YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AN APOLOGY FOR LOLLARD DOCTRINES, ATTRIBUTED TO WICLIFFE. NOW FIRST PRINTED FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D.D. V.P.R.I.A. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, AND TREASURER OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, DUBLIN. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, BY JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SON, PARLIAMENT STREET. M.DCCC.XLII. (no. XX.) COUNCIL OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1842-3. President, THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. THOMAS AMYOT, ESQ. F.R.S. Treas. S.A. Director. THE RIGHT HON. LORD BRAYBROOKE, F.S.A. JOHN BRUCE, ESQ. F.S.A. Treasurer. JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ. F.S.A. C. PURTON COOPER, ESQ. Q.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. T. CROFTON CROKER, ESQ. F.S.A., M.R.I.A. SIR HENRY ELLIS, K.H,, F.R.S., Sec. S.A. JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, ESQ. F.R.S., F.S.A. THE REV. JOSEPH HUNTER, F.S.A. SIR FREDERICK MADDEN, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A, JOHN HERMAN MERIVALE, ESQ. F.S.A. THE REV. LANCELOT SHARPE, M.A., F.S.A. THOMAS STAPLETON, ESQ. F.S.A. WILLIAM J. THOMS, ESQ. F.S.A. Secretary. THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ. M.A., F.S.A. introduction. It will naturally be expected that the following trea tise should be introduced to the reader by some account of the manuscript from which it has been transcribed, and some statement of the grounds upon which it has been attributed to the pen of Wickliffe. The manuscript is preserved in the library of Trinity CoUege, Dublin, among the valuable remains of ancient literature coUected by the celebrated Archbishop Ussher, and presented by King Charles II. to the University.* It is on vellum, containing 219 leaves, each 6^ inches by 44. ; a full page having 31 or 32 lines, very neatly and accurately written, in the usual secretary hand of the fourteenth or beginning of the fifteenth century. The last leaf is much wormed, and the volume ends imper fectly. Its contents are as follow : — * It is marked in the Library, Class C. Tab. 5, No. 6. CAMD. soc. 14. b VI INTRODUCTION. I. A tract entitled Credo (being an exposition of the Creed) ; beginning, " It is sooth that bileue is grounde of alle vertues." Foi. I, a. This piece is attributed to Wick- Uflfe by Bishop Bale. See Lewis's List, No. 152.* II. A short Commentary on the Pater noster ; begin ning, " We schall bUeue that this pater noster that Crist hjonsilf techith to alle cristen men, passith alle othere praiers." Foi. 2, a. III. A Commentary on the Ave Maria i beginning, " Men greten commonly our lady goddis moder, and we supposen that this gretyng saueth many men." Foi. 3, b. See Lewis's List. No. 154. IV. Of the " vij eresies." This treatise is divided into seven chapters, each treating of a distinct heresy. At the end we read, " Expliciunt vij hereses contra pater noster." It begins thus : " For false men multiplien bokis of the chirche, now rendyng bileue, and now clout- ynge eresies." Foi. 4, b. The Lord's Prayer in the former tract was divided into seven petitions, or " axyngs," as is usual with divines, and each of the seven heresies described in the present tract has reference to one of the seven " axyngs " of the Pater noster. The tract appears to have been especiaUy * Life of Wiclif, Oxf. 1820, p. 205. Bale, Cent. vi. p. 454. INTRODUCTION. VU directed against the Friars : as may appear from the "•' heresies " it describes, which are as follows : — 1. " That special preier applied bi her prelats, is better than gene ral ; as oon famulorum * seid of a frere, is better than a pater noster." 2. " That thes prelats ben hedis of goddis reume and so alle thes freris ben men of hooli chirche, that God wol here gladlier than ony othere comoun men." 3. " That thei can bo we the wille of our Lord God to brynge a soule to heuen, bi maner of her preiyng." 4. " That the sacrid cost is no maner breed, but either nowjt, or accident withouten ony subiect." 5. " That prestis haue power to assoile men of synne." 6. " That men of priuate religioun be more thick saued."-!- 7. " That if we worchen bi conseillis of thes newe ordris, that leuen the ordenaunce of Crist, we shal nedely be saued." The tract ends foi. 6, b. The next two leaves are blank. V. A treatise on the ten Commandments ; beginning, " Alle maner of men schulden holde goddis biddyngis." Foi. 9, a. This is the tract entitled by Bale " Compendium X. PrEeceptorum," which he describes as beginning Cujus- * Alluding to the Commemoratio pro vivis in the Canon of the Mass, " Memento Domine famulorum, famularunique tuarum N et iV " in which special mention is made by the priest of the persons for whom he intends to pray. t More thick, i. e. more numerously. vm INTRODUCTION. cunque conditionis fuerint homines.* It is divided into two parts, corresponding to the two Tables of the law, the first consisting of twelve, the second of twenty-eight chapters. VI. A treatise on " Feith, Hope, and Charite ; " begin ning, " For it is seid in holdyng of our haUday, that we shulden occupie the tyme in prechyng, and deuout hering of the lawe of God." Foi. 27, a. This tract is divided into six chapters ; and is probably the same as that men tioned by Lewis, No. 274. There is a copy of it in a vo lume preserved in the library of New College, Oxford -j- VII. A tract entitled at the end " Opera misericordie corporalis ;" beginning, " If a man wer sur that he shulde to morowe come bifor a iuge, and other lese or wynne alle the goodis that he hat, and eke his lijf therto." Foi. 30, b. It is divided into six chapters. This is also in the volume belonging to New College, Oxford, and is entitled, " The seuen werkys of mercy bodily." — It is mentioned by Bale and Lewis.;}: VIII. " Opera caritatis ; " beginning, " Sith we shulden serue our parishens in spritual almes, as thei seruen vs in * Bale, Cent. vi. p. 464. Lewis's Catal. No. 153, p. 205. No. 273, p. 213. Comp. also, No. 278, p. 214. f See British Magazine, Feb. 1836, p. 136. j: Bale, ut supra. Lewis, No. 155, p. 206. No. 267, p. 211. INTRODUCTION. IX bodiU sustenaunce." Foi. 35, a. This tract is divided into four chapters. It is attributed to Wicliffe by Bale and Lewis, and is to be found in the volume, already mentioned, belonging to New College.* IX. " Septem peccata capitaUa ;" a treatise on the seven deadly sins, beginning, " Sith bileue techith vs that every yuel is other synne, or cometh of synne, synne shulde be fled as almaner of yuel." Foi. 38, a. The seven sins are thus enumerated : " Pride, Enuye, Wraththe or Ire, Sleuthe, Couetise, Gloterie, Lecherie." This tract is divided into thirty-two chapters and ends on Foi. 63, a. There are copies of it, according to Lewis, in the Bodleian Library, and in the King's Library.-f- X. " De Ecclesia et membris ejus ;" beginning, " Cristis chirche is his spouse, that hath thre partis, the first part is in bUss, with Crist bed of the chirche, and conteyneth aungelis and blessid men that now ben in heuene." Foi. 63, b. This tract is ascribed to WicUffe under the titles De ecclesice dominio, and De ecclesia Catholica.% It is divided into ten chapters, and ends foi. 75, b. where we read " Explicit tractatus de ecclesia et membris ejus." * Bale, ibid. Lewis, No. 166, p. 206, and No. 258, p. 211. t Lewis, No. 259, p. 211. + Lewis, No. 58, p. 191. Baber, p. 42. X INTRODUCTION. XI. " De apostasia et dotatione ecclesise ; " beginning, " Sith ilche cristen man is holden to sewe [i. e. to foUow] Crist, and whoever faylith in this is apostata." Foi. 76, a. This tract is divided into four chapters, and ends foi. 80, b. with the note, "Explicit tractatus de apostasia et dotacione ecclesise." The second chapter is headed in rubric De dotacione ecclesice, and is perhaps the same which Bale mentions under the same title as a distinct tract, and which he tells us begins Utrum clerus dehuerit dotationem.* In the MS. before us the second chapter begins, " As to the posses- siouns and dowyng of clerkis, bileeue shulde teche vs that it doith hem harm to kepe Cristis religioun, and harm to lewid men." XII. " Tractatus de pseudo freris ; " beginning, " For many beren heuy that freris ben clepid pseudo or ypocritis, anticristis or fendis, or ony siche name." Foi. 81, a. This tract is divided into eight chapters ; it is full of curious matter on the controversy with the feligious orders, but does not seem to have been known to Bale^ Lewis, or Baber. It ends foi. 95, b. XIII. " Of the eight woes that God wished to freris ;" beginning, " Crist biddeth vs be waar with thes false pro- * Lewis, No. 51, p. 191, INTRODUCTION. XI phetis that comen in clothing of sheepe, and ben wolues of raueyn, and thes ben specially men of thes newe ordris." Fol. 96, a. This is another tract of great interest, unknown to Bale ; it consists of an elaborate parallel between the Scribes and Pharisees of the Gospel, and the mendicant orders of the fourteenth century. It ends fol. 101, a, with the note, " Her enden the eighte wools that God wishid to freris. Amen." This is probably the same tract which Lewis describes as a commentary on the text V(E vohis Scrihce et Phariscei hypocritce .-* of which he says there is a copy in the King's Library. XIV. " Exposicio evangelii M*. 24. Egressus Jesus de tempio, 8fc." beginning, " This gospel teUith myche wis dom that is hid to many men ; and speciali for this cause, that it is not al red in the chirche." Fol. lOI, a. This is the tract entitled by Bale De Christo et Anti- christo, of which there are copies, according to Levds, in the hbraries of Trinity College, and of Corpus Christi Col lege, Cambridge. -f- In commenting on the verse, " And thanne schal be greet tribulation what maner was neuer bifor fro the * Lewis, No. 277, p. 214. f Lewis, No, 5, p. 181. XU INTRODUCTION. biginnyng of the world," our author appUes the prophecy to his own times, in the foUowing words :— " But so ge neral strijf as now is among many rewmes, was neuere herd bifore fro the bigynnyng of the world, for al our west lond is with oo pope, or with the tother, and he that is with the ton, hatith the tother with alle hise." This fixes the date of the tract to the period of the great Western Schism which began A. D. 1378. It ends fol, 116, b. with the note "Explicit Euange- lium." XV. " Of anticrist, and his meynee," [i. e. his train, family, or followers ; *] beginning, " Dauid seith, Lord sett thou a lawe maker vpon hem. Hit semyth to me, seith Austyn, that this signifieth anticrist." Fol. 117, a. Bale mentions a tract under the title De Antichristo et membris, in two books ; it begins, as he tells us, with the words, " Quemadmodum Dominus Jesus ordinavit,""!" and therefore is most probably not the work now before us, but the tract usually known by the title, " How Anti christ and his clerks travailen to destroy Holy Writ,"J which has been published by the " Religious Tract * Meynee, or Meiny, from the French Mesnie. See Nares's Glossary in voc. Meiny. t See Lewis, No. 6, p. 182. X Lewis, p. 155. INTRODUCTION. xiif Society," in their volume of the Writings of Wickliffe (Lond. 1831), from the MS. in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The piece published by the Tract Society, however, does not appear, from what they have given of it, to have been in two books. XVI. " Of antecristis song in chirche," beginning " Also prelatis, prestis, and freres putten on symple men that thei seyen, that Goddis office or seruyce ben not to be songen with note." Fol. 124, a. This work seems to be a continuation of the former, and has escaped the notice of Wickliffe's biographers. XVII. " Of praier a tretys," beginning " Also bischops and freres putten to pore men that thei seyn, that men owen not rather to praye in chirche thenne in other place." Fol. 126, a. It ends fol. 127, a, with the note, " Explicit tractatus de oratione." XVIII. A tract entitled "Nota de confessione," and beginning " Two vertues ben in mannes soule by whyche a man shuld be rewled in hoolynesse in mannes wille." Fol. 127, b. It is divided into thirteen chapters, and ends, fol. 138, a, with the note, " Explicit &c.'' XIX. A tract without title, beginning " Crist forsothe CAMD. soc, 14. c XIV INTRODUCTION^. did al that he couthe to obeye to lordis, and mekely and softly speke to hem. But to scribes and to pharisees he spake sharply." Fol. 138, b. XX. A tract entitled " Nota de sacramento altaris." This title has been blotted with ink by a modern hand, so however that the words are still legible. It begins " Cristen mennes bileeue tau3t of ihu Crist, God and man, and hise apostles, and seynt Austyn, seynt Jerome, and seynt Ambrose, and of the court of Rome, and alle treue men, is this, that the sacrament of the auter, the which men seen be twene the prestis handis, is verre Cristis body and his blode." Fol. 145, a. XXI. A tract without title, beginning " Crisostom Seith, that fischers and buystouse men, makynge iche daye nettis with here hondes, founden Crist, whom prestis studiynge al day in goddis law founden not." Fol. 146, b. XXII. Another tract without title, beginning, " Seynt Barnard spekith thus to Eugenye the pope, Supposest thou whether thise tymes wolden suffre, if two men stry- uing for ertheli eritage, and axing dome of thee, thou woldest answer the voyce of thi Lord God, Man, who or- deyned me domesman upon 30U." Fol. 152, a. XXIII. A tract vrithout title, beginning, " God moueth hooly chirche bi many maner of spechis to knowe the treuthe of his lawe, and therbi to come to blisse. And INTRODUCTION. XV thus God spekith bi summe men, as if two persones dis- pitiden to gidre, the which we clepyn reson and gabbyng, whech ben Crist and the fende." Fol. 154, b. This tract is in the form of a Dialogue, in which the speakers are Christ and the Devil. All the foregoing treatises from No. XVI. to this inclusive, appear to have been omitted in the lists of Wickliffe's writings. XXIV. Another tract without title, written as if it were a continuation of the former, but which from its subject appears to be distinct. It is on the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost, and begins, " And for neither man ne womman may perfitiy do the seuen werkis of mercy, with outen the seuen 3eftis ofthe holy gost." Fol. 161, a. This may perhaps be the tract mentioned by Lewis under the title " De vii donis Spiritus Sancti."* XXV. Another tract without title, and written also as if it were a continuation of the preceding, beginning " Clerkys knowen that a man hath five wittes outward, and other fine vrittes inward." Fol. 162, b. Lewis mentions a tract entitled " Seven bodily wittis,"-f" but the initial sentence which he quotes does not agree with this. XXVI. A treatise without title, beginning " Here are questiouns and ansueris putte, &c." Fol. 164, a. » Lewis, No. 245, p. 211. f Lewis, No. 256, p. 211. XVi INTRODUCTION. This is the work now for the first time published. It occupies 88 pages of the manuscript, and ends fol. 218, a. XXVII. A short tract without title, on the mystical interpretation of Jacob's ladder, beginning " Hit is writen in the first book of holy writ, that ther weren thre pa- triarkes in the peple of God." Fol. 218, a. XXVIII. Another short tract, beginning, " Thes ben the nyne poynts that our Lord Ihu answerid an holy man that coueit to wite what mi3t most plese vn to God." Fol. 218, b.* XXIX, A tract without title, beginning " Of the dedis of mercy God will speke at the dredful day, and dome to all his chosun stondyng on his ri3t side. Come ye blessed childre of my fadre," &c, Fol. 219, a. This tract is unfortunately imperfect, and ends on the next page ; the volume wants some leaves, and the last two leaves are much wormed, although perfectly legible.'f- It seemed desirable to give this lengthened account of the volume from which the following treatise is taken, not only from the great interest of the collection, comprising * This little tract has been printed in the " Irish Ecclesiastical Journal," No. 11, (May 1841,) page 183. f Some account of this volume was given about three years ago in the British Mazagine, vol. xiv. p. 275, as one of a series of papers on the MSS. of Wickliffe in the Library ofthe University of Dublin. INTRODUCTION. XVii as it does many works, which, if Wickliffe's, have not been noticed by his biogTaphers ; but also, and chiefly, because the principal evidence, if not the only evidence, upon which Bale and others appear to have depended in attributing to our Reformer the works of which they have given catalogues, was undoubtedly the company in which those works were found, in such collections as that now before us. The writer of these pages has already publicly declared his conviction, that we are to this day unable to decide with any certainty what are Wickliffe's genuine works, and what are not.* Bishop Bale, from whose Catalogue of the Reformer's works all subsequent writers have copied, appears to have transcribed without much discrimination the titles of all that he found in the MSS. to which he had access, or which were attributed to Wickliffe by his enemies, or by his friends, and the existence of a tract in any coUection, containing one or more of the pieces usually attributed to Wickliffe, was with Bale evidence sufficient to induce him to enter it among the Reformer's writings.-}- * Seethe Preface to " The Last Age of the Church." Dublin, small 4°. 1840. London (Leslie). f Bale himself says, " Edidit partim Latine, partim in lingua vulgari, opuscula quae sequuntur, quorum majorem partem ex XVm INTRODUCTION. It is not, however, quite certain that the foUowing treatise has been noticed by Bale, unless it be the same as the work to which he gives the title of " Replicationes et positiones, lib. 1. ;"* and from the remark that has just been made, it appears that, even if it had been more distinctly included in his Catalogue, his authority would not have been of itself sufficient, without other evidence, to satisfy us that it was really from the pen of Wickliffe. The only positive evidence that can be alleged in favour of such a supposition, being its occurrence in a volume which as a MS. is coeval with the Reformer, and which contains so many of the treatises that are commonly at tributed to him. Of evidence on the other side in disproof of the hypo thesis that Wickliffe was the author, the most satisfactory would arise from aUusions, if any such could be found in adversariorum scriptis collegi." But the Catalogue itself bears in ternal evidence of having been in great part derived from the MSS. many of the works being enumerated in the order in which they occur in MSS. still extant. In neither case, however, can much authority be given to Bale's enumeration of the Reformer's writings, and in particular no inference can fairly be drawn from his omissions. * Bale, Cent. vi. p. 455. Lewis, No. 231, p. 210. Bale also men tions " Positiones variae, lib. i." and " Determinationes quaedam, lib. i." but as he has not quoted the initial sentences of any of these works it is impossible to identify them with that now before us. INTRODUCTION. XIX the Tract, to events subsequent to the Reformer's times, or from quotations of writers who flourished after his death. With this view the quotations have been diligently examined, and as far as possible verified, and the Editor believes that nothing will be found in the treatise, which, so far as these considerations are concerned, might not have been written by Wickliffe. But, as there are a few cases in which the Editor has been unsuccessful in de termining the author of a passage cited, this conclusion must necessarily be received as liable to some uncertainty. It has been suggested, indeed, as a circumstance in consistent with the supposition that Wickliffe was the author, that the passages of Scripture cited throughout the treatise, are quoted not from Wickliffe's own version, but from some other translation. But if this criterion be applied to the Works admitted to be Wickliffe's by the common consent of his biographers, and cited as such in evidence of his opinions, it wiU be found to conclude equaUy against them. Take for example the foUowing version of St. Matt. xxiv. 27j, 28, which occurs in the tract entitled by Bale De Christo et Antichristo, and which is admitted to be Wickliffe's, its date being fixed, as we have seen by internal evidence,* to a very late * See No. XIV. p. xii. supra. XX INTRODUCTION. period of his Hfe. The corresponding passage from the printed text of Wickliffe's version is given in juxtaposition for the convenience of the reader : — The Tract De Christo et Anti- Wickliffe s New Testament. christo. As the leyting cometh out fro As leiyt goith out fro the est, the eest, and apperith vn to the and aperith into the west, so schal west, so shal be comyng of mannes be also the comynge of mannes sone to the day of doom : and sone, where evere the bodi schal wher euere the body be, shulen be ; also the eglis shulen ben tbeglis be gederid ; and anoon gaderid thidir. And anoon aftir aftir tribulacion of thoo dayes, shal the tribulacoun of tho dayes, the the sunne be maad derk, and the sunne schal be made derk : and mone shal not 3yue his li3t, and the mone schal not 3eue her sterris shulen falle from heuene, li3t, and the sterris schulen falle and vertues of heuenes shulen be fro heuene, and the vertues of mouyd. heuenes schulen be moeued. This is a passage in which the similarity to the printed Version is much greater than usually occurs : but it sufficiently proves that we can draw no inference, as to the authorship of any work attributed to Wickliffe, from any such deviations from the text of his Version. Besides, even allovring the objection its utmost weight, can it in any case prove more than that the tract in which such deviations occur, if by Wickliffe, was com posed at a period of his life prior to the completion of his English Version ? But not even would this inference be perfectly safe ; for we know that it was the custom of INTRODUCTION. XXI our divines, so late as the reign of Charles I. to translate for themselves such passages of Scripture as they had oc casion to cite ; and that notwithstanding the existence of a Version allowed by public authority, and with aU the facilities of reference afforded by the art of printing.* The state of the case, therefore, seems to be, that there is no positive evidence against the supposition that the foUowing work may be Wickliffe's ; whilst on the other hand there is no decisive reason for attributing it to him, beyond the fact of its being found in a collection of his acknowledged writings. It may be said, also, that it is evidently the work of a man of learning, well skilled in the canon law, and in the theology of the day, and that it appears, from several expressions, to have been delivered to an assembly of judges, before whom the author was called upon to defend his opinions. Thus he says at the very outset, " First I witness before God Almighty, and aU true Christian men and women, and you," &c. And he frequently aUudes to some former discourses of the same kind ; as, p. 6, " And thus I graunt now, as oft I have knowlechid before many witnesses," &c. and, p. 7, " To this I seid thus, I reheirsd a doctor that seid thus," * See for example the works of Bishops Andrewes, Hall, Saunder- son, &c. CAMD. soc. 14. d Xxii INTRODUCTION. &c. These circumstances are aU consistent with the supposition that Wickliffe was the author, although it may not perhaps be easy to fix upon the precise period in the recorded events of his life, in which such an apology for his doctrines may be assumed to have been delivered. There is another source of internal evidence from which it is possible that some light might be thrown upon this question, at least so far as indicating the shire or proAdnce in which its author lived. This, however, is a subject which the Editor, being an Irishman, is neces sarily incompetent to investigate ; and he has therefore thought it safer to leave the discussion of it to others, than to undertake to enter upon it with such imperfect in formation as he might perhaps have gleaned from books. He felt also that the attempt to fix the locality of an author of the fourteenth century, from the provincial idioms to be found in his writings, must in every case be somewhat precarious : unless we can be supposed to have fully satisfied ourselves that the phrases which are now found to characterize a particular shire, were also peculiar to that shire five centuries ago. And at all events it seemed certain, that no conclusion drawn from such premises against the supposition that Wickliffe was the author of INTRODUCTION. XXIU the tract before us, could be deemed perfectly decisive of the question, without a more complete application of the same test to the other writings usually attributed to him, than it is in the power of the Editor to undertake. It remains now to give some account of the contents of the treatise, which may perhaps help the reader to understand it ; and then, a very few remarks on the manner in which it is now for the first time printed, wiU close all that the Editor has to say in the way of introduction. It has been already said that the work is an elaborate defence or apology for the principal tenets of the Lol lards, pronounced before some court of delegates or judges, by an individual, who if he was not Wickliffe him self, must have been one of his early followers, and a well read theologian of the day. He thus states his object at the commencement of the Treatise* : " First, I witness before God Almighty, and all true Christian men and women, and you, that it hath not been nor is, nor ever shall be mine intent or purpose to say anything against the Catholic faith ; neither [with] intent to beguUe or deceive any man or woman, in any- * See p. 1. The extracts here made are given in modern English, for the convenience of the reader, and (for the most part) in what may be called a translation. In the foregoing extract a conjectural emend ation, suggested in the note (p. 115), has been adopted. xxiv INTRODUCTION. thing unprofitable to the eternal salvation of their souls, nor contradicting the words or sentence of any Saint, speaking faithfully." The following is a list of the propositions which appear to have been objected to our author, in the order in which he has stated and defended them. I. " That the Pope is not the vicar of Christ, nor of Peter." p. 1. This he explains to mean, that, if the Pope neglect his duty, he must be considered as having forfeited his claim to the office whose functions he has failed to perform. And the principle assumed in this assertion is defended by various quotations from the canon law, and from holy Scripture. This was the weU known doctrine of WickUffe and his foUowers, upon which they grounded their constant assertion that the clergy had no right to their tithes and temporal endowments, except so far as they discharged faithfuUy their spiritual duties. The doctrine that the Pope is not the vicar of Christ or of Peter, was attributed to Wickliffe in the CouncU of Constance, where we find among the articles condemned, the following : — " Credere debet Catholicus, quod nee Im- perator, nee universaUs ecclesia, nee Deus, de potentia absoluta, ordinare potest, quod eo quod quis succedit, et INTRODUCTION. XXV post Petrum vocatur in facie ecclesise Romanus episcopus vel Papa, eo ipso sit caput vel pars ecclesise cui obedien- dum est." And again, — " Papa fingit mendaciter, quod est summus vicarius Jesu Christi in terris. Sed benedic- tus Deus qui istud caput ecclesise in parte contrivit, et divisit in partes contrarias caput hujusmodi benedictum,"* II. " That the Pope selleth indulgence." And " That he may give no indulgence, neither to men in purgatory, nor to them that are prescit, that is to say, that are to be damned, or are now damned." p. 7. His defence of this point is comprised in the assertions, that the apostles gave no indulgences : that such indul gences can be of no value, unless we can be sure that the Pope who grants them is himself saved ; whereas we are certain that many popes who have granted such indul gences are damned. That the indulgences bear internal evidence in themselves of being fictitious, and of none effect ; and that the sale of indulgences, if the indulgences were of any value, would be simoniacal and sinful. WickUffe's opinion upon this subject, as stated in his articles condemned in the Council of Constance, was as foUows : " Quantum ad indulgentias, privilegia, et regula- * Orthuinii Gratii Fasciculus (ed. Brown), tom. i. p. 273. See also Eationes etMotiva, art. 8. "Si papa est praescitus et malus, et per con- sequens raemhrum diaboli, non habet potestatem super fideles ab alio sibi datam, nisi forte a Caesare." Ibid. p. 282. XXvi INTRODUCTION. tionem ecclesise in lege nova, patet quod foret expediens toti ecclesise, quod omnes novitates hujusmodi sint sopitse. Omnia tamen taha videntur esse phantasmata, nee fundata rationibus, nee Scriptura."* And in the " Rationes ac Motiva," given by the councU for condemning his opinions, the 4 1 st article attributed to him is thus expressed : " Fatuum est credere indul- gentiis Papse."-|- IIL " Of cursing two points. 1. That the ministers of the kirk ought not to curse and to wary. 2. That the kirk may not righteously curse a righteous man." p. 13. The first he explains by saying that the ministers of the Church may curse, provided they do not use the power for their own private ends, but for the glory of God. To the second he answers by distinguishing two senses in which the curse of the Church may be righteously denounced. First, when the person cursed justly merits such a sentence. And, secondly, when the curse is pro nounced according to the forms of law. In this latter sense, when the evidence goes against a man who is really innocent, the Church may, nevertheless, be blame less in pronouncing sentence against him, in so far as the * H)id. p. 275. t Orth. Gratii Fasciculus, tom. i. p. 294. See also Jo. Wiclef Trialogus, lib. iv. cap. xxxii. INTRODUCTION. XXVll curse is pronounced legally and in due form : but in the other sense, a righteous man cannot be lawfully, or in the sight of God, rendered accursed, by the sentence of the Church. This is confirmed by a dissertation on the different senses of the word curse, and by citations from the canon law. In the " Rationes et Motiva," already referred to, the 11th article attributed to Wickliffe is, " NuUus prselatus debet aliquem excommunicare, nisi prius sciat ipsum excommunicatum a Deo : et qui sic excommunicat, fit hsereticus ex hoc, vel excommunicatus."* IV, " That Christ was cursed." p. 25. This is explained by distinguishing the three senses in which a man may be said to be cursed. First, by sin, when by his guilt he excommunicates himself. Secondly, when he is excommunicated by the Church, as a means of leading him to repentance. Thirdly, when he is cursed by men unjustly. In this last way only can Christ be said to be cursed ; and that in three senses, either as having taken upon Him that nature of man, which was under a curse : or in His own Person, as having been cursed unjustly by man * Orth. Gratii Fasciculus. Ibid. p. 283. Comp. also Art. 30. Ihid. p. 289. xxviii INTRODUCTION. and condemned to an ignominious death ; or lastly, in His members, who are one with Him, and in whom, when they are unjustly condemned, He also suffers- excommu nication. V. " That each priest may use the key to every man." p, 28. This proposition was a favourite one with the Lollards, and was levelled against episcopal jurisdiction ; the mean ing being, that every priest not only has power, but is bound, to exercise his office independently of the license of his bishop, and even in opposition to an express prohi bition. It is in this sense that our author here defends it, and it was thus that a simUar proposition was frequently defended by the Lollards : take for example the sixth conclusion alleged against WiUiam of Swinderby. " That ech priest may assoil him that sinneth, contrition had ; and notwithstanding forbiddings of the bishop, is holden to preach to the people the gospel." To this he answers, " Thus I said not, but thus I said, and yet say, with pro testation made before ; That ech true priest may counsel sinful men that shewen to him her sins, after the wit and cunning that God hath given him, to turn fro sin to ver- tuous life. And as touching preaching of the gospel, I say, that no bishop ows to let a true priest, that God hath given grace, wit, and cunning to do that office ; for both INTRODUCTION. XXIX priests and deacons, that God hath ordained deacons and priests, ben holden by power given hem of God, to preach to the people the gospel, and namely and somely popes, bishops, prelates, and curates," &c.* Our author here uses the same form of argument, viz. that, inasmuch as aU power of binding and loosing is from God, a priest, who has received that power from God, possesses it as fully as a bishop ; and that originaUy, by the testimony of St. Jerome, the order of priest was the same as that of bishop. These were the weU known errors of the LoUards, and our author (p. 30) incidentally mentions the consequence that was commonly drawn from them by his sect, namely, that confirmation might be ministered by priests .-f- VI. " Iche prest is holdun to preche." p. 30. This was another favourite doctrine of the Lollards, closely connected with the former. Its meaning is, that the office of priesthood in itself imposed the duty of preaching, without any necessity of license from a bishop, * Fox, Acts and Monuments, vol. i. p. 634. Lond. fol. 1684. So also in the " Rationes et Motiva" at the council of Constance, the 34th art. attributed to Wickliffe is, " Licet alicui diacono vel presby- tero prsedicare verbum Dei, absque authoritate apostolicae sedis, vel episcopi authoritate." Brown, Fasciculus, tom. i. p. 291. t See what has been said on this subject in the Note on p. 30, 1. 22. CAMD. soc, 14. c XXX INTRODUCTION. and even in opposition to the bishop's inhibition ; and whether the priest had cure of souls or not. Our author's argument is this : " Every man is holden to do what Christ enjoineth him to do : but Christ enjoineth every priest to preach ; therefore every priest is bound to do so."* VII. " If any hear the mass of a priest that liveth in lechery, and knoweth him to be such, he sinneth deadly." p. 37. In proof of this position our author relies chiefly upon the decrees of the two Roman synods under Nicholas II. and Alexander II. in the years 1059 and 1063, in the first of which it was ordained that no married priest, or, as the synod expressed it, no priest having a concubine, should celebrate mass, or assist at its celebration ; and in the second, the laity were enjoined not to hear the mass of such a priest."!- Applying these canons to priests guilty of fornication, our author maintains the extreme position of his sect, that to receive the ministrations of such priests is a * See the Note on p. 31, line 29. f These enactments are given rather inaccurately in Gratian's Decretum, Dist. xxxii. c. 5 and 6. They will be found in the councils. (Hardouin, tom. vi. col. 1062, c. and 1139, c.) The decree of Alexander II. was the dangerous example afterwards followed by Gregory VII. of calling in the assistance of popular indignation in support of ecclesiastical canons. See Bowden's Life of Gregory VII. vol. ii. p. 25. INTRODUCTION. XXXl mortal sin ; and that ignorance of the real character of the priest does not excuse the laity from this guilt, unless due inquiry has first been made. He then quotes several other decisions of popes and other ancient writers, con demning profligacy in the clergy, which, however, are more or less inapplicable to the question, because they do not make the people the judges or punishers of the delinquents. The principle assumed in this proposition was the ground of many similar conclusions in the theology of the Lollards ; as for example, that the incontinence of the clergy released their parishioners from the obligation to pay tithe ; that the priest in deadly sin cannot consecrate the Body of Christ, nor minister efficaciously the other sacraments.* And these principles continued, even to the period of the Reformation, to produce such per nicious effects, that it was thought necessary to affirm * See the second and eighth conclusion objected against William Swinderby. Fox, uhi supra, p. 633, 634. So in the " Rationes et Motiva," already so often quoted, Wickliffe is made to say in the 16th article, " Nullus est Dominus civilis, nullus est prselatus, nullus est episcopus, dum est in peccato mortali." (Brown, Fasciculus, tom. i. p. 284). And again in the 17th article, " Populares possunt ad suum arbitrium Dominos delinquentes corrigere." (Ihid. p. 285.) XXXU INTRODUCTION. the contrary doctrine in one of the thirty-nine articles of religion.* VIII. " He that curseth any man, or denounceth him as cursed, when he is not cursed, breaketh God's commandments, by bearing false witness against his neighbour." p. 40. This proposition our author asserts to "shew itself sooth," that is to be self-evident.-|- IX. " It is a taking of damnation that a man lead his life in poverty." p. 40. Our author's defence of this proposition consists in an explanation of the sense in which poverty is a duty and lawful, and of the sense in which the profession of it is dangerous and a sin. It is probably in intent and mean ing the same as the twenty-fourth article attributed to Wickliffe in the Council of Constance, which is thus ex pressed : " Fratres tenentur per labores manuum victum acquirere, non autem per mendicitatem.":}: X. " Fastings are not necessary, while a man abstaineth himself from other sin." p. 44. This assertion is supported by a reference to the words * See Art. xxvi. " Of the unworthiness of the ministers which hindereth not the effect of the sacraments." f See the fifth conclusion against William Swinderby. Fox, ubi supra. I " Rationes et Motiva," apud Brown, Fascicul. tom. i. p. 287. INTRODUCTION. XXXlil of Joel, u. 16, "Sanctify a fast," and by a passage from one of S. Gregory's HomUies. The right use of fasting, however, is asserted, and the benefits of it, when so used, enumerated. XL " That the priest is not holden to his canonical hours, except he be to sing [i. e. to officiate]." p. 44. To this our author answers, " I deny not my having said this, from fear of the danger to which I am exposed by the law ; for if it were proved in evidence against me, though it were false, if I denied, I should still be con demned as guUty. And on the other hand I grant not that I said it, that I lie not against myself, for I wot not that I said it, and man's mind [i. e. memory] is slender. If I have been in fault, I ask forgiveness, and I will mend." After this confession, he takes occasion to urge, that if priests feel themselves so strongly bound to their canonical hours, imposed upon them by human authority, how much more should they esteem the obligation of that charge which they have received from Christ himself.* It appears, therefore, that our author's doctrine on this * See the articles, under the head " Contra Orationes," attributed to Wickliffe in the Council of Constance. Brown, tom. i. p. 269. Also those under the head " Contra Missas et horas." Ihid. p. 276. XXXIV INTRODUCTION. head was much the same as that of WiUiam Sawtrey or Chantris, priest ; the seventh article aUeged against whom, in his examination before the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1399, was, "That every priest and deacon is more bound to preach the Word of God, than to say canonical hours ;" which proposition (although he afterwards re canted) he at that time admitted to be a fair statement of his opinions : his own words are, " And also I say, that every deacon and priest is more bound to preach the Word of God than to say his canonical hours, according to the primitive order of the church."* XII. " That in the sacrament of the altar, after the consecration, dwelleth the substance of the bread." p. 45. Here our author plainly aUudes to some former work or discourse on this subject. " And in this matter," he says, " I remember that I have spoken and rehearsed the words of the Apostle, and other doctors, that they speak on this matter ; for Paul saith, the bread that we break is the partaking of the Body of Christ." He goes on then to quote several passages from the Decretum, which, however, seem to bear but little on the subject. Amongst the rest he quotes the famous canon Ego Berengarius, as if it were a testimony in his favour. * Fox, vol. i. p. 687. INTRODUCTION. XXXV He distinctly asserts the Real Presence, although he denies transubstantiation. The foUowing passage (p. 47) deserves to be here quoted : " This is that we say, and in all maniaers strive to prove, viz. the sacrifice of the church to stand together in two things, and to be made in two things together : that is, the visible species of elements, and the invisible flesh and blood of our Lord Jesu Christ : the sacrament, and the thing of the sacrament, that is the Body of Christ ; as the Person of Christ standeth together of God and man, for he is very God and man. For every thing containeth in itself the truth and the nature of those things that it is made of; this thing that is seen is bread, and the cup that the eyes shew ; but this that faith asketh to be in form of the bread is the Body of Christ."* This is in full agreement with the doctrine maintained by Wickliffe in the Trialogus, lib. iv. c. 2, sq. and by most of the early Lollards. XIII. " That churches are not to be worshipped, nor sergs [i. e. candles, tapers, t] to be multiplied therein." p. 48. In support of this proposition our author quotes Jerome, * This last clause is very obscure, and is probably corrupt in the original. It is here emended conjecturally ; the meaning appears to be " that which faith discerns under the form of the bread is the Body of Christ." f See the Note on p. 48, line 8. XXXVl INTRODUCTION. from the Decretum ; also WUHam de St. Amour, Chry- sostom, the Decretals, and the Decretum. His remarks are chiefly levelled at the abuses then so prevalent, of superstitious offerings of candles, &c. in the churches, and the traffic carried on, vrithin the sacred edifices themselves, of the trinkets necessary for such purposes ; from which he digresses into the subject of simoniacal practices among the clergy. XIV. " That priests to sing may not first make covenant, without simony." p. 52. This proposition our author supports by citing some passages from the canon law, and other authorities against simony. See the notes, p. 1 52, sq. XV. " That the pope, cardinals, bishops, and other prelates be neath [i. e. of inferior degree] are disciples of Antichrist and sellers of merit." p. 53. In proof of this proposition he quotes the well known passages of St. John's epistle, to shew that aU who are contrary to Christ in their life or faith may be rightly caUed Antichrists. He then shews by extracts from the writings of several popular authors, that this accusation might fairly be brought against the prelates and clergy of the day. The vsriters quoted for this purpose are Robert Grosthead, Bishop of Lincoln, in his famous sermon be fore the Pope and Cardinals, at the Council of Lyons, INTRODUCTION. XXXVii A. D. 1250 ;* the sermons of Odo,-f~ and the Ferbum Abbreviatum of Peter Cantor Parisiensis.:}: XVI. " That there is no pope ne Cristis vicar, but an holy man." p. 58. In defence of this proposition our author cites the words of Holy Scripture, and of Gratian, St. Jerome, Pope Symmachus, St. Gregory, and St. Bernard, to prove the necessity of holiness in the priesthood, and the vanity of the dignity of sacerdotal functions without this higher quaUfication. XVII. "That a judge giving sentence against an innocent man, sinneth mortally." p. 60. In this proposition he evidently has reference to the proceedings against the Lollards ; he proves it by quoting the definition of a judge from Isidore, and by stating the obhgation which rests upon every judge to discern the truth and decide according to the right. For this he quotes St. Austin, St. Ambrose, St, Gregory, and many passages of Holy Scripture. He argues also that it is no excuse to a judge who condemns the innocent, that he has * Published in the Fasciculus rerum expetend. et fugiend. Ed. Brown, tom. ii. p. 260. f See the Note on p. 66, line 9. X See the Note on p. 63, line 12. CAMD. soc. 14. / XXXVIU INTRODUCTION.' given sentence and conducted the trial in accordance with the forms of human law, because the Divine law, which forbids the condemnation of an innocent man, is of superior obligation. He states also another class of objections and refutes them. As " that God Himself condemneth the righteous along with the guilty, and Christ gave Himself to the death. Abraham was ready to slay his innocent son, Sampson slew himself in slaying the Philistines^ David slew the Amalekite (2 Sam. i.) for a crime of which he was not really guilty. And thus by these examples it seemeth that man may give sentence, yea, even to slay the innocent." To these objections he an swers, first, " God may do what He will, and therefore in some things it is not enough to us, God doth thus, there fore we may do thus." Secondly, Abraham " was not in will to slay his son," but acted by the command of God, ahd was blessed of God for his faith and obedience. Thirdly, " Of Sampson men say, either that he had the command of God, or repented after ;" and as to David, "all his deeds are not to be foUowed," nor was the Amalekite innocent in the sight of God, for he thought to have pleased David, and to have obtained a reward for slaying Saul, and " for his lying he was a murderer," and therefore deserved his fate. INTRODUCTION. XXxix XVIII. " That a priest assoiling a feigner (a hypocrite), sinneth mortally." p. 66. This assertion our author maintains without any at tempt at quahfying it. For the priest [he reasons] who assoils a hypocrite, must either do so from carelessness, or ignorantly, recklessly, and by error. And in either case he is guilty of sin ; whether he pretend to absolve, as author, from the punishment of sin, or as minister, to promise that God vriU do so. He sins, moreover, in that he gives occasion to the guUty man to trust in the abso lution, and to continue in his sin ; and also because by such an absolution " the priest beareth false witness, and professeth himself to know and to do what he neither knoweth nor doeth, and deprive th God of His majesty, making the man to trust in leasing, and so to do sacrifice to the devil." These views are supported by the authority of the Prophet Ezekiel, St. Gregory, St. Bede, and St. Ambrose. He sums up his doctrine thus : " The priest may know that he hath not power to assoil, except so far as God giveth him commandment ; now God saith thus : If thy brother sin, rebuke him : and if he forsake his sin, cease thou to rebuke him : but if he will not forsake his sin, proceed against him before witnesses : and if he will not hear you, be he then unto thee as an heathen man, and xl INTRODUCTION. a pubUcan. And whomsoever ye so bind, shall be bound, and whomsoever ye bring out of sin,* the punishment shaU be remitted him. He commandeth not here to curse him that sinneth not, nor to assoile him that abideth in sin ; but, on the contrarj'-, to assoUe him that forsaketh his sin, and excommunicate him that con- tinueth in his sin."-|- XIX. " That marriage made in the third or fourth degree, although contrary to the ordinance of the Church, is rate and stable." p. 70. He explains this to mean, that such a marriage can not be held null, so that the man should be free to marry another woman, or the woman another man. And his argument is this : with the dispensation or confirmation of the Church such a marriage is valid ; but the Church could not ratify it, unless it were previously ratified and vaUd in the sight of God ; therefore the marriage is not in its own nature contrary to the law of God, for, if it were, no dispensation or ratification by the Church could render it lawful. This opinion he supports by some passages * Our author's gloss upon the words quemcunque solveritis in terra, " warn ))at 3e bring out of synne " is remarkable. It is not to be taken as a translation, but as an exposition of the passage. In the printed text of Wickliffe's New Testament the words are rendered " what ever thingis 3e unbynden on erthe, tho shulen be unbounden also in hevene." Matt, xviij. 18. ¦\ Page 70. INTRODUCTION. xli from the Decretum, in which it is admitted that the law forbidding marriages within certain degrees of consan guinity is of human institution merely, and no part of the law of God. On the whole, he concludes that marriages within the third and fourth degrees of consanguinity ought to be avoided ; but that when made they are valid, and cannot be regarded as nuU, or as marriages made within the de grees forbidden by the law of God, for these he admits are unlawful and void.* XX. " That the Church by solemnising matrimony in a degree forbidden, erreth, consenting to sin, and authorising sin." p. 71. This position is thus proved. The marriage of cousins in the third and fourth degree is forbidden only by the law of the Church. It is therefore no sin in itself, but only by the law of the Church. Now St. Paul saith, " If I buUd again the thing that I throw down, I make myself a transgressor ;" therefore the particular Church that celebrates a matrimony forbidden by the law of the universal Church is a transgressor ; authorising the sin of those whom she should have warned against a viola tion of the law, and thus consenting to sin. * The eighth of the Articles attributed to Wickliffe, and impugned by William de Wodford, is " Quod causae divortii ratione consan- guinitatis vel afiinitatis, sint infundabiliter humanitus ordinatae." See Orthuini Gratii Fascicul. ed. Brown, t. i. p. 190, and p. 213. xlii INTRODUCTION. XXI. "That Canon Law is contrary to God's law; and that decretists, as to that part of wisdom that they have of the world's wisdom, are Egyptians.* And that by the science of Canon Law holy writ is blasphemed, yea God Himself who is the lawgiver. And that it were well if this science were in a great measure driven as chaff out ofthe Church." p. 73. These assertions are defended by extracts fi-om several writers. The first is from an author who is not named, who objects to the canon law ; that it tends to strife and debate, and is therefore contrary to the spirit of the Gospel ; that it is of human origin, and that it is too closely allied to civil law, and that " from the commixture of these two laws is in diverse ways sown great seed of discord in the Church of God." St. Chrysostom is also cited, for the sentiment that " man's law " is busied in carnal things, and putteth carnal things present, before spiritual things to come. The other writers cited are " Parisiensis" (i. e. most probably Peter de Poictiers, com monly called "Cantor Parisiensis "-|-), Gregory, Austin, Odo, and some whose names are not given. One very long extract, from a writer who is cited as " an other vritti in that same law," the Editor regrets very much his inabUity to trace to any author whose works are printed or within his reach. This viriter, as our author quotes * Egyptians, that is enemies of the true servants of God, and holding thera in bondage, as the Egyptians did the children of Israel. f See Note on page 53, 1. 12. INTRODUCTION. xHu him, urges eighteen formal objections against " the new law," by which term he probably intends the additions made to the five books of the Decretals of Gregory IX. by Popes Boniface VIII. Clement V. and John XXII. between the years 1298 and 1326.* Most of his objec tions have reference to the temporal power and exemp tion from secular dominion, claimed for the clergy in the new decretals. As that no priest or clerk should be subject to secular lords : that the lands of the Church should pay no tribute ; and that simony, heresy, usury, adultery, perjury, should be punished by the ecclesiasti cal courts only. He objects also to the abuses which, though not actually enjoined in the law, were neverthe less tolerated or permitted ; as the superabundant wealth of the clergy, their being engaged in secular employments and offices, their bribery and corruption; the right of prescription ; the abuses of indulgences and remissions ; the neglect of the ancient custom of requiring the assent of the people in the ordination of ministers ; the com- * The " Liber sextus Decretalium " was added by Boniface VIII. in 1298. The five books of Clementine Constitutions were compiled under Clement V.but published by his successor John XXII. in 1317. And the twenty constitutions of this latter Pontiff, now commonly known by the name of Extravagantes, were published about the year 1326. xhv INTRODUCTION. pounding for penance with money ; the simoniacal abuse of proctorships, customs, and other expenses ; the grants of privileges and exemptions from episcopal jurisdiction ; corrupt decisions of law in matrimonial causes ; cases in which a judge is compelled by the law to pronounce a sentence which he knows to be false ; cases of unjust excommunication ; decisions of lawyers in cases of mar riage between cousins ; and contradictions between the law and the words or precepts of holy Scripture.* XXII. " That no man is Christ's disciple unless he keep Christ's counsel." p. 81. In explanation of this position our author divides the counsels of the Gospel -jf into two classes, the first consist- * See the Articles condemned as Wickliffe's in the Council of Constance, No. 38. " Decretales epistolae sunt apocryphae, et seduc- tivae a fide Christi, et Clerici sunt stulti qui eas student." Orthuini Gratii Fascicul. ed. Browne, tom. i. p. 292. f It may be well to remind the general reader that theologians dis tinguish between the counsels and the commands of Christ. The latter are absolute, founded on the principles of immutable morality, or our natural duties to God and man, and are consequently equally binding upon all men, in all places and under all circumstances, and abso lutely necessary to salvation. The counsels of Christ on the other hand relate not to things necessary, but to things expedient, leading us not to holiness, but to higher degrees of holiness, not to salvation, but to higher degrees of glory. " Haec est differentia," says St. Thomas Aquinas, " inter consilium et prceceptum, quod prceceptum importat necessitateni, consilium autem in optione ponitur ejus cui INTRODUCTION. xlv ing of those which are counsels of perfection to all Christians : as the three counsels of poverty, continence, and obedience ; the second consisting of those which are addressed to some and not to all, as when our Lord said to the young man in the Gospel, " If thou vrilt be perfect, go sell aU that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have riches in heaven." And he concludes, that, in reference to the former class, no man is Christ's disciple unless he keep Christ's counsels. It is true, he admits, that in a general sense aU men are Christ's disciples, who by the law of nature follow His teaching : and that in an especial manner those that followed Him by the know ledge of the law of Moses, may be said to have been his disciples ; but in the highest sense are they His disciples who follow Him in the Gospel, and to these it is neces sary to obey His counsels, unless they would go back, like Judas, and walk no more with Him. For He Him self has said that no man may be his disciple unless he datur : et ideo convenienter in lege nova, quae est lex libertatis, supra prcBcepta sunt addita consilia : non autem in veteri lege, quae erat lex servitutis. Oportet igitur quod jor^'cejoto uoveb legis intelli- gantur esse data de his quae sunt necessaria ad consequendum finem aeternse beatitudinis, in quera lex nova immediate introducit ; consilia vero oportet esse de illis per quae melius et expeditius potest homo consequi finem prEedictum." Summa Theol. 1, 2, q. 108, 4. CAMD. soc. 14. g xlvi INTRODUCTION. renounce all things that he hath and take up his cross and follow Christ. Our author concludes thus : " it fol- loweth plainly that, though a man be Christ's disciple in some degree, nevertheless in some degree [i. e. in the highest degree, as just explained,] he is not Christ's dis ciple, but if he keep Christ's counsel."* It would seem, therefore, to be our author's meaning that aU counsels of perfection, except such as were speciaUy addressed to an individual, are binding upon all Christians as such, and have the force of commands. XXIII. " That each man is holden to do the better." p. 83. This position appears to have reference to the former, and to signify that in a case of interference or opposition between a commandment of God and a counsel, or be tween two counsels, the commandment, or the counsel which is of superior obligation, should be preferred. Our author has not expressed himself very clearly in his de fence of this position, which is chiefly occupied in defining three senses in which a thing may be said to be better than another, viz. in its nature, form, or virtue. But the quotations he has given from the Scriptures, and from St. Jerom, appear to show that his meaning was as stated above. * Page 82. INTRODUCTION. xlvii XXIV. " That Images of the saints are not to be worshipped." p. 85. In defence of this proposition the author quotes St. Gregory the Great, and a writer whom he describes anonymously as "another;" also the second command ment, and other passages of Scripture. He then states as an objection, that these passages refer to the images of the heathen, in which they wor shipped the devil, not to the images " brought in by the Church," In other words that the Scriptures prohibit not every use of images, but only that use of them which would substitute them as an object of worship in the place of God : and for this he quotes the Decretum. To this he answers that doubtless no true Christian men do honour the images of the saints as God : but others who are not true Christians do ; and there are many ways of committing idolatry ; as first, when a man " setteth in his affection anything before God." Secondly, " of undue order and cause ;" and this in three ways, as giving to a creature what is due only to God ; or honouring God irreverently ; or honouring the creature for God. He asserts that many fall into these errors : " that many be Ueve the image to be God, and many believe God's virtue to be in the image subjectively, and therefore are more affect to one image than to another, which is doubtless xlviii INTRODUCTION. idolatry, as true men say." These abuses he maintains should be amended ; and confirms his opinion by passages from St. Austin, St. Clement, St. Chrysostom, St. Ber nard, St. Jerom, and the Archdeacon. XXV. " That the Gospel written is not to be worshipped." p. 90. This proposition is levelled against the superstition of hanging " the Gospel," that is a few verses of the Gospel, about the neck as a charm. This he refutes by the authority of St. Chrysostom, St. Jerom, and St. Austin ; and he adds, that when men hear the Gospel in the Church and are not saved, and inquire "whether the Gospel is in leaves of words, or in virtue," they are to be answered, " If it were in the leaves, thou hangest it reasonably about thy neck ; but since it is not in the leaves of the parchment, but in the virtue, and by hearing thou art not healed, therefore in vain thou hangest the leaves about thy neck."* He then states the objection, " But if thou say, by the touching of Christ's body many were healed, and by the touching of his clothes, as the Gospel sheweth, and the Apostle sent napkins to put on men shaking with derils, and the devils were driven away. And it is said that a woman made an image of Christ, and an herb by touching * Page 91. INTRODUCTION. xlix there6f received the virtue of healing.* Therefore men may trust in such things." To this he answers, first " That Christ is more exceUent, more full of virtue, than creatures.''-^- Secondly, " they that were healed, were not healed simply by the touching, but for the trust that they reposed finally in God." Thirdly, " that such things were at first permitted, and miracles wrought for rude men, to confirm them in the faith. But now that all is plain and open, it is vain and superstitious for the people to have such things." And for this he quotes Chrysostom and Bede.:}: XXVI. " These are two other points. One, that charms in no manner are lawful. Another, that it is superstitious to hang words at the neck." p. 92. In defence of these positions our author quotes the * This story is told of the woman whose issue of blood was healed by touching the hem of our Lord's garment. See Note, p. 91, 1. 24. + In the original " raore excellent and vertuosar than other crea tures." This would seem to a modern reader to imply that Christ was a creature. But such was not our author's meaning, nor the im port of his language, as it would have been understood in his own day. The word creatures is grammatically in apposition with other : as if he had said " more excellent than others, i. e. than creatures." Comp. Luke x. 1. Bom. viii. 39, in our English Version. i In this part of the work our author repeatedly refers to sorae former discourse or treatise. " I have rehersid the sentence of Chrysostom, p. 90. " And to this I seid thus," p. 91. " And to theis I have said thus," p. 92. See p. xxi. 1 INTRODUCTION. Mosaic law and the prophet Isaiah, confirming his" dob- trine by citations from St, Austin and the Decretum. He shows by these authorities that witchcraft, charms, en chantments, and divinations in every form are unlawful, both by the law of God, and by the law of the Church. And that Christian men, when visited with sickness or any kind of peril, should have recourse, not to charms, augurs, or diviners, but to God; that after the example of Job they should confess their sins to the Almighty, and beg His forgiveness, " and take then such medicines as God hath made and commanded, and deceive not them selves vainly, nor incur further indignation." For St. James has said, " Whoso needeth any wisdom or help for anything, let him ask of God, and all that is needful shaU plentifuUy be given unto him."* He then proceeds to enter more at length into the sub ject, defining the charms and enchantments forbidden, to be such as are " brought in by accursed devils and by suggestion of devils, contrary to the commandments of God, or else by man's vanity and folly, without authority of God Almighty, in which men hope for help without Him, or even in opposition to Him, Hke heathen men or infidels." He then defines the various kinds of charmers, * Page 94. INTRODUCTION. ll as enchanters, ariolers, aruspicers, augurs, dreamers, necromancers, geomancers, hydromancers, piromancers, sortilegers, &c. concluding " that, since God hath for bidden these things, as well as holy doctors and the Church, it is vain and superstitious, and a species of idolatry, to use such things against so many commands, authorities, witnesses, and counsels." He next supposes an objector to urge that " such things are useful, because God hath given virtue to herbs, to words, and stones, and men often see by the evidence of. their senses that such things help." To this he answers, " it is true that God hath given virtue to aU things that He hath made, and hath ordained how they shall be used, and to what end. And therefore ought every man to use them as He ordaineth, but not in a way contrary to His ordinance, or without it. This, therefore, gives no proof that these things profit when hung about the neck, unless we find it written and bidden so to use them." And again, " when men say such things help, this is not certain without better proof." He then pro ceeds to point out some of the causes to which the apparent success of such charms is to be attributed, and concludes by an earnest exhortation to trust in the good ness and providence of the Almighty, and not in the Iii INTRODUCTION. unlawful and uncertain aid of charms, forbidden alike by the authority of the Church, and by the testimony of Holy Scripture. XXVIII. " That the vow of religion is against Christ's Gospel." p. 100.Here our author first explains " that the name of reli gion is taken in many manners." As first " for the truth that ruleth a man to serve duly his Maker " Se condly, " for the act and state proceeding of this reli gion." And thirdly, "materially, for the persons thus inclined." The present question, however, relates chiefly to the second signification of the term, in which those are called religious, "who depart from other people by sects [or orders], founden by traditions, and other sensi ble rites." He then explains the nature of a vow, and shows that it may be wise or unwise, profitable or unprofitable, law ful or unlawful. Hence he says, "four things are required to every vow that obligeth," viz. " first, princi pally, that it be made to God." Secondly, " that it be in such things only as are good and profitable to the sal vation of the soul : and not in things evil, or unlawful, or noyous [i. e. injurious] to any man, nor letting to any commandment of God, or counsel of Christ." Thirdly, INTRODUCTION. liii " that it be made with deliberation." And, fourthly, " that it be wUful." He concludes, therefore, that " if the vow of religion [i. e. the vow taken upon entering one of the religious orders or the monastic state] be thus circumstanced, then it is pleasing to God, and in accordance with the Gospel ; else if it be in a contrary manner begun, followed, or continued, who doubteth that it is not sin ?" He then enumerates several ways in which " the vow of religious men or of any man " may be against the Gospel, and therefore unlawful ; as when men vow " that they will not eat flesh, till they be avenged of some man :" or " to fast, or to go pilgrimage, for to do their lechery or vengeance on some man." Also when men " bind themselves to keep any estate or degree," or to observe any monastic rule, " more for the sake of highness of the world, or worldly riches, or lust of flesh." Again, he instances in the ease of the friars, their obligation to live by begging, " which is against the Gospel ;" their vow to abstain from meats, " against Christ's freedom, that biddeth His disciples eat such things as men set before them ;" for which " forbidding men to be wedded, and abstaining from meats," they are also reproved of the Apostle, 1 Tim, iv. Further, " when they vow to keep CAMD. soc, 14. h liv INTRODUCTION. an obit, or other rites, although God promiseth no re ward for keeping such, but rather reproves them :" when they so vow obedience to the superiors of their several orders, as to "' put their will under man's will, more than under the will of God," that they may not do even what God biddeth them do, if their superior bid them refrain, or do the contrary ; and " when religious men are letten by their vow from preaching of God's Word, and from fulfilling the deeds of mercy ;" in all these cases, he con cludes, " it is certain that their vow is against the Gospel." In confirmation of these views, he quotes the book On Cotitemplative Life, commonly attributed to St. Prosper ; also St. Bernard, and Grosthead, bishop of Lincoln, with many passages of Scripture ; concluding with the words of St. James, " If any ween him [i. e. suppose himself] to be religious, not refraining his tongue, but deceiving his heart, his religion is vain. Religion clean before God, and before the Father, is this, to visit the fatherless, and motherless, and widows, in their tribulation, and keep himself unspotted from the world." XXIX. " That religious men are bound to bodily works." p. 105. This he proves by testimonies of holy Scripture : also by the authority of St. Augustine, the Decretum of Gratian, and the rules of St. Francis and St. Benedict; INTRODUCTION. Iv in which last, special times and hours are set apart for the labour of the friars. XXX. " That it is not lawful for the religious to beg." p. 108. This he explains, that " though it be lawful to every man to beg in need, nevertheless it is not lawful to any man without need," or for the purpose of " gathering much worldly riches, or to enable him to waste his time in idleness, or waste himself and his goods, and those of other men, in lusts and in other vain curiosities." He then shews in what sense begging may be lawful, but asserts that " wilful begging of stalworth [or able- bodied] men is forbidden to every Christian man, by the Apostle of Christ, and by God Himself;" and that St. Paul commands the excommunication of such as " walk disorderly, working not at all." (2 Thess. iii. 10 — 14.) From which our author reasons thus : — " And since no man ought to be cast out from the communion of Chris tian men, except for deadly sin, it foUoweth that he sinneth mortaUy, that wilfully and wittingly bindeth him self to such a state, contemning travail,* as that he beg for ever." * The words " contening traveil " (p. 109, 1. 13) are printed exactly as they stand in the MS. but " contening " is probably a mistake for " contemning." The omission of a line over the e would make the whole difference. Ivi INTRODUCTION. This position is defended by many texts of Scripture, and by the authorities of Augustine, the Decretum, the Glossa ordinaria, Jerome, Prosper, the Golden Legend, and St. Gregory. The foregoing brief summary of the contents of the treatise, and of the arguments employed by the author, may be of some use, it is hoped, in assisting the reader, to whom the antiquated language of the original may be an impediment. It may serve also to estabUsh the truth of what has been already said, that the treatise con tains nothing inconsistent with the supposition that Wicliffe was its author. No writer of a later date than Wicliffe appears to have been cited in it ; and the general moderation of its tone and doctrine would seem to indi cate, that it proceeded from a man of learning, and was composed at an early period of the great religious move ment of which Wicliffe is regarded as the leader. It remains now to say something in the way of expla nation, and something perhaps also of apology, for cer tain peculiarities of the present publication. The Editor has taken great pains to furnish an exact transcript of the MS. from which the work has been printed : even its obvious errata have been reUgiously retained (except where they were corrected by the origi nal scribe), and aU conjectural emendations, however INTRODUCTION. Ivii necessary or certain, have been reserved for the notes.* This seemed the indispensable duty of an Editor who had undertaken to print from a single manuscript ; not only to preserve such traces of the true readings as even the mistakes of transcribers sometimes enable us to discern, but also because it appeared desirable to retain exactly the orthography of the original. No attempt has been made to represent the contractions of the MS. which would have served no useful end, even if it could have been effected without getting type expressly cast for the purpose ; but the use of two Saxon letters 3 and \i has been retained, because they appeared to form an essential part of the orthography of the period to which the MS. belongs. For this, however, the Editor feels some apology to be necessary, as the use of the ]? especially was persisted in * The only deviations that have been permitted are, first, in the case of proper names, the name of God, &c. which are written in the MS. sometimes with small, and sometimes with capital initial letters. In the printed tract capital letters have been uniformly employed. Secondly, in the punctuation ; which has been conformed to the sense, and to the modern notation. The punctuation of the MS. is highly capricious and irregular, and no object would have been attained by attempting to preserve it. The marginal summaries, and references to the Scriptures and Fathers, although the greater part of them occur in the original, have been in some cases added by the Editor for the sake of uniformity. Iviii INTRODUCTION. on his own responsibUity entirely, and in opposition to the judgment of the Council of the Camden Society ; to whom he takes this opportunity of returning his thanks for the deference they have paid in this, as well as in another instance, to his vrishes. His principal reason for desiring to retain this ancient letter, was because it seemed to him to form a part of the Orthography of the language, at the period to which the MS. belongs ; and because he does not believe that its place can be adequately suppUed by any modern substitute. In the fourteenth century, the compound letter th does not appear to have had the soft or aspirated sound which now belongs to it ; it had the hard sound which in German it still retains, and was written chiefly in foreign words, or when the t and h were in different syllables, as in such words as priesthood, knighthood. In some few instances in the foUowing pages, th will be found at the beginning of a syllable, but always in words where t is now employed, and where the th had therefore most probably the hard sound.* For example theching, (p. 33, * Macpherfson, in his edition of" Wyntoun's Cronykil of Scotland," has the following remark on the difference of J> and th. " D, ]) expresses the sound now marked by th in that, this ; whereas such •w or A& as think, thing, are written with th ; and this distinction with very few exceptions (apparently faults of transcribers) is constantly observed." f General rules for reading Wyntoun's Cronykil, vol. i. d. p. 2.) This distinction (which is no raore than the difference INTRODUCTION. Hx 1. 31) for "teaching;" bi thwex, (p. 38, 1. 1 1) for "betwixt;" thwo, (ib. 1. 13) for "two;" throwi]), (p. 40, 1. 26) for " troweth," i. e. believeth. These peculiar spellings could not have been retained or noticed, had the character J» been every where replaced by th in printing the treatise. Less objection seems to have been made to the re tention of the letter 3 ; and it was, in fact, impossible, without altogether reducing the words in which it oc curred to modern speUing, to find any real substitute for it. It is now generally represented by the soft or quiescent gh, as in such words as thought, though ; but frequently also by g, hard, and by g. In some words it is represented by h, and in some it is now altogether dropped. For example, it is now soft or quiescent in tauTit, taught ; rij/t, right ; lij,t, light ; hi-^t, hight, [i. e. promise,] &c. It is represented by hard^, in ayn, against ; for'jet, forget ; j,efing, giving ; j,ate, gate ; 30/", gave, &c. It has become h, in ^el, health ; ^/cd, heed ; yrd, herd (i. e. shepherd) ; ^er, hear, &c. It is g in }oive, you ; yt, yet ; 3ong, young ; yre, year ; }eld, yield ; enpUT,ed, employed; bg-^ar, buyer; jiha, yea. And it has been between^ and » is probably characteristic of Scotch MSS. The Editor has not observed any such use of th as distinguished from J> in the English MS. ofthe fourteenth and fifteenth century to which he has had access. Ix INTRODUCTION. altogether dropped in the modern spelUng of j,er]>, earth ; frw^t, fruit ; yrle, earl ; abij,d, abide. In some cases it has been used for z, as jpowjiand, for thousand ; solempnij^id, for solemnized, &c. ; but in these cases z perhaps ought to have been printed, although no difference can be ob served in the MS. between the 3 used for g, gh, g, h, &c. and the 3 used for z. On the whole it appeared impossible to substitute for these letters their modern representatives, without admitting a principle that should have led to the translation of the whole treatise into modern spelling, a task which the Editor had not undertaken to perform. Nor did it seem to him that, while the antient ortho graphy in other respects was retained, much additional inconvenience could result to the reader from the pre sence of the two letters 3 and ]>. Those who took the trouble to read the tract at all, and who were resolved to master the other difficulties which its language presents to a modern reader, would become familar enough with those letters before they had perused half-a-dozen pages ; and it is hoped that such readers will perceive that with out those letters, the transcript of the orthography of the period, which it was the Editor's object to put in print, would have been inaccurate and incomplete. INTRODUCTION. Ixi The other instance in which the Editor has to return his thanks to the Council of the Camden Society for deferring to his judgment, is in reference to the title that has been given to the treatise. That title is of course without authority from the original MS., and when the work was first proposed for publication to the Council, some Members were of opinion that it bore internal evidence of a date later than the life of Wicliffe. But the Editor not being able to concur in the reasons aUeged* for this view, and being convinced that the work contained nothing that might not have proceeded from the pen of Wicliffe, was anxious that the question of the authorship of the treatise should not seem to be in any way decided by the title given to it in the present pubUcation, and he therefore proposed that which now stands on the title-page, retaining the abbreviated title of "WicUffe's Apology," on the upper margin of every page ; — a proposal to which the CouncU cheerfully acceded. The Editor has to acknowledge having received much valuable assistance in the laborious work of collating the proof sheets with the original MS. from his friend the Rev. Richard Gibbings, of Trinity CoUege, Dublin. The * The principal of these reasons has been already alluded to, p. xix. CAMD. soc. 14. i Ixii INTRODUCTION. errata, for which the reader's indulgence is soUcited, occur chiefly in those pages which had not the advantage of his revision. Some apology is due to the Society for the long time that this volume has been passing through the press. The delay has been occasioned chiefly by the great difficulty of verifying the author's references, and by the occupation of the Editor's time by his official duties. JAMES H. TODD. Trin. Coll. June 13th, 1842. P.S. A learned friend, to whom the Editor shewed these sheets, has suggested that some readers may perhaps misunderstand what has been said, p. xvii. respecting the difficulty of deciding what are WicUffe's writings and what are not. It may be well therefore to say that the Editor does not by any means intend to assert that we are not now able to determine whether any of the ancient tracts attributed to Wicliffe are really his. On the contrary, there can be no doubt that vrith respect to many of these treatises we have every reasonable proof, as well from the testimony of friends as of enemies, that they are the production of Wicliffe. But what has been said is, that we are to this day unable to give any satis- INTRODUCTION. Ixiii factory criteria of his genuine writings ; we are unable to decide, for example, such questions as that which presents itself with respect to the author of the fol lowing treatise ; and in the case of by far the greater portion of the tracts that have been attributed to Wic Uffe, as weU as of those which exist in our libraries on simUar subjects, and which have escaped the notice of his biographers, we seem at present to have no means of ascertaining with any certainty their real parentage, beyond the evidence afforded by the authority of Bale, or the catalogues compiled by writers, who in many cases do not so much as profess to have seen, much less to have perused, the treatises they describe. UntU all these writings are collected and published, under the care of competent editors, the learned world will not be in a condition to discuss the genuineness of any tract attributed to Wicliffe, or to decide upon the real character of his doctrines.* J. H. T. * See the Preface to " the Last Age of the Church," a tract sup posed to be the earliest of WicUffe's writings, and published from an unique MS. copy in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, by the Editor of the present volume. WICLIFFE'S APOLOGY. Here are questiouns and ansueris putte J^at are writun here aftir. First, Iwitnes bifor God Alini3ty, and alle trewe cristunmen and wommen, and 3 owe, )?at I haue not ben, nor is, nor neuer schal, of myn entent ne purpos, to sei any J^ing 33 en ]>e general iei]> ; neijjer entent to bigile, or deseyue, ani man or womman, in ani vnprofitable to perpetual 3el of soule ; ne agein seying to Ipe wordis, ne sentence, of ani seint, seying fei]?fulli. But if J>ei sem ani tyme to uari, onli in word, I purpos to take and vndirstond her wordis to veri and feij>ful witte, and so to acorde hem to gidir, and to acord wi]? iike of hem in iike trowj'e. Preying also iike man to reduce me in to J»e ri3t wey aftir ]>e gospel of our lord Jhu Crist, and wey of ]>e apostlis, prophetis, and doctours, if I haue gon biside ]?e wey, in ani J'ing in ]7eis pontis, or in ani oj'er, to be put for)? heraftir ; knouing, if I finali abode in error, I were to be punishid perpe tual!. On hat is put is his ; hat he pope is not ]>e vicar of Crist nor of ^- The Petir. I knowlech to a felid and seid ]7us, wan he fillij? not in dede, tke vicar ne in word, ye office of Petir in 3er]7, ne doi}» not ]>e ]?ing in ]?at "f Crist, office ]7at he is holden to do : but do)? contrarili, and so in dede he Hr. is not ]>e vicar of Petir in dede. And )?is steri)* me to fele ]>\xs : CAMD. soc. 14. B wicliffe's apology. Rq. viij*^. Glose. Jerom. Aititeyn. Gregor. Deereis. Austeyn. \e, apostil Foul sei)? )?us ; If ani man haue not )?e Spirit of Crist, he is not of him ; )?at is, as )?e glose sei)?, he )?at ha)- not )?e Spirit aftir witt or dedis, he is not of )?e body of Crist. Also )?us sei)» seint Jerom ; Noght alle bischoppis in name ar bischoppis in dede ; )>u tend^ to Petir, but considir Judas ; )'u takst vp Steuen, lok ageyn to Nicol ; )?e kirkis dignite maki)? not only a cristun man. Cornell centurio, 3et vncristund, is clensid wi)? )?e Hooli Goost. Daniel, 3et a bame, jugid )?e prestis. It is not li3t to stond in )?e place of Petir and Poule, and hald )?e place of hem )?at regnun in heuen wi)? Crist. Sonnid salt is not wor)?, but )?at it be cast for)?, and soilid of suynne. Also Austeyn sei)?, Nout ilk )>at sei)' pes to 30U, is to be hard as colver or a doue. He )>at ha)? not in him )?e resoun of gevernauns, ne haj? not wipid a wey his defautis, ne mendid )?e crime of his synnes, is more to be seid a vnschamfast hound )>an a bischop. Not alle prestis ar had for prelats, for \e, name maki)> not )?e bischop, but )?e lif. And Gregor sei)? ; Foul sei)?, blam )?u not an heldar man ; but )?is reule is )?an to be kept in him, wan \e, synne of )?e heldar man drawi)? not be his ensaumple )?e hertis of )?e 3ungar in to de)? ; but wan )?e heldar gifi)? ensaumple to )?e 3ong to de)?, )'er is he to be stregun wi)? scharp blamyng, for it is wri toun, Al 36 be grynnies of )?e jong. And eft, Waried )?e barn of an vndrid 3ere. And )?is is put after in deereis, Wejier )?e priuilege of dignite is not to be tan a wey from hem to wham Austeyn, Jerom, and Gregor tak a wey )?e name of \e bischop, or heldarman, )?at he may be correctid of wudlowtis. Also Austeyn sei)*. He )?at desiri); bischophed, he desiri)? a good werk ; he wold expound what is bischophed, for is it \& nam of werk, and not of honor ; it is Grek ; and )?er is seid a word, )?at he )?at is maad a prest, tak he 3ed to )?e jjingis )?at he is maad prest to, doing )?e cure of hem ; scopos is locand vp on ; )?er for, if we wU, we mai calle bischoppis, locars up on, )?at he )'at lufith to be a prest not fur)>er to, vnderstond him not to be a bischop; )?us sei)? wicliffe S .4P0L0GY. Austeyn. But if )?u sei he seki)i ai to fur)?er, it be howfi)? )?at it be schewid in dede ; for seynt Jam sei)>, Fei)? wi)? outun werkis is deed ; s. jam. ij". so to seke to profit is but deed, but if it be put for)? in dede after power. And as fei)» is for)»filfid of )»e werkis, so is also desir. And ellis desir sle)? )?e soule ; )?erfor sei)? Crist to Petre, )»rise, Simon of /o. ^^^1°. Jon, lufist )?u me ? feede my schep. )?erfor as Gregor sei)*, He )?at q^.^^^^ is chosun in to schepherd, he howi)" to feed wi)> word, and en saumple, and sustinaunce of body ; )»an if he be conuicted not to luf, ne to do )>e office of Crist, in )'is he is conuict not to be his vicar. Also )»us seij? Crisostom ; Sin Jhu was temptid, he ouercam crisostom. hunger in desert, he despicid auarice in )>e hille, he strak ageyn veyn glorie vp on ]?e temple ; ]>a.t he schwe to us, )?at he )?at may ageynsey his wombe, and despice \& goodis of )>is world, and desire not veynglorie, he howi)? to be maad Cristis vicar, and preche Cristis ri3twisnes, and for )»oo )»re chimneis ich low of \e. fendis blowing is sett in fire. And )?us sei)> an o\ev ; It is wel wetun )?at Crist Another. was mekist man, pure, and moost obedient to God ; it is not )>an inconuenient his vicar to be moost Iik him in )'eis Jre, namly. Now deme )»is fi3ting kirke, if )>e pope be moost mek, reseyuing wrongis don til him ; if he be purist man as to seculer lordship, moost hatyng to be enpli3ed wi)? seculer bisines ; and \e, \nA, if he be moost obedient to God, and to his lawe, most content of \e. boundis of his lawe, not presumand to put to his lawe, ne to minys )?erfro. For so)?, if )?e pope do )?eis befor o)?er men, )?an is he, by for o)'er men, )?e folower of Crist ; ellis is verified in him \e sentence of Crist, He )?at is not wi)» me, he is ageyn me. And Matt. xij-. Crisostom sei)". He )?at desiri]? primacy in 3er)? schal fynd confusion crisostom. in heuen, and he schal not be countid among )?e seruaunts of Crist )?at treti)» of primacy ; nor no man hast to be seen more )?an o)»er, but )?at he be seen lower Jian o)?er ; for he is not )>e ritwisare )?at is more in honor, but he )?at )?e ri3twisare, he is ]>e more. Ensaumple ledi)? us to )»is same ]?us ; If a man haue an wicliffe s apology. Ecclus.xvi". Luc. x". Matt. iii°. Jerom. Greyor. hired plowman in to serueys to dwel wi)? him, to do ani dede, and fei)?fully to serue to him in to )?at werk, and )?at seruaunt obliche him to do so, 3efing fei)? to )?is ; if he felle not aftir in dede and tyme aftir his hi3t and couenaund, but go)? a wey |?er fro, and leui)» to wirke, and do)? contrarily directly, and in to )?e harme of his maistir, it is certayn \&r\, )?owe he be his seruaunt of dette and oblisching, na)?les he is not his seruaunt in filling of werk, and so not in dede ; but ra)?er aduersari, fals trespasor, and traytor. And )?us it semi)? in ]>q propos. If ani chosun of God himselue, and of )?e puple, in to pope, or prelate, and ordend in to vicar of Crist to his ofiice in 3er)?e, and he hi3t it; whan he filli)? not in dede, but do)? contrarily to his behest in degre, he semi)? not to he )?e vicar of Crist in dede. And so, )?owe he be his vicar vp degre and dignite, and o)per tyme in dede, wan he do)? )?e dedis of ))e office, )?erfor )»e pope ioi not, or ani prelat, or o)?er in \e, jiam of dignite or of state, wan it is not to perpetual blis to )?e soule. But al dred more lest )?ei geit )?er of harme to )?e soule, and tymung for defaut of trespase ; for )?i )>at in swelk )?e synne aggregi)? bi resoun of )'e degre ; for ]?us it is writun, Joi )?u not of )?e vnpitouse _ sonis, if )?e drede of God is not befor hem; for better is oon dredan God, )?an a ]?0W3and vnpitouse. And better to die wi)? out barnes, )>an to lef vnpitouse barnis aftir. And efte )>us sei)? Crist ; Joi 36 not for spiritis are sogetis to 30we, but joi 3e \a,t 3or namis are writun in heuen. And eft sei)? \q gospel, Maki]? wor]?i frutis of penaunce, and wil 3e not sei wijiin 3or self we haue \e fadir Abra ham, for God is mi3ti of ]>e stonis to reise ]>e sonis of Habraham; for now is ]?e axe sett to ^e, rote of )>e tree, )'erior ilk tree |iat maki)» not good fru3t, schal be kyt doun, and cast in to )ie fire. And eft Jerom sei)? ; It is not li3t to stond in )?e place of Petir and Poule, and hold )7e chaur of hem )?at regnun wi)? Crist ; for )?er of it is seid ; ^ei are not )'e sonis of seyntis )?at holdun )»er placis, but )?ei )'at vse ]>qv werkis. An Gregor sei)», We )?at are prestis how to ask to knowe, not of dignite of place, ne of kirkis, but of noliley of maneris ; not bi clerte of citees, but bi purte of fei)? ; places ne orderis makun not vs nekist God, but o)»er good meritis ioynun to gidir, or ellis departen, )>at is wit, as to mede merit and blis. And Crisostom sei)? ; A cristun man falli)» strongli in to synne for two Crisostom. causis, o)?er for gretness of Jie synne, or for hei3t of )?e dignite. Also of )»e dedis of Boneface )'e martir ; If )ie pope ben tan rekles Bonef. of his and his bre)?er's 3 ele, vnprofitable and slow in his dedis, more ouer and stille fro good, )>at more noye)» to him and alle o)?er, )'an he ledi)? wi)* him silf going bifore to helle peple wi)? outun nowmbre, to be dongun wi)* him wi)'outen ende, wi)» mani digingis. ]7erfor, si)? )?e office of Crist [on] \e 3erd was to line most purist and mekly, and to preche bisili )>e word of God to ]?e peple, and to calle hem a3en to \& lord God, fadir of alle, and in to )»e vnite and prosperite of body, and cam to serue and not be seruid, and to 3if his lif raumsum for mani, and bi )'is ha)» 3efun to vs mani good )?ingis, and to fille ]?is ordeynid Petir, seying to joh. xxt". him, lufist me ? feed my schep, and folow me, and in him he biddi)> . )?e same to alle successors of Petre, as als in Petir a gaf to hem power of bindyng and lowsing, and Jius ordeynd him his vicar, and )'us his successor ; and Petir himsilf )'us fillid )?e office of Crist, ill fining, and in teching, and in ]?oling ; and )?is same he biddi)" to his successors, as is opun in his pistil. But )>ei ^sX do not in dede, it is clere y&t in dede )»ei hald not, ne do, his office, ne office of Crist ; and )'us it semi)? \at ]?ei are not led be ]>e same spirit. )?erfor as be ]?e dedis of Crist in his persoun, and bi )?e dedis )?at he dide in Petre, moost goodis are comyn to vs in )»is tyme, and in tyme to come, so it is to drede, )?at bi )?e slownes of )?e pope, and of prelats succedand in his place, and bi her peruerse werkis, moost iuil comi)? to vs, bo)" of synnis and of peyn, now in )?is tyme, and ay to dwell wi)? vs, but if we mend. wicliffe S APOLOGY. And )?us I graunt now, as oft I haue knowlechid bifor mani wit- nes, )?at )?e lawfulli ordenid his Cristis vicar, or wan he do)?, or biddi)», ony )?ing in )»e nam of Crist, as if Crist do )?at bi him, ]?at )?an he is )?e vicar of Crist in dede, and )?an it is to obey to him, as to Cristis vicar, and as to Jhu Crist. And so to folow after )7e 1 Cor. xio. sentence of )?e apostel seyng ; Be my folowars as I am Cristis. Gal. iv°. ^nd eft, 36 tok me, he sei)?, as an aungel, 3e as Crist Jhu, for Crist speki)? in me, and he )?at dispici)? our teching, dispici]? not man, 1 Thes.ivo. but God )?at 3af his Holy Gost in vs, for Crist sei)?, he)?atheri)? 30W, Lue.x". heri)? me, and he )?at dispici)* 30W dispisi)? me, )?at is, wan 36 spek of my spirit. But not so wan 36 spek of a no]?er spirit. But wan )?e pope go)? a wey fro Crist, and do)? )?e contrari, as is be for seid, or do)> )»e contrari, )?an is not he Cristis vicar, ne it is not to obey ne folow him in )>eis )?ingis. )?us haue I oft seid ; and, as I suppose, cordandli wi)? holi writ, and fei)>ful doctors, and autentik deereis. And it semi]? me, ]?at it be howfi]? me to sey )?us, for it is knowun )?at many popis han synnyd, and ben snibbid ; and sum tan in heresy and deposid. And, )?erfor, )?ei are not to be folowid sympli in al )'ing. Also non lyuyng in )?is frel lif is simply wi)?out synne, non but Crist, holi writ witnessi)?. Also ani in popehed aftir Petir is not holier, nor mor confermid in ]?at office, )?an he, Gal. if. and he, aftir ]?e Holi Gost taking, synnid opunly in si3t of )?e puple, constreyning )>e gentil to be com Jewes in obseruaunce; werfor Poule a3enstod him in )?e face, and redarguid him, for he was reprouable. ]?an it semi)? to me, ]?at it is helsum to )?e pope, and to prelatis, and to )?e peple, and worschipful to God, Jiat ]?e peple be ri3tly enformid, how )>ei owe to accept )?e pope as ]?e vicar of Crist, and how )?ei owe to bowe fro him ; )?at ]>e peple, deseyuid ani tyme, worschip not God and )?e fend to gidir, ne ani tyme ]?e fend in )?e sted of Crist, and J?e wrathe of God com bo)? on )?e peple and on )>e prestis. APOLOGY. 7 0)?er two poyntis )?at are put and askid are ]?eis. On, )?at )?e ^- •(«<^«^i'- pope selup indulgence. An o)?er, ]?at he may 3ef non indulgence popeseliith noi)»er to man in purgatori, nei)?er to hem )?at are prescit, )>at is ^^f^f^'^"' to sey )?at are to be dampnid, or are now dampnid. may yef To )?eis I seid )?us ; I rehersid a doctor ]?at seid ]?us ; We owe ^^^p^ „(,,•_' not to tak as fei)? indulgencis, now sale wor)?, for ]?i ]?at are not ij^^r *" "">"¦ )?us grauntid of our lord Jhu Crist. And, sin sophisticacoun falli]? tori, nei- ofte in )?is matir, fei)»ful men askyn, vnder peyn of )?rowing hem a '^"^ to hem wey, )?is witnes; fei]? of holi writ is sufficient to reule alle hoU^rem^. kirk, but men redun not )>at ani of J'e apostles grauntid silk indulgencis. And fei]?ful curats owen to sorowe as wel of ]>e spoling of )?er sogetis, as also of )>e synne of ]?e spoliars, for Crist sei)?, Blessid be )?oo )»at mornun, for ]>ei schal be coumfortid. Matt. if. Blessid be J'oo )»at hungrun and )>ristun ri3twisnes, for ]?ei schal be filled. Blessid be )?e merciful for ]?ei schal gets mercy. It semi)? to mani, )>at it were wark of mercy to opun ]>e trow)? of pe fei)» in )>is part, put ]?e pope ha)» not power to graunt silk indulgencis for so li3t price. Also abodily )?ing of how euer litil price howi)" not to be bout but wi)? )?is wisdam ; )?at ]>e by3ar be profhabili sekir of )?e )>ing sold. But )?e pope mai not siker ani man ]?at aftir his dede, or be fom, he schal haue so mikil indulgencis ; )»er- for prouabily silk marchaundise owi]? to be left. For )>e pope wat not, ne of himsilf, if he be sauid of God, or prescit to be dampnid, )?at if he be prescit, silk indulgencis rennun not for)* a3en )?e ordinaunce of God, ordeyning aylastingly ]?e contrary; ]?erfor, wan ]>e pope may not procure silk indulgencis generaly to himsilf, it is euident to many ]?at silk marchandis are suspect of coueytise of symonie. It is not a3en )?e fei)», or prouable a3en )?e trow)?, )?at mani popis ]?at be word onli hau grauntid mani large indulgencis are dampnid ; )?an how may )?ei defend )?er indulgencis bifor God ? Also, a duke, or an 3erle, stonding ny a 3er)?li king, and )?e king grauntid a fredam or priuilege, it is not inferrid of Jiis, )?at wicliffe S APOLOGY. )?e duk, or3erle,graunti)?)?is fredam or priuilege, but ra]?er it longi]? to )?e kyngis dignite ; )?an, sin )?e king Crist is king of kings, heiar wi^ out comparisoun )?an ani pope, )?an }e king is souereyn to ani 3erle or duke, it semi)? mikil more euident ]?at it longi)? to )?e gretnes of God to graunt singlerly )'eis priuilegs or fredam ; for it folowi)> not, if a bedel, or criare, schewe )?e fre graunt of his lord, )?an )?at ]?is seruaunt, Jius schewand, graunti)' swilke maner of fredam; mikil more if he pronounce wi)? out autorite or lif, con- trariously, a3ennis )?e lordis wille. And in ]7is caas are comynU grauntars of pardoun. Also, a fei)?ful curat owi)» to notify to his sugets, were is pardoun, sikirar, largar, and for les price, to be bout to his sogets. But )>e popes bulle techi)>, as it is seid, a pope to a maad and grauntid, at ]?einstaunce of a king, two)'ou3and 3er) als oft as a nobil man sei)» it bi twex ]>e consecracioun and Agnus Dei. And )?us prouabli a feijiful man mi3t in 3ering mani messis geit on a day )»ewenti )'ow3and 3er of pardoun. Swilk a wis mar chandis for hel of soul, mi3t a curat sey to his parischings. Also, putting to ouer for lewid men, ]?at can not ]?is orisoun, ]?at ]?ei schal haue as mikil or more indulgencis for )?e pr. nr. as oft as )?ei sey it, and as gret charite and mekenes deseruing indulgens. Also, a3en swilk feynid and on groundid indulgens, howi]? a fei]?ful prest to multiply quek resouns, weil he hungri)» and )>risti)> ri3twisnes of )?e law of God, for by suelk sophymis of anticrist, ]?e lawe of God is despicid, and ri3tful is put in veyn hope, and vpon ilk side a liuar in )?is world is falsly iapid. perior, lif a man a iust lif, and tryst he of )>e parting of merit )?at God gifi)? men frely as him liki)>. And alle feynid arguments of anticrist are not wor)"! to be Matt.xvj". rehersid. God seid to Petir, Wat )?u byndist vpon 3er)?e it schal be boundoun also in heuin. And pe pope is Petir's vicar, perior it be howfi)> to trowe )'at ]?is fei]? is verifi3ed of him. Ilk fei)'ful man graunt of pe gospel pe first. And suppose of pe secound word, )iof it be euident of dede him not be pe vicar of Petre, syn Petir WICLIFFE's APOLOGY. 9 was not hardi to accept ]?is foule hardy presumpcoun, but suppose )?at Petre or aungel of heuun accept to lowse or to bynd, he may not do )?is, but in as mykil as it soundi)? to pe hed of pe kirk abouyn. And as ]?is consonaunt is vnknowen to pe japer, so )>is fendly marchaundy is vneuident to pe fei]?ful peple knowend ]?is ; J?us sei)? pe doctor. Also a doctor in pe lawe, Barthelmew in Earth. casis, sei); )?at dais or 3eris of indulgens are not dales ne 3eris of heuen ne of purgatory, but )?ei are dales of )?is world. Also pe Clemen - law sei]?, Pardoneris ow not to graunt indulgens of )>er wil of dede, ne dispens vp on wowis, ne asoil of swering, mansleyng, or of o)?er synnis )>ei }»at schriuis to hem, ne for3eue )'ingis iuil tan awey and vncerteyn to worae to restore for a quantite of money 3yuen to hem, ne for3eue pe }>ridde or pe fourt part of penaunce en- ioinid, ne to draw sum tyme a soule fro purgatorie, as Jiei feynun falsly, ne graunt pleyn remissioun of synnis, ne asoile a pena et a culpa, for alle priuilegis up on ]?eis or ani of hem are a3en callid in. pe Clementyns de pe. c°. abus. h. Barth. in Casibus. If it be askid we)>er pe pope selle indulgencs and merits of seynts, or ]?at men of pe kirke selle )»er orisouns preyours or gostly suf- fragis ; here I sey )>us. It semi)' me spedy to aferm no )?ing folily. But it semi)> mekenes to seke how bying and sellyng synfuUy may falle in swelk )?ings, )?at fei)?ful folk eschew pe warliar ; and )'an pe dede semi)? and witnessi]? herd and vnderstonden and ojier circum- stauncs. Ilk man deme pe sikirliar )?ing )>at semit to him. To selle is pe hauer to 3eue his )?ing for price tane, and bi his resonable nature to reseyue )?ing for price 3euun, and ]?us bying and sellyng dubli grauntid and dubli 3euing. ]7er to selle is seid as for to 3eue to selling. Werfor wan I by meit for money, I selle pe money ]?at pe to)?er man bie]?, as I bye ]?ing )»at pe to)?er selli]?. I bye ]?e met ; in ]?is ]?at I reseyue for price 3euun. And I selle pe money in ]?is ]?at I giue it for price. And it semi)? ]?at bying and seUing of man is many fold; pe first heuinly; vpon ]?e rewlis of wis- CAMD. soc. 14. C 10 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. dam ; |?e secound is on pe gespel, vpon pe rewlis of prudence ; pe Jirid is worldly, up on pe rewl of mannis lawe ; and pe fourt is fendly. Be pe first, gostly ]?ings ai lastand are bout for temporal ]?ings ]?at are falling and passing. Of secound is seid, )»at Cristis dis- ciplis went in to pe cyte to by met. Of pe )?rid is comyn among men. Of pe fourt is seid )?at Achab was sold to do iuil in si3t of pe Lord. ]?eis wel vnderstondun, it seme)? wel ]?at popis, cardi- nalis, and ojier prelats, prestis, and o)>er religiouse, may medfuUy and graciously selle indulgencis and merits of seynts and preyours and gostli suffrages, as )'ei may graunt be cristun men swilk ))ings or benfets and deds of mercy and o)?er goodis ; and ]?us may o)?er bye. And mani may not tak part of grace ne of blis but if pel bye it vn sum maner, and it be sold hem ; it semi)? bi )»is )»at Crist bou3t us a3en, and for our good dedis behit vs heuenly kyndom. )>us blessid martirs for gloriouse martirdom deseruid to haue per petual crounis. )?us pe apostil did alle ]?ings for pe gospel ]?at he schuld be maid perseyuer )?er of. Als )?us seye we, o maruelous marchandies, pe maker of man kynd takyng a soulid body of pe virgyn, demd to be borne, and for}»going man wi)? out seed, may gif vs his godhed, swilk ieip is ai mad in hope trust and charite. And ]?us if pe pope, or ani o]?er, ani tyme fei)>fully and charitably graunt and hi3t to ani man indulgens, or part of merit of seynts, part of preyours, abstinens, wakyng, obediens, or o]'er deds, iustly, and on Goddis plesaunce, and graciousli, for her good deds, o)?er )?at )?ei be relesid of synnis, or of peynis, or )?at )?ei be pe more sterid to pe ieip, or to plese God, blessidfi ]?ei selle swilk )?ingis to hem. And a3en worde swilke )?enkand to do pe deds of God iustli, and graciously pe dedis of mercy, )'at he be maad per- seyuar of swilk jjings, bo)? J'e! bien and sellen blessidli. But if pe pope, led bi coueytise, or o]?er, as symonie, or wij? pe spirit of pride, as if )?ei wi]? here biginning disposid alle ]?ings, and graunt swilk )?ingis to iike man, 3 ha wi)? out merit, orwi]? out God ledar before, wicliffe S APOLOGY. 11 but as if folowid, and schuld proue, and schuld conferme wat )iat him list to be don, as now is presumid of many; or led wi)? pe spirit of lust of flesche, graunt or behi3t ani swilk Jiingis, o)'er for mony or ofier 3er]?li bodili temporal good and fleschly )'ingis, or preyour or fauour of meed, or fleschli )?ings, or for swilk luf, haterad, or drede of swilk men, or for vndeu seruise, or o]?er vndeu cause and vnpertinent, who schal )>an dout but )?at pe pope and o)?er selle swilk )?ingis synfully, and for symonie, and )?us alle )?at per- sewen for swilke indulgens, or benfices, or o)?er graces, wi]? swilk froward in wit, who douti)> )?at ]?ei ne bi3e sinfully, or veriliar en force to bye ping ]?at schal not geyt ? Also if pe pope, and o]?er men of pe kirke, wil not graunt indulgens or benfics to hem Jiat )?ei be grauntid to frely, but if money or sum o)»er J'ing be 3euen to hem, or if minstris of pe kirke weie not frely minster to hem )?at Jiei [schuld ?] frely minster to, not but if mony or o]?er ]?ing be 3euen to hem, who dowti)» )>at ne swilk men sellen synfully swilk )?ings ? )'is semi)? be pe sawis of fei)?ful doctours, put in pe canon, so and )'ei )»at wenun to bye indulgens for )>er temporal goods, and wenun to be assoilid or for 3euun be hem, poi )'ei abi3d in per synnes, nor mak not satisfaccoun dewly of Jier synnis on o)>er syde, but also eft turnun a3en )»er to ; byen synfully, and wenun to haue ]?at is takun a wey from hem. And also swilk are in defaut )?at hopen not, ne turnen not to be for3euun oiper synnis; wan )>ei mend hem vp on Cristis bidding, 3ha if pe prest wil not mins ter to hem, not but if money be gyuen to hem, and for )>is ]?ei seUe )?is iuil wille. Also how blam wor)?! are )»o minstris )'at wan men and women are foundun in synne, anoon )»ei forbed hem pe sacra ments of pe kirke and comynng of cristun men, and enioyn hem gret penaunce, but if ]?at )?ei fynd better grace. But as sone as mony is 3euen )»ei reysen pe synnars to pe takyng of pe sacraments and comyning oipe folk, and joynun prestis to reseyue hem, and minster to hem, poi )?ei leue not ]?er synne, but contenun it more orribli, and 12 WICLlFFE^S APOLOGY. oft leue hem tul a tyme to contune )?er inne. A howe cursid mar chaundise of men oipe kirke, to selle souMs in synne to pe deuilfor )?ergodis ! And also )?er oune soule ; in part takyng of pe defaut, and for pe sacrilege ]?at )?ei do in reif of goodis. A howe gret schrewidnes, fraude, gile, and reif, and peruersite now regne]? in pe kirk, as is opun be pe dedis ! Certis now is fillid pa.t is seid in pe Ps. liv". psalme. For I sawe wickidnes and contradiccoun in ]?e cyte day and ny3t. Wickidnesse schal compasce here vp on her waU, and traueilin her middis, and vnritwisnes and vsere and gile an [are] not fallen from here stretis. In how many gret casis may it be, ]?at now regni]? in pe kirk synful march ondise ; bryng to witnes ; exa- myn pe sawis ; discusse pe dedis ; opun and comyn fame tra- ueyli)?, )>at in pe court of Rome mai no man geyt no grace, but if it be bowt, nor )>er is noon grauntid, but if it be for temporal meed ; for )?is p&t pe pope reserui)? to himsilf, and to pe chaumbre, as graunting of sum benfics, and )»e first fruts of sum o]?er, )?at he gifi)"; and translatyng of bischops ; and al )?is is don, as it is seid, for couey- ties, and ]?at is seruant of idols ; ]?ei )?at persuen for indulgencs, exempcouns, and priueylegs, sey how J'e! geyt nowt wi)? out bying; swilk are comynly grauntid to pe riche and my3ty of pe world. Wat of graunting of indulgencs, an abbot of gret riches 3af pxe vndred marke, to geyt to his abbey, )'ries in pe 3eere, pe same in dulgence )?at pe kirk of Rome is wont to graunt to hem J?at visitun a place )?at is callid porciuncula. Nout only, but also' [a] cardi nal gaf at his dying al his good, to haue pe same grauntid to a riche abbey were he was be fore monk, as men )»at are hold trewe men witnessen. What more ? A clene man was in pe court, and spak to hem )?at had gret gouernaile in pe court, and praid him to 3if him ordres frely. Wel, he sei]?, I schal 3eue pe frely. And ]?ou schalt 3eue me foure floreynis, and I schal ordeyn pe a bischop aftir noon. And he ansuerid, So)?li, I haue but foure katereynis. Forso]?e, he sei)?, and Jiu schalt hau non ordres here. WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 13 And )>us he went wi]? out ordres. And nowe how pe pricis are ekid, and how mykil him behowui)? to 3eue )?at schal geit ben fics, ]?ei telle )?at bring swilk new )?ingis fro pe cowurt. Nowe ilk man discuse wedir swilk marchaundis be synful, and ai be war of pe perel, and see )?at we sey no fals witnes a geyn ani man, but ioi we euer to gidir in trow)?. Of cursing twey poynts. m oy A no)?er is ]7is )?at is put and askid, ]?at )>o minstris of J>e kirke cursim/ owe not to curse and to wari. points. Certs to ]?is I sey )?ei owe bohe to curse and wari, but neuer for ^-.^"^J'f , ...'.''' ' ministrisof luil wille ne veniaunce, but for luf of ritwisnes. And ra)?er for pe i>e kirk breking of pe bidding of God, )?an for worldli goodis or pride of pe "^^J^f '" world and flescli lust. An o)»er is ]?is )'at is putte, )>at pe kirke may not ri3twisly curse 2. ]>at j>e a ri3twys man. To )>is I seid pus, ]?atin two maner of J'ing, is seid *«''*«.»««y iust ; first sympli, or after trow]?, as ]?at vnrytwysnes is not inne. wisiy curse In be secound maner is a man seid iust, onli in name or aftir ^"^ "'^* present ri3twisnes. And Jius as doctors seyn, a sentence of cursyng is seid to be 3euun justli, on two maners. On after trou)», wan it is don wit just cause, juste ordre, and iust entent. A nojer, wan it is don onli up on comyn form o lawe. And p-a.% it may be as it semi]? sum tyme, J?at )?ow pe kirke curse iustli, as to form, a iust man, ne]7les it [is] not iust as to so)?fastnes ; as wan pex is no cause of pe fulnes of pe kirke cursing : vnri3twisnes of pe cause is )»o syn going be for of pe obstinat, wan pe synnar wil not dewli obey ne amend ri3t. )?at is ]?at )?u dost )?o dom in nam of pe kirke, fei)»fully wilyng J'e mendment of pe synnar, helful, to pe worschip of our Lord Jhu Crist, and due ordre procedand up pe gospel. But suppose her ]?at ]?is iust is )?at is ordeynid be God to do a ]?ing, or to suffre, to comyn, or to minister in ani maner, or 3end in pe nam of Crist, and he willing to perform obediently and fille pe wark )?at 14 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. God ha)? 3euun to do, suppose he )?at ]?is is iust. And )?an I sup pose pe kirke mai not iustfi curse him, as he may not sequester him fro )?is ]?at God joini)? him to do, but if God wille ]?at he be sequestrid ; nor pe kirk may not iustfi priue pe comynmg of cristun men, nor taking of pe sacraments, nor part taking of good )?ings, wyle he is iust, not but if God wil )?at it be done ; nor pe kirke may not iustfi punisch nor bid punische swilk on, bifor ]?at God bid ; nor non may denounce swilk on cursid, not but in pe forme )?at he is cursid ; nor pe kirke mai not iustli lede ani man in to synne, nor bid do synne, ne contune per inne, pe wilk he putt owt of comyn and harmi]?, as it semi]? bi pe speche of feijful men ; nor mai not iustli wari him, ne pray iuil to him, ne punisch him, for he wiU do wel and fiUe Godds bidding, and amend his mis. In ani swilk maner )'ei mai not curse ani swilk iust man. But it seme]? me )?at it spede)? a litil to seeke pe witte and pe sawis of fei)'ful men, owe [how ?] )?ei speke of cursyng, for ]?er is mani maner of cursyng. pe first and pe warst, and )>at is dedely synne, bi pe wilk a man synning, putti)? him self out of cominyng of fei]?ful men, )?at is to sey, vndisposi)? himsilf to tak part of pe merits of pe kirk, as it is of ilk man deed bi synne ; and )?us owi)> no man to curse ani man, for God may not autorise ]?at actyfe cursyng ; nor Crist was not )?us cursid, for he synnid neuer. But passyue cursyng, )?at is peyn be it self wi)* synne folowand, is iust ; wilke is proper God to 3 cue, and is iust medicyn ]?at )?o synnar ovrip for to take )»ankfuly, and be sory for pe cause peroi: )?er is also a no)?er cursing, ]?at is preying of iuil or effectual warying or cursyng ]?at is iust, departing fro comyning of feij'ful men, and fro pe taking of pe sacraments. And a no)?er by wilk a man cursi]? a no)?er contrarily to pe lawe of Crist, and J»at but only in nam or pretendid. peiioT to spek of pe cursyng of pe kirke, [by] pe wilk pe kirk de- nounci)? opunly a synnar to be put out of comynyng, and be for- WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 15 fendid him )?o comyn feleschip of fei)?fulmen, and taking of sacra ments, )?at he do pe ra]?er penaunce, and infect not o)?er, and )?at ]?is be ritful bo)? up fie side )>at is cursid and up on pe kirk side cursing, be howfi)? pe kirk to temt warly. For as ]?re condicouns mak martirdom faire, ]?at is to sai, ri3twisnes of pe cause, charita ble pacience of pe martir, an vnri3twisnes of pe persewar, and so )?at cursing be ri3twyse longen in a contrari maner ; )?at is to say, ri3twisnes in the kirk cursing, cause of vnri3twisnes in pe man cursid, and enemy of pe obstinat. And )»us it may be, poi pe kirk curse a iust man iustly, as to form of vsing of lawe ; nafiles it is not iustly as to pe cause of so)>fastnes, nor it may not, wyle )?er is no cause of vnri3twisnes in pe man, ne obstynacy, ne ritwisnes in pe kirk, ]?us doing ; ]?at is, wile God biddi)? not pe kirk curse, )?us pe vnri3twisnes of pe cause is synne going biforne, for wilk pe man schuld be cursid. Enemy of pe obstinat, wan pe synnar wil not dewli obey ne a mend. Ri3twisnes of pe kirk doing execucoun is wan pe kirk a cordi)? wi)? Crist, and pe kirk aboue ; of mek charitable fei]?ful entent, )?enkyng helful correccoun of pe synnar to pe honor of God, procedi)> in dewe ordre up J'e gospel. But, for to haue J»e more clere and vndeceyuid knowyng of )'is mater, cursing and assoling in mater of domis, and geuing of sentence in ani maner of dome, priuey or comyn, and in mater witnessing, and in materis to be don, )'olid, susteynid, aprouid, confermid, canoni3id, autenkid, or to be helpid, in ani maner of cause a geyn ani man, or for ani )?ing, me semi)? now spedy to sey summe J>ings. First, I tak as ieip, J>at no creature mai do iustli, weie, meri- torili, perfitiy, vnsinfuUy, efFectuali, ne perseuerantli ani ]?ing, not but if God wirk )?at J'ing bi him, and in him ; ]?at if he do, or pre sume to do )?is )?at God wirki]? not bi him, he synne)?, and his wark schal be in veyn, and idil, and schal not stond in profit. )?is semij» ]?us, Crist mi3t not, J?an mikil more non oJ?er creater mai )?at Crist 16 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Jo. ao. nii3t not, semi]? )?us ; for he sei)? in the gospel, J'e Sone mai not of himsilf ani )?ing, nor nou3t, but as he sej' ]?e Fadir doing; ]?at if he schuld do ani )?ing )?at God schuld not bi him, schuld do vniustly. For )?us he sei]? : If I bere witnes of misilf, mi wittnes is not trewe, it is Fadir )?at berij? wittnes of me ; and as pe Fadir berij? witnes of him, and biddij' him bere witnes and speke, so he berij? witnes and spekij'. War for he sei)? ; pe words J'at I speke, I speke not of misilf, but pe Fadir dwelling in me he do)? pe dedis, and as he gaf me bidding so I spek. And so is ilk man holdun to spek, and do, and witnes, as pe Fadir giffij' bidding to hem. And ]?at no creater mai do iustli ani )?ing, not but if Crist do it bi him, semi)? )7us. Ilk power in heuen and in 3er)?e is 3euen to Crist. Also pe Fadir ha)? 3euen al dome to pe Sone, and al wysdam is of pe Lord God. periav wiJ? out Crist is no iust power, dome, ne Apoc. iij. wisdam ; he haj' pe key of Dauid ; he closij', and J>an no man opunni]? ; he opunniJ> and ]?aii no man closi]?. If he dyng down, )?an no man biggi)? vppe. If he close, J'an is )?er no man )?at may opun, ne iustli a3enstond him, nor no man mai sey )?is schal be don, but if he bidde. And he giffij? power, and wisdam, and sei]? : Joh. xuo. Wi)? outen me 3ee mai no )?ing do. And for J'is sei]? Poule : We 2 Cor. iijo. may not of our self J'enk ani J'ing as of ourself, but our sufiiciens SCor.xiijo. is in God ; and no werkis in vs and no J'ing mai we a3en pe trow]?, but for pe trow]?. And for )?is sei)? J'e prophet : Lord, )?u hast /*. xjnijo. wrout al our warkis in vs. And mani swilk witnes. And so, sin no creater mai do iustli ani ]?ing wi]? outun Crist, )?an pe kirk may not, no]?er general kirk, ne particuler ; pe kirk in heuen, ne pe kirk sleping in purgatory, ne pe kirk 63 ting in )?is world, aggregat, or gedred to gidre in on of Crist, and of al chosun to be blessid wi)? him wiJ' outen ende, lepun vp to gidir in to 00 spirit and con- corporel and conperseyuers and felows of J>e hei3estof Crist, and of his godly kynd. As Petre sei)? in his epistil, and Poul of Colo- censes : We)?er it be pe kirk particuler, as were two or ]?re are WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 17 gedrid to gidir in Cristis name, and of ]?e kirk ; or if it be a per- sone ordeynid to do ani )?ink in pe name of Crist and of J'e kirk, he mai no J'ing do iustli, but in maner befor seyde, J'at Crist do it bi him. And )?us is opun ]?at pe kirk mai not iustli curse ne bles, but as he haj» befor ordeyned to be doun, and do it be pe kirk ; pe kirk mai not ellis curse iustli, J»at is nojier sequester ani man fro comyning of fei]?ful men, ne fro part takyng of sacraments, ne for bid him ne to do ani J'ing, ne joyn him penaunce, ne denounce, put out of comyn, ne bid iuil to him, ne curse him in ani maner, be wat nam ]?at cursing be callid ; pe kirk may not do it iustli, ne vnblamfully, not but in als mikil as Crist haj* ordeynid to be doun, and doij' it bi J'e kirk, and confermit it. And ri3t so of soiling ; oj'er wis may not J?e kirk bring a man out of synne, ne for3ef J?e peyn, nor man siker, ne pronounce, ne hi3t him to be soylid, in ani maner for ani cause. Ne o)?er wyse howij' ani man to dred ani curse, not but in als mikil as it is 3euen vp Cristis bidding, ne oj'er wise ioi of assoiling ; ne reste hemsilf siker J»er for; 0]?er wyse ow 36 not to drede it ; J'at is, 3e ow not to drede it J'at it schal greue 30W, or noy 30W, as at God to mak 30W sinful, or to be punischid, nor 36 ow not cesse, ne abstene fro ani good wark, but vp J'at Crist for bedij* it him. J'is sentence is clere of manifold witnes of pe ieipiul opunning of holi writt, and publischid expresly andympli3e)'ly, and of J'e sawis of feij'ful doctours, witnessing and expounding; and of J'e deereis of J'e kirk confer ming. In canoun it is writun J'us, of J'e words of J'e pope Leoun ; pe priuylege of Leoim. Petre dwellij' were euer J'e dome is 3euen aftir his equite, Jat J'e fersnes be nojier to mikil ne to litil, were no J'ing schal be bounde ne lowsid, not or Petre byndij' or lowsi]>. Who euer deserue to tak pe sentence of daming, if he weie perseyuer in his wit, no man Tnai relesse him. And also Jerom seiJ', If ani man be put out Jerfim. nou3t be ri3t dome of hem J'at are abouen to J'e kirk, if he ^vent CAMD. SOC. 14. D 18 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. not out be forne, J'at is, dide not so )?at he deseruid to be put out, he is no )?ing hurt in J'is J?at he semij? to be put out fro men be dom not ri3t. And J'us it is don J'at sum tyme his [he ?] is wi]? inne J'at is cast out, and he is wi]? out J'at semiJ? wi)? inne. J'us sei]? he. Geiazi. And Gela3i pe pope seiJ', He J?at sentence is 3euen a3en do he awey pe error and it is voyd, and if it be vniust, so mikil he owi)? to charge it J'e lesse as at God and at his kirk. Wickid sentence mai greue no man, and so disire 3e not to be assoilid )?er of be Austeyn. wilk 36 holdun 30U not boundon. J'us seiJ' he. And Austyn sei]?, Vp on pe general feij', no man mai noi pe kynd of God, ne pe kynd of God mai not noi ani man vniustly, ne J'ole ani be noi3ed Col. iij". vniustly ; he J'at noiJ', as J'e Apostel seiJ', schal reseyue J'is )?at he noi]?. To )?is acordi)? Rabanus and o)?er doctours mani ; of wilk 3et it is spedi to rehers summe. )'er is a cursing )?at is dedli synne J'e wilk J'e man synning putti)? himsilf out of comoun ; J'at is, vn- disposij' himsilf to tak part of merits of J'e kirk, os it is of ilk ded be synne, and be swilk cursing is man waried to God. And ]?us no man ow to curse ani man, sin God mai not autorise )?is cursing actif, for J'us was neuer Crist cursid, for he synnid not. But cursing of peyn be it self folowand is iust, pe wilk longi)? to God to 3ef. pev is ano]?er cursing, bi wilk pe kirk denouncij' opunly a synnar put out of comyn, and forbedij* him comyn feleschip of cristun men, and J'e takyng of sacraments, J'at he mend J'e raj?er, and smot not oj'er. And of J?is curse J?e kirke spekif' most famously. And J'is is callid J'e cursyng of J'e kirk. To whas ri3tful ratifiyng, als wel on his syd )?at is cursid, os on pe side of pe kirk cursing, Je kirk be houui)? to tent to pre condicouns J'at are requirid to ]?is lawful cursing ; )7at is, vnri3twisnes in the cause, enuy of a3en stonder, and ri3twisnes of pe kirke doing execucoun. pe first semi]? )?at no man is )?us cursid but materaly for synne. Ilk synne is vnri3twysnes or brynging it in, )?erfor to ]?is lawful curse is re quirid J'e vnri3twisnes of J'e cause; ne it is a3en J'is, but acording WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 1!) J'at man be cursid, for pe honor of God, and profit of himsilf, and of J»e peple, wi)? mani final leful leke causis os it semi)? of pe peyn of dampnid men. pe secounde circumstaunce semi)? of J?is, J'at to lawful cursing is requirid )?refald broj'er correcting, and but he dwel obstinat to pe fourt peyn ]?at is dede of pe kirk ; for it is a pre- scripcoun fro comyning of fei]?ful men ; ellis )?is cursing is not lawful, pe ]?rid circumstaunce semi)? of )?is, )?at is it [it is ?] not possible to be put of comyn of men, but ]?at if it be )?erfor )?ow a persoun prescit curse bi autorite of J'e [kirk], neuer J'e lesse he presupponij' J»e kirk. And J?us it semiJ' al onli in effect an heretik schuld vnderly pe curse of J'e kirk ; but it semi)? )?at ilk synning to pe de)? is an heretik ; as a3en ward a heretik is he )?at synnij' to pe de]?, for ilk swilk pertinatly contrarily techij' to holi writte. And swilk curse, syn it is iust medicyn of pe gilty, schuld be tane J'ankfully, for he is not perid J'erby, but betteryd, or elfis his mafice swagid. But he schuld do a wey J'er of, and take J'e medicyn, schakyng a wey synne from him be absolucoun of sacra ment, and mekly taking a noj'er absolucoun of iurisdiccoun of him ]?at cursid, by was vertewe he my3t comyn wiJ' cristun men and tak sacraments. And )?ow J'at medicyn be good for pe tyme, neuer)?eles pe hele folowand is fare better. And bi resoun of J'at prohibicoun fro comyng of feij'ful men and reseyuing of sacraments, syn it is not a sacrament supposid )'at is it leful to a lewyd man in J'e vertew of J'e kirk to curse and louse ; but wan ani after J'e ]?ridde correpcoun dwellij' inobedient, he owi)? not only to be de- nouncid a cursid, )'at of sume is callid J'e lesse curse ; but comyn of feij'ful men and takyng of sacraments owun to be defendid him ; J'at is calfid J'e more curse J'an pe kirke haj? ordeyned re- sounably ; )?at pe kirk performe it solemply, candel slekennid, bell rogun, and pe cros turnid vp so doun. neuer]?eles it intendif* pe good of him ]?at is cursid charitabli, and profist of pe kirk. And it semiJ' be a noJ?er doctor to bring forj' a no]?er curse, be wilk i 20 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. is leful to curse J?e iust raan, wiJ" outun his demerit, of forbeding him comyn of men, and taking of sacraments, J'at he geit mede of his obedience, and J'e sinnar be mad redy, or for summe o)?er swilk cause. But certeyn I am J'at J'is curse may not be done wi)? outun resounable cause ; ne J'e nakyd wille of J'e prelat is not inowe ]?erto ; ne a man is not holdun for swilk curse to leef J'ing J'at he is holdun to do bi Godds bidding. Neuer]?eles he mai medulfully cesser fro summe dedis for a tyme, and deserue for obediens. And if ani can ground J'is maner of cursyng I consent. But how ]?at we spek of curse oi)?er it )?at is dedly, or peyn con sequent J'er of, or ellis warying, or it ]?at is sequestracoun of pe iust man fro comyn, or it be wilke pe iust man be cursid as contrari to Godds lawe, )?at is but only in name or pretendand, or ani o]?er, it semiJ' J'at noun owij' to curse ani principali for money, for his proper cause or wrong don til him. pis semiJ' bi ensaumpul of Crist and Moyses, and swilk o]?er ; and also be doctors and laws of pe kirk : for bi lawe canoun no man howiJ' to curse in his owne proper cause ; for vnder pe autorite Gregor. of Gregor J'e kirk writi]? J'us ; Among mani quarells a nobil man, Ysidore, pleynid him to be cursid of J?e [thy] broj'er hed, and wan we lere of J'e [thy] clerk J'at was present for wat cause )?is was don, he maad knowen for non oJ?er cause, but for he had greuid )?ee* Wilk J'ing noi3iJ' vs ri3t gretly, if it be so ; J'u schewist J'ee to peak no ]?ing of heuenly J'ings, but tokunist J'ee to haue an 3er]?li conuer- sacoun, til )?u haue done cursing for venging of )?i selue ; J'at is defendid bi holi rewlis. Werfore fro bene for)? be wel bisy abowt. And presume J'u neuer to do aftur swilk )?ingis, for defence of pi noune iniurie ; for if ]?u do ani swilk )?ing, wyte J'u wel it to vengid after in J'i self. Werfor pe glose of Ion seiJ', Pe bischop mai not curse ani man for wrong don to him, nor mai not be iuge in his oune cause, J'at is to vnderstond, namly, it is leful to no man to curse principali for his o une proper cause. Ion. WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 21 )?is semi]? be ensaumple of Crist, for he wold not curse hem )?at denoied to him harborow and lifelod, but reprouid his disciplis ^'"'- '•«^'- askyng veniawns ; and wan he was waried he waried not a3en, 1 Pet. ij. wan he was punischid, he manest not a3en, but mekly be toke him silf to him J'at iugid him vniustly ; and J>e peyn of o)'er synne bare, and prayed for his cruciars. Also be ensaumple of Moyses, wan J'e peple synnid in to God, he vengid it ; and wan ]?ei greuid him he )?olid, and 3aue J'e cause to God. Also it be howuij* J'O synne to be notory and greuows, for wilk cursyng schuld be done. Were pe Archedecoun seiJ', J'at J»e more Archaic. curse is to be 3euun for contumacy alone ; and J'is he groundiJ> be mani lawis. And al oj'er lawis J'at semen to sey, J'at man how to curse for crime of vowtre, ]?eft, and swilk o]?er ; so ]?at vndir stond for contumacy descendend of swilk crime. And he sei)? Lincoln to be of pe same sentence, and Innocent, seing J'at man is Lincoln. not to be cursid only for J'e crime, if he wil amend him. And J'e ^"""'^^t- sentence of Crist acordi)? in pe gospel ; were cursing is groundid. Were for J'e kirk seiJ', None of bischoppis priue ani man fro comyn ing of pe kirk, wiJ' outun certeyn and opun cause of synne. The Mrie. And resoun is J'is, for ilk cursing vniustli also cursij' himsilf, for he synnij? dedly. And Austeyn seiJ', as is be for seid : No man mai "*'^3"'- noye kynd of God. Of J'e wilk semi)? pre notable conclusiouns : first, J'at God mai not curse ani man ne suffur him to be noi3ed to his pering, but himsilf be first in cause ; for pe curse of pe kirk takif' not a wey ri3tfulnes ne vertu, ne inferri)? not synne, but schewi)? departing fro comyn of seynts, and defendi)? medicinable comyning wiJ' J'e kirk or sacraments of it. Were for sei)? Archedecoun, efter ]?at he ^rchede- > ' , coun. schewij' J'at J'e keyes of J'e kirk only byndun and lousun, wan J'ei are confermid to J'e keyes of Crist, J'at bynding or lousing of J'e prelat is not J'e cause why ani is lousid or boundun in heuin. But 22 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. Deereis. Deere. Archedecoun. Lincoln. )?us it is seid, for oft ]?ei felow hemsilf to gidir and for J'ei how to felowhemsilf to gidir,os it semi)? bi pe decreisand sentence of doctors cording to gidir, is, J'at pe keyes erring noi]?er bindun ne lowsoun as to God. J'e ]?rid is )?is, )?at he )?at vniustly cursi)? as to pe face of pe kirk, noi3)? principali himsilf, for he misusi); his powar. Werfor pe decre seiJ", We are not dampnid wiJ' out dom, wan we are cursid vniustly. Archedecoun seiJ?, J'at he J'at cursij' his sugetis vniustly incurrij? sacrilege,for sacrilege is to file holy J'ing; J'erfor he J'at cursi)? vniustly filij" pe holi body of J'e kirk, fro warn he puUiJ? out vniustly his membre. And I deme not but J'at ilk curse is to be deede, for )?at he is cursid vniustly, howi)? to examin him diligently after holi writte, ]?at he be not gilty in ani ]?ing. Pe secounde he houi]? to drede of J'e perel of him J'at cursij? vniustly. And J'e J'rid of harm of J'e broj'er J'at may cum of pe forbodun of J'e comunicatise doc trine of bro)?er. And J'is dede Lincoln, )?at he calfij) to pe popis cowrt, wan he was manifold greuid J'ore, he appellid stalliwor]?li fro J'e court of Innocent J'e ierpe, vn to ]?e barre of Crist. Ne]?eles it is not to deme )?at ne it is leful to curse accessorily ; for ]?at tendij? but to men fifing actifly ; syn )?at execucoun of J'is curse 1 Cor. vi". saueri]? seculer cause, and J'e Apostil biddi)'. If 3e hau seculer nedis, ordeyn ]?oo J'at are contemptible, ]?at are in pe kirk, to deme. And )?is is notable to wite, in pe decre vndre autorite of pe sen3e and of seint Jerome, were after )?at he schewi)? )?at vnleful curse hirti]? not him J'at is notid J'er wiJ*, os innocents, he sei)?, mai not be condempnid wiJ? J'e crime of a noj'er, he obiecti]? vnder J'is forme, Crist sei]?, and pe Apostil : Blesse and wil 30 not curse. Mischel was not hardi to 3eue dome of blasfemy to J'e fend, most worji curse, as pe Apostil sei)?, howe mykil more howe we to be clene of al cursyng. pe fend seruid curse ; but blasfemie howi)? not to go out of pe aungefis mouj?. Rede pe holde bokis, and see wilk lynage were sett in Jie hifie of Gari3ym to bles J'e puple ; and wilk in pe hiUe of Hebal to curse. Ruben )?at filid his fadir bedde, and Zabloun Decre. Judej" WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 23 pe last son of Lia, and J'e sonis of pe wengis were sette in pe hille of Hebal to curse hem )'at were wor)'i curse. And wan we are taw3t gostly of alle storis of J'e wold testament how it is to do in tyme of grace, it semi]? J'at half of pe linage blessing betokyn hem J'at charitabli purli for desire of hietis of Crist comyn to J'e hiUe ; J'e toj'er half cursing menij' hem J'at for drede of torment filling J'e lawe comun to J'e hille. Also J'ei tokun actifis and contem- platifis ; J'at sterun to vertewe be J?er two maneris. pe souereynes of pe kirke howun not to curse for temporal Jingis ; ne bisy a bowt hem, but bles and preche. pat it is leful for to curse semip of pe oold stori, and of pe newe testament ; but J'e canoun distinguij' Canonn. pas ; Cursing ]?at is forbidon is )?is )?at procedij' of wille of veniaunce or hate of J?e perseware, not purli of J'e luf of ri3twisnes ; and proui)? J'is of mani witts of seyntis. perfor it is certeyn Jiat iche man cursing, wiJ? out stering of J'e Holi Goost first cursing, or not ]?enkyng charitabli good of him J'at is cursid, and good of J'e kirk, he synnij? greuowsly ; periox sei]? J'e canoun, vnder autorite of Gre- Canoun. gori, Prestis synnen not in J?at curse, in wilk )?ei discord not fro J'e innare iuge. And after, vnder J'e autorite of Austeyn, Sogets Austeyn. ben correctid of oj'er prouastis wiJ? correccoun comyng of charite, and for J»e diuersite of synnis. But now it semiJ) to men wel be haldyng J'at prelats and prestis Jieis dales in J?e court of pleet, and ]?ei )?at persewen causis a3en ]?er neybors, enfectun and warioun hem siif manifold and sinfully foilun ilk o]?er. Also J'at mani cursing now blowun in ]?e kirk are not to be dredde, not but in als mikil of J'ei smotte J'e curse or oj'er of cause on oj'er side. And til is concordyng to pe first curse of God. It is semyng be J'is wan it is no)?er foundid in holi writt, ne in J'e lif of Crist, ne of his Apostlis. But alle J'ings ]?at prelats owun to do are sufficienly groundid ]?er, and J'an si]?en J'ei curse not ]?us, it is not to drede o]?er wise, )?an as is seid before in pe strong autorite. Also for Crist forbedi)? swilk liianer of cursing, os now in case is vsid in pe 24 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Luc, Salamon. Glose. Salm. 1 Cor. vi'^ Mal. ij^. SalmecviiP.Mat. jj'^. kirk. As pe gospel of Luc telli]?, and absteni)? periro as it semi)? of Schario)?, and neuerj'eles in him was more cause of cursing )?an in sum ]?at to day are blawun in J'e kirk. It valij' not to seie )?at Petre cursid Anani, and Poule pe fomicary, for ]?ei cursid be a cursing J'at mani prelats to day kan not, nor hau not power to. Petre be tok Anani bi dede going be for to pe fend to be tormentid perpetuali. And Poule be toke J'e fornicari to sajjanas til a tyme, )?at his spirit schulde be saue. But mani prelats are out of part of J'is maner of cursing. Also bi J?e feiJ? of pe gospel no man owi)? to curse a no]?er not but of charite J'at he haj' to him, for of ]?e ieip we owe to luf our enmies, and also for to do alle )?ings in charite, for mani man cursij* now not for charite, and J'erfor not fei]?fully. A part prouid of J'is signe, J?at J'ei curse more souare and horribe- lare hem J'at J'ei hatun, as it semiJ' of hem J'at are cursid for Jei wil not 3ef money or reuerens to J'e mynisteris of J'e kirk. And J'US it semiJ) J'at prelats mai mikil drede of J'er cursyng hem silf, and oj'er ioi of J'er cursyng, and dred mikil J'er blessing; for Salamon sei)?. Cursing veinli brout schal pletesuowsli descende in to summe man ; )'at is as J'e glose sei)', in to him )'at bringi)? it iorp. And sei]? J'e salm. He lufid cursing, and it schal cum to him. And he dede on cursyng os a do]?, and entred as water in to his inword J'ings, and as oyly in to his bonis. Be it made to him a clo)?e J'at he is helid wi)?, and as belt J'at is he ai gird wiJ*. And Poul sei]?, Cursars schal not weld J'O kyndam of God. And bi pe Prophet God sei)? ]?us, Nowe to 30W prestis )?is sonde, if 3e wil not sett to pe hert to 3ef glory to my name, sei)? J»e Lord, I schal sende hunger vn to 30W, and I schal curse to 3or blessing, and I schal curse to hem, for 3e sett not to pe herte. And on)?e to]?er side ]?e salme sei)?, J'ei schal curse, and J?u Lord schalt blesse. And so sei]? Crist, 3e schal be blessid wan men schal curse 30W, and persew 30W, and sey al iuel a3en 30W, and reproue 30W, and cast out 30ure name as iuel, liand vp on 30W forme, and for' J'e gospel; ioie)? and bep glad, for 3or mede is pleiitiuous in heuen. God bring us to his. And prelats mai sore drede, J'at her vniust and iuilwilly cursing be in cause whi J'e puple dredij* not cursing, nor mendij? not, but a3enstondiJ' and risij' a3en hem ; and J'is is cause of al iuil, for ilk crature wiJ? God au3t to 3enstond falshed : for J'us is writun in J?e Psalme, Who schal rise to gidre wi]? me a3enis J'e iuil willid, or Psalme who schal stonde wiJ' me a3en J'e wirking wickidnes. And J'e wise gap. u". man, pe gelousy of him schal tak armor, and arme J'e crature to venge him on J'e wickid,- and wiJ* him al J'e world schal fi3t a3en J'e vnwitti, and J'e spirit of vertu schal stond a3en, and as a wirlwynd schal diuide hem ; and wickydnes schal bring al 3erJ' to wildrenes, for cursing J'e 3erJ' swelfij', and iuil wille schal tume out J'e setis of J?e mi3ti. And as seynt Jame seiJ?, As J'e weUe mai not bring Jac. Hi". iorp of o pitte bitter water and swete ; so mai we not blesse God wi)? pe mouj", J'at we curse man made to his lekenes. pis is a no]?er point, for I seid )?at Crist was cursid. But J'ei IV. Crist toke heuely at J'e worde, J?erfore I preied to excuse me or spare '^"^ "ursid. me in termis ; and neuerj'eles to trewe vnderstonding me J'inkiJ? it mai be seid soj'fi, and wi)? out blame : for we schal vnderstond bi Holi Writte, and bi teching of seynts and bi resoun, and bi comyn experiens, J'at in J're maners is a man seid cursid. Ffirst i°- and warst be synne, wan he cursij' himsilf, and bi his wickid dede go)' out of comyn of holi men, and vndisposi J' him to tak part of merits of pe kirk. And J'us mai not God curse ani man, ne bid ani man curse, ne a proue it, ne J'us was Crist neuer cursid, for he synnid neuer. In J'e secound maner is man cursid iustli, wan 2°. God wordeynij' him for J'is synne to be putte to peyn, and out of comyn, and to be waried, or denouncid, or schewid, as cursid and haldun swilk. And ]?us is man iustli cursid and worj'ili, wan men curse him bi Godds biddyng, and J'an ]?ei do it medefuUy. And )?us God cursi]? men, and ]?e 3erJ', and bests, and o]?er )?ings in mannis wark, wan he ordeyni]? )?eis J'ings to be noyous to man, and CAMD. SOC. 14. E 26 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. punisch him, and not to bring iorp frut ; and )?us he sei)? he wille curse to her blessing, wan J'ei wil not kepe his bidding ; for wan ]?ei prey for plentey, and pees, and swilk o)?er J'ings, and delitun in )?eis )'ings, and 3ekun J'er synnis )?ar by, he wil send hem skarnes and noi3es, and J?ole hem to haue debate, and punische hem in mani wyes, and ay ]?e moo lusts J'at ]?ei haue here, ay pe more schal ben )?er peyn. And J'us he cursi)? to )?er blessing. And so )?is ]?at mani callun blessing is cursing. And a3en ward ; ]?us we prayen iuil and cursing to our neybor iustli, wan we desire )?at discese and oj'er enuyes be to hem to lette hem of iuil and to mak hem to drede synne and to do bettar. And J?us we blame childre and lob 3°. misdoars. And J'us lob cursid his day. And Jeremy ]?at man )?at Jer. 20". callid his fadre )'at a son was born to )?im, and as bi ioy gladid him, for ]?ey desirid )?at J'eis schuld lette men fro doing of iuil and be in a maner to stere men to be heuy of )?er mysse and to desire to be heyne ; for J'us were good to mani a man, )?at)?ings were in desesse to him, )?at now are in mikil leking. But 3et in J'is maner of curse )?at men curse man iustli for his misdede, was Crist not cursid, for he seruid not to be cursid, nor God bad not men curse him, ne S"- )?ei dede not )?is iustly to him. But in pe J'rid maner a ]?ing is seid cursid wan men cursun man )?ow ]?ei do it vniustly, or bannun him, or puttun him out of comyn, or haldun him cursid, or denounce, or schew him cursid. And J>us comyn speche calli)? men cursid. And bi lawis of pe kirk men are )?us cursid, and bidun to be holdun cursid, wan ]?ei are wel good, and ]?e more blessid of God. And J'US Crist was cursid of men, and olden cursid, and put out of Gal. 3°. comyn of men, and put to de)? as cursid man. And J'us sei)? Poule, He was mad for vs )'at cursid )'ing, J'at we schuld be mad blessid Vsa. 53°. in him. And J?e prophet Ysaye, J'at we arettid him as smitun of God and lafte, and )?us he sei)? bi J'e prophet )?at alle men cursun to him. But for J'is is he mikil J'e bettar and not J'e wars. And we schuld luf him ]?e bettar and desire )?us to be cursid wi]? ]?im, WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 27 as Poule dede, and Moyses, and odir, as Holi Writt sei]? of hem ; for Poule sei]? he desirid to be cursid of Crist for his brej'cr, to Ro. 9, a. make hem saue. And Moises praied to for3eue J'e puple J'er ex. 32°. synne, or ellis to do him out of his book; not ]?at J'ei desirid to do synne and be cursid wor]?ily ; but ]?at ]?ei wold ]?us wi)? out desert be punischid as cursid for J'e peple, to make pera. saue. And J'us schuld we alle if we were in charite, as me J'inkiJ?. And it semi]? bi sindre resouns it mai be seid J'at Crist was i°. cursid ; first bi J'is J?at he was made man wiJ' outun synne J'at was cursid of God, and iustli put out of lordschip and comyn for a tyme. pe secound, for he was in his persoun )?us wi]? out desert punischid, ^°- as if he had ben cursid, J'e J'rid, for he is cursid in his membris J?at 3°. are oon wi]? him. After J'is )?at he seiJ', ]?is )'at"3e dede til ani of hem lest of myn good or iuil, 3e did it to me. And )'at3e ded not to hem 3e ded not to me. And J'is schuld maak men rad to do ani iuil to ani good man, or to curse him, or to gruch a3en him, for it soundi)? in to Crist. And )?erfor seid Moyses, 3or grucching ^•*- 1^"- is a3en J'e Lord. J'us as he is seid cursid )?at men cursun. And as al men of a comynte berun punisching for J'e defaut of two or on, J'US it is be tweh Crist and vs, for J'us was he punischid for vs. And ]?us seip Peter ]?at he bare our synnes, for he bare pe peyn of P^- 3°. hem. And J'us he callij' our synnis and our defauts his. And )?us he seiJ? in J'e Salm, God my God loke in to me, why hast J'u Salm. 22. left me, fare fro my heyle, J'O wordis of my defauts. And God 3et left neuer Crist, but ay is wiJ' him, for he doj" ai J'O J'ingis J?at plesun God, OS himself sei]?. But for he ]?olid him ]?us be punischid, and for he left sum membris of J'e kirk at a tyme, for J?is he seiJ? J'at he left him. And )?us was Crist callid a synnar and blasfemer, and J'e cursidist man in 3erJ?e, for J'ei seid J'at he was a deuowrar, and J'at he blasfemid. And )?us, as we sey )?at man a 3efe blasfeme or cursid, wan he is J'us iugid and rettid of men, )?ow he be not so in so]?nes, in )?is maner we sey of Crist pat he was blasfem, synnar. 23and cursid, and J'at he 3et was not; for he blasfemid not, ne- synnid, ne did no J'ing worj'i curse ; and )?at Crist wold )?ole al Jis schuld we be glad, and leren to )?ole wiJ? him ; and )?an bi )'at we schal be holdun of God pe more blessid, and be J'e more blessid, and be so perceyuers of Cristis meritis. V. ich A.n o)?er is J'is J'at is put and askid, J?at ilk prest may vse pe key vse the key. in to ilk man. To )?is, me )?inki)?, I may wel sey )?us, syn al power Joh. 3°. is of God, and, as J'e gospel seiJ', J?er is no power but of God, ne man may do no J'ing, but if he 3eue him J'e mi3t ; as Crist sei]?, Joh. 15". jg jj^^y. ^jj, ^j^^. jj^g j]q j^q J'ing, J'at onely a raan vse his power in to ilk J?ing, as God werkij? bi him, and lefij? him to vse it vnblamfully, and no forjjer, and fro J'at may no man lette him. And )?is is )?at we sey, )?at we may of ri3t so, if J'er be ani vsing of power, or callid power, J'at is not bi Crist, J'at is no power, but fals pride, and presumid, and onli in name, and as to 3end and effect is now3t. Neuer)?eles, a man is seid to haue power, and leue to vse power, in many wyse, as sum bi lawe and ordre of kynd, sum bi lawe and ordre of grace, and some bi lawe and ordre made and writun. And so it is seid bi lawe )?at is mad of ]?e kirk, )?at ilk prest ha]? ]?e same power to vse pe key in to ani man in )?o poynt of dej, as ]?e pope ; but not ellis, not but autorite in special be 3euun to him of pe kirk J'er to. But if it be askid, if ilk prest mai vse pe key in to ilk man, J'at is to sey, to assoile him, or elfis to bind him fro grace, it semiJ' opunly ]?at ilk prest may not asoile ilk to bring him 3Jait. 13°. to heuyn ; for J'e gospel seiJ', J'at Crist in a coost of J'e Jewis mist not do ani vertu J'er, for J'e vntrouj', not but hefid a few seek, Je handus leyd vpon, and he maruelid for J'er vntrow]? ; )?an, wan Crist, J'at is God Almisty, and of his absolut power may al )?ing, and no J'ing is vnpossible to him, nor no J'ing may a3en stond him, and 3et may not of his ordinat power 3ele pe folk for Jer ontrowj, and vndisposicoun, and vnabilite to reseyue, mich more ani o]?er bene)' may not help, but after J'e disposicoun of him )?at receyui]?. WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 29 Al so it semi); bi )'is, J'at pe pope may not bring in to grace, ne bles, him )?at lasti]? in vntrow}?, and in ]?er synnis ; os it semi)? bi Jewes and Saracenis and o)?er swilk, os is witnessid, and of fei)?ful witnes. Also God 3aue him no farrer power, not but asoyl hem ]?at wil leue ]?er synne, or to bynd hem and curse )?at wil dure J'er inne. And bi so J'e same resoun none oj'er prest may not excede. And if it be axid wej>er ilk prest haj' as mykil power as J'e pope, as a nenist God, it semiJ' to me J'at is foly to a ferme in J?is case oijier 3ie or nay, be for J»at it mai be schewid out of Holi Writte. And so it semiJ* al so to me it is foly ani prest to presume him to haue euyn power wi]? ilk o)?er, be for )'at he may ground him in ]?e ieip ; and foli it were to deme to ani man any power J'at God haj' 3euun to him, or ]?e vsyng J'er of; for certeyn I am, how euer ani man tak power to him, or vse power, it profij' not, but in as myche as God seuij) it, and wirkij? wiJ' it, and confermij' it ; and certayn I am, J'at J'e power J'at God 3aue Petre, he 3aue it not to him alone, ne for him alone, but he 3aue it to J'e kirk, and for J'O kirk, and to edifying of al pe kirk ; os he 3eui)? pe si3t of pe ee, or pe act of ani membre of J'e body, for help and edifying of al J'e body. And Sent Jerom seiJ', Sum tyme J'e prest was J'at ilk J'at J'e bischop. Jerom. And bi for J'at bats were made in religioun bi stinging of J'e fend, and was seid in J'e peple, I am of Petre, I of Poule, I of Apollo, I of Cephas, ]?e kirkis were gouernid bi J'e comyn of prestis coun- seil. But after J'at ilk man callid him )?at he baptisid his, and not Grists, J'an was in al J'e world wordeynid J'at on of pe prestis schuld be made chefe, and pe seedis of scysmis schuld be tan a wey. J'er as prestis wit hem to be to J'er souereynis sogets be custum of J'is kirk, so knaw bischopis hem to be more of custum ]?an of dispensacoun of Goddis trow)', to J'er sogets, J'e more J?er souereyns, and in comyn J'ei owe to gouern J?e kirk. Lo I sey bischops present, and )?at J'ei stondun nere him, prests mai in pe autere mak )?e sacrament. But for it is writun, Prestis )?at l Tim. 5. 30 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. prestun wel bi ]?ei wor]?i had dowble honor, most )?at )?ei trauel in word and teching : it semi]? hem to preche, it is profit to bles, it is congrew to sacre, it cordi)? to hem to 3 cue comyn, it is necesari to hem to visit ]?e sek, to pray for J'e vnmisti, and to fele oipe Jerom. sacramcnts of God. perfor non of J'e bischopis, enblawen wi]? enuy of pe fendis temptacoun, wraj?, if prestis ouerwile exort or monest J'e peple, if )?ei preche in kirk, if )?ey blesse pe floe, for I schal sey )?us to hyra ]?at wernij' me J'eis )?ings, he J'at wil not prestus do J'ing )?at J'ei are bidun of God, sey he wat is more J'an Crist ? or wat may be put beforn his flesch and blode ? And if pe prest sacre Crist wan he blessij' pe sacrament of God in ]?e auter, awi]? he not to blessij' J'e peple, )?at dredi]? not to sacre Crist ? A 3e vniust prestis J'orow 3or bidding pe prest of God stintij? J'e office of bless ing, a bowt lewid men and women ; he stintij' J?e wark of tong, he haj' no tayst of preching, he is dockid on ilk part, he haj' only J'e name of prest, but he holdij' not J'e plente ne J'e perfeccoun ]?at falli)' to his consecracoun. I pray 30W prestis wat honor is j'is to 3 ow, J'at 3e bring in J'e damage of alle )?efolke? for wan worJi diligence is taken a wey fro prestis bi power, sum smiting of mis- chef rysi]? in pe flok; and 3e geyt harme of pe Lordis patrimoyn, til 3e alon wil be potentats in pe kirk. And for )?i seyn oj'er men J'US, if a bischop in conforming J>at he approprij' to him silf wi)? out ground of J'e Scripter, ¦}e\iip grace, whi not a simple prest )?at in merit is more at God, of mor merit, gefe mor wor)?i sacraments ? Sum tyme was no resoun, wan ]?e same was bischop and prest. And bi forn )?at presched was hied, or veriliar filyd cursidly bi pe world, ilk prest of Crist was callid indifferently prest and bischop, as it semiJ' be J'e wordis of Jerom. VI. Iche A.n oj'er is J'is, J'at ilk prest is holdun to preche. ]?is haue I seid aW™'*o °^ ^® wordis of Gregor, Austeyn, and oj'er. And J'is steri]? me to prec/ie. scye J'US, for ilk man is olden to do ]?ing )?at Crist enioyni)' him to do. And it semi)' bi witnes of seyntis, J'at Crist enioyni]? ilk prest .31 to preche, and )?an he is boundun J'er to. And )?is semi]? bi pe gospel )?at sei)? )?us. After ]?at Crist had ordeynid his apostfis, and ^'"''' ''*¦ sent hem to preche ; after he assignid seuenty and two disciplis, and sent hem be forn his face, two and two, in to ilk place and cite widir he was to com, and bad hem preche J'e kyndum of God ; vpon wilk sei)? an expositor ]?us. Crist sent his two and seuenty disciplis, and 3aue power to performe it. And sin it is prouable )?at )?ei were not prests, for J'an had )?ei ben bischopis, and apostlis, but ]?ei were dekunis, lowar )?an prestis, as Steuyn, and silk oj'er J?at is redd of in apostlis dedis, it semiJ? J'at Crist, sending hem to )?is office, sendij? in his ordeyning al o]?er heiar, as prestis, to J'e office; to pe same soundun J'e wordis of ]?e prelat ordening dekunnis. Were fore in be fourt book of sentence, J'e fowr and twenti distinc- ^"^r I™'; . ' . . ' . K°. 4. 24 d. coun, J?us is writun ; To J?e decoun it pertenij' [to] stond nise pe prest, and minister to him all )?ings J'at are don in J'O sacraments of Crist, to bere J'e crose, to preche J'e gospel, and J'e pistil ; for as J'e olde Testament to J?e redars, so is bedun to dekunnis to prech J'e newe. And J'is same seiJ' Seint Ysidor, as it is put in ]?e decrees. Vsidor. For J'i seiJ' Seint Gregori, Poule seiJ' to ThimoJ'e, Jat J'e prest be Gregor. in mi3ti to exort in al doctrin, and argu hem J'at a3en seyn J'e i^ip-^^ddt 43 )7er for is seid bi pe prophet Malachie, pe lippis of pe prest schal Mai. 2°. kepe sciens, and men schal ask J'e law of his mowj'e, for he is J'e aungel of J'e Lord of hostis, J'er for J'e Lord monestij' be J'e prophet Ysaie seing, Crie, cese not, vphauns J'i vols os a trompe. Who ^^"''^ ^^°- J'at niy)? to prest hed he takij? J'e office of a criar, J'at he go criing for J'e goming of J'e iuge J'at ferfulli folowij'. Werfor J'e prest, going in and out, die)? if he go wi)? out J'e sound of preching. But here sum glosun and seyn, )?at preching is her vnderstonden reding at J'e messe, and )?at Gregori spak ]?is of curats ; _ but swelk men be howuen tak hede, )?at bi )?is are not curats excusid ]?at prechun not ; and it folowi)? not )?er of )?at simple prestis are excusid bi )?is, for he spak to curats, and be J?ei ware ]?at J'ei knitt not falsly a wey 32 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Vsa. 43°, pe witt fro ]?e lecture, and bere fals witnes vpon seynts, and diseyue simple prestis bi J'er fraudis, wening )?us to be excusid ; for God sei)? bi Ysaie, ]?i fadir pe first synnid, and ]?in enterpretors han" brokyn Je lawe asenis me. And tak J?ei 3ed how Gregor sei]? to pres]?od ; he sei)? not to cure. And )?ei J'at seyn ]?is preching is takun for reding, take ]7ei 3ede to preche, for in a langwag vnknowun ilk man and womman mai rede, and mani are for bodun to prech. And if ilk man mai prech it, it were but foly to go to pe hordres to geit more iarche. And also take J'ey 3ed how to preche; J'e holde Testament was bodun dekunis, wej?er not in tong J'at J'e peple vnderstode ; for soj? to preche is in siche maner to a monest good J'ingis, as Crist bad his disciplis do, wan he sent hem to preche, J?er for be J'ei ware J'at J'us wenun to excuse prestis, for Austeyn. Austeyn seiJ' J'us, fewe are ]?e prestus ]?at prechun iustli pe Word of God, but many are stille dampnably, sum of vnkunning, Jat refuse to be tau3t, oi)?er of neligens, J'at despice Goddis Word, but noij'cr J'ei nor )?ei mai be excusid of pe syn of J'er stilnes ; sin ]?ei how not to be prests )?at can not preche, ne J'ei to be stille Jat can, J'OW J'ei be not curatis. And J'us sei)? Crisostum, it semiJ Jat God enioni)? to doctors and dekunis pe minstri of presthed, and of dekunhed, J'at are ristful, and it semiJ' J'at men hau ordeynid hem J'at are vniust, and not curatis. And so of J'e J'ing issewe is knowun who is ordeynid of God, and who of man ; he Jat do]? wel his minstri, J'at semi)? J'at he is ordeynid of God, and he j'at do)' it not wel, is ordeynid of man, J'e wilk soJ?li as to God, is nei)?er dekun ne prest. J'erfor seiJ* Isidor, kunne J'er prestis Holi Writt, and J'e canouns, and J>at al J'er wark be in preching, and in doc trin, and edify )?ei alle men, as wel of sciens of J'e fei]? as in dis- ciplyn of dedis, )?erfor pe prestis, but )?ei make opun al trow)? in J'e peple, )?ei schal 3eue resoun at pe day of dome; as God sei)? bi Ezech. 3° pe prophet, Lo I haue sett pe a be holdar to pe hows of Israel, if ]?ou sey not to J'e wickid man, )?at he go fro his wickid weies and Crisosi. Isidor. WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 33 lefe he schal dye in his synnis, and I schal seek his blod of )?in bond. And for so)' prestis schal be dampnid for wickidnes of Je peple, if J'ei lere hem not wan J?ei are vnkunand, nor snyb hem not wanne J'ei synne. And as it cordi]? to argu pe synnar, so it fall!)? to not do veniaunce to pe iust man. pis sei)? Seynt Isedor. And J'us it semi]? J'at )?ei are boundun her to vnder pe peyn of dedly synne and dampning to helle. And for obieccouns and sophims )?at men may mak and obiect, it semi)? to me J'at J'ei are bounde ]?us ; ilk man taking presthed, he takiJ? him mater to mak him holy, body and soule and spirit, and so to be holy and halow oj'er, be en saumple of lyuing, word of teching, and ministring of sacraments, after J»e sentence of Poule, in pe ordening of prestis, seyng J'us, 2 Tim. i°, Wil )?u not tak reclesly pe grace of God ]?at is in pee bi pe putting vp on of my bonds. And J'us he sei)? to Titus, For J'is I left J'e at Ad Titum Crete, J'at J'u mend J'ingis )?at wantun, and ordeyn bi syst prestis, as I haue ordeynyd J'ee, and disposid to J'e ; if ani is man wi]? out wif of synne, hauing feij'ful sones, not in accusing of lechery, or not soget, for J'e bischop be howui)? be wi)? out crime, as a dis- pensar of God, nor proud, ne wra]?ful, ne 3euin to drink, ne strikar, ne coueytous of foul wynning, but to holde hospital, and to be bening, sobur, just, holy, chast, biclipping pe feij'ful word J?at is after doctriii, )?at he be misti to exort or monest in his doc trin, and snib hem ]?at asen seyn ]?e soj'e. Also dekunis to be 1 Tim.nj". chast, not dowble tongid, not 3euun to mikil to drink, ne fowlow- ing fowle wynning, hauing J'e priuey witt of J'e ieip in a pure con- sciens ; and first be J'ei prouid, and so, hauing no crime, minister )?ei ; be ]?ei pe man of a wife, ]?at goueren wel ]?er sonis and )?er housis, and )?at ministre)? wel, schal geit him a good decre in mikil trist in pe ieip ]?at is in Ihu Crist. And be pn ensaumple of feij'ful 1 Tim. iv". men in word, in leuing, in charite, in feiJ', in chastite ; take to reding, and to exorting, and to theching, and to be stonding in hem ; Jjenk )?eis )?ingis oft, be ]?u in J'eis J'ings, )?at J?i going forJ' be made opun. CAMD. soc. 14. F 34 WICLIFFe's apology. And doing ]?eis ]?ings, )?u schalt mak )?i seluen sane, and hem J?at 1 Tim. v°. herun J'e. And prestis J?at prestun wel be J'ei hade wor)?i dowble honor, and most )?ei J'at trauelun in word and in dede, teching. ]?us it semi)? J'at J'ei are bound to hold J?is forme of hue in hemsilue, and ai to be redy to ken o)?er and to minister to hem. And were euer bi oportunite, or conpetent acordauns, to be redi to fil it in dede, wi)' out dispensacoun, and wi]? out excusacoun, but if our Lord Ihu Crist despens wi)? hem, and excuse hem, or for bed hem. 1 Cor. xi". For no man sett a no)»er ground J'an it J?at is sett, J»at is Crist Ihu, Apoc. iij". )?at haj' J'e key of Daui)?, and he closi)?, and )?an no man opuni]?, he opuni]?, and J'an no man sperri)?, ne)?er is no man wor)?i to opun pe lasing of his scho ; J'at is J?us to vnderstond : as no man is worJi to opun J'e priueite of his incarnacoun, ne to fynd J?e resoun of al his warkis, so is no man worj'i to mak a letter or title of his to go by vnfiUid, ne to put more J?er to, ne to draw J'er fro, ne to chaunge it, noi)?er to lowse ]?at he byndi]?, ne to bynd ]?at he lowsi)?, befOr )?at he 3eui]? ]?e key, and kennij' to opun and to steyke ; )?erfor tent J'ei so, and here J'ei al J'ing J?at ni3ej' to presthed, and alle J'at admitten oj'er J'erto, and J'at enforcyn to excuse hem fro dede of preching, and to excuse hem in pride of lif, worldly coueiteis, coueiteis of een, and coueiteis of flesche, tent )?ei to ]?eis Eze. xiiv". )?ingis be for seid. And to )?oo J'at God sei]? bi pe profet, son of man, putt to hert, and see wiJ? J'in een, and here wiJ' J'in heris, alle )?ings J'at I spek to J'e, of al cerimoynis of ]?e house of J'e Lord, and of lawis J>er of, and )?u schalt sett J'in hert in pe weyes of Je temple, bi al J'e issewis of pe sanctuari ; and ]?u schalt sey to pe house of Israel stering me to wraJ', J'eis J'ings seiJ' pe Lord God ; sufficij' to 30W al 3or felonies hous of Israel ; for J'at he bring in alien sonis vncircumsicid in hert, and vncircumsicid in flesch, )?at J'ei be in my sanctuari, and fyle myn house, and 30 offer my lofis, mi gres, and my blod ; my couanant 3e dissoluen in al 3or felonyes, and han not kepid pe biddings of mi sanctuari, and hart put kepars WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 35 of my sanctuari obseruaunce to 3or silf ; J'eis ]?ings sei)? pe Lord God, Ilk alien kynd and vncircumsisid in hert, and vncircumsisid in flesch, schal not go in to my sanctuari, ilk alien son j'at is in medil of pe hous of Israels sonis. But and J'e leuits, j?at han gon a wey fro me in error of ]?e sonis of Israel, and haj? errid fro me after ]?er idols, and haj? born j'er wickidnes, J'ei schal be in my sanctuari huschers, and portars of j'e 3atis of j?e house, and minis- tres of j?e hous ; ]?ei schal sle pe bernt offrings and off'rings of vic tories of pe peple, and j'ei schal stond in Jer si3t J»at j?ei minister to hem ; for )?i j?at ]?ei ministred to hem [in] J'e si3t of J'er idols, j?ei are mad in j'e house of Israel in to offens of wickidnesse, aftir I haue liftid vp my hand vp on hem, seiJ* J'e Lord God, and j?ei schal bere J'er wickidnes, and schal not nise to me, J'at j'ei vse presthed to me, ne nye to al my sanctuari, bi J'e sancta sanctorum, but J'ei schal bere her confusioun, and her felonyes j'at j'ei haue done ; and I schal 3eue hem portars of j'e hous of luda, and al ministery j'er of, and al j?ings ]?at ben don j'er in. But j'e prestis and j?e leuits, sonis of Sadok, j?at han kepit J'e cerymonis of my sanctuari, wan J?e sonis of Israel errid fro me, J»ei schal ni-^e to me, J'at ]?ei minister to me, and stond in my si3t, )?at J'ei offre my grece to me, and my blod, sei)? pe Lord God. pei schal go in to my sanctuari, and J'ei schal to mi bord nise, J?at ]?ei minister to me and kepe mi cery- moynis. Certeynli J'O hous of God her is tane J'e congregacoun Moral. of fei]?ful men, in onhed of spirit wij? Crist, J'at is J'e general kirk, and gostly' body of Crist, ]?at is foundid in feij", reisid in hope of lif, and couerid wij? charite, and ful mad in good werkis ; j'at haj? for J'e ground, pe ieip oi Crist, J'at is J'e ston vp on wilk pe kirk is groundid ; hope for j?e fowre walls, hoping al iuel to turne to joy to seynts, be vertu of Crisis pascoun, and al J'ings to cum in to blis, be vertu of J?e first geyting of Crist to vs al j?ing a boue us frutfully, and to vse al J'ing be ne]? man blessidly ; of j'e wilk grouij? charite heling al J'e bigging. To J'e bigging of ]?is pe prest 36 WICLIFFe's apology. howij" to trauel, and to be bisi, to ding doun of J'e contrari ; pe cerymoynis and J'e lawis of )?is hous are pe biddingis and J'e conseyl of ^e gospel, 3euun be Crist and his Apostls, and ensaumplied'be fife, to j?e wilk J'e prest schuld put to J'e hert, j?at is J?e streng]? of his luf, and wij' J'e eeris and een of his hert, he schuld vnderstond hem, and kepe hem in himsilf, and ken pe peple to kepe al j?ingis J'at Crist haj* comoundid. But alien sonis vncircumsicid in hert and flesch, are J'ei ]?at serue not Crist in spirit, ne in fleschly dedis gostly. For J'ei enter not to j?e fif bi J'e maner of Crist in meknes, pouert, paciens, and labour, and o]?er vertuus dedis : but J'ei enter for to lif in prid of J'e world, and worldly riches, and lustis of j?e flesch, and j?erfor j?ey are alien, and wij? swilk cursidnes J'ei polewt J'e hous, for ]?ei leede mani in to synne, and sterun God in to wraJ', and causun Jat God is holdun vniust. And ]?us J'ei vndo Je couenaunt ; wil J'ei kepe not J'e office of presched in J'at maner Jat Crist bad, but j'ey putt J'e kepars of J'e obseruaunce to hemsilf. Wen J'ei welun J'at J'ei kepe more specialy J'e Jings, and pe biddingis enioynid of men, and streytar J'an biddingis and Jingis enioynid of God ; and namly, wan )?ey putt kepars to gedre temporal J'ings to hem, after ]?er decre, [rather] J'an to gedre souls to Ihu Crist. But here wat folowij?. Sich alien and vncircumsisid schal not enter in to pe sanctuary, for as pe Lord forbedi]? swilk to be ministris, so he stori)? hem her J'at J'ei schal not accept grace, wil )?ei are swilk, ne schal not minister grace to pe puple, but swilk ]?at han gon a wey fro God in to error and ignoraunce, and swilk idolatrie, worschiping man 33 en Goddis bidding, and doing ojer iuel : )?ei schal bere J'er wickidnes, as ]?ei han synnid, so schal )?ei be punischid, and J'ei schal be huscheris and portars ; for as Jei opunid synnis to J'e peple and brout hem ine, so schal )?ei enduce hem in to peyn, and )?us schal J'ei scle J'e brent offrendis. But prestis and leuits, J'e sonis of Sadok, J'at han kepid pe cerymoynis of J'e sanctuari, j?ei schal nise to minister to me ; but swilk be WICLIFFe's APOLOGY, 37 prestis of Crist, ]?at entren be him in spirit, soule, and dede, and kennen J'e peple to kepe his comaundments, and schal ni3e in to grace, and at J'e last in to ioy. And as J'ei opunid J'e wey of trowj' to J'e peple, so schal J'ei bring hem to ioi, syne and wrechednes slayn. pus we vnderstond ; and wan j'is comij' ]?at is now seid, j?an schal we wit it; )?erfor schuld bischopis dred to ordeyn vnwis prestis, and ioi to seek pe good, for Jerom seij', }?at J'e vnwise sone Jerom. is schemschip to j?e modir, and J'e wise sone glori of j?e fadir; J'erfor glory J'e bischop, wan he ha]? chosun wise prestis, for pe cause of ruyn of J'O peple are iuil prestis. An o)?er is ]?is. If ani 3 ere pe messe of a prest ]?at leuij? in lechery, VII. The and knowij? him to be swilk, [he] synnij' dedely. To J'is I se^ fomicary. J'US ; I rehersid oft J'e word of seynt Poule, J'at forbedij' us to 1 Cor. vi". tak meit or comyn wij' J'eis manslears, for sworn men, cursars, drunksum men, rauenors, fornicarers, and swilk oj?er ; for j?ey J'at do swilk j?ings, schal not haue J'e kyndum of God, for J'ei are worj'i J'e dej' ; not onli J'ei J'at done, but and ]?ei J'at consentun wij? J'e doars, or ]?ei J'at wirkun wij?, or defendun, or 3euen conseyl or confort, and J'at autoryse it, ne helpun not to a mend, ne reproue it not, as )?ei schuld. Al so I rehersid J?e decre of J'e kirk, bidding Decre. ]?at no man here pe messe of pe prest J'at he wot dowtles haj' a concubyn, or a womman suspect preueyli browt vndre. pan seyd ani j?us to me. But wat if I wot not him swilk, what syn haue I ]?an ? I answerid, trend perchauns J'u hawtist to wete and enquire ; wan J'U dost not, how wilt ]?u be excusid ? And to J'is I led him be sensible ensaumple. And wan he tok it heuily, and wold not vnderstond, I 3af him Jis ensaumple ; 3if J'u cum til a frend, and he sett rawe meyt be for pe, and sey it is rostod i now, or sodyn, if p\x heyt it, and tak ]?i deJ', how art Ju J'an not dede ? And ]?us it semiJ' in mani casis, it mai be susteynid Jat it is soJ', ]?ow it be not in ilk case. Namli sin Crist seiJ, He ]?at knowij? his lordis Imc. xii«. wille, and maid him not redy to do )?er after, schal be dongun wij? 38 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. mani dingings, and he j'at cnowij? not, and dede J?ings worj?i betings, Austeyn. schal be dongun wij? few dingings. And as Austeyn sei]?, Not ilk vnkuning schal be excusid of synne, but he mai be excusid ]?at fond not wat for to lere. But he mai not be excusid j?at fond what he mi3t lere, and 3af not wark ]?er to ; and ]?erfor we pray God for 3eue vs our ignoraunce. And J'er for men schuld not tak j?is word ouer egirly, ]?er for prestis flee fornicacioun, not onli for hemsilf, but also for all oj?er, j?at J'ei make hem not to synne dedly ; for j?e gretnes of ]?e synne in prestis, ouer J'e synne in oj?er men, is schewid be many resouns ; and for it is mikil greuowsare ]?an simple fornicacoun bi thwex an onlepy man, and an onlepi womman, and it is grettar ]?an spouse brokun of seculer men bodily, and neuer j?e lese boj? thwo are dedly synne. And J'at it be ]?e more semij? bi j?is ; for ai j?e heiar degre, j?e sarrar is j?e falle, but presthed is heiar degre J'an bodifi matrimoyn, and J'us J'e prest in doing fornicacoun do]? sacrile, and brekij' his wow ; for bi pe vertu of his degre, he made J'e vow of chastite. Also J'e gretnes of j?is synne is schewid bi j?e lawis and peynis }?at are made J'er a3en ; for J'us is writun in Deereis, j,e decreis, pe prest or dekun ]?at is tan in fornicacoun, peit, or Dist. 81. mansleyng, or forswering, be he deposid. And eft. If ani are iiiid.c. prestis, dekunis, or sodekunis, ]?at Iij? in pe sin of fornicacoun, we forbede him in almi3ti Goddis behalue, and bi autorite of Peter and Poule, ]?e entre of pe kirk, til J'ey repent and amende ; and if j?ei last in ]?er synne, j?at noon of 30W presewme to here j?er office, for )?er blessing is turnid in to cursing, and Jier prayor in to synne ; Mal. ij". as God seij' bi pe profi3t, I schal curse to 3our blessing; and who so wil not obey to j?is helsum bidding, he synnij' in j?e synne of 1 Reg. XV". ydolatrie, as Samuel witnessij?, and seynt Gregor enformij? ; Gregor. synne of wichcraft is to not obey, and j'e felowny of ydolatrie to Dist. 32. not wel assent. And eft j?us. Bidding we comaund, J'at no man here j'e messe of j?at prest J'at he wot dowtles j?at haj? a concubyn, or a womman suspect brout in vndir. Werfor in pe holy seyn is 39 ordeynid J'is capitul, vnder J'e peyn ; seying : If ani of prestis, dekunis, or sodekunis, after j?e ordinaunce of J'e good memorie of our predecessor seynt Leoun, and pope Nicol, of J?e chastite of clerk, hold concubyn opunly, or leuij? not heer J'at he holdij' ; vpon almi3ti Goddis half, and bi autorite of Peter and Poule, princis of postlis, we bid him, and a3en sey him, ]?at [he] syng no messe, ne rede no gospel, ne pistil, at J'e messe, ne dwel not wij> prestis, ne tak no part of j?e kirk. And as J'e decretals declarun, in jre maneris Decretals. is j?is callid notory ; Oijer wat it is lawfuly conuictid bi witnesses, or bi his oune cnowleching, or ellis bi J'e dede J'at mai not be weypid a wey, as J'e dwelling to gidre of j'e man and J'e womman, and j'e bringing forj? of barnis. And eft pe decre sei)?, If ani bischop, or Decre. ani of prestis, or dekunis, consent to fornicacoun, or to crime of incest in his parische, for price or prayour, or amendij' not J'at is done bi J'e autorite of his office, be he suspendid. And eft writij' Decretal. pe pope to J'e bischop, We bid to J'i broj'erhed, Jat j?u steer bisili J'e clerkis of j?i jurisdiccoun, ]?at are wij? in pe ordre of sodeken, or a boue, J'at han concubins, J'at J'ei moue hem fro hem, and reseyue hem no more a3en ; and if J'ei wernid hold hem stille, suspend hem fro office ; and J'ei suspendid if j'ei wel dwel stille in J'er iuel, do pej bisines to moue hem fro office for euer. And as j?e doctor seij', Doctor. pis schal be heuen wij' deposing. And forsoj' seij? the pope. We wel J'at pe bischops J'at are necligent in Jis, vndir go J'e same peyn. And eft J'e decre biddij', Receyuij? no wey J'e office of him J'at 3ee Decre. wot liej' in synne of fornicacoun, and of symonye, and als mikil as 3ee mai, forbedi]? swilk fro holi ministres ; for it is nedeful, for J'ow J'e sacraments han J'e dignite of J'er vertu, neuer]?eles ]?ey noy J'us mikil boj? to J'e ministring, and to J'e receyuing hem, a3en pe ordi naunce, )?at boJ» pe ministring and to [ ? )?e] receyuer vnworj'ily are wij? hem verrey idolatrers ; Jer for sacraments are forbidun to be reyciuid of J'e handis of such prestis, J'at wan such prestis see hem dispicid of J'e peple, ]?ei be j'e licliare callid to penaunce, and j'us 40 WICLIFFe's apology. seyn we to our prestis bi j?eis witnes, and oj?er moo do ]?us oft idolatrie, and are vnfeij'ful, and j?us in mani oj?er crimes, what wondir if we be wounded in ilk sid, in many peynful wrechidnes. VIII. To A. noj?er poynt putt is J'is : he J?at cursij? ani man, or denounci)? curse a man . ., ,. .,, i., y-e clerar declaring of )?is mater we schal vnderstond j?at pouert is a forme, a j'ing j?at is seid pore, or litil, or haldun litil in sum maner. And j?us sum are gostly pore, and sum bodily ; sum vertuously, and sum vicously, or synfully ; and sum peynfully ; and ilk on of hem in syndry degrees and maners. Gostly pouert is sum tyme wan a J'ing haj? litil of sum spirit ; and J'us was Crist most pore, for he had lest of J'e spirit of prid, or oj?er sinful spirits, 3he lesse J'an euer had ani oj'er man ; for al had sum synne but he ; and lest he coueited of J'is world, boj? of hienes of lif, coueitise of flesche, lest of lordschep, lest of honour worldly, or worldly serueyse. And litil he tuk or coueytid of J'is worlds goodis, or worldly seruice, for he tuk of hem but in comyn, as J»ei weren holden to do seruice to him, in J'e performing of J'e wark J'at God 3aue him to do. But and wan men wold haue reeft him to haue maid him kyng, he fled it ; and ouer j?is he porid him self ouer alle o]?er ; more alle o]?er mi3t for taking hede to his kynd and degre ^at he is of, and to traueyl ]?at he toke, and j?e seruice J»at he dede, and to pe sorow ]?at he j?olid. Was ]?er neuer creature so pore, ne J'at porid him so mich ; for ouer hem alle he chesid to be maid j?e CAMD. soc. 14. G 42 WICLIFFe's apology. lowist, as it semij? to him ]?at beholdij?. And as be titil of j?is world, and of worlds lawe, he was moost pore, for he cleymyd no j?ing be J'at titil, nor no J'ing to be proper to him, ne wold he not be iuge in J'er J'ings, nor wan men wold not 3eue him, he sowt no veniaunce vp on hem, but went his wey to oj'er place. And j?is techij? his pouert. And his pouert was bi J'is mikil J»e more, as he is pe richist j'ing J'at mai be, and grattist Lord ; for his is God, j'at is al riches ; and in him he is riche gostly in mercy, ri3twisnes, and pees, power, science, and al gostly ]?ingis. And rich is seid, as he J'at chefly haj? a ]?ing ; and Crist is rich, for he haj? chefly and richfi alle J'ingis, and gouernij', and ledi}' ouer alle oj'er creaturis. And bi J'is we mai see, how alle J'ings are his most properly ; and to holdyn of him, and bi his lawe, and his seruice to be don to him J'er for. And bi J'e state of innocence he is verray Lord, for man was maid to lord in alle creaturis, and forfetid not j?at wyche synnij? not; and Crist kepid ai j»at state, so he had titil to be Lord ; and bi j'us mikil ouer Adam, as God is aboue man. And j?us is opun, how Crist is at onis boj" richist and porist. And for j'is seij' doctors, j?at to defend j'e contrary pertinatly is heresy, contrary to J'e ieip. And }'us he tau3t his disciplis, to flee synful pouert, and to folow him in medful pouert ; forbad hem to flee prid, and al fals coueyteis, and veyn glory, and to be mek and suget, and seruiciable, obedient and buxum to ilk man, and to hold hem paied of fode and helyng, and bisily to labor }'er fore ; and j'ole deseyce of body in wantyng, and taking a wey, wij out ani euynes, or sekeng to do veniaunce a3en ; and who }?at wold be pe more, to be minister and seruaunt to alle, and nowt glad to mikil of j?er power, or witte, or oj'er }'ings, but glad in j'is, if God haue chosun hem to grace, and 3eue -Je }'ank til him for alle Jingis. pus he tawt hem to do, and fle prid, and o}'er synnes, .j?at maken man pore synfuUy ; to ocupie oj?er mennis J'ingis synfuUy, and Jus to be rich, and falsly holde ryches. And so many wyse to renne WICLIFFE S apology. 43 in to j?e wrat of God. And ]?us doctors declaren j?e apostols so louid Crist in heyest pouert; and Jerom and oj'er seynts kennun how ]?at prestis now schuld folow Crist in pouert. pus seij? Jerom, Jerom. It be howuij? vs clerks to not mishews ]?e sygnes of our cleregye, for alle j'e tokenis of clerks, crien and presenten vertewes to be in hem ; j?e croun criej? pouerte ; pe cloj'ing honeste of soule ; pe state purte ; J'e honoring, chastite ; j?e professioun, religioun ; j?e office, deuocoun ; J'e stody, contemplacoun. And }?erfor but if we schyn in )?eis vertues, pe croun \\ep, pe cloj?ing, j?e honoring, j?e professioun, j?e office, j?e stody, j?e contemplacoun. And j?er for be j?eis we are but peyntid clerks and lied clerkis. And if God schal tyne alle j'ee j?at spek lesyng, and j?at are lesing, and not only hare clerks dampnid, for )?ei spek lesing, but also for }'ei luf it moost, and putten hemsilf for it to pe de}'. And eft, pe clerk }'at seruij? to Crisis kirke, first schuld interpret J'e calling of his nam, and enforce to be ]?at he is seid ; for a clerk in our speche is seid sort, and J'er for are men seid clerkis, for J'ei are of J'e Lordis sort, or for J'e Lord is J'er part ; and for he is j?e Lordis part, or haj* j?e Lord his part, he haut to haue him silk J'at he haue ]?e Lord, and be had of J'e Lord. He ]?at haj? j?e Lord, and is had of ]?e Lord, and seij? wij? pe prophet. Mi part J>e Lord, may no J'ing haue wij? P^al. xv". out ]?e Lord ; j?at if he haue ani J'ing bi syd j'e Lord, j'e Lord schal not be his part ; as if he haue gold, or siluer, or diuerse instru ments, or possessouns, wij? j?er parts, j?e Lord denaiej' not to be his part. If I am j?e part of Je Lord, seij? Jero, and a litil cord of his heritage, I take not part wij' oj'er linagis, but, as a decoun and prest, I life on ti]?is, seruing pe auter, I am susteynd of offryng of pe auter; and fode and heling hauing, wij hem I schal be content, i Tim. vi' and nakyd I schal folowe pe nakid cros. And Bernard seij', It is Bernard. iust Jat he J'at seruij' pe auter lif J'er of, noij'cr to do lechery ne prid, nor be richid, noijer in clerked of pore to be maid riche, ne gloriouse of J'e vnnoble, big not to him of Je goodis of Je kirk 44 WICLIFFE S apology. X. Of fasting. Joel ii". Gregory. XI. Of horis. large palayce, nor gedre not baggis to gidre, nor wast not ]?e goodis in vanite, nor in superfluite, bere him not hi3e of j?e facultees of pe kirk, nor gif not to wenddingis his coseynis nor his childre. It is grauntid to j?e if }?u serue wel j?e auter to lif j?er of, not to do lechery, nor to be gilt bridfis, peyntid sadels, ne siluern sporis, nor perpufid aray, ffor soj? wat J'u holdist to pe of pe auter ouer necesary fiflod and simple aray, it is not ]?in, it is j?eft and sacrilege, pis seij* he. An o}?er poynt putt is j?is : Fastingis are not necesary, wil man absteni}' him fro oj?er synne. And as to pis I sey j?us, Jat fasting generaly is not onli in forbering of meit and drink, but in forbering of iuel, and al iuel spite, and in doing of good dedis. pis semij? j?us bi ]?e scripture ; for J'us seij? J'e prophet, Halow 3or fasting. Wat is it, seij? Gregory, to halow fasting, but to schew due or worj?i abstinens of flesch, wij? o)?er good verteuis ioined Jer to ; do a wey prid, wraj', strif, and oj'er vices ; for in veyn j?u foilist j?i flesch wij? abstinens, if ]?i soule be not refreynid fro synnis. And as sum fastingis are but of ordinaunce of pe lawe, so bi Je lawe are mani excusid J'er of; as wymmen wij? childe, and waxit folk, wold, and 3ong, sek, and feble. And J'e pore are excusid bi j?e lawe. And neuerj'eles fasting is mikil profitable boj? to grace and to blis ; for }?us we sey to God, by bodyli fasting j?u berist doun vices, fiftist up j'e mynd, and 3efyst vertu and medis. And eft J'US, j?e clere fairnes of fasting is schewid to pe worid heuenly, J'at Crist, autor of al j?ing, abstening richid. By J'is Moyses, dere to God, was makid 5euar of j?e lawe ; )?is liftid up Hely bi pe aire in a chare of fire ; for J'is Daniel, ouercomer of lyowns, saw misteris of priui ]?ingis ; bi )?is Ion, pe inward frend of J'e Spows, was clere ; J'ise are opun in J'e stories. God graunt in vs to folow j'eis ensaum- plis of abstinence. An o]?er poynt putt is j?is, j?at J'e prest is not holden to his horis canonisid, not but if he be to syng. To j?is I answere Jus, I denoy 45 me not to haue seid ]?is, for perel falling in forme of lawe ; for if it were witnessid a3enis me, J'of it wer fals, if I denoyed, I schuld be condempnid as gilty. Ne I graunt not ]?at I seyd it, ]?at I lie not on mysilf, for I wot not ]?at I seid it, and mannis mynd is sclendre. If I haue fautid, I aske for3eunes, and I wel mend. But o ]?ing I wot wel, if prestis are bounde to J'er horis bi pe lawe j?at hem silf han maid, j?ei bowen be bound be j?e charge J'at Crist haj* 3euen hem. And if ]?ei haue streit conscience to faile in j?is ]?at hemself haj? bound hem to, J'ei schuld haue mikil more to faile in J'is j'at Crist ha}» bound hem to, if }'ei lofid and trostid him aboue j'e wark of j?er hondis. But if J'ei haue bounden hemself, J'er as he maad hem free, and setten mikil bi ]?er oun tradicouns, and litil bi his, and puttyn his bidding to forj?fil j'er, and folowen wickid coueitis and o]?er iuel, j?an schal j?is be verified in hem j?at Crist seij' in his gospel, pe Hofi Goost wan he comij' schal find Jis world Jo/i. xvj". of dome ; and eft, Whi brek 3e j?e biddings of God, to kepe 3or own tradicouns ? ypocritis, wel is prophecied of 30W, j?is peple honorij? Mat. xv°. me wij? ]?er lippis, but j'er hert is far fro me. In veyn j?ei honor me, teching j'e biddings and j'e maundments of men ; leuing j'e biddingis of God, for to kepe J'er oune tradicouns. And eft, Wo worj' 30W J'at ti3en mynt, aneis, and comyn, and iike herbe, and leuen pe sadder j'ings of J'e lawe, dome, feij', and mercy; J'eis J'ings howen to be done, and }»oo not be left. Blind foolis, clensing iorp pe knatt, but swelowyng j'e camely. And for soj', as Ambros Ambros. seij?. Till J'U lefe j?is J'at J'u art bodun bi J'O bidding of Crist, what ]?ing j?at J'U werkyst is vnj?ankful to ]?e Holi Goost. And mani prestis in J'er horis byddyn hem self Goddis curse, for ]?us ]?ei sey, Lord, j?u hast blamid j?e prowd, cursid bi J'ei J'at bowen doun fro )?i Ps.cxviH". biddings. An oj?er poynt is putt ]?us ; in J'e sacrament of Je auter, aftir pe xil. Sa- consecracoun, dwellyj' pe substaunce of j?e brede. And j?is is soj?e, "[^^J^^i^^ for J'e body of Crist [which] is j?e bred )?at he 3af for j'e lif of J'e 46 WICLIFFe's apology. world dwellij? J'er ine, and ]?erfor )?is substaunce of bred dwelli)? )?er ine. And in j?is mater I remembre J'at I haue spokyn and rehersid 1 Cor. X". Pq wordis of J?e apostil, and oj?er doctors, )?at j?ei speke on Jis mater ; for Poule sei]?, pe brede j?at we broken is j?e part taken of Austeyn. pe body of Crist. And Austeyn seij', pis j?ing j?at is seen is breed, and j?at)?at pe ieip askej? to be enformid pe bred is J'e body of Crist. Decre. ^.nd pe decre, and o)?er doctors mani, a corde. And syn ]?er wordis are canoni3ed, and approuid of holi kirk, oij'er be houij? to graunt J'er wordis, or to denay j?e canoni3ing and aproning of j?e kirk ; and j?at semij? not good, per for I sey as Jeis seyncts doun, and trowe as holi kirk tro wij", and techij? ; Jat pe sacred host is verreyli Je 1 Cur. X". body of Crist, for Crist sei}' soo ; and }'us sei]? Poule, Bre)?er, fle fro worschipping of idols ; I speke to 30W as to wyse men, demij )?is J'ing J'at I sey ; J'e cuppe of blessing j'at we blesse, is not it Je comining of Crists blood ? and bred ]?at we brek, is it not Je part taken of J'e body of pe Lord ? for we mani are 00 body, and a life ] Cor, xi". ]?at alle taken part of 00 lofe, and of 00 cuppe ; forsoj?, I tok Jis of pe Lord, Jat I be tok to 30W ; for j?e Lord Ihu, in pe ni3t Jat he was betrayed, tok bred, and blessid, and brake, and 3af his discipUs, and seid. Take and eete aU of }'is ; }'is is my body j?at schal be trayed for 30W, do j?is in my conmemoracoun. Also he tuke ]?e cuppe, after j?at he sopid, seying, pis cuppe is a newe testament in my blod; do j?is, als oft as 30 schal take it, in to my conmemoracoun; for als oft as 36 schal ete j'is bred, and drink j?e cuppe of pe Lord, 3e schal schew pe dej? of pe Lord, til )?at he cumme. And so, who j'at schal ete }'is brede, and dring j?is cuppe vnworj'ily, he schal be gylty of j?e body and blood of j'e Lord, perfor man proue him selue, and so ete he of j?is bred, and drink of ]?is cuppe, for wo Jat etij? and drinkij) vnworj?ily, etij' and drinkij? dome to hymsilf, not Ambrose, deming wisely j?e body of pe Lord. And upon j?is seij? Ambrose J'US, It is a gostly medicyn, and memory of raunsom, bi wilk we deserue greiter j?ingis, to wilk we are tau3t to ni3t ; not butdrery of WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 47 pe ni3t of oure synnes, of J'is ]?at in j?e ni3t he was be tan for our synnis, wan his sowle was drery to j?e de]?. And also in j?e mynd of J'e same dej?, he 3af his disciplis j?is bred, and j?e cuppe of J'e new testament, and monest to take it, and ete it, doutles to be made like to him, and innewid in to him ; he menij' as mani as wil be in vnite of his body j?at is J'e kirk. And j?is mete is prophita- ble to vs dwelling in J'is vnite, bo}? to body and to sowle ; ffor j?e flesch of Crist was peynid for the hele of our body, and his blod was 3euen out for pe 3ele of our soule, but profiti}' not to hem }'at are out of vnite ; werfor pe apostel seij?. He j'at eti]? or drinkij? i Cor. xi" vnworj'ily, j?at is, oiJer wi)? out deuocoun, or oj?er wyse Jan it is of pe Lord ordeynd, or dwelling in pe fillij' of synne, he schal be gilty of pe body and blod of J'e Lord; J'at is, he schal 3eue peyn for Je dej? of Crist, as if he had slayn him, and he drawij? spot of good j?ing to an iuel. And Austeyn seij?. We sey )?is Jing pe body and Austeyn. pe blod of Crist, pe wilk tan of pe 3er}' fro pe frutis, and halowd bi gostly praiors, we tak ritli to gostli 3ele, in to memory of Je Lordis passioun ; j'e wilk, wan it is browt be handis of man to J'at inuisible spice, is halowid not but bi J'e Spirit of God wirking inuisibily ; for God wirki]? al }'ingis J'at are done in J'is wirk bi bodily styrings. pis is J'at we sey, and in all maneris striue to proue pe sacrifice of j?e kirk to stond to gidre in two J'ingis, and to be maad in two j'ingis to gidre : Jat is, j'e visible spicis of elements, and inuisible flesch and blod of our Lord Ihu Crist ; sacrament and Jing of pe sacrament, ]?at is J'e body of Crist ; as J'e persoun of Crist stondij? to gidre of God and man, for he is verrey God and man ; for ilk ]?ing contenij' in it silf J'e trowj? and pe nature of J'oo J'ings J'at it is maad of; ]?is )?ing Jat is seen is breed, and Je cuppe J'at J'e 3 een schewen ; but j?is ]?at j?e feiJ' askij? to be enformid j?e bred is j?e body of Crist. Also J'e decre sei]?, I Beringary concent to J'e holi Decre. kirk of Rome, and as J'e apostil seij?, I cnowlech of mowj' and hert, me to hold J'e same feij? of J'e sacrament of pe Lordis bord, )?e 48 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. XIII. Worschip ing of Mrkis. Isaye. Jerom, worschipful sir Nicol pope in beys holi seyne3, he haj' be tane me of autorite of pe gospel, and of J'e apostil, and haj? fermid to me Je bred and wyne, )?at are putt in pe auter, to be after j'e consecra coun not onli sacrament, but verrey body and blod of our Lord Ihu Crist sencibly, not onli in sacrament, but in trowj? to be tretid ; wij? handis of j'e prest to be brokyn, and wij pe teJ of feij'ful men. And mani o)?er seingis of doctors a cordon to Jis. An oj'er poynt is J'is ; kirks are not to be worschippid, nor sergs to be multiplied )?er in. I wot wat I seid. Wil )?u offir a candil )?at )?u geyt merit and grace ; 3 cue to pe pore, J'at he may see go to his bedde, or to do sum good werk ; or to wold womman, Jat scho spynne, or teese her wolle, or do sum good wark. And Jat J'is be j?e profitabler, concorden all feij'ful doctors, and cristen men. And oft j'u reproue hem j'at drawen a wey help fro pe pore to bigge deade warkis. In Ysay }'us is writun ; Refresch pe pore, and J'at is my refresching, seij' j'e Lord God. And Seint Jerom seij, Mani biggen wall, and drawen a wey pilars of kirk, Je marblis shinen, J'e bondis schinen wij? gold, J'e auter is vmbeset wij stonis, but of J'e ministris of Crist is no chesing. No man sett 33611 me J'e riche temple in J'e iewes, J'e bord, J»e lanternis, censars, pannis, cuppis, mortars, and oj?er forgid wij' gold, ffbr ]?eis were ]?an aprouid of J'e Lord, wan prestis slow pe offringis, and bests blod was re missioun of synnis ; ]?ow alle J'eis went bifor in figer ; ]?ei writun for us in to wom pe 3endis of J'is world are comyn. But now wan pe Lord haj' halowid J'e pouert of his hows, bere we pe cros, and kownt we gold as cley. To reue ani j?ing fro a frend is peit ; to defraude j?e kirke is sacrilege; to haue tane j?ing to be 3euen to Je pore and mani hungry, and to rescue it, is vile or fals drede, or of opunyst felony ; to wij? drawe ani j'ing ]?er of, it passij? J'e cruelte of all robbars. Hector Thebanus a man sum tyme richist, wen he went to vse philosophie at Athenis, he kest a wey a gret peise of gold ; he gessid J'at he mi3t not haue to gidre, riches and vertu; 49 we stoffid and farsid wi]? gold, folowen pore Crist ; and a color of takyng of almis, we chouche a boue our mikil riches, how may we trewly depart oj'er mennis J'ingis, j?at dredfully reseruen our owne. pe fulle womb disputi)? fitly of fastyng. Vp on Je wilk sei]? William de Seynt Amour, Swilk maner of men bigging ]?us William de biggings semen to turne bred in to stones ; j'at is to sey, Je bred ^^m-. of J'e pore, j'at is almis beggid, in to hepis of stonis, j'at is in to stonen howsis costlew and superflew ; and }'erfor pej semen werrar j?an j'e fend, }'at askid stonis to be turnid in to bred. Wer for Jerom Jerom. kennij' wel simple men seying, Gif no j'ing to no man, ouer liflod and opun necessaries ; J'at howndis ete not J'e bred of children ; forsoJ», he seij?, J'e sowle of j?e trewe man is J'e temple of Crist ; honor it, do J' it, gif it 3eftis, and tak vp Crist in it. Wat profit is it j?e waUis to schine wij? precious stonis, and Crist to di3e iu j?e pore man for hunger. Also ]?us seij? Crisostom, Men bigging j?e Crisostom. memoryes of martres, and honoring kirkis, semen to do a good dede : but and if j'ey kepe o)?er ri3tfulnes of God ; if pe pore ioi of J'er goodis ; if j'ey mak not oj'er mennis goodis here bi violence or bi fraude ; who so is vnwyse J'at he vnderstondij' not, for J'ei mak j'er biggings, not to J'e glory of God, but to mannes dome. And vniustly )'ei bigge memories were pore men, }'oling violence of hem, crien a3en hem ; for martirs ioien not J'at j'ei are honorid so of J'e money of swilk pore men greten ; what ri3tfulnes is J'is to 3ef 3eftis to pe dead, and spoyle j?e quek ; taken of Je blod of wrecchis, and offre to God ? pis is not to offre to God, but to wylen to mak God felow of J'is violence, J'at if he tak gladly money )?at is offrid to him of synne, he consent to synne. Wel Ju bigge pe howse of God ? 3ef to pe feij'ful pore werof )?ey may fif, and ]?u hast biggid a resounable howse of God. Men dwellen in biggings, but God dwellij? in holy men ; ]?erfor wat men are j'ey ]?at spoylen men, and makyn biggings of marters ? j?ey aray ]?e dwell ings of men, and disturblun j?e habitacouns of God. Ihu 3ed in to J'e biggings of j?e temple, and sowt ]?e bolines of pe temple, but CAMD. soc. 14. H 50 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Dauid, Ps. XXV". wan he fond in pe temple J'e properte of j?e temple, he went out ; for pe bigging stod ]?at man had reysid, but j?e holines J'at God had ordeynid was faUen ; j?e temple of man is biggid of stonis of faire composicoun, but J'e temple of God is J'e congregacoun of men leuing religiously. A man deli]? [in] pe bigging of walfis, but God in pe conuersacoun of seynts. pe prophet sei)?. Lord, I haue louid j?e fairnes. Wilk fairnes ? Not ]?is j?at diuersite of schining marbles maken, but ]?is j?at pe barianns of gracis of louing me makij? ; J'at fairnes delitij? pe flesch, but j?is quekeni}' j?e soule ; j?at for a tym desceyuij' and iapij? pe 3ee, but ]?is biggij? pe vnder stonding perpetual, pis seij' he. perfor it semi)? good, spedi, and meritori, J'at pe kirk be honorid, neuerj'eles not to mikil nor super- flue, ne curiously, nor proudly, for glory of J'e world, noij'er in biggings, noij'cr in li3ts, noij'cr in instruments, nor minstris ne- cessarijs in to vse j'er of ; but honestly and mesurabli honorid and kepid in alle j'ings, and mikil honestliar j?an it is nowe in mani placis ; and specialy ]?at feyris nor markets had no place in ]?e kirk, in solempne tymis, wan men schuld tent to preyers and to Goddis seruys ; and J'at in silk tyme men tent not to idil talis, foul spechis, harlotries, bakbityngis, or conuenticlis, purposing iuel, as peit, or manslawt, or swilk oj'er ; so no synnis were vsid in Je kirk ; j?at pe house of God be not maad a den of ]?efis. pus schuld pe kirk be honorid ; but in pe quek gostly kirk, j?at is pe congrega coun of cristun men, au3te honestly to be honorid, first in vertuis, and vertuis dedis, good maneris, and ritful warks, clensid of alle crimis and dedis forbeden hem in holi writt, and fei)?ful doctors, and ordinaunce of pe kirk ; and j?us schuld God haue a gloriouse kirk, j?at is now pollutid and fylid wij? many vnleful j?ings. Whejer Decretal, is it not writun in pe lawe of pe kirk j'us ? Forsoj? it is an horrible j'ing )?at in sum kirkes is witnessid marchaundis to haue place; so ]?at ani j?ing be askid for bischoppis, abbots, or oj?er personis, to be putt in j'er segis, or prestis to be induyd, or inled in kirks, or for sepulturis, or exequies, diriges of j?e dead, or blessingis of wed- WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 51 dings, or oj?er sacraments. And sum demon to be leful, for ]?ei deme not pe lawe of pe dede for to harme by cause of long custom, not takyng heed ]?at synnis are so mikil greuowsare, euer j?e lengar ]?ei hold bound pe vncely sowle ; j'erfor we forbede more strengliare j'at ]?eis ]?ings be no more do j?us ; so no )?ing be askid for personis of pe kirk to be browt in to j?er segis, nor for presthed to be institut, nor for dead to be byried, nor weddings to be blessid, nor o]?er sacraments. And if ani presume a3en j'is, know he him to haue porcoun wij? Gie3i. And als after Je decre, in an oj'er place : No Decre. man presume to 3eue for ani custom, noi]?er to pe taking of symonyently, j'at is to sey, for coueytise, for his labour tak ani ]?ing, for who j'at sellij? oij'er of }'is j?ings wij? wilk j?o comij? not iorp, he leui}' noi]?er vnsold. And schame it is j?at a man be con- streynid to 3eue his money for nowt. Of silk }'ings is pe kirk to be purgid, for mani causis : forsoj' as Symon Magus, bicause of coueytise, wold haue bowt of pe apostel his power, j?at he schuld j?e Holy Goost receyue to hele hem j'at he put j?e handis to, ]?at he mi3t haue gotun money of j?e selling of signis ; as j?e decre Decre Saluator witnissij?. And ]?erfor he was reprouid of Petre, for he * "^''"¦* demid to possede pe 3 eft of God bi money, and j?erfor he had no part in j?at ]?ing. It semij j?at prestis are nowe in J'e same chapi ter, takyng goostly grace or ordres ]?at ]?ei geyt j?er of superfleu riches, prid of world, and lust of flesch, and ]?ey j?at minstren to oj?er in ]?at entent, j?at J'ei habunde in ]?er ]?ings. And it semi]? Jat lewid men hiring prestis, in )?at entent, deming to by J'e goostly ]?ings so, or J'at ]?ei eke riches to hem, or ]?er oj'er j'ings befor seyd, are greuid in j?e same synne. And j?us it semij' to sume, ]?at wat euer clerk takij? priate, religioun, bischophed, or dignite of ]?e kirk, ]?at he life lustili, or habunde after hienes of j»e world, or to lord in j?at maner ]?at Crist forbedij" his disciplis to lord in, he synnij? deadly. And J'at pe parentis of swilk a clerk are [or ?] worldly frends helping him to ani artis or sciens, prelats promouing, or secular 52 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. The Ca noun Sunt quidjm. XIV. Sy. monie of prestis. Decre. Hostiensis. Innocent. lordis procuring Jat J'at clerk lord in J'at maner, J'ei synnun deadly ; j?is is opun bi pe canoun, i. q. i. Sunt quidam. Of silk J'ings be howuij" pe kirk to be clensid. An oj'er poynt is her putt, j'at prestis to sing may not first mak couenaunt wij? out symonie. Of J'is mater J'us seyn feij'ful doctors of diuinite, and doctors in lawe of J'e kirk, j?us : A prest wej?er he be beneficid or not, he bowij? not to sett to hire his gostly warks ; nor it is not leful to him to reseyue ani J'ing of couenaunt to a day or 3ere for Goddis seruyce to be seid ; for wo j?at sellij? ani of Jo )?ings wi]? wilk ]?e toj'er com* not, he leuij? noi)?er vnsold, as Je decre seij? ; J'is bi Ihoun. Neuerj'eles he may sett to hire his bodily werks ; J'at is, he may astreyn himsilf a 3er to dwel wij a man to serue him, as writ, or teche children ; and ]?us he may lefuly, sauid his ordre ; so j?at he outtak fro his generafite, boj in mynde and in worde, his goostly warks, wilk he may graunt frely wij' out couenaunt or price, after pe wiUe of God. And Jus Je couenaunts how to be seuerythly, )?at pe goostly ]?ings be done frely. But for J»e synne of symonye may vnnese or neuer be fled in swilk J'ings, j?erfor conduct prestis are reprouid of pe lawe, after Hostiensis, and Innocent ; and eft Hostiensis seij? of hem j'at 3euen a peney, or peyneyes, to prestis, for to do aniuersaries, or to syng a messe of j?e Holi Gost, or swilk maner, or for to syng trentayUs, in alle swilk casis, to tak or 3ef temporal ]?ing for goostly Jing, of forj'word, or certeyn couenaunt, it is symonye. Wej?er it be 3euen for J'e sacrament, we J'er for J'e office. After j'is word for notij? or takij? appreciacoun. pis seij? he. perfor ilk man see why he takij' J'e money, ]?at is to sey, what he doj' J'erfor. And ilk man see why a3enne, for what cause principaly. And see after for he 3eue for Goddis mede, lok how God biddij?. If he 3eue it for labor, lok what it is. And if he gif it for sustinaunce, lok what mede it is. Sum men seyn J'us, J'at symonie is a studiouse wille to by or selle, or on ani maner to haue goostly power, or j?e office WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 53 j?er of, for temporal price, in entent of chaunging to gidre j?e toon for pe toJer, as it semi]? bi holy writt, and bi Je lawe, for Symon ^ct. uHj". Magus seyng Je apostil 3euing j?e Holy Goost bi leying vpon his handis, ofi'rid him money to bye pe gostly power, j?at J'ei schuld tak j?e Holy Goost J'at he schuld putt hands to ; but Peter seid to him, j'i money be wij? Je in to perdicoun, for j?u gessest to haue j?e gift of God for money. And in j?e lawe it is seid, j?at Symon wold haue bout pe Holi Gost in Jat entent, j?at of seUing of synnis J?at schuld be do bi him, he schuld wyn money. And j'us of him it takij? j?e name of symonye. And j'erfor J'ei J'at sellen gostly ]?ings, and )?ei j'at bien hem, so folowing Symon are callid Symon- ients. And J'us seij? Parisiensis in his bo.k; Prestis singing ior Parisiensis. money sellen Crist, and are werrer J'an Judas in J'eis fine points. Judas sold him onis dedly, and not glorified, for j?ritty penies, wen he trowid him not God, but a deadly man walking in 3erJ'e ; and after, he repentid, and browt a3en Je penis. But j?ei seUe him vndeadly, and glorified, and ofte and for lesse price, wan j>ei trowen him God, regning in heuen vndedly, and til J'ey cum to penaunce J'ei restore not j?e money, pus he seij?. And Jerom seij? ]?us ; jerom. Als oft of men are seid singing for menis fauor, and temporel wynning, or hope of ani temporel profet, soJ>ly Crist is sold and be trayd, and wen pe body and blod of Crist is tretid wij? foul hands, and polutid conciens, Crist is trayd and crucified. And Ambrose Ambrose. seij? ; He [j?at] 3 etij? and drynkij' j?is sacrament wij? out deuocoun, or o]?erwise j?an it is ordeynid of J'e Lord, synging messe, or dwelfing in lust of synning, he schal be gilty of body and of blod of Crist, and schal 3eue peynis for dej? of Crist, as if he had slayn him, and he schal draw spott of good ]?ing iuel tane. Pis sei]? he, and more afterword. pis is a noj?er poynt, J'at pe pope, cardinalis, bischopis, and oj'er xv. The prelats be nej?e, are disciplis of anticrist, and sellars of merit. I ^^^^i^"^' wot what I haue rehersid pe wordis of doctors J?at spekin on ]?is bischopis, 54 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. and other mater. Crist seid to )?e Jewis, 36 ben of J'e fader j?e fend, and wcl ^discfusZf ^° \^ ^^^^"^ °f J"'' fader, for he was manslear fro J'e biginning. And anticrist. so to j'e propos, Whas doctrine any folowij*, his disciple he is. Matt. xij". ^nd Crist sei]?, he )?atis not wij" me, he is a3enis me. And soJly my warks a cordyn not to j?e warks of Sathanas, for I a cord in no Jing wij? him, but al vtterly we are contrari ; for I mak beningne wyl saue sowlis ; he prowd, enuious, couetous, to tyn hem ; I gedre to gidre vertuys wij my preching ; he scaterij? and departij? fro j?e vnite of j?e kirk, pis seij' pe glose. perfor who J'at vsij? swilk werks is disciple of anticrist, and anticrist. For Jon seij? in his epistle, Sonnis is it )?o last hour, and as 36 han herd for anticrist comi]?, now are many anticristis maade, werfor we wot ]?at is it J'e last hour. Ilk spirit J'at vndo)? Ihu Crist is not of God, and ]?is is anticrist, of wom 36 han herde ]?at he comi)?, and now he is in Je world. Wer pe glose ; os Austeyn sei)? : Ilk man axe her his conciens wejer he be anticrist. Ilk one contrary to Crist is anticrist, and Je tung a lone is not to be axid, but pe lif. Poul sei]?, pel witness hem to know God, but in dedis j'ey denay. Als many as pe kirk haj for sworn men, fraudars, misdoars, sortylogers, spousbrekars, drunk- unsum men, vsurers, and who euer is contrari to pe doctrin, and to j?e word of God, he is anticrist. If j?u luf synnis, be [Ju] wij in, be ]?u wij' out, and if ]?u be contrari to Crist, be j?u wij? in, be j?u wij? out, J'U art anticrist, be ]?u wi]? in, be j?u wij? out, ]?u art caff, pis seij? Austeyn. And j?us seij' Lincoln, in a sermoun: pe office of prelacy passij* alle o]?er in charge, syn J'e principale and j'e finale wark of Crist j?at he cam for in to j'is world is j?e quiking of soulis ; and j'e proper wark of Sathanas, and moost entent of him, [who] is a manslear fro j?e biginning, as [is ?] sleyng and mortifying of sowlis : werfor scheperds, clepid j?e persoun of j'e verrey schep herd Ihu Crist, nou3t schewing j?e gospel, ]?of}?ei ekid not o]?er malice ouer, j'ey are anticrists, and Sathanas transfigurid in to an aungel of fi3t ; J'euys priuey and opun slears and tray tors of j?e schep, Glose. 1 Jo. ii". Ibid. Austeyn. Td. r. Lincolne. WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 55 makyng Je hous of prayors a den of j?euis. Also J'ey 3ekun al kynd of brekyng of law, j?at now j?er is not opun what j?ing pe Lord hem a towere. And j?at I passe ouer schortly, wij? al kynd of syn, felony, and abhominacoun, and new aduencouns. And in j?er aduencouns j?ey are filid as pe prophet seij' to God, and to j?e court of heuen are j?ey moost abominable, and hateful maade ; for bi hem j?e nam of God is blasfemid in alle folk. Wen j'e lesynd of j?6 herd is a bok of J'e schepe, and Jei" are opunly maistris of alle iueUs ; how are Jey not heretyks ? namly sin, j?e word of dede, is more effectuos in werkyng j?en pe word of J'e mouj'. And wen ]?ei of J'er office are gederers of euerlastyng lif, how euen J'ey are )?us misusing )?is generatif streng)?e, are j?ei not, a cordantly to j'e wordis of j?e prophets, werr, and abhominabler j'an carnal sodomits ? namly wan j?e misusing of ]?e better vertu is werr, and more abho- minable. And j?us j?eis scheperds are, of office, li3t and sun of ]?e world, li3tning and quickning it ; but a36nword, wan j?6i mak and jetten out for fi3t j?ick6st derknes, and so lifly 3et corr'jmping cold and blakning, opunly are traytors of ]?is world. But wo is J'e formar and original cause, wel, and biginning of j?is J'us gret iuel, I drede ungly to sey, tremel and quake. Neuerj'eles I dar not hold it stiUe, ]?at I faUe not in to j?is woo j?at ]?e prophet seij'. Woo to J^sa. uj". me for I haue be stille, for I am a man pollutid in lippis. pe cause, welle, and biginning of j'is iuel is j?e court of Rome ; not only for it scaterij' not his J'ings, and purgij* not his abhomina- couns, wen it a lone myth, J'is moost and heiast is haldun J'er to ; but j?us mikil j?e more j?at it silf bi his prouisiouns, dispensacouns, and 3euing of pastoral curls, ordeynij? in j'e een of j'e sun, swilk as are towchid bifore, hyrdis, 3a traytors of j'is world, j'at it peruey to j'e temporal lif of sum man, it haj? be taken to j?e deuowring or swelluing of aUe bestis of J'e feld, pat is to al j?e fendis to ay lasting dej? many j?ow3andis ; for pe wilk lest of aUe to be quicknid 3end- lesly, j?e Son of God wold be condempnid to fowlist dej' ; for [he] 56 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. )?at 36uil? pe cur of sowfis til an vnmi3ty, or vnkunning, or not wefing to kepe, is gilty of alle j»oo, poi ani schape ; as he J'at 3euiJ J?e gouerning of a schip til an vnwitti, vnkunning, or not willing goueren it, is gilty of J'e schip and alle J'ings content j?er in ; and he j'at lettij' not silk 3euing wen he is holden a may, is strenid bi Je same gilt. A how bitter luf and vauncing ganging and koward, J'at he reys his luf at a moment a boue a veyn j'ing, and kast him silf down in to j?e vtterist murkenes. pis seij? he. Also j?us seij Odo. Odo : Prelats not preching are ra]?er pilats j?an prelatis, spoilars not biholdars, herodians of Heroud, not heyris of Crist, prelats wij' J'er stafis and oj'er ornaments are statuit ymagis, ful of kaff, wij' a bow to sley j?e fowlis, and as a nap in j?e rof, so a sole in Je heyre of honoris. If I were, he seij?, of J'e noumbre of bischoppis, I were of j'e noumbre of men to be dampnid. pis seij? he. pe Matt. xvi". gospel seij", j?at Ihu cam in to ]?e coostis of Cesarie of Phifip, and he axid his disciplis, seying. Wham sey men to be J'e sone of man ? And ]?ei seid. Sum Jon baptist, sum Hely, sum Jeremie, or oon of j?e prophetis ; j'an he seid to hem. Wham sey 30 me to be? Peter ansuerid and seid, pu art Crist, J'O sone of quik God. Ihu an suerid and seid to him, Blessid be j?u Peter, dowue sone, for flesch nor blod schewid not ]?is to j'e, but my Fadre. And I sey to Je, J?u art Peter, and on )?is ston I schal bigge my kirk, and Je 3ats of heUe schal not be mi3ty a3en ]?e ; and I schal 3eue to pe keys of Je kyndom of heuen, and what ]?ing J?u bindest up on 3erj? schal be bounden in heuen, and what ]?u lowsist vp on 36r]?e, schal be lowsid in heuen. And J'an he bad hem J'ei schuld not sey to ani man ]?at he was Crist. And he be gan to schew to hem ]?at it be houid him to go to Jerusalem, and )?ole many )?ings of Je olde men, scribis, and princis of prestis, and to be slayn, and rise 33611 j?e J?rid day. And Peter tok him be side, and be gan to blam him, and seid. Lord, God schild ]?is fro pe, ]?is schal not be to Je, be merciful to ]?isilf. And he turnid and seid to Peter, Go 0 bak WICLIFFe's .vpology. 57 after me Sathanas, and ]?u art sclaunder to me, for Ju sauerist not J'ing j?at is of God, but of men. Now j'an, weJer ani folowing Peter in ]?is office of prelacye, is blessiddar or perfitar Jan Peter, Jerfor if Peter after his blessing, and silk behi3t, is seid of Crist Sathan, whi not ]?ei j?at are in to sclaunder to God, and lesser saueren )?ings ]?at are of God, and more j'ings Jat are of men, syn J'is is writun to our lore. And howe J'e name of God is sclaundrid and blasfemid bi iuel prelatis and techers, it is opun oft in Je scripture. Poul seij?, pu j?at prechist to not steyl, stefist ? j?u J'at S<""- >J"- biddist do no lechery, dost lechery ? Ju j'at wlatis idols, dost sacrilege ? j'u gloris in J'e lawe, wuworscippist God be breging of pe lawe ? pe name of God is blasfemid bi 30W among j'e folk. And after, j'e prophete ; pel filid me to my peple for a lumpe of l^zek. xUj". bred, and a handful of barly, J'at J'ey slee sowl j'at di3e not, quiken sowl j'at lyuen not, lying to my peple, trowing to lesing. And Parisiensis seij?. Wan any auerous or couetous is canoni3id in Je Parisiens. kirk, or maad cheef, J'an may ]?e oJer chanouns of pe chirche sey, our moder haj* gotun to vs a moldewarp for a brojer. And wan a bacbitar is canoni3id, j'an haj J'at kirk gendrid a serpent. And wan an vndiscret is maad bischop in pe kirk, j'an is an hornid asse born j'er in. And Odo seij' J'us, pey are byars and sellars in J'e Odo. temple, J'at wenun winning to be pite, and byen to selle J'e derar. We se now alle pe lif of pe kirk bryn to defend dignite to mul- tipli possessiouns, al is 3 euen to honor, no j'ing to holynesse ; wer for it is seid, triacle is turnid in to venyn, and j'is j'at was foundun to remedie, is foundun to dej'. But and of Je riches of clerkis J'at ^ei misuse, j'e Lord bad Je sonis of Leuy j'at j'ei schuld haue no part a mong pe sonis of Israel. But ]?ei dispicing, folouun worldly wynning, J'e auteris of Crist are maad j'e bordis of chaungis bi couetous men, for messis j?ey syng for money, j?ei putt out iox money, and swilk messis j?ey sing as j?ei hope moost wynning, in Jey are seUars of dowuis, for ]?ei selle spiritual )?ingis. And j'of CAMD. SOC. 14. I 58 WICLIFFe's apology. j?ey crie not wij J'e mow]?, neuerj'eles in dedis j?ei sey wij? Judas, Wat wil 3e 3eue me, and I gif him to 30W ? Pus crien monkis, and oj'er religious, seUing J'er habits and suffragijs, and prestis singing for money ; j?e waUe of ]?e kirk j?at schuld be J'e bird is brokin ; swyn and houndis are gone and filun J'e kirk ; doumb doggis, prelats corrupt, j'at may not bark, and onclen suyn, fyfing oJer, lyfing bestly, are sett in pe kirk. What more abhominacoun of desolacoun in holi place J'an j'at a swyn do vpon J'e holy vestiment, and sing Goddis holy office ? houndis andwoluis roryn j?e psalmis, OS were woluis criyng ilk to oj?er ; J'e lioun of prid haj? lordid Je clergy, disposing al ]?ing at his list ; ]?e serpent of enuy3e hissij, ]?at bakbitij' to al and enflaumij? Je grete ; j?e hound of wrechfulnes grennij wij? his tej' ; J'e feldhasser of dyerynes laborij? to swernes ; j?e wolue of rauyn opunij? his chekis, j?at multiplien messis and gospells for offring ; j'e bere of glotonie romist a bout, )?at singij wij? hie voys, for to fille pe wombe ; pe swyn of vnclennes drownij himself in j'e mig of lecherie ; j'e tood of gile hauing mani pursis schal minister to alle. And wen j?e riche man die]?, pe processiouu of bestis is maad ; ]?an in figeris was depeyntid in pe walle, and Je swyn and j?e wolf and oj'er bests berun j'e cros and j?e sergis, and ryngun j'e bellis ; sir Beringary pe bere syngij' j'e messe ; Je lioun wij' o]?er bestis schal be best fed, . but 3er j?e more jiat Jey Jole, ai j?e more schal j?e fendis torment, pis seij? Odo. XVI. Of An oJer poynt j'at is putt is j?is, J'at J'er is no pope ne Cristis a^istis vicar, but an holy man. pis may ]?us be prouid ; for him be howuij? to be halowid wij? Je sacrament of baptem, and of presthed, and of dignite. And oft is bidun to prestis in j?e lawe to be holy and halow oj'er ; and for hoyle of halowing of J'e Lord is vp on Joh. xuij". hem. Also j?us prayij? Crist for alle his. Fader, halow hem in trowj, ]?i word is trow]?, as ]?u hast send [me] in to J'e world, so haue I send hem in j'e world, and for hem I halow myself, j?at Jei be Decrt. halowid in trow}?. And j'us is hadde in decreis ; Lo it aperij how Jei WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 59 schal schap ]?e perel of j?e charge, Jat Jey be J'olid to minister prestly oJer sacraments, for ]?ey are remeuid fro j?is not only for heresy, or oj?er ilk gretter syn, but also for negligens. In wilk ]?ingis bysily it is to not, j?at pe sacrament of presthed befor oj'er, more worj?ily, and wij? cure, is to be 3euen and tane ; for but if it be so 3 euen and tane, it schal fuyle to be rate or ferme, os it is not perfitiy done. Oj'er sacramentis are 3 euen to ilk man for himsilf, and silk J'ey are to ilk man as j'ei are tane wij' hart and concience ; but J'is is not only 3 euen for hem silf but for oj?er, and J'erfor is nede it be tane wij? verrey hart and clene concience for him self, and as to oj?er, not only wij' out Uk synne, but also wij' out ilk name of fame, for schunder of bre]?er, to was profit presthed is 3euen, not only ]?at men prest, or be boun, but J'at j?ey prophet. J'is j?e decre. Lo it semij? j'at he is not li3tly nor profi3tly Crists pope ne his vicar but if he be holi, eUis whi is he callid holiest fadir ? Jerom seij', Jerom. pel j?at ordeyn of j'er assessory in to prestis, and putten hem j'er lif in to sclaundre of Je peple, j'ei are gilty of Je vnfeijfulnes of hem J'at are sclaundred. For soj' j'ei are chosun to Jis to be prestis to J'e peple, as j'ei ordeynid befor to dignite, so Jey hau3 1 to schine be for in holines, ellis whi are j?ei preferrid to oj?er j?at passun in grace of meritis. And j'erfor seij' j'e pope Symachus, He Symachus. is to be countid most vile, J'at is befor in dignite, but if he pre- celle in sciens and holines. pe Lord seij? bi ]?e prophet, for ]?u hast Csee iu". putt a wey sciens, I schal put j?e a wey j'at J'u vse not presthed to me. pe dede of J'e bischop bouwij? to passe a boue pe lif of pe peple, as j?e lif of j?e 3erd transcendij? Je lif of j?e schep, as Gregori seij?. Gregori. And Bernard seij? to pope Eugeni, pi felawis bischops lere ]?ei at Bernard. pe to haue not wi)? hem childer so curhid, nor 3 eng men kembid br comport; certeyn it semij? not chapletid men to ren among Je mytrid vncorteysly ; j'of )?u desire to be prest, or be befor to hem j?at ]?u coueitist not to profi3t to, ouer proudly in coueiting subieccoun of hem, of pe wilk pn hernist not Jere 3 ele. 60 WICLIFFe's apology. XVII. A pis is a noj?er poynt : a juge 3euing a sentens a3en a innocent ^ufngTsen. man after allegiaunce and prouid, sinnij? deadly. And me ]?inkij tens a^en a y^^ |-^g synnij'. And for to proue ]?at, I suppose J'at he be innocent man, sin- ]?at haj? not noyed ; j?e secound be j'is supposid, ]?at juge is ordey- nith dedly. ^^^ y^^ j^g ^g^ ^.^^ schcw to J'O folk j?e ri3t, ]?at is wat ilk man howi]? to haue or to j'ole bi j?e ri3t of God, and J'at he discusse ri3tly and pronounce and witnes and schew to j'e folk wat ilk man howij? to haue, and how to be punischid and to be lyuirid ; pe j?rid be ]?is supposid, j?at noyj?er pe deposing of j?e witnes, nor Je entens 3euing of j?e juge, be it self makij? a )?ing ri3tful originaly, nor makij' not man synful, ne worJi to be dead ; syn ]?ei are but schewars and witnessars : of J'is was hed be for. And if j?ei go not after pe trowj? going bifor, but J'er a3en, j>an ]?er witnessing is fals, and 3ifij? no ri3t. pis semij' bi j'is, ]?at in mennis lawe oft men falsen domis, and appelen ]?er fro, and prouen a3en j?e witnes. pan Isidor. J'US, as Isidor seij', A iuge is seid for he ditij' ri3t to J'e peple, or discussij' ri3t; to discusse ri3t is to iuge ri3tly ; to iuge ri3tly is to iuge after Goddis ri3t ; for God is al ri3tfulnes in himseluen, and he is al mannis ri3tfulnes ; sin mannis ri3tfulnes is but trowj directly vp on God, and ellis it is not ri3tfulnes, so he is no juge in whom is no justice or ri3tfulnes. And j'an if he be not juge, he dojj wrong in j'is Jat he synnij' so iuging. But to iuge iustly is to iuge bi Goddis ri3t; for as j?e feij' techij', God is iuge of alle boj? quik and dead, and he is witnes, and he iugij' all Jingis iustly. Jamis iu". And j?us seij? Jamis, )?at on is iuge and 3 euer of J'e law, Jat may Prov. uiij". boj» dampne and saue. And bi him kingis regnun, and makers of John u". lawe discernen iust j'ingis. And he haj' 3euen to Ihu Crist Je sone al dome, and haj» 3euen him power to mak and do dome, for he is mannis sone ; j'us haj) he 3euen to him ai dome, for he haj 3euen to him al manner of cause to ordeyn and discusse all Jingis, and to mend and punische all wrongis, and to susteyn and mend aUe good j'ingis. And j'us schuld al domis be led bi him, and j'us is it 3euen WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. ' 61 to him ]?ow God ordeynd him not seculerly to execut seculer domis, as he seij', j?at he is not ordeind juge ne departar vp on men, ne Due. .vij'. cum not to deme hem, ne to be cause of ]?er harme ne strif to be maad a mong hem. Neuerj'eles al dome is 3euen to him in maner be for seid, to be rewlid bi him, and he to discusse al J'ingis. And for j?is seij? Poule, j»at Crist is end of J'e lawe to ri3tfulnes to ilk Rom. x". man trowing. As Austeyn seij', Boj? of lawe of kind, and oi Austeyn. law writun, and law of grace, he is ]?e first begining al ri3t mad, he is j'e midyl, end, ordeyning, and gouerning, he is endfuUy consuming and keping, and to wam al laws strekyn; and he kepij' in to lawfuly doing al Jat go]? bi bim, and he is end of pe oolde lawe, filling and ending and avoyding after ]?at ri3twisnes axi]?. And Poul sei)?, poo ]?at vnknawen pe ri3twisnes of God, Rom. x". and seken to ordeyn ri3twissnes to hem, Jey are not soget to Goddis ri3twisnes. And J'an are j'ei proud apostatais and wrong doars. And Crist himsilf biddij' j'us, Wel 30 not deme, and 30 schal not Due. uj". be demid; j'at is, wyl 36 not of 3or silf mak domis, nej'er vse ani domis, not but as God schewij' to 30W to do, and os he wirkij? be 30we ; for oj'er wis demij' not Crist j'e sone, bi cause to ani man to be vndur syn, bondage, nor damping nor desese, nor do]? wrong in ani dome, somoun or priuat, nor supprisij? nor enij' nor demij? not after J'e face, but demij' iust dome. Be he fairar, be he stronger, J'er schal be no distaunce of persoun, he schal 3ere J'e smale als wel as pe grete, and accept no mannis persoun, nor take no 3eftis, for pe dome is Goddis ; sej? wat 30 do, vse 30 not pe dome to oftun but of God. And 30 deme it schal turne 33 en to 30wr mede, if 30 deme iustly. And j?an if 30 do wrong and syn, pe dred of God be wij' 3 owe, and doj? all ]?ingis wij' diligence ; at our Lord God is not accepting of personis, nor couetous of 3eftis, nor wickidnes; Exod. 30 schal not tak j?e vols of lesing, nor tak to bond to sey fals wit- *^*^""' " nes for pe vnpitous, J'u schal not folow J'e rowt to do iuel, nor j'u schalt not in dome folowe Je sentence of vile money, ]?at pn go a 62 • WICLIFFe's apology. wey fro Je soj'e ; but iustly dome j?i neibor, help him J'at is sup- prisid, helpij' in 3 or dome to pe faderles and moderles, and defendij pe widow ; demij? not wickidnes, }?at is to sey, helpij' it not vp, nor takij? not pe face of synnars, helpij? j'e nedy and j?e faderles, and makij' J'e meke and j?e pore to haue ri3t, and pullij' out and defiuer j?e pore fro J'e hand of j'e synnar ; if j'er be ani cause to j?e dome, enquere diligently J'e soj', and wham J'u seest iust, 3ef him Je victory of ri3tfulnes, and wam j'u fynd wickid Ju schaU condempne of vnpite. Now J'an wan iugis gon in to j?e contrary of Jis, who schuld dowte j?at J'ei not syn in mani case and in mani a wise ? And wan 3e do not after God, ne after charite, nor hope, nor feij ; also wan j'ei do not after his wisdam ne ordre, but gon biside reclesly, and enquiren not til j?ey wit pe soj', as boj?e j?e law of God and man techej? j?at ]?ey schuld ; pe j?rid, wan j?e cause pertenij not to hem but to hiar iuge, but in ilk cause God schuld iuge befor, and Rom. ij°. oj'er as he biddij? hem, and no for}>er ; for Poul sei]?, Wat art Ju j?at demist an oj'er mannis seruaunt ? pus wan jugis bowen fro Jis, Salm. doutles j?ei syn, and are reprouid of God, for j?us seij" pe Salm, ]?u hast dispicid al bouning doune fro j?er domLs, for J'er J'inking is vniust. Joh. xiu". And j'erfor seij' Crist, J'at j'e Hooli Goost schal argu j?is world of dome, boj? j'at j'ei mak and demen and causen ; sin J?e prince of Jis world is demid and founden j'at he is vniust, and ]?erfor is he put vnder, and man maad fre to serue God if he wil, and Jan mai no Cor. X". man blam him iustly, nor he schal not be temptid ouer Jat he mai, but God schal make peruiaunce wij? J'e temptacoun ]?at man Sap. uj". may susteyn. And bi j'e wise man; Here 30 kingis and vnder stondij?, and lere 30 J'e iugis of endis of ]?e world; 3eftis 3ere 3e j'at haldun to gidre, and plesun to 30U in routis of actouhs; for power is 3euen of God to 30U, and vertu of pe heiast, ]?at schal ask al 3or dedis, and serch al 3 or J'outis, for 36 wse pe ministeris of his regn, 30 iugid not ri3tly, nor kepid not J'e law of ri3tfulnes, nor 3ed not after pe wiUe of God ; hedously and sone he schal apere to WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 63 30U ; for hardist dome schal be don in hem Jat are chefe. And for j'is seij? Ysaie, Woo to hem J'at maken wickid lawis, and writun ysa. x". writtis of vnritfulnes ; ]?at j?ei oppresse Je pore in dome, and don violence to J'e cause of j'e meke of my peple ; j'at veniaunce schuld be j'er prey, and schuld snyb j?e moderles, and iustifie j?e wickid man for his 3eftis, and take a wey j?e ri3tfulnes oipe ri3tful man from him. Nor j?is excusij? not to sey, j?at he demij? after j'e lawe, and doj no j'ing aftur his oune arbitracoun, but obeyschij' to j'e lawe, as seynt Ambrose seij', and so he doj' to his knowing as far as man Ambrose. may knowe, he may not know as God. pis excusij' not ; for Poul Rom. xiu". seij', Jat ilk J'ing j'at is not of Je feij' is synne ; and ilk J'ing Jat is not of God, nor bi him, nor in him, is synne ; also he seij', law is not but to pe iust man, j?at is to sey to punische him, but raj'er to susteyn him, and rewle him in ri3tfulnes, and to punisch mis doars, and to swilk lauis and to swilk maneris schuld ilk iuge obey, and do j'erby, and no j?ing biside of his oune wiUe, nor no ]?ing falsly, nor be fals lawis, nor be error, is not he excusable ; sin Daniel seij? J'us : Sey 30 sonis of Israel fobs, noij'er knowing nor Dan. ^nj". deming j'ing ]?at is verrey, turnij? a3en to ]?e dome, and I schal deme hem wisely, for j?ei han seid fals witnes a3enis her. In wilk is to be notid wel, j'at fals dome may be reuokid, and j»o iugis not Nota. excusid, bi j?er witnes, but more gilty for wickid consent ; and in J'is J'ei consent, ]?at j?ei werk wickidly ; for pe man schal not vndir go pe peyn, befor j?at j?e juge 3 eft Je dome ; nor it helpij? not to sey j?at he schal be excusid bi J'is, j'at God seij?, ]?at ilk word schal stond in J'e mouj' of two or of j're, for j'at may not implye j'at al j'ing is soj'e for j'ey sey it, but it is seid for }?is, ]?at no man schal be condempnid bi on seying witnes a3en him, os pe scripture de- clarij' itsilf. And j'us seij? Crist, 30 erre mikil, not knowing J'e Mati.xxij" writingis, ne pe vertu of God ; ]?erfor bi j?e vertu of God clere knowing of ilk j?ing, and be for men know a J'ing, bi J'at men know 64 WICLIFFe's apology. Gregori. it not, as Gregori witnessi)?, for he sei)?, ]?at men know not a Jing bifor )?at he know it be fei]? ; J'erfor as God 3eui]? knowing, and techij' al profitable >ingis, and enformij' alle and ledij? hem, for al abel are tau3t of God, so Jat man schal not stond only in Je teching of man, but in teching of God a boun man, and ]?an he schal vnderstond a boun bis enemies, and ouer his techars, and ouer Je Salm. hold, as j?e Salm seij', and now God 3euij? his lawe in Je hertis of cxunj . ^ ^^^^ ^^^ •writij' it in j?er bowelis, and not wij? enk, ne parchemyn, ' but wij Je Spirit of God, and kennij' hem in al j'ingis, os j?e prophet 1 Joh. iij". sei)?, and Jon in his epistil, nor for3eti)? hem not in tyme, nor confoundij? hem, so schuld he j?e jugis, if ]?ei bowid not from hira, nor he schuld not fail to hem nowe ne more Jan he dede to Salo mon, and oj'er iugis. But now for men lefun, and don domis, and not bi his Spirit, nor do not bi bis counseil, but regnun and not of him, but gon bi oj'er weyes, J'erfor j'er oune findingis begon hem aboute, and bi gernyn hem ]?at j'ey may not out, and Jey bigilun oj?er men. Nor sey j?u not j?at bi ]?is ani law mi3t not stond, nor no domis and polycye were for done, and misdoars schuld not be punischid : j?is is not soj? ; but bi j'is schuld law be stablid, and ilk man schuld be suget as God biddi]?, and ilk man schuld do ri3t to oj?er, and iust men schuld be holden in ri3t, and schrewis schuld be punischid as ri3t axij», and mikil bettar j?an ]?ei are now ; for as God biddij? j'eis j?ingis to be don, so schuld he -jei hope witt and wiUe and mi3t j'erto ; and mikil bettar it schuld be j'an is nowe, for now are iust men oft wrongid, and schrewis vnpunischid, and maynteynd, and born vp in iuel, boj' bi wills, and strengj, and falsnes, and fayntise of J'eis j'at schuld do ri3t; and j'us synne is aggregid mani fold, and if ani haue good j'er by Jer fallij' vp on an o]?er side to mak harmis. And if J'U sey, it semij' j'at man may juge a3en j'e innocent, bi j?is _God himsilf condempnij? boj? j'e iust and vnpitouse, and Crist 3af hirasUf to pe de)?. And Abraham is blessid of God, for he was WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 65 redy to sle his sone. And Sampson slow himsilf in sleyng of ]?e Phifisteis, and so doj? mani oJer and mani wise. Also Dauid slow 2 Reg. i". a man, for he seid j'at he had slayn a man, and slow him not. And j?us bi j?eis it semij? ]?at man may 3 cue sentence 3ea to sle pe innocent. To j?eis obieccouns me semij? j?us ; God may do what Responsio he wel, and ]?erfor in sum ]?ingis it is not inow to vs, God doj? " " J'^'- ¦ ]?us, ]?erfor we mai do j'us ; but do we as he biddij' us, for J'us seij? Crist, 30 cal me lord and mayster, and 30 sey wel, forsoj' I am, >^"'*. H'j"- but wil not 30 be callid maisteris. Also he condampnij' in oj'er maneris, as wan he J'olij? j'e creature to falle in to synne, or ellis in to peyn ; j?e secound, wan he ordeynit ani to be punischid or con dempnid ; j'e j?rid, wen he schewij' j'e gretnes of his wisdam, power, goodnes, mercy, paciens, be wilk he schewij? J'at alle crea- turs in regard are not, nor worj'i to appere in his si3t. And bi j'is j'ei schuld be confoundid in hem silf, and leue al hemsilf, and folow him, and stond in his grace, and j?us mend. Blessid be j'is confu sioun and dampning ; and so 3ef God bed condempne, or 3eue sentence, wirk fast as God biddij?, but it is in veyn to go be for. And for soj? of Abrara it is opun j'at he was not in wil to sle his sone, not but after J'e bidding of God, and J'erfor cam God befor and bad him sle not j?e child, and for j'is wil he blessid him ; and in j'is he techij' j'at his wil is not j?e ded of man j'at is innocent, Ezek. for he seij? j'at he wel not J'e dej' of j?e synnar, if he wil turne "-''"i • and fif, as he seij' bi pe prophet. And in j'is he schewij? vs how he wil cum befor to saue j'eis Jat tristun in him, and doj in simple hert and purte of handis. And of Sampson men seyn j'at o]?er he hadde bidding of God, or repentid ofter. And os to Dauid, men seyn j?at alle his dedis are not to be folowid, wij? out mikil auto rite ; nor J'is man was not innocent in j?e si3t of God, for he went to haue plesid Dauid wij? pe sleyng, and for his lyeing he was manslear. And j?us Dauid, led bi pe priuete of prophecye, dede Je dome of God to him, schewing to vs how God demij? vs after CAMD. soc. 14. K 66 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. our hartis, and schal deme ilk. man after J'e wordis of his mow J. And j?erfor men schuld be warer ]?at j'ei lere not, nor sey not Jat j?ey wet a j?ing to be j'at is not ; for j?an schal God condempne hem of )?er own mow)?, wen pe ^ing mai not be prouid, wan nor were Dan. xiij". J'at it was don, as Daniel did j?e prestis ; for j'is wil be at j?e day wen al j?ing schal be demid after trowj'. And her be howuen ]?ei be war j'at are chargid to sey j?e soj?e to ]?er witing. And wen o]?er seyn a3en j?er witing, j?ei holde hem stille, and J'olun pe toj?er to 3eue j?e dome, and j?us ]?ei are for sworne, and cause of Je mannis harme ]?at pei schuld leit os j'ei are sworne to do. And Num.xxij". error excusij? not, os is schewid oft, nor vnkunning ; sin Balaam seid to aungel, I haue synnid, not witing ]?at ]?u stod a3en me ; Lev. vij". and in j?e law was bidun j?at if ani synnid bi error or vnkunning, and did ani j?ing j?at j?e law forbed, j?at he schuld mak an ofring, and J'e prest schuld pray for him, and it schuld be for 3euen him, for he fautid be error and be vnkunning. XVIII. A An oj'er poynt is j'is ; a prest assoiling a feyner synnij? deadly. prestassoii. gojjly me semij' j'at he synni]?, for if he soile him nefigently, Jow sinnith. God asoyle him not, me semij? he synnij? greuously, wej'er a presum, as autor, to assoile him, and bring him out of sin of peyn, or to mak him fre peroi; whej?er he denounce him so as a minster, or he hi3t him ]?at God do]? so ; wej?er he do it of luf, or hat, or drede, or oj?er vniust or vnordinat cause ; wej?er he do it vnwysly, reclesly, or bi error, or be vniust ordre or maner, and wen pe cause pertenij' not to him, for he schuld send him to his soueren. And ]?us wyle he reformij? not j?is man to lefe J'is syne, nor to mak a mendis j?erfor, as he schuld, and eUis telle him ]?at he mai not asoyle him, he synnij?, and namli, wan j?e man trestij? of )?is absolu coun, wening him siker, and contunij? iorp, and mendij' not, os he schuld, if pe prest refusid him as he au3t, for )?an he wold schame, and dred, and mend. And in j'is defaut is be gifid, and pe prest berij' fals witnes, and seij? him to wit and do j?ing ]?at he noij?er WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 67 wot nor do]?, and refij God his regaly, and makij? pe man to tryst in lesing, and so do sacrifice to j?e fend. Of swilk prestis God pleynij? j?us bi Je prophet Ezechiel, Who worJ' j?eis ]?at sewen Ezech. cursing vnder pe hewow of iwan, and maken pilleworjis vnder "'¦'¦' ' pe hedis of ilk age, for to tak soulis ; and wan j?ei tuk pe soulis of mi peple, j?ei quikynd j?er soulis, and foilid me to mi peple, for an hanful of barly, and on gobej? of bred, j?at schuld sle soulis ]?at dien not, and quiken soulis j?at lyuen [not] ; lying to my peple, trowing to lesingis ; j?erfor seij pe Lord, lo I to 3 or cursing be wilk 3e tak soulis fleing, and I schal reue hem fro 3 or armis, and j?e souls ]?at 36 tak I schal to fli3t; and I schal reue 3or quyschinis, and finer my peple fro 30ur hand, ]?ei schal no more be in 30ur handis to robbe ; and 30 schal wit for I be Lord. For j'at 30 lyingly han maad J'e hertis of j'e iust man to be euy, wam I euid not, and han comfortid j'e hert of j'e vnpitous, j'at he turnid not from his iuel wey and lyue, j'erfor he schal no lengar see veyn Jingis nor deueyn lesing. And vpon j'is seij? Gregor j?us. Oft it faUij? ]?at he haldij Gregor. pe sted of a iuge, to wam j?e lif a cordij' not. And is don oft j?at o]?er he dampnij? j'e vnworj'i, or louse oj?er j?at are bound ; and oft he folowij' his steringis, and not j'e meritis of causis in sugetis to be lousid or bound. And j'us is don j?at he priue himsilf power of bynding and lowsing, j?at vsij? it after his lustis, and not after meritis of sugetis. Oft is don j?at j?e hirid be sterid a3en his ne3- bor bi hat or grace, and j'erfor j'ei may not iuge ritly of j'er sugetis J'at in j?er causis folawen bat or grace ; werfor rit is seid bi ]?e Ezek. xiij". prophet, J'ey quikid soulis j'at fiuid not, and slen j?e soufis ]?at died not ; forso]? he slej' him ]?at diej? not, j?at dampnij? j?e iust man ; and he enforcij? to quiken him j?at liuij? not, ]?at enforcij? to asoyle fro torment him )?at dweUij? in his gilt, perfor j?e causis are to be peysid, and ]?an power of bynding and soiling is to be vsid ; j?erfor it is to see wat synne went be forn, and wat for]?inging folowij? after j?e synne ; )?at pe sentens of pe chepherd asoile )?eis 68 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. j?at Almi3ty God visitij? bi for bi grace of compunccoun. For j?an is pe asoiling of j'e president verrey, wen it folowij? pe dome of j'e innar juge. pat j?ei reysing of La3ar fowr daies dead tokunij? wel and schewij', for first j'e Lord reysid and sterid and quiknid ]?e Joh. .xi". dead man, seying, La3ar cum iorpe, and after he j'at was bounden 3ed out, and was lowsid of j'e disciplis, as is writun, wan he was gon out j'at was bound wij? bondis, ]?an seid Ihu to his disciplis, Vnbyndij' him, and lat him go. Lo pe disciplis lowsid him lining, wam dead pe maister had reisid ; for if pe disciplis had lowsid him dead, j>ei schuld schew more stynk ]?an vertewe. Of wilk consi- deracoun it is to see, Jat we owe to lowse bi autorite of herd wam we know our autor to haue quicknid be grace resing. And so Je dead man cum out, pe synnar knowlech e his synne; ]?e disciplis lowse J'e comar out, for pe schepherdis of pe kirk owe to moue to him j'e penaunce j'at he deseruij?, j?at lettid not for schame to knowleche j?at he dede. pis haue we seid schortly of j'e wordre of lowsing, J'at schepherdis of j'e kirk ow to bind and lowse vnder Bede. gret moderacoun. J3is seij? Gregor. And j'us seij' Bede ; Now is j'is office committid in bischopis and prestis of J'e kirk, j'at pe causis of J'e synnars knowen, j'ei doing mercy assoyle hem fro j'e dred of perpetual dej?, wen j?ei able and verrey repentaunt ; and j'at he schewe hem to be bound wij? ai lasting tormentis, j'at he knawij? to stond tou3ly in j?er synnis j?at ]?ei han don. And to j'is acorden mani o]?er seingis of doctors and decreis of j?e kirk ; ]?erfor -be ]?ei ware j'at asoylun feynars j?at God forbedij? to asoyle for Ezech. harmis j'at folowen ; for j'us seij? God bi j?e prophet E3echiel, A man of j'e house of Israel, J'at haj? sett his vnclennes in his hert, and haj? set of his wickidnes a3ens his face, and comij? to pe prophet, asking me bi him, I j'e Lord schal ansuere to hira in j'e multitude of his vnclennes, J'at j'e hous of Israel be tan in J'er hert, in wilk Jei han gon a Avey fro me, in al J'er idols, perfor be 36 turnid, and departij? fro alle 30ur idols, and turnij? awey 30ur facis fro al 30ur XIU' WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 69 folthis ; for pe man wat euer he be j?at be alienid fro me, and sett his idols in his hert, and J'e sclaunder of his wickidnesse a3en his face, and cum to pe prophet ]?at he aske me bi him, I j'e Lord schal answere him bi my self, and I schal sett mi face vp on j?at man, and mak him in to prouerb and ensaumple, and schal scater him fro ]?e middis of my peple ; and j?e prophet wan he schal erre in speche of word, I pe Lord haue ben fro him, and he schal bere his wickydnes ; after J'e wickydnes of j?e ascar schal be j>e wickidnes of pe prophet ; and I schal streke out my hand on him, and do him a wey fro j?e middis of mi peple ; j?at pe house of Israel erre no more fro me, but be mi peple, and I j'er God ; and j?at j'ei be no more polutid in aU j'er trespasses. By )?is man is vnderstondyn feynar j'at is fals, and lufij) his synne, and seij' he wel forsak it and lieJ, and cumij? to pe prest to be asoylid, and to ask mercy. But wan pe prest errij?, and behytij' suelk an absolucoun a3en j'e bid ding of God, he schal bere j?e wickidnes wij' pe synnar ; for j'i j?at he is cause j?at J'e synnar contunij' in his iuel, and mendij? nout, OS he schuld, if j'e prest putt him be syd til j'at he be mendid. To J'is sentens acordij' Seynt Ambrose, as is put in decreis, wer he Ambrose. seij' J'US ; If ani man be mould bi prayors of sonis, or teris of j?e wif, and wen him to be soylid, to wam j?e affeccoun of steyling biddi j» 3et, schal he not be tak innocentis to distruccoun, j?at ben fre j'at j?enkun to distroy many ? Forsoj' if he lay doun Je suerd, or lousij? j?e bondis, he opunij' j'e distroyingis. Wy puUi]? he not a wey, in J'e mekist wey j?at he may, faculte of steyling, J?at mi3t not bow pe wiUe ? Also bi twix two, )?at is pe accuser and J'e gilty, striuing of euen perel of pe hed, j?e ton if he had not prouid, pe toj'er if he were conuictid of j?e accusing, if j?e iuge folow not J'is }?at is of ri3tf nines, but haj? mercy of J'e toj'er, oi]?er he schal dampne pe prouar, or til he fauor j?e accusar, ]?at mi3t not proue, schal iuge ]?e vngilty ; j?is mai not be seid iust mercy. In j?at kirk wer ani owe to do mercy, and how most to be holden in pe forme 70 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. of ri3tfulnes, j?at non draw a wey fro j?e comyn of feij?fulmen, get wrongly, of j?e fi3tnes of pe prest, comyn wij? schort ter and dred ful, a tyme j?at he ow to axe wij? mo tymis and plentiuous teris. Wej'er not wan he ior^enip pe vnworJ7y, he prouocij? al to j?e smit of faUing ; li3tnes of 3euing 3euij? kyndling of trespassing, pis seij? Ambrose, jie prest may wit ]?at he ha]? not power to soyl, but as Matt. God 3eui]? him bidding ; but God seij' ]?us. If j?i broj'er synne, •^""¦^ ¦ blame him ; and if he leue his synne, leue j?u to blam him, and if [he] wU not leue his syn, proced iorp a3en him bifor witness. And if he wyl not her 30we, be he j?an to j?e as a hej?en or pubfi- can. And wam J'at 30 j?us bynd, schal be bound, and wam ]?at 3e bring out of synne, J'e peyn schal be for3euen hem. He biddij* not here to curse hira j'at synnij? not, nor to asoyle him ]?at bidij? in synne ; but a3enword to asoile him j'at leuij? his synne, and put him out of cumpany j?at lastij? in his synne. XIX. Ma. An noj?er is j'is, j?at mariage mad in ]?rid and ferd degre, a3en ""th '¦d^ ^^ ordinaunce of pe kirk, is rate and stable. And to j?is I haue degre. seid, j?at it is so confermid ]?at it mai not be departid ; pe man to wed ani oj?er woman, wyle j?at sche lyuij?, nor scho to be weddid to ani oj'er man. And J'is semij? me prouable j'us ; wej" pe lefe or conferming of j'e kirk, swilk mariage is rate, j'an it is rate or stable ; and j?e kirk mi3t not ratifie it, but if it be first ratified of God ; and if it be ratified of God, j'an j?e kirk mai not depart it, for no man may depart j?e j?ing j'at God haj' joinid. And as men seyn J'e ratifying of j?e pope, or of J'e kirk, is a chaunging j?at God haj? ordeynd to be don, and if j?is mariage were a3en pe bidding of God, j»an j?e conferming of ]?e kirk were not worj?, nor j?ei mi3t not 3eue leue j?er to ; for J'ei mai not 3eue leue to breke j?e bidding of God, nor leeue a man to lyue in ani degre a3en j?e bidding of Decre. ^^^' ^'^ charge him >er to. Now j?e decre seij? j?us ; pe wedding of prestis, or of cosynis in j?e j?rid or ferd degre, is not forfendid bi j?e autorite of j?e oolde lawe, nor bi j?e autorite of j?e gospel, nor WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 71 of ]?e epistil, but it is only defendid bi law of pe kirk. And after seip pe decre, )?ow pe apostil addid sum j?ingis counseyling, j?at Decre. were [not] found in bidding of j'e gospel diffinid, ]?erfor [neij'cr] j?ey are putt a wey of j?e toj?er apostols as foly or superflu ; so and pe kirk, after j?e statutis of j?e apostil, haj? addid sum J'ingis of counseil of perfeccoun, os of continence of prestis, and of making of goostly misteris, of j?e synging of officis, j'at no wey are to be put a wey, but to be tan wij? diligent worschip ; j?erfor pe wed- dingis of cosyns, ]?ow j?ei be not found for bidyn bi pe gospel, nor bi ]?e pistel, neuer]?eles J'ei are to be fled, for ]?ei are forbydun bi pe ordinaunce of pe kirke. pis seij? j?e decre. And so I graunt J'at it is good to kep fro hem, but neuerj?eles me semij? J'at j?ei mai not be departid, wen J'ei are maad, not but in swilk degre os God leeuij? not to bide to gidre, and ]?at is no matrimone. But in j?is pe decre seij?, j?eis j?at are found weddid in j?eis degrees, and wi]? Decre. in schort tyme done, be ]?ei departid ; 3et j?e decre leeuij? not a man to wed an oj'er, nor j'e woman noij'er, wil Jey two lyuen. And so if pe kirk wil not suffur )?is man and woman dwel to gidre> what may j?ey do, but eijer dwel stUle bi hem silue, til j'ei may fynd better grace, and tak j?e certayn and leue j?e vncerteyn, ]?at j?ei synne not a3en God, and abid til j?ei be formid wij? holy writ, how hem is best to do ? And if ani sey matrimoyn to be leful in j?eis degreis, spekij' a3en pe Fadre and Sone and Holy Goost, be j?u ware ; for pe pope and j?e kirk seij? j?at it is leful, wen J?ei leefe it, solempni3e it, confermij? and approuij? it. pis is a noj?er, j?at j?e kirk solempni3ing matrimoyn in degre XX. T7ie ./ . . ., J A. • • kirk so- forbiden em J', consenting to synne, as it semij?, and auton3ing lempni. svnne. bis semih sob bi bis : Matrimoyn of cosyns in j?rid and "'^b matri. J J J ' •/ ,.. moyn m ford degre is not forbiden, not but bi J'e kirk ; and so it is no degre for. biden er. nth. synne, not but j?er forbedyng; and as Poul seij?, Were is not lawe, ]?er is not breking of lawe, and eft he seij?, If I bigge ageyn pe m. «°. ]?ing j?at I ding doun, I mak mesilfe a trespasor ; and bi j?e same ^"^^ 'J°' 72 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. resoun, if j'e kirk, wij? out oole autorite, solempni3e matrimoyn forbidun of J'e general kirk, j'is kirk j'at j?us solempni3ij? synnij, 3he a3en j?e ordinaunce, and so 33 en God, in als mikil as it doj? a3en Goddis wiUe in ]?at ordinaunce. And if ]?at mariage is maad only but in autorite of j?e kirk, and neuer)?eles is no very mariage, but synne vp on ilk side, in pe making and in pe holding, it semij? ]?at ]?us j?is kirk is autor of j?is, and bi J'us mykil j'e makar at [as ?] J'e kirk makij? lawis ; and schuld wern men ]?er of, j?at j?ei offendid not ]?er in, and felle in to synne. And sin j?ei wern not men as ]?ei schuld, J'ei are cause of J'e faUyng of oj'er men, and Jat blud schal Ezek. iij". ^^ sout out of j'er hand ; as God seij' bi pe prophet. Son of man, if J'U schewe not to my peple j'at j?ei be ware, J'ei schal falle in Jer wickidnes, and I schal seke ]?er blude of ]?in band, perfor be ware of making of mariagis, and of diuorsis, or departingis ; for Jis J'ing is soj', j?at no man may depart j?e J'ing J'at God haj? jonid, no man Doctor. inay joyn, but if ]?at God joyn bi forn; forsoj?, as j?e doctor seij. In Uk bodily mariage is vnderstond a goostly mariage, wilk j?e bodUy copling performij?. And of j'eis bodily weddingis are j're Austeyn. good j'ingis, OS Austeyn seij?, ieip, entent to bring forj' barnis, and J»e sacrament of mariage. And hard it were to depart j?is mariage J'US maad. And for j'is are j'e baniiis askid bi fore, to warn men to fle in weddingis couetous lustis, and pride, and swilk o]?er vices vnpertinent to pe mariage. And j?us schuld men be warnid in wat degre j?ei mai not cum to gidre, and how j'ei schuld be feij'ful, and lif honestly and holyly to gidre, in on entent to bring forj barnes. And for pe kirk doj' not j?is, and oft solempni3ij? matri- moynis j'at are maad for lust, and be j?wen jieis j'at knowen hem silf vnable to bring forj? frut, in }?eis cases it semij? j?e kirk consentij? to synne. And also in j'eis j'at are solempni3id, and after departid, for ]?at ]?ei were not jonid bi God ; for dowtles ilk j'ing j?at is not Ro. xiu". ^^ \'^ ^^^li* ^^ synne, as Poul seij?. And it is but foly to sey j'at ani errij? in doing a3en j?e bidding of God, and synnij? not, for Crist WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. . 73 himsilf reproui]? hem ]?at erren vnknowing ]?e scripture and Je vertu of God. An oj?er poynt is j?is ; j'at law canoun is contrary to Goddis XXI. Law lawe, and ]?at decretistis, as to J'at part of wysdam j?at j'ei haue of contrary to pe worldis wisdam, are Egipciens. And j'at bi sciens of canoun ^"f^^^eX holy writ is blasfemid, 3he God himsilf, j'at is ]?e lawe 3efar. And Egipcyans. ]?at it were nede j'is sciens as kaf for gret part to be clensid out of ulsfZiid^ pe chirche. In j?eis j?ingis I knowleche j'at I haue rehersid j'e seyngis of doctoris, Parisiens and oj?er. Of J'e wilk on seij j?us, Parisiens. pe lawe to be contrary to j'e gospel moraly, wan it is not wij' it to help to J'e perfeccoun of j'ing j?at pe gospel schewij? and biddij? to be done, but in ani maner is j?er a3en, in ani tyme, for ani cause letting or troubling, or tarying after j?e sentence of Crist, ]?at seij', ^"'f- ^l/"- he j?at is not wij? me, he is a3ens me, and he j?at gedre j' not wij me, he sckaterij' a brod. And so, syn j'e law of j'e gospel is cha rite, ri3tfulnes, trou]?, euenhed, mercy, clennes, and pes of God, were j'at ani law in ani maner helpij? not J'is, but to strif and debat, to wrong, prid, and lust, and to swilk oj'er, dowtles it is a3en J'e lawe of God. Goddis law is ri3t ordeynd be God alone, explanid bi Crist in word and dede, as law of pe gospel ; and j?us law of j?e gospel is caUid multitud of trewj?is ]?at Crist haj? tawt, namli, to rewle his peple ; law canoun is callid law ordeynid of prelats of J'e kirk, and pronounce to constreyn rebell bi holy rewl, and it may be vnderstondyn as j?ei ben contrari to pe lawe of j?e gospel, as are many decretal epistfis, and generaly alle Je tradicouns of Je dowing of J'e kirk fro j'e tyme of Constantyn ; or as j'ey comoun to j?e law of J'e gospel os articfis of j?e feij', in holy seyno3is and counseils, for os man is j?e same in cloj'is and deedis, bringing in knowing, so j?e sam is pe law or trowj? of j?e gospel inpli3ed or opunid bi j?e kirk after ward, oj?er wise, but not contrari, explanit. As it semij' bi j?e feij' j?at we trowe nor pe lawe canoun takij? not inpungning of j'e law of God as to j?is part, but as to pe to]?er part, CAMD. soc. 14. L 74 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. Parisiens. is comonning mikil wij" law cyuil, and J'us it gedrej? in itsilf two lawes, and of J'is commixtioun of pe vsing of j?eis two lawis ]?us is Crisostom. diucrsly sown gret seed of discord in pe kirk of God. Cri.sostom seij?, Mannis law haj? bodily wynningis to cum, but Crist behetij? goostly j'ingis to cum ; at fleschly men ar ay present j'ingis putt befor j'ingis to cum, and bodili j'ingis to gostly J'ingis ; j'is seij he. And j'us as j'e flesche and pe spirit are contrari, so ]?eis twey lawis, namly, wil j?e fleschly j'ingis lettun j?e spirit. Werfor Je doctor Parisiens seij?, Aduocatis in ]?er office geytun hem ay last ing dej? ; j'at semij? to be figerid in Goddis lawe ; were Sichem, ]?at is interpretid a foul, louyd Dyna, j'at is interpretid cause, by was occasioun he was slayn after. Notably is Sichem callid j?e son of Emor, j'at is interpretid an asse, for men hard as assis, J'at mijt not profit in oj'er sciens, were wont to heer decrees and decretals. pe loue of Goddis lawe, and j'e condicouns of sciens of decres schuld strcyn men fro ]?is office. Of Je loue of Goddis lawe Gregor seij', he J'at louij? a kyng he louiJ his lawe. In j?e Salme, his ee ledis asken reson of men ; ee lydis j'at sum tyme are opun, and sum tyme clos, tokenij? holy writ, j'at is derk to sum, and opun to sum, J'at axen j>o sonis men wej'er j'ey louen God. A tokyn of Goddis luf is wan ani stodiej' gladly in holy writ ; holy writ is mikil dispicid for j?e sciens of decrees. Werfor scho raay sey Jat Sara seid to Abraam, pu dost vneuenly 33 ens me, I hau 3euen myn handmaydin]?i bosum, and scho seing j'at sche haj" conseyuid haj me to despit ; pe wench of holy writ is sciens of decrees, j?at haj holy writ to despit, for Je frut of wynning j?at folowij j>er of ; and in Goddis lawe is figerid j'e supprising ]?at pe sciens of wynning doj? in holy writ, be pe play in j?e wilk Ismael oppressid Isaac ; Gen. xxf. warfor as God bad bi Sara, Kast out j'e wench and her son, so haply it were need j?is sciens in gret part to be excludid fro Je kirk ; not only is holi writ despisid bi ]?at sciens, and blasfemid, but God himsUf J'at is j?e law 3euar, j'at semij? figerid in Goddis Gregor. Salme x°. Gen, xvj" WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 75 lawe, wer it is red, j'at ]?e son of a woman of Israel, Jat scho bar of Leo. xxiu". a man of Egipt, stroue wij a man of Israel and blasfemid God of Israel ; j?us in j?e decretistis, j'at are Israelitis in party, os to j'C part of sciens Jat j'ey han tane of Godis lawe, and Egipcians as to j»e part ]?at j?ey haue of worldly wysdam, ]?ei blasfemen God of Israel, wil j?ey calle j'e lawe ]?at he 3af kafe, as vnprophitable, wen he seij? himsilf, I j'i Lord God tocbing j?e profitable j?ingis ; j'erfor J'ei are isa. xiuiij". raj'er chaffe of wilk pe gospel seij', I schal brenne pe chaffe wij? Matt. Hj". fire vnslekable ; pe prophet seij'. He j'at haj' a dreme, telle it as a jer. xxiii". dreme, and he j'at haj" my wordis, telle he my wordis verryli ; wat is J'e chaf to j?e corn, seij" j'e Lord ? And Austeyn seij*. If j'u folow Austeyn. chaf J'U schalt be chaf. And Odo seij?, Jeroboam was dampnid, for odo. he held pe peple abak by two kalfis j'at j?ei worschipid not God in lerliii ; j'eis two kalfis are lawis and decrees, bi wilk clerkis are haldun doun, j'at j'ey sacrificy not to God in j'e si3t of holi writ ; j'is seij' he. And J'us seij? an oj'er. Men occupied in mannis lawis. An other. and putting be hend j'e helful lawe of Goddis comaundmentis, schuld tak hed how in J'is same j'ei ren in j'e curse of God ; for in j?e Salin it is writun, Cursid be ]?ei j?at bowen doun fro Ji bid- Saim. dingis. God biddij* vs do dedis of kynd, and alle moralls are ''^^"'f- goostly dedis, or dedis of maneris bi J'e lawe of maneris. And God haj? 3 euen to vs J'e newe lawe, compendiosar and more com- plet and more profitablar j'an ani oj'er lawe ; more ful, for ]?er is not j'at mai be put to mak it perfitar or compendiosar, for it is in a word of charite profitablar, for non oj'er law profitij", not but in as miche as it meue to J'is. And here rehersij' Austeyn, speking of Austeyn. pe raultitude of tradicouns of pe kirk, Jat seij j'us : Sum supprise wij? seruil chargis our religioun ]?at our Lord Ihu Crist wold to be fre, in so wast halowing of sacramentis, so j'at j'e condicoun of Jewis is more suffurable, j'at is sogetid not to mannis tradicoun, but to Goddis ordinaunce. But wat trow we )?is seynt to cry Jis day, if be fiuid, a3ennis pe multitiide of lawis of pe kirk incorporat 76 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. An other. An other. I. Matt.xxij". Ambrose. Luc. xxij". Austeyn, Gregor. Ciprian. Jerom. Isidor. 4. 1 TVm. uj", Jerom.Ambrose.Bernard. and extriuagaunt, wat a3en batails, a3en reseruacouns, a3en furst frutis, and o]?er spofingis of goodis of j'e kirk ; I trow he schuld sey, j?is reprouid Crist to j'e phariseis, wij? more 3he ful of raneyn. And j?is seij" an oj'er, j?at pe sciens of aduoketis is detestable semij bi J'is, J'at in many j?ings it is contrari to j?e law of God. For pe law sei]?, j?at it is leful to j?eis j'at maken couenaunt to gidre, to disseile ei)?er o)?er, wil j'ei passe not j?e midil of iuste price ; but Goddis law seij?, j'u schal do no ]?ing 3euelfuly to j?i nesbor in his nedis to be releuid, and J'at no man bigyle his broj?er in no caas. Efter J'e lawe to him j?at brekij' sei]?, to him j?at brekij? feij?, feij schal be brokun to him ; pe gospel a3en j?is biddij' do wel to Jin enemy. Eft an oj'er witti in J'at sam law seij? J'us : It is to see how now lawis of J'e seculer clerkis are contrari to holy writ, and to hold lawis of seyntis, and general counseils of hold holy clerkis. First in this, po gospel biddij? al raen 3eld to j'e emperor Jingis j?at are his, and to God ]?o j?ingis ]?at are Goddis, and Crist obeyed to princes of pe world vndirgoing j?e dede ; and so ded ]?e apostlis and seyntis. But now new law techij? j?at no prest nor clerk ow to soget to no seculer lord, pe secound. Crist payid tribut for him and for Petre, and Ambrose acordij? j'at feldis of ]?e kirk pay tribut. But nowe newe lawe techij? j?at wij? out consent of Je bischop of Rome j'ei schal pay no tributis nor taliagis. pe prid, Crist seij? in pe gospel to his disciplis, J?e kyngs of folk lorden vp on hem, and j?ei j?at vsun power upon hem are callid 3efars of benefices, but 3e not so ; but he j'at wil a mong 30W be pe more, be he as pe minister. And Austeyn, Gregor, Ciprian, Jerom, and Isidir, kennen, as is put in j?e law, j'at it pertenij? to seculer princes to punisch j?eis ]?at synnen opunly. But nowe clerkis bi ]?er new lawis chalungen to hem j?at only it pertenij? to hem to punisch symony, heresy, vsur, auoutry, and periury% pe fourt. pe apostil seij?, we hauing fode and hyling hald vs payed. And bi j?e sawis of Jerom, Ambrose, and Bernard, clerkis how to be content of WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 77 liflod, and haue al ]?ingis in comyn. But now bi new lawis, clerkis propriun to hemsilf temporal j?ingis as seclereis, and not only to fiflod and hyling, but to lust and worldly hynes. Werfor it folowij?, J'at oij?er j?eis seyntis bar fals wittnes, or Jat swilk lawis, bi wilk j'is maner of hauing is defendir, ar contrari to hem, and to holy writ ; or ellis j?at clerkis now are fals witnes a3en j'er lawis, and j?efis, and refars, and fals intrewsars. pe fifth, pe apostil 5. sei]?, no man balding bi kni3thed to God, inpli3e]? him to worldly 2 Tim. ij". bisines ; and doctors a cordyn, as is put in pe law. But now al most is no worldly bysines j?at ministres of ]?e auter are not inplied in, as is opun in J'er dedis ; werof it folowij? j'at J'ei fif contrari to holy writ, and to j?e decrees of hold fadres ; and if j'ei haue ani law defending hem in }?is, j?an is J'e law contrari as ]?er lif is ; if pej haue not, J'an j'ei lif vnlawfuly in j'is. pe sixst. pe apostil 6. sei]?, no man tak honor to him, but if he be callid of God. And Heb. v°. after j?e decrees of senctis, as is opun in canoun, as it schal be 3euen to him J'at is caUid and forsakij?, so it schal be naytid him ]?at oflrej' himsilf. But now new lawis kennen J'at he j?at most offrij? him, and most persewij? wij? 3eftis of hand, tunge, or seruise, he schal be preferrid to j'e hofiar and abler, bi vertu of a ded bulle. pe seuynt. God biddij? j»u schalt not do peit, nor coueyt ]?e 7. goodis of ]?i nei3bor, but 3eld to ilk man j?at is his ; and of j?e de- Exod. xx". crees of seyntis, if j'u haue foundun ani j'ing and not restorid it, j?u hast reft it. And eft, synnis are so mykU pe greuowsar as pej hold and schuld lengar bynd. But now new lawis kennyn prescrip- coun, ]?at if ani be in possessioun of oj'er mennis j'ingis by a cercle of 3eris, he schal ioi it as his oune, as is brokyn of Goddis bidding mak ri3t. pe heyt. Crist biddij' in j?e gospel to his vicar, turn pe 8. swerd in to j?e sche]? ; and wordis of doctors and decrees acordyn joh. xuHj". j?at prestis how not to vse j?e bodily swerd wij' j'er oune hand, and mani peynis are enioinid in new lawis for breking of j?is. But j'is not a3enstonding, ]?ei han founden a new ordinaunce and indul- 78 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. 1 Tim. iij Jerom. 10. Matt. u". 11. in Matt. x". 12. Isa. luiij". Lincoln. 13. gencis and remissiouns, if j?ei sle cristun men wij? ]?er oune handis. pe nynt. pe apostil sei}', J'e bischop be howuij? to haue good wit nes of j'eis j'at are wij" out ; and Jerom techij? j'at in chesing of j?e prestis requirij' pe assent of j?e peple. But now bi new lawis Je peple schal not wit j?er of. pe tente. It is seid to prelatis, 3e are li3t of Je world, and eft, snybbe j?e synnar be for alle ; and after pe decrees of seyntis, and of j?e kirk, he j'at correcti]?^ not, schal be gilty as he }'at ded pe dede. But now lawis 3 euen leef to tak money for gret synnis, and j'at non schal let hem to contune synne for j'at feynid correccoun. pe elleuynt. It is seid to prestis, Frely 36 han tan, ireij-^enip ; and to }'is acordij mani decres of j'e kirk, and doctors, wij' mani peynis. But now are found new constitucouns of procuracies and customis and o}'er expensis, so }'at noi}'er sacrament, nor benefice, nor ministry, is 3euun nor tan frely after Cristis bidding; but oueral go]? symonie priualy or apert. pe twelft. pe prophet sei}' to prelatis, Crie, cese not, hie j?i voyce as a troump, and schew to my peple j?er synnis ; cursid be he }?at forbedij? his suerd fro blod, j?at is his tong, and his traueyl fro correccoun of synne ; and doctors cordyn, and hold decres. But now new law kennij? priiailegies and exempcouns fro iust correccouns of faij'ful prelatis and curatis, so j'at j'ey may not reise Sathanas out of his nest, nor hele pe seek. Vp on j?is Lincoln criej? out opon Je pope and seij?, j?at prelatis may not be excusid, no but ]?ei happily wil lay al pe synne on j?e pope. xiij. pe Lord biddij?e kepe raatriraony vndefoylid, and do non aduowtry ; but now new lawis kennen j'at pe man and pe woman han bi twex hem drawen to gidre verray matrimony, Jat if j?e man after tret wij' a noj?er woman, and lye bi her, if Je first woman may not proue her contract, }'an pe secound schal be his wif, bi resoun of avowter, and he schal be cursid but if he tak to her as to his wif. And 3et schal be enioynid bi pe law, in pe sacrament of schrift,, vnder pe peyn of dedly synne, to tak pe first and touch 79 not j?e secound ; experiens of dede prouij' }'at it is }'us, and j?us him be howuij' to be cursid, but if he tak boj'e, and cursid if he tak oi}'er pe ton or pe toj?er. pe faurtent. God biddij? j'u ^*- shalt not sey fals witnes a3en ]?i ney3bor, nor lye, nor forsuere pe, nor deme vniustly, nor a3en sey pe trow}' in no maner; and mani lawis of pe kirk and sawis of doctors de- claryn ]?is, and enioynen mani peynis for pe trespassors her of. But now clerkis practisyn bi }'er new lawis }'at a iuge schal witnes bi his dome, j?at an o}'er mannis Jing is myn, and a3enword myn a o}»er mannis, for pe fals witnes of two or of j're a3en j?e trowj?, and if [ ? 3if] J'e sentens to sle pe innocent and curse pe giltles, 3 a J'OW he wit )'at it is fals. Also if a man be falsly accusid bi two witnessis, if he deney it }'at he is accusid of, and graunt pe so}>, }'an he schal be condempnid }'er of as gilty. pe xvj. [xv]. Goddis 15. law biddi}' help J'e supprissid, jngip to pe fadirles, defendi}' pe wydow, and how temporal lordis ow to j'ole no wrong be don ; and mani doctors and lawis and resoun acordyn to Jis. But now crien clerkis bi )?er new lawis, j?at if a man be cursid fourty dayes, J'OW he be cursid wrongly, and }'at }'an temporal lordis schal, bi' pe bischops signifying or bidding, put bim in to prisoun, til he suget him to }'er dome, )'ow it be vniust. pe xvij. [xvj]. If }'at 16. a man wed in to wif in pe face of pe kirk a cosyn of his, j'e wilk God forbedij him to towch, and after j'is cosynage is knowen to him, but it may not be known formably bi prpue after j'e court of plete, 3ef pe woman after axe pe fleschly det, j'ow it be a3en pe bidding of God to pay it, he schal be cursid, but if he tret her as his wif. And if he do it, he breki)? pe bidding of God, and in )?is cas he schal not be cur.sid bi her dome, or ellis he schal dwel cursid pe daies of his lif, efter pe process of pe new decretal wip Jon Andrewe. And }'is inconuenient mai not be voydid w' mani moo o}?er. pe xviij. [xvij]. pe apostil sei]?. Ilk j?ing Jat is not 17. of ]?e feij? is synne. And j?e lawe acordi]?, j'at he j'at doj? a3en ¦^''* ""° 80 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. conciens biggij? to helle. And j?is not a3enstonding ]?en schal raan do ]?ing a3en his consciens, and curse him but if he obey, and j?is is contrari in itsilf and to God boj?e, J'an j'ei sey ]?at a man schal raj'er ]?ole ]?er sentence J'an do a3 en his consciens ; but war profit wer )?at if God curse al ]?at }?ei curse, for )?an God schuld curse )?is man. And it is iuel seid to bid man lett not to his wil for pe curse of God. After j?ey sey j?at wat ]?ing j?o bindij" in 3er]? or j?e kirk, it schal be confermid in heuen; and 3et }'ei sey pej jei mani sentens 18, Jat bindun not anenst God. pe xix, [xviii.] Eft pe apostil Gal. V". biddij? men stond, and not be holden a3en wij? J'e 30k of seruage, for law bringi]? no man to profit, not but ]?at j?ing j?at is maad opun in j?e lawe, but he ]?at sekij? to be iustified in j?e law is fallen fro Crist, for man be howuij' be iustified of j?e feij? and grace and goodnes of Crist ; in j?is j'at he frely and wilfully trowij? in to Cristis teching, and fellij' his bidding. But now men seyn hem iust, if j?ey do j?e law after j?er wit ; an J'ow J'at j?ei do ]?ing j?at is a3eii Crist, and 33 en consciens, j?e law schal excuse him, and is inow for him. Also j?e pope seij? in his lawe, j?at j?er are two lawis, ' as law of pe spirit, and law maad of men ; and who j?at is led be j?e law of J'e spirit is fre, and is not wor]?i j?at he be dreuen vnder maad lawe, and j?erfor go he fre bi oure autorite. But now are men lettid oftun bi maad lawis, rewlis, and constitucouns, to wirk after j?e spirit, or to do j?e merciful dedis or ri3tfulnes frely, bi autorite of Crist ; ]?is is oft prouid many tymys bi deed, os boj? in religious, and oj'er, wen it is not leful to hem to do j?e dedis of mercy, noij?er bodily, nor gostly, if j'er ouer man bid hem be stiUe, and lefe alle j?eis or ani oj?er lawis, rewl, or customi.s, wat euer Jei be, wan J'ei ar not wij? j?o gospel in ani raaner substauns formid or vsyng in to perfeccoun of fredum of j'e gospel, but are in ani maner, ani tyme, for ani ]?ing, letting, or trobling, or tarieng any J?ing j?at gospel biddi]?, or counseyfij? to be don ; in j?is j'ei are a3en Goddis law, and a3enis God, aftur pe sentence of Crist befor seid, He j?at is not wij me, he is a3en me. WICLIFFE S APOLOGY, An oj'er poynt is ]?is ; ]?at no raan is Cristis disciple, but if he XXII. kepe Cristis counseil. pis me j?ingij' wel is so]?, bi diuerse resouns. Jpiis kepe And j?erfor we schal first vnderstond, as boj? Goddis law, and Cristis COtlJZSG'il experiens, and resoun techij?, J'at Cristis ccanseilis are callid in two wise, as sum tyme j'ing j'at he counseifij? to, and biddij? not to ilk man as oj?er comaundments ; as are j'eis, j?at men kepen in pe gospel bodily pouert, and keping fro bodily weddingis, and suylk o}'er. On o}'er wyse is callid his counseil )?us, as he steri}' oon to do )?us, an o}'er )?us ; as he seid to j'e man, 3if j?u wilt be perfi3t Matt. xix". go seUe aUe }'at j?u hast, and 3ef to j?e pore, and j'u schalt haue mikil mede in heuen, and cum and folow me. And ]?us seij? Poul, ]?at he gaf counseil to j'ingis as him }'owt, but ilk man had his i Cor. uij". proper 3eft of God, to go as God ha}» callid him ; and }'us in ilk j?ingis men nedyn euer j?e counseil of God, to led hem in al }'ingis to do as is leful and spedy and best, and )?is is a 3eft of Je Holy Goost. And )?us is opun, j'at non is Cristis disciple, but if he kep his counseU; for ellis he leri}' not at him, nor is not 3euen to his sciens, nor led }'er by, nor filfid Jerof, nor of pe sciens of God, but if he kepe his counseil ; for j'us seij' Crist, and rehersij' j'e prophet, Joh. uj". ]?at aUe men able are taut of God. And God bi his prophet cursij' ]?eis j?at wirken not bi his counseil, for j'us he seij* bi Ysaye, Who isa. xxx". sonnis lifers, seij? pe Lord, }'at 30 schuld mak a counseil and not of me, and wef a web and not bi mi Spirit, j?at 36 schuld adde syn vp on synne, ]?at 30 go doun in til Egipt and axid not mi Spirit, j?er for 3e schal mak counseU and it schal be schaterid, and as he han Prov. i°. left mi counseil and sett mi blamings at nout, I schal law3e in 30ur dej?, and byraowe 30W wen j?is schal cura to 30W J'at 3e dred. And many are j'e witnessis }'at kenun vs to do alle j?ingis euer bi j?e counseil of God. But neuerj'eles ouer ]?is we schal vnderstond j?at disciplis of Crist are seid in syndry maneris and degrees, as sum in general, sum in special. In general maner are al Cristis disciplis, ]?at after j'e rewle of kynde folowij? his lore. And CAMD. soc. 14. M 82 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. A Doctor. in an o]?er special maner weren his disciplis j?at folowid him bi j?e kenning of Moyses lawe, and oj?er writun lawis. In J'e j'rid maner are j?eis his disciplis }'at folowen his lore }'at he taut in pe gospel ; and J'US sum are his disciplis in a degre }'at are ordeynid and chosun to folow him in lyuing, and J7oling, and teching ; and sum in oj?er degre }'at are ordeynid to be taut. And of j?eis sum are iuel, and gon o bak ; and Judas was his disciple chosun, and his apostil, and mani of his disciplis went a bak. But and sin Crist Luc. xiu". seij, Non may be his disciple but if he renounce alle j'ingis ]?at he haj', and tak his cros and folow Crist, it folowij? pleynly, ]?at j?ow [a] man be his disciple in sum degre, neuerj'eles in sum degre he is not his disciple, but if he kepe his counseyl, and lef al ]?ing. And for J'i j?us seij? a doctor. Who Jat euer he be, j?at in j?e last our of his dej? kastij' not al his bisines and his affieccoun in to God, kasting fro him al worldly bisynes, baldly I dar sey, .J'at he schal not after j'is lif be Cristis disciple in heuen. Of j?is schuld j?ei be war j'at occupien men toward her end a bout pe world, and de parting and assining of }'er goodis, and to mak her heyris grete after hem, and to mak pompous exequies and entermentis, biriel, and swilk }'ingis, in to veyn nam after hem ; and }?ei )?at occupien hem wij> japis, and remembren hem of }'er old iuel, in to lyking J'er of, and }'at steri}' men in to morning for }'ei schal lefe }'is world, and }'ei mornyn for her frendis leuen it ; and men }'at are ocupied about testamentis, and schuld lok }'at pe last wille of pe man wer kepid, not only wat he wil, but how his wiUe schuld be rewfid. Vp on j?is schulde j?enk prestis, prelatis, and religious, and oj?er j?at han vowid to kep bodily pouert, obediens, and chastite, how ]?at j?ei schuld folow Crist to be his disciplis trewly wij? out ypo- crisie ; j?at j?ei fiUe her vow, and mak it not voyd, nor renne not for j'e brekyng and multiplieng of }?er synne in to J?at curse ]?at Crist biddij? to Je scribis and to J'e phariseis j?us. Wo wor]? 30W, he seij?, j?at gon about j?e see and pe lond to mak a nouys of 3 our Malt. xxiij"i WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 83 ordre, and wan he is made 30 mak him a son of heUe double as 3 our silf. An oj'er point is her put j?us and axid, j?at ilk man is holden to xxill. m do }?ing )?at is j?e better. And me ]?inki}' ]?at ilk man is holden to '^oidmtodo do j?e better ; and for pe clerar vnderstonding of ]?is, I suppose, the better. j?at as Goddis byddyng and comyn speche boj'e, and as men vnder stondyn j?at bettar or best is seid by )?re resouns, or moo, or ellis vp on }'re maneris, as sum }'ing is seid better, or best, }'an an oj'er in his kynd, form, and vertu ; and )?us is God seid pe best ouer alle o}'er ; and j?us gostly createris are seid better J'an oj'er ; and ]?us bi diuers resouns is on seid better j'an an o]?er. In j?e secounde maner is on seid better j'an an oJer, for J'e maner and j?e forme ; and ]?us of ]?is is oft o }'ing seid better ]?an an oj?er. And j'us if two men do a ]?ing, j?e ton is oft seid to do better j?an pe td^er. And }'us is a man of harmis seid better j?an an o)?er, and a prest better ]?an an oj?er, and a religious man better ]?an an o]?er, and a housbond better j?an an oj'er, for be can better, and doj' better j?an J'e to]?er. In pe ]?rid maner is a ]?ing seid better j'an an oj?er, in j'is, as it helpi}' better by sum wey and mene to pe 3 end of a }'ing, j'an an oj'er do}?. And j'us sum tyme a J'ing j'at is seid to be warst to sum man, is bi an oJer resoun sed best for sum a3enword. And j'us seknes, and foul weder, and pouert is to sum men best, wan j'ei are menis to him to kepe Goddis biddingis, and to geyt blis ; and so j'ei are better to him j?an riches, or fair wedur, or hele, wen he schuld tak occasioun by hem to do synne, and displece God, and deserue peyn. And j'us a3enword wan Jeis ]?ingis are to man in to cause and help to plese God, j'an are pe\ pe better to him. And j?us ]?ow it be better in heuen to seyntis to not traueyl, nor be peynid, as we are here, neuerj?eles it is better as for j'is tyme ; for j?us seij? Poule, forsoj? I am constreynid of two j'ingis, hauing desir Phil, i", to be dissoluid, and be wij? Crist, mikil better, certis to dwel in flesche is profit necessary for 30W. Also men seyn, j?ow contem- 84 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Ecclus. xxiij", Eccles.xif Gal. u". platif lif be pe fairar, actif lif is pe profitabler ; and al }'ing as Crist did it so it was best, for he did ay pe best, and all ]?ingis wi)? out defaut. And it is not to sey of aUe J'e warkis of God, )?is is wars j?an J'at, and if any j'ing j?at Crist dede mi3t haue be don better, j?an were not he best and wisest, nor j?e mi3tyest ; and ]?is were grete synne to sey ; }'erfor pe best }'ing }'at ani man may do is to do }'at he biddi}' and counseyfij' to do, and to j?at ende }'at he biddi}' and steri}" ; and )'is is generaly ilk man holdyn to do, vndre gret peyn, 3he bo)? of synne, and of punisching, and better }'ing may no man do, nor in better maner, nor to better ende. For Jus is writun in Goddis law. No J'ing is better }'an to drede God and kepe his biddingis, nor }'ing m.ore helfular j?an lok in his biddyngis. And eft j?us, Dred God and kep his biddingis, )?at is ilk man. And Poul seij', Noij'er prepuce nor circumcicoun is out, nor out wor}*, not but keping of pe biddingis of God ; and ani }'ing schal not profit to hem but in }'is j?at God biddij' him, or counseyfij? him to do it, and as he doj' it for J'at bidding and counseyl ; and j'us is Matt. xix". bidun in pe gospel. If }'u wil enter in to lif kep Goddis biddingis, j?at are j'eis, j'u schalt luf j'i Lord God wij? al J'in hart, in al Jin soul, of al Ji mynd, and j?i ne3bor as ]?i silf ; and j?is is more ]?an alle brend offryngis and sacrifice, for in j'is hangi}» al pe law and prophetis. An syn )?is is bidding of God, man is holden generaly for to do }'is, for ellis he may not be saue, as Poule prouij?, for no penaunce, ne purnes, ne chastite, ne oj'er j?ing j?at he may do. Heb. xiij". And wij? out swilk o}'er dedis many han comyn to heuen. Also j?us seij? Poule, j?at it is better to stable pe hert in grace ]?an in meytis, j?at han not profitid to hem j?at gon in hem. Also j?us is 1 Sam. XV". writun. Obedience is better j'an slayn offring, and for to assent is better j?an for to offer j?e fatnes of schep ; for it is os pe synne of wychis to repungne, and as j?e synne of idolatrie to not assent ; and to obey to Cristis biddingis is man euer holden, and not ay to offer. And many moo witnes are how a man is holdun to do Je WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. 85 best. Al so ]?us seij? Jerom, He errij? not menly ]?at of two good Jerom. J'ingis puttij? pe lesse good be fore, and leuij? pe better; and of j?is it semij' j?at he is holdun to do pe better. An o]?er is j?is ; ]?at ymagis of seyntis are not to be worschipid. xxiy. pis haue I seid, and to sey ]?is steri}? me, j?at God seij? in his com- n™t"to\T^ aundraent, j?u schalt not mak j'e a grauyn j?ing, noij?er in ilk liknes i««rschipid. j?at is in heuen a bouen, ne j'at is in 3erj? be ne]?, ne of ]?ingis j?at sxodxx". are inwateris vnder j'e 3erj? ; }'u schalt notlowt, ne worschip hem. And Gregor sei}' )?us. If ani wil raak an ymage, as for a bok tul Gregor. him, forbed him not, but to worschip pe ymage almaner wittirly forbeed J'u him ; but ]?i broj?erhed stere bisUy j?is, j'at men tak of j?e si3t of j?e j?ing j?e more compunccoun, and be kesed in pe wor schiping of j?e Trinite a lone, for on is to honor j?e ]?ing, a no]?er is to se ]?er by wat is to be honorid. And for j'is seij? a no]?er. If Another. ymagis be worschipid, not bi vicary worschip, but by pe same worschip of God, doutles it is idolatrie ; for noijer pe stok, noij'er j'e craft of man is to be worschipid so. It is certeyn bi witnes of holy writ, and of seyntis, and of experiens, j'at we awe not to arett swelk J'ingis, or J'ingis formid of mannis craft, heyar nor euen to man in kynd, wam God ha}' maad to his ymage and similitude ; ne we owe not to rett hem more lek to Crist, or to seyntis, in form or representacoun, j?an man, ne wor]?iar ne holyar gostly ; ne we howe not to hope ne trist in hem more, ne luf hem better, ne 3ef hem moo j'ingis, ne grace. God biddij? vs honor man many fold, and for many causes ; and it is not were he biddi]? so worschip }'er ymagis, but his forbeding to worschip hem is opunly found. And many veniaunces are schorid to her worschipars, for ]?us is writun in holy writ, Wat profitij? a grauen j?ing ? for his feynar haj? hopid ^«*- if- in his feynid j'ingis, j?at he schuld mak doumb simulacre. Wo to him j?at seij' to a tre, be sterid, and a stil ston, arise ; we)?er it schal not ken sciens ? Lo it is helid wi)? gold, and ilk spirit is not in pe bowell. And eft, j?e trees polist of forgars, and engilt, and Sar. uj". 86 WICLIFFe's apology. siluerid, is fals, and raay not speke ; pej are bout in ilk price, and in hem is no spirit. Wij? [out] feet pej are born in schuldres, schewing to men )?er on nobeley; j'ey schal be confoundid ]?at worschipun hem. If j'ei fal vn to j?e 3er]?, j?ey schal not rise of hem silf : if ani sett hem vp, j?ey schal not stand. And if ]?ei j?ole ani iuel or good of ani, j?ei schal not quit ; j'ey may not ordeyn a king, ne do a wey, ne 3ef riches, ne quit iuel. If ani vow a vow to hem, and quit it not, j?ey schal not ax it ; j'ei schal not liuer a man fro de]?, ne pulle a wey pe feble fro pe mi3tiare ; ]?ei restore not pe blind to pe sj}t, ne liuer man fro need ; j?ey schal not haue mercy of j?e wydowe, ne do wel to j?e faderles ; }'ei han no feling ; }'ei are forgid of forgers, and of goldsmi}'is ; }'ei schal not ellis be, not but os pe prestis wel ; j?ey schal lefe fals j'ingis, and repreue J'O }'at are to cum after ; pej reyse not a king to regioun, pej schal not 3eue reyn to men ; j'ey schal not deme dome, ne liuer pe regioun fro wrong, for pej may no ]?ing ; j'ey schal noij'er curse kyngis, ne blesse ; ]?ei schal not schew tokunis in heuen, ne schyn os j?e sunne, ne 3ef li3t as J'e mone ; after j'ei schal be rotun, and schal be repreue in j?e regioun. Better is j?e iust raan ]?at haj? no simulacre, Baruc. for he schal be far fro repreuis. pus seij? pe prophet Baruc. And Sap. xiij". pQ wise man seij, pei are vnblessid, and her trist a mong pe ded, j'at han callid goddis j'e werk of mannis handis, gold, siluer, and fynding of craft. Or if j?e carpenter hew doun of pe wode a tre, and graue it diligently, and forg it, and mak a dweUing for it, setting it in a wal, festining it wij? ime j'at it fal not, loking to it, witing j?at it may not help it silf, it is an ymage. And of his substauns, and of his sonis, and of his weddingis raaking a vow he enquirij. He schamij' not to spek wij' it, j'at is wij' out sowle : and for hele he prayej' j?e seek, and for lif pe dede, and incalli}' in to help it ]?at is vnprofitable ; and for jumey axij? of it j'at is vnprofitable in all Sap. xiu". j?ingis. Blessid pe tre j'at ri3tfulnes is don by ; but j?is J'at is maad an idol bi hand, is cursid, and he j?at maad it. perfor respice schal WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 87 not be idols of nacouns ; for pe createris of God are maad in to hate, and foundingis to pe soul of men, and to fot trappis in to feet of vnwyse men. For pe multitude brow3t to bi pe spice of pe warke, now j?ei 3eue to hold os God Jat bi forn was honored as a man. And ]?is ha]? ben j'e desseit of mannis lif ; for men deser uing oij'er to affeccoun, oi]?er to kyngis, j'ey han 3 euen j?e incom municable name to trees and to stonis ; and it sufficied hera not han errid about j?e sciens of God, but lyuing in bateyl of vnkun ning, J'US many and gret iuel j'ey calle pees ; forsoj oij'er sacrify- ing j'er sonis, or making merk sacrifices, or hauing warks ful of wodnes, pej kepe iioi}'er clene lif, ne wedding, but on sle}' an o}'er bi enemy [ ? envy], and vowtrand, or doing a vowtri, drying, and al o}'er mengid to gidre, blud, mansleyng, peit, feyning, corrupcoun, vnfeijfulnes, trouby, periury, noys, wasting of J'e goodis of God, filyng of soulis, chaunging of ber}'e, vnstedfastnes of wedding, vnkynd lechery, and vnchastite. pe worschiping of cursid idols is pe bikynning, cause, and ende of all iuel; for wil j?ey joyen, oi]?er }?ei wax wode, or prophecyen fals ]?ingis, or lyuen vniustly, or for sweren hem sone. Wil j'ei trist in j'e idol j'at is wi}' out soule, swering iuel, j?ey wen hem not be noyed ; j'er for boj* schal cum wor}'ly to hem, for iuel }'ei felid of God, tenting to idols. And vniustly }'ei sware in idol, dispicing ri3tfulnes. But }'u sey a3en, }»at ]?es, and oj'er swilk, are seid of idols j?at vnfeij'ful men worschipid as j?er god, and in wilk ]?ei worschipid deuel, and }?at forgid to pe liknes of no j?ing ; for pe apostil sei]?. An idol is no ]?ing in pe world; pej are not seid of ymagis brout 1 Cor. uiij" in bi pe kirk. For pe decre sei}', Cristun men caUen not worscipful Deere. ymagis goddis, ne seruen not to hem as to goddis, ne put not hope of help in hem, ne abidi)? not in hem pe dome of help to cum, but )?ei worschip hem to J'e memory and record of raj?er men, but j?ei serue not hem wij? Goddis worschip, ne any creature ; ]?us seij? J'e decre. Forsoj? J?e decre seij? wel, acording holi writ, J'at cristun 88 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. Col. iif. Austeyn. Clement. men serue not to hem, ne to ani creature, bi Goddis worschip ; J?at is }'ei how not to serue to hem ; ne verrey cristun men don not ; }'erfor j?ei j'at don are not verrey cristun. And it is to note, ]?at in diueris maners a man haj? a god. First aUe we han God Almi3ti, ]?at is God to aUe, and autor of lif, and 3efar of alle goodis. pe secound, he haj? god J'is j'at he moost lufi]?, and wer in he tristi]?, as in God ; and ]?us mani han mani goddis, j?at ^ei sett in j?er affeccoun bifor God Almi3ti, and to serue j?eym ra}'er, and wam ]?ei more worschip ; os it semij? of dedis, and of sawis of pe scrip ture, and of seyntis. And in diuers maner do}* man idolatre ; first wan he setti}' in his affeccoun ani }'ing bi for God ; j?e secunde, of vndu ordre and cause : and ]?us on ]?re wise ; first, 3euing to j?e creature j?ing onU to God du ; pe secound, honoring God vn- honestly ; pe }?rid, honoring pe creature for God, and vnhonestly. And }'us man do}' idolatre in hert synning ; for als mani idols haj a man, as he haj? dedly synnis. Also of his gold and siluer a man makij" an idol, wan he worschipij? it a boun God, for j?e apostil sei]?, }'at auarice is seruice of idofis. And }'us raan hoping ouerraikU or tristing in a yraage, or making o}'er to trist }'er in, }»at he may coueytously geyt ]?er good, forsoj? he makij? to him j?er of an idol, and ]?us in maner doj? as foul idolatre as ej'cn men. And j'is may not be noyed to be don, for many trowen j'at ymage to be God, and many trowen Goddis vertu sogetly to be j'er in, and j'us j'ey are more affect to o ymage j'an to an oj'er ; pdX doutles is idolatre, as trewe men seyn. And }'us mani erren, and ]?is were to be mendid. For j?us seij' Austeyn, Vtterly j?ei han deseruid to erre, }'at han sowt Crist and his Apostfis, not in holy boks, but in peyn tid walls. Also Clement sei}'. If we wil verreyly worschip Goddis ymage, doing wel to a man, honor pe verey ymage of God in him. In ilk man forso]? is pe yraage of God, but j?e sirailitud of God is not in aUe, but were pe sowle is beninge, and to mynd pure, perfor if 3e wil verily worschip j'e ymage of God, we opun to 30W ]?is Jat WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 89 is verrey, ]?at 3e do wel to a man j?at is maad to pe ymage of God, and 3eue him honor and reuerens ; 3euit meyt to pe hungry, drink to pe Jristy, cloj'is to pe nakid, minstring to Je seek, herbarow to pe straunger, and necessarijs to pe prisouner. And }»is is }"at schal be gessid verrily done ; j'eis gon so myche in to Je honor of God, )?at he }'at doj not )?eis )?ingis, if he may, schal be trowid to do despit to j?e ymage of God. Wat honor of God is j?is, to ren a bout bi tre, and stone, and formis, and honor as God veyn figeris, and wi}' out soule, and despice raan, in wam is verily Je ymage of God. But and be}' certeyn, }'at if ani do mansleing, spowsbrekyng, or ani }'ing of wrong to man, in ]?is j?ing Je ymage of God is sylid ; j?is sei}? Clement. perfor now, as Poule biddij?, fle we for worschiping of idols ; for i Cor. x". now is God maad man, and perid haj a man, and schewid to us al Jingis of his godhed j'at are to lif, and to pite, and we are maad on wi}? Crist, and his body, and his membris, and quiknid of his spirit ; ]?at we schuld do no idolatre, ne worschip no }'ing for no iuel ende : j?at we schuld mak now no dead ymagis, ne idolis of our self, j'at we do wan we are wij" out pe spirit of Crist, and lif in pride, lechery, and fals coueytis, and swilk o}'er synnis ; }'an are we foul idols and foul fendis ymagis, as Crisostom merkij? wel. And if Crisost. we worschip and luf j'eis j'ingis, and o}'er men for hem, doutles we are foul, doing idolatrie ; and }'us we do wi}? o}'er createris wan we honor hem a3en Goddis bidding, and a mis, and for foul ende, as Austeyn declari}'. And }'us we schuld flee idolatrie }'at we do wi}' Austeyn. men, }'at honor we mikyl more }'an Ihu Crist ; for wan a man is sett to do pe office of God, and ha)? not in him Je vertu of God, ne wit, ne wil, ne dede, wat is he but ymage and idol maad of men. As Bernard sei}?, A kynge vnwise is but a nape in pe house rofe ; Bernard. and j'us it is of prestis, prelatis, and of oj?er religioun, in pe same maner. Wil ]?u hast habit and schauin croun, and o]?er signis wi]? out vertu and lif of spirit, and wi}* out pe dede; ]?u art but peyntid and lied ymage, as Jerom witnessij' wel, and idols and similacris. Jerom. CAMD. SOC. 14. N 90 WICLIFFe's apology. Archedea. Archedeacoun sei]?. As pe hej'un men had sex kyndis of similacris, cleyen, treeii, brasun, stonun, silueren, and golden, so han lordis now sex kyndis of prelatis. Cleyen similacris are fleschli prelatis, Salme of Je wilk j?e Salme sei}?, I schal do hem awey as pe cley of Je *""'' ¦ stretis. Treen similacris are prelatis rude in j'er doctrin, and on- Jerom. sensible of wit. Jerom seij?, pe tre is woundun in siluer, ]?ei are seid to be maad in to prelatis, for ]?ei are tan vp wij? out mater of dignite, bering vp in her schuldres j?at are not but in opynioun. Brasyn prelatis are j'ei j'at han worldli eloquence ; of wilk j'e 1 Cor. xiij". apostil sei}', I am maad as bras sounning, or as j?e cymbal tynking. Stonen prelatis are j?ey endurid in temporal j'ingis bi J'e affeccounis of men Jat j'ey brek bi seculer power. Silueryn are j'ey j?at seyn wi}' }'er maister to pe persewars of Crist in his membris, Wat wil 36 3 cue vs and we schal betray him to 30W ? Goldun prelatis are j'ey j?at are maad only for nobelay of kyn ; ]'us sei]? he. In swilk men schuld idolatre be fled, for }'ei schuld desir no worschip, obediens, ne seruice, but as God biddij hem ; so j?at in hem God be honorid, seruid, and obeyed, and neuer bid but his biddingis; nor put not his bidding be bynd, for keping of her, for j'us doyng j'ei don werst idolatri, and taken to hem pe honor }'at God schuld haue, and putten him out. And ]?us men schuld obey hem, and trust and serue, os God biddi}', and no far]?er ; ]?at ]?ei do not ido latrie wij? hem, if J'ei obey to }'er biddingis a3en Goddis biddingis, or trust to }'er wordis, if pej be not wordis of God. ^f7el ^^'^ ^^^ ^^ ^" °^^^ point ; ]?at pe gospel writun is not to be worschipid. writun not As to Jis I haue rehersid ]?e sentens of Crisostom, were he seij? Tchippid'.' I'"^ • ^"^"^ ¦"'i^ schew hem hofiar j'an oj?er, }'ei bind to gidre pe part Crisost. of an hem, or of heris of seyntis, and hangen vp hem. O vnpite ! Jei wefing schew more bolines in J'er clo]?es, })an in pe body of Crist; }'at he Jat 3et pe body of Crist was not hefid, schuld-be sauid bi pe holines of pe hem of his clo}', j'at he depering in ]?e mercy of God, trust in j?e cloj?is of raen. And pe same sentens WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 91 he haj? a3en hem j'at han ]?e gospel writun hanging a bout pe neke for 3 ele. Wan ]?ei han hirid it in pe kirk and are not 3elid, and axiJ wej'er is Je gospel in leuis of wordis, or in vertu. If it were in pe leuis, j?u hangist it resounably, but now it is not in Je leuis of pe parchemyn, but in pe vertu ; and bi hering j'u art not 3elid, j'erfor in veyn )?u hanglst pe leuis a bout )?i neke. And Jerom Jerom. sei}?, Wene we not pe gospel to be in wordis of writingis, but in wit, not in ouer face, but in pe merowe, not in ]?e leuis of wordis, but in rot of resoun ; }'us sei}' he. But worschiping is tan on mani maner wis ; I suppose )?at we how not to honor pe gospel Jus, ]?at is to sey, pe henk, or j'e parchemyn, and pe figeris ; wening werk yng to be gostly in hem, or pe spirit of God, or pe godhed ; noi}'er Jat swilk writing bi hem silf drif a wey fendis, or seknes, or kep fro harmis, as sura not vndirstonding wel gostly Jingis demun ; J'OW we, taking 3ed to j?e Jing, may after agre worschip such j?ingis writun, as men seeng pe letter or selle of a lord, may bow him, or do of his hod ; and to }'is sentens I suppose Austeyn to Austeyn. cord. If he comend hem }'at worschipun pe gospel writun or oj'er writingis, not for j'ei rettid hem in hem self hollar or vertuosar, or more effectual, Jan oj?er, but for j'e honor and reuerens j'at Jei haue finaly in pe }'ing takun bi hem. But if ]?u sey, bi pe towching of Cristis body mani were helid, and bi pe towching of his clo}?is, as pe gospel schewi]?, and pe apostle sent sudarijs to put on men schaking wij? fendis, and }'ei were dryuen a wey. And it is seid, }'at a woman maad an ymage of Crist, and an herbe bi touching }'er of reyceyuid pe vertu of heling, )?er for man may tryst in swilk j'ingis. And to j?is I seid }'us, bi sentens of doctors, j'at Crist is more excellent and vertuosar j'an o}'er createris ; pe se cound, }'ei J'at were helid were not helid sympli bi pe touching, but for pe trust ]?at ]?ei strecbid finaly in to God. And for ]?is sei}" Crist, pi ieip ha}' maad pe saue. And eft seij' pe bok, J'at noij'er Marc, u' herb ne plaster helid hem, but j?e word of God, Jat helij al j?ing ; 92 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Chrisos- tom. Bede. XXVI. Charmis. Deut. xuiij". Lev. xix". Isa. viij° and mani touchid and were not helid, noi)?er to body nor to soule. To Je )?rid it is seid, )?at suilk )?ingis were first J'olid, and miracfis for rude men, and hem to be confermid in j'e feij?. But now j?e opun is opun, it is veyn and supersticion to pe peple to haue swilk )?ingis. pus sei}? Crisostora, Sum miraclis are of God, and sum of J'e fend, for it is to kum power to be 3euen to j'e fend to do signis not of good part, j?er for we how to seek if it be necessary after j?e tyme or not. If Crist dede miraclis for pe conferming of Je vn feij'ful, it is opun, wan non is vnfei}'ful, it is no nede to do miraclis ; J'erfor he j?at doj' an vnprofitable signe is a fals profit, for he doj? not to edifie oj'er in pe ieip, but }'at he boost him silf in his dede. pus sei]? Bede, and rehersij? Gregor, pe tokunnis of miraclis, in pe beginning of pe kirk, were only necessary j?at sche schuld growe to ]?e ieip, norischid wi}' miraclis, as we watteren plantis til pej han ben rotid, and j?an we cesser to watter. pels are o}'er two poyntis. On }'at charmis on no maner are leful. An oj?er, j'at it is supersticious to hang wordis at j?e nek. As to ]?eis I haue seid j'us ; In j'e law of God is j'us writun, Wan J'U cumyst in to j'e lond j?at Ji Lord God schal 3eue j?e, be war j?at J'U wil not folow pe abhominacoun of pe folk j'at j'er be, ne be j?er not found in pe }'at compasi}? his sone or dowter, drawing bi J'e fire, ne j?at askij? ariolers, nor dremis, ne chitering of briddis, ne ]?at j'er be wiche, ne enchaunter, j?at is chermar in our spech, ne }?at axe counseil of hem ]?at han iuel sperits, noi}?er at diuinar, ne seek of dead j?ingis pe trow)? ; for pe Lord wlati}' of )?eis )?ingis, and of j'eis maner of felonies he schal do Jeis folk a wey in j>i entry ; }'u schalt be perfit, and wij? out spot wij? j'i Lord God. And eft. Bow Ju not to j'er wicchis, ne axe no }'ing of ]?er ariolers, }'at 3e be not polut be hem. 30 schal not a wat dremis, ne diuyn bi criing of briddis, ne clip pe hed in to round, ne schaf j?e hed, ne calle vp on ]?e dead ; 30 schal not prik 3 or flesch, ne mak to 30W ani figeris, ne stigmes, Jat are woundis. But if j?ey sey to 30W, seek of Phi- 93 toneris and of diuineris, }'at gnasten wi}i }'er te}' in her chauntingis, ¦weper not a peple schal seek visioun of her God, for pe quek and pe dead ? perfor go)? more to j?e lawe and to pe witnes, j'at if j?ei sey not after j'is woord, raorow b3t schal not be to hem. Also Jus writij' Austeyn, and is put in decrees, Feij'ful prestis ammonest Austeyn. pe peple, j?at }'ei wit }'er wichecraftis and enchauntingis to may do no }'ing of remedy to ani seknes of man, ne of best, noij'er to best langering, halting, or sare, or doing to lech ani j?ing, but }'at Jei are panteris of pe wold enemye, bi wilk Je fals fend enforcij? to deceywe mankynd. If ani clerk vse j'eis j?ingis be he degradid, and pe lewid man j'at vse j?eis j'ingis be cursid. And eft j'us, A Austeyn. waytij' not ]?eis Egipcian daies, }'at we call dysmal, ne kalendis of Janiuer, in wilk sum seyingis, and comessacouns, and 3eftis, are 3euyn to gidre, as in to begynning of good 3ere, ne mon}'is, ne tymys, ne 3eris, ne dayes, ne course of pe sunne, ne J'e mone, for 36 J'at a way tun )?eis or ani o)?er diuiningis, desteneys of auguris, or ten ten to hera, or consenten to pe way tars vnprofitably, and wij out cause, he howi)? more to his dampnacoun Jan to his saluacoun ; or J'ei ]?at seek bi noumbre of lettres, or of Je men [moon ?], and figer of nigramauncy, J'e lif or dej' of Je seek, or welj? or disess to cum, or ]?ei j'at tentun to dremis writun, and falsly tytlid in Daniel's name, or canelis j'at are callid of J'e holy apostolis, or chitering of briddus, or sich oj?er, for hous to be maad, or weddingis to be couplid, or in gedering of her bis, seij' ani charme but pe pater nosier, or pe crede, or putti}' ani strowis wi}' figeris writun on men for any infirmite, or vp on bestis, or tenden to wiche falsnes in hailes or tempestis, pej j'at trowen to swilk j'ingis, or gon to pe hous of hem, wite )?ei hem to haue brokyn j?e cristun ieip, and j?e baptem, and to be paynims and apostatais, j'at is goyng o bak, and to be pe enemyes of God, and greuowsly to haue incurrid his wra)?, be [but ?] if )?ei mend bi pe penaunce of pe kirk be recounsilid ; for pe apostil sei]?, We}'er het 30 or drynk or do ani oj'er }?ing, do all 1 Cor. x". 94 WICLIFFe's apology. j'ingis in j?e name of our Lord Ihu Crist, in wam we lifin, are sterid, and ben. peis sawis and sich oj'er like are trowj? endles, and bidun to us to be kepid wij' out dispensacoun boj' of God and Decre. of j'C kirk ; as pe decre sei}', )?at )?ow no }'ing of iuel be schewid to be in swilk }'ingis, neuer}'eles 3et pe\ are defendid of J'e kirk to fei)?ful men, )?at pe\ go not a3en vnder pe spice of diuining to pe wold worschipping of idols. And )?us pe\ are bidun to vs to kepe J'at we how not to rette )?eis j'ingis in to God til vs, noijer }>is to cause in vs goostly vertues ne maners, noijer pe\ may 3 cue til vs grace ne hele, but if we kepe Cristis biddingis ; ne pe\ may not harme vs, if we do his biddingis, for non aduersite schal noy vs, if wickidnes lord not in vs. And if we do his biddingis, al ]?ingis schal obey to vs, os ]?ei are maad to serue vs, and to be soget and boner to vs, and we how not to vse pe\s on ani maner, not but as God biddi}?, and counseili]? vs ; }'erfor j'is semij? helful, if ani be vexid wij? seeknes, or greuid wij" vniust nei3bor, or on ani oJer Job. xiij"- seid greuid in ani raaner, j'at he say wij? Job to God, How many wickidnes haue I and synnis, schewe me my felownies and my defaultis, ]?at I wit wat me lackij?, and }>at I mend my sarow, and haue mend pe j'ingis j'at I haue misdon, oj'er be vnkunning, or infirmite, or be maleyce, and tak ]?eis disessis for mending and mercy of God, and mikil less }?an I haue deseruid ; and tak ]?an swilk medicynis os God haj' maad, and bidun, and desseyue not veynly hirasilf, ne incur not more indignacoun, for it is certeyn j'at God haj' don many veniaunce for }'eis felownies, and al are writun to our disciplin, correccoun, and warning. And who Jat Jac. i". nedij' ani wisdam, or help for ani j'ing, axe of God, as seynt Jame seij?, and al }'at is spedful schal plentiuowsly be 3euun to him. But neuer]?eles, as comyn spech techij' vs, and Goddis lawe, and clerkis charmis are callid in diuers maner. And ]?eis j?ingis may be vsid in syndre maner, j?erfor it semi}' to me spedy to clere sum wat j?is maner ; ]?erfor I suppose her, ]?at charmis and enchaunt- 95 raentis for bidun }'at j?e it are j?at are brout in bi fendis curst, and bi stering of fendis, a3en j?e bidding of God, and also be mannis vanite and foly, wij? out ground of God Almi3ti, and in wilk men try stun of help wij? outun him, and oftun a3en as 3e}'un and vn- feijful don ; j'us we callid charmers J'O j'at wil bi j'er curst haue a j'ing J'OW it piece not God. And ]?is schewi}' what is a charme, we]?er it be charme maad or writun, or pe wirking of j'e charmar. And encbauntors are J'oo }?at in callun fendis to ken hem }'ingis, or to teUe hem j?ingis be for, or to help hem, wej?er j?ei do it bi preyor, or bi sacrifice offrid to hem, or bi ani oJer vnleful raaner. And swilk we callen phitoners. Also ariolers j'oo j?at maken placis to here God, or wenun to bow God to do for pe place, as Balaam j?at sowt to curse j?e peple a3en Goddis bidding : and wan he mi3t not curse hem in o place, he sout to curse hem in a noj'er, and went j'at God wold haue bowed tul hem. And ruspiceris are j'oo }'at loken to horis or tymis, are goddis or o}'er gouernoris, or wen }?at ]?ei may bowe God to do ]?ing in on houre, ]?at he wil not do in an o)?er. An augurreris we calle j'oo j'at tentun to pe garring and fliyng of briddus, as if }'ei brout good or harme, or God be led o}?er wise }'er bi, to do o]?er wyse ]?an as is iust, and good, and merciful, and trewe. And dremridars we calle j'oo j'at tentun to dremis, os if j?ey drem bi original and principal cause of God ; or iuil or good bi led bi pe drem to do veynly, or vniustly, or to be chongid. Nigrarnauncers are }'ei ]?at bi figeris or markyngis vp on Je dead body of best or of man, ]?us enforci}! to geit wityng, or to wirk, or ]?us to bow God. And on j'is maner God forbedi}? to clep Je hed in to round, or to schaf pe herd, or to mak }?us ani figeris on Je dead, os to geit ani j'ing j'er by, but if God wel, or elfis to bow him or chong him ]?er bi ; j'us we callen ]?e magis, ]?oo j'at calculun bi pe sternis j'ingis to cum, wening as ]?ei were Goddis gouernours, chef of ]?is world, or eUis J'at God may be chaungid, and led bi hem. And j?us are callid geomanceris, j?at werkun bi 96 WICLIFFe's apology. j?e 3er]?. And idromauncers, ]?at j?us wirkun bi j'e watir. Ayero- mauncers }'at wirkun bi pe eyre. Piromauncers ]?at wirkun bi pe fire. And spices are content vnder ]?eis maney, as doctors declarun wel ; Austeyn, Gregor, Basil, and Isidor, Crisostom, Lincoln, and o]?er. And holy writ in many places dampnij? j'eis j'ingis. And J'US sortilegers }'at settun ]?er curst finaly in j?e cauil, and wenun j'at Austeyn. Jjis ledij' or bowi}" ani )?ing finafi to profit ende. And )?us Austeyn seij, }'at }?er are )?owsand spices of veyn supersticoun, Jat is, ]?ing veynly ordeynid, and veynly vsid, and veynly )?at raen atristun in, and all sUk }'ingis are forbidun 30 in )?is, }'at }'u schalt not tak his name in veyn. And syn God hap forfendid j'eis j'ingis, and hofi doctoris bo)? and pe kirk, as is oft declarid, it is veyn and supersti coun, and pe kind of idolatrie to vse such }'ingis 33 en }'us mani biddingis, autoritees, witnes and counseilis, be for j?at man may proue bi holy writ, and wittnes of seyntis, for j?is is soj?, j'at is not contrari to himsilf, ne holy writt contrary to itsilf, ne fei]?ful doc toris contrary her to, j'at seyn to us how j'eis j'ingis are iuel. And if men sey j'at swilk }'iiigis are spedeful, for God ha]? 3euun vertu in herbe, in word, and in ston, and raen sem oft at ee }'at swilk j?ingis help, it is soj' j?at God haj" 36uen vertu in aU ]?ingis, ]?at he haj? maad and ordeynid how j?ei schal be vsid, and in to wat ende. And so how ilk man to vse hem as he ordeynij", but not a3en his ordinauns, ne wij? out. And so ]?is 3euij? not proue, j?at j?ei profit hangid a bout pe nek ; bi for }'ei men fyndun writun and bidun. And Jan raen seyn swilk ]?ingis help ; ]?is is no certeyn wij? outen bettar proue, or grounde ; for as doctors declarun wel, sum tyme men wen to see a ]?ingwan }?ei see it not, os is schewid bi jogulors, dremers, and rafars. And sum tyme man is holpun bi treyst ]?at he ha]? in o ping, or bi dred entrid, and not bi ]?at j'ing as phisek techij' and experiens. And sum tyme raen wenun to be helpid, whan he is raikile more hendrid. And wan J'e fend haj? raen in daunger, sum tyme he deseiuij? hem tul pej do him sacrifice, and WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 97 J?an he cessij? to harme hem, or fendij? hem ouer wyl. And j?us Jei are seid to help. But wan j?is is lokid fei]?fuly, j?ey are wel more hendrid ]?an helpid, wyl Jei are brout in to mis trowj?, and hopij? to haue helpe wij? out God. As j?e decre declari]? wel : And Decre. if j?ei sey it be semij? bi holy writ j?at enchauntmentis are good, for j?e Salm seij? j?us, Synnars are alienid fro ]?e wombe, j?ei haue errid Salm.lmi". fro j?e wombe, ]?ei spek fals j'ingis ; wodnes to hem vp on pe simi litude of pe serpent, os of def heddir stuppend her 3eris, j?at he here not j'e voyce of j?e enchaunter, and of pe venyn maker, en- chaunting wisly. To )?is we sey j?at God bi his ensaumpel re proui)? synnars ]?at stoppun her 3eris, and wil not here his word, ne cast out j?e wold venyn, and be helid, and reseyue vertu to 3 ele oJer. It folowij? not of j?is, wij? out more ground, j?at he approui)? her charm forbydun. For in holy writ he enformij? men and prestis bi sirailitudis, and 3et he forbedij? raen to vse hem ; as he seij?, pe oxe knowij' his weldar, and pe as pe crib of his lord ; leding vs bi Isa. i". hem to know our God, and reprouing vs if we know him not. And neuer}»eles be biddij? vs, Wel 30 not be maad as hors or mule ; in Salm. wam is not vnderstonding. And pe apostU sei]?, Wil 30 not be Tcor'.xiu". maad barnes in wit, but in malice be 30 litil. perfor seek 36 a pleynar ground, ]?at wil stable j?eis charmis, ]?at men usen amis. But God for his endles mercy kepe fro pe malice of ]?er charmis, and charmers, and coniurars, wichis, sortilegeris, and oj'er ]?at are put in j'e general sentens and cursing of j'e kirk, fro all }'at wirkun bi fendis curst, or veynli wi]? out God, and to wickid ende, and namly fro hem ]?at enforcen to charme in to iuel dedis, or not to obey to Cristis gospel, ne to pe teching oipe apostlis, and prophetis, and feij'ful doctors. Ne ]?at we schuld know it, ne lif j'er after, seying j?at we may not understond it, ne pe holy doctoris j?at han expound it, wilk j?e kirk haj? canoni3id, but wil led us after oj?er dremis, and her ymaginacouns, blouing veynly wij? fleschli wit, tul j'ei hold not Crist j?e hed, ne go after him, ne sett in him j?er CAMD. soc. 14. o 98 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. ground ; but can sey ]?at wordis of holy writt, and j?at are canonl3ed of al holy kirk, soundun not wel, and wel lede vs bi a kirk ]?at j'ey seyn errij? oft, and disseyuij? and is deseyuid, begilij? and is bigilid. God Almi3ty kepe vs fro pe raalice of }'er charmis, and fro }?er supersticiositeis, vanites, errors, and desseytis ; }'at we no}?er be disseynid bi hem, ne disseue o]?er raen, ne bow not fro Crist tul a no]?er, ne hold gospel o]?er ]?an is ; for j?er is non oj'er. And comfort he vs in pe power of his vertu, and in himsilf ; and cloj? he vs in his armor, j?at we may a3enstond j?e sautis of J'e fend ; for to vs is no wrestling a3en J'e flesch and j?e blud ; but a3en princis and powers, a3en reulers of J'is world, of ]?eis merknes, a3en gostlynes of wrechidnes, in heuenly J'ingis ; j'erfor tak we j?e armor of God, j'at we ma a3enstond in iuel day, and stand perfit in all j?ingis ; gird pe lendis in trow]?, clo]?id j?e habarioun of rit- fuliies, j?e feet schod in pe raaking redy of Cristis gospel of pes, taking ]?e scheld of pe fei)?, in ]?e wilk we may sleckun aU pe firun dartis of the enemy. And pe helm of hel, and pe swerd of pe Spirit, }"at is pe word of God ; in ilk tyme preying, and biseking in spirit, and wakyng }'er in ilk tyme, j'at we may wet how it is to lif, Bud to answere to ilk, and to 3eue resoun of j'at feij' and hop j'at is in vs. pus be comfortid in j?e Lord. For now is no wrest ling to vs a3en flesch and blud, noi]?er to do fleschly batayl, noij?er to sle mennis bodies, nor 3et to stryfe for fleschly j?ingis, j'at are but after j'e flesch. Our wrestling is not only, ne principaly, a3en j?eis j?ingis, but a3en princis and powers, rewlars of j?is world of j'eis merknes, )?ei are not only fendis and swilk wickid speritis, but )?ei are also wickid men )?at ledun Jis world in blindnes, and error, and foli, and malice, and lettun hem to know Crist, and behetun hem grace, wan pej mak hem sikir, ne wit not for )?ei schal haue it. Wyl pei hemsilf lyuen in )?er corrupcoun, wot not how j?ei may mak hemsilf sikir ; j'ey are rewlars of pe world of }'eis derknes, for Jei hi3t men assoyling, wan j?ei wit not if it be, and j?ey led WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 99 boj' himsilf and j'eis j'at j'ey assoyl in blindnes, and desseyue boj?. And j?us wan ]?ei condemp vniustly a iust man on many sidis, ]?ei led men in blindnes, and }?us wan j?ei erre are desseyuid and dis- seiuen, all j?is is in mirknes. And 3et j?ey deny to men j?e undir- stonding of Je gospel, and seyn men may not undirstond it, and J?ei graunt ]?at ]?ei undirstond it not, and j?ei wel bi deneris. And j?us j?ey may not deme but ]?at j?ei lede j?is world in mirknes. But it is scham to hem to sey ]?us, j?at ere kirk errij?, sin he and his kirk is o persone, and also if pe kirk err, men may be in dout of her dedis, wan scho errij?, and wan not ; and were it vnsikir to trow to her canoni3ing, approuing, or afferming, or autori3ing bifor j'at j'ei proue hem bi sikirar ground ; j'erfor as God ordeynid men to strif a3en ]?eis princis, j'at all be drifun in to pe seruice of Crist, and groundid and formid bi him. And o}'er goostly }'ingis of schrewdnes in heuenly }'ingis, )?at are }'ei }'at feynun in ypocrisy and color )?ingis }'at }'ei tak and understond raisser, as bo}' holy mennis fif, and o)?er vertuous werkis, j'at men mis vndirstonden now, and turnen al in to pride and coueteys, and vndir lustis. And j?us turnen sacramentis )?at are gostly }'ingis, for gostly j?ing don, vse J'ei more in fleschlynes j?an in to gostlynes, as in to couey teis of j?e flesch and pe world. A3 en j?eis j?ingis bihoue men to wrestil in J'O maner, as Crist himsilf ded and his apostfis. And J'erfor it behouij? to tak j'e armor of Crist, and gird our lindis in his trowj", j"at our affeccoun and al our lif and wark be led bi him, for he is pe first trowj". And j"an we be clo}"id pe habarioun of ri3twisnes, to held to ilk man, }'at we howe bi his lawe to frend and fo, to suffreyn and suget, and j?at we deme non man, but as God biddij' ; for who is he Jat seij? Jis J'ing schal be don, and j?e Lord comaund not, but Balaam seid he mi3t not spek, but )?at pe Lord Num. put in his mouj?, and j'erfor wan he wold haue cursid hem in anger, ^'^^"°- he blessid hem ; and raak 3or feet to be shod in arayng of j?e gospel of pees, j?at al our wark and our wUle be to mak pees ; and Eph. vi". 100 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. take we pe helme of 3ele, ]?at is good hope, and pe swerd of Je Spirit, }"at is Goddis worde, boj? to strik wi]?, and to vndirnem misdoars, and to defend hem of. But if ]?ei sei may we not vndir stond, appily]?ei wot not, for God may 3 cue vndirstonding to wam he will. And if ]?ei suppose hem to han, and of God, so may God delen it til an o]?er, and ]?erfor may j?e first wit if j"ei sey ]?ei haue not, ]?an are pe foolis to deme men. And j?an dar I wel sey, ]?ei vndirstond not j"eis men, ]?at j?ei wet wej?er J'ei sey wel or iuel. If j?ei sei we can not, or we vndirstond amis, pray we hem, for Ihu sak, to enforra us, bi j?e trowj? of holy writt, and trowj? brout out bi resoun, J'at may not fayle, and bi sensible trowj", and be we euer more redy to be mendid bi pe trouj? of Crist, for we are not so sikir j?at we be wij? out faut, error, and vnkunning. perfor j?at we may cum out, and cum to J'e knowing of trowj?, and lif j?er after, euer pray we to Ihu Crist. XXVIII. ^j^ Q-|,gj. jg p^j j^jjjj jg askid j'us ; ]?at ]?e vowe of religioun is a3en Cristis gospel. To j?is I haue seid j'us, ]?at ]?e name of religioun is takun in mani maneris ; os sum tyme for J'e trowj' j?at rewfij a man to serue duly his makar. And sum tym for j?e act and j?e state procedyng of J'is religioun. And j?e j?rid, materialy, for pe personis ]?us enclinid. And Jus pe keping of Cristis lawe is caUid religioun, bi holy writ, and holy doctors. In j?e secound maner are religious caUid Joo ]?at departun from o}'er puple bi sectis foundun, and bi tradicouns, and o]?er sensible ritis. And in ]?is maner wer }"er }"re sectis among pe Jury, Phariseis, and Esseis, and Saduceis. Eft it be howuij? to not, j?at to a wowe is a resonable creature to obey him to his souereyn, to kep sum hard ]?ing j'at is sensible, or vnsible, a bout ]?ing ay lasting or temporel, wise or vnwyse ; wise, wan it is acording to God, efter his lawe to pe worschip of God, and profi3t of pe vowar ; vnwise, wan it is only about temporal }?ingis, or vnhonest, or vnprofitable to soule hele ; werfor it be howuij? j?e vowar be in fredam, hauing feruor to do plesing Goddis WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 101 ]?ingis, ]?at are to soule hele ; and ]?at he entend to fulfil, ellis he synnij? in vowing, and so his vow is synne ; as if it be more for lust of flesch, pride of world, or to geit temporel riches, or in to harm of ani man, or swilk o}?er, j?an for honor and worschip of God. perfor it is seid J'us, four j?ingis are requirid to ilk vowe j?at oblischij? : first, principaly, j?at it be maad to God, sin it is pe worschipful dede only to be 3euen to God. Pe secound, j?at is bi j'ingis only good and profitable to hele of soule, and not iuel j?ing, nor of filj?, nor vnleful, ne noyes to ani man, ne letting of ani maundment of God, or counseil of Crist, efter j?e decre of Isidor, isidor. seing j?us : In iuel hi3tis, kut pe filling a wey of ]?ing j?at is hi3t. In fowl vowe, chaunge ]?i decret, and do not j'is j?at j'u hast vowid unwarly. pe j?rid, ]?at it be made wij' deliberacoun, ]?at Je purpos or entent be not misrewfid, for if it be foly, or vniust, or vndiscret, or letting j?ing raore profitable, it is not to be kepid, but vtterly to be brokin, after j?is j?at Ecclesiastes seij?. An vnprofitable and a Eccies. u". foul hi3t displecij? God. And as he is seid vnfeij'ful j?at doj" not ]?is }?at he hi3t, so is he )?at doj" not of pe ieip, pat is of pe ground of God, or not of good in witt or ordre, for ilk j'ing j?at is not of Rom. xiu". pe ieip is synne. And in a o]?er place it is seid, J'O vowis of foolis are to be broken. And wilk j'ei are Hugo declari}', in his book of Hugo. sacramentis, seying j?us, po fowl wowis vndirstond al j?at are iuel of hem silf, or elfis j'of j?ei be good, j?ei are not ordinat. Or wan more iuel is of hem j?an good is in hem. pe fourt requirid to a vow is, )?at it be wilful, pan if pe vowe of religioun is circum- staunsid, )?an it is plesing to God, and wi)? pe gospel ; ellis if it be contrarili be gunne, led, or contenid, who doutij ]?at ne it is synne ? perfor iuge religiouse men in ]?er consciens, if j?ei ground hem }'us in her vowis, and ilk fei]?ful man loking in holy writt, and pe lif of Crist and his apostlis, and her dedis, after ]?ingis ]?at are seid semyn to be contrary. Certeynly if j?e vow of religious men, or of ani man, is not wij? j'e gospel, to j'e perfeccoun of pe fredam ]?er of, 102 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. but in ani maner letting or trobling or tariing ]?ing j?at pe gospel biddi]?, or counseili]?, ]?an certeynly al so it is a3en j?e gospel ; after Luc, xi", pe sentens of Crist, j?at sei}'. He }'at is not wi]? me, he is a3en me, and he }'at gedre)? not wij? me, he scaterij?. As if ani person obeyed him wij' wickid stering, or onordinatly, to do ani j?ing ]?at is forbedun bi j?e law of God, or to lef j?ing ]?at God biddij? do, as sum wil mak her awowe j?at ]?ei wil not do j?e dedis of mercy, oij'er j?at pej wU not ebyt flesch, tul j?ei be vengid of sum man, but if he ouer tak, j?ei wiUe oj?er mak a vow to fast, or to go pilgrimage, for to do j'er lechery, or veniaunce of sum man. Also }'oo }'at bydun hem to kepe ani staat or degre, or rewle more for cause of hi3nes of pe world, or worldly riches, or lust of flesch, or to do ani j?ing, oij?er bi her causis, or eUis wan he is lettid bi j'e vow to do ]?e ded j?at God wold him to do, as j?us his vowe is a3en j?e gospel. And ilk j?at vowij? ani j'ing to do in any maner for ani cause, wij? out mening of j?e Holy Gost to do so, he synnij? in j'at vowing ; ]?erfor if rehgious vowen in }?is maner, doutles j?ervowis synne, and a3en j?e gospel ; as if possessioneris to kep j?e religioun 'of monk, or chanouns, more to be partiners of temporal goodis, and to Iif in deli tis, and hi3nes of pe world, }'an to lif in wilful pouert, dewe obediens, and chastite. Who douti}' }?at ne as j?us j'ey synne 33 en j?e gospel ? And if ]?ei do not }'at Jei hi3t, it is j?e more a3en ]?e Eccies. u". gospel, and j?e biddingis of God, seying, Wan j?u hast vowid a vow to pe Lord, ]?u schalt not mak it void, but fil ]?is }'at ]?u hast hi3t, for an vnfei}'ful man and a foole hi3t displecij? God ; as if freris obeyid hem J'at j?ei beg, for al }?er tyme is in begging, j'at is a3en j?e gospel, as it is seid in o)?er placis, or wan J'ey obey hem to Luc. x°. absteyn from meytis, 33 en Cristis fredam, j?at biddij' his discipfis eyte swilk as men settun to hem. If j?ey bynd hem in pe con trary, j?at j?ey be not in fredam to do ]?us, but if Crist had for bedun it hem, ellis it is a3en pe gospel, for swilk are reprouid of 1 Thi, iu". pe apostU seying }'us, pe spirit sei}* opunly, j'at in pe last tyme, WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 103 sum schal depart fro j?e feij?, tenting to spiritis of error, and to kening of fendis, speking lesing in ypocrisy, and hauing j'er con sciens iren brondit ; forbeding men to be weddid, and abstening fro metis, j?at God haj? maad to be tan of feij'fulmen, and j?oo j?at knowun pe so}?, wij? doing of gracis, for it is halowid wij' pe word of God and by prayoris ; for ilk creater of God is good, and no ]?ing to be castun a wey, j?at is hawid bi pe doing of grace. And neuer]?eles j?e meyt coraendi}? vs not to God, nor fill]? vs not, but frely it may be tan, and frely left. Also if }?ei vow hem to hold an abit, or o]?er ritis, and God behitij? no meed for pe keping, but raj'er reproue, as he dede sum tyme pe Phariseis, doutles ]?at is a3en pe gospel. It semij? ]?us, wan it is not groundid ]?ere, and is wij? out med aylasting; for j?is is pleinly a3en j?e gospel bidding, pu schalt not tak j'e name of j'i Lord God in veyn, and j'is bidding he breki}' ]?at doj? ani j?ing wij' out God ordeyning it, or j?at lefij? his bidding, or doj? ani j?ing for wilk he is not to be medid in blisses for euer. And if religiouse men bindun ]?us to be obedient, and puttun j'er will under mannis wiU, more j?an under ]?e will of God, so j?at it behowuij' to do ]?e wiU of man, be it hout worj? or nout, and wat )?at God' biddi]? hem do pej may not do it, if ]?er ouer- man bid hem cerse, or to do j?e contrari, certis j?is is 33 en j?e gospel ; and j'at we axe in our^r. nr. Our fader }'at art in heuen, Luc, uj". f i wyl be it don, in 3er]? as it is in heuen. And )?us wan religiouse men are lettun bi }'er vow fro }'er preching of Goddis word, and fro filling of pe dedis of mercy, and fro ri3twisnes manifold, as )?ei knowlech, and are nedid bi al )?er tyme to comyn wi)? }'er bre]?er, J?ow }?ei be symonientis and synnars, j?at God forbedij' tak meyt wi]?, or hald felischip wij' ; it is certeyn j?at in swilk casis her vow is a3en j?e gospel. And wan pe vow of religious is to wilful bodily pouert, and obediens, and chastite, to be kepid, but now our •refigious lifij? and flowij? among aU men most in delitis, and ha- bundij? in worldly riches, and takij? to hem worldly honoris : 104 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. Nota. certeynly oi)?er j?ey han feynidly and falsly a noj?er vow a3en pe gospel, or elfis j?ey brek j'er vow. And wej'er it be so or so, pe toon or j?e to]?er, pe vowis 33 en j?e gospel, and dampnable; werfor Prosper. Prosper, in his book of contemplatif fif, seij? j'us. It is to sarow he sei}', )?at j?er sum in )?eis daies j'at wel be ooneris, but in express maneris j?ei kast no J'ing a wey, j'ei chaunge not j?e mynde but j?e cloj?, }?ei are j?at forsakun pe world only in word, but not in werk, j?ei lifen worldly, and bidun }?er bicis wij? a veyn hi3t of better lif, and mantel it wij? a name of ymaginid refigioun, j?ey tak for vertu, Je opiniun of vertu, j?ey wil be seen a mong raen dredy and just, j'ei diuerse fro pe puple, not in mynd, but in do}", not in fifing, but in habit only, in fiknes, but not in effect, ]?ei study to be seen gret, but not to be, }?ei preeche gret j?ingis but j?ei do hem not, j?ei accuse vices, but pej do not a wey, j?ei ben in wordis, but ]?ei do not in dedis. In opun ]?ei feyn hem to be displecid of j?ingis j'at j'ei don in hid ; j?ei knowlech to know and luf God, but in dedis pej deney. In habite and fifing j?ei han j?e form of pite, but ]?ei deney pe vertu }?er of. And for ]?is ]?ei disseyue pe moo, for }?ei transfiger hem in to an aungel of fi3t, and wi]? face and tonsur pretendun a schadowe peyntid of religioun. Werfor it is don j?at j?ei are maad desseyuable ypocritis, and lurkyng woluis of ref Ps. XXXU", under a schepis flees ; of wam it is seid bi pe prophet, pe dred of God is not bi forn )?er een. Afien sonis han fi3ed to me, afien sonis han 3eldid and crokid fro }'i pathis, arett pn j?er fifing damp nacoun, ]?at lufun j?e maner of j?e world for pe cloyster, and dispice for Crist a fewe facultes, and couetun moo a3en Crist, and inword coueyteis restij' or lurki}" under dispicyng of teraporal j?ingis. Of Bernard, j?eis seij? Bernard to Eugeny j?e pope, pei are ]?at suffur not to be vnder lowtid, j?ei kan not be abouen, }?ei are vnfei]?ful to j'er soue reyns, vneuyn to j?er lowar, vnscbamful to axe, bolde to denay, vnrestful tul j?ei tak, vnkynd wan ]?ei han tane, j?ei ken j'er tongis for to spek gret j?ingis, wan j?ei do but litil j?ingis ; j?ei are largist 105 bihi3tar.s, and scarsist geuars ; glosandist flaterars, and bitandist bacbitars ; simplist glosars, and warst willid traytoris. And Lin- Lincoln. coin sei}' ]?us, A cloystrer of priuat ordre, and specialy a frere wan dring voyd in the world, is a ded careyn, gon out of Je graue, woundun in dedly clo)?is, schaken of pe fend a mong men : ]?ei are tokunid bi pe wif of Loth, }'at, after pe going out of Sodom, loking Gen. xix". a3en, was turnid in to an image of salt. An image haj? j'e sirailitud of a raan, but not pe trow]?. So swilk similitudis of religious efter habit, and ypocrit signis, and neuerjeles not hauing pe vertu of Cristis religioun ; werfor pe raessangeris of Saul, seking Dauid in "i^Reg.xix". pe bed, fond a simulacre and geyt skinnis. And Peter and Jon Joh. xx". seking pe graue, fond but a sudary. And of wilk seij? j'e Lord, No Luc. ix". man leying hand to j'e plowe, and loking a3en, is able to pe kyn dam of God. And Je epistil of Jude, Erring sternis, to j?e wam J^-^e, wirlwynd of mirknes is kepid vn to wij? outen ende ; j'us seij? he. We]'er pe vow of religioun is not veyn, Seynt Jam sei}'. If ani wen hem to be religious, not refreyning his tong, but disseyuing his hert, his religioun is veyn. Religioun clene at God, and at ]?e Fader, is j'is, to visite j'e fadirles and madirles, and wydowis, in j'er tribula coun, and kep hem silf vnfilid of j?is world. pis is a noj'er, pat religious men are bounde to bodily warks ; }"at XIX. Re- semip so)? bl pis. In pe state ot innocens God sett raan m paradis bounden to of delite, leking )?at he schuld wirk and kep it. In to ]?is stat of ^°'^'^V synne God kest raan out of paradise in to pe 3er}', )?at he schuld q^„^ ,„_ wirk pe 3er}" J"at he was tane of, and seid to him. In swot of j?i chere Gen, Hi". ]?u schalt eyt j?i brede, tul j?u turn 33011 in to pe 3er}' Jat ]?u art tan of. Also in j?e comaundement, ]?u schalt wirk six dayes and do j'i Exod, xx". wark. Also ]?us biddij? pe apostil. He Jat stale steyle he not, but Eph. iu". more wirk he wi]? his handis j'ing j?at is god, j?at he haue wer of to 3ef to him j?at nedij'. And eft he seij?, Bre}?ern, we warn 30W, 2 Thes. ult, in pe name of our Lord Ihu Crist, J'at 30 wij? draw 30W fro ilk hroj?er going inordinatly, and not after pe ordre )?at }"ei han tane CAMD. soc. 14. p 106 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. of VS ; for 36 wot wel it be howuij? to folow vs, for we han not ben inquiet among 30W, ne etun ani mannis bred for nou3t, but wirk ing in trauel, and werynes, boj? day and ni3t, ]?at we schtdd greue none of 30W. And )?is we did, not os if we had no power, but j?at we schuld 3ef to 30W a forme to folow vs ; for [wan] we were at 30W, j?i3 we wernid 30W, ]?at if any wold not wirk, j?at he eyt not; for we han bard sum a mong 30W to lif inquiet, no j'ing doing, but leding j»er lif curiously, and we warn 30W in j'e Lord, j'at j'ei Jat Austeyn. are swilk, wij? stilnes wirking, eyt j'er bred. And her seij? Austeyn, in his book of warkis of monkis, pe apostil wrowt wij' his handis j?ingis able to mannis vse honestly, as j?e warkis of carpenteris han hem, werkis of sewars, and of feld telars, and like to J'eis. Pa- triarkis fed bestis ; pe grekis had hem }'at we callen pagaynis, her most honorable philosophurs, sowtars. In pe kirk, ]?is ilk, iustar raan, to wam pe blessid maydun Mari was spowsid, ]?at bar Crist, was a carpenter. If pe patriarkis, ]?at were j?e nobliar of j'e Jewis, herdid bestis ; philosophurs, j?at were of pe bettar of pagaynis, wer sowtars ; Joseph, j?at was of j?e bettar of cristun, was a carpenter ; Poule, after j'at he was apostil, mad tabemaclis ; if all j'eis wrout bodily, pat pei schuld not be constreynid to axe j'er necessarijs, or to begge, j?at is pe same, of wat professioun, or sect, or law, coueit j?ei to be, j'at, 33 en so mani ensaumplis of seyntis, scharaun not Decre. to beg? And in pe decre is ]?is notid, j?at bi j?e sauraple of pe apostle, clerkis may lefuly labor honestly wi]? ]?er handis, wil j?ey lefe Austeyn. not Goddis j'at is more profitable. And eft Austeyn seij?, Wat do j'ey ]?at wil not wirk bodily ? I desire to wit to wat j?ing j'ey tent ? pei sey to prayor, salmis, and redingis, and to j?e word of God, j?at is preching, forsoj?, he seij?, an holy lif. But if we schal not be caUid fro ]?eis j?ingis, we schal not eyt, ne meytis ar not to be mad redy, Uk day ]?at j?ey be tan. But if ned of mannis infirmite con streyn j'e seruaundis of God to j'eis ]?ingis, in certeyn interualfis of tyme, why ordeyn we not sum partis of tyme to kepe pe apos- WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 107 tHs bidding of wirkyng bodily ? Sunnar is j?e prayor hard of o buxum man, ]?an ten]?owzand of a dispicer ; pej seyn hem to tent to lessoun, fynd ]?eynot]?er ]?at j?e apostU biddij?, wat ouer]?wartnes is j?is to wil not obey to j?e lesson ? Wil pej tent j'er to, and ]?at pe lessun be rad j?e lengar to wil not to do j'is j'at is red ? Who wot not ilk man to profit so mikil j?e sunnar as he doj? sunnar j?e good j?at he redij? ? Also in j?e rewle of Seynt Frauncis is red : Wrauncis. Freris lif j?ey first of j?e labor of ]?er handis, pe secound of j'ing frely 3euun ; and wan j?eis suffice not, haue j?ey lefe to axe. And in pe rewle of Seynt Benet ; Idilnes is enemy to j?e soule. And Benet. ]?erfor in certeyn tymis how j?e bre]?ern to be occupied in pe trauel of her handis. And eft certeyn horis in Goddis lessen, fro pasch tul j?e kalendis of Octobre, goyng vtterly fro pe first hor tul almost j?e fourt, traueil j?is j?at is necessary fro pe fourt tul pe sixte, tent Jei to J'e lessoun. And if ned, or pouert of j?e place, axe j?at ]?ei be occupied to gedre frutis, be ]?ei not euy, for ]?an are j'ey verely monkis, if J'ey lif of J'e labor of j?er handis, os our fadres and pe apostlis ; ]?is j?ere. Now j?an ilk man ley to his hert to j'eis sawis, and oj?er, ]?at he see and understond, and after j'e plesing of God perform and fiUe in dede ; schak a wey idUnes, vanite, curiosite, and superfluite, glotany, and lust, and swernes, and o]?er }'ingis Jat bringyn in nede. And reyse he dissolut handis, and dresser ri3t weies to his feet, and comfort tremefing knees, in to J'e wirkyng of good )?ingis. Snyb he pe idul, solace hem of litul hert, and be Cap". iU". pesful to all to pe hert, ffor gloriouse is pe frut of good labors ; for j'e Psalme sei)?. For Ju schalt ete pe labor of j?i handis, j?u art Psaim. blessid, and wel schal be to pe. In j'is tyme bi grace, and in tyme '^'^^^y°- to cum bi glory, wan j?e Lord schal bid calle j?e warke men, and pay hem ]?er mede, mikil glory and honor for j?er good warkis ; and ]?an he j?at wyl not now wirk, schal not be punischid wij' men, but warst of aU o]?er, for he brekij' Goddis bidding, and steyli]? a3en pe Lordis leue }'is )?at he ejtip. And so he schal be put wij? 108 WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. j?efis. And for his idilnes wan aUe j?ing schal be 3 euen to rest, j'an his trauel schal be gynne in sarow. XXX. pjs jg jjjj oj?er; j'at it is not leful to religious to beg. To j?is I leful to re- sey j?us ; j?ow it be leful to ilk man to beg in nede, neuer}?eles it iigious. jg \j^ot\ leful to ani raan wij' oute nede of releue and iust nede dispicing ri3tfulnes ; noij'er to gedre bim mikil worldly riches, noij'er wasting his tyme in idilnes, noij'er J'at he wast himsilf and his goodis, and oj?er mennis, in lustis, and in oj'er veyn curiositeis. And for pe declaring of j'is mater, I suppose first, j?at begging is tane in diueris maneris, as gostly or bodily ; and sum tyme ver tuously, and sum tyme synfully, and sum tyme peynfuUy. per for ]?at to beg understond is sum nedy man to aske, be syde j?e titul of worldly dett, helpe for his releue schewing be signe or bi tokun or be expresse voyce. And j'us it semij j?at Crist in manhod, as alle kyngis and princis lifyng, are nedid to beg of God al mi3ty. And J'US aU begging of God gostly godis for relet of hem, and of her bre]?ern, to be releuid of Jer synnis, peynis, and wrechidnes, in case j'ei beg medfuly. Also j'us man leuyng occupacoun about temporal j'ingis, and necessariis of lif, for wark raere profitable and more gostly, and helful to soule, and perfor it nedij? to beg. And to swilk wit, as doctors seyn, is j'is verrified of Crist, }'at pe Salm sei}», I am beggar and pore, and nedy, and helples, and swilk o}'er ; ffor be taking our kynd, was mad nedy and helples for vs, and }'us he beggid gostly goodis for vs of pe Fadir. And }'us, as it semij Bernard, to sum of pe sawis of Seynt Bernard. Wan Ihu was of twelf 3ere age, he dwellid still in Jerusalem after his parentis, }"at he schewyng beggid his lifiod fro dore to dore in Jerusalem, for }'at he goyng in pe cite, schewid his ned to be releuid of )?er defaut )?at hau3t to haue releuid him, so mi3t o)?er; ffor far is )?is fro hem )?at beggun wij? out nede, or wen j?ey mi3t oj?er wise be susteynid, or for lust, or for oj'er vndu cans beggen baldly. Wylful begging of stalworj? men is forfendid to ilk cristun man of j?e apostil of Crist, and of WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. 109 God himsilf, of Salomon it is vggid, and many fold reprouid of holy doctoris ; so ]?at j'e almes of pe pore schal not be 3euen to hem )'at are sufficient and mi3ty to traueyl, for j?ei j'at are swilk ask almis vniustly, despicyng j?e bidding of j?e apostul, seyng, Poule, WirkiJ wij? 30ure handis, as we haue bedun 30W. And desirij? no ]?ing of no man. And if ani obey not to our word, bi j?e epistil, j'at is to sey, Jat he absten him fro begging, wan he may wij? bodily traueyl geyt his lyfyng, lok ]?at 36 be not men kyd wij? him, j?at he be counfoundid, and cast out fro aUe, wexe schamid, tul he soget 2 Thess.ult. him to pe biddingis of j?e apostil. And syn no man how to cast out fro comyning of cristun men, but for dedly synne, it folowij? j?at he synnip dedly, ]?at wilfully, and witingly, bindij? him to swilk a staat contening traueU, ]?at he beg for euer. And it semij? j'at oon J'US endurid, is not in pe staat of men to be sauid. Also Salamon sei}'. Lord 3 cue me not begrye ne riches, but only neces- Prou. sariis to my fifing ; j?at appily I be not greuid to denay God, or constreyin be nede to steyle, or forsuer j?e name of my Lord God ; ]?at is, as pe Glose seip, J'at I falle not in to forgeyting of euer Glose. lasting, for nede, or scarnes of passing ]?ingis. Also ]?us seij? God in his law, Vtterly a nedy raan begging be j>er not araong 30W. Deut. xu°. As if he sey J?us, Sufferij? not in 30iir defaut ani to fal in to so gret defaut j?at he be nedid to beg. And bi j?e same. No man bring himsilf vniustly vn to swilk stat. And wij? ned it is iust j?at he beg. And }'us sei}' Austeyn vp on )?is word )?at Crist sei]?, Gif Austeyn. to ilk askyng ]?e. If j'u gif not j"at he aski]?, }?u schalt 3eue bettar, whan j?u iustly amendist him Jat aski}> vniustly. And Crist biddi}?, Luc. xij". SeUe ]?at 36 haue and 3eue almis, ]?at is, as pe Glose seij?, ]?at 3or Glose. ]?ingis left after warkis wi]? 3or handis, }?at 36 haue wer of to lif. Also Austeyn seij. Bred is tan a wey raore profitable to pe hungri, Austeyn. if he siker of fifing despice ritfulnes ; j'at is, bred brokun to j?e hungry j?at he desseyuid tent to ri3twisnes. Also Jerom sei]?, pei Jerom. ]?at sufficy to hemsilf, or to be susteynid bi j?e goodis of parentis. no WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Prosper. and namly, but if j?ei clerkis, if pe\ tak gylfuly under color of nede, j?is j'at is dewe to pe pore, doutles pe\ do sacrUege, and bi misusing of swilk }"ingis j?ei eyte and dring dome to hemsilf. Also Prosper sei]?, pei ]?at han her owne, if j?ei wil ani j'ing be don to hem, j?ei tak not wij? out gret synne j'at pe pore man schuld lif of. As 3 eld in almis schal be putt be fore, )'at)?ei only take pore mennis meytis, Austeyn. }?at may not labor ne suffice not. Eft Austeyn seij?. Wan we may labor, we how not begging tempt God ; j'at as )?us j'at we may of his gift. And sin we lif )?er of, we lif of him gifyng, for he haj? Jerom. 3euen j'at we may. Also j?e begging of clerkis is schenschip of bischops ; ffor j?us seij? Jerom, Now syn coueyteis haj? waxen in pe kirk, as in J'e empyr of Rome, lawis gon a wey fro pe prest, and visioun from j'e prophet, al bi power of bischopis name j'at pe\ chalang unlefuly to hem wij' out pe kirk. Also j?ei dryue in to j?er vsis al ]?at is of dekunis, ne pe\ chalang not )?is only }?at is ascriuid, but pe\ tak a vey all )?ingis fro aUe men ; pe vnblessid clerk beggij? in j?e strete, and boundun vnder seruil werk he askij? almes opunly of ilk raan. And of ]?is is he pe raore dispicid of all, ]?at he wrechidly desolat is gessid to be- fallun iustly to j?is wrechidnes J'O bischopis a lon lowen to 3ieftis. Alon he vsij ministry. Alon he chalangip to him aU J'ingis. Alon he assoyfij? oj'er partyes. Alon he slej? all. And for coueytis of prestis oft risun hatis ; }'er for are bischopis accusid of clerkis ; j'er of j?e biginning of strif ; ]?er of pe cause of detraccoun ; j?er of is maid j?e beginning of synne. For soj?, if Uk man in j?is world is bidun to haue sum j'ing, ]?at he be content only wij? possessioun, and tak not oj?er mennis }?ingis, noij'er pe feld, noi]?er j?e wyne of j?e pore, nor his wayn, nor his raoney, nor his frutis, how mikil more he j?at is prest to pe kirk of God howij? in al ]?ing to kep ri3twisnes, ]?at he chalang only }?is to him }'at [he] knowi}' to be of his ri3t, and ref not o)'er mennis }?ingis, ne touche ; feel he him euyn wij Clement. oj?er. Also, in ]?e story of Seynt Clement is found, j?at Petir WICLIFFe's APOLOGY. Ill blamid Clementis modir begging, and seid sche schuld wirk wij' her handis. And also ]?at Cleraent Pope hadde writun be nam all Je nedy folk of Je cuntrees, and he Jofid not hera to be soget vn to begry, ]?at ]?e clensing of baptem had halowid. Also bi lawe cyuil it is not leful to a mi3ty body to beg ; J'erfor be pej war j'eis vniust beggars, and ilk man se to wam he 3eue almis, wat maner and whi, and wherof ; for )?us biddij' Crist, Wan j"u makist a meyt iwc *«>°- or sopar, calle ]?u not j?i riche frendis, neybors, ne cosynis, ]?at j"ei bid not pe a36n and reward be raaad to pe. But calle pe pore, blynd, crokid, and feble, }'at han not werof to quit Je, and j?u schalt be blessid, and it schal be quit j?ee in j?e rising a3en of ri3tfulmen, for J'ey may not. And God seij" bi pe wise man. If ]?u schalt do Eccli. xij". wel, wit to wam, and j'er schal be mikil grace in }'i goodis. Do wel to j?e iust raan, and j'u schalt fynd reward of God, ]?ow )?u fynd not of him. 3 cue to j'e raercyful and reseyue not j'e synnar ; 3ef to j'e good, and to pe mek do wel, and 3ef not to j"e vnpitous ; forbede }?i louis to be 3 euen to him, }"at he be not mi3tiar in hem ]?an j?u. For j'u schalt fynd double iuel in aU goodis, Jat j?u dost to him ; ffor God haj' synnars to hate, and he schal 3eld veniaunce to pe wickid. And j?us is also bedun, Wil ]?u not do almis of oker and vsur ; ]?at is, do not swilk defautis to do almis j?erof, ne hald 30W not clen peroi, but if we mak o]?er dew satisfaccoun; ffor j?e decre seij, pe offring of wickid j'ing is filid, for God approui}' not Decre. pe gestis of wickid men, nor he loki}? not in to j?e offring of j?e eccH. vnpitous. Nor he schal not be merciful to synnis, in j'e multitud ^^'"^°- of j'er sacrifice. Bred of pe nedy is pe lif of pe pore ; he ]'at de- fi:audi)' him, he is a man slear ; he }>at schedi]? blud, and he j?at doj? fraud to j?e hirid hyne are brej'cr. Perchauns sum man j?inki]? it, are mani riche men auarous and couetous, I haue no synne if I tak it fro hem, and gif it to pe pore ; I may geyt mede of ]?is, j?at ]?ei do no good of. But J'is }?out is sterid to him bi sleyt of j?e fend, for if a man gef al j?at he took, j?is is not to be wenid almis, 112 WICLIFFE S APOLOGY. Eccli. xxxiu' Deut. XU". if j?is be 3 euen or despendid to pe pore j'at is getun of leful ]?ingis. Gregor. ffor he }?at taki]? iuel in ]?is entent ]?at be 3eui]? wel, be is more greuid ]?an helpid ; ]?erfor j?at we tak no ]?ing vnder color to do Prov. xxf. almis wij? synne, j?e scripture for bedij', seying, Offringis of wickid- men are abbominable, j'at are offrid of felonie ; he j?at offrij? sacrifice of j?e substaunce of pe pore, os he ]?at sle]? j'e sone in ]?e si3t of j'e fadre. And wat }?at is offrid in felony in j?e sacrifice of God it softij? not, but steri)' his wra)?e. It semij? wel j'at ]?eis vniust beggars, and namly j'e ministers of J'e kirk, brekyn j'e bidding of God ; ffor he biddij" ]?us, Vtterly a nedy man and beggar be not a mong 3 owe ; j'at is to sey, polij? not in 3 our defaut ani fal in to so gret nede, j?at he be nedid to beg. And bi pe same ne raan schuld blamfuly bi idulnes, bi rechlesnes, noj'er bi wast, noij'er bi foly, bring him silf to swilk nede. And if he dede, men schuld not 3eue Prov. XX", to him j'at he askij', as is befor seid. And for Salamon sei]?, pe slowman wold not in winter here for j'e cold ; j'erfor he schal beg in j?e somer, and }"er schal not be 3euen to him. .And if he beg wij? out nede, he doj" vniustly ; for to beg, is pe creater to schew be word or wark or tokun is defaut wanting, and nedi}' to be releuid, and ask bi side pe titil of worldly dede, sum }'ing to be releuid by ; of j?is need j?an if he noi}'er want, ne haue nede to be releuid, he do}? vniustly pat breki)? Goddis bidding, fi3e]?, and berij" fals witnes ; ffor he affermij? j?at ned is j?er, wan it is not ; and j?us he is a pei, and fraudful reuar. Also it semij? j?at ]?ei put wrong un to God, or to pe peple, or to boj?e ; ffor pus is seid in Goddis lawe, pe wark- man is worj'i of his raced, and his byre. And eft, who j?at warki); ani )?ing to j?e, pay him his byre a none. But wan )?eis ministeris of pe wark han don j?er office, if God or pe peple wil not pay hem per hire, j?an is God or pe peple vniust, if God schuld pay and doj? not, he doj? j?an a3en his oune law. If pe pepul schuld pay, and doj? not, j?an j?e peple brekij? pe bidding of God, But if }'eis men beggars are not sent of God, to do j?is office, or do}' not Jis Matt, x". Tobit. iu' WICLIFFe's APOLOGY, 113 dede trewly, or ellis nedi)? not to beg. And ellis pe peple is redy to quit hem )?er seruice. But of }?is wil ]?ei not be payid, but gredyly gon abowt to geyt al )?at j?6y may, ]?an }»ei do uniustly, and silun God and pe peple. And ]?us may Jei dred in ]?is, lest }'ei be childre of iudas gostly in maneris, and pe synful begging be despi- tously kast on hem, os is prayid in Je Salme, Wandring bi his sones borne, and beg pej, cast out of }'er dwellingis. For dred of Jis schuld J'eis meny be aferd to beg as J'ei do, wyting wel }'at Crist beggid not, but if he nedi}', ne seyntis noi}"er. And if )'ei dede, }'ei repentid )?er of and amendid ; and so I rede Jeis beggars do bi tyme, and come to Crist. Amen, Amen. THE END. CAMD. SOC. 14. NOTES. p.}, I. 2 I witness bifor God Almij,ty, and alle trewe cristunmen and wommen, and ^owe. From this passage it may be inferred that this work was delivered as an address before some assembly. I. 3. — That I haue not ben. Perhaps we should read " That it hath not ben." The sense would seem to require some such alteration. I. 4,— The general feith. That is, " The Catholic faith." I, 17. — / knowlech to a felid and seid thus. That is, " I ac knowledge to have felt and said thus :" a for have. Our author uses the word feel again, line 20 : " And this sterith [i. e. stirreth, moveth] me to fele thus." So also in the confession of John Aston (Lewis's Life of Wiclif, Oxf. 1820, p. 262), " Y, John Aston, Prist, unworthely required of my Lord tbe Erchbyschop of Canturbery to say what I felyde in the matyr of the Sacrament of the Autere." And in the confession of Nicholas de Hereford (A.D. 1382, ibid. p. 256), " Wytes alle cristen men that we Nichol of Herforde and my fellow Pristus whan we were required to seyne what we felyde of diverse conclusions," &c. The word seems used for the Latin sentio. P. 2, I. 2. — As the glose seith. — See Biblia cum Glossa ordinaria, et Nic. Lyrani Postilla, &c, Venet. 1588, fol. The Gloss on Rom. viii, 9 is as follows : " Si quis autem Spiritum Christi non habet, (vivens secundum sensum carnis vel gesta. Dum mente consentit carni, vel ejus opera actu explet), hie non est ejus (i. membrum Christi)." 116 NOTES. P. 2, I. 4 Thus seith seint Jerom. The passage here quoted occurs in St. Jerome's fourteenth Epistle Ad Heliodorum, according to the order of the edition of Vallarsius. But our author, like most of the Divines of his time, quotes the Fathers, not from their own writings, but from the extracts given in the Decretum of Gratian, See Decret. Caus. 2, q. 7, c. 29. Non omnes, where the words cited by our author are thus given : — " Non omnes episcopi sunt episcopi : Attendis Petrum : sed et Judam considera. Stephanum suscipis : sed et Nicolaum respice. Et infr. Non facit ecclesiastica dignitas Christianum. Cornelius centurio adhuc ethnicus dono Sancti Spiritus mundatur ; Presbyteros Daniel puer judical, i"^ i?i^'. Non est facile stare loco Pauli, tenere gradum Petri, jam cum Christo regnantium. Et infr. Infatuatum sal ad nihilum prodest, nisi ut projiciatur foras, et a porcis conculcetur." The reference to Daniel is in the Latin Vulgate to Dan. xiii, or in our English Bibles to the story of Bel and the Dragon. I. 11. — Also Austeyn seith. This is from Aug. Tract, vi. in cap. i. Joannis. It is quoted, however, from the Decretum, Caus. 2, q. 7, c. 30. " Non omnis qui dicit. Pax vobiscum, quasi columba est audiendus. Et infra." — The words that follow are given in the Decretum {ib. c. 32) as St. Augustine's, but they do not occur in his works, as the Corr. Rom. acknowledges ; they are as follow : " Qui nee regiminis in se rationem habuit, nee sua delicta detersit, nee filiorum crimen correxit, canis impudicus dicendus est magis quara Episcopus." I. 14. — Tlie crime of his synnes. The Latin shews that we should read, " the crime of his sonnes." I. 15. — Not alle prestis. This seems taken from the rubric of Caus. 2, q. 7, c. 33, which immediately follows the foregoing quota tion : — ¦" Majores et minores non dignitate sed vita intelligi oportet." Or from the rubric of c. 29, " Dignitas non facit Episcopum, sed vita." I. 16. — And Gregor seith. Decret. Caus. 2, q. 7, c. 28. " Paulus dicit, Seniorem ne increpaveris. Sed haec ejus regula in eo servanda est cum culpa senioris exemplo suo non trahit ad interitum corda NOTES. 117 juniorum. Ubi autem senior juvenibus exemplum ad interitum prsebet, ibi districta increpatione feriendus est. Nam scriptum est : Laqueus juvenum omnes vos : et rursus propheta dicit, Maledictus puer centum annorum." The passages of Scripture referred to are 1 Tim. V. 1. Isa. xlii. 22. and Isa. Ixv, 20. P. 2, I. 22. — And this is put after in decreis. This is part of Gra tian's note on Caus. 2, q. 7, c. 32. Qui nee : " Quibus ergo Hierony- mus, Augustinus, Gregorius auferunt nom en Columbae, Episcopi, Senioris ; nonne et privilegium est auferendum dignitatis, ut possint a subditis reprehendi ?" I. 26. — Also Austeyn seith. Decret. Caus. 8, q. 1, c. 11, quoted from August, de Civit. Dei, c. 19. " Qui episcopatum desiderat, bonum opus desiderat. Exponere voluit, quid sit episcopatus : quia nomen est operis, non honoris. Graecum est enim, atque inde ductum vocabulum, quod ille, qui praeficitur, eis, quibus praeficitur, super- intendit, curam eorum scilicet gerens : eir\ quippe super : (tkovos vero intentio est. Ergo Episcopos, si velimus, Latine superintendentes possumus dicere : ut intelligat non se esse episcopum, qui praeesse dilexerit, non prodesse." Our author appears to have read in this passage, " atque inde dictum vocabulum," instead of ductum, for he renders, " and ther is said a word." It is worth noting also tbat he has translated ille qui prtsficitur, " he that is maad a prest ;" and eis quibus prceficitur, " the thingis that he is maad prest to ;" qui prtsesse dilexerit, " he that lufith to be a prest ;" and non prodesse, " not further to." P. 3, 1. 1. — Ai to. i. e. always. I. 3. — Eut if. i. e. unless. See p. 6, line ult. I. 6. — As Gregor seith. The editor has not been able to find these exact words in St. Gregory, or cited in the canon law : but perhaps our author quotes them loosely from, the Decretum, Caus. 8, q. i. c. 9. " Pastori sanctse ecclesi» dicitur : Simon Joannis amas me ? Pa.sce oves meas. Ex quibus verbis coUigitur, quia si is, qui valet, omnipotentis Dei oves renuit pascere, ostendit se pastorem 118 NOTES. summum minime amare." See B. Greg. Epist. iv. lib. vii. indict. 15. {Edit. Benedict, tom. ii, col, 848.) P. 3, I. 7 Howith. Oweth, oughteth, /. 10. — Also thus seith Crisostom. The editor has not been able to find the passage here referred to, either in the canon law, or in the works of St. Chrysostom. /. 16. — And thus seith an other. This is another reference which the editor has not succeeded in verifying, although he has spent more time in the search than it was worth. I. 19. — Now deme this fluting hirh. Deme, i. e. " consider this fighting church," alluding probably to the schism of the Popes ; an allusion which may serve to fix the date of this tract. I. 27. — And Crisostom seith. Quoted from the Opus imperfec- tum in MatthcBum, falsely attributed to St. Chrysostom : Decret. Dist. xl. c. 12. Multi. The words cited are as follow : " Quicunque desi- deraverit primatum in terra, inveniet confusionem in coelo ; nee inter servos Christi computabitur, qui de primatu tractaverit ; nee unus- quisque eorum festinet, quomodo aliis major appareat, sed quomodo omnibus inferior videatur : quoniam non qui major fuerit in honore, ille est justior, sed qui fuerit justior, ille major." P. 4, I. 9. — In the propos. i. e. " in the proposition;" the subject, namely, or question under discussion. I. 11. — And he hi^t it. i. e. " and he promise it." ' I. 15. — Therfore the pope ioi not. i. e. " let not the pope joy or rejoice." So also, line 17. But al dred more, i. e. " Let all dread more." ¦ I. 18. — For thi that in swelk, ^c. Forthi, because. This sen tence in modern English is, " Because that in such the sin is aggra vated by reason of the degree," i. e. by reason of the dignity or rank of the sinner. I. 19. — Ioi thu not. From Ecclus. xvi. i. " Ne jucunderis in filiis impiis, si multiplicentur : nee oblecteris super ipsos si non est timor Dei in illis :" and verses 3, 4, " Melior est enim unus timens NOTES. 119 Deum, quam miUe filii impii. Et utUe est mori sine filiis, quam relinquere filios impios." Vnpitouse is our author's version of impius ; so also we often find him using the word pite for piety. P. 4, I. 21. — Thow^and. This word should have been printed with z, not with the Saxon 3 : thowzand, not thow3and. I. 29. — And eft Jerom seith. Decret. Dist. xl. c. 2, quoted from St. Jerome's Epist. ad Heliodorum. " Non est facile stare loco Pauli, et tenere gradum Petri, jam cum Christo regnantium : quia hinc dicitur, non Sanctorum filii sunt qui tenent loca sanctorum, sed qui exercent opera eorum." The Roman correction notes that the latter part of this extract, from quia hinc to the end, is not found in St. Jerome's works : the first part is quoted again in Caus. ii. qu. 7, c. 29, Non omnes. I. ult. — And Gregor seith. Decret. Dist. xl. c. 3. " Nos, qui prassumus, non ex locorum, vel generis dignitate, sed morum nobili- tate innotescere debemus, nee urbium claritate, sed fidei puritate." Our author's version of the words " Nos qui prsesumus," we that are priests, is remarkable ; and this is not the only place in which he has rendered prceesse in the same way (see note on p. 2, line 26) ; which shews that the notion of a sacrificer was not in our author's time the primary idea attached to the word priest. P. 5, I. 2. — Places ne orderis. Dist. xl. c. 4. " Non loca vel or- dines Creatori nostro nos proximos faciunt : sed ei nos merita bona jungunt, aut mala disjungunt." I. 3. — Nekist, nedsest, proximos. I. 4. — Departen. Disjungunt ; the old English verb active and transitive, to depart, (i. e. to separate, to disjoin, put asunder,) was used in the Oflice of Matrimony, in our Prayer Books, until the last revision of the Liturgy, when the original words " till death us de part," were altered into " till death us do part." The word depart in its ancient transitive signification does not occur in the authorized version of the Bible. I. 5, — And Crisostom seith. Dist. xl, c. 5, quoted from the 120 NOTES. spurious Opus imperfectum in Matthceum. " Homo Christianus for- titer cadit in peccato propter duas causas : aut propter magnitudinem peccati, aut propter altitudinem dignitatis." P. 5, 1. 7. — Also ofthe dedis of Boneface. Quoted " Ex dictis" [al. gestis] " Bonifacii martyris." Dist. xl. c, 6, " Si Papa, suae et fraternae salutis negligens, deprehenditur inutilis et remissus in operibus suis, et insuper a bono taciturnus, quod magis ofiicit sibi, et omnibus, nihilominus innumerabiles populos catervatim secum ducit primo mancipio gehennae, cum ipso plagis multis in aeternum vapu- laturus." Al. " vapulaturos," which was evidently our author's reading. I. 12. — Crist [on'] the ^erd. The editor is not sure that he is right in supposing the word " 3erd" to mean " earth," and the preposi tion "on " to have been omitted by the transcriber. It has occurred to him, since the sheet to which this note refers was printed off, that " 3erd," may mean herd, " shepherd ;" and that the passage does not require any emendation. In other places ^erthe or ^erth is the spell ing adopted for the word " earth." I. 19. — A gaf. For " he gave ;" a for he is common in Shake- spere, in the mouths of peasants or illiterate persons. Thus in Love's Labour Lost, Act I. Scene II. " Dull" says, " — but a must fast three days a-week." And again. Act IV. Scene I. "Costard " says, " Indeed a must shoot nearer, or he '11 ne'er hit the clout." And a little afterwards, " To see him kiss his hand I and how most sweetly a will swear." I. 22. — In tholing, i. e. " in suffering." I. 23. — As is opun in his pistil, alluding to 1 Pet. v. 2. I. 27. — Comyn. Perhaps for " coming :" but our author often uses the word comyn ior " communion." P. 6, I, 2, — His, For is. Our author (or his transcriber) fre quently prefixes h to words beginning with a vowel. 121 NOTES, '¦¦'' P. 6, I. 13 Or doth the contrari. These words are probably re peated by a mistake of the transcriber. I. 17.— Ben snibbid, i. e. " censured." The verb to snub in this sense is still used in vulgar English. It is said to be derived from the Swedish. (See Junius.) In Shakespeare the word is used with the spelling sneap ; as in Love's Labour Lost, Act I. Scene i. Biron is like the envious sneaping frost ; and in King Henry IV. (Second Part,) Act II. Scene i. Falstaff says, — " My Lord, 1 will not undergo this sneap without reply." Snib, Snyb, Snebbe, and perhaps also Snuf, are all different spellings of the same word, and occur frequently in our old writers. Pope, in his note on the passage last cited from Shakespeare, calls sneap " a Yorkshire word." I. 22. — Aftir the Holi Gost taking, i. e. " after receiving the Holy Ghost." P. 7, I, 3. — Prescit. Praesciti, reprobate. See also lines 23 and 24 of this page. I. 5 / seid thus : I rehersid a doctor. This is an evident allusion to some former work, or public speech. So also (p. 6, line 1) our author says, — " And thus I graunt now, as oft I haue know lechid bifor mani witnes," &c. I. 6. — Sale worth, i. e. ready for sale. We still have " Woe- worth " in our English version of the Bible, Ezek. xxx. 2. I. 6. — For thi that. For thi, because. Or perhaps we should read " for that thei." I. 12 — Sogetis. Subjects ; those who are placed under their spiritual care. I. 19. — That the by^ar be profhabili sekir. i. e. that the buyer be proveably (certainly, demonstratively) sure. In the next sentence siker is used as a verb : the word is often spelt sicker. In line 22 we have prouabily, and line 28 prouable. I. 24 — Rennun, run, issue not forth, I. 31, — Stonding ny. i. e. nigh in favour, or, in office, to an earthly king. CAMD. SOC. 14. J. 122 NOTES. P. 8, I. 12. — Tlie Pope's bulle techith. In an ancient Horarium printed by Philippe Pigouchet, Paris, 1493, there is the following allusion to to this Bull (Sign. K. iii. facie') ; — " Pape boniface a donne a tous ceulz qui diront denotement ceste orayson qui sensuit, entre leleuacion du corpus diii et le dernier Agnus Dei, deux mille ans de vray pardon." On the next page is the prayer to which this privilege has been granted, which is as follows : — " Domine iesu qi banc sacratissimam carnem et preciosum sanguinem de gloriosissime virginis marie utero assumpsisti, et eundem sanguinem de sacratissimo latere tuo in ara crucis pro salute nostra effudisti : et in hac gloriosa came a mortuis resurrexisti : et ad celos ascendisti cum eodem sacratissimo corpore tuo : iterum uenturus es, iudicare uiuos et mortuos in eadem came : libera nos per hoc sacratissimum corpus tuum, quod modo in altari per manus sacerdotis tractatur, ab omnibus immundiciis mentis et corporis, et ab vniuersis malis et periculis preteritis, presentibus et futuris. Qui uiuis et regnas," &c. The editor has been permitted to make this extract from a beautiful copy on vellum of this rare book, in the possession of the Earl of Dunraven. The colophon at the end is as follows : — " Ces presentes heures a lusage de Romme furent achevees le .ii. iour de Aust, Lan de grace Mil quattre centz .iiii. xx. et .xiii. Pour Symon vostre Libraire demourant a Paris en la rue neuue nostre dame a lenseigne sainct Jehan leuangeliste." Our author speaks as if the two thousand years of pardon had been granted to the recitation of the bull ; but, if he really meant this, he is evidently inaccurate, for the privilege was granted to the repetition, not ofthe bull, but of the foregoing prayer. In a copy ofthe " Hore beatissime virginis Marie secundum usum Sarum totaliter ad longum cum multis pulcherrimis orationibus et indulgentiis iam vltimo adiectis," in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, the same prayer occurs with the following rubric in English prefixed. " II Our holy father the pope Bonifacius sextus hath graunted to all NOTES. I-'? them that say deuoutly thys prayer folowynge betwene the eleuacyon of our lorde et the .iij. Agnus dei .x. tbousande yeres of pardon. Oratio. Domine Jesu Xpe qui banc," eSrc. This copy ofthe Hours was printed at Paris in 1536: " Impresse Parrhisiis per Franciscum Regnault, inipensis et sumptibus eiusdem : alme vniuersitatis Parrhisien. librarii iurati. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo sexto. Die vero .xxv. Maii." — It differs from the former copy, and from our author, in assigning ten thousand years to this indulgence, which it ascribes to Pope Boniface VI. meaning evidently the Pontiff who is usually styled Boniface VIIL (A.D. 1295) ; for Boniface VI. (a.d. 896) lived but fifteen days after his election, which was also by some supposed to be irregular, so that he is often omitted in the list of pontiffs :* and Boniface VII. (a d. 974) was an Antipope,t and therefore of course not counted. It does not appear from either of these authorities what our author alluded to in saying that this indulgence was granted " at the instance of a king;" but it is probable that a collation of other editions or MSS. of the Horarium, if the search were worth the trouble, would clear up this difficulty. P. 8, I. 14 — As oft as a nobil man. In line 18 our author speaks of "lewid men," or laymen, " that can not this orisoun," i. e. who are not learned enough to be able to read it ; and perhaps, therefore, by " a nobil man " he may mean one who is possessed of the education sufficient for using the prayer. I. 1%.— Putting to over. i. e. adding moreover. This probably alludes to some provision in the original bull substituting the pater noster, in the case of laymen " who can not this orisoun," for the prayer above cited. ^.21. — On groiindid. Ungrounded; unfounded. I, 25 — fapid. Mocked : to jape is to pJay, or jest. (See Nares's Glossary, in voc.) So p. 9, line 4, japer, i. e. jester. I. 26. — Parting.. The share or portion of merit. * See Pagi Breviai-. tom. ii. p. 177. t Ibid. p. 244. 124 NOTES. p. 8, I. 30 It behofith to trowe. i. e. we are bound to believe. P. 9, I. 6. — Thus seith the doctor. The editor has been unable to find who " the doctor " here quoted is. Barthelmew in casis. Bartholomaeus Brixiensis, a cele brated doctor of the canon law, wrote the Apparatus in titulos et Decreta Gratiani, and also in titulos et Decreta librorum V. Decreta lium Gregorii IX., which are published in the Corpus Juris Canonici. He is author also of a work De Casibus Conscientia, of which Oudin tells us that a copy exists in MS. in the library of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ( Oudin. de Script. Eccies. tom. iii. col. 92.) This would seem to be the work here quoted by our author, (casis being a mistake of the scribe for casibus, see line 17) except that our author at the end ofhis quotation has given his reference thus: " The Clementyns de pe .c°, abus. h. Barth. in Casibus," i. e. " Haec Bartholomaeus in Casibus :" by which it appears that the extract from the Clementines was cited from Bartholomaeus ; and if so, Bartholomaeus Brixiensis cannot be the author referred to, for he died A. D. 1250 (see Fabricius, Biblioth, lib. ii. p. 471) ; whereas the Clementines were not published until the second year of Pope John XXII. i. e. 1317, /. 8. — Also the law seith, Clementin. lib. v. tit. ix, c.l.abusion- ibus. The passage referred to is from a Decree of Pope Clement V. in the council of Vienne, A. D. 1312, and is as follows : — " Ad haec cum aliqui ex hujusmodi quaestoribus, sicut ad nostram audientiam est perlatum, non sine multa temeritatis audacia, et deceptione multiplici animarum, indulgentias populo motu suo proprio de facto concedant, super votis dispensent, a perjuriis, homicidiis, et peccatis aliis sibi confitentes absolvant, male ablata incerta (data sibi aliqua pecuniae quantitate), remittant, tertiam, aut quartam partem de poenitentiis injunctis relaxent : animas tres, vel plures parentum, vel amicorum illorum, qui eleemosynas eis conferunt, de purgatorio (ut asserunt mendaciter), extrahant, et ad gaudia paradisi perducant, benefactoribus locorum quorum quaestores existunt, remissionem ple- nariam peccatorum indulgeant, et aliqui ex ipsis cos a poena et a culpa NOTES. 12.") (ut eorum verbis utamur) absolvant ; nos abusus hujusmodi per quos censura vilescit ecclesise, et clavium ecclesiae auctoritas ducitur in contemptum, oiunimodo aboleri volentes, ea per quoscunque quaes tores fieri, vel attentari de caetero districtius inhibemus. Omnia et singula privilegia, si qua super praemissis, vel eorum aliquo sint aliquibus locis, ordinibus, vel personis quaestorum hujusmodi quomo- docunque concessa, (ne ipsorum praetextu sit eis materia talia ulterius praesumendi), auctoritate apostolica, quantum ad praemissa, penitus revocantes." P. 9, I. 12. — Vncertein to wome to restore, i. e. uncertain to whom the things stolen should be restored, " male ablata incerta." 1. 17. — The Clementyns de pe. c°. abus. h. Barth. in Casibus. i. e. the Clementine Constitutions, De penitentiis et remissionibus [the title of lib. V. tit. ix.], capitulo abusionibus .- Haec Bartholomaeus in Casibus, /. 20, — Spedy. i. e, expedient, Folily. Foolishly, rashly, P. 10, I. 5.— Comyn. Communion, intercourse or commerce, among men. I. 14. — Bought vs a^en. So our author translates the word " redeemed." Behit us. Promised us. I. 27 .—A^en worde ; or, againword, i. e. again, on the other hand. P. 11, I. 17. — The sawis of feithful doctors put in the canon. The allusion here is probably to Decret. Caus, i, q. 3, c. 10, 11. /. 18. — Wenun, Wish, desire. ;. 28,— Comynng, read comyning, Communion. See line 31. I, 29.— But if they fynd. i. e. even though they find. I, 31. — Joinun, i. e. they enjoin. P. 12, ;. 3,— In part takyng, i. e. in partaking, taking share of. 126 NOTES. P. 12. I. 4.— Reif. Plunder, spoil ; from reave. I. 24. — A place that is called porciuncula. Portiuncula was a place near Assisium, where was a ruined church dedicated to St. Mary of Angels, which was rebuilt and restored by St. Francis of Assisium, at the commencement of his religious life ; it was the fa vourite scene of his early devotions : in it he conceived the design of founding the celebrated order of Friars Minors, and it subsequently became the centre and mother church of the whole Franciscan family. " Hunc locum (says Wadding) vir sanctus amavit prae caeteris mundi locis. Hie etenim humiliter coepit, hie virtuose profecit, hie foeliciter consummavit ; hunc in morte fratribus, tanquam Virgini carissimum, commendavit Hie est locus in quo Fratrum Minorum ordo a S. Francisco per divinae revelationis instinctum inchoatus est." Annal. Minor t. i. p. 43, Romae, 1731. The indulgence first given to Portiuncula was this, that every per son who after confession and absolution shall visit that church on the second of August, from the first vespers to sun-set, shall obtain a full remission of all sins committed from the day of his baptism to the day of his visit to Portiuncula : see the story of the origin of this indul gence in Wadding, tom. ii. p. 17, et seq. and the arguments in proof of it, ibid. p. 55, sq. The indulgence was first granted by Honorius III. A.D. 1223; it was afterwards frequently communicated to other churches, and in 1481 the same privilege was extended by Sixtus IV. to all churches of the Franciscan order. See Wadding, tom. xiv. p. 257, and Suysken, Analecta de S. Francisco, part iii. § xi. (Apud Bolland. Acta Sanctorum, in 4 Oct. p. 914, et seq.) I. 27. — In the court, i. e. the court of Rome. I. 32. — Katereynis. i. e. quadrains, or farthings. " Quatrinus (or Quatrenus) minutior moneta, sexagesima pars lirae, Ital. Quat- trino." Adelung, Glossar. Manuale, in voc. P. 13, I. 25. — Tho syn. A mistake of the transcriber for the sin. We often find tho for the in this MS. See line 8. NOTES. I-/ P. 14, I. 7 Swilk on. i. e. such an one. p. 17, I. 24. — Ympli'iethly. i. e. implicitly. I. 26. — Ofthe words of the Pope Leoun. Quoted in the De cretum from Leo I. Serm. 3. in anniversario suae assumptionis, et serm. 2. De natali Apostolorum. {Caus. xxiv. q. 1, c. 5.) " Manet ergo Petri privilegium, ubicunque ex ipsius fertur equitate judicium, nee nimiae est vel severitas, vel remissio, ubi nihil erit ligatum, nihil solutum, nisi quod beatus Petrus aut. solverit, aut ligaverit." I. 31. — And also Jerom seith. Quoted from S. Hieron. in Leviticum, Decretum, Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 4. " Si quis non recto ju dicio eorum qui praesunt ecclesiae, depellatur, et foras mittatur, si ipse non ante exiit, hoc est, si non ita egit, ut mereretur exire, nihil laedi- tur in eo quod non recto judicio ab hominibus videtur expulsus. Et ita fit, ut interdum ille, qui foras mittitur, intus sit, et ille foris, qui intus retineri videtur." P. 18, I. 5. — And Gelap the Pope seith. Decretum, Caus. xi. q. 3, c. 46. " Cui est illata sententia deponat errorem, et vacua est : sed si injusta est, tanto earn curare non debet, quanto apud Deum et Ec- clesiam ejus neminem potest iniqua gravare sententia. Ita ergo ea se non absolvi desideret, qua se nullatenus perspicit obligatum." I. 9. — And Austeyn seith. Quoted from Augustin De Summo bono, Decret. Caus. xi. q. 3, c. 47- " Secundum Catholicam fidem nee nature Dei nocere potest quisquam, nee natura Dei nocere injuste patitur quenquam. Qui enim nocet (ait Apostolus) recipiet illud, quod nocet." I 13. — To this acordith Rabanus and other doctours mani. Al luding probably to Decret. Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 6, where Rabanus is quoted under tbe title " Vita, non sententia, quemlibet ligat, vel solvit." P. 20, I. 5 — Inowe. Enough, sufficient. 128 NOTES. P. 20, I. 6. — Leef. Leave, omit, neglect. I. 17. — By law canon. Referring tothe Decretum, Caus. xxiii. q. 4, c. 27, q. 5, c. 8. Caus. iv. q. 4, c. 1. et alibi. /. 18. — For under the autorite of Gregor. Cited from Gre gory's Letter to Januarius (1. 2, indict. 10 ; Epist. 34.) Decret. Caus. xxiii. q, 4, c. 27. " Inter querelas multiplices, Isidorus, vir clarissi- mus, a fraternitate tua frustra se excommunicatum, anathematiza- tumque conquestus est. Quod ob quam rem factum fuerit, dum clerico tuo, qui praesens erat, voluissemus addiscere, pro nulla alia causa, nisi pro eo quod te injuriaverat, factum innotuit. Quae res nos vehementer affligit; quod si ita est, nihil te ostendis de coelestibus cogitare, sed terrenam te conversationem habere significas ; dum pro vindicta propriae injuriae (quod sacris regulis prohibetur) maledic- tionem anathematis invexisti. Unde de caetero omnino esto circum- spectus, atque solicitus, et talia cuiquam pro defensione propriae in juriae tuae inferre denuo non praesumas. Nam si tale aliquid feceris in te scias postea vindicandum." Z. 29. — Werfore the Glose of Ion seith. Johannes Semeca, called Teutonicus from his country, was author of a gloss on the De cretum of Gratian, which is printed with that work in the Corpus juris Canonici. The gloss on the canon Inter querelas, just cited, is as follows : " Ergo episcopus non potest excommunicare aliquem pro injuria sibi facta, ut hie, et infra c. q. 5. De occidendis. Nee enim potest esse judex in causa sua, ut 4, q. 4, c. 1;" P. 21, I. 2. — Harborow. Harbour, shelter. See Nares's Glossary in voc, I. 3. — Veniawns. Vengeance. I. 4. — Manest, menaced. In the printed text of Wicliffe's New Testament this word is spelt " manassid." " Whanne he was cursid, he cursid not, and whanne he .suffrid he manassid not, but he bitook hym silf to hym that demed hym vniustli." The reading of the Vulgate, " tradebat autem judicanti se injuste," is of course followed by our author. NOTES. 129 P, 21, I. 11. — Were the Archdecoun seith. Guido Baifius (as he is erroneously called by Cave, who followed Trithemius), or more pro perly Guido Baisius, i. e. de Bayso, or de Bajisio, Archdeacon of Bologna, flourished A.D. 1280, and is usually known by Canonists as " The Archdeacon." He composed a celebrated Commentary on the Decretum, entitled, " Enarrationes super Decreto, sive Rosa rium," which has been several times printed. It is to this work most probably that our author refers, and statements similar to that which he quotes occur so frequently in it that it is not easy to point out the particular passage cited. For example, in his commentary on the fol lowing canon (Caus. ii. q. l,c. 11.), " Nemo episcopus, nemo presby ter excommunicet aliquem, antequam causa probetur, propter quam ecclesiastici canones hoc fieri jubent," the Archdeacon says : " Causa, scil. contumacia, pro hac enim sola causa est quis excommunicandus. Ar. xi. q. iii. nemo episcoporum [c. 41] et c. nullus sacerdotum [c. 42] et dicitur tamen excommunicari pro homicidio, pro furto, et hujus modi, i. e. pro contumacia de tali vel tali crimine. xi. q. iii. certum [c. 43] xxii. q. \. prtsdicandum [c. 17]. Hug. et videas quod de hoc not. xi. q. iii. episcopi [c. 8] et c. nemo episcoporum [c. 41]. Et not. quod sicut pro contumacia de expresso crimine debet quis excommu nicari, sic et de expresso crimine moneri. Ar. hie et de sen. exco. Cum medicinalis, lib. v. secundum Innocentium, qui ita not. extra de ver. sig, ex parte in gl. de hoc etiam not. ubi etiam approbat predictam sententiam Hu. scil. quod pro solo crimine non est quis excommuni candus si velit se corrigere, ut in pre. c. nemo xlv. dist. sed istud [c. 17] xxiiij. q. iii. tam sacerdotes [c. 14] sed contra xvi. q. i. alia [c. 6] in fi. ibi, sipeccavero, &c. de hoc xvii. q. iiij. de presbyterorum [c. 23]." Archidia, super Decreto, sive Guidonis de Bajisio Enar rationes super Decreto, vel Rosarium. Fol. Lugd.1549. fol. 130, col. 4. Here, however, the archdeacon quotes Hugo and Innocent, not Lincoln and Innocent, as our author states (fine 16). This, however, may have been a mistake on the part either of our author or of his transcriber. CAMD. SOC. 14. <5 130 NOTES. P. 21, /. \\.—The more curse, i. e. the greater curse, or excommu nication. /. 19. — Were fore the kirk seith. Decretum, Caus. xi. q.3, c. 41. (Ex Concilio Meldensi.) " Nemo episcoporum quemlibet sine certa et manifesta peccati causa communione privet ecclesiastica." I. 22. — And Austeyn seith, as is befor seid. — See this passage quoted above, p. 18, from Decret. Caus. xi. q. 3, c. 47. I, 25. — Noised to his pering. i. e, injured to his perishing, /. 28. — Defendith medicinable comyn with the Kirk. i. e. prohi- biteth medicinably communion with the church. Medicinabiliter. " Cum medicinalis sit excommunicatio, non mortalis, disciplinans, non eradicans," &c. Sexti Decretal, lib. v. tit, xi, de sent, exco. c. 1, I. 29. — Were for seith Archedecoun. There are many passages in the Archdeacon's Commentary on the Decretum in which he has as serted in substance the opinion here attributed to him. But the editor has been unable to flnd the exact words quoted by our author. For example, in Caus. xxiv. q. 3, si quis. " Nihil laeditur nisi injustam excommunicationem contemnat. xi. q. iii. § cum ergo, in fin. infra eo, notandum. Et hoc intellige quantum ad participationem glorias eternae." p. 22, I. 2. — TTie decreis and sentence of doctors cording to gidir. Alluding probably to the ancient title of Gratian's Decretum, — " Con cordia discordantium canonum." See Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 4. Si quis non recto. Upon which the gloss says, " Nam quoad Deum non potest ecclesia ligare," scil. non rectojudicio'. I. 5. — Werfor the decre seith. Decret. Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 5. " Non in perpetuum damnamur, cum injuste judicamur." /. 7. — Archedecoun seith. In Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 5, on the words of the canon " sed dum indiscrete hoc agitur [injuste scil. aliquem damnare] sacrilegii facinus incurrunt [sacerdotes] ; " his comment is, " hie quero quomodo incurrit crimen sacrilegii qui subditos excommunicat injuste. ad hoc dicit Joan. de. quod sic sacri- legium est violare sacrum ii. q. i. in primis, versi. si quis in hoc. qui NOTES. 131 ergo injuste excommunicat violat sacrum, id est corpus ecclesie, a quo evellit membrum suum injuste, et contra Deum." Archidia. super Decreto, fol, 315, col. 4. P. 22, /. 10. — For that he is cursid vnjustly. Perhaps we should read, " for he that is cursid unjustly." /. 15. — And this dede Lincoln. Robert Grosthead, Bishop of Lincoln, A. d. 1235-1253, a celebrated canonist and divine, and zea lous opposer of the power of the Roman court. He was a man of eminent piety and learning, and, although not canonized at Rome, was by many of his own countrymen spoken of as a saint. See a list ofhis works in Cave, Hist. Literaria, ad an. 1235. The story alluded to by our author is thus told by Ralph Higden, in his Polychronicon (fol. cccv. b. Lond. 1527) : — f " Also that yere [1253] deyed Saynt Robert Grostehed, bysshoppe of Lyncoln, the nynth daye of October. He was cunnynge in all the lyberall artes. And specyally he expowned many thynges in logykytyks and astro- logye. He sent to the fourth Pope Innocent a pystle sharpe ynough, that begynneth in this wyse : Our Lord Jhesus Cryste ; he sent that pystle by cause the pope greuyd the churches of Englonde with taxes and paymentes undue and uncustomable. Also for he hadde geuen his letyll newe [nephew] a chanonrye with the fyrste that voyded in the chyrche of Lyncoln. But this Robert wolde not receyue the chylde. But he wrote to the pope and sayde, that he nother wolde nor sholde receyue such to the cure of soule that cowde not rule hym- selfe. Therfor this Robert was somned to the court and accursed. Thenne from Innocentes court, he appellyd to Crystis owne trone. Thenne after Roberts deth it happed on a nyghte that the pope laye in his bedde and rested, a bisshop apared to hym arrayed as a bysshop, and spake to the pope and sayde, Arise, wretch, and come to Ji dome'. And smote hym with his crosse on the lyfte syde ryght to the herte.' Thenne in the morowe the pope's bedde was founde bloody and the' pope deed. IT Herfore though Roberte was a noble man, and dyde oft miracles, ye court suffred hym not to be canonysed." See also Matthew Paris, Hist. Angl. p. 760 (fol. Lond, 1689). 132 NOTES. P. 22, I. 22 — And this is notable to wit in the decre. This is a re ference to the words of Gratian, Caus. xxiv. q. 3, part 3, and the fol lowing, c. 10, si igitur, anti c. 11. cum ergo. The words are, " Illicita ergo excommunicatio, ut ex praemissis apparet, non laedit eum, qui notatur, sed a quo notatur : ac per hoc, qui innocentes sunt, ex alterius crimine condemnari non possunt : sicut ab imprudentibus familiae po- tentum pro peccatis dominorum solent notari. Sed adhuc objicitur, quod non solum innocentes, sed nee etiam criminosi sententia male- dictionis sint feriendi. Ait enim Christus in Evangelic, Orate pro persequentibus Item Apostolus : Benedicite persequentibus vos : Benedicite et nolite maledicere : Item, Maledici regnum Dei non possi- debunt. Item, Hieronymus (in epist. ad Titum initio cap. Hi.). Si igitur Michael non fuit ausus diabolo et certe maledictione dignissimo, judi cium inferre blasphemiae : quanto magis nos ab omni maledicto puri esse debemus ? Merebatur diabolus maledictum : sed per os Arch- angeli blasphemia exire non debuit, Relege veteres libros, et vide, quse tribus in monte G-arizin constitutae sint, ut benedicerent populo, et quae in monte altero, ut maledicerent : Ruben, qui maculaverat torum parentis, et Zabulon novissimus Lias filius, et ancillarum liberi in monte Hebel ponuntur, ut maledicant his qui maledictione sunt digni, Item (in lib. Josuce) Cum ergo in singulis quibusque fidelium talis sit propositi varietas, hoc mihi designari videtur in hoc loco, quod dimidii illi, qui juxta montem Garizin incedunt (Ulum, qui ad bene- dictiones electus est), istos figuraliter indicent, qui non metu poense, sed benedictionuiii et repromissionum desiderio veniunt ad salutem ; illi vero dimidii, qui juxta montem Gebal incedunt, in quo maledic- tiones prolatae sunt, istos alios indicent, qui malorum metu, et suppli- ciorum timore complentes, quae in lege scripta sunt, perveniunt ad salutem." I. 22, — Seyn-^e. Synod, /, 29. — Servid. Deserved, merebatur. I. 30. — Holde, for old. A few lines further on (page 23, line 3,) NOTES. 133 we have the same word written wold, representing evidently the pro vincial pronunciation. P. 22, I. 30. — Lynage. Lineage, tribe, family. P. 23, I. 1. — Wengis. Wenches, concubines; ancillarum liberi. I. 11. — But the canoun distinguith thus. " Distinguendum est ergo inter maledictum, quod prohibetur, et maledictum, quod a Domino, et sanctissimis viris rationabiliter profertur. Maledictum, quod prohibetur, est illud, quod procedit ex voto ultionis, et odio persequentis, non ex amore justitiae." — Decretum, Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 11. Grat. Sed qui pro, in fin. 1,14. — Witts of seyntis . i. e. opinions, decisions, judgments of saints. I. 15. — Stering. Stirring, movement. I. 17. — Therfore seith the canoun. Caus, xxiv. q, 3, c. 12. Cum sancti viri. " Eo in maledicto non peccant, in quo ab interne judicio non discordant." Quoted from S. Gregory, Moral. 1. iv. c. 6. I. 19. — And aftir, under the autorite of Austeyn. — Caus. xxiv. q. 3, c. 17. " Corripiantur itaque a praepositis suis subditi fratres, correptionibus de charitate venientibus pro culparum diversitate di- versis, vel minoribus, vel amplioribus." Quoted from S. August. De Corrept, et gratia, c. xv. I, 20. — Provastis, Provosts, Prcepositi, I, 22. — Court of pleet. Pletum, Plitum, Placitum .- in French, Plet, or Plait. The bishops' courts, in which the bishops or their delegates preside, were anciently called Placita Christianitatis, as the king's court was called Placitum commune. See Du Cange, in voc. I. 32.- — In case. i. e. " for example." P. 24, I. 2. — Scarioth. Judas Iscariot. I, 3. — Blawun. Blowen, censured. Valith. Availeth. I. 13. — Souare. Sore. /. 18. — Salam,on seith. Prov. xxvi. 2. " Maledictum frus tra prolatum in quempiam superveniet." 134 NOTES. P. 24, I. 19. — As the Glose seith. The Gloss on the words " in quempiam" is, "in proferentem." Bibl. cum Glossa interlin. Ven. 1588. I. 20. — And seith the Salm. Ps. cviii. 18, 19. " Et dilexit maledictionem, et veniet ei ; et induit maledictionem sicut vestimentum, et intravit sicut aqua in itfteriora ejus, et sicut oleum in ossibus ejus. Fiat ei sicut vestimentum, quo operitur : et sicut zona, qua semper praecingitur." /. 23. — Helid. Covered, operitur. I. 24. — Schal not weld. Weild. " Non possidebunt." 1 Cor. vi. 10. In the printed text of Wicliffe's New Testament this passage is rendered, " nether cursers, nether rauynouris schulen wilde the kyngdom of God." 1. 25. — This sonde. " Mandatum hoc." Mal. ii. 1. Z. 32. — Liand, lying, mentientes, Matt. v. 11. Joieth, i. e. joy ye, rejoice ye, gaudete, ib. v. 12. P. 25, /. 14.— O pitte. i. e. " one pit." I. 16, 17. — TTiei toke heuely at the worde, therfore Fpreied to excuse me, or spare me in termis. This alludes to some former speech or discourse, in which our author's words were found fault with. I. 25. — Ne a proue it. i. e. " nor approve it." I. 27. — Wordeynith, for ordaineth. I. 30. — MedefuUy. Deservedly. I, 32. — Noyous. Injurious, hurtful. See line 5, next page. P. 26, I. 4. — Skarties. Alarms, causes of terror, ;. 5. Noises. Injuries, hurtful things, TTiole hem, suffer them. ;. 12. — And Jeremy that man that callid. Jer. xx. 15. " Male dictus vir, qui annuntiavit patri meo dicens, Natus est tibi puer mas- culus, et quasi gaudio laetificavit eum." I, 29, — Arettid. Reckoned, accounted, nos putavimus eum. Is, jiii. 4. So again, rettid, page 27) line 31. NOTES. 135 P. 27, I. 15.— Rad. Perhaps for " dread." /. 16. — To gruch. To grumble, to murmur. So in the next line, " 30r grucching is a3en 36 Lord." Murmur vestrum. Exod. xvi. 8. See " Deposition of Richard II." published by the Camden Society, Glossary in voc. I. 19. — Comynte. Conjmunity. P. 28, I. 2.— Thole. Suffer. I. 15. — jend. i, e. end. I. 17, — Ordre of kynd. Order of nature, 1.26. — Uhtrouth, or untrowth {line 2^). Unbelief; to trow ia to believe. In line 30 the word is spelt ontrowth. I. 31 — Beneth. Beneath, i. e. inferior to Christ. P. 29, I. 20. — Sent Jerom seith. Quoted from Jerome on Tit. i. in the Decretum, Dist. xcv. c. 5. " Olim idem erat Presbyter, qui et Episcopus. Et antequam Diaboli instinctu studia in religione fierent, et diceretur in populis. Ego sum Pauli, ego Apollo, ego autem CephcB, communi Presbyterorum consilio ecclesiae gubernabantur. Postquam vero unusquisque eos, quos baptizaverat, suos putabat esse, non Christi, in toto orbe decretum est, ut unus de Presbyteris electus superponeretur caeteris, ad quem omnis ecclesiae cura pertineret, et schismatum semina tollerentur. Etpaulopost. Sicut ergo Presby teri sciunt se ex Ecclesiae consuetudine ei, qui sibi Praepositus fuerit, esse subjectos ; ita episcopi noverint, se magis consuetudine, quam dispensationis Dominicae veritate Presbyteris esse majores, et in commune debere Ecclesiam regere." Also ibid. c. 6. (ex Hieron. ad Rusticum Narbonensem episcopum, de septem gradibus ecclesia.) " Ecce ego dico, praesentibus episcopis suis, atque adstantibus in altari, Presbyteros posse sacramenta confi cere. Et infra. Sed quia scrip tum est, Presbyteri duplici honore honorentur ; maxime qui laborant in verbo Domini, praedicare eos decet, utile est benedicere, congruum est confirmare, convenit reddere communionem, necesse est visitare infirmos, orare pro invalidis, atque omnia Dei sacramenta implere. 136 NOTES. Et infra. Nemo hinc episcoporum invidia diabolicae tentationis in- flatus, irascatur in tempio, si Presbyteri interdum exhortentur plebem, si in ecclesiis praBdicent, si plebibus, ut scriptum est, benedicant. Etenim abnuenti mihi ista sic dicam : qui non vult Presbyteros facere, quae jubentur a Deo, dicat, quis major est Christo? aut quid corpori ejus, aut sanguini, poterit anteponi ? Si Presbyter Christum conse- crat, cum in altario Dei Sacramenta benedicit, benedicere populo non debet, qui Christum etiam meruit consecrare ? Et pando post. Circa laicos, ac mulieres, jubentibus vobis, O injustissimi sacerdotes. Pres byter Dei benedictionis perdit officium,amittit linguae opus, non habet confidentiam prasdicandi, truncatus est omni parte virtutum, solum Presbyteri nomen habet, plenitudinem, ac perfectionem, quae conse- crationi ejus competit, non retentat. Quis hie, rogo, O Sacerdotes, honor vester est, ut damnum gibbi {_lege gregibus] inferatis ? Quoniam cum pastoribus per potentiam vestram aufertur Deo digna diligentia, contagium quoddam, et calamitas crescit in gregibus : ac Dominici patrimonii damna conquiritis, dum soli vultis in Ecclesia potentari." P. 29, /. 21. — Bats, or bates. Contentions. P. 30, I. 4 To fele. i. e. fulfil, implere. I. 6. — ' Wrath. Here used as a verb, for be wroth, irascatur. I. 11. — Awith. Oweth, ought, debet. 1. 15. — Tayst, read tryst, i. e. trust, confidentiam. This is an error of the press for which the Editor is to blame. I. 21. — For thi, because. Who the " other men " here alluded to are the Editor cannot say. They were probably, from the sentiment expressed, some of our author's party. I. 22. — A bischop in conferming, that he approprith to him silf with out ground ofthe Scripter. One of the Articles of Wicliffe con demned in the Council of Constance was, " CoUatio sacramenti con- firmationis non est episcopis ;" and again, Rationes et Motiva, &c. No. 28. " Confirmatio juvenum, clericorum ordinatio, locorum con- secratio, reservantur Papae et episcopis propter cupiditatem lucri temporalis et honoris." Orthuini Gratii Fasciculus (edit. Browne), NOTES. 137 tom. i. pp. 269, 288 ; also in William Woodford's articles objected against Wicliffe, the fifth article is, " Quod coUatio sacramenti con- firmationis non est episcopis reservata." — Ibid. p. 190. See also Wickliffe's Trialogus, 1. IV. cap. xiv. P. 30, I. 26. — Hied, " exalted ;" or veriliar filyd, " or more truly defiled." P. 31, I. 6. — Upon wilk seith an expositor thus. The editor has not succeeded in verifying this reference. I. 10. — In apostlis dedis. i. e. in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. I. 12. — To the same soundun the wordis of the prelat ordeining dekunis. See the exhortation of the Bishop to the persons about to be ordained deacons, beginning Provehendi, filii dilectissimi, &c. Pon- tificale Rom. p. 31, fol. Paris, 1664. I. 13. — Werefore in the fourt book of sentence, &c. Lib. Sen- tentiar. IV. dist. 24. de Diaconibus, " Ad Diaconum pertinet assistere sacerdotibus, et ministrare in omnibus quae aguntur in sacramentis Christi, scilicet, in baptismo, in chrismate, in patena, et calice : ob- lationes quoque inferre, et disponere in altari. Componere etiam mensam Domini et vestire, crucem ferre, et praedicare evangelium et epistolam ad populura. Nam sicut Lectoribus vetus Testamentum, ita Diaconibus novum praedicare praeceptum est." I. 18. — And this saine seith Seint Ysidore. Decretum, Part i. Dist. 25, c. 1. I. 19. — For thi seith Seint Gregori, Poule seith to Thimo the. The word " Thimothe " is probably a mistake of the scribe, for the reference is to Tit. i. 9. The passage is quoted in the Decretum (part. i. dist. xliii. c. 1.) from St. Gregory, Pastoral. part. ii. c. 4. The words are, " Hinc Paulus ait ad Titum: Ut po- tens sit exhortari in doctrina sana, et eos, qui contradicunt, redarguere. Hinc per Malachiam dicitur : Labia Sacerdotis custodiunt scientiam et legem requirunt ex ore ejus, quia Angelus Domini exercituum est. Hinc per Esaiam Dominus admonet, dicens, Clama, ne cesses, quasi CAMD. SOC. 14. T 138 NOTES. tuba exalta vocem tuam. Praeconis quippe officium suscipit, quisquis ad sacerdotiuiu accedit, ut ante adventum judicis, qui terribiliter se- quitur, ipse scilicet clamando gradiatur." And, after referring to Exod. xxviii. 33, 35, he adds, " Sacerdos namque ingrediens vel egrediens moritur, si de eo sonitus non auditur." In the marginal reference, " c. 5," ought to be " c. 16," which was the old division : " dt. 43," is evidently " dist. 43," the reference to the Decretum,. P. 31, I. 24. — Vphauns. i. e. lift up. I. 29. — Curats. Our author is here arguing against those who maintained that " simple priests," (that is, those who were merely priests, and not curates, having no cure of souls,) Yiere not bound to preach. His argument is, that even if St. Gregory spake of those who had cure of souls, yet it would not follow that "simple priests" are excused. The subject was a favourite topic with the Lollards. Thus the sixth of the "Articles of John Purvey, which he afterwards re canted," as given by Fox (Acts and Monuments, vol. i. p. 619. Lond. 1684^ is, " Whosoever taketh upon him the office of Priesthood, al though he have not the charge of souls committed unto him, according to the custom of the church, not only may, but ought to preach the Gospel freely unto the people ; otherwise he is a thief, excommuni cated of God, and of the holy church," In the Articles presented to the King against the Lollards, in 1382, they were accused (Art, 11.) of holding " That priests and deacons, whosoever they are, are obliged, and ought to preach publicly to the people, on account of the orders they have taken, although they have not a people or cure of souls," (Lewis, Life of Wicliffe, p. 105, quoted from Knighton.) See also the Articles and conclusions against Wil liam Swinderby, Fox {ubi supra, p. 534, 538). P. 82, I. 2. — Wening. Wishing, desiring. /. 4. — 3ec?. Heed. In line 6 this word is spelt -ijede. I. 5. — Prespod. This word should have been printed, as it is in the MS. " presthod." /. 6, — Langwag. Language. NOTES. 139 32, I. 9. — Hordres. Orders ; meaning those in holy orders. Iarche. Hierarchy. I, 9. — The argument of our author appears to be this : — " They answer the passage adduced from St. Gregory, by saying that by preaching he means reading at the mass ; but if this be so, then every man and woman may preach, for every man and woman may read in a language unknown, i. e. at the mass. Therefore if every man may preach, it is folly to look for orders." The unfairness of such an argument is manifest. It turns on the double meaning of the phrase " reading at the mass :" the opponents of our author maintained that the priest preaches the Gospel when he reads the Gospel at the mass, but they did not allow that every man and woman may in this sense read at mass. I, 10. — Bodun. Forbidden. I. 11. — To a monest. To admonish. By the phrase " to a monest good things," our author translates the word evangelisantes, alluding to Luke ix. 6. I. 14. — Austeyn seith thus. This quotation, and that which follows from St. Chrysostom, the Editor has not been able to find. I. 26. — Therfor seith Isidor, This is quoted in the Decretum {Dist. xxxviii. c. 1), not from Isidore, but from Condi. Toletan. c. 24 [al. 25]. " Sciant igitur sacerdotes Scripturas sanctas, et canones, ut omne opus eorum in praedicatione et doctrina consistat : atque jedificent cunctos, tam fidei scientia, quam operum disciplina." I. 29. — Therfore the prestis. This part of the quotation, which does not occur in the Council of Toledo, or in the Decretum, seems taken from Isidor. Hispal. Senten. Lib. III. c. xlvi. " Sacerdotes pro populorum iniquitate damnantur, si eos aut ignorantes non eru- diant, aut peccantes non arguunt, testante Domino per Prophetam : Speculatorem dedi te domui Israel. Si non fueris locutus, ut se cus- todiat impius a via sua, ille in iniquitate sua morietur : sanguinem autem ejus de manu tua requiram. Sic enim Heli sacerdos pro filio rum iniquitate damnatus est : et licet eos delinquentes admonuit, sed tamen non, ut oportebat, redarguit." {Isid. Hispal. 0pp. p. 683, c. j. C. fol. Par. 1601.) 140 NOTES. P. 33, I. 3. — Lere. Learn, teach. In Ireland the word learn is still used actively in the sense of to teach, ¦ Vnkunand. Ignorant. I, 15 — Bi sy}f, A mistake probably for " bi cities ;" the ori ginal is per civitates, I. 17. — Wif of synne. A strange mistake of the author or of his transcriber. The original is Si quis sine crimine est, unius uxoris vir, filios habens fideles, S^c. ; and Wicliffe's version in the printed text is, " For cause of this thing I lefte thee at Crete, that thou amende tho thingis that fallen, aud ordeyne prestis bi citees, as also I disposid to thee, if ony man is with outen cryme ; an husbonde of o wijf, and hath feithful sones, not in accusacioun of leccherie, or not suget, for it bihoveth a bischop to be without cryme : a dispendour of God." &c. I. 20 — To holde hospital, i. e. to hold hospitality. I. 21. — Bening, benign, benignus. Biclipping. i. e. embracing. The original is amplectentem. Shakespeare has frequently used the word clip in the sense of embrace, as in King John (Act V. sc. 2.) ¦ O, nation, that thou could'st remove ! That Neptune's arms, who clippeth thee about, Would bear thee from the knowledge of thyself. In the printed text of Wicliffe's Version the corresponding clause is " takynge that trewe word;" which is perhaps derived from the reading obtinentem for amplectentem, a form in which the Latin fathers frequently cite this passage. See Sabatier, in loe. 25. — The privey witt. i. e. the secret knowledge, mysterium fidei. I. 28. — Decre, for degree : " gradum bonum sibi acqui- rent." /. 32. — Thi going forth, i. e. thy proRciency , profectus tuus. P. 34, I. 1. — Sane. It is not easy to say whether this word in the MS. is*a«e or saue; the latter would seem better to represent the NOTES, 141 original salvum. In Wicliffe's New Testament, as printed, it is " make thi silf saaf." P, 34, I. 11. — Sperrith. Shutteth : from Anglo-Saxon j-papjian, and modern German, sperren, to shut. The word is used by Spenser. Shakespeare, and many of our old writers. Thus Spenser : — And if he chaunce come when I am abroade, Sperre the yate fast, for fear of fraude. Sheph. Kal. May, 224. See Nares, and Todd, in voc. Sperr, and Spar. I. 17. — To steyke. To shut, to fasten. The same root as to stick. I. 18. — Tent thei. Attend, consider they. Here thei al thing that nijeth to presthed. i. e. Hear they every one that is near the priesthood ; i, e. every ecclesiastical person. I. 28. — For that he bring in. For he, read ye. " Eo quod inducitis filios." Ezek. xiiv. 7. P. 36, I, 7 — Huschers, In the original eeditui, Ezek. xiiv. 11. The same word which is now spelt usher. I. 8. — Offrings of victories. This is probably a mistake of the scribe : the original has only, " Ipsi mactabunt holocausta et victimas populi." I. 10. — For thi. Because. " Pro eo quod ministraverunt illis." Ezek. xiiv. 12. I. 16. — The hous of luda. The words "of luda" seem added without any authority. 1.20. — My grece. See p. 34, 1. 31, where the word is spelt gres ; in the original, in both places, adipem. Here, however, there is no authority for the pronoun, " my grece and my blod ;" the words of the Vulgate being, " Ut offerant mihi adipem, et sanguinem." Ezek. xiiv. 15. I. 23. — Tane. Taken, i. e. taken to signify. I. 32. — Bigging. Building. P. 36, I. 3. — '^euun. Given. CAMD. soc. 14, T 3 142 NOTES. P. 36, I. 12.— Polewt. Pollute. /. ^O.—Scle. Slay. P. 37, I. 7 . — For Jerom seith. An evident mistake, either of our author or of his transcriber, for the passage is quoted not from S. Jerome, but from Prov. x. 1. " Filius sapiens laetificat patrem : filius vero stultus mcestitia est matris suae." I. 11 — ^ere. Hear. I. 20. — Al so I rehersid the decree ofthe kirk. Decret. Dist. xxxii. c. 5. " Nullus missam audiat Presbyteri, quem scit concubi- nam indubitanter habere, aut subintroductam mulierem." I. 28 Rostod i now. i. e. roasted enough. I. 29. — Heyt. i. e. eat. I. ult. — Dongun. Participle of the verb to ding, to strike violently ; from which in the next line the substantive dingings. In the printed text of Wicliffe's New Testament this passage is rendered " beten with many betyngis." Luke xii. 47. P. 38, I. 1. — Cnowith. Knoweth. I. 2. — And as Austeyn seith. Decret. part i. Distinct, xxxvii. c. 16. " Non omnis ignorans immunis est a poena. Ille enim igno- rans potest excusari a poena, qui, a quo disceret, non invenit. Istis autem hoc ignosci petit, qui, habentes a quo discerent, operam non dederunt." This is quoted from the work attributed to St. Augustine, but now admitted to be spurious, Qucestiones ex vet. et novo Testa- mento : quest. Ixvii. [ Opp. B. August, edit. Bened. tom. iii. append. 34.] I. 11. — Onlepy. Single, solitary. From the Anglo-Saxon anlip, anlypi, anlipi3, anlepi3, solitarius, simplex, privatus, solus. See Lye. I. 18. — For thus is writun in the decreis. Decret. Dist, Ixxxi. c. 12. (ex canone Apostolor. xxv.) " Presbyter aut Diaconus, qui in fornicatione, aut perjurio, aut furto, aut homicidio captus est, depona- tur." I. 20. — And eft. Decret. ibid. c. 16. " Si qui sunt Presby- NOTES. 143 teri, Diaconi, vel Subdiaconi, qui in crimine fornicationis jaceant, in- terdicimus eis, ex parte Dei omnipotentis, et S. Petri auctoritate, ecclesiae introituni, usque dum pceniteant et emendent. Si qui vero in suo peccato perseverare maluerint, nullus vestrum oflicium eorum audire prtesumat ; quia benedictio eorum vertitur in maledictionem, et oratio in peccatum, testante Domino per prophetam ; Maledicam, inquit, benedictionibus vestris. Qui vero huic saluberrimo praecepto obedire noluerit, idololatriae peccatum incurrit, Samuele testante, et B. Gregorio adstruente \_al. instruente] : Peccatum ariolandi est non obedire, et quad scelus idololatriee non acquiscere." This is quoted from Gregory VIL P. 38, I. 22. — And Poule. Paul is not mentioned in the original. I. 30. — And eft thus, Bidding we commaund, Sfc. Decret. Dist. xxxii. c. 6. " Praeter hoc autem praecipiendo mandamus, ut nullus missam audiat presbyteri, quem scit concubinam habere indubitanter, vel subintroductam mulierem. Unde etiam sancta synodus hoc capi- tulum sub excommunicatione statuit, dicens ; Quicunque Sacerdos, Diaconus, Subdiaconus, post constitutum beatae memoriae praedeces- soris nostri sanctissimi Papae Leonis, ac Nicolai, de castitate cleri corum, concubinam palam duxerit, vel ductam non reliquerit, ex parte omnipotentis Dei et auctoritate beatorum [al. principum] Apos tolorum Petri et Pauli praecipimus, et omnino contradicimus, ut Missas non cantet, nee evangelium, aut epistolam ad missam legat, neque in Presbyterio ad divina officia cum his qui praefatae constrtu- tioni obedientes fuerint maneat, neque partem ab ecclesia suscipiat." I. ult. — Seyn. Synod. P. 39, I. 1. — Vnder the peyn. i. e. under excommunication. I. 5. — Almipi Goddis half. i. e. behalf. I. 8. — And as the decretals declarun. Decretal, lib. iii. tit. ii. c. 10. " Nisi peccatum hujusmodi sit notorium, per sententiam, seu confessionem factam in jure, aut per evidentiam rei, quae tergiversa- tione aliqua celari non possit." I. 12. — And eft the decre seith. Decret. Dist. Ixxxiii. c. i. 144 NOTES. " Si quis Episcopus fornicationi presbyterorum, diaconorum [subdia- conorum, Cor. Rom.] vel crimini incestus in sua parochia, pretio inter- veniente, vel precibus, consenserit, vel commissum, sibique comper- tum, auctoritate officii sui non impugnaverit, ab officio suspendatur." Quoted from Gregory VII. P. 39, I. 15. — And eft writeth the pope to the bischop. Alexander III. to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his suffragans (A. D. 1180). Decretal, lib. iii. tit. ii. c. 4. " Fraternitati vestrae mandamus, qua- tenus clericos vestrae jurisdictionis, qui in subdiaconatu et supra, for- nicarias habuerint, studiose monere curetis, ut a se illas removeant, eos ulterius minime admissuri. Si vero acquiescere contempserint, eos ab ecclesiasticis beneficiis usque ad satisfactionem congruam sus- pendatis. Et si eas suspensi prassumpserint detinere, ipsos ab eisdem beneficiis perpetuo removere curetis." I. 19. — Wernid. Warned. 1.21. — -And as the doctor seith. This and the next reference the Editor has not found. I. 24. — And eft the decre biddith. Decret. Dist. xxxii. c. 6. (3'i part.). This passage is quoted in an epistle of Urban II. (cited by Gratian,) from an epistle of Gregory VII. (lib. ii. reg. ep. 45.) " Officium Simoniacorum, et in fornicatione jacentium, scienter nullo modo recipiatis, et quantum potestis tales a Sanctis ministeriis, ut oportuerit, prohibeatis." The rest of this section seems to have been taken from the same epistle of Urban II. although it cannot be said to be a translation of it. I. 30. — Therfor sacraments. — These are the words of Gratian, ibid. (4a part.). " Prohibentur ergo de manibus talium sacerdotum sacramenta suscipi, non quin sint vera, quantum ad formam et effectum, sed quin, dum hujusmodi sacerdotes se a populo con- temptos viderint, rubore verecundiae facilius ad poenitentiam provo- centur." I. ult. — Licliar. Likelier, more probably. P. 40, I. 7. — A^en mend. Against mind, or intention. NOTES. 145 P. 40, I. 9.— Wenith. Supposeth, imagineth, from the Saxon penan, to ween, to suppose. ;. 31, — His heuid, apparently a mistake for " his head." P. 41, I. 4. — Therfor hem see pore men. i. e. therefore let poor men look to themselves. " Hem see," the reciprocal verb ; as a little lower down, " And see hem religious," i. e. let the religious look to themselves. I. 6 Lowid. Humbled, made low. " Bonum mihi quia humiliasti me." Ps. cxviii. (in the English version cxix.) 71. I. 27. — Reefi him. Carried him off by violence : from reave. I. 28. — He porid him self. i. e. he made himself poor, I. ult. — Chesid. Chose ; prat, oi choose. P. 42, I. 23, — To hold hem paied of fode. i. e. to deem themselves sufficiently paid when they receive food, &c. I. 25. — Thole deseyce of body. Suffer disease of body. I. 26. — Euynes. Heaviness. P. 43, I. 3. — Thus seith Jerom. This reference the Editor has not been able to find either in the Decretum or in the works of St. Jerome. In the Decretum, Caus. xii. q. 1, c. 7, there is a passage quoted from St. Jerome, which is not the same as this cited by our author, but in which the clerical tonsure is spoken of as the symbol of poverty. " Rasio vero capitis est temporalium omnium depositio." I. 4. — Mishews. Misuse. I. 12. — Tyne. Burn, consume, destroy. Ps. v. 6. I. 13. — Hare, ior are. I. 14. — And eft. Decret. Caus. xii. quaest. 1, c. 5. " Clericus, qui Christi servit ecclesiae, luterpretetur prim6 vocabulum suum : et nominis definitione prolata, nitatur esse quod dicitur ; Si enim KXrjpos graecfe, Sors latinfe appellatur, proptere^ vocantur clerici, vel quia de sorte sunt Domini, vel quia Dominus sors, id est pars clericorum est. Qui autem vel ipse pars Domini est, vel Dominum partem habet, talem se exhibere debet, ut et ipse possideat Dominum, et possidcatur CAMD. soc. 14. u 146 NOTES. k Domino, Qui Dominum possidet, et cum propheta dicit Pars mea Dominus, nihil extra Dominum habere potest. Quod si quidpiam aliud habuerit praeter Dominum, pars ejus non erit Dominus : verbi gratia, si aurum, si argentum, si possessiones, si variam suppellectilem, cum istis partibus Dominus fieri pars eius non dignatur. Si autem ego pars Domini sum. et funiculus haereditatis eius, nee accipio partem inter caeteras tribus : sed quasi Levita et Sacerdos vivo de decimis, et altari seruiens, altaris oblatione sustentor. Habens victum et vesti- tum, his contentus ero, et nudam crucem nudus sequar." P. 43, I. 24. — Denaieth. Deigneth, dignatur. I. 29. — And Bernard seith. This seems quoted from Gaufridi Abbatis Declamationes ex Bernardo, c. xvii. a work which is published in the Benedictine edition of St. Bernard, tom. v. The passage cited by our author is as follows : — " De altario, inquit, vivat ; non super- biat, non luxurietur. Denique non ditetur ; non, contra sancti cujus- dam" [scil. S. Hieronymi] " plane dignani omni acceptione senten tiam, ex clericatu ditiorfiat, Non sibi de bonis ecclesiae ampla palatia fabricet, mutans quadrata rotundis ; nee loculos inde congreget; nee in vanitate aut superfluitate dispergat; non extollat de facultatibus ecclesiae consanguineos suos, aut neptes (ne filias dixerim,) nuptui tradat," &c. P. 44, /. 9,— Wil. i. e. while. I, 14. — Wat is it seith'Gregory, B. Greg. Lib. 1. Hom. xvi. in Evang. n. 6. (Opp. Ed. Bened. tom. i. col. 1495, D.) " Jejunium quippe sanctificare est adjunctis bonis aliis, dignam Deo abstinentiam carnis ostendere. Cesset ira, sopiantur jurgia. Incassum enim caro atteritur, si a pravis suis voluptatibus animus non refraenatur." I. 19. — Waxit folk. i. e. aged folk. ~ — /. 20.— Wold, for old. I. 25. — Richid, was hungry. To reach is still used to denote the effort made by an empty stomach to vomit. I. 31. — The prest is not holden to his horis canonized. This was a favourite topic with the Lollards. Thus the third article taught by John Purneye, or Purveye, as given by Knighton, was, " That every NOTES. 147 Priest ought rather to omit matins, mass, and vespers, and the rest of tbe canonical hours, than not to preach the Word of God, because those things are only ordained by human tradition." (Lewis, Life of Wicliffe, p. 268.) See also Thom. Waldensis Doctrinale Fidei, De Sacranientalibus, Tit. III. P. 45, /. 1. — For perel falUng in forme of law. That is, " I am not deterred by the danger of incurring the 'penalties of the law, from acknowledging that I have said this." — — I. 21. — Ti^en. Tithe : the 3 may perhaps be a mistake of the transcriber for p ; in Wicliffe's New Testament the word is ti]?en. Matt, xxiii. 23. I. 22. — Sadder. More serious. See Nares, Glossary in voc. I. 24. — As Ambros seith. This passage the Editor has not found. I. 32. — For the body of Crist. The argument is this : — " The Body of Christ dwelleth in the sacrament after consecration. But the Body of Christ is the bread which he gave for the life of the world. (John vi. 61.) Therefore the substance of bread dwelleth in the sacrament after consecration." So Wicliffe Trialog. lib. iv. c. 4. " Iste panis est Corpus Christi, ergo iste panis est, et per consequens manet panis, et sic simul est panis et Corpus Christi." P. 46, /. 5, — And Austeyn seith. Decret. part, iii. De consecrat. Dist. ii. c. 58. " Quod videtur panis est, et calix, quod etiam oculi renun- tiant. Quod autem fides postulat instruenda, panis est corpus Christi, calix sanguis." Quoted as if from August. Serm. 2, de verbis Apos toli, but really from Bede on 1 Cor. x. I. 16. — And a life. Perhaps we should read " and o lofe," i. e. one loaf or bread. " Quoniam unus panis, unum corpus multi sumus, omnes, qui de uno pane participamus." 1 Cor. x. 17. The ancient Vulgate reads, " Omnes enim de uno pane, et de uno calice percipimus," which reading our author partially adopts : and it is also in the same partial way followed in the printed text of Wicliffe's ver- 148 NOTES. sion, " for we ben mani o breed and o bodi, alle we that taken part of o breed and of o cuppe." See also Sabatier, in loe. P. 46, I. 20. — Trayed, i. e. betrayed : " quod pro vobis tradetur." 1 Cor. xi. 24. I. 28. — Wo, i. e. who. I. 30. — And upon this seith Ambrose thus. Quoted probably from Ambrosiaster in 1 Cor. xi. 25. " Medicina enim spiritualis est, quae cum reverentia degustata, purificat sibi devotum. Memoria enim redemptionis nostrae est ; ut Redemptoris memores, majora ab eo consequi mereamur." (Opp. B. Ambros. edit. Bened. Paris, 1690. tom. ii. Append, col. 149.) Our author's copy, however, appears to have had interpolations which are not found in the printed edition. P. 47, I. 8. — Hele, in the next line spelt '^ele. Health, salvation. I. 12.— Fillith. Filth. I. 15. — And Austeyn seith. Decret. part. iii. De Consecrat. Dist. ii. c. 60. " Corpus et sanguinem Christi dicimus illud, quod ex fructibus terrae acceptum, et prece mystica consecratum, rite sumimus ad salutem spiritualem, in memoriam pro nobis Dominicae passionis. Quod cum per manus hominum ad illam visibilem speciem perdu- citur, non sanctificatur, ut sit tam magnum sacramentum, nisi ope- rante invisibiliter Spiritu Dei : cum haec omnia, quae per corporales niotus in illo opere fiunt, Deus operetur." I. 19. — Spice, i. e. species. See again line 23. I. 21. — This is that we say. Decret. ubi supra, c. 48. " Hoc est quod dicimus; hoc modis omnibus approbare contendiraus, sacri- ficium scilicet ecclesiae duobus confici, duobus constare, visibili ele- mentorum specie, et invisibili Domini Jesu Christi carne, et sanguine ; sacramento, et re sacramenti, id est, corpore Christi : sicut Christi persona constat et conficitur Deo et liomine : cum ipse Christus verus sit Deus, et verus homo ; quia omnis res illarum rerum naturam et veritatem in se continet, ex quibus conficitur." I. 28 — This thing that is seen is breed. These words were quoted already from Decret. ubi supra, c. 58. See p. 46, line 5. NOTES. 149 P. 47, I. 30. — Also the decre seith. Decret. ibid. c. 42. " Ego Beren garius consentio autem sanctae Romans, et Apostolicae sedi," [for et Apostolica sedi, our author appears to have read, et ut apostolus dicit, which however seems hardly to make sense,] " et ore et corde profiteer de sacramentis Dominicae mensae eandem fidem me tenere, quam Dominus, et venerabilis P apa Nicolaus, et haec sancta Syno dus, auctoritate evangelica, et apostolica tenendam tradidit, mihique firraavit ; scil. panem et vinum, quae in altari ponuntur, post conse- crationem non solum sacramentum, sed etiam verum corpus et san guinem Domini nostri Jesu Christi esse, et sensualiter, non solum sacramento, sed in veritate manibus sacerdotum tractari, frangi, et fidelium dentibus atteri." P. 48, 1. 1.' — In heys holi seyne^. i. e. in his holy synod : or perhaps heys is a mistake of the transcriber for this. /. 8. — Sergs. This word is used again (p. 58). " And wen the riche man dieth, the processiouu of bestis is maad ; than in figeris was depeyntid in the walle, and the swyn, and the wolf, and other bestis berun the cros and the sergis, and ryngun the bellis." It is there used, as we shall see, to represent the Latin word cereos, wax-lights, or tapers ; and is therefore evidently identical with the French " cierge :" a word which has been used by Chaucer (Ro- maunt ofthe Rose, v. 6248.) " The ix [? xi] thousande maidens dere That beren in heuene her cierges clere." I. 16. — And seint Jerom seith. Decret. part. ii. causa xii. q. 2, c. 71. " Multi aedificant parietes, et columnas ecclesiae subtrahunt ; marmora nitent, auro splendent laquearia, gemmis altare distinguitur : et ministrorum Christi nulla electio est. Neque vero mihi aliquis opponat dives in Judaea templum, mensam, lucernas, thuribula, patellas, scyphos, mortariola, et castera ex auro fabrefacta. Tunc haec probabantur a Domino, quando sacerdotes hostias inmolabant, et san guis pecudum erat remissio peccatorum : quanquam haec omnia prae- cesserint in Bgura, scripta autem sunt propter nos, in quos fines secu- 150 NOTES. lorum devenerunt. Nunc vero, cum paupertatem domus suae pauper Dominus dedicarit, portemus crucem, ct divitias lutum putabimus. Item idem in extremo. Amico quidpiam rapere, furtum est, eccle siam fraudare, sacrilegium est ; accepisse quod pauperibus erogandum sit, et esurientibus pluribus vel cautum esse velle, vel timidum, aut, quod apertissimi sceleris est, aliquid inde subtrahere, omnium prae- donum crudelitatem superat." P. 48, I. 30. — Hector Thebanus. Ibid. Instead of Hector, how ever, the printed copies of Gratian, and of St. Jerome's works, have Crates Thebanus. " Crates ille Thebanus, homo quondam ditissimus, cum ad philosophandum Athenas pergeret, magnum auri pondus abiecit : neque putavit se simul posse et virtutes et divitias possidere. Nos suffarcinati auro Christum pauperem sequimur : et sub praetextu eleemosynae pristinis opibus incubantes, quomodo possumus aliena fideliter distribuere, qui nostra timide reservamus ? Plenus venter facile de jeiuniis disputat." Crates Thebanus was a follower of Diogenes the Cynic, B. C. 328, and is said to have given his money away on becoming a philo sopher. Diogenes Laertius gives the story on the authority of Antis- thenes ; rovrov (prjo-'tv 'AvnrrOevijs aQpniiravTa trpos ret eKarov biaK6(na raXevTa, toIs iroXirais apeXvai ravra. Lib. vi. Segm. 87, tom. i. Amstel. 1692. edit. Meibomii. P. 49, I. 2. — We chouche. i. e. couch : incubantes. I. 3. — Dredfully. i. e. timidly. I. 5. — William de Seynt Amour. A famous opponent of the vices and inconsistencies of the mendicant orders in the thirteenth century; he flourished circ. A.D. 1250. The Editor has not been able to find the passage here quoted in any of the published writings of Will, de St. Amour. Bigging. i. e. building. I. 9. — For Jerom, kenneth well simple men, saying. This pas sage is in St. Jerome's letter to Paulinus, (by Vallarsius numbered Ep. Iviii. by others Ep. xiii.) n. 6, and 7. " Praeter victum et vesti- tum et manifestas necessitates, nihil cuiquam tribuas : ne filiorum NOTES. 151 panem canes comedant. Verum Christi templum anima credentis est : illam exorna, illam vesti, illi offer donaria, in ilia Christum sus- cipe. Quae utilitas est parietes fulgere gemmis et Christum in pau- pere fame periclitari ?" P. 49, I. 14.— To di'^e. i. e. to die. I. 15. — And thus seith Crisostom. The Editor has not found this passage in the works of St. Chrysostom. 19. — Who so is vnwyse. Perhaps for " who is so unwise, [i. e. so foolish] that he understandeth not for [i. e. that] they make their buildinss," <^'c. I. 23. — Greten. To greet, or grete, is to lament, to cry out with grief. Sometimes written greit. I. 26. — To wylen to mak God felow. i, e, to desire or will, to make God a sharer in this violence, I. 28. — lef. i. e, give. I. 32. — 3erf. i. e. went. Preterite oi go. P. 50, I. 8. — Barianns. The Editor is unable to explain this word. I. 10. — Japith the ^ee. Mocketh, or deceiveth the eye. I. 18.— Tent. Attend. I. 23. — Quek. Quick, living. I. 28. — Whether is it not writun in the law of the kirk thus ? Decretal, lib. v. tit. 3, c. 9. " Horribile nimis est, quod in quibus- dam Ecclesiis locum venalitas perhibetur habere, ita ut pro Episcopis, vel Abbatibus, seu quibuscunque personis Ecclesiasticis ponendis in sedem, sive introducendis Presbyteris in Ecclesiam, necnon et pro sepulturis, et exequiis mortuorum, et benedictionibus nubentium, seu aliis sacramentis aliquid requiratur. Putant autem plures ex hoc licere, quia legem mortis de longa invaluisse consuetudine arbitrantur, non attendentes, quod tanto graviora sunt eri mina, quanto diutius infelicem animam tenuerunt alligatam. Ne igitur haec de caetero fiant, vel pro personis Ecclesiasticis deducendis in sedem, vel Sacer dotibus instituendis, aut sepeliendis mortuis, seu benedicendis nuben- tibus, seu aliis sacramentis conferendis, seu collatis, aliquid exigatur. 152 NOTES. districtius prohibemus. Si quis autem contra hoc venire praesumpse- rit, portionem cum Giezi se nove.'it hablturum." p. 50, I. 32. — Ther segis. i. e. their sees. Prestis to be induyd. i. e. to be inducted. P. 51, I. 9. — And als afier the decre, in an other place. This seems quoted from Decret. Caus. i. q. 3, c. 7, with some interpolation ap parently of our author's own words : " Quisquis horum alteram ven- dit, sine quo nee alteram provenit, neutrum invenditum derelinquit." I. 18 — The decre Salvator. Caus. i. q. 3, c. 8, beginning, " Salvator praedicit in Evangelic." I. 24. — Habunde. i. e. abound. I. 25. — Lewid men. i. e. laymen. Deming to hy, supposing themselves, or intending to buy. I. 28. — Priate. The office of prior. P. 52, /. 2. — TTiis is opun by the canoun i. q. i. Sunt quidam. Ibid. Caus. i. q. 1, c. 125. " Sunt quidam, qui vel violentia, vel favore non permittunt ecclesias regulariter ordinari. Hos etiam decrevimus sacrileges esse judicandos." I. 4. — That prestis to sing may not first mak covenaunt without symonie. This was a favourite position of the Lollards. Thus among the opinions of the Lollards enumerated in the petition of the House of Lords to the King, A. D. 1382, the tenth is, " That it is not lawful for a presbyter to hire out his work." (Lewis, Life of Wiclif, p. 105. Oxford, 1820.) And the seventh conclusion objected against W. Swinderby (a.d. 1389) was, "That a Priest taking for annual, through covenant, in that he is a schismatic and cursed." To this accusation he answers, " This said I never, in these terms : but thus I said, and yet say with protestation put before, that no Priest ows to sell by bargaining and covenant his ghostly travel, ne his masses, ne his prayers, ne God's Word, ne hallowings, baptism, ne confirm ing, order giving, for weddings, for shrift, for housel, or for ennoint- ing ; any worldly men's to ask or take for these, or for any of these, NOTES. 1.53 or for any ghostly thing, he errs and doth simony." Fox, Acts and Monuments, vol. i. p. 634, fol. Lond. 1684. P. 52, I. 10.— With wilk the tother com*, not. The abbreviation com*, is probably for cometh, alluding to Caus. i. q. 3, c. 7, " quisquis horum alteram vendit, sine quo nee alteram provenit," &c. I, 11.— This by Jhoun. Perhaps Johannes Semeca (see note on p. 20, 1. 29) ; the foregoing quotation is probably from his gloss on the Decretum, although the Editor has not been able to find it in the printed copies. Something like it occurs in the gloss on Dist. xci. c. 3. " Ergo clericus non potest operas suas per totam diem locare, cum non debeat officio deesse." I. 14. — Outtak. Separate, except, " take out." I. 17. — Severythly. i. e. separately, severally. Z. 18. — Vnnese. Hardly, scarcely; also spelt unneths, and unneth, or unneath : from the Saxon e?c6, easy. The word is used by Shakespeare. See Nares, Glossary, in voce uneath, and eath. So Wicliffe's New Testament, Rom. v. 7. " For unnethis dieth ony man for the iust man," and 1 Pet. iv. 18. " And if a iust man unnethe schal be saued." I. 20.^ — After Hostiensis and Innocent, and ef Hostiensis, Hen- ricus de Segusio, called Hostiensis from the name of his bishopric, died 1271, or 1281. He was author of the celebrated Summa utriusque Juris, called Aurea Summa Hostiensis, and also of the Expositio in sex libros Decretalium. The Editor has not found the passage or passages here referred to by our author, but in the following extract from the Summa Aurea, the same argument is stated : — " Quod si clericus, precio appreciatus, vigilet cum defuncto et dicat psalte- rium? Respondeo : si ita dixit, Pro sex denariis legam psalterium, simonia est. Sed si ita dixit. Pro sex denariis vigilabo cum defuncto hac nocte, non est simonia : quamvis tacite insit quod debeat legere." — Hostiensis Summa Lib. V. n. 6, col. 1183. The reference to Innocent is probably to the Commentary of Pope Innocent IV. on the Decretals, lib. iv. tit. v. c. 3. Quoniam enormis. See Apparatus Mirificus Innocentii IV. 4to. Paris. 1514. fol. ex. CAMD. SOC. 14. X 154 NOTES. P. 52, I. 22.— TrentayUs. A Trentall was an office of thirty masses said for a deceased person, generally on the thirty days immediately following his death; from whence it was often called " a month's mind." This is still very common in Ireland. In the Latin of the Middle Ages it was called Tricenarium, Tricenarius, Trentale, Tren- tena, Trentenum, and in French Trentel. Vide Du Cange, and Nares. I. 31. — Sum men seyn thus, that symonie is a studious wille, &c. This is the common definition of simony given by canonists. See GIo. Joan, in Decret. Caus. i. q. i. c. 1. " Simonia enim est studiosa cupiditas vel voluntas emendi, vel vendendi, aliquid spirituale." And Hostiensis, Summa, lib. v. De Simonia, n. 1. p. 1179. " Et quidem studiosa voluntas sive cupiditas emendi, vel spiritualibus annex, se cundum Da. et alios doctos antiques." P. 53, I. 3. Seyng. i. e. seeing. I. 12. — And thus seith Parisiensis in his bok. The book here quoted is the Verbum Abbreviatum oi Peter " Cantor Parisiensis," as he is commonly called, from his office of Precentor in the Cathe dral of Paris. He was a native of Poictiers, and was elected to the see of Tournay in 1191 ; but, the election having been declared invalid, he retired to the Cistercian Abbey of Long Pont, in the diocese of Soissons, where he died in his novitiate, a. d. 1197.* The Verbum Abbreviatum, has been printed, with notes, &c. by Dom George Galopin, at Mons in Haynaut, 4to. 1639. The Editor of these pages has not had an opportunity of consulting Dom Galo- pin's edition : he is the possessor, however, of a very beautiful MS. of the Verbum Abbreviatum, formerly belonging to the Monastery of St. Martin of Tournay, and written early in the 13th century. The following passage, cited from this MS. is probably that which is here referred to by our author : — " Item turpius vendimus quam Judas eo quod deteriores sumus. Ille enim quem purum hominem credebat, * See Cellier, Hist, des Auteurs Sacris, tom. xxiii. p. 58, sq. NOTES. 155 cum familia etiam ejus indigeret, vendidit. Nos vero quem scimus Deum verum et hominem vendimus. Ille pro xxx argenteis, nos pro denario et pretio vilissimo. Item ille poenitens haec non vere, retulit et rejecit argenteos. In ecclesia vero non est qui turpiter acquisitos rejiciat." P. 53, I. 15. — A deadly man. i. e. a mortal man. I. 19. — And Jerom seith thus. This quotation the Editor has not fonnd. I. 23. — And Ambrose seith. This seems to be a reference to the Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles, commonly attributed to St, Ambrose, but now admitted to be spurious. See the Benedictine Edition of the works of St. Ambrose, tom. ii. Append, col, 21, .55'. Paris, 1690. The passage referred to by our author is the comment on 1 Cor. xi. 27, 28. " Indignum dicit esse Domino, qui aliter myste rium celebrat, quam ab eo traditum est. Non enim potest devotus esse, qui aliter praesumit, quam datum est ab auctore.' 1..31, — Other prelats be nethe. i. e. other prelates of inferior degree. P. 54, I. 7. — To tyn. i. e. to tine, burn, consume. I. 9. — This seith the glose. The Glossa ordinaria on St. Matth. xii. 30, says, " Qui non est mecum, i. qui dissimilia meis facit opera, contrarius mihi est. Ille trahit ad vitia : ego ad virtutes." I. 15. — The glose os Austeyn seith. August, in Ep. Joan. Tract iii. n. 4. " Et interrogare debet unusquisque conscientiam suam, an sit antichristus." and n. 8. " Quiescat paululum lingua, vitam interroga Paulum audi apostolum ; de talibus cum loque- retur, ait : confitentur enim se nosse Deum, factis autem negant." And n. 9, " Quotquot enim habet ecclesia perjures, fraudatores, male- ficos, sortilegoruni iniquisitores, adulteros, ehriosos, fcaneratores, man- gones, et omnia qua3 numerare non possumus, contraria sunt doctrinae Christi, contraria sunt verbo Dei : verbum autem Dei Christus est : quidquid contrarium est verbo Dei in Antichristo est. Antichristus enim contrarius est Christo Corrige quod tu fecisti, ut sal- l56 NOTES. vetur quod in te Deus fecit. Si autem non vis, et amas et amplec- teris peccata tua; contrarius es Christo. Intus sis, foris sis, anti christus es : intus sis, foris sis, palea es." P. 54, I. 24 Caff. i. e. chaff. See p. 56, line 11, where it is spelt kaff. And thus seith Lincoln. Robert Grosthead, Bishop of Lincoln. See p. 131, supra. The passage here cited will be found in the " Sermo Roberti Lincolniensis episcopi propositus coram Papa et Cardinalibus, in Concilio Lugdunensi," published by Brown, Fas ciculus Rerum expetend. et fugiend. (tom. ii. p. 261, sq.) : " Cum prin cipale ac finale opus Christi, propter quod ipse venit in mundum, sit animarum vivificatio,et Satanas opus proprium et maxime ab eo intentum, (utpote homicidae ab initio) sit animarum occisioet mortificatio, ipsi pas- tores et unde pastores, personam Jesu Christi induti, non annunciantes, etsi non superadderent malitias alias, sunt Antichristi, et Satanas transfiguratus in angelum lucis,fures et latrones, mactatores ovium et proditores, facientes domum orationis speluncam latronum : superad- dunt autem omne genus praevaricationis, ut jam non sit super quo per- cutiat eos Deus ultra Et ut breviter transeatnr, omni genere flagitii, facinoris, abominationis, et novae in his adinventionis, secundum dictum prophetae, coinquinati : Deo et curia coeilesti snmm^ abomina- biles etodibiles effecti ; quia per ipsos nomen Dei in omnibus gentibus blasphematur. Cumque pastorum conversatio sit liber, doctrina et instructio laicorum, ipsi sunt evidenter errorum magistri et malorum omnium : Et quomodo non tunc haeretici, maximfecum verbum operis efficacius suadeat verbo oris, et cum ipsi ex officio sunt genera- tores ad vitam aeternam ; quomodo abutentes hac vi generativa non sunt, consonanter verbis prophetarum, corporalibus illis Sodomitis pejores et abominabiliores, praesertim cum melioris yirtutis pejor et abominabilior sit abusio ? Ipsique pastores sunt ex officio, lux et sol mundi, ipsum illuminans et vivificans : e contrario autem facientes, pro luce densissimas tenebras effundentes et pro vitali calore frigus corrumpens et mortificans, manifestissim^ sunt totius mundi perdi- tores. Sed quae est hujus tanti mali prior et originalis causa, tons et NOTES. 157 origo? dicere vehementissimecontremisco et expavesco ; silere tamen non audeo, ne incidam in illud vae Prophetae dicentis, vas mihi quia tacui, quia vir pollutus labiis ego sum. Causa tons et origo hujus est hffic curia; non soliim e6 quod haec mala non dissipat, et has abomi- nationes non purgat, cum ea sola hoc maxime possit, et ad hoc summe teneatur, sed et eo amplius, qu6d ipsa quoque per suas dis- pensationes et provisiones et coUationes curae pastoralis, tales, quales praetacti sunt, pastores, imo mundi perditores, in oculis solum con- stituit hoc ut provideat vitae alicujus temporali, multa millia anima rum pro quarum qualibet sempiterne vivificanda, Filius Dei morte turpissim^ voluit condemnari, devorationi summi bestiarum agri tradit et sempiternae morti. Tradens enim curam ovilis gregis, in medio luporum rapacissimorum, ursorum et leonum, alicui, ut lac et lanam tollat, impotenti, aut ignoranti aut nolenti, aut negligenti gregem educere et in pascua minare, et in ovile reducere, leonibus, ursis et lupis nee ad modicum pro salute gregis se objicenti, nonne gregem tradit devorationi et morti, et mortis ipsius reatu tenetur, etiamsi accidat aliquam casu fortuito mortem efiugere ? Tradens navis oneratae hominibus in portum salutis dirigendis per medium maris scopulosi et procellosi, gubernaculum et gubernandi officium paralytico, aut artem gubernationis ignoranti, et talis officii ministe- rium inexperto, aut laborem gubernationis sustinere nolenti et negli genti, ut is naulo a singulis suscepto ditetur, nonne et navem et eos qui in navi sunt, perdit, et perditionis omnium incurrit reatum, et licet eorum aliquis naufragii evadat periculum ? Quinimo talem tradi- tionem, cum teneatur et possit, non impediens, eodem reatu irretitur et constringitur O quam aniara dilectio et retrograda promotio ! ut dilectum super mane ad momentum elevet, ipsum et se in tenebras dejicit exteriores." P. 55, /. 1 ^ekun. This word seems intended to represent the word " superaddunt " in the original, unless we suppose our author's copy of Grosthead's sermon to have had a different reading. I. 3. — Hem a towere. The Latin, of which this appears in- 158 NOTES. tended for a translation, is " super quo percutiat eos Deus ultra." There has probably been some mistake or various reading. P. 55, I. 7. — The lesynd of the herd, " pastorum conversatio." Illyricus, in the extract he has given from this Discourse of Grosthead ( Catal. testium Veritatis, fol. Argentinas, 1662, p. 363), cites the passage thus : — " Cumque pastorum conversatio gregis sit libera doc trina et instructio, ipsi sunt evidentes magistri malorum omnium." Our author's copy must have read " gregis sit liber, ipsi sunt, &c." omitting the intervening words. Lesynd is probably cognate with the old word leasow, or lessow, to feed, or as a subst. pasture, (see Nares's Glossary in voc.) and with the Saxon lej-J>e. I. 13. — Werr, worse. I. 17. — Lifly ^et, " lively, or vital, heat." The Latin shews that 3et is for heat: " pro vitali calore frigus corrumpens." I. 18.— Wo. What. I. 19. — Formar. In the Latin " prior." Wel, i. e. well, source or spring — " tons, et origo." I. 20. — Vngly, perhaps for only. Tremel, tremble. I. 28. — Hyrdis. i. e. herds, shepherds, " pastoresy" ja, yea. Peruey, provide, " provideat." I. 30. — Swelluing. Swallowing, "devorationi." P. 56, /. 2. — Schape. Escape. I. 5. — A may. " A " seems here put for and, " cum teneatur et possit." Strenid. i. e. constrained, " constringitur." I. 6. — Luf, love, " dilectio." Koward, the meaning of this word is not very clear. I, 7. — Above a vain thing. The original, as printed by Brown, is " super mane ;" our author, however, evidently read super inane. ;. 9. — Odo. This was probably Odo de Sheritona, an English Cistercian Monk, who flourished about the year 1184, and whose sermons were published at Paris in 1620 by Matthew Makkerel, who has dedicated them to John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, under the title of " Flores Sermonum ac Evangeliorum Dominicaliuni ex- NOTES, 159 cellentiss. Magistri Odonis Cancellarii Parrhisien. omni sale,lepore, ac eruditione refertissimi : cum eorundem ind ice." The work bears internal evidence of having been composed by a Cistercian (see fol. cliii. v.). and Oudin is of opinion that the Editor is wrong in sup posing the author to have been Chancellor of Paris. De Scriptoribus eccies. torn. ii. col. 1624. P. 56, I. 9. — Prelats not preching. This passage does not appear to occur in the printed copy of Odo's Sermons : at least the Editor, after some trouble, has not succeeded in finding it : and yet there is a reference in the index which leads to the suspicion that it was once in the work, and probably struck out in the proof sheets as too coarse an attack on the bishops to be printed even in that age. The refer ence is, " Herodiani potius quam Christiani praelati, xxviii. H. ;" but the passage referred to makes no mention of prelates, or of prelates not preaching: it is as follows : — " Sed quia tam clerici quam laici plus desiderant succedere Herodi in divitiis, quam Christo, licet christiani riuncupentur, in tormentis, ideo potius herodiani quam christiani nuncupentur." And the same ideals repeated, fol. xxxvii. G. " Malunt quidam potius successores esse Herodis, quam Christi : qui potius herodiani quam christiani sunt nominandi." Rather pilats than prelats. The play upon the words would be more manifest if we had the original of this passage, which was probably, " Pilati magis quam praelati, spoliatores, non specula- tores, herodiani Herodis, non haeredes Christi." 1.11.— Kaf, Chaff. I. 12. — As a nap in the rof. This clause is very obscure, and renders it matter of regret that the original of this quotation has not been found. I. 20. — Dowue sone. i. e. " dove's son," or " son of a dove;" see p. 57, line ult. where we have " sellars of dowuis," i. e. of doves. " Dove's son" is evidently intended by our author as a translation of Bar-iona. See Hieronym. contra Ruffinum, lib. i. n. 19, and De interpret, nominum Heb. in voce, where he says, " Bar-jona, filius columbae. Syrum pariter et Hebraeum. Bar quippe, lingua Syra, 160 NOTES, filius, et Jona columba utroque sermone dicitur," In the printed text of Wicliffe's New Testament Bar-jona is not translated, P. 56, I. 28. — Thole. Suffer, from the Anglo-Saxon )?ohan, pati, tolerare, sustinere. Of the olde men. i. e. of the elders : in Wic liffe's New Testament this passage is rendered " Fro that time Jhesus bigan to schewe his disciplis, that it bihoued him to go to lerusalem, and suffre many thingis of the elder men, and of the scribis, and pryncis of the preestis, and be slayn, and the thridde day to rise ajen." 1.31, — Schild, i. e. sheild, avert this from thee. " Absit a te, Domine." Vulg, Wicliffe's New Testament has " fer be it fro thee. Lord." Be merciful to thiself Our author here seems to quote from memory, and combines together two versions ofthe same words. The Latin Fathers often cite the passage Propitius tibi esto, and there are examples also of their uniting the two versions as our author has done. See Sabatier, in loe, P, 57, I, 4. — Silk behight. Such promise. I. 10. — Wlatis. So in Wicliffe's New Testament, Rom. ii. 22, " thou that wlatist mawmetis." The Anglo-Saxon wlaetan sig nifies nauseare, fastidire. See Lye. /. 11. -^Wuworscippist. This is a mistake of the press for wnworscippist, i. e. unworshipest, dishonourest, thou God. W is used for u, I. 16. — Parisiensis. The Editor has not found this quotation in the Verbum Abbreviatum oi Peter Cantor, There can be little doubt, however, that the same author already cited under the name of " Parisiensis " must be intended. I. 18. — A moldewarp. i. e. a mole, talpa. So called, quasi terram ejiciens, from the Anglo-Saxon molbe, earth, clay, and weoppan, jacere, ejicere. I. 21. — And Odo seith thus. This passage occurs in the Flores Sermonum of Odo, already spoken of ; fol. evi. G, cvii, L. " Emeutes et vendentes sunt qui quaestum pietatem putant; emunt NOTES. 161 ut carius vendant : Totius ecclesiae jam fervet zelus pro dignitate tuenda, pro possessionibus multitudinis honoris totum datur, sanctitati nihil. Et sic anlidotum versum est in venenum : et quod inventum fuerat ad remedium reperitur ad mortem. Dominus praecepit filiis Levi ne sortem haberent in terra, sed potius ipse esset pars illorum : sed ipsum jam contemnentes lucra terrena sectantur. Altaria Christi jam mensae sunt nummulariorum : de quibus cupidi faciunt mensas campsorum, quum missas tanquam monetam pro monetata exponunt. Et tales missas celebrant quas magis sciunt esse lucrativas Cum inofficiantur officiis quae magis lucrosa creduntur, vendentes columbas sunt, qui sacramenta et caetera spiritualia vendunt, et ipsum corpus Christi venale constituunt, et si non ore, tamen corde, dicentes cum Juda, Quid vultis mihi dare, et ego vobis eum tradam ? Sic clamant monachi habitum vendentes : et sacerdotes divina celebrantes Murus ecclesiae est pastor, i. quicunque qui firmiter debet et fortiter resistere, ne personae intromittantur indigne, iste murus rumpitur sic porci et canes ingrediuntur et ecclesiam maculant. Similiter cum prae- latus per precium vel peccatum corrumpitur, canes impudici non latrare valentes, i. plerique clerici bestialiter viventes iu sancta ecclesia collocantur. Et tunc aboniinatio desolationis, quae dicta Matthaei xxiiij. est et a Daniele, stat in loco sancto. Quae est enim major abominatio quam cum porcus sacra induit vestimenta, et officia celebrat divina ? Canes et vulpes psalmos ruminant ; pilosus alter ad alteram clamat In ecclesia quandoque praeest leo superbiae. Hi sunt qui tanquam dominantes in cleros omnia volunt ad nutum suum disponere. Ibidem, murmurando sibilat serpens invidiae, qui omnibus detrahit, omnes inflammat Ibidem, dentibus frendet aper iracundiae : acidia laborat onager tristitiae : qui cum temporale incommodum, frigus, vel famem patitur, tristatur, et in bonis spiritualibus afficitur. Ibi fauces aperit lupi rapacitas, qui pro oblationibus evangelia et missas multiplicat. Ibidem discurrit ursus gulositatis, qui ut ventrem impleat alta voce jubilat. Ibidem porcus immunditiae qui quotiens poterit in lutum luxuriae se immergit. CAMD. soc, 14. Y 162 NOTES, Vulpes dolositatis qui plures habens foreas seu bursas omnibus mini- strabit. i. Judas qui plures loculos portat. Hi sunt celelararii et caeteri oQicialesqui ecclesiam Dei diuersiraode defraudant, ut parentes et meretrices ditare valeant. Et cum dives moritur tunc processio bestiarum quae in parietibus depingitur flguraliter adimpletur. Porcus et lupus et cfBtera animalia crucem et caereos portant, campanas pul- sant : et dominus Berengarius .i. ursus, missam celebrabit. Leo cum caeteris optime reficietur. Numquid pro clamore talium anima usurarii vel militis rapacis deferetur in coelum ? Immo quanto magis ululabunt, tanto magis daemones animam torquebunt." P. 57, I. 22. — Wenun. Ween, suppose, imagine; fromthe Anglo- Saxon penan. Pite. Piety. I. 23. — Bryn, Burn. I, 25. — Triacle. Here used as the translation of antidotum, and in the original signification of its root theriacum {OripiaKov), viz. a remedy against the poison of animals. The word triaculum is found in this sense in the Latinity of the fourteenth century. See Adelung, Glossar. Manuale. ;. 30. — They putt out. "Exponunt." P. 58, I. 4. — T%e hird. i, e. herd, or shepherd, joa,s^or. I. 6. — Suyn. Swine. I. 10. — The lioun of prid. " Leo superbiae," a very plain allusion to the Pope. But either our author had a different reading, or gave the passage a turn more accordant to his own sentiments, for the crime of " lording the clergy " is attributed in the printed words of Odo, not to the Lion of pride, but to all those whose degeneracy is here censured : and that with the qualification of a tanquam. " Hi sunt qui, tanquam dominantes in cleros, omnia volunt ad nutum suum disponere." I. 12. — TTie hound of wrechfulness . " Aper iracundiae." I. 13. — The feldhasser of dyeryness laborith to swernes. The corresponding passage of the original seems to be " acidia laborat NOTES. 163 onager tristitiae." Swernes, Anglo-Saxon puerinefj-e, aciditas, sourness. Feldhasser, the field ass, or wild ass, perhaps from the Saxon pilbe arra, wild ass. Dyeryness, for Dryerynas, i. e. dreariness, Anglo- Saxon bpeopigiiyj-fe, tristitia, mcestitia. P. 58, I. \&.— Wombe. Belly. I. 17. — The mig. " Lutum luxuriae ;" mig is perhaps a cor ruption ofthe Anglo-Saxon meox, mud. Tood. i. e. tod, a word still used commonly in Scotland, and in the north of Ireland for a fox, " vulpes dolositatis." I. 20. — The sergis. " Cereos." See what has already been said on this word, in the note on p. 48, 1. 8. /. 21. — Sir Beringary the bere. Every reader of Shakes peare is familiar with Sir, as the title of a priest, answering to the Latin Dominus, and still applied in our universities to Bachelors of Arts. Why the name of Berengarius is used here, the Editor is unable to say, unless Odo, who was an Englishman, and probably preached in English, intended some play upon the word in reference to " the bere." I. 22. — 3er the more. There is an omission here by which the point of the original is wholly lost : ^er is perhaps for e'er, unless it be a mistake of the transcriber for ^e, i. e. yea, immo. /. 32. — And thus is hadde in decreis. These are Gratian's re marks after Caus. i. q. 1. c. 43. " Ecce cum Iionoris periculum eva- dant, ut caetera Sacramenta sacerdotaliter administrare permittantur, ab hoc solo non modo pro haeresi, vel pro qualibet majori culpa, sed etiam pro negligentia removentur. In quibus omnibus solicite no tandum est, quod Sacramentum Sacerdotalis promotionis prae caeteris omnibus magis accurate et digne dandum, vel accipiendum est ; quia nisi ita coUatum fuerit, eo desinet esse ratum, quo non fuerit rite perfectum. Caetera enim Sacramenta unicuique propter se dantur, et unicuique talia fiunt, quali corde, vel conscientia accipiuntur. Istud solum non propter se solum, sed propter alios datur : et ideo necesse est, ut vero corde, mundaque conscientia, quantum ad se, sumatur, quantum ad alios vero, non solum sine omni culpa, sed etiam sine 164 NOTES. omni infamia, propter scandalum fratrum : ad quorum utilitatem, non solum ut praesint, sed etiam ut prosint, Sacerdotium datur." P. 59, I. 6. — Fuyle. Probably a mistake of the scribe for fayle, i. e. fail ; unless it be an attempt to represent a provincial pronun ciation. /. 12 — Shunder. Slander, scandal. Was. i. e. whose. I. 13. — That men prest. " Ut praesint :" be boun " be bov'n," or above. Prophet, profit. I. 15. — Jerom seith. Caus. i. q. i. c. 44. " Hi quoscunque de asseclis suis ordinant clericos, et vitam eorum in scandalum populis exponentes, rei sunt infidelitatis eorum, qui scandalizantur." Upon which Gratian notes, " Revera enim, qui ad hoc eliguntur, ut caeteris praesint, sicut praeordinantur dignitate, sic preeminere debent sancti- tate. Alioquin cur caeteris praeferuntur, qui nulla meritorum gratia a ceteris assumuntur ? Hinc etiam Symmachus, Laurentio Medio- lanensi Episcopo, post sextam Synodum Romanam, [Caus. i. q. i. c, 45] Vilissimus computandus est, nisi praecellat scientia et sanctitate, qui est honore praestantior." I. 21. — Therfor seith the Pope Symachus. Decret. Caus. i. q. i. c. 45. " Vilissimus computandus est, &c." I. 25. — Houwith. Behoveth. ;. 26. — As Gregori seith. This reference the Editor has not succeeded in verifying : '^erd, herd, shepherd. I. 27. — And Bernard seith to Pope Eugeni. Quoted from S. Bernard's treatise De Consideratione, dedicated to Pope Eugenius, lib. iv. c. 6, n. 21. " Discant a te coepiscopi tui comatulos pueros et comptos adolescentes secum non habere. Certe inter mitratos dis- currere calamistratos non decet." I. 28. — Curhid. A mistake probably for " curlid." I. 32. — Hernist, " Of whom thou desireth not the ^ele, health, or welfare." Hern, ior yearn, to long for, to desire earnestly. Anglo- Saxon geopnian. NOTES. 165 P. 59, I. 32. — ^ele. Hele, or health, i. e, welfare. P. 60, I. 2, — After allegiaunce, " Adlegiare " is explained " lege seu sacramento interposito se purgare, culpa se eximere, facinus diluere." Adelung, Gloss, Manual, in voc. We still use the words ttlledge and allegation in something of this sense. I. 4. — Noyed. Annoyed, injured. I. 8. — Lyuirid. Delivered, acquitted. I. 15. — Falsen domis. Falsify judgments. I. 16. — As Isidor seith. Decretal. Gregor. lib. v. tit. xl. De Verb, signif. c. 10. " Judex dictus quasi jus dicens populo, sive quod jure disceptet. Jure autem disceptare, est juste judicare. Non est ergo judex si non est in eo justitia." Ditith. Inditeth. P. 61, I. 7.— Trowing, i. e. believing. • As Austeyn seith. The Editor has not succeeded in veri fying this reference. I. 21. — Somoun. Sic MS. Perhaps we should read " comoun, [i. e. common, public,] or priuat." Enith. Perhaps for wenith ; thinketh. Anglo-Saxon penan. 1.31. — Vnpitous. Impious, unrighteous. So page 62, 1.9 vnpite, impiety. P. 62, I. 19.— Bouning doune. " Sprevisti omnes discedentes a judiciis tuis, quia injusta cogitatio eorum." Ps. cxix. [Vulg. cxviii.J 118, Fro ther domis is an evident mistake of the scribe for " fro thi domis." I. 25. — Peruiaunce. " Proventum." In Wickliffe's Ver sion, " But he schal make with temptacioun also puruyaunce that 36 moun suffre." 1 Cor. x. 13. I. 27. — leftis^ere ^e. i. e. give ye ear. " Praebete aures vos." Wisd. vi. 3. 166 NOTES. P. 62, I. 28. — In routis ofactouns. For actounsvie should probably read natiouns : the original being " in turbis nationum." I. 30. — Wse. Sic MS. The original is, "quoniam cum essetis ministri regni illius." I. 31. — ^ed. Prasterite of to go. Anglo-Saxon geob ; often written yode. I. 32. — Hedously. Hideously, horrende. P. 63, /. 10. — As Seint Ambrose seith. This reference the Editor has not found. P. 64, I. 1 — As Gregori witnesseth. This is another reference which the Editor has not verified. I. 5. — A boun. i. e. above. I. 7. — The hold. i. e. the old. I. 16. — Bi gernyn. Perhaps for " governyng." I. 18. — For done. i. e. undone, destroyed. So Spenser — " If either salves, or oyles, or herbes, or charmes, A fordonne wight from dore of death might raise." Fairie Queene, L v. 41. ^-^ I. 21. — Schrewis. Here apparently used in a general sense, for turbulent, insubordinate persons, in opposition to " just men." See Nares, Glossary in voc, I, 26. — Wilis, i. e. wiles, craft. I. 28. — Aggregid. Encreased. P. 66, I. 2, — Be warer, i. e. more ware, or more cautious. That they lere not, that they teach not. I. 10. — Leit, Let, hinder. I. 22.— Hat, Hate. I. 24.— Be. For by. P. 67, I. 1. — Refith. Spoileth, plundereth. Regaly. Regale : royal prerogative. NOTES. 167 P. 67, I. 3. — Pleyneth. Complaineth. Who worth, i. e. woe- worth, the Anglo-Saxon, pa-pup'Se. See Nares, Glossary in voc. ¦ That sewen cursing under the hewow of iwan. The Latin is, " Vae quae consuunt pulvillos sub omni cubito manus." How our author came to translate it so, or what the words "hewow" and "iwan" signify, the Editor is unable to explain. I. 4. — Pilleworthis. Pillows. " Cervicalia sub capite uni- versas aetatis." Ezek. xiii. 18. I. 6. — Foiled me. " Violabant me." The ancient Latin version reads " contaminabant," filed, or defiled me. I. 7. — On gobeth. A morsel, fragmen panis. So in Wick liffe's New Test. Matt. xiv. 20, " And thei token the relefis of broken gobeitis, xii. cofyns full." Gobbet, from the French ^o6e, a mouthful. I. 9. — Cursing. Here again our author translates, pulvillos, cursing. I. 10. — I shall reue hem. " Dirumpam eos." I. 11. — Quyschinis. Cushions. " Cervicalia vestra." Liuer, Deliver. I, 14. — Euy, Heavy. Euid, as a verb, heavied. i. e. made heavy. I. 16. — Deueyn, Divine ; divinabitis. I. 17. — And upon this seith Gregor thus. Decret. Caus. xi. q. 3, c. 88. " Plerumque contingit, ut hie judicis locum teneat, cujus ad locum vita minime concordat : ac proinde saepe agitur, ut vel damnet immeritos, vel alios ipse ligatus solvat. Saepe in solvendis acligandis subditis, suae voluntatis niotus, non autem causaruni merita sequitur. Unde fit ut ipse ligandi aut solvendi potestate se privet, qui banc pro suis voluntatibus, et non pro subjectorum moribus exercet. Saepe fit, ut erga quemlibet proximum odio vel gratia moveatur Pastor : judi care autem de subditis digne nequeunt, qui in subditorum causis sua vel odia vel gratiam sequuntur. Unde recte per Prophetam dicitur, Mortificabant animas qua non moriuntur ; et vivificabant animas qua non vivunt. Non morientem quippe mortificat, qui justum damnat. Et non victurum vivificare nititur, qui reum a supplicio absolvere conatur. Causae ergo pensandae sunt, et tunc ligandi atque solvendi 168 NOTES. potestas exercenda. Videndum est quae culpa praecessit, aut quae sit poenitentia secuta post culpam : ut quos omnipotens Deus per com- punctionis gratiam visitat, illos Pastoris sententia absolvat. Tunc enim vera est absolutio praesidentis, cum interni arbitrium sequitur judicis. Quod bene quatriduani mortui resuscitatio significat, quae videlicet demonstrat, quia prius mortuum Dominus vocavit et vivifi- cavit, dicens, Lazare veni foras ; et postmodum is qui vivens egressus fuerat a discipulis est solutus, sicut scriptum est, Cumque egressus esset qui fuerat ligatus institis, tunc dixit discipulis: solvite eum, et sinite abire. Ecce ilium discipuli jam viventem solvunt, quem ma- gister resuscitaverat mortuum. Si enim discipuli Lazarum mortuum solverent, faetorem magis ostenderent, quam virtutem. Ex qua con sideratione intuendum est, quod illos nos debemus per pastoralem authoritatem solvere, quos auctorem nostrum cognoscimus per susci- tantem gratiam vivificare Veniat itaque foras mortuus, id est, culpam confiteatur peccator. Venientem vero foras solvunt dis cipuli ; ut Pastores ecclesiae ei poenam debeant amovere, quam me ruit, qui non erubuit confiteri quod fecit. Haec de solutionis ordine breviter dixerim : ut sub magno moderamine Pastores ecclesiae vel solvere studeant, vel ligare." This passage our author seems to have quoted not frpm the Decretum, but from the works of St. Gregory. In Evangelia Lib. ii. Hom. xxvi. n. 5, 6. (Edit. Bened. tom. i. col. 1565-6). P. 67, I. 20. — His steringis. His stirrings, " voluntatis suae motus." I. 30. — To be peysid. To be poised, weighed. " Causae ergo pensandae sunt." I. 31. — Forthinging. " Poenitentia." To forthink is to re pent See Nares, Glossary in voc, and in voc. " For." Forthinging, for for thinking, i. e. repentance. P. 68, I. 1.— Bifor. Before. I. 12. — Resing. Raising : " per suscitantem gratiam." I. 16. — Wordre. i. e. order. Our author, or his transcriber, has probably adapted his orthography to a provincial pronunciation. NOTES. 169 p. 68, /. 17, — And thus seith Bede. This reference the Editor has not succeeded in verifying, ^ ;. 23. — Tou}ly. Toughly, obstinately. P. 69, I. 8. — The ascar, Asker : " interrogantis." Ezek. xiv, 18. I. 15. — Behytith, Promiseth. 19. — Seynt Ambrose, as is put in decreis, Decret. Caus. xxiii. q. 4, c. 33. See also the works of St. Ambrose, Serm. viii. in Ps. cxviii. n. 25. Edit. Bened. Paris, 1686, tom. i. col. 1065. " Ut si quis latronis filiis deprecantibus niotus, et lacrymis conjugis ejus inflexus, absolvendum putet, cui adhuc latrocinandi adspiret affectus : nonne innocentes tradet exitio, qui multorum liberat exitia cogitan- tem ? Certe si gladium reprimit, vincula dissolvit, cur laxat exsilio ? Cur latrocinandi qua potest clementiore via non eripit facultatem, qui voluntatem extorquere non potuit ? Deinde inter duos, hoc est, accusatorem et reum, pari periculo de capite decernentes, alteram si Bon probasset, alteram si esset ab accusatore convictus, non id quod justitiae est, judex sequatur; sed dum miseretur rei, damnet pro- bantem : aut dum accusatori favet qui probare non possit, addicat innoxium. Non potest igitur haec dici justa misericordia. In ipsa Ecclesia, ubi maxime misereri decet, teneri qu^m maxime debet forma justitiae; ne quis a communionis consortio abstentus, brevi lacrymula, atque ad tem pus parata, vel etiam uberioribus fletibus communionem quam plurimis debet postulare temporibus, facilitate sacerdotis extorqueat. Nonne ciim uni indulget indigno, plurimos facit ad prolapsionis contagium provocari ? Facilitas enim venise incentivum tribuit delinquendi." I, 21. — Wen. i. e. ween, think, suppose. Soylid. Assoiled, absolved. So also p. 70, 1. 6, " the prest may wit that he hath not power to soyl." P. 70, I. 2. — Schort ter. Short tear, lacrymula. I. 4. — Smit. i. e. smut, taint ; contagium. Anglo-Saxon fmitta. CAMD, SOC. 14. Z 170 NOTES. p. 70, I. 14. — Ajenworde. On the contrary. /. 20. — Weth , For with, I 30,— The decre seith thus. Coni. Decret. Dist. xxxi. la joari, and Dist, Ivi. c. 13. Also Caus, xxxv. q. 1. " Nullo enim Evangelii praecepto, vel Apostolorum institute, consanguineorum conjunctiones prohibitas inveniuntur." That Gratian held the opi nion here ascribed to him by our author will appear from the fore going references, although the exact words cited have not been found, P. 71, I. 1. — And after seith the decre. Vid. obs. Gratiani post c. 1. caus. xxxv. q. 1. "Quanquam, sicut apostolus qusedam consu- lendo addidit, quae Evangelicis praeceptis non inveniebantur definita, nee tamen ideo tanquam temeraria, vel superflua, ab aliis apostolis sunto repudiata : sic et Ecclesia, post apostolica instituta, quaedam consilia perfectionis addidit, utpote de continentia ministrorum, de confectione mysteriorum, de celebratione officiorum : quae nullatenus respuenda sunt, sed diligenti veneratione suscipienda. Consan guineorum ergo conjunctiones, quamvis Evangelicis et Apostolicis praeceptis non inveniantur prohibitae, sunt tamen fugiendae, quia eccle siasticis institutionibus inveniuntur terminatae." I. 14. — Leeuith. i. e. giveth leave, permitteth. So again, line 25, " when they leefe it," i. e. permit it. I. 15. — The decre seith. Caus. xxxv. q. 8, c. 2. " Qui autem, et quae in quarto, vel in quinto gradu conjuncti inventi fuerint, sepa- rentur." I. 21. — Formed, i. e. informed, instructed. P. 72, I. 1 Oole. Perhaps for all, i. e. any. I. 8. — Wern. Warn. I. 11. — Sout. Sought. I. 16. — Forsoth, as the doctor seith, " The doctor" is proba bly Gratian ; but the Editor has not found the passage. I. 19 Os Austeyn seith. Caus. xxvii. q. 2, c. 10. "Omne itaque nuptiarum bonum impletum est in illis parentibus Christi, proles, fides, sacramentum." See also Lib, Sentent. 1. iv. dist. 31. NOTES. 171 P. 73, I. 9. — Parisiens. There is here an evident reference to some former work. " Parisiens " is doubtless Peter Cantor Parisiensis, the author already quoted under that name, page 53. Ofthe wilk on seith thus. The Editor has not found this quotation. /. 27. — Seyno^is. i. e. synods. P. 74, I. 3. — Crisostom seith. This reference the Editor has not succeeded in verifying. I. 8.— Wil. i. e. while. /. 9. — Parisiensis. This is another quotation which the Editor has not found. I. 11. — By was occasioun. i. e. by whose occasion ; by occa sion of whom. I, 16. — Gregor seith. This reference has not been found, P, 75,1, 6. — Kqfe, Chaff. It is elsewhere spelt Ara/", and two lines further on chaffe : irom which it is very evident that in our author's time ch was pronounced hard, as k. So we find chirche, and kirk indifferently throughout the treatise. . 1,11. — And Austeyn seith. It was scarcely worth while to spend much time in searching for such a quotation as this. I. 12. — And Odo seith. This passage does not seem to occur in the Flores Sermonum of Odo, which have been printed. I. 16. — Thus seith an other. Who this " other " is, the Editor is unable to say. I. 17. — Be hend, i. e. behind. I. 26. — And here rehersith Austeyn. Decret. part. i. dist. xii. c. 12. " Ipsam tamen religionem, quam paucissimis et manifestis- simis celebrationum sacramentis misericordia Dei esse liberam voluit, servilibus oneribus premunt, ut tolerabilior sit conditio Judaeorum, qui etiamsi tempus libertatis non agnoverint, legalibus tamen sacra mentis, non humanis prsesumptionibus subjiciuntur." I. 31. — But wat trow we this seint to cry this day. — A very re- 17^ NOTES, markably similar observation is made on the foregoing passage of St. Augustin in the preface of our Book of Common Prayer (of Cere monies). " Some are put away because the great excess and multi tude of thera hath so increased in these latter days, that the burden of thera was intolerable ; whereof Saint Augustine in his time com plained, that they were grown to such a number, that the estate of Christian people was in worse case concerning that matter than were the Jews. And he counselled that such yoke and burden should be taken away, as time would serve quietly to do it. But what would Saint Augustine have said, if he had seen the ceremonies of late days used among us ; whereunto the multitude used in his time was not to be compared ? " p. 75, I, 32 Lawis of the kirk incorporat and extrivagaunt. All collections of Decretals subsequent to the Decretum of Gratian were termed extra, or extravagantes : " eo quod collecta sunt ex iis quae extra Decretum Gratiani vagabantur." The term is now commonly applied to the Decretals of Pope John XXII. published in the ninth year of his Pontificate, A. D. 1325, and to the subsequent collection entitled Extravagantes Communes ; but our author no doubt referred to the earlier collections. The Extravagantes Communes were evi dently not completed until the end of the fifteenth century, for they contain "a constitution of Sixtus IV. passed in the year 1483. See Van Espen, Comment, in Jus Canon, tom. iv. Diss i, § i. and Diss. xvi. Fol. Lovan. 1753. By " the lawis of the kirk incorporat " therefore our author probably means the Decretum of Gratian and the Decretals of Gregory IX. which were incorporated with them ; by the " lawis of the kirk extrivagant," all other collections, espe cially those of Boniface VIII. (now called Liber Sextus Decretalium) and of John XXIL P. 76, I. 1. — Batails. This word and its derivatives are still in use in the universities. It occurs also in old writers in the significa tion, of ioyeerf, e. See Richardson's Diet, m toc. Battel: who supposes it to be cognate with the Anglo-Saxon batan. NOTES. 173 inescare, to bait, or feed. Our author, however, evidently uses the word ior provisiones, not in the sense oifood, or eatables, but in re ference to the Papal provisions or nominations of clerks to benefices. P. 76, I. 1. — A^en reseruacouns, furst frutis, and other spolingis of goodis ofthe kirk. — See 77ie Last Age of the Church, a tract attri buted to Wicliffe, and published from the only MS. of it known to exist, by the Editor of the present volume. In a note (p. xl of that work) the nature of the reservations exacted by the Court of Rome from the English Church in our author's time is explained. I, 3. — Raneyn, Perhaps this word should be raueyn, i. e. wrath, anger. I, 7. — To disseile. This word the Editor has not met with elsewhere. I, 10. — Efter the lawe to him that hrekith seith, to him that brekith feith. Sic MS. But the words " to him that hrekith," are evidently repeated by mistake. Correct the passage thus : " Efter the law to him that brekith feith seith, feith schal be brokun to him." • I. 12. — Eft an other witti in that sam law seith thus. The Editor regrets extremely that, after spending much time and labour in the attempt to discover the author from whom this long quotation is taken, he has been forced at length to give it up in despair. 1. 14.— Hold. i. e. old. ~ — I. 18, — Now new law techith. Decretum Caus. xi. q. 1. De cretal, lib. ii. tit. 2. I. 22. — Schal pay no tributis nor talliagis. Referring to Clementin. lib. iii. tit. 17. /. 32. — How, Owe, i. e. ought. P. 77, I. 3. — Hyling. Covering, raiment. Anglo-Saxon, helan. I. 5. — Defendir. Probably a mistake of the scribe for defendit, i. e. defended. I. 8. — Holding by kni-ifhed. " Nemo militans." Impli^eth .- " implicat se." In the printed text of Wicliffe's New Testament this passage is translated thus : " No man holdinge kny3thood to God, wlappith hym silf with worldli nedis." CAMD. SOC. 14. Z 3 174 NOTES. P. 77, I. 17. — Naytid. Denied, refused. I. 25. — New lawis kennyn prescripcoun. Sexti Decretal, lib. ii. tit. 13. /. 32. — A new ordinaunce and indulgencis. Perhaps alluding to Clementin. lib. v. tit. 4. P. 78, /. 26. — But now new lawis 'kennen. Alluding probably to Sext. lib. iv. tit. 1. P. 79, I. 30. — Jon Andrew. Joannes Andreas, author of a Com mentary on the Decretals and Clementines, died of the plague at Bologna, A. D. 1348. The allusion is probably to Decretal, lib. iv. tit. xiii. c. 4. P. 80, 1, 18. — Also the pope seith in his lawe, Decret. Caus. xix. q. 2, c. 2. Conf. Decretal, lib. iii. tit. xxxi. c. 18. p. 81, ^. 21. — Who sonnis lifers, i. e. "Woe sons leavers," i. e. " desertors." " Vae filii desertores." Is. xxx. 1. I, 26. — Law^e. i. e. laugh. I. 27. — Bymowe, Mock : to moe or mowe, is to make gri maces in ridicule : to mock. I. 32. — After the rewle of kynde. After the law of nature. The word kind is still employed in Ireland in a signification which seems evidently derived from this antient use of it. The lower orders of Irish often say, " It is kind for him to do so and so :" as for example, " It is kind for him to be good and hospitable, for his father was so before him," meaning it is natural for him, what one would expect him to be or to do. So the clown in Shakespeare (Ant. and Cleop. Act V. Sc. 2) says, " You must think this, look you, that the worm will do his kind," i. e. his nature. His lore, i. e. his teaching, his instruction. P. 82, I. 13. — And for thi thus seith a doctor. The Editor is unable to say who this " doctor " is. NOTES. 175 P. 82, 1. 17. — Departing, i. e. dividing, distributing, separating. See note on p. 5, line 4. /. 21. — Japis. Jests. I 22. — Morning. Mourning. P. 83, I. 23. — Menis, means. To geyt, to get. P. 84, 1. 14. — Out. i. e. ought. P. 85, /. 1. — Thus seith Jerom. The Editor has not found this passage. I. 8. — Lowt. Bow, pay obeisance : from the Anglo-Saxt)n Hlutan, to bend. I. 9. — And Gregor seith thus. Reg. Epist. lib. xi. indict, iv. epist. 13. (Tom ii. col. 1101. B. ed. Bened.) " Et si quis imagines facere voluerit, minime prohibe : adorari vero imagines, modis omni bus veta. Sed hoc sollicite Fraternitas tua admoneat, ut ex visione rei gestae ardorem compunctionis percipiant, et in adoratione solius omnipotentis sanctae Trinitatis humiliter prosternantur." I. 10. — Wittirly. Utterly, " modis omnibus." I. 12. — Be kesed. This word seems intended to represent " prosternantur." I. 14. — This seith a nother. It is not easy to say who this " other " is. I. 18. — Arett. To reckon, to account. ;. 19. — Euen to man in kynd. Equal to man in nature. — ^ I. 21. — Rett. The same as arett, supr. 1. 18. I. 25. So worschip. A mistake of the MS. for to worship. 1,27. — Schorid. — Imputed or reckoned against. This use of the word is not yet obsolete. See Todd's Johnston in v. Score. P. 86, I. 2.— Schuldres. Shoulders. — — I. 3. — On nobeley. " Ignobilitatem suam." — - I. 6. — Quit, recompense, take vengeance. So in the next line, quit ivel, avenge, punish, evil ; " retribuere." 176 NOTES. P. 86, I. 8.— Liuer. Deliver. /. 14. — They reyse not a king to regioun. " Regem regioni non suscitant." Bar. vi. 12. I. 18. — Rotun. A mistake perhaps for eaten. The original is " Ipsi etiam postremo comeduntur." Bar. vi. 71. I. 19. — Repreue. Reproof, " erunt opprobrium in regione." So in the next line, he schal be far fro repreuis, " erit longe ab oppro- brils." Bar. vi. 72. I. 32. — Respice, respect. " Propter hoc et in idolis natio num non erit respectus." Wisd. xiv. 11. 'P. 87, /. 2. — Foundingis. " In tentationem." I. 3. — Bi the spice ofthe wark. " Per speciem operis." Wisd. xiv. 20. I. 5. — Deseruing. " Deservientes." I. 8. — Lyuing in bateil of vnkunning. " In magno viventes inscientiae bello." Wisd. ib. ver 22. I. 10. — Merk. Dark, " obscura sacrificia. From the Anglo- Saxon mijjce, tenebra. I. 11. — Wodnes. Madness: " insaniae plenas vigilias;" warks, which seems the word used to translate vigilias, is probably a mistake of the scribe for wakes. I. 12. — Enemy. A manifest error for envy. The original is " alius alium per invidiam occidit." ver. 24. Drying. This word seems intended to represent " con- tristat " in the original : perhaps for drering, from drere, sorrow. I. 13. — Mengid to gidre. Mingled together : " omnia commista sunt. So in Wicliffe's New Testament, Luke, xiii. 1, " whos blood Pilat mengid with the sacrificis of hem." I. 14. — Trouby. " Turbatio." ver. 25. /. 18. — Wax wode. " Insaniunt." ver. 28, I. 21.— They felid. They felt, " Senserunt." 1.22. — Vniustly thei sware in idol. The original is " jurave- runt injuste, in dolo contemnentes justitiam." Our author appears to have read, in idolo. NOTES. 177 p. 87, I. 27. — For the decre seith. Gratiani Decret. De Consecrat. Dist. iii. c. 28. " Venerabiles imagines Christiani non Decs appellant, neque serviunt iis ut Diis, neque spem salutis ponunt in eis, neque ab eis expectant futurum judicium : sed ad memoriam et recorda- tionem primitivorum venerantur eas, et adorant, sed non serviunt eis cultu divino, nee alicui creaturae." P. 88, I. 23 Sogetly. Subjectively. I. 26. — Thus seith Austeyn. This quotation has not been found. I. 28. — Also Clement seith. Probably Clement of Alexandria, in whose published writings passages similar to this may be found, although the exact words quoted by our author do not seem to occur. P. 89, I. 2.—'ieuit. Give ye. I. 11 —Sylid. Soiled, defiled. /. 13. — Perid hath a man. There seems some error in the MS. here. To peer is to appear (see Nares) ; and perhaps we should read, " pering, (i. e. appearing,) as a man." In p. 90, line 31, depering is used for despairing. I. 14.— Pite. Piety. I, 20. — As Crisostom. This reference to Chrysostom, as well as those that follow to Augustin, Bernard, and Jerome, have not been found. P. 90, I. 1, — Archdeacoun seith. The passage here quoted does not seem like the style of the Archdeacon's Rosarium, nor has the Editor been able to find it in that work. It is probable, therefore, that there has been some mistake, and that the quotation has really been made from some other author. 1. 11. — Endurid. i. e. hardened. I. 28 O vnpite. O unrighteousness, impiety. I. 30. — '^et. i. e. eat, or ate. Was not helid. The word and seems here wanting. CAMD. SOC. 14. 2 A 178 NOTES. " That he that ate the Body of Christ and was not healed, should be saved by the holiness of the hem of His garment," p. 90, /. 31. Depering. Despairing. p. 91, I. 6. — And Jerom, seith. B. Hieronymi Comment, in Epist. ad Gal. (cap. i. 11, 12). " Nee putemus in verbis Scripturarum esse Evangelium, sed in sensu : non in superficie, sed in medulla : non in sermonum foliis, sed in radice rationis." I. 8 — In overface. In superficie. Merowe, marrow. ;. 9. — Rot. Root. I. 11. — henk. Ink. Wening werking to be gostly in hem. i. e. supposing efficacy to be spiritually in them. I. 15. — Taking ^ed. Taking heed. I. 16.— SeUe. Seal. I. 17. — Do ofhis hod. Do off his hood, i. e. take off his hood, in token of respect. I. 19. — Rettid. Reckoned. I. 23. — Sudarijs. Sudaria, napkins. I. 24. — And it is seid, that a woman made an ymage of Crist. See the story here alluded to, in Eusebius, Hist, Eccies, 1. vii. c. 18. P. 92, I. 5. — ITius seith Crisostom, This reference and that which follows to Bede have not been found. 1.25. — Wlatith. See note on p. 57, 1. 10. "Omnia enim haec abominatur Dominus." I. 29. — A wat, i. e. await, observe. See p. 93, 1. 12. I. 30. — Ne schaf the hed. Our author seems here to have taken a liberty with the text, which is " nee radetis barbam." Lev. xix. 27. Ne calle vp on the dead. " Et super mortuo non incidetis carnem vestram." P. 93, I. 4. — Morow %t. " Matutiua lux." Is. viii. 20. NOTES. 179 P, 93, I, 5. — Also thus writith Austeyn, Decretum, Caus. xxvi. q. 7, c, 16, " Admoneant sacerdotes fideles populos, ut noverint magicas artes incantationesque quibuslibet infirmitatibus hominum nihil remedii posse conferre : non animalibus languentibus, claudic'anti- busve, vel etiam moribundis quicquam mederi : non ligaturas ossium velherbarum cuiquam mortalium adbibitas prodesse: sed haec esse laqueos et insidias antiqui hostis, quibus ille perfidus genus humanum decipere nititur. Et si quis haec exercuerit, Clericus degradetur, Laicus anathematizetur," I, 8. — To lech. Anglo-Saxon laec, to cure, mederi. Hence lecxh or leech, a physician. I, 9, — Panteris. Panders. /. 11. — The lewid man, i. e. the layman. ¦ And eft thus, Decret. Caus. xxvi. q. 7, c. 16, " Non observetis dies, qui dicuntur iEgyptiaci, aut Calendas Januarii, in quibus cantilenae quasdam et comessationes, et ad invicem dona do- nantur, quasi in principio anni, honi fati augurio, aut aliquos menses, aut tempora, aut dies, aut annos, aut Lunae Solisque cursura, quia qui has et quascunque divinationes, aut fata, aut auguria observat, aut attendit, aut consentit observantibus, inutiliter, et sine causa, magis ad sui damnationem, quam ad salutem tendit : sive qui per quosdam numeros literarura, et Lunae, et per Pythagoricara necro- mantiam aegrotantium vitam vel mortem, vel prospera vel adversa fntura inquirunt, sive qui attendunt somnialia scripta, etfalso Danielis nomine intitulata, et sortes quae dicuntur sanctorum Apostolorum, et auguria avium, aut aliqua pro domo facienda, aut proper conjugia copulanda, aut in collectionibus herbarum carmina dicunt, aut pycta- ciola pro quavis infirmitate scripta, super homines, vel animalia ponunt, praeter symbolum, et orationem Dominicam, aut magicis falsitatibus in grandinariis tempestatibus credunt. Qui autem talibus credunt, aut ad eorum donum euntes, aut suis domibus introducuiit, ut interrogent, sciant se fidem Christianam et baptismum praevari- casse, et ut paganum, et apostatam, id est, retro abeuntem, et Dei inimicum, iram Dei graviter in asternum incurrisse, nisi Ecclesiastica 180 NOTES. poenitentia emendatus Deo reconcilietur. Dicit enim Apostolus, sive manducatis, sive bibitis, sive aliquid aliud facitis, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi facite, in quo vivimus, movemur, et sumus," P, 93, I, 17. Tenten, Attend. I. 19 The men. This seems a mistake of the scribe for " the moon." And figer of nigramauncy. " Pythagoricam necro- mautiam ;" there is here also perhaps some mistake. I. 22. — Canelis. " Sortes." Perhaps the same as cantle or cantel, a word used by Shakespeare for apart, a share : vid. Nares' Glossary in voc. I, 25. — Strowis with figeris writun. " Pyctaciola scripta." Pictaciolum, or Pittadum, " tabula fusili pice illita ad exarandum : scheda, epistola." Adelung Glossar. Manuale, in voc. I. 26 Wiche falsness. i. e. witch falseness, " magicis falsita tibus." P. 94, I. 4, — As the decre seith. Decret. Caus. xxvi. q. 2, c. 1. " Sic et sortibus nihil mali inesse monstratur, prohibetur tamen fidelibus, ne sub hac specie divinationis ad antiques idololatriae cultus rediret." I. 14. — Boner, From the French bonaire, kind, gracious, well-disposed. P. 95, I, 1, — That the it are. There seems some mistake here. I. 4, — ^ethun. Heathen. ^.11. — Phitoners, " Pythones.'' I, 29. — Chong him. Change him. I. 30. — Sternis. Stars. Anglo-Saxon pejine. P. 96, I. 3. — Spices are content under theis many. i. e. many species are contained under these. I. 7. — And thus Austeyn seith. This reference has not been found. I. 9. — Attristun in. Trust in. /. 19. — Sem oft at ee. The word sem is a misprint for seen. NOTES. 181 " Men seen oft at ee that swilk thingis help," i. e. men see often with their eyes, (evidently, sensibly,) that such things help. P. 96, I. 22 So how. i. e. so ought. . ;. 27. — Wen. Ween, suppose, imagine. Anglo-Saxon penan. See line 30. I. 28. — Rafars. Spoilers, robbers ; from reave. P, 97, 1, l.—Fendith, Defendeth. I, 4 — As the decre declareth wel. This reference has not been found : nor is the Editor quite certain whether it refers to what pre cedes, or to what follows. 1.7. — Wodnes. i.e. madness. "Furor illis secundum sinii- litudinem serpentis." Ps. Ivii. 4. From the Anglo-Saxon pob, mad. I, 8. — Heddir. Adder. I. 12.— Wold Old. -1,16. — Weldar. " Possessorem suum." From the Anglo- Saxon pealban, to wield, to have power over, to possess. I. 24. — Put in the general sentens and cursing of the kirk. Decret. Caus. xxvi. q. 6, c. 1. " Si quis ariolos, aruspices, vel incan- tatores observaverit, aut phylacteriis usus fuerit, anathema sit." See also c. 4, et sq. I. 31. — Blouing. Blowing. P. 98, 1, 9. — Sautis, Assaults. I, 14. — Habarioun. Breastplate. " Clothid with the habu- rioun of ri3twisnesse." Wicliffe's N. T. at Eph. vi. 14. Written also habergeon, and haubergon ; from Halsberga, Halbergium, Hau- bercum, Hauberionius, forms in which the word is found in the Latinity ofthe Middle Ages : all derived from the German, Halsbergh, neck- protector. See Du Cange, in v. Halsberga, I. 19. — That we may wet. For " that we may wot," or know. I. 32. — ITiei hip men assoiling. They promise men absolution. P. 99, I. 6,— Thei wel bi deneris. Sic MS. 182 NOTES. P. 99, I, 8. — Ere. Perhaps for here. ^.16. Vnderstond misser. Understand more erroneously. The comparative of the Anglo-Saxon mij-, with which mistake, misun derstand, and such words are compounded. P. ] 00, I, 28. — Vnsible ; for unsensible. P. 101, I. 10. — Efler the decre of Isidor. Caus. xxii. q. 4, c. 5. " In malis promissis rescinde fidem. In turpi voto muta decretum : quod incaute vovisti, ne facias. Impia enim est promissio quae scelere adimpletur." I. 21. — Hugo declarith, in his book of Sacramentis. Hugo de Sancto Victore, De Sacramentis, Lib, ii. part, xii, c. 4. " Scriptura dicit : Vota stultorum frangenda sunt, Vota quippe stultorum intel- ligimus ea, quae vel de malo fiunt, vel de bono male." The passage quoted by our author and by Hugo, as from the Scripture, contains rather the substance or meaning of Eccl. v. 3, 4. I. 22. — Fowl wowis. Perhaps a mistake for " fools' vowis," as the Latin seems to indicate. P. 102, I. 1. — Tariing. Tarrying, delaying, impeding. I. 7. — Awowe. i. e. a vow. I. 8.—Ehyt,. Eat. I. 10. — Bydun. A mistake of the press for byndun, i, e. bind. P. 103, I. 7. — Hawid. i. e. hallowed. I. 10. — An abit. i. e. an obit ; the commemoration of the day of a benefactor's death. God behiteth no meed for the keeping, i. e. God promiseth no reward for the keeping of such days or rites. — — I. 19. — Be it hout worth or nout. Be it ought worth [i. e. worth anything] or nought. — — I. 20. — Ther ouerman. Their superior. I. 21. — Cerse. Perhaps for cease. NOTES. 183 P. 104, I. 4. — Prosper, in his book of Contemplatif Lif, seith thus. The book here quoted has been long attributed to S. Prosper, and has been printed aniong his works ; but the learned seem now agreed that the real author was Julianus Pomerius, who flourished about A.D. 498 or 500. (See Ceillier, .ffi'rf. des Auteurs, tom. xv. p. 451, sq. Oudin. De Scriptor. tom. i. col. 1193 sq.) The following passage from the treatise De Vita contemplativa, lib. ii. cap. 4, appears to be that which is here cited by our author. "Illos dico, qui velut con- versi, ex pristinis moribus nihil abjiciunt, non mente mutati, sed veste : nee actu, sed habitu. Hi sunt qui sermone tantum, non opere, seculo renuntiasse contenti seculariter vivunt, et vitia sua inani professione vitae melioris abscondunt, ac religionis imaginariae nomine palliati, opinionem virtutis pro virtute suscipiunt. Praedicant magna, nee faciunt : accusant vitia, nee deponunt. Publice sibi displicere simu lant, quod occulte committunt. Magni student videri, non fieri. Laudant eos, quorum cupiunt praedicatione laudari." Opp. D. Pros- peri Aquitanici, f. 221 . Co?, ^^r. 1690, 12mo. Our author appears either to have had before him a copy differing considerably from the printed editions, or else to have added to his quotation several inter polations of his own. The edition of the treatise De Vita Contempla tiva, published separately in 4to. A.D. 1487 (s. I.) agrees exactly with the foregoing extract ; but it is by no means improbable that the stronger expressions against the hypocrisy of the religious orders may have been expurgated by the first editor of the work. I. 5 — Ooneris. This word seems intended to represent the Latin conversi. There is of course some mistak e. 1. 8. — Bicis, for vicis, vices. I. 21. — Ref. Plunder ; from the verb to reave. I. 24.— gelded. Y elided. /, 25. — Lufun. Leave. I. 27. — Of theis seith Bernard to Eugeny the Pope. Bernard. De Consideratione, ad Eugenium III. Papam. Lib, IV, cap. ii, n, 4, (Operum Edit. Bened. tom. ii. 438, D.) " Hi sunt qui subesse non sustinent, praeesse non norunt ; superioribus infideles, inferioribus im- 184 NOTES. portabiles. Hi inverecundi ad petendum, ad negandum frontosi. Hi importuni ut accipiant, inquieti donee accipiant, ingrati ubi acce- perint. Docuerunt Iinguam suam grandia loqui, cum operentur exigua. Largissimi promissores, et parcissimi exhibitores : blandis- sirai adulatores, et mordacissimi detractores : siraplicissimi dissimula- tores, et malignissimi proditores." P. 104, I. 29. — Vnder lowtid: subesse. To lout, or lowt, is to be subject, to bow, to pay obeisance. See p. 85. 1. 8. Thei kan not: i. e. they ken, or know not ; praesse non norunt. In line 31, they ken is used in the sense of " they teach," or make to know ; docuerunt, P. 105, 1. 1 — Bihipars, Promissors. I, 2. — And Lincoln seith thus : This passage the Editor has not been able to find in any of the printed works of Grosthead to which he has had access. -^— I, 4 — Careyn. Carrion. I. 11. — Geyt skinnis. Goat skins. I, 14. — Sternis, Stars. See p. 95, 1. 30. I. 16. — If ani wen hem: i. e. if any suppose himself, " Si quis autem putat se religiosum esse," Jam. i. 26. " And if ony man guessith hym silf to be relegious." Wicliffe, N. Test, 1,25 — Thi chere : a mistake probably ior cheke : "in sudore vultus tui." P. 106, 1. 9. — And her seith Austeyn, in his book of warkis of monkis. August. De Opere Monachorum. n. xiii. (Ed. Ben. xiv.) " Innocente et honeste quae apta sunt humanis usibus operabatur [apostolus] ; sicut sese habent opera fabrorum, structorum, sutorum, rusticorum, et his similia Si Judaeos discerint, Patriarchae pecora pave- runt : si Graecos, quos etiam Paganos dicimus, etiam Philosophos mul tum sibi honorabiles, sutores habuerunt : si Ecclesiam Dei, homo ille Justus, et ad testimonium conjugalis semper mansurae virginitatis electus, cui desponsata erat virgo Maria, quae peperit Christum, faber fuit." Edit. Bened. tom. vi. 485. NOTES. 185 P. 106, 1. 12. — Sewars. " Sutores." This word is spelt sowtars, lines 14 and 18. Feld telars. Field tillers, rustici. I. 23. And in the decre is this noted. This is a reference to the words of Gratian, Dist. xci. " Quod si Ecclesia ei [ecclesiastico scil, viro] sufficere non potuerit, proprio artificiolo, vel agricultura (exemplo Apostoli, qui de labore manuum vivebat) sibi necessaria inveniat : ita tamen, ut occasione sui operis vigiliis ecclesiae non desit." ;. 25. — And eft Austeyn seith. De Opere Monach. n. xvij. (Ed. Ben. 20). " Quid enim agant qui operari corporaliter nolunt, cui rei vacent scire desidero. Orationibus, inquiunt, et psalmis, et lectioni, et verbo Dei. Sancta plane vita et Christi suavitate lauda- bilis. Sed si ab his avocandi non sumus, nee manducandum est. nee ipsae escae quotidie praeparandae, ut possint apponi et assumi. Si autem ad ista vacare servos Dei certis intervallis temporum ipsius infirmita- tis necessitas cogit, cur non et apostolicis praeceptis observandis aliquas partes temporum deputamus? Citius enim exauditur una obedientis oratio, quam decem millia contemptoris Qui autem se dicunt vacare lectioni, nonne illic inveniunt quod praecipit Apos tolus ? Quae est ista ergo perversitas, lectioni nolle obtemperare. dum vult ei vacare ; et ut quod bonum est diutius legatur, ideo facere nolle quod legitur ? Quis autem nesciat tanto citius quemque pro- ficere, cum bona legit, quanto citius facit quod legit ?" Edit. Bened. tom. vi. 488. I. 26. — Tent. Attend. See also p. 107, 11. 2 and 4. P. 107, I. 7. — In the rewle of Seynt Francis. Reg. S. Francisci primae, cap. vij. viij. Reg. secundae, cap. v. vi. The substance only ofthe words quoted by our author is to be found in the Rule of St. Francis. Vid. Luc. Holstenii, Codex Regularum (edit. Brockie), tom. iii. p. 21, sq. I, 10. — And in the rewle of Seynt Benet. Reg. S. Benedict!, cap. xlviii. apud Luc. Holstenii, Cod. Regularum, tom. i. p. 129. " Otiositas inimica est animae : et ideo certis temporibus occupari CAMD, SOC, 14. 2 B 186 NOTES, debent fratres in labore manuum, certis iterum horis in lectione divina. Ideoque hac dispositione credimus utraque tempora ordinari ; id est, a Pascha usque ad Kalendas Octobris, mane exeuntes a prima usque ad horam pene quartam laborent quod necessarium fuerit. Ab hora autem quarta usque ad horam quasi sextam lectioni vacent . Si autem necessitas loci, aut paupertas exegerit, ut ad fruges colli- gendas per se occupentur, non contristentur ; quia tunc vere Monachi sunt, si labore manuum suarum vivunt, sicut et Patres nostri, et Apostoli." P. 107, I. 25 Gloriouse is ihe frut of good labors. " Bonorum enim laborum gloriosus est fructus." Wisd. iii. The reference in the margin " cap°. iiio.," is a mistake of the press, for " Sap. iijo," P- 108, I. 23. — Our kynd: our nature. 1.25, Of the sawis of Seynt Bernard. The Editor has not found the original of this reference. 1.31. — Stalworth. Stout, able-bodied. Anglo-Saxon j^aelpyp'Se or j-caelpeoji^, which Lye explains, Captu dignus, ejus astimationis ut opera pratium sit surripere. p. 109, I. 1. — Vggid. There is perhaps some mistake here. /. 9. — Men kyd. Perhaps for menglid, mingled, united. See note on p. 87, line 13. Wicliffe's New Testament, reads, " if ony man obeieth not to oure word bi epistle, marke 3he hym, and comyne 3he not with hym, that he be schamed." I. 18. — As the Glose smth. " Nee rursum copia vel inopia transeuntium rerum in oblivionem decidat aeternorum." Gloss, ordin. in Prov. xxx. 8. I. 24. — And thus Austeyn seith. Aug. De Sermone Domini in Monte, Lib. i. n. 67- {Edit. Bened. Opp. tom. iii. part ii. 193.) " Ita omni petenti te dabis, quamvis non semper id quod petit dabis ; et aliquando melius aliquid dabis. cum petentem injusta correxeris." I. 27. — As the Glose smth. See the Glossa ordinaria on Luke xii. " Non tantum cibos vestros communicate pauperibus, sed etiam NOTES. 187 vendite vestras possessiones, ut omnibus vestris semel pro Domino spretis postea labore manuum vestrarum operemini, unde vivatis vel eieemosynam faciatis." P. 109, I. 29. — Also Austeyn seith. This passage the Editor has not found. 1, 31. — Also Jerom seith. This and the next citation from Jerom the Editor has searched for in vain. P. 110, I. 3. — Also Prosper seith. This passage probably occurs in the work De Vita Contemplativa, falsely attributed to Prosper, which has been already quoted by our author, p. 104 : but the Editor has not succeeded in verifying the reference. 1, d.—jeld. Gold. l. 7. — Austeyn seith. This is another quotation, the original of which has not been found. I. 10. — Schenship. Blame, fault, reproach ; from the Anglo- Saxon, j-cenban. The verb shend, participle shent, has been used by Shakespeare, Spenser and others. See Nares' Glossary. 1. 32.— Also in the story of Seynt Clement. This is a reference to the Golden Legend, or Historia Lombardica of Jacobus a Voragine. In the Legend of St. Clement, the circumstance alluded to by our author is thus recorded : " Quadam autem vice Petrus cum discipulis suis Autaradum, et inde ad insulam per sex miliaria distantem, in qua Macidiana mater Clementis morabatur, venit : ubi quondam co- lumnae vitreae mirae magnitudinis erant. Quas cum Petrus cum ceteris miraretur, videns ipsam mendicantem, cur non potius suis manibus operaretur increpavit." Legend. Lombard, fol. Argentinae, 1490. (Leg. clxv. B.) P. Ul, 1. 17. — Thi louis. Thy loaves, " prohibe panes illi dare." Ecclus. xii. 6. I. 20. — And thus is also bedun. Decret. Caus. xiv, 9, 5. c. 1, " Nolite velle eleemosynas facere de foenore et usuris." ibid. — Oker. " foenus," Perhaps from the Anglo-Saxon, eacan, to eke, to encrease, to add. 188 NOTES. P. Ill, I. 22.— For the decre seith. Decret, Caus, xiv, q, 5, c. 2. " Immolans ex iniquo oblatio est maculata," &c. The whole of this chapter is no more than an extract from Ecclus. xxxiv. I. 24.— The gestis. A mistake for geftis. The original is " Dona iniquorum non probat altissimus." /. 28. — To the hirid hyne. i. e. to the hired hind. Mercenario. P. 112, Z. 2. — Gregor. This marginal reference appears tohave been added in allusion to the statement made in the text, that that only can be considered alms which is given of lawfully acquired property. The same sentiment is quoted from St. Gregory (Lib. vii. epist. 110, ad Siagrum) in the Decretum Caus. xiv. q. 6, c. 7. " Elee- mosyna Redemptoris nostri oculis ilia placet, quae non ex illicitis rebus et iniquitate congeritur, sed quae de rebus concessis, et bene acquisitis impenditur." I. 8. — Softith. Softeneth, appeaseth. I. 11. — Tholith. Suffer ye, permit ye. I. 16. — The slowman. " Piger." Prov. xx. 4. Here. " A rare." This word, under the spelling ear, is frequently used by Shakespeare, and also in the authorised version of the Bible. (1 Sam. viii. 12. Is. xxx. 24. Deut. xxi, 4. Gen. xlv, 6. Exod. xxxi. 21.) See Nares's Glossary. It is the same as the Anglo-Saxon epian, to plough ; and is evidently derived from the Latin, arare. I. 22. — Liveth. Lieth. ¦ I. 24. — Reuar. Plunderer, from reeve, I, 27. — A none. Anon. " Statim ei mercedem restitue." Tob. iv. 15. P- 113, I. 4.— Silun. Sell. I. 8. — Theis meny. These attendants, train, company. Meiny, or menie, from the old French mesnie. See Nares's Glossary, in voc. I, 10. — I rede. I counsel, I advise. GLOSSARY. A, for have, p. 1,1. 17 A, for he, p. 5, 1. 19. See note. Abit, obit, p. 103, 1. 10. See note, and Jameson's Scoitish Dictionary, in voce Abitis. Abouen, above, p. 104, 1. 29. Abouyn, p. 9, 1. 4 Aduowtry, adultery, p. 78, 1. 26 Aggregid, increased, p. 64, 1. 28 Aggregi)>, is aggravated, augmented, p. 4, 1. 18 Ajennis, against, p. 8, 1. 9 A;enstod, againstood, resisted, vrith- stood, p. 6, 1. 24 Ajen.worde, on the other hand, on the contrary, p. 10, 1. 27 ; p. 70, 1. 14 Ai, ever, always, passim. Ai to, always, p. 3, 1. I Als, also, p. 5, 1. 19 Ammonest, admonish, admoneant, p. 93, 1. 5. See Jamieson, in voce Ammonyss. Anenist, anenst, against, in the sense of over against, coram ; in respect of, concerning, p. 29, 1. 8 ; p. 80, 1. 19. See Jamieson in w. Anens, Anenst, Anent. Arett, to reckon, to account, p. 85, 1. 18; p. 104,1. 24 Arettid, reckoned, accounted, p. 26, 1. 29. See rettid, and Jamieson in v. .lirettyt. Ascar, asker, used for the Latin inier- rogantii, p. 69, 1. 8 Atristun, trust, place confidenoe in, p. 96, 1. 9 Auoutry, adultery, p. 76, 1. 30 Autere, altar, p. 29, 1. 32 Auteris, altars, p. 57, 1. 29 Avowter, adultery, p. 78, 1. 30 Awaytit, await ye, used for the Latin observetis, p. 93, 1. 11. Awaytun, ib. 1. 16. Awith, oweth, debet, p. 30, 1. 11 Bannun, excommunicate, curse, p. 26, 1. 21 Barianns (?) p. 50, 1. 8 Bame, a child, p. 2, 1. 8 Batails, provisions. See note, p. 76, 1. 1 Bateyl, battle ; used for the Latin helium, p. 87, 1. 8 190 GLOSSARY. Bats, bates, contentions, p. 29, 1. 21 Bed, bid, p. 65, L 17 Bedun, bidden, commanded, p. 31, 1. 17 Be forn, before, p. 67, 1. 31 Behest, promise, engagement, p. 4, 1. 12 Beheti>, promiseth, p. 74, 1. 4 Behetun, behight, promise, p. 98, 1. 28 Behi3t, promise, p. 57, 1. 4 Behit, promised, p. 10, 1. 14 Be howfi>, behoveth, p. 6, 1. 16 Behyteli, promiseth, p. 69, 1. 15 Bening, benign ; used to translate the Latin benignus, p. 33, 1. 21 Be)), be ye, p. 89, 1. 9 Be twen, between, p. 72, 1. 27 Bicis, vices ; vitia sua, p. 104, 1. 8 Biclipping, embracing. See note on p. 33, 1. 21 BidiJ", abideth, p. 70, 1. 12 Big, build, p. 43, 1. 32. Bigge, p. 48, 1. 15 ; p. 71,1. 31. Bigging, building, p. 35, 1. 32. Biggi)', buildeth, p. 80, 1. 1 . See Jamieson in voce. Bi gernyn (?), p. 64, 1. 16. See note. The word to girn, is used in the Scotch dialect for to grin, io snarl, to be peevish. See Jamieson. Bije, buy, p. 11, 1. 10 Blawun, blowen, censured, calumniated, p. 24, 1. 3 Blouing, blowing, p. 97, 1. 31 Bodun, forbidden, p. 32, 1. 10 Boner, kind, gracious. French, banaire, p. 94, 1. 14 Boun, " be boun," be bov'n or above, p. 59, 1. 13 i p. 64, 11. 5, 6 ; p. 88, 1. 17 Bouning doune, used to translate the Xia.iia discedentes, p. 62,1.19. The word boun, in the Scotch dialect, sig nifies to go, to direct one's course to a certain place. See Jamieson. Brend, burnt, p. 84, 1. 21 Brenne, burn, p. 75, 1. 8 Briddis, birds, p. 92, 1. 22.— Briddus, p. 93, 1. 23 Brondit, branded, burnt, p. 103, 1. 3 Bryn, bum, p. 57, 1. 23 But, unless ; " but >ei make opun al truth," p. 32, 1. 29 But if, unless, p. 3, 1. 3 ; p. 5, 1. ult. Buxum, obedient, submissive, p. 42, 1. 23 j p. 102, 1. 2 Byjar, buyer, p. 7, 1. 18 Bymowe, raock, p. 81, 1. 27. See Ja mieson in V. Mow. Caff, chaff, p. 54, 1. 24. See Kaff. Canelis, lots, used for the Latin Sortes, p. 93, 1. 22. See note. The word cantel, in the Scotch dialect, is used for a. juggling trick. See Jamieson. Careyn, carrion, p. 105, 1. 4 Cerse (?), p. 103, 1. 21 Cesser, cease (?), p. 20, 1. 7 Chalang, challenge, p. 110, 1. 14 Chare, car, chariot, p. 44, 1. 27 Chaur, chair, p. 4, 1. 30 Chere, a mistake probably for cheke, i. e. cheek, p. 105, 1. 25 Chesid, chose, prset. of choose, p. 41 , 1. 32 Chesing, choosing, electio, p. 48, 1. 19 ; p. 78, L 3 Chitering, chattering, p. 92, 1. 22 GLOSSARY. 191 Chong, change, p. 95, 1. 29 Chouche, couch ; used to represent the Latin ineubare, p. 49, 1. 2 Clepid, called, p. 54, 1. 29 Clere, clear, p. 5, 1. 24 Clerked, clerk-head, used for the Latin clericaius, p. 43, 1. 31 Clerte, claritas, renown, celebrity, p. 5, 1.2 Cleymyd, claimed, p. 42, 1. 2 Colver, a dove, p. 2, 1. 12 Comyn, communion, fellowship, p. 10, 1. 5 ; p. 27, 1. 10 Comynte, community, p. 27, 1. 19 Conduct, hired, conducti, p. 52, 1. 19 Contenid, continued, p. 101, 1. 27 Contenun, continue, p. 1 1 , 1. 32 Contune, continue, p. 12, 1. 1 Contnni)), continueth, p. 69, 1. 17 Cordanli, accordantly, in accordance, p. 6, 1. 15 Cruciars, cnicifiers, p. 21, 1. 6 Curhid, probably a mistake for curlid ; used to translate comatulos pueros, p. 59, 1. 23 Deadly, mortal, p. 50, 1. 15 Dede, action, deed, p. 2, 1. 3 ; p. 3, 1. 2 Deed, dead, p. 3, 1. 2 Defendid, prohibited, forbidden, p. 19, 1. 27, p. 94, 1. 5 Delen, distribute, deal, divide, p. 100, 1. G. Scotch Deil, Deille, See Jamie son Deme, deem, consider, p. 3, 1. 19 ; p. 22, 1. 18. Also to judge, to pro nounce judgment, ib. 1. 21 ; p. 99, 1.27 Demid, thought, hoped, p. 51, 1. 20 Demi)j, judge ye, p. 46, 1. 13 Deneris, deniers (?), p. 99, 1. 6 Denaie)>, deigneth, used for the Latin dignatur, p. 43, 1. 24 Deueyn, divine ; used to translate the Latin divinabitis, p. 67, 1. 16 Depart, to separate, put asunder, p. 5, 1. 4 ; used for the Latin distribuere, p. 49, 1. 3 Departid, separated, dissolved, p. 70, 1. 18 Depering, despairing, p. 90, 1. 31 Desesse, disease, p. 26, 1. 16 Deseyce, disease, p. 42, 1. 25 Dette, debt, p. 4, 1. 6 Digingis, stripes, hlows, plague, p. 5, 1. 12. From Ding, to strike, scourge. See Ding doun, and Dingings. Dije, die, p. 49, 1. 14 Ding doun, to throw down, to overturn, p. 36, 1. 1 ; p. 71, 1. 32.— ro ding is to strike with violence, to scourge. See Jamieson. Dingings, stripes, blows, p. 38, U. 1, 2 Diriges, dirges, p. 50, 1. 33 Disseile, dissolve, set free (?), p. 76, 1. 7 Dissess, disease, p. 93, 1. 20 Diti)), inditeth, p. 60, 1. 16 Dom, doom, judgment, condemnation, p. 18, 1. 3. Plur. domis, p. 6, 1. 15 Dongun, beaten, vapulaturos, p. 5, 1. 11, p. 37, 1. 32, past part, ofthe verb to ding. See Ding. Dowing, endowing, p. 73, 1. 26 192 GLOSSARY. Dowue, dove, p. 56, 1. 20. See note, p. 57, 1. 32 Dredan, dreading, fearing, p. 4, 1. 21 Dredfully, fearfully, timidly, used for the Latin timide, p. 49, 1. 3 Dredy (.'), perhaps sorrowful, grave, p. 104, l. 10 Drif, drive, p. 91, 1. 13 Drying, sorrow, p. 87, 1. 12. See note. Dure, continue, endure, p. 29, 1. 5 Dyerynes, for dryeryness, i. c. dreari ness, tristitia, mcestitia, p. 58, 1. 13 Ee, eye, " ee ledis," eyelids, p. 74, 1. 17. Ee, eyes, p. 96, 1. 19. Een, eyes, p. 36, 1. 5. See Jamieson. Eeris, ears, p. 36, 1. 5 Eft, after, passim. Ehyt, eat, p. 102, 1. 8 Ekid, eked, exacted, p. 13, 1. 2. Spelt also jeke. See p. 26, 1. 4. Ekid, added, p. 54, 1. 30. Anglo-Saxon eacan. Enblawun, puffed up, injiutus, p. 30, 1.5 Endurid, hardened, p. 90, 1. 11 Enk, ink, p. 64, 1. 8 Enuy3e, envy, p. 58, 1. 11 Ere, here (?), p. 99, 1. 8 E>en, heathen, p. 88, 1. 21 Euen to, equal to, p. 85, 1. 19 Euenhed, evenhood, justice, fairness, equal dealing, p. 73, 1. 16 Euid, heavied, made heavy, p. 67, 1. 14 Eui)> (.'). See note, p. 61, 1. 21 Euy, heavy, sorrowful, p. 67, 1. 14 ; p. 107, 1. 16 Euyn, equal, " euyn power," equal power, p. 29, 1. 1 1 Euynes, heaviness, p. 42, 1. 26 Eyre, air, p. 96, 1. 2 Eyt, eat, p. 105, 1. 26 Falsen, falsify, p. 60, 1. 15 Farrer, farther, p. 29, 1. 4 Fautid, faulted, committed a fault, p. 66, 1. 16 Felaws, fellows, "\>i felaws bischops," coepiscopi tui, p. 59, 1. 27 Feldhasser, wild ass, used for the Latin onager, p. 58, 1. 13 Fele, felid, feel, felt, p. 1, 11. 17, 20; p. 87,1.21. See note. Fele, fulfil ; the word is used to trans late the Latin implere, p. 30, 1. 4 Fell, to fulfil, p. 4, 1. 3. See fill. Felli)j, for filli>, i. c. fulfilleth, p. 80, L 15 Fend, fiend, the devil, passim. Fendly, diabolically, p. 10, 1. 3 Ferd, fourth, p. 70, 1. 16 Ferjie, fourth, p. 22, 1. 17 File, defile, p. 22, 1. 8. Fili)., defileth, p. 103, 1. 8 Fill, to fulfil, p. 1,1. 17, et al. passim, Wm>, filth, p. 47, 1. 12 FUyd, defiled, p. 30, 1. 26. FiUd, p. 56, 1. 5. See file. Flees, fleece, p. 104, 1. 22 Foilest, wastest ; used for the Latin atterere, p. 44, 1. 16 Foilid, defiled ; for the Latin violabant or contaminabant, p. 67, 1. 6. See note. GLOSSARY. 193 Folily, foolishly, rashly, p. 9, 1. 20 FoUs, fools, p. 63, 1. 19 Folthis, filths ; used for the Latin con- iaminationes, p. 69, 1. 1 For done, undone, destroyed, p. 64, 1. 18. See note.- Forfendid, forbidden, prohibited, p. 70, 1.31; p. 96, 1. 11 For^fill, iiilfill, p. 45, 1. 13 For>i, because, p. 4, 1. 18. See note; used to represent the Latin pro eo quod, p. 35, 1. 10, and to translate Mnc, p. 31, 1. 19. See p. 30, 1. 21, and p. 69, 1. 16 For)>inging, forthinking, repenting, p. 67,1.31. See note. For)>word, bargain made before, p. 52, 1.24 Frujt, fruit, p. 4, 1. 28 Fuyle, fail ; used for the Latin desinet, p. 59, 1. 6 Fyle, defile, p. 34, 1. 30 Gaf, gave, p. 5, 1. 19 Garring, prating, chattering, p. 95, 1. 18 Geit, get, p. 4, 1. 17 Gelousy, jealousy, p. 25, 1. 8 Geyt, a goat, p. 105,1. 11 Gifith, giveth, p. 2, 1. 20 Gnasten, gnash, p. 93, 1. 1 Gobe)>, a morsel ; fragmen, p. 67, 1. 7. See note. Go>, go ye, p. 93, 1. 3 Grattist, greatest, p. 42, 1. 7 Greece, grease, fat ; used to translate the Latin adipem, p. 35, 1. 20. See Gres. CAMD. SOC. 14. Gres, grease, fat, p. 34, 1. 31 Greten, sorrow, lament, grieve, p. 49, 1. 23. See Jamieson in v. Griet. Grouil", groweth, p. 35, 1. 32 Gruch, to grumble, to murmur, p. 27, 1. 16. See Jamieson. Grynnies, snares, gins, laquei. Anglo- Saxon Spin, p. 2, 1. 21 ja, yea, p. 55, 1. 28 ; p. 79, 1. 11 jaf, gave, p 6, 1. 9 jatis, gates, p. 35, 1. 7 ; spelt jats, p. 56, 1. 22 36, yea, p. 6, 1. 7 jed, heed, p. 2, 1. 29 ; p. 32, 1. 4. 3ede, ib. 1. 6 3ed, went ; old prset. of the verb to go, p. 49, 1. 32 ; p. 62, 1. 31. See note. 3ed, heed, p. 91, 1. 15 3een, eyes, p. 47, 1. 28 3ef, give, p. 7, 1. 2 ; p. 49, 1. 28. 3efing, giving, p. 4, 1. 3. See Gifith. 3ef, if, p. 65, I. 17 3efar, giver, p. 73, 1. 6 ; p. 76, 1. 24 3eft, give, p. 63, 1. 25 ; p. 81, 1. 13 3eftis, give ye, p. 62, 1. 27 jefun, given, p. 5, 1. 16 jekun, eke, add, p. 26, 1. 4 ; used to re present superaddunt in the Latin, p. 55, Ll. See Eke. 3el, 3ele, health, passim. 3eld, yeild, p. 76, 1. 15 ; p. 77, 1. 22 jeld, gold, p. 110, 1. 5 3eldid, yeilded, deviated, p. 104, 1. 24 3ele, verb, heal, p. 28, 1. 30 ; p. 97, 1. 12 3ele, subst. health, welfare, p. 47, 11. 9, 17 ; p. 59, 1. 32 ; p. 91, 1. 2 ; p. 100, 1. 1 2 C 194 GLOSSARY. 3elid, healed, p. 91, 1. 2, 5 jend (?J, p. 13, 1. 30, perhaps for wend, to go. jend, end, p. 28, 1. 15 ; p. 83, \. 19 3endis, ends, p. 48, 1. 24 jendlesly, endlessly, eternally ; used for the Latin sempiterne, p. 55, 1. 31 jeng, young, p. 59, 1. 28 jenstond, for a3enstond, withstand, re sist, p. 25, 1. 5 jer, year, p. 8, 1. 16. jeris, years, p. 9, L7 3er, perhaps for e'er, ever, p. 58, 1. 22. See note. jerd, herd, i. c. shepherd. See note, p. 5, L 12 ; conf. p. 59, 1. 26 jere, ^er'i, hear, p. 37, 1. 11, p. 61, 1. 23. jering, hearing, p. 8, 1. 15 jere, ear, p. 62, 1. 27 jerle, earl, p. 7, 1. 31 3er>e, earth, p. 4, 1. 11 ; p. 8, 1. 28 3et, yet, passim. 3et, heat, p. 55, 1. 17. " Bidde)> jet ;" used to translate the Latin adspiret, p. 69, 1. 22 jet, eat, or ate, p. 90, 1. 30 jeti]>, eateth, p. 53, 1. 24 3el>un, heathen, p. 95, 1. 4 jeuelfuly, evilly, evil-mindedly, p. 76, 1. 8 jeuit, give ye, p. 89, 1. 2 jeuun, given, p. 9, 1. 26 ; p. 36, 1. 3 jha, yea, p. 10, 1. 32 jhe, yea, p. 76, 1. 3 ; p. 84, L 9 jie, yea, p. 29, 1. 9 3if, give, p. 5, 1. 16 jif, if, p. 37, 1. 27 jok, yoke, p. 80, 1. 10 jong, young, p. 2, 1. 20 30r, your, ^a*«»j. 30U, jowe, you, passim, je, ye jungar, younger, p. 2, 1. 19 Habarioun, breastplate, p. 98,1. 14. See note. Habunde, abound, p. 51, 1. 29 Hald, hold, p. 2, 1. 9 ; p. 5, 1. 24 Half, behalf, p. 39, 1. 6 Han, have, p. 6, 1. 17, et passim Harborow, harbour, shelter, p. 21, 1. 2. See Herbarow. Hard, heard, passim. Hare, are, p. 43, 1. 13 Harmis, arms, p. 83, 1. 15 Hast, haste ; "no man hast," i. e. let no man haste," or be in haste, p. 3, 1.29 Hat, hate, p. 66, 1. 22 Haterad, hatred, p. 11, 1. 5 Hau3t, ought, p. 59,1.19; p. 108, I. 28 ; p. 43, 1. 19 Havrid, hallowed, p. 103, 1. 7 Hawtest, oughtest, p. 37, 1. 24 Hed, heed (?), p. 60, 1. 12 Heddir, adder, p. 97, 1. 8 Hedously, hideously, p. 62, I. 32 Heiar, higher, p. 31, 1. 11 Heldar, elder, p. 2, 1. 17 Hele, health, p. 19, 1. 21 ; p. 47, 1. 8 ; p. 94, 1. 10 Helful, healthful, wholesome, healthy, p. 75, 1. 17 Helid, covered, p. 24, 1. 23 ; p, 85, 1. GLOSSARY. 195 31 ; p. 90, 1. 30. Afiglo-Saxon Helan. See Hyling. Helsum, wholesome, p. 6, 1. 25 ; p. 38, 1.27 Hem, them, p. 4, 1. 30, ajid passim. Hend, "be hend," behind, p. 75, 1. 17 Hene, hence, p. 20, 1. 26 Henk,ink, p. 91,1. 11 Her, their, p. 5, 1. 29, et passim. Herbarow, harbour, shelter (Anglo- Saxon hepebepga), p. 89, 1. 3 Here, plough, arare, p. 112, 1. 16. See note, and Jamieson in v. ar, are. Hernist, yeamest, desirest. Anglo- Saxon geopman, p. 59, 1. 32 Hertis, hearts, p. 2, 1. 19 Het, eat, p. 93, 1. 32 He)>un, heathen, p. 90, 1. 1 Heuid, head, p. 40, 1. 31. Anglo-Saxon, heuec, heajob, caput. In the Scotch dialect Hewid, and Hevyd, are found. See Jamieson. Hewowof iwan Q). See note, p. 67, 1. 4 Heyest, highest, p. 40, 1. 28. See Hie. Heyet, height, p. 41, 1. 9 Heyle, health, p. 27, 1. 24 Heyne, p. 26, 1. 16, courteous, gentle. See Jamieson in v. and Sir Fred. Madden's excellent Glossary to " Havelok the Dane," printed by the Roxburghe Club. Lond. 1828 Hejt, eat, p. 37, 1. 29 Hie, high, p. 58, 1. 16, exalt, make high, Uftnp, p. 78, 1. 16. Hied, exalted, made high, p. 30, 1. 26 Hied, hide, p. 4, 1. 30 Hienes, highness, p. 41 , 1. 22 ; p. 5 1 , 1. 29 Hietis, perhaps for hijtis, promises ; unless it signify heights, p. 23, 1. 5 Hijt, promise, p. 4, 11. 4, 11 ; p. 10, 1. 22, et passim Hird, shepherd, p. 58, 1. 4 His, is, p. 6, 1. 2 Hod, hood, p. 91, 1. 17 Hold, old, p. 76, 1. 14 Holde, old, p. 22, 1. 30 Hordres, orders ; used for those in holy orders, p. 32, 1. 9 HoniJ", hoveth, behoveth, ought, p. C2, 1.12 Hout, subst. ought, anything. " Hout worth," worth anything, p. 103, 1. 19 Houwi)", behoveth, p, 59, 1. 25 How, ought, p. 4, 1. 3? Howfi)>. See Be-hou>fil>. Howi)>, oweth, ought, p. 3, 1. 7 Hoyle, oil, p. 58, 1. 23 Huschers, ushers ; used to translate (Editui, p. 35, 1 T, p. 36, 1. 28 Hyling,covering, raiment, p. 76,1.31;p. 77,1.3. From the Anglo-Saxon helan, to cover. See Wickliffe's N. T. in 1 Tim. vi. 8, " but we having foodis and with what things we schulen be hilid ; " Tiabentes autem alimenta, et quibus tegamur. Hyrdis, herds, shepherds ; used to trans late the 'La.^An pastores, p. 55, 1. 28 Iarche, hierarchy, p. 32, 1. 9 Ich, each, passim If, for 3if, i. e. give, p. 79, 1. 11 Ilk, the same. " >at ilk," the same, p. 196 GLOSSARY. 29, 1. 20. " >is i^k,'' this same, p. 106, 1. 14. Anglo-Saxon ilc, idem. See Jamieson. like, or ilk, every, passim. Anglo-Saxon ele, selc, omnis. See Jamieson. Induyd, inducted ; used for the Latin introducere, p. 50, 1. 32 I now, enough, p. 37, 1. 28 Inowe, enough, p. 20, 1. 5 Inplijed, implied, p. 73, 1. 29 Ioi, enjoy, p. 77, 1. 27 luil, evil, p. 5, L 30 Japer, jester, p. 9, 1. 4. See Junius, Etymol. in v. Jape. Japid, mocked, p. 8, 1. 25 JapiJ", mocketh, deceiveth, p. 50, 1. 10 Japis, (pi. of Jape,) jests, p. 82, 1. 21 Joynun, enjoin, p. 11, 1. 31 ; p. 17, 1. 9 Kafe, chaff, p. 75, 1. 6 Kaff, chaff, p. 56,1. 11 Kalfis, calves, p. 75, 1. 13 Katereynis, quadrains. See note, p. 12, 1. 32 Kembid, combed, p. 59, 1. 28 Ken, " ken J)e peple," teach, make the people know, p. 36, 1. 6. See also p. 37, 1. 2. See Jamieson in v. Kesed (?), apparently used for the Latin prosternantur, p. 85, 1. 12 Kest, cast, threw away, p. 48, 1. 31 Koward (?) ; this word is probably a mistake of the MS. p. 56, 1. 6, for Komand, i. c. goming Kownt, count, p. 48, 1. 26 Kum, come. " It is to kum power to be given to the fend," i. c. it is still future, &c. p. 92, 1. 6 Kunne, ken, know ; used to translate Sciant, p. 32, 1. 26 Kynd, nature, p. 18, 1. 10 ; p. 28, 1. 17. " Ilk alien kynd," every strange or foreign nature ; used to translate Omnis alienigena, p. 35, 1. 2 ; p. 75, 1. 20 ; p. 108, 1. 23. See note on p. 81, L32 Kyt, cut, p. 4, 1. 28 Lafte, left, deserted, p. 26, 1. 30 Langwag, language, p. 32, 1. 6 Last, continue, p. 38, 1. 24 Lawje, laugh, p. 81, 1. 26 Lech, to cure (Anglo-Saxon laec) ; used for the Latin mederi, p. 93, 1. 8 Leef, vert), leave, omit, neglect, p. 20, 1. 6 Leef, subst. leave, permission, p. 78, 1. 8 Leefe, permit, give leave, p. 71, 1. 25 Leeui)?, permitteth, giveth leave, p. 71, 1. 14, and 16 Lef, to leave, p. 4, 1. 22 Lefe, subst. leave, permission, p. 70, 1. 20. See Leef. Lefith, leaveth, p. 20, 1. 1 1 Leful, lawful, p. 19, 1. 2 Lefun, leave, p. 64, LIS Leit, let, hinder, p. 66, 1. 10 Lek, like, p. 85, 1. 21 Leke, like, similar, p. 19, 1. 2 Lekenes, likeness, p. 25, 1. IS GLOSSARY. 197 Leking, looking, p. 105, 1. 23 Lendis, loins, p. 98, 1. 14 Lere, leam, p. 20, 1. 21 Lere, teach, instruct, p. 33, 1. 3 ; p. 66, 1.2 Leren, learn, p. 28, 1. 3 LeriK learneth, p. 81, 1. 17 Lesynd (?). See note, p. 55, 1. 7 Leue, leave, permission, p. 70, 1. 28 Leuis, leaves, p. 91, 11. 3, 4, 6 Leui);, leaveth, omitteth, neglecteth, p. 4,1.6 Lenid men, laymen, p. 8, 1. 18 ; p. 19,1. 23; p. 93, 1. 11 (Anglo-Saxon, Isepb lepeb, laicus) Liand, lying, mentientes, p. 24, 1. 32 Licliare, liklier, more likely, p. 39, 1. 32 Lifelod, livelihood, p. 21 , 1.2. Liflod, p. 49, 1. 10; p. 77, 1. l;p. 108, 1. 27 Lifers, leavers, desertors, p. 81, 1. 22. See note, Lifly, lively, living, vital, p. 55, 1. 17 Lije, to lie, to speak falsely, p. 40, 1. 11 Lijed, lied, p. 104, 1. 23 LijeK lieth, p. 112,1. 22 Li))i, lyeth, speaketh falsely, p. 40, 1. 7 Li)), lyeth, p. 38, 1. 21 Liuer, deliver, p. 67, 1. 11 ; p. 86, 1. 8 Locand, looking, p. 2, 1. 30 Locars, lookers, p. 2, 1. 31 Lofid, loved, p. 45, L 10 Lofis, loaves, p. 34, 1. 30 Longe)), belongeth, p. 18, 1. 20 Lore, teaching, instruction, p. 81, 1.32 Louis, loaves ; used for the Latin panes, p. 111,1. 17 Low, flame, blaze, p. 3, 1. 15. See Ja mieson. Lowt, bow, pay obeisance, p. 85, 1. 8. See Jamieson in v. Lout. Lowid, made low, humbled, p. 41, 1. 6 Lowse, loose, p. 9, 1. 2 Lowtid, "vnder lowtid;" used for the Latin subesse, p. 104, 1. 29. See note. Luf, love, p. 3, 1. 9 ; used for the Latin dilectio, p. 56, 1. 6 Lufist, lovest, p. 5, 1. 18 Lufith, loveth, p. 2, 1. 31 Lufun, leave, p. 104, 1. 25 Lynage, lineage, tribe, p. 22, 1. 30 Lyowns, lions, p. 44, 1. 27 Lyuirid, delivered, acquitted, p. 60, 1. 8 Maki>, make ye, p. 4, 1. 24 Manest, menaced. See note, p. 21, 1. 4 Maundments, commandments, p. 45, 1. 19 Med, meed, reward, p. 103, 1. 13. See 1. 10 Mede, reward, p. 5, 1. 4 MedefuUy, deservedly, p. 25, 1. 3 Medid, rewarded, p. 103, 1. 16 Medulfully, medefuUy, profitably, with mede or reward, p. 20, 1. 7 Meed, reward, payment, p. 12, 1. 14 Mene,mean, p. 83,L 19. Menis, means, ib. 1. 23 Mengid, mingled, mixed, p. 87, 1. 13. See Jamieson in v. ming. Meni)), meaneth, signifieth, p. 23, 1. 6 Men kyd, for mengid, mingled, united. 198 GLOSSARY. p. 109, 1. 9. See note, and Jamieson in V. Menkit. Meny, train, attendants, company, p. 113, 1. 3. See note. And Sir Fred. Madden's Glossary to " Havelok the Dane." Merk, dark, p. 87, 1. 10 Merknes, darkness, p. 98, 1. II Merowe, marrow, medulla, p. 91, 1. 8 Messis, masses, p. 8, 1. 15 Meue, move, p. 75, 1. 26 Middis, midst, p. 69, 1. 6. See Jamie son, V. Myddis and Mids. Mig, mud, Anglo-Saxon, meox, p. 58, 1. 17 MikU, much, p. 72, 1. 3 Minys, minish, diminish, p. 3, 1. 24 Mishews, misuse, p. 43, 1. 4 Misser, more erroneously, p. 99, 1. 16. See note, and Jamieson, v. Mys. Misteris, mysteries, p. 44, 1. 27 Moldewarp, mole, p. 57,1. 18. See note. Mone, moon, p. 93, 1. 15 Monest, monisb, admonish, p. 30, 1. 6. " To a monest, to admonish, p. 32, 1. 11. See the note. Monesti)), admonisheth, p. 31, 1. 23 Moo, more, p. 79, 1. 31 Murkenes, darkness, p. 56, 1. 8. See Jamieson, v. Mirk. Mysse, error, fault, misdoing, p. 26, 1. 15. See Jamieson, v. Mys. Nap (?), " as a nap iu the rof," p. 56, 1. 12, "a nape in the house rofe," p. 89, 1. 28. Jamieson gives the word Naip, as used in the north of Scot land, for " The summit of a house, or something resembling a chimney top,'' tind quotes the Unes from Ross's He- lenore, p. 75 — " Far in a how they spy a little sheald, Some peep of reek out at the naip ap pears." NaJ>les, nevertheless, p. 4, 1. 7 Naytid, denied (?), p. 77, 1. 17 Nekist, nearest, next, p. 5, 1. 3 Ne>, " be ne>," beneath, p. 35, 1. 31 Ni3e, as a verb, come nigh, p. 35, 11. 13, 19, 22. See Nye. Nije)), is nigh or near, p. 34, 1. 18 Niy)>, nighetb,is nigh, or near, p. 31, 1. 25 Nobelay, nobility, p. 90, 1. 15. Nobley, nobUity, p. 5, 1. 1 Noi3es (from noy, to hurt), injuries, hurtful things, p. 26, 1. 5 Nout, not, p. 2, 1. 11 Nouys, novice, p. 82, 1. 32 Nowjt, nought, nothing, p. 28, 1. 15 Nowt, nought, nothing, p. 40, 1. 17 Noyed, injured, p. 87, 1. 20 Noyes, noyous, injurious, p. 101, 1. 9 Noye)), annoyeth, injureth, p. 5, 1. 9 Noy, noi, annoy, injure, p. 17, 1. 20 ; p. 18, 1. 10 ; p. 60, 1. 4. See Jamieson, V. Noy.' Noyous, injurious, hurtful, p. 25, 1. 32 Nye, as a verb, also spelt ni3e, to come or be nigh, or near, p. 35, 1. 14 O, one, p. 25, 1. 13 ; p. 88, 1. 24 Odir, other, p. 27, 1. I GLOSSARY. 199 Oker, usury; used for the Latin fcenus, p. 111,1. 20. See note. Olden, holden, reputed, p. 26, 1. 26 ; p. 30, 1. 31 Onhed, onehead, or one hood, i. e. unity, p. 35, 1. 24 Onis, once, p. 42, 1. 18 Onlepj, single, soUtary. See note, p. 38, 1. 11, and Sir Fred. Madden's Glossary to " Havelok the Dane," v. Attilepi. On nobeley, "ignobilitatem suam," p. 86, 1. 3 Ontrow>. See Vntrou)). Ony, any, p. 6, 1. 3 Oole, all, i. e. any, p. 72, 1. 1 Oon, one, p. 4, 1. 20 Ooneris (?), p. 104, 1. 5 Oueral, over all, p. 78, 1. 15 Ouer face, in superficie, p. 91, 1. 8 Ouer-man, superior, p. 80, 1. 26 ; p. 103, L20 Ouerwile; used to translate the Latin word interdum, p. 30, 1. 6 Out, aught, " out worth," ought worth, worth anything, p. 84, 1. 14 Outtak, separate, except, take out, p. 52, L 14 Overl)wartnes ; used for the Latin per versitas, p. 107, 1. 3 Panteris, panders, p. 93, 1. 9 Parischings, parishioners, p. 8, 1. 17 Pees, peace, p. 42, 1. 8 ; p. 87, 1. 9 Peple, people, p. 5, 1. 13 Perid (?). See note on p. 89, 1. 13 Pering, perishing, p. 21, 1. 25 Perpulid, purpled, p. 44, 1. 6 Perseyuer, perceiver, p. 10, 1. 17, 28 Peruey, provide ; used to translate the Latin provideat, p. 55, 1. 28 Peruiance, passage, proventum, p. 62, 1. 25 Pes, peace, p. 2, 1. 11 ; p. 73, 1. 16 Peysid, poised, weighed, considered, p. 67, 1. 30 ¥iatoners, pithones, p. 95, 1. II PUlewor>is, piUows, p. 67, 1. 4 PistU, epistle, p. 5, 1. 23 Pite, piety, p. 57, \. 22 ; p. 89, 1. 14 Pleet. See note on p. 23, 1. 22. See Plete. Plente, plenitude ; used to translate the Latin plenitudinem, p. 30, 1, 16 Plete, "court of plete," p. 79, 1. 25, See Du Cange in vv, Pletum, Plitum, Placitum. Pleyne>, complaineth, p. 67, 1. 3 Pleynid, complained, p. 20, I. 20 Polewt, pollute, p. 36, 1. 12 Porid, made poor, p. 41, U. 28, 32 Prescit, ^j-fflsczVt, reprobate, p. 7, U. 3, 23,24 Prest, " that men prest,'' ut praesint, p. 59, L 13 Priue, deprive, p. 14, 1. 4 ; p. 67, 1. 21 Priueite, mystery, secret, p. 34, 1. 13 ProfhabiU, proveably, certainly, demon stratively, p. 7, 1. 19. Prouable, provably, ib. 1. 28. See also p. 8,1. 15 Profi3t, prophet, p. 38, 1. 26 Profijtly, profitably, p. 59, 1. 14 Profij), profiteth, p. 29, 1. 14 200 GLOSSARY, Prophet, profit, p. 59, 1. 13 Propos, proposition, p. 4, 1. 9 Provastis, provosts, superiors, ^?-ffl;>os>/!, p. 23, 1. 20 Puple, people, p. 4, 1. 10 Purte, purity, p. 5, 1. 2 ftuek, quick, living, p. 8, 1. 22 ; p. 49, L 24 ; p. 93, I. 2 Quikid, quickened, made aUve, p. 67, 1. 26 Quiking, quickening, making to live, p. 54, 1. 26 Quit, to recompence, take vengeance, p. 86, 1. 6 Quyschinis, cushions, cervicalia, p. 67, 1. 11 Rad, afraid, p.27,1. 15. See Jamiesoninir. Rafars, spoilers, robbers, p. 96, 1. 28. See Jamieson in v. Reyfar. Raneyn (?). See note p. 76, 1. 3 Rate, ratified, valid, p. 70, 1. 21 Redarguid, reproved, p. 6, 1. 24 Rede, verb, counsel, advise, p. 113, 1. 10 Reeft, carried him off, p. 41, 1. 27 Ref, plunder, p. 104, L 21 ; p. 110, 1. 31. See Reif. Refi)>, reaveth, spoileth, plundereth, p. 67, 1. 1 Reft, part, of reave, plundered, carried off by force, stolen, p. 77, 1. 24 Reif, plunder, spoil ; from the verb to reave, p. 12, 1. 4. See Jamieson in v. Seif. Ren, "renin," incur, p. 75,1. 18; run, p. 89, 1. 7 Rennun, run, p. 7, 1. 24 Respice, respect ; used for the Latin respectus, p. 86, 1. 32 Rett. See arett, to reckon, to account, p. 85, L 21 Rette, reckon, account, p. 14, 1. 8 Rettid, p. 27, 1. 31 ; p. 91, 1. 19, same as arettid, p. 26, 1. 29, reckoned, ac counted. Reuar, plunderer, p. 112, I. 24. See Rcfar. Reue, verb, rob, plunder, carry off, p. 48, 1. 26 ; p. 67, U. 10, 11. See Ref, Reif. Rewle, to rule, p. 73, 1. 22 Rewl, rule, subst. p. 73, 1. 23 Reysing, raising, p. 68, 1. 3 Richid, " be richid," be enriched; used for the Latin ditetur, p. 43, 1. 31 Richid, was hungry, reached, p. 44, 1. 25 Ri3twisare, more righteous, p. 3, 1. 31 Ri3twisnes, righteousness, p. 3, 1. 15 Ri3twys, righteous, p. 13, 1. 15 Rit, right, p. 67, 1. 25 Rof, roof, p. 56, 1. 12. Rofe, p. 89, 1. 28 Rogun, rung, p. 19, 1. 30 Rostod, roasted, p. 37, 1. 28 Rot, root, p. 91, 1. 9 Rowt, the multitude, p. 61,1. 31. Routis, used to translate turbce, p. 62, 1. 28 Sadder, more serious, p. 45, 1. 22. See Jamieson, v. Sad. Sale wor>, ready for sale, p. 7, 1. 6 GLOSSARY. 201 Sare, sore, p. 93, 1. 8. See Jamieson, V. Sair. Sarrar, sorer, p. 38, 1. 14 Sautis, assaults, p. 98, 1. 9 Sawis, saws, sayings, p. 11, 1. 17 Schap, escape ; used for the Latin eva- , sheath, p. 77, 1. 29 Schild, shield, p. 56, 1. 31. See note. Scho, shoe, p. 34, 1. 12 Schorid, scored, imputed, or reckoned against, p. 85, L 27 Schrewis, p. 64, 1. 21. See note. Schuldres, shoulders, p. 86, 1. 2 Schyn, shine, p. 43, 1. 9 Scle, slay, p. 36, 1. 30 Seclereis, seculars, p. 77, 1. 2 Seek, sick, p. 93, 1. 2@ Segis, sees ; used for episcopal or abba- tial sees, p. 50, 1. 32 Sek, sick, p. 30, 1. 4 Sekir, sure, certain, p. 7, 1. 20 ; p. 17, 1. 18. See Jamieson in v. Sicker. Selle, seal, p. 91,1. 16 Senje, synod, p. 22, 1. 22. See Seyn. Sergs, tapers, wax candles ; (French cierges,) p. 48, 1. 8. See note, and p. se, 1. 20. See also Sir Fred. Madden's Glossary to " Havelok the Dane," v. Cerg. CAMD. SOC. 14. Semid, deserved, p. 22, 1. 29 ; p. 26, 1.19 Setis, seats, p. 25, 1. 12 Se)>, see ye, p. 61, 1. 25 Severythly, severally, separately, p. 52, 1.17 Sewars ; used for the Latin sutores, p. 106, 1. 12 Seyn, synod, p. 38, 1. 32 Seynej, synod, p. 48, 1. 1. See Jamieson, V. Seinye, Senye, Senyhe, Seinghe, Seyng, seeing, p. 53, 1. 3 Seynojis, synods, p. 73, 1. 27. See Seyn. Shriuis, shrive, confess, p. 9, 1. II Shunder, slander, scandal, p. 59, 1. 12 Signis, miracles, p. 51, 1. 18 Siker, as a verb, to make sure, to as sure, p. 7, 1. 20 ; p. 17, L 15. .See Sekir. Sikir, sure, certain, p. 98, 1. 29 Silun, seU, p. 113, \. 4 Sin, since, p. 82, 1. 8 SiJ), since, p. 5, 1. 12 Skarnes, terrors, p. 26, 1, 4 Sleckun, slack, quench, p. 98, 1. 16 Slekennid, slackened, extinguished, p. 19, L 29 Slej), slayeth, p. 3, 1. 5 ; p. 87, 1. 11 Smit, smut, taint (subst.) ; Anglo- Saxon j-mitta; used for the Latin contagium, p. 70, 1. 4 Smot, to smut, stain, infect (verb) ; ' ' J)at he smot not oJ)er ;" that he [the sin ner] infect not others, p. 18, 1. 23 Snibbid, censured, p. 6, 1. 17. See note Snyb, snub, censure, reprove, p. 33, 1. 3 2 D 202 GLOSSARY. Sodekunis, subdeacons, p. 38, I. 21 ; p. 39, 1. 2 Sodyn, sodden, boiled ; past participle o{ seethe, p. 37, 1. 28 Softi>, softeneth, p. 112, 1. 8 Sogetis, subjects, p. 4, 1. 23 ; p. 7, 1. 12 Sogetly, subjectively, p. 88, 1. 23 Soil, soyl, to assoil, to absolve, p. 17, 1. 16 SoiUng, subst. assoUing, absolution, p. 17, 1. 14 Soiling, part. assoUing, absolving, p. 67, 1.30 Somoum (?). See note, p. 61, 1. 21 Sonde ; this word is used, p. 24, 1. 25, for mandatum, a command Sonnid, spoiled, perhaps for soddened, infatuatum sal, p. 2, 1. 10 Sophymis, sophisms, p. 8, 1. 23 Sopid, supped, p. 46, 1. 22 So>e, sooth, trath, p. 40, 1. 12 ; p. 62, I. 1 Sohfastness, truth, p. 13, 1. 23 So))ly, soothly, truly, p. 53, 1. 21 ; p. 66, \. 18 Souare, severe, sore, p. 24, 1. 13 Sout, sought, p. 72, 1. II Sowt, sought, p. 49, 1. 33 ; p. 88, 1. 27 Sowtars, shoemakers, sutores, p. 106, II 14, 18. See Jamieson, v. Soutar. Soyl, assoU, absolve, p. 70, 1. 6 Soylid, assoiled, absolved, p. 69, 1. 21 Spede>, " it spede>," it is expedient, p. 14, I. 15 Spedy, expedient, p. 9, 1. 20 ; p. 16, 1. 25 Sperri)), shuttith. See note on p. 34, 1. 10 Spice, species, p. 47, 11. 19, 23, appear ance; used for the Latin species, p. 94, 1. 6 Spices, species, kinds, p. 96, 1. 3 Sporis, spurs, p. 44, 1. 5 Spowsbrekyng, adultery, p. 89, 1. 10 StaUiworJ)U, stalworthly, stalwartly, stoutly, bravely. Anglo-Saxon jtsel- pyji'Se, literally worth stealing. See Nares' Glossary in voc. p. 22, I. 16. See note on p. 108, 1. 31 Stalwort, stout, able-bodied, p. 108, I. 3 1 . See note. Steer, stir ; used to represent the Latin monetis, admonish, stir up, p. 39, 1. 16 Stere, stir, move ; used for the Latin admoneat, p. 85, 1. II SteriJ), stirreth, p. 1,1. 20 Sternis, stars, p. 95, 1. 30. See Jamie son, V. Starn, Sterringis, stirrings ; used for the Latin motus, p. 67, 1. 20 Steyke, to shut, to fasten, p. 34, 1. 17. See Jamieson, v. Steik, Stille, silent, taciturnus, p. 5, 1. 9 Strak, strackj^rffi*. of strike, p. 3, I, II Stregun, stricken, p. 2, 1. 20 Streke, strike, stretch ; used for the Latin extendam, p. 69, 1. 9 Strenid, constrained ; used for the Latin constringitur, p. 56, 1. 5 Streyn, to draw, turn away, p. 74, 1. 16 Strowis, straws, p. 93, 1. 25. See note. Sudarijs, napkins, Sudaria, p. 91, 1. 23. Sudary, a napkin, p. 105, 1. 12 Suffreyn, sovereign, p. 99, 1. 27 Supprissed, oppressed, p. 79, 1. 15 GLOSSARY. 203 Suyn, swine, p. 58, 1. 6 Suynne, swine, p. 2, L 11 Swelk, such, passim, Suelk, p. 8. 1. 23. See SwilS:, Swelluing, swaUowing, p. 55, 1. 30 Swernes, sournes, aceiditas,p, 58,1. 13. See note ; used to translate tristitia, p. 107, 1. 21 Swilk, such, p. 37, L 12, p. 70, 1. 21. See Jamieson. Sylid, soUed, defiled, p. 89, 1. 11 Tan, for ta'an, taken, p. 5, 1. 7 ; p. 6, 1. 18; p. 103, 1. 4. Tane, p. 9,1. 25, p. 35, 1. 23. See Jamieson, v. Tane. Telars, " feld-telars," field-tiUers ; for the Latin rustici, p. 106, 1. 12 Tenden, attend, give heed to, p. 93, L26 Tend, i. e. tendis, attendest, p. 2, 1; 5 Tent (to tent), to attend, consider, p. 18, 1. 27 ; p. 34, U. 18, 21 ; p. 50, 1. 18 ; used to translate the Latin " cui rei vacent," p. 106, 1. 25 ; p. 107, 12 Tenten, attend ; used for the Latin at tendit, p. 93, 1. 17 Tenting, attending, p. 87, 1. 21 Ter, tear, p. 70, 1. 2. See note. Teris, ib. 1. 3, tears. Tijen, for tij)en, perhaps by an error of the scribe, tithe (verb), p. 45, 1. 21 Til, to, unto, p. 94, U. 8, 9. See Jamie- son in v. Tokun, betoken, signify, p. 23, 1. 7 Ton, " J)e ton," the one, p. 69, 1. 27, often spelt tone. See Nares in voc. and Jamieson, v. Tane. Tood, fox, p. 58, 1. 17. See note, and Jamieson, v. Tod. Toon, one, " ))e toon for t>e toter," the one for the other, p. 53, 1. 1. See Ton. Toujly, toughly, obstinately, p. 68, 1. 23 Towere (?) See note, p. 55, 1. 3 Trayd, betrayed, p. 53, 1. 23 ; p. 46, 1. 20 Tremel, tremble, p. 55, 1. 20 TrentayUs. See note, p. 52, 1. 22 Treyst, trust, p. 96, 1. 28 Triacle, antidote, p. 57, 1. 25. See note. Trouby ; used for the Latin turbatio, p. 87, L 14 Trowe, to believe, p. 8, 1. 30. Trowen, p. 53, 1. 17 ; p. 88, \. 22, 23 Trowing, believing, p. 61, 1. 7 Tul, to, unto, p. 95, 1. 15. See Til. Tyn, tyne, tine, bum, consume, destroy, p. 54, 1. 7 ; p. 43, 1. 12. See Jamie son in VV. Teind and Tine. Tynking, tinkUng, p. 90, 1. 10 Tymung (?), p. 4, 1. 17 J>an, then, p. 4, 1. 6 J)enkand, thinking, p. 10, 1. 27 J)er as, therefore, p. 59, 1. 27 J)euys, thieves, p. 54, 1. 32. J)euis, p. 55, 1. 1 J)ewenti, twenty, p. 8, 1. 16 Jiink, thing, (a provincial pronunciation,) p. 17, \. 2 J)0, those, p. 63, 1. 22 J)of, though, p. 8, 1. 32 ; p. 54, 1. 30. See Jamieson, v. Thof. 204 GLOSSARY. J)ole, to suffer. >oling, suffering, p. 5, 1. 22, et passim. See note, p. 56, 1. 28. To permit, p. 59, 1. 1. See Jamieson, v. Thole. J>ole ; used for ululabunt, p. 58, 1. 22 ; perhaps by mistake for hole, i. e. howl. toUd, suffered, bore, endured, p. 21, 1. 7 J'OO, J)0, those, passim. J)orow, through, p. 30, 1. 13 I>owe, though, p. 4, 1. 6 l)0W3and, thousand, p. 4, 1. 21 J)ries, thrice, p. 12, 1. 22 tristi)), thirsteth, p. 8, 1. 22 Ungly, only (?), p. 55, 1. 20 VaUJ), availeth, p. 24, L 3 Vengid, avenged, punished, p. 21, 1. 7 Veniawns, vengeance, p. 21 , 1. 3 Venyn, venom, poison, venenum, p. 57, 1.25 Vggid, abhorred, nauseated, p. 109,1. 1. From the Anglo-Saxon oga, fear, hor ror. See Jamieson, v. Ug. Vncely, unhappy ; used for the Latin infelicem, p. 51, 1. 4. From the Anglo-Saxon fseliS, gerselis, happy. Chaucer has selynesse, for happiness : and Wicliffe, N. T. Rom. vii. 24. " I am an unceli man, who schal delyuer me fro the bodi of this synne ?" Vndeadly, immortal, p. 53, 1. 17 Vneuyn, unequal, unjust, p. 104, 1. 30 Vneuenly, unjustly, unfairly, p. 74, 1. 23 Vnfilid, undefiled, p. 105, 1. 20 Vnknowen, unknown, are ignorant of, p. 61, L 13 Vnkunand, unkunning, ignorant, p. 33, 1.3 Vnkynd, unnatural, p. 87, 1. 16 Vowtrand, vowtri, adultery, p. 87, 1. 12 Vowtre, avowtry, French avoufrie, adul tery, p. 21, 1. 14 Vnnese, unneths, or unneath, hardly, scarcely, p. 52, 1. 18. See note. Vnpite, impiety, p. 90, 1. 28 Vnpitouse, impious, wicked, p. 4, 1. 19 ; p. 61, 1. 31 Vnschamfast, immodest, shameless, p. 2, 1. 14 Vnsible, insensible (?), p. 100, 1. 28 Vnsikir, unsafe, uncertain, p. 99, 1. 10 Vntrouj), or vntrowj", unbeUef, from trow, to beUeve, p. 28, 1. 26 ; 27. OntrowJ), 1. 30 Vnvritti, ignorant, p. 25, 1. 10 Vp, upon, p. 4, 1. 13 ; p. 15, 1. 3 Vphauns, lift np, p. 31, 1. 24 Vp so doun, ignorant speUing for upside down, p. 19, 1. 30 Wam, whom, p. 68, 1. 9 ; p. 70, 1. 11 Wan, when, p. 4, 1. 14 War, worse, p. 80, 1. 4 Warer, more ware, more cautious, p. 66, 1. 2 Wari, curse, p. 14, 1. 12. Waried, cursed. Anglo-Saxon papian, p. 2, I. 22; p. 21,L3 GLOSSARY. 205 Warliar, more warily, p. 9, 1. 2? Was, whose, p. 59, 1. 12 ; p. 74, L U Wat, what, p. 38, 1. 4 Waxit, aged, p. 44, 1. 19 Wayn, wain, waggon, p. 110, 1. 28 Weder, weather, p. 83, 1. 22. Wedur, ib. 1. 24 Wedir, whether, p. 13, 1. 4 WeU, while, p. 8, 1. 22 Weld, wield, possess, p. 24, 1. 24 Weldar, owner, possessor (Anglo-Saxon pealban), p. 97, 1. 16. Wen, ween, think, suppose, p. 69, 1. 21 ; p. 95, 1. 16. Wene ; used for the latin putemus, p. 91, L 7 Wengis, wenches, concubines, p. 23, 1. 1 Wenid, supposed, considered, p. 111,1. 32. See Wen. Wening, wishing, supposing, p. 32, 1. 2. p. 91, L 11. See note. Went, thought, supposed, (prat, of ween), p. 95, 1. 15 Wenun, wish, desire. Anglo-Saxon penan, p. 11, 1. 18 ; p. 57, 1. 22. See Wen. Werkis, works, p. 4, 1. 32 Wern, warn, p. 72, 1. 8, 9 Wernid, warned, p. 39, 1. 19 Wer of, whereof, p. 105, 1. 29 Werr, worse, p. 55, 1. 13 Werrar, worse, p. 49, 1. 8 Wet, wot, know, p. 98, 1. 19 Wete, to wit, to know, p. 37, 1. 24; p. 40, 1. 9 Wetun, known, past part, of to wit, p. 3, 1. 16 . WeJ>, with, p. 70, 1. 20 Weypid, wiped, p. 39, 1. 10 Who, wo, p. 81,1,21 Who worj), woe-worth, p. 67, 1. 3. See note. Wiche, witch (used as an adj.) ; magical, magicis falsitatibus, p. 93, 1. 26 WU, while, p. 74,1.8 Wilis, wUes, craft, p. 64, 1. 26 Wirke, work, p. 4, 1. 5 Wis, ways ; " on many manner wis," in many ways, p. 91, 1. 10 Wit, know, p. 70, 1. 6 Wit, " >at is wit," that is to know, p. 5,1.4 Witt, knowledge, p. 1, 1. 9 ; p. 2, 1. 3 Wittirly, utterly, p. 85, 1. 10 Wityng, knowledge, p. 95, 1. 25 Wlatis, for wlatist, hatest, abominatest. WlatiJ), hateth, abominatur, p. 92, 1. 25. Seenote, p. 57, 1.10 Wnworscippist, uuworshippest, disho- norest, p. 57, 1. 11. See note. Wo, who, p. 46, 1. 28, p. 52, 1. 9 Wo, what, p. 55, 1. 18 Wode, mad, insane, p. 87, 1. 18 Wodnes, madness, p. 87, 1. H ; p. 97, 1. 7 Wold, old, p. 23, L 3 ; p. 93, 1. 9 ; p. 94, 1. 7 Wombe, belly, p. 3, I. 13 Wordeynid, ordained, p. 29, 1. 25 Wordeyni>, ordaineth, p. 25, 1. 27 Wordre, order, p. 68, 1. 16 Wowe, vow, p. 100, 1. 26 Wowis, vows, p. 9, 1. 10 206 GLOSSARY. Wrath, used as a verb, " non of J>e bischopis wrath," i. e. let none of the bishops be wroth ; nemo episcoporum irascatur, p. 30, 1. 6 Wrechfulnes ; used forthe Latin iracun- dia, p. 58, 1. 12 Wse (?). See note, p. 62, 1. 30 Wudlowtis, peasants, subditi, p. 2, 1. 25 ; from the Anglo-Saxon poba, wood, agrestis; and lowt, a servant, a subject. See Lowt, and Jamieson, V. Lout. Wylen, wUl, desire, p. 49, 1, 26 YmplijeWy, implicitly, p, 17, 1. 24 lONDON : 3. B. NICHOLS AND SON, PRINTERS, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET, ERRATA. The Reader is requested to correct the foUowing Errata, for which the difficulty of the work, and the Editor's distance from the press, will, it is hoped, be a sufficient apology : — P. 7, 1. '29, for hau, read han, P. 10, 1. 17,yor maid, read maad. P. 11,1. 10, for inwit, read in witt. P. 12, 1. 32, -J P. 22, 1. 20, S for hau read han, P. 24, 1. 5, J P. 24, 1. 30 (margin), /or Mat. ij". read Mat. u». P. 30, 1. 15, /or tayst, read tryst. 1. 26, /or presched, read presthed. P. 32, 1. 5, for presJ)od, read presthod. 1. 21, /or hau, read han. P. 36, 1. 15, for presched, read presthed. P. 37, 1. 32,« P. 41, 1. 28, , 1. 32, v. ygy maid, read maad. P. 42, 1. 15, ( P. 43, L 31, P. 45, 1. 7, P. 56, 1. 9, for pUats, read Pilats. P. 57, 1. 11, for wuworscippist, read wnworscippist. P. 96, 1. 19, for sem, read seen. P. 102, 1. 10, for bydun, read byndun. P. 107, 1. 24 (margin), /or Cap", iii". read Sap. iij". P. 1 10, 1. 24, for maid, read maad. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 00'*385879b