YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Purchased from the income of the bequest of WILLL\M ROBERTSON COE Honorary M.A. 1949, for material in the field of American Studies. EOSTER -OF THE- SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Who Servkd in Organizations from Maryi,and during the SPASISH-AMEEIGAM WAR Compiled under the Authority of The House of Delegates of Mar-yland. Hugh Ridgely Riley, Late First Lieutenant Company "A," First Maryland Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry, , Charles S. Garrington, Late Second Lieutenant Company "F," First Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry. BAI.TIMORE: WiniAM J. C. DuLANY Company. 1901 E. 7Zi, //J fiSS [LC) FiRsi^ Regiment. The nucleus of the First Regiment assembled at Pimlico on April 25th, 1898. Companies "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," "F," "G" and "K" were mustered into the United States service on May 15th and i6th, with an enlisted strength of seventy-seven each. The Regiment left Pimlico for Fort Mon roe, Virginia, on May 19th, arriving the next day. Four com panies were added to the Regiment on July 6th, and at the same time the companies began to be recruited, reaching full war strength of one hundred and six men each a few days after. The Regiment left Fort Monroe for Camp Meade, Pennsylvania, on September, yth, reaching their station the next day. It left for Camp Mackenzie, near Augusta, Ga., on November nth, and arrived on the 14th. The Regiment was mustered out at that place on February 28th, 1899. The date of muster-in of each soldier who was not mustered- in with his company follows his name immediately. All dates not otherwise stated occur in 1898. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel William P. Lane, mustered-in as lieutenant-colonel; pro moted to colonel July 6th, 1898. Hagerstown Lieutenant-Colonel Elwood W. Evans, mustered-in as major; pro moted to lieutenant-colonel July 6th, 1898. U. S. Army Major Charles A. Little. Hagerstown Major Joseph B. Phipps, June 29. Baltimore Major Charles T. Lowndes, mustered-in as Captain of Company "C" May 17th; promoted to major July 6th. Cumberland Major and Surgeon W. Clement Claude, mustered-in as assistant surgeon May 17th; promoted to surgeon July 6th. Annapolis Captain and Assistant-Surgeon S. Chase DeKrafft. Cambridge Captain and Assistant-Surgeon George L. Hicks, mustered-iu as assistant-surgeon November 7th. Cambridge Captain and Assistant-Surgeon Seth S. Ullrich, June 29; mus- tered-out October loth, 1898. Baltimore Chaplain C. Randolph Page, July 15th. Adamstown First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant Lauren F. Smith, mustered-in as battalion adjutant May 17th; promoted to regimental adjutant July 6th. Hagerstown First Lieutenant aud Regimental Quartermaster Benjamin R. Elliott, mustered-in as first lieutenant of Company "A;" appointed regimental quartermaster July 6th. Baltimore 4 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant Randolph M. Isaac. Towson First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant J. Frank Ryley, June 29th. Baltimore NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Charles H. Shaffer, mustered-in as Sergeant-Major second battal ion; appointed regimental sergeant-major July 6th; dis charged November 7th. Oakland Edwin W. Dukehart, mustered-in as Corporal Company "L" June 29th; appointed regimental sergeant-major Decem ber 13th. Baltimore Walter J. Haywood, mustered-in as Sergeant Company "H" June 29th; promoted to regimental quartermaster-sergeant July 7th; died August 19th. Baltimore Samuel J. Tignor, mustered-in as Sergeant Company "M" June 29th; appointed regimental quartermaster-sergeant Septem ber 2d. Baltimore Charles P. Codori, mustered-in as Quartermaster-Sergeant Com pany "B" May i6th; promoted to battalion sergeant-major July 20th. Hagerstown William R. Sumwalt, mustered-in as Sergeant-Major third battal ion June 29th; discharged November 4th. Baltimore Frederick T. Hains, mustered-in as Sergeant Company "E" May 17th; promoted to battalion sergeant-major July 20th; dis charged December 14th. Elkton Samuel K. Martin, Hospital Steward. Cambridge Franklin Buffet, Hospital Steward. Easton Harry Purdum, Hospital Steward, mustered-in June 29th. Baltimore Ruric E. Cobb, mustered-in as Chief Musician January 31st, 1899. Cortez, Fla Oscar C. Fuller, mustered-in as Sergeant Company "G;" pro moted to chief musician July 8th; reduced to principal musician by regimental order January 30th, 1899. Frederick William F. Lewis, mustered-in as private Company "H" June 29th; appointed principal musician July 20th; discharged Jan uary 7th, 1899. Baltimore Jacob H. Hurtung, mustfered-in as musician Company "G;" appointed principal musician July 20th. Baltimore COMPANY "A" OF FREDERICK. Mustered-in May i6th. Captain Edwin D. Pusey. Annapolis First Lieutenant Hugh R. Riley, mustered-in as second lieuten ant; promoted to first lieutenant July 6th. Annapolis Second Lieutenant Thomas L. Brewer, mustered-in as quarter master-sergeant; promoted to second lieutenant July 6th. Annapolis First Sergeant Kaolin L. Whitson, mustered-in as sergeanf desig nated quartermaster-sergeant July 6th; designated fi'rst ser geant August 14th. Quartermaster-Sergeant Harry B. Skolfield, mustered-in as first sergeant; designated quartermaster-sergeant August 14th. Sergeant Nicholas Orem, designated regimental color sergeant. Sergeant William Pierce, discharged November 28th. Sergeant Charles H. Lease. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 5 .Sergeant Charles C. McGeehan, mustered-in as corporal; promo ted to sergeant July 31st. Sergeant Fred. O. Klakring, mustered-in as corporal; promoted to sergeant December 31st. Corporal Charles L. Winkleman, transferred to band October ist. Corporal Charles DeGreene. Corporal Harry W. Callan, June 17th; appointed corporal Aug. ist. Corporal William Robinson, mustered-in as private; appointed corporal August ist. Corporal Albert E. Wann, mustered-iu as private; appointed corporal September 3d. Corporal Peter J. McTaigue, mustered-in as artificer; reduced to private by company order May 31st; appointed corporal Octo ber 6th. Corporal Frederick Emge, mustered-in as private; appointed cor poral October 6th. Corporal Romanus A. Grinder, mustered-iu as private; appointed corporal December ist. Corporal Eliiathaii L. Higbee, mustered-in as private; appointed corporal August ist; discharged September 3d. Corporal John B. Hutcheson, discharged by order of Secretary of War, September 24th. Cook Henry Cosgrove, mustered-in as private; appointed cook January 16th, 1899. Artificer William R. Anderson, mustered-in as private; appointed .artificer June ist. Wagoner Benjamin Maynard, mustered-in as private; appointed wagoner December 13th. Wagoner Joseph Walling, discharged on account of physical disability, August 3d, 1898. Wagoner John W. Neuse, mustered-in as private; appointed wagoner August 3d; deserted October 28th. Musician Harry L. Glessner, mustered-in as private; appointed musician December 13th. Walter J. Ely, mustered-in as private; appointed musician June ist; transferred to band November ist. Fred. A. W. Walter, mustered-in as musician; returned to private June 1st; appointed musician January 21st, 1899; discharged January 28th, 1899. PRIVATES. Ackerman, John A. Burke, Benj. F. Appier, Charles H. Carroll, Wm. H., discharged dis- Baker, Everest honorably by sentence of court Basil, William H., mustered-in as martial Jan. 14, 1899. corporal; reduced to private Aug. Casey, John C, mustered-iu as mu- 6; appointed corporal Oct. 5; re- sician; reduced to private Jan. 21, duced to private Dec. 7. 1899. Bergmann, Hermann Catlin, Wm. L., June 29; deserted Blumburg, Michael N., mustered-in November 2. June 29; discharged without honor Clark, Theodore, July 7. July iS. Cole, George E., discharged Jan. 8. Brown, Charles, July 21. Corcoran Matthew Bucher, George, July 2. Crummitt, John D. Buckman, Louis M., discharged Dayhoff, Victor L. without honor July 15. Dennis, Harry B., June 29. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Elliott, Miley W., June 29. Ettlinger, Charles J. Fleishman, Samuel, July 2. Ford, AlonzoL., June 29. Gladden, Orville, June 29; deserted July 18. Goldberg, Benjamin, July 5. Graser, Chas. F., transferred lo band Nov. i. Hammill, Joseph Hamilton, Arthur Handy Littleton T., June 29. Hatch, Charles S., July 5. Hetrick, Chas. W., July i; deserted Nov. II. Hoff, Charles W., July 21. Hoffman, David W., July 9. Holland, William G., June 29. Holmes. Clarence W. Hurley, Wm. L., July 5. Kraig, Harry L.. discharged on ac count of disability Jan. 10, 1899. Lang, John, July 2; discharged Sep tember 17. Leakin, Richard M. Lingerman, Louis A. Markey, David J. Mayle, Walter, July I. McGuire, John T. Meyett, John A. Mitchell, Philip E. Moberly, Louis A. Moore, John E., June 28. Moot, Milton A., mustered-in as private; appointed corporal Sept. 3; reduced to private Feb. 16, 1899 Morgan, George W., died Sept. 25. Nathan, Herman, June 28. Nelker, William G. Owens, Fielder E. Parks, Arthur W., June 30; dis charged on account of disability Aug. 27. Parks, Seth V. Paulus, Fred G., July 5. Pierson, Edward Pruett, Wm. H., June 30. Quinn, Alexander, discharged with out honor May 28. Redline, Peter H., July 21. Reichert, Chas. W. G., July 4. Rosenthal, Morris Runkles, Harry D., discharged on account of physical disability July 17- Schadt, William Schaffer, John P. Schaffer, Philip J. Schmidt, John Shilling, Samuel Tilden, mustered- in as corporal; reduced to private Aug. II. Skelton, Thomas H. Skoch, Emile Skoch, John Smith, George, July 4. Smith, Joshua Somniers, Abraham D., June 29; discharged on account disability Aug. 27. Sommers, Freeman B., June 29. Sommerfield, Joseph, June 28. Stahl, William Stallii.gs, Wilfred E. Stinchcomb, Leonard R., mustered- in as corporal; reduced to private Aug. 8. Swain, Craft, dishonorably dis charged by sentence of court martial Dec. 13. Thornigton, James H., June 28. Taylor, John J., died Sept. 25. Wamhoof, John Whitmore, Mahlon R. Wisebaugh, Geo. W., mustered-in as private; appointed corporal Aug. i; reduced to private Jan uary 21. Ward, Frederick, June 28; trans ferred to band Nov. i. COMPANY "B" OF HAQERSTOWN. Mustered-in Mav 16 th, i8g8. Captain George L. Fisher. Hagerstown First Lieutenant Milton R. Hawken, appointed battalion adju tant July 6th. Hagerstown Eirst Lieutenant William E. Sands, mustered-in as second lieuten ant; appointed first lieutenant July 6th. Hagerstown Second Lieutenant Warran J. Hains, mustered-in as sergeant Company "E;" promoted to second lieutenant Company "B" July 7th; resigned August 30th. Elkton Second Lieutenant Benjamin J. Leckron, inustered-in as first sergeant; promoted to second lieutenant September 23d Hagerstown SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 7 First Sergeant John W. Funk, mustered-in as sergeant; desig nated quartermaster-sergeant August 23d; designated first ser geant September 23d. Quartermaster-Sergeant Joseph Donnohugh, mustered-in as ser geant; designated quartermaster-sergeant August 1st; dis charged (disability) August 22d. Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles W. Scuffius, mustered-in as ser geant; designated quartermaster-sergeant September 23d. Sergeant Robert F. Lewis, mustered-in as corporal; promoted to sergeant August ist; discharged November 14th. Sergeant George W. Shoop, mustered-in as corporal; promoted to sergeant November 25th; discharged December 27th. Sergeant Joseph H. Barber. Sergeant Marshall J. Beachtell, mustered-in as corporal; promo ted to sergeant September 1st. Sergeant Fred. A. Summer, mustered-in as corporal; promoted to sergeant October ist. Sergeant Christian J. Gaussley, mustered-in as corporal; promo ted to sergeant January ist, 1899. Corporal John K. Mcllhenny. Corporal John H. Weller. Corporal Bernard J. Scarsi, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st, 1898. Corporal Richard Duffy, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st, 1898. Corporal Jacob A. Donaldson, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 1st. Corporal Elijah V. Bishop, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal Luther B. Bonebrake, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August ist. Corporal Murphy E. Flory, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal September ist. Corporal Cortland K. Spielman, mustered-in as private; promo ted corporal October ist. Corporal Jacob H. Reichard, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal November 25th. Corporal William C. Hoffman, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal January ist, 1899. Artificer Samuel K. Lowman, discharged June 13th. Artificer Arthur A. Tymeson, mustered-in as private; designated artificer June 14th. Wagoner Charles E. Strouse. Musician George W. Kauffman. Musician Henry Weber. PRIVATES. Abell, William J., June 22. Bond, Richard, June 22. Alexander, George B., June 22. Borne, John G. Ardinger, James H. Bowers, Charles W., June 22. Atzrodt, Charles R. Bowers, Daniel T., discharged Octo- Battle, Martin J., June 22. ber 21. Black, Charles E., June 22. Boyle, Thomas M., discharged (dis- Batten, Charles A., transferred to ability) Oct. 10. Hospital Corps Dec. i. Brindle, , June 22. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Carson, Edgar D., discharged with out honor Feb. 19, 1899. Chrissinger, Clarence, June 22. Claggett, Edwin B. Conrad, Howard Cottrill, Leo D. Davies, John H. Donaldson, Benjamin, June 22; dis charged Nov. 4. Drury, Leonard, June 22;discharged Sept. 20. Estes, Ernest C, transferred to band Nov. i. Eyerly, Albert T. Feiger, Michael, June 22; dis charged (disability) July 26. Foltz, Harry R. Friend, Charles W., July 22; dis charged Jan. 30, 1899. Fry, Francis M., June 22. Fry, Charles E. Funkhouser, Harry J. Garlinger, Wm. H., June 24. Garling, Samuel A. Hamby, Harry, May 17. Hamil, William F. Harris, John F. Harley, James H, June 24. Hart, John F. Hawbecker, Walter Hershberger, Louis S. Hunsberger, Benjamin F. Keller, Harry W. King, William, June 22; deserted Sept. 10. Kneisley, Herbert L., transferred to Hospital Corps Dec. i. Leckron, John D. Lehman, William, discharged (dis ability) Dec. 10. Loebernitz, Velino B. Loushbough, Richard Lynch, Frank, June 22; discharged Dec. 19. Lynch, Howard G., June 22. Mazingo, William, June 22; deserted Nov. 21. Malone, Ferguson Martin, Charles E- Martin George L., June 22. Mautzer, Samuel C. Mayer, Harry D., June 22. McCardell, George A., June 24. McCoy, John H. McChan, James L., June 22; dis charged (disability) Sept. 19. McCuUough, James A., June 29. Oyler, Clinton Orndorff, Robert C, June 24; dis charged. Phetteplace, David A. Pierce, Richard, June 22. Pitcock, Charles G. Pitcock, Lee Reese, Thomas A. Ridenour, Charles E. Rumberger, William W. Shank, Charles M., June 22. Sharrar, Walter, June 22. Sigler, Henderson G., transferred to band Nov. 1. Slaughter, James D. Small, Reuben K. Smith, Samuel J. Smith, John M. Spielman, Thomas H. Sprecher, Thomas J. Tate, John C, June 29. Through, William M., July i. Turley, Thornton F., June 22, dis charged (disability) July 26. Turner, Harry M., June 22; died Jan. 15, 1899. Weller, Charles W. Williams, James W. COMPANY "C" OF CUHBERLAND. Musiered-'in May i6ih. Captain Charles T. Lowndes, (see Field and Staff). Captain J. Philip Roman, mustered-in as first lieutenant; pro moted captain July 7th. First Lieutenant Francis B. Whiting, mustered-in as first sergeant; promoted first lieutenant July 7th. Second Lieutenant Hanson Williamson, Jr., resigned July 3d. Second Lieutenant John G. Constable, mustered-in as battalion sergeant-major; promoted second lieutenant July 6th; dis charged by order of Secretary of War, February 23d, 1899. Second Lieutenant William E. Sands, mustered-in as second lieu tenant of Company "B;" promoted first lieutenant Company "B" July 6, 1898; mustered-in as second lieutenant Company "C" February 27th, 1899, by order of Secretary of War. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 9 First Sergeant Chris Himmler, mustered-in as sergeant; promoted first sergeant, July 8th. Quartermaster-Sergeant. Howard P. Hartsock. Sergeant George Peterson, mustered-in as corporal; promoted ser geant August 1st; discharged September 4th. Sergeant George J. Doerner, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant August ist; discharged September 29th. Sergeant Gabriel E. McKinley, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant October i6th; discharged February 2d, 1899. Sergeant George F. McDonald. Sergeant John C. Smith, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st; promoted sergeant October ist. Sergeant Charles E. Ross. Corporal Frank S. Martz. Corporal Martin E. Nelson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal John H. Hoffman, mustered'in as private; promoted cor poral September ist. Corporal Grier B. Flynii, mustered-in June 21st as private; pro moted corporal October 1st. Corporal Edward Dietz, mustered-iu as sergeant; reduced to pri vate July 20th; promoted to corporal October 16th. Corporal Charles H. McFarland, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal September ist. Corporal Alva L. Young. Corporal William Knapp, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral October i6th. Corporal Ray C. Friend. Corporal Benjamin Franklin, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 11th. Corporal Harry A. Hite, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Artificer Christian Pfister, mustered-in as private; appointed arti ficer June 1st. Wagoner Furman G. Seaman. Musician George E. Gordon, died June 26th. Musician Harry Gerrwood, mustered-in August 2d; deserted Sep tember 23d. Musician Wilber H. Johnson. Musician Christopher T. Offman, mustered-in as private; appointed musician December ist. PRIVATES. Andrew, William R. Brenaman, Edgar M., June 17. Andrews Matthew Beamer, Clarence, June 18. Angel, James Z. Brown, Thomas E. Bailey, William Carney, Thomas E., June 17. Baldwin, Charles D. Condon, Patrick F., June 24. Barr, Henry F., mustered-in as pri- Cope, Jesse E., mustered in as arti- vale; appointed musician Oct. 10, ficer; reduced to private June i' reduced to private same date. transferred to Hospital Corps Beck, Humphrey T. August i. Bell, Thomas H. Cranch, Henry L. Brant, George C, mustered-in as Daniels, George W., deserted Oct. 2. corporal; reduced to private July Dobbie, June 29. I, deserted September i. IO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Dorris, Winfield S., mustered-in June 29. Dorsey, Frank Douglass, Everett N., June 17; dis charged February 3, 1899. Evans, John W., June 20. Foley, Thomas M. Frederick, Frank A. Giles, James E. Hackett, William W. Hebburn, George O. Holler, Ira E. Holtzmaii, Harry E, Hall, James E., June 17. Hale, Eddie, June 18. Irons, Silas Johnson, Peter Kirschner, Adolph R. Kooken, Charles W. Kean, Patrick E., June 18. Kirsop, Lionel, June 29. Keller, Harvey F., June 30. Lashbey, Arnold B. Leonard, Harry Logue, Samuel T. Landis, Wilber S., June 17. Lowery, Albert J., June 19. McGee, James McLeod, Donald B. McKinley, Arthur F., June 17. McConneH, William E., June 24. Marling, Jacob Morton, John Meyer William Murphy, William H. Morris, J. S. W., June 17. Myers, Simon, June 17; discharged February 6, 1899. Nicodemus, John E., transferred to band November i. O'Hara, William A., June 17. Perdew, Jerome S., June 17. Peterman, Lewis W., mustered-in as corporal, reduced to private. Readman, William A. Robinett, Hugh Rosecrans, Lewis H. Ross, Orvale Rowan, John A., June 20. Rizer, Harry J., June 30. Reynolds, Lewis, June 18. Shiver, George F. Shiver, John B. Shuckhart, Benj. F. Simpson, Walter Slider, Alonzo B. Sanner, Norman R., transferred to Hospital Corps, December i. Smith, Lewis, deserted Jan. 26, 1899. Smith, Nelson A. Smith, Clarence H. Stephens, Joseph Stonestreet, Arnold Superzynski, Jacob Sullivan, John J., June 21. Toll, James R., June 29. Trench, James, June 20. Weisenmiller, Edward Zimerly, John A. COMPANY "D" OF BELAIR. Mustered-in May lyth. Captain Thomas G. Forwood. First Lieutenant Willard G. Rouse, resigned August 28th. First Lieutenant Shirley C. Morgan, mustered-in as second lieu tenant; promoted to first lieutenant September 23d. Second Lieutenant Silas B. Smith, mustered-in as first sergeant; promoted second lieutenant September 23d; resigned Janu ary 25th, 1899. First Sergeant W. Walter Lee, mustered-in as sergeant; desig nated first sergeant September 26th. Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles L. Calder, mustered-in as ser geant; designated quartermaster-sergeant November 2d; dis charged December 3d. Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas W. Hall, mustered-in as ser geant; designated quartermaster-sergeant July iStK; dis charged October 31. Quartermaster-Sergeant Albert L. Prigg, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal July 31st; promoted sergeant December i8th; designated quartermaster-sergeant December i8th. Sergeant Thomas R. Gough, discharged September iStli. Sergeant B. Randolph Reed, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal July ist; promoted sergeant September 26th; dis charged November 4th. Belair Belair SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. II Sergeant John T. Lingan, mustered-in as quartermaster-sergeant; designated duty sergeant July i8th. Sergeant Robert H. Liugan, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant September 26th. Sergeant James F. Devoe, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral September 26th; promoted sergeant December i8th. Sergeant John A. W. Richardson, mustered-in as corporal; pro moted sergeant December x8th. Corporal William E. Penning, deserted February i6th. Corporal John W. Waters. Corporal Edwin C. Wilson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral July 31st. Corporal John Quarles, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral July 31SI. Corporal Charles H. Norris, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal September 26tli. Corporal Samuel J. Ivins, mustered-in as private; appointed cor poral September 26th, 1898. Corporal Douglass B. Gilbert, reduced to private July 21st; pro moted corporal December i8th. Corporal James P. Gough, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral December i8th. Corporal Thomas H. C. Reed, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal December 31st. Corporal Stirling D. Rosan, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal July 31st; discharged November 14th. Musician George W. Ferguson, discharged July 9th. Musician Walter S. Flowers mustered-in as private; appointed musician July iSth. Musician William Patterson, mustered-in as private June 29th; appointed musician January 2d, 1899. Artificer Joseph C. Akers, discharged September 7th. Artificer William H. Haughay, mustered in as private; appointed artificer September 7th. Wagoner Janier E. Street. Cook Anderson E. Conn, mustered-in as private; appointed cook December 31st. PRIVATES. Adams, James R. Fitzpatrick, William E. Alton, James E- Free, Charles F. Bratton, William A., June i8th. French, Edward L., mustered in as Burkins, Marshall, deserted Novem- corporal; reduced to private Oc- ber 9th. tober 1st. Butler, General S. Frizzell, George F., July 5th. Carman, John W. ¦ Fox, Weisel, discharged on account Chaten, George, July 5th. of disability October loth. Chenworth, Winfield S. Glenn, Robert N., June 29th. Clark, Thomas, June 21st. Gordon, Robert L., transferred to Cotter, John T., July 1st. Hospital Corps December 4th. Cunningham, Guy Gover, Paca M. Cuthbertson, William M., June 20th. Hamburg, William E. Donn, Henry M. Hamby, Harry S., transferred to Dunnigan, John F. Company "B" November 2d. Elower, James Herbert, Frank, July 5th. Evans, Edgar D., discharged Oc- Herbert, William I., transferred to tober 20th. band, October 31st. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Hopkins, Arthur M. Hopkins, David R. Hubka, John, July 5th. Harris Philip E., discharged June 8. Hughes, Morgan Keesey, Charles M. Keppler, Willie Kipe, Harry M. Lee, Gus F., June 19th. Lee, Stephen E. Lewis, Robert, June iSth. Loflin, Herbert E. Lorshbaugh, Harmon G., June 29th. Marsh, George O. Marsh, Reuben Marmaduke, William R. Martin, Walter L., June 30th. McAlpin, David, June Igth. McCrea, MortimerB., died Oct. 24 th. McGee, Richard, June i8th. McMillan, George B., June 20th. McNeill, Hugh, June 29th. Mergler, Louis R. Metzel, Charles A. Mitchell, Joseph B. Moore, Legore, June 17th. Nee, Bartley, June 17th, 1898. Nestor, Lawrence, June 30th. O'Rourke, Michael, June 29th. Poole, Frederick, July 5th. Poplar, Frank C, discharged Octo ber 7th. Pyle, William A. Ramsay, Hugh A., discharged on account of disability October 22d. Reynolds, Jerry H. F., June 17th; discharged September 7th. Robinson, Harold B. Rollins, Vernon B., discharged No vember 5th. Rohrer, James E., deserted Novem ber ist. Short, Ernest L., June 20th. Smith, Charles O. Smith, George A., discharged Janu ary 24th, 1899. Spangler, William Spencer, Harry Z., discharged Janu ary 24th, 1899. Stafford, Hugh, June 29th. Stirling, George V. Street, Charles H. Strong, Edward A., June 17th. Sullivan, Thomas W. Thomas, George F. Trieber, Orren J., June 17th, de serted Noveniber 21st. Virgin, Paul F., June 30th. Wagner, John M. COMPANY "E" OF ELKTON. Mustered-in May jyth. Captain William A. Wright. First Lieutenant George T. King. Second Lieutenant Edward F. Taggert; resigned August 12th. Second Lieutenant John E. Wilson, mustered-in as first sergeant; promoted second lieutenant August 13th. First Sergeant Everett B. Wilson, mustered-in as quartermaster- sergeant; designated first sergeant September ist; discharged December 13th- First Sergeant, William B. Miller, mustered-in as corporal; pro moted sergeant September ist; designated first sergeant De cember 22nd. Quartermaster-Sergeant William W. Kellow, mustered-iu as pri vate; promoted quartermaster-sergeant October 1st. Sergeant Warren B. Hains, (see Company "B.") Sergeant Fred. T. Hains, (see Field and Staff.) Sergeant Joseph B. Pierson. Sergeant William E. Fowler. Sergeant Fred.' D. Cosner, mustered-in as private; promoted ser geant September ist. Sergeant Robt. Rudolph, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral September ist; promoted sergeant December 23d. Corporal John H. Dean, discharged November 17th. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 13 Corporal Harry M. Biddle. Corporal Julian B. Chick. Corporal Frank L. Deal. Corporal William E. Fraser. Corporal Elmer E. Halfhill. Corporal Aldred H. Miller, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral September ist. Corporal Harry Wilson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral September ist. Corporal William P. Foster, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral December 23d. Corporal John M. Lynch, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral December 23d. Corporal John W. Hasson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral December 23d. Corporal Charles A. Wright, mustered-in as musician; returned to private December 7th; promoted corporal December 23d. Artificer Andrew A. Rambo. Musician John R. McClay. Musician Howard W. Johnson, mustered-in as private; appointed musician December 7th. Wagoner Jacob B. Wenzler, deserted September 24th. PRIVATES. Arbuckle, Samuel J. Barton, James P. Bennett, mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private Feb. 18, 1899. Biedemau, Howard, June 18. Bromeley, George H., June 27. Brown, Charles A., June 18. Brown, John W. Burns, Edward, June 25. Burns, Frank, July 5. Burns, George H. Carter, Charles W. Cheadle, John H. Collins, John, July 2, 1898; deserted September 28. Cross, William H., June 25, 1898; dishonorably discharged, Feb. 15, 1899. Crow, Alexander, June 25. Crowl, Amos Conner, Albert R. Culleney, Charles E. Daniels, Bernard S. Dean, Harry M., June 18. Donovan, Joseph S. Dick, George W., deserted Nov. 2. . Fitzgerald, Thomas E. Fitzgerald, William, June 18; deser ted September 24. Flounders, Clinton Ford, John W. Ford, Thomas D. Foster, Dorie Foster, Charles P., deserted Nov. 24. Fox, Walter H. Friday, John G., June 18; deserted October 18. Gerhart, Charles Gurney, Richard, Jr., July 4. Hammett, discharged (disability) June 20. Hasson, James J. Heifer, Adam Henderson, James S. H., July 4. Hitchins, J. G. Hitchins, John T. Hoffman, George S., July 9. Hydecker, William Kelley, John T. Kelley, William, June 25. Laws, Charles C. Lewis Herbert, June 18. Lloyd, Joseph, June 25. Lusby, W. Parker Martin, Lawrence P. McCauley, John McDonnell, James C, discharged (disability) November 18. McGechin, Harry R. Meister, John S. Meredith, Lawrence P. Miller, J. Alfred Moore, George S., died Sept. 29. Nelson, Earnest F., July 9. Parker, Wade H. Reeder, Clinton 14 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Reeder, Harvey, June i8. Robinson, Elwell Ryan, John, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal September i; reduced to private Nov. 22. Ross, Joseph W , June 27. Saxton, Edwin C. Schmitz, Peter, July 2. Sebold, Elwood R. Shaffer, Richard, June 25. Shivery, F'rank Simmons, Thomas Sinclair, Matthew Stalcup, Tony, June 18. Streit, Arthur E, July 5. Tasker, George W., June 18. Tasker, Jacob A. Taylor, William L. Tomlinson, Frank, June 18; deserted October 24. Waters, Arthur E., discharged (dis ability) August 10. White, George C, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal Sept. i; reduced to private Nov. 22. Whittington, Harry E., July 9. Woodroe, Thomas, June 25. Wooton, Edgar, July 4. Wright, Clarence H., June 25. Yocum, Frank COnPANY "F" OF EASTON. Mustered-in May i6th. Captain Charles W. Adams. First Lieutenant Owen Norris. Second Lieutenant Charles S. Carrington. First Sergeant Joseph T. White. Quartermaster-Sergeant Howard Anderson. Sergeant John B. Robinson. Sergeant Oscar W. Saxton. Sergeant Leonidas M. Leonard. Sergeant Jesse M. Lednum, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant January 24th, 1899. Corporal Milton L. Tull. Corporal Jesse M. Shockley. Corporal David E. Parkerson. Corporal Ralph Buffett. Corporal Charles M. Collins. Corporal James F. Wallace. Corporal John H. Waller, mustered-in as private June 22d; pro moted corporal August ist, 1898; discharged December 6th. Corporal Edward B. Swift, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal Charles S. Sharp, mustered-in as private ; promoted cor poral January 24th, 1899. Corporal Elbert Robinson, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August ist. Corporal John R. Nelson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal Benjamin H. Richardson, mustered-in as private; pro moted corporal December 7th. Corporal Julian Edmond, mustered-iu as private June 28th; pro moted corporal December 7th. ' Artificer Thomas J. Thompson. Wagoner James M. Auld. Musician John H. Harper. Musician Edward T. Straughn, mustered-in as private; appointed musician January 27th, 1899. Musician Harry J. Miller, discharged November 14th. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 15 PRIVATES. Adams Robert S., June 22d. Allbrittain, John H. Allen, Joseph H., July ist; deserted September 2isl. Anderson, Henry M., June 20th. Andrews, David A. Andrews, Stephen E. Bayne, Charles H., mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 1st; reduced to private Nov. 7th. Beckwith, Edwin B. Bennett, William H. Bensinger, William Berry, William J. Blades, James H. Brewington, Percy, June 28th. Brooks, George Buffett, Walter, discharged (disa bility) September loth. Cannon, Ira L- Chaplain, George M. Chaplain, Marian Collins, Charles E. Collins, George W. Collins, Thomas S. Cox, Edwin R., dishonorably dis charged September 3d. Cox, James A. Coleman, John, July 2d. Cohen, Harry, June 17th, discharged without honor July Ist. Denny Edward C, mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private June I3tli. Dean, William C. Dunn, Edgar D. Elms, John T., discharged Oct. 20th. Emory, Mitchell, July 4th. Farnsworth, Millard F. Ferguson, Malcolm Flynn, William L., June 22d Frederick, John O. Greenhawlk, Joseph H. Harris, John W. Higgins, William E. Hirst, John H. Hitch, Robert M., June 30th. Hoffman, Carl J., July 9th. Hughlett, Thomas C. R., June i8th. Hurlock, Charles M., discharged without honor August 5th. Hurlock, Walter W. Hynson, Olin T., June 22d. Jefferson, Frank H. Jefferson, Thomas Jones, Roger D., July 2d. Jump, Charles H. Keenan, Harry S., June 18th. Kelly, Charles E. Kirby, Other F., June 20th. Kittell, Henry A. McGinn, Robert H., mustered-in as sergeant; reduced to private, January i6th, 1899. Miller, George H. Miller, William H. H. Noble, Fulton, transferred to Hos pital Corps December 1st. Pilch, Jacob, discharged February 3d, 1899. Porter, Wade T., June 24; dis charged January Sth, 1899. Popp, Martin Rathell, Charles H. Rawleigh, Robert W., June i8th. Robinson, Joseph M., June 18th. Ross, Clinton G., June 18th. Russell, Elijah J. Schuyler, Charles D. Shaw, Milton, dishonorably dis charged September 3d. Shaw, Walter R., June 23d. Singer, Max G. Sneed, Samuel J. Snyder, Dennis P., July 2d, trans ferred to Hospital Corps, Decem ber 1st, 1898. Spence, William S., July 2d. Spurry, William E., June i8th. Startt, Martin J. S. Stater, Adolph, July 5th. Stewart, John T. Summers, Clarence A. Tschantre, Leon E. Warrington, Samuel M. Wirz, Ernest White, George V., June 23d; dis charged October 7th. Wright, Harry A., discharged with out honor June 5th. Wright, W. S., discharged (disa bility) August 27th. Wrightson Robert T., June 17th. Wyatt, Robert T., June 17th. COMPANY "Q" OF ANNAPOLIS. Mustered-in May i-jth. Captain James C. Porter. First Lieutenant Philip E.. Porter.. Second Lieutenant George R. Tydings. First Sergeant George T. Tydings. l6 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Quartermaster-Sergeant Joseph T. Geraci, mustered-in as private July loth; promoted to quartermaster-sergeant August loth. Sergeant John K. Scherger, mustered-iu as first sergeant; returned to sergeant August ist; discharged November Sth. Sergeant Zachariah S. Cranford, Sergeant Edward B. Johnson. Sergeant Alexander Evans. Sergeant John L- Kerr, mustered-in as corporal; promoted ser geant February ist, 1899. Corporal George B. Beckley. Corporal Joseph P. Freeman. Corporal Richard H. Steward. Corporal James A. Hopkins. Corporal John H. Esmond. Corporal William V. Beall. Corporal Gustavus W. Rice. Corporal Frank Carroll, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal George Reynolds, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st. Corporal Edward W. Meade, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 1st. Corporal John S. Shaw, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 1st. Corporal WiUiam L. Krueger, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal February 1st, 1899. Artificer William H. Smith. Wagoner Richard A. Cranford. Musician Charles A. Ziegler. Musician Walter B. Smith, mustered in as private; appointed musician November 16. PRIVATES. Arrico, Ignacio Edwards, Walter, July 2; discharged Allen, Raymond, June 28; dis- (disability) August 1. charged Dec. 23. Elliott, Robert C. Bailey, James V. Eppers, Charles P., July 5. Berry, Thomas Pry, David R. Bertrand, George S. Fridley, Frederick L. Boyd, Charles Gardow, Herman R. B'?tid, William E., July 5. Gladden, Bernice W., discharged Blizzard, William E., June 28. September 4 Bowen, Elmer Gossard, Martin L. Brooks, James E., July 4. Hannigan, John J., discharged with- Brown, Basil E., July 5. out honor December 23 Blank, Andrew, July 2. Hopkins, Arthur W Buchey, Charles Harris, John T Cavanaugh Edward P., July 4; dis- Hanley, Jerome, July 21. charged (disability) Feb. 19, 1899. Hickie, Charles, Tulv =; Ss:rF?anXp.'- J^"^ ^°- «?etbTr ^r' ""^ '^^"'^' "^P" S'Ro'beft a '•¦ J"^^ '• KrT^n?;"'^^' <^-"'^d s^p- ^3. Dowling, Patrick J. jone's, John M Dixon, John Jones, Thomas E. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 17 Joslyn, Emmett S., discharged (dis ability) Aug. I. Knadler, John T. King, Harry M. Lamar, George J., discharged F'eb- ruary 3, 1899. Leiboldt, William F. Leggett, Clarence Landon, Martin W., June 29. Myers, Edwin D. McNeill, Hugh P. Mace, William S. Martin, Thomas G., Martin, George E. Miller, Elmer B. Meeks, Walter R. McCready, Roy J., June 29. McQuay, Lewis O., June 27, Meek, Alexander, July 5. Minary, Joseph O., July 5. Nason, Henry C, discharged (dis ability) August I. Orken, Jacob Powell Roy G. Price, Edward, July 5. Reiuhart, George F., transferred to Hospital Corps December i. Sanders, James A., July 5. Schwinger, Charles O. Skelley, John A., July 2; deserted September 23. Sommers, Lawrence G., June 28. Salleys, Orlando T., July 5. Shannon, John W., July 5. Slant, James R., June 28; deserted September 7. Stehle, James J., discharged Aug. 27. Tuers, Thomas F. Trader, Henry C. Travers, William L. Thomas, Albert Thompson, Robt. L., July 9. Trimble, Walter R., discharged December 10. Welch, Harry E. Wells, George B., discharged Octo ber 10. Westphal, WiUiam H. Watson, Lawrence H. Wherry, Eray C. White, Arthur C, June 28. Wanselben, William G., July 4. Wilhelm, Irwin, June 25. COilPANY "H" OF BALTinORE. Musiered-in June 2gth. Captain George F\ Haupt. First Lieutenant, Samuel J. Blight. Second Lieutenant, Charles L. Lyon. First Sergeant Charles W. Binnix. Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas F. Hand, designated quarter master-sergeant July 17th. Sergeant Harry E. Frisch. Sergeant Herman C. Kassakatis. Sergeant George D. Rine. Sergeant Ernest Owens. Corporal Thomas C. Murry. Corporal William A. Renehan. Corporal Samuel F. Towson. Corporal William T. O'Meara. Corporal Carroll T. Shanahan. Corporal Clarence E.- Murrill. Corporal William Schaefer. Corporal Edgar S. Willis. Corporal Howard L. Rayner. Corporal William Hofnagle, Corporal Henry C. Vansant, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal September ist, 1898. 1 8 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. Corporal Daniel Crimmins, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral November 2d. Corporal Nathan Winslow, discharged October 2 ist. Artificer Albert Thompson. Wagoner Marcellus Hayes, discharged July Sth. Musician Bernard A. Gilchrist. Musician Charles E. Saunders. PRIVATES. Anderson, Lee H. Andrews, Bruce Barnes, William Barnett, Elisha Berber, Emil Beauchamp, Charles Blankner, Edward B. Bobee, John J. Bova, Antony Butler, Howard Byrnes, Michael J. CampbeU, Charles M., discharged (disability) August 26. Daley, Benjamin F\ Daley, George E. Daniell, James F. Dempster, William W. Dellenger, Lewis L. Disharoon, Thomas M. Dix, Park C. Doering, Louis Dehn, Charles T.,dischargedAug. 22. Dulane^', Richard, discharged Sep tember 15. Elbert, John G. Feig, Charles L. Fairall, Edward Fisher, Howard Fox, Edward B. Flaherty, Malcolm, died January 8, 1899. Gahan, John J. Gray, Clarence E. Greenwell, Charles Hahn George Hamburg, Henry C. Heinlein, George Heinz, Frederick F. Hewitt, John W. Hofiman, Lewis M. Hoffman, Frank, discharged Jan. 21, 1899. Holmes, George W., dishonorably discharged Feb. 3, 1S99. HoUyday, Alexander C, died No vember 22. Hosmer, Horace O. Jeffres, Frank J., dishonorably dis charged Feb. 24, 1899. Kaufman, John H., transferred to band Jan. 21. Keenan, Owen Kilmer, Frank L., discharged De cember 14. Larkin, John Leonard, William H. McDermott, Edward McNaney, Albert May, Paul, transferred to band Oct. 21. Matthews, Wm., transferred to band Oct. 31. Monthley, Edward Murphey, Augustus A . O'Kelly, John F. Peacock, James H. Penn, Thomas Phelan, Nicholas Pontier, Harry G. Posey, Edward W. Pasco, Edward, discharged Aug. 28. Saffell, Charles L. Schaaf, Henry Schoen, Abraham Sellman, John F. Solen, Joseph Staub, Frank Staisloff, Charles H. Stephens, William StoU, George Smith, Hynson D. Vogelmau, Louis, Vapalecky, Gieton Walker, George H. Walter, Edward S., discharged Aug. 18. Wicklein, John N., discharged Oc tober 31. Wilson, William B., died Sept. 6. Wild, Arthur, deserted Nov. 19. Wilson, Rufus H. Weibe, Otto Weedon, John L. Wigley, Walter Willoughby, Howard H. SPANISH-AMERICAN Aar. 1 9 COMPANY "I" OF BALTIMORE. Musiered-in June 2gth. Captain Frederick I. Mosher. First Lieutenant Charles R. Evans. Second Lieutenant Orville H. Brown. First Sergeant John H. Baylies, mustered-in as sergeant; desig nated first sergeant September 20th. Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles M. Kemp. Sergeant Richard A. Farley. Sergeant Frank Woesteman. Sergeant Joseph Frittita. Sergeant Benj. Stine, mustered-in as private; promoted sergeant October ist. Corporal Willard B. Poisal, discharged November 18th. Corporal John T. Kilien, discharged January 21, 1899. Corporal John H. Bull, transferred to Hospital Corps December ist. Corporal John Leppert. Corporal John C. McConneH. Corporal Charles S. Duvall. Corporal Edward J. Burns. Corporal Frank H. Worley. Corporal Samuel D. Caskey. Corporal Charles F. Pleines. Corporal Frederick W. Riecke. Corporal Charles J. Earheart, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal December ist. Corporal Charles Lorrant, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral December 7th. Corporal John Groeller, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal December 7th. Corporal Harry A. Hann, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral February 1st, 1899. Artificer Earnest R. Slomaker, mustered-in as private; appointed artificer October — — Wagoner Arthur L. Bronner. Musician William G. Marr, transferred to band October 21. Musician William H. Holtzman. Musician Thomas Humphreys, mustered-iri as private; appointed musician January i6th, 1899. PRIVATES. Apps, William Brady, Ernest H. Appel, Conrad Brown, James E. Baldwin, John W. Birkholz, Harry H., mustered-in as Barton, Howard W. corporal; reduced to private Barton, Robert H. Nov. 25. Beatty, Charles W., Jr. Carrick, John W. Beehler, Charles W., discharged Chapell, Neal, Jr. Sept. 26. Clark, Frank J. Bennett, Frank, discharged (dis- Clark, Albert B., mustered-in as ability) Nov. 26. artificer; returned to private Oct. Bevan, John T. i; transferred to band February Boyd, Charles J. i, 1899. Booze, James H. Colfin, Frank K. Booze, William E. Connolly, Joseph W. 20 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. Conn, Lee Corcoran, Henry J. Cooke, Arlington L- Desmond, WiUiam G. Dodson, Charles E. Downs, Robert S. Downey, Charles Duckett, Edward F. Duke, Benj. H. Divin, Edward T. Jr., discharged (disability) Feb. 8, 1899. Fink, George F. Forin, Timothy Givvins, William Grifiath, Mortimer C. Grimm, Joseph J., deserted Sept. 9. Foss, William M., discharged Feb. 3, 1899, Harris, Albert E. Hester, Howard Howells, Edward Hoffman, William Irvin, William J., discharged De cember 20. Jacobs, Victor E. Kell, Henry W. Karr, Harry V. Karr, Charles M. King, Francis T., discharged Jan. 24, 1899. Korder, John H., mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private Oct. i Krastell, Joseph H. Kissner, Joseph C. Lattimore, John H. Lampman, John Lewis, David C. LeFebre, Louis P. Lohman, George E., discharged, (disability) Feb. 8, 1S99. McElroy, Leo J. Milhouse, Charles H. Morris, Alonzo Moore, Joseph A., transferred to band Nov. i. Meyer, John G. Muth, John Pettibone, Philip H. Purnell, Howard T. Pyle, Eugene C, discharged De cember 14. Schieve, Joseph L. Sauers, Paul F. Sanks, Thomas H., discharged Dec. 5. Schrivener. Benj. Smith, Elliott Sowers, John H. Sylvester, WiUiam W. Stamper, John W., discharged Feb. 4, 1S99. Twichell, Erwin Tischler, Philip Watts, Cardiff, T. Winchester, William T. White, Clinton A. Woog, Alfred Yealdhall, Erwin S., Jr. COMPANY "K" OF ROCKVILLE. Mustered-in May lyth. Captain Samuel Riggs of R. First Lieutenant William H. Lamar, discharged June 25th. First Lieutenant Otho H. W. Talbott, mustered-iu as second lieu tenant; promoted first lieutenant July 6th. Second Lieutenant Charles Alvey, mustered-in as corporal Com pany "B"; promoted second lieutenant July 6th. First Sergeant Lynn M. Campbell. Quartermaster-Sergeant Maurice J. Claggett, discharged Septem ber 2ISt. Quartermaster-Sergeant David Loughborough, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant October 1st; designated quarter master sergeant October ist. Sergeant Benj. D. Chambers, discharged September nth. Sergeant Richard P. Whiteley, discharged September ist. Sergeant Frank C. Braddock. Sergeant William Reading. Sergeant Richard Lay, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August 1st; promoted sergeant October ist. Sergeant Nathan C. Stiles, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1; promoted sergeant October i. SPANISH- AMERICAN WAR. 2 1 Corporal Thomas J. Garrett, discharged June 4. Corporal Berry E. Clark, discharged September 17th. Corporal Edwin H. Eshleman, discharged January 24th, 1899. Corporal Milton J. Ernest, discharged September 22d. Corporal Preston B. Ray, discharged September nth. Corporal Hynson V. Clark, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st; discharged October 17th. Corporal Augustus Lay, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral August 1st; discharged September nth. Corporal Calvin C. Swonnstedt, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal August ist; discharged October 6th. Corporal James Benson, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October ist; discharged October 17th. Corporal Hugh F. O'Donnell, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October ist; discharged November 6th. Corporal George E. Hicks. Corporal WiUiam R. Brewer, transferred to U. S. Signal Corps July Sth Corporal Guy Stonestreet, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral October ist. Corporal Marion L. Appleby, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October ist. Corporal Richard Talbott, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral October ist. Corporal Alex. C. McGilvey, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal December igth. Corporal Richard F. Gleason, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal December 19th. Corporal Burt M. Rayback, mustered-in as private July 21st; pro moted corporal December 19th. Artificer James E. Eckman. Wagoner John C. Finnety, dishonorably discharged January 2Sth, 1899. Musician Burton Garrett, transferred to band October 21st. Musician William O. Hugh. PRIVATES. Andrews, Edward B., transferred Dan, WiUiam to band Oct. 31. Darnley, Robert, June 17. Bacon, Richard D., discharged Jan. Davis, George H. 14, 1899. Delehanty, Charles J. Beall, Jasper M., discharged Oct. 11. Deetor, June 25; discharged Aug. 15. Baughman, Frank C. Doucette, Thomas. Brady, Clarence L. Eckstorm, John Brooks, Edward Everett, William, June 17. Burger, Herbert B. Fergusson, Oscar A, Carter, George W., dishonorably Ferguson, Robert E., July 6. discharged Aug. 4. Fergusson, William C, June 30. Clark, Harry C, June 18. Fergusson, James, discharged Au- CoUins, Ernest M., discharged Jan. gust 15. 9, 1899. Fleck, William R., June 29. CoiioUy, John GriJfith, Ulysses Cooley, Charles T. Holbrunner, Frank T. Conick, Edwin Holland, William, transferred to Curtiss, WiUiam W., discharged U. S. Hospital Corps, Dec. i. Oct. 27. HoUis, Perry B. 22 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Hook, John C. Howard, Frank M. Hershberger, Harry, June 17. Jacobs, Samuel J., June 20. Jeffries, Joseph K., July 6. Kinsler, Joseph J., June 29; deserted Oct. 13. Keech, Stephen, June 17. Kemp, George McFarlin, Archibald, June 18, died Sept. 28. Mackley, Harry F., June 29. McDonald, Robert C, June 20. .McSweeney, Michael, June 29. Millican, Benj. F., mustered-in as private; promoted corporal July 31; reduced to private Dec. 17; discharged Jan. 18, 1S99. Morgan, John, June 17; discharged Nov. 30. Moore, William H., June 21; de serted Sept. 8. Meyers, Herbert W., discharged Sept. 3. Mott, William E., June 29. Morton, Andrew F., June 29. Moulden, — July 22. Noughton, Joseph, June 17; de serted Nov. 8. Neidhart, John F., June iS. Ormand, Richard B. Poss, WiUiam PoweU, John R., June 21. Ross, R. Douglass, discharged Jan. 31, 1899. Reed, Milton RusseU, Charles H. Stater, WUliam L., discharged Oct. 14- J ^ Souder, Melvin H., deserted Dec. 2. Scherrer, Philip Smith, Alonzo M., July 6. Smith, Harry Z. Smith, William H. Z. Soper, Lewis W. Stafford, James A., June iS. Staug, George W. Talbott, Thomas M., discharged Sept 5- .,.-,.. ,,- Teeter, June 21; discharged (dis ability) Jan 25, 1S99. Troy, Charles C, dishonorably dis charged March 3, 1899. Troup, Harry Turner, Asa K., June 18. Vogel, William Ward, George R. Wi throw, William J. Wolf, John L. Zeamen, Herman COMPANY "L" OF BALTIMORE. Musiered-in June 2gth. Captain Andrew W. Feuss. First Lieutenant Charles Hahn, discharged August 3d, 1898. First Lieutenant Ernest W. Fetzer, mustered-in as second lieuten ant; promoted first lieutenant September 23d. Second Lieutenant H. Clay M. Supplee, mustered-in as first sergeant; promoted second lieutenant September 23d. First Sergeant Wade H. Wheeley, mustered-in as sergeant; ap pointed first sergeant September 23d. Quartermaster-Sergeant Lionel E. Bernstein. Sergeant Samuel H. Lane. Sergeant Frank J. Totzauer. Sergeant George S. Meyer, mustered-in as corporal, promoted sergeant September ist. Sergeant Thomas A. Kelly, mustered-in as corporal; promoted sergeant October ist. Corporal Henry E. Duckstein, discharged November 30th. Corporal George H. Hummel, discharged December 4th. Corporal Joseph J. Struck, transferred to band November 1st. Corporal Charles M. Albert, deserted September 14th. Corporal John W. Hessler. Corporal Charles E. Beachamp. Corporal James E. Donohue. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 23 Corporal John A. Shuster, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral September ist. Corporal John B. Frey, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October ist. Corporal Otto E. Smith, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral November 2d. Corporal August E. Lenz, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral November 2d. Corporal Elbert Robosson, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral November 2d. Corporal Charles L. Loomis, mustered-in as sergeant; reduced to private August 9th; promoted corporal January i, 1899. Corporal Jeremiah O'Donavan, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal January ist, 1899. Corporal Joseph Collier, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral January ist, 1S99. Corporal David T. SmaU, mustered-in as private; promoted cor poral January ist, 1899. Artificer George Youse. Wagoner James R. Hinkle. Musician Norris D. Sellman, transferred to band December 7th. Musician Joseph C. Steel. Musician Michael Krisman, mustered-in as private; appointed musician January 31st, 1899. PRIVATES. Airey, Elias W. Amos, William G. Anderson, Adam Anderson, John Barker, Benjamin A. Beale, George F. Black, George F\ Blume, George, discharged (disa bility) Feb. iS, 1899 Buehner, Hugo G. Callender, George A., mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private Oct. 17 Check, Joseph Clark, Walter C. Coneannon, James ConnoUey, Thomas Cooksie, Charles W. Cromer, John H. Cunningham, Edward T. Dahl, WUliam L., Jr. Dailey, Louis E Donelson, Alexander Dreyer, deserted Sept. 23 Duvall, WiUiam W. Eder, Francis L., dishonorably dis charged Feb. 23, 1S99 Eslinger, George Gearhart, John K. Girvin, Robert L. Gunzelman, John Hancock, William A. Hartman, Edward Harvey, Warner H. Hay, Alexander G. Heiger, Charles H. Hellmeyer, Frederick C. Henderson, Ernest H., deserted Sept. 25 Hudson, WiUiam E. Hyland, George T. Jett, Augustus Jones, Joseph A., Jr. Kein, Joseph, deserted Nov. 11 Kilbourne, Alfred E. Kirchheimer, Soloman J. Kittron, Edward H. Knouff, William H. Lavy, George F. Law, Thomas Lee, William G., mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private Jan. I, 1S99 Legg, James E. Little, John T. Litz, George H. Long, Alfred A. Ludner, Morris Lumberson, Edward M. Merriken, Charles C. Moore, Frank R. B. Mulford, Enoch X). 24 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MuUer, John G. Strehlein John Pease George H. Stump, Char es H. Peacock, Joseph, dishonorably dis- Tierney, William charged Dec. 12 Tipton, Joshua W. Pilker, Thomas A. Wheatley, Thomas B. Pruitt, WUliam B. WUson, James F. Rieman, John T. Wooden, George C. Rinehardt, Michael Woolsey, William A Robb, Thomas E. Wyant, William N. . Kupp, Henry Whytney, John, deserted Septem- Shook, Harry H. ter 25. Shoeman, Benj., discharged (dis ability) Feb. 6, 1899 COnPANY "M" OF BALTIMORE. Mustered-in June zgth- Captain Louis Schmidt. First Lieutenant Robert S. Chenoweth, discharged August 30th. First Lieutenant Harry E. Haynes, mustered-in as second lieu tenant; promoted first lieutenant September2oth. Second Lieutenant Howard S. Bokee, mustered-in as first ser geant Company "I;" promoted second lieutenant; transferred to Company "M". September 20th. First Sergeant John A. Bendevald. Quarter-master-Sergeant Edward C. Johnson. Sergeant Walter A. Raleigh, discharged August 2Sth. Sergeant Charles W. Smith, discharged October 7th. Sergeant Robert W. Bradley. Sergeant William H. McCabe. Sergeant George A. Frederick, mustered-in as corporal; pro moted sergeant October 1st. Sergeant John T. Fairbank, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October 1st; promoted sergeant October 31st. Corporal Charles B. Scholz, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October ist; discharged (disability) February 7th, 1S99. Corporal James J. Dougherty. Corporal WiUiam H. Moffett. Corporal Thomas B. Wood. Corporal George H Robinson. Corporal Harry G. Bunting. Corporal Harry L. Leighton. •Corporal John J. Owens. Corporal Charles P. Dougherty, mustered-in as private; promoted corporal October 1st. Corporal Frederick F. Dushane, mustered-in as private; pro moted corporal October 1st. Corporal William O. Hopson, mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private; promoted corporal October 31st. Corporal Robert J. Lyman; mustered-in as artificer; returned to private October 1st; promoted corporal October 31st. Artificer Henry Rohrbach, mustered-iu as private; appointed artificer October ist. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 25 "Wagoner George E. Horist. Musician Clarence E. Dougherty, transferred to band Novem ber 1st. Musician Albert Sorrell, mustered-in as private; appointed musi cian October 2d. Musician Jacob Barman, mustered-in as private; appointed musi cian November 1st. PRIVATES. -Albright, J. Andrew Amos, James J. Andrews, William B. Bader, Charles A. Baum, Harry Bentz, John D. Bosley, William G., mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private; dis honorably discharged Jan. 29, 1899. Boyd, Ennis Burgess, Harry Black, William J. Brooks, Charles H. Burkhead, W. B. Buttner, George Butz, Frederick J. -Cassell. WiUiam H. Carey, Evan R., mustered-in as mu sician; returned to private Oct. 28. Clay, Fred C. Crawford, Grafton C. Culbertson, Samuel Davidson, Harvey Driver, Cyrus A., deserted Oct. 18. DeKubber, Charles H., deserted Oct. iS. Freburger, George A. Fuller, Harry I. Glazer, Herman Gregorius, William F. Greenhood, Louis Guerke, Charles F. Gwilliam, John W. Gardner, John R., discharged Oc tober 13. Hagerty, Francis P. Hamberg, James E. Hartman, Casper C, deserted No vember 24. Hedeman, Walter R. Helms, Frank V. Hendricks, F. M. Hilgerman, Henry Hopkins, WiUiam O. Hughes, Patrick F. HuU, John S. Jacob, John R. Jones, Louis C. Jones, Walter C, died Aug. 18. Kaiser, Harry Kinkaid, George F. Kline, Harry Kline, John Krager, Joseph Koppelman, Henry A., died Nov. 19. Low, Royden T. Malone, Edward, deserted Jan. 28, 1S99. Miller, Abraham Miller, WiUiam Minor, Frank W. Mittuacht, Benjamin A. Montgomery, Louis F. McMahon, Thos., deserted Dec. 22. Noakes, Harvey C. Patterson, Charles Rayner, Edward Rohm, Fred A. Rout, Raymond Sauerwald, WiUiam T. Shober, Vance S., deserted Jan. 28, 1899. Sneideman, Morris, discharged without honor Aug. 28. Snyder, Wesley P. Stromer, Max Stiffier, Hayes Talbott, William F. Thompson, James Tracey, Ernest C, deserted Nov. 24. Upton, John A. Uhlenberg, William E. Vance, Edward Voigt, Henry Whalen, William, dishonorably dis charged Feb. 25, 1899. Walker, Charles C. Wilson, Frank Wohner, George Zerrlaut, Joseph Fifth Regiment. The Fifth Regiment assembled at Pimlico on April 25th, 1898. It was mustered into the United States service on May 14th, and left by rail for Chickamauga Park, Ga., on May 19th, arriving on the 21st. It left on June 2d for Tampa, Fla., which they reached June 5th. The Regiment camped on Tampa Heights from July 31st to August i Sth, when it proceeded to Huntsville Ala., remaining there until September 5th, when it was ordered to Baltimore. It reached Baltimore on September 7th, and was furloughed for thirty days from September nth, at the end of which time it was mustered-out. The date of the muster-in of all soldiers who were not mus tered-in with their companies follows their name immediately. All the dates occtir in the year 1898. FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered-in May 14th. Colonel Robert D. Coale. Lieutenant-Colonel William D. Robinson. Major Clinton L. Riggs. Major Henry M. Warfield. Major Louis M. Rawlings. Major and Surgeon John G. Jay. Captain and Assistant-Surgeon Samuel G. Davis, Jr. Captain and Assistant-Surgeon Thaddeus W. Clark. Chaplain John W. EUiott. Adjutant and First Lieutenant Samuel J. Poe. Quartermaster and First Lieutenant Edward C. Johnson. Battalion Adjutant and First Lieutenant Mark A. Herbert. Battalion Adjutant and First Lieutenant Henry G. Riggs, mus tered-in May 28th. Surgeant-Major George D. Johnson. Quartermaster-Sergeant Watson B. Randall. Hospital Steward Robert L. F'eltz. Hospital Steward James R. Allen. Hospital Steward Hall Caldwell. Chief Musician Ferdinand Czarnosky. Principal Musician Henry M. Brown, mustered-in as musician Company "K;" appointed principal musician May 16. Principal Musician William E. Davis. Battalion Sergeant-Major George W. Kaesemeyer. 28 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Battalion Sergeant-Major Charles Carroll. BattaUon Sergeant-Major WiUiam M. Fenton, mustered-in as private Company "G;" promoted to battalion sergeant-major August 24. COMPANY "A." Captain Robert B. Bowie. First Lieutenant Prank Campbell. Second Lieutenant Raphael S. Boone. First Sergeant Kirby Emory. Quartermaster Sergeant Robinson C. Walters. Sergeant Clarence R. Diffenderfer. Sergeant Philip W. Wroe. Sergeant Harry M. Hutton. Sergeant Charles A. Machen. Corporal Bruce Robinson. Corporal Joseph C. MuUin. Corporal Claude M. Boggs. Corporal Carter L- Bowie. Corporal William H. Garner. Corporal Frank H. Phelps. Corporal Thomas M. Ward, discharged June 1st, 1898. Corporal Martin G. Gill, Jr., mustered-in as private; promoted corporal May 14th. Corporal Fielder C. Slingluff, Jr., mustered-in as corporal; reduced to private May 14th; promoted corporal July 2d. Artificer Robert P. McClelland. Wagoner Jarrett E. Hutchins. Musican Edward F. Bell. Musician WiUiam T. Morrison. PRIVATES. Arthur, Frank S. Butler, Percy W. Adams, Irving Bujac, John, June 21. Anderson, WiUiam E. Bauman, George O., June 22. Brady, Upton S. Boykin, William J., Jr., June 21. Baetjer, Charles H., mustered-out Chase, Walter W. Nov. II. Carter, William, discharged June i. Baker, Leonard P. Cushing, Francis C. Baker Harry J. Chesley, Warren G. Baker, Julian C. Combs, Benjamin BonsaU, James P. Chaney James S., June 22. Buchanan, Thomas G. Carroll, Thomas, M., June 24. Boykin, Thomas W., mustered-out Cavanaugh, James B., June 22. Nov. 7. Cockey, Randolph, June 21. Beaumont, Daniel A. Davis, William S. Bispham, WiUiam M., discharged Davis, Marion B. August 26. Dangerfield, Reverdy J. Blankenship, WUliam A. Dorsey, Ezekial S Baer, Arthur P. Dulaney, Grafton L. Barton, John F. Donaldson, Louis N., mustered-out Ball, William E., mustered-out Nov. 5. „ Nov. 7. Fenwick, Harry M. Brown, George, June 21. Farmer Frank L, June 21. Barry, Harry S., June 23. Gable, Joseph SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 29 Groff, Guy B. Groot, Alfred J. Gale, John M., June 22. Hulse, Frank V. Hollander, Frank M. Hamilton, George A. Hurtt, Henry B. Hoffacker, Charles F., June 22. Hess, William S. , June 22. Hudson, James M., June 23. Heideger, Jacob, June 22. Jarvis, Hamlet, Jr., Kapp, John B., mustered-out Nov. 5. Kennard, William H. Kennard, Henry W., transferred to Hospital Corps July i. Kunkel, George R., June 22. King, Robert L, June 21. Kastner, James J., June 21; died August 22. Lowry, John M., June 22. Liese, Edgar A., June 22. Lippincott, John, Jr. Miles, Richard T. Maddock, Richard C. Morrison, Charles R. W. Moore, Ignatius G., June 22, mus tered-out Nov. 25. McBee, Lee K., June 23. Nicholas, Harold G. Poe, William C, Jr. Parker, John D. Parker, Herbert J., June 22. Phillips, Joseph E-, June 23. Ramsay, Charles R., mustered out Aug. 6. Robinson, John A., mustered-out Nov. 9. Robinson, William C, June 24. Rossiter, Horace L., June 22. Scott, James T. SHngluff, Thomas R. Symington, William W. Stratmeyer, Harry E-, June 21. Trippe, Richard R. Thomas, Edward O. Tighe, Thomas, June 21. Valentine, Edward A. U., June 1. Warner, Walter B. Wylie, Harry H. Whitman, Frank WiUiams, Roger, June 23. Wolfe, Thomas M., died Aug. 22. COMPANV "B." Captain Charles W. Jackson, mustered-out November 12th. First Lieutenant Henry T. Daly. Second Lieutenant Thomas S. Janney. First Sergeant Leo F. Dwyer. Quartermaster-Sergeant Walter T. Lucas. Sergeant Clement A. Bauers. Sergeant Edward T. Sheil, Jr. Sergeant James E. Gray. Sergeant Joseph F. Sherman. Corporal Denis P. L. Bergin. Corporal John B. T. Reed. Corporal Thomas H. Campbell. Corporal Lamar H. Stuart. Corporal Isaac Goldenberg. Corporal James C. ZoUinhofer. Corporal Gilbert P. Drew. Corporal Mortimor S. Lawrence, Jr. Artificer George W. Dolch. Wagoner James B. Cadogan. Musician John T. Bishop. Musician Milton W. Most. 30 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS PRIVATES. Angel, Samuel R., June 21. Bishop, Loman Brown, Custer K., mustered-out Dec. I. BeaU, WUliaank H. Morris, Williara O. Mininger, Charles M. Owens, George C. Parvis, Joseph M. Pfister, Frederick J. Prevost, Louis J., June 22. Preston, Robert F., deserted July 14. Raitt, Frank W. Reynolds, Charles C. Rehberger, George E., June 22. Rennie, Jaraes A., June 21. Rose, Wilbur E. Roseberry, Jaraes R. Ritter, Clarence W., June 24. Ringgold, Roland C. Raimbold, Edmond H. Schultz, Paul Schmidt, Charles W., June 23. Sharp, Thoraas M., June 21. Skinner, Ferdinand S. Simon, Harry T. Strain, Samuel G., June 21. Smith, Herbert A. Smith, Lee C. Sutton, John M. Taylor, Charles H. Townseud, Charles T. VanDoren, Francis J. Weems, John D. Whittaker, Charles O. Walters, Harry R., June 24. Worthington, Ellicott H., June 22. Yakel, Otto, June 22. IS^AVAL ]yClLITIA. On April 23d, 1898, eight oiiicers and one hundred and sixty. seven enlisted men from the Maryland Naval Militia reported on the ship "Dale" for service on the United States Ship "Dixie"and joined the latter ship at Norfolk. During the following week the complement was increased to twelve officers and two hun dred and sixty-five enlisted men. The remainder of the Naval Militia at once reported on the "Dale" for instruction and drill- Between the 22d and 25th of May, thirteen oflScers and one hun dred and sixty-three men were mustered into the United States service and assigned to different cost defence vessels. The "Dixie," officered and manned by members ofthe Maryland Naval Reserve, rendered valuable service. Among these were the cap turing of Spanish prizes, the landing of food, clothing and munitions of war on the Spanish coast, and the part taken in the surrender of Ponce, Porto Rico, on July 27th, 1898. List of officers and men who entered the United States Aux iliary Naval Force (Fifth District) from the Maryland Naval Militia. OFFICERS. All officers were mustered into the United States service on May 25, 1898, unless another date is given. Isaac E. Emerson, Lieutenant. Edwin Geer, Lieutenant. H. F. Harrison, Lieutenant. Joseph Bonn, Lieutenant. C. L. Birmingham, Lieutenant, (junior grade). William U. Beldin, Lieutenant, (junior grade). T. C. B. Howard, Lieutenant, (junior grade). Robert C. Hull, Lieutenant, (junior grade). John E. Reeside, Ensign. Dwight Mallory, Ensign. Charles McNewman, Ensign. R. P. Brown, Ensign. William E. Putts, Ensign, Julv 26th. F. E. Wagner, Assis.tant Surgeon. 46 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ENLISTED MEN. The date of the muster into the United States service was May 2, unless another date is given. Harry C. Codd, first-class machinist. Francis B. Dennett, first-class machinist. Williara A. Lawrence, first-class machinist. May 17th. John C. Ott, first-class machinist. May 20th. John J. Bowen, first-class machinist. May 20th. John Cook, first-class machinist. May 20th. Theodore R. Lerp, apothecary. Ross M. GiU, second class machinist. May 17th. Owen F. Jones, Jr., second-class machinist. SEAMEN. Amos, Walter S. Burhman, Roy Briers, Bernard Carlos, William L. Cochran, Edward N. Duncan, F. K. Dressier, Emerson Dorney, George F. Ditzel, Charles Eaton, William J. Fitzgerald, John W. Galloway, James H. Gimper, Joseph B. Hart, Thomas P. Harvey, P. W. Hubbard, WiUiam T. Hudgins, James A., May 22. Ijams, W. T. Johnson, John N. Kelly, Thomas Kemp, Joseph H. Keppel, John Krauss, Sumuel Lampe, Benjamin M. Lane, Charles B. Lane, Williara B. Lauber, Frank, Jr. Love, H. A. Manner, Williara, Marshall, Harry S. Meister, E. J. Myer, Herman F. Nicholis, George D. Osenburg, W. H., Jr. Primrose, W. M. Raymond John Raynor, Charles B. Reinhardt, A. R. Rittenhouse, Q. E. Ridgers, Thomas S. Sherwood, Richard Thompson, Charles F. Vance, Frank Wallace, Harry L. Williard, Edwin G. Willey, Joim Wilkerson, Thomas Winkler, Charles Wolf, Albert H. Wysham, C. H. FIRST CLASS FIREMEN. Doyle, Thomas A., May 20. Dougherty, Jno. M. Gilligan, Joseph R. HiU, Williara H., May 17. Knight, Jacob A., May 17. ¦ Kearney, M. T., May 17. Pabst, C. M., May 20. Rose, Theodore Ryan, Fred Staylor, Philip Sturapter, Charles W. Sundstrura, R. C., May 18. Toole, John W., May 20. Whittier, John ORDINARY SEAMEN. Abel, Adara, Jr. Appleby, W. C. Berry, Harry W. Bishop, Edward Bittner, Caspar Branzell, Jaraes Brown, W. H. Burns, Sarauel Burns, Edward H. Butts, Clarence Butts, Claude D. - Deal, W. H. D. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 47 Eble, William E. Fitzpatrick, M. E. Ford, Peter Grice, George W. Harding, Harry Howell, Lloyd H., Jr. Johnson, G. N. Keenan, Robert Langbein, Charles H. Lease, E. P. Legg, Samuel W. McCorraick, William T. McGee, Benjamin Merriken, C. W. Myers, Williara H. Rahberger, R. C. Rupprecht, William J. Scherer, J. W. Spaudour, Edward Shook, H. P. Stapleford, Harry W. Sullivan, Edward M. Taylor, Charles W. Trimp, H. J. Turner, Charles T. Vogt, Jessie Wheeler, Charles E. Wilmer, Charles SECOND-CLASS FIREMEN. BaU, George W. Evans, John W. Emory, George H., May 2!|-l|||ll;|T WlilflKH'! ' |i|fii{I!t|r I ,,_jriili;|a.M-'il I ¦¦¦I'l"* ..^l!l'|i!.!!!!i'!''liTii" B .' I '^t,' ¦•'^^^^\mmn ••M':'. ,.,-m %^ :iRr';i|.|iiitji '1Kb'. . .!!. ! iV !'•» i.'V!i|i'!!'i! i.Mi '¥^ liii !i!!iiiuiij{iih.ih',i; i iiisfi li! i" " i ; I iuO j|t!9.« :.¦¦¦»:!. m-.