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Self- exaggeration detracts from their character ¦without adding to their power; but a greater and more dangerous fault is an habitual depreciation of their real resources and a consequent want of self-veliance." — Godkin. ONE of the faults chargeable against the Irish people, and particularly Americans of Irish de scent, is that they are ignorant of the achieve ments of their race in the past. This is probably due to the fact that the people of Ireland have for generations been taught to believe that everj^thing respectable has come from England and that the Enghsh are a superior race. Indeed, an attempt has been made to impress the same theory on the minds of Americans, and perhaps the most pernicious falsehood promulgated by pro-English writers, who exert a subtle influence in spreading the gospel of "Anglo-Saxon superiority," is that America owes her liberty, her benevolent government, and even her pros perity to her "EngUsh forefathers" and "Anglo-Saxon blood." The truth is that the impartial history of Ireland is the story of England's shame, while the history of Amer ica offers abundant CAddence of the innate greatness of men of the Irish race. In the first part of this work I have endeavored to show that the American people derive their character more from the Celt than from the Anglo-Saxon, but the book is designed primarily to offer eAridence to [3] PREFACE substantiate the claim that more than one-third the offi cers and a large proportion of the soldiers of the Conti nental army in the American Revolution were of Irish birth or parentage, and that the Irish were an important element in American colonial history. As the Irish were driven from their own country by a system of persecution much more severe than that of which the Puritans complained, it is necessary to include in a work of this character some facts of Irish history which account for the large volume of emigration to America in colonial times. I am a representative of the very class in Ireland, which, in an effort to be truthful, I am com pelled to condemn for their treatment of the main body of the Irish people. My ancestors in the male and female lines for many generations have been members of the Episcopal (or AngHcan) ehurch. My grandfather was a clergyman of that church in Ireland, and his father was mayor of the city of Londonderry at a time when it was perhaps the most anti-Irish city in Ireland. Had I been born and bred in Ireland, I should probably have had no opportunity and less inclination to learn the real facts of her history; but fifteen years' study of Irish genealogies and family histories has provided me with an intimate knowledge of the causes that are the root of Irish hostility to English rule, which, after all, were the basic causes of the American Revolution. Thomas Hobbs Maginniss, Jr. Philadelphia, December 1, 1912. [4] INTRODUCTION IF the peasantry of Western England at the beginning of the seventeenth century were Anglo-Saxons, then the first settlers of New England in America were also Anglo-Saxons, since the Pilgrims and Puritans were chiefly farmers, small tradesmen, and mechanics from the western counties of England. The descendants of these "first settlers" in New England became the landed- aristocracy, and the majority of them were to be found among the Loyalists, who formed a considerable portion of the population of America (especially Massachusetts) during the Revolution. But most of the people through out all the Colonies — those who were devoted to the patriot cause — were by no means English nor Anglo- Saxon, and American love of hberty, our republican form of govemment, and our ideals of justice are directly op posed to the character of the so-called Anglo-Saxons, a fact that is evident to any one familiar with the history of that race, who has studied the history of the English people with any degree of analysis. For several centuries after the Norman conquest of England the common people, essentially Anglo-Saxon, were notable for their serviHty, while the landed proprietors and governing class were of Norman stock, who contributed to the English character the spirit of arrogance, selfishness, and lust for territorial expansion for which England has chiefly been noted. It is certain that the spirit of independence and [6] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE liberality shown by the men who founded America finds no comparison in the servility of the Saxon, nor in the selfishness and imperiousness of the Norman. The school histories inform us that the settlers of the American colonies were Enghsh, Welsh, Germans, Dutch, Swedes, and French Huguenots. The Irish are mentioned only in connection with the potato famine in Ireland, which caused hundreds of thousands of persons of that nation to emigrate to the United States in the middle of the last century; but a careful analysis of American colonial records and immigration statistics will serve to convince one that more than half the people of the United States, before the nation was sixty years old, had Celtic blood in their veins. The Irish, Scotch, and Welsh belong to the Celtic race, while recent researches by a leamed society in France lead to the conclusion that the French, too (whom our histories admit were an important part of our colonial and revolutionary population), are a Celtic race. Thus, even if the English population of the colonial period did outnumber the Irish (which could not be true in the light of statistics), it surely did not outnumber the Irish, Welsh, Scotch, French, Swedes, and Dutch, who assuredly were not Anglo-Saxon. But because of the preponderance of what appear to be English names in colonial military and pohtical history, the average reader may question the truth of the claim that the Irish came to the colonies in such large numbers, that a large proportion of the revolutionary army were men of that race, and that Irishmen occupied positions of prominence in early American history. Senator Lodge tries to show the superiority of men of English origin by classifying the names in a dictionary of biography, and [6] INTRODUCTION naturally he concludes that the majority of great men are "Anglo-Saxon" because the majority of the names appear to be of English origin. To arrive at his conclusion he probably classified as Irish only those men whose names begin with "Mc" or "0,"' or names obviously Irish. As a matter of fact, before the period of the Irish revival, which began in the last century, the use of the prefixes had been almost universally discontinued by Irish families, especially those who were within the pale of English patronage and favor, while members of the laboring and servant class were frequently led to assume the English and Scotch names of their masters. The English govern ment exerted every effort to destroy all vestige of Irish nationality, and this effort extended even to an attempt to eradicate ancient Irish names, a purpose which is clearly illustrated in the following statute of Edward IV, 1465 : "At the request of the Commons it is ordeyned and estabUshed that every Irishman that dwells betwixt or among Enghshmen in the County of Dubhn, Myeth, Uriell and Kildare (the whole extent then of the English dominion) shall goe like to one English man in apparell, and shaving off the beard above the mouth, and shall take him an Enghsh surname of one town, as Sutton, Chester, Tyrm, Skyrne, Corke, Kinsale; or color, as White, Black, Brown; or art, or science, as Smith or Carpenter; or ofiice, as Cooke, Butler, and that he and his offspring shall use this name under peyne of forfeiting of his goods yearly till the premises be done, to be levied two times by the year to the King's warres, according to the discretion of the lieutenant of the King or his Deputy."* But like the Penal Laws, which might have reduced any * Spenser's "View of the State of Ireland," 1585. [7] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE other race to barbarism or caused them to change their religion for the sake of security, the law against the use of Irish names was in the main a failure, and more Irish names were changed in the effort to curry governmental favor than to escape the penalty which the law imposed. In addition to those famiUes who changed their names while still in Ireland, thousands changed the form of their names after their arrival in America, while many of the inhabitants of Ireland were of English, Scotch, and Nor man origin, and thus bore names characteristic of those nations. In tabulating his statistics Senator Lodge would prob ably have classified Sir William Johnson, Colonial Gov emor of New York, as Enghsh, yet Sir WiUiam John son's real name was McShane (which is AngUcized John son). Reference to the 1912 edition of Burke's "Peerage" discloses the fact that Sir WilUam Johnson was the son of Christopher Johnson, of County Meath, Ireland, who was the son of WilUam McShane, son of Thomas McShane, son of John O'NeiU. On the same principle Robert Treat Paine, signer of the Declaration of Independence, would have been classed as EngUsh, yet on reference to Vol. I, pp. 726, 727, O'Hart's " Irish Pedigrees," we find that Tiege O'NeiU, b. 1641, had a son Robert, who changed his name to Paine and emi grated to America, and was the ancestor of Robert Treat Paine. This Tiege also had a son, Henry, whose son, Art O'Neill, changed his name to Payne, and had a son Thomas, who emigrated to America. The genealogy of the Kane faniily, the members of which occupy a prominent position in law, business, and society, shows that the first member of the fainily in [8] INTRODUCTION America was John O'Kane, who came to New York in 1752 and dropped the 0'. He was a member of the family of O'Caihan, of Derry. Thomas Butler would without doubt be classed as Eng hsh, yet two distinct famihes of Butlers, both of whom attained prominence, came from Ireland to America and were members of a family that had been in Ireland several centuries and had fought many times against British oppression. Mathews' "American Armoury and Blue Book" shows that a Thomas Butler was born in Ireland in 1674 and settled in Maine in 1692, while another Thomas Butler, bom in DubUn 1720, settled in Lancaster County, Pa., 1748. Of the family of the latter, four were officers in the Revolutionary army, the eldest advancing to the rank of Major General. Alexander Falls, who served in the First Colonial Regi ment of New York, would no doubt be classed as English, yet he was the son of Alexander McFall, which is proof of his Celtic origin (Mathews' "Armoury and Blue Book"). Iimumerable instances like the above inight be cited, but it is an easy matter to trace the transition of names from an Irish to an English form. The descendants of men who were named O'Bryan are now Bryant; O'Tooles have become TuthiUs; McNees in New Hampshire became "Nay" in the second generation; McCormac has become Camac; O'Shaughnessys have changed to Chaun- ceys, and Ryan has even assumed a Dutch form, VanRyn. Meade might be mistaken for an English name, but it was formerly O'Meagh. Neilson is not so Irish as Mac- Neil, but it means precisely the same thing. O'Hart is Irish, but drop the 0' and it is EngUsh. Moore looks Scotch or English, yet many descendants of the O'Mores [9] miSH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE of Ireland bear the former name. It is obvious, there fore, that a claim to EngUsh origin must rest upon a stronger foundation than an English name, and, while thousands of Scotch, Irish, German, French, and Welsh names have assumed an EngUsh form, we have been unable to discover an English or American fainily that has assumed an Irish name. 10] THE ANGLO-SAXON AND THE IRISH SINCE her separation from England America has been a country of opportunity for all men. Americans are known as a generous, witty, and democratic people, and for these characteristics they are indebted more to the Celtic blood in them than to the narrow, intolerant, harsh character of the early Anglo-Saxon Puritans. To arrive at an intelUgent estimate of the justness of this claim it is only necessary to consider the points of difference in the character of the Anglo-Saxons as a whole and the Irish, as it is by an analysis of the vicis situdes and achievements of a people that we may arrive at a true estimate of their contribution to the national character. The most marked difference between the English (Anglo- Saxons and Norman) and the Celts is that the former were noted for their achievements in plundering and op pressing the weak and their land covetousness, while the' latter were devoted to scholarship, religion, and the de fense of the principles of Uberty. This is best illustrated by a consideration of the elemental characteristics of the tribes or races that formed the EngUsh nation, on the one hand, and the struggle against oppression carried on by the Irish people for many centuries, on the other hand. The island of Britain was anciently inhabited by a Celtic race, which was succeeded in the course of time by [11] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, of Teutonic origin, who came, not Uke the conquerors of the continental provinces, as disciples of a civiUzation which they revered, but simply as destroyers of a civiUzation of which they knew nothing. It was a destroying conquest, which swept away the former inhabitants and their whole politi cal system. It was especially a heathen conquest, which utterly rooted up Christianity from a land where it must already have taken deep root.* These tribes formed the EngUsh nation, which, by the ninth century, had become civiUzed and apparently Christianized, when "Christian England was now attacked by the heathen Danes, as Christian Britain had been attacked by the heathen EngUsh. These Danes were not a people altogether foreign to the English; they were of a kindred race and spoke a kindred tongue."t The Danes plundered and ravaged various parts of the country; they made many settlements, in which they held the English inhabitants in bondage; and finally a Dane was crowned king in 1013. The Danes ruled the EngUsh until 1042, when a Saxon king was crowned through the efforts of both Danes and EngUsh. Thus, when WilUam the Conqueror came to England, he found there a nation made up of the descendants of heathen tribes, each of which had come to Britain bent upon plunder and e3ctermination, and the people were called "Anglo-Saxons." The quality of the Anglo-Saxon spirit of independence may be judged by the fact that within five years William had conquered the entire nation, * "England," Prof. E. A. Freeman, Encyclopedia Britannica, pp. 266, 7. t lUd.f'p. 287. [12] THE ANGLO-SAXON AND THE IRISH and in 1086, on SaUsbury Plain, received the sworn alle giance of every lord, every lord's free vassal or tenant, and every landholder, to the number of about 60,000,* and by far the greater part of the land was taken from Anglo- Saxon owners and granted to Norman foUowers of Wil Uam. This conquest of Britain was not, as some writers would have us believe, a mere amalgamation of two branches of a kindred race. On the contrary, it was a complete conquest, which enriched the conquerors and reduced to poverty and virtual slavery the conquered. The condition of the Anglo-Saxons one hundred years after the landing of the Normans is truly portrayed in Sir Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe," as foUows: "A circumstance which greatly tended to enhance the tyranny of the nobility and the sufferings of the inferior classes arose from the consequences of the Conquest by Duke WilUam of Normandy. Four generations had not sufficed to blend the hostile blood of the Normans and Anglo-Saxons, or to unite by common language and mutual interests two hostile races, one of which still felt the ela tion of triumph, while the other groaned under all the circumstances of defeat. The power had been completely placed in the hands of the Norman nobiUty by the event of the battle of Hastings, and it had been used, as our histories assure us, with no moderate hand. The whole race of Saxon princes and nobles had been extirpated or disinherited, with few or no exceptions; nor were the numbers great who possessed land in the country of their fathers, even as proprietors of the second, or of yet inferior classes. The royal policy had been to weaken, by every means, legal or illegal, the strength of a part of the popu lation which was justly considered as nourishing the most inveterate antipathy to their victor." * Montgomery's "History of England." [13 1 IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE For two hundred years after the Conquest the Anglo- Saxons wore the collar of the Norman. Their complete subjection to Norman rule eventually secured for them a measure of independence, for they became useful to the barons in the latters' confUcts with the crown and in their wars for plunder. Most assuredly the motto, "Give us liberty or give us death," could not have had its origin in Anglo-Saxon fideUty to the principles of Uberty. For centuries the masses of the English people were contented, because they were wilUng to serve their masters; they were willing to pay the taxes necessary to maintain an aris tocracy, whose titles to large landed estates were founded mainly on the superior force used to obtain them; and to provide the soldiery necessary to carry on those wars of conquest that have brought to the kingdom so much of the treasure that was the foundation of Britain's power. Indeed, England's greatness as a world power begins with her conquest of India before the American Revolution, when the wealth from India, at first mere plunder, began to pour into England, and the revenue from that country amounted to from 15,000,000 to 75,000,000 poimds a year in specie, besides the commerce from the East which poured into EngUsh harbors.'* It is clear to the average student of history that the Anglo-Saxons were not notable as a brave people; that the Normans, while brave, were adventurers, and that love of plunder was the predominating characteristic of both races. And as we contemplate the present state of the British nation, and the Uberties enjoyed by its mem bers, we are apt to forget that England, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, had her " bloody commissions, * Fisher'a "True Story of the Revolution." [U] THE ANGLO-SAXON AND THE IRISH gun-powder plot, her intrigues and cabals; chevaliers and round-heads. Pride's Purge and Rump ParUament, Bare- bone's ParUament, and no ParUament; with dregs of fanat ics, and for thirty years 100,000 men of the same country at war with each other, and aU to satisfy the ambition of the weakest or the worst in mankind."* On the other hand, the history of the Irish people for the last nine hundred years deals mainly with their struggle to retain their property and to secure their independence. The land in Ireland has been confiscated, the ancient churches and castles lie in ruins, but the Irish people have never been conquered and their spirit remains unbroken. Had the Irish submitted to the loss of their property; had they been wilUng to wear the collar of Norman slavery, as the Saxons did, Ireland's history would have been different. But in Ireland the Normans had an en tirely different character of people to deal with. The Irish of the twelfth century were naturally a proud people. The antiquity of their race, their form of government, and the fact that serfdom never existed among them made their submission to the Norman feudal system and Nor man plundering impossible. The Irish at that period were not barbarians, nor had Ireland, Uke Britain, been conquered by the Romans and several successions of foreign tribes during the period from the beginning of the Christian era to the coming of the Normans, though it is true the Danes made settlements on the coast and estab Ushed separate kingdoms in DubUn, Waterford, and Limerick, and it was in these cities the EngUsh secured their first foothold in Ireland. In scholarship and fideUty to the cause of Christianity ¦""History of Derry." 2 [15] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE the Irish people of the middle ages were unexcelled by any other nation. Edmund Spenser, the celebrated English poet, said, "It is certain that Ireland hath had the use of letters very anciently, and long before England." Not only did they have the use of letters long before England, but they actually taught the Saxons the use of letters. The Saxon nobiUty and gentry resorted to Ireland for edu cation in the seventh and eighth centuries, and were received at the famous university of Armagh and main tained free of charge, supplied with books, and taught with out fee or reward. Lord Lyttleton, Sir James Ware, Edmund Spenser, and the Venerable Bede, Anglo-Saxon historian, furnish ample testimony regarding the superior learning and culture of the Irish over the inhabitants of Britain before the Norman conquest; but few EngUshmen know that one of the founders of the great University of Oxford was an Irishman, Johannes Scotus Erigena, and that Alfred, King of the Northumbrian Saxons, received his education in Ireland the latter part of the seventh century. While the Saxons, Danes, and Normans (all belonging to the race of Northmen) were pursuing their regular vocation of ravaging, murdering, and plundering the people of other nations in western Europe, the Irish were engaged in the nobler occupation of spreading Christianity and learning throughout the world. For the truth of this statement we have the testimony of not only EngUsh historians of earUer times, but historians of other countries. Mosheim, Protestant ecclesiastical his torian of Germany, said: "That the Irish were lovers of leaming and distinguished themselves in those times of ignorance beyond all other European nations, traveling through the most distant lands with a view to improve and [16] THE ANGLO-SAXON AND THE IRISH communicate their knowledge, is a fact with which I have long been acquainted, as we see them in the most authentic records of antiquity discharging with the highest reputa tion and applause the functions of doctors in France, Germany, and Italy." Moreri, a distinguished French man, in his Dictionary, published in 1795, under Ireland, said: "Ireland has given the most distinguished professors to the most famous universities of Europe, as Claudius Clements to Paris, Albuinus to Pavia in Italy, Johannes Scotus Erigena to Oxford in England. The EngUsh Saxons received from the Irish their characters or letters, and with them the arts and sciences that have flourished since among these people, as Sir James Ware proves, in his Treatise on the Irish Writers, Book I, chapter 13, where may be seen an account of the celebrated academies and pubUc schools which were maintained in Ireland in the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth ages, which were resorted to, particularly by the Anglo-Saxons, the French, and ancient Britons, who were all received there with greater hospitality than in any other country of the Christian world." Irish woolen fabrics were celebrated on the continent as early as the eighth century; the skill of Irish art metal workers was notable in the sixth century, and the Tara Brooch, belonging to the eighth century, "is a wonderful specimen of exquisite deUcacy." The artistic merit of the illuminated manuscripts of the seventh and tenth centuries is a matter of common knowledge, while a no table church, called St. Caimin, with richly carved doors, was built on an island in Lough Derg in 1007, fifty years before Edward the Confessor (a Norman by education and inclination) laid the foundation of Westminster Abbey. [17] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE The Irish conception of an enduring state or nation was seven centuries ahead of the times. "The law with them was the law of the people," and the Irish clan system was essentially a pure democracy; in fact it went so far as to include the initiative and recall, for "each tribe was supreme within its own borders; it elected its own chief and could depose him if he acted against the laws." The head king was the representative of the whole national life, but his power rested on the tradition of the people and the consent of the clans. He could impose no new law, and might demand no service outside the law.* It is therefore easy to understand why the Irish never would submit to the Norman feudal system, and why they so readily adapt themselves to the principles of democracy as exempUfied by the government of the United States. But from a race of scholars in the eleventh century the Irish had developed through necessity into a race of fighters by the thirteenth century, and whereas the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans carried on wars of op pression and plunder, the Irish have been distinguished for their warfare against oppression, not only with regard to their national and political existence, but in those practical affairs that concern the masses of the people. The reason for this change in the character of the Irish nation is clear to any one familiar with the practices em ployed by the English government in their effort to con quer and despoil the people of Ireland, and as it was these practices which drove the Irish people to America in colonial times, we shall now proceed to a consideration of the causes that engendered in Irishmen that distrust of British promises which they brought to America. * Alice Stopford Green, in "Irish Nationality." [18] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA THERE is no people on earth that has been so vihfied, deceived, and persecuted as the Irish, first, on the pretext of the advancement of civili zation; next, under the cloak of religion, and lastly, under the pretext of the common weal; and the underlying motive has always been plunder. Whether the Irish were loyal, peaceable, or righteous made little difference if they did not "stand and deliver" to the horde of EngUsh ad venturers who came to rob them. EngUsh "civiUzation" in Ireland began vrith the granting by Henry II of the County Meath 800,000 acres to Hugh de Lacy, a Norman baron, who immediately commenced to make good his claim by the sword. From that time on, for several centu ries, the English carried on a war to secure the land and for political ascendency. The Irish fought to retain what had been theirs for a thousand years before the coming of the Normans. Henry- II, who first proclaimed himself "Lord of Ire land," sent his son John in 1185 to receive the homage of the Irish chieftains. Immediately on his arrival at Water ford "the leading Irishmen of the neighborhood who had hitherto been loyal to the EngUsh and had lived peaceably, came to welcome the king's son as their lord and to give him the kiss of peace. But John's Norman retinue treated them with derision, some even rudely pulling their long [19] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE beards in ridicule of the aUen fashion. This irresponsible levity had its natural effect. The Irishmen, deeply in censed, betook themselves and their famiUes to DonneU O'Brien, and disclosed to him and to Dermot McCarthy, and even to Rory O'Connor, the treatment they had received, adding that the king's son was a mere stripling surrounded and counselled by stripUngs himself, and that from such a source there was no prospect for Irishmen of good government or even of security. Influenced by these reports these three chief kings of the south and west of Ireland, who, we are told, were prepared to wait upon John and offer him their submission as they had previously done to Henry, were induced to take a different course. Laying aside for the moment their interminable quarrels, which had hitherto given opportunity to the advance of foreigners, they formed a league together, and unani mously determined to defend with their lives their ancient Uberties. This example was followed by the other native chieftains, who all held aloof from John and his giddy court. "A proud and sensitive people never wilUngly submits to the rule of a master, however mighty, who despises them. But of course this rude plucking of the beards was only a symbol of that want of consideration for the native Irish which exhibited itself in more harmful ways. Con tinuing with the causes of the failure of the expedition, Gerald Cambrensis says: 'Contrary to our promises, we took away the lands of our own Irishmen — those who from the first coming of Fitzstephen and the Earl had faithfully stood by us — and gave them to our newcomers. These Irishmen then went over to the enemy and became spies and guides for them instead of for us, having all the more [20] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA power to injure us because of their former familiarity with our ways.' "* "The custody of the maritime towns and castles, with the adjacent lands and tributes, was given to men who, instead of using the revenue for the pubUc good and the detriment of the enemy, squandered it in excessive eating and drinking. Then, though the country was not half subdued, both the civil and military command was given into the hands of carpet knights, who were more intent on spoiling good citizens than in attacking foemen, who, reversing the politic maxim of the ancient Romans, oppressed those who had submitted while leaving the enemy unscathed. So that nothing was done, either by making incursions into the enemy's country, or by the erection of numerous castles throughout the land, or by clearing the 'bad passes' through the woods, to bring about a more settled state of things. The bands of mer cenaries were kept within the seaport towns, and, imitat ing their captains, gave themselves up to wine and women." f Many of the early arrivals were assimilated by the Irish and adopted their customs, dress, and laws; in fact, they "became more Irish than the Irish themselves"; and for three hundred years English influence was confined to the Pale, which comprised the territory within a radius of 30 miles of DubUn. This center was a hotbed of in trigue, treason, and deception. Common honesty was so rare among the English rulers, it is no wonder that, on the death of Earl Clifford, the EngUsh President of * "Ireland Under the Normans," Goddard Henry Orpen, late Scholar Trinity College, I9II, vol. ii, p. 96, etc. t Ibid., p. 106. [21] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Connaught, in 1598, "the Irish of Connaught were not pleased at CUfford's death — he had never told them a falsehood."* Naturally, the Irish people looked upon the English as a nation of robbers, bribers, and deceivers, because so many of those who failed to satisfy their ambition in England came to Ireland, a country rich in natural resources, fertile land, and of honorable traditions. Her early misery was not due so much to EngUsh laws as to the action of the parasites who hoped to feed on the misery they created. As the Protestant Archbishop, King, wrote in 1697, "The Governors of Ireland for their own interest have kept it in a state of war these five hundred years, and will if not prevented keep it so to the end of the world. A governor comes over here hungry and poor, with numerous dependents to be provided for, and how should he provide for them but by bringing as many under forfeitures as he can, as they have done all along and so they will do so stiU." The fundamental cause of the struggle between the Irish and English from the coming of the Normans to that of WilUam of Orange was for possession of the land. By various grants from the Crown to EngUsh adventurers and court favorites, and by so-called plantations, Irish gentlemen were removed from their heritages and obUged to accept the merest shreds of their own soil, to become laborers for those whom they viewed as highwaymen, or to fly into the woods and mountains, there to await the opportunity and the call of a leader to recover their property. The awful scenes of misery, the enormous blood shed, and the sacrifice of the general interests of Ireland as a nation are traceable to the unlawful, un-Christian, * " Four Masters." [22] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA and inhuman disregard of property rights, morality, and ordinary justice on the part of the EngUsh party in Ireland. This theory is confirmed by the circumstance that the Province of Ulster was comparatively free from the misery suffered by the people further south until the Plantation of Ulster, begun by James I. The land in the other prov inces had gradually been taken from the Irish owners and granted to EngUshmen. Ulster was left, but there were still more land hungry gentlemen of broken fortune, and younger sons of noble houses, in England and Scotland tb be rewarded, hence James undertook the Plantation of the fertile Province of Ulster in 1607. Large estates in the possession of ancient Irish families for centuries were granted to EngUsh and Scotch gentlemen, who for their greater security, partitioned the land out in smaller tracts to their own followers, who held upon payment of a yearly tax to the grantor. By this plan a stranger to Ireland would secure a tract of, say, 20,000 acres, on which he colonized 30 or 40 families, who worked the land and paid him a yearly rental. In many instances an Irish gentle man who had owned 10,000 or 20,000 acres by inheritance, in which his kinsmen shared, was allowed to retain a few hundred acres, subject to the payment of an annual rental to an English adventurer, as in the case of a colonizer. Naturally, even if the then owners accepted the conditions without rebelUng, their sons and grandsons would suffer the effects of this injustice; and naturally, too, it led to a division of the inhabitants living side by side in the same country. On the one hand, were those who had been reduced from a condition of gentility and plenty to poverty and peasantry, while on the other hand, were those who enjoyed comparative plenty, secure in their possessions [23] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE by the power of an aUen govemment, at the expense of the former, and who committed such acts as might incite Irishmen to further rebellion, in the hope of securing the remaining remnants of the land left to them. The Plantation of Ulster culminated in the RebelUon of 1641, which marks the last great struggle of the older Irish families for the recovery of the land and their ancient liberties. Other features developed which attracted to the cause of the Irish the descendants of EngUsh settlers in all the provinces. The Rebellion was finally crushed by Cromwell, assisted by those in Ireland who represented English interests. From the standpoint of those interests Cromwell did his work only too well. His object was extermination, and when he had finished, Ireland had been laid waste, the population had been reduced to about 850,000 (of whom about 150,000 were EngUsh and Scotch), and the helpless CathoUc Irish gentry, with their followers and tenants, had either been transplanted to the barren and bog lands, had migrated to foreign lands, or were so broken as to be no further menace to the EngUsh and Scotch planters who took their places. To finance the army which Cromwell used to crush the RebelUon bonds, each representing so many acres of land to be confiscated, were sold in England. In addition to the forfeited lands disposed of in this way, Cromwell's soldiers were aUotted sections of the land according to miUtary rank. In this way practically the whole of Ulster and portions of other provinces not already confiscated were repeopled. But the ancient Irish were by no means exterminated, as the majority of Irish laborers were allowed to stay and work under the new settlers, and in a military colony, women are scarce, hence Cromwell's soldiers [24] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA married natives. "To use their own words, they saw the daughters of Moab that they were fair."* Furthermore, recovery from defeat or misfortune is essentially an Irish characteristic, and many of those who had been trans planted gradually worked their way back, though under altered circumstances, and the laborers left sons and grand sons who became merchants and professional men of a future generation. One effect of Cromwell's conquest that concerns us particularly is that it marks the beginning of the first noticeable migration of the Irish people to the American colonies. In addition to those who voluntarily came to the New World to escape the misery in Ireland, Cromwell caused about 9000 (some say many more) women and children to be sent to the colonies and to the West Indies as slaves, while 40,000 men among the disaffected of the population are estimated to have enlisted in the armies of France and other European countries, and transmitted their Irish blood to the population of other countries that helped in the peopUng of America. Apart from the natural struggle for the land, the Irish people had other causes for detesting a government and its representatives who not only deprived them of their property, but attempted to reduce them to a condition of barbarism, moral depravity, ignorance, and slavery. The traits we commend in the Irish people — their humor, pathos, versatiUty, fideUty to principles, and devotion to traditions — are inherent and a part of their character. The ignorance of some and the lawlessness of other members of the race are the direct result of English ex ample and laws made for the governance of the Irish * "Ireland," Encyclopedia Britannica. [25] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE people. The diversity of interests between those that represented EngUsh interests on the one hand, and the Irish people on the other, accounts in great measure for the factional strife down to the period of the great mi gration to the United States at the beginning of the eigh teenth century. Added to this was reUgious persecution, which spared neither Celtic-Irish nor Anglo-Irish, Catholic, Presbyterian, nor any others who did not conform to the state reUgion; and still later legislation which affected the whole nation, or such of the people as were not large land holders and government employees. We have already cited the opinion of the Protestant Archbishop, King. At about the same time, the Catholic Bishop, Molowny, wrote to Bishop Tyrrel as follows: "Nor is there any English, Catholic or other, of what quality or degree soever alive, that will stick to sacrifice all Ireland for to save the least interest of his own in England, and would as wilUngly see all Ireland over inhabited by English of whatsoever religion as by the Irish."* It was Henry II who strengthened the power of the Pope in Ireland; it was Henry VIII who received from the Pope the title of "Defender of the Faith'' for his perse cution of Protestants before he desired to divorce his wife; and it was his daughter by his second marriage who first began the persecution of the Irish and Anglo-Irish who had not acknowledged Henry as Head of the Church. In England the religion of the people was a poUtical affair. During the period of the Reformation, the people changed their form of religion with a change of kings, and those who refused to worship according to the then existing reUgion were persecuted. Thus, in Ehzabeth's reign barbarity was * "The Revolution in Ireland," p. 87, time of James II. [26] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA not only practised on Roman Catholics, but extended to such Protestants as did not conform to the ritual of the Church of England. In 1575 two Dutch Baptists of Lon don were burned alive at the stake, and at one time Elizabeth had 300 heads of "heretics" exposed over the entrance to London Bridge and the Tower and Temple Bar. The Reformation did not affect Ireland as it did other countries, because the social conditions in that country did not offer the opportunity, because their reUgion had been a part of the national life of the people for a thousand years before the Reformation, and instead of an influence from within, an attempt was made by an alien government to coerce the clergy to acknowledge the supremacy of the English sovereign, rather than to change the material form and substance of their worship. With a change of rulers in England, Irish bishops were required to conform on pain of death. The priests and laity were ordered to conform or suffer persecution. Apart from the principles involved, the missionaries sent from England to reform the Church in Ireland were of a type unlikely to secure either the confidence or respect of the people. In the words of a Protestant historian: "To preach what he thought true when he could do it safely, to testify against toleration, and in the meantime to make a fortune, was too often the sum and substance of an AngUcan prelate's work in Ireland."* This was also the attitude of the entire English laity in Ireland. Growing out of the attempt to promote the Protestant reUgion, or rather the Church of England, in Ireland, penal laws were enacted from time to time in the reigns * " Ireland," Encyclopedia Britannica. [27] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE of EUzabeth, James I, WilUam and Mary, and Anne. These laws provided that : 1. No Catholic might teach school or any child but his own, or send children abroad to be educated. 2. Mixed marriages were forbidden between persons of property, and children might forcibly be brought up ]?rotestants. 3. A CathoUc could not act as guardian, and all wards in chancery were brought up as Prot estants. 4. The son of a Catholic landed proprietor might by "conforming" — i. e,, turning apostate — ^make his father simply a tenant and secure his own inheritance. 5. A Catholic could not take a longer lease than 31 years at two-thirds of a rack rent. 6. If a CathoUc inherited property he could be ousted by the next Protestant heir unless he "conformed" within six months. 7. No Catholic might have arms in his possession, and justices were empowered to searcli houses of Catholics for arms. 8. If a CathoUc owned a good horse, any Protestant might claim it on tendering 5 pounds. 9. No CathoUc could be admitted to the bar, nor could he hold a commission in the Army. Naturally, "these laws put a premium on hjrpocrisy, and many conformed only to preserve their property or to enable them to take office." Of the Penal Code, Edmund Burke said: "A complete system, fuU of coherence and consistency, well digested and composed in all parts — a machine of wise and elaborate contrivance, and as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment and degradation of a people, and the debasement in them of human nature [28] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA itself, as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man." The wonder is that there were any CathoUcs left in Ireland, for the Penal Laws were effective wholly or partially for a period of three hundred years. It was not until 1795 that CathoUcs were admitted to Trinity CoUege, the only university permitted in Ireland, and not until 1829 were they permitted to vote for CathoUcs; yet such is the Irish devotion to principle and their love of liberty that at the beginning of the eighteenth century, two- thirds of the Irish people were Catholics! Dean Swift, while pastor of Laracor, was visited by a friend from England who, surprised at the forlorn aspect of the landscape around the rectory, asked the cele brated divine, "Where are your old Irish nobility?" Swift repUed: "You will have to search for them amongst the hovels of the poor." This was not satire: it was Uteral fact. Many of the Catholic Irish nobility were reduced to absolute destitution, as Burke's "Vicissi tudes of Irish FamiUes" amply proves. There was one remarkable illustration of the completeness of the trans formation well known in Cork City for many years in the beginning of the nineteenth century. The representative of the oldest baronetcy in Ireland, Sir Theophilus Moore, and his lady, Uved in Cork Bridewell — the baronet jingUng the keys every day as Bridewell keeper; and the lady running around in the morning among the hucksters, buying bread, milk, and vegetables from the hucksters who rented stalls on the Coal Quay, the spot whereon the ancient Bridewell stood. Religion was used in Ireland as a cloak for the ad vancement of worldly and political power. As all the land was held by the immigrants from England and Scotland, [29] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Protestants naturally became the ruUng class. Their position was made more secure by vilifying the ancient Irish whose lands they had taken, and it became the fashion to keep the "mere Irish" down. While the Catholics still had some strength, the Penal Laws were enforced to reduce them to pauperism. After CromweU's conquest the Presbyterians rose into power, and "as soon as they felt their strength, asked to have the army under Presbyterian influence." They refused to take apprentices that would not covenant to go to their meetings, and when a majority in municipal corporations, they excluded aU not of their persuasion. On the return of Charles II, they lost some of their power, and 61 niinisters in Ulster were ejected from their churches and Anglican curates appointed in their places. With the conquest of WilUam of Orange they again regained strength, but "under Queen Anne (1702-1714) the Presbyterians again lost almost every advantage that had been gained and became by the Test Act of 1705 virtually outlaws. Their marriages were declared invaUd and their chapels were closed. They could not maintain schools nor hold office above that of petty constable." Their right to worship was not legally recog nized till 1719, but from 1704 to ' 1778, they were in capacitated for all public office.* "Persecution peopled America," and in the case of the Puritans, Pilgrims, and Quakers this meant religious persecution by a Protestant government. But the Irish people fled from Ireland, not only because of reUgious persecution, but because they suffered from every form of oppression that selfish interests could devise. In Ireland the government was opposed to everything Irish. Cath- * Bolton, "Scotch-Irish Pioneers." [30] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA olics and Presbyterians aUke were excluded from aU office, and these were filled by EngUsh members of the Estab lished Church, "who bartered Irish freedom for the place and power of their own famiUes and dependents." The causes that led to the American Revolution were in significant compared with those of which the Irish com plained. The Navigation Acts of 1666 excluded Ireland from all her natural advantages and cut her off from direct trade with the colonies. When tobacco growing, introduced into Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh, had become profitable, it was forbidden. When the exportation of cattle into England was placed under prohibitory duties, the Irish turned to sheep-raising, and the manufacture of woolen goods, an ancient Irish industry, began to flourish. The EngUsh Parliament, at the demand of selfish EngUsh interests, then crushed the Irish woolen industry (1698) by heavy export duties, and suggested the substitution of linen manufacture. When this had become profitable, laws were enacted in 1708 to discourage it, hence we find thousands of men employed in the linen trade emigrating to New England, where they introduced the spinning- wheel and the manufacture of linen in 1718. Cotton, glass, brewing, sugar-refining, and other industries were systematically strangled when they interfered with the trade of Britain. "Kidnapping, enforced service in the American colonies, and traffic in political prisoners were indulged in by the government. Ireland as a dwelUng- place for Catholics or Protestants, for Celts or Saxons, for native and Scotch settlers, was a country of ever- renewed distress."* * Edward Potts Cheyney, "European Background of American History," 1909. 3 [31] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE While England was at war with the colonies, Irish men at home were quietly working to secure a measure of independence for themselves. "England's Extremity is Ireland's Opportunity," and when England found it neces sary to withdraw several thousand soldiers from Ireland for use in America, the Irish Volunteers were organized, ostensibly for the "defense of Ireland against foreign in vasion." On February 15, 1782, representatives of 143 corps of volunteers of the Province of Ulster met at Dungannon and adopted 21 resolutions, among which were the following: Resolved, That a citizen, by learning the use of arms, does not abandon any of his civil rights. That a claim of any body of men, other than the King, Lords, and Commons of Ireland, to make laws to bind this kingdom, is unconstitutional, illegal, and a grievance. That the ports of this country are, by right, open to all foreign countries, not at war with the Kjng; and that any burthen thereupon, or obstruction thereto, save only by the parUa ment of Ireland, is unconstitutional, illegal, and a grievance. That the independence of judges is equally essen tial to the impartial administration of justice in Ireland, as in England; and that the refusal or delay of this right to Ireland makes a dis tinction where there should be no distinction, may excite jealousy where perfect union should prevail; and is, in itself, unconstitu tional and a grievance. That we hold the right of private judgment in matters of reUgion to be equally sacred in others as in ourselves. That as men, and as [32] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA Irishmen, as Christians and as Protestants, we rejoice in the relaxation of the penal laws against our Roman Catholic fellow-subjects; and that we conceive the measure to be fraught with the happiest consequences to the union and prosperity of the inhabitants of Ireland. Among the signers of the foregoing resolutions, who were appointed a committee to represent the corps, were the following: Mervyn Archdall John Harvey William Irvine Robert Campbell Robert McClintock Joseph Pollock John Ferguson Waddell Cunningham John Montgomery Francis Evans Charles Leslie John Cope Francis Lucas James Dawson Thomas Morris Jones James Atcheson James Hamilton Daniel Eccles Andrew Thompson Thomas Dixon Alexander Stewart David Bell James Patterson John Coulston Francis Dobbs Robert Black Charles Duffin William Crawford These resolutions have somewhat the ring of the Dec laration of Independence. They were passed by men of the Province of Ulster (whose descendants in America now call themselves "Scotch-Irish"), and it wiU be noticed that the names are not at all unlike names prevalent in Colomal America and would not distinguish the bearers thereof as Irish; yet these men were as much Irish as the present members of the Sons of the Revolution are Americans. The Volunteers of Ireland soon numbered nearly 100,- 000 men in all the provinces, more than half being in the [33] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE southern provinces. As a result of their strength and activity, Ireland secured her legislative independence in January, 1783, and from that time to 1798 there was not a nation on the habitable globe which had "advanced in cultivation and commerce, in agriculture and manufac tures with the same rapidity, in the same period" as Ire land.'* Had this prosperity come fifty years eariier, it would have checked the tide of emigration to America and per haps have changed the whole history of the latter country. The Volunteers had in mind the estabUshment of a demo cratic parliament, and they probably would have obtained absolute independence had not the American Revolution terminated when it did. With the increase of prosperity and the growing strength of the people the English gov ernment, after its recovery from the American war, set about finally to take away even that measure of inde pendence which England in her extremity had been com pelled to grant to Ireland. Writing in 1798, Sir Ralph Abercromby, who had been appointed commander of the forces in Ireland the year previous, declared that "Within these twelve months every crime, every cruelty that could be committed by Cossacks or Calmucks has been trans acted here;" that "houses had been burned, men murdered, others half hanged.'' Abercromby, himself a humane man, could not countenance these tortures, and in 1798 he was recalled. A month later the Rebellion of the United Irishmen, whose leaders were, with few exceptions, Protestants, broke out. When this Rebellion was crushed the Irish Parliament was packed with placemen, and in 1800 the Act of Union did away with the ParUament and * Lord Clare, in a pamphlet published by him in 1798. [34] WHY THE IRISH CAME TO AMERICA Ireland lost her national identity. Lord CornwaUis, who as lord Ueutenant, supervised the details, wrote: "Nothing but the conviction that an Union is absolutely necessary for the safety of the British empire could make me endure the shocking task which is imposed on me.- — I despise and hate myself every hour for engaging in such dirty work.^ — How I long to kick those whom my pubUc duty obUges me to court!" The methods employed to bring about the Union and to crush opposition are strikingly illustrated by the following facts: One hundred and sixty-two members out of a total of 303 in Parliament voted for the Union. Of these, 116 were placemen, some of them English staff generals with out one foot of land in Ireland. The expenditure for the miUtary force maintained in Ireland from 1797 to 1801 amounted to over $80,000,000, over $20,000,000 of which was spent for the year 1800. The foUowing received the amounts set opposite their names for their patronage in supplying placemen for the Parliament: Lord Shannon $225,000 The Marquis of Ely 225,000 Lord Clanmorris 115,000 besides a peerage Lord Belvidere 75,000 Sir Hercules Langrishe . . . 75,000 Seven million five hundred thousand dollars were distri buted among the members of Parliament, as "compensa tion for their losses incident to the Union," and many were raised to the peerage, elevated to the bench, or pensioned. Reynolds, who kept the government informed of the proceedings of the United Irishmen, an organization of patriots, leaders of the Rebellion of 1798, received a pen sion of $4600 a year for thirty-seven years, $27,000 in gratuities, and a foreign consulship. [35] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE The above is intended merely to illustrate the lavish expenditure of money by the British Government, a prac tice carried on for several hundred years to destroy Irish independence. The people's money was used for the pur pose, and the following note on Ireland in 1716, found among the papers of Archbishop King, shows how this money was obtained and the suffering it caused the Irish people. "Upon the whole I do not see how Ireland can on the present foot pay greater taxes than it does without starving the inhabitants and leaving them entirely without meat or clothes. They have already given their bread, their flesh, their butter, their shoes, their stockings, their beds, their furniture and houses to pay their landlords and taxes. / cannot see how an^y more can be got from them, except we take awajj their potatoes and buttermilk, or slaij them and sell their skins,"* * Second Report, G. B. Royal Commission on Historical MS., London, 1874, pp. 256, 257. [36] THE IRISH RACE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NO other race possessed more vitality and assimi lative powers than the ancient Irish people; and the settlers from England and Scotland (except possibly those among the official class) became in a very short space of time unmistakably Irish. Most of the Normans and EngUsh that came to Ireland in the thir teenth and fourteenth centuries soon adopted Irish customs and dress. The poet Spenser "was one of the band of ad venturers, who, with mixed motives of love of excitement, patriotism, piety, and hopes of forfeited estates" went to Ireland in the sixteenth century to aid in the suppression of a rebelUon led by the Earl of Desmond, and he advocated the destruction of the race by a process of systematic starva tion, yet his own grandson was expelled from house and prop erty by Cromwell as an "Irish Papist." James the First's Scotch and English settlement of Ulster took place in 1603, Cromwell's confiscation and plantation of nearly the whole of rural Ireland occurred in 1652, and WilUam the Third's confiscation of more than a milUon acres was made in 1691. Scotch and EngUsh farmers, soldiers, tradesmen and a few gentry immigrated into Ireland and settled on the con fiscated land, yet forty years after the Puritans settled in Ireland it was reported that many of the children of Cromwell's soldiers could not speak a word of EngUsh, and [37] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE in 1690 hundreds of the descendants of Puritan settlers were fighting for the CathoUc King James II. Seven years after the battle of the Boyne, when William defeated King James, many of William's soldiers had become Catholics.'* Wolfe Tone, leader of the Rebellion of 1798, was the grandson of an EngUshman and an Episcopalian; Thomas Addis Emmett, great-great-grandson of one of Cromwell's soldiers, was banished from Ireland for his participation in the same Rebellion and emigrated to America. His brother, Robert, was hanged in 1803 as leader of the Re belUon of 1803. Francis McKinley, greaf^grand-uncle of the American President, was hanged as an Irish rebel in 1798. These are not isolated cases, but are typical of thousands of instances where men of EngUsh and Scotch name were just as Irish in sentiment and action as the O'Briens, McLaughlins, Murphys, and O'Callaghans. It will be observed in the Dungannon Resolutions of the Ulster Volunteers that the members refer to themselves as Irishmen, not as Scots or Scotch-Irish, yet of the 28 names of members given, only one is distinctively an Irish name. The term "Scotch-Irish" is purely an American invention, used by an unthinking class of descendants of Irish immigrants who imagine it is more respectable to be Scotch-Irish than pure Irish. As a matter of fact, it would be hard to find an Irish family that has not some Norman, English, or Scotch blood, and if those who pride themselves on being the direct descendants of Scotch and EngUsh settlers were familiar with Irish history, it might occur to them that the majority of English and Scotch in Ireland were settlers who usurped the property of the * "The Legacy of Past Years," Lord Dunraven. [38] THE IRISH RACE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY rightful owners and were, consciously or unconsciously, the cause of the poverty and misery suffered by thousands of ancient Irish families. Among the middle-class residents of Belfast and Lon donderry and their immediate environs, the Scotch settlers retained their Scotch sentiments and characteristics for a generation or two, but the emigration to America from these two cities was insignificant compared to that from other parts of Ireland. Indeed, the few hundred settlers of Londonderry, New Hampshire, were perhaps the only body of distinctively Londonderry Irish emigrants in colonial times. The other Ulster immigrants came from the hills of Donegal, from Down, Antrim, Tyrone, Mon- aghan, and Armagh, where they had associated and inter married with the Irish for several generations and they possessed the good nature, optimism, and generosity of the Irish race. A period of over one hundred years had elapsed from the Plantation of Ulster with Scotch and English adventurers until the beginning of the great Irish emigration to the American colonies, and surely a family that had lived in Ireland for that length of time might be considered as Irish. It is true, of course, that the people of Ulster were, as a whole, more prosperous than those from some other parts of Ireland, but this was due to the fact that Ulster had since the Plantation enjoyed an equi table tenure of land, which was not extended to other parts of Ireland until late in the nineteenth century, and indus tries were established in Ulster as in no other parts of Ireland. The prosperity of Ulster could not have been due to English blood, as there was more Anglo-Saxon and Norman blood in the Province of Munster in the seven teenth century than there was in Ulster. The people [39] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE of Ulster had greater advantages and were freer from English influence than the people in the South, the south em provinces, with the ports of Dublin, Waterford, Cork, and Limerick, being more accessible and more attractive to English settlers. But by the eighteenth century the descendants of Scotch and English settlers had in most instances become Irish in fact as well as by birth, and in this work we include as Irish all who came from Ireland. Of late years the "Scotch-Irish" have been receiving due credit for their contribution to the settlement and prosperity of America, but in another chapter we shall show that these so-called "Scotch-Irish" had good old-fashioned Irish names— when they arrived in America, at any rate. 140] THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION "Even the Protestant exiles from Ulster went to America as 'Sons of St. Patrick.' To shun persecution and designed ruin bl/ the English government, Protestants and Catholics had gone, and their mone'y, their arms, the furij of their -wrath, were spent in organizing the American war. Irishmen were at every meeting, every council, every hattie. Their indignation was a white flame of revolt that consumed every fear and vacilla tion around it. That long, deep, bitter experience bore down the temporizers, and sent out men trained in suffering to triumph over adversity." — Alice Stopfokd Green, in " Irish Nationality," pp. 179, 180. w E have seen that three causes operated to drive the Irish people to the American colonies, namely: First: Wars of extermination, carried on by the English to secure the land of the ancient proprietors. Second: Religious persecution, having for its real object the advancement of the political power of the Anglican party. Third: Economic and industrial oppression, which affected families of all religious persuasions, and particu larly the inhabitants of the Province of Ulster, who, under hitherto favorable conditions, had built up thriving in dustries. It is evident that the first to leave Ireland were the older Irish people — the men who had fought the incoming ad venturers in the effort to retain their property. These [41] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE were foUowed by others who fled to escape the Penal Laws and other forms of oppression to which the Irish and Anglo-Irish CathoUcs were subject; the Presbyterians, who were persecuted by the Anglican Church party; and, lastly, all classes of Irish men and women who wanted to work, but were prevented from enjoying the fruits of their labor by unjust legislation enacted upon the demand of selfish British business interests to depress Irish industries. The destruction of the wool trade is estimated to have ruined over forty thousand families in all parts of Ireland, while the destruction of the Unen trade, together with other forms of oppression, reduced the population of Ulster alone by half a milUon people before the beginning of the American Revolution. The actual loss in the population of Ireland from 1672 to 1695, according to the statistics of Sir WilUam Petty, was over 700,000, while the loss from 1712 to 1785 is estimated to have been over 1,000,000. The exiles went into every country in Europe In the service of France alone over 400,000 Irish soldiers are estimated to have died from 1691 to 1745. There was not a country among the powers, and not an occupation, in which Irishmen were not to be found as generals, admirals, statesmen, scholars, physicians, engineers, business-men, and labor ers. As for the American colonies, Irish men, women, and children began coming before 1650, while in the eigh teenth century they came in thousands, from North and South, East and West, CathoUcs, Protestants, gentry, nobility, and peasantry, bearing English names, Irish names, Scotch names, or any convenient name that would free them from English malice. There can be no question regarding the attitude of these exiles from Ireland. They [42] THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION had suffered untold misery; they had been persecuted to the verge of despair; and they came with a burning sense of the selfishness and deceit which characterized English rule in Ireland. The proof of their coming, — that they came in alarming numbers, — and that they did not alto gether escape English persecution, is found in contempo rary records. Nor did they come only to a few of the colonies, but to aU, and that they influenced the political, economic, and reUgious life of the colonies is certain. In "Races and Immigrants in America," John R. Com mons, speaking of the Irish immigration, says, "This was by far the largest contribution of any race to the population of America during the eighteenth century." Writing in 1789, Ramsey, the historian of North Carolina, said: "The Colonies which now form the United States may be considered as Europe transplanted. Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, and Italy furnished the original stock of the pres ent population, and are generally supposed to have con tributed to it in the order named. For the last seventy or eighty years no nation had contributed so much to the popu lation of America as Ireland." On the other hand. Sena tor Lodge, in his "Story of the Revolution," says that "the people of Massachusetts were of almost pure EngUsh blood, with a small infusion of Huguenots and a sUght mingling, chiefly in New Hampshire, of Scotch-Irish from Londonderry." The latter statement shows either gross ignorance or is a deliberate fabrication. While it is true the colonists that arrived in New England, from the landing of the Mayflower passengers in 1620 to the rise of CromweU in 1648, were almost wholly yeomanry from England, the latter circumstance reduced the necessity [43] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE for Puritan emigration to the same extent that it increased the necessity for Irish emigration; and while numbers of the Puritans returned to England to receive the benefits of the rise of their party into power. Irishmen left Ireland to escape Puritan persecution. In any case, a large num ber of Irish gentlemen came to New England (by way of England in some cases) among the 20,000 persons that are estimated to have arrived during the period of the great Puritan exodus; but the first noticeable influx of Irish people into New England began in 1652, when by Cromwell's orders, 400 Irish children were sent to the colonies to be sold as slaves.^' From that time on the ship ment of Irish men, women, and children to New England was common practice. Many of them were political prisoners, whose chief crime had been the ownership of property; hundreds were kidnapped with the connivance of government officials; and many came of their own volition. That they came in suflicient numbers as to cause alarm is evident from a manuscript report of a committee appointed by the Colony of Massachusetts to consider certain proposals for the pubUc benefit, dated October 29, 1654, of which the following, with spelling revised, is a copy: "This Court, considering the cruel and maUgnant spirit that has from time to time been manifest in the Irish nation against the English nation, does hereby declare the prohibition of any Irish men, women or children being brought into this jurisdiction on the penalty of fifty pound sterling to each inhabitant that shall buy of any merchant, shipmaster, or other agent, any such person or persons so transported, which fine shall be by the county's mar- shall, on conviction of some magistrate or court, levied, and be to the use of the informer one-third and two-thirds [44] THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION to the county. This act to be in force six months after pubhcation of this order. (Signed) Dan Gooken. Thomas Savage. Roger Clap. Richard Russell. Francis Norton." It would appear that similar laws existed earlier, as in 1650 applications were made by several individuals for the remission of fines imposed for the offense.* The enact ment of this law is sufficient proof that the number of arrivals from Ireland must have been large, as a few hundred women and children would not have given rise to grave fears. It is more than probable that many proud New England famihes of today, bearing "EngUsh" names; are descended from some of these poor Irish serv ants, many of whom were of better blood than the most arrogant Puritans, but their old Irish names were in most instances replaced by EngUsh ones, and not having the opportunity to practise any other reUgion, became Puri tans themselves. But servants, political prisoners, and kidnapped children were not the only classes of Irish people that came to New England early in her history. We find, for example, that Captain Daniel Patrick (other wise Gilpatrick) and Robert Feake, bearers of Irish names, were the first white settlers in what is now Greenwich, Conn., 1639; John Burrage Martin, born in England, son of a County Galway gentleman, came to Massachusetts in 1637; Captain Robert Keayne or Kane (name of Irish origin) came from London to Boston in 1635, and founded the Ancient and Honorable ArtiUery Co., of Boston; * Notes and Queries Magazine, vol. v, seventh series, p. 226. [45] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Richard Wilkins, a householder in Boston, 1689, was formerly a bookseller in Limerick, Ireland, and the an cestor of John Hancock, who came from the County Down. We learn further, from the chapter on King Philip's War, 1675, in the " Pilgrim RepubUc " by Goodwin, and this war was far more grievous to New England than the Revolu tion, — that during this war England was an indifferent spectator, and that the "only aid which ever came to the colonies from any source" was a subscription for £1000 raised in Dublin, Ireland. It is clear that Irish or Celtic blood early mingled in the New England population, which, in 1700, was estimated to have been 105,000, some part of which, in addition to the Irish, was made up of Normans from the Channel Islands, Welsh, and Scotch. Granting, however, that the popula tion was "almost wholly English" in 1700, it certainly was not in 1775. With the beginning of the eighteenth century the Irish began coming to New England in vast numbers. It would be impossible to estimate the number of persons that came from Ireland, or the number of ships from that country which landed colonists at New England ports, as the arrivals during the eighteenth century were not so much an event as the landing of the Pilgrims, how ever much they may have influenced future events of importance to the colonies. But from the Boston News Letter we learn that 53 ships from Ireland landed colonists at Boston in the years from 1714 to 1720. In the Records of the Boston Selectmen, Report of the Record Commis sioners, 1736 to 1742, we find the following items: Cap tain George Bond gave a bond for £1000 for 37 persons imported from Ireland; Capt. Gibbs and Mr. Ramsey, bond of £1000 and Mr. Waldo £200 for persons imported [46 1 THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION from Ireland; Hugh Ramsey, John Weirs and WilUam Moore £1000 for 381 passengers from Ireland September 15, 1737; Capt. Montgomery and Nathaniel Bethune, £500 for 80 passengers from Ireland; Capt. Jackson and Samuel Dowse, bond of £250 for 46 passengers from Ire land; Sloop Sea Flower with 65 passengers from Ireland. The records are fuU of such notices. Of 14 ships reported in the Boston News Letter that arrived in 1718, three were known to have cofiie from Dubhn and one from Water ford; while in 1720 one was from Cork and three from DubUn. Thus the immigrants came from the south as well as from the north of Ireland. They introduced the potato into New England, and — mark this — they intro duced the spinning wheel, considered by all Americans as a peculiarly New England institution, and the manufacture of Unen. For this we have the testimony of Drake, in his "History of Boston," as follows: "About two years previous to this (1718) there arrived in the country a large colony of persons from in and about Londonderry in Ireland, denominated Scotch-Irish, be cause they emigrated originally from Scotland to Ireland. The most of thas colony settled in New Hampshire, but a considerable number of them fixed their residence in Boston. These emigrants were chiefly manufacturers of linen, and they brought their utensils for that purpose with them. The foot or linen wheel, since so famiUar in the households of New England, was introduced by this colony and the raising of flax and the manufacture of linen cloth was looked ppon as of great importance to the country. The people of Boston took hold of the matter with great earnestness. The subject was put into the warrant for a town meeting September 28, 1720." Note. — The Irish also introduced the potato at this time. 4 [47] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE The author of the above erroneously refers to the colonists as "Scotch-Irish.'' With few exceptions, the families of these colonists had lived in Ireland for at least three generations, and a large number bore Irish names. In any case they left Ireland because of the persecution and unjust laws under which they lived while there. That they were Celtic and not Anglo-Saxon is evident from the following names which appear on a petition ad dressed to Governor Shute in 1718 by some of the colo nists from Londonderry who desired to locate in New Hampshire: Neal MoNeaU James Kenedy James Moore John McKeen Alex. McGregore Robert MoKeen Alex. McNeaU Andrew Patrick John Morrison James McFee James Cochran Rich. McLaughlen James Morrison Andrew McFadden John Cochran James McKerrell WiUiam Cochran Andrew Fleming Daniel McKerrell Patrick Orr Fergos Kenedy Daniel Orr James Gilmore Alex. McBride Arch. McCook WiUiam Orr Edward McKene Samuel McGivern Samuel McMun George McAlester Thomas McLaughlen Robert Neilson Lawrence McLaughlen Henry NeiUe WUliam Boyle WUl McAlben Benjamin Boyle John McCan The settlement of New Hampshire by colonists from the North of Ireland has received sufficient mention in American history to be well known; but the Irish of Lon donderry, N. H., constituted only an insignificant propor tion of the Irish colonists who came to other parts of New England and to the other colonies. Irish people from all [48] THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION parts of Ireland settled in the city of Boston and in other parts of New England, from the coast of Maine to Lake Champlain. In 1718 the town of Worcester, Mass., consisted of 58 dwellings and 200 inhabitants. The Rev. Edward Fitzgerald, a Presbyterian minister, with 50 famiUes from Ireland, settled in Worcester and doubled the population. The town of Concord was founded by emigrants from Ireland, as were several other towns in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. One of the original settlers of Worcester was James McClel land, ancestor of General Samuel McClelland, General Geo. B. McClelland, and of the former Mayor of New York City. Among the settlers of Pelham, Mass., were the follow ing colonists from Ireland: James Clark Duncan McFarland John Clark John Mclntyre Robert Ferrell Robert McLem Robert Forbush Daniel McMains Patrick Gregory James McPherson John Hamilton John Moore John Lecore John Murray Wm. McCarter Robert Patrick Thomas McClanathan Edward Savage John McClanathan William Sloan All the above names are as prevalent in Ireland as in Scotland. The Savages were in Ireland as early as the fourteenth century, and the Edward Savage above men tioned was the grandfather of the celebrated portrait painter who lived in Philadelphia and painted a portrait of Washington. Among the colonial settlers in the region now called Vermont were famiUes with the following distinctively Irish names: Burke, Barrett, Kennedy, McCoy, Hogan, [49] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Dunn, Larkin, McConneU, Moore, Garvey, Goff, Carey, McCarra, Duane. The Duanes owned 63,000 acres of land, and the first member of the family in America was Anthony Duane, who was born in the County Galway, Ireland. Other settlers in Vermont from Ireland were Archibald Stark, father of General John Stark; Matthew Lyon, from the County Wicklow, who by his ¦ eloquence swung the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont into Une early in the Revolution; Captain Magennis, who com manded the New Hampshire Militia and is given credit for turning the fortunes of the day in the attack on Long Point, Lake George, March, 1757, French and Indian War; and many other Irishmen whose sons and grandsons became famous in American History. The city of Boston contained a large Irish population in colonial days and they were by no means aU "Scotch- Irish from Londonderry." The Records of the Boston Selectmen already referred to contain the names of per sons to whom licenses as "City Porters" were issued in the year 1738. There are 16 names in the list and 12 of these are as follows : John Whaland, Robert McMilUon, Patrick Goffe, Paul Bryan, Thomas O'Brien, Patrick Bourke, John Keefe, Jeremiah Maccarty, Timothy Harney, Ed ward Kelly, Thomas Pheland, James ColUns. The same records contain many items of the foUowing character : "John McGuire appeared and stated he had in his house, Daniel Grifiith, Mariner, John Welch, Mariner, James Murfey, Mariner and Joyner, CorneUus FUng, Victualer." "Sarah McLucas, given charity.'' "John Maccanis (McGinis) wife and four children arrived from Ireland June 9, 1719." [60] THE IRISH COLONIAL IMMIGRATION "John Mackmaster, wife and four children, who arrived from Ireland June 1722. "Dennis SulUvant and wife, lately came from South CaroUna, is going to return to Ireland or England in about five weeks." In 1733 an Irish Church was shown upon the map of the city; in 1737, on St. Patrick's Day, the Charitable Irish Society of Boston was organized; the Boston Tea Party met at an inn kept by a man named John Duggan, and the tea was thrown into the harbor off Griffin's Wharf; and Patrick Carr was one of the men killed by the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre. The Irish Presbyterians formed extensive settlements, as a body, in New Hampshire and in the settled portions of Massachusetts. The Irish Catholics, however, sought refuge as individuals in the remoter regions of the province. The territory of Maine, for example, while a part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was to a large extent free from the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts government — so much so that Governor Winthrop complained: "They ran a different course from us, both in their ministry and in their civil administration, for they had lately made Acomentious (a poor village) a corporation and had made a tailor their mayor, and had entertained one Hull, an excommunicated person, and very contentious, for their minister."* Thus, in the character of the people of Maine, we see the beginning of American democracy. They had little of the intolerant, overbearing spirit of the Puritan, and they had the audacity to elect as mayor a man who worked for his living. The Irish settled extensively in Maine. The town of Berwick, one of the earUest settle- * Bolton, "Scotch-Irish Pioneers." [51] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE ments, was probably named in honor of the Duke of Ber Avick, one of the commanders of the Irish forces in the Revolution of 1691. Among the Irish who lived in the town was Owen Sullivan, bom in Limerick, Ireland, during the siege of 1691, who was the father of John SulUvan, member of the Continental Congress in 1774 and a Briga dier General of the Continental Army in 1775 at the age of thirty-three; of James SulUvan, Member of the Provin cial Congress of Massachusetts 1775, judge of the Superior Court 1776, Attorney General, Governor of Massachu setts, and founder of the town of Limerick, Maine, whose son, John Langdon SuUivan, born 1777, invented a steam tow-boat for which he received a patent in 1814, in prefer ence to Robert Fulton, who appUed for one at the same time."" Another Irish settler in Maine was Maurice O'Brien, born in Cork, whose five sons, on hearing of the battle of Lexington, with a few volunteers captured a British armed schooner in Machias Bay, May 11, 1775 — the first naval victory and the first blow struck on water in the war for independence. The leader of this expedition was Jere miah O'Brien, who was born in Scarboro', 1740, and was afterwards a captain in the Massachusetts Navy. An other member of the family, Richard O'Brien, born 1758, commanded a privateer in the Revolution, and was an officer on the brig Jefferson in 1781, when he was captured by the Dey of Algiers and enslaved for many years.f "¦ Appleton's American Biography. t Harper's Cyclopedia of American History. [52] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA THE extent of the Irish colonial population in America is perhaps best illustrated in the history of their set tlement and activity in the province of Pennsylva nia. Penn received his grant of the province and his pro prietary charter from King James II. His father owned an estate in Cork, Ireland, where the eminent Quaker spent much of his time as manager of the estate before coming to America. He manned a vessel that brought him to Amer ica mostly with men that he secured in the city of Cork. His secretary, James Logan, was born in Lisburn, County Antrim, and Thomas Holme, his Surveyor-General, who laid out the city of Philadelphia, was born in Waterford. According to a recent authority, "the actual treaty for the lands of the present Philadelphia and adjacent county, out to the Susquehaima, was made in the year 1685 by Thomas Holme, as president of the Council in the absence of William Perm who had gone to England."* WilUam Welsh, who was one of Penn's councillors, negotiated a treaty with the Indians of northwestern New York in 1683, and he represented the Governor of Pennsylvania in negotiations with Governor Dongan, of New York, in 1684, relative to Penn's quarrel with Lord Baltimore. The Irish Quakers who came to Pennsylvania formed so large a proportion of the colonists that the "Irish Quaker '* Appleton's "American Biographies." [53] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Immigration to Pennsylvania" is the subject of a volume of more than 500 pages. In 1700 Pennsylvania and Delaware together had a population of about 20,000. While the inhabitants of Pennsylvania were chiefly Quakers at that time, a large number of Irish Catholics and Protestants must have settled in the Province in the seventeenth century, for Penn offered freedom of worship to all settlers, and be cause of his well-known toleration for CathoUcs he was himself sometimes accused of being a "Papist.'' In 1729 .an Irish lady of some means, with a number of her tenantry from Ireland, settled near what is now Nicetown, Phila delphia, and estabUshed a Roman Catholic chapel on her estate.* About the same time the Irish were coming to Philadelphia in such large numbers as to alarm the Quaker and EngUsh inhabitants, for in a statement to the Council in 1729 the Deputy Governor of the Province said: "It looks as if Ireland is to send all its inhabitants hither, for last week not less than six ships arrived, and every day two or three arrive also. The common fear is that if they thus continue to come, they will make them selves masters of the province."t That the EngUsh inhabitants of the city had cause for alarm at their rapidly diminishing majority is indicated in the following table of the immigrants arriving in Pennsyl vania during the year ending December, 1729: EngUsh and Welsh, 267; Scotch, 43; German Palatines, 243; Irish, 5655. t In 1728 there arrived at New Castle, Delaware, 4500 persons, most of whom came from Ire- * Watson's "Annals of Philadelphia.'' f Ihid. X Gordon's "History of Pennsylvania." [54 1 THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA land.* By 1772, the Irish immigration had reached such proportions that 3500 persons from Ireland arrived in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in August of that year.f Before the Revolution the prophecy of the Deputy Governor had been fulfilled, and the Irish and their de scendants had indeed become proprietors of the province. In a measure this was fortunate for the colonies, as the principles of the Quakers prohibited their taking an active part in the war, and the Tory sentiment among the Eng Ush residents of the province was notorious. For confirmation of the claim that the Irish population of the province was large we need only examine the colo nial marriage records, Usts of soldiers in the colonial miUtia companies, and Usts of taxables, for Irish names. In Philadelphia the marriage records of all Protestant churches contain old-fashioned Irish names in abundance. Most of the bearers of these names were undoubtedly of CathoUc birth, but in many cases their marriage in Protes tant churches was due, despite the liberal attitude of Penn himself in founding of his colony, to restrictive laws against the performance of the marriage ceremony by CathoUc clergymen. The Pennsylvania Archives, second series, vol. ix, contain the marriage records of PhUadelphia churches covering certain periods before the Revolution. On the Ust of the First Presbyterian Church, 1702 to 1745, occur the fbUowing distinctively Irish names: Mary Brian and John Smith Mary Bryan and WiUiam Love Henry Bryan and Dinah PhiUps Margaret Bryan and WUUam Porter * Watson's "Annals," p. 266. t Spencer's "History of the United States." [56] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Patrick Caffry and Esther Rice Richard Cahill aud Eliz. Burrege John Callahan and EUz. Sweet John Callahan and Winifred Caseburn Edward Callahan and Mary Rice Roger Cane and EUz. Welsh Rose Cane and Adam Little Jannet Cannon and Geo. Calahone Joseph Cannon and Rachel Gethram Margaret Carey and John McMickeu Jane Carnaghan and Josias Brown AJDraham Carel and Kath. Van Pelt Richard Carrel and Grace WiUiams Anne CarroU and Geo. Hawkins Daniel Carty and Margaret Lavender Miles Carty and Joan Dickey Darby Carty and Hannah Richardson Thomas Carty and Anne Haimer Jane Cary and George Brown John Cleary and Jane CoUins Katherine Coghran and Francis Willson Charles CoUe and Anne Price Mary Magdalena Colerain and Christian Taylor Jacob Coney and Barbara Van Chnkenbaugh Mary Coney and Joseph Walton Darby ConneUy and Jane Price John Conner and Mary Rambo WilUam Conner and Mary QuiU Michael Connolly and Anne Chngman John Connor and Mary Foreman John Conway and Susanna Bound WilUam Conway and Mary McAnally Daniel Daily and Mary HiU Eleanor Daily and Aidrew McBroom Joanna Daily and John Murphy Katherine Daily and Duncan CampbeU Mary Daily and Robert Fleming Thomas Daily and Mary Harden Daniel Donavin and Anne Wood Peter Donavin and EUz. Wright John Donelan and EUz. Parker John Dorkarty and Susanna Seinchy Jane Drogheda and Thomas Jones Katherine Drogheda and Richards Warkins Kath. Eagin and Patrick Daveny James Farrel and Jane Heath John Farel and Honour Farel WiUiam FarreU and Mary Barroe [56] THE IRISH IN PENNSYI^VANIA Mary Flanekin and Edward Swinney Samuel Foley and Mary SinMer James Kerrel and Dinah VanKirk James Laughlin and Jane Jones Rebecca Mackinaire and Peter Jackson John Mackneal and Martha Floyd Mary Magenny and James KeUey Margaret Mahaffy and WilUam Walker Honour Malenny and Michael Fleming Edward Malone and Agnes Kider Jane McCane and Hugh Gunning Mary McCannin and Samuel Low Margaret McCarty and Thomas Holmes Jane McClenaghan and Job Guthrey Agness McClenan and John Griffith Isabel McCloghlin and Abram Russel Martha McConneU and James Little Patrick McCormick and Blanch Hughes Mary McGeorge and George Lewis Margaret McGown and Joseph Frazier Susanna McKelan and James Steward Elizabeth McKane and Joseph Kerr SaraU McKenny and Walter Bryson Jane McMurran and John Forsyth Michael McDonald and Bridget Kerr Margaret Meals and Daniel Dismond Jane MuUegan and John Wayne Mary Mullin and WiUiam Hart John Murphy and Joanna Daily Katherine Murphy and John McPack Eleanor O'Bryan and Robert Baker Katherine O'Bryan and Edward Winter Jolm G'Bryant and Mary Dukeminer Anne O'Bum and Thomas HoUand Peter Okely and Mary Asson Joseph Oregh and Cath. Kirk Mary Pendergrass and James Frazier Eleanor Reiley and Henry Early Charles ReUy and Isabel Easly Joshua Reily and Rebecca Doyle Timothy SuUiman and Rose Waters Mary SulUvan and John Fleming Dennis SuUivan and EUzabeth Caldwell Bartholomew Welsh and Mary Kirk EUzabeth Welsh and Roger Cane Mary Welsh and Abraham Laybrook Rebecca Welsh and John Lockhart [57] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE On the above list, in addition to the names given, the name Dunn occurs 3 times, Fitzgerald 6 times, Fleming 5, Kelley 11, Kilpatrick 3, Martin 11, and there are 95 names beginning with "Mc". The marriage lists of Old Swedes Church, 1750 to 1810, contain a very much larger proportion of Irish names. There are 486 names beginning with "Mc," as weU as every other form of Irish names, of which the following is an indication: Mary Branagen and William Erskin Michael Branin and Barbara Evans Patrick Brawley and Sarah Thompson Patrick Brian and Margaret Smith Timothy Brian and IsabeUa Dickinson Roger Brogen and EUzabeth Warren Sarah Brogen and Lewis MoUere Patrick Cacharin and Gracey McNeal Mary Carrigan and Charles Domonick Ann Cartey and Patrick Dowen Patrick Caahaday and Catharine Baldwin Hugh Cassaday and Rachel Richards Aim Cassel and Dennis Leary James Colgun and Mary Flannagan Catherine Condon and Michael Murphy Patrick Condren and Mart Latterson Dennis Conneley and Mary Kilkenney Neal ConnoUy and Mary Macumtire Margaret Connoway and Thomas Haley Patrick Conrey and Nancy Early Biddy Devine and John Boggs Patrick Doran and Jane Long Patrick Fares and Elec. Garvey Elizabeth Fairies and James Cochran Brigith Fegen and Chris. Fitzgerald Patrick GaUenogh and Susanna Brown Patrick Glyn and Mary Christie Patrick Kempsey and EUz. Davis John Logan and Jane O'Connor Patrick Loghan and Margaret Docherty [58] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA On the same Ust the names following occur the number of times shown: Barry, Bary, 15 Braidy, Brady, 9 Brannon, 6 Burk, Burke, 19 Burn, Burnes, 14 Cahan, Cahil, CahiU Cain, Cane, 7 CaUaghan, Callahan, CaUan, 7 Cannon and Canon, 6 CarreU, Caril, CariU, Carol, 6 Carney, 10 Carr, 22 — 2 Michaels and 2 Patricks Cassidy, Cavenaugh, Cavener, Cavenough ConneUy, 4 CoTinar, Connard, Conner, Connor, 19 Connel, ConeU, ConneUy, Connerly, Connil, 10 Conway, 3 Corran, Corridon, Corrigan, CorriU, CoughUn, Courtney, Curin Daugherty, 2, Daley, 2, Delaney, 7, Dempsey, 5, Dennis Deyer, 2, DUlon, 2, Docherty, 2, Doharty, 2, DoU, Doile, Doyle, 15 Donavan, Donevan, Donovan, 5, Donohus, Donohow, Donohoo, 4 Dorian, Doman, Dougan Dougharty, 21, Donlin, Dyer, Dwire, Dyar, Dyer Egan, Eagan, Egins Farran, 2, Fanrel, 5, FerreU, 4 Fitzgerald, 12, Fitzpatrick, 3 Flaherty, Flanigan, Flaniken, Flannigan, Flannagam Ford, 15 GaUagher, 3, Galespy, GiUaspy, 2 GiUnar, Gilmer, Gillmore, 8 Griffen, Griffin, 5 Hagarthy, Hagerty, Haggerty Hagens, Haley, Haney, 5, Hanighan, Hanley, Hennesey Higgins, 5, Hogan, 6 Kaley, 2, Kane ,2, Karrigan, Kavanagh, Kean, 3, Keen, 11, Keane Keley, KeUey, Kelly, 23 Kenneday, 3, Kennedy, 10, Kenney, 2 Laffarty, Lafferty, 3 Madden, 7 Maguire, 3, Maquire, Mahon, Mahoney, Mahney Patrick Mahney, Patrick Mahoney, "Timothy Mahoney, Anthony Mahony Maloney, 4, Mooney, Moraty, Moriaty MuUan, 16, Morphy, Morphey, Morphy, Murphey, 26 [59] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Neal, Nealy, O'Neal, O'NeU, 18 times O'Bryan (Obrayne, O'Brian, Obrian, Obrien, Ibryon, etc.), 17 times O'Connor, 5 O'Daniel, O'Dannil, O'Dear, OdonneUy, O'Donnel O'Hagerty, O'Hara, Ohara, O'Harra O'Lary, Onie, Onor, Orane Timothy Organ Quinn, Quin, Quinlin Reighley, Reiley, Reily, Riley, 7, Ryan, 9 Sweeney, Swiney SuUevan, SulUvan 8, Swayney, Sweaney Welch, 7, Welsh, 16, Walsh, Whelan, 3 The Marriages of Christ Church (Episcopal) at the same period contain 332 names, beginning with Mc and 29 beginning with "O' ", 14 Bryan and Bryant, 37 KeUy and KeUey, 17 Kennedy, 12 Ryan, 10 Sullivan, and 10 Welsh, together with manv other names of evident Irish origin. Persons bearing such names as appear in the foregoing lists were unquestionably of Irish birth or extraction; but there were thousands of men in Philadelphia, who, while of Irish birth or descent and enthusiastic Irishmen, bore names that would not be classed as Irish by the average reader. This is best illustrated in the membership of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, a Society organized in Phila delphia March 17, 1771. Active membership was confined to men of Irish birth or extraction, and the Society was evidently the successor of the Hibernian Club, which was holding meetings as early as 1749. On March 17, 1781, the active members of the Friendly Sons were as follow: Thomas Barclay John Murray George Campbell John Donaldson WiUiam West Matthew Mease Benjamin FuUer James Caldwell J. M. Nesbitt D. H. Conyngham George Davis John Barclay George Henry John Nixon [60] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA Samuel Caldwell Commodore John Barry John Brown James Crawford John Mitchell George Meade Sharp Delaney Thomas Fitzimmons Andrew Caldwell Col. John Shee Gen. Anthony Wayne William West, Jr. Blair McClenachan James Mease John Dunlap Tench Francis John Mease Alex. Nesbitt George Hughes John Patton John MitcheU, Jr. Gen. Ephraim Blaine Gen. Stephen Moylan Francis Johnston Randle MitcheU Gen. WilUam Irvine John Boyle Col. Richard Butler John Patterson Robert Gray James Moylan Joseph Wilson Every one of the gentlemen above named was either bom in Ireland or was descended from a man born in Ireland; and they were not what is now commonly called "Scotch-Irish." Gen. Stephen Moylan was born in County Cork, was a Catholic and the first president of the Society; George Meade was a son of Robert Meade, an Irish CathoUc refugee from Limerick, Ireland. The name is derived from O'Meagh, and 18 properties owned by persons of the name Meade were confiscated by Cromwell and are mentioned in his book of forfeitures. (See Bache's Life of Gen. George Gordon Meade, page 2, and the Life of Richard Meade.) Col. Richard Butler was born in the Parish of St. Bride's Dubhn, and his father in Kilkenney. While Butler is not an Irish name, the family had been in Ireland for several centuries, and played an important part in the rebellions against EngUsh rule in Ireland. The First City Troop of Philadelphia, now one of the most exclusive miUtary organizations in the country, was organized November 1774, as the Light Horse of the City of Philadelphia. Of the twenty-eight men who comprised [61] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE the Troop on the date of its organization, ten were bom in Ireland and were members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, namely; James and John Mease, John Boyle, John Mitchell, George Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Samuel and Andrew Caldwell, George FuUerton, John Dunlap, and Blair McClenachan. Of the remaining eighteen members, WilUam West, Jr., was the son of an Irishman, and it is probable others were of Irish birth or descent, but the eleven already mentioned were members of the Friendly Sons, and their nationaUty is therefore known. Among the eighty-eight men who were members of the Troop during the period of the Revolution, thirty were members of the Friendly Sons and represented only a small proportion of the men of Irish blood who would have been Ukely to join such a troop. Many other names, well known in Philadelphia society, were borne by colonial immigrants from Ireland. Thomas Lea came from Dublin before 1757, and his son was one of the twelve founders of the Hibernian Society; George FuUerton was born in Ireland and joined the Friendly Sons in 1771 ; John Frazer was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, came to Philadelphia in 1735, and was the father of Gen. Persifor Frazer of the Revolution and the great grandfather of Dr. Persifor Frazer, the weU known phy sician; WilUam West, ancestor of the West family of Philadelphia, was born in Sligo, Ireland. On the other hand, the designer and builder of many of the most im portant buUdings in Philadelphia during and after the Revolutionary period, "a man of marked abiUty as an architect and at that time thought to be the best in this country," was an Irish Catholic named Nicholas Fagan, who was born in Dublin and came to Philadelphia in boy- [62] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA hood. He designed the First Church of St. Augustine, Philadelphia.* Andrew Porter, whose father came from Ireland, opened a mathematical school in Philadelphia in 1767, and his grandson became Governor of Pennsylvania. Rev. Francis Allison, the first vice-provost of the University of Pennsylvania, emigrated from Ireland in 1735. The parents of Thomas McKean, Chief Justice of Pennsyl vania for 22 years from 1777, and Governor of Pennsyl vania in 1799, were both born in Ireland. It is evident from the foregoing that the Irish held a position of considerable prominence in Philadelphia during the Colonial period. The men who comprised the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick were all well to do, for each member had to provide himself with the Medal of the Society, at a cost of $15, and the fine for absence from the meeting on March 17th of each year was $1.80 and from other meetings $1.25. It was essentially an Irish society, whose badge contained on one side a representation of Hibernia and America, with Liberty in the center joining their hands, and the inscription "Unite," while on the other side was a picture of St. Patrick, holding a cross, trampUng on a snake. While the Irish were numerous in Philadelphia, they were stiU more numerous in other parts of the province. Local historians erroneously class them as "Scotch-Irish," but as the names of most of them were distinctively Irish, it is difficult to comprehend why they should be so classed. Let us take, as an iUustration, the list of inhabitants of Fort Pitt, Pa., for the year 1760, when the village numbered 149 inhabitants outside of the army. In this list occur the following Irish names: * Watson's "Annals of Philadelphia." 5 [63] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Ephraim Blane James Mulhgan Charles Boyle Sinnott James Bradden Jacob Sinnott Andrew Byarly Susannah Sinnott ' PhiUp Byarly Thomas Welsh WiUiam Bryan Bridget Winsor John Coleman Patrick Feagan Patrick Cunningham Thomas McCoUum John Daily George McSwine Sarah Daily John and PhiUp Sinnott WiUiam Downy Margaret and Rebecca Boyle Patrick McCarthy Margaret Coghran NeU McCoUum Susan DaUy Hugh McSwine Mary McSwine Susannah McSwine In addition to the foregoing, there were George Carr, John Finley, WiUiam McAlUster, John McClure, John McKee, who were undoubtedly Irishmen with Scotch names. John Finley was known to have been born in the North of Ireland, and Burke's "Landed Gentry" shows that a Robert Finlay fought for Queen Mary and on her defeat fled to Ireland in 1568. Unquestionably, a number of the other inhabitants, bearing English-sounding names, were also Irish. In the census of Fort Pitt for 1761 — house-owners only — occur the following Irish names addi tional to those already given: Thomas Carney Dennis McLaughUn WilUam Cassady Richard McM^an John Craven Joseph McMurray George Croghan Patrick McQuaid Dennis Drogharty John Neal Dennis HaU Christopher Negley Hugh Henry John Welch There is no mistaking Dennis Hall, but if his name had been John HaU, he would have been omitted from the Ust, even though he might have been of Irish birth. [64] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA The Usts of Taxpayers in Dauphin County, 1750, printed in the Historical Sketch of Dauphin County, include the following Irish names: Derry Township James McKee Patrick Down Charles Neely Andrew Morrison John Kerr David McNair Michael Houry John Welsh Hugh Hayes John McCord David McCord Leonard Devine John McCulloch Charles Conway Andrew Moore Thomas Mackey Robert McClure John McQueen Niel McAlUster Neal Dougherty Thomas Logan John McAlUster John McCleUand Andrew Rowan John Kerr Duncan McDonnell Mr. McClan Patrick Kelly WiUiam Hayes John Cochran John McCoUoch Paxton Township Robert Dugan James McKnight WilUam McCaUey George GiUaspy Alex. McCay Patrick Gillespy Thomas McArthur Robert Curry John Neal John Dougherty John Daily WilUam Calhoun Thomas McCormick Andrew Cochran WilUam Kirkpatrick Peter Fleming Kennedy Kanix Rich. McClure H. McKinney Thomas Dugan Timothy McKnight H. McEUoy Timothy Shaw Matthew Jordan John Welsh John McKnight Patrick Kinney Hanover Township James McCreight Thomas McQuire John McCord Wm. McClenahan David McClenahan Daniel Shaw John McCavitt James McCavitt Mr. McCowen Thomas McClure WiUiam Barnet Francis McClure Michael Neal John McCormick James Finney John McNealey [65: IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE James McConneU John Kansey Charles McClure James McCorey John McClure Dennis Kerril Patrick Gracey John Sloan Michael Wallace Andrew McKeehan James Sloan Patrick Brown Walter McFarland Antony McElrath Barnet McNight Adam McNeeley Hugh McGowen John McClure Edward McMurray Patrick Bowen Jacob McCormick In the above list, it is probable "Patrick Brown" and "Patrick Bowen" were Irish, but if their names had been "James," they would not have been included and thus two Irishmen would have been missed, as many others are when an attempt is made to select them by name. One can always be sure of a man's origin if he has an Irish name, but one with an EngUsh name inight be Irish, Scotch, German, Swedish, or Russian. The following men with Irish names received licenses in the State of Pennsylvania as Indian traders between 1720 and 1758: Patrick Boyd, Lancaster Co., 1730 Lawrence Burke, Wyoming, 1758 Thomas Burke, employe of John Martin, 1750 George Connell, Chester Co., 1749 Charles Conner, Chester Co., 1730 Peter Corbet, Donegal, 1747 James Crawley or Crowley, 1747 George Croghan, 1744 Barnaby Curran, Ohio Company, 1749 Timothy Fitzpatrick, Allegheny, 1734 Timothy Higgins, Shamokin, 1728 Barnabas Hughes, Donegal, 1753 John KeUy, Donegal, Allegheny, 1732-34 John Kennedy, a Lowry Trader, 1754 Edward Kenny, Allegheny, 1734 Ralph Kilgore, PickawiUany, 1750 [66] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA Alexander McGinty, 1733, furnished information for Evans' Map, i/qo John McGuire, one of Washington's guides in 1753 James McLaughlin, 1762 Neal McLaughUn, Chester Co., 1749 Charles McMichael, Chester Co., 1742 Samuel Mealy, Chester Co., 1750 Thomas Moran, Allegheny, 1734 Owen Nicholson, 1752 Terence O'Neal, Chester Co., 1730 Garret Prendergrass, 1735 John Quinn, Allegheny, 1748 Timothy Reardon, Venango, 1752 Dennis SulUvan, Donegal, 1747 Michael Taafe, Logstown, 1753 Patrick Whinney, Chester Co., 1749 In addition to the above list, the following names appear on the Ust of Traders, but were not included because the names might be claimed to be of other than Irish origin, yet are just as prevalent in Ireland as in Scotland or else where: James Butler, 1747 Thomas Butler, 1747 John Carson, AUegheny, 1753 PhiUp Coleman, 1745-47 CorneUus Comegys, Trader among the Susquehannocks, 1695 John DougeU, 1748 James Dunning, AUegheny, 1734 to 54 Robert Dunning, Donegal, 1730 John Finley, 1744 Edward Hart, Shamokin, 1729 James McAlUster, 1743 Andrew McBryer, Lowrey's Trader, 1752 John McClure, Chester Co., 1743 Archibald McGee, Chester Co., 1730 John Mcllvaine, 1743 Thomas McKee, 1744, Capt. in French and Indian War James McKnight, 1743 James McMordie, Chester Co., I75I John Martin, Ohio Trader, 1750 Thomas Meener, 1747 Peter Moyer, 1748 [67] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Peter, Robert, Thomas and William Wilkins, Donegal, 1718-46. Samuel Smith, of Donegal, a prominent trader, was born in the North of Ireland. Lasarus Lowrey, Lancaster Co., one of the largest traders in the State, whose five sons, were also traders, came from the North of Ireland. The Butlers, Finley, Dunnings, McClure, McKnight, Martin, McGee, etc., are known to have come from Ireland. George Croghan, in the first list, came from DubUn in 1741, and was probably the best known trader in the country; "A complete history of his life and activities would be a history of the Indians and Indian trade of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana from 1746 to 1776."=^ On March 29 and May 25, 1748, commissions were issued by the Governor of Pennsylvania to the following oflacers chosen for that part of Lancaster County Ijdng between the River Susquehanna and the Unes of the prov- Colonel, Benjamin Chambers Lt. Colonel, Robert Dunning Major WilUam MaxweU Captains, Richard O'Cain James Carnaghan James McTeer James Galbreath Adam Reed John McKown John Galbreath David McClure Thomas McKee Lieuts. Andred Findlay James Dyssart John McCormick Charles McGiU *For further information relating to Indian Traders see "The Wilderness Trail," by Hanna. [68] THE IRISH IN PENNSYLVANIA Ensigns James Finney John Dougherty WilUam McMuUan John Lesan George Brannan Of the above twenty-one names, 10 are distinctively Irish, while of the remaining number, WilUam MaxweU, Andrew Findlay, Charles McGiU, James and John Gal breath, David McClure, and Thomas McKee came from the North of Ireland. The predominance of Irish names in the lists of colonial taxpayers, traders, soldiers, officers, etc., as illustrated by the foregoing, is suflicient evidence of two facts, namely: that the Irish were numerous in Pennsylvania before the Revolution, and they were not altogether the so-caUed "Scotch-Irish," as they bore real Irish names. As it was a common practice among Irish families to change or modify their names to a Scotch or EngUsh form, many men of Irish origin were necessarily omitted from the lists. [69] THE IRISH IN OTHER PROVINCES WE have devoted considerable space to the Irish in New England and Pennsylvania because of the theory that New England contained no real Irish population, and because, while it is conceded by most writers that the Irish came to Pennsylvania in large numbers, they have been called "Scotch-Irish" from Ulster, who had no "Celtic blood in their veins" — a theory which is destroyed by the names of these early Irish set tlers and the facts already presented. But what is true of the Irish in New England and Pennsylvania is true of all the other colonies. The Irish in early New York was the subject of an address by Michael J. O'Brien, Esq., de livered before the N. Y. State Historical Society at Lake George, August 22, 1906, from which we take the following facts to indicate the extent of the Irish population of the province: In the census of the city of New York for 1703 occur a large number of distinctively Irish names, as Mooney, Dooley, Walsh, Carroll, Dauly, Corbett, Kenny, Gillen, Morrayn, and in 1733, McLennon, Lynch, Rafty, Hanlon, Darcy, Dwire, etc. The tax rate lists of Long Island for 1675 contain the following distinctively Irish names: Kelly, Dalton, Whelan, Condon, Barry, Byrne, Goulden, Quinn, Cayne, Kane, Bradley, Griffin, Terrell, Brien, Clery, Patrick, [71] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Holdren, Sweeney, Murphy, McCorkel, Kennedy, Mc- Cown, etc. In the lists of marriage licenses issued by the secretary of the province previous to 1784, which has been printed in small type in double column, there are eleven pages of names beginning with "Mc," three pages of names begin ning with the capital O', and hundreds of other distinct ively Irish names, as McDonnell, 24; Walsh, 22; Murphy, 21; Kelly, 16; Ryan, 17; Kennedy, 15; Sullivan, 11; ColUn, 24; and Moore, 84 times. Sir William Johnson, Colonial Governor of New York, had as his lawyer a man named Kelly, his physician was named Daly, his secretary Lafferty, his superintendent of properties Flood, and among other employes were Byrne, McCarthy, Colter, Doran, McDonald, and Connor. In a petition to the Governor of New York dated January, 1695, occur the following Irish names: Connor, Kilmore, McLean, McDermott, Whalen, Dennis, Mc Arthur, Cannay, Murphy, Mclntyre. But perhaps the most interesting records are those of the marriages performed in the Dutch Reformed Church of New York between 1639 and 1801, between persons of Irish birth. These records contain numerous entries like the following: George Walker, from Ireland, to Miss VanHeck, September 23, 1692. WilUam Doulen, from Ireland, to Catharine Strides, April 18, 1701. Denys Costula, B. in Ireland, m. EUzabeth Rendel, widow of Barney Hamilton, born in Ireland. John O'Bryan to Margary FUngh, both born in Ireland, June 7, 1761. Martin Coin and Hannah Boyl, January 6, 1757. [72] THE IRISH IN OTHER PROVINCES Hannah Ryn to Wm. Hayes, both born in Ireland, January 3, 1772. Magrite Dally, from Ireland, to Patrick Dallon, December 22, 1774. The records are full of such names as Boil, Coil, Rein, Rian, Ryen, Ryn, Ryne (for Ryan), McManus, Mc- Manness, McMoness, McMuUand, Macknult, Megee, etc., and it is easy to trace the transition of Irish names like Ryan to the Dutch Ryn or Van Ryn, and McManus to McMoness and Moness, etc. A large number of Irish Quakers settled in New Jersey, but a still larger number of Irish of other denominations came to that colony just before the Revolution, and the lists of New Jersey ofiicers and soldiers of the Revo lutionary War contain an abundance of Irish names. By reason of the fact that CathoUc Churches were scarce and practice of the Catholic religion prohibited, many Irish CathoUcs or their children drifted away from the Church. The foUowing excerpts from the biography of Richard Collins, printed in Heston's "Annals of Eyren Haven and Atlantic City," illustrate a typical case: "In 1765, one year before the organization of the State Medical Society, Richard ColUns, a native of Ireland, settled in that part of old Gloucester which afterwards became Atlantic County. Dr. ColUns was the first physician resident in the county. . . He was a Roman CathoUc, but settUng among Quakers, he eventually adopted their mode of speech and dress. . . Speaking of his three sons by his second marriage, he once said: ' I have raised one Methodist, one Quaker, and one Uni- versaUst.' He died a Methodist in 1808." [73] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE It is commonly known that Maryland had a large Irish Catholic population early in its history, and it was the only one of the colonies that sent a Catholic to the Conti nental Congress — Charles Carroll, the signer, grandson of an Irish colonist. The shipment of Irish political prisoners and persons kidnapped in Ireland to Virginia and other Southern colonies was carried on extensively during the latter part of the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth century. Campbell's News Letter, Boston, April 27, 1703, contains the foUowing significant item: "PhUadelphia, April 13th, they writt that on Saturday last arrived a Gentleman from Maryland brings the following news. That 40 Sayle of West Countrey Men were arrived in Maryland and Virginia about 7 weeks passage. . . . two men of warr Conveyed them from Corke in Ireland." About 1683 a large number of immigrants from Ireland, influenced by Sir Richard Kyrle (Governor in 1684) who was himself a Dublin Irishman, settled in South Carolina. In 1700, James Moore, descendant of Roger O'More, who had emigrated from Ireland in 1665, was governor of the colony, and Patrick Calhoun, born in Donegal, father of Vice-President J. E. Calhoun, settled there in 1735. In fact, the history of the entire South is largely the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants. In Virginia the Colemans, Ryans, Dohertys, McLoughlins, McDowell, Shays, Joyces, Conways, and Dalys were colonial settlers; in CaroUna were the Burkes, Rutledges, Moores, Lsmches, Calhouns, Caldwells, and Jacksons (ancestors of President Andrew Jackson) ; in Georgia were Knoxes, Dooleys, Mc- Callas, Clarkes, Butlers, and Pollocks (ancestors of Gover nor Polk), who came from Ireland. That these early settlers were not altogether the so- [74] THE IRISH IN OTHER PROVINCES called "Scotch-Irish" is clearly evident from the foUowing distinctively Irish names which appear in the lists of soldiers of Colonel George Washington's Regiment of Virginia Militia, appearing in a report made July 9, 1754, just after the battle of Great Meadows: David Welsh John CarroU Robert McKoy Anthony Kennedy WiUiam Deveny James Welch Joseph Costerton Henry Neill John Bryan Michael McGrath, wounded Michael Reily, wounded Patrick Durphy, wounded Robert McCulroy, wounded Daniel McClaran, killed Thomas Langdon, Sergeant Dennis Kenton Michael ScuUy David Gorman Dominick Moran Michael McGannon Patrick Coyle John Burk CorneUus Henley WUUam Games Terrence Swinney Lieutenant Savage John McCuUey John Rodgers Edward CahiU PhiUp Comerley George McSwine Robert Murphy John Mclntyre Patrick McPick Daniel Malatte James McCormick Thomas Dunahough John McGuire John Coin Charles Dunn Patrick Galloway Thomas Heimessy Angus McDonald James Tyrrel John Given Nathaniel Barret Thomas Burk Timothy Conway Barnaby McKan John Gallahour WilUam Mclntyre Hugh McKay James DaUey John McQuire How many of the soldiers bearing other than Irish names were of Irish birth or extraction it would be im possible to guess, but Andrew Lewis, a captain in one of the companies (a general in the Revolution), was bom in Donegal. [76] THE IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMER ICA'S MATERIAL PROGRESS THERE can be no doubt that the colonial immigration from Ireland was large. Several volumes of stories of a most romantic character might be written to portray the rise of these Irish immigrants, exiles from the country of their birth because of intolerable conditions, baiushed because of their devotion to principle, kidnapped and sold into slavery because of their helplessness, and starving because they were robbed of their sustenance, finding their opportunity in another world, an unde veloped wilderness where the very air and vastness of the country instilled in their hearts the feeUng that here at last was hberty. As former President Roosevelt has said : "The Irish people have proved themselves a masterful race of rugged character — a race the qualities of whose womanhood have become proverbial, while its men have the elemental, the indispensable virtues of working hard in times of peace and fighting hard in time of war." What a sad commentary on British rule in Ireland that Irishmen need only leave their own land to become leaders in every occupation, or at least to develop habits of industry and self-reliance. In his "Annals of Philadelphia," in comment ing on the Irish immigration, Watson says : "In some cases the severity of the British laws pushed off young men of [77] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE good abilities for very smaU offences, who made very capa ble clerks, storekeepers, etc., among us. I have knowl edge of two or three among us, even within my memory, who rose to riches and credit here and have left fine families. One great man before my time had been sold in Maryland as an offender in Ireland. While serving his master as a common servant, he showed much ability, unexpectedly, in managing for him an important lawsuit, for which he instantly gave him free. He then came to Philadelphia and amassed a great fortune in landed estate, now of great value among his heirs." The same author says that Lord Altham came to Philadelphia from Ireland in 1728 and served out his indenture as James Annesley, with a farmer. The type of men that Ireland lost and America gained through the severity of British laws referred to by Watson, is illustrated by the following brief biographies of "Irish rebels" who came to America early in her history: Robert Adrian, born in Carrickfergus, Ireland, took part in the Irish revolution of 1798, was wounded in an engage ment and later escaped to America, where he became one of the foremost mathematicians of the early part of the nineteenth century. He was Professor of Mathematics at Rutgers College, at Columbia College, and the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Matthew Carey had to flee from Ireland because of inflammatory articles against the government. While in Paris he met Franklin, who employed him to write for the patriotic cause in America. Later he returned to Ireland and became a power in politics, was arrested for libel, imprisoned, and on his release came to America. In 1784 he began the Pennsylvania Herald, the first newspaper [78] THE IRISH IN OTHER PROVINCES in the United States that furiushed accurate reports of legislative debates, and "he interested himself in forward ing education and in estabhshing the charitable institutions for which Philadelphia is famous." John Lewis, of County Donegal, killed his landlord in resisting an illegal attempt to eject him from his home, and with three sons he came to Virginia in 1732, being the first white settler in Belief ont, Va. His oldest son Andrew became brigadier general in the Continental Army; his son Thomas was a member of the Virginia legislature; and his sons WilUam and Charles were colonels in the Revo lution. Dr. WiUiam James MacNevin, born in Ballynhowne, County Galway, at twelve years of age went to Austria, where his uncle. Baron O'Kelly MacNevin (also an exile), was physician to the Empress Maria Theresa. Returned to Ireland and became a leader in the rebelUon of 1798, was imprisoned four years, came to America, and estab lished the first chemical laboratory in New York. Was Professor of Obstetrics and Chemistry College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, and vnth others founded a medical school in New York City. George McCook, who was concerned in the United Irishmen, fled from Ireland about 1780, and came to America. He was the ancestor of the ' 'Fighting McCooks, ' ' a family well known in American history. His two sons and eight grandsons were officers in the army and one grandson a naval officer during the Civil War. The Irish contribution to the material development of America is best illustrated in a practical way by the foUowing facts: 6 [79] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE The first daily newspaper in America, 1784, the "Pennsyl vania Packet" (predecessor of the North American), was edited and printed by John Dunlap, of Philadel phia, born in Strabane, County Tyrone, 1747, came to America in early youth." ' First American writer on Political Economy, Matthew Carey, was born in Armagh, Ireland, 1761. First steam engine built in United States by Christopher CoUes, born in Ireland, 1738, came to America, 1765. Was also the first to suggest canals and improve ments to connect Lake Ontario with the Hudson, and a system of pipes to supply New York city with water from outside. First steamboat built and operated by Robert Fulton, whose father came from Kilkenny, Ireland. First grain-cutter manufactured and invented by Robert McCormick, son of Robert McCormick and Mary McChesney HaU, daughter of Patrick Hall, both of Irish descent. First practical reaping machine manufactured by Cyrus HaU McCormick, son of Robert McCormick. In 1859 Beverly Johnson said: "The McCormick reaper has already contributed an annual income to the whole country of $55,000,000 at least. First cut nails invented and made by James Cochran, whose father came from Coleraine, Ireland. First to introduce cotton manufacture, Patrick Tracey Jackson, in partnership with Francis C. Lowell. First to introduce linen manufacture into New England, the Irish colonists of 1718. First piano manufactured in the United States by Thomas Crehore, descendant of Teague Crehore, who was said to have been kidnapped in Ireland and brought to Massachusetts, between 1640 and 1650 (CuUen's "Irish in Boston"). First chocolate in America manufactured by John Hannan, who came to Boston from Ireland in 1764 (Haltigan). [80] THE IRISH IN OTHER PROVINCES First coUege in the world to admit women on equal terms with men, and which received colored students twenty-eight years before emancipation, was OberUn College. First president of this coUege, Asa Mahon, whose ancestor came to New England from Ireland ("National Cyclop. American Biography," vol. ii, p. 461). First literary institution higher than a common school within the bounds of the Presbyterian Church, which is regarded as the germ from which sprang Princeton College and several lesser institutions of learning, was the "Log College," founded at Neshaminy, Pa., in 1728, by Gilbert 'Pennant, who was born in Ireland in 1673, educated at Trinity College, and settled at Neshaminy in 1726 (Appleton's "Biographies"). First Presbyterian Church in New England founded at Londonderry, N. H., by James MacGreggor, who was born in Ireland, 1677. First Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Md., established by Patrick AlUson, a native of Ireland. First RepubUcan Methodist Church, afterwards the Christian Church, in North Carolina and Virginia, founded by James O'Kelly, who was born in 1735. First Roman Catholic Bishop of America, John Carroll, grandson of an Irishman. First Methodist Episcopal Bishop in America, WiUiam McKendree, born in Virginia, 1757. It was not alone in the settled portions of the Atlantic colomes that the Irish became leaders in public enter prise. The immigrants from Ireland were the advance guard of civilization in the vast wilderness of the West. Alexander Macomb, who came from Belfast in youth, became one of the largest fur merchants in the west, with headquarters in Detroit, and was associated with John Jacob Astor and Elias Kane. His fortune was such that [81] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE in 1791 he bought of the State of New York 3,670,715 acres of land on the St. Lawrence River, including all of the Thousand Islands that belonged to New York. The first white chUd born in the Western Reserve was the grandson of a Dublin woman,'* and the history of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana is closely interwoven with the activities of George Croghan from Dublin, the Mc- Gradys, from County Mayo, the Robinsons and Robert sons, from the North of Ireland, the O'Haras, the O'Fal- lons, and many others of Irish name. John McDonough, who at his death in 1850 left the bulk of his fortune of nearly 12,000,000 to the cities of New Orleans and Balti more to found free schools, who liberated all his slaves and shipped many to Africa, was the son of an Irish immi grant who served in the Colonial Wars and the Revolu tion. John O'Fallon, who established the O'FaUon Polytechnic Institute (now the scientific department of St. Louis University), gave Uberally to Washington University, built a dispensary and medical college, and altogether spent over $1,000,000 for benevolent purposes in St. Louis, was the son of Dr. James O'Fallon, who immigrated to North Carolina in 1774 and served in the Revolution. The man who wrote the poem, " The Bivouac of the Dead," verses of which are carved over the entrances to all national cemeteries, Theodore O'Hara, was the son of Kane O'Hara, an Irish political exile who settled in Kentucky. "' The son of William Tappan Thompson, whose father was of Irish descent and mother a native of Dublin (Appleton's "American Biographies"). [.82] THE GROWTH OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA THE "Charter of Liberties and Privileges" granted to the province of New York in the year 1683, nearly a century before the adoption of the Decla ration of Independence, is a landmark in the history of popular government in America. It provided that : "Every freeholder within this province and freeman in any corporation shall have his free choice and vote in the election of the representatives, without any manner of constraint or imposition, and in all elections the ma jority of voices shall carry it. "No aid, tax, toUage, assessment, custom, loan, benevo lence, or imposition whatsoever shall be laid, assessed, imposed or levied on any of his Majesty's subjects within this province, or their estates, upon any manner of color or pretense but by the act and consent of the Governor, Council, and representatives of the people in General Assembly met and assembled." The man who granted this charter was not an "Anglo- Saxon," but a Roman Catholic Irishman named Thomas Dongan, born in Castletown, County Kildare, who was Govemor of New York from 1682 to 1688. Had aU the English Governors in all the provinces of America been equally liberal in their government, the Revolution would not have occurred. The reUgious freedom which Americans now enjoy, [83] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE and which began with the close of the Revolution, presents a strong contrast to the spirit which prevailed in Massa chusetts under Puritan domination. The New England Puritans, who supposedly came to America to escape persecution, were themselves bitterly intolerant toward all other sects. Their burning of heretics, their per secution of Quakers, Baptists, and others of more Uberal views, whom they drove from the province, are matters with which students of history are well acquainted. The extent to which their narrowness prevailed is perhaps best illustrated in the following law, promulgated by the Massachusetts Puritans in 1670: "For preventing disorders arising in several places within this jurisdiction by reason of some still observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other coun tries, to the great dishonour of God and offence to others : It is therefore ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing labor, feasting, or any other way upon such account as aforesaid, every such person so offending shall pay for every such offence five shillings as a fine to the country." Americans have cause to be thankful that Puritanism coUapsed, and for the further fact that the poUticians within the Anglican Church, who used the Church to further their own interests, did not secure the hold on young America that they had on Ireland. "It is inter esting to observe that the Quakers and the Catholics, men standing at the opposite poles of theology, set the highest examples of tolerance. Quaker Pennsylvania enforced absolute liberty of conscience, and Quakers in all the provinces worked for religious harmony and free- [84] GROWTH OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA dom. CathoUc Maryland, as long as its government remained in Catholic hands, and under the guidance of the wise and Uberal proprietary, Lord Baltimore, pursued the same policy and attracted members of sects perse cuted in New England." * But when the Puritans gained control of the Assembly in Maryland in 1654 they im mediately passed an act against popery, while in 1689, the Church of England was estabUshed by law and the Penal Laws were applied to the CathoUcs of Maryland. After the death of WilUam Penn, with the rise of the Anglican Church party in Pennsylvania, intolerance im mediately became the order. It is clear that war on popery was the ruling passion of the Puritans and a certain element in the Established Church. In the former this was due to a narrow spirit, which was "dull, unamiable, and unintelligent." In the latter it was fostered by pure selfishness and that greed of spiritual and worldly power which has always been the ruling element in British character. The chief com plaint against the Church of Rome was its activity in seciUar affairs, yet the Church of England carried this very principle to an excess in Ireland which no other church has tried to equal, and this at a time when the world had emerged from the dark ages of ignorance, superstition. Knights Templars, and Crusaders. At the period when the Irish began coming to America in large numbers, early in the eighteenth century, they found the restrictions against Catholics as severe as in Ireland. In every colony except Pennsylvania (Mary land being then subject to the Church of England) Roman * Erskine Childers, "The Framework of Home Rule,'' London, I9II. [85] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE CathoUcs were debarred from civil rights or were sub- j ected to severe penalties.'* This accounts in large measure for the fact that so large a proportion of the Irish immi grants, instead of founding distinct colonies themselves on the Atlantic seaboard, scattered through all the prov inces, settled in the remote parts of some provinces, or pushed on to the frontiers, where they were comparatively free from British persecution. Thus, in Maine, a re mote district of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, numbers of Irish Catholics — SuUivans, O'Briens, Murphys, Burkes, and Ryans — settled, while thousands found refuge in the wildernesses of western New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. Thousands of CathoUc Irish, brought to the Colonies in youth, were reared as Protestants; others, finding the struggle against persecution too hard, became Protestants for the sake of the advantages denied to CathoUcs; while others became Protestants through intermarriage. This is clearly illustrated in the marriage records of Protestant churches in Philadelphia, previously referred to. What proportion of the Irish population of the colonies at the beginning of the Revolution was Catholic it would be impossible for any one to say, because the practice of that reUgion openly was proscribed and churches did not legally exist. Even in Philadelphia, where hundreds of men of some prominence were members of the Catholic faith, the Governor of the Council, Patrick Gordon, at a meeting held July 25, 1734, "informed the Board that he was under no small concern to hear a house lately built in Walnut Street in this city had been set apart for the exercise of the Roman Catholic religion, and is com- * Channing's "History of the United States," p. 144. [86] GROWTH OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA monly called a Romish Chapell, where several Persons, he understands, resort on Sundays to hear Mass Openly celebrated by a Popish Priest; that he conceives the tolerating the Public Exercise of that Religion to be con trary to the Laws of England, some of which, particularly the 11 and 12 of King WiUiam the Third, are extended to all His Majesty's dominions; but those of that Perswasion here imagined that they have a right to it, from some general Expressions in the Charter of Privileges granted to the inhabitants of this Government by our late Honour able Proprietor, he was desirous to know the sentiments of this Board on the subject."* Evidently, it was considered inexpedient to interfere with the Church, as the complaint seems to have been tabled and no further action was taken on the subject. It is strange that the complaint should have come from a man with such a name as that of Patrick Gordon, but it always happens that the man loudest in his denuncia tion of any religion is one who has abjured that religion for the sake of his own worldly advancement or some equally base motive. As a general rule, the bigot lacks an appreciation of the fundamental principles of Chris tianity—charity and sympathy. On November 5, 1775, while camped before Boston, General Washington found it necessary to publish an order against the celebration of "Pope's Night" by the New England troops. The celebration, a childish practice, was aimed at the Catholic people, and while Puritanism would not tolerate the celebration of the birthday of Christ by any other form than fasting and prayer, it set apart a day to give vent to its hatred of the head and * "Colonial Records," vol. ii, p. 589. [87] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE followers of a Christian church. Before the Revolution had ended Catholics were not only tolerated, but eight of the colonies which formed the United States incorpor ated in their constitutions the great principle of religious equality. The emancipation of the Catholics in America began as early as 1774, when England, in order to strengthen her own hands against the Colonies by secur ing the loyalty of the people of Canada and the Catholics of England, relieved them of the pressure of the Penal Laws. The Continental Congress, having in its army a large number of Catholics, and at the same time seeking the aid of a Catholic nation, France, was forced to a similar policy, and Catholics were thereafter cultivated by both sides to the struggle. To such an extent had official and public sentiment regarding Catholics changed with the breaking of the ties that bound the Colonies to England that in 1791, on the visit of the Roman Catholic Bishop Carroll to Boston, he was invited to the annual dinner of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company; about the same time. President Washington made a contribution to the build ing fund of the Church of St. Augustine, Philadelphia; in 1799, President John Adams headed the list of contrib utors to the building fund of a CathoUc Church for the city of Boston; while Bishop Carroll was unanimously selected by Congress to deUver a panegyric on Washington, 22 February, 1800. Thus the soldiers of the Revolution secured for America not only political freedom, but religious tolerance and equality, and the universal equality and Uberty extended to Catholics were, without doubt, due to the part played by Irish CathoUcs in the Revolution. [88] THE IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE IN her effort to subdue the American colonists, England spent £100,000,000 steriing and some 50,000 Uves. Had she been successful, the history of Ireland would have been repeated in America. Washington, Hancock, Adams, Franklin, and other leaders would have been hanged as "rebels," and "America would have become a great boiUng volcano, a poUtical hell of rebellion, revolu tions, vengeance, assassinations, and wholesale executions, with here and there a province or a section winning its independence for a time to go under at the next turn in the poUtical game. The British ParUament meantime would be kept busy through the centuries passing those land acts, reform acts, and crimes acts which, in the case of Ireland, have been steadily turned out for nearly seven hundred years. In a word, it is extremely doubtful whether England could have controlled America any more profit ably than she has controlled Ireland."* While the Irish were unable to throw off the British yoke in Ireland, they contributed their strength to the cause of the colonists, and, being the best fighting men in the world and the most eloquent orators in the cause of liberty, those of them who bore arms in the patriot army were a match for the British soldiers sent to suppress the "¦ "The Struggle for American Independence," vol. ii, p. 553. [89] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE "rebels," while the Irish orators aroused the temporizers among the colonists, and by their eloquence kept aUve the spirit of patriotism which finally led to success. Their experience with the broken promises of the British govem ment, their intimate knowledge of the methods employed by that govemment to serve her purpose in Ireland — ^this knowledge, combined with a brief respite from the depri vations and misery they suffered in Ireland, gave added strength to their determination to destroy every vestige of English tyranny in the new world to which they had come to escape that tyranny. The leaders of the patriot party in the Colonies early realized the importance of securing the moral and practical support of the Irish people for their cause. The Irish had for centuries been fighting England's bat tles, as there was no other occupation open to them, and many were compelled to serve in the army to keep from starving. Their reputation as excellent soldiers was known throughout the world. Hundreds of thousands of exiles had gone into the service of France, Spain, Austria, Ger many, and even Russia. The Irish Brigade in the service of France preserved its Irish identity and carried the flag of Ireland into every battle in which it participated from 1691 to 1794, and every year thousands of young men were recruited in Ireland for the Brigade. Spain main tained four distinctively Irish regiments for many years. Two Irishmen had become field-marshals in Russia, an Irish lord and an Irish soldier had become marshals of France, while Maguires, Lacys, O'Donnells, Taafes, and Nugents were Austrian generals; and O'Donnell, O'Reilly, O'Neill, O'Hara, and O'Mahony were famous Spanish generals. [90] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE With a view to securing some of this talent in the cause of the Colonies, Franklin visited Ireland in 1771. He met Irishmen in Paris and encouraged Irish revolutionary leaders in their plans to secure Irish independence.* On May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress met at Philadelphia and sent an address to the people of Ireland, in which they enlarged on the wrongs committed against Ireland, "in whose rich pastures many hungry parasites have fed and grown strong to labor in its de struction," and they offered the whole region of America as a safe asylum for the Irish people, t This was followed by a letter from Franklin to the people of Ireland, in which he argued the justice of the American cause and pleaded for the support of Ireland. In Ireland, every man not bound to England by ties of self-interest was with America, while in America every Irishman was a patriot. The seventeenth century writings of Molyneoux, a Dublin Irishman, in defense of Irish lib erty, became the text-book of American freedom,t and while Burke and Barre, Irishmen in the English Parliament, were influencing English sentiment in favor of the Colonies, Matthew Lyons, Patrick Henry, and other orators of the Irish race were using their eloquence to convince Ameri- * WhUe in Paris, FrankUn met Matthew Carey, who had fled from Ireland because of inflammatory articles he had pubUshed in a DubUn paper, and gave him employment. Later Carey returned to Ireland and established the "Volunteers' Journal," and in 1784 was tried for Ubel before the House of Commons and was imprisoned. On his release he came to America and established the "Pennsyl vania Herald" and interested himself in forwarding education and in estabhshing the charitable institutions for which Philadelphia is famous (Appleton). t"The Struggle for American Independence," Sydney George Fisher, 1908, vol. i, p. 330. t"The Legacy of Past Years," Lord Dunraven. [91] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE cans of the desirabiUty of separation. This required considerable eloquence, as it is well known that the majority of the New Englanders and many inhabitants of other colonies had no idea of separation when hostilities commenced. We have already seen that the immigration from Ire land had steadily increased in volume, and during the years 1772 and 1773 it reached the enormous number of 18,500 persons, mostly men. This immigration had an important bearing on affairs in the Colonies, and it should be borne in mind that many of the immigrants were men of education and position, who came directly for the purpose of bearing arms against England.'" The welcome they received is illustrated in the following statement of the Marquis de Chastellux, a Frenchman who was in America in 1782: "An Irishman, the instant he sets foot on American soil, becomes ipso facto an American. This was uniformly the case during the whole of the late war. While English men and Scotchmen were treated with jealousy and dis trust, even with the best recommendations of zeal and attachment to the cause, the native of Ireland stood in need of no other certificate than his dialect. Indeed, their conduct in the late war amply justified their favor able opinion, for whilst the Irish emigrant was fighting the battles of America by sea and land, the Irish merchants, principally of Charleston, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, labored with indefatigable zeal at all hazards to promote • Among many others were Richard Montgomery, from Donegal, who settled in New York, 1773, brigadier-general, the first to fall in the Revolution; Edward Hand, from Clyduff, Kings County, who settled in Pennsylvania, 1774, and became brigadier-general; James McHenry, who came from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1771, was Medical Director of the Army and became Secretary of War to Washington, January, 1796. [92] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE the spirit of enterprise, and increase the wealth and maintain the credit of the country. Their purses always were opened, and their persons devoted to the country's cause, and on more than one imminent occasion Congress itself, and the very existence of America probably, owed its preservation to the fidehty and firmness of the Irish." In his "History of Ireland," 1809, Plowden said: "It is a fact beyond question that most of the early successes in America were immediately owing to the vigorous exertions and prowess of the Irish immigrants who bore arms in that cause." The "vigorous exertions and prowess of the Irish" were not confined to arms, but extended to the deliberations of councils and the Congress, the raising of money to feed and clothe the army, and advancing the credit of the new government. Irishmen were "first in war, first in peace," and during and im mediately following the Revolution, first in the hearts of their fellow-Americans, as the following address made by George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington, in 1828, in answer to an appeal from Ire land for funds in aid of the fight for Catholic emancipa tion, would indicate: "And why is this imposing appeal made to our sympa thies? It is an appeal from that very Ireland whose generous sons, aUke in the day of our gloom and of our glory, shared in our misfortunes and joined in our success; who, with undaunted courage breasted the storm which, once threatening to overwhelm us, howled with fearful and desolating fury through this now happy land; who, vrith aspirations deep and fervent for our cause, whether under the walls of the Castle of DubUn, in the shock of our liberty's battles, or in the feeble expiring accents of famine and misery, amidst the horrors of the prison ships, [93] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE cried from their hearts, 'God Save America.' Tell me not of the aid which we received from another European nation in the struggle for independence; that aid was most, nay, all essential to our ultimate success; but remember, years of the conflict had rolled away. Of the operatives in war — I mean the soldiet — up to the coming of the French, Ireland had furnished in the ratio of one hundred for one of any foreign nation whatever. "Then honored be the old good service of the sons of Erin, in the War of Independence. Let the shamrock be entwined with the laurels of the Revolution, and truth and justice, guiding the pen of history, inscribe on the tablets of America's remembrance 'Eternal Gratitude to Irishmen.' " '"' We shall now proceed to illustrate in a practical way the part played by men of the Irish race in securing the independence of the Colonies, by evidence that is incon trovertible. The Declaration of Independence, for ex ample, is the basis of American independence. No one knows the true origin of all the members of the Congress that adopted it, and it has been the practice to claim English descent for every man of importance in American history unless his name leaves no doubt of other nation aUty; but the following facts are interesting: John Hancock, President of the Congress, was the des cendant of an immigrant from Ulster, Ireland. Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress, who made the first finished copy of the Declaration, was born in Maghera, County Derry, Ireland. John Nixon, Member of the Pennsylvania Council of Safety, who first pubUcly read the Declaration, from the steps of the State House in PhUadelphia, July * " Case of Ireland Stated," Burke. [94] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 8, 1776, was the son of Richard Nixon, of County Wexford, Ireland. John Dunlap, who first printed the document, was born in Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland. Among the signers of the Declaration who were known to be of Irish descent, besides John Hancock, were the following: Matthew Thornton, N. H., whose father came from Ireland. John Hart, N. J., whose ancestor from Ireland settled in Jersey. James Smith, Penna., born in Ireland, came to America in 1729. George Taylor, Penna., born in Ireland, came to Amer ica as a redemptioner. George Reed, Delaware, son of John Reed who was born in Dublin. Thomas McKean, Delaware; father and mother born in Ireland. Charles CarroU, grandson of Charles CarroU, an Irish Catholic who emigrated to America in 1689. Edward Rutledge, South Carolina, son of Dr. John Rutledge, who came from Ireland to America in 1735. Thomas Lynch, South CaroUna, grandson of Thomas Lynch, a native of Galway, who went to Austria after the Irish Revolution of 1691. Robert Treat Paine, Massachusetts, descendant of Robert O'Neill, who changed his name to Paine and emigrated to America. George Taylor, in the above Ust, was the lessee of the Durham Furnace, the first iron works in America, at the time when it was turning out shot and shell for Washington's army. 7 [95] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE American history records the fact that Robert Morris was "the financier of the Revolution," and tells how he later occupied a debtors' prison because of advances made to the Government; but we never hear of Oliver Pollock, a native of Ireland, who settled in Carlisle, Pa., 1760, who from 1777 to 1783 made advances to the province of Virginia and the Continental government, on the basis of his own credit, to the amount of S300,000, over $100,000 of which amount had not been repaid to him at the time of his death; and Edward Fox, a native of Dublin, who came to America in 1775 was ruined by the large advances he made to Robert Morris and the latter's associates, a decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (2 Norris' Reports, 512), showing that in 1797 these gentlemen owed Edward Fox the sum of $900,000. When the Continental army was in dire distress and Congress unable to raise the money to supply its needs, a number of gentlemen of Philadelphia conceived and put into operation "the plan of the Bank of Pennsylvania" for supplying the army with provisions and clothing. Robert Morris headed the Ust of subscribers with a subscription of £10,000. Blair Mc Clenachan, a native of Ireland, subscribed an equal amount, and the following Irishmen subscribed the amounts set opposite their names: J. M. Nesbitt £5000 James Mease " 5000 Thomas Barclay " 5000 Hugh ShieU " 5000 John Dunlap " 4000 John Nixon, father from Wexford, Ireland " 5000 George Campbell " 2000 John Mease " 4000 John Murray (firm of Bunner, Murray & Co.) " 6000 [96] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE John Patton £ 2000 Benjamin FuUer " 2000 George Meade & Co. (members Irish) " 2000 John Donaldson " 2000 Kean & Nichols " 4000 James CaldweU " 1000 John Shee " 1000 Sharp Delany " 1000 Tench Francis " 5500 John MitcheU " 2000 Hibernian Society Joseph Carson " 4000 " " Thomas McKean " 2500 " " The above named-subscribers were members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and the Hibernian Society. They were all born in Ireland, except John Nixon, whose father came from County Wexford. Robert Morris, who was a native of England, was an honorary member of the Friendly Sons, as were also William Bingham, Richard Peters, Samuel Meredith, and Henry Hill, who, in ad dition to the above, subscribed £20,000 to the bank. Thus, of the total amount subscribed to supply the army (£315,000) £112,000 was subscribed by men who were members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and the Hibernian Society.* When the Continental soldiers were half starved, half clothed, and their spirits so low that their commanders had almost despaired of holding the army together, an Irish ditty was used to revive their sinking spirits, as the foUowing letter, written by Richard Peters, of Philadelphia, to General Anthony Wajme, will show: "I heard an Irishman the other day sing a very fooUsh ballad of three or four verses, yet its simplicity struck me * The information regarding contributions of money was obtained from the records of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and the Hi bernian Society, of Philadelphia, edited by John H. Campbell. [97] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE and I have this rainy morning scribbled the enclosed. I have adopted, with a few alterations, the first verse, and except for another line or two, am answerable for both the folly and length of the rest. I send it to you that you may give it to some of your singing sergeants or corporals, as I wish the poor devil to be introduced into the army under the protection of at least a non-commissioned officer. It goes to the tune of an Irish Ult, which I have often heard the fifers play I am a great believer of ballads and believe that more can be achieved by a few occasional simple songs than by an hundred recommendations of Congress, especially considering how few attend to or read them." (Signed) Richaeu Peters. General Wayne replied that he had given the song to some "Singing Colonels."* The first armed attack on land against the British was the capture of the arms and ammunition at Portsmouth, four months before the battle of Lexington. The attack was led by John SulUvan (afterward major general), the son of Owen Sullivan, a native of Limerick, Ireland. The first decisive victory of the Revolution for the American cause was won at Moore's Creek Bridge, near Wilmington, N. C, February, 1776, when 1500 Tories surrendered to the troops under command of Colonel (afterward General) James Moore, descendant of Roger O'More, a leader of the Irish RebelUon of 1641. (Apple- ton's "American Biography.") The first general officer killed on the American side was General Richard Montgomery, who fell leading the attack * Register of Pennsylvania, vol. iv, No. 7, p. 47. [98] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE on Quebec, December 31, 1775. General Montgomery was born in the County Donegal and settled in New York State in 1773. The first attack against the British on water was the capture of a British armed schooner in Machias Bay, May 11, 1775. The capture was made by Jeremiah O'Brien, assisted by his four brothers and some other volunteers. (Harper's "Cyclopedia of American History.") The first Commodore of the American navy was John Barry, born in County Wexford, Ireland, in 1745. Turning now to the Generals of the Continental Army, we find among them the following men of Irish origin: Richard Montgomery, Major General, born in Donegal, Ireland. Thomas Conway (Count de Conway, of France), Major General, born in Ireland. John SuUivan, Major General, son of Owen Sullivan who was born in Limerick, Ireland. Henry Knox, Major General, son of Andrew Knox who was born in Ireland. John Armstrong, Brigadier-General, born in Ireland. William Thompson, Brigadier-General, born in Ireland. Andrew Lewis, Brigadier-General, born in Donegal, Ireland. WiUiam Maxwell, Brigadier-General, born in Ireland. Anthony Wayne, Brigadier-General, father born in Ire land. James CUnton, Brigadier-General, son of Charles Chnton who was born in County Longford, Ireland. James Moore, Brigadier-General, descendant of Roger O'More, a leader of the Irish Rebellion of 1641. Joseph Reed, Brigadier-General, father born in Ireland. [99] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE John Nixon, Brigadier-General, son of Richard Nixon, of County Wexford, Ireland. WilUam Irvine, Brigadier-General, born in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ireland. Edward Hand, Brigadier-General, born in Clyduff, King's County, Ireland. Richard Butler, Brigadier-General, born in the parish of St. Bride's, DubUn. Walter Stewart, Brevet Brigadier-General, born in Ire land. Stephen Moylan, Brevet Brigadier-General, and Chief of Cavalry, born in Cork, Ireland. James Cochran, Surgeon-General, parents born in Ire land. We have already referred to the Irishmen in the French service. When the French Government decided to send aid to the Colonies, among the first troops sent were the Dillon, Berwick, Roche-Fermoy, and Walsh regiments of the Irish Brigade, composed exclusively of Irishmen; and among the French officers in the Continental Army whose names appear in the "Historical Register of the Officers of the Continental Army" were the foUowing who bore distinctively Irish names; Jacques Philippe D'Arcy, Captain, died at Savannah, son of Patrick D'Arcy, who was born in Galway, Ireland, and was appointed mar6chal-de-champ in|France, 1770. Captain Commandant O'Neill, wounded at Savannah. (He represented the fifth generation of those who had served the King of France in the Dillon Regiment, since the passage of Irishmen into France.) Arthur Dillon (Count de DUlon), Colonel, March, 1772, in France. [100] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Barthelemy Dillon, Lieutenant-Colonel, bom in Ireland, 1729. Denis d'Hubart Du Barry, Captain, 1776. Count de Dune (name also given as O'Dunn), "took part in all engagements of the. campaign." Isidore Lj-nch, Captain in DiUon Regiment. Captain Macdonnal, of second DiUon Regiment. Captain Mullens, Lieutenant in the Regiment de Berwick. Lieutenant de la Roche Negley, wounded at Savannah. Lieutenant O'FarreU, of the DiUon Regiment, wounded at Savannah. Jacques O'Moran, Major, born in Ireland. Jacques Shee, Captain, born in Ireland. Georges Taafe, Lieutenant, killed at Savannah, 1779, born in Ireland. Ferdinand O'Neill, Captain of Lee's Battalion of Light Dragoons, Pulasld Legion. The very highest estimate of the patriotic portion of the population of the colonies places it at two-thirds, or about 1,400,000, of the white inhabitants. A. R. Fisher, in his "True History of the American Revolution," says: "If there were really 1,400,000 enthusiastic patriots, they would surely have furnished more than the 11,000 men which Washington usually had. Even in their direst need and by the greatest urging and compulsion of all the patriotic leaders by offering bounties, gifts of land, and by drafting, they could never get quite 25,000 aU told." While the New Englanders were active in the protection of their ovim homes and in opposing the stamp tax and duties which affected their own pockets, they were rather lukewarm in their support of the principle that America was to be absolutely free and independent of England, [101] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE and while the first armed resistance to British authority occurred on New England soil, the siege of Boston, 1775, was the last struggle between the Continental Army and English troops in New England, and King PhiUp's Indian War of 1675 was "far more grievous to New England than the Revolution."* AU the colonies furnished a large number of miUtia, who were more or less "home guards," but most of the real fighting was done by the Continental Line, of which a large proportion were men of the Irish race. "One of the offences charged upon the Irish, and amongst the many pretexts for refusing redress to the Catholics of Ireland, was that sixteen thousand of them fought on the side of America."! It -would be difficult to give exact figures as to the number of Irish that fought on the side of America, for, apart from the natives of Ire land who came to America in such large numbers before and during the Revolution, there were thousands of native Americans who were of Irish descent. Furthermore, if there were 16,000 Irish CathoUcs in the American army, there was an equal or greater number of Irish Presbyterians and EpiscopaUans. That the Irish were loyal to the American cause, and that they helped to establish the new nation are facts which, while ignored in the school histories, are supported by the testimony of men who Uved at a time when "Anglophobia" had not begun to affect the thoughts of American writers. In December, 1781, Gen eral George Washington was elected an ''adopted" mem ber of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, of Philadelphia, and in his letter of acceptance to the * Drake, "History of Boston." t From an address made in New York, 1809, by William J. MacNevin. [102] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE President of the Society he said: " I accept with singular pleasure the ensign of so worthy a fraternity as that of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick — a society distinguished for the firm adherence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." But this is not all, for in an address to the Catholics of the United States (most of whom were Irish), in 1790, President Washington said: "I hope ever to see America amongst the foremost nations in examples of justice and UberaUty, and I presume that your fellow citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their revolution and in the establishment of their government," The most conclusive evidence of the prominence of the Irish race in the accomplishment of America's independ ence is to be found in the abundance of Irish names in the lists of soldiers of the Revolutionary War. As the official lists do not contain nationaUty of soldiers, it would be impossible to judge by names alone those who were of Irish blood, but bearing in mind the fact that those who bore real Irish names constituted only a small percentage of the number who were actually of Irish birth or descent, the Usts to follow will serve to indicate the large number of men of Irish blood that served in the Revolutionary Army. Irish names on rolls of the Minutemen of Lexington and Concord: Daniel Bagley John Bradlee John Barrett WilUam Bradley John Boyd Joseph Burke Daniel Bradley Richard Burke [103] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Joseph Carroll Coruehus Cochran William Cochran Henry Cogen John Colhns Jeremiah Collins Daniel CoUins Wilham Connors John Crehore Timothy Crehore William Crehore James Dempsey PhiUp Donehue Benjamin Donnell James Donnell Joseph Donnell John Donnelly John Downing Andrew Dunigan John Fadden Thomas Fanning WilUam Fanning John Farley Michael Farley John Fay Thomas Fay Timothy Fay WilUam Fay John Flood Wilham Flood John Foley Matthew GiUigen Richard Gilpatrick James Gleeson John Gleeson Thomas Gleason John Golden Joseph Golden James Gooly John Grace Daniel GriflBn Joseph Griffin John Hacket Joseph Hacket Wait Burke Daniel Carey Joseph Carey Peter Carey Wilham Carey Silas Carty John CarroU Patrick CarreU Jonathan Carroll Joel Hogan John Haley Thomas Haley WilUam Haley John Healy John HoUand John Hugh David KeUy George KeUy John KeUy Patrick Kelly Peter Kelly Richard KeUy Stephen Kelly Samuel KeUy James Keimy David Kenny John Kenny Nathaniel Kenny Thomas Kenny WilUam Kenny Jeremiah Kinney Daniel Lary [104] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Samuel Lauchlin James Logan Joseph McAnneU Thomas McBride John McCarty Andrew McCausland John McCuUin Michael McDonneU James McFadden Ebenezer McFarley Thomas McFarley Henry McDonegal John McGrah Daniel McGuire Patrick McKeen James McKenny Joseph McKenny John McLeary David McLeary John McMuUen Thomas McMuUen John Mack John Madden Daniel Mahon James MaUone John Manning Robert Manning Samuel Manning Thomas Maiming Timothy Manning WilUam Manning James Magoone John Mehoney Daniel MuUikin Ebenezer MulUkin John Murphy Patrick Newjent Patrick O'Brien Richard O'Brien Daniel Shay John Shea Edward Tappan Michael Tappan John Walsh Joseph Walsh Benjamin Walsh Edward Welsh John Welsh Joseph Welsh Samuel Welsh Thomas Welsh Walter Welsh William Welsh Irish names of American officers and soldiers at the Battle of Bunker HiU: Colonel John Nixon Major Andrew McClary Captain Samuel Dunn Captain Timothy Carey Captain Michael Gleason Captain Nathaniel Healy Captain Jeremiah Gilman Captain Daniel Gallusha Captain John Ford Lieut. Charles Dougherty Lieut. Joseph Welsh Lieut. Daniel Collins James Barry John Barry [105] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Joseph Barry John Bryan John Bogan WilUam Bogan Wait Burk TiUy Burk Josiah Burk Edward Burk Thomas Burk Richard Burk Joseph Burne Thomas Burn WilUam Connor John Connor David Cormor Edward Connor James Connor John Coner John Cronyn Isaac Collins Stephen Collins Demerel ColUns Lemuel ColUns Richard ColUns Henry Collins Daniel ColUns Ambrose ColUns David ColUns Peter Collins John Collins Aaron Carey Luther Carey Caleb Carey Arthur Carey Josiah Carey Jesse Carey Joshua Carey John Coy Daniel Callahan Robert CaUaghan Joseph Cavenaugh Josiah Cummings John Cummings Charles Casity Arthur CoUamore Samuel Carr David Coye Ambrose Craggin Edward Casey Michael Clary Jeremiah Cady Ebenezer Craggin Daniel Carmical WUUam CarraU James CarraU WilUam Casey Laurence Carrol John Connelly Francis Crowley Hugh CargiU John Carel Caleb Comings John Calahan WiUiam Dougherty Thomas Dougherty WiUiam Dunn (2) John Dougherty John Dun James Dunn James DonneU Jotham DonneU Thomas Doyle Patrick Doyle Charles Doroughty John Dougharty EUjah Doyle [106] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Edward Finiken John Flyn John Foy Thomas Finn Edward Fogarty David FUng James Fitzgerald John Foye Jacob Flyn John Fitchjeril Kendel Farley Matthew GilUgan John Gleason WilUam Gihnan WilUam Gilmore Joseph Griffin Richard Gilpatrick Joshua GUpatrick John Gihnor Joseph Gleason Thomas Gleason Daniel Griffin Joseph Griffin Nathaniel Griffin Daniel Leary WUUam Lumehan Bartholomew Lynch John Laughton John McCartney John McCoy Thomas McLaughlin Thomas McCuUough George McCleary Robert McCleary Peter McGee Terrance McMahon James McCormick Daniel McNamara John McDonald Joseph McDonnell Joseph McLalUn WilUam McKenny John McCuUough John McGrath John McLarty Hugh McCarthy James McGraw WUliam McCleary Michael McDonald Robert McCormick James MeCorrer Morris McCleary WilUam McClure John McDonald John McGuire James McFadden Lawrence McLaughlin David McElroy James McCoy James McCuUough Daniel McCarthy Daniel Maguire John Morrison Israel Murphy Thomas Mahoney WilUam Murphy Daniel Morrison James MilUken Daniel Moore Daniel Maley Hugh Morrison James MUUken Joseph Manning Peter Martin Richard Murphy Edward Madden [107] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Daniel Murphy John Manning John Mitchel John Madden Michael Minihan Edward Manning Patrick Mahoney John Noonan John O'Connor Dennis O'Brien Bryant Ryan CorneUus Ryan John Ryan Thomas Ryan Dennis Ryan James Ryan Augustus Ryan Martin Rourke Daniel Rioden Timothy Roach Thomas Roach James Richey Fred Roach John Rannor John Rickey John Savage Jeremiah Scanlon John SulUvan Timothy SulUvan OUver SulUvan Ebenezer SuUivan Patrick Shea Richard Shea James Shay Daniel Shay John Shay John Shield John Shanahan Patrick ScandaUn Thomas Savage Patrick Tracey Thomas Tobin Mathew Tobin Peter Welch James Welch Jonas Welch SUas Welch John WoUey Joseph Welch Walter Welch Isaach Welch Richard Welch Richard Welch John Welch Mathias Welch Benjamin Welch John Welch WilUam Welch WilUam Welch Edmund Welch Joseph Welch WUUam Welch If, as Senator Lodge says, the inhabitants of Massachu setts at the period of the Revolution "were almost wholly of pure English descent," that may account for the fact that Massachusetts furnished more Tories during the [108] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Revolution than any other province; but there were evi dently enough Irish ready to bear arms in the patriot cause, as the muster rolls of Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolution clearly prove. In the Usts pubUshed by the State of Massachusetts the name O'Brien under its various forms occurs 369 times; O'Neill, 48 times; Ryan and Rion, 92 times; SulUvan, 47; Murphy andMorfey, 80; Higgins, 140; Gleason, 140; McCarthy, 42; Maloney, 54; Larkin, 69. Altogether there are more than 2000 names of Irish origin — McSweeneys, O'Donnells, Mahoneys, McGuires, McMahons, Connors, Dalys, Dona hues, Donovans, Kennedys, Kellys, Kenneys, Learys, etc., by the hundreds, to say nothing of thousands of men of Irish nationality who bore EngUsh and Scotch-sounding names. The following letter, written by no less an authority on Pennsylvania history than William H. Egle, State Libra rian to the late Dr. Charles J. Stille, which the latter printed in his "Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line, " illustrates the effort made by historians to detract from the credit due to the Irish for their part in the Revolution : State Library of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa., April 11, 1892. Charies J. StiUe, LL.D., Philadelphia. My dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry of 9th April, permit me to state that Mr. Bancroft and other writers were entirely wrong in their statements as to the nationality of the soldiers of [109] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Wayne's Division. With the exception of the Scotch- Irish who formed about two-thirds of his force, the re mainder were almost entirely of German parentage. In the French and Indian War the emigrants from the Province of Ulster were chiefly selected, while those of pure Irish descent or migration were rejected on the ground that they were Roman Catholics and that they would not be loyal to the Province when opposed by the French troops. If you so desire, when the opportune time arrives, I might amplify what I have here alluded to. The Irish were not in it, although all immigrants from Ireland were thus claimed. The facts are, few Irish came until after the War of the Revolution. I doubt if there were 300 persons of Irish birth (Roman CathoUc and Celtic) in the war from Pennsylvania. Yours with respect, (Signed) William H. Egle. Is there such a thing as a "pure Irish Celt"? Is it not true that hundreds of Roman Catholic Irish families in the bog lands of the south and west of Ireland, with names like Smith, Johnson, Fleming, Nash, Molyneaux, Dever- eaux, Lestrange, DeCourcey, Montgomery, etc., have as much Celtic blood in them as the McGuires, McLaughlins, McMuUens, O'Briens, and O'Reillys, with whom they have intermarried for centuries? On the other hand, are the Maguires, Bryans, Ryans, Reillys, Kennedys, Sweeneys, etc., of the Province of Ulster any less Celtic Irish be cause they live in Ulster and are Protestants? Is Thomas Flaherty, Presbyterian clergyman, "Scotch-Irish" and Patrick O'Flaherty, ditch digger, "Celtic-Irish" because he is a Roman Catholic? Why should Edward Hand, [UO] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Brigadier General in the Revolutionary army, born in Ireland, a Protestant, be classed as "Scotch-Irish," and Patrick Hand, private in the Third Pennsylvania Conti nental Regiment, a Roman Catholic, simply as "Irish"? What is the racial difference between Dennis McKnight, of the County Mayo, and David Knight, of the County Antrim, if Dennis's mother's maiden name was Knox and David's mother's maiden name was Maguire? Which one is "Scotch-Irish"? In the foregoing letter Dr. Egle makes the following assertions: 1. That few Irish came to America until after the Revolution. 2. That in the French and Indian War the immigrants from Ulster were chiefly selected, while those of "pure Irish descent or migration" were rejected. 3. He doubts if there were 300 persons of Irish birth (Roman Catholic and Celtic) in the war from Pennsylvania. 4. That two-thirds of the soldiers of Wayne's Division (the Pennsylvania Line) were "Scotch-Irish." In previous chapters of this work we have shown that the Irish came to America in very large numbers before the Revolution. The three remaining statements are refuted by material edited and published under the direc tion of Dr. Egle himself while State Librarian. The Pennsylvania Archives, notably Vols. I, II, Second Series, edited by Dr. WilUam H. Egle and John B. Linn, contain lists of Pennsylvaiua soldiers in the Colonial wars and the Revolutionary War. The nationality of soldiers is, with few exceptions, not stated, but on pages 490 to 501 of 8 [111] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Vol. II, 2d Series, Penna. Archives, are Usts of the soldiers in four companies of Provincial Militia, in which, for tunately, the country of birth is in most instances given. The muster rolls are dated August and September, 1746, while the French and Indian War was in progress. As the roll of the first company includes birthplaces of only half the members, we shall consider the other three, com manded by Capt. WilUam Trent, Capt. Samuel Shannon, and Capt. Samuel Perry. These three companies con tained 324 men, country of birth of 301 being mentioned. Of the latter, 167 whose names are printed below were born in Ireland. An examination of these names will enable the reader to judge how ridiculous the claim is that the real Irish were excluded from the ranks during the French and Indian War: Adams, Emanuel Almond, Thomas Armsbie, Luke Armstrong, Joseph Baem, David Bamett, James Barr, Thomas Bayman, Nathaniel Black, Thomas Boyd, John Boyle, James Brennan, Edward Brennan, James Burn, Edward Bums, Edward Bums, John Byrn, Charles Caldwell, Robert Carney, Daniel Carr, George CarroU, John Carson, Robert Carty, Thomas Cayton, Edward Cooley, WiUiam Corbet, John ComealUe, CorneUus Coyle, Charles Crowley, Bartholomew Crowley, James Davis, Valentine Davis, Edward Dick, Johu Dennahew, Florence Dermott, Matthew DonneUy, John DonaUy, FeUx Donohue, Timothy Dunbar, John Eakin, Michael [1121 IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Ensley, John Fay, Matthew Frazier, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Dennis Flannigan, George Flood, John Fox, Thomas Futhey, Henry Gallagher, Felix Gallagher, Thomas GiUespie, Abel GaUagher, Henry GoodfeUow, Daniel Gethins, Daniel Grace, WiUiam Grant, John HaU, Jonas Hammon, John Harkins, James Harris, James Henry, Henry Holland, Charles Hamilton, James Huston, WUUam Johnston, James Jones, Robert Kain, John Kain, MUes KeUy, Peter Kelly, Daniel Kennedy, Hugh Lappin, Paul Lastly, Barnabas Larey, John Laverty, Patrick Lee, James Lee, Robert Lee, Thomas Lindon, Patrick Lindsey, Walter Lome, Charles McAfee, Robert McCabe, Alexander McCalla, Charles McClean, John McDaniel, Dennis McGarvey, James McGuire, Nicholas McKee, Andrew McCarty, Bartholomew McCarty, CorneUus McCarty, John McCloskey, Henry McCord, WUUam McCormick, Thomas McDonald, Minass McGaughy, John McGaughy, WilUam McGee, Thomas McGoun, Patrick McGuire, PhiUp Mcllvaine, Joseph McKee, WUliam McKinney, Alex. McKinny, James McLees, Archibald McLees, James McMahon, Redmond McManus, James McPeak, James Mahan, Owen Malvain, WiUiam Mangan, Owen Martin, Patrick Matthews, George Merchant, William [113] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Meredith, Philip Miller, Henry Mooney, Michael Mooney, Patrick Morrison, James Murphy, Michael Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Archibald Neal, John Nicholas, David Neigle, James Newman, Edward O'Donnelly, Arthur O'DonneU, Michael O'Neale, Arthur Parker, Anthony Priscott, James Raredon, Michael R«a, Thomas Read, John Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, Patrick Richardson, WilUam Rodgers, James Robertson, WilUam Runnell, Peter RusseU, Nicholas Savage, Patrick Scott, Valentine Semple, WiUiam Shea, Timothy ShortaU, John ShortaU, OUver Sim, John Simpson, James Slevan, John Smith, James Stevenson, James SutUff, Michael Snapes, Paul SulUvan, Daniel Swaney, Thomas Tomey, John Tay, Daniel Tulton, WiUiam Turner, Samuel Wasson, Robert Weir, Owen Wilson, Thomas Yorgen, Dennis The list of soldiers in Colonel Washington's Regi ment of Virginia Militia, engaged in the French and Indian War, printed at end of the chapter on "The Irish in Other Provinces," is additional evidence that the "pure Irish" were not rejected during the French and Indian War. But even if it were true that the emigrants were mainly from Ulster, the following Ust of soldiers born in Ireland, taken from a "Return of a FuU Company enUsted for the Campaign in the Lower Counties, by Capt. McClughan, [114] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE delivered Wednesday, the 17th May, 1758," printed on pp. 570-73, Vol. II, 2d S. Pa., in which the County of birth is given, will show that the Irish Irish were well repre sented among the Ulster emigrants. Black, George, from Armagh, Ulster ConneUy, Bryan, from Monaghan, Ulster Crawford, John, Donegal, Ulster Dougherty, John, Donegal Dougherty, Owen, Donegal Dougherty, Patrick, Donegal Dunbar, John, Tyrone, Ulster Dunfee, Michael, Wexford Fitzsimmons, John, Dublin Henderson, James, Antrim, Ulster Houston, Alexander, "Toboyne" Innis, Timothy, Kildare Jones, Christopher, West Meath Kelley, John, Down, Ulster Kilpatrick, Patrick, "Faughboyne" McAnulty, John, Londonderry McClearn, James, Londonderry McClelan, James, Antrim McGiU, Patrick, "Kilmore" Martin, Hugh, Tyrone, Ulster Mitchell, Joseph, Down, Ulster MuUan, Daniel, Dunluce, Ulster Murrain, John, Dublin Sheerman, James, Dublin Sloan, John, Tyrone Stragan, John, Londonderry Whellan, Luke, Waterford [115] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Vol. I (10), Second Series, Pennsylvania Archives, contains lists of names of soldiers in the Pennsylvania regiments of the Continental Line in the Revolution. The regiments are numbered First to Thirteenth in clusive, and to show the falsity of Dr. Egle's statements that not more than 300 Irish were in the war from Penn sylvania, we give the following list of 1000 distinctively Irish names taken from the Usts of soldiers in only the first six regiments : First Pennsylvania Regiment Ambrose, Patrick Barney, Nicholas Bradley, Robert Bums, WiUiam Bryan, Jacob Blake, Edward Blake, Michael Blakenny, John Bleak, Michael Bough, John Boughter, Martin Boyle, James Boyles, Charles Bradley, James Brady, Michael Branahan, George Burke, Edmund Burns, John Burns, Lawrence Burns, Michael Butler, Patrick Cavanagh, John Calahan, Daniel Callen, Edward Camahan, WilUam Carney, Barnabas CarroU, James Cary, Aiken Casey, Roger Cavenaugh, Edward Cavenaugh, Patrick Cochran, George Colgon, Barnabas CoUier, Richard ColUns, John ColUns, Thomas Coneway, James Condon, Peter ConneUy, Patrick Connel, Terrence Conner, Charles Conner, John Cooley, James Cooney, John Coyle, Alexander Cross, Patrick Crowley, Lawrence Crowly, Miles Cummings, Edward Curley, Barnabas [116] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Curry, James Curry, Samuel Curry, Samuel Curry, WilUam Donlin, WilUam Dailey, Joseph DaUey, WiUiam Dalton, Richard Delany, Martin Delany, Murdoch Dempsey, Charles Dempsey, Sampson Dempsey, Timothy Devinney, John DonneU, John Donahoo, Timothy Donovan, John Donovan, Timothy Doran, James Dorsey, Matthew Dougherty, Daniel Dougherty, James, Jr. Dougherty, Matthew Downing, Jeremiah Dowther, John Doyle, John Doyle, Morris Doyle, Samuel Dugan, Charles Dunahoo, Patrick Dunn, John Dwier, CorneUus Early, Michael Ermis, Francis Enos, Francis Farrall, Patrick Feagan, James Feagan, WilUam Fennell, Patrick FerroU, Michael Finley, Robert Finnegan, Christopher Finney, Roger Fitzpatrick, WiUiam Fleming, Hugh Fowler, Patrick Grimes, James Garvey, John Gowen, Henry Gehan, Peter Gibbon, James Golding, WUUam Gordon, WilUam Gorman, Laurence Gorman, John Gorman, Samuel Gowen, Francis Grimes, John Hagan, Peter Haggerty, Archibald Hagey, Henry Haley, Michael Hanley, Hugh Hanlon, Marmaduke Heagey, Henry Heaney, Henry Hening, Patrick Heron, Patrick Higgins, James Hogan, Sylvester Kelly, John Kinkaid, Joseph Kinkaid, Andrew Kain, John Kain, Michael Keam, Luke [117] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Keary, Arthur Keaton, John Keaton, Thomas Keenan, Lawrence Keenon, John Keenon, Roger KeUy, Alexander Kelly, Edward KeUy, Hugh KeUy, James Kelly, John KeUy, KilUan Kelly, Patrick KeUy, Thomas Kelly, Timothy Kempsey, Patrick Kennaghan, Richard Kennedy, Denis Kennedy, Richard Kennedy, Thomas Kinney, Michael Knight, John Lochery, Michael Lafferty, Edward Leaman, Michael Leamy, James Leonard, John Leonard, Patrick* Leonard, Richard Leonard, Roger Linn, John Linn, William Lynch, John Lyons, Edward Lyons, Moses McCartney, John McCartney, Henry McCartney, James McBride, Peter McCann, Daniel McCarroU, John McCartney, FeUx McCarter, David McCarty, John McCasUn, Patrick McCloskey, John McCloskey, NeiU McCloskey, WiUiam McClurghan, Samuel McConneU, Charles McConneU, CorneUus McConneU, WiUiam McCord, Isaiah McCord, Thomas McCormick, John McCormick, Hugh McCormick, Patrick McCormick, WilUam McCortley, Michael McCoy, Michael McCoy, Rory McCoy, William McCreedy, James McCrossan, Patrick * Born in Ireland, 1740; joined First Rifles, and served in Proc ter's ArtiUery at Bunker Hill, Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Stony Point. Served in Captain Ziegler's company at Block House, where he carried off Lieut. David Hammond, who was badly wounded. Discharged at Pittsburgh, 1783. Served also under Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, 1791-96. [118] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE McCuUom, John McCune, James McCuUough, John McDonald, Francis McDonald, John McDonald, Michael McDonald, Robert McDonald, WUUam McDonald, John McDonald, Alexander McDonnagh, James McDowell, Andrew McElhone, Isaac McEnnaUy, Matthew McFatridge, Daniel McGakey, Andrew McGaw, Patrick McGee, Robert McGinnis, Daniel McGinnis, Robert McGinness, Owen McGlaughlin, FeUx McGlaughUn, Samuel McGowen, John McGraw, John McGuire, Barney McGuire, John McGehegan, George McHaffy, James McHose, Isaac Mclntire, John McKeen, Edward (McKelvey, McKinleys, Mc- Kenzies, etc., etc., evidently Scotch, omitted) McKnight, Dennis McMahon, John McManus, John McMuUan, Daniel McMuUan, Michael McMuUen, John McNair, John McNorton, Michael McOnaUy, Michael McPike, Richard McSwine, George McMurray, WilUam McMurtrie, John Madden, Edward Madden, Michael Madden, Thomas Magee, James Magrath, Thomas Mahoney, James Mahoney, Arthur Mahoney, WilUam Maloney, John Maloney, WilUam (Martins omitted) Means, Thomas MilUgan, James MilUgan, Hugh Morney, Henry (Moores omitted) Moriarty, Dennis (Morgans omitted) MulhoUan, Hugh Mullen, John Mullen, Patrick Mullen, WilUam Mulvany, Patrick Murphy, Archibald Murphy, Dennis Murphy, James Murphy, Peter Murphy, PhiUp 11191 IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Murphy, Timothy Murphy, WiUiam Murray, Daniel Murray, Francis Murray, Jeremiah Murray, John Murray, Patrick Murray, Thomas Murray, WiUiam Neill, James Norton, Joseph Norton, Henry Norton, Patrick O'Bryan, Daniel O'Bryan, Dennis O'Bryan, Martin O'Bryan, WiUiam O'Neal, Edward O'Neal, James O'Neal, John O'Neal, Richard Phelan, Peter Power, John Powers, Robert Quigley, James Quinn, Francis Quinn, Michael Quinn, Patrick Roark, Andrew Ryan, John Redman, Michael Redman, John ReUey, Bernard ReUey, Christopher Reiley, Job Reiley, John (Reynolds omitted) Riley, Christian Rowan, John Rudy, Barney Rudy, Patrick Ryon, Patrick Sweeney, James Shehan, Thomas Shehan, Daniel Sloane, Lawrence SulUvan, Murty SuUivan, Patrick Sweeney, Hugh Taggart, Dennis Temay, Matthew Welsh, James Welsh, John Welsh, Michael Welsh, Thomas Seconp Pennsylvania Regiment Burns, Samuel Boyd, Abraham Boyle, PhiUp Bradley, Hugh Brady, Michael Brandon, Nathaniel Brannon, James Brannon, John Brogan, Michael Bryan, WiUiam Burke, Alexander Burns, Carberry Calalan, Patrick Callagan, John [120] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Carney, Barney Casey, Richard Cassaday, Patrick Cochran, John ColUns, John ColUns, Joseph Collins, Thomas ColUns, Patrick Connely, James Connor, Matthew Cooley, Edward Cooney, James Cowan, Charles Cross, Patrick Crossan, John Crowley, David CuUen, Thomas Cummings, James Dailey, Joseph Devine, James Duggan, Patrick Deady, Patrick Derry, Michael Donahoo, John Donovan, James Dougherty, John Dougherty, James Dungan, Thomas Dunmore, Paul Dwire, CorneUus Eagan, John Fagan, Garrett Fagge, Patrick Fagony, James Faugh, Michael (Finleys omitted) Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, John Flanagan, Timothy GaUigher, Francis Gillespie, George Gordon, Daniel Gordon, John Griffin, David Hurley, John Hagan, Peter Hagerthy, Dennis Hale, John Haley, Morris Hanney, Thomas Harlan, John Jennings, Thomas Kerney, Barnet Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Robert KaUahan, John Keaton, John Keating, Ignatius Keating, John Keele, Francis Keene, Francis Keenan, Roger KeUy, James Kelly, John KeUy, Matthew Kelly, Patrick Kempsey, Patrick Kennard, Joseph Kennedy, Andrew Kennedy, Samuel Kenny, Neal Kiught, Michael Kough, Ludwig Kusick, John Lafferty, Daniel Larkins, David [121] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Lary, Daniel Leary, Daniel Lough, George McCullan, John McDonald, WilUam McKilloh, Robert McMurdy, John McPike. James MulhoUon, Hugh Murphy, Archibald McLaughlin, Robert McCarty, Daniel Murray, WilUam McAfee, NeU McCahan, Richard MeCaUa, Daniel McCarty, Richard McCastleton, Samuel McCay, Daniel McChord, Isaiah McCloskey, John McCoUum, John McConneU, WilUam McCormick, John McCormick, WilUam McCourt, John McCowen, John McCue, Arthur McDoweU, WUUam McEhoy, John McElvaine, John McElvany, Patrick McFatridge, Daniel McGahan, John McGahy, Andrew McGaughin, Michael McGeary, Neal McGilton, WilUam McGinnis, Roger McGrath, WUUam McGraw, John McGraw, WiUiam Mclntire, Daniel Mclntire, WilUam McKiUin, Edward McKinney, John McKinsey, John McMahon, Richard McManus, Hugh McQuead, John McQuiUin, James McQuiUion, Robert McVeagh, Patrick McVey, Daniel Madden, Thomas Magee, Thomas Mahon, John Malony, John Maloy, James (Martins omitted) Mellen, John (Morrisons omitted) Moyne, John MuUen, John MuUoney, John Mulvany, Patrick Murphy, Andrew Murphy, Christian Murphy, John Murphy, PhiUp (Murrays omitted) Neill, James NeiU, John Norton, John Norton, Henry O'Brien, Daniel :i22] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE O'Bryan, Martin O'Bryan, Sylvester O'Bryan, WiUiam O'Foy, Patrick O'Neal, Christopher O'Neal, Edward O'Neal, James Grand, Patrick Quigley, Edward Reagan, James Reagan, Michael Reardon, Jeremiah Record, Patrick Redman, John Redman, Michael Reily, Job Ryan, James Sloan, John (Shaw, Patrick) Shea, Daniel SulUvan, James SulUvan, Michael SulUvan, Patrick SlUUvan, Thomas SulUvan, WilUam Tague, Patrick Terney, Matthew Thornton, James Whelin, WiUiam Third Pennsylvania Regiment Boyd, Thomas (Brown, Patrick) Barrett, WUUam Boyd, Thomas Boyle, Neal Boylea, Charles Bradley, Thomas Brady, Thomas Brannon, John Bryan, WUUam Bryan, Patrick Burk, John Bums, James Bums, Timothy Bums, WilUam CoUings, Thomas ColUns, Samuel Cain, John CaUigan, John CaUigan, WilUam Carahay, Michael Cochran, Blaney Collier, Richard Collins, David Collins, Richard ColUns, WiUiam Connell, Terrence Conner, Patrick Conroy, James Conway, Michael Cooley, WUUam Courtney, CorneUus Courtney, William Coyle, Mark Coyle, Robert Craven, John Cummings, Edward Curley, Barney Cusick, John Doyle [123] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Dougherty, George Dagley, James Dagon, WilUam Dougherty, WiUiam Delaney, Daniel Dempsey, Charles Dennison, John Donely, WilUam Donohoo, Patrick Donavan, John Doody, James Dorman, William Doyle, Henry Doyle, Samuel Doud, Michael Dougherty, John DowUng, Lambert Downey, Patrick Druery, Michael Dugg, James Dunivan, John Dunleavy, Anthony Ferall, Patrick Fitzsimmons, PhiUp Ford, Charles Fagan, Garrett Pagan, James Fagan, Michael Farren, Francis FarroU, Patrick Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, John Fitzgibbon, James Fleming, Henry FUnn, James Ford, John Gowen, Hugh Gordon, John Gordon, WilUam Gordon, Abraham GaUagher, Daniel Gallagher, James Gibson, Thomas GilUng, Daniel Gordon, Joseph Hagerty, James (Hand, Dominic) (Hand, Patrick) Hanlin, Patrick Hannon, John Hartney, Patrick Herron, Patrick Houghey, Patrick Huggins, John Hughes, James Hughes, WilUam Hurley, James (Jennings omitted) Joyce, Michael KeUy Kennedy KUpatrick, WiUiam Kennedy, Robert Kating, Ignatius Keenan, Nicholas Kelly, George KeUy, Thomas (Kerr, Michael) Kincaid, John Kusick, John Lafferty, Daniel Lavery, John Leary, Daniel (Leland, Patrick) Lynch, Lawrence McMeehan, John [124] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE McLaughUn McFaddin, Angus Mack, Peter McFaddin, Joseph McAnarmey, Patrick McAnnelly, James McAnneUy, Patrick McCarr, John McCartney, Dennis McCaspy, John McClarren, Thomas McCloskey, CorneUus McClosky, John McClung, WiUiam McConnel, James McCormick, Hugh McCormick, Timothy McCoy, Nicholas McCoy, WUUam McCummings, John McCune, WilUam McDermott, John McDonald, Charles McDonald, Godfrey McDonald, John McDonald, Patrick McDonald, WilUam McDoweU, John McElhone, WilUam McEU-oy, John McEntire, Thomas McFatridge, Daniel McGahy, WilUam McCary, Neal McGeary, Hugh McGinnis, Daniel McGinnis, John McGinnis, John McGowan, WUUam McGuighan, Peter Mcllgar, John Mclntire, Daniel Mclntire, WUliam McKann, Charles McKinney, John McKnight, David McLaughlin, George McManus, John McMath, Daniel McMichael, James McMichael, John McMuUen, John* McMuUen, WUUam McQuin, Daniel Mahan, Arthur Malone, Richard Malony, Archibald Malony, Richard (Martins omitted) MuUen, Andrew Mulvany, John Murphy, Christian Murphy, Timothy Murphy, Thomas (Nixon, Martin) Nowland, John "' At Newark he and thirty-three other Irishmen and other soldiers were captured; was a prisoner nine months and ten days; rejoined the company commanded by Capt. Thomas Butler; then marched south in the company commanded by Cajjt. Henderson; at Green Springs and surrender of ComwalUs; died in Mifflin county, Jan. 3, 1832, aged eighty-one. [125] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE O'Neal, Nicholas O'Haira, Patrick O'Hara, WiUiam O'Neal, Daniel O'Neal, James O'Neal, John Quigley, Edward Quinn, Francis ReiUy, John Redman, John Reily, WilUam (Rock, Patrick) Rowan, John Ryan, James Shehan, Daniel Sloan, Lawrence Slone, WilUam SulUvan, Daniel Sullivan, Owen Sweeney, James Sweeney, Hugh Toner, James Toner, John Toole, John (Wear, ComeUus) Welsh, WUUam Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment (AUwine, Barney) Boyle, John (Butler, Patrick) Bannon, Jeremiah Blake, Michael Boyd, Thomas Boyle, John Boyle, Neal Bradley, John Brannon, Darby Bryan, WiUiam Burke, Francis Byrns, James Cochran, George Conroy, James Connor, Patrick CaUaghan, John Carnaghan, James Carroll, Thomas Cassady, WilUam Cavanaugh, John Cochran, Blaney Cochran, John CoUings, John CoUings, Richard CoUings, Robert CoUings, WUUam Conner, Charles Conner, Martin CormeUy, Andrew Courtney, ComeUus Donnell, John Dunbar, John Doimelly, George DaUey, John Demond, Peter Dempsey, Patrick Dennison, Thomas Desmond, John Deveney, Hugh Devine, Bernard Devine, Hugh Drudge, John Donahoo, Patrick [126] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Dougan, John Duffield, FeUx Duffield, John Fagin, James Fitzgerald, Edward Garvin, Henry Galagher, Daniel Galagher, James Garvey, John Gogehan, Joseph Hagan, Patrick Hanlin, Patrick Hartney, Patrick Higgins, James Kain, Michael Kain, Henry KeaUng, Thomas Keenan, John Keilan, John KeUy, Barnabas KeUy, Charles KeUy, Thomas KeUy, WUUam Kennedy, Andrew Kemahan, Richard Lynch, Michael Lafferty, Robert Larkins, James Lynch, Lawrence Lynch, Michael Mclntire, WiUiam McPike, James McMuUen, WilUam McDonald, Alexander Mcllvaine, Thomas McBride, James McCarty, Denis McCoUy, Robert McConneU, Charles McCormick, John McCormick, Patrick McCoy, Rory McCune, John McDonald, Francis McDonough, James McEUoy, Hugh McFarland, James McGahy, Andrew MoCarrigan, Daniel McGlaughUn, Bryan McGuire, John Mclntire, James McKevey, Hugh McKevey, Thomas McMahon, Timothy McManus, Hugh McNamara, Dennis McPike, Thomas McQueen, Daniel McQueen, John McSwaine, George Madden, Michael Magan, Patrick Magee, Daniel Maloney, William Maloney, Archibald Maloy, James Martin, Patrick Mullen, Manus Murphy, Peter Murray, Daniel Murray, Patrick Nixon, John Noglan, William O'Neal, John O'Hara, Patrick [127] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE O'Neal, Richard ReUy, Charles Rourk, Andrew Rion, John Roach, Sadler Ryan, Michael Ryan, Patrick Sloan, John Shannon, James SuUivan, Daniel SuUivan, Murty SulUvan, Owen SulUvan, Thomas Welch, Edward Welsh, James Welsh, Patrick Welsh, WUUam Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment Bradley, Hugh Brady, Robert Brady, Thomas Bums, Daniel Bums, LaughUn Bums, Lawrence Coyne, Bartholomew Cain, John Cary, Arthur Cavanaugh, John Cochran, Robert ColUns, John Connel, Patrick Conner, John Conner, Matthew Connor, Ambrose Cooley, James CosteUo, Jordan Crossley, Thomas Crowley, MUes Curry, Roger Curry, WilUam Delany, WiUiam Devene, James Daly, James Deveny, John DaUey, James Dailey, John Delaney, Martin Deviny, ComeUus Donnelly, John Doran, James Dorney, Matthew Dorsey, Matthew Dougherty, Bernard Dougherty, James Dougherty, WUUam Doyle, John Doyle, Morris Doyle, Peter Doyle, Thomas, Sr. Doyle, Thomas, Jr. Drury, Michael Duffy, George Duffy, Michael Dunn, John Eagan, John FarraU, Patrick FarroU, Michael Feagan, WiUiam FenneU, Patrick Fitzpatrick, WUUam [128] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Flanaghan, John Forbes, James Fowler, Patrick Garvey, John GiUespy, John Gordon, WiUiam Gowen, Francis Griffin, WiUiam Hagens, Daniel Haney, David Hanin, Richard Hannan, John Hargan, John Harrigan, John Heany, Daniel Hogan, Daniel Hogan, Sylvester Kennedy, James Keary, Arthur Keenan, Nicholas KeUy, John KeUy, Michael KeUy, Thomas KeUy, Timothy Kennedy, Cornelius Kennedy, Dennis Kergey, John Linn, Patrick Ljfnch, Patrick McDonald, WiUiam McDougal, WiUiam McMahon, John McCowan, John McCowen, WilUam McAnaly, Matthew McCamron, James McCann, Daniel McCarter, John McCarty, Jeremiah McCarty, Michael MeCoUy, Samuel McCord, Thomas McCortley, Michael McCowan, Hugh McCowan, John McCoy, John McCoy, Michael McCrackin, John McCrossan, Patrick McCuen, WUliam McCuUoch, John McCulloch, John McCuUoch, Samuel McDaniel, Robert McDonagh, John McDonald, Robert McDonald, Terrence McDonald, WiUiam McDonneU, Robert McElheny, George McEnaUy, Martin McEwen, John McFaU, Archibald McFaU, Dennis McFall, Thomas McGee, WiUiam McGlaughUn, George McGlaughlin, John McGrotty, Dennis McGuigan, Andrew McGuire, Charles McKissick, John McKnight, David McLochlin, Hugh McMahon, John McManness, Michael 129 IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE McMuUen, Francis McNamara, Patrick McOwen, John McPheran, Andrew McPike, Thomas McQuillen, Charles McSherry, Peter McSwine, Dennis McWUliams, Alexander Mahoney, James Manley, WiUiam Murphy, Lawrence Murphy, Arthur Murphy, WilUam Neill, James Nixon, Marvin Norton, John O'Hara, George O'Harron, David O'Harra, Daniel O'NeU, James Phelan, Peter Redman, John ReUy, James Rock, Patrick Roddy, Patrick Rodgers, Patrick Rooney, Peter Saladay, Daniel Walsh, John Welsh, John Welsh, Michael Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment Bready, Robert Burke, Michael Brady, Samuel Bryan, WUUam Buckley, Daniel Burke, WilUam Burns, John Carroll, Dennis Colgan, John CaUaghan, Patrick Casaday, John Colgan, Barnabas, Sr. Colgan, Barnabas, Jr. ColUns, WilUam Connor, John (Cox, Barney) Donavan, John Doyle, Peter Duffy, James Fitzpatrick, Peter Finley, Peter Finney, Roger Flanagan, Timothy Gehon, Peter Gordon, Charles Gordon, John Griffin, David Grimes, John Henny, Henry Haley, John Hanley, Christopher Hanley, Marmaduke Healey, John Henley, Maurice Hogan, Daniel Huggan, Daniel Kelly, Benjamin Kelley, Charles [130] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE KeUey, KilUan Kelly, Dennis KeUy, WilUam Kenney, Daniel Kenon, Lawrence LaughUn, Peter Logan, Michael Lowrey, Patrick McGilton, WilUam McGee, James McCord, Samuel McAfee, John McBride, James McCarroU, John McCastleton, James McCastleton, Samuel D. McCasUn, Patrick McCaston, James McClusky, Francis McDaniel, Malcolm McDaniel, Matthew McDaniel, Michael McDonald, Michael McDonald, Terrence McDonagh, James McDoweU, John McEntire, James McGee, Thomas McGinnis, Robert McGuire, PhiUp McKinney, John McCune, Frederick McLine, John McManamy, Daniel McMulUn, John McPike, Richard Magaw, John Malone, John MilUgan, WilUam Moran, Michael Morrison, Michael Mullin, WilUam MulUn, Patrick Mulvaney, John Norton, Patrick O'Brian, Philip O'Brien, John O'Bryan, WUliam O'Neal, Daniel O'Neal, James Reily, Thomas Shawnesse, John"' Shehey, Daniel Swaine, Edward* Welsh, John One hundred Irish names of Pensioners of the Revolu tionary War, Uving in Virginia, printed in Senate Docu- * These two names illustrate how Irish names are changed : O'Shaughnessy, Shaughnessy, Shawnesse, Shaw; McSwine, Swine, Swaine. Hundreds of names of Irish origin were necessarily omitted from the list because so many Irish names have assumed an English form. The names Shaw, Moore, Smith, Morrison, Newman, Kerr, Carr, Clarke, are just as prevalent among Irish CathoUc families as names beginning with "Mc" or "O' ". [131] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE ments, 1835, giving names of State Troops in which they served and year pension commenced. Martin Mooney, Virginia, 1819 Edward Casey, Virginia, 1819 Bartholomew Ragan, Virginia, 1818 Patrick McCowan, Pennsylvama, 1818 James Bryams, Virginia, 1818 Peter Dager, Virginia, 1818 Benjamin Galloway, Virginia, 1818 Sampson Dempsey, Pennsylvania, 1818 John GaUegher, Maryland, 1818 Wm. Connerly, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Kennedy, Virginia, 1818 Dempsey Stuart, Virginia, 1819 Francis Burk, Maryland, 1818 John Cochran, Virginia, 1828 John DonneU, Pennsylvania, 1818 Archibald Casey, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Burke, 2nd, Virginia, 1818 Daniel FUn, Virginia. 1818 Perry Carroll, Virginia, 1818 Joshua Dunn, Virginia, 1818 Michael Grosh, Maryland, 1818 Samuel Courtney, Virginia, 1818 William Drone, Virginia, 1818 John Dulin, Virginia, 1818 Thomas McGee, Pennsylvania, 1819 WilUam Burke, Virginia, 1808 Dennis Bush, Virginia, 1818 WiUiam Burke, Virginia, 1808 Dennis Bush, Virginia, 1818 John Hefferlin, Virginia, 1818 Samuel Harrell, Virginia, 1819 John Haney, Maryland, 1818 Daniel Hayley, Virginia, 1818 Alex. McMuUen, Virginia, 1818 Arch. McDonald, Virginia, 1782 [132] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Dennis O'Brian, Maryland, 1818 John Hackett, Virginia, 1819 Dennis Ready, Virginia, 1818 John MaUory, Virginia, 1818 Francis McCraw, Virginia, 1818 Martin Delany, Pennsylvania, 1818 Geo. Dougherty, Pennsylvania, 1824 John Dailey, Virginia, 1818 Hugh Malone, Maryland, 1818 Isaac Welch, Virginia, 1819 John Byrns, Virgima, 1818 James Cochran, Ensign, Virginia, 1818 Michael Cary, Maryland, 1818 Stephen Flecherty, Maryland, 1818 James Hanlon, Virgima, 1818 Hugh MuUegan, Pennsylvama, 1790 Michael McKnight, Virginia, 1785 Terence McDonald, Virginia, Geo. Murfree, Virgima, 1818 Samuel McCoy, Virgima, 1818 Daniel Brian, Maryland, 1818 Peter Hains, Virgima and Maryland, 1818 Andrew McCarty, Pennsylvania, 1818 John ColUns, Virginia, 1818 Patrick Gleason, Virginia, 1818 John Meanly, Virginia, 1818 Wm. McGeorge, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Dennis Hampton, aUas Wm. Dennis, Virginia, 1818 Peter McCune, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Carney, Virginia, 1818 Francis Dyer, Virgima, 1832 Dennis Crow, Virginia, 1832 James McDade, Virginia, 1818 Argelon Toone, Virgima, 1818 Daniel Lee, New York, 1818 Thomas Malone, Delaware, 1820 James Larkin, Virginia, 1818 [133] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Thomas McDaniel, North CaroUna, 1821 Daniel Conner, Virginia, 1820 John Nash, Virginia, 1819 John O'Neal, Pennsylvania, 1818 John Bourn, Virginia, 1818 Charles Murphey, Virginia, 1818 Terry McHaney, Georgia, 1821 John Quinn, Virgima, 1823 Robert Dyson, Virginia, 1818 Thos. Dondeen, Virginia, 1818 John Flaridy, Pennsylvania, 1820 Thomas Mahorney, Virgima, 1818, aged 105 years Patrick McEwing, Virginia, 1818 John Roach, Virginia, 1818 John SulUvan, Virginia, 1830 John Ferrall, Pennsylvania, 1818 Thomas Plumkett, Virgima, 1818 John Reardon, Virginia, 1800 Peter Grim, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Grady, Virginia, 1819 Joseph GoUoday, Virginia, 1819 Benj. McKnight, Virginia, 1819 Wm. Knight, Virginia, 1818 Wm. Thornton, Virginia, 1818 Archibald Maloney, Virginia, 1819 Patrick Hanlin, Pennsylvania, 1818 John Burke, Maryland, 1818 Terence Doran, Virginia, 1818 Bennet McKey, Virgima, 1818 Daniel Bennett, aUas Bennings, Maryland, 1823 One hundred Irish names of Pensioners of the Revolu tionary War, living in Ohio and Indiana, printed in Senate Documents, 1835, giving name of state troops in which they served. Michael Bowen, Massachusetts John Burns, Sergeant, Virginia [134] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Sylvanus Burke, Massachusetts Lawrence Byrn, Pennsylvama Daniel Cornell, Pennsylvama James Curry, Captain, Virginia George Carrol, Maryland William Colgan, Virginia John Clancey, Maryland Francis Costigan, Lieutenant, New Jersey Daniel Clay, New Hampshire Patrick Cunningham, Pennsylvania Jacob Casey, Virginia Thomas Downey, Pennsylvania Henry Dugan, Pennsylvania Elias Dailey, Pennsylvania Dennis Dailey, Virginia Richard Done, Connecticut John Derrough, Virginia Samuel Dailey, Massachusetts John Denoon, Maryland Andrew Dennis, Pennsylvania Joseph D. Finley, Major, Pennsylvania Henry Fitzgerald, Pennsylvania William Flood, Virginia Robert Fleming, Pennsylvania Anthony Geoghegan, Maryland Cornelius Hurley, Virginia John Kelly, Virginia Daniel Keyes, Sergeant, Massachusetts Andrew Kennedy, Pennsylvama John Legore, Pennsylvania Peter Lynch, Pennsylvama James Larkins, Sergeant, Pennsylvania Patrick Leonard, Pennsylvania Patrick Logan, Virginia Daniel Morley, Connecticut Peter Magee, Lieutenant, New York John McMahon, Pennsylvania John McElroy, fife major, Pennsylvania [135] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Neal Murry, Pennsylvania John McKnight, Maryland Redmont McDonough, Virginia Hugh McClelland, Pennsylvania Hugh MuUoy, Lieutenant, Massachusetts John McCarroU, Pennsylvania John Murphy, Virginia Samuel McKee, Pennsylvama John McQuown, Virginia WilUam McGee, New Hampshire James McEver, Massachusetts Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania James Murphy, Pennsylvania James McBumey, New Jersey Alexander McGloggan, Pennsylvania Robert McCuUough, Connecticut Cornelius Morris, Maryland Connelly McFaden, New Jersey Walter McFarland, Pennsylvania Charles Magin, Maryland Richard McHenry, Pennsylvania Wm. McClain, Pennsylvania Wm. Manning, Sergeant, Connecticut Francis McConneU, New Jersey Abner McMahon, New Jersey Wm. McKelvey, Pennsylvania Michael McClunie, Pennsylvania Neil McMuUen, Pennsylvania Jesse Meneley, New Jersey James McGuinnes, Pennsylvania Thomas Mclntire, Pennsylvania William McMurray, Pennsylvania Charles McGuire, Pennsylvania Dennis O'LaughUn, Pennsylvania William Roach, Pennsylvania Daniel Reddington, Massachusetts James Reiley, Pennsylvania Richard Rilea, Virginia [136] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Patrick Sullivan, Pennsylvania Timothy Sherman, Massachusetts David Boylls, Virgima Charles Boyll, Virginia John Burns, Virginia Bartholomew Carroll, Virginia Michael Courtney, Virginia Terrance Coimor, Virginia Thomas Flynn, Delaware David Haney, Pennsylvania Richard Kenney, Maryland Daniel Kenny, Pennsylvama Matthew McAfee, Pennsylvama James J. Murphy, Virginia James Mahoney, Virginia Daniel Sullivan, Pennsylvama Daniel Welch, Connecticut One hundred Irish names of Pensioners of the Revolu tionary War, Uving in New York State, printed in Senate Documents, 1835, giving names of State Troops in which they served. Lewis Brady, New York Daniel Brackett, Massachusetts James Bryan, Rhode Island Adam Brannon, New York Michael Burdge, Sergeant, New York Elijah Bryan, Connecticut Nicholas Cusick, Lieutenant, New York Michael Cross, Hazen's Regiment Joseph Carley, New York Levids J. Costigin, Lieutenant, New Jersey WiUiam Conner, New York James Cooley, Massachusetts John Cahall, New York James Dorsey, Massachusetts [ 137 ] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE Daniel Dorsey, Captain, Maryland Timothy Dunn, Connecticut Timothy Driskell, Pennsylvania James Dailey, Connecticut James Dorey, New York John Dailey, New Jersey Thomas Dennis, Rhode Island Francis Delaney, North CaroUna Silas Daley, New York Jonathan Farley, Massachusetts William Farley, New Hampshire Amos Flood, New Hampshire Joseph Flood, Massachusetts Aaron Forbes, Massachusetts Samuel Farley, Massachusetts Jonathan Finney, Massachusetts Bethuel Finney, Massachusetts Benjamin Griffin, New York Thomas Gilligan, Massachusetts Francis Garvey, New York Kirkland Griffin, Mariner Thomas Gillen, Maryland Joseph Henegin, Connecticut Daniel Hayden, Massachusetts Benoni Hogan, Connecticut Nathaniel Higgins, Sergeant, New York Robert Kelly, New York Hugh Kennedy, Rhode Island William Kennedy, Connecticut Edmund Kelly, New York Joshua Kelly, New York WilUam KeUy, 2nd, Massachusetts James Kane, Pennsylvania John Kenneily, Hazen's Regiment Josiah Kenney, Massachusetts WilUam McMennes, New York Neil McCoy, Massachusetts Charles McDonald, Sergeant, Connecticut [1S8] IRISH AND THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE Patrick McGee, Hazen's Regiment Bernard McKnight, Massachusetts James McCauley, New York Michael McGingar, Sergeant, New York John McMillan, New Jersey Paul McCoy, Connecticut John McNeil, New Jersey George McMurphy, New Hampshire Martin McNeary, Connecticut Jeremiah McCartney, North Carolina John McManners, Connecticut Joseph McFarland, New Hampshire WUUam McMuUin, Pennsylvania John McDongal, New York Andrew McKenney, Pennsylvania James McKinney, New York John McMuUan, Massachusetts Thomas McCarty, New York Michael Madden, Massachusetts WilUam Mooney, New York Ebenezer Morley, Massachusetts John McNally, Massachusetts Hugh McConneU, New York Daniel McCarty, Massachusetts Henry McNeal, New York Robert McKnight, Massachusetts Rufus Mclntire, Rhode Island Christopher McManus, Sergeant, New Jersey John C. McNeil, Sergeant, New Hampshire Andrew McNutt, New York John Maloney, Massachusetts Alexander Maroney, New York Michael Madden, Massachusetts John Murphy, New York James Murphy, Massachusetts Richard Nixon, New Jersey Daniel O'Keiff, Pennsylvania CorneUus Organ, Pennsylvania [139] IRISH CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICA'S INDEPENDENCE James Patrick, Rhode Island Thomas Quigley, Captain, New York William Quigley, Massachusetts Robert Ryan, Connecticut Jacob Reddington, Massachusetts Daniel Shays, Captain, Massachusetts John Sloan, Massachusetts John Welsh, New York Joseph Walsh, Lieutenant, Massachusetts Robert Welch, Connecticut Walter Whalen, New York Jeremiah Whalen, Rhode Island Samuel Welch, Connecticut Rossel Welch, Massachusetts Thomas Walsh, New York Note the New England influence on the names of many of these soldiers who were unquestionably of Celtic Irish origin, e. g., Adam Brannon, Silas Daley, Jonathan Farley, Amos Flood, Aaron Forbes, Jonathan Finney, Nathaniel Higgins, Joshua Kelly, Josiah Kenney, Ebenezer Morley, Jacob Redington, Jeremiah Whalen. In compiUng the foregoing Usts, names Uke Michael Dunning, Daniel Fort, Daniel Hamilton, Daniel Moss, Michael Lochrey, Daniel Lindsley, Daniel Osbourn, Daniel Ward, etc., etc., were not included, as the sur names might not be considered as Irish. [140] YALE UNIVERSITY 39 0g2__0_0_3_516i»-3 7 b i'i' ' , ! I ' ! -,V,t It, !" ^ 1 t ¦i -I,1.'" ' 1 1 UlJflti, 5 ll! 'IT I I I* > I ' I s' I ' I I' ' 1