Yale University Library 39002003987238 E577 S69 (LC) eace, s.afety, and honor of South Carolina required imperatively that she should no longer continue in alliance with a people thus faithless to their Constitutional obliga tions. From men whom no treaty could bind, she held it idle to aak for additional guaranties, and resolved, with unparal leled unanimity, to separate herself from them. Some of the members of the Georgia Legislature have urged that final State action be deferred until a meeting of the Southern States can be had, to confer together for our common safety ; but simultaneously we have received from Alabama, Mississippi, and from Georgia, communications urging immediate and final action as indispensible to the safety of the entire South. These communications are from sources entitled to our utmost respect. If a conference of the Southern States is had, it can have but two objects : one to patch up a hollow truce with anti- slavery, which denounces our Institution as a crime, and which will hold all the power of the Government in all its departments in all time to come ; the other to concert mea sures for final separation, and for the formation of a South ern Confederac}'. South Carolina has ordained her separation from the Federal Union. This she has done under a high sense of the responsibilities which attach to her, and her relations to her Southern sister States. Having weighed the con sequences, she has resolved to go out of the Union alone, sooner than submit to the open as well as secret warfare carried on against her peace and safety. The other object of a Southern Conference— the formation of a Southern Confederacy, she anxiously desires, and most cordially in vites. The Committee submit the following resolution : Resoked, That a copy of this report be transmitted by the President to the Honorable John Billups, President of a meeting of a portion of the members of the General Assembly of Georgia. W. F. De SAUSSURE, On behalf of the Committee. December 22, 1860. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 003987238b