^,'fi 'ih ! jiiHs^'Hl-Si-;; m -Il-i ,. '. » EjV-, ."^i-w?!. *m: m-^.'- .'. ;, '1 ¦ m;i ¦.:,v ^b 'V^ rt.t. '.'•i-l; .-ii'. .¦:,!. I •.(•¦•'¦;t ' ¦. .' .t.','M'.:: .1 ,'.' ' '.Si ' 'f^ 'i'l ;¦! 11, The Hon''!^ George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governor of this prov ince of New York by and With the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council was pleased to Appoint the following Officers for the City and County of New York for the Year Ensueing (Viz') John Cruger Esqf to be Mayor. Water BayHff. and Clerk of the Markett. William Jamison Esqf to be high Sheriff. And Richard Nicholls to be Coroner of the Said City and County for the Year Ensueing Resolved (Nemine Contra Dicente) That Cornelius Depeyster Esqf the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected and Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Cor poration for the Year Ensueing Order'd that the Treasurer pay to John Cruger N? 825 Esqf Mayor of this City the Sum of fifteen pounds Warrant Issued Three Shillings Current Money of this Colony for Services Done for one Year past. And that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer for the payment of the .Same [3] Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to Daniel Horsmande[n] Esqf Recorder of this City or order the Sum of Fifteen pounds Three Shillings Current Money of this Colony for Services by him Done for this Corporation Ordered the Alderman of the Out Ward Do Cause a New Election of Constables for Harlem Division in the Room of Lawrence Louw and David Devoor and that the Election be on S?1ni'd'>y Next Mf Mayor hath Appointed John Schultz Upholsterer to be High Constable of this Corporation for the Year Ensueing Order'd the Alderman of the west ward do Cstt^p ? Ne^v F!»'^t.>,n N? 826 Warrant Issued. MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of a Constable for the Said Ward on Fryday Next in the Room of John Schultz Appointed High Constable Order'd that Alderman Johnson. Alderman Bancker. & mf Bogert be a Committe to Inspect the Water Engines and to have the Boxes or any other parts thereof Repaired or New Made, as they Shall think Convenient City of New York SS Present -Esq"^? Aldermen > Assistants Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 14*^ Day of October Anno Dom 1740 John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant WilHam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Peter Van Ranst Christopher Bancker Peter Jay Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster ab William Vredenburgh John Pintard Cornelius Kortright Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne This Day Mf Mayor Attended by Mf Recorder the Aldermen & Assistants High Sheriff Town Clerk, (the Chamberlain being Sick.[)] Coroner. High Constable Constables, and Other Officers of this Cor poration Between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the Same day Went in their Formalities from the City hall to his Majesties Garrison Fort George. And there Waited on the Hon'>!« George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of this Province of New York and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance And Supremacy the test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by the Order of his honor the Lieutenant Governour were Administred Unto John Cruger [4] Esqf As Mayor. Water Bahff. And Clerk of the Markett of this City of New York As also of one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York And Also the Usuall Oaths of Office of Mayor. Water Baliff And Clerk of the Markett of the City of New York And Justice of the Peace. In the presence of all the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Severall Members of this Court Above Mentioned Axd thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his honour the Lieutenant Governor that pursuant to the Authority to him granted by his Majesties Royall Charter he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf One of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation. If his honour Approved thereof to Which his honour was pleased to Answer, the Choice was Agreable to him. And he Approved thereof. that the Said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York Accordingly Whereupon the Mayor Attended as Aforesaid. Returned to the City hall. Where after the Ringing of three bills And Proclamation Made for Silence, the Commission of the Mayor. Water Baliff. And Clerk of the Markett. x\nd the Commissions of High Sheriff and Coroner were published. And then this Court Returned to the Common Council Chamber. Where the Said John Cruger Esqf was placed in the Chair. And then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter granted to this Corporation. the Said John Cruger Esqf the Mayor of this Corporation. Admin istred the Oaths Aforesaid. Appointed to be taken by Act of Parlia ment Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance And Supremacy the Test. Abjuration Oath. And the Usuall oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective offices Unto the Respective Magistrates and Officers fol lowing Viz* Jur. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Jur.^ William Roome Jur Simon Johnson Jur John Moore Jur Christopher Bancker Jur John Pintard Jur John Marshall Jur Henry Bogert Jur "" Abraham De Peyster Jur Samuell Lawrence Jur Philip Minthorne Jur George Brinkerhoff Jur Robert Benson Jur Isaac Stoutenburgh Jur William Jamison Esqf Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New York & Justices of the peace for the City & County of New York Assistants of the City of Nev York ¦ Jur. Jur. Richard Nicholls Esqf Cornelius De Peyster Esqf high Sheriff of the City & County of New York Coroner of the City & County of New York Treasurer. (Sick) [5] East Ward West Ward North Ward South ward Dock Ward Montgomerie ward BowryHarlem Thomas Wenman Deputy MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Constables Sworn Vizt John Schultz High Constable ^ Peter Lynch ) CorneHus Brower j Philip Goelet ) Jacobus Slover ( Thomas De White I John Ellinor I Hugh Crawford I Henry Carmer Junf I Abraham Huysman I Joseph Scot[t] (Abraham Filkins ) Augustus Reul ^acob Van Orde ) Abraham Anderson (Johannes Myer Junf / Samuell Waldron Junf James Mills Deputy Sheriff James Kennedy Deputy Anthony Ham Deputy Richard Noble Deputy William Beck Deputy Order'd the Sheriffs bond be Delivered into the Custody of the Chamberlain of this City Order'd That the Seal of this Corporation be Affixed to the ffree- dom of Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder of this City Pursuant to a former Order of this Court of the 17: of Jan'y 1736 City of ) New Yorkj SS Present Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the fourth day of November Anno Dom 1740 John Cruger Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder WilHam Room.e Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall John Moore Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Isaac Stoutenburgh :>Esq''? Aldermen Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 7 [6] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 827 Treasurer to pay to Johannes Myer. Or Order the Warrant Issued Sum of Forty two pounds Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to the Severall Watchmen in full for their Service as Watchmen for this City from the first day of May Last to the first day of this Instant November. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 828 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham One of the Mar- Warrant Issued shalls of this City or Order the Sum of Twelve pounds Ten ShiHings and Six pence Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to the Severall Constables for doing their Duty's Upon the Night Watches Within this City from the first day of May Last to the fourteenth Day of October last Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 829 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Doorkeeper and Warrant Issued Messenger to the Common Council of this City or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Cur rent Money of this Colony in full for one Quarter of a Year's Sallary due and Ending the fourteenth day of October last Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 830 Treasurer to pay to Christopher Bancker Esqf or Warrant Issued Order the Sum of five pounds Nine ShilHngs and Six pence Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to John Burger &c. to Workmen and for Materialls for Re pairs at the fferry as Appears by the Ace'? thereof. Which is Examined in Common Council & AHowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 831 Treasurer to pay to Christopher Bancker Esqf or Warrant Issued Order the Sum of Sixty three pounds Nine Shil lings & Nine pence half penny Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to John Burger and others for the Re pairing the City hall as Appears by the Account thereof Which is Examined in Common Council & Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 832 Treasurer to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf or Order Warrant Issued the Sum of Thirteen pounds Fourteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony paid & to be by him paid to Mathew A^an Alstine Andrew Breastead. Jacobus Montanie. 8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL & Peter Lott for work done & Materialls found, for Repairing the Barn at the fferry as Appears by the Acc'5 thereof Which is Examined in Common Council & Allowed Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 833 Treasurer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh or Order Warrant Issued the Sum of Four pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony for Workmanship and Ma terialls by him found for Repairing the City hall : the fire Engines & Poor house as Appears by his Ace'? Which is Examined in Common Council & Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 834 Treasurer to pay to Alexander Lamb or Order the Warrant Issued Sum of Four pounds Current Money of this Colony in full of his Sallary for Library keeper to this Cor poration due & Ending the first day of this Instant November and.. also for a Lock by him furnished for the Said Library [7] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 835 Treasurer to pay to John Roome or Order the W'arrant Issued Sum of Seventeen pounds One Shilling and Nine pence Current Money of this Colony (Six pounds three Shillings and Seven pence half [penny] thereof for Workman ship by him Done to the City hall and Stocks[)] and the Residue thereof to be by him paid to Garret Coezine Mathew Van Alstyn. Jo hannes A'^an Zandt and John Vrelandt. James Davie. Samuell Bell & Peter Rutgers for work by them done & Materialls found About the Repairs of the City hall and Stocks as Appears by their Accounts which is Examined in Common Council & AHowed Order'd That Alderman Roome. Alderman Bancker. Alderman Moore Mf Lawrence. Mf Brinckerhoffe or any three of them be a Committee to Audit the Treasurers Books & Ace'? and all other Publick Ace'? of this Corporation & make their Report on the Audit of the Treasure [r']s Books & Ace'? Vv^ith all Convenient Expedition Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 836 Treasurer to pay to Richard Nicholls Deputy Warrant Issued Town Clerke of this City, or Order the Sum of Twenty Seven pounds two ShHlings Current Money of this Colony in full of his Account for One Years Sallary due and Ending the fourtenth day of October Last & for Disbursements OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 9 by him Made and for other Services as Appears by his Ace'? Which is Allowed in Common Council Order'd that Mf Recorder. Alderman Stuyvesant. Alderman Moore. Alderman Pintard. Alderman Marshall Mf Abraham Depeyster. M"' Benson & Mf Brinckerhoffe Or any five of them be a Committee to Inspect into the Laws of this Corporation and See What are Necessary and What Not. And to Make any Adition or Alteration to any of them as they Shall Judge Needfuil. And What further Laws are Necessary to be Made for the better good Rule & Government of this Corporation. And that they Make Report thereof to this Court With all Convenient Speed. And it is further Ordered, that all the Mem bers of this Court be Admitted of the Same Committee that think fit to Appear thereon Order'd. that a bond be taken from Thomas Edwards for What is Owing from him to this Corporation payable in two years Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Produced Unto this Court a Commission Under the Great Seal of this province Appointing him Recorder of this City. Which was Read. & is in the words following Viz' George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c : To all to whom these pres ents Shall Come or may Concern Greeting We Reposing EspeciaU Trust & Confidence in the Learning, fidelity prudence. Circumspection and Loyalty of our trusty and Well beloved Daniel Horsmanden Esqf of our Speciall grace Certain knowledge, and Meer Motion have Given and Granted And by these presents Do Give & Grant Unto the Said Daniel Horsmanden the Office of Recorder, of our City of New York Within our Province of New York in America. Together with all ffees. Sallaries. priviledges Benefitts [8] Rights. Perquisites Profitts and Advantages to the Said Office of Recorder now belonging or Which ShaH or may belong or in any wise Appertain. And him the Said Daniel Horsmanden Recorder of our Said City of New York We do by these presents Make Ordain. Authorize. Constitute and Appoint. To have and to hold Exercise and Enjoy the Aforesaid office of Recorder of our Said City to him the Said Daniel Horsmanden for & During our pleasure. Together with aH ffees. Sallaries Priviledges. Perquisites. Benefitts. Rights. Profitts & Advantages to the Said Office of Recorder now belonging or Which Shall or may belong or in any IO MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL wise Appertain to his own proper Use & behoof. In Testimony Whereof we have Caused these our Letters to be made patent and the great Seal of our Province of New York to be hereunto Affixed. Witness Our Trusty and Well beloved George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governor & Commander in Chief of our province of New York & Territories thereon Depending in America. &c. at our fort in New York this Twenty Ninth day of October in the fourteenth Year of our Reign Annoq Dom 1740 j^^^j^^^^ ^ Sec- Seal ¦' Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 837 Treasurer to pay to Jacobus Turk Or Order the Warrant Issued Sum of Sixteen pounds fifteen ShiHings And One penny half penny Current Money of this Colony in full for five Quarters Sallary for Looking After the fire Engines and for work Done and Materialls found for Repairing the Same, as Appears by his Acct which is Allowed in Common Council Be it Ordained by the Mayor. Recorder. Aldermen & Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council. And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority, of the Same That all the Laws. Orders and Ordinances of this Corporation Which on the Second day of November Last past. Were Made. Ordained Renewed Estabilished and Published. And also the Law Which on the Twentieth Day of August Last was Made. Ordained and Published be and by the Au thority Aforesaid are hereby made Ordained. Renewed. Estab ilished and Published and order to be Continue and Remaine in full force & Virtue for one Year from and After the Date hereof Vizt A Law for the Observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpo ration A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of fire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law for Regulating the Sale of Beer and Syder by Retail A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating Negro's and Slaves in the Night time A Law Restraining Slaves. Negro's. & Indians from Gameing With monys or for moneys A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ii A Law for punishing of Slaves Who Shall Ride Disorderly through ¦ the Streets A Law Giving a Reward to any person or persons Who Shall Ap prehend Any Negro Mulatto or Indian Slave Offending against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this province A Law for Regulating of Carts & Carmen A Law for Regulating the Office of Packers Guagers & Cullers [9] A Law Relating to Making freemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of A'essells in the Docks & Slips of this City A Law for preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the Dock of this City Regulations for paying Dock Money A Law Prohibiting the burning lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating & Estabilishing ffees for the Inviters to ffunerall[s] A Law for Cleaning the Streets. Lanes. & Allies of the Said City A Law for paying the Streets Lanes & Allies Within the City of New York A Law Against firing Guns m the Streets A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle any Where but at the Sloughter Houses A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law to Prohibit digging holes or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law prohibiting Sloughter Houses in the Out AA'ard A Law Estabilishing ffees for the Sloughter Houses A Law for Marking of Butter A Law prohibiting the Cutting Timber on the Comons by Brick Makers & Charcoal. Burners A Law for Regulating of ffences A Law for Regulating of Midwives Within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office, of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the better Securing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun powder A Law Appointing proper places for the Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting Hoopsticks and Saplings on the Commons 12 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law for Preserving the fish in fresh Water pond. A Law for better Regulating & Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New York A Law Declaring to What Uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court & the Seal of the Mayoralty Shall be put unto A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay. for Estabilishing the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses & bundles and for the Ease of Ancient & Disabled Carmen A Law for Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask for Pork beef and fish A Law to Prohibit the Exportation of Beef and pork Untill the Same is Repacked And Branded by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of firemen in the City of New York A Law to Prohibit Negros and other Slaves Vending Indian Corn. Peaches or any other fruit Within this City [io] City of New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the 4't' day of December Anno Dom 1740 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster Samuell Lawrence PhiHp Minthorne George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Isaac Stoutenburgh s-Esq""? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 13 Pursuant to a Law of this Corporation Entituled a Law for the better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts of the City of New York Order'd that Alderman. Roome. Alderman. Johnson. Alder man Bancker. Alderman Pintard. Alderman Marshall. Mf Depeyster Mf Lawrence And Mf Benson or any five of them be a Committee of this Court Who. are hereby Authorized And Impowered to Enlarge. A-lter Repair. And Support from time to time with Necessary Repara tions And Amendments, all and Every the Markett Houses. Mentioned in the said Law. And to Give Orders and Directions for the En larging and Repairing the Same: from time to time (at the Expense of this Corporation) As they Shall find Needfuil And Necessary And also to Apportion the Size of. And to Mark And Number the Severall .Stalls, and Standings therein or hereafter therein to be made. And to Contract for the Letting or Setting of the Same Stalls And Stand ings or any Number thereof to the Severall Butchers Resorting there unto (being freemen of this City) for Such Reasonable. Rents, as they or the Majority of them Can Agree for to be Reserved, payable by Equall portions. Every Month or Every three Months in the Year to the Chamberlain, of this Corporation for the Use of the Same Corporation. So that no more than two Stalls or Standings in any one of the Said Marketts Shall at any time be Lett or Leased to any one Butcher Resorting to or frequenting the said Marketts The Said Butchers or others Contracting for the Said. Stalls And Standings Giving Notes in writing Under their hands to pay the Rent thereof, Contracted for to the Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City for the Use of this Corporation And that the said Committe Do from time to time to this Court. Unto whom and for what Rents they have Lett Such Stalls and Standings and Every of them, and for what time and Term Orderd the Mayor. Issue his Warrant to the N? 838 Treasurer to Pay to Samuell Pell Or. Order the Warrant Issued. Sum of Two pounds. Fourteen ShiHings and Eleven Pence Current Money of this Colony, for work done & Materialls found in Repairing the fire Engines As Appears by his Ace'. Which is Examined in Common Council and Allowed [11] The Draught of a Grant of a Water lott two Hundred foot into Hudsons River behind the Lott of Petrus Rutgers was Read And Approved, and Order'd the Same be Engrossed And that the Deputy Clerk of this Court do Accordingly Affix the Common Seal of this 14 MINUTES OF THE COM.AION COUNCIL Corporation to the said Grant And Sign the Same by Order of this Court The Draft of a Grant of a Water lott Two Hundred foot into Hudsons River Behind the Lott of Elizabeth Sharpass was Read And Approved And Order'd the Same be Engrossed And that the Deputy Clerk of this Court Do Accordingly Affix the Common Seal of this Corporation to the said Grant. And Sign the Same by Order of this Court Order'd That Samuell Ten Eyck. John Hunt. And the Widow Wessells have Notice that they may Attend this board by themselves or their Council On Tuesday the Sixteenth day of this Instant Decem ber, at two a Clock in the Afternoon, and be then heard on the Alle gations of their Severall Petitions formerly preferred to this board City of New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City haH of the Said City on Tuesday the 16'!' day of December. Anno Dom 1740 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder. >.Esq'? Aldermen Gerrardus Stuyvesant WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Isaac Stoutenburgh The Petitions of Beletie Ten Eyck in behalf of herself And her Son John Ten Eyck And her two Daughters Maritie Wessells. And Wyntie Cowenhoven of Samuell Ten E}'ck And of John Hunt And Beltie his wife. John Roome and Elizabeth his wife And John Ten Eyck wera >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 15 Severally Read". Each. Petition praying a Grant of the Soil or water Lott at the Corner Called Coenties Corner, two Hundred foot into the River And Upon Reading the will of Coenrat Ten E}'ck the Grand father. And hearing the Arguments of the Council Appearing for the Severall Petitioners. Order'd the Matters of the Severall petitions be Referred to the further Consideration of this Board [12] City of ) New York I SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Munday the 29'h day of December Anno Dom 1740 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John MarshaH Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Isaac Stoutenburgh ^Esq""? Aldermen Assistants 9° .19 for a penny for two pence for four pence Order'd that the Assize of Bread be tiH further Order as followeth Viz' .A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh 0"= . A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh o . A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . 2 . And a Wheaten Loaf (the Course Bran^ only taken out) to weigh ( And Order''d That no other Bread be made, for Sale within this Citty (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize And all Bakers Within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof. And Make their Bread Accordingly o for four pence ¦ Esqf? Aldermen Assistants 1 6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) „„ Att A Common CouncH held at the City New York] [hall] of the said City on Thursday the 19"^ day of March. Anno Dom 1 740/1 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder. Gerrardus Stuyvesant WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh )> Robert Benson PhHip Minthorne [13] It being Represented to this board by Daniel Horsmanden Esqf from the Lieut Governor and Council that in the Dreadful Calamity Which happened Yesterday the Secretarys Office was Entirely De stroyed. And Desired that this board would Assign the Common Council Room for the Keeping the Publick Books and Records of. the Province. During the present Exigency. Untill Another proper place Can be Provided by the Legislature which this board Approve of And Desire the Recorder to wait on the Lieut Governor And Acquaint him with, the Resolution of this Board Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 839. Treasurer, to pay to Johannes Myer or Order the Warrant Issued Sum of five pound Eight Shilling Current. Money of this Colony being for Money by him paid and Disbursed, for Repairing the Fligh ways, between this and Kings bridge, in the Late Great Snow Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 840. Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper and Warrant Issued Messenger to the Common Council of this City or Order the Sum of Five pounds. Current Money of this Colony in full for half a Years Sallary Which Will be due and Ending the fourteenth day of Aprill Next Order'd that Alderman Roome. Alderman. Johnson Alderman Moore Mf Bogert and M' Benson, or any three of them be a Committee to Inspect into the Ladders. Hooks and all other kind of Implements. Esq""? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ly belonging to this Corporation Necessary for Extinguishing fire And that they have Such Reparations. Amendments And Additions made thereto, as they shall think Convenient And that they Cause One hun dred New Leather Bucketts to be made with the words. (City of N. York) Painted thereon City of ^ Att a Common Council held at the City New York j hall of the said City on Saturday, the ii"^ April 1 74 1 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Philip Minthorne George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Samuell Lawrence [ 14] Order'd that this board Request his honour the Lieut Governor to Issue a Proclamation Offering a Reward to any white person, that Shall Discover any person or persons lately Concern'd in Setting fire to any Dwelling House, or Store House in this City. (So that Such person or persons As be Convicted thereof) the Sum of One hundred pounds. Current Money of this Province, and that Such person ShaH be pardon'd if Concern'd therein. And any Slave that Shall Make Such Discovery to be Manumitted or made free. And the Master of Such Slave to Receive Twenty five pounds, therefor. And the Slave to Re ceive besides his ffreedom the Sum of Twenty pounds, and to be pardon'd. And if a free Negro. Mulatto or Indian, to Receive forty five pounds. And also to be pardon'd if Concern'd therein, and that this board will Issue their Warrant to the Chamberlain or Treasurer of this Corporation for the payment of Such Sum. as any person by Virtue of Such Proclamation Shall be Entituled Unto And that the Mayor and Recorder Wait on his honour the Lieut Governor And Acquaint Vol. v.— 2 > Assistants MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL him with the Resolution of this board Orderd That the Overseer. the Watch forthwith Cause the Watch house to be Cleaned of City of ¦ ^ 5s New Yorkj Present >.Esqf^ Aldermen Assistants Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Fryday the 17'^ of Aprill 1741 John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John MarshaH Abraham De Peyster Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson George Brinckerhoffe Henry Bogert Order'd that this Court or So many of them As do make a Common Council do Lett to farm the Dock and Slips of this City by publick Vendue to the highest bidder, for one Year to Commence the first day of May next at the House of -William English Near the Old Custom house on Saturday the 25't' Instant at three a Clock in the Afternoon On Such Conditions as they Shall think Convenient. And that printed Advertizements be prepared And put up Accordingly [15] Att a Common CouncH held at the Mayors house of the Said City on tuesday the 5'1' May 1741 Present John Cruger ESqf Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Abraham De peyster Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson George Brinckerhoffe ^Esqf? Aldermen !- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 19 Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Viz'A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . . . .0^ . . .8°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . . . i . . . i for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . . .2 . . .3 for four pence And a Wheaten Loaf (the Course bran] . ^,,, ..^x•1 ( 2. ..9 for four pence Only taken out) to weigh \ And Order'd that no other bread be made, for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize And All Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof And Make their bread Accordingly. Order'd that a Dr' of a Petition be prepared by the Clerk of this board. To the Lieut Governour. and Council praying that the Expor- [t] ation of Wheat; from this Province may be Wholly prohibited And that the Said Drt be Laid before the Next Common Council The Members of this board, who mett the 25'^" past at the House of WiHiam English, to Lett to farm the Docks and Slips of this City, for one year &c Acquainted this Board that at the said time and place they by Publick Vendue or Outcry let the Said Dock and Slips to farm ; Unto Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith ; for the Rent of Ninety pounds to be paid Quarterly and to Carry out of the Mould or Dock Sixty Scow loads of mudd &c : he being the highest bidder ; And have Directed the Common Clerke of this Corporation to prepare a Lease thereof , Accordingly ; And that they are of Opinion ; the Said Bartholomew Skaats together With Samuell Richards of this City Marriner Will be Sufficient Sureties for the performance of the [16] Covenants of the said Lease, all Which is now Approved by this board. And the Lease being Read in the presence of the Said Barth olomew Skaats ; and Approved It is hereby Order'd that the Clerke of this Court Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Said Lease Accord ingly And Sign the Same by Order of this Court ; And Likewise take Care that the Said Bartholomew Skaats With Samuell Richards Exe cute a Bond for performance of Covenants in the Sum of One hundred and Eighty pounds. MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) New York I SS Att a Common Council held at the House of Charles Lushare in the Said City on Wensday the 6'? of May 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson r-t". T'^^r. 1 W Esqf? Aldermen Christopher Bancker ' John Marshall Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence ^Assistants George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson ^ The D: Clerke produced to this board a Petition Pursuant to the Order of Yesterday which was Read and Approved And Order'd to be. Signed by the Members of this board And that the Lieut : Governor be forthwith Waited on therewith Order'd That all the Pidgeon holes under the City hall be forth with taken Down and Removed Esq'"? Aldermen City of ) Att a Common Council held at the New York t house of Charles Lushare in the Said City on Thursday the 28''' of May 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor WHliam Roome ^ Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham De peyster Philip Minthorne Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff Samuell Lawrence [17] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N9 841 urer to pay to Johannes Meyer or Order the Sum of forty two pounds Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to the Severall Watchmen in full for their Service As Watchmen for this City from the first day of November Last to the first day of this Instant may : > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 21 Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treasurer N? 842 to pay to Anthony Ham one of the Marshalls of this City or Order the Sum of ffourteen pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six pence. Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to the Severall Constables for doing their duty Upon the Night Watches within this City from the fourteenth day of October Last to the first day of this Instant may : Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . o**". . .8°^. .for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . .1 . . . i . . for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . .2 . . .2 . .for fourpence And a Wheaten Loaf (the Course bran) ^ ^ , , , iX i • t, > 2 ...3 for four pence only taken out) to weigh I And. Order'd that no Other bread be made for Sale Within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) then According to the Above Assize, and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their Bread Accordingly Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the treasurer to N? 843. pay to Jacobus Turk or Order the Sum of Six pounds Nine Shillings Current money of New York being for half a years Sallary for Cleaning and taking Care of the fire Engines, and for Repairing the Same : As Appears by his Account. Which is Allowed by Common Council: p. J. -, Att a Common Council held at the , |- SS House of Charles Lushare in the Said City J on Fryday the 19"^ June 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant W? Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall ^ PhHip Minthorne ^ Isaac Stoutenburgh Abraham De peyster Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >Esqf[?] Aldermen ^Assistants 2 2 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [i8] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N? 844. to pay to Johannes Meyer or Order the Sum of Six pounds two Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full of his Account for himself and John Ellinor going to New Brunswick to fetch John Roma and their Expences: and for Seven Double Watches As Appears by his Account which is Examined in Common Council and AHowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treasurer N? 845 to pay to John Moore Esqf or Order, the Sum of One hun dred and fifty pounds Current money of this Colony, With Which the Said John Moore Esqf is Desired by this board to purchase a Bill of One hundred pounds Steriing and Remitt the Same to Mess""? Samuell And William Baker Merchants in London ; And that he Desire them to purchase as Large a fire Engine of the best make As that Sum will purchase : Including all Charges : till on Board and Issurance And a Leather pipe and Screws proper to the Engine and four fire Caps Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the treasurer to N° 846 Alderman WiHiam Roome Esqf Or Order the Sum of forty five pounds Current Money of this Colony for him to pay for Ninety Leather Bucketts for this Corporation Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the treasurer to N° 847 pay to Anthony Ham or Order the Sum of Seventeen Shil lings and Six pence Current Money of this Colony : for going to Staten Island With Anne Weston, And her three Children : As Appears by his Account Which is Examined in Common Council and Allowed Order'd that Cornelius Couzine have Liberty to Digg Clay and Make Bricks on Such part of the Commons As the Aldermen And Common Council men of the Out Ward Shall think proper for one year; he paying to the treasurer for the Use of the Corporation the Sum of Twenty Shillings for the Same Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the treasurer N? 848 to pay to Thomas WiHson or Order the Sum of Ten pounds Current Money of this Colony in full for the time of his Servant Mary Burton: and for the Cloaths he has purchased for her he the Said Thomas WiHson Assigning her Indenture to this Cor poration . Esqf? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 23 [19] City of ^ Att a Common Council held at the New York] City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 28't' day of July Ann Dom 1741 : Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Chris : Bancker John Pintard John MarshaH Henry Bogert S Sam'! Lawrence . . T C-. , , , y Assistants. Isaac Stoutenbergh | Robert Benson J Order'd that Johannes Peek be and he is Appointed one of the Publick Measurers of this City: And that A Lysence be Granted to him Accordingly Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N° 849 to Pay to Francis Barre or Order the Sum of Eleven Pounds fifteen ShiHings Current Money of this Colony in full for 28 days Watching at the City hall for himself Nineteen days Watching of Alexander Lamb : and forty three days : D? by John Tenbrook : As Appears by the Ace'? which are Audited in Common Council and Allowed Orderd that When Johannes Roome Swears to his N? 850 Ace'? that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to the Said Johnannes Roome : or Order the Sum of Forty Eight pounds : fifteen Shillings and Ten Pence Current Money of this Colony in full of Said Ace'? for making a Gallows : two Gib- betts : and work done to and Materialls found About the City watch House : making Ladders and fire hooks &c as Apjsears by his Ace'? Ordered the Mayor : Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N? 851. to Pay to Bartholomew Crannell one of the Marshalls of this City: or Order Twenty two pounds Six Shillings and four Pence Current Money of this Colony : in full of his Acct for fire and Candles : for the Watch : for fire for the Court : and for Cleaning the 24 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Watch house: and four ShiHings Paid Robert Campbell As Appears by his Acct Which is Audited and Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his W'arrt to the Treasurer to N9 852 Pay to Abraham Alstine Bricklayer or Order the Sum of Ten pounds: Twelve. ShiHings and four pence half penny: Current Money of this Colony ; in full of his Acct for work done and Materialls found: to the poor house of this City As Appears by his Acct Which is Audited and AHowed Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the Treasurer of N9 853 pay to John Alstine Blacksmith Or Order the Sum of Twenty Seven Pounds: Thirteen Shillings and four pence half penny Current Money of this Colony in full of his Ace'? for Smiths work done for this Corporation As Appears by his Ace'? which are Audited and Allowed [20] Orderd (that Upon James David: An: Konnig: & N9 854 Peter Bous Swearing to their Accounts) that the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the Treasurer to pay to the Said James David or Order the Sum of: five pounds and Nine Pence for his Acct of Work done at the City hall ; the Sum of Three pounds One Shillings and Nine pence in full of the Acct of An Konnig: and three Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Seven pence half penny Current Money of New York: in full of the Acct of the said Peter Bou as Appears by their Ace'? Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer No 855 to pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper : and Messenger to the Common Council of this City Or Order the Sum of Two pounds: Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony: in full for one Quarters SaHary which was due and Ending the fourteenth Instant: Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N° 856. to pay to James Mills Keeper of the Goal of this City Or Order the Sum of Twenty five Pounds : Current Money of this Colony in part of his Acct to this time Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N9 857 to pay to Alderman Bancker: or Order the Sum of Seven pounds: fifteen Shillings and Nine pence half penny: Cur rent Money of this Colony in full of his Acct for Cordage Boards : and OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 25 Other things for the Use of this Corporation As Appears by his Ace' Which is Audited and Allowed Orderd the Clerk of this Court Deliver to Mf Barth: Skaats: his bond for performance of Covenants : of his Lease of the Dock and SHps of this City for the year 1740 he having produced his Rec'? from the Treasurer of the payment of the Rent : Reserved on the said Lease Order-'d the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the Treasurer to N9 858 pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenbergh or Order the Sum of Eight pounds : fifteen ShiHings and Six pence Current Money of this Colony in fuH of his Acct of Smiths work Done : for this Corpora tion : As Appears by his Acct Which is Audited and Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the Treasurer to N? 859 pay to Alderman William Roome Esqf or Order the Sum of five pounds : Ten ShHlings Current Money of this Colony : for him to pay: for Eleven more Leather Bucketts made for this Corporation City of ) gg New YorkC Present Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the Third day of Sept'f Anno Dom 1741 John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall PhiHp Minthorne Abra: Depeyster Isaac Stoutenbergh Sam! Lawrence Geo: Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson >Esq" Aldermen ;> Assistants 26 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [21] The Petition of Mf Peter Rutgers was Read: praying a Grant: from the Rear of his Lott: in the west ward: of this City: two hundred foot into hudsons River: Order'd the Said Petition be Referred to Alderman Roome: Alderman Moore and Alderman Pintard : Mf Stoutenbergh and Mf Depeyster or any three of them to Examine into the Allegations of the Petitioner: And to make their Report thereon : And Upon what Terms : Covenants : and Conditions the Same Ought to be Granted Order'd the Treasurer Pay to John Cruger Esq' Mayor N° 860 of this City: the Sum of Sixteen pounds: four ShiHings Current Money of this Colony: for Services Done for one Year past: And that the Mayor Issue his Warrant: to the Treasurer for the payment of the same City of ^ Att a Common Council held at the City New York j hall of the said City on Fryday the Eight eenth day of September Anno Dom 1741 John Cruger Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson i^Esq'^? Aldermen /* Assistants Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh : . . . o"' 7>4°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . . i : o for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . 2 : o for four pence And a Wheaten Loaf the Course bran only) taken Out to Weigh \ ^ '' ^ for four pence OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 27 And Order'd that no Other bread be Made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett Only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their bread Accordingly [22] City of [ New Yorkj Att a Comon Council held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 29"^ day of September (being the feast day of S' Michael the Archangle[)] Anno Domini 1 741 s-Esq""? Aldermen Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogart Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson Conformable to his Majesties RoyaH Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty of this City for the Electing this day: One Alderman: One Assistant: two Assessors: One CoHector and two Constables in the Six Wards on the South side: of Fresh Water: And One Alderman One Assistant: four Assessors two Col lectors and four Constables for the Out Ward of the said City : to Serve in their Respective Offices: for the Year Ensueing: The Respective > Assistants MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Aldermen of Each Respective Ward made Return this day into the Office of Town Clerk Under their hands : of the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall Offices : Aforesaid for the Year Ensueing as follows Vizt East Ward West Ward [23] Simon Johnson Esqf Alderman Samuell Lawrence Assistant John Van Der Speigle Jacob Abrahamse Bartholomew Skaats Richard Annely ^Judah Mears William Roome Esqf Henry Bogard Tobias Stoutenburgh WilHam Lealin WiHiam Eagles WiHiam Whitfield Richard Kip Christopher Bancker Esqf Alderman r Assessors CollectorConstables AldermanAssistantAssessors CollectorConstables North Ward-< South Ward < Dock Ward -< Isaac .Stoutenburgh John Stoutenburgh John Van Aernam Stephen Bourdet William Poppledorff Frederick Fine John Moore: Esqf Abraham De peyster Isaac Van Dam Brandt Schuyler John Lasher Henry Lawrence Adam Dobbs ''John Pintard Esqf George Brinckerhoffe John Smith Theodoras Van Wyck Gerardus Beekman Mathew Van Alstyne Henrv De ffreest Assistant V Assessors Collector \ Constables Alderman Assistant i Assessors Collector \ ConstablesAlderman Assistant \ Assessors CoHector Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 29 Montgomerie Ward -< Out Ward < 'John Marshall Esqf Robert Benson Benjamin Peck Rem : Remson John Gilbert Patrick Smith Benjamin Taylor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Philip Minthorne Lawrence Garner John Horne Cornelius Cosyne Egbert Somerdyck Teunis Somerdyck John Dyckman Abraham Myer WiHiam Waldron Lawrence Low Jacob Dyckman AldermanAssistant ¦ Assessors Collector - Constables Alderman Assistant i Assessors Collector [ Constables [¦Assessors Collector I Constables For the y Bowry Division ^ I For > Harlem Division The Honourable George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governour of this province of New York by and With the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council was pleased to Appoint the following Officers for the City and County of New York for the year ensueing (to witt) John Cruger Esq"" to be Mayor : Water Bailiff and Clerke of the Mar kett William Jamison Esq'' to be high Sheriff: and Richard Nicholls Esq"" to be Coroner of the said City and County for the Year Ensueing [24] Orderd the Alderman of the West Ward Do Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward : in the Room of Richard Kip : (who is now one of the Vestrymen of this City) and that the Election be On Saturday next Mf Mayor hath Appointed Henry Lawrence to be high Constable of this Corporation for the Year Ensueing Orderd the Alderm.an of the South Ward do Cause A New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward ; in the Roome of the said Henry Lawrence And that the Election be On Saturday next Orderd the Alderman of the Dock Ward Do Cause A New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward : in the Roome of Mathew Van Alstyne (he being Neither Freeman of this Corporation or Freeholder: in the said Ward) and that the Election be On Saturday next Resolved (Nemine Contra Dicente) That Cornelius De peyster ^Esq""^ Aldermen Assistants 30 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Esqf the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected And Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the Year Ensueing : City of ) Att a Common Council held at the New York ( House of Charles Lushare in the said City on Wensday the 7"' October 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Philip Minthorne Robert Benson George Brinckerhoffe Alderman Roome and Alderman Moore having Acquainted this Board : that they were Directed by the Generall Assembly : to Acquaint this Corporation : that they shall have Speedily under Consideration Heads of a Bill or Bills for the due Regulation, and Government: of Negros and for the More Equall and Orderly keeping: a Sufficient Night Watch in this City : to the End that this Corporation may make Such proposalls to the house as they See fit: for the purposes afore said ; or to Other purposes tending to the Welfare and Security of this City; And this Board taking the Same into Consideration Resolved that Alderman Roome & Alderman Moore Apply to the Generall Assembly: on behalf of this Corporation for Leave to bring in a bill for Raising the Sum of Five Hundred pounds : on the : Inhabitants : Residents and Sojourners of this City to Defray the Charge of pay ing twelve Able Watchmen Each Night for one Year and providing fire and Candle for Such Watchmen And that they Also Apply to the Generall Assembly for Leave to bring [25] In a bill to oblige the Inhabitants in the Respective Neighbourhoods : of Each Publick Well that now is or hereafter shall be in this City, to keep and Maintain the said Wells: in Good Repair: And that they Likewise Apply to the Generall Assembly: for Leave to bring in a New bill for keeping in Repair the post Road from this City to King's bridge: in Which the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 31 Inhabitants of this City on the South Side Fresh Water: ShaH keep the Same in Repair as far as the House of Joachim Anderson : and that the Inhabitants of the Bowry Division keep the Same in Repair : from thence to the Division Line between the Bowr}- Division and Harlem And from thence that the Inhabitants of Harlem keep the Same in Repair from thence to Kingsbridge : And that the Road from Spring Garden to fresh Water : be On A Streight Line through the New Road : Cut Near the House belonging to Capt John Brown : And Also that they Apply to the Generall Assembly: That the Law Which obliges Masters of Vessells to Give Security for their passengers : likely to Become Chargeable to the City be Amended by obliging all Masters of Vessells bringing in Servants not to Land any Servt So brought in till Security be Given in £25 for Each Servt not to become Chargeable or till Such Servt be Sold & Such Sale Registerd with the Mayor for Which he Shall have a Reasonable Reward That they Like wise Apply to the Generall Assembly for Leave to bring in a Bill for the punishment of Mothers: and Reputed Fathers: of Bastard Children : by Obligeing Each of them to pay a fine of Ten pounds for the Use of the poor or Suffer Such Corporall punishment : as any three justices (one Whereof to be of the Quorum) Shall think fit: and Like wise to prevent playing Billiards Trucks or Cards: in any publick Houses : by Laying a fine of £25 . o : o ^1 Annum On Every person keeping Such table and Suffering it to be play'd on : & five Shillings for Each person playing : one fifth part of the £25 & half the five Shillings to the Informer the Rest for the Use of the poor : and that Every person : keeping a Publick House Suffering any Cards to be playd in his house to pay five pounds and Each person playing to pay Twenty Shillings : one half to the Informer: the other for the Use of the poor: to be Recover'd before any three Justices : (one to be of the Quorum) That they Likewise Apply for Leave to bring in a bill for the Speedy: Remedying all forcible Entrys and Detainers That they Also Apply that all Strangers Coming into this City with any Goods for Sale : be Obliged to pay a Duty : to be Applyd for the Use of the poor : And that they wHl Also pass a biH to prevent Clandestine Marriages Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N9 861 : to pay : to James MiHs or Order the Sum of Twenty three pounds Eighteen Shillings : Current Money of this Colony being the full Balance of his Account, for Emptying the Ordure Tubbs and Victualling Sundry prisoners : as Appears by his Acct Which is Audited and AHowed 32 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [26] John Pintard Esqf Alderman of the Dock Ward Returnd that Pursuant to an Order of this board of the 29''^ of September Last : he had Caused An Election to be made of a Constable for the Dock Ward And that by plurahty of Voices or Votes iVIathew Van Alstyne was Again Chosen : to Serve in the Office of a Constable for the said Ward for the Year Ensueing : But as it before Appeared to this board that the said Mathew Van Alstyne was Neither a ffreeman of this City or Free holder : in the said Ward : Nor is Yet : Orderd that the Alderman of the Dock Ward: Cause a New Election of a Constable for the said Ward in the Roome of the said Mathew Van Alstyne and that the Election be On Saturday next Alderman Roome Returnd James Ruffhead: to Serve as a Con stable in the West Ward for the Year Ensueing Alderman Moore Returnd Nicholas Defreest to Serve as a Constable in the South Ward for the Year Ensueing City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the City New York ( hall of the said City on Wensday the 14'^ day of October Anno Dm 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogart Abraham De peyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson This Day Mf Mayor Attended by Mf Recorder : the Alderman And Assistants: high Sheriff: Town Clerke: (the Chamberlain being Sick) Coroner : high Constable : Constables and other Officers of this Corpo ration between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the Same day ; went in their formalities : from the City hall to the house .Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEV,' YORK 33 of the Hon"^!^ George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Goyf and Comander in Chief of this province of New York and there Waited on him: and then and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament : to be taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abju ration Oath in the presence and by the Order of his honour the Lieutenant Governour were [27] Administred unto John Cruger Esq'' as Mayor : Water Bailiff : and Clerke of the Markett of this City of New York As Also one of his Majesties justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York and also the L'suall Oaths of office of Mayor: AVater Bailiff' and Clerke of the iMarkett; of the City of New York And justice of the peace in the presence of all the Several! Members of this Court Above Mentioned; And thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his honour the Lieutenant Governour : that pursuant to the Authority to him Granted: by his Majesties Roj'aH Charter: he had Appointed Gerardus. Stuyvesant Esqf One of the Aldermen of the said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City : & Corporation if his honour Approved thereof : to Which his honour was pleased to Answer that the Choice was Agreeable to him: and Approved thereof; That the Said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York Accordingly Whereupon the Mayor : Attended as Afore said Returned to the City haH Where After the Ringing of three bells and proclamation made for Silence the Commission of the Mayor : Water BaHiff and Clerke of the Markett and the Commissions of the High Sheriff and Coroner were published: and then this Court Re turned to the Common Council Chamber AVhere the Said John Cruger Esq'' Was placed : in the Chair : And then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation; the said John Cruger Esqf the Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths Aforesaid : Appointed to be taken by Act of Parliament Instead of the Oaths of AHegiance & Supremacy The Test: Abjuration Oath; and the Usuall Oaths : for the Due Execution of their Respective Offices unto the Respective Magistrates & Officers following Vizt Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant" William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Vol. v.— 3 Esq'^= Aldermen of the City of New York and justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York MINUTES OF THE COM^ION COUNCIL Henry Bogart Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson \A^ilHam Jamison Esq' ^Assistants of the City of New York high Sheriff of the City and County of New York Coroner of the City and County of New York Chamberlain (Sick) High Constable Constables Sworn (to witt) j Richard Annely John Myer Dep'Y : I Judah Mears Jacob Slover Dep'^ j William Whitefield Hames Ruffhead \ WiHiam Popplesdorff : Gabriel. Sprung Dep'Y I Frederick Fine ( Nicholas Defreest " Adam Dobbs James Kennedy Dep'? Henry Defreest Isaac Levy ,. Tho? Wenman Dep'^ Patrick Smith '. Anthony Ham Depty Benjamin Taylor Egbert Somerndyck ] Teunis Somerndyck ) Jacob Dyckman Assessors Sworn (to Witt) ^ John Van Der Speigle ^acob Abrahamse (Tobias Stoutenburgh ) William Lealin -- ,1 -ITT 1 (John Stoutenburgh A'orth Ward , , „ . *= /John Van Aernam (Isaac Van Dam I Brandt Schuyler (John Smith I Theodoras Van Wyck Richard Nichols Esqf Cornelius Depeyster [28] Flenry Lawrence East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division East AVard West Ward South AA^ard Dock Ward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 35 Montgomerie ( Benjamin Peck Ward I Rem Remson Bowry (Lawrence Garner Division Ijohn Horne Harlem (Jacob Dyckman Division ) Abraham Myer James Mills Deputy Sheriffe The Deputy Clerk of this board brought in the Draught of a bUl for a Night Watch Which was Read : and thereupon this board Request Alderman Roome And Alderman Moore to Carry the Said Bill in the Generall Assembly Order'd the Sheriffs bond be Delivered into the Custody : of the Chamberlaine of this City Ordered the Mayor : Issue his AVarrant to the Treasurer N? 862 to pay to Anthony Ham Doorkeeper and Messenger to the Common Council of this City, or Order the Sum of Two pounds : Ten Shillings : Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarter of a Years Sallary due and ending this day City of ) „„ New York( Att a Common Council held at the House of Charles Lushare in the said City on Wensday the 2i^t day of October 1741 Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor ' WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John MarshaH Abraham De peyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoft'e Robert Benson >>Esq'['=] Aldermen >- Assistants [29] Alderman Johnson produced to this board the Draught of a Bill to Restrain Disorderly and Unlawfull Gaming: And the Deputy Clerke of this board produced the Draught of a Bill for mending and keeping in Repair: the Publick WeUs and Pumps in this City: and 36 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Another for mending and keeping in Repair the Post Road from New York to Kings bridge all Which Were Read and thereupon this Board Request Alderman Roome and Alderman Moore to Carry the said Bills in the GeneraH Assembly Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N? 863 to pay to John Myer or Order the Sum of Forty Shillings Current money of this Colony in full of his Acct for Visiting the Transport Vessells from Jamaica : with a Doctor : and the hire of a perriager : and persons to Row them on board : Which is Allowed Order'd Alderman Roome: Alderman Moore: Alderman Pintard Mf Depeyster Mf Lawrence and Mf Brinckerhoffe who together with the Alderman and Assistant of Montgomerie Ward, or any five of them be a Committee to Inspect the Street from the House of John Daly, to the house of Abraham Raiding: and Also to the House of James De[s]brosses and Consider how the Same is to Levelled & Laid Out; and make their Report With all Convenient Expedition City of ) cc -^'^'^ ^ Common Council held at the City New York j hall of the said City on Wensday the fourth day of November 1741. Present John Cruger ESqf Mayor. Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker )>Esq''? Aldermen John Pintard John Marshall Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Henry Bogert ^Assistants Robert Benson Abraham Depeyster Be it Ordained by the Mayor : Recorder Aldermen & Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Comon Council : And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same ; That all the Laws : Orders : and Ordinances of this Corporation which On the fourth day of November Last past were made : Ordained Renewed, Estabilished and published : be and by the Authority Aforesaid are hereby Made: Ordained Re newed: Estabilished and Published and Order'd to be: Continued & OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 37 Remain in full force and Virtue for one year from and After the Date hereof A'izt. A Law for the Observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corporation A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of fire [30] A Law for Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law for Regulating the Sale of Bear and Syder By Retail A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating Negros and Slaves in the Night time A Law Restrain [in] g: Slaves: Negroes and Indians from Gaming with Money or for Moneys A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for punishing of Slaves who shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets A Law Giving a Reward : to any person or persons who Shall Apprehend any Negro : Molatto or Indian Slave : Offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this province A Law for Regulating Carts and Cartmen A Law for Regulating the Office of Packers : Guagers and Cullers A Law Relating to ffreemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells : in the Docks & Slips of this City A Law for preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the Dock of this City Regulations for paying Dock money A Law prohibiting the burning of Lime on the Commons : A Law for Regulating and Estabilishing ffees for Inviters to ffuneralls A Law for Cleansing the Streets : Lanes : and Alleys : of the said City A Law for paving the Streets : Lanes and AHies : AA'ithin the City of New York A Law Against firing Guns in the Streets : A Law Against KilHng Neat Cattie : any where but at the Slaughter houses : A Law prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars. 38 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law to prohibit Digging holes: or Cutting Sodds on the Commons A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law prohibiting Slaughter houses in the Out ward A Law Estabilishing ffees for the Slaughter houses A Law for Marking of Butter A Law prohibiting y? Cutting Timber, on the Comons by Brick Makers or Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating of ffences: A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain: or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the better Securing the Cit}- of New York from the Danger of Gunpowder A Law Appointing proper places for Lmloading of Hay : A Law Restraining the Cutting Hoop Sticks: & Saplings on the Commons A Law for preserving the fish in ffresli Water pond A Law for better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what Uses the Seal of this Corporation: the Seal of the Mayors Court: and the Seal of the Mayoralty ShaH be put unto A Law Appointing Convenient places ; for Unloading of Hay : for Estabilishing the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses : & Bundles : and for the Ease of Ancient and Disabled Carmen A Law for Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize : of Cask : for pork : Beef and ffish [31] A Law to prohibit: the Exportation of Beef and pork; Untill the same is Repacked And Branded : by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of Firemen in the City of New York A Law to prohibit Negros: And Other Slaves Vending Indian Corn : Peaches or any Other ffruit within this City Orderd [the] Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N9 864. to pay to Alderman Bancker Or Order the Sum of Eight pounds Nineteen ShiHings and two pence half penny Cur rent Money of this Colony being for so much by him Expended in Cleaning and Repairing the City hall and providing fire wood for the Watch as Appears by his Acct OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 39 Orderd that Alderman Roome: Alderman Bancker: Alderman Moore : Mf Lawrence and Mf Brinckerhoff : or any three of them be a Committee : to Auditt the Treasurers books And Ace'? and all Other Publick Ace'? of this Corporation: and make their Report On the Auditt of the Treasurers books : and Ace'? with all Convenient Ex pedition Pursuant to a Law of this Corporation Entitlued A Law for the better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts : of the City of New York Orderd that Alderman Roome Alderman Johnson: Alder man Bancker: Alderman Pintard: Alderman Marshall M"^ Depeyster Mf Lawrence and Mf Benson : or any five of them be a Committee of this Court, who are hereby Authorized : and Empowered : to Enlarge : Alter : Repair and Support from time to time with Necessary Repara tions : and Amendments : all and Every the Markett houses : Mention'd in the said Law:'and to give: Orders and Directions for the Enlarging and Repairing the Same from time to time (at the Expence of this Corporation) as they shall find Needfuil and Necessary Orderd that Mf Recorder : Alderman Stuyvesant, Alderman Moore : Alderman Pintard Alderman MarshaH : Mf Depeyster : Mf Brincker hoff : and Mf Benson : or any five of them be a Committee : to Inspect into the Laws of this Corporation: and See what are Necessary And What Not: And to make any Addition or Alteration: to any of them as They Shall Judge NeedfuH : and AA'^hat further Laws are Necessary : to be made for the better Good Rule and Government of this Corpora tion : And that they make Report thereof to this Court : with aH Convenient Speed : And it is further Orderd that all the Members of this Court : be admitted of the same Committee ; that think fit to Appear thereon Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N? 865 to pay : to James MiHs : or Order the Sum of Nine pounds Current Money of this Colony ; to Enable him to buy ten Cords of Oak AVood : and Fifty pounds of Candles : for the Use of the Night Watch : And Orderd that the said James Mills Cause a fire to be made: Every Night in the Watch house During the Cold Weather: and furnish the Watch Each Night : with a Sufficient Quantity of fire and Candle; And that he Render An Account upon Oath to this Board: when he shall be thereto Required: of the Aloneys he ShaH Expend in Providing the same. The Committee Appointed the 21^' day of October Last: to Inspect the Streets from the house of John Daly: to the house of Abraham 40 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Raiding and Also to the house of James Debrosses And Consider how the Same is to be Levelled and Laid Out: Made their Report in the Words following Vizt City of New York, ss: Wee the Committee Appointed by an Order of the Common Councill of the 2i^t day of October 1741 to Inspect the Streets from the house of John Daly: to the house of Abraham Palding: And Also to the house of James De[s]brosses: Do Report that We have Inspected the said Streets; and are thereupon of Opinion : That from high Water Mark in the Middle of Roosevelts Slip to the Middle of the Main street. Shall be a Riseing of fourteen feet: And from thence there Shall be upon Every [32] Ten feet : a Riseing of four Inches : and a Quarter : till it Meets to M''? Louriers Tree : and from the Middle of the Slip in the Main Street : to the Red house of Mf Wendle : ShaH be a Riseing of two Inches and a half upon Every Ten feet : And by Mf Simon's ; to be fill'd up one foot three Inches: and then Allowing four Inches to^ Every ten feet : to Mr Bensons Gate : AH Which is to be Submitted : to this board: this 4't' Day of November 1741 -,..,, _ ^ ^ '^ Will : Roome John Moore John Marshall Sam" Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson A : D : Peyster Which Report was Read and Approved: and Orderd that the Streets be Dug and levelled Pursuant to the said Report : And that the Alderman and Assistant of Montgomerie ward ; See that the same be Compleated : and the Streets paved with all Convenient Expedition Mf Alderman Johnson Moved : that an Order of this Board : might be Made for Advertizing the letting the Publick Marketts: to Farm on Saturday Afternoon next: On Which Motion Mf Mayor Desired his protest: to be Enterd Against any Order: to be made: Which Should take away any Right: belonging to him as Clerke of the Markett; After AVhich It was Orderd that the Clerke of this board Cause Advertizements to be publickly Affixed up for letting to farm the Publick Marketts : at the House of William English ; at three A Clock on Saturday Afternoon ; for one Year Commencing the fourth day of this Instant November; And that this Court: or So many as make a Common Council do Lett the Same upon Such Conditions As they Shall judge proper OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ^i City of ^ ^g Att a Common Council held at the New York] " City hall of the said City on Saturday the 7"^ day of Noyf 1741 Present Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson Abraham Depeyster ^Esq""? Aldermen ^Assistants The following Law was Read : and Approved : And After the Ringing of three Bells : and Proclamation made for Silence was Pub lished : Vizt (M"" Recorder's Dissent being first Enter'd: thereto: for the Reason that i'ts Constituting an Officer in the Roome of the Clerke of the Markett: AVhich he thinks they had no power to Do[)]. A Law for the further Regulating the Publick Marketts: within the City of New York Be it Ordained by the Mayor: Recorder Aldermen and [33] Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council And It is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same : That all and Every the Butchers and Others : Resorting and Comeing to any of the Publick Marketts: Aforesaid Shall pay or Cause to be paid for their StaHs: Standings: Boards: She [1] ter: and Other Like things Nec essary for their Standings in any of the Markett places : within this City and Cleansing and keeping Clean the Same, And Otherwise for Defraying the Incident Charges: of Repairing and Maintaing the same Marketts: and Rewarding the Care and Attendance of the ffarmer : of the said Marketts ; or Such other person or persons as the Common Council Shall for that purpose Appoint ; the Rates and Sums of Money following (to witt) for all Cattle Killed for the Markett for Each head One Shilling; For Every hogg: or Shoat brought into or Cut out for Sale in any of the Markett houses three pence And for Every Sheep. Calf or Lamb two pence 42 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL And the Farmer of the said Marketts: or Such Other person or persons: as the Common Council for the time being ShaH thereunto Appoint is and are hereby Authorized And Impowered to have, take Demand and Receive from the Butchers: Resorting and Comeing to any of the said Marketts; the Rates and Sums of Money Aforesaid And if any Butcher or Butchers : Shall Neglect : Deny : Refuse or De lay to pay the Severall Sums of Money Aforesaid : When thereunto Re quired : as Aforesaid : Such Butcher or Butchers Shall forfeit and pay Double the Sum So by him her or them Refused : or Delayed to pay with Costs of prosecution To be Recovered before the Mayor. Or Recorder : or any one of the Aldermen of this City And be it further Ordained: by the Authority Aforesaid that from and After the Publication of this Law it Shall and may be Law- full to and for the Country people to Sell or Expose to Sale: in the Meal markett and Broad way Markett of this City Beef: pork: Veal: Mutton: & Lamb by the Joint or by pieces or Cut up the same in pound or pounds pieces : or in Great or Small Quantities : or parcells as they shall See Convenient : first paying the ffees or Rates : to the ffarmer of the Marketts : Or Such Other person or persons : as by the Common Council Shall be thereunto Appointed: in the Same Manner : Quantity and proportion that the Butchers are to do And be it further Ordained by the Authority Aforesaid that the Markett house at the Lower End of Wall Street: Coirimonly Called the Meal Markett ; and the Markett house in the Broad way ; Commionly Called the Broad way Markett ; are hereby Appointed and Declared to be the publick Meal Marketts where all persons whatsoever may Sell Utter or put Out to Shew or Sale any manner of Meal : Wheat Rye : Barley : Oats : Indian Corn : Buck AVheat : or any other Sorts of Meal : Corn and Grain : brought to markett And that no person or persons whatsoever : from and After the Publication of this Law Shall : Sell : Utter: or put to Shew or Sale any meal: Wheat: Rye: Barley Oats Indian Corn : Buck Wheat or any other Sorts of Meal : Corn and Grain : at any Other Publick Markett place : within this City : than at the two Markett houses Abovesaid upon pain that Every Such Offender Shall for Every .Such Offence forfeit Six ShilHngs Order'd the Clerke of this Board: Cause Advertizements to be printed in both the PubHck News papers : that the Country people have Liberty to Cut up their Meat in the Marketts : According to the Afore going Law OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 43 134] City of /gg Att a Common CouncH held at the ¦ Esq'? Aldermen New York j City hall of the said City on Tuesday the first day of December Anno Domini 1741 Present Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Room.e Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Samuell Lawrence >Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the treasurer N9 866 to pay to Richd Nicholls D : Clerke of this City or Order the sum of Forty pounds Eleven Shillings and Seven pence Current Money of this Colony in full for one years Sallary : to the 14"' day of October Last for Pen : Ink : and paper for the same time and Other Services : as Appears by his Acct which is this day Allowed in Common Council Order'd that Isaac Van Hook Cordwainer : Abraham Alstyne Junf Bricklayer & Albertus Tiebout Carpenter : of the AVest Ward : Johannes Alstyne Blacksmith & John Van Zandt Blockmaker : of the East Ward : Samuell Bell Blacksmith : & John Myer Gunsmith of the South AA^ard : Peter Hendrickse Carpenter : Ahasuerus Turk Cordwainer & Johannes Powlse Carman of the North AVard : John Apple Carpenter And Ben jamin Moore Sailmaker: of the Dock Ward: John Daly Ship Car penter and Peter Vlierboom Cordwainer of Montgomerie ward: be and are hereby Nominated and Appointed Firemen of this City of New York Pursuant to the Direction of and Authority Given by An Act of General [Assembly] of this Colony made and passed this fifteenth Year of his Majesties Reign Entituled An Act for the More Equall and Or derly keeping a Sufficient Night Watch : in the City of New York : and to Enable the Corporation of the said City to Raise the Sum of Five hundred and Seventy four pounds Twelve ShHlings to Defray the 44 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Charge thereof: and for other purposes therein Mentioned Resolved that Thirty Six Sober Able bodied men : be forthwith Appointed : to be the Night Watch of this City from this day untill the first day of December next : That the said Watch be Divided into three Divisions : That three of the said Thirty Six persons : ShaH be Overseers of the said Watch: to have the Direction and Management thereof: One of Which Overseers with Eleven Watchmen Shall Watch and Guard this City Each night : from An hour after the Setting of the Sun : till the Beating of the Revallie the Next Morning : and So Each Division In their Turn : That Each of the said Overseers shall have and Receive as a Reward for his Service: ten Shillings and Six pence for Each night: he shall Watch; And thereupon this Board Doth Appoint; Hermanns Schuyler : to be Overseer of the first Division of the Watch : and Daniel Van Duersen : Lawrence Myer Isaac Brasier : Francis Barre : Johannes Powlse : James Campbell : Joseph Anno ; Joost De Milt : John Man : Peter Burger and Samuell Bell : to be Watchmen of the said first Division : Jacobus Stoutenburgh : to be Overseer of the Second Division of the Watch and Cornelius Thorp: John Burger: Cornelius Van Derhoff : Daniel Burger : Johannes Vredenburgh : John De Lamontaine Isaac Bussing : William Hopper : John Acker : Cor nelius Bussing : and Peter Lousier to be Watchmen of the said Second Division Robert Provoost to be [35] Overseer of the third Division of the Watch : and Robert Harris : Abraham Parcell : Gysbert Garretse : Gisbert Outenbogert : Fredrick Hyer : Coster Burger : Dirck Amerman : Charles Dobbs : Alexander Bussing : Jacob Slover : and Johannes Van Duerse : to- be Watchmen of the said Third Division City of ^„„ Att a Common Council held at the New York ( City hall of the said City on Fryday the ii"' day of December Anno Dom 1741 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Abraham De peyster Robert Benson > Esq''^ Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 45 Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° 867. Treasurer to pay to Johannes Myer or Order the sum Warr' Issued : of Twenty six pounds : Current money of this Colony to be by him paid to witt to Thomas De White : fifty Shillings : To Jacobus Slover : Fifty Shillings : To John Ellinor Fifty Shillings: To James Kennedy Fifty shillings; To Cornelius Brower Fifty shillings: To Hugh Crawford fifty shillings To Anthony Ham Fifty ShiHings : To Richard Noble Thirty shiHings ; To Thomas Wen man Thirty shillings : To Peter Lynch Thirty shiHings : To Augustus Rowle Thirty shHlings : and for himself Fifty shillings : in full for their Severall Services Concerning the Late Conspiracy City of ^ Att a Common Council held at the New York | City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 15'^ day of December Anno Dom 1741 Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John MarshaH Henry Bogert Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ;>Esq''? Aldermen ;? Assistants Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N° 868 to pay to John Moore Esqf or Order the Sum of Twenty Warrant pounds Current money of this Colony : which the said John Issued Moore Esqf is Desired by this board to Remitt to Mess''? Sam! and William Baker : Merch'? in London : and that he Desire them therewith and the Ballance in their hands belonging to this Corporation: to purchase a Good bell of 200"^ Weight of the best Metall : and to Ship the same for this place by the first Convenient Opportunity for the Use of this Corporation The Draught of a Lease of the Stalls Standings & Proffitts of the Publick Marketts of this City to Adolph Brass : was Approved by this board And Ordered that if the Lessee Approve thereof: That the 46 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL same be Engrossed : and that the Dep'Y Clerke of this Court do Accord ingly Affix the Common Seal of this Corporation: to the said Grant: and Sign the same by Order of this Court: the Said Lessee Executing his part [36] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the New Yorkf City hall of the said City on Saturday the 6'^ day of March Anno Dom 1741/2 Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John MarshaH Abraham De Peyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Sam'! Lav/rence Robert Benson ^Esq''? Aldermen Assistants : Orderd that the sum of Five hundred and Seventy four pounds Tv.-elve Shillings, together with Nine pence in the pound for the Col lectors And Six pence in the pound for the City treasurer : be forthwith Raised within this City Pursuant to the Directions of an Act of Gen erall Assembly : of this Colony : made this present fifteenth Year of his Majesties Reign: Entituled An Act for the More Equall and Orderly: Keeping a Sufficient Night Watch: in the City of New york: and to Enable the Corporation of the said City to Raise the Sum of Five hundred and Seventy four pounds : Twelve Shillings : to Defray the Charge thereof: and for other the purposes therein Mentioned and that the Mayor forthwith Issue his, Warrants for the Assessing and Collecting the same Pursuant to the Directions of the said Act Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N? 869 urer to pay to William Roome Esqf or Order the Sum Warr't Issued of Six pounds : Seven Shillings and Ten pence Current money of this Colony : in full Ballance of his Acc't for Glasiers and Painters Work : done to the City hall : and Poor house : as Appears by his Acc't Which is Audited and Allowed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 47 Orderd the Assize of Bread: be till further Order as followetii Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flower to Weigh o"' 9"^=^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flower to Weigh. I : 25-'2 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flower to Weigh .2 : 6 : for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran"| only taken out & not otherwise to >-2 : 14 . for four pence Weigh J And Order'd that no other bread : be made for Sale within this City; (hard Biskett. only Excepted): than According to: the Above Assize: And all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof: and make their Bread Accordingly Order'd the Committee : Appointed the 3'? day of September : Last to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of Mf Peter Rutgers be Revived Order'd that the Dock and Slips of this City be Let to farm to Bartholomew Skaats : of this City Goldsmith : for the Ensueing Year : on the Same terms And Conditions : as it was Let the Last year : And that the Clerke of this Board prepare Leases Accordingly: and that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation: to the Counter part thereof: upon his Giving Security for performance of Covenants [37] The Committee Appointed, the third day of September Last: and Revived this day to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of Mf Peter Rutgers : for a Grant of Two hundred foot of the Water and Soil under the Water to be made Land: fronting his Lott of Ground : in the West AVard of this City : fronting the North River : Containing in breadth Twenty four ffeet: have made their Report in the Words following Vizt: We the Committee Appointed by Order of Common Council of y^ 3"' of September Last and Revived this day to Examine into the Petition of Cap' Peter Rutgers : praying for a Water Lott to be Granted him: into the North River Do Reporte. That We have Viewed the Place he Petitions for: and found the Upland or Lott of Ground: before: AVhich he prays for the Soil Under Water to be Granted to him was formerly Mortgaged to Mf David: Abeel but that An Accomodation being Agreed on between the said Abeel and the said Rutgers : We are of Opinion the said Water : Lott being in breadth Twenty four foot: be Granted the said Peter Rutgers: he 48 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL paying to this Corporation the yearly Rent of four pence ^ foot for Every foot : in breadth along the River : and that he Leave a Street of Forty foot Wide: between the Land Mortgaged to Abeel: And the said Water Lott now Applied for: and also a Street of forty foot broad : on the Extent of Said Water Lott : to be Granted him When he Wharfes out: to the fuH two hundred foot: And that there be a Condition in said Grant : to Oblige the said Peter Rutgers : from time to time : When any three or more others : that Already have : or here after may take Grants: for Water Lotts Adjoining him: do Agree to carry out their Wharffs : beyond What they already are : the said Peter Rutgers Shall join with them: and at all times Leave a Street at Least 20 foot Wide: Clear of Any Incumbrances or Obstruction, but When he Goes out to the Extent of 200 foot: then to Leave a Street of 40 foot as before is Mentioned; all Which is Nevertheless Submitted to this board by : William Roome Dated in New york March: 6: 1741/2. John Moore John Pintard Isaac Stoutenburgh Which Report was Read and Approved by this Court And Order'd that this Corporation Do Grant: the Said Water Lott Mentioned in the said Petition to the Said Peter Rutgers his heirs and Assigns for Ever on the Annuall Rent of Eight Shillings ^ Annum: and On the Covenants and Condition in the said Report Mentioned : Under the Seal of this Corporation: and that the Clerke of this board prepare a Draft of Such Grant Accordingly Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 870 treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham or Order Mes- Warrt Issued : senger and Door keeper to the Common Council of this City the Sum of Five pounds Current Money of this Colony: in full for half a Years Sallary Which will be due and Ending the fourteenth day of aprill next Orderd that the Indentures of Mary Burton be Delivered No : 871 : up to her : and that She be Discharged from the Remainder of her Servitude : And Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treasurer to- pay to the said Mary Burton or Order the Sum of Three pounds Current money of this Colony: in Order to buy her Necessary Cloathing OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 49 City of ) gg Att a Common Council held at the New york} City hall of the said City on Monday the 22^^ March i74i[-2] Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore . Christopher Bancker P'l'' Aldermen John Pintard John Marshall Philip Minthorne Abraham De Peyster Isaac Stoutenburgh 1 . . Sam" Lawrence |^ Assistants George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson [38] Order'd WiHiam Gilbert Junf be Appointed one of the Publick Measurers of this City : Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N? 872 to pay to John Myer or Order the Sum of Nine pounds: Eleven shilHngs Current Money of this Colony : in full of his Account: for Iron Work done for this Corporation as Appears by his Account Which is aHowed by Common Council The Draught of a Grant of a Water Lott: two hundred feet into hudsons River: from Low Water Mark: behind the Lott of Peter Rutgers was Read and Approved : and Order'd the Same be En grossed: and that the Dep'Y Clerke of this Court: do Accordingly Affix the Common Seal: of this Corporation to the said Grant: and Sign the Same by Order of this Court Order'd That the Alderman and Common Council man of Mont gomerie Ward View the Lott at Gallows Hill : Where Richard Green is Going to Build : and if they find the Ground : on Which he is Going to Build: to belong to this Corporation: that they forwarn the said Richard Green not to Build there. Vol. V.-4 50 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The foHowing Law was this day : made & Published A Law to Restrain Negros: from Going to fetch Water on a Sunday other than to the Next AVell : or pump to their PLACE OF Abode: and Riding horses thro: the Streets: or out of Town: on a Sunday. Be it Ordained by the Mayor: aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New york : Convened in Common Council And by the Authority of the same : That no Negro Molatto or Indian Slave : within this City after the Publication hereof : Shall on any Lords Day or Sunday Pre sume to fetch any water : other than from the Next well or pump : to the place of their Abode or Shall Presume to Ride any Horse: thro any of the Streets : of this City : or on the Common : Every Slave So offending Shall be Whipt at the Publick Whipping Post: at the Dis cretion of any one justice of the Peace : Not Exceeding forty Lashes : Unless the Master : Mistress : or Owner : of Such Slave So offending : pay the sum of Three ShiHings : for the Use of the Person Informing to Excuse the Same. City of ) Att a Common Council held at the New yorkj City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 6'^ of Aprill 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq'' Recorder. Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Abra: Depeyster Isaac: Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff [39] Order-'d that John Tenbrook be forthwith Sent to Bedlows Island : there to Remain tiH further Order, to take Care that no person Whatsoever: (Except by Order from the Mayor) go into the House or Houses. Where any person has the SmaH Pox : or Come from any Such House to this City: and this board will Reward him the Said John Tenbrook : for his trouble therein >Esqf? Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 51 Order'd that James Mills furnish the Military Watch with Neces sary fire : and Candle at the New Battery City of [ New York j Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Munday the 12"' Aprill 1742 Present ^Esq''^ Aldermen -< John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant AVilliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Abraham De peyster Henry Bogert Isaac Stcnitenburgh Samuell Lawrence PhiHp Minthorne Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff Order'd that James Mills Employ proper persons : the Shelves : and Clean the Common Council Roome : Same New Plaister'd Where AVanting ^Assistants to take Down and have the City of New york SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Wensday the S"' May 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson Philip Minthorne Isaac: Stoutenburgh ¦ Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants 52 , MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd the Assize of Bread : be till further Order as followeth Viz' A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . .o" 9°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . .1 : 3 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flower to Weigh. 2 8 for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran only) , , ,,, . , ,'- 3 o for four pence taken out to Weigh ^ "^ ^ And Order'd that No other bread be made: for Sale Within this City: (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the Above .Assize : and all Bakers within this City : are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and make their Bread Accordingly [40] Orderd Alderman Johnson : Alderman Moore : Alderman Pin tard Mf Lawrence : Mf Brinckerhoff : & Mf De peyster : or any four of them be A Committee: (taking the Surveyor to their assistance) to Lay out the Severall Water Lotts : from Clocks Corner : to Coenties Corner: and to Enquire into the Pretentions or Request of M'' Abra ham Huisman for a Grant of Eighteen Inches : more than is already Granted him : and to make their Report to the next Common Council : City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the New York! City liall of the said City on Saturday the 8"' of May 1742 Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker Abraham Deoevster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Esq''? Aldermen Assistants Mf Mayor Acquainted this Board : that Yesterday Mary Burton applyed : to him in the presence of two Witnesses : who were with her for the payment of One hundred pounds to her : as being the person that made the first Discovery : of the persons formerly Concernd in Setting fire to Some houses : To Which Sum She Pretended to be Entitled : by Virtue of the Request of this board : to the Lieut Gov ernour & his Proclamation of the 17"' of Aprill: 1741 : Whereupon It OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK S3 is Order'd That if any person will Appear : before this Board and Make it Appear: to the Satisfaction thereof: That Such person is Entituled to Either of the Rewards: Mentioned in the said Request: and Proclamation: That they will thereupon Order a Warrant to Issue to the treasurer of this Corporation : for the payment of Such of the said Rewards : as Such person Shall Appear to be Entitled unto Orderd that Benjamin Quackenbos: Junf be Appointed a Watch man in the Room of Johannes Vredenburgh : Who has Neglected his Duty: and Peter Lambertse: Junf in the Roome of Johannes Powelse he having Resigned : and Garret Hyer in the Room of John Man who has also Resigned City of ) gg New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 15"' day of June Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >- Esq''? Aldermen > Assistants [41] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 873. treasurer to pay to John Tenbrook or Order the Sum Warrt Issued of Ten pounds, fifteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full of his Account for his Attendance on Bedlows Island in looking after the persons: there in the Small pox which is AHowed in Common CouncH. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 874 treasurer to pay to John King Mason or Order the Warrt Issued Sum of Seventeen ShiHings and Six pence Current Money of this Colony: in full of his Account for Work done: and Materialls found in Repairing the City hall Which is Allowed in Common Council 54 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 875 treasurer to pay: James Mills Keeper of the Goal of Warr' Issued this City or Order the Sum of Twenty Eight pounds five ShHlings & Eleven pence half penny : Currt Money of this CoHony in full of his Account for furnishing fire and Candles : for the Watch and for his trouble in providing the Same : for Emptying the Ordure tubs : & Victualling Criminalls : to this day as Appears by his Account which is aHowed in Common Council : And that he also pay to the Said James Mills : or Order the further Sum of ffifteen pounds Current Money of this Colony in Order to buy fire Wood and Candles for the Watch for the Next Winter And Order'd that for the future he be Allowed three pounds pf Annum : for Emp tying the Ordure tubs Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the treas- N? 876 urer to pay to Harmanus Schuyler: Jacobus Stout- Warr' Issued enburgh: & Robert Provoost Overseers of the Watch of this City the Sum of Two hundred and twenty four pounds three ShiHings and Six pence Current Money of this Colony that is to say. Seventy four pounds: fourteen Shillings and Six pence to Each of them (out of the Money Raised by Virtue of An Act of GeneraH Assembly of this Colony Entituled An Act for the More Equall and Orderly keeping a Sufficient Night AVatch of the City of New york and to Enable the Corporation of the said City to Raise the Sum of Five hundred and Seventy four pounds. Twelve Shillings to Defray the Charge thereof: and for other purposes therein Mentioned) in Order for them to pay the Severall Watchmen of this City from the first day of December: to the first day of this Instant June Inclusive Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 877 treasurer to pay to Bartholomew Crannell or Order Warr' Issued late Overseer of the AVatch: the Sum of ffifteen pounds: five Shillings and Ten pence half penny: Current Money of this Colony: in full of his Acct in furnishing fire and Candles : for the Watch : from the first of May 1741 : to the fourth of November foHowing as Appears by his Acct which is Allowed in Common Council Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 878. treasurer to pay to Capt Jasper ffarmer : or Order the Warrt Issued Sum of Twenty four pounds : Current Money of this Colony: in full for the freight of the two New fire Engines from London to this port. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 55 Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 879 treasurer to pay to Jacobus Turk: of this City or Warr' Issued Order the Sum of Sixteen pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence Current Money of this Colony in full of his Acct for taking Care of and Repairing the fire Engines : of this City to the Twenty Eighth of May Last And Order'd that the said Jacobus Turck be Allowed Sixteen pounds pf Annum for his Care of the four Engines : from that time [42] Order'd that Alderman Johnson: Alderman Bancker: Mf Law rence and M' Stoutenburgh or any three of them be a Committee to Agree with proper work men for hanging the New bell and for New hanging the old Bell: if they think it Necessary: and also for Erecting a proper place for the Keeping of the fire Engines Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 880 Treasurer to pay to Alexander Lamb or Order the Warrt Issued Sum of ffour pounds Current Money of this Colony in full of his Sallary as Library Keeper to this Cor poration due and Ending the first day of November last City of ) cc -A'^'^ ^ Common Council held at the New York C City hall of the said City on Wensday the 23"^ Day of June Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome John Moore Christopher Bancker John: MarshaH Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster PhiHp Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Order'd that alderman Stuyvesant Alderman Roome Alderman Bancker: Alderman Marshall Mf Depeyster Mf Bogert: Mf Min thorne : Mf Stoutenburgh & Mf Brinckerhoff or any five of them be a Committee (taking a Surveyor to their Assistance) to Survey and Lay out the Water Lott formerly Granted by this Corporation to John Moore: Esq"" in the South Ward and that they Make their Report with all Convenient Expedition >Esq''? Aldermen > Assistants 56 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the City New yorkj hall of the said City on Fryday the 16".^ day of July Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall j^Esq"^? Aldermen Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson Assistants The Petition of John Thurman and others: for Leave to build A Markett house: in Thurmans Slip: and the Petition of Peter Mesier [43] And others for Leave to build A Markett house at Cortlandts Slip: and a Petition of Sundry Inhabitants: of the West and North Wards : praying that No other Markett house may be built : in the West ward than that already built : in the Broad way : were Read : & the two first Rejected Order'd that the Alderman and Common Council Man of the Out Ward View the place Desired by Joseph Palding for Digging of Clay and Burning Bricks on the Commons and if they find No In convenience in letting the Same : that they lay out So Much Ground As they think proper: And Agree for Such term and Rent As they Shall think Convenient: And Make their Report to the Next Common Council Order'd that the Aldermen and Common Council Men of the South & Dock Wards have the Bridge and Common Sewer: in the Great Dock to the Southward of the Markett Amended & Repaired with all Necessary Reparations Order'd that Coll : Moore have Leave : to Repair the West pier of the Great Dock So that he Dos not Exceed the Sum of ffive pounds in Repairing the Same Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N9 881 urer to pay to Anthony Ham or Order Messenger & Warr' Issued Door keeper to the Common Council of this City: the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full of one Quarter of a Years SaHary which was Due and Ending the 14'*" Instant OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 57 Order'd that the Alderman and Common Council Man of Mont gomerie ward taking the City Surveyor to their Assistance Direct the Laying out the Ground of Benjamin Peck Conformable to his Grant Order'd the Assize of Bread be Vizt a White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . . till further Order : as followeth 9°6 for a penny for two pence for four pence 14 for four pence Order'd that No (hard Biskett only a White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . . A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . . A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran only) taken out and not Otherwise to weigh ( Wheat being at five Shillings ^ Bushell And other bread be made for Sale within this City: Excepted) than According to the above Assize and all Bakers within this City : are hereby Required to take Notice thereof : and Make their bread Accordingly Order-'d the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 882 treasurer to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf or Order : the Warrt Issued Sum of Two pounds Twelve Shillings and Eleven pence Current Money of this Colony being for So Much Money by him paid to Isaac Swits for 40 White pine Inch Boards & 13 pitch pine ij^ Inch Boards as Appears by the Receipt [44] City of Igg New york( Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City : on Tuesday the 20"' day of July Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Abraham Depeyster ;^Esq''? Aldermen /* Assistants 5^ MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Petition of Benjamin Peck praying for a Grant of the Water to be made Land behind his DweHing house in Montgomerie AVard the whole breadth of his Ground Two hundred foot was Read Order'd that John Blanchard be Warned not to proceed farther in Laying a Wharfe at the End of Pearle Street at his perill And that he be Served with a Copy of this Order And Ordered that Jacobus Roosevelt be also Warned : not to pro ceed further in Laying a Wharf in the East River: in Montgomerie Ward till he Make it Appear to this board that he has a right So to do : and that he be also Served with a Copy of this order City of New York. SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Munday the 26'^ day of July 1742 Present John Cruger Esq"" Mayor WilHam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ^Esqf^ Aldermee >- Assistants [45] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrt to the treas- N° 883 urer to pay to Stephen Bayard Esqf or Order the Sum Warr' Issued of Seventeen pounds five Shillings and three pence Current Money of this Colony : in full of his Acct for Sundry Sums of Money by him paid for Materialls and Work done at Coenties Markett as Appears to this Board & is Allowed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 59 Order'd that the treasurer forthv.ith Cause Distress to be made on the Goods and Chattells of Mathew M?guire for the Rent Due & Owing from him to this Corporation Order'd the Common Council meet again at four a Clock in the Afternoon, which met Accordingly City of ) qc -A'^'^ ^ Common Council held at the New yorkj City hall of the said City on Thursday the 26'^ day of August: 1742. Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence >Esq'^' Aldermen Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson > Assistants Order'd that on Every Sunday Morning from day light to the time of Setting the Military Guard and from five of the Clock in the afternoon or at the Discharge of the said Military Guards to. the Evening of the Same day : the following Method be pursued and taken to prevent the Scandalous and unchristian irregularities lately So much Practised : by Negroes Children and others on the Sabbath day in this City : That one Alderman One petty Constable : and four fire men do walk the Streets : Lanes : wharffs And Alleys : of this City: During the time aforesaid: That one Assistant : the high Constable or a Marshall : one petty Constable and three fire men : do the Like duty on the next Sunday : and that this Method be pursued Alternately and by Turns : By the Aldermen Assistants &c: And that the Senior Alderman Make A beginning the next Sunday: his Assistant the next after and So in .Succession According to the Seniority of the Aldermen : 6o MINUTES OF THE COMIMON COUNCIL Order'd that John Bogert Junf Baker be Appointed one of the Firemen of the East Ward of this City in the Room of AA^illiam Brown Cutler who has Declined Order'd that Alderman Johnson : Alderman Banker : M"^ Lawrence : and M"^ Stoutenburgh be Appointed a Committee to Inspect the Com mon Goal of this City and Order the Necessary Repairs Order'd that the Alderman and Common Council Man: of the out Ward Alew the place Desired by Charles Dobbs for Digging of Clay: and Burning Bricks in the Commons and if they find No In convenience in the Letting the Same that they Lay out So Much Ground As they think proper And Agree for Such Term and Rent as they ShaH think Convenient : And Make Report to the next Comon Council. [46] City of New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the ¦2^ Sepi'f 1742 Present John Cruger Esq"" Mayor Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff -Esq"^" Aldermen -Assistants M'' George Joseph Moore Deputy Secretary of this Province pro duced to this board A Copy of an Order of the Court of Chancery of this Province of Yesterday Appointing him Guardian to Mary Burton Whereupon it is Order'd by this Court that M'' Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto the said Moore to and for the Use and Benefitt of the said Mary Burton the Sum of Eighty one pounds which (with the Sum of Nineteen pounds formerly paid by this Corporation for the freedom and Others Necessary to and for the Use and Benefitt of the said Mary Burton) Makes in the whole the Sum of One hundred pounds and is in full of the Reward offered by this board to any White person that Should Discover any OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 6i person or persons Concern'd in Setting fire to any Dwelling house : Store house: or other Buildings within this City pursuant to An order of this Court: Made on the Eleventh day of ApriH 1741 Upon Apphcation Made by M' John Chambers N° 884 Order'd that the Lease formerly Made by this Cor- Warr' Issued poration to Cott" Philipse M' John Rosevelt and him self: for the Land of the Bowling Green near the fort in this City be Renewed for Eleven years to Commence from the Expiration of the first Lease upon payment of Twenty Shillings ^ annum for the said Eleven years to Come. City of New york SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 29"' day of September (being the ffeast of S' Michael the Arch Angle) Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant ^ William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogart ^ Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson .Esqf^ Aldermen >- Assistants [47] Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty of this City of New york for the E[l]ecting this day One Alderman: One Assistant: two Assessors one Collector and two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of fresh Water : And One Alderman : One Assistant : ffour Assessors 62 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL and two Collectors and four Constables for the Out Ward of the said City: to Serve in their Respective offices for the year Ensueing: The Respective Aldermen of Each Respective Ward Made Return this day in to the office of town Clerke Under their hands of the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall offices aforesaid Viz' East Ward West Ward < AldermanAssistant ( Assessors Collector > Constables Alderman Assistant . AssessorsCoHector North Ward South Ward < Dock Ward '^ Simon Johnson Esq'' Samuell Lawrence Jacob Abrahamse & Leonard Lispenard Bartholomew Schaats John Merrit & John Lush William Roome Esqf Henry Bogard Tobias Stoutenburgh John Delamontanie John Waldron Jolm Kingston & ^ Adam Vandenbergh Christopher Bancker Esq'' Alderman Isaac Stoutenburgh Assistant John Stoutenburgh John Van Aernam George Witts James Whiley & Abraham Van Der heul John Moore Esq'' Abraham Depeyster Brandt Schuyler Anthony Rutgers Jun^ Cornelius Clopper Jun'' Aaron Gilbert Isaac Polock John Pintard Esq"" George Brinckerhoff John Smith Humphry Jones John Tuder John Croker Henry Defreest i Constables I Assessors Collector V Constables Alderman AssistantAssessors Collector Constables AldermanAssistant Assessors CollectorConstables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 63 Montgomerie Ward [48] Assesso rs ( Out AVard -J CollectorConstables Alderman Assistant > Assessors Collector Assessors Collector V Constables For Bowry Division For Harlem Division >- r John Marshall Esq' alderman Robert Benson assistant Benjamin Peck & Rem : Remson AA^illiam DePeyster Robert Bowne and Solomon Hayes 'Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Philip Minthorne John Minthorne Jacobus Kip Jelles Mendeville Fredrick Webber \ Cornelius Dyckman Son ^Constables of George Dyckman \ Adolph Myer Jacob Myer Arent Bussen John SickeHs Abraham Myer Junf The Honourable George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governour of this Province of New york by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council: was pleased to Appoint the following officers for the City and County of New york for the year Ensueing (to witt) John Cruger Esq'' to be Mayor : Water BaHiff and Clerke of the Mar kett : William Jamison Esqf to be high sherif and Richard Nicholls Esq'' to be Coroner : of the said City & County for the year Ensueing The Mayor hath Appointed Thomas Holluck to be high Constable of this City for the year Ensueing Order'd the Alderman of the South Ward Do Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward in the Roome of Isaac Polock (he being Neither a ffreeman of this Corporation Nor a ffreeholder in the said Ward) And that the Election be on Monday next Order'd the Alderman of the North Ward Do Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward in the Room of Abraham Van der hule (he being Neither a ffreeman of this Corporation nor a ffree holder in the said Ward and that the Election be on Saturday next Resolved (Nemine Contra Dicente) That Cornelius Depeyster Esqf the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City: be and is hereby Elected and Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Cor poration for the year Ensueing 64 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd that Alderman Johnson : Alderman Bancker : & Alderman Marshall be a Committee to Inspect what Alterations and Amendments are Necessary to be made at the Poor house and to have the Same done Accordingly Orderd that Coll° Moore Give Directions to Jesse Deffreest to furnish the Military Watch with Necessary fire and Candles till further Orders [49] City of ^ „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the .Esqf^ Aldermen New york( City hall of the said City on Wensday the 14"' Day of October Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esq'^ Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq"^ Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall John Pintard Henry Bogert Abraham De peyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne ^Assistants Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson This Day M"^ Mayor Attended by Mf Recorder : the Aldermen and Assistants: High Sheriff: town Clerke: (The Chamberlain being sick) Coroner high Constable: Constables and other officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the same day : went in their fformalities from the City Hall to the house of the Honb'* George Clarke Esqf Lieutenant Governour and Com mander in Chief of this Province of New York and there waited on him. And then and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy : the Test and Abjuration Oath : in the presence and by the Order of his Honour : the Lieutenant Governour were Administred unto John Cruger Esq' as Mayor: Water Bailiff and Clerke of the Markett of this City of New York As also of one of his Majesties justices of the Peace for the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 65 City and County of New York : And also the Usual Oaths of office of I\Iayor Water Bailiff and Clerke of the Markett : of the City of New york and Justice of the Peace : in the presence of all the Severall Mem bers of this Court above Mentioned. And Thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his honour the Lieutenant Governour That pursuant to the Authority to him Granted: by his Majesties Royall Charter he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' one of the Aldermen of the said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if his Honour approved thereof : to which his honour was pleased to Answer : that the Choice was Agreeable to him And Approved thereof: That the said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New york Accordingly : Whereupon the Mayor Attended as afore said Returned to the City hall Where after the ringing of three bells : and proclamation Made for Silence : the Commission of the Mayor Water BaHiff and Clerke of the Markett : and the Comm^issions of the high Sheriff and Coroner were published : And then this Court Re turned to the Common Council Chamber where the said John Cruger Esqf was placed in the Chair: And then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter: granted to this Corporation: the said John Cruger Esq'^ the Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths aforesaid appointed to be taken by Act of parliament Instead of the oaths of Allegiance And Supremacy the Test and abjuration Oath : And the L^'suaH Oaths : for the Due Execution of their Respective offices : unto the Respective Magistrates and officers following Vizt : [50] Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant ' William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall •Henry Bogard ab Abraham De Peyster Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoffe Robert Benson William Jamison Esqf Vol. v.— s Esq'^ Aldermen of the City of New York and Justices of the Peace for the City And County of New York. ^Assistants of the City of New York high Sherif of the City and County of New York 66 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Richard Nicholls Esq'' Cornelius Depeyster Thomas Hollock Coroner of the City and County of New York Chamberlain (Sick.) High Constable East Ward West Ward. North AVard South Ward. Dock AA'ard Montgomerie Ward. Bowry Division Harlem Division East Ward West AVard North AVard South AVard Dock Ward Montgo : Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division Constables Sworn (to witt) (John Merret & Johannes Myer Dep'Y I John Lush (John Kingston & ) Adam Van Derbergh : ( James Whiley & ) Alexander Whiley (Aaron Gilbert & ) Andrew Sloan (John Croker & - ) Henry De ffreest not (Robert Bowne ab ) Solomon Hayes ab r Fredrick Webber & ab / Cornelius Dyckman ab ( Son of Geo : Dyckman (John SickeHs and /Abraham Myer Jun'' assessors. Sworn, (to witt) (Jacob Abrahamse & ) Leonard Lespenard (Tobias Stoutenburgh & / John De La montanye (John Stoutenburgh & ) John Van Aernam ^ Brandt Schuyler & ^Anthony Rutgers. Junf ab ] John Smith & I Humphry Jones jBenja Peck & )Rem: Remson ab jjohn Minthorne & ab ^Jacobus Kip. ab j adolph Myer & ab ^acob Myer James MiHs Deputy Sheriff J{5 Nicolls Dep'y James Kennedy Dep'^ Abraham Blanck Dep'Y OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 67 Order'd that Alderman Johnson and Alderman Moore be a Com mittee to wait on the Chief Justice & Desire his opinion whether any Law Exempts the people Called Quakers : from Serving as Constables in this City : [51] City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the New yorkj house of Richard Baker on Fryday the 22? day of October Anno Dom 1742 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor: Gerrardus Stuyvesant Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Abraham De peyster Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ;>Esqf^ Aldermen Assistants A Petition of this Board to the Generall Assembly Praying that the Negroes : Executed, for the Late Conspiracy : may be paid for out of the Revenue: was produced to this Board by the D: Clerke which was Read And Approved : off and order'd that the Dep : Clerke affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto and Sign the Same by Order of this Court and that he Desire Coll9 Moore to present the Same to the Generall Assembly in the Name of this Corporation Alderman Johnson produced to this board: a Drt of an Act to Enable Justices of the Peace to Punish offenders in Forcible Entrys & Detainers And to Give Restitution of possession : to Owners of Lands. in the Colony of New york Which was Read and Approved and Order-'d the Same be Delivered to Alderman Roome to be presented to the house The Petition of Francis Covenhoven & Samuell Bayard for a fferry over Hudsons River to Wehawk were Read and Order'd to be Re ferred for further Consideration. The Mayor Withdrew and the Common Council Continued by the D. Mayor Order'd that the Clerke of this Board Cause Advertizements 68 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL to be publickly affixed up : for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls : Standings and places in the Publick Marketts at the house of the Widow English at Three a Clock in the afternoon on Wensday next for one year And that Alderman Johnson Alderman Bancker: Mf Depeyster Mf Benson : & Mf Brinckerhoff or any three of them with as Many More of this Board as please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Conditions As they Shall judge proper Order'd that Alderman Roome : Alderman Moore : Alderman Mar shall : M'' De peyster M' Lawrence : M'' Brinckerhoff & Mf Benson or any five of them be a Committee to Reinspect. the Street from the house of John Daly to the house of Abraham Palding And also to the house of James De[s]brosses: and Consider whether it will be Necessary: to Make any Alteration to their former Report thereon : [52] City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the New yorkC City hall of the said City on Thursday the 4"' day of November Anno DoiTi 1742 Present Daniel Horsmanden Esq'^ Recorder Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Flenry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Philip Minthorne Abraham De Peyster George Brinckerhoff >.Esq''^ Aldermen Assistants Robert Benson Order'd that Capt Lawrence pay only one third part of the Storage of Such Gun powder : as he Lately put into the powder house & Trans ported the Same Again Order'd the Common Sewer : at the Lower End of the Broad Street be forthwith Repaired at the Charge of this Corporation: And that Alderman Moore: Alderman Pintard: Mf Depeyster And Mf Brinck erhoff be a Committee to have the Same Repaired assoon as Conven iently may be OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 69 Order'd that Alderman Johnson: Alderman Bancker. Alderman Marshall : Mf Depeyster : Mf Lawrence : M"^ Brinckerhoff & Mf Benson or any four of them be a Committee to Auditt the Treasurers books and Ace'? and all other Publick Ace'? of this Corporation: and Make their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers books : & Ace'? with all Con venient Expedition Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 885 treasurer: to pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper and Warr' Issued Messenger of the Comon Council or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarter of a Years SaHary which was due & ending the 14'? day of October Last Order'd that William Peak be Appointed one of the Publick Meas urers : of this City Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N° 886 urer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh. or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Twenty two pounds : Eight ShiHings and Ten pence Current Money of this Colony, in full of his Acct for Iron Work done for this Corporation [53] Be it Ordained by the Mayor : Recorder Aldermen and As sistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council : and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same: That all the Laws Orders : and Ordinances of this Corporation which on the fourth day of November Last past were made: Ordained: Renewed: Estabilished and Published : and Order'd to be Continu^rf & Remained in full force and Virtue for one year from and after the Date hereof A Law for the observation of the Lords day CaHed Sunday A Law to Prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpo ration A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the preventing of fire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law for Regulating the Sale of Beer & Cyder by Retaile A Law Appointing a place for the more Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating Negroes & Slaves in the Night time A Law Restraining Slaves: Negros & Indians from Gaming w'^ Money or for Moneys 70 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for punishing of Slaves : who Shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets A Law Giving a Reward to any person or persons who Shall Ap prehend any Negro : Mulatto or Indian Slave : offending against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province A Law for Regulating Carts & Carmen A Law for Regulating the office of Packers : Guagers & Cullers A Law Regulating to Making ffreemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating- the Lying of Vessells : in the Docks & Slips of this City A Law for preserving the Bridges : & Comon Sewer : in the Docks of this City Regulations for paying Dock Money A Law Prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating and Estabilishing ffees for Inviters to ffuneralls A Law for Cleansing the Streets Lanes & allies of this City A Law for paving the Streets: Lanes & Allies within the City of New york A Law Against firing Guns in the Streets A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle any where but at the Slaughter houses A Law Prohibiting hawkers and Pedlars A Law to prohibit digging holes or Cutting Sods on the Conmons A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law prohibiting Slaughter houses in the out Ward A Law for EstabHishing ffees for the Slaughter houses A Law for Marking of Butter. A Law prohibiting Cutting Timber on the Commons by Brick Makers and Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating ffences A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New york A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain, or Treasurer of the City of New york A Law for the better Securing the City of New york from the Danger of Gun powder A Law Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting hoopsticks & Saplings on y* Commons OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 71 [54] A Law for preserving the ffish in ffresh Water pond A Law for better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New york A Law Declaring to what Uses : the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayoralty & the Seal of the Mayors Court Shall be put unto A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay : for EstabHishing the Rates of Carting : hay : in Trusses And Bundles : and for the Ease of Ancient & Disabled Cartman A Law for Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask : for Pork. Beef and Fish : A Law to prohibit the Exportation of Beef: and Pork untill the Same is Repacked : & Branded by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating & Declaring the Duty of Firemen in the City of New york: A Law to Prohibitt Negros and other Slaves : Vending Indian Corn: Peaches or any other ffruit within this City A Law Restraining Negro's from Going to fetch tea water: on a Sunday: other than to the Next Well or pump to the place of their Abode : and Riding horses : thro the Streets or out of Town on Sunday The foHowing Law was Read : and Approved and after the ringing of three Bills: and Proclamation made for Silence was published (^M"" Recorders Dissent being first Entered thereto Vizt A Law for the ffurther Regulating the Publick T\Iarketts within the City of New York. Be it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen & Assistants of the City of New york Convened in Common Council And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same: That all and Every the Butchers and others Resorting and Coming to any of the Publick Marketts aforesaid Shall pay or Cause to be paid for their Stalls : Standings : places : Boards : Shelter and other like things Necessary for their Standings in any of the Markett places within this City and Cleansing and keeping Clean the Same and otherwise for Defraying the Incident Charges of Repairing & Maintaining the Same Marketts and Rewarding the Care and Attendance of the Farmer of the said Marketts : or Such other person or persons as the Conmon Council ShaH for that purpose Appoint: the Rates and Sums of Money fol lowing, to witt : 72 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL For all Cattie KiHed and brought into any of the Publick Marketts for four Quarters One ShiHing: and so in proportion for a Greater or Lesser Number or Quantity For Every hog or Shoat : brought to or Cut out for Sale : in any of the Markett houses three pence And for Every Calf, Sheep or Lamb two pence And the ffarmer of the said Marketts: or Such other person or persons as the Conmon Council for the time being Shall thereunto Appoint : is and are hereby Authorized and Impowered : to have take : Demand: and Receive from the Butchers, or those that buy to Sell again: Resorting and Coming to any of the said Marketts the Rates and Sums of Money aforesaid : in the Quantity & proportion aforesaid : and if any Butcher or Butchers: or others as aforesaid Shall Neglect: Deny: Refuse: or Delay to pay the Severall Sums of [55] Money aforesaid when thereunto Required as aforesaid: Such Butcher or Butchers or others Shall forfeit and pay Double the Sum So by him her or them Refused or Delayed to pay : with Costs of prosecution : To be Recovered before the Mayor : Recorder or any one of the Aldermen of tills City And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that from and after the Publication of this Law it ShaH and may be Lawfull to And for the Country People to Sell or Expose to Sale in all or any of the Publick Marketts of this City Beef : Pork : Veal. Mutton and Lamb by the Joint or in peices or Cut up the Same in Great or Small Quan- titys or Parcells as they Shall See Convenient : first paying the ffees or Rates aforesaid to the ffarmer of the Marketts : or Such other person or persons as by the Common Council Shall be thereunto Appointed: in the Same Manner & Quantity And Proportion that the Butchers & others as aforesaid are to do Provided Nevertheless : And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that all Country people Resorting and Coming to any of the Publick Marketts of this City : Shall and may Sell or Expose to Sell any Beef : Veal : Mutton : Pork or Lamb by the Quarter with out paying any thing for the Same: if Such Beef: Veal: Mutton: Pork or Lamb: be Really And truly Raised or produced on the farm or place of Such Country people : & not bought to Sell Again as afore said : Any thing Contained in any other Law Relating to the Marketts to the Contrary of this Law or any part thereof in Any wise Notwith standing OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 73 City of ^ „j^^ Att a Common Council held at the City New york| hall of the Said City on Saturday the 13'^ November 1742 Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq'' Recorder Simon Johnson ^ John Moore > Esq'= Aldermen Christopher Bancker J Abraham De Peyster Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson > Assistants Orderd the Assize of Bread be till further order as followeth Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to AVeigh. . . .0* 9^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . .1 4 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to AA'^eigh ... .2 9 for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran only) , , .1 ...1 • •,> ^2 for four pence taken out and not otherwise to weigh . . ( "' '^ AVheat at four Shillings and three pence ^ Bushell : And Orderd that no other bread be Made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted:) than According to the Above Assize and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and make their Bread Accordingly Orderd the treasurer forthwith Demand the Rent due to this Cor poration for the Stalls & Standings &c : of the PubHck Marketts for the Last year from Adolph Brass the Farmer thereof [56] The Conditions for Letting to farm the ferry between this City and Nassau Island were Read and Approved And thereupon It is orderd that the fferry of this Corporation between this City and _ Nas sau Island at Brookland with the fferry houses: Penn: Barn: and Appurtenances thereunto belonging at the fferry at Brookland be lett to farm for five years to Commence the Twenty fifth day of March next (Commonly CaHed Lady Day) By Publick Auction: Outcry or Vendue to the highest bidder on Saturday the Twenty Seventh day of this Instant November at the house of the Widow English Near the Meal Markett in this City : at three a Clock in the afternoon : And that Publick Advertizements thereof be forthwith printed: And that this Court or so many Members thereof as make a Common Council: be a Committee to Let the Same to Farm for the Term aforesaid : on the Conditions aforesaid now Read & Approved .Esqf^ Aldermen ;> Assistants 74 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) „ Att a Common Council held at the City New york. j hall of the said City on Tuesday the 30'^ November 1742. Present Daniel Florsmanden Esq'' Recorder Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Abraham De peyster Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N? 887 urer to pay to Hermanns Schuyler : Jacobus Stouten- Warr' Issued burgh and Robert Provoost overseers of the Watch of this City: the Sum of Two hundred and Twenty two pounds Nineteen Shillings Current money of this Colony that is to say : Seventy four pounds fourteen Shillings and Six pence to the said Hermanns Schuyler & Jacobus Stoutenburgh and to Each of them : and Seventy three pounds Ten Shillings to the said Robert Provoost or So Much Less as Shall Appear to be due by the Certificate of Alderman Bancker : in order for them to pay the Severall Watchmen of this City : from the first day of June Last to the first day of December both Exclusive * I Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N9 888 urer to pay to Alderman Christopher Bancker of this Warr' Issued City or order the Sum of ffourteen pounds two Shil lings and four pence half penny : Current money of this Colony being for Boards and Workmanship done to the City hall & by him paid as Appears by his Acct which is Audited and AHowed The D" of a Lease of the Stalls: Standings and places of the PubHck Markett of this City to Theophilus Elsworth : was Read and Approved by this board : And Orderd That if the Lessee Approve thereof that the Same be Engrossed : And that the D : Clerke of this board Do Accordingly Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Said Lease and Sign the Same by order of this Court: the Said Lessee Executing his part and Giving Security for performance of Covenants Order'd that James Mills provide Six plain Strong Chairs : for the Officers Room in the Watch house: and that he Cause the Watch house to be Cleaned out OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 75 Order'd the D: Clerke of this board prepare a D'' of a Lease of the fferry &c : to Richard Baker Conformable to the Conditions by him Executed [57] City of ) New york( Present >Esq''= Aldermen >- Assistants Att a Common CouncH held at the City SS hall of the said City on Tuesday the 14"' day of December 1742 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D : Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq'' Recorder WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Abra: Depeyster SamJ Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff Orderd that alderman Johnson : Alderman Moore : Alderman Mar shall M' Depeyster: & Mf Lawrence or any three of them be a Com mittee to prepare a Law for Appointing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch : And that they make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Expedition Orderd that Robert Provoost be Appointed one of the Publick Measurers of this City Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 21=' day of December Anno Dom 1742 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq'' D: Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Philip Minthorne George Brinckerhofif Present >-Esqf= Aldermen > Assistants 76 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The D-'t of a Lease of the ferry at Brookland of this City to Richard Baker : was Read and Approved by this board And Order'd that the Same be Engrossed And that the Dep'Y Clerke of this board do Ac cordingly Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the said Lease and Sign the Same by order of this Court : The Said Lessee Executing his part and giving bond with Mess"^? Lattouch & Haynes as Security: (Accord ing to his proposalls:) for performance of Covenants in a Sum in the Same proportion as the Security when it was Last let Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N° 889 urer to pay to WiHiam Roome Esqf or Order the Sum Warr' Issued, of Four pounds Seventeen ShHlings and three pence Current money of this Colony in fuH of his Account for Glass and painting to the City hall : As Appears by his Acct which is Audited & Allowed [58] Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N" 890 treasurer to pay to Johannes Roome or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Twenty Seven pounds fifteen Shillings and Seven pence half penny: Current money of this Colony: Seventeen pounds Seventeen Shillings and Ten pence half penny: thereof in full of his Acct Four pounds and Nine pence other part thereof: to be by him paid to Garret Coesine in fuH of his Acct Five pounds and Nine pence other part thereof to be by him paid to James Davie in full of his Acct and Sixteen Shillings And three pence the Residue thereof to be by him paid to Peter Hebons in full of his Acct all Which are Audited and Allowed Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas- N° 891 urer to pay to James Mills of this City or order the Warr' Issued. Sum of Fifteen pounds Current money of this Colony for which the said James Mills is to Account to this Corporation The Petition of Isaac Van Hook Cordwainer for a Grant of the Ground & Water Lott Contiguous to and in the Rear of his Ground fronting the North River : on the West Side the Broadway : the breadth of his Said Lott and two hundred foot into the said River : from Low Water Mark was Read : And Orderd that Alderman Roome : Alder man Marshall : Mf Bogert and Mf Brinckerhoff or any three of them OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 77 be a Committee to Examine into the Allegations of the said Petition : And that they also View the Street which Leads from the Markett house in the Broad AVay to the North River : And See how the Same may be most Conveniently Laid out: and make their Report with all Convenient Expedition The following Law was Read and Approved: and after the Ring ing of three Bells and Proclamation made for Silence was Published Vizt.A Law for Appointing : Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York. AVhereas there now is : and of Late years : hath been : by Reason of Great Numbers of people Coming into this City from all parts: Some whereof are Suspected to be Convict ffelons : Transported from Great Britain : and Ireland : And to prevent the Conspiracy Insurrec tion or plotting of Negro's & other Slaves great Necessity of A Strong and Sufficient Night Watch: to be Kept Every Night within this City : for the Safety : Security and peace of the Said City and the Good Inhabitants thereof: The Mayor Recorder Aldermen and As sistants in Common Council Assembled taking the premisses into their Serious Consideration Do Ordaine And be it Ordained by the Said Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New york in this Common Council Convened : And it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the Same that all and Every person & persons which do dwell : Occupy or Inhabit in any house or houses within this City in the Six wards thereof on the South Side of the fresh AVater : being persons able and fitt to Watch: or to find an Able and fit person to Watch for him : her : or them or in his : her or their Stead : do and Ought by Reason of Such Dwelling Occupation and habitation to Keep Watch within the Said City for the Preservation of the Kings peace and for the Arresting and Apprehending of all Night Walkers: Malefactors and Suspected persons And for Apprehending Negros and other Slaves and for preventing the Conspiracy and Insurrection of them within this City and the Liberties thereof And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that one of the [59] Constables of the six wards on the South Side of the fresh Water: in his Turn Together with Eleven able Watchmen (or So many more able Watch Men As the Mayor and three of the Alder men of the said City for the time being Shall Direct and Appoint) 78 MINUTES OF THE COMiNION COUNCIL Shall keep Watch Every Night within the Said City at the Publick Watch house or at Such place and places as the Common Council Shall Direct and Appoint from an hour after Sunset till day light the next morning: And Whereas the alderman and assistant of Every of the said Six wards Respectively have Lately taken an Exact Survey of the said AVards and made a List of all the Inhabitants housekeepers and other persons within their Respective wards who are able and fit to Watch or find watchmen: Whereby it Appears that Some Wards are much Larger than others: and therefore ought to furnish Watchmen for a greater Number of Nights than the Lesser Wards: To the Intent therefore that the Inhabitants of Every of the said Six wards may Do Equall Duty on the said Watch as well in the Winter as in the Sum mer : Be it further ordain'd by the Authority aforesaid that all and Every the Inhabitants dwelling and Inhabiting within the Said Six wards being persons able and fit to Watch Or to find an able & fit watchman Do Watch within the said City in Manner and form follow ing (that is to say) the Inhabitants of the East Ward of the said City to Keep Watch Nine Nights Successively Which is to Commence the Twenty Second day of this Instant December Inclusive: and the In habitants of the Dock Ward to Watch for Six nights Successively : and then the Inhabitants of the North Ward to Watch Six nights Suc cessively : and then the Inhabitants of the South Ward to keep Watch Five Nights Successively: and then the Inhabitants of the West ward to keep Watch for five Nights Successively: and then the Inhabitants of Montgomerie Ward to Watch for five Nights Successively: and AVhen the said Six Wards have all Watched in Manner aforesaid: then the aforesaid East Ward to begin again to Watch the Number of Nine Nights aforesaid and the other five Wards to follow Suc cessively in Watching their Respective Number of Nights as aforesaid in Manner and According to the Method aforesaid herein Directed and Appointed And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that the Alderman and Assistant of Every of the said Six wards Respectively Shall Nominate and Appoint one Constable in their said Wards in their Turns to Watch and have the Rule Care and Over Sight of the Said AA^atch and the fuH Number of Inhabitants within the said Respective wards to Watch with the Constable vdiose turn it is to watch as often as the Same Comes to their turns within the said City, begining at OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 79 one Certain place within the said Respective Wards and from thence to proceed and go forwards in an orderly Manner : Untill the whole AA'ard have W^atched and then to Begin Again with those Inhabitants who first Watched and proceed forward Every watch night in Turn as afores'' and that all the Inhabitants within the s'? Wards Respectively Do Watch or find Watchmen in their Turns as aforesaid : and that all the Constables within the Six Respective Wards as aforesaid in their Turns as aforesaid one after another Shall Watch with the Said Inhabi tants : and when they have all Watched over by Turns as aforesaid : he that Began Shall begin again and the Rest follow in their Turns: and So one after another as often as it Shall Come to their or any of their Turns : And that the Constable whose turn it is to Summons and AVarn the Watchmen to watch do on the day before the Watch Night (before he AA^'arneth the Inhabitants to watch) Wait upon the alderman or assistant of his ward and Receive from him a List of the Names of Such persons as are to Watch : and then do Warn them the day before the Watch night: Every person that is to Watch mentioned in Such List or Leave Notice thereof at the house of Every Such person : and Immediately afterwards Deliver a List of the Names of the per sons So warned to Watch & when they are to watch unto the Constable whose turn it is to watch: and that the Inhabitants of Every of the Said Wards do take Notice hereof and Conform themselves thereto Accordingly any [60] Pretence of Priviledge : Usage or Cus tom to the Contrar}' hereof in any wise Notwithstanding: And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that if any Constable of the Respective Six wards aforesaid : Shall make Default in Executing his office in the Night Watches aforesaid in his turn in Neglecting or Refusing to Watch as aforesaid or being Drunk on the said Watch or Leaving his said Watch before his time of Watching be Expired or Misbehaving himself or not doing his Service thereon According to his Duty in any of the premisses hereby Appointed or hereafter to be ordered and Appointed without Just and Reasonable Cause to be Allowed of by the alderman of the Ward whose Inhabitants Shall then AVatch that then Every Such Constable Shall forfeit and pay for Every Such Default the Sum of Ten shHHngs Current money of this Colony of New york and if any person. Appointed and Warned to Watch or to find an Able and fit person to watch in his her or their Stead and Room as aforesaid Shall make Default in not Watching and perform ing the Duty of a Watchman as aforesaid or being Drunk on the said Watch Leaving the Watch before the time of Watching be Expired or otherwise Misbehaving themselves that then Every Such person So 8o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Refusing. Leaving his Watch Misbehaving himself or making Default as aforesaid and not having Just and Reasonable Cause for Such his Default as Shall be allowed of by the alderman of Such Watch Shall forfeit and pay for Every Such Default the Sum of Six Shillings Current money aforesaid which forfeitures Shall and May be Recovered before the Mayor Recorder and aldermen of the said City or any one of them And be Levied by Warrant Under the hand & Seal of any one of them : by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattells of the per son or persons who Shall Make Such Default with Reasonable Costs and Charges to be Expended for the Recovery of all Such ffor- ffeitures : against the offenders and for Want of Sufficient Distress the Defaulter to be Committed to the Custody of a Marshall of the said City untill Such Defaulter Shall pay Such fforffeiture with the Rea sonable Costs & charges of prosecution as aforesaid: and that the Said fforffeiture be Disposed of in Manner following (that is to say) one half thereof to the Informer : who Shall prosecute the Sam.e to Effect : and the other half thereof to the Treasurer of the City for the Use of this Corporation And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid that no Boys : Apprentices or Servants be admitted to be Watchmen and None but Able and Sober men of Good Reputation be Received as Such And that the Constable of the Watch Shall Send out the first Rounds of four men precisely at an hour after Sun set and Immediately upon the Return of the said Rounds Shall Also Send or order out four other of the Watchmen for that Night to Walk the Streets Lanes : wharfs and Alleys of this City who shall not Return to the Watch house in Less than one hour Except upon Extraordinary Occasion and upon Re turn of the Second Rounds the said Constable Shall go out with the Remaining three Watch men and Walk the Streets Lanes wharfs and Alleys of this City and not Return to the said Watch house in Less than one full hour: Except as before Excepted: and upon his Return to order out the first Rounds and So Alternately tHl day Light: and the said Constable of the Watch Shall Call over at day Light the Names of all those who were Appointed to Watch the preceeding Night and take a Note in Writing of the Names of the person or per sons who Shall then be Absent from his or their Watch and who were absent or otherways Remiss in the performance of his or their Duty at any of the hours herein before Appointed for Setting and breaking up of the Watch: And Shall Deliver Such Note to the Alderman of the Ward and bring the person So making Default before the Said OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 8i alderman to Shew Cause if any Such person Defaulter Can, why die fforffeiture aforesaid Should not be Levied as aforesaid [6i] City of ) _„ Att a Common CouncH held at the City New York j Hall of the Said City on Thursday the 30"" day of December Anno Dom 1742 Present Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder William Roome John Moore Simon Johnson Christopher Bancker John Pintard Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuel Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >.Esq''^ Aldermen ^Assistants Orderd that twelve men with a Constable Constantly Watch Every Sunday from Sun Rise to Sun Set : And that Such Watch be Continued in Turn as the Night Watch are. Orderd that Alderman Roome : Alderman Moore : Alderman Pin tard Mf Bogert And M' Depeyster or any three of them be a Com mittee to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of Dirick Dey preferred to this board: the 24"^ of Noyf 1739: And that they make their Report to this board with all Convenient Expedition : The Church Wardens of Trinity Church of this City having Notice of the Meeting of the Said Committee to make their objections if any they have to the Granting the prayer of the Said Petition Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrt to the treas- N° 892 urer to pay to Johannes Meyer one of the Marshalls of Warr' Issued this City or order the Sum of Five pounds Current money of this Colony for his Extraordinary Services done for this Corporation Vol. v.— 6 ^Esq'^^ Aldermen >. Assistants 82 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) Att a Common CouncH held at the City New York j Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 25"' day of Feb'y 1742 [-3] Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall I Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson ) George Brinckerhoff Whereas Robert Bowne on the 29"^ day of September Last was Elected to Serve in the office of Constable for Montgomerie Ward: but the Said Robert Bowne Objected to his Serving in that office he being one of the people Called Quakers : Whereupon it was Agreed by this board and the Said [62] Robert Bowne to Desire the Opinion of the Chief Justice whether the said Robert Bowne being one of the people Called Quakers was Compellable to Serve in that office: And thereupon Alderman Johnson and Alderman Moore : were Desired to Wait on the Chief Justice and Desire his Opinion thereon : Who now Report that they did Accordingly Wait upon the Chief Justice who Declared to them it was his Opinion that no Quaker was Compellable to Serve [in] the Office of Constable itt being an Office of Trust. Whereupon it is Orderd that a New Election of a Constable for Mont gomerie AVard be on Monday next Orderd that Alderman Johnson : Alderman Bancker : Alderman MarshaH Mf Lawrence : Mf Stoutenburgh : and M'' Benson or any four be a Committee to Inspect in what Condition the ferry house Barn: Penn : Landing bridge and Appurtenances : at the fferry Near Brook land on Nassau Island are in to Examine what ought to be Repaired by William Cornell the present Tennant: According to the Covenants in his Lease and what Reparations : Alterations : or additions are proper to be made by this Corporation : and to provide Materialls and Employ workmen : to do what they ShaH find Necessary and Convenient to be "lone And that the Same Committee Receive the possession of the Said OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 83 ferry house &c: from the said WHliam Cornell and DeHver the Same to Richard Baker the New Lessee on the 25"' day of March next The Petition of Jacobus Rosevelt Praying for a Grant of the Land and SoH Under the Water two hundred foot into the East River: the breadth of his Upland being Sixty five foot and a half : on the East Side of Hardenbrooks Slip Under Reasonable Covenants: Conditions and Quitt Rent. So that he Should not be Obliged to pay any Quitt Rent or wharff out for fifteen years was Read : Whereupon this board were of Opinion and Resolved to Grant the Same to the petitioner he paying Eighteen pence ^ foot : after the Expiration of five years : and that he be Obliged to Wharf out at the Expiration of Ten years : And that in the Mean time if any two Adjoining Agree to wharf out at any time within the Said term, that he Shall then be obliged to wharff out Likewise The Petition of Mess''? Abraham Depeyster: Stephen Bayard: Peter De Lancy and John Chambers praying this board to Grant the Corner Lott at the West End of Dock Street wharf : to Some person or persons that wiH Wharfe out the Same : And that they may have a Longer time for Compleating their Wharfs than are allowed by their Grants : they having been prevented Carrying out their wharfs by Reason of the Said Corner Lotts not being Granted was Read And order'd that the Petitioners have three Years Longer than the time !^,Ientioned in their Grants to Carry out their Wharfs Order'd that the Docks and Slips of this City be Let to farm to Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith for the Ensueing year on the Same terms and Conditions as it was Let the Last year : And that the Clerke of this board prepare Leases Accordingly: And that he affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Counterpart thereof upon his Giving Security for performance of Covenants And that the Clerke Deliver him up his old Bonds on his producing the treasurers Receipts for his Rent [63] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 893 treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper and Warr' Issued. Messenger of the Common Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten ShiHings Current money of this Colony : in full for one Quarter of A Years Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"" day of January Last and also the Sum of Thirteen Shillings and Six pence to be by him paid to Alexander Lamb in full of his Acct for a Lock for the Library Room & for a Spade Orderd that alderman Johnson: Alderman Moore: Alderman Bancker : M' Bogert : M"" Lawrence : and Mf Brinckerhoff or any four 84 MINUTES OF THE COM]\ION COUNCIL of them be A Committee to Meet Such of the practitioners of the Law : as they think Convenient to Desire their opinions : Whether this Cor poration Can by any Law and in What Manner: prevent persons buying Quarters of Beef in the Marketts and Shipping of the Same : which has Greatly Raised the price of Beef to the Inhabitants City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the City New York] Hall of the said City on Wensday the 30"' March 1743 Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore ^Esq''^ aldermen Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh ^assistants George Brinckerhooff Robert Benson Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further order as followeth Vizt a white Loaf of the finest flour to weigh 11°^ for a penny a White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh i''' 8 for two pence a White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . . .3 2 for four pence a Wheaten Loaf (the Coursest bran only) , , , , „ , , t, • N V • u r3 : 14 for four pence taken out & not otherwise) to weigh ( '^ Wheat at three Shillings and Six pence c^' Bushell and Orderd that no other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the above Assize: and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and make their Bread Accordingly Orderd the Treasurer Deliver William Cornell his Bond for per formance of Covenants of his Lease of the ferry he having paid his Rents and performed his Covenants in his Lease Order'd that Samuell Ten Eyck : John Hunt : the Widow Wessells and others the Petitioners for the Water Lott at Coenties Corner be heard by themselves or Council on the Matter of their Petitions on Thursday the Seventh of April next at three a Clock in the afternoon OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 85 Orderd that Israel and Timothy Horsfield forthwith Remove all Encroachments by them made on the Land of this Corporation on Nassau Island: Unless they Agree with this Corporation and take Leases for the Same [64J Orderd James Davie be a Fireman in the Room of Regnier Burger for the Dock AA^ard and that Peter Bogert be a Fireman in the East ward in the Room of Hercules AVendover Deceased The following Law was three times Read and Approved and after the Ringing of three Bells and Proclamation made for SHence was Pub lished Vizt A Law for the better preventing the Forestalling of Provisions Comeing to the Publick Marketts of this City AVhereas by a Law of this Corporation made and Published on the fourth day of November Last Entituled a Law for the better Regulat ing and Ordering the Publick Marketts within the City of New york It is (among other things) Ordained that no person or persons from and after the Publication thereof Shall buy or Cause to be Bought any Victualls or other provisions and things whatsoever within the said City of New york or the Liberties thereof Comeing to any of the Com mon Marketts of the said City : or make any : Bargain Contract or promise for the having and Buying of the Same or any part thereof So Comeing to any of. the Common Marketts aforesaid before the Same Should be brought into one of the said Marketts Ready to be there Sold: upon pain that Every Such Forestaller Should for Every Such offence forfeit the Sum of Forty Shillings Current money of this Province And Whereas It is found by Experience that the Greatness of the forfeiture: prevents persons Informing against the Offenders therein And it being Conceived that a Less ffine As well to be paid by all Such fforestallers : as by the persons Selling to them would more Effectually Remedy the Evill : Be it therefore Ordained by the Mayor Recorder : Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New york Convened in Common Council And it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the Same That So much of the aforesaid Law as is herein above Recited be : and is hereby Repealed : And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that (to the Intent that fforestalling of A'lctualls and other Commodities may be the better prevented:) no person or persons from and after the Twentieth day of Aprill next Ensueing Shall buy Sell or Cause to be bought or Sould any Victualls or other provisions or things whatsoever within the said City of New york or the Liberties thereof Comeing to any of the Common Marketts 86 MINUTES OF THE COjMMON COUNCIL of the said City or make any Contract: Promise or Bargain for the SeHing : having or Buying of the Same or any part thereof So Comeing to any of the Common IMarketts aforesaid before the Same Shall be brought into one of the said Marketts ready to be there Sold (Fish of all Kinds only Excepted) upon pain that as well Every per son Selling or Contracting as Every person So. buying And Contract ing as aforesaid Either by themselves or their white Servant or Servants Shall Respectively forfeit for Every oft'ence the Sum of Six Shillings Current money of this province to be Recovered before the Mayor Recorder or any one of the aldermen of this City, the one half of the fforfeitures So Recovered to be paid to the Chamberlain of this City for the time being for the Use of this Corporation and the other half to the Informer who shall Sue and prosecute for the Same: And if any Negro or other Slave Shall be Guilty of Buying: or Contracting for any Victualls or provisions So Comeing to any of the Common Marketts as aforesaid Such Negro or other Slave Shall Receive 15 Lashes on the bare back at the Publick Whiping post Unless the Master or Mistress of Such Slave Do pay the Sum of Six Shillings to be Applyed as aforesaid [65] City of ^gg New yorkf Present Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Thursday the 7'!? day of Aprill Anno Dom 1743 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Dep'? Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq"" Recorder Simon Johnson '^ John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert SamueH Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the treas urer to pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper and Messen ger of the Common CouncH or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current money of this Colony in full for one Quarter of A Years Sallary which wHl be due and Ending the 14"' day of this Instant >Esq'' Aldermea Assistants N° 894 Warr' Issued OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 87 Orderd that alderman Johnson: Alderman Bancker: alderman ^Marshall : Capt Lawrence and M'^ Brinckerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to See the Ground Surveyed \>-hich is Desired by George Dyckman to be Leased to him and make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Expedition City of ) New york I SS Present s-Esq''^ Aldermen > Assistants Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 7''' June 1743 John Cruger Esq"" Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant AMlliam Roome Simon Johnson John ]\Ioore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff" Order'd the !Mayor Issue his A\'arrant to the Treas- N° 895 urer to pay to Alderman Johnson or order the Sum of AVarr* Issued Twenty Seven pounds Seven Shillings and four pence Current money of this Colony being the ballance of his Acct for Materialls and Repairs at the Ferry &c : as Appears by his Acct which is allowed in Common Council Order'd the ]\Iayor Issue his AA'arrant to the Treas- N° 896 urer to pay to James MiHs or order the Sum of Eight- Warr' Issued een pounds Seven Shillings and Eleven pence Current money of this Colony being the ballance of his Acct for Victualling Prisoners. Providing ffirewood and Candles for the Watch Emptying Ordure Tubs : &c : as Appears by his Ace' which is Allowed in Common Council [66] Orderd that Alderman Moore : Alderman Pintard !M' Depeyster and M'' Brinckerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to Repair the Peirs and outside of the Great Dock and the Common Sewer and that the Same Committee See the Lott of jM' Philip Livingstone in the Broad Street Surveyed and Laid out Order-'d that M'' Isaac Stoutenburgh agree with ^I'' Stephen Bayard 88 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL for the old Iron, Brass Sheave and Pins which belonged to the old Crane or for any part thereof upon Such terms as he Shall think proper The Com.mittee Appointed the 21=' day of December last to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of M'^ Isaac Van Hook for a Grant of Two hundred foot of the Water and Soil under the Water to be made Land fronting his Lott of Ground in the AVest Ward of this City front ing the North River Containing in breadth Twenty three feet: Have made their Report in the words following A'iz* — In Pursuance of an order of Common Council the Twenty first day of December 1742: to Examine into the Allegation of the Petition of M'' Isaac Van Hook: In pursuance to that order We have Examined the Same and are of Opinion that the Pra>er of his Petition may be Granted upon his pay ing for Ever the yearly Quitt Rent of four pence per foot for Every foot in breath behind his Said Lott and that he Leave a Street of forty foot fronting the Rear of his Lott and also one other Street of the Same Breadth at the Extent of the Water Lott to be granted him : when he Shall See Cause to wharffe out So far into the North River: and We do further Report for the Encouragement of Improving that part of the town the Said M"^ Van Hook Shall be bound by a Covenant in his Grant for that purpose that Whenever any three or more of the Neigh bourhood Shall be Willing and Desirous to wharf or Dock out into the Said North River : that he Shall also be Oblidged to Join with them and Dock out behind his Said Lott into the Said North River: As far as they Shall so dock out behind their own Lotts : all which is nevertheless Submitted by us : WiH : Roome : John Marshall : Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff: which Report was Read and Approved by this Court: and order'd that this Corporation Do Grant the Said Water Lott Men tioned in the Said Petition to the Said Isaac Van Hook his heirs and assigns for Ever on the Annuall Rent of Seven ShHlings and Eight pence : and on the Covenants and Conditions in the Said Report Men tioned Under the Seal of this Corporation : and that the Clerke of this Board prepare a Draft of Such Grant Accordingly The Committee Appointed the Thirtieth day of December Last to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of M' Dirck Dey for a Grant of Two hundred feet of Water and Soil under the Water to be made Land fronting his peice of Ground in the West Ward of this City fronting the North River : Containing in breadth Three hundred and Eight foot Six Inches Have made their Report in the Words follow ing Vizt — In Pursuance of an order of Common Council the thirty day of December 1742 to Examine into the allegations of the Petition of Mf Dirck Dey: In Pursuance to that order we have Examined the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 89 Same and are of Opinion that the prayer of his petition may be Granted upon his paying for Ever the yearly Quitt Rent of four pence per foot for Every foot in breadth behind his Said Lott and that he Leave a Street of forty foot fronting the Reare of his Lott and also one other Street of the Same breadth at the Extent of the Water Lott to be Granted him When he Shall See Cause to wharff out [67] So far into the North River : and We do further Report for the Encouragement of Improving that part of the town the Said M'' Dirck Dey Shall be bound by a Covenant in his Grant for that Purpose that whenever any three or more of the Neighbourhood Shall be WiHing and Desirous to wharff or Dock out into the Said North River : that he Shall also be Oblidged to Joyn with them and Dock out behind his said Lott into the Said North River as far as they Shall So dock behind their own Lotts : all Which is Nevertheless Submitted by us: Will Roome: John Pintard: Henry Bogert AVhich Report was Read and Approved by this Court and Order'd that this Corporation Do Grant the Said Water Lott Men tioned in the Said Petition to the Said Dirck Dey his heirs and assigns for Ever on the AnnuaH Rent of ffive pounds two Shillings and Ten pence and on the Covenants and Conditions in the Said Report Men tioned Under the Seal of this Corporation And that the Clerke of this Board prepare a Draft of Such Grant Accordingly M'' Alderman Johnson Represented to and Informed this Court that he at the Request and Suit of M"^ Richard Baker the present Lessee of the Ferry had Order'd to be Sumoned before him one Hendrick Rem son of the Township of Brookland in Kings County : on Nassau Island Shopkeeper on Thursday Last that the parties Appeared before him Accordingly: That M' Baker Demanded of M' Remson two Shillings and One penny for the Ferriage of himself and Goods in his the Said Remsons Own Vessell : upon Which M' Remson Claim'd a Right to Transport himself and Goods in his Own Vessell and Craft (but Did not Show or produce anything which Entitled him to any Such Right) and Refused to pay the Sum Demanded or any part thereof Whereupon (after hearing all the Allegations and Suggestions of both parties and the Pretence or Claims of Right Appearing to Mf Johnson to be frivolous : and without any foundation being only his own Allegation) the Said Mf Johnson Gave Judgement Against the Said Mf Remson and Decreed and Ordered him to pay the Said Two Shillings and one penny: (with an Increase of one Shilling for Costs in that behalf Ex pended) to the Said Baker at or before Ten of the Clock the then next Morning: And the Said Mf Johnson further Acquainted this Court: That the Said Remson Contemning his Judgement Decree and Order 9° MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL aforesaid hath not paid the Severall Sums aforesaid Nor any part of any of them And Still Doth Refuse to pay All Which Matters and things being taken into Serious Consideration This Court Doth Unani mously Desire M'^ Johnson to Issue and Grant Process of Execution against the Person of the Said Hendrick Remson and him to Cause to be Apprehended and Committed to the Common Goal of this City there to Remain Untill he Shall have Satisfyed and paid the Con demnation money aforesaid Together with the Increase of Costs that Shall Accrue thereon : And this Court Doth further promise for them selves and their Successors to Indempnify Save and bare harmless the Said M"- Johnson his Lands & Tenements Goods and Chattells of from and Against all Suits : Arrests : process : Costs : Damages or other harms or Losses that Shall or may Arrive : happen : or befall him or them for touching or Concerning the premisses aforesaid in any wise howsoever: And this Court Doth Desire and Request of Mf Richard Nicholls to be Assisting in framing and Composing the Process of Execution aforesaid and all and Every thing Relating to and Con cerning the Matters & things aforesaid [68] City of Igg New york( Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the s"' day of July 1743 ^Esqf^ Aldermen Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep'Y Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henrj' Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh PhHip Minthorne George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson > assistants Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 897 Treasurer to pay to Jacobus Turck or order the Sum Warrt Issued of Sixteen pounds five Shilings and Nine pence Cur rent money of this Colony in full for a years Sallary for taking Care of the fire Engines to the first day of May Last and for Mending the Same As Appears by his Account which is aUowed in Common Council OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 91 for two pence for four pence for four pence Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 898 Treasurer to pay to WiHiam Cornell or order the Sum AVarrt : Issued of Five pounds five ShiHings And Nine pence Cur rent money of this Colony in full of his Acct for Liquor and VictuaHing the Workmen at the fferry in the years 1738 and 1740 As Appears by his Acct which is aHowed in Common Council Order'd the assize of Bread be till further order as followeth A'izt a White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh . . . o* 10^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . . .1 5J4 A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . .2 12 A Wheaten Loaf (the Coursest bran only) , taken out and not otherwise) to weigh. . . ( Wheat at four ShHlings ^ Bushell And Order'd that no other bread be made for Sale within this City: (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the above Assize: and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their Bread Accordingly. Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°8g9 urer to pay to Johannes Myer or Order the Sum of Warrt Issued Twenty pounds Current money of this Colony to be by him Divided among the Severall Constables in pro portion to the Severall Nights and Days they have Respectively Watch'd Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Saturday the 30"' day of July Anno Dom 1743 Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor WiHiam Roome ^ Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh ^assistants George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas urer to pay to Richard Nicholls. or order the Sum of Eight pounds Current money of this Colony to be by him paid to James Alexander: Joseph Murray: W"? [69] City of )gg New yorkf ^Esq'^ Aldermen N° 900 Warr* Issued 92 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Smith and John Chambers Esq'^^ (that is to say fforty Shillings to Each of them) as a GeneraH Retainer as Council for this Corporation in all Causes to be brought by or against them Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 901 urer to Pay to Anthony Ham Door keeper and Mes- AA'arr' Issued senger of the Common' Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current money of this Col ony in full for one Quarter of a years Sallary which was due and End ing the 14"' of this Instant Order'd the Chairs and other Lumber: under the City hall: (Ex cept the Boards belonging to this Corporation) be forthwith Removed Upon application to this board on behalf of Capt Peter Warren for a Grant of a Small piece of Land adjoyning to his Own Land near John Homes. Ordered that Alderman Stuyvesant: Alderman Roome: Alderman Johnson: Alderman Moore: Mf Bogert: Mf Lawrence Mf Brinckerhoff and M'^ Benson or any five of them be a Committee to View the Said piece of Ground and Make their Report what will be proper to be done therein Alderman Pintard and Mf John Roosevelt: from the Grand Jury Acquainted this Board that Complaints were Made to them that the Filth and Mud in the Slip at the Lower End of Maiden Lane is a Great Nusance: and Desired to know of this Board if they would order the Said Nusance to be Removed : Whereupon it is Resolved and Or dered by this Board that the Alderman and assistant of the East Ward Acquaint the Grand Jury that this Board will Consider of Proper Methods and order the Said : Nusance to be Removed City of ^ cc -'^¦^T ^ Common Council held at the City New york I hall of the Said City on Thursday the 4'!? of August 1743 Present John Cruger Esq"" Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson >Esq" Aldermen ^ :- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 93 [70] Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further order as followeth Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh 11°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh i : 8 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh 3 : i for four pence a Wheaten Loaf (the Coursest bran only taken) ^ . , „ ^ ^u ¦ \ ^ • t, f3:i3 for four pence out & not otherwise) to weigh ( '¦ Wheat at Three ShiHings and Six pence ^ Bushell : And Order'd that no other bread be made for Sale within this City, (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the above Assize: And all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice and make their Bread Accordingly Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 902 Treasurer to pay to Christopher Bancker Esqf or Warrant Issued, order the Sum of Thirty Eight pounds : Seven Shil lings and Ten pence three farthings Current money of this Colony being for So Much money by him Disbursed for Repairs at the fferry which was Examined by the Common Council and Allowed Upon Application to this Board by M'^ Peter Livingston for a Release of the Right of this Corporation to a Small piece of Land Adjoyning to his Lott in King Street: Order'd that Alderman Roome: Alderman Bancker: M' Bogert and M'^ Stoutenburgh: or any three of them be a Committee to View the Said Piece of Ground and Make their Report What wHl be proper to be done therein Upon Consideration this day had by this Board : of the Most proper Method for Removing the Nusance Complained of by the Late Grand Jury at Maiden Lane Slip : It is Conceived that the best Method will be to fiH up the Said Slip and Lay a Drain under it. And thereupon Resolved that if the Neighbourhood will fill up the Said Slip and Lay a Drain Under in Such Manner as a Committee of this Board Shall Direct: and Maintain and Support the Same: That then this Board will Give the Sum of fforty pounds towards the Said work in Ease of the Neighbourhood: And that Alderman Johnson Alderman Moore: Alderman MarshaH : M"^ Lawrence and M"- Benson or any four be a Committee for Directing the Said AVork And that Alderman Johnson be Desired to Acquaint the Neighbourhood of the Said Slip with this Resolution and order. The Draft of a Grant of a Water Lott Two hundred foot into Hud sons River from Low Water Mark behind the Lott of Isaac Van Hook was Read and Approved off: and order'd the Same be Engrossed 94 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL And that the Dep'Y Clerke of this Board: Do affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Said Grant and Sign the Same by order of this Court The Draft of a Grant of Some AA'ater Lotts two hundred foot into Hudsons River aforesaid from Low Water Mark behind the Ground of Dirck Dey was Read and Approved And Order'd the Same be En grossed and that the Dep'Y Clerke of this Board Do Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Said Grant and Sign the Same by order of this Court [71] City of ) j,j, Att a Common CouncH held at the City New york( hall of the Said City on Saturday the 3"^ of Sepbf Anno Dom 1743 Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep'J' Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson I Esq" Aldermen Christopher Bancker '^ John ]\Iarshall Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Assistants Order'd the assize of Bread be till further order as followeth (Vizt) A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . 10^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . .i"' - 5J4 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . .2 - 12 for four pence A AA'heaten Loaf (the Coursest bran only| ^ taken out and Not otherwise to Weigh ( '^ AVheat at: ffour ShilHngs ^ Bushell and Ordered that no other Bread be Made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the above Assize: and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required: to take Notice thereof and make their Bread Accordingly Order'd that Alderman Moore: Alderman Pintard and Mf Law rence be added to the Committee for Viewing the Street that Leads from the Markett house in the Broad way to the North river : and that they Make their Report upon the fformer Order with all Convenient Expedition OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 95 -Esq'^ Aldermen Order'd that the Committee for Auditing the Publick Accounts Call Adolph Brass Late ffarmer of the Marketts to An Account for his Arrears of Rent and Make their Report what is proper to be done therein [72] City of ) Att a Common Council held at the City New yorkj hall of the Said City on Wensday the 28'? day of Sepbf 1743 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq'' D: Mayor WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Marshall John Pintard Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff ^Assistants Robert Benson Philip Minthorne This Board having Order'd the Draft of an Address to his Excel lency the Governour to be prepared: a Draft was Accordingly pro duced and Read in the Words following Vizt To his Excellency George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the Province of New york and the Territories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the Same &c. The Humble Address of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of this his Majesties Most Ancient City and Corporation of New york in the Colony of New york in America May it Please your Excellency : We his Majesties most dutifull and Loyall Subjects the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New york Attend your Ex cellency to Congratulate you : on your : your Ladle's and your ffamilys Safe and happy Arrivall in this your Government Where We hope your Excellency will Enjoy Ease Tranquility and high Satisfaction 96 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL We Do with hearts full of Gratitude and Sincerity Acknowledge Your ExceHencys favorable Sentiments of the Loyalty of this his Majesties Colony: and your Good purposes and Intentions to Study and Promote the Interest and happiness thereof So Elegantly and ffully Expressed in your Excellency's Speech to the Late Assembly on Tuesday Last [73] As this Corporation is a Considerable part of your Excellenc3S Government We Beg leave in the Name of this City to Assure your Excellency of our Loyallty : ffidelity and Obedience to his most Excel lent Majesty King George the Second our Most Gracious Sovereign: And that We WiH Always Zealously: and Affectionately Use our Utmost Endeavours to Render your ExceHencys Administration Happy and Prosperous over us Sir we humbly Recommend our Antient Rights and Priviledges to your ExceHencys Patronage and Protection and beg your Excellency will be ft'avourably pleased to do us the honour to become A Member of our Corporation : and participate of our Rights and Priviledges We are may it Please your Excellency Your ExceHencys most Obedient and Most Humble Servants Which was Agreed to and Order'd to be Engross'd : The Draft of a ffreedom to be presented to his Excellency was also read and Agreed to by this board in the Words ffollowing Vizt John Cruger Esqf Mayor and the City of New york SS Aldermen of the City of New york To all to whom these presents Shall Come Send Greeting Know ye that We the Mayor : Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New york aforesaid Assembled in Common Council being Willing to Demonstrate the Great Value and Esteem we have for the Person of his Excellency George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of this his Majesties Province of New york and Territories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the Same : &c : and being truly Sensible of the Great honour it will be to this Corporation to have So Worthy a person a Member thereof: Order'd that he be presented with the ffreedom of this Corporation: with the Seal thereto Enclosed in a Gold Box : These are therefore to Certifie and Declare that his Said Excellency George Clinton Esqf is hereby Admitted Received and Allowed : a ffreeman and Citizen of the Said City : To have : hold : Enjoy : and Partake of all the Benefitts Liberties priviledges: ffranchises: ffreedoms and Immunities whatso- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 97 ever Granted or belonging to the Same City : In Testimony whereof the Said Mayor And Aldermen have Caused the Seal of the Said City to be hereunto Affixed the day of In the Seventeenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c: And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and forty three And Order'd the Same be handsomely Engrossed on parchment: And the Seal of this Corporation Affixed thereto to be Enclosed in a Gold Box of about Twenty pounds Value and that M"^ Charles Le Roux be Desired to prepare Such a Box Accordingly [74] City of I New york SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Thursday the 29'^ day of September (being the Feast of S' Michael the Arch Angle) Anno Dom 1743 .Esq''^ Aldermen Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Christopher Bancker John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert ab Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence ab Philip Minthorne Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New york for Elect ing this day One Alderman: One Assistant: two Assessors: One Col lector and two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of Fresh Water : and One Alderman : One Assistant ffour Assessors : two Collectors : and ffour Constables for the Out Ward of the Said City to Vol. v.— 7 ^Assistants 98 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Serve in their Respective offices for the year Ensueing : the Respective Aldermen of Each Respective Ward Made Return this day into the office of Town Clerke Under their hands of the Severall persons Elected: to Serve in the Severall offices aforesaid Vizt East Ward -< West Ward [75] North Ward South Ward < Dock Ward -< Simon Johnson Esq' Samuell Lawrence Leonard Lespenard & John Marschalck Bartholomew Skatts No Constables Returned 'William Roome Esqf Henry Bogert John Van Gelder Tobias Stoutenburgh Joseph Devoe Thomas Warner John Goelet 'Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Isaac Stoutenburgh John Stoutenburgh John Van Aernam Richard Waldron Benjamin Paddrick Thomas Childs John Moore Esq"" Abraham Depeyster Rob' Gilb' Livingston Henry Van Borsom Samuell Dunscomb John Lusher and George Nicolls 'John Pintard Esqf George Brinckerhoff Gerrardus Duyckinck & Tobias Ten Eyck John Tuder Levy Samuell James Napier Alderman Assistant Assessors Collector Constables Alderman AssistantAssessors Collector Constables Alderman Assistant V Assessors Collector > Constables Alderman Assistant [ Assessors CollectorConstables Alderman Assistant Assessors Collector Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 99 Montgomerie Ward > assessors Collector (• Constables Alderman Assistant ;- assessors Collector (Constables assessorsCollector Constables For Bowry Division For Harlem Division > ' John Marshall Esqf Alderman Robert Benson assistant Benjamin Peck John Aspinwall AVilliam Depeyster Hendrick Van Ness & Simon Van Sise Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq"- Nicholas Bayard Samuell Kip and j Lawrence Garner ( Claus Dyckman Out Ward ^ Adrian Hooglandt & Matthew Hopper Adolph Myer & Adolph Benson John Myer Jun"- Benjamin AValdron & Benjamin Benson His Excellency George Clinton Esq'' Captain Generall and Gover nour in Chief of the Province of New york and Territories thereon Depending in America and Vice admirall of the Same &c : by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council was pleased to Ap point the ffollowing officers for the City and County of New york for the year Ensueing (Vizt) John Cruger Esqf to be Mayor: Water Bailiff and Clerke of the Marketts William Jamison Esq"^ to be high Sheriff and Richard Nicholls Esqf to be Coroner : of the said City and County for the year Ensueing [76] The Mayor hath Appointed John Goelet to be high Constable of this City for the year Ensueing Order'd the Alderman of the AVest Ward do Cause a New Election of a Constable for the Said AVard in the Room of John Goelet (who is Appointed high Constable) and that the Election be on Wensday next Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 903 urer to pay to Charles Le Roux of this City Goldsmith Warr' Issued or order the Sum of Twenty pounds ffourteen Shil lings and four pence Current money of this Colony in full for a Gold Box made by order of this Corporation loo MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Engrossed: Address to his Excellency the Governour was Read Agreed to and signed by aH the Members present And Order'd that Alderman Stuyvesant and Alderman Johnson wait on his Excel lency the Governour to know when he will be Attended by this Board with their Address Resolved: (Nemine Contra Dicente) That Cornelius Depeyster Esq'' the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected and Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing Resolved that M' Isaac Stoutenburgh be and is Appointed Over seer of the Night Watch of this City : And that he Take Care to See the Same Watch duly Set every Night and Break up Every Morning at day light : And that he have the Care of the ffire Wood and Candle for the Said Watch : And that he be Allowed for his Care and Trouble therein the Sum of Twenty pounds ^ Annum Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 904 urer to Pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the Warr' Issued Night Watch of this City or order the Sum of Twenty pounds Current money of this Colony in order to Purchase : ffirewood and Candles for the Use of the Said Night Watch Memorandum : On the Thirtieth day of September 1743 the Mayor : Aldermen and Assistants Waited on his Excellency Governour Clinton with their Address: to which his Excellency was pleased to Make the following Answer (Vizt) Gentlemen I Return you my hearty thanks for your Compliment in Making me ffree of your City: the LoyaHty you Express in your Address for his Majesty my Royall Master: As well as the Satisfaction you Enjoy at my Safe Arrivall with my ffamily to my Government: Will Engage me Constantly to Study the Welfare of your City : and to Maintain the Priviledges thereof And I hope my Administration will Make you happy and Prosperous 30 Sepbf 1743: G Clinton >.Esq'^ Aldermen • Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK loi [7'^] City of ^^ Att a Common CouncH held at the New yorkj City hall of the Said City on Fryda}- the I 14'!' day of October Anno Dom 1743 Present John Cruger Esqf j\Iayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant AA''illiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Stephen A^'an Cortlandt John Marshall John Pintard Henrj' Bogert SamueH Lawrence Abraham De peyster Nicholas Bayard Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brickerhoff Robert Benson This day ^P 3.Iayor Attended by the Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants High Sherif: Town Clerke: (the Chamberlain Sick) Cor oner : high Constable Constables, and other Officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the Same day went in their formalities from the City hall to the house of ]\If Charles Williams and their A\'aited on his Excellency George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the Province of New york. and Territories thereon Depending in America and A^ice Admirall of the Same, and then and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, the Test and Abjuration Oath in the Presence And by the Order of his Excellency the Governour were Administred unto John Cruger Esqf as jMayor. AA^ater BaiHff and Clerke of the Markett of this Cit}' of New york; as also of one of his ^lajesties Justices of the Peace for the City and County of Nev/ york and also the L'suall Oaths of office of Mayor: AVater Bailiff and Clerke of the Markett of the City of New york and Justice of the Peace in the presence of all the Severall Members of this Court above ^Mentioned, And there upon Mf Mayor Acquainted his ExceHency the Governour, that pur suant to the Authority to him Granted by his ]\.Iajesties Royall Charter: he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf one of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL his Excellency Approved thereof: to which his Excellency was pleased to Answer that the Choice was Agreable to him, and Ap proved thereof. That the Said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New york Accordingly: Whereupon the Mayor Attended as aforesaid Returned to the City hall where after the Ringing of three Bells [78] And Proclamation Made for Silence, the Commission of the Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerke of the Mar kett and the Commissions of the high Sherif and Coroner were pub lished and then this Court Returned to the Common Council Chamber where the Said John Cruger Esqf being Taken Sick the Recorder According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation, Administred the Oaths aforesaid Appointed to be taken by Act of Parliament Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and Usual Oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective offices unto the Respective Mag istrates and Officers following (Vizt) Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq"' Dep'^ Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore Stephen Van Cortlandt John Pintard John MarshaH Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Nicholas Bayard Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson William Jamison Esq'' Esq'^ Aldermen of the City of New york And Justices of the Peace for the Said City and County of New york > Assistants of the City of New york high Sherif of the City and County of New york Coroner of the City and County of New york Chamberlain (Sick) High Constable Constables Sworn (to witt) \ SamueH Hazard John Myer Dep'^f I John Lake John Tenbrook Dep: West Ward (Thomas Warner ] AVilliam Spoor James Kennedy Dep Richard Nicholls Esq' Cornelius Depeyster John Goelet East Ward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 103 North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montg : Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division ^Benjamin Paddrick (Sick) j Thomas ChHd (John Lusher ) George Nicolls ( Levy Samuell Tho' Wenman Dep's' ) James Napier (Hendrick Van Ness (ab) ) Simon Van Sise Antho Ham Dep'? (Adrian Hooglandt (ab) 1 Matthew Hopper J Benjamin Waldron (ab) I Benjamin Benson (ab) Abraham Mills Deputy Sheriff Assessors Sworn (to witt) \ Leonard Lespenard & I John Marschalk (ab) John Van Gelder & 'Tobias Stoutenburgh ^John Stoutenburgh (ab) & John Van Aernam Rob' Gilbert Livingston (ab) & Henry Van Borsom (ab) Gerrardus Duyckinck & ) Tobias Ten Eyck jBenj* Peck (ab) & 'John Aspinwall Samuell Kip (ab) & 'Lawrence Garner (ab) "Adolph Myer (ab) & 'Adolph Brass (ab) [79] Order'd that Alderman Johnson: Alderman Marshall: Alder man Cortlandt, Mf Depeyster, Mf Lawrence, M' Brinckerhoff and Mf Benson or any four of them be a Committee to Auditt the Treas urers Books and Acc'f and all other Publick Accounts of this Cor poration, and Make their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts with all Convenient Expedition Order'd that the Clerke of this Board prepare Advertizements to be Publickly affixed up for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls, Stand ings and places in the Publick Marketts at the house of James Coden at three a Qock in the afternoon on the 26'^ of this Instant for one year from the first day of November next. And that Alderman John- I04 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL son, Alderman Cortiandt, M' Depeyster M"^ Brinckerhoff, and M'' Benson or any three of them with as many More of this Board as please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Condi tions as they shall judge proper Att a Common Council held at the City haH of the Said City on Thursday the 20"' day of October 1743 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D. Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder /^^y°^ } SS New yorkj Present 1 W Esqf^ Aldermen Assistants Simon Johnson John Moore Stephen Van Cortlandt Abraham Depeyster Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Order'd : the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door keeper of the Common Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten ShiHings Current money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"' Instant Mess'? Adolph Philipse, John Moore and David Clarkson Esq'^ Late Representatives in the Generall assembly for this City Sent their Certificates of the times of Service with their Releases : and Order'd the Same Entry be made as was formerly Made on the Like Occasion And that Mf Philipse's Certificates be afterwards Returned him if he Requires them. N? 905 Warrt Issued Certificates of Adolph Philipse Esq"" 1737 16 December. 64 days 1738 19 October. .. 35 1739 14 Aprill 19 17 Noyf 82 1740 12 July 16 3 Nov 56 1741 13 June 61 27 Nov"" ,74 1742 22 May 33 29 October. . . 22 1743 30 Aprill 12 474 Certificates of John Moore Esq>- 1739 14 Aprill 19 days i7Nov>" 82 1740 12 July 16 3 Nov 43 1741 13 June 61 27 Noyr 74 1742 22 May 33 13 October. . . 21 1743 30 April] 12 361 Certificates of David Clarkson Esq"- 1739 14 Aprill 19 days 17 Nov 82 1740 12 July 16 SNovr 56 1741 13 June 61 27NOV'- 74 1742 22 May 33 29 October. . . 22 1743 30 Aprill 10 373 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 105 M'' Philipse's Certificates were all Endorsed with Memorandum. Releases thereon in the words following (viz') N° i These are to Certifie that I have and by these presents Do Acquitt Exonerate & Release all and Every the ffree holders ffree men & Inhabitants of the City & County of New york of & from all Manner of Claim and Demand which I now have or which my Exors or admors might hereafter make for or by Reason of the Within men tioned Service performed by me in the Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives for the Said City and County : Witness my hand the 17't' of December 1737. A. D. Philipse. And M'' Moore's and Mf Clarkson's were Annexed together and also Endorsed in the Same Manner. [80] Ordered there be a New Election for a Constable in Montgom erie Ward on Monday next in the Room of Hendrick Van Ness who is Neither a ffreeman nor a ftVeeholder City of ) Att a Common Council held at the City New yorkj hall of the Said City on Fryday the Elev enth day of November Anno Dom 1743 Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq"^ D Mayor William Roome ^ Simon Johnson vEsq''^ Aldermen Stephen Van Cortlandt J Abraham Depeyster Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence ^Assistants Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Be it Ordained by the Mayor. Recorder, Aldermen And Assistants of the City of New york Convened in Common Council And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Sanie, That all the Laws, Orders, and Ordinances of this Corporation which on the ffourth day of No vember 1742 Were Made, Ordained Renewed Estabilished and Pub lished : be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for one year from and Affter the date hereof (Viz') A Law for the Observation of the Lords day CaHed Sunday A Law to Prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Cor poration A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City io6 MINUTES OF THE COINIMON COUNCIL A Law for the Better preventing of ffire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law for Regulating the Sale of Beer and Syder by Retail A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating of Negros and Slaves in the Night time A Law Restraining Slaves Negros and Indians from Gaming with Moneys or for Moneys A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for punishing of Slaves who Shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets A Law Giving a Reward to any person or persons who Shall Ap prehend An}- Negro: Mullatto or Indian Slave offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province A Law for Regulating Carts and Cartmen A Law for Regulating of Packers : Guagers and Cullers [8i] A Law Regulating the Making ffreemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells, in the Dock and Slips of this City A Law for the Preserving of the Bridges and Common Sewer in the Docks of this City Regulating for Paying Dock Money A Law Prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Common A Law for Regulating and Establishing ffees for Inviters to ffun eralls A Law for Cleaning the Streets, Lanes and AHies of this City A Law for paving the Streets, Lanes and Allies within the City of New york A Law Against firing Guns in the Street A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle, any where but at the Slaughter houses A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law to Prohibitt digging holes or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for Preventing frauds in ffirewood A Law Prohibiting Slaughter houses in the Out Ward A Law Estabilishing ffees for the Slaughter houses A Law for Marking of Butter A Law prohibiting the Cutting of Timber on the Comons by Brick- makers & Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating ffences OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 107 A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New york A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New york A Law for the Better Securing the City of New york from the Danger of Gunpowder A Law Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting Hoopsticks, and Saplings on the Commons A Law for Preserving the ffish in Fresh Water Pond A Law for Better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New york. A Law Declaring to what Uses : the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayoralty, and the Seal of the Mayors Court ShaH be put unto A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay : for Estabilishing: the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses and Bundles And for the Ease of Ancient and Disabled Cartmen. A Law for Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask : for Pork : Beef and ffish A Law to Prohibitt the Exportation of Beef: and Pork untill the Same is Repacked and Branded by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of ffiremen in the City of New york A Law to Prohibitt, Negros and other Slaves Vending Indian Corn Peaches, or any other ffruit within this City: A Law Restraining Negros from going to ffetch Tea Water on a Sunday other than to the Next Well or Pump to the place of their abode and Riding horses thro the Streets or out of Town on a Sunday A Law for the further Regulating the Publick Marketts within the City of New york Also a Law for Appointing Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New york Made and Pub lished the Twenty first day of December last past Also a Law for the better preventing the Forestalling of Provisions Comeing to the Publick Marketts of this City Made and PubHshed the 30"' day of March last and to Continue and Remain in full force and Virtue for one year [82] Order'd the Clerke of this Board Deliver to Bartholomew Skaats Lessee of the Docks and Slips his Bond for Performance of Covenants of Said Lease, for the year 1742 he having produced his Receipts from the Treasurer of the payment of his Rent. io8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd that the Alderman of the Out Ward Cause a New Election of A Constable for the Bowry Division in the Room of Adrian Hoog landt who Served before within fifteen years: past: And that there be also a New Election of a Constable for Harlem Division in the Room of Benjamin Benson who is a Trooper : and that the Elections be on Thursday next Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 906 urer to pay to WiHiam Roome Esqf or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Twenty two pounds Twelve Shillings and Six pence half penny Current money of this Colony in full of his Account : for Glazing and Painting work done at the ft'erry house, on Nassau Island as Appears by his Account which is Audited and Al lowed ORDER'D-the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 907 urer to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Two pounds fifteen Shillings Current money of this Colony being for So Much Money by him Expended at Sundry Meetings of Committees by order of this Board. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N" 908 urer to pay to M' Isaac Stoutenburgh or order tiie Warr' Issued Sum of fforty four pounds four Shillings and Ten pence Current money of this Colony in full for his two Accounts for Iron Work for the City hall : Poor house and fferry house As Appears by his Accounts which are Audited And Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 909 urer to pay to Johannes Myer: or order the Sum of Warr' Issued ffifteen pounds Current Money of this Colony in order for him to pay the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they have Respectively Watched till the 14'^ day of October Last Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 910 urer to pay to Abraham Mills or order the Sum of Warrt Issued Three pounds Eight ShiHings and three pence half penny Current money of this Colony in full for fire Wood and Candles for the Watch and for Cleaning the AVatch house As Appears by his Account which is Audited and Allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°9ii urer to pay to Bartholomew Skaats or order the Sum Warr' Issued of One pound Sixteen Shillings and Ten pence half penny Current money of this Colony in full for money by him Expended in Repairing the Scow of this Corporation as Ap pears by his Account which is Audited and allowed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 109 Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°9i2 urer to pay to Wynant Van Zandt or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Two pounds Six ShilHngs Current money of this Colony in full for a pump for the use of this Corpora tion : As Appears by his Account which is Audited and Allowed [83] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 913 Treasurer to pay to Johannes Burger or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Sixty Eight pounds Sixteen Shillings and Six pence Current money of this Colony : Fifty Eight pounds Seven Shillings And Six pence part thereof being for the full Ballance of his Account for Work done and Materialls found : for Repairing the Ferry house on Nassau Island and the Remaining Ten pounds Nine Shillings to be by him paid to Joseph Palding for Lime and Bricks ffurnished for the Said Work as Appears by their Accounts which are Audited & allowed Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 914 urer to pay to Jrihannes Roome or order the Sum of Warr' Issued One hundred Ei;, ty Seven pounds five Shillings And Nine pence farthi: ;t Current money of this Colony, One hundred and Twenty one pounds Twelve Shillings and three farthings part thereof being in full of his Account : Eighteen pounds Seventeen Shillings other part thereof to be by him paid to Peter Roome : in full of his Account : Three pounds fourteen Shillings and Eleven pence other part thereof to be by him paid to John Johnson, in full of his Account : ffour pounds and Two pence other part thereof to be by him paid to Garret Coesine in full of his Account And Thirty Nine pounds One ShiHing and Seven pence half penny the Residue thereof to be by him paid to James Davie in full of his Account all being for Work done and Materialls found for Repairing the fferry house on Nassaw Island : as Appears by their Accounts which are Audited and Allowed Alderman Moore Appeared and took his Seat at the Board And M' Mayor Withdrawing; the Comon Council was Continued by the Deputy Mayor Alderman Johnson from the Committee for Letting the Stalls, Standings and places in the Publick Marketts Reported that they had Let the Same at Publick Vendue on the Twenty Sixth day of October last, for one year from the ffirst day of this Instant November to the first day of November next to John Carpenter of this City Butcher for the Sum of Ninety Eight pounds and the Dep : Clerk produced to this Board the Leases for the Said Stalls, Standings, places and proffitts of the Said Marketts which were Read and Approved, and Ordered no MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL that if the Lessee Approve thereof that the D. Clerk affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto, and Sign tiie Same by order of this Board, the Said Lessee Executing his part and giving Security for perform ance of Covenants [84] City of ) „ Att a Common Council held at the New yorkj City hall of the Said City on Fryday the 30"' December 1743. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson ¦;,.„., > Esq'? Aldermen John Pintard ' John Marshall Stephen Van Cortl: ndt Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh I a • .l ^ ^ -D ¦ , Z n: ^Assistants George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson J Mf Deputy Mayor Communicated to this Board a Letter from Mf WiHiam Smith and Samuell Clowes to Alderman Johnson which was Read and is In the Words following (Vizt) New york lo't" Deer. 1743. Sir: at the Last Supream Court a Rule was made at the Motion of Hendrick Remson on which WiHiam Smith was Assigned of Council with the Plaintiff in an Action Relating to y^ Right of the People of Brucklyn to Free fferriage to and from the City of New. york which Rule was this day Served on the Said William Smith and he is Re quired to Assist the Said Remson pursuant to the Said Rule : Now the Intention of these Lines is to Desire you to Inform us : whether it will be more Agreable, to the Corporation and you, that the Action, Should be brought against the Corporation in their Politick Capacity : or against you in your private Capacity : We Suppose the fformer will be most Agreeable : but then it will be Necessary that two things be done : first that the Corporation make an Attorney to Appear at the next Court: Secondly that the Attorney Agree under his hand to Admit the Evidence Relating to your Acts to be the Act of the whole Cor poration. Please to Inform us of Answer to these particulars by the first Opportunity Because we would proceed in that way. Which is most obHging to you And the Corporation, if Consistent with the Trust Reposed in us : who are &c : Signed W"^ Smith : S. Clowes To Simon OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK in Johnson Esqf [(]Copy:) Whereupon it is Ordered that Alderman Johnson and Alderman Van Cortlandt be a Committee to Meet Mf Murray M' Alexander and Mf Chambers and to advise with them what wiH be proper to be done therein: and to Desire them to Appear for the Corporation or for Alderman Johnson as they Shall See most Con venient to any Suit that may be Brought for Trying the Right of the People of Brookland to Free fferriage to and from this City: and if they Shall think it most Adviseable for the Suit to be Brought against the Corporation in their PoHtick Capacity that the Clerke of this Board affix the Seal of this Corporation to a Warrant to the Said Joseph Murray: James Alexander and John Chambers to Appear for this Corporation & Defend Such Suit Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 915 urer to pay to Abraham MiHs or order the Sum of Warr' Issued Three pounds Current money of this Colony in full for his Trouble in providing fire Wood and Candles for the Night Watch from the first of May Last to October following [85] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the New yorkj House of John Cruger Esqf on Fryday the 17'^ Feb'-y Anno Dom 1743 [-4] Present John Cruger Esq"^ Mayor WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Ordered the Clerke of this Board Deliver Mf Theophilus Elsworth his Bond for performance of Covenants of his Lease of the Stalls: Standings &c: of the Publick Marketts from November 1742 to November 1743: he having produced his Receipts for the payment of his Rent This Board having Taken into Consideration the Indictment of the Late Grand Jury of this Corporation for Sundry Nusances : Or dered that Alderman Johnson: Alderman Moore Alderman Pintard: >-Esq'^ Aldermen > assistants 112 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Alderman Marshall: Mf Lawrence: M' Brinckerhoff and Mf Benson or any four of them be a Committee to Examine into the Said Nusances and Consider how and in what Manner the Same ought to be Removed and to make their Report with all Convenient Expedition and Consider how and in what Manner the Same ought to be Removed and to make their Report -with all Convenient Expedition Ordered that the Law for Cleaning the Streets : Lanes and Alleys of this City be Published in all the publick papers : and that forty of them be Separately printed and Affixed up in the Most pubhck places with Notice that for the future the Breach of the Said Law will be duly punished. Ordered that the Docks and Slips of this City be Let to ffarm to Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith for the Ensueing year on the Same Terms and Conditions as it was Let the Last year : and that the Clerk of this Board prepare Leases Accordingly: and that he affix the Seal of this Corporation, to the Counter part thereof upon his giving Security for performance of Covenants. Ordered that Alderman Johnson: Alderman Cortlandt: And M' Bayard be a Committee to prepare the Draft of a Law of this Corpora tion for Removing Such Trades out of this City as are Publick Nu sances, and preventing Such for the future: and that they prepare the Same with all Convenient Expedition Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further order as followeth (Vizt) A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh. . .o*. .11^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. .1 . . .8 for two pence a White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh ... .3 . . . i for four pence A Wheaten Loaf of the Courses [t] Bran| only taken out and Not otherwise C o • • o V Wheat at Three Shillings and Six pence ^ Bushell : And Ordered that no other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the above Assize and all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their bread Accordingly Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 916 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door Warr' Issued keeper of the Common Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current money of this Colony in fuH for one Quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"^ of January Last >.Esq'-^ Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 113 [86] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the New yorkj house of John Cruger Esqf on Fryday the 2"^ day of March Anno Dom 1743/4 Present John Cruger Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff Abraham Depeyster The Petition of M' Anthony Rutgers : John Roosevelt : Jacobus Roosevelt: and Christopher Bancker praying a Grant of the Land and Soil under the AA^ater from high Water to Low AVater mark and from thence two hundred foot into the River between Desbrosses and the Land of Harmanus Rutgers in Montgomerie AVard vv^as Read and Ordered that the Petitioners Lay before this Board at their next Meeting their Title Deeds to the Upland and Meadow before which they pray for the Said Grant The Committee Appointed the 17"' of ffebraary Last to Examine into the Publick Nusances for AVhich this Corporation were Indicted and to Consider how and in What Manner the Same Ought to be Re moved made their Report in the words following (Vizt) City of New york ss We the Subscribers being Appointed on the Seventeenth In stant to be the Committee by this Board : to Examine into the Nusances for Which this Court was lately Indicted by the Grand Jury of the Supream Court: and to Consider how and in what Manner the Same Ought to be Removed Do in Obedience and in pursuance of the Said Appointment humbly Report that we Conceive that the Slip Commonly CaHed Beekmans Slip in Montgomerie [Ward] of this City is a publick Nusance : also that the Slip Called Burlings Slip in the Ward aforesaid is a Publick Nusance and that they may and Ought to be Removed by Paving at the Charge of the Corporation also that the Slip Commonly Vol. v.— 8 114 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Called the Fly Slip is a great and Intollerable Common Nusance and must be Removed at the Charge and Expence of this Corporation also that the filth: Dirt and Nastiness under the Meal Markett and the Ground fronting the Same to the River at Low Water mark is a Nu sance and Ought to be Removed at the Expence aforesaid As also that the Slip Called the Old Slip is a Great and PubHck Nusance and to be Removed as aforesaid and the Said Committe do further and Lastly Report [87] that the particular way : Manner or Method for Removing the Said Nusances and preventing them as far as may be) for the future : is from the Nature : and Circumstances and Situation of them almost Impracticable if not Impossible for this Committe Minutely to particularize and therefore Conceive that the Effectuall doing thereof must be Left and Referred to a particular Committee to be Appointed for that purpose : all Which is humbly Submitted by your most humble Servants S : Johnson : John J.Ioore : John Marshall : Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson: February 24"' 1743 Which Report was Read and Ap proved And Ordered that the Same persons as were Appointed on the I7'^ of ffebraary Last to Examine into the Said Nusances or any four of them be a Committee to See the Said Nusances Effectually Removed and for preventing them (as far as may be) for the future : and that the Same Committee or any four of them have power to draw from time to time on the Treasurer of this Corporation for any Sums they ShaH Want towards purchasing Materialls and Employing Workmen in Removing the Said Nusances not Exceeding Two hundred pounds, and that if they Shall Want more money for the Compleating the Work : That they Apply to this Board for the Same =1 City of I cc ^'^'^ ^ Common Council held at the City day of Aprill Anno Dom 1744 New yorkj hall of the Said City on Fryday the 13 th ^Esq'= Aldermen Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Dep'Y Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson Joris Brinckerhoff > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 115 Mess'? Christopher Bancker and John Roosevelt Appeared before this Board and produced Some Copies of Title Deeds for the Upland and Meadow mentioned in their Petition Preferred to this Board the 2^ day of March last And Thereupon It is Ordered that Alderman Roome: Alderman Johnson: Alderman Moore Alderman Marshall Capt Lawrence: M"- Bogert and M' Brinckerhoff or any five of them be a Committee to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition: and the Pretensions of Mf Benjamin Peck and to make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Expedition Alderman Roome from the Committee Appointed the 4"' day of August Last to View the piece of Ground for Which M'^ Peter Living stone Desired the Release of this Corporation Reported that he with the Committee Appointed had Viewed the Same piece of Ground and that they were of Opinion that this Corporation [88] Might Release all their Right to the Said piece of Ground to the Said M' Livingstone or his father for whom he Applyed for the Sum of Ten pounds which Report is Approved by this Board : And Ordered the D : Clerke of this Board prepare the Draft of a Release Accordingly (but at the Charge of the Said M'' Livingston) Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°9i7 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door Warrt Issued keeper of the Common Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten ShHHngs Current money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which will be due and Ending to Morrow Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°9i8 urer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh or order the Warr' Issued Sum of Thirteen pounds fifteen Shillings and Nine pence Current money of this Colony in full of his Acct for Iron work furnished for this Corporation as Appears by his Acct which is Audited and Allowed Ordered that Unless Adolph Brass pay to the Treasurer of this Corporation the Sum of Sixty pounds Current money of this Colony on or before the first day of May next that his Bond for Performance of Covenants of his Lease of the Publick Marketts be put in Suit ; But that if he pays the Same that his Lease and Bond be Cancelled and Delivered up Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°9i9 urer to pay to Richard Nicholls Dep'y Clerk of this Warr' Issued Board or order the Sum of ffive pounds Nine Shillings and Ten pence for the Ballance of his two Last years Acc'f which are Audited & Allowed ii6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Report of the Committee on Auditing the Treasurers books and Accounts was Read and Approved and ordered to be Entered and is in the words following (Viz') City of New york ss AVe the Sub scribers being the Committee Appointed on the ffourteenth day of Oc tober Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation Do in Obedience to the Said Appointment Report that We have this day Carefully Perused and Examined the Books and Accounts of the Said Treasurer or Chamber lain from the ffourteenth day of October One Thousand Seven hun dred and thirty nine to the ffourteenth day of October Last aforesaid and it Appears to us by the Said Books as also by the Annexed Ac count that there was in the hands of the Said Treasurer belonging to this Corporation on the ffourteenth day of October Last the Sum of Seven hundred and Ninety two pounds ten Shillings and ten pence three farthings, the Said Committee Do further Report that it Appears Evidently to them from the Said [89] Books & Annexed Account that (together with the Sum aforesaid) in outstanding Good Debts in the Said Account particularized the Treasurer with proper Directions And Authority from this Court may be possessed of the Sum of Seventeen hundred pounds : Further that it appears to this Committee by Sundry Receipts from M' Richard Nicholls the Deputy Common Clerk to the Said Treasurer to the Amount of the Sum of One hundred and fifteen pounds ten ShilHngs to him paid as ffees for Licences to Tavern keepers which this Committee Conceive the treasurer had neither power to pay nor Mf Nicholls to Receive because the Monies Ariseing from the Grant of Lycences to Tavern keepers belongs to this Corporation and no other ways to be disposed of than by Order and Direction of the Corporation : The Committee Do further Report that it Appears by the Said Treasurers Books that Mf Mayor has Retained the Sum of Seventeen pounds Eight Shillings out of the Sums Ariseing from the Grant of Lycenses to Tavern keepers, which this Committee humbly Conceive Mf Mayor hath not any Right or Title thereto for the Reasons aforesaid : And Lastly that proper Directions be given by the Common Council to Recover So much of the Arrears of the Account of the Tax for Night Watches as may be Conveniently had all AVhich is Never theless humbly Submitted by y' most humble Serv'? S Johnson: John Marshall Stephen V Cortlandt: Sam' Lawrence: Joris Brinckerhoff: Robert Benson Feb'y 13"' 1743 And Ordered that the treasurer forth with Endeavour to get in the Outstanding debts due to this Corpora tion and that he pubHckly Advertize the. Same that they pay their Respective Debts on or before the first day of July next or that they be Sued for the Same OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 117 Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 920 urer to pay to Johannes Myer or order the Sum of ffour Warr' Issued pounds Current money of this Colony in full for Ex traordinary Services by him Done for this Corpora tion Ordered that all the Owners of the Houses between M' Chambers & M' Depeysters Corner house by the Bowling Green have Liberty to Range their ffronts in Such Manner as the Alderman and Assistant of the West Ward ShaH think proper. Ordered that the Committee for Removing the Publick Nusances or any four of them have power to Draw from time to time on the Treasurer of this Corporation for any further Sums: (over and above the Two hundred pounds before ordered) which they Shall Want for Compleating the Removall of the Nusances not Exceeding Two hun dred pounds more And that the Same Committee have power to Repair the Long Bridge and Docks in Such Manner as they Shall think Con venient Ordered that no Market for the future Shall be Erected at Maiden Lane Slip: but What Shall be Contiguous and Adjoyning to the Markett house now built there [90] City of ) ce ""^TT a Common Council held at the City New 3'orkj hall of the Said City on Fryday the 27"' day of Aprill 1744 Present John Cruger Esq'' J\Iayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt John Moore Henry Bogert SamueH Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard George Binckerhoff ^Esq'^ Aldermen >- Assistants ii8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 921 urer to pay to Richard NichoHs D. Clerk of this City Warr' Issued or order the Sum of Forty nine pounds Sixteen Shill ings in full for the Clerks ffees on Granting 166 Ly censes to Retailers of Strong Liquors which Remains Unpaid to the 26"' of March Last Inclusive City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the City New yorkj hall of the Said City on Thursday the 2^ day of May 1744 Present John Cruger Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuvesant Esqf D. Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder AVilliam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Samuell Lawrence ^ Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >.Esq'^ Aldermen ¦ Assistants A Law Entituled A Law to Remove and Prevent Nusances within the City of New York was three times read and Agreed to and after the Ringing of three Bells was published and is in the words following Vizt Whereas Reason Dictates and by Universall Experience it is found that the health of the Inhabitants of any City Does in a Great Measure Depend upon the Purity of the Air of that City and that when the Air of a City is by Noisom Smells Corrupted Distempers of many kinds are thereby Occasioned And Whereas during the Latter part of the two [91 J Last Summers a Most Noisom Smell was Gener ally Perceived by all who went into the South East part of this City : In Which part thereof a Most Mortall and Infectious Distemper then there raged while other parts of this City Retained Perfect health and Which Mortall and Infectious Distemper in all human Probability Arose and was Occasioned by the Noisom SmeH aforesaid And Whereas the Said Noisom Smell was probably occasioned in part by the Nastyness of OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 119 Sundry Docks and Slips in the Said South East part of the City Which during this Winter and Spring all human Means have been Used and put in practice by the Magistrates of this City to prevent the Like for the ffuture : But there's Reason to Believe that the Said Noi som Smell did in Great part Arise from Sundry Tan pitts: Tan ffatts and other Pitts of Tanners Skinners : Leather Dressers Curriers and Glovers within or too near the Populous and Most Inhabited part of this City and also from the Uncured hides Skins and Leather and the Blubber and other Materialls by them Used in their houses and Work houses Yards and other places for the Dressing thereof and the Rather this is to be Supposed for that the Said Mortall and Infectious Dis temper broke out in Near and Round Some Skinners Tanners Curriers and Leather Dressers houses and Yards and Raged most A^iolently in and Near to those places to the Loss of Many Lives and particularly of Severall persons of the Said Occupation And Where.'^s also It is of Great Consequence to the Lives health Trade and prosperity of the Inhabitants of this City that all proper Means be Used and Taken for preventing the Return of the Said Infectious Distemper and forasmuch as Offensive Smells are often Occasioned by the keeping of Swine and the Dye of Hatters and the Putrid and Corrupted Materialls of Starch Makers and the Blood and Garbage of Small Cattle killed and Slain within this City and the Guts and Garbage of ffish Cast into the Streets Dirt ffilth and Oyster Shells Lying in the Cellars or yards of Dwelling houses to the Great Danger of the Health of the Inhabitants of this City Living Near Such Offensive Smells Occasioned by the Causes aforesaid for Remedy whereof Be it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder : Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New 3'ork Convened in Common Council and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that from and after the Twenty fifth day of this Instant May No person or persons whatsoever : Shall have : Use : Make or keep any ffatt or pitts of Standing AA^ater Whether for Tanners. Skinners Leather Dressers : Curriers : Glovers or any other use whatsoever that maj' be a Nusance to the Inhabitants within this Cit}- to the South ward of Fresh Water or within One hundred Yards to the South Side thereof under the Penalty of Ten Shillings for Every day for Every Such ffat or Pitt So had Used Made or kept Unfilled up with Earth And Be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that all ffatts and Pitts of Standing Water whatsoever for the Uses of the Occupations aforesaid or any other Use whatsoever that may be a Nu- .sance as aforesaid to the Southward of the Limitts before Mentioned Shall be filled up with Earth under the Penalty of Ten Shillings to be I20 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL paid by the Possessor or Possessors: Occupier or Occupiers of the Soil where Such ffatt or ffatts : Pitt or Pitts are or Shall be, and Under the Like Penalty for Every day that the Same Shall Remain Unfilled up as aforesaid after the Said Twenty fifth day of this Instant May And BE it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that if any Tan ner : Skinner : Leather Dresser Currier or Glover or other person Shall after the Said Twenty fifth day of this Instant May bring and keep in any place or places to the Southward of the Limitts aforesaid During the Space of Twenty [92] four hours any Undressed or Uncured hides Skins Leather or any Blubber or other Materialls whatsoever for Dressing the Same or for any other Use that does Emitt any Noisom Smell Every person or persons So offending Shall fforffeit the Sum of Ten Shillings for Every Such offence And Be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that from and after the Twenty fifth day of this Instant May no person or persons within this City Shall keep an}' Live hog or hogs to the South Ward of the Fresh Water afore said under the Penalty of Three ShiHings for Every hog for Every day the Same ShaH be So kept to the Southward of the Bound and Limitts aforesaid And be it also further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that no Dye of Hatters or other dyers or Corrupted Noisom Water of Starch Makers Shall be Poured or Suffered to Run into the Channells of the Streets of this City Either by Night or by day from the Twenty fifth day of March to the first day of November in Every Year Nor Suffered to Remain in the houses and Yards or other places cf Such Hatters or Dyers or Starchmakers living to the South Ward of ffresh Water aforesaid nor Shall any Guts : Blood or Garbage of any Kind Whatsoever be Cast into the Streets of this City or Remain 24 hours in the houses : Outhouses : Yards or other places of the In habitants of this City Living to the South Ward of ffresh AVater Aforesaid under the Penalty of Ten Shillings for Every Offence in Each of the particulars aforesaid And it is also further ordained bv the Authority aforesaid that no Dirt ffilth: Shells of Oysters Clams or any Shell ffish from the ffirst day of May to the ffirst day of Octo ber in Every Year Shall be Suffered to Remain in the Houses : Cel lars : Yards or other places of any of the Inhabitants of this City to the Southward of Fresh Water aforesaid above the Space of Twenty four hours Nor Shall Any person or persons Presume to Lay any Dung : Dirt : filth : or any kind of Nastiness on any part of the Com mons or A^acant Lotts to the South Side of the Poorhouse and the House Commonly Called the Guard house of this City under the Pen alty of Ten Shillings for Every offence in Each of the particulars OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 121 aforesaid : All AA'hich ffines and penalties Shall be Recovered before the Mayor : Recorder and Aldermen or any one of them with Costs of Suite one half whereof Shall be paid and Applyed to the Church War dens for the Use of the Poor of this City and the other half to Such per son or persons who Shall Sue for and Prosecute the Same to Effect Provided always that Nothing herein contained Shall Extend to or be Construed to Affect any person or persons that have any ffatt or ffatts : Pitt or Pitts in the place Commonly Called Beekman Swamp in this City now made or placed there during the time that the present Re spective Possessors of the Pitts or ffatts there So Make use of the Same And Ordered the Said Law be forthwith Printed and a proper Number Affixed up in the most Publick places within this City Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 922 urer to pay to Abraham A'an Wyck of this City or Or- AVarrt Issued der the Sum of Nine pounds Twelve ShiHings and Six pence Current money of this Colony in full of his AccI of Disbursements Laid out for M' Burroughs by Order of this Board which is Audited and Allowed Order'd that the Alderman and Assistant of the Out Ward Lay out a piece of Ground for Abra : Palding for Making Bricks and Make their Report of the Same and upon what terms &c. [93] City of J „ Att a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Fryday the iS't" May 1744 Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D. Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson George Brinckerhoff This Board being Informed that one John Misseroll and David Miller make a practice of bringing people and Goods from Long ^Esq'= Aldermen > Assistants 122 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Island to this City and back again to the great Prejudice to this Corporation It is therefore ordered that Alderman Johnson And Alderman Cortiandt forthwith wait on Mf Murray to take his Opinion how to prevent the Same for the ffuture and to put sue Such Opinion The Petition of John Bogert Junf was Read praying a Grant of a Slip of Ground between the Petitioner and Mf Beekman in Montgom erie Ward Ordered Alderman Roome. Alderman Marshall Mf Bogert : M"' Brinckerhoff & M"^ Benson or any three of them be a Committee to See the Said Slip of Ground Surveyed and make their Report with all Convenient Expedition. Order'd M"' Brandt Schuyler be and is hereby Appointed one of the Surveyors of this City ^•*>^^* iss New yorkj Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 22"^ day of May Anno Dom 1744 ^Esq'^ Aldermen Present John Cruger Esq'' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >- Assistants N' Warr Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the 923 Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer Issued of the Watch or order the Sum of Twenty pounds Seventeen Shillings Current money of this CoHony in order for him to pay the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they Watched Respectively from the 14th day of October to the h"" day of Aprill Last OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 123 [94] City of ) gg New Yorkl Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Munday the 23'' day of July Anno DoTn 1744 Present John Cruger Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Dep'y Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John INIoore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Ordered the Mayor ^Esq'* Aldermen ^Assistants J Issue his Warrant to the N° 924 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger & Door- Warr' Issued, keeper to the Common Council of this City or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which was due And Ending the 14"' Inst. Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N" 925 Treasurer to pay to Peter Rutgers or order the Sum Warr' Issued, of Twenty four pounds two ShilHngs And Six pence Current Money of this Colony in full for Nails and Iron work furnished for the fferry as Appears by his Ace' which is Audited and Allowed. Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 926 Treasurer to pay to Richard Baker or order the Sum Warr' Issued, of Sixty Six pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six pence Current Money of this Collony for the Dyett of the Workmen and Ferriage of Materialls Employed in Repairing the Ferry house as Appears by his Ace' which is Audited & Allowed Ordered the Assize of Bread till further order as followeth Viz' A White Loaf of the ffinest flour to Weigh . o" A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . i A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . 3 A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran only^ taken Out And Not otherwise ^ Wheat at three Shillings ^ BusheH And Ordered that No other 30Z for a penny IQi^ for two pence 6 for four pence 3 for four pence 124 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize And all Bakers within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their Bread Ac cordingly [95] Ordered that the Committee Appointed the 30'^" day of July last to A'iew a piece of Ground Desired by Cap' Warren to be Granted by him, or any five of them, (taking the City Surveyor to their Assist ance) Cause the Same piece of Land to be Surveyed & Laid out and that they Agree with Cap' Warren for the Same And Make their Re port to this Board of the Terms & Conditions thereof with all Conven ient Expedition. The Petition of Walter Hyer for a Grant of Ground & Water lott Contiguous to & in the Rear of his Ground fronting the North River On the West Side the Broad Way the Breadth of his Said Lott And two hundred feet into the Said River from Low Water Mark was Read, And Ordered that Alderman Roome, Alderman Cortlandt, M"- Bogert & M' Brinckerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to Ex amine into the Allegations of the Said Petition, And that the Said Committee Cause a Survey and Draft of all the AVater Lotts between Elds Corner & Roosevelts, and Make their Report with all Conven ient Expedition The Draft of a Release of a Small Slip of Land in the North Ward to Peter Van Brugh Livingston was Read and Approved And Or dered (if the Said M'' Livingston Approve thereof that the Same be Engrossed And that the Dep'? Clerk of this Board Do Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Said Release And Sign the Same by order of this Court Ordered That the Treasurer of this Corporation Deliver up to Oba diah Hunt his Bond in which he was Security for Andrew Law late ffarmer of the Docks & Slips. Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 927 Treasurer to pay to Abraham Mills or order the Sum AVarr' Issued of Seven pounds five Shillings Current Money of this Colony for A^ictualling Some Prisoners in Goal and Emptying the Ordure Tubbs of the Prisoners to the first of May Last Ordered that Alderman Johnson Alderman Pintard : M' Lawrence & M' Brinckerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to Flave the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK "5 Publick Marketts of this City Repaired in Such Manner as they Shall find Necessary [96] City of I New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Tuesday the ii"* of September Anno Dom 1744. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq"- Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson J >Esq''^ Aldermen >- Assistants The Committee Appointed the 30"' day of July last to View a piece of Ground Desired by Cap' AVarren to be Granted to him to Cause the Same to be Surveyed and Laid Out, And to Agree with him for the Same Make their Report in the Words following Viz' We the Com mittee Appointed the 23'' day of July last past unto whom the Appli cation of Cap' Peter Warren (by the Mouth of M' Richard Nicholls) was Referr'd, Do Report that the Swamp Meadow, and the Slip of Upland Adjoyning thereunto Scituate At or near the House of the Late John Wood, in the Out Ward of the City of New York be Grant ed & Demised unto the Said Cap' Peter Warren his heirs and As signs [(]at the Annuall Rent of one pepper Corn only) for Seven full Years from the date of Such Grant or Lease, in Consideration of the Singular and Immenent Services done And perfformed by him Not Only for the Kingdom of Great Brittain in Generall, but for this City & Colony in particular, and also to Testify the Gratefull Acknowledge ments of the Corporation of this City to the Said Cap' Peter Warren and the Great Esteem and Affection they have for his person And the Said Committee Do further Report that they have Agreed with the Said Cap' Peter Warren to Grant unto him his heirs and Assigns for ever the Said Swamp : Meadow & Slip of Upland Upon the Annuall Rent of Eight Shillings ^ Acre for every Acre in them 126 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL contained, to Commence at the End or Determination of the Said Seven Years. But As it is at this time Impracticable to Make an Exact & Acurate Draft or Chart of the Number of Acres Contained in the Said Swamp ; &c So as to Settle and fix the [97] Whole Annuall Rent being prevented and Interrupted by thick and interwoven Bryers, Thorns. Wood and Brush, So the Committee humbly Recommend that the Doing thereof and passing a Grant or Lease be Postponed or Re ferred to the Season when that may be done, which will Probably be the next Winter And in the Meantime that it be ordered by the Com mon Council And Minuted in their proceedings that So Soon as a per fect and Acurate Draft or Chart Can be made and Returned by one Or more of the Sworn Surveyors of this City, of the Said Swamp, Meadow And Upland Adjoyning thereto, proposed and Agreed to be Granted as aforesaid the Same Shall be Granted, to the Said Cap' Peter Warren his heirs and Assigns in Manner and form aforesaid, All Which is Nevertheless Most humbly Submitted by Your Most humble Servants /- j o^ Gerrard. Stuyvesant /-¦ .L r ivT -ir 1 Wilt Roome City of New York Sepbf ii"* 1744 th T >,.... ^ Johnson John Moore Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Which Report is Approved off, and Agreed to by this Board Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N°928 Treasurer to pay to John Moore Esqf or order the Warr* Issued Sum of Sixty Seven pounds Six Shillings and Six pence half penny Current Money of this Colony in full of his Ace' of Disbursements for this Corporation to the 3"* of this In stant as Appears by his Acc'^ which are Allowed. Ordered, the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N°929 Treasurer to pay to Richard Bradley Esqf Attorney Warr' Issued Generall of this Province or order the Sum of Three pounds Three Shillings and Nine pence Current Money of this Colony in full for his ffees on a prosecution against this Corporation for Publick Nusances As Appears by his Ace' which is Allowed. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 127 Ordered that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman Cortlandt M' Brinckerhoff & M' Benson or any three of them be a Committee for Laying out and Regulating the Streets in Montgomerie Ward And to Make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Ex pedition Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 930 Treasurer to pay to Jacobus Turck or order the Sum Warr' Issued of Twenty pounds three Shillings and Nine pence Current Money of this Colony in full for his taking care of the ffire Engines for five quarters to the first of August last, and for Disbursements for the Same As Appears by his Acct which is Allowed Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 93 1 Treasurer to pay to William Jamison Esq' high Sheriff Warrt Issued of this City or order the Sum of Two pounds Sixteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for his ffees for Service of Process on a prosecution against this Corporation for Publick Nusances. [98] City of Igg New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Saturday the 29"' day of September (being the Feast of S' Michael the Archangle) Anno Domini 1744 Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq"- Mayor ab Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard ab Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >-Esqf^ Aldermen ^Assistants 128 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor : Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Elect ing this day. One Alderman, One Assistant two Assessors one Col lector and two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of ffresh Water And one Alderman One Assistant, Four Assessors two CoHectors and ffour Constables for the Out Ward of the Said City to Serve in their Respective Offices for the Year Ensueing, the Respect ive Aldermen of Each Respective Ward Made Return this day into the Office of Town Clerk Under their hands of the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall Offices aforesaid (Viz') East Ward [99] West Ward North Ward < South Ward < ''Simon Johnson Esqf SamueH Lawrence David Provoost Jacobus Sarly Bartholomew Skaats Hendrick Vandewater Abraham Myers Cohen William Roome Esqf Henry Bogert John Brower ^^John Johnson Joseph Devoe Peter Colwell Richard Clarke Cook Stephen Van Cortlandt Esq'- Isaac Stoutenburgh William Vredenburgh Peter Lott Richard Waldron Martinus Cregier John Waghorne John Moore Esqf Abraham Depeyster Peter Low Henry Lawrence Andrew Breastead John Varrick John Robinson AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector t Constables Alderman Assistant Assessors s Collector V Constables AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector |. Constables AldermanAssistant > Assessors Collector ^ Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 129 Dock AA'ard Montgomerie Ward Out Ward John Pintard Esqf Joris Brinckerhoff Nathaniel Marston Peter Clopper John Tuder AA-'illiam Millener William Taylor John Marshall Esqf Robert Benson Abell Hardenbrook Evert Byvanck Adolph Brass George Peterson John Van Wyck Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Nicholas Bayard Philip Minthorne Jelles Mandeville Lawrence Garner John Boss Andrew Gibbs Abraham Myer Jacob Myer Benj^ Benson John Nagle ^ Arent Cortright AldermanAssistant ^Assessors Collector I Constables Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector i Constables Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector [, Constables [Assessors Collector 5 Constables For > Bowry Division For > Harlem Division [ 100] His Excellency George CHnton Esq' Captain Generall and Gov ernour in Chief of the Province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the Same And Rear Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majesties ffleet by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council was pleased to Ap point the ffollowing officers for the City and County of New York : for the Year Ensueing to witt Stephen Bayard Esq' to be Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett, WiHiam Jamison Esq'' to be high Sheriff and John Cortlandt Esqf to be Coroner of the Said City and County for the Year Ensueing. Resolved (Nemine Contra dicente) That Cornelius Depeyster Esqf the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is Vol. v.— 9 13° MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL hereby Elected & Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Cor poration for the Year Ensueing, he giving Such Security as the Law Directs The Mayor hath Appointed George Peterson to be high Constable for the Year Ensueing Ordered the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward do Cause a New Election of a Constable for the Said Ward in the Room of Jolin [George] Peterson who is Appointed high Constable And that the Election be on Thursday next Ordered the Alderman of the North AA'ard do Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the Said Ward in the Room of John Waghorne who is one of the Troopers, And that the Election be On Thursday next [loi] City of ^ „„ New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the Said City on Munday the ffif- teenth day of October (Sunday being the ffourteenth) Anno Domini 1744 :>Esq'^ Aldermen Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder William Roome ^ Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 131 This Day Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf (being Mayor by Virtue of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation from the Death of John Cruger Esq' Late Mayor) Attended by Mf Recorder the Aldermen and Assistants: High Sherif. Town Clerk, (the Cham berlain being Sick) Coroner High Constable: Constables and other Officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the Same day Went in their fformalities from the City Hall to the House of his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Esq' Captain Generall and Governor in Chief of the Province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in America and Vice Ad mirall of the Same and Rear Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majesties ffleet and there Waited on his Said Excellency and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by the order of his Said Excellency were Administred unto Stephen Bayard Esq' as Mayor Water BaiHff and Clerk of the Markett of this City of New York As also of one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York And Also the Usuall Oath of office of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett of the City of New York and Justice of the Peace in the presence of all the Severall Members of this Court above Mentioned : And thereupon M' Mayor Acquainted his Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the Authority to him Granted by his Majesties Royall Charter he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant [102] Esq' One of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if his Excellency Approved thereof to which his Excel lency was pleased to Answer the Choice was Agreable to him And he Approved thereof that the Said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York Accordingly. Whereupon the New Mayor Attended b)'- the Old Mayor as aforesaid Returned to the City hall where after the Ringing of three Bells and Proclamation made for SHence the Commissions of the Mayor: Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett and the Commissions of High Sheriff and Coroner were published. And then this Court Returned to the Common Council Chamber where the Said Stephen Bayard Esqf was placed in the Chair; And then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the Said Stephen Bayard Esqf the Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths aforesaid Ap pointed to be taken by Act of Parliament Instead of the Oaths of Alle giance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath And the Usuall MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Esq'^ Aldermen of the City of New York and Justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York Oaths for the due Executing of their Respective Offices unto the Respective Magistrates and Officers following (vizt). Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson WiHiam Jamison Esq' > Assistants of the City of New York John Cortlandt Esq' Cornelius Depeyster Esqf George Peterson [103] East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montg? Ward High Sherif of the City & County of New York Coroner of the City & County of New York Treasurer (Sick) High Constable Constables Sworn (Viz') j Hendrick Van de Water Jacobus Slover Deputy John Myer Deputy James Kennedy Deputy I Abraham Myers Cohen ( Peter Colwell ) Richard Clarke Cook (Martinus Cregier I WiHiam Colwell abj John Varrick / John Robinson j WHliam MHlener ) William Taylor (Abraham Outerkirk ) John Van Wyck _ T^. . . (John Boss Bowry Division ¦^. , „., . / Andrew Gibbs Harlem Division V. , ^''^ . , , ) Arent Cortright James Mills & Enoch Hunt Deputy Tho= Wenman Deputy John Tenbrook Deputy Anthony Ham Deputy Abraham MiUs Deputy Sheriffs OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 133 Ordered that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Moore, Alderman Cortlandt. M' Depeyster : M' Bayard Mf Brinckerhoff and M"^ Benson Or any four of them be a Committee to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Ace*? and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation and Make their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers Books & Ace'? with all Convenient Expedition Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 932 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger & Door- Warr' Issued keeper of the Common Council or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Col ony in full for one quarters Sallary Which is due and Ending this day [104] City of New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Thursday the 18"' day of October Anno Dom 1744. ^Esq''^ Aldermen ^Assistants Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen [Van] Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Samuell Lawrence Ordered the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas- N° 933 urer to pay to M' Isaac Stoutenburgh or Order the Warrt Issued Sum of Twenty three pounds two Shillings and Nine pence. Current Money of this Colony Nineteen pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eleven pence part thereof being the Ballance of his Ace* of Sallary and Disbursements as Overseer of the Night Watch of this City to the first of this Instant October and the Remain ing Three pounds four Shillings and ten pence in full of his Acct for work done at the Poorhouse & City hall as Appears by his Accts which are Audited & allowed 134 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL And Ordered that M' Isaac Stoutenburgh be con- No 934 tinned Overseer of the Night Watch for the Year En- Warrt Issued sueing on the Same Terms and SaHary as the last year. And Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to the Said Isaac Stoutenburgh or order the Sum of Fifteen pounds Current Money of this Colony to purchase ffirewood and Candles for the Use of the Watch [105] City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncH held at the City New Yorkj haH of the Said City on Fryday the 26*'' day of October Anno Dom 1744 Present Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder Simon Johnson ^ John Moore John Pintard John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Samuell Lawrence ;>Esqf^ Aldermen ;» Assistants Ordered that the Clerk of this Board prepare Advertizements to be publickly Affixed up for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls Stand ings and places in the Publick Marketts at the house of Edward WHlet at four a Clock in the Afternoon on the 29"' of this Instant for One Year from the first day of November next. And that Alderman John son Alderman Marshall, Alderman Van Cortlandt, Mf Lawrence and Mf Benson Or any three of them with as many more of this Board As please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Conditions as they Shall Judge proper. Ordered that unless Adolph Brass pay the Sixty pounds to the Treasurer in Eight days, which was formerly ordered the Deputy Clerk of this Board put his Bond in Suit. Ordered that John Stevens Cordwainer be a Fireman for the East Ward in the Room of John Bogert who is Removed out of the Said Ward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 135 Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N°935 Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh overseer Warr* Issued of the Watch or order the Sum of Twenty one pounds One Shilling Current money of this Collony in Order for him to pay the Same to the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they Watched Respectively from the 14'^ day of Aprill to the 14"" day of this Instant October Inclusive Ordered that Daniel Lawrence be Appointed one of the Publick Measurers of this City [106] City of ) „_ Att a Common Council held at the City New York( hall of the Said City on Monday the Twelfth day of November Anno DoiTT 1744. Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson „ , , , T 1 -UT 1 11 >Esq'= Aldermen John Marshall ( ^ John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard ^Assistants George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Be it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws, Orders and Ordinances of this Corporation which on the Eleventh day of Novem ber 1743 were Made; Ordained, Renewed. EstabiHshed. and Published, Be Revived and Continued and Remain in ffull force and Virtue for one Year from and after the date hereof (Viz') A Law for the Observation of the Lords day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corporation A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of ffire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure 136 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law Appointing a place for the more Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating of Negros and other Slaves in the Night time A Law Restraining Slaves Negros & Indians from Gaming with money or Moneys A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for punishing of Slaves who Shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets [107] A Law giving a Reward to any person or persons who Shall Apprehend any Negro, Mulatto, or Indian Slave offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province A Law for Regulating Carts and Cartmen A Law for Regulating of Packers, Guagers and Cullers A Law Regulating the Making ffreemen A Law for Regulating the Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks & Slips of this City A Law for preserving of the Bridges & Common Sewer in the Docks of this City Regulations for paying Dock Money A Law prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating and Estabilishing ft'ees for Inviters to ffuner alls A Law for Cleansing the Streets, Lanes and Alleys of this City A Law for the paving the Streets, Lanes & Alleys within the City of New York A Law Against ffiring Guns in the Streets A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle any where but at the Slaughter houses A Law prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law to prohibitt Digging holes, or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for preventing ffrauds in ffirewood A Law Prohibiting Slaughter-houses in the Out ward A Law Estabilishing ffees for the Slaughter houses A Law for Marking of Butter A Law prohibiting the Cutting of Timber on the Commons by Brickmaker[s] and Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating ffences A Law for Regulating Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 137 A Law for the Better Securing the City of New York from the Danger of Gun powder A Law for Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting hoopsticks & Saplings on the Common A Law for Preserving the ffish in ffresh Water pond A Law for the better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Mar ketts in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what Uses, the Seal of this Corporation, the Seal of the ^Mayoralty, and the Seal of the Mayors Court Shall be put Unto A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay, for Estabilishing the Rates of Carting hay, in Trusses and Bundles, and for the Ease of Antient & Disabled Cartmen A Law for Repealing a Clause, in Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask, for Pork, Beef, and ffish [108] A Law to Prohibitt the Exportation of Beef and Pork Untill the Same is Repacked, and Branded by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of ffiremen in the City of New York A Law to Prohibitt Negros, and Other Slaves Amending Indian Corn, Peaches, or any other ffruit within this City A Law Restraining Negros from going to ffetch Water on a Sun day, other then to the next well or pump to the place of their abode and Rideing Horses through the Streets or out of Town on a Sunday A Law for the further Regulating the Publick Marketts within the City of New York A Law for Appointing, Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York A Law for the better preventing the fforestalling of the Provisions Comeing to the Publick Markets of this City Also a Law Entituled a Law to Remove and Prevent Nusances within the City of New York. Made and PubHck [published] the Third day of May Last and to Continue and Remain in full fforce and A^irtue for one Year Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 936 urer to pay to Simon Johnson Esq' Or Order the Sum AVart Issued of fforty two pounds four Shillings and Eight pence Current Money of this Colony in full of his Acct. of Money Disbursed by him for the Repairs of the Publick Marketts as Appears by his Acct which is Audited and Allowed 138 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 937 Treasurer to pay to John Roome or order the Sum of Warr' Issued Twenty pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence Cur rent money of this Colony, ffourteen pounds Eleven Shillings part thereof being in fuH of his Acct for Carpenters Work And MateriaHs ffurnished at the Poor house, and the Remaining Six pounds and three pence to be by him paid to James Davie in full of his Acct for Work likewise done at the Poorhouse & City hall as Appears by their Acc'^ which are Audited and Allowed M' Mayor Left the Chair and the Common Council Continued by the Dep'y Mayor [109] Alderman Johnson from the Committee for Letting the StaHs Standings and places in the Publick Marketts Reported that they had Let the Same, at Publick Vendue on the Twenty Ninth day of October last for one Year from the first day of this Instant November to the first day of November Next to Adolph Brass of this City Cordwainer for the Sum of One hundred and ffive pounds and the Dep'^f Clerk produced to this Board the Leases for the Said StaHs, Standings, and places and proffitts of the Said Marketts and the Bond for perfform- ance of Covenants which were Read and Approved And Ordered that if the Lessee Approve thereof that the Dep'Y Clerk Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto and Sign the Same by order of this Board the Said Lessee Executing his part and him together with Hen drick Brass and George Gordon Executing the Bond for performance of Covenants City of I New Yorkj SS Att a Common Council held, at the City hall of the Said City on Wensday the 19"' day of December Anno Dom 1744 Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq'' Recorder Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ^Esq'^ Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 139 Order'd the Alderman of the South Ward. Cause a New Election of a Constable for the Said Ward in the Room of John Varrick who was Lately Elected and Was Neither ffreeman, nor ffreeholder, and that the Election be to Morrow. [no] City of K„ New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the City hall of the Said City on Wensday the 16"' January Anno Dom. i744[-5] Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ^Esq'^ Aldermen ^Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 938 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger And AA'arr* Issued Doorkeeper of the Common Council or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"' Inst M'? Baker Widow of Richard Baker late Lessee of the fferry & M' Edward Willet Appeared before this Board and Acquainted them that the Said M'^ Baker had Agreed to Surrender her Lease of the fferry to the Corporation, if the Corporation would Lease the Same to the Said Edward Willet upon the Same Terms and Conditions as the Lease to Richard Baker, and Mess'? Adoniah Schuyler and Edward Hicks also Appeared before this Board and Offered themselves as Security for the Said Edward Willet with which this Board Are Satisfyed, And Order'd that the Clerk of this Board prepare a Surrender and also New Leases to the Said Edward Willet for the Remainder of the Term for Which it was Let to the Said Richard Baker and also a Bond 140 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL for perfformance of Conveyance. And Order'd that Alderman John son, Alderman Marshall, Alderman Cortiandt, M' Lawrence, Mf Stout enburgh, and Mf Benson or any four of them be a Committee to See the Said Surrender & Lease Executed [in] Order'd the Bond for performance of Covenants of the Lease of the Docks and Slips of this City to Bartholomew Skaats which Ending the first of May last be DeHvered up, he having performed the Covenants of the Said Lease City of ) „ Att a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 12*'' day of ffebraary Anno Dom i744[-5] Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson , John Pintard John Marshall | Esq'? Aldermen Stephen Van Cortlandt J Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >- Assistants Order'd that the Docks and Slips of this City be Let to ffarm to Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith for the Year Ensueing on the Same Terms and Conditions as it was Let the Last year (Except that he Shall Covenant Not to Suffer Any Vessell or Boat or other thing to lye a Ground in the Fly Markett Slip) And that the Clerk of this Board prepare Leases Accordingly and a Law to prevent the Same Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 939 Treasurer to pay to Bartholomew Skaats or order the Warr* Issued Sum of Two pounds Eighteen Shillings and One penny Current Money of this Colony in full of his Acct for Money Expended in Repairing the Scow of this Corporation as Ap pears by his Act which is Allowed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 141 Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 940 Treasurer to pay to M' Isaac Stoutenburgh Or Order Warr* Issued the Sum of ffive pounds Eight Shillings Current Money of this Colony the Same being by him paid for ffour Extraordinary Watches at Christmass and New Year Last as Ordered by the Mayor and Approved by this Board [112] Order'd that Alderman Roome, Alderman Pintard, Alderman Marshall, M' Depeyster, Mf Lawrence, Mf Brinckerhoff, and Mf Ben son or any five of them be a Committee to Reinspect the Street from the house of John Daly to the house of Ab. Paulding and Also to the house of James Desbrosses and Consider whether it will be necessary to make any Alteration to their fformer Report thereon City of I gg New Yorkj Att a Common Council Held at the House of Hugh Crawford in the Said City on Fryday the Dom 1745. 19*'' day of Aprill Anno -Esqf^ Aldermen ;> Assistants Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor William Roome ^ Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9941 Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and AVarrt Issued Doorkeeper of the Common Council or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"' Instant. Ordered that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Moore Alderman Pin tard, Alderman Marshall, Mf Bogert Mf Depeyster, M' Lawrence, Mf Brinckerhoff and Mf Benson Or any five of them be a Committee to BuHd the Common Sewer at the Lower End of Broad Street with 142 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Stone in Such Manner As they Shall think Convenient. And that they have power to Draw upon the Treasurer of this Corporation for what Money they Shall Want, And that the Same Committee have power to have the Severall Slips Cleansed from [113] Filth And Dirt; And that they also Draw upon the Treasurer for what : Money they Shall Want for doing thereof Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 942. Treasurer to pay to Mf John Roosevelt Or Order the Warr' Issued Sum of Thirty pounds Eight Shillings And three pence Current Money of this Colony in full for his Docking Twenty Nine feet of Ground between the Ground of Benjamin Peck, And the AViddow Garreau in Montgomerie Ward of this City in Lieu of the Like quantity to the Eastward of M' Pecks Ground And Wharfed by him on the Ground of this Corporation. Proposalls of James Parker to be Library Keeper to this Corpora tion were Read in the Words following Vizt Wpiereas the Corporation is possessed of a Valuable Library which May be of very Great Use And Service to the Inhabitants of the Prov ince; but More Especially to those of the City if a Library keeper was Appointed Under proper Regulations, the want of which at present Not only deprives Many persons of the Use of the Said Books, But Subjects the Books to be hurt Or Destroyed by the Dust and paper Worm Wherefore James Parker Printer for this Government Humbly pro poses to Take the Care And Charge of the Said Library As Library keeper during the pleasure of the Corporation on the following Terms And Regulations Vizt i^t That he will Compleat a true and perfect Catalogue of all the Books in the Said Library And Print the Same in a handsome Manner on or before the first day of August next and at the foot of one of the Printed Catalogues will Give his Receipt for the Books therein, to be Lodged with the Corporation. 2^ That he have power to let out the Books to hire at Six pence a Week for Each Book to any person or persons Resideing within this Government that Desire the Same Such Hirers Entring into a Penalty in Double the Value of Each Book with Security if Required to Re turn the Book Safe And Unhurt on or before the End of the Term Limitted. 3^ That No person Shall hire a Book for Less than a Week, Or More than a Month, And that No person be Allowed to have More than three Books at one time. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 143 4't' That all Members and Officers of the Common CouncH be Entituled to the Loan of any Book Gratis And be preferred before all other hirers, they Nevertheless Entring into the Like Penalty with others to Return the Book Borrowed Safe & Unhurt. S't" That he the Library keeper will give his Attendance at the Library at a fixed time once a Week for two hours in Order to Let out and Receive the Books (of which time Publick Notice Shall be Given) And Will also keep a Book of his Proceedings And Proffitts Accrued by the Loan of the Books, which Book the Corporation May Inspect at their pleasure that he will Likewise keep all the Books in Repair at his Own Expence And if Any Book, Or Books Should happen to be lost he will Send for New of the Same Sort in the Room of them, That he [114] Will Print Penall Bills And do every thing above proposed at his Own Expencce without any Charge to the Corporation, he being Entituled to the money Ariseing by the hire or Loan of the Books to his Own Use The above proposalls Are humbly Submitted to the Consideration of the Corporaticn by their Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant. james Parker. Which proposalls were Agreed to by this Board, he making Oath upon his Compleating the Catalogue that the Same is true, & that he wiH Comply with the proposalls to the best of his power. And Ordered the Key of the Library be Delivered to the Said James Parker. City of ) cc -^'^^ ^ Common Council held at the New Yorkj House of Hugh Crawford in the Said City on Fryday the 19"' day of Aprill 1745 P. M. Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D: Mayor Simon Johnson John Pintard [^ Aldermen John Marshall "^ Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh [^Assistants Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson 144 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL M' Brandt Schuyler Surveyor of this City Returned a Chart of the Land Agreed to be Granted to Peter Warren Esqf which is Approved off by this Board And Ordered the D : Clerke of this Board prepare a Draft of a Grant of the Land Described in the Said Chart to the Said Peter Warren Esq' his heirs and Assigns Reserving a pepper Corn ^ Annum Rent for the first Seven Years and four pound ^ Annum for ever after And Lay the Same Draft before this Board at the Next Meeting. [115] Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 943. Treasurer to pay to Teunis Tiebout Or Order the Sum Warr' Issued of Four pounds Current Money of this Colony to Enable him to put the Well Next the Watch house in Good Repair And to put a pump therein. The Committee Appointed the fifioenth day of October Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accompts And all other pubhck Ac compts of this Corporation Made their Report upon the Audit of the Treasurers Books and Accompts in the Words following (to witt) City of New York ss We the Subscribers being the Committee ap pointed on the fifteenth day of October last to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corpora tion, Do in Obedience to the Said Appointment Report that we have this day Carefully perused and Examined the Books and Accounts of the Said Treasurer from the fourteenth day of October One Thou sand Seven hundred and forty three to the fourteenth day of Octo ber last And it Appears to us by the Said Books As also by the An nexed Account that there was in the hands of the Said Treasurer be longing to this Corporation On the fourteenth day of October last the Sum of Six hundred and Twelve pounds four Shillings And Seven pence. The Committee humbly Refers for farther particulars to the An nexed Account and to the Report of the Committee of Accounts Re ported or Dated February the 13'^ 1743 from yf humble Servants. S: Johnson, John Moore, Step. V Cortlandt, Joris Brinckerhoff Rob' Benson Nich? Bayard March i=t 1744: Which Report is: Approved And Ordered that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Cortlandt, M' Bo gert M' Brinckerhoff And M' Bayard or any three of them be a Com mittee to Examine what debts, due to the Corporation are Good and May be Recoverable, and what are bad and those they Conceive bad to baHance Such Accounts in the Treasurers Books And to Direct the Deputy Clerk to put Such In Suit as they Shall Think proper. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 145 The Draft of a Law Entituled A Law to prevent the Slip at the End of the Drain or Common Sewer from the Markett Com monly Called the Fly Markett to the East River Becoming a Nusance was Read in the Words following Vizt Whereas the Corpo ration of the City of New York, have at a Very Great Expence Made a Drain or Common Sewer from the Markett Commonly Called the Fly Markett into the East River but by the Lying of Sloop Boats Scows Sparrs and other things in the Slip near the Mouth of the Said Drain at Low Water the Mud, Dirt and filth which Comes through the Said Drain is stop't and prevented from being Carried into the Said River So that the Same (Unless prevented) will become a Very Great Nusance for preventing- whereof [116] Be it Ordained By the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen And Assistants of the City of New York, Convened in Common Councill And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same That from and after the first day of may next No Ship Sloop, Boat, flatt Scow, perriauger Cannoo or Other Vessell whatsoever Or any Mast Yard Spar or other Timber or Lumber; do Lye AGround in the Slip Aforesaid which Leads from the Aforesaid Draiii or Common Sewer into the East River Under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings for Every Tide or Shorter time Any Ship, Sloop. Boat flatt Scow, perriauger, Cannoo or other Vessell And for every Mast. Yard Spar piece of Timber or Lumber Shall So Lye A Ground in the Said Slip to be paid by the Owner or possessor of Such Ship. Sloop. Boat, flatt. Scow, perriauger Cannoo or other Vessell or of Such Spar Mast Yard piece of Timber or Lumber So lying a Ground as aforesaid provided always that Nothing herein Contained Shall be Construed to take away or Abridge the Dock Master or ffarmer of the Docks and Slips of this City from Receiving the fees by Law Appointed for all Ships, Sloops, Boats, flatts. Scows, perriaugers, Cannoos, Or other A''essells that Shall Come into or Lye in the Aforesaid Slip And Be it further Ordained by the Same Authority That No Ship. Sloop. flatt. Scow, or other Vessell or Lumber whatsoever Shall Lye in the Aforesaid Slip at any time Afloat So as to Shut up the Same Or pre vent Boats Coming into and Going out of the Said Slip Under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings for every Offence the One half of all which Penalties and forfeitures Shall be paid to the Church Wardens of the Said City for the Use of the poor thereof And the other half to Such person or persons As will Sue and prosecute for the Same be fore the Mayor, Recorder or Any One of the Aldermen of the Said City. Which Law was Approved by this Board and after the Ringing Vol. v.— 10 146 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of three Bells was published and Ordered the Same Continue in force till the Twelfth day of November next And Ordered that the Same Law be printed and Affixed up in PubHck places and that Each of the Members have one [117] Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as follow eth A^izt A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh o'*' : 11/2°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh i : 8 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh 3 : i for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Coursest bran only . ) ^ , „ , . , T-T , ,1 • , • 1 M : i^ for four pence taken out and Not otherwise to weigh, j - -> AVheat at three Shillings And Six pence ^ Bushell And Ordered that no Other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biskett Only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize And all Bakers Within this City are hereby Required to take Notice thereof and Make their Bread Accordingly. Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 944 Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Over- Warrt Issued seer of the Watch Or Order the Sum of Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings Current Money of this Col ony Or Order for him to pay the Same to the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they watched from the 14"' of October to the 14**' of Aprill Instant Inclusive. Order'd that Alderman Pintard, Alderman Marshall, Alderman Cortlandt, M' Stoutenburgh M' Lawrence, M' Brinckerhoff and M' Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to have the Goals and City Hall Repaired and Cleansed in the Most Effectuall Manner and that they Draw upon the Treasurer of this Corporation for Such Money as they Shall Want for the doing thereof. Order'd that in Case of Any Emergency that Cannot at present be foreseen by Reason of the City being Attacked by an Enemy Or by Reason of any other Unforeseen Accident, That the Deputy Clerk of this Board Use his best Endeavours to Secure the Records of this City by Removing them to Such place Within this Province as he Shall Think most Safe and proper. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK M7 Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants [ii8] City of ) „„ Att a Common CouncHl Held at the New York ( City Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 26'^' of ApriH 1745. Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep'Y Mayor Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard A Petition to the Generall Assembly for the better fortifying this City was proposed and a Draft thereof prepared which Was Read in the words following. "Vizt To the Honourable the Generall Assem bly of the Colony of New York, The Humble Petition of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill Sheweth That it is with the Utmost Satisfaction and Sense of Gratitude Your Petitioners Reflect on the paternall Care and Becoming Zeal which which his Excellency Our Cap'? Generall has from time to time Recommended to this Honourable House the press ing Necessity of putting this City as the whole Colony into the best posture of Defence for the preservation thereof And particularly by that Seasonable Message of the Seventeenth Instant And It is with Equall Gratitude we observe and Reflect upon the Resolutions of the Hon ourable Councill And of this Flonourable House thereupon But as Most of the Inhabitants are Apprehensive that Not Only they but the Colony in Generall are Exposed to Great and Imminent Dangers by Our present Defenceless Condition, We humbly Crave Leave to become Suitors to this Honourable House in behalf of Ourselves and Our fel low Citizens that Such Speedy And Effectuall Measures May be Taken in the premisses As the Absolute Necessity and [119] Great Im portance the present Conjuncture of Affairs Do Require. And Your Petitioners as in Duty Bound Shall Ever pray &c Which was Approved by this Board And Ordered the Same be forthwith Engrossed, and the Same was Engrossed Accordingly And Signed by the Members present and by them presented to the Speaker. 148 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Lease of the Docks and Slips of this City to Bartholomew Skaats for one year from the first day of May next was produced to this Board by the Deputy Clerk which was Read and Approved And Ordered that the Deputy Clerk Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Counterpart thereof and Sign the Same by Order of this Board upon the Said Bartholomew Skaats Executing his part and Giving Se curity for performance of Covenants • City of ) ec ^^T a Common Councill at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 30"' of Aprill 1745 Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor William Roome ^ Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >Esq'? Aldermen :> Assistants The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Drt of a Grant of a piece or parcell of Land of Ten Acres in the Bowry to Peter War ren Esq which was Read and Approved And Ordered the Same be Engrossed And that the Deputy Clerk Affix the Seal of this Corpo ration thereto and Sign the Same by Order of this Board upon the Said Peter Warren or his Attorney thereunto Authorized Executing the Counterpart thereof Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 945 : Treasurer to pay to Richard Nicholls D : Clerke of Warr' Issued, this City Or Order the Sum of fforty three pounds four Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 149 for the Clerks fees on Granting 144 Licences to Retailers of Strong Liquors from the 25'*' of March 1744 to this day. [120] Order'd that a Streight Line be Drawn from the South Corner of the House of Mf Augustus Jay now in the Occupation of Peter Warren Esqf to the North Corner of the House of Archibald Ken nedy fronting the Bowling Green in the Broad Way, And that Mf William Smith who is now about to Build a House (and all other per sons who Shall Build between the Said Two Houses) lay their foun dations and Build Conformable to the aforesaid Streight Line City of I New York I SS Present Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 4"' day of June 1745. Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder Simon Johnson John Moore John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >-Esqf! Aldermen Assistants The Petition of Cornelia Deforrest was Read Setting forth that there is a Vacant Lott to the Eastward of her Dwelling House which would be Very Convenient for her to Build on And praying this Board to Grant her a Lease of the Said Vacant Lott on a Small Quitt Rent, Whereupon It is Ordered That Alderman Marshall and Al derman A^'an Cortlandt Mf Stoutenburgh and Mf Benson Or any three of them be a Committee to Examine into the Allegations of the Peti tion And Make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Expe dition upon what Terms and Conditions and for what Term of years the Same Ought to be Leased »5o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [121] City of ) New Yorkj ^^ Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 2? day of July Anno Dom 1745. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor William Roome John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff !-Esqff Aldermen Assistants N? 946. War" Issued Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Doorkeeper of the Common Council Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters SaHary which will be due and Ending the 14"' Instant. Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesant, Alderman Roome, Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall, M' Depeyster, M' Lawrence and M' Brinckerhoff or any five of them be a Committee (taking M' Schuyler And M' Marschalck to their Assistance) to Examine into M' Pro voosts Title to Land he Claims which is Leased to Matthew M=Quire And to Make a Draft of M' Provoosts Land and of the Land Leased to the Said M'^Quire and to Make their Report to this Board with all Con venient Expedition. Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 947. urer to pay to Cornelius Van Horne Or Order the Warr' Issued Sum of One pound two Shillings and Nine pence Cur rent Money of this Colony for 350 Drest Shingles Sold for the Use of this Corporation in the year 1742 : As Appears by his Account which is Allowed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 151 Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas- N? 948: urer to pay to James Mills or Order the Sum of Warr' Issued Eleven pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eleven pence Current Money of this Colony in full for Emptying the Ordure Tubbs to the first day of May last. And for Victualling John Shaw Two French Prisoners and Hannover a Negro Man As Appears by his Accounts which is Allowed. [122] City of ) ^(, Att a Common Council Held at the New Yorkj City Hall of the Said City on Wednesday the lo't" of July 1745 : Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant AVilliam Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt John Marshall Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard >-Esq'-'^ Aldermen ^Assistants. Mf Mayor Acquainted this Board That his Excellency the Gov ernour had Received an Express with the Most Agreable News of the Surrender of Cape Breton to his jMajesties Fleet And Forces Where upon this Board in Order to Express their Great Joy on that happy Event Order'd that Mf De Joncourt be Directed to provide a Han- some Dinner for this Board And that His Excellency the Governour the Members of the Councill and Members of Assembly of this City with the Field Officers be Invited to Dine with this Board and that Alderman Pintard Mf Depeyster and M' Brinckerhoff Order a Bon fire to be prepared without Spring Garden in the Evening and that they Order Twenty Gallons of Good Wine to the Bonfire 152 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City ^'f ? ss New Yorkj Present Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Thursday the Eighteenth day of July Anno DoiTT 1745 : Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder William Roome >Esq'? Aldermen ¦ Assistants Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard Order'd the Seal of this Corporation be Affixed to an Approba tion of an Agreement dated this day between Hendrick Remson and this Corporation and a Warrant of Attorney [123] from this Corporation to Joseph Murray, James Alexander & John Chambers Esqf? Empower ing them to do and Execute all things touching the Said Agreement. Ordered that Garret Keteltass &c Executors of Abraham Ketel- tass Cause the Street before the Corner Lott in Street and the Lott from the Smith's Shop to Bro^yers to be forthwith paved. City of ^gg New Yorkj Present Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the Said City on Munday the Thirtieth day of September Anno Dotii 1745 (the Feast of S' Michael the Arch Angell falling upon Sunday) Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Dep'^ Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Moore John Pintard John Marshall Stephen A''an Cortlandt Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff ^Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 153 Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor, Aldermen And Commonalty of the City of New York for Electing this day One Alderman, One Assistant. Two Assessors One Collector and Two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of ffresh Water And One Alderman, One Assistant, four Assessors, Two Collectors and four Constables for the Out Ward of the Said City to Serve in their Respective Offices for the year Ensueing. the Respect ive Aldermen of Each Respective Ward made Return this day into the Office of Town Clerk Under their hands of the Severall persons Elect ed to Serve in the Severall Offices aforesaid A^izt East Ward [1 24 J West AVard Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector [ Constables Alderman Assistant t Assessors Collector Constables ''Simon Johnson Esq' Samuell Lawrence David Provost Henry Cuyler Jun' Bartholomew Skaats Daniel Shatford Peter De Grove ^William Roome Esq' Henry Bogert John Brewer Abraham Fincher Joseph Devoe William Smith William Richardson Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Alderman Isaac Stoutenburgh Assistant Peter Lott K William Vredenburgh ( Richard Waldron Collector Samuell Boyer )„ ^ , , „ T^^ , , ¦ "-Constables George Dobbins j '^Brandt Schuyler Esqf Alderman Abraham Depeyster Assistant Peter Low ) . South Ward ^ Henry Lawrence j John Robinson Collector Moses Clements )„ ,, William Donaldson j North Ward < 154 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward [125] ^ ^John Pintard Esqf Alderman George Brinckerhoff Assistant Henry Lane ^ John Livingston Peter Van Duersen Andrew Varick Daniel Ager ''John Marshall Esqf Robert Benson Cornelius Van Rants William Depeyster Daniel Lawrence John Bogert John Gilbert 'Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Nicholas Bayard John Minthorne Jacobus Kip Herman Van De Water Out Ward -< Isaac Webbers David Devoor Abraham Myers Aaron Bussing WilHam Waldron Adolph Myer Junf John Roome Resolved Nemine Contra Dicente That Cornelius Depeyster Esq' the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected And Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs The Deputy Mayor hath Appointed John Gilbert to be High Con stable of this City for the year Ensueing. Order'd the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward. Do Cause a New Election of Constables for the Said Ward in the Room of John Gil bert High Constable and of John Bogert who is one of the Troopers And that the Election be on Thursday next. Order'd that the Clerk of this Board prepare Advertizements to be publickly Affixed up for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls Stand- [ Assessors Collector [ Constables AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector [ Constables AldermanAssistant Assessors CollectorConstables Assessors CollectorConstables For >- Bowry Divisi( For >- Harlem Division OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 155 ings and places in the Publick Marketts at the House of the Widow Baker at four a Clock in the Afternoon on the 22"^ of October next for one year from the first day of November next And that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman Van Cortlandt M' Lawrence and Mf Benson Or any three of them with As Many more of this Board as please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Condi tions As they Shall Judge proper Orderd that Mf John Marschalk have Liberty at his Own Expence to Make Such Conveniences as he Shall think proper in the Meal Mar kett for storing the Meal brought to Markett there And providing Scales and Weights for Weighing the Same. And to Receive a Rea sonable Reward for Storing and AVeighing the Same. [126] City of K(^ New Yorkj Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Monday the ffourteenth day of October Anno Domini 1745- s-Esq'? Aldermen :> Assistants. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep'^ Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard This Day Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Deputy Mayor of this City According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation (Stephen Bayard Esqf who Continues Mayor by Virtue of the Said Charter — no Mayor Sherif or Coroner having been Appointed by his Excellency the Governour he being Gone to Albany on the 29*1' day of September last — and also the Recorder being Ab sent) Administered the Oaths Appointed to be Taken by Act of Par liament Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and the Usuall Oaths for the due Executing of 156 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Esqf? Aldermen of the City of New York and Justices of the Peace for the City & County of New York. their Respective offices Unto the Respective Magistrates and Officers following Vizt William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard [127] CorneHus Depeyster Esqf Treasurer — Sick John Gilbert High Constable > Assistants of the City of New York East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division Constables Sworn Viz* ^Daniel Shatford Anthony Ham Dep'y ) Peter De Grove ^WiHiam Smith — fined f William Richardson (Samuell Boyer I George Dobbins (Moses Clements — Ex: ) WilHam Donaldson (Andrew Varick i Daniel Ager (Isaac Stagg ) Anthony Glen (Isaac Webbers Matthew Wool Dep'y Enoch Hunt Dep'^ ) David Devoor — Ex j Adolph Myer Jun' )John Roome — Ex. Resolved and Ordered That Mf William Smith who was Lately Chosen and Elected a Constable of the West Ward and who has Re fused to Serve in the Said Office Do pay a fine into the hands of the Treasurer of this Corporation, of Ten pounds Current Money of this Colony And that the Alderman of the Said West Ward Cause a New Election of a Constable of the Said Ward in the Room of the Said WHliam Smith And the Election be on Saturday next. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 157 Ordered the Alderman of the South Ward Cause a New Election of a Constable of the Said Ward in the Room of Moses Clements who is Neither a ffreeman nor ffreeholder in this City and that the Election be on ffryday next. Ordered the Alderman of the Out Ward Cause a New Election of A Constable for the Bowry Division of the Out Ward in the Room of David Devoor who is Neither a ffreeman Nor ffreeholder and also Another Constable for Harlem Division in the Room of John Roome who has Served that office within fifteen Years past And that the Election be on Saturday next [128] Order'd That Alderman Johnson, Alderman Cortlandt Alder man Schuyler. Mf Depeyster, M' Brinckerhoff Mf Benson and Mf Bay ard Or any four of them be a Committee to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation. And Make their Report On the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts with all Convenient Expedition, & that the Same Committee Examine what Debts due to the Corporation are Good and Recoverable And what are bad. And those they Conceive bad to Ballance Such Accounts in the Treasurers Books and to Direct the Deputy Clerk to put Such in Suit as they Shall think proper. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 949 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Wart Issued keeper of the Common Council or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which is due and Ending this Day. City of ) „j, Att a Common Council Held at the New Yorkj City Hall of the City of New York on Tuesday the Fifteenth day of October Anno DoTTT 1745. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D: Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Assistants George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Esq'? Aldermen '58 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 5/2 12: for two pence for four pence 7 : for four pence Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Viz* A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. .0'*' : io>^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . i : A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . 2 : A Wheaten Loaf the Course Bran only) Taken out and Not otherwise to Weigh j And Order'd that No other Bread be Made for Sale within this City (hard Biscuit only Excepted) than According to the above Assize and that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof [129] And make their Bread Accordingly Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to N° 950 the Treasurer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer Warr* Issued of the Watch of this City or Order the Sum of fforty three pounds One Shilling and Eight pence Current Money of this Colony, Twenty four pounds Sixteen Shillings And Seven pence part thereof being the full Ballance of his Account for his Years Sallary as Overseer of the Watch and for fire and Candle fur nished for the Same to the 14 Instant, Three pounds five Shillings and One penny other part thereof being for his Account for Smith's Work done to the City Hall As Appears by his Accounts which are Allowed And the Remaining fifteen pounds being to Enable him to Purchase fire Wood and Candles for the Watch for the year Ensueing. Thomas Wenman 'Sworn Dep*^ Constable to SamueH Boyer of the North Ward City of ) gg New Yorkj Present Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the fifth day of November Anno Dom 1745 Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Isaac Stoutenburgh George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 159 Be it Ordained b}- the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws, Or ders and Ordinances of this Corporation, which on the Twelfth day of November last Were Made, Ordained, Renewed Estabilished, and Published be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and A'^irtue from and after the date hereof A^izt A Law for the Observation of the Lords day Called Sunday A Law to Prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City [130] A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire A Law for Marking of Bread. A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient Hiring of Slaves. A Law for Regulating of Negros and other Slaves in the Night time. A Law Restraining Negros nid Indians from Gaming with Money or for Moneys, A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for Punishing of Slaves, who Shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets. A Law Giving a Reward to any person or persons who Shall Ap prehend any Negro, Molatto or Indian Slave Offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province. A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen. A Law for Regulating of Packers, Guagers and Cullers A Law^ Regulating the Making freemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of A^essells, in the Docks and Slips of this City A Law for Preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the Docks of this City Regulations for Paying Dock Money. A Law Prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating and Estabilishing fees for Inviters to ffuner- aHs A Law for Cleaning the Streets, Lanes and Allies of this City A Law for Paving the Streets Lanes and Allies within the City of New York. i6o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law Against Firing Guns in the Streets A Law Against killing Neat Cattle anywhere but at the Slaughter Houses A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law to Prohibitt Digging Holes or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for Preventing frauds in ffirewood. [131] A Law Prohibiting Slaughter Houses in the Out Ward A Law Estabilishing fees for the Slaughter Houses. A Law for Marking of Butter A Law Prohibiting the Cutting of Timber on the Commons by Brick Makers and Charcoal Burners. A Law for Regulating ffences A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York. A Law for the better Securing the City of New York from the Danger of Gunpowder. A Law Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting Hoop Sticks and Saplings on the Commons, A Law for Preserving the ffish in ffresh Water Pond. A Law for Better Regulating and Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what Uses, the Seal of the Corporation the Seal of the Mayoralty and the Seal of the Mayors Court Shall be put Unto. A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay, for EstabiHshing the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses and Bundles And for the Ease of Antient and Disabled Carmen. A Law Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relateing to the Assize of Cask, for Pork Beef and ffish A Law to Prohibitt the Exportation of Beef, And Pork Untill the Same is Repacked and Branded by the Sworn Packers. A Law for Regulating And Declaring the Duty of Firemen in the City of New York, A Law to Prohibitt Negros and other Slaves Vending Indian Corn Peaches or any other fruit within this City. A Law Restraining Negros from Going to fetch Water on a Sunday other than to the next Well or Pump to the place of their Abode and Riding Horses through the Streets or out of Town on a Sunday. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK i6i A Law for the further Regulating the Publick Marketts whithin the City of New York. A Law for Appointing Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night AVatch in the City of New York [132] A Law for the Better preventing the fforestalling of Provisions Comeing to the Publick Marketts of this City A Law to Remove and Prevent Nusances in the City of New York Also a Law Entituled a Law to prevent the Slip at the End of the Drain or Common Sewer from the Markett Commonly CaHed the Fly Markett to the East River becoming a Nusance, made and Published the Nineteenth day of Aprill Last and to Continue and Remain in full force and Virtue for one Year. Order'd the Mayor, Issue his Warrant to the N? 951 : Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer Warrt Issued, of the Watch or Order the Sum of Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony in Or der for him to pay the Same to the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they AA''atched from the 14"' of Aprill to the 14"' of October last Inclusive. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 952. urer to pay to John BaHy Publick Whipper of this Warrt Issued. City or Order the Sum of Six pounds Current Money of this Colony on Acct of his Sallary which is Agreed to be Sixteen pounds ^,< Annum And which Commenced the 15"' day of August Last. Order'd that the Severall Tanners who have Already or Shall here after Digg pitts at Fresh Water for the Benefitt of Water may for the future Enjoy the Benefitt thereof During the pleasure of this Corpora tion, And that No other person or persons Do Presume to Deprive them thereof Order'd that Alderman Johnson Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler, M' Depeyster and M' Bayard or any three of them be a Committee (they Desiring the assistance And opinion of the Chief Justice, the Recorder, M' Alexander & Mf Murray) to Examine into the present Charter of this City and wherein the Same May be Amended Or altered for the Benefitt and Advantage of the City in Generall and to Make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Ex pedition. Vol. v.— II l62 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [133] City of [g New Yorkj ' SS Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 22* day of November Anno DoIiT 1745 : Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant ^ Simon Johnson „ ..= a 1 . >Esq'? Aldermen. : I > Assistants Stephen [Van] Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson ¦:; Nicholas Bayard Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 953- urer to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf Or Order the Sum W^arr* Issued, of Twenty Nine pounds Eight Shillings and one penny Current Money of New York, being for Money by him Advanced for Cleansing the Slip at the Fly Markett and Repairs done at the Meal Markett As Appears by his Ace' which is Allowed. Order'd that the Keeper of the Magazine Cause to be forthwith Made Twenty four Leather Baggs in Order to Cover all Casks of Powder from Or to the Said Magazine And that No Carman or other person presume to Carry any powder, but what Shall be Covered with Such Baggs and that the Keeper of the Magazine Do not Presume to Deliver out or Receive into the Magazine Any powder but what Shall be So Covered, And that the Said Keeper Receive One penny for the Use of Each of the Said Baggs or Covers. Order'd That Alderman Johnson, Alderman Pintard, Alderman Schuyler, M' Lawrence M' Brinckerhoff And Mf Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to Examine the Slip from the Drain at the End of the Fly Markett And if they Conceive it will be no Inconvenience to the Said Slip to have a pair of Stairs therein for the More Convenient Landing of people And Goods Coming to the Markett That the Said Committe Give Leave to the Neighbourhood to Build a Convenient pair of Stairs in the Said Slip at their Own Expence As the Said Com mittee Shall Think proper. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 163 [134] City of I Att a Common Council Held at the City New York ^ Hall of the Said City on Wensday the 4*^ day of December Anno DoTTT 1745. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor. W^illiam Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Flenry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson !>Esq'? Aldermen. J ;- Assistants Order'd that Teunis Tiebout Junf Blockmaker be and is hereby Appointed a ffireman for the East Ward in the Room of his Father: John Tiebout who Desired Leave to DecHne, and that Garret Abra hamse Baker be and is also Appointed a Fireman for the Same Ward in the Room of Jacobus Montaine And that William Clarke be and is Appointed a Fireman for the Dock Ward. The Mayor Withdrew and the Common Council Continued by the Deputy Mayor. Alderman Johnson from the Committee for Letting the Stalls, Standings and places in the Publick Marketts Reported that they had Let the Same at PubHck Vendue the Twenty Second day of October last for one year from the first day of November last to the first day of November next to Adolph Brass of this City Cordwainer for the Sum of One hundred And Six pounds, And Order'd that the Dep'Y Clerk prepare Leases on the Same Conditions as the Leases the Last year And that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto And Sign the Same By order of this Board The Said Lessee Executing his part and also a Bond with Security for performance of Covenants. Order'd that for the future the City Watch Consist of No More than Seven Men And a Constable And that No person belonging to the Militia that Mount Guard in the Night be put upon the City Watch, during the time they so Mount Guard 164 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [135] Order'd that the Inhabitants of the West Ward have Liberty to Make An Addition of Twenty One feet at the North End of the Mar kett in the Broad way City of I gg New Yorkj Present :>Esq'^ Aldermen Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Fryday the Third day of January Anno DoiiT 1745/6 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor : Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh >- Assistants Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to N9954 the Treasurer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Warrt Issued. Doorkeeper of the Common Council Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarter's Sallary which will be due and Ending the 14'*' Instant. Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to N° 955. the Treasurer to pay to Johannes Myer one of the Warr' Issued Marshalls of this City Or Order the Sum of Six pounds Current Money of this Colony for his Extraor dinary Services done for this Corporation. Order'd that Cornelius Van Rants be and is hereby N° 956 Appointed One of the ffiremen of Montgomerie Ward Warr' Issued in the Room of Martin Bogert who is Gone to Sea Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Or Order the Sum of Ten pounds Current Money of this Colony to be by him Employ'd to- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 165 wards finishing the Publick Well Near the House of Mf Bohenna be tween the North and Montgomerie Wards [136] City of ^ gg Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the Said City on Tuesday the 7"' day of January Anno DoTn 1745 [-6] Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lav/rence Joris Brinckerhoff' Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard > Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants Order'd that. Alderman Cortlandt, Alderman Schuyler & M' Brinckerhoff Wait on the Members of [for] this City and Desire the favour of them that when any thing Shall be Moved or offered in the Generall Assembly that May any Ways Affect or in Any Manner Abridge the City Charter, By Laws or any of the Rights and privi ledges of the City that the Corporation may have the favour of having Notice thereof. So that they May have an Opportunity of being Heard by themselves or their Councill Order'd that Alderman Johnson. Alderman Cortlandt. Alderman Schuyler. Mf Lawrence and Mf Bayard or any three of them Desire the Attornies of the Mayors Court Appointed by his Majesties Royall Charter to this Corporation to Give their Opinions at the next Mayors Court Whether all the Attornies of the Supream Court Ought to be Admitted to Practice As Attornies in the Mayors Court of this City, by Virtue of a Clause in An Act of Generall Assembly passed Last Sessions Entituled An Act to Amend the Practice of the Law and to Regulate the Giving of Speciall Bail Orderd the Dep'y Clerk of this Board Affix the Seal of the Corpora tion to the Lease for the Stalls, Standings and places of the Publick 1 66 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Marketts to Adolph Brass ReExecuting the Counterpart and Cjiving Security for performance of Covenants [137] City of ) ^ Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Saturday the first of February 1745/6 Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder. Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence > Esq'^ Aldermen Isaac Stoutenburgh Robert Benson Joris Brinckerhoff >- Assistants Mf Mayor produced to this Board a Copy of a Petition preferred to the Generall Assembly by the Trustees of the Township of Brook land which Copy was Delivered him by the Clerk of the Generall Assembly Whereupon this Board Ordered That the Mayor be Desired to Give Daniel Horsmanden and Joseph Murray Esq'? five pounds Twelve Shillings Each As a Retainer for this Corporation And that he Desire them to Appear for this Corporation before the Generall Assembly Assoon as Conveniently May be and Oppose the Granting the Prayer of that Petition by Such Arguments as they Shall Think Most proper : Order'd the Deputy Clerk Deliver to John Carpenter the Counter part of his Lease for the Stalls, Standings and places in the Publick Marketts which Ended the first of November 1744. with his Bond for performance of Covenants it appearing by the Chamberlain's Certificate that he has paid his Rent for the Same Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas- N9 957 urer to pay to Margaret M<=Donnell Or Order the Sum Warrt Issued of Three pounds Current Money of this Colony in full for her Care and Trouble in Nursing the Son of EHza beth Dally in the Small pox. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 167 Order'd That Alderman Johnson, Alderman MarshaH M' Lawrence and Mf Brinckerhoff be a Committee to Remove the Nusance at the Lower End of Wall Street Opposite to the Widow Bakers in Such Manner As they Shall Think Convenient. [138] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the Said City on Fryday the 28'^ day of ffebraary Anno DoTTT 1745 [-6]. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Alayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard ^Esq'-? Aldermen Assistants The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the South Ward of this City for Leave to Build a Markett House at their Own Expence at the East End of Pearle Street and a Slip for Boats Or Canoos at the West End was Read and Order'd that the Petitioners have Leave to Build a Mar kett House at their Own Expence on Such place and of Such Demen- sions As Shall be Directed by Alderman Roome Alderman Pintard Alderman Schuyler, Mf Bogert. M' Depeyster & Mf Brinckerhoff Or any four of them the Same Markett to be Under the Same Regulations as the other Publick Marketts in this City And that the Petitioners have Leave at their Own Expence to Make a Slip at the West End of Pearle Street to Extend to Low Water Mark and no further Order'd the Bond for performance of Covenants of the Lease of the Docks and Slips of this City to Bartholomew Skaats from May 1744 to May 1745 : be Delivered up to him he having performed his Covenants 1 68 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL in the Lease And Oijder'd that the Dock and Slips be again Lett to the Said Bartholomew Skaats for one Year from the first day of May next on the Same Terms and Conditions As the Same was Lett the Last year And that the Clerk of this Board prepare Leases Accordingly. [139] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? 958 Treasurer to pay to John Baily Publick Whipper of this Warr' Issued City or Order Forty Shillings Current Money of this Colony being the Remainder of his half years Sallary which was due to him the 15"' day of this Instant ffebraary. Order'd that the Alderman of the Out Ward Cause a New Election of a Constable for the Bowry Division in the Room of David Devoor who has Served that Office within fourteen Years Last past and that the Election be on Monday next A Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Montgomerie Ward for Leave to Build a Markett House in Rodman's Slip at their Own Expence was Again Read And Order'd that the Petitioners have Leave to Build a Markett House at their Own Expence in Such place and of Such Demensions As Shall be Directed by the Alderman and Assistants of the East Ward North Ward and Montgomerie Ward or any four of them The .Said Markett to be Under the Same Regulations as the other Publick Marketts of this City. City of ) c:c Att a Common Council Held at the City New York j Hall of the Said City, on Fryday the 4'^ day of Aprill Anno DoTiT 1746: Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor AVilliam Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler ^Esqf? Aldermen Henry Bogert SamueH Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff" Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 169 Order'd That Mf Murray be Retained as Councill for the Recovery of the Debts due to the Corporation And the ]\Iayor is Desired to Waite on him and Give him four Pistoles as a Retaining fee. The Committee Appointed the fourteenth day of October Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books And Accounts and all other Publick Ac counts of this Corporation, Made their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts in the Words following Vizt City of New York ss We the Subscribers being the Committee Appointed on the ffourteenth day of October Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation, and to Examine what Debts due to the Corporation are good and Recoverable [140] and what are bad; And to Ballance those they Conceive bad in the Treasurers Books Do in Obedience to the Said Appointment Report That we have this day Carefully Perused and Examined the Books and Accounts of the Said Treasurer from the fourteenth day of Octo ber One Thousand Seven hundred and forty four to the fourteenth day of October Last And it Appears to us by the Said Books (as Mention'd by the Annexed Account) that there was in the hands of the Said Treasurer belonging to this Corporation on the Fourteenth day of October Last the Sum of One Thousand two Hundred Fifty Seven pounds Eighteen Shillings and Eleven pence; And that there is due and Oweing to this Corporation from the Severall persons in the Annexed Account particularly Mentioned which they Conceive to be Recoverable, and which they have Order'd the Deputy Clerk to De mand and on Non payment to prosecute for the Sum of One Thousand pounds Four Shillings and three farthings. And that there is also Due and Oweing to this Corporation by the Severall persons also particu larly Mention'd in the Annexed Account which they Conceive to be bad Debts the Sum of One Thousand Four Hundred & Sixty Six pounds Eleven ShiHings and Eight pence half penny, which Accounts We have Order'd the Treasurer to Ballance in the Books of this Cor poration. All which is Nevertheless Humbly Submitted By S : Johnson, Brandt Schuyler, A D Peyster, Joris Brinckerhoff: New York 3? Aprill 1746. AVhich Report is Approved off and Ordered to be fyled Order'd the Mayor be Desired to Wait On Daniel Horsmanden And Joseph Murray Esq'? And that he Desire them to Appear for this Cor poration before the Generall Assembly And to Oppose the Passing a Bill Brought in thereby the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookland Concerning the fferry of this Corporation And also to Oppose the pass- lyo MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ing An Act for Taking Affidavits in the Country to be made Use of in the Supream Court of this Colony and Impowering the Attorneys of the Supream Court to Practice in the Mayors Court of the City of New York [141J City of ^gg New Yorkj Att a Common Council Held at the City HaH of the Said City on Tuesday the is"" day of Aprill Anno DoTTT 1746. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Esq'? Aldermen >? Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N?9S9 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Warr' Issued, keeper of the Common Councill or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which was due And Ending the 14'? Instant Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Viz' 11%' I. ¦ for a penny for two pence for four pence 13 : for four pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . .0" A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . . i A V/hite Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . 3 A Wheaten Loaf the Course bran Only) Taken Out and Not Otherwise to Weight And Order'd That No other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biscuit only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize and that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof and make their Bread Accordingly. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 171 It being Represented that the Poor House is too Small to Contain all the Poor Commodiously Resolved that the Said Poor House be En larged and Order'd that Alderman Roome, Alderman Johnson Alder man Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler, M' Bogert M' Brinckerhoff and M' Bayard or any four of them be a Committee to Consider in what Man ner the Poor House Can be Most Commodiously Enlarged, to Make a plan thereof and to make their Report to this Board with all Con venient Expedition, & that the Same Committee have power to Agree with Mf Humphry Jones [142] for the Rope Walk (which Cap' Thody formerly had) And that if they Cannot Agree with him that they Let the Same to any other person Either at Publick Vendue Or otherwise City of ) „j^ Att a Common Council Held at the City New York j Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 9"' day of May Anno DoTTT 1746. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep*? Mayor WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ;>Esqf? Aldermem > Assistants The Committee Appointed the 15*'' of April Last to Consider in what Manner the Poor House Can be most Commodiously Enlarged and to Make a plan thereof Produced to this Board a plan which is Agreed to by this Board & Order'd that the Same Committee forthwith Purchase Materialls and Agree AVith Workmen for Building and Compleating the said Enlargement And that the said Committee have power to draw Upon the Treasurer from time to time for Such Sums of Money as they Shall Want for the Same Not Exceeding Two Hundred pounds Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 960 Treasurer to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf or Order the Warr* Issued. Sum of ffour pounds Current Money of this Colony to be by him paid to John Baily Publick Whipper of this 172 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City in full for one Quarter of a Years SaHary which will be due and Ending the 15*'' Instant [143] City of ) New Yorkl Present SS Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Wednesday the 4*'' day of June Anno Dorii 1746 : Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stu3'vesant Esqf D : Mayor WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff" Robert Benson -Esq'? Aldermen :- Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 961 urer to pay to M' George Duncan Clerk of the GeneraH Warr' Issued Assembly of this Colony or Order the Sum of One pound Thirteen ShiHings Current Money of this Colony for Sundry Services done for this Corporation As appears by his Account which is AHowed. Order'd That the Committee Appointed the first of ffebraary last to Remove the Nusance at the Lower End of Wall Street have power to or alter all the Docks belonging to this Corporation in Such Manner as they Shall Think Convenient Order'd that the Inhabitants of the West Ward have Liberty to Make An Addition of Twenty One feet at the South End of the Mar kett in the Broad Way at their Own Charge Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 962 urer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the Warr' Issued Watch of this City Or Order the Sum of Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 173 in Order for him to pay the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they Watched from the 14*^ day of October to the 14"' of ApriH Last And that he Account to this Board for the Same Order-'d that Alderman Johnson. Alderman Pintard Alderman Marshall M' Lawrence, and M' Brinckerhoff be a Committee to Repair or Alter all the Docks belonging to this Corporation in Such Manner as they Shall Think Convenient [144] City of New York SS Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Thursday the 19'^ day of June Anno DoTTT 1746. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >Esqf? Aldermen ^Assistants A Drat of a Petition to the Generall Assembly of this Colony Pray ing they may be heard by CouncHl against a Bill now before the House Entituled An Act to Repeal An Act therein Mentioned So far as it Relates to the ffreeholders and Inhabitants of the Township of Brook land in Kings County Was Read and Approved by this Board And Order'd the Same be forthwith Engrossed And the Seal of this Cor poration thereto affixed and Signed by the D : Clerk and the Same De livered to the Mayor and that he be Desired to Deliver the Same to the House or one of the Members for this City. 174 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [145] City of ^ Att a Common CouncH Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Saturday the 19*'' day of July Anno DoTTT 1746. Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder WHliam Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard ^Esq'? Aldermen. ^Assistants Order'd that this Corporation AA^ait on Brigadeer Generall Gooch on his ArrivaH in this City and that the Recorder Compliment him in the Name of this Corporation. And that the Mayor Invite him to an Enter tainment at the Charge of this Corporation At Such time As he Shall Think proper. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 963 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger arid Dooi'- Warr* Issued keeper of the Common Council Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarter of a Year Years Sallary which was due and Ending the 14*'' Instant Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 964 urer to pay to M' Samuell Lawrence or Order the Sum Warr* Issued of ffifty five pounds Current Money of this Colony be ing for Money by him Expended in Making the Wharf and platform at the Lower End of Wall Street OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 175 [146] City of ) Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the Said City on Munday the ii't- day of August Anno DoIiT 1746 Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor William Roome "^ Simon Johnson „ . , , John Marshall ^ Esq'? Aldermen Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh ¦ Assistants Robert Benson J Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Viz* A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . .0* loj^"^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . . i : 5^ for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh .... 2 : 12 for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Course bran Only^ Taken out and Not Otherwise to AVeigh . . j "^ ' ^ And Order'd that No other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Biscuit Only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize And that all Bakers within this City Take Notice hereof And Make their Bread Accordingly. Order'd that Richard Kip Cooper be and is Appointed a ffireman for the West AVard in the Room of Cap' Albertus Tiebout [147] City of ^ „„ Att a Common CouncH Held at the City New Yorkj Flail of the Said City on Fryday the 29"' day of August Anno DoTTT 1746. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder Simon Johnson L Esq'? Aldermen Stephen Van Cortlandt ^ Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence ^.Assistants Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff 176 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Resolved Nemine Contra Dicente That this Board Attend the Drawing the Government Lottery in their Turns A'izt the Mayor And Recorder the first day, and then the Senior Alderman with his Common Council Man the next day and So on tiH they have all Attended And then to begin Again and go on in the Same Order till the whole is finished Order'd the Dep'y Clerk of this Board Order proper Boxes to be Made to put in the Books, papers. And Records of this Corporation So that the Same May be more Readily Removed on any Emergency. Order'd that the Committee Appointed for Enlargeing the Poor house have power to Remove the feiich [fence] in Such Manner as they Shall Think Convenient [148] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Munday the S'l' of September 1746 Present Stephen Bayard Esq Mayor WiHiam Roome ^ Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence ^ Isaac Stoutenburgh . . T„„.-„ TD_.-„„u„„u„S: ^Assistants ^Esq'? Aldermen Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard Order'd Mf Murray and the other Gentlemen Concern'd for this Corporation at the Suit of Hendrick Remson in the Supream Court be Desired to Bring those Causes to Tr)'all the next Supream Court Or Assoon as Conveniently May be Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 965 urer to pay to Mf Joris Brinckerhoff Or Order the Warrt Issued Sum of fforty Six pounds Nine Shillings and Six pence three farthings being the full Ballance of his Account for Money by him Expended for Repairs Made to the Great Dock as Appears by his Account which is AHowed OP THE CITY OF NEW YORK 177 [149] City of ) New Yorkj Present (,e Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the Said City on Munday the 29"' day of September (being the Feast of S* Michael the Arch Angell) Anno DoTTT 1746 Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >- Assistants ^Esq'f Aldermen. Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor. Aldermen And Commonality of the City of New York for Electing this day One Alderman, One Assistant, two Assessors, One Collector, and two Constables in the Six Wards On the South Side of ffresh Water. And One Alderman One Assistant, four Assessors Two Collectors, and four Constables for the Out Ward of the Said City to Serve in the Respective offices for the year Ensueing, the Respective of Aldermen of Each Respective Ward Made Return this day into the Office of Town Clerk Under their hands of the SeveraH persons Elected to Serve in the Severall Offices aforesaid Vizt East Ward West Ward /" Simon Johnson Esq'' Samuell Lawrence Abraham Lynsen Henry Cuyler Junf Andries Abrahamse '"WHliam Roome Esqf Henry Bogert Abraham Fincher PhHip Goelet Joseph Devoe Samuell Hart John Bulfinch AldermanAssistant ^AssessorsI Collector . Constables AldermanAssistant . Assessors I Collector . Constables Vol. v.— 12 178 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [150] North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Out Ward Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Isaac Stoutenburgh Jolm Van Arnam John Montanie John A^redenburgh Hamilton Hewston Abraham La Foy ''Brandt Schuyler Esqf Abraham Depeyster John Richards Lawrence Lettelier Abraham Bokee Ed.-, ard Nicolls James Jarrard John Pintard Esqf Joris Brinckerhoff David Abeel John Livingston John Tuder Benjamin Paine Alexander Phoenix John Marshall Esq' Robert Benson Cornelius Tiebout Garret Beekman John Gilbert Daniel Lawrence Richard Bidder Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Nicholas Bayard Jacobus Kip John Minthorne Herman Van De Water Johannes Harsen Arnout Webbers Aaron Busing Dirck Benson William Waldron Adolph Myer Junf Abraham Myer Junf Alderman AssistantAssessors CollectorConstables AldermanAssistantAssessorsCollector Constables Alderman Assistant Assessors Collector Constables Alderman Assistant Assessors CollectorConstables Alderman Assistant Assessors Collector Constables Assessors CollectorConstables 1 i For Bowry Division For Harlem Division OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 179 [151] Resolved Nemine Contra Dicente that Cornelius Depeyster Esq' the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected and Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs The Deputy Mayor hath Appointed Daniel Lawrence to be High Constable of this City for the Year Ensueing. Order'd the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward do Cause a New Election of a Constable for the Said Ward in the Room of Daniel Lawrence who is Appointed High Constable and that the Election be on Fryday next. Order'd the Alderman of the East Ward Do Cause an Election of Constables for the Said Ward (No Constables being Return'd on this day) And that the Election be on Fryday next Order'd the Alderman of the West AVard Do Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the Said Ward in the Room of Samuell Hart who is Neither a ffreeman Nor ffreeholder in this City And that the Election be on Fryday next Order'd that the Clerk of this Board prepare Advertizements to be publickly Affixed up for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls, Standings and places in the Publick Marketts at the House of the Widow Law rence at four a Clock in the Afternoon on the 25*t' day of October next for one year from the first day of November next And that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman Van Cortlandt M' Lawrence and Mf Benson Or any three of them with As Many More of this Board As please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Conditions as they ShaH Judge proper. Order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to N9 966 the Treasurer to pay to James Mills or Order the Sum Warr* Issued of Twenty three pounds five Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full of his Account for Victualling Sundry Prisoners, Emptying the Ordure Tubbs and Sweeping the Chimney of the Common Council Room As by his Acct which is Audited and Allowed. Mf Mayor Came into Common Council and Took his Seat at the Board i8o MINUTES OF THE COilMON COUNCIL [152] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the Said City on Tuesday the ffourteenth day of October Anno DoTTT 1746 Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson 1 ^^ Aldermen John Pintard ^ John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard ;- Assistants This Day Mf Mayor (who had been Appointed together with John Ayscough Esq' Sherif & John Van Cortlandt Coroner by his Excellency in Council at Albany on the 29*'' day of September last) Attended by the Aldermen and Assistants High Sherif, Town Clerk (the Chamber lain Sick) Coroner, High Constable. Constables And Other Officers of this Corporation Between the Hours of Ten and Eleven in the fforenoon of the Same day Went in their fformalities from the City Hall to the House of his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall And Governour in Chief of the Province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in America, Vice Admirall of the Same and Vice Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majesties fleet And there Waited On his Said Excellency And then And there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be Taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance And Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by the Order of his Said Excellency Were Admin istred Unto Stephen Bayard Esqf As Mayor. Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett of the City of New York As also One of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City & County of New York And also the Usuall Oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff And Clerk of the Markett of the City of New [153] York and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the Severall Members of this Court above Mentioned And thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the Authority to him Granted by his Majesties Royal! OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK i8i Charter he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf One of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Cor poration if his Excellency Approved thereof to which his Excellency was pleased to Answer that the Choice was Agreeable to him and Approved thereof that the Said Gerrardus Stuyvesant Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York Accordingly Whereupon the Mayor attended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall where after the Ringing of Three Bells And Proclamation Made for Silence the Commission of the i\Iayor. AVater Bailiff And Clerk of the Markett and the Commissions of the High Sherif and Coroner Were published, and then this Court Return'd to the Common Council Chamber where the Said Stephen Bayard Esqf was placed in the Chair And then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the Said Stephen Bayard Esqf the Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths aforesaid to be Taken by Act of Parliament Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance And Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and the Usuall Oaths for the due Execution of their Respective offices Unto the Respective Magistrates and Officers following: Vizt Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Dep'y Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard [ 1 54] John Ayscough Esqf High Sherif of the City & County of New York John Cortlandt Esq'' Coroner of the City & County of New York Cornelius Depeyster Esqf Chamberlain (Sick) Daniel Lawrence High Constable. Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New > York and Justices of the Peace for the City & County of New York >- Assistants of the City of New York l83 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montg: Ward Bowry Di-yision Harlem Division John Tenbrook Deputy Constables Sworn (Viz*) I William Mercier Johannes Myer Depv'f ijohn Branigan I John Bulfinch I Joris Van Horne (Hamilton Hewston /Abraham La Foy 1 Edward Nicolls ) James Jarrard ( Benjamin Paine — Sick ) Alexander Phoenix [Richard Bidder i Joris Remson — fined [Johannes Harsen Arnout Webbers (Adolph Myer Jun' ) Abraham Myer Junf James Mills Deputy Sherif Anthony Ham Dep'y Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 967 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Warr* Issued, keeper to the Common Council Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten ShiHings Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary which is due and Ending this day Order'd that Mf Joris Remson, who was Lately Chosen And Elected a Constable of Montgomerie Ward and who has Refused to Serve in the Said office Do paj'^ a fine into the hands of the Treasurer of this Corporation of Ten pounds Current Money of this Colony And that the Alderman of the Said Montgomerie Ward Cause a New Election of a Constable of the Said Ward in the Room of the Said Joris Remson And that the Election be on Thursday next • Assistants. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 183 [155] City of ) gg Att a Common Councill Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on AVednesday the 29*'' day of October Anno DoTn 1746. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder William Roome "^ Simon Johnson „ ... John MarshaH ^ Esq- Aldermen Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard The Recorder from the Joint Committees of the Council and Assembly proposed to this Board That the Corporation Should Cause to be Built a Small Watch House near the Powder House, And that the Said Committees AVould provide a proper Number of Watchmen to Watch the Said Powder House this Winter till a Convenient Maga zine Can be Built within the Stockadoes which proposall Was Agreed to by this Board, And Order'd that the Committee for Enlargeing the Poor House Cause a proper Watch House to be Built in Such Manner and at Such place As they Shall Think Convenient And that they Cause the Same to be done with all Convenient Expedition Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 968 urer to pay to M' Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the Warr* Issued. Watch of this City Or Order the Sum of fifty Seven pounds Nine ShiHings Current Money of this Colony. Twenty one pounds Thirteen Shillings part thereof being the Ballance of his Account for his SaHary As Overseer of the Watch and for Necessarys found for the first Watch to the first of this Instant other fifteen pounds being to Enable him to purchase ffire Wood And Candles for the Watch for the Current year And the Remaining Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings being in Order for him to pay the Same to the Sev erall Constables for the Severall Nights and Days they Watched from the 14*^ of Aprill to the 14"' October Instant Inclusive Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N?969. urer to pay to Garret Coesine of this City Joyner Or Warr* Issued Order the Sum of Four pounds Eleven Shillings Cur rent Money of this Colony in full for Making Seven ^Esqf? Aldermen -\ ^Assistants 184 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Chests for putting in the City Records As Appears by his Account which is Allowed. [156] City of ) Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Half of the Said City on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of November Anno Dom 1746. Present Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Be it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen And Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council And it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws, Orders and Ordinances of this Corporation which On the fifth day of November Anno DoTTT 1745 : Were Made, Ordained, Renewed Estabi lished And Published be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for one year from and after the date hereof Vizt A Law for the Observation of the Lords day Called Sunday. A Law to Prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpo ration. A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of Fire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient hiring of Slaves : A Law for Regulating Negros and other Slaves in the Night time. A Law Restraining Negro's and Indians from Gaming with Money Or for Money. A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for Punishing of Slaves who Shall Ride Disorderly through the Streets [157] A Law Giving a Reward to any person or persons who Shall Apprehend Any Negro, Indian or Molatto Slave Offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 185 A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for Regulating of Packers, Guagers and Cullers A Law Regulating the Making Freemen. A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks & Slips of this City. A Law for Preserving the Bridge & Common Sewer in the Docks of this City Regulations for paying Dock. Money A Law Prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating and EstabiHshing ffees for Inviters to ffuneralls. A Law for Cleaning the Streets, Lanes and Allies of this City A Law for paving the Streets Lanes and x-Mlies within the City of New York A Law Against ffiring Guns in the Streets. A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle any where but at the Slaughter Houses A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law to Prohibitt Digging Holes or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for Preventing frauds in ffirewood A Law Prohibiting Slaughter Houses in the Out Ward. A Law Estabilishing ffees for the Slaughter Houses. A Law for Marking of Butter A Law Prohibiting the Cutting of Timber on the Commons by Brickmakers and Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating ffences A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York. A Law for the Better Securing the City of New York from the Danger of Gunpowder. A Law Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting Hoop Sticks and Saplings on the Commons. A Law for Preserving the ffish in ffresh Water Pond. A Law for Regulating And Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what Uses the Seal of this Corporation, the Seal of the Mayoralty And the Seal of the Mayors Court Shall be put Unto 1 86 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [158] A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay, for EstabHishing the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses And Bundles and for the Ease of Antient and Disabled Carmen. A Law Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask : for Pork Beef and ffish : A Law to Prohibitt the Exportation of Beef, and Pork Untill the Same is Repacked and Branded by the Sworn Packers A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of Firemen in the City of New York A Law to Prohibitt Negros and other Slaves Vending Indian Corn Peaches, or any other fruit within this City A Law Restraining Negros from Going to Fetch Water on a Sunday other than to the next Well or pump to the place of their Abode and Riding Horses through the Streets or out of Town on a Sunday. A Law for the further Regulating the PubHck Marketts within the City of New York. A Law for Appointing Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York A Law for the better preventing the fforestalling of provisions Coming to the Publick Marketts of this City A Law to Remove And Prevent Nusances in the City of New York. A Law to Prevent the Slip at the End of the Drain or Common Sewer from the Markett Commonly Called the ffly Markett to the East River becoming a Nusance [159] City of ) gg Att a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Saturday the 29*'' day of November Anno DonT 1746 Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor WHliam Room.e Simon Johnson Stephen Van Cortiandt Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard j Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 187 Mf Mayor produced to this Board a Copy of a Petition from the "Trustees of the Township of Brucklyn in Kings County to the Coun- ciH of this Province Praying them to Pass a Bill Before that Board to Reheve them Against An Act of Assembly therein Mentioned, which being Read Order'd That Mf Mayor be Desired to \^^ait on Daniel Horsmanden & Joseph Murray Esq'? And Desire them to Appear Before the Honourables the CouncHl And Oppose the Passing the Said Bill into a Law And if Need be to Appear before his ExceHency the Governour And Councill for the same Purpose. Order'd That John Montanie Carpenter be and is hereby Appointed a Fireman for the North Ward in the Room of John A-'redenburgh Deceased [160] City of I New Yorkj Present SS Att a Common CouncH Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Monday the 8*^ day of December Anno DoTTT 1746. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D: Mayor. William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Esq'? Aldermen. > Assistants The Committee Appointed for Enlargeing the Poorhouse and Build ing a Watch House made their Report in the Words following (Vizt) City of New York ss : By Virtue of an Order of the Common Council of the Ninth of May Last Appointing us a Committee to pur chase Materialls And Agree with Workmen for Building and Com pleating an Enlargement to the Poor House As also Another Order of the Twenty Ninth of October Last for Building a Watch House near the Powder House in Obedience thereunto the Committe Report that they have Caused the poor House to be Enlarged and a Watch House Built which are Compleatly finished And that the Costs thereof Amounts to the Sum of £623 : 8 : 3 : As Appear.^ by the Annexed Memorandum, The Committee Humbly Propose that to prevent the i88 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Drawing a Great Number of Warrants One Warrant for the Sum above Mentioned to be Made payable to Aldef Roome who hath Prom ised to pay the Severall persons Named in the Annexed paper the Severall Sums to their Names Set down This Will Appear Reasonable when it be Considered that he hath (by Virtue of the first Order) Re ceived from the City Chamberlain Near Two hundred pounds which is Nevertheless Submitted to the Consideration of this Court By WiH: Roome. S : Johnson, Brandt Schuyler Joris Brinckerhoff. December 3? 1746. Which Report was Approved and order'd the Deputy Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to Alder- N° 970 man Roome or Order the Sum of Six Hundred and Warr* Issued Twenty three pounds Eight Shillings and three pence Current Money of this Colony being the [161] (being the whole Amount of the Account Annexed to the Said Report) to be by him paid to the Severall persons and the Severall Sums Mentioned in the Said Account. Order'd that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Pintard Alderman Schuyler; Alderman Courtlandt. Mf Lawrence. Mf Brinckerhoff And Mf Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to Examine the Slip from the Drain at the End of the ffly Markett and if they Conceive it will be no Inconvenience to the Said Slip to have a pair of Stairs therein for the More Convenient Landing of people And Goods Com ing to the Markett, that the said Committee Give Leave to the Neigh bourhood to Build a Convenient pair of Stairs in the Said Slip at their Own Expence As the Said Committee Shall Think proper Alderman. Johnson from the Committee for the Letting the Stalls Standings and places in the Publick Marketts Report that they had Let the Same at Publick Vendue, the 25*'' Of October Last for one year from the first day of November Last to the first day of November next to Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith for the Sum of One Hundred and Six pounds and Order'd the D: Clerk prepare Leases on the Same Conditions as the Leases the Last year And that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto And Sign the Same By Order of this Board the Said Lessee Executing his part and also a Bond with Security for performance of Covenants Order'd the D: Mayor. Issue his Warrant to the N? 971 : Treasurer to pay to Mf Samuell Lawrence Or Order Warrt Issued, the Sum of Nineteen pounds Thirteen ShiHings and five pence Current Money of this Colony being the Ballance of his Account which he paid for Workmanship And Ma- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 189 terialls : for Repairing the Meal Markett and Dock as Appears by his Account which is Allowed. Order'd That Alderman Johnson. Alderman Cortlandt. Alderman Schuyler. Mf Depeyster, Mf Brinckerhoff. Mf Benson & Mf Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to Auditt the Treasurers Books And Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation, And Make their Report On the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts with all Convenient Expedition [162] City of )gg New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the House of Hugh Crawford in the Said City On Thursday the 15*'' January Anno DoTTT i746[-7]. Present ;-Esq'? Aldermen. !- Assistants Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder. William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door keeper of the Common CouncH Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full for One Quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14*1' Instant Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 973 urer to pay to the Wife of John Bailey Late Publick Warr* Issued Whipper of this City Or Order the Sum of ffour pounds Current Money of this Colony in full of his Service as Publick Whipper of this City to the time he left the Service of this Corporation N°972 Warr* Issued. 190 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 974. urer to pay to Francis Davison Or Order the Sum of Warr* Issued Seven pounds Current Money of this Colony for his Good Services in the Extinguishing the ffire at the City Hall on the 14*^ Instant And Order'd that the Said ffrancis Da vison (As a further Acknowledgement of his Good Service) be pre sented with the ffreedom of this Corporation Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 975 urer to pay to Duncan Brown & John Evetts the Sum Warr' Issued of Eight pounds Current Money of this Colony (that is to Say four pounds Each) for their Good Services in the Extinguishing [163] the ffire at the City Hall on the 14*'' In stant And Order'd that the Said Duncan Brown & John Evetts (as a further Acknowledgement of their Good Service) be presented with the ffreedom of this Corporation The Petition of Edward Willet Lessee of the fferry was Read Set ting forth that he has been a Great Sufferer by the Dispute Subsisting between this Corporation and the Township of Brookland and also by the Malignant Distempers that have been in this City And praying An Abatement of his Rent Order'd that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman, Cortlandt. Alderman Schuyler, Captain Lawrence Mf Depeyster, and Mf Bayard or any five of them be a Committee to Enquire into the Truths of the Allegations of the Said Petition And to Report, their Opinions thereon to this Board with all Convenient Expedition. City of ] gg New Yorkj Present Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 20*'' day of March Anno DoTn i746[-7]. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Recorder. William Roome John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson ^Esqf? Aldermen -Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 191 The Petition of Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf praying for a Grant of the Ground and Water Lott Two hundred feet into the East River fronting his Ground in Montgomerie Ward Between the Ground of the Widow Schuyler And M' Renaudet being fifty Seven feet in Breath was Read, Whereupon It is Order'd, That Alderman Roome Alderman Marshall Alderman Schuyler. Mf Brinckerhoff and M' Benson Or any three of them be a Committee to Examine into the Allegations of the Said Petition and Make their Report with all Con venient Expedition [164] Order'd That the Aldermen and Common Council Men of the North And Montgomerie Wards with Alderman Johnson Alderman Schuyler and M' Lawrence or any five of them be a Committee to Regulate and Lay out the SeveraH Streets in the North and Mont gomerie Wards Resolved That this Corporation will at their Expence Cause the Common Sewer Under the Exchange at the Lower End of the Broad Street to be Arched with Stone and the Floor Laid with flatt Stones And Order'd That the Aldermen and Common Council Men of the Dock and South Ward[s] with M'^ Samuell Lawrence be a Com mittee to purchase Materialls And to have the Same Compleated with all Expedition Order'd the Deputy Clerk Deliver to Mf Bartholomew Skaats his Bond for performance of Covenants as Lessee of the Docks and Slips for the Year 1745 : it Appearing he has paid his Rent and performing his Covenants And Order'd That the Docks and Slips be again Let to the Said Bartholomew Skaats for one year from the first day of May next on the Same Terms and Conditions As the Same was Let the Last Year And that the D: Clerk of this Board prepare Leases Ac cordingly And Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the Same he Giv ing Security for performance of Covenants Order'd That Myndert Schuyler have Liberty to Lay his Drain from his House into WhitehaH Slip in Such Manner As the Alderman and Common Council Man of the Ward Shall Direct. Order'd That Jonathan Hazard. & Thom.as De White be And Are Appointed Publick Measurers of this City Order'd That the Last Committee for Repairing the City Hall the I9*t' of Aprill 1745: be Revived And that they forthwith Cause the Damage done by the Late fire to be Repaired 192 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd That the Deputy Clerk pay to the Treasurer of this Corporation all the Monies in his hands which he has Received for Lycenses to Retailers of Strong Liquors And that the Said Treasurer pay to the Said Deputy Clerk, the Usuall fee or Allowance of Six Shil lings for Each Lycense that has been Granted Since his being last paid Except those that Were Granted Gratis [165] Mf Horsmanden Acquainted this Board That it is the opinion of the Governour and CouncH and the Committee of the Assembly That the Hollow near the Poor House, is the Most proper place for Building the Magazine And this Board Considering the Same Agree to the Magazine being built there provided this Corporation have the Ap pointment of the Keeper and the Benefitt of the Storage of all Powder lodged there belonging to private persons City of I g.j. New Yorkj Att a Common Council, Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Wednesday the 27"' day of May Anno DoiTi 1747. ^Esq'? Aldermen Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Daniel Horsmanden Esq' Recorder William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard ^Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 976. urer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the Warr* Issued Watch of this City or Order the Sum of Twenty Six pounds Twelve ShilHngs Current Money of this Colony five pounds Sixteen ShiHings part thereof being for So Much by him paid for Double Watches at Easter Last And the Remaining Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings being in Order for him to pay the Same to the Severall Constables for the Severall Nights and days they Watched from the 14"' day of October to the 14*'' day of Aprill last Inclusive OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 193 Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N?977. urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Warr* Issued keeper of the Common Council or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten ShilHngs Current Money of this Colony in full for One Quarters Sallary which was due and Ending the 14"' of ApriH Last [166] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 978 Treasurer to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf Or Order Warrt Issued, the Sum of Eleven pounds Seven ShiHings and three pence Current Money of this Colony being for Money by him paid for paving the Street of the Side of the Long Bridge, As Appears by his Ace* which is Allowed. Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas- N° 979 urer to pay to James MHls Or Order the Sum of AVarr' Issued Twenty pounds four Shillings in full of his Account for A-^ictualling Criminalls in Goal and Emptying the Ordure Tubbs for the prisoners As Appears by his Acct of the 20*'' March 1746 which is Audited & So Much Allowed Order'd That the Aldermen and Common Council Men of the AVest Dock and South Wards or any three of them be a Committee to Order So Much of the Street Round the BowHng Green in the Broad Way and along the ffence of the ffort Garden to be paved as they Shall Think Convenient Orderd That the Committee Appointed the 15"' day of Aprill 1746: for Enlarging the Poor House of this City have power to Order the Wooden Partition in the Old BuHding of the Said House, to be Taken down and New Partitions of Lath And Plaister made in their Stead in Such Manner As they Shall think Convenient Resolved That Fredrick Seabring be and is hereby Appointed Keeper of the Poor House, Work House, and House of Correction of this City Upon the Same Terms as the last Keeper And that he Enter Upon the Same Office at the Expiration of the present Quarter And Ordered That the Committee for Enlarging the Same House put him in possession of the Said Office and Take an Inventory of what be longs to the House Resolved That in Consideration of the Great Losses which Edward AViHet Lessee of the fferry has Met with That this Corporation Do Abate him the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty pounds of the Rent due from him for the Said fferry And Order'd That the Treasurer of this Corporation Make him the Same Abatement Accordingly Vol. v.— 13 >Esqf? Aldermen ^Assistants 194 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [167] City of ) „„ Att a Common Council Held at the New Yorkj House of Hugh Crawford in the Said City on AA^ednesday the 3^ day of June Anno DoTTT 1747. Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Order'd That Alderman Stuyvesant, Alderman Johnson Alderman Marshall, Mf Brinckerhoff, Mf Benson & M' Lawrence Or any four of them be a Committee to Endeavour to Settle the Bounds & Lines of the Land between Mf David Provoost's And M' John Devoor And to Make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Expedition. The Committee Appointed the Eighth day of December Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books And Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation Made their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts in the Words following Vizt City of New York ss We the Subscribers being the Committee Appointed on the Eighth day of December Last to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation Do in Obedience to the Said Appointment Report That We have this day Carefully Perused and Examined the Books and Accounts of the Said Treasurer from the fourteenth day of October One Thousand Seven hundred and forty five to the ffourteenth day of October Last And it Appears to us by the Said Books (as Mentioned by the Annexed Ac count) That there was in the hands of the Said Treasurer belonging to this Corporation On the ffourteenth day of October Last the Sum of One Thousand Six hundred and fforty two pounds Six Shillings and three farthings And that there is due and Oweing to this Corporation from the Severall persons in the Annexed Account particularly Men tion'd the Sum of One Thousand five hundred and Seventy pounds Ten ShiHings and four pence farthing the Good Debts of which they Referr to the Report of the Committee on the Auditt of the Treasurers OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 195 Books and Accounts the Last Year And this Committee are of Opinion that the Deputy Clerke Should be Directed to Demand the Outstand ing Debts from the Severall persons Oweing [168] the Same And to Commence Suits against Such as Refuse payments and if need be to Engage Joseph Murray Esqf as Assisting Councill, all which is Never theless Humbly Submitted by S : Johnson. Step V. Cortlandt. Brandt Schuyler, A. D : Peyster, Joris Brinckerhoff, Nich? Bayard New York 24'^ March 1746 [-7] which Report is Approved, And Order'd That the Treasurer of this Corporation PubHck [publish] Advertizements in all the Publick Newspapers Printed in this City for three Months Succes sively Giving Notice to all persons Indebted to this Corporation to pay their Respective Debts to him on or before the first day of September Next, or that they will be Sued for the Same. And that after the first of September next the Treasurer Acquaint this Board who have paid and who are still in Arrear that proper Measures May be Taken Accord ingly Order'd that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler. M'' Lawrence, and M' Brinckerhoff or any three of them And as Many More of this Board as please to Attend be a Committee to pre pare the Draft of an Address and Petition to his Excellency the Gov ernour to Ease this City of the Burthen of Keeping a Military Watch And to Make their Report to this Board at four a Clock to Morrow afternoon Order'd That the Alderman of the North Ward Cause a New Elec tion of a Collector for the Said AVard in the Room of John Vreden burgh Deceased and that the Election be on to Morrow Week. City of ) Qc ^"^^ ^ Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Thursday the 4"' day of June Anno DoTTT 1747. Present Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Dep'y Mayor. William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >Esq''? Aldermen > Assistants 196 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Committee Appointed Yesterday to prepare the Draft of an Ad dress to his Excellency the Governour to Ease the Inhabitants of this City of the Burthen of Keeping a Military Watch [169] Reported to this Board that they had prepared the Draft of an Address in the Words following (Vizt) To his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Esq' Captain Generall And Governour in Chief in and Over his Majesties Colonies of New York and Territories thereon Depending in America Vice Admirall of the Same and A^ice Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majestys ffleet The Humble Address And Petition of the Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of the City of New York in Common Council Convened. May it Please your Excellency, It is with No Small Concern we find Our Selves Under a Necessity of .\pplying to your Excellency for Ease and Relief at this present Junc ture of and from the Great and Extraordinary Burthens And Difficul ties that the Inhabitants of this City now Groan and Labour Under Occasioned by the Continuall Nights and Days AVatches in his Majes tys ffort George in this City, We Could Enumerate them in Many particular Instances, But Shall Only Mention one Vizt Many of the Inhabitants of this City have three or four Sons And as Many Servants and Apprentices and all those with themselves Are Obliged to Watch in their Turns which falls out or happens About Once in Every four or five AA'eeks the plain Consequence Whereof is the Loss of fforty Shil lings and Sometimes More to Every Such Inhabitant in that time, We Most Humbly Conceive May it please your Excellency that it's highly the Duty of the Well Wishers to this Cit)' in Generall and of us in particular who are the Immediate Representatives of the people to Think of all proper Means And to Use our best and Utmost Endeav ours to procure a Remedy for these Inconveniences And after Our long most Serious Thoughts and Deliberate Considerations On this Mo mentous Affair We See No other Way for Remedying these hardships and Difficulties than by Applying to your Excellency who alone hath the power And We have abundant Reason to Rest Satisfied and As sured from Your Excellencies Mild Temper and Generous Disposition and your Equitable And Upright Administration that Our most Humble And hearty Petition and Request will be favourably Attended to & Granted, We therefore Conclude in Beseeching Your Excellency that As You Regard the Wellfare and Prosperity of this Corporation And the Ease and Tranquility of the Members thereof Your Excellency Would be pleased to Remedy the Great Inconveniencies Aforesaid Either by Ordering down one of the Independant Companies now at Albany Or one of the Companies of the New Levies now also there Or Such part of Either of them Or by Such Other Method or Way As OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 197 Unto Your Excellency in Your Great Wisdom Shall Seem Most fit and Convenient And Your Excellencies Most humble and Most Obedi ent Servants (as in duty Bound) ShaH Ever pra}- : Which was Read and Approved And Order'd the Same be En grossed And that Alderman Johnson. & Alderman Schuyler Imme diately AVait On his [170] Excellency to know when he will be Waited on with the Said Address. And to make their Report to this Board forthwith And the Said Alderman Johnson and Alderman Schuyler having Waited on his ExceHency Accordingly And being Returned Reported That his Excellency Appointed Three aClock to Morrow afternoon to be Attended by this Board. Order'd the Dep'y Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 980. Treasurer to pay to Johannes Myer One of the Mar- Warr' Issued, shalls of this City Or order the Sum of Six pounds Current Money of this Colony for his Extraordinary Services done for this Corporation City of ) cc ^^'^'^ a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the first day of September Anno Domini 1 747 _ Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Daniel Horsmanden- Esq' Recorder. Gerrardus Stuyvesant ^ William Roome „ , , , „. T 1 >Esq''? Aldermen Smion Johnson | Brandt Schuyler J Henry Bogert "^ Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh J^ Assistants. Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Ba}'ard ^ Order'd the Treasurer of this Corporation Do AHow Bartholomew Skaats the present Lessee of the Docks & Slips of this City the Sum of Three pounds four Shillings and two pence being So Much Money by him paid and Expended for the Repair of a Scow belonging to this Corporation As Appears by his Account which is Audited and Allov/ed. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°98i urer to pay to Simon Johnson Esq' or Order the Sum Warr' Issued of ffourteen pounds Six ShHlings and four pence Cur rent Money of this Colony being So Much Money by him paid to Sundry persons for Charges that Accrued On the Trvall in 198 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Last Term between this Corporation And Hendrick Remson As Appears by his Account which is Allowed. [171] Order'd That Alderman Stuyvesant, Alderman Johnson, Alder man Schuyler, Mf Bogert, Mf Brinckerhoff and Mf Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to Enquire why Martin Van Evere Should not pay the Rent with which he is Charged And that they Report to this Board Assoon as possible what Abatement Shall be made to the Said Martin Van Evere if the Said Committee find his Complaint to be Just and Reasonable. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°982 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- AA'arr* Issued, keeper of the Common Councill Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Colony in fuH for one Quarter of a Years Sallary which was due And Ending, the. 14*'' day of July Last The Committee Appointed for Laying out and Regulating the Streets in Montgomerie Ward of this City made their Report in the Words follovving Vizt By Virtue of an Order in Writing Whereby we the Subscribers were Appointed a Committee for Laying out and Regulating the Streets in Montgomerie Ward &c of this City And to Make our Report to this Board with all Convenient Expedition Do in Obedience to the Said Order Report that having Measured the Dis tance from the Middle of the Smith's fly Street opposite or above the Slip Commonly Called Peck's Slip to the House of James Lowry now in the Tenure Or Occupation of John Nicolls found it to be 442 feet that Digging down Two feet at the Said House find the Difference of the Height from Said House to the Middle of the Street Opposite to Said Slip to be 14 feet and an half foot which Admitts of four Inches fall or Descent upon Every Ten foot from the Said House to Said Slip, which the Committee propose and have Agreed to be [the] Regulation thereof the Committee humbly Desire that the Alderman and Assistant of Montgomerie Ward be Directed to Regulate the Same Accordingly with the Utmost Expedition All which is Nevertheless Humbly Submitted to the Judgement of this Court by Your most obedient Servants S : Johnson, John MarshaH, Brandt Schuyler : SamJ Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh, To the Mayor, Aldermen & Common alty of the City of New York. City of New York Augt 3i^t 1747. which Report was Read and Approved And Order'd that the Alder man and Assistant of Montgomerie Ward Regulate the Same with the Utmost Expedition OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 199 Order'd That James Mills have Liberty to make a floor ip the Room [where] he now Dwells So as to Divide it into two Apartments at his Own Cost and Charge [172] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° 983. Treasurer to pay to Mf Henry Bogert Or Order the Warr* Issued. Sum of Eighty pounds Current Money of this Colony for which he is to Account to this Board. Order'd that the Committee Appointed to Cause the Common Sewer Under the Exchange at the Lower End of the Broad Street to be Arched with Stone and the floor Laid with flatt Stones Do Cause the Great Dock and the Long Bridge over the Same Common Sewer to be Repaired with all Convenient Expedition. City of ) ec -^TT a Common Council Held at the New Yorkj City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 29*? day of September (being the feast of S' Michael the Archangle) Anno DorH 1747 Present Stephen Bayard Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Electing this Day, One Alderman, One Assistant, two Assessors, One Collector and Two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of ffresh Water, And One Alderman, one Assistant, four Assessors, two Collectors, and four Constables for the Out Ward of the Said City to Serve in > Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Respective Offices for the Year Ensueing, the Respective Alderman of Each Respective Ward made Return this day into the Office of Town Clerke Under their hands of the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall Offices aforesaid Viz* [^73] East AVard West Ward < 'Simon Johnson Esqf Samuell Lawrence Abraham Lynsen Ebenezer Grant Francis Marschalk Timothy Sloan ^Robert M^^Alpin WHHam Roome Esq' Henry Bogert Philip Goelet CorneHus Bogert Joseph Devoe Christopher Stinmes Samuell Brower Stephen A'an Cortlandt Alderman .Assistant AssessorsCollectorConstablesAldermanAssistant Assessors CoHector Constables Esq' Isaac Stoutenburgh Simon Cregier North Ward ^ John A^an Arnam Jacobus Kierstead Jacob Christopher Fors ter ^Anthony Dobbins Brandt Schuyler Esqf Abraham Depeyster Lawrence Lettelier South Ward -i John Kip Abraham Bokee Isaac Sexias Archilaus Lewis ^John Pintard Esq' George Brinckerhoff David Abeel Dock Ward -^ Humphry Jones John Tuder John George Cook Andrew Ramsay Alderman Assistant [ AssessorsCollector ^Constables Alderman Assistant .Assessors CollectorConstables AldermanAssistant Assessors CollectorConstables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK [174] Montgomerie Ward Out Ward ^ ' John MarshaH Esq' Robert Benson Garret Beekman John Gilbert James Desbrosses No Return Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf Nicholas Bayard Jelles Mendeville Harmanus Van De Water Teunis Somerendyck Arnout Webbers William Wood Dirck Benson Lawrence Low William Waldron Abraham Myer ^Adolph Myer AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector \ Constables Alderman Assistant ¦Assessors CoHector . Constables .Assessors Collector Constables For Bowry Division >- For Harlem Division His Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the Province of New York And the Terri tories thereon Depending in America and A^ice Admirall of the Same and Vice Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majesties fleet by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Council Was pleased to Appoint the following Officers for the City and County of New York for the year Ensueing (to witt) Edward Holland Esqf to be Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett, John Ayscough Esqf to be High Sherif And John Van Cortlandt Esq' to be Coroner of the Said City and County for the Year Ensueing Resolv'd (Nemine Contra Dicente) That Cornelius Depeyster Esq' the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected And Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the Year Ensueing he Giving Such Security As the Law Directs The Mayor hath Appointed Andrew Ramsay (who was Chosen One of the Constables of the Dock Ward) to be high Constable of this City for the Year Ensueing, And Order'd that the Akltr-man of the 202 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Dock Ward Cause a New Election of Constables for the Said Ward in the Room of the Said Andrew Ramsay [175] And John George Cook who is Neither ffreeman nor ffreeholder in this City and that the Elec tion be on Thursday next Order'd That the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward Cause a New Election of Constables for the Said Ward, No Constables being duly Elected in the Said Ward, And that the Election be on Thursday next Order'd That the Alderman of the South Ward Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable of the Said Ward in the Room of Isaac Sexias who is Neither a ffreeman Nor ffreeholder in this City and that the Election be On Thursday next. City of ^ Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 2^ day of October Anno DoTTT 1747. Present Stephen Bayard Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D : Mayor : William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard ^Esq'? Aldermen 1^ Assistant An Essay in Writing Shewing the duty and office of Vestrymen of this City was presented to this Board by the Vestrymen of this City for the Year 1746: which was Read and Considered off and this Board Taking the Same into Consideration and being Willing to Encourage Words of this Kind, Order'd that the Same be Printed at the Charge of this Corporation And that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler, M' Depeyster & Mf Lawrence Or any three of OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 203 them be A Committee to Agree with a Printer to Print fifty Copies of the Said Essay and to Correct the proof Sheets thereof Order'd That William Gilbert Junf be a Fireman for the West Ward in the Room of Abraham Alstyne Deceased And John Gilbert be a Fireman in Montgomerie Ward in the Room of Peter Vlierboom Deceased [176] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 984 Treasurer to pay to Ahasuerus Turk Or Order the Sum Warr' Issued, of Two pounds Two Shillings and four pence Current Money of this Colony in full for Cleaning and Mending the ffire Bucketts as Appears by his Acct which is Allowed The Committee Appointed the 20"^ day of March last to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf made their Report in the Words following Vizt In Pursuance of an Order of Common Council of the Twentieth day of March last Referring to us to Examine into the Allegations of the Petition of Stephen Van Cort landt Esq' And to Make Our Report thereon Do in Obedience to the Said Order Report That We ffind the Said Stephen Van Cortlandt is Seized and Possessed of a DweHing House and Parcell of Ground in Montgomerie Ward fronting the East River or Harbour Between the House and Ground of Cornelia Schuyler Widow And the Flouse and Ground now or late of James Renaudet And We are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition may be Granted On the Petitioner's Entring into the Same Covenants As the other Grantees of Water Lotts in that Neighbourhood have Enter'd into And also Covenanting to pay to this Corporation for Ever, the Yearly Quitt Rent of Eighteen pence ^ foot for Every foot his Said Ground Contains in Breadth the Same to be Ascertained upon a Survey thereof to be made by one of the Sworn Surveyors of this City all which is Nevertheless Humbly Submitted by AVilt: Roome, Brandt Schuyler Robert Benson John Marshall Which Report is Approved and Order'd that the Same Ground be Surveyed by One of the Sworn Surveyors of this City in the presence of the aforesaid Committee Or any three of them And that upon the Surveys being Returned into the Town Clerk's Office That the Clerk prepare a Draft of a Grant for the Same Order'd that the Committee for Repairing the City Hall have power to Repair the Severall Markett Houses of this City in Such Manner as they Shall Think Convenient 204 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 985 urer to pay to Daniel Horsmanden Esqf Late Recorder Warr' Issued, of this City Or Order the Sum of Seventy pounds Cur rent Money of this Colony in full for Services by him done for this Corporation for Seven Years Last past. [177J City of } Yorkj New SS Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Wednesday Octo ber the 14"' Anno DoTTT 1747. Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor >Esq''? Aldermen >- Assistants Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard This Day Mf Mayor Attended by Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Elect the Aldermen, Assistants, High Sherif, Town Clerk, Assistants and other Officers of this Corporation. Went in their fformalities from the City Hall to the House of his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief in and Over the Province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in America, Vice Admirall of the Same, and Vice Admirall of the Red Squadron of his Majesties fleet And there Waited. On his Said Ex cellency and the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be Taken Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Ab juration Oath in the presence and by Order of his Said Excellency Were Administred Unto the Said Edward Holland Esqf As Mayor, Water Bailiff And Clerk of the Markett of this City of New York As OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 205 also of One of his Majesties Justices of the peace for this City & County of New York and also the Usuall Oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff' and Clerk of the Markett of the City of New York and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the Severall Members of this Court before Mentioned, And thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his Said Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the Authority to him Given by him [his] Majestys Royall Charter he had Appointed Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf One of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if his Excellency Approved thereof to which his Excellency Was pleased to Answer the Choice was Agree able to him And he Approved thereof that the Said Gerrardus Stuyve sant Should be Deputy I\Iayor of this City Accordingly [178] Where upon the New r\Iayor Attended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall where after the Ringing of Three BeHs and Proclamation made for Silence the Commission of the Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett and the Commission of the High Sherif were Published, And then this Court Returned to the Common Council Chamber where the Said Edward Holland Esqf was placed in the Chair and then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter, Granted to this Cor poration, the Said Edward Holland Esq' the Mayor of this Corpora tion Administred the Oaths aforesaid. Appointed to be Taken by Act of Parliament Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and the Usuall Oaths for the due Execution of their Respective Offices Unto the Respective Officers and Magis trates following Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Room.e Simon Johnson John Pintard John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New York ^ and Justices of the Peace for the City & County of New York » Assistants of the City of New York 206 MINUTES OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL High Sherif of the City & County of New York Coroner of the City & County of New York (Sick) Cornelius Depeyster Esq' Treasurer (Sick) Andrew Ramsay High Constable John Ayscough Esqf John Cortlandt Esq' [179] East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Bowry Division Harlem Division Constables Sworn Vizt j Timothy Sloan Robert M^Alpine Christopher Stinmes Samuell Brower Jacob Christopher Foster Enoch Hunt Deputy Anthony Dobbins j Archilaus Lewis ) James Jerrard (John Stout James Acklin Michael Henderson James Hollet Arnout Webbers William Wood Abraham Myer [Adolph Myer James Mills Deputy Sherif Anthony Ham Deputy Joseph Palding Deputy John Tenbrook Deputy Order'd that Alderman Johnson. Alderman Cortlandt. Alderman Schuyler. Mf Depeyster M' Brinckerhoff M' Benson and M' Bayard Or any four of them be a Committee to Audit the Treasurers Books and Accounts and all other Publick Accounts of this Corporation And that they Make their Report on the Auditt of the Treasurers Books and Accounts with all Convenient Expedition Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N°986 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Warr' Issued: keeper of the Common Council Or Order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current Money of this Col ony in full for one Quarter's SaHary which is due and Ending this day. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 207 [180] City of I gg Att a Common CouncH Held at the New Yorkj City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the Twentieth day of October Anno DoTTT 1747. Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson >.Esqf? Aldermen :> Assistants Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 987. urer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the War'^ Issued Watch of this City Or Order the Sum of fifty Nine pounds Eight Shillings And two pence Current Money of this Colony, Twenty three pounds Twelve Shillings and two pence part thereof being in full of his Account to this day. Twenty pounds Sixteen Shillings other part thereof being to be by him paid to the Severall Constables for their Severall Nights and Days Watching from the I5*t' day of Aprill Last to the 14"' of this Instant both Inclusive And the Remaining fifteen pounds being Advanced to Enable him to purchase ffire Wood and Candles for the Use of this Corporation It being Moved That a Committee be Appointed for Letting the Stalls and Standings of the Severall Marketts to which Mf Mayor Objected Declaring he Conceived he had a Right to the profitts of the Severall Marketts as Clerk of the Markett Whereupon the Common Council Order'd that the Clerk of this Board prepare Advertizements to be publickly Affixed up for Letting to farm the Severall Stalls Standings And places in the Publick Marketts at the House of the Widow Lawrence at four a Clock in the Afternoon On the Twenty fourth of this Instant for one year from the first day of November next. And that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman Van Cortlandt, Mf Lawrence & M' Benson Or any three of them With As Many More of this Board as please to Attend be a Committee to Let the Same Upon Such Conditions As they Shall Judge proper 2o8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [i8i] Order'd the Assize of Bread be tiH further Order as followeth ViztA White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . io°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . . i : 4>4 for two pence A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . 2 : lo for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Course Bran only Taken) , , ^ A , , . „r . , h: 4 for four pence Out And not otherwise to Weigh j Wheat being at 4/3 ^' Bushell And Order'd That no other Bread be made for Sale Within this City (hard Biscuit only Excepted) than According to the above Assize And that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof And Make their Bread Accordingly City of ) Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Wednesday the 4*'' 'day of November Anno DoTIT 1747. Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor. Simon Johnson John Marshall John Pintard Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence i » • . . „ , , , > Assistants Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Alderman Johnson from the Committee for Letting the Stalls, Stand ings And places in the Publick Marketts Reports that they had Let the Same at Publick Vendue the 24"' of October Last for one year from the first day of this Instant November to the first day of November next to Bartholomew Skaats of this City Goldsmith for the Sum of One Hundred and Six pounds And Order'd the Clerke prepare Leases on the Same Conditions as the Leases the Last Year and that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto And Sign the Same By Order of this Board, the Said Lessee Executing his part and also a Bond With Security for performance of Covenants [182] Order'd the Board Or the Major part of them be a Committee for Letting the fferry between this City And Nassau Island on Tuesday )>Esq'? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 209 the 22? of December next at Two aCiock in the Afternoon at the House of Andrew Ramsay for five years upon Such Terms and Condi tions as they Shall Think Convenient And Order'd That the Clerk prepare proper Advertizements And Cause the Same to be Affixed up at Publick places and also in the Publick Newspapers aH the time of the Letting the Same Order'd That the Mayor Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Alderman Schuyler, M' Bogert, M' Lawrence M' Brinckerhoff and M' Bayard or any five of them be A Committee to Revise the Laws of this Corporation And Make their Report thereon to this Board with all Convenient Expedition. Order'd the Assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh. . . . 9^^°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh . . . . i : 4 A White Loaf of the finest flour to Weigh .... 2 : 9 A Wheaten Loaf the Course Bran only^ Taken Out and Not otherwise to Weigh . ( ' Wheat at 4/6 ^ Bushell And Order'd that no other Bread be made for Sale Within this City (hard Biskett only Excepted) than According to the Above As size : and that all Bakers Within this City take Notice hereof and Make their Bread Accordingly for two pence for four pence -3:3 for four pence [183] City of I New Yorkj Present SS ^Esq'? Aldermen Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the 17"' day of November Anno DoITT 1747. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Be it Ordained by the Mayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Council And it is hereby Ordained Vol. v.— 14 ^Assistants 210 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws, Orders And Ordi nances of this Corporation which On the i8**' day of November Anno Domini 1746 Were Made, Ordained, Renewed, Estabilished, And Pub lished be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for one year from and after the date hereof A Law for the Observation of the Lords day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of ffire A Law for Making of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal by Measure A Law Appointing a place for the More Convenient hiring of Slaves A Law for Regulating Negros and other Slaves in the Night time A Law Restraining Negros & Indians from Gaming with Money or for Money A Law for Regulating the Buriall of Slaves A Law for Punishing of Slaves who Shall Ride Disorderly thro' the Streets A Law Giving a Reward to Any person or persons who Shall Ap prehend Any Negro Indian or Molatto Slave Offending Against any of the Acts of Generall Assembly of this Province A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen : [184] A Law for Regulating of Packers, Guagers and Cullers A Law Regulating the Making ffreemen A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks And Slips of this City A Law for Preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the Docks of this City Regulations for Paying Dock Money. A Law Prohibiting the Burning of Lime on the Commons A Law for Regulating and Estabilishing fees for Inviters to ffuner alls A Law for Cleansing the Streets, Lanes and Allies of this City A Law for Paving the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York A Law Against ffiring Guns in the Streets A Law Against Killing Neat Cattle any where but at the Slaughter Houses A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 211 A Law to Prohibitt Digging Holes or Cutting Sods on the Commons A Law for preventing frauds in ffirewood A Law prohibiting Slaughter Houses in the Out Ward A Law Estabilishing fees for the Slaughter houses A Law for Marking of Butter A Law prohibiting the Cutting of Timber on the Commons by Brickmakers and Charcoal Burners A Law for Regulating fences A Law Regulating Midwives within the City of New York. A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the better Securing the Cit}- of New York from the Danger of Gun powder A Law Appointing proper places for Unloading of Hay A Law Restraining the Cutting of Hoopsticks & Saplings on the Commons A Law for Preserving the ffish in ffresh Water Pond A Law for Regulating And Ordering the Publick Marketts in the City of New York [185] A Law Declaring to what Uses the Seal of this Corporation, the Seal of the Mayoralty and the Seal of the Mayors Court Shall be put Unto A Law Appointing Convenient places for Unloading of Hay for Estabilishing the Rates of Carting Hay in Trusses and Bundles and for the Ease of Antient and Disabled Cartmen. A Law Repealing a Clause in a Law of this Corporation herein Mentioned Relating to the Assize of Cask for Pork. Beef and ffish A Law to Prohibitt the Exportation of Beef and Pork Untill the Same is Repacked and Branded by the Sworn Packers. A Law for Regulating and Declaring the Duty of Firemen in the City of New York A Law to Prohibitt Negros and other Slaves Vending Indian Corn Peaches Or any other fruit within this City A Law Restraining Negros from Going to fetch Water on a Sunday Other than to the next Well or Pump to the place of their Abode And Riding Horses through the Streets or out of Town on a Sunday A Law for the further Regulating the Publick Marketts within the City of New York. A Law for Appointing Estabilishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York A Law for the better preventing the fforestalling of provisions Comeing to the Publick Marketts of this City. 312 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law to Remove and Prevent Nusances in the City of New York A Law to Prevent the Slip at the End of the Drain or Common Sewer from the Markett Commonly Called the Fly Markett to the East River becoming a Nusance Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 988 urer to pay to Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Or Order Warr' Issued the Sum of Eight pounds Current Money of this Colony to be by him Applyed towards the Charge of a Well and pump Newly Erected near the New Dutch Church. The Petition of George Peterson and Samuell Tingley praying for Grants of the Ground and Water Lotts two hundred feet into the East River fronting their Respective Ground in Montgomerie [Ward] was Read whereupon It is Ordered that Alderman Johnson, Alderman MarshaH Alderman Cortiandt M' Lawrence, M' Brinckerhoff M' Ben son and Mf Bayard or any four of them be a Committee to Examine into the All[e]gations of the Said Petition and Make their Report to this Board With all Convenient Expedition [186] Order'd That Richard Nicholls the present D Clerk of this Board pay to the Treasurer of this Corporation the Sum of Nineteen pounds Thirteen Shillings Current Money of this Colony in full Bal lance of his Accounts With this Corporation to this day and that the Treasurer Give him a Receipt in full for the Same. And the Said Rich ard Nicholls having now Resigned the office of Deputy Clerk and John Chambers Esq' Clerk of this Board Acquainted the Board that he had Appointed M' Lodge his Deputy to Succeed the Said Richard Nicholls which this Board Approving off the Said M' Abraham Lodge took the Oaths Appointed by Law Instead of the Test &c And Also the Oath for the due Execution of the Office City of [ „„ Att a Common Council Held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Tuesday the first day of December 1747. Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh 1 a • . , T . Tl • 1 1 S >? Assistants Jons Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard -Esqf? Aldermen /' OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK J13 M' James Parker pursuant to An Agreement made with him by M' Alderman Johnson Alderman Courtlandt, Alderman Schuyler, M' Depeyster M' Lawrence Appointed a Committee for that purpose pro duced to this Board fifty printed Copies of an Essay Called a Guide to the Vestry which he had printed at their Request for the Sum of four pounds being the price Agreed on by them with him. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° 989. urer to pay to the Said James Parker Or Order the A^'arr' issued Sum of four pounds for the Said fifty printed Copies So by him Delivered to this Board IM'' William Gilbert Salt Measurer Applyed to this Board And Desired Leave to Resign his Office of Measurer And this Board would be pleased to Appoint his Son in Law Thomas fferdon of this City Wheelwright to be a Measurer in his Room which this Board Consider ing off Order'd [187] the Said Thomas fferdon be and this Board Doth Appoint the Said Thomas fferdon one of the Measurers of this City City of ) „^ Att a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj ' HaH of the said City on Tuesday the 22^ December 1747. Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Brandt Schuyler Stephen V. Courtlandt Abraham Depeyster Samuel Lawrence Isaack Stoutenburgh Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard >Esq'? Aldermen r" Assistants Thomas fferdon of this City Wheelwright applyed to this Board to be appointed one of the Measurers of this City AVilliam Gilbert one of the City Measurers having resigned this Board have appointed the said Thomas fferdon one of the Measurers of this City in the room of the said William Gilbert. 214 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Committee appointed for Examining the ac- N° 990 count of repairs and additions to the Poor house of Warr' issued this City pursuant to the Order of the Common Coun cill have examined the Several Articles Incerted in a Certain account delivered in by WiHiam Roome Esq' amounting in the whole to £190 : 17= : 4? and do report it as their Opinion that the said Sum be aUowed and paid to the said William Roome Esqf to be by him paid to the Several persons in the said account mentioned according to the Several Sums annexed to their Names which report is Unani mously agreed to by this Board and Ordered the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to the said William Roome Esqf the said Sum of £190 : 17* : 4'? : to be by him paid and applyed as aforesaid. Cornelius Van Horne Esqf Delivered up to this board a Certificate of the Number of Days by him Served in generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from December 1743 to the Eleventh of November 1747 Amounting in the whole to 665 Days with a Cer tificate Endorsed of his having Engaged to Serve this City as one of their Representatives Gratis and declaring them to be Null and Void and all other Certificates and Demands for the Like Service David Clarkson Esqf at the same time deHvered up to this board a Certificate of the number of Days by him Served in General Assembly as one of the representatives of this City with the Like Discharge Henry Cruger Esqf at the same time delivered up to this Board a Certificate of the number of Days by him Served in Generall assembly as one of the Representatives of this City with the Like discharge [188] City of [ gg At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Monday the 28"* Day of Decembe[r] 1747 Present Edward Holland Esqf Ma)'or Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor WiHiam Roome Simon Johnson Stephen V Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Samuell Lawrence Isaack Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Ab: Depeyster ^ Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 215 Ordered the assize of bread be till further Order as followeth viz' A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh . 8;^2°^ for a penny A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh, i''^ . ijj for two pence A white Loaf of the finest flour to weigh ... 2 . . 4 . . for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Course brann only ) taken out & not otherwise to Weigh. . ( ~ • o - ¦ • - V And Ordered that no other bread be made for Sale within this City (hard biscuet only excepted) than according to the above Excise and that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof and make their bread accordingly Ordered Nemine Contradicente that the Mayor of this Corporation has the Sole right of granting Lycesises to Tavernkeepers and retailers of Strong Liquors within this City by Virttie of his Majesties mo;;t Gracious Charter and that no person or persons have any right to retail Strong Liquors either within or without Doors without Such Licence first had and obtained from the Mayor Ordered that John Dunscomb one of the firemen of this City be removed from his Office for Contemptuously refusing to do his duty in attending the fire which happened Last thursday was Seven night after he was Ordered so to do by some of the Magistrates of this City And Cornelius Turck is appointed a fireman of the North Ward of this City in the room of the said John Dunscomb And Order'd that the said John Dunscomb be served with a Copy of this Order. M? Mayor and the Committee appointed for Leasing the ferry be tween this Cit}^ and Nassau Island report that on the twenty second Instant they Leased the same by publick Vendue to Daniel Bloom for for the term of five years under the yearly rent of four hundred and fifty five pounds to be paid at four equal and Quarterly payments and to Commence on the twenty fifth of March next and that the Condi tions of said Lease were then and there executed by the said Daniel Bloom and the said Committee which this board approves of And Ordered the D : Clerk draw the Leases pursuant to said Conditions as also a [189] Bond for the performance thereof to be executed b}' the said Daniel Bloom and his Sureties for the perusal and approbation of this board 2i6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ^ _ Att a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Fryday the 29".' January 1747 [-8] Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Pintard Stephen V. Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Isaack Stoutenbourgh Samuell Lawrence >Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants Paul Richards Esqf one of the Late Representatives for the City and County of New York having Engaged to serve gratis as one of the Representatives delivered up to this Board a Certificate of the number of days by him served in general Assembly with a discharge for the same subscribed by him on the twelfth of December Last declaring the same null and Void The Committee appointed on the twentieth of N° 991 March Last to audit Mf Stoutenbourgh's accounts for Warr* issued repairing the City Hall and the Oswego Markett have in obedience thereto Examined the said Accounts and report that the same do amount unto thirty nine pounds fourteen shillings and three pence half penny which is approved of by this board Ordered the mayor issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Isaack Stoutenbourgh or order the said Thirty nine pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence half penny as also the further sum of Seaven pounds Eight Shillings for moneys by him paid for a double watch at Christmas The Committee appointed to Examine the account N° 992 of Mf Joris Brinckerhoff for moneys &c : Expended Warrt issued in the repairs of the Common Shore and Exchange at the South End in Broad Street in this City do Report that they have Examined the same and that the Charge thereof does amount unto One hundred and fifty one pounds eight ShiHings and ten pence which is agreed to & allowed by this Board Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to the said Mf Joris Brinckerhoff or Order the said Sum of one hundred & fifty pounds Eight ShiHings & ten pence OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK *iT [190] The Deputy Clerk of this Board produced the Draft of the Lease of the fferry on Nassau Island Lett to Daniel Bloom for the Term of ffive years which was Read and Approved of by this Board and Ordered the same be Engrossed. Ordered that the Neighbourhood of the Meal Markett in this City have Leave at their own Expence to make and Erect a Dock and Stairs for the Convenlency of the fferry Boat which is to Land there in such manner as the same shall be directed by Mf Alderman Johnson Mf Alderman Pintard Mf Samuell Lawrence and Mf Joris Brincker- hofl5 Ordered the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 993 urer to pay to Anthony Ham Messenger and Door- Warrt issued keeper to the Common Councill or Order two pounds ten Shillings for one Quarters SaHary due the four teenth Instant City of ) gg New Yorkj Present Att a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on ffryday the I9't' day of ffebraary 1747/8 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D. Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall John Pintard Stephen V: Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Isaack Stoutenbourgh Joris Brinckerhoff Samuel Lawrence Robert Benson >Esq'? Aldermen Assistants It appearing to this Board that Bartholemew Skaats their Lessee of the Docks and Slips of this City from the first of May 1746. to the first of May Last as also of the Marketts from the first of November 1746. to the first of November Last has paid to the City Treasurer the Rents Reserved and made payable for the same as by the Treasurers Receipts Endorsed on the said Leases and performed the Covenants therein on his part to be performed Ordered the Clerk deHver up to him the bonds 2i8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL by him executed for the performance of the Covenants and payments in said Leases. And Ordered the Treasurer of this City N? 994 pay to Bartholemew Skaats or Order five pounds nine Warrt issued Shillings and one penny half penny being the amount of his account for repairing the City Scow which is allowed [191] Ordered that a new Lease be made to Bartholomew Skaats of the Dock and Slips for one year to Commence on the first day of May next on the Rents and Covenants as the same was Leased to him Last Year John Milligan Sworn and admitted a ffreeman of this Corporation The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Neighbourhood of Wall street and the Meal Markett was read ordered the same be referred to further Consideration Ordered that Every Member of this Board who Shall hereafter be Summoned to attend after notice given to him or to some white person in the family and who shall not attend within half an hour after ringing of the Bell Shall forfeit two Shillings and Six pence and if he shall not attend at all that day after such Summons Shall forfeit five Shil lings to be paid to the Clerk of this Board to be disposed of as this Board shall direct. City of / CO Att a Common CounciH held at the City New York^ HaH of the said City on Thursday the 24'!' day of March 1747 [-8] Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall John Pintard Stephen V. Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Isaac Stoutenburgh "^ Joris Brinckerhoff Samuel Lawrence Robert Benson Ab: De Peyster Henry Bogert Nicholas Bavard >Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 219 Ordered that the members of this Corporation do on the Morrow at noon go to the fferry of this City and there deliver possession of the said fferry and fferry Houses to Daniel Bloom their Lessee thereof Ordered A Warrant issue to the Treasurer of this 995 City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or order the Sume of Warrt issued Fifty Eight pounds thirteen Shillings being the bal lance of his account for Laying the pavement at the Lower End of the Broadway Audited and aHowed by this board and that a warrant Issue to the Treasurer to pay to Brandt Schuyler [192] Esqf or Order Fifty Nine pounds Eleven Shillings and One 996 penny being so much by him advanced on the Same Warrt issued account as by the account thereof, which is allowed by this Board Ordered the Mayor Issue his warrant to pay 997 Stephen Van Courtlandt Esqf or Order One hun- Warrant Issued dred and One pounds Nineteen ShiHings and a half periy in full of his account for repairing and Cleans ing the Goals and City Hall of this City which is audited and aHowed. Ordered that the Clerk of this board demand of Benj'? NicoH Esqf admf &c of Lawrence Garner dece? the rent due and Owing from Lawrence Garner in his life time to the Corporation for some of the Corporation Ground to him demised in his life time at thirty Shillings Pf Annum On. reading the petition of Jacobus Ryckman an antient Inhabitant of this City Setting forth that by his long Confinement in Goal he is reduced to great Straits & Infirmitys and praying this Corporation wo'd grant to him a spott of Ground for a Brick Kiln in their Commons for the better Support of himself and family. Ordered that the Alder man and Common Councill [man] of the Out ward pitch on a proper place and agree with him for that purpose and make report thereof to this board Ordered that the alderman and the Common Council [man] of the Outward pitch on a proper place and agree with WiHiam Wood for a Spot of Ground in the City Common for a Brick Kiln on his relinquish ing the Ground formerly let to him and that they make report thereof to this Board Ordered that the Neighbourhood of New Street N? 998 have liberty to Sink a well at Such Convenient place as Warrt issued shall be directed by Alderman Roome Aid'? Courtlandt and Aid'? Schuyler and ordered a AA'arrant issue to 220 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Treasurer of this City to pay Eight pounds towards the Expence thereof Ordered Aid'? Roome Aid'? Courtlandt Aid'" Schuyler Alderman Johnson Mf Lawrence Mf Benson Mf De Peyster and Mf Brinckerhoff be a Comittee to View where will be a Convenient place for makeing a Cartway on the Pier at the End of Wall Street and that they make report thereof to this board Ordered that M' Stoutenburgh Employ Some persons to Cleanse the City HaH with all Convenient Speed [193] City of ) „5, At a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 5'^ day of Aprill Anno Doiri 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor WilHam Roome Simon Johnson John Marshal John Pintard Stephen Van Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff' Henry Bogert Nicholas Bayard Samuel Lawrence Robert Benson > Esq'? Aldermen ^Esq'? Aldermen John Kindell admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corporation Ordered that Alderman Roome Alderman Johnson Alderman Schuyler M' Lawrence and Mf Brinckerhoff or any thereof [three of] them be a CoTTTittee to agree for and purchase Materials for the build ing a new ferry house and Barn on Nassau Island which ferry house is agreed to be built two Story high and to be fifty foot in length and forty foot in breadth and the first Story above the Cellar to be Nine foot high and the upper Story Eight foot high and that the said Comittee have power to draw upon the Treasurer from time to time for Such Sums of Money as they shall want for the Same not Exceeding two hundred pounds OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 221 Ordered the Mayor issue his Warrant to pay to N9 999 James Mills or Order Thirteen Pounds fourteen Shil- Warr' issued ings for Victualing Sundry prisoners &c: as Pf his accot Sworn to by him and which is allowed [194] City of ^ c -^T a Common CouncH held at the City New Yorkj Hall in and for the said City on Wednes day the 13*? Day of April 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor WilHam Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Brandt Schuyler John Pintard Stephen V"? Courtlandt Isaac Stoutenburgh Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Samuell Lawrence Robert Benson Nichol? Bayard Ordered that Doctf Schuckburgh have Liberty to keep that part of the Citys Ground which was Leased by his Father in Law Lawrence Ganier dec4 and by him inclosed in his life time adjoining to his farm in the Bowry, for the Term of One Year he paying thirty Shillings a year rent to this Corporation which he agrees to pay the rent to Comence on the Twenty fifth day of March last and that he hold the Same at the like rent for so long after as the Corporation shall think fitt >-Esq'? Alderm.eu >- Assistants Israel Horsfield Came into Common Council and did agree with and Sell to the Corporation of this City the Dwelling House and Lott of Ground at Brookland on long Island in the Tenure & Occupation of James Stringham being Twenty four foot in breadth and forty Odd feet in length with Some Ground behind it for the Sume of Seven Hundred pounds and five Hundred pounds part thereof to be paid on the first day of May Next and the remaining Two Hundred pounds on the first day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and fforty Nine and Ordered the Clerk Draw Deeds for Conveying the Same to this 222 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Corporation with Covenants of Warranty against all Pfsons and that he is Seized in ffee and that it's free from all incumbrances and that Stringham Pay Thirty five pounds part of the Next years rent to this Corporation and Thirteen pounds the residue to the said Israel Horsfield [195] Order'd that Mess'? aid'? Johnson aid'? Marshall and aid'" Schuyler Mf Lawrence and Mf Bogert be a Comittee to agree with and purchase from Mf John Suydam the Dwelling House and Ground whereon he lives at the ferry on Long Island for any price not exceed ing three Hundred pounds Ralph Steel Labourer admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corpo ration Ordered the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? 1000 urer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh overseer of the Warrt issued Watch of this City Twenty pounds Eighteen Shillings being to be by him paid to the Several Constables for their Several Nights and days. Watching from the 15"' of [October] Last to the 14*1" Instant Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- N? looi urer to pay to anthony Ham Doorkeeper & messenger Warrt Issued to the CoTTTon Council or order two pounds ten shil lings for one Quarters Salary due the I4*^ Instant City of ) gg New Yorkj Present At a Common Council held at the City Hall in and for the said City on Wednesday the 4 day of May 1748 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson Brandt Schuyler John Pintard Stephen V? Courtlandt Isaac Stoutenburgh Samuel Lawrence Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard J The Comittee appointed to agree with and purchase from Suydam the House and Lott where he Lived did report to this board that they ;-Esq'? Assistants ;> Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 223 had agreed with and purchased from the said John Suydam the Same for the Sume of Two hundred and Seventy five pounds Current money of this Colony which agreement is approved of and ratified and Con firmed by this board & Ordered the Treasurer pay to N9 1002 Abraham Lodge Deputy Clerk of this City the said Warrt Issued Sume of Two Hundred and seventy five pounds to be by him paid to Said John Suydam on his and his wifes executing Deeds for the Same House and Lott to the Corporation [196] Ordered that a Well be Sunk near Spring Garden in the Broad way of this City at such Convenient place as shall be directed by alder man Roome Mf Bogert Alderman Courtlandt and Mf Stoutenburgh or any three of them and that this Corporation allow Eight pounds for and Towards the Expence thereof Ordered also that the Neighbourhood of John Street and Nassau Street have also liberty to Sink a well at Such Convenient place as shall be approved and Directed by the Same Committee and that Eight pounds be allowed towards the Expence thereof City of ) Qc ^'^' ^ Common Council held at the City New York ( Hall in and for the said City on Tuesday the 7*i' day of June 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson Stephen V? Courtlandt John Pintard Brandt Schuyler Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Peter Stoutenburgh Nicholas Bayard Abraham Depeyster Samuel Lawrence Ordered that alderman Schuyler and Mf Nicholas Bayard be a CoTHittee to Settle and adjust the Division Line between the Ground of John Van Zandt and the Ground of this Corporation in the Out ward of this City and that they make report thereof to this board Ordered that Capt John Burgiss be presented with the freedom of this Corporation for the Late Signal Service done by him in taking and ^Esq'? aldermen ^ Assistants ^Esq'? Aldermen 224 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL bringing into this Port a ffrench privateer which Infested our Const and that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Draft thereof to lay before this board for their perusal and approbation at their Next Meeting. John Waters Innkeeper admitted and Sworn a ffreeman of this Corporation Ordered that the neighbourhood of Wall Street near the Meal Market have leave to make a Cartway on the pier at the End of said Wall Street at their own Charge which shall remain and Continue during the pleasure of this Corporation [197] City of ^ At a Comon Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 28*!' day of June 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D: Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson Stept" Van Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Peter Stoutenburgh Nich? Bayard Henry Bogert Ab'? D Peyster Samuel Lawrence The petition of Cornelia Rutgers, Leonard Lispenard, John and Jacob? Roosevelt and Christopher Banker Setting forth that they are possessed of a Certain parcell of Land adjoining to the East river between the house and Lott of James Desbrosses and the Land of Harm? Rutgers and praying a Grant of the Water Lott fronting to their Lotts &c. Ordered that the members of this board or the major part of them be a Comittee to Enquire and Examine into the subject matter of said petition and that they go to and View the Lands Claimed by the pet'^ and make report thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed A Petition of Severall Inhabitants in the neighbourhood of pearle Street was read Setting forth that David Van Horne and Samuell Van Horne intended to Erect a Still House on part of the Ground of Walter Dongan near White Hall and that the same Wo'd become a Nusance > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 225 as also Dangerous by fire Resolved that it is the Opinion of this board that the building of a Still House and keeping the Same Under proper regulations Can be no nusance to this City The Deputy Clerk produced to this board a Draft of the freedom of this Corporation to be presented to Captain John Burgiss which was read and is in the words following to witt p. ^ , Edward Holland Esqf Mayor and the alder- .^j \^ , t SS men and Commonalty of the City of New York. J To ALL to whom these presents shall Come Send Greeting AVhereas Captain John Burgiss Commander of the privateer Snow or Vessell of Warr Called the Royall Catharine did on the fourth Day of this Instant month of June on his return in the said snow from a Successfull Cruize meet on this Coast (about Six Leagues from Sandy Hook) a ffrench privateer Brigantine Called Le Mars of Considerable force and having on board near three times the Number of his Men which Brigantine gave Chase to and engaged the said John Burges and in that Engagement attempted Severall [198] Times to Board and take him which he the said John Burgiss by his prudence Conduct and Valour not only prevented but also did Vanquish Overcome take and bring the said french privateer into this Port and Harbour of New York which Action as it was brave and noble in itself so it is also in the Publick Benefitts and Advantages which flow from it to witt, the Safety and ffreedom of our own Trade and Comerce as also of the neighbouring Provinces and Meritts the applause of all persons and particularly of the Inhabitants of this City We Therefore the Mayor aldermen and Comonalty of the City of New York Convened in Comon Councill from the just Sence We have as well of the Conduct and Bravery of the said Captain John Burgiss in this Particular as of the benefits arising thereby to this City Do Unanimously present Unto him the ffreedom of the Corporation of this City of New York These are therefore to Certifie and declare that the said Capt John Burgiss is hereby Admitted Received and allowed a freeman and Citizen of the said City of New York To Have hold Enjoy and Partake of all and Singular the advantages Benefitts Liberties priviledges ffranchises ffreedoms and Immunities Whatsoever Granted or belong ing to the Same City In Testimony Whereof the said Mayor Alder men and Comonalty have Caused the Seal of the said City to be affixed the 28*^ day of June in the Twenty Second year of his Majesties Reign Annoq* DoTiT 1748 Vol. v.— IS xEsqf? Aldermen :? Assistants 226 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) cc -^T a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the City of New York on Fryday July 8'h 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D Mayf W"? Roome Simon Johnson John Marshal Stephen V: Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Robert Benson Isaac Stoutenburgh Flenry Bogart Ab: De Peyster Saml' Lawrence [199] Ordered the assize of bread be till further Order as followeth Viz' A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh . . . . o**' : 8°^ for a Penny a white Loaf of the finest flower to weigh i : oYi for two pence a white Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 2 : 2 for four pence A Wheaten Loaf the Coarse bran only taken) , . out and not Otherwise to weigh C ' ^ And Ordered that no Other bread be made for Sale within this City (hard bisquets only Excepted) than According to the above assize and that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof and make their bread accordingly Order'd that the Alderman of the West Ward Cause a new Elec tion of an assessor in the room and stead of Philip Goelet who is Deceased Since the Last Election and that the Election be on Tuesday next at Ten of the Clock in the morning Order'd that Alderman Roome Alderman Johnson Alderman Court landt or any two of them be a Comittee to take the advice and Opinion of Mess'? Alexander [,] Murray and Chambers what Steps are most proper and adviseable to be taken with Israel Horsfield. who hath Lately Erected and set up a slaughter House at the fferry between High and Low Water Mark The Petition of Benj"? Peck was read Setting forth that he was possessed of a Certain parcell of Land adjoining to the East River between the House and Lott of James Desbrosses and the House and Lott of Harmanus Rutgers and praying the Grant of the Water Lott fronting his Lott OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 127 Order'd that the Members of this board or the major part of them be a Comittee to Enquire into the Subject Matter of said Petition, and that they make report thereof to this board City of ) cc -^T ^ Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the 28't' July Anno Dom. 1748. Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesant Esqf D Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson )>¦ Esq'? Aldermen John Pintard Isaac Stoutenburgh Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff ^Assistants Robert Benson Samuell Lawrence Ordered that the assize of Bread be tiH further Order as follows to witt A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh. . i"^: 14.°^ for four pence a white Loaf of the finest flower to weigh. . o : 15 for two pence a white Loaf of the finest flower to weigh . . . . o : 7 for a penny And Ordered that a no ther [no other] bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Bisquet [200] Only Excepted) that [than] ac cording to the Above Assize and that all Bakers, take Notice hereof and make their bread Accordingly The Petition of Thomas Barns John Latham and Oliver De Lancey was read praying the Grant of this Corporation to them of Two Hundred foot of Ground Under Water, the whole breadth of their Lotts in Montgomerie Ward &c? Order'd that Alderman Johnson Alderman Marshall Alderman Schuyler Mf Benson and Mf Lawrence be a Committee to Enquire into the Matters Contained in said Petition and that they make report thereof to this Board Upon Application of M' David Van Horne to this board to Lay a Drain from the Lott near the White Hall whereon he is About Erecting a Still House this [being?] the street into the Bason within the Battery Orderfj> that he have the Leave of this board So far as they have power to Grant the Same Order'd that Mf George Brinkerhoff have Leave and Do Employ Some persons to Cleanse the Dock a[nd] Slip at Coenties Markett and that the Expense thereof be paid by this Corporation 2 28 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Order'd that Alderman Johnson, Alderman Marshall Mf Samuel Lawrence and Mf Robert Benson or any three of them be a Committee to Employ Persons to Cleanse the Slip and Dock at the Lower End of the Fly Markett and that the Expence thereof be paid by this Corporation Order'd that Mf Samuel Lawrence Do pay unto M' Hardenbrook the Keeper of the Magazine for the storage of Sixty half Barrells of Gun Powder Lately Sent Hither by mistake half the ffees of Storage and no More Order'd that John David Woolf have Leave to Digg Clay in the Comons of this City for the Convenlency of his building he filling up the Ground at his Own expence Jacob Gardenier Labourer admitted and sworn Andrew Hoyer Gunsmith Sworn ffreemen of this Corporation Order'd that James Mills the Goaler Do not Give Leave to any person or persons to take nor that he Lend any of the City Ladders to any person or persons on any Account or pretence Except by Order of Common Councill or in Case of fire Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Anthony Ham Doore Keeper and Messenger of this Board two pounds Ten shillings for One Quarters Sallary due and Ending the 14*1" Inst. Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to James Mills or Order thirteen pounds Twelve Shillings in full of his Account for Victualling one John Smith & Patrick Brampston &c. as by his Account sworn too and allow'd [201] City of ) cc -^1' ^ Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday 1 1*^ August 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor William Roome "^ Simon Johnson John Marshal Stephen Van Courtlandt John Pintard Brandt Schuyler Isaac Stoutenburgh Henry Bogert Ussistants JT-, • I 1- .c ^ /assistants oris Bnnckerhoof Samuel Lawrence >Esqf? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 229 Order'd that the freedom of this Corporation be presented to his Excellency the Honourable William Shirley Esqf Commander in Chief of his Majesties Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England and that this board be a Comittee to Draw the Draft of said Freedom Mf Alderman Johnson produced to this board a Subscription paper signed by several of the Neighbourhood of the ffly Market thereby promising to pay sixty Odd pounds for and Towards the Laying and Carrying out a good and Sufficient Drain to Carry of the filth and Dirt of the Slip in Case the Corporation wo'd think proper to Order the Same to be done It is Order'd Mf Alderman Johnson and Mf Samuel Lawrence M' Alderman Marshall and Mf Robert Benson be a Comit tee to View and Examine the said Slip and that they Report their Opinion thereof to this Board. City of ) CO -^'^ ^ Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Fryday the 12*? August 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esqf D : Mayor William Roome Simon Johnson John Marshall Stephen Van Courtlandt John Pintard Brandt Schuyler Isaac Stoutenburgh Nicholas Bayard Henry Bogert Samuel Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoof Mess'? Johnson and Schuyler two of the Comittee for preparing the Draft of the ffreedom of this Corporation to his Excellency Gov ernour Shirley did produce a Draft to this board which was read in the words following to witt City of New York SS [202] Edward Holland Esqf Mayor and the Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City in Comon Council Convened To All [to] whom these presents shall Come Send Greeting Know Yee that we being willing to Demonstrate the great regard and Esteem wee have for the person of his Excel lency William Shirley Esqf Captain General and Commander in Chief ;>Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants 230 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of the Colony of Massachusets Bay in New England and Vice Admiral of the Same and being traly Sensible of his Great Conduct Courage Lo3'alty and Abilities Signalized not only in the part he Lately acted in forming the plan for the reduction of Loulsburgh to the Crown of Great Brittain which has greatly Conduced to the Secureing the Trade of this City but also in a Late hazardous and painfull Journey by him made through a Country (frequented by Barbarians who have made frequent Incursions that way & behav'd as the most merciless and Cruel Enemies) to meet the Six Nations of Indians at Albany and in Conjunction with his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Gov ernour of this Colony to Secure their ffriendship aliance and firm At tachment to the Crown of Great Brittain and Since Safely Arrived in this City And being Desirous of Receiving So Worthy a member into this Corporation and that he should be presented with the freedom thereof of which we pray his favourable Acceptance these are therefore to Certify and Declare that his said Excellency WiHiam Shirley Esqf is hereby Admitted received and Allowed a ffreeman of the said City of New York To Have Hold Use Enjoy and partake of all the Bene fits Liberties priviledges ffranchizes ffreedoms and Immunities Granted or belonging to the same In Testimony whereof the said Mayor hath hereunto Subscribed his name and Caused the Seal of the said City to be affixed the Twelfth Day of August in the Twenty Second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain, ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &c : and in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and forty Eight. Order'd the same be Engrossed and that the Deputy Clerke Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto. Order'd that Alderman Stuyvesant Alderman Courtlandt and Mf Lawrence be added to the Comittee appointed to Settle and adjust the Division Line between the Ground of John A^an Zandt and the Ground of this Corporation in the Bowery and that they and the former Com mittee or the Major part thereof make report thereof to this board [N. B. At this point an extended omission in the so-called "orig inal" has been partially supplied from such fragmentary rough minutes as have been preserved. To distinguish these extra pages of manu script here inserted, and to avoid any confusion with the main body of the text, an arbitrary system of lettering has been adopted. The date of the first proceedings thus entered is evident, the annual elections regu larly occurring on the 29th of September (the Church festival of St. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 231 Michael the Archangel), which in the year 1748 fell on Thursday. The discrepancy in the warrant numbers indicates that there was held at least one other meeting between that immediately foHowing and the last recorded Common Council — Editors.] [202a] East Ward -< West Ward ^ North Ward ^ South Ward Dock Ward -: '"Samuel Lawrence Esqf John provoost Ebenezer Grant Robert Crommeline Francis Marschalck Rice Williams Thomas Kendall William Roome Esqf Nicholas Roosevelt William Eagles John Thurman Joseph Devoe George Van Horne Jonathan AVheeler Stephen Van Cortlandt EsqT Henry Bogert John Dunscomb Simon Cregier John Van Arnam Joost Palding ^Abraham Kip 'Brandt Schuyler Esqf Abraham Depeyster Cornelius Wyncoop & John Kipp Balthazar Dehart John Waters & . Thomas Lepper James Livingston Esqf George Brinckerhoff John Cruger Thomas Willet John Tuder John Delamontanie Isaac Hays AldermanAssistant Assessors Collector Constables Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector Constables AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector [ Constables Alderman Assi.stant Assessors CoHectorConstables AldermanAssistantAssessors Collector Constables 232 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [202b] ^John MarshaH Esqf Robert Benson Robert Morrell Montgomerie.-^ WiHiam Griffin Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector [ Constables Alderman Assistant Assessors Collector Constables Assessors s \ \ 1 CoHector [ Constables 3 for Bowry Division for Harlem Division William Depeyster John Bogert Jun' Patrick Jackson Gerardus Stuyvesant Esq' Nicholas Bayard Adrian Hogeland & Harman Vandewater Teunis Somerendyk Out Ward 4 John Van Zandt Teunis Duyckman Arent Bussen & Jacob Dyckman Junf Abraham Meyer John Benson Junf & Lawrence Cortreight His Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain General and Governour in Chief of the province of New York and the Terri tories thereon depending in America and Vice Admiral of the Same and Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesties Fleet by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Councill was pleased to Appoint the following Officers for the City and County of New York for the year Ensuing (to witt) Edward HoHand Esqf to be Mayor Water BaHiff and Clerk of the Markett John Ayscough Esqf to be High Sheriff And John Burnet Esqf to be Coroner of the said City and County for the Year Ensuing. [202c] Simon Johnson Esqf Produced Unto this Board a Commission under the Great Seal of the Province of New York Appointing him recorder of the City of New York which was Read and is in the words following Vizt [The commission not entered.] Mf Mayor Acquainted this Board that M' Johnson Appeared Before him Took the Oaths Appointed by Act of parHament Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and also an Oath for the due Execution of the Office of Recorder of the City of New York OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK «33 Resolved Nemine Contra Dicente That Cornelius Depeyster Esq"- the present Treasurer or Chamberlain of this City be and is hereby Elected and Appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs. Ordered the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward Do Cause New Elections of Constables for the said Ward in the Room of John Bogert Junf and Patrick Jackson who are both Troopers and that the Election be on Monday next The Mayor hath Appointed Thomas Leppe[r] (who was chosen one of the Constables of the South Ward) to be High Constable of this Ci[ty] for the year Ensueing And Ordered that th[e] Alderman of the South Ward Cause a New Election of a Constable for the said Ward in the Room of the Said Thomas Lepper an[d] that the Election be on Monday next. Ordered the Alderman of the Out Ward Do Cause a New Election of a Constabl[e] for the Bowry Division in the said Ward i[n] the Room of John Van Zandt who is a ffireman And that the Election be on Monday next [202d'] City of ^ gg New Yorkj Att a Common Council held at the Qty Hall of the said City on Thursday October the 6"' Anno DoiTT 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor. Gerrardus Stuyvesant Esq' D: Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder William Roome John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson •^ Esqf? aldermen ¦ Assistants William Allison Chirurgeon AA''illiam Kell}- and Philip Hogan Mar riner Sworn ffreemen of this Corporation William Lee and Adam Phaffer Carpenter Sworn ffreemen and ordered to be Registred 234 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL M' Mayor Acquainted this Board that the Buildings and Interest of this City at the fferry were Extravagantly Assessed by the Assessors of the Township of Brookland in a higher proportion than the other Estates in the Neighbourhood. Order'd that the Committe Appointed to Consult M' Murray and M' Chambers on the Incroachments made on the Citys Ground at the fferry Do also Consult the said M' Murray & M' Chambers to procure a proper Redress for the Extravagant Assessment by the Said Assessors of Brookland [202e] Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to warrant Issued the Treasurer to pay Unto Simon Johnson Esqf or N"^ (1005.) order the Sum of Eighty one pounds Nineteen Shil lings and Three pence Current Money of this Col ony being So Much Money by him paid to Sundry persons for work Done for this Corporation at the fferry and Cleansing the Slips in this City As Appears by his Acct which is Allowed M' Alderman Schuyler Reported that he had Caused a New Elec tion of a Constable for the South Ward in the Room of Thomas Lepper who was Appointed High Constable when Joseph Griswold was Elected in his Room to Serve for the year Ensueing. Order'd that Two Wells be Sunk one in Cortlandt Street and the other in Dye Street in the West Ward of this City at Such Convenient place in the Said Street as Shall be Directed by the Alderman, As sistant of the Said Ward and that this Corporation Do Allow Eight pounds for and Towards the Expence thereof Order'd the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the warrant Issued Treasurer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of N° (1006) the Watch of this City or order th[e] Sum of forty Six pounds five Shillings & four pence Current Money of this Colony being in full of his Acct to this day also or dered the Treasurer pay Unto the Said Isaac Stoutenburgh the fur ther Sum of fi[ve] pounds Current Money aforesaid in order [to] enable him to purchase firewood and Cand[les] for the Use of this Corporation OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 235 [202/] City of New York Present SS Att a Common Council Held at the City Hall of the Said City on fryday Octo ber the 14"" Anno DoTTT 1748 ;>Esqf^ Aldermen ^Assistants Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome John Pintard John Marshall Stephen Van Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Samuell Lawrence Isaac Stoutenburgh Joris Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard This day M' Mayor attended by M'' Recorder the Aldermen and Assistants High Sheriff town Clerk High Constable Constables and other Officers of this Corporation went in their formalities from the City Hall to his Majesties Garrison Fort George and there waited on his Excellency the Honorable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief in and over the province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in America Vice Admirall of the Same and Vice Admirall of the White Squadron of his Majesties fleet and the Oaths Appointed by Act of parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by Order of his Said Excellency were Administred Unto the Said Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market of this City of New York as also of one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for this City and County of New York and also the Usual Oaths of Office of Mayor water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market of the City of New York and Justice of the peace in the pres ence of all the Severall Members of this Court before Mentioned And thereupon M' Mayor Acquainted his Said Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the Authority to him [202g] Given by his Majesties Royall Charter he had Appointed William Roome Esq'' one of the Aldermen of the Said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Cor poration if his Excellency Approved thereof to which his Excellency was pleased to Answer the Choice was Agreable to him and he Ap- 236 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL proved thereof that the said William Roome Should be Deputy Mayor of this City Accordingly whereupon the Mayor Attended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall where after the Ringing of three Bells and proclamation Made for Silence the Commission of the Mayor water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markett and the CoTTTissions of the High Sheriff and Corroner were published and then this Court Returned to the Common Councill Chamber where the Said Edward Holland Esqf was placed in the Chair and then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the Said Edward Holland Esqf the Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths Aforesaid Appointed to be taken by Act of parliament instead of the Oaths of Alegiance and Supremacy the test and Abjuration Oath And the Usual Oaths for the Due Executing of their Respective Offices Unto the Respective Officers and Magistrates following William Roome Esq' Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesant William Roome John Marshall Stephen Van Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Henery Bogert Abraham Depeyster George Brinckerhoff Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard John Provoost Nicholas Rosevelt John Ayscough Esqf Esq'= Aldermen of the City of New York and Justices of the peace for the City and Coun[ty] of New York > Assistants of the City of New York [202h] John Burnett Esq' Cornelius Depeyster Esqf Thomas Lepper High Sherriff of the City and County of New York Corroner of the City & County of New York TreasurerHigh Constable East Ward West Ward Constables Sworn Vizt (Rice WiHiams WHliam Beek Depy ^ Thomas Kendall — ab j George Van Horne ) Jonathan Wheeler — ab OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 237 North Ward South Ward Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward Out Ward Harlem Di-vision j Joost Palding [Abraham Kip jjohn Waters f Joseph Griswold (John Delamontanie I Isaac Hays jJohn Parcell I Jacob Ryker i Teunis duykman /Jacob HaHet jJohn Benson Jun' ) Lawrence Cortreight James Mills 1' ^ „, .„ Abraham MillsJ °^P^*^ ^^'''^' Peter Degrove Deputy W" Baldwin Deputy Hugh Mullagan Deputy Ordered that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler & Alderman Livingston with M' Ab Depeyster M' Bayard & M"" Jn° Provoost be a Committee to Auditt the Treasurers Books and Accounts [202j] City of I New Yorkj Att a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Fryday the twenty Eighth day of October Anno Dom. 1748. Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayf AV'? Roome Esqf D Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder John MarshaH Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Sam' Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Roosevelt Nich? Bayard Henry Bogert Ab"? Depeyster Rob' Benson :»Esq'^ Justices ^ ^Assistants 238 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Comittee appointed to Examine the Ace*? of N" 1007 Mf Joris Brinckerhoff for Sundrys by him laid out Warr* Issued for building & Repairing the fferry do Certifie that they have Examined the Same & that there is due to him for his Expence & disbursments about that Service the Sum of [£] 194 : 16^ : 7'' : as by the Ace*? thereof Audited w^t" is approved by this Board & Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer to pay to the S? Joris Brinckerhoff or order the s^ Sume in Discharge of his S^ Acco*? The Committee appointed to Examine the Acco*? of N9 1008. W? Roome Esqf Depy Mayor for Sundrys laid out & Warrt Iss? done for building & Repairing the fferry do Certifie that they have Examined the Same & find there is due to the S^ W? Roome Esq' the Sum of [£]93 : 16 : 7 w'=t' is allowed & approved by this Board & Orderd the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay the Said Sum to the S? W? Roome Esqf or Order in Discharge of his s^ Accot Orderd that the Mayor issue his Warrant to the 1009 Treasurer of this City to pay to the HoTibte John Moore Warr* Iss^ Esqf or Order the Sum of fforty three pounds nine Shillings & 6"* Currt mony of this Colony in Discharge of his Accot of Sundrys by him formerly laid out for the use of this Corporation & by him Sworn to be a Just & true accot & which is ap proved & allowed by this Board [202;] Order'd that there be a double Watch kept on Monday night next being the Anniversary of his Majesties Birth day ORDERD that Alderman Marshall, Aid? Cortlandt Aid? Schuyler & Aid" Livingston Mf Benson & M' Bogert or the major part of them be a Comittee to View the Water Lotts Opposite & Contiguous to the Lotts of Mess'? Bancker, Roosevelt & Peck & that they Consider the use & Convenlency thereof for a Wharf, Dock or Slip or whether it be for the benefit of this Corporation to grant the Same to the Said Bancker, Roosevelt & Peck & make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed Orderd Mf Mayf Mf Recorder Aid" Schuyler Aid" Schuyler & Aid? Livingston Mf Bogert & Mf Brinckerhoff be a Committee to Revise the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 239 Laws of this City & Such other of the Members of this Board as Shall think proper to Attend the Same Order'd M' Mayf Issue his Warr* to the Treasf to Warrt Issued pay to Anthony Ham or Order the Sum of Two pounds loio ten Shills in full of a Quarter of a years Salary due & ending the 14 Instant Orderd the Mayor issue his Warrt to the Treasf to loii M' Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the Watch of this Warrt Iss^ City or Order Twenty pounds eighteen Shill^ being by him to be paid to the Severall Constables for their Sev eral nights and days Watchings from the I4*^ of April last to the 14 day of this Instant October and that he render Acco*? of Such payment to this Corporation A Law to prevent the firing of Leather guns pistols pop guns Squibs Crackers & all Sorts of fire Works IN THE Cit-)' of New York Be it Ordained by the Mayor Aldermen & Comonalty of the City of New York and it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the Same that if any Servant Apprentice or any other person or persons what soever ShaH presume to fire any [202A] Leather guns pistols pop guns Squibs Crackers or any other Sort of fire Work whatsoever in any of the Streets lanes, or Alleys or other places in City of New York Shall for every Such Offence forfeit the Sum of three Shillings Current mony of New York & in defalt of payment thereof by Such person or persons or by their parents or Masters that Such persons So Offending Shall be Comitted to the house of Correction there to be punished It being moved that a Comittee be appointed for Letting the Stalls & standings of the severall marketts to which Mf Mayor Objected De claring he Conceived he had a Right to the proffitts of the severall Marketts as Clerke of the market whereupon the Common CounciH Orderd that the severall stalls standings & places in the Publick Mar ketts be let to farm at the house of the Widdow Lawrence on Saturday the Twenty Ninth Day of October Ins* at four of the Clock in the afternoon of the same day for one year from the first day of November next, and that Aid? Marshall Aid? Lawrence M' Bogert M' Brincker hoof Mf Roosevelt or any four of them with as many more of this 240 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Board as shall please to attend be a Committe to Lett the Same upon Such Conditions as they shall Judge proper City of I At a Comon Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City o[n] Fryday the ii*!' day of Novem[ber] 1748. Present Edward Holland Esqf May [or] W" Roome Esqf D. Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Stuivesant Jn9 Marshall Stept- V Courtlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Sam' Lawrence abs: Joris Brinckerhoff Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard Rob* Benson Nich? Roosevelt Ab D 'peyster John Provoost >Esq''= Alderm[en] > Assistants [202/] Order'd that the Commonalty do attend the drawing of the publick Lottery of this Province in the following order Vizt i^t the Mayor & Recorder, next the deputy Mayor with his Assistant, then the Aldermen with each his Assistant according to Seniority in their Turns till the Whole drawing be finished Order'd that the Clerk of this Board do give notice to Edward Willet to appear at the next Common Councill to Shew Cause why he do's not Pay the mony, that he is in arrear on acco : of the Rents of the ferry due from him by ballance & that a Coppy of this order be Served on him before that Time Order'd that the Mayor do Issue the ffollow? N? 1012 warr'? A^'izt To the Deputy Mayor for the Payment of Wt issued Eight pounds towards Sinking a well In Dye Street To Alderman Cortlandt for the Payment of Eight 10 1 3. Pounds towards Sinking a well on John Street OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 241 Alderman Marshall of the Committee for Letting to farm the Stalls & Standings of the Marketts Reported that the Committy had dispos'd of them at Publick Outcry to Bartholomew Skaats for the Sum of £106 for one year. Order'd that the Clerk (the Mayor Sig nified his dissent) do Provide Leases to be Executed forthwith accord ingly Whereas M' Mayor M' Recorder Aid' Schuyler Aldf Livingston Mf Bogert & M' Brinckerhoff were appointed a Committy to Revise the Bylaws of this City [202m] Order'd that for the future the Said Com mitty may Consist of the Majority of the Same, with as many more of this board as shall attend City of I gg New Yorkj At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 29 Day of November 1748 Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor William Roome Esq' D Ma}-or Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesant John ^Marshall Stephen V? Cortlandt Brandt schuyler James Livingston Samuel Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoof Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt abraham D peyster John provoost ^Esq'^ Aldermen > Assist? Orderd that M' Recorder Alderman Marshall Alderman Schuyler Alderman Lawrence Mf Bogert Mf Brinkerhoff & Mf Provoost or the major part of them be a Committee to Prepare the Draught of a[n] address & Petition to his Excellency the Govf to u[se] his best En- Vo!. v.— 16 242 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL deavours to Prevent & prohibit the Exportation of flour bread Corn & butter from [this] City, & to make their report to this Board at Two, [o] Clock to morrow afternoon. Alderman Stuiversant, Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston Mf Depeyster & Mf Bayard desir'd their dissent should be En [tered] to the Above order. [203] City of New York SS Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the said City on Wednesday the 30't' Day of November Anno DoiTT. 1748 >-Esqf^ Aldermen Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor William Roome Esqf D : Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Sutyvesandt. John Marshal Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Sam" Lawrence Joris Brinckerhoof Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt John Provoost Abraham Depeyster The Committee appointed yesterday to prepare the Draft of an adress to his Excellency the Governour to use his best Endeavours to prevent & prohibit the Exportation of fflour bread, Corne & Butter, reported to this board that they had prepared the Draft of an address in the words following (to witt.) To his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Capt Generall and Governour in Chief of the Colony of New York and Territories thereon Depending in America Vice admiral of the Same and admiral >- Assistants ^/ OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 243 of the White Squadron of his majesties ffleet. &c? &c? &c? The Humble address and petition of the Mayor Recorder aldermen and assistants of the City and County of New York in CoTTTon Council Conven'd May it please your ExceHency, As we are immediately in trusted with the Rights, Liberties & privilidges of the Freemen and ffreeholders of this City and County so it is our Duty to use every Method in our power to apply and Seek for Redress when we Conceive they Labour under any Hardships or Difficulties, and as the Great and Unusual Exportation of the produce of our Country to foreign Markets in the West Indies has Occasioned so great a scarcity of provisions at this time Especially of our Staple Flower Bread, Corn and Butter so in consequence thereof they are become most Excessive Dear to the A^'ery great Oppression and Loss of all Degrees of people but more Especially to the industrious and Laborious poor amongst us. and as things are now Circumstanced to whom shall we apply for Redress, to whom shall we go for Relief and Succour but to your Ex cellency who we are well assured not only from our own Experience But also from the repeated Declarations and Assurances Given us by your Excellency that you will always Exert your abilities and your utmost power and authority to do this City and the inhabitants thereof all the good and Kind offices and Services you can Sf permit us to assure you that we shaH always retain the most Gratefull Sence (as no Doubt all the gratefull part of this City Do) of that Very Valuable and important Service your Excellency did this City when upon the first Application you relieved the Inhabitants from that great and insuparable Burthen they then growned Under We mean from [204J the Days and Nights Watches in fort George of this City During the absence of his majesties regular Troops Wee therefore humbly pray that your Excellency will be pleased to take Such measures as may Effectually prevent and prohibit the Exportation of flower. Bread, Corn, and Butter from aH parts of this your Government for so long a time and under such restrictions and Limitations as unto your Ex cellency in your Great Wisdom shall seem meet, and Wee his Ma jesties most Loyall Corporation (as in Duty Bound) shall ever pray which was read and approved off and Order'd the Same be Engross'd and the Seal of this City be affixed thereto and that the Mayor Sign the Same in behalf of the Common Council. Order'd that Alderman Schuyler, and Mf Bogert iTTTediately wait on his Excellency to Know when he wiH be waited on with the said address and to make their Report to this Board forthwith and the said Alderman Schuyler and 244 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL M' Bogert having Waited on his Excellency Accordingly, and being Returned, Reported that his Excellency appointed twelve oClock to morrow morning to be Attended by this Board City of ) cc ^"^"^ ^ Common Council held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Wednesday the 14*'' December Anno Doin: 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuell Lawrence James Livingston Joris Brinckerhoff" Robert Benson John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt >Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants Be it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same that the follow ing Laws orders and ordinances be and remain in full force and vertue for one year from and after the publication thereof A Law for the due observance of the Lords day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers being a Charge to this Corporation A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of fire A Law for the marking of bread A Law for prohibiting the sale of meal and flower by measure and for appointing proper places for the Sale of meal flower Corn and Grain, A Law for Regulating negroes and mulattoes and other slaves A Law for regulating of Carts and Carmen A Law for regulating the office of Guagers and packers and Cullers [205] A Law relating to making freemen A Law for regulating the Lying of Vessells in the dock and sHps of this City and for preserving the bridge and Common Sewer in the Said dock. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 245 City of ) New York( SS. Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 28*^ day of December Anno DoiTT: 1748 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesant John Marshall Steph? Van Cortiandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Samuel Lawrence Joris Brinkerhoff Nicholas Bayard John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt Esq''? Aldermen Assistants William Roome Esq' Deputy Mayor and Alderman of the West Ward of this City being deceased Mf Mayor was pleased to appoint that there be a new election of an Alderman of the said West ward in the room of the Said WiHiam Roome Esqf and that the election be on Saturday next in the Oswego market at Ten of the Clock in the morn ing and that the poll be taken under the Inspection of Stephen Van Cortiandt and Brandt Schuyler Esq'? two of the Aldermen of this City Mf Mayor informed this board that he had recommended John Marshall Esqf Alderman of Montgomerie ward of this City to Succeed William Roome Esqf deceased as Deputy Mayor of the same City and that his Excellency had been favourably pleased to Approve of the said Recommendation of the said John Marshall Esqf as Deputy Mayor and the said Alderman Alarshall accordingly took the oath appointed well and truly to execute the office of Deputy Mayor of this City On reading the petition of M' David Clarkson merchant praying that this Corporation will grant unto him Two foot eight Inches and a Quarter in addition to the Northermost front of his Lott number three in the south ward of this City Ordered that Alderman Schuyler Alder man Livingston and Mf Abraham Depeyster be a Committee to view the said Lott and Consider whether it will be Convenient for this Cor poration to grant the same according to the prayer of the said petition and that they make report thereof to this board with all Convenient speed Ordered that Andrew Gotier be and hereby is appointed one of the 246 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL firemen of the dock ward of this City in the room of George Lamb late fireman of the said ward who is removed out of the Said ward The petition of Daniel Bloom Lessee of the ferry of this City was read Ordered the Consideration thereof be referred to some other time Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treasurer of 1014 this City to pay to John Baily publick whipper of this City or Order the sum of five pounds for a Quarter of a years SaHary due the first day of this Instant december pursuant to the last order of this board Abraham Bussing mason sworn John Crum Cooper John Abramse Carpenter admitted and sworn freemen & Joseph Hildreth sworn a Freeman of this Corporation and Ordered to be registred [206] City of ) CO At a Common Council held at the City New York ( ' hall of the said City on Thursday the 5'^ January 1748 [-9] Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Samuel Lawrence Flenry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt Mess"? Aldermen Courtlandt and Schuyler made a return of the poll for electing an Alderman in the West ward pursuant to an order of this board on Thursday the Twenty ninth day of December last upon the request of Mf Peter Depeyster to have a Scrutiny upon this election Ordered by this board he have one accordingly and the Clerk deliver to Each party a copy of the poll and that they each point out at the End of their List the persons objected to and after that done that they Change their Lists Whereas an order of this board of the 29*^" of December last (by which Alderm? Schuyler Alderm? Livingston and Mf Ab: Depeyster >-Esq'? Aldermen Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 247 >Esqf? Aldermen were Appointed a Committee to view the lott of Mf David Clarkson) is thought deficient by this board therefore ordered that the Committee aforesaid do agree with Mf Clarkson for a price for the ground in his petition mentioned to be approved or disapproved by this board On reading the petition of Elbert Haring Ordered Mf Haring serve Adolph Benson and Jacob Duyckman with a Copy of the petition and this order and that Jacob Duyckman and Adolph Benson appear At the next Common Councill to shew Cause if any they have why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted City of Ice -^'^T a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj ' hall of the said City on Fryday the 27*1" January 1748/9 Present Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Samuel Lawrence Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt [207] Ordered that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Schuyler Alder man Livingston Mf Brinkerhoff M' Bayard and Mf Provoost or any four of them with as many more of this board as Shall attend be a Committee to run out a partition Line between the Lands belonging to this Corporation and the Township of New Harlem and to make enquiry of what Incroachments have been made by Adolph Benson and others upon said Lands of the Corporation and to take to their Assist ance Francis Marshalck one of the sworn Surveyors of this City to Survey the same and to make report thereof with all Convenient expe dition Alderman Schuyler from the Committee appointed to agree with M' David Clarkson reported that they have agreed with him for a slip of ground adjoining to his Lott in the South ward of this City for the sum of seven pounds according to the Tenor of his petition which is agreed to by this board And Ordered that the Clerk do prepare proper Conveyances for the same at the expence of said Clarkson > Assistants 248 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of I ' Yorkj New SS. Present >Esqf? Aldermen >- Assistants At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Wednesday the first day of February Anno Dom 1 748/9 Simon Johnson Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesant Stephen A'an Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt .y Mf Nicholas Roosevelt and Mf Piere Depeyster the two Candidates lately sett up for Alderman of the West ward of this City both appeared at this board and the said Nicholas Roosevelt declaring that he gave up all pretensions to a Majority of Votes and that the Majority were in favour of the said Piere Depeyster and the same appearing to be so to this board the said Piere Depeyster was accordingly declared duly elected and after having taken the oaths appointed to be taken by act of parliament instead of the Oaths of allegiance and supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath was Sworn into the Office of Alderman of the West Ward and of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City & County of New York : and took his Seat at this Board accordingly City of I gg New York ( Present At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Fryday the 17 Feb ruary Anno Dom. 1748/9 Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Esq' D Mayor Stephen V? Cortiandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere Depeyster Joris Brinckerhoff Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson Henry Bogert John Provoost >-Esq'? Aldermen >• Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 249 [208] Ordered the Recorder issue his warrant to Number 1015 the Treasurer to pay unto Anthony Ham Messenger Warrant issued and door keeper of the Common CounciH or his order the sum of Two pounds Ten shiHings Current money of New York in full for one Quarter of a Years Sallary which was due and ending the fourteenth of January last Ordered the Recorder issue his warrant to the Number 1016 Treasurer to pay to Sam'.' Lawrence Esqf or order Warrant Issued the sum of Six pounds Six Shillings & six pence Current money of this Colony being for so much money by him paid to and for Carting of Dirt &c? from the meal market as appears by his account which was read & aHowed Ordered the Recorder issue his warrant to the Number 1017 Treasurer to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh or order AVarrant Issued the sum of fourteen pounds Sixteen shillings & four pence Current money of this Colony it being for necessaries by him found & provided for building of the Cage and repairing the markets of this City as appears by his account which is Sworn to and allowed Ordered that Leases be made to Bartholomew Skaats for the great dock & Slips of this City from the first of May next to the first of May following at the Annual rent of £95 ^ Annum payable Quarterly as also to take sixt}- scow Loads of mudd out of the said docks with the usual Covenants Ordered the Treasurer deliver to Bartholomew Skaats his bond for performance of Covenants as Lessee of the docks & slips of this City which ended the first of May 1748 it appearing he has paid his rent & performed his Covenants The petition of Robert Livingston John Bogert & others praying a Grant to them Severally of the Several water Lots fronting to their Lotts between Pecks Slip and Beekmans Slip was read Whereupon it is Ordered that the Deputy Mayor Alderman Schuyler M' Brinker hoff and ^ff Benson or any three of them be a Committee to Survey the same and that they take to their assistance a City Surveyor and make a plan or draft of said water Lott between the said Slips and make their report thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed Ordered that Alderman Schuyler Alderman Lawrence M' Bogert M' Brinkerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to agree with a printer to print the new Laws of this Corporation in the Cheapest and best manner and that they make report thereof to this board with the utmost expedition 250 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL It being Represented to this board that Mf Oliver De Lancey has Consented and agreed to have his land at Bloomendall in the out ward of this City run out and surveyed in the presence of such Committee as this board should think fit to appoint and that if upon such Survey it shall appear that any part of the Commons of this City have been taken in or enchroched on by him that he is desirous the Corporation will Convey the same to him in fee simple and that the Value of such In- crochiTients be appraised & settled by Indifferent persons upon their oath, which proposals was thought reasonable and agreed to by this board. It is thereupon Ordered that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler Alderman Livingston Alderman Law rence Mf Brinckerhoff Mf Benson and Mf Bayard or any five of them with as many more of this board as Shall please to attend the same be a Committee to be present when the same shall be so run out and Surveyed and they report the proceedings thereon to this board with all Convenient Speed The Deputy Clerk produced to this board the draft of a deed of ffeofment from this Corporation to Mf David Clarkson which was read & approved of Ordered the same be engrossed & that the seal of this Corporation be affixed thereto [209] City of ) „c At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj ' hall of the said City on Fryday the lo't' of March Anno Dom. 1748/9 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Esqf D Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Steph? Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De peyster Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson Nicholas Roosevelt John Provoost ^Esq'? Aldermen :- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 251 Resolved that it is the opinion of this board that Daniel Bloom the Lessee of the ferry of this Corporation be obliged to keep and maintain a Scow a horse boat and three other boats during the Term of his Lease pursuant to the Covenants and Agreements in the said Lease and that he take Care to have the same ready for the Transportation of passengers horses Cattle and goods by the first day of May next and that in default thereof his Lease to be forfeited and that he be turned out of possession. The Committee appointed to see a survey made of the Lands of Duyckman and Benson Reported in these words (to witt) Pursuant to an order of Common Councill date the [27th January] i748[-9] ap pointing us thereby a Committee to see a Survey made of the Lands now in possession of Duyckman and Benson thereby the better to enable us to find out what Quantity of lands they might have encroached on the Commons. In obedience thereto we have personally been on the premisses with the Surveyor and have seen some Lines run from the lands belonging to the above persons as also the south Line from the Round meadow to Saw mill Creek : and we are of opinion that the Said Duyckman and Benson have between them encroached on the Com mons the full quantity of forty acres, as may more fully appear by the .Sworn Surveyors draft thereunto annexed all which is notwithstanding humbly submitted to the board by „ „ G- Stuyvesant -IV /r 1 o or T Brandt Schuyler March 18 i748[-9]. ,. t • • . James Livingston Nicholas Bayard Joris Brinckerhoff Whereupon It is Ordered that M' Recorder Mf Alderman Stuyve sandt Mf Alderman Schuyler and Mf Alderman Livingston be a Com mittee to wait on Mf Murray and M' Chambers and give them a re taining fee and desire their Councill and advise what steps are neces sary to be taken for Recovering the said Lands So Inclosed On reading the petition of Mf Nathaniel Marston praying a Lease to be made him of four acres of the Commons of this City adjoyning to his farm on Such Terms as Can be agreed on AVhereupon It is ordered that [210] Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Lawrence Al derm? Depeyster Mf Bogert Mf Bayard and Mf Benson or the Major part of them with as many more of this board as shall think fit be a 252 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Committee to Treat and agree with the Said Nathaniel Marston for the Same and that they make Report thereof to this Board The Committee Appointed to agree with a printer to print the by Laws of this Corporation and such of the Acts of Assembly, as should be thought proper made their report in these words (to witt) New vlkj SS- February 24'1' 1748/9 In pursuance of the annexed order of Common Councill we the Committee thereby appointed do report that we have agreed with James Parker of this City printer : to print the By Laws of this City on the following Conditions viz. to print the same on good paper at his own Cost and risque together with what acts of assembly or abstracts shall be thought necessary and the Table for the assize of bread, in as good a Character as the Charter was printed in also to deliver Twenty Com pleated Copies to the Commonalty for the use of the members thereof for which he is to be paid the sum of Ten pounds Current money of this Colony all which is nevertheless humbly Submitted by Brandt Schuyler Sam'.' Lawrence James Livingston Henry Bogert Joris Brinckerhoff which was Read and Approved of by this board Mf Nicholas Bayard produced to this board a Draft of some lotts of Ground on the west side of the broad way in the West ward of this City between the Church yard, and the Chief Justices lott and proposed to this board that if they would grant to him a Slip of ground on the South side of his Lott adjoining to the Church yard of Trinity Church that he would in Lieu thereof Leave a Street on the North side of his Lotts twenty one foot and an half broad to lead from the broad way down to Comforts dock Whereupon it is Ordered that Alderman De peyster Alderm? Courtlandt Mf Bogert and Mf Roosevelt be a Commit tee to view the Same and make report thereof to this board Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Number 1018 Treasurer to pay to John BaHy publick Whipper of Warrant issued this City or order the sum of five pounds for one Quarter's Sallary due and ending on the first of this Instant March OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 253 City of New York SS. Present At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 2i^t day of March Anno Dom i748[-9]. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Esqf D. Mayor Brandt Schuyler >Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere Depeyster Joris Brinckerhoff Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Robert Benson i[2ii] Ordered that Alderman Schuyler Alderman Lawrence Mf Bogert and Mf Brinckerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to view examine and repair the Goals And prisons in the City hall of this City and that the same be Effectually Secured against the Escape of prisoners and that they pursue such methods for the effectual re pairing the same as to them shall seem necessary taking to their as sistants and advice the high Sheriff of this City and that the same Committee be a Standing Committee for repairing the City Hall of the said City from time to time as often as need be and occasion shall require Ordered that Twenty five papers Containing the rates and prices of Cartage to be taken by Carmen for the Cartage of the Several goods to be by them Carted be printed and sett up at marketts and other the most publick places of this City Mess'? Roosevelt and Chambers their proposall for Leaving a Street of fourteen foot &': was read in these words (viz') We whose names are hereunto subscribed the present owners and proprietors of Several Lotts of Land in the swamp or Cripple Bush and montgom erie ward having already Expended upwards of two hundred pounds in order to have a Convenient street or way from Queens street to our said Lotts in the swamp do hereby declare that we are willing to appropriate and sett a part fourteen foot of a Lott of Land which we purchased from the widow and devisees of George Elseworth de ceased fronting the said Street in breadth from the Eastermost side 254 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of the said Lott and then down the said Swamp to be and remain as a publick Street of fourteen foot wide by the name of ferry Street And also that we are willing as Soon as we obtain a Conveyance for the same to add to said Street Six foot more of ground in breadth adjoyning to the East side of said Lott which we purchased from Mf TheophHus Elseworth deceased for that purpose but never obtained any deed although we paid him Ten pounds being one half of the Consideration money agreed on for the same And this we Consent may be Entered in the publick Records of this City of New York As AA^'itne.^s our hands this fifteenth day of March 1748/9. John Roosevelt Ja? Roosevelt . „ ,, , _ , . Jn? Chambers And Ordered the same be Recorded On reading the petition of Jacomintie Harsen and others setting forth that part of the Lands in the out ward of this City which they Claim right to were by this Corporation agreed to be granted to Sf Peter AVarren which might prejudice them &c It is orderd that Al derman Schuyler Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Livingston Mf Bayard and Mf Brinkerhoff or the Major part of them be a Commit tee to view and Survey the Lands granted by this Corporation to Sf Peter Warren and make report how they find the same to this board with all Convenient Speed that this board may Consult what shall be necessary to be done thereon On reading the petition of Mess'? Jacobus Roosevelt and others praying a grant to them Severally of the Several water Lotts fronting to their Lotts between Roosevelts Slip and Lathams Lotts Ordered the Committee appointed to survey the Lotts fronting the Lotts of Robert Livingston and others who were appointed the 17"' of February last be a Committee to view the said Lotts and that they make their report thereof to this board Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Number 1019 Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Myer or his Warrt Issued order the sum of five pounds for his Extraordinary Services done for this Corporation Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esq' or his ( 1020) order the sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony Wt issued to be by him and the Committee for repairing the goals of this City applyed for and towards the Supplying the pris- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 255 oners now in the same with firewood and provisions in such manner and in such proportions as to them shall seem meet [212] The Deputy Clerk produced to this board a Lease to Barthol omew Skaats for the Slips and docks of this City which was Read and Approved And ordered the Seal of this Corporation be affixed thereto and delivered to him he executing a Counterpart and entering into bond with Security for performance of Covenants therein on his part to be performed Ordered that one of the fire engines of this City of the Second Size be removed in ¦Montgomerie ward of this City near Mf Harden brooks and that a Shed be built thereabouts at the Charge of this Corporation for Securing and Keeping the same Ordered that Mf Recorder Alderman Livingston Alderman Schuy ler M'- Bogert ]\If Brinkerhoff Mf Bayard or the Major part of them and as many more of this board as shall please to attend the same be a Committee to view the ground of this Corporation at the ferry at Brook Land and Consult what part thereof will be most Convenient for building a ferry house there and that they make a plan or Draft of such building and Lay the same before this board Ordered that Obadiah Hunt have Leave to sink a well in the Street fronting the Battery at his own Expence City of I cc '^'^ ^ Common Councill held at the New Yorkj ' City hall of the said City on Fryday the 3i=t Day of March Anno DoTTT. 1749. Present. Edward Holland Esqf Ma3-or Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John i\Iarshall Esqf D : Mayor Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De peyster Joris Brinkerhoff Henry Bogert Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Bayard John Provoost ^Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants 256 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered that the Assize of bread be till further orders as follows viztA white Loaf of finest flower to weigh D° of . . . D° to weigh D? of. . .D° ., to weigh. . . . A AVheaten Loaf the Coarsest bran only taken out] lb J cc>^ at4'^ 15 at 2 7/2 at I at 4 to weigh And ordered that no other bread be made for Sale within this City hard bisquet only excepted than according to the above Assize And that all bakers Take notice hereof and bake their bread accord ingly The Committee appointed to view the Lott of Mf Nicholas Bay ard and that part by him proposed for a publick Street if they would grant to him a Slip of Ground on the South of his Lott was read in these words (to witt) pursuant to an order of the Common Councill Dated [213] The tenth day of March 1748/9 appointing us thereby a Committee to view some Lotts of ground on the West side of the broad way belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard and others in obedience thereto we have been on the said Lotts and made our observations on the same and are of opinion that if Mf Nicholas Bayard will Leave a Street of Twenty one foot and a half though the whole Length of his ground in Lieu of a Slip of Ground on the south side of his Lott ad joyning the Church yard of Trinity Church that such exchange will be of singular service to the Community all which is notwithstanding humbly submitted by. „. .^^ Pierre Depeyster ¦NT A^ 1 UT 1 » ct steph? V : Cortlandt New York March y? 3i=t 1749 tt t> Henry Bogert Nich? Roosevelt And approved of by this board And ordered the D Clerk of this board prepare drafts of the deeds for making such Exchange accord ingly Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to pay to Mf James Parker printer (1021) or his order the sum of Ten pounds Current money of Warr* issued this Colony for printing the By Laws of this City As also the further sum of four pounds Like money for his extraordinary trouble in printing by way of Appendix abstracts of Several acts of the General Assembly of this Colony to said by Laws OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 257 and other things relating to this Corporation not Included in the Agreement made with him for printing Said by Laws The Ccmmittee appointed for auditing the Chamberlains account made their report in the words foHowing (to witt) Pursuant to an order of Common Councill bearing date the 14"^ October 1748. ap pointing us to audit the books and Accounts of Capt Cornelius Depeys ter Treasurer of this Corporation In obedience thereto we the Com mittee have examined and audited the Treasurers books and accounts and find that by him received from the 14'^ of October 1747 to the 14*^ of October 1748. the sum of seven hundred and seven pounds eight shillings and eight pence half penny which with the ballance made the 14'^ of October 1747 being then fourteen hundred Sixty two pounds Sixteen Shillings and nine pence half penny makes in the whole the sum of twenty one hundred and Sevent}' pounds five shill ings and six pence and he having paid since the 14''? October 1747 to the 14'!? October 1748 according to warrant and orders the sum of Twelve hundred and fifty pounds nine Shillings and nine pence half penny so that the ballance remaining in his hands to that day is nine hundred and nineteen pounds fifteen shillings and eight pence half penny in favour of the Corporation besides the Several outstanding debts of which is here a List hereunto annexed which is humbly sub mitted by step Y: Cortlandt James Livingston New York 30'!? March 1749 Nich? Bayard John Provoost And it is thereupon Ordered that the Chamberlain demand from the several persons in arrear to this Corporation the debts by them Severally due to this Corporation and make report thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed Alexander Wiley pedlar Charles M?CaHor Labourer Gilbert Sher- rer Taylor admitted and James Parker printer Johannes Huyck La bourer sworn freemen of this Corporation [214] And ordered to be Registerd. The Committee appointed to view the ground of this Corporation at the ferry and Consult what part of it would be most Convenient for building a ferry house and to make a draft or plan of such building made their Report in these words (to witt) [Report not entered.] Whereupon It was put to Vote whether there should be an esti mate made of the difference of the expence that would attend and Vol. v.— 17 258 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL arise by building a ferry house with two Rooms and a kitchen and one with four Rooms on a floor of two Stories high and it was thereupon agreed such estimate be made accordingly and that Mf Recorder Al derman Schuyler Alderman Livingston and Mf Bayard be a Committee to Consult and advise with Mf John Roosevelt and Mf Robert Cromme line Concerning the same And that the dimensions of said two build ings be according to the following proportions (to witt) 51 and 46 and 51 and 24 feet in Length and breadth and that they make Report there of to this board. Ordered that ]Mf Mayor be pleased to wait on and present to his Excellency one of the Books of the printed By Laws of this Corpora tion City of ) cc -^TT a Common Councill held at the New Yorkj City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 18'^ Day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1749. Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John MarshaH Esqf D : Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Brandt Schuyler „ ... c , T VEsq'? Aldermen Samuel Lawrence [ ^ James Livingston J Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Abraham Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt [215] Mf Mayor having produced to this board a List of Lycenses granted to Retailers of Strong Liquors within this City amounting in the whole to the sum of one hundred and Seventy eight pounds It is thereupon Ordered that the Mayor pay the Same unto Cornelius De Peyster Esqf Treasurer of this City for the use of the Corporation Ordered that the Mayor issue his warrant to the N? 1022 Treasurer of this City to pay unto Abraham Lodge Esqf Warrt iss? Deputy Clerk of this board the sum of thirty one pounds Ten shillings being for the Grant of one hundred and Twenty Six Lycenses to Retailers of Strong Liquors within this City at five shillings for each Lycence. ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 259 Warrt iss^ 1023 Ordered that the Treasurer of this Corporation pay or Cause to be paid unto Edward Holland Esqf Mayor the sum of Twenty five pounds four ShiHings being for the grant of one hundred and Twenty six Lycences at four Shillings for each Lycence Ordered that the Assize of bread be 'tHl further order as follows (Viz*) A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh. ... 3'*' : 10°^ for 8'' D° ofD° to weigh... i : 13 for 4 D° of D° to weigh .... : 14 for 2 D° . . . ; of D° to weigh .... : 7 f or i A Loaf of Rye flower to weigh. ... 2 : 3 for 4 D? of Wheaten meal the Coarsest bran) , . , . onlytakenout Jto weigh. . . . 2 :3 for 4 Robert Hendrickson Scrivener and Richard Poor Labourer admit ted & Sworn freemen of this Corporation & ordered to be Registred The Deputy Mayor produced to this board a List of Sundry sub scriptions for making a Stone drain in ferry Street whereupon It is ORDERED that the Deputy Mayor Mf Benson Mf Lawrence and Mf Provoost or any three of them be a Committee to make an estimate how much the expence of a Stone drain to be made in ferry Street will amount to and that they make Report thereof to this Board City of ) New Yorkj SS. At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the I8'^ Day of May Anno Dom. 1749 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt stepl' Van Cortlandt Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De Peyster Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Nich= Roosevelt John Provoost [216] A Law to Repeal a Clause of a Law Entitled a Law for Regu lating the publick marketts within the City of New York and for pre venting the forestalling of provisions Coming to the said marketts >Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants 2 6o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Be it ordained by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is here by ordained by the authority of the Same that the Clause in the afore said Law Wherein it is provided and ordained that from and after the first Day of Aprill Last no beef pork Veal mutton or Lamb Shall be sold in any of the publick markets within this City by any Butchers Country people or others in any other manner than by the pound under the penalty of ten shiHings for every offence, be Repealed and the same is hereby ordained and Declared to be Repealed and made void and of none effect The Petition of Evert Byvanck James Reneaudet and Margaret Bown praying a grant for a water Lott in Montgomerie ward fronting their lotts was read And it is thereupon ordered that Mf Recorder the D Mayor Alderman Schuyler Mf Brinkerhoff and Mf Benson or the major part of them be a Committee to view and examine the Same and that they Take a Surveyor to their Assistance and make a plan or Draft thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed Ordered that the Mayor issue his Warrant to the N? 1024 Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh or order the Warrt iss? sum of twenty pounds eighteen Shillings being by him to be paid to the several Constables for their several days and nights watches from the 14't' Day of October last to the i4*t' Day of Aprill last Inclusive As also the further sum of Twenty four shillings to be paid for a double watch lately kept in this City and that he ren der account of Such payment to this Corporation Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treasur- N? 1025 er of this City to pay unto Deborah Stringham wife of Warrt Iss^ James Stringham the sum of fifteen pounds Current money of this Colony in full of his demands against the Corporacon for Blowing up some Rocks and taking Daniel Bloom and his family and storing Sundry goods belonging to the ferry house which was lately burnt down into his the said Stringhams house at Brookland on Nassau Island Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- (1026) urer of this City to pay unto John Baily publick whipper Wart. Issued of this City or order the sum of five pounds, for one Quarter of a year's sallary due and Ending on the first of June next >Esq'f Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 261 Simon Bogert Marriner admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Cor poration [217] City of ^ cc '-^Ti' a Common Councill held at the New York ^ ' City hall of the said City on Tuesday the 23? Day of Ma}' Anno Dom. 1749 Present Edward Holland Esqf Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A'an Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere Depeyster Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Nicholas Roosevelt John Provoost Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson Ordered the Committee appointed the 2i^t of jMarch last for Re pairing the Goals and prisons of the City hall of this City be and they hereby are appointed a Committee for Repairing the poor house of this City ' David Provost having desired of this board that a Lott adjoyning Rodm.an's Slip belonging to this Corporation and Contiguous to a Store house of his in the East ward of this City be either Granted or that he be admitted to build a piere on part thereof his Store house and the goods therein being in danger of Receiving damage for want thereof It is thereupon Ordered that Alderman Courtlandt Alder man Lawrence Alderman Livingston Mf Provoost M' Benson Mf Brinkerhoff and Mf Bogert or the Major part of them be a Commit tee to view the same and report to this board with all Convenient Speed their opinion what will be necessary for the Corporation to do therein The Committee appointed the 18't' of Aprill Last to make an es timate of the Charge of Laying a brick drain in ferry street Do make their Report as follows (to witt) Pursuant to an order of Com- m.on Council! of the 18*^ of Aprill 1749. the Committee in obedience to said order did meet and made an estimate of the Cost and Charges 262 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of making a Drain in ferry street the Estimate hereunto annexed. Wee the Committee Report that if this board would be pleased to give one hundred pounds and with the Subscriptions already made wiH Com pleat said Drain in ferry street which is most humbly submitted to this board by Gent. Your humble Servants John Marshall Robt Benson Sam' Lawrence John Provoost Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- Numb. 1027 urer of this City to pay to Mf Robert Benson or his or- Warrt iss? der the sum of one hundred pounds Current money of New York for the use of the Corporation as above Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- N° 1028 urer of this City to pay unto Mf Robert Benson or his Warrt iss? order the sum of Six pounds eighteen [218] shillings and the further Sum of Ten pounds thirteen shiHings and four pence being for so much money by him paid to Abraham Brinkerhoff and Abell Hardenbrook for work done and Materials found for the use of this Corporation as per their accounts & Receipts produced to this board appears Ordered the Mayor Issue his v/arrant to the Treas- N? 1029 urer of this City to pay unto Brandt Schuyler the Sum Warrt Issued of one hundred and Eighty pounds by him to be Ap plyed to purchase a fire Engine for the Use of this Cor poration [This entry is cancelled in the original rough records.] On Reading the petition of Doctf Richard Schuckburgh praying a grant of this Corporation for three acres of the Swamp Ground ly ing between Blooming-Dale Path and the Post Road which Leads to Boston and Contiguous to his Land Whereupon It is ordered that Al derman Stuyvesandt Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Lawrence Mf Bo gart Mr Brinkerhoff Mf Bayard Mf Benson Mf Roosevelt and Mf Provoost be a Committee to view the Said ground and report their opinion thereof to this board he Likewise praying in the same petition a grant of the Ground and Soil under the water at the North River the whole breadth of his Lott Lying in the broadway and running down to the river and to extend in Length the Same number of feet In the River as the Neighbours do It is ti-iereupon Ordered that Alderman OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 263 Schuyler Alderman De Peyster and Mf Roosevelt be a Committee to view the Same and make Report thereof to this board Resolved by this board that the house to be built at Brookland ferry on Nassau Island be built with four Rooms on a floor Ordered Mf Recorder Alderman Schmler Alderm? Livingston Alderman Lawrence ^ff Bogert Mf Brinkerhoff Mf Bayard or the Major part of them with as many more of this board as Shall please to attend be a Committee do prepare an advertisement to be published in the publick Newspapers of this City appointing a place for the said Committee or the Major part of them to meet on every Thursday afternoon from four oClock to seven in the Evening to agree with Country people and others for materials for the building a house att Brookland ferry on Nassau Island and that they have Liberty to take to their Assistance a Carpenter and Mason as they shall think proper Ordered the Mayor issue his AA'arrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to James ]\Iills or order the sum of Twenty four pounds nineteen Shillings Current money of this Colony in full of his account to this Day by him Sworn to and allowed Ordered the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto Anthony Ham Mes senger and Doorkeeper to the Common Councill or his order the sum of Two pounds Ten shillings for a Quarter of a years sallary due the 14't' Aprill Last Number 1030 AA'arrt Iss? Number 1031 AA^arrt iss4 [219] City of ) New Yorkj Present SS At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Wednesday the 3i^t day of May Anno Dom. 1749. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De Peyster Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoff Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard >Esq''-? Aldermen ^Assistants 264 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- Numb. 1032 urer of this City to pay unto Simon Johnson and Brandt AA'^arrt iss^ Schuyler Esq'^? or order the sum of one hundred and Eighty pounds Current money of New York to be by thera Sent to Mess'? Samuel and William Baker merchants in London for the purchase of two fire-engines one of the largest and the other of the smallest Size for the use of this City Ordered that the Several Aldermen and Common Councill men of each of the Respective wards to the South side of fresh water within this City procure twenty Leather buckets to be made in each of the said wards for the use of this Corporation and that the same be marked with these words (City of New York) Mess'-? Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt and Nicholas Bayard three of the Committee appointed on the 12*^ of August 1748 to see the Land of Johannes Van Zandt in the out ward of this City run out &? made their Report thereupon in these words (to witt) We the subscribers being part of the Committee appointed by the Common Councill on the I2*t' of August 1748 having been according to order present with Alderman Schuyler City Surveyor and at the Survey of the Lott of Ground now in the possession of Mf John Van Zandt it appears by Said Surveyors Draft hereunto annexed that said Van Zandt has encroached on the Commons in Length on the South West Line Seven Chains and eighty Links and on the North East Line three Chains and fifteen Links and we are further of opinion that he the Said Van Zandt be Ejected or some other method us'd for the Recov ering of so n^uch Land as he has encroached on the City's property all which is notwithstanding humbly Submitted by us New York ^1=' May ^'¦' Stuyvesandt Aew York 31 . iVlay ^^^^^ ^ Cortlandt ^'^'^^ Nich? Bayard [220] Whereupon It is resolved that it is the opinion of this board that the said John Van Zandt has encroached on the Common lands of this City and that he ought to begin the Course of his Lands from the bank near the River on the North East Course according to the Tenor of his grant, and ordered that he remove his fence by which he has encroached part of the Commons within the time of three Months next after the date hereof or that he be prosecuted by this Corporation for Recovery of their Lands So by him encroached And it is further ORDERED that he be Served with a Copy of this Order Folkert Duryee Shopkeeper George Appleby Blacksmith and Rich ard Thorne Merchant were Sworn Freemen of this Corporation and ORDERED to be Rcgistred OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 265 City Of ) New Yorkj present. >-Esq'? Aldermen Assistants At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the Eleventh day of July Anno Dom. 1749. Edward Holland Esq' Maj'or Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Brandt Schuyler Stephen A'an Cortlandt Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere Depeyster Henry Bogert Nicholas Bayard John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt Ordered that the Assize of Bread be till further Order as follows (to witt) A White Loaf of the Finest Flower to weigh . D? of D? to weigh. D° of D? to weigh . D? of D? to weigh. A Loaf of Rye Flower to weigh. " of AVheaten Meal the Coarsest^ t ' h bran only taken out ( &¦•• -y 4 Wheat being at 6/ ^ Bushell And Ordered that no other bread be baked for sale but according to the above Assize and that all Bakers take notice hereof and govern themselves accordingly Ordered that Alderman Schuyler Alderman Livingston Alderman Depeyster and Aless'? Bayard and Roosevelt or any three of them be a Committee for the Ordering and Directing the digging out Levelling and paving of Dye Street in the West ward of this City Ordered that M' Recorder Alderman Marshall and Alderman Lawrence Mf Benson and Mf Provoost or the Major part of them be a Committee to A^iew and Examine the Fly Market and advise and Con sult what the Expence of making and Laying out a good and Sufficient drain to Carry off the Filth Mudd and Dirt from thence into the East River will amount to and that they make their Report thereof to this Board Ordered that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston Mess'? ...4"' 202 for8d . . .2 I for 4 . . I 0 for 2 rA for I . .2 : 10 for 4 266 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Benson and Provoost or the Major part of them with as many more of this Board as Shall be pleased and willing to attend the same be a Committee to view & examine the Landing place at the Ferry at Brook land & view and Examine what will be necessary to be done for the more [221] Easy and Convenient Landing of the Ferry boat and passengers there and that they make their Report thereof to this Board Ordered that the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Number 1033 Treasurer of this City to pay to peter De peyster Warrant issued Esq' Alderman of the West ward of this City or his Order the sum of Eight pounds Current money of this Colony for and towards Defraying the Charge and Expence of Digging and Sinking a Well in Cortlandt street in the said West ward of this City City of ) cc ^"^ ^ Common Councill held at the City New York j ' hall of the said City on fryday the twenty first day of July Anno Dom. 1749 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Brandt Schuyler "> Samuel Lawrence VEsq'? Aldermen James Livingston J Joris Brinkerhoff Robert Benson a • . ^ ¦KT- 1 1 -o u >- Assistants Nicholas Roosevelt peter Depeyster The Comittee appointed on the twent)^ first of March Last for Repairing the City hall did Report in these Words (to witt) according to an order of Common Councill Dated the Twenty first of March Last we have Inspected and Audited the above Accounts of Repairs on the City Hall and Publick Jails of this City and find that there is Due from the Corporation of the said City 5 6 ID To Joris Brinckerhoff for amount of his accounts. .£ 9 To Henry Carmer for his Account 12 To Abas. Turk for his Account 2 To Brandt Schuyler for his Account 8 As may appear by the above Account the whole Amounting to the sum of £32 : 2 : 2j4 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 267 AH which is Nevertheless Humbly Submitted to the Honourable Board by their most Humble Servants Brandt Schuyler Sam" Lawrence Joris Brinkerhoff AVhich Avas agreed to by this Board AVhereupon it is orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf or his order the Sum of Thirty Two pounds Two Shillings and Two pence half penny for and towards the paying and Discharging the severall Accounts aforesaid as also the further Sum of Eleven pounds fifteen shillings and Two pence for Cash and Expences by him paid for Cleansing the street near the Bowling Green and the Long Bridge as p'' his Account which is allowed The Comittee appointed on the Eleventh Instant to A lew and Examine the Fly Market and Advise and Consult what would be the Expence of Laying out a Good and Sufficient Drain &? was Read in these words (to witt) City of New York ss In Obedience to an order of the Common Councill of the Eleventh Day of this Instant Month of July unto us Directed, whose Names are hereunto Subscribed, wee the Committee thereby appointed to View and Examine the Fly market and advise and Consult what the expence of [222 omitted in paging the original] [223] Making and Laying out a Good and Suffi cient Drain to Carry of the Filth, Mud and Dirt from thence to the East River will amount to. Do Report that wee have AHewed and Carefully Examined the premisses and are of Opinion that the present Drain be Run out and Extended so far into the Fly Slip as to range with the Rear of Capt Robert Livingston's Store House and to be filled in on both Sides Levell with the Peers. That from thence a Drain be Laid in the middle of said Slip over or below the Surface of the mud there and to Extend itself into the East River That the Cost or Expence thereof. (Exclusive of the Subscriptions of that Neighbourhood) the Committee Cannot Ascertain, and Lastly as the season of the year for working in Water and Mud is already far advanced. It's Conceived a Committee should be appointed to have that work Done with the Utmost Expedition. All which is humbly Submitted By S Johnson John Marshall Sam'! Lawrence Rob' Benson John Provoost Whereupon It is ordered that the Same Committee be a Commit tee to See that the Same be Done with the Utmost Expedition 268 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to pay to Mf N? Deputy Mayor or order Eight pounds toward Sinking a well (1034) in Beekmans Street in Montgomerie Ward Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Anthony Ham (1035) Messenger and Door keeper of the Common Councill Warrant Issued or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten shillings Cur rent money of New York for a Quarter of a years Sallary Due and Ending the fourteenth Instant Jeremiah Hunt Labourer admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corporation Whereas on the Twenty first Day of March Last past the Peti tion of Messf? Jacobus Roosevelt and others was preferred to this Board praying a Grant to them Severally of the severall Water Lotts fronting to their Lotts between Roosevelts Slip and Beekmans Lotts, Mf Deputy Mayor, Alderman Schuyler Mf Brinckerhoof and Mf Ben son or any three of them were Appointed a Committee to View the same and make their Report to this Board It is orderd that Mf Re corder and Alderman Livingston be added to the former Committee and that they or any five of them with as many more of this Board as shall please to attend the same. Do View the said Severall water Lotts so prayed for and Report to this Board what they shall think best to be Done therein with all Convenient Expedition City of ) cc -^T ^ Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Fryday the ii'l' of August Anno Dom' 1749 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Sam" Lawrence James Livingston Piere De Peyster Nich? Bayard John Provoost Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt Abraham De Peyster >Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 269 goz for of :8'' 4 for 4 IK. for 2 8I4 for I 13 for 4 13 for [224] Orderd that the Assize of bread be till further order as follows (to witt) A White Loaf of the finest flower. . to weigh 4"^ D° of D° to weigh 2 D° of Do to weigh . . . . i D° of D° to weigh A Loaf of Rye flower to .to weigh. ... 2 of Wheaten Meal the Coarsest) . , Ti 1 , , . ^ to weigh 2 Bran only taken out ( And orderd that no other Bread be baked within this City (hard bisque.jts only Excepted) than according to the above assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread Accordinglye Orderd that Mf Henry Lane Merchant Do pay to M' Bartholomew Skaats the Sum of Fourteen pounds Current money of New York for the Value of one of the City scows which was hired by the said Henry Lane from the Said Bartholomew Skaats the Citys Lessee of the Docks and wharfs which Scow was Lost by Accident before the same was Returned Orderd that the Committee appointed to Repair the Poor house, Do order two Cisterns to be made and Sunk there of white Cedar at the Expence of this Corporation N? (1036) Warrant Issued Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Richard Nicholls Esqf or his order Twenty Eight pounds Current money of this Colony for his Trouble in perusing Revising Correcting and Amending the By Laws of this Corporation N9 (1037) Warrant Issued Daniel Bloom produced to this Board an ac count of Sundry Expences for Victualling Sundry Wallmen at the fferry and for their ferriage for Severall weeks & amounting to Eighty pounds and Eleven pence and sworn to by him and Examined by the Committee appointed for Building the New fferry house and Certi fied by them to be a just Account the same is approved of and allowed by this Board. It is orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to pay to the said Daniel Bloom or order the said Eighty pounds and Eleven pence 270 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL orderd that the Committee appointed to View and Examine the Landing place at the Ferry at Brookland have power and take Care to make» the same as Convenient as may be in Such Manner as to them shall Seem meet City of ) New Yorkj SS At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 26*^' day of September Anno Dom 1749 vEsq'? Aldermen > Assistants Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De Peyster . Joris Brinckerhoff Abraham De Peyster Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard John Provoost Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt [225] Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? (1038) Treasurer of this City to pay to Simon Johnson Esqf Warrt Issued or order the Sum of Ninety Seven pounds Seven shil lings being the amount of Sundry Sums of money by him paid for the use of this Corporation as well for and towards the Laying a Drain at the ffly Slip as for other things as by his Account of this Day Audited and Allowed appears as also the further Sum of four pounds for the use of Mf Henry Bogert who paid the Like Sum to Mf Duykman for and in the Service of this Corporation Orderd that the Ferry house to be built at Brookland belonging to this Corporation be all built of Stone and that the same be built with two Smooth Sides and two random Walls Ruff Cast, and orderd that the Committee appointed for Carrying on the said Work have power to agree with Carpenters Masons and other Workman and Labourers for building and finishing the said house and for Receiving and taking Care of the materialls at the fferry Side at Brookland OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 271 On Reading the petition of Daniel Bloom the Lessee of this Cor poration Setting forth the Great Inconveniency and Loss he has Suf fered by the fferry house and buildings being burnt Down It is orderd that he be allowed Eighty pounds out of the first years Reserved Rent Everardus Brower feltmaker and R : James Rose Labourer admitted and Abraham De Lancy Junf feltmaker, Jacob Hansen Blacksmith, Jacob Brower Baker, David Hansen and James Bussing Coopers sworn freemen of this Corporation and ordered to be Registered The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board a Draft of a Lease from this Corporation to Elbert Haring for part of the Common Lands of this City was Read and approved of and orderd the same be Engrossed and the City Seal affixed thereto and Signed by the Deputy Clerk, and that he Deliver the same to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof to this Corporation Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- (1039) urer to pay to John Baily Publick whipper or his or- Warrt Issued der the sum of five pounds for one Quarter of a years SaHary due and Ending on the first Instant City of I cc New York j Present. At a Common Council held at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the Twenty Ninth Day of September (being the feast of St Michael the Arch Angle) Anno Dorn. 1749 Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Samuel Lawrence James Livingston Piere De Peyster Joris Brinckerhoff Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard John Provoost Robert Benson ^Esq'? Aldermen >. Assistants 272 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [226] CoMFORMABLE to his majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Electing this Day one alderman one Assistant two Assessors one Col lector and Two Constables in the six wards on the South Side of Fresh Water and one alderman one assistant four assessors two Collectors and four Constables for the out ward of the said City to serve in the Respective offices for the year Ensueing the Respective Alderman of Each Respective Ward made Return this Day into the office of Town Clerk under their hands for the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall offices aforesaid Vizt East Ward West Ward North Ward South Ward < ssessors Collector Constables AldermanAssistant Assessors Collector ^Cornelius Van Horne Esqf Alderman John Provoost Assistant Peter Van Brugh Livingston ) Robert Cromeline ( ffrancis Marschalck William Proctor Lawrence Burrest '^ Pierre De Peyster Esqf Nich? Roosevelt John Thurman John Bogert Joseph De Voe William Rousby Thomas Cope 'Stephen Van Cortlandt Esq Henry Bogert Daniel Bonnet John Dunscomb John Van Aernam Thomas Moone Abraham Wheeler Brandt Schuyler Esqf Abraham Depeyster John Watts Pierre Van Courtlandt Balthus De Haert Alexander M=Kay John Ryple [Constables AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector Constables AldermanAssistant [Assessors Collector i Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 273 Dock Ward Montgomerie Ward [227] Out Ward for Bowery Division for Harlem Division (^James Livingston Esqf George Brinckerhoff Josiah Millekin Andrew Myer John Tuder John Burgiss William Darlington 'John MarshaH Esqf Robert Benson Robert Morrell -^ Christian Hartell William Depeyster Jonathan Woodruff Phillip Crim ''Gerardus Stuyvesandt Esqf Nicholas Bayard Adrian Hoogland Jacob Van Norde Teunis Somerindyck Benjamin Winter Jacob Horne 'Jacob Myer Benjamin Benson Resolvert Waldron Resolvert Waldron Peter Teach Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector Constables Alderman Assistant [Assessors CoHectorConstables AldermanAssistantAssessorsCollectorConstables AssessorsCollectorConstables His Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the Province of New York and the Terri tories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the same and admirall of the White Squadron of his Majesties fleet by and with the advice and Consent of his majesties Councill was pleased to appoint the following officers for the City and County of New York for the Year Ensueing (to witt) Edward Holland Esqf to be Mayor, Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market, John Ayscough Esqf to be high Sheriff and John Burnet Esqf to be Coroner Resolved Nemine Contradicente that Cornelius Depeyster Esqf the Present Treasurer or Chamberlain of this City be and is hereby Elected and appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giveing Such Security as the Law Directs Vol. v.— 18 3 74 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? (1040) urer of this City to pay to Mf James MiHs or his Warrant Issued, order the sum of Twenty Two pounds four shillings and Ten pence Current money of this Colony in full of his account for Victualling Sundry Prisoners as ^i his Account Sworn to and which is allowed Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to M' Samuel Law- (1041) rence or order three pounds Eight Shillings and Warrant Issued, four pence for so much by him paid for Cleansing the Dirt out of the old Slip and Burlings Slip as ^ his account which is allowed ORDERD that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Livingston Mf Bay ard & M' Benson be a Committee to View and Examine the fence Set up by John Van Zandt and see whether he has Encroached on the high way and that they make their Report to this Board order'd the Alderman of the South Ward as also the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward Cause New Elections of Constables for the said wards in the Room of John Ryple who was Chosen one of the Con stables of the South Ward, as also in the Room of William Rousby who was Chose [n] one of the Constables of the west ward who have Severally Served that office within fifteen years past and that the Election be on fryday next ORDERD the alderman of the East ward Do Cause a New Election of a Constable in the said ward in the Room of William proctor who is appointed high Constable and that the Election be on fryday Next [228] Orderd there be a Scrutiny of the Votes for the Collector of the North ward of this City it being Suggested by the Collector Returned that he was not Duly Elected OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 375 City of ) gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj " Hall of the said City on Saturday the four teenth Day of October Anno Dom 1749 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder John Marshall Esq' Deputy Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler „ Samuel Lawrence !^^'^^' Aldermen James Livingston Piere Depeyster Joris Brinckerhoff Henry Bogert Nicholas Bayard Abraham Depeyster J> Assistants John Provoost Robert Benson Nicholas Roosevelt This Day Mf Mayor attended by M' Recorder the Aldermen and assistants high. Sheriff Town Clerk High Constables, Constables and Other Officers of this Corporation, went in their formalities from the City Hall to his Majesties Garrison Fort George and there waited on his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Gov ernour in Chief in and over the province of New York and the Terri tories thereon Depending in America Vice admirall of the Same and admirall of the white Squadron of his Majesties ffleet and the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and abjuration oath in the presence and by order of his said Excellency were administred unto the said Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor Water bailiff and Clerk of the Market of this City of New York, as also as one of his Majesties Jus tices of the Peace for the City and County of New York and Also the usual Oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market of the City of New York and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the Severall members of this Court before mentioned and thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his said Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the Authority to him Given by his Majesties Royall Charter he had appointed John Marshall Esqf one of the aldermen of the said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if his Excellency ap proved thereof to which his Excellency was pleased to answer the 276 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Choice was agreeable to him and he approved thereof that the said John Marshall should be Deputy Mayor of this City Accordingly whereupon the Mayor attended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall where after the Ringing of three Bells and proclamation made for silence the Commission of the Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market and the Commissions of high Sheriff and Corroner were pub lished and then this Court Returned to the Common CounciH Chamber where the said Edward HoHand Esqf was placed in the Chair and then according to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the said Edward Holland Esqf the Mayor of this Cor poration administred the oaths aforesaid appointed to be taken by act of parliament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy the Test & Abjuration Oath & the usuall Oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective offices unto the Respective Officers and Magistrates follow ing [229] John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoff Henry Bogert Nich? Bayard Abraham De Peyster John Provoost Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt John Ayscough Esqf John Burnet Esqf Cornelius Depeyster Esqf WHliam Proctor Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New )^ York and Justices of the peace for the City & County of New York >- Assistants of the City of New York high Sheriff of the City & County of New York Corroner of the City & County of New York Treasurerhigh Constable East Ward West Ward Constables Sworn Vizt j Obadiah Wells Peter De Grove Deputy ) Lawrence Burrus Baltus Hyer Deputy jLarnem Buskirk ) Thomas Cope — ab. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 277 Northward i Thomas Moone N[on] J[uror] ) Abraham Wheeler Isaac Wheeler Deputy Southward (Alexander M?Kay — ab William Balden Deputy ) William De White William Beek D? Dock Ward ' J°^™ Burgiss N[on] J[uror] ) William Darlington Flugh Mulligan D° Montgomerie j Jonathan Woodruff Abraham Brasier D? Ward ') Philip Grimm Outward j Resolvert Waldron Harlem Division ^ Peter Teach Bowery Division (benjamin Winter - ab Hacob Horne Deputy Sheriffs James Mills Abraham MHls Orderd the Alderman of the West ward Cause a new Election of a Constable in the said ward in the Room of Thomas Cope and that the Election be on AVednesday Next [Jacob Van Worme elected.] orderd that John Burgiss who was Chosen one of the Constables of the Dock ward of this City and refused to Serve in that office be fined the sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony orderd that Thomas iVIoone who was Chosen one of the Constables of the North Ward of this City and Refused to Serve in that office be fined the sum of Ten pounds Current money of this Colony [230] Orderd the aldermen of the North ward and of the Dock ward Cause a New Election of Constables in the Room of Thomas Moone and John Burgiss and that the Election be on Tuesday next [Hen drick Shaver and WiHiam Van Duersen elected respectively.] orderd that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Schuyler and Alder man Livingston with Mf Bogert Mf Bayard and Mf Provoost be a Committee to Audit the Treasurers Books and accounts Orderd that Alderman Van Horne be and is hereby appointed one of the Committee relating to the ft"erry house to be Built at Brookland in the Room of Sam'! Lawrence Esqf Late one of the said Committee 278 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) cc New York( Present. At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Twen ty fourth Day of October Anno Dom 1749 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinckerhoff Nich? Bayard Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt Esq'? Aldermen Assistants 20Z. I 7/2 for8dfor 4 for 2 for I for 4 Orderd that the Assize of Bread be till further Orders as follows (to witt) A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4'*' D? of D? to weigh 2 D? of Do to weigh i D?of D° to weigh A Loaf of Rye flour to weigh 2 10 : D? of wheaten Meal the Coarsest Bran only taken | out to weigh j And orderd that no bread be baken but According to the Above Assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Govern themselves Accordingly Daniel Speder Labourer admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corporation 9 for 4 N9 (1042) Warrant Issued. Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer to pay unto M' Isaac Stoutenburgh Over seer of the watch of this City or his order the sum of Twenty Eight pounds one shilling & five pence being the ballance of his account by him Sworn to and Allowed as Also the further Sum of Fifteen pounds by him Dis bursed for fire wood as also the further Sum of Twenty pounds Six teen Shillings being by him to be paid to the Severall Constables for their Severall nights and Days watchings from the fourteenth Day of Apprill Last past to the fourteenth of this Instant October OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ' ^Tg [231] City of ) gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the Twenty third Day of November Anno Dom 1749 Present Edward Holland Esq^ Ala} or Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants John Thomson Stocking AA^eaver admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corporation Resolved Nemine Contradicente that Johannes Myer N9 be and he is hereby appointed Marshall Doorkeeper and Mes- (1043) senger to the Common CouncHl with the usual Sallary to commence this Day and that the Mayor Issue his warrt to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto him Six pounds for his Service done for this Corporation Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N? this City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or order the sum of (1044) Two hundred pounds Current money of this Colony to wards paying for sundry Materials b}^ him bought for build ing the New fferry house and Further orderd that the said Mf Bogert take Care that the Bridge At the fferry be Repaired in Such good and Sufficient manner as he shall think most Convenient Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N? this City to pay unto Henry Carmer or his order the sum of (1045) Twenty five pounds and Seven pence in full of his account for work done and materials paid for making and Repairing N? the fferry Bridge as appears by his account sworn to and ( 1046) allowed and also one other warrant to pay to John Van Aer nam Six pounds Ten shillings for making and providing aSo MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL N? Ten Leather Bucketts for the use of this Corporation and also ( 1047) one other warrant to pay to Ahasuerus Turck the Like Sum of Six pounds Ten shillings for the Like Number of Buckets N? by him found made and provided for this Corporation and ( 1048) also one other warrant to pay to Harme Cburten ffour pounds for two Boat Loads of Stone Containing Eighty Cart Loads DeHvered at the fferry for the use of this Corporation [232] City of ^ gg At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 9't' Day of January Anno Dom i749[-5o.] Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Nicholas Bayard "^ Henry Bogert John Provoost Robert Benson Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham De Peyster Joris Brinkerhoff :>Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants Mf Mayor having produced a Letter to this Board from Jacob Myer in the Name of the freeholders of Harlem Granting this Corporation Leave to Survey their Lands orderd therefore that Mf Recorder Al derman Stuyvesandt Aid? Schuyler Aid"* Livingston M' Bogert M* Bayard and M' Brinkerhoff or the Major part of them with as many more of this board as shall please to attend be a Committe to Survey the same and make their Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed and that they take a Surveyor and Chain Bairers to their as sistance Orderd that Isaac Depeyster be and he is hereby Elected and ap pointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation Until the four- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 281 teenth Day of October next he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs It being moved that the Stalls and Standings of the severall Mar kets of this City be Let to farm to which M' Mayor objected Declaring he Conceived he had a Right to the proffits of the Severall markets as Clerk of the same whereupon the Common Councill Leased the same to Bartholomew Skaats from the first Day of November Last to the first of May Next Ensueing for the Sum of fifty three pounds and ORDERD the Deputy Clerk provide Leases to be Executed accordingly forthwith The Clerk of this Board produced a Draft of a Release for Lands to be Granted to this Corporation By Mf Nicholas Bayard and by this Corporation to Mf Bayard in Exchange Orderd the Deputy Clerk have the same Engrossed and the City Seal affixed to one part thereof Ready to be Delivered to Mf Bayard on his Executing the other part thereof [233] City of j New York SS vEsq'-? Aldermen At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Friday the i8*t' Day of January Annoq DoTTT. 1749 [-50.] Present. Edward HoHand Esq'' Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster CorneHus Van Horne Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Thomas Barnes proposed to this Board to Surrender the Lease formeriy made by this Corporation to Mf John Kelly of the Slaughter house in this City if they would be pleased to accept thereof and which by Sundry mesne Conveyances is assigned to him to which this Board did unanimously agree and orderd the Deputy Clerk Do Draw a Sur render to be by him Executed accordingly >. Assistants 282 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N? this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf or order the Sum of (1049) Thirty five pounds Nineteen Shillings and Two pence for Sundrys by him advanced for Leather Bucketts to Sundry persons and for Repairs to the Docks of this City as by his accounts allowed do also the further Sum of Twenty Nine pounds Eighteen Shillings and Seven pence for Sundrys by him paid for the Alms house of this Corporation Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N? this City to pay to John Baily Publick Whipper of this City (1050) or order five pounds for one Quarter of a years Sallary Due the first of December Last Orderd the Mayor issue his warrant to the Treas- N? 105 1 urer of this City to pay to Pierre Depeyster Esqf or Warrt Issued order the sum of ffourteen pounds and four pence in full of his accot for Twenty Leather Bucketts & paint ing & one Cord of Wallnut Wood Sent by Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf to the prisoners in the Goal of this City [234] City of ^ cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the 4*'? Day of February anno Dom i749[-5o.] Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor John Marshall Esq' Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoff Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt >-Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants Be it Ordained by the Mayor Aldermen and assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same that all y'^ Laws orders and ordinances OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 283 of this Corporation which on the Twenty Seventh Day of January and the first of February 1749 were made ordained renewed Estab lished and PubHshed be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Vertue for one year from and after the Date hereof Vizt A Law for the Due observation of the Lords Day CaHed Sunda}- A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Cor poration A Lavv' to appoint Sworn surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of fire A Law for the Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the sale of meal and flower by measure and for appointing proper places for the Sale of meal fflower Corn and Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Alulattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating of Carts and Carman A Law for Regulating the office of Guagers Packers and Cullers A Law Relating to making of freemen (Excepting that part yvhich is herein after orderd Repealed A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Dock or slips of this City and for preserving the bridge and Common Sewer in the said Dock A Law for preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh water Pond A Law for Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to funerals A Law for paving and Cleaning the streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York and for preventing Nusances within the same [235] A Law against firing of Guns or other fireworks within the Streets A Law prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law for Marking of butter A Law for Regulating the Slaughter Houses A Law for Regulating of Fences A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the better Securing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun Powder A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York z84 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law Declaring to what use the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the Seal of the Mayoralty shall be put Unto A Law for Regulating the Publick Markets within the City of New York and for Preventing the forestalling of Provisions Coming to the said Markets A Law to prevent the selling or Giving of unripe fruit and oysters within the City of New York A Law in addition to a Law Intitled a Law for paving and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York and for pre venting Nuisances within the Same ORDERD that that part of the Law Entitied a Law Relating to mak ing freemen of this City wherein a fee of Six ShiHings is aHowed to the Recorder for the making a freeman be Repealed and the Same is hereby Repealed Accordingly The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Leases to Bartholo mew Skaats of the City of New York of the Markets and StaHs of this City till the first day of May next orderd he affix the seal of this City to one part and Sign the same and Deliver the same to the said Bartholomew Skaats on his Executing a Counterpart thereof ORDERD that Alderman Schuyler Alderman De Peyster M' Brincker hoff and M' Bogert or any three of them be a Committee to Audit the Deputy Clerks accounts and that they make Report thereof, to this Board City of I gg New Yorkj At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 224 of February Anno Dom 1749 [-50] Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinkerhooff John Provoost Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard >-Esq'? Aldermen Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 285 [236] Order'd that the assize of Bread be till further order as follows that is to say, A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4'* : 14°^ : for 8'' D? of D? (-Q weigh 2 : 7 : f or 4 D? of D? to weigh i : 3 ; for 2 D? of D? (-Q weigh o 9 : for i a Loaf of Rye flower to weigh 3 : 4 : for 4 D? of Wheaten Meal the Coarsest bran only taken) out to weigh f 3 ¦ 3 : for 4 And orderd that no bread be baked but according to the above assize and that aH bakers take Notice thereof and Govern themselves accordingly Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf or order the 1052 sum of Nineteen pounds Three Shillings and three Warrt Issued pence for so much by him paid for the freight and Entry of two fire Engines lately Imported for the use of this Corporation and that M' Recorder and M' Schuyler Do pay the Ballance Due to Mess''? Bakers for the same and what shall appeare to be Due for passage Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer to pay to Mess'? James Livingston and Joris (1053) Brinckerhoof or order the sum of Ten pounds Eight Warrt Issued, shillings and four pence for so much by them paid for Twenty Leather fire Buckets and painting them for the use of this Corporation The Committee appointed on the fourteenth of October Last to audit the Treasurer or Chamberlains accounts did make their Report which was Read in these words City of New York ss The Committee appointed the fourteenth Day of October 1749 to audit the Late Treas urers Books and Accounts Doe in Obedience to the said Appointment Report that wee have Carefully Examined his Books and Accounts and all warrants and orders made and Issued by this Corporation, Since the fourteenth Day of October 1748 to the fourteenth Day of October Last aforesaid, and find that there was then in the hands of the Late Treas urer, a Ballance Due to this Corporation the sum of Seven hundred and one pound Sixteen shillings and Seven pence three farthings and 286 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL from the fourteenth Day of October 1749 to the 30".' of December Last past there has been paid in the Treasury a further sum of two hundred and fifteen pounds fifteen shillings and that there has been paid out from the 25*^' of October to the 30*'-' of December as ^ Warrants &c? the sum of four hundred forty one pounds sixteen shillings & six pence and further wee Do Report that the Citys Cash Received by the present Chamberlain Capt Isaac De Peyster, from the heirs of the Late Cham berlain Capt Cornelius De Peyster Deceased is four hundred Seventy five pounds fifteen Shillings and one peTTy three farthings Due to this Corporation, as Does appear by the account hereunto Annexed all which Sums wee find to be True and Just, which is humbly Submitted by Your Very humble Servant [s] To the Corporation Step V Cortlandt of the City of New York James Livingston January 19"? i749[-5o] Nich? Bayard John Provoost [237] And it appearing to this Board that the BaHance Due from the Late Treasurer Cornelius De Peyster Esq' Deceased to this Corpora tion is Received by and is in the hands of the present Treasurer Isaac De Peyster Esqf It is Therefore orderd that the Deputy Clerk of tliis Corporation Do Draw a Generall Release of all Bonds Debts Covenants and Demands whatsoever from this Corporation to the Executors or administrators of the said Cornelius De Peyster Esqf Deceased and affix the seal of this Corporation to the same to be Delivered to them or their Delivering up to the present Chamberlain all the Books papers and Accounts Relating to this Corporation which were in the hands of the said Cornelius De Peyster Esqf deceased at the time of his Death and that the Mayor Do Sign the same in behalf of this Corporation The Committee appointed to audit the D' Clerks N? accounts made their Report thereof and that there is (1054) a Ballance Due to him from this Corporation on the Warrant Issued Seventeenth Day of November Last Eleven pounds and Six pence besides Extraordinary Services done by him for two years Last past which is allowed by this Board and orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this Cor poration to pay unto the said Abraham Lodge or order the said Eleven pounds and Six pence as also the further Sum of ffourteen pounds for his Extraordinary Services for the said two years OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 287 Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Johes Myer or order Warr' Issued. Sallary as also Seven Shillings for a Shovel and tongs by him bought for the Comon Council Chamber Orderd that Every Member of this Board who shall not attend the Common Councill within half an hour after the Time hee shall be Sum moned to appear shall pay a fine of two Shillings and Six pence and if he shall not Attend in one whole hour he shall pay a fine of five Shil lings to be Disposed of by this board City of ^ At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Wednesday the 28't' Day of February anno Dom i749[-5o] Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor John Marshall Esq' Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A^an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoof Flenry Bogert Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Robert Benson Nich? Bayard [238] ORDERD that George Harsen be & he is hereby appointed one of the publick Measurers of this City he taking the oaths appointed by Law The Report of the Committee appointed on the 17'^ of February 1748/9 for seeing the Lands in possession of Mf Oliver De Lancey at Bloomendal run out was read in these words &c [The report not en tered.] whereupon It is orderd that the Lands of this City in the pos session of the Said Oliver De Lancey be Viewed valued & appraised by Mess'? John Roosevelt & Elbert Haring and their appraisemt thereof Certified by them under their hands to this Board with all Convenient Speed ORDERD that the D' Clerk do prepare a Lease from this Corp? to M' David Provoost of a water lott next adjoining & to N East Side of ;-Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants 288 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL his Storehouse & water Lott in the E ward near Rodmans Slip of 200 foot into the River from the wharf and of the breadth of 18 foot he building a strong & substantial peer and leaving a street of 18 foot in Breadth &? and that he Constantly keep the same in Good & Sufficient Repair under the Rent of a pepper Corne for the term of 99 y'? Orderd that Major Van Horne and Mf Provost Do take Care to get a sufficient house built for one of the Large fire Engines to be kept in Some part of Hanover Square at the Expence of this Cor poration and that there be a Convenlency made therein for hanging fifty Buckets and Also orderd that there be one hundred New fire Buckets made for the use of this Corporation with all Convenient Speed orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the (N9 1056) Treasurer to pay to Mf John BaHy publick whipper of Warr* Issued this City or order five pounds for one Quarters Sallary Due the first of March Next orderd that Major Van Horne Mf Bogert and M' Benson or any three of them be a Committee to provide as many Ladders and fire hooks as they shall think shall be Wanting for the use of this Corpora tion ORDERD that Alderman Schuyler & Mf John Provoost be each fined the Sum of five Shillings for not attending according to their Summons [239] City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City Newyorkj Hall of the said City on Wednesday the Twenty first Day of March Anno Dom. 1 749 [-50] Present Edward HoHand Esq' Mayor John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoff Henry Bogert John Provoost Nicholas Bayard Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt >Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 289 . Upon Reading the Petition of Sundry of the ffreeholders and In habitants of the Dock Ward of this City and other Inhabitants and ffreeholders of the said City Setting forth &c» Whereupon It is ORDERD that Alderman Schuyler Aid-? Livingston Aid?' De Peyster and Mf Brinkerhoof or any three of them be a Committee to have the same Run out and Surveyed agreable to the plan Annexed and that they make Report thereof to this Board Upon Reading the Petition of Samuel Ten Eyck praying a Grant of the Water Lott opposite to his Lott on Coenties Dock 200 foot into the East River of the whole breadth of his said Lott the Same was agreed to by this Board provided the said Samuel Ten Eyck wo'd Give and Enter into Good Security to Dock Out the same by the first of May 1753 AND ORDERD that Aid?' Schuyler Aldm? Livingston Aldm? Depeyster and M' Brinkerhoff or any three of them be a Committee to View and See the same surveyed and that they make their Report thereof to this Board The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Drafts of the Lease to Mf David Provoost which was read and Approved of and orderd the Same be Engrossed and the City Seal Affixed on his Executing a Counterpart thereof Whereas It hath pleased Almighty God to Afflict Mf Sebring the present keeper and overseer of the Poor and Poor house of this City as also his wife with a Grievous Sickness which hath Deprived him almost of the Loss of his Sight and his wife in all likelyhood Cannot live long so that he is Unable to Execute the Office of Overseer of said house It is therefore orderd that Robert Provoost of this City be and he is hereby appointed overseer and keeper of the poor and poor house of this City in his Room and further orderd that Mf Sebring and his Wife be kept and Continued there in one of the best Rooms thereof and that one of his Daughters have Liberty to Continue there to Attend on and take Care of them during so long as it shall please God to Con tinue them under their present Visitation [240] if they shall think fit to Continue there and that he Enter upon the Execution of his Office on the first day of April next The Petition of Mf Stephen Bayard Praying a Grant to him of the Water Lott fronting his Lott of Ground in Montgomerie Ward was read in these words &c^ Whereupon it is orderd that the Deputy Mayor Alderman Schuyler Mf Brinckerhoff and M' Benson or any three of Vol. v.— 19 290 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL them be a Committee to Survey the Same and that they take a City Surveyor to assist and make a Draft and Report thereof to this Board Orderd that Mf Alderman Livingston get thirty three Leather Bucketts made that Mf Brinckerhoff do get thirty four & Robert Benson get thirty three made with all Convenient Speed Patrick Carryll Shopkeeper admitted and affirmed a ffreeman of this Corporation City of I gg New Yorkj Present At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 26'!' Day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1750 Edward Holland Esq' Mayor John Marshall Esqf D Mayor Stephen Van Cortlandt "^ Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoof ^ Henry Bogert Robert Benson Nich? Roosevelt Nich? Bayard >Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants The Committee that were appointed by this Board to Regulate and Levell Dye Street made their Report in these words City of New York ss The Committee appointed by an order of Common Councill Dated the Eleventh Day of July 1749 to Regulate and Levell Dyes Street in the west ward Do Report, that in obedience thereto have Levelled Dyes street from the west Side of the Broad Way Street to high water mark on Hudsons River and find a Descent of Twenty Six feet two Inches which when Reduced to the Length of said Dyes Street will Afford a Descent of five and a half Inches up on every 14 feet but are of Opinion that three Inches were only Allowed on every 14 feet from the broad way Untill the pump now Standing in said Dye Street and OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 291 from thence 8 inches on 14 feet to high water mark will be more Con venient for the Inhabitants there, who having Already built Severall houses at, and Eastward of the aforesaid Pump, and will thereby be in Less Danger of Undermining their houses than by allowing five and a half. Inches on every fourteen foot throughout the whole Length of said I>>'es Street all which is notwithstanding humbly Submitted to the board by Your humble Servants James Livingston Brandt Schuyler Piere De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nich? Roosevelt AVhich opinion and Report are approved of & thereupon orderd the said Street be Regulated & Levelled accordingly and that Notice be put up in Writing on the pump in Dye street & other publick places in the Neighbourhood there that they may Regulate themselves accordingly [241] David Robinson, Tobaconist, John Schultharp perukemaker ad mitted and David Clarkson Gent. Sworn freemen of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred Orderd that Samuel Waldron be and he is hereby appointed a fireman in the Room of John Van Zandt and Victor Bicker Jun' in the Roome of Abraham Vangelder in the East ward of this City It being moved that the Stalls and Standings of the Severall Markets of this City be Let to farm to which M' Mayor Objected De claring he Conceived he had a Right to the profits of the Severall Markets as Clerk of the Same whereupon the same was Leased by this Board (M' Mayor Dissenting) to Bartholomew Skaats for one year from the i^t of May next to the i^t of May 1751 for £106 : to be p? Quarterly and that the D' Clerk prepare Leases accordingly and at the Same time this Board did agree with and Lease to the said Bartholomew Skaats the Docks Slips and wharfs of this City from the i^t of May next to the i^t of May 1751 for £110 : to be p4 Quarterly he giving Security and also Covenanting to take 60 Scow Load of Dirt & Mud out of the Great Dock Order'd also that the said Bartholomew Skaats shall from time to time have Leave, with the Consent and approbation of the Aldermen and Common Councill Men of each and Every Respective Ward wherein any Damage shall happen to the Docks of this City to Repair 292 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the same from time to time by and pursuant to the order and Direction of such Alderman and Common Councill man and that the Expence and Charge thereof be Defrayed by this Corporation The Petition of WiHiam Dobbs praying that this Corporation will Lett unto him a Lott of Ground belonging to this Corporation for such a Term of years and on Such Reasonable Rents as they shall think fit Situate in Montgomerie AVard and Next adjoyning to a Lott of Ben jamin Peck on the East River there It is thereupon orderd and agreed by this Corporation and the said William Dobs that Seventeen and a half foot in front and Tv^fenty four in Length being one half of said Lott. be Lett to him for seven years to Commence on the first of May Next he paying Eight pound a year Ground rent and all Taxes during that time and the Charges of said Lease and orderd the Deputy Clerk prepare Leases Accordingly The Petition of Charles Shundine [Jandine] and others was Read praying a Grant of the water Lotts of this City opposite to their Lotts whereupon It is ordi-:kd the Consideration thereof be referred to the next Common CouncHl Upon Complaint being made to this Board that the Drain under the Meal Market is and has been for some time stopt up so that the same has become a very Great Nusance to the Neighbourhood and others In habitants of the said City, It is therefore orderd that the Alderman and Assistant of [242] East ward Cause the Same to be immediately opened Cleansed and Repaired in such manner as by them shall be thought proper and if need be to take one or more aldermen of the said City to their assistance Orderd that that part of the Law of this Corporation Entituled a Law prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers whereby they are Lycenced to Retail and Sell Goods in publick Markets on Market Days be Repealed and the Same is hereby Repealed accordingly Orderd that Alderman Schuyler Mess'? Benson and Bogert or any two of them be a Committee to Treat and agree with persons to Dis mount the Carriage Guns of the Severall Batteries within this City and to have them Laid upon Skids and the Carriages housed in proper and Convenient places The Petition of Mary Wessells Widdow was Read Setting forth OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 293 &c? AVhereupon it is orderd the Consideration thereof be Referred to the next Common Councill. The Commiittee appointed to View the Lott of Stephen Van Cort landt Esqf made their Report that they had Surveyed the Same and produced the Map or Draft thereof to this Board It is thereupon orderd that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Draft of a Grant of the water Lott by him prayed for Orderd that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman De Peyster Mess'? Bogert & Roosevelt or any three of them be a Committee to Regulate the paving of John Street Orderd that M' Mayor Aid?" Schuyler and M' Abraham De Peyster or any two of them be a Committee to agree with any person or persons to Remove the market house near the Battery at the Corner of pearle Street The Committee appointed to Run out a plan of a peer on the west Side of Coenties Dock on a Range with the house now in the possession of M' David Abeel Returned the Draft thereof which was approved of by this Board and opjderd the same be Run out Accord ingly at the Expence of this Corporation and that George Brinkerhoof pay three years interest for the Expence of the same orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to M' Robert Benson or his (1057) order the Sum of Nineteen pounds Sixteen Shillings AA'^arrt Issued and five pence half penny it being the Ballance of his account for making a Publick Drain from ferry Street Down to the East River as also the Sum of Twenty Eight pounds fourteen shillings and Nine pence for so much money by him paid for ffifty three fine Leather Buckets for the use of this Corporation orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? Treasurer to pay unto John Baily Publick Whipper of (1058) this City or his order the sum of Five pounds Current Warr' Issued money of New York in full for one Quarter of a years Sallary which will be Due and ending on the first Day of June Next 294 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [243] City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Wednesday the 2? Day of May Anno Dom 1750 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor John Marshall Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoof , , V, ^ , S- Assistants John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt >.Esq'? Aldermen 4 : f or 4 Orderd the assize of Bread be till further Order as followeth A''izt Wheat at 4/3 A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh. 5"^ : 4°' : for 8d D? ofD? to weigh 2 : 10 :for4 D? ofD? to weigh ,. . . i : 4J/2 : for 2 D? of D? to weigh - : 10 : for i A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken) out, and to weigh ( A Rye Loaf of D? to Weigh 3 : 4 : for 4 AND ORDERD that no Other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard bisquit only Excepted) then according to the above Assize and that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof and make their Bread Accordingly Orderd that Alderman Schuyler, Alderman Livingston and Mess'? Abraham De Peyster and Joris Brinkerhoof or the Major part of them be a Committee to Imploy proper persons to purchase Timber and Materialls for Runing out a peer at Coenties Dock Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer to pay to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh overseer (1059) of the Watch and Watch house of this City or order Warrant Issued the Sum of Twenty Pounds Sixteen shillings being by him to be paid to the Severall Constables for the Severall Days and Night Watches from the fourteenth Day of October to the fourteenth of Aprill Last past OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 29s [244] City of I " Yorkj New SS At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Wednesday the 30't Day of May Anno DoiTi 1750 Present -Esq'? Aldermen Edward Holland Esqf ]\Iayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornlius Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or order the Sum of ffifty pounds Current money of this Colony being the first payment agreed by articles of Agreement between the Committee for building the fferry house and the said Peter Giraud > Assistants N? (1060) Warrt Issued Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Daniel Giraud or (1061) order the Sum of Thirty pounds Current money of this Warrt Issued Colony being the first payment agreed by Articles of Agreement between the Committee for building the Ferry house and the said Daniel Giraud This Board having taken into Consideration the IMatters Contained in the Petition preferred by Mary Wessells against Granting the prayer of the Petition of Samuel Ten Eyck and having heard and Duely Considered the Allegations of the parties by themselves and their Councill, are of opinion and Do Accordingly Resolve and order that a Grant be made by this Corporation to the said Samuel Ten Eyck his heirs and assigns of the water Lott fronting the Lott of the said Samuel Ten Eyck of the whole breadth thereof and to Extend Two hundred foot into the East River according to the prayer of his said Petition 296 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL under such Rents Covenants and Restrictions as this Corporation shall think fitt and with an Express proviso and Condition that he his heirs or assigns shall give bond with Good Security in the penalty of one hundred pounds Current money of this Colony to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of this City that he or they shall and will Dock and wharfe out the said Vv^ater Lott by the first Day of May 1753 and run out a peer of 20 foot wide the whole Extent and perform all and every the Covenants and agreements therein to be Contained and that the Deputy Clerk prepare a grant accordingly [245] Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to William Van Deursen (1062) or order the Sum of £25 : 5 : 3 for 47 Leather Buckets and the Sum of £11 : 5 to John Van der Boge for making and Marking 20 Leather Buckets for the use of this Corpora tion Orderd the Mayor Issue his v/arrant to the Treasurer of (1063) this City to pay to Ahasuerus Turck or Order the Sum of £8:10:6 Current money of this Colony in full of his ac count for three Buckett Hooks Cleaning and Marking fire Buckets of this Corporation as ^ his account by him Sworn to and allowed The DqAity Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Deed of a Water Lott to Stephen A'an Cortlandt Esqf opposite to his Lott in Montgomerie Ward which was Read and approved of and orderd the samic be Engrossed and the seal of this Corporation affixed thereto and Delivered to him by the Deputy Clerk on his Executing a Counterpart thereof Orderd that ffifty pounds be AHowed and paid by this Corporation to M' Henry Bogert for his Attending on and Supervising the build ing of the fferry house of this Corporation on Nassau Island till the same shall be Com.pleatly finished Orderd that the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay to James Mills or order (1064) the Sum of Thirteen pounds Nineteen shillings and Warrt Issued. Six pence in full of his account for Victualling Prisoners &c? by him Sworn to and allowed by this Board John Sacket Merchant admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corpo ration OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 297 Forasmuch as the Deputy Mayor is Sick and unable to attend the other members of the Committee appointed to Examine into the AHe gations of the Petition of the Severall ffreeholders and Inhabitants of Montgomerie Ward for the water Lotts fronting to their Severall Lotts of Ground there. It is Therefore orderd that he be Discharged from being one of the members of the said Committee and that the other Gentlemen of the Committee to witt Aid'? Schuyler Mf Brinker hoff and M' Benson or the m.ajor part of them be a Committee to Enquire and Examine into the matters and Allegations of said Peti tioners and that they make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed [246] City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the Twelfth Day of July Anno Dom 1750 Present Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster John Provoost Nicholas Roosevelt ^Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants Orderd M' Recorder Issue his warrant to the Treasurer N? of this City to pay to Daniel Giraud or order the Sum of (1065) Forty pounds Current money of this Colony being the Second payment Due to him for Laying the second Tire of Beams at the New fferry house, and also that he Issue his warrant to the said Treasurer to pay to Peter Giraud or order the sum of Thirty ( 1066) pounds Like money being the second payment Due to him on Laying the second Tire of Beams of the said house Orderd that there be a New Election of an assessor in the South ward of this City in the Room of Pierre Van Cortlandt who was Chosen one of the Assessors of the said Ward and is Removed with 298 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL his family out of this City and that the Alderman of the said Ward do Cause the Election to be on Monday Next Orderd the Recorder Issue his warrant to the Treasurer N? of this City to pay to John Myer or order Two pounds Ten (1067) shHlings for one Quarter of a years Sallary as Messenger and Doorkeeper to the Common Councill Due & Ending on the Twenty Second Day of May Last as Also Ten shillings for a Deficiency of his Quarters Salary Due to him on the Twenty second of February Last Orderd that M' Recorder Issue his warrant to the (1068) Treasurer of this City to pay to M' Henry Bogert or Warrt issued, order the Sum of Two Hundred and Seventy one pounds Seventeen Shillings and four pence being the Ballance of his acct for Sundry Disbursements by him made towards the New fferry house which is now building to the Eleventh Instant inclusive as by his Account Audited and allowed by this Board, as also to pay him the further Sum of Ten Pounds seven ShiHings and Two pence being the amount of his Account for sundry Disbursements for this City exclusive of the fferry house which account is allowed of by this Board, as also to pay unto him or order the further sum of Fifty pounds Like money for future Disbursements to be by him made for and about the said fferry house [247] Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt, Alderman Schuyler M' Bayard and M' Roosevelt or any three of them be a Committee to meet the Trustees of the Town of Haerlem and to hear the proposalls to be Offered by them Relating to the accommodating and Setling the Con- troversie Depending between them and this Corporation for Lands Claimed as Commons of and belonging to this Corporation and that they make their Report thereof to this Board (M' Van Horne Enters a protest against the above order) Orderd that the Assize of Bread be tHl further Order as foHows (to witt) wheat at 5/ ^ BusheH A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4"' D? of D? to weigh 2 D? of D9 to weigh i D° of D? to weigh A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken out) to weigh a Rye Loaf of D? to weigh 2 I20Z : for 8'i 6 : for 4 2% : for 2 9 for I 15 : for 4 ^5 : for 4 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 299 And orderd that no other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard Bisquets only Excepted) than According to the Above Assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread Accord ingly On Reading the Petition of Sf Peter AVarren and Peter Messier praying this Corporation to Grant to them the Water Lotts opposite to their Lotts as also the Petition of John Thurman to the same Effect Its orderd that Alderman Schuyler Alderman De Peyster M' Brinkerhoof M' Roosevelt and Capt Provoost or any four of them be a Committee to View and Examine the Petitioners Right and that they take to their Assistance one of the Sworn Surveyors of this City at the Petitioners Expence to Run out And make a plan of the Lotts so prayed for and that they make Report to this Board With all Convenient Expedition Order'd that M' Recorder issue his warrant to the Treas- (1069) urer of this City to pay to Alexander Lamb or order the Sum of ffour pounds Sixteen shillings and three pence in full of his acct Sworn to & allowed for some disbursements & for his Salary for one year as Library Keeper to this Corporation which Remained in arrear and unpaid to him [248] City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the City of New York on Thursday the 1 6*1' Day of August Anno Dom. 1750 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler J^Esqf? Aldermen James Livingston Piere De Peyster Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster I a ¦ ^ ^ ¦KT- , T^ , > Assistants Nich? Roosevelt Robert Benson Nich? Bayard Orderd that alderman Cortlandt, Alderman De Peyster M' Bogert and M' Roosevelt or any three of them be a Committee for the order- 300 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ing and Directing the Diging Levelling and paveing the Street Leading from Mf Huddleston to Abraham AA^heelers in the North Ward of this City Opjjerd tliat Alderman A'an Horne Aid?' Cortlandt and Aid? Livingston M' Brinkerhoof M' Bogert and M' Provoost or the major part of them be a Committee to View and Exam.ine the ffly Market and Advise and Consult what the Expence of Making and Laying out a Good and Sufficient Drain to Carry of the ffilth mud and Dirt from thence into the East River Will amount to and that they make their Report thereof to this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler (1069)* Esqf or his order the Sum of Twenty pounds one Warrant Issued shilling and Eleven pence Current money of this Colony it being for so much money by him Laid out for Building a fire Engine house in the South ward of this City Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Robert Benson or his order (1070) the Sum of Eight pounds Current money of New York AA'arr' Issued it being for a Pump and well by him Caused to be made in Van Cleaft Street in IVIontgomerie AVard of this City Orderd that Alderman Livingston Mf Benson and Mf Bayard or any Two of them be a Committee for the ordering and Directing the Regulating Laying out and. paveing Beekmans Street and the Street Contiguous thereto in Montgomerie Ward of this City and that they take to their assistance the City Surveyor [249] Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to M' Henry Bogert or (1071) his order the sum of Two hundred pounds Current AA'arr; Issued, money of this Colony to be by him Laid out for pur chasing Materialls for the New fferry house Orderd that the Dining Room and the Room overhead together with the Entry of the Poor house be Earthed and plaster'd Josiah Paterson Surgeon admitted and Paul Romee Cordwainer and Ede Van Evere Blacksmith Sworn freemen of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred * Error in numbering warrants in the original. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 301 City of I cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the City of New York on the Thirty first Day of August Anno Dom 1750 Present Edward Flolland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Piere De Peyster Joris Brinkerhoof Nich? Roosevelt Nich? Bayard John Provoost Henry Bogert :>Esq" Aldermen Assistants Mf Mayor produced to this Board a List of the Names of Sundry persons who had taken out Lycenses for Retailing of Strong Liquors within this City from the Tv^^entieth of ApriH 1749 to the second of ffebraary thereafter amounting to the Number of fifty Eight persons and who together had paid for the same Thirty Six pounds Twelve Shillings as also one other List of persons who had Taken out Lycences and agreed for the Excise for Retailing of Strong Liquors from the Twenty fifth of March Last to this Time being one hundred and Ninety Six persons in Number and who paid him for the same the Sum of Two hundred and fifty Eight pounds one shilling Current money of this Colony Hendrick Snyder Cordwainer admitted and Elias Pelletreau Gold smith and John Vredenburgh Jun' Cordwainer Sworn freemen of this Corporation and ordered to be Registred Upon Reading the petition of Anthony Ten Eyck praying a Grant of a Water Lott fronting his Lott in the west ward of this City being the Northermost half of a Lott fronting the North River of fifty foot in front of the Breadth of Twenty five foot two hundred feet into the River or Harbour from Low Water Mark orderd the Same be Re ferred [250] Isaac Van Aernam Hatter John Kinderick Cordwainer and John Sickles Cordwainer Sworn ffreemen of this Corporation and ordered to be Registred 302 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Mf Mayor Informed this Board that he had Recommended Mf Alderman Schuyler to be Deputy Mayor of this City and that his Excel lency had approved thereof whereupon Mf Alderman Schuyler took the oaths of Deputy Mayor of the said City Orderd the Deputy Clerk Affix the Seal of this City to the Leases of the Docks and wharfs and of the stalls and Standings to Bartholo mew Skaats he Executing a Counterpart and Giving Security for performance of the Covenants Mf Robert Benson being Returned Elected Alderman of Mont gomerie Ward in the Room of John Marshall Esqf Deceased he took the oaths appointed by Law instead of the Oaths of AHegiance and Supremacy and the Oath of Alderman &c? and took his Seat accord ingly Orderd that Stone Street be Imediately paved and that the Com mittee take Care the same be forthwith done and that the descent be one Inch and a half in Every fourteen feet Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt, Aid?' Cortland Mess'? Bogert and Provoost or any three of them be a Committee to View the Ground proposed by Mf Nicholas Bayard for the Building a Slaughter house and that they Report their Opinion thereon to this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay to Alderman Schuyler the Sum (1072) of Eight pounds to be by him Applyed towards the Warrt Issued Making and Sinking a Well in Broad Street in this City Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to John Bayley pubhck Whipper 1073 of this City or order the Sum of five pounds Current Warrt Issued, money of this Colony it being in full of one Quarter of a years Sallary due the first Day of September Next. I'he Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Surrender to be Executed by Thomas Barnes (the Assignee of the Lessee of the Slaughter Houses as keeper thereof) which was Read and approved of and ordered the same be Engrossed to be Executed by him Accord ingly, and at the same time he also produced the Draft of a Certificate or memorandum to be Indorsed on Certain Indentures of Release from Philip Minthorne and Samuel Beekman to John Van Zandt of a Lott OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 303 of Ground in the Outward of this City which was also approved of and orderd to be Engrossed thereon for him to Execute [251] City of ) gg At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj HaH of the said City on Wednesday the Twelfth of September Anno Dom 1750 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Pierre De Peyster Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard ^Esqf^ Aldermen > Assistants The Petition of Daniel Bloom Lessee of the fferry of this Corpora tion was Read praying an Abatement of the Rent to be by him paid for the said Ferry on account of the Sundry Inconveniencys by him Sus tained &c? Whereupon it is orderd that he be allowed the sum of Eighty pounds to be Discounted and allowed to him out of the second years Reserved Rent which was Due and owing on the Twenty fifth Day of March Last This Board having agreed with Mf Nicholas Bayard that he shall have Liberty to erect and build a publick Slaughter house pen and pinfold on his Land in the outward of this City next adjoining to the Land of Mf Minthorne to witt on that part of his Ground or Land there bounded as follows to witt on the south Side of the point of up land Near the fresh Water pond being about Eleven or Twelve Chains to the Westward of the high Road or Bowery Lane and three Chains to to the Eastward of the said Fresh water Pond and that he have a Lease of the Same for the Term of Twenty one years to Commence from the Twenty fifth Day of March Last upon the Same Terms Conditions and Covenants as the Late publick Slaughter houses of this City were Leased to John Kelly the former Lessee of the publick Slaughter houses of this City, and orderd the Deputy Clerk prepare a Lease Accordingly 304 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board a Grant from this City to Samuel Ten Eyck which was Read and approved of by this Board and ORDERD the same be Engrossed and the seal of this City affixed thereto and Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Giving Bond with Security to perform the Covenants therein Contained ORDERD that an action of Trespass and Ejectment be brought on the Demise of this Corporation against John Van Zandt for Incroach- ing on and Enclosing part of the Common Lands of this Corporation and that Abraham Lodge be Attorney on Record in prosecuting said action and that he Draw a warrant of Attorney for prosecuting the said Action and that he affix the seal of this Corporation thereto and that the Same be signed by the Mayor [252] Orderd that it be a Standing Rule of this Board that whenever a Committee shall be appointed for the future for any matter or thing to be done in any of the wards of this City that the alderman of such v^'ard shall be Chairman of such Committee Mf Skaats the Lessee of the Docks & Wharfs & of the Stalls & Standings to him Leased by this Corporation produced to this Board the Chamberlain's Receipts for his Rents till the first Day of May Last past : It is thereupon orderd that the Deputy Clerk Deliver up to him his Bond for performance of his Covenants in said Leases to that Day Mf Skaats produced to this Board his account whereby it appears that he paid Twenty Six pounds twelve shillings and Eleven pence for a New scow for the use of this Corporation and on account of Sundrys by him Received for the use of this Corporation amounting to Sixteen pounds Nineteen shillings and three pence which Leaves a Ballance of nine pounds Thirteen shillings and Eight pence Due to him It is thereupon orderd that he be allowed the said Sum of nine pounds Thirteen shillings and Eight pence out of the Next payment which he is to make for the Lease of the Docks of this City Abraham Willet Baker and Johannes Schenk Boalter admitted and Renne Bayeux Confectioner Sworn freemen of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred The Petition of Cornelia Schuyler Widdow being read praying a Grant to her from this Corporation of the Water Lott fronting her OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 305 Lott of Ground in Montgomerie ward of this City It is orderd that as the Lott of the said Cornelia Schuyler has been already Laid out that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Grant of the same pursuant to the prayer of said Petition and that he produce the same at the next Common Councill to be Considered of by this Board M' Mayor having produced at the Last Common Councill a List of the severall persons who had taken Lycences for Retailing of Strong Liquors within this City Amounting in the whole and together to the sum of Two hundred and Ninety four pounds thirteen shiHings orderd that he pay the same to the Chamberlain of this City Retaining thereout in his hands four Shillings for every Lycence and paying thereof to the Clerk five shillings for every Lycence so by him Granted During the time therein Mentioned City of ^ New Yorkj SS Present At a Common CouncHl held at the City Hall of the said City on Friday the Twenty first Day of September Anno Dom 1750 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esq' Deputy Mayf Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Henry Bogert Joris Brinkerhoof John Provoost Nich? Roosevelt ;*Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants [253] Orderd that the assize of Bread be till further orders as follows (wheat at 5/6 ^ Bushell[) ] A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4"* D? ofD9 to weigh 2 D? of D° to weigh i D9 of D° to weigh o A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran Only taken out) to weigh ( And orderd that no other Bread be made for sale within this City Vol. v.— 20 50Z :for8 3 : for 4 I : for 2 8 : for I 12 : for 4 3oO MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL (hard Bisquets only Excepted) than according to the above assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread accordingly Mf Daniel Bloom the Lessee of the fferry of this City attended this Board as also did Andrew Ramsay and the said Daniel Bloom pro posed to Surrender his Lease of the fferry. if this Corporation would Grant the same for the Remainder of the Term therein mentioned to Commence from the Tvy^enty fifth Day of this Instant September upon the same Terms and Conditions as the same was Leased to the said Dan'l Bloom on his the said Ranisays finding Good and Suffecient Security to perform the Covenants in the said Lease and that he the said Daniel Bloom and his Securitys be Discharged from all the Cove nants in ; h; said Lease and the Bond Entred into for the perform ance thereof paying the .said Rent Reserved in his Lease to the Twenty fifth Day of September inslr.nt inclusive v^'hich proposall was Agreed to by this Board The Committee appointed for paving Beekmans Street and the street Contiguous thereto was Read in the words to witt City of New York ss The Committee according to order of this Board Dated the Sixteenth of August 1750 have attended the Citty Surveyor in the Regulating and LevelHng the severall Streets in Montgomerie ward Do Report that Begining in the middle part of Beekmans Street one foot Lower than the sell of the Middle Door of the New English Church opposite to the said Door a Descent of Two Inches on Every Ten feet will be Required Untill it Reaches to the Cross Street which Crosses said Beekmans Street by Mf Bempers house and from thence an ascent of three Inches on Ten foot up the Street which Leads to M' Bivanks Corner house, then Begining at the Middle of Beekmans Street by Bempers house a fall of four Inches on Every Ten feet is Necessary as farr as ferry Street and from thence one Inch Descent on Every Ten feet to the Mouth of the Generall Drain in the said ferry Street, all which is Notwithstanding humbly Submitted by James Levingston Robert Benson September the 2i^t 1750 [254] AA'iHiam Doro Cooper admitted a ffreeman of this Corporation and Appointed as one of the Corn Measurers of this City and took the oath Orderd that Mf Christopher Bancker be and he is hereby appointed in the Room of M' John Roosevelt Lately Deceased to appraise the OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 307 Lands agreed to be sold by this Corporaticn to Mf Oliver De Lancey together with Mf Elbert Haring and that they make their appraise ment thereof on oath and make return thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed Orderd that the Mayor issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? 1074 urer of this City to pay to John Myer the Sum of two AVarrt Iss? pounds ten Shillings for one Quarters Salary due unto him the 22'' of August Last also Six pounds more for his Extraordinary Services for one years Service which will end on the 29".' of November next City of ) cc -^1" a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Saturday the Twenty Ninth Day of September (being the feast day of St Michael the Arch Angle) Anno DoTn 1750 Present Edward Holland Esq' May' Brandt Schuyler Esq' Deputy May' Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Pe}ster John Provoost Nich? Roosevelt ;>Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Elect ing this Day one Alderman one assistant two assessors one Collector and Two Constables in the Six Wards on the south Side of ffresh water and one alderman one assistant four assessors two CoUectors and four Constables for the Outward of the said City to Serve in the Respective 30t MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Offices for the year Ensueing the Respective Aldermen of each Re spective Ward made Return this Day into the office of Town Qerk under their hands for the Severall persons Elected to Serve in the severall Offices aforesaid Vizt [255] East ward West ward < North ward -; South ward. < Dock ward < Cornelius Van Horne Abraham Lynsen Peter Van Brugh Livingston Charles Crommeline David Schuyler Theophilus Wood James Johnston Piere De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt John Bogert Lawrence Roome Joseph Devoe George Spencer Isaac De Costar 'Stephen Van Cortlandt Leonard Lispenard Daniel Bonnet Charles Jandine Jacobus Kierstead Peter Lesier William Lawrence ''Brandt Schuyler Abraham De Peyster John Wats James Napier Balthazf De Hart Allexander Lindsay ^Johannes Schenck James Livingston John Livingston Andrew Meyer John Clopper John Tuder John M<=Kenny John Forrest Alderman Assistant [•Assessors Collector [ Constables AldermanAssistant [ Assessors CollectorConstables AldermanAssistantAssessorsCollector ConstablesAldermanAssistant Assessors CollectorConstables Alderman AssistantAssessors Collector Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 3°9 Montgomerie ward [256] < Out ward -< D? Robert Benson William De Peyster Robert Griffith Christian Hartell John Gilbert Aaron Haring AVilliam Gould ^Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Nicholas Bayard Jacob A^'an Norden Cornelius Tiebout David De Voor Junf John Van Zandt David De Voor Junf Benjamin Benson Peter Waldron Resolvert Waldron Peter Teach Resolvert Waldron AldermanAssistantAssessorsCollector Constables AldermanAssistant Assessors Collector Constables Assessors Collector Constables for Bowery Division for Harlem Division > His Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and (jovernour in Chief of the province of New York and the Ter ritories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admiral of the Same and Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesties Fleet by and with the advice and Consent of his Majesties Councill was pleased to appoint the ffollowing Officers for the City and County of New York for the year Ensueing (to witt) Edward Holland Esqf to be Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market, John Ayscough Esqf to be high sheriff and Anthony Rutgers Esqf to be Coroner of the said City and County for the Year Ensueing The Mayor having appointed George Spencer to be high Constable who was Chosen one of the Constables of the west ward and orderd that there be a New Election of a Constable in his Room by the Alder man of the said AVard & orderd that the Election be on ffryday Next Resolved that Isaac De Peyster Esqf the present Chamberlaine or Treasurer of this City be and he is hereby Elected and appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs Mf Andrew Ramsay appeared before this Board at the Same time 310 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL M' Henry Lane Merchant attended and Offered to be one of his Se curities and the said Andrew Ramsay produced a Letter under the hand of M' David Provoost Mercht Whereby he offer'd to be one other of his Securities for performance of the Covenants of his Lease which was approved of and orderd Leases be prepared Accordingly and that on the said Daniel Blooms making and Executing a surrender of his Term and paying the Rent in Arrear the said Leases be Exe cuted to the said Andrew Ramsay he Giving the Security proposed [257] City of ) cc -Vr a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Monday the fif teenth Day of October (Sunday being the fourteenth) Anno Dom 1750 Present. Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A^an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Joris Brinkerhoof Henry Bogert Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt >-Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants This Day Mf Mayor attended by the Recorder aldermen and as sistants High Sheriff Town Clerk the Chamberlain Coroner High Con stable petty Constables and other officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the same Day went in their formalities from the City Hall to the house of the Honourable George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the province of New York and the Territories thereon Depending in america Vice admirall of the Same and admirall of the White Squad ron of. his Majesties fleet and there waited on his said Excellency and then and there the oaths appointed by act of parliament to be taken in stead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abju ration Oath in the presence and by order of his said Excellency were OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 311 administred unto Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market of the City of New York as also of one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York and also the L^sual oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk, of the Market of the City of New York and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the Severall members of this Court above men tioned. AND thereupon Mf ]\Iayor Acquainted his Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the authority to him Granted by his Majes ties Royal Charter he had appointed Brandt Schuyler Esqf one of the aldermen of the said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Cor poration if liis Excellency approved thereof to which his Excellency was pleased to answer that the Choice was agreable to him and ap proved thereof that the said Brandt Schuyler should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York accordingly, Whereupon the Mayor At tended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall where after the Ringing of three Bells and proclamation, made for Silence the Commission of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market and the Commission of High Sheriff and Coroner were published and then this Court Returned to the Common Councill Chamber where the said Edward Holland Esqf was placed in the Chair and then according to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the said Ed ward Holland Esqf Mayor of this Corporation administred the oaths aforesaid to be taken by Act of parliament instead of the oaths of al legiance and Supremacy the Test and abjuration oath [258] And the usual oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective Offices unto the Respective Officers and Magistrates following Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Ma)^or Brandt Schuyler Gerrardus Stuyvesant Stephen A'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen Leonard Lispenard John Livingston WiHiam De Peyster Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New York :^ and Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York > Assistants of the City of New York 312 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL John Ayscough Esqf Anthony Rutgers Esq' Isaac De Peyster Esqf George Spencer high Sheriff" of the City and County of New York Corroner of the City and County of New York Chamberlain high Constable Peter De Grove Deputy William Beek Deputy AVilliam Balding D° Hugh Mulligan D° Constables Sworn Vizt j Theophilus Wood ) James Johnson (Isaac De Costar ) Thomas Pullen (Peter Lesier absent ) William Lawrence j Alexander Lindsay 1 Johannes Schenck ^ohn M^Kenny )joIin Forrest (Aaron Haring absent I William Gould iJohn Van Zandt absent David Devoor [Jr.] Peter Teach Division ) Resolvert Waldron Mf Alderman De Peyster alderman of the westward returns that he had Caused a New Election of Constable in his said Ward in the Room of George Spencer who was appointed High Constable and that Thomas Pullen was Chosen one of the Constables of the said ward in his Room [259] Orderd that M' George Spencer be fined the Sum of Tenn pounds for Refusing to be Sworn into the office of High Constable of the City and County of New York to which office he was appointed East ward AVest ward North ward So'dth ward Dock ward Montgomerie Ward outward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 313 City of ) New York j^^ Present >-Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants At a Common Luuncil held at the City Hall of the said City on Monday the fifth Day of Novembf 1750 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt "^ James Livingston Cornelius Van Horne Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham De Peyster Lespinard [Leonard] Lespinard John Livingston William De Peyster Abraham Lynsen Orderd that Alexander Lindsay be and he is hereby appointed High Constable in the Room of George Spencer who Refused to Serve and orderd that there be an Election of another Constable in his Room in the South ward of this City and order'd that the alderman of the south ward Do Cause the Election to be on Fryday Next at Ten of the Clock in the Morning Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? (1075)* Treasurer of this City to pay unto M' Peter Giraud or his order the sum of fifty pounds Current money of this Colony being the third payment Due to him on the Closing and finish ing the Roof of the fferry house of this City and that he N9 ( 1076) also Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto M' Daniel Giraud or his order the Sum of Sixty pounds Current money of this Colony being the third payment due to him on the Closing the Roof of the New fferry house of this City Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? (1077) Treasurer of this City to pay to the Honourable Joseph Murra}' Esqf or order the sum of Eleven pounds fifteen shillings for the Costs accrewed in an action of Trespass and Eject- * Note : From this point the -warrant numbers have been arranged in cor rect sequence, regardless of the numerous errors in the original. 314 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ment Lately Commenced in the Supreme Court by Elbert Haring on the Demise of the Mayor Alderman and Commonalty of this City against John Turnout Jacob Duyckman Junf and others Tenants in which Action there was a Judgement had by Default [260] Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 (1078) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Isaac Stouten burgh or Order the sum of Sixty five pounds fifteen Shillings and Eleven pence half penny being the amount of his account for fire wood and Candles for the Watch house and Sundrys for the use of the poor house as by his account sworn to Including a years Sallary Due to him from the first of October 1749 to the first of October Last as also the Sum of Twenty one pounds Six Shillings to be by him paid to the Severall Constables for their Severall Days and Nights Watches from the fifteenth Day of aprill Last to the fifteenth Day of October Last Orderd that the Clarke prepare a Bond from this Corporation to Mf Christopher Banker Merchant and Affix the Seal thereof to the same in the penalty of five hundred and Twenty pounds with Condition to pay unto him the Sum of Two hundred and Sixty pounds on the fifth Day of November 1752 and that the same be signed by M' Mayor the same being for Defraying the Expence of BuHding a peer at the west End of Coenties Dock which already amounts to Two hundred and forty Seven pounds Twelve shillings and Seven pence as by the account of M' Anthony Ten Eyck by him Sworn to and allowed and the Residue of the Expence thereof to be Delivered in to this Board upon Oath Orderd that M' Daniel Bloom be allowed the Sum of Forty pounds out of the Rent Due from him to this Corporation, due and ending on the Twenty fifth Day of September Last for the fferry belonging to this City Orderd that M' John Livingston be one of the Committee for building the peer at the End of Coenties Dock in the Room of Mf Joris Brinckerhoof Orderd that Mess''? Alderman Schuyler Mf Lynsen and M' Lespin ard or the Major part of them be a Committee for Repairing the Goals and City Hall of this City Alexander Lindsay Sworn high Constable & Aron Haring Sworn a Constable >-Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 315 City of ) gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Thir teenth Day of November Anno Domini 1750 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Stephen A''an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Cornelius A^an Horne Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard [261] Orderd the Assize of Bread be till further order as foHows (wheat at 6/ ^ Bushell) as follows to witt A White Loaf of the Finest flour to weigh 4}^ 2°^" for 8'i D9 of D? to weigh 2 i for 4 D9 of D? to weigh i for 2 D9 of D? to weigh yjA for i A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken out) . ' 2 9 for 4. to weigh j AND ORDERD that uo Other Bread be made for Sale within this City than According to the above Assize (hard bisquets Excepted) and that all Bakers Do take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread Accordingly Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? ( 1079) Treasurer of this City to pay to Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf or order one pound Seven ShiHings and Six pence being so much by him paid to John Montanje for work & Ma terials for hanging up of the fire Buckets in the City Hall as by his Receipt for that Sum Orderd that Mess'? Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Livingston Mf Bayard and Mf Lynsen or any three of them be a Committee to Examine what Rents are Due and in Arrear from Marte Van Evere to this Corporation by Virtue of any Lease to him made and what Land of the Corporation he has in his possession and that they Inquire into the Matters in Dispute between him and Johannes De Voor and Settle the same and make Report of their proceedings to this Board 3i6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- [No. 1080] urer of this City to pay to John Ayscough Esq' high sheriff of the City and County of New York or order the Sum of five pounds one ShiHing and four pence half penny for the Charges of providing a Gallows for the use of this Corporation and by him paid to Stephen Smith as by his account Sworn to and allowed John Thomson who was Returned a Constable of the South ward was Sworn in the Room of Alexander Lindsay who was appointed high Constable of this City orderd that Alderman Schuyler Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston Mf Lispenard, Mf Livingston and Mf Lynsen or any four of them be a Committee to Audit the Treasurers Books & Accounts >-Esq'? Aldermen [262] City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Fryday the 30*^ of November Anno Domini 1750 Present. Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard William De Peyster Orderd that the assize of Bread be till further order as foHows Wheat being 5/ ^ Bushell A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4*** ^Assistants D9 of D9 to weigh 2 D9 of D? to weigh i D9 of D? to weigh A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken out) to weigh ( 12°^ 6 9 for 8 for 4 for 2 for I :i5 for 4 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 317 .\ND ORDERD that UO Other Bread be made for Sale within this City than according to the above Assize (hard bisquets only excepted) and that all Bakers Do take Notice hereof and make their Bread accord inglye The Petition of Charles Jandine and others praying Grants of the Water Lotts fronting to Hunters Key as also the Remonstrance of John Walters and others against Granting the Same were both Read whereupon It is orderd that the Consideration thereof be Referred till the next Spring Orderd that Alderman Benson M' Deputy Mayor Alderman Liv ingston Mf Depeyster and M' Lespinard or any three of them be a Committee to Survey the peer or Wharf adjoining to M' Pecks Lott and the Lott of this Corporation and Report to this Board what Quan tity of Ground there Doth belong to this Corporation lying Contiguous thereto Orderd that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Lease to John Myer of the Ground of this Corporation in the possession of John Van Zandt in order to bring an Ejectment for the same and that he affix the seal of this Corporation to the Same orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 (1081) Treasurer of this City to pay to John Myer Messenger and Doorkeeper of the Common Councill or Order Two pounds Ten ShiHings for a Quarters SaHary Due the Twenty Second Instant [263] Orderd that Evert Peels one of the firemen of the west ward be Removed from his said Office and Gulian Var[i]ck is hereby ap pointed a firemen of the said Ward in his Room Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to N? (1082) the Treasurer of this City to pay unto Brandt Schuy- Warrant Issued Ier Esqf or Order the Sum of Eleven pounds Six teen Shillings and Two pence for so much by him paid for Repaires to the City Hall of the said City Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to N9 (1083) the Treasurer of this City to pay to Cornelius Van Warrant Issued. Horne Esqf or order the Severall Sums of Seven teen pounds thirteen ShiHings and Eight pence for so much by him paid for the building a fire Engine house and Some Materials found for the same, as also the further Sum of four pounds 3i8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL fifteen Shillings and Nine pence half penny for the Like Sum by him paid to Luke Roome for Repairing the Common Shore at the meal market Orderd that M' John Livingston and Mf Leonard Lespinard be Joined to the Committee for Building the fferry house, and that the said Committee or the Major part of them have fuH power to build a Linto before the said House in Such manner as to them shall Seem most fit and Convenient The Report of the Comittee for Surveying the water Lotts be tween Beekmans and Pecks Slip was Read and orderd the Same be Referred to the Next Common Councill Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- Nv (1084) urer of this City to pay to John Bailey publick Whipper or Order five pounds for one Quarter of a years Sallary Due the first of December Next City of ) cc ^T a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the Twentieth Day of December Anno Domini 1750 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster Nich? Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard WiHiam De Peyster [264] Mf Mayor Reported to this Board that he had Received from one a German the Sum of ffive pounds Current money of this Colony the Same being for a fine for Selling Strong Liquors by Retail within >>Esq''? Aldermen ¦ Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 319 this Cit}- without having a L}-cence for so Doing and after he had had notice and been Warned not to Do the Same whereupon It is orderd that Mf Mayor Do pay unto Johannes Myer the sum of Twenty Shil hngs part thereof for Giving Information of the Same and that he pay the Residue thereof to the Treasurer of this Cit}- Hayman Levy Merchant admitted and S\A-orn a freeman of this Corporation Orderd that Six of the A\'atchmen be orderd on Munday Night next to go their Rounds in this City and so on every Night thereafter till the first Day of Aprill next in manner following to witt. Two to go out first and one of them to Carry a Bell with him and the other his Staff, which bell he shall Ring at the most publick Corner and places of the streets of this City and Also Give Notice of the Time of Night, and the other four shall set out Soon after the first Two and take a Different Rout and shall all meet together at such places as shall be directed by the person who shall have the Care and Charge of the watch that night and go out as often as shall be b}' him Directed City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York( HaH of the said City on Friday the Twenty first Day of December Anno Domini 1750 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esq' Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen Leonard Lespinard Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1085) urer of this City to pay to John Karr Brick layer or his Order the sum of fourteen Shillings and for a La bourer which the said Karr hired the sum of Six ShiHings Current money of this Colony for work Done b}- them for this Corporation ^Esq'-? Aldermen ^Assistants 320 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL orderd the ]\Iayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1086) urer of this City to pay to 2^1' Henry Bogert or his order the Sum of fifty pounds Current money of this Colony it being for materials by him found towards the New fferry house [265] The Report of the Committee for surveying the AVater Lotts Contiguous to Pecks slip was Read, in these words A'izt [Report not entered.] This Board proposed to M' Benjamin Peck that if he would quit Claim to the Street Lying to the South east of his Lott they would Grant to him Seventy five foot in breadth Back of his Lott and to Extend two hundred foot into the East River which proposall he Re fused to Compl}- with City of ) New Yorkj SS > Esqf^ Aldermen At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Wednesday the sixth Day of ffebraary i75o[-5i] Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder. Gerrardus Stu)rvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Be it ordained by the Mayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is hereby or dained by the authority of the Same, that all the Laws orders and ordinances of this Corporation which on the Twenty Seventh Day of January and the first Day of ffebraary 1749 were made ordained Re newed Established and Published be Revived and Continued and Re main in full force and Virtue [266] for one year from and after the Date hereof Viz* > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 321 A LaAv for the Due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to pre\-ent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of ffire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of I\Ieal and llower by Pleasure and for Appointing proper places for the Sale of meal flower Corn and Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Alullattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating of Carts and Carr men -\ Law for Regulating the Office of packers and Cullers A Law for Regulating the Lying of A'essells in the Docks or Slips of this City and for i-ireserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the said Dock A Law for preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh water pond A Law for Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to ft"unerals A Law for paving and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the Cit}- of New York and for preventing Nusances within the Same A Law in addition to a Law EntitiHed a Law for paving and Clean ing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York and for preventing- Nusances within the Same A Law against firing of Guns or otlier fire works within the Streets A Law prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except such part thereof as wa> Repealed the Twenty Sixth Day of Aprill Last[)] A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A L?.y.- for marking of Butter A Law for Reg'ulating of IMidwives within the City of New York A Lav,- for Regulating the Offi-ce of Chamberlain or Treasurer of tlie City of Ne\-\" York A La\v for tlie Better Securing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun powder A La^^' for appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night watch in the City of New York A Law Declaring to ^yhat uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the Seal of the :AIayoralty of this City shall be put unto [267] A Law for Regulating the Publick Marketts within the City of Vol. v.— 21 322 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Newyork and for preventing the forestalling of Provisions Coming to the said Markets A Law to prevent the Selling or Giving of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New York Orderd that M' Recorder Alderman Stuyvesandt, Alderman Liv ingston and M' Lespinard with as many more of this Board as shall please to Attend be a Committee to prepare the Draft of a Law of this Corporation for the Regulating of Fences within the City and County of Kew York as also a Law for Regulating of Slaughter houses Orderd that Bernardus Flaring be and he is hereby appointed one of the publick Corn Measurers of tills City he taking the Oaths ap pointed b}' Law. City of / cc ¦'^T a Common Councill held at the City Nev; York ( ' Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 12"' Day of February Anno Dom 175 1 Present. Edv^-ard Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf D Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder. Stephen Van Cortlandt 'I James Levingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson .Abraham De Peyster AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard John Levingston Leonard Lispinard Esq'? Aldermen Assistants orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt M' Deputy Mayor and Mf Bayard be a Committee to Survey the Lands now in possession of Martin Van Evere and that they make report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed orderd that Alderman Benson, Alderman Cortlandt, M' WiHiam De Peyster and Mf Lespinard or the major part of them be a Com mittee to Receive the proposalls of the Freeholders and proprietors of Lands between Roosevelts Slip and Desbrosse's and make Report thereof to this Board witii aH Convenient Speed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 323 orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer [No. 1087] of this City to pay to M'- Henry Bogert or his order the Sum [of] Sixty Six pounds Eleven shillings and a half penny in full of his Account for Materials found for building the Ferry house to the Sixteenth Day of January Last ORDERD that Alderman Stuyvesandt M"- Recorder M'- Deputy Mayor, Alderman Livingston, Mf Bayard M'' Lynsen M' Lespinard and M' Jolm Livingston [268] Or the Major part of them be a Committee to Run the Lines between the Lands of this Corporation and of Mf Jacob Duyckman in the Bowery Division of the Outward of this City and make Report thereof to this Board Ordered that Alderman Cortlandt and ?\If Lespinard wait upon the Executors of John Cruger Esqf Deceased to require the moneys Re ceived by the said John Cruger in his lifetime, (during the time he was Mayor of this City) for the use of this Corporation on the account of Lycences and that they also wait upon Stephen Bayard Esqf to require of him the moneys by him Received During his Mayoralty on the ac count of Lycences for the use of this Corporation and that they make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board a Draft of the Lease from this Corporation to M' Nicholas Bayard for the Slaughter houses which was Read and approved of by this board and ordered the same be En grossed and the seal of this City Affixed thereto & Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof ; Ordekd that Alderman Benson, Alderman Cortlandt, Aiderman Liv ingston Mf AVilliam De Peyster M'' John Livingston, i,I' Abraham De Peyster and Mf Lespinard or the Major part cf tliem be a Committee to Regulate Queen Street Leading from Alderman Benson's Alalthouse to Fresh V/ater and that they make their Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed This Board proposed to M-' Benjam.in Peck that if he would Gr^nt and surrender to this Corporation his Right and Title to the Street Lying to the South East Side of his Lott they wou'd Grant to him his heirs and assigns forever seventy five foot in breadth Back of his Lott and to Extend Two hundred foot into the East River under tbe yearly Rent of Eighteen pence afoot, and that they would also as a further Consideration allow and pay him the sum of Thirty two pounds of which proposal he Desired time to Consider of till to Morrow and that he would then Acquaint Alderman Benson whether he would Acce[)t of the said Proposal or not Whereupon It is orderd (that in case Mf 324 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Peck assent to the said proposall) the Deputy Clerk prepare the Draft of a Surrender of the said Street from the said Benjamin Peck to this Corporation and also a Grant of the said Water Lott from this Corpor ation to the said Benjamin Peck under the yearly Rent of Eighteen pence a foot The Committee appointed the Thirtieth of November Last to See the Severall Water Lotts fronting to the Lotts between pecks Slip and Beekman's Slip Surveyed and Laid out made their Report thereon that they were of opinion this Corporation should Grant to the Severall Freeholders and proprietors of Lands there Two hundred feet into the East River fronting to and the whole breadth of their Severall Lotts there under the yearly Rent of Eighteen pence a foot which being as sented to by this Board orderd the Deputy Clerk prepare Drafts of such Grants Accordingly [269] City of ^ cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York ( ' Hall of the said City on Thursday the Sev enth Day of March Anno Dom 1751 Present. Edward Flolland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Abraham Lynsen Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston >.Esq'^ Aldermen > Assistants Orderd that the assize of Bread be till further order as follows (AVheat at four Shillings and three pence sp Bushell) A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh e^^ D9 of D? to weigh 2 D9 of D° to weigh i D9 of D° to weigh o A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest bran only taken ) <.. ¦ -I ^ 3 4 for 4 out to weigh ( AND orderd that No other Bread be Baked within this City but according to the above Assize and that all Bakers Do take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread accordingh' 40^ for8d 10 for 4 4/2 for 2 10 for I OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 3-5 Orderd that ^less'? Alderman Stuyvesandt, Alderman Livingston Mf Bayard and M' Lynsen or any tliree of them be a Committee to Enquire what Rents are Due from the Brickmakers for Brick Kilns made on the Commons of this City and Demand the Same and that they also have power to Treat with and agree for the Leasing of such part of the said Commons for the flaking of Brick kilns as to them shall seem meet for Such Terms and under Such Rents as they Can agree for The Committee appointed on the Thirteenth Day of November Last for auditing the Treasurers accounts made their Report that they had Audited his accounts to the fourteenth of October Last and that there was then Remaining in his hands Seventy Eight pounds Seventeen Shillings and three pence belonging to this Corporation as by the accounts Annexed Appears, by which it also appears that there are Sundrj' Outstanding Debts due and Owing to this Corporation from the Severall persons therein mentioned Whereupon it is orderd that Mf Mayor M' Deputy JMayor Alderman Stuyvesandt, Alderman Livingston, M' Bayard M' Lynsen M' Livingston and M' Roosevelt or any five of them be a Committee to Send to Treat v/ith & Settle y.ith Such of the said Persons, as they shall think proper and that [270] The Chamberlain do Attend the said Committee with the Books and Accounts of this Corporation Orderd that the Mayor Issue hi.s warrant to the N? (iaS8) Treasurer of this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf or order the Sum of Twenty Seven pounds Seven Shillings and nine pence half penny in full of his Account of Sundry Disburse ments for Repaires to the Cit}- HaH of this City which v.-as allowed by this Board It being moved to this Board that the StaHs and Standings of the Severall Markets of this City be Let to farm to which .Al"- Alayor Ob jected Declareing he Conceived he had a Ri; ;ht to the proffits of the SeveraH Markets as Clerk of the SamiC. AA'iiereupon the Same- was Leased by this Board (Al' -\Iayor Dissenting) to Bartholomew Skaats for one year A^izt from the first Da}- of May Next to the first of May 1752 for One hundred and Six pounds to be paid Quarterly and that the Deputy Clerk prepare Leases accordingly, and at the Same time did agree with and Lease unto the said Bartholomew Skaats the Docks of this City from the first of May Next to the first of May 1752 for one hundred & Twenty pounds to be paid Quarterly he Giving Security 326 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL and Covenanting to take Sixty ,Scow Loads of Mudd and Dirt out of the Great Dock and that the Deputy Clerk prepare Leases accordingly Orderd also that the said Barth9 Skaats shall from time to time have Leave with the Consent and approbation of the Alderman and Co.nimon Councill Man of each and Every Respective Ward wherein [there is] any Damage to the Dock of the City to Repair the same from time to time by and Pursuant to the order and Directions of such Al derman and Common Councill Man and that the Expence and Charge thereof be paid by this Corporation The Petition of Cornelia Rutgers Leonard Lespinard and others being again Read praying that this Corporation v/ould Grant them the Lands fronting to their Ground from high Water to Low Water Mark and also the Soil under the water the whole breadth of their Lands to Extend from Low Water mark into the East River Two hundred foot AA'iiereupon It is orderd that Aldermen Benson, Brandt Schuyler [and] James Livingston [and] Leonard Lespinard and William De Peyster or the major part of them be a Committee to Examine into the AHegations of the said Petition and take to their assistance one of the Surveyors of this City and Run out the Lotts of the Petitioners and hear their proposalls and make Report thereof to this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of N.' this City to pay to Johannes Myer Messenger and Door- (10S9) keeper of the Common Councill or order the sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings for one Quarter of a years Sallary Due the Twenty Second of ffebraary Last [271] Mf Alderman Cortlandt informed this Board that pursuant to an Order of the Twelfth of ffebraary he together with Mf Lispenard had y.aited on Jvless'': I-lenry and John Cruger the Executors of John Cruger Esq' Deceased to Demand the monies due to this Corporation for Lycences Granted by the said John Cruger Esqf in his life time \yliiIo he was AIa}-or of this City who Returned for ansv.'er that they y.ere Willing to pay to this Corporation all Such moneys as were Due from the said John Cruger in his Life time and Expected this Corpora tion would pay unto them all Such moneys as were Due from this Cor poration to the said John Cruger Esqf in his Life time orderd that Every Merchant not born in this City who shall here after apply for the freedom thereof shall pay the Sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony for the Same J OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 327 City of ^ At a Common Councill held at the City Newyork j " Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Nine teenth Day of March Anno Dom. 1751 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston ^Esq'? Aldermen Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster "" WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nich? Roosevelt \^ Assistants Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Orderd that the assize of Bread be till further orders as follows (wheat at 5/ ^ BusheU[)] A White Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4."" D9 of D? to weigh 2 D9 of D9 to weigh i D9 of D9 to weigh A Wheaten Loaf of the Coarsest Bran only^ taken out to weigh ( A Rye Loaf of D9 to weigh 2 AND orderd that no other Bread be made for Sale within this City (hard bisquets onl}' Excepted) than according to the above assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread accordinglye [272 J Orderd that no Top sell or Sea A'essells whatsoever Do Lay along the Peer of the Great Dock between the first of A'larcli and the first of December every or any year L^nless such Vessell shall pay tlie Sum of Ten shilHngs for every Day they shall La}' there for the use of this Corporation Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 (1090) Treasurer of this City to pay to M' Peter Giraud Warrant Issued or his order the Sum of one hundred and Sixty pounds Current money of this Colony in full for tl:e Last payment for building & finishing the New fferry house J20Z for8d 6 for 4 2 J/; for 2 9 for I 15 for 4 15 for 4 328 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Committee appointed to Receive proposalls of the ffreeholders & proprietors of the Land between M' Roosevelts Slip and M'' De brosses made their Report in these words to witt City of New York SS Wee the Committee appointed on the Twelfth of February Last to Re ceive the proposalls of the Freeholders & proprietors of the Land be tween M' Roosevelts Slip and M' De[s] brosses Do Report that wee have in obedience to Said order met them, and they Desire to have their Grants on the Same Conditions as M' Barns Mf Latham and iVI' Oliver De Lancey otherwise to pay one Shilling pf foot from the Twenty fifth of this Instant Robert Benson, Step. V: Cortlandt AVT- De Peyster March ig't". 1750/1 whereupon It is orderd that the Consideration thereof be Referred to the Next Common Councill Orderd that the Committee appointed for building the New fferry house has Liberty to Remove the Barn belonging to the ferry house so farr to the Eastward as they shall think fit and that they Lengthen the Peer Warf or Staires so farr into the River as they shall think proper The Petition of the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Communion of the Church of England as by Law Established preferred to this Corporation praying they would Grant unto them the Lands fronting their School house Church yard and Ground from the Rear of their Lott into the North River Two hundred feet beyond Low u'ater mark and also the Soil under the water the whole brea[d]th of their Lott to Extend from Low water mark into the North River Two hundred feet (Except Sixty foot of the Ground from high to Low water Mark agreed to be Released to M' Nicholas Roosevelt) Whereupon It is ORDERD by this Board and unanimously agreed that a Grant be made unto the said Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Com munion of the Church of England, as by Law Established of the Ground and Soil under Water of the whole brea[d]tli of their Ground Two hundred foot below Low water mark under the yearly Rent of three pence ^. foot the first pa}-ment to Commence on the Twenty [ ] of March 1766 also orderd that alderman De Peyster M' Deputy Mayor Alderman Livingston Mf Roosevelt, Mf John Livingston and M' Bayard or any five of them be a Committee to Examine into the Alle gations of the said petition and to take to their assistance one of the Surveyors of this City and Run out the Lands of the Petitioners and make Report thereof to this Board >-Esq'? Aldermen !> Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YijRK 32y [273] City of ^ At a Common Councill held at the City New York^ Hall of the City of New York on Fryday the Twenty Second Day of March Anno Dom 1 75 1 Present : Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder. Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? A'an Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster AA'illiam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt .Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard AIatthc-\v AV'elch i\'Iarrii;er is appointed public]; AAHiipper of this Cit}- in the Room of John Bailey Deceased and orderd to be allowed the SaHary of Tv/enty pounds p'' annum to be paid Quarterly and that out of the first Quarters payment there be Deducted and paid to Evert Bivanck the Sume of five pounds to witt fifty shiHings Each 0[u]arter. for a Debt Due from the said Welch to t'ne said Evert Bivanck to which he agreed and he being A'ery poor the Deput}- Clerk by order of this Board Did Advance unto him the Sum of Ten Shillings Mf Benjamin Peck Came in to Common Councill and Acquainted this Board that he was willing to Grant and Surrender to this Corpora tion his Right and Title to the Street Lying to the South East Side of his Lott provided they would Grant unto him his heirs and assigns for ever the water Lott fronting his Ground thereof the Breadth of Sev enty five feet and to extend two hundred feet into the East River or Harbour under the yearly Rent of Eighteen pence a foot to Commence on the Twenty fifth of March 1752 as also on Condition of their pay ing unto him the sum of Thirty Two pounds Ten shiHings and permit ting him to put the Beams of his house into the AValls of the fferry house which may hereafter be built by this Corporation on their Water Lott Next Adjovning to the Lott of the said Benjamin Peck which this 330 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Board agreed to and it is thereupon orderd that the Deputy Clarke prepare the Drafts of the Deeds to be Executed by the parties Accord- ingh'c [274] The Deputy Clerk produced the SeveraH Grants of tiie water Lotts between Beekm;ans Slip and Pecks Slip to Mess'? Cornelius Beek man George Peterson, Samuel Tingley Charity Montanie, John Cannon, Mary Cannon, Robert Livingston, Robert Crommeline, Corn? Van Ranst William Gilbert, John Bogert Junf William Beekman and Benjamin Moore, being in all thirteen Grants which were Read and approved of by this Board and orderd that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation to the said Severall Grants and that M' Mayor Do Sign the Same and that the Deputy Clerk Deliver the Same unto the Severall Grantees on their Executing Counterparts thereof Orderd that the proposalls of the Proprietors of the Lotts between M' Roosevelts and De[s] brosses Slip Reported by the Committee ap pointed for that purpose be referred to the Consideration of the Next Common Councill The Report of the Committee appointed for Examining into the .•Allegations of the Petition of the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Communion of the Church of England as by Law Established Relating to a Grant to be to them made of the Lotts at the Rear of their Ground in the west ward of this City did make their Report in these words following to witt In obedience to an order of Common Councill of the ig't' of this Instant March, wee Examined into the allegations of the Petition of the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Communion of the Church of England as by Law Established, and are fully Satisfied of the Truth thereof, and having met a Committee of that Corporation wee proposed to them the Re leasing to M' Nicholas Roosevelt, Eighty five foot of their Ground between High and Low water mark (Instead of the Sixty feet by them proposed) in order to make the Slip at the End of Thonias Street more usefull and Convenient for the Publick, which they Readily Agreed to, in Confidence that this board will at their Expence make an EH at the end of that SHp which wee humbly Conceive ou[gh]t to be done whenever the said Slip is Carried out and wee Do further Report that wee are of opinion, that A Grant be made from this Corporation to the said Rector and Inhabitants and their Successors forever of all the Soil and water Lotts from the Rear of their Land the whole breadth thereof ("Except the Eighty five foot), two hundred feet beyond Low water Mark into the North River upon the Rent agreed to by this OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 331 Board, and that in the said Grant the said Rector and Inhabitants Cove nant to Leave a Street along high water mark of fforty feet wide and, also at the Distance of one hundred and thirty feet from the said Street at High water mark (at which Distance Low Water mark is Deemed) another Street be Left of Forty feet wide Parralell to the said Street at High water mark, and that at the Extent of the Two hundred feet beyond Lo-iv water mark another Street of forty feet wide be Left parrallel to the Streets aforesaid to be taken out of the said Tv^o hun dred feet according to a Draft or plan made by Mf ffrancis Marschalk all which is humbly Submitted by Piere De Peyster Brandt Schuyler James Livingston Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt New York March 2o'l' 1 750/1 [275] Which Report was approved of and Consented to by this Board and ORDERD that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Draft of a Deed from this Corporation to the said Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Con-.niunion of the Church of England as by Law Established of tlie said Lotts and produce the Same at the next Common CouncHl Okderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? (io()i) Treasurer of this City to pay unto Rachell Bailey V\ arrant Issued, widdow of John Bailey the Late publick whipper of this City Deceased and to Christopher Creith each the sum of Twenty five shiHings being so much Remaining Due to the said John Bailey in his Life time for his Services as publick whipper aforesaid Augustus Van Cortlandt of the City of New York Gent, was Sworn a freeman of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred. and then the said Augustus A^an Cortlandt did produce to this Board a Deputation from John Chambers Esqf Common Clerk of this City Re citing that he heretofore had appointed Mf Abraham Lodge one of his Deputys for Executing the office and place of Common Clerk of the City of New York, who being often Indisposed and not able to Give Constant attendance upon the Duties thereof, he had therefore for the better and more Certain performance of the Severall Duties of the said Office also appointed the said Augustus A^an Cortlandt an Inhab itant and freeholder of and in the said City to be one of his Deputys together with him the said Abraham Lodge or in his absence to Doe and Execute all things appertaining to the office of Common Clerk of the said City which was allowed and approved of by this Board and the said Augustus Van Cortlandt thereupon took the Oath for the Due Execution of the said Office 332 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) gg New Yorkj Present. >-Esq'? Aldermen At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the Twelfth Day of ApriH Anno Domini 1751 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A^an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston [276] Order'd that the assize of bread be till further orders as follows (wheat at four Shillings & six pence p' Bushell) A AA'hite Loaf of the finest flov/er to weigh 5'* D? of D9 to weigh ; 2 D? of D? to weigh i D? of D? to weigh A AA'heaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken out J > Assistants : for 8'' : for 4 : for 2 : for I i :3 ¦3 for 4 for 4 to V;/eigh A Rye Loaf of D9 to weigh 3 And order'd that no other bread be made for Sale within this [City] (hard Bisquets only Excepted) than according to the above assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread accordingly OimKR'n the Deputy Clerk pay to M"^ David M'^Kindliss or his order the Sum of one pound Seventeen Shillings and a half penny or sucli Sum as he shall swear to be Due for [and] meet &c? for Matthew AA'elch Publick A\^[h]ipper of the City Order'd the Keeper of the Poorhouse Receive Matthew Welch his wife and Child into the said Poorhouse to be there provided for untill further orders Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Warrant Issued Treasurer of this City to pay to M' Joris Brinkerhoof N? (1092) or his order the sum of Sixty Two pounds fifteen Shillings and Seven pence in full of his Account for providing NaHs &c? for the fferry house, Coenties Market, Alms house, and City Hall which was Sworn to and allowed bv this Board OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 333 ]\k;s^? Christopher Banker and Elbert Haring who were appointed to appraize the Lands belonging to this Corporation which is in the Possession of M^' Oliver Do Lancey Reported that they had A'iewed and Considered the Same, and were of opinion that the said Oliver Dc Lance}' Do pay for the same three pounds p"" Acre for so much of their Lands as he has in his Possession as by their Report Signed and Sworn to the Twenty Ninth Day of March Last past appears. AVhereupon It is orderd that the Deput}- Clerk prepare the Draft of a Deed to the said Oliver De Lancey from this Corporation and produce the Same to the next Coniniou Councill City of ) gg At a Common Councill held at the City NewYork^ Hall of the said City on Fryda}- the 26'V Day of ApriH Anno Domini 1751 Present. Edv.-ard Holland Esq' I\Ia}-or Brandt Schuyler Esq Deputy jNIayor Simon Johnson Esq Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A^an Cortlandt Jairies Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? A'an Horne Rob* Benson Abraham De Peyster Nich? Bayard Wf Depeyster Nich? Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston [2//] Orderd that the Sum of Thirty Nine pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence Current money of this Colony be allovi^ed to the Execu tors or administrators of Daniel Bloom Deceased, the former Lessee of the fferry in Discount and in part of what he Owed to this Corpora tion for the arrears of Rent the same being for Sundrys by him advanced for the use of this Corporation as by his Account by him Sworn to in his Life time which was allowed by this Board Ordered that the Committee who were appointed to wait on the Executors of the Late John Cruger Esqf also Late ^Ia}'or of this City to Demand of them the Monies Due from them to this Corporation for >Lsq'-? Aldermen ^Assistants 334 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Granting of Lycences &c? and Desire them to Draw out and Deliver to them the accounts of their SeveraH Demands against this Corporation order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay to John Low Esqf [or] order (1093) the Sum of Eighty Seven pounds Current money of this Warrt Issued. Colony together with Interest for the Same from the Date hereof till paid being the Ballance of his Account and Demands against this Corporation for Timber &c? found and pro vided for building the New fferry house orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to James Livingston Esqf or order (1094) the Sum of four pounds in full of his account for so much by him paid for Cleansing the Slip order'd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Isaac Stouten- (1095) burgh or order the sum of Twenty one pounds Warrant Issued. Current money of this Colony being in full for the Constables Night and Day AVatches from the 15".' of October Last to the 15*!? of this Instant Aprill Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? (1096) Treasur[er] of this City to p.iy to Mf Peter Giraud Warrant Issued, or his order the sum of Forty one pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six pence Current money of this Col ony in full of his account for work Done &c? and finishing the fferrv house of this City. Twenty Two pounds part of the said Sum being an Allowance made to him by John Low Esqf for his Loss of Time orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to tiie N° (1097) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Daniel Giraud Warrant Issued, or order the Sum of Seventy pounds Current money of this Colony in full of his account for Masons work Done to the fferry house of this City orderd that the Ma}or Issue his Warrant to the N? 1098 Treasurer of this City to pay to Mr Henry Bogert or AV^arrant Issued, order the sum of one hundred pounds Current money of this Colony to be by him paid for materials pur chased for the building the New fferry house at Brookland OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 335 Orderd that all and Every the Tanners of this City Do fence Round the Severall Tan Pitts and ffatts at the North Side of the ffresh Water m Such Manner as the alderman and assistant of the outward shall order & Direct [278] City of I New Yorkj SS At a Common Councill held at the City HaH of the said City on Tuesday the Twenty first Day of May Anno Domini 1751 r J Esq''? Aldermen - Assistants Present. Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esq"" Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen WHliam De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Order-'d that Alderman A'an Horne, Aklerir.a!i Livingston, and Al derman Cortlandt jMess''? L}-nsen, Lespinard and Livingston or the Major part of them be a Comir.ittee to A'iew and Examine the -Common Sewer at the End of the ffly market and advise and Consult vdiat will be the Expence of making and Laying out a Good and Sufficient Drain to Carry off the filth and Mud from thence into the East River and make Report thereof to this Board orderd the ]\Iayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N9 this City to pay to Peter Bogert or his order the sum of Forty (1099) Two pounds Nineteen ShiHings and Seven pence farthing Current money of this Colony for Sundry Smiths Work by him done for the use of the ft'erry house, as by his account Sworn to by him and aHowed by this Board 336 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ORDERD the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to M' Abraham Van Wyck or ( iioo) his order the sum of Eight pounds Nine ShHHngs and AA^arrt Issued. Six pence Current money of this Colony for Sundrys by him disbursed for Repair of the ffiy market as by his Account by him Sworn to and aHowed by this Board ORDERD the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- Nv urer of this City to pay to M"- James i\Iills or order the (iioi) Sum of Thirty pounds Sixteen ShiHings and Six pence Warrt Issued. Current money of this Colony in full of his account for Victualling Sundry prisoners and fire wood found and provided for them in the Goal of this City as by his Account by him Syorn to and Allowed by this Board Tlie Petition of Charles Jandine and others praying a Grant of the water Lotts fronting to hunters Key opposite to their Lotts was this Day Read as also the Remonstrance of John Walter and others against the Granting the prayer of the said Petition Whereupon It is orderd by this Board that the Petitioners and Remonstrants be heard by them selves or their Councill on the Subject matters thereof on Monday the Third Day of June Next and that the}' be Served with a Copy of tliis order and have Copy of said Petition and Remonstrance if Required the}- paying for the Same [279] Michael Sickles Cooper Samuel Lane Cordwainer, Stephen Car penter yeoman and Charles Sickles Cordwainer admitted and Sworn freemen of this Corporation Order'd the Alayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to John Myer Messenger (1 102) and Doorkeeper to this Board or his order the sum of Warrt Issued. Two pounds Ten ShiHings Current money of this Col ony for one Quarter of a Years Sallary Due on the iMorrow being the Tv/enty Second Instant The Draft and Survey of the Severall Water Lotts from Jacobus Roosevelts to M' De[s]brosses Lotts in Montgomerie AVard of this City was Laid before this Board in order for their Approbation thereof and ordering Grants of the water Lotts to the Severall proprietors of the Lotts there, and it was thereupon agreed to by this Board that the Corner AVater Lott fronting Mf Roosevelts Lott into the East River OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 337 be Granted unto him under the yearly Rent of Eighteen pence a foot the whole breadth of his Lott two hundred foot into the East River and that the Rent Commence, and be made payable on the Twenty fifth Day of March Next and that the adjacent Lotts from the Eastermost end of Jacobus Roosevelts Lotts to the Southwest Side of the old Slaughter House (Except those faceing to the Lotts of Jonas AVright the AA^iddow Bratt and John Thurman) be Granted to the Severall pro prietors of said Lotts under the Rent aforesaid and that the first pay ment Do Commence and be made payable on the 25*1' of ^larch 1757 and that the Lotts of Latham and the others as far as and Including De[s] brosses be also Granted to them at the Rent aforesaid and that the same be made to Commence on the 25't' of ^.larch 1759 and orderd that the Deputy Clerk Do prepare Grants thereof accordingly and for asmuch as there is Some Dispute Concerning the Extent of the breadth of the Lotts of Jonas AVright the widdow Bratt and John Furman, orderd that the Consideration be Referred to the Next Common Coun cill, and that the Deputy Clerke inspect the Records of the Lands they hold there and Transcribe the Bounds thereof to be Examined by this Board The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Deed from this Corporation to iff Oliver De Lancey for a slip of Ground ad joining to his Land at Bloomendall which was read and approved of and ORDERD to be Engrossed and the seal of this City put thereto and that j^.i'- Mayor Sign the same The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Deed from this Corporation to the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Communion of the Church of England as by Law Established for the water Lotts fronting their Ground in the westward of this City, and the survey of the said Land being also Laid before this Board whereby it Did Appear that the Churches Ground was Broader than by their Petition it was said to be and they being wiHing and Desirous to have a Grant of the water Lotts [280] Of the whole Breadth of their Ground which this Board being willing to Grant unto them ac cordingly and the Draft of the said Grant being then & there Read was approved of and orderd the Same be Engrossed and that the seal of this Corporation be Affixed to one part thereof and Signed by M' Mayor and Delivered to the Rector and Church Wardens of Trinity Church of the City of New York on their Executing a Counterpart thereof to the use of this Corporation Vol. v.— 22 338 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Grant and Release from Mf Benjamin Peck to this Corporation of a peer or Wharf by him made on the North East Side of his Lotts in Mont gomerie ward which was read and approved of by this Board and or derd the same be Engrossed in one of the Books of the City Grants belonging to this Corporation City of I At a Common Councill held at the City Nevv Yorkj ' "' Hall of the said City on Monday the Third day of June Anno Dom. 1751 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster ^ William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt )> Assistants Abraham Lynsen John Livingston ^Esq''? Aldermen Order'd that the Deputy Clerk Do pay to M' John De Lamontaine the Sum of Eleven Shillings for his Trouble and Expences in Carrying a Doctor on Board the Brig Sarah Commanded by Capt Robert Leon ard then Laying Quarentine at Bedlows Island which Lately Arrived from S' Kitts and had the Small pox on Board of her orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay to Brandt Schuyler Esqf the (1103) Sum of Sixteen pounds Eight ShiHings and four pence VA^arrt Issued half penny for so much money by him paid for work Done to the City HaH of this City ORDERD that Francis Booree be and he is hereby Appointed fireman of the North Ward in the Room of James Powelse who is Lately moved out of the said Ward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 339 [281] The Petition of Charles Jandine and others was again Read praying a Grant of the AA'^ater Lotts fronting to Hunters Key opposite to their Lotts, as also the Remonstrance against the said Petition and thereupon Mf Murray and M' Smith of Councill for the Petitioners moved that the prayer thereof be Granted, which was Opposed by M' Nicoll of Councill for the Remonstrants for this Reason that the Coun cHl for the Remonstrants had not Suffecient time to Consider and argue the matters of said Petition and Remonstrance and therefore prayed a further Time to be allowed for the Same, whereupon it is agreed to by this Board that the hearing of the Same be Referred to the Twenty fifth Day of July next and that the parties then attend without further Notice It is agreed to by this Board that if the Executors administrators or the Securities of Daniel Bloom Late Lessee of the fferry of this City Deceased Do pay the Sum of fifty pounds to the Chamberlain of this City that the Same be accepted in full of all arrears of Rent, which were Due and owing to this Corporation from the said Daniel Bloom in his Life time and at the Time of his Decease, and orderd that the Chamberlain make a Demand of the Same and upon Receipt thereof to Give a Discharge to them Accordingly The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Engrossed Deed from this Corporation to the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of Nev/ York in Communion of the Church of England as by Law Es tablished which was read and approved of by this Board and orderd that the Seal of this City be affixed thereto and "that the same be Signed by Al' Mayor and Delivered to the Rector and Church AA^ardens of the City of New York on their Executing a Counterpart thereof to the use of this Corporation The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Lease from this Corporation to Martin Van Evere and Judith his wife which was Read and approved of and orderd the sam.e be Engrossed and the seal of this City be affixed thereto, and Signed by M' Mayor and De livered to the said Martin Van Evere on his and his wifes Executing- a Counterpart thereof to the use of this Corporation Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt be and he is here'oy appointed one of the Committee together with the Gentlemen before appointed to Carry on the Suit between this Corporation and the Inhabitants 340 MINUTES OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL of Harlem and that any two of them be Empowered to Carry on the Same The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Engrossed Lease from this Corporation to Bartholomew Skaats of the staUs and Standings of this City from the first of May instant to the first of May Next which was Read and orderd (M' Mayor Dissenting there to) that the seal of this City be affixed thereto and the same be Deliv ered to the said Bartholomew Skaats on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Entring into Bond with Security for performance of the Covenants therein Contained and at the same time he produced the Engrossed Lease from this Corporation to the said Bartholomew [282] Skaats, for the Docks and Slips of the said City for the Term aforesaid which was also Read and approved of and orderd the seal of this City be affixed thereto and that the Same be Delivered unto the said Bartholomew Skaats on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Giving bond with Security for performance of the Covenants therein Contained Citv of ) Nev Yorkj tss At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the Twenty Eighth Day of June Anno Dom 1751 Present, Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Piere De Peyster Robert Benson William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen Leonard Lespinard • Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants Orderd that so much of an order (made the Sixteenth of August Last past appointing a Committee for ordering the Regulating and Laying out and paving Beekmans Street and the Streets Contiguous thereto in Montgomerie Ward of this City) as Relates to Beekmans Street be Revoked and orderd that Alderman Benson M' Roosevelt Mf William De Peyster and M'' Lespinard or any three of them be a Com- OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 341 mittee for the Viewing Laying out and paveing the said Beekmans Street and that they or any three of them make Report thereof to this Board Avith all Convenient Speed orderd that M' Recorder Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Mathew Welch publick whipper of this City or order five pounds for one Ouarters SaHary Due the Twenty Second of June Instant ORDERD that John Daley Jun' be and is hereby appointed one of the firemen of Montgomerie ward in the Room of his father and William Hardenbrook in the Room of Adolph Brass Late fireman in Mont- o-omerie ward of this City City of I New York j SS Present. At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the Twenty Sixth Day of July Anno Dom. 1751 Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A/'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Abraham Lynsen ;>Esq''? Aldermen ^.-Assistants [283] Orderd that the assize of Bread be till further orders as follows (Wheat at five Shillings pf Bushell). A^zt A AVhite Loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4"^ I>? of D9 to weigh 2 D? of D9 to weigh i D9 of D9 to weigh A Wheaten Loaf the Coarsest Bran only taken out^ to weigh j A Rye Loaf of D9 to weigh 2 and orderd that no other Bread be made for sale within this City J20Z : for 8'' 6 : for 4 2 : for 2 9 : for I 15 : for 4 15 : for 4 342 MINUTES OF THE COMAiON COUNCIL (hard Bisquets only Excepted) than according to the above assize and that all Bakers take Notice hereof and Bake their Bread accordingly orderd that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Bond from this Corpora tion to M' Peter A''allete Merchant and affix the seal thereof to the same in the penalty of Twelve hundred pounds Current money of New York with Condition to pay unto him the sum of Six hundred pounds Like money on the Twenty Sixth Day of July, 1753 at Six pf Cent p' annum and that the same be Signed by M' Mayor and Counter Signed by the Deputy Clerk the same being for Defraying the Expence of Compleating a Peer at the west End of Coenties Dock Mf Nicoll of CounciH for the Remonstrants against the Petition of Charles Jandine and others and Mf Smith and Mf Murray of CounciH for tlie Petitioners Came before this Board where the said Petition & Remonstrance as also his Late Majesties King George the first's Letter pattent to John Theobalds and others were Read and then M' NicoH in behalf of the Remonstrants and Mf Smith and Mf Murray in behalf of the Petitioners Severally argued on the Subject matters Contained in said R.emonstrance and Petition which were taken into Consideration by this Board and after Some Debate thereon It is orderd that the Consideration thereof be Referred till the Next Com mon Councill City of I cc -^1' ^ Common Councill held at the City New York( " Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Thir teenth Day of August Anno Domini 1751 Present. Edvv'ard Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen A''an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Corn? Van Florne Robt Benson Nich? Bayard Abraham Lynsen Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Nich? Roosevelt WilHam De Peyster ^Esqf? Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ,^, [284] Mf Lawrence Le Tellier being proposed and Recommended to this Board as a person well Qualified for the Office of one of the Surveyois of this City in the Room of Brandt Schuyler Esqf who has Declined the said Office. Orderd that the said Lawrence Le Tellier be and he is hereby appointed one of the Surveyors of the said City Accordingly on his Taking the usual oaths for the Due Execution of the said Office The Subject matters Contained in the Petition of Charles Jandine and others for a Grant of the Severall Water Lotts fronting the Lotts oi the Petitioners on the East River and the Remonstrance of John M'^Evers and others against Granting the said Petition were again taken into Consideration by this Board whereupon It is Considered that the further Consideration thereof be Defferred till next Spring Orderd tliat Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Benson, M' Lespinard and M'' William De Peyster, or any three of them with as many more of this Corporation as shall please to attend be a Committee to View Regu late Lay out and pave all the Streets in the North ward of the said City and also ail and Every the Streets in Montgomerie Vv'^ard of the said City, and that they make Report thereof to this Board with all Con venient Speed The Petition of M' Nicholas Roosevelt praying a Grant of a AA'ater Lott fronting a Lott of Sixty feet of Ground purchased by him from the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in Commu nion of the Church of England as by Law Estabhshed to Extend from Low water mark into the North River Tv/o hundred feet was Read AA^hereupon It is orderd that Alderman De Peyster Alderman Cortlandt &' M' Lespinard be a Committee to Examine into the aHegations of the said Petition and make Report thereof to this Board w-ith all Con venient Speed orderd the ma}or Issue his v.-arrant to tiie Treas- N? urer of this City to pay unto Mf Johannes Myer Ales- (1104) senger and Door Keeper to this Board or his order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings being for one Quarters Sallary Due and Ending on the Twelfth Instant The Committee appointed to Examine and View the Common Sewer at the End of the ffly market of this City Did make their Re port thereon which was Read in these words following City of New 344 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL York ss : Wee the Committee appointed by order of Common Councill of the said City to A'iew and Examine the Common Sewer at the End of the ffly market Do Report that in pursuance thereof wee have A'iewed and Examined the same and Do find that the Laying a Drain under Ground to Carry of the filth mud and Dirt Will be attended with so Great an Expence as Neither the Neighbourhood or the Corpor ation of this City would Consent to allow for that purpose and there fore are of oppinion and think it most advisable that in order to prevent the same from being a Nuisance there by Dug out of the said Slip so much of the Dirt and Ground as to Leave therein Twelve Inches at Low water which Will Keep the same sweet & prevent its being a Nuisance and which is also Conceived by the Neighbourhood to be the most Easy and Effectuall Method, and forasmuch as the Doing thereof will be an annuall Charge & as all other Common Sewers & warfs of this City are maintained & Repaired & Cleansed at the publick Charge of this City, they the Neighbourhood have proposed to the Committee to pay into the hands of the Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City the sum of Sixty pounds Current money of this Colony to be Expended for that purpose as far as the same will Extend provided the Corporation Will at their own Expence advance such further Sum as Will be Necessary to keep the same Clean and shall and Will at their Own Expence Keep the same in Repair and from being a Nui sance for the future all which is humbly Submitted by Cor? V Horne H: Lynsen Steph V: Cortlandt Jn9 Livingston James Livingston Leonard Lespinard [285] The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Drafts of the Grants of Water Lotts fronting the Lotts of Ground between Jacobus Roosevelts and De[s]l5rosses Lotts (Excepting those faceing the Lotts of Jonas Wright the widow Bradt and John Thurman) to the Severall proprietors thereof which v/ere read and approved of by this Board and orderd the Deputy Clerk Engrose the Same and Affix the seal of this Corporation thereto and that M' Mayor Do Sign the said Grants and that they then be Delivered to the Severall proprietors on tiieir Executing Counterparts thereof to this Corporation OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 345 City of ^ g At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Fryday the Twenty third Day of August Anno Domini 1751 Present. Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Stephen Van Cortlandt " James Livingston „ . , , -n- T-i r> ^ VEsq'? Aldermen Piere De Peyster ' ^ Robert Benson William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt ., , T --Assistants Abraham Lynsen ( John Livingston orderd that the managers for building the Pier at Coenties Dock Do take up the Two small Piers at each side of Coenties Dock and Remove and take away the same they proveing very Inconvenient and Dangerous to the Market house there, in Case any Vessells fastned to the said Piers sho'd Slip or Brake their fast and that they Employ the Stuff and materials thereof in building the New Peer ORDERD that the Committee appointed to build the fferry house of this Corporation be empower'd to have ty.'O New Windows in the Kitchen of said house and to have the barn Removed to the Eastermost part of the Corporation Ground there as also for Sinking a Cistren and building a Shed in Such manner as they shall think most Convenient ORDERD that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay to Robert Benson Esq' (1105) or order the Sum of ffourteen pounds twelve Shillings Current money of this Colony being so much money by him Disbu[r]sed to Abraham Mills for horse hire and their Trouble and Expences in pursuing & apprehending the Criminals who Lately Counterfeited the bills of Credit of this Colony. Orderd that M' Lodge be and he is hereby appointed Councill for this Corporation together with Joseph Murray Esqf in Support of the Titie of their Lands against the Claim of the Inhabitants of the Town of Harlem [286] Andrew Ramsay the Lessee of the ferry of this Corporation produced to this Board an account of Sundry Expences Charged to Mf Henry Bogert Amounting to Nine pounds and Seven pence orderd that so Soon as he shall have made oath to the Truth of said account before one of the Magistrates of this City, that the Same be Discounted and Allowed to him in his Next payment. 346 MINUTES OF THE COM.MON COUNCIL Orderd that M' Oliver De Lancey have Leave to Lay out a Road all round Inclamen Bergh of Such Breadth as the Committee herein after mentioned shall agree to and Direct for the Convenlency of Riding Round the same and ordered that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston Mf Bayard M'' Lynsen and M' John Livingston or the major part of them present be a Committee for ordering the Same and with as many more of this Corporation as shall think fit to attend the same and that they take to their Assistance one of the Surveyors of this City Orderd the Mayor Issue his Vv'^arrant to the Treasurer [No. 1106] of this City to pay to M' Isaac Stoutenburgh or his order the sum of Twelve pounds Current money of this Colony to be by him Laid out for firewood for the use of the AVatch house and Court Room of this Corporation City of J cc -^T ^ Common Councill held at the City New York\ Hall of the said City on Monday the Thirtieth Day of September ( Sunday being the Twenty Ninth the feast of St Michael the arch Angle) Anno Domini 1751 Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt ^Assistants Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard >Esqf? Aldermen Conformable to his majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Electing this Day one alderman one assistant. Two assessors, one Collector, and Two Constables in the Six wards on the south side of fresh water and one alderman one assistant four assessors. Two Collectors and four Constables for the outward of the said City to Serve in the Respective OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 347 offices for the year Ensueing the Respective aldermen of Each Re spective v>'ard made Return this Day into the office of Town Clerk under their hands for the severall persons Elected to Serve in the Severall offices aforesaid A^izt [287] East ward West ward North ward South ward Dock ward -< Cornelius \'an Horne Esqf Peter Clopper Charles Crommeline William Ludlow David Schuyler WiHiam Flannigan Jacob RodoricoDerivero ' Piere De Peyster Esqf Nicholas Roosevelt Lawrence Romer Thomas Ludlow Joseph Devoe John Lary Moses Benj? Franks Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Leonard Lispinard Cliarles Jandine Thomas Vater Jacobus Kierstead Daniel Stiles Judah Mears ''Brandt Schuyler Esqf Abraham De Peyster John Clopper Abraham Bokee Balthazar De Hart Joseph AVebb Ephraim Lockwood '^ James Livingston Esqf John Livingston Alexander Phoenix Gerrardus Duyking James Creighton John George Cook Edward Graham Alderman assistantAssessors CollectorConstables Alderman AssistantAssessors CollectorConstables Alderman AssistantAssessors CoHector Constables AldermanAssistantAssessors Collector Constables AldermanAssistantAssessors CollectorConstables 348 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Montgomerie ward < Outward [288] Outward < ''Robert Benson Esqf William De Peyster John Cannon Adolph Brass John Gilbert John Aspinwall Roger Pell 'Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Esqf Nicholas Bayard Cornelius Tiebout Jelles MandavHle William Richardson Jacob Anderson William Richardson ''Adolph Benson Peter Waldron John Myer Aron Myer ^ John Myer Alderman Assistant [•Assessors Collector C Constables AldermanAssistant Assessors Collector Constables Assessors Collector Constables for Bowery Division for Harlem Division Flis Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the province of New York and the Terri tories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the Same and Admirall of the AVhite Squadron of his Majesties fleet by and with the advice and Consent of his Majesties CounciH was pleased to ap point the following Officers for the City and County of New York for the year Ensueing (to witt) Edward Holland Esqf to be Mayor Water BaiHff and Clerk of the Market, John Ayscough Esqf to be high Sheriff and Anthony Rutgers Esqf to be Coroner of the said City and County for the year Ensueing Resolved (Nemine Contra Dicente) that Isaac De Peyster Esqf the Present Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City be and is hereby Elected and appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs ORDERD that the Alderman of the North Ward Cause a New Elec tion of Constable for the said Ward in the Room of Judah Mears who was Chosen one of the Constables for the said North Ward and has Served in that office within Ten years past and that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 349 The Mayor having appointed Ephraim Lockwood to be high Con stable who was Chosen one of the Constables of the Southward and ORDERD that there be a New Election of a Constable, in his Room by the Alderman of the said Ward and orderd that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning ORDERD that the Alderman of the North Ward cause a New Elec tion of Constable in the Room of Daniel Stiles who is Neither a ffreeman nor ffreeholder of this City and that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning ORDERD that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? (1107) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mathew Welch pub- Warrt Issued lick AVhipper of this City or order the sum of five pounds Current mony of this Colony in fuH for one Quarters Sallary Due and Ending the Twenty Second of September Last past ORDERD the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto Davis Hunt or his order the sum of Nine pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence half penny in full for work Done for this Corporation as p'' his acct Sworn to & allowed Mf Lawrence Lettellier was Sworn into the office of one of the Publick Surveyors of this City and took the usuall Oath for the Due Execution of the said Office [289] City of ) cc -^T ^ Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hal! of the said City on Monday the four teenth Day of October Anno Dom. 1751 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt ^Assistants Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard >Esq'^ Aldermen 350 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL This Day Mf Mayor attended by the Recorder Aldermen and As sistants High Sheriff, Town Clerk, the Chamberlain, Coroner high Constables, petty Constables and other officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the Same Day AVent in their formalities from the City Hall to the house of the Honourable George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the province of New York and the Territories thereon De pending in America A'ice Admirall of the Same and Admirall of the White Squadron of his Majesties fleet and there waited on his said Excellency and then and there took the Oaths appointed by act of parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of allegiance and Stiprem- macy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by order of his said Excellency were administred unto Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor Water Bailiff' and Clerk of the Market of the City of New York, as also one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York and also the usual Oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market of the City of New York and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the Severall members of this Court above Mentioned and thereupon Mf Mayor Acquainted his Excellency the Governour that pursuant to the authority to him Granted by his Majesties Royall Charter he had appointed Brandt Schuyler Esqf one of the Aldermen of the said City to be Deputy Mayor of this City and Corporation if his ExceHency approved thereof to which his Excellency was pleased to Answer that the Choice was agreable to him and ap proved thereof that the said Brandt Schuyler should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York accordingly. Whereupon the Mayor attended as aforesaid Returned to the City HaH where after the Ringing of three Bells and proclamation made for Silence, the Commission of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market and the Commissions of high Sheriff and Coroner were published, and this Court Returned to the Common Councill Chamber where the said Edward Holland Esq'' was placed [290] In the Chair and then according to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to this Corporation the said Edward Holland Esqf Mayor of this Corporation administred the Oaths aforesaid to be taken by act of parliament instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test & Abjuration oath and the usual oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective Offices unto the Respective Officers and Magistrates following Vizt OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 351 Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Brandt Schuyler Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Cornelius Van Horne Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard William De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper John Ayscough Esqf Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New >- York and Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York > Assistants of the City of New York Anthony Rutgers Esqf Isaac De Peyster Esqf Ephraim Lockwood high Sheriff of the City and County of New York Coroner of the City and County of New York ChamberlainHigh Constable East ward AVest Ward North ward South ward Montgomerie ward Constables Sworn Viz' ( William Flannigan : Hugh Rafter Deputy (John Lary I Moses Benjamin Frank [Amos Paine j Joseph Webb ) Gilbert Shearer I Nathaniel Beek Deputy Abraham Ouderkirk Deputy Dock ward Out ward Hugh Mulligan Deputy ^Edward Graham iJohn George Cook ^V/illiam Richardson Bowery Division) Jacob Anderson Harlem jJohn Myer Division )Aron Myer [291J Mf Alderman Schuyler alderman of the South Ward Returned that he had Caused a New Election of Constable in his said ward in 352 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Room of Ephraim Lockwood who was appointed high Constable and that Gilbert Shearer was Chosen one of the Constables of the said Ward in his Room ORDERD that the alderman of the North ward Cause a New Elec tion of a Constable for the said Ward the Last Election and Return being irregular and Void and that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning ORDERD that Alderman Schuyler, Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston M' Lespinard Mf Livingston and Mf Clopper or the Major part of them be a Committee for Auditing the Chamberlains accounts and all the Publick Accounts of this Corporation ORDERD that the Neighbourhood of the Oswego Market have Liberty to Enlarge the Same at their Own Expence Orderd that Mf Aspinwall be fined the sum of Ten pounds for Refusing to be Sworn into the Office of Constable of the City and County of New York and that the alderman of Montgomerie ward Cause a New Election of Constable in his Room and that the Election be on Wednesday next at nine oClock in the Morning. ORDERD that Mf Roger Pell be fined the sum of Ten pounds for Refusing to be Sworn into the office of Constable of the City and County of New York and that the Alderman of Montgomerie ward Cause a New Election of Constable in his Room and that the Election be on Wednesday next at Nine oClock in the Morning ORDERD that there be a New Election of Constable by the Alderman of the Eastward in the Room of Jacob Roderico Derevero Vv^ho was Chosen one of the Constables for the said ward who is Neither a free man nor freeholder and that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the forenoon ORDERD the Mayor Issue his warant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or his order the Sum of Twenty Three pounds Sixteen Shillings and five pence half penny being the Ballance of his accounts for Sundry Disbursements for this Corporation to the Eighth of August Last Inclusive as pf his account Audited and allowed Hugh Rafter Cordwainer admitted and Sworn a Freeman of this Corporation. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 353 [292] City of ^ New Yorkj SS At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the Seven teenth Day of January Anno Domini 1752 Present. Edward Holland Esq"^ Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder. Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston William De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Esq"* Aldermen V Assistants Mf Lambert Moore Sworn a freeman of this Corporation and then the Said M"- Lambert Moore Produced to this Board a Deputation from the Honourable John Chambers Esq'- appointing him one of his Deputy Clerks of the Peace and of the said City and County Which was Read and allowed of and thereupon the said Lambert Moore took the Oath for the Due Execution of his said Office. Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor of the said Cit}- was Sworn to the Due Execution of his Said Office. Order'd that Mf John A'an Gelder Junf Black Smith be and he is hereby appointed a fireman of the Dock AA^ard in the Room and Stead of James Davie Who is Lately Removed out of said AA^ard Order'd that the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the (1108) Treasurer of this City to Pay to M' Isaac Stouten- AA^arrant Issued burgh or Order the Sum of fifty nine Pounds ten Shillings and Eight pence half Penny Being the BaHance of his Account for the Constables AVatches and Sundry's Done and Provided for the AVatch and Alms house as by his Accounts Produced & Sworn to and Allowed b}- this Corporation N" (1109) AA''arrant Issued Vol. v.— 23 Order'd that the Mayor issue his AA'arrant to the Treasurer to pay unto Mf Balthazar Dehart or his order the Sum of one Pound Seventeen ShiHings and three Pence for mending and repairing the Window of the City Hall as p' his Account AHowed 354 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL M' Bartholomew Skaats Produced to tiiis Board his N° Account of Sundry Sums of money by him Expended for and (iiio) towards Repairing the Publick Wharfs Slips markets &"= of this City amounting in the Whole to the Sum of thirty four Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence three farthings Which Account wer[e] by him Sworn to be true whereupon It is [293] Order'd that the Treasur[er] of this Cit}' Do allow him the aforesaid Sum of Thirty four Pounds fifteen S'nillings and five pence three farthings in Discount of the moneys Due and to Grov/ Due b}- A'irtue of his Leases to this Corporation Alf Andrew Ramsay Produced to this Board two Severall N° Accounts for Sundry's Provided for Sundry Workman and (nil) Labourers at the City ferry Amounting to Twenty two Pound fifteen Shillings Which account [s] v\fere by him Sworn to be true It is thereupon ordered that the Chamberlain allow unto him the said Sum of Tv/enty two Pounds fifteen Shillings in Discount of the moneys Due and to Grow Due from him or his Lease of the ferry to this Corporation as also the further Sum of nineteen Pounds Eleven Shil lings and ten Pence for So much By him Disbursed and Paid for the use of this Corporation Order'd that M' Mayor issue his Warrant to the N° (1112) Treasurer of this City to Pay to Mf Flenry Boge[r]t or order the sum of Sixty Pounds Current money of this Colony in Part of his Account Due to him from this Corporation Ordered that the Mayor Issue his Warrent to t'ne Treas- N° urer of this City to Pay to M'' Jacobus Turk or his Order the (11 13) sum of one hundred and twenty three Pounds three Shillings and two Pence Current money of this Colony for the Ballance of his Account Due to him from this Corporation Ordered that there be an Indorsment Made on the Deeds from this Corporation to M' Oliver De Lancey to this Purpose That if any Per son or persons Shall at any time hereafter. Sue for and Recover any Part of the Lands to him Granted by this Corporation that then and in such Case this Corporation Shall Pay Back unto the said Oliver De Lancey his &c. Such Part of the Consideration Money as Shall be in Proportion to Such Numbers of Acres as Shall be so Recovered from at the Rate of £3 ^ Acre and that the Mayor Sign the said Indorsment Mf Lodge Produced to this Board the Engrossed Deed of Sundry Water Lotts from This Corporation in Montgomerie Ward to Aaron OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 555 Karing William Walton and others being in Number or derd that the Seal of this Corporation be affixed thereto and that the same be Signed By M' Mayor and Delivered to the Severall Grantees on their Executing Counterparts thereof Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to Pay to Johannes Alyer ( 1114) Messenger and Doorkeeper to this Board or order AVarrant Issued the sum of five Pounds Current money of New York in full of one half year Sallary Due and Ending the Tyv'elfth Day of February Next as also the further Sum of Six Pounds Like money for his Extraordinary Services of the Last year [294] Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to Pay to Mathew AVelch (1115) Publick AVhipper of this City or order the Sum of '\\'arrant Issued five Pounds Current Money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary Due and Ending the Tv/enty Second of December Last Past City of ) At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Thursday the Sixth day of February 1752 Present Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deputy Mayor Simon Johnson Esq"- Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Peter Clopper John Livingston Leonard Lispenard Be it ordained By the Mayor Aldermen and assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that all the Lawes Orders and Ordinances >Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants 35 6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of this Corporation which on the Sixth Day of February One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty were Made Ordained Renewed Established and Published Be revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for Three Months from and after the Date hereof Viz' A Law for the Due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire. A Law for the Making of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal and Flower by Measure and for appointing Proper Places for the Sale of Meal Flower Corn and Grain [295] A Law for Regulating Negroes Mollatoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Cartman A Law for Regulating the Office of Packers and Cullars A Law Relating to Making of Freeman Except that Part formerly Repealed A Law for Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks or Slips of this City and for Preserving the Bridge and Common ScAver in the said Dock. A Law for Preserving the Commons and Fish in fresh AA^ater Pond A Law for Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to Funeralls A Law for Paving and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and Allys within the City of New York and for Preventing Nusances within the same Except Such Part thereof as Relates to no Hogs to be Kept on the South Side of Fresh Water A Law in Addition to a Law Entituled a Law for Paving and Clean ing the Streets Lanes and Allys within the City of New York and for Preventing Nusances within the Same A Law against Firing of Guns or other Fire Works within the Streets A Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlars (Except such Part there of as was Repealed the Twenty Sixth day of Aprill i75o[)] A Law for Preventing Frauds in Fire Wood. A Law for Marking of Butter. ' A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York. A Law for the Better Securing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun Powder OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 357 A Law -for Appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the Seal of the Mayoralty of this City Shall be put unto A Law for Regulating the Publick Markets within the City of New York and for Preventing the forestallings of Provisions Coming to the said Markets A Law to Prevent the Selling or Giving of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of The City of New York [296] A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House With the follow ing Alteration that instead of the Publick Slaughter houses by the Water Side all neat Cattle to be KiHed at the Slaughter House Belong ing to Mf Nicholas Bayard Situate On his Land on the North Side of Fresh Water. City of I New Yorkj SS At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the Sixth Day of March Anno Dom 1752 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor. Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Peter Clopper John Livingston Esq"-^ Aldermen Assistants WHliam Walton Esqf Delivered to this Board a Certificate of the Number of Days By him Served in the Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the Ninth Day of October 1751 to the twenty fifth Day of November then next following Amounting in the whole to 47 Days and Declared of his having Engaged to Serve this City as one of their Representatives Gratis and that the Same Be Null and A^oid and all other Certificates and Demands of the like Service 358 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered the Mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treasurer (1116) of this City to pay to Mf Abraham Van Wyck or his Order the Sum of Thirty one pounds Seven Shillings and Nine pence for Sundry Charges By him paid and Laid out for Cleansing the Slip By the fly Market &? as pf his Account Sworn to and Allowed By this Board Ordered that Alderman Livingston Alderman De Peyster Mess'? John Livingston and Peter Cloper Be Added to the Comittee that were Appointed on Tuesday the Thirteenth Day of August Last past to View Digg Regulate Lay out and pave all the Streets in the North AVard of the said City and also all and Every the Streets in Mont gomerie AA'^ard and that they or the major part of them make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Expedition [297] Order'd that the Deputy Clerk of this Board prepare Advertize ments to be pubHckly affixed up and put in the Weakly Gazzette for had a Right to the proffits of the Severall Marketts as Clerk of the Same) and of the publick AVarfs and Slips of this City for the term of one Year to Commence on the first Day of May Next By Publick out Cry at tbe House of George Burns fronting the Long Bridge on Friday the Twentieth Day of March Instant at Two oCiock in the afternoon to the highest Bidder and that Alderman Cortlandt, Alder man Livingston, Alderman De Peyster and Alderman Benson Mess'? John Livingston William De Peyster, Nicholas Roosevelt and Peter Clopper or the Major part of them with as many more of this Board as please to Attend Be a Committee to Let the Same upon Such Condi tions as they Shall Judge proper Order'd that Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh Do purchase three Lamps for the use of this Corporation and Erect Two of them in the front, and the other in the Rear of the City Hall of this City, and that he provide Oyle for th.c Same and Tend and Cleanse them as often as he shall thinlc Necessary and place the Expence thereof to this Corporation M' Alderman Van Horne, Alderman of the East Ward Returned that lie had Caused a New Election of Constable in his said Ward in the Room of Jacob Rodereco Derevero who Was Chosen one of the Constables for the East Ward who is Neither a freeman nor freeholder and that Henry Suydam was Chosen one of the Constables of the said AVard in his Room The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Ingrossed Grant and Release from M' Benjamin Peck to this Corporation of a peer or Wharf By him. made on the North East side of his Lotts in Mont gomerie AVard which was Read and approved of and Ordered the Same Be Executed by him accordingly OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 359 The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Ingrossed Deed from this Corporation to mf Benjamin Peck for the Water Lott fronting his Ground in [298] Montgomerie Ward, of this City which was Read and approved of and Order'd the Seal of this Corporation Be Affixed thereto and that the Same be Signed By M' Mayor and Delivered to the said Benjamin Peck on his Executing a Counterpart thereof Order'd that Alderman Courtlandt Alderman Benson and alderman Livingston Mess'? William De Peyster John Livingston and Peter Clopper or the Alajor part of them Be a Committee to Receive pro posalls from the proprietors of the AVater Lotts fronting Jacobus Roose velts Cornelia Rutgers, Christopher Banker and others, Lotts from James De Brosses to Hughsons point upon what Quit they shall pay for the same ^ foot p' Annum and that they Lay out the said Water Lotts and take to their Assistance one of the Sworn Surveyors of this City and make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Spec'. Order'd that Alderman Cortiandt Alderman De Peyster Mess''? Leonard Lispinard and Nicholas Roosevelt or the major part of them with as many more of this Board as Shall please to attend be a Com mittee to agree with fi.t persons to make a Vault Behind the AA'^atch House of this City for the use of the said House and also that they have a Box or Tourrette made over the said AA'ork House to hang a Bell therein and make Report thereof to this Board. City of ) „_ At a Common Council held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Thursday the 12".' Day of March Anno Dom 1752. Present. Edward Holland Esq' Mayor. Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen V: Cortlandt ^ James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Abraham De Peyster W? De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper VEsq'? Aldermen > Assistants 360 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [299] The Petition of Joris Brinkerhoof, Theodoras Van Wyck Anthony Ten Eyck, and John A''an Varick was preferred Setting forth that they have Lately taken into their possession a Small parcell of Ground Cont[i]guous and Adjoyning to Copseys Battery on AA^hich they have been at a Considerable Expence in Erecting Some Small Buildings thereon Since which they have been Informed that the said Ground belongs to this Corporation and therefore pray this Corporation wo'd be favourable pleased to Grant the Same to them under Such Rents Reservations and Restrictions as they ShaH Seem meet, as also the Petition of James Napier Thomas Brown and others freemen and Inhabitants of this City against Granting the said Petition of Joris Brinkerhoof and others untill they be heard By themselves and Coun cill, and also the Petition of Obadiah Hunt and others praying this Corporation would Grant unto them the said Lotts alleadgeing that the said Lotts front their Severall Dwelling Houses &c whereupon it is ORDERD that the Consideration of these Severall petitions be Deferred tiH the next Common CounciH and that Mf Mayor. Mf Recorder and Alderman Livingston Do wait on Mf Murray and Mf Smith and take their Opinions wheather the said Lands by the Severall petitioners prayed for belong to this Corporation or not, and that they at the Same lime Give unto Mf Murray & Mf Smith a fee of forty Shillings Each, and Report their Opinion to this Board at the Next Common Councill Order'd that Cornelius Mahoiiy of this City Labour[er] have Liberty to Set in any of the Publick Markets of this City and there Expose to Sale by Retaile Buttons knives Pins (fe"^ During the time of three months he being an Object of Charity Order'd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 1 1 17 urer of this City to pay unto Mf Henry Bogert or his AVarrt Issued Order the Sum of Sixty Seven pounds Seven Shillings and Six pence Current money of this Colony being the Ballance of his Account which was Audited and allowed. The petition of Andrew Ramsay Lessee of the ferry was Read Setting forth that he has been a Great Sufferer By the Loss of Two Negros Two ferry Boats &? and praying an Abatement of his Rent whereupon it is order'd that the Consideration thereof be Defferred till the next Common CounciH Order'd the Mayor Issue his AA'arrant to the Treasurer of (1118) this City to pay unto Mf Nicholas Bayard or his Order the Sum of Three pounds Seventeen Shillings and four pence Current money of this Colony in full for the Like Sum paid By him to Jacob Duyckman for the use of this Corporation OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 361 [300] Order'd the Mayor Issue his AA'arrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay unto Mf Henry Bogert (1119) the Sum of fifty pounds Current money of New York Warr* Issued for the Like Sum Due to him as p' Agreement with this Board as also the further Sum of Thirty pounds Like money for his Extraordinary Services By him Done in Compleat ing the New ferry house Order'd that the Law made and Published on the Nineteenth Day of March 1750 that no Topsell or Sea Vessell, whatsoever Do Lay along the Peer of the Great Dock Between the first of March and the first of December every or any year unless Such Vessell shall pay the Sum of Ten ShilHngs for every Day they shall Lay there for the use of this Corporation be Revived and that the Same Do Commence on the fifteenth of March Instant and Continue to the Twentieth of December then next following any Law usage or Custom to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding City of I gg New Yorkj Present. At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on ffriday the first day of May Anno Dom 1752 Edward Holland Esq' Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V. Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson W? De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper ^Esq'? Aldermen Assistants ORDERED the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay unto Augustus Van Cortlandt or his Order the Sum of Five pounds Cur rent money of New York for the Like Sum By him Advanced and paid to Mathew Welch Publick whipper of this City for one Quarters SaHary Due unto him and Ending on the Twenty Second Day of March Last past N? (1120) Warrant Issued 362 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL order'd the Mayor Issue liis AA'arrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay unto James MiHs or his order (U2i) the sum of forty four pounds Seventeen Shillings and AVarrt Issued Six pence Current money of this Colony in full of 'nis Account for A^ictualling Sundry persons &c. ORDERD the Mayor Issue his AA^arrant to the Treas- N? (1 122) urer of this City to pay unto Mf Francis Marschalk or AVarrt Issued his Order the Sum of Eleven pounds Eight ShiHings in full for Sundry Surveys By him made for this Corporation Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 (1123) urer of this City to pay unto Isaac Stouten Burgh or his Order the sum of Nine pounds fifteen ShHlings and Two pence Current money of this Colony in full for [301] Providing three Lamps oyle &? for the use of this Corporation as ^ his Account Sworn to and Allowed By this Board as also the further Sum of Twenty one pounds four Shillings in full for Sundry Constables Days and Night AA^atches from the fourteenth of October 1751 to the 14".' of Aprill 1752 as also the further Sum of fifteen pounds to Be Advanced to him for fire wood for the Watch house &? for [the] Ensueing year and Also Two pounds Ten ShiHings to Be By him Laid out for Lamp oyl for the use of the Lamps Belonging to this Corporation for the Ensueing year ORDERED the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? (1124) urer of this City to pay unto Lydia Jaquish the Sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony for Sundry Goods Belonging to the said Lydia Jaquish which were Infected [with] the Small Pox and ordered to Be Burried By the Mayor ORDERD that Alderman Benson Mf Lespinard and M' Clopper be a Committee to Regulate and pave Dock Street and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor and Make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed V/hereas on Tuesday the Twenty first of March 1751 it was or der'd that the Adjacent Lotts from the Eastermost End of Jacobus Roosevelts Lotts to the South AVest Side of the old [S] laughter House (Except those faceing the Lotts of Jonas Wright the Widdow Bratt and John Thurm"? Be Granted to the Severall proprietors of Said Lotts &? It is Agreed upon By this Board that the following Alterations Be OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK iS^ Made that the adjacent Lott of Thomas Barnes on the south west Side of the old Slaughter house as also the other three Lotts of said Barnes adjoining to John Latham Containing in the whole one hun dred feet Be Granted to the said Barnes under the Yearly Rent of Eighteen pence ^9 foot and that the first payment Do Commence and Be made payable in the Twenty fifth of March 1759 and it Being fur ther agreed tiiat upon the st' Barnes paying to the Treasurer of this Cit}' the Sum of Tliree pounds fifteen Shillings for two years of Quit of the said Lott of him the said Thomas Barnes on the South west Side of the old Slaughter House that the Same Commence and Be made payable in the said 25*1" of March 1759 as the other three Lotts of him the said Barnes above Discribed are at the Rent aforesaid ORDERD that a fee of Three pounds Be Given to M'' AA'illiam Liv ingston to Be an Assistant to Mf Lodge who was appointed By this Board on the 12".' of September 1750 to Be Attorney on Record to Commence an Action of Tresspass and Ejectm.ent on the Demise of this Corporation against John Van Zandt for Encroaching on and Enclosing part of the Common Lands of this Corporation in the out V/ard of this City [302] Be it ordained By the ^layor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is hereby Ordained By the Authority of the Same that all the La\ys orders and ordinances of this Corporation which on the Sixth Day of Feljruary 1752 v/ere made ordained Renewed Establislied and Published be Re vived and Continued and Remain in full force and A^irtue for three Months from and after the Date hereafter A''izt A Law for the Due Observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpo ration A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this Cit}- A Law for the Better preventing of Fire A Law for the Making of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal and Flower By Measure and for appointing proper places for the Sale of Meal Flower Corn and Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Molattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for the Regulating of the office of packers & Cullers A Law for Regulating the Lying of A^essells in the Docks or Slips 364 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of this City and for preventing the Bridges and Common Sewer in the s? Dock A Law for preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh Water Pond A Law for Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to ffuneralls A Law for paveing and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and Alleys with in the City of New York and for preventing Nusan[c]es within the Same (Except such part thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to Be kept on the South Side of fresh Water [)] A Law in Addision to a Law Entituled a Law for paying [paving] and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York and for preventing Nusan[c]es within the Same A Law against firing of Guns or other fire Works within the Streets A Law prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except such part thereof as y/as Repealed the Twenty Sixth Day of Aprill Last[)] A Law for preventing frauds in fire wood A Law for Ma[r]king of Butter A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulateiiig the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the Better Secureing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gunpowder A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Nigh-Watch in the City of New York [303] A Law Declaring to what uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the .Seal of the Mayoralty of this City Shall Be put unto A Law for Regulating the Publick Markets within the City of New York and for preventing the forestalling of provisions Comeing to the said Markets A Law to prevent the Selling or Giving of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House with the following alteration that Instead of the Publick Slaughter Houses By the Water Side all Neat Cattle to Be Killed at the Slaughter House Belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North Side of Fresh Water A Law Relating to Making of Freemen Except that part formerly Repealed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 365 City of ^ At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj ' Hall of the said City on Wednesday the 13":' Day of May Anno Dom 1752 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston „ , , , ¦L. T^ TD^ ^Esq'^ Aldermen Piere De Peyster [ ^ Robert Benson Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lispinard , . i,T. , , -r, , >- Assistants Nicholas Bayard ( John Livingston Mf John Provoost Being Returned, Elected Alderman of the East ward in the Room of Cornelius A"an Horne Esqf Deceased he took the oaths appointed By Law instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration oath and was Sworne into the office of Alderman of the East y\'ard and one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York and took his Seat at this Board accordingly The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Lease from this Corporation to James Mills of the Stalls and Standings of this City from the first Day of may Instant to the first of May next which was Read and orderd (Mf Mayor Dissenting thereto) that the Same Be Engrossed and the Seal of this City Be Affixed thereto and the Same Be Delivered to the said James Mills on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Entring into Bond with Adolph Brass as his Secureity for performance of the Covenants therein Contained and at the same time he produced the Draft of a Lease from this Corporation to the said James Mills for the Docks and Slips of the said City [304] for the Term aforesaid which was Also Read and Aproved of and ORDERD the Seal of this City Be Affixed thereto And that the Same Be Delivered unto the said James Mills on his Executing a Counterpart thereof, and Giving Bond the Like Security for performance of the Covenants therein Contained ORDERED the Deputy Clerk pay to Amos Paine or his Order Seven teen Shillings and three pence in full of his Account for Transporting a poore person from this City to Staten Island Being his Late Resi- den[ce] 366 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Mf Aiderman Cortlandt Reported that he has Caused a New Elec tion of a Collector for the North ward of this City in the Room of Jacobus Kierstead who has Lately Left this City and that Jacobus Stouten Burgh is Elected Collector for the said Ward in his Room order'd that Alderman Livingston and Mf John Livingston Be a Committee to petition of a Convenient place in this Watch Roome to House the five Indians Belonging to this Corporation and that they have Liberty to purchase a Back for the fire place in the Said Watch Roome and make Such other Repairs thereto as the Committee hereby appointed Shall Judge proper ORDERED that Jacob? Turck have Liberty to purchase Six Small Speaking Trumpkets for the use of this Corporation and that the Deputy Clerk Do pay for the Expence thereof and place the Same to the Account of this Corporation ORDERED the Mayor Issue his Warrant to [the] Treas- N? (1125) urer of this City to pay to Johannes Meyer Messenger Wt Issued and Door Keeper to this Board or order the Sum of Two pounds Ten Shillings Current money of this Colony in full for one Quarters Sallary Due and Ending the Twelfth Instant as also the further Sum of one pound five Shillings Like money for his Extra [or] dinary Services of the Last Quarter order'd for the future that the SaHary of fifteen pounds ^ annum Be Allowed and paid to Johannes Meyer as Messenger and Door Keeper to this Board to Commence this Day and that the Same Be paid Quarterly Mf Alderman De Peyster Delivered in to this Board No. 1 1 26 an Account of Lawrence Roome for Sundrys By him Done for this Corporation Amounting to the sum of Sixty five pounds Eleven Shillings and Twopence half penny Where upon ITS order'd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to the sti Lawrence Roome or his order Thirty pounds in part of his Account, and that the st" Account Be then De livered to Mf Recorder to Be By him Compared with the Agreement Enterd into by the said Lav/rence Roome and that he Certefie (how he finds the same) to this Board at the Next Common Councill The Petition of Andrev/ Ramsay lessee of the ferry was again Read .Setting forth that he has Been a Great sufferer By the Loss of Two Negroes, Two ferry Boats, the Small Pox &? and praying an Abatement of his Rent whereupon Its orderd that the Consideration thereof be Deferred till the Next Common Councill OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 367 Orderd that Alderman Provoost Be Aded to the Committee that vyere appointed on Friday the first Day of may Instant to Regulate and pay [pave] Dock Street in Ward of this City and that the Committee take to their Assistance the City Surveyor and make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed [305] order'd that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Cortlandt and Alderman Livingston Mess'? Bayard & Lespinard with as many more of this Board as Shall please to Attend Be a Committee to See the Lands of Adolph Benson and Jacob Duyckman Run out in the Out ward of this City Mf Bartholomew Skaats former Lessee of the Docks and wharfs and of the Stalls and Standings to him Leased By this Corporation produced to this Board the Chamberlains Receipt for his Rents till the first Day of may Instant It is thereupon orderd that the Deputy Clerk Deliver up to him his Bonds for performance of his Covenants in said Lease to that Day City of ) At a Common CounciH held at the City New York ^ hall of the said City on Wednessday the Tenth Day of June anno Dom 1752 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt piere De peyster Robert Benson John provoost William De Peyster Leonard Lispinard Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Peter Clopper Nicholas Roosevelt Where.ss Severall Gentelmen in this City having Voluntary Sub scribed to wards Erecting an Exchange at the Lower End of Broad Street near the Long Bridge Mf John Watts appeared Before this Board with a plan thereof and Desired their approbation to which Plan they unanimously agreed and for the Encouragement of so Laudable an Undertaking. Voted that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay into the hands of the Managers for Carrying on said Building the sum of one hundred pounds to Be >-Esq'-? aldermen -Assistants 368 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Applied for that purpose and Mf AVatts Being Desirous that one of the Members of this Board might Be Joyned with the Managers Chosen By the Subscribers order'd that Mf John Livingston Be appointed and he is Accordingly Appointed By this Board to Be an Assistant to the Managers Chosen By the Subscribers Hugh Hughes Currier Admitted a freeman of this Corporation and appointed one of the Corn Measure [r]s of this City and Order'd that when Mf Mayor Deliver him his Lycence he take the usual oath for the Due Execution of that Office [306] The petition of Johannes Meyer was preferred to this Board praying that this Corporation would Grant unto him the Water Lott fronting his Lott in Montgomerie ward of this City from Low Water mark Two hundred feet into the East River Whereupon it is Ordered that Alderman Benson Alderman Livingston Alderman Provoost & Mf AAniliam De Peyster or any three of them Be a Committee to En quire into the Alegations of the said petition and that they take to their assistance one of the City Surveyors and make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed City of ) cc At ^ Common Councill held at the City New York ( ' Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Thir tieth Day of June Anno Domini 1752 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor. Simon Johnston Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston piere Depeyster Robert Benson John provoost WHliam De Peyster Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Nicholas Roosevelt Barnes M'^Kenny Labourer Admitted & Sworn a Freeman of this Corporation Cornelius Tiebout ^ Thomas Vater > Sworn Assessors Peter Waldron J ^Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 369 order'd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Lawrence Roome (1127) or his Order the Sum of Thirty Eight pounds Seven Warrt Issued Shillings and Eleven pence half penny in full of his Account for Sundry Services By him Done for the use of this Corporation as ^ his Account Sworn to & Allowed By this Board order'd that Alderman Provoost, Alderman Livingston Alderman Benson Mess'? Peter Clopper WiHiam De Peyster and John Livingston or any four of them be a Committee to Inspect and View the Common Sewer at the End of the meal Market and make report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed what is Necessary to Be Done to prevent the same from Being a Nuisance for the future. Mf Mayor produced to this Board a List of the names of Sundry persons who had taken out Lycence for Retailing of Strong Liquors within this City from the 25'^ of March 1751 to the 25*!' of March 1753 Amounting to the Number of 334 persons and who together had paid for the same £445 : 7 : 5 Current money of this Colony ordered that he pay the same to the Chamberlain of this City Retaining there out in his hands four Shillings for Every Lycence and paying thereof to the Clerk five shillings for Every Lycence so By him Granted Dur ing the time therein Mentioned [307] Peter Connelly Labourer Admitted and David Hammond La bourer Sworn freemen of this Corporation and ordered to Be Registred City of ) cc -At ^ Common Councill held at the City New York ( hall of the said City on Tuesday the 8*1" of July Anno Dom 1752. Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt "^ Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston piere De Peyster Robert Benson WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt peter Clopper John Livingston Vol. v.— 24 >Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants 370 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Augustus Van Cort- (1128) landt or his Order the sum of five pounds Current AVarrt Issued. Money of this Collony for tiie Like Sum By him Advanced and paid to Mathew Welch publick AVhip per of this City for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending on the Twenty Second of June Last past. Order'd that Alderman Provoost and Mf Peter Clopper Be ap pointed Managers for the Ordering and Causeing to be made a Good and Suffecient Stone Draine arclit with Brick of Two foot and a half high and Two foot AA'ide in the Clear at the End of the Meal Market to Carry of the filth mud and Dirt from thence into the East Riuer, and that when finished to Report the Expence thereof to this Board The Committee that were appointed on Wednesday the Tenth Day of June Last past to Enquire into the Alegations of the petition of John Meyer Make Report thereof in these words to witt City of Newyork ss : The Committee appointed By an Order of Common Councill the lo't June 1752 to Encjuire into the AHegations of John Myer Concerning the granting of A Water Lott opposite to his up land left AA''e haue Accordingly met and heard his Allegations & haue Carefully Inspected into his Title & find him to Be Justly Intituled to a Lott of Ground Scituate in Montgomery ward fronting Northerly by Cherry Street Southerly at High water mark on the East Riuer or harbour Easterly By Lott N9 7 & westerly By Lott N? 5 Being in front and Rear 25 feet At the same time we heard the Allegations & Pretentions of John Thurman & Jonas Wright & Company to all the Lands from high to Low water mark Compriz'd Between the Lines of Sacket to the East & Delaval to the west being four Lotts N9 I. 2. 3. & 4 of 25 feet Each and Measures at high water between the aforesaid Lines About 152 feet & at Low water no feet But rather then to Contend with the Corporation for the 52 feet they are Willing to pay a Reasonable Consideration for the Same all which is Sub mitted to this Board by Robert Benson James Livingston William [308] William Depeyster. July y? 6 1752 — Whereupon It is order'd The Consideration thereof Be Reffer'd till the Next Common Councill The Committee that were appointed on the Thirteenth Day of may Last to View the Lands of Adolph Benson and Jacob Duyckman Run out made their Report in these words to witt In Pursuanc[e] of an Order of Common Councill, of the 13*!? May to View the Lands of OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 37^ Adolph Benson and Jacob Dyckman run out : do report that we have in Obedience to said Order Been at harlem on the premisses, with Adolph Benson and Jacob Dyckman Junf and we are Conuiiiced that there is Vacant Lands Between the Bloomendall patent, and Harlem Hne farther wee acquaint this Board that said Adolph Benson and Jacob Dyckman are Desirous to Become Tenants for what Lands they Euer had belonging to the Corporation of this City and desire that they may have the same Leased to them on such Conditions as the Corporation Shall think fitt all which is humbly Submitted By us. Gerrard : Stuyvesandt Step : V Cortlandt Pierre De Peyster. New York May 27. 1752 Whereupon It is ordered that Alderman Stuy vesandt, Alderman Courtlandt Alderman Livingston and Alderman De Peyster, Mess'"? Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Rooseuelt and Peter Clopper or the Major part of them Be a Committee to Survey the Lands Belonging to this Corporation Between Harlem patent and Bedlows patent in the out ward of this City and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor and make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed Order'd that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Bond from this Corpora tion to Mf Abraham Van Duersen and Affix the City Seal thereof to the same in the penalty of Seven hundred pounds with Condition to pay him the sum of Three hundred and fifty Pounds on the Ninth Day of July one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty four at [6] ^i Cent pf Annum and that the Same Be Signed By Mf Mayor and Counter signed By the Deputy Clerk the same Being to 'pay the Ballance of Anthony Ten Eycks Account and for Defraying the Expence of Stone wood &c. for Compleating the peer at the End of Coenties Dock and Whereas It was order'd on the Twenty Sixth Day of Aprill one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty that a peer should Be Run out and made on the West Side of Coenties Dock on a Range with the House now in the possession of M' David Abeel Conformable to a plan Laid Before this Board, It is now ordered that instead of Carrying on the peer at the Southermost End of said Dock Eighteen foot to the Westward and forty foot to the East ward, that there Be now added forty foot to the Thirty foot Already Laid to the East ward and that he Render unto this Board on oath a Just and True Account of the Disposition of said [309] Monies When the Same Be finished Order'd that Mf Mayor Deduct Three pounds Ten Shillings out of the Lycence Money for Retailing of Strong Liquors Granted for 372 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the year one Thousand seven hundred and fifty one for Severall Bad Bills and one Dollar Received by him from Retaile [r]s of Strong Liquors City of ^ New Yorkj At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Wednesday the Twenty Ninth of July 1752 Present. Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen: V Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper >-Esq'? Aldermen p> Assistants Whereas Elbert Flerring of this City, hath made application to this Board, for a Common Road for him to go to his Land, Lying to the Westward of Jacob Duyckmans House and Ground; It is there upon Agreed to By this Board, that the Alderman and Assistant of the out Ward have Liberty to Lay out a Road for the said Elbert Herring in Such Manner and at Such place as they in their Dis cretion shall Judge proper Mf Mayor Delivered unto this Board a Writt of Certiorari Setting forth &? Whereupon it is unanimously Agreed to by this Board that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Warrant of Att'Y to mf William Smith to Defend the Matters Contained in the said Certiorari and that he Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto and that the same Be signed By Mf Mayor and Delivered to the Said William Smith ^Esq''^ Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 373 [310] City of ^ g At a Common CouncHl Held at the New Yorkj ' City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of August Anno Domini 1752 present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V: Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard , , . T , T • • . > Assistants John Livingston Peter Clopper Mf Francis Filkin Being Returned, Elected Alderman of the South ward in the Room. Stead and place of Brandt Schuyler Esqf Deceased late Alderman of the said Ward, he took the Oaths ap pointed By Law instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration oath and Sworn into the Office of Alderman of the South Ward and one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City and County of Newyork. and took his Seat at this Board Accordingly, and at the same time Malcom M?Euen Being Returned Elected one of the Constables of the said Ward in the Room and Stead of Joseph Webb Late Constable of the said ward Deceased, who took the us [u] all Oath for the Due Execution of the Said Office Order'd That Alderman Filkin Be Added to the Committee that were appointed to Repair the Goals and prisons in the City Hall of this City in the Room place and Stead of Brandt Schuyler Esqf De ceased Order'd the mayor Issue his AVarrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Mr Isaac Stougtenburgh (1129) or his order the sum of fourteen pounds Nineteen Warrt Issued Shillings and Six pence in full of his Account Sworn to and Allowed By this Board as also the further Sum of Three pounds to purchase a Ladder now Belonging to Gilbert Ash for the use of this Corporation Mf Mayor DeHuered into this Board the Report of the Comittee wherein Brandt Schuyler Esc[f Deceased was appointed Chairman on the fourteenth of October Last to Examine the Chamberlains Ac- 374 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL counts and all other Accounts of this Corporation which Report Being [311] In these words City of Newyork ss: March 25, 1752 By A'irtue of an Order of Common Councill of the 14';' October last We the Committee have Examind the Chamberlains acc*^ of his Corporation & the AA'arrants -witli the Charge of Payments made & finding them right AA^'e do hereby report that there was on y* Said 14't' of October last in Cash on his hands the Sum of fifteen pounds Two Shillings & Eight pence due to this Corporation Besides Sundry out Standing,? debts as may appear By the Annexed Schedule All which is Nevertheless Submitted By Brandt Schuyler Stepf V: Cort landt James Livingston Jn9 Livingston Leonard Lispinard Peter Clop per which was Read and aproved of by this Board and order'd to be filed Ordered that Alderman Filkin, Alderman Livingston and Mf John Livingston or tlie ilajor part of them be a Committee to View the Long Bridge at the Lower End of Broad Street and that they make an Estimate of v/hat the Expence thereof will Be to Repair the same for a five Years and Report the Same thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed _. , , At a Common Councill held at the City ,, , i SS. Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Newyork I -' Twenty Seventh Day of August anno Domini 1752 Present. Edward Holland Esqf mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston piere De peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William De Peyster "^ Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston peter Clopper [312] Order'd that the mayor Issue his Warrant to N9 the Treasurer of This City to pay to John Provoost (1130) Esqf or his Order the sum of £87 :3 : 2j^ in full of Warrt Issued his Account for making a Common Drain at the End of the Meal Market >ESsqf[?] Aldermen >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 375 Order'd the mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay to Johannes I\Ieyer ^Messenger (1131) and Doorkeeper to this Board or his order the sum AA'arrt Issued of Three pounds fifteen ShHlings in full for One Quarters Sallar}- Due unto him and Ending on the Thirteenth of August Instant, as also the furtl.er Sum of Six Shillings for so rduch By him advanced and paid for the BuriaH of AA'ann a Negro ]\Ian Lateb.- Executed in this City Resolued that tliis Corporation Do at their own Expence Build or Cause to Be Built a Room of Twelue foot high ouer the Exchange now a BuHding at the Lower End of Broad Street and that the sum of Two hundred pounds Be taken upon Interest to purchase ilaterials towards Carrying on said AA'ork and that jP ilayor Execute a Bond under the Seal of this Corporation for the same and Also ordered that Alderm.an Livingston Alderman Filkin and ^Jf John Livingston Be a Committee to Treat with fit persons to Compleat the same and that they provide Such JMaterialls for Carrying [on] said vor'r: as they shall Judge proper Order'd that the sum of Thirty pounds Be Allowed By this Board for Repairing the Long Bridge in this City Francis Bradt of this City Baker applied to this Board to Be one of the publick ]\Ieasurers of this Cit}-, vyhereupon it was By this Board una[n]imously agreed to, and the said Francis Bradt to[ok] the L'sfu]all Oath for tbe Due Execution of the said Office City of I cc At a Common Councill held at the Newyork j ' Dwelling House of George Burns in the said City on Tuesday the first Day of Sep tember Anno Domini 1752 Present Edward Holland Esqf i^.Iayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder James Livingston Piere De Peyster John Provoost Francis Filkin [313] Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard peter Clopper ;*Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants 376 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Resolved By this Board that the foundation of the Exchange Now aBuilding and to be Built at the Lower End of Broad Street on the West side thereof Be taken up and that the same Be made four feet Wider then it now is on the said West side City of ) Newyork j SS Present. At a Common CounciH held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 19*^ of September Anno Domini 1752 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor ^ >-Esq'? Aldermen >-.Assistants James Livingston John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lispinard James Livingston WiHiam De Peyster Peter Clopper Be it ordained By the mayor aldermen and Assistants of the City of Newyork in Common Councill Convened and it is hereby Ordained By the Authority of the same that all the Laws orders and Ordinances of this Corporation which on the first Day of may one Thousand and Seven hundred and fifty two were made Ordained Renewed Estab lished and Published Be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for Six months from and after the Date hereof Vizt A Law for the Due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from Being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of fire A Law for the Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the sale of meal and Flower By measure and for Appointing proper Places for the Sale of Meal, Flower, Corn and Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Molattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for the Regulating the Office of packers & Cullers [314] A Law for the Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks or Slips of this City, and for the preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the said Doks A Law for preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh water Pond OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 377 A Law for the Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to funeralls A Law for paving and Cleansing the streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of Newyork and for preventing Nusances within the Same (Except Such part thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to be Kept on the South Side of fresh Water [)] A Law in Addition to A Law Entituled a Law for paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of Newyork and for preventing Nusances within the Same A Law against firing of Guns or other fireworks within the Streets A Law prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except Such part thereof as was Repealed the Twenty Sixth Day of ApriH i75o[)] A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law for ma [r] king of Butter A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of Newyork A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of Newyork A Law for the Better Secureing of the City of Newyork from the Damag[e] of Gun powder A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night watch in the City of Nev/york A Law Declaring to what uses the seal of this Corporation the sea! of the mayors Court, and the seal of the Mayoralty of this City shall be put unto A Law for Regulating the Publick Markets within the City of Newyork and for preventing the forestallings of provisions Coming to the said Markets (Mf Mayor Dissenting to this Law Being pub lished) A Law to prevent the Selling or Gluing of unripe fruit and oysters within the City of Newyork A Law Relating to making of Freeman (Except that part formerly Repealed [)] A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House vdth the following Al teration that instead of the Publick Slaughter House By the Water Side aH Neat Cattle to Be KiHed at the Slaughter House Belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North side of Fresh Water Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- (1132) urer of this City to Pay to Joris Brinckerhoof or his Warr* Issued Order the Sum of Two pounds Sixteen Shillings and Sixpence Current money of this Colony in full of his Accounts Sworn to and Allowed By this Board 378 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [315] City of ) NewYorkl Present SS. >-Esq'? Aldermen At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the Said City on Friday The Twenty Ninth of September (NewstHe) Being the feast of St Michael the arch Angle Anno Dom 1752 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt James Livingston piere De peyster Robert Benson John provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De peyster William De peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard peter Clopper Conformable to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Newyork for Electing this Day one Alderman one Assistant two Assessors one Collecter and Two Constables in the Six Wards on the South side of Fresh water, and one Alderman One Assistant four Assessors, two Collectors and four Consta'oles for the Out ward of the said City to Serve in The Respective Offices for the Year Ensueing, the Respective Aldermen of Each Respective ward made return this Day into the Office of Town Clerk under their hands for the Severall persons Elected to Serue in the SeveraH Offices aforesaid Viz* ;> Assistants East Ward West ward '^John provoost Esqf Peter Clopper William Ludlow -^ peter Ketlatas David Schuyler John Robins John Bingham ''Piere De Peyster Esqf Nicholas Rocsuelt Walter Du Bois Thomas Ludlow Joseph Devoe Garret Van Warte Arnold Hyeth Alderman Assistant E- Assesso rs CoHector [ Constables Alderman Assistant 'Assessors Collector Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 379 Northward [316] -< Southward L Dock Ward. Montgomerie Ward Out ward 'Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Leonard Lispinard George Johnson AVilliam poppledorph lsa:',c Stoutenburgh John WiHet Isaac Satias ^Francis Filkin Esqf Abraham De Peyster John Clopper Abraham Bokee Baltus De Hart John Long Thomas A'Vitter James Livingston Esqf John Livingston Gerrardus Duycking Henry Hansen James Creighton Henry Van Den Ham Andrew Barren Robert Benson Esqf William De Peyster Joseph Byall Robt B Livingston Simon Breasted Thomas Barnes Abraham Sarzadez Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Esqf Nicholas Bayard Jelius Mandeuill Jacob Kip William Richardson Dennis Hicks AVilliam Richardson Peter Waldron Aron Meyer John Myer John Myer Aron Mver Alderman Assistant Assessors CoHector Constables AldermanAssistant AssessorsCollector Constables Alderman AssistantAssessors. Collector Constables AldermanAssistantAssessorsCoHectorConstables Alderman Assistant [¦Assessors Collector ' ConstablesAssessors \ CoHector • Constables > for Bowery Division for Harlem Diuision 38o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL His Excellency the honourable George Clinton Captain Generall & Governour in Cheif of the province of Newyork and the Territor[i]es thereon Depending in America & Vice Admirall of the same and Ad mirall of the white Squadron of his Majesties fleet By and with the Ad vice and Consent of his Majesties Councill was pleased to appoint the following Officers for the City and County of Newyork for the year Ensueing (to witt) Edward Holl.and EsQ'i' to Be mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Market, John Ayscough Esqf to be high sheriff and Anthony Rutgers Esqf to be Coroner [317] Resolved (Nemine Contradicente) that Isaac De Peyster Esqf the Present Treasurer or Chamberlain of this City Be and is hereby Elected and appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation for the year Ensueing he Giving Such Security as the Law Directs The Mayor having appointed John Long to Be high Constable who was Chosen one of the Constables of the South ward and Order'd that there Be a New Election of Constable in his Room By the Alder man of the said Ward and that the Election Be on Tuesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning City of ] New York j SS. Present. At a Common Councill held at the Dwelling House of George Burns in the said City on Wednesday the fourth Day of October Anno Domini 1752 Edward Holland Esqf mayor James Livingston Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Rooseuelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Esqf? Aldermen >- Assistants Resolved By this Board that the whole or so much of the founda tion on the East side of the Exchange now a Building and to Be Built at the Lower End of Broad Street as is Necessary Be taken up, and, that five Arches Be made on each side instead of Six, with two at Each End, and Ordered that Mf Henry Bogert Be Appointed and he is ¦ Esq'-? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 381 hereby accordingly Appointed to procure Materialls for Compleating the said Exchange under the Direction of the Committee appointed for that purpose, and that this Board Satisfie him for his Trouble in pro curing the same when finished [318] City of ^ cc At a Common Councill held at the City Newyorkj ' Hall of the said City on Saturday the Four teenth Day of October Anno Dom 1752 Present. Edward Holland Esqf mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston piere De peyster Robert Benson John provoost Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster William Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Abraham Lynsen John Livingston Leonard Lespinard This Day i\If mayor Attended By Stephen Van Cortlandt Piere Depeyster John Provoost and Francis Filkin Esq'-? Aldermen Between the hour of ten and Eleven in the forenoon of the same Day Went in their formalities from the City hall to the house of his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Esqf Captain Generall and Governour in Cheif of the province of Ncav York and the Teri-itor[ie]s thereon De pending in America A'ice Admirall of the same and Admirall of the white Squadron of his Majesties fleet and there waited on his said Ex cellency and then and there took the Oaths appointed By Act of parle- ment to be Taken Instead of the Oaths of AHegiance and Subpremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and By Order of his said Excellency were administred unto Edward HoHand Esqf as Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markets of the City of Newyork as also one of his Majesties Justice [s] of the peace for the City and County of New}'ork and also the UsuaH Oaths of office of mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the I\Iarkets of the City of Newyork and Justice of the peace in the presence of all the seuerall m.embers of this Court above >- Assistants 382 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL mentioned Whereupon the Mayor Attended as aforesaid Returned to the City HaH where after the Ringing of three Bells and proclamation Made for Silence the Commission of mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markets and the Commissions of High Sherif and Coroner are published and then this Court Returned to the Common Councill Cham ber when the said Edward Holland Esqf was placed in the Chair and then According to the Directions of his Majesties Royall Charter Granted [319] To this Corporation the said Edward Holland Esqf Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths aforesaid to Be taken By Act of parliment instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Subpremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath and the Us[u[al Oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective Offices unto the Respective Officers and Magistrates following Viz* Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortiandt James Livingston piere De peyster Robert Benson John provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard WilHam De peyster Leonard Lespinard John Livingston peter Clopper John Ayscough Esqf Esq'-? Aldermen of the City of N y Justices of the peace for the County of Newyork Y and City & > Assistants of the City of Newyork Anthony Rutgers Esqf Isaac De peyster Esqf high sherif of the City & County of New york Coroner of the City & County of Newyork Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of Newyork East ward West ward North ward Constables Sworn John Long High Constable (John Bingham 1 Garret Van Warte i Arnold Hyeth Abraham Ouderkirk ( OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 383 South ward ^Thomas Witter AVilliam Book Deputy Dock ward [Henry Van Den Ham ^Andrew Barren Hugh Mulligan Deputy Out ward j WiHiam Richardson Bowry Diuision 1 Dennis Flicks Harlem Diuision I . ,,; ^Aron Myer Montgo. ward John Bingham Cordwainer and Arnold Hyeth Labour [er] Admitted and Sworn freemen of this Corporation and orderd to Be Registred [320] Order'd that John Willet be fined the Sum of Ten pounds for Refusing to be Sworn into the office of Constable of the City and County of Newyork and that the Alderman of the North ward Cause a New Election of Constable in his Room as Also in the Room of Isaac Satias who is Returned Constable of the said Ward and is Neither a freeman of this City nor a freeholder in the said Ward, and order'd that the Elections be on Tuesday next at Ten oClock in the morning Order'd that there be a New Election of Constables for ;\Iont- gomerie ward in the Room place and stead of Abraham Sarzadez who is Neither a freeman nor freeholder of this City and the Alderman of the said ward Cause the said Election to be on Tuesday next at ten oClock in the morning Order'd that the alderman of the East ward Cause a New Election of Constable for the said ward in the Room place and Stead of John Robins who Being Troubled with many Infirmities and is upwards of Sixty years of Age, and that the Election Be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the Morning orderd the mayor Issue his Warrant to the treasurer [N? 1 133] of this City to pay to Augustus Van Cortiandt or his Order the sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony in full for the Like Sum By him Advanced and paid to Mathew Welch publick whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending the Twenty second of September Last past 384 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of I Newyork j SS. Present ^Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City On Monday the Thir tieth Day of October Anno Dom 1752 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Liuingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster WiHiam Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Ordered that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livingston Alderman Filkin Mf Lespinard Mf John Livingston and Mf Clopper or the Major part of them be a Committee for Auditing the Chamberlains Accounts and all the publick Accounts of this Corporation [321] Ordered that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to N9 (1134) the Treasurer of this City to pay to Isaac Stouten- Warrt Issued burgh or his order the sum of fifty Two pounds Eleven shHHngs and three Pence half penny in full for his three Severall Accounts Sworn to & Deliuered to this Board for Sun dry Services for the Use of this Corporation Ordered that the mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 (1135) Treasurer of this City to pay to Johes Roome or his Warrt Issued Order the sum of Ten pounds Nineteen shHlings and Nine pence half Penny for his Acct sworn to & De liuered to this Corporation as also the further sum of one Pound Twelve shiHings and Two pence for repairing the pump in Broad Street Ordered the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to pay to James David or his order 1 136 the sum of Three pounds Eighteen shillings for work Warrt Issued Done to The City hall OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 385 Ordered that the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to pay to Jacobus Turk or his Order the sum (1137) of Twenty Eight Pounds fourteen shillings and six Pence in full for his sallary for taking Care of the Engines of this Corporation to the first Day of August Last and for Disbursments by him for the Use of this Corporation as By his Acct Deliuered to this Corporation & Allowed Ordered that Andrew Marschalk be Appointed one of the fire men of the South Ward in the Roome of Abraham Kipp who is moved out of the said AA'ard & John Exceen fireman in the Roome of for said ward Ordered that John Elsworth be Appointed One of the firemen of Montgomerie ward in the Roome of Johes Vredenburgh Dec'? Ordered that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Benson Mf Lespinard & Mf AA''illiam Depeyster together with the alderman & Common Coun cill man of the East ward or the major Part of them be a Committee to A'iew the pavement of Fletcher street & the streets Adjacent & make report with all Convenient Speed of what will be Necessary & Con venient for this Corporation to Do therein Order'd that alderman Livingston Aid'? Filkin M' Abraham De Peyster together with the Aid™ & Common Councill Man of the AA^est ward or the Major Part of them be a Committee to View the seuerall streets in the said AVest ward & report their Opinion with All Con venient Speed what will be Necessary to be Done therein & that they take the City Surveyor to their Assistance Orderd that the Assize of Bread be till further Orders as follows (wheat being 5/9 ^ Bushell [)] Vizt A white loaf of the finest flower to weigh 4"' 4°^ for 84 D? of D9 to weigh 2 2 for 4'? D? of D9 to weigh i 0^2 for 2? D? of D9 to weigh o 8 for iEsq'? Aldermen > Assistants At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Wednesday the Eight Day of November Anno Domini 1752 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Mf Mayor Produced the Coppy of a Bill to Enable the mayor & Aldermen of the City of Newyork for the Time being, or the Major part of them, to Raise a Tax for mending and Keeping in Repair the Publick wells and pumps in the said City, to the South of Fresh Water and other purposes therein mentioned for the Consideration of this Board, which BHl being Read and Considered, and approved of by this Board (Excepting Mf Recorder and to which Mf Mayor Gave no opinion) and Do Agree that the Bill stand as it now is, and that the same be Delivered to the Councill and humbly hope they will pass the same with such Amendments as they shall think Proper Ordered the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- (1138) urer of this City to pay unto Stephen Van Cortlandt Warrt Issued Esqf or his order the sum of seventy five pounds nine shillings and Two pence in full for the Like sum by him Advanced and paid to severall workmen for niaking a Vault at the alms House of this City as pf his Account Examined & Allowed of OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 387: [323] Ordered the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the (1139) Treasurer of this City to pay unto Jonas Wright or Warr* Issued his order the sum of Twelve pounds, Eight Shillings and Seven pence in full of his Account for sundry services. Done by him for this Corporation PhHip Oliver Labourer is appointed publick whipper of this City in the Room and Stead of Matthew Welch, who has Lately Departed this City, and orderd he be allowed the Sallary of Twenty pounds Cur rent money of this Colony ^ annum to be paid by four Quarterly pay ments and that his Sallary Commence from this Day City of ) cc -^T a Common Council held at the City New York ( Hall of the said City on Thursday the 14*1' Day of December Anno Domini 1752 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper ^Esq'^ Aldermen ^Assistants Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to Pay to Johannes Meyer Messenger (1140) and Doorkeeper to this Board or his order the Sum of warrt Issued Three pounds fifteen ShHlings in full for one Quarters SaHary Due and Ending on the thirteenth Day of No vember Last past and also the further Sum of three pounds for his Extraordinary [disbursements] of the Last half Year 388 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the assize of Bread be till further order as follows Wheat at 5/3 ^ Bushell Vizt A White Loaf of the finest flour to weigh 4* 8°^ for 8-Esqf? Aldermen Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper [326] Charles Sullivan Labourer admitted and Sworn a free man of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred > Assistants City of ^ cc New Yorkj At a Common Councill held at the City Hall of the said City on Monday the 8*^" ' of January 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen V: Cortlandt James Livingston Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper >Esqf? Aldermen >• Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 391 Whereas on Friday the Twenty Sixth Day of April 1751 it was Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer of this City to Pay to Mf Henry Bogert or his order the Sum of one hundred Pounds for MateriaHs purchased by him for building the new fferry house on Nassau Island and Whereas at the time of Drawing the Same warrant there was not a Suffecient sum in the hands of the Treasurer to Discharge the Said Warrant and for want of which the Same Remains unpaid Wherefore in Consideration thereof this Board Do Agree that the said Henry Bogert be allowed and paid by the Treasurer of this City the Interest of the said Sum from the as- signement of the Said AA^arrant to this Day Citv of ) cc -^T ^ Common Councill held at the New York ( City HaH of the said City on Fryday the 234 Day of FebT 1753. Present Edward HoHand Escjf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin j [327] Abraham Depeyster WHliam Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston ^Esq'? Aldermen ^ >- Assistants Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay to Augustus Van Cort- (1145) landt or his order the Sum of five pounds Current Warrent Issued Money Of this Colony in fuH for the Like Sum by him Advanced and paid to Philip Oliver the publick whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary due unto him And End ing the Eighth Day of February Instant 392 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his v/arrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Meyer (1146) Messenger and Doorkeeper to this Board or order Warrent Issued the Sum of Three pounds fifteen Shillings in full for one Quarters SaHary due unto him and Ending on the Thirteenth of February Instant Orderd the Deputy Clerk, Do purchase a Book of the Province Laws for this Corporation and Leave it in the Desk in the Common Councill Chamber and place the Acct thereof to this Corporation The Committee who were appointed on the Thirtieth of October Last for Auditing the Chamberlains Account made their Report that they had Audited his account to the fourteenth of October Last and that there was then Remaining in his hands : thirty five pounds three Shillings and four pence Belonging to this Corporation As By the Accounts Annexed appears By which it also appears that there Are Sundry outstanding Debts Due And owing to this Corporation from the Several persons therein named AVhereupon it is orderd that the Deputy Clerke, prepare an Advertisement to be put in the weekly Gazette to Notice All persons that Are in Debt'd to tliis Corporation to pay in their Respective Debts on or before the first Day of May next to the Chamberlain or Treasurer of this City or that they wiH be prose cuted for the same v/ithout further Notice. The Deputy Clerk produced to this Board the Ingrossed Lease from this Corporation to Jacob Brewington of the fferry on Nassau Island in Kings County Hatter, to Commence the first Day of May next for the Term of five Years vhich was read and approved of and ORDERD the seal of this City be A-ffixed thereto and Signed by Mf Mayor and that the same be Delivered to the said Jacob Brewington on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Entring, into Bond with Security for performance of the Covenants therein Contained Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to George Burns nine (1147) pounds four Shillings and ten pence in full of his Warrant Issued account for the Expences of the Committee for Let ting to farm the fferry on Nassau Island on the tenth of Janf? Last as pf his A.cct Sworn to and allowed By this Board Mf WiHiam AA''alton Delivered unto this Board a Certificate of the Numiber of Days By him Served in Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the Eleventh Day of November One thousand Seven hundred and fifty two to the twenty Fourth Day of OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 393 October following Amounting in the whole to Nineteen Days which he Endorsed Gratis and Declared the Same to be Null and Void and all Certificates and Demand of the Like service [328] Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to pay N9 to Francis Filkin Esq' or his order £1 : i : 6 for the (1148) Like Sum by him paid for cleansing the white hall Warrant Issued Slip in this City as also the further Sum of £1 : 2 : o for two Blankets paid for by James Livingston Esq' for Richard Roach while in Goal who was Lately Executed in this City all which was allowed of by this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1149 Treasurer of this City to pa}- to Mf Henry Bogert warrant or his order the Sum of £84 12:8 being the Ballance Issued of his Account with this Corporation (Exclusive of whats due to him for the hire of Sundry Neq:;:roes Labourers) for Sundry Sums by him advanced and paid to Tobias Casparus and others for work done to the Exchange now a Building at the Lower End of Broad street, over and above what v/as paid him by John Livingston one of the Alanagers appointed by this Board to Compleat the said Exchange, as pf his account Audited and Allowed of by this Board as Also the further Sum of fifty pounds being in part of his account for the hire of Sundry Negroes Labourers towards Building the said Exchange and which was Also Allowed of By this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to pay to Mf John AA^atts or his order (1150) the sum of Twelve pounds seven shillings and four AVarrt Issued pence for Sundry Disbursments on the Exchange now a Building at the Lower End of Broad street, which was audited and allowed of By this Board Orderd that M' Anthony Ten Eyck do forthwith pay to the Treas urer or Chamberlain of this City all Such m_onies as he has in his hands Belonging to this Corporation The Petition of Stephen Crosfield and Joseph Totten was preferred to this Board praying that this Corporation would Grant unto them their heirs and assigns forever the v/r.ter Lotts fronting their Severall Lots of Ground the whole Breadth of their Lotts adjoining to Cherry Street towards the East River in the outward of this City and to Ex tend from said Cherry Street to a Certain Street CaHed water Street Under Such Rents Covenants & Conditions as to this Corporation Shall [seem] meet. Whereupon It is orderd the Consideration thereof be Deferred till the next Com.mon Councill 394 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL N° War* Issued Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas urer of this City to pay to Anthony Lamb or his order the sum of two pounds ten Shillings in full for a Quar ters SaHary due unto Anthony Ham: Late Messenger and Doorkeeper to this Board and Ending on the I4*t' of July 1749 The Petition of John Ellison was preferred to this Board praying that this Corporation would Grant unto him the Sole Right of ferry ing from this City to the Jersey Shore and Back again from the half Moon Battery to Dominees Hook for the Space of seven Years under a Reasonable Rent Whereupon It is orderd the Consideration thereof be Deferred till the next Common CounciH Orderd that Alderman Cortlandt, Alderman Provoost & Mf John Livingston be a Committee to wait on Mf Murray and Mf Lodge and Give them a fee of Three pounds Each in behalf of this Corporation to Joyn in an Action between this Corporation and Mf Mayor in order to Settle who the fees of the severall Stalls and Standings in the Sev erall publick Markets of this City belong to if to Mf Mayor or this Corporation [329] City of ^gg New York At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Fryday the Twenty third Day of March one thousand Seven hundred and fifty three Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V: Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster William Depeyster Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Peter Clopper Nicholas Roosevelt vEsqf? Aldermen I Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 39o The Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants and ffreeholders of the south AA'ard of this City was referred to this Board praying that this Corporation AA'ould Establish and Grant a Ferry from this City to Harsimis to Such person or persons as this Corporation Shall think proper and tiiat the Landing place of the said Ferry at the City of New York may be fixed & Estabhshed to be at or near the west End of pearle Street, AA'hereupon It is opojerd that the Consideration thereof be Deferred till the next Common Councill Orderd the IMayor Issue his warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Andrevy Breasted (1152) or his order Three pounds Twelve ShHlings and AVarrant Issued four pence half penny in full of his account for work done for this Corporation Orderd the Like to pay to Adam Dobbs or his (^'- (1153) order three pounds Two Shillings and Seven pence AA'arrant Issued half penny in full of his Account for work done to the Long Bridge as pf his Account Sworn to and al lowed b}- this Board Orderd the Like to pa}- to John -^"? (1154) Coe or his order fourteen ShiHings in AA'arrant Issued & Delivered full of his Account for Services done to Mr Adam Dobbs by him for this Corporation as pf his Account Audited and AHowed The Committee that v/ere appointed to Inspect Digg and Regulate Queen street Near Pecks Slip made their Report in these words (to witt) &? which y-as read And approved of By this Board and orderd to be filed Orderd that Alderman Benson have Liberty to procure a pump to be put in the workhouse well with a Brass Chamber and Such other Implements thereto as will be Necessary and place the Expence thereof to this Corporation Resolved By this Board that the water Lotts into the East River fronting the Lotts of Jonas AA'right, the widdow Bratt, and John Thur man be Granted unto them Severall}- under the yearly Rent of Eigh teen pence a foot the whole breadth of their Lotts two hundred foot in 396 MINUTES OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL the said East River and that the Rent Commence and be m.ade pay able on the twenty fifth Day of [March one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty Seven and [330] Orderd that the Deputy Clerk do prepare Grants thereof Accordingly and for A_s ;>,Iuch as there has been Some Dispute a Long time subsi[s]ting Between this Corporation and the said Jonas AVright &? Concerning the Extent of the breadth of the said Lotts y.herefore in order to Settle that Dift'erance this Corporation have Agreed with the said Jonas AA'right &c : for the Consideration of fifty Pounds to ReLease Such their Right to the same to them their heirs and assigns for Ever and Orderd that the Deputy Clerk Draw a Quit Claim for the Same and preferr it to the next Common Councill It being moved to this Board that the Stalls and Standings of the Several Markets of this City Be Let to farm to which [Mf [Mayor Ob jected Declaring he Conceived he had a Right to the profits of the Sev erall Markets as Clerk of the Same AA'hereupon the same was Leased By this Board ([Mf [Mayor Dissenting thereto) to Luke Roome for one Year A''izt from the first of [May next to the first of [May one Thou sand seven hundred and fifty four for one hundred and fifty one pounds to be paid Quarterly and that the Deputy Clerk prepare Leases Ac cording!)' and at the Same time did agree with and Leased unto the said Lu'ice Room.e the Docks & wharfs of this City from the first of may next to the first of May one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty four for Two hundred and thirty five pounds to be paid Quarterly he Giving Security & Covenanting to take Sixty Scow Loads of mud & Dirt out of the Great Dock and that the Deputy Clerk prepare Leases accordingly Orderd that the Committee vho were appointed the twenty Sixth Day of [March one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty two (wherein Stephen V: Cortlandt Esqf is Chairman) to make a Vault behind the AVork house of this City, do Cause the Room in the Poor house to be petitioned off in order to put up a AA^eavers Loom for the use of the said Poor house, and that the Expence thereof be paid by this Cor poration >-Esqf? Aldermen II Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 3^7 City of ^ gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj ' hall of the said City on friday the Thir tieth Day of March Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Flolland Esqf mayor Simon Johnson Esq'' Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Y : Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster ^ Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper AA''here.\s there has Been -for Some time past a Dispute [331] Subsisting Between this Corporation and Harlem with Respect to the Boundaries of this Corporation and the Township of Harlem and Whereas it Being Represented to this Board that the ffreeholders of Harlem have appointed a Committee to meet a Committee of this Board in orJier to settle the Difl'erence Between them and this Corporation It is therefore orderd that J\If Mayor Mf Recorder Alderman Stuyves andt Alderman Livingston and I- 1' Nicholas Bayard or any four of them be a Committee to make and Receive proposalls from the said Committee of Harlem and Report the Same to this Board with all Convenient Speed Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt and Mf Nicholas Bayard have Liberty to Lay out a Small piece of ground for a Brick Kill for Jaco bus R}'kenian Junf he paying for the same Yearly and for Every year so long as he shall have the same forty Shillings the Rent to Com mence from the twent}' fifth day of March Instant and be made pay able on the twent}- fifth of i^.Iarch one thousand Seven hundred and fift}- four and further orderd that the said Jacobus Rykeman Give to the Treasurer or Chamberiain of this Cit}- his promisary Note for the payment of the said Rent yeariy as it becomes Due Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the ^'" (1155) Treasurer of this City to pay to Docter John Van AA'arrant Issued Bueren or his order the Sum of Twelve Shillings and Six pence for Medecines administred to Sundry poor prisoners while they had the small pox which account is audited & allowed 398 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Petition of William Goold of this City Tobacconist was pre ferred to this Board praying a grant from this Corporation to him and to his heirs and assigns for Ever the water Lott fronting his Lott of Ground the whole breadth thereof and to Extend from Low water Mark into the East River two hundred feet under Such Reasonable Terms Rents Covenants and Conditions as to this Corporation Shall Seem meet whereupon it is orderd that the Consideration thereof be Deferred till the next Common Councill City of I New York SS Present ^Esq'? Aldermen At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the sev enteenth Day of AprH Anno Domini 1753 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V: Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper [332] Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Robert Benson Esqf or his order the Sum of five pounds Current Money of this Colony to be applyed towards De fraying the Expence of Sinking a well in Ferry Street in Montgom erie ward of this City It being moved to this Board By Mf Lespinard that the Water Lotts Petitioned for By himself. CorneHa Rutgers John Roosevelt Jaco bus Roosevelt and Christopher Banker, might be put to the vote, wheather the said Water Lotts by them prayed for Should be sold at Vendue or to the proprietors of the Said Lotts (at private Sale) front ing the East River on an Annual Rent, whereupon Mf Lespinard Left > Assistants NO (1156) Warrant Issued Esq'? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ,qo his Seat and the Majority of this Board did Vote the same Should be Granted to such persons (at private Sale) and Under Such Rents as this Board Shall think most advantagious to this Corporation City of ) gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Monday the first Day of May Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V: Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster William Depeyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard J>Assistants Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Be it ordained By the Mayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New Yorke in Common Councill Co [n] vened And it is hereby or dained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws, orders and or dinances of this Corporation which on the nineteenth Day of Septem ber one thousand Seven hundred And fifty two were made ordained Renewed Established and Published Be Renewed and Continued and Remain in full force and Virtue for three Months, from and after the Date hereof Vizt A Law for the due Observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of fire [333] A Law for the marking of Bread A Law for prohibiting the Sale of Meal and Flour By measure, and for Appointing proper places for the Sale of Meal, flower. Corn and Grain 400 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law for Regulating of Negroes, Molattoes And Other Slaves A Law for Regulating of Carts and Carmen A Law for the Regulating the Office of packers and Cullers A Law for the Regulating the Lying of A'essels in the Docks or Slips of this City And for the preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the said Docks A Law for preserving the Commons, and the fish in fresh water pond A Law for the Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to funeralls _ A Law for paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of Nev/ York, and for preventing Nusances within the Same ( Excepting such part thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to be Kept, on the South Side of fresh AVater[)] ; A Law in addition to a Law Entituled a Law for paving and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York, and for preventing Nusances within the Same A Law against fireing of Guns or Other fire works within the Streets A Law for prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except Such part thereof as was Repealed the Tv/enty Sixth of April i7So[)] A Law for preventing frauds in fire wood A Law for Marking of Butter. A Law for Regulating of jMidv/ives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the Better Securing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun Poy/der A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a good & Suffi cient Night AA^atch in the City of New York -A Law Declaring to v/hat uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court And the Seal of the Mayoralty of this City Shall be put unto A Law for Regulating the publick Markets within the City of New York and for preventing the forestallings of provisions Comeing to the said jMarkets (Mf Mayor Dissenting to this Laws being published [)] A Law to prevent the selling or Giveing of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New York A Law Relating to Making of freemen (Except that part formerly Repealed[)] OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 401 A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House with the following alteration that instead of the publick Slaughter houses by the water side All neat Cattie to be kiHed at the Slaughter house belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North side of fresh AVater Orderd that the Committee who were appointed to Build the Ex change at the Lower End of Broad Street have power to repair the Great Dock near the Long Bridge and to Employ proper persons to provide materials for Repairing the same, and place the Expence there of to this Corporation Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1157) Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Meyer mes- Warrt Issued senger and Door keeper to this Board or his order the Sum of Three pounds Current money of this Colony for Extraordinary Services By him done the Last Year for this Cor poration Orderd that Alderman Stuyvesandt Alderman Livmgston and Mf Nicholas Bayard be a Committee to Run the Line between this Corpo ration And John Van Zandt in the outward of this City, in order to Settle the Encroachments made By the said John Van Zandt Orderd that Mf Mayor Alderm.an Stuyvesandt Alderman Cort landt, Alderman Livingston, Alderman Benson, Alderman Provoost, Al derman Filkin Mf Nicholas Bayard Mf Nicholas Roosevelt M' Leon ard Lespinard [334] And Mf John Livingston or any nine of them be a Committee to Inspect the Accounts of the Chamberlain and to order Such of the Accounts as are Recoverable to be put in suit and such others as are not to Strike off as Insolvents and to Ballance the said Accounts Whereas on the Twenty first of may one thousand seven hundred and fifty one it was orderd by this Board that the Water Lotts front ing the up Lott of Stephen Bayard in Montgomerie ward of this City Laying between the Lotts of Alderman Benson and Thomas Barnes be Granted to him Under the Rent of Eighteen pence A foot the whole breadth of his Lott and to Extend Two hundred foot into the East River and that the Rent Commence and be made payable on the twenty- fifth of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty Seven Since which the said Stephen Ba}'ard has Granted and Conveyd the said upland to John Beekman of this City Merchant as By a Conveyance from the said Stephen Bayard to the said John Beekman appears, Vol. v.— 26 402 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Whereupon it is orderd by this Board that the said Water Lott as pe titioned for by the said Stephen Bayard be Granted to the said John Beekman upon the Conditions and payments As Abovesaid and that the Deputy Clerk prepare a Grant Accordingly Orderd the Mayor Issue his V.^arrant to the Treasurer N91158 of this City to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of the watch or his order the Sum of Twenty two pounds Twelve ShilHngs Current Money of this Colony in order for him to pay the Severall Constables for the Several Nights and Days they watched Respectively from the fourteenth of October one thousand Seven hundred and fifty two to the fourteenth of April Now Last past as also the further Sum of fifteen pounds Like Money to purchase firewood and Lamp Oyl for the Use of the watch house &? for the Ensuing Year City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York ^ hall of the said City on Thursday the Third Day of May Anno Domini 1753. Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Gerardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson AVilliam Depeyster Leonard Lispinard John Livingston Nicholas Roosevelt >-Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants M' Augustus Van Cortlandt produced to this Board an Appoint ment under the Hand and Seal of his Excellency the Honourable George Clinton Captain Generall and Governour in Chief of the prov ince of New York &9 of the SeveraH Offices of Common Clerk, Clerk of the Court of Record and Clerk of the peace and of the Sessions of the peace for the City and County of New York to him as also his Majesties Commission under the Great Seal of the province of New York to him for the said Offices During Good Behaviour in the Roome and Stead of the Hono'''^ John Chambers Esqf late Common Clerk, Clerk of the Court of Record and Clerk of the peace and of the Sessions of the peace for the s'' City & County who hath Surrendered and De Hvered up [335] the Same which were Read, upon which the said OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 403 Augustus Van Cortlandt took the Oaths Appointed by Law and the Oath for the Due Execution of the said Severall Offices. And was accordingly admitted by this Board and then Mf Lambert Moore was Sworn and admitted his Deputy whereupon it is orderd &? that the said John Chambers Deliver to the said Augustus Van Cortlandt the Charter, City Seal, the publick Records, the Seal of the Mayors Court, and all other papers and Records whatsoever belonging to this Cor poration of what kind or nature soever to be by him kept for the use of this Corporation City of ) cc At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkf Hall of the said City on Thursday the 24'^ Day of May Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William Depeyster Abraham Depeyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of (1159) this City to pay to Augustus V: Cortiandt or his order the Sum of five pounds Current money of this Colony in full for the Like Sum By him Advanced and paid to Philip Oliver the publick Whipper of this City for one Quarters SaHary Due unto him and End ing the Eighth of this Instant May The Clerk produced to this Board the Drafts of Severall Deeds from this Corporation to Jonas Wright Devertie Bratt and John Thur man for Water Lotts which were Read and approved of and orderd to be Engrossed and the Seal of this City be affixed to one part thereof ^Esq"-? Aldermen ^Assistants 404 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL and [336] Signed by Mf Mayor and Delivered to them on their Exe cuting a Counterpart to the use of this Corporation And at the same tim.e the said Clerk did also produce to this Board a Quit Claim from this Corporation to the said Jonas Wright Devertie Bratt and John Thurman of a Slip or Gore of Ground adjoining to their Lotts which was Read and approved of and orderd the Same be Engrossed in one of the Books of the City Grants belonging to this Corporation The Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Deed from this Corporation to John Beekman of a water Lott which was Read and approved of and orderd to be Engrossed and the seal of this City be Affixed thereto and Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof The Clerk produced also to this Board the Draft of a Lease from this Corporation to AVilliam Dobbs of a Lott of Ground in Montgom erie ward of this City for the Term of ten Years on an Anual Rent v/hich y/as read and Approved of by this Board and orderd to be En- grosed and the Seal of this City Affixed thereto and Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof 0?-DEiiD the Mayc^r Issue his warrant to the N° (1160) Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Meyer Warrant Issued Messenger and Doorkeeper to this Board or order the sum of three pounds fifteen shillings in full for one Ouarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending on the Thirteenth of this Instant May Orderd the JJayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N'^ (1161) urer of this City to pay to Samuel Bell or his order the War* Issued Sum of three pounds ten Shillings in full of his Ac count for v ork done to the fire Engine Belonging to this Corporation which is Sworn to and alloyved of By this Board Refolved & It is the opinion of this Board that the AVarfarge of the street Commonly Called the way house Street to the Eastwards of the Water Lott Number four heretofore Granted to the Late Colonel John Moore is the property of this Corporation OiiL-EnD that D.If Mayor Iss-ae his warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay to Alderm?n Provoost the (1162) Sum of Three pounds Two Shillings for the Like Sum Wart Issued By him Advanced and paid to Elbert Haring being in full of his Account yvith this Corporation as also the further Sum of one pound and Eight pence By him Also Advanced & paid to Malcom Cample in full of his acct with this Corporation OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 405 [337] Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1163) Treasurer of this City to pay to Wynant Van Zant the Sum of Seventeen pounds nine Shillings and two pence in full of his Account for Sundry Services By him done to the pump at the Alms house which was Audited and aHowed Orderd the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer N° (1164) of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or his order the sum of five pounds nineteen Shillings And Six pence in full of his Account for work done at the Alms house which was Sworn to and allowed of By this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1165) urer of this City to pay to Henry Carmer the Sum of Warrt Issued forty pounds in part of what is Due to him for pro viding Sash AVindow Frames Glass &c: for the New Exchange now a Building at the Lower End of Broad Street Orderd the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1166) urer of this City to pay to [Mf Nicholas Roosevelt or his Wart Issued order the Sum of Tv/enty pounds towards purchasing Stone for Carrying on the foundation of the Barn at Nassau fferry on Long Island ¦to Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1167) urer of this City to pay to James MiHs or his order the Warr* Issued Sum of Thirty Eight pounds Ten Shillings in full of his Account for Victualling Sundry prisoners and firewood found and provided for them in the Goal of this City &c as by his Account Sworn to and AJlowed Orderd that William Dobbs have Liberty to Repair the 'V/harffe Opposite to his Lott which he Lately Leased from this Corporation Under the Direction of the Alderman and Assistant of j^doiitgomerie Ward and that the Expence thereof Be paid out of the Rent of the Ensuing Year Mf John Livingston produced to this Board an Ac- N° (1168) count Amounting to Two hundred and four pounds & War' Issued five pence Current Money of this Collony for Sundry Sums By him Advanced and paid By order of this Board for Building the Exchange at the Lower End of Broad Street By which it appears there is due on the Said Account to the said John Liv ingston a BaHance of four pounds [338] And five pence orderd the 4o6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to the said John Livingston or his order the said Ballance of four pounds and five pence and further orderd that the sum of one hundred pounds Be aHowed and paid to the said John Livingston By the Treasurer of this City towards Further Carrying on the said Exchange The Clerk produced to this Board the Draft of a Deed of a Water Lott from this Corporation to Jacobus Roosevelt which was Read and approved of By this Board and orderd to be Engrossed and the seal of this City to be affixed thereto and Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof City of } New Yorkj SS At a Common Councill Held at the City Flail of the said [City] on Fryday the Thirteenth Day of July Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Gerrardus Stuyvesandt ^ Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Robert Benson John Provoost Fran? Filkin Abraham Depeyster William Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper ^Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants N° (1 169) Warrant Issued Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Nicholas Bayard or his order the Sum of five pounds nine shillings And Six pence Current money of this Colony in full for the Like Sum by him Advanced and paid for the use of this Corporation by order of this Board Mf AVilliam Walton Delivered to this Board a Certificate of the Number of Days by him Served in Generall assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the first Day of May one thousand Seven hundred & fifty three to the fourth Day of July following OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 407 Amounting in the whole to Thirty five Days which he Indorsed Gratis and Declared the Same to be null and Void and all Certificates and Demands of the Like Service John WiHson Merchant admitted and Sworn a freeman of this Corporation and orderd to be Registred [339] ^i- John AVatts Delivered U this Board Two Severall Tickets of the Number of Days by him Served in Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City one of which is from the Eighth of November one thousand Seven hundred and fifty two to the Eleventh of the Same Alonth amounting to four Days &c : the other is from the first of may One thousand Seven hundred and fifty three to the fourth of July following amounting to Thirty five Days both v/hich he En dorsed Gratis, and Declared the same to be null and Void and all Certificates And Demands of the Like Service i^df [Mayor Produced to this Board A List of the names of Sundry persons v/ho had taken out Lycences for Retailing of strong Liquors within this City from the Twenty Sixth of March one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty three to the Twenty fifth of March one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty four Amounting to the Number of one hundred and Sixty persons and who together had paid for the Same Two hundred pounds four Shillings Current Money of this Colony Orderd that he pay the Same to the Chamberlain of this City Retaining thereout in his hands four Shillings for Lycence and paying thereout to the Clerk five ShiHings for Every Lycence so by him Granted During the Time therein Mentioned Orderd that Luke Van Rants be appointed one of the firemen for Montgomerie ward in the Room place & Stead of John Man who is very infirm and not able to attend the said Office Orderd that John Coe be appointed and he is hereby appointed one of the firemen of the Dock ward in Room place and Stead of David Van Gelder who is very infirm and not able to [attend to] the Duties of the said Office. Mf John Livingston produced to this Board an N9 (1170) Account Amounting to one hundred and thirty Eight Warr' Issued pounds and nine pence half penny Current money of this Colony for Sundry Sums By him Advanced and paid By order of this Board for Building the- Exchange at the Lower 4o8 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL End of Broad Street By which it Appears there is Due on the said Account to the said John Livingston a Ballance of thirty five pounds & four pence half penny orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to the said John Livingston or his order the said Ballance of Thirty four pounds & four pence half penny and further orderd that the Sum of one hundred pounds be allowed & payed to the said John Livingston By the Treasurer of this City By warrant from the Mayor towards further Carrying on the said Exchange [340] Orderd that a further allowance of forty poimds N° (1171) be allowed and paid to Mf Nich? Roosevelt towards Wart Issued Compleating the Dock at Nassau ferry & for Remove- ing the Barn at said ferry & that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of this City for the payment of the same Orderd that Mf Mayor Mf Recorder Alderman Livingston Alder man Provoost [Mf Nicholas Bayard Mf John Livingston And Mf Lespinard or any five of them be a Committee to Revise the Laws of this Corporation and to prepare a Draft or Drafts of an Act or Acts of Assembly to be Laid before the Generall Assembly at the next sessions And Report the Same to this Board when done v/ith all Convenient Speed Orderd that the second Store [story] of the Exchange now a- building at the Lower End of Broad Street be not Exceeding fifteen feet in height and not Less than fourteen, and that the Room be arched from the height of the Said fourteen feet and that a Cupola be Erected on said Exchange under the Direction of the Committee appointed for Compleating the said Exchange Abraham Mills of this City Inholder Came into Common Councill And prayed this Board would be favourably pleased to Lease to him & his heirs for the Term of Twenty one Years a Small piece of Ground Containing an acre and a half or there abouts Lying a Little to the North ward of the House of John Van Zandt wherein he now Lives in the outward of this City under the Yearly Rent of forty Shillings a Year to which proposall this Board Did agree to and orderd that the Alderman & Assistant of the said outward Lay out the Same for him and Report the Same to this Board with all Convenient Speed in Order that a Lease be made out for the Same to the Said Abraham MiHs Accordingly OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 409 [341] City of ) New Yorkj ^Esq'? Aldermen 52 At a Comimon Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Fryday the Ty/enty Seventh Day of July Anno Domini 1753 Present Edv/ard Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William Depeyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard ^Assistants Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas urer of this City to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh or his order the Sum of five pounds one Shilling and Ten pence half penny for work Done at the poor house and City hall of this City as pf his account Sworn to and allov/ed as Also the further Sum of Three pounds to be by him Laid out for Lamp Oyl for the City Lamps Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1173) urer of this City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or his Warrt Issued order the Sum of forty pounds for the Like Sum By him Laid out for Sundry Materials for the new Exchange now a Building at the Lower End of Broad Street Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his yvarrant to the N° (1174) Treasurer of this City to pay to Ahasuerus Turk or his Warrt Issued order the Sum of Two pound Twelve Shillings and Six pence in full of his Account with this Corporation as pf his Account Sworn to and allowed Orderd that Mf i\Iayor Issue his warrant to the N? (1175) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Jacobus Turk or Warr* Issued his order the Sum of Twenty five rnounds Twelve ShH lings and Tv/o pence in full of his Account with this Corporation as pf his Account Sworn to and AHowed of by this Board N9 (1172) Warr' Issued 4IO MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [342] Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? (1176) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Nicholas Roosevelt Warr* Issued or his order the sum of Twenty pounds towards Com pleating the Dock at Nassau Ferry and for Removeing the Barn &c. belonging to this Corporation at Said Nassau Ferry Orderd that Alderman Livingston Alderman Provoost Mf Nicholas Bayard and Mf Peter Clopper or any three of them be a Committee to A^iew the pavement on both sides the Wall Street from Mf Mathemans Corner to the End of Mf Jacobus Roosevelts New Pave ment and that they take to their assistance the City Surveyor and make Report thereof to this Board (in what manner it Shall be made and paved) with all Convenient Speed Be it ordained by the Mayor aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York in Common Councill Convened, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws orders and ordinances of this Corporation which on the first Day of May Last were made ordained Renewed Established and Published be Renewed And Con tinued and remain in full force and Virtue for three Months from the first Day of August next Vizt A Law for the Due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of fire A Law for Marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal and flour By measure and for Appointing proper places for the Sale of Meal flour Corn and Grain A Law for regulating negroes Molattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for the Regulating the office of Packers and CuHers A Law for the Regulating the Lying of Vessels in the Docks or Slips of this City and for preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in The said Docks A Law for preserving tlie Commons and the fish in fresh Water Pond A Law for the regulating & Establishing fees for the Inviters to funeralls A Law for paveing and Cleaning the Streets Lanes and alleys with in the City of New York and for preventing Nusances within the same (Except Such part thereof as relates to no Hoggs to be kept on the South side of fresh Water[)1 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 411 A Law ii-, addition to [the] Law Entituled a Law for paving & Cleansing tbe Streets Lanes and alleys within the City of New York and for preventi;-ig Nusances within the Same [343] A Law against firing of Guns or other fire works within the Streets A L-jw prohibiting hawkers and Pedlars (Except Such part there of as -./as Repealed the Twenty sixth Day of April i75o[)] A Law for preventing frauds in fire wood A Law for Marking of Butter A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of Neyv York A Law for Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the Better Securing of the City of New York from the Dangers of Gun powder A LaAv for appointing Establishing and regulating a Good and Sufficient Night watch in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what use the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the [Mayors Court and the Seal of Mayoralty of this City Shall be put Lhito A Law for Regulating the Publick [Markets within the City of New York and for preventing the forestallings of provisions Comeing to the said Markets [Mf Mayor Disenting to this Law being Published A Lav; to prevent the Selling or Giveing of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New Yoriv A Law Relating to niaking of Freemen (Except that part formerly Repealed[)] A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House with the following- alteration that instead of the Publick Slaughter Houses By the water Side all neat Cattle to be Killed at the Slaughter House Belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the South Side of fresh Water Orderd the Clerk of this Board affix die Sea! of this Corporation to a warrant of Attorney to Joseph [Murray and abrahfiii Lodge Esq'? to Appear for this Corporation in their Politic!: Capacity in the action Lately agreed to be Brought by Consent between this Corporation And Mf Mayor for Trying in who the fees of the Stalls and Standings of the Severall Markets of this City belong to, if to Mf Mayor as Clerk of the [Markets or to this Corporation as also one other warrant to Wf Smith Esqf to Defend a Certiorari Lately broug'nt by John Aspinwall for Levying a fine on him for Refusing to be Sworn into the Office of Constable of this Cit}' pursuant to his Majesties RoyaH Charter 412 MIKUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York The Coisimittee appointed the 6'? of March 1752 to Inspect Digg and Regulate Queen Street near Pecks Slip make their Report in the words following Vizt City of New York SS The Committee appointed in Common Councill the 6'? March 1752 to Inspect, [344] Digg and Regulate Queen Street near Pecks Slip in obedience thereto Do Report that they have with the assistance of the City .Surveyor Levelled the said Street and are of Opinion as follows ;- that Begining at the uper part of the Stone Step of Capt Thomas Greenels house to ascend on Every Ten feet as far as Jame[s] Lowes house 4% Inches ; and hafve also Levelled from Said Greenels house to John Daylys house finding the length to be 200 feet and find an ascent of 3^^ feet on the first 30 feet and on the Remaining 170 feet only 3J4 feet more which we are of Opinion is Irregular and Should have a Regular Ascent of 4 1-5 Inches on Every 10 feet all which is to be Submitted to this Board this 22 May 1753 Robt Benson Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston Leonard Lespinard Nicholas Roosevelt. Which Report is read and approved of and agreed to by this Board and ORDERD to be filed. City of ) cc At a Common CounciH held at the City New York ( Hall of the said City on Thursday the Sixth Day of September Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V : Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham Depeyster AVilliam Depeyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper >.Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 413 Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or (1 177) his order the Sum of Thirty Six pounds fourteen Warrant Issued ShHlings and Eight Pence being the Ballance of his Account with this Corporation as pf his Account Audited and allowed of by this Board as also the further Sum of Twenty pounds to be by him applied to the new E::change A Building at the Lower End of Broad Street [345I Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Nicholas Roosevelt (1178) or his order the Sum of fifty Eight pounds five Shil- Warrt Issued lings and Seven pence in fuH for the Ballance of his Account for v/ork done at Nassau Ferry Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? 1 179 urer of this City to pay to Mf Peter Clopper or his order the Sum of fourteen pounds Eleven Shillings and Seven pence in full of his Account for Sundry Sums By him paid for the use of this Corporation Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1180) Treasui-er of this City to pay to Johannes M}rer Messen- Wart Issued ger and Doorkeeper to this Board or his Order the Sum of three pounds fifteen ShiUings in full for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending the Thirteenth of August Last past Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer of N'' this City to pay to Augustus A'an Cortlandt or his order the (1181) Sum of five pounds Current Money of this Colony in full for the Like Sum by him advanced & paid to Philip Oliver the Publick whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending the Eighth Day of August Last past The Petition of Benjamin Paine was preferred to this Board Praying a Grant of the Ground Soil and AVater Lott from the Rear of his Land into the North River Two hundred feet beyond Low Water Mark Lying Between the house and Ground of Lawrence Myer on the North, And the Ground of Sf Peter AVarren on the South on Such Reasonable Terms Rents i':c: AA^hereupon it is onDiro that Alder man Depeyster Alderman Cortlandt [:\Icss'? Nicholas Roosevelt and Lespinard or the Major Part of them be a Committee to Enquire into the Allep-ations of the said Petition, And take to their assistance the 414 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City Surveyor and make Report thereof to this Board with all Con venient Speed Orderd that Mf Mayor Mf Recorder & Mf Lespinard or any two of them be a Committee to wait on Mf Murray Mf Smith J\lf Nicoll & Mf Smith Junf and Give them a Retainer of three pounds Each to Consult them wheather the Ground and Soil from high to Low AVater Mark at Brookland Ferry be in this Corporation or not and if they Should be of Opinion that the said Ground and Soil belong to this Corporation that an Action of Trespass and Ejectment be forthwith Commenced in the name of this Corporation against Jacob Remsen for an Encroachment By him made on the part of the said Ground and SoH at the Said Brookland Ferry [346] Orderd that Alderman Filkin and Mf Abraham De Peyster be a Committee to wait on the Honourable Archibald Kennedy Esqf Collector of his Majesties Customs at the port of this City of New York and Demand from him the Keys of the magazine belonging to this Corporation, and report his answer to this Board with all Con venient Speed; whereupon the said Committee after being Returned, Reported to this Board they had accordingly Demanded from the said Archibald Kennedy the Keys of the said magazine, who returned for answer that provided this Corporation would permitt or Suffer him to put Such powder as he had so Seized, in the petition in the magazine, he would forthwith Deliver up the said Keys to the Keeper of the said magazine, which proposall this Board agreed to, and orderd that he have Liberty to put the same into the s'' petition Orderd that alderman Cortlandt, Alderman De Peyster Mf Wf De Peyster and Mf Nicholas Roosevelt or the Major Part of them be a Committee to View the Ground taken in possession by David Jonathan Provoost being on the Commons, belonging to this Corporation and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor and make Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed The alderman and assistant of the outyvard returned the Survey of a Small piece of Ground prayed for by Abraham MiHs Containing an Acre and an half Lying a Little to the Northward of the house of John Van Zandt wherein the said Abraham Mills Lives whereupon it is orderd By this Board that a Grant be made out to the said Abraham Mills pursuant to the Said Survey for the Term of Twenty one Years under the Yearly rent of forty Shillings and that the Rent Commence from this Day OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 415 [347] City of ) New Yorkj ^^ Present >Esq'? Aldermen > Assistants N° (1182) Warrt Issued. At a Common Councill Held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the Twenty fifth Day of September 1753 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen "Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas urer of this City to Pay to Doctor John Van Bueren or his order the sum of Three pounds & Six pence in full of his acct for Examining Sundry "Vessells by order of this Board, which were Lately Come from Sea and Supposed to have Some infectious Disorder on Board of them Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas urer of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or his order the sum of Twenty five pounds for Removing the Barn at Nassau Ferry Orderd the l^Iayor Issue his warrant to the Treas urer of this City to pay to Daniel Giraud or his order the Sum of fifteen pounds in part of his Account for Work Done at Nassau fferry Orderd the Deputy Clerk prepare a Bond from the Corporation to Piere Depeyster Esqf and affix the Seal of this City to the Same in the Penalty of four hundred Pounds with Condition to Pay him the Sum of Two hundred Pounds on the Twenty fifth Day of September Next at 7 ^ Ct ^1 Annum and that the Same be Signed By the Mayor and Counter Signed By the Clerk [348] Orderd that Mf John Livingston Pay to Henry Carmer or his Order the Sum of one hundred Pounds towards further Carrying on the Exchange abuilding at the Lower End of the Broad Street, out of the Moneys to Be By him received of Piere De Peyster Esq' N? (I 183) Warrt Issued N° (1184) Warr* Issued 41 6 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Petition of John Teller Jacobus Stoutenburgh and Mary Van Vlack in behalf of themselves and others was prefferred to this Board praying a Grant of Some Lands belonging to this Corporation in Exchange for the Negroe burying place, as also for a small Slip of Land on which a Pott house &c: are built Whereupon It is orderd By this Board that the Consideration thereof Be Deferred till the next Common Councill Whereas on Friday the Twenty Seventh Day of July Last it was Reported By a Committee Appointed on the Sixth Day of March one Thousand Seven hundred and fifty two for the Inspecting Diging and Regulating Queen Street near Pecks Slip that they had with the Assistance of the City Surveyor Levelled the said Street, and were of Opinion as followeth to v/itt that Begining at the Upper Part of the Stone Step of Capt Thomas Grenalls house to Ascend on Every Ten foot as farr as James Lowes house 4^ Inches Whereupon It is orderd By this Board that the order made thereon Be repealed, and that Instead thereof to Begin and Run from the upper Side of the Stone ScHl Before the Stoop of Said Capt Thomas Grenalls House to the Northermost Side of M''': De Lam.ontanies House and that the Ascent be in Every Ten foot 4^4 Inches and that Due Obedience be Paid to this Last order City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York ( hall of the said City on Saturday the twenty Ninth Day of September Being the feast of St Michael the Arch Angle Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin [349] Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard J> Assistants Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper ^Esq'? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 417 CoNi'ORMABLE to his Majesties Royall Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the Ci-Ly of New York for Elect ing this Day one Alderman one Assistant two Assessors one Collector And Two Constables in the Six wards on the South side of fresh water And one Alderman one Assistant four Assessors, two Collectors and four Constables for the out ward of the said City to Serve in the Re spective Offices for the Year Ensuing the Respective Aldermen of Each Respective Ward made Return this Day into the office of Town Clerk under their hands for the Severall Persons Elected to Serve in the Severall offices aforesaid Vizt John Provoost Peter Clopper Peter Keteltass & Eastward <; Philip Livingston David Schuyler John Bingham Jacob Reade Piere Depeyster Nicholas Roosevelt Walter De Bois & AA^estward Assessors \ Collector i Constables OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 419 The Mayor having appointed Henry Van Den Ham to be High Constable who was Chosen one of the Constables of the Dockward, and ORDERD that there be a New Election of Constable in his Room by the Alderman of the said Ward and that the Election Be on Wednes day next at Nine oClock in the Morning Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? (1185) urer of this City to Pay to Stephen Van Cortland Esqf Warr' Issued or his order the Sum of Eight Pounds to Be By him Applied towards the Expence of fixing a Pump in the well at the South west Corner of the New Dutch Church in the North ward of this City [352] City of J cc -^T a Common Councill held at the ^Esq''? Aldermen New York\ DweHing House of John Halstead in Mont gomerie ward of the said City on Tuesday the Third Day of October Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Mf Alderman Livingston, Alderman of the Dockward, Returned that he had Caused a new Election of Constable in his Said ward in the Room And Stead of Henry Van Den Ham who was Appointed High Constable And that Abraham Isaac Abrahams was Chosen one of the Constables of the said ward in his Room Orderd that Alderman Benson Alderman Provoost, Mf William De Peyster And Mf Peter Clopper or any three of them be a Com mittee to regulate Queen Street from the House wherein the Widdows, ^Assistants 420 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Brazier & Dally Live, to the house of Capt Thomas Greenall and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor and make Report there of to this Board with all Convenient Speed, and its hereby further orderd that the Late order made the twenty fifth Day of September Last for the Regulation of So much of Said Queen Street as is above Mentioned be repealed, and the Same is hereby Accordingly Repealed [353] City of ^gg New Yorkj At a Common Councill Held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the ninth Day of October Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper >Esq'? Aldermen Assistants Orderd that this Board or the major part of them be a Committee to prepare the Draft of an Address to his Excellency Sf Danvers Os born Baronet on his Safe Arrival to this his Government Resolved that this Corporation Do present his Excellency Sf Danvers Osborn Baronet with the freedom thereof and the Seal of this Corporation Affixed thereto, to be Enclosed in a Gold Box of about Twenty pounds Value, and that Mf Nicholas Roosevelt prepare Such a Box accordingly OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 421 Orderd that Alderman Cortlandt Alderman De Peyster Alderman Benson Alderman Provoost and jMf Abraham De Peyster be a Com mitte to Invite the Councill, Such of the Members of the Assembly as shall be in Town, the Capt of the Mann of Warr with Such Gentlemen as Came over with him, the Treasurer of the Colony, the Kings At torney, Mf Rutledge Mf Gordon Mf Pen and Mf Oliver De Lancey to Dine with his ExceHency Sir Danvers Osborn Baronet to morrow at the house of George Burns near the Long Bridge in this City, and that the said Committee Do forthwith Give orders for preparing the said Dinner Agreable to the Occasion, also orderd that the said Committee Cause a Bonfire to be made in the [354] Commons Near the work house and Procure three Dozen of Wine to be sent to the said fire, that the Cit}- Hall, the Alms house and the fferry house be Illuminated, that half a Barrel! of Cannon powder be provided by the said Commit tee to Discharge Some Cannon that Lay in the Commons, near the Bonfire, and that the Expence of all which be paid by this Corporation City of I gg New Yorkj At a Common Councill held at Forte George in this City on Wednesday the Tenth Day of October Anno Domini 1753 Present Edv/ard Holland Esq' Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants 42 2 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL This Board haveing orderd a Draft of an Address To his Excel lency the Governour to be Prepared, a Draft was Accordingly Pro duced and read in the words following To His Excellency Sf Danvers Osborn Baronet Capt General And Governour in Chief of the Province of New York and the Terri tories thereon Depending in America and Vice Admirall of the same [355] May it Please Your Excellency We the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Beg Leave most heart [i]ly to Congratulate Your Excellency upon Your Appointment to the Government of this Colony and Your Safe Arrival amongst us As the Course of Your Education and you[r] AbHities for Publick affairs Abundantly Qualify You for the high Station to which You are advanced And the Important Trust Reposed in You By our dread .Sovereign: so must Your affluent fortune Naturally Dispose You to Discharge Your office With Integrity and Resolution ¦WhHe we Cannot on the one hand Expect the favourable Smiles of his Majesty e.j [(w]ho has ever Proved himself the father of his People) without the Chearfull Submission to his Prerogative which is the Indispensible Duty of all his Loyal) Subjects ; So are we on the other Hand, Sufficiently Assured, that Your Excellency will ever be Ready lo Vindicate our Legal Rights and Priviledges, and be as averse from Countenancing as we from Brooking any Infringements of our Inesti mable Liberties, Civil and Religious As Your Excellency's Arrival, must Remove Every Pretence for those Animosities, which have, for Some time Past, unfortunately sub sisted Amongst us : we flatter our Selves that they will be Buried in Oblivion, and Happily Succeeded By a firm and uninterrupted Peace and Tranquility, And that Every one in a Publick Station will Shew himself influenced By a Publick Spirit ; while we all agree it will Scarcely be Posible to differ About the Means of Promoting the true Interest of the Community This we hope and Believe is the Sincere Design of the Good People of this City, And herein we are Confident of having the Honour of Your Excellency's hearty Concurrence. To which address his Excellency was pleased to Return the fol lowing answer Mf Mayor and Gentlemen of the Corporation I Return you my hearty thanks for your kind Congratulations and benevolent Sentiments upon the present Occasion I shall make it my utmost Endeavour to Deserve your Esteem, by ^Esq''? Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 423 allways Concurring in Such Measures as may promote in Every Branch the True Interest peace and Tranquility of this City and Community. John Roberts of the City of New York Gent. Admitted & Sworn a Freeman of this Corporation and ordered to be Registred. 1 356] City of I gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the said City on Monday the fif teenth Day of October Anno Dom. 1753 the fourteenth falling on a Sunday Present Edward Flolland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lispenard Peter Clopper This Day Mf Mayor Attended By Mf Recorder the Aldermen and Assistants, High Sherif, Town Clerk Coroner High Constable, Constables and other officers of this Corporation Between the Hours of Ten and Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon of the Same Day went in their formalities from the City Hall to the House of the Honourable James De Lancey Esqf Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories Depending thereon in America in the west ward of the said City And there waited on his honour and the oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the presence and by the order of his honour the Lieutenant Governour were administred unto Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor Water BaiHf and Clerk of the markets of this City of New York as also one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the City and County of New York and also the usual Oaths of Office of ^Assistants 424 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Esq'? Aldermen of the City of New York and Justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York Mayor, Water Bailif and Clerk of the Marketts of the City of [\'ew York and Justice of the peace in the presence [357] of the Severall Members of this Court before Mentioned AVhereupon the [Mayor Attended as aforesaid Returned to the City Hall, where after the Ringing of Three BeHs and Proclamation made for Silence the Commission of the Mayor Water BaHiff and Clerk of the Markets and the Commissions of the high Sherif and Coroner were Published and then this Court returned to the Comon Councill Cham ber where the said Edward HoHand Esqf was Placed in the Chair and then the said Edv/ard Holland Esqf Mayor of this Corporation Ad ministred the Oaths aforesaid appointed to Be taken By Act of Par- lia'rierit Instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test Abjuration Oath and the Usual Oaths for the Due Execution of their Respective offices unto the Respective [Magistrates and officers follow ing (Viz*) Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephcii v^an Cortlandt James Livingston P'iere De Pe}-ster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin ABraham De Peyster AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper John Roberts Esqf high Sherif of the City and County of New York in the Room and Place of John Ayscough Esqf who hath Surrehdred and Delivered up the said office of high sheriff Anthony Rutgers Esqf Coroner of the City and County of New York Flenry Van Den Ham High Constable of the City of New York Constables of the Severall wards vizt (John Bingam Baltus Flyer Deputy /Jacob Reade WiHiam Beake D9 ^John Stimas ) Rynier Knox Johann Jurick Tobele D? > Assistants of the City of New York Eastward AA'estward OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 425 Southward Dockward Montgomerie ward Bowry Division Harlem Division John Kendall Deputy AA'illiam Balding Deputy Hugh Mulligan John Neilson Deputy [358] j [Mathias Kneght Northward Hames Chambers (Nicholas Anthony ) Benjamin Hildreth ( John Marshall ) Abraham Isaac Abrahams ( John Dickman ) John Eagan ( WiHiam Richardson )Corn? Vanderhoop \ William Waldron ) Jacob Meyer Orderd that Alderman Cortlandt, Alderman Livingston, Alderman Filkin, Al' Lespinard & Alf John Livingston or the Major part of them be a Committee for Auditing the Chamberlains accounts, and all the Publick accounts of this Corporation City of (gg New York ( Present >Esq'? Aldermen At a Common Councill Held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the 18"' of October Anno Dom 1753 Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen A' Cortlandt James Livingston Piere Depeyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper Orderd that Mf Recorder, Alderman Cortlandt Alderman Livings ton, Alderman Provoost, Mf Abraham De Peyster And Mf John Liv ingston or the Major part of them be a Committee to prepare the Draft of an Address to [359] The Honourable James De Lancey Esqf his Majesties Lieutenant Governour and Comm.ander in Chief &? on take- ing upon him, this, his Majesties Government > Assistants >Esq'? Aldermen 426 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1186) urer of this City to pay to William Beek and WiHiam Warr' Issued Baldwin the Sum of Three Pounds Twelve ShiHings & Eight Pence in full of their Account for Conveying Sundry persons from this City to Staten Island & Kings bridge and for Expences they were at in attending the same as pf their acct au dited and Allowed of By this Board. City of ) At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on friday the 19*?' Day of October Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor .Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen V Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespenard Peter Clopper This Board having orderd the Draft of an Address (to his honour James De Lancey Esqf his Majesties Lieutenant Governour and Com mander in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Terri tories" thereon Depending in America on taking on him this his Majes ties Governnient) to be prepared, a Draft was accordingly [360] pre pared and produced by Alderman Livingston one of the Committee appointed for that purpose and read in these words, to witt. To the Honourable James De Lancey Esqf his Majestys Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief, in and over the Province of New York and the Territories Depending thereon in America May it Please Your Honour We the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Beg Leave most Heart [i]ly to Condole with Your Honour on the Sudden Death of his Late Excellency Sir Danvers Osborn Baronet, as ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 427 we had Reason to Expect Peace and Happiness under his Administra tion, so we Gave Publick Testimonials of our Joy at his Arrival: and the Grief, on Account of his Death was no less evident and universal: In Gratitude to his Memory we Cannot Refrain from Declaring: that we look upon that Melancholly Event as a Generall Loss to this Province It is, However, an Alleviation of our Sorrows that the Goverment is Devolved upon Your Honour, and we Sincerely Congratulate You upon Your Advancement to an office, which as it will widen the Sphere of Your Influence, So we assure ourselves. You will always Exercise it agreable to its Institution, for the Advancement of the Common Weal and the Interest of Your Royall Master, who has in his Appointment, thought Proper to Reward Your Zealous Attachment to his Person and Family The Happy Consequences which we had in Prospect from the Ad ministration of his Late Excellency, we have Still stronger Reasons to Expect from Yours, He had the Knowledge of our Country and our Interests to Obtain ; But from Your Long Experience in Publick affairs And Your Former Stations and Oppertunitys You Must Be Equally well Acquainted with Both As You have Long had the Honour to fill the first Seat of Justice in the Province You Must be able to Maintain our Inestimable Rights and Liberties, Civil and Religious, Nor have we Less Reason to Doubt You[r] willingness than Your Capacity to Promote the Generall Wel fare of the People Committed to Your Charge When we Consider that Your Estate is in the Province, that Your Relations and Friends Belong to it, and that this is Your Native Coun try, it not only Gives us An Assurance, that all Your Measures will Terminate in the Prosperity of [361] This Colony But furnishes us (Permit us Sir the freedom to Say it) With a Claim to Your Most un wearied Endeavours, after an End so Honourable to You, and so Advantageous to us. Herein also must You Approve Yourself to our most Gracious Sovereign, who has always Considered his Royal Pre rogatives, to Be no other than a Right of the Crown To Act Consistant with the Rights of his Subjects and for the Publick Emolument In a word Sir, You are well Acquainted with our Interest, and Your office Enables You to Secure us in the Enjoyments of our Priviledges. You are also Under the Strongest Motives to Seek our Prosperity, if Such is Your Aim, We Shall Always Be Ready to Encourage Your Heart and Strengthen Your Hands, while You have the Government, AVe Can impute no ill Measures (which we flatter ourselves we have no 428 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Reason to Expect), to a AA^eakness at Helm; But if any Such should happen, we are not ashamed, in the Spirit of EngHshmen, to Assure Your Honour that we shall allways Be Ready freely to Assign them to their true and Proper Causes And Authors; To which Address his Honour was pleased to Return the following Answer A-'^izt Gentlemen I Lament the Sudden Death of his Late Excellency Sf Danvers Osborn as a GeneraH Loss to this province. Wee all had reason to Expect peace and happiness under his Administration, I Do therefore most heartily Condole with you on this Alelancholy Event, I thank you, Gentlem.en, for this kind Address and the obliging Sentiments you Express of me in it — I shall Endeavour by my Conduct in the Government which is now Devolved upon me, to approve myself to our most Gracious Sovereign which I Cannot Do more Effectually than by Steadily Supporting the prerogatives of the Crown and Maintaining the Civill and Religious Liberties of his Majesties Subjects of this province. I Will with Great Alacrity Embrace every opportunity to promote the Generall AA'elfare of the province and the prosperity of this City, the place of my birth in particular [362] City of ] cc At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj" haH of the said City on Alonday the 5*^ Day of November Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor .Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Be it ordained By the Mayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York in Common Councill Conven'd, and it is hereby ordained By the Authority of the same, that all the Laws Orders and ordinances ^Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 429 of this Corporation Which were made ordained Renewed Established and Published on the Twenty Seventh Day of July Last and to be Continued in full force for three Months from And after the first Day of August then Next following be Renewed and Continued And Re main in fuH force for Six Months from this Day A Law for the Due Observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to Preyent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpora tion A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire A Law for the Marking of Bread A Law Prohibiting the sale of meal and fflower B}- measure And for appointing Proper Places for the Sale of A'leal Flower, Corn and Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Alolattoes and otlier Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Cartmen [363] A Law for the Regulating the Office of Packers and Cullars A Law for the Regulating the Lying of A'essels in the Docks or Slips of this City and for the Preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the said Docks A Law for Preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh Water Pond A Law for the Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to funeralls A Law against fireing of Guns or other fire works within the Streets A Law for Paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York, and for Preventing Nusances within the same (Except Such Part thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to be Kept on the South side of fresh Water A Law in Addition to a Law Entituled a Law for Paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York And for preventing Nusances within the Same A Law Prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except Such Part there of as was Repealed the Twenty Sixth Day of April i75o[) ] A Law for Preventing frauds in firewood A Law for Marking of Butter A Law for Regulating Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the office of Chaimberlain or Treasurer of die City of New York A Law for the Better Secureing of the City of New York from the Danger of Gun Powder 43° MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A Law for Appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and sufficient Night Watch in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what uses the Seal of this Corporation, the Seal of the Mayors Court, and the Sea! of the Mayoralty of this City Shall be Put Unto A Law for Regulating the Publick Markets within the City and for Preventing the forestallings of provisions Comeing to the said Markets (Alf Alayor Dissenting to this Law Being Published) A Law to Prevent the Selling or Giveing of unripe fruit and Oysters within the City of New York A Law Relating to Makeing of freemen (Except that Part for merly Repealed) A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House, With the following Alteration ; that instead of the Publiclc Slaughter houses By the water Side, all Neat Cattle to Be Killed at the Slaughter house Belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North side of fresh Water [364] Orderd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to N" (1187) the Treasurer of this City to Pay to Mf Henry Bogert Warr* Issued or his order the Sum of Twenty three Pounds Eight Shillings and Seven Pence on Account of Whats Due to him for So much Money By him Laid out on the New Exchange, as also the further Sum of Sixteen Pounds Eleven ShilHngs and five Pence towards further Carrying on the said Exchange Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1188) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Daniel Giraud AVarr* Issued or his order the Sum of fifteen Pounds Seven Shil lings and nine Pence Being the BaHance of his Ac- comt for work Done for this Corporation as pf his Account Sworn to and allowed Resolved and It is agreed to by this Board that James Mills the Late Jaylor, Remove himself and family in a month from out of the City Hall, provided John Christee the Present Jaylor Secures the Rent of the House he now Lives in, to be paid to the said James MiHs, from the Time of his Moveing to the first Day of May next Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 (1189) Treasurer of this City to pay Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh War* Isued or his order the Sum of Twenty one Pounds Six Shillings for the Constables Days and Night Watches from the fourteenth of Aprill 1753 to the fifteenth of October foHow ing Inclusive, as also the further Sum of Twenty four Pounds three OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 431 Shillings and Eight Pence being the Ballance of an Account wherein his Years Sallary is Charged of being Overseer of the AA^atch & AA'atch House as also the further Sum of Ten Pounds fifteen Shillings & Six Pence in full of his account for Cleansing the City HaH and also the further Sum of one Pound Six Shillings & Seven Pence for Patching a Kettle for the Poor house and for Sundry other Services done for the said Poor house which Severall Sums Amount, in the Whole and together, to fifty Seven Pounds, Eleven Shillings and nine Pence as pf the Severall Accounts Sworn to and allowed of By this Board AA'^ill appear [365] City of I New York SS At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Monday the 17'!' of December Anno Domini 1753 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor ^Esq'? Aldermen Assistants Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster W? De Peyster Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? (1190) urer of this City to Pay to Johannes Meyer Messenger Warrt Issued and Doorkeeper to this Board or his order the Sum of Three Pounds fifteen Shillings in full for one Quarters Sallary due unto him and Ending the Thirteenth of November Last Past Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? (1191) urer of this City to Pay to Augustus A'^'an Cortlandt or his order the Sum of five pounds in full for the Like sum by him advanced and paid to Philip Oliver the Publick Whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary due unto him and Ending the Eighth Day of November Last Past 432 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° 1 192 urer of this City to Pay to Mf Peter Giraud or his War Issued order the Sum of Eighty Two Pounds Sixteen shil lings And nine pence half Penny in full of his account with this Corporation for Work Done at Nassau Ferry as pf his Acct Audited and Allowed of By this Board Orderd the Like Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1193) urer of this City to Pay to Mf Jacobus Van Norden War* Issued. or his order the sum of fifty Seven Pounds Eight ShiHings and four Pence half Penny in full of his Acct for SeveraH Thousand of Bric'Ks for the Exchange as pf his Acct Sworn to and AHowed of By this Board. orderd the Like Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1194) urer of this City to pay to Peter V^an Norden or his order the Sum of nine Pounds Eighteen Shillings in full of his Acct for Bricl:s for the Exchange as pf his Acct sworn to and Allowed of By this Board [366] Orderd the Clerke of this Board prepare a Bond from this Corporation to Abraham Lefferts and affix the seal of this City to the Same in the Penalty of Two hundred Pounds Current Money of the Colony of New Yorke with Condition to Pay him the Sum of one hundred Pounds on the Seventeenth Day of December Next at Seven ^ Cent ^' Annum and that the Same be Signed By Mf Mayor and Countersigned by the Clerk of this Board Orderd that the Sum of Eighteen Pounds one Shilling and Six pence Current Money of this Colony be aHowed to Luke Roome, Lessee of the Docks and wharfs And of the Stalls and Standings in the Sev eral Markets of this City, in Discount and in part of what he owes to this Corporation for the Arrears of Rent, the Same being for Sun drys By him Advanced for the use of this Corporation, as pf his Acct by him Sworn to and allowed of by this Board Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay to Abraham Bokee or his (1195) Order the sum of Fourteen pounds Nineteen Shillings War Issued. and Six pence in fuH of his account for Sundry Sums by him paid for the Use of this Corporation as pf his acct audited & allowed Resolved by this Board that a Lease be made out to Abraham Mills for a Small Piece of Ground Containing an Acre and a Half Lying a Little to the Northward of the House of John Van Zandt OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 433 Wherein the said Abraham MiHs Lives pursuant to a Survey Lately made by Francis Marschalk one of the City Surveyors for the Term of Twenty one Years from the Sixth of September Last under the Yearly Rent of Forty Shillings and that the said Abraham Mills Shall Covenant therein he AA'ill not Assign the said Lease to any person (unless it be to his Brother James Alills) without the Leave & ap probation of this Corporation first had and obtained and if the said Abraham Alills Should be Alinded to Sell the said Lease that he first Give the Refusal! thereof to this Corporation [367] City of Ig New Yorkj ' SS At a Coir»mon Council! held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the I5*t' of January 1754 Present Edv/ard Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesant Stephen V. Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Pe} ster AA^illiam De Peyster Nicholas Ba}-ard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespenard Peter Clopper ^Esq'? Aldermen >. Assistants Mf WiHiam Walton Delivered unto this Board a Certificate of the Number of Days by him Served in Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the Thirtieth of October one Thou sand Seven Hundred and Fifty three to the Twelfth of December following amounting in the AAHiole to the Number of Forty four Days which he Endorsed Gratis and Declared the same to be Null and Void and all Certificates and Demands of the Like Service Vol. v.- 28 434 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N9 urer of this City to pay (when required) to the Mayor Al- (1196) dermen and Commonalty of tlie City of New York the Sum of Three Hundred and Eighty one pounds Twelve ShiHings and Ten pence for the Like Sum, by them borrowed out of the Excise Aloney, Raised by an Act of Assembly, Entituled an Act to Regulate the CoHecting of the Duty of Excise, in order to Discharge an obliga tion from this Corporation to Alf Christopher Banker, as also an Order or AA'arrant Due to Simon Jolmson Esqf as pf the said Bond and AVar rant in the hands and Custody of this Board will appear Ordered that Mf Mayor Issue his AA^arrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Aff Samuel Bell or (1197) his Order the sum of Thirteen pounds Sixteen Shil- AVarrant Issued lings and Ten pence half penny in full of his Ac count for AA'ork Done at the Exchange as pf his Ac count, Sworn to, and allowed of by this Board [368] Orderd that Aff AIa}'or Issue his [warrant] to N? the Treasurer of this City, to pay to Alf Peter Brower (1198) or his Order, the sum of Fifty pounds fourteen Shil- Warrt Issued lings and Three pence in full of his Account for Work Done at the Exchange as pf his Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board Ordered that Alf Alayor Issue his Warrant, to N? the Treasurer of this City, to pay to Alf John Holden (1199) or his Order, tlie sum of five pounds in full of his AVarrant Issued, Account with this Corporation, as pf his Account Sworn to, and AHowed of by tliis Board Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Aff Robert Provoost (1200) or his Order the sum of Five pounds Eighteen Shil- Warrt Issued lings in full for the Like Sum by him Laid out in Making a Bonfire By Order of this Board, as pf his Account Sworn to and AHowed of by tliis Board Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Alf Cornelius Van (1201) Derhoof or his Order, the sum of Twenty pounds in (Warrt Issued) full of his Account, for Thirteen Tliousand Three Hundred and Thirty Three Bricks by him Delivered at the Exchange by Order of this Board as pf his Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 435 Orderd that Mf Alayor Issue liis AA'arrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Alderman De Peyster (1202) or his Order the sum of Eight pounds in Order to (Warrt Issued) Defray the Expence of Sinking a well Opposite to Spring Garden in the AA'est AVard of tliis City Orderd that Alf Alayor Issue his AA'arrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Alf Isaac Stoutenburgh (1203) or his Order the sum of Ten pounds in part of his Warrt Issued Account with this Corporation Orderd that Aff David Provoost Black Smith be Appointed, and is hereby Appointed fireman of the Dock ward in the Room place and Stead of David Van Gelder, who is Lately Removed with his family to the Jersey out of this City The Petion of Robert Livingston and Robert Crommelin was preferred to this Board praying a Grant of Thirt} feet into the East River, farther than Wliat has Already been Granted them, at the Rear, and of the Breadtli of Two Hundred feet so to them Granted, Quit free, Whereupon It is Orderd lay this Board, that Mf Recorder, Alderman Cortlandt, Alderman Livingston, Alderman Benson, Alf De Peyster, Alf Lespinard, and AP Peter Clopper or the Alajor part of them, be a Committee to Enquire into the Allegations of the said Peti tion, and make Report thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed [369] Alderman Livingston Acquainted this Board, that AP Oliver De Lancey is Desirous of hireing the Exchange Room and will Give for the same, for one Year, the sum of Fifty pounds, AA'hereupon it is Resolved and Unanimously Agreed to by this Board, that the same be Lett to the said OHver De Lancey, for one Year, for the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid Quarterly to the Treasurer or Chamberlain of this City to Commence, the first of February next, and that he Execute a Counterpart of this Order Orderd tliat the assize of Bread be till further order as follows (wheat at 5/3 ^ BusheH[)] Vizit. A White Loaf of the finest flower to) ^ ^^j for four EngHsh weigh j ) Copper half pence A AA'hite Loaf of D? to Weigh o 15 for 2'i A White Loaf of D9 to weigh o 7^ for iEsqf* Aldermen i^Assis'Laats [370] The Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of this City was Preferred to this Board, pra}/iiig that this Corporation will Erect an other Ferry to be Fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Island to the City of New York, at or Near the Corporation Peer, which they Con ceive wH! Greatly Contribute, to the Convenience and Ease of Travel lers and the Inhabitants of the said City, as also the Remonstrance of Some other Inhabitants, against Granting the Prayer of the Said Peti tion, untill they be heard by Councill, and Served with a Copy of the Petition, Whereupon it is orderd by this Board, that the Petitioners and Remonstrants, be heard by themselves or their Councill, on the Subject matters thereof, on Friday the Eighth Day of March next, and that they be Served with a Copy of this Order, and have Coppys of said Petition and Remonstrance if Required, they paying for- the Same OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 437 Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City, to pay to Jamies Livingston (1204) Esqf, or his Order the sum of Twelve pounds Eight Warr' Issued Shillings, for the Like sum by him Advanced and paid to William Taylor in full of his Account v/ith this Cor poration, as pf his Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to pay to AP Cornelius Van Der- N9 hoof or his Order the sum of four pounds in full of his (1205) Account of Bricks, Delivered at the Exchange as pf his Account Allowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to Ahasuerus Turck or his Order N9 the sum of Three pounds Seven Shilings and Six- 1206 pence in full of his Account for Cleansing Two Hun- Warrt Issued dred and Sixty fire Buckets &c? for this Corporation, as pf his account Sworn to and Allowed of by this board Orderd the Like to John Provoost Esqf or his order N-' the sum of one pound Eleven Shillings and Seven (1207) pence in full for the Like Sum by him Advanced and paid for the Use of this Corporation, as pf his Account Allowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to Jacob Ryckman and Hendrick N" Kierse or their Order the sum of Fifteen pounds Six- (1208) teen ShiHings and Six pence in full of their Account with this Corporation for Bricks by them Delivered at the Exchange as pf their Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this board Orderd that AP' Alayor Issue his AA'arrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or his (1209) Order the sum of Six pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven pence, in full of his Account, v/ith this Corpora tion as pf his Account Sworn to and Allov/ed of by this Board [371] Orderd the Like to Mf Isaac Stoutenburgh N? or his Order the sum of Thirty two pounds three (1210) ShHlings and Nine pence in full of his Account for Warrt Issued Work Done for the Exchange, as also the Further Sum of Twenty one pounds Seventeen Shillings and Seven pence farthing in fuH of his Account, for work Done at the 438 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ferry House, as Also the Further Sum of Twenty Seven pounds Eigh teen Shillings and Nine pence three Farthings, in full of his Account for Repairing the City Hall, as also the Further Sum of Seven pounds five Shillings and Seven pence, in full of his Account, for further Re pairs of the City Hall, as pf the Severall Accounts Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board, and Also the Further Sum of Three pounds for his Extraordinary Services in Cleansing the City Hall &= which said Severall Sums in the whole & together amount to Ninety two pounds five Shillings and nine pence Orderd the Like to Nicholas Lezier or his Order N? the sum of four pounds four Shillings and Six pence, (1211) in full of his Account with this Corporation, as pf his AA'arrt Issued Account Audited and Allowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to Cornelius Turk or his Order N? the sum of Six pounds three Shillings and Six- (1212) pence in full of his Account with this Corporation (Warrt Issued) as ^ his Account Sworn to and allowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to Mf Henry Bogert or his N9 Order the sum of Eighteen pounds Seven ShHlings (1213) and one penny half penny, in full for the BaHance (AA'arr* Issued) of his Account for the Like Sum by him Advanced and paid for the Use of this Corporation, as ^ his account Audited and AHowed of by this Board Orderd the Like to Mf James MiHs or his Order N? the sum of Thirteen pounds Eleven Shillings in fuH (12 14) of his Account with this Corporation as ^ his (Warrt Issued) Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board, Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City, to pay to Alf Augustus Van (1215) Cortlandt, or his Order, the sum of Five pounds, (Warrt Issued) in full for the Like Sum, by him Advanced and paid, to Philip OHver Publick Whipper, of this City, for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him, and Ending the Eighth Day of this Instant February OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 439 Orderd the Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Johannes Myer Messenger (1216) and Doorkeeper to this Board or his Order the Sum Warrt Issued of Three pounds fifteen shillings in full for one Quar ters Sallary Due unto him and Ending the Thirteenth Day of this Instant February [372] The Committee Appointed on the fifteenth Day of January Last past upon the Petition of Mess'? Robert Livingston and Robert Crommelin, praying an additional Grant of Thirty foot into the East River, farthar than AA'liat has already been Granted them. At the Rear and of the breadth of Two Hundred feet, so to them Respectively Granted, Do In Obedience to the said Appointment Report that after hearing the Reasons and Motives that Induced the Petitioners to preferr their Petition and Alaturely and Deliberately Weighing the same are humbly of Opinion and Do Recommend that a Grant or Grants be made unto the Petitioners Agreable to the Prayer of their Petition which Report was Read and Approved of and Consented to by this Board and Orderd the Clerk prepare Grants Accordingly AA'hereas It appears by an Instrument in AA'riting Dated the Twen ty Sixth Day of January one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty four under the hands of Benjamin Peck Benjamin Aloore Cornelius Beekman, John Cannon, Alary Cannon John Bogert Junf William Gilbert Junf Cornelius A'an Ranst Sam'! Tingley, George Petter- son Benjamin Payne and William Beekman present owners and pro prietors of the Water Lotts fronting their Respective Houses and Lotts of Ground into the East River and have therein Engaged them selves to Dock and AVharf out in the said East River so far as this Corporation has Already been pleased to Grant to Mess'? Robert Liv ingston and Robert Crommelin in order that the Street of Forty feet fronting the said River might be Regular and Uniform if this Cor poration Should think proper to Grant the same Quantity to them fronting their Respective Lotts on the same Conditions as Granted to the said Robert Livingston and Robert Crommelin, Whereupon this Board having Considered the Matter, and Do Agree that the same be Granted to them Respectively on the Like Conditions as Granted to the said Robert Livingston and Robert Crommelin and Orderd that the Clerk prepare Grants Accordingly 440 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Whereas there are now Depending Severall Actions of this Cor poration and the Attorneys Concerned therein haveing frequently SolHcited this Board to procure them Warrants of Attorney under their Seal Whereupon it is agreed to and Orderd that the Clerk pre pare Warrants Accordingly and Affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto in the Severall Actions nov/ Depending of this Corporation and that Mf Mayor Sign and Deliver them, to the Severall Attorneys Con cerned therein [373] City of (gg New Yorkj At a Common CounciH held at the City hall of the said City on Friday the first Day of March anno Domini 1754 :*Esqf? Aldermen > Assistants Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson Francis Filkin Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt WilHam De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Orderd that Alf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N9 of this City to pay to Eve Scurlock or her Order the sum of 121 7 fifteen pounds Seventeen Shillings and Nine pence in full of her Account with this Corporation as ^ her Account Audited and Allowed of by this Board The Committee who Were appointed on the fifteenth of October Last past for Auditing the Chamberlains Accounts, and all the Pub lick Accounts of this Corporation made their Report on the Audit thereof in these Words to witt City of New York ss: The Committee appointed on the fifteenth Day of October Last past to Auditt the Treasurers Books and all Publick Ace'? of this Corporation Doe in OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 441 Obedience to the said Appointment Report that wee have Carefully Examined his Books and Ace*? & all Warrants & Orders made and Issued by this Corporation Since the 14*!' Day of October 1752 to the I4*^ Day of October Last past & find that there was then the sum of Thirty two pounds Nine Shillings & 2H P^id out by the City Cham.ber- lain more than he had Receiv'd & that there was then Outstanding Debts Due to this Corporation the sum of £2025: 15: 04J4 as appears by his Ace*? hereunto Annexed all whicli is Nevertheless humbly Submitted by Step V Cortlandt James Livingston Fran? Filkin Jn? Livingston Leonard Lispinard Peter Clopper Nc-.y Yorl: 28".' FebY 1754 which Report is Approved of by this Board and Orderd that Al' Recorder, Alderman Livingston, Alderman De Peyster Mess''? John Livingston & [374] Leonard Lespinard or the Alajor part of them be a Committee to Send for Such persons as are Inde'oted to this Corpo ration and Settle and Adjust their SeveraH Accounts and if need be to Sue for and take Such Legall Meathods for the Recovery thereof as to them shall Seem Meet Orderd that Alf Mayor Issue his V/arrant to the Treasurer N9 of this City to pay to Jacob Brev/ington or his Order the sum 1218 of Ninety Nine pounds one Shilling and four pence in full of his Account for A'ictualling Sundry Workmen in the Imploy of this Corporation at Nassau Ferry &c? as ^ his Account Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board Orderd that Alf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N° urer of this City to pay to Alf John Livingston or his Order 1219 the sum of four pounds fourteen Shillings and Six pence in full for the Ballance of his Account of the Exchange as ?j3 his Account Audited and Allowed of by this Board Orderd that the Clerk of this Board prepare Advertisements to be Publickly Affixed up and put in the Weakly Gazzettee for Letting to farm the Stalls and Standings of the Severall Marketts of this City (to which Mf Mayor Objected Declaring he Conceived he had a Right to the profitts of the same as Clerk thereof) and the Publick Wharfs and Slips of this City for the Term of one Year to Commence on the first Day of May next by PubHck Outcry at the Common Councill Chamber in the City hall of the said City on Thursday the Twenty first Day of March Instant at tyvo oClock in the Afternoon of the same Day to the highest Bidder and that this Board or the 442 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Major part of them be a Committee for Letting the same upon Stich Conditions as they Shall Judge Proper Orderd by this Board that Unless Obadiah Hunt, WiHiam Brown & Silvester Alorris Agree with Joris Brinkerhooff, Theodoras Van Wyck, Anthony Ten Eyck and John Van Varick and purchase from them Such buildings as they have Lately Erected and Compleated be fore the Dwelling Houses and Lotts of Ground of them the said Oba diah Hunt &c? Contiguous and Adjoining to Copseys Battery and pay a Quit to this Corporation for so Long Time as they Shall Enjoy them that the same be Lett to the said Joris Brinkerhooff Theodoras Van Wyck &c? who are AVilling and Desirous to pay a Reasonable Quit for Such a Term as this Corporation Shall think proper to Lett the same to them for [375] City of (gg New York ( At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Friday the Eighth of March anno Domini 1754 >Esq'? Aldermen Present. Edward HoUand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lispenard Peter Clopper The Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of this City for the Erecting of another fferry to be fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Island to the City of New York at or Near the Corporation Peer, as also the Remonstrance of Some other Inhabitants against Granting the Prayer of the said Petition were again this Day Read in Common CounciH and Mf Smith and Mf Scott of Councill for the Remonstrants Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 443 moved this Board that the hearing thereof be put off for Want of Some Affidavits to be taken on their part and prayed that a further time be AUowed them to procure Such affidavits as would be necessary to Support their Objections against Granting the prayer of the said Petition AA'hereupon it is orderd by this board that the hearing thereof be put of till the fifth Day of Aprill next and that the parties then at tend without further Notice City of ) cc -^T a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj " hall of the said City on Thursday the Twenty first of March 1754 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Ma}-or Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen A'an Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Nicholas Roosevelt Leonard Lispenard >Esqf Aldermen Assistants [376] Orderd that Alf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City, to pay to the Mayor Aldermen and Common- 1220 ally of this City the sum of Fifty pounds (when the same Shall be by them Required) for the Like Sum by them borrowed out of the Excise Money Raised by an Act of Assembly Entituled an Act to Regulate the Collecting of the Duty of Excise in order to Discharge part of a Debt Due to John Zericher for AA'ork by him Done at the Exchange as ^' his account Allowed of by this Board Orderd that AP Alayor Issue his Warrant to the Treasurer N° of this City to pay to the said John Zericher fifty three pounds 1 22 1 one Shilling and ten pence three farthings being the Remainder of what was Due to him from this Corporation for Work Done by him at the Exchange >.Esq'? Aldermen ^Assistants 444 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ) gg At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Friday the fifth of April anno Domini 1754 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WiHiam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lispenard Peter Clopper Whereas on Friday the Eighth Day of March the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of this City for Erecting another Ferry to be Fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Island to the City of New York or Near the Corporation Peer as Also the Remonstrance of Some other of the Inhabitants against Granting the Prayer of the said Petition untill they were heard by Councill and Likewise pro posalls of Mess'? Hendrick and Peter Remisen were preferred to this Board and whereas this Day being the Day appointed for the hearing thereof Mf Smith and M'^ Scott of Councill for the Remonstrants and Mf Murray and others of Councill for the Petitioners appear'd and Mf Scott argued on the Subject matters Contained in the said Petition and Remonstrance and Mf Murray moved to this board that the Peti tioners might have Some time allowed them to answer in whereupon its orderd by this Board that they be alloyved till the 6*^ of May next and that the parties take notice thereof and attend accordingly [377] Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Alderman De Peyster or his (1222) Order the sum of Eight pounds to be paid by him applied towards Sinking a V/ell opposite to his honour the Lieuten ant Governours near the Oswego Alarket in the AVest AVard of this City OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 445 Mf John 'Watts Delivered unto this Board a Certificate of the Num ber of Days by him Served in Generall Assembly as one of the Repre sentatives of this City from the Thirtieth of October Last to the Twelfth of December following amounting in the Whole to the Num ber of Forty four Days which he Indorsed Gratis and Declared the same to be Null and A^oid and all Certificates and Demands of the Like Service Orderd that Alderman Livingston, Alderman Benson Alderman Provoost, Alderman Filkin, AP Abraham De Peyster and Alf John Liv ingston or any five of them be a Committee to Regulate the Streets from the City Hall to the New Exchange and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor if it should be thought Necessary to Levell the same and make Report thereof to this Board with all Con venient Speed Orderd the same Committee as the Last be a Committee to Regu late the Streets from Adf Furmans Corner to Al'? Carpenters Corner in the Dock Ward of this City, and that they take to their Assistance the City Surveyor if it should be thought Necessary to Levell the Same and miake Report thereof to this Board with all Convenient Speed. Orderd that the Alderman and Assistant of the N9 East Ward of this City Cause a WeH to be Sunk op- 1223 posite to Johannes Alstynes in Maiden Lane in the Warrt Issued East AVard of this City of Six foot Diameter and that Mf Mayor Issue his AA'arrant to the Treasurer of this City to pay to the said Alderman and Assistant Eight pounds towards Defraying the Expence of Such AVell Orderd that Mf Recorder be appointed, and he is here'by Accord ingly appointed to prepare the Draft of a BiH to be preferred to the Generall Assembly to Enable and impower the Alayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York and their Successors to prevent and Remove particular Nusances within the same to the Southward of fresh AA'ater and Deliver the sam.e to this Board at the next Com mon Councill 446 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [378] City of ( At a Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Thursday y? 2'^ of May 1754 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt ^ James Livingston ^ . , , T-,. T^ T-. . y Esqf? Aldermen Piere De Peyster [ ^ Robert Benson J Nicholas Roosevelt ^ AA'illiam De Peyster John Livingston ^Assistants Leonard Lispenard Peter Clopper Be it ordained by the Alayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York in Common Councill Convened and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same that all the Laws Orders and Ordinances of this Corporation which on the fifth Day of November Last past were made Ordained Renewed, Established, and PubHshed and to be Con tinued in force for Six months from that Day be Continued and Remain in fuH force and Virtue for Six Months from this Day Vizt A Law for the Due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from becomeing a Charge to this Cor poration A Law to Appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the better preventing of fire A Law for the Marking of Bread A Law Prohibiting the Sale of Meal and flour by Measure and for the Appointing of proper places for the Sale of Meal flour Corn and Grain A Law for the Regulating Negroes Molattoes and other Slaves A Law for Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for Regulating the Office of Packers and Cullers A Law for Regulating the Lying Vessells in the Docks or Slips of this City and for the preserving the bridge and Common Sewer in the said Docks A Law for preserving the Commons and the fish in fresh Water Pond A Law for the Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters of funeralls OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 447 A Law against fireing of Guns or other fire Works AVithin the Streets A Law for paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alle}-s within the City of New York and for preventing Nusances within the same Except Such parts thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to be kept on the South Side of fresh Water A Law in Addition to a Law Entituled a Law for paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York for preventing Nusances within the same [379] A Law for Preventing frauds in fire AA'ood A Law Prohibiting hawkers and Pedlers (Except Such part there of as was Repealed the Twenty Sixth of AprHl i75o[)] A Law for the Alarking of butter A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of New York A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer within the City of New York A Law for the Better Secureing the City of New York from the Danger of Gunpowder A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night AA'atch in the City of New York A Law Declaring to what Uses the Seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the Seal of the Mayoralty of this City Shall be put unto A Law for the Regulating the Publick Alarkets within the City of New York and for preventing forestallings of provisions Comeing to the said Markets, Mf Mayor Dissenting to this Law being Published A Law to prevent the Selling or Giveing of Unripe fruit and oys ters within the City of New York A Law Relating to Making of freemen (Except that part formerly Repealed) A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House (with the foHowing Alteration, that Instead of the Publick Slaughter houses by the AA'ater Side all Neat Cattle to be KiHed at the Slaughter house belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North Side of Fresh Water) The Clerk produced to this Board the Engrossed Lease from this Corporation to Jasper Drake of the Stalls and Standings of this City from the Last Day of Aprill Last past to the first Day of May 1755 which was read & agreed to and orderd (AP Mayor Dissenting thereto) that the Seal of this City be affixed thereto & the same be De livered to the said Jasper Drake on his Executing a Counterpart thereof, 448 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL and Entring into bond with Good Security, for performance of the Covenants therein Contained and also at the same time Did produce the Engrosed Lease from this Corporation to Garret Cosine for the Docks and Slips of the said City for the Term abovesaid which was also Read and approved of, and orderd the Seal of this City be affixed thereto and Delivered to the s? Garret Cosine on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and Giving Security &c as above [380] Orderd that M' Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer- of this City to pay to the Mayor Aldermen and (1224) Commonalty of this City the sum of £53 : 15 :7 (when the same ShaH be by them Required) for the Like Sum by them borrowed out of the Excise money Raised by an Act of Assembly En tituled an Act to Regulate the Collecting of the Duty of Excise in-or der to Discharge part of a Debt Due to Mf Henry Carmer for Work Done at y? Exchange Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Mf Henry Bogert or his Order (1225) the sum of Thirty pounds for his Labour and pains in pur- chaseing of Materialls &c? for the building of the Exchange at the Lower End of Broad Street as also the further Sum of Eighteen pounds Nineteen ShiHings and Nine pence in full of his Account for Money by him Laid out in purchaseing Alaterialls towards Compleat ing the Exchange as pf his Account Audited and Allowed of by this Board Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Jacob Brev/ington or his Order (1226) the sum of Eight pounds Sixteen Shillings and three pence half penny for Sundry Sums by him paid and Laid out for the Use of this Corporation and for the Dieting of Sundry Workmen in the Imploy of this Corporation, as also a further Sum of five pounds for so much by him Advanced for the hire of a Pen or Crawl &c? Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the Treas- N? urer of this City to pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh Overseer of (1227) the Watch of this City or his Order the sum of Twenty one pounds by him to be paid to the Severall Constables for their SeveraU Nights and Days Watchings from the fifteenth Day of October one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty three to the fourteenth of Aprill Last past as Also the Further Sum of Fifteen pounds for firewood for the Ensueing Year as also one pound Ten Shillings to be by him paid to Mathew Wool for taking Care of the City Lamps as also the Further Sum of one pound Nineteen ShiUings and two OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 449 pence half Penny and one Pound Six ShiUings and four pence half Penny in full for Work Done at the Poor house & City Hall as pf the Severall Accounts Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board Orderd that Alderman Livingston, Alderman Provoost, Alderman Filkin, AP John Livingston Alf Abraham De Peyster, Alf Leonard Lis penard and Mf Peter Clopper or the Alajor part of them be a Com mittee to Conferr with Mf Henry Cruger at whose Charge the Ex- pence of Altering and Enlarging his Peer of about four feet shall be so as to Range the same v/ith Pains Peer, in order to make the said Peer more Commodious for the passing and Repassing of Carts &c on said Peer and to make proposall how [381] the Same shall be Com pleated as it will Tend to the Generall Good of the Inhabitants of this City and Report the same to this Board with all Convenient Speed Orderd that the fifth Clause (in a Law of this Corporation En tituled a Law for paveing and Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of Nev/ York and for preventing Nusances Within the same (to witt, the Streets and W[h]arfs not be Lumber'd) be Re pealed and the Same is hereby accordingly Repealed and Also orderd that the Power and Authority v/hich v/as Given to the Alayor in and by the said Clause be Given to the Alderman and Assistant of the Re spective AA'ards of the said City for the time being City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York ( hall of the said City on Alonday the Sixth Day of Alay anno Domini 1754 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Nicholas Bayard ^ WilHam De Peyster j Nicholas Roosevelt (^Assistants John Livingston Leonard Lespenard Peter Clopper Vol. v.— 29 ¦Esqf? Aldermen 450 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Committee who were appointed the fifth of Aprill Last to Regulate the Streets from the City hall to the New Exchange, and from Mf Furmans Corner to M'? Carpenters Corner the Former of which Street is CaHed Broad Street and the Latter is part of Smith and Queen Street in the Dock ward of the said City make their Re port in these Words (to -yitt) City of New York ss: AA'i-iEREAs an Order of Common Councill was Issued at the City r..--'.il dated the 5*t' Aprill 1754 to Impower Six of the Alembers of this Corporation to Regulate the Street from the said City hall to the New Exchange in Broad Street and to take the City Surveyor to their Assistance and to make Report thereof and another [382] Order of the same Day Constituting the same Committee to Regulate the Street from AP Furmans to Al'.' Carpenters Corner in Dock v/ard of the Said City under the same Restrictions Two of the Committee being present at the Survey and Levelling of the aforesaid Streets we the Remaining four Alembers of the said Committee do Report with the two above Mentioned that we have Seen the Surveyors Return of both Streets hereunto Annexed and do aprove of the same with this Alteration Only that from the City hall for the first two hundred and Fifty feet down Wards go with a Regular Descent and from thence with one Regular Descent to the Common Shore Near the New Exchange all which is Notwithstand ing humbly Submitted to this board by James Livingston Robert Ben son John Provoost May y' 6 1754 which Report was Read and Agreed to by this Board and orderd to be filed and that the same Report be fortwith Complied with This Day the Councill for the Petitioners for the Erecting of a New Ferry to be fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Island to the City of New York at or near the Corporation Peer, answer'd the Objections made by the Councill for the Remonstrants on the Eighth of March Last Against Granting the prayer of the said Petition for a New fferry and then the Councill for the Remonstrants moved this board, that they might have Some Reasonable time to Reply to Such Matters as were Set forth by the Councill for the Petitioners It's ORDERD by this board, that they be allowed to Tuesday the fourteenth Day of this Instant May, and that they then attend accordingly with out further Notice uF iHii UiiY OF NEW YORK 451 >-Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants City of I gg At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Tuesday the four teenth day of May 1754 Present. Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortiandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt WiUiam De Peyster John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper [383] Orderd that A/[f Alayor Issue his Warrant to the N? Treasurer of this City to pay to Alf Gerrardus Duyck- 1228 ing or his Order the sum of Eleven pounds Ten Shil ings in full of his Account for Painting &¦; for the New Exchange as p' his Account Sworn to and Allowed by this Board Orderd that Alf Alayor Issue his AA'arrant to The N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Lambert Aloore 1229 or his Order the sum of five Pounds for the Like sum by him advanced and Paid to Philip Oliver Publick Whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and End ing the Eighth Day of this Instant May Orderd that Alf Mayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Myer Mes- 1230 senger and Door keeper to this Board or his Order the sum of Three pounds fifteen Shillings in full for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him the Thirtieth of this Instant May Alf William Walton Delivered unto this Board a Certificate of the Number [of] Days by him Served in GeneraH Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the Ninth of Aprill Last to the fourth of May following Amounting in the AVhole to the Number of Twenty 452 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Six Days which he Endorsed Gratis and Declared the same to be Null and Void and all Certificates and Demands of the Like Service Orderd that Stephen Crosfield be appointed fireman of the Dock Ward in the Roomi place and Stead of Benjamin Aloore Late fireman of the said AVard Ti-iis Day the Councill for the Remonstrants Replied to the Peti tioners Answer in Support of the Erecting of a Ne-y Ferry to be fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Island to the City of New York at or Near the Corporation Peer AVhereupon this board Orderd the Con sideration thereof be put off till the Twenty first of this Instant Alay [384] City of } New Yorkj Present. >.Esq'? Aldermen cc At a Common CounciH held at the City hall of the said City on Tuesday the Twenty first of Alay 1754 Edward Holland Esqf Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stu}'vesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin AVilliam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Abraham De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt I>- Assistants John Livingston Leonard Lispenard Peter Clopper The subject matters Contained in the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of this City for Erecting another Ferry to be Fixed from Remsons Land on Nassau Ferry [Island] to the City of New York at or near the Corporation Peer, as also the Remonstrance of Some other of the Inhabitants against Granting the prayer of the said Petition, were again taken into Consideration by this Board, whereupon It is orderd by this Board that the said Petition be Dismissed OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 453 Orderd By this board that those persons who were for Rejecting the Prayer of the above mentioned Petition be Entered (to witt) Mf Recorder Alderman Stuyvesandt, Alderman Livingston, Alderman De Peyster Alderman Provoost, Aless'? Abraham Depeyster, WHliam Depeyster, Nicholas Roosevelt, Leonard Lespinard, and Peter Clopper as also those persons Who were for Granting the Prayer of the Peti tion (to Witt) Mf Alayor, Alderman Cortiandt, Alderman Filkin, Mess'? Nicholas Bayard and John Livingston Orderd the mayor Issue his yvarrant to y? Treas- N? (1231) urer of this City to pay to Doctf John Van Bueren or Warr' Issued his order the Sum of £12 : 10 in full of his account for medicines by him found and provided for the use and by order of this Corporation as pf his account aHowed of by this Board [385] The Petition of Vv'iHiam Walton and others the proprietors And owners of Sundry Houses & Lotts of Ground on Hunters Key Was preferred to this board praying that this Corporation WiU Grant to them Two hundred feet into the East river, or as many feet as wHl make the Same on a straight or direct Line With the Keys on both sides, AA'hereupon it is ordered by this board that Alderman Pro voost, Alderman Livingston, Alderman Depeyster Alf Jolm Livingston and Mf Peter Clopper or any four of them be a Committee to meet and Receive proposals from the said Petitioners and make report thereof to this board with all Convenient Speed Orderd that Alderman De Peyster and Al' Roosevelt Cause a nusance of a Lott of Ground on the East side of the broad way a Little beyond the Oswego Alarkett to be forthwith Removed pursuant to an Act of Assembly Entituled an act to Enable and impower the mayor Aldermen & Commonalt}- of the City of New York and their successors to Prevent And Remove Particular Nusances AA'ithiii the same to the south AVard of the fresh Water Pursu.\nt to an order of Common Councill of the second of may Instant the Committee who were then appointed to meet and Confer With Mf Henry Cruger about Enlarging his Peer in the Dockward of this City of about four feet Larger than It now is, made their report to this Board in these Words (to witt) City of New York ss : Alay y« 2o'l' 1754 Pursuant to an Orde[r] of Common Councill dated 2? Alay 1754 appointing us a Committee to meet and Confer With Alf Henry Cruger to Enlarge his Peer in the Dockward about four feet Wider than it at Present is ; do in Conformity report, that we have had a Conference with the said Flenry Cruger & 454 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL heard his Allegations & proposals [386] relating [to] The Same in the following manner that he Conceives (as well by the Advice of some Gentlemen Learned in the Lav/) he has a Right by his Grant from the Corporation to Entitle him to the Dockage & Cranage of his Wharfs Including the peer but rather than to Contend the mat[t]er with the Corporation he is willing to forego his Claim providing the Corpora tion will be at the Expence of Enlarging the said Peer And upholding it in Good order otherwise, if not Consented to he the s^ Cruger will be at the Expence of Inlarging the s'? Peer at his own proper Cost providing he has the right of one Sea Vessels Lying within the Peer to be Exempted from paying Any wharfage or Dockage to the Cor poration, all v/hich is Nctv/ithstanding Submitted to this board by James Livingston, John Provoost, Era? Filkin, A D Peyster, Jn9 Liv ingston, Peter Clopper Whereupon It is ordered that the Same be Entered and ffiled, and that the Last Proposall of Mf Henry Cruger in said Report be Accepted of and Complied With by this Board, and also, OrderD' that the alderm.an & assistant of the Dock ward Cause the City Surveyor to make a draft of the Survey of the Enlargement of the said Peer and Report the Same to this board with all Convenient Speed (this part of the order to be given to the Committee when Sent for) City of ) cc '''^'T a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Friday the 14't' of June Anno Domini 1754 Present: Fdv/ard Holland Esqf Alayor "~ Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt B,obert Benson John Provoost Fran? Filkin Ab?' De Peyster Nich? Bayard Nich? Roosevelt John Livingston Peter Clopper [387] Ordered the mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 (1232) Treasurer of this City to pay to Mf Jacobus Turck or his order the sum of Eighteen pounds in full for three Quarters of a Years Sallary for keeping and Cleaning the fire En gines due and Ending the first of May Last ;»Esq'? Aldermen >- Assistants OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 455 AP AVilliam Walton delivered into this board a Certificate of the number of days by him served in GeneraH Assembly as one of the representatives of this City from the 9*!.^ day of Aprill Last to the 4*^ of may following amounting in the whole to Tv/enty six Days whic'n he Endorsed Gratis, and declared the Same to be null and void and all Certificates and demands of the Like service Ordered that Alderman Prov^'^^st, Alderman Benson Alderman Filkin, Mf Clopper AP Depeyster Al' Bayard Al' Livingston and AP Roosevelt or any five of them be a Committee to receive proposals from the Inhabitants near the fly market tov-ards Enlargeing the said Mar ket in Length, which proposalls if thought Reasonable, may be by the said Committee Accepted of, and that the said Committee have power to permit the neighbourhood there to Lenghten the same at their Own Expence in such a manner As shall be by the said Committee thought most proper for the Ease and Convenlency of the Publick The Committee yvho were appointed on the 2i=t of May Last to Cause the City surveyor to make a draft of the Survey of the Enlarge ment of Alf Henry Crugers peer in the Dockward of this City, did this day prefer a Draft accordingly of the Same AVhich was approved of by this board and Ordered that the Enlargement of the said peer be made agreable to the said Draft so made by the City Surveyor And that the Clerk of this Board prepare a Grant for the Same to the said Henry Cruger Agreeable to his proposal made to the above- said Committee And noted in the minutes of the Last Common CounciH [388] City of ) New Yorkj SS Present. At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the 4't' day of July Anno Dom 1754 Edward HoHand Esqf Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Francis Filkin WiHiam De Peyster Nich? Roosevelt Leonard Lespinard John Livingston Peter Clopper .Esq'? Aldermen :? Assistants 456 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1233) urer of this City to Pay to Alderman Filkin one pound and paid to Jacob Kip for one thousand Bricks for the Wart Issued thirteen shillings for the Like sum by him Advanced Exchange as pf Sf Kips Acct Sworn to and allowed of by this board Ordered the Like to Peter Broyver or his order Six N° (1234) pounds five shilHngs And nine pence in full of his Acct Warrt Issued for yvork done for the Exchange as p' his said Acct Sworn to and allowed of By this board Ordered the Like to AP Dirick Brinkerhoof or his N? (1235) order the Sum of fourty seven pounds nine shiUings Warrt Issued and nine pence in full of his Acct for Nails &? for the use of this Corporation as pf his Acct Sworn to and Allowed of by this board Ordered that the assize of bread be till further order as followeth (wheat at 6/ p' BusheH [)] Viz* A White Loaf of the finest Flower) ,. , „,.,,,, . , w" i3°2 for 4 English half pence to weigh ,j -^ ^ ^ ^ Ditto of Do D° I4J-^ for 2 d9 And ordered that no other Bread be made for Sale Within this City than according to the above assize (hard bisquets only Excepted) and that all Bakers within this City take notice hereof and make their bread accordingly The Clerk produced to this board the draft of a deed from this Corporation to M' Henry Cruger for 4 foot & J-^ of Ground in the dock [389] Ward of this City Contiguous and Adjoining to the peer of him the said Henrj^ Cruger Commonly Called Crugers peer on the westermost Part thereof which was read and approved of And or derd to be Engrossed and the seal of the City be affixed thereto and Delivered to him on his Executing a Counterpart thereof OF THE CITY OF NEV/ YORK 457 City of ) New Yorkj SS Present At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Thursday the ii*?* day of July Anno Domini 1754 Edward HoHand Esq' Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Piere De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt William De Peyster John Livingston Peter Clopper >Esqf? Aldermen < » Assistants Ordered that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N? (1236) treasurer of this City to pay to Henry Carmer or his Warr* Issued order the sum of Twenty four pounds fifteen shillings and Seven pence half penny in full of his Acct for Work done to the Long Bridge as pf his acct Sworn to And allowed of by this board Ordered that the pavement on both sides of the Broad Street Be taken up and new Laid Seventy four foot to the Northward of the Middle of the Kennall opposite to fflatten Bergh Street, before the Houses of John Roorback on the West and John Wilkenson on the East side of said Street and to Run from thence upon a Regular Descent, untHl it meets the middle of the Kennell at the End of Bever Street, and from thence With another Regular Descent to the Common Sewer, and that the [390] Pavement be made pursuant to an approved Survey Lately made by Francis Marschalk one of the City Surveyors, under the direction & Inspection of the following Committee, to Witt, Mf Recorder Alderman Livingston Alderman Filkin Alf Abraham De Peyster and Alf John Livingston or any three of them And also Orderd that the Same Committee to be Committee to Regulate Smith street pursuant to the said survey of the said Francis Marschalk 458 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of ] cc -A"^ ^ Common CounciH held at the City New Yorkj hall of the said City on Friday the 20*t' of Sepf 1754 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esq' Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Robert Benson John Provoost Fran? Filkin Nicholas Bayard Nich? Roosevelt W? Depeyster Peter Clopper >Esq'? Aldermen Assistants Mf Mayor Produced to this Board a List of the names of Sundry Persons, who had taken out Lycences for RetaHing of Strong Liquors Within this City from the Twenty fifth day of March 1754 to the 25'!' day of March 1755 Amounting to the number of 192 persons And Who together had paid for the same £268 : 14 : 9 Current money of this Colony Orderd that he Pay the Same to the Chamberlain of this City Retaining thereout in his hands four shillings and paying thereout to the Clerk five shiHings for Every Lycence So by him Granted during the time therein mentioned Orderd that the mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1237) Treasurer of this City to pay to Johannes Myer or his Wart Issued order Alessenger & Doorkeeper to this board or order the sum of three pounds fifteen shillings in full for one Quarters Sallary due & Ending the 30't' of August Last [391] Ordered that the mayor Issue his warrant to N° (1238) the Treasurer of this City to pay to Augustus Van Warr* Issued Cortiandt or his order the sum of five Pounds in full for the Like Sum by him Advanced and to Philip Oliver Publick Whipper of this City for his Quarters Sallary due unto him And Ending the 8'^ of August Last past Ordered the Like to Mess'? Keen and Lightfoot or N° (1239) their order £3 : 19 : 6 in fuU of their account for the Warr' Issued Expences of a Committee OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 459 Orderd the Like to Peter Giraud for £8 :3 :ii N9 or his order for work done at the Alms house by his (1240) brother Daniel Giraud Deceased, as pf the Acct Sworn AVarr' Issued, to by the said Peter Gir.Tud and aHowed of by this board Ordered the Like to Jacob Brewington or his order N? (1241) Thirty five Pounds Thirteen shiHings & Eight pence in full of his Account with this Corporation as pf his account Sworn to and allowed of by this board Ordered that the Like to Malcom AI^Even or his N? 1242 order five Pounds Sixteen shillings and Six pence in Warr* Issued full of his Account Sworn to and aHowed of by the board Ordered the Like to Piere De Peyster Esqf or his N? Order the Sum of Eiglit Pounds to be by him applied (1243) towards Defraying the Expence of the well Lately Warr* Issued made in Barclays Street in the west ward of this City Ordered the Like to Piere Depeyster Esqf for a N? 1244 well Lately made opposite to Mf George Harrisons in Warr* Issued the said ward Order'd the Like to Peter Clopper or his order N? 1245 one hundred pounds for the Like Sum by him ad- Warr* Issued vanced and Laid out for Repairing the Old Slip Mar ket House Ordered that the Alderman of the west ward Cause a well to be Sunk opposite to Alf [De] Grusha's near James Adills's in the west ward of the said City [392] Ordered that Alf Ma}'or Issue his warrant to N? (i;;46) the Treasurer of this City to pay to (when required) Warr* Issued the Mayor Aldermen & Commonalty of the City of New York the Sum of Thirty Six Pounds for the Like Sum by them borroyved out of the Excise money Raised by an Act of Assembly Entituled an Act to Regulate the Collecting of the duty of Excise, in Order to discharge a Years Interest of Six hundred 46o MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Pounds due the 26'^ of July Last past by an Obligation from this Cor poration to Peter Valette deceased Mf WiHiam Walton deHvered into this board a Certificate of the Number of days by him Served in Generall Assembly as one of the Representatives of this City from the 20*t' of August Last to y^ 29*^^ of August Instant Amounting in the whole to nine days, which he Endorsed Gratis and declared the Same to be null & Void and all Certificates and demands of the Like Service City of ^ cc ^T a Common Councill held at the City New York( hall of the said City on Wednesday the 25*^ of Sepf 1754 Present: Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt "^ James Livingston Robt Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Nicholas Roosevelt >Esqf? Aldermen William De Peyster I ,, . , , „ ^ „, > Assistants Peter Clopper I Leonard Lespinard J Ordered that the Assize of Bread be till further Order as follow eth Wheat at 6/6 ^' BusheH A White Loaf of the finest flour) ,, „^ j. „ i- 1 1 ir I v° : 11°^ for 4 English half pence to weigh j ^ ^ ^ A D?. . .D?. .of. .D? 13^ for 2 EngHsh half pence Orderd that no other bread be made for sale Within this then according to the above assize (hard Bisquets only Excepted) & that all Bakers within this City take Notice hereof & Govern themselves Accordingly [393] Order'd that Queen Street be dug away & new paved, begining at the stone Step of Capt Grenolds House & to Run with a Regular Assent of Four Inches on Every Ten foot up the said Street as farr OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 461 as Shall be thought necessary & Convenient And that the same be done under the Inspection & by the direction of the alderman & As sistant of Montgomerie Ward who are hereby Appointed to oversee & order the same be done forthwith Ordered that the Committee that were appointed for the Building the Ferry house have power to finish the fourth & Last Room on the first floor of the said House in such Manner as they Shall think Con venient. Ordered that the Alayor Issue his Warrant to the N9 1247 Treasurer of this City to Pay to the Mayor Aldermen AVarrt Issued & Commonalty of the City of New York (When re- cpiired) the Sum of Twenty one Pounds for the Like Sum b}^ them Borrowed out of the Excise money Raised by an Act of the Lieutenant Governour Councill And Generall Assembly of this Colony, Entituled An act to Regulate the Collecting the duty of Excise in order to discharge a Years Interest of £350 due from this Corpora tion upon t'neir Obligation to Alf Abraham Van Duersen the Ninth of July Last past N9 1248 Ordered the Like for Twelve Pounds to M'? Catherine Livingston The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of this City dwelling and Re siding And being owners of the dwelling houses on both Sides of Maiden Lane being read It is ordered that A.ldermen Cortlandt & De Peyster Mess'? Nicholas Roosevelt, Leonard Lespinard and Peter Clopper or the major part of them be a Committee to Consider of the Allegations In the said Petition & to View the Ground therein men tioned And report their Oppinion thereupon to this board with all Convenient speed Whereas on the Seventeenth day of December Last it was re solved that a Lease Should be made out to Abraham Alills for a SmaU piece of Ground Containing an acre & a half Lying a Little to the Northward of the house of John Van Zandt AVherein the said Abra ham Mills then Lived for the Term of Twenty one Years under the Yearly rent of forty ShHlings A'l/hich said Lease has never been Exe cuted And Whereas the said Abraham Mills is now under Confine ment in the Goal of this City & not Likely Ever to be Able to Comply with the Terms upon Which the Lease was to have been Granted Therefore it is Resolved and ordered by this Board that a Lease from 462 MINUTES OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL this Corporation be made out to James Alills for the said Piece of Ground for the Term of Twenty Years to Commence from the Twenty fifth day of March Next [394] Under the Like yearly rent of forty ShHHngs upon his first paying the sum of Forty Shillings And also Covenanting in the said Lease not to dispose of or Assign over the Same Without the Consent & approbation of this Corporation for that purpose first had and Obtained and first Giveing them the preferrence and refusall thereof. Thomas Lawrence and John Clarke Appointed publick Measurers of this City and were sworn for the Due Execution of their offices City of I gg Newyork ( Present : At a Common Councill held at the City hall of the said City on Monday the Thir tieth day of September 1754 (The Feast of St Michael the Arch Angel FaHing on a Sunday.) Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Pierre De Peyster Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt Nicholas Bayard John Livingston Peter Clopper ;* Esquires Aldermen ^Assistants Conformable to His Majesties Royal Charter Granted to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for Electing this day One Alderman One Assistant Two Assessors one CoHector and Two Constables in the Six Wards on the South Side of fresh Water And one Alderman one Assistant Four Assessors Two Collectors and four Constables for the out Ward of the said City to OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 463 serve in the respective offices for the year Ensuing the Respective Al dermen of Each respective Ward made Return this day Into the office of Town Clerk under their hands of the severaU Persons Elected to serve in the severall offices aforesaid Vizt East ward West ward [395] North ward South ward Dock ward -<^ 'Philip Livingston Esqf Peter Clopper David Van Horne ) Evert Bancker ( David Schuyler John Bingam ) Isaac Gomez Junf j '^ Pierre De Peyster Esqf Nicholas Roosevelt Christopher Steymets Nicholas Bogart Aron Van Hook Jacobus Kip & Gilbert Ash Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf Leonard Lespinard WiUiam Popplesdorft & Everardus Brower Isaac Stoutenburgh James CarroH Peter Vallarde Francis Filkin Esqf Abraham De Peyster John Clopper -< Maurice De Hart John Debow John Debow ^WiUiam Baldwin ^John Cruger Esqf John Livingston Dirick Brinkerhoof -< Ab?' Van Wyck Junf James Creighton Gerrard? W?' Beekman Mathev/ Ernst < Alderman AssistantAssessors CoHector ConstablesAlderman Assistant i Assessors Collector [ Constables Alderman Assistant (.Assessors Collector Constables Alderman AssistantAssessors Collector Constables Alderman Assistant Assessors CoHectorConstables 464 MINUTES OF TFIE COMMON COUNCIL Montgomerie ward Out ward < Evert Bivanck Esqf WiUiam De Peyster John Duryee Sam'} Tingley Tieunis Defour Tieunis Defour Thomas Shreve 'Oliver De Lancey Esq' Albert Herring Jacobus Kip Philip Minthorne William Richardson Garret Cosine Benjamin Van De Water Lawrence Low & John ObHnus John De Vore [Jr.] John De Vore Junf Peter Bussen Alderman Assistant [Assessors Collector ( Constables Alderman- Assistant Assessors Collector Constables Bowery Division Assessors CollectorConstables ¦^ Harlem Division >- The Honourable James De Lancey Esqf Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New York And Territories Depending thereon in America by and With the Advice And Consent of his Majesties CouncHl Was pleased to Appoint the following persons Officers for the City & County of New York for the Year Ensuing, to Witt, Edward Holland Esqf to be Mayor Water BaHiff & Clerk of the Markets John Roberts Esqf to be high Sheriff and John Burnett Esqf to be Coroner Resolved (Nemine Contradicente) that Isaac De Peyster Esqf The present Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Corporation be and is iiereby Elected and appointed Treasurer or Chamberlain of this Cor poration for the year Ensuing he Giving Such Security As the Charter directs [396] Ordered That the alderman of the dock ward Cause a new Election of two Constables for the said Ward in the room place and Stead of Gerrard? William Beekman and Mathew Ernst who are Troopers and Screened by the MHitia Act, and that the Election be on Wednesday Next at Ten oClock in the morning OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 465 Ordered that the Alderman of the South ward Cause a new Elec tion of a Constable for the said ward in the room place & Stead of John Debow who is Chosen Collector for the said Ward and that the Election be on Wednesday Morning next at Ten oClock Ordered that the Alderman of the out ward Cause a new Election of a Constable for Harlem Division in the Room place and Stead of John Devoore Junf who is Chosen Collector for the said Division And that the Election be on Friday Next at Ten oClock in the morning Ordered that the Alderman of Montgomerie Ward Cause a new Election of a Constable in the Room place and Stead of Tieunis Defour who is Chosen Collector for the said ward and that the Election be on Saturday Next at Ten oClock in the morning M? Mayor This day appointed Henry Van Den Ham high Con stable for the said City for the year Ensuing Orderd that the Alderman of the West Ward Cause a Well to be sunk opposite to, or near Kissicks in the said AVard City of ) cc At a Common Councill held at the City New York ( hall of the said City on Thursday the 10**' of October 1754 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt Stephen Van Cortiandt James Livingston Robert Benson Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster WHliam De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt Peter Clopper A ^Esquires Aldermen . Assistants Vol. v.— 30 466 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [397] Order'd the Alayor Issue his warrant to the N9 1249 Treasurer of this City to pay to Doctor John A''an AA'arrant Issued Bueren £4:13 :3 in full of his account for Attendance and Medecines by him applyed to Sundry poor prisoners in the City HaH of this City by order of this board Orderd the mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N? 1250 urer of this City to Pay to William Beek and AVarrant Issued WiUiam Baldwin or order the Sum of one Pound Ten Shillings in full of their Acct For Transporting Elinor Davis and Thomas Buckley two Vagrants to Staten Island and for their Trouble and Expence on account thereof Orderd the Like to Mf Peter Clopper or his [N9 1251] order the Sum of Eight Pounds Towards defraying Warrant Issued the Expence of Sinking a well opposite to Johannes Alstyns in Maiden Lane in the East ward of this City Orderd that the Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° 1252 Treasurer of this City to Pay to George Burns the Warrant Issued Sum of Seventy Pounds in full of his Account With this Corporation Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 1253 urer of this City to Pay to Isaac Stoutenburgh or Warrant Issued his order the Sum of Twenty four Pounds Seven teen Shillings and Six Pence half penny in full for the Ballance of his Acct With this Corporation for Candles and fire Wood and for his Years Sallary as overseer of the Watch and Watch House from the first of October 1753 to the first day of October 1754 And also the further sum of Twelve Pounds Three shillings & seven pence in full of another Account With this Corporation for work done by him on the City & Ferry house, as also the further Sum of Eight Pounds Two Shillings and Two pence in full of one other Ac count for Cleansing the City hall and Watch House Which Said Sev erall Accounts were Sworn to and allowed of by this board, as also One other Sum of one Pound nine ShHHngs and one penny for the Like Sum by him Advanced and Paid to Peter Giraud for work done to the City hall all Which Said Severall Sums in the whole And together amount unto Forty Six Pounds Twelve Shillings & Four pence half penny OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 467 Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer N9 1254 of this City to Pay to Henry Carmer or his order the sum of Thirty one Pounds fourteen shillings in full for the Ballance of his Account with this Corporation [398] Orderd that the Clerk prepare a Bond from this Corporation to Mf Henry Carmer And affix the Seal of this City to the same in the Penalty of Two hundred pounds With Condition to Pay one hundred Pounds Current money of this Colony on the fifth day of May next at Seven ^ Cent ^ Annum And that the same be signed by Mf Mayor And Countersigned by the Clerk of this Board Orderd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N9 1255 Treasurer of this City to pay to Francis Marschalk Warrant Issued or his order the Sum of Eight Pounds Two Shillings in full of his Account for Surve}-ing for this Cor poration &? as p' his account AHowed of by this board Ordered that Isaac Van Hook Shopkeeper and Evert Pelts be ap pointed, and they are hereby accordingly appointed Publick Inviters to funeralls in the said City, and that they Regulate themselves pur suant to a Law of this Corporation, Entituled a Law for the Regu lating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to ffuneralls Ordered that the Mayor Issue his war- N9 1256 rant to the Treasurer of this City to pay Warrant Issued to Jacob & John Steymets or their Order one acct was. £1 : 15 :9 Three Pounds Twelve ShilHngs & Six the other i : 16 : 9 pence in full of their SeveraU Accounts With this Corporation for the Cartage of Totall £3 : 12 : 6 Sand for the Exchange as pf their accounts allowed of by this board The Clerk of this Board produced the draft of a Lease from this Corporation to James Mills of the said City, Inholder, for a Small Piece of Ground in the out ward, for the Term of Twenty one years from the 25*t' of March next; which was Read and approved of by this Board, and orderd that the Clerk Engross the Same and Deliver it to the said James Mills, on his Executing a Counterpart thereof and paying forty Shillings for the Quit rent now Due thereon 468 MINUTES OF THE C0:MM0N COUNCIL [399] City of ) At a Common CouncHl held at the City New York! hall of the said City on Monday the I4*t' day of October Anno Domini 1754: Present: Edward Holland Esqf Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Gerrardus Stuyvesandt ^ Stephen Van Cortlandt James Livingston Pierre De Peyster ^Esquires Aldermen Robert Benson John Provoost Francis Filkin Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Bayard Nicholas Roosevelt ^-Assistants John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper This Day Mf Mayor Attended by M' Recorder the Aldermen and Assistants aforesaid high Sheriff Town Clerk high Constable, petty Constables and other Officers of this Corporation between the hours of Ten and Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon of the Same day went in their Formalities from the City hall to the House in Fort George in the said City and there Waited on the Honourable James De Lancey Esqf Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New York and the Territories Depending thereon in America and there the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test and Abjuration Oath in the Presence and by the order of his Honour the Lieutenant Governour were administred unto Edward Holland Esqf as Mayor, Water Bailiff, and Clerk of the Markets of this City of New York, as also one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the City & County of New York And also the Usual Oaths of Office of Mayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Alarkets of the City of New York and Justice of the Peace in the presence of the Severall members of this Court before mentioned And thereupon Mf Mayor acquainted his Honour the Lieutenant Governour that Pursuant to the [400] Authority to him Granted by his Majesties Royal Char ter he had Appointed Stephen Van Cortlandt Esqf one of the Aldermen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 469 of the said City and this Corporation to be deputy Mayor of this City And Corporation if his Honour approved thereof to which his Honour was Pleased to answer the Choice was agreeable to him and he Ap proved thereof That the said Stephen Van Cortiandt Should be Deputy Mayor of this City of New York Accordingly AVhereupon the Mayor attended as aforesaid Returned to the City hall where After Ringing of three Bells and Proclamation made for Silence the Commission for Alayor Water Bailiff and Clerk of the Markets And the Commission of the high Sheriff were Published And then this Court returned to the Common Councill Chamber where the said Edward Holland Esqf was placed in the Chair And then the said Edward HoHand Esqf Mayor of this Corporation Administred the Oaths aforesaid Appointed to be Taken by Act of Parliament instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy the Test Abjuration Oath and the Usual Oath for the due Execution of their offices unto the Respective Magistrates and Officers following (Vizt) Stephen Van Cortlandt Pierre De Peyster Francis Filkin Oliver De Lancey John Cruger Philip Livingston Evert Byvanck Abraham De Peyster William De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper Albert Herring John Roberts Esqf > Esquires Aldermen ;> Assistants [401] Isaac De Peyster, high Sheriff of the City And County of New York Chamberiain or Treasurer of this City of New York High Constable Henry Van Den Ham Constables of the Severall Wards Vizt jJohn Bingham V/alter Hyer Deputy ] Isaac Gomez Jun (Jacob Kipp I Gilbert Ash East ward AVest ward AVilliam Beek D9 470 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL NorthwardSouthward Dockward Montgomerie ward Outward Bowry division Harlem division (James Carrolle I Peter Vallarde (William Baldwin ) Daniel Knap I David Ryder '^Hyllard Judah j Thomas Shrieve 1 James Lowee \ Garret Cosine John KendaH D? Hugh Mulligan D? Peter Bussen The Alderman of the South ward returned, that he had Caused a new Election of a Constable in his Said Ward, in the Room Place and Stead of John Deboe, who was Chosen Collector for the said Ward and That Daniel Knap was Chosen one of the Constables for the said Ward in his Room Order'd that the Committee for Repairing the City Hall, and poor house Cause a Chimney to be made in the Goal over the Library Room, and place the Expence thereof to this Corporation Orderd that the Alderman of the Outward Cause a new Election of a Constable for Bowry Division in the Room place and Stead of Benjamin Van De AVater who is returned Constable for the said [402] Division and is neither a Freeman nor Freeholder, and That the Elec tion be on Saturday next Order'd that the Mayor Issue his Warrant to N? (1257) the Treasurer of this City to Pay to the Mayor Al- Warrant Issued dermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, y/hen required the Sum of Fourteen Pounds for the Like Sum by them borrowed out of the Excise money Raised by an Act of the Lieutenant Governour, Councill, & Generall Assembly of this Colony Entituled an Act to Regulate the Collecting the Duty of Excise in order to discharge A years Interest of Two hundred Pounds due (from this Corporation to Pierre De Peyster Esqf by an obliga tion) the Twenty fifth day of September Last past OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 471 Order'd that Mf Deputy Mayor, Alderman Filkin, Alderman Cruger Mf John Livingston and Mf Leonard Lespinard or the Major part of them be a Committee for auditing the Chamberlains Accounts and all the publick accounts of this Corporation Whereas on the Eighth day of July one Thousand Seven hundred And fifty Two it was orderd that the Clerk of this board prepare a bond from this Corporation to Mf Abraham Van Duersen in the Pen alty of Seven hundred Pounds With Condition to Pay him the Sum of Three hundred & fifty Pounds on the ninth day of July one thou sand seven hundred & fifty four at 6 ^ Cent pf Annum And where as the Interest of the said Sum of Three hundred & fifty Pounds was at the delivery of the said Bond paid to the s'^ Abraham Van Duersen by the Neighbourhood of Coenties Market to the said Ninth day of July One Thousand Seven hundred & fifty four Whereupon It is ORDERD by This Board, that the said Order be Repealed, And that the Interest of the Said Sum of Three hundred & fifty Pounds be paid to the said Abraham Van Duersen by this Board at and after the Rate of Seven ^ Cent p'- Annum to Commence from the Ninth day of July Last past and to become due the ninth day of July one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty five Whereas on the Twenty Ninth day of September one Thou sand Seven hundred & fifty Two it was also order'd that the clerk prepare the Like to M'? Catharine Livingston to Pay to her Two hun dred [403] Pounds on the Twenty Ninth of September Last and Whereas the Interest of the Said Sum of Two hundred pounds was at the Delivery of the Said bond paid to the Said Catharine Livingston by the Neighbourhood of Coenties Market to Y^ Said Twenty Ninth of September Last past whereupon it is order'd by this board that the Said Order be Repealed and that the Interest of the Said Two hundred pounds be paid to the Said Catharine Livingston by this board at and after the Rate of Seven ^ Cent ^ Annum to Commence from the Twenty Ninth of September Last and to become due the Twenty Ninth of September 1755 472 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL City of I gc At a Common Councill held at the City New Yorkj Hall of the Said City on Friday the first of November 1754 Present Edward Holland Esqf Mayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Stephen Van Cortlandt DeY Mayor Piere De Peyster Frances Filkin Oliver De Lancey John Cruger Philip Livingston Evert Bivanck Abraham De Peyster W? De Peyster Nicholas Roosevelt John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper ^Esqf? Aldermen >- Assistants Be it ordained by the Mayor Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York in Common Councill Convened and it is hereby Or dained by the Authority of the Same that all the Laws orders and Or dinances of this Corporation which in the .Second Day of May Last were made Ordained Renev/ed Established and published be Revived and Continued and Remain in full force and A'irtue for one year from and after the date hereof Viz* A Law for the due observation of the Lords Day Called Sunday A Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corpo ration (Except the first Clause in the Said Law) A Law to appoint Sworn Surveyors of this City A Law for the Better preventing of fire A Law for the marking of Bread A Law prohibiting the Sale of Meal & Flower by measure and for appointing proper places for the Sale of Meal, Flower, Corn & Grain A Law for Regulating Negroes Molattoes & other Slaves A Law for the Regulating Carts and Carmen A Law for the Regulating the Office of packers & Cullers [404] A Law for the Regulating the Lying of Vessells in the Docks and Slips of this City and for the preserving the bridge and Common Sewer in the Said Docks OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 473 A Law for preserving the Commons & the fish in fresh water pond A Law for the Regulating and Establishing fees for the Inviters to funeralls A Law for preserving and Cleansing the Streets Lanes & alleys within the City of Newyork and for preventing Nusances within the Same (except Such part thereof as Relates to no Hoggs to be Kept on the South Side of Fresh Water and Except the Streets and AA'harfs not to be Lumberd) A Law in addition to a Law Entituled a Law for paving and Cleansing the Streets Lanes alleys within the City of Newyork & for preventing Nusances within the Same A Law against fireing of Guns or other fireworks within the Streets A Law for prohibiting hawkers & pedlers (Except Such part there of as was repealed the Twenty Sixth of April one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty [)] A Law for preventing frauds in firewood A Law for marking of Butter A Law for Regulating of Midwives within the City of Newyork A Law for the Regulating the office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New York A Law for the better Securing of the City of Newyork from the Danger of Gun Powder A Law for appointing Establishing and Regulating a Good and Sufficient Night Watch in the City of Newyork A Law Declaring to what uses the seal of this Corporation the Seal of the Mayors Court and the Seal of the Mayoralty of this City ShaH be put unto A Law for Regulating the publick markets within the City of Newyork & for preventing the forestallings of provisions Coming to the Said Marketts (Mf Mayor Dissenting to this Laws being pub lished) A Law to prevent the Selling or Giving of Unripe fruit and Oys ters within the City of New York A Law Relating to making of Freemen (Except that part formerly repealed) A Law for Regulating the Slaughter House with the following alteration that instead of publick Slaughter Houses by the Water Side all neat Cattle to be killed at the Slaughter House belonging to Mf Nicholas Bayard Scituate on his Land on the North Side of Fresh Water 474 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ordered that the Alderman of the Out ward Cause a New Elec tion of Constable for Harlem Division in the Room place and Stead of Isaac Myer who is Serened by being Lately an Ensign in one of the Companies Raised in this province in the Expedition against Cannada & that the Election be on Monday Next at Ten oClock in the Morning [405] Ordered that the Alderman of Montgomerie ward Cause a New Election of Constable for his Said Ward in the Room place & Stead of Caleb [Thomas] Shrieve who is Screaned by being a Quaquer, and that the Election be on Monday Next at Ten oClock in the Morning Ordered the Mayor Issue his warrant to The Treasurer N9 1258 of this City to pay to Johannes Myer or his Order the Sum of Six pounds Current Money of this Colony in full for Extraordinary Services by him Done for this Corporation the Last Year The alderman of the outward Returned that he had Caused a New Election of Constable for Bowery Division in the Room place & stead of Benjamin Van Dewater who was Elected Constable for the Said Division and is Neither a freeman nor freeholder and that Cornelius Duyckman is Chosen one of the Constables for the Said Division in his Room Ordered the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1259) urer of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or his Order Warrt Issued the Sum of Forty pounds in part of his account with this Corporation Ordered the Like to Ahasuerus Turk or his order N? (1260) the Sum of four pounds four Shillings in full of his Accompt for Cleansing and Mending Two Hundred & Sixty Three fire Buckets belonging to this Corporation as pf his Accompt Sworn to and Allowed of by this Board Ordered the Like to Isaac Stoutenburgh or his N° (1261) order the Sum of Twenty Two pounds Ten Shillings; Warrt Issued in full of his Accompt for Constables Days & Nights Watches from the fourteenth of April to the Thirteenth of October now Last past as ^ his Accompt Allowed of by this board. Ordered the Like to Mf Nicholas Roosevelt or his N° (1262) Order the Sum of Six pounds Ten Shillings in full of Warrt Issued his Accompt for Sundry Things by him found for the Alms House New Exchange and ferry house as ^ his Accompt Allowed of by this Board Ordered that Mf Mayor Mf Recorder Alderman De Peyster Alder man Livingston Mf John Livingston and Mf Leonard Lespinard or any five of them be a Committee to Revise the Laws of this Corporation OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 475 Ordered that the Aldermen and Assistants of the Dock and East wards or any Three of them be a Committee for the Letting of the Sellars under the Slip market for the use and benefit of this Corpora tion The Petition of David Provoost and others Inhabitants of the City of Newyork in behalf of themselves and the Rest of the Inhabitants of the Said City was preferred to this Board Setting forth in the words following (to witt) To the AA'orshipfuH the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Newyork In common Council The Petition of the Subscribers hereto Inhabitants of the said City of Newyork in behalf of themselves and the Rest of the Inhabitants of the City afore said Humbly Sheweth That at present the only passage thro Alill Street Commonly CaHed the Jews Ally is a Narrow AUy of about four feet wide from the upper end of the Said Street to Duke Street and that for want of a more convenient Passage and to the Said Mill Street of a sufficient Breadth to admit the passing of Carts and other Carriages the Inhabitants of y^ Said Street Labour under many and Great Incon veniences Nor would [406] The Petitioners only reap the Convenience of a Passage Through the s'? Street but it would as they Conceive be of General Utility and more especially to the Carmen as furnishing them with a much Shorter and better way for Carting many Goods which they are [at] present obliged to carry round either through Duke Street or Princes Street and Your Petitioners do further Shew That the In habitants and proprietors of the Houses and Lotts in the Said Mill Street have now an Opportunity of purchasing at a very reasonable price a House and Lott of Ground adjoining to the Said SmaU Ally which they conceive to be the most proper place for opening a good Passage into the Said Street as it adjoins to the Head thereof and Your Peti tioners beg Leave to remark that the removal of the Said House would be a great and Singular Advantage in Case of a Fire at the upper end of the Said Mill Street of which this City has had a recent Proof in the Danger and Extremity to which the Neighbourhood was reduced for want of a free Passage on the Like melancholly Occa£[on And Your Petitioners do further shew that they have by yoluntary Contribution endeavoured to raise a Sum of Money Sufficient for the purchasing of the Said House and Lott to be Converted into a Common Way or Street into the said Mill Street having each of them contributed thereto According to their respective Circumstances and have by that means made up the Sum of Two hundred and five Pounds which is much more than could have been expected from so small a Number of Per sons Nevertheless they find they Fall Short of the Sum required for 476 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Purpose aforesaid by Seventy Seven Pounds eleven Shillings which Defeciency being but inconsiderable in Comparison to the Advan tage that would therefrom redound to the publick they doubt not their petition will meet yvith the approbation of this V/orshipfuU Board Your Petitioners therefore humbly Pray Your AVorships to Grant them Your Aid and assistance in the Premises by Supplying the Said Deficiency out of the public Money of the City, in order for the Effect ing so usefull a Design and Grant them such other Relief in the Prem ises as to your Wisdom shall seem meet. And Your Petitioners SHALL EVER PRAY &c D Provoost, Reuee Marie Rou, Matthew Ernest, David Provoost Jun : Elias Desbrosses, John Lansing, New York August 1754; whereupon it is orderd by this board after Considering the Allegations in the Said petition that the Sum of fifty pounds be allowed and paid to the said petitioners this Day three years ; provided they will Convey to this Corporation their Successors and assigns the Ground mentioned in the Said petition to be and Rem.ain a free and publick Street to and for the Inhabitants of the Said City for Ever Order'd by this Board that the first Clause in a Law of this Cor poration Entituled a Law to prevent Strangers from being a Charge to this Corporation (to witt Masters of Vessells to Give Account of their passengers) be Repealed and the Same is hereby Accordingly Repealed, and instead thereof the following Clause be added to said Law to y/itt Be it ordained by the Alayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New York Convened in Common Councill and it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the Same that if the Master of any Vessell or boat Shall import any Stranger or Strangers pasenger or pasengers into this City, and Shall not in the Space of Two hours after his Arrival Give an Account of their Name or Names to the Alayor or Recorder for the time being or to the Alderman of the AVard where Such Master Shall [407] Land Such Master Shall forfeit forty Shillings for the Said Default any Law usage or Custom to the Con trary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding. Orderd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 1263 urer of this City to pay to Piere De Peyster Esqf or Warrt Issued his order the Sum of Eight pounds for the Like Sum by him Advanced & paid to Thomas Trott towards Defraying the Expence of Sinking a yvell opposite to Mf Jam.es Mills in the west ward of the Said City Order'd by this board that the fifth Clause in a Law of this Cor poration Entituled a Law for paving & Cleansing the Streets Lanes and Alleys within the City of New York and for preventing Nuisances OF THE CITY OF NEV/ YORK 477 within the Same (to witt the streets not to be Lumber'd) be Repealed and the Same is hereby accordingly Repealed, and instead thereof the foUowing Clause be added to the Said Lav/ (to witt) Be it ordained b}- the Alayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New york Convened in Common Councill & it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the Same, that if any person or persons what Soever Shall Encumber any of the Streets Wharfs or peers of this City with boards, planks. Staves, Dung, pitch. Tar Turpintine, Grin Stones, anchors, or any kind of Lumber or Timber above or Longer than the Term or Space of Eight Days Every such Offender or Offenders shall forfeit and pay for Every Such Offence the sum of forty shiHings to be Recov ered before the Alayor Recorder or any one of the Aldermen of the Said City with the Costs of Suit the one half of Such forfeiture to the Informer and the other half to the Church Wardens of the Said City for the time being for the use of the poor thereof Any Law usage or Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treasurer N9 1264 of this City to pay to William Saunders or his order the Sum of Eight pounds towards Defraying the Expence of Sinking a AA'ell opposite to AP Kissicks in the West yvard of this City City of ) cc ^'^ ^ Common CouncHl held at the City New Yorkj ' hall of the Said City on Thursday the Twenty first Day of November Anno dom : 1754 Present Edward Holland Esqf Alayor Stephen V Cortiandt Deputy Alayor Simon Johnson Esqf Recorder Piere De Peyster Francis Filkin Oliver De Lancey I ^^^,3 Aldermen John Cruger Philip Livingston Evert Byvanck Abra'? Depeyster Will'? Depeyster Nich? Roosevelt ^> Assistants John Livingston Leonard Lespinard Peter Clopper 478 MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL [408] Order'd that the Assize of Bread be till further order as fol loweth wheat at Six ShHlings ^ Bushel Vizt A White Loaf of the Finest flower to weigh One pound thirteen ounces for four English half pence D9 of D° to weigh fourteen ounces and half for two pence And Order'd that no other bread be made for Sale within this City than According to the Above assize (hard bisquets only Excepted) and that all bakers within this City take notice hereof and make their bread Accordingly Order'd that the Sum of Eight Pounds be Allowed N° (1265) and paid to Alderman Bivanck for Defraying the Ex- Warrt Issued pence of Sinking a well in Van Dewater Street in Mont gomerie AVard of this City and that AP Mayor Issue a Warrant to the Said Mf Bivanck for tlie payment of the Same Order'd that Mf Mayor Issue his warrant to the N° (1266) Treasurer of this City to pay to Peter Giraud or his Warrt Issued order the Sum of forty Three pounds one Shilling and Six pence in full of his Account with this Corporation for materialls by him found and yvork Done for the ferry House as ^^ his Account Audited and Allowed of by this Board Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N° (1267) urer of this City to pay to Garret Cosine or his order Warrt Issued the Sum of Fourteen pounds fourteen Shillings and nine pence in full of his Account for the work Done to the ferry house as ^' his Account Sworn to & AHowed of by this board Order'd the Like to John Coe or his order the Sum N° (1268) of Two pounds Nineteen Shillings and Nine pence Warrt Issued in full for the Like sum by him advanced and paid to WiHiam Carr for work Done for this Corporation as ^ his account Audited and allowed of by this board Order'd the Like to Nicholas Roosevelt or his order N° ( 1269) the Sum of Two pounds fifteen Shillings and Six pence Warrt Issued in full of his Account for Lime for the ferry house as ^ his Account Audited and allowed of by this board Order'd the Like to Wart Bante or his order the N9 (1270) Sum of Seventeen pounds Nineteen Shillings in full Warrt Issued of his Account for boards, posts, Nad and work Done for this Corporation in fencing in a Small field of Vacant Ground beyond the Oswego Market in the West ward of the said City as ^ his s? Account Sworn to and allowed of by this Board OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 479 Order'd the Like to George Burns or his order the N9 (1271) Sum of one Pound four ShiHings in full for the Ex- Warrt Issued pence of Severall Committees of this Board. Order'd the Mayor Issue his warrant to the Treas- N9 (1272) urer of this City to pay to Jacob Brewington or his Warrt Issued order the Sum of Twenty five Pounds Eighteen Shil lings and six pence in full for the Like Sum Distrained from him for the Taxes of the fferry House &? by the Collector of Kings County as ^ the Receipt of the said CoHector appears. N° (1273) Warrt Issued Order'd the Like to Johannes Myer Messenger & Door Keeper to this Board or order the Sum of Three Pounds fifteen Shillings in full for one Quarters Sal lary Due unto him the 30*^ Day of this Inst month of November. [409] Orderd the Like to Augustus V: Cortlandt or N° (1274) his order the Sum of five Pounds in full for the Like Warrt Issued Sum by him advanced and paid to Philip Oliver Pub lick whipper of this City for one Quarters Sallary Due unto him and Ending the 8*t' Day of this Inst month of November YALE UNIVERSIT' L0_50b