddle, Wm., also shoemaker, yeo man, planter Billopp, 'Joseph Boude, Grimstone Bowde, Adlord Bowman, Thos. Bowne. John, also" shoemaker Bridgman, Brooks, Edw. Browne, J oseph Budd, Jas. Buda. John, ajso brewer Budd, Thos. Carpenter, Sam. Clark, Benj., also stationer Clarke, John Clark, Wm. Cripps, John de Hart, Balth. Demire, Nich's Eas.t, Benj. Ewer, Robert Faulconer, Peter Forman, Geo. Forrest, Henry Foster. Miles Gardiner, Thos. 728 GENERAL INDEX. Merchants: Gibbon. Edm. Godfrey, Benj. Gordon, Geo. Gosling, John Griffith, Harrison. John Hawardin, Thos. Heathcote Geo. Hedge, Samuel Higgins, Geo. Hollinshead. John Hooper, Dan'l Huddey, Hugh Hunloke, Edw. Hutcheson, Geo. Inians, John Jenings, Sam'l Langford, Ebinezar and John Leconte, Peter Marshall, Jas. McKenzie, Geo. Mew, Rich'a Middltoni Hugh ' Miller. Jas. Minderman, Barth. Mollison, Morris, Anth'y Mudy, David Morris. Capt. Rich'd -Noell, Thos.' Nudigate, Natt Read, Chas. , also tailor Righton, Wm. Robinson, Andr. Robinson, John Roydon, Wm. Royse, Sallaway, Wm. Sandiland, James Sharp, Anth'y Stacy, Henry Stacy, Sam'l Standfield, James Tatham, John Taylor, Edw. Taylor, John Test, John Turner, Robert van Cortland. Jacob Vaughan, Wm. Walker, Sam'l Westland, Nath'l Wheeler. Rob't. also baker Whitpain, Zech. Willocks, Geo. Wooley, Chas. Merchant tailors ; Nevill, Jas. Tatham. John Millers : Acton. Benj., also weaver Bethell, John Brodberries, John Bryerley. John '-- Desmarest, David, also yeoman Forrest, John. Francis and Walter Loof burrow, John Milton. Roger 4y Newbold. Joshua Satterwaite. Joseph van der Linde, Roel Milliner: Davenport, Francis Millwrights: Bishop, Jon'n Crosby, John Dickman, Hugh Donham, — — ,"also carpenter Gajritas. Wm Newbold. Joshua Smith, John Vance, John, also miller Ministers, see clerks : Naylor: Dean, Richard Plaisterer: Wallis. Robert Ploughwright: ' John Calow, Potters: Crues, Wm. Dewilde. John Joyner, John Poulterer : Warner, Edmond Ropers: Rockhill, Edw. Stanford, Thos. Saddlers: Dilling, Wm. Furnis. Sam'l • Lovett, Jonathan , Sawyers : Coeyman, B. P. Durborrow. Hugh Morris, Lawr. Nichols, Samuel Radley. Daniel Satherwait, Jas.. Smith, Edw. and Wm. Smout, Edw. Taylor, Sam. . Young, Nicholas Schoolmaster: Meredith, John Scotchman (peadler) : ' Smith, John Scrivener : Revell, Thos., also labourer Sergeweavers: Cozens, Jacob Dewsberry, John Zane, Rob't Servants: Buchan, Bywater, Gervis Coward, Red. Eaton, Michael — Eurinson. Henrick Geere, Elianor Geere, Ruth Geere, Zach. Gordon: Chas. Gray, Rob't Gresey? Math' w Grigson, Joane Higgins. Wm. Hutchings. Sarah Johnson, Henry Lee, Wm. North, Joseph' Parsons. Ann Powell, Thos. Reeve, Mark Sympson. Turner. Rob't Waites, Eliz. Webb, Edw. OCCUPATIONS. 729 I Servants: Welch, Marg't Wilkinson Wm. WoUey, Chas. Young, Nicholas Shipbuilder: Resniere. Peter Shipwrights, ship carpenters: Edwards. Abaiah Fisher. Dennis Gill. Benj. Graisberry, Benjamin, James and Joseph Linch, Dennis Linck, John Mason, Thos. Meecum, Edw. Pledger, John Russell, Rich'd Tatem, John van Hyst. Abr'm West, James Willis, John Wood. James Shoemakers or cordwainers: Alberts. Hance Alexander, Francis Allen, Wm. Antram, John Biddle, Wm. Bowne, John Brant. Wm. Broadwell, Wm. Coffin, Rob't ColUns. John ' Cooles, Cooper, James Curleis Geo. Curtis, Geo. , Dennis, Thos. Dole, John Eldridge, Jonathan Bngle, Paul Fairebank, Edw. Farnsworth, Tho. Griffin, Wm. ' Griffith, Jenkin Hancock, Wm. Hill, James Hill. Wm. Hooton, Thos. Hutcheson, Rob't Jacob. James -Jacquish, John Jarvis, Martin * Leydecker, Geo. Love, Richard Mores, John Morris, Geo. Pope, Wm. "" Prichard. Math. Provo, Geo. Rigg, Robert Rumsey, Robert Rumsey, Wm., also yeoman Scole, John Shattock, Wm. Shinn, Thos. Slade, Edw. Thornell, Wm. Thorp. Sam. Tonkan, Edw., also carpenter Tunnyclift Fran Warner, Wm. Watkins, John Shoefriakers or cordwayners: Waynwright, Jon'n Webster, Thos Wheat, Benj. Whitehead, Isaac Whitehead, Sam. Shopkeepers : Bickley, Wm., senior Pollock, Jbhn Silkweaver: Porter, Geo. Skinner : Hartshorne, Hugh Stationers: Clark, Benj. Knowles. Stuffmakers, stuff weavers : Black, Wm.. Taylor, Sam'l Thackerey, Thos. Sugarbaker : East, Benj., also merchant Surgeons (ohirurgeons), physicians: Bourne. Edw. Cooper, Simon de Signey, Peter Devonish, Barnard Dimsdale, Rob't < Gay, Edw. Greenland, Henry Haughton, John Haynes, Chas. Horsley. Ralfe Johnston, John Kierstede, Hans Lockhart Robardes, John Robinson, Wm. Rodman, John Stewart, John Wasse, James Wills, Daniel Surveyors : Acton, Benj., also miller and weaver Alexander, Sam. Gardiner, Thos. Hancock, Rich'd Noble, Rich'd Tailors: Adams', Joseph Baker, John Brown, Geo. Cann. John Chaplin, John Charles. Symon Chesshire. John Clark, Wm. Clowes, Wm. . Colman, Thos. Garainer, Tho. Green, John Greene, Thomas Hauke, Reynoia Hauton, Andr. Howell, Phil. Huff, Peter Hurlbert, Edw. Jenynings. Henry Johnson. Wm. Land, Sam. Lawrie, Thos. Martin. John Mill, John Moore, Thos. Morris, Anth'y 73° GENERAL INDEX. Tailors : Mors, Rob't Murdoch, P,atr. Neill, John Nisbite, Rob't , Pope. Nath'l Read, Chas. Redmond, Arthur Renshaw, Thos. Ridgway, Rich'd Roberts, John, senior Robeson, John Sharp, John Sherwin. Jas. Smally, John Snooke, John Sutton, Daniel Taylor, John Thomas, John Wakefieia, Thos. Weatherill, Christ'r Wooarufie, Thos. Tanners ; Bagley, Charles Edridge, John Ellison, Wm. Fretwell, Peter, also husbandman Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, Tho. Ireson (Irons) , John Lambert, Tho. Lippincott, Freedom Ogden, Jon'n Sleigh, Joseph Smith, David Stacy, Mahlon Stacy, Robert Tyler, Wm. Williams, Tho. Turners : Barnes, Wm. Denn, John Godwin, Edw. Vance, John Vance, Samuel Ward; John Ward. Samuel Upholsterers : Budd, John Hancock, Rich'd Pyle, Pile, Thos. Victualler : Ithell, John Vintners: Hawden, Mich Hull. Humph. Loveridge, Wm , also felimaker Waterman: Neve, John Weavers : Acton. Benj. Albertson, Wm. Allen, John Applegate. Thos. Appleton, John Bickham, Rich'd Billonge, Ive Bockee, Abr'm Browne, Jas. \ Bur3en, Benj. Burroughs, John Caldwell. Allan Causon, Peter Cawood, Thos. Coddington. John Weavers: Condict, John _ Crowell, Joseph Davis, Benj Davis, Samuel Densley, Abr'm Dickman, Hugh Easton, Wm. Elwell, Thomas Fitzrandolph, Foster, Thos. Gilbert, John Graves, Thos Halsye, Joseph Harding. Edw. Huae, Aaam Humphries, Joshua Hunter, Wm. Hurley. Henry Johnson, Sam. Johnston, Rob't Jones, E3w. Lee, John Kelly, Wm. Letts, Wm. Liget, Moses Morris, John Mowyer, Thos. Nevill. James Nichols, John Pagett, John Parker, Elisha, also yeoman Pettit, Moses Roberts, John, junior Salaway, Thos. Sallyer, Chas. - Sayre, Ephr. Smith, John, of Amwellbury Spencer, Wm. Toe, Walker, Jas. Weinans. John Wheatley, Caleb Wooa, Jonas Wood, Jonathan Woolman, John Whalemen, Whalers: Carman, Caleb and John Hand, Thos. Hewes, Humph. Hoskins, Cassar Mathews, Sam'l Richardson, John - Shaw, John Short, Nath'l Stelinger, Corn. Stites, Henry Wheelwrights: Abbett, John Blanch, Wm. Blumfield, Ez. Burling, Elias and John Calow, John, also yeoman Crosse, Tho. Gleave, Geo. Lillies, Liavid, Shinn. John Smith, Isaac Whitesmiths : Bibb, Tho., also blacksmith Browne. John Ellis,. Tho. Guest, Geo. Woolcombers : Cripps, John NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 731 combers: " iues, Wm. . , ¦ / ty. John . rnsend, Roger steaa comber: ,rp, Thos. e, Ogbourne, Jane Hampton, wife Samuel, 533 e, wiaow of Samuel, 458, 471, 519, 0,-524 n.37l, 373-4, 377, 406, 413, 474, 513, 4n, junior, 480 luel, 370, 383, 441, 456, 458, 463, 471, 9, 525, 533- 11am, 519 Benjamin, 77, 160, 184, 249 ria, 24, 25, 80, 135, 281 sabeth, 268; wiaow. 216 sabeth Swaine, 318; widow of avid, 281 e, widow of John, 51 n, 4, 33, 51, 187, 206, 619-20, 636 n. senior, 30, 39 n. junior, 23. 34 athan, 23, 179, 183, 186, 196, 206, 216, '8 ' eph, 23, 183. 206, 213, 278 eph, son of Joseph, 278 iecca, wife of Jonathan, 196 »h; wiaow of Joseph, 183 niliam. 397.-8 1, John, 393 Lemuel, 491 nuel, 345, 347. 350, 355, 364, 377, 896, 10, 409, 425. 427, 445, 450-3, 455, 461, 12. 508 Eliza Gyles, wife of William, 177 13 — - lliam, 177-8, 258. 293, 328 Lnthony. 257 it, Janet, 72, 142, 310 n, 78- rgret, 72, 142, 310 lliam, 142. 149, 178, 182. 217, 310, 334 Mary, wife of Thomas, 442-3, 444, 18, 458, 475, 479, 495: wiaow, 515 unas, 140, 345-6, 350-4, 362, 364, 16-7, 376, 380, 395-7, 400-2, 404, 407, 0, 414, 424, 427-8, 441-6. 448, 453, 456-7, 11,464,' 467-8. 471, 475-6,478-80, 483. B, 515, 520-1, 524, 529, 534, 536, b10 Odow, 375 Mary, wife of William, 237 nuel, 147,'190,202, 226 lliam, 22, 43, 65, 237, 287 ;aac, 314-5, 329 ac, senior, 313 ob, 538 ah, 538 Isaac, 165 Thomas, 517 ries, Licenses to keep. 29, 30,31, i, 42, 43 on, Ormston, Charles, 66, 231, 333 eph, 293, 306, 507 Jhel Sonmans, wife of Joseph, 306, 17 e; Osburn, Osburne. Abigail, 287 emiah, 287 lathan, 459 eph, 31, 176, 287 iah, 287 rtha, 287 of Osborn, Priscilla"Roberts, 31 Rebecca. 287 Sarah, wife of Stephen, 177, 387 Stephen, 78, 164, 176-7; will of, 287 Thomas, 134, 185 Osgood. John, 71 Osterlana, Jacob, 538 Oulson. Charles, 627, 635 Haunce, 560, 627, 635, 645 Oui. 566 Peter, 543, 558, 564, 566, 590 Walburr Mattison, wife of Oui, 566 William, 627,-635 Outhout, Fop Fabius Jansen, 7, 30, 610. 644. See Johnson. Fop. Outkoop, Dirckie Teunissen, wife Douwe Harmensen. will of, 41 Overton. Ben. , Com'r of Customs, 505 Hannah, wife of Samuel, 477 Samuel. 368, 433, 477, 5:6 Pack, Elizabeth, wife of George, 142 Elizabeth, wife of Samuel, 291 George, 142, 148, 221, 227, 257, 291, 306 Samuel, 291, 311-3 Padley, Benjamin, 425, 439; 443 Page, Anthony, 103, 541-2, 547. 549, 551, 553, 556-7, 565, 567, 575-6, 578. 585, 587, 591, 594/596-7, 604, 618, 624. 632 Anthony, son of Anthony, 596-7 Henry, 65 Mary, wife of Anthony, 567, 585. 594 Mary, widow, 596 William, 596-7 Pa'gett, John. 546, 637, 641 Robert, 642 Paice, Joseph, 3^7, 436-7 Paine, Payne. John, 341-3, 350, 360. 367, 369, 453. 545. 551, 553, 579, 588, 601, 613, 617, 622-3. 627, 639 jnhn, -junior, 376, 453 John, son of John. 453 Nathaniel, 3.75, 475, 485 Payne, Thomas, 869, 453, 476. 501 Pake. Anna, 43 Gebrge, 43 Palmer, Francis, 303 Pallmer, Capt., 51 1 John, 54, 58, 188, 210, 275, 301 John, of N. Y. City, 78; of S. I., 64; late of Staten Island, 78 Capt. John, 170, 251; of Staten Island, 57 Samuel, 219 Sarah, wife of John, of N. Y. City, 78, 304 Thomas, 346 Pancas, John, 347, 349, 399 Pancoast, Pancost, John 350-1, 3o5 383, 391, 427, 433, 4o6, 485, 491 Jo°seph, 503, 509, 513, 516, 524 William, 388. 485, 503, 536. 539 Pancras, John, 352 Pangburn, Richard, 299 Pardon Wm, 1, 8. 22, 23, 33-4, 37-40, 42-3, 46 59, 118, 135, 177, 188, 198 ' Parham, Parum, Richard, '293, 312-3 Park, Anne, 393, 508 Roger, 382, 393. 415, 496, 508 Parke, Thomas, 393 Parker, Elisha, n,}2,U 54 6„. 103, 140, 147-8, 196-7,201, 220. 226 23 1-8, <:st>, 310 Elisha, senior, 19, 140, 225 587, 365, :i Ui. .11)7. 732 GENERAL INDEX. Parker, Elisha, junior, 140 George, 74, 111, 139, 386. 498, 503-4, 516-7, 534 George, of Shroesberry. 132 Hester, wife of Gecrge. 498, 503 John, 23, 159, 185-6, 363, 428, 515, 655-6, 674, 680 Joseph, 60, 80, 99,106. Ill, 137, 184, 221, 223, 272, 284, 308, 329 Marie, wife of Thomas, 254. Mary, 479, 486 Nathaniel, 115 Peter. 30. 174, 269, 317 Robert, 656 Roger, 415, 515 . Sarah, 218; widow, 481, 516 Thomas, 125. 201, 220, 228, 254, 300 Widow. 456, 534 Parkers, the, 682 Parkes, Richard, 478 Parkin. John, 23 Parkis, Benjamin, 10. 12, 15, 19, 40, 44, 53, 56, 102, 140, 176, 185, 267 Parkis, Martha, widow of Benjamin, 56 Parks, George, 80 Parr, Thomas, 61, 173, 240 Parrant, Wm., 331 Parrett, Francis, 312 Parsons, Ann, 591 John, 392. 495, 627-8, 670-1 Thomas, 532 Partleson, Ellen, 576 Pattishall, Pattershall, Richard, of Bos ton, 53, 169 Pattison, John, 399, 414 - Margrett, wife of John, 399, 414 Mary, 414, 415. Patton, James, 325 Paule, Paull. Pawll, James, 61, 132, 164 Joseph, 498, 512, 679 Philipp. 673, 679, 680, 683 Richard, 73 Paulson, Paul, 637; s ee Minck, Paul Patmcefort, Edward, 317, 436-7 Tracy, 317. 436-7 Pawson. Thomas, 198 ' Peachy, William, 346. 350-1, 364, 385, 394, 397, 419,, 426-7, 445, 463, 481-2, 492. 496 Pearce. Pearse, Peirce. Pierce, Perce, Daniel, 3, 10, 14, 19, 175, 194, 199, 211-2, 218 Daniel, senior, 195, 205 Dorothy, 31, 41-2; widow of Joseph, 50 Harman. 141 James, 574, 576, 595, 603. 6J.6 John, 75, 172, 190, 195, 198, 201, 260, 273, 291, 293 Joseph, 50 Joshua. 10, 14, 31, 40-2, 44, 46, 175 194, 197, 199, 200, 205, 211-2. 223, 251. i.98, 320 Sarah, 205 - Peare, Pier, see Johnson. Tunis Peare, Edward. 439 Peares, John, 466 Pearson, Peirson, Person, Pierson,.Abi- gail, 326 Abigail, wife of Abraham, 42, 196 Abraham, 20. 116, 131. 175. 190. 196.229. 242, 244. 246. 248. 255, 279; will of, 42 Mrs. Abraham. 244 Abraham, senior, 22 Abraham, junior, 19 Pearson, Abraham, son, 42 Devenporte, 42 Elizabeth, 326 Francis, 409 Hannah 326 Isaac, 42, 314, 597, 602, 615, 623, 635, 654, 657, 683 Mary, 42, 326 Mary, of Southampton, L. 1 , 49 Mary, wife of Thomas. 228 Robert, 364, 369. 375-6, 498, 520 Samuel, 326 Theophilus, 42, 230, 241, 250. 255, 264-5, 279, 280 Thomas, 19. 22, 42, 45. 68. 212, 228-9, 244, 248, 256, 280-1, 286, 303. 395-8, 400. 403, 408-9, 413, 418, 420, 414, 454, 472, 474, 478. 484, 510, 527 Thomas, senior, 35, 256, 280; will of, 326 Thomas, son of Thomas, senior, 326 Thomas, junior. 248, 279 Qapt. Thomas, 64, 309 Mr., 35, 229 Widow, 230 Pecke. Jeremiah, 176 302 Peddie, William, 77. 191 Pedrick, Rebecca, wife of Roger. 562 Pedrick. Pedderiek, Roger, , 562-3, 571. 645 Peeters, Peeter, 587 Pegg, Daniel. 656, 665 Pell, John, 540 , Peney, WiUiam, 65 Penford, John. 379, 395, 397, 423. 444, 446-7, 481, 487. 539 . Jonah, 379, 446-7, 450-1, 458; 479, 481, 488.490. 500 Joshua, 379, 446-7, 450-1, 458, 481, 488, 490, 500, 539 Thomas, 446-7, 450-1, 458,479, 480, 488, 490, 500, 539 Pensfords, the, 380, 452 Penn, William, 49, 52, 55-6, 151, 1S9, 199, 205-7>219, 234. 246, 249, 310, 316, 323, 325, 327, 333, 341, 373, 3*5, 394-8, 4011, 402,-405, 408-10, 413-4, 418. 421, 427-8. 435, 437, 439, 441-3, 464. 466-7. 469. 476, 479. 506-7, 526, 559, 570. 572. 582. 584, 587-8, 595, 597, 603-4, 621. 627. 637, 639, 640-1. 643, 646, 650; Proprietor of Salem Tenth. 569 Peninton, Pennington, Ephraim, 19. 221. 246 Pennington, Mary, widow of Ephraim, 221 Penny, Azariah. 383 Pennyman. John. 286 Penstone, Stephen, 420 Penton, Joan, 616 William, 547. 549, 577, 581, 583, 594, 600, 604, 613, 616. 634, 638, 642 William, son of Wm.-, 600, 616 , 543 Peppett. Thomas, 651 Perkins, Abigail, 397, 500 Jacob. 442 Mary, 351; wiaow of William, 397 Mary, dau. of William. 397 Thomas, 397, 450, 467. 4S3, 500 \ William, 397, 470. 475, 483 Widow, 346, 370, 375 Perrin, Daniel, 47 Eaward & Co., 527 Perry, John, 386, 506-7 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 733 mes, Earl of, 55-6, 66, 68, 76,' 181, 234 . eter, 622; see Peeters Charles, 603 el, 629 it, 268 3, 403, 629 S, 646 i, 687, 623. 638, 644 , 626-7, 639 590 oses. 479, 486, 495 Iw . 519 217, 371, 471, 483, 500, 509, 512, im, 371. 374, 464, 512, 525 ir, Rich'd, 46 ?aro, Ann, 439, 470 min, 486 s, 390. 445. 501, 511, 520, 526, 536, S. 345, 353, 364, 380, 393, 402, 417, 1, 536 s, son of James, 417, 431 Philipps, Ephraim, 278 ?,59j, widow of Ephraim, 278 pp. 517 el. 672 Dhilus, 393. 452, 517 h, Freaerick, 3, 6, 7, 13, 17. 18 Nicholas. 691 Thomas, 317, 436-7 iat, Frances, 150 s,150ie, alias La-flower. 59, 60, 150, 196, 289. 310 1. Charles, 433, 462, 595, 639 , Richard. 644 lis Jansen, 368, note. Liucas. 4 - l, Christian, 4, 14 :t, 4 5, 6, 17. ?8 ie, Andrew, 215 ,215 a-, 170 9, 11, 14, 15, 31, 41, 44, 63, 121. 148, 159, 160-2. 165, 212, 215, 217-8. 2, 251, 304, 386, 506-7 senior, 37. 193: will of, 170 junior. 12, 14, 15, 63. 67, 131, 5, 170, 214, 217 John, 19, 34, 36-8. 40-2, 46 John, senior, 67 h, 170 wife of John, senior, 170 l, wife of John, 140 as, 165, 170, 217 ,214—,373:abeth, 562, see Hall. Etim. 562. l, 588, 606; wife of Thos.. 562 >mas, 545. 560, 562, 57 1, 598, 608-9, 4, 627, 635 les, Pyles, William, 24, 47, 65, 130 Tho., 519 .gael. spinster, 459 t Elizabeth, 279 ,279 ia, 279 wife of William, 66 aau of William, 279 Pinhorne, William, 48-9, 51, 66-7, 74, 97, 155, 254, 261, 279, 280, 288, 305 Pinke, John, 175 Pinnick, Christopher, 645 John, 645 Pitman, Henry, 37 Richara, 466 Places, Names of Abbington Township, Pa., 539 Abrooke Creek, 573, 613. Absecom, Absicon. Apsecom or Reaaing Creek, 393, 667, 677. 680 Achquickenunck, Acquakanonk.Aquech- onenque, Aquikanonk, Acquicke- munck, Aquechenonge, Aquacho nongue, Hachquickenunk, Hagh- quichenunck, Hockquickanon, 62, 70, 99, 100, 156, 158 61 , 194, '236, 249, 255, 258, 261, 268. 280-1, 284, 301, 308 Aaams, Aaemeses' Creek, 541-2, 550, 567. 605 Aaams Forrest, Salem Co., 632; an islana in Delaware River, 634 Aaams Neck, 613 Aertshouck. lana at. 1 Ahasimus, 7, 9; see Hasimus Ahanaewamock, 71 Ahiqueroney, 17 Allowayes, 548, 551, 554, 557; allotment of, 541-2. 549, 555-7, 567, 596 Allaways Creek, 343-4, 385, 513. 516, 541-3, 546-9, 550, 552-3, .560, 567-8, 570-1, 573-9. 580-7, 589, 591, 593-4, 597, 599, 600-5; 60T-9, 611-3, 615-8, 622, 626, 627, 631, 633, 636-40, 642, 645; bridge over, 636; road to, 343; Precinct of, 630 see Monmouth River. Allomannessing, alias Steel's Branch, 671 Alumhatta, Indian town of, 354 Amboy Bay, 73 Amboy Ferry, the, 156, 303, 314, 324 Amboy Ferry— Wickatunck Road, 303 Amboy, Amboy Perth, Perth Amboy, 64, 68-70, 71, 73, 75-9, 97, 98, 102-4, 106, 110-112, 115, 118, 119, 122, 124-6, 129, 130, 13-2, 134, 138, 139. 158, 164-6, 168, 169, 171-4, 176, 179, 181, 184, 188. 187 189, 190-2, 198, 281. 205. 226, 228, 229, 236: 241, 246, 258, 260, 275, 282, 287, 292, 304, 306, 309, 311-2; streets In, 105, 107, 112, 117, 126-8, 176, 188-9," 191, 198, 226, 241, 258, 304. 310 Amboy Perth, see Perth Amboy Amboy, Ambo, Point, 58, 59, 66-8, i2, 321 Ambrose Brook. 110, 111. 113, 117, 118, 128. 148, 167, 235, 260, 293, 301, 310,- 317-8. 333 Amintock, 513 Amwell, W. J., 593 Amwellbury, New Salem, W. J.. 343, 5i5, 588, 592, 604 : Anchocus, Burlington Co., 433 469 Ancokus, road to, 378; River, 366, 371-2, 374. 383, 387, 389, 458, 476, 481 see Rancocus. Ann's Grove, 551. 572, 578-80, 582, 585. 587, 606, 611, 614, 637-8, 640 Antioch. W. J., 513; Township of, or Chohanzey. 397, 550 Antony's Creek, 614 644 - Aplegate's Mill Brook, 186 Apoquiminy, Del., 240; note Appletown. W. J., 458 734 GENERAL INDEX. Atmapeake, Bergen Co., 66 Aqueyquinunke, Saddle River, 48, 51 Ararat. Middlesex Co., 145 Arcadia, W. J., 612 Arsewinocke Neck, 23 Aressechhonk, alias Paulus Hook. 7 Arthur Cull, Arthur Cull River, after Cull, 1, 29, 174, 313; or Sikakus, 54; Scoutship of, 38 Arwa-wmosse, W. J , 351, 405, 477; alias Newton, 354 Arwawmos Creek. 357; Town of, 357-8 Aschatking on Tantaqua Creek, 80 Ash Point, Third Tenth, 428 Ashswamp, the, 23 Assinpink, Middlesex Co., East Jersey, 143. 228, 478 Assinpink, Assanpink, Assandpink, Sant Pinke. Senpinck River, 143, 152, 154-156, 178, 181. 187, 190, 192, 196, 197, i 203, 2H5, 206, 224, 228. 234, 247, 276, 296, 309-10, 322, 333, 348. 361-2, 365, 373, 390, 395, 402, 447, 466, 482, 531 Assiscunk, 401 Assiscunk Creek, 345-7. 349-56, 359. 383, 389, 396, 399, 400. 401, 409. 410, 416, 421-6, 461, 467, 472, 474-5, 481, 489, 491, 505, 5-11, 516, 529, 532; see Birch Creek. Atlantic Co'.', 665 Attaquaquamick Hill, 324 Avondale, Essex Co., 156 Auerstrow, Haverstraw, 17 Baby Creek, 250 Bachelour's Bank, 361 Back Creek, or Run, 386. 523, 591, 608, 617, 621-2 see Tweed River. Back Neck. 610-1, 617, 620, 825, 641 Bacon's Adventure, 573. 575, 580 Baccon's, Bacon's Creek, or Run, 123, 250, 251, 375. 529 Bacon's Creek. Woodbridge, 298 Baconsfield. W. J., 414, 421-2, 427, 465, 480 Bagley Grove. Salem Co., 592 Baker's Urook, 183 Bald Hill, the, Woodbridge, 155, 314 Ballifleld, Baylyfield, Ballyfield,Notting- ham Township, Burlington Co., 439, 446, 466. 477. 482, 485-6, 496, 505 Barcla's Point, 222 Barclay's Brook, 319 Bare, Bair Brook. 234, 310, 333 Bareskin, Bearskin Brook, 150, 236, 281 Barnegate, 30, 36. 143, 148, 155. 178, 180-1, 183, 188-9, 199. 201. 203, 207-8, 211, 225, 231, 233-5, 238, 257. 282, 288, 295, 299, 314, 319, 320, 326-7, 333 Barnegat Bay. 180, 211 Barnagate Beach, 154, 156, 203, 250 Barnagate Creek, 295 Barren Plain, 13, 18, 19 Bass River, 665 Batstowe Creek, 544, 568, 574 Batts Creek, 645 Bay Stack, 180 Baythorp, Boythorp, W. J., 425. 427, 431, 433, 449, 454, 462 Beargarden, the, 478 Bear Swamp, 675 Beaver Branch or Run. of Berkley River, 357. 645. 654, 681 Beaver Dams, the, 573 Beck's Creek, 540 Beeche's Creek. 118, 177 Beef Point. 20, 21, 116, 131, 244, 348, 255-7, 264-6, 279 Bergen, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 13, 17, 18. 19, 26^ 28, 32. 34-5, 40-2, 48-9. 51, 62-3, 76. 10fT 145, 157-61, 193, 252, 358. 261, 367,' 368, 379, 383-4, 390, 301, .308; list of in habitants of, 47; Court at, 35, 36; County Court at, 39, 44; Militia Company of, 37, 44 Bergen County, 66. 69, 79, 117, 139, 153, 157, 162, 198, 222, 225, 228, 241-2. 254, 258, 261-2, 271, 274, 276, 279, 280, 282-4, 289, 292 330 Bereton.' Salem Tenth. 550, 625, 630, 638 Beriton Fields. Salem Co., 543, 566, 591, 608, 623, 637; first settlement at. 556 Berkley, or Oldman's Creek, 545, 634-5, 646-6; 654, 661, 681, 684 Beverley, W. J., late called Burlington, 414 Birch Creek, 357-9, 364, 369, 376-7, 409, 412, 416, 421, 423, 429, 431, 445, 451, 452. 453, 455, 456, 458, 470, 480, 482, 502, 506, 519, 534; or Assiscunk Creek, 416 Birtley River, Salem Co., 627; quere, Berkley? Black's Creek, 364. 373, 375, 379. 380, 389, 390, 447, 486, 491, 529 . Black Woolfe Hollow, 280 Blanford Grove, Salem TowDShip, 580 Blue, Blew Hills, the, in Essex Co., 76, 120-3, 133, 137, 141, 181 Bluff Hill, the, 62 Bog Pona Neck, 190 Boiling Spring of Manalapan. 311 Bonham's Creek, 63 Borough Hill. Fenwick's Grove, 545 Boston-Philadelphia Roaa, 279 Bottle Marsh, 274 Bottle Meaaow, Piscataway, 123, 191, 233, 277 Bowght Creek, 644 Boughtown, Salem Co., N. J., 543, 558, 564, 566, 590, 644, 646 Bough Town Creek, 543.566 Boulsover, Burlington Co., 486 Bouna Creek. 20, 21, 22, 54, 62, 64, 76, 1 17-8, 134, 144; 163, 167, 181, 187-8, 203-4, 208, 229, 235, 238, 240, 245. 248, 263-4, 266, 278. 280, 293, 306-7, 333 Bouna Bin. 326 Bradfield. Salem Co., 543 Bradlie's Brook. 9, 11, 16, 166, 193, 218, 233 Bradway's Neck. 554 Bradways, Broadawayes Street, 339, 340, 342, 343 Braithwaite's Hall on Manneton Creek, 591 Braye's Brook, 119 Breach, the, on Cohanzey River, 572 Breakback Run, 679 1 Brick Hills. 188 Brothers Forrest Tract,614, 625, 629, 634-5, 639, 642 Brothers Forrest Neck, 566 ^ Brown's Neck. 300 Bucks Co.. Penn., 415, 417,- 448, 450-1. 472, 477, 479. 486, 490, 495, 508; 518, ' 520-1, 523, 526, 534, 538, 540, 614, 634, 665, 668, 075. 679 Budd's Creek, 646 Budd's Hill, Freehold, 198 Wickatunck. 201 Buggbrook, W. J., 425 NAMES OP PLACES. 735 den's Brook, or Creek, 323, 543. 583 ¦lington, 142, 217, 258, 260. 294, 298, 316./ 354, 356, 364, 366-7, 369, 383, 386-7, 389; 390-1, 394-6. 398, 400, 401-35, 438, 441-9; 450-8, 460-3, 465-8, 470-6, 478, 4S0-9. 490-9. 500, 502-3, 505, 507-9, 510-5 517-20, 5-21-35, 537-9. 540, 550, 566. 573, 575. 583, 589, 593, 599, 612-3, 615, 630, 643, 649, 650-1, 654, 656. 662-3, 666, 674, 683; Church at. 540; Meeting House at, 481, 483; Quaker Meet- . inghouse at, 539 ; now called Bev- ley, 414; Streets in, 345, 367-9, 370-1, 374. 376-83, 390, 397, 403-4. 410, 413, 418-20, 423, 426, 432-4, 440-3, 447, 450-1, 453-4, 458, 461, 466, 468, 471-4. 478, 481-5, 488-9, 490, 492-3, 496-7, 502, 508, 510, 512-4, 520, 522-5, 530. 532-3, 535 537, 539-40; Lonaonsiae, 394; roaa from to N. Y., 143; roaa to, 309; to Shrewsbury, 350 ¦lington-Salem Roaa, 513 rUngton (Birlington) Path or Roaa, 98-9. 100, 104. 106, 109, 114-5, 122, 136-7, 146, 150, 168, 171-2, 174, 176, 179, 182, 189, 194-5. 213, 235: 240, 245, 253, 260, 261, 373. 291, 293, 297. 299, 308, 350, 599, 608, 627-8. 678; the new, 150 •lington Creek. 533 ¦ rlington County, 226, 254, 260, 272-4, 277, 306. 312; 315, 321, 325. 335, 406. 421-3, 425^8, 431-3, 438-9, 440-4, 446-9, 450-3. 455, 458. 460, 462, .464-9. 471-4, 477, 480-3', 485-9, 491-2, 494-9, 500-6. 508-9, 511, 514--20, 521-34. 536-9, 540, 599 605, 609, 612-3, 636-7, 657, 661, 669, 674-5, 677; Recoras of, 454 ¦lington Islana, 345, 366, 368, 378, 387, 396-7, 399, 403, 408, 413, 418-21. 423, 426, 428-9, 431, 433-4, 438, 440, 442-4, 446-7, 455-8, 461, 463, 465-6, 468-9, 470, 476, 481-2, 492-4, 499, 503, 508-9, 517, 521, 525, 536. 538 ¦mudas, Burlington Co , 521-2 ;ton Brook, 612 saria, or Cohansie River, 373, 383, 462, 512, 570-2, 580, 583. 585-7. 592, 593. 599, 600-3.605, 607-8, 610-6, 618-20, 626, 628, 630, 632-3, 640, 646-7 see Cohanzee. sonaras, Miaaietown, 294 fe Pasture, Elizabeth Town, 259 laenCo.. 409 afieia's Creek. 248r264-5 npbell's Creek, 105, 228, 217 isie, Campsie Creek, 152, 200 nahockinck Creek. 559-60 non's Creek, 545 non's Neck, 545 non Hill. 169 oe Brook, 281 twell's Creek, 645 e Islana, 391, 393 e May, 297: 317, 389, 424, 431, 437, 440, 454, 458-9, 460, 484, 495-6, 499, 514, 517, 559,-663; County, 390-3,489, 515, 517, 530. 536, 636; Township, 495 onockon Creek, 389, 532 . mei, formerly. Oneanickon, 363, 418 see Oneanickon. ter's Neck, 64 ta-nan-gut, 575 ir Creek, Salem Co. ,.460 tail, Cattell Brook, 156, 181, 203, 234, 250, 300 Cattail Meadow. 654, 684 Cattell's Delight, 372 Cedar Branch. 592 Cedar Cove, 169. 184 Cedar Cove Creek, 229 > Cedar Creek, W. J , 203, 372, 620-1, 636 Cedar Hamocke, 505 Cedar Swamp, 211, 600 Cedar Swamp Branch, 609 Cekakus, 261 see Secaucus. Cekakus, or Snake Hill, 279 Chaunaers Creek, 659 Cheche Brook. 225 Cheesquake-. 70, 7*, 75-6, 78, 100, 106, 109 119. 125, 166, 188, 210, 225, 230, 241, 250, 253, 270, 304, 333 Cheesquakes Bay, 64 Cheesquake Creek, 70, 97, 144. 148, 150, 152 158, 204, 253, 283, 289, 310, 314-5, 323, 332, 334 Chemel Creek, Gloucester Co., W. J., 434 Chester, Burlington Co., 452, 504, 508, 533 Chester Township, Burlington Co., 502, 507 Chesterfield, West Jersey, 156, 312, 410, 413, 419, 423, 425, 427-9, 431, 433, 438, 445-7, 457, 461-3, 469, 472. 474, 478, 482-3, 488, 491, 498-9, 500, 507-8, 510, 522, 527, 530-4, 537, 636 Chesterfield, alias Crosswicks Creek. 443; Quaker Meeting House at; 447-8 Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., 469, 478 485, 488. 492, 496-7, 505, 509, 512, 520, 522, 629, 536 Chestnut Brook or Run, 181. 197, 203, 211, 224. 271, 283, 302, 309, 623, 625, 632, 634. 641-2 Chestnut Neck, 309 ; in Salem Co. , 552 Chestnut Plain, 17 Chestnut Ridge. 149 Chingaroras, Changerore. Chinqueroras, 23, 62, 73,, 100, 104. 106. 112, 126, 303 Chinqueroras Creek, 62, 106, 173, 189 Christaine, Christeen Creek. Pa.. 4, 19, 408-2, 429, 465. 475-6, 595, 613, 617 Christian's Pool, 153 Christianity, Gloucester Co., 662, 667, 670, 678 Cimissinck, Simissinck Creek, 353-4 Clam Bay, 155. 211 Clampitt, W. J., 575, 590, 592-3, 596-7, 601 Claswick's Bridge, 253 Clear Brook, 247, 301 Cleave Brook, 171 Clonmell, Gloucester Co.. 659.664 Clonmell Creek, 680, 683-4 ; or Kaphock- osey Creek, 417 / Club Creek, 248 Cohansey. Chohanzey, Chohanzicke,- SalenTCo., 233, 440,-454, 459. 460. 462, 495, 505, 515, 526. 541. 550, 552, 554-7, 559. 566. 575-6. 578, 580-1, 584. 587, 589, 590-3, 599, 606-8, 610, 614, 616, 618, 621-2, 624-6, 628, 630. 636-7, 641 ; or Fairfield, 621; or Antioch Town, 550 Great Chohanziek, 559 Little Chohanziek, 559 Cohanzey Neck, 569 Chohansey. Precinct of, 636 Cohansie, Chohansey or Cassaria River, 269, 383, 385, 392, 397, 416, 424, 441, 73^ General index. 459, 462, 509, 512-3, 541, 545-6, 550. 559 566-8, 570, 572-5, 577-8, 580, 583, 586-8 1 592-3. 599, 600, 604-5, 607-8, 610-1. 614-5, 618-9, 625-6, 631, 637-8, 642, 646-7 ' Cohansey Roaa, 527 Chohansey-Salem Roaa. 636 Cola Spring, the, 133, 370, 377 Cola Spring Brook, 142" Cole's Brook. 214 Colt's Neck, Monmouth Co., 184, 191-, 211, 239 Comehanack Creek, 111 Comunipaw, Gemoenepan, Qumunepa, 3, 17, 28, 30. 32, 70, 261, 283 Comunipaw Creek, 9 Compton's Creek, 207. 320 Conescunke, Canneskonck. 2, 139, 167, 183, 194, 199, 208, 288 Conescunke Creek, 23 Conesconke meadow, 24, 28 Conescunke Neck, 23 Constable's Hook, 1, 29. 49, 51, 262/283 Constaple's Point, Bergen, 145 Cooper's Creek, 109, 351. 353-5, 357, 360, 367, 409, 412, 420. 424, 429, 450, 458, 491,513,584-5. 641, 648, 651-4, 656-9, 660, 662-3. 665-8, 670-1, 673-4, 676, 678-9, 681-2. 684 Cooper's Neck. 291-2 Cooper's Point, Gloucester Co.. 471. 649 Coqua-ney, 17 Corrawa Brook, 327 Costanea Neck. 641 Couweranis, 2 Cove, the, 195, 304; in Perth Amboy, 144, 172 Cowcotters Neck, 136 Cow Neck, 604^846 Cow Neck Creek, 27 Cox Hall, Manor of, 458 Crabby Meadow, ill Crab Orchard, 265 Crambrough meadow, 76 Cranberry Brook, 142, 143, 147, 152, 154, 156, 203, 304, 322, 331 Cranberrie Meadow, 188 Cranberry Swamp, 570. 645 Cranbury Pona, 570, 589. 638, 646 Crane's Brook, 22, 58, 103, 117 Crane's Creek,«, 239, 251, 257 8 Crane Hook, Del., 566 Crane Neck, 13, 16, 267 Crane Neck Creek, 11, 16, 226, 238 Crane plain or Mettuchinge, 169, 220 Craven's Choice, Fenwick's Colony, 568 Crewkerne Wood, 667, 575, 579 Cristiana, Christeen's Neck, Salem Township. 643-4, 646 Crooked Brook, 248 Crookhorne, Buoks Co., Penn., 410-1, 451, 477 Cropwell, W. J.. 660, 677 Cropwell River, Burlington Co., '479, 657 670, 674, 681 see.Pensokin Cr. Cross Creek, 232, 251, 299 Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., 113, 138, 139 208, 235, 262, 288, 295, 297, 299, 30o! 368-9 Crosswicks, W. J., 425, 469, 470 Crosswicks Creek, 136, 137, 146. 171, 196 299, 305. 312, 320. 347-9. 351-4, 358] 362-3, 365-6. 369-9, 374-5, 377. 379 383-5, 389, 391, 400, 402, 410, 414-6 431 443. 446-7, 451,' 461, 463, 465, 467-9, 472, 475, 477, 486, 494-5, 498, 507, 526-7, 529, 535. 538, 596; alias Leeds River, 356; alias Chesterfield. 431 Croswicks Purchase, 245 Cumberland Co.. 385, 397, 462 Curtise's Creek, 278 Cyprus Branch, 612 Dale near Shroesberry, 110 Darley, Gloucester Co., 658 Davidt's Valley, 3 Day Island. 156 Deacons Pytle, 340 Deale, Monmouth Co. , 195, 236, 569 see Dale. Decto L. Creek, (? Doctors?), 178 Dedford Creek, 662. 682 Deep or Duck Brook, 154, 189, 206, 268, 312. 644 Deep Creek, see Duck Creek Deepford Creek, 357 Deep Run, Freehold, 236 3e Lacker's Neck. 3 Delaware Bay, 372-3. 424, 505 Delaware River. 30 140, 345 8, 350-4, 356- 64, 367, 369, 370-1, 373-4, 376-7, 379, 383. 385 8, 394-7, 404, 407-9, 411-2. 418-20, 422, 424-6, 428-30. 432. 438, 441-2, 444-6, 449, 450, 456-7, 463, 465, 469, 472, 481-3, 488, 492, 495-7, 499, 508, 510, 513-4, 517-8, 521-5, 529. 533-5. 539. 543. 546. 548. 550,. 554-5. 559, 560, 565-7, 569. 570, 572, 575. 579, 585, 590, 602-3. 605-6, 610-1, 614,-622-5. 629,632 634, 638. 643-5, 649, 651-2. 665-8, 672-3, 675-6, 680-2, 684 Delaware River, list of inhabitants on the, 47 Delaware River. Falls of. 205, 225, 251, 317, 348-9, 370, 383, 385-6, 388-9, 391, 400. 40-', 417. 422, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, ' 446-7, 449, 451, 453, 461, 472, 477. 479, 484-5, 489, 490, 493-4, 496. 497, 499,501, 503, 511/515-6, 520, 523, 528, 530-a, 535. 537-8, 540 Delaware River, Falls of, Bucks Co., Penn., 448, 518 Delaware, Falls of, roaa to, from Piscat away. 332 Delaware Falls, road from, to York, 448 -' Dennis' Creek, 357 Devonshire Lodge, 570 Dismall. 164-5, 277 Dismal Brook, 277, 318 Dismal Swamp, the, 23; 128, 164-5, 212. '238, 252, 313 Doctor's Creek, 156, 181, 185, 187, 196, 254, 272, 274, 282. 305, 358, 383, 390-1, 433, 445. 449. 477, 526, 531 Dottie's, Dotie's Brook, 128, 252 Drayton House, Burlington Co., 398, 403, 501 Duck, or Deep Creek, 101, 103, 119 152. 312 Duck Pond Plain, 120 Dundee, Passaic City, 283, note Easham, 417; Vale of, 361-2 ' Easom, Burlington Co., 475 East Fenwick Creek or Tindalls Run, or Mannataine Creek, 544-5, 569 East Fenwick Township, 543-4. 567-8 East New Jersey, Patent for, 56 East Wall on Delaware River, Salem Tenth, 644 NAMES OK PLACES. 737 Eatton's Mill Brook. 269, 333 Egg Harbour, 178, 316,- 381, 386, 435, 539, 677 Eggharbour Beach, 365 Egg Harbour River, 384- Elizabeth River, 22, 23, 50, 246, 264 Elizabeth Town. 11, 20, 22-6, 29, 30. 32-4, 36, 38, 43, 46, 49, 50, 52-9, 61-3, 70, 74-7. 80, 98-9, 100-1, 103, 106, 114, 116-8, 120, 126, 130-1, 133-7, 142. 146-9-, 151, 157, 159, 160,-1, '164-6, 168, 171, 173, 174, 176-7, 179. 182-3, 185-8, 190, 192-3, 196-8. 201-2, 204. 206, 20S-9, 212-3, 317-8, 221-2, 225-7, 230, 2S7, 242, 245, 247, 249, 250 252, 254, 257-9. 260, 266-7, 270-6. 27S, 287. 290-1, 293, 298, 301, 306 7, 311-3, 318, 321, 325. 328, 310-1, 334 Elizabeth Town Court. 36, 38 Elizabeth Town, monthly Court of, 39 Elizabeth Town. County Court, 45 Elizabeth, list of inhabitants of, 47 Elizabeth Town Mil. Co., 44 . Elizabeth Town and Newark, Court of, 38 Elizabeth Town and Newark, County Court at, 39, 40, 43 Elizabeth Town, Indian purchase of land at, 1 Elizabethtown Creek, 164, 176-7, 188, 204, 212. 223, 248, 254, 357, 359 Elsenbourgh, Salem, W. J., 411, 533, 573, 577-8. 580". 582, 584, 588. 590. 606, 611, 619-21, 624-5. 629, 632, 634 -¦ Elsenburgh, alias Guys Point, 641-2 Elsenburgh Bank, 649 * Elslnburg Fort, 543, 556, 578 Emboyle. the. or Arthur Cull, 1 Enach or George River. 153 Enfield, Middlesex Co., 228 Errarck Brook, 324 Erixson's Staine Hook. 543, 558 Bspartine, Espating, 19, 49 Essex County, 70, 73 4, 76, 78, 114, 118. 121-4/132, 137-8, 151. 153-7. 16J-3, 192, 198, 201, 204, 206, 2U-3, 221-3, 227-9, 231-2. 236-7. 241-3, 247, 258-9, 261-2, 270, 271. 278-9, 280. 282, 284, 287, 292. 301, 303, 308, 330, 332, 334 Essex County surveyors of roads, 249 •Eversen's Creek, 3 Eversham, Burlington Co., 461, 464, 475, 532 Eversham Township, 533. 539 Eversham Township, Burlington Co , 444, 455, 467, 483-4, 498, 502, 509, 511, 520-5 Eyers Creek, 484 Pair (Fan. Farr) Creek, 152, 200 Fairfield, Salem Co., now Cumberland , Co.. 512. 619-20 ' see New Fairfield. Fairfield, land for parsonage and minis ter at, 619 Fairfield, streets in, 620 Fairfield or Chohansey, 621 Fairlight, Sussex Co., 133 Falls, the, 60. See Delaware River, - Falls of. .Falls, Road to the, 326 FaUs Mills. 42-i Falls Neck, 150%. Falls River, 74. 152s-3, 156 False-Brook of Tinturne, 189 Farrefield (Farnsfield), Burlingtan Co., 428 432, 449. 453, 480 Fenwick's Colony, 316, 339, 436, 462, 469, 513, 543-4, 554, 558, 560-9, 572, 574, 576-7, 579, 580. 589, 637 Fenwick's Colony, Manor of, 545 Fenwick's Creek, River or Run, 342, 541, 543-6, 549, 563, 566, 569, 570, 574. 576, 586, 588, 591, 696. 598, 607, 618, 621, 628, 641, 643-4. 646 see Game Creek or Manneton. Fenwick's Grove, 545, 571, 592; manor of, 544, 557, 588-70 Fenwick's Grove Neck, 569 Fenwick's Grove Run, or Creek, 545, 569 Fenwick Ivy Landing, 344 Fenwick's Point, 568, 576 Finslana, the, 646 Finns Point. 550, 853, 576 Finn's, Fynns Town, 543, 566 Fynne ToWn Hook, 543. 565, 569, 574, 598, 645 First Tenth, 355, 358-9, 362, 396. 399, 400,' 401, 403-6, 408-16, 418-20, 424-5, 427, 429, 431, 433-4, 443, 456-7, 461, 465, 470, 472-4, 477, 480, 482-3, 486-7, 505 First or Yorkshire Tenth, 417, 423, 426, 451 Fishing Creek. 180, 207, 238, 241, 244, 255, 257. 550; Kettle Creek, 235 see Great or Little Fishing Creek. Fishing Place. 551 ; on Oldman's Cr., 632 Fishing Place Point, 315, 329 Fish River, 384 Five Miles Run or Little Shabbacunck Creek. 537 Flepe Brook, 122 Fly Brook, 314 Forkea Creek, 213. 357-8 Forrest's Grove, Salem Tenth, 595 Fountain Spring 241 Fourth Tenth, 359, 405, 417, 419 Freehoia, 141, 146, 148, 155, 159, 160. 194-5, 197-8, 230, 234-6, 240. 243, 245-7. 252, 266, 273. 275-6, 278, 282-3, 287-9, 291, 293-5, 297, 301-2, 308, 312-3, 315', 318-9, 322, 325, 328, 334. 492, 513, 524, 828-30 Freeman's Point, 264 Fresh Kil, the, 64 Fuller's Creek, 383, 393. 541 Fullsoms Milston, 279 Game or Forcus or Fenwicks Creek, 543, ¦ 559, 560. 566, 646 Ganay's Hall, 393 Garrett's Choice, 571 Garrison's Neck, 687 Gemosnepan. see Communipaw. George's Creek, 649; New Castle Co., Pa.. 586, 596; or Enach River, 153 German town. Penn.. 514 Gloucester, Town of, 316. 485, 491, 509. 650, 652^5, 657-9, 663-1, 667-70, 676-81, 684; streets in, 658, 664, 684 Gloucester County, 355, 420, 425. 429, 430, 434 443. 450. 458, 461. 471, 481. 513, 522, 537 58415,'589-92. 598, 600, 613-6. 621, '625-7, 634-5, 649-63, 666-680, 682-4; High Sheriff of, 662, 669 Gloucester River, 649..651-4, 656-9, 661-2, 664, 666, .669-73, 675. 677-84 Gloucester Township, 664 Goole Grange. Newcastle Co., Pa., 4dB Goose Creek. 180-1, 189 Goose Neck, 111, 126-8, 208, 214, 242, 329 Goose Pond, 152 Governour's Spring, 211 73S GENERAL INDEX. Grape Brook, 207, 234-5. 322 Grand Hill, 607 Gransby Run, 546 Gravell Brook, Monmouth Co.. 112, 122-3, 132, 134, 276. 327 Gravelly Run, 372, 527, 534, 545, 573 Great Bay, the, 155, 211 Great Choptank River. 623 Great Creek. 232, 273 Great Egg Harbour, 372, 384, 514, 659, 660. 665, 667. 670 675 Great Eggharbour River, 390 Great Egg Harbour-Sound, 514 Great Fishing Creek, 550 Great Flype, the, Monmouth Co., 131 Great Islana, the, 163, 264 Great Kelk, Burlington Co.. 488 Great Manto (Mantus) Creek, 358, 360, 652, 655-6, 662, 669, 672, 677, 680, 683 Great Meadow Island, 175 Great Mill Creek, 566-7. 614, 625, 634-5 Great Neck, 244-5, 248, 256, 263, 265-6, 279 Great Neckgate, 212 Great Pond. the. 146, 152, 196 Great River, the, 20 Great Road, the, 322 Great Staine Hook, 543. 556 GreafTree Creek, 574-5, 619 Greene Creek, 391 GreenhiU, Burlington Co., 408 417, 421, 431, 443, 448, 463-4. 468, 470, 479, 4S0, 523, 666 Green River, 76 Greenwich, Gloucester Co.. 654 Greenwich, Townof, Salem Co., 546,570, 572, 586-7, 591-2, 601. 603-11, 616-7, 626-7, 630. 633, 637, 639, 640, 646-8; Streets in, 646-7; Quaker Meeting house at, 610 •Grovely, Gloucester Co.. 661, 664, 672 Grover's Brook, 138 Grove's Point. 568 Grundel Hill on Monmouth River, 585, "587, 615 Guy's Point, formerly Elsinburg Fort, 543. 554, 556, 641-2 Hackingsack, 48, 159-61, 225, 254, 271, 289, 301; New Hackinsack, 62, 63, 79. 135, 139. 158,228; Old Hackensack, 158, 228 Hackinsack Bay, 261, 268 Hackensack, Hackingsack River, 7, 8, 17- 19, 28, 48-51, 62-3. 69. 70. 73, 76, 78-9, 101, 154-5, 163, 198, 221, 223. 228, 230, 236, 241-3, 255, 261-2, 271, 274, 276, 279, 282, 287 Haddington Parish, 322 Hahassemes Creek, 6 Hainses Hill, 11, 141, 142 Hale's Brook, 254 Half Way Creek, 638 Hall's Creek, 627 Hancock's Hurst, 541 Hanses Hill, 267 Hartman's Island, or Menehenicke, 70 Hart's Creek, 66 Hart Point, Salem Tenth, 569 Hartford, W. J„ 574-5 Hartsfleld, near Pniladelphia, 656, 660 Hartshorn's Island, 324 Hasimus, Haassemus, Horsemes. Ahasi- mus, 2. 3, 17, 18, 28, 29. 34 Haslefleld, on Cesaria River, 586 Hatt's Plantation, 350, 372 Hawthorne, Passaic Co., 258, note Heartie Point, N. J., 565, Hedgefield, 341. 569. 573-4, 578, 580, 582, - 585, 587-8, 592, 594, 606, 6i5, 624, 632 Hedgefield Run, 571 Hedge's Neck, 572 Heages Run or Creek, 545, 569, 592, 605 Helbey's Forrest, 372 Helbey Town. 372 Herrechmamick, 2 Hesters Branch, Wooabury Creek, 679 Hillsdon, W. J., 425 Hipolitus Point, opposite Salem. 625, 634, 642 Hoars Kil on Delaware R , 39 Hoboken, 2, 6, 28 Hoboken Creek, 3, 13 Hochaos Brook, 301 Hochowayj, Freehold, 246 Hockeky Creek, 327 Hockin Creek, 388, 528 Hoeman's, alias Trumpeters Creek, 671-5, 682-3 Hogg Hill. 11, 191, 284 Hogg Neck. Monmouth Co., 139 Hogneck Creek, 300, 325 Hogpen Neck, 296 Hogg Penn Swamp, 264 Hog Pond Neck. 152 Hogswamp Brook. 200-1 Hohokus Brook, 247 Hollands Brook. 130 Hollibourne, Salem Co., 594, 601, 612-3, 623 HoUybourne, Salem Township, first set tlement at, 543. 557, 566-7 HoUybourne Creek, 594, 612-3 Holly Brook, Gloucester Co., 666 Holme, Burlington Co., 463 Holt's Creek, 611 Honeonickon, Hony-Honickon, 356, 473 Honehonickon, Indian town of, 355 see Oneanickon. Hopefield, Hopfield, Monmouth Co., 189, 226 Hopewell, Gloucester Co., 652 Hopwell, Nottingham Township, Bur lington Co., 410. 425, 447, 466, 479, 483, 486, 501, 518, 524. 526-8. 530-1, 636 Hopp, Hop, Hope, or Romanis River, 73, 104, 109, 110, 112-4, 118-20, 122, 143, 150-1, 153, 167, 176, 183, 189. 190, 194. 208, 262, 288, 301, 311, 319, 322, 325, 327, 330 Hoppemense, 7, 644 Home Branch, 573 Horner's Creek, W J., 417 Horse Creek, 644 Horse Neck, 26, 27. 190, 197, 296 Horse Neck on Passaic River, 151 Horseshoe on Cooper's Creek, 663 Horseshoe Branch, Woodbury Creek, 657. 661 Hortencie, Monmouth Co., 109, 119, 120, 130. 143, 311 Houselot Creek, 193. 300 Houselot Pond, Rariton meadow, 141 Houman's, alias Newport Creek, Glou cester Co., 671 Hudson's River, 153, 225, 261, 268, 279, 284., 291-2 Hulin's Point; 432 Hutchings' Run, 639 Hutchinson's Manor. W. J., 440, 479, 482, 494, 496, 49S. 500, 508, 518, 527-8, 530,' 636 NAMES OF PLACES. 739 Indian burying place, 310, 333 Indian cabins, 384 Indian Creek, Cape May Co., 393, 515 Indian Fish ingplace, the, 73, 384 Indian Marketplace. 549-50 Indian Path, 177-8, 191, 200, 230, 302; the old, 331 Indian Towns, 353-4, 355, 385, 532 Inians' Ferry. 253 Irasa-ca's Brook. 311 Iron-min-bogg, 3H3 Ironworks, 34, 323 Island, the Great, 20, 23 Island Branch, 618 "islana Creek, 532, 575. 592 Itcha-la-men-sej, 532 ^ Ivey Point, 566 Ivy Point Landing, 544 Jacobs Creek, 360, 378, 387 Jarrat's Brook, 219 Jasper's Creek, 363 Jeanes Creek, 643-4 Jeremyes Creek. 3, 566. 569 Johnson's Creek, 644 -Johnston's South Brook. 308 Jones County, Penna., 612 Judah's Creek, 315 Jumping River, 24, 102, 186, 300, 323, 325 Kahavoe, 73 Kaonmoes, 2 Kaphockosey, or Clonmell Creek, 417 Karcas Hook, Penn. , 403 Kawack Swamp, 80 > Keettppe Creek .373, 462 Kehachkanick, 34 Kehachkanick Wackonabeck, land at, 1,2 Kept County, Penn. (Delaware) , 290 Kent's Brook, 16, 166.. 218, 232 Kettle, or Fishing Creek, 235 Kichhachweray, 2 Kiewhaps Creek 614 Killpigg Hole, 617 Kill van Col, the 1, 2, 5, 16, 18. 279, 283 Kindockameck. Essex Co., 78 King's Roaa, 390 King's Roaa. London Bridge to Salem, 379,483 Klrig^s Run. Newton Creek, 673 King's Run, alias Alberson's Creek, 679 Korkanney, N. Y., 476 j"Kotayeck Creek, 153, 324 liKovands Land. 73 fKjow Meadow, 185 Kymball's Point, 580 -Labour Point, Mansfield Township, Bur lington Co., 840, 361, 515 LacleBoar, 508 la Croix Creek, 3 ILacroy's Potnt,_Salem Co., 583, 631 'Lambert's Hill. 323, 332 Landing Creek, 325 Langford's Plantation, 525 1 Langstar's Brook. 18 -Langster's, Langstare's. Langstaff's Plain or Farm, 9. 10. 11. 12, 14, 15, 16, 57, 67, 141, 143, 146, 166, 211, 218, 247, 261 Laocolon Creek. 42 ! /Lawrance's Brook, or Piscopeck, 146. 207 LawreU Run, 48i Lay Sie Point, 34 Lazy Point, 345-6, 352, 517 Lebanon, Salem Co , 621 Leeds River, see Crosswicks. Lefevors Chase, 586, 595, 618, 625, 632, 634 Lessa Point, 363. 406, 420. 440, 450, 464, 516, 5:2, see Lay Sie, Lazy Point. Lessapoint, or Wingerworth, Burling ton Co., 429 Lewes, Del., 142 Lewis, Sussex Co., Penna., 209 Lightning Hill. 264 Linches Hall, Cape May Co., 393, 515 Linewell Creek,' 660 Little Black Hook, 638 Little Ceaar Islana/207 Little Egg Harbour, 49, 140, 176, 203, 211, 384,388,424,519,538 Litte Eggharbour River, 384; Inaian name of. 513 Little Egg Harbour, see Eggharbour. Little Falls Brook, 174, 186 Little Fishing Creek, 574 Little Islana, 244: 286 Little Manto (Mantus) Creek, 350, .652, 662, 676 Little Mill Creek. 567 Little Mill, or Ten Acres Creek, 614, 625, 634 Little Neck, 212, 243, 265, 642 Little, or Tichenor's Neck, 249 Little Pond. 152 Little Silver, 108 Livewell, Gloucester Co., 662-3, 667" Locharbor, Monmouth Co., 152, 200, 201, 205 Locus, Locust Creek 580, 584-5, 587, 623, 632 Locus Island, 572, 611 Locus Island Creek, 606 Lodging Brook. 330, 332 Log Hill, 264 London Bridge. Burlingtou, 345-6. 356, 370, 377-9. 387, 401, 409, 473, 492, 514 London Tenth, 404, 443, 461, 481 Long Branch, 50, 111, 242 Long Branch Neck. 131 Long Branch road, or path, 154, 208. 269 Long Branch, road from to the Falls, 333 Long Brook, 144, 311. 326 Long Gully, 276 Long Harryes Creek, 357, 361 Long Harries', or Redbank Creek, 359, 657 Long Hill, 263-4, 272, 281 Long Island, N. Y, 168. 428. 413, 445, 515, ' 521. 531, 604, 604 5, 669, 671, 673 Long Meadow, the, 61 Long Neck, 209, 214. 261, 269, 272, 329 Long Pond, the, 112, 213, 248 Long Reach, 594 Long Ridge, the, 272 Long Run, 319 - .„ „.„ Lower Hooke, W. J„ 410, 424, 648, 649. 656-7, 661 Low Hill, Monmouth Co., 146 Lucas Point. Salem Co., N. J.. 564, 5b7, 587, 595, 617, 620, 623. 644 Lumles-Sawley, Fenwick's Grove, N. J., 544 Lupakitonge Creek, 106 Machcopoiken's Land, 14lx Madman's Neck, L. I, 308 Mahoras, Mahorus Brook, 138, 200, 219, 13' 1 Maidenhead, Burlington Co., 143 452-3, 464 483, 488, 497, 499, 508, ol2, ol5 518-9, 528, 531, 535-6, 539; church and 74° GENERAL INDEX. schoolhouse at, 518 Maiaen Town. Burlington Co., 518 Main Creek Branch. 610 Mamatchasek Creek, 324 Manaataqua Brook, 48-9, 66 Manahohaky Creek, 234, 257 Manalapen. 143. 150, 175, 247. 283, 311 Malapan-, New, 177, 191, 200, 230 Manalapan, the boiling spring of, 144, 311 Maualopen River, 139, 147, 150, 155, 171-2, 174-6, 191, 200, 230, 243. 283, 297, 301, 303-4. 307, 311, 314, 319, 323 Manasquam, Manisquam 64, 75, 101, 176, 178, 220, 231, 301, 315 • ' Manisquam. Manasquam River, Creek or Brook, 68, 74-5, 99, 100. 104-6, llu, 114-5, 136-7, 144, 152, 155, 167, 182. 190, 202-3, 211, 238, 240, 245. 247, 263, 278, 282, 295, 297, 300. 308, 311, 318-9, 321, 324, 326, 332 Mankachkewachky. the great swamp, 2 Manneton. Salem Tenth, 343. 579, 608-7, 622, 630, 636, 638 Manneton, Salem Co., streets, 603 Mannataine, Manneton, Manhatton, ali as East Fenwick Creek. 344. 543, 545-6, 549, 551. 569, 570-3, 575, 580, 582, 584-9,-591-2, 594-7, 600-1. 605-6, 609-10, 613, 615, 618, 621, 625, 631, 635, 637-8 Mannetpn, Precinct of, 635-6, 642 Mannington Precinct, 612 Mannor Neck, 616-7, 626 Manoppek, 2 Mansfieia, Burlington Co., 146. 147. 260, 273, 391, 397, 411, 420. 429, 446, 449, 161. ' 454, 456, 464-5. 476-7, 487, 497, 503-4, 509, 512-3. 521, 527 Mansfieia Township. 447, 453-4. 457, 464, 471, 474. 485, 487-8. 491-2, 495-6. 501, 503-4, 506, 511-6, 519, 521-2, 525, 527, 529, 534, 538-9 Mantaaos, Little, 4 Mantoes Creek, 357 Mantuxit Creek, 372 Maple Creek, 118 Maple Islana, 20, 261, 266 Maple Island Creek, 20, 54, 228. 230, 248, 252, 264-6, 268-9, 272, 280-1, 308 Maple Run, 674, 682 Marcus Hook, alias Chishopen, Chester Co., Pa., 521, 544, 548, 632 Margaret's Creek, 304 Marsh Brook, 203, 299 MarsonJg Creek, 367 Marvel Hill, 23 Masacksey, or Oldmans Creek. 545 Mason's Run or Creek, 376, 386-7, 450 Matacopine, Mattacopermy, W. J., 194, 347, 351, 445, 486. 502, 523 Mattacopany bridge, 519 Matawan Creek, Wickatunck Road, 324 Matawong, or Millstone River, 48, 66 Matcheponix, Monmouth Co., 122, 138, 331 Matchiponix Path, 197, 206, 278 Matchiponis River. 138. 155, 314, 322 Matetkunck River, 203. 234 Matheauwach, 2 Matiniconck Island. 30, 31, 34, 355, 360 396. note, 439, 518. 533, 535 Mattawane Creek, 119, 324. 327 Mattocks, alias Unknown Creek, 518-9 Matuekacksou River, 152 Maurice, Marice, Morrissee River, 317, 385, 437, 441 see Morrice's Run. Morris Creek Meadows River or Creek. 154, 668 Meeting House Brook, 140, 149, 170 Mecokins Wigwam, 422 Meetinghouse, on Alia ways Creek, 605 Meghgectecock, 7 Mehoppings Creek, 638 Myhopinyes? Melcum Island 624 Melvin's Brook, 135 Menachipanis, 153' Mgnapenascon, 422 Mencokameke, or Westfield, Middleton Township, 270 Menehenicke, or Hartman's Island, 70 Menisacongue. 17 Mercer Co.. 390 Mery Mindes Spring, 299, 3 !6 Metassin Creek, 17 Metchipakos Creek. 73 ' Metecunke Creek. 185 Mettuchinge, Matuching, Woodbridge, 169, 220, 232, 298 M'hawaukaneck or Hochowayj, Free hold, 246 Micharagrape Pond, 324 • Middle Brook or Creek. 203, 208, 508, 621, 643 -Middlehook, Fourth Tenth, 415, 424 Middle Marsh Creek,"386 , Middle Neck, Salem Tenth, 552, 553, 581-2, 584. 600, 611, 615, 640, 642 Middle Neck Creek, 615 Midaiesex County, 53, 62, 67, 70, 72-3, 75, 76, 79, 97 8. 101, 103. 106, 109, 117-9, 124-5, 127-8,, 130, 134, 136, 144, 147-8, 152-8, 162-3, 167, 169, 175. 178-9, 181-3. 186, 188-9, 190, 194, 200-9, 311. 214, 223-5, 228-9. 231. 234-5, 237-9, 241 ; 247, 250-4, 256-8, 266, 270, 274. 276, 282-3, 289. 293. 297-8; 302-7, 310, 314-5. 318, 322-3, 330-4. 663; Highway' Oomm'rs of. 253, 276 Miaaietown. Middleton, Miaieton, 23-7, 30, 36. 42. 50-1, 60,.68-9. 71, 74-7, 97-8. 100-4. 106-8. 110. 112-5, 117-9. 123-4. 126. 130-1. 133-4, 136-40, 142, 146, 150, 157-60. 164, 167-8, -172-7, 182-7, 189. 190, 194-9, 200-1, 204, 206, 208, 210. 218-9, 220-1, 232, 235, 237-8, 245, 261-2 Middleton, 267, 275-6. 278, 283, 288-9, 293-9, 300-1, 304-5, 308-9. 311, 318-20; 322-3, 325-8, 330, 430, 488, 499, 542-3. 556-7, 565-6, 575, 577, 582-3, 596, 604. 618 ' Middleton, list of inhabitants of, 47 Middletown. Military Company of. 44 Middleton, County of, and Shrewsbury. 24, 43 Midaieton ana Shrewsbury, County Court at, 39, 41 Middleton and Shrewsbury, Court o!, 39 Middleton, Special Court of Oyer et Ter miner at, 46 Midranagrap Pond, 153 Mill Brook, 209 Millbranch. 663 Mili Branch, Salem Co., 546" Mill Brook, Creek, River. East Jersey, 10. 11. 20, 21, 53-4. 61. 64, 123, 12%. 176-7, 182, 186-7, 206-8, 212; 214, 233, 244, 248-9, 251, 255-6, 259, 263, 265-7. 272, 274, 276, 284, 286. 308, 3il Millbrook, Piscataway, 233 NAMES OF PLACES. 741 Millbrook of Raway R., 259 Mill Brook Plain. 244 Milbrook, Salem Co., '634-5, 641 Milbrooke Swamp, 180, 261 Mill Creek, West Jersey. 346, 350-2, 356, 360-1,364/380,385. 331, 401, 451, 487, 499, 543, 549, 557, 569, 582, 599, 618, 621, 643 647-8, 667, 684 Mill Creek, Chesterfield Township, 523 Mill Neck, 634, 641 Millers Creek, 342, 577 Millstone River, or Brook. 48-9. 51, 66, 74, 98, 104, 122, 131. 143-4, 147-8. 150-2, 156, 166, 175, 177-8, 192, 201, 203. 205-8, 234--5, 213, 249, 254, 28D, 298. 302. 3u7. 309, 311, 314, 319, 322-3. 328, 330-4, 422 Minaoques, N. J. , 193 Mine Brook, 109, 211,-239 Minienquas, 4 Mininssing. 230 Minisink Path, the, 73. 151. 247 Minisinks Province. 316. 435, 437 Minasinks-Elizabeth Town Road, 334 Minkacque, 3, 4, 16 Minkelque, 29 Mirie Fly, the. 276 Mirry Bog Brook, 322 Moatquacksung, 66 Mochores Brook 136 Mochoreras Brook, 26 Molton Berry, Burlington Co., 453 Munmouth. Town of, E. J., 5«3 Monmouth County, 62, 65, 68, 74, 76, 78, 100, 104, 106. 109-15, 118-9, 120, 122-7. 130-9, 141-3. 146, 148-9. 151, 152-3, 155-6, 15S, 161, 165-3, 171-3, 175-9, 180-5, 187, 189, 190-1, 194-7, 200-6, 203- " It. 213-4, 219, 225-S, 230-2. 234-6, S3S-9, 245-7, 250-1, 253-4. 256, 260-1. 268. 270, 272, 274-5, 282-3, 288, 291-2, 296-7, 299, 300-7, 309, 310-5, 319, 320, 322-7, 330-4, 492, 514, 517, 529, 530-1, 534. 536, 573, 599 Monmouth (Mun Mouth) River, former ly Allowayes Creek. 541,543,547-9, 567-8, 570-3, 574-80, 583-7, 589-91, 593-4, 597. 600 4. 607-9, 611-2. 614-8. 621-4, 626-9, 630-3, 635-6, 638^1, 645. 647 Morrices River, W. J., 505, 513, 593, 621, 630 see Mawrice. Morris Creek, 31, 212, 230, 238, 243-4, 248, 255, 280-1. 286 Moseleys-Shield, W. J., 568 Mossey Swamp, the, 376 Mount Brook, or Mount Creek, 150, 171. 175, 283, 311. 542, 566, 572, 6a8 Mount Carmell, Burlington Co., 379. 442, 493 Mount Eagle on Absecom Creek, 667 Mount Holly, 349, 374, 401, 492, 507 Mount Hope, Mansfield Township. Mount Hope, W. J., 410, 412-3. 416. 425-6, 429-30. 433, 442. 444-8, 454-7, 470,' 474, 476, 432, 499, 505, 514, 518-9, 521 Mt. Over, 466 Mount Pisgah. 368, 380, 440, 490, 529 Mount Pleasant. Mansfieia Township, 356, 358-60/362-3, 372, 381, 426, 43i, ; -»~444: 456, 464, 474. 494-5. 513, 522 j|Mfc Pleasant, now callea Ogston, 416 j Mount Tray, 372 Mountwell on Cooper's Creek, 491, 514, 649; 651, 659 Mowhingsinnge, Monmouth Co.. 119 78 Mowhingsinnge Creek, 119 Mulberry Creek, 371 Mulberry Ferme, on Maneton Qreek, 551 Mulberry Point, near Great Egg Har bour, 659, 660 Murfin's Creek, 352, 369 Muscato Creek, 180, 235 . Muscle Criple in White Clay Creek, 656 Myhoppinyes Creek, 601, 613 see Mehopping. Nahundsey, Gloucester Co., 672, 674 Nahundsey Neck, Gloucester'Co., 672 Nahundsey Run, 674 Nancutting, 381 Nantuxit Creek, 372-3 Napoick Brook, 122 Nararnson Neck, or Passage Point, 219 Narawataconck, Norawataconck, Shrewsbury, 126-7, 132, 137, 184, 272, 317, 324, 329 Narawatacunck Point, 317 Narawataconk River, 132. 213, 269 Neck, the Great. 19, 21 Ned's Creek, 278 Navanison Neck. 173 Neshameny Creek, Penn., 457 Netherlancl Farm, 593 Navesinks, Newa-sink, Neversinks. Neusinks, 17, 23, 29, 31, 36, 64, 69, 124, 131, 134, 167, 174. 177, 199, 230 Navesink, list of inhabitants of, 47 Newasinks, Neversinks, County of. 42, 69 Navesinck, Neversinks Bay, 23, 24, 326 Navesink River, 26, 27, 71, 74-5, 111-2. 127, 131-2, 139, 163, 172, 183, 199, 213, 222, 269, 294, 296, 317 Nevill's Lanaing, Salem, 343 Nevill Street. 340-1 Newark, 19. 20, 21, 22, 30, 33, 34-6, 38, 40, 42, 45, 53-5, 62-3, 67, 106. 116, 118, 121, 131, 145, 150. 157, 159, 160-1, 163-4, 175, 180, 184, li&tiaoi 193-4, 196, 198, 210-3, 216, 220-1/227-9, 230. 236. 238,- 241, 243-6, 248-9, 252, 255-7, 263-6, 268-9, 272, 274-5. 277, 279, 280-1, 286, 290, 301-2, 306-8. 326, 330, 516 Streets in, 249 note, 256 Charter of, 255 Militia Company of, 37, 44 Monthly Court at, 39 Court at. 42 New Barbados, 6, 33, 55, 57. 76, 158-9, 161, 221-2. 247. 261. 278-9. 292, 330; for merly called Pesawack Neck, 7 New Barbados Neck, 154-5, 250, 258, 271 New Beverley,. W. J., 408 New Brook. 582 ' New Castle, Penn. (Del.). 4, 7, 30, 343, ' 494 511, 546, 553. 566. 569, 582, 586. 604. 610, 617-8. 625, 632, 634. 636, 669, 676-7 New Castle Co.. Penna., 426. 487, 551, 581, 586, 608, 617, 620, 656, 66 1 Neweson Neck, 173 New Fairfield, Salem Co., 618 see Fairfield. New Jersey, Patent for, 559 original boundaries of, 36 Island of, 78 „ „or New Netherlands. Salem Co , 635 New Perth, 129, 165, 192 see Perth Amboy. Newport, W. J., 583 Newport, New Castle Co , Pa , 597 Newport Creek, Gloucester Co., 671 742 GENERAL INDEX. New Salem, 339-44 see Salem. , New Sands-River, 168 New Shrewsbury, Falls of, 542 New Shrewsberry Purchase, 113 New Stockholm, Gloucester Co., 680 Newton, 354, 357, 648 Newton, W. J.. 405, 412, 417, 428 Newton, Gloucester Co , 432, 533, 590, 649, 650, 652, 654-5, 660-5. 667, 672, 674-6, 678, 681 Newton Creek, Gloucester Co. 357-8 43 i 614, 649, 652, 653, 662,- 664-6. 668, 671-4, 676, 679-83 Newtorf»Fork Creek, 675 Newton. North Creek, 355 Newton Township, Gloucester Co., 663, 674 Newtown, Bucks Co., Penn., 446, 477 Next Greek, 434 Neycusick. Bergen Co. , 225 Nichais, Monmouth Co., 120, 311, 3:9 Nicomisses Branch, Creek or Run, 515, 571, 587, 608-10, 622-3, 625 Nicomusses Neck, 545 Ninevey, 383, 387 Nolletquesset or Shark River, 168 Nolum Mehegam Creek, 73 Non Such Farm. 102 Nonesuch, Middlesex Co. , 260 Norman's Hook, 29 Northampton. Burlington Co , 442, 458, 470, 475, 480, 488, 502, 504, 515 Northampton, or Rankokus River, 349, 350, 359, 300-7, 369, 372 376, 381, 387, 406, 410, 412, 414, 4i6, 418-9, 421-3. 425, 427-32, 442, 445, 448-9. 451, 453,455-6, 462-3, 466, 475, 477-9, 481, 483, 48.J-8, 502, 504-5, 514, 516, 520-1, 523-4, 528, 529, 533^1. 536, 582, 646 Northampton Township, 456, 458, 471, 490-2,494, 501-4, 507, 510-1, 519, 5;0, 522, 527-8, 530 North Branch, 171, 177 North Brook, 154, 175, 331 North Cape, Fishing Creek, 207 North Hope River, 75 North Neck, 23 Nofth River, 269 North Wigwams, W. J. , 473 Norumpsump, Norrumson, Naruiuson, 124, 131, 154, 174 -¦ Norupsons' Neck, 135 Norwack, Norwalk, 35, 163 Nottingham, Burlington Co., 187, 254, 272, 274, 306, 331, 410, 439, 449, 454, 465-6. 468-70. 472, 477, 484, 486-7, 496, 501, 507, 511, 520, 530-1, 536-7, 540 Nottingham Woodhouse, W. J., 411, 417, 430, 439, 445 Nottingham. Township of, 443, 471, 477, 499, 505, 520, 526, 528-9 Nursery, the, near Burlington, 426 Nut Swamp, the, 60 Nyacksick, 284 Ogstone, Burlington Co., 359, 431, 433; formerly Mt. Pleasant. 416 Oldman's Creek, 358, 395. 424, 431, 545-6, 551, 560, 571, 582, 584, 599, 609. 611-2. 635-6, 640. 644-6, 648, 661, 684; see Berkeley or Masaeksev Cr. Olderman's Kil, 3 Ola Market, Gloucester Co., 655 Oia MiU Brook. 12L Ola Woman Hill, 74 Oneanickon, Burlington Co., 361, 365-9, 332, 387. 389, 431-8, 440, 449, 453, 469, 470, 484-5, 494,' 50 1, 514, 523, 656; now callea Carmel, 363, 418, 483, 510, 531, 536 see Hony-Honickon One Tree Hook, on Delaware River, Salem Tenth, 644 Overpecks Creek, 7, 8, 48, 62-3, 117, 139, 153, 198, 225, 2!8, 274, 279, 291 Oxf ora, Penna., 581 - Oysterbank Lanaing, 324 Oyster Creek 206, 225, 229, 248, 255,- 257, 265, 271, 273, 279, 280, 372 Packagomack. W, J„ 573, 575 Painswick, Co. of Gloucester, 462 Pamphilia, Panfilley, Town of, 383, 541 Panepack Neck, 261 Papametapock, Pametapock 48. 66 Papiack, Papiakey, Papyack. Papicqua, Papick'Creek, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19/ 24. 40, 66, 123, 131, 170, 204, 207. 214, 228, 232, 250-2, 254, 267, 277, 290, 315, 318. 320, 328 Papiack Meaaows, 12, 15 Papiack Neck, 194, 199, 211, 214, 260, 273, 276 Paras Brook, 236 Parksberry, Burlington Co., 515 Parting Creek, 544, 568, 574, 576, 580, 615 Parvus Brook, 213 Passage Point, 200; or Naramson Neck, 219 Passaic, city of, 283 note Passaic Co., 2o8 note Passaic, Pasagack, Pasawack, Passawa, Pesawick. Pesainck, -Passawiek, Pesoick, Pissawick R-iver, 7, 18, 19, 33. 48, 62, 70, 76. 99, 100, 118; 125, 151. 153-6, 163, 187, 211, 223, 230. 250, 252, 254, 258, 261, 263, 268 S72, 274. 278, 280, 283, 290, 308, 330, 334-5, 386, 489,516; Falls of, 111, 114 Pesawack Neck, now New Barbados, 7 Passequenecqua, Pessequa-nork-qua, . Monmouth Co., 64, 98-100,-105-6, 109 110. 114-5, 122 Passequenecqua Creek, 97-9, ,109. 110. 114, 122, 204, 360, 263, 273, 291,-293, 308, 318 Passequenecqua Inaian Purchase, 261, 263 Passey Creek, 290 Pasture Branch, 606 Patapees Neck, 173 Patcham, Sussex Co., 411 Patconck Creek, 665, 670 Paterson, City of, 62, note Patton's Brook, 325 Paulus Hook, 7 Pautixit, R. L, 177 Pavonia, 3 Payne's Pytle, 341 Peace Brook, 245, 254, 289 Peach Neck, 641 Peachfieia. W. J., 412-3, 424-5, 428, 453, 464,- 473. 475, 661 Peach Garaen Brook, 22, 23, 100-1, 290 Peach Garaen Hill, 22 Pechpeck, 141 Pedderick:'s Neck, 571 Peeler's Creek, 357 Pembrepock, Pimbrepow, Bergen Co.r4, 10, 16, 19. 29. 135, 261, 283 Pemisoakin, Indian town of, 353. 365, 369, 383 Pennsawkin, W. J., 407, 414. 449, 451-2, 534 NAMES OF PLACES. m ~s Pensoakin. Gloucester Co., 652 Pemisoakin, Pemsokin Pensaukin, Pensoakin, Pimisaukin. Pimsa- quim, Pennysoaking, Pensokin, Pensawkin, Pansawken, Pemisaw- kin Creek, iilias Cropwell River, 356, 359,-361-6, 370-1, 374, 380, 382, 389, 394, 404, 448-9, 450, 452. 455, 457, 458, 461, 466, 479, 498, 535, 649, 670, 673-4; bridge over, ib. Ponus Hawking Cr., 496 Pounce Hawking Cr., 423 Penapecca Creek, Philadelphia Co., Pa., 660 Penn Brook, 310. 325 Penn's Neck, Salem Co.. 572, 591, 595-6, 598, 603, 609-10, 614. 616-7. 622-3, 636-7, 629, 631, 633, 635, 637-40, 646 Penny Ordinary, the, 261 Peockunck, or Quihocklng, Salem Co., Pequannick River, W. J., 489, 516 Pequodlenoyock Hill, 168 Perth Amboy. 97, 144-56, 158-9. 160-1, 163, 171, 180-2f 198, 201. 203-4, 206, 209, 210, 213, 222-7, 231-4, 236-7. 240, 24-2-3. 246, _ 249, 250-1. 253, 257-8, 261-3, 267, 270-4. 278-9, 281, 284-5. 288-9. 291. 294, 298, 300-5, 307, 309, 310, 312-6. 318, 320-6, 331-2. 334-5, 435, 497; Streets in, 129, 130, 151-6. 180-2, 201, 203. 206, 209, 213, ;224, 234, 236, 242. 258, 261-3, 267, 278, 281, 285, 288, 291, 298, 300-5, 314-5, 321-2, 324-5, 331, 334-5 Perth Amboy, see Amboy Perth. Pescack River, 279 Peskeckie Creek, 73 Petequeick Creek, 424 'Petersfield, 342, 594, 601-2 i Peter's Wigwam, 10, 18, 214, 285 Philadelphia, 174, 178, 182-3. 187. 202, 209, 226, 240, 245, 296, 310, 322, 329, 353-4, " 404-6, 408", 409, 413, 415, 417, 419, 420, 423, 424, 426, 428, 430. 432. 433^, 454. 456, 458, 461-2, 465, 473. 484. 487, 492-3, 495, 498, 500, 502, 508, 510-1, 514-5, 521-3, 525-6, 5'29, 530, 537. 580, 582, 587. , 590, 595, 598-9, 606-8, 611-3, 622-3, 627-8, 631-2, 641 ( 649-52, 656-7, 659-65, 687, 669-71, 678, 682 Philadelphia Co , 214, 479, 491. 517. 522, 534, 539, 580-1, 586, 595, 609, 639, 665 Pike's Creek, 241 Pile's, Pyle's Bomider Creek, 545 Pile's Grove, 548, 560, 58s!, 595, 598, 609, 616, 624-5, 627, 629, 630, 635, 637- Pile Grove Precinct, 640, 642 PUe's Miount, 545 Pine Bridge, the, 168 Pine Brook. 189, 262, 299 Pine Mount, 546. 587 Pine Neck, 137 Pine Point, Gloucester Co., 650, 653, 658 - Pinn Hill, the, 148 Pipeing Island, 645 Pipe Stave Ridge, 22 Piscataway, Piscataqua, 32-3, 35-7, 40, 42. 48-9, 50, 54, 56, 57, 60, 62-3, 69, 70, 72, 75-6, 80, 97-8, 104-5, 107-9, 110-1, 113, .y- 117-8; 120, 123-4. 126, 138, 130, 132, 136- to** 7, 140-1, 147-8, 150-1, lo7-9, 160-1. 163- 5. 167-9, 171-2, 177. 186, 192, 194,196-7, 200, 202. 204, 207. 211-3, 215, 217, 220-1, 226, 229; 233, 235. 237 9, 240-2. 249, 251- 2. 258-9, 260. 366, 368-9, 370-1, 273-9, 281-2, 284-5, 288-9, 290, 293, 295/298-9, 301-2, 306-7. 310, 313, 317-9, 328, 331 333-4, 414, 472; New, 12, 103. 165, 168, 192; .monthly court at, 40, 42,; court at, 45 ; Militia Company of, 38, 44 Piscataway Bound Brook, 73 Piscataway River, 121 Piscataway Path, 12 Piscataway Road, 18, 19 211, 214. 323 Piscataway-Inians Ferry Road, 253 Piscataway Landing, road to, 258 Piscataway. road from, to Falls of Dela ware, 332 Piscataway-Woodbridge Road, 206 Piscopeck Creek, 168; or Lawrance's Brook, 147 Plainefleld. Middlesex Co., 175, 178, 187, - 192, 206, 297 Plain Hope, Gloucester Co., 667, 668 Pleasant Village. 636 see Quiahockine Plumb Point, Burlington Township, 345- 6. 407 ' Pompton, 224 note, 230 note Pomton River. 153, 232, 254, 489 Pond, the Great, 19, 20 Pontam, 230 Ponten Creek, 243 Pope's Brook or Run, 118, 516 Poplar Brook, 133 Popular Hill, 116 Popular,- Poplar Fieia, 98, 103, 115-6, 326 Poplar Lot. 182 Poplar Swamp, 146 Poplar Fields, Miadletown, .300 Poplar Swamp Brook, 152, 200-1 Poquaneck, Pekquanach, Pequaneck, Pechquanneck River, 224, 230, 232, 243; 254, 334-5, 386 Poquessute or Chaunders Creek, 659 Porisy Run, 26 Portapeck, Portapeag, Potipeck, 111, 124, 131, 174; alias Racoun Island, 142 Portipeck Neck. 108, 184, 345, 329 Portlana, Monmouth Co , 397, 325, 430 Portlana Point, Middletown, 97 Postroad, the, 156 Postroad bridge, the, 147, 272 Pottery House, 435 Potty tuck, 300 Pound Run, 155 Providence. W. J., 355, 417, 422 Province Line. Partition Line, East or West Jersey Line, 136, 155-6. 181, 199, 205, 225, 251, 256, 258, 315, 365, 371, 379, 383-5. 387, 392-3, 427, 531, 536, 538 Provo's Holt. 547, 552, 567, 633 Puddle Dock, 586-7, 618 Puddle Dock Creek, 595 Puddle Dock Swamp. 595 Pumkin Point, Delaware R , 4 Pilmpione. Pompeone. Pumbians Hook, 543, 558. 565-6, 569. 574 Pumpissinck. Second Tenth, 399 Purling Creek, 568 Putshack, Third Tenth, 398, 409 Pyne Point, 353, 411-2, 428 Quanhannaick Creek, 214 Quecackhitkonck, land at. 1 Ouiettitty, Salem Tenth, 342. 583; on Manneton Cr., 599; or Sandyburr Wood/637 Quiahocking, Quihochmg, Salem Co., 606, 6118, 627-8. 630 Qumunspa, see Communipaw; to be 744 GENERAL INDEX. callea Pleasant Village, 636. see , Peockunck Quoexin, Inaian TJown of, 374 Quohocking on Burlington Roaa, 599 Quonettquott, L. I., 310 Raco Islana, 108 Racoon, Raccoon. Rattkoone Creek, 358. 413, 616, 663, 678, 680, 682 Racoon, Ratkoone Islana, 3, 128, 132, 139, 143, 308, 213, 663 see Portapeck Racoone Neck, 128, 132, 308; or Islana, 317 Rainbowe Islana, 359, 374 Ramanesse, Ramanessing Brook, 34, 27, 74 Rankokus alias Northampton R., 349, 350-6,358-60, 362, '364, 367. 369, 374-6. 379. 380-1, 385-6, 389.' 395-6, 400,405, 410, 414, 421, 422, 429. 509 438, 442, 444, 456, 461, 465-6, 470, 476. 484-6, 489, 492, • 5U7, 509. 516-7, 524. 582, 646 Rancokus, see Ancokus R. Rankokus Kil, southern boundary of New Jersey, 36 Rankokus Lots, 350 Rancocus Path, 347 Ranthorpe, Fenwick's Grove, 545 Rapatacok Creek, 300 Rappatekon Creek, 189 Raritan, Raraton, 54, 72. 120, 169, 190, 232, 332, 251 Rariton, Sumerset Co. . 273 " Rariton, Raraton Bay, 106, 270, 323-4, 326, 332 Raritan Meadows, 9-16, 18-9, 48, 63, 74, 102, 107 Raritan River, 2, 9, 12-17, 34. 36, 48-9, 51, 53-4, 57-8, 60-4, 66-7, 70 2, 74-6. 78-9, 97-8, 101, 103, 105, 109. 110-3, 117-8, 120-4, 126-30, 136, 140-1, 145, 147-8, 153-5. 158, 163-9. 170-1, 175, 178-9. 180- 3, 186-7, 189, 190-3, 196, 198. 202, 205, 207, 210-1, 214, 220, 222. 233-4. 230, 239, 241-3; 246-7, 250-1. 253-4, 258, 260, 266- 8, 270-1, 273-5, 277-8, 280, 282, 289. 290- 1,299, 301. 305, 307,310, 3i3-4. 317-8. 320.-4, 328, 331,'333-4, 385. 422, 537-8 Rariton River Ferry. 279 Raritan-Delaware Road. 251 Ratle Snake Plain, 280 RawananaconcJ*. 1 11 Raway, Roway, Rawack. Rawake. Ra hawack, Rahawackhacka, Racka- wa, Rockaway, 43, 50, 61. 65, 72, 77, 118, 167-9, 179, 186, 193, 195,202,210, 215, 221. 222-7, 229, 246, 257, 260, 271, 273, 284, 287. 294, 299 Raway Brook, 76 Rawack Farms, 18 Rahawack Meadows, 11, 13. 14, 17 18 80 Rahawack Neck, 12. 148, 169, 229, 321 Rahawack River. 10, 11, 12, 18, 21. 49 98 101, 112, 114. 118, 120. 124, 130, 132. 13s' 140, 142, 149, 155, 165, 186. 188, 207, 209 212, 215, 222, 227. 248, 249, 255, 257, 259, 265-6, 271, 273, 275, 277, 280, 284, 291, 311-3, 323, 328 Reading Creek, 667 see Apsecom Reckpokus, Island of, 261 Red Bank of Rounaabout, 314 Rea Bank,' Gloucester Co., W.J , 481, 651. 663, 672; alias Bachelour's Bank' 361, 403 Reabanck Creek, 355, 410, 657; see Long Harrie's Creek Reaa Hill. Burlington, 396 Reahooke, W. J., 420 Red Root, Raritan meadows, 146 Reedy Creek, 180 Remi's Brook, 322 Rendale Brook, 237 ' Renter's Neck, 14- Rerakanes or Saaale River. 97 Reverdie Brook, 298 Rhode Islana, 136. 139 143, 173, 193. 196, 199, 267, 329, 332, 407, 407, 412, 414. 418, 433, 515, 524, 569 Rich Neck, 573 Rich Neck Run, 544 Rid Brook, 332 . Roads, 249, 350. 348, 422 Roads, see AUoways Cr , Boston-Phila delphia, Burlington Path. Burling ton-Shrewsbury, to the Falls of Delaware, Inaian Path. Kings', Long Branch Path, Matawan-Wic- katunk, Matchiponis Path. Mina- sinks Path, Rancocus Path. Rarir ton-Delaware, Piscatoway. Raway- Woodbridge, Salem. Shrewsbury, Tapan, York, Post Road, Cohan zey Robard's Neck,. 35 Robinson's Plantation, 340 Raway R.. Robinson's Branch, 115 Robinson's Island, 280 Rock Brook, 203. 388 Rockhill, the, 142 Rock Pond. 331-2 Rocky Brook, 146, 150-2, 154, 156, 306-7, 211. 234-5, 309-11, 319, 331. 333 Rockie Hill, 184, 234, 334 Romanes Brook. 23. 24, 102 Romains (Romanis), or Hop R., 183. 194, 208, 288 Roppanpey Creek. W J., 431 Round-about, the, 51, 57. 73. 105: 189. 190, 250. 259, 266; or Turneabout. 270; in Middlesex Co., 186; Red Bank of, 314; Woodbridge. 233 Round Hills, 180, 230, 330 Round Meadow, 672 Round Ridge, Rahaway Neck, 148 - Round Ruage, 321 Roysefieia, 72, 74. 97. 304, 306 Roysefieia, Miadlesex Co., 87; Somerset Co., 271. 389 Royston. East Jersey, 244 Rudyard, Monmouth Co., 144, 150, 155 6, 302-4, 314, 325, 327, 330. 332 Rumon's. Ramsant's, Ramsont's, Ram- son's Neck. 74. lu-2, 126-8, 131-2. 137, 139, 163, 183, 193, 208, 219, 272, 317, 329 Rutherford, Bergen Co,, 7 Sacunck. 210; on Bound Brook, 167 Saddle River, 48, 76, 78-9, 97, 99. 103, 183, 230. 236, 242, 247, 358, 279, 382, 330 , Saddle River Patent, 51 ' St. John's Creek, West Jersev, 405 Salem, or New Salem, 341-4. 379. 454. 465, 469, 491, 514, 541, 543-4, 547, 549, 550 7, 560, 567-9, 571, 573-8, 580t2, - 584-6, 588-94, 596-9, 600-4, 606, 616, 618, 620-3, 625-7, 629-34, 636-7, 639-42. 646, 654, 683; first laying out of, 554; Streets m, 341-4, 554. 556, 588, 590, '593-4. 597, 599, 623, 633. 637, 639; -Landings at, 313-4, 597; Town landing, 552, 576', NAMES OF PLACES. 745 588,590,394: Meetinghouse at, 550,- 679. 639; roaa from, 339; roaa from, - tb Pledger's plantation, 555 Satem Road, the, 372. 374-5, 380, 657, 669, 673, 684 ' Salem-Burlington Road. 674 Salem. Town Grant of, 588 Salem Allotments, 638 Salem Co., 3, 4, 7, 344, 383. 385 392, 445, 460, 462, 501, 503, 505, 512. 516. 526-7, ¦534, 541, 546, 550, 552, 571-2. 583-99, '600, 603-19, 620-9, 630, 632-9, 640-2, 644-6. 653, 672. 677. 684; High Sher- , iffs of, see Wmt Dare, Wm. Griffin, Hugh Middleton Salem Creek, 541. 546, 550, 560, 569. 570-1, 573, 581. 587, 593, 594-5, 605, 609,' 613, 616,622-4, 627-9, 63i-4, 638 9, 641-2, 645 Salem Town Creek, 613 Salem Cr.. alias Verkins Kill, 574 Salem Main Branch, 630 Salem Tenth. 341-3. 454, 550-3. 570-1, 577- 84, 586-92, 611, 643-4; Wm. Penn Proprietor of, 569 Salem Township. 541, 543, 547-8. 554, 558, 566-7. 574, 576, 579, 580, 583. 603, 611. 615, 634, 637, 643; first settlements in, 556-7 Sales Greene, 357 Sallawayes Point, 373 Salsenbury Creek, 570 Salsenbury Point, 570. 643 Saltpond, the Great, 12. 13, 16 Saltwater Creek, 329 Sanacussink, W J., 417 Sandford's Spring, 7, 76 Sand Point, 682 Sandyburr Wood, Salem Co., 552, 594, J 637 JSandy Hook, 30, 199 Sandy Point, 78, 310 Sappaen Maroute, 6 .Savoy's Creek, 644 'Sawmill Brook, or Creek. 142, 146, 195, 211,239,349.39-2.541,620 Sayler Point, 640 School, the Free, 12 Schorekil, Penn., 403 Scotschester, Monmouth Co., 147, 151, 153 Scotland Hill, 248 Scotts Partition, the, 531 Sculkill (Schuylkil), Pa., 66L Sea Fort. the. 154 Sealsgreen, Gloucester Co., 659 ¦ Secaucus, Sikakes. Sickakus, called Island of, 1 ; land on Kil van Col, socalled, 2; on Kil After Coll, 54 Secaucus, see Cekakus, Sikakes, After Coll. .Secona River, 20, 21. 63, 67, 212, 230, 238, 213, 349, 256-7. 263-5. 268, 272, 277, 280- 1.390. 307,330 Secona Tenth, 354-5, 358-62. 387: 398 399, 400-7, 409-19. 421-2, 425-6, 428-30, 433, 443, 461, 463, 471, 478, 484, 521: or London Tenth Se3er Cove Creek, 214 Semes Creek. 505 ¦Seneconock River, 516 Sepassing, W. J., 428 n„n Sepassing Islana, 348-9, 351, 354, 356, 360, 386, 411. 429. 495. 514 Sepasswick Islana, 351 Sequarch Hill, 153 Sessoconneta, 108 . Shabbaconke Cr., 361, 365, 371, 373, 390, 892, 422, 466, 531; Little Shabba- cunk Creek, 377; Little Shabba- cunck Creek, alias Five Miles Run, 537; Great Shabbacunck Creek, 388 Shackamackson, Penn,, 433, 462 Shark's meaaow, 516 Shark, ShWk River, 133, 131, 137, 234, 268, 301,333; or Duk Creek, 152; orJSTol- letquesset R.. 168 Sharke River Pond, 152 Sheep Common, 9, 19 Shingle Hill, Piscataway, 260 ¦Shoiae, Sholl, Shoal Harbour, 26, 27, 74, 110, 118-9, 133. 138-9, 167, 199. 2-19. 235, 262, 297, 301, 319. 320 Sholl Harbour' Creek, 98, 11.6, 138, 206 Shoal Harbour Neck, 198, 207 Shole Harbour Path, 175 . Shoomack Creek,. 4S3 Shoomaker's HaU, Cape May Co.. 392 Shrewsbury, Shresobberrie, Shroes- bury, Shrowsbur-y, 23. 30, 36. 50-1, 60, 62-3. 65, 69 74-5, 80. 97-9, 100, 102,- - 104-9, 110-5, 117. 124. 127-S, 131 r5, 137, 142. 144, 146, 154, 157-9, 160, 163,-167-8, 174-6, 182-3, 186. 193, 196, 200-4. 208-«, 211-2,214-5,219,220-3 231 234,338,240, 242, 245, 249, 254. 260^1, 263, 266-7, 269, 270, 272, 283-4. 291, 291-5, 297-8, 300, 308-9, 312-4, 317-9, 323, 321, 326, 339, 331-3, 416, 433, 440. 456. 469, 496, 508, 526, 529, 536, 557, 565, '567, 569, 572, 576, 589, 595, 599 Shrewsbury County, E. J., 534; County of Miadleton and, 24 Shrewsbury, Friends Meeting at, 219; Military Company of. 44 Shroesberry Bay, 13 1,^.00, 331 Shroesberry Cove. Ill Shrewesbury Creek, W. J„ 545, 56S, 599 Shroesberry River, 74, 111-2, 127-8, 132, 155,163, 175, 184, 193, 206, 208, 213-4, 222. 242, 245, 269, 272, 317, 324, 329 Shrewsbury Neck, Fenwicks Colony,. 568,570; on Chohansey ,R., W. J., 595, 599, 608 Shrowesbury Neck Creek. 567 Shrewsberry Road, or Path, 272, 274,. 282 Shrewsbury, road from, to Burlington, 350 Shrowsbury, road to, 358 Sikakus, 54 .,„,-* Sinamensinck, Synamensick, Burlington Simsissinck Creek, 353, 356, 407,. 422, 425, 496 Singack, Passaic Co., 2*7, note ¦ . Six Lower Tenths, 403-4,, 406, 414, 5,15, 622, 666 Skale Bay. 155, 181 Skinner Hook, 638 Slingtaile Brook, 13, 1.4, 141, 283 Sloping Creek, 206, 213 . Small Fishing Creek, 550 . - Smithfield, 341, 569; Fenwick's Colony, 545; on Mun Mouth R„ 586, 599 Smith's Bowry, 339 Smoking Point, 171 Snake Hill. 6. 28-9, 261 - Soldiers Lots, Staten Islana, 64 - Smnprwt Co 122-3, 130, 155, 158-61, 164, b0mem, 179-81 186. 188, 193, 222, 233 4, 746 GENERAL INDEX. 250-1, 271, 274-5, 377, 280, 289-91, 304, 323-4, 330-2 Sonmans Creek, 76 Sonmans Manor, 385 South Brook, 187 South Hope (Hop) River. 75, 151 South River, 73. 79, 103-6, 109, 119, 125, 130, 136, 139, 143-4, 147, 152, 165, 173, 184, 208. 225, 245, 247. 252, 266. 276, 305, 310, 312. 314-5, 319, 322, -324, 331-2; or Shrewsbury R. Southwest Cape, 384 Spinage's Creek, 271 Spotswooa Brook, 112, 231. 234-6, 247 Spotswood's Miaaie Brook. 104, 112, 150, 175, 195, 238, 253. 309, 323 Spotswooa North Brook, 323, 334 Spotswood's South Brook, 150, 167, 174-5, 177, 194-5, 238, 323 Spring Brook, 247 Springfleia, Burlington Co., 146, 353-4, 406, 431, 438, 440-1,. 445, 449. 452, 456, 458, 464- 6. 480, 484, 493, 495, 506, 510-3, 523, 527, 529, 535, 539, 540 Springfield Lodge. W. J., 421, 458 Springfleia Township, 466, 474. 484, 494, 500, 502, 508, 510-1, 519, 520, 531, 5 16, 539, 540 Spring Hill, 355-6, 382, 388, 486 Spring'Hill, First Tenth, 406; Salem Co., 596. 628, 638; Burlington Co., 426, 486 Springhill Brook, 386 Spring Run, 327 Spring-well-end, 552 Squamcunck, 326 Staine Creek, 543 Stayne Hook. 564, 567, 590 Staten Island, 48, 66,79, 101, 146. 165, 169, 171. 201, 205, 210, 220, 229. 233, 345, 249, 254, 272-3, 277, 294-5, 516 7; claimed by N. J., 45; grants of land on, by N. J. ,64 Steele Bay. Delaware River, Third Tenth, 356, 407-8, 415, 425, 656 Steele's Branch, 360, 415. 425, 430, 652, 671 Steetley. near Burlington, 411-2, 425-6, 428-9, 431, 456. 469 Stephants Creek. 424 Stephants Isle, 424 Stepson's Island. 505 Stonehouse Brook, 246, 248, 255, 281 Stonehouse Plain, 280-1 Stony Brook, 105. 186, 205. 223. 225. 219, 351, 254, 258, 275-6, 365, 390, 393 Stony Brook, W. J., 426, 450, 488, 528, 535-6 Stony Hill, 239, 422 Stony Point, 321 Stout Buck Plain, 245, 264-5 Stow Creek, 546, 550, 552, 554. 577, 582. 585, 595-8, 600, 609-10, 615, 624, 628, 634, 637, 641-2 see Unknown Creek. Stratemakers Creek. 3 Strawberry Field. 26 Strawberry Hill, 9, 10, 11, 14, 204, 241, 260 Strawberry Neck, 124, 128 Strohorn's Brook. 190 Sunken-Marsh, the, 15, 17 Sunken Meadows, the, 24, 118, 229 Sussex Co., Del., 142; Penn., 209, 221, 401 Sutton Lodge, W. J.. 413, 415-7, 470, 484, 521, 535 Sutton New Garden, Gloucester Co., 652-3, 660, 666, 670, 677 Swamp, the Great, 20 Swan's Point. 3 Swarten Hook; Delaware R., 19, 596 Swart Hook Creek, 646 Sweadland, near Philadelphia, 652, 656, 659, 661 Sweaas Creek. 376 Sweete Farn Plain, 248 Swimming, Sweeming, Riyer. 24. 69; 74. 102, 150, 152-3, 156, 174, 190. 239, 263, 272. 300, 323, 325, 330 Swynes Point, 587 Tacony". see Tawconey. Talbot Co.. Ma.', 410, 413, 464, 534, 568, 621, 623, 633 Tanganawamesse, 23 Tan House Run, 370, 372, 380, 387, 475, 529 Tanner's Run, 533 Tantaque Brook (Overpeck Creek), 48, 76, 79 Tappan. 8, 17, 18, 49 Tapan Path. 271 Tarkill Creek, 514 Tatham House, Penna., 467. 473 Tawcony, Penn., 409, 411-2, 435, 433, 463, 476, 524, 577. 609, 639 Tedious Hook, 17 Ten Acres Creek, 341, 343, 545, 588. 614, 631, 625, 629, 634, 639 Tennant's Creek. 312 Teyoketi Creek, 505 Third River, the, 150, 156, 195. 230, 236, 238, 241. 244, 248, 255, 263, 374, 279-81, 386, 306; 330 : Third Tenth, 354-5, 357, 360, 398-9. 402, 404, 407-9, 412, 415, 417, 428, 496, 650 Thompson's, Tomson's Creek, 22; 23, 80, 100-1, 135, 146, 237, 249 Thoppeekick, 2 Thoppekonok, 2 Three Acres, Burlington, 397 Thurloe's Brook, 139 Tichenor's Cave, 20 Tichenor's (TichenalPs) Neck, 249. 264 Tillsum, Cape May Co., 392 Tiltonis Little Farm, 24 Timber Kil, or Creek, 3. 355, 357, 395, 404, 412, 415, 424, 653, 657, 669, 675 678T alias Gloster River. 360 TindaU's Bowery, Fenwick's Grove, 341, 544-5, 558, 568, 569, 572, 592, 605, 632 Tinaall's Island, 592 Tindall's Run, or Creek, 544. 569, 570, 576, 605. 638 Tinicum Island, 363, 667 Tinton Falls, 300 Tinton Iron Works. 219 Tinton Manor, 24, 152-3, 155, 219,569, 570 Tinturne, 189 Tomkers Cove, 280 Tomlinson's Run, 374, 377, 464. 523 " Tompkins Cove, 266 Tompkins Neck, 264 Tonies Brook, 277 Toponemus, Topinemus, Taponemus, Town of, Monmouth Co . 104, 119. 130, 135-6, 148-9, 159, 172. 175, 187; 189, 194, 202, 206, 214, 325, 327, 231. 234, 275 Toponemus, the Indian town of, 73 Totoa, 250 Town on the mountains; 51 Town Creek, 516 Townlanding. the, at Salem, 343 Town Neck, Chohanzey, 587 NAMES OF PLACES. 747 Trenton, 395, note Trumpeter's Creekr, 671, 674-5 Tuksbury, Co. of Gloucester, 455 Turkie Brook, 13a Turn about, the, 15, 18, 310, 333 Turnditoh. First Tenth, W J , 487 Turtle Branch, Kuriehaps Creek. 614 Tweed River, alias Back Creek, 372, 441. 601. 608, 610-1, 617. 625, 637 Twillington'. Penna , 524 Two Brothers, the, Salem Co., 592, 598, 605, 628 Two Mile, or West Brook, 30, 22, 142. 146, 166, 190, 193, 201-2, 212, 230, 248-9, 255, 264, 367, 279, 280 Ulickaquecks. 173 Unknown Creek, 527, 534, 544-6, 548-9, 550, 554, 582, 589, 595-6, 598, 604, 609, 613, 616, 624, 641 see Mattocks, or Stow Creek. - Untacooccon River, 387 Upland, Penn.. 408. 416, 542; alias Ches ter, Penn., 438 Upland on Delaware R . 582 Upper Landing, Southbranch, Newton Creek, 638 Upper Red Bank, Gloucester Co., 657 Upton on Gloucester River. 654, 610, 664, 667, 672. 674, 677. 679, 682-4 Uxbridge, Gloucester Co., W. J., 513 Vale of Easham, 361-2 Valy Creek, 156 Vauqu- Urn's Creek, 9, 16 Vauquellin's Hill, 12, 15, 19 Verckens Kil, 6 Vickory's Creek, 638 - Vineyard, the, In Piscataway, 70, 252, 277 Vinkson Creek, 189 Virgin Spring, Salem Co., 587, 596, 605, 610, 632 Virkins Kill, alias Salem Creek, 574 Viscunk Creek, 282 Wachra Brook, 258 Wadeing Place, 225, 319, 324; South Riv er, 314 - Waicack, Waycack, Weikeck, \v"ackick, - Wakake. Weycock, Monmouth Co , 74, 115, 133, 197, 206, 296, 320 Waycack Creek, 100, 136, 238. 319, 321 Wayceeke Path, 175 Wakecake Creek. 23, 103 ¦ Walker's Point, 363 Walking Path, the, 17 Wagpog John's Creek. 646 Waramaness, Middletoun, 167 Warepeake Run, 18 Warepeake or Saddle River, 97 Warne's Neck, 337 Watseson HiU, 356 Watseson Plain, 244, 25'i, 386 Watson's Point. 23, 33. 237 Watson's Ranthrope, 569, 598 Watson's Wanthrope, 569 Wawhahewany Creek, 73 ; Way Creek, 137 ; Weaksack; Middletown, 294 ^'Webb's Arlaaon, Fenwick's Colony, 569 Weecke, Wick Creek. 518, 579 Wee-hatt-quack, or. Shroesbury Neck -Creek, 559, 567, 595, 599, 6nl Welch Brook, 383 Wellingborough. Burlington Co.. 444, 452-3, 456-7, 461, 475-6, 495, 502, 510, « ' 515 Wellingbro Farm, 503 Wemcooke, Wemounck, Wemcoke, Wemoock, 177, 191, 200, 230, 310; in - Monmouth Co., 142 Wemcook Brook, 182, 334 Wemcock Point, Monmouth Co.. 149 West Creek, 4, 10, 23, 100, 109, 146, 193, 227, 249 see Two Miles Brook West Crewkerne Wooa. 576. 579/630 West Fenwick, 544. 568, 588 West Fenwick. Town of, 574 West Fenwick Township, 543-4, 568. 576 Westfleld. Middleton Township, 270 - West-Jersey Divisions of. See First, Second. Third, Fourth Tenth, Six Lower Tenths, Yorkshire, Salem, London Tenth and the Counties. West Neck, 592 3 West Shore Harber Creek, 51, 76, 196 Whale, the, 180 Whale Creek, 154 Whale Pona Brook, 110, 124, 142, 154, 184, 33M Wheeler's Creek, 20, 22 Wheeler's Point. 20, 21. 35. 243-4, 255, 280 Wheeler's Point Creek, 277 Whingsunk Neck, 324 White's Brook. 151 White Clay Creek, New Castle Co., Penn., 428, 438, 450, 656 White's Deen, 542 > White Hill, on Delaware R., W. J., 409, 495, 514 White's Vineyara. Salem Tenth, 571, 604, 816, 622-3 Whitewood Hill, 10, 308 Whorekill Co.. (Del), -398 Wick Creek, 579 \ . see Weeck Greek. Wickacoe, Wiga Coe. Wicaco, 357, 367, 662; Church at, 662 Wickakicke Creek, 73 Wickatunck, Monmouth Co.. 104-5, 110, "112, 119, 122-3, 126-7, 133, 138, 148, 151-2, 159, 172, 180-1, 189, 190, 195-7, _- 199, 200, 205-6, 224, 228, 234, 236, 240, 246-7, '250-1, 253, 260. 26!, 268, 276, 287, 292, 300, 303 308, 310, 323-4. 327-8 Wicketonnes (Wycketon's) land, 74, 262 Wiehackey, 13, 28; land above, 1, 3 Wiehaeckese Creek, 6 Wigwam Brook, 277 Wigwam meadow, 387, 440/473 Wilderness, the, 684 Willoks Creek, 304 Wills Creek, 484 Winaham, Salem Township, 550-1, 574, 578-9, 580, 582, 588, 593. 596, 613, 615, 622, 633 Windham Neck, 574 _> Wingerworth, near Burlington, 430, 440, 445, 451-2, 461, 464-5, 474, 477, 489, 516 Wingerworth Point, 363. 450 Winoeksack Brook, 79, 221, 223 Winsunk Creek. 300 Wisconk Creek, Barnagate, 148 Wishalimensey, 388. 528 Wissamenson, 393, 508. 536 Wissomencey, path to, 390 Wolfe Pitt Creek, 433 Woodbridge, Town of, 3, 8-19. 22, 24 ,30. 12 34 36-8 40-1. 43, 48-9, 50-1, 53-4, 56-7,63 66-7 70;72^,76,'80, 97, 100. 748 GENERAL INDEX. 102-3, 105, 107 8, 113, 120-1, 123-6, 128. 130-1, 134, 137. 140-6, 148-50, 155, 157-8, 160-1, 163-7, 169. 170-1, 179. 182 184, 186-7, 190-7. 199. .201, 204-5, 207-9, 210-2, 214-5, 217. 220-1, 223-6, 228-9, 230-3, 236-9, 241, 243, 245-7, 249, 250-4, 257-9, 260-1, 266-7, 270-7, 281, 283-5, 289, 290-1, 293-5, 298. 300, 302, 304, 306-8, 310-1, 313-5, 318. 330-2, 324, 328, 573, 575, 663 ; Associated Company of, 14; Militia Company of . 37; list of inhabitants of, 47; Court at, 34-5. 38-9 ; Corporation Court of, 44, 46 ; Special Court of Oyer and Termin er at. 45 Woodbridge and Piscataway, Court of. 38; County Court at, 40, 41 Woodbriage, Prisonhouse at, 328, 254 Wooabridge Creek, 123, 250 Woodbridge Road, 213 Woodbury Creek, Gloucester Co., 355, 419, 514, 64S-9, 650, 652, 654-5, 657, 660-1, 664, 666, 689, 672-3, 675-6, 679, 680, 683-4 see Redbank Creek. Woodridge, Bergen Co., 230, note Woodroof's Creek. 328 Woolfe Harbour, Great, 248 Little, 248 Woolfe Pitt meadow, 273, 293 Woolfe Pitt Swamp, 246 Woolfe Swamp. 11 Woyatopo Wigwam, 64 Yundakah, 17 Yorke"Road, the, 258. 453 Yorkshire Bridge, 366, 368. 376, 378, 380-1, 430, 467, 493. 516, 529, 532 Yorkshire Edge, W. J.. 417, 463 Yorkshire, or First Tenth, 396-7, 406. 410, 419, 428-9, 431, 455. 469, 482, 486-7, 498, 511, 518, 520, 527 Young's Neck, W. J., 573, 575. 588 Young's Point, Elizabeth Town, 135 Yutt River, 140 Zinckkarowes, 2 Planck, Abraham Isaacsen, 7 Pledger, Dorothy, wife of John, 638 Elizabeth, wife of John, 56L 586, 591, 637 John, 543, 545, 547, 549. 550. 555-8, 561, 566-7, 571, 586, 591, 593, 602, 613, 635, 637-8 Joseph. 612 Mary, widow, 623 •Plum. Plume, John. 252, 256, 285 SamueL 20, 21, 180, 212, 230, 244, 246, 255-6, 263-5, 281 Plumsteed. Plumsted. Plumstead, Clem ent, 49, 55-6, 66, 68. 105. 119, 122, 126-7, 138, 151, 153-4, 189, 20.1, 203. 226, 240, 245, 247, 254, 260, 278, 287. 289. 305-6. 314, 322-3 Clement, of Philadelphia, 322; of London, ib. . 301 Pope, Elizabeth, 369, 530 Elizabeth, wife of John, 186 John, 118. 124, 142, 186, 257, 291, 30E 313, 413, 420. 433 Joseph, 140, 389, 533, 639, 540, 650 Many, widow. 257 Nath'l, 373; 378. 389, 528, 530, 532, 540 William, 618, 628 Porter Abell, junior, of Boston, 77 George, 36u, 381-2, 388, 898, 400, .408 417, 426. 433, 451, 464-5, 488, 491, 495 499. 503, 51 1 Hanna. widow of Abel, 79 Hannah, widow of Abell, junior, 77 Thomas, 565 Post, Adrian, -5, 6, 14, 34-5, 37, 40, 62, 258 Francis, 258, 308 Capt., 17 Potter, Anna, wife of Thomas, 214 Henry, 222 Marmaduke, 39. 140, 210; will of. 222 Mary, wife of Marmaduke, 222 Samuel, 246. 252. 255, 265 Samuel, senior. 244 Sarah, wife of Thomas, 294 - Thomas, 110, 112, 146. 152, 173, 195 200-1, 214, 294. 298, 569, 570, 593 Pottery, agreement to make. 440 Potts, Anne, wife of Thomas, senior, 52i Thomas, 346, 391, 400 Thomas, senior, 525 Thomas, junior, 503 Poulse, Dirrick, 150 Pound, John. 60, 194 see Pond. Powel, Powell, Arthur, 654, 660 Jeremiah, 626 John, 446, 471, 484, 536, 654 Richard, 15, 49, 120, 207. 210, 232, 272 276 ^~ Robert, 346-7, 350, 352, 386, 402, 424 442, 446, 451, 470-1, 476, 487, 489. 519 521. 536 Robert, son of Robert, 446, 451, 471 Ruderic, 29 Thomas, 62. 172, 174 see Humphries. Powelse, Peter, 258 Powelson, Powell, 644 see Paulson. Powlson, Martin, 224 Preston, Levie, 633 Price, Benjamin. 62, 178, 188, 196-7 Benjamin, senior, 176. 179, 209, 213 278-9 Benjamin, junior, 213-3, 278 x Daniel. 230; Sheriff, 159 James. 392, 499 John, 512 Richard, 654 Thomas, 206, 213 WiUiam, 607, 614, 617 Prichard, Mathew. 665, 674 Thos., 649 Pricket, Josiah, 142, 463, 473, 484, 492, 496 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 749 Public Affairs: Partition Line, 140; Election Writs, 157, 158, 159, 160-2; , Election returns. 158, 159. 160; Con firmation of laws, 158; Proclama tions, 157, 158, 159, 160-2; New Perth maae a port of entry, 158; Table of auties, 258; Rewara for public services, 159; Lease of trees for making pitch, 155; Soots- men declared subjects of England, 162; Governor's salary, 159 see Government. Pucocle, Capt. Nathaniel. 528 Pumphrey, Pumphary, Walter, 346, 357, 405-6, 409-10, 413,-429. 508, 529, 536 .Purdine, Jean, wife of Thomas, 73 / Jean, dau. of Thomas, 73 John. 73 Mary, 73 Sarah, 73 Thomas, 73 "Thomas, son of Thomas, 73 WiUiam, 73, 300 Purdy. Jean, 130 ',- John, 130 Mary, 130 Sarah, 130 Quakers, 510, 513, 610 Quicksall, WilUam, 383-4. 437 8, 433, 477, 486, 499 Quinton, Quainton, Quih taine, Tobias, 343, 551, 577, 584-5, 592, 600, 607, 643 Radley, Daniel. 661, 670-1 Elizabeth, 245 John. 345 Raftord. Isabell, 61 Rainie, James, 77, 125 Ralf, Joseph, 328 ' see Rolf, Rolph Rambo, Gunner, 671 John, 437, 671 . " Peter, 399, 671 Randle, EUinor, 486 -Randolph. Edward, Secretary of New- . England. 162. 435; Surveyor Gen- "eral of Customs. 499, 517 John, 98 see Rendalph, Rendolph, Fitz Ran dolph. Ransford. Ralph, 299 Raper, Abigail Perkins, wife of Thomas, 467. 470, 475, 483, 500 Thomas, 467,. 470-5, 483, 490, 492, 497, 500, 513, 520, 529, 537 Rase, Old.. 3 Rawle", Rawles, Francis, 454, 465, 671, 681 Raxell, Wm.,62 Ray, Rae, Robert, 174, 177. ' 195. 232, 233, 283. 301, 324 Rea, Robert, 187, 191, 308 Read. Reade, Reed, Charles, 365, 318, 374, 377, 426, 444. 450, 468, 474, 488-9, 497 Edwara, 399 -'- James, 427-8, 433, 450, 464, 516.617 621, "-' 641, 656. 667, 669, 677 Sarah, wife of James, 437-8, 439, 450, 464, 516, 656, 669 Wm„ 531 Reader. Jeremiah, 149 Reading, Daniel, 658 " Jobn, 415, 419, 427. 656, 658-9. 660, 663-9, 670, 673-3,676-80,682-4 Reape, Reap, Roeppe, Sarah, 47, 50, 74, . 115-6, 127,-142. 165, 183-8, 200, 214, 243, ¦ 245,372; 813-5, 319, 832-4; wife and mother of William, 142, 145, 339 Reape, William, 98, 142, 329 • Reckley. Samuel. 524 Record, Nathaniel, 381, 426, 491, 495 Reafora, Anarew, 327 Samuel, 327 - William, 160, 337 see Riafoora. Reaknap, Joseph, 634 Reamuna, Arthur, 614. 623, 638 Reea, Jorin, 628 ' Reeve, Reeves. Ann, wiaow, 672 John, 438, 484 Mark, 386, 545, 548, 554, 571, 576, 583, 586, 591, 599, 611, 613, 616, 646-7 Walter, 364. 372, 438, 480 Widow, 617 Reid, Reed. Geo., 61 James, 173, 189, 194, 253, 378. 282, 323-4, 337 John, of Hortencie, 61, 104, 109, 112, . 119, 130, -133-3, 130, 132, 134-5, 140, . .143-4, .146-8 150-4, 156, 159, 160-1, - - 164, 168, 171-3, 174-5, 177, 187-9, 191-5, 197, 199. 200, 205-6, 214, 2-24, 236, 228. 231, 335-6, 245-6, 252-3, 260, 268, 272, 275, 278, 281~3. 285, 287, 291, 293. 296-7, 299, 301-2, 309, 3l0-"2, 314-5, 319-20. 322-8, 331, 333; Surveyor Gen'l, 303 Remington, Jobn 602, 607, 618, 630, 6d3 William, 614, 636-7 , Rendalph, Edwara, 316 Renaolph, Joseph, 282 Renshall, Thomas, 131, 137 Renshawe, John, 406, 409-10. 490 Renshaw, Thomas, 539 Repley, Rapley, Jeromus, 97, 304 Rescarrick^George, 143, 152, 321, 331 Mary, wife of George, 331 Resniere. Peter, 442, 448, 454, 494 Hens, Aise, will of, 179 . Simon, will of, 178 Revell, Thomas, 351-3 356, 358, 362-3, 366, 368-9, 378-9, 381, 390-3, 396, 401, 408-9, 435, 427, 431. 433. 449, 450, 454. 462, 464, 474, 488-91, '493-9, 501, 503-4, 508-13, "515-7. 519, 521-2, 528, 535, 537, 620; Secretary, &c ; of W. J., 434 Reveray. Peter, 117 Reynies, Jannetie, 145 Richaras, Jeremiah, 359, 394, 402, 407 John, 675 Nathaniel, 360, 426 Paul, 270 Philipp, 432 Thomas. 20. 40, 159, 212, 244, 256-7, 263-4, 272, 280, 303 Richarason. Bessie, 68 John, 366, 441, 458, 490, 513 Joseph, 485, 499, 505 Richard, 67 William, 166, 210, 219, 253, 270 Richeson, Sarah, widow of William, 247 William, 247 Richier, Edwara, 330-1, 436-7, 504 Ricketts, Nathaniel, 464 Rickston, Richard, 561, 563 Ridaall, Riaael, Riadell, Archibald, 155, 191 212, 234, 276, 291, 301 Rev! Archibald, 70, 167. 196, 890-1, 814 Jannet, wife of James Dundas, 290 Riddock, Alex'r, 125 750 GENERAL INDEX. Ridford, Margaret, wife of William, 315 Thomas, 81, 148, 315 -William, 59, 147, 153, 204, 253, 260. 303, ' '315,324 Ridges, John, 408. 421, 443, 464, 470, 479, 480..487, 534-5 Ridgeway, Abigail, wife of Richard, 375, 4S8 Richard, 254, 275, 231, 365, 387, 392, 450, 453, 488-9, 502, 512 Richard, 519; 520 Richard, junior. 540 Thomas, 5i0, 523, 539 Ridley, James, 633, 640-1 Rig, James, 70 Thomas, 70 Walter, 70 WilUam. will pf , 70 . Rigg, Ambrose, 49, 56. 65, 79, 112, 145, 293 Edward, 25 i Jane, 369, 382, 533; wife of Robert, 472 Robert, 371, 421, 472 Riggs, Edward, 20, 266, 269 . Joseph, 45, 277, 279 1 Robert, 390 Wiaow, 264 Righton, Wm.. 370, 387, 420, 438, 531-2 Riker, Edward, 317 Ritchie, Alexander, 72 River, Daniel, 78 Thomas, 479 . Roa3e, Mary, 30 Roads, John, 549 Robardes, Dr. John, 501 Robbins. Richard, 638 Roberts, Hugh, 20, 31-2, 40, 255 John, 350, 353-4. 364, 371, 330. 402, 414, 444, 458, 467, 476, 524, 619. 628, 636 - John, senior. 6-25, 637 John, junior, 625, 637 Mary, 31 -Roger, 400 - Samuel, 31 Susanna, 319 Robertse, Robertson, Robertsone, Robe- 'Son; Robieson, Robison, Robinson, ' Robbinson, Abigail, wife of Wal ter, 289 . Andrew, 323, 357, 360, 405. 408, 412, 417, 419, '426-7, 654-5, 659, 661, 663-4, 668-9. 672, 674, 678, 680, 683, 684; Pro prietary of W. J., 648; Surveyor General, 361, 372.656; Justice Glou cester Co., 652 Andrew, junior, 663 Anthony. 261 Duncan, 168. Elinor, wife of Richard. 340 Elizabeth, 205 George, 669 James, 103-4, 198 Jannet, wife of John, 293, 322 John, 45, 48-9, 51. 66-7, 78, 97, 141, 155 . 183, 250, 252-4, 267, 273, 284, 283, 298, 304-5, 311, 323, 333, 444. 526 Jnhn. Ron nf John 322 Robertse, Robertson, etc. : Samuel, 654, 669, 670, 672-4, 677-8, 6S0, 682. 684 V Sarah, 289 Thomas, 97, 117, 126-7, 138, 145, 292, 354 Walter, 213, 239, 282; will of, 289 William. 136, 205, 273 Dr. WiUiam, 71. 115, 130. 178-9, 202, ' 204, 210 231, 243, 271; will of, 205 Dr., 73, 112, 259, 275 .599 Robbins, Robinds. Robins, Daniel, 11. 24, 40, 140. 207, 223^4, 228-9, 246, 249, 254, 273, 278, 283-3, 294 Daniel, senior. 190, 245 Daniel, junior, 190, 245-6, 250 Daniel, son of Daniel, 246 Hannah, wife of Richard, 300 ' Hope, wife of Daniel. 254 Joseph, 273, 283 Richard, 245, 300 Rockhill, Eawara, 373, 375, 382, 417, 447-8, 485, 499. 505, 522 Rockman, John, 190, 196, 200 J., junior, 321 see Ruckman. Roaman, John, 376, 400, 412, 466. 478 Mary, wife of John. 466 Thomas, 365, 369, 370, 414, 418, 455, 461, 535 . 381, 389 Roe. John, 669, 670, 680 Rogers, Roagers, Ann, wife of Robert, 124 Benjamin, 110, 288 Jabez, 20, 118. 187, 212, 216, 228, 248, 256, 263, 265, 272, 290 John, 124, 345, 347, 353, 383, 427, 430. 532, 538 Robert, 11, 12, 14, 15, 40, 131, 193. 214, 246, 267, 307, 313; will of/124 ' Thomas, 124, 307, 313 Rolf, Rolph. Benjamin. 293 John, 195, 243, 274, 277 Joseph, 243, 259, 274, 277. 293 see Ralf. Romaine, Claes Jansen, 161-2, 279, 282 Rombout, Francis, 41 Ronaia, Wm., 61, 120, 130, 132, 136, 187, 324, 327 Rorie, Winfleia. 242 Rose, Roos, Mary, wife of Samuel, 145, 286 Samuel, 20, 21, 344, 256, 263-6, 280, 286; will of, 145 Roseman, Marten, 7 Rosier, Robert, 114 Ross, Rosse, Constans, wife of George, 193 George, 25, 39, 40, 80. 114, 168, 193. 217, 267 John, 169 Mary, 277; wife of John, 169 Mary, 3au. of John, 169 Samuel,- 180, 193 Lieue, 259 T?rt,llli-Pc-m Dnmlnfsnn nnnn ni .',, „ ft,) 1DI NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 751 H'oyaen, WiUiam, 353-4, 357, 367, 397-9, " 419. 424-5. 427, 590, 8l3, 615. 649-53, 658, 668, 672, 681 Eoyley, James, 620 Joseph, 607, 620 Royse, George, 179, 180 John, 54, 58, 62, 64, 66-7, 72, 74, 97, 120. 122, 160-1, 210, 244, 253-4, 271, 282, 288-9 305-6 541 Ruckman.'john,' 27, 110, 138, 294, 296 see Rockman. gudderowe. John, 363. 365, 374, 450 Budman, Rev. Andrew, 662 . Kudolphus, Pieter, 6 Rudyard, Benjamin, 209-10, 224, 226, 511 John, 210, 211, 378 Thomas, 52, 54, 56. 59, 63, 64, 66, 68, 100-2, 108-9, 112, 115, 122, 129. 138-40, 157, 174, 181, 194, 197, 202, 209, 211, 214, 221, 225-6, 231-2, 234, 236, 243, 247, 250, 262, 257, 259. 266, 303-4, 310, 317, '408. 421, 511 ; will of, 210 Rue, John, 390, Si7 Rule, Jacob, 129 Rumsey. Isaac. 623, 627, 639 ' 'Robert, 639 Ruth, wife of William, 573 William, 573, 584-5, 59l-2, 598, 600-1, 604, 607-8, 613, 631, 638, 634 Runion, John, 518 Runyon, Rognlon, Roginion, Vincent, 43, -57, 59, 69, 75, 108, 112-3, 121, 126, 128, "" 165, 196, 233, 299, 384 Rush, Edward. 534 John, 462, 504 Russell. Michael, 530 # Richara, 356, 408. 424, 589. 596, 602, 620, 639, 648-9 ' Samuel, 436-7 Rutmon, John, junior, 131 Sarah, 131 . Thomas, 131 Rutters, Konrad. 494 Sackett, Joseph. 392, 489, 499, 518, 530, ' 537 540 Sadler. Blunt, 654 , Jane, wife of Thomas,' 316 Jean, wife of Richard-, 130; widow of Richara, 319, 320 ;'. Rieiiara, 27, 98, U2, 115-6, 133, 137, 182, ¦"'* -195, 207, 294, 300, 319, 320; will of, 130 ,-r Thomas, 316, 435, 506 Saifit John, James, 293, 316, 434, 436 Sallyer, Charles, 140, 251, 257. 282, 315 Mary, wife of Charles, 257 Salsbury, Salisberry, Evan. 53, 103 Wm., 648-9, 654-5, 658, 673 Salter, Anna or Hannah, widow of Hen- , ry, 352-3, 356, 359, 396-9, 401, 405, 409, " 411, 416, 425, 433, 45L 462, 471, 476, 522, 524, 550, 554, 864, 577, 588-9. 595-7, . 609,615,639,671 Henry, 396, 548, 550, 564, 579, 588-», 595, 597, 605, 609, 615, 623, 639 John; 425, 639 Richara, 141, 146, 151, 161, 260, 288 ,544 Salton, John. 62 Salaway, Sallaway, Salway, Margaret, - 606 Thomas, 597, 606, 639 William, 359, 368, 388, 412-3, 440, 479, 494, 502, 606 Sanaers, Saunaers, Christopher, 339, 342, 583, 587. 599, 605, 637 Sanners, Saunaers, Mary, wife of Chris topher, 339. ,-583, 599 Sandford Elizabeth, 185 Graoe, 185 Katherine, 185 Nidemia, 55, 113' Peregrine, 185 Sarah, 215 . '¦ Sarah Whortman, wife of WUliam, 185; widow of William,- 193' , Capt. William, 6, 7, 18, 19, 37- 40, 42-4, 55, 113, 154, 199, 215; Major William, 192; Sheriff, 162; will of; 185 WiUiam. son of WiUiam, 185' , Sandilands, James, 667 ' '", Sanfordx Abraham, 494 " ' Sands, Thomas. 316, 434 Sanes, Agnes, 190 ' '.', Sannum, Jane. 286 Sarah, Nicholas, 308 Saterthwaite, James, 362, 366, '423, 426 ^ Satterthwait, William, 375/390, '429, 480, 503 Satterwaite, Joseph, 634 Rebecca Albertson, wife of Joseph, 634 . Saunders, Charles,. 673, 675-6 ",, Christopher, 547 " see Sanaers. Saunderland, James, 363, 403 ' , . Sauoy, Isaac, 603, 644 Sayre, Sayer, Sares, Daniel. 230 . ' „ - Ephraim, 230/636 Jonathan, 54 Joseph, 286, 619-21, 636-7; will nf, 230 Martha, wife of Joseph, 230, 231' Sarah, 230 , . , "Thomas, 230 Scattergood. Benjamin,, 501 Joseph, 472/538,, 640 ' Thomas, 360, 377; 382, 470, 482, 521', 539, 532 Thomas, junior, 375, 455, 485 Schenck, Gerre'tv262. 325,.32'i'-8 " ' John, 262; 327-8 < . ' Schoenmaker, Jan Cornelisseh. 4, 268 Scholey, John, 364-5, 387, 390, 423/449, 470. 485, 501 Robert, 347-8, 353, 411, 439 498 .. Robert, son of Robert, 439 Sarah, widow of Robert, 439, 492. 506 Thomas, 347-8, 369, 386-7, 411,- 449, 477, 485, 510-1, 656 r- Thomas, junior, 533 . ", Schotten, Schouten, ScouteUi Jan, 5, 60, . 192, 317 Schuyler. Capt. Arent, 153, 155, 223. 229, 230, 236. 243, 247, 254," 324, 386,- 480 Philipp, 604- Scoggin, Barbery Erickson, wile of Jonas, 584 John, 570, 572 Jonas, 570, 584, 644 Scole, James, 590, 606 John. 593, 597, 606, 622-3. 632 Scorey, WUliam, N. P., 288 Scotchman, John Smith, 148, 149, 214, 267 see Smith, John. Scotchman. Scott, Alexanaer, 65, -120, 132, 142, 193, 226, 267; will of, 318 Alexanaer, son of Alexanaer, 318 Benjamin, 350-2, 360, 364. 385. 395, 399, 403-5, 414, 425. 442-3, 451, 456, 468, 470 752 GENERAL INDEX. Scott. Benjamin, son of Benjamin, 442-3 Elizabeth, 318 Ellin, wife of Alexanaer. 318 Ephraim, 62 Eupham, 70, 125 George, 70, 125. 168, 323 George, of Pitlochie, 150, 170, 189 Hannah, 350, 367. 507; wiaow. 487 Helen, wife of Alexanaer, 267 Henry, 386, 508, 519, 521, 528 James, 70 John, 52, 404. 443-3, 450, 477, 493, 522, 529 Martin, 404. 520-1 Samuel. 318 Thomas, 135 William, 108, 110. 114, 131, 204, 223, 300, 443 WUliam. junior, 443 Wiaow, 362 Scouley. John, 68 Scrase, John. 411 Scull, Peter. 675 see Skull. Seabrook, Daniel, 497 Searer, Joseph, 61 Seares, Joseph, 176, 182 Searson. Eawara, 403-6. 413, 457. 4S5, 505 Seaton. Seattoun, Seatowne, James, 61, 169, 184 Rebeccah Aaams, wife of James, 169 Seeleye, -Joseph, 619 Seer, Seers, Jonathan, 164, 285, 280-1 Joseph, 23, 213 Seggin, Charles, 47 Senickson, Andrea, 544, 568, 574, 576, 644-5 MargaTet Poulson, wife of Andreas, 576 Senil, Wm. Schewen, 397 Senior, Abraham, 457, 495, 506 Senzeour. James, 68. 222 SiceUa. 68 Senzior, Sicily, widow of James. 222 Sergant, Sergiant, Serjant, Sear j ant, Sergint, Jacob, 13 Jonathan, 20, 145, 180, 244, 263-4, 301-2 Jonathan, junior, 145 Martha, 228. 248 Serridge, William, 423 Sewell, Hannah Hull, wife of Samuel, 312 Samuel, 312-3 Shackle, Thomas, 651, 666 Shallott, Arthur, 317, 436-7 Shane, John. 72 Shannon, Nathaniel, 626 Sharp, Sharpe, Anthony, 250, 337, 400, 649, 651, 662. 664, 674, 678, 680-1, 684 George. 231. 272 John, 231, 272, 363, 369, 376, 453, 475 Rev. John, 535 Thomas, 351, 357. 427, 432, 649. 656, 659, 663-4, 668. 673. 680-1 Wm., 68. 177,222 Shattock, Shaddock, Hannah, wife of Wm., 567 William, 80, 98. 106, 111, 115, 202, 213, 270, 565, 567, 574, 576, 599 ,595 Shaw, Jane, 81 John, 392, 496 Wm., 393 Sheepard, Sheephard, Sheepherd, Shep herd. Shepheara, Sheppara, Davia, 589, 599, 601, 608, 611, 616-7, 620 Dickeson, 606 Eloseping, 59 Hester, 601 James, 593, 601 John, 599. 606, 608 Rachel, 601 Samuel, clerk, 313 Thomas, 441, 593, 599, 601, 622 Speeres, Hance. 633 Sheerer, Thomas. 68 Sheriffe, Calibe, 74, 100, 111, 132, 163 Sherman. Thomas. 653, 655 Sherron, James, 602 Shiahl, Haunce. 569, 643, 645 Sheiahel. Martinus, 645 Sherwin, James, 429. 462, 465, 475, 488, 505 Shin, Shinn, Geo., 481 James. 506 John, 346-7. 349, 351, 353. 359, 363. 373, 389, 399, 406, 417, 421, 426, 431, 453, 458, 470,477,493.506,523 John, senior, 419. 424, 427-9, 440 John; junior, 361, 389, 409, 440, 503-4, 519, 529 Mary Stockton, wiaow of Thomas, 421, 503 Samuel, 503 i Thomas, 364, 368. 373, 377, 383, 423. 431, 440, 494, 503, 529 Thomas, son of Thomas, 503 Ships, see Vessels. Shippen, Eawara, 502, 504 Joseph, 537 - Shippey, John, 298 Shippree, William, 563 Shivers, John, 663, 674, 676, 684 see Chivers. Shoores, William, 164 Shores, WilUam. 229 Short, Nath'l, 459 Shotwell. Abraham, 33, 47, 55 John, 55, 79, 171, 317; of Staten Islana, 56 Shreve, Caleb, 308, 318, 513 Sarah, wife of Caleb, 308 Shute, Wm., 553, 645 Sibley, John, 660, 670 Katharine, wife of John, formerly wiaow of Isaac Martin, 660, 670 ~ Sibthorp, Sibthorpe. Barbara, wife of Christopher, 651 Christopher, 649, 651 Sicken, Siecken, Derrick, 4, 225 Gerty Johnson wife of Derrick, 225 Siaaon. Ezekiel, 674 John, 674 Sikes, Henry, 615 John, 506 S6G Svkcs Sliver, Archibaia, 194, 385, 458. 514, 639 Christian, wife of Archibaia, 194 James. 361, 416, 471 John. 493, 506, 609. 639 see Cheene. Silverwooa. Joshua. 75 Mary, 75 ; will of, 289 Simpsone, Sympson, Simson, Arthur, 73, 174, 186. 203, 246, 257. 270, 285, 324 Isobell, wiaow of John, Livingston, 170 James, 274 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 753 Sinderly, Paule, 654 Sineker, Johanes, 627, 631 John, 629 Singleterry. see Dunham, Jonathan Singleton, Thomas, 370-1, 377, 380, 889, 532 :, Singleton, —,383, 535 - Sinkers,, John, 275 - Sip, John Adrianse, 261 Skene. Skeen, Alexander. Secretary of Barbados, 162 Helen, widow of John. 453. 464, 473,- 477, "480, 484. 490, 493, 516 John, Deputy Gov'r. 140, 354, 365, 411-3, 424-5, 428-9, 453, 481, 464, 4'3, 475, 480, 661 Skinner, Rich'a, 46, 59, 311 Thomas. 316, 436 Skull, John, 384, 665 see Scull. Slade, Edward, 511 Hannah, 384, 511 Mary, 384, 511 Slaney, John, 317.. 436-7 Slater,-. Slatter, Slaughter, Edward, 40, 45*48-9,57,72, 108-9. 113, 177, 190-2, 194, 197-9, 203; 217, 220, 224, 233, 237, 253, 269, 270, 274, 2S2, 288-9; Sheriff, 158 o Elizabeth, wife of Edward, 202, 288 /Sleeper, John, 237 Sleigh, Joseph. 355, 405 -Slocum, Slowcome, John, 42, 43, 44, 111, 131, 167, 215 269 Capt. John, 62 ' - Nathaniel, 108, 111, 114, 131, 165, 204, : .' " 214,295 *' '- - Peleg. 371, 383, 433, 507 ^^,378 Sloobey, Sluby, Henry, 607, 613 '" -Wm., 622, 629. 635, 637 Slott. Jaoob, 241 Pieter Jansen, 4 ¦'Sloughter, Henry, Gov'r of N. Y., 219 • Smalley, SmaUy, Ann. wife of John, 269 - Hester-, wife of Isaac. 472 , Isaac, 72, 130, 167, 192, 198, 233, 270, 274, 282,289,331,472 John, 40. 128, 130. 167, 258, 273, 281-2, -810,333; will of, 269 John, son of John, 270 John, senior. 39. 42. 44. 258. 268, §31 John, junior, 37, 109, 120, 123, 128, 137, . 140", 239 Jonathan, 269 Lidea Martin, 108 ^ ggg Smart, Isaac, 581-2, 620, 632 Smeman, Harman, 18, 28 Smith. Abraham. 62 Alexander, 630, 647 Andrew, 349, 361, 379, 390, 393, 425, 511 CltiGSG 205 Daniel', 367. 470, 480, 514, 524, 533, 536- 40, 599. 631 David, 183. 599, 630 Deborah, wife of Thomas, 332 Dorety, 244 Edmund, 61. 172, 175 Edward, 47, 103, 138, 200, 296, 326,472; will of, 77 Eleazar. 619 Elinor, wife of Richard, senior, 216, 244 Elizabeth, 244, 543; widow, 549, 563, 680, 613 Smith, English. 240 Garthrod (Gertrud) van Hyst, wife of Joseph, 643 George, 371, 430, 511 Iohaboa, 276 Isaac, 418, 472 James, 74, 458, 475, 516 Jasper, 388. 517 ' Jeremiah, 630-1 John, 10, 18, 25, 31, 75T6, 97, 102, 110, 113-4. 116, 120, 127, 133/137-8, 141. 149, 171, 191, 196, 198-9, 204, 206, 208, 213-4, 229, 232. 242, 246, 251, 273, 289, 295-6, 308, 319, 339, 347, 366, 392. 394, 400, 402, 409, 410, 427-9, 450. 456. 4i9, 490, 504, 517, 522, 532-3. 539, 544-5, 554-7, 560, 563, 571, 581, 586, 588-9, 591, 601, 616-7, 619-20, 628. 656, 669. 677; meal man, 562: millwright, 11, 14, 16 John, Scotchman, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16. 108, 148-9. 214, 2'67 John, of Amwelbury, 343, 575-7, 592-3 John, of Bucks Co., 488 'John, of Burlington, 532. 535, 674 John, of Christeene Creek, 406. 438, 465, 475-6, 508 John, of Grana Hill, 607 , John, of Grunaell Hill. 585, 587, 615 John, of Hedgefield. 613, 634 John.- of Munmouth River, 576, 596, - 611-2, i333 John, of Salem, 541-2. 604, 642 John, of Smithfieia. 84i, 569, 586-7,, , 599, 604..621, 631, 642, 646-7 Jonah, 416 Jonas. 369, 372, 381, 450 Jonathan, 630-1 Joseph, 259. 531, 533, 619, 643, 672 Joshua, 620 Martha, wife of John, 339, 560 Martha, wife of John, of Munmouth River, 576 Martha, wife of John, of Smithfieia, 586-7, 599 604, 621, 631, 647 Mary. 69; wife of John Walker, 593 " Mary, wife of John, of Amwellbury, 575. 593 Mary Mathews, wife of Joseph, 531 Michell. 46, 79 Nicholas, 664, 666, 681 Philipp. 136, 138, 139. 235, 245, 295. 299, 300; of Newport. R. I., 77, 116 Rebecca Aaams, 223 Richara, 6n. 69, 75, 79. 109, 112. 130-1, 128, 164, 215, 223, 233, 259-60, 273, 394 Richard, seuior, will of, 244 Richard, junior, 164-5 Robert, 63, 325 Roger, 343 Samuel. 13, 19, 26, 169, 170, 546, 596, 631 Sarah, 63; wife of John, 617; widow of John, now wife of James Read. , 427, 669 Seth, 346, 410, 484 Thomas. 64, 109, 141, 148, 220, 232, 244, 315, 323, 328, 390, 393, 416, 511, 517, 531, 568, 571, 574, 603. 607, 616, 647, 663 William, 473, 519 Mr.. 144 Mrs., 24 Widow, 571 Smok, Hendrick, 48, 51. 100 Smock, Mathys. Hendricksen, 41 754 GENERAL INDEX. Smout, Edward, 661, 664, 678, 680 Smyth, John and Thomas, see Smith Siiape, John, 368, 375, 382, 389, 453, 465-6, 470, 480, 488. 519, 533, 529, 539 Snaswell. Capt. Thomas, 267 Snawsell, Thomas, senior, 198 Snell, Joshua, 54 Snelling, Joseph. 54 Snook, Snooke. John, 343, 588-9, 615, 630 Jonathan, 550 Thomas, 550 Snow, Mary Smally, 270 Snowden, Snoden. Anne, wife of John, 399. 428, 495, 514, 520 Christopher. 388, 429, 456, 526 John, 348-9. 355. 358, 386, 396, 399, 427-8, 476, 495, 514, 520, 529 William, 398, 476 Snowsell, Thomas, 102, 293 Soames, Stephen, 440 Soddon, Charles, 101 '. - Somers, Sommers, John, 665, 670 Songhurst, John, 652 Sonmans. Arent, 55-7, 59, 76, 120, 173, 207 - 306, 385, 506, 538 Frances, 207 Johanna. 207, 306 Peter, 69r76, 78-9, 103-6, 109, 112, 118- 20, 122, 126, 128, 133-8, 152, 155, 173, , 175-9, 181-2, 185. 187. 195. 202. 205, 207, 225, 230, 234, 236. 240-2, 247, 253, 257, 266, 268. 271. 375-6. 287-9, 291-2. 302. 304. 306. 310, 312, 314, 317-8, 820, 331, 507, 588 Rachel, 207 Sooley, Robert. 316, 435. Southwick, Josiah, 534 Sowlbie, John, 2TJ4 Mearad, wife of John, 274 Spartleson, Anna, 598 Elizabeth, 598 Mathias, 543, 558, 565-6, 598 Speare, John Hendrick, 62 Teunis Johnston, 269 Speer, Hance, 303 Speewell, John, 149 Spence, Christian, 125 James, 125 Marg't. widow of J. Verner, 128; will of. 125 William,, 141 Spencer, John, 185 Richard, 142, 267 William, 142 Spicer, Hester, widow of Samuel, 672 Jacob, 392, 484 Samuel. 98-9; 113, 115, 127, 133, 143, 150, 154, 184. 190, 199, 319, 372, 275, 297, 300, 331, 671-2; Justice Gloucester Co.. 652 Spier. Banse Hendrickson, 268, 290, 307 Spiers, Hendrick Jansen, 3, 4 Spinage, Spinnege, Spinige, Speining, Speninge, Abigail, 168. 180 Anna, wife of Umphra, 168 Anna, aaughter of Umphra, 168 Benjamin. 168, 179 nam'd IfiQ 170 lOrt Spivey, Rie, 61. Spooner, John, 563 Spotswooa, , 281 Squibb. Robert, 316, 435 Stacy, Elizabeth, 421, 431 - Henry, 351, 354-7, 360, 367, 371, 375, 377, 383,' 386, 394, 397-9, 401-2, 406-7,' 412, 416. 421, 430, 432, 463, 471, 481, 512, 535, 550, 575. 649, 665 John, 530 Mahlon, 140, 345-7, 361-2, 371, 381. 395-8, 400, 402-3, 406-8, 413-5, 417 8. 423, 425, 427, 429, 433, 439, 444. 446, 452-4.- 456-7, 466-7, 470, 472, 475. 477,482, 484-6,490/ 493, 496, 499. 500, 505-6, 508, 510-1, 524, 531,537,667 Marv, wiaow of Henry, 412, 416, 421, 430, 481, 516 ' Mary, aau. of Henry, 421, 431 . Robert. 347, 365, 377-9, 337. 389.' 395-7, 406, 427, 430, 433, 439, 462, 467, 516, 595. 609, 639, 667, 673 Samuel, 370, 421. 431-2, 444, 449. 463, 475. 482, 496-7. 517, 662, 665;'672, .681-2 Sarah, 431 Stacy, 421 Stage. Stagge, Stagg, John, 223, 278 Margaret, 222; widow of Thomas, 221 Thomas, 55. 125, 221, 292, 306 William, 222 Stalcop, Annake Erickson, wife of John, 595 John, 595, 617, 620 Stanbank, Standbanck, John, 551, 584, 632, 644-5, 881 Stanbrough, Elizabeth, 287 Jas„ senior, 287 Josiah, 287 Josiah. junior, 287 Stanbury. Mary, wife of Nathan, 540 Nathan, 504, 515, 540 Stancliff, Samuel, 113, 117. 122 Standfield, James, 503^-9. 510, 530, 537 Stahaish, Daniel, 661, 670 ' Stanaiy, Garterud (Gertrud),- 551 Stanes. Agnes, 190 Stanford. Thomas, 636 Stangh, Jacob, 3 Staniland. Stannylands, Hugh, 389, 422 Mary, wiaow. 518 ' Stanton, Staunton, Daniel, 400, 407, 423 ' Thomas, 650, 667 Staples, Thomas. 21, 243-4. 255, 279', 301-3 Starky, Starkie, Davia, 527 . James. 527 John, 214. 349, 359, 527 John, son of John. 527 Mary, wife of John, 214 527 Thomas, 400 Stathem, John, 630 see Tathem. . Philipp, 624 Thomas, 619 Zebulon, 624 Stayner, William, 357, 410, 456 Steele, Benjamin, 317, 436-7 William, B60, 407, 415, 425, 428, 430, 432, RK, flftl RTl\ 4, 190, 272, 275; will of, 56 Swinton, Isaac, 52, 56 John, 101 Syke, John. 386-7. 533 Sykes, Samuel, 440, 473, see Sikes Symco, Marth, 52' Symkins, Daniel, 43 John, 43 Mary, 43 Symon, Robert, 180 Symons, Michael, 70, 75, 108-9, 112, 121, 126, 12S, 233, 299 Symson, Adam, 68 David, 08 756 GENERAL INDEX. Symson, Dougaia, 68 James, 61 -Margerett, 65 Patrick, 68 Tait, Patrick, 68 , Tankin. John, 65. 117, 130, see Tonkan Tantum. John, 526 Taper, Thomas, 670 Tappan, Tappin, Tapping, Toppin, Abra ham, 14. 15, 18, 43, 63, 107,- 165, 170, .214, 232. 273, 304 Isaac. 14, 15, 24. 40. 125-6, 144, 148-9, 166, 218, 223,-254, 273 Isaac, son of Isaac, 273 Ruth Pike, wife of Abraham. 63, 165, 170 Tarbott, Viscount George, 69, 170 Tarrant, William, 579 Tart, Edward, 98, 167; will of, 131 Tartt, Elizabeth, 131 Tatham. Elizabeth, wife of John, 517 John, 221, 260-1, 286. 307, 325. 370, 374- 5 378 380, 386, 390, 392, 427, 430-1, 440-1. 445, 448. 450. 462-3, 461, 467-8, 473, 478, 488, 489, 490, 494, 497, 509, 517, 532, 630 see Gray, John ; Stathem, John Tattersall, Rie, 179, 223 Tatum, Tatem, John. 655, 661, 673, 675 Tay. Elias, 461, 466, 675 Taylor, Tailer, Tailler, Benjamin, 638 Tailjour, Edward, 133, 142, 204, 209. 408, 411, 471 George, 391, 431, 440, 489, 499 John, 10, 12, 13. 16, 47, 102. 131, 141, 211, 267, 408, 624, 649. 673, 677 Mary, Groom, 59 Moses, will of, 55 Oliver, 391 Robert, 43 Samuel, 352, 359, 368, 373, 375, 378, 388, 395, 410, 417, 457, 461, 478, 486, 509, 531, 656,661.664,675 Watkinson, 292 Wm., 409 486, 509 Tennent, William, 74 Terhune, Turhune Albert, 161 Albert Albertson, 283 Albert Stevense, 236 note, 243 Terrett, Samuel, 370, 465-6, 521, 535 Terrill, Thomas, 146, 149, 249 Terry. John, 42 Thomas, 363 Test, John, 183, 357, 410, 495, 504, 548, 552, 564, 579, 584-5, 591. 600, 639, 649, 655, 657-8, 661, 673, 676, 680, 683 Teunissen, Tinnisone, Tunison, Cornel ius, 97, 275. 304 John, 97 Tunisson. Neiltie, wife of Cornelius, 304 Tunise. Denise, 332 Derrick, 5, 6, 262, 301 Tewinson. Hendrick. 5, 31 Thackerey, Thackera. Thomas, 351.355, :-.58, 405, 427, 650, 662-5, 668, 671, 674-5, 678. 680 Thake, John, 363, 469 Thiraud, Daniel. 61 1-2, 622 Thomas, James, 649, 661 John. 290 Jurian, 358 Lawrence, 320 Richard, 101 William, 1, 8 Thomason, Bonnis. 187 John, 652 see Tomason. Thompson, Thomson, Aaron, 75, 151, 180, 222, 243, 345, 259 Aaron, will of, 227 Aaron, son of Aaron, 227, 259 Alex'r, 68. 307 Andrew, 582, 594, 603, 605, 620, 624, 629 Andrew, son of Andrew, 620 Hannah, wife of Aaron, 2a7 Hannah, wiabw of Aaron, 242 Hannah. 3au. of Aaron, 227 Henry, 62 Hur, 134 Isabell. wife of Anarew, 629 Janet, 68 John, 328, 411, 578, 580-2, 5S4, 590, 594. 606, 620-1 , 624, 629, 632. 653 Joseph, 227 Margery. ,68 Marg't. 323 Margratt, wiaow of William, 285 Rebecca, wife of Thos., 606 Sarah.-wife of John, 411, 620, 624. 653 Thomas, 227, 259. 606. 632, 637-8, 640 William. 68, 129, 144, 201. 224, 243, 285, 317, 436-7, 619" see"Tomson I Thorn, Samuel, 669 Thorncum, Israel. 15 Thornel. Thornell, ThorniU. Thornehill, Anna (Hannah) , wiaow of Israel, 217, 220. 232, 328 Israel, 26. 57, 63. 102, 121, 220. 232, 328; will of, 217, William, 141 Thornton, Israel, 18 William, 44 Thorp, Thorpe, Benjamin, 217, 291, 306 Daniel, 140, 217-8 Elizabeth, wiaow of Thomas. 169 George, 217, 293 Joseph, 217 Rebekah. wife of Thomas, 217 Samuel, 146, 315 Thos., 159, 169, 207, 318, 229 ; Thos., senior, 160 Thomas, will of, 217 Thomas, son of Thomas, 217 WUliam, 217 Zebulon, 217 Throckmorton, Throgmorton, Alice, wiaow of John, 179, 430 Alice, aau. of John, 179 Deliverance, 179, 320 Else, 320 Joab, 123 Job, 47, 115-6, 133, 137. 160, 179, 180, 186, " 235-6, 262, 294, 297, 299, 319, 325-6, 332, 430 John, 24, 46-7. 71. 98. 101. 114-6, 119, 131, 133, 136-9. 142. 167, 176-7. 186, 206. 213, 235, 288, 299, 309, 319-20, 326, 332, 430, 577. 583 596, 600, 612-3, 638;' will of, 179; -Deputy, 557 Joseph, 113, 115-6, 136. 138. 179,203,206, 208, 213, 226. 235. 288, 294, 299, 320, 326, 430 Patience, 179, 320 Rebecca, 179 Sarah, 179 , 154 Thurston, Eawara. 196,213 Tibout, Andrise, 78 ,NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 757 Tichenor, Tichenall, Tichanor, Tichnar, Abigail. 45 Daniel, 45, 65, 227, 229, 264-5 Hannah, wife of John, 227; widow of Samuel, 164 •John, 43. 265-; will of, 227 Jonathan, 45, 227, 264-5 Martin, 227, 249, 263-5; will of, 45 Samuel, 45, 164 Widow, 255, 264-5 Tideman. Edmond, 442 v Tilton, John. 191, 325 Peter, 23, 24, 56, 102, 108, 111, 128, 131, <¦ 135, 143, 168, 189, 199, 208. 262, 335 Peter, senior, 300 Peter, junior. 300 Peter, son of Peter, 325 - ..Rebecca, wife of John, 335 , ) Rebeccah, dau. of John. 325 Tlfidall, Elizabeth, wife of Rich'd, 625. 633 , Joseph, 671, 673 - Richard, 341. 373, 531, 554. 568, 569, 571, 587-8, 605, 616. 625, 632, 646; Sur veyor Gen'l, 342, 554, 558, 573, 586, 592. 597 Thomas, 393, 443, 490 Tin ns I^fUio 4 Toe; John, 53, 100, 130, 16S, 178-9, 206, 212-3, 259 Lifiea, 178; wife of John, 130. 259; widow of John, 168 179 Toerson, Olea. 610 Sarah, widow of Olea, 610 Togg. Rev. Ezekiel, 40 Toisti, Wm., 68 Tom, Mr., 4 - Tomassen, Tomason (Caamus), Arien, 42 Catarin, 42 Cornelis, 42, 290, 330 Franscyntye. 42 Freaerick, 42 Janetje, 42 ; Johannes, 42, 290. 330 Vriah,^2 (Van Rypen) Tombs, Samuel, 661. 680 Tomkers, John, 285 Tomlinson, John, 363, 366. 369. 371, 375, 377, 379. 44B, 483, 488, 493-4, 496-7, 510, 523 ' Joseph, 654, 658-9, 672. 679 Tompkins, Tomkins, Deten, 35 Edmund, 653 Elizabeth Kitchell, 175 Jane, wife of Edmund, 663 Jonathan, 264-5 Micah, 22 Michell, 32, 43. 45, 266; Deacon Michel, " 38 Tomson, Tompson, Aaron, 39; see Thompson . Elizabeth, 39 Hannah, 39 Hur, 34, 39 Moses, 39 Thomas, 38; will of, 39 Urbanas, 290 Tonkan. Edward, 357, 410. 508, 536; see ¦ Tonkin. H John, 377 fooker, Charles, 290 ' Charles, senior, 290 i, Hannah, wife of Charles, 290 Eoschacke, David, of Minewere, Mom- f ; - vara. 68. 70', 105, 279 see Monyvaira. Tours, Claes Arentsen, 41. 193 Jan Arentsen, 41 Towers, Daniel, 172 Towle, Elizabeth, 525 ; widow of Thomas, 525 John. 525-6, 534 Johp, son of John, 534 John, senior. 536 i John, junior, 526" Mary, 525 Percival. 356, 358-9. 360, 362-3, 366-9, 372-3, 376. 379, 382, 402, 403. 413-9, 427, 440, 442, 447. 464, 470. 474, 478, 482, 484-6, 488, 498-9, 501, -503, 510, 521-2, 525-6, 534. 537 Richard, 525 Samuel, 525 Sarah, 525 Tomasin, widow of Percival, 447, 470, '478. 483, 492, 499, 502-3, 525-6 WiUiam, 525 Townely, Townley,. Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Richara, 165, 174; formerly wife of Gov'r Philip Carteret. 188 Richara, 70, '74. 112, 188. 237, 263, 28-1, 517; Capt. Richard, 99, 165; Lt Col. Richard, 174, 183; Col., 213, 259 Townsend, John, 460, 556. 561- Mary,, wife of John, 561 Roger, 525 Towson, Wool'ey, 644 Tradway, Henry. 361, 403 Traverse, Robert, 173 Treadway, Henry, 651-2, 664, 669, 672, 676 Treat, John, 45. 116, 160-2, 229, 236, 246, 248-9, 255, 265-6, 280 Ensign John, 227 Mary, wife of Azariah Crane, 116 Robert, 29,-42, 212 Robert, senior, 116 Trenoweth. Ralph, 364. 400, 407, 423. 425, 431, 433, 489 Trent, Mary Sandilands, wife of Mau rice. 667 Maurice, 661, 665-7, 669, 671, 677 Maurice, nephew of Maurice, 6-30, 666, 677 Trewman, Trueman, John, 10, 18 ; will of, 43 Trlnnigham, John, 519 Trotter, Benjamin. 165, 213 Samuel, 120, 237 William, 23. 59 Trowbridge, Thomas, 186, 275 Truax, True, Trewax, Tryarx, Dutruax, Jacob, 51,65, 185, 208, 318, 323. 335, 330 Tucker, Charles, 22, 28, 135, 237 Eawara. 514-5 John, 152, 184, 195, 200 Richara. 379. 380. 384. 511, 514 Tuelie, John, 363, 377, 428 Tuins, Robert, 167 Tunnycliffe, Francis. 521, 505 Turner, John, 592, 598, 638 Robert, 56. 101, 108-9, 114-6, 119. 131, '' 138, 174-6, 178, 18", 182-3, 187, 202-3, 296, 299, 310. 329, 355, 357-8, 405. 408-9. 411 424 427. 439. 590, 649-52. 655-7, 659J-63, 666, 068, 671-5, 678-9, 6*1-2 Susannah, wife of Robert, 608 676; widow, 677-80 Tuttle. Tuttil, TuthiU, Hannah, widow of Nath'l, 242 75S GENERAL INDEX. Tuttle. Henry, 242 Nathaniel, 22, 25, 39. 58 9. 70, 76, 103, 117-8, 222, 227, 242, 297, 323. 326, 332 Twigg, Thomas, 393 Tyler, Major James, 188 Wm., 572-3, 597, 606, 608, 618, 621, 626-8, 638-40 WiUiam, son of Wm., 628 Tymmersen. John. 32 Tynaal, see Tindall Tynet, Tynant. Mary Stillwille, wife of ' William. 174. 191 Tynett, William, 72-3, 174, 191 Tysen, Jacob, 309 Uahhan, (?Vaughan), John. 295 Underhill, John, 358, 382, 400, 406, 457. 512, 527 Unwin, Nathaniel, 513 Updijck, Johannes Lawrenson, ,392, 494, 497, 499, 517 Updike, Lawrence, 518 Vagelsen (Van Giesen), Bastian, 213 Valentine, Jonas, 384, 665 Valot. Vallet, Claude, 8, 15, 46, 53, 14n Van Arie. Hendrick Hendrickson, 268 Van Barkelo, see Berckeloo Van Bommel, Hendrick, 17 Van Brugge, Johannes, 3 Vance. John, 614, 626, 629, 634, 638, 642 Martha, wife of Samuel, 642 Samuel, 629, 639. 642 Van Cortland, Jacob, 225 Van Courtlana, Stephanus, 249, 271 Van Couvenhoven, Peter Wolversen, 29 see Cowonover Van Dame! Rip, 162, 225, 240, 250, 303 Van Dean, Diene, Garret, 242, 261, 287 Van de Bilt, John. 268 Van ae Bult, John Artse, 261 Van aer Burgh, Cornelius, 199 Van aer Cappellen, Alex'r, 2 Henry, 2 Van aer Grift, Paulus Leendertsen, 3, 18 see Eeenaertsen. , Van aer Hoist, , 372 / Van aer Linae, John, 267 - / Rooliph, 63, 271 Van aer Lynden, Joas, 19 Van Dinclagen. Lubertus, 1 Van Dome, Jacob, 822, 325 Van Emburgh, Imburgh, Johannes, 261, ' 262, 278, 301 Vangasan, Van Giesen, Van Geesen, Bastian, 236, 249, 274-5, 279, 280, 303, 306 Van Geesen, Tunis, 280 Van HQorn, Jacob Wallingen, widow of, 3 Van Home, Rutger Yoost. 48 Van Houten. Cornelis Roelofsen, 195 Van Hyst. Abraham, 627, 643-4 Elizabeth Barron, wife of Reynier, 552, 588, 595 Ellen. 552 Van Lieu, 'Frederick, 332 Van Ness, Vanest. Peter, 154, 169, 170, 198, 275, 277, 289 Van Ostrum, Henerick Jansen, 16, 17, 28, 31 Van Furmerrent,' Claes Jansen, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 28 Van Rand, Hendrick Hendrickson, 67 Van Rean, Hendrick Henaricks, 308 Van Ruynen, Cornelius, 3 Vansan, Jacob. 230, 236 Van Sutvant, Derrick, 309 Van Veghten, Michael Diecksen, 251 Van Vleeck, Tielman, 6, 13, 17-8 Van Voorhees, see Geurt Coerten. Voor- huys. Van Voorst. Yde Cornelissen, 2. 3, 17 Van Wageninge, Gerret Gerritse, sen ior, 301 Van Winkel, Simon Jacobsen, 195 Walling Jacobs, 159 note. 160 see Jacobs, ana Van Hoorn. Vaughan, Vaughn, Vaughton, John, 26. 71, 108, 1 15. 139, 190, 272, 275 William, 386, 506-7 see Uahhan, Waughan. Vauquellin, Jeane, wife of Robert, 2S8; wiaow of Robert, 293, 324 Robert. Sieur aes Prairies, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 23, 28, 36, 48, 50, 67, 102, 141, 166-7, 204, 211, 218, 222, 228, 239, 245, 254, 273, 293, 334, 338, 557; alias Leparary, Surveyor General, 215; will of, 288 Vaus, Vaas, Samuel, 375, 464, 511 Samuel, senior, 511 Veenvas, Daniel, 59 Veghte, Gerret. 298, 307. 332, 334 Verier, James, 383, 454, 482 Verlett, Ver Lett, Abraham, 41 Capt. Nicolas, 2, 5, 6, 7, 14. 16-8, 28, 31, 37, 41, 54 Susanna, wife of John ae Forest, 41 Verner, John, 125, 128 Verner, Margaret, Spencer, wiaow of John, 128 Vernon, Richara, 185 Verplanck, Guiliam, 41 Vessels: America of Stockton, 308 Amity, 537 Dispatch, pink, 287 Dolphin, 512, 519 _ Dove, 494 Francis ana Dorothie, 71 Griffin, 590 Henry Frances, of New Castle, 70 Henry and Francis, 125 Indeavor, 34 Loyall York, 494 Philadelphian, 528 ' Providence of Burlington, origan- tine, 462 Richmond, man-of-war, 325, 333 Robert and WiUiam, 438 Shield, 172 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 759 Viccars, Thomas, son of Thomas, 249 Vjccary, James, 544, 569, 571. 595 Vilant, David, 64, 73, 104, 110, 119, 125, 168, 186, 810, 312, 332 Vinoent, John, 64 Vinge, Jan, 2, 3 Vivers.' Captain, 308 Vogden, Cobas, 60 Voorhuys, Stephen Courte, 262, 327 see Van Voorhees. Vreeland, Cornelis Macheelse, 284 Elias Michielsen, 159 note, 195 Vrende, Cornelis Larssen, 3 Waber, Robert, 65 Wade, Ann, wife of Benjamin, 287 Benjamin, 25, 57. 80, 136, 204, 287 Edward, 541-2, 547, 549, 551, 553-7, 559, 563, 567, 571, 576-7, 582-3, 587. 591, 596. 603-4, 607. 609, 615, 626, 645 Jane, widow, 629 Prudenee, wife of Eawara, 559. 567, 576, 582, 603-4; widow, 609 Robfert, 408, 412, 416, 438, 542, 549, 555-7, 563, 577, 582 Samuel, 344, 576, 603, 630. 645 Waerners, Willemtie. wife of Hanse Harmense, will of. 145 Wainewright, Wainright, Waynwright. Jonathan, 655, 673 Nicholas, 394 Thomas, 56, 108 Waite, Daniel, 506 William. 530 Waites, EUzabeth, 591 Waithman, WiUiam, 546, 574, 576, 587, 599, 611, 619, 627 - ,613 Wakefield, Katherine, wife of Thomas, 539 - Thomas, 539' Walke, Claes Hendrickson, 150 Walker, Desire, wife'Of Isaac, 141 Francis, of Staten Island. 54 Isaac, 141. 211 Isabell, 72, 74 Isobell Johnstone, wife of James, 174, 191 ,. James, 64, 74, 174, 191, 205, 246 Janett, 65 John, 374, 593, 655, 673, 681 Jonathan, 552 Joseph, 272 Mary Smith, wife of John, 593 Nicholas, 64 Patience, 197 Samuel, 48. 50, 53,. 113, 162, 198, 211, 237-8,299; of Boston, 49; Captain. 223, 237.-283 Wall.^Walle, Wale, Waall, Anne, wife of Walter, 198 -> Garret (Gerard, Jarat), 51, 76, 108, 110, 113, 164, 175, 183. 219, 238, 319, 320 Gershome, 322; see Wallen, Wallie, Walley James, 553 Richara, 399, 423. 668 Sarah, wife of Richara, 668 Walter, 25. 136, 164, 198, 219, 238, 293-4; senior. 108 Wallen, Gershom, 311, 320 Jacob, 16 T^'ppnipflj S4 Wallev. Gershom, 199, 238, 305 Mary Kingsland, wife of William, 163 Walley, William. 163 Wallick, John, 628 Walling, Jonathan, 586, 593, 599, 606, 616-7 620 Thomas, 640 Trintia, 28 Wallis, Esther Lakin, wife of Robert. 674 Robert. 47, 674 Thomas, 361, 365, 374, 401, 452. 455, 512 Walter, Walters, Joseph, 243, 246, 257, 264-5; will of, 164 Martha, widow of Joseph, 164 Walton, Edward, 172 -Eliza, -61 - Elizabeth, 172 John, 386 William, 650 Walwine, Henry, 230 Wandall, Thomas, 31 Wanden, Andrew, 113 Warcupp. Rich'a, 5li Thomas, 510-1 Wara, Waara, Warde, Abigail, wife of John, 227, S Abigail Kitchell, 175 Christian Swaine, wife of Nathaniel, 218 David, 227 Dishturner, 244 Elisabeth," 21, 31. 67, 268; widow, 279 George, 494 Hanna, wife of John, senior, 216 Israel, 654, 664, 677 James, 669, 673, 675 John, 35, 40, 42-3, 54, 60. .67. 179-80, 230, 263, 279, 281, 306, 308; will of, 227 John, spn of John, 216, 227 John, gran3son of John Warae, 216 Jobn, senior, 45, 244, 248, 279, 286; will of, 216; turner, 268, 307 John, junior, 54, 279 John, turner, 20, 21, 31, 40, 180, 243-4, 246: will of, 60 Sergeant John, 31, 37 Lieut. John, 20. 39, 40, 43, 246, 255 Lieut. John, senior, 44 Sergeant, 35 Lieut., 38, 244 Jonathan, 227 Joshua, 393, 508 Josiah, 20, 60, 116, 266 Lawrence. 31 Nathaniel, 212, 216. 218, 227, 343-4, 263, - 266, 377, 379. 280, 286 Samuel. 60, 230. 241-2, 248, 263. 265, 268, 281, 303 Samuel, junior, 290 Sarah, wiaow of John, turner, 60, 67, 180 William, 654, 684 Mr., 266 Mrs., 281 Mrs. John, 244 Wiaow, 212 Warael, Wardell. Eliakim, 29, 80. 128, 139. 159, 175, 214, 300. 331-2, 534-5 Hester, 288 . Joseph, 111, 288 Lydia, 220 William, 495 Wardroper, Patrick, 168 Ware, Joseph, 549, 553, 576, 587, 642 76o GENERAL INDEX. Ware, Martha, wife of J oseph, 587 Warlock. John, 223, 627 Warne, Warn, Mary, wife of Thomas, 327 Stephen, 62, 67 Thomas, 56; 62, 75-6, 97-8, 104, 112, 119. 126, 129. 130, 133. 135; 152, 163, 166, 167, 172, 1-74, 189, 198. 203. 205, 225-7. 230, 25.1, 356, 258, 261, 267, 276, 291, 303, 311, 314 323-5 327 Warner,' War&ner, Edmond, 316. 435-6, 549, 558, 561-2, 579, 580 Edward, 545 Jane Curtis, wife of Wm., 575, 579 Ralph. 223 Thomas, 249 William, 361, 419, 420, 575, 579, 630. 649, 653, 655, 657, 661. 672-3. 675-6; High Sheriff of Gloucester Co., 669 Waren, Warren, George, 274 Grace, wife of John. 185 _ John, 3W, 366-7, 369, 387, 440, 449, 506, 235,525; "will of , 185 Tidey, widow of George, 274 Wasse, James, 397, 511, 513, 564, 630, 636 Wastecoate, Wastcott, Daniel, 619-20 Waters, Goodman, 35 Watkin. Watkins, Wadkin, Christopher, 434, 490. 656; Justice Gloucester County. 653 John, 10. 14, 15. 16. 73, 141, 193, 311, 415, 417, 424 Wat,son. Watsone, Edward, 3 ; 5, 647 Isaac, 254. 272, 274, 382, 301, 390, 453, 540 . John, 141, 147, 241, 518-21, 530. 540 Luke, 1, 4, 22, 29, 34, 48, 178, 237 Mathew, 375, 404, 437, 446, 472. 480 Peter, 120, 132, 134. 146, 148/240, 276. 323-4 -Thomas, 545. 569, 583, 586-7, 609-10, 617, 646-7 WiUiam, 143, 155, 187. 203, 228, 306, 310, 333, 390, 419, 427, 449, 510, 523, '531 Watt, George, 101 John, 101 Watters, Joseph, 20 Watts, Hester, widow of John, 627-8 John, 593-4. 608, 627 Michael, 316, 330-1, 436, 504 Waughan, John, 289 see Vaughan. Way, John. 523, 533 Wearne, Eliza, 536 Henry, 536 John, 410, 508, 536 Martha, wiaow of John, 508, 538 Mary, 536 Weatherby, Robert, 634 641 Weatherill, Wetherill, Christopher, 356, 361-2, 366, 368-9. 370, 373, 376. 378, 380-1, 389, 404, 418, 424. 427, 440, 443, 450, 473. 475, 490, 501-3, 505-6, 513. 523, 525, 530, 533-3, 539; High Sheriff Burlington County, 535 Thomas, 533 Webb, Eawara, 544, 569, 570, 572. 591 George, 551, 673, 629, 677 Lucia, wife of Samuel, 300, 317, 331 Samuel. 269, 300, 317, 331, 333 Webster. Nathan, 10. 14, 15, 16, 80, 102. 164-6, 181 Robert, 64, 148. 331 Thomas, 253, 269 Mr. 196 Weinans, Conraaus, 217 Elizabeth, 217 Isaac, 217 Jacob, 217 Johanna, 217 ' Johannes, 217 John, will of, 217 Samuel, 217 Susanna, wife of John, 217 Welch, James, 148 Joseph, 435 Margaret, 68. 174; wife of James, 148 Sarah, widow of William. 530. 669, 676-80, 683-4 Susannah, 530 William, 411, 442, 473, 5,30, 689. 676-80, 683 Weiao. Margaret, 240 Wells, Eamuna, 522 - Henry, 536 Welsh,' Robert, 498, 512, 679 West. Aary, 46, 211 Ann, Ruayara, wife of John, 68, 140 note, 210, 231, 323; wiaow, 233 Bartholomew, 46, 313 Edward, 317, 436-7 Elizabeth Laffetra, 107 James. 673 John, 68, 107, "134. 140. 154, 210, 231, 233-4, 238, 249, 250. 257, 259. 268, 3:7, 329 Jonathan, 461 Joseph, 74-5. 105-6, 154, 174, 200, 202, 269 Margaret, 174: wife of William, 220, 329, 534 Mercy, wife of Stephen, 329, Nathaniel, 355, 369, 371, 383, 402, 449, 535 Robert, 49, 56, 107, 113-4, 127, 133, 154, 159, 171, 174, 197. 223/229, 231, 238, 316-7, 435 Stephen, 46, 124, 126-7, 134, 137. 154, 174, 189, 211. 234-5, 272, 329 Stephen, of Mackatoy Island, N. Eng land, 115 W., 200 William, 46, 124, 134, 152, 160, 202, 220, 234, 267-8, 272, 301, 324, 329, 333, 534-5 Westervelt, Ruliph, 225 West Jersey Society, 323, 326-7, 330-1, 334-5, 383, 385, 388, 391, 440-1, 445. 454, 457-9, 461, 484, 488-9, 493-9, 501, 508-17, 532-3, 528. 530, 532. 535-8, 540. 620 Westlaud, Nathaniel, 452, 457, 461, 494-7, 510, 517, 530, 533, 540, 612-3, 615, 617, 632, 662, 674 Wetherbey. Vrrey (George), 437 Wetton. Benjamin, 133 Whale Fishery, 30, 31 Whalefishing Company. 42 Whartman. Sarah, 113 Wharton, Ann Ruayara, wife of Robert, 155. 223-fi. Ml -9 99R OAt OX'S o=n NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 76l satley, Sarah, wife of Caleb. 506 seler, Gilbert, 419, 427, 448, 518 loseph, 619-20 Nathaniel, 20, 21, 212, 244, 248, 264, 266, 279-81 . Kobert, 372, 380, 460-1. 469, 470. 474, 492, 512-3, 520, 527, 535, 540 ;et, John. 64 iiller, Robert, & Company, 537 ;ldon, Joseph, 460 ither, John, 193 tacar, Bichard. 555 te, Agasa. 72 \gatha, 237; widow. 118, 135 Andrew, 135, 183, 345, 276 inn, 135 , iVnne Revell, wife of Joseph, 454. 519 Christopher, 542. 554, 561, 591, 594, 601-3, 612, 628, 642 Dennis, 26, 47, 77, 151,, 166, 174, 188 Elizabeth, 135; wife of John, 163, 275 Eliza, wife of Joseph, 550, 577, 601, 605 Elizabeth, wife of Samuel, 288 Bester, wife of Christ'r, 561, 591, 594 lames, 535 Toall, 288 lohn, 54, 58, 61. 72, 100, 151, 158-9, 169, 186, 198, 210, 243, 250-1, 253. 275, 285-6, 301, 354, 401, 586. 679. 682, 684 foseph, 342-3, 454, 519. 550-1, 577-8, 585. 601, 604, 606, 608. 616-7, 624 5, 628-30. 635-6, 640 Marie, wife of -Michael, 226 Marie, dau. of Michiel, 236 Mary, wife of Peter, 284, 391 Mary, spinster, 569, 571 Michael, 185. 207, 209, 254, 259, 328; will of, 226 Peter, 99, 106, 110. 117, 122, 260, 291, 394,676; will of , 284 Peter, son of Peter, 284 lobert.-24, 80 212, 224, 276. 2S4; will of, 135 ' Samuel. 62, 112. 165, 167, 173,201. 283-4; will of , 288 - ' Thomas, 62, 112, 283-4, 388 William, 135. 183, 245, 276, 684 Mr., 51 Widow. 213 teall, James, 657, 664, 672, 677, 680-1, 684 rohn, 675 teburne, John, 65 tehead, Abigail, wife of Isaac, 185, 209 - lenjamin, 649 saac, 52, 61, 164, 185-7, 206, 209, 213, 278-9; will of, 184; sheriff, 159; sen ior, 176 saac, sou of Isaac, 184 oseph, 184.' 187 lary, 185; wife of Isaac, 184 lamuel, 151. 185. 187. *30. 254, 259, 318 beheare. John, 15 tfield. Richard, 433, 463, 595-7, 609, 639, 642 1 tlock, Whitelock. John, 26, 42, 46, 183, 219, 235T238, 288, 299, 311, 327. 499 'nomas, '46, 98, 108, 110, 118, 138, 182, 195-6, 199, 200, 219, 293, 312 'homas, son of Thomas, 46 'homas, senior, 26 Villiam'.26, 46, 60, 127, 139, 302,391, 460 ,296 Whitrain, Whitraine, John, 449 , Richara, 449 Zechariah, 424-5. 449. 653, 658 Whitten, Ann; 552 Whitton, James, 642 Whyte. see White. Wigerse, Hessel, 19, 145 Wightman, William, 173, 317, 436-7 Wilcocks. John, 317, 436-7 Wilcox, Tho:, 49, 55, 60 Wilke, Jane, 597 Wilkey, Jane, 501 Jobn, 68 Wilkins, John, 53, 106, 124. 447, 461 John, son of John, 447, 461 Thomas, 376. 383, 447, 450, 460.-1, 467, 470, 483, 522 Wilkinson, BrJdget, wife of Richara. 581, 584, 587. 603, 639, 644 Mary, wife of Wm., 592 Richara, 552, 578, 581-2, 584, 587, 603, 639, 642, 644, 646 Thomas, 533 William, 340, 342-4, 571. 533,585,590, 592, 594, 597, 605, 607, 614, 618, 637 Willara, Thomas, 665 WiUcott, Samuel," 139, 152 , 154 , WiUecke, Dr. James, 57, 58 Willett. Samuel, 137 Williams, Dunks (Dunkin), 588, 599, 607 Eaward, 99, 100, 107, 165, 200, 209, 213, 318. 654, 664, 677, 679, 682-3 Elizabeth, 526 Gabriel, 526 John, 64, 75, 104-5, 114, 161. 185, 220, 231, 242, 245, 313-5, 329, 544 Mary, 200 Mathew, 265 Rebecca, wife of Thomas, 515, 534 Stephen, 139 Thomas, 364, 371, 382-3, 448, 457, 463, 515. 534-5. 605 Williamson, Francis, 56 Willis,- Elizabeth, wife of Wm., 55'; widow of Wm., now wife of John Holme, 633 John, 420, 430, 462, 465, 475, 651, 854, 660, 662, 664, 666-7, 672, 681-2 John, senior, 450, 654, 657 John, junior, 429, 450, 654, 657 John, son of John, 430 John, alias Westbrook, 653 John, alias Westbrook, son of John, 653. Mary, wife of Samuel, 401; widow, 247 Samuel, 30, 118, 187, 212,247, 347, 350-1, 355, 400-1, 408. 491, 522 WiUiam, 420, 545, 552, 594. 602, 633, 640 William, son of Wm., 552, 633 Willock, Willocks, Willox. George, 73, 79. 97-8, 113, 123, 125, 131, 141, 144 5, 147, 150, 152-6, 160-2, 174, 178, 180-1, 188-9, 201, -203, 209, 214, 221, 233-6, 229 231-2, 335-6, 243, 247, 250-3, 273, '287, 294, 398, 302-5, 307, 310, 313-5, 317, 320-3, 330, 332-5, 378, 386. 61I, 517; Deputy Surveyor General of E. J., 325 James, 153, 304, 307 Dr. James, 98, 136, 235 ~~ 762 GENERAL INDEX. Willock, James, senior, M. D., 201 Margaret, wife of George, 144, 156. 209, 224-6, 231, 236, 243, 250-1, 253, 273; 302, 304, 307, 314, 317, 327, 310, 333, 511 Wills. D., 540 Daniel, 350, 360, 362, 365, 367, 371, 376, 383, 387,-395-7, 400, 404, 414, 422, 441-2. 448, 453, 458, 464, 475, 478-9, 492, 502, 504, 517, 519, 531-3, 53$, 540; Dr., 509 Daniel, senior, 350, 360, 419, 427, 443, 491, 515 Daniel, junior, 350, 360, 491, 509 Daniel, son of Daniel, 540 James, 352, 370, 377-9, 447, 450 John, 350, 416, 443-4, 455, 461, 475, 503, 521-2, 540 Wills: Aaams, Thomas. 223 Aires, Obaaiah, senior, 215 Allen, Ephraim, 220 Anarise. Lawrence, 193 Appellgate, Thomas, senior, 295 Baker, John, 151 Barker, Edward, 286 Barre, James, 243 Bartlett. Thomas, 222 Beswick, Francis, 538- Binglay, John, 218 Bissell, John, 671 Bond, Steven, 216 Broadwell, Wm., 173 Brown,' Joseph, 216 Browne, WiUiam, 295 Brimson, Daniel, 249 Buckworth, Bryan. 240 Campbel, David, 217 Campbell, Archibald, 147 John, 179 Canfield, Ebenezer, 216 Jonathan, 164 Carhartt, Thomas, 240 Carrington, John, 224 Margaret, 273 Chamberline, Anna, widow of Hen dry, 200 Clark, Benjamin, 169 Clerke, Richard, 260 Coale, Jacob, 163 Crampton, David, 218 William, 215 Cooke, Thomas, 298 Crane, John, senior. 216 Curtice, Robert. 266 Denison, John, 216 Dennis, Charles, 295 Desmarett, David, 270 Dun, Hugh, 217 Dury, John, 289 Eattone, Thomas, 163 Falconar, Patrick, 190 Forrest, Henry, 170 Frasey, Joseph, junior, 209 Gillman, Charles, 193 Giles, Gyles, James, 177 Goodman, Charles, 321 Greenland. Dr. Henrv..220 Wills: Inians, Mary, 320 Johnson, Thomas, 215 ; William, senior, 297 Kingsland, Isaac, 278 Kitchell, Samuel, 175 Lawrence, Sarah, 193 Layng, John, 285 Lee. Thomas, 222 Letts, William, 147 Lippincott, Abigail, widow of Rich ard. 270 Lyon, John, 217 Mannin, J effry, 197 Masters, Francis, 60 Mattix, Lewis, 223 Mattson, Peter, alias Dalbo, 662 Meaker. William, 183 Moore, Mathew, senior, 190 Morris, Dennes, 148 George, 185 Col. Lewis. 219 Morss, Peter, 147 Mudie, David, 237 Osborne, Stephen, 287 Outkoop, Dirke Teunissen, 41 Peirce, Daniel, senior. 205 Pierson, Thomas, senior; 326 Price, John, senior. 170 Potten, Marmaduke, 222 Rens, Aise, 179 Simon, 178 Robertson, Robersou, Dr. William, 205 Robinson, Walter, 289 Roos, Rose, Samuel, 145 Rouse, Simon, 209 Rudyard. Thos., 210 Sadler, Richard, 130 Sandford, William, 135 Sayre, Joseph, 230 Scholey, Robert, 439 ) Scott, Alexander, 318 ' Silverwood, Mary. 289 Smalley, John, 269 Smith. Richard, senior, 244 Spinage, Daniel, 179 Spinage, Speninge. Umphra, 163 Steenhuysen, Engelbert, 41 Swaine, Johannah, wiaow of Sam uel. 218 Tichenor, John, 227 Thompson, Aaron, 227 " ¦ Thornel, Israel, 217 Thorpe, Thomas, 217 Throgmorton, John, 179 Vauquellin, Robert, 288 Viccars, Thomas, 249 Walters, Joseph, 164 Ward, John, 227 Ward, John, turner, 60 ' < ¦ Warae, John, senior, 216 Warren, John, 185 Weinans, John, 217 -: White, Michael, 226 Peter, 284 NAMES OF PERSONS AND SUBJECTS. 7^3 rd, John, senior, 447 in, junior, 447-8 1, Wilsone. Alex'r, 68 ony, 566 nna, wife of John, junior, 200 nnah, wife of Joseph, 209, 254 nes 296 in, 23, 26, 27. 34,^38, 127, 165. 175, 183, SO, 194, 296. 319 in, son of John, 296 in, senior. 107, 136, 138, 198, 200, 219, H, 296, 302. 321 iu, junior, 131, 137, 138, 200, -302, 21-2 > ieph. 177, 182, 209. 248, 254-5, 263, 90..301, 566 ter, 200, 296. 323 bert. 356, 427, 494, 538 muel, 50, 135, 176, 280, 566 iphen, 446 omas, 469, 532 .184lefield, George, 233 r, Charles. 307, 244 nes, 225, 304 rgaret Rudyard, wife of Samuel. i, 100, 140 note. 154-5, 210, 225. 231, 53, 257; -widow, 183 muel/53, 61, 6S. 72, 78, 100, 125, 140. 66, 183, 198, 210, 225 231, 243, 250, 253, 54.547; Will of, '253 :ah, 253 -, omas, 207 or. Anthony, 607 zabeth Adams, wife of Anthony, 87, John, 237 Joseph, 163, 329 eld, George, 69, 75 ns, John, 146 ig, Ann Robertson, 205 lgs, John, 80 s, John, 177 :, Josiah, 37 rgaret, 37 . 3diah, will of, 37 3aiah, son of Obaaiah. 37 1, Mary Champneys, wife of Nieh- las. 572, 638 iholas, 544. 561, 572-3, 610, 638 a., 551 ir, Whicher. John, 16, 18, 166, 218, 13.328•s, Ralph, 436-7 it, Nathaniel, 107. 209 )tt, Samuel, 107, 127, 132 WiUcott. ig, John, 541 g, Jonathan, 586 •re, William, 170 Constanty. 648 1, 653 zabeth. wife of Jonas, 63, 166 iry, 357, 359, 405, 407-9, 425, 432, 651, 16, 660 iry, senior, 648. 671 iry. junior, 648, 671 ie, 664, 669, 673, 680, 683-4 les, 671 emiah, 648 n, 131, 302, 355, 363, 411. 417, 451, '2, 538, 648, 650. 672; Justice Glou- ister County, 652, 658 H, senior, 213 .as, 24, 43, 53, 68. 75, 80, 100-1, 160, 166, 174, 192, 221-2, 227, 237, 276 Wood, Jonathan, 427;, 429, 456, 650, 655., 657. 661, 664. 669, 673, 680-1 Jonathan, senior, 660 Jonathan, junior, 660 Joseph, 377, 427, 488, 518, 588, 651-2, 655-8, 660-1, 664, 669. 680, 682 Margarett, wife of Samuel, 193 Mary, see Coeman Rebecca, 669 Samuel, 100, 146, 179, 192-3; 249, 267 ' Thomas, 345, 852, 356, 417, 468 William, 347-8. 861-2, 365, 375, 382, 427, 432, 468, 497-8, 501 Woodbridge, John, 261 Wooden, Andrew, 123, 233, 239, 274. 277 Wooahouse, Anthony, 348-9, 358-9, 362, 373, 395. 397. 399, 411, 415, 417-8, 451, 461, 572.' 612. 637 Samuel, 612, 614, 636-8 Wooakins, John, 3»8 Wooanutt, Mary, wife of Rich'a, 621 Richara, 404, 606. 621, 632, 634, 637, 642 Wooaruff, Wooaroofe, Wooaroffe, Ben jamin, 186, 225 Daniel, 186 Davia, 186 Elizabeth, 186 Hanna, 186 / John, 23, 36, 44, 46, 164, 184-5, 206, 273, -328 John, son of John, 186 John, senior, will of, 186 Jonathan, 164, 186 Jonathan, will of, 187 Jonathan, son of Jonathan, 187 Joseph, 186, 617, 639, 633 Mary, wife of John, 186 Mary, wife of Jonathan, 187 Sarah, 186 - Thomas, 342-3, 454, 465, 552, 577, 581, 588, 603; 605, 607, 613, 615, 617-8 - Mr., 184-5 Wooawara. Anthony, 146, 177, 187, 197, 203, 273, 382, 299, 305, 312, 315, 320, 378, 383-4, 429. 474, 486. 517 Wooley, Wooley, Anne, wife of William, 220 Charles, 286, 307, 309- , , Edward, 113-4, 201, 203, 2^95, 317 John. 64 Robert, 286, 288 William, 64, 75, 114, 200. 220, 238 Wooleyson, Peeter, 570 Wooley, 590 Woolman, John, 363, 394, 466, 479, 486, 517 William, 349 Woolsey, George, 528 \ Woolson, Wooley, 570, 589 Woolston, Hannah Cooper, wife of John, 471 » John, 345-6, 354. 356. 362, 367. 375-6, 378, 3S1-2, 386-7, 397. 400-1, 405, 462, ' 456. 470-1. 473. 475-6, 494-5, 498-9, 508, 506. 516, 521, 525, 529 John, senior, 358, 416, 444, 503 John, junior, 355, 362, 410, 499, 515 Woolverson, Peter, 23, 47, 50 see van Couwenhoven. Woolverton, Charles, 375, 377, 380, 445, 470 485, 536 civo Worgen. Ciscillia, widow of Richard, 573, 595. 626 Richara. 573, 577. 595, 626 Worlidge, Ann'L3fever, wife of John, 764 GENERAL INDEX. 586, 594, 602; wiaow. 639, 633, 637 Worliflge,* John, 342/344, 373, 383, 393, 503, 545. 554. 571. 583, 586, 594, 597, 599, 600-1, 605, 607, 609-10, 612, 621, 623, 633, 639, 642; Justice of Peace Salem County, 598 , Steven, 550' , 385 " Worth, Jane, wife of John, 140 John. 140, 192. 210, 222. 259, 298 Joseph_192, 258, 298 Judith ,T92. 241 Judith,Morris, 97-8, 112, 114, 308, 318 Richard, 9, 10, 11, 14, 67. 102, 109. 126, 170, 196, 210, 241, 298 Richara. junior, will of, 192 William, 98, 110, 112, 115. 270, 589. 595, 599 Worthe, , 545 Worthley, John, 99, 110-1, 114, 128, 137, 208. 245. 249, 288, 318, 329 Morris, 110 WilUam, 104-5 Woulson. Woolla, 553 Wren, John, 101 Wrenshaw, Mary, wiaow. 390 Wright. Constance, wiaow of Richara, 659 Hanna, 659 Johanna Sonmans, wife of Joseph, 306, 507 John, 422. 658-60, 662-3. 667, 684 Joseph, 306, 507 "JoShua. '358, 362, 371, 375-6, 387, 397, - 500. 520 , Mary, 387, 523, wiaow. 488 Richara, 648, 656, 658-9 Robert, 72. 141, 165, 207,-209,231. 259, 284, 311, 390, 505 Samuel, 366, 528 Sarah, 659 Thomas, 232, 355, 361, 366, 369, 376-9, 393, 395, 398-9, 425, 431-3, 445, 451-3, 467-8, 473-4, 485, 507, 527, 529, 531, 536 Walter, 283; 323 William. 167 Wrightman, Wm., 434 Wyatt, Bartholomew, 599 Wyckoff, Cornelius, 331 Garret. 309 John. 309 Peter. 362, 327 Wyne, Barnaby, 26, J17, 237 - Wyns. Bartholomew, 53 Wynes, John, 249 Wynons, John, 25, 26 Yallerton, Thomas, 64 Yara.jGeorge. 431 Yaraiey, Thomas, 486 WiUiam, 486 William, son of William. 486 Yeates, Catherine Sandilands, wife of- Jasper, 667 Jasper, 667 Yeo, Yoe, John, 898. 399. 400, 546. 577, 594 Somilia. wife of John, 398, 400 Yerians. Annacka, 553 Errick, 543. 558. 566, 576. 598 Stephen, 543, 549, 553, 556, 558, 565-6, 575-6, 598, 645 Yerian, 598 Yerianson, Henarick, 584 - Yoost, Rogert, 51 see van Home Yoebis, Wm., 61 York, Yorke. James, Duke oj, 56; Pat ents to ana from, 559 Mary White, wife of Thos.. 606, 622 Mehitabel Hull, wife of Samuel, 241 Samuel. 241 Thomas, 344, 491, 526, 551, 571, 603, 606, 615, 619, 623-3 628, 632 "Youaas, a young," the Finnish inter pretation of, 553 Young, Yong, Christopher, 135 Jacob, 550, 573, 575, 588 Colonel John, 135 Nicholas, 656 Robert. 145. 150, 190, 216, 227..228. 248, 255, 263, 280-1, 354. 356, 359, 376, 398, 527 Thomas, 78 Capt. Thomas, 29, 135, 188 William/147, 325 Zabriskie, Cawbrlsco, Tabberscue, Sa- boroscus. Sobriscoe. Sabereso, Al bert, 48, 51, 63, 70, 78-9, 198, 230, 236, 283 — Jacob, 283 ?ane, Elnathan, 675 Nathaniel, 667-8, 674-5 Robert, 351. 354-5, 357-8. 405, 412, 427, 583, 590, 655, 664-5, 668, 671, 679 Supplementary Index. [Principally of names of places in England, Scotland ana Ireland; together with names of persons, places ana subjects mentionea in the notes, ana omittea in the preceding index; also some names of places in America, outside of New Jersey.] Abbey-Lace, Queen's Co., Ireland, 400 Abberdeen, Aberdeen, Abberaeene, . Aberaein. Scotland, 94, 201. 234, 241, 245, 251. 308, 411 '"Abery, WUts, 420 Ackinsack, 287, note Adams, Elizabeth, 340, note ./Fenwick, 340, note --- John, 340, note -¦ Mary, 340, note Admiralty Courts, 504 -Albany, 287. note Aldmonsbury, Alrnonsbury, Gloucester shire, 561, 562 AUoways Creek, 340, note Alsford, Kent, 579 America of Stockton, vessel. 308 Amersham, Amersum. Buckingham, 412, 667 Angus County, Scotland, 202 Antigua. 418 Anve of ye Hill. Oxon., 484 Appletree, Mathew, 339, note- Argyle, Earl and Marquis of, 335, note Ariel, ship, 341. note Arladon Parish, Cumberlana, 569, 576 Arson ana robbery, allegea, 491 Ashfora in the Water, Derby, 500 Ashover Parish, Derby, 425, 507 .Ashton, Robert, 340, note Susannah, 340, note Aston parish, York, 449 Attercliffe, York, 411 ' Aughton, York, 449 Avebury, Wilks (Wilts.), 420 Avon, a river, 523 Aylesbury, Kent, 562 Badby. Northamptonshire, 29 Ballincarrick, Ireland, 432 Balnecrosse, Ireland, 411 Banta family, 224, note Barbadoes, Barbados, Island ofr6. 7, 24, - 37, 55, 57, 67, 162, 163, 170, 193, 202, 207, 243. 269, 297, 300, 317, 392, 408, 438, 441, 448. 501, 510, 511, 588 Barbauld, Mrs., 683, note Barclay. David, junior, death of, 87 Barlborough, Barlbrough, Barlebor- ough. Derby, 471, 482, 540 Barmagachan, (Scotland), 125 Bartlett,, Benjamin. 434, note Baynlie, (Scotland), 71 Beacons, erection of, 34 Beneden, Kent, 597 Kl Berckeloo, Holland. 145 Bereton, Southampton. 550 Bermuaas, 391, 426 Beverley, , Beverly, York, 398, 413, 414, 416, 418, 428, 444, 473, 480, 484, 492, - 494. 500, 526. 560 Big Piece, Morris county, 153, note Bighton, Derby, 423 Binchester, Prebend of, farm rents of, 653 Blofield, Berks, England, 339, 397. 559 Birdfora, Wapentake ef , York, 539, note Bishop Starfora, Bishop Staflora, Bishop Startford, -Bishops "Star- ford, Herts, 400. 467, 467, note, 522 Bishopsgate street, Lonaon, 400, 408, 441, 442, 448, 482, 518 Blachley, Aaron, 2 8. 255 Black Fryers, Blackfryars, Black Fry- ars, London, 420, 462, 469, 507 ' Blackimore, York, 539. Bockee, Abraham, 195 ' Bog en fly, 153, Bonwick, York, 398, 400, 409, 413, 418, 481, 500 Booth, York, 443 Boston, Mass., 48, 179, 226, 237, 253, 312, 313, 569, 597, 615, 618, 631, 633, 637 Bow, Bowe. Miaaiesex, 561. 581 Boynle, Scotlana, 79 Braafora, New Englana, 182 Braatora Abbie, Dorsett, 416 Braaway, Edward, sketch of, 339, note Mary, 339, note Susannah, 339, note William, 339, note Bradway's Street, 339, note Brandreth, Henry, 339, note Brant Braughton, Brant Broughton, parish of, 145, 292 Bray Parish, Berks, 560 Brayles, Warwick, 656 Bremble Parish, Wilts, 569 Breuckland, L. I., 304 Bridge Souna, Barbaaos, 438 Briagetown, Barbaaoes, 297 Briaiington Key, York, 511- Briaiington, York, 539, note Brigghouse, York, 411 Brinkerboff, Hendrick, Jorissen. 225 Bristol, Bristoll, England, 501, 527, 597.. 673 Broham, Bromham, WUts, 420, 462 Bromley near Bowe, Middlesex, 561. 581 Bronk's Land, Westchester, N, Y., 219 766 SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX. Brookhaven, L. I.. 55 Bruntisland, Scotland, 93 Bucklers Bury, London, account of rents of ajjpuse in, 653, 654 Bucks Co., 574 Buntingfield, Derby, 507 BUrlington, 339, 396, note Burlington Island, 396, note Burton Stather, Lincoln, 413, 483 Burying ground at Burlington, 447, 418. 466 ¦ . . . . Buttolfs Bishopsgate, London, Parish of, 400 Bybury, Pa., 614 Byllinge, Edward, and his descendants, .434, note Gracia, 434, note Lp'veaday, 434, note , Caherlough, 683, note Cambridge, Mass., 195 Campbell, Ann, 335, note John, sketch of, 335, note Lord Neill, 335, note - Maryon, 335, note Canada, River of, 559 Canute, 683, note Carlow, Ireland, 682, note Oarronshore, Scotland, 143 Carshore, Carshove, Carshorne. Car- shorse, Scotland, 130, 143, 168, 175. 195 252 Catherla!gh. Ireland. 682 Cedar (?) creek, Salem county, 460 Cetherloch, Ireland, 682, note Chadleton Parish, Stafford, 568 Crialow, Berks, England, 420 Ohamberlynes, Manor of. in Erswell, . Suffolk, f afm1 rents of, 653 Champneys, Edward, 340, 591, note Priscilla, 343, note Charles, Martha, 340, note Simon, 340, note Chesterfield, Derby, 401, 423, 443, 476 Chillton Follyat, Wilts, 455 Chittester, Pa., 582 Choptank, Md.,568 Christ Church parish, Barbados, 57, 163 Christ Church Parish, London, 561. 562, 573 Church lot in Burlington, 540 Church Waltham, Essex, 340. note Cirencester, Gloucester, 408, 525 Clerkenwell. Miadlesex, 548, 465 Clif t, Sussex, 449 Clisdeall Shire. Scotland, 293 Clonmell, Ireland. 405, 507 ' Clunie, Cluny, Scotland. 55, 56. 58, 96, 98'; 136. 137, 138, 181. 198, 224 Colchester, Essex, 468 CoUestoun, ColUeston, Colliston, Scot land, 79, 186, 192, 223 Collins, Francis, 467, note Sarah, 467, note Compton Bassett, Wilts, 455 Conflagration at Perth Amboy, 97 Cononicote, R. I., 269 Crafts, Maltha, sketch of, 339, note Craigforth, Kinkell Parish. Scotland, 96 Crewkerne, Somerset, 567, 575 Cuckney, Notts., 429. See Kuckney. Cussington, Leicester, 447 Dallefleld, 417 Darien expedition, 161 Dartmouth, N. E., 301 Dathvick, "(Scotland), 125 DeVouw, Susannah, 287,..note Deacon, George, sketch of, 340, note- Deafora, Kent, 340, note Defoe, Daniel, 683, note Denn, James, 341, note Margaret, 340, note . Dewlish, Dewlisk, Dorsett, 316, 436 Dimsaale, Dr. Robert, sketch Of, 467, note Dimsaale Run, near Mt. Holly, 467, note Divorce grantea, 28 Dore, Derby, 409, 486. 509 Dorehouse.'York, 398, 418, 429, 484, 500 Dringhoe, York, 409 Dronfleia Parish, Derby, 508 Drowned, 33 Dublin. Ireland/56, 76, 101/170, 203, 400, 401, 405, 411, 413, 440, 632, 684 Duaiey, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 683, note Duncrosk, (Scotlana), 120 Dunham, Nottingham, 482 Durham, Elizabeth, 341, note Joseph. 341, note Richard, 341, note East Barnett, Herts, 438 East Hamptun, L. I., 287 East Lowthian Co., Scotland, 506 East Noyle, Wilts., 550 East Riding. York, 56-1 Eastham, Worcester, 672 Eastwood Parke, Gloucester, 559 Edinbrough, Edinburgh. Scotland, 58-, 59, 67, 69, 71, 72, 79, 82, 92, 113, 123, 125, 145, 155. 170, 171,' 173, 174,' 188, 200./292, 303, 305, 307, 322 Eamonaton, Edmontofin, Edmonton, Midaiesex, 71, 423, 467, note Eawaras, Thomas, 340, note Eawinsboro, Nottingham, 476 " Elizabeth, Queen, 683, note Elphingstoun, East Lothian,' Scotland, 72 '•'",' Enfield, Middlesex, 55, 56, 228; farm rents of. 653 Epke, Eptkey, 224 Epping, Essex, 467, note Erswell, Suffolk, farm rents of, 653 Eves-ham, meaning of, 523 Ewes, Maltby Parish, York. 429 Ewry, Scotland. 55, 56, 60 ' : " see Urie, Vrie Exeter, N. E., 287 Fairfield, Conn., 301, 623 Fairfield. N. J., lands allotted fnrTnin'is- SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX. 7^7 Fenwick, John, 339, 340, note Priscilla, 343, note «*Fenwicks Colony, 341, note-i Flushing, L. I., 219, 315, 677, 678 Flye, Dutch for low rne'aaow, 137, 191 ffork,- Wilts., 563 Francis ana Dorothie, ship, 71 French fleet, threatened invasion by, 162 Frier Shaw, in Tlveodaill, 59 Friends' burying ground, 340, note Friends' burying- ground, " Burlington, ' -447, 448 Friends' Meeting House site, 340, note Gatton Place, Surrey, 56, 66, 79, 145. 292 Geneva, property in, 392 ' George Yard, London, 408 Germany, 41 -- Gerritse, Gerrit, junior, 162 Gilford. Conn., 55 Glamford Briggs, Lincoln, 485, 499, 505 Glasgow, 93 Glenfield, 423 Gloucester, city of, 476 Goat Acre, Wilks iWilts.), 430, 462 Godaluning, Surrey, 414 Godmersham, Kent, 408 Goodhust, Kent, England, 163 .. Gooawyn, John, senior, 339; note Gordonston, Scotland, 151, 180 Gravesena, L. I., 296 Graye's Inn, Miaaiesex, 506 Great Bartholomew Parish, Lonaon. 580 Great Hadam. Great Hadham, Heref., 423, 442, 443 Great Harroden, Northamptonshire, 540 Great Kelk, or Kelke, York, 413, 416, 418, 442. 444, 454, 562, 563 Great Wigston, Leicester, 444 Greenwich, 154 Griffin, ship, 339, note; 340, note; 343, note; passengers in, 590 Hackinsack, 287, note Haddington Parish, Scotland, 322 Haerlem, 219 Hamilton, Andrew, 341, note Hampton Court, 162 Hancock's Bridge, 340, note Handsworth or Hansworth Parish, York, 401. 413, 418, 423, 429, 439, 434, .: 469, 490, 493. 508, 524, 533 see Hawseworth Handsworth, meaning of, 524 Handsworth Woodhouse. Yorji, 401, 407. 439, 444 Harelston, Stafford, 409 Harshorne.-58 Hartford, Hartford (Hertfora) Co., 397 see Hertfora