Iii"-!I5 \\m\W 1" 'll'lilll,'Ml'i'''"lil'" HI' I |,.,|^i |il,.;| 111 mmk:::K ¦ .^ Tr^o,.,;^!, Phillip Fowler j tor ipswicti A True Copy Attest. Jacob Peabody Town Cler. The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified as y® Law Directs for Voting are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble and Meet together at the Meeting house in Said Topsfield on Tuesday the fourth Day of March Next Ensuing the Date hereof at Eight of the Clock in y® forenoon. 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, and Constables, & Selectmen, and other Officers annually to be Chosen in Said Town and to give in their Votes for a County Tresurer, and a County Register. 2 To See what the Town will Do about Mr Emersons Salary: or whether they will Make him any allowance for this year 3 To Allow Bills of Charge 4 To See what y^ Town will Do with y^ interest of the Loan Money Dat"' Topsfield February y 25 : A : D : 1739 Dan Clarke Daniel Redington ~) Constable of Topsfield John Wildes [ Selectmen Tobijah Perkins [ of Topsfield Benj^ Towne J A True Copy of y* Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Cle At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March y« 4**' 1739/40 topsfield, mass. 3 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y^ year Ensuing Voted 3 Nathaniel Capen & Solomon gould are Chosen Constables for y® year Ensuing Voted 4 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Treasurer for y* Ensuing year Voted 5 Cap* Joseph gould, Benj* Towne, Daniel Redington, Phineas Redington and Tho' Baker are Chosen Selectmen for y* Ensu ing year Voted 6 Lieu* Tobijah Perkins, Ephraim Wildes, & Israel Clark are Chosen Tything men for y® year Ensuing Voted 7 Israel Town is Chosen Sealler of Leather for a year Voted 8 George Bixbe, Dan Clark, & Jacob Averill are Chosen Surveyers of highways for y* Ensuing year Voted 9 David Balch, Joshua Towne, and Jacob Robinson are Chosen fence viewers for y® year Ensuing Voted 10 Aaron Estey, and George Bixby, are Chosen Hogreaves for y' year Ensuing Voted 11 Mr Joseph Herrick and Mr Thomas Gould are Chosen to Prosecute the Violators of the Late Act Concerning Deer Voted 12 The Town Agreed to give to the Reverend Mr Emerson fifty pounds for this present year, besides his Settled Salary Voted 13 The Town allowed Six pounds five Shillings to y* School Committe viz David Commings Matthew Peabody & Nathaniel Porter Jun'' to pay the School master for keeping School one Month & nine Days Voted 6—5 — 0 14 The Town Allowed two pound two ShiUings & Eight pence for Plank & Timber to mend falls Bridge in y® year 1739 Voted 2:2:8 15 The Town Allowed three Shillings to Luke Averill for Timber to mend the Bridge by Thomas Howlets in the year 1739 0:3:0 16 The Town Alowed one pound & Six pence to Thomas Perkins a former Constable it being for an Abatement of Zacheus gould rates 1 : 0: 6 17 The Town allowed one pound & Six pence to Thomas Per kins a former Constable it being for an abatement of one head out of mr Tho« Goulds rates Voted 1—0—6 18 The Town Allowed one pound & Six pence to Dan Clark a former Constable it being for an abatement of Eben'' Clarks rates Voted 1 — 0 — 6 19 The Town Allowed two Shillings 0—2—0 to Dan Clark Con- 4 town records of stable for warning the widow Clough out of Town & Entering the warrant in y® Court Records Voted 20 The Town allowed to the Trustees viz Eliezer Lake Lieu* Tobijah Perkins and Jacob Peabody all the Towns part of the interest of the Last fift part of y« £60000 Loan Voted The Several Officers that were Chosen at y® above Said Meet ing of Whom an Oath is by Law Required all took the oath belonging to their Respective offices on the Same Day of Said Meeting Excepting Lieu* Tobijah Perkins Nath" Capen, & Jacob Robinson March y" 4*'' 1739 or 40 then ReC* of Mr Thomas Perkins Constable of Topsfield the Sum of Seven pounds and Seven Shillings & Nine pence in full of his Rates Committed to him to Collect and to pay into My self I Say Received by me Ivory Hovey former Town Treasurer Topsfield March y« 5*'' 1739 or 40 then Rec-^ of Mr Dan Clark Constable the Sum of Eight pounds and three Shillings and nine pence in full of his Rates Committed to him to Collect and pay into me I say received by me Ivory Hovey former Treasurer for Said Town Boston March 13*'' 1739 Rec'^ of Mr Thomas Perkins Constable of Topsfield fifteen pounds one Shilling and Seven pence in New Tenor in full for mr Treasurer Foye £15 : 1 : 7 P Eben' Swan the three Receipts above written are True Copies attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed and impowered by our Respective Towns, viz: Topsfield and Wenham to Settle and renew bounds between our Said Towns there having been Some Misunderstanding of the bounds next or near Wenham Causway: We having Mett this Thirtyfirst Day of March 1740: have Mutually agreed, and Settled & renewed the bounds between our Said Towns as followeth ; Begining at the White oak Stump of a Tree Lately fell Which was Salems North Easterly Corner bounds, thence Twelve Poles Easterly to a stake and heap of Stones by the highway Leading from Wenham Causway to Bunkers Meadow : on the west Side of Said Way, from thence to the Plump of Maples (So Called) but now a stump : and as the Brook Runs to a stake And heap of stones at the going over TOPSFIELD, MASS. 5 the Brook from thence to the South Easterly Corner of Pigdens Meadow, and So to the River according to y^ Settlement in 1694 and furthermore it is Agreed that this our Settlement shall not Effect any mans property and in Confirmation of all herein above Written we have hereunto Set our hands the Day and year above Said. John Moulton "^ Joseph Gould ) ^ ... Samuel Kimball „ .,, John Wildes V^^^ii?^'"! m Tho' Tarbox k^rZ" ,n. J^^ob Peabody V'^' topsfield John Gott ^""^ Wenham Nathaniel Brown^ This is a True Copy of the original attest Jacob Peabody T : Cler Topsfield October 30*'' 1739 Rec^ of Mr Ivory Hovey Town Treasurer y^ Sum of Sixty five pounds in full of the within written order & y® full of My Salary to September 2 : 1739. by me John Emerson Clerk A True Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Topsfield such as are Qullified as the Law Directs for Voting : are Warned to Assemble and Meet together at the Meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of March Currant at one of the Clock after noon 1 To Choose Jury men according to Warrant 2 To Choose a Committe to Supply the Town with a School master for the Ensuing year 3 To See if y* Town will give Liberty for Swine to go at Large as the Law Directs 4 To allow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield March y= Seventh Day Anno : Domini 1739/40 Solomon Gould Joseph Gould ^ Constable of Phineas Redington I Selectmen Topsfield Thomas Baker | of Topsfield Benj^ Towne J At A Legal Town meeting in Topsfield March y« 18 : 1739/40 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Grand jury Man for y"^ year Ensuing Voted 3 Lieu* Tobijah Perkins, & Mr Thomas Baker are Chosen to Serve on Jury of Tryalls at y® next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich Voted / / 6 TOWN RECORDS OF 4 Mr Luke Averill, Jacob Averill & Dan Clark are Chosen a Committe to Supply the Town with a Schoolmaster for the year Ensuing Voted 5 it is agreed that Swine Should go at Large for y« year Ensuing Voted 6 The Town allowed to John Perkins Thirty Shillings for taking Care of, and for Sweeping the Meeting house the Last year Voted 1 10 0 7 The Town allowed to Nath" Capen Eighteen shillings Voted 0 18 0 8 The Town Allowed to Cor' John Wildes one pound Eighteen Shillings for y« Glasser Voted 1 18 0 9 The Town Allowed to Thomas Baker two Shillings for Warning Michael Holdgate & family to Depart out of Town Voted 0 2 0 The affairs of the afore said Meeting Were Delivered to me by Benj» Towne attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting are hereby Notified & Warned to Convene and Meet together at the Meet ing house in Topsfield on Munday the Nineteenth Day of May Instant at two of the Clock in the after noon 1 To Make Choice of a Sutable Man to Represent the Town at the General Court the year Ensuing 2 To Choose a Committe to Lay out to Zacheus Perkins the Land the Town agreed to Exchange with him in the forty acres ^' 3 To See if the Town will agree to build a School house 4 To See if the Town will agree to fence the Burying Place 5 To See if y* Town will Exchang a piece of Land with the Reverend Mr John Emerson in y* Parsonage 6 To Allow Bills of Charge Topsfield Dat"* May y« 12*'' 1740 Nathaniel Capen Joseph Gould Constable of Topsfield Daniel Redington J Selectmen Phineas Redington | of Topsfield Tho' Baker J A True Copy of the Notification Attest Jacob Peabody T : C : At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May 19*'' 1740 1 Mr Nathaniel Bordman was Chosen to Represent the Town at y* General Court the year Ensuing Voted 2 Mr Daniel Redington is Chosen Moderator for s"* Meeting 3 Thomas Baker was Chosen Clerk for Said Meeting TOPSFIELD, MASS. 7 4 It was put to Vote whether the Town would Choose a Com mitte to Lay out to Zacheus Perkins the Land that y® Town agreed to Exchange with him in the forty acres and it Passed in the Negative 5 It was put to Vote Whether the Town would Erect a fence to Enclose the Burying Place Voted 6 It was put to Vote whether the Town would Exchange a Piece of Land Lying at y^ East Corner of the Parsonage for so Much Land Joyning to the Parsonage Else where Equevilent there to with the Reverend mr John Emerson. Voted 7 It was put to Vote whether the Town would abate 2:5:6 of Zacheus Perkinses Rates Made in the year 1739. voted 8 It was put to Vote whether the Town would allow to Cap* John Wildes Seven pound & Twelve shillings for building Twenty Rods of Stone wall on y* Parsonage, voted. 7 — 12 — 0 9 It was Put to vote whether the Town would allow to Cap* John Wildes Twenty Shillings for making a pair of Stocks voted 1—0—0 10 It was put to Vote whether the Town would allow to Cap* John Wildes Eight shillings for mending up the Parsonage fence voted 0 — ^8—0 Mr Daniell Redington who was Moderator of S'^ Meeting At tested to the Truth of the above Said Votes, attest Jacob Peabody The free holders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield that are Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting are warned to As semble and Meet together at the Meeting house in Said Town on Tuseday the Twenty third Day of Sep* Instant at one of y« Clock after noon 1 To Chose Jury men for Newbery Court according to warrant 2 To see how much Money they will raise to Defray Town Charges this year. 3 To See if y= Town will Choose an agent or agents to Peti tion to y® General Court that our Neighbours in Ipswich farms May be Sett of to Topsfield 4 To See if the Town will Give order y* y® County Rate May be paid our Town Treasurer 5 To Reckon with the Treasurers of Said Town. 6 To See if y® Town will fence y* Parsonage with a Stone wall 7 To See if the Town will Choose a Committe to Exchange Some of the Parsonage Land with y* Reverend Mr Emerson and to Give a Deed thereoff to the Reverend mr Emerson, Dated Topsfield September y« 18*'' A : D: 1740. 8 TOWN RECORDS OF Nath" Capen Joseph Gould ) Constable of Topsfield Daniel Redington >¦ Selectmen Benj^ Towne. ) of Topsfield At a Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield Sep* y« 23'^'i 1740 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting voted 2 Mr John Gould and Mr Israel Clark are Chosen to Serve on y'= Jury of Tryals at y^ next Inferiour Court to be holden at Newbery Voted y® Town agreed y* y' Selectmen shall reckon with y^ Town Treasurer voted 3 The agreed that there should be one hundred and Ten pounds Raised to Defray the Town Charges this year Voted 4 y" town agreed that y'' County rate shall be paid out of y« town Treasurer voted The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield y* are Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting are warned to Assemble and meet together at y® meeting house in Topsfield on Wednes day the first Day of October next Ensuing the Date hereof at one of the Clock after noon. 1 To Choose a Committe to Exchange Some of the parsonage Land with the Reverend Mr Emerson and to give a Deed thereof 2 To agree on a Rule or Rules to fence the parsonage with a wall and to raise Money to Defray the charges 3 To See if the Town will make any more seats in the meet ing house or Do any thing to Enlarge the room in Said house or New Seat People in Said Meeting house. 4 To See if the Town will Do anything about y* Clay ground Reserved for y® Towns Use. 5 To allow Bills of Charge. Dated Topsfield September y« 26 : 1740. Solomon Gould Joseph Gould ^ Constable of Topsfield Daniel Redington ( Selectmen Tho« Baker C of Topsfield Benj"^ Towne J At a Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield October 1 : 1740 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. Voted 2 Cap* Joseph Gould, Cap* John Wilds and Mr Nathaniel Averil Jun'^ are Chosen a Committe to give a Deed to the Reverend Mr John Emerson of that Corner of the parsonage that his bam stands on not Exceeding half an acre : and to take a Deed of TOPSFIELD, MASS. 9 gd y[T Emerson of So much Land in another place as Mr Emer son and S"' Committe Shall agree upon in Exchange for Said Corner, both Deeds to be made in behalf of y* Town Voted 3 Mr Luke Averill, Mr Joseph Towne, and Cap* John Wildes are Chosen a Committe to take Care to git the Parsonage fenced in with a good stone wall and Said Committe are to make up forty Rods of Said wall before the Last Day of Aprill next Voted Voted the afore Said forty Rods of wall shall be made up against the road from Jacob Perkinses fence towards Mr Emersons barn 4 The Town agreed that there should be Twenty Pounds More raised to Defray Town Charges this year Voted 5 The Town agreed y* y® first Second and third Seats in the front gallery from the East End to the first Post Shall be Set off for y® women Voted 6 Cap* Joseph Gould Mr Luke Averill Mr Daniel Redington Mr EKezer Lake & Mr Richard Towne are Chosen a Committe to Seat People in y^ Meeting house Voted 7 The Said Committe are to observe y* following Rules or In structions in Seating People viz To Show Respect to persons above Sixty years of age before Money in younger men. and then to Seat the Rest of the People according as they or their Predisessers have Paid to y® Last years Rates Voted. 8 The Town Allowed Eighteen pounds to the School Com mitte viz Luke Averill, Jacob Averill and Dan Clark for y* School master for keeping School three months this Summer past Voted Topsfield March 5*'' 1739 or 40 then Received of mr John Perkins one of y® former Constables one pound two shillings and two pence in full of his Rates Committed to Me to Receive of him I Say Received by me. Ivory Hovey former Treasurer for S"* Town A True Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Lawfully Quallified for Voting are Warned and Notified to Assemble and Meet together at y® Meeting house in S** Town, on Tuseday the third Day of March Next at nine of the Clock in the fore noon 1 To Chuse a Town Clerk, Constables, Selectmen : and other Officers Annually to be Chosen by Said Town. 21y To See how much Money Said Town will allow to the Reverend Mr Emerson this year More than his Salary. 3 To See if the Town will clear, Alter, or Discontinue the way 10 TOWN RECORDS OF that was formerly Laid out for Mr Nathaniel Porter to Come to Meeting 41y To See if the Town will alter the way that was formerly Laid out for Mr Eliezer Lake & Lieut Zacheus Gould for them to go to meeting and Lay it out in another place more Con venient 5 To See if the Town will Chuse a Committe to Lay out the Land formerly changed with Mr Zacheus Perkins of Said Town Deceas'' in y^ forty acres So Called to the Heirs of Said Perkins or Do any other thing or things about Said Land Left for the Towns Use 61y To See if the Town will accept of the Laying out of the way for Mr Joseph Herrick & Nath" Porter Jun' to go to meet ing in Said Town 71y To see if the way Laid out from the Meeting house to Cap* Goulds Shall be two Rods Wide 81y To Accept of the Selectmens Reckoning with y® Town Treasurer 91y To Allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield February y« 20*''A : D ; 1740/41 Solomon Gould Joseph Gould "jo, <. Constable of Topsfield Tho« Baker Pf^^^l^, Benj- Towne j of Topsfield A Tme Copy of the Notification Attest Jacob Peabody T : Clerk At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March y« 3^^1740/41 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y^ year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Joseph Andrew and mr Amos Dorman are Chosen Con stables for y^ year voted 4 Mr Richard Towne is Chosen Town Treasurer for y« year Ensuing voted 5 Lieu* Benjamin Towne Cap* John Wildes, Mr George Byxbe Mr Thomas Baker, And Mr Daniel Redington are Chosen Selectmen for the year Ensuing Voted 6 Mr John Davis, Mr Dan Clark, and Ensigne Daniel Gould are Chosen Tything men for y« year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr John Hovey is Chosen Sealer of Leather for this year Voted 8 Mr Thomas Dwinel, Mr Samuel Towne, and Mr David Balch are Chosen Surveyars of highways for y« year Ensuing Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 11 9 Mr John Batchelder, Lieu* Joseph Dorman, & Mr Samuel Bradstreet are Chosen fence Viewers for y^ year Ensuing Voted 10 Mr Mathew Peabody & Mr Thomas Dorman are Chosen Hogreeves for y® year Ensuing Voted 11 Mr Luke Averill & Mr Dan Clark are Chosen to prose cute the Breakers of the Late act Concerning Deer voted 12 Mr Joseph Andrew haveing agreed with mr Samuel Brad street to Serve for him as Constable the Town accepted of Said Bradstreet in stead of S'' Andrew Voted 13 The Town agreed to give to the Riverend Mr John Emer son the Sum of fifty pounds for this year besides his stated Salary voted 14 The Town accepted of the Selectmens return of their Lay ing out a way for Mr Joseph Herrick and Mr Nathaniel Porter Jun' to go to Meeting Voted Whereas the Town of Topsfield Did formerly agree to Ex change Some Land, Lying on the South Side of the River with Zacheus Perkins of Said Town for Land the Said Perkins should Lay Down to y® Town on the North Side of the River : and it being Left to two Men to Determine how much Land y^ S** Per kins should have for that he Laid Down to the Town they Determined that S^ Perkins should have thirteen acres As by the former Records may more fully appear And the Said Perkins being Since Deceased and there being no Record that the Said thirteen Acres was Ever Laid out Therefore 15 Voted that Cap* John Wildes, Mr Richard Towne Mr George Bjrxbe, Mr Nathaniel Averill Jun' , & Jacob Peabody be a Com mitte to Lay out the Said thirteen acres of Land to the Heirs of y^ Said Zacheus Perkins. According to the Determination of Said two men 16 Upon hearing the Report of the Selectmen about the Dif ficulty of the way that was formerly Laid out for Mr Nath" Porter to Come to Meeting in the Town Doe Now Agree to Alter the Said Way, from Mr Porters till it Comes to the Southerly End of Mr Jacob Townes & Mr Jacob Redingtons Land viz from Mr Nathaniel Porters through Mr Joseph Herricks Land & So into y* way Lately Laid out for Mr Joseph Herrick and Nathaniel Porter Jun' to Come to Meeting in : and so Along Said way to the afore S^ Townes and Redingtons Land. Voted 17 The Town Agreed to Alter the way that was formerly Laid out for Mr Lake and others to Come to Meeting in : it appearing to the Town to be very inconvenient where it was Laid out : the way now to be as follows from Mr Lakes house on his own Land by the Stone wall that is between Said Lakes 12 TOWN RECORDS OF & Goulds Land till it Comes to a pair of bars between S'' Lakes and Goulds Land, thence along the way as the s'^ Lake and Goulds go to meeting along by Thomas Perkinses house & out into the Country Road by Sd Perkinses shop voted 18 The Town Agreed that the way which Leads from the Meeting house to Cap* Joseph Goulds shall be two Rods Wide Except at Mr Capens Causway So Called Voted 19 The Town Allowed Nineteen Shillings & three pence to Mr Phineas Redington it being an Abatement of his Rates for William Perkinses head in the year 1739. Voted 20 The Town agreed that Jedediah Danforths Rates As in M' Tho^ Bakers List shall be abated or Discounted with the Treasurer Voted 21 The Town agreed that A[n]drew Bradstreets Rates for the year 1739 in Constable Bakers List shall be abatted Voted 22 The Town Allowed to Mr John Perkins one pound fifteen shillings for Sweeping the Meeting house the Last year Voted 23 The Town Allowed to Mr Dan Clark twelve Shillings for Timber to mend the high ways in y^ year 1740 Voted 0 — 12 — 0 24 The Town allowed to Jacob Averill Eighteen [shillings] for Timber to Mend y« high ways in y« year 1740 Voted 0 — 18 — 0 The Several Officers y* were Chosen at y^ above Said Meeting were Sworn as the Law Directs Topsfield December y« 7*'' 1740 We the Subscribers have Laid out a way for Mr Joseph Her rick & Nathaniel Porter Jun' to Come to Meeting in Said Town from S"* Nath" Porters House as the Road Now runs or most beatten path along by Mr Herricks and So on till it Comes to the High way Laid out Between Mr Jacob Townes & Mr Jacob Redingtons their Land, two Rods wide Joseph Gould ^ Daniel Redington I Selectmen Benj« Towne (of Topsfield Tho= Baker J The freeholders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield that are Qualified as the Law Directs for Voting are warned to As semble and meet together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Tuseday the Twenty fourth Day of March Currant at one of the Clock after noon 1 To Chuse Jury men according to warrant 2 To See if the Town will give the Reverend Mr Emerson that piece of the Parsonage Land that they have Voted to Ex change with him Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 13 3 To See if the Town will give order to have any Rail fence made about the Parsonage this year 4 To Choose a Committe to Supply the Town with a School master for y* year Ensuing 5 for the Town to bring in their Proxies for a County Reges- ter of Deeds : and a County Treasurer 6 To See if y^ Town will Agree, that Land Manufactory Bills Shall Defray Town Charges 7. To See if y® Town will give Liberty for Swine to go at Large as the Law Directs 8. To allow Bills of Charge Dafi Topsfield March the 16 : A : D 1740/41 _ Amos Dorman John Wilds Constable of Topsfield Daniel Redington George Bixby Tho^ Baker Benj* Towne A True Copy of the Notification Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler At a Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March y^ 24*'' 1740/1 1 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting voted 2 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen to Serve on y^ grand jury for y* year Ensuing voted 3 Mr John Davis & Mr Tho^ Dorman are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at the Next Inferior Court to be holden at Ipswich voted 4 The Town Agreed that y^ Land Bank or Manufactory Bills Shall Defray Town Charges Voted 5 Mr Israel Clark, Mr Daniel Redington & Mr Ephraim Wildes are Chosen a Committe to Supply the Town with a Schoolmaster for y* year Ensuing Voted 6 The Town agreed that Swine Shall go at Large this year According as the Law Gives Liberty Voted 7 the Town allowed one pound thirteen Shillings to Mr Eliezer Lake it being an abatement of his Son Eliezers Rates Voted 1—13—0 8 The Town Allowed Twenty two pound to the School Com mitte to pay for three Months & Twenty Days Schoolling Voted 22—0—0 The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field that are Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting are warned .Selectmen of Topsfield 14 TOWN RECORDS OF to assemble and meet Together at the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Nineteenth Day of May Currant at three of y* clock after noon 1 To Chuse a Representative to Serve at y* general Court 2 To See if y« Town will agree that their Representative Shall Draw his wages out of the Town Treasury 3 To See if y« Town will order thefront Gallary to be Divided by a peitition and order a man to Do Said work 4 To See if y« Town will give, or Sell, to Doc* Richard Dexter, a Convenient Room for a Pew in our meeting house 5 To allow Bills of Charge Dat<' Topsfield May y« 12*'' A: D : 1741. Samuel Bradstreet John Wildes Constable George Bixby Benj* Towne Tho= Baker A True Copy of the notification Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler. At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May y« 19*'' 1741. 1 Mr Nathaniel Bordman is Chosen to Represent the Town at the general Court Voted 2 The Town agreed that Mr : Bordman y* Present Represent ative Shall Draw his wages for his Service at 3^* General Court this year out of the Town Treasury. Except the Representa tives Shall be paid by the province in General this year Voted 3 The Town made Choice of Nathaniel Averill Jun' to make a Pertition in y* front gallary to part that End y* is Set off for the women ; from the Mens part of Said gallary Voted 4 y® Town Allowed Nineteen Shillings & three pence to Dan Clark it being An Abatment for John Curtises head : Said Curtis being Dead before the Said Clark who was a Constable had the Rates Committed to him voted 5 The Town allowed to Cap* Joseph Gould Twelve Shillings, and Six pence to pay for glazing the windo by the womens gallary Stairs in the Meeting house Voted The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, that are Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting : are warned & Notified to Assemble & Meet together at the Meeting house in Said Town on Wednesday the Twenty fourth Day of June Currant at three of 5^ clock afternoon 1 To See if the Town will pass a Vote if they Chuse a Repre sentative that he Shall Receive his wages of our Town Treas urer for his Service TOPSFIELD, MASS. 15 2 To See if y^ Town will Chuse a Representative according to Precept. 3 To accept the Return of the Committe that was appointed to Lay out the Land by the Clay ground So Called to the Heirs of Zacheus Perkins Deceased 4 To See if the Town will free the family of Mr Joseph Towne from working at any other highway Except that privat way that Leadeth from S'' Townes house by Thomas Dwinels and So along by Amos Dormans to the County Road 5 To see if the Town will free Mr Thomas Perkins from working at any other highway he keeping the bridge & Case- way in good Repair that Lyeth between his house and the County Road 6 To See if the Town will Chuse a Committe to Repair y" meet ing House. 7*''"^ To See if the Town will purches Some part of the front gallary hind-Pew for y* women Dafi Topsfield June the 18*^ A : D 1741. Samuel Bradstreet John Wildes ^ Constable Daniel Redington [Selectmen Tho= Baker [of Topsfield Benj^ Towne J This is a True Copy of the Notification. Attest Jacob Peabody T : C : At a Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield June y« 24*'' 1741. 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. 2 The Town agreed that y^ Man that Shall now be Chosen Representative Shall Receive his wages for his Service as Repre sentative this year out our Town Treasury Voted 3 Mr Nathaniel Bordman is Chosen Representative Voted 4 The Town agreed that y® Selectmen Shall take Care to get the Meeting house Repaired Voted 5 The Town Accepted the Committies Return of Laying out thirteen acres of Land on y^ South Side of y* River to the Heirs of Zacheus Perkins Late of Topsfield Deceased Voted Topsfield June the 15*'' 1741 We the Subscribers being Chosen by the Town of Topsfield above Said for to Set out thirteen acres of Land Lying on the South Side of the River in Topsfield afore s"^ unto the Heirs of Zacheus Perkins of Topsfield Deceased Accordingly we have Set out Said thirteen acres of Land : Which Land is bounded as followeth. Viz Begining at a Certain White oak Tree by the Edge of Bunkers Meadow So Called thence South-Easterly and then Southerly partly with Bunkers Meadow and partly with Wenham meadows, to a Certain Stake Stand- 16 TOWN RECORDS OF ing in the Edge of a Little brook, Which Stake bares from a Remarkable Stump, East 33 Degrees & 1-4 South according to the Needle and is in Distance from S'' Stump Six pole & Seven Links of the Chain : thence west 23 Degrees North according to the Needle about Sixty and two poles to a Stake by Land of Lieu* Tobijah Perkins, thence North Easterly with Land of Said Perkins : forty Pole and an half to the first Mentioned bounds which Land within S'' bounds Contains thirteen acres. according to our best Skill and Judgment. Jacob Peabody John Wildes George Bixby Richard Towne Nath" Averill Junr A Tme Copy of the return Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Boston June 30*'' 1741 Received of the Rev"* mr John Emer son, Nine pound fifteen Shillings & three pence : being the Contribution of the Town of Topsfield for y^ Sufferors by the Late fire at South Carolina : Jacob Wendell one of y^ Comm**^ of the Gov' and Councell A Tme Copy of the Receipt Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk there was five pound Eleven Shillings More Contributed at y^ Same time but it was in Manufactery bills and the above S^ Wendell would not take it, and mr Emerson brought it home again and Delivered it to Me and Informing the [town] thereof at a Town meeting Sep* 25*'' 1741 1 was Desired to put it into the Town Treasurey. Jacob Peabody The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield Lawfully Quallified for Voting are hereby Notified & warned to Conven and Meet at the Meeting house in Said Town on Fry day the Twenty fifth Day of Sep* Instant at two of the Clock 1 To Chuse Jury men to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at New bury Court. 2 To See what Money y^ Town will Raise to Defray Town Charges the year Ensuing 3 To See what the Town will further act Referring to the Land: which Zacheus Perkins Sold on the South Side of the River adjoyning to the Clay ground more than was his Right to Sell 4 To Allow Bills of Charge. Dated Topsfield Sep* 18*''1741. TOPSFIELD, MASS. 17 Samuel Bradstreet Daniel Redington^ Constable. John Wildes I Selectmen George Bixby (of Topsfield Tho^ Baker J A Tme Copy of y® Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk At a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield Sep* y* 25*'' 1741. 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting. Voted 2 Mr Thomas Howlet & mr Thomas Perkins are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at y= next Inferiour Court to be holden at Newbury Voted 3 The Town agreed that the Selectmen should Raise a Tax of one hundred and Thirty pounds to Defray the Town Charges Voted 4 Cap* John Wildes. Lieu* Benjamin Towne & Mr Thomas Baker are Chosen agents for y^ Town to Recover the Land which Zacheus Perkins hath Sold on y^ South Side of y* River, adjojoiing to the Clay ground : More than he had a good right to Sell : and Said agents are hereby fully Impowered to agree about S** Land or to Sue for the Same and Prosecute that affair in the Law, as they, or the Major part of them Shall See Cause and the Town will laear them out in all their Lawfull prosceed- ings in S"* affair & pay their Cost Voted 5 The Town allowed 20' To the School Committe viz Daniel Redington Ephraim Wildes & Israel Clark, to pay the School master for three Months and Ten Days Service in keeping School. Voted 20—0—0 6 The Town allowed three pound Seventeen Shillings to Israel Clark & Dan Clark for Making Eleven Rods of Stone wall About the parsonage this Summer Voted 3 — 17 — 0 7 The Town allowed five pound Seventeen Shillings & Six pence to Thomas Dwinel a Surveyer for two hundred and fifty feet of plank and thirty five feet of Timber for the River Bridge voted 5 — 17—6 8 The town allowed one pound Nineteen Shillings to Cap John Wildes and Luke Averill for Twenty Railes & Twelve posts and for four Days work in menging the Parsonage fence the Last Spring Voted 1—19—0 9 The Town allowed one pound to Samuel Towne a Surveyer for thirty Eight feet and one half foot of Timber for the river bridge. Voted 1—0—0 11 The Town allowed thirteen shillings to Thomas Dwinel a 18 TOWN RECORDS OF Surveyer for Timber to Set up on y" Sides of y* River bridge voted 0—13—0 12 The Town allowed two Shillings to George Bixby for re turning the warning of Samuel Masties out of Town Voted 0—2—0 13 The Town allowed 1 — 13 — 0 to Constable Capen as abat ment of John Holdgates head 1 — 13 The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, Lawfully Quallified for Voteing, are hereby Notified And warned, to Convene at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuse day the Second Day of March Next at Nine a Clock in y^ Morn ing 1 To Chuse a Town Clark Constables Selectmen and other officers Annually to be Chosen as the Law Directs 2 To See what the Town will allow the Reverend : M' Emer son for the year Ensuing More than his Sallary 3 To See if the Town will Chuse a Committe to Sell the Land belonging to them in the forty acres So Called or to act what the Town shall think proper thereon 4 To See if the Town will order the County Rate to be paid out of y^ Town Treasury 5 To See if the Town will hear and Answer the Request of Mr Eliezer Lake Referring to a highway 6 To Reckon with the Town Treasurer 7 To Alow bills of Charge Dated Topsfield Febmary y« 16*'' 1741/2 Samuel Bradstreet Constable John Wildes ^ Benj^ Towne I Selectmen George Bixby fof Topsfield Tho^ Baker J A True Copy of the Notification, attest Jacob Peabody T : Cler At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March y« 2 : 1741/2 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y" year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Daniel Redington and mr Thomas Gould Jun' are Chosen Constables for y^ year Ensuing Voted 4 Mr Richard Towne is Chosen Town Treasurer for y« year Ensuing Voted 5 Mr George Bixby mr Thomas Baker mr Daniel Gould mr TOPSFIELD, MASS. ' 19 Matthew Peabody and mr Richard Towne are Chosen Selectmen for y® year Ensuing voted 6. M' Thos. Howlett & m' Jacob Averill are Chosen Thything- men for y® year ensuing voted. 7. M' Joseph Edwards is chosen Sealer of Leather for y'^ year ensuing voted. 8. Cap* Ivory Hovey, M' David Cummings & M' Samuel Per kins are chosen Surveyers for this year voted. 9. M' Joseph Andrew, Mr Ephraim Wildes & Mr William Perkins are chosen fence viewers for y^ year ensuing voted 10. M' Jacob Robinson & M' Cornelius Balch are Chosen Hogreaves for y® year ensuing voted 11. M' Joseph Towne & m' Nathanael Boardman are Chosen to prosecute y* breakers of y* act referring to killing of Deer voted 12. The Town agreed to give to y* Reverend M' John Emer son y^ Sum of fifty pounds equal to y® old Tenour Bills for this year besides his Salary voted 13. Capt. John Wildes, Lieut. Benjamin Towne & m' Thomas Baker are chosen Agents for y* Town to recover y^ Land which some of y* Heirs of Zacheus Perkins late of Topsfield Deceased viz. Zacheus Perkins of Rowly & William Perkins late of Sutton Deceased Have sold on y^ South Side of y^ River in Topsfield adjoyning to y* Clay ground in y® forty acres. So called, which of Right belongs to y^ Town of Topsfield & S"^ Agents are hereby Impowered to agree with y® S"* Zacheus Perkins of Rowly, about s"* land, or with any other person or persons y* shall be lawfully Impowered for y* purpose, & S'' Agents, if need be, to give a Quit Claim thereof in behalf of y® Town, And if they do not agree then y^ S'' agents are to Sue y* person or persons y* are in possession of S'' land & to prose cute y^ Affair from Court to Court till y^ matter be fully De termined by y® Law, & y® Major part of S"^ Agent agreeing in S^ affair it Shall be Esteemed valid & good & y* Town will bear them out in all their lawfull proceedings in S'' Affair & pay their Cost voted. 14. The Town agreed y* y* County Rate now sent for Shall be paid out of y^ Town Treasury voted 15. The Town agreed y* y^ way from m' Eliezer Lake's House to y^ County Road by m' Israel Clark's Shall be discon- tined & made void from S"* Lake's House till it comes to y^ Barrs where y® Goulds come out into S'' Lake's land to go to meeting voted 16. The Town agreed y* y* Selectmen Shall reckon with y® Town Treasurer voted 20 TOWN RECORDS OF 17 The Selectmen having reckoned with y^ Town Treasurer y« Town accepted their return thereof voted 18. The Town allowed fifteen Shillings to Samuel Towne for timber to mend y® highways in y* year past voted 19. The Town allowed five Shillings to Samuel Towne for timber He had of M' Samuel Bradstreet to mend y« highways 1741. voted 20. The Town allowed to Nathanael Porter Junior one pound thirteen Shillings it being an abatement of y^ Rates for his mans head in y« year 1740 voted 21 The Town allowed to Cap* Ivory Hovey Six Shillings for timber to mend y^ highway in y® year 1741. voted 22. The Town allowed to m' John Perkins two pounds for taking care of y® Meeting House y^ year past voted 23. The Town allowed to m' David Balch eighteen Shillings for timber He had of Cap* Joseph Gould & Simon Gould to mend y^ River Bridge y^ last year voted 24. The Town allowed io j^ Assessors Six Shillings per day for each man, for taking valuation of y* Towns Estate y^ year past voted 25. The Town allowed three Shillings to mr Joseph Andrew for bringing a ladder from M' Robert Perkins's to y^ Meeting House voted 26. M' Dan Clark is chosen pound Keeper for y® year ensuing voted All the officers Chosen at the afore Said Meeting of whom an [oath] is by Law required : Made oath to the f aithfull Dis charge of their respective offices the Same Day of Said Meeting, after it was over. Except WiUiam Perkins & Comelious Balch Samuel Curtis being Chosen Haward, or field Driver of Stickey Meadow Common field : was Sworn the f aithfull Dis charge of that trust before y* Selectmen of Topsfield on y* 2^ of March 1741/2 Attest Jacob Peabody T : Cler Boston March 13 : 1739. Received of m' Dan Clark Con stable of Topsfield Twenty Six pounds New Tenor in part for mr Treas' Foye P Eben' Swan Boston 13 Decern' 1740. Rec"* of mr Dan Clarke Constable of Topsfield three pound Nineteen Shillings New Tenor. P hand Nath" Borman. W" Foye Treas' Boston 5 Janu' 1741 Rec^ of Mr Dan Clarke Const» of Tops- field Ten pounds Nine Shillings, four pence New Tenor in full W" Foye Treas' TOPSFIELD, MASS. 21 Topsfield Jan" y^2'"i 1741/2 ReC^ of Mr Dan Clarke Consta ble of Topsfield Six Shillings and Seven pence in full of all his Rates to me by me Richard Towne Treas' for Said Town These four Receipts above written are tme Copies Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby warned to Assemble .at the Meeting house in Said Town : on Tuseday y« Twenty third Day of March Instant att two of the Clock after noon 1 To Chuse a man to Serve on the Grand Jury 2 To Chuse two men to Serve on y^ Jury of Tryals at Ips wich Court 3 To Chuse a School Committee 4 To See if y^ Town will agree y* Swine Shall go at Large this year 5 To See if y* Town will build a School house on y* North Side of the River at the Cost and charge of the Said North Side 6 To Allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield March y« 16*'' Anno : Domini 1641/2 George Bixby Thomas Baker Matthew Peabody Daniel Gould Richard Towne _ This is a Tme Copy of y^ Notification Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Selectmen "of Topsfield At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield March y* 23"^ 1741 /2 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this meet ing : Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Grand Jury man for y® year En suing Voted 3 Mr Luke Averill and mr Dan Clarke are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at the next Inferiour Court to be at Ips wich Voted 4 Mr Jacob Dorman, mr Thomas Baker and mr Jacob Robin son are Chosen a Committee to provide a Schoolmaster for the Town for the year Ensuing Voted 5 The Town agreed that Swine should go at Large this year According as the Law Gives Liberty Voted 22 TOWN RECORDS OF We the Subscribers being appointed to Perambulate and Re new the bounds between Topsfield & Salem, Accordingly Met on y« 27. Day of Aprill 1742, and renewed the bounds Begining at a white oak Stump with a heap of Stones round it, near Wen ham Causey, and from thence to a black or Red Oak Stump, with Stones round it. Standing in Gotts orchard, and from thence to a heap of Stones near y« Comer of Tho= Dwinells pasture, and from thence to a heap of Stones Near Nickollses brook Eben' Bowditch Daniel Marble Geo Curwen This is a Tme Copy of y* return of perambulation with Salem 1742 attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of y® Town of Tops- field, Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs you are hereby required to Convene at the Meeting House in Topsfield on Tuse day the Eighteenth Day of May Currant at two of y® Clock after noon 1 To Chuse one good and Lawfull man to Represent the Town at y^ Great and General Court the year Ensuing 2 To See if the Town will agree to build two School houses one on y^ North Side and the other on y^ South Side of the River as it may best Serve for y® Convenience of the Town and Chuse a Committee to Do the work 3 To Allow Bills of Charge Daf* Topsfield May y« Seventh Day Anno : Domini 1742 Thomas Gould Jun' George Bixby ^ Constable Tho= Baker (Selectmen Matthew Peabody (^of Topsfield Daniel Gould J At a Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield May y« 18*'' 1742. 1 Jacob Peabody is Chosen to Represent the Town at y® Gen eral Court voted 2 Cap* John Wilde is Chosen Moderator to order y® other affairs of this meeting Voted 3 The Town Allowed Eighteen pound old Tenor bills, to the School Committee to pay mr Nathaniel Rogers for keeping School three months in y« Last year Voted 18 — 0 — 0 4 The Towne allowed five shillings to Cap* John Wilds, and mr Dan Clark for mending up the Parsonage fence this Spring Voted 0—5—0 5 The Town allowed three Shillings to mr Matthew Peabody TOPSFIELD, MASS. 23 for gifting a warrant Recorded of Jane Bartoos being warned out of Town 0 — 3 — 0 Whereas Cap* John Wildes was Chosen Clerk for y® Proprietors of the Westerly part of bare Hill So Called and mr Richard Towns, chosen Haward or field Driver of the Common field Called Bunkers Meadows, and mr George Bixby Chosen Clerk, and Doc* Richard Dexter and mr Samuel Towne Chosen field Driver of Plain Meadow Common field, they were all Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their respective offices. before the Selectmen of Topsfield in May : 1742 : We Whose Names are under Written being a Committe Chosen and appointed by the Selectmen of Topsfield and Box- ford to perambulate and renew bounds between the Said Tops- field and Boxford. from y^ Apple tree Cap* Perleys field, to a Stake and heap of Stones at the South Easterly Comer of Mr Bakers farm now in Boxford from thence to a Dam Called Andrews Dam near Mr Thomas Goulds house and from thence being the place where the water now runs under S'' Dam. thence Southerly to a Stake and heap of Stones by the fishing Brook on the Easterly Side of y^ Rivilet Runing into Said Brook and then as the S"^ Brook Runs into the River Called Ipswich river then up Said River to Middleton Line and Agreeably we have Meet on Aprill y"^ 28*'' 1742 and have Renewed the above S** bounds Dan Clarke Daniel Gould Jacob Smith John Andrew A Tme Copy of y® return of Perambulation with Boxford Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified to Assemble and Meet at the Meeting house on Tuseday the fif teenth Day of June Currant at four of the Clock afternoon 1 Then and there Persuant to an Act made by the Great and General Court in y^ year one thousand Seven hundred forty and one ; To Accept of a List taken by the Selectmen, of Such Persons Liable by Law, and well Quallified to Serve on y^ Petit Juries : and put their names : brought by the Selectmen on Sep- erate pieces of paper into a box provided for that purpose and Deliver the Same to the Town Clerk to be kept under Lock and Key Dat^ Topsfield June y^ tenth Annoque Domini 1742 24 TOWN RECORDS OF Thomas Gould Jun' Constable George Bixby ?riu^°o^i, A LSelectmen ^.^S^^"^f'°'Yof Topsfield Rich* Towne Tho= Baker. This is a Tme Copy of y** Notification attest Jacob Peabody T : Cle At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield June y^ 15*'' 1742. 1 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Moderator for s<* Meeting Voted 2 Thomas Baker is Chosen Clerk for Said meeting Voted The Names of the Several persons which y'= Town voted to Serve at the Superiour Courts George Bixby Cap* John Willdes David Balch Thomas Baker Cap* Joseph Gould Jacob Peabody Richard Towne E= Daniel Gould Cap* Tobijah Perkins Daniel Redington Benj* Towne The Names of the Several persons who are to serve at the Inferiour Courts Samuel Towne Jeremiah Towne Cap* Ivory Hovey Solomon Gould Joseph Peabody Simon Bradstreet Matthew Peabody David Commings Thomas Edwards Jacob Averill Jacob Perkins Jun' Luke Averil Ephraim Willdes Samuel Bradstreet Simon Gould Joseph Perkins Israel Clarke Dan Clarke Tho« Howlett Tho' Gould Jun' Lieu* Joseph Dorman Dudley Bradstreet George Aaron Estey William Redington John Davis William Perkins Nath" Porter Ju' John Towne Nath" Averill Jun' Jacob Robinson John Gould John Batchelder Nathan Hood. Bixby Moderator The free holders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tops'* Quallified for Voteing as the Law Directs : are hereby Notified & Warned to Conveen & meet at the Meeting house in S* Town on Tuseday y* Twenty first Day of September Instant at two of the Clock after noon 1 To Chuse two good and Lawfull [men] to Serve on y* Jury of Tryals at y* Next Inferiour Court of Common Please Next to be holden at Newbury, on y® Last Tuseday of September Instant as the Law Directs .Selectmen^of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 25 2 To See what Money the Town will raise to Defray Town Charges for this present year 3 To See if the [Town] will free Thomas Perkins from work ing at the highways for his Making and Mending the Bridge & Causeway on the way Leading from his house to the County Road 4 To See if The Town will hear and Answer the Request of John Prichitt Refering to his being Accommateded with a piece of Land to Erect a house upon : or Whether the Town will by any Means Accommodate him with a house to Dwell in 5 To See if y® Town will build a house for the Conveniency of Such Persons as have no house to Dwell in and put them selves upon the Town to Provide for them 6 To Allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield September the thirteenth Day Anna : Domini 1742 Daniel Redington. George Bixby Constable. Daniel Gould Matthew Peabody Richard Towne Tho' Baker A Tme Copy of y* Notification attest Jacob Peabody T : CI : At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield September y« 21 : 1742 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 William Perkins & Solomon Gould are Appointed to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at y^ Next Inferiour Court of Common pleas to be holden at Newbury 3 The Town agreed that y® Selectmen shall Raise a Tax of one hundred and Twenty pounds old Tenor to Defray Town Charges this year voted 4 The Town agreed that Thomas Perkins Shall be freed from working at the highways for this year, provided he will keep the Bridge and Casway that is between his house and the County Road in good Repair Voted 5 The Town gave Lyberty to John Prichitt to Set up a house on the Westerly Side of y^ County Road, between Samuel How lets orchard, & Jacob Perkinses field Adjoyning to y* Parsonage and to Injoy the Same Peaceably So Long as he y* S* Prichitt or his wife shall Live Voted 6 The Town Allowed to the School Committe viz. Thomas Baker and Jacob Robinson fourteen pounds old Tenor to pay 26 TOWN RECORDS OF the Schoolmaster for two Months Service in keeping School in y« Summer past Voted 14—0 — 0 7 The Town allowed to Luke Averill Eleven pound Eight een Shillings old Tenor for Making Twenty Six Rods of Stone Wall aboute the Parsonage next to bare Hill and for half a Days work in mending fence voted 11 — 18 — 0 8 The Town Allowed to Thomas Dwinel one pound Ten Shilling old Tenor for Timber to mend Wheel Brook Brid[g]e in y« year 1741 Voted 1—10—0 9 The Town Allowed to Luke Averill one pound Seven Shill ings old Tenor for Seventy five feet of White oak Plank for b[r]idges 1—7—0 10 The Town Allowed to y* Selectmen Twelve ShiUings old Tenor for the Box to hold y* Names of y^ Persons for Juriours Voted 0—12—0 11 The Town Allowed to David Commings Six Shillings & Six pence for Timber voted 0 — 6 — 6 12 The Town Allowed to Captain Joseph Gould five Shillings for Timber 0—5—0 13 The Town agreed that John Prichetts Rates for y* year 1741 Shall be all Abated and y* Samuel Bradstreet Shall Draw out [the] whole Sum thereof out of the Town Treasury voted 14 The Town agreed that y* whole of Samuel Masties : and John Spaldens Rates for y« year 1740 shall be abated : and that Solomon Gould a Constable for y* year shall Draw So much as their Rates, out of y® Town Treasury voted 15 The Town Allowed to Dan Clarke Nineteen Shillings it being an abatment of Nicholas Crees Rates for year 1739. Voted 0—19—0 We the Subscribers being Committies Appointed by Tops- field and Middleton to Perambulate & Renew the bounds between Said Towns: have accordingly Meet and Perambulated and Renewed y* bounds Begining at y* bounds above y^ Saw mill Where Salem and Topsfield Meets a Cross Nicholses Brook and So Down S* Brook, and y* Easterly Branch thereof to Ipswich River according to y® General Court grant Dated at Topsfield Aprill y= 26 Day 1742 David Commings | p„mini>(-<:> Edward Putnam ) John Gould j-v^ommitie Benjamin Knight [-Committe Francis Peabody j A Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, Quallified as the Law Directs for Voteing are hereby TOPSFIELD, MASS. 27 Notified and Warned, to Convene and Meet at the Meeting house in Said Topsfield on Tuseday the Twenty Sixth Day of this In stant October at two of y^ Clock after noon To Choose two good and Lawfull men one to Serve on y^ grand jury and one to Serve on y^ Jury of Tryals at the Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem on y^ Second Tuseday of November Dat-J Topsfield October 22''<' 1742 Daniel Redington Constable. At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield October y* 26*'' 1742 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey, is Chosen to Serve on the grand jury, at the Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem Voted 2 Mr Richard Towne, is appointed to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals, at y® next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem. Voted. Topsfield November 29*" 1742. We the Subscribers being appointed to perambulate the Line between the Towns, Ipswich and Topsfield, Met on y® Day above Said and Perambulated Said Line & Renewed the Bounds in Said Line by Marking Trees & Laying Rocks : In witness whereof we have Sett our hands the year & Day above Said Daniel Heard ^ ^ -, . George Bixby ) ^ Thomas Adams (.Committee ^ho^ Baker (.Committee Nath" Hart y« 3^ V"'' ^^^^'^^ Thomas Howlet ^""^ Topsfield A True Copy of y" return of Perambulation with Ipswich in 1741 Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler Boston November 30: 1742 Rec^of Mr Samuel Bradstreet Constable of Topsfield Sixteen pounds. Eighteen Shillings, & three pence New Tenor in full W" Foye Treas' Boston Decem' 11 : 1742 Rec* of Mr Tho= Baker Constable of Topsfield Three pounds Eleven Shillings & four pence New Tenor in full W" Foye Treas' £3 : 11 : 4 The two Receipts Last Entered are Tme Copies Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, are hereby Notified & Warned to Convene and Meet at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday y* first Day of March Next Ensuing the Date hereof at Eight of the Clock in y* Morn ing 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, Constables and other Town officers as the Law Directs 2 To See What y® Town will allow the Reverend Mr Emer- 28 TOWN RECORDS OF son more then his Salary the year Ensuing. And to See if y* Town will pay the County Rate out of the money Raised 3 To Choose a man to prosecute Such person or persons who Shall Neglect or Refuse to observe the Last Act in year 1741 Against y« obstmction or passage of fish Called Alewives or other fish in their proper Courses 4 To See of the Town will Erect or build a School house or houses for y« better Convenience of keeping School : and Choose a Committe to Erect the Same according to y* instmction which may be given them by y® S* Tovra : And to receive y^ Reckoning Made with the Town Treasurer 5 To See if y« Town will Abate Elijah Wildes Rate as he was Rated in y* year 1739, or any part thereof 6 To Allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield Febmary y« 15 : A : D : 1742/3 Daniel Redington George Bixby Constable Daniel Gould (selectmen Th:*BTke^r^^'°'7°f Topsfield Richard Towne J A True Copy of y® Notification Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield March y« 1=* 1742/3 1 Lieu* Benjamin Tovrae is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y* year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Joseph Peabody & mr George Bixby are Chosen Con stables for the year Ensuing Voted 4 Mr Thomas Baker, Cap* Tobijah Perkins, mr David Com mings Mr Israel Clark & mr Matthew Perbody are Chosen Selectmen for the year Ensuing Voted 5 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Treasurer for y® year Ensuing Voted 6 mr Thomas Perkins & mr Simon Gould are Chosen Tythingmen Voted 7 mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Leather Voted 8 Mr John Batchelder, Cap* Joseph Gould & Mr Nathaniel Porter Jun' are Chosen Surveyors of highways for y* year Ensuing Voted 9 Mr Joseph Dorman, mr John Perkins, & mr Jacob Perkins Jun' are Chosen fence viewers for y^ year Ensuing Voted 10 Mr Joshua Towne, & mr Dan Clark are Chosen Hog reaves. Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 29 11 Mr Joseph Herrick, & mr Luke Averill are Chosen to Prosecute the breakers y= Late Law Concerning Deer Voted 12 The Town agreed to give to y« Reverend mr John Emerson y= Sum of fifty pounds in bills Creditt Equal to old Tenor bills for this year besides his Salary Voted 13 The Town agreed y* y* County Rate which is now sent for Shall be paid out of y^ Town Treasurey Voted 14 Mr Thomas Baker is Chosen to Prosecute the Last Act of the General Court made in y^year 1741 Relating to the obstructing of the passage of fish Voted 15 The Town accepted of y^ Selectmens Reckoning with y^ Town Treasurer voted 16 The Town Allowed to mr David Cummings one pound nine shillings old Tenor, for two string pieces, & Twenty feet, of plank to mend the River bridge in y« year 1742 voted 1 — 9—0 17 The Town Allowed to Nath" Fuller fifteen Shillings old Tenor for three Months house Rent to keep School in voted 0—15—0 18 The Town Allowed to mr Thomas Baker nine Shillings old Tenor: for Timber to mend the bridge by Mr Jacob Dormans voted 0 — 9 — 0 19 The Town allowed to Elijah Wildes So much as he was Rated in Topsfield in y^ year 1739 voted The Several Persons that were Chosen to any office at the above Said Town meeting of whom an oath is by Law required were all Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their Respective offices on the first and on y« Second Days of March 1742/3 And mr Dan Clark being appointed by the Selectmen to be pound keeper was Sworn to y^ faithfull Discharge of that trust on the Said Second Day of March The freeholders and other Inhabitance of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting are hereby Notified to Convene at the meeting House in Topsfield aforesaid, on Tuseday the Twenty Second Day this Instant March at two of y® Clock in the after noon on Said Day 1 To Chuse Jury men according to the Courts warrant 2 To See if the Town will Give Liberty for Swine to go at Large the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town will gift a Book to record births and Deaths in and to Choose a School Committe for year Ensuing 4 To See if Town will Choose a Committe to fence in the burying Place on the North Side of the River Persuant to a Vote passed in y® Town 30 TOWN RECORDS OF 5 To allow bills of Charge : Dat* Topsfield March y« 16*'' 1742/3 Joseph Peabody Tobijah Perkins Constable David Commings Selectmen Mathew Peabody >-^^ Topsfield Israel Clark Tho^ Baker J At a Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March y« 22"* 1742/3 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne was Chosen Moderator for Said meeting voted 2 Thomas Baker was Chosen Clerk for S* meeting voted 3 mr David Balch is Chosen to Serve on y^ grand jury for y® year Ensuing voted 4 mr WiUiam Redington & Mr Thomas Edwards are Chosen to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at y* next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich voted 5 voted that Jacob Peabody Shall buy a book for y« Towns use to Record births & Deaths in on y® Towns Cost 6 Voted that Swine May go at Large this year according y* Law Gives Libery 7 Voted that mr Nathaniel Capen Lieu* Joseph Dorman and mr WiUiam Perkins be a Committe to provide the Town with a School master this year 8 Mr Bordman, Cap* Wildes & Cap* Perkins are Chosen a Committe to take Care that y® Burying Place be fenced in by y* Last Day of May Next voted 9 The Town Allowed to Dan Clark two pound Ten Shillings old Tenor for Sweeping the Meeting house the Last year voted 2—10—0 10 The Town Allowed to y® School Committe viz Mr Jacob Dorman : mr Jacob Robinson & Thomas Baker Thirty five pounds old Tenor to pay the Schoolmaster for five months Service voted 35—0—0 Boston April 1743 Rec* of Nath" Capen Constable of Topsfield Twenty pounds, Seventeen Shillings & four pence New Tenor in f uU £20—17—4 W" Foye Treas' The Receipt above is a True Copy attest Ja : Peabody T : Cle Topsfield ApriU y® 11*'' 1743 Rec* of m' Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer y^ Sum of fifty pounds old Tenor y® full of y® within written order by me John Emerson Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 31 Topsfield May y® 17*'' 1743 Reed Twenty five pounds old Ten or the full of the within written order by me John Emerson Clerk. The two receipts Last Entered are Tme Copies attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field QuaUified as the Law Directs for Voting are hereby Notified and Warned to Conveen and Meet together at the Meeting House in S* Town on Tuseday the Seventeenth Day of this In stant May at three of y® Clock in y® after noon 1 To Choose one Person to Serve at the great and general Court the year Ensuing 2 To Choose a Committe to Supply the Town with a School ) y® year Ensuing 3 To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to Repair y® Meeting house 4 To See if the Town will Choose a Committe to proportion the Parsonage fence which is not allready made into wall ; So that Every Man May know, and Do, his Proportionable part of Said fence or pay his Money agreed on by Said Committe as his proportion : att a time perfixed by the Town 5 To Allow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield May 13*'' 1743. Tobijah Perkins ^ David Commings CgWtmen Matthew Peabody V f^ ^ i-i Israel Clark M of Topsfield Thomas Baker J At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield May y® 17*'' 1743. 1 Jacob Peabody is Chosen to Serve the Town at y® General Court y® year Ensuing Voted 2 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator to order y® other affairs of this Meeting Voted 3 Mr Thomas Howlet, M' Simon Bradstreet & mr Solomon Gould are Chosen a Committe to provide a Schoolmaster for y« Town for this year Voted 4 Voted the Selectmen ShaU take Care to git the Meeting house glass Mended this year all that shall be needfuU 5 The Town AUowed to Mr Nath" Capen one pound thirteen shillings To be paid out of the Town Treasury it being an abat ment of John Prichetts Rates for y® year Seventeen hundred & forty. Voted 32 TOWN RECORDS OF The free holders and other Inhabitants of y® Town Topsfield Quallified for Voting as Law Directs, are warned to Convene at the Meeting house in Said Town on Monday the Eleventh Day of July next at three of the Clock after noon To See if the Town will agree to Make up the Reverend Mr John Emerson his Sallary as to the Deficiency of the old paper Currancy, and make it good according to the first agreement the time past. And also to see if the Town will Choose a Com mitte to agree with y® Reverend mr Emerson and Settle his Sallary and Say what it shall be in y® Last Emission of Money Dat* Topsfield June y® 27*'' A : D : 1743 Joseph Peabody Tobijah Perkins ) c-,„_.^„„ Constable of Topsfield Israel Clark h f^ I u Thomas Baker j of Topsfield At A Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield July y« 11*" 1743 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this Meet ing Voted 2 After Some Debate on y® Subject Matter of y® present Meet ing the Town agreed and Voted that this Meeting Should be adjourned to the third Tueday of September next at two of the Clock afternoon and then y® S* Moderator Adjourned the Meet ing accordingly September y® 20*'' 1743 The Town being met agreeable to the above Mentioned Adjournment and the Question was put whether the Town wiU make any further allowance to the Rev erend Mr John Emerson on the account of the Deficiency of y« old paper Currency for the time past, and it passed in ye Negative The freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield Quallified for Voting as by Law Required are hereby warned to Convene at the Meeting house in Topsfield afore s* on Tuseday the Twentieth Day of September Instant at Three of y® Clock in the afternoon : first To Chuse two good and Lawfull men to Serve on the Petit Jury at Newbury Court 2 To See what Money the Town will Raise to Defray the Town Charges this present year 3 To AUow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield September y® Sixteenth Day Anno Domini 1743 Joseph Peabody Tobijah Perkins ^ Constable David Commings o , . Matthew Peabody ^^?'.?5*'"|^^ Tho» Baker [ °^ Topsfield Israel Clarke TOPSFIELD, MASS. 33 At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield September y® 20*'' 1743 1 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Mr Jeremiah Towne & mr Jacob Robinson are appointed to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at the next inferiour Court to be holden at Newbury 3 The Town agreed that the Selectmen Shall Leviy a Tax of one hundred and Eighty pounds old Tenor (besides Mr Emersons hundred pou[n]d Sallary) to Defray the Charges of the Town this present year Voted 4 The Town aUowed to the School Committe Viz. mr Thomas Howlett and mr Solomon Gould fifteen pound five Shillings old Tenor to pay the School master for two Months Service in keeping School voted 15 — 05 — 0 5 The Town AUowed to Mr Luke Averill forty Shillings old Tenor for fencing Stuff and for work in fenceing the parson age Last Spring voted 2 — 0 — 0 The freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified as in and by the Royal Charter, are hereby Notified & warned to assemble together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Munday the fourteenth Day of November Instant at two of y® Clock in y® afternoon, to Choose two good and Lawfull men Quallified as y® Law Directs to Serve as Juriours at his Majesties Superiour Court of Judicature Now holden at Salem for the County of Essex Dat* Topsfield November y« 12*" 1743 George Bixby Constable for Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield November y® 14*'' 1743 M' Daniel Gould and Mr Benjamin Towne are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the Superiour Court now Sitting at Salem Boston June 15 : 1781 Rec* of Mr Luke Averill Constable of Topsfield fourty-five pounds two Shillings in full for Mr Treasurer Allen P Eben' Swan. The freeholders and other Inhabitants of y® Town of Topsfield QuaUified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby notified to Conveen at y® Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the Sixth Day of March Next At Eight of the Clock in the forenoon 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, Constables, Selectmen and other Town Officers as the Law Directs for the year Ensuing 34 TOWN RECORDS OF 2 To See What the Town wiU allow the Reverend mr John Emerson More than his yearly Salary besides What hath been all ready allowed for the year past 3 To See what y® Town will allow the Reverend mr John Emerson More than his yearly Salary for the year Ensuing 4 To See if the Town wiU Choose one or more persons to See that the Passage ways for fish where they are obstructed be Cleared 5 To Receive the Names of persons brought for Juriors and Select them as the Law Directs 6 To See if the Town will agree to mend & maintain y® high ways by a Rate 7 To See if the Tovm will accept the return of a high way Laid out for Michael Dwinel Jun' on the South Side of y® River 8 To Receive the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treas urer 9 To allow bills of Charge George Bixby Tobijah Perkins Constable David Commings Matthew Peabody Israel Clark Tho» Baker At A Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield March y® 6*" 1743/4 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this meet ing voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y« year Ensuing. Voted 3 Mr Robert Perkins and mr Nathaniel Porter Jun' are Chosen Constables for y® year Ensuing voted 4 Mr Thomas Baker mr Matthew Peabody mr Benj" Towne mr Israel Clarke and Mr David Commings are Chosen Selectmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 5 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Treasurer for y* year En suing Voted 6 Mr Thomas Gould Jun' & Mr Nathan Hood are Chosen Tythingmen for y® year Ensuing voted 7 Mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Leather for y® year Ensuing Voted 8 Mr Nathaniel Hood mr John Towne mr William Perkins and mr John Gould are Chosen Surveyers of highways for y® year Ensuing Voted 9 Mr Dan Clark mr Jacob Robinson & mr Jacob Dorman are Chosen fence Viewers for y® year Ensuing Voted Selectmen "of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 35 10 Cap* Joseph Gould & mr Nathaniel Bordman are Chosen to Prosecute the breakers of the Late Act Concerning Deer voted 11 Mr Phillip Towne & mr Jeremiah Towne are Chosen Hog reaves for ye year Ensuing Voted 12 mr Luke Averil & mr Thomas Baker are Chosen to Clear the Passage ways for fish where they are obstructed Voted 13 The Town Allowed fifty pound old Tenor to the Reverend Mr John Emerson More than his Settled Salary for half a year past viz from y« Second Day of September Last to y* Second Day of this March voted 14 The Town accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer voted 15 The Town accepted of the Return of a way y* is Laid out for Michael Dwinel Jun' voted 16 The Town allowed to the School Committe viz mr Solomon Gould & Mr Thomas Howlet fifteen pounds fifteen Shillings old Tenor to pay the Schoolmasters for two Months Service Voted 15—15—0 17 The Town allowed Twenty Shillings to the S* Committe to pay for house room for y® Scholars Voted 1 — 0 — 0 18 The Town allowed two Shillings and Six pence to David Commings for Timber to Mend the Highways in y® year past Voted 0—2—6 18 The Town Allowed to Benjamin Towne two Shillings and Six pence for Timber to Mend y® Highways in y® year past Voted 0—2—6 19 The Town allowed two pound four Shillings to John Batch- elder for Timber to Mend the Highways in the year past Voted 2—4—0 20 The Town Allowed Seven pound & Eleven pence to the Selectmen to pay for repairing the Meeting house the year past Voted 7—0—11 21 The Town Allowed to Dan Clarke two pound Ten Shillings old Tenor for Sweeping the meeting house y® Last year Voted 2—10—0 22 The Town Allowed one pound fourteen Shillings to Sam uel Towne it being an abatement of Rates for his Sons head Voted 1—14—0 23 The Town allowed one pound to Jacob Peabody for a Book of Records of births & Deaths &c Voted 1—0—0 The Several officers Chosen at the afore Said Meeting which ye Law Requires to be Sworn, all took the oath belonging to their Respective offices on y* afore S* Sixth and on the Nineth 36 TOWN RECORDS OF Days of S* March. Except Robert Perkins one of Constables And Jacob Peabody y® Town Treasurer At the Request of Michael Dwinel Jun' We the Subscribers have Laid out a Way (for y® Said Michael to Come to Meeting :) in the following manner : Begining at the East End of the Said Michaels house and running one rod and a half Easterly on Cap* Thomas Tarbox Line then Runing Northerly one Rod & a half on S* Tarbox Land Then Runing Westerly one Rod & a half from Capt Thomas Tarboxes Line in Wedth tiU it Comes to a Turn in the way by Doc* Dwinels field then turning Northerly by S* Docter Dwinels field and Continuing one rod and a half in Wedth from S* Tarbox Line till it comes to a pair of bars that Leads into Docter Michael Dwinels Land Tobijah Perkins ^ David Commings I Selectmen Matthew Peabody fof Topsfield Israel Clarke J This is a Tme Copy of the return of Laying out Said Way. Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voteing as the Law Directs ; are hereby Notified to Convene at the meeting house in Topsfield on Thursday the fifteenth Day of March Instant at two of the Clock in afternoon 1 To Choose Jury men for Ipswich Court 2 To Choose a School Committee. 3 To See what the Town will do Conciming the Parsonage fence for the time to come 4 To See if the Town will Choose a person to prefer a Petition unto his Majesties Justices of y* General Sessions of the Peace the County Road May be Laid out from Ipswich Line to Salem through Topsfield 5 To See if the Town vnW allow Swine to go at Large the year Ensuing. 6 To See if Town accept of Joseph Peabody to Serve them as Constable In the room of Robert Perkins for ye year Ensuing : or any other person 7 To Recive the Jury men and Select them as the Law Directs 8 To Allow Bills of Charge Dated at Topsfield this tenth Day of March A : D : 1743/4 At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfied March y® 15*** 1743/4 1 Mr Benj* Towne is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 37 2 Thomas Baker is Chosen Clerk for this Meeting Voted 3 Mr Jacob Dorman is Chosen to Serve on y® gra[n]d jury for ye year Ensuing Voted 4 Mr Thomas Gould & mr Simon Bradstreet were Drawn out of ye box to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at the next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich. Voted 5 Mr Samuel Bradstreet & mr Simon Gould & Mr Samuel Smith Jun' are Chosen to provide a Schoolmaster for the Town voted 6 Mr Israel Clarke Cap* John Wildes and mr Solomon Gould are Chosen a Committe to take Care of the Parsonage fence Voted 7 Cap* John Wilds is Chosen to Prefer a Petition to his Ma jesties Justices At ye General Sessions of y® Peace to have the County Road Lay* out from Ipswich Line to Salem through Topsfield Voted 8 The Town agreed that Swine May go at Large this year according As the Law Gives Liberty Voted 9 Mr Joseph Peabody is Chosen Constable in ye room or stead of Robert Perkins Voted 10 The Town allowed To Thomas Gould Constable So much as Samuel Mastis was Rated in S'' Gould Lists Voted 11 The Town allowed to Amos Dorman a for Constable So much as Samuel Masties was Rated in Dormans Lists 12 Town Allowed to Mr George Bixby Constable one pound it being an abatment of Mr WiUiam Townses head Money Voted 13 The Town Allowed to Thomas Gould Constable So much as John Spalden was Rated in S* Goulds Lists Voted 13 The Town AUowed to ye Last year School Committee 0—15—0 14 To Mr Thomas Howlett. Eight shiUing 15 To John Lefaver two shilUng 4 Six pence Thomas Baker Clerk for S* meeting Benjamin Towne Moderator Boston 20 March 1743 Rec* of mr Thomas Gould Constable of Topsfield fifteen pounds Last Emission in part W" Foye Treasurer Topsfield March y® 26 : 1744 then Rec* of Mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer the Sum of Seven pounds Ten Shillings Bills of y® old Tenor in full for my wages for keeping School in S'' Tops- field P me Nath" Rogers Selectmen 38 TOWN RECORDS OF the two Receipts above written are Tme Copies Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders «& other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield QuaUified as the Law Directs for Voting are hereby Notified to Convene att the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the fifteenth Day of May Instant at three of the Clock in y® after noon, then and there to Elect and Depute one person to Serve for and Represent the Town at y® Great & General Court the year Ensuing. Dated at Topsfield this Eighth Day of May A : D: 1744 Nathaniel Porter Jun' Benj* Towne Constable of Topsfield David Commings Israel Clarke J At A Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield July y" 30*'' 1744 The Votes were brought in and Sealed up for a County Register The freeholders & other Inhabitants of y® Tovsti of Topsfield Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs, are hereby notified to Conveen at the Meeting house in Topsfield afore Said : on Tuse day the Eighteenth Day September Instant at two of y® Clock in y^ after noon 1 To Choose Jurymen to Serve at Newbury Court 2 To See what money ye Town will raise to Defray Town Charges y® year Ensuing 3 To aUow bills of Charge Dat* at Topsfield this Sixth Day of Sept' Anno Domini 1744 Nath" Porter Benj" Tovrae ^ Constable of Topsfield David Commings I Selectmen Israel Clark (of Topsfield Thomas Baker J At a Lawf uU Town Meeting in Topsfield Sep* y® 18 ; 1744 1 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Mr David Commings & mr Phillip Towne are Drawn out of y* box to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at Newbury Court 3 The Town agreed that the Selectmen ShaU Raise a Tax of one hundred and Thirty pounds old Tenor to Defray the Town Charges besides Mr Emersons hundred pound Salary Voted 4 The Town Allowed to y* School Committe, Namely to Si- TOPSFIELD, MASS. 39 mon Gould, and Samuel Smith : Sixteen pound old Tenor for two Months Schooling Voted 5 The Town Allowed to Thomas Gould Constable for ye year 1742 one pound Nine Shillings and Eight pence it being an abate ment of Nicholas Crees Rates in 1742. Voted 1 — 9 — ^8 6 The Towm Allowed to Deacon Hovey three Shillings and Six pence it being an abatement of Said Hoveys Rates : 0—3—6 Voted 7 The Town Allowed to Thomas Gould Constable for y® year 1742 five Shillings & one peney on John Casees acount and three ShiUings and Six pence on 0^8 — 7 Benjamin Batchelder ac count they being Rated for meadow they had not. Mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer Si' you are hereby ordered to pay in unto ye Reverend mr John Emerson the Sum of fifty pounds old Tenor it being the remains of his Sallary fory® year past Topsfield August the 31^* 1744 Benjamin Towne^ David Commings I Selectmen Israel Clarke fof Topsfield Thomas Baker J Topsfield October 8*'' 1744. Received of Mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer y® Sum of Nineteen pounds old Tenor ; in full of y® within written order, and in part of my Salary for y® year past by me John Emerson Clerk This is a True Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Boston 6 ffeb 1744 Rec* of Mr George Bixby Constable of Topsfield Eleven pound Seventeen ShiUings five pence 1-4 in full W" Foye Treasurer A Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The ffreeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field QuaUified as the Law Directs for Voting ; are hereby Noti fied to Convene at the Meeting house in S* Town : on Tuseday the thirteenth Day of November instant at two of the Clock in the after noon 1 To See what the Town will allow the Reverend mr Emerson More than his yearly Sallary from March A: D: 1743/4 To March A : D : 1744 or for any part of Said time 2 To AUow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield November 7^ 1744 40 TOWN RECORDS OF Nathaniel Porter Jun' Benj^ Towne ^ Constable of Topsfield David Commings I Selectmen Matthew Peabody [of Topsfield Thomas Baker J At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield November 13*'' 1744 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 The Town agreed to give to the Reverend mr John Emer son fifty pounds old Tenor besides his Settled Sallary for this year viz from the 2"* Day of March Last to the Second Day of March Next Voted 3 The Town allowed to Thomas Dwinel fourteen Shillings it being an abatement of his Son Jacob Dwinels Town Rate for ye year 1743 Voted 4 The Town Allowed to the School Committee viz to Simon Gould And Samuel Smith Jun' Seven pound old Tenor to pay the School-Master for one Months Service in keeping School Voted 7—0—0 Mr Daniel Redington is Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury at the Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem Mr David Balch is Drawn out of box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at ye Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem November 1744. Received of Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer the Sum of Six pounds old Tenor in full for my Service as School-Master in Topsfield. Jacob Peabody Jun' The freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified as the Law Directs for Voting : are hereby Noti fied and Warned to Meet together, at y® Meeting house in Said Town on Tuseday the Twelveth Day of this instant March at three a Clock in the afternoon, then and there to Choose Jury Men according to warrant : Datted Topsfield March 6*" 1744. Nathath Porter Jun' \ Constables Joseph Peabody } of Topsfield At a LawfuU Town Meeting in Topsfield March ye 12*" 1744/5 1 Deacon Ivory Hovey is Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury for ye year Ensuing Voted 2 Mr John Towne and mr Jonathan Perkins are Chosen by Drawing their Names out of the box : to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the next Inferiour Court of Common Please to be holden at Ipswich TOPSFIELD, MASS. 41 The Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Noti fied to Conveen together at the Meeting house Topsfield afore S* Munday the Twenty fifth Day of March Instant at Eight of the Clock in the Morning : firstly to Choose a Town Clerk, Con stables Selectmen and other Town Officers annually to be Chosen. Secondly that whereas ye Town has allowed after the Rate of one hundred pounds old Tenor to mr Emerson besides his stated Salary and yet but fifty pounds old Tenor was allowed the Last fall : To See whether the Town will now allow y® other fifty pounds old Tenor for y® year 1744 that is from March 2* 1743/4 To March 2"* 1744/5 thirdly To Choose a Committe to Supply the Town with a School 41y To See if the Swine Shall go at Large y® year Ensuing 51y To See if the Town will Do any thing to prevent Sheeps going in the Training field without a Shepherd 61y To Accept the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer 71y To Allow bills of Charge. Dat* Topsfield March y® 13*'' A: D: 1744/5^ Joseph Peabody Benj^ Towne Constable of Topsfield. David Commings Tho» Baker This is A Tme Copy of y® Notification Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield March y® 25*" 1745 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 Jacob Perkins and Michael DwineU Jun' are Chosen Con stables for y® year Ensuing Voted 4 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Treasurer for ye year En suing Voted 5 Mr Solomon Gould, Cap* Tobijah Perkins, Richard Towne, Daniel Redington & Cap* John Wildes are Chosen Selectmen for ye year Ensuing Voted 6 Mr John Batchelder, Robert Perkins & Matthew Peabody are Chosen Tythingmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr Stephen Towne, Ephraim WUdes & Thomas Gould Jun' Selectmen 42 TOWN RECORDS OF are Chosen Surveyers of highways for y® year Ensuing Voted 8 Mr David Balch and Joshua Towne are Chosen fence view ers for ye year Ensuing voted 9 Mr Nathaniel Averill & John Hovey are Chosen to prosecute the breakers of the Law Concerning Deer Voted 10 Mr Luke Averill & Samuel Towne are Chosen Hogreaves for ye year Ensuing Voted 11 Voted that Mr Elijah Porter mr Joseph Peabody & mr John Gould be a Committe to provide a Schoolmaster for y® Town ye year Ensuing 12 The Town agreed that Swine May go at Large this year according as the Law gives Liberty Voted 13 The Town allowed off and accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with ye Town Treasurer Voted 14 The Town Allowed to Cap* Joseph Gould, Six ShiUings old Tenor for Timber to mend the highway in the year 1744 Voted 0—6—0 15 Town allowed to Cornelius Balch three Shilling for Timber Voted 0—3—0 16 The Town Allowed to Nathaniel Hood five pound old Tenor for part of the Timber & plank that was used at the bridge near to Mr Jacob Dormans in y® year 1744 Voted 5 — 0 — 0 17 the Town allowed to Joseph Hovey one pound fourteen Shillings it being an abatement of Richard Crees Rates for 1744 Voted 1—14—0 18 The Town Allowed to George Bixby three pound Eight Shillings old Tenor it being an abatment of John Spaldens & Samuel Masties Rates as they were Rated in S* Bixbys List Voted. 3—8—0 19 The Town Allowed to Solomon Gould a former Constable one pound thirteen ShUlings old Tenor for an abatment of Nicho las Crees Rates for y* year 1740 Voted 1 — 13 — 0 20 The Town Allowed to Dan Clarke two pound ten Shillings old Tenor for Sweeping the Meeting House y® year past Voted 2—10—0 21 The Town Allowed to the School Committe viz to Simon Gould and Samuel Smith Jun' fifteen pound three ShiUings & nine pence old Tenor to pay for keeping School Six weeks four Day and a half Voted 15—3—9 22 The Town Allowed to Daniel Redington two pound twelve Shillings and Six pence old Tenor for Plank for bridges 1744. Voted 2—12—6 23 The Town Allowed to Solomon Gould & Israel Clark four teen Shillings old Tenor for Mending the parsonage fence in 1744 Voted 0—14—0 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 43 24 Mr Joseph Edward is Chosen Sealer of Leather fory® year Ensuing Voted The Several Persons Chosen at the above Said Meeting of Whom an oath is required all took the oath belonging to their Respective Offices immediately after the S"* Meeting was over Except Joseph Edwards, Luke Averill & Stephen Towne And the[y] were Sworn on y" 28*" Day of y^ Same Month April ye 23 : 174[5] We the Subscribers being appointed to renew the Bounds between Topsfield & Middleton firstly we be gan at Nickollses Brook where Salem and Topsfield Line Use to Crose Said Brook, and then as S"^ Brook Runs to the Northerly Branch of it : then as Said Branch Runs till it Comes into the River Called Ipswich River Daniel Redington ) . Joseph Knight ) , Tobijah Perkins hir^^f.., Nathaniel Peabody K^L ,, ^ George Bixby j Topsfield prancis Peabody Jun j Middleton This is A True Copy of the return of Perambulation with Middleton Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler Topsfield Aprill 16*" Received of Mr Simon Gould & Mr Sam uel Smith Jun' fifteen pounds three Shillings & Nine pence old Tenor in full for my Service as School Master in Topsfield by me Jacob Peabody Jun' A Tme Copy Examined P Jacob Peabody Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed to Perambulate & renew the bounds between Salem and Topsfield : accordingly Mett on ye 23'* of Aprill 1745 and Renewed the bounds : Begining at a Stump a heap of Stones round it Near Wenham Causway and from thence to a Black or Red oak Stump : with a heap of Stones round it Standing in Samuel Gotts orchard : and from thence to a heap of Stones near to y® Corner of Thomas Dwinels pasture and from thence to a heap of Stones near to Nickollses Brook, & So on ye Same Corse till you Come to the Brook his Israel Andrews Thomas ® Dwinel Caleb Putnam mark Eliezer Porter Aaron Eastey Stephen Putnam Matthew Peabody Jethro Putnam Jon^ Putnam We the Subscribers being appointed and Impoured by the Selectmen of Topsfield & Wenham : to Perambulate & renew the Bounds between our Said Towns have Mett on the Twenty 44 TOWN RECORDS OF third Day of april 1745 And have Mutually agreed : and have Renewed the boundarys between our Said Towns — as followeth. Begining at the White oak Stump of a Tree Lately fell which was Salems Northerly Comer bounds, thence twelve poles East erly to a Stake and heap of Stones lay the highway Leading from Wenham Causway to Bunkers Meadow : on y® West Side of S* way from thence to the Plump of Maples So Called but now a Stump and thence as the Brook Runs to a Stake and heap of Stones at ye going over the Brook from thence to the South Easterly Comer of Pigdens Meadow (So Called) and So to the River all which is According to the Settlement in the year 1740 which Settlement Shall not Effect any mans property — and in Confirmation of aU Above Written we have here to Set our hands. Dated Aprill : 23 Anno : Dom : 1745 Michael Dwinel ] Ebenezer Fisk Jeremiah Towne h David Batchelder Richard Towne ) John Moulton Jun' Samuel Porter Jun' This is a True Copy of perambulation with Wenham , Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cle We Whose Names are under written being appointed by y® Towns of Topsfield and Boxford, to Renew Bounds between S* Towns. Persueant to our Instmctions we have Perambulated and Renewed bounds. According to y* Resolve of y* General Court : Passed Anno : Domini 1707 Dat* Topsfield Aprill 23 : 1745. Nath" Perkins, Nathan Hood, Joshua Andrew, William Redington. This is a Tme Copy of Perambulation With Boxford, Attest Jacob Peabody, Town Clerk. The freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as Law Directs in the Choice of a Representative are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble together at the Meeting House in Topsfield on fryday the Seventeenth Day of May Instant at two of the Clock in y* afternoon 1 To Chuse a Representative according to Precept : 2 To See what the Town Will aUow the Reverend Mr John Emerson More than his Stated Salary, besides the fifty pounds : the Town allowed In y® year Anno Domini 1744, or if the Town ¦ Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 45 see Cause to Come unto Some other Method for the Support of the Reverend mr Emerson for the future 3 To See if the Town Will Chuse a Committe to take Care of the Parsonage fence and Repair it 4 To Allow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield May y® 18*" 1745 Michael Dwinel Jun' Daniel Redington"' Constable of Topsfield John Wildes Tobijah Perkins Solomon Gould Richard Towne A Tme Copy of the Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May y® 17*" 1745. Jacob Peabody is Chosen Representative to Serve at y® Gen eral Court and No other business Done at Said meeting, voted The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified And Warned to Assemble and Conven together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the Twenty first Day of May Instant at three of y® Clock in y® After Noon 1 To See What y® Town will aUow the Reverend mr John Emerson More then his Staffed Salary for ye year Anno : Domini 1744. 2 To See if the Town will Leave the Affair Concerning the Revererend Mr John Emersons Salary to Indiffrant Men for the future : Chosen by himself and the Town 3 To See if the Town will Chuse a Committe to take Care of parsonage fence And Make Stone WaU about Said Parsonage 4 To allow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield May y® 18*" 1745. Jacob Perkins Daniel Redington ) Selectmen Constable of Topsfield John Wildes > . T«r.cf!oiri Richard Towne ) °^ ^opsneia This is A Tme Copy of y® Notification : Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler At A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield May y® 24*" 1745. 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 The Town allowed to WUliam Perkins three pounds old Tenor 3 — 0 — 0 for 170 feet of Plank to Cover Mile Brook bridge in ye year 1744 Voted 46 TOWN RECORDS OF 3 the Town allowed to Daniel Redington one pound Nine Shillings and 1 — 9 — 8 Eight pence old Tenor it being what Nath" Capen was Rated for his head in Sd Redingtons List. Said Capen having paid at Boxford ye Same year voted The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs, are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble and Convene together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Wednesday the Eighteenth Day of September Currant at two of the Clock in y* Afternoon 1 To Choose Jurymen for Newbury Court as the Law Directs 2 To See how much Money the Town will raise to Defray the Charges in Said Town for the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town will Choose a Committe to open ye high way from Thomas Robinsons Bridge So Called, to y® River Bridge in Topsfield. 4 To See how Much the Towai will give the Reverend mr John Emerson, More than his Settled Salary for this present year. 5 To Allow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield September ye 11*" 1745 Jacob Perkins Daniel Redington"^ Constable of Topsfield John Wildes Tobijah Perkins Solomon Gould Richard Towne • Selectmen of Topsfield At A Legal Town meeting in Topsfield Sep* 18*" 1745 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 Nathan Hood & Thomas Perkins as Drawn out of the Box to Serve on y® Petit Jury at ye next Inferiour Court to be holden at Newbury 3 The Town agreed that ye Selectmen Shall raise a Tax of one hundred '& Thirty pound old Tenor to Defray the Town Charges the year Ensuing, (besides Mr Emersons hundred pound Salary :) Excluding that Sum which ye Court have Sent for to Defray ye Charge of ye fish Course Voted To Mr Jacob Peabody Treasurer for ye Town of Topsfield — Sir you are hereby Ordered to pay to the Reverend Mr John Emerson fifty pounds Salary in y® old Tenor by ye Second of September next Ensuing y® Date Dated Topsfield August y® 31 Anno Domini 1745 A True Copy of the Order Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 47 Topsfield October 18*'' 1745 Received fifty pounds old Tenor the full of the within written order, and in part of My half years Salary from March 2 : 1744/5 to September y® 2 : 1745 This is a Tme Copy of y® Receipt John Emerson Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field, Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notifield and warn* to Assemble and Convene together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Wednesday y® Sixth Day of Novemb' Next Ensuing the Date hereof at one of the Clock after noon. 1 To Choose two good and Lawfull Men to Serve at Salem Court : one Where of to Serve on y* Grand Jury, and the other on the jury of Tryals 2 To See how much Money the Town will give the Reverend mr John Emerson more than his Settled Salary for this present year 3 To See if y® Town will raise Money to Supply the Town with a Sufficient Stock of Powder, and Bullets, and flints as the Law Directs 4 To Allow Bills of Charge. Dated October y* 19*" 1745. Michael Dwinel Jun' Daniel Redington") Constable Tobijah Perkins (Selectmen Solomon Gould (of Topsfield Richard Towne J A Tme Copy of y® Notification Attest. Jacob Peabody Town Cle : At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield November y* 6*" 1745 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this Meet ing Voted 2 Mr George Bixby is Chosen to Serve on y® Grand Jury at the Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem Voted 3 Mr Thomas Baker was Drawn out of y® Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at y® next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem and no More business Done at Said meeting November y® 9*" 1745 There is taken up by Simon Gould of Topsfield a Stray horse of a Dark Sorrill Colour, with a very Light Coloured Main and TaU, and a Strip of White in his face Down to his Nose : but has Neither brand nor Ear Mark. Att a Meeting of the Selectmen of the Town of Topsfield 48 TOWN RECORDS OF and Ipswich and have Renewed & Confirmed all the former Bounds Between the Said two Towns as Witness our hands this 23'* Day of December : Anno Domini 1745 Aaron Potter Mark Haskell John Kimball John Wildes Tobijah Perkins This is a Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Boston 27 : Dec' 1745 Reed of m' Nath" Porter Constable of Topsfield Twenty four pounds Eighteen Shillings ten pence Last Emission in full W : Foye Treasurer This is a True Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of y® Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified as the Law Directs for voting, are hereby Notified and Warn* to Assemble and Convene together att the Meeting House in Topsfield on Tuseday y® fourth Day of March Next Ensuing the Date here of at Nine of the Clock in ye forenoon 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, Constables, Selectmen Town Treasurer and other Town Officers as the Law Directs. 2 To See if the Town will Receive the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer 3 To See What the Town will Allow the Reverend mr John Emerson, More than what he has already had for y® year A : D: 1744 4 To See if the Town will give the Reverend Mr John Emer son one hundred pounds old Tenor for the year past viz from the 2"* of March 1744/5 to March y® 2"* : 1745/6 Provided that the Rev* Mr John Emerson will give a full Discharge to this time for the time past 5 To See What Method the Town will Come into for the Sup port of the Reverend mr John Emerson for the future 6 To See if y® Town will abate Nicholas Crees & Samuel Masties Rates for the year 1744 in mr Nathaniel Porters Rates 7 To AUow BiUs of Charge. Dat* Topsfield Feb'^ 21=* 1745/6 Jacob Perkins Daniel Redington"^ Constable of Topsfield John Wildes Tobijah Perkins Solomon Gould Richand Towne This is A Tme Copy of y® notification attest Jacob Peabody T : Cler .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 49 At A Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March ye 4*" 1745/6 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 Jacob Averill & John Towne are Chosen Constables for y® year Ensuing voted 4 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Treasurer for y' year Ensuing voted 5 Cap* John Wildes, Cap* Tobijah Perkins Richard Towne Solomon Gould & Daniel Redington are Chosen Selectmen for the year Ensuing Voted 6 Epraim Wildes Luke Averill & Israel Clarke are Chosen Tj^hingmen for ye year Ensuing Voted 7 Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Leather for ye year Ensuing Voted 8 Jacob Robinson, Samuel Bradstreet & Aaron Estey are Chosen Surveyers of highways for the year Ensuing Voted 9 Comelious Balch Cap* Joseph Gould & Jonathan Perkins are Chosen fence viewers for y® year Ensuing Voted 10 Joshua Towne & Phillip Towne are Chosen to Prosecute the breakers of the Late Law Concerning Deer, for ye year Ensuing Voted 11 Matthew Peabody & WiUiam Rogers are Chosen Hogreaves for ye year Ensuing Voted 12 The Town Accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer, and now remains in S* Treasurers hands Not Ordred out three hundred and Twelve pounds Sixteen Shillings 13 The Town agreed to Give to the Reverend Mr John Emerson fifty pounds old Tenor for y® year 1744. Voted 14 The Town agreed to Give to the Reverend mr John Emerson one hundred pounds old Tenor for ye year 1745 viz from ye 2"* Day of March 1744/5 to the 2"* Day of March 1745/6 Provided the S* Mr Emerson wiU give the Town a Discharge in full for his Salary to the 2"* Day of this Instant March Voted 15 The Town agreed to give to the Reverend mr John Emerson one hundred pound : old Tenor for the year Ensuing : from the Second Day of this Instant March to the 2"* Day of March 1746/7 16 The Town agreed to abate Samuel Masties & Nicholas Crees Rates as they were Rated in mr Nathaniel Porters List in ye year 1744 Voted 50 TOWN RECORDS OF 17 The Town allowed three pounds Eight Shillings old Tenor to Nathaniel Hood for Timber & Plank to mend the Bridge by Jacob Dormans in the year 1744 3 — 8 — 0 Voted 18 The Town AUowed to Thomas Gould five pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence old Tenor for Timber & Plank to Mend the River Bridge Last September Voted 5 — 4 — 7 19 The Town allowed to Cap* John Wildes fourteen Shillings old tenor for two Casks to put the Towns bullets in, and one pound Ten shillings for his attendance at Court about the fish Corses Voted 2—4—0 20 The Town allowed to Ephraim Wildes fifteen Shillings & Ten pence old Tenor for plank & Timber to Mend 4 bridges in 1745 Voted 0—15—10 21 The Town allowed To Israel Clarke and Dan Clarke fifteen pounds old Tenor for Making Twenty Rods of stone wall about the parsonage voted 15 — 0 — 0 22 The Town allowed to Samuel Howlet Jun' three shillings old Tenor for Mending the pound Voted 0 — 3 — 0 23 The Town allowed to Daniel Redington three pounds old Tenor for one hundred & ahalf of White oak Plank for Bridges Voted 3—0—0 24 The Town allowed to Jonathan Standly two pounds Ten shiUing old Tenor for Sweeping the Meeting house the year past Voted 2—10—0 25 The Town Allowed to Stephen Town four ShiUings old Tenor for Timber to mend Wheel brook Bridge Voted 0 — 4 — 0 26 The Town agreed to Abate the Rates of Nathaniel Towne Jun' for ye year 1744, he haveing Lost his Life at Cape briton Voted & is 1—14—0 27 The Town Allowed to Jabob Peabody two pounds old Tenor for Serving Town Treasurer for three year past Voted 2—0—0 The Several officers y* were Chosen at ye above S* meeting of whom an oath is Required were aU Sworn to the faithful Discharge of their Several offices on y* 4*" and 7*" Days of March 1745/6 The freehelders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are QuaUified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble together at the meet ing house in Topsfield on Munday the Seventeenth Day of March Currant at two Of Clock in the after noon 1 To Chuse Jury men to Serve at Ipswich Court according to Warrant TOPSFIELD, MASS. 51 2 To See if the Town will Choose a Committee to Supply the Town with a School for the year Ensuing and Give ye S* Com mittee Instmctions : 3 To See if the Town will Give Liberty for Swine to go at Large y® for year Ensuing 4 To Allow Bills of Charge Datd Topsfield March y® 12*" A D 1745/6 Jacob AveriU Daniel Redington"^ Constable. John Wildes o i ^ Tobijah Perkins V ? x f ,^ Solomon Gould H Topsfield Richard Towne ^ This is a Tme Copy of the Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk. At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March 17*" 1745/6 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Richard Towne is Chosen Clerk for this present meeting & Sworn Ensuing 3 Cap* Tobijah Perkins is Chosen Grand Jury man for y^ year Ensuing 4 Dan Clark And Simon Gould were Chosen as the Law Directs To Serve on y* Jury of Tryalls at y® next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich 5 Nath" Averill Jun' John Perkins Jun' & Thomas Gould Jun' are Chosen a Committee to Supply the Town with a School for y® year Ensuing Voted 6 The Town Voted, that Swine Should go at Large provided they are yoaked and ringed as the Law Directs 7 The Town Allowed To Jacob Perkins Jun' forty Shillings old Tenor for forty two hose Posts and Carting Eighty five rails and Erecting fifty Lengths : of fence about the Parsonage voted 2—0—0 8 The Town allowed to Andrew Bradstreet So Much as he was Rated in y® year 1745 Voted 9 The Town Allowed To John Gould and Elijah Porter School Committee Seventy two pounds old Tenor to pay the School Master for nine Months Service in keeping School Voted 72—0—0 The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble and Conveen together 52 TOWN RECORDS OF at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Munday the Nineteenth of May Currant at three of the Clock in the after noon 1 To Chuse a Representative according to precept 2 To see if the Town wiU answer the Petition of Lieu* Benja min Towne as to set of him and his Estate to Middleton 3 To allow Bills of Charege Dated Topsfield May y® 8*" Anno Domini 1746. John Towne Daniel Redington^ Constable of Topsfield John Wildes I Selectmen Tobijah Perkins ^^f Topsfield Solomon Gould ^ Richard Towne J A Tme Copy of Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk. Att a LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield May y« 19*" 1746 1 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Representative S* Peabody Ref useing to Serve and then the Selectmen put the Question to the Town Whether they would proceed to Choose any other person to Represent them at y® General Court and it passed in y® Negative 1 And then Cap* John Wildes was Chosen Moderator for other affairs of this meeting Voted 2 And after Some Debate on y® Petition that Lieu* Benjamin Town Sent to the Selectmen Desireing that he and his Estate might be Set off to Middleton. The Question was put whether the Town would Sett off S* Towne with his Estate to belong to Middleton. Voted in ye Negative j 3 The Town AUowed to y" School Committee viz to John Gould & Elijah Porter three pounds old Tenor for house Rent for y® School four months fifty Shillings thereof for Mr Capens house 3 Months and Ten shillings for Cornelius Balch one Month Voted 3—0—0 4 The Town Allowed fifteen shiUings to Cap* Wildes for two Locks one for ye pound, and the other for the powder Room Voted 0: 15: 0 5 The Town allowed fourteen Shillings to Jonathan Standly for Mending the parsonage fence Last Aprill 0 — 14 — 0 Topsfield Sep* ye 16*" 1746 Received of Deacon Jacob Pea body Town Treasurer ye Sum of fifty pounds old Tenor y® full of y® within written Order : and also in f uU for my Salary, for aU times past : that is to Say tiU y® 2°* of March 1745/6 by me John Emerson Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 53 This is a True Copy of the Receipt Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified and Warn* to Assemble and Convene together at ye Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the Sixteenth Day of September Currant at two of the Clock in y® aftemoon 1 To Choose two good and Lawfull Men to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at Newbury Court according to Warrant 2 To See how Much Money the Town will Raise to Defray the Charges of the Town for the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town will give Liberty to the Selectmen to give an order to y® Town Treasurer to pay the County Tax for this present year 4 To Allow Bills of charge Dat* Topsfield Sep* y® 1=* 1746 Jacob Averill Daniel Redington^ Constable John Wildes I Selectmen Solomon Gould (of Topsfield Richard Towne J At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield Sep* y® 16*" 1746 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 John Perkins Jun' & Elijah Porter are Appointed agreeable to the Law to Serve on y® Jury of Tryalls at the next Inferiour Court To be holden at Newbury 3 The Town Agreed that the Selectmen shall Leviy of a Tax of three hundred and Twenty pounds old Tenor (Excluding mr Emerson Salary) for the Defraying of the Charges of the Town the year Ensuing Voted 4 The Town allowed to Joseph Peabody one pound Nineteen shilling and Eight pence old Tenor it being an abatement of John Lef avours Rates for y® year 1744 Voted 1 — 19 — 8 5 The Town allowed to the School Committe viz to Nathaniel Averill Jun', John Perkins Jun' & Thomas Gould Jun' Six pounds and Ten shillings old Tenor to pay y® School master for one Months Schoolling this year Voted 6 — 10 — 0 Topsfield Sep* y® 16*" 1746 I the Subscriber then Received of Jacob Peabody the Sum of Six pounds & Ten Shillings old Tenor bills of Creditt being Due from y® Town of Topsfield for one Months Schooling in the present year. Nathaniel Averill Jun' 54 TOWN RECORDS OF The above receipt is a Tme Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield January 17*" 1746/7 Rec* of Deacon Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer y® Sum of Sixty two pounds old Tenor in full of the within written order, and in full for my Salary to Septem ber 2°* : 1746 by me John Emerson Clerk. A Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Boston January 23 : 1746 Received of Mr Joseph Peabody Constable of Topsfield Sixteen pounds nine ShiUings & Seven pence in full for M' Treasurer Foye P Eben' Swan The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as a[re] Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified and Warned to Assemble and meet together at the meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the third day of Febmary next Ensuing the Date hereof at three of the Clock in the after noon To Choose an agent or agents to answer the presentment for want of a School on the Tenth Day of Febmary next at Salem upon the Adjournment of the Court Dated Topsfield January 29*" 1746/7 John Towne John Wildes ] Selectmen Constable of Topsfield Solomon Gould Vr t^^^^^ij Richard Towne j°* Topsfield At A LegaU Town Meeting Topsfield ffeb : y® 3'* 1746/7 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting voted 2 Richard Towne is Chosen Clerk for this Meeting Voted 3 The Town Made Choice Cap* John Wildes, Lieu* Benjamin Towne And Mr George Bixby to answer at Salem Court for want of a School the year past John Wildes Moderator for Said meeting Richard Towne Clerk for S* meeting Rec* of Dea" Jacob Peabody five pounds Seventeen Shillings in full for the Town of Topsfield, proportion as the County Tax, for the present year. Feb 23'* 1746 Daniel Appleton County Trea" A Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are TOPSFIELD, MASS. 55 hereby Notified & Warned to Assemble and Convene together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuesday the third Day of March next Ensuing the Date hereof at Nine of the Clock in the Morning : 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, Constables Selectmen Town Treasurer And other Town Officers as the Law Directs 2 To See how [much] Money the Town will allow the Rev erend Mr John Emerson More than his Stated Salary for the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town wUl Accept of the Selectmens Reckon ing with the Town Treasurer 4 To See if the Town WiU Answer the Petition of Mr Samuel Bradstreet. in giving him the Room in the Meeting house where his Pew Stands 5 To AUow Bills of Charge Dat* Topsfield Febmary 23'* 1746/7 John Wilds "] Tobijah Perkins I Selectmen Solomon Gould (of Topsfield Richard Towne J A Tme Copy of the Notification attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk. At A LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield March 3'* 1746/7 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing. Voted 3 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Treasurer for y® year Ensuing. Voted 4 Samuel Towne & John Gould are Chosen Constables for y® year Ensuing Voted 5 Cap* John Wildes mr Richard Towne mr Thomas Baker Mr Benjamin Towne & mr Nathaniel Averill Jun' are Chosen Selectmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 6 Mr Jacob Robinson, mr Joseph Dorman & Mr Solomon Gould are Chosen Tythingmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealler of Leather for y® year Ensuing Voted 8 Mr Thomas Symonds, mr Samuel Smith Ju' and mr Mat- 9 thew Peabody are Chosen Surveyers of highways for y® year Ensuing Voted 10 Mr David Commings & mr Samuel Curtis are Chosen to prosecute the breakers of the Late Act Concerning Deer Voted 56 TOWN RECORDS OF 11 Mr Elijah Porter, mr Jeremiah Towne, & Mr Luke AveriU are Chosen fence viewers for y® year Ensuing Voted 12 Cap* Tobijah Perkins & mr Eliezer Gould are Chosen Hog reeves for the year Ensuing Voted 13 The Town Agreed to give to the Reverend mr John Emer son one hundred pounds old Tenor besides his Stated Salary for the year Ensuing viz from the Second Day of March Currant to the Second Day of March 1747/8 provided Mr Emerson wiU give a Receipt in full for his Salary at the years End Voted 14 The Town accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer & there Remains yet in the S* Treasurers hands one hundred & Thirty nine pounds & one ShilUng old Tenor 131 — 1—0 Not ordered out Voted 15 The Town Accepted of Mr Israel Clark to Serve as Con stable in the room and Stead of Mr Samuel Towne Voted 17 The Town Allowed to m' Joseph Peabody five ShiUings and 0 — 5 — 8 Eight Pence it being an Abatement of WiUiam Lampsons Rates for the year 1744 Voted 16 The Town Allowed to mr Joseph Peabody two pounds fourteen ShiUings old Tenor it being an abatment of John Prichards Rates 2—14—0 for y® years 1743 & 1744 Voted 18 The Town allowed to Deacon Hovey Ten shilling old Tenor 0 — 10 — 0 for Timber to Mend the Bridge by the great pond in 1746 Voted 19 The Town aUowed to Michael Dwinel Constable one pound Sixteen Shillings and Six pence it being an abatement of William Mckittrys Rates for y® year 1745 Voted 1 — 16 — 6 20 The Town allowed to Jacob Perkins Constable one pound Sixteen Shillings & Six pence old Tenor it being an abatement of Zacheriah Dwinels Rates for y® year 1745 voted f-^ 21 The Town allowed to the School Committee viz to mr John Perkins Ju' and mr Nathaniel Averill Ju' Thirty two pounds old Tenor to pay for four Months Schoolling Voted 32 — 0—0 22 The Town allowed to Jonathan Wildes one pound Sixteen ShUlings and Six [pence] it being an abatement for his poll Tax for y® year 1745 1 — 16 — 6 voted 23 The Tovsm allowed to Cap* Tobijah Perkins one pound two ShUlings old Tenor for plank to mend the Bridge by Howletts in 1746 Voted 24 The Town Allowed to Jacob Averill Ten ShiUings old Tenor 0 — 10 — 0 for a String piece & Eleven feet of plank to mend Mile Brook bridge Voted 25 The Town allowed to John Redington five Shillings old TOPSFIELD, MASS. 57 Tenor 0 — ^5 — 0 for mending Latch of the Meeting house Door Voted 26 The Town allowed to Samuel Howlett Jun' two pounds Twelve Shillings old Tenor for Sweeping the meeting house the year past and for mending the Door Voted The Several Officers Chosen at the above S'' meeting were all Sworn the faithfull Discharge of their Respective oflftces before the Selectmen on the third & on the Twelveth Days of March 1746/7 Except Cap* Tobijah Perkins Entered by order of y® Select men The Free holders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield Quallified for Voting are hereby Notified and warned to Assemble and meet at the mee[t]ing house in Topsfield on Tuseday the Twenty fourth Day of March Instant at two of the clock in the after noon 1 To Chuse Jury men for Ipswich Court according to warrant 2 To Choose a School Committe for y® year Ensuing 3 To Choose a Committe to take Care of the parsonage fence for y® year Ensuing 4 To Choose a Committe to answer a presentment for want of a School at Ipswich Court next 5 To See if the Town wUl agree that Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs 6 To See if the Town wUl SeU the room in the Meeting house that is between Cap* Tobijah Perkins pew & the Pulpit to Thomas Perkins 7 To allow bills of Charge Dated Topsfield March 16*" 1746 John Wildes Benj* Towne Richard Town Nath" Averill Jun' Tho= Baker In obedience to the Law I have Notified the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield to Meet at time and place within Mentioned, by putting this Notification as Usual Per me John Gould Constable of Topsfield This is a Tme Copy of the Notification and retum thereon Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk At A LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield March 24 1746/7 1 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted Selectmenof Topsfield 58 TOWN RECORDS OF 2 Cap* John Wildes is Chosen to Serve on y® Grand Jury for the year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Luke Averill & mr William Perkins are Appointed to Serve on y® Jury of Tryalls at the next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich 4 Mr Solomon Gould & mr Samuel Bradstreet are Chosen to take Care off and repair the parsonage fence for y®year Ensuing Voted 5 Cap* John Wildes & mr Benj^ Towne are Chosen agents for the Town to appear at Ipswich Court at the Next General Sessions of the peace they or Either of them, to answer the Towns presentment for want of a School, in y® year past Voted 6 The Town agreed that Swine shall go at Large this year according as the Law Gives Liberty Voted 7 The Town AUowed two pound & two Shillings 2—2 — 0 To Ephraim Towne it being an abatement of his Rates for the year 1746 Voted The Town allowed Ten pounds old Tenor to the School Com mittee viz Nathaniel Averill Jun' & John Perkins Jun' to pay for one Months SchooUing which is not yet Compleated. Voted £ 10—0—0 The freeholders and other Inhabitants of y® Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voteing as the Law Directs are hereby Notified and warned to Conveen & Assemble att the meeting house in S* Topsfield on Thursday the fourteenth Day of May Instant; at three of Clock in the after noon. 1 To one person to Serve at y® Great and General Cotirt y® year Ensuing 2 To See if y® Town wiU make Choice of Some Meet persons to Serve the Town as School Committe the year Ensuing or See if the Town wUl agree upon a Man for a Schoolmaster the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town will Grant Liberty in our Meeting house below for pews in y® East & South & west parts of Said house and to be five feet Deep and Six feet in Length also to see whether the Town Will Sell aU their right in the room all the Convenient Room for pews to the highest bidder : which is the Towns So as be Record may appear aU to the highest bidder whether the pews are now built or, to be built 4 To Allow BiUs of Charge Dat* Topsfield May y® 7*" 1747. TOPSFIELD, MASS. ~ 59 John Gould Constable John Wildes "j of Topsfield Benj* Towne (Selectmen Nath" Averill Jun' [of Topsfield Richard Towne J the above is a Tme Copy of the Notification attest Jacob Peabod[y] Town Clerk Att A Lawfull Town meeting in Topsfield May fourteenth 1747. 1 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Representative for y® year Ensu ing Voted there being other business to be Done therefore 2 Voted that Cap* John Wildes shall be Moderator for this meeting 3 And the Question was put whether the Town would Sell y® Room for Pews as Mentioned in the Notification it passed in the Negative 4 the Town Allowed four Shillings & three pence old Tenor to Mr George Bixby it being an abatement of George Dodges Rates in 1743. Voted 0—4—3 5 The Town Allowed three pounds & Six Shillings old Tenor to Cap* John WUdes for Court Charges about the Towns pre sentment for want of a School master y® Last year 3 — 6 — 0 Voted 6 The Town Allowed Seven Shillings and Six pence to Cap* John Wildes for A Latch for the Meeting West Door Voted 0—7—6 Boston 28 May 1747 Rec* of mr Jacob Perkins Constable of Topsfield Twenty Pounds seven shillings 4* in full W" Foye Treas' This is a True Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield June 4*" 1747 Rec* of Jacob Peabody Tovm Treas urer The Sum of Eight pounds old Tenor and of Nathaniel Averill Jun' one of the School Committee the Sum of forty shillings old Tenor, in full for Serving the Town of Topsfield as Schoolmaster. Benj"" Rogers This is a Tme Copy Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield March y® 17*" 1746 : Rec* of mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer the Sum of Ten pounds old Tenor in fuU for My keeping School in this Town I Say Rec* by me Nathaniel Rogers This is a True Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk 60 TOWN RECORDS OF The free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are Notified to Meet and Assemble At the Meeting house in S* Topsfield on Tuseday the Twenty Second Day of September Instant at two of the Clock in the aftemoon on S* Day 1 To Choose Jury men for Newbury Court 2 To Raise Money to Defray Town Charges the year Ensuing 3 To See if y® Town will Grant y® Petition of John Lef avour, as to a house Lot 4 To allow BiUs of Charge Topsfield September y® 2"* 1747 John Wildes "^ Richard Towne 1 Selectmen Nath" Averil Jun' [of Topsfield Thomas Baker J This is a Tme Copy of y® Notification, attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk h. A LavirfuU Town meeting in Topsfield September 22"* 1747 1 Mr Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 mr Ephraim Wildes & mr Thomas Symonds are appointed to Serve on the Jury of TryaUs at y® next Inferiour Court to be holden at Newbury and then the Town Voted that this Meeting should be adjourned to thefifthDayof October next Accordingly the moderator Adjourned the Meet to S* Day at three of jr® Clock in the aifter noon At A Legall Tovm nieeting in Topsfield by Adjournment from the 22"* of Sep* Last to the fifth of October 1747 and being met 1 Town Agreed that the Selectmen ShaU Raise a Tax of four hundred pounds old Tenor (Excluding the County Tax,) to De fray the Charges of the Town for y® year Ensuing, besides Mr Emerson Salary voted 2 Town Allowed to Cap* John Wildes Eight pounds Ten ShiU ings and Eight pence to pay for the mending the meeting house glass voted 8 — 10 — 8 3 The Town allowed to mr Matthew Peabody Ten shillings old Tenor for Timber to mend the River bridge 0 — 10 — 0 4 The Town Allowed to Cap* John Wildes thirty shillings old Tenor for four Days tendance at the Courts to answer y® present ment for want of a School Voted 1 — 10 — 0 The free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs, are warned to TOPSFIELD, MASS. 61 Meet at the Meeting house in Said Town on Munday the Second Day of November next at two of the Clock in y® after noon 1 To Choose Jury men for Salem Court according to warrant 2 To See if the Tovm wiU Make any further Addition to the Reverend Mr Emerson More than his Stated Salary from March Last to March Next 3 To See if the Town will answer the Prayer of the Petition of mr John Prichard. 4 To See if the Town will give Leave that the Select Men Draw the money out of the Town Treasury to pay the Towns fine for want of a School which is Six pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence New Tenor Dat* Topsfield October y® 27*" 1747 Israel Clark John Wildes ) „ i Constable of Topsfield Thomas Baker Pf^"'"!",. Richard Towner* Topsfield This is a Tme Copy of the Notification, Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk The free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs, are warned to Meet at the Meeting house in Said Town on Munday the Second Day of November next at two of the Clock in y® after noon 1 To Choose Jury men for Salem Court according to Warrant 2 To Raise Money to Defray Town Charges the year Ensuing 3 To See if y® Town will grant y® Petition of John Lef avour, as to a house Lot 4 To allow Bills of Charge John Wildes ^ Richard Towne I Selectmen Nath" Averil Jun' (of Topsfield Thomas Baker J This is a Tme Copy of y® Notification, attest Jacob Peabody Tovra Clerk At A LawfuU Town Meeting in Topsfield November y® 2"* 1747 1 Mr Thomas Baker is Chosen moderator for this meeting , voted 2 Mr Benjamin Towne is Chosen to Serve on y® Grand jury at y^ next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem. Voted 3 Cap* Joseph Gould is appointed to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls to be holden at Salem, on y® 2"* Tuseday of November Instant 4 The Town agreed that the Selectmen Should Draw Money 62 TOWN RECORDS OF out of Town Treasury to pay the Towns fine for want of a School. Voted The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified to meet and Assemble at the Meeting house in Topsfield afore S* on Tuseday the first Day of March next Ensuing at Nine of the Clock in y® forenoon on S* Day 1 To Choose a Town Clerk, Constables and other Town officers as the Law Directs 2 To See what the Town wiU give the Reverend mr John Emerson More than his yearly Salary besides what is already Voted him for y® year A : D : 1747 3 To See what the Town will give the reverend mr John Emerson more than his yearly Salary the year Ensuing 4 To See if the Town will agree to build a School house or School houses for the Town and Choose a Committee to Do the Work and Say where they shall Stand 5 To See in what way or manner the Town will have Town Meetings Warned for the future 6 To Accept of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer 7 To Allow Bills of Charge Dated at Topsfield Febmary 11*" 1747 : Israel Clarke Constable Benj* Towne ) c i ^ of Topsfield Nath" Averill Ju' h^Sr™|",, Tho® Baker [of Topsfield At A LegaU Town meeting in Topsfield March 1=* 1747/8 1 Lieu* Benjamin Towne is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Treasurer for y® year Ensuing Voted 4 Samuel Perkins and Stephen Towne Are Chosen Constables for the year Ensuing Voted 5 Cap* John Wilds Richard Towne Nath" AveriU Jur, Thomas Baker & Lieu* Benj^ Towne are Chosen Selectmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 6 Simon Gould, John Davis, and Thomas Perkins are Chosen Tything men for y® year Ensuing Voted 7 Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealler of Leather for y® year Ensuing Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 63 8 Elisha Towne, Thomas Symonds & Zacheus Gould are Chosen Surveyers of highways for y® year Ensuing. Voted 9 Dan Clarke, Joseph Peabody & Jeremiah Towne are Chosen fence Viewers for y® year Ensuing Voted 10 Matthew Peabody & William Rogers are Chosen to Prosecute the Breakers of y® Late Act Concerning Deer Voted 11 Jacob Robinson & Jacob Dorman are Chosen Hogreeves for the year Ensuing Voted 12 The Town accepted of y® Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer and there remains in S'' Treasurers hand not ordered out Three hundred Twenty Eight pounds five Shillings and ten pence 13 The Town accepted of Israel Clarke to Serve as Constable in Stead and for Samuel Perkins Voted 14 The Town allowed to Solomon Gould one pound Seventeen ShiUings for Twenty rails & ten Days work in repairing the parsonage fence the Last year in old Tenor 1 — 17 — 0 Voted 15 The Town Allowed to Samuel Bradstreet Seven pounds old Tenor for Thirty Posts and thirty raUs and Carting them and three Days work in repairing the parsonage fence the Last year Voted 7—0 — 0 16 The Town Allowed to Solomon Gould one pound for Timber to mend the Highways Voted 1 — 0 — 0 17 The Town allowed to Nathaniel Hood Seventeen shiUings And Nine pence for Thirty feet of Plank to mend the Bridge over Howlets Book (So Called) the Last year Voted 0—17—9 18 The Town Allowed to the Selectmen one pound & nine Shillings old Tenor for their Expences when Middleton forgave us their part of our fine for want of a School. Voted 1 — 9 — 0 19 The Town aUowed to John Prichard four pounds old Tenor for mending and Sweeping y® meeting house Voted 4 — 0 — 0 20 The Town agreed that the Selectmen Should Give a War rant to the Constable or Constables to warn Town meetings Except when they May be warned on stated Lecture Days Voted 21 The Town Allowed to John Batchelder five Shillings old Tenor for a Plank to Lay on falls Bridge (So Called) in y® year 1745 Voted 0—5—0 22 The Town AUowed to Jacob Averill one pound Twelve shillings And Six old Tenor it being an abatement of John Prichards Rates for the year 1746 Voted 1 — 12—8 23 The Town allowed to Thomas Symonds one pound Eighteen ShiUings for Plank and Timber to mend the highways y® Last year Voted 1 — 18 — 0 64 TOWN RECORDS OF 24 The Town Allowed to mr Nath" Rogers forty pound old Tenor for Serving the Town as School master in y® year past Voted 40—0—0 Elish Towne being Chosen field Driver for Stickey Meadow Common fields was Sworn before the Selectmen of Topsfield March 1»* 1747/8 The Several officers that were Chosen at y® above S* meeting were all Sworn to faithfull Discharge of their Respective offices on y® first and fourth Days of S* March Except William Rogers & Stephen Towns and Entered by order of the Selectmen Jacob Peabody Town Clerk To Israel Clarke Constable in Topsfield Greeting, in h is Majes ties Name you are Required to warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield QualUfied for Vot ing as the Law Directs to Assemble & meet at the Meeting house in S* Topsfield on Thursday the Twenty fourth Day of March Instant at three of the Clock in y® aftemoon 1 To Choose Jury men to Serve at Ipswich Court 2 To see if the Town wiU Make any further addition to the Reverend mr Emersons Salary for the year 1747. and what they will add to his Salary for y® year Ensuing. 3 To See if Town will accept of a man to Serve as Constable in y® room of Stephen Towne 4'^ To Choose a School Com mittee for y® year Ensuing 5 To Choose a Committe to take Care of the Parsonage fence and for the Town to give instmctions about it 6 To See if y^ Town will agree y* y® Swine go at Large 3^ year Ensuing and Make retum of this warrant to one or more of the Selectmen as you will answer the Contrary at the perriU of the Law. Dat* Topsfield March 15*" 1747 Richard Towne ) ^ 1 ^ Nath" Averill Jun' [^^^^"^f,. Tho= Baker j °* Topsfield A True Copy of y® warrant attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield March 22* 1747 by vertue of this warrant, I have notified the Inhabitants Duly QuaUified for Voting as the Law Directs to appear at time and place within mentioned Israel Clarke Constable of Topsfield At A LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield March 24*" 1747/8 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 65 1 Cap* Joseph Gould is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 2 Mr Matthew Peabody is Chosen Grand Jury man for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Jacob Averill & Phillip Towne are appointed to Serve on the Pettit Jury at the Next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich Voted 4 The Town Accepted of mr Dan Clarke to Serve as Consta ble in Stead and for Stephen Towne who was Chosen Constable on y® first Instant Voted 5 Mr Israel Clarke John Baker & Thomas Perkins are Chosen a Committee to provide a School Master for y® Town for y® year Ensuing. Voted 6 Mr Aaron Hovey and Samuel Smith are Chosen to take Care of the Parsonage fence the year Ensuing Voted 7 Inasmuch as the prise of y® Necessaries of Life have greatly Risen Since Last March Therefore Voted that there be allowed and paid out of the Town Treasurey one hundred pounds old Tenor to the Reverend Mr John Emerson to make Good his Salary for the Last year Ending the Second Day of this Instant March. 8 The Town agreed to Give to the Reverend mr John Emerson one hundred & fifty pounds old Tenor besides his Stated Salary in full for his Salary the Next half year viz from the Second Day of this Instant March to the Second Day of September Next Voted 9 The Town agree that Swine May Go at Large this year According as the Law gives Liberty Voted Mr Dan Clarke was Sworn to the office of Constable for Topsfield March 24 1748 Boston 6 AprUl 1748 Rec* of mr Jacob Averill Constable of Topsfield Twenty two pounds one ShiUings 8* in fuU for 1746 W" Foye Treas' Boston 6 Aprill 1748 Rec* of mr John Towne Constable of Topsfield Thirty Seven pounds two shiUings L E Full W" Foye Treas' The two receipts above written are Tme Copies Attest Jacob Peabody Town Cle Mr WUUam Rogers was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of his office Viz To Prosecute y® Breakers of the Late act Con cerning Deer. May 16*" 1748 66 TOWN RECORDS OF Rec* of Cap* John Wildes, Sixteen ShUlings & Six pence New Tenor for Cost of the Town of Topsfield being presented for Deficiency of a School Aprill 27 : 1748. John Appleton Ipswich March 31 : 1748 Received of Cap* John Wildes Seven pounds Sixteen Shillings & Ten pence in full for the Town of Topsfields proportion of the County Tax for y®year 1747 Dan' Appleton County Trea the two Last receipts above written are Tme Copies attest Ja" Peabody Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed & Impowered be the Selectmen of both Towns Namely of Topsfield & Wenham to Perambulate & Renew the bounds between our S* Towns; Have this Day Met, and have Renewed the bounds between our Said Towns as followeth Begining at a White oak Stump near Theophilus Fisks bam it being Salem Northerly Comer bounds, thence Easterly to A Stake and heap of Stones on y® West Side of the Road Leading from Wenham Causeway to Bunkers Meadow by the Stone wall, from thence to the Plump of Maples So Called : but now a Stump : and thence as the Brook runneth to a Stake and heap of Stones at the Going over the Brook : from thence to the Southeasterly Comer of Pigdens Meadow (So Called) and So to the River all Which is according to the Settlement in the year 1740 and in Confirmation of all above written we have hereunto Set to our hands Dat* Aprill y® 18*" 1748 Richard Towne ) ^ t, ^ ,, David Batchelder ^ , Thomas Baker | ^^^ Topsfield g^^^^j Batchelder ^^ , Samuel Tarbox Jun' j Wenham A True Copy Examined P Jacob Peabody Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed and Impowered to Perambulate and Renew the Bounds between Salem and Tops- field, according have mett on the third Day of May A : D : 1748 and Renewed the bounds as followeth Begining at a White oak Stump with a heap of Stones about it Near Wenham Causeway, and from thence to a black or Red oak Stump with a heap of Stones Standing in Sam" Gotts orchard ; and from thence to a heap of Stones near the Comer of Thomas Dwinels pasture Late of Topsfield Deceased, and from thence to a heap of Stones near Nickolses Brook and So on the Same Course tUl it Comes to the Brook TOPSFIELD, MASS. 67 Matthew Peabody Israel Andrews Aaron Estey James Putnam Richard Towne Stephen Putnam David Putnam A Tme Copy of the return Attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk To Israel Clark one of the Constables of the Town of Tops- field Greeting you are Required to warn & Notifie all the free holders and other inhabitants Quallified as the Law Directs for voting belonging to the North Ward in S* Topfield To Convene and Assemble at the meeting house in Said on Monday the 16*" Day of May Currant at three of the Clock in the after noon on S* Day first to Choose one Good and Lawfull Man to Represent the Town at the Great & General Court the year Ensuing. Secondly to see if the Town will Grant Liberty for Mr Joseph Peabody to Erect a Gate a Crose the way that Leads to S* Peabodys Mill by bird Swamp So Called thirdly to allow Bills of Charge and make retum of this warrant unto one of the Selectmen as you will Answer v® Contrary DafJ Topsfield May y® 10*" 1748' John Wilds ) Selectmen Richard Towne }-r T„„^r;^ij Nath" AveriU Jun' [of Topsfield Topsfield May 14*" 1748 by virtue of this warrant I have Notified all the Inhabitants that are Quallified for Voting in the ward within mentioned to appear at time and Place according to warrant Israel Clark Constable of Topsfield The south ward were warned in Like manner & retum made At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield May 16*" 1748 1 Jacob Peabody is Chosen to Represent the Town at the General Court the year Ensuing Voted there being other business to be Done at S* meeting 2 Cap* Ivory Hovey is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting Voted 3 The Town Gave Liberty to Mr Joseph Peabody to hange a Carte Gate A Crose the way that Leads to Sd Peabodys Mill by or near bird Swamp from Said peabodys Pasture to Mr Bord- mans fence And to Stand two years Voted 4 The Town Allowed to John Towne a former Constable two pounds & two Shillings old Tenor it being an abatement of Noah Curtises Rates for y® year 1746 Voted 2 — 2 — 0 68 TOWN RECORDS OF 5 The Town allowed to Cap* John Wildes one pound & four Shillings for Makeing return to the Court of the wamning of Several persons out of Town Voted 1 — 4 — 0 6 The Town allowed to the Selectmen Seven pounds old Tenor 7 — 0 — 0 to pay Mr Nathaniel Rogers for keeping School in y^ Last year Voted 7 The Town allowed to Jacob Perkins a former Constable two pounds & one shilling it being an abatement of John Prichards Rates for the year 1745 Voted 2 — 1 — 0 To Israel Clarke one of the Constables of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are required to Notify and warn the freeholders & other Inhabitants in the North ward in Tops- field QuaUified for Voting as the Law Directs To Assemble and Meet together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on thursday y® Twenty Second Day of this Instant September, at two of the Clock in the afternon on S* Day 1 To Choose Jury men for Newbury & Salem Courts accord ing to Warrants 2 To See how much money the Town will raise to Defray the Charges for the year Ensuing 3 To See how much money the Town will allow the Reverend mr John Emerson More than his Stated Salary from September 1748 to March 1748/9 4 To allow Bills of Charge. And make timely return of this your Warrant to one or more of the Selectmen of Topsfield Dated Topsfield Sep* y® 15*" 1748 John Wildes ) ^ i ^ Nath" AveriU Jun' Pf^^*""!",^ Richard Towne [of Topsfield Topsfield September 21=* 1748 By Vertue of this warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants within mentioned to appear at time and Place according to Warrant Israel Clarke Constable of Topsfield This is a True Copy of the warrant, and retum Jacob Peabody T: Clerk At A Legal Town meeting in Topsfield Sep* 22"* 1748. 1 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 Tho° Baker is Chosen Clerk for this meeting Voted 3 mr Simon Gould & mr Samuel Smith were Drawn out of y® box to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at Newbury Court TOPSFIELD, MASS. 69 4 The Town agreed to Raise five hundred pounds old Tenor to Defray Town Charges the year Ensuing Voted 5 The Town agreed to give to the Reverend mr Emerson one hundred and fifty pounds old Tenor More than his Stated Salary from the Second Day of Sep* 1748 to the Second Day of March 1748/9 Provided mr Emerson will give a Receipt in full for the year 1748 Voted 6 The Town allowed to y® School Committe Viz Israel Clarke Thomas Perkins and John Baker fifteen pounds old Tenor Voted 15—0—0 7 The Town allowed to Samuel Smith three pounds Eleven ShiUings & Six pence old Tenor for mending the parsonage fence this year Voted 3 — 11 — 6 8 The Town aUowed to Aaron Hovey three pounds & one Shilling old Tenor for Mending the parsonage fence this year Voted 3—1—0 9 The Town allowed to Deacon Hovey four Shillings old Tenor for a String piece for a Bridge Voted 0 — 4 — 0 10 Mr Daniel Redington is Chosen to Serve on y® Grand Jury at the next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem Voted 11 Mr George Bixby is Drawn out of y® box to Serve on the pettit Jury at the Next Superiour Court to be holden at Salem Thomas Baker Clerk George Bixby Moderator. Topsfield October 17*" 1738 then Rec* of mr Israel Clarke Constable the Sum of thirty four pound & one ShUling in full for his Rates Committed to him to gather and pay into Self I Say received by me Ivory Hovey Town Treasurer Boston Aprill 25 : 1739 Rec* of mr Israel Clarke Constable of Topsfield P hand of Cap* Gould Twenty Seven pounds Six teen ShiUings & Six pence in full W" Foye Treas' the two Receipts above written are True Copies attest Jacob Peabody Town Cler We the Subscribers being a Committee apointed by the Towns of Topsfield & Boxford to Perambulate on & Renew the bounds between the S* Towns and this Day we have met & Renewed the Bounds as followeth in the Apple tree in Asa Perleys field, then at a Stake & heap of Stones at the South Easterly Corner of Bakers farm in Boxford. then where the watter Runs throw the Dam Call Andrews Dam near mr Thomas Goulds house 70 TOWN RECORDS OF then at a Stake & a heap of Stones by the fishing Brook on the Easterly Side of the Rivolet Runing into S* Brook then as the Brook now Runs into Ipswich River, then up S* River to Mid dleton Line. Dated this 17*" Day of May Anno Domini 1748 Joseph Dorman Jacob Smith Tho= Baker Joshua Andrew The above Written is a Tme Copy of the Retum of Peram bulation with Boxford attest Jacob Peabody T : Cler We have Perambulated and Renewed y® Bounds between Topsfield and Middleton as followeth viz Begining at a heap of stones in jr® Brook near the Saw Mill, from thence as the Brook Runs to a SmaU Elmn Tree at y® Northeasterly Branch of Said Brook, thence as the Northeasterly Branch Runs to a heap of Stones by the River. Topsfield May y® 19 : 1748 Benjamin Knight ] Daniel Robinson > Committee Samuel Symonds Jun' ) A Tme Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield December 16*" 1748 Rec* of mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer the sum of fifty pounds old Tenor the full of y® with in written order and in full for my Salary to March Second : 1747/8 by me John Emerson Clerk This is a Tme Copy of the receipt Attest Jacob Peabody T : Cle Boston 11*" Jan" 1748 Rec* of Mr Israel Clarke Constable of Topsfield Thirty pounds L E in fuU for 1747 W" Foye Treas' this is a Tme Copy of y® province Treasurers Receipt attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield March 7*" 1748/9 Rec* of mr Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer the Sum of Seventy pounds old Tenor in full for my Salary tiU September 2"* 1748 by me John Emerson Clerk. This is a True Copy of mr Emersons Receipt attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 71 The Freeholder and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Such as are Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs are hereby Notified & Warned to Assemble and Convene together at the Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday y® Seventh Day of March next Ensuing the Date hereof at nine of the Clock in the Morning 1 To Chuse a Town Clerk, Constables, Selectmen and other Town officers As the Law Directs 2 To See What y® Town will AUow the Reverend mr John Emerson besides his Stated Salary for y® year Ensuing 5 To See if the Town will appoint a Day for those who have Stray Sheep to bring them to y® Town pound that y® owners may the more readdily find them 4 To Allow BiUs of Charge Dat* Topsfield Febmary y® 23"^ 1748 Dan Clarke John Wildes ^ Constable of Topsfield Benj- Towne Selectmen Nath" AveriU Jun' >. ^ ^^^i j Thomas Baker fof Topsfield Richard Towne J The above written is a Tme Copy attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk At A Lawfull Town Meeting in Topsfield March y® 7*" 1748/9 1 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 Jacob Peabody is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr George Bixby is Chosen Town Treasurer for ye year Ensuing Voted 4 Mr John Davis & Jeremiah Towne are Chosen Constables for 3^ year Ensuing Voted 5 Mr Richard Towne Cap* John Wildes, David Balch, John Gould and George Bixby are Chosen Selectmen for jr® year En suing Voted 6 the above S* Selectmen are Chosen Assessors for y® year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr Samuel Smith Zacheus Gould & Joseph Perkins are Chosen Tythingmen for jr® year Ensuing 8 Mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Leather for y® year Ensuing Voted 9 Mr Thomas Baker Israel Clarke and Elijah Porter are Chosen Surveyers of high ways for y® year Ensuing Voted 10 Mr Dan Clarke Matthew Peabody & Luke AveriU are 72 TOWN RECORDS OF Chosen fence Viewers for 5^ year Ensuing Voted 11 Mr Daniell Redington & Cap* Joseph Gould are Chosen to prosecute the brakers of y® Late Act Concerning Deer for y® year Ensuing Voted 12 Mr Solomon Gould & Comelious Balch are Chosen Hog reeves for y® year Ensuing Voted 13 The Town Accepted of y® Selectmens Reckoning with y® Town Treasurer and there is in S* Treasurers hand Not ordred out 330—0—7 Voted 14 The Town Allowed fifteen pounds old Tenor to Thomas Perkins & Others the School Committee to pay the School master for one Months Service in keep School Voted 15 — 0 — 0 15 The Town allowed three pounds & ten shiUings old Tenor to Israel Clarke for Warning three Town Meeting y® year past Voted 3—10—0 16 The Town Allowed one pound Twelve Shillings old Tenor to Zacheus Gould for Timber & Plank to mend y® River Bridge Voted 1—12 17 The Town Allowed to Cap* John Wildes four pound thirteen Shillings and three pence old Tenor to pay for mend ing the Meeting house Glass in y® year past Voted 4 — 13 — 3 18 The Town allowed to John Prichard one pound old Tenor for Sweeping the Meeting house three months Voted 1 — 0 — 0 19 The Town allowed Nathaniell Towne three pounds old Tenor for Sweeping y® Meeting House Nine Months Voted 3—0—0 20 The Town aUowed to Dan Clarke two pound old Tenor for warning two Town Meetings & for keeping a glazer & his horse while he Mended the Meeting House glass in y® year past Voted 2—0—0 21 The Town Allowed to John Hood one pound & two Shill ings for Timber & Plank to mend y® bridge by y® great Pond Voted 1—2—0 22 The Town Allowed to John Gould one pound old Tenor it being an abatement of Samuel Masties Town Rate for 174 — Voted 1—0—0 23 Mr Solomon Gould is Chosen to Serve on y® grand Jury for j^ year Ensuing Voted 24 Mr Aaron Estey & Stephen Towne are appointed to Serve on y® Jury of Tryals at y® next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich The Several officers that were Chosen at the above Said meeting were all Sworn before the Selectmen on y® S* 7*" & TOPSFIELD, MASS. 73 y® 14*" and the Twenty first Day of Said March : Except the Assessors : and Entered by order of the Selectmen : attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk. To Mr John Davis Constable of y® Town of Topsfield you are Required In his Majesties Name To wam the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town belonging to the North Ward So Called. Quallified for Voting as the Law Directs. To appear at y® Meeting house in Topsfield on Tuseday the Twenty first Day of this Instant at two of y® Clock in the after noon on Said Day 1 To Chuse Several Selectmen in ye room of them that Re fuse to Serve 2 To See What y® Town will Do Relating to Reverend mr Emersons Salary for ye year Ensuing 3 To Chuse Men to take Care of the Parsonage fence 4 To Chuse a School Committee for ye year Ensuing 5 To See if the Town will give Liberty for Swine to go at Large this year 6 To Choose a man or more to Mend the pound 7 To see what the Town will Do in Answer to a Petition Concerning two pews in the Meeting house Hereby you are not to fail as you will answer the Contrary at y® Prerrill of y® Law : and make return at time and Place to one or More of y® Selectmen. Given under our hands at Topsfield this fourteenth Day of March 1748/9 David Balch ) ^ i i. John Wildes ^Selectmen John Gould ) of Topsfield This is a Tme Copy of ye warrant as attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk A proper Retum being made of warning the Inhabitants ye meet[ing] follows At A Lawful Town Meeting in Topsfield March 21st 1743/9 1 Capt John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this Meeting voted 2 Mr Matthew Peabody & mr Samuel Smith are Chosen Selectmen in y® room of Mr George Bixby and mr Richard Towne Voted 3 Capt Joseph Gould & mr Ephraim WUdes are Chosen to take Care of the parsonage fence the year Ensuing Voted 4 Voted that mr Aaron Hovey mr John Bradstreet & Cor nelius Balch be a Committee to provide a School master for y® Town for y® year Ensuing 74 TOWN RECORDS OF 5 Mr Simon Gould is Chosen to Mend the Pound Voted 6 The Town Agreed to give five pounds old Tenor to mr John Baker provided he will give to the Town all the right which he Claims to the pew which is Next y® Pulpit Stairs in the Meeting house Voted 5—0—0 7 Voted That the Pew which Mrs Priscilla Capen Late of Topsfield Deceased Use to Sit in Which is next the pulpit Stairs ShaU be for the Reverend Mr John Emersons use for Mrs Em erson and family to Sit in During the time of Ministry amongst us : provided Mr Emerson wiU Quit the pew Mrs Emerson now Sits in and Leave it for the Town. 8 Capt Joseph Gould Capt John Wildes and Jacob Peabody are Chosen a Committee to Inform Mr Emerson what the Town have Done Relating to the pews above mentioned Voted To the Town of Topsfield. Gentlemen, whereas at your meeting in March 21 : 1748/9 you were please to Vote to My use the pew that Mad"" Capen Late of Topsfield Deceased, was wont to Sit in : provided I Quit the pew wherein my wife used to Sit. Now this is to Signify that I accept the Vote as you have passed it Topsfield March 30*" 1749 John Emerson Clerk This is a Tme Copy of mr Emersons answer : attest Jacob Peabody T : Cle Topsfield Aprill 3 : 1749 Rec* two hundred pounds old Tenor ye fuU of My Salary to March 2 : 1748/9 by me John Emerson Clerk this is a Tme Copy of Mr Emersons Receipt attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Rec* of mr Matthew Peabody the Sum of five pounds Seven teen Shillings and three pence in full for the Town of Topsfield : their Proportion of the County Tax for the year 1748 this 29t" of March 1749 Dan Appleton County Treas. This is a Tme Copy of y® County Treasurers Receipt attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Topsfield Aprill 3'* 1749 Rec* of Jacob Peabody Town Treas urer five poimds old Tenor in fuU for aU My right title and In terest which I have or may and lay Claim Challenge or De mand in or unto the pue which is next ye Pulpit Stairs in the Meeting House agreeable to the Vote of the Town Relating to Said pue by me John Baker This is a Tme Copy of Mr John Bakers Receipt attest Jacob Peabody T : Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 75 Topsfield December ye 7th 1743 Rec* of mr John Gould Con stable of Topsfield the Sum of Ninty pounds thirteen Shillings in full by me Jacob Peabody Town Treasurer Boston December 21 : 1748 Rec* of Mr John Gould Constable of Topsfield Thirty two pounds Nine Shillings Six pence L E full W" Foye Treas' These two Last are True Copies attest Jacob Peabody Town Clerk Att a Legall Towne meeting in Topsfield May 17*" 1749 M' Jacob Peabody is Chosen to Represent y® Towne at the Generall Court The year Insuing there Being other Business to be Don[e] at Said Meeting Capt John Wildes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted The Towne allowed to M' George Bixby one Pound five Shill ings old Tenour for a String Peice for y® Towne Bridge ouer the River voted The Towne allowed to the School Committe Thirteen Pound old Tenour to Pay y® School master for Keeping School one Month Last Spring voted The Towne allowed to Jacob Perkins a former Constable one Pound four Shilling old Tenor it being an abatment of Jonathan Dressers head The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field Qualified for Voting as the Law Directs are hearby Notified Warned to assemble and meet Together at y® meeting house in Said Town on Wednesday the Seuenteenth Day of May Instant at Two of the Clock in the after noon on Said Day lly To make Choice of a man to Represent y® Town at the grate and generall Court according to Presept 21y To alow Bills of Charges John Willdes ^ David Balch [selectmen jJhn Sum r^ Topsfield Sam" Smith Dated Topsfield may y® 2"* 1749 Jeremiah Towne Constable It is to be Under Stood yt the Notefication Should have Been Entered before the Trancesacion of the aboue Said Day before mentioned Entred By order of the Select men of Topsfield This is a True Copey of the Notification attest Richard Towne Town Clerk 76 TOWN RECORDS OF The free holders and other Inhabitance of the Town of Tops- field QuaUfied for Voting in Town Meetings as The Law Directs are hearby Notified and Warned to assemble and meet Together at the Meeting house in Said Town on Thursday the Seuenth Day of September Next at one of 5^ Clock in the after noon on S*Day 1 To Chuse a Suitable Person to Represent the Tovm at the Sessions of the Generall Court according to Precept 2 To Chouse of a Town Clerk as the Law Directs 3 To Chouse Jury men for Newbury Court according To Precept 4 To See What money the Town wiU Raise to Defray the Charges of the Town for the year Insuing 5 To See after what Manner the Town will Dispose of the old Timber of the old Pound 6 To allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield august y® 28t" 1749 Jeremiah Towne John WUdes ^ Constable Mathew Pebody I Selectmen John Gould [of Topsfield Sam" Smith J A Tme Copy of the notification attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield Sep* y^ 7t" 1749 The Town assembled together to make Choise of a Repsentiue and it was Put to Vote and it Past in The negtive and their Being other Things to be Done 1 Capt John Willdes was Chosen Modrater to order the affars of Said meeting Voted 2 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk Voted Swome 3 The Town made Choise of m' Joseph Peabody and Nathen Hood for Jury men to Serve at Newbury Court 4 The Town agreed yt the Selectmen Should Lay a Tax of Sixty Three pounds in the Last Emishion on the Inhabitance of the Town To Defray the Charges of Said Town for the year Insuing Voted 5 The Town allowed to Elisha Towne for Slabes To mend Sum Bridges v?ith fifteen Shillings old Tenor Voted 6 The Town aUowed to the School Commitee Viz To Aaron houey and Comealus Balch Twenty fine pounds old Tenor In parte Voted 7 The Town abated George Dwinells Rates for the year one Thousand Seuen hundred and forty Eight in mr Dan Clarke former Constabels Rates Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 77 Essex as To M' John Davis Constable of ye North Ward in the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are Required forthwith To Warn all ye freeholders and other Inhabitants Within your ward Qualified for Voting in Town meetings as y® Law Directs to assemble and Conven Together att the meeting House in Topsfield afore S* on Tusday ye Tenth Day of October Instant at Two of the Clock in the after noon on Said Day 1 To Chuse Jury men for Salem Court according to Warrant 2 To aUow Bills of Charge hearof you are not to fail and make Retum of your Doings hearin at the time and place above mentioned as you will answer ye Contrary at y® Perill of y® Law In that Case Provided Dated Topsfield October ye 2nd 1749 The South Ward was Warned in Like manner & Return made John Daves John Willdes ^ David Balch ^ 1 4. Mathew Peabody •<^ ^f ,?F™^^ , John Gould 1 °f Topsfield Sam" Smith A Tme Coppey of the Warrant and the Return attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield October ye IQt" 1749 1 Capt John Willdes is Chosen Moderator for this meeting Voted 2 The Town made Choice of m' John Gould to Serve on The Grand Jury at ye Next Supear Court to be holden at Salem Voted 3 Capt Thomas Baker was Drawn out of the Box for a Jury man at the next Supear Court to be holden at Salem 4 The Town allowed to m' Aaron Hovey and others School Commttee Twenty five Pounds old Tenor for the School Master Voted 5 The Town alowed to mr Daniel Redington Thirteen Pounds old Tenor for Plank for the Reuer Bridge Voted Topsfield October y® 2'" 1749 Rec* of M' Dan Clarke Consta ble ye Sum of one hundred Twenty Eight Pounds Eight Shillings and four Pence old Tenor In full of all his orders aggreeable to Warrant I Say Rec* by Me George Byxby Town Treasurer A True Coppey attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk 78 TOWN RECORDS OF Topsfield Febuary y® 8t" 1749 Receued of mr George Bixby Town Treasurer ye Sum of Twenty Three Pounds five ShiUings ye full of ye within written order and in full for my salary to March y® 2"* 1749 by me John Emerson Clerk A Tme Copey attest Richard Towne Town Clerk The Freeholders And Other Inhabatance of y® Town of Tops- field Qualified for Voting as the Law Directs are hearby Note- • fied and warned to assemble And Conven together att the Meet ing House in Said Town on Tuesday y® 6*" Day of March Next Ensuing att nine of y^ Clock in y® fore noon on Said Day 1 To Chuse A Town Clerk Constables Selectmen and Other Town officers as the Law Directs 2 To See if y® Town Will Except of y® Selectmens Reckening With the Town Treasurer 3 To Chouse Juory men for Ipswich Court according to Warrant 4 For ye Town to Bring Their Votes for a County Treasurer 5 To alow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield Febuary y® 20t" 1749 John Willdes David Balch Mathew Peabody John Gould Sam" Smith In Obedence to y® Law I haue Notified y^ freeholder^ and other Inhabatance of ye Town of Topsfield to meet att Time and Place Within mentioned by Posting this Notification as Usual Per me Jeremiah Towne Constable of Topsfield A Tme Copey of y® Notification and of the Retum attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield March y® 6t" 1749/50 1 Capt John WiUdes is Chosen modrater for this meting Voted 2 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk for y® year Ensuing Voted 3 M' Samuel Smith m' Simon Gould are Chosen Constables for the year Ensuing Voted 4 Lent Beniamon Towne m' John Gould mr Matthew Pea body Capt John Willdes m' Elijah Porter are Chosen Selectmen for y® year Ensuing Voted 5 Leut Benja Towne Is Chosen Town Treasurer for The year Ensuing Voted Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 79 6 M' Thomas Symonds M' Aaron Hovey M' Nathan Hood are Chosen Tything men for y® Year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Lather for y® year Ensuing Voted 8 Mr Luke Auirel Deacon Daniel Gould M' Uzziel Rea M' David Towne are Chosen Surveyers of High Ways for y® year Ensuing Voted 9 M' Jacob Perkins m' John Bathelder m' Nathaniel Porter are Chosen fence Vewers for y® year Ensuing Voted M' John Bradstreet M' Joseph Perkins are Chosen to Prose cute y® Brakers of y® Late Act Consening Deers Voted 10 M' Dan Clark M' Jacob Robinson are Chosen Hog reaues for y® year Ensuing Voted 11 The Town Excepted of y® Selectmens Reckoning with The Town Treasurer Voted 12 The Town aUowed to Capt Thomas Baker 1—4—6 It being an abatment of his Son John Head he being not with age Voted 13 Leut Joseph Dorman is Chosen Grand Jury [man] for y ® year Ensuing Voted 14 M' John Perkins J' and M' Elisha Towne was Drawn out of y® Box for Jury of Tryals at y® next Infearer Court to be holden at Ipswich 15 The Town Alowed to Israel Clarke Constable 1—13—0 It being an abatment of Thomas Aurill Rate In the year 1748 16 The Town alowed To M' Aaron Hovey and others School Committee for y® School master Voted 12 — 10 — 00 17 The Town alowed to m' Eliezer Lake for 180 feet of Plank for the Reauer Brige Voted 2—10—0 18 The Town alowed to m' Matthew Peabody for Bording the Wid Cree Ten Weaks 2—10—0 Voted 19 The Town alowed to Cap* Joseph Gould for fencing Stuff and Laber about y® Parsonage 0 — 15 — 0 Voted 20 The Town alowed to M' Benja Rogers for house Room for Children at School 0—5—0 Voted j 21 The Town alowed to John Hood for Two Casements for y® Meeting House Voted 0 — 5 — 0 22 The Town alowed to Ephram WiUdes for one Day work a mending y® Parsonage fence 0 — 3^) Voted 23 The Town alowed to Samuel Phippen for finding House room for the School 0 — 5 — 0 24 The Town alowed to Capt Wildes money Paid for a Gleasuer mending y® meeting House Glass 1 — 4 — 6 Voted 80 TOWN RECORDS OF 25 The Town alowed to Nathaniel Towne for Sweeping the Meeting House y® year Past 1 — 0 — 0 The Several officers that ware Chosen at the abousd meeting ware all Sworn before y® Selectmen on y® Sixth and ninth Days of jr® Said march by order of the Selectmen attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Simon Gould one of y^ Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hearby Required in his majestes Name forth with to wam all the freeholders and other Inhabatances in the South ward in Topsfield Qualified as the Law Directs for Voting To Convean together att the meeting house in Said Topsfield on Fryday the Thirtyeth Day of march Instant at Three of The Clock in the after noon 1 To Chuse a Committee to Supply Said Town with a School Master for the year Insuing 2 To Choose a Commitee to Repair the Parsonage fence for the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Tovsti wUl Giue Liberty for the Swine to go at Large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs 4 To alow biUs of Charge and you are Required to make Retum of this your warrant and Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at Times and aboue mentioned as you will answer the Contrary at the Perral of the Law Dated Topsfield March y® 23^* 1749 John WUldes "| Benja Towne \ c ^ , »/r„A,„ T>„ u J I Selectmen Mathew Peabody of Topsfield John Gould Elijah Porter This is a Tme Coppey of y® warrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A proper Retum Being made of woming ye Inhabatances meet as foUows att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield March 30th 1750 1 Capt John WiUdes is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 The Town Made Charges of ye Selectmen to provide the Town with a School Master for the year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Luke Aurvel Mr Ephram Willdes are Chosen a Com**® To Repar the Parsonage fence for ye year Ensuing Voted 4 The Town agreed yt Svrine Should go at Large the year Ensuing according as the Law Gives Liberty Voted .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 81 5 The Town alowed Twelve pounds Ten Shillings to mr Simon Gould for Erecting a New pound in Topsfield in the year 1747 The Freeholders and other Inhabatance of the Town of Tops- field that are qualified by Law for Voting are hearby Notified and warned to Convean and meet Together att ye Meeting house in Said Topsfield on Tuesday the fifteenth Day of This Instent May att Two of Clock after noon 1 To Choose a Repersentive according to Precept 2 To See what the Town will Do to Pervent the Rever war ing away The Ground and Causeway on the Northly Side of the Rever Bridge 3 To alow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield May 1st 1750 Simon Gould John Willdes Constable of Topsfield Benja Towne Mathew peabody John Gould Elijah Porter This is a True Copey of ye Notefication attest Rich* Towne Town Clk Att a Legal Town Meeting In Topsfield may the 15th 1750 The Town Brought in Their Votes for a Representive Sundry Times and was so Devided in There Choise yt thay Choose none and There being other Busness to be Done 1 Cap John Willdes was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 2 Voted yt the Selectmen Shall order ye Survayors what to do In order to prevent the Revers wareing away the Ground and Causaway on the Northerly Side of the Rever Bridge 3 The Town alowed Ten Shillings Lawfull money to mr Mathew Peabody for Keeping ye widow Cree five weaks 0—10-0 Voted Essex ss To Simon Gould one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield you are hearby Required in his Majesties Name fourthwith to worn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabatances yt are qualiefied by Law for Voting in said Topsfield to Conven together at the meeting house in said Topsfield on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of September Next at one of ye Clock aftemoon 1 To Chouse Jury men for to Serve at Newbary Court accord ing to worrant 2 To See how much money the Town will Raise to Defray The Town Charges the year Insuing Selectmen ^of Topsfield 82 TOWN RECORDS OF 3 To See what ye Town Will Do about Reparing ye meeting House 4 To See how much money ye Town WUl Give ye Rev. Mr John Emerson for his Sallary this Present Year 5 To See if the Town will alow Simon Gould any more money for Bulding the Pound then thay have allredy Voted him 6 To alow bills of Charge and you are to make Retum of of this your Worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield Augest 27 1750 John WiUdes Benja Towne Matthew Peabody John Gould Elijah Porter A Tme Copy of the worrant Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A proper Retum of woming thelnhabatence ye meeting follows: Att a Legal Town Meteing in Topsfield September ye 18th 1750 Mr John Bathalder Mr Thomas Gould was Drown out of the Box to Serve on ye Jury of Tryals at the Next Infearer Court to be holden a Newbary 2 and Their being other Bisness to be Dun Lard* Benja Towne is Chosen moderater for this meeting 3 The Town voted that the Selectmen Should a Tax of Eighty Eight Pounds Lawfull Money To Defray the Charges of The Town the year Ensuing 4 The Town agreed to Lay out ye other Province money That is in ye Treasurer hand To Repare ye meeting House Voted 5 The Town Voted if ye Selectmen shall order to the Reveand Mr John Emerson fifty Three pounds ten ShiUings and Eight Pence Lawfull money from march A D 1749/50 To March A D 1750/51 6 The Town allowed to ye widow Hannah Herrick Two Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull money for Taking Care of Sam" Tutoos Ten Weeks in his Last Sickness Voted Essex ss To Mr Simon Gould one of ye Constables of ye Town of Topsfield you are hearby Required in his majesties Name forethwith to Wom all ye freeholders and other Inhabatance of TOPSFIELD, MASS. 83 Said Town that are qualified for Voting as the Law Derects to Convean and meet Together at ye meeting house In sd Tops- field on Tuesday ye Ninth Day of this Instant October att Two o'clock aftemoon 1 To Choose Jurymen according to worrant to Serve at the Next Sup' Court att Salem 2 to See If ye Town will omitt Wharfing ye Rever of from The Causey on the North Side of ye Rever Bridge for the year by Reason of the Lateness) and in Case the Town Do not omitt it then to See wether the Town will wharfe The water of with Wood or Stones and to See If it shall be Done att ye Town Charge by Laying a Tax for it 3 To See if the Town will Choose one man or two to Lay out the Money yt was Voted to Repare the meeting house for Nec essary Things to Repair the said house 4 to allow Bills of Charge and make Retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen at Time and please above mentioned Topsfield October ye 3rd 1750 Benja Towne "] Matthew Peabody (Selectmen John Gould [of Topsfield Elijah Porter J A True Copy of the worrant Attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk a proper Retum being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Town The meeting followers Att a Legal Town meeting In Topsfield October ye 9th 1750 1 Cap Joseph Gould is Chosen Modrater for this meeting 2 Decn Daniel Gould is Chosen Grand Jury to Serve att ye Next Sup' Court to be holden att Salem Voted 3 Mr David Balch is Drawn out of the Box to Serve a Jury man att the Next Sup' Court to be holden att Salem 4 The Town Voted to omitt ye whorfing the Rever for this present year by reasing of the Latness of the Season Voted 5 The Town agreed to omitt the Chosen of a man or men to Lay out the other province money yt is in the Treas" hand for the present Voted 6 The Town alowed to ye Selectmen Ten Shillings and Eight Pence for ye Diging of a Grave and Coffen for Samuel Tutoos £0 10 8 Essex ss To mr Simon Gould one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting you are Required In his majestes 84 TOWN RECORDS OF name forthwith to worn all the freeholders and other Inhaba tance That are qualiefied by Law for Voting in the South ward In Said Topsfield to Conven and meet Together att the meeting house in Said Topsfield on Thiersday the Thirty first Day of January Insteant att Two O Clock afternoon 1 ly To See if ye Town will Give the Selectmen Liberty to Draw money out of the Town Treasurer to pay ye County Tax It being Three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Two Pence Lawfull money 2 ly To See If the Town Will Chuse a Commitee To New Seat The People in the Meeting house and to Give Them Instriections 3 ly to alow Bills of Charge hearof fail not and make Retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at Time and place above mentioned Topsfield January ye 23rd 1750 Matthew Peabody ) Selectmen John Gould ^ f^ I ,^ Elijah Porter j of Topsfield A Proper Retorn being made of Woming ye Inhabantes thay meet as follows att a Legal Town Meeting In Topsfield January ye 31st 1750/1 -1 ly Luv* Benjamon Towne is Chosen Modrator for this meeting Voted 2 ly The Town Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasurer So much as the County Worrant is to pay This Present County Tax £3 18 2 Voted 3 ly Mr Jacob Robinson Mr Jacob Auirel Mr Nath®' porter Mr Dan Clarke and Mr Samuel Smith are Chosen a Committe To Seat the People in the meeting hous Voted 4 ly The Town alowed to Dec" Daniel Gould for mr David Balch one Shilling and Six pence for 12 foot of plank 0 16 Voted 5 ly The Town alowed to Israel Clarke former Constable one Shilling and four Pence It being an abatment of sum part of Nath' Willdes Rate 0 14 6 ly The Town alowed to Ephram Willdes for one Day and a half Work about the Parsonage fence 0 5 0 Voted 7 ly The Town alowed to Samuel TapUe for keeping the Widow Cree 0 6 2 Voted 8 ly The Town alowed to ye Selectmen Twelve pounds Sixteen Shillings It Being for the School master for Six months School ing £12 16 0 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 85 Boston 6 Feby 1750 Rec* of Mr Jere. Towne Cont. of Tops- field Eighty pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven pence in full for 1749 for my Husband Wm Foye Treasurer Eliz^ Foye A True Coppey of ye Records attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Sam" Smith one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hearby Required in his Majestes Name fourthwith To Wom all the Inhabatance and other freeholders that are Qualified by Law for Voting in the North Ward in said Tops- field to Conven together att the meeting house in said Topsfield on Tuesday the fifth Day of March Next Ensuing the Date hereof at Nine O Clock in the fore Noon 1 ly To Chouse a Town Clerk Constables Selectmen and Other Town Officers as the Law Directs 2 ly To Chuse Jury men to Serve at Ipswich Cort according to Worrant 3 ly for the Town to Bring in their Votes for the Choise of a County Register and County Treasurer 4 ly To See What the Town will Do With the out Province Bills that is in the Town Treasurery 5 ly to allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this Worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town at Time and place above mentioned Topsfield Febr. 14th 1750 Benja Towne ^ Matthew Peabody I Selectmen John Gould Cof Topsfield Elijah Porter J This is a True Copy of ye Warrant as Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A Proper Retum being made of worning the Inhabatance the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March ye 5th 1750/1 1 Leut Benja Towne is Chosen Modreater for this meeting Voted 2 Voted yt the Meeting Should be ajornd to ye 12th Day of March Currant at Nine O Clock in the fore Noon and accord ingly it was adjomed Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk At a Legal Town Meeting In Topsfield Held by an adjornmint To the 12 Day of March 1750/1 86 TOWN RECORDS OF 1 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk for ye year Ensuing Voted 2 Messrss William Rogers Jacob Robinson are Chosen Con stables for the year Ensuing Voted 3 Mr Elijah Porter Leut Benja Towne Mr John Gould Mr Sam" Smith Mr Mathew Peabody are Chosen Selectmen for ye year Ensuing Voted 4 Leut Benja Towne is Chosen Town Treasurer ye year Insuing Voted 5 Mr Jeremiah Aurvel Mr Stephen Forster mr WiUiam Per kins are Chosen Tything men for the year Insuing Voted 6 Mr Joseph Edwards is Chosen Sealer of Lather for the year Ensuing Voted 7 Mr Thomas Symonds Mr Thomas Dwinel are Chosen Sur veyers of Highways for the year Insuing Voted 8 Mr David Balch Mr Jacob DwineU Mr Dan Clarke are Chosen fence veuers for The year Ensuing Voted 9 Capt Thomas Baker Mr Stephen Towne are Chosen Hog reaves for the year Ensuing Voted 10 Mr Jacob Auirrel is Chosen Grand Jury for the year En suing Voted 11 Mr Matthew Peabody Mr Dan Clarke are Drawn out of ye Box To Serve as Jurymen at the next Infear Cort to be Holden at Ipswich Voted 12 Deacon George Bixby is Chosen to Lay out the other provinece money that is in his hands for to git nessary Stuf for the meeting house Voted 13 The Town alowed to Mr Dan Clarke 2 Shillings it being an abatment of Samuel Porter Ju' Rate Voted 14 The Town alowed to Mr John Davis former Const 13s and one peny it Being an abatement of David Pritchard head Voted 15 The Town alowed to Jeremiah Towne former Constable 0 13 1 It being an abatment of Sam" Master Reat Voted 16 The Town alowed to Doct Dexter Three Shillings 0 3 0 for Doctren Sam" Tutoo in his Last Sickness Voted 17 The Town alowed to Jeremiah Towne Seiven pence hap- peny 0 7 1/2 It being an abatment of Daniel Robinson Rate Voted 18 The Town alowed to Mr Simon Gould Thirteen Shillins & 4d more for the Pound Voted 13 4 19 The Town alowed to Mr Luke auirrel for Timber to mend the Town Bridge nine ShiUings and four pence Voted 0 9 4 20 To 179 foot of Two inch and quarter Plank Voted 0 18 8 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 87 21 and To 75 foot of Two inch Plank Voted 0 5 0 22 The Town allowed to Sam" Phippen Seven pence hap- peny 0 0 7 1/2 it being an abatment of a Cows head not with age Voted 23 The Town alowed to Mr Luke Avirrel for work Don at the Personage 1750 one Day and an half at 2s per Day 0 3 0 To his Tame one Day one Shilling and four pence 0 14 To Sixteen Posts Five Shillings and Eight pence 0 5 8 Voted 24 The Town alowed to Mr Luke Auivrel for Timber to mend Milebrook Bridge in the year 1750 five Shi" and Six pence 5 6 Voted 25 The Town alowed to Nath®' Towne Sixteen ShiUings 0 16 0 for Sweping the meeting House in the year 1750 The Several officers Chosen att ye above said meeting ware all Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their Respective offices Before ye Selectmen and Town Clerk as the Law Directs Except ing Massrs David Balch Stephen forster WiUiam Perkins Jere miah Auirel Thomas DwineU Jacob DwineU and Dan Clarke David Balch Dan Clark and Thomas DwineU have Taken thier Respective oaths Rec* of Mr Benja Towne Three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and 2* in fuU for ye Town of Topsfield County Tax for ye year 1750 March 18 1750 Dan' Appleton County Treasurer This is a Tme Copy Attest Richard Towne Towne Clerk Boston Jany ye 29 1750 Rec* of Mr John Daves Const" of Tops- field Seventy Three Pounds Ten Shillings & one penney Last Emission in full for 1749 for my Husband Wm Foye Treaserer Eliza Foye This is a True Copey of ye Province Treasurer Recept Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Topsfield May ye 15 Day 1751 We the Subscribers Being appointed by ye Towne of Topsfield and Boxford to Prambelate and Renew ye Bounds Bettween Each Town according to the Records of Each Town and Have Prembelated and Renewed the Bounds according as the Law Directs. Joseph Hale Jr John Gould Simon Gould Aaron R 88 TOWN RECORDS OF This is a True Record of the Prambelations Between Tops- field and Boxford Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk We the Subscribers Being appointed and Impowered by the Selectmen of Wenham and Topsfield to prambulate and renew ye Bounds Between our Said Towns as followeth begining att a White oak Stump near Theophilus fisk Bam it Being Salem Northerly Corner bound thence Easterly to a Stake and heap of Stones on ye West Side of the Road Leading from Wenham Causaway to Bunkers medow by the Stone wall from Thence to a Plump of Mapels So Called but now a Stump Thence as the Brook Runs to a Stake and heap of Stones at the Going Over the Brook from thence to ye Southersterly Comer of Pidgens medow (so Called) and So to the River all Which is according to the Settelment in the year 1740 and In Confirmation of above Writ ten We have hearunto Set our Hands this 29th Day of April 1751 Matthew Peabody Thomas Tarbox Jacob DwineU Theophilus ffisk Richard Towne John Gott A True Copy Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed to Preambulate and Re new the Bounds Between Salem and Topsfield accordingly Met on the Thirteenth Day of May 1751 Renew the bounds Be gining at a Stump With a heap of Stones Round It near Wean- ham Causway and from thence to a Black or Red Stump With a Heap of Stones Round It Standing in Sam" Gott orchard and from thence to a heap of Stones near Thomas Dwinells Comer of his Paster and from thence to a heap of Stones Near To NeckoUs Brook and So on the Same Corse to the Said Brook Benja Towne Stephen Putnam EUsha Towne Eleajer Porter Elijah Porter David Putman Henry Putnam Eleazer Porter George Gould A tme Copy attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Jacob Robinson one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting Yea are hearby Required in his Majestes Name forthwith to worn all ye free holders and other Inhaba tance yt are Qualified by Law for Voting in ye South Ward in TOPSFIELD, MASS. 89 Said Topsfield to Conven Together att ye meeting house In said Topsfield on Tuesday the fourteenth of May Next Ensuing att Two O Clock aftemoon 1 To Chouse a Repesentive to Serve att ye Greate and Gen eral Court according to Preceypt 2 To Chouse a Comtee To Supply ye Town With a Schol Master for the year Ensuing 3 To See if the Town Chouse a Comtee to Repare ye Meeting House 4 To See if the Town will Sell or Seal the Pue yt Stands at the Reight hand of the front Door in the meeting house 5 to See if the Town will Let Swine go att Large as the Law Directs 6 To allow BiUs of Charge hearof fail not and rriak Retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen of Said Town at time and Place above mentioned Topsfield April 25th 1751 Benja Towne Matthew Peabody John Gould Sam" Smith Elijah Porter j A Tme Copy of ye Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A proper Retum being made the Meeting followers At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield May ye 14th 1751 1 The Town made Choise of Mr David Balch to Represent the Town att the Great and General Court to be holden att Boston the year Ensuing. and their being other Bissness to be Done Deacon George Bixby is Chosen modrater for this Present Meeting Voted 3 Mr Luke AvriU Mr Elisha Wildes Mr Israel Avril are Chosen a Commitee to provide the Town with a School for the year Ensuing Voted 4 Voted that the Selectmen Should Be a Commitee to Repare the Meeting house this Present year 5 The Town agreed To SeU ye Pue yt Stands at the Reight hand of the front Door in the meeting- house Voted 6 the Town agreed yt Swine Should go att Large the year Insuing Providing thay are as the Law Directs Voted .Selectmen ¦^of Topsfield 90 TOWN RECORDS OF We the Subscribers being appointed to pramblate and Renew the bounds between Topsfield and Middleton accordingly met on the thirteenth Day of may 1751 renewed the bounds begin ing at a heap of Stones in the Brook near the Saw Mill which is a bound Between Salem and Topsfield from thence as the Brook runs to a small Elmn tree att the Northeasterly branch of ye sd Brook Thence as the Said Northesterly branch Runs to a heap of Stones by the River Benja Towne Zorababel Peabody EUsha Towne Jonathan Knights Elijah Porter Isaac Kenney A Tme Copy attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Jacob Robinson one of ye Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hearby required in his majesties name forthwith to wom all ye freeholders and other Inhabatance yt are Qualified by Law for Voting in the South Ward in Said Town to Conven to gether att the meeting house in said town on Tuesday the Ninth Day of July Next att Three of ye Clock In the aftemoon 1 To See if the Town will whorfe the River of from the Causey on the North Side of ye Rever Bridge this present year and to See if the Town will whorfe said River with Stone or wood or to agree upon any thing else what soever that wUl by any way or means prevent the River waring away the said River and Bridge and to See if the Town Will Defray the Charges of Whorfing Said River by Laying a Tax for it or to agree Upon any other proper meuthard to Perform Said Bisness 2 To See if the Town will new Cover the meeting House or any Part of it this Present year and to Chuse a Comtee to new Cover Said meeting house or any part of it that the Town shall agree to new Cover 3 To Choose a man or two to Serve with the School Comtee this Present year in the Room of any of Said Commitee yt Refuse to Serve 4 To See If the Town will Reconsider the Vote that was passed att the Last Town meeting for to Sell the Pue that Stands att the right hand of the front Door in the meeting house and to See if the Town will agree to have so many persons seated in itt as will be Convenant to Set in it 5 To alow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att Time and Place above mentioned TOPSFIELD, MASS. 91 Topsfield June 17th 1751 Jacob Robinson Constable Benja Towne ^ Mathew Peabody r, , ^ John Gould '(Selectmen 1^ Elijah porter [of Topsfield Sam" Smith J A Tme Copy of the worrant Attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Proper Returns being made on both worrants the meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield on ye ninth Day of July A D 1751 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen Moderator for Said Meeting 2 Elijah Porter is Chosen Clerk for said meeting and was Sworn 3 Voted that the River Shall be Whorfed with wood or Stone or both as the Surveyors of the heigh ways of said town Shall think most Expedient and that the Said Survayers Shall wom and Imply all the men in Said Town and Teams to work and Whorfe said River — in the Same Manner and form as has been the usuall practice of working at the Heighways in Said Town 4 The Town agreed to Repair the Easterly Gutters on the Roof of the Meeting House Voted 5 Messirs Nathan Wood and Robert Smith is Chosen a Comtee to repair Said Parts of Said Meeting House Voted 6 Mr Elisha Towne is Chousen to Serve with the School Comtee this Present Year in the Room of Elisha Wilds Voted 7 Voted That the Town Reconsider the Vote that was passed att the Last Town Meeting for to Sell the Pue that Stands att the Right hand of the meeting house frunt Door the above is the whole of what was acted at Said Meeting pr Elijah Porter Clerk for sd Meeting A True Copy attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Jacob Robinson one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Required in his majesties name fourthwith to Wom all the Freeholders and other Inhab atance that are Qualified by Law for Voting In the South Ward in Said Topsfield to Conven and meet together att ye Meeting House in Said Topsfield on Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of September Instant att Two of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 to Chouse Jurymen to Serve at Newbury Court as the Law Directs 92 TOWN RECORDS OF 2 Whareas the Town Voted the Rev* Mr Emerson one Hun dred Pounds in Bills of Publick Creedit or one hundred Pounds of Such Other money as Should Be Passing for his Salary an nually when he Settled in Said Town and whareas The money is now Stated to See if the Town wUl alow the Said Mr Emerson One Hundred Pounds money (and if not) then to See if ye Town Comes to a new Settlement with ye sd Mr Emerson Respecting Said Salary 3 to See how much money the Town wiU Raise to Defray the Town Charges the year Ensuing 4 To alow bills of Charge Hearof faU not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Topsfield at Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield Sept 3th 1751 Benja Towne ) g^j^^^^ J°h°,G°^J5 fof Topsfield Elijah porter ; '^ A Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk a proper retum Being made on Both worrants the meeting followed Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield September ye 17th 1751 1 Capt Benja Towne Is Chosen Modrater for this Meeting Voted 2 Mr Thomas Perkins Mr EUjah Porter are Drawn out of the Box to Serve as Jurymen att ye Next Infeurer Court to be holden att Newbury and then the Town Voted yt ye meeting Should be adjumed and Accordingly ye moderater adjumed sd meeting to the first Tuesday of October next Ensuing at one of ye Clock aftemoon Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by adjumment from the 17th of Sept to the first Day of October and Being Met 3 The Town agreed if the Selectmen Should Lay a Tax of one Hundred and Ten Pounds Lawfull Money upon ye Inhabatance of the Town to Defray the Charges the year Ensuing Voted 4 Capt Tobijah perkins is Chosen Grand Jury man to Serve at ye next Supearer Court To be holden att Salem Voted 5 Capt Joseph Gould is Drawn out of ye Box to Serve a Jury man att the Next Superer Court to Be holden at Salem 6 the Town aUowed to Mr Thomas Gould and Mr John Gould fifteen Shilling and Ten Pence for fencing Stuf and Laber about the personage Voted £0 15 10 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 93 Essex ss To William Rogers one of ye Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hearby required In his majesties Name forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatance that are Qualified by Law for Voting In the North ward in said Town to Conven Together att ye meeting House in Said Town On Monday ye Twenty fifth of November Instant att one of ye Clock in the afternoon 1 To Chouse a Commitie To Treat with the Rev* Mr Emer son in order to Know upon what Terms he will Establish a Settled agreement with ye Town respecting his Salery and when they have so Don to Lay Before ye Town as Soon as may be what his Terms of agreement are for the Town Exceptance If thay See Cause and in Case no agreement Can be Made By this meathed then to See how much money the Selectmen Shall order The Town Treasurer to Pay ye sd Rev'* Mr Emerson for his Salary from the Second of march 1750 to the Second Day of March 1751 2 To See if the Town will repare any part of the meeting house before the Spring of the year and to Chouse a Committee to Repare Such Parts of said meeting house as ye Town Shall agree to Have Repared 3 To alow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield November 13th 1751 Benjamon Towne^ Mathew peabody (Selectmen Elijah Porter [of Topsfield Samuel Smith J A Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk proper retums being made on Borth worrants the meeting follows At a Legal Town Meeting In Topsfield November ye 25th 1751 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modreater for this meeting Voted 2 Voted that the Selectmen Shall order the Town Treasurer to Pay to the Rev* Mr Emerson fifty Three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence Lawfull money in full for his salary from March ye 2nd 1750 to march the 2nd 1751 Provided Mr Emerson Gives a Receipt in full for said year 94 TOWN RECORDS OF The Town aUowed to Mr Israel Aurvel and others School Comtee Six Pounds LawfuU money for to Pay the School Master for Three Months Schooling the Summer Past £6 0 0 Wee the Subscribers a Comtte Appointed By the Selectmen of Topsfield and Ipswich To Pramblelate the Line Between the Towns have perambulated Said Line and Renewed the Boimds Between Topsfield and Ipswich as formerly Dated Topsfield Deer 17th 1751 Samuel Rogers |comtee for Benja Towne ) ^^^ ^^^ This is a Tme Copy attest Richard Towne Town Clerk The Freeholders and other Inhabatance of the Town of Tops- field that are Qualified by Law for A'oting are hearby notefied and womed to Conven and meet Together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Third Day of March next Ensuing the Date hearof at nine of the Clock in the forenoon 1 To Choose Selectmen and a Town Clerk and aU Other Town Officers as the Law Directs for the year Ensuing 2 To Choose Jury men as the Law Directs 3 to Except of the Selectmens Reckining with the Town Treas urer 4 To aUow BiUs of Charges Topsfield Febr 21st 1752 Benja Towne ^ EUjah Porter 1 Selectmen Matthew Peabody ' John Gould I of Topsfield Samll Smith J A True Copy of ye notification attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk A Retum being made of woming the said meeting foUows Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March ye 3rd 1752 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen Modrater for this meeting Voted 2 Mr Jacob Avirel Capt Benja Towne Clerk Samll Smith Mr EUjah Porter and Qurt Dan Clarke are Chosen Selectmen for the year Insuing Voted 3 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk for the year Ensuing Voted 4 Mr John Balch is Chosen Constable for the year Ensuing Voted and Stephen Perkins is Chosen Constable to Serve in the Rum and Stead of his father John Perkins Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 95 5 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing Voted 6 Jacob DwineU Elisha Towne John Bradstreet Stephen ffoster Thos Perkins are Chosen Surveyers of highways for the year Ensuing Voted 7 David Balch Jr John Bordman and David Towne are Chosen Tything men for the year Ensuing Voted 8 Joshua Towne Junr is Chosen Sealer of Lather ye year En suing Voted 9 Ephraim Willdes Aaron Estey and Thomas Symonds is Chosen fence veuirs for the year Ensuing Voted 10 Michael DwineU Junr and Joseph Hovey is Chosen Hog reaves for the year Ensuing Voted 11 Leut Luke Auvrel is Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury for the year Ensuing Voted 12 Jeremiah Towne and Thos Symonds are appointed to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the Inferer Court to be holden att Ipswich 13 The Tovsm allowed to mr John Davies former Constable what John Redington was Rated in said Davies List when he was Constable Voted 14 the Town alowed to Israel Clarke former Constable John Redington Rates for the year A D 1747 A D 1748 Voted 15 The Town alowed to Jeremiah Towne one shilling and Eleven pence it being an abatment of Samll porters Reats Voted 0 1 11 16 The Town alovfed to Samll Smith former Constable five Shillings and Three pence it being an abatment of Nath' Hood Reat Voted 0 5 3 17 the Town allowed to the School Commitee that is Luke Auvrel and others nine pounds 9 0 0 18 The Town alowed to Sundry Parsons for Bording the School Master Six Pounds four Shillings 6 4 0 and to Nathi Towne for Sweeping the meeting house Sixteen ShiUings 0 16 0 The persons above said to which an Oath Belonged was Sworn to the Faithfull Discharge of their Ofices on the third Day of march A D 1752 Excepting Capt Towne John Bordman Aaron Easty and Michael DwineU May ye 16 : 1752 Capt Benja Towne Toke the Oath of a Town Treasurer Michael DwineU Junr Was Sworn to the Office of a hog Reaver on the third Day of March 1752 as Jacob Auvrel Dan Clarke and Elijah porter the present Selectmen Entred by order Richard Towne Town Clerk 96 TOWN RECORDS OF Essex ss To Stephen Perkins one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting You are required in his Majesties name forthwith to Wom ye freeholders and Other Inhabantes that are qualified by Law for Voting in the North ward in Said Town to Conven Together att the Meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Twenty fourth of March Instant att Two of the Clock in the after noon 1 To Choose a Comtee to Supply the Town with a School Master for the year Insuing 2 to Choose a Comtee to repare the Personage fence the year Ensuing 3 to Choose a Comtee to Treat with the rev"* Mr Emerson in order to Know Upon What Termes he will Discharge the Town for his Sallary for the two years Past and also from year To year Dureing ye time of his ministry amongst us and when thay have So Don to Lay before the Town What his Terms of Settle ment is to See if the Town will Except of them 4 to See if the Town Will Lett Swine go att Large as ye Law Directs the year Ensuing 5 for the Town to Bring in their votes for a County Treasurer 6 To alow BiUs of Charge hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Topsfield March ye 10th 1752 Benja Towne Jacob Avirel Selectmen Dan Clarke rrrj. c u Elijah porter [of Topsfield Sam" Smith _, A Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Tovsm Clerk A Proper Retum being made on Both Worrants of Woming the Inhabatance of the Town the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March the 24th 1752 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen Mordrator for this meeting Voted 2 Voted that the Selectmen are Chosen a Comtee to Supply the Town With a School Master the year Ensuing 3 Capt Thomas Baker Mr Simon Gould and Mr John Bord man are Chosen a Comtee to Reparer the Personage fence the year Insuing Voted 4 Mr David Balch Leu* Joseph Dorman and Mr Nath" Porter TOPSFIELD, MASS. 97 are Chosen a Comtee to Treat With the Revn^ Mr Emerson and to Know upon what Terms he will Settel his Sallary Voted 5 Voted that Swine Should go at Large the Year Ensuing Providing thay are yoaked and ringed as the Law Directs Essex ss To Stephen Perkins one of ye Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name You are required to Worn all the freeholders and other Inhabatants of Said Town that are quallified by Law for voting to Conven and meet Together att the meeting House in Said Town on Wendesday the thirteenth Day of May next Insuing att Two of the Clock afternoon 1 To See if the Town Will Except of the Comtee Return that Was Chosen to Treat with ye rev* Mr Emerson Respecting his Salary 2 To Choose a Repersentive according to Presecpt 3 To See if ye Town Will Repare ye Meeting House and in Case the Town agrees to repare sd House then to See if the Town Will Sell all the room round the Inside of the Said House that is Conveanant to have Pues bult in to Such of the Inhabatats of Said Town as will Bid most for Said room and in Case ye town agrees to have said house repared and the said room Sould as above said then to see if ye Town will Choose a Comtee to repair said House and to Lay out said room and sell it as afor sd 4 To See if the Selectmen shall Draw money out of ye Town Treasurer to pay the County Taxes Which ye Town is required to pay by the Last Day of July Next it being five pounds Twelve Shillings and nine pence 5 To See if the Town Will make a new regulation of mens Names in ye Boxes for Jurymen as the Law Directs 6 To allow Bills of Charge Topsfield April 28 1752 Jacob Auvrer Dan Clark (Selectmen Elijah porter r'of Topsfield Sam" Smith J hearof fail not and make return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned A Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Rich* Towne Town Clerk a proper Retum being made of worning the inhabatance the meeting follows 98 TOWN RECORDS OF At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield may ye 13th 1752 1 Elijah Porter Was Chosen Clark for said meeting and Sworn 2 Capt Benja Towne was Chosen morderator for this said meeting 3 The Town voted that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of Town Treasury to Pay the County Tax it being five pounds Twelve Shillings and nine pence The Names of the Serveaarl persons which the Town voted to Serve att the Seupearer Court Capt Tobijah perkins Capt Benja Towne Miss's George Bixby Daniel Gould David Balch Richard Towne Capt Thos Baker Leut Joseph Dormon Leut Thos Gould Cor David Commings Ens NathU Auvrell Qur Dan Clarke Miss's John Bathalder Elijah porter The Names of ye serve at ye Infearer Leut Luke Auvrel Joseph Peabody Jacob Robinson John Gould Simon Gould Jacob Avirell Samll Towne John Davies Aaron Eastey Jeremiah Towne Matthew Peabody NathU Porter J' Jacob Perkins Jun' Stephen Foster Zacchuas Gould Several persons which ye Town Voted to Court Nathan Hood Elisha Towne Thos Perkins John Perkins Thos Symonds Samll Smith Thos DwineU Jacob DwineU David Towne Dan" Byxby Benja Byxby David Balch Jr John Balch William Rogers Elieser Gould Elijah Porter Israel Auvrell Joshua Towne Jun' Thos perkins Jun^ Stephen Perkins David Perkins Robert Perkins John Bradstreet Jeremiah Auvrell Elisha Cummings Aurther Brown John Willdes EUsha Willdes Aaron Hovey Jabes Towne Cler for said meeting E^ex ss To John Balch one of ye Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his majesties name you are required fourthwith to Wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatance that are Qualified by Law for voting in the South ward in said Town to Conveen together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Second Day of June Next Insuing the Date hearof at Two of ye Clock aftemoon 1 to See What answer the Tovra WiU Retum to the Rev* Mr Emerson Conseming the Proposals he sent to the Town by the Commtee that Was Chosen to Treet With him Respectting his Sallary TOPSFIELD, MASS. 99 2 To See if the Town Will Repair the meeting house 3 To Choues a Commitee to Repair Said house and to give them Instmctions how thay Shall Repair Said house 4 To See if the Town will Sell all the Room round the Inside of the meeting house yt is Conveanient to have pues Bult on to Such of the Inhabatances of Said Town as Will Give most for Said Room 5 to Choues a Comtee to Lay out all the Said Room that is Convenient to have Pues Boult on and to Sell it as afforesaid 6 To See What Meathod the Town wUl Come into in order to preserve the River Bridge and Causaway from the Distruc- tion of the Water 7 To allow BUls of Charge hearof fail not and make Retum of this worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town at time and Place above mentioned Selectmen of Topsfield Topsfield May 26th 1752 Benja Towne Jacob Avirel Dan Clarke Samll Smith Elijah porter a True Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk proper retums being made of Woming the Inhabatance of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting In Topsfield June 2nd 1752 1 Capt Thos Baker is Chosen modrater for this meeting Voted 2 It was Put to vote to See if the Town Will allow the Rev^ Mr Emerson any more money for the Two years Last past and it past in the Negetive 3 The Town Voted to Repair the meeting house 4 Decn George Bixby Capt Tobijah Perkins Decn Daniel Gould Mr Nath" Porter and Mr John Bordman are Chosen a Comtee To Repair the meeting house Voted yt the meeting should be adjumed and then the sd modrator adjum* said meeting to the ninth Day of June Instant att Two of ye Clock in the after noon At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by adjurnment from the Second Day of June to the ninth of the Same Mounth & then met 5 The Town voted the Instmctions Given to the Comtee above 100 TOWN RECORDS OF said is to mend the Glass and to stop the Leaks in the Roof of the meeting house 6 It was put to vote to see if the Town will SeU the Room in the Inside of the meeting house Conveanent for puse and it past in the Negetive 7 Voted that ye present Survoyers shaU Do their Indever to pervent the Water Waring away the Bridge and Causey Essex ss To Stephen Perkins one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are re quired forethwith to Wom all the freeholders and other Inhab atance of said Town that are qualified by Law for voting to Convean together att the meeting house in said Town one Tues day the nineteenth Day of Sept next at one of the Clock after noon 1 To Choose Juoryes for Newbury Court 2 in as much as ye Town appUed to the Rev* Mr Emerson to Know upon What Terms he Would make a Settlement respect ing his Salary and Whareas ye sd Rev* Mr Emerson made pro posals to the Town Respecting his Salary to See What answer ye Town Will make to ye sd proposalls and In Case the Town Do not make a Direct answer to sd proposasals then to see if ye Town will Choouse a Comtee too advise the Town What answer to make to ye said porposalls 3 to See how much money the Town WiU Raise to Defray ye Town Charges the year Ensuing 4 To See how much money the Town will Rais to Repare the meeting house 5 To See if the Town will Repair ye meeting house by new Covering the roof in the Same Shape it is in now or weather thay will Cut of the Lucombs and make the Roof four Squar or Weather thay will raise a principal at Each Comer so as to make ye north and South Roofs the Whole Length of sd house and so high as the platform to Each end of sd house and to see if the Town will new Clabbord aU ye Sides of said house and make new Winders or to repair any part of the Sides and win ders as the Town shall agree to have Repared 6 to Choose a Comtee to Repare Said house as ye Town shaU agree to have Repared 7 to allow BUls of Charge hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings Therein to one or more of the Select men of sd Town at time and Place above mentioned Topsfield August 31st 1752 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 101 Benja Towne ^ Jacob Averell 01 4. ^, ^1 , I Selectmen Dan Clarke >r T^^^f,^^J Sam" Smith [of Topsfield Elijah porter ^ A Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk a proper Return being made of Worning the Inhabatance of this Town the meeting followeth att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield Sept ye 19th 1752 1 Capt Benja Towne is Choosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Mr Jacob Perkins and Mr Joshua Towne Jun' are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of tryalls att the next In fearer Couart to Be holden at Newbury 3 Deacon George Bixby Mr Elijah Porter Capt Thos Baker Capt lovery Hovey Capt Joseph Gould and Mr David Balch are Chosen a Comtee to Draw up an answer to the proposalls of the Rev* Mr Emersons porposalls and Lay it before the Town at the next Town meeting for their Exceptance Voted and then the meeting was adjumed to the firest Tuesday of October next Insuing at one of the Clock in the afternoon att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield held An adjurnment from the nineteenth Day of September to the third Day of October and then met 1 The Town agreed yt ye Selectmen shall Lay a Tax upon the Inhabatance of the Town of one hundred pounds Lawfull money To Defray the Charges of the Town the year Ensuing Voted 2 the Town voted to Rais money to Repare the meeting house 3 Mr Thos Symonds Mr David Balch Jun' are Chosen to Joyn with Mr John Bordman one of a former Com'ee to Repair the meeting house Voted 4 the Town alowed to the Selectmen for the School Master Two pounds Two Shillings and Eight pence Voted 5 the Town alowed to Jeremiah Averel Ten Shillings and Two pence Lawfull money it being an abatment of Moses Perkins head money £0 10s 2p Essex ss To John Balch one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting in his Majesties name you are hearby re quired forth With to Worn all the freeholders and other Inhab atance in the South ward of said Town that are Qualified by 102 TOWN RECORDS OF Law for Voting to Convean together at the meeting house in said Town on Fryday ye theirteenth Day of October Instant att Two of ye Clock aftemoon 1 to Choose Jurymen to Serve at the next Sup' Court to be Holden at Salem as the Law Directs 2 To Choouse a Comtee to Informe the Rev* Mr Emerson what Sum of money the Town Voted at the Last Town Meeting in answer to the proposals he made to the Town Respecting his Salary and also to retum answer to the Town from the Rev* Mr Emerson Whether he will Excipt of Said Sum as it was vot ed and In case ye Rev* Mr Emerson Will not Except of ye Sum as it was Voted, then to See if the Town will Confirm the matter by Voting that the Rev* Mr Emerson shall have the Sum of money being Sixty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence on the Same Conditions as is mentioned in said vote : or to See What ye Tovni will Do Respecting the Rev* Mr Emerson Salary 3 to allow BUls of Charge hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield Oct' 9t" 1752 Benja Towne^ Sam" Snith (Selectmen Elijah porter [of Topsfield Dan Clarke J A Tme Copy of the Worrant : attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A proper Retum being made of Woming the Inhabatants of ye Town of Topsfield the Meeting followed Att a Legal Tovra Meeting in Topsfield Oct' ye 13t" 1752 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Mr Aaron Eastey is Chosen to Serve on the Grand jury at the next Sup' Couert to be holden at Salem Voted 3 Deacon George Bixby and Ensine Nath" Averel are Dravra out of the Box to serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the next Sup earer Court to be holden at Salem 4 The Town allowed to Jacob DwineU fifteen Shillings for one Hundred forty and four foot of White oak plank which he had of Leut Luke Averel £0 15s Od Essex ss To John Balch one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his majesties Name you are required TOPSFIELD, MASS. 103 hearby required forthwith to Worn all ye freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Quallified for voting by Law in the South Ward in Said Town to Convean together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the ninth Day of November Instant att Two of ye Clock after noon Whareas ye Rev* Mr Emerson has made Applacation to us to Grant Orders to the Town Treasurer to pay to him ye Sum of fifty pounds of money in part of his Salary according to Con tract and the matter being unsetteled it also being Disputable what the Tme Sum Desined in said Contract is and as their has Been propossells made for a Settelment and we having no Direct orders from the Town What Sum of money to order ye said Town Treasurer to Pay the said Rev* Mr Emerson for his an- nueall Sallary we therefore Lay Before the Town ye following articules 1 To See if the Town will Give ye Rev* Mr Emerson the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence for his annuall Sallary according to the advise of Capt Joseph Gould Deacon George Bixby and others a Comtee appointed on pur pose to advise ye Town in said affare and in Case ye Town shall not agree to Give ye Rev* Mr Emerson ye Sum aforesaid then 2 To See if the Town will Leve the matter in Controvacrsy respecting the said rev* Mr Emerson Sallary to the Determina tion of a Comtee of our own Cloth mutually Chosen by the said Rev* Mr Emerson and the Town and in Case ye Town Shall not agree to Choose a Comtee as aforesaid then 3 To Choose said Comtee finally to Settel ye matter Between the Rev* Mr Emerson and the town Respecting his said Sallary & in Case ye Town shall not Agree to any of the above artucUes then 4 for the Town to propose Sum proper meathard in order to accomadate a Just Settelment Between ye revd Mr Emerson and the Tovsti respecting his Sallary Hearof fail Not and make Retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen att Time and Place above Mentioned Topsfield November 8th 1752 Benja Towne ) ^ i ^ Jacob AvereUpflptmen Sam" Smith [of Topsfield A Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Proper Returns being made of Woming the Inhabatance of Town of Topsfield on both worrants the meeting foUowth 104 TOWN RECORDS OF At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield November ye 9th 1752 1 Capt Benja Town is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 it was put to Vote to See If the Tovra Will Give the rev* Mr Emerson Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence and it past in the Negetive 3 and then it was Put to vote to See if thay would Chouse a Comtee according to worrant and it past in the Negetive and then the modrator adjum* said meeting to munday the thirteenth Day of November Instant at one of ye Clock aftemoon att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by adjumment from the ninth Day of Nov™ Instant to the Thirteenth of the same Mounth and then met the forth artiule pased in the Negetive Essex ss Stephen Perkins one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are hearby required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other In habatance in the North ward in said Town that are qualiefied by Law for voting to Conven and meet Together att the Meet ing House in said Town on Tuesday The fifth Day of December Next att Ten of the Clock in ye foumoon 1 To See if the Town Will Give ye Rev* Mr Emerson ye Sum of Sixty Six Pounds Thirteen ShilUngs and four pence for his annuall Salary according to the advise of Capt Joseph Gould Dec" Ivory Hovey and others a Comtee that was Chosen by the Town for that purpose and in Case it be not Comply* with then 2 To See What Method ye Town Will porpose to the Rev* Mr Emerson for to make a Just Settlement with him respecting his Salary 3 To See if ye Town will Build one or more School houses and to agre Whare they Shall be Sett Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doing to one or more of ye Selectmen of Said Town at Time and place above mentioned Topsfield Novr 231* 1752 Benja Towne^ Dan Clarke , Selectmen Sam" Smith j A Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 105 Proper retums Being made of woming the Inhabatance of the Town of Topsfield on Both Worrants the meeting followed At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield December ye 5th 1752 1 Capt Tobijah Perkins is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 It was put to Vote Sundry times to see If the Town Will Give the Rev* Mr Emerson Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence and It Past in the Negative Essex ss To John Balch one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield in his Majesties Name you are hearby required fourth with to worn all the freeholders and other Inhabatance in the South ward in said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Conven and meet together at ye meeting House in said Town on Wednsday the Thirteenth Day of December Instant at Twelve of ye Clock on said Day 1 To See if the Town will Give ye Revd Mr Emerson Sixty Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four Pence Lawfull money for his Salary as the former Comtee Reported or to See what money the Town wiU Give the Revd Mr Emerson as Salary for the present year according to the request of Capt Thomas Baker and others 2 To alow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield December 5th 1752 Jacob AvereH Dan Clarke (Selectmen Sam" Smith (^of Topsfield Elijah porter J A tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Cler proper retums being made of Woming the Inhabatance of ye Town the meeting followeth At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield December ye 13th 1752 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 It was put to Vote to See if the Town WiU Give the Revd Mr Emerson Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence and it past in the Negative 3 The Town Voted to Give the Revd Mr Emerson fifty Three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence as Salary from march ye 2nd 1752 To March 1753 provided the Revd Mr Emerson Give a Recept in full When he Rec* the Said Sum 106 TOWN RECORDS OF 4 The Town alowed to Mr John Bordman and Mr David Balch Jun' for Citing the meeting house Glass Mended one pound on Shilling and four pence Lawfull money Voted £1 Is 4d 5 the Town allowed to Stephen foster for Timber and fifty four feet of Two Inch plank Six Shillings and Eight pence Voted £0 6s 8d Essex ss To Stephen Perkins one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name You are required fourthwith to worn all the freeholders and other In habatants of the said Town that are Qualified by Law for Vot ing to Convean and meet together att the meeting House in Topsfield on Tuesday the Sixth Day of March Next Ensuing the Date hearof att nine of the Clock In the fore noon 1 To Choose Selectmen a Town Clerk and Constables and all other Town Officers for the year Ensuing as the Law Directs 2 to See if the Town Will Exceept of the Selectmen Recken ing With the Town Treasurer 3 To Choose Jurymen to Serve at Ipswich Court Next accord ing to worrant 4 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail Not and make retum of this Worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield Febr 22nd 1753 Benja Towne^ Jacob Averel Dan Clarke > ^ ^^ /- u Sam" Smith [of Topsfield Elijah porter J Selectmen A Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Cli^ A Proper retum being made of worning the Inhabatance of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield March 6th 1753 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen Modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Capt Benja Towne Mess's Jacob Averel Sam" Smith Dan Clarke Elijah Porter are Chosen Selectmen for the year Ensuing Voted 3 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clark for the year Insuing Voted 4 Mrssrs Elisha Towne and John Bathalder are Chosen Con stables for the year Ensuing Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 107 5 Mr Nath" Porter is Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing Voted 6 Mr John Gould Elisha Willdes and Authur Brown is Chosen Tything men for the year Insuing 7 Messrs Jeremiah Averel Jeremiah Towne Benja Bixby David Balch Junr Aaron Hovey Are Chosen Suevoyers of highways for the year Insuing Voted 8 Mr Joshua Towne is Chosen Sealer of Lather for the year Insuing Voted 9 Messrs Nathan Hood John Bordman Elisha Commings are Chosen fence vewers the year Insuing Voted 10 Messrs Joseph Peabody Thos Symonds are Chosen Hog reaves for the year Ensuing Voted 11 The Town Exepted of the Selectmens Rickening with the Town Treasurer and their Remains in Said Treasurer hand not ordred out ninty Eight Pounds Theirteen Shillings and Three Pence £98 13s 3d 12 Mr John Bordman is Chosen Grand Jury for the year Ensuing Voted 13 Msrs's William Rogers Stephen forster are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls Next to Be holden att Ipswich 12 The Town allowed to Mr Thomas Symonds five Shillings and four pence for Pine Bords to mend the Meeting House : £0 5s 4d Voted 13 The Town allowed to Mr Simon Gould Nineteen Shillings and one pence for fenceing Stufe and Laber about the Parsonage to mend the said fence Voted £0 19s Id 14 the Town allowed to Mr Elisha Town four Shillings nine pence Happance for Timber to Mend Robinson Bridge So Called Voted £0 4s 9d 1/2 15 The Town allowed to Mr John Baker Sixteen Shillings for Bording the School master one mounth Voted 0 16 0 16 the Town allowed to Mr Thomas Perkins Eight Pence for Timber to mend a Bridge With by Capt Gould Voted 0 0 8 17 the Town allowed to Qur Dan Clarke for his Son Daniel Sweeping the meeting House the year past Sixteen Shillings 0 16 0 18 The Town alowed to Nath" Hood Ten ShUlings and Two Pence It being a Batement of his Rate in William Rogers List Voted 0 10 2 19 the aUowed to David Prichard four Shillings and nine Pence it being abatement of his Reate Voted 0 4 9 The Several Officers Chosen att the above said meeting of 108 TOWN RECORDS OF whom an oath by Law is required Took their Respective oaths one the Same Day of the above said meeting Essex ss To Elisha Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are hearby Required fourthwith to wom all the freeholders and Other Inhabatance in the South Ward in Said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Conven and meet Together att ye Meet ing house in Said Town on Monday the Twenty Sixth of march Instant att Two of the Clock aftemoon 1 To See if the Town wUl fence the Personage with Stone wall whare the rail fence is by making Each Person of Said Town Do his proportion of the fence within one year according to the Rates they pay in Said Town and In Case ye above articals be Complyed with then 2 to Chouse a Committe to measuer ye fence Round the Parsonage and to Lay out Each Persons Proportion of Said fence whare thay Shall Do it 3 to See if the Town will Give the Revd Mr Emerson Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull money for his Salary according to the advise of the Last Comtee that was Chosen to advise the Town on that account or to See Weither the Town Will Come into any meathard to make a Settelment with ye Revd Mr Emerson Respecting his Salary the above articul Was Inserted att ye Request of the Revd Mr Emerson 4 to See if the Town WUl Come into a vote or meathard to make and mend ye heighways and Rods in said Town by Taxing the Inhabatance to Do the work or for said Inhabatance to Pay their respective Tax In Case they shall neglect to work on Due woming Given by ye Survoyers or to See if Said Town will Come into any rules or meathards to make and mend Said highways and rodes in Town 5 to See if the Town will build one or more School house or School houses and to agree Whare ye said School house or School houses shall be Seet 6 to Chouse a Comtee to Supply the Town With a School Master the year Ensuing 7 to See if the Town will Let Swine go at Large as the Law Directs 8 for the Town to Bring in their votes for a County Treasurer 9 to alow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town TOPSFIELD, MASS. 109 Topsfield March 20th 1753 Benja Towne^ Jacob Averel (Selectmen Dan Clarke [^of Topsfield Elijah Porter J This is a True Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town CI' A Proper Retum being made of worning the Inhabatants of the Town one both worrants the meeting followed At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield March ye 26th 1753 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrator for the said meeting Voted 2 The Town Voted and the Revd Mr Emerson Excepted of Sixty Pounds money as money now Stand for his annual Salary Viz from march 1752 yearly and Every year So Long as he shall Continuer his mnsfy amongst us Provided the said Revd Mr Emerson Give the Said Town a Full Discharge yearly and Every year when he is Paid the said Sixty Pounds 3 The Town Voted that the heighways and Rodes should be mended by Laying a Tax upon the Inhabatance of the Town to parfit the Said work Voted 4 the Town agreed yt Swine shall go at Large the year En suing provided they are as the Law Directs Voted Essex ss To John Bathalder one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his majesties Name you are hearby Requred forth With to wom all the freeholders and other In habatance That are Qualified by Law for Voting in the North Ward in Said Town to Conven and meet Together in the meet ing house in said Town on Wednesday ye Twenty Third of this Instant at Two of the Clock after noon 1 To Chouse a Represantitive according to precept 2 to See how much money the Town will raise to Defray the Charges of mending the heighways the present year 3 to See how much money a teem shall be allowed pr Day for working at the heighways and how much money a man shall be allowed pr Day for working at the heighways this Present year 4 to See if the Town fence the Parsonage with Stone-wall by Laying a Tax to Defray the Charge of fencing Said Parsonage 5 to Chouse a Comtee to agree with any person or persons to fence said Parsonage with Stone wall 6 To Chouse a Comtee to new Seat the People in the meeting house annually as their may be ocation 110 TOWN RECORDS OF 7 to aUow BiUs of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen at Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield May 16th 1753 Jacob AvereU^ Dan Clarke I Selectmen Sam" Smith [^of Topsfield EUjah Porter J this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk proper Retums being made of woming the Inhabatance of the Town on Both Warrants the meeting foUowes At a LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield May ye 23rd 1753 1 The Town made Choise of Mr EUjah Porter to Repesent the Town att the Great and Genarel Court to be holden at Boston the year Insuing their being other Bisness to be Done at said meeting 2 Capt Benja Towne was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 3 the Town Voted to Raise money to mend the heighways with 4 The Town voted that the Selectmen shall assess the Inhab atants of the Town in a Tax of Twenty poxmds of money one poles and Estates Both Real and Parsonall 5 The Town Voted that one pare of oxen and a Cart Should be Two ShiUing p' Day a working at the heigh ways the year Ensuing 6 The Town agreed that a man shaU have Two ShiUings pr Day at work att the High ways the year Ensuing Voted 7 the Town aUowed to Israel Clarke for Sixty Three foot of white oak Plank Six Shilling and Eight pence £0 6s 8d Essex ss To John BatchaUer one of the Constable of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his majesties Name you are Required forthwith to Wom aU the freeholders and other Inhabatants of sd Town that are qualUfied for Voting by Law to Conven and meet Together at the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday ye Eighteenth Day of September next at Two of ye Clock in ye after noon 1 To Choose Jurymen to Serve at Newbury Court according to precipt 2 To See how much money ye Town WiU Raise to Defray the Town Charges this Present year TOPSFIELD, MASS. Ill 3 To See if the Town will fence the whole of the Personage With Stone wall Either by Chooseing a Comtee to Sett out to Each Person their parte of fence to Do according to the reats they Pay or to Cause ye work to be Don and Draw money out of the Town Treasury to pay the Charges of Doing it 4 To allow Bills of Charge Hear of fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield August 27th 1753 Benja Towne Jacob Averel Dan Clarke y Sam" Smith Elijah Porter Selectmen of Topsfield a proper Return being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Town the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield Sept ye 18th 1753 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Mr Samll Smith Mr Jacob DwineU are Drawn out of ye Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at newbury Court 3 The Town Voted to fence the Parsonage with a Stone Wall 4 The Town Voted that the Parsonage fence shall be Done according to the Rates thay Pay 5 Leut Luke Averell Mr John Gould and Mr David Balch Junr are Chosen a Comtee to Lay out Each parsons proportion of fence Round the Parsonage according to the Rates they Pay Voted 6 the Town allowed to Mr Samll Smith former Constable Three Shillings and nine pence it Being an abatement of Jonathan Perly Rate Voted 7 The Town allowed to Mr Samll Smith former Constable five Shillings and nine pence it being abatement of Mr Richard Masshall Rate Voted 8 the Town Voted yt the Selectmen shall Lay a Tax upon the Inhabatance of the Town of ninty Pounds to Defray the Charges the year Insuing Boston October 2: 1753 Rec* of Mr John Balch Con^tta of Topsfield Twelve Pounds four Shillings and Ten pence In full H Gray Treas' A True Copy of the Treasurer Recept attest Rich* Towne Town CI'' 112 TOWN RECORDS OF At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield October 10th 1753 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen to Serve on ye Grand jury at the Next Sup' Court To Be holdon at Salem Voted 2 Deacon Daniel Gould and Capt Tobijah Perkins are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the Next Sup' Court to be holden at Salem Essex ss To Elisha Town one of the Constables of ye Towne of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required fourthwith to worn all ye freeholders and other Inhab atance in ye South ward in Said Town that are quallified for voting to assemble and Conven together at ye meeting house In Said Town on Tuesday ye fourth Day of December next att Two of ye Clock after noon 1 To See if the Town Will Except of the Retum of the Comtee that was appointed to Apportion ye Parsonage fence according to the Town Vote and In Case the Said Comtee has not Effected the matter that they was Chosen to do Then 2 To See if ye Town will Choose another Comtee to Effect Said matter Either by Setting out to Each person their part to Do in Stone wall according to the rates thay pay in said Town on Cause ye whole of Said fence to be built in Stone wall and a Tax to be Laid on ye Inhabatances of Said Town to pay for ye Doing of it but If the Town Shall not agree to the above articule Then 3 for the Town to Come into any other methard or meathards for Said Parsonage fence to be Built into Stone Wall yt thay Shall Think Proper 4 To See if the Town will Give Liberty for Such of ye Inhab atances of sd Town as are Inclined to build Stables Next ye meeting house 5 to allow bUls of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and Place above mentioned Topsfield November 27th 1753 Benja Towne ^ Jacob Auverell (Selectmen Dan Clarke [of Topsfield Samll Smith J a proper returne being made of worning ye Inhabatance of the Town the meeting followed Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield Dec"" ye 4th 1753 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 113 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrater for this meeting Voted 2 The Town agrees that a Tax Shall be Laid by ye Select men on Poles and Estates within the Town of Topsfield to De fray ye Charge of Building the whole of the Parsonage fence that is yett to build in Stone wall at the rate of four Shillings pr rod their being 178 Poles and four Links yett to build in Stone wall Voted 3 the Town agrees that Each Parson both for Poles and Es tate That are in Said Town Shall have Liberty to Build their proportinable Part of Said fence as a foresd Provided Thay Do it by ye Tenth Day of June Next Voted 4 The Town agrees that Ens" Nath" Averell Leut Luke Aver ell and Mr Ephraim Wildes shall be a Comtee to Sett out to Each person and Estate in said Town their proportionable Part of said fence to Do both for Quantity and quallity according to the rates thay pay in Said Town Voted 5 The Town Gave Libity to Capt Benja Towne to build a Stable att ye Surtherly End of Decn Byxbys Stable Voted 6 the Town allowed to Mr Samll Bradstreet Eight ShUlings for Seventy foot of Two inch Plank Voted Essex ss To Elisha Towne one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required fourthwith to worn all ye freeholders and other Inhab atants of the South Ward in sd Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to assambel and Conven together att ye Meeting house in said Town on fryday ye forth Day of January Instant att one of ye Clock afternoon 1 To See if the Town will accept of the Return of the Comtee that was Chosen to apportion the Parsonage fence according to the vote of said Town and in Case The Town Shall accept of said Commetees return Then 2 To See if the Town Will Give Every Person Libity that has any part of said fence to Do to Dig and hall rocks of from the Parsonage to buld their part of wall with 3 To See if the Town Will Chuse a Comtee to view the wall that Each Person Shall build round the Parsonage and See yt it is Don according to Law and to build Such persons parts of said fence into Stone wall as may Neglect or refuses to it and So Cause ye whole of ye Towns part of sd fence to be Built in Stone waU by the Tenth Day of July next and also to Dispose of ye rail fence whare whare said waU shall be built in such way and manner as ye Town shall think Proper 114 TOWN RECORDS OF 4 To See if the Town WiU agree that Each Person that shall produce a Cartifiecate from under ye Comtees hand that thay have built their part of said wall agreeable to Law and the tme Designe there of that ye Constables shall then Cross them out of ye rate made to Defray ye Charge of fenceing ye Parsonage With Stone WaU 5 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and Make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town at time and Place above mentioned Topsfield January 1st : 1754 Benja Towne") Jacob Averel (Selectmen Dan Clarke (of Topsfield Samll Smith j This is a tme Copy of ye worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' a proper retum being made of woming the Inhabetance of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield January 4th 1754 1 Capt Benja Towne was Chosen moderator for sd meeting Voted 2 Samll Smith was Chosen and Sworn Clerk for sd meeting Voted 3 The Town Excepted of ye retum of the Comtee that was Chosen to appotion to Each Person and Estates in sd Town Their Proportionable part of fence round ye Parsonage to build in to Stone wall according to the rates they pay in Said Town as thay had Don it Voted 4 The Town agrees that Each Person that has any part of fence to Do round ye Parsonage Shall have Liberty to Dig rocks in and hall them of from the Parsonage to Build their Part with Voted 5 The Town Agreed that Ensn Nath" Averel Leut Luke Aver ell Mr. Ephram Willdes Ser Solomon Gould Mr Matthew Pea body Shall be a Comtee to view the wall that Each Person Shall buUd round ye Parsonage and See that it is Don according to Law and to build Such Persons Part of fence into Stone wall as may Neglect or refuse to Do it and So Cause the whole of ye Towns part of Said fence to be built into stone wall by the Tenth Day of July next Voted 6 the Town agreed that Each Person that Shall Produce a TOPSFIELD, MASS. 115 Cartificate from Under ye Comtees hand that they have built their part of Said wall agreable to Law and the Tme Designe theirof that the Constables shall then Cross them out of ye rate that is made To Defray ye Charges of fenceing ye Parsonage into Stone wall Voted Sam" Smith Clerk for sd meeting This is a True Copy attest Richard Towne Town Clerk We ye Subscribers being Chosen a Comtee by ye Inhabatants of ye TovsTi of Topsfield Do Set out to Each Person and Estates in sd Town their proportionable part of the whole of ye parson age fence which is yit to be Built in Stone waU in said Topsfield Both for Quantiey and Quality according to the rates they pay in said Town as by a vote of said Inhabatantes Recorded in said Town book may appear according to our Best SkUl and Judg ment we have Done it in the following manner Their Being Six parts or divisions the first Division Begins att ye norwesterly end of the Town wall by Land of Samll Smith and from thence runs Norwesterly by Land of sd Smith to Bare hill plain the Second Division begins att a Round O at the mid dle of ye Rail fence Between sd plain and the Personage thence runs Northeasterly by sd plan to the Stone wall The Third Devision begins near to the westerly Comer of Land of Jacob Perkins Jur thence runs Southeasterly to the Divisional Bounds Between sd Perkins and the Personage the forth Division be gins at the Comer by Prichards thence runs Southeasterly by Prichards and by the County Road to the Rev"* Mr Emersons Lott wharein is his Bam the fifth Division beging at the Comer of the fence between sd Lot and the personage thence runs Southerly to the middel of ye fence By said Lott the Sixth Division begins at the Norwesterly Comer of the Northermost Stable thence runs Southerly and then weastwardly by the Road Leading from the meeting house to Decn Goulds and for further Explaineing the matter we have Six CoUoms for the Siting forth of Each and Every mans Lott of fence against sd parsonage the first CoUom Shews the number the second the Lott the Third the name the fourth ye Rods the fifth the Links the Sixts the Tenths of a Link 116 TOWN RECORDS OF N L Names rods Links the first Lot in the first division is set out to SamU Smith ye 2 Lot to Capt Benja Towne ye 3 Lot to Capt Ivory Hovey and Aaron 4 Lott to Simon Gould 5 Lott to Leut Thomas Gould 6 Lott to Joseph Gould 7 Lot to Decn Daniel Gould 8 Lot to Stephen Towne 9 Lot to Jabes Towne 10 Lot to Jabes Tov^ne Junr 11 Lott to Elisha Townes 12 Lott to Elijah Porter 13 Lot to Thomas Porter the first Lott in the Second Division is to Isreal Clarke 2 Lott to Isreal Clarke Jur 3 Lott to Joseph Brown 4 Lott to John Balch 5 Lott to Joseph Hovey & MarsheU 6 Lott to Nathan Hood 7 Lott to WiUiam Hood 8 Lott to John hood 9 Lott to Cor David Commings 10 Lott to John Clarke the first Lott in the Third Division is to Jacob Dormon 2 Lott to Jacob Dorman Jur 3 Lott to ye wid Abigail Dorman 4 Lott to Stephen forster 5 Lott to John Davis & Benja Woodbury 3 6 Lot to Capt Tobijah and John Perkins 5 7 Lott to Joseph Perkins 8 Lott to Jacob Perkins Jur 9 Lott to WiUam Perkins 10 Lot to Nathl Bordman 11 Lot to John Bordman 12 Lot to Sar. NathU Porter 13 Lot to wid hannah Harrick 14 Lot to Joseph Towne 15 Lot to NathU Low lot" 1 11 6 3 10 5 2 4 2 1 16 0 2 0 5 2 11 2 1 21 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 10 7 1 3 5 2 2 5 0 10 5 1 18 0 0 9 0 2 20 5 1 13 0 2 7 5 1 1 0 0 9 0 0 11 0 2 18 7 0 16 0 3 20 3 0 22 5 5 1 7 4 18 0 3 15 3 5 20 0 0 13 8 1 9 0 3 12 0 2 19 0 4 13 0 5 9 0 1 12 0 2 15 0 2 3 0 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 117 1 the first Lott in the forth Division is set to Capt Thos Baker 2 Lot to Thomas Baker Jur 3 Lot to William Rogers 4 Lot to NathU Towne 5 Lot to Thomas Symonds 6 Lot to ye wid Ruth Dorman 7 Lot to Philip Neland 8 Lott to Phillip Neland Jur 9 Lott to Auther Brown 10 Lott to John Bathalder 11 Lott to Joseph Peabody 12 Lott to Dod micheal Dwinel 13 Lott to Micheal DwineU Jur 14 Lott to Jacob DwineU 15 Lott to Thomas DwineU 16 Lott to Benja DwineU 17 Lott to James DwineU 18 Lott to Bartholomew DwineU 19 Lott to Archelus DwineU 20 Lott to Uriel Rea 21 Lott to David Towne 22 Lott to John Willard 23 Lott to Edmond Putman 24 Lott to Thomas Mower 25 Lott to Jeremiah Towne 26 Lot to Benja Towne Jur 27 Lott to Samll Bradstreet 28 Lott to Samuel Bradstreet Jr 29 Lott to Elijah Bradstreet 30 Lott to John Bradstreet 31 Lott to out Town men 32 Lott to Jacob Perkins 33 Lott to Thos Perkins Jur 34 Lott to Robert & Amos Perkins 35 Lott to Elisha Commings 36 Lott to Samuel Potter 37 Lott to Ebeneser Averel 41 Lott to NathU Averel 42 Lott to Jacob Averel 43 Lott to Jacob Averell Jr 44 Lott to David Prichard 45 Lott to Samuel Phippan 2 13 8 0 9 6 1 13 5 0 7 2 1 12 5 0 3 2 0 18 0 0 7 2 0 24 5 1 5 4 1 0 7 0 19 2 1 1 5 0 24 0 1 4 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 7 2 0 7 2 0 21 6 0 24 0 0 9 6 0 18 8 1 6 2 1 0 7 0 19 2 2 16 6 0 7 2 0 7 2 1 1 9 5 3 0 1 8 7 1 0 7 1 18 7 1 5 8 0 11 2 0 13 6 0 22 8 1 8 7 0 9 2 0 7 2 0 7 2 118 TOWN RECORDS OF 38 Lott to Joseph Andrews 39 Lott to Joseph Andrews Jr 40 Lott to Luke Averell the Three Last was Mist Plast 46 Lott to Jeremiah Averel 47 Lott to Ephram Willdes 48 Lott to John WiUdes 49 Lott to Elisha WiUdes 50 Lott to Nathan WiUdes 51 Lott to ye wid Edwards & Thos Edwards 52 Lott to Samuel Perkins 53 Lott to John Perkins 54 Lott to Stephen Perkins 1 the first Lott m the fifth Division to David Perkins 2 Lott to Samuel Towne 3 Lott to Samuel Towne Jur 4 Lott to PhiUp Towne 5 Lott to Doct Richard Dexter 6 Lott to Joshua Towne 7 Lott to Joshua Towne Jur 8 Lott to David Balch 9 Lott to David Balch Junr 10 Lott to Joshua Balch 11 Lott to Simon Bradstreet 1 the first Lott in the Sixth Division to Qur Dan Clarke 2 Lott to John Cree 3 Lott to EUeser Lake 4 Lott to Elieser Lake Junr 5 Lott to Daniel Lake 6 Lott to Decn George Byxby 7 Lott to Daniel Bixby 8 Lott to Benja Bixby 9 Lott to Qur Matthew Peabody 10 Lott to John Peabody 11 Lott to Richard Towne 12 Lott to Aaron Easty 13 Lott to Isreal Averel 14 Lott to Jacob Robinson 15 Lott to ye wid Dorothy Riggs 0 23 6 0 22 8 1 19 5 1 8 6 1 18 7 0 21 6 1 7 0 0 17 6 1 2 3 2 3 9 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 8 0 20 8 0 7 2 1 3 0 1 19 5 0 8 0 0 21 6 1 5 0 0 16 8 0 16 0 0 12 8 2 3 0 0 20 8 0 7 2 1 1 5 1 20 7 1 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 9 0 0 7 2 1 3 0 2 9 7 0 19 6 1 0 0 0 4 5 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 1] 16 Lott to John Lefaver 0 8 0 17 Lott to Enos Towne 0 7 3 18 Lott to Joseph Towne Jur 0 7 3 19 Lott to Thomas Perkins 1 3 0 20 Lott to Enock Perkins 0 7 2 21 Lott to Zacchus Gould 1 8 0 22 Lott to William Gallap 0 7 2 23 Lott to Eliezer Gould 0 19 0 24 Lott to John Gould 1 10 5 25 Lott to Solomon Gould 1 12 5 26 Lott to Samuel Marster 0 7 2 27 Lot to Zebulon Willdes 0 19 2 In Conformation of all above Written we have hear unto set our hands this Third Day of January anno Dom 1754 in ye Twenty Eight year of his Majesties Reign Luke Averell ) Nath" Averell >- Comtee Ephram Willdes j This is a Tme Copy attest Rich* Towne Town CI' Essex ss To Elisha Towne one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to Wam all the freeholders and other In habatants in the South Ward in said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to assemble and Conven Together at the Meetin_g house in said Town on Tuesday the fifth Day of March Next Ensuing at nine of the Clock in ye forenoon 1 To Chouse Selectmen a Town Clerk and all other Town officers as the Law Directs 2 to See if the Town will advise the Selectmen to Lay out a Town highway on ye South Side of the Rever from the rever Bridge to wenham Line according to the petition of a Number of the Inhabants of wenham and Beverly 3 To See if ye Town will Give Mr David Commings Libity to Erect a Stable Near the meeting house 4 to See if the Town WUl Chuse a Comtee to Dispose of the Postes and rails of the Parsonage fence for ye Towns Best Use and Benefit 5 To Chouse Jurymen to Serve at Ipswich Court next march according to Worrant 6 to See if the Town WiU Except of the Selectmen Recking With the Town Treasurer 7 to aUow BiUs of Charge 120 TOWN RECORDS OF hearof fail not and make retum of this your Worrant With your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att Time and Place above Mentioned Topsfield febr 20th 1754 Benja Towne^ Jacob Averel \ c , . Vv /-I 1 I Selectmen SamlfSh fo"opsMd Elijah porter J this is a Tme Coppy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town CI' proper retums being made of woming the Inhabitance of the Town the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield March ye 5th 1754 1 Capt Benja Towne is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Capt Benja Towne Mr Jacob Averel Qur Dan Clarke Mrsrs Samll Smith and Elijah Porter are Chosen Selectmen for the year Insuing Voted 3 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk for the year Insuing Voted 4 Jabes Towne and Joseph Hovey are Chosen Constables for the year Insuing Voted 5 Capt Thos Baker is Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing Voted 6 Elieser Lake Jur Elisha Commings and Thos DwineU are Chosen Tything men for the year Insuing Voted 7 Daniel Byxby Jacob DwineU Robert Perkins Daniel Lake and John Perkins Jur are Chosen Survoyers of the high Ways the year Insuing Voted 8 David Perkins is Chosen Sealer of Lather for ye year In- suing Voted 9 Solomon Gould John Gould and Joseph Gould are Chosen fence viewers for the year Insuing Voted 10 John Cree and Joshua Towne Jur are Chosen Hogreaves the year Insuing Voted 11 the Tovra agreed that Each Person shall have the posts and Rails that is against his Part of Stone wall Round ye par sonage Voted 12 the Town Gave Libity to Mr David Commings to set up - a Stable at the Northerly End of John Goulds Stable about Twelve foot Long Voted 13 Nathanel Porter Jur is Chosen Grand Jury man for the year Insuing Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 121 14 Israel Averell and Jeremiah Averell are Drown out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the next Infear' Court to be holden at Ipswich Voted 15 The Town abated Sam" Masster Rates in Constable Elisha Townes List Voted 16 the Town abated Jonathan Willdes rates for the year 1753 Voted 17 The Town abated Elieser Gould rates which he was rated in John Balchs List for his head Voted 18 the Town allowed to David Balch Juner for a plank 19 foot 1/2 to amend a Bridge with £0 Is 6d and to Timber to mend a Brege with 0 14 Voted 19 The Article Conserning the heighway petitioned for by Sum of Wenham and Beverly Which the Town Left for further Considration Voted the officers Chosen att the above said meeting to which an Oath Belonged ware Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their officeis Before the Selectmen Immeditately after the meeting was Over Execepting John Gould and Thomas DwineU Essex ss To Jabes Towne one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting in his Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to Worn all the freeholders and other In habitants in the South Ward in sd Topsfield that are qualified by Law for Voting to Conven and Meet Together at ye meeting house in sd Town on Tuesday the Ninteenth of March Instant att Two of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 To Chouse a Comtee to Supply the Town with a School Marster for the year Ensuing 2 To See if the Town wiU Chouse a Comtee to take Care and Due up all the rail fence round the parsonage that is not made into waU by the first Day of April next to ye Tenth Day of June Next 3 To See if the Town will mend the heighways in sd Town by a rate and to See how much more the Town wiU raise to Defray the Charges of mending sd ways this present year 4 to See if the Town wiU advise the Selectmen to Lay out a Private Town Way on the South Side of the rever in sd Town from the County road to Wenham Line according to ye Petition of a Number of the Inhabatants of Beavely and Wenham 5 To See if the Town will Lett out ye Pue on the right hand of ye fmnt Door in ye meeting house in sd Town for the year Ensuing to Such Person or Persons as wiU give most for it 122 TOWN RECORDS OF 6 to See if ye Town Will Lett Swine go att Large the year Insuing as the Law Directs 7 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of the Worrant With your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen of sd Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield March 14th 1754 Benja Towne ^ Jacob Averell I s^ie^tmen m£f^er fof Topsfield SamU Smith J A Proper Retum Being made of woming the Inhabitants of the Town on both worrants the meeting followeth At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield March 19th 1754 1 Capt Towne is Chosen Modrater for this Meeting Voted 2 Leut Thomas Gould Thomas Perkins Jur Sar Jacob Robin son are Chosen a Comtee to Supply the Town with a School Master the year Ensuing Voted 3 the Town agreed to rais forty pounds on poles and Estates to Defray the Charges of mending the heigh ways the year In- suing Voted 4 The Town advisd the Selectmen not to Lay out a highway from the County Road to wenham Line untill Wenham Select men had Layd out a high way to Topsfield Line so as they may Know Whare to Lay Said road Voted 5 The Town agreed that Doct Dexter shall have the Libity he and His famely of Seting in the Pue yt is att the Reight hand of the fmnt Door in the meeting house Voted 6 the Town Gave Libity for Swine to go att Large the year In- suing provided thay are as the Law Directs Voted 7 the Town allowed to Qur Dan Clarke Sixteen Shillings for Sweeping the meeting house the year Insuing Voted We the Subscribers Being appointed a Comtee to Prambulate and Renew the Bounds Between Topsfield and Middliton and accordingly We have met the 30th Day of Aprill 1754 and re newed the Bounds as formerly thay ware Comtee for f Benja Towne rr.Tr,tee fr^r- C John Wilkins Topsfield I Nath" porter Jr ^om ^ J^J j J°^%V"'i'' (. Josa Wnght this is a True Copy of ye Prambulation attest Rich* Towne Town CI' TOPSFIELD, MASS. 123 Essex SS To Jabes Towne one of ye Constables of Topsfield Greeting in his Majesties Name you are hearby required forth with to worn all the freeholders and other Inhabatants of the South Ward in Said Town that are Quallified by Law for voting to Conven Together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tusday the fourteenth Day of May next att Two of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 to Chouse a Reperesentative according to the precept 2 To Chouse a Comtee to Supply the Town With a School Master this present year 3 to See What the Town wiU allow for a mans working att the Heighways pr Day this year and what for a pare of oxen pr Day and what for a Cart pr Day 4 to allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make return of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen att time and place above mentioned Topsfield April 30th 1754 Jacob Averein Dan Clarke J Selectmen Samll Smith | of Topsfield Elijah porter J this is a True Copy of ye Worrant proper retums being made on both Warrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town meeting followeth att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield May 14th 1754 1 Capt Towne is Chosen Modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Mr Thomas Symonds Mr David Balch and Mr John Bord man are Chosen a Comtee to Supply the Town With a School Master the year Insuing Voted 3 The Town agreed that a man Shall have 2 Shillings pr Day att work at the heighways and a paer of Oxen one Shilling pr Day and a Cart or Tumbrell one Shilling pr Day and To proproson- able as the Team is 4 the Town allowed to Leut Luke Averell one pound Twelve Shillings for Bording the School Marster Two mounths in the year 1753 att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield May ye 14th 1754 the Town Made Choise of Mr Elijah porter to represent the Town att the Great and Genearel Court to be holden att Boston the year Ensuing We the Subribers being Autherised & Impowered to Pram blate the Lines and Bounds between the Town of Topsfield & 124 TOWN RECORDS OF The Districk of Danvers Begining att a white oak Stump with Stones about it Standing about one Rod and one hah North Easterly from the ophulus Folks Bam Near Wenham Causway from thence to a Black or Red Tree Stump with a heap of Stones Standing in Daniel Gotts orchard and from thence to a heap of Stones near Thomas Dwnells paster from thence to a heap of Stones near Nickeles Brook So on the Same Course to Said Brook Near a Saw miU April 30th 1754 James prince ] Aaron Easty I Topsfield Eleeser porter V Danvers Thos porter ) ^ Samuel putman ) Copy attest Richd Towne Town Clerk We the Subribers being appointed and Impowered by the Selectmen of wenham and Topsfield to prambulate and Renew the Bounds Between the Said Town we have met and have mutely agreed as followeth Viz Begining at the White oak Stump of a Tree which is Danvers Northeasterly Comer Bounds from thence to a Stake and heap of Stones By the heighway Leding from wenham Causway to Bunkers Medow one the West Side of the way from thence to a plump or Stump of maples but now a heap of Stones in a Brook thence as the Brook Runs to a Stake & heap of Stones att the Coining over the Said Brook — from thence to the South Easterly Comer of pigdons medow so Calld and So to the River aU which is agree able to the Selectmen in the year 1740 Jacob DwineU \f ^^ ^ , ¦, Thomas Tarbox") Richard Towne I f°^ Topsfield genja KimbeU l^^^^ Isaac Dodges [ SamU Tarbox J this is a True Copy attest Richard Towne Town C' We the Subscribers have this Day meet and have Preamblated on ye Line and renewed the bounds Betwen ye Towns of Tops- field and Boxford as foUoweth Begining att an appletree in Mr Asa perley field from thence to a Stake and heap of Stones att ye South Easterly Comer of Bakers farm so called thence to whare ye water runs through ye Dam near Simon Goulds house Called Andross Dam thence to a Stake & heap of Stones by the fishing Brook on the Easterly Side of a rivellet runing into Said Brook thence as sd Brook runs to Ipswich river so called thence up said river to middelton Line Comtee for Topsfield and Boxford Joseph Hale Juner Benja Towne Thomas perley Jacob Averell paul prichard Samll Smith TOPSFIELD, MASS. 125 Essex ss To Jabes Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In His Majesties Name you are hearby Required fourthwith to Worn all the freeholders and other In habatants in the South Ward in Said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Conven and meet together att the meeting house in sd Town on Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of this In stant att Two of the Clock afternoon 1 to Chouse Jury men to Serve att Newbury Court 2 To See if the Town would have the Bill made into a Law that is prepered by the General Court for an Excise to be paid upon Spirrttuous Licquors that is Consumed in privet houses 3 to See if the Town will Except of the Comtee report respect ing the Parsonage fence and to act any thing further that is Nessary to be Don on Said affares 4 To See how much money the Town Will raise to Defray the Town Charges this present year 5 to See what meathards the Town will Come into in order to Establish a Just Settelment with the revd Mr Emerson Re specting his Sallary 6 to allow Bills of Charge hearof fail not and make return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Topsfield Sept' 9th 1754 Jacob Averel |g^j^^^^^^ ESJLfptter[°f Topsfield this is a True Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk proper Retums being made of worning the Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield Sept 17th 1754 1 Capt Towne is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 David perkins and Simon Gould are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury at the Next Infear Court to be Holden at Newbury 3 the Town agreed that the Selectmen Shall Lay a Tax upon the Inhabitants of the Town of Sixty Pounds to Defray the Charges of the Town the year Ensuing Voted 4 The Town Excepted of the Comtee Report Respecting the Parsonage fence Voted 5 The Town allowed to Mr thomas Symonds and Mr John Bordman Two Pounds for the School Marster for one months Keeping School £2 0 0 126 TOWN RECORDS OF 6 the Town allowed to Mr Stephen foster 0 6 5 for Eighty foot of white oak plank to mend Briges with Voted Topsfield Sept 13th 1754 to the Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield Gentlemen We Haveing Ben Chosen and appointed a Comtee to Sirvay the parsonage fence in sd Topsfield accordingly We have pro- ceded and Servayd the same and Do Esteem to be a Soffisient Stone wall fence in wittness whereof We have hear Unto Set our hands the Day above Said Ephraim WiUdes ) Luke Averel V Comtee Nath" Averell ) this is a Tme Copey of the Comtee Retum of the parsonage fence attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Essex ss To Joseph Hovey one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required fourth With to Wom all the freeholders and other Inhabitants That are Qualified for Voting in the North Ward in sd Town to Conven together att ye meeting House in said Town on Tuesday ye Eighth Day of October Instn att Two of the Clock aftemoon 1 to See What Sum of money the Town will Give the Revd Mr Emerson for his annual Sallary So Long as he Shall Continue the work of ye ministry amongst us in said Town in lieu of ye Sum mentioned in his former Contract made with said Town and in Lieu of all the Sums of money that have att any time heartofore been voted by Said Town to be paid to him for or as Sallary and in case the Town ShaU agree to vote any Certain Sum Then 2 To See if the Town Will Chuse a Comte to Lay ye Sum voted Before the revd Mr Emerson for his acceptance or Re- fussell and in Case he shall axcept of the Sum voted then for Said Comtee to Cause a firme Settlement to be made with the said Revd Mr Emerson respecting his said SaUary and Reccorded in the Town Book in a proper manner 3 To See if the town will Give Edmond Putnam and his famely Libity to Sitt in the Pue on ye right hand of the frunt Dore in the meeting house — from this time to the first of next May 4 To Choose Jurymen for Salem Court according to precept 5 To See what the Town will Do Towards ye maintaintes of Elesabeth DwineU and agree with Sum meet person to take Care of her TOPSFIELD, MASS. 127 6 to allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this Worrant with your Doing to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield October 1st 1754 Jacob Averell ^ Dan Clarke (Selectmen Elijah porter Coi Topsfield Samll Smith J this is a True Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' Proper Retums being made of worning the Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield on Both Worrants the meeting followeth att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield October 8th 1754 1 Mr Elijah Porter is Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 The Town made Choise of Mr David Balch to Serve on the Grand Jury att the Next Sup' Court to be holden att Salem Voted 3 Mr John Batchalder and Qur Dan Clarke was Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the next Sup' Court to be holden at Salem 4 the Town allowed to Mr Joseph Hovey Eight pence pr week from the first of May to the Eight of October for Keeping Elisa beth DwineU and from the Eight Day of October So Long as She Keeps att his house and not able to Support herself one Shilling and four pence per week Voted 5 the Town allowed to Jeremiah Towne former Constable Seven Shillings it being an abatement of George DwineU Rate Voted 6 the Town allowed to Jeremiah Towne former Constable Two Shillings and Eight Pence it being an abatement of John and James Nickels Rate Voted 7 the Town allowed to Samll phippan What he was Rated in John Batchalder and Stephen Perkins former Constables Rates Voted Essex ss To Joseph Hovey one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and other In habitants that are Quallified by Law for Voting in the North Ward in Said Town to Conven and meet Together att the Meet ing house in Said Town on fryday the Tenth Day of January Inst att one of the Cloock afternoon 128 TOWN RECORDS OF 1 To See what the Town will act relating to a petition of Mr Jonathan porter of wenham and others respecting a highway that is to be Laid out from Said Wenham to the County road in Topsfield 2 To See what further meathard ye Town will Come into re specting the maintances of Elisabeth DwineU 3 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield January 7th 1755 Benja Towne ^ Jacob Averell I Selectmen Dan Clarke (of Topsfield Samll Smith J a Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' proper retums Being made on both Worrants of woming the Inhabitatts of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth att a Legall Meeting in Topsfield January 10th 1755 1 Capt Towne is Chosen Modrator for this meeting Voted 2 The Town agreed to Give Samuell Tappley one Shilling and four pence per week for keeping Elisabeth DwineU from the Tenth Day of January to the first Town meeting in March Next Insuing Voted Wee the Subscribers being a Comtee apointed by the Town of Ipswich and the Town of Topsfield to prambulate the Line Between the said Towns mett to perambulate Said Line this Sixteenth Day of Deer 1754 and Began by the River att the mouth of Houletts Brook and so runs by Said Brook to a Stake and heap of Stones in Nelands meadow and from Said Heap of Stones to a heap of Stones on a Hill with a Stake and marked 1754 and from thence to a Stake Standing in a Great Spring in Conants meadow from thence to a heap of Stones being about Eight rods westward from the Brook near Stephen fosters house from thence on a strait Line runing by Bumams Land to a Black oak Tree att the Bottom of the hill being the Comer of perkins land So on to the pond and so on a Straight Line to an apple Tree and Stones about it the Comer bounds Between Ipswich Topsfield and Boxford co-tee for IST'poSr ^a^^l ^-^j,"' Ipswich |j„t„smith SamU Smith (ToPs6d-Wenham Josiah Ober Edmond KimbellJ this is a Tme Copy attest Richd Towne Town CI' To Thomas Symonds one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other Inhab atants In the North ward in sd Town that are Qualified for Voting to Conven and meet Together att the Meeting House in said Town on Thursday the ninteenth Day of May Instant att Two of the Clock afternoon 1 To See if the Town will Choose a man to Represent Said Town att ye Generall Court the year Insuing 2 To See if the Town Will agree and Come into Sum proper method to build a new Meeting House or to repair the old meet ing house 3 for the Town to Chouse a Comtee to Supply the Town With a School Master the year Insuing 4 To See how much money the Town will raise to Defray the Charges of mending the High ways this present Year 5 To See if the Town will agree to Let Swine Go at Large the year Insuing agreeable to Law 6 To See if the Town will Choose a man or men to Supply the Town with Stocks as the Law Directs 7 To See if the Town WUl Grant the petition of Benja Towne Jur 8 To See if the Town will Give the widow Abiel Tapley the Sum of four pounds a year for Takeing Care of and providing for her mother Elizabeth DwineU 9 To allow Bills of Charge hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doing to one or more of the Selectmen att Time and Place above mentioned 154 TOWN RECORDS OF Topsfield May 11th 1757 Matthew Peabody^ Elijah Porter (Selectmen John Gould [of Topsfield Samll Smith J this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town CI' Proper retums being made on both worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth At a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield May 19th 1757 1 the Town made Choise of Mr John Gould to Represent the Town att the great and Generall Court to be holden att Boston the Year Insuing and their Being other Bisness to be Don 2 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 3 Deacon George Bixby Capt Tobijah Perkins and Mr Nathan Hood are Chosen a Comtee to Serch the Meeting House and See if it were Worth Repering Voted 4 Messers Abraham Hobs John Perkins Jur and Elisha Com mings are Chosen a School Comtee for the year Insuing Voted 5 the Town Voted to raise Twenty Pounds to Defray the Charges of working att the Highways the year Insuing 6 the Town agreed that Swine Should go at Large the year Insuing Provided thay are as the Law Directs Voted 7 the Town allowed to the widow Abiel Tapley after the Rate of four pounds pr year for takeing Care of her mother Elizabeth DwineU be it for a Longer or Shorter Time Voted 8 the Town Voted that Mr Elisha Willdes Should Put the Irons on the Stocks and Bring them to the meeting House Voted 9 the Town allowed to mr Benja lerland five ShUlings and one peny it being an abatement of part of his Rates Voted 10 the Town allowed to mr Zacchues Gould nine pence it Being a batement of Part of James Nickels Rates Voted 11 the Town allowed to Mr Asa Bradstreet Thirteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings for Keeping School five months and Three weeks in the year 1756 Voted £13 16s Od 12 The Town allowed to Mr Joseph Bradstreet Two poimds & Eight ShiUings for one months Keeping School in the year 1756 £2 8s Od 13 the Town aUowed to the widow Abiall Tapley Two pounds for Keeping her mother Elizabeth DwineU from the Eighteenth Day of Novr 1756 to the Eighteenth Day of May 1757 Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 155 Topsfield March 1st 1757 Reed of Mr Richard Towne Town Treasurer the Sum of Twenty Three Pounds Twelve Shillings money for my Salary to September 2nd 1756 by me John Emerson Clerk this is a Tme Copey of Mr Emerson Recept attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Boston April 18 1757 Reed of Mr Stephen Foster Consti of Topsfield for 1756 Three pounds one Shilling in full by the hand of Mr Jonathan Foster H Gray treas' Reed of Mr Stephen Foster Two Pounds Lawfull Money In full for what he was to Collect of the Town of Topsfield County tax for the year 1756 Ipswich May 28th 1757 Daniel Appleton County Treasurer these two Recepts above are True Copeys attest Richard Towne Town Clr Topsfield June ye first Day 1757 We the Subscribers Haveing Been this Day Notefied by Mr Israel Averell to Devide the fence Laying between the Said Averell & Mr David Balch of Said Topsfield have Devided as followeth to Vis begining att Cor" Matthew Peabodys Paster — Runing Weastwardly Mr Isreal Averell begins first Nine Rods 72 feet and half Mr David Balch next 11 Rods 2 feet and half Mr Israel Averell next 3 Rods 15 feet and nine Inches Next Mr David Balch Runing Still Weast wardly to the westwardly Comer of the Said Averell Paster then Runing Northerly 32 Rods 13 feet 3 Inches to a Cartain Divisionall Bound — then Said Averell Runing from thence 29 Rods fourteen feet and Six Inches to a Bound on the Surtherly Side of the Bank of the River then Mr David Balch Begining att the Last Bound — mentioned and runing into the River 2 Rods and 2 feet from thence sd Averell Runing 1 Rod and Six feet to the Bank on the North Side of the River Ephram Willds 1 fence vewers Robert Perkins j of Topsfield This is a True Copy attest Richard Towne Town CI' Essex ss To Thomas Symonds one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties you are Required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Quallified by Law for Voting in the North ward in sd Town to Conven Together att the meeting House in Said town on Tues- 156 TOWN RECORDS OF day the Twenty Eight day of June Ins* att Two of the Cloock after noon 1 To Consider and Come into Som Proper Measuers for take ing Care of the French family in Said Town and to act any thing the Town Shall think proper respecting sd family Being provided for 2 To See if the Town will axcept of the Reporte of the Comtee that was Chosen to Examine wether the meeting House will admit of being Repared 3 to See if the Town will Greant the Petition of Jacob Aver ell Junr 4 To See if the Town wiU Reconsider their vote of Raiseing Twenty pounds to Defray the Charges of mending the highways this year or otherwise to See if the Town will raise more money for mending said ways Hearof fail not and make retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att time and place above mentioned Matthew Peabody^ John Gould (Selectmen Elijah Porter [of Topsfield Samll Smtih J this is a True Copy of ye worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' Proper Returns being made of worning the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth At a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield June 28th 1757 1 Mr Elijah Porter is Chosen Modrator for this meeting Voted 2 the Town Excepted of the Report of the Comtee Chosen Vis Capt Tobijah Perkins Deacon George Bixby and Mr Nathan Hood to Sarch the meeting House and that thare Report is that the meeting house is not worth Reparing 3 the Town Granted Liberty to Mr Jacob Averell Juner to Sett up a Shoop of Eighteen foot in Langth and fifteen foot in width on the Towns Land where Mr Isaac Fitts Shoop Stood Voted Essex ss To Thomas DwineU one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are hearby Required forth With to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Qualified by Law for Voting in the South Ward In Said Town to assembel and Conven together att TOPSFIELD, MASS. 157 the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Sixth Day of September next att Two of the Clock after noon 1 To Chouse Jury men for to Serve att Newbury Court accord ing to the Venire 2 To See how much money the Town will Raise to Defray The Town Charges this present year 3 To See if the Town will Chouse a Comtee to take Care and Stop the leakeges of the meeting House 4 to allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make return of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Select men of Said Town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield August 25th 1757 Matthew Peabody ) Sg,„„tjj,en £3lmr [ofTopafield this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town CI' proper returns being made of woming the Inhabatants of sd Town of Topsfield one Both Worrants the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield Sept 6th 1757 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen modrator for this meeting Voted 2 Mesiers John Balch Elieser Lake Jur are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the next Infearer Court to be holden att Newbury 3 the Town agreed to raise one hundred pounds to Defray the Charges of the Town ye year Insuing Including Mr Emerson Sallary in Said Sum Voted 4 The Town allowed to Leut Luke Averell five Shillings and four pence for plank Voted 5 the Town allowed to Leut Luke Averell Eight Shillings for 114 feet of plank to Lay one the River Bridge Voted 6 the Town allowed Mr Israel Averell Eight Shillings for one Tun of Timber £0 8s Od Voted 7 the Town allowed Cor Peabody four Shillings for half a Tun of Timber £0 4 0 Voted 8 the Town made Choise of Mr Solomon Dodge to Serve on the Grand Jury att the next Supr Court to be holden att Salem 9 Mesers Jacob Averell and Joseph Andrew are Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the next Supearer Court to be holden att Salem 158 TOWN RECORDS OF Essex ss To Thomas DwineU one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In His Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and others Inhabatants in the South ward in Said Town that are Qualified for Voteing to Conven and meet Together att the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Twenty Second Day of November Instant att Two of ye Clock after noon 1 To Chouse a man or men to answer the presentment for the Towns not haveing a School 2 to See what measuers the Town Will Come into for to have the french family in Said Town Supported under their Dificult Surcomstantes 3 to aUow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this Worrant with your Doing to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town att Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield Novr 9th 1757 Matthew Peabody^ John Gould (Selectmen Elijah Porter (of Topsfield Samll Smith J a tme Copy of ye Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Proper Retums being made on both Worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town the meeting foUoweth Att a LegaU Town meeting in Topsfield Novr 22nd 1757 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Moderator for sd meeting Voted 2 The Town made Choise of Deacon Bixby and Mr Elijah Porter to go to the next Court of Generall Sessions of the peace to be holden att Salem to answer a presentment for want of a School Voted 3 the Town allowed to the Selectmen four pounds four ShU- Ungs and four pence for Two mounths Schooling and Bording the Schol master Voted 4 the Town allowed to Mr Simon Gould for one Hundred and Thirteen feet of white oak pland att the Rate of four pounds per Thousand Voted 5 the Town aUowed to Mr Stephen Foster five Shillings for Seventy Two feet of white oak plank Voted Topsfield December 14th 1757 then Rec* of Mr Zaceheus Gould former Constable Two pounds Three Shillings & Eight Pence in full of his Collection Rec* by me Richard Towne Town Treasurer TOPSFIELD, MASS. 159 Wee the Subscribers Being Authoised and Impowered to Pram belate ye Line and Bounds Between the Town of Topsfield and the Town of Danvers have mett this 13th Day of December 1757 and Renewed sd Bounds or Line as followeth Vis begining att a White oak Stump with Stones about it Standing about one Rod and one half Northeasterly from Theophelius Fisks Barn Near to Wenham Casuaway from thence to a Black or rad oak tree Stump with a heap of Stones Standing in Daniel Gotts Or chard from thence to a heap of Stones near Thos Dwinells paster From thence to a heap of Stones near Nicholes Brook So on the Same Course to Said Brook near the Low mills Commonly Called Porters Saw Mill John Preston ) Matthew Peabody ) ^ ^ , , Arch Deal V Danvers Benja DwineU j" lopsneld SamuU putnam ) We the Subscribers being a Comtee appointed by the Towns of Ipswich and Topsfield to Prambulate the Lines Betwen Ips wich and Topsfield met this fifteenth Day of Deer 1757 and Pramblated Said Line and Began by the River at the mouth of Houletts Brook and So by sd Brook to a Stake and heap of Stones in Nealands meadow and from thence to a heap of Stones on a hill with a Stake marked 1754 and from thence to a Stake Standing in a Grate Spring in Conants meadow from thence to a heap of Stones Being about Eight rods Westward from the Brook near Stephen fosters House from Thence on a Strait Line runing by Bumams Land to a Black oak tree att the Botom of the hill being the Comer of perkines Land So on to the pond and So on a Strait Line to an appel tree and Stones about it the Corner bound Betwen Ipswich Topsfield and Boxford Elijah porter ) Comtee for David Low ) Comtee for Abraham Hobs ) Topsfield Jeremiah perkins J Ipswich We the Subscribers being a Comtee apointed by the Towns of Topsfield & Boxford to pramblate the Line Betwen sd Towns met this fifteenth Day of December 1757 and pramblated sd Line & Began att an appel tree with Stones about it in Asa parleys field from thence to a Stake and heap of Stones at the Southerly Corner of Bakers farme (So Called) thence to whare the water runs Through ye Dam near Simon Goulds house (Called androus Dam) thence to a Stake & heap of Stones by fishing Brook on the Easterly Side of a rever late runing into Said Brook thence as Said Brook runs to Ipswich river so Call* thence up sd River to middelton Line 160 TOWN RECORDS OF Aaron Wood ) ^ , EUjah Porter | Comtee for Asa Parley h^ 2: !i Abraham Hobbs ) Topsfield Paul Prichard j^^°^*^ Middleton December 13th 1757 We the Subscribers Being a Comtee appointed to Renew the bounds Between Topsfield and Middleton have porseeded as foUoweth Begining at a heap of stones in Nickels brook above the SawmUl and so runing as the Brook Runs the most Northerly part thereof to a Bunch of ashes Standing at the mouth of the Said brook where It Empits it Self into the River Comtee for f Joseph Towne Comtee for [ Andrew FuUer Topsfield X SamU Commings Middelton -l Zarobabel Peabody (. David Kinney the Three aforesd Copes are True Copeys attest Richard Towne Town CI' Essex ss To Thomas DwineU one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to Wom aU the Freeholders and Other Inhab atants that are Qualified by Law for Voting in the South ward in Said Town to Conven and meet together at the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Seventh of march Next at nine of the Clock in the fore noon 1 To Choose Selectmen Constables a Town Clark and aU other Town Officers as the Law Directs for the year Insuing 2 To See if the Town wUl accept of the Selectmen Rickoning With the Town Treasurer 3 to Choose Jurymen for next march Court according to the Venire 4 To allow BUls of Charge Hearof faU not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield Febr 14th 1758 Matthew Peabody ^ John Gould EUjah Porter SamU Smith this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' There Being Proper Retums made on Both worrants of woming the Iiihabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting foUoweth .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 161 Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 7th 1758 1 Leut Samll Smith was Chosen Modreator for this meeting Voted 2 Leut NathU Porter Missrs John Gould David Balch Daniel Byxby David Perkins was Chosen Selectmen for the year Insuing Voted 3 Mr Abraham Hobbs Mr Elijah Porter ware Chosen Con stables for the year Insuing Voted 4 Richard Towne is Chosen Town Clerk for the year Insuing Voted 5 Richard Town was Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing Voted 6 Messrs Simon Gould Stephen perkins Nathan Willdes was Chosen Tything men for the year Insuing Voted 7 Missrs Joseph Andrew Elieser Lake Junr Joseph Towne Nathan Hood and Archalues Rea ware Chosen Sevoyers of the Highway the year Insuing Voted 8 Mr David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Lather ye year Insuing Voted 9 Leut Luke Averell and Mr Solomon Dodge and Auther Brown ware Chosen fence Vewers for the year Insuing Voted 10 Messrs Thomas Symonds and John Bathalder ware Chosen Hog Reaves for the year Insuing Voted 11 the Town Excepted of the Selectmens Rickoning with The Town Treasurer and their Remains in sd Treasurers hand not ordred out ninty Three pounds Three Shillings and Two pence 12 Mr John Bathelder was Chosen Grand Jury for the year Insuing Voted 13 Messrs Robert Perkins and Samll Commings was Drawn Out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the next Inferer Court to be holden att Ipswich 14 the Town abated Mr Richd Cree Rate what he was rated to the Town Which is five Shillings 0 5 0 Voted 15 The Town abated to Samll Phippan what he was Rated in Constable foster List which is 0 14 0 Voted 16 It is to be under[stood] that Mr Abraham Hobbs is to serve as Constable in the rum and Stead of Mr John Bradstreet so Voted the Several Persons which was Chosen into Office att the above sd meeting to whom an Oath is Required was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there Office on the Seventh Eleventh and Sixteenth Days of the Said mounth Excepting Messrs John Gould and Elijah Porter Stephen Perkins Mr John Gould Mr Dan Clarke and Mr Stephen Perkins took 162 TOWN RECORDS OF the Oaths to Each of their Respective Offices to which they ware Chosen into on the 24th Day of March 1758 Essex ss To Abraham Hobbs Constable in the Town of Topsfield Greeting in his Majesties Name you are hereby Re quired to wom all the freeholders and Other Inhabatants that are Qualified by Law for voting in Said Town to Conven and meet Together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Twenty Seventh Day of March Instant att one of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 To See if the Town wiU Choose a man to Serve Constable in the rom of Mr EUjah Porter 2 to See if the Town wUl do any thing Concerning the Town Stock of ammunition 3 To See if the Town WiU Chouse a man to take Care of the french Famely that is in Town 4 To See if Swine ShaU go at Large the year Insuing 5 To See if the Town Will Choose a School Comtee to find a School marster for Said Town According to Law 6 To aUow BiUs of Charge Hearof faU not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield March 20th 1758 NathU Porter "^ Daniel Bixby (Selectmen David Perkins (of Topsfield David Balch Jur J This is a Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk A proper Retum Being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Said Town the meeting foUoweth Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 27th 1758 1 Leut Samll Smith was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 2 the Town made Choise and Excepted of Mr Dan Clark to Serve as Constable in the Rom and in Stead of Mr EUjah Porter for the year Insuing Voted 3 the Town made Choise of the Selectmen to provide the Town with a School master according to Law the year Insuing Voted 4 The Town made Choise of the Selectmen to take Care and Provide a Town Stock what is Nead fuU for the Town Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 163 5 the Tovra agreed that Swine Should Go att Large ye year Insuing Voted 6 the Tovra abated to Mr Benja lerland for his head what he was Rated in Constable Towne Lists being £0 14s Od 7 the Town abated to Mr Benja lerland for his head what he was rated in Constable Dwinells Listes Being 0 6 4 8 the Town aUowed to the former Selectmen for providing the Town With a School four munths Eight Pounds Ten Shillings and Eight Pence Voted ' 9 the Town allowed to Mr Elijah Porter Eight Shillings for j going to Salem Court Last December to git the fine of [f] which 1 we were persented for want of a School Voted 0 8 0 10 the Town abated to William Gallap what he was rated in Constable Towne List Being 0 5 4 11 the Town allowed to Mr Joseph Hovey for 55 feet of and one Stick of Timber Voted 0 4 0 12 the Towm allowed to Mr Solomon Dodge for Serves Done for the Town Respecting the high way and money Ex pended 5 3 3 13 The Town allowed to Leut Luke Averell Seven pounds Sixteen Shillings and 4 pence for Going to the Courts about the Highway and Extrodney Expence 7 16 4 Essex ss To Quar Dan Clarke one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to wome all the freeholders and other Inhaba tants that are quallified By Law for voting in the South ward in Said Town to Conven and meet Together att the meeting House in Said Town on Wednesday the Twenty forth day of may Instant att one of the Clock in the afternoon 1 To Chouse a meet person to Represent the Town att the Great and General Court according to precipt 2 to See what money the Town will Raise to mend the high way this present year 3 To See whether the Town are WiUing to Receve a Cartain Number of famelyes Belonging to Ipswich with there Lands as Town agreeable to a plan to be produced 4 to See if the Town will Do any thing Concerning the fine that was taken from us about the new way from our Town to Wenham 5 to See if the Town will abate Philip Nelands pole rate to the province 6 to allow Bills of Chargs 164 TOWN RECORDS OF Hearof fail not and make Retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att Time and Place above mentioned Topsfield May 16th 1758 NathU Porter "] John Gould [selectmen Daniel Byxby ^^f Topsfield David Perkins ^ David Balch Jur ^ this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clr Proper Retums Being of woming the Inhabatants of ye Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield may 24th 1758 Mr John Gould is Chosen to Repesent the Town att the Great and Generall Court to be holden att Boston the year Insuing and there Being other Bisness to Be Dun 2 Deacon George Bixby is Chosen modrator for ye sd meeting 3 The Town agreed to Raise forty Pounds of money to mend the high ways with the year Insuing Voted 4 the Tovsm abated Mr Philip Neland province Rate for his pole for the year 1757 which is fifteen shillings 0 15 0 5 the Town allowed to Mr John Bradstrett what he was rated for a Peace of medow in the year 1757 which he has sould Voted 6 The Town allowed to Mr Ebensier Averell four Shillings and four pence for a pare of oxen which he was rated for which he had not 0 4 4 7 The Town abated Mr Jacob Perkins Province Rate for the year 1757 which is fifteen ShUlings 0 15 0 Voted 8 the Town abated Mr Eliezer Goulds Town and province Rate for his head for the year 1757 Voted 9 the Town Manif asted by a Vote that they were willing that a Cartain Number of Familyes Belonging to Ipswich with there Lands Should be Laid to the Town Topsfield as Township agree able to a Plan porduced Boston June 12 1758 Reed of Mr Thos DwineU Constable of Topsfield for 1757 Twenty five pounds Six Shillings and four pence In fuU By the hand of Mr John Gould H Gray Tres this is a Tme Copy of the Recept attest Richd Towne Town CI' TOPSFIELD, MASS. 165 Essex ss To Quer Dan Clarke one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby Required to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants yt are Quallified by Law for Voting in the South ward in Said Town to Conven Together att the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the forth Day of July next att Two of ye Clock in the after noon 1 To hear What our Ipswich Neighbours hath sett there hands unto in order for there being Laid of to our Town 2 to See if the Town will Choose a man or men to Joyn with our Ipswich Neighbours who have Signified there Desiers to be Laid to our Town That is in petitioning to the Generall Court that they with there Estates may be Laid of to our Town to Joyn with us in Township 3 To See if the Town Will Go into any Method of prepara tion for Bulding a new meeting house 4 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield June 20th 1758 John Gould "| Daniel Bixby (Selectmen David Perkins Coi Topsfield David Balch Jr J this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clr Proper Returns being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Town the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield July 4th 1758 1 Capt Benja Towne was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 2 it was Put Voat to See if The Town Would Chouse a man or men to Joyn with our Ipswich Neighbours and it past in the negetive 3 The Town voted to perpear Stuf to Build a meeting House Essex ss To Quert"> Dan Clarke one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to worn all the freeholders and other Inhaba tants that are Quallified by Law for Voting in the South Ward in Said Town to Conven and meet together att the meeting House in sd Town on Tuesday the ninteenth Day of September Next att Two of the Clock in the afternoon 166 TOWN RECORDS OF 1 To Choose Jurymen for Newbury Court according to Wor rant as the Law Directs 2 To See how much Money the Town Will Raise this present year to Defray the Charges of sd Town 3 To hear a petition from Capt Joseph Cummings & Others of our Ipswich Neighbours in order for there being annexed to our Town with there Estates that shall be mentioned within a plan that shall be then Sett forth In there petition then to be hard and then for the Town in there Wisdom to act what they shall think proper in Said affare 4 To See if the Town will allow Benja Towne Junr any Dam age that was Dun him by reason of the way Laid out over his Land to Wenham 5 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield August 28th 1758 John Gould [selectmen Daniel Bixby >¦ ^ t- /- u David Balch Jur r* Topsfield this is a Tme Copey of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' Proper retums Being made of worming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting foUoweth Att a LegaU Town Meeting in Topsfield Sept 19th 1758 1 Leut Samll Smith was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 2 Jeremiah Towne and Stephen Foster was Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the Next Court of Gen erall Sessions to be holden att Newbury 3 The Town agreed to Raise one Hundred and forty pounds to Defray the Charges of the Said Town the year Insuing Voted 4 The Town agrees to Receive Capt Joseph Cummings Leut John Lampson Leut Thos Cummings Messrs Israel Clarke Jabez Ross Joseph Cummings Junr and John Lampson 3rd Inhabatants of the Town of Ipswich with there families and all the Lands mentioned in a plan produced for that purpose to be annexed to the Town of Topsfield To be part and parcel thereof and to Do Duty and Receive previledges in it as the now Inhabatancs of Said Town Do Voted 5 the Town agrees to Joyne with the above named Capt Joseph Cummings and Others above mentioned in pertitioning TOPSFIELD, MASS. 167 to the Generall Court in order to there Being with there Estates annexed to the Town of Topsfield (Viz) Provided the Town of Ipswich shall Refuse to Sett them off " Voted 6 it was put to vote to See if the Town would allow Benja Towne Jur any thing for Damage Dun by a Road Layd through his Land to Wenham and it past in the Negetive 7 the Town aUowed to the Selectmen Six pounds Eight Shillings for to pay for Three mounths Schooling the Summer past £6 8s Od 8 the Town made Choise of Missrs Matthew Peabody to serve on the Grand Jury and Nathan Hood Elisha Willdes to Serve on ye Jury of Tryalls att the Next Supr Court to be holden att Salem Essex ss To Mr Dan Clarke one of the Const of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to wom all the free holders and other Inhabatants that are quallified by Law for voting in the Said Town to Conven together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Ninth Day of January Instant att one of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 To See if the Town will Build a new meeting House in sd Town and Set it where the old one now Stands 2 To See if the Town Will be Looking out and Gathering to gether the Timber for a New Meeting house 3 To See if the Town Would Buy any Bords Clabords Shingles or Nails for a new Meeting house 4 To See if the Town wUl Raise or allow any Money and How much in Gifting and Gathering together the above pertic- ulars for Said new meeting House 5 To See if the Town WiU Chouse a Comtee for the above sd Bisness 6 To See What Bigness the Town Would Build sd new meeting house 7 To Give the above sd Comtee that may be Chosen Such In stmctions as the Town Shall think proper in the above said affare 8 To allow BUI of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town at Time and place above mentioned Topsfield January 2nd 1759 DanielBixby [selectmen David Perkins r„fT„„„fl„ij David Balch Jr [of Topsfield 168 TOWN RECORDS OF This is a True Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clr proper Retum Being made of woming the Inhabatants of The Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield January 9th 1759 1 Deacon George Bixby was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 2 The Town agreed to Build a New Meeting House and Set it Where the old meeting house Now Stands Voted 3 the Town agreed to Be Looking out for Timber and Gifting It Together to Build the meeting house Voted 4 The Town agreed to Git Bords Clabords Shingles and naUs for the meeting House Voted 5 The Town agreed to Choose a Comtee to take Care and See to the Building the New meeting house Voted 6 Deacon Bixby Messrs Thos Symonds Jacob Averill Nathan Hood and Stephen Perkins are Chosen a Commitee for the above said Bisness Voted 7 the Tovsm agreed that the New meeting House Should be fifty four foot in Length and forty Two foot in Bredth 8 the Town voted that the above sd Commitee should go to a Carpenter or Carpenteres to Know what thay would ask for the frame of the above sd meeting House they finding the Timber and what they would alow for our old meeting house towards their pay 9 the Town allowed to Mr Robert Perkins Thirteen Shillings and Eight pence for one hundred and Eight feet of white oak plank to mend the River Bridge with £0 13 8 Voted 10 the Town allowed to Mr Israel Averell 0 16 Voted Essex ss To Mr Dan Clarke one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby forthwith Required to wome all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Qualffied by Law for Voting in Said Town to Conven together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Thirteenth Day of Febuerary Instant att Twelve of the Clock in the Day 1 To See if the Town will agree to Reconsider the whole of the Votes that was passed att the Town Meeting on the ninth Day of January 1759 Relating to ye Building a new meeting House in Said Tovim and in Case the Town Shall agree to Reconsider said votes Then 2 To See if the Town will agree to Build a new meeting house TOPSFIELD, MASS. 169 3 For the Town to agree how Large and in what forme they will Build Said new meeting house 4 To See in what Place the Town Will agree to Sett Said New Meeting House 5 To See how much money the Town Will agree to Raise To Defray the Charges of Building sd new meeting house 6 To See if the Town will agree to Chouse a Comtee to Look out and Gether together near where sd meeting is to stand and on the Towns Cost Enought Suitable timber for sd frame of said house 7 To See if the Town Will agree that sd Comtee Shall first git all the Timber that they Can of the Inhabatants of sd Town for the frame of said House 8 For the town to agree what they will allow per Ton for Timber Ready Cutt and hauled to the Spot for the frame of said house 9 To See if the Town will agree that sd Comtee shall Treat With a Suitable man or men that is master of such work and See how Cheap they Can git Such man or men after the Timber for the frame is Got together to take the old meeting House as it now Stands and Buld and finish Said New meeting house by the Greate and find all the Reast of the Stuff &c and make Report to the Town att the annual Town meeting in march next 10 for the Town to agree Upon any Other method or Com into any further measueres in order to Build and finish a New meeting house in Said Town that they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make retum of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of ye Selectmen of sd Town att Time and place afore mentioned as you will answer the Conterary att the perral of the Law Topsfield Febuary 6th 1759 Daniel Bixby ) o ^ j. David Perkins Pf^''*'"f ,^ David Balch Jr ) °^ Topsfield this is a True Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clr A proper Retum being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield Febry 13th 1759 1 Leut Smith was Chosen Modrator for said meeting Voted 2 The Town agreed to reconsider all the Voates that was passed on the ninth Day of January Last Respecting the New Meeting House Voted 170 TOWN RECORDS OF 3 the Town agrees to Build a new meeting house Voted 4 The Town agrees that the new meeting house should be fifty four foot in Leingth and forty Two foot in Bredth and Twenty Six foot Stud Voted 5 the Town agrees to have a perpomable Steeple to the said New meeting house Voted 6 the Town agrees that the new meeting house shall stand where the old meeting house now Stands Voted 7 The town agrees that the Selectmen Shall Lay a Tax upon the Inhabatants of the Town of One Hundred and fifty pounds to be Laid out in Building the meeting house Voted 8 Deacon Bixby Leut Smith and Mr Nathan Hood are Chosen a Comtee to Look out and gather together near Where sd meet ing House is to Stand and on the Towns Cost Enought Suitable Timber for the frame of sd house Voted 9 the Town agrees that the sd Comtee shall git what timber they Can of the Town Inhabitants Voted 10 the Town agrees to Build the meeting house this present year Voted 11 The Town agrees that the sd Comtee shall Git the Timber for the Meeting House as Cheap as they Can and where they Can Voted 12 the town agrees that the sd Comtee shall Treat with a man or men that are Masters of such work and see what they will Build the meeting house for and the sd Comtee make Re tum att the next annual meeting in march Voted 13 Capt John Bordman is Chosen Grand Jury man for the year Insuing Voted 14 Capt Nath" Averell and Mr Jacob DwineU are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury att the next Infearer Court to be holden att Ipswich Essex ss To Dan Clarke one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Quali fied by Law for Voting in the South Ward in Said Town to Con ven and meet together att the Meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Sixth Day of March Next att nine of the Clock In the morning 1 To Chuse Selectmen Constables a Town Clerk and all other Town Officers for the year Insuing as the Law Directs 2 To See if the Town Will Except of the Selectmen Rickoning With the Town Treasurer TOPSFIELD, MASS. 171 3 For the Town to bring in there Votes for a County Treas urer 4 To See if the Town Will Except of the Retum of the Com tee that was Chosen to get Together the Timber for the new Meeting House 5 To See What further Measurers the Town will Come into for Building and finishing Said New Meeting House 6 To See if the Town Will Reconsider the Vote that was passed att the Last Town Meeting for to Build the meeting House this present Year 7 To See if the Town Will Grant the petition of Joseph Brown of Boxford and Others 8 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town att time & place above mentioned as you will answer your Neglect att the parriel of the Law Topsfield Febry 26th 1759 John Gould ^ Daniel Bixby (Selectmen David Perkins [of Topsfield David Balch JurJ this is a Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clerk Proper Retums Being made on both Worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a LegaU Town meeting in Topsfield March 6th 1759 1 Leut Samll Smith was Chosen Modrator for sd meeting Voted Messrs John Gould David Perkins David Balch Jur Daniel Bixby Stephen Perkins are Chosen Selectmen for the year In- suing Voted 2 Mr Joseph Gould and Mr Jeremiah Averill are Chosen Con stables for the year Insuing Voted 3 Richard Towne was Chosen Town Clerk for ye year Insu ing Voted Mr Stephen foster is Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing 4 Mr John Perkins Mr Joseph Andrew and Mr Thomas Sy monds are Chosen Tything men for the year Insuing Voted 5 Messrs Thomas Perkins Jur Paletiah Commings Jabez Towne Simon Gould and John Peabody are Chosen Servoyers of ye Heighways for the year Insuing Voted 172 TOWN RECORDS OF 6 Mr David Perkins is Chosen Sealer of Lather for ye year Insuing Voted 7 Messrs Thomas Baker Jur and Zacchues Gould are Chosen fence Vewers for the year Insuing Voted 8 Messrs Matthew Peabody and Dan Clarke are Chosen Hog reaves for the year Insuing Voted 9 the Town Excepted of the Selectmen Rickoning with the Town Treasurer and there Remains in Said Treasurer hand not ordered out one Hundred Sixty Seven pounds Sixteen Shillings Voted 10 the Town Excepted of the Comtee Retum So fare as they have porseeded in perparing Timber for the new meeting House Voted 11 It was put to Vote to see if the Town Would adjum the said meeting accordingly to the Thirteenth Day of March In stant to one of ye Clock aftemoon Voted Att a legal Town meeting in Topsfield heald by an adjum ment from the Sixth Day of March Instant to the Thirteenth Day of the Said month and then meet and porseeded as followeth 1 The Town agrees that the sd Comtee Shall Still proseed in prepering Stuff for the New Meeting House according to the Instmction the Town Shall Give Voted 2 Capt Benja Towne Mr Elijah Porter is Chosen to Joyn with the Former Comtee in Perparing Stuff for the New Meeting House Voted 3 It was Put to Vote to See if the Town Would reconsider the Vote past Respecting Building the meeting House this year and it pased in the Negetive 4 the Town agrees that ye Comtee or the mager Part of them shall proceed in the affare and git ye Timber of sd meeting House hew* and fram* and shall also procuer boards Clabbords and all other meterials Nessessaiy and build and finish said meet ing House all Except the inside worke Voted 5 Voted that the Selectmen shall Give orders to the Tovra Treasurer to pay to sd Comtee from Time to time Such Sum and Sums of money as shall be nessessray to hire Carpenters and purchess Stuff and other meteriales that may be wanted in building and finishing said New Meeting House 6 The Town allowed to Mr Dan Clarke for warning John Grant out of Town and what he paid to Joseph Bowditch Esqr £0 2 10 7 the Town allowed to the Selectmen for the School marsters \ Serves and Board five months and one week att £2 2s 8d per month £11 4s Od TOPSFIELD, MASS. 173 8 the Town allowed to Elisha Towne for warning John Lefaver and his famiely out of Town £0 17 4 9 the Town allowed to the widow Lydia Brown What her Husbands head was Rated to the province in the year 1758 Voted the Town abated John Jacobs Town rate in Thos DwineU List 10 the town abated John Bakers Jur Rate Voted 11 the Town Mannifasted by a Voat that they ware Willing to Except of Mr Joseph Brown of Boxford and others they and there Land agreeable to there petition that thay Laid Before the Town Voted the Several Persons Chosen Into Offices on the Sixth Day of March 1759 were aU Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there Respective Offices as the Law Directs Excepting Messrs Stephen foster John Peabody and Thomas Perkins Junr March 23rd 1759 John Peabody was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of his Offices Mr John Gould was Sworn to the faith full Discharge of offices on ye 24 Day of May 1759 Jabez Town was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of his office May 29 1759 Thomas Perkins Juner was Sworn to on the 16th Day of June to the faithfull Discharge of his offices to which he was Chosen into in March 1759 Essex ss To Mr Jeremiah Averell one of the Constables of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby re quired to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Quallified by Law for Voting in the North ward in Said Town to Conven together att the Meeting House in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty Seventh Day of March Instent att one of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 To See how much Money the Town will raise to mend the High ways this Present year 2 to See if the Town wiU Choose a School Comtee to provide a good School for the Town the year Insuing 3 To See if the Town will Choose a man to take Care of the french famely that is in our Town 4 to See if the Town will Let Swine go att Large this present year as the Law Directs 5 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att time and place above mentioned 174 TOWN RECORDS OF Topsfield March 20th 1759 DanielBixby [selectmen KScWurjofTopsfield this is a True Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Town Town Clr proper Retums Being made on Both Worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield March 27th 1759 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Modrator for said meeting Voted 2 The Town agreed to Raise Twenty Pounds money to Defray the Charges of mending the Highways this present year Voted 3 it was put to vote to see if the Tovm would Chouse a man to take Care of the french famely and it past in the Negetive 4 The Town agreed that Svdne should go att Large provided thay are as the Law Directs Voted 5 the Town aUowed to Mr Nathan Willdes five shiUings and four pence it being an abatement of his Rates in Constable Symonds List Voted 6 the Town abated Mr Asa Bradstreet Tovra and Province Rates in Constable Symonds List for the year 1757 Voted 7 The Town agreed to pay to Mr Jacob DwineU for about Three Rods of Land in Langth and Two in Breadth and makeing the fence on Both Sides Equivelent to what the Honourable Comtee allowed him for the other part of the Highway which goes through his Land it being a Mistake In Said Comtee and Capt Averell in not Setting it of when they went Lower upon the said Dwinells Land Voted 8 the Tovsm abated Mr James Malcom Rates Both Town and province in Mr Thos Sjrmonds List Voted Essex ss To Joseph Gould one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Qullified by Law for voting in the South ward in sd Town to Conven & meet Together att the meeting House in sd Town on Thirsday the Twenty forth Day of May Instant att one of the Clock in the aftemoon 1 To Choose a man to Represent the Town att the Great & Generall Court according to precept 2 To See If the Town will Choose a man or men to Joyn in petioning to the Great and Generall Court with Capt Joseph TOPSFIELD, MASS. 175 Cummings & others of the Town of Ipswich Respecting there being Seet of from the Town of Ipswich and anaxed to the Town of Topsfield 3 to See if the Town will agree to take Down the old meet ing House 4 For the Town to Choose a Comtee and Give them Instmc tions Relating to the Taking Down the old meeting House 5 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield May 15th 1759 John Gould ^ Daniel Bixby ( Selectmen Stephen Perkins C of Topsfield David Balch JurJ this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Proper Retums being made on Both worrants of worning the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield May 24th 1759 1 It was put to Voat to See if the Town would Choose a man to Represent the Town att the Great and General Court for the year Insuing and it pasd in the Negetive Voted 2 and there being other Bisness to be Dun Leut Smith was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 3 the Town Made Choise of Mr John Gould to assest in the Towns Behalf Capt Joseph Commings and others of the Inhaba tants of Ipswich in preparing a petition to the Grate and Gener al Court to be anaxed to the Town of Topsfield Voted 4 the Town agrees to take Down the old meeting house Voted 5 Capt John Bordman Capt Tobijah Perkins Mr Ephraim Willdes Mr Solomon Dodges and Ensn Solomon Gould are Chosen a Comtee to take Down the old meeting house Voted 6 the Town agrees that sd Comtee shall Take Down sd old meeting house att such Time as the Comtee Chosen to build ye new meeting house shall think proper and take Care of all the valluable Stufe that is not wanted for said new meeting house and the Glass &c Till further order from sd Town Voted 7 the Town abated Mr lerlands Rates which he is Rated in Mr Dan Clarke List for takeing Care of a Child that was Born att his House of the wid" Luce DwineU Voted 176 TOWN RECORDS OF 8 the Town abated the wido Oysters Rates in Mr Thos Dwin ells List which is Sixteen ShilUngs and four pence old Tenor Voted 9 The Town abated Mr Samll Phippan Rates which he is rated In Mr Symonds List for Sweeping the meeting house the year Past Voted 10 the Town abated William Rogers pole money he being not of age when he was rated Voted 11 the Town abated Nathan Perkins head money to Leut Averell In Mr Thos Symonds List Essex ss To Jeremiah Averell one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required to wom all the freeholders and other Inhaba tants that are Qualified by Law for Voting in the North ward in Said Town to Conven together att the house of Mr Dan Clarke Innholder in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty Six Day of June Instant att Two of the Clock in the after noon on said Day 1 for the Town to agree Upon a time when to Raise the New Meeting house 2 To See what Method the Town WiU agree Upon to provid Victuls and Drink upon the Day or Days that it shaU Take to Raise Said Meeting house Viz for the laborers before Supper time 3 To See if the Town will Choose a Comtee to finish the Inside work of the New Meeting House so far as the Town shaU think proper 4 to see if the Town WUl Choose a Comtee to seU such part of the Stuf and Timber of the old meeting house as shaU not be Serviceable in finishing the New Meeting house in the Best manner they Can 5 for the Town to Choose an agent or agents to go to Salem Court in Behalf of the Town to make answer to the presentment for want of a Grammer School the year past 6 To allow BiUs of Charge Hearof faU not and make retum of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield June 22nd 1759 John Gould Daniel Byxby David Perkins Stephn Perkins David Balch Jr J .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 177 this is a True Copy of ye worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clr Proper retums being made of worning the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield June 27th 1759 1 Leut Smith was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 2 the Town agreed to Raise the New Meeting House on wensday the forth Day of July next Voted 3 the Town agreed to get a Barriel of Rhum for the people on wensday the forth Day of July for the Laborers that work about the Raising the meeting house Voted 4 the Town agrees to get half a Hundred wait of Shuger for the above sd Serves Voted 5 The Town agreed to Git Twelve Barriels of Sider for the Raising the New Meeting House on the Town Corst Voted 6 Messrs Joseph Gould David Perkins Simon Gould Abraham Hobbs John Perkins Jur Daniel Lake Benja Bixby Luke Averell are Chosen a Comtee to provide the above sd Nesecsarys for the Raising the New Meeting house upon the Towns Corst and also to provide provision for a Dinner for one hundred men of such provision as they think proper 6 Capt Perkins Capt Bordman Ensn Gould Messrs Ephram Willdes Solomon Dodge are Chosen a Comtee to sell such part of the Stufe and Timber of the old meeting House as shall not be Servicable in finishing ye New meeting house in the Best maner they Can Voted 7 the Town made Choise of ye Selectmen to go to the Next Generall Session to be holden att Salem to make answer to the presentment for want of a Grammer School the year past Voted Essex ss To Joseph Gould one of ye Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required to worn all the freeholders and other Inhabatants that are qualified by Law for Voting in the South ward in sd Town to Conven and meet together att the meeting house in sd Town on Tuesday the fourteenth Day of August Instant att Two of the Clock in the afternoon 1 for the Town to Chouse a Comtee to finish ye Inside of the meeting house so far as the Town shall think proper this present year 2 To See if the Town will agree how many Tears of pews they will have round the Inside of the meeting house 178 TOWN RECORDS OF 3 to see if the Town will agree to Chouse a man or men to Draught and make out the pews Room round ye Inside of said meeting house 4 To see what meathord the Tovsm will Come into to Dispose of the pews Rooms in said meeting House 5 To See if the Town will Build a porch att the Easterly End of the meeting house 6 For the Town to Consider and act upon a petition that may be offered by a number of the Inhabatants of said Town in order to have there Dificulty Removed and Settled In Sum Just way and manner which they Lay Under by Reason of there being a Grater Length of way from ye meeting house then is there Just proportion 7 for the Tovsm to act any thing thay shall think proper Re specting said Dificulties Hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield August ye 6th 1759 John Gould ^ Daniel Bixby (Selectmen Stephen Perkins (of Topsfield David Balch JurJ this is a Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Tovsm CI' proper Retums being made on Both worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting foUoweth Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield August 4th 1759 1 Leut Smith was Chosen modrator for sd meeting Voted 2 Deacon George Bixby Leut Samll Smith and Mr Nathan Hood are Chosen a Comtee to finish the Inside of the Meeting house Voted 3 the Town agreed that the said Comtee shaU finish the meet ing house so far as they Can with Convencey this year Voted 4 the Town agreed to have Two Tears of Pews in the inside of ye tfieeting house viz on the Northerly Side and one Tear Round the Inside of the other part of the sd meeting house Voted 5 Capt Baker Capt Towne and Capt Averell are Chosen a Comtee to mark out the pews Round in the meeting house ac cording to the above said voate Voted 6 the Town agreed to pass ovre the forth arculatel untill an other meeting Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 179 7 the Town agreed to build a porch att the Eastorly End of the meeting house Voted Essex ss To Jeremiah AvereU one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are required to wom all the freeholders and Other Inhabatants that are QuaUi fied by Law for Voting in the North ward in said Town to Con ven and meet Together att the meeting House in Said Town on Wenseday the Twelfth Day of September Instant att Twelve of the Clock on said Day 1 To Choose Jury men for Newbury Court according to Venire 2 To Choose an agent or agents to go to Newbury Court in the Behalf of the Town to make answer to the presentment for the want of a Grammer School 3 to See if the Town wiU agree that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasurey for to pay the County tax it being the Sum of Seven pounds Eight Shillings and one peney which is to be paid by the Last of Novr next 4 To See how much money the Town will raise to Defray the Town Charges the year Insuing 5 To See if the Town will afford Sum releff unto Abigail Gallap for her under her present sickness 6 To See if the Town will agree to have another Tear of pews in any part of the New Meeting House more then is already voted 7 to See weather the Town would have the pews built in the meeting house on the Towns Cost and then Sold or wheither they will Sell the pew Room before they are Built 8 for the Town to agree upon a meathod how to Dispose of the pews or pew Room in the meeting house 9 to See if the Town will agree to have the Clabords of the meeting House panted 10 To allow BUls of Charge Hearof fail not and make return of this worrant with your Doing thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town att Time and place above mentioned John Gould David Balch Jur SldP^rtL f°"0Psa=ld Stephen Perkins J this is a Tme Copy of the Worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clr Selectmen 180 TOWN RECORDS OF proper Retums being made on both Warrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield Septr 12th 1759 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 2 Messrs Thos Perkins and Thos DwineU were Chosen Jury men to Serve att the next General Session to be holden att New bury 3 The Town made Choise of the Selectmen or Either one of them to go to Newbury Court to answer to a persentment for Want of a Grammer School Voted 4 The Town agreed to Raise one Hundred and Ten pounds to Defray the Charges of the Town ye year Insuing Voted 5 the Town agrees to allow Abigail Gallop Sum Releaf Voted 6 the Town agreed to BuUd another Tear of pews in the meeting House on the fore side of said house Voted 7 The Town agreed that the Comtee that was Chosen to finish the meeting House should paint the sd house with what Culler they Thought proper Voted 8 the Town allowed to the Selectmen four pound for the School master Essex ss To Jeremiah Avierell one of the Consf^ of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are here by Required to wom all the Freeholders & Other Inhabatants that are quaUified for voting by Law in the Northward in Said Town to Conven and meet to gether att the meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Second Day of Octr next att Twelve of the Clock on sd Day 1 To Choose Jury men for Salem Court according to venire 2 To See if the Town wUl agree that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasurey for to pay the County Tax it being the Sum of Seven pounds Eight Shillings and one penney Which is to be paid by the Last of November next At the Desier of Mr David Commings and others the follow ing Clause is Insarted Viz 3 That the Comtee Chosen to build and finish the meeting house bring in and Lay before the Town an account of the Charge that hath Been allridey arisen by Reason of said house 4 To See weither the Town would have the pews built in the meeting House on the Towns Cost and then Sould or whether they will Sell the pew room before thay are built 5 for the Tovsm to agree upon a meathord how to Dispose of the pews or pew Room in the meeting house TOPSFIELD, MASS. 181 6 To See if the Town will agree to and Impower the Town Treasurer or the Comtee to hire money to purchias Glass and pay work men and Gift such Other Meterials as is and will be Wanted to finish the meeting house (Viz) Such as the Comtee Cannot procur without money in hand 7 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Select men of said Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield Sept 24th 1759 John Gould ) c ^ t. T-v • 1 r>- u ( Selectmen D™d B^r f o'Topsfield this is a True Copy of the Worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clr Proper Retums being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield Octr 2nd 1759 1 Leut Smith was Chosen modrator for said meeting Voted 2 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury and Messrs Stephen Perkins and Thos Symonds are Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the next Generall Sessions to be holden at Salem 3 The Town agreed that Each of the Several pew Rooms in the meeting house shall be sould to the highest Bidder for the Use of the Town Voted 4 The town agreed that none of the Severall pew rooms in the meeting house shall be sold to any person But to such as have a house and Land of there owne in sd Town Voted 5 The town agreed that no one person shall purchas more Room in the meeting house then for one pew Voted 6 Capt Thos Baker Capt Benja Towne Messrs Elijah Porter Jacob Avirell John Gould David Balch Jur Ens Solomon Gould are Chosen a Comtee to Dispose of the pew room in the meet ing House Agreeable to the Votes afor Said Voted 7 The town further agreed that the Comtee Chosen to build and finish the New meeting house Shall hire the Sum of Two hundred pounds on the towns Credit to Enable them to purchas Glass and to pay workmen and to procuer Such other materials as will be wanted to finish said meeting House Voted 8 the town abated Mr James Burchs Rate what he was rated Towards the Building the New Meeting house In Joseph Goulds List Voted 182 TOWN RECORDS OF Essex ss To Joseph Gould one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required to wom all the Freeholders and other Inhabatants that are Qualified by Law for Voteing in the South ward in Said Town to Convean and meet Together att the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Twenty third Day of October In stant att one of the Clock in the after noon 1 To See if the Town wiU agree to build and reserve a pew in the Meeting house as a parsonage or ministeriel pew as weU for the use of those that may Succeed the Revd Mr Emerson in the office of the Ministry as for his own use so Long as he or they shall Carry on the work of the ministry in said Town 2 To See if the Town vdll agree to Reconsider the voate that was passed att the Last town meeting (Viz) on the Second of October Instant to sell the pew Room in the Meeting House Before they are built 3 To See if the town will agree to Build the pews in the meeting house before thay are Sold 4 for the Town to agree upon Sum further methods how the pews or pew Rooms in the meeting house shaU be Disposed of 5 to See if the Town will Reconsider and alter any Vote or Votes relating to Building So many pews in the meeting house in Said Tovoi 6 To See how high the town will agree to have the pews Raised from the floore of the meeting house 7 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield Octr 16th 1759 John Gould ^ David Perkins I Selectmen Stephn Perkins [of Topsfield David Balch JunerJ this is a Tme Copy of the above sd worrant attest Richd Towne Town CI' Proper Retums being made of woming the Inhabatants of the Said Town one Both warrants the meeting foUoweth Att a Legal Town Meeting Topsfield October 23d 1759 1 Capt Benja Tovsme was Chosen moderator Voted 2 Saml Smith was Chosen and Sworn Clerk Voted Then the Town agreed that said meeting be adjumed to fryday the 26th Instant to one of ye Clock after noon att the meeting house Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 183 the moderater adjumd said meeting accordingly Voted attest SamU Smith Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield heald by adjurnment from the 23rd Day of October Inst to the 26 of the same month and then mett 1 the Town agreed to Build and Reserve a pew In the Meet ing House as a personage or Ministeriel pew as well for the Use of those that may Succeed the Revnd Mr Emerson In the office of the ministrey as for his own Use So Long as he or they shall Carry on the work of the ministry In Said Town Voted 2 the Town agreed to Reconsider ye Vote that was Pased att the Town meeting the Second October 1759 of Selling the pew Room Before they ware Built Voted 3 the Town agreed to Build the pews Before they are Sold Voted 4 the Town agrees to have the wall pews Two Steps high Eight Inches to a Stept and the other Tear one Step high of Eight Inches Voted 5 the Town allowed to the Selectmen Three Pounds Seventeen Shillings for going as agents to Salem and Newbury Courts to answer to a persentment for want of a Grammer School In Said Town £3 17s Od Voted 6 the Town abated Elieser Emerson Rates (Viz) what he was Rated in Mr Thomas Dwinells Rates Voted Essex ss To Joseph Gould one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby Required to v/orn all the freeholders and Other Inhabatants that are QuaUified by Law for Voting in the South ward in Said Town to Convean and meet Together att the Meeting House in said Town on Tues Day the forth day of March Next att nine of the Clock in the morning 1 To Choose Selectmen Town Clerk Constables and all other Town officers as the Law Directs for the year Insuing 2 To See if the Town accept of the Selectmen Rickoning With the Town Treasurer 3 to Choose Jurymen for march Court according to Venire 4 To See if the Town Will accept of a way Laid out by the Selectmen from Thomas Dwinells to the County Road 5 To See if the Town Will Grant the Petition of Mr Aaron Easty and David Commings and Samll Commings Respecting the Deficultys they Laber Under in Gifting from their Respective houses to the publick Roads that are mended by the Town 184 TOWN RECORDS OF 6 To See if the Town will Grant Libity to Thomas Mower and others to Sett up a Stable nigh the meeting House 7 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this Worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town att Time and place above Mentioned Topsfield Febmary 18th 1760 John Gould David Perkins c^i^^^^„ r-. u r> 1 • I selectmen Stephen Perkins >. -r„^cfi^w David Balch Jr K Topsfield Daniel Bixby J this is a true Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne Town Clerk Proper Retums being made on both worrants of Woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 4th 1760 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Modrator for said meeting Voted 2 Capt Benja Town Mr Elijah Porter Richard Towne Mr John Gould and Mr David Balch Junr are Chosen Selectmen for the year Insuing Voted 3 Richard Towne was Chosen Town Clerk for the year Insuing Voted 4 Jacob DwineU and David Perkins were Chosen Constables for the year Insuing Voted 5 Stephen foster was Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Insuing Voted 6 Capt Thos Baker Mr Zacchus Gould Leut Luke Averell Mr Jacob Averell and Mr Solomin Dodge ware Chosen Tj^hing men for the year Insuing Voted 7 Elisha Willdes Thos Mower Daniel Lake Isaac Easty were Chosen Survoyers of Heigh ways for the year Insuing Voted 8 Mr David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Lather ye year Insuing Voted 9 Mr Thos Perkins Mr David Balch and Ensign Jacob Robin son were Chosen fence Vewers for the year Insuing Voted 9 Elieser Lake David Towne Amos Perkins were Chosen Hogreaves the year Insuing Voted 10 Leut Samll Smith was Chosen Grand Jury for the year Insuing Voted 11 Mr John Bradstrett and Mr David Towne are Drawn out TOPSFIELD, MASS. 185 of the box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att the Next Infearer Court to be holden att Ipswich 12 the Town Exceepted of the Selectmen Rickoning with the Town Tresr and there remains in Said Treasurer hand not ordred out Seventy Seven pounds Twelve Shillings Voted 13 the Town Excepted of Mr David Perkins to Serve Consta ble in the room and Stead of Mr Joseph Andrew Voted 14 the Town Gave Libity to Thos Mowers and others to Set up a Stable att the End of Capt Townes Stable of 20 foot In Langth and nine foot in breadth Voted 15 the Town allowed the former Selectinen Thirteen pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence for the School master Voted 16 the Town agreed that the Selectmen shall order the Sur voyers to mend a way Through Mr Aaron Estey Land to the County Road as the others ways are mended in the Town Voted 17 On the petition of David Commings and his Son Samll Voted that the Survoyers of the highways of the Town allow ye sd David & Samll So much out of there high way as is Soficient to mend the way thay go to meeting in as the other ways of sd Town is mended So fair as to Come into the way that is mended by the Town Voted 18 then the Town agreed that Said meeting be adjumed to Tuesday the Eleventh Instant to one of the Clock aftemoon att the Meeting house Voted then the modrator adjurnd said meeting accordingly Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield heald by adjumment from the forth Day of March Instant to the Eleventh Day of the Said month and then meet and proseeded as followeth 19 the Town abated Mr Theophilus Fisks Rates Late of Wenham Decs* Which is Two Shillings and Two pence in Thos Dwinells List Voted 20 the Town abated the Wid® Joanna Curtics Rates in Thos Dwinells Lists Which is Six ShUUngs and Six pence Voted 21 the Town abated John Backs Rates What he was rated in Mr Thos Symond Rates Voted 22 the Town abated all Mr Benja Irelands Rates for the year 1759 23 The Town abated Mr Thos Mowers Rate What he was Rated to the meeting house in the year 1759 by reason of his Losing an ox in the Town Lands Voted 24 the Town allowed to the former Selectmen Eight ShiUings Six pence for finding Sundry things for Abigail GaUap and a Coffen 0 8s 6d Voted 186 TOWN RECORDS OF The Persons that was Chosen Into Offices on the forth Day of March ware Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there offices on the forth and the Eleventh Day of march Excepting David Perkins Stephen foster and David Town. David Perkins and Stephen foster was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there offices Topsfield ss To Jacob DwineU one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to worn all the freeholders and other Inhabatantsof ye South Ward in Said Town that are qualified by Law for voting in sd Town to Conven and meet Together att the meeting House in sd Town on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of march Instant att one of the Cloock in the after noon 1 To See if the Town will Choose a Comtee to Reckon with the Comtee that was Chosen to build and finish the new Meet ing house Respecting the Charges that has arisen for building and finishing said meeting house so far as it is Done and make a Report to the Town as soon as may be in order for the Town to accept of their Rickoning 2 For the Town to Come into any meathod that thay think proper for to sell and Dispose of the pews in sd meeting house 3 To Choose a Comtee to Reckon with the Comtee that was Chosen to pull Down and Sell the old meeting house respecting what said old meeting House was Sould for and make Report to the Town as soon as may bee for the Town to Except of their Rickoning 4 to Choose a Comtee to Supply the Town with a Grammer School master this present year 5 To See how much money the Town will Raise to mend the High ways this present year 6 To See if the Town will Let Swine Go att Large this present year as the Law Directs 7 to aUow Bills of Charge hearof fail not and make retum of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att Time and place above mentioned Topsfield March 11th 1760 Benja Tovsme Richard Towne o , . John Gould K^^^^ f M David Balch Jr (of Topsfield Elijah Porter this is a True Copey of the worrant attest Richd Towne Town Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 187 there Being proper Returns Being made on Both warrants of Worning the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield March 18th 1760 1 Leut Smith was Chosen Modreator for said meeting Voted 2 Capt Baker Docter Dexter Mr Elijah Porter Capt Towne and Mr David Balch Jur or the mager part of them are Chosen a Comtee to Reckon with the Comtee that was Chosen to build and finish the meeting House Respecting the Charge that has all ridey arisin for building and finishing sd meeting House Voted 3 the Town agreed that the pews shall Be Sould before they Know What the Charges has arisin to for Building the meeting house Voted 4 the Town agreed the Thirthey Eight pews shall fetch five Hundred and Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence £506 13s 4d Voted 5 Mr Stephen Foster Capt NathU Averell and Mr John Bathalder are Chosen a Commitee to Reckon with the Comtee that took Down the old meeting house and Disposed of the Same and to make Reporte to the Town as soon as may be Voted 6 Mr David Town Mr Thos Baker Jur Mr Samll Commings are Chosen a Comtee to provide the Town with a Grammer School master this present year Voted 7 the Town agreed to Raise forty pounds to Defray the Charges of mending the Highways this present year Voted 8 the Town agreed that Swine should Go att Large this present year Provided they are as the Law Directs Voted and then the Town agreed that the said meeting should be adjumd to thirsday the 20th Instant to one of the Clock after noon Voted then the modreator adjurnd said meeting accordingly att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by adjurnment from the Eighteenth Day of march Instant to the Twenteth Day of Said month and then meet and proseeded as followeth 1 The Town agreed that the pews on the west Side of the pulpit in the Second Teer adjoyning to the pulpit Stairs shall be Reserved as a personage or ministeriall pew as well for the use of such person or persons as may suceed the Revnd Mr John Emerson in the work of the ministrey in said Town as for his owne use so long as he or they shall Continue in the Work of the ministry in said Town Voted 188 TOWN RECORDS OF 2 The agreed that the Severall other pews on the sd Meeting House fioor shall not be Disposed of for Less in the Whole then the Sum of Five Hundred and Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence Voted 3 Insn Jacob Robinson Capt Baker Leut Samll Smith Mr Joseph Gould Leut Luke Averell Deacon Bixby Mr Stephen Foster Capt John Bordman Mr Jacob Averell Cap NathU Averell Mr Nathan Hood are Chosen a Comtee to Number and Valine each of said pews according to the suposed Dignity and quality of Each Pew in their best Judgement and mark on each pew both the Number and what Each Pew is vallued att in propor tion to make the Sum of £506 13s 4d Voted 4 Mr Simon Gould Mr David Perkins Mr Daniel Bixby Leut Samll Smith and Mr Jeremiah Averell are Chosen a Comtee to Dispose of said pews in the following manner Viz/ That no pew shall be Sould for Less then what it is valued and marked at but for as much more as any person that has house and Land of their owne in said Town shall agree to Give and that no pew shall be Disposed off to any person that has not a house and Land of his owne in said Town and that Said Comtee shall make a fare Record of what Each pew is Sold for With the persons name to whom it is Sold and shall Lay it before the town att the next town Meeting in order to be Recorded in the town Records Voted 5 the Town agrees to Reserve the following Right of Redem- tion of Each of said pews /Viz/ that no person that shall pur chas a pew in the meeting house shall not att any time hear after Dispose of the Same to any Other person without first Aquainting the Town therewith att a Town meeting and Giving Said town the offer of purching sd pew again if they See CauseVoted 6 the Tovsm agrees that the Comtee or Comtees Chosen to Number the pews and Set a value on each pew and to sell them shall proceed and accomplish the Bisness as soon as they can Conveniently Voted 7 the town agrees that those that Buys the pews shall pay their money for them /Viz/ Ten DoUers Down and the Remaner In Twenty Days Voted 8 the tovra agrees that the Comtee that was Chosen to sell the pews shall Give Seasonable noties to the Inhabatants of the Town of the time and place of Selling said pews Voted 9 The Towne agreed that those that pay ten DoUors Down for a pew and not pays the Remainer In Twenty Days after shall forfit the said Ten DoUors which he paid Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 189 1 the Town allowed the following Sums to the Comtee that provided for the Raising of the New Meeting House to Thirty four Gallons of Rum and half an Hundred wait of Suger ten pounds ten Shillings & Eleven pence £10 10s lid 2 to Eleven Barrills of Sider four pounds Eight Shillings £04 8 0 3 To one Hundred and Twenty Eight pound and one Half pound of porke 02 11 8 4 to Twelve pounds and one half of Beef 00 3 4 5 To Eighty Seven pounds of Chease 01 14 9 1/2 6 to white and Brown Bread 01 2 10 7 to mugs Broack 00 1 6 the Comtees Credit of the Sundry things that was Left after the Raising the meeting house which Said Comtee Disposed of to there own Use is four Pounds One Shilling one penney and Two f ardens 4 111/2 Wee the Subscribers being appointed to Prambleate Betwen Topsfield and Wenham and have met for that purpose this fifth Day of May A D 1760 and have prambulated and Renewed ye bounds as followeth /Viz/ Begining att a Stump and Stones Northward of Theophelus Fisk Barn in ye North East Corner of Danvers from thence to a Stake and Stones on the west side of the Road Leading to Bunkers Medows from thence to a heap of Stones by the Brook at the End of a wall thence to a heap of Stones on the west side of Robinson Island from thence to a heap of Stones by the South East Comer of Pigdons medow and from thence to ye River Richd Towne ) for Thos Tarbox ) for Elijah Porter j Topsfield Benja farfield j Wenham We the Subscribers Selectmen of the town of Ipswich Have this Day mett the Selectmen of the Town of Topsfield and have pramblated the Line and Renewed the Bounds Between the Said Towns as Wittnes our hands Danll Giddings ) Selectmen Isaac Smith j of Ipswich Jinuary 19th 1761 Topsfield ss To Jacob DwineU one of the Constables of Tops- field Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby Required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants in the South Ward in said Town that are qualified by Law for Vote ing to Conven and meet Together att the meeting house on Tuesday the Twentyeth Instant att one of ye Clock after noon 190 TOWN RECORDS OF 1 To Chouse a person to Repersent the Town att the Great and Genl Courte as the precept Directs 2 To See if the town Will order the town Treasr to Receve of the Comtee that Sould the pews in the meeting house all the money said pews was Sould for for the towns use and to pay the Same out for Defraying the Charges of Building and finish ing the meeting House in Such way as the tovsm shall Direct 3 to See if the Town Will order the Town Treasr to Receve the money for the Towns Use that Mr NathU Bordman gave the Town by his Last will Towards Building a new meeting house 4 To Sell or Dispose of the Back pews in the gallerys of the meeting House in any way or methard that the Town shall think proper 5 To See If the Town will Except of the Reports of the Comtee that was Chosen to Dispose of ye pews in the meeting House So fur as they are Disposed off 6 to See if the Town will build a Square pew in the Vacant places att Each End of the fmnt Gallery adjoyning to the Back pews in the meeting House or act any thing respecting Said Vacant places that the Town shall think proper 7 to See how much of the fmnt Gallary shall be pertioned of for the Women 8 To See if the town will agree that the Comtee that was Chosen to Dispose of the pews in the meeting house shall Dis pose of the pew No 37 to NathU Low under his present Circum stances 9 to See if the Town will agree to Cover the Deck of the Steeple of the meeting house with Lead 10 to See If the town will Except of the Comtee Rickoning that sold the old meeting House 11 To Chouse a Comtee to Seet the people in the meeting house and Give them Instmctions 12 to See if the Town will Do any thing towards the main- taince of Sarah Town and to See if ye Town will do any thing towards the maintaintes of Sarah Kittery 13 for the Town to act any thing that they shall think proper Respecting Diging and Hailing Stones and Gravel to Lay round the porch of the meeting House to make it more Conveantant passing to Each Door of Said porch 14 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make retum of your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of sd Tovsm att time and place above mentioned TOPSFIELD, MASS. 191 Topsfield May 14th 1760 Benja Towne "l Richard Towne \ c ^ ^ John Gould P.^^^^^^'f ,^ Elijah Porter ^ Topsfield David Balch Junr J this is a True Copy of ye Worrant attest Richd Towne town Clr Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield May 20th 1760 1 The Town made Choise of Mr John Gould to Represent the town att the Great and Genl Court the year Insuing Voted 2 There Being other Bisness to be Done att said meeting Capt Thos Baker was Chosen Modrator for said meeting Voted 3 the Town agreed that the Comtee that was Chosen to sell the pews in the meeting house shall pay all the money they Receve for said pews to the town Treasurer and to be paid out to Defray the Charges of Building and finishing the meeting House Voted 4 the Town agreed that the Selectmen shall order out the money that was ordred into the treasurer for ye use above sd Voted 5 The town agrees that the town Treasurer shall Rec* the money that Mr NathU Bordman Gave in his Last will to the tovsm towards the Building the new meeting house Voted 6 the Town agreed that the pews in ye Gallarys shall be seated Voted 7 The town agreed to Build a Square pew att Each End of the fmnt Gallary Joyning to the Back pews and after they are Built then sould to the hiest Bider Voted 8 the town agreed that one third part of the fmnt Gallary att the East End shall be set of to the woman Voted 9 the town agreed that the Deck of the Steeple of the meet ing house shall Be Covered with Lead Voted 10 Mr John Balch Capt Baker Mr David Balch Junr Mr Dan Clark Capt town Mr Elijah Porter Mr Ephram Willdes Jacob Averell Leut Smith Capt Bordman Messrs Jeremiah town Abraham Hobbs Joseph hovey are Chosen a Comtee to Seat the people in the meeting house Voted 11 The town agreed that the Comtee that was Chosen to sell the pews in the meeting house shall Dispose of the pew No 37 to NathU Low Under his present Surcomstances then the mod- roater put it to vote to see if the town would adjum the said meeting and voted it and then the modrator adjumed the said 192 TOWN RECORDS OF meeting accordingly to the Twenty Seventh Day of May Instant to Three of the Clock aftemoon Att a Legal town meeting in Topsfield heald by adjumment from the Twentyeth Day of may Instent to the Twenty Seventh Day of may Instant at three of ye Clock aftemoon 12 the Town Excepted of the Comtee Retum that was Chosen to Sell the pews in the meeting house Voted 13 the Town agreed to Give the Comtee that was Chosen to Seet the people in the Meeting house Instmctions Voted 14 the town agreed that the Comtee that was Chosen to Seet The people in the meeting House shall seet according to there Best Skill and Judgement Voted 15 The town agreed that the Comtee that was Chosen to value the other pews shall value the abovesd pews Voted 16 the town agreed that the Comtee that sold the other pews be a Comtee to sell the pews that is to be Built in the Galleries in the same Regulation the other pews ware Sold Voted We the Subscribers being Chosen a Comtee to Dispose of the Severall pews in the meeting house and to Such persons only as had a house and Land of their own in said town also to make a fair Record of what each pew was Sold for with the persons names to whome each pew is sold and to Lay it Before the town att the next Town meeting &c Wee proseeded on said affare on the first Day of April A D 1760 and have Disposed of the pews hearafrer mentioned to the persons hearafter named for the Severall Sums in old Tanor affixed to Each of there names &c But now turned in to Lawfull money as it should have Been by the Honourable Comtee No 1 to Capt Thomas Baker for £18 No 2 to Mr Samuel Bradstreet for 17 No 3 to John Willdes for 14 No 4 to Jacob Kimball for 12 No 5 to Doct Richard Dexter for 17 No 6 to Elijah Porter for 15 No 7 to Dan Clarke for 12 No 8 to Joseph Hovey for 12 No 9 to Zacchus Gould for 16 No 10 to Paletiah Commings for 15 No 11 to Robert Perkins for 14 No 12 to John Bradstreet for 16 No 13 to Leut Luke Averell for 18 No 14 to Benja Bixby for 18 Os Od 6 8 13 8 5 4 14 8 1 4 8 0 2 8 0 0 6 8 16 0 13 4 10 0 2 8 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 193 No 15 to Joseph Perkins for No 16 to Daniel Lake for No 17 to John Perkins Junr for No 18 to Nathan Hood for No 19 to Nehemiah Herrick for No 20 to Archelaus Rea for No 21 to John Hood for No 22 to Thomas Mower for No 23 to Elisha Willdes for No 24 to Stephen Perkins for No 25 to David towne for No 26 to Jeremiah Averell for No 27 to Thomas perkins for No 28 to Joseph Gould for No 29 to Deacon Daniel Gould for No 30 to David Perkins for No 31 to Joseph Andrew for No 32 to David Balch Junr for No 33 to Simon Gould for No 34 to Daniel Bixby for No 35 to Ensn Solomon Gould for No 36 to Leut Thomas Gould for No 37 to Nathaniel Low for No 38 to Capt John Bordman totel Lawfull money Topsfield May 19th 1760 Simon Gould Jeremiah Averell Daniel Bixby David Perkins Samll Smith Topsfield ss To Jacob DwineU one of the Constables of Said Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are hearby Re quired forthwith to wom all the freeholders and Other Inhaba tants in the South ward in sd town that are Qualified by Law for Voteing to Conven and meet together att the Meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the fifteenth Day of July Instant at two of the Clock in the after noon 1 To Select out one Quarter part of the mens Names that shall be Laid before the town in a List by the Select men and to put them in a box by themselves to Serve at ye Supr Courts as the Law Directs and to Select out of the Remainder as many as the town shall think Sutable and put them into another Box to Serve att the Infer Courts &c 17 17 4 18 0 0 17 4 0 14 8 0 13 14 8 14 5 4 12 0 0 12 0 0 15 4 0 14 13 4 12 8 0 11 12 0 12 2 8 13 9 4 17 6 8 16 16 0 16 8 0 11 12 0 11 14 8 11 17 4 11 6 8 11 6 8 11 4 0 17 9 4 £552 18 8 194 TOWN RECORDS OF 2 To Consider and act any thing that the town shall think proper Respecting the maintance of the french Newtrals that is by the Genl Court proportioned for this town to maintain 3 to allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Return of this worrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att time and place above mentioned Topsfield July 1st 1760 Richard Town ) John Gould ^ Selectmen SSahPoner l°'ToPS „ ^°^ , , Tyler Porter j Wenham Zaccheus Gould j Topsfield To Elieser Lake Juner one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hearby Re quired forthwith to Worn all the free holders and other Inhab atants of the South ward In Said Town that are Quallified by Law for Voting to Convean and meet together at the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of may Currant at Two of the Clock after noon 1 To Choose a man to Represent the Town at Greate and Generall Court according to precept 2 To See if the Town Will Releve Mr Jacob Dorman in the whole or in part in the Case of Benja Baleys Law Suit 3 To See if the Town will Drop any other action which they may hear after Commince against Mr Jacob Dorman for the Charge that the Town have allridey Been at for the Suport of Benja Baleys Family 4 To See if the Town vsdll Choose a Comtee to Rectifie sum mistakes made in the former Reckoning vsrith Deacon Bixby and Leut Smith Respecting the Building and fineshing the meeting house and make a full Setterment with them as well on account of what they have in thire hands for what they have sould of the Towns Instrest as for what the Tovsm yett owe them 5 To allow Bills of Charge Hearof fail not and make Retum of this worrant with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield may 2nd 1763 Jeremiah Avirell^ John Balch I selectmen Sen^'pSs fo'Topsfield Zaccheus Gould TOPSFIELD, MASS. 223 this is a True Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne town CI' Proper Returns being made of worning the Inhabatants of The Town on both worrants the meeting followeth At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield May 17th 1763 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Moderator for said meeting Voted 2 It was put to Vote to See if Town would Releve Mr Jacob Dorman the whole or any part of the Cost of Benja Baleys Law Sute & It Past in the Negetive 3 It was put to Vote to See if the Town would Drop any other action Which thay may hear after Commince against Mr Jacob Dorman for the Charges that the town have allredey Been at for the Suport of Benja Baleys family and it past in the Negtive 4 Mr Elijah Porter Docter Dexter Capt Baker are Chosen a Comtee to Rectifie Some mestakes made in the former Recken ing with Deacon Bixby and Leut Smith Respecting the Building & finishing the meeting house and make a full Settelment with them as will on account of what thay have in there hands for what thay have Sold of the Towns Intrest as for what the Town owes them Voted 5 The Town allowed to Jeremiah AvireU £0 5 4 1/2 It being an abatement of Samll Dodges Rated in sd Avirells Lists 6 the Tovsm allowed to Mr Jeremiah Averell 0 1 8 It being abatement of Capt Nathl Browns Rated in sd Averell Lists Voted 7 The Town allowed to Mr Joseph Gould £0 0 10 It being abatement of James Nickols Rate in sd Gould's List Topsfield ss To David Perkins one of the Constabels of Tops- field Greetting In his Majesties Name you are hearby required forthwith to Wom all the Freeholders and other Inhabatants in the North Ward in Said Town . that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Conven and meet together att the meeting House in said Town on Wednsday the Twenty Seventh Day of July In stant at Six of the Clock after noon 1 To See if the Town Will Choose a man to Joyn with the men that Middelton and others adjacent Towns shall Choose to take Lawfull methods to have a free and Sufficint passage way made Through the mills Dams that are Erected a Cross Ipswich River : So Calld : That alewives and other fish may pass up Said river Into the Natural ponds 2 To allow Bills of Charge 224 TOWN RECORDS OF hearof fail not and make retum of This Worrant with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of Said Town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield July 15th 1763 Jeremiah AvereU^ John Balch Selectinen Joseph Andrew >-^^ | ,. Zacheus Gould [of Topsfield Stephen Perkins J This is a Tme Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne town Ch Proper Retums Being made of woming the Inhabitants of the Town the meeting followeth At a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield July 27th 1763 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen moderator for said meeting Voted 2 the Town made Choise of Mr Elijah Porter to Joyn with the men that Middelton and others adjacent Towns Shall Chuse : to take all the Lawfull methods to have a free and Sufficient passage way made Through the mills Dams that are Erected a Cross Ipswich River : So Calld: that alewives and other fish may pass up Said River into the natural ponds Topsfield ss To Eliezer Lake one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majestys Name you are hear by Required forthwith to wom all the freeholders and other Inhabatants of the South Ward in Said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Convean and meet together at the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Sixth Day of September Next att Two of the Clock after noon 1 To See How much money the Town Will raise to Defray the Necessary Charges arising with in Said Town the year In- suing 2 To Choose Jurymen for Newbury Court according to Venire 3 To Consider and act upon a Petition that may be prefard by Mr Jacob Dorman respecting any action or actions that may be Brought against the said Jacob for his receving and Enter taining Benja Baley and his family and not Giving notes to the Selectmen 4 To allow BiUs of Charge 5 To See if the Tovra WiU Build a School house or housen or to act any thing that the Tovsm Shall think proper respecting the Building of a School house or housen TOPSFIELD, MASS. 225 Hearof fail not and make return of this worrant with your Doings there on to one or more of the Selectmen of sd town at time and place above mentioned Topsfield August 29th 1763 Jeremiah Averell ' John Balch c i 4. T u A J I Selectmen Sus^oSd fot Topsfield Stephen Perkins J This is a True Copy of the worrant attest Richard Towne town Clerk Proper Retums Being made on Both worrants of woming the Inhabatants of the Town of Topsfield the meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield Sept 6th 1763 1 Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Modreator for said meeting Voted 2 the Tovsm agreed to raise one hundred and thirty pounds to Defray the Nessary Charges of the Said Town the year In- suing Voted 3 Missrs John Bradstrett and Samll Commings was Drawn out of the Box as the Law Directs to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls att The Next Infearour Court to be holden at Newbury then the Modrator put it to Vote to See if the Town would adjourn the Said meeting and thay Voted it then the Modreator adjumd said meeting accordingly to the Last Monday in Sep tember Instant To Two of the Clock after noon At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield heald by adjumment from the Sixth Day of September Instant to the Last Monday of Said month and then met and proseeded as followeth 1 the Town allowed to Messrs Elijah Porter and Solomon Dodge School Comtee for Mr Adams Keeping School Two months and one Week Seven Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Eight Pence £7 13 8 Voted 2 The Town allowd Mr Solomon Dodge for Cash paid to Mr Dan Clarke for Entertaining a Traverling Woman When She was Sick 0 6 0 Voted 3 the Town abated Peter Woodburys Rate What he was Rated in Mr Joseph Goulds List of rates which was one Shilling and Eight pence 0 18 Voted 4 The Town allowed to Mr Joseph Gould nine Shillings old Tanor Which he paid into the Town Treasurer which he Could not 226 TOWN RECORDS OF Recover of John Pack for he was not rated for the meadow then Voted 5 The Town allowed to Mr Zacchuas Gould one Shilling and Eight pence 0 18 Voted 6 The Town allowed to Mr Joseph Gould one Shilling for woming the Widow Famam out of Town £0 10 Voted 7 the Town allowed Mr David Balch Juner one ShUling for Woming the wido Thomas out of Town 0 10 Voted 8 The town made Choise of Mr Elijah Porter to Serve on the Grand Jury at the Next Supearour Court to be holden att Salem 9 Capt Thomas Baker and Leut Samll Smith ware Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the Next Supearour Court to be holden att Salem We the Subscribers Being a Comtee appointed by the Town of Topsfield & Boxford to prambelate the Line Between Said Towns This Twenty Eight Day of November 1763 and prambe lated Said Line and Began att an apeltree with Stones about it in Capt Asa Parleys field from thence to a Stake and heap of Stones at the Southerly Comer of Bakers farm So Calld Thence to where the water runs Through the Dam Near Simon Goulds house Calld Androwses Dam Thence to a Stake and heap of Stones by fishing Brook on the Easterly Side of a revilat nming into Said Brook thence as said Brook runs to Ipswich River So Calld thence up Said River to Middelton Line Ebenezer Killam ] Comtee for Joseph Andrew ) Comtee for Thomas Wood ) Boxford Joseph Gould f Topsfield We the Subscribers being Impowered to Prambluate ye Line and renew ye Bounds Between Topsfield and Danvers have mett this 28 Day of November A D 1763 Viz Begining att a White Oak Stump with Stones about it Standing about one Rod and an half northeasterly from Theo Fisks Bam Near wenham Causaway from thence to a Black Oak Stump vsdth a heap of Stones Stand ing in Daniel Gotts Dec* Orchard from thence to a heap of Stones att the Bend of a wall where a run or Stow Emties it Self out of Archolues Reas Land into Israel Andrew from thence to a heap of Stones on the Land Belonging to the Heirs of ye Hono Tim" Lyndell Esqr Deed near Nickoles Brook So on the Same Course to Said Brook near the remain of an old Sawmill Comonly CaU* Porters Saw Mill Arch Dale "^ John Balch ") OUver Putnam ( p, Enos Knights [-Topsfield Joseph Putnam J' r^^i^vers Samll Cummings j George Wiat JunerJ TOPSFIELD, MASS. 227 We the Subscribers being appointed to Prambulate and renew the bounds Between Topsfield and Middelton accordingly mett this Twenty Eight Day of November 1763 and renewed the Bounds Begining att a heap of Stones in the Brook near whare Porters Sawmill Stood which is a Bound between Danvers and Topsfield from thence as the Brook runs to a Small Elmn tree at the Northeasterly Branch of Said Brook Thence as the North easterly Branch runs to a heap of Stones by the River Daniel Robinson ^ John Balch ^ Joseph Symonds >¦ Enos Knights >- Paul Averill ) Samll Cummings J We the Subscribers Selectmen of Ipswich & Topsfield met ye 27th Day of February A. D. 1764: and Perambulated the line & Renewed ye Bounds betwen said Towne: and Begun at the River at the Mouth of Howlett Brook So Called so by sd Brook to a Stake & Stones in Nelands Mead"" from thence to a stake & heep of Stones on a hill & from thence to a Stake Standing in a grate Spring in Conants Meadow: from thence to a heep of Stones about Eight Rods Westward from the Brook Near Stephen Fosters house from thence on a Strate line Runing by Bumams Land to a Black oake tree at the Bottom of ye hill being the Comer of Perkins Land so on to ye Pond & so on a straite line to a Black oake in the Wall by Nathan Hoods orchard & so on to ye appel-tree & Stones about it the Corner bounds betwen Ipswich Topsfield & Boxford Zacheus Gould ) Selectmen Michael Failey ) Selectmen Stephen Perkins J of Topsfield Samuel Lord Jur j of Ipswich Topsfield ss To Eliezer Lake Jur one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majestys Name you are hereby Required forth with to wam all the free holders & other Inhabitents of the South Ward in said Town that are Quallified by Law for Voting to Conven & Meet Togather at the Meeting House in sd Town on Tuesday the Sixth day of March Next at Nine of the Clock in the fore Noon lly To Choose Select Men Town Clerk & all other Town Officers for the year Ensuing as the Law Directs 21y To See if the Town Will accept of the Select Mens Reckening With the Town Treasurer Sly To See if the Town will abate to Mr Jacob Dormon five dollars of the Charge that the Town was at for the Surpport of Benja Baleys famely in the year 1762 41y To See if the Town Will Build a School house or housen 228 TOWN RECORDS OF 51y To See if the Town Will agree upon proper place to build a School house or housens on: or to act any thing the Town shall think proper Respecting a school house or housen 61y To see if the Town will accept of the Select Mens altering the Road through Land of David Perkins & PhiUp Towne in Lieue of the anciant Road through said Mens Land so far as it is altered71y To see if the Town Will help Dea® George Bixby & others Mend & keep in Repair the Bridge a Crost the River in Tops- field Called Rowly Bridg agreable to a petision that may be Pre- f ared to the Town by the said George Bixby & others 81y To see if the Town Will agree to left John Balch have a peac of land belonging to the Town adjoining to the River Bridg Causey in Lieue of the Land that was taken from him to Build the Causey on : and Remove the fence up to sd Causey at the Towns Charg 91y To see if the Town Will accept the Return of Capt Thomas Baker & others a Commette Chosen to Reckon With the Com- mette that Built & finished the meeting house Respecting the Remaining Charges that hath a Risen for Building & finishing sd meeting house lOly To Choose a Committee to supply the Town with a gram mer School Master the year Insuing Illy To see if the Town will left Swine go at large the year Insuing as the Law Directs 121y To Choose Jury men for Ipswich Court according to venire 131y To see if the Town will grant the Petision of Thomas Wildes Respecting the abatement of his Tax for ye year 1763 141y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail Not & Make Retum of this Warrant with your doing there on to one or more of the select men of said Town at Time & place above mentioned Dated Topsfield Febmary 28th 1764 Jeremiah AverelH John Balch ( q^i 4. Joseph Andrews ^^ ^^ ^^^^ Zacheus Gould (of Topsfield Stephen Perkins J This is a true Copy of ye Warrant attest David Balch Jur Town Clerk Proper Retums being Made on Both Warrants the Meeting followeth TOPSFIELD, MASS. 229 At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 6th 1764 lly Lieut Samuel Smith Chosen Moderator for sd Meeting Voted 21y David Balch Jur Chosen Town Clerk for the vear Insuing Voted 31y The Town agreed to adjom said Meeting to Tuesday the thirteenth day of March Instant to Nine of the Clock in ye Morn ing Voted To which time said Meeting was adjorned At said Meeting held by adjornment on the thirteenth day of March 1764 lly Miss Jeremiah Averell Daniel Bixby Zacheus Gould Sam uel Commings David Balch Jur are Chosen Select Men for the year Insuing Voted 21y Mr Solomon Dodge Mr Benjamin Bixby Chosen Consta bles for ye Year Insuing Voted Said Solomon Dodge Refused to sarve Constable though Legally Chosen and paid down his fine, five Pounds then the Town Proseeded and Made Choise of Mr Paletiah Commings to sarve Constable the Year Insuing Voted 31y Mr Elijah Porter Chosen Town Treasurer ye year Insuing Voted 41y Mr Abraham Hobbs Mr John Balch Mr Stephen Perkins Chosen Tything-Men for the Year Insuing Voted 51y Mr Thomas Symonds Mr Zacheus Gould Chosen Surveyors of high way for the Year Insuing Voted 61y Capt Benja™ Towne Capt Thoma Baker Capt Nathaniel Averell Chosen fence Viewers for the Year Ensuing Voted 71y Mr David Perkins Chosen Sealer of Leather for ye year Insuing Voted Sly Mr John Cree Mr Jeremiah Towne Chosen Hog Reeves for the Year Insuing Voted 91y Mr Nathan Hood Chosen Surveyor of Clabbords & Shingals for the year Insuing Voted lOly Mr Matthew Peabody Mr Joseph Gould Chosen Wardens for the year Insuing Voted Illy The Town accepted of the Select Mens Reckoning With the Town Treasurer Voted Remains in sd Treasurers hands £161 2s Od 121y The Town Voted to abaite five doUers of the Charge they was at for the surport of Benja"> Baleys famely in ye year 1762 Voted 131y Misss Capt Nethaniel Averell Elijah Porter Aaron Estey 230 TOWN RECORDS OF Lie. Samuel Smith Enos Knight John Gould David Perkins are Chosen a Committee to look out sum Proper place or places in the Town to Build a School house or housen for the beneifit of the Town and make Report of there doings to the town Voted 141y The Town heard the Petision of Dea® George Bixby & others Consaming the Mending the Bridge over the River in Topsfield in that place of the River Called Rowley Bridge The Town Voted to Mend said Bridge & Causey as they do there othere high-ways for the futur Voted 151y We the Subscribers being Desired by PhiUp Towne to alter the Road through his land have Laid out a way through sd Philip.s land and by the Consent of David Perkins have laid out a way on part of said David.s land & on sd Philip.s land to be in Lieue of the ancient Road on said Mens lands as followeth /Viz/ Be gining at the North side of the anciant way near said David Perkins house then Runing West Twenty Six Degrees North according to the Needle by a small apple tree in sd Davids land Twelve poles & Eighteen links to land of said Philip Townes Then North thirty seven Degrees west according to the Needle by said David Perkins land Twenty Pole : Then West Fifteen Degrees North Twenty seven poles & twenty links to the edge of the ancient Road in said Philip Townes land : to Extend so far South as to Make the sd way one pole & Eighteen links in bredth Dated Topsfield Febmary 17th 1764 Jeremiah AverelP John Balch Joseph Andrews Zacheus Gould Stephen Perkin ^ this is a Tme Copy attest David Balch Jur T Clerk The above going way was accepted by the Town Voted 161y The Town Voted that John Balch should have the land from the River Bridge North-ward betwen the Causey & Meadow fence for ye land the Town had of the said John Balch last year to Build part of the Causey on ; the Town is to be at the Cost of Moven the fence up to the side of the Causey 171y Mr Aaron Estey Mr Eliezer Lake Jur Mr Nehemiah Herrick Chosen School Committee to provid a school Master for ye Town as ye Law directs Voted 181y The Town Voted that swine should go at large as the Law Directs this present year Voted 191y John Balch Chosen Grand Jury Man for ye year Insuing Voted .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 231 201y Archelous Rea Robert Perkins Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Trials at the Next Infearour Court to be holden at Ipswich 211y The Town excepted of the Reckoning of the Commettee that was Chosen to Reckon with the Committee that Built & finished the Meeting house & Remains due to said Committe that Built & finished sd Meeting house Thirty seven pounds & two pence 1/2 221y The Town allowed to Mr Samuel Smith & Mr Elijah Porter for there time & Expence at Ipswich & Salem Court to trie to geet sum help in making & maintaing the River Bridg & Causey the sum allowed is two pounds sixteen shillings £2 16 0 231y The Town allowed to Mr Luke Averell one pound four teen shillings & six pence for 234 feet of plank 1 14 6 241y The Town allowed to Mr Solomon Dodge & Mr Elijah Porter School Comtee twenty five pounds Nine shillings for Mr Anglers keeping School & his Bording from 29 of July 1763 to March 6 1764 £25 9 0 251y The Town allowed to David Perkins Six Shillings it being abaitment of Enoch Perkins Rates in sd Davids liste of Rates 0 6 0 261y The Town allowed to Abraham Hobbs Seven Shillings & ten pence it being an abaitment of Samuel Dodge & Netha" Browns Rate in sd Hobbes list of Rates £0 7 10 271y The Town allowed to Constable John Perkins two pounds three shillings & three pence it being an abaitment of Nathan Wildeses Rates in sd Perkinses list 17/2 and abaitment of the Widow Abial Tapleys Rates in sd Constables list 9/2 and abait ment of one Browne Pole a young fellow that lived with John Herrick in the time of Making the Rates, But a Receipt was Brought from a Beaverly Constable that he had paid their; the sum abaited here was 16/11 in sd Perkinses list £2 3 3 281y The Town Voted to Simon Gould thirteen shillings & ten pence it being an abaitment of part of his Rates in the hundred pound Rate in Constable Lakes list of Rates £0 13 10 The Persons Chosen into Office att the afore said Meetings to which an oath did belong were all sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there office on the 6 13 16 17 19th days of sd March & April 4th: Except the sessors and Thomas Symonds Zacheus Gould Abraham Hobbes 1764 June 5th: the sessors was sworn then 232 TOVSTN RECORDS OF May 9th 1766. There is taken up by Theophelous Fisk of Danvers. A Rown Mayer as a stray but hath not Brand nor Fare Mark Topsfield ss To Palatiah Cummings one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forth-with to Warn all the free-holders & other Inhabitents of the Northward in Said Town that are Qualified by Law for Voting to Conven & meet Togather at the Meeting-house in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty second Day of May Next at one of the Clock after noon lly To Choose a man to Represent the Town at the Greate and General Court According to Preceipt 21y To see how Much Money the Town will Raise to Defray ye Charges of Mending the high- ways this Present Year & other Necessary Charges within said Town as the Town shall think Proper 31y To see what Meathord the Town Will Come into to mend the highways this present Year 41y To see if the Town Will Reconsider the Vote that was passed at the Anniversary Town Meeting on the thirteenth Day of March A. D. 1764. Respecting the Tovsms Mending ye Bridge & Causey Called Rowley Bridge in the same Manner as they Mend their other ways 51y To see if the Town will accept of the Retum of ye Comtee Chosen to advise the Town Respecting a School house or housen 61y for the Town to act any thing they shall think proper Respecting a school house or housen 71y for the Town to have the Petition of Mr Nethaniel Low Consaming a way for him to Come to Meeting in, and for ye Town to act any thing they shall think proper Consaming sd way 81y To allow Bills of Charge Here of fail Not & Make Retum of this Warrant with your doings there on to one or more of the Select-men of said Town at time & Place above mentioned Dated Topsfield April 30th 1764 Jeremiah Averell ^ Zacheus Gould c i a. DanielBixby Pf^''^"'^^. Samuel Cummings f^^ Topsfield David Balch Ju' J This is a True Copy of the Warrant attest David Balch Jur To" Clerk TOPSFIELD, MASS. 233 Proper Retums being made on Both Warrants the Meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May 22nd 1764 lly The Town Made Choise of Lieut Samuel Smith to Repre sent the Town at the Grate & General Court ye year Insuing Voted and there being other Bisness to be dune at said meeting 21y Lieut Samuel Smith was Chosen Moderator for said meeting Voted Sly The Town Voted to Rais one Hundred pounds to be Assessed by the Select Men on Poles & Estates within ye same to Defray the Charges in said Town of Mending the high-ways & other Necessary Charges in said Town & to be paid in to the Town Treasury for the Use afore said 41y The Town Voted that the sum of Sixty pounds of said Assessment shall be appropriated to the use of mending ye high-ways in said Town 51y The Town Voted that the high-ways should be Mended in ye same way & manner as they was the last year 61y The Town Voted to Build two school housen in said Town one on the North side of the River, the other on the South Side of the River Topsfield ss To Mr Paletiah Cummings one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are here by Required forth-with to wam all the free holders & other Inhabitents of the North ward in the Town of Topsfield that are by Law qualified for Voting to Conven & Meet Together at the Meeting house in sd Town on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of Septem' Next at two of the Clock after-noon lly To see how Much Money the Town will Raise to defray ye Necessary Charges arising within sd Town ye year Insuing 21y To Choose Jury-Men for Newburyport Court according to venire Sly To See if the Town will Reconsider the Vote that was passed at the Anniversery Town Meeting held by adjornment on the thirteenth day of March 1764 Respecting the Towne Mend ing the Bridge & Causey ; Called Rowley Bridge in ye same manner as they mend there other ways 41y To see if the Town will act any thing Consaming water courses through the River Bridge Causey 51y To Allow Bill of Charge Here of fail Not & Make Return of this Warrant with your doings there on to one or More of the Select-Men of sd Town at Time & Place above Mentioned Selectmen 234 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield August 28th 1764 David Balch Jun' Zacheus Gould Daniel Bixby ^''^^^^^'^'"^"ij Samuel Cummings f^^ Topsfield Jeremiah Averell J This is a tme Copy of ye Warrant attest David Balch Ju' Town Clerk Proper Retums Being Made on Both Warrants the Meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield Septem'' 18th 1764 lly Mr Elijah Porter was Chosen Moderator for said Meeting Voted 21y The Town Voted to Raise one Hundred & fifty pounds Including our Towns part of the County tax to Defray the Charges of the Town the year Ensuing Sly Daniel Lake & Nathan Hood was drawn out of the Box to Sarve on the jury of Tryalls at the Next Inferier Court to be holden at Newbury-Port 41y The Tovsm Voted to Reconsider the Vote that was passed at a Town Meetting March IS 1764 held by a joumment, Consaming the Mending & Maintaing the Bridge over the River in Topsfield in that place of the River Called Rowley Bridge & the Causey, it tis to be Understod that the sd Bridge & Causey is Not to be Mended & Maintained by the Town for the futur 51y Then the town Voted that this Meeting should be adjourn ed to the Second day of October Next Accordingly the Mod erator adjourned the Meeting to said day at two of the Clock in the after noon October 2nd 1764 The Town being Meet According to Ad journment the former Moderator being Not at said Meeting 61y Lieut Samuel Smith is Chosen Moderator Voted 71y The Town abaited to Const Jeremiah Averell 9s 9d it being part of what Jacob Dorman & Joseph Lessler was Rated in sd Averells Meetting house list of Rates and also 7s 7d that Anna Averell was Rated in sd Jeremiahs Rates 0 17 4 81y The Town allowed to John Balch for his Time & Expence in the Law sut with Mr Jacob Dorman 1 12 0 91y The Town allowed to David Perkins 5s lid it being abaitment of Anna Averells Rates in sd Perkinses List 0 5 11 lOly The Town allowed to Elisha Wildes 17s Id it being TOPSFIELD, MASS. 235 what Nathan Wildes was Rated in sd Elisha Rates and also 16s 4d that Benja Baley was Rated in sd Wildes Rates 1 13 5 Illy The Town allowed to Constab John Perkins 16s lid it being for what the Wido Hubbord was Rated in his list and also 16s lid it being for what Benja Baley was Rated in sd Perkinses Ust of Rates 1 13 10 121y The Town Voted to Reconsider the Vote that was passed on the first day of this meeting that is on the 18 day of Septem'' 1764 Consaming the Mending & Maintaining the Bridge & Causey Commonly Called Rowley Bridge it tis to be Understod that the Town is to mend & Maintain the sd Bridge & Causey as was Voted at ye Town Meeting March 13th 1764 ISly Mr Solomon Dodge was Chosen to Sarve on the gran Jury at the next Superiar Court at Salem 141y Capt John Bordman & Simon Gould was drawn out of the Box to sarve on the Jury of Tryalls at the next Superior Court to be holden at Salem Topsfield ss To Mr Pelatiah Cummings one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are Required forth with to Wam all the free holders & other in habitents of the North-Ward in said town by Law qualified for Voting to Conven & Meet Togather at the Meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the fifth day of March Next at Nine of the Clock in the Morning lly To Choose Select men a Town Clerk & all other Town Officers for the year ensuing as the Law Directs 21y To see if the Town WiU Accept of the Select-mens Reck oning with the Town Treasurer Sly To Choose a Comtee to Supply the Town with a Grammer School Master the year Ensuing 41y To see if the Town will grant the Petition of Mr Nethan iel Low Respecting a way for him that he wants 51y To See if the Town WUl Lett Swine go at Large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs 61y To See if the Town wiU Accept of a way laid out by ye Select-men through Land of Mr Jacob Townes & through Land of Mr Samuel Cummings 71y To Choose jury-Men for Ipswich Court According to Venire Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail Not & make Retum of this Warrant with your Doings there on to one or More of the Selectmen of sd Town at Time & place above mentioned 236 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield Febmary 12th 1765 Jeremiah AverelH David Balch Jur I Selectmen Zaccheus Gould (of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J This is a Tme Copy of the Warrant Attest David Balch Jur Town Clerk Proper Retums Being made on both Warrants the Meeting foUoweth At a Legal To^%ti Meeting in Topsfield March 5th 1765 lly Capt Thomas Baker Chosen Moderator for said meeting Voted 21y Missrs Jeremiah Averell Daniel Bixby Zaccheus Gould Stephen Perkins John Perkins Jur Chosen Selectmen and also Sessors for the year Ensuing \'^oted Sly David Balch Jur Chosen Town Clerk for the year Ensuing \"oted 41y Mr Abraham Hobbes Mr Samuel Commings Chosen Constables for the year Ensuing Voted 51y Mr Elijah Porter Chosen Town Treasurer for the year Ensuing Voted 61y Mr Eliezer Lake Junr Lieut Luke Averell Mr Jacob Kimball are Chosen Tythen-Men for the year Ensuing Voted 71y Capt Thomas Baker Mr Joseph Gould Chosen Surveyors of highways for the year Ensuing Voted Sly Mr Solomon Dodge Mr Jacob Averell Mr John Bradstret Chosen fence- Vewers for the year Ensuing Voted 91y Mr David Perkins Chosen Sealer of Leather for ye year Ensuing Voted lOly Mr Robert Perkins Mr Solomon Dodge Chosen hog- Reavs for ye year Ensuing Voted Illy Mr Jacob Averell Jur Chosen Surveyor of Clabbords & Shingals for the year Ensuing 121y Mr Thomas Symonds Mr John Gould Chosen Wardens for the year Ensuing Voted ISly Lieut Luke Averell Chosen overseer of the poor for the year Ensuing Voted 141y Mr Aaron Estey Mr Eliezer Lake Jur Mr Thomas Symonds are Chosen a Comtee to take Care & provoid a School for the Town for the year Ensuing as the Law Directs Voted 151y The Town accepted of the Select-Mens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer & Remains due to the Town Two hundred TOPSFIELD, MASS. 237 & four pounds thirteen shillings & Eleaven pence not ordered out 204 13 11 Voted 161y The Town Voted that Swine shall go at Large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs Voted 171y The Town Accepted the way laid out by the Select-Men through land of Jacob & Joseph Townes & through land of Samuel Cummings Voted 181y Mr Joseph Andrews Chosen grand jury man for ye year ensuing Voted 191y Thomas Perkins Jun & Amos Perkins was drawn out of ye Box to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at ye next Inferer Court to be holden at Ipswich 201y The Town allowed to Mr Elezer Lake Jur School Comtee man for the School Masters Sarvis & for his Boarding ten months and ten days Thirty Six pounds & Six Shillings & three pence Voted £36 6 3 211y The Town abaited Isaac Perkins Rates in David Perkins list of Rates one pound & nine pence Voted 10 9 221y The Town heard the Petition of Mr Nethaniel Low Respecting a way, and Voted that the way he uses to Come to Meeting & go to Market through Mr Benja Woodbarys land & through Mr Stephen Fosters land shall be Mended by the Sur voyers of high-ways as they mend there other ways in Town for the futer; and also all un-Reasonable Incumbrances Re moved from sd way The Persons Chosen into Office at the fore said Meeting to which an oath did belong were all sworn to the faithfull Discharge of there office as the Law Directs on the 5th & 12th & 2Srd days of said March Mr Joseph Gould being Chosen Clerk for the Proprieters of Sticky-Meadow Common-field & he was sworn to the faith-full Discharge of his Office on the 5th day of said March Topsfield ss To Abraham Hobbs one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to Wam all the free-holders & other Inhabitants of the North ward in sd Town that are Quallified by Law for Voting to Conven & Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty -first day of May Next at Two of ye Clock after noon lly To Choose a man to Represent the Town at the Great & General Court according to Precept 21y To See how Much Money the Town will agree to Raise ¦ Selectmen of Topsfield 238 TOWN RECORDS OF to Defray the Charges of Mending the high-ways & other Necessary Charges arising in sd Town this present year Sly To See what Method the Town wUl agree to Mend the high-ways in this present year 41y To allow BiUs of Charge 51y To See if the Town Will agree that the Select Men shaU order the Town Treasurer to pay Docter Amos Putnam one pound Six ShiUings & Eight pence for what he did for Mary Cree Late of Topsfield Deacs* 61y To See if the Town Will grant the petition of Jacob KimbaU & others Here of fail not & Make Retum of this Warrant With Your Doings there on to one or more of the Select men of said Town at Time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield April 30th 1765 Jeremiah AvereU Zacheus Gould Daniel Bixby John Perkins Jur Stephen Perkins This is a Tme Copy of the Warrant attest David Balch Jur T. Clerk Proper Retums of Both Warrants being Made the Meeting followeth At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May 21st 1765 lly Lieut Samuel Smith was Chosen to Represent the Town at the General Court the year Ensuing Voted and there being other Bisness to be dun at said meeting 21y Mr EUjah Porter was Chosen Moderator for sd meeting Voted Sly The Town Voted to Rais one Hundred pounds to Mend the highways this present year & to pay what is due towards Rasing & finishing the meeting-house & other Tovsm Charges 41y The Town Voted that forty pounds of the afore said sum should be for mending the high-ways this present year 51y The Town Voted to Mend the high-ways this present year as they Mended them in tiie year 1763 Voted 61y The Town Voted to abait the wido Tapleys Rates in Constable David Perkins list of Rates the sum is £0 7 6 71y The Town Voted to abait Samuel Tapleys head money in Const David Perkins list of Rates the Sum is 0 4 0 Sly The Town Voted to abait Joanna Curtis Late Dea^ Rates in Const EUezer Lakes list of Rates the Sum is 0 4 2 TOPSFIELD, MAS§. 239 91y The Town Voted to Mr Elijah Porter for his Time & expence to get the fish Course opened through the mill dams the sum is £4 16 5 lOly The Town Voted to abait Ss 2d of Archelous Deals Rates in Const Joseph Goulds list of Rates 0 3 2 Illy The Town Voted to abait 14s Id of Benja Irelands Rates in Cpnsta Eliezer Lakes Jur list of Rates 0 14 1 121y The Town Voted to abait Benja Irelands Rates in Con stable Benja Bixbys list of Rates the sum is 0 19 9 Topsfield ss To Abraham Hobbs one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are here by Required fourthwith to Wam all the Free holders & other In habitants of the North- Ward in sd Town that are Quallified by Law for Voting to Conven & Meet Togeather at the Meeting house in sd Town on Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of September Next Ensuing at two of the Clock after Noon lly To See How Much Money the Town Will agree to Raise to Defray the Necessary Charges arising in sd Town ye year Ensuing 21y To Choose Jury Men to Serve at the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas & Court of General Sessions of the peace to be holden at Newbury-port on ye Last Tuesday of September next according to Venire Sly To See if the Town will agree that ye Surveyors shall give Credit to the Several Select men for as many Days Works in there High-ways Taxes as they was a Making ye Taxes in June last 41y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail Not & Make Retum of this Warrant with your Doings their on to one or more of the Select-Men of said Town at ye Time & place above mentioned Dated Topsfield August 27th 1765 Jeremiah Avirell ^ Zacheus Gould ,, i j. Daniel Bixby ^^^^^^^^^f ,^ John Perkins Jur [ «* Topsfield Stephen Perkins J This is a Tme Copy of ye Warrant attest David Balch Jur Town Clerk Proper Returns being Made of Both Warrants ye Meeting followeth . At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield September 17th 1765 240 TOWN RECORDS OF lly Deac George Bixby Chosen Moderator for sd Meeting Voted 21y Thomas Perkins and Elisha Wildes Drawn out of the Box to Serve on the Jury of Trials at the Next Inferior Court to be holden at Newbury-port Sly The Town Voted to Adjom the Meeting to the first Tues day of October Next to three of the Clock after noon October 1st 1765 The Town being Meet According to Ad journment 41y The Town Voted to Rais one Hundred Pounds Including our Towns part of ye County tax to Defray the Charges of ye Town the year Ensuing 51y The Town Voted that the Select men should have four days a peace allowed to them out of ye high way Rates for their Making the high way Rates in June last 61y The Town Voted to abait Daniel Porters head Rate in Constable Benja"> Bixbys Rate that is £0 14 5 71y The Town Voted to abait Nathan Wildes Rate in Consta ble David Perkins List of Rates that is £0 12 9 Sly The Town Voted to Eliezer Lake Jur School Committee for the School Masters Servis & his Boarding from the 14th : of March 1765 [to] Septemb' ISth: £21 19 4 91y Capt John Bordman Chosen Gran Jury Man to Sarve on the Gran jury at the Next Supearer Court to be holden at Salem lOly Mr Aaron Estey and Deac George Bixby Drawn out of ye Box to Sarve on the Jury of trials at the Next Supearer Court to be holden at Salem Topsfield Octot" Sd : 1765 There is Taken up a Stray Ram going at Large by Stephen Adams of sd Topsfield a Whit homed Ram & Marked with a Slit on the Under side of each Ear & hath been Posted as ye Law Directs Topsfield October 16 1765 There is Taken up a Ram going at Large by Joshua Towne of sd Topsfield sd Ram is whit & hath horns but no Ear Marks and hath been Posted as ye Law Directs Topsfield October 31 : 1765 There is Taken up a Ram going at Large by Stephen Adams of sd Topsfield Sd Ram is whit Marked vsath a Cross of the left Eare is a Notch in the under side of ye same and hath been Posted as ye Law Directs Topsfield Novem'' 2 : 1765 There is Taken up a Ram going at Large by Thomas Symonds of sd Topsfield Sd Ram is whit TOPSFIELD, MASS. 241 & hath no horns & hath no eare marks & hath been Posted as the Law Directs Topsfield Novem" 6 1765 There is Taken up a Ram going at Large by Stephen Adams of sd Topsfield Sd Ram is whit hath horns marked with a Cross of the Left Ear & a Small Slit in ye end towards the under side of the same and hath Been Posted as the Law Directs Topsfield July 10th 1764 A greable Unto & in Compliance with a Petition Referred to ye Select Men of ye Town of Topsfield by Thomas Mower & other Desiring a Road to be Laid out Conveniant for trans-port ing of him & other Effects : We have Laid out a privet Road in the following Manner Viz Beginning at the County Road Lead ing from Middleton to Topsfield in Land of Jacob & Joseph Townes Said Road Beginning & Runing on Near where ye an ciant way was : the Courses are taken on the Westerly side of Said Road according to ye needle the first Cours North twenty Eight degrees West fourteen pooles & twenty one links Second Course is west thirty three Degrees North five poles & twenty one links to land of Samuel Cummings the third Course is West thirty three degrees North fifteen poles the fourth Course Runs North Eleaven Degrees west five poles & thirteen links the fifth Cours Runs North Six poles & fourteen links the Six Cours Runs North Seventeen degrees East fourteen poles the seventh Course Runs North twenty seven degrees East twenty six poles the Eight Cours Runs North ten degrees East six poles to land of Saml : Towne Jur Zaccheus Gould ) c i t DanielBixby ^f t f m Jeremiah AvereU j°f Topsfield This is a True Copy of the Return attest David Balch Jur Town Clerk This Retum should have been Entered following after the Town Meeting in March 5th 1765 But it was for got Topsfield ss To Abraham Hobbs one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majestys Name you are Re quired forthwith to warn all the freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by law for voteing, to Convene and meet together at the Meeting house in said Tovs?n, on Tuesday the forth Day of March next Ensuing at nine of the Clock in the morning 242 TOWN RECORDS OF lly To Choose Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Town officers for the insuing as the law Directs 21y to see if the Town will accept of the Selectmen's Recken ing with the Town Treasurer Sly To see what meathod the Town wiU agree to Mend the highways in this present year 41y To see how much money the Tovsm will agree to Raise to Defray the Charge of mending the highways and Other Neces sary Charges ariseing in said Town the year insuing 51y To see if the Town will left Swine go at large being Yoked & Ring'd as the law Directs, the year insuing 61y To see if the Town will grant the Petition of Theophilus Fisk of Danvers, Respecting his house and land now lying in said Danvers being sett of from said Town and aimexed to the Town of Topsfield 71y to allow Bills of Charge Sly To Choose a Committee to Supply the Town with a Gram mer School the year insuing hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Tovsm at time and plase above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Febr ISth 1766 Jeremiah Averell ^ Zacheus Gould Daniel Bixby John Perkins Jur Stephen Perkins ^ Pursuent to the within written Warrant I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield, to Convene & meet together at the meeting house in said Tops- field at time and place within mentioned by posting the same on the side of the meeting house in said Town on a publick Lecture Day Dated Topsfield Febr 26th 1766 Abraham Hobbs Constable for Topsfield The Inhabitants of the South ward in said Topsfield was wam'd by a warrant exactly the same as the above warrant, and a retum of the same purport of ye above Retum, made by Saml Cummings Constable for said Town this is A tme Copy of the warrant and the Retums attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 243 The afore said freeholders and Other Inhabatants of Tops- field being Legally Assembled in Town Meeting the 4 Day of March A D 1766, they proseeded and Choose their Town officers for the year insuing as followeth lly Capt Thos Baker was Choosen Morderator for sd meeting 21y Elijah Porter was Choosen Town Clerk Sly Missrs Danl Bixby Zacheus Gould Jeremiah Averel John Perkins Jur & Stephn Perkins were Chousen Selectmen and were also Chosen Assessors 41y Capt John Bordman & Mr Joseph Town were Chosen Constables 51y Elijah Porter were Chosen Town Treasr 61y Missuers David Lake Solomon Dodge and Joseph Gould were Chosen Tj^thingmen 71y Missirs Joseph Andrews & Nehemiah Herrick were Chosen Surveyers of highways Sly Missirs Robert Perkins David Perkins & Thos Perkins Jur Fence viewers 91y Mr David Perkins is Sealer of Leather lOly Missirs John Gould & John Bradstreet Deer Reves Illy Missirs Amos Perkins & David Towne hog Rives 121y Mr Nathan Hood Surveyor of Clabbords & Shingles ISly Missirs Jacob Kimball & Simon Gould Wardens 141y Missirs Solomon Dodge & Robt Perkins Overseers of ye . Poer 151y Missirs David Balch Jur Enos Knight & Capt Thos Baker were Chosen a Comtee to supply the Town with a grammer School as the Law Directs The persons Chosen into office at the aforesaid Meeting to which an oath did belong took the money oath and were sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their office (excepting Mr Joseph Andrews) 161y the Town accepted of the Selectmens Reckening with the Tovsm Treasurer & there Remains in said Treasurers hands £180 18 7 171y Voted that the Town mend the highways this present year by a tax Levied on ye pools & Estates as they did the Last years ISly Voted that the Town Raise one hundred pounds to mend the highways, and to Defray the Other necessary Charges this present year, of which sum the Town appropriated forty pounds for to Defray the Charge of mending the high ways this present year 244 TOWN RECORDS OF 191y Voted that Swine shall go at large being Yok'd & Ring'd as the law Directs 201y on Reading the Petition of Theophelus Fisk of Danvers praying that Topsfield would Receive him &c Voted that in case said Danvers should set him of, Then the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the said Theophelus be set of from Danvers, and be annexed to the Town of Tops- field, there to receive priviledges, and pay Taxes as the Inhabi tants of Topsfield Do to aU Intents «& purposes 211y Voted that Eliezer Lake Jur. & Others the school Com tee be allowed Twenty pounds two shiUings & nine pence to pay for the School being kept from Sept 18th 1765 to Mar" 10th 1766 221y Voted that Capt Thos Baker be allowed £0 14s Sd for what he paid for stones to build a bridge 2Sly Voted that Mr EUezer Lake Jur be allowed £0 13s 7d being abatement of what WUlm Herrick was tax'd in said Lakes List Mr Joseph Gould was Chosen to Serve on ye Grand Jury ye year insuing Jeremiah Tovsm & Nehemiah Herrick Draw'd out of ye Box to Serve on ye Jury of Tryals March 4th 1765 Mr Joseph Gould was swom as Clerk of the Sticky Meadow Common fields (So Call'd) pr Elijah Porter Town Cle' We the Subscribers Jeremiah Averell Daniel Bixby and Stephen Perkins, Selectmen of Topsfield, & Nath' Kimball Jur. Josiah Ober & Willm Fisk a Committee appointed by the Select men of Wenham, met and Perambulated the line and Renewed the bounds between said Towns on the fourteenth Day of April 1766 as followeth (Viz) begining at a stake and stones in the Meadow near Wenham Causey, the northeasterly comer of Danvers from thence northerly to a stump & stones northerly of Mr Theophelus Fisk's Bam, from thence to a stake and stones on the west side of the Road leading to Bunkers Meadow from thence to a heap of stones by the brook at the end of a wall, from thence to a heap of stones on the west of Robinsons Island, from thence to a heap of stones by the Southeast Comer of Pigtons Meadow, from thence to the River Jeremiah Averell ^ Ceigp*.™gn Nath' Kimball ^ Comtee appoint- Daniel Bixby r fXn fi ,j Josiah Ober Vedby the Select- Stephen Perkins )°^^°P^"^'° Willm Fisk ) men of Wenham TOPSFIELD, MASS. 245 Topsfield ss To John Bordman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesty's Name you are hereby Required, fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by law for voteing, to Conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Twentyeth Day of May Instent at three of the Clock after noon lly to Elect and Depute one or more persons to serve for and Represent the Town in the Great and Generel Court or Assembly the year Ensuing according to Preceipt 21y To Choose a surveyor of highways for the present year in the room of Joseph Andrews who Refuses to Serve Sly To see if the Town will vote, to shew Cause if any they have on the second Fryday of the May Sessions of the Generel Court, why the Bridge Over Waters River (So Call'd) in Danvers should not be made a County bridge Exclusive of said Danvers Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield May 6th 1766 Jeremiah Averell Zacheus Gould Danl Bixby }- John Perkins Jur Stephen Perkins Pursuant to the within written warrant I have warned the freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the north ward to appear at time and place within mentioned Topsfield May 14th 1766 pr John Bordman Constable The Freeholders & Other Inhabitants in the South Ward in said Town was warned by a warrant Exactly the same as the above warrant, and a retum made by Joseph Town Constable A tme Copy of the Warrant & the return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' The aforesaid freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield being leagaly assembled in Town meeting the 20th Day of May A D 1766 lly Capt Saml Smith was Elected to Represent the Town in the Great & Genl Court 21y Capt Saml Smith was Chosen Morderator for this meeting Sly Mr Stephen Foster was Chosen & sworn Surveyer of high- Selectmen of Topsfield 246 TOWN RECORDS OF ways for this year, in the room of Joseph Andrews who Refus'd to serve 41y The Town haveing been notified of a petition of John Procter Joseph Perpoint and Others (Inhabitants of the Town of Danvers) to the Great and Generel Court, praying that the Bridge in Danvers across Waters River (So Call'd) Might be Maintained for the future by the County of Essex Exclusive of Danvers, and also of the Resolve of the said Court thereon, on the fifteenth Day of Febr. last, that the Several Towns in said County should be Notified to shew Cause if any they have on the second fryday of the then next May Sessions of said Court, why the prayer of said Petr" should not be granted. The Town haveing Considered thereon and unani- mosly Voted, that they were against the said bridge being made a County Bridge, and also that Capt Saml Smith shall Represent the following to the said Court, why the prayer of said Petition, should not be granted, (Viz) that the Town of Danvers is a very Large Town, and that they Enjoy much greater Previledges, by Jo5ming to the Chief Market Tovsm in said County, then the Other Town's in said County do, and that in generel it is a very good Land and well wooded, and that on the County Road that is laid out a Cross said Waters River and there is a very great Trade and much Business Car ried on, viz there is one of the Largest brickyards that is in said County, there is also in one place two grist mills and one saw mill and one wheat and bolting mill, and there is a large ship yard many vessels have been already built and they are still building more which Trade and business must be a great Ad vantage to said Town of Danvers as they Can go with their teams twice in one Day with their wood Timber & plank either to the Brick or ship yard, which trade & Business is still increas ing and we apprehend in a little time will be such an advan tage to the Town of Danvers, as will much more then Ballance the Charge of said bridge & way and as the Town of Topsfield is a very Small Town, not half so large as Danvers and we ap prehend that the Charge that the Town of Topsfield have been at, for a number of years past to Repair their Roads and Bridges, has been Equel to the Charge that the whole Town of Danvers has been at, to repair their Roads & Bridges, as we have two large bridges across Ipswich River (So Call'd) with long Caus eys to each of them, which has Cost the Town within about 4 years past, three hundred pounds LavsrfuU money at least, we have also not less then ten Other bridges the most of which are Considerable large, for which reasons it is the Opinion of said TOPSFIELD, MASS. 247 Town of Topsfield, that the bridge in Danvers aforesaid. Ought not to be a County Charge and much less, that the Town of Topsfield should be at any Charge for makeing or maintaining said Bridge Topsfield ss To John Bordman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the free holders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town, that are qualified by Law for voteing to Conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty third Day of September next at two of the Clock afternoon To See how much money the Town will agree to raise, to defray the necessary Charges Ariseing within said Town the year Ensuing 21y To Choose Jurymen to Serve at the next Inferiour Court of Common pleas & Court of Genl Sessions of the peace to be holden at Newbury port on the last Tuesday of September next According to Venire Sly To see if the Town will agree that the Surveyers of high ways shall give the Several Assessors Credit on their highway Rates for as many Days as they was imploy'd, in makeing the Rates in June last 41y To see if the Town will give Capt Saml Smith their pres ent Representative Instmctions for his behaveour and manage ment of the provential affairs in the great & Genl Court for the futer Sly To allow Bills of Charge hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Doing their on to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time & place above Mentioned Dated in Topsfield Augt 29th 1766 Jeremiah AvereH Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen Danl Bixby (of Topsfield Stephen Perkins J Pursuant to the within written warrant I have warned all the free holders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Tops- field, to appear at time and place within Mentioned by posting the same on the meeting house on A publick lecter Day in said Town pr John Bordman Constable The freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the south ward in said Town was warned by A warrant Exactly the same as the afore sd warrant and a retum made by Joseph Town Constable 248 TOWN RECORDS OF A True Copy of the warrant and the Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a leagal Town Meeting of the freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield Sept 23rd 1766 lly Mr Stephen Perkins was Choosen Morderator of said meeting 21y Voted That there be one hundred pounds Rais'd by Assessing ye polls and Estates to Defray the Charges of the Town and County for the year Ensuing Sly Missirs Pelatiah Cummings & David Town were Draw'd Out of the Box to serve as Jurymen at Newbury port Court next 41y Voted that Missirs Stephen Perkins George Bixby John Gould Jeremiah Averel & Capt John Bordman, be a Comtee to Draw Instructions for to be given to Capt Saml Smith for his future Conduct in the Genl Court 51y Voted that there be AUow'd to ye wido Joanna Clarke fourteen shillings and three pence £0 14s Sd for the abatement of what her late husband Elijah Clarke was Tax'd in Constable Benja Bixby's List for Isaac Peabodys head 61y Voted that the said Meeting be adjumed to the Twenty first Day of October next at three of the Clock aftemoon and accordingly ye sd Meeting was Adjumed At A leagal Town Meeting held by Adjumment on the Twenty first of October 1766 Mr Stephen Perkins Morderator lly David Balch Jur was Choosen & Sworn Cler for said meeting 21y Voted that the said Meeting be further Adjumed to ye Twenty seventh Day of October Instant at three of ye Clock aftemoon and accordingly said meeting was Adjurn'd At A leagal Town meeting held by Adjurnment the Twenty seventh Day of October A D 1766 Mr Stephen Perkins Morderator lly Voted that the following instructions be given to Capt Saml Smith our Representative Viz To Capt Saml Smith our Representative, Sir as we your Con stituants have been informed that the General Court are to take into Consideration at there next Sessions the Damages that was done by a number of Riotious persons in the Town of Boston the last year, on which Ocation we have taken this Oppertunity to let you know our Opinion, and Desire to Conduct TOPSFIELD, MASS. 249 your self accordingly, we have heard that his Honour the Lieut Governor Mr Oliver the Seccretary Mr HoUowell and Mr Story all Suffer'd loss and Damage by said Disturbances, but on what account we know not, but if it shall appear to you that the above said Gentlemen or either of them suffer'd by being actually engag'd for the good of his Majesties Subjects in this Province, in such a Case it is our Opinion that when proper Application is made to said Court, by said sufferers, it Ought to be maturely Consider'd off by said Court, and they have a proper Allowance made them out of the Province Treasury, but in case it shall appear to be on any Other account we Ap prehend it to be of very Bad Tendency to draw money out of the Province Treasury, for such Damages, and would have you by no means Consent thereto. However as to makeing good such Damages to such sufferers we hear is recommended to this Prov ince by his Majesty our Graccious Sovereign under whose mild and wise Government we Injoy so many valuable Libertys and previledges as well as Great kindness which we Receive from him, an Instence of which we have lately Experienced in his being Gracciously pleased to hear and Grant the petition of his subjects on this Continent in the Repeal of the stamp act &c we look upon it our Greatest Honnor as well as Duty always to Copy after such wise good and Just examples in Consideration whereof in case the said sufferers shall make application for it, we are heartily willing to give them as much as our ability and low Circomstances will admit of provided we may Do it either by Subscription or by Contribution as in case of Calamitious Accidents by fire which we take to be much more agreable to the Constitution of a free people and the Constant usage of this Government 21y Voted that Missirs Enos Knight & David Balch Jur be aUow'd Twenty one pounds Nineteen Shillings & 4d £21 19s 4d for the school being kept from 13 of March 1766 to 23 Sept 1766 Sly Voted that Mr Nathan Wildes be allowed £0 16s Od for what he was Taxed in ye year 1765 in Mr Abraham Hobbs List and Mr Pelatiah Cummings List for ye year 1764 41y Mr Stephen Perkins was Choosen Grand Juryman to Serve at the Supr Court at Salem 51y Capt Thos Baker and Elijah Porter were Drawn out of the Box to serve as Jury men at the Supr Court at Salem 61y Voted that Mr Luke Averel be allowed £0 2 0 for 30 foot of plank to mend the Bridge by Mr Abraham Hobbs 250 TOWN RECORDS OF 71y Voted that Mr Jeremiah Averel be aUowed £0 4s lOd for the abatement of WiU™ Hoods Rates Sly Voted that Mr Stephen Foster be aUowed £0 lis lid for stones and Other Extraordinary Charge for buUding ye Bridge by Mr Jacob Dormans Topsfield ss To Capt Jolm Bordman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required fourthwith to wam aU the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are QuaUfied by Law for voteing to Conven and meet together at the meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the eighth Day of Novr Inst at one of the Clock aftemoon lly For the Town to hear and Consider on a proposed BiU now pending in the House of Representatives and Published by their Order, for the Consideration of the Several Towns in this Province, for granting Compensation To the sufferers, and of free and General pardon Indemnity and ObUvion to the offen ders in the late times 21y To see if the Town will vote that the several Sums Men tioned in the said proposed BiU shaU be paid Out of the pubUck Treasury to the Honourable Thomas Hutchinson Esqr and Others that are severally sett down to each of them in said BUls in fuU Compensation for their loses and sufferings in the late times of Confusion Hereof f aU not and make Retum of this warrant with your doings therein to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above Mentioned Dated Topsfield Novr 24 1766 Jere" Averel s Zacheus Gould i ,, i . Danl Bixby ^^^^'^^'f,^ John Perkins Jur p Topsfield Steph" Perkins J I*ursuant to this Warrant I have warned all the free holders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield to appear at time and place within mentioned, by posting said warrant on the meeting house on ye 27 Day of this Inst Novr on a pub lick thanksgiveing Day Dated Topsfield Novr 28 1766 pr John Bordman Constable of Topsfield The freeholders and Other Irihabitants of ye South ward ia said Town was warned by a warrant like the afore said warrant, and a like Retum made by Joseph Town Constable of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 251 A true Copy of ye warrant and Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At A leagal Town Meeting of the freeholders and Other in habitants of Topsfield ye 28 Novr 1766 lly Voted that Capt Saml Smith be Morderator for said Meet ing 21y the question was put, whether the Several Sums mentioned in the aforesaid proposed Bill shall be paid out of a Publick Treasury, to the Hon' Thomas Hutchinson Esqr and Others, as Mentioned in said Bill, in full Compensation for their Sufferings in the late times of Confusion, and it passed in the Negative We the Subscribers met this 24 Day of November A D 1766 and Perambulated the line and Renewed the bounds, between the Towns of Topsfield & Middleton in the following manner begining at a heap of stones in the brook (Call'd) Nickols's brook near where Porters Sawmill stood, which is a bounds be tween Topsfield and Danvers, from thence as the brook runs to a small Elm tree, at the northeasterly branch of said brook thence as the said northeasterly branch runs to a heap of stones by the River Thos Cave ) Appointed by Zaccheus Gould ) cpi„pf.™pn Philip Knight V the Selectmen Danl Bixby rXfTWfiplH Jonathan Knight ) of Middleton Steph" Perkins ) °^ ^opsneia We the Subscribers being a Committee appointed by the Towns of Topsfield and Boxford to perambulate the line between said Towns this 24 Day of November 1766 and perambulated said line, and began at an appletree with stones about it in Capt Asa Perleys field, from thence to a stake and heap of stones at the Northerly Comer of Bakers farm (So Calld) thence to where the water runs through the Dam near Simon Goulds house, Call'd Andrews's Dam, thence to a stake and heap of stones by the fishing Brook on the Easterly side of a revilet Runing in to said Brook, thence as said Brook runs to Ipswich River (So Call'd) thence up said River to Middleton line Joseph Hale Jur ) Comtee John Gould ) Comtee NathU Perley j for Boxford Joseph Gould | for Topsfield We the Subscribers have mett this 24 Day of November 1766, and Perambulated the line and renewed the bounds between the Towns of Topsfield and Danvers in the following manner (Viz) begining at a stake & stones near Wenham Causey being 252 TOWN RECORDS OF the Northerly bounds between Wenham and Danvers, thence Run ing westerly eight pole to an Elm tree marked D D A T, thence runing norwesterly about Twenty two poles to a stake and stones by the edge of a swamp near Theophelas Fisks bam, thence runing westerly to a black Oak stump with stones about it, in an Orchard belonging to the heirs of Danl Gott Deed, from thence to a heap of stones at the bend of a wall where a run or slow Emties it self out of Archelaus Rea's land, into the Land of Israel Andrew, thence to a heap of stones on land, belonging to the heirs of the Honl Timothy Lendall Esqr Late of Salem Decas'd near Nickols's brook, thence on the same Course to said brook near the Remains of an old Sawmill Commonly Call'd Porters Saw mill John Nickols ] Appointed by Zacheus Gould ] Selectmen Joseph Porter >-the Selectmen Danl Bixby >¦ of Arch. Dale j of Danvers Stephn Perkins J Topsfield We the Subscribers Meett the 26th Day of Febr 1767 and perambulated the lines and Renewed the bounds between Ipswich and Topsfield, and began at the River at the mouth of Howletts Brook (so CaU'd) by said Brook to a stake and stones in Nelands Meadow, from thence to a stake and heap of stones on a hill, and from thence to a stake standing in a great Spring in Conents Meadow, from thence to a heap of stones about Eight Rods westward from the Brook near Stephen Fosters house, from thence on a strate line Runing by Bumams land to a black Oak tree at the bottom of the hill being the Corner of Perkins's land so on to ye pond, and so on a strate line to a black Oak tree in the wall by Nathan Hoods Orchard and so on to the appletree and stones about it, the Comer bounds between Ipswich Topsfield & Boxford Jeremiah Averel P^l^'lt^^" ^ „. ^, 1 ?"'"'^l^!f k Stenhn Perkins ( °^ ^^™'^ ^°''*^ J"^ l Appointed by ^ ; Topsfield Daniel Lummus fthe Selectmen J of Ipswich Topsfield ss To John Bordman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed fourthwith to notifie and warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet Together at the meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the third day of March next Ensuing at nine of the Clock in the morning lly To Choose Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Town officers for the year Ensuing as the Law Directs TOPSFIELD, MASS. 253 21y To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Recken ing with the Town Treasurer Sly To see if the Town will accept of a Return of a way laid out by the Selectmen through Land of the heirs of Deacon Daniel Gould Deed and Joseph Gould in Lieue of an antiant way laid out through said Danl Goulds land 41y To see if the Town will Accept of a return of a way laid out by the Selectmen through land of Samuel Towne Jur and Others tell it Comes into the way that leads from fishing Brook (So Call'd) to Mr. John Goulds 51y For the Town to make a new Regulation of the mens names in the Box of Jurors 61y To Choose a Committee to supply the Town with a Grammer School Master the year Ensuing 71y To see if the Town will let swine go at large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs Sly To Choose Jurymen to serve at the next Inf' Court of Common pleas and Court of Genl Sessions of ye peace to be holden at Ipswich on the last Tuesday of March next according to Venire 91y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make return of this appointment & Direction to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Febr 20th 1767 Jeremiah Averell ^ Zacheus Gould (Selectmen Daniel Perkins Jur (of Topsfield Stephn Perkins J Pursuant to the within appointment and Direction I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield to Conven and meet Together at time and place within mentioned by posting the same on the meeting house in said Town on a publick lecture Day in said Town Dated Febr. 25th 1767 John Bordman Constable for Topsfield The freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the south ward in said Town was warned by a warrant the same as above and a return made, ye same as above by Joseph Town Constable for Topsfield A True Copy of ye warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' 254 TOWN RECORDS OF At a legal Town meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield the 3 of March AD 1767 lly Voted that Mr Stephen Perkins be Morderator of this meeting 21y the Town officers was Choose as foUoweth viz Misirs Zaccheus Gould John Perkins Jur Jereh AvereU Stephn Perkins Daniel Bixby were Choosen Selectmen, and were Choosen Assessors Elijah Porter was Choosen Town Cler. Misrs Saml Cummings Stephen Foster & Thos Mower were Choosen Tything men Missrs Thos Perkins Jur & Daniel Lake were Choosen Con stables Elijah Porter was Choosen Town Treas. Missrs Joseph Andrews & Thos Mower were Choosen Sur veyers of high ways Missirs John Bradstreet Solomon Dodge Amos Perkins were Choosen Fence viewers Mr. David Perkins was Choosen Sealer of leather Mr. Nehemiah Herrick was Choosen Deer Rive Missrs Robert Perkins & Saml Perkins were Choosen hog Rives Mr Jacob AvereU Jur was Choosen Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingles Capt Thos Baker & Mr David Balch Jur were Choosen Wardens Missrs Joseph Gould & John Gould were Choosen Overseers of the Poor Sly Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasurer and there is £212 18s lOd that was Order'd to be paid to sd Treas., that is not Order'd Out 41y Missrs Matthew Peabody David Perkins & Simon Gould were Choosen a Comtee to supply the Town with a Grammer School Master for the year Ensuing 51y Voted that Swine shall go at large the year Ensuing as the Law Directs the aforesaid Town officers to whom an Oath belong'd took the money Oath and were swom to the faithfull Discharge of their office 61y Voted to accept of a Retum of a Town way, that is laid out by the Selectmen as followeth Viz We the Subscribers have the Day of the Date hereof laid a Town way in land of the heirs of Deacon Daniel Gould late Deed and land of Joseph Gould, and is to be Lieue of an TOPSFIELD, MASS. 255 ancient way laid out in said Danll Gould's land as followeth (Viz) Begining at Fishing brook bridge (So CaU'd) on the westerly side of the way, then northeasterly by the old way side eight pole to an oak tree, them east thirteen Degrees north according to the needle sixty-one pole in land of the heirs of said Danll Gould, then north Twenty two Degrees East according to the needle in land of said heirs and land of said Joseph Gould Seventy seven pole then north Eleven Dgrees East according to the needle, in land of the said heirs and land of Joseph Gould forty pole to the old way, then northeasterly as the old way now gos to the County road near John Gould's Bam, said way to Extend so far Easterly, as to make said way two poles in Bredth Dated in Topsfield January 19th 1767 Jeremiah Averel ) c i 4. Zaccheus Gould Pf^ ^", , DanielBixby [of Topsfield 71y Voted to accept of a Retum of a Town way that is laid out by the Selectmen as followeth Viz Whereas Capt Benja Towne and Others of the Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield, by their Petition to the Selectmen of said Town praying that there may be a way laid out from the way in Mr Samuel Cummings Land laid out in the year A D 1764 To the highway near Mr John Gould's After Consideration thereon, We Subscribers have laid out a Town way as followeth (Viz) Begining at the Land of said Samuel Cummings on the easterly side of said way in Land of Samuel Towne Jur north 31 Degrees according to the needle 51 pole and 12 links, to land of Thomas Mower, thence north 25 Degrees west by land of said Mowers 6 poles and 3 links, then East 41 Degrees north in Land of said Thos Mower 24 pole, then East 22 Degrees north 36 poles, then north 25 Degrees East 52 pole in land of said Thos Mower, then north 36 Degrees East in land of Daniel Lake by land of Jacob KimbaU 22 pole, then north 37 Degrees East in Land of said Jacob Kimball 34 pole, then north 36 Degrees East in Land of Simon Gould 16 pole, then north 1 Degree west 34 pole in said Simon Gould's land, then north 29 Degrees west in land of David Balch & Eliezer Lake 6 pole to the River a little below the bridge, then north about 29 Degrees west in Land of John Gould 24 pole, then north 12 Degrees East in land of Simon Gould 44 pole, then north 29 Degrees East 18 pole, then north 16 Degrees west by land of said John Gould 5 pole, then north 16 Degrees west in land of Joseph Gould by land of said John 256 TOWN RECORDS OF Gould and Zaccheus Gould 65 pole, then north 31 Degrees west 36 pole in said Joseph Gould's land to the Road leading from fishing Brook So CaU'd to Topsfield Meeting House, said way to Extend so far west as to make the way two pole wide Dated Topsfield January 19th 1767 Jeremiah AverelH Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen Daniel Bixby (of Topsfield Stephen Perkins J Sly Voted that the following mens names should be put into the Box for Jury men Viz Missirs Stephen Perkins Daniel Bixby John Balch & Elisha Wildes should be put into the Sup' Box And Missirs Isaac Averel Jacob Averel Jur Stephen Adams Samll Bradstreet Nathaniel Dorman Thos Emerson Jacob Kimball Jacob Peabody Joseph Perkins Zebulun Perkins Saml Perkins Daniel Reddington Francis Towne Jacob Towne John Baker Jur Daniel Clarke John Cree Daniel Estey Theophilus Fisk Nathan iel Fisk John Gould Jur. Enos Knight Moses Perkins Othniel Thomas Saml Towne Jur Daniel Towne should be put into the Inf' Box 91y Voted that the following names should be taken out of the Box of Jurors Viz Dea" George Bixby Capt NathU Averell & Mr Luke Averell lOly Mr Thos Symonds was Choosen to serve as Grand Jury man for the year Ensuing Illy Missrs Isaac Averell & Francis Towne were Draw'd out of the Infr Box to serve on ye pety Jury at ye Infr Court to be holden at Ipswich on ye last Tuesday of March 1767 121y Voted that Capt Thos Baker and Others ye School Comtee be allowed £19 Os 9d for the school being kept from 23 of September 1766 to the 3 of March 1767 The Town officers for the year 1767 were swom the 3 6 & 11 of March 1767 March 6th 1767 Mr Thos Perkins Jur. paid five pounds as a fine for his Refusing to serve as a Constable the 3 of March 1767 Nehemiah Herrick was Sworn as Haward of the Sticky Meadow Common field by Elijah Porter Town CI' and Joseph Gould was sworn to ye faithfull Discharge of his office of Clerk of ye Sticky Meadow Common field by Elijah Porter Town Cle' 24 Apl. 1767 Mr. John Perkins took ye oath Respecting the Bills of ye neighbouring Goverments, and also took the Oath of an assesser TOPSFIELD, MASS. 257 Topsfield ss To Daniel Lake Constable of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Required fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of said Town that are qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet Together at the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the Thirty first Day of March Instent at one of ye Clock aftemoon lly To Choose a Constable for the year Ensuing in the room of Thos Perkins Jur who Refuses to serve 21y To see how much money the [town] will agree to Raise to Defray the Charge of mending the highways, and Other neces sary Charges arising in said [town] the present year Sly To see what meathod the Town wiU agree to mend the highways in the present year 41y To allow Bills of charge Hereof fail not and make return of this appointment with your Doings thereon to one or more of the selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield March 20th 1767 Jeremiah AverelH Zaccheus Gould [Selectmen Daniel Bixby Coi Topsfield Stephen Perkins J Topsfield ss agreeable to this warrant I have notified and warned all the Inhabitants of this Town to meet at the time and place within mentioned Dated Topsfield March 25 1767 Daniel Lake Constable A tme Copy of the warrant & Return attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At a legal Town meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye Town of Topsfield on the 31 Day of March A D 1767 lly Capt Thos Baker was Chosen Morderator for said meeting 21y Stephen Perkins was Chosen & swom Clerk for said meeting Sly Mr. Samuel Bradstreet was Chosen Constable for the year Ensuing in the room of Mr Thomas Perkins who Refused to serve 41y The Town voted to Raise one hundred > pounds to be assessed by the assessors, on the polls and Estates within the same to Defray the charge of mending the highways and Other necessary Charges in said Town, and to be order'd into the Town Treasury for the uses aforesaid 258 TOWN RECORDS OF 51y Voted that the sum of sixty Pounds of said assessment shall be appropriated to the use of Mending the highways in said Town agreeable to the following meathod (Viz) that the as sessors shall Exhibit a list of what each of the Inhabitants of said Tovsms Just proportion of said sixty pounds is as weU in Labour as in money to the surveyers of highways. Labour to be Estimated at the following prices (Viz) a man with sutable Meterials two Shillings pr Day one per of oxen one shilling pr Day and a Cart or Tumbrel one shilling pr Day, and the Surveyers shall give each person named and sett Down in his List Liberty and seasonable notice to pay what they are sett Down in his List in Labour at Such Time and place as Such Surveyer shall Judge most proper and said Surveyor shall keep an account of what each person pays in Labour at mending said ways, and on or before the fifteenth Day of November next shall retum a Just and true account of what each person shall have paid in Labour, to the Selectmen and the said Selectmen shall immediately Exhibit the same to the Constables and said Constables shall immediately give Credit to Each person named and set Down in each of their Respective Lists for what they shall have paid in Labour at mending said ways and the Selectmen shall give Orders to the Town Treasurer to Discount with each of the Constables such sums as shall then appear to be paid in Labour by the persons named and set Dovsm in each of their respective Lists 61y Mr EUsha Wildes was Chosen Constable for ye year Insuing in the Room of Mr Samuel Bradstreet 71y Voted that Mr Pelatiah Cummings Constable for 1764 be allowed Eighteen Shillings and one penny for the abatement of Wilhn Hood & Abial Tapley's Tax in his List Stephen Perkins Clerk for sd meeting 17 April 1767 Mr EUsha Wildes took ye Oath Respecting the Bills of Credit of the neighbouring Governments and was Swom to the faithfull Discharge of the office of Constable Topsfield ss To Elisha Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed Fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by law for voting to Conven and meet Together at the meeting house in said Town on Fryday the Twenty fourth day of April Instent at three of the Clock aftemoon The Selectmen haveing Received Infonnation from Royal Tyler Esqr., that the Comtee of both Houses of Assembly TOPSFIELD, MASS. 259 appointed During their Last Session, to Repair to Danvers and there view a Bridge over Waters River in said Town and Consider of the Expediency of maintaining it, and in what manner it ought to be supported, will attend that service on the 28 Day of April Instent (Therefore) lly To Choose an agent or agents appear before said Com mittee in behalf of the Town 21y for the Town to give their agent or agents such Instmc tions as they shall think proper respecting said bridge Sly To see how much money the Town will give the French family that Topsfield and Middleton are Obliged to take Care of to pay their passage to Cannada and to provide necessaries for their support on the voyage hereof fail not and make retum of this appointment and Direction to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at Time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield April 16th 1767 TT"i^\^''^f " {selectmen John Perkins Jur Vf^^^g^,^ Stephen Perkins ; Pursuent to the within Appointment and Direction I have warned all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the North ward qualified for voteing to Conven and meet Together at time and place within mentioned Dated Topsfield Apl. 21st 1767 Elisha Wildes Constable for Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Town was warned by a like warrant as aforesaid and a like Retum as aforesaid made by Danl Lake Constable for Topsfield A tme Copy of the warrant & Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhab itants of Topsfield the 24 April 1767 lly Mr Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderater for said meeting 21y Capt Saml Smith Missirs Stephen Perkins & Zaccheus Gould were Chosen agents to appear in behalf of said Town, before the Honl. Royal Tyler Esqr. and Others a Committee appointed by both houses of Assembly, to Consider of the Expediency of Maintaining a Bridge Over Waters's River (So CaU'd) in Danvers 260 TOWN RECORDS OF Sly Voted to give the French family, (that was assign'd to Topsfield and Middleton to maintain) Thirty two DoUers to pay their passage to Caimada and support them on their voyage Topsfield ss To Elisha Wildes one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed fourth with to wam the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the north ward in said Town, that are qualified by law for voteing, to Conven and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town, on wednsday the Twentyeth Day of May next Ensuing at three of the Clock aftemoon To Elect & Depute one or more persons to serve for and Rep resent the Tovsm in the Great and General Court or Assembly the year Ensuing according to preceipt Hereof fail not and make retum of this appointment and Direction with your doings thereon, to one or more of the Se lectmen of said Town at time & place above mentioned Dated Topsfield April 24th 1767 Jeremiah Avereir Zaccheus Gould John Perkins Jur Stephen Perkins ^ Pursuant to the within Appointment & Direction, I have wam'd all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield, to appear at time and place within Mentioned by posting the same on the side of the meeting house on a publick lecter Day in said Town Dated in Topsfield April 29th 1767 Elisha Wildes Constable for Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the south ward in said Town was wam'd by a like warrant as afore said and a like retum made as aforesaid by Danl Lake Constable for Tops- field A tme Copy of the warrant & Retum attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At a legal Town meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 20 May 1767 Capt Samuel Smith was Elected to Represent the Town in the Great & Genl Court ye year Ensuing Topsfield ss To Mr. Elisha Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 261 directed to wam all the free holders and Other inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are by law qualified for vote ing to Convean & meet together at the meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Twenty second day of Sept instent at three of the Clock after noon lly To see how much money the Town will agree to raise to defray the necessary charges ariseing within said Town the year insuing 21y to choose Jury men to serve at the next Infr court at Newburyport according to veniree Sly to see if the Town will agree that the Surveyers of high ways shall give Credit on their lists of Rates to each of the Se lectmen for as many days as they were a makeing the rates in Town last 41y to see if the Town will agree that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of The Town Treasury to pay ye County Tax 5 To see if the Town will Examine into the state of the Town Treasury, and direct the Town Treasurer what to do respecting such constables that have failed of compleating their payments of money to the Town Treasurer for too great a length of time, after the Time, that was assigned them to compleat their pay ments 61y To see if the Town will agree to build a new pound and come into any measures the Town shall think proper to build said pound 71y To see if the Town will grant the petition of John Lefever Sly To alow Bills of charge hereof fail not and make return of this appointment & direc tion to one or more of the selectmen of said Town at time & place above mentioned Dated Topsfield Sept 1st 1767 Zaccheus Gould ^ Danl Bixby (Selectmen John Perkins Jur [of Topsfield Jeremiah AverellJ Persuant to the within written appointment & direction I have warned all the freeholders & Other Inhabitants in the north ward to appear at time & place within mentioned by posting it up at the meeting house Topsfield Sept. 2 1767 Elisha Wildes Constable The Freeholders and Other inhabtants of the South Ward in said Town was wamd by a like warrant as aforesaid and a like return made by Danl Lake constable of Topsfield 262 TOWN RECORDS OF A true copy of ye warrant & retum attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and Other inhabitants of Topsfield the 22 Sept 1767 lly Mr Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderater for said meeting 21y Voted that one hundred pounds shall be assessed on the polls and Estates, for to defray the Necessary charges of the Tovsm for the year insuing Sly Missirs Jacob Peabody & John Perkins Jur. were Draw'd out of the Box to serve as Jury men at ye Infr Court to be holden at Newburyport in Sept Inst. 41y Voted that the Surveyers of highways shaU give each of the Selectmen Credit for three Days work for their makeing the highway Taxes 51y Voted that the Selectmen shaU Draw £2 16s 5d Out of the Town Treasury, to pay the Town's proportion of the County Tax 61y Voted that the Town Treasurer shaU send an Execution to Mr Abraham Hobbs in thirty Days from this time for aU the money of his coUections that shaU be then not paid, and also an Execution to Mr Saml Cummings in the same manner, and an Execution to Missirs Pelatiah Cummings & Benja Bixby in ten days from this time for the money of their Collections that shall then not be paid, and that the Town Treasurer shall fourthwith give notice to the said Constabls, of the Town intention as aforesaid 71y Voted to build a new pound with stones, of the same length and breadth vsrithin side as the pound in Topsfield is and the stone wall of said pound to be of the same wedth & height that the pound in Boxford is Sly Voted that Missirs Solomon Dodge Elijah Porter and Zac cheus Gould be a Comtee to let out the buUding of the said pound to the lowest Bidder 91y Mr John Balch was chosen to serve as a grand Juryman at the Supr Court to be holden at Salem in Novr next Mr David Balch Jur was Draw'd out of the Box to Serve as a Jury man at sd Court lOly Voted that Nehemiah Herrick be paid for plank for the river bridge nine shilUngs & 4 pence £0 9 4 Voted that John Lefever be allowed and paid what he was Taxed in Mr Abraham Hobbs List of Rates for ye Revd Mr Emersons Land being ye sum of one pound eight shillings eleven pence £1 8s lid TOPSFIELD, MASS. 263 ¦Topsfield ss To Elisha Wildes one of the Constables of the T6wn of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Direpted Fourth with to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inha.iitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by Lay for voteing to conven and meet Together at the meeting house ii said Town on Fryday the Thirteenth Day of November Instent ^t three of the Clock afternoon lly Tl see if the Town will Build the pound (that they voted on the Twentysecond Day of September last to build) by a Tax as they mend the highways or to come into any other meathod to build a p%ind as the Town shall think proper 21y to Choose a Committee to build said Pound Sly to allowNBills of Charge hereof fail n->t and make retum of this appointment and Direction to one o- more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above me Aioned Dated in Topsfield Novr. 6th 1767 Jeremiah Averell ^ Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen John Perkins Jur J of Topsfield Stephen Perkins J Pursuant to the within appointment and Direction I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield qualified for voteing to appear at time and place within mentioned Dated Topsfield 10 Novr. 1767 Elisha Wildes Constable of Topsfield The freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Town was wam'd by a like warrant as aforesaid, and a like retum as aforesaid made by Danl Lake Constable of Topsfield A True Copy of ye warrant and retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cle' At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield legally assembled the 13 November 1767 lly Capt Saml Smith was Chosen Morderator for said meeting 21y Voted to build the Pound by a Tax as they mend the highways Sly Voted that Missuers Enos Knight Zaccheus Gould and Isaac Averell be a Committee to build said Pound 41y Voted to pay Mr Simon Gould & Others the School Comtee Twentyone pounds nineteen shillings & 4d for the 264 TOWN RECORDS OF school being kept from March 9th to 26 Octr 1767 exch;:- c ' 7 weeks vacancy £23 lv.= Voted to Missuers Stephen Perkins & Zaccheus Go. • -; shillings & two pence half penny for their time ia ;; ¦> meet the Comtee from the Genl Court about the fii c er Water's River (so call'd) in Danvers 2/2 Voted to pay Mr Solomon Dodge one shUling & i mney he expended when he went to get stones for a Br ;^s Sd At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & Ot';'; .tants of Topsfield, the first of March A D 1768 / said meeting wam'd by Mr Elisha Wildrs ; ; : |ne Consta bles of said Topsfield lly Mr. Zaccheus Gould was Chouse \ «?¦ Jury man for the year Ensueing 21y Missrs Jacob Averell Jur. & , i^s jradstreet were Draw'd Out of the Box to serve on ,- ? of Tryals at the next In' Court to be holden at Ipsw'- .e last Tuesday of March Instent Topsfield ss To Elisha Wildes ^n .he Constables of the •Town of Topsfield Greeting - ..t'- hereby appointed and •Directed fourthwith to wam a' " /feeholders and Other In habitants of the north ward ; i .eld that are qualified by law for voting, to Conven -: ¦ -^*- l together at the meeting house in said Town on Tues,^ . .e first day of March next at nine of the Clock in the morning lly To See if the Town will agree to pay the Constables or Collectors that shall be Chosen for Collecting the Taxes this present year 21y for the Town to agree upon what sum to give the Con stables or Collectors pr pound for Collecting the Taxes this present year Sly To Choose Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Town officers as the Law Directs 41y To see what Method the Town will agree to mend the highways in this present year Sly To see how much money the Town will agree to raise to defray the Charge of Building the pound mending the highways and Other necessary Charges ariseing within the Town this present year 61y To Choose a Committee to Supply the Town with a grammer school Master 71y to see if the Town will let swine go at large as the law Directs TOPSFIELD, MASS. 265 Sly To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Recken ing with the Town Treasurer 91y To see if the Town will agree to purchas a bell, and to see how much money the Town will raise to purchas a bell lOly to aUow BUls of Charge hereof fail not and make return of this appointment and Direction to one or more of the selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated at Topsfield 11 Febr 1768 Jeremiah AvereU [ggj^^^^^^ Zaccheus Goud Kf Topsfield John Perkins Jur ) ^ Pursuent to the within appointment & Direction, I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in Topsfield to Conven and meet together at time and place within mentioned- Dated in Topsfield Febr-20th 1768 'Elisha Wildes Constable for Topsfield The freeholders ^r Inhabitants of the south ward in said Town were , ^ like warrant as aforesaid and a Uke return as afoxesi. ^'^ Danl Lake Constable for Tops- field A true Copy of the v/an. ' '.urn :4;^ 'i ah Porter Town Cle' At a legal Town Meeting oi%fef; ' Mders and Other In habitants of Topsfi^ild the first of i^; . "" lly Mr Stephen ferkins was Chose. . "or of said meet ing 21> Mr Elisha Wildes was Chosen a Seis- . Sly Voted that said meeting be Adjurnt -day the eighth Day of March Instent at nine of the C; ^ fore noon at the meeting house, and accordingly saw . was adjurned '', , At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and v .. habitants of Topsfield held by adjurnment from ye 1 of !•'';.:> 1768 to this 8th of March 1768 lly Missrs Zaccheus Gould Jeremiah Averell Stephen Perku . & Danl Bixby were Chosen Selectmen 21y Voted that the five Selectmen Chosen for the year Ensu ing shall be assessors Sly Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Cle' 266 TOVFN RECORDS OF 41y Mr John Peabody & Capt Thomas Baker were Chosen Constables Sly Missrs Solomon Dodge Jacob Kimball & Robert Perkins were Chosen Tything men 61y Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Treasurer 71y Missrs Enos Knight Isaac Averell & Zaccheus Gould were Chosen Surveyers of highways Sly Missrs Amos Perkins Nehemiah Herrick & Solomon Dodge were Chosen Fence viewers 91y Mr David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of leather lOly Mr Nehemiah Herrick was Chosen Deer Reeve Illy Missrs Danl Reddington & Eliezer Lake Jur were Chosen hog Reeves 121y Mr Jacob Averell Jur was Chosen Surveyer of Clab boards & Shingles ISly Missrs Stephen Foster & Jacob Dwinel were Chosen Wardens ^ 141y Dean John Gould & Mr Joseph Gould were Chosen Over seers of the poor ISly Voted that the highways shall be m;,.idc3 in the same meathod as they was mended in ye vea- "! ' 161y Voted to Raise one Hund^ Herrick were Chosen Surveyers of highways 71y Missrs John Bradstreet Elisha Wildes & Joseph Andrews were Chosen Fence Viewers Sly Mr David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of leather 91y Mr. Aaron Estey was Chosen Deer Rieve lOly Misrs. Danl. Clarke & John Becker Jur. were Chosen hog Rieves Illy Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clab boards & Shingles 121y Misrs. John Perkins Jur. & Thos. Emerson were Chosen Wardens 131y Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasuer, and there remains in said Treasurers hands not order'd out £231 Ss 8 1/2 14 Misrs. Saml. Cummings & Enos Knight were Chosen Over seers of the Poor 151y Misrs. Jacob Peabody Simon Gould & Archl. Rea were Chosen a Comtee to supply the Town with a Grammer School Master for ye year Ensuing 161y The Town Brought in their votes for a County Treas urer 171y Voted to accept of the lines being altered and straitened between the Towns of Wenham & Topsfield by the Committees of said Towns, which is as followeth viz Where as the lines between Wenham and Topsfield are very Intregate, and the bounds being in such Boggy Meadows that they Could not Get at them when they Perambulated Therefore ye sd Towns of Wenham and Topsfield have impowered us the Subscribers to Straiten the lines between said Towns, or make such alterations as we think necessary, we haveing mett for the purpose aforesaid, and have altered and straitened said lines and made Monuments as followeth Viz Begining at a stake and Stones near Wenham Causey (so Called) being a bounds be tween Wenham Topsfield and Danvers from thence runing north 36 1/2 Degrees East 117 1/2 poles to a stake and stones by a wall thence north 15 Degrees East 82 1/2 poles to a stake 286 TOWN RECORDS OF and stones at the northeast Comer of Robinsons Island (so Calld) thence north 20 1/2 Degrees East 60 poles to a stake and stones at the Southwest Comer of Wenham Island (so Calld) thence north 58 1/2 Degrees East 29 poles to the river at the northwest Comer of said Wenham Island thence by the River to Ipswich fine Dated December 12th 1769 ifr^fr^t^^ Icomteefor f?^ ^"^l" l Comtee for Saml Tarbox )-^" {. Stephen Perkins r^ ^£„ij Wilhn. Fairfield j Wenham ^achs Gould [Topsfield 18 Voted to Mend the highways in the Same Method as the Town did in the year 1767 which is as foUoweth. Viz that the assessors shall Exhibit a list of what each of the Inhabitants (of said Town) Just proportion is of the sum that shaU be ap propriated for mending the highways and Each persons propor tion is as weU paid in Labour, as in money, to the Surveyers of highways. Labour to be Estimated at the following prices Viz a man vsdth sutable meterials two Shillings pr Day one per of Oxen one ShiUing pr. Day and a Cart or Tumbrel one Shilling pr. Day and the Surveyers shall give Each person named and sett Down in his List Liberty and Seasonable Notice to pay what they are set Down in his List in labour at such time and place as such Surveyer shall Judge most proper, and said Sur\'eyer shaU keep an account of what each person pays in Labour at Mending said ways, and on or before the fifteenth Day of No vember next, shall Return a Just and tme account of what Each person shaU have paid in Labour, to the Selectmen, and the said Selectmen shall immediately Exhibit ye same to ye Con stables & sd Constables shall immediately give Credit to each person named and sett Down in Each of their Respective Lists, for what they shall have paid in Labour, at mending said ways and the Selectmen shall give orders, to the Town Treasurer to Discount with each of ye Constables such sums as shall then appear to be paid in Labour, by the persons named and set Down in Each of their Respective Lists 191y Voted to Raise one hundred pounds to Defray the Charge of Mending the highways and Other Necessary Charges ariseing in ye Town ye year Ensuing Voted to appropriate Sixty pounds of said hundred pounds for to Defray the Charge of Mending the highways this present year 201y Voted to allow Capt John Bordman and Others the School Comtee for the Schools being kept five months and five TOPSFIELD, MASS. 287 Days £11 9s 6 1/4 and for Boarding ye School Master sd time £5 7s 4d £16 16s 10 1/4 211y Voted to allow Mr Stephen Perkins for paper £0 2s Sd 221y Voted to allow Mr NathU Dorman for warning one Town Meeting £0 6s Od At a meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, assembled by Neheh. Herrich (Constabel) ye 6 March 1770 Mr Jacob Kimball was Chosen Grand Jury man for the year Ensuing Misrs. Joseph Perkins & Thos. Perkins Jur. were Draw'd out of the Box to serve on ye Jury of Tryals at ye Infr. Court at Ipswich in March 1770 Elijah Porter Thos Mov/er Robt Perkins Abraham Hobbs John Peabody NathU Low Capt Saml Smith Zach^ Gould Nehe mah Herrick John Bradstreet Elisha Wildes Joseph Andrews Danl. Clarke Thos. Emerson, v/ere all sworn Respecting the bills of Credit of the Neighbouring Goverments and also were Swom to the faithful Discharge of their Respective offices the 12 March 1770 The 26 March 1770 Misrs. Stephen Perkins Danl. Bixby Zachs. Gould Solomon Dodge & Joseph Gould, were all Swom Respect ing ye afore said Bills, and also were Sworn as assessors The 28 March 1770 Mr. David Perkins was Sworn Respecting ye afore said bills, and also was sworn as Sealer of leather The 27 March 1770 Mr. John Perkins was sworn Respecting the aforesd. Bills, and also was Swom as Warden the 4 April 1770 Mr. John Baker Jur. was Sworn Respecting the aforesaid Bills, and also was sworn as hog Rieve the 7 April 1770 Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Sworn Respect ing the afore said Bills, and also was Swom as Surveyer of Clab boards and Shingles May 2, 1770 Misrs. Joseph Andrews Jereh. Averell & Isaac Averell, were Sworn as assessors of ye River Meadow Salten- stalls Meadow & hassokey meadow by me Elijah Porter Town Cler Mr. Amos Perkins was sworn as CoUecter for ye Proprieters of the above sd Meadow. by me Elijah Porter Town Cler 288 TOWN RECORDS OF Mr. Jereh. Averell was swom as Treasurer for ye Proprietors of ye above sd. Meadow by me Elijah Porter Town Cler. Mr. Isaac Averell was swom as Clerk of ye Proprietors of the above sd. Meadow by me Elijah Porter Town Cler. Topsfield ss To Robert Perkins one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other In habitants for said Town, that are qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet Together, at the Meeting house in said Town on Wednesday the Twentythird day of May Instent at two of the Clock after noon lly To Choose a man to Represent the Town at the Great & General Court the year Ensuing according to precept 21y To see if the Town will Choose a man or men to see that there are good and Sufficient ways made and kept Open through the mill Dams in this Town, for alewives and Other fish to pass up into the ponds to Cast their Spauns Sly for the Town to act any thing they shall think proper Respecting getting alewives up into the ponds in this Town 41y To see if the Town will vote not to Purchas any Com modities of, or have any tradeing with any importers, or traders with importers, Conterary to the agreement of the united body of merchants, and not to [use] any foreign Tea Sly To see if the Town Choose a Committee to offer to the Inhabitants of this Town, a subscription to sign against purchas ing of or Tradeing with Importers, or Traders with importers, and also against useing any foreign Tea 61y To allow Bills of Charge 71y To see if the Town will agree to move the parting in the frunt Gallery in the Meeting house so as to inlarge the mens Seats as the Town shall think proper Hereof fail not and make return of this appointment and Di rection with your doings thereon to one or more of the Select men of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield May 1st 1770 Zachs Gould Daniel Bixby Selectmen Solomon Dodge t'r rj. ^^^i j Joseph Gould r* Topsfield Stephen Perkins^ Pursuant to ye within appointment & Direction I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- TOPSFIELD, MASS. 289 field, that are qualified for voteing to Conven and meet Together at time and place within mentioned Dated in Topsfield May 2 1770 Robert Perkins Constable of Topsfield A true Copy of the warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 23 May A D 1770 lly Capt Saml Smith was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Great and Genl. Court 21y Mr. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderator for this meeting Sly Misrs. Saml. Cummings Solomon Dodge Elijah Porter Capt John Bordman & Mr. Thos Symonds, were Chosen to see there is good fish ways made through ye Mill Dams 41y Voted that the Town will be at the Charge of haveing alewives brought into ye ponds Sly Misrs. NathU Dorman Thos. Symonds Solomon Dodge and Danl. Bixby, were Chosen to get a quantity of alewives brought into the ponds 61y Voted that this meeting be adjurned to Monday ye 28 of May Instent at 3 of the Clock afternoon, accordingly sd. Meeting was Adjurned At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 28 Day of May A D 1770 held by ad jumment Mr. Stephen Perkins Morderater Voted that this meeting be Adjurned to Monday ye Eleventh of June next, at three of the Clock afternoon, accordingly said Meeting was adjurned to said day and time At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield held by Adjurnment the Eleventh of June A D 1770 Mr. Stephen Perkins Morderater The Town takeing into Consideration, the grivances the Colo nies labour under, by reason of the acts of Parlament, for raising a revennue in america, by imposing dutys on glass painters Colours Tea &c, and said dutys being imposed, with out the Consent of any of the americans. The Town apprehends are unconstitutional, and that it is grievous hard and unreas onable, to have our Money Extorted from us, without our Consent, and we apprehend the Money raised by said Dutys, never will do any service to the Community, but only serve to 290 TOWN RECORDS OF support, useless pentioners and place men, and further we think it Cruel hard, that we have had our Just Rights and Priveledges invaded, by a Milatary force, quartered in the heart of the metropulus of this Province at a time of peace, as we appre hend to force us to a Complyance with sd acts, who have be haved themselves, in such a Cruel and hostile manner, as to kiU a number of our unarmed fellow subjects. Therefore we think it is high time for every part of ye Community, to do every thing they Can in a Constitutional way, to obtain Redress of our grievances, and hearty ly rejoyce, that ye united body of Merchants in this Province, of all ye rest of the Colonys, have acted so wisely and Constitutionally, by Comeing into an agreement, not to import goods from Great Britton till our grievances are redressed. Therefore voted that we will do every thing that is in Our power, to Ennable the said Mer chants to Continue in their agreement for the non importation of goods from Great Britton, and that we will Endeavour to Incourrage and promote all our own Manufactures, and make our own Clothing, and that we will not knowingly have any tradeing, with those that import goods Contarary to the agree ment of the united body of Merchants, nither will we purchas any thing of those that trade with ye said importers of goods, and that we will not Buy nor sell any foreign Tea, nor know ingly suffer any of our familys, to buy or sell any till a generel importation takes place Misrs. Thos. Emerson Nehemiah Herrick & Luke Averell, were Chosen a Comtee. to offer to ye Inhabitants of this Town, the aforesaid vote for them to sign Whereas Enos Knight of Topsfield, Stephen Putnam and Phinehas Putnam of Danvers, by their Petition to the Selectmen of Topsfield, shewing that a private way, was much wanted for them, to pass and repass, through land of the heirs of Liut. Nathl. Porter Deed, and laid out to the widow Abigail Porter as thirds out of her late husbands Estate. After vewing the way Petitioned for, and Consideration thereon do proseed to lay out a way for the said Enos Knight Stephen Putnam and Phinehas Putnam as followeth (Viz) Begining at a stake & stones, at the Road near the said Abigail Porters house, from thence runing East 44 Degrees north ninteen pole to a stake and stones at the end of the Causey, from thence north 4 De grees east to a stake and stones, at the wall by land of Enos Knight 23 pole & 20 links, to Extend so far Easterly as to make said way one & a half wide, and do Estimate the Damages TOPSFIELD, MASS. 291 at three pounds to be paid by the Petitioners, to the said Abigail Porter and the heirs of the said NathU Porter Topsfield April 26th 1770 Zaccheus Gould ^ Daniel Bixby (Selectmen Solomon Dodge [of Topsfield Joseph Gould J The above return was Received on Record ye 17 May 1770 Topsfield ss To Thomas Mower one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed Fourthwith to wam, all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield, that are qualified by law for voteing, to Conven and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town, on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of September next Ensuing at two oclock afteimoon lly To see how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the Necessary Charges ariseing in the Town the year Ensuing 21y To see if the Town will vote that the Selectmen shall Draw Money out of the Town Treasury to pay the Towns pro portion of the County Tax Sly To see if the Town will agree to Order the Town Treas urer to Issue Executions (in such time as the Town shall think proper) against the Constables that are Delinquent, in makeing up their accounts with the Treasurer agreeable to their warrants 41y To see if the Town will provide wood for the school Sly To allow Bills of Charge 61y To see if the Town will agree that the Several Surveyers of highways shall give Credit on their highway Taxes, to the several Selectmen for as many days work as they was imployed in makeing the highway Taxes the Present year Hereof fail not and make return of this appointment and Direction to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Augt. 2Srd 1770 Zaccfis Gould Danl Bixby Selectmen Solomon Dodge r t t- ^ u Joseph Gould (of Topsfield Stephen PerkinsJ Pursuant to ye within appointment & Direction I have wamed all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield qualified 292 TOWN RECORDS OF by law for voteing to Conven & Meet Together at time & place within Mentioned by posting up ye within appointment on the Meeting house on a publick lecture Day Dated Topsfield August 28th 1770 Thomas Mower Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of the warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of Topsfield the 18 Sept. 1770 lly Mr. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderater for this meeting 21y Voted to Raise One hundred pounds for to Defray the Necessary Charges arising in said Town ye year Ensuing Sly Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw Money Out of the Town Treasurer to pay the Towns proportion of the County Tax 41y Voted that the Town Treasurer shall issue his Execution against Abraham Hobbs (one of the Constable of said Town) the first of November next, for what he is Delinquent Sly Voted that the Town Treasurer shall issue his Execution against Capt John Bordman (one of the Constables of sd Town) the first of November next, for what he is Delinquent 61y Voted that the Town Treasurer shall issue his Execution against Joseph Tovsme (one of ye Constables of said Town) the first of November next for what he is Delinquent 71y Voted that the Town Treasurer shall issue his Execution against Elisha Wildes (one of ye Constables of said Town) the fifteenth of November next, for what he is Delinquent Sly Voted that the Town Treasurer shall issue his Execution against Danl. Lake (one of the Constables of said Town) the fifteenth of November next, for what he is Delinquent 91y Voted that the Town Treasurer, shall issue his Execution against Capt Thomas Baker (one of the Constables of said Town) the first of February next, for what he is Delinquent lOly Voted that the Town Treasurer, shall issue his Execu tion against John Peabody (one of the Constables of Town) the first of February next, for what he is Delinquent Illy Voted that the Town shall provide wood for the school 121y Voted that Capt John Bordman be allowed an abatement of John Lef avers Tax £1 7s lid and also be allowed 10/2 an abatement of Elnathan Hubbards Tax 10s 2d and also be allowed 9/5 an abatement of Henry Bradstreets Tax £0 9s Sd TOPSFIELD, MASS. 293 and also be allowed 10/2 an abatement of Joseph Hoods Tax £0 10s 2d and also be allowed 12/8 an abatement of Simon Bradstreets Tax 12s 8d ISly Voted that Mr. Elisha Wildes be allowed 10/6 an abate ment of Elnathan Hubbards Tax 10s 6d And also be allowed 1/9 an abatement of John Stums Tax Is 9d and also be aUowed 26/2 an abatement of John Lefavers Tax £1 6s 2d and also sd. Elisha be allowed /4 an abatement of Capt. Asa Perleys Tax £0 Os 4s 141y Voted that Mr. Jacob Peabody and Others be allowd for ye School being kept from ye 12 of March to ye 12 of June and boarding ^ £10 2s Sd ISly Voted that Mr John Peabody be aUow'd 4/7 an abate ment of Benja Irelands Tax £0 4s 7d 161y Voted that the Surveyers of highways shall give Credit to each of the Selectmen 3 Days for their makeing the highway Tax At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, assembled by the Constable, ye 18 of Sept 1770 Misirs John Baker Jur. & Henry Bradstreet were Chosen to serve as Jury men at the Infr. Court to be holden at Newburyport in Sept. Instent At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, assembled by the Constable the second Day of No vember 1770 Mr. Daniel Bixby was Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury & Mr. David Perkins to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at the Supr. Court to be holden at Salem on the first Tuesday of November Inst. Topsfield ss To Robert Perkins one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby appointed and Directed Fourth with to warn the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of said Town, that are Qualified by law for voteing, to Conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town, on Tuesday ye fifth Day of March next Ensuing at nine of the Clock in the fore Noon lly To Chuse Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Town Officers as the law Directs for the year Ensuing 21y To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Reck ening with the Town Treasurer 294 TOWN RECORDS OF Sly To see how much money the Town will agree to Raise to Defray the Charges of mending highways and Other Necessary Charges ariseing in said Town this present year 41y To see what Method the Town will agree to mend the highways in this present year Sly For the Town to bring in their votes for a County Trea^ 61y For the Town to bring in their votes for a County Reg ister 71y Whereas John Balch Apprehends that the Selectmen through some mistake, or Otherwise have Rated him much more for his real Estate, than they have Other persons in said Town in proportion to their severall incomes. Therefore to see if the Town will take that matter under their Consideration and make Choise of two or more sutable persons (and upon said Balch's Own Cost) to inquire and make sarch into that matter by Com- pairing the former single bills, with those that the Selectmen have lately used, for their Guide for Taxing the Inhabitants of said Town, and see whether there is any mistake or not and make Report to the Town of their Opinion thereon at the next meeting of sd Town Sly To see if the Tovsm will assign such approportion of room in the seats in the Gallery of the meeting house, for a number of singers to sit in, as the Town shall think proper, also to chouse a man or men, to select out such a number of singers as may Conveniently sit in such Room as the Town assigns and seat them there 91y To hear and Consider of a petition of the widow Abigail Porter praying to have a way Discontinued and abolish'd, that the Select men, on the 26th Day of April A D 1770, laid out through over land set of as part of her Dower in her late Hus bands Estate in Topsfield lOly To see if the Town will Chouse a Committee to seat the Inhabitants of this Town in the meeting house & give them In stmctions Illy To see if the Town will accept of a way laid out by the Selectmen, begining at an ancient Town way in Mr David Balch's land, to Zaccheus Goulds and so on to the Town way leading to fishing brook 121y To see if the Town will Chuse a man or men to bring some live alewives and put them into the pond in Topsfield (CaU'd Prichards pond) that they may cast their spovsms in said pond ISly To allow Bills of Charge TOPSFIELD, MASS. 295 Hereof fail not and make return of this appointment & Direc tion to one or more of the Select men of said Town at time & place above Mentioned Dated in Topsfield Febr 21st. 1771 Zaccheus Gould^ Danl Bixby Solomon Dodge Joseph Gould Stephen Perkins^ .Selectmen of Topsfield Persuant to ye within appointment & Direction I have wamed the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet To gether at time and place within mentioned, by posting the within, on ye side of the meeting house in said Town on a Publick Lecture Dav Topsfield Febr. 27th 1771 Robert Perkins Constable of Topsfield A true Copy of ye warrant and return Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, the 5 March 1771 Capt Samuel Smith was Chosen Morderator of this Meeting Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Clerk Missrs. Enos Knight & Isaac Averell were Chosen Constables Missrs. David Perkins & Stephen Adams were Chosen War dens Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Treasurer Misrs. Eliezer Lake Jur Jacob Kimball & Thomas Perkins Jur were Chosen Tythingmen Misrs. NathU. Dorman Zaccheus Gould & John Peabody were Chosen Surveyers of highways Misrs. Thomas Emerson Jacob Kimball & John Baker Jur. were Chosen Fence viewers Mr. Thomas Mower was Chosen Sealer of leather Mr. John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer Rieve Misrs. Amos Perkins & Henry Bradstreet were Chosen hog Rieves Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingles Capt Thos Baker & Mr Abraham Hobbs were Chosen Over seers of the poor 296 TOWN RECORDS OF Misrs. NathU Dorman Thomas Mower & John Baker Jur were Chosen a Comtee to supply the Town with a Grammer School Master Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasurer and there remains in said Treasurers hands not order'd out the sum of two hundred and Twenty one pounds seven shillings and three pence three farthings £221 7s 3 3/4 Voted to Raise one hundred pounds, to Defray the Charge of Mending the highways and Other necessary Charges ariseing in said Town The Town Brought in their votes for a County Treasurer The Town Brought in their votes for a County Register Capt Benja Towne Mr. Abraham Hobbs Mr- Abraham Hobbs Capt. Thos Baker Missrs Solomon Dodge & John Balch were Chosen a Committee to seat the Inhabitants of sd. Town in the Meeting house On Reading the petition of the widow Abigail Porter, praying to have the way Discontinued and abolished, that the Selectmen, on the Twenty sixth Day of April last, laid Out thro, and Over land, set of as part of her Dower, in her late husbands Estate in Topsfield Voted that the prayer of said petition be Granted, and that said way be Discontinued and abolished Voted that this Meeting be adjumed to Monday ye eleventh Day of March Instant, then to Meet at the Meeting house at one of the Clock aftemoon, and said Meeting was adjurn'd to said time & place At a legal Town Meeting, of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield held by adjumment, the 11 of March 1771 Capt Saml. Smith Morderater Misrs. NathU. Dorman Thomas Symonds & Luke Averell were Chosen to bring live alewives and put them into Prichards pond (so call'd) Voted to allow Mr. Simon Gould & Others the School Com tee. for ye school being kept & for Boarding & for wood, from ye 12 June 1770 to ye 12 March 1771 £24 18s 2d Voted to allow Mr. Daniel Lake an abatement of John Mays Taxes & ye widdow Nickols Taxes £0 14s Sd Voted to allow Mr. Stephen Perkins for paper £0 2s 4d Voted to allow Capt Thos Baker an abatement of NathU Lows Jur. Taxes £0 Ss Sd Voted to allow Mr Joseph Town 13/9 an abatement of John Mays Taxes & 4/ an abatement of Walter Everdans Taxes £0 17s 9d TOPSFIELD, MASS. 297 Voted to allow Mr John Peabody 6/, 1/2 an abatement of John Mays Taxes & 4/8 an abatement of Jonathan Dwinels Taxes £0 10s 9 1/2 Voted that this Meeting be Adjurn'd to the 12 Day of March Instent, then to Meet at the Meeting house at one of the Clock aftemoon, and said meeting was adjurn'd to said time & place At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield held by adjurnment ye 12 Day of March 1771 Capt Saml Smith Morderater Mr. Thomas Mower Capt Saml Smith & Elijah Porter were Chosen Selectmen Voted that the Selectmen shall be assessors Voted that this Meeting be adjurned to the 25 Day of March Instent, then to meet at the Meeting house at one of the Clock aftemoon, and said meeting was Adjurned to said time and place At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield the 25 Day of March 1771 held by adjurnment Capt Saml Smith Morderater Misrs. Abraham Hobbs & Saml. Bradstreet were Chosen Se lectmen Voted that ye sd. Abraham Hobbs & Saml Bradstreet shall be assessors Voted that Ninety pounds, of the hundred pounds that was Voted to be raised, the fifth Day of March Instent, shall be ap propriated for to Defray the Charge of mending the highways this present year Voted to allow Mr Joseph Gould 6/4 an abatement of what Isaac Estey is Taxed in his lists £0 6s 4d Voted that this Meeting be adjumed to ye first Day of April next, then to meet at the meeting house, at one of the Clock aftemoon, and said Meeting was Adjurn'd to said time and place At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the first Day of April held by Adjumment Capt Saml Smith Morderater Voted to accept of a Town way laid out by the Select men as followeth Viz At the petition of David Balch and Others, praying to have a Town way laid out, from said Balches land &c. agreeable to said petition, we have laid out a Town way as followeth Viz Beginning at an ancient Town way in land of David Balch at the Comer of a stone wall, between said Balch and Henry 298 TOWN RECORDS OF Bradstreet, from thence runing west fortyfour Degrees north. Twenty poles, thence west Thirty Degrees north nine poles, to said Bradstreets Pasture, thence west Twentynine Degrees north forty poles, thence thirty Degrees Eleven poles, to land of Eliezer Lake, thence west Twentysix Degrees north six poles, thence north Fortyfour Degrees west fourteen poles thence west Eleven Degrees north, four poles, thence west fifteen De grees south 19 poles, which Comes a little below the gate, near to Zaccheus Goulds house, said way to Extend so far northerly, as to make it one Rod and a half wide, thence the way is to Ex tend on westerly Thirty four poles and Eighteen links, to a stone near to a gate post, and to Extend so far southerly from Zac cheus Goulds land, as the stone wall now stands, as to make the way, one Rod and a half wide, thence from the said stone near to the sd. gate post, west thirteen Dress, north nine poles, thence west three Degrees north fourteen poles, thence west nineteen Degrees north nine poles, thence west nine Degrees north thirteen poles thence west Twentyseven Degrees north Twelve poles, thence South fortytwo Degrees west Eleven poles, thence west seven Degrees south thirty six poles and Eleven links, which Comes to the Town way that leads to fishing brook bridge and to Extend so far northerly, as to make the way one Rod and a half wide, with Liberty to hang Convenient Cart gates. And we have aUow'd no Damage, to any person for land, but as the stone wall against the land of Henry Bradstreet and the stone wall against the land of John Cree & Elijah Porter as they now stand, are in some places within the line of said way, and in case any surveyer shall at any time hereafter, think proper to remove said wall, it shall be removed, and rebuilt on the line, on the Towns Cost, and in Our Opinion in the same way and manner, as the Inhabitants work out their highway Rate Topsfield 27 March 1771 Saml Smith ^ Abraham Hobbs Thos. Mower Saml Bradstreet Elijah Porter .Selectmen of Topsfield Voted to allow Mr NathU Averell Jur 6/ for his assisting the Selectmen /as a surveyer/ in laying out a Tovsm way £0 6 0 Voted to allow Mr Benja Bixby 14/3 being what John Hub bard was assessed in his lists, till such time as the said Benja Can get the same of the said John £0 14s Sd TOPSFIELD, MASS. 299 Voted to allow Mr Abraham Hobbs 15/6 being what Elnathan Hubbard was assessed in his Lists to such time as the said Ab raham Can get ye same of ye said Elnathan £0 ISs 6d At a legal Town meeting of the freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield, assembled by ye Constable ye 11 Day of March 1771 Mr. Abraham Hobbs was Chosen Grand Jury man for ye year Ensuing Misrs. Jacob Dwinel & John Peabody were Draw'd out of ye Box to serve on ye Jury of Tryals at ye Infr. Court to be holden at Ipswich in March 1771 March Sth 1771. Misrs Nathl Dorman & John Peabody were Swom as Surveyers of highways Misrs. Thos. Emerson & John Baker Jur. were Swom as Fence viewers. Mr Thos. Mower was Swom as Sealer of leather Mr John Bradstreet was Sworn as Deer Rieve Mr Henry Bradstreet took ye Oath respecting ye bills of Credit and was Swom as hog rive March 6th 1771 Mr. David Perkins was swom as warden March 7th 1771 Mr. Stephen Adams was sworn as warden March 12th 1771 Mr. Isaac Averell was swom as Constable March 25th 1771 Mr, Enos Knight was sworn as Constable Mr. Thos. Perkins Jur. was sworn as Tythingman April 3rd 1771 Mr. Eliezer Lake Jur. was sworn as Tything man May 27. 1771 Mr. Thos. Mower Capt Saml Smith Misrs Elijah Porter Abraham Hobbs Saml Bradstreet were swom as assessors April 20th 1771 Mr. Zacchs. Gould was sworn as surveyer of highways June 29th 1771 Mr. Jacob Kimball was sworn as Tything man & Fence viewer Essex ss Topsfield May the 2nd 1771 To Isaac Averell one of the Constables of said Town of Topsfield, you are hereby Re quired to notifiy and warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of said Town that are qualified for voteing in Town Meet ings as the law Directs, that they assemble and Meet Together at the meeting house in said Town on Thursday the Sixteenth Day of May Instent at three of the Clock in the afternoon lly To make Choice of a person to Represent said Town at the Great and Genl. Court for the year Insuing according to precept 300 TOWN RECORDS OF 21y To see if the Town will assign such a part of the Room in the meeting house Gallary, for a number of such persons as have learnt and informed themselves in the Rules of Singing to set Together in, as the Town shall think proper, and also to Chuse a man or men, to Select out such a number of singers as may Convenienly set in such Room as said Town may assigne and seat them therein. During the Towns pleasure Sly To see if the Town will Chuse a Committee, to seat the Inhabitants of said Town in the Meeting house and also to give said Committee Instructions in what meathod to proseed in seating said Inhabitants 41y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make Return of this Warrant vsnth your doings to one or more of ye Selectmen at time & place above Mentioned Abraham Hobbs ^ Thos. Mower I Selectmen Saml Bradstreet (of Topsfield Saml Smith J Topsfield May ye 16 1771 by virtue of this Warrant I have wamed ye Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield to meet according to time and place within mentioned by posting ye same on fryday the third Day of May Instent at a publick lecture Isaac Averell Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of ye Warrant and Retum Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 29 May 1771 lly Capt. Saml Smith was Chosen to Represent ye Tovsm in ye Great & Genl Court this present year 21y Capt Thos Baker was Chosen Morderator for sd Meeting Sly Mr. Zachs Gould Capt Saml Smith Misrs. Jacob Dwinel & Thos Symonds were Chosen a Comtee'to seat the Inhabitants of the Town in the Meeting House Essex County 26 Augt. 1771 To Enos Knight one of the Constables of said Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required, to Notifie & wam all ye Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of said Town, that are qualified by law for voteing in Town meetings, to assemble & meet together, at ye meeting house in said Town, on TOPSFIELD, MASS. 301 Tuesday ye third day of September Insuing at two of the Clock aftemoon lly To See how much money the Tovsm will agree to Raise to Defray the Necessary Charges ariseing in the Town ye year Ensuing 21y To See if the Town will Vote that the Selectmen Shall Draw money out of ye Town Treasury, to pay the Towns pro portion of the County Tax Sly To See if the Town will agree to Order ye Town Treas urer to Issue Executions /in such time as the Town Shall think proper/ against the Constables that are Delinquent, in makeing up their accounts with said Treasurer, agreeable to their warrants 41y To See if the Tovsm will agree that ye Several Surveyers of highways shall give Credit on their highway Taxes to ye Several Selectmen, for as many Days work, as they was imploy'd in makeing ye highway Taxes ye present year Sly To Consider & Determine in what way and manner the Town would have the Surveyers Mend the River Bridge 61y To See if the Town will purchas of ye heirs of Mr. John Prichard late of Topsfield Deed., the house the said John Prichard built on the Towns land 71y To Chuse a man or men to Serve with the Comtee already Chosen to Seat ye Inhabitants of said Town in ye Meeting house, in the room of Such as refuse to Serve Sly To give said Comtee Instmctions in what manner to Seat Said Inhabitants 91y to Chouse Jurymen for Newburyport Court according to venire lOly to allow Bills of Charge hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time & place above mentioned Saml Smith ) r- i 4. ™, n, ( Selectmen Thos Mower >• r t, ^ , ¦, Elijah Porter [of Topsfield Topsfield Sept 3 1771 In Obediance to the within warrant I have notified ye within mentioned Inhabitants to assemble and meet Together at time and place as within mentioned, by posting this warrant on the meeting house on ye Lecture day as usual Enos Knight Constable 302 TOWN RECORDS OF a tme Copy of ye Warrant & Retum Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Town meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield ye 3 day of September 1771 Capt Saml Smith was Chosen Morderater of this Meeting Voted to Raise one hundred & thirty pounds to Defray ye Necessary Charges ariseing in said Town this present year Voted that the Selectmen Shall Draw money Out of the Tovsm Treasury, to pay the Towns proportion of County Tax, this present year Voted that the Town Treasurer Shall Issue Execution against Misrs. Elisha Wildes Danl Lake Capt Thos Baker and Mr. John Peabody, immediately after ye Expiration of one month from this Day, for what they are Delinquent in makeing up their accounts Voted that ye said Treasurer shall Issue Execution against Misrs. Nathl Dorman & NeheJi Herrick (Constables) immediately after ye first day of Febr. next for what they are Delinquent Voted that the Surveyers of highways shall give Credit on their highway Usts, to ye Selectmen for three Days Each Voted that Mr John Balch Dea" George Bixby Misrs Solomon Dodge Saml Bradstreet Isaac Averell Capt. Saml Smith & Elijah Porter be a Comtee to advise with ye Surveyers respect ing ye way and manner to mend ye River Bridge Voted that ye Town will Buy the house, that Mr John Prichard built on the Towns land, of ye heirs of ye said John Prichard Dec*, provided they Can have it for what it shall be Judg'd to be worth Thos. Symonds & Danl Clarke were Draw'd out of ye Box to Serve on ye Jury of Trials at Newbury port Court in Sept Inst Voted that this meeting be adjurn'd to Tuesday the Eight day of Octr. next at three of ye Clock aftemoon then to meet at ye meeting house in sd. Town, accordingly said meeting was adjurn'd At a Legal Town meeting of ye Freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield held by Adjoummen, ye Eighth day of Octr. 1771 Capt Saml Smith Morderator lly Mr. Stephen Perkins was Chosen and Swom a Special Clerk for sd Meeting 21y the Town Voted that this meeting be Adjurn'd to Tuesday the fifteenth day of October Instent at two of the Clock aftemoon TOPSFIELD, MASS. 303 At a legal Town Meeting of the freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield held by Adjumment the fifteenth day of October 1771 Capt Saml Smith Morderater & Mr Stephen Perkins Special Clerk as above said lly Capt John Bordman & Mr Abraham Hobbs were Chose to serve with ye Comtee that was Chosen at ye last May Meet ing to Seat ye Inhabitants of this Town in ye meeting house 21y Voted that ye Comtee Seat the Inhabitants of the Town in the Meeting house, according to their Discression Voted that Mr. Zach^. Gould be aUow'd 4/ for plank for fishing Brook Bridge £0 4 0 Voted that Mr. John Peabody be aUow'd for Timber and plank £15 7 Voted that Mr. Elisha Wildes be aUow'd 22/6 an abatement of John Bakers Rates 12 6 Voted that Mr. Nath" Dorman be aUow'd 2 1/6 an abatement of John Bakers Rates £1 Is 6d Voted that Misrs. Zach^ Gould Nath" Dorman & John Peabody be aUow'd for Timber Plank & iron both for ye River Bridge £3 13 1/4 Voted that Mr. Joseph Andrews be aUow'd 6/ for a stone to build mile brook bridge Os 6d Voted that Mr. Nath" Dorman be aUow'd 9/ 11 1/4 an abate ment of Will"! Monies Rate in his Usts £0 9 11 1/4 and also ye sd Dorman be aUow'd 11 /2 an abatement to Benja Kimball for Benja Knight poll Tax 0 11 2 Voted that Mr. Dorman & Others School Comtee be aUow'd for ye School being kept from ye 13 Day of March last to ye 13 Day of Sept last £20 2 8 Voted that Misrs Luke Avererell & NathU Dorman be aUow'd for their time & what they paid for Geting 110 live alewives brought & put into ye pond 1 17 0 Essex County Topsfield ss Febmary 24th 1772 To Isaac Averell one of the Constables of said Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required, to Notifie and warn all the Free holders and Other Inhabitants of said Town that are qualified by Law for Voteing in Town Meetings, to Assemble and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the third Day of March next insueing at nine of ye Clock in the forenoon lly to Chuse Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Town Officers as the Law Directs for the year Ensueing 21y To see if the Town will Accept of the Selectmens Recken ing with the Town Treasurer 304 TOWN RECORDS OF Sly To see how much money the Town will agree to Raise to Defray the Charges of Mending the highways and Other neces sary Charges ariseing in said Town this present year 41y To see what Method the Town will agree to mend the highways in this present year Sly To see if the Town will give Liberty for Such a Number of persons as Capt Averell shall Judge to be well Skill'd in Singing to Set Together on Sundays, in the two first seats in the north part of the west Galerie in the Meeting house so far as to the South part of the Alley against the west Gallerie Door, Dur ing the Towns pleasure, or in any Other part of the Meeting Either above or below as the Town shall think proper 61y To Chuse a Committee to take Care that good and Con venient ways are made and kept Open in the Streems and Brooks in this Town for the alewives to pass and Repass to Cast their Spawns in the ponds 71y To See if the Town will Chuse a man or men to bring Some More live alewives into Prichards pond /so call'd/ this Spring Sly To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Laying out a Town way from the County Road to Boxford Line near to Chas Smiths 91y To allow Bills of Charge hereof fail not and make Retum of this Warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Select men of said Town at Time and place above mentioned Tho^Mower i^fS^;^^",. Saml Bradstreet r^ Topsfield Persuant to the within Warrant I have wamed all the Inhabi tants of this Town that are qualified by Law for voteing to as semble and meet at time and place within Mentioned, by post ing the same on Wednesday ye Twentysixth Day of Febmary at a Publick Lecture Topsfield March Srd 1772 Isaac Averell Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of the Warrant and Retum Elijah Porter Town Cler. At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 3 March A. D. 1772 Capt Thomas Baker was Chosen Morderator of this Meeting Capt Saml Smith Misrs. Abraham Hobbs Saml Bradstreet Thos Mower & Stephen Perkins were Chosen Selectmen TOPSFIELD, MASS. 305 Voted that the Selectmen shall be assessors Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Cler Misrs. Thos Emerson & John Baker Jur. were Chosen Con stables Misrs. Jacob Kimball & John Peabody were Chosen Wardens Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Treas. Misrs. Abraham Hobbs John Balch & Saml. Towne were Chosen Tythingmen Misrs. Zacheus Gould John Balch & David Perkins were Chosen Surveyers of highways Misrs. Robt. Perkins Solomon Dodge & Joseph Andrews were Chosen Fence Viewers Mr. Thos. Mower was Chosen Sealer of Leather Mr. John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer Rieve Misrs. Amos Perkins Solomon Dodge & NathU Low were Chosen hog Rieves Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingles Capt Thomas Baker & Mr Joseph Gould were Chosen Over Seers of ye Poor Misrs. Amos Perkins Jacob Kimball & David Towne were Chosen a Comtee. to Supply the Town with a Grammer School Master this present year Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasurer and there is in ye Town Treasurers hands ye Sum of one hundred & Ninety six pounds Seventeen & six pence one farthing not order'd out 196 : 17 : 6 1/4 Voted to Raise one hundred pounds, on ye polls and Estates to Defray ye Charges of mending ye highways and Other necessary Charges ariseing in said Town this present year Voted that Sixty pounds of ye above said hundred pounds, shall be appropriated to Defray ye Charge of mending the highways this year Voted to mend the highways this present year in ye following manner, Viz that the assessors shall Exhibit a list of what Each of the Inhabitants /of said Town/ Just proportion is of the Sum that is or shall be appropriated for mending the high ways, and Each Persons proportion is as well paid in Labour as in money, to the Surveyers of highways. Labour to be Esti mated at the following prices, viz a man with Sutable Meter ials two shillings per Day, one per of Oxen one Shilling pr Day a Cart or Tumbrel one shilling per Day, and the surveyer shall give Each person named and set Down in his List, Liberty & seasonable notice, to pay what they are set Down in his List 306 TOWN RECORDS OF in Labour, at such time and place, as such Surveyer shall Judge proper, and said Surveyer shall keep an account of what Each person pays in Labour at mending said highways, and on or before the fifteenth Day of November next, shall retum a Just and tme account of what Each person shall have paid in Labour, to the Selectmen, and the said Selectmen shall immediately Exhibit the same to the Constables, and said Con stables shall imediately give Credit to each person named and set Down in each of their Respective lists, for what they shall have paid in Labour, at mending said ways, and the Selectmen shall give Orders, to the Town Treasurer, to Discount with each of the Constables, such sums as shall then appear to be paid in Labour, by the persons named and set Down in each of their Respective Lists Voted that this Meeting be Adjumed to Wednesday ye fourth of March Instent at one O clock aftemoon, then to meet at the Meeting house, accordingly said Meeting was adjumed At a legal Tovsm Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhab itants of Topsfield held by adjumment the 4 Day of March 1772 Capt Thos. Baker Morderator Voted that Capt Thos. Baker Misrs. Zaccheus Gould & Solo mon Dodge, be a Committee to take Care that good and Con venient ways are made and kept open in the Streems and Brooks in this Town for the alewives to pass & repass to Cast their Spawns in ye ponds Misrs. Nath" Dorman & Stephen Foster were Chosen to get some more live alewives brought into Prichards pond /so calld/ this spring Voted to accept of the Selectmens laying out a Town way from the County Road to Boxford line near to Elias Smiths house, which is as followeth Viz Topsfield Febmary 20th 1772 At the Desire of a number of the Inhabitants of said Town we have laid a Town way from the County road in Topsfield along by the northerly side of bare hill so call'd and so on to Box ford line near to Elias Smiths house in Boxford as followeth Viz Begining at said County Road about one Rod Distance from the middle of the old Troden way thence Running west 14 Degrees north on Land of Stephen Adams 32 Rods thence west 29 Degrees through said Adams's Land IS Rods to Land of Capt. John Bordman and Land of the heirs of Timothy Perkins Deed, thence west 39 Degrees north 20 Rods thence north S3 Degrees west through Land of said Bordman and said heirs 10 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 307 Rods to Land of Thomas Perkins, thence north 26 Degrees west 29 Rods, thence west 10 Degrees north through said Perkins Land 12 Rods to Land of Joseph Brown, thence west 39 Degrees north 16 Rods thence west 15 Degrees north 32 Rods thence north 38 Degrees west 6 Rods, thence north 11 Degrees west 27 Rods thence north 41 Degrees west 12 Rods thence north 3 Degrees west 10 Rods and IS Links of the Chain through said Browns Land to Land of Elias Smith, thence north IS Degrees west on said Smiths Land 45 Rods and 16 Links Links of the Chain to Boxford Line near to Elias Smiths house, said Boundary Line is Drawn on the Southerly and South westerly side of said way, and sd. way is to Extend northerly and northeasterly from said Line two Rods in width, we also Consider'd of the Damages Done to the Several proprietors by reason of said way being Laid out, and as it appears that there was an ancient way and much Improved ever sence and Long before the now Owners of the Lands over which said way is Laid Came into possession of, and in or near the same place Except in one or two places, where the now Owners of the Land, have removed it a small Distance on there own Land, and for their Own advantage, for which Reasons we have Estimated no Damage to any person but we do reserve for each of the Owners of the Land over which said way is Laid, free and full Liberty to hang & keep up good Cart Gates across said way for ye Better improveing their Land as they shall have Occation Saml Smith Thos. Mower Elijah Porter Abraham Hobbs Saml. Bradstreet .Selectmen¦^of Topsfield Voted that Elijah Porter be allowed three shillings for paper he found for ye Selectmen ye year past 0 3 0 Voted that Mr. Simon Gould be allowed 1/7 1/4 for what was Omitted in a school Bill £0 Is 7 1/4 Voted that Mr. Nehemiah Herrick be aUow'd 10/5 an abate ment of Stephen Towne Jur. poll Tax and also 9/01/4 an abate ment of Benja Irelands Rates £0 9s 0 1/4 Voted that Misrs. John Baker Jur. & Nathl. Dorman as School Commitee be aUow'd £20 2s Sd for the school being kept from ye 13 Sept. Last six months £20 2s Sd Voted that ye sd Baker & Dorman be allowed 38/ for wood for the school £1 18s Od Voted that Mr Nathl. Dorman be aUow'd for Timber & plank 308 TOWN RECORDS OF he bought for ye Towns use when he was Surveyer of high ways £0 lis 3 1/4 Voted that the Selectmen for ye year A D 1770 be aUow'd for their time and Exspences in Carrying on a law Suit with Ipswich respecting John Lefavour Viz To Danl Bixby 13/4 £0 13s 4d To Zacchs Gould 10/8 £0 10s Sd To Solomon Dodge 2/8 £0 2s Sd To Stephen Perkins 10/8 £0 10s Sd To Joseph Gould 2/8 £0 2s Sd Misrs. Jacob Kimball & John Peabody were Swom as wardens the 3 March 1772 Misrs. Abraham Hobbs John Balch & Saml Towne were swom as Tything men ye 3 March 1772 Misrs Zaccheus Gould & John Balch were swom as Surveyers of high ways ye 3 March 1772 Misrs. Robt. Perkins & Solomon Dodge were swom as Fence Viewers ye 3 March 1772 Misrs. Amos Perkins Solomon Dodge & NathU. Low were sworn as hog Rieves ye 3 March 1772 ye 3 March 1772 Mr. John Bradstreet was swom respecting ye Bills of Credit of ye Neighbouring Goverments and also was sworn as Deer Reive ye 4 March 1772 Misrs. Thomas Emerson & John Baker Jur. were swom as Constables Mr. David Perkins was sworn as Surveyer of highways ye 10 March 1772 ye 4 March 1772 Mr. Joseph Andrews was swom as Fence Viewer The 3 June 1772 Elijah Porter was swom as Town Clerk & as Town Treasurer Capt. Samuel Smith Misrs. Abraham Hobbs Stephen Perkins Thomas Mower & Samuel Bradstreet were all swom as assessors At a legal Town meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield assembled by Constable Isaac Averell the 4 March 1772 Mr. Pelitiah Cummings was Chosen to serve as Grand Jury man for ye year ensuing Misrs. Saml. Towne & Moses Perkins were Draw'd out of ye Box to serve as Jurymen at ye Infr. Court to be holden at Ips wich in March. 1772 Topsfield ss To Thomas Emerson one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield, Greeting You are Hereby appointed and TOPSFIELD, MASS. 309 Directed fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other In habitants of said Town that are qualified by Law for voteing to Convene and meet together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the nineteenth Day of May next Ensuing at three of the Clock afternoon To Elect and Depute one or more persons to serve for and Represent them in the Great & General Court or assembly the year Ensuing according to precept Hereof fail not and make retum of this appointment and Di rection to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield April 28th 1772 Saml Smith ^ Abraham Hobbs Selectmen Thos. Mower >r ^^ „«„! j Saml. Bradstreet f^^ Topsfield Stephen Perkins J To Obedience to this Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield by posting this warrant at the meet ing house Door on a publick Lecture Day which was the 29 of April 1772 Thos Emerson Constable A tme Copy of the Warrant & Retum Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield ye 19 May 1772 Capt. Samuel Smith was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Great & General Court this present year Essex ss To Thomas Emerson one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Tops- field that are quallified for Voteing in Town Meeting as the Law Directs to Convean and meet Together at the meeting house in said Town on Wednesday the sixteenth Day of September next at three of the Clock aftemoon lly To see how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the necessary Charges of said Town this present year 21y To see how many days Labour at mending the high ways the Town will allow the assessors for their service in makeing the highway Tax this present year Sly For the Town if they see Cause to Chuse a Comtee. to Joyne with such Other Committees, as may be Chosen by such Other Towns as may see Cause to Chuse, to meet ye Owners of 310 TOWN RECORDS OF the Dams built a Cross Ipswich River /so CaU'd/ to see if they Can agree upon Sutable and Convenient ways through said Dams for the alewives and Other fish to pass up said River to Cast their Spawns in the several ponds in the several Towns above near Said River agreeable to a proposal made by the Owners of the Dams aforesd. ye Late Act respecting said fish ways being near Expireing 41y To See if the Town will agree that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasury to pay ye Towns pro portion of the County Tax Sly To See if the Town will agree to abate John Balch Such Sum or Sums of money as Can be made to appear he was Over Taxed in the years 1768 1769 & 1770 agreeable to a petition then to be prefered by said Balch 61y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield August 26th AD 1772 Abraham Hobbs ^ Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower Saml. Bradstreet Saml. Smith ^ in Obedience to this Warrent I have wamed ye Inhabtants of the Town of Topsfield by posting this warrant at the Meeting house a publick Lecture Day which was the Second Day of September 1772 Thos Emerson Constable A tme Copy of ye Warrant & Retum Elijah Porter Tovsm Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield the 16th Day of September 1772 Voted that Capt Saml Smith shall be Morderator of this meeting Voted to Raise one hundred pounds to Defray the necessary Town Charges this present year Voted that the Surveyers of highways shall give Credit to each of the Selectmen for three Days work at the highways, for thier makeing ye highway Taxes Voted that Mr. Nathl. Dorman Capt Saml Smith and Mr. Solo mon Dodge be a Comtee. to Joyn with such Other Comtees. as Other Towns may Chuse, to meet ye Owners of the Dams built .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 311 a Cross Ipswich River /so CaU'd/ to See if they Can agree up on Sutable and Conveniet way through said Dams for ye ale wives and Other fish to pass up said River to Cast their Spawns in the several ponds in the Several Towns above near said River agreeable to a proposal made by ye Owners of the Dams afore said Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw money Out of the Town Treasury to pay the Towns proportion of the County Tax Voted that Misrs. NathU. Dorman and Stephen Foster Jur. be allowed for their time & Charges in geting alewives brought into Prichard Pond /so call'd/ fourteen shilling and three pence half penny £0 14 3 1/2 The Freeholders and Other Inhabtants of Topsfield being assembled by Mr. John Baker Jur. one of ye Constables of said Town the 26th of September 1772 Misrs. Joseph Andrews & Enos Knight were Draw'd out of ye Box to Serve as Jurymen at New bury Port Court to be holden in Sept. Instent The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield being a Sembled by Mr. John Baker Jur one of the Constables of said Town, the 2 Day of October 1772 Mr. Solomon Dodge was Chosen to Serve on the Grand inquest at ye Supr. Court to be holden at Salem on ye first Tuesday of Novr. 1772, and Mr. EUsha Wildes was Draw'd out of the Box to serve on ye Jury of Tryals at said Court We the Subscribers have mett this Twenty third Day of April A D 1772 and Perambulated the line & renewed the bounds be tween the Towns of Wenham & Topsfield in the following man ner Viz/ Begining at a stake & Stones near Wenham Causey /so call'd/ being a bounds between Wenham Topsfield & Danvers, from thence runing north 36 1/2 Degrees East 117 1/2 poles to a Stake and Stones by a wall, then north 15 Degrees East 82 1/2 poles to a stake and stones at the northeast Corner of Robinsons Island (so CaU'd) thence north 20 1/2 Degrees East 60 poles to a stake and stones at the Southwest Comer of Wenham Island (so CaU'd) thence north 58 1/2 Degrees East 29 poles to the River at the northwest Corner of said Wenham Island thence by the River to Ipswich Line o. u r, 1 • 1 c 1 ^ Caleb Kimball "l Comtee Stephen Perkins I Selectmen Saml Tarbox L appointed by Saml. Bradstreet j of Topsfield t„^„„ K-Jmhoii fthe Selectmen James Kimball J of ^g^ham 312 TOWN RECORDS OF We the Subscribers Mett this 20th Day of November 1772 and Permabulated the Line and renewed the bounds between the Towns of Topsfield & Danvers in the following manner (Viz) Begining at a stake & Stones near Wenham Causey the northerly bounds between Wenham & Danvers thence Runing westerly Eight pole to an Elm tree marked DD & T thence runing norwesterly about Twentytwo poles to a stake and stones by the Edge of a Swamp near Theophelus Fisks Barn thence runing Westerly to a black Oak Stump with Stones about it in an Or chard belonging to ye heirs of Danl Gott Deed, from thence to a heap of Stones at the bend of a wall where a run or slow emties it self out of John Reas Land into the Land of Israel Andrew, thence to a heap of Stones on Land belonging to heirs of the Hon. Timothy Lindall Esqr. late of Salem Deed. near Nickols's Brook thence on the same Corse to said Brook near ye remains of an old sawmill Commonly CaU'd Porters Savsmiill Gideon Putnam ) Selectmen y^ . ; ^ (^appointed by Benja. Procter | of Danvers ^KniS J ^^ fj-^d" We the Subscribers Mett this 20 Day of November A D 1772 and Perambulated the Line & Renewed the bounds between the Towns of Topsfield and Middleton in the following Manner (Viz) Begining at a heap of Stones in the brook (Call'd) Nickols's brook near where Porters Saw mill Stood which is a bounds be tween Topsfield and Danvers, from thence as the brook Runs to a small Elm tree at the northeasterly Branch of said Brook thence as said northeasterly branch runs to a heap of Stones by the River D 'H T 1 Comtee Joseph Sjmionds ) Selectmen ^^^^ irS^-wf L^PPointed by Amos Curtice j of Middleton Thos Mower (ye Selectmen J of Topsfield We the Subscribers Met this 13th Day of Janr. 1773 and Perambulated the line and Renewed the Bounds between Ipswich and Topsfield began at the River at the Mouth of Howletts brook (so CaU'd) and by said brook to a stake and stones in Nealands meadow, from thence to a stake and stones on a hill from thence to a stake standing in a great spring in Conants Meadow and from thence to a heap of stones about eight Rods westward from the brook near Stephen Foster TOPSFIELD, MASS. 313 House from thence on a strait Line runing by Bumams Land to a black Oak tree at the bottom of the hill being the Corner of Perkins Land so unto the pond and so on a strait line to a black Oak tree in the wall by Nathan Hoods Orchard and so to the apple tree and stones about it the Comer bounds between Ipswich Topsfield and Boxford Comtee Abraham Hobbs ) Selectmen Elisha Brown Saml Bradstreet ) of Topsfield Saml Lord ^appointed by the Selectmen of Ipswich Whereas the Selectmen of Topsfield have appointed to Per ambulate ye Line and renew the bounds between ye Towns of Topsfield and Middleton on ye 20th day of November Instent to meet at ye house of Mr Enos Knight at one of ye clock after noon, we Do hereby appoint you Misrs. Thos. Mower David Town & Enos Knight a Comtee. to meet the Selectmen of Middle- ton or Such Other Gentlemen as they shall appoint and peram bulate the Line and Renew ye bounds between said Towns Dated Topsfield Novr. 10th 1772 Saml Smith ^ Selectmen Saml Bradstreet V . ^ ^^r;^, •, Stephen Perkins r* Topsfield Topsfield ss To John Baker Jur. one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to wam the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Tovsm, that are qualified by Law for voteing to Convene and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Second Day of March next at nine of the Clock in the forenoon lly To Chuse Selectmen a Town Clark and all Other Town officers for the Ensuing year as the Law Directs 21y To See how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the Charge of Mending the highways and Other necessary Charges within said Tovsm this present year Sly To see what Method the Town will agree to mend the highways in this present year 41y To see if the Town will agree that Swine shall go at large this present year being yoked and Ringed as the Law Directs Sly To see if the Town Chuse a Comtee to bring some live alewives into the pond in Topsfield, CaU'd Prichards pond to Cast their spawns 61y To allow bills of Charge 314 TOWN RECORDS OF 71y To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Recken ing with the Tovsm Treasurer Sly For the Town to bring in their votes for a County Treasurer 91y To See if the Town will Chuse a Committee to Seat the people in the meeting house lOly To See if ye Tovsm will grant ye Petition of John Lefavour Hereof faU not and make Retum hereof with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Febr. 22nd. 1773 Abraham Hobbs ^ Thos. Mower (Selectmen Saml. Bradstreet (of Topsfield Stephn. Perkins J Febr. 23 1773 Pursuant to ye within warrant I have wamed all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the South ward to attend and meet at time and place for the Business within mentioned John Baker Jur. Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye North ward were wamed by a like warrant as aforesaid, and a retum made as followeth. Viz. Topsfield Febr. 23 1773 I have wamed the north ward in Topsfield qualified by Law for voteing by going from house to house notffieing them to appear at ye meeting house in Topsfield on march the 2 Day 1773 at nine of ye Clock in ye morning Thos. Emerson Constable A tme Copy of ye Warrant and retums Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Tovsm Meeting of the Free holders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 2 Day of March A D 1773 Mr. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderator of said Meeting Misrs. Stephen Perkins Thomas Mower Capt Saml. Smith Misrs. Daniel Bixby & Zaccheus Gould were Chosen Selectmen Voted that the afore said Selectmen shall be Assessors Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Clarke Misrs. Henry Bradstreet & Jacob Kimball were Chosen Con stables Misrs. Moses Perkins & Jacob Averel Jur. were Chosen Wardens Elijah Porter was Chosen Tovsm Treasurer TOPSFIELD, MASS. 315 Misrs. Eliezer Lake Solomon Dodge & Stephen Foster Jur. were Chosen Tything men Misrs. Eliezer Lake Solomon Dodge David Towne & Stephen Foster Jur. were Chosen Surveyers of highways Misrs. Nehemiah Herrick David Perkins & Thomas Perkins Jur. were Chosen Fence Viewers Mr. Henry Bradstreet was Chosen Sealer of Leather Mr. John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer Rieve Misrs. Samuel Perkins Thomas Wildes & Zebulun Perkins were Chosen hog Rives Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingles Mr. Eliezer Lake & Capt. John Boardman were Chosen Over Seers of the poor Misrs. Eliezer Lake John Perkins Jur. & Nehemiah Herrick were Chosen a Comtee. to Supply the Tovsm with a Cramer School Master Voted to Raise One Hundred pounds to Defray the Charge of Mending highways and Other Necessary Charges this present year Voted that Sixty pounds of the aforesaid hundred pounds be apropriated for mending highways this year Voted that the highways shall be mended this present year in the same way & method as they were mended in Last year Misrs. Nathl. Dorman & Stephen Foster Jur. were Chosen to bring some live alewives into ye Pond /Calld/ Prichards pond, to Cast their Spawn Voted to allow Misrs. Amos Perkins & Jacob Kimball (School Comtee) for supplying ye Town with a gramer school master from ye 7 of April 1772 a year £40 5 4 & and £1 14 10 for wood they provided for ye School Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasurer, and there Remains in said Treasurers hands not Order'd Out ye sum of £217 17 11 3/4 Voted that Misrs. Zaccheus Gould Isaac Averel and Nehemiah Herrick be a Committee to seat the People in the Meeting house Voted to allow Mr. Isaac Averell (Constable) as an abatement of Nathan Hood Jur. & David Nutings Taxes £0 14s 11 1/2 Voted to allow Mr. Thomas Mower (Constable) as an abate ment of Benja. Irelands Tax £0 6s Sd Voted to allow Mr. Robert Perkins (Constable) as an abatement of Nathan Hood Jur. & wid. Martha Perkins Taxes £0 Ss Od 316 TOWN RECORDS OF March 2d 1773 Mr. Henry Bradstreet was Swom as Constable Misrs. Moses Perkins & Jacob Averell Jur. were Swom as Wardens Misrs. Eliezer Lake & Solomon Dodge were Swom as Tything men Misrs. Solomon Dodge & Eliezer Lake were Swom as sur veyers of highways Mr. Nehemiah Herrick was swom as Fence Viewer Mr. Henry Bradstreet was swom as Sealer of leather Mr. John Bradstreet was swom as Deer Rieve Mr. Saml. Perkins was swom as hog Rieve Mr Jacob Averell Jur. was swom as Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingle March 15th 1773 Mr. Jacob Kimball was swom as Constable March 24 1773 Mr. Stephen Foster Jur was swom as Tyth ing man March 3 1773 Mr. Stephen Foster Jur. was swom as Sur veyer of highways March 6 1773 Mr. David Town was swom as Surveyer of high ways March 12 1773 Mr. David Perkins was swom as Fence Viewer March 23 1773 Mr. Thomas Perkins Jur. was swom as Fence Viewer March 5 1773 Mr. Zebulon Perkins was swom as hog Rieve March 8 1773 Mr. Thomas Wildes was swom as hog Rieve May 27 1773 Capt Saml. Smith Misrs. Stephen Perkins Zac cheus Gould Danl. Bixby & Thomas Mower were swom as as sessors Elijah Porter was swom by the Selectmen as Town Cler. and was also swom as Town Treasuer At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield 2 March 1773 said meeting was wam'd by Mr. John Baker Jur. one of ye Constables & Mr. John Perkins Jur. was Chosen to Serve as Grand Juryman for ye year Ensuing Misrs. John Cree & Saml Bradstreet were Draw'd out of the Box to Serve on ye Jury of Tryals at the Infr. Court to be holden at Ipswich in March, 1773 March 2d. 1773 Mr. Joseph Gould was swom as Clerk of the Sticky Meadow Common field by me Elijah Porter Town Cler Mr. Nehemiah Herrick was sworn as Fence viewer of the Sticky Meadow Common field by me Elijah Porter Tovni Cler TOPSFIELD, MASS. 317 Topsfield ss To Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourth with to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of said Town, that are qualified by Law for voteing, to Convean and meet together at the Meeting house in said Tovsm on Tuesday ye Eighteenth Day of May next Ensuing at two of the Clock after noon lly to Elect and Depute one or more persons to serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Court or Assembly the year Ensuing according to precept 21y To see if the Town will agree to new paint and CoUer the Out Side of the Meeting house, and to agree upon any Other matter or thing. Respecting the same that the Town shall think proper Sly To see if the Town will Chuse a Committee to Petition the Justices of the Court of General Sessions of the peace, next to be holden at Salem, in behalf of said Town, that the Road Lately laid out from Boxford line near Elias Smiths house to the County Road in Topsfield, might not be accepted and Es tablished as a County Road, by reason of the small advantage that it is or ever will be to the publick in Comparison to the Cost and Damage that will arise to ye Town thereby 41y For the Town to Consider and act on a petition of Nathl. Raymond of Beverly, and Others, as said Town shall think proper Sly To see if the Town will give Enos Knight and Nehemiah Herrick Liberty to set up a Stable near the Meeting house Sly For the Tovsm to Consider and Act Relateing to Severall papers Sent to said Town, from a Committee of Corispondence in the Town of Boston as they shall think proper 71y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make Retum hereof with your doings thereon, to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield April 26th 1773 Saml Smith Zaccheus Gould Danl. Bixby Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower May ye 18 1773 In Obedience to this warrant I have warned the within named Inhabitants to appear at time and place by posting up said warrant on the Meeting house side on a publick Leckter Day Jacob Kimball Constable ^Selectmen of Topsfield 318 TOWN RECORDS OF A true Copy of ye warrant & Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Town meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 18 May 1773 lly Dean. John Gould was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Great & General Court ye year Ensuing 21y Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of this Meet ing Voted that Capt. Saml. Smith Misrs. Zaccheus Gould and Sol omon Dodge, be a Committee to petition the Justices of the Court of General Sessions of the peace next to be holden at Salem, in behalf of said Town, that the Road lately laid out from Boxford Line, near to Elias Smiths house to the County Road in Topsfield, might not be accepted and Established as a County Road, by reason of the small advantage that it is or ever will be to the Publick, in Comparison to the lost and Dam age that will arise to the Town thereby Voted that Misrs. Enos Knight & Nehemiah Herrick shall have Liberty to set up a stable near the Meeting house Voted that Capt Saml Smith Elijah Porter Capt Thomas Baker Misrs Stephen Foster John Gould Solomon Dodge Abraham Hobbs Capt John Bordman & Mr. David Perkins, be a Comtee. to Consider and Report what they think is proper for the Town to do Respecting a printed pamfilet and Other papers Sent from the Committee of Corrispondence of Boston, to this Town Voted that Mr. Stephen Foster Jur one of ye Surveyers of highways, shall give Mr Thomas Symonds Credit for three Days work, in Lieu of three Days work ye said Thos. did more than what he was assessed, when Capt. Thos. Baker was Surveyer of highways Voted that this Meeting be Adjumed to the Sth Day of June next, there to meet at the Meeting house at three of the Clock aftemoon At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, held by Adjumment the 8 Day of June 1773 Capt. Saml. Smith Morderator At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield May the ISth 1773 agreeable to an Article in the V/arrant the Town took under Consideration a letter a pamphilet and Other papers accom panying the same, sent to this Town by a Committee of Corris pondence of the Town of Boston, Containing a list of the Rights of the Colonists, and of this Province in Perticuler, also a TOPSFIELD, MASS. 319 list of the Infringments and violations of those Rights, for the Consideration of this Town, it being near the Close of the Day a motion was made to Chuse a Committee to take under their Consideration, their Letter &c, and that the Meeting be Ad jumed, and the Comtee. to make a Draft in answer to said Letter (if they should Judge proper) and to Lay the same before the Town at the adjumment of said Meeting, the Town Chose a Committee of nine persons for the purpose aforesaid, and ad jumed said Meeting, to ye Eighth Day of June June ye Sth 1773 the Town being met Together on the Adjumment, the Letter pamphilet & Other papers being Read and duly Considered, the Committee then Reported the following Draft in answer &c That it is the Opinion of this Town that the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston have Truely and Justly stated the Rights of the Colonests and of this Province in perticuler, as first their natural Rights as men. Secondly their Rights as Chris tians by the Laws of God, and thirdly their Rights as Subjects by the Constitution, all which Rights in the Opinion of this Town, the Colonists in General, and the Inhabitants of this province in perticuler, are and forever Ought to be truely and Justly intitled to, unless by their Own Act they forfit them, it is also the Opinion of this Town that the Infringments and Violations made on those Rights are truely & Rightly Stated, and that if Such violations and Infringments are still Con tinued in, it will prove the Ruin of this Province if not the whole Continent of Amarica and we fear the Kingdom of Great Britton too, and we Look upon it the duty of this and of every Town in this Province in a legal way to use our and their ut most Endeavours to prevent the Execution of any and all un constitutional act or acts that has been or that may hereafter be made, to Deprive us of any of our Just Rights or Liberty, or to take away our property from us without our Consent, and that this Town in perticuler will be ready at all times to Joyn with their Brethren in every legal way and manner, to Defend the life and person of his Majesty, and the lives of Our Breth ren his Majestys Loyal Subjects, and in the same way to pre serve and Defend Our Own Lawfull Rights Libertys and propertys even to the Last Exstremity. And that the thanks of this Town be given to the Town of Boston, for their takeing such early Care, in Stateing the Rights of the Colonists and makeing a Repre sentation of the Infringments and Violations, that are made on our Just Rights and Libertys. The Town voted to accept of the above Report by a great Majority 320 TOWN RECORDS OF Then the Town Chose Capt Saml Smith Capt John Bordman & Dean John Gould a Committee for Corrispondence with the Committee of Corrispondence of Boston Also Voted that the Town Clerk Transmit an Authenticated Copy of the foregoing Votes to the Committee of Corrispon dence of Boston Voted that Mr. Solomon Dodge one of ye Surveyers of high ways, shall do so much work on Kiziah Perkins Land as he thinks is Reasonable, in mending the way for Mr Jacob Town to Come to Meeting Voted to allow Mr. Thomas Mower one of ye former Consta bles, Ten Shillings an abatement of what George Dwinel was assessed in his Lists and Eight Shillings & one penny an abatement of what Abijah Wilkins was assessed in his Lists Topsfield ss To Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield in sd County Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of said Town, that are qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Monday the Twentyeth Day of September next En suing at one of the Clock aftemoon lly To See how much money the Town will agree to Raise to Defray ye necessary Charges within ye Town ye year En suing 21y To see if the Town will Vote that the Surveyers of high ways shall give Credit on their highway Lists to each of ye assessors as many Days workes as they were imploy'd in makeing the highway Rates in May last Sly To Choose one Overseer of the poor in Room of Capt John Bordman who declines to Serve 41y To See if the Tovsm will Chuse a man or men to wait on a Comtee. of Both Houses of the General Court appointed to View the Situation and Circumstances of Joseph Cummings and Others; and also To See if the Town will again Vote to Recieve the Said Joseph Cummings and Others, who have petitioned Said Court to be set of from Ipswich and annexed to Topsfield Sly That Zaccheus Gould and Others the Committee Chosen at the Annual Meeting in March Last, to Seat ye Inhabitants of said Town in the Meeting house be Directed (Viz) if they have Done it, to lay the full form and manner of their Seating before the Town for their Acceptance or Refusal 61y for the Town (if they see cause) to Chuse a Committee TOPSFIELD, MASS. 321 to Seat Such of the Inhabitants of Said Town (only) in the Common Seats in the meeting house that have not Seats already Consigned to them by the Town for that purpose 71y To See if the Town will vote that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasury to pay the Towns pro portion of the County Tax for this present year Sly To aUow Bills of Charge hereof fail not and make Retum of your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield August SOth 1773 Saml. Smith ) ^ i i. Stephen Perkins Pf^'^^^'f ,^ Thomas Mower j ^^ Topsfield Topsfield 1st. of September 1773 pursuant to this Warrant I have wamed the within named Inhabitants to appear at time and place within mentioned, by posting up said warrant upon ye side of the meeting house, on a publick Lecture Day Jacob Kimball Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of ye warrant & Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 20 Day of September 1773 Capt Samuel Smith was Chosen Morderator of this meeting Voted to Raise one hundred and fortysix pounds to Defray the necessary Charges ariseing in said Town for ye year Ensuing Voted that the Surveyers of highways Shall give Credit to each of the Selectmen on their high way Lists for three Days work each, for their makeing the highway Tax Voted that Mr. David Balch shall be an Overseer of the poor in the Room of Capt. John Bordman who Refuses to Serve Voted that Elijah Porter Capt Smith & Deacon John Gould be a Comtee. to wait on the Comtee appointed by both houses of the General Court to view the Circumstances of Capt Joseph Cummings and Others, Respecting their being set of from Ipswich and annexed to Topsfield Voted that the Town is free and willing to have Capt Joseph Cummings & Others set of from Ipswich and annexed to Topsfield Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town 322 TOWN RECORDS OP Treasury to pay ye Towns proportion of ye County Tax being £6 13s 0 3/4 At a Legal Meeting of ye Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield Assembled by Henry Bradstreet one of ye Consta bles of sd. Topsfield, the 20 September 1773 Messrs. Nehemiah Herrick and Joseph Towne were Draw'd out of the Box to Serve as Jurymen at ye Infr. Court to Be holden at Newbury port in Sept. Instent At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, Assembled by Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of sd Topsfield the 27 Octr. 1773 Mr. Joseph Gould was Chosen to Serve on the Grand Inquest, and Mr. Zacheus Gould was Draw'd Out of ye Box to Serve on ye Jury of Tryals at ye next Infr. Court to be holden at Salem in November next Essex ss To Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourth with to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield that are qualified for voteing in Town Meetings as the Law Directs to Conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town, on Thursday the sixth Day of Jany. next at one O clock aftemoon lly To see if the Town will agree in sentiments with the In habitants of the Town of Boston, and many Other Towns, Respecting Teas being Exported into this, and the Other north Amarican Colonys, by the East India Company on their own account, with a duty Imposed on it, for the purpose of raiseing a revenue in Amarca, as set fourth in a Letter, sent to the Town Clerk, by a Comtee. of the Town of Boston, to be Com municated to this Town for that purpose 21y To see if the Town will agree in sentiments with the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston Respecting their Late Con duct and proseedings in Regard to ye Tea, and the manner of its being Exported &C, as set fourth in a pamphylet, and Other papers accompaning the Letter, also to be Commuicated to said Town Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Select men on or before ye time of said Meeting TOPSFIELD, MASS. 323 Dated Topsfield December 27th 1773 Saml. Smith Zaccheus Gould Cz^i^^f^^^ T> • 1 D- u I Selectmen Ste°ph!,?e*L ro« Topsfield Thos Mower f Persuant to this Warrant I have wamed the within named Inhabitants to appear at time and place within Mentioned, by posting up said Warrant upon the Side of the Meeting house on a publick Lecture Day Topsfield Deer, ye 29th 1773 Jacob Kimball Constable A tme Copy of ye Warrant & Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler. At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 6 Jany. 1774 Capt Saml Smith was Chosen Morderator of sd Meeting Voted to Chuse a Committee of five men to Consider & make Report to ye Town, what they think is proper for the Tovsm to do Respecting ye East India Company sending Tea here on their own account The Tovsm Choose Capt. Saml. Smith Misrs. Elijah Porter Stephen Foster David Towne & Solomon Dodge To be sd. Comtee. Voted that this Meeting be Adjumed to Thursday the 20th Jany Instent at one O clock aftemoon and said meeting was Adjumed At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 6 Jany. 1774 Capt. Saml. Smith Morderator The papers that was sent from Boston to this Town Respect ing the East India Company sending Tea here on their Own account being Read The Town Choos a Committee of five men to Consider and make Report to the Town, what they think is proper for the Town to do Respecting the East India Company sending Tea here on their Own Account and then Voted that said Meeting be Adjumed to Thursday ye 20th Jany. Instent at one O clock aftemoon, and accordingly said Meeting was Adjumed Thursday 20 Jany. 1774 said Freeholders and Other Inhab tants Met according to Said Adjurnment and the said Com mittee Reported as foUoweth Viz : That to purchas and Consume 324 TOWN RECORDS OF such quantitys of Tea as has been sent here, would be extreamly impoverishing to the American Colonys even if there was no Duty imposed on it as it would Carry very Great Sums of money from us, and has a much Greater Tendency to impoverish and inslave us, if we should purchas and consume the East India Companys Tea sent here with a duty imposed on it 2 Therefore Voted that we will not buy nor sell any Tea that has or may be Exported from Great Britton, untill such time as there is a totell Repeal of the Oppressive and unconsti tutional Act or acts of Parlament for imposeing a Duty on Tea &c S Voted that we highly approve of every Legal Method the Town of Boston and Others have taken to prevent said Com panys Tea being Landed, and to have it Sent Back from whence it Came 4 And that we will Joyn with and assist Our Brethren of the Town of Boston and Elsewhere to preserve our Just Rights and Previldges which have been and still are Enfringed upon by the Acts of the parlament of Great Britton and Especially in Such a Crafty manner, by their late act in Granting Liberty to ye East India Company to Export Tea into America with a Duty imposed on it, we therefore Look upon it Our Duty to En deavour to ye utmost of our power in every Legal way to pre vent any Teas Exported from Great Britton, being Landed here with a duty imposed on it 5 That if any Merchant or Merchants of Boston or Elsewhere, shall for the future import any Tea from Great Britton with a Duty imposed on it, we shall Look upon them as Enimes to all the American Colonys The above Report being Destinstly read Several times ye question was put whether ye Town would accept of it and it passed in the afirmative and that it be Entered on ye Town Records and that an Attested Copy be Given to ye Comtee of Corrispondence, for them to send to the Comtee of Corrispond ence of Boston Topsfield ss To Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In His Majestys Name you are Required fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other In habitants of the north ward in said Town, that are qualified by Law for Voteing, to Conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the first Day of March next at nine of the Clock in the morning lly To Chuse Selectmen a Town Clerk and all Other Tovsm Officers for the year ensueing as the Law Directs TOPSFIELD, MASS. 325 21y To Chuse a Committee to Supply the Town with a Gram mer School Master the year Ensuing Sly To See if the Town will Vote that Swine may go at Large being yoked & Ringed as ye Law Directs 41y To Chuse a man or men to see that there is good and Sufficient ways made and kept Open agreeable to Law through the Mill Dams and Streems that alewives and Other fish may pass into the ponds to Cast their Spawns Sly To See what Method the Tovsm will agree to mend the highways in this present year Sly To See how much Money the Town will agree to Raise to Defray the Charge of Mending the highways and Other nec essary Charges ariseing within the same 71y To See how much money the Town will agree to appro priate to the Charge of Mending highways this present year Sly To See if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Recken ing with the Town Treasurer 91y To see if the Town will Chuse a Committee to Clear the Brook from Capt. Bordmans Down to the River by Removeing out of said brook what may appear to said Comtee. an Obstmc tion and hinderence to the free passage for the alewives in pass ing up said Brook to Cast their Spawns lOly To see if the Town will Disapprove of and Disannul the proseedings of Zaccheus Gould and Others a Committee in Seat ing the Inhabitants of Said Town in the meeting house in such a way and manner as it appears they have Done it in Illy To see if the Town wiU Chuse a Committee to Seat the Inhabitants of said Town in the meeting house and give said Committee Instmctions for their guidence and Direction therein 12 To aUow Bills of Charge IS To See if the Town wiU Grant the Petition of John Rea and Others, Respecting the Towns mending a way for them to go to Meeting in Hereof fail not and make Retum of this Warrant with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above Mentioned Dated in Topsfield Febr. 16th 1774 Saml Smith "^ Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen Thos. Mower (of Topsfield Stephen PerkinsJ Pursuant to this Warrant I have wamed the within named Inhabitants to appear at the time and place within Mentioned Topsfield February ye 2Sth 1774 Jacob Kimball Constable 326 TOWN RECORDS OF The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Town was wam'd by a like Warrant, and a like Retum made as aforesaid by Henry Bradstreet Constable A True Copy of ye Warrant and Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield ye 1st March 1774 lly Mr. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderator of said Meeting Misrs. Stephen Perkins Daniel Bixby Capt. Saml. Smith Missrs. Zaccheus Gould & Thomas Mower were Chosen Select men Voted that the said Selectmen shall be assessors, and aU were swom Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Clerk and was Swom by ye Selectmen Misrs. Daniel Estey & Stephen Adams were Chosen Constables Misrs. Nathl. Dorman & Elijah Porter were Chosen Wardens sd Dorman was swom Elijah Porter was swom by ye Selectmen Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Treasurer and was swom by the Selectmen Misrs. Joseph Perkins John Baker Jur. & Jacob Kimball were Chosen Tything men and all were swom Misrs. Zebulun Perkins David Balch John Batcheler & Ephraim Towne were Chosen Surveyers of highways. John Batcheler was Swom Ephraim Tovsme & Zebulun Perkins were swom ye 2 March 1774 Misrs. Joseph Perkins Thomas Symonds & Jacob Peabody were Chosen Fence Viewers Joseph Perkins & Jacob Peabody were Swom Mr. Joseph Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Leather and was swom Mr. Nathaniel Low was Chosen Deer Rieve & was swom Misrs. Benja. Kimball Moses Wildes & Moses Perkins were Chosen hog Rieves and all were Swom Mr. Jacob AvereU Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clabboards and Shingles Misrs. Thomas Emerson & Nehemiah Herrick were Chosen Overseers of the Poor Misrs. Joseph Gould Amos Wildes & John Peabody were Chosen a Committee to Supply the Town with a Grammer School Master this year TOPSFIELD, MASS. 327 Voted that Misrs. John Perkins Jur. Thomas Symonds & Capt John Bordman, be a Committee to see that there is good and sufficient ways made and kept Open agreeable to Law, through ye Mill Dams, that alewives & Other fish may pass into ye ponds to Cast their Spawns Voted to mend the highways this present year in the same method as the Town did in the year 1772 Voted to Raise one hundred Pounds to mend the highways and Other necessary Charges Voted that Eighty pounds of ye aforesaid hundred pounds shall be appropriated for mending the highways this present year Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening with the Town Treasurer and there Remains in said Treasurers hands not Orderd out £273 1 3 3/4 Voted that Misrs. Robert Perkins Stephen Foster and Solomon Dodge, be a Committee, to Clear the Brook from Capt John Bordmans Down to ye River by Removeing out of said Brook what may appear to said Comtee. an Obstruction and hinder- ance to the free passage for the alewives and Other fish in pass ing up said Brook to Cast their Spawns Voted allow Mr. Stephen Perkins for paper £0 2s Sd Voted to allow Mr. Isaac Averell 5/1 an abatement of what Willm Gallop is Taxed in his Lists £0 Ss Id and 9/11 3/4 an abatement of what Enoch Perkins is Taxed in his Lists £0 9s 11 3/4 Voted to allow Mr. Eliezer Lake and Others ye School Comtee, to ye School Master for keeping school Eight months £17 15s 3 1/2 for 2 1/2 Cord wood for ye school in said 8 months £1 6s 8d for Boarding ye School Master ye said 8 months £8 10s Sd Voted to allow Mr. Nehemiah Herrick 12/ 2 3/4 an abate ment of what John May is Taxed in his Lists £0 12s 2 3/4 Voted to allow Mr Stephen Foster Jur. 5/7 for 7 feet of plank £0 Ss 7d Voted to allow Misrs. Zach^ Gould and David Perkins IS/ for plank for ye River bridge £0 15s 0 Voted to allov/ Mr. Thos. Mower 10/ an abatement of what Benja Kimball is Taxed in his Lists for Benja Knights Pole £0 10s 0 On Reading the Petition of John Rea and Others, praying to have a way mended for them to Come to Meeting in, or to Re- leave ye Petitioners in any Other way and manner as ye Town shall think proper 328 TOWN RECORDS OF Voted that ye Surveyers of highways shall mend the way for the said Petitioners to Come to meeting in, as they do ye Other highways in said Town Voted that the Selectmen also shall lay out a way for said Petitioners to Come to Meeting in May 28th 1774 Mr. Thomas Symonds was swom as fence viewer At a legal Town Meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of Topsfield, being wamed and assembled by Mr. Jacob Kimball Constable of sd Town ye 1st March 1774 Mr. John Peabody was Chosen to Serve as a Grand Jury man for ye Ensueing year Misrs. Thomas Mower & Robt. Perkins were Draw'd out of ye Box to Serve on ye petty Jury at ye Infra. Court at Ipsvsdch in March Inst. March 1st 1774 Mr. Joseph Gould was swom as Clerk of ye Proprietors of ye Sticky Meadow Common field part in Tops- field & part in Boxford & Middleton by me Elijah Porter Town Cler. of Topsfield and Mr. David Towne Jur. was Haward and as Fence Viewer of said Conmion field by me Elijah Porter Town Cler. of Topsfield Essex ss To Jacob Kimball one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required fourth with to wam all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by Law for voteing, to Conven and meet Together at the meeting house in said Town, on Fryday the Twentysecortd day of April Instent at one of the Clock in the afternoon lly To see if the Town will agree upon any method in order to Supply the Pulpit, and have the Gospel preached in this Tovsm, during the time of the indisposition of the Revd. Mr. Emerson 21y To Chuse a Constable or Constables in the room of Stephen Adams who has been adjudged by the Court to pay a fine for Refusing to take the Oath and in the room of Daniel Estey who neglects to take ye Oath Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant vsrith your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned TOPSFIELD, MASS. 329 Dated Topsfield April 19th 1774 Saml Smith "1 Zaccheus Gould I o i ^ Daniel Bixby ^f ^''^"'r,. Thos Mower ( "^ Topsfield Stephn Perkins _, Topsfield April ye 20 1774 Pursuant to this Warrant I have warned all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward of sd Town that are qualified by Law for voteing, to appear at time and place within mentioned Jacob Kimball Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye South ward in said Town, were warned by a like warrant as aforesaid, and a simerler Retum as aforesaid, made by Henry Bradstreet Constable of Topsfield A true Copy of ye Warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 22d of April 1774 Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of said meeting Voted to hire some sutable person to preach ye Gosple in this Town, four Sabbath days Voted that Misrs. Elijah Porter Solomon Dodge & Deacon John Gould, be a Committee, to get a sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town, four Sabbath days Mr. Amos Wildes was Chosen Constable in ye Room of Mr. Stephen Adams who refused to take ye Oath Mr. Enos Knight was Chosen Constable, in ye Room of Mr. Daniel Estey, who neglected to take ye Oath Voted that this meeting be Desolved, and accordingly said meeting was Desolved April 22d 1774 Enos Knight was swom as Constable We the Subscribers being appointed by the Towns of Topsfield & Boxford to Perambulate the lines between said Towns, have on the fourth Day of December 1772 Perambulated said line, begining at an apple tree with stones about it in Capt Asa Perleys field, thence to a stake and stones at the Southerly corner of Bakers farm (so calld) thence to where the water runs through the Dam by Simon Goulds house, call'd Andrewses Dam, thence to fishing brook to a stake & stones by the East- 330 TOWN RECORDS OF erly side of a revilet runing into said brook, thence down said brook to Ipswich River so call'd, thence up said River to Middleton line Thomas Perley ) Comtee Eliezer Lake ) Comtee Richard Peabody | for Boxford Joseph Gould j for Topsfield June 23rd 1774 Mr. Amos Wildes was sworn as Constable E^ex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are quaU- fied for voteing in Town Meetings in Topsfield, to Assemble and Conven together at the meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the Seventeenth day of May Inst, at two of the Clock aftemoon lly To Chuse a person or persons to Represent said Town at the Great and General Court according to preceipt 21y For the Town to agree upon such further Methods in Order to Supply the Pulpit with a sutable person to preach ye Gosple, During the time of the Revd. Mr. Emersons indisposi tion as they shall think proper Sly To See if the Town wiU agree to pay the Constables or Collectors for their Service in Collecting the Taxes in this Town for this present year, and for ye future 41y For the Town to agree upon any perticuler sum to give the Constables, or Collectors pr. pound for their Service in colecting the Taxes in this Town for this present year and for ye future Sly To See if the Town will release Amos Wildes from serveing as Constable this present year, and Chuse another Constable to Serve in his room Sly To see if the Town will give Liberty for John Perkins Jur. and such Others of the Town Inhabitance as may Joyn with him to set up a horse stable on the Towns Land, near the meeting house 71y To allow Bills of Charge Sly To see if the Town will agree to new build the Bridge a cross the River Call'd Rowley Bridge, this present year Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town on or before the day and time above mentioned Dated Topsfield May ye 10th 1774 Saml Smith ^ Zaccheus Gould (selectmen Sen pSkinspf Topsfield Thos. Mower J TOPSFIELD, MASS. 331 By Virtue of this Warrant, I have wamed the free holders and Other Inhabatants within mentioned to appear at time and place within mentioned Topsfield 14 May 1774 Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of ye warrant and Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield at ye Meeting house ye 17 May 1774 Dean. John Gould was Chosen to Represent ye Town in the Great and General Court this present year Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of this Meeting Voted that Misrs. Abraham Hobbs John Gould & Saml. Cummings be a Comtee. to Confer with the Revd. Mr. Emerson respecting Supplying ye Pulpit. The said Comtee. Repported that Mr. Emerson took it kindly of ye Town, and would have ye Town go on as they had Done Voted to hire a sutable person to preach ye Gosple in this Town four Sabbath days, And Misrs. Elijah Porter John Gould & Stephen Foster were Chosen a Committee to get a sutable person to preach ye Gosple in this Town four Sabbath Days Voted that Mr. John Perkins Jur. and Such Others as will Joyn with him, shall have Liberty to Set up a horse Stable near the Meeting house Voted that the bridge across ye River, call Rowley bridge shall be new built this present year Voted to allow Mr. Robert Perkins 10/ an abatement of what David Nutting was Taxed in his Lists £0 10 0 also aUow'd to sd. Robt. Perkins 10/ an abatement of what Salvanis Wildes pool Tax 0 10 0 Voted to allow Mr. Isaac Averell 9/ an abatement of Salvanis Wildes pool Tax 0 9 0 and 9/ an abatement of Simon Bradstreet Tax in his List £0 9 0 Voted that this meeting be Adjum to Tuesday ye 14 of June next at 3 O Clock after noon then to meet at the Meeting house. And sd. meeting was Adjumd At a Legal Town Meeting held by Adjurnment the fourteenth day of June 1774 Stephen Perkins was Chosen and Sworn a speciel Clerk for said meeting, Mr. Elijah Porter ye Town Clerk being absent, by reason of sickness Voted to hire a sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town four Sabbath days 332 TOWN RECORDS OF Misrs. Stephen Foster Solomon Dodge & Elijah Porter was Chosen a Committee to get a sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town four Sabbath days Voted that the Comtee Chosen to Supply ye Pulpit with a person to preach ye Gosple four Sabbath days, be Directed to confer with ye Revd. Mr. Emerson in order to know whether he wiU Relinquish his Salary or any part thereof During the Time, the Tovsm are Obliged to hire another person to preach the Gosple, and report to the Town at ye adjumment of this meeting Voted that this meeting be further adjumed to Tuesday the Fifth day of July next at three of ye Clock aftemoon At a Legal Town meeting held by adjumment the Sth day of July A D 1774 Capt Saml. Smith Morderator Voted to hire Preaching a longer time Voted to hire a sutable person to preach ye Gosple eight Sab bath days from and after next Sabbath day Voted that Misrs. Zaccheus Gould Elijah Porter and Daniel Bixby, be a Committee to imply a sutable person to preach in this Town, the aforesaid eight Sabbath Days Voted that Mr. Enos Knight be allowed 3/ for 1/2 of his time in warning a town meeting £0 3 0 Voted that Mr. Jacob Kimball be allowed 3/ for warning one half of ye Town to attend a Town Meeting after his year was out £0 3 0 Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved, and said Meeting was Dissolved Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of ye Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourth .with to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are qualified by Law for voteing, to conven and meet together at the meeting house in said Town on Wednsday the thirteenth Day of July Instent at five of the Clock afternoon lly To See if the Town wiU agree to be at ye Charge of the Funeral of the Revd. Mr. Emerson Deed., or any part thereoff, and to act upon any Other Matter or thing Respecting the same, that the Town shall think proper 21y To see if the Town will Chuse a Committee to provide a sutable person to preach the Gosple in said Town after the fourth day of Sept. next, and to act any thing further respect ing the same the Town shall think proper TOPSFIELD, MASS. 333 Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield July 12th 1774 Saml. Smith ^ Zaccheus Gould o i i T^ 1 r>- u I Selectmen ?™oL^sMLer N'Topsfield Stephen Perkins J By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned all the free holders and Other Inhabitants according to warrant Topsfield July ISth 1774 Amos Wildes One of the Constables of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabtants of the South ward in said Town, were warned by a like Warrant as aforesaid, and a simerler Return made by Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield A true Copy of ye Warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield ye ISth July 1774 Capt. Samuel Smith was Chosen Morderator of sd. meeting Voted that ye Committee last Chosen to get a Sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town, be further impowered to get a sutable person to preach the Gosple four days from and after the fourth day of Sept. next Essex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of ye Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all ye Freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are qualified for voteing in Town Meetings in the South ward in Topsfield to conven and Meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Monday the Twenty ninth day of August Instent at two of the Clock aftemoon lly For the Town to hear, and to Consider, and to Act Re lateing to the Proposels made to this Town, by the Town of Marblehead, in a letter Directed to the Selectmen of Topsfield, which will then be Produced as they shall think proper Hereof fail not and make Return of this Warrant with your doings, to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above Mentioned 334 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield August 22d 1774 Saml. Smith Zaccheus Gould c^^^^i.^^„ T\ • 1 -D- u I Selectmen ?h"ofM"wJr fof Topsfield, Stephen Perkins J In Obedience to the within I have warned the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants to meet at time and place within Mentioned Topsfield August 29 1774 Enos Knight Constable The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye North ward in said Town, were wamed by a like warrant as aforesaid. And a simerler Retum made by Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield A True Copy of ye warrant and Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler. At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, Legally Assembled the 29 August 1774 Capt Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of said Meeting Voted that Capt. Saml. Smith Mr. Enos Knight & Dean John Gould, be a Committee to meet the Comtee. of Marblehead and Comtees. of Other Towns, at Ipswich agreeable to a letter from the Town Clerk of Marblehead Voted that ye said Comtee. shall have a reasonable allowance for their Services Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, assembled by Mr. Enos Knight Constable of Tops- field Misrs. Joseph Perkins & Jacob Averel Jur. were Draw'd Out of the Box to serve on ye petty Jury at Newbury Port Court, to be holden in September next Essex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the freeholders and Other Inhabitance of the Town of Topsfield that are qualified for Voteing in Town Meetings as the Law Directs, to Assemble and Conven together at the meet ing house in said Town on Tuesday the Twentyeth Day of Sep tember Instent at two of the Clock afternoon lly To Chuse a person to Represent said Town at the Great and General Court according to preceipt 21y To see how much money the Town wUl Raise to Defray the necessary Charges ariseing within the same, the year Ensuing TOPSFIELD, MASS. 335 Sly For the Town to agree upon any Further Method, that they shall think proper, in Order for the Settlement of a Gosple minister in said Town 41y For the Town to act any Other matter or thing, that may come before them, relateing to the Inhabitants of this Town or any part thereof, as said Town may think proper 51y to allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not, and make Retum of this Warrant with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield Sept. 7th 1774 Saml. Smith ^ Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen Danl. Bixby [^of Topsfield Thomas MowerJ Pursuant of this warrant I have warned all ye Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of Topsfield qualified by law for voteing to Conven & meet together at time and place within mentioned by posting this Warrant on ye side of ye meeting house on a fast day in said Town At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield Legally assembled the 20th September 1774 Capt Saml Smith was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Great and General Court this present year Capt Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of this Meeting Voted to Raise one hundred & Twenty pounds to Defray the Necessary Charges ariseing in said Tovsm this present year Voted that Misrs. Elijah Porter Zaccheus Gould and Danl Bixby, be a Committee to get a sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town Also Voted that said Comtee do their Endeavour to get Mr. Marret to Supply the Pulpit further Viz Six Sabbath days Voted that this Meeting be Adjumed to Tuesday ye Eleventh day of Octor. next At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield, held by Adjurnment ye 11th day of Octr. 1774 Capt. Saml. Smith Morderator Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen a Deligate to meet and set in the Provencsiel Congress, to be held at Concord or such Other place as said Congress shall agree upon. The Town then gave the said Saml. the following Instmctions 336 TOWN RECORDS OF Viz That you use your Endeavours that King George ye Srd be acknowledged as Our RightfuU Sovereign 21y That you use your Endeavours that all our Constitutional and Charter Rights and Previledges be kept good and Inviolable to the Latest Postarity Sly That you do every thing to the utmost of your power to prevent any of the late Oppressive Acts of Parlament being Executed. Provided that you do not act any thing that is Repignent to what the Continentional Congress may Resolve Voted to allow the Selectmen three days each for their makeing the highway Rate Last Spring Voted to aUow Dean. John Gould Mr. Enos Knight and Capt. Saml. Smith 12/ each for their attendence at ye Congress at Ipswich £1 16 0 Voted yt. this meeting be Dissolved Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourth with to wam all Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward that are qualified by law for voteing to Conven and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Town on Wednsday ye second day of November next at two of the Clock aftemoon lly To see if Town will concur with the Church in their vote in giveing Mr. John Marrett a call to the work of ye Ministry amongst us in said Town and in case ye Town shall concur vsath the Church in said vote 21y To see how much Sallary the Tovsm will agree to give Mr. John Marrett annually, to support him in the work of ye ministry amongst us in said Town Sly To see how much ye Town will agree to give Mr. John Marrett as a settlement to incourage him to settle in the work of ye Ministry amongst us in said Town 41y for the Town to act on any Other Matters or things relateing to the Settlement of a Gosple Minister in said Town that they shall think proper Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Tovra at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Octr. 11th 1774 Saml Smith ^ Zaccheus Gould I Selectmen Thomas Mower fof Topsfield Stephen Perkins J TOPSFIELD, MASS. 337 Topsfield Octr. 14th 1774 By virtue of this Warrant I have wamed all the within Mentioned Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants, to appear at time and place within Mentioned Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Town were wam'd by a like warrant as aforesaid, and a like retum as aforesaid, made by Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of the warrant and Returns Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Iil- habitants of Topsfield the 2 Novr. 1774 lly Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderator of said Meeting 21y Voted to concur the Vote of the Church, for giveing Mr. John Marrett a Call to the work of ye Ministry, agreeable to the Vote that was passed by the Church the 29 of September 1774 for Calling Mr. John Marrett to the work of the Ministry in this Town There was 49 voted in the affirmative and 28 in the negative Sly Voted to give Mr. John Marrett sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence Lawfull money Annually, and the use of the parsonage so long as he Carrys on the work of the Ministry in said Town 41y Voted to give Mr. John Marrett one hundred and thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pence Lawfull money, as an incourrigment for him to settle in the work of the Ministry in this Town Sly Misrs. Elijah Porter Abraham Hobbs Doct. Richard Dexter Capt. Saml. Smith and Dean. John Gould were Chosen a Comtee. to present the aforesaid votes to ye said Marrett, for his con sideration 61y Voted to allow Mr. Amos Wildes and Others ye School Comtee. for ye school being kept six months from ye 8 of March to ye School Master £13 6 8 for wood 0 10 6 for Bording the school master 6 8 0 71y Voted that Misrs. Elijah Porter Danl. Bixby & Zach^. Gould be a Comtee. to get a sutable person to supply the Pulpit 4 Sabbath days from and after ye 2 next Sabbaths Essex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his majestys Name you are hereby 338 TOWN RECORDS OF required fourthwith To wam all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the South ward in said Town that are Quallified By Law for voting, to Convene and meet Together att the Meeting house In said Town Thursday the eight Day of De cember Instant att one of the Clock aftemoon lly To see if the Town will Chuse a Committee to provide a sutable person to preach the Gospel in said Tovsm, after the Eleventh Day of December Instant, and to act any thing further respecting the same, the Town shall think Proper 21y To see if the Town will agree to support and Defend the Constable of said Town, from such Cost and Damage as may arise to them in Case of their refusal to sattisfie the Executions that has or may be issued against them By Harrison Gray Esqr. for the Province Tax or taxes that are or may Be Due to the Province from said town, and also to Direct said Constables to Pay said Province Tax or Taxes to Henery Gardner Esqr. agreable to the Recommendation of the Provincial Congress Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town att Time and Place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Deer, the Sth 1774 Samuel Smith Zaccheus Gould c^^^^^„^„ T-v ¦ 1 r>- u I Selectmen ?hra?M'S;erf°' Topsfield Stephen PerkinsJ Pursuant to this warrant I have wamed all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the south ward in Topsfield that are qualified for voting to meet at time and Place within mentioned Dated in Topsfield Deer. Sth 1774 Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the North ward In said Towne were wamed By a like warrant and a Like Retum as aforesaid made By Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield. A tme Copy attest Elijah Porter Town Cler. At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield, legally assembled ye Sth Day of Deer. 1774 Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderater of said Meeting. Misrs. Elijah Porter Daniel Bixby Zaccheus Gould were Chosen a Committee to Provide a sutable Person to Preach the Gospel in said Town till the 10th Day of March Next TOPSFIELD, MASS. 339 Voted that this meeting Be adjurned to thursday the 22d of Deer. Instant, then to meet at the meeting house at two of the Clock aftemoon At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Topsfield held By adjurnment ye 22d of Deer. 1774 Capt. Stephen Perkins Moderater Voted to support and Defend the Constables of said Town Viz Missrs. Jacob Kimball Henery Bradstreet Enos Knights and Amos Wildes from such Cost and Damage as may arise to them, in case of their refusal to sattisfie the Executions that has or may Be issued against them. By Harrison Gray Esqr. for the Province Tax or Taxes, that are or may Be Due to the Prov ince from said Town Voted that the aforesaid Constables Be and are hereby Di rected to Pay sd Province Tax or Taxes to Henery Gardner Esqr. agreable to the Recomendation of the Provincial Congress Voted that the Committee above said use their endeavour to get a sutable person to Preach the Gospel after ye 2d Day that Mr. Mansfield has agreed to Preach Essex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majestys name you are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are qualified for Voteing in Town meetings in the south ward and in said Town to assemble and Convean Together at the meeting house in said Town on Thursday ye nineteenth day of January Instent at one of the Clock aftemoon lly To see if the Town will Chuse a man or men, to Represent said Town at the Provincial Congress agreeable to the Recom mendations of the former Congress 21y To See if the Town will Chuse a Committee to Settle with Mr. Thomas Emerson Executor of the Revd. John Emerson Deed, relateing to ye said Revd. John Emersons salary Sly to See v/hat sum ye Town will agree to give as in couragement to Such Miltitary soldiers as may inlist to serve as Minit Men in this Town for their service agreeable to the Recommendation of the late Provincial Congress 41y To See if the Town will vote to have the Millitary Soldiers in this Town all in one Company as it formerly was, and Take Some proper Meathod to Effect the Same Hereof fail not and make Return of this Warrant with your doings to one or more of the Select men at time and place above mentioned 340 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield Jany. 11th 1775 Saml. Smith Zaccheus Gould Stephen PerMnsf°^ Topsfield Thomas Mower ^ Selectmen By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned all the within Men tioned Freeholders and Other Inhabitants to appear at time and place within mentioned Topsfield Jany. 17th 1775 Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye north ward were wam'd by a like warrant as aforesaid. And a like Return made as aforesaid, by Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield A true Copy of ye warrant and Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield Legally assembled ye 19 day of Jany 1775 lly Capt Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderator of sd meeting 21y Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen a Delagate to Meet and Set in the Provincial Congress, agreeable to the Recommenda tion of the former Provincial Congress Voted that the Selectmen Make a Settlement with Mr. Thomas Emerson Exu'. of the Last will of the Revd. Mr. John Emerson Deed, for his Sallary, and Draw so much money out of the Town Treasury to pay Such a sum as they agree is due to the Estate of the said Revd. John Emerson 41y Voted to Comply with the Recommendation of the Pro vincial Congress Respecting the inlistment of minit men Sly Misrs. Elijah Porter Saml. Cummings Capt. Saml. Smith Mr. Saml. Bradstreet Capt Stephen Perkins Dec". John Gould & Mr. Enos Knight Were Chosen a Committee to Consider, and make Report to the Town, what they think is Reasonable for the Town to give Such Minit men as may inlist, for ye time they spend to be Disciplin'd Sly Voted that this meeting be Adjurn'd to Thursday ye Twenty Sixth day of Jany. Instent, then to meet at ye meeting at two of ye Clock aftemoon At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabatants of Topsfield, held by Adjumment ye 26 day of Jany. 1775 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 341 Capt Stephen Perkins Morderator Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved (Seal) Essex ss To Enos Knight one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In His Majesties Name you are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the South ward in said Town, that are qualified for Voteing in Town Meetings as the Law Directs to assemble and Convean together at the Meeting house in said Town on Tuesday ye Seventh day of March next at nine of the Clock in the Morning lly To Chouse Selectmen Constables a Town Clark and all Other Town Officers, that the Law Directs, for the year Ensuing 21y To See if the Town will Chuse a Committee further to Sup ply the Town with a sutable person to preach the Gosple in said Town. And act on any Other thing Relative to the Resettle- ing a Gosple Minister in said Town that said Town shall think proper Sly To See how much money the Town will raise to Defray the Charge of Repairing the highways in said Town and Other Necessary Charges 41y To see how much money the town will appropriate to the use of repairing the highways and Bridges in said Town the year ensuing Sly To see if the town will agree upon a method how to Col lect a Charitable Donation for the town of Boston agreable to the Recommendation of the Provincial Congress Sly For the Town to act any thing that they shall think proper relating to the Briefs Sent to this Town from Salem for Donations for those that Lost by fire 71y To see if the Town will agree to give any Incouragement to Such of the milatary Soldiers that may enlist themselves as minute men to serve in Defence of the rights and Liberties of this Continent agreable to the recommendation of the Provin cial Congress Sly To See if the Town will accept of ye Selectmens Reckon ing with the Town Treasurer 91y To See if the Town will agree to let Swine go att Large the year ensueing. Provided they are yoked and ringed as the Law Directs lOly For the town to act on any other matter or thing that may Be moved for or that may be Laid Before the Town for their Consideration 342 TOWN RECORDS OF Illy To See if the Town will vote that the Selectmen shall Draw money out of the Town Treasury to Pay the County tax 121y For the Town to agree upon a method how to Dispose of the Parsonage the year ensuing ISly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof FaU not and make retum of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen att tim.e and place above mentioned Dated Febuy 24th 1775 Samuel Smith Zaccheus Gould o i i. ¦n • 1 ID- u I selectmen Daniel Bixby > Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower of Topsfield Pursuant to this Warrant I have wamed all the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the South ward to meet together att time and Place within mentioned Dated Topsfield March 1st 1775 Enos Knight Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of ye north ward in Said Tovsm were wam'd by a like warrant as aforesaid and a simerler Retum made as aforesaid by Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of ye warrant & Retum Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, Legally assembled ye 7th of March A D 1775 Capt. Samuel Smith was Chosen Morderator of said Meeting Capt Saml. Smith Capt Stephen Perkins Misrs. Israel Clarke Jur. John Peabody & Thomas Mower were Chosen Selectmen Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Clerk Misrs. Joseph Perkins & Joshua Towne were Chosen Consta bles. Said Joshua Towne was swom ye 21 March 1775 Misrs. John Balch & John Gould Jur. were Chosen Wardens & all were swom Elijah Porter was Chosen Town Treasr. Misrs. Nathan Hood Moses Perkins & Abraham Hobbs Jur. were Chosen Tythingmen & all were Swom. Misrs. Joseph Cummings Thomas Perkins Jur. Daniel Bixby & Simon Gould were Chosen Surveyers of highways said Jos: Cummings Daniel Bixby & Simon Gould were all swom TOPSFIELD, MASS. 343 Misrs. Robert Perkins Solomon Dodge & Luke Averell were Chosen Fence Viev/ers and all were Sworn Mr. David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Leather ye 30 of March Inst, and was Sworn Mr. John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer Rieve & Swom Misrs. Amos Perkins Enos Knight & Joseph Andrews were Chosen hog Rieves May 9th 1775 Mr. Amos Perkins was Swom Mr. Jacob Averell Jur. was Chosen Surveyer of Clabboards & Shingles and was Sworn Misrs. Solomon Dodge «§z; Elijah Porter were Chosen Overseers of ye Poor Misrs. Thos. Cummings Moses Perkins & Stephen Foster Jur. were Chosen a Comtee. to Supply the Town with a Grammer School Master Mr. John Baker Jur. was Chosen Clerk of ye Market Misrs. Jacob Kimball Richard Dexter & Stephen Foster were Chosen a Comtee. to Supply ye Town with a person to preach the Gosple in said Town, or any two of them to act Voted that said Comtee. be Directed to get Mr. Manasa Smith to preach 2 Sabbath Days and ye fast Day Voted to give Incouragement to Such minit men as shall in list themselves agreeable to ye Recommendation of the Provin cial Congress Voted that ye incouragement shall be ye same as was report ed to be, by a Comtee. in a former Town meeting, which is as followeth. Viz that when so many able body'd men, have in- listed themselves, as amounts to the number of one quarter part of the Training band, to do Duty agreeable to said Rec ommendation, and every able body'd man that inlists himself, shall be injoyn'd, to acquip himself with arms and all Other things, agreeable to said Recommendations, and shall be in joyn'd to attend Military Duty two half Days every week. Dur ing the Towns pleasure, and shall be paid one Shilling for each half Day the Town continues them in said service, the pay shall not exceed two half Days in each week, and the Capt. who shall have the Command of such men as inlists themselves into said Service, shall at the end of every month, give a certificate to the Selectmen, of how many half Days each Soldier has attend ed Duty as aforesaid, and the Selectmen shall give Orders, for the Town Treasurer, to pay each of them one shilling for every half Day they have spent as afore said Voted this Meeting be Adjum'd to Tuesday ye 21 day of this Inst, then to meet at the Meeting house, at one of ye Clock after noon 344 TOWN RECORDS OF At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, held by Adjurnment ye 21 day of March 1775 Capt Saml. Smith Morderator Voted that the Comtee. to Supply ye Pulpit, shall Get a sutable person to preach till ye 20th of May next, and that they hire Mr. Smith the whole of ye Time if they Can have him Voted to Raise one hundred pounds to Defray ye Charge of Mending the highways, and Other Necessary Charges of the Town Voted to appropriate Sixty pounds to Defray the Charges of Mending highways this year Voted to mend the highways in ye same way and method as they did in the year 1772 Voted to Collect a Donation for the poor of Boston by a Subscription Misrs. Thomas Emerson Isaac Averell Eliezer Lake & Enos Knight were Chosen a Comtee. to Collect a Donation for the poor of Boston Voted that ye said Committee shall Compleat ye said Collec tion and exhibet an account in one month of what they have Collected to the Selectmen, and the Selectmen, & said Comtee, shall Determine how it shall be Convey'd to Boston Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckening, with ye Town Treasurer and there Remains in said Treasurers hands two Hundred & Sixty six pounds & five Shillings not Orded Out Voted that Swine shall go at Large, they being yoked and Ringed as the Law Directs Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw money Out of the Town Treasury to pay the Towns part of County Tax, it being six pounds Twelve Shillings and five pence Misrs. Solomon Dodge Stephen Foster & NathU. Dorman were Chosen a Committee to let Out the Parsonage land this year for the Most it will fetch Misrs. Isaac Averell Amos Perkins & Amos Wildes were Chosen a Committee to Clear the brook from ye River to Prichards pond for ye fish to go up Voted that the Selectmen shall be assessors Voted to allow Capt. Joseph Gould and Others ye School Comtee. Viz for the School being kept five months £11 2s 3d for 26 weeks boards £6 18s Sd for wood £1 6s 3d Voted to allow Capt. Stephen Perkins for paper 0 2 8 TOPSFIELD, MASS. S4S Voted allow Mr. Ephraim Towne for Timber and plank for Rowley Bridge So Call'd £7 6s Sd Voted to allow Mr. Robert Perkins & Others for Clearing ye Brook for ye alewives to pass 1 11 6 Voted to AUow Mr. John Baker Jur. an abatement of John Gould ye Sd. Rates 12/2 & Willm. Danyers Rates 12/2 & WUlm. Bunttings Rates 4/ 18 4 Voted to allow Mr. Amos Wildes for warning four Town Meetings 0 12 0 Voted to allow Mr. Enos Knight for warning four Town meetings 0 12 0 Voted that this Meeting be Adjumed to Tuesday the Eleventh of April next, then to meet at the Meeting house at one of the Clock aftemoon At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield ye 21 March 1775 Assembled by Enos Knight Consta ble of sd. Topsfield Mr. Joseph Cummings was Chosen to serve on ye Grand Jury at ye Infr. Court to be holden at Ipswich in March Instent Misrs. Saml. Cummings & Nathaniel Fisk were Draw'd Out of the Box to Serve at said Court on ye Jury of Tryals At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, held by Adjurnment ye 11th of April 1775 The Morderator being Absent, Mr. Solomon Dodge, was Chosen Morderater of the meeting for this Day Voted to Accept of Mr. Amos Wildes to serve as a Constable in the Room of Mr. Joseph Perkins, who was Chosen Constable ye 7 March 1775 Voted to allow Mr. Henry Bradstreet 11/9 an abatement of what Stephen Towne Jur. was Rated in his Lists £0 11 9 Voted that such of the inlisted Minit men, as have attended duty, according to a vote passed at a Town Meeting ye seventh of March last, and such of said Minit men as shall attend duty two half days in each week, shall each be paid one shilling for each half day During the Towns pleasure, notwithstanding there is not one quarter part of ye Training band inlisted Voted to allow Mr. John Baker Jur. 8/2 an abatement of what Doer. Thomas Swain was Rated in his Lists £0 Ss 2d Voted that this meeting be adjurned to Tuesday ye 25 Day of April Instent, then to meet at ye meeting house at 4 of the Clock aftemoon At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants 346 TOWN RECORDS OF of Topsfield, held by Adjumment the 25 day of April 1775 Capt. Saml. Smith Morderator Voted that this meeting be Adjumed to Tuesday ye 9th Day of May next, then to meet at the Meeting house at 3 of the Clock aftemoon At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, held by adjurnment ye 9th Day of May A D 1775 Capt. Saml. Smith Morderater Voted that ye Present Selectmen be appointed to Settle the Mistake that is supposed to be in ye Rates, that was Committed to Mr. Henry Bradstreet Constable Voted that the Comtee to supply the Pulpit with a sutable person to preach, be impowered to get a sutable person, to preach. Eight Sabbath Days from & after ye 20th of May Instent Voted that the said Comtee. imply Mr. Manasa Smith the aforesaid eight Sabbath days, if they can have him Voted that the Gramer school Master, be Dismised from keep ing school any further, for the Present Misrs. Israel Clarke Jur. Nathaniel Dorman & Capt John Bord man were Chosen a Committee, to take Care and see that fish- ways are made and kept open through the Mill Dams, as the Laws Directs May 9th 1775 Mr. Amos Wildes was Swom as Constable (Seal) Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In his Majesties name you are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield that are qualified for Voteing as the Law Directs, to assemble and Convean To gether at the meeting house on Tuesday the Twentythird Day of May instent at three of the Clock aftemoon lly For the Town to Chuse a man or men to Represent said Town in Provencial Congress agreeable to the Recommendation of said Congress 21y For the Town to act any Other matter or things that may Properly come before said Town to be acted on Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your doings, to one or more of the Selectmen of said Tovsm at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield May the 9th 1775 Saml Smith ) Selectinen Thos. Mower >. T„„ofi^i^ Israel Clarke Jur r^ Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 347 Pursuant to this Warrant I have warned all the free holders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Topsfield qualified for Voteing to Convean and meet Together at time and place within mentioned by posting this Warrant upon the side of the meet ing house on a fast day which was on ye Day of the Date hereof Topsfield May 11th 1775 Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield Leagally assembled the 23 day of May 1775 Capt Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderater of said meeting Dea". John Gould was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Provincial Congress, to be held at Watertown the 31 day of May Instent Voted to allow Mr. Henry Bradstreet 3/ for warning ye South ward to attend a Town meeting £0 3 0 Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabtants that are qualified for voteing in Town meetings as the law directs to assemble & convean Together at the meeting house in said Town, on Tues day the fourth day of July next at three of the Clock aftemoon lly To see if Tovsm will Chuse a man or men to represent said Town at a General Court or assembly to be Convend at Water- town on Wednsday the nineteenth day of July next agreeable to a request in a letter directed to the Selectmen by the Pro vincial Congress 21y To see if the Town will give Docter Dexter and Others, the Committee already appointed, or such Others as the said Town may appoint, further instructions how to proseed in said Business, after the time is Expired, that the Town Directed said Comtee. to hire Mr. Smith for Sly For the Town to agree and act on any matter or thing in Order, for Resettleing a Gosple minister in said Town that they shall think proper 41y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned 348 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield June 27th A D 1775 Saml. Smith ^ Stephen Perkins Selectmen Thos. Mower r jr i- c u John Peabody [of Topsfield Israel Clarke Jur.^ At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield, Legally assembled the 4 day of July 1775 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen to Represent the Town in the General Assembly, to be held at Watertown the nine teenth of July instent 21y Capt. Saml. Smith was Chosen Morderater of said meeting Sly Voted Doer. Richard Dexter Misrs. Stephen Foster and Jacob Kimball, the Comtee to Supply the Pulpit be impowe'd to supply further 41y Voted that Mr. Solomon Dodge be one of said Comtee in the Room of Doer. Richd. Dexter who Resign'd Sly Voted that the said Comtee. imploy Mr. Manasa Smith to preach till the 20th day of September next, if they can have hini Sly Misrs. David Balch Abraham Hobbs & Saml. Cummings were Chosen a Committee of Safty 71y Voted to allow the School Comtee 84/10 for the School being kept two months £4 4 10 and for Boarding ye school Master 42/8 2 2 8 & for wood 6/ 0 6 0 Sly Voted to allow Capt Saml. Smith for his Travel and at tendence at the General Court and Several Provinceial Congress 21 0 0 Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting (Seal) In his Majestys Name you are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the north ward in said Town that are quali fied by Law for voteing to Convean and meet Together at the Meeting house in said Tovsm on Tuesday the nineteenth day of September Instent at two of the Clock aftemoon lly To See how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the Necessary Charges ariseing within ye same ye year Ensuing 21y To Chuse a Comtee to Supply the Town with a sutable person to preach the Gosple in this Town, and give them such Instmctions as the Town shall think proper .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 349 Sly To See if the Town will agree that the Surveyers shall give Credit on their highway Lists, to the several Selectmen as many Days work, as they were in makeing ye highway Rate in June last 41y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make Retum of this warrant with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield Sepr. 6th 1775 Saml Smith ' Stephen Perkins Thos Mower John Peabody Israel Clarke Jur^ By Virtue of this Warrant I have wamed all the within men tioned Freeholders and Other Inhabitants to appear at time and place within mentioned Sept. 14th 1775 Amos Wildes Constable of Topsfield The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward were warned by a like warrant, and a return made by Joshua Town Constable of Topsfield A tme Copy of ye warrant & Return Attest Elijah Porter Town Cler. At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield Legally assembled the 19th of Sepr. 1775 Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Morderater of said meeting Misrs. Jacob Kimball Simon Gould & Saml. Cummings were Chosen a Comtee. to Supply ye Town with a sutable person to preach ye Gosple in said Town Voted that said Committee be instructed to imply Mr. Manasa Smith, to preach two months from this time Voted that ye Surveyers shall give Credit to the Selectmen on their highway Lists three Days each for their makeing the high way Rate last time Voted to allow Dea". John Gould for his Travel and attend ance at the Provincial Congress £5 5 0 Voted to allow Elijah Porter for Boarding all those that Sup- plyd the pulpet from ye 24 Apl. 1774 to ye 17 Sept. 1775 12 8 4 Essex ss To Amos Wildes one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warne 350 TOWN RECORDS OF all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the North ward in said Town that are quallified by law for voteing, to Convean and Meet Together at the Meeting House in said town on Thurs day the fourth day of January next at Two of the Clock To Chouse a Town Gierke, a Town Treasurer, and one over seer of the poor, in the room of Elijah Porter Esqr. Deceased Hereof faile not and make returne of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen of said Town at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield December 29 1775 Saml. Smith ^ Stephen Perkins selectmen Thos. Mower K||. I ,^ John Peabody (^of Topsfield Israel Clarke Jur. J Pursuant to the within warrant I have wamed all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the North ward to Convean and meet Together at time and place within mentioned Dated in Topsfield January 3d 1776 Ainos Wilde Constable of Topsfield The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the South ward was wamed by a Like warrant, and return made at the same time and place by Joshua Towne Constable of Topsfield Attest Saml. Smith Town Gierke Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield January 4th : 1776 lly Samuel Smith was Chosen Moderater of Said Meeting Voted 21y Saml. Smith was Chosen Town Gierke and Swom Voted Sly Mr Jeremiah Averel was Chosen Town Treasurer Voted 41y Mr Joseph Andrews was Chosen an Overseer of the poor Voted January 2Sth Mr Jeremiah Averel was Swom as Treasurer for Topsfield Essex : ss : To Amos Wilde one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are qualli fied for voting in Tovsm meeting, in said town to Assemble and Convean Together at the Meeting House in Said tovsm on Tues day the fifth day of March Next at nine of the Clock in the Morning TOPSFIELD, MASS. 351 lly To Choose Selectmen a Town Clarke Constables, and all other town officers for the year Insuing as the Law Directs 21y To see if the Town will axcept of the way laid out by the Selectmen from Mr John Reas House to the County road as by the return may appear Sly To See if the town will Chouse a Committee to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel in said town and give them Instmctions 41y To See if the town will Chouse a Committee to Supply the town with a Schoolmaster Sly To see how much money the town will raise to defray the Charge of Mending the Highways and Other Necessesary Charge in said town the Year Insuing Sly To See how much money the town will Appropriate for the use of Mending the Highways the year Insuing 71y To see if the town will Chouse a Committee to Take Care and Keep the fish ways open thro the Mill dams and Other places in the Brooks for Alewives to pass up said Brooks into the pond to Cast their Spawns without any Obstmction Sly For the town to agree, if they see Cause, that no person shall Catch Alewives in the ways Made for alewives to pass up said Brooks at any time, and also to Agree what Number of days in a week and at what times, any person or persons may Catch Alewives in any Other place in said Brook without being Sub ject to the penalty of the Law, also to Chuse a Committee to See that Such votes as the Town shall pass be duly Observed as the Law directs 91y For the Town to Chouse A man or men to Serve as a Committee of Corispondence Inspection and Safty for the year Insuing Agreeable to a Resolution of the General Court lOly To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Reck oning with the town Treasurer Illy To See if the Town will Chouse a man or men to let out the parsonage the year Insuing for the towns use 121y To See if the Town will Let Swine go at Large the year Insuing as the Law directs ISly For the town to Bring in their votes for a County Reg ister 141y To aUow Bills of Charge Hereof faile not and make returne of this warrant with your Doings to One or More of the Selectmen of Said town at time and place Above mentioned , (selectmen 352 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield Febmary 27th 1776 Saml Smith Stephen Perkins ^ x t- ^ u Israel Clarke Jur J °f Topsfield Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield March Sth 1776 lly Capt Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderater Voted 21y Israel Clarke Jr Saml Smith Capt Stephen Perkins John Peabody Thomas Mower were Chosen Selectmen Voted Sly Capt Saml Smith was Chosen Town Gierke Voted 41y Messrs. Stephen Foster Jr. & Bartholomew DwineU were Chosen Constables and Swom Voted Sly Mr. Jeremiah Averell was Chosen Town Treasurer & Swom Sly Messrs. Thomas Porter and Jacob Kimball were Chosen wardens Voted and May 10th 1776 they was both swom Attest S. Smith Town Gierke 71y Messrs. Daniel Towne NathU. Dorman and David Balch Jur. was Chosen Tything men & all Swom Sly Messrs. Thomas Cummings Nehemiah Herrick Simon Gould & Thomas Perkins Jr. was Chosen Surveyors of highways and all Swom 91y Nehemiah Herrick Enos Knight & John Balch was Chosen fence Viewers Herrick & Knight Swom lOly Mr. David Perkins was Chosen & Swom Sealer of Leather and was Swom Illy Mr. NathU. Low was Chosen Deer rieve & Swom 121y Messrs. Amos Perkins Solomon Dodge & NathU. Fiske was Chosen hog rieves all Swom ISly Mr. Jacob Averell Junr. was Chosen Surveyor of Clab bord & Shingles & Swom 141y Capt. Joseph Gould & Moses Perkins was Chosen Over seers of the poor ISly Messrs. David Balch Junr. Thomas Cummings & John Gould Junr. was Chosen a Comtee. to Supply the Town with a grammer School Master 161y Jacob Kimball was Chosen Clerk of the Market 171y Zaccheus Gould Saml Smith & Jacob Kimball was Chosen a Committee to Supply the tovsm with a Suitable person to Preach the gospell in said Town ISly The town agreed to raise by a Tax the Sum of one hun dred pounds to defray the Charge of mending the Highways and other Necessary Charges in said Town the year Insuing Voted 191y the Town agreed to Appropriate the Sum of Forty pound TOPSFIELD, MASS. 353 of said Hundred to be paid in Labour mending the Highways in said town the year Insuing Voted 201y Missrs. Isaac Averell Israel Clarke Jr. & John Batcheller was Chosen a Comtee. to keep the fish ways open through the mill dams made a Cross the Brooks in said town and Other places in Said Brooks, that the fish may pass up said Brooks into the pond, to Cast their Spawns without any Obstructions 211y Voted that no person shall Catch fish Called alewives, at any time in the fish ways made for fish to pass up said Brooks through or by said mill dams 221y Voted that Liberty is given to persons to Catch alewives with Scoop nets or Other wise in any Other place or places in Said Brooks But only one day in each week, and that to be only on Mondays in each week, and that only between the Suns rise- ing and Setting, Provided they make no wares a Cross said Brooks to prevent said fish from passing up said Brooks without hendrence 231y The town voted to allow Dea". John Gould the sum of £9 Ss Od for his Service and Attendence at Congress in April and May last 241y The town Voted to allow Mr. Joseph Cummings the Sum of £0 19s Sd for plank and timber to mend Lampsons Bridge so Calld Then the town Voted that said meeting should be adjourned to Tuesday the Nineteenth day of March Instent to two of the Clock after noon then to Meet at the Meeting House, the Mod erater Adjourned said Meeting Accordingly Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment March the 19th : 1776 Capt. Stephen Perkins Moderater lly Messrs. NathU. Dorman David Towne & Stephen Foster was Chosen a Committee of Corispondence Inspection, and Safety for the year Insuing 21y Messrs. Abraham Hobbs Simon Gould & David Balch Jr. was Chosen a Comtee. to Let out the Personage for the most it will fetch (for the towns use) the year Insuing Voted Sly Voted to accept of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer Their being Two Hundred and Forty three pounds. Eleven Shillings & Two pence three farthings in Said Treasurers hands not ordered out 41y Voted that Swine Should go att Large the Year Insuing provided they are yoked and Ringed as the Law directs Sly Voted to Allow to Capt Stephen Perkins for paper £0 Ss 7d Then the town Voted to Adjourn said meeting to Tuesday 354 TOWN RECORDS OF 26th of March Instent at three of the Clock aftemoon then to meet at the meeting House Att a Legall Meeting in Topsfield March 19th. 1776 Assembled by Barth™ DwineU Constable of said town. Mr. Isaac Averel was Chosen to Serve on the grand Jury at the Inferior Court to held at Ipswich in March Inst, and Mr. Jacob Dwinel was Chosen to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at said Court by being Drawn out of the Box Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment 26th of March AD 1776 Capt Stephen Perkins Moderater lly Voted that the present Selectmen should be Assessors the present year 21y Voted that the Committee Chosen the fifth of March In stant to Supply the town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel in said tovsm be Instructed to git Mr John Shaw if he Can be Obtained Sly Mr David Perkins was Chosen one of the Comtee to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the Gosple in said town, in the place of Capt Samuel Smith who then declin* said Service On the Sth of March 1776 Majr. Joseph Gould was Sworn Gierke of the proprietors of Stickey Meadow (so Calld) Lying part in Topsfield and part in Boxford and part in Middleton By the town Clerk Whereas the Town of Topsfield at their Meeting the 1st of March 1774 upon hereing the Petition of John Rea Jacob Dwinel Junr. and John Rea Junr. praying that the town would mend the way for them to go to Meeting in or Otherwise releave them as they should think proper after Consideration thereon, the Town voted that the Selectmen should lay Out a way for them. Therefore pursuant to the vote of said town at the above said meeting We the Subscribers have laid out a way as follow eth Viz (Beginning at a Stone wall on land of Archellaus Rea, near John Reas House, then runing on Said Archellaus Reas land north five Degrees east Ninteen pole and nine links, then north Twenty five degrees East Thirty six poles and Twenty Links, then Northeast Sixteen pole then East three degrees South Eleven pole and Twenty links to land of Jacob Dwinel Junr. then runing on said Dwinells land East one pole and half, then North Twelve degrees east Six pole and fifteen links, then North thirty three degrees east Ten poles, then Northeast Twenty nine TOPSFIELD, MASS. 355 poles, and five Links, then east Two degrees South Sixteen poles and ten Links, to land of Jacob Dwinel Senr. then runing on Said Dwinels land East Seven degrees South Twelve pole. Then east Twenty degrees South Seventeen poles and nine links, then east Eleven degrees north fourteen pole and Twenty links, then easterly Extending so far South on land of the heirs of Joseph Dvsrinel deed, as to make said way one rod and half in width from the Stone wall that Incloses Mr. Jacob Dwinel, moing land on the Northerly side of said way till it Comes to the County road. Said way is to Extend One rod and half to the west and North of the Above mentioned Lines with Liberty to hang Con venient Cart Gates A Cross Said road at the divisional lines of each persons Land December 22nd 1775 Saml. Smith Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower Y Selectmen of Topsfield Israel Clarke Jr. John Peabody Essex ss: To Stephen Foster Junr. One of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourth with to warne all the freeholders and other Inhabitance, that are quallified for voting in Town meetings in the north ward in said town to Assemble and Convean Together at the Meeting House in sd town on V/ednesday the Twenty fourth day of April Instant at three of the Clock afternoon To See if the town v^rill Chouse a man or men as a Committee to meet Such person or persons, as may be Chousen by the Sev eral Towns in County of Essex, at a general meeting to be held at Mr. Treadwells Innholder at Ipsvnch, on Thursday the Twenty day of April Instant at One of the Clocke after noon, in Order to Agree upon a more Equal and Just Method in the Choice and representation of members to represent the Several Towns in the general Court for the future, then has been in times past Att the request of the Committee of Marblehead and Salem Hereof you may not fail and make retum of this warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Topsfield 22 of April AD 1776 Saml. Smith Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower John Peabody Israel Clarke Jur.^ I Selectmen "^of Topsfield 356 TOWN RECORDS OF Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned all the within mentioned freeholders and other Inhabitance in the north ward in Topsfield to appear at time and place within mentioned Topsfield April 24th 1776 Stephen Foster Junr. Constable The freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the South ward in Said Town was warned by a Like warrent as aforesaid and a Similler retum made thereon by Bartholomew Dwinel Constable of Topsfield Attest Sam. Smith Town Gierke lly Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield 24th : of April 1776 Mr. Israel Clarke Junr. was Chosen moderater Voted Voted that Messrs. Israel Clarke Junr. and Abraham Hobbs be a Committee to meet the Committees Chousen by Other Towns in the County of Essex, at a meeting to be held at Ipswich on the 25th of April Instant in Order to Consider of what is or may be proposed or proper to be done, respecting a more Just and Equal Choice and representation of Members in the general Court for the future 21y Voted that the meeting be disolved Essex ss To Batholomew Dwinel one of the Constables of the of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to warne all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are quallified for voting in the South ward in Said Town, that they Assemble and meet Together at the meeting House in said town on Tuesday the Twenty first day of May Instant at four of the Clock afternoon lly To Chouse a man or men to Represent said Town at the greate and general Court according to preceipt 21y To see if the town will Inlarge the Committee already Chosen to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel in Said town, and to Chuse two or more persons for that purpose if they think proper the directions to make returne of ye warrant is Casually Omited, but is in ye Common forme Sly To allow Bills of Charge Dated Topsfield May the ISth 1776 Saml Smith ) « i *. T u Tj u J (Selectmen Ji'a°elaa*f}°'T0P3fi=>d Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned the within Named Inhabitants by posting at the publik fast Dated Topsfield May 20th 1776 Bartholomew Dwinel Constable TOPSFIELD, MASS. 357 The Inhabitants of the North ward was warned by virtue of a like warrant and a Like returne made by Stephen Foster Junr. Constable Attest Sam. Smith T Clarke Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield May 21th: 1776 Dea° John Gould was Chosen to Represent said Town in the greate and general Court the Year Insuing their being Other Business to be done Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen moderater It was put to vote to See if the Town would Inlarge the Comtee Already Chosen to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel in said Town, and it passed in the Negative Then Said Meeting was dissolved Essex ss: To Stephen Foster Junr: One of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourth with to warne all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are quallified for voteing in the north ward in Said town, to Assemble and Convean Together at the meeting house in Said Town on fryday the fourteenth of June Instant at three of the Clock after noon lly To see if the Town will Choose a man to take recog nizance of Debts in said town, and on failure of payment, to grant out Execution for the recovery of Such Debts in manner as directed by a late Act of the general Court 21y To see if the Inhabitants of this town agree, whether, in Case the Honorable Congress for the Safty of the united Col onies Should declare them Independent of the Kingdom of greate Britten, they will Solemnly engage with their Lives and fortune, to Support them in the Measure, and give Mr. John Gould their Representative Such Instruction for that purpose as they Shall think proper Sly To Choose two good and Lawfull men in manner as jurors are drawn out of the box to Serve at the Superior Court &c to Serve on the jury in the Court erected to try and Condemn aU vessels that shall be found infesting the Sea Coasts of America, and brought into Either of the Counties of Suffolk, Middlesex, or Essex, to be held at Salem in said County of Essex, on Monday the Seventeenth day of June Instent at the hour of ten in the forenoon According to Venure Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings to One or more of the Selectmen of said town at time place above mentioned 358 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated June ye 11th: 1776 Saml Smith Stephen Perkins Thos. Mower Selectmen inos. Mower r ^ rr. ^ ,, John Peabody (of Topsfield Israel Clarke Jr J In Pursuance to the within warrant I have wamed all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the north ward in Tops- field to Convean Together at the meeting House in Said town at time and place as within mentioned Dated Topsfield June 14th. 1776 Stephen Foster Jur. Constable The Inhabitants in the South ward in Said town was wam.ed by virtue of a Like warrant, and a Like retum made by Barth olomew Dwinel Constable of Said town Attest Saml. Smith Town Gierke Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield the 14th: day of June 1776 lly Capt. Thomas Baker was Choosen Moderater Voted 21y Voted that in Case the Honorable the Continantal Congress Shall think fit, for the Safty of the united Colonies to declare them Independent of the Kingdom of greate Britten this town do Solemnly engage to defend and Support the measure, both with their Lives and fortunes to the uttmost of their power 21y Israel Clarke Junr Capt Stephen Perkins and Solomon Dodge was Chosen a Committee to prepare a Draft for Instmc tions for Mr. John Gould Representative of Said town, for a rule for his Conduct in the general Court, respecting the united Colonies in America being declar'd Independent of the Kingdom of greate Britten by the Continantal Congress, and to report Said draft to the town at there next meeting Voted Sly Capt. Samuel Smith, and Mr. David Perkins was drawn out of the box to Serve as Jurors at a Court of Admiralty to be held at Salem on the Seventeenth day of this Instant June Then the Town Ajoum'd Said meeting to fryday the 21st: of June Instant to four of the Clock after noon, then to meet at the Meeting house Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment the 21st: of June 1776 Capt. Thomas Baker Moderater lly The Comtee. that was Chosen to draw a Draft of Instmc tions for Mr. John Gould Representative of Said town, & re- TOPSFIELD, MASS. 359 ported the following Draft which is hereafter recorded on the other leaf, which was read and accepted and voted that Capt. Stephen Perkins Messrs. Solomon Dodge and Israel Clarke Junr. be a Committee to draw Said Instructions into a fair draft, and forvs'ard the same to Said Representative Voted 21y The Town made Choise of Capt. Samuel Smith to take Recognizence of debts, and on failure of payment at the time Limited in their Obligation for payment, to grant Executions for the recovery thereof Agreeable to a late Law of this Colony made for that purpose Voted On the 4th of July 1776 Messrs. Solomon Dodge Samuel Brad street and Moses Wildes ware Swom to the faithfull Discharge of the office of hawards, or field Drivers, of the Common field Meadows so Calld. Lyeing in Ipswich, belonging to a Number of Proprietors in Topsfield & Wenham, by the Town Gierke of Topsfield and on the Sth day of July Messrs. Joseph Andrews and Thomas Cummings ware Swom hawards, or field drivers of the Same Common field meadows, to act with the afore said Dodge and Others the year Insuing, all Sworn by the Town Clarke The Instmctions before mentioned that was Voted to be given to Mr. John Gould Representative of Said town are as followeth To Mr John Gould Representative of Topsfield Sir a resolu tion of the Honorable House of Representatives, Calling upon the Several Towns in this CoUony, to express their minds with respect to American Independence, of the Kingdom of greate Britten is the Ocasion of our giveing you Instructions this being the greatest question that ever Came before this town, a few years ago Sir, Such a question would have put us in a greate Surprise, and we apprehend would have been Treated with the uttm.ost Contempt, we then on ourselves, happy in being the Subjects of the King of greate Britten, it being our fore fathers native Country, we Looked up unto them, as our pairent States and we have always Look'd upon it as our duty as well as In terest, to defend and Support the honor and Dignity of the Crov/n of greate Britten and we have always freely done it both with our Lives and fortunes. Counting our Selves happy when in the Strictest union and Connection with our pairent State, but the Sene is now Changed, our minds and Sentiments are now altered. She that was caU'd our Mother Country and pairent State is now without any Just Cause or Injury done by these Col onies, become their greatest enemies. The unprovoked Injuries 360 TOWN RECORDS OF these Colonies have received, the unjustifiable and unconstitu tional Claimes that have been made on these Colonies by the Court of great Britten, to Tax us and take away our Substance from us, and that at any time, and for any use that they please without our Consent, and the Cruel prosecuting these their Claims have been Cruel and unjust to the Highest degree, the whole Conduct of the Court of greate Britten, and the fallacious Con duct of their Govemers appointed and Sent into these Colonies are so well known, and have been by much Abler hands Set fourth in Such a Clear true and plaine Light, we think it need less to Inumerate any further perticulers, for these reasons Sir as well as many others that might be mentioned we are Con firmed in the oppinion, that the unighted Colonies will be greatly wanting in their duty, both to the greate govemer of the Univers to themselves and posterity if Independence of the Kingdom of greate Britten is not declared as Soon as may be, these being our Sentiments, but we would not be understood that we mean to dictate, Leaveing that momenteus afaire to the well known wisdom prudence Justice and Intigrity of that hon ourable body the Continantal Congress, under whose direction it more Immediatly belongs, And in respect to a forme of Gov ernment for the future We take it, that belongs to an after question, and we Could wish that no Court nor Congress on this Continent might Spend their time in debateing About forms and Serimonies; equall or unequal representation in Court at present as enovasions are always dangems, we hartily wish, that the Antiant rules in the Charter, which this province has been So much Con tending for, might be Strictly adhear'd to, till Such time as the whole of the people of this Colony have Liberty to ex press their Sentiments in respect to that afair, as fully as they have in Cause of Independence, for we are full in the Opinion, that the Sentiments of the people in general are never fully Col lected by the vote or Opinion of a few persons meat together, (tho appointed) when they descend into matters of greate Im portance that are wholly new, and especially when the whole of the people are Immediatly Conceamed therein, Haveing thus freely spoken our Sentiments in respect to Independence &c We now Instruct you Sir, to give the Honorable, the Continantal Congress the Strongest Asuerances that if, for the Safty of the united Colonies, they shall declare America to be Independant of the Kingdom of greate Britten your Constituants will Support and defend the measure with Lives and fortunes to the uttmost of their power TOPSFIELD, MASS. 361 The f oUowing is the Declaration of Independence of the Amer ican Colonys of the Kingdom of greate Britten In Congress July 4th: 1776 A Declaration of the Representatives of the United States of America, In general Congress Assembled When in the Course of humane Events, it becomes Necessary for one people to desolve the polittical bands which Connected them with Another, and to Assume Among the powers of the Earth, the Seperate and Equal Station to which the Laws of na ture and of natures God Entitles them, a decent respect to the Opinions of mankind requires that they Should declare the Causes which impell to the Seperation. We hold these Truths to be Self Evident, that all men are Created equal, that they are Endowed by their Creator with Certain unalienable rights, that Among these are life. Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness : That to Secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- riveing their Just powers from the Consent of the governed. That whenever any forme of government becoms destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people To alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. Laying its foundation on Such principles. And organizing its powers in Such form as then Shall Seem most Likely to Effect their Safety and happiness Prudence, Indeed, will dictate that governments Long Established Should not be Changed for fight and Transient Causes ; and according ly all Experiance hath Shewn, that mankind are more disposed to Suffer, while Evils are Sufferable, then to right themselves by AboUshing the forms to which they are accustomed, but when a Long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing Invariably the Same Object, Evinces a design to reduce them under Abso lute Despotism, It is their right. It is their duty, to throw off Such government, And to provide new guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies ; and Such is now the Necessity which Constrains them to alter their former Systems of government. The history of the present King of greate Britten is a history of repeated injuries and Usurpations, all haveing in direct objects the Establishment of an Absolute Tyranny, over these States, to prove this Let facts be Submited to a Candid world. He has refused his assent to Laws, the most wholsom and necessary for the publick good. He has forbiden his govemers to pass Laws of Immediate and pressing Impor tance, unless Suspended in their Opperation untel his Assent Should be Obtained : and when so Suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass Other Laws 362 TOWN RECORDS OF for the Accomodation of Large destricts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation, in the Leg islature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only. He has Called together Legislative bodys at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Publick records, for the Sole purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his measures. He has desolved Representative Houses re peatedly, for Opposeing with manly firmness his Invasion on the rights of the people. He has refused for a Long time, after such disolutions, to Cause others to be Elected, whereby the Legisla tive powers, Incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the people at Large for their Exercise, the State remaining in the mean time Exposed to all the dangers of Invasions from without. And Convulsions within. He has Endeavoured to prevent the pop ulation of these States ; for that purpose Obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of foreigners, refuseing to pass Others to En courage their Migration heither and raiseing the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has Obstructed the Administra tion of Justice, by refuseing his Assent to Lav/s for Establishing Judiciary powers. He has made Judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their Salleries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and Sent heither Swarms of officers to harras our people and eate out their Substance. He has Kept among us in times of peace. Standing armies without the Consent of our Legislature. He has affected to render the military Independent of, and Superior to the Civel power. He has Combined with Others to Subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws, giveing his Assent to their Actes of pretended Legisla tion, for quartering Large bodies of Armed troops amongs us, for protecting them by a mock trial from punishment for any murders v/hich they Should Commit on the Inhabitance of these States, for Cuting of our trade with all parts of the world. For Imposeing Taxes on us without our Consent. For depriveing us in many Cases of the bennefit of Trial by Jury. For Transporting us be yond Seas to be tried for pretended offences. For Abolishing the free System of English Laws in a Neighbouring province Estab lishing therein an Arbitrary Government, and Enlarging its Boundaries So as to render it at once an Example and fit In strument for Introducing the Same Absolute rule into these Col onies. For Taking away our Charters Abolishing our Most Valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the forms of our government. For Suspending our own Legislatures and declare- TOPSFIELD, MASS. 363 ing themselves Invested with power to Legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government hereby declare- ing us out of his protection, and wageing war against us. He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns and destroyed the Lives of our people. He is at this time Transport ing Large armies of foreign Mercenaries to Compleat the works of death, desolation and tiranny already began with Circum stances of Crualty and parfidy Scarcely parallelled in the most barbarus Ages, and totaly unworthy the head of a Sivillized nation. He has Constrained our fellow Cittizens, Taken Captive on the high Seas to bare arms Against their Country, to become the Executioners of their friends and bretheren or to fall them selves by their hands. He has Excited domestic Insurection Amongst us, and has Endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitance of our fmntiers, the merciless Indian Salvages, v/hose Known rule of war fair is an undistinguished destruction, of all Ages, Sexeses, and Conditions. In Every Stage of these opres.sions we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms ; our pe titions have been answered only by repeated Injury : A Prince whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people ; nor have we been wanting in attention to our British Brethren. We have wamed them from time to time of atempts by their Legislature to Extend an unwarrantable Jurysdiction over us. We have re- mined them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settle ment here. We have appealed to their Native Justice and Mag nanimity, and we Conjured them by the ties of our Common Kindred to disavow these usurpations which would Inevitably Intempt our Connections and Corispondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must there fore Acqusesce in the Necessity which denounces our Seperation and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in peace friends. We therefore the Representatives of the United States of America in general Congress Assembled Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the Rectitude of our Inten tions do in the name and by the Authority of the good people of these Colonies Solemnly Publish and declare, that these united Colonies are and of right out to be, free and Independent States ; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Brittish Crown, and that all Political Connections between them and the State of greate Brittain is, and ought to be Tottally disolved, and that as free and Independent States they have full power to Levy war. Conclude peace. Contract Alliances, Establish Commerce, 364 TOWN RECORDS OF and to do all other Acts and things, which Independent States may of right do, and for the Support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutu ally Pledge to Each other our Lives, and fortunes and Our Sacred Honor Signed by Order, an in behalf of Congress John Hancock President Attest Charles Thompson Secretary In Council July 17th 1776 Ordered that the declaration of Independence be printed : and Copy Sent to the Ministers of each Parish of every denomina tion within this State ; and they Severally be required to read the Same to their respective Congregations, As Soon as divine Service is ended, in the aftemoon, on the first Lords day after they Shall have received it And After Such publication thereof to Deliver the said decla ration to the Clerks of their Several Towns or Districts ; who are hereby required to Record the Same in their respective town or destricts Books their to remaine as a perpetual Memorial thereof In the name and by order of the Council Richard Derby Junr President A Tme Copy Attest John Avery Dep : Secry Essex ss To Stephen Foster Junr : one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourth with to warne aU the freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the North ward in said town that are Quallified for voting in town meetings, that they assemble & Convean Together at the Meet ing House in said town on Wednsday the Eighteenth day of September Instant at Two of the Clock after noon lly To see how much money the Town will agree to raise to defray the necessary Charges arising within the Same the year Insuing 21y To Chose Jury men for Newbury port Court according to venire Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof faUe not and make returne of this warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time & place above mentioned Dated Topsfield September 9th : 1776 Saml. Smith ^ Thos. Mower (.Selectmen John Peabody | of Topsfield Israel Clarke Junr J TOPSFIELD, MASS. 365 In Persuance of the within warrant I have warned all the free holders and Other Inhabitants in the north ward in Topsfield to Convean Together at the Meeting house in Said town at time and place as within Mentioned Topsfield Septr. 18th : 1776 Stephen Foster Jr. Constable The free holders and Other Inhabitance of the South ward in Said town ware warned by a Like warrant, and Similer return made by Bartholomew Dwinel Constable of Topsfield Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield September 18th : 1776 lly Mr. Stephen Foster was Chosen Moderater Voted 21y The town Agreed to raise the Sum of one Hundred pounds to defray the Charges ariseing in Said town the year Insuing Voted Sly Messrs. John Perkins Junr. and Abraham Hobbs was drawn out of the Box to Serve as Jurors at Newbury port Court 41y The town voted that the Surveyors of highways, Shall give each of the Selectmen three days Credit on their highway Lists for their Service in makeing the Highway rate this present year Voted Sly The tovm allowd to Constable Jacob Kimball 18/5 1/2 0: 18: 5 1/2 it being what Enoch Perkins deed, was rated in his rate List Sly The town aUow'd to Thomas Porter the Sum of £18 : 19 : 7 in full for Boarding the Several persons that Preached the gospel in Topsfield from the 24th of September 1775 to the 15th of September 1776 Essex ss To Stephen Foster Junr. one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required forthwith to wam all the male Inhabitants of the North ward in the Town of Topsfield being free and Twenty one years of age or upward. To Assemble and Convean Together at the Meeting House in sd. Town on Tuesday the eighth day of October Instant at one of the Clock after noon lly For the town to Consider and determin whether they will give there Consent, that the present House of Representatives of this State of Massachusetts Bay together with the Council if they Consent in one body, with the House, Shall Agree on and Anact Such a Constitution and forme of Government for this State, as they Shall Judge will most Conduce to the Safety peace and happiness of this State in all after Successions and genera tions &c as Set fourth in a Resolve of the general Court 366 TOWN RECORDS OF 21y To Chuse a man to Serve as a grand Juror at the Superior Court to be holden at Salem on the first Tuesday of November next And also to Appoint in Manner as the Law directs a man to Serve at said Court as a pettit Juror Sly To See if the town will Chuse a Comtee to Supply the town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel, and to give said Committee Instmctions, Agreeable to a request of Joseph Town and others 41y To see if the town will allow Leiut. Samuel Cummings Such Sum of Money as may Appear that he was Made up in the pay rool for his Service in garding the Coasts and harbour of Glocester in October last, as a Lieut Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Select men of said town at time and place above mentioned Dated October 1st. 1776 Saml. Smith ^ Thos. Mower (Selectmen John Peabody Coi Topsfield Israel Clarke Jr. J In Pursuance of the within warrant I have wamed all in the North ward that are Twenty one years of Age and upwards to Convean Together at the Meeting House in said town at time and place as within Mentioned Stephen Foster Junr. Constable of Topsfield Dated Topsfield October 7th : 1776 The Inhabitants of the South ward in Said town were wamed by a Like Warrant and a SimUer retum made by Barth^ Dwinel Constable of Topsfield A True Copy of the Warrant and retum Test Saml. Smith Town Cler Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield the Sth of October 1776 lly Mr. Stephen Foster was Chosen Moderator Voted 21y The town Chose a Committee to Consider and report to the town what they Should Judge proper for the town to do re specting the townes giveing their Consent that the present House of Representatives and the Council if they See Cause, Should Anact a forme of Constitution and Government for this State of Massachusetts Bay for the future According to a Resolve of said Representatives Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 367 Sly Capt John Bordman Israel Clarke Junr. and Saml. Smith was Chosen a Committee for the aforesaid Service Voted 41y Mr Stephen Foster was a Grand juror to Serve at the Superior Court to be holden at Salem on the fifth day of Novem ber next and Mr. Simon Gould was Drawn out of the Box to Serve on ye Pettit Jury at Said Court Sly It v>ras put to vote to see if the town would Choose a Comtee. to Supply the town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel in on the request as Set forth in the warrant & it past in ye Negative 61y A Motion was made desireing to Know whether the town had a Desire to hear Mr. Joans any further, which was put to vote, and it passed in the Affirmative by a very Large Majority 71y Capt. Thomas Baker and Mr. David Balch Senr. was Drawn out of the Box to Serve as Jurors at the Court of Ad miralty to be holden at Salem on the fifteenth and Eighteenth days of Octr. Inst. Then the town Voted to Adjourn Said meeting to Tuesday the 22nd of October Instant to two of the Clock after noon the Moderator Adjourn'd said Meeting Accordingly Att a Legall Meeting held by Adjournment October 22d 1776 Mr. Stephen Foster Moderator lly The Committee that was Chosen to Consider and report to the town what they should Judge proper for the town to do respecting giveing their Consent that the present House of Rep resentatives and the Councils Anacting a Constitution and forme of government for this State ; Made report to the Town, which was read Sunday was Accepted and Voted that the town Gierke Cause the Same to be drawn into a fair Draft, and forwarded to the Secry. of this State by the first Oppertunity 21y it was put vote to See if the town would desier the whole of the Comtee. Chosen to Supply the town with a Suitable per son to preach the gospel Should Supply said town any Longer, and it passed in the Affirmative Mr. Zaccheus Gould one of said Com.mittee then refused to Serve any Longer Sly Mr. Amos Perkins was Chosen one of said Comtee. in the room of Zaccheus Gould who refused to Serve Voted Then Missrs. David Perkins and Jacob Kimball the other two of said Comtee. Declined Serveing any longer 41y Mr. Solomon Dodge was Chosen as one of said Comtee. to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel Voted Sly Mr. Moses Perkins [was chosen as] one of Said Committee to Supply the town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel Voted 368 TOWN RECORDS OF Essex ss To Stephen Foster Junr. one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required forth with to wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants that are quallified for voteing in town meeting in the North ward in Said town on the Shortest notice to assemble Together at the Meet ing House in Said town on Tuesday the 22 day of October In stant Immediately after the Meeting which is to held on said day by adjournment Over lly For the town to Choose a man or men to Serve as Com mittee of Corispondence Inspection and Safety, with Messrs. Stephen Foster and David Tovsm in the room of Mr. Nath". Dor man Deceas*. Hereof faile not and make retum of this Warrant with your Doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above Mentioned Dated Topsfield October 17th 1776 Saml. Smith ] Selectmen Thos. Mower >- r t, ^ , , John Peabody )°f Topsfield Pursuant to the Within Warrant I have wamed all the free holders and Other Inhabitants in the North Ward in Topsfield to Convean Together at the Meeting House in said town at time and place as within mentioned Topsfield October 22nd : 1776 Stephen Foster Jr. Constable Hear follows the vote the town passed at the town meeting October 22nd 1776 respecting giveing their Consent that the present house of Representatives and the Councils, Anacting a Constitution & forme of Government for this State of Massa chusetts Bay for the future Viz It being a time as we apprehend that the perplexing affairs of this State are Sufficient to take up the whole attention of the general Court, properly to Conduct the Same, and altho' the members of the present House of Representatives are numerus many of them are new, and we are not aquanted with them, and we Cannot but hope that before the next Choice of Repre sentatives the Late act of ToUeration for towns to send to Court Such numbers of persons, which Act we fear was Obtained only to Serve the Interest of perticuUer parties, under a pretence of Equal representation will be Repealed and the Court will retum to or near to the antient rule of Representation in the general Court, and we hope members will be then Chosen, that wiU TOPSFIELD, MASS. 369 Look upon it their duty, not only to Represent particular parties, nor their own town only, but the whole State in general, and then, and not till then, we Shall have an equal representation in the general Court. Therefore we are not willing that the pres ent house of representatives and Council, Should anact, and pass a Constitution and forme of Government for this State of Massachusetts Bay for the future But we are willing that the present house of representatives & ye Council Should Draw Such a Drafte of Constitution and forme of Government as they Shall Judge will most Conduce to the Safety peace and happiness of this State, and also Cause a printed Copy thereof to be Sent into Every town and District in this State for the Inspecting and perusal of the Inhabitants till after the next May Session of the general Court that the Several towns if they See Cause, may then Instruct their Representatives, to Cause the Whole, or Such Part thereof, or with Such Alteration as they may think proper to make, to be anacted and pass into Law for this State Essex ss To Stephen Foster Junr. One of the Constables of the town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourth with to wam all the freeholders and Other inhabitants that are quallified for voting in the north ward in Said town, to Assemble and convean Together at the Meeting House in said town on Tuesday the seventh day of January next at one of the Clock after noon on sd. day lly To see if it be the minds of this town to give Mr Elias Joanes an Invitation to Settle in the work of the ministry in this town Agreeable to a request of Capt John Bordman & Others 21y To see if the town will Agree that this towns proportion of the Charge of the Present war Shall be bourn Equally by a tax on poles and estates of the Inhabitants of this town begin ing on the ninteenth day of April 1775 and to proceed on any further Method in order to Accomplish Said business that the town shall think proper Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield December SOth : 1776 Saml. Smith ) Thos. Mower l Selectmen John Peabody [of Topsfield Israel Clarke Jr. J In Pursuance to the within warrant I have warned all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the North Ward in Tops- 370 TOWN RECORDS OF field to convean together at the Meeting House in said tovsm at time and place as within mentioned Topsfield January 6th 1777 Stephen Foster Jr. Constable The South ward in Said town was wamed by a Like warrant and a Similer retum made by Bartholomew Dwinel Constable of Topsfield Attest Saml. Smith Town Cler Att a Legall town Meeting in Topsfield January 7th 1777 lly Capt Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderator 21y It was put to vote to see if it be the minds of the town to give Mr EUas Joans an invitation to Settle in the work of the Ministry in this town And it passed in the affirmative Voted Sly It was put to vote to see if it be the minds of the town that the Charge of the War Shall be bourn Equally by a tax on poles and estates, begining on the ninteenth day of April 1775 and it passed in the Affairmative 41y The Town then proceeded And made choice of Messrs. Joseph Gould, Joseph Cummings, Thomas Porter, Thomas Cum mings, David Perkins, David Towne, Isaac Averel, Thomas Mower, and Zaccheus Gould, to take an Account of what each person has paid in money toward the Charges of raising men in this town for the present war and for what use /that is/ Sence ye 19th. day of April 1775 And also an Account of what Ser vice each person has done in said War, and at what place [and also to Proportion what each person ought to pay accord ing to his estate toward every hundred pounds expended in said town in raiseing men to Support the war] The above three lines was Entered tho' a Mistake Essex ss To Stephen Foster Junr. One of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required forth with to wam ail the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are Quallified for Voteing in the North ward in Said town to As semble and Convean Together at the Meeting House in said tovsm on Thursday the Thirteenth day of febmary Inst, at one of the Clock after noon lly To see if the Towm will accept of the Report of the Com mittee that was Chosen to take an account what each person in sd. Town has paid in money Toward the Charge of raiseing men in this town for the present war, and also an Account what Service each person has done in Said war Sense the 19th day of April 1775 or for the Town to Act on any other Method in order to Accomplish Said business that the tovsm Shall think best 21y To see if the town wiU agree to give Som further Incour- I Selectmen '^of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 371 agement to Such men as Shall Enlist into the American Service for the Term of three years or dureing the present war Hereof faile not and Make returne of this Warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen of Said town at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield Febmary 10th 1777 Saml Smith Stephen Perkins Thos Mower John Peabody Israel Clarke Jur.^ Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield February lSth„- 1777 lly Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderater Voted 21y The Committee Chosen to Take an Account what each person in said town has paid in Money Towards the Charge of raiseing men in this town for the present warr &c made report which was read and being put to vote was not accepted Sly The Town voted to give to each man that Shall Enlist as a volintier or to Serve in the American Army for the terme of three years or dureing the war, the sum of Eight pounds as a further Incouragement more then what the Congress, and Court has given as a County, and it passed in the Affirmative 41y On a motion made the above report was recommitted for amendment and Samuel Smith, Israel Clarke Junr. Eliezer Lake, Solomon Dodge, and Deacon John Gould was Added to Said Committee Voted Then the Town voted to Adjourn Said meeting to thursday the 20th day of february Instant, to one of the Clock after noon then to meet at the meeting House. The Moderater adjourn'd Said Meeting accordingly Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from febmary the 13th. 1777 To february the 20th 1777 The town being meat Capt Stephen Perkins Moderater lly the report of the above Committee being read Againe with the amendment and being put to vote was accepted Then the Town voted further to Adjourn Said meeting to the day that Shall hereafter be Appointed for the Choice of Town Officers in March next then to Meet at the meeting House The moderater adjoumd Said Meeting Accordingly Att a Legall Town in Topsfield held by adjournment from febmary ISth 1777 to March 18th. 1777 Capt. Stephen Perkins moderator 372 TOWN RECORDS OF lly A motion was made to see if the town would reconsider their vote passed at the Adjournment of this meeting on the 20th of febmary last, for the acceptance of the report of the Comtee. before mentioned, and being put to vote it passed in the Affirm ative and was reconsidered Then the Town voted to Adjourn Said Meeting to the 2Sth of March Inst, to 12 of ye Clock on Said day then to meet at ye Meeting House the moderator Adjourned sd meeting accord ingly Att a Legal Tovsm meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from febmary ISth : 1777 to March 2Sth 1777 Capt. Stephen Perkins Moderator lly On a Motion made. It was put to vote to see if the town would reconsider their vote passed at this meeting on the Ad journment the 13th of febry. Last and Accept of said report, And it passed in the affirmative 21y It was put to vote to see if the Town would reconsider their vote passed the 13th of febmary last, to give to each man that Shall Inlist into the American Service for the Term of three years or during the war as an Incouragement the Sum of Eight pounds And it passed in the affirmative and was reconsidered Sly The Town voted to give to each man that Shall Inlist into the Continantal Army to Serve as Soldiers in the defence of America for the term of three years or during the war, the Sum of Eighteen pounds in Addition to what the Congress and Court has given as a bounty to Such as Shall Enlist Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 18th : 1777 wamed by Stephen Foster Junr. Constable lly Solomon Dodge was Chosen to Serve on the grand Jury the year Insuing 21y Joshua Towne and Enos Knight was dravsm out of the Box to Serve on ye pettit Jury at the next Inferier Court to be holden at Ipswich on ye 25 of March 1777 Essex ss. To Bartholomew Dwinel one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourth with to wam all the free holders and Other Inhabitents that are qualified for voteing in Town Meeting in the South ward in Said town to Assemble and Convean Together at the Meeting house in said town on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of March Instant at nine of the Clock in the Morning lly To Chouse Selectmen Constables a Tovsm Gierke, and all other tovsm officers for the year Insuing as the Law directs TOPSFIELD, MASS. 373 21y To Chouse a Committee of Corispondence Inspection and Safety for the year Insuing Sly To Chouse a Suitable person to take Recognizence of Debts and to make Records of the Same and to proceed in said business as the Law directs &c for the year Insuing 41y To see if the Town will Choose a Committee to Supply the Town with a Schoolmaster Sly To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens Reacon- ing with the Town Treasurer Sly To see how much money the town will Agree to raise to defray the Charge of Mending the Highways and Other Neces sary Charges in said town the year Insuing 71y To See how much money the Town will Agree to Appro priate to be paid in Labour at mending the Highways this year or to be paid in money as usual Sly To see if the Town will Agree to Let Swine go at Large the Year Insuing Provided they are Yoked and ringed as the Law directs 91y To see if the Town will Choose a man or men to Let out the Personage to such person as will give the most for it, for the towns use the year Insuing lOly To see if the town will Choose a Comtee. to Take Care that the fishways are kept open throu" the Mill dams in said Town as the Law Directs the Year Insuing Illy To See if the Town will agree to the Same rules and Methods relateing to the Catching Alewives in Said Brooks, that they Agreed upon the Last year 121y To Allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrant with your doing to one or more of the Select men at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield March 7th 1777 Stephen Perkins Sfjn^el Smith (selectmen Thomas Mower V^ Topsfield John Peabody Israel Clarke Junr.^ Pursuant to the within Warrant I have wamed all the free holders and Other Inhabitence that are quallified for voting in the South ward to Appear at time and place within Mentioned Topsfield March 7th 1777 Bartholomew Dwinel Constable The Inhabitance Quallified for Voteing in the North ward 374 TOWN RECORDS OF ware Notified by a Like Warrant and a Similler retum made by Stephen Foster Junr. Constable of Topsfield Attest Saml Smith Town Clarke Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield March 18th : 1777 lly Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderator Voted 21y Capt Stephen Perkins Thomas Mower John Peabody Israel Clarke Jr. Saml. Smith was Chosen Selectmen Sly Samuel Smith was Chosen Town Clarke Voted 41y Jacob Peabody & David Balch Junr was Chosen Constables for the year Insuing Voted Sly Jeremiah Averel was Chosen Town Treasurer Voted Sly Nathaniel Low & Nathan Hood was Chosen Wardens Voted 71y Capt. Thomas Baker Isaac Averel & Thomas Cummings was Chosen Tj^hing men Voted Sly Moses Wilds John Gould Jr. Daniel Bixby & Joseph Cum mings Jr. was Chosen Surveyors of highways Voted 91y Joseph Andrews Capt John Bordman & Nathan Wildes was Chosen fence Viewers Voted lOly David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Leather Voted Illy John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer rief Voted 121y Amos Wilds Nathan Wildes & Thomas Emerson was Chosen Hogg rieves and Swom ISly Jacob Averel Junr. was Chosen Surveyor of Clabbords & Shingles ' 141y Capt. John Bordman Capt. Thomas Baker was Chosen Oversears of the poor ISly Paletiah Cummings Isaac Averel & David Towne Junr. was Chosen a Comtee to Supply ye to-wm with a Schoolmaster ISly Capt. John Baker was Chosen Clerk of the market 171y Saml. Smith was Chosen to take Recognizence of debts &c as ye law Directs ISly the Town Accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with ye town Treasurer their being then in sd Treasurers hands not ordered out £198 Ss Id 2 191y The Town Agreed to raise one hundred pounds to defray the Charge of Mending highways and Other Necessary Charges in Said town Voted 201y The Town Agreed to Appropriate the Sum of Forty pounds of the sd hundred to be paid in Labour at mending the highways Voted 211y The Town Agreed to let Swine go at Large ye year In- suing Provided they are Yoked and ringed as the law directs TOPSFIELD, MASS. 375 221y Messrs. Solomon Dodge Jacob Kimball & Simon Gould ware Chosen a Committee to Let out the Personage ye Year In- suing for the most it will fetch for the towns use 23 John Perkins Junr. Stephen Foster Junr. & Capt. John Bordman ware Choosen a Comtee to Take Care that the fish- ways thro' the mill dams are kept open this year as the Law directs 24 The Town Agreed to ye Same rules and Method respect ing the Catching of fish in the said Brooks as they Agreed to the Last year Then the town voted to Adjourn said meeting to Tuesday the 25th of March Instant to two of the Clock after noon, then the Moderator Adjourned said Meeting accordingly Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment from March the 18th. Instent to March 25th Instent the Town being meet Capt. Stephen Perkins Moderator lly Joseph Cummings Jr. was Choosen Constable in the room Jacob Peabody who refused to serve & paid his fine Voted 21y The town Choose Messrs. Solomon Dodge Isaac Averel, Majr. Joseph Gould, David Perkins and Thomas Cummings a Committee of Corispondence Inspecting and Safety for the year Insuing Voted Then town voted to Adjourn Said Meeting to Tuesday ye first day of Aprill 1777 to 2 of the Clock after noon then to meet at the meeting House the moderator adjourned said Meeting ac cordingly Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from March the 18th 1777 to April ye first 1777 the town being meat together Capt. Stephen Perkins moderator lly Messrs. Nehemiah Herrick Daniel Bixby & Zaccheus Gould ware Chosen Selectmen in the room of Capt. Stephen Perkins, Thomas Mower & Samuel Smith who declined the Service 21y Voted that the Selectmen shall be Assessors the year In- suing Sly Jacob Towne was Choosen Constable in the room of Mr. Joseph Cummings who Excused himself from said Service Voted 41y Mr. Simon Gould was Chosen Warden in the room of Nathan Hood who at his desire the tov/n Excused from Said Service Voted Sly The town allowed to Thomas Cummings one of ye Sur veyors of highways the Sum of five Shillings and one penny it being for 38 feetof Plank 5/1 376 TOWN RECORDS OF Sly The Town aUowed to Jacob Kimball the Sum of fourteen Shillings and nine pence it being an Abatement of Thomas Woods rates in his list 0 : 14 : 9 David Balch Jr Nath" Low, Isaac Averel, Moses Wildes John Gould Jr Daniel Bixby Joseph Cummings Jr, Joseph Andrews, Capt John Bordman, Nathan Wildes, David Perkins, John Brad street, Amos Wildes, Nathan Wildes, Thos Emerson, Jacob Averel Jr. Capt. Thos. Baker, Jacob Towne, and Simon Gould ware all Swom to the faithfull discharge of their Severall offices by the Town Gierke To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Tops- field Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the Inhabitants in the North ward quallified for voteing in Town meetings to Convean and meat Together at the Meeting house on Monday the Twenty first day of April instant at one of the Clock after noon Agreeable to a request of Capt Nath'. Averel and Others lly To see what way ye town will Agree to raise the money that was Voted as a bounty to Such men as Shall Enlist for three years or dureing the war or to Act upon any other Method that the town Shall think proper, and also to see what the town will do in respect to the report of the Committee for the time Back, whether they will raise the mony or give Credit 21y To see if the town will make Choice of David Perkins and others according to resolve of Congress to Serve as a Comtee. of Corispondence Inspection & Safety with others already Chosen Sly To see if the "Town will Chose any town officers that have refused or may refuse Hereof faile not, and make return of your doings at time and place to One or More of the Selectmen Topsfield April 15th : 1777 Zaccheus Gould^ John Peabody (Selectmen Israel Clarke jr (^of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J In Obediance to the within Warrant I have wamed the In habitants of the North ward quallified for voting to appear at the Meeting House on the Said day according to warrant Topsfield April 16 : 1777 Jacob Towne Constable The Inhibitance of the South ward in sd town was wamed by a like warrant and a Similer returne thereof made by David Balch Jr Constable Attest Saml Smith Tovm Gierke TOPSFIELD, MASS. 377 Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield April 21st : 1777 lly Capt. Stephen Perkins was Choose moderator Voted 21y David Towne Junr was Chosen to Serve as one of a Com mittee of Corispondence Inspection and Safety in the room of Thomas Cummings who refused to Serve Essex ss. To Jacob Town one of the Constables of the town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabitance of the Town of Topsfield that are quallified for voting in the North ward in Said town. To Convean and meet Together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Nineteenth day of May Instent at three of the Clock after noon lly To see if the Town will Chouse a man or men to Repre sent them in the greate and general Court or Assembly Appointed to be held & Kept for the government Service at the State House in Boston in the County of Suffolk on Wednsday the twenty Eighth day of May Instant According to preceipt 21y To see if the Town will Agree to Stand by the Regulating act made by this State to prevent monopoly and opression, and also wheather the town would have those persons appointed by the Act to Affix the prise of things not Ennumerated in Said Act, or do any thing About it, or not Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not, and make Return to one or more of the Se lectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield May 9th 1777 Zaccheus Gould "^ John Peabody 1 Selectmen Nehemiah Herrick Vf^^^j^ Israel Clarke Jun ^ Daniel Bixby J In obediance to the within warrant I have warned the Inhabi tants of the north ward according to warrant Dated Topsfield May ye 19th 1777 Jacob Towne Constable The Inhabitants of the South ward in said town was warned by a Like warrant, and a Similar Returne made by David Balch Junr Constable Attest Saml. Smith Town Gierke Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield May 19th : 1777 lly Capt Samuel Smith was Chosen to Represent Said Town at the greate and General Court the Year Insuing 378 TOWN RECORDS OF There being other business to be done at the above meeting 21y Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderator Voted Sly The town not being favored with the Additional [Act] re lateing to Monopoly and Opression in this State, the Town Agreed to pass over ye Second Article in the warrant for the present and untill they Shall be favoured with it Voted 41y The town took under Consideration that part of the Re solve of ye General Court recommended to ye Several towns in this State to Instruct their representatives in one body with ye Council to forme a Constitution of government for this State of Massachusetts Bay and after Som debate it was put to vote to see if the town would Instruct their Representative for ye pur pose aforsaid and it passed in the Negative, and that for the following reasons viz/ this Apprehends that it is not of absolute Necessity to forme a Constitution of government this present year, as it is highly Probable that ye Court will have much business to do this year that will be of absolute necessity for ye defence and Support of this State, and the ancient Laws and usages of this State are in full force and practise, and as there is So many Valuable men that are and will be in the army and Cannot meturely deliberate on Such a momentus affair, this town apprehends that it is not best to forme a Constitution of Govern ment for this State for the future this present year Sly the town Allowed to Thomas Perkins Junr. Surveyor of highways the Sum of Twenty two Shillings it being for one hundred feet of white oake plank to mend ye River Bridge Voted £1:2:0 and also the Sum of Six ShilUngs for a Plowshare that was Broke at mending highways Voted f 0 : 6 : 0 Essex : ss : To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the freeholders and Other Inhabitance in the North ward in said town that are quallified for voteing in town as the Law directs To Convean and Meet Together at the Meeting House in said town on Monday the Seventh day of July next at three of the Clock after noon lly To see if the Town will Bring in their votes for a County Register of Deeds 21y To allow BUls of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned TOPSFIELD, MASS. 379 Dated Topsfield June SOth 1777 Zaccheus Gould^ John Peabody (Selectmen Israel Clarke Jr [of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J a proper return was made by Jacob Towne Constable of his warning ye Inhabitants of ye North ward, & also by David Balch Constable, warning ye South ward by a Similer warrant Saml Smith T : Clerk Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield July the 7th 1777 lly Mr Solomon Dodge was Chosen Moderater Voted 21y the Town gave in their votes for a County Register Sly Voted that this meeting be dissolved Essex: ss: To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to wam all the freeholders and other Inhabitants Quallified by Law for voting in Town Meetings in the north ward to Convean and meet Together at the Meeting House in said town on the twenty fourth day of July Instant at three of ye Clock after noon lly To See if the town will Erect a House for a pest House in Som proper place in said Town, or to Act upon any Method the Town Shall think proper 21y To see if the town wiU agreeable to the request of Thomas Perkins Junr. and others. Give the present Comtee. for Supply ing the town with a Gospel minister Instmctions or Chuse an other Comtee. and give them Instmctions Hereof faile not and make retum of this warrant with your doings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above Mentioned Dated Topsfield July 15th : 1777 Zachs Gould Nehemiah Herrick John Peabody Israel Clarke Jr. Daniel Bixby .Selectmen of Topsfield The Inhabitance of the South ward in said town was wamed by a like Warrant and a SimUer return was Made by David Balch Junr a Constable of said town Attest Saml. Smith Town Cler 380 TOWN RECORDS OF Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield July 24th : 1777 lly Mr. Stephen Foster was Chosen moderater Voted 21y it was put to vote to see if the town would Erect a pest House in Som Proper place in said town, and it passed in the negative Then the town voted that said meeting Should be Dissolved which was done by the Moderater accordingly On the 29 of June 1777 Capt Nehemiah Herrick, & Mr Zac cheus Gould was Swom to the faithfull discharg of the Office of Haywards and fence Viewers of the Stickey meadow Common fields so Calld. Lying part in Topsfield, part in Boxford & part in Middleton, by the Towne Clerk of Topsfield Test Saml Smith Town Cler Essex ss To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Tovsm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are Qualli fied by law for voteing in Town meetings to Convean and meet Together att the Meeting in said Town on Thursday the fourth day of September next at three a Clock in the after noon lly To see if the town will agree by their vote to Concur with the vote of the Church in this Town in giveing Mr Samuel White- man an Invitation to Settle in the work of the Gospel Ministry amongst us in this town or act upon any matter or thing that the town shall think proper in respect to Settleing a gospel minister Hereof fail not and make retum of this warrant with your do ings to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place mentioned Dated Topsfield August 19th : 1777 Zaccheus Gould^ John Peabody 1 Israel Clark Jr ( Daniel Bixby J Pursuant to this warrant I have wamed the Inhabitants of the within ward to Appear at the meeting house on said day by post ing it on the Meeting house on the fast day Topsfield September Sth : 1777 Jacob Towne Constable The Inhabitants of the South ward was wamed by a Like warrant and a Similer retum made by David Balch Junr. Con stable Attest Saml Smith Town Clark Att a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield September 4th : 1777 lly Capt. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Moderater Voted TOPSFIELD, MASS. 381 21y It was put to vote to See if the town would Concur with the Church in giveing Mr Samuel Whitman an Invitation to Settle in the work of the gospel Ministry among us in this Town And it Passed in the Negative Essex ss : To Jacob Towne, one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby required fourthwith to warne all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants that are qualli fied by Law for voting in Town meetings to Convean and meet Together at the meeting House in said town on Thursday the Twenty fifth day of September Instant at three o'clock after noon lly To see if how much money the town will raise to defray the necessary Charge ariseing in Said town for the present year 21y To see if the Town will Chouse a new Committee to Sup ply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the gospel, or to act upon any thing the Town shall think proper respecting Supply ing the desk Sly To see if the town will accept of the Alteration in the Jury Boxes or act any thing the town shall think proper 41y To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make return of your doings and this War rant to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield September 16th : 1777 Zaccheus Gould John Peabody Nehemiah Herrick Israel Clarke Jr Daniel Bixby ^ In Obedience to the within written warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the North ward according to Warrant Dated Topsfield Septr 25th : 1777 Jacob Towne Constable The Inhabitants of the South ward was warned by a like war rant and a Similler retum being made by David Balch Jr. one of the Constables of Topsfield Attest Saml Smith Town Cler Att a Legall Town meeting in Topsfield September 25th : 1777 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen moderater Voted 21y Israel Clarke Junr was Chosen and Sworn Clerk of said Meeting Voted Sly It was put to vote to see if the town would Adjourn said .Selectmen^of Topsfield 382 TOWN RECORDS OF Meeting to monday next at three of the Clock after noon, and it passed in the affairmative the moderater Adjourned said Meeting a Cordingly Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from September 25th : 1777 to September 29th 1777 then meat Deacon John Gould moderater lly It was put to vote to see if the town would agree to Raise the Sum of Two Hundred pounds to defray the Nessessary Charge arising within the Same the Year Insuing and it passed in the affirmative Voted 21y it was put to vote to see if the Town would Choose a new Comtee. to Supply the town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel, and it passed in the Negative Sly The town Choose Samuel Smith and Majr Joseph Gould to Serve on Said Comtee in the room of Messrs. Solomon Dodge and Amos Perkins who refused to Serve on said Comtee. any Longer 41y The Town accepted of the alteration by a new model made by the Selectmen of Jurors in this town 26 being put into the Superiour Box, and 70 into the Inferior Box Sly The Town Allowed to Thomas Porter for Boarding Sun dry person that have preached the gospel in the Town from September 15th 1776 to September 15th 1777 and for Keeping their Horses £23 : 2 : 0 Essex ss : To Jacob Town one of the Constables of the Tovm of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of sd tovsm that are quallified for voting in South ward in said Tovm, to Con vean and meat Together at the Meeting House in said tovsm on Monday the Twenty fourth day of November Instant at one of the Clock in the after noon lly To see what the Town will do with arms and Other war- Uke Stores which was ordered by this State for this town which the Selectmen have now in their hands 21y To see if the Town would have Deacon Gould deliver out any of the molasses to the poor of Other towns Resident in this town which was given to the poor of this tovsm by Capt John Derby Sly To Chuse by Ballot Som person who is firmly atteached to the Amarican Cause, according to an Act of the General Court 41y for the Town to bring their Bills of their rateable estate according to the Tax BiU, or act upon any method the Town shall think proper respecting said Bills TOPSFIELD, MASS. 383 Hereof fail not and make return of this war'nt with your do ings to One or more of the Selectmen at time and place above ment°*. Israel Clarke Jr ) o i <. Nehe-^ Herrick Pf^'^*"'^ , , DanielBixby [of Topsfield In obediance to this warrant I have wamed the Inhabitants of the north ward to Appear at time and place within mentioned Topsfield November 21th : 1777 Jacob Towne Constable of Topsfield The Inhabitants of the South ward was warned by a like War rant & a Similler retum made by David Balch Junr Constable of Topsfield Attest Saml. Smith Town Cler Att a legaU Tovsm meeting in Topsfield November 24th : 1777 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen Moderater 21y It was put to vote to see if the town would adjourn said meeting to Monday the first day of December to one of ye Clock after noon and it passed in the affirmative, the moderater Ad journed said Meeting to time and place accordingly Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment from November 24th : 1777 to December ye 1th : 1777 then meat the Town Clerk being absent deacon Gould moderater lly Israel Clarke Junr. was Chosen and Swom Gierke of said Meeting It was then agreed to adjourn said meeting to the Eighth day of December Instent, the moderater adjourned said meeting to time & place accordingly Att a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from Decem" the 1th : 1777 to December Sth : 1777 then meat Deacon John Gould Moderater lly It was put vote to see if the Town would Sell the guns and gun Locks that are now in the hands of the Selectmen to Such person or persons that ShaU want them in this town for their owne use and it passed in the affairmative 21y the Town voted that Capt. Nehemiah Herrick and Messrs. Daniel Bixby, and David Balch Junr. be a Comtee. to Sell the above guns and gun Locks to Such persons that belongs to this Town as they Shall Judge most for the Towns Advantage the town also voted that Said Committee Shall Sell Eighty pound of the Lead that is also in ye Selectmens hands Said Comtee to be accountable to the town for what they Sell Sly the town voted that the remainder of the Lead and the 384 TOWN RECORDS OF flints that are also in the Selectmens hands shaU be put into the town Stock 41y The Town voted that the Assessors Should go to each persons house in Said town And Take a valuation of each per sons estate in order to Tax the Inhabitants this present year Essex ss : To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required fourthwith to warne all the freeholders and Other Inhabitance in ye North ward Quallffied by Law for voting in Town meetings, to Con vean and meat at the Meeting House in said Town on Monday the thirteenth of January Instant at one of the Clock after noon lly To see if the Town will Instruct there Representative Respecting the T^licles of Confederation and perpetual union of the united States of America 21y To see if the town will raise their proportion of the Pub lick debt or any part of it as the town shall think fit, agreeable to an Act of the general Court of this State or act upon any method the town Shall think proper respecting raiseing said money Sly To allow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not, and make retum of this Warrant, with your do ings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place Dated Topsfield Jnuary ye 7th : 1778 Zaccheus Gould ^ John Peabody (Selectmen Israel Clarke Junr (of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J The Inhabitants of the South ward in Said town was wamed by a Like warrant, and a Similler retum being made thereof, by David Balch Junr. one of the Constables of Said Topsfield. Attest Saml Smith T. Cler Att a Legall Town Meeting in Topsfield January 19th 1778 lly Capt. Stephn Perkins was Chosen Moderator Voted 21y After reading the Several Articles of Confederation of the united States of America It was put to vote to see if the town would Instruct their Representative to Act in General Court on the Several articles of Corrfederation as he Shall think best and it passed in the affirmative Sly It was put to vote to see if they would agree to raise their proportion of the Publick debt or any part thereof, and it passed in the Negative TOPSFIELD, MASS. 385 Essex ss To David Balch Junr one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and people of the State of the Massa chusetts Bay Fourth with to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the South Ward in Said Town Qualified by Law for Voting in Town Meeting to Convene and meet together at the meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the third Day of March next at nine Clock in the morning lly To Chouse Selectmen Constables Town Gierke and all Other Town officers as the Law Directs 21y To See if the Town will Choose a Committee of Cores- pondance Inspection and Safty Sly To Chouse a Suitable person to take Recognizence of debts and make Record of the Same, and proseed in said business as the Law Directs 41y To See if the Town will Chouse a Committee to Supply the Town with a grammar School master as the Law Directs Sly To See if the Town will accept with the Selectmens Rec koning with the Town Treasurer 61y To See how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the Charges of mending the Highways and Other Neces sary Charges arising in Said Town the year Insuing 71y To See how much money the Town will agree to appro priate to be paid in Labour in mending the Highways, or to act upon any method the Town Shall think proper respecting the Highways Sly To See if the Town will agree to Let Swine go at large the year insuing provided they are yoaked and ringed as the Law directs 91y To See if the Town will Chouse a man or men to let the personage to Such person as will give most for it, for the Towns use the year Insuing lOly To See if the Town will Chouse a Committee to take Care that the fish ways are keept open threw the mill dams in Said Town as the Law Directs the year Insuing Illy To See if the Town will agree to the Same mles and methods relating to the Catching alewives in Said brooks, in Said Town that they agreed to last year 121y To allow bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrent to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place before mentioned and of your Doings thereon. .Selectmen of Topsfield 386 TOWN RECORDS OF Dated Topsfield Febmary 25th 1778 Zaccheus Gould Israel Clarke Jur John Peabody Daniel Bixby Pursuent to the vsathin Warrant I have warned all the Free holders and Other Inhabitants in the South ward Qualified for voting to appeair at time and place within mentioned. Topsfield Febmary 26th. Day 1778 David Balch Junr Constable of Topsfield The Inhabitants Quallified for voting in the North ward ware Notified by a Like warrent and a Similer return made by Jacob Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield March 3d. 1778 1. Deacon John Gould was Chosen moderater Voted 2. Stephen Perkins was Chosen Town Clerk, & Swom the same Day by ye Selectmen 3. Major Joseph Gould Messrs. Joseph Cummings Thomas Porter Jacob Kimball Isaac Averell were Chosen Selectmen 4. Messrs. John Lamson John Rea was Chosen Constables & paid their fines 5. Ephraim Town was Chosen Constable in the room of John Rea who paid his fine 6. Mr. Jeremiah Averell was Chosen Town Treasurer The Town voted to adjourn Said meeting to Monday the Ninth Day of March Instent at one of the Clock after noon then to meet at the Meeting house, the moderater adjoum*. Said meet ing accordingly At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by Adjournment from March Sd Instent, to March 9th. Instent, the Town being met Decn. Jno. Gould moderator 1 Messrs. Zaccheus Gould Daniel Bixby was Chosen Selectmen in the room of Messrs. Thomas Porter & Jacob Kimball who refused to serve 2 Nathaniel Woodman John Batcheller was Chosen Wardens Voted 3 Jacob Kimball Eliezer Lake Samuel Perkins was Chosen Tj^hingmen Voted 4 Amos Perkins Amos Wildes EUezer Lake John Balch was Chosen Surveyors of High-ways Voted 5 Thomas Porter Daniel Clarke Capt. John Baker was Chosen Fence vewers TOPSFIELD, MASS. 387 6 David Perkins was Chosen Sealer of Lether 7 John Bradstreet was Chosen Deer rief 8 John Peabody Jacob Averell Junr Jacob Peabody was Chosen Hog rives 9 Daniel Hood was Chosen Surveyor of Claboards and Shingle 10 Abraham Hobbs Jacob Kimball was Chosen Over Seers of the poor 11 Thomas Cummings Thomas Porter Thomas Mower was Chosen a Committee to Supply the Town with a Schoolmaster 12 Oliver Perkins was Chosen Constable in the room of John Lamson who paid his fine 13 Daniel Clarke was Chosen Clarke of the market 14 David Tovsme Junr Thomas Cummings Robert Perkins David Perkins Eliezer Lake was Chosen a Committee of Cores- pondence inspection and Safty 15 Samuel Smith Esqr. was Chosen to take Recognizence of Debts &c as the Law Directs 16 The Town accepted of the Selectmens Reckoning with the Town Treasurer and there then was in Said Treasurers hands not ordered out 17 The Town voted to Raise two Hundred pounds to Defray the Charge of mending the High-ways and Other necessary Charges in Said Town 18 The Town voted to appropriate one Hundred and Twenty pounds of the above said two hundred pounds to be paid in La bour at mending the High-ways this present year 19 The Town voted to alow to Each man with Suitable me terials Six Shillings per. Day for Labour at mending the High ways, and Six Shillings pr. Day for one pair of oxen and Cart 20 The Tovsm voted that Swine may go at large the year in- suing provided they are yoked and Ringed as the Law Directs 21 Simon Gould Thomas Porter Solomon Dodge was Chosen a Committee to Let out the personage the year insuing for the Towns use 22 Capt. John Bordman Stephen Foster Junr. John Batcheller was Chosen a Committee to take Care that the fish ways thro' the mill Dams are kept open for the fish to pass this year as the Law Directs 23 The Town voted that the Same Rules & methods Should be Observed. Respecting the Catching of fish in the Brooks in Said Town as was agreed to in the year 1776 24 The Town voted that the Selectmen Shall be Assessors the year Insuing 388 TOWN RECORDS OF 25 The town allowed to Peletiah Cummings, Isaac Averell & David Town Junr. School Committee Fifty three pounds two ShiUings & Eight pence to pay Messrs. Isaac Bradish & Nathl. Dodge for keeping School and pay for their Board, and fire wood for the School 26 The Town allowd. to Amos Wildes a former Constable 0 5 5 as an abatement of Simon Bradstreets tax in his List. The Town alowd. to Joseph Cummings Surveyor for three quarters of a hundred of white pine Plank 2 1/2 inch thick 0 15 0 and for a Stick of timber for a Bridge 0 10 0 27 The Town allowd. to Moses Wildes Surveyor for a Stick of Timber for a String peace for the river Bridge 0 5 4 28 The Town alowd. to the Selectmen for going about to take the Bills of Estates in order to make the assessment for 1777 as followeth viz To Zaccheus Gould 14 0 to John Peabody 1 16 0 to Capt. Nehemiah Herrick 0 12 0 to Daniel Bixby 1 16 0 to Israel Clarke 1 16 0 7 4 0 The town alowed. to Daniel Bixby for paper used in the towns Service 0 7 0 the Town alowd. to Israel Clarke for paper used in the towns Service 0 19 6 Majr. Joseph Gould, Joseph Cummings, Isaac Averell, Zaccheus Gould, & Daniel Bixby Sworn to the faithful Discharge of ye office of assessors Jeremiah Averell, Nathaniel Woodman, John Batcheller, Jacob Kimball, Eliezer Lake, Samuel Perkins, Amos Perkins, Amos Wildes, John Balch, Thomas Porter, Danl. Clarke, Capt. John Baker, John Bradstreet, John Peabody, Jacob Pea body, Daniel Hood, Ephraim Towne, David Perkins, Ephraim Dorman, John Balch At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield March 26th. 1778 Assembled by David Balch Junr. Constable of Said Town John Rea was Chosen to Serve on the grand Jury the year insuing and Samuel Perkins & Isaac Hobbs was drawn out of the Box to Serve on the pettit jury at the next Inferiour Court to be holden at Ipswich this Instent march Essex ss To Jacob Towne one of the Constables of the Tovm of Topsfield Greeting You are Required in the Name of the TOPSFIELD, MASS. 389 Goverment and People of the State of Massachusetts Bay Fourthwith to wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the North Ward in Said Town Qualified by law to vote in Town meeting to Convene and meet together at the Meeting House in Said Tovra on Thursday the Twenty Sixth Day of March Instent at three of the Clock after noon lly To Choose a man to Serve as a Constable for the North ward in sd town in the room of Mr. Oliver Perkins 21y For the Town to act upon any method they shaU think proper respecting a Constable in Said Ward Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated in Topsfield March 17th: 1778 Zaccheus Gould Joseph Cummings Jur Joseph Gould yT^"''T^A Isaac Averell fof Topsfield Daniel Bixby J Selectmen In Obedence to this Warrent I have wamed the Inhabitants of the North ward to appeair at the Meeting House according to Warrent Topsfield March the 20 A D 1778 Jacob Towne Constable of Topsfield The Inhabitants Quallified for voting in the South ward ware notified by a Like Warrent and a Similer retum made by David Balch Junr. Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of the Towne of Topsfield the 26th. Day of March 1778 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen moderator of said meeting 21y Ephraim Wildes was Chosen Constable in the room of Oliver Perkins who paid his fine Sly The Town Voted to Adjoum this meeting to Thursday the Second Day of April next at three of the Clock after noon then to meet at the Meeting House the moderator adjoumd. said Meeting accordingly At a Legal Tovsm Meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment from March 26th. 1778 to April 2d. 1778 the Town being met Deacon John Gould Moderator Ephraim Dorman was Chosen Constable in the room of Ephraim Wildes who paid his fine 390 TOWN RECORDS OF The Town voted to adjoum this meeting to Wednsday the Eighth Day of April Instent to four O' the Clock after noon then to meet at the Meeting House the moderator Adjourned said meeting accordingly At a Legal Town meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment from April Second Day of April 1778 to April Eighth 1778 the town being met Deacon John Gould moderator The Town Voted that this [meeting] be Desolved the mod erator Desolved the meeting accordingly We the Subscribers met this 16th. Day of April A D 1778 & Perambulated the Line and renewed the bounds between the Towns of Topsfield and Danvers in the following manner /Viz/ Begining at a Stake and Stones near Wenham Causey the North erly Bounds betwen Wenham and Danvers, thence Running westerly Eight pole to a Elm tree marked D D & T, thence running Norwesterly about twenty two pole to a Stake and Stones by the edge of a Swamp near Theophelus Fisks Barn, thence running westerly to a black oak Stump with Stones about it in an orchard belonging to John Rea from thence to a heep of Stones at the bend of a wall where a run or Slow Emtes it Self out of John Reas Land into the land of Elias Endicot, thence to a heep of Stones on Land Belonging to the Heirs of Timothy Lyndall Esq Decesd: near Nicholss Brook, thence on the Same Course to Said Brook near the remains of an old Saw mill Commonly Calld. Porters Saw mill T , n i ^ Committee Zaccheus Gould ) Selectmen ptSehasTtnam UpP°i"t^'i by Isaac AvereU [ of Ftiinetias Futnam >- j^ Selectmen Daniel Bixby ) Topsfield Tarrant Putnam J ^f Danvers Essex ss To Ephraim Towne Constable of the Town of Tops- field Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and People of the State of Massachusetts Bay fourth vsrith to wam all the freeholders and Other Inhabitants in Said Town from Twenty one years old and upwards to Conveen and meet together at the Meeting-House in Said Town on Tuesday the Twenty eighth Day of April Instent at four O' Clock after noon lly For the Towns approbation or Disapprobation respecting a Constitution and form of Goverment for the State of Massa chusetts Bay 21y For the Town to act upon any method they shall think proper respecting said form of Goverment TOPSFIELD, MASS. 391 Sly For the Town to give the Committee instructions respect ing their Supplying the pulpit Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrent with your doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield April 20th. 1778 Zaccheus Gould "I Joseph Cummings Selectmen Joseph Gould V f^'^ I i^ Isaac AvereU [^of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J In Obedence to the within written Warrent I have wamed the Inhabitants of the Town by posting this warrent on the Meeting- House on fast Day April 22d. 1778 Topsfield April 28th. 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Topsfield the Twenty Eighth Day of April A D 1778 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen moderator 21y The Town Voted that the Committee Chosen to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel be in structed to Employ Mr Asa Burton Sly The Town Voted to adjoum this meeting to Tuesday the 19th Day of May next to one of the Clock after noon At a Legal Town Meeting in Topsfield held by adjournment from April 28 1778 to May 19th. 1778 the Town being met Deacon John Gould moderator The Town taking into Consideration a Constitution and form of Goverment for the State of Massachusetts Bay, agreed upon by the Convention of Said State, Febmary 2Sth: 1778, to be laid before the Several Towns and plantations in Said State for their approbation or Disapprobation The question being put Whether the Town approve of said Constitution and form of Goverment, it appeared by a Division that their was, four, for said Constitution and form of Gover ment and Thirty three against it Essex To Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of Tops- field Greeting In the Name of the Goverment and People of the State of Massachusetts Bay, You are required fourth with to Wam all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the North Ward in Said Town that are qualified by Law for Voting in 392 TOWN RECORDS OF Town meetings, to Conveen and meet at the Meeting-House in said Town on Tuesday the Ninteenth Day of May instent at two o Clock in the aftemoon lly To Choose a man or men to Represent the Town at the Great and General Court the Ensuing year according to precept 21y To See if the Town will raise a Sum of money to Defray the Charges of a number of articles of Cloathing Lately pro cured for the Contenental Soldiers, or act upon any other meathod the Town shall think proper respecting raising Said money Sly To alow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent and your Do ing thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield May Sth. 1778 Zaccheus Gould Joseph Cummings Jur. Joseph Gould Isaac Averell Daniel Bixby .Selectmen of Topsfield Pursuent to within warrent I have wamed all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants that are qualified for voting, in the North ward in sd. Town to Conveen together at time and place within mentioned Topsfield May 19th : 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable The Inhabitants qualified for voting in the South ward ware Notified by a Like warrent, and a Semiler return made by Eph raim Town Constable At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of the Town of Topsfield the Ninteenth Day of May 1778 lly Deacon John Gould was Chosen to represent the Town at the Great and General Court the year Ensuing There being other business to be done at the above meeting 21y Deacon John Gould was Chosen moderator Sly The Town Voted that the Sum of one Hundred and Twenty pounds be assessed on the polls and Estates in Said Town to De fray the Charges of Cloathing provided for the Soldiers in the Continental army and Transporting them to Andover 41y The Town voted to alow to Major Joseph Gould the In trest money he paid to Jacob Averell Junr. being the Sum of TOPSFIELD, MASS. 393 Essex To Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In the Name of the Goverment and peo ple of the State of Massachusetts Bay, You are required fourth with to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the North ward in Said Town that are qualified by Law for voting in Town meetings to Conveene and meet at the Meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday after noon To See if the Town will agree to Chouse a Committee to pro cure the Six men that are now wanted to reinforce the Contin antal army on the best terms they Can procure them, on the Towns Cost, in order to make a Saving of the thirty pounds for each man they Shall So procure by the time Set by the General Court in their resolve for that purpos, or for the Town to act & agree on any other method in order to procure Said men the Town Shall Judg most proper, and Save the thirty pounds for each man as afore said Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent and your Doings there on to one or more of the Select men at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield May ye 14th : 1778 Zaccheus Gould ") Joseph Gould (Selectmen Isaac Averell (of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J Topsfield May 17th : 1778 Pursuent to the within warrent I have wamed all the Free holders and other Inhabitants that are qualified for voting in the north ward in Said Town to Conveen together at time and place within mentioned Ephraim Dorman Constable The Inhabitants of the South ward qualified for voting were Notified by a Like warrent, and a Semiler return made by Ephraim Town Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of the Town of Topsfield the Ninteenth Day of May 1778 lly Samuel Smith Esqr. was Chosen moderator for sd. meeting 21y The Town agreed and voted to Chouse a Committee to procure six men to serve in the Continental army for nine months upon the best terms they Can procure them on the Towns Cost Sly Mr. Benja. Gould Capt. Thomas Cummings & Capt. Ne hemiah Herrick was Chosen a Committee to procure Six men on the best terms they Can upon the Towns Cost and Charge to Serve in the Continental army nine months 394 TOWN RECORDS OF Essex ss To Mr. Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Government and People of the State of Massachu setts Bay Fourthwith to warn all the freeholders and Other In habitants of the North ward in Said Town qualified by law for voting in Town meetings to Conveen and meet together at the Meeting-House in Said Town on Tuesday the 22d. day of Sep tember Instent at two of the Clock in the aftemoon lly To See how much money the Town will agree to raise to Defray the necessary Charges arisen or arising in Said Town 21y To See if the Town will agree for the Selectmen to Draw out of the Town Treasury the fourteen pounds Bounty that is alowed for Each Soldier which the Selectmen were impowered to assess on the Inhabitants of Said Town agreable to an act of the General Court Dated June 10th. 1778 Sly To alow Bills of Charge Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned. Dated Topsfield September 8 AD 1778 Zaccheus Gould Joseph Cummings Junr Joseph Gould Isaac Averell Daniel Bixby _, Pursuent to the within Warrent I have Wamed all the Free holders & Other Inhabitants that are Qualified for Voting in the north ward in said Town to Convene together at time and place within mentioned Topsfield September 15th 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield The South Ward in Said Town was Warned by a like Vv^'arrent as above, and the following retum made /Viz/ In Obedence to the within Written Warrent I have wamed the Inhabitants of the South ward by posting this Warrent on the meeting House on Lecture Day September the ninth Day September 9th. 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhab itants of Topsfield on the 22d. day of September 1778 lly Samuel Smith Esq was Chosen moderator for Said meeting 21y The Town Voted that the Sum of Fifteen Hundred and thirty pounds shall be assessed upon polls and estates in the .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 395 Town to Defray the Necessary Charges arising in Said Town the present year Sly The Town Voted that the Selectmen shall Draw out of the Town Treasury the Sum of Fourteen pounds paid to each Soldier as a Bounty, which Shall be raised in this Town agreable to an act of the General Court Dated June 10th. 1778 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Tops- field the 22d. Day of September 1778 Assembled by Ephraim Towne Constable of Said Towne Messrs. Thomas Porter & Jacob Kimball was Chosen by Drawing their names out of the Box of Jurours to Serve on the petit Jury at the Court of General Ses sions of the peace, and Inferiour Court to be holden at Newbury port^ on the last Tuesday of Sept. Instent At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield the 22d. Day of September 1778 Assembled by Eph raim Dorman Constable of Said Town Mr. John Peabody was Chosen to Serve on the Grand Jury, and Israel Clarke Junr. was Drawn out of the box to Serve on the petit Jury at the Superiour Court to be holden at Salem on the first Tuesday of November next Insuing Essex ss. To Ephraim Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and people of the State of Massachusetts Bay forthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in the South ward in Said Town Qualified by Law to vote in Town meeting to Convene and meet together at the Meeting-House in Said Town on Tuesday the 29th Day of September Instent at three of the Clock after noon To See if the Town will agree to Choose a man to Represent the Town at the Great and General Court in the room of Deacon John Gould Decesd. according to preceipt Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrent with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned. Dated Topsfield September 22d. 1778 Zaccheus Gould Joseph Cummings Junr I s^i„,„j„ S-A^ere'll r°'T"P*U Daniel Bixby 396 TOWN RECORDS OF Pursuent to this within written warrent I have wamed the South ward according to Warrent Topsfield September 29th. 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield The North ward was Wamed by a like Warrent and a retum made in the folowing words (Viz) Pursuent to the within Warrent I have wamed all the free holders and Other Inhabitants that are qualified for voting in the north ward in Said Towne to Convene together at time and place within mentioned Topsfield September the 26 : 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of the Town of Topsfield the 29th. day of September 1778 The Town Carred in their votes four times in order to Chose a man to represent the Town at the Great and General Court this present year in the room of Deacon John Gould Deces*. but Could not make a Choise Essex ss. To Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Government and people of the State of Massachu setts Bay fourthwith to wam all the freeholders and Other In habitants of the north ward in Said Town that are qualified by Law to vote in Town meeting to Convene and meet together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Tuesday the 27th. Day of October Instent at one of the Clock in the after noon To See if the Town will grant the Request of Deacon George Bixby and Others, and Chose Sum person to Represent the Town in the Great and General Court in the room of Deacon John Gould Decesd. according to preceipt Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent with your Doings thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield the 15 day of October A D 1778 Zaccheus Gould^ Joseph Gould Isaac Averell Daniel Bixby _ Pursuent to the within Warrent I have wamed all the Free holders and Other Inhabitants qualified for voting in the North .Selectmen of Topsfield TOPSFIELD, MASS. 397 ward in Said Town to Convene together at time and place with in mentioned Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield The South ward was wamed by a like Warrent and a return made in the following words /Viz/ Pursuent to this Warrent I have Warned the South ward ac cording to Warrent Topsfield October the 17 : 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders ond Other Inhabitants of Topsfield on the 27th. day of October 1778 A motion being made and Seconded the question was put to See if the Town would Choose a man to represent them in the Great and General Court this present year in the room of Deacon John Gould Decesd. and it passed in the negative Essex ss. To Ephraim Towne one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and people of the State of Massachu setts Bay forthwith to wam all the freeholders and Other In habitants in the South ward in Said Town qualified by law to Vote in Town Meeting to Convene and meet together at the Meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the 22d. Day of Oc tober Instent at one of the Clock after noon lly To See if the Town will Concur with the Church in this place in giving Mr. Matthew Scribner an Invitation to Settle in the worke of the ministry amongst us 21y For the Town to agree upon what Settlement and Sallery they will give Mr. Scribner Sly For the Town to act any thing they Shall think proper respecting said Minister Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrent with your Doing thereon to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield October 15th. 1778 Zaccheus Gould ^ Joseph Gould I Selectmen Isaac Averell ( of Topsfield Daniel Bixby J Pursuent to this Warrent I have Warned the South ward according to Warrent Topsfield October the 17th. 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield 398 TOWN RECORDS OF The North ward was Warned by a Like Warrent and a retum made in the following words /Viz/ Pursuent to the within Warrent I have wamed all the freeholders and Other In habitants that are qualified for Voting in the North ward in Said Town to Convene together at time and place within men tioned Topsfield October the 17: 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 22d day of October 1778 lly Samuel Smith Esq was Chosen Moderator for Said meeting 21y The question being put to See whether the Town will Concur the vote of the Church in this Town of the fifteenth day of October 1778 for giving Mr. Matthew Scribner a Call to Settle in the work of the ministry in this Town, and it past in the affirmative, there was 50 voted in the affirmative, and 34 in the Negative Sly Samuel Smith Esq, Messrs. Israiel Clarke Junr., Moses Perkins, Abraham Hobbs, and Major Joseph Gould was Chosen a Committee to draw up what they think is proper for the Town to give Mr. Matthew Scribner, as Settlement and Sallery, and make report to the Town at the adjournment of this meeting 41y The Town voted to Adjourn this meeting to Thursday the 5th. day of November next at one of the Clock after noon to meet at the Meeting-House, the moderator adjoumd. Said Meeting accordingly At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Topsfield held by adjournment from the 22d. day of October 1778 to the fifth day of November 1778 The Town being mett Samuel Smith Esq. moderator A motion being made and Seconed to See if the Town Would Reconsider their Vote of the Twenty Second of October last for Concuring with the vote of the Church in this Town of the fifteenth of October Last for giving Mr. Matthew Scribner a Call to Settle in the work of the ministry in this Town: The Question being put it past in the negative there was 45 against the motion and 45 for it Essex ss To Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting In the Name of the Goverment and people of the State of Massachusetts Bay You are Required fourthwith to warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the North ward in Said Town that are qualified by Law for TOPSFIELD, MASS. 399 Voting in Town meeting to Convene and meet at the Meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the Ninteenth Day of Novem ber Instent at one of the Clock in the after noon To See if the Town will agree upon a Settlement and Sallery to give Mr. Matthew Scribner to Encorage him to Settle and to Carry on the work of the ministry in this Town agreable to the vote of both the Church and Town either according to what may be reported by the Committee Chosen for that purpose or such other way as the Town may Judge proper Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrent with your Doings there on to one or more of the Select men at time and place above mentioned Dated Topsfield November Sth: 1778 Zaccheus Gould (Selectmen Joseph Gould r f t- ^ u Isaac AvereU [of Topsfield Pursuent to the within Warrent I have wamed all the Free holders and Other Inhabitants that are qualified for voting in the North ward in Said Town to Convene together at time and place within mentioned Topsfield November 12th. 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield The South ward was wamed by a Like Warrent and a retum made in the following words /Viz/ Pursuent to this within written Warrent I have wamed the South ward in Said Town according to warrent. Topsfield November 19th: 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the 19th. day of November 1778 Mr. EUezer Lake was Chosen Moderator for said meeting Essex ss To Ephraim Dorman one of the Constables of the Town of Topsfield Greeting You are hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and people of the State of Massachu setts Bay Fourthwith warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants in the North ward in Said Town Qualified by Law to vote in Town meetings to Convene and meet together at the Meeting House in Said Tov/n on Tuesday the Eighth day of December Instent at one of the Clock after noon lly To See if the Town will Reconsider alter or Disanul the vote of the Town passed at their meeting on the 22 day of Oc- 400 TOWN RECORDS OF TOPSFIELD. tober last wherein the Town voted to Concur with the vote of the Church in this Town of the fifteenth of October 1778 for giv ing Mr. Matthew Scribner a Call to Settle in the work of the ministry in this Town To See if the Town will Choose a new Committee in the room of the present Committee to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel in this Town Hereof fail not and make retum of this Warrent with your Doings there on to one or more of the Selectmen at time and place abve mentioned Dated Topsfield December 1st. 1778 Zaccheus Gould ) q , Joseph Cummings Jur. Pf^ ^^ , DanielBixby j of Topsfield Pursuent to the Within Warrent I have wamed all the Free holders and Other Inhabitants that are qualified for voting in the North ward in Said Town to Convene together at time and place within mentioned Topsfield December the 4th. 1778 Ephraim Dorman Constable of Topsfield The South ward was Wamed by a Like Warrent and a retum made in the following words /Viz/ In Obedience to the within written Warrent I have wamed the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the South ward according to Warrent Topsfield December the 3d : 1778 Ephraim Towne Constable of Topsfield At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Other In habitants of Topsfield the Sth. day of December 1778 lly Samuel Smith Esq. was Chosen Moderator for said meeting 21y The question being put to see if the Town will Reconsider alter & Disanul the vote of the Town pased at their meeting on the 22d day of October Last, wherein the Town voted to Concur the vote of the Church in this Town of the ISth. of October 1778 for giving Mr. Matthew Scribner a Call to Settle in the work of the ministry in this Town, and it past in the affirmative there was 52 voted in the affirmative and 51 in the Negative Sly The question being put to See if the Town will Choose a Committee in the room of the present Committee to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel in this Town and it past in the affirmative 4th Mr. Eliezer Lake Mr. Stephen Foster Junr. and Major Joseph Gould was Chosen a Committee to Supply the Town with a Suitable person to preach the Gospel in this Town INDEX. Abatements of taxes, see Taxation. Adams, , Mr., 221, 225. Stephen, 209, 240, 241, 256, 295, 299, 306, 326, 328, 329. Thomas, 27. Allen, , 33. Alwives, 28, 223, 224, 270, 271, 289, 303, 304, 306, 310, 311, 313, 315, 327, 345, 351, 353, 375, 387. Brought to the ponds, 289, 294, 296. Catch of, restricted, 351, 353. Andover, 392. Andrews, Israel, 43, 67, 226, 252, 283, 312. John, 23. Joseph, 10, 11, 19, 20, 118, 139, 157, 161, 171, 185, 193, 194, 209, 211-213, 215, 217, 220, 222, 224-226, 228, 230, 237, 243, 245, 246, 254, 275, 276, 285, 287, 303, 305, 308, 311, 343, 350, 359, 374, 376. Joseph, jr., 118. Joshua, 44, 70. Angier, , Mr., 231. Animals (domestic). Cow, 87. Horse, 47, 72, 147. Mare, 232. Oxen, 123, 164, 258, 286, 305, 387. Ram, 240, 241. Sheep, 41, 71, 269. Swine, 5, 6, 13, 21, 30, 37, 42, 51, 58, 65, 80, 89, 97, 109, 122, 132, 142, 154, 163, 174, 187, 202, 209, 220, 230, 237, 244, 254, 266, 275, 344, 353, 374, 387. Branded, 147, 232. Ear marks, 147, 232, 240, 241, 269. Stray, 47, 71, 147, 232, 240. Animals (wild). Deer, 1, 3, 11, 19, 29, 34, 42, 55, 63, 65, 72, 79, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 315, 326, 342, 352, 374, 387. Appleton, Daniel, 54, 66, 74, 87, 148, 155. John, 66. Averill, Anna, 234. Ebenezer, 117, 164. Isaac, 256, 263, 266, 268, 287, 288, 295, 299, 300, 302-304, 308, 315, 327, 331, 344, 353, 354, 370, 374-376, 386, 388-397, 399. Israel, 89, 94, 98, 118, 121, 133, 155, 157, 168. Jacob, 6, 9, 12, 19, 24, 49, 53, 56, 63, 65, 84, 86, 94-99, 101, 103-106, 109- 112, 114, 117, 120, 122-125, 127-130, 132-135, 137-140, 147, 149, 151, 152, 157, 168, 181, 184, 188, 191, 201, 207, 236. Jacob, jr., 117, 137, 143, 152, 156, 236, 254, 256, 264, 266, 267, 275, 285, 287, 295, 305, 314-316, 326, 334, 343, 352, 374, 376, 387, 392. (401) 402 INDEX. AveriU, Jeremiah, 86, 87, 98, 101, 107, 118, 121, 132, 140, 147, 171, 173, 176, 179, 180, 188, 193, 194, 199, 200, 202-205, 207, 209, 211-215, 217, 218, 220, 222-225, 228-230, 232, 234, 236, 238-245, 247, 248, 250, 252-257, 259-261, 263, 265, 267, 272-275, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284, 287, 288, 350, 352, 374, 386. Luke, 3, 6, 9, 11, 17, 21, 24, 26, 29, 33, 35, 42, 43, 49, 56, 58, 71, 79, 80, 86, 87, 89, 94, 118, 119, 126, 149, 177, 194, 199, 209, 220, 231, 249, 256, 267, 268, 275, 276, 290, 296, 303, 343. Luke, Lieut., 95, 98, 102, 111, 113, 114, 123, 130, 139, 147, 148, 150, 152, 157, 161, 163, 184, 188, 192, 195, 199, 236. Nathaniel, 42, 98, 102; 113, 114, 117, 119, 126, 130, 281. Nathaniel, jr., 1, 8, 11, 14, 16, 24, 51, 53, 55-62, 64, 67, 68, 71, 298. Nathaniel, Capt, 145, 170, 174, 178, 187, 188, 194, 200, 209, 229, 256, 304, 376, Paul, 227. Thomas, 79. Avery, John, 364. Back, John, 185. Bacon, Retier, 196. Bailey, Benjamin, 217, 218, 221-224, 227, 229, 23S, 266, 277, Sarah, 276, Baker, John, 65,- 69, 74, 107, 194, 303. John, jr., 173, 256, 275, 276, 285, 287, 293, 295, 296, 299, 305, 307, 308, 311, 313, 314, 316, 326, 343, 345. John, Capt, 374, 386. Thomas, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12-15, 17-19, 21-25, 27-32, 34, 35, 37-41, 47, 55, 57, 60-62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 129, 141, 143-145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 202, 203, 205, 267-270, 274. Thomas, jr., 117, 172, 187, 194, 196. Thomas, Capt., 77, 79, 86, 96, 98, 99, 101, 105, 117, 120, 130, 133, l39, 141, 142, 148, 178, 181, 184, l87, 188, 191, 192, 194, 196, 198-200, 202, 203, 210, 211, 223, 226, 228, 229, 236, 243, 2-14, 249, 254, 256, 257, 266, 272, 292, 295, 296, 300, 302, 304-306, 318, 358, 367, 374, 376. Bakers' farm (Boi'ford), 69, 124, 159, 196, 226, 251, 329, Balch, Cornelius, 19, 20, 42, 49, 52, 72, 73, 76, David, 10, 20, 24, 30, 40, 42, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 96, 98, 101, 118, 123, 127, 139, 141-143, 145, 147, 149-151, 155, 161, 162, 184, 214, 255, 294, 297, 321, 326, 348, 367, 379. David, jr., 95, 98, 101, 106, 107, 111, 118, 132, 139, 140, 164-167, 169, 171, 174-176, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 191, 193-195, 198, 202, 209-212, 216, 220, 226, 228-230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241, 243, 248, 249, 254, 262, 273, 274, 352, 353, 374, 376, 377, 379-381, 383-386, 388, 389, John, 94, 98, 101, 102, 111, 116, 121, 129, 130, 135, 139, 157, 191, 194, 199, 209, 211-213, 217, 220, 222, 224-230, 234, 255, 262, 275, 276, 294, 296, 302, 305, 308, 310, 342, 352, 386. Joshua, 118, 194, 206, 218. Balloting for representative, 382. Bare Hill proprietors, 23. Bartoos, Jane, 23. Batchelder, Benjamin, 39. David, 44, 66. John, 11, 24, 28, 35, 41, 63, 79, 82, 98, 105, 109, 110, 117, 127, 161, 187, 326, 353, 386, 387. Samuel, 66. Bell, 265. Berry, Bartholomew, 282. INDEX. 403 Beveriy, 231, 324. Bixby, Benjamin, 98, 107, 118, 138, 151, 177, 192, 194, 209, 229, 239, 240, 248, 262, 298. Daniel, 98, 118, 120, 130, 136, 161, 162, 164-167, 169, 171, 174-176, 178, 179, 181, 184, 188, 193, 194, 196, 198, 203, 204, 206, 218, 220, 229, 232, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241-245, 247, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 261, 265, 267, 275, 276, 278, 280-284, 287-289, 291, 293, 295, 308, 314, 316, 317, 323, 326, 329, 330, 332-335, 337, 338, 340, 342, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379-381, 383, 384, 386, 388-397, 400. Ceorge, 3. 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16-18, 21-25, 27, 28, 33, 37-39, 42, 43, 47, 54, 59, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 98, 137, 248. George, Dea., 86, 89, 99, 101, 102, 103, 118, 130-132, 134, 139, 142-144, 151, 154. 156, 158, 164, 168, 170, 178, 188, 194, 202, 204, 207, 210, 213, 214, 222, 223, 228, 230, 240, 256, 302, 396, Boardman, , Mr., 67. John, 95, 96, 99, 101, 106, 107, 116, 123, 125, 132, 135, 137-139, 203, 205, 207, 209, 245, 247, 250, 252, 253, 275. John, Capt, 170, 175, 177, 188. 191, 193, 194, 199, 200, 206, 209, 235, 240, 243, 248. 250, 266, 272, 275, 276, 282, 286, 289, 292, 303, 306, 315, 318, 320, ^1, 325, 327, 346, 367, 369, 374-376, 387. Nathaniel, 6, 14, 15, 19. 20, 30, 35, 116, 138, 139, 140, 190, 191, 199. Boston, Committee of Convention, 273, 276. Boston Committee of Correspondence, 317-320, 322, Boston, Riotious disturbances in, 248, 250, 251, Boston poor, contribution to, 344. Bounds of the town, 1, 2, 4. Bowditch, Ebenezer, 22. Joseph, 131, 154, 172. Boxford, 269, 306. Boxford bounds, 23, 44, 69, 87, 124, 159, 196, 226, 251, 329. Boxford families set off to Topsfield, 173. Boxford pound, 262. Bradish, Isaac, 388, Bratfeij-eet, Andrew, 12, 51. ' Asa, 154, 174. Dudley, 24, EHjah, 117. Henry, 218, 292, 293, 295, 298, 299, 314-316, 321, 326, 329, 339, 345, 346, 347. John, 73, 79, 95, 98, 117, 145, 161, 164, 184, 192, 194, 209, 217, 219, 225, 236, 243, 254, 268, 275, 276, 285, 287, 295, 299, 305, 308, 315, 316, 343, 374, 376, 387, " Joseph, Dr„ 146, 147. Samuel, 11, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 37, 49, 55, 58, 63, 113, 117, 138, 151, 192, 256, 257, 258, 264, 268, 297-300, 302, 304, 307-311, 313, 314, 316, 340, 359. Samuel, jr., 117, Simon, 24, 31, 37, 118, 293, 331, 388. Brickyard (Danvers), 246. Bridge, , Mr., 195. Bridges, By Abraham Hobbs', 249. By Jacob Dorman's, 29, 42, 50, 218, 250. By the Great pond, 56, 72. By Thojnas Howletts, 3, 56. By •Thomas Perkins', 15. County 'bridge, -245, 246. 404 INDEX. Bridges — contintted. Falls bridge, 3, 63, Fish brook bridge, rebuilt, 212, 218, 255. Fishing brook bridge, 298, 303. Lampson's bridge, 353. Mile Brook bridge, 45, 56, 87, 303. Near Thomas Perkins' house, 25. Over Howletts' brook, 63. Over the slough near Jacob Townes', 279. Plank for, 26, 42, 45, 50, 77, 79, 86, 87, 126, 140, 157, 168, 207, 211, 218, 327, 375, 378, 388. River bridge, 17, 18, 20, 29, 46, 50, 60, 72, 77, 79, 81, 83, 90, 99, 100, 136, 157, 205, 211, 212, 213, 218, 230, 231, 232, 246, 262, 302, 303, 327, 378, 388. River bridge causeway, 211, 220, 233. River bridge, iron for, 303. River bridge rebuilt, 214, 215. Robinson's, Thomas, bridge, 46, 107. Rowley bridge, 230, 233, 234, 235, 330-331, 345. Slabs to mend, 76. Stones for a, 244, 264. String piece for, 69, 75, 140, 388. Town bridge over the river, 75, 86. Water's river (Danvers), 245, 246, 259, 264. Wheel Brook bridge, 26, 50. Brown, Arthur, 98, 107, 117, 130, 161. Elisha, 313. Joseph, 116, 147, 171, 173, 307. Lydia, wid., 173. Nathaniel, 5, 231. Nathaniel, Capt, 223. Buildings, construction, etc. Bam, 8, 66, 88, 115, 124, 132, 140, 153, 159, 189, 197, 221, 226, 244, 252, 282 312 390 Hous4s, li, 12,' 23, 25, 36, 69, 125, 132, 137, 140, 146, 159, 192, 230, 290, 298, 302, 306, 313. Milt 67, 270. Pest house, 379, 380. Saw mm, 26, 70, 90, 159, 160, 196, 197, 226, 227, 251, 282, 312, 390. School houses, 233. Shop, 12, 144, 156. Stables, 112, 113, 115, 120, 185, 268, 330. Casement, 79. Clapboard, 100, 168, 172, 219. Glass, window, 6, 14, 31, 60, 72, 79, 100, 106, 175, 181, 289. Gutters on the roof, 91. Hip roof, 100. Latch, 57, 59. Lock and key, 23, 52. Lucomb windows, 100. Meeting house, see Meeting house. Paint, 180, 289, 317. Platform, in roof, 100. Post in meeting house, 9. Principal, in roof, 100. INDEX. 405 Buildings — continued. Shingles, 168, 219. Weights to draw too the inside doors of the meeting house, 279. Windows, 100, 137. Buntings, William, 345. Burch, James, 181, 200. Burck, Rachel, wid., 206. Burnham, , 227, 252. Burton, Asa, Rev., 391. Burying place. To fence, 6, 7, 29, 30. Canada, 259, 260. Cant , Mr., 152. Capen, Nathaniel, 3, 4, 6, 8, 18, 30, 31, 46, 52. Priscilla, Mrs., 74. Cart, 110, 123, 258, 286, 305, 387. Casee, John, 39. Cave, Thomas, 251. Cemeteries, see Burying Place. Charter, Royal, 33. Choate, , Col., 199. Clark, Daniel, 107, 130. £)bGT16Z6F 3 Israel, 3, 8, 13, 17, 19, 24, 28, 30-32, 34, 36-39, 41, 42, 49, 50, 56, 61-65, 67- 72, 79, 84, 95, 110, 116, 166, 281, 282. Israel, jr., 116, 342, 346, 348-350, 352, 353, 355, 356, 358, 359, 364, 366, 367, 369, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379-381, 383, 384, 386, 388, 395, 398. John, 116. Clarke, Dan, 1-4, 6, 9-12, 14, 17, 20-24, 26, 28-30, 34, 35, 42, 50, 51, 63, 65, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79, 84, 86, 87, 94-99, 101, 102, 104-107, 109-112, 114, 118, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127-135, 137, 138, 140, 142, 151, 161-163, 165, 167, 168, 170, 172, 175, 191, 192, 194, 200, 204, 206, 210, 211, 217, 218, 225. Daniel, 256, 285, 287, 302, 386, 387. Elijah, 248. Joanna, wid., 248. Clay pits, 8, 15, 17, 19. Clough, Widow, 4. John, 218, 282. Coffin, 83, 185. Committee of Correspondence, 317-320, 322-324, 351, 353, 368, 375-377, 387. Common land. Bare Hill proprietors, 23. Common field meadows, 359. Hassocky meadow, 287. House to be built on, 132. House lot for John Lefavour, 60, 61. House lot for John Prichard, 25, 61, 302. Land exchanged, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 230. Land on which Samuel Phippen's house stands, 216, 219. Liberty to build house on, 25. Plain meadows, 23, 131. River meadow, 287. Saltonstall's meadow, 287. School house on, near meeting house, 142. 40S INDEX. Common land — continued. Shop set up on, 156. Sold to Jacob Kimball, 144, 145. Sold to John Lefavour, 146. Stickey meadow, 20, 64, 237, 244, 256, 267, 278, 316, 328, 354, 380. Confederation, Articles of, 384, Constable neglects to take the oath, 328, 329. Constables, fine for not serving, 229, 256, 277, 328, 329, 386, 387, 389. Constable's staff, 280. Constitution for Massachusetts, 365, 366, 367, 368, 378, 39L Contribution for South Carolina fire sufferers, 16. Cree, Widow, 79, 81, 84, 211. John, 118, 120, 131. John, 229, 256, 298, 316. Mary, 238. Nicholas, 26, 39, 42, 48, 49. Richard, 42, 161. Cummings, David, 3, 19, 24, 26, 28-31, 34-36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 55, 98, 116, 119, 120, 180, 183, 185. Elisha, 98, 107, 117, 120, 130, 131, 138-140, 154. Joseph, 281, 320, 342, 345, 353, 370, 375, 386, 388, 391. Joseph, jr., 166, 281, 282, 374-376, 392, 394, 395, 400. Joseph, Capt, 166, 175, 282, 321. Pelatiah, 171, 192, 194, 209, 229, 232, 233, 235, 248, 249, 258, 262, 275, 276, 308, 374, 388, f Samuel, 160, 161, 183, 185, 187, 194, 197, 199, 217, 219, 220, 225-227, 229, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 254, 255, 262, 272, 275, 276, 285, 289, 331, \ 340, 345, 348, 349. Samuel, Lieut., 366. i Thomas, 281, 282, 343, 352, 359, 370, 374, 375, 377, 387. Thomas, Capt, 393. Thomas, Lieut, 166. Curtis, Curtice, Amos, 312. Joanna, wid., 185, 207, 210, 215 238. John, 14. Noah, 67. Samuel, 20, 55. Curwen, George, 22. Dale, Deal, Arch,, 159, 226, 239, 252, 283. Dams. Andrews', 23, 69, 124, 159, 196, 226, 251, 329. Dams on Ipswich river, 223, 239, 270, 289, 310, 327. Mill dams, 346, 353. Danforth, Jedediah, 12. Danvers, 245, 246, 269, Bounds, 124, 159, 197, 226, 251, 282, 312, 390. Land set off to Topsfield, 242, 244. Danyers, William, 345, Davis, John, 10, 13, 24, €2, 71, 73, 77, 86, 87, 95, 98, 116, 216. Debt, public, 384. Debts, recognizance of, 357, 359, 373, 374, 387. Deeds, Register of, 13, 38, 85, 141, 294, 296, 351, 379. Derby, John, Capt., 382. Richard, 364. INDEX. 407 Dexter, Richard, Dr., 14, 23, 86, 118, 122, 187, 192, 202, 209-211, 213, 214, 223, 337, 343, 347, 348. Dodge, George, 59. Isaac, 124. Jacob, 286. Jeremiah, 153. Jonathan, jr., 200, 210. Nathaniel, 388. Samuel, 223, 231. Solomon, 151, 152, 157, 161, 163, 175, 177, 184, 194, 196, 199, 217, 219, 220, 225, 229, 231, 235, 236, 243, 262, 264, 266, 268, 282, 284, 287-289, 291, 295, 296, 302, 305, 306, 308, 310, 311, 315, 31G, 318, 320, 323, 327, 329, 332, 343- 345, 348, 352, 358, 359, 367, 371, 372, 375, 379, 382, 387. Dorman, Abigail, wid., 116. Amos, 10, 15. Ephraim, 389, 391-400. Jacob, 21, 29, 30, 34, 37, 42, 50, 63, 116, 218, 222-224, 227, 234, 250. Jacob, jr,, 116. Joseph, 28, 55, 70. Joseph; Lieut., 11, 24, 30, 79, 96, 98. I Nathaniel, 256, 276-281, 283, 284, 287, 289, 295, 296, 299, 302, 303, 306, 307, I 310, 311, 315, 326, 344, 346, 352, 353, 368. Ruth, wid., 117. Thomas, 11, 13. Dresser, Jonathan, 75. Dwinnell, Archelaus, 117. Bartholomew, 117, 352, 354, 356, 358, 365, 366, 370, 372, 373. Benjaiiiini 117, 159. Elizabeth, 126-128, 134, 135, 140, 149, 153, 154. George, 76, 127, 320. Jaeob, 40, 86-88, 94, 98, 102, 111, 117, 120, 124, 139, 152, 170, 174, 184, 188, 189, 193, 194, 197, 204, 207, 210, 215, 218, 266, 299, 300, 354, 355. Jacob, jr,, 354. James, 117, 142. Jonathan, 297. Joseph, 355, Lucy, wid., 175. Michael, 153. Michael jr., 34-36, 41, 44, 56,' 95, 117, Michael, Dr., 36, 117. Thomas, 10, 15, 17, 22, 26, 40, 43, 66, 86-88, 98, 117, 120, 121, 124, 151, 152, 156, 158-160, 163, 164, 173, 176, 180, 182, 183, 185, 194, 195, 197. Zacharieih, 56. East India Company, 322-324. Esty, Easty, Aaron, 3, 24, 43, 49, 67, 72, 95, 98, 102, 118, 124, 149, 151, 152, 183, 185, 194, 207, 229, 230, 236, 240, 269, 277, 278, 282, 285. Aaron, jr., 153. Daniel, 256, 326, 328, 329. Isaac, 184, 194, 297. Edwards, Widow, 118. Joseph, 19, 28, 34, 43, 49, 55, 62, 71, 79, 86. Thomas, 24, 30, 118. Emerson, Mrs., 74. Eleazer, 182. 408 INDEX. John, Rev., 2, 3, 5-9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 28-35, 38-41, 44-49, 52-56, 60-62, 64, 65, 68-71, 73, 74, 78, 82, 92, 93, 96-105, 108, 109, 115, 125, 126, 131, 133- 138, 144, 146, 155, 157, 181, 182, 183, 187, 196, 197, 201, 202, 204, 206, 215, 262, 268, 269, 290, 328, 330-332, 339, 340. Thomas, 256, 285, 287, 295, 299, 305, 308-310, 314, 326, 339, 340, 344, 374, 375. Endicott, Elias, 390. England, 290, 319, 324, 357, 359. Everdan, Walter, 296. Fairfield, Benjamin, 189. Matthew, 283. William, 286. Fariey, Michael, 227. Famam, Widow, 226. Fences, 26, 67. About parsonage land, 7, 8, 9, 22. About the burying place, 7. Bars, 12, 19, 36. Cart gate, 138, 139, 298, 307, 355. Committee to divide fence, 155. Gate, 67, 140, 142, 147, 151, 298. Hose posts, 51. Posts, 17, 87, 120. Rail fence, 13, 108. Rails, 17, 51, 63, 120. Stone wall, 7, 8, 11, 17, 26, 50, 66, 88, 112, 113, 144, 189, 262, 298, 312, 354, 355. Fines. For want of a school, 59, 63, 66. For not building new highway, 148, 149, 163. For not serving as constable, 229, 256, 277, 386, 387, 389. Fire at Salem, 341. Fire in South Carolina, 16. Fish course, 28, 29, 35, 46, 50 223, 223, 224, 239, 270, 271, 289, 304, 306, 310, 327, 344, 346, 351, 353, 375, 387. Fisk, Ebenezer, 44. Nathaniel, 256, 272, 345, 352. Theophilus, 66, 88, 124, 153, 159, 185, 189, 197, 222, 226, 232, 242, 244, 252, 256, 282, 283, 312, 390. William, 244, 283. Fitts, Isaac, 156. French Acadians, man to care for, 149, 156, 158, 162, 173, 174, 194, 210, 259, 260. Food and drink. Beef, 189 Bread, 189. Cheese, 189. Cider, 177, 189. Molasses, 382, 383. Pork, 189. Rum, 177, 189. Spirituous liquors, 125. INDEX. 409 Food — continued. Sugar, 177, 189. Tea, 288, 289, 290, 322-324. Foster, Jonathan, 155. Stephen, 86, 87, 95, 98, 106, 107, 116, 126, 128, 139, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 155, 158, 159, 161, 166, 171, 173, 184, 185, 187, 188, 194, 198, 199, 201, 204, 207, 209, 214, 216, 217, 227, 237, 245, 250, 252, 254, 266, 268, 269, 306, 312, , 318, 323, 327, 331, 332, 343, 344, 348, 353, 365-368, 380. Stephen, jr., 311, 315, 316, 318, 327, 343, 352, 355-358, 364-366, 368-370, 372, 374, 375, 387, 400. Fowler, Philip, 2. Foye, Elizabeth, 85, 87. William, 4, 20, 27, 30, 37, 48, 54, 59, 65, 69, 70, 75, 85, 87. Fuller, Andrew, 160. Joseph, 122, 282. Nathaniel, 29. GaUop, Abigail, 179, 180, 185. William, 119, 163, 210, 218,327. Gardner, Henry, 338, 339. General Court, change in representation to, 355, 356. Excise law, 125. Petition to, to annex land, 175. Petitions to, 7. George III. (King of England), 336, 359, 361. Giddings, Daniel, 189. Goodridge, Samuel, 153. Gott Daniel, 124, 159, 197, 226, 252, 283, 312. John, 4, 22, 88. Samuel, 43, 66, 88. Gould, , Mr., 12, 19. Benjamin, 393. Daniel, 18, 21-25, 28, 33, 98. Daniel, Dea., 79, 83, 84, 99, 112, 115, 116, 147, 193, 253, 254, 255. Daniel, Ens., 10, 24. Eliezer, 56, 98, 119, 121, 164. George, 88. John, 8, 24, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 71-73, 75-78, 80-87, 91, 92, 94, 98, 107, 111, 119-121, 139, 141, 143, 144-148, 150-152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161 164-166, 171, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 191, 194, 195, 198, 202, 216, 230, 236, 243, 248, 251, 253-255, 271, 318, 331. John, jr., 256, 342, 352, 374, 376. John, 3d., 345. John, Dea., 266, 276, 318, 320, 321, 329, 331, 334, 336, 337, 340, 347-349, 353, 357-359, 371, 381-383, 386, 389-392, 395, 396, 397. 1 Joseph, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 116, 130, 140, 151, 171, 174, 177, 181-183, 188, 193, 194, 196, 198, 201, 207, 208, 211, 215, 223, 225, 226, 229, 236, 237, 239, 243, 244 253-256, 266, 267, 276, 278, 284, 287, 288, 291, 295, 297, 305, 308, 322, 326, 328, 330, 370, 391-397, 399. Joseph, Capt., 1-3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 24-26, 28, 35, 40, 42, 46, 49, 61, 65, 69, 72-74, 79, 83, 92, 101, 103, 104, 107, 120, 316, 344, 352. Joseph, Maj., 354, 375, 382, 386, 392, 398, 400. Simon, 20, 24, 28, 37, 40, 42, 43, 47, 51, 62, 68, 74, 78, 80-83, 86, 87, 96, 98, 107, 116, 124, 125, 139, 158, 159, 161, 171, 177, 188, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 202, 203, 207, 209, 211-213, 215, 217, 226, 231, 235, 243, 251, 254, 255, 263, 266, 285, 296, 307, 239, 342, 349, 352, 353, 367, 375, 376, 387. 410 INDEX. Gould — continued. Solomon, 3, 8, 24-26, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45-49, 51-55, 58, 63, 72, 114, 119, 120, 152, 175, 181, 193, 194, 195, 216. Thomas, 1, 3, 23, 37, 39, 50, 69, 82, 92. Thomas, jr., 18, 24, 34, 41, 51, 53. Thomas, Lieut, 98, 116, 122, 130, 133, 193. Zaccheus, 3, 63, 71, 72, 98, 119, 130-132, 138, 147, 148, 154, 158, 172, 184, 192, 194, 196. 199, 206, 209, 214, 217-220, 222, 224-232, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241-243,245,247,250-257,259-267, 270, 272-278, 281-288, 291, 294, 295, 298-300, 303, 305, 306, 308, 314-318, 320, 322, 323, 325-327, 329, 330, 332- 340, 342, 352, 367, 370, 375-377, 379-381, 384, 386, 388-397, 400. Zaccheus, Lieut., 10. Grant, John, 172. Gray, Harrison, 111, 147, 155, 164, 338, 339. J., 129. Hale, Joseph, jr., 87, 124, 251. Joseph, 3d., 196. Hancock, John, 364. Hart, Nathaniel, 3d., 27. Haskell, Mark, 48. Heard, Daniel, 2, 27. Herrick, Hannah, wid., 82, 116. John, 231, Joseph, 1, 3, 10-12, 29. Nehemiah, 193, 194, 197, 200, 201, 230, 243, 244, 254, 256, 262, 266, 278, 279, 281, 285, 287, 290, 302, 307, 315-318, 322, 326, 327, 352, 375, 377, 379, 381, 383. Nehemiah, Capt, 380, 383, 388, 393. William, 244. Highways. Ancient way, 230, 255, 297, 307. Beaten path, 12. By Capt Towne's to Middleton, 205-208, 213, 221. Causeway at river bridge wearing away, 81, 83, 90, 91, 99, 100. Causeway to Thomas Perkins' house, 15. Country road, 12, 25, 144, 152. County road, 15, 115, 135, 185, 318. Court order set aside, 207. Damages for laying out way, 166, 167. Fined for not constructing, 148, 149, 208. Freeing from labor on, 15, 25. From David Cummings' house, 185. From Eliezer Lake's to be discontinued, 19. From Ipswich line to Salem, 37. From Jacob Towne's to Jacob Redington's, 12. From Jacob Perkins' fence to Mr. Emerson's barn, 9. From Robinson's bridge to River bridge, 46. From the meeting house to Capt Gould's, 10, 12, 115. From the river bridge to Wenham line, 119, 121, 122, 128, 135, 138. From Thomas Dwinell's to the Country road, 152, 174. From Wenham Causeway, 4. From Wenham Causeway to Bunker's meadow, 88. Gravel for mending, 138, 139. INDEX. 411 Highways — continued. Laid out : A town way from the northerly side of Bare hill to Boxford line near Elias Smith's house, 306, 317, 318. For Eliezer Lake and Lieut. Gould to go to meeting, 10, 11. For Joseph Herrick to go to meeting, 10, 11, 12. For Michael DwineU, 34, 35, 36. For Nathaniel Porter to come to meeting, 10, 11, 12. From an ancient town way by David Balch's to Fishing brook, 297. From Elisha Commings through Nath'l Boardman's land, 139, 140. From Fishing brook bridge to county road near John Gould's barn, 254, 255. From John Rea's to the county road, 354. From Mr. Balch's gate in the old road to Wenham line, 139, 141-144, 151. From Philip Towne's land to highway near David Perkins' house, 230. From Samuel Cummings' land to road from Fishing brook to meeting house, 255. From Wenham line over the river to the country road, 144-150, 152, 163, 166, 195, 196. From wid. Abigail Porter's house to land of Enos Knight, 290, 294, 296. Through land of Jacob and Joseph Towne, 237, 241, 255, 320. Lay out changed, 11. Mended by a rate, 34, 108, 109, 110, 122, 132. Plough share broken, 378. Private town way, 140, 142. Private way from Joseph Towne's house, 15. Presented at Court for not mending highway, 195, 196. Repairing the, 91, 110, 266. Road that leads to the meeting house, 140. Selectmen allowed for making highway rate, 240, 262, 272, 280. Stones to mend, 133. Tax to cover repair work, 108, 109, 142, 146, 154, 156, 164, 174, 187, 198, 200, 201, 209, 220, 233, 238, 243, 258, 266, 286, 305, 315, 327, 344, 352, 374, 387. Through Aaron Estey's land to the county road, 185. Through David Balch's land to Fishing brook, 294, 297. Timber to mend, 12, 20, 35, 42, 63. To Bunker's meadow, 189. Trodden way, 140, 306. Wages on highway work, 110, 123, 221, 258, 286, 305, 387. Way, 12. Way for David Town and Thos. DwineU to come to meeting, 195. Way from John Rea's, 327, 351. Way from Nathaniel Low's, 232, 237. Way from Philip Neland's, 216, 218. Way to Peabody's mill, 67. Work on highways, 198, 200, 221, 233, 238, 258, 266, 275, 286, 305, 387. HiUs. Bare, 23, 26, 306. Hobbs, Abraham, 154, 159-162, 177, 191, 194, 198, 204, 207, 209-212, 229, 231, 236, 237, 239, 241, 242, 249, 262, 266-268, 282, 285, 287, 292, 295-300, 303- 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, 318, 331, 337, 348, 353, 356, 365, 387, 398. Abraham, jr., 342. Isaac, 388. 412 INDEX. Holdgate, John, 18. Michael, 6. HoUowell, , Mr., 249. Hood, Abigail, 218. Daniel, 387. John, 72, 79, 116, 143, 193. Joseph, 293. Nathan, 24, 34, 44, 46, 76, 79, 95, 98, 107, 116, 130, 131, 134-136, 143, 152, 154, 156, 161, 167, 168, 170, 178, 188, 190, 194, 211, 217, 219, 221, 227, 229, 234, 243, 252, 276, 313, 342, 374, 375. Nathan, jr., 315. Nathaniel, 34, 42, 50, 63, 107. William, 116, 250, 258, 267. Hovey, , Mrs., 218. Aaron, 65, 69, 73, 76, 77, 79, 98, 107, 116, 133. Ivory, 4, 5, 9. Ivory, Capt, 3, 8, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 33, 67, 101, 116. Ivory, Dea., 39, 40, 56, 69, 104, 152. John, 10, 42. Joseph, 42, 95, 116, 120, 126, 127, 151, 152, 163, 191, 192. Stephen, 218. Howlett, Davies, 208. Samuel, 25. Samuel, jr., 50, 57. Thomas, 3, 17, 19, 24, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37. Hubbard, Widow, 235. Elnathan, 292, 293, 299. John, 298. Hutchinson, Thomas, Lieut-Gov., 250-251. Indian, — Samuel Tutoo, 82. Ipswich, 269. Bounds, 2, 27, 48, 94, 128, 159, 227, 252, 312. Ipswich Farms set off to Topsfield, 7, 164, 165, 166, 175, 281, 282, 320, 321. Ireland, Benjamin, 154, 163, 175, 185, 204, 210, 239, 266, 280, 293, 307, 315. Jacobs, John, 173. Jones, Elias, Rev., 367, 369, 370. Jury box, 23, 26,>97, 193, 381. Juryman, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 33, 37, 38, 40, 46, 51, 53, 58, 60, 61, 65, 68, 69, 72, 76, 79, 82, 86, 92, 95, 101, 107, 111, 121, 125, 127, 130, 133, 139, 145, 152, 157, 161, 166, 170, 180, 181, 184, 196, 201, 206, 207, 210, 215, 220, 225, 231, 234, 237, 240, 244, 248, 256, 262, 264, 272, 276, 282, 287, 293, 299, 302, 308, 311, 316, 322, 328, 334, 345, 354, 365, 367, 372, 388, 395. Juryman at Superior Court 33, 40, 47, 77, 83, 92, 102, 112, 157, 167, 196, 216, 226, 235, 240, 249, 262, 293. Juryman for Admiralty Court, 357, 358, 367. Juryman, Grand, 5, 13, 21, 27, 30, 37, 40, 47, 51, 58, 61, 65, 69, 72, 77, 79, 83, 86, 92, 95, 102, 107, 112, 120, 127, 130, 133, 139, 152, 157, 161, 167, 170, 181, 184, 196, 201, 207, 210, 216, 220, 226, 230, 235, 237, 240, 244, 249, 256, 262, 264, 276, 282, 287, 293, 299, 308, 311, 316, 322, 328, 345, 354, 367, 372, 388, 395. Jurymen, Lists of, 24, 97, 98, 194, 256, 382. INDEX. 413 Kenney, David, 160. Isaac, 90. Killam, Ebenezer, 226. Kimball, Benjamin, 124, 303, 326. Caleb, 311. Edmond, 153. Jacob, 144, 145, 146, 192, 236, 238, 243, 255, 256, 266, 287, 295, 299, 305, 308, 314-317, 320-329, 332, 339, 343, 348, 349, 352, 365, 367, 375, 376, 386, 387, 395. James, 311. John, 48. Nathaniel, jr., 244. Samuel, 5. Kinney, Archelaus, 200, 210. Kittery, Sarah, 190. Kneeland, Philip, 266, 272. Kneeland, see also Neland. Knight, Benjamin, 26, 70, 303, 327. Enos, 226, 227, 230, 243, 249, 256, 263, 266, 276, 285, 290, 295, 299-301, 311- 313, 317, 318, 329-334, 336-345, 352, 372. Jonathan, 90. Joseph, 43. Philip, 251. Ladder, 20. Lake, Mr., 11, 12. Daniel, 118, 120, 152, 177, 184, 193, 194, 196, 200, 210, 234, 254, 255, 257, 259-261, 263, 265, 266, 280, 292, 296, 302. David, 243. Eliezer, 4, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 79, 118, 184, 194, 218, 219, 224, 255, 298, 315, 316, 327, 330, 344, 371, 386, 387, 399, 400. Eliezer, jr., 118, 120, 157, 161, 209, 215, 217, 222, 227, 230, 236-239, 240, 244, 275, 276, 295, 299. Lamson, John, 281, 282, 386, 387. John, jr., 281, 282. John, 3d., 166. John, Lieut., 166. William, 56. Land joined to Topsfield, 7, 52, 164-166, 173, 175, 242. Land Manufactory biUs, 13, 16. Lessler, Laseley, Joseph, 204, 234. Law suit respecting John Lefavour, 308. Lefavour, John, 37, 53, 60, 61, 119, 145, 146, 173, 200, 261, 262, 268, 292, 293, 308, 314. Lindell, Timothy, 226, 252, 283, 312, 390. Loan money interest, 2, 4, 82, 83. Localities and place names. Bare Hill, 23, 26, 306. Bare Hill plain, 115. Bird swamp, 67. Bunker's meadow, 4, 15, 23, 44, 66, 88, 124, 153, 189, 221, 244, 283. Conant's meadow, 128, 159, 227, 252, 312. Gott's orchard, 22, 43, 66, 88, 124, 159, 197, 226, 252, 282, 312. Mr. Capen's causeway, 12. Neland's meadow, 128, 159, 227, 252, 312. 414 INDEX. Localities and place names — continued. North side of the river, 233. Plains meadow, 23, 131. Pigden's meadow, 5, 44, 66, 88, 124, 153, 189, 221, 244, 283. Robinson's island, 189, 221, 244, 283, 286, 311. South side of the river, 19, 22, 233. Spring, Great 159, 227, 252. Stickey meadow 20, 64. Wenham Causeway, 4, 22, 43, 44, 66, 88, 124, 159, 197, 226, 244, 251, 282, 283, 285, 311, 312, 390. Wenham island, 286, 311. Wenham meadows, 15. Lord, Samuel, jr., 227, 252, 313. Low, David, 159. Nathaniel, 116, 190, 191, 193, 216, 218, 232, 235, 237, 285, 287, 305, 308, 326, 352, 374, 376. Nathaniel, jr., 296. Lummus, Daniel, 252. McKittery, William, 56. Malcom, James, 174. Manufactures. Boards, 107, 172. Barrens, 177. Clapboards, 100, 168, 172. Nails, 168. Plank, 3, 26, 42, 45, 50, 102, 106, 110, 158, 231. Shingles, 168. Slabs, 76. Timber, 157. Rope, 206. Mansfield, , Rev., 339. Marble, Daniel, 22. Marblehead, proposal from, 333. Martet, John, Rev., 335, 336, 337. Marshall, Richard, 111, 116. Marsters, Masties, Samuel, 18, 26, 37, 42, 48, 49, 86, 119, 121. May, John, 296, 297, 327. Meeting house. Bell for the, 265. Bequest of Nathaniel Boardman towards cost of new meeting house, 191. Board of committee at Clarke's tavern, 204. Boards (pine) to mend the, 107. Build new, 153, 165, 168, 170, 171, 180. Care of the, 20. Casements for, 79. Clapboard the sides of, 100. Committee for the raising, 177. Committee to build new meeting house, 168-170, 172, 180, 186, 187, 202, 203, 222, 223, 231, 303. Committee to finish inside of new meeting house, 178. Committee to mark out new pews, 178. Committee to repair, 97, 99, 101, 154, 156. Committee to seat the people, 9, 84, 109, 191, 192, 197, 199-202, 205, 206, 213, 214, 294, 296, 300, 315, 320, 325. INDEX. 415 Meeting house — continued. Committee to sell pews, 181, 188, 191, 192. Committee to seU rope, etc., 206, 207, 213, 214. Committee to take down old meeting house, 175, 186, 187, 195, 203, 204. Common seats in, 202, 321. Cost of new meeting house, 201, 204. Dinner for 100 men, 177. Door, front 89, 91, 122, 202, 204. Door, mending, 57. Door, west, 59. Door latch, 57, 59. Doors, inside, weights to draw too the, 279, 280. Enlarge the, 8. Food and drink for the raising, 177, 189. Gallery, east end, set off for women, 191. Gallery in the, 9, 14, 15, 288, 294, 300, 304. Gallery, parting in front 288. Glass for new meeting house, 181. Glass in old meeting house, 175. Glass mended in, 6, 14, 31, 60, 72, 79, 100, 106. Gutters of the, repaired, 91. Ladder brought to the, 20. Leaks in the roof, 100, 143, 157. New cover the roof of, 90, 100, 131. New meeting house located at a distance from certain families, 178. New meeting hovise to stand on site of old one, 170. Not worth repairing, 156. Old meeting house taken down, 175. Painting the outside, 180, 317. Parsonage wall near the, 268. Petition in front gallery, 14. Pew for Dr. Dexter, 122. Pew for Edmond Putnam, 126. Pew for minister's family, 74, 182, 183, 187. Pew, give up right to, 74. Pew owners, list of, 192. Pew, room for, 14, 55, 57, 58, 59. Pew sold to Nathaniel Low, 191. Pews in new meeting house, 178, 180, 182, 183. Pews in the gallerys, 191, 203, 205, 206, 210, 213-215, 218. Pews may be redeemed by the town, 188. Pews raised from the floor, 182, 183. Pews, size of, 58. Pews sold, 89, 90, 91, 97, 99, 100. Pews to be numbered, 188. Pews to be sold to highest bidder, 181-183, 187, 188, 204, 205, 206. Porch at easterly end of new meeting house, 178, 179. Raising the new meeting house, 177. Repaired, 15, 31, 35, 63, 82, 83, 86, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99, 100, 101, 131, 137, 143, 154, 156. Road to, 256. Roof, change shape, 100, 131. Seating in, 8, 9, 84, 90. Seats in, 8, 9. 416 INDEX. Meeting house — continued. Singers, seats in the gallery reserved for, 294, 300, 304. Size of new meeting house, 168, 170. Stables near the, 112, 113, 115, 120, 185, 268, 317, 318, 330, 331. Steeple deck covered with lead, 190, 191. Steeple for new meeting house, 170. Stocks brought to the, 154. Stone steps to be provided, 202. Stones and gravel about the porch, 190, 204. Sweeping the, 6, 12, 30, 35, 42, 50, 57, 63, 72, 80, 87, 95, 107, 122, 130, 142, 152, 176, 210. Tax to build new meeting house in 1759, 170. Timber for new meeting house, 168-170, 172. Town meeting held in, 1 (etseg.) Windows repaired, 137. Womens gallery stairs, 14. Middleton, 259, 260, 269. Bounds, 23, 26, 43, 70, 90, 122, 160, 196, 227, 251, 282, 312, 313. Land not set off to, 52. Military affairs. Allowance for guarding the harbor of Gloucester, 366. Arms and stores sold, 382, 383. Bounty paid, 371, 372, 376, 394, 395. Bullets, 47, 50. Casks to hold bullets, 50. Clothing for Continental soldiers, 392. Committee to obtain soldiers, 393. Flints, 47, 384. Guns and gun locks, 383. Lead, 383. Minutemen, enlistment of, 339-341, 343, 345. Powder, 47, 201. Powder room, 52. Service of each person in the Revolutionary war, 370. Soldier died at Cape Breton, 50. Town stock, 162, 201, 202, 383, 384. Town stock kept in the meeting house, 201. Training band, 343. Training field, school house near, 142. Training field, sheep in, 41. Troops quartered in Boston, 290. Mills, 67. Grist mills, 246. Low mills, 159. On Ipswich river, 223, 239, 270, 271, 289. Peabody's mill, 67. Porter's saw mill, 159, 197, 226, 227, 251, 252, 282, 283, 312, 390. Saw mill, 26, 70, 90, 159, 246. Wheat mill, 246. Money and barter. Bills of neighboring governments, 256, 258, 267, 276. Bills of publick credit, 92, 258. Dollars, 188. Land manufactory bills, 13, 16. INDEX. 417 Money and harter— continued. Lawful money, 136. New tenor, 27. Old paper currency, 32. Old tenor bills, 19, 22, 25, 29. Price act 377, 378. Prices, rise in, 65. Province bills, 85, 86. Monie, William, 303. Moulton, John, 5. John, jr., 44. Mower, Thomas, 117, 184, 185, 193, 194, 211, 215, 241, 254, 255, 285, 287, 291, 292, 295-301, 304, 305, 307-310, 312-317, 320, 321, 323, 325-330, 333-336, 340, 342, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 358, 364, 366, 368-371, 373-375, 387. Mugs, 189. MuUatoe, 271. Music, singers' seats in the meeting house, 294, 300, 304. Negroes, 271. Neland, PhiUp, 117, 139, 163, 164, 216. Philip, jr., 117. Nichols, Widow, 296. James, 127, 154, 210, 223. John, 127, 197, 252. Non-importation agreement 288, 289, 322-324. Non-resident population in 1776, 271. Nutting, David, 315. Oath as to biUs of neighboring govemments, 256, 258, 267, 276, 287. Ober, Josiah, 153, 244. Oliver, , Secretary, 249. Oyster, Widow, 176. Pack, John. 226. Paper, writing, 275, 287, 296, 307, 327, 344, 353, 388. Parsonage, labor about 79, 87. Parsonage land, 6, 7, 8. Committee in charge of fence, 65, 108, 109, 111-114, 126. Committee to notify Mr. Emerson, 134, 135. Fence about 7, 13, 17, 22, 31, 33, 37, 42, 45, 51, 52, 58, 63, 69, 73, 79, 80, 84, 92, 96, 107, 115, 121, 125, 130, 132. Gate made, 147. Given to Mr. Emerson, 12. Gravel pit in, 139. Liberty to dig rocks for wall, 114. Rented, 344, 351, 353, 375, 387. Wall about 7, 8, 9, 17, 26, 45, 50, 108, 109, 111, 113, 120, 138. Peabody, Francis, 26. Francis, jr., 43. Isaac, 248. Jacob 1-7, 9-11, 13-18, 20-28, 30, 31, 34-41, 43-55, 57, 59-62, 64-67, 69-71, 73, 74, 75, 256, 262, 285, 293, 326, 374, 375, 387. Jacob, jr., 40, 43. John 118, 171, 173, 194, 210, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 285, 287, 292, 293, 295, 297 299 302, 303, 305, 308, 326, 328, 342, 348-350, 352, 355, 356, 358, 364, 366, 368, 369, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379-381, 384, 386, 387, 388, 395. 418 INDEX. Pq Q\i 0 d V — co}t tifi tisd. Joseph, 24, 28, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, 42, 53, 54, 56, 63, 67, 76, 98, 107, 117. Matthew, 3, 11, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30-32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 49, 55, 60, 63, 65, 67, 71, 73-86, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 98, 114, 118, 137, 139-145, 147, 148, 150-160, 167, 172, 194, 196, 222, 229, 254, 268. Nathaniel, 43. Richard, 330. Zerobabel, 90, 160. Perambulation of town bounds, 2, 4, 22, 23, 26, 27, 43, 48, 66, 69, 70, 87, 88, 90, 94, 122, 124, 128, 152, 159, 160, 189, 196, 197, 221, 226, 227, 244, 251 282 311-313 329 390 Perkins! Am'os, 117, 184, 194, 200, 217, 219, 237, 243, 254, 266, 275, 276, 287, 295, 305, 308, 315, 343, 344, 352, 367, 382, 386. David, 98, 118, 120, 125, 130, 132, 140, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 179, 182, 184-186, 188, 193-195, 199, 201, 207, 209, 210, 214, 217-219, 223, 228-231, 234, 236-238, 240, 243, 254, 266, 267, 271, 275, 276, 285, 287, 293, 295, 299, 305, 308, 315, 316, 318, 327, 343, 352, 354, 358, 367, 370, 374-376, 387. Enoch, 119, 142, 207, 231, 327, 365. Isaac 237. Jacob, 9, 25, 41, 56, 59, 68, 75, 79, 101, 117, 164, 218. Jacob, jr., 24, 28, 51, 98, 115, 116. Jeremiah, 159. John, 6, 9, 12, 20, 28, 94, 98, 116, 118, 149, 171, 214, 231, 235, 256. John, jr., 51, 53, 56, 58, 79, 120, 139, 154, 177, 193, 194, 209, 216, 236, 238, 239, 242, 243, 245, 250, 253, 254, 259-263, 265, 285, 287, 315, 316, 327, 330, 331, 365, 375. Jonathan, 40, 49, Joseph, 24, 71, 79, 116, 193, 256, 287, 326, 334, 342, 345. Kesiah, 320. Martha, 315. Moses, 101, 256, 308, 314, 316, 326, 342, 343, 367, 398. Nathan, 176. Nathaniel, 44. Oliver, 387, 389. Robert 20, 34, 36, 37, 41, 98, 117, 120, 151, 155, 161, 168, 192, 194,209, 217, 219, 231, 236, 243, 254, 266, 268, 285, 287-289, 293, 295, 305, 308, 315, 327, 328, 331, 343, 345, 387. Samuel, 19, 62, 63, 118, 254, 256, 315, 316, 386, 388. Stephen, 94, 96-98, 100, 104, 106, 118, 127, 129, 133, 134, 136, 137, 139, 144, 152, 161, 168, 171, 175-179, 181, 182, 184, 193, 194, 199, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 211-213, 217, 220-222, 224, 225, 227-230, 236, 238, 239, 242-245, 247-254, 256-260, 262-265, 267, 270-272, 274, 275, 277, 278, 280-284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 295, 296, 302, 304, 308-311, 313, 314, 316, 317, 321, 323, 325-327, 329-331, 333, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 348-350, 352, 355, 358, 371, 373, 386. Stephen, jr., 378. Stephen, Capt., 338-342, 344, 347, 349, 352-354, 357-359, 370-372, 375, 377, 378, 380, 384. Thomas, 3, 4, 12, 15, 17, 25, 28, 46, 57, 62, 65, 69, 72, 92, 95, 98, 107, 119, 130, 131, 133, 151, 180, 184, 193, 194, 199, 201, 240, 275, 307. Thomas, jr., 98, 117, 122, 130, 139, 171, 173, 194, 237, 243, 254, 256, 257, 275, 287, 295, 299, 315, 316, 342, 352, 379. Timothy, 306. Tobijah, 1, 2, 30-32, 34, 36, 43, 45-48, 51, 52, 55. INDEX. 419 p6rkins — cotitiyiucd. Tobijah, Capt., 24, 28, 30, 41, 49, 51, 56, 57, 92, 98, 99, 105, 112, 116, 142, 147, 154, 156, 175, 177. Tobijah, Lieut., 3-5, 16. WiUiam, 12, 19, 20, 24, 25, 30, 34, 45, 58, 86, 87, 116, 130, 131. Zacheus, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15-17, 19. Zebulon, 256, 315, 316, 326. Perley, , Capt., 23. Asa, Capt, 69, 124, 159, 160, 196, 226, 251, 293, 329. Jonathan, 111. Nathaniel, 251, Thomas, 124, 196, 330. Pest house erected 379 380. Phippen, Samuel, 79, 87, 117, 127, 131, 132, 161, 176, 204, 210, 212, 216, 219. Samuel, jr., 214. Pierpont Joseph, 246. Plough share broken, 378. Ponds, rivers, brooks. Brook from the river to Prichard's pond, 344. Brook near Stephen Foster's house, 128, 159, 227, 252, 312. Fishing brook, 23, 70, 124, 159, 196, 226, 251, 256, 329. From Capt John Boardman's to the river, 327. Great pond, 56, 72, 128, 159, 227, 252, 313. Howlett's brook, 63, 128, 159, 227, 252, 312. Ipswich river, 23, 26, 43, 70, 124, 159, 196, 223, 226, 251, 270, 271, 310, 330. Mile brook, 45, 56, 87. Natural ponds, 224. Nichols' brook, 22, 26, 43, 66, 88, 124, 159, 160, 196, 197, 226, 251, 252, 282, 283, 312, 390. Pond, the, stocked with alewives, 303. Prichard's pond, 294, 296, 304, 306, 311, 313, 315. The river, 4, 15, 44, 70, 90, 128, 135, 137, 144, 149, 155, 160, 227, 234, 251, 282, 286. Wheel brook, 26, 50, 137. Pool, Browne, 231. Poor. Almshouse, 25. Bayley, Benj., family of, 217, 218, 222, 229. Burck, Rachel, child of, 206. Contribution for the poor of Boston, 344. Cree, widow, boarding, 79, 81, 84, 238. Dorman, Jacob, sued for bringing Benj. Bayley into town, 218, 221-224, 229 234. DwineU, Elizabeth, boarding, 127, 128, 134, 135, 140, 149, 153, 154. DwineU, Lucy, wid, child of, 175. French Acadians, care of, 149, 156, 158, 162, 173, 174, 194, 210, 259, 260. Gallop, Abigail, relief to, 180, 185. Hood, Abigail, wid., 218. Hovey, Mrs., board of, 218. Kittery, Sarah, care of, 190. Molasses for the poor distributed, 382, 383. Russel, Mr., boarding, 200. Town, Sarjih, care of, 190. Travelling woman entertained, 225. 420 INDEX. Poor — continued. Tutoos, Samuel, care of, 82, 86. Grave and coffin for, 83. Wallis, Anne, 203, 212. Population of Topsfield in 1776, 271. Porter, Abigail, wid., 290, 291, 294, 296. Eleazer, 43, 88, 124. Elijah, 42, 51, 52, 53, 56, 71, 78, 80-86, 88-99, 101, 102, 104-106, 109-111, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 130, 132-135, 137-140, 142-145, 147, 151, 153, 156-163, 172, 174, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 194-198, 200-202, 205, 207- 212, 214, 217-220, 223-226, 229, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 242-245, 248, 249, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265-268, 270, 272-275, 277-281, 284-289, 292, 295, 297-302, 304, 305, 307-310, 314, 316, 318, 321, 323, 326, 328, 329, 331-335, 337, 338, 340, 342, 343, 349, 350. Daniel, 240. Jerusha, 276. Jonathan, 128. Joseph, 252. Nathaniel, 10, 11, 48, 49, 79, 84, 96, 99, 107, 116, 141, 162, 164. Nathaniel, jr., 3, 10-12, 20, 24, 28, 34, 38, 40, 98, 120, 122, 143-145, 147, 148, 150, 151. Nathaniel, Lieut, 139, 146-148, 150, 152, 161, 290, 291. Samuel, 95, 210. Samuel, jr., 44, 86. Thomas, 116, 124, 352, 365, 370, 382, 386, 387, 395. Tyler, 222. Potter, Aaron, 2, 48, 94, 128. Samuel, 117, 133, 159. Pound, 71. Lock for, 52. New one built, 81, 82, 86, 261, 262, 263, 266, 276. Repaired, 50, 74,145, 146. Sale of old timber from the, 76. Preston, John, 159. Price act 377, 378. Prices, risen in, 65. Prichard, , 115. David, 86, 107, 117. John, 25, 26, 31, 56, 61, 63, 68, 72, 132, 301, 302. Paul, 124, 160. Prince, James, 124. Proctor, Benjamin, 312. John, 246. Provincial Congress, 335, 339, 340, 341, 343, 347. Proxies, ;. e., votes, 13. Putnam, Amos, Dr., 238. Caleb, 43. David, 67, 88. Edmond, 126. Edward, 26, 117. Gideon, 312. Henry, 88. James, 67. Jethro, 43. John, 390. Jonathan, 43. INDEX. 421 Putnam — continued. Joseph, jr., 226. Oliver, 226. Phinehas, 290, 390. Samuel, 124. Stephen, 67, 88,290. Tarrant 283, 390. Raymond, Nathaniel, 317. Rea, Archaleus, 152, 161, 193, 194, 208, 226, 231, 252, 276, 277, 283, 285, 354. John, 312, 327, 351, 354, 386, 388, 390. John, jr., 354. Uriel, 117. Uzziel, 79. Reading, 269. Record book purchased, 30, 35. Redington, Daniel, 2, 3, 6-10, 12, 13, 15. 17, 18, 24, 27, 40-43, 45-53, 69, 72, 77, 256, 266. Jacob, 11, 12. John, 56, 95. Jonathan, 152. Phineas, 3, 5, 6, 12. William, 24, 30, 44. Redington's land, 11. Religious affairs. Emerson, John, Rev., salary, 2, 3, 5, 11, 19, 29, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 44-46, 48, 49, 56, 65, 69, 92, 93, 96, 98-105, 108, 109, 133, 134, 136, 197, 202, 268, 269, 339, 340. Land given to, 12. Committee to discuss salary with, 101-103. Indisposition of, 328, 330, 331, 332. Some suitable person hired to preach, 329-333, 335. Funeral of, 332. Marret John, Rev., to supply the pulpit, 335. CaUed to settle, 337. Mansfield, , Rev., supplied the pulpit, 339. Smith, Manasseh, Rev., supplied the pulpit, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349. Board of those who supplied the pulpit, 349, 365, 382. Shaw, John, Rev., to supply the pulpit 354. Jones, Elias, Rev., to supply the pulpit 367, 369. Called to settle, 370. Whitman, Samuel, Rev., not called to settle, 380, 381. Burton, Asa, Rev., to supply the pulpit, 391. Scribner, Matthew, Rev., called to settle, 397-400. Reconsideration of the vote, 400. Representatives to General Court, 38, 76, 131, 175, 382. Boardman, Nathaniel, 6, 14, 15. Peabody, Jacob, 22, 31, 45, 52, 59, 67, 75. Balch, David, 89. Porter, Elijah, 110, 123, 143, 212. Gould, John, 154, 164, 191, 202, 318, 331,^47, 348, 357, 396, 397. Smith, Samuel, 233, 238, 245, 260, 268, 279, 289, 300, 309, 335, 377. Representative to General Court, Instructions to, 247, 248. Representatives to General Court to be paid from town treasury, 14. 422 INDEX. Revolutionary War. Non-importation agreement, 288-290, 322, 324. Committee of Correspondence, 317-320, 322-324, 351, 353, 368, 375-377, 387. Declaration of Rights, 319. Agreement not to purchase or use tea, 324. Proposals from Marblehead, 333, 334, 336. Delegate to Provincial Congress, 335, 339, 340, 347, 348, 353. Instructions to Delegate, 336. Refusal to pay tax to Provincial Treasurer, 338, 339. Minute men, enlistment of, 339-344, 343, 345. Committee of safety, 348, 351. Debts, recognizance of, 357, 359, 373, 374, 387. Independence of the Colony, 357, 358. Committee to prepare instructions to representative, 358. Instructions to representative, 359. Declaration of Independence, 361. Constitution for Massachusetts, 365, 356, 367, 368, 378, 391. Tax for cost of war, 369, 370. Service of each person in the, 370, 371. Encouragement to enlist 370, 371. Bounty paid, 371, 372, 376, 394, 395. Act to prevent monopoly, 377, 378, Arms and stores sold, 382, 383. Molasses for the poor distributed, 382. Articles of Confederation, 384. Public debts, 384. Clothing for Continental soldiers, 392. Committee to obtain soldiers, 393. Riggs, Dorothy, wid., 118. Robinson, Jacob, 3, 4, 19, 21, 24, 25, 30, 33, 34, 49, 55, 63, 79, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 98, 118, 122, 149, 151, 184, 188, 194. Daniel, 70, 86, 197, 227. Thomas, 46. Rogers, Benjamin, 59, 79. Nathaniel, 22, 37, 59, 64, 68. Samuel, 94, 128. WiUiam, 49, 63-65, 86, 93, 98, 107, 117, 176. Ross, Jabez, 166. RusseU, , Mr., 200. Salem bounds, 22, 43, 66, 88. Fire at, 341. Schools, Boarding the school master, 95, 107, 123, 125, 137, 158, 195, 196, 215, 221, 237, 240, 266, 272, 287, 296, 327, 337, 344, 348, 388. Cost of, 2, 3, 9, 13, 17, 22, 25, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 51, 53, 56, 58, 64, 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 84, 94, 95, 101, 123, 135, 137, 140, 147, 154, 158, 163, 167, 172, 180, 183, 185, 194, 200, 210, 215, 221, 225, 231, 237, 240, 244, 249, 256, 264, 266, 272, 275, 280, 286, 293, 296, 303, 307, 315, 327, 337, 388. Grammar school master, 143, 187, 198, 200, 211, 220, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 315, 326, 343, 352. Grammar school master dismissed (1775), 346, 348. House rent 29, 35, 52, 79, 143. In Benj. Rogers' house, 79. In Cornelius Balch's house, 52. INDEX. 423 Schools — continued. In Mr. Capen's house, 52. School committee, see Town Officers. Middleton, forgave fine for lack of school, 63. School house, 6, 21, 22, 28, 62, 104, 108, 141, 142, 216, 224, 227-230, 232, 233. School master, 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 51, 53, 58, 65, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 84, 94, 95, 101, 107, 108 ,122 ,123, 125, 132, 135, 137, 147, 154, 162, 172, 180, 185, 210, 230, 237, 327, 344, 348, 351. Rogers, Nathaniel, 22, 37, 59, 64, 68. Peabody, Jacob, jr., 40, 43. Averill, Nathaniel, jr., 53. Rogers, Benjamin, 59. Bradstreet, Joseph, Dr., 146, 154. Bradstreet, Asa, 154. TreadweU, Mr., 194, 200. Bridge, Mr., 195. Wood, Samuel, 215. Adams, Mr., 221, 225. Angier, Mr., 231. Bradish, Isaac, 388. Dodge, Nathaniel, 338. Presented at court for lack of, 54, 58-62, 66, 158, 163, 176, 177, 179, 180, 183. Selectmen to provide a school master, 80, 162. Wood for the, 291, 292, 296, 307, 315, 327, 337, 344, 388. Scribner, Matthew, Rev., 397-400. Selectmen, allowance for making the highway rate, 240, 262, 272, 280, 286, 293, 302, 321, 365. Selectmen, see Town Officers. Shaw, John, Rev., 354. Ship yard, 246. Small pox, 218, 379, 380. Smith, Charles, 304. EUas, 306, 307, 317, 318. Isaac, 189. Jacob, 23, 70. John, 94, 128. Manasseh, Rev., 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349. Robert 91. Samuel, 39, 65, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75-78, 84-86, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96-99, 101-106, 110-112, 114-116, 120, 122-124, 127-130, 132-135, 137, 138, 140, 150, 151, 154, 156-158, 160, 182, 183, 193, 231, 268, 298, 300, 301, 307, 309, 310, 313, 317, 321, 323, 325, 329, 330, 333-336, 338, 340, 342, 346, 348-350, 352, 355- 358, 364, 366-371, 373-377, 379-384, 387, 393, 394, 398, 400. Samuel, jr., 37, 40, 42, 43, 55. Samuel, Capt., 245-248, 251, 259, 260, 263, 268, 271, 273, 275-277, 279-281, 284, 285, 287, 289, 295-297, 299, 300, 302-304, 308-310, 314, 316, 318, 320, 323, 326, 329, 331-337, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 352, 354, 359, 377. Samuel, Lieut, 161, 162, 166, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 178, 181, 184, 187, 188, 191, 194, 196, 207-211, 213, 214, 217, 220, 222, 223, 226, 229, 230, 233, 234. 238. South Carolina, fire sufferers, 16. Spaulding, John, 26, 27, 42. 424 INDEX, Standly, Jonathan, 50, 52. Stearns, John, 280, 293. Stocks, built, 7, 153, 154. Story, , Mr,, 249. Suit at law, 17, 19. Surveyor of highways, duties of, 258, 286, 305, 310. Swain, Thomas, Dr., 345. Swan, Ebenezer, 4, 20, 33, 54. Swine, yoaked and ringed, 97. Symonds, Joseph, 197, 227, 312. Samuel, 282. Samuel, jr., 70. Thomas, 55, 60, 63, 79, 86, 95, 98, 101, 107, 117, 123, 125, 135, 137, 151, 153, 155, 161, 168, 171, 174, 176, 181, 185, 194, 198, 199, 209, 214, 217-219, 229, 231, 236, 240, 256, 275, 276, 282, 289, 296, 300, 302, 318, 326, 327, 328. Tapley, Abial, wid., 149, 153, 154, 218, 231, 238, 258. Samuel, 84, 128, 133-135, 139, 238. Tarbox, Samuel, 124, 222, 286, 311. Samuel, jr., 66. Thomas, 5, 36, 88, 124, 153, 189. Taxation, Abatement of rates, 3, 7, 12-14, 18, 20, 26, 28, 29, 31, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46, 49-51, 53, 56, 58, 59, 63, 67, 68, 72, 75, 76, 79, 84, 86, 87, 95, 101, 107, 111, 121, 127, 133, 139, 142, 146, 152, 154, 161, 163, 164, 173, 174, 176, 181, 183, 185, 200, 203, 204, 207, 210, 214, 218, 223, 225, 231, 234, 238, 240, 262, 266, 272, 276, 282, 292, 293, 296, 297, 299, 303, 315, 320, 327, 331, 345, 365. Assessors to take a valuation, 384, 388. Balch, John, claimed to be over rated, 294, 310. ' Bills of rateable estates, 382, County rate, 7, 8, 19, 29, 54, 66, 74, 84, 87, 97, 98, 148, 155, 179, 180, 240, 262, 272, 292, 302, 311, 322, 344, Duty on tea, 288-290, 322, 324. Excise on liquors, 125. Head tax, 12, 14, 18, 79, 101, 152, 238. Land Bank bills receivable, 13. Pole tax, 163, 164. Province money in the treasurer's hands, 82, 83. Provincial rates, 20, 27, 30, 33, 37, 39, 48, 54, 59, 65, 69, 70, 75, 85, 87, 111, 129, 147, 155, 164, 338. Rate to mend highways, 110, 132, 164, 174, 187, 201, 209, 233, 238, 243, 258, 266, 275, 286, 297, 305, 315, 327, 344, 353, 374, 387. Refusal to pay tax to Provincial Treasurer, 338, 339. Tax for cost of war, 369, 370. Tax to build a pound, 263. Tax to build new meeting house, 170. Tax to build the parsonage wall, 113. Town charges, 7, 8, 9, 17, 25, 33, 38, 46, 53, 60, 69, 76, 82, 92, 101, 111, 125, 133, 146, 149, 157, 166, 180, 196, 205, 215, 220, 225, 233, 234,238, 240, 243, 248, 257, 262, 266, 272, 275, 280, 286, 292, 296, 302, 305, 310, 315, 321, 327, 335, 344, 352, 365, 374, 382, 387, 394. Valuation to town's estate, 20. Team hire, 87. Thomas, Widow, 226. Othniel, 256, INDEX. 425 Thompson, Charles, 364. Town meeting adjourned on account of weather, 209. Town meeting held at Dan Clarke's inn, 176. Town meeting held in meeting house, 1 (et seq.) Town meetings, manner of warning, 62, 63. Town meetings, warning 72, 345. Town officers, elected. Assessors, 20, 71, 219, 231, 243, 254, 265, 275, 285, 297, 305, 314, 326, 344, 354, 375, 387. Clerk, 3, 10, 18, 28, 30, 34, 37, 41, 49, 51, 54, 55, 62, 68, 71, 76, 78, 86, 91, 94, 98, 106, 114, 120, 130, 139, 150, 151, 161, 171, 182, 184, 198, 209, 211, 212, 217, 220, 229, 236, 243, 248, 254, 257, 265, 270, 273, 275, 284, 295, 302, 303, 305, 314, 326, 331, 342, 350, 352, 374, 381, 383, 386. Clerk of the market 343, 352, 374. Collector of taxes, 330. Constable Aaron Estey judged incapable, 278, 282. Constables, 3, 10, 11, 18, 28, 34, 37, 41, 49, 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 71, 78, 86, 94, 106, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 162, 171, 184, 185, 198, 209, 217, 229, 236,243, 254, 257, 258, 266, 276, 277, 279, 285, 305, 314, 326, 329-331, 342, 345, 352, 374, 375, 386, 387, 389. Constables failing to pay town treasurer, 261, 262, 291, 292, 302. Constables paid for warning town meetings, 287. Constables to be paid as collectors, 277, 278, 330. Deer reeves, 1, 3, 11, 19, 29, 34, 42, 49, 55, 63, 65, 72, 79, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 343, 352, 374, 387. Fence viewers, 3, 11, 19, 28, 34, 42, 49, 56, 63, 72, 79, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 172; 184, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 343, 352, 374, 386. Field drivers, 20, 23, 64. Hawards, 20, 23, 131, 256, 278. Hogreeves, 3, 10, 19, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 72, 79, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 172, 184, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 305, 315, 326, 343, 352, 374, 387. Moderator, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30-34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 45-47, 49, 51-55, 57, 59-62, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75-78, 80-85, 89, 91-94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 104-106, 109-111, 113, 114, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 132-134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 143-145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 156-158, 161, 162, 164-166, 168, 169, 171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180-182, 187, 191, 194, 196, 198, 202, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 214, 215, 217, 220, 223, 224, 225, 229, 233, 234, 236, 238, 240, 243, 248, 251, 254, 257, 259, 262, 263, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279-281, 284, 289, 292, 295-297, 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 310, 314, 318, 321, 323, 326, 329, 331, 333-335, 337, 338, 340-342, 344-350, 352-354, 356-358, 365-367, 370-372, 374, 375, 377-384, 386, 389-394, 398. Overseer of the poor, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 320, 321, 326, 343, 350, 374, 387. Pound Keeper, 20, 29. School Committee, 3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 51- 53, 56, 58, 65, 69, 73, 76, 80, 89-91, 96, 108, 122, 123, 132, 139, 140, 141, 154, 187, 200, 211, 220, 225, 230, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 342, 352, 374, 387. Sealer of leather, 3, 10, 19, 28, 34, 43, 49, 55, 62, 71, 79, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 161, 172, 184, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 342, 352, 374, 387. 426 INDEX. Town officers — continued. Selectmen, 3, 10, 18, 28, 34, 41, 49, 55, 62, 71, 73, 78, 86, 94, 106, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 171, 184, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 265, 275, 284, 297, 304, 314, 326, 342, 352, 374, 375, 386. Surveyor of clapboards and shingles, 219, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 343, 352, 374, 387. Surveyor of highways, 3, 10, 19, 28, 34, 42, 49, 55, 63, 71, 79, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 171, 184, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 245, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 342, 352, 374, 386. Treasurer, 3, 10, 18, 28, 34, 41, 49, 55, 62, 71, 78, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 171, 184, 198, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 314, 326, 342, 350, 352, 374, 386. Treasurer to collect from Constables, 262. Treasurer to receive money ordered by the Court, 199. Treasurer's salary, 50. Tythingmen, 3, 10, 19, 28, 34, 41, 49, 55, 62, 71, 79, 86, 95, 107, 120, 130, 139, 151, 161, 171, 184, 198, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 326, 342, 352, 374, 386. Wardens, 199, 209, 217, 229, 236, 243, 254, 266, 275, 285, 295, 305, 314, 326, 342, 352, 374, 375, 386. Committee on non-importation agreement, 290. Committee to answer at Court for want of a school, 54, 58, 60, 158, 176, 177, 179, 180. Committee to build pound, 262, 263. Committee to care for parsonage fence, 65, 73, 80, 96, 111. Committee to consider maintaining Waters' river bridge, 259, 264. Committee to exchange land, 11. Committee to give deed, 8. Committee to perambulate, 2. Committee to petition against laying out highway, 135, 136, 137, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 163, 205, 206, 208, 318. Committee to recover land, 1, 7, 19. Committee to repair the meeting house, 97. Committee to select site for school house, 230. Committee to settle bounds, 5, 15. Committee to treat with minister regarding salary, 97. Towne, Absolom, 207. Benjamin, 1-3, 5-7, 10, 12-15, 18, 24, 33-41, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 71, 80- 83, 85-94, 96, 99, 100, 102-104, 106, 109, 111, 112, 114, 120, 122, 124, 128- 130, 132, 135, 137, 140, 186, 191, 195, 198. Benjamin, jr., 117, 149, 153, 166, 167, 203. Benjamin, Capt., 91-96, 98, 101, 102, 104-106, 109-114, 116, 120, 122, 123, 125, 128, 130, 133, 135-137, 139, 142, 145, 150-152, 165, 172, 178, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 191, 202, 206, 213, 215, 221, 229, 255, 270, 296. Benjamin, Lieut, 17, 19, 21, 28, 30, 32, 34, 47, 52, 54, 62, 78, 82, 84, 85. Daniel, 256, 352. David, 79, 95, 98, 117, 139, 140, 142, 145, 149, 184, 186, 187, 193-195, 200, 217, 219, 243, 248, 305, 312, 313, 315, 316, 323, 353, 368, 370. David, jr., 328, 374, 377, 387, 388. Edmond, 1. Elijah, 116. Elisha, 63, 64, 76, 79, 88, 90, 91, 95, 98, 106-108, 112, 116, 119, 142, 173, 194, 215. Enos, 119. INDEX. 427 Towne — continued. Ephraim, 58, 326, 345, 386, 390, 391, 393-397, 399, 400. Francis, 256. Israel 3 Jabez' 98, 116, 120, 121, 123, 125, 129, 152, 171, 173, 194. Jabez, jr., 116. Jacob, 11, 12, 197, 235, 237, 241, 256, 278, 279, 320, 375-384, 386, 388, 389. Jeremiah, 24, 33, 35, 44, 56, 63, 71, 75, 78, 85, 86, 95, 98, 107, 117, 127, 139, 166, 191, 194, 229, 244. John, 24, 34, 40, 54, 65, 67. Joseph, 9, 15, 19, 116, 152, 160, 161, 194, 206, 237, 241, 243, 245, 247, 250, 253, 266, 272, 292, 322, 366. Joseph, jr., 119. Joshua, 3, 28, 42, 49, 107, 118, 139, 240, 342, 349, 350, 372. Joshua, jr., 95, 98, 101, 118, 120, 130, 131, 194. Nathaniel, 72, 80, 87, 95, 117, 204, 207. Nathaniel, jr., 50. Philip, 35, 38, 49, 65, 118, 228, 230. Richard, 3, 9-11, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 41, 44-49, 51-55, 57, 59-62, 64, 66-68, 71, 73, 75-78, 80-83, 85-99, 101-106, 109-111, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124-130, 133, 134, 136-141, 143-145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 153-158, 160-162, 164-166, 168, 171, 174, 175, 177-179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 189, 191, 194, 195, 197, 198, 202, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211-213, 215-217, 220, 223-225, 268, 269. Samuel, 10, 17, 20, 23, 24, 35, 42, 55, 56, 98, 118, 305, 308. Samuel, jr., 118, 131, 241, 253, 255, 256, 275, 276. Stephen, 41, 43, 50, 62, 64, 65, 72, 86, 116. Stephen, jr., 307, 345. WilUam, 37. Trades, professions, etc. Carpenter, 168, 172. Clerk (minister), 70. Doctor, 14, 36, 86, 117, 118, 122, 192, 210, 211, 238, 345, 347, 348. Glasser, 6, 72, 79. Innholder, 72, 176, 355. Lawyer, 136, 142, 172, 221. Minister, see Religious affairs. School master, see Schools. Treasurer, County, 85, 96, 108, 171, 284, 285, 294, 296, 314. Tredwell, , Mr., 194, 200, 355. TrGGs, Apple, 23, 69, 124, 128, 140, 159, 196, 226, 227, 230, 251, 313, 329. Ash, 160, 197. Elm, 70, 90, 227, 251, 282, 312, 390. Maple, 4, 44, 66, 88, 124, 153. Oak, black, 128, 159, 197, 226, 227, 252, 282, 312, 313, 390. Oak, red, 22, 43, 66, 159. Oak, white, 4, 15, 22, 44, 66, 88, 124, 159, 197, 226. Orchard, 22, 43, 66, 124, 159, 197, 227, 252, 283, 312, 313, 390. Trowbridge, Edmond, 221. Tumbrell, 123, 258, 286, 305. Tutoo, Samuel (Indian), 82, 83, 86. Tyler, Royal, 258, 259. Voting, 13. 428 INDEX. Wallis, Anna, 203, 212. Warnings out of town, 68, Bartoos, Jane, 23. Bayley, Sarah, 276. Clough, Widow, 4, Famam, Widow, 226, Grant John, 172. Holdgate, Michael, 6. Lefavour, John, 173. Law suit respecting, 308. Masties, George, 18. Stearns, John, 280. Thomas, Widow, 226. Water courses through River Bridge causeway, 233. WendeU, Jacob, 16. Wenham, 269, 359. Bounds, 1, 2, 4, 43, 66, 88, 124, 128, 135, 137, 138, 152, 189, 221, 244, 281, 282, 311. Bounds altered, 281, 282, 285. Whitman, Samuel, Rev., 380, 381. Wiat George, jr., 226, Wildes, Amos, 326, 329, 330, 332-334, 336-340, 342, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, , 349, 350, 374, 376, 386, 388. Elijah, 29. Elisha, 89, 91, 98, 107, 113, 118, 130, 154, 167, 184, 193, 194, 198, 201, 204, 206, 208, 217, 218, 219, 234, 235, 240, 256, 258-261, 263, 264, 265, 267, 270, 272-275, 277, 278, 280-285, 287, 292, 293, 302, 303, 311. Ephraim, 3, 13, 17, 19, 24, 41, 49, 50, 60, 73, 79, 80, 84, 95, 113, 114, 118, 119, 126, 130, 149, 151, 155, 175, 177, 191, 201, 389. John, 1, 2, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 45, 46, 48, 51-55, 57, 59-61, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75-78, 80-82, 98, 118, 130, 139, 192, 194. John, Capt, 7-11, 13, 17, 19, 22-24, 30, 31, 37, 41, 45, 49-55, 57-60, 62, 65, 68, 71-81, John, Corp,, 6, Jonathan, 56, 121, Moses, 326, 359, 374, 376, 388. Nathan, 161, 174, 207, 231, 235, 240, 249, 268, 374, 376. Nathaniel, 84, 118. Sylvanus, 331. Thomas, 228, 315, 316. Zebulon, 119, 194, 215, 217, Wilkins, Abijah, 320. John, 122. Willard, John, 117. Wood, Aaron, 160. Nathan, 91. Thomas, 226, 376. Samuel, 215. Wood, fire, 197, 219. Woodbury, Benjamin, 116, 237. Peter, 218, 225. Woodman, Nathaniel, 386. Wright Josiah, 122. YALE UNIVERSITY !692b 1 1 'jili'lifll