'yi^W^/i/y,// -i "Igivelhe/e. SmM; Gift of *2^ 19 1\ Orderly Book and Journal of Major John Hawks ON THE TICONDEROGA-CROWN POINT CAMPAIGN, UNDER GENERAL JEFFREY AMHERST 1759-1760 W^ITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HON. HUGH HASTINGS PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, THROUGH THE HISTORIAN AND COMMITTEE ON HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 1911 ChiO' nip v:-r^.- Printed by H. K. BREWER & CO. 33 Nassau Street New York OfBoers, members of the Council and Committee on Historical Documents of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York for the year MCMXI. Governor, WILLIAM CARY SANGER. Deputy-Gover-nor , WILLIAM WHITEHEAD LADD. Lieutenani-Gover-nors, HENRY GANSEVOORT SANFORD, AMORY SIBLEY CARHART, DE WITT CLINTON PALLS. Secretary, FREDERICK DWIGHT. Deputy-Secretary. EDWARD COLEMAN DELAPIELD Treasurer. CLARENCE STORM. Registrar, EDWARD NICOLL CROSBY. Chancellor, WILLIAM GRAVES BATES. Vice-Chancellor, SAMUEL HOWLAND HOPPIN. Surgeons, PANEUIL SUYDAM WEISSE, J. BAYARD CLARK. Historian, EDWARD TRENCHARD. Chaplain, REV. DR. HOWARD DUFFIELD. Genealogist, EUGENE K. AUSTIN. Gentlemen of the Council, CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN. JOHN FRANCIS DANIELL, WILLIAM HENRY FOLSOM, MAJOR GENERAL FREDERICK DENT GRANT, LEA McILVAINE LUQUER, BRYCE METCALF HENRY EGLINTON MONTGOMERY, WALTER LISPENARD SUYDAM, ARNOLD WOOD. Officers of the General Society Residing in New York (Ex-officers members of the Council) HOWLAND PELL, MAJOR GENERAL CHARLES FRANCIS ROE, CLARENCE STORM, T. J. OAKLEY RHINELANDER. Committee on Historical Documents, HERBERT TREADWELL WADE, FREDERICK ASHTON DE PEYSTER, EDMUND HOWARD-MARTIN, MORTIMER DELANO, SAMUEL H. VALENTINE. Table of Contents PAGE Preface by George B. Spalding v Introduction by Hugh Hastings vii Orderly Book and Journal i NOTE BY DR. SPALDING. The manuscript "Orderly Book and Journal" of Major John Hawks came into the possession of Rev. Dr. George B. Spalding in 1865, while he was pastor of the North, now Park Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn. It is now the property of the Vermont Historical Society. The material which it contains relates to mili tary operations which took place in the Province of New York in the successful campaign of General Jeffrey Amherst against Ticon deroga and Crown Point, in 1759. The Society of Colonial Wars of the State of New York has put this very valuable manuscript into this type-written form with the expectation that it will sometime be published. The original book is now (1901), one hundred and forty-two years old. The paper is of standard English manufacture, of stout est linen, stamped with the Coat of Arms of England. The writing is a fine specimen of the ancient clear penmanship. The writer, John Hawks, was born in Deerfield, Mass., December 5, 1707. He was among the bravest defenders of Fort Massachusetts in 1746. In 1754 he was commissioned as Lieutenant by Governor Shirley, and had charge of the Colrain Forts. He commanded a company in the Army of General Abercrombie at Fort Ticonderoga in 1758, and as Major with General Amherst the following year. He served as Lieutenant-Colonel in the successful Canadian campaign which closed the war. He died at Deerfield, Mass., June, 1784. The "Orders" in his book from June 18, 1759 to July 13, 1759, were issued at Half Way Brook, about seven miles from Fort Ed ward on the military road to Lake George. The troops at Half Way Brook formed a separate camp. They made up the First Battalion under the command of Brigadier-General Timothy Rug gles of Massachusetts. V The daily order appears at the head of each paragraph, and in case of the issue of a second order on any day it was headed as an AFTER ORDER. The manuscript of this "Orderly Book and Journal" was in 1842 (nearly sixty years ago) in the hands of General Epaphras Hoyt, who held many civil and military offices in Massachusetts, and was an historian of distinction. General Hoyt made many ex planatory notes on the text of the Orderly Book, which appear in full in this copy, greatly increasing its value. George Burley Spalding. Syracuse, N. Y., June 17, 1901. VI INTRODUCTION. In many respects this diary of Major John Hawks, which the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York has under taken to print, is remarkable in displaying the discipline that pre vailed in the provincial armies during the middle of the eighteenth century, and the general conduct of those armies. Although on sight, there would appear to be considerable matter that is extrane ous, on deliberation it has been deemed advisable to print the diary as it is — making, of course, correction of errors that necessarily attend the transcription of original records. These records are valuable to the historian and interesting to the layman. The original spelling has not been molested, except in in stances where flagrant eccentricity might bewilder the mind not ac quainted with it. The military orders are conspicuous for the latitude allowed to subordinates. The militia chafed under the rigidity of the rules of war and the severe restrictions of camp life. Discipline offered no inducement to their independent souls. Ordinary infringements under the code encountered a punishment involving five hundred and even a thousand lashes of the cat-o'-nine tails ; the penalty of death was synonymous with desertion. Particular stress was laid upon marksmanship. The gun of that day, seldom trustworthy in aim or velocity, was the long-barreled weapon, the ammunition was not the fixed ammunition of today; the paper cartridge and ball were carried in cartouche boxes, the powder generally in a horn which was often carved in an ornate manner in token of the campaigns the owner participated in. The commanding officers were not always confident of the aim of the rank and file, for one officer is on record as declaring there were men who "never fired a gun off," at a time when modern civiliza- vii tion believed the average man was thoroughly proficient in han dling firearms. Scalping of women and children was interdicted, with a warning of reprisal should the enemy transgress this merciful obligation. The range of country covered during Jeffrey Amherst's memorable campaign is the most picturesque, topographically and historically, in the State of New York. History fairly bubbles at almost every foot from Albany to Crown Point. All the English-speaking armies that operated in upper New York during Colonial and Revolu tionary days — ^with the exception of the boastful Burgoyne's — ^were assembled, organized and began their campaigns at Albany. This venerable town was the general supply store of all the armies that operated to the north of it, from campaign to campaign. It has entertained and at times been the headquarters of the most distin guished English, Continental and American general officers who served in the American wars: General William Shirley; Sir William Johnson who owned a house there; General Abercrombie; Jeffrey Amherst; Philip Schuyler whose entertainments were the most lav ish of the period; Thomas Gage who commanded the British forces at Boston at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War ; Colonel William Eyre, the friend of Washington and of Braddock; Colonel William Haviland, subsequently the distinguished British General; John Stark; John Bradstreet; Israel Putnam; Charles Lee; David Woos- ter; the brothers Clinton — George afterward first Governor of New York, and James, later on in command of the northern department but better known as the father of DeWitt Clinton, the much-be loved Lord Howe who was killed at Ticonderoga and whose re mains were escorted to Albany by Peter Schuyler and found a final resting place under the tower of the present St. Peter's Church at State and Chapel Streets. Many of the officers above mentioned, subsequently achieved distinction in the American Revolution. French presumptuousness generated the disastrous tribulations that eventually culminated in the surrender of a French empire in Amer ica to England. Not satisfied with encroaching upon English terri tory at Crown Point, where they erected Fort Fredrich — the first of her insolent aggressions — the French authorities continued this offensive policy in other places and on other lines, until English patience gave way to English wrath and for thirty years the war raged with the destruction of the French regime in America. viii Jeffrey Amherst never has been accorded full credit for masterful handling of military operations in America. Without exception he was the ablest general England ever sent to this country. Up to the time of Amherst's victory at Louisburg, the English arms had met reverse after reverse. It is true Sir William Johnson had de feated the gallant Dieskau at Lake George, but the fruit of that victory rotted on the ground because of Sir William's inactivity, of his overcaution and his lack of the instinct of a fighting soldier. John Forbes had been successful at Fort Duquesne, but Duquesne was a bloodless victory because of the abandonment of the post by the enemy. But Amherst's victory at Louisburg was the biggest nail driven into the French coffin in America. The advantages gained by the French can be traced to two causes : incompetency of English generals and the contempt of the Eng lish for their adversaries. Braddock had been annihilated in Penn sylvania, Shirley balked at Niagara, Abercrombie discomfited at Ticonderoga and Colonel Monro massacred at Fort William Henry. Surely not a creditable record for a nation as powerful as the British, after three years of fighting? The campaign of 1758 was laid on lines similar to that of 1755 — three objectives. In 1755 the general plan contemplated the cap ture of Fort Duquesne by Braddock; of Fort Niagara by Shirley and of Ticonderoga and Crown Point by Sir William Johnson. The English scored one success and two failures. In 1758, Eng land's greatest War Minister, William Pitt, with the determination of crushing the power of France in one campaign, organized the largest army America ever had seen, fifty thousand troops, of whom twenty thousand were provincials. The three objectives were Louisburg, which was assigned to Am herst; Fort Duquesne to General Forbes, Ticonderoga and Crown Point to General Abercrombie. In this campaign the British gained two victories and suffered one defeat. Louisburg succumbed to Am herst's brilliant generalship and Forbes encountered no especial ob stacle in accomplishing the task, generally regarded as difficult, given to him. History has been unsparing in its denunciation of Abercrom bie for permitting Montclam's four thousand, not only to check the advance of the English fifteen thousand but literally to put them to flight in "the extremift fright and confternation" from Lake Champlain to Lake George. Amherst at Louisburg heard of the disaster to Abercrombie. Ex ercising the power vested in him as Commander in chief of his Majes ty's forces in America and without waiting for orders, he assembled four regiments of the line and a battalion of Royal Americans, and sailed immediately for Boston. He landed at the Long Wharf in September. Delaying just long enough to replenish supplies, he marched his force through the woods to Albany. Here the troops were given a brief rest before the advance to Lake George was ordered. Unfortunately the season was too far advanced for hostile operations in that northern climate. In November, Abercrombie, relieved of command, returned to England. In March, 1759, Amherst at Albany, began to assemble his army, the seventh England had organized for the conquest of Canada. The New England troops, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, gathered at Springfield. The first entry in the Hawks' diary is "Worcester, May 9th 1759." The second "Springfield, May 15th 1759." The next "Albany, 25th May, 1759." Six days later the Rhode Island regiment, under orders, with six days' provisions started for Fort Edward. At the same time a detail of two hun dred men were directed to load bateaux, which had been built at Albany, and proceed to Half Moon. On the thirty-first all the guards of the Royal Highlanders were relieved by Connecticut troops and the remainder of the command was ordered to be ready to move at a moment's notice. June 7th the army was encamped at Fort Edward, the troops having marched over the old state road, which Sir William John son had put in excellent repair three years before, the supplies hav ing been transported up the Hudson River in bateaux. Here the troops were regaled with spruce beer, and discipline was tightened. The lines for the encampment were established, firing at marks was practised and details were selected to work on the roads. Careful attention was given to firearms. Indiscriminate firing was prohib ited, arms were ordered to be kept clean and in good order, dam aged cartridges turned in to the proper officer and commissary sup plies provided for seven days. Arrangements were also made with the contractors for interchanging food where quantities were dis proportionate or not sufficient or on the choice of a regiment pre- fering different proportions. June 1 8th the troops were advanced to Half Way Brook, four X miles, midway between Fort Edward and Lake George. Discipline here becomes more alert and severe. Special orders are given the guards and the pickets; officers to be extra vigilant on their outposts, to permit only two men to lie down at a time and to make their rounds very regularly; no man on any account to stray beyond the line of sentries, severe punishment to accompany any infraction. At the same. time the morals of the men were not overlooked. Card- playing in camp was forbidden, an hour a day for exercise prescribed, profanity barred, and whoever is found guilty of disobeying the injunction against making noise in camp after tattoo, "will be took as a dispicer of the Marfhal law" ! June 20, Amherst issued orders for the main force to march to Lake George, where he arrived the following day "and encamped on its woody banks" an "intolerably hot day" "bringing unendurable discomfort to men and animals." During the four weeks following Amherst was a very busy man. His total force aggregated 11,133 of whom 5,279 were Colonial troops. July 2ist he "took the field" and passed down the lake, selecting for his camp the spot where Abercrombie disembarked the year before. The pressure on Quebec had forced the French commander to weaken the supports at Ticonderoga. When Amherst appeared the garrison consisted of scarcely twenty-three hundred men. Bourlemaque, the French commander, perceived at a glance the hopelessness of resistance and speedily made plans for withdrawing the main body of his force. Leaving Hebecourt with four hundred troops to mask the movement and with instructions to blow up the works as soon as the English batteries were established, he struck out through the wilderness for Crown Point and Canada. For two days the faithful little band of Frenchmen who had been left as a forlorn hope taught the British who trespassed within the zone of their gun fire several varieties of the strenuous life. Amherst resolutely pushed forward his approaches, and had estab lished his batteries within six hundred yards of the fort on the night of the 26th, when Hebecourt decided the hour had arrived to carry out Bourlemaque's orders. He loaded and pointed every gun, charged several mines, and lighted a fuse that connected with the overstocked powder magazine. The roar that followed was heard for miles. Flying, flaming and blazing embers and wreckage hurled through the air, set tiny fires to buildings that had escaped the general havoc. At daylight the French flag on the fort was hauled down and the English flag was run to the staff head. The flames were extin guished. The fort itself was not seriously injured. The diary supplies interesting information regarding the conduct of the troops before and after the fall of Ticonderoga, of the expe dition of Major Robert Rogers to Crown Point and of the grave preparations of the army "under orders for marching for the reduc tion of all Canady." August 4th, Amherst, arrived at Crown Point to find Bourlemaque had blown up the works. Acting under instructions from Pitt, he outlined the mammoth fortress upon which the English expended ten millions of dollars, which never was completed, and which to day is the most picturesque ruins in New York and one of the most beautiful in the country. Hugh Hastings. Xll ORDERLY BOOK AND JOURNAL.* July 26, 1759. About of two o'clock att night the French Blew up Fort Tyante- rogue after we befieged it 4 days.f Regimental Orders, Worcelter May 9th, 1759. That all the troops that belong to General Ruggles Regiment that have paffed mufter by the regular Mufter Mafter to get them- felves ready to march tomorrow morning by fun rife. . . . The Captains are to make a victualling return immediately to ye Adjt. to have all things ready to march early tomorrow morning. The Captain will apply to Col. John Chandler for carryges for their men. Capt. Baldwin & Reed & Cox has two carryges for their three companies. Capt. Nixon Willard & Williams has two carryges and Capt. Whiting one and Capt. Pain one and Capt. Furnace one and Capt. Maynard one and Capt. Buterfield one and it is expected that the Commanding Officers of every Company com ply with thefe orders. . . . Regimental Orders, Springfield May 15, 1759. Let every man take out his provifions one days allowance. The reft with all his baggage to be fent to the river immediately in order to be conveyed by carts & that five men with one Sergt. one Corporal out of every Company be peraded att the Black Horfe forthwith in order to march as guards for the carts, By order of Generall Ruggles. t 1 tt i -mt ¦ ^^ John Hawks, Major. P. S. — ^That Lt. Thomas Farington march ahead of ye guard. * The jnanuscript "Orderly Book" opens with an announcement of the destruction of Fort Ticonderoga. It was written by Major Hawks on the cover of the book under date of July 26, 1759. I therefore give this entry, and the note thereon by General Hoyt, the first place. George B. Spalding^ t Orderly Book for the Campaign of 1759 and 1760, on the upper Hudson, Lake George and Champlain. Many of the orders are dated at Halfway Brook near Olenns Falls, where small forts were kept up in 1758 and 1759, and some of the ruins may still be seen (in 1841). In 1760 the Major rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel, and he saw much active military service both in the war of 1744 and that of 1755. — E. Hoyt. Albany May 25, 1759. Parole, Glafcow. Rhode Ifland Regt. to be ready to march att the leaft notice. Surgeon McCalm of the Royal to attend the Hofpatel att Fort Edward And Mr. Bray Mate of the Hofpatel to do duty with the Royal as a lurgeon. The Maffachufetts troops be furnifh out twen ty-five teemfters & they are to be lent immediately to Colo. Brad- ftreet, a working party of ICO men with 2 Subs. 2 Serjt. 2 Corpral. Albany May 26, 1759. Parole, Gernley. The proVential Regt. to be very exact when they fend any man to the Kings Hofpatel that they may have proper fertificates of their names. Regiment & Company figned by an officer of the Company fpecefying the Regt. they belong to; As waggens now are wanted for the fervice of the troops all fetlars merchants etc. are to have paper to follow the Army. They are for the future to make ufe of all carts in the fame manners as Regemental Setlars. Orders have been fent to the different Poft to ftop all waggens. Officers fhall pay for all horfes they press when their duty requires it. Thofe of the Regts. are to apply to the Major Brigade the Artillery to their own commanding Officer the Engenear to the Chief Engenear. The Hofpatel to the Director of the Hofpatel for the payment ; each account are to be laid before the Commander-in-Chief to allow ye fame if reafonable; Officers not to neglect to leave proper fertifi cates to the drawers of waggens employed to carry baggage for the troops. Mentioning the time they have been employed to carry baggage for ye troops; Complaint have been made for their omif- fion. . . . The General Court Marfhel of which Colo. Grant is prefident to meet again tomorrow morning att Eight O'clock; Baggage forage mony to be paid to the feveral Regts. immediately. . . . As the proventials arrive the commanding officers are to apply to Mr. Lake for provifion that he may be enabled when the whole of each Regt. is arrived to proportion the delivery of provifions that they may all receive it to the fame day ; An officer and twenty-nine men of the Royal Hiland Regt. with a weeks provifion to be fent to the widow McGenness houfe to protect the lettlement, two Subs. two Serjts. two Corpral & 100 private men of Colo. Ruggles Regt. for the fortigue. Officers excepted ; he will go his rounds and vifit all guards and out poft to fee that the whole are ellert & properly placed. And inform the Colo, who relieves him of the feveral guards and pofts & time that he vifited them. . . . Divine fervife to be performed every Sunday att the head of the Regiment. A General Court Marfhel to let tomorrow morning att eight o'clock to try fuch prifoners as are in the private guard, all evi dencys are to attend prefident, Colo. Montgomery & Meerces; two from the Mafa. and one from the Rhode Iflanders members Lieut. George Burton of the Royal Depty Judge Advocate to whom the members names dates of commiffions and the evidencys names are to be fent att fix o'clock this afternoon. A markee to be pitched on the fentre of the lines where the Court Marfhel will affemble and a Serjt. and 12 men of Montgomerie's Regt. to ferve as a guard whilft the Court Marfhel is a letting; The Royal Hilanders and Montgomerys Regt. to fend as many men this afternoon at four o'clock as necelfary to clear the ground. They will receives axes on applying to the Itore keeper in the fort: which they will return when they will have finifhed that work. The Serjt. Guards on the Battoes to be reduced to a Corpral & 6 men. As by the order of the 7th it was laid that fpruce beer would be brewed for the Army it is not thereby intended to hinder any of our people from brewing fpruce beer ; All fetlars are att liberty to brue as much as they will; The General Guards, Magazenes, Artillary provolt, Batteaus to be relieved every eighteen hours. . . . Fort Edward, Monday June nth, 1759. Parole, Norfolk. Colo, of this day, Colo. Grant ; for tomorrow Colo. Schayler ; field officer for the piquit. Major Campbell; tomorrow Lt Colo. Hunt. Each Regt. will make a path to their front for their piquet to ad vance to in cafe of any alarm in the night. And that the Regt. fhould be ordered out. No Regt. is on any account whatfoever to fire a fhot from their lines. The piquet will be ordered out and they will be fupported. . . . Sprufe beer is to be brewed for the health and convenency of the troops which will be ferved att prime coft; 5 quarts of melofes will be put into every barrel of fpruce beer. Each gallon will coft near three coppers. The Quarter Matters of Regts. regular and proven- tial is to give notice this evening to Colo. Robinfon of the quantity 3 each Corps is defireous to receive for which they muft give receipt and pay the money before the Regt. marches; each Regt. to fend a man acquainted with brewing or that is beft able to affift the brewery tomorrow morning att fix o'clock att the Rivelye. On the left of Montgomry thofe men are to remain and to be paid att the rate of if. 6d. pr day a Sergt. of the Regulars and one of the provential to fuperintend the brewery who will be paid att if. 6d. pr day. Spruce beer will be delivered to the Regt. on Thurfday night or Friday morning; Tomorrow morning i Sub. i Serjt. 3 Corpral & 32 men to mount a guard on the ifland. He will detatch a Corpral & 6 men to take care of the Batteaus & a Corpral and fix men to take care of the whale boats. To perade tomorrow morning att fix o'clock two Serjt. 2 Corpral & twenty four privats to perade for the Town Guard. . . . Albany, May 28, 1759. Parole, Maftrick. The Conneticut, Maffachufetts and New Garzy troops are to fend each a quarter mafter to Mr. Furniss, Controular of ordi nances, att four clock this afternoon; They will receive arms for their feveral detachments ordered this day to march. Tomorrow morning they will receive alfo nine rounds of ammunition and the Rhode Ifland Regt. lent as above will receive nine rounds of am munition. Each man for this detachment Mony Penny; The follow ing detachment to be made from ye provential troops. They are to take proper men for the Battoe Servife, to find viz : Capt Lt Serjt Pr The Connecticut 2 7 10 240 The Maffachufetts i 4 4 140 New Garzy i 3 4 140 Rhode Ifland i i 2 054 This detachment is to perade tomorrow morning att five o'clock on the rhode on the right of the Rhode Iflanders & wait till Brigad- Major Moneypenny fees them march of; They are to take their arms proportion of camp neceffarys & as many days provifions as they have received; Three waggens will be allowed for the Con neticut forces, two for the Maffachufetts troops, two for the Gar- zys, one for the Rhode Ifland troops to carry their tents; On fend ing to Mr. Coventry, a D.Q.M.G. This detatchment perhaps 4 to Itay out fome months will be paid as pr order of the 23 of May. This detatchment tomorrow to go to Schenacety. An officer of each core will go forward when the detatchment marches and to apply to Capt. McClean of Shenacety who has orders to mark out ye ground for their encampment. The Commanding officer will report to the Commefary of provifions at Shenacety to what time they are provided. . . . And will afterwards receive provifions from ye ftores. The Conneticut forces will remain at Shenacety & the Commanding Officer of each corps will receive particular orders when to march from thence; All the provential troops are to pro vide themfelves immediately with everything they will have occaffion for that they may be ready to march att the leaft notice. After Orders, Concerning the Melancholy Death of Samll. Harris &c. The General Court Marfhel of which Colo. Grant was prefident is diffolved: — The General has approved of the following fentences of the General Court Marfhel; John Haron foldier in Capt. Bart- let's Company in the Rhode Ifland Regt. is to receive one thoufand laifhes with a cat of nine tails; James Conolly, foldier in Capt. Ruffel's Company in the feventeenth Regt. is to receive one thou fand laifhes with a cat of nine tails ; Wm. Carrege, foldier in Capt. Wealls Company of the fecond BatalHon of the Royal Regt. of foot accufed of being acceffary to the death of John McLeland foldier in laid Company, is found not guilty of wilful murder & is re quited. David Rogers, Corpral in Capt. Rofle's Company in the Rhode Ifland Regt. is found guilty of defertion laid to his charge & is to fuffer death. Samll. Harris, foldier in the Rhode Ifland Regt. is found guilty of difertion laid to his charge and is to fuffer death. Peter McMartin, foldier in Colo. Montgomerie's Regt. found guilty of muteny that is laid to his charge & is to fuffer death : The Royal Hiland Regt. Maffachufetts, New Garzys, Conneticut, Rhode Ifland troops to be out tomorrow morning att five o'clock leaving of proper guards for the care of the Camp & to march immediately to the ground that will be marked out for them by the Quarter Mafter of the Royal Highland Regiment att fix this evening, for which purpofe a Quarter Mafter of each of the pro ventials will attend; The troops are to be drawn up, the Royal Hilanders on the right, .Maffachufetts on the left, Conneticut on 5 the left of the Royal High Landers, New Garzys on the right of the Maffachufetts, Rhode Iflanders on the fenter. The detatch ment ordered this day for Shenacety is not to march till the execu tion is over & is to be drawn up on the left of the Maffachufetts troops. They will afterwards march when Brigade Major Mony- penny will direct them a platoon of the Rhode Ifland Regt. to be drawn in the front of that Regt. to be loaded with ball ready for the execution. The provote guard to march the two prifoners, David Rogers and Samll. Harris att fix o'clock tomorrow morning from the prifon to the right of the line and in the front of the fentre where the execution is to be. A Chaplain is to attend on the prifoners. Colo. Grant, Colo of the day tomorrow; Brigadeer Generall Gage to command the whole. Albany, May 29, 1759. Regimental orders for the firft BatalHon of Colo. Ruggles Regt: that a return from each Company be made of what arms & aqui- terment are wanting to complete the Battalion; Likewife that a victualling return be made immediately that the places of cooking be on the fide of the hill and no where elfe excepting officers, that the men attend every night att the beating of the retreat, & that an officer from each Company likewife attend the fame time; and it is further ordered that no non-commiffioned officer or foldier lodge out of the camp after roll calling on whatfoever pretence. Pr order of Jofeph Ingels, Lt Colo. Albany Wednefday May 30th, 1759. Parole, Albany. The Rhode Ifland Regt. to march tomorrow morning for Fort Edward. They will ftrike their tents tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock. Their baggage is to go by water. They will apply to Colo. Bradftreet for Battoes for that purpofe. They will likewife take up twenty Battoes loaded with provifions which they are to load this evening. The Regts. to be completed with fix days pro vifions. A detatchment of 200 men are to take Battoes this after noon att four o'clock which they will load tomorrow morning att five o'clock and proceed with them to Half Moon, where they will deliver them to the commanding officer and then return to Albany in fcows if any there. 6 Serjt. Pri. 4 ICO 2 50 2 50 I 22 Capt. Lt. For this detatchment New Garzys i 4 Maffachufetts i 2 Conneticut o 2 Firft Battalion i i Albany, May 31ft, 1759. Regimental Orders : For the firft Battalion of Colo. Ruggles Regt. that the Capt. or commanding officers of Companys fee that all the balls fit the men's guns fo that they may run down their barrals and to have everything ready to march tomorrow morning by five o'clock. Thofe that have not cartouche boxes muft break their catridges and put their powder into horns — It is further expected that all their arms are clean and in good order. An officer from each Company to fee it done as foon as may be. The commanding officer of companys to give in returns of their effective men that is able to march to the Adjutant immediately. Pr order of Jofeph Ingerfol, Lt. Colo. A Regimental Court Marfhel to be held att nine o'clock for the trial of John Williams and Henry McNeal and Elias Peter kow Dowick: for thefe Capt. Nixon, prefident, Lt. Warrington, Lt. Ca- bourn, Lt. David Joy and Enfn. Adam Wheeler, members. . . . Camp Albany, May 31 ft. Parole, Summerfett. All the guards of the Royal Higland Regt. to be relieved att four o'clock this afternoon by the Conneticut troops. They are to march tomorrow att five o'clock where they will take the Artillary under their care and efcort to fend to Fort Edward one waggen for a company, one for the commanding officer, and one for the Staff officers and to be allowed to the Regt. to take fix days provifions with them. The woemen to be allowed four pence pr day in lew of provifion which will be paid on applying to Lt. Coventry, D.Q.M.G. The Maffachufetts troops are to take up eighty Bat toes this afternoon at three o'clock and load them with provifions, referving fix for their tents and baggage which they will load att five o'clock and proceed to Fort Edward. They are to take nine days provifions with them. Colo. Ruggles will leave careful officers here to bring up thofe men that he doth expect to join them. . . . 7 Major Oard to put the Artillary & ftores into fcows this evening which are to proceed to Half Moon tomorrow morning and to be efcorted to Fort Edward as above; The Regts. of Colo. Lyman & Fitch and Schayler to be ready to march on the firft notice. Colo. Lyman & Fitch to leave proper officers here to bring the nlen which are left behind. Each officer commanding a Company to remove their fick, who are unable to march, into the Kings Hofpatel taking great care that the General Orders are obferved with refpect to leaving fertificates. A Commiffioned Officer in each Battoe to take care that no damage be done or dif order committed; a Serjt. Cor pral & 12 privates Over the Battoes this night; the tents to be ftruck and removed on board the Battoes tomorrow morning at fun rife; the Serjt. Commanding the guard, to referve fix Battoes for the tents and officers baggage. A dayly return to be made of the ftate of the mens arms. Per order of Timothy Ruggles, B. G. Camp at Fort Edward, June 7th, 1759. Parole, Richelieu. The Regt. are not to change their encampment untill the ground is quite dry; The Regts. on their arriving here are all to give in a return to what time they have received provifion that the particular time for the delivery to each corps may be hereafter regulated. It have been reported by the commefarys that wafte has been made as the daily allowance for each man is fully fufficient if any have drawn for and expended more than the allowance they muft make it good in the having overplus deducted in the allowance they are hereafter to receive. The Regts. are to take for their effective. Only the Commanding Officers are to certifie their number of their refpective Company on the ifuing the provifions and the Officers commanding ye Regts. to examine and fee the whole is juft. . . . Spruce beer will foon be brewed for the Army. It is hoped fufficient for the whole and will coft men but a very moderate price. . . . Fort Edward, June Sth, 1759. Parole, Falmouth. Field officer for the piquit this day Lt. Colo. Salterfon, for to morrow Lt. Colo. Ingerfal. The field officer will go his round as ufual and Dpt. Adjt. Generall before orderly time i Sub. & 30 men for the Generall Guard. . . . No man to go beyond the Centinal in line of block houfes upon any account whatfoever except when fent out with a covering party. One Ser j ant and 12 men to mount guard att each of the provifion fheds. One Sub. and thirty men as a guard over the Battoes. The Regts. to change their encampment att i o'clock. . . . Camp Fort Edward, June 9, 1759. Parole, Plimouth. Field officer for the piquit this night, Lt. Colo. Ingerfole — for tomorrow Major Graham: The detatchment in garraffon in the fort to encamp att five o'clock this afternoon on the left of the light infentry of the Royal Hiland Regt. which is the ground the Royal Regt. will encamp on. All futlers who have paper and are not attached to Regt. are to be encamped together on the ground. The Dept. Q. Mafter General will mark out for them att 10 o'clock this day which ground is to be the fentre of the line of the Army and the market to be kept there for felling whatfoever the futlars may have for the Army. . . . The provate guard fhall encamp there to keep good orders; the lights are not to be fuffered att night and none of the foldiers are to be permited to ftay there after retreat beating; the futlers are to encamp on this ground att four o'clock this day and none to be permitted to remain on the Glaceas of the Fort: the light Infentry of the Royal Hiland Regt. is to practife firing of balls tomorrow morning att fix of the o'clock near the Royal Block Houfe on the other fide of the river. The camp not to be alarmed, the Subs. Guards on the Battoes to be taken of. And two guards to be pofted in lew there of — a Serjt. and 15 men on this fide the river and a Serjt. and 15 men on the ifland. It is a ftanding order that no droping are fired; whenfoever there are any fire locks which can not be drawn a report is to be made thereof that they may be collected together and fired of when the camp is advertifed of it that this may be no unneceffary alarm. The Indians to be particulary with thefe orders which if they difobey they fhall be feverely pun- ifhed. . . . After Orders for the 9th of June, 1759. The Royal two Subs, and 70 men of the Royal Hiland Regt. to furnifh fix Capts. 12 Subalterns and 600 men. . . . This detatchment to take Battoes tomorrow morning at day break. 9 The Royal will take ten Battoes and the Royal Highlanders 200, and fixty of the two hundred men with arms to ferve as a covering. The Maffachufetts will take as many as they can man; Major Rogers will furnifh forty rangers to ferve as a covering party. The whole to take provifions for tomorrow with them. They are to proceed to Colo. Havilands who will order the Battoes to be imme diately loaded that the whole party may return to Fort Edward without loss of time. For this duty, Lieut. Colo. Saltenftole and Major Hawks. Camp Fort Edward, June lOth, 1759. Parole, Gerfy. Field officer for the piquit. Major Graham; for tomorrow Major Connelly; Colo, of the day, tomorrow Colo. Grant. . . . All reports from the field officers of the piquit and extraordinaries that may happen in Camp are to be made to the Colo, of the day. All guards are to turn out to the Colo of the day only generall. This guard to be relieved every 48 hours, the whole to take their tents and provifions with them and the guards on the ifland to come of; orderly times att 10 o'clock in the morning and the Adjt. to attend att fix in the evening for whatever after orders there may be; The general guards tomorrow, Colo. Montgomery, the piquit and out-guards to load with running balls that there may be no wafte of ammunition. . . . After Orders for the nth of June. One field officer, 6 Capts, 12 Subbaltons, 18 Serjts. 600 rank and file to be peraded immediately after the Revallys beating tomorrow morn to march to repair the rhodes. They may go in their waft coat but muft carry their provifions with them. One half muft carry their arms and the other half, fpades & fhouffles. Major Graham, field officer: the Maffachufetts muft find one Capt. three Subs. 4 Serjts. and 150 rank & file. . . . Camp at Fort Edward June 12, 1759. Parole, Pitt. Colo, of the day Colo. Skayler, for tomorrow Colo. Ruggles; field officer of the piquit. Major Hawks and tomorrow Major Duggles. The Royals, Prideaux, and Royal Artillery to receive provifions tomorrow for fix days which will be to the i Sth inclufive ; the Royal and Royal Artillery att fix o'clock predeux att the Royal Block 10 Houfe to be relieved tomorrow by the lines of the one joining the Brigade on the weft fide by one Ser j ant one Corpral & 12 men of the Royal. The one joining the eaft end of the perade by one fubbalten two Serjt. two Corpral and 24 men of the Maffachufetts. The Serjant will be ftrickly obfervant of the orders that they receive from thofe they relieve and fuch as are wrote up in each Block Houfe they muft take care to keep their Block Houfes fwept clean and they are to be anfwerable for the tools they have received, viz: axes, pick axes, fpades & fhouffles and water buckets to each of the block houfes, which they will deliver over to the officer who relieves him. Thofe guards to be relieved dayly. Predeaux to be relieved to camp att the leaft notice: The feveral companys of Colo. Ruggles Regt. to be immediately compleated with Sergants and Corprals and all the watch coats that are difperfed in the feveral companys to be immediately peraded. General After Orders, for the 12th of June 1759. It is the General orders that no fcouting party or others in the Army under his command fhaU whatfoever opportunity they may have fcalp any women or children belonging to the enemie. They are to bring them away if they can, if not they are to leave them unhurt and we are determined if the enemie fhould murder or fcalp any women or children who are fubject to the King of England, he will be revenged by the death of two of the enemies whenever he haft occafion for every woemen or child fo murdered by the Wednefday June 13th 1759, Camp att Fort Edward. Parole, Lewifburgh. Colo, of the day tomorrow Colo. Badcak. . . . Field Officer for the piquit tomorrow Lt. Colo. Hunt. The Royal Hiland Regt. to ftrick their tents att the revalley beating and to be joined by a detatchment of the proventials com manded by a field officer and the detatchment to confift of 500 men rank and file. For this duty Lt. Colo. Pearfon two fix pounder with an officer and twelve men of the Royal Artilary and ammunition in proportion to march with faid detatchment. Capt. Stark with his company of Rangers will join the detatchment from the Four Mile II Poft and the companys of Indians will be likewife ordered to join them. Colo. Grant will receive further orders from the General. A waggen to each Company and one for the Staff Officers and 5 for the 500 proventials will be aUowed to carry their baggage. The officers of the proventials that command this detatchment will fend immediately to compleat their men with thirty-fix rounds of ammunition, and to be carefully examined and if any cartridges be damaged and if their horns will not hold it they are to take what their horns will hold. The arms likewife muft be looked over and put in good order. The Royal Hilanders pofted in the block houfes as by order of yefterday to be relieved by Prideaux's Regt. immediately. The Pro vential troops are to compleat their provifions to the 19th inclufive. The Grand perade is on the right of the Grenadeers. Ordinary guards to perade att 7 o'clock. Adjutant of the day tomorrow of the Royal General Guards, Maffachufetts, one Sub. one Serjt. one Corp. and one drum and 29 private men. . . . Camp att Fort Edward, Thurfday 14th June 1759. Parole, Lancafter. Colo, of the day tomorrow, Colo. Montgomery. Field officer for the piquit, Lt. Colo. Saltentoll. The General Court Marfhel of which Colo. Montgomery was prefident is diffolved and the General has been pleafed to approve of the following fentences: Andrew Gates, foldier in Colo. Mont gomerie's Regt. is to receive 1000 laifhes with a cat of nine tails; John Ellworth, of the Rhode Ifland Regt. is to receive 500 laifhes with a cat of nine tails. Thos. Smith, of Capt. Crookfhanks In- dept. Company is to receive 100 laifhes with a cat of nine tails. John Joaflen, Reuben Brown, Ephriam Knight to receive 500 laifhes apiece. Thos. Smith, of ye Independent Company is to receive his punifhment in the following manner: this day to be marched by the provoft guard to the right of the line and is to receive no laifhes att the head of each of the foUowing Corps: Predeaux Gran- dears [grenadiers] and Light Infentry Montgomery & Garzy Regt. Simon Fitch & Rhode Ifland Regt. Firft and 2nd Battalions of the Maffachufetts Grenadeers & Light Infentry is fuppofed one Corps, a mate of the Hofpatle to attend the punifhment. The Grenadeers and Light Infentry to be in the Waftcoats and legons. The Royal 12 Hilanders and Predeaux Light Infentry & Montgomery's Grenadeers & Light Infentry on the hill on the right of the Block Houfe in the front of the Maffachufetts. The eldeft Captain of both partys will receive their orders from the General att or before two o'clock. Spruce beer will be delivered to the Regiments tomorrow morn ing. Predeux att fix in the morning, the Grenadeers and Light In fentry I hour after, Montgomery att 7 o'clock, the Royal Artillary J hour after, and the Garzy Regt. att eight o'clock, Cbnnecticut ^ an hour after, the Rhode Iflanders att 9 o'clock, the Maffachufetts ^ an hour after; The Qr. Mafter or an officer of each of the Corps will attend on Lt. Colo. Robinfon att fix o'clock this evening att the Brewery to fix the quantity that each is to receive. . . . After Orders for Thurfday, June 14th, 1759. The Qr. Mafter and Capt Cullamen of Brigadeer Predeux Regt. to be ready when Lt. Colo. Robinfon calls for them ; the Grenadeers and Light Infentry to be ready to change their encampments when ordered. Camp Fort Edward, Friday June 15th, 1759. Parole, Suffex. Colo, of the day tomorrow; Field officer of the piquet today Lt. Colo. Ingerfole. The Light Infentry & Grenadeers to change their camp this after noon att two o clock to take their ground in the front of the block houfe on the hill as Lt. Colo. Robinfon has marked out; a waggen to each Company will be allowed to each company to carry their tents att two o'clock this afternoon to march in ^ an hour after to the Halfway Brook where the officers commanding the Regt. . . . Such orders as he will receive from Colo. Grant. Ten waggens will be allowed to carry the tents of ye Companys & one for Lt. Colo. Eyre and another for the Staff Officers. . . . A General Court Marfhel to fet this day att 12 o'clock for ye tryal of a deferter of Colo. Fitch's Regt. att the prefidents tent. Prefident Colo. Shayler, Major Campbel, Major Hawks two Capts. of the Royal, 2 of Montgomeries, one of the Royal Artillary, 2 of the Maffachufetts, & 3 of ye Conneticut troops members. Lt. George Barten of the Royal Dpt. Judge Adv. All the evedencys are to attend. . . . 13 Continuation of the Orders June 15th, 1759. Predeux Regt. having been Countermanded to march tomorrow morning, they will ftricke their tents att Revalleys beating & march in half an hour after; the Commanding officer is to take under his efcort the batteaux or waggens loaded with Artillary he will proceed with the fame to Halfway Brook and follow fuch further orders as he fhall receive from Colo. Grant. It having been further reported to the Generall that fome of the waggens have been to much loaded, the General wo'ld have no greater weights put into the waggens than Colo. Bradftreet directs. The General Court Marfhel of which Colo. Shayler was prefident is diffolved the General approves of the fentence of the Court Mar fhel for the tryal of John Williams of Colo. Fitch's Regt. and that he is to fuffer death for the defertion proved againft him. The piquit of the line to affemble tomorrow att fix o'clock for the exe cution of the above prifoner. The commanding officer of each piquit will march his piquit to the right of Colo. Fitch's Regt. where the field officer of the piquit will take ye Command of the fd. piquit & obey fuch orders as he fhall receive of the Colo, of the day. Colo. Fitch's Regt. to be under arms att fix o'clock. A plattoon to be loaded with ball and formed att the front of the Regt. for the above execution. A Chaplain to attend on the prifoner. Adjnt. of the day, of Montgomeries Regt. General Guards N. Jerzys. Fort Edward Saturday June i6th, 1759. Regimental Orders for the Firft Battalion — the Commanding offi cers of Companys will not allow the foldiers who are for any guards to march on the perade without firft examining of them and fee them clean and their arms clean & in good order as they muft an- fwer for the neglect of this duty, if neglected; the Battalion to turn out on the front of the Camp att -J after fix this evening. Except thofe on duty it is expected that the Commiffioned officers do not wear Scotch bonnets but wear fomething that they may be diftin- guifhed as officers. Pr order of Jofeph Ingerfol, Lt. Colo. General Orders Fort Edward, June i6th, 1759. Parole, Bofton. Colo, of the day tomorrow, Colo. Lyman. Field officer of the piquit this night, Lt. Colo. Ingerfole; for tomorrow Major Camp bell, Colo. Whiting's Regt. 14 Other Regiments of the Proventials as they arrive muft immedi ately put their arms in thorough good order, their catridges muft be examined into and if any are damaged muft be new made to com pleat their number of catridges and all provential troops are now to receive by applying to the Commanding officer of the Royal Ar tillary, ammunition fufficient to compleat the whole with thirty-fix rounds if their horns will hold it & if not they muft take no more than their horns will contain and ball in proportion. The whole army to receive provifion for feven days. The regular Regts. will receive theirs on the eighth and the 7 days will be to the 25 th inclufive. The Qr. Mafters to give in tomorrow night the number of men they draw for to Mr. Williftone the Commeffary who will fix the hour they draw for their receiving the next morning. The provential troops to receive theirs on igth, fending the Qr. Mafter on the I Sth in the fame manner as directed for the Regulars, and they will receive accordingly and it will be for the 26th inclufive. Any Regts. that arrive who have received provifions to different times to what the troops here have done will compleat now to the time as ordered. John Williams of Colo. Fitch's Regt. who was fentenced to fuffer death is pardoned. The Commanding officers of provential Regi ments will examine what number of men they which are not markf- men; Some they might have who never fired a gun in their lives. A return to be lent to the Dept. Adjnt. General to be fent tomor row morning att nine o'clock of their number that the whole may be ordered out to fire att a mark & any of the damaged catridges may be allowed for this fervice which they will likewife make a report of; Adjutant of the day of ye Royal. Continuation of the Orders of the i6th. The firft Battalion of General Ruggle's Regt. to march att ye leaft notice. Camp att Ford Edward, Sunday June 17th, 1759. Parole, London. Colo, of the day tomorrow, Colo. Ruggles. Field officer of the piquit this night. Major Campbell. For tomorrow Major Ball. The firft Battalion of the Maffachufetts troops to ftrike their tents att 2 o'clock this afternoon if they receive no order to the 15 contrary. Three ox teems will be alowed to carry their tents & a fourth if neceffary. The Royal and New Garzys to be ready to march on the leaft notice. All the fpeacys [fpecies] of provifions which the contracters have engaged to furnifh the troops for to be delivered when the feveral fpeacys are in ftore, but if the men's neceffary demand for carriges fhould prevent the moft bulcky articles from being brought to the army or that the contracters of ftores may not att all have in his power to furnifh a fufficient fupply of every fpeacy in either of thefe cafes, if the Regt. chofes, they may receive one article in lew every time of another in the following proportions: if peafe are wanting if one half of the quantity of rice or a pound of bread or flower or a third of a pound of pork may be received in lew of peafe or rice. If any peafe, rice and butter are wanting one pound one quarter of pork or three & a half of bread or flower may be received in lew thereof. If the above provifions be taken in lew of thefe fpecys that may not be in ftore. The Regts. will then give receipts of their full rafions. General Guard, firft Regt. of the Conneticuts, Adjut. of the day, Montgomery; the firft Battalion of the Maffachufetts will receive their provifions att Halfway Brook. Continuation of Orders of the 17th, 1759. Surgeon McCalm of the Royal having reprefented to the General that his health will admitt of ferving the campaign, Mr. Bray Sur geon, Mate of the Hofpatel, to return to the Hofpatle. Whenever a flagg a truce or drum may arrive from the enemie with whatfoever party may be fent, they are to be ftoped by the firft fentry of whatfoever advanced poft they come to, which fentry will give notice to the guard that the officer commanding att the poft may be informed of it. The officer will fend the letter or letl^s to the General & will keep the drummer or party with flagg a truce, fo that they cannot fee any of the poft outworks or camps till the anfwer from the General is returned. If any officer fhould be fent with a letter who may fay he has orders to deliver his letter or difpatch to the General himfelf, and will not give them to any one elfe, he is not on any account whatfoever to be permitted to advance through any of the outpoft, but fhall be kept till he de livers his difpatches and remains there for an anfwer; if he perfift 16 & in not delivering them he is to be kept and the officers command ing the poft to fend a report of it to the General. A proper guard always to be given from the poft for the fecurity and protection of thofe that may be fent. . . . After Orders for the firft Battalion of Maffachufetts being under orders for marching to ftrike their tents att Revallys beating & march half an hour after to the Halfway Brook, where the commanding officer wiU put himfelf under the command of Colo. Grant. They are to take under their efcort the waggens which are to fet out very early. All the men returned by the provential Regts. not to be markfmen, are to affemble tomorrow morning in the front of their Regt. They will then march to the left to the ground where the Maffachufetts fired this evening and will fire five rounds a man; Major [Robert] Rogers will take care the grounds in front is clear. Officers of each Regt. to attend to fee that the men level well. . . . Monday Camped att Halfway Brook, June iSth, 1759. Parole, Weftminfter. The Maffachufetts troops with officers to give 100 men att fix o'clock tomorrow morning to clear the rhodes above their camps toward the lake. Lt. Rope of the 55th will give them directions. All the guards and piquit to be under arms about half an hour before day break & remain fo untill it is clear daylight untill the morning fcout returns; the officers to be very ellert on their outpoft and to allow about their men to lay down to a time; the fentrys to be relieved every hour. The officers of the piquit to make their rounds very regularly. No man is allowed upon any account to go beyond the fentrys of the outpoft for which the officers are to give their fentrys ftrickt charge and whatfoever perfon is found difobeying thefe orders fhall be feverely punifhed. 20 men to affift the men of Artillary in ^rt- ing their tools att fix o'clock. Camp Halfway Brook, Regimental Orders, June iSth 1759. No perfon on whatfoever account to pass the brook this & the other encampments to them, without liberty from the commanding officer of the Battalion prefent. If any perfon is found difobeying this order he fhall be punifhed without previledge of a Court Mar- 17 fhel. Arms to be viewed and returns to be made agreeable to for mer orders. One Sub. one Serjt. 24 men for piquit; one Sub. one Serjt. 24 rank & file for the quarter guard. Continuation of the Orders of the i8th. The detatchment of the provential troops att this poft to receive three days provifions att 12 o'clock tomorrow to the 22nd inclufive & the Maffachufetts Regt. to receive provifions att four o'clock this afternoon for four days to the 22nd inclufive. The Indians to re ceive three days att 11 this day till the 22nd inclufive, the Rangers four days till the 24th inclufive. . . . Camp Halfway Brook, Tuefday 19 of June 1759. Parole, Gravefend. A return to be given in this day figned by the commanding officer of the ftrength of the provential Regt. & detatchment. The com manding officer of the Light Infentry to give in a return of the numbers under his command fpecifying the number of thofe on duty & where General Predeaux Regt. the Rangers & Indians to hold themfelves in readiness to march vi^ith the Royal under the com mand of Colo. Fofter as foon as they arrive att this camp. Continuation of the Orders of the 19th of June 1759. A part of the Conneticut Regt. to perade att fix o'clock tomor row morning confifting of one Capt. 2 Subs. 3 Serjts. 100 rank and file for mending the rhodes betwixt this & 3 mile poft. As alfo 2 Subs 2 Serjts 40 rank and file with arms to cover the working party. Maffachufetts troops to take the redoubt guard by their camp by the end of the bridge and relieve the guards. Thofe of the Royal Highland Regt. by daybreak tomorrow but the old and new guards that remain att the poft untill near fun rife every day for that guard to mount dayly, i Serjt. i Corpral & 30 men. The above guard to take the care of the Batteaus on this fide the river and the care of the front of the camp in generall. . . . Camp att Halfway Brook, Wednefday June 20th, 1759. Parole, Southwark. Field officer of the day Colo. Ingerfol. Field officer for the day tomorrow Major Graham. 18 A Capt. 2 Subs, as a picket from each of the proventials and the Conneticut Regt. to mount every evening att the Tattoos beating, which piquit are to be under arms every morning att the days break ing and remain so until fun rife; Field officer of the day to vifit ye piquit before they are difmiffed in the evening & the guards once a day att the hours they think proper and fee that the fentrys from the outpoft are properly plafed after the tattoes beat. The detatchment of the proventials commanded by Colo. Pearfon to be employed as foon as the fort is finifhed in clearing round it all the brufh wood &c for about 400 yards; they are to be covered by the piquits & fome Rangers and Light Infentry a detatchment of 4 Capts. 13 fubbaltons & 500 men. Att fix o'clock tomorrow morning they are to lay upon the rhode from this to the three mile poft to keep the communication clear & cover the convoys to this place, and on the return of the carriges untill they arrive back to the three mile poft, one Sub. i Serjt, one Corpral & 30 rank & file for the redoubt; one Sub. one Serjt. one Corpral & 30 rank & file and ten fentrys a ferjant and twelve for camp & other neceffarys one Capt. 2 Subs, and 50 men for the piquit. After Orders. The Royal Highlanders to be in readyness to march tomorrow morning covering partys countermanded for the piquit.* Camp att Halfway Brook, f Thurfday June 21ft, 1759. Regimental orders for the firft Battalion of Colo. Ruggles Regi ment that the Capt. or Commanding officers of Companys take par ticular care that their men keep their arms in good order and lee that their flints are faft in their locks as I have obferved that a great many flints are loofe. In all partys it is further ordered that all Great Hats are cut so that the brims be 2 inches and a half wide * Three mile (or sometimes called four mile) post I think must have been situated between Glens Falls village & Sandy Hill. — E. Hoyt. t The works at Halfway Brook must have been erected in the cam paign of 1758 ; the ground is level and rather low, but the brook furnished good water. It was so called from being half way from Fort Edward to Lake George. I believe there was a fort on each side of the brook, on opposite sides of the road; their remains were to be seen in 1817. Soon after Gen. Amherst took part at Lake George in 1759, they were abandoned and demolished. — E. Hoyt. 19 and that no man wears a cap under his hat & more efpecially when on duty. This order to be ftricktly obferved. Generall Orders, Camp Halfway Brook, June 2ift, 1759. Parole, Hartford. Field officer for the piquit tomorrow Major Hawks. The piquit from Lt. Colo. Ingerfole, confifting of one Capt. two Subs. 2 Serjts a Corpral and fifty men — two pickets to be raifed this evening; they are to be peraded att the retreat beating. The Captain of each piquit each is to give their men ftrickt charge to have their arms in good order & to be ready to turn out on the fhorteft notice. All guards to be relieved as ufual. All guards of the redoubt are att fix o'clock in the morning to advance their fentrys as far out as the Royal Highlanders did and to remain till retreat beating & then to come into their poft. Whatever perfon is found guilty, either of the proventials or Rangers, to fire his piece without order in this Camp will be feverely punifhed all orders to be ftrictly obeyed. . . . Given Orders att Lake George June 21ft, 1759. Colo, of the day tomorrow Lt. Colo. Babcock, Field officer of the piquit, Colo. Smedly; for tomorrow Lt. Colo. Saltinftole. For the officers guard to be advanced a fmall diftance in the front of the old lines, the fentrys during the night to be pitched double. The officers of the piquit are to be particularly careful to infpect their men's arms and go the rounds and fee the guards and fentrys are aU ellert. The General expects att all times that every Regt. will mount a piquit confifting of one Capt, one Sub, one Enfn. 2 Serjants & 50 rank & file. The General guard tomorrow to be mounted by the Rhode Iflanders. . . . Halfway Brook Friday June 22nd, 1759. Parole, Richmond. Lt. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day tomorrow. All re ports to be made to the commanding officer until further orders. Capt. Galord & Capt. Humphrys of the Conneticuts are immedi ately to ftrike their tents and to take poffeffion of the Itockads. Capt. Galord on the right of the gates and commands the N. Eaft angles. Capt. Humphreys on the left and to command the S. Weft angle. They are to mount a corpral & fix men for guard. 20 Whofoever is found guilty of making any difturbance in Camp or Stockade after retreat beating, either by finging or fwearing, or any other noice whereby the guard may be difturbed and the fen trys not well able to diftinguifh any approach of the enemie if any fhould be lurking in order for a prifoner, they will be feverely pun ifhed. For the fame a Captain from the line four Subs, eight Ser jants and lOO men in order to rebuild fome Fort & to make fome new they are to perade perfifely att five o'clock this afternoon with out fail; and that Serjant that is found guilty of difobeying orders and have not his quoto on the perade where the Adjt. fhall order, fhall be tryed for neglect of duty & reduced to the ranks; and non commiffioned officer or foldier that is found to be beyond the fen trys on any account whatever, without an order in writing from his commanding officer fhall be feverely punifhed. The retreat to beat lo minutes after fun fet. AU the guards to be mounted as laft night. The piquit is to turn out on any alarm, one in the front of the lines the other on the left in the line in front, and there to wait for orders from me and upon any party being difcovered, every man to turn out in the front and there to wait with their aquiterments and to be very filent fo that they may receive orders without any noife; loo men from the line with proper officers to perade att fix o'clock to morrow morning on the front of the fentry line and there to receive orders. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. P. S. — ^Thefe orders are expected to be punctually obeyed by offi cers as well as men when it is their Tower of duty and acquainted by the Adjutant. One piquit, confifting of one Capt. four Subs. 8 Serjants and lOO men Colo. Ingerfole is to find a piquit confift ing of one Capt. 4 Subs. 8 Serjants and 100 men to turn out on any alarm on the leaft notice & wait for orders; Corpral Backfter of Capt. McDaniels Company in the Garzy Regt. is found guilty of neglect of duty and is to do duty in the ranks.* *The country about Halfway Brook, which is now (1840) open ground, was in some places fenced into fields, but it seems not to have been inviting to settlers. The land is not very valuable. Some distance North of the brook the road rises to a pine plain, and woods continue most of the way to Lake George, with the exception of an opening near the south end of French mountain, where there is a small village once a travern half a mile or more south of the ground of Col. William's ambuscade, Sept. 8, 1755. 21 Camp Halfway Brook, Saturday June 23rd, i759' Parole, Shrewfberry. Lt. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day tomorrow. The breft work to be finifhed by 5 o'clock and the redoubt to be thrown down of the N. Weft of the ftockades. Two pickets to be raifed for night confifting of two Capts. 6 Subs. 8 Serjts. and 200 men. Thefe piquits to lay on their arms to be ready to turn out on the leaft notice & to be extremely filent that they may hear the orders of their officers; they are to perade tomorrow att day break and to wait the commanding officer's orders. Lieut. Check and his guard is to perade tomorrow att 7 o'clock to load battoes till they are ordered to be relieved; two Subs, and fifty of the party that was with Capt. Bancroft as foon as returned are immediately to get themfelves ready and the victuals dreffed this night to guard the King's oxen on the Weft Side of the road towards the four mile poft and one half of Colo. Pearfons piquit for that purpofe; the other three guards as ufual. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colonel. Camp Halfway Brook, Sunday June 24th, i759- Parole, Dorfet. The quarter guards to be mounted tomorrow morning att break of day without fail. Two Capts. 4 Subs. 8 Serjants & 200 men to lay on their arms and to be ready to turn out on the leaft alarm and to form on the two fronts as they were ordered laft night to be. For the future if any is found fleeping on his poft when on duty, he will not be paffed by but muft expect to fuffer the Marfhal law, in fuch cafe provided, as there haft been complaint made of About half a mile north of the brook, a considerable number of our provincial troops were cut off by the Indians, July 20, 1758, among whom were three captains, Lawrence, Dakins, and Jones, with one lieutenant, one ensign and fourteen privates. Captain Lawrence was from Groton and the grandfather of General Langley of Hawley on his mother's side. The affair took place near what is called Indian or Blind Rock, near the present road. A party of workmen on the road were first attacked and a detach ment sent from the brook defeated on advancing to the spot. The men being panic stricken deserted their officers. Soon after the close of the war, in 1763, a few settlements were com menced in this quarter, and Abraham Wing built a house and barn at Glens Falls which were standing in 1777, the time of Burgoyne's invasion, but were afterwards burnt by Major Carlton, in 1780, who made an incur sion from Canada. — E. Hoyt. 22 fome Companys of not being elert in turning out their number of men ordered. For the future it is expected they will punctually obey or otherwife they muft expect to anfwer for their neglect. . . . If any perfon is found to eafe himfelf within lOO yards of the lines only in the neceffary hole provided for that purpofe & they be found guilty of difobeying the fame, will without doubt be pun ifhed. A working party to be ready tomorrow morning from the lines confifting of one Sub. i Serjt. and twenty privates to be ready att 7 o'clock to load waggens and carts with provifions; Major Hawks, field officer of the day.* Camp Halfway Brook Monday June 25th, 1759. Parole, Portfmouth. Lt. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day. Two pickets to be raifed confifting of 2 Capts. 6 Subs. 8 Ser jants & 200 privates. They are to lay on their arms as ufual and to turn out on any alarm att the place that haft been ordered & to wait for further orders. All the fires for coocking are to be made in the front of the lines and not in the rear of the officers tents. All men off duty this day on the lines & alfo the referved piquit, are to turn out att four o'clock this afternoon to have their arms examined and their ammunition by the commanding officer and their return to be given in to the commanding officer after viewing the ftate and condition and they are alfo to excercife one hour. A party to be peraded att 12 o'clock to load carriges confifting of one Capt. 2 Subs. 4 Serjants, fifty men. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. Camp att Halfway Brook June 26th, 1759. Parole, Edenburgh. Lt. Colo, field officer of the day. Two pickets to be raifed confifting of two Capts. 6 Subs. 8 Ser jants 200 men. The Redoubt guard and the Qr. guard to be raifed tomorrow att break of day; the drum Major is to beat the * Several baggage wagons were cut off near Halfway Brook, Septem ber 8, 1755, the day that Dieskau attacked Johnson at Lake. The two have been confounded by historians. The first was near Sandy Hill Village. Old Mr. Abraham Way of Glens Falls gave me particulars of this affair; and I have accounts of it in several journals by officers and soldiers who were in the campaign of 1758. — E. Hoyt. 23 Revalley att break of day tomorrow morning and the piquit are to turn out to their lines. The orderly Serjts. are to turn out when they perade their men for guard or piquit and deliver their names when on the perade in writing to the Serjant Major and he is to deliver them to the commanding officer who is to mount the guard or piquit so that the officer may know the men and Company they belong to, that if any be abfent they will be able to confine them for neglect of duty. The officers commanding the piquit or any other guard are to be on the parade att the Revalleys beating. For the future the foldiers to keep under arms & they are to be fo watchful of their duty that if they do not turn out without calling, they may expect to be confined for fuch neglect of duty, as they muft be fent to the Lake to head quarters for tryal. Whofoever is found in the Camp guilty of playing cards after the publication of this order muft expect to fuffer for difobedience of orders. It is expected that after the tattoes beat in camp that there is no noife to be made as haft been for fome evenings paft. If any fhould be found guilty of difobedience of this nature will be took as a defpicer of the Marfhal law. . . . Continuation of the Orders of the 26th. It is reported unto me that fome of the men are lowfy, therefore, it is expected that the Captains or commanding officers of Companys enquire into the affairs & if there is any that is fo to order them cleanfed otherwife they will loufe the whole. It is further expected that the officers fee the men cook their victuals properly and not to broil pork on any account whatfoever & to examine the mens tents and fee that they are kept clean and to fee the men waifh their fhirts & ftockens as often as needful it is expected this order to be obeyed as a ftanding order. Pr order Jos. Ingerfole, Lt. Colo. Camp Halfway Brook, Wednefday June 27th, 1759. Parole, Doubline. Major Hawks field officer of the day. The piquit and guards to be raifed as yefterday as there is but little duty this day in the camps that it is expected that every Captain or commanding officer of companys will fet all the men that are off duty to wafh their cloaths as perhaps this will be the only leafure they will have all former orders to be obeyed. . . . 24 It is General Amherft's orders that all the troops att Halfway Brook are victualled up to the 3d July inclufive. The Rangers included. Camp Halfway Brook June 28th, 1759. Parole, Hartford. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of this day. All the guards to be mounted as ufual and the number that was ordered yefterday. Each commanding officer are by 10 o'clock to fee that all the men off duty to draw their charge & waifh their pieces clean and have them very dry before loaded; officers likewife to fee their ground is occupied today and all the filth cleanfed out and buryed and new earth covered over. A Serjant and 12 men is immediately to get all the axes and fpades in the camp and return them under the care of the fentry for that purpofe and after all is collected they are to be given out by order of the Qr. Mafter; all former orders to be obeyed. . . . Camp Halfway Brook, Friday June 29th, 1759. Parole, Colechefter. Major Hawks field officer of the day. Capt. Whitleffes piquit. Fifty of them is to join fifty of Colo. Ingerfoles Battalion with thirty Rangers to drive a number of Kings oxen to ye Four Mile Poft below X ; * The Rangers are to take their orders from ye com manding officer. The piquit and Quarter guards to be mounted as ufual. The redoubt guard on the eaft of the Artillary is this day to make a guard houfe as the tents are wanted. Orders re ported: It is expected that no party goes without the leave of a commanding officer on any pretence whatfoever. The out fentry are to ftop all and fuffer none to pass without an order in writing from an officer of the company belonging to this camp. . . . A Court Marfhel to fet this day att 9 o'clock to try fuch prifoners as may be brought before them. Capt. Baldwain, prefident, Lt Sea- more, Lt Carole, Lt Tupp members; The Court to fet att the prefidents tent; All former orders to be obeyed. The officers are to fee that all the men of duty to turn out and exercife from eight to ten and from 4 to 5 o'clock. * x4 mile post below. Suppose at or near Glens Falls. — E. H. 25 Camp att Halfway Brook June 30th, 1759. Parole, Richmond. Lt Colo Ingerfole field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. A working party for tomor row confifting of one Capt, 2 Subs, 2 Serjts, & 50 rank & file. The Conneticut Regt to be under arms att 3 o'clock this afternoon. All that are off duty the Adjunt is to exercife them in platoon firing, two deep. This order refpecting exercife is to be continued after this day from the hour of 7 until nine in the forenoon and from four until fix in the afternoon. . . . Per order, N. Pearfon, Lt Colo. Regimental orders: That every officer commanding a Company to give in a return of their company fetting forth where all their men are that ever was in their Companys as well as thofe on duty. To be given tomorrow morning by 7 o'clock and to be figned by the commanding officer of each company on the fpot. It is ex pected that they are made very correct as they will be kept to examine each others by. Per order, N. Pearfon. Camp att Halfway Brook, Sunday July ift, 1759. Parole, Colchefter. Major Hawks field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. All former orders to be ftricktly obeyed. A Court Marfhel to be fett this day att nine o'clock to try fuch prifoners as may be brought before them. Capt Whitleffe, prefident Lt Emblem, Lt Carole, Lt Cheafe, Lt Pell members. Per order N. Pearfon, Lt Colo. Camp att Halfway Brook, July 2nd 1759. Parole, Colechefter. All guards to be mounted as ufual. After thefe orders are pub- lifhed there is to be no fire or fmoke in the mouths of the tents or within the lines of thefe encampments after the tattoe is beat. What ever perfon is found guilty of difobeying thefe orders May expect to be confined and tryed for open contempt of orders; All former orders to be obeyed. The return is to be given in to the Adjutant of all thofe men which were in the Artillary fervife laft campaign. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. 26 Camp att Halfway Brook, July 3d 1759. Regimental orders: That no officer perfume to give leave for any party to go without the fentry without the leave from the com manding officer of the Regt on any pretence whatever. It is fur ther ordered that no Non commiffioned officer or private perfume to go without the fentrys, as they will be reported diferted if they are found thus guilty & will be punifhed accordingly. I would have the officers examine the men's arms and ammunition & fee that they are in good order. Jos. Ingerfol, Lt Colo. Halfway Brook July 3d, 1759. Parole, Colechefter. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day; All guards to be mounted as ufual, the working detail to be peraded immediately, confifting of one Capt, 2 Subs, 3 Serjts, & fifty privates for working att the magazenes; all forme'- orders to be obeyed. The commander of the ftockades to make a return this day by 3 o'clock of the numbers of the men, their names & their Company to the commanding officer of this fort. . . . Nathan Pearfon, Lt Colo. Camp att Halfway Brook, July 4th, 1759. Parole, Sherwfberry. Major Hawks field officer of the day. A Serjt & 12 men from the lines to cut and burn all the loggs & brufh that are within the lines of fentrys. A working party to be peraded immediately, confifting of one Capt, 2 Subs, 2 Serjts, fifty privates without arms. All guards to be mounted as ufual. As there feems to be fome negligence in exercife for the future it is expected it will be more punctually obeyed. . . . As it is notorioufly true that profane curfing & fwearing pre vails in the camp. It is not only very far from the Chriftian fol diers duty and very difpleafing to the Lord of Hofts & God of Armies but difhonorable before men. It is, therefore, required and expected, that for the future the odious found of curfing and fwearing is turned into a profound filence. If after the publifhing thefe orders, any is found guilty in the violation of thefe orders they may expect fuch punifhment as A Court Marfhel judge for difobedience; All former orders to be obeyed.* ... N. Pearfon, Lt Colo. * From the tenor of these orders it is evident that much confusion and disorder prevailed in the provincial camps. It is often repeated that "the 27 Camp Halfway Brook, July 5th, 1759. Parole, Dublin. All guards to be mounted as ufual. All axes and fpades this day to be returned to the Qr. Mafter whofoever in order to have the exact number that was left for the ufe of this camp. If wanted after they may have them again by applying to the Quarter Mafter. Whofoever is found to fecret one will be looked upon as an em bezzler of the King's ftores and muft anfwer it accordingly. . . . Lt Colo. Ingerfole officer of the day. He is to fee the piquit perade and give them their orders in going the rounds, as fome nights it has been neglected; All former orders to be obeyed. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. Camp att Halfway Brook, July 6th, 1759. Regimental orders: It haft been practifed fome time paft amongft fome of our officers for to wrangle & difpute with the Adjutant on the perade and before the men concerning duty, whereas it is very unbecoming the part of gentlemen as well as againft all rules and difcipline of war. It is for the future defired that there may not be any wrangles or difputes arife in any fuch like manner. If the Adjutant doeth his duty wrong fo that an officer think himfelf wronged or any of his men, their bufiness is to apply to the com manding officer of the Regt. where they will get juftice done. It is ordered that the men turn up the flapps of their tents to air and sweep them clean immediately. Jos. Ingerfole, Lt. Colo. General Orders for the 6th of July, 1759. Parole, Edinburgh. Major Hawks field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. As there was laft night a very rietous noife in the camp till one o'clock this morning which is contrary to the orders of this camp orders are to be obeyed or the men punished." In a camp of regulars lit tle of this is necessary; their punishment generally precedes threats, and all know the consequence of disobedience from experience. In an order issued at Lake George June 22, 1759, notice is taken " of some officers mak ing themselves very familiar with sergeants and even privates, which great ly injures the service; and it is expected for the future that that levelling temper will no longer subsist." Our republican militia would think this aristocratical. — E. Hoyt. 28 & the rules in the army, it is, therefore, required of all officers of guards that for the future that they efpecially take the greateft pre caution after the tattoe is beat, that there be no hallowing or fing ing in the camp. The officers of the feveral guards will immedi ately after the officer of the day haft given them their charge go through the camps and if they find any perfon making any noife or difturbance they will order them to be ftill and filent. After that if fhould be any noife or diforderly behaviour the officer will fend & confine them for difobeying & in contempt of orders and they will be punifhed accordingly agreeable to the Marfhel law. . . . The working party that is falling trees on the road are to con tinue untill lo o'clock and then to be relieved by a party from Colo. Ingerfole who are to work till after two & then be relieved by the fame. All former orders to be obeyed. N. Pearfon, Colo. Camp Halfway Brook July 7th, 1759. Parole, Hertford Shire. Lt. Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day. All guards & partys to be mounted as ufual. The working party to be peraded con tinually 2 Capts four Subs 4 Serjants & one hundred men. All former orders to be obeyed; a Court Marfhel to fet to try fuch prifoners as may be brought before them. Capt Whitleffe prefident, Lt Seamore, Lieut Smith, Lt Hunter, Enfn Gillet, Members; to fet att the prefidents tent immediately. . . . Camp att Halfway Brook, July Sth, 1759. Parole, Woolf. Major Hawks field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. The officer of the Quarter Guard to take efpecial care that all of the oxen belonging to the King which will be brought inn this night & put under care. If any fhould get out of fentrys, they muft be anfwerable for this neglect; No foldier is upon any account whatfoever either to fleep or fit down when upon fentry; If any one fhould be found difobeying thefe orders for the future all thofe who are found fleeping will be fent to Head Quarters for tryal and they will be feverely punifhed; Thefe orders to be read this night to each officer of the guard fo that it may be given in charge not only to all the foldiers that are on duty this night but to con- 29 tinue from officer to officer when they are relieved. All former orders to be obeyed.* N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. Camp Halfway Brook July 9th, 1759. Parole, Portfmouth. Lt Colo. Ingerfole field officer of the day; All guards to be mounted as ufual; All the troops are to hold themfelves in ready ness to march att the fhorteft notice. All former orders to be obeyed. N. Pearfon, Lt Colo. Camp Halfway Brook, July loth, 1759. Parole, Southwark. Major Hawks field officer of this day. All the men off duty are immediately to get their arms clean & fet out in the fun; they are alfo to turn out & parade & they are likewife to keep their arms clean and in good order. N. Pearfon, Lt. Colo. Grenerall Orders for the nth of July 1759. A ftanding order: The Grenadears & Brigades of Royals & Late Forbes during the campaign are to be drawn upon all Survoyes 2 deep. This makes no alteration in pofting the officers or fettling the Battalions in Grand Divifions, Subs Divifion, one plattoon in the front & flank & rear and flank plattoon. When the Battalions is told of in plattoons on the perade the whole Battalion is to be 3 deep, the two fentre plattoons clofe and their intervals of half the front of the plattoons left between its plattoon from the one on the right of the centre to the plattoon on the right of the Bat talion, the fame to be obferved from the plattoon on the left of the centre to the plattoon of the Battalion. The commanding offi cer will then order the officers commanding plattoons to form them two deep, which they will do by commanding the rear rank & thofe on the right of the colum facing to the right and thofe on the left facing to the left & halting in the intervale the firft half * During the campaigns of 1755, 1758, 1759 and 1760 the road from Fort Edward to Lake George was almost constantly occupied by troops, and in the revolutionary war it again became a line of military operations. In passing it, a man of military taste will find much to occupy his mind and useful lessons in strategy. — E. Hoyt. 30 forms on the right of the front of each plattoon on the right of the colume and on the left of the front rank of each plattoon on the left of the colume the fecond half forms in like manner on the right & left of the fecond rank. If there is an odd man the officer takef what one he pleafefth as a fecond; The method is always to be practifed, that every officer commanding a plattoon may have the men of the third rank next to him that in cafe the fervice requires it the whole battalion may be formed three deep in one inftant by the officers of plattoons forming the rear rank, as they were, which is never to be done unless the officer commanding the Battalion orders it; the men to be acquainted that this is ordered, as the enemy has very few regular troops to oppofe us that no yelling of Indians or fire of Canadeans can poffibly be att two ranks. If the men are filent and attentive & obedient to their officers who will lead them to their enemie & their filence will terrific them more than any huzzaing or noice they can make which the Generall ftricktly forbids; And their attention and obedience to their officers who commands plattoons will enfure fuccess to his Maj ef ties arms. The General Court Marfhel of which Colo. Ruggles is prefident is diffolved. The General haft been pleafed to approve of the fol lowing fentences of the above Court Marfhel: George Deforty of the Infkillon Regt. accufed of fufpicion of breaking up a trunk is found not guilty of the crime laid to his charge; he is therefore acquitted. Wm. Harper, of Brigadeer Gage's Regt of Light In fantry, accufed of theft is found guilty of the crime laid to his charge & is to receive 400 laifhes with a cat of nine tails. John Cotter, foldier in Brigadeer Gage's Regt of Light Infentry accufed of deffertion is found guilty of the crime laid to his charge and is to receive one thoufand laifhes with a cat of nine tails. Regimental Orders for the nth of July 1759. All men that are not on duty to be peraded this afternoon att three o'clock & the officers will fee their arms are drawn & cleanfed in good order & fee them exercife one hour and a half in firing plattoons. If an officer of any one Company is not acquainted with plattoon firing let them apply to fome other for learning fo that he may be able to inftruct his men. The Commanding officers of Companys are to fee that their men boil their frefh meat & make foop as it will be much more for their health & go much further. A 31 weekly return to be given in of the number of men we have upon thefe lines immediately. Jofeph Ingerfole, Lt Colo. Given Orders: Halfway Brook July nth, 1759. Parole, Shrewfberry. Collo. Ingerfole field officer of the day. All the troops att this place except the Garrifon & Capt Shep- pard's Company to have three days provifions, two of frefh meat & one of fait. One hundred axe men from this line & fifty from Colo Ingerfoles — the piquit to cover them. They are to be pe raded att 2 o'clock. A Court Marfhel to fet this day att nine o'clock to try all prif oners that fhall be brought before them. Capt Whittleffe, prefi dent, Lt Emblen, Lt How, Lt Johnlon, Lt Tripp, members. All former orders to be obeyed. Nath. Pearfon. Camp Halfway Brook July 12th, 1759. Parole, Dartford. Major Slapp field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. Capt Robinfon & Capt Bancroft & Lieut Ingerfole are to furvay any provifion fhown them by the Quarter Mafter and the quantaty making a return of the fame fo that the defficience may be made up. The Adjutant is to order all the men off duty in Generall Lyman's Regt to turn out & exercife three hours in the forenoon & three hours in the afternoon the Major to exercife them. All former orders to be obeyed. Nathan Pearfon. Camp att Halfway Brook, July 13th, 1759. Parole, London. Major Hawks field officer of the day. All guards to be mounted as ufual. A Serjant & fixteen men to grind axes; The Quarter Mafter will colect all axes that come from the Lake fo that they may be well ground & fit for ufe as there will be no working party this forenoon. It is expected that every officer of duty will fee that all their men off duty fave one man to a tent to waifh & be clean with their coats on ; fo that they 32 may appear well under arms. They are to turn out att 7 o'clock & exercife till ten & from four till 7 o'clock all former orders to be obeyed. N. Pearfon. Camp Lake George, July 14th, 1759. Parole, Gilford. Colo, for the day tomorrow Collo Montgomerie; field officer for the piquit this night. Regular Major Graham, Provential Lt Collo Putnam, Regular Major Dugglas. For tomorrow Regular Major John Campbell, Provential Lt Collo Miller & Major Whiting. The Regiments to pay tomorrow in the afternoon in the fame manner as they did the laft time for what fpruce beer they have received fince that payment. The Rangers and Indians to fire off their pieces tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock in the front of their camps att marks. They will afterwards put them in the beft manner they can. It is expected the men on no account what foever to touch the 5 days bread they were ordered to receive. The Surgeons of ye feveral Regts to meet Doctor Monro att the General Hofpatel att 4 o'clock this afternoon who will direct what proportion of medicens each of them are to furnifh for the Light Infentry. Each is immediately to be given into the Surgeon that take the care of that core. . . . Regimental orders: No wreftling for the future will be al lowed of. After Orders: General Ruggles Battalion & Lymans Regt as well as the detatchment that marched in with them are to be out tomor row morn att 5 o'clock to fire two rounds in the fame manner as the others have done, Collo Townfend to attend them; the General obferved feveral arms of both thefe Regts & the detatchment was much out of repair. The Regts will fend in a return to Major Monypenny of the return of the men not under arms upon that occafion, & they are to repair fuch arms immediately & when re paired they are to be out to fire. The above two Regts after firing wiU receive a proportion of flower for 5 days bread which they are to get baked & keep in the fame manner as the reft of the army & are to receive provifions to the i6th inclufive, to which time all the reft of the Provential Regts are compleated. 450 workmen and two covering partys as ufual for the ufe of ye Engenears. 100 men for the Artillary 30 workmen for Capt Loren. 33 Camp att Lake George, July 15th, 1759. Parole, Croyden. Collo for the day tomorrow Collo Shayler; field officer of the piquit. Regular Major John Campbell, Provential Lt Collo Miller ; Major Whiting for tomorrow; for tonight Lt Collo Darby, Regu lar Proventials Lt Collo Pain, Major Ball. General Guard to morrow Montgomery. Regular Regts to receive three days provifions beginning att 5 o'clock with the Light Infentry then Grenadeers, Inefkellen & Royal Highlanders & Forbes Royal Artillary, Gage the Battalions Rug gles & Lyman & Detatchments that marched into camp laft night will fend this evening att 5 o'clock to Mr. Willfon, Commeffary, a return of their effective that marched in; and they will receive tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock, 3 days frefh provifions beginning with Rug gles & Lyman and detatchments of the Regts; the Regts that have baked bread for 5 days muft now expend it that it may not be fpoiled and they will continue baking the flower they receive that they may always have five days of bread ready when the army embarks. The Rangers & Provential Regiments that fired this day are to compleat their ammunition applying to Major Orde com manding the Artillary. All fhells & fhot that may have been left by the enemie during the campaign will be of ufe in fending back again; the following prizes fhall be allowed to thofe that pick them up on their delivering them to the Commeffary Stores att the Artillary Park; for a thir teen inch fhell, one dollar; for an eight inch ^ ditto; for a large fhott fhall be payed att 2 d each a pound and fmall fhott i d; all arms taken from the enemie are to be brought to Head Quarters. The men that take fuch arms will be allowed each 5s for each good or repairable firelock. Battoes & whale boats to be wanted by the Battalions of Ruggles & Shyler. Ruggles 5 Battoes for the General & his family 35 men 4 Whale boats Do. 32 " 7 Battoes for the Commeffary 49 " Shayler 7 Battoes for the General 49 " 4 Whale Boats Do 32 " 3 Battoes for Hofpatel 21 " 34 one Battoe one Whale Boat for ye Engenear 15 men. Officers to be fent in proportion from each Regt with the men; the remainder of each Regt to be divided amongft the boats which carry the Artil lary. Continuation of the Orders of the 15th. One Capt, 2 Subs, 60 Volunteers to be inftantly raifed to perade att the head of the Regts half an hour after nine with their arms & ammunition & to carry their blankets & to take fpruce beer with them & one days bread. They will march down to the waters fide where they will join the detatchment of the Light Infentry & follow fuch orders as they fhall receive from Collo Townfend. The de tatchment Montgomery that marched into camp this day to receive frefh provifions tomorrow for three days att the fame time; Rug gles ditto; the Quarter Mafter will fend to Commeffary Willfone the effective number of the detatchment. This detatchment like- wife; the referved men of the Proventials that marched into camp this day are to fire 2 rounds of ball tomorrow morning att 6 o'clock att ye place where the Proventials fired this day. The Adjt of Montgomeries & Babcocks to perade tomorrow morning att Reval leys beating att the head of their camps. They will march to the right & join Badcocks piquit from whence they will be marched by Lt Collo Miller, Field officer of the piquit, on the weft fide of the Lake, where he will be conducted by an officer of the Rangers & will be joined by 150 Rangers. The General will fend further orders to the Collo. The men will take one days provifions & march in their waftcoats & blankets, 450 working men and two covering partys for the Engenear tomorrow; 100 men ditto for ye Artillary, Capt Loring, 40 for Lt Collo Putnam to finifh the gar den & to what tools he directs; one Capt 2 Subs 2 Serjant 64 men. Camp Lake George, July i6th, 1759. Parole, Norwalk. Collo Lyman, Collo of the day tomorrow; field officer of the piquit this night. Regulars, Lt Collo Darby, Proventials, Lt Collo Pearfon; for tomorrow night Major Ball, Regular, Major Alxdr. Campbell; Provential, Lt Collo Goff, Major Waterbury. . . . The Regts of the Brigades of the Royal & Forbes & the Pro ventials will find an officer & twenty men with arms a party fuffi- 35 cient to cut faifheens which they are to put into the battoes that when they are loaded that none of the provifions is fpoiled. Thefe partys to be fent out immediately in battoes to the weft fide of the Leake but none muft attempt to pass the poft. The five pickets are to march to the Commanding officer of the Provential Battalions to attend Brigadier General Gage att I2 o'clock this day. The Proventials to receive three days provifions tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock. Following Fitch's, Worcefter, Scheyler, Lovewell, Wil lard, Ruggles & Whiting they will fend a return of their effective number to the Commeffary this evening & will be obfervant of the orders of yefterday in relation to bread. Capt Loving will deliver Whale boats this evening to Gages & to the Light Infentry tomor row morning att 5 o'clock. Continuation of the Orders of the i6th. Orders for the firft Battalion that every officer & man of duty turn out to clean their camps of all the ftumps & rubbifh & put frefh earth over the burnt ground & pitch their tents regular in f trait lines. It is ordered that after any officer or Serjant has received details from the Adjt or Serjant Major for any guard or fertegue or detatchment of any kind whatfoever; that they are not att the time appointed on the perade without fail without any hallowing or calling in camps if any Serjant be guilty of hallowing turn out they fhall be confined and tryed by a Court Marfhel. A Regimental Court Marfhel to fet immediately to try fuch prif oners as fhall be brought before them. Capt Nixon, prefident, Lt Ingerfol, Lt Marten, Lt Farrinton, Enfn Samuel Ward, members. Continuation of the General Orders of the i6th. Eight of the Provential Battalion gives 13 men each & two of the Provential Battalions 14 men each for the Ranging Service. The men to be told they will be paid the difference between theirs & that of the Rangers. Commanding officers of the Battalions to turn out all volunteers willing to ferve in the Rangers. Tomor row att one o'clock Major Rogers will attend & chufe the number that each Regt is to furnifh out of fuch volunteers. A General Court Marfhel of the line to fet tomorrow morning att eight o'clock att the prefident's tent to try to of the late Forbes Regt. . . . 36 Collo. Whiting, prefident, Lt. Collo. Putnam, Major Alexander Campbell, five Capts from the Regulars, Do. from the Proventials, Lt. George Burton, Dpt. Judge Advc. 450 working men and two covering partys as ufual for the Engenear. 20 men for the fategue for Capt. Loring; 100 working men for Major Arde, as ufual. 500 Proventials with axes to perade tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock in the front of the Grenadeers. Mr. Neild to command this party. Lt. Gray will attend. One Capt, 2 Subs, 2 Serjts, 100 men att 5 o'clock; 2 Subs, two Serjts, 60 men att 6 o'clock and the piquits to cover them. Camp att Lake George, July 17th, 1759. Parole, Philadelphia. CoUo. of the day tomorrow Collo. Ruggles; field officer for the piquit this night. Regular, Major Gorden; Provential Lt. Collo. Goff, Major Waterberry; tomorrow night. Regular, Major Graham; Provential Lt. Collo. Medly, Major Moore. Collo. Ruggles Regt to receive 8 mufquets to compleat their number & they will likewife change 14 returned deffective for which they will apply to the commanding officer of the Royal Artillary; AU the men that have joined the proventials they are to affemble tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock on the ground where the proven tials fired before. They are to fire two rounds att marks. Bregade Major to attend them to fee them fire their ammunition, muft after wards be compleated. The Whale boats to be marked by the Corps they are given to in the fame for the battoes; the Grenadeers to receive theirs as foon as the whale boats are ready for which they will apply to Capt. Loring. The Rangers are to receive theirs after the Grenadeers. All the whale boats to be kept in the crick or they wiU otherwife be fubject to be fpoiled. The preportion of whale boats & battoes: for the Rangers, 43 whale boats i battoe; Gage's Regt i flat bottomed boat 41 whale boats 4 battoes; Light Infentry for the Regts. 43 whale boats 5 battoes; Grenadeers, 43 whale boats, 5 battoes. The fettlars muft provide men for their battoes allowed them as the General will not permit the men of the Regts to do it. . . . Continuation of the General Orders of the 17th. The Regular Regt. will receive 5 locks and bayonets as by their return tomorrow att 5 o'clock. Att the park of the Artillary 500 37 men with axes, loo with billhooks, under the command of Major Willard and conducted by Lt. Gray, are to take their tools tomor row att the revalley beating att the Artillary & march directly; A covering party wfll be ordered which party muft be out att the Revallys beating & they will return to camp by one o'clock or per haps they may not return untill night; 450 working men & two covering partys as ufual; for the Engenear tomorrow 40 men for fatigue for Capt. Loring, 200 men for the fatigue for the Artillary, Gages Regt. to be out tomorrow morning to difcharge their pieces by 5 o'clock. General Guard tomorrow, firft Battalion of Ruggles. Wednefday July iSth, 1759. Parole, Half Moon. Collo. of the day tomorrow Collo. Worfter; field officer of the piquit this night. Regulars, Graham ; Proventials, Lt. Collo. Smedly, Major Moore; tomorrow night. Regulars, Major John Campbel; Proventials Lt. Collo. Hunt, Major Slap, The Regular Regts to receive frefh provifions for three days to morrow morning, by 5 o'clock, beginning with Gage's, following Royal Artillary, Late Forbes, Montgomery, Royal Highlanders, En- efkellon Grenadeers, Light Infentry of Regts. Thefe compleats them to the 21ft inclufive. The Provential Regts to fend in a return to the Brigade Major of arms & ammunition or anything elfe wanting to compleat them; as it is fupposed that the men that have joined may not have everything compleat as faft as they comes, the commanding officer will immediately have them received & with out delay report to the Major Brigade everything that fhall be wanting. Every man to have a good flint in his firelock & a spare one in his pocket which the officers muft take care is not wanting. They will receive them by applying to Major Arde Commander of the Royal Artillary. A boat for a Brigade will be allowed for the Surgeon of each of the Regulars & one battoe for the Surgeons of the five provential Battalions, of Ruggles, Willards, N. Hamp- fhire, Babcock, one to thofe of Sheyler, Worfter, Fitch, Whitting, and Lyman. Thofe battoes muft be received from Capt. Loving & be kept by the eldeft of each. All the Regts to return their tools to the Artillary and take up their receipts att 5 o'clock this afternoon & each Provential Regt. will fend their return to Brigade Major Moneypenny this evening of the No of axes or any other tools they may have that belong to ve Regts. If the Regts. who 38 have companys that have lately joined them fince the orders for battoes, fhould want more than have been ordered will apply ac cordingly. The men that have been chofe to ferve with the Rangers are to join them this evening att 5 o'clock & foUow fuch orders as they fhall receive from Major Rogers. They are not to take tents but live in huts in the fame manner as the Rangers do. They muft take the provifion which they have for tomorrow enclufive & they will afterwards draw their provifion with the Rangers & they are not to be included in their returns of their refpective Regiments. . . . After Orders for the iSth, 1759. Thos. Burk, wagganer, tryed by a Court Marfhel of the Line for abufing and offering to ftrike an officer att Halfway Brook, is found guilty & is to receive 400 laifhes. The General haft been pleafed to approve of the fentences and ordereft that the above fd Thomas Burk is marched tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock by the provoft guard from Regt to Regt & that he receiveft 30 laifhes att the head of each 4 Regular Regts, beginning att Forbes, & fo on to the reft; that he alfo receive 30 laifhes att the head of each Provential Battalion & 40 att the head of Shayler. He is after wards to be marched back to the provoft guard & remain there imtill further orders. A detatchment of 600 Proventials with axes under the command of Major Willard & conducted by Lt. Gray to perade tomorrow morning att Revallys beating att the Artillary where they will re ceive axes. They will fet out att the fame hour this day that they might finifh their work betimes a covering party will be appointed; 200 working men for the Artillary att the ufual hour, 450 working men & two covering partys will be appointed; for the Engenear 30 for Capt. Loving ; Jofiah Allen, mafon, Thomas Caile & Wm. Hail .& Jofeph Hadcock, Lyme Burners all of Collo. Willards Regt are to attend Collo. Montorfe att 5 o'clock tomorrow morn. Every Regt. to Hall their Battoes Half out of water immediately. Thurfday Camp Lake George, July 19th, 1759. Parole, Soupe. Field officer of the day, tomorrow Collo. Fitch; Field officer of the piquit, Regular, Major Campbel; Proventials, Lt. Collo. Hunt, 39 Major Slapp; tomorrow night. Regulars, Lt. Collo. Darby, Proven tials Lt. Collo. Saltenftol, Major Hawks; General Guard tomor row, 2nd Battalion of Collo. Ruggles. The Proventials to receive three days frefh provifions tomorrow morning att 5 o'clock beginning att Whiting, following Ruggles, Willard, Lovewels, Sheylar, Worfter, Fitch, & Babcock which com pleats them to the 22nd inclufive. The Battalions of Ruggles Wil lard, Lovewel, & Babcock will each change their defective arms and view their ammunition, flints & bayonets this day att 12 o'clock by applying to Major Arde Commander of the Royal Artillary ac cording to the returns fent in this day. . . . Regimental Orders for Thurfday July 19th, 1759. The commanding officers of each Company will examine the ftate of the men's arms of the Battalion every evening of all the defi- cencys and how the deficencys happens. This order to be punctually obeyed. All the officers and foldiers of duty to turn out & exer cife att 3 o'clock this afternoon & Capt. Nixon will attend to teach them. Pr orders of Colo. Ingerfole. After Orders: The General Court Marfhel of which Collo. Whiting was prefident is diffolved; the General haft approved of the fd fentences of the above Court Marfhel: Phineas Duggles, of Collo. Ruggles Battalion, tryed for defertion is acquitted; John Monilly, of Late Forbes Regt. tryed for defertion is found guilty & fentenced to fuffer 1000 laifhes; Thomas Bailey, of Late Forbes tryed for robbery & being a notorious offender is found guilty and is fentenced to fuffer death. John Williams, Elias Ludwick, of Collo. Ruggles, firft Battalion, tryed for robbery; Capt. Hefgell of Collo. Babcocks Regt. accufed of difobeying orders is adjudged not guilty of the crime laid to his charge & is therefore acquitted; The Regts. of Sheylors, Lyman, Whiting & Worfter Fitchs will re ceive their arms &c agreeable to their return they have given in by applying to Major Orde tomorrow morning. The piquits of the line to be out tomorrow morning att 7 o'clock & will march to the front of the Grenadeers drawing up in the fame manner as the laft day they were out for the exe cution of Thos. Bayly of late Forbes Regt. att the head of the piquit he will be marched by the provoft guard in the fame man ner as the laft crimenal was. The Collo. of the day will attend. 40 A plattoon of Late Forbs will be drawn up in the fentre for the execution. Ten Battoes will be delivered to Collo. Lymans Regt. on apply ing to Capt. Loving; A General Court Marfhel of the Regulars to fet tomorrow morning att 6 o'clock att the prefident's tent, Collo. Montgomery, prefident, Lt. Collo. Darby, Major Graham, Late Forbs, two Capts. Enefhellon, one Royal Highlander, one Gage's, one Grenadeer, two Light Infentry, two Capts. for that duty, Lt. George Burton, Dpt. Judge Advc. 450 working men and 2 covering partys for the Engenear, as ufual 200 men for the Artillary, 30 for Capt. Loving. The Regts. to load att 5 o'clock in the following manner agree able to the order of the nth viz: Forbes, flower; Montgomery, pork; Royal Highlanders flower; Inefkellon pork; Predeux flower; Royal pork. Ruggles & Willard muft follow the Royal Highlanders and the Enefkellon are to load Ruggles pork & Willard, flower, Lovewell pork, Babcocks flower. Whiting pork. Fitch flower, Worfter pork, Lyman flower; two Regts. are to load att a time one for flower & one for pork & to be allowed an hour for loading & when loaded to return to their ftation & the boats to be taken of as ufual. If any found to be leaky they muft be changed before night. Mr. WiUfon will attend to fee that each Regt. loads a proper quantity and the Qr. Mafter of each Regt. to give him a receipt for the provifion they receive. The Conneticut boats now on the beach before the provifions to be moved to the Eaft fhore and remain till the laft where they will load at their ftation. Lake George Friday, July 20th, 1759. Parole, Godolphin. On landing Collo. Grant to take the command of Late Forbs brigade & Colo. Fofter the brigade of the Royal. All artifefers that have been employed by Collo. Montfcone who are now to join the Regts. are to be payd by Collo. Montfcone this afternoon ; Orders for the Army paffing the Lake guard is to concift of Gage's Light Infentry with the flat bottomed Englifh boat in the front of the fentre, their whale boats drawing up abreft covering the heads of the columns from right to left; the army to row in 4 colums, the right & firft colum to confift of Rangers, the Light Infentry of 41 the Regts. Grenadeers, Willard, Ruggles, 2nd Battalion to be drawn up and row the boats two deep. The commanding officers in a whale boat on the right of the Battalion to the front rank in the boats on the right the rear rank on the left, as the whole of the col um marcheft and embarks by the left in which order they will land. When this colum lands Collo. Bradftreet to take care of the whale boats the Rangers & Light Infantry & Grenadeers are to leave only what men are abfolutely neceffary to take care of their tents & baggage in their battoes; the 2nd colum is to confift of the 2nd Brigades of Regts. marched and embarked by the left, beginning att Late Forbs, their front rank in the boats on the right and their rear rank in the boats on the left rowing 2 boats abreft. The 3d colum is to confift of all the Artillary the Radow * ahead followed by the rafts all the carpenters boats with the tools Shylers Regt. I ft Battalion of Ruggles with Artillary ftores &c embarking from the right, rowing 2 boats abreft, their front rank on the left, and rear rank on the right, the commanding officers in whale boats on the right of the Battalion on the left of Ruggles Regt. will be followed by the boats belonging to the Qr. Mafters, then Engeneers, Surgeons, Hofpatels, Commeffarys, & Suttlars large boat with the provifions, floats with horfes. The 4th and left colum is to confift of Lyman, Worfter, Fitch, Badcock, & Lovewel. They are to march & embark by the right rowing 2 battoes abreft ye front rank on the left the rear on the right commanding officers in whale boats on the right of the Battalion; Whiting will form the rear covering the rear of the 4th colum from right to left and their right to the 4th colum and left to the ist colum their rear ranks to the colum and front ranks to the Halafax floop; The Hallafax floop will crufe clofe to the rear of the whole; All the Battalions except Whitings are to have neither more nor less than one Serjt. pr Regt. & one man pr Company for the care of the Batteaux tents & bag gage & officers for brigade of the Regulars one for the 5 Regts. on the left of the Proventials & i for the 4 on the right. The officers, Serjts. & men to be fixed on & their names to be returned to the Major of Brigade; The Rangers Light Infentry of Regts & Grena deers are to be commanded by Collo. Flouellon Lt. Brewer to attend Collo. Flouerland, Willards 2nd Batt. of Ruggles commanded by Collo. Ruggles, Lt. Gray to attend the 2 laft Battalions to * Radeau — a flat-bottomed boat — a scow. — E. H. 42 receive 50 axes each by applying to Mr. Ruffel which with thofe they already have may do for what work may be required of them. The two colums will be commanded by Brigadeer General Gage; Collo. Shayler will command the two Regts. of the third colum which will have each one 100 axes delivered to them by applying to Mr. Ruffel that they may be ready to clear the rhodes the mo ment they are ordered. Lt. Rofe will attend Collo. Shayler; The colum on the left will be commanded by Colo. Lyman & will be ready to land on the left fide or where ordered; the colums to row on the fame heighth the battoes to keep clear of each others oars, & fignals to be made on board the Invinceable Radaw or the Halafax floop a fmall Union flagg for brigades and Adjts to come for orders. A red flagg is for to fail or rowe and when ftruck is for halting. When the red flagg is taken down every boat muft then dress in its proper place immediately. A blew flagg is for the right colum to land when replafed for Gages Lt. Infentry, & 2nd colum to land if replaced; the 3d time for the left colum to land; the Artillary will land after the 2nd colum; Whitings Regt. to have the guards of battoes a 12 pounder on the left of the Rangers an 18 pounder on the right of Lyman. Great care muft be taken of arms & ammunition. The men to land in their waftcoats and go as light as poffible, carrying only their blankets & provifions, no hurry no huzzaing on any ac count whatfoever; no man to fire without orders from his officer; the officers appointed to command will receive particular orders from the General & in whatfoever fituation the Regts. may be in when landed & night comes on, no motions are to be made in the night; each Regt. will fecure their own ground. Firing in the night muft be avoided. The enemie muft be mett with fixed bayonets. And the Regts. not to quit their ground even if the enemie could break throu. The Regts. are never to get up in heaps but keep their ranks on all occafions. Silence amongft the men muft be kept. No pass word to be regarded or orders to be obeyed unless fent in writing by Dpt. Qr. Matter General Edy, Camps Majors of Brigade Dpt. Qr. Mafter General or Engenears. No man is to go back when landed to fetch provifions tents or anything elfe till there is a general order for it. They muft expect to ly one night or 2 on their arms. All the empty provifion barrels to be fent to Collo. Monttofone. 43 Barrels belonging to the brewery to be fent there. Eight barrels of fpruce beer to be allowed to each Regt and one barrel to each company of Grenadeers & Light Infentry a proportion to the Ar tillary that muft be taken into the whale boats and battoes; The Regts. to pay to Serjt Eary this afternoon for their beer or the Qr. Mafters to give their notes for what is due. Everything to be put on board this day that the Regts. may be ready to ftrike their tents in the night or when ordered that the whole may embark as faft as poffable. The men muft row in turns. No preffing forward. The whole will move on gently. The men that are not imployed in rowing muft go to fleep that the men may be ellert & fit for fervice when landed. . . . Camp att Tyconderogue, July 23rd 1759. Parole, Cumberland. Collo. for the day tomorrow: Regular Collo, Grant; Provential Collo, Sheyler; for the piquits this night. Regular, Major Graham; Provential Lt. Collo Putnam, Major Whiting; tomorrow night. Major Weft Lt Collo Pearfon, Major Waterford. The Regts. to march and encamp as foon as the ground is marked out for them. The Regts. who are to defend the Breft work muft errect immediately to raife a battery in the front of the fentre of each Regt. with loggs and earth, fo that the piquits of each Regt can ftand upon it to defend the Breft work without pulling any part of it down as it covers the camp from the fhot of the place; The men may boil their potts as foon as they will; The camp may be marked out for Lyman, Worfter & Fitch in the wood, to be marched faceing outwards and advancing their piquits in the front that no ftraggling Indians may pick of their people; Shyler's Regt to encamp on the left of Late Forbs. As Fitch's Regt by miftake have not received their provifions as was ordered they muft fend to the landing place for 3 days provifions. . . . Camp att Tyconderogue, July 24th, 1759. The piquit of the line to be out tonight in the fame manner as laft night except the piquit of Montgomerie's which will be ordered; All the drums of all the Regts are to beat the retreat without wait ing for the evening gun taking it from the Royal. The Firft Brigade to fend tomorrow for three days provifions att retreat beating, they 44 will only receive 2 days bifcake in the lew of flower and 3 days pork which compleats with all fpeacys to the 28th inclufive. . . . Shyler, Lyman, Fitch, Worfter & 2 Battalions of Ruggles wiU re ceive 4 days provifions after it is gave out to the Regulars & bifcake inftead of flower which compleats them with provifions to the 29th inclufive. As Collo Babcock's Regts is ordered to the landing place the 4 Battalions of Shylar, Lyman, Worfter, and Fitch will furnifh a guard of 200 men to be commanded by a field officer who will take poft halfway betwixt the camp and faw mill, which guard is to be relieved dayly by the fd 4 Regts. . . . After Orders of the 24th. The General would on no account have the men fire in the night unless they are very fure of their fhotts, but receive the enemy with their bayonets. Camp att Tyconderogue, July 24th, 1759. Parole, New York. Collo of the day tomorrow. Regular, Collo Fofter; Provential, Collo Fitch; field officer for the piquit this night, Major Weft; Provential Collo Pearfon, tomorrow night, Regular, Major John Campbell; Provential, Major Waterberry. The commanding officer of the Regular Regts will chufe an in telligent Serjant that they judge will beft anfwer for af if ting the engenear or overfeers; they will likewife fend their names to the Major of Brigade & order the Serjant to attend immediately upon Lt Collo Eyre, the houfes of office to be made in the rear of the camps & wells to be dugg for each Regt, that the men might get water as eafy as poffable; when a working party is ordered into the trench they muft take their arms with them; when they work to the right they will order their arms to the right ; & when they work to the left they will lodge their arms to the left; an account to be given in by each Corps of all the accidencies that happened on the 22nd 23d & 24th — to the Adjutant General att orderly time; If any officer have letters to fend by the New York poft they will fend them in to head quarters this night; Serjt Monney, of the Royal Highland Regt is appointed to overfee the people appointed to make faifheens & taking account of the number that is made; Adjt of the day tomorrow Late Forbs. 45 Camp att Tyconderogue, July 25th, 1759' Parole, Kengfinton. Collo for this day, Collo Montgomery; for tomorrow. Regular Collo, Grant; Provential Collo, Shylar; field officer for the piquit this night. Regular, Major John Campbell; Provential, Major Waterberry; tomorrow night Major Alexander Campbell Lt Collo Smedly. The General cant but be furprifed that fuch brave and good troops fhould be fubject to be alarmed in the night and that any of the men fhould fire after the orders given them, without the command of the officers to do it, by which if they doft they will be liable to kill their comrads on their not obeying orders; If their receiving the enemie in the night with their bayonets fixed will coft us more men than the enemie can bring againft us & he hopes that no more alarms of this fort will happen. The piquit of the Royal to be relieved by a piquit of Forbs, this day att 12 o'clock & to be under the command of Major Weft, field officer of the piquit; The Battalion of the Royal is to mount in the trench att retreat's beating, att which time the piquit will return to camp; Six companys to mount on the left & 3 on the right & one in the fentre the whole will mount by the right; they will leave their colours with the guard in camp,; the Enefkellon Regt will furnifh a guard of 50 men for the right; when the piquits of the Royal is pofted, the Light Infentry & Grenadeers to fend to ye landing place immediately and to receive 3 days provifions, 2 days bifcake one day of flower which compleats them to the 2Sth inclu five. . . . Whitney's, Willard's & Babcock's Regts. will receive 4 days of provifions tomorrow & bifcake inftead of flower which compleats them to the 29th inclufive; The General Hofpatel is by Worfter's Regt near ye rhode comming into camp where any wounded men may be fent to be dreffed. Adjut for the day to morrow, Enefkellon. . . . Camp att Tyconderogue, July 26th, 1759. Parole, Springfield Centre. Counterfign London. Collo for the day tomorrow, Regular Collo, Fofter; Provential Collo, Lyman ; field officer for the piquit this night. Regular, Major Alexander Campbell; Provential, Lt Collo Smedly; tomorrow night 46 Major Hambleton, Lt CoHo Hunt; Adjutant of the day to morrow. Royal Highlanders, Late Forbs to mount the trench this night, the Royal will march in by the right, 3 companys by the trenches on the right, & 5 to the trenches on the left of Brigade Gage's. Lt Infentry will give one Capt 2 Subaltons & 100 men for the fentre; The Regts that mount the trenches will leave on the Qr guard fuffi cient for the care of the camp, the 4 Conneticut Regts to add to their men to replace the Hampfhire Regt, one Sub. one Serjant & 30 men; Maffachufetts, one Sub. one Serjt. 20 men; Rhode Ifland one Serjt. 10 men to join the Artillary tomorrow morn att 5 o'clock the Royal Artillary to compleat their provifions to the 28th inclu five being the fame day to which the Regular Regts. are com pleated. . . . Regimental Orders. That no officer or foldier leave his poft on any account without leave from his commanding officer as they will be anfwerable for it as breach of orders & when any haft leave of abfence they will let the commanding officer know when they return. It is required of the commanding officers of Companys to give me a return of the number of men they have att this poft after retreat beating this night without fail. Pr Me Jos. Ingerfole, Lt Collo. After General Orders July 26th, 1759. As there haft been fome Indians firing in the rear this day the General depends upon the Regts not being allarmed if they fhould hear fome firing in the night. Counter fign this night, London. The Regts will not fet fire to any of the woods in the rear of the camp except what they immediately ufe to boil their pots which muft be feperate from the reft. . . . Camp Tyconderogue, July 27th, 1759. Parole, King George. Collo for the day, tomorrow, Regular, Collo Montgomerie; Pro vential Lt Collo, Hunt; tomorrow night, Major Graham; Lt Collo Putnam; Adjt for tomorrow, Predeux. The Qr. Mafters & Camp Cullamen for the 2 Brigades of Regulars to affemble att the front of the Regulars to attend Lt Collo Robin- 47 fon to mark out the Camp as foon as poffable when the Proventials arrive. The approaches of Batteries to be immediately levelled. The Regts will have orders when they will move their camps. The Arms and ammunition to be carefully infpected into; The Rangers muft compleat their ammunition fending the report to the Major of Brigade the number of rounds that they want. One hundred & 30 men of Montgomerys Regt lately come up to be compleated with thirty fix rounds of ammunition the commanding officer of the Ar tillary to fend a report of what guns he finds in the fort. After Orders for the 27th. The two Brigades of Regulars to encamp this night within the Breft work att the ift Ruff & to affemble by the 2nd. The Brigades on the left will march by two on the left through the fallay port of Montgomeries; The Brigades on the right will march in like manner by the right through the sallay ports in the front of Predeux and will pass in front of the 2nd Brigade. The piquits to be as ufual. An evening gun to be fired; The ift Ruff of the drum on the partys returning from the fort to the camp to take the beating from right to left. The right encampment in the rear of the sallay port are to let no man out or in but thofe whofe bufiness may call them. The Rangers, Light Infentry, Grenadeers, Lyman & Worfter Regt will inftantly deftroy the rhode they have made by laying loggs across and cutting down trees fo as to make it impaffable from Lake Champlain to the rhode leading to the faw mill to the pott, that the brufh may grow up & no appearance of the rhode may remain; they will begin this early tomorrow morning & finifh it as foon as they can; when the great rhode is all ftop'd as ordered the above mentioned cores will march to the rear through the woods and draw up in front of the lines; from whence the Qr. Mafter & Camp Cullamen will attend on Lt Collo Robinfon who will mark out the camp. Major Rogers will tend a Company of Rangers to morrow morning att revalleys beating with all the boats to the front; The Companies on the left of Collo Haveland's core will join their core att revalleys beating after which Major Rogers will cut trees across the foot path that hath been made by the Lake tide; the Major will receive his orders from the General. Al the tools that thefe cores have with them mutt be collected. Lt Collo Rob infon will mark out a park for the Artillary. 48 Camp att Tyconderogue July 28th, 1759. Parole, Tyconderogue. Collo for the day tomorrow, Regular Collo, Grant; Provential Collo, Shylar; field officer for the piquit this night Major Graham; Provential Collo Putnam; tomorrow night Major Weft, Major Slapp & Adjt for the day tomorrow Montgomery. The Rangers are to be potted beyond the taw mill on the right to Major Rogers; the Light Infentry of Regts will encamp on the ground where Collo Wortter's Regt is att prefent encamped on the right of the rhode leading to the taw mill & the Grenadeers will encamp att the entrance of the woods leading from the fort to the faw mill where Worfter's Regt was att firft encamped; The Com manding officers of each of thofe cores will report all accedencys to the Greneral. Thirty men of the Light Infentry of Regts & 30 Grenadeers with two tubs, to go immediately to the Hofpatel with out arms to carry the wounded to the faw mill; an officer & 20 men of the Light Infentry with arms to go with them & efcort the party back. Collo Whiting wiU apply to Collo Bradftreet for battoes and will tend a fufficient number to rowe them to Fort George 2 mates of the Hofpatel to go with them. The Hofpatel to change their ground & move to the rear of Forbs. The fecond Brigade of Regulars are to give an officer & 30 men as a guard in the fort. A Serjt & 12 on the garden a Subbalton & 30 on the right of the lines by the lakefide where the Grenadeers was potted; a Serjt & 12 halfway between that and the Royals; A Corpral & fix to lay in the trench att the bottom of the hill between the Royal & Serjt Poft. The guard of the Fort will take care that no boards or any utentials whatever are taken away by ftragglers as they will be of fervice to repair the Fort & ufe of the Hofpatel. Shaylor, Lyman, Fitch & Worfters Regts are to give no guards only what will be for the fafety of the camp & thofe Regts muft furnifh what working men may be wanted for repairing the fort with the utmoft expe dition. Regulars to receive tomorrow 4 days provifion beginning half an hour after Revalleys beating by the Royal, Predeux, Inefkellon, Royal Highlanders, Montgomery, Forbs, Grenadeers, Light Infen try Regts and Gage's to compleate them to the ift of Auguft in clufive. 49 Divine fervice tomorrow att n o'clock to return thanks for the fuccess of his Majetties arms. Forbes Regt to face to the right & join the Royal Brigade to have fervice done by the Chaplain of the Royal the other Regts will be attended by their own Chap lain. Grand perade for the Regulars in the rear of the Royal. After Orders of the 28th. The Brigades they are to furnifh fentrys on the lines facing the right; the piquits are not to lay out. The men are to receive the provifion tomorrow att the taw mill; the Regts to bake their bread att the ovens by the Fort by applying to Lt Collo Robinfon who will tee what ovens different Regts are to have. . . . A General Court Marfhel of the line to be held att the Prefident's tent att 8 o'clock tomorrow, Collo Grant prefident, Major Alex ander Campbell, Major Hambleton, Royals i Capt, Forbs i Capt, Enefkellon 2, Predeux i, Royal Highlanders & Montgomery 3, Ten Capts for that duty, Lt George Burton, Dpt Judge Advc. . . . Camp Tyconderogue, July 29th, 1759. Parole, Gage. Collo for the day tomorrow, Regular Collo, Montgomery; Pro vential Collo, Lyman; field officer for the piquit this night, Regular Major; Weft Provential, Major Duggles; Adjt for ye day tomor row Royals. The Proventials to receive 4 days provifions tomorrow beginning att Ruggles, Schylar, Fitch, & Lyman, Worfter, Willard & Babcock & Whiting. Lt Collo Eyre will make a ditpofition for the different imploys of the work to be carryed on by the 4 Provential Regts on repairing the Fort which his Majetties fervices requires fhall be done with the utmoft expedition. Each Regt will make a return to the Major the number of lyme burners, Matons, & Carpenters they have. Collo Shylar is to have the Superintendency of the work under the direction of Lt Collo Eyre & Collo Shaylor will appoint fuch field officers & other officers as he judgeft beft for the overfight of the work. The Commanding officer of corps will take all oppertunities of excercifeing the men. Montgomery to be out to fire tomorrow morn ing att 6 o'clock ; the troops on the communication not to be alarmed ; The General Hofpatel in the rear of Forbs. 50 The ovens to be given for the ute of the troops, No i on the right of the Royal; No 2 on the Efkellon & Royal Highlanders; No 3 to Montgomery & Forbs ; No 5 to Grenadeers & Lt Infen try; No 6 to Gages; No 7 to Lyman & Worfter; No 8 Shylar & Fitch. No baker but fuch as thofe Corps imployed to bake in any of thefe ovens. Every corps in the army to fend immediately to Mr. Ruffel att the Park of Artillary the intrenching tools now in their pofeffion. Referving fuch quantities as is neceffary for the clearing of the encampments. . . . Camp att Tyconderogue, Monday July 30th, 1759. Parole, Windfor. Collo for the day tomorrow, Regular Collo, Fofter; Provential Collo, Worfter ; field officer for the piquit this night. Regular Major, John Campbell; Provential Major, Duglass; tomorrow night Lt Collo Darby, Major Waterberry; Adjt of the day tomorrow Late Forbs. The Regts & Cores to keep 4 days of bread ye that quantaty may be always ready when the troops embark & they will apply to Mr. Willfon the Commeffary for fuch a proportion of flower which will be allowed when the provifions are afterwards received. . . . After Orders for the 30th. It is forbidden to make ufe of the whale boats unless particularly ordered as they will be rendered unfit for fervice. The Corps who have had arms fpoiled by fhott or fhells from the enemy may give them in unto the Artillary & they fhall receive others in their room & tend a report to the Major of Brigade of what they exchange. Any fire locks that have been a great while loaden muft be drawn ; they may blow tome powder out of them tomorrow att 6 o'clock and then all arms to be put in thorough good order; Montgomery's ad ditional to be out to fire att marks tomorrow att 6 o'clock in thfe fwamp on the right. . . . Tuefday Camp att Tyconderogue, July 31ft, 1759. Parole, Malborough. Collo for the day tomorrow. Regular Collo. Montgomery; Pro vential Collo. Shylar; Field officer for the piquit this night. Regu lar Collo, Darby; Provential Major Waterberry; for tomorrow 51 night Adjt of the day tomorrow of ye Enefkellon. Capt Skean of the Enefkellon is appointed Major of Brigade. . . . Camp att Tyconderogue, Auguft ift, i759- Parole, Carolina. Collo for the day tomorrow, Reg. Collo. Fofter ; Provential Collo Lyman; Field officer for the piquit this night. Regular not afferted; Provential Lt Collo Pearfon; tomorrow night Lt Collo Smedly; Adjt for the day tomorrow Preadeux. . . . As a number of fhoes are come up intended for the ufe of the troops and will be delivered to them att prime coft in England which is 3s 6d a pair. The Regts may receive in the following pro portion or as many of that proportion as they like to take by apply ing to Mr. Tucker agent to Mr. Kelby att the landing place; Royals 2S4; Forbs 276; Enefkellon Do; Royal Highlanders 376; Preadeux 276; Grenadeers 288; Light Infentry Do; Gages 276; Royal Artillary 56. The Quarter Matters muft pay for them att the above mentioned rate. After Orders for the itt of Auguft 1759. The General Court Marfhel of which Collo Grant was prefident is difolved, the General approved of the following fentences of the fd General C Marfhel: that Capt Ruffel of Late Forbs Regt is to make the following fubmiffion to Lieut Collo Darby on the perade before the officers of the Regt: "Sr I am torry I have been guilty of ditretpectful behaviour to you as my tuperior officer & therefore I atk your pardon." Capt Howard is found not guilty of the crime laid to his charge & is honourably acquitted. . . . Thos. Bayly a foldier in the 17th Regt accufed of theft is found guilty and is to receive 1500 laifhes with a cat of nine tails. William Ray of Gage's Light Infentry accufed of infolence & threatning language is found guilty & is fentenced to receive 500 laifhes with a cat of nine tails. Samll Whittoe, Corpral in Gage's Light Infentry accufed of infolent behaviour is found guilty and fentenced to be reduced to the ranks. Saml. Merrum, of Collo Ruggle's Regt, accufed of fhooting a man of the Royal is adjudged to have done but his duty & is therefore acquited. Thos. Reed & John Reete of Late Brigade Forbes Regt accufed of mutany. 52 Thos. Reed is found guilty of the crime laid to his charge & is, therefore, fentenced to fuffer death but in confideration of Serjt Hartford ftriking John Reete three or four times without any provo cation John Reete is to receive 500 laifhes. The regular Corps to receive provifions tomorrow beginning by break of day with Forbs following Montgomery, Royal Highlanders, Enefkellon, Preadeux, Royals, Gage's Light Infentry. They will receive for 4 days & thefe men will receive 2 pints of peafe apice, the provifions to be immediately drefd as the men will carry it with them. This compleats the Regulars to the 5th inclufive. Babcock & Willard to be ready to march when ordered. They will imme diately receive of provifions & 2 pints of peafe a man which they will dress & this compleats them to the 6th inclufive. Captain Reed is, appointed Major of the Highland Regiment. Camp att Tyconderogue, Thurfday Auguft 2nd, 1759. Parole, Shenactady. Collo for the day tomorrow. Regular Collo, Montgomery; Pro vential Collo, Worfter; Field officer for the piquit this night, Regu lar Major Hambleton; Provential Lt. Collo, Smedly; tomorrow night Major Gorden, Lt Collo Putnam ; Adjt for the day tomorrow Montgomery. The Rangers Light Infentry & Grenadeers & Gages will take whale boats to the faw mill river & put them immediately to the neareft place to their encampments provided they do not obftruct the paffage of any boats going down & that the boats will be fafe. Thefe Corps are defired to take no more whale boats than what are abfolutely neceffary to carry their number; The Royal & Forbs will load the battoes with the provifions that are on the beach. The Major of Brigade will tend the proportion that each is to take. The Corps to have the fame number of battoes viz: 2 pr Regt. as allowed in coming from Fort George. If the battoes are over as expected the Regts wiU embark this night to that everything muft be ready but none of the guards relieved till ordered; The Regi ments to fend a return immediately to the Major of Brigade of what number of battoes they want to compleat them & muft have partys waiting att the faw mill to receive them as foon as they come. Mr. Naper director of the Hofpatel will fend for a battoe; And the Commefarys are to have one battoe. Mr. Willfon & 53 Tucker will either proceed or fend two of the Commefarys forward. The Regts will cut as many boughs immediately as will be neceffary to cover the bottoms of the battoes for the fecurity of the pro vifions. Noon Orders. As the army is under orders for marching for the reduction of all Canady; The General is willing to give an opportunity to the following pertons under fentance of the Court Marfhel to witt Thomas Bayly, Thomas Reed, John Reete of Late Forbs Corpral Whitway & William Bay, of Brigade Gage's Regt to wipe off their crimes by their future good behaviour & they are hereby pardoned. Willards Regt to remain att the landing place; Ruggles 2nd Bat talion and Schylars to receive provifions immediately to compleat them to the 6th inclufive. If Ruggles 2nd Battalion fhould have any men working with Capt Loring, that are abfolutely neceffary, they are to be left with him. The fawyers & carpenters furnifhed to Capt Loring by the Regulars are to remain along with him as long as he abfolutely wants them. After Orders. Collo Fitch is to leave Serjt Edy with the matons of his Regt who are att prefent att work with him for the repair of the Fort. He will likewife leave Enfn Waterman & Lieut. Bifhop. . . . Lieut Collo Pearfon, Major Slapp, Capt Parfons, Lieut Lubner of Lymans Regt and Capt Holby of Worfters are appointed to have the care of & infpection of the workmen imployed in the repair of the Fort; the proventials are to receive 4 days provifions tomor row att the revalley beating beginning with Whitings, following Ruggles ift Battalion, Lymans, Worfters & Fitch, each to receive 2 pints of peafe, which compleats them to the 6th inclufive, as Shylar & Fitch are to be ready to march on the firft notice, Lyman & Worfter will furnifh all the working men for the Fort except thofe by order. Fitch will boil their provifions in the fame manner as ordered for the other Regts. Collo Lyman will have the command of the troops left here & will have particular orders from the General. Lieut Brigham is to remain here to direct the work in which Capt Whelock will affift & Lieut Gray will remain overfeer. 54 Camp att Tyconderogue, Auguft 3d, 1759. Collo of the day tomorrow, Regular Collo Fofter; Provential Collo Fitch; Field officer for the piquit this night Regular Major, Gorden; Provential Lt Hunt, for tomorrow night. Major Weft Lieut Collo Putnam; Adjt for the day tomorrow Royals. . . . George Edwards a defertor in the 17th Regt. is to fuffer death. The piquits of the line is to affemble immediately in the front of Montgomerys. The Commanding Officer of Forbs will order that Regiment to errect a gallows on the battory immediately in the front of Montgomerys where the prifoner George Edwards is to be hanged in his French Coat, with a lybill on his breft, "Hanged for Difer tion to the French." He is to be left hanged all day and att retreat beating to be buried very deep under the gallows and his French coat with him. This is to be put into execution immediately & if the provoft Marfhel doth not find a hangman the commanding offi cer of the piquit will order that the provoft Mafter doth it himfelf. Lymans & Worfters Regts are to change their camps. A Qr. Mafter and camp Cullaman to affift Lt Collo Robinfon who will mark out the ground for them; The Regts to take care that all the battoes are corked that was ordered down to repair thofe that were leaky. After Orders for the 3d of Auguft. A General to beat tomorrow morning att 2 o'clock attembly half an hour after and the Regts will lend their tents & baggage to the boats as foon as poffable that the whole may be embarked and ready to move off by day break. Gages Light Infentry will cover the right of the front colums in the tame manner as att Lake George, dividing their boats with the three pounders to the right & left. They will as foon as they embark draw up oppotite the poft where Major Rogers was embarked and remain till the colums joins them. The Rangers & Light Infentry of Regts & Grenadeers will march by the right & form the colums on the left of the fentre ; The Artil lary will form the colums on the right of the fentre; Shylar & Fitch Regts will march by the left & they are to man the Artillary boats; the rafts will lead the colums for which the fignal will be given as on Leake George both for tailing & landing and that col um will be followed by the boats of the Quarter Mafters, Engenears, Generals and ftaff baggage, Hofpatel ftores, Comeffarys, Setlars & the boats with the tools will immediately follow. 55 The reft of the colums with Artillary Babcock & Ruggles 2nd Battalion, will form the colums on the right and will march by the left and imbark in the morning as foon as they can get their boats. Any provifions that may be left by the faw mill they will take with them. All the colums to have their boats two deep, thofe that marcheft by the left have their front ranks to the right, a boat with a 24 pounder on the left of the right colum, the other boat with a 24 pounder on the right of the left colum and a 12 pounder on the 2 fentre colums. . . . Collo Ruggles commands the colums on the right; Collo Haverland on the left, Collo Shylar the colum on the right of the fentre, Collo Grant on the left of the fentre; the men will difembark with their coats on unless they will be ordered to the contrary; The Provential Battalions that remain here will re ceive their provifions for 4 days and 3 days as it becomes due. Collo Whiting & Lieut Collo Ingerfole will report all extraor- dinarys to Collo Lyman att Fort Tyconderogue. The commanding of Montgomerys detatchment will mount the following guards from each detatchment an officer & 24 men att the fort; a Serjant & ten men in the fort by the water tide ; a corpral & fix on the garden & they will obey fuch orders as they fhall receive from Collo Lyman. . . . AU guards from the right ordered to march tomorrow are to join the Regts att the revalley beating of the General. Camp at Crown Point Auguft 6th, 1759. Parole, New Jertey. Col. for the day tomorrow, for ye Regular Col. Fofter; Pro vincials Colo. Babcock; Field officer for the piquit this night. Regu lar Major, Read; Provincial, Lt Colo Hunt; Tomorrow night Lt Colo. Darby, Lt. Colo. Saltonftall. Adjt. for the day tomorrow Royal Highlander. As 24 barrels of fpruce beer are come to ye fort ye Corps may fend for 7 of ye tame immediately in ye following proportion: The Royal and Royal Highlanders & Montgomery 3 barrels each late for 6is Initkilling & Predeux; 2 each Artilery Light Infantry Granadier, Gages Light Infantry 2 each. Maj. Rogers to fend a party of men with an officer to take 2 battoes immediately to Ticonderoga to apply to Serjt. Arey for fpruce beer — ^which they are to load with and bring to camp here without loss of time. 56 The Provencials to receive 3 days provifions tomorrow beginning with Ruggles at 5 o'clock, ending with Babcock ; this compleats them to ye 9th inclufive. The 3 ovens in the fort fhall be for their ute to bake their bread in. Orders are given for all ye futlers to be permitted to bring cattle over froni Fort George, to Ticonderogua — and as a road will be finifhed this day from Ticonderoga to this place the Regiments will acquaint their futlers accordingly that they may bring any live cattle to ye camp. Lieut. Monterief is appointed Aid Du Camp during the abfence of Capt. Prefcott. After Orders. An officer from ye line and a Corprl and fix men from each Regi ment of Regulars to affemble immediately in battoes near ye Royal and proceed this evening to Ticonderoga from whence they are to bring all the fpruce beer and brewing utenfils to this camp — ^All the cores in the lines to fend a return of ye tawyer, miner and black- fmith that they have to the Major of Brigade Monypeny this even ing an officer & 50 rangers to affemble at Gages Light Infantry at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning — they will take fix battoes and proceed two miles down the Lake when they will cut fpruce and the officer will take a French deferter with him who will fhow him where the fpruce is and a man who can talk German to be the interpreter. A party of Gages Light Infantry will go in ye Englifh boat to guard the battoes. Ye officer will deliver the fpruce under the care of the Serjt. of the guard by ye fort. The Regulars are to furnifh for the Engineer 300 to parade to morrow morning at 5 o'clock in ye front of Royal Highlanders when Lt. Colo. Eyre will order them 200 men of ye Provincials to affemble tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock in the front of ye Royal and are to take with them what tools they want from ye magazine by the fort. Maj. Rogers will fend a Capt. and 2 Subs. & 60 men as a cover ing party with fome Indians and an officer with them to fhow the commanding officer the beft place in the wood on ye other fide of ye Lake — ye covering party mutt not fire any drooping fhot at any game — they are to take as many men from ye Royal as they want and a days provifions with them and when they return at night they will deliver ye battoes to ye guard of ye Royal where they will referve them. 57 Crown Point ye 7th of Auguft 1759. Parole, Bofton. Colo, of ye day tomorrow for ye Regular Colo. Montgomery; — Field officer for the piquit this night for the Provincial Col. Schuy ler ; — Regular Lt. Col. Darby ; Lt. Col. Satftonftall ; — for tomorrow night Major Alexander Campbell, Lt. Colo. Putnam; Adjt. for ye day tomorrow, Predeux. The Light Infantry to change their fire locks they received at the train and to take carbines in the room. The Obferve that fome people are not obedient to the orders of 5th of Auguft which per mited 2 battoes per Regt. to go a fithing and by which we may loofe men and if any are found difobedient to that order hereafter, they fhall not be permitted to take a battoe out. The arm of the drafts to be examined and every Regiment to compleet them with what may be wanting. The Provincials to mount a guard of i Serjt. and 12 men in the fort to put a fentry upon the ovens in the fort and to take care that none comes there but what has permiffion. Colo. Robinfon will fhow them what oven they are to ufe. A Genl. Court Martial of ye army to fit tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock at the prefident's tent. Colo. Fitch prefident. Major Gor don, Major Dougless and 6 Capts. from ye Regulars, and Lt. from ye Provincials. Lieut George Burton D. J. A. After Orders. 200 working men from the Regulars, at 1 1 o'clock in the morning for ye Engineer, 300 workmen from the Provincials, at ye tame time Capt. Firbrook of ye Gerfey Regiment, and 50 of the men that work with him, this day to be of ye number, who are to finifh the work in the Rear of ye Grenadier — 100 by the Light Infantry to throw up a work beginning at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. Lt. Colo. Eyre will trace it out this evening. Capt. Williams to overfee the work. A Capt. and 60 Rangers to fet out tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock with 6 battoes — Gen. Gages Light Infantry will tend at the fame time ye Englifh boat and to ftay out till toward evening. The Capt. of ye Rangers will take the French deferter from ye Gen. guard and muft go to the place that the deferter will fhow them where the French have always fupplied themfelves with fpruce. They muft bring as much fpruce as they can to camp. A Corp. & 6 men 58 from ye Royal Highlanders and Parkhoufe of ye Inifkiling Regiment with 1 6 labourers ufed to diging, to attend Lt. Gray tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. The evening gun to be ye fignal for ye work men to leave off work. Ye draughts that arrived laft night to be in ye front of their Regiment tomorrow at n o'clock, the General will tee them. The Caulkers are arrived in camp to repair the battoes. They will begin early tomorrow morning with the boats of ye Royal and are to go round the whole line. Commanding officers of Regts. are de fired to give them all affiftance they require. Crown Point Auguft Sth, 1759. Parole, Newport. Colo, for ye day tomorrow. Regular Colo. Grant — Provincials Colo. Ruggles — Field officer for ye piquit this night. Major Alex ander Campbell Lt. Colo. Putnam; for tomorrow night Major Ham ilton, Major Whiting. Adjt. for tomorrow Montgomery. The Regulars to receive 4 days provifions tomorrow beginning at revellie beating by Forbs, following Montgomery, Royal Highlanders, Inifkiling, Predeux, the Royal Scotch, Light Infantry, Grenadiers, Gage's the Artilery — this compleats them to the 12th inclufive. It is concluded they have their bread from Ticonderoga as ordered and on ye delivery they fhall receive flower and bake it here and all ye bakers as their 7 days bread is ready are to come and join their Regiment in camp here. lifter Orders. 2 o'clock: Montgomerys) Forbes, Schuyler Fitches, Babcocks Regi ments are to move their camp this night if they have time if not tomorrow morning. The Quarter Mafter and Camp colour men of thefe Regts. to affemble at ye left of Forbs — at 3 o'clock this afternoon and Lt. Colo. Robinfon will work out their camp. Ye Quarter guard of Forbs will remain on ye ground where they are pofted. If it is fair weather all ye Corps are to ftrike their tents for one hour. More After Orders. The Gen. Court Martial of which Colo. Fitch was prefident is diffolved — The General has approved of ye fentence of Lt. Coart 59 on ye tryal of James Watkins, foldier in Colo. Ruggles Regiment, who is to receive lOOO lathes in ye following manner tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock: 250 at the head of Schuyler, the fame at the head of Fitch, Babcock, and Ruggles — a furgeon to attend the pun ifhment. A company of Light Infantry Grenadiers, the next for duty, to receive immediately the 4 days provifions for to morrow and they are to affemble at revillie beating on ye left of ye Light Infantry to cross the Lake and to ferve as a covering party to fome work men of ye Provincials; ye Light Infantry and Grenadiers to take their tents and provifions with them; 334 Provincials to receive this afternoon 4 days provifions which they will take with them — they parade tomorrow at revellie beating in ye front of ye Royal the whole to pass over in battoes and to be under the command of Lt. Colo. Putnam. The Provincials will allfo take their tents and arms with them. 2 Orderly Drums to attend the Engineer that the workmen may affemble at beating the pioneer march and will leave off at retreat beating. Crown Point, Auguft ye 9th, 1759. Parole, New London. For ye day tomorrow Colo. Fofter — For ye Provincial Col. Fitch ; Field officer for ye piquit this night Regular Major Hamilton; Pro vincial Major Douglass; tomorrow night Major Gordon, Major Whiting. Adjt. for tomorrow Royal. The Provincials to receive 4 days provifions tomorrow beginning at 5 o'clock with Babcock, ending with Ruggles. This compleats them to the 13th inclufive. The Regt's will regularly receive fpruce beer as much as they want by fending to ye brewery near ye fort at any time after 4 o'clock this afternoon. After Orders. 400 workmen from the Regulars and 200 from the Provincials for the Engineers tomorrow. Tomorrow the Provincial Regts. may ufe both ye large ovens in the fort. They hereafter ferve for bakers for all the Corps here in ye following manner: — and ye regular to 3 days flower, for ye provifions that will be due to ye 15th inclufive, that they may bake it the 15th. The Royal to have one oven and the Grenadier 60 ye other from 12 at noon to 12 at night; then Predeux and ye Light Infantry to keep the oven 12 hours and deliver ye next day to Blakneys and ye Rangers; and ye next Montgomery and ye Royal Highlanders; and then Gage's and Forbs; then Ruggles, Schuyler, Fitch and Babcock, each Corps keeping an oven 12 hours and no longer as each oven is capable of baking 900 loves of 6 pouns each in 12 hours. The fmall oven is for ye Artillary and ye Hofpital.* CAMPAIGN OF 1760. Greanbulh, May ye 13th, 1760. Order: Sr. you will take the command of the party of the Maffachufetts troops which is ordered to take provifions to the Half Moon and upon your delivery the provifions you will return with the boats. You are to furnifh the party with provifions to the i6th inclufive — you wiU apply to Colo. Bradftreet for provifions. Signed Caleb Willard, Major. To Capt. Jos. Williams. Albany, May 15th, 1760. General Orders: The Maffachufetts troops arrived at Greanbufh are immediately to cross the river and camp on the ground that is marked out for them when the men arrive from Half moon will joyn them. Greanbufh, May i6th, 1760. Regimental Orders: That a Quarter guard bee kept at this place to take fpecial care that there is no diforders among the troops. To confift of one Subbalton and thirty men. Signed Caleb Willard, Major. Albany May 15th, 1760. You will order an officer and thirty men to apply tomorrow morn ing to Col. Bradftreet for batteaux to parade immediately to Half- * On the 13th of October the army embarked and sailed down Lake Champlain, but the weather proving boisterous it returned on the 20th, after having captured several French . See Parkman's Journal. The enemy then took winter quarters. — E. Hoyt. 61 moon there to remain till further orders and to follow fuch direc tions as they will receive from Col. Bradftreet or one appointed by him. They will [carry] two days provifions with them. When their provifions are out they will be fupplied at Halfmoon. By order of the General. Signed by Wm. Amhertt, Dy. Adjt. General. To Lt. Col. Ingerfole. Albany, May 15th, 1760. All the Maffachufetts troops, except one officer and thirty men are to affemble tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock and to receive bat teaux from Col. Bradftreet. You will fend one of your Majors to command them and they are to take two days provifion with them, if they have none remaining — they are to continue at work till further orders — the Major will apply to Col. Bradftreet for provifion. By order of the General. Wm. Amhertt, Dy. Adjt. Genl. To Lt. Col. Ingerfole. Albany, May ye i6th, 1760. Sr. I have received your returns of the 153 men of the Maffa chufetts forces, this day arrived at Greanbufh and as no time is to be loft in the conveying the provifions up to the different potts and that we ought not to miss the prefent favourable opportunity of the rivers being higher than they have lately been: I here indole you an order to the commanding officer of thofe men, to cross the river with them tomorrow morning by break of day to be employed in the above fervice. You will therefore, immediately upon the receipt hereof forward faid order, that the fame may be complyed with without delay — when and as often as any more of the Maffachu fetts troops arrive you will pleate to report them to me immediately. I am fir your Honorable lervant. Signed Jeff. Amhertt. P. S. — I would have you pick me out ten feamen as the troops arrive and let me know when you have as many with you. To Major Caleb Willard. Albany, May i8th, 1760. Sr. As no time is to be loft in forwarding everything up to the different pofts, I accordingly indole you an order for the diftribu- 62 tion of two Leutenants and fixty men of the Hundred and fixty four of the Maffachufetts forces arrived this day, to proceed to Crown Point agreeable to the directions herein mentioned, by which you will fee that ten of them are to be feamen, I before ordered, of whom you will fend me the names. The remaining One hundred and four with the other officers, you will order to attend Col. Brad ftreet, the Deputy Quarter Mafter Genl, early tomorrow morning to receive his directions, and obey and follow fuch orders as they fhall receive from him purtuant to the orders likewife enclofed. I am, Sr, Your Humble Servant, Signed Jeff Amhertt. To Major Willard. Albany May ye 22nd, 1760. Sr. On receipt of this you'll order the men that returned from carrying up provifions, to cross the river and march to the hill above the town where they are to encamp, as there's tome alteration made with regard to their encampment. You'll order the Quarter Mafter to call on me at Headquarters that I may fhow him the ground. You'll tend a return of the men that are to encamp and a propor tionable number of tents will be ordered. I am your mott humble fervant Robert Prefcott, Ald-de-camp. To Col. Saltonftall. Albany May ye 22nd, 1760. Sr. You will tee the within immediately complyed with — you mutt appoint fomebody to act as Quarter Mafter for the prefent. If any troops arrived laft night let the Adjt. report them this morn. Sr, Your mott humble fervant RIchd. Saltonttoll. By His Excellency Jeffrey Amhertt, Efq. Major General Com mander-in-Chief of all His Majetties Forces In North America &c &c. To Major Hawks or Field Officer commanding the 250 of the Maffachufetts forces ordered to proceed to McBeans camp on the other fide Saratoga: You will agreeable to ye orders of this day early tomorrow morning fet out for & proceed with your duty to Mc Beans camp on ye other fide Saratoga, obtervlng to take with you, your two days provifions which are to the 29th Indufively, your tents, eighty-nine axes, and one hundred fpades, for the car- 63 riage of which you fhall be allowed a fufficient number of batteaux. On your arrival at Mc Beans camp you will follow fuch advice as you fhall receive from Lt. Ratzer & Rofe who have my orders to lay out a road from thence across the hill to Fort Edward which it will be the bufiness of your party to widen, Itraighten & dear. Agreeable to the order I have given for that purpofe to the faid Lieutenants Ratzer & Rofe or either of them which directions you'll follow & caufe your men ftrictly to obey. Alfo you are directed to take your tents with you, yet I think they will be an incumbrance whilft you are cutting & clearing the road whereof I would have you leave them in your battoes which you will caufe to follow as you advance and you'll receive provifions as it becomes due to your party by applying to the commanding officer of the poft which fhall be neareft to you. You will apply to Captain Williamton, Engineer, who will deliver the above tools to you and Mr. Schuyler, one of Coll Bradftreets Deputys, who will deliver you the battoes as be fore mentioned. When the work is finifhed you will deliver the axes and fpades to Major Reed or Commanding officer at Fort Ed ward taking his receipt for the fame. When the whole of the fervice is perfectly complete you will re port to me thereupon & encamp & continue at Fort Edward with your party till you receive further orders from me. Given under my hand at Head Quarters at Albany this 27th day of May 1760, Jeffry Amhertt, By His Excellency's Command. Orders : To Major Hawks or Officer commanding 250 men of ye Maffa chufetts forces on the road to Fort Edward as I imagine the road which you was ordered to make by my inftructions to you of ye 27th of May muft be nearly or quite finifhed by the time this can reach you, this is, therefore, to direct that fo foon as the faid road is completed, you will proceed with the detachment under your com mand to Fort George, applying to the commanding officer at Fort Edward for carriages to trantport your tents to Lake George, where you will demand battoes for paffing the Lake and on your landing on the other tide will march to Ticonderoga, taking your tents &c. across. You will there complete your detatchment with arms and cartridge boxes for which this fhall be a fufficient order & you'll give proper receipt for the fame. You are then to proceed to Crown 64 Point in battoes & march your detatchment by land in cafe battoes can not be furnifhed you — & put yourfelf under the command of Col. Haviland at Crown Point. J. Amherft. Albany June ift, 1760. Camp near Albany May 27th, 1760. Parole, Dartmouth. General Orders: The Regiments of 1000 are to be allowed as laft year, three ox carts for their futlers and thofe of 700 two ox carts; for ye Corps ye are to ferve up the Mohawk River; their futlers will be allowed to have two fmall battoes inftead of ox carts, thefe are to be allowed without interfering with any intended for the King's fervice; they are to be marked & numbered. Rum is fo pernicious to the foldiers, that no futler of any Regiment will be permitted to take any rum, except by an order from the commanding officer of ye regiment who may take what he thinks abfolutely neceffary for the ute of tne regiment fpecifying in his orders to ye futlers, ye quantity and the mark of the catk it is in, and no other futler will be allowed to take any rum into the field as it is forbideen. All the regiments are alway to be allowed to carry their baggage on march, one wagon for each company, one for the commanding officer and one for the ftaff; when the baggage goes by water, they are to be allowed bat toes in proportion to the above allowance of wagons. After Orders. The regiments of 1000 men are allowed three wagons to two Companies and battoes in proportion. The fecond Battn. of R. H. are to try their arms the day after tomorrow beginning to fire at 6 o'clock the 2Sth. B. R. H. Regt. & Montgomery to receive two days provifion to ye 31ft indufive, the Rodifland & Jerfey troops, & all that remains immediately to difembark and land in the meadows, where Capt. Prefcott wfll meet them & conduct them to the ground where they are to encamp, they will fend in returns as foon as poffible of their number, that their tents may be provided for them; they will take aU the provifions remaining in the floops for their ufe in the camp fending in returns to what day they reed, the fame for the Com panies of the Maffachufetts troops at Green Buth to cross the river 65 and encamp as the Regt. is now encampt. No officer whatever to lay out of camp. Albany 28th May 1760. Parole, Cambridge. The third Regt. of N. York to fend in returns of ye No. of arms they have in their Regt. & the No. wanting to compleat their effect ives. For the future every Corps to give weekly returns on every Monday morning, as well as repeat monthly returns. Montgomery's to be ready the firft notice. Albany 29th May 1760. Parole, Yorkfhire. The Companies of Montgomery's Regt. to march tomorrow morn ing at 5 o'clock. They wiU receive their wagons in proportion to their No. allowed to carry camp equipage & baggage to Schenectady by applying to Col. Bradftreet. All men on duty of that Regt. to be relieved this evening & their colours to be lodged in the Fort, in the fame manner as ye Regulars. Major Campbell will receive his orders from ye General. The orders given the 5 th of May laft year at Albany relating to the Grenadiers & Light Infentry, filling of the Battalion and poft ing of officers, the Sergeants taking fire lock, inftead of hurlburts, and only one drummer allowed pr company the reft in the barracks, no women being permitted to go with the Regt. or to follow them. The method of marching ye Regts. are to practice the order for the front & flank & rear plattoons are to be all duly obferved this campaign & as more baggage than is abfolutely neceffary for ye officers Is an Incumbrance to officers & men, muft be an obttructlon to the motion of the army in the country, each officer mutt take a fmall tent blanket & bear fkin & portmanteau; they will take no fackes into the field; the Regts. to have Gorgets will wear them when on duty & each officer will take care the men do not load themfelves with more than what is abfolutely neceffary. The Cognowaga Indian is fufpected to be lurking about the town or camp. Officers & foldiers who fee an Indian who is not known & can not give an account of himfelf, will bring him to head quar ters. The Maffachufetts troops to receive four days provifions. Regt. Orders: A return of ye ftrengths of each company to be given immediately — ^As the men that mount ye quarter guard fuffer for want of tents 66 there will be but one tent pr camp at prefent allowed for the officers as ye General will foon provide tents for ye officers. A provifion return figned by the commanding officer of Companys to be given to ye Quarter Mafter immediately. Albany 30th May 1760. Regt. Orders: A Regimental Court Martial to fit this morning at ye prefident's tent to try fuch prifoners as fhall be brought before. Capt. Ruffel, prefident. Lieut. Peck, Entign Stafford members. Parole, Albany. Genl. Orders: The General Court Martial ordered this morning to fit at ye orderly houfe rooms to toon as ye prifoners is marched in for a tryal accufed of burning Mr. Tenbrook's outhoufe Major Greyham, Pretd. Capt. Muntlneff, D. J. Advc. All evidences to attend In cafe the Court Martial fhould not be over by the time. Sr. Allen Mcleans Company is to march at 2 o'clock this after noon, evidences are to remain here, & a corporal & 6 men to march ye prifoner. The commanding officers of the Companies of Montgomery's Regt. having defired to take their colours into the field are to take them accordingly. All ye Regts. are Immediately to clear their men to the 24th of April afterwards at the end of every two months. Agre- able to former orders one Sergt. & 2 corporal guards of 6 men each to be pofted by Lt. Coventry along ye fence which runs at ye bottom of ye hill to Hallam's Houfe to prevent ye fence from being dittroyed & the cattle getting out. Tvi^o Serjts. & 36 men to be ordered from the Proventials for the fervice of the fcows & to remain till fur ther orders. After Orders. Capt. Batun Capt. Hawkins & Capt. Piatt Companies of ye N. York Regt. to be compleated with arms according to ye returns given in the afternoon by applying to Col Williamton tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. The firft & third Regts. of N. Yorkers to be compleated with arms tomorrow morning according to returns given in by applying to Col. Williamton — firft Regt. to receive theirs at half after five ye 3d at fix. 67 Camp Near Albany, 31ft May 1760. Parole, Berlin. Genl. Orders: The field officers of ye Provincials who are arrived here & have Companies to fend a return of their ranks and date of their com miffions to the Adjutant General tomorrow at orderly time. Col. Thomas, an officer commanding the Maffachufetts troops, will fend a report from what companies the feveral detatchments of the Maf fachufetts fentry the Hudfon River are taken, as the Companies are not formed into Battalions. He will give in his returns at 5 o'clock this evening. The General will fee what Provincial troops are in camp, at ye head of their encampments. At 5 o'clock this evening they are to be drawn up in two ranks all thofe that have arms are to appear with them & that have bullet pouches & powder horns will likewife put them on. A Court of enquiry confifting of one Maj. & 4 Captains of ye N. York troops to fet at the court houfe at — Clock tomorrow morning to examine into the accutation againft Peter Mackay who is confined by Lt. on fufpicion of heaving a man over board & drowning him. The Genii. Court Martial ordered yefterday will affemble the moment the prifoner is marched into town. The 2d Battalion of the Royal H land Regt. to receive 3 days provifions at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning which wiU compleat them to the 3d day of June inclufive. The troops on no account to puU down or deftroy any of ye fence. Extraordinaries in camp to be immediately reported at Head Quarters.Regimental Orders: Commanding officer of each Company will take care that their men appear clean & no man whatever to be abfent from camp this afternoon. After Orders. The Maffachufetts Regt. to furnifh 3 Serjts. 3 Corporals & 67 privates for the Qr. Mafter Genl. Thofe parties to be fent to Lt. Coventrys Quarters at 6 o'dock tomorrow morning and the Rhode Ifland troops to furnifh 2 Serjts. 2 Corporals & 33 privates for the ArtiUery. 68 The firft N. York Regt. to furnifh i Serjt. & 12 privates — ^The fecond i Corporal & 7 — the 3d i Serjt. & 17 for the Artillery. Thofe parties to march from the feveral Corps to the Parade near the Church where a man from the Artillery will receive them. p, 1 n rl • Albany Sunday i June. Parole, Hanover. Three hundred of ye Rhode Ifland Regt. are to march at 3 o'dock this afternoon according to the orders fent to ye Lt. Col. of ye Regt. One battoe or two if neceffary, to be allowed to carry their tents & necceffaries. Capt. commanding this detatchment wfll re ceive orders in writing. All ye Maffachufetts troops that are encamped to ftrike their tents tomorrow morning at day break and march down to ye meadow below the town. They are to take aU their camp equipage and camp neceffaries with them, and are to receive boats with provifion to go up the River with. Col. Thomas will receive orders from Genl. Lt. Col. Ingerfole is to remain here to receive the Maffachufetts troops as they arrive. The Regt. of 1000 wiU be allowed the pro vifions or the four pence in the lieu of it for 4 women pr Company. This allowance fhall be paid to the women by Lt. Coventry at Al bany. The Commanding officer Is to fend a lift of the women of each Company who are recommended for the provifions which he wfll fign and tranfmit to ye Major of Brigade who will give this to Lieut. Coventry and give in their names to ye Matron of ye Hofpital, yet if they fhould be requefted for the attendance of the fick, they may attend or otherwife they will be ftruck off the al lowance. The General Court Martial of which Major Graham is prefident is diffolved, and Donald McKinnim, private foldier of Montgom erie's Regt. tryed on fufpicion of having malicioufly and willfuUy fet fire to Mr. Tenbrook's outhoufe, is found not guilty of the crime laid to his charge and is acquitted. Capt. Cameron will take him to join the Regt. _ , ^ , Albany 2nd June 1760. Parole, Aberdeen. General Orders: The Guard at Loudon Ferry to be relieved tomorrow as ufual. I Sub, 2 Sergts. & 28 men of ye New York Regt. is to march this 69 afternoon at 3 o'clock at Loudon Ferry to relieve ye Lieut. & 30 men of that Corps who are pofted. That Sub. & Sergt. will take all ye orders that have been delivered to that Lieut, which he wfll obey and he will remain there tfll further orders. The Lieut, when returned will march into camp here to receive their bounty, money arms, etc. One Capt. 2 Subs. 60 men of ye New York and Jerfey troops without arms to parade this afternoon at 3 o'clock juft where the Maffachufetts troops were encamped, where will be delivered to them, and a perfon will fhow them where to cut timber for mend ing the road. When they leave off work the axes to be delivered to the Provoft guard if they are not ordered to be brought back to town — The two companies of Maffachufetts troops arrived at Green Buth are to cross the water and encamp immediately. The New York, & New Jerfey & Rhode Ifland troops to receive provifions tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock which compleats them to the 6th inclufive. Albany, 3 June 1760. Parole, Drefden. General Orders: The three companies of ye Maffachufetts to receive provifions to the 7th inclufive are to ftrike their tents at 2 o'clock this afternoon and fend them down to the meadows below the town, where they wfll have one battoe and two if necetfary, to take their tents up the river. The Comp. will march at 3 o'clock. The Capt. com manding them wfll receive his order in writing. A General Court Martial to fet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock at the orderly room in the barracks, for the tryal of afl the prifon ers in the Provoft guard, i Col, i Lt. Col, i Major, Lieut. Camp bell of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Highlanders Deputy Judge Advocate, all evidencies to attend. The Maffachufetts to leave the evidencies againft the men of their Corps confined yefterday for defertion. i Capt. 3 Subs, i Sergt. & 2 privates of ye New York, New Jerfey & Rhode Ifland troops, to parade without arms tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock in order to work upon the road. A perfon wfll be appointed to attend to direct them all. The provincials as they arrive in camp are to fend returns of the number of arms they have and ye No. wanted to compleat them; they will alto find returns of ye No. of horns & bullet pouches they have. The Seed. Battalion of the Royal Highland Regt. to receive 4 70 days provifions tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock which compleats them to ye 7th inclufive. Abany, 4 June 1760. Parole, Copenhagen. General Orders: When any of ye troops Regulars or Provincials during the cam paign are employed as artificers or labourers they will be paid for the fame at ye following rates in New York currency; all artificers pr diem 1/3 ; to mortar makers & labourers & workers of ye kind i/-; Other labourers in work fuch as building ftorehoufes or barracks or hofpitals igd. All other works fuch as intrenchments, making of Forts, or parties mending of roads, they are the foldiers duty and never paid; a gill of rum pr man Is not to be allowed for any of thofe works unless they fhould be employed in wet work, or that the weather be wet and bad, that may make it neceffary for the foldiers to have rum, for as the men will be always fupplied with fpruce at very reafonable price; rum will be of more difervlce than good to them. Where any work is carried on by artificers or la bourers the accounts of the feveral workmen muft be kept by the commanding officers and the pertons who direct from which account only the men will receive their wages. When any Regt. or any part of them are going from one camp or quarters to another that they take battoes and provifions, they are not to be paid for it, but when the Corps are tent on purpofe for ye battoe fervice, they will be paid at the following rates New York currency. Capt. pr diem 4/; Non-commitfloned officers and private men pr batteau 3/. The men will have rum given them in fuch manner as for other fervice, that when the weather Is bad, the fervice may require it, and circumftances permit otherwife they are not to expect it. The commanding officers of all ye parties ordered on that fervice are to keep a lift of ye names of men, the camp ye Regt. who they belong to, and the time they work which lift they are to certifie and to give into the Major of Brigade who will deliver it to the Deputy Quarter Mafter General that it may be approved of and paid. After Orders. I Capt. 3 Subs. & 4 Sergts. to 100 privates of ye New York, New Jerfey & Rhode Ifland to parade without arms tomorrow 71 morning at 5 o'clock at ye Provoft guard in order to work upon the roads. A perfon will be ordered to direct them, i Field officer, 3 Capts. 6 Subs. 12 Sergts. and 288 privates of the New York and New Jerfey to parade in the road by ye Maffachufetts encampment without ye fire locks or Cartouche boxes, to carry only bayonets with troops. 2 Subs, with 40 men to form two plattoons to parade the fame time with them; with their arms and accoutrements. Am munition will be delivered them at ye rendezvous, the whole to march without tents, taking provifions with them. The Field officer will have his orders in writing from the Gen eral. The arms and things left behind them will be taken care of by ye Regts. The Field officer for the command tomorrow Lt. Colo. Vanfeaack. Albany 5th June 1760. Parole, Thornhaufen. General Orders: All the Connecticut troops that may arrive this day wfll be ready to move to Loudon Ferry and Schenectady, the commanding officer will have his orders in writing. The provoft to go his rounds in camp frequently to deftroy all rum that may be telling in the hutts near the camp; All ye Provencial Regts. to tend in a return of what Swiss or Frenchmen are enlifted in any of ye companies; fpeci fying where they have ferved before or whether this is the firft campaign. The commanding officer to make infpection themfelves into their feveral companies that their returns may be exact. Albany 7 June 1760. Parole, Brunfwick. General Orders: The Connecticut troops that are returned from Schenectady arc Immediately to encamp. Thos. Rowland, Wm. Maffey & George Not, of ye Royal Regt. and Danl. Carrey, of Capt. McCleans inde pendent Companies returned by ye Sergt. of ye Hofpital fit to go into their Regts. are to be marched by a Corporal from pott to poft until they join their refpective Corps. The fecond Battalion of ye Royal Highland Regt. to receive 3 days provifions tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock which compleats them to ye lOth inclufive. The Connecticut troops In camp to re ceive 4 days provifions immediately, which compleats them to the I Gth indufive. 72 Crownpoint iSth June 1760. Parole, Norwalk. General Orders: A return of each, field officer for ye day tomorrow Major Camp- beU. General Amherft his orders that ye amount of ye molaftes that has been ufed at ye feveral pofts as likewife the quantity that is at prefent remaining and ye money that has been ttopped for the pay ment of ye molaftes that is iffued according to ye orders of Nov. 22nd at Crownpoint; to be reported to Lt. Col. Robinfon or Lt. Coventry at Albany the 15 th. The baggage & forage money, as likewife the Winter allowance of 4/ is lieu of provifions will be paid immediately to ye ftaff offi cers of ye Regts. & independent companies. The two Battalions of ye Royal Highlanders & Ogdens will receive theirs at Albany. The other Regts. are not to fend for it. Lt Colo. Robinfon will take ye money for ye Regt. to ye Weftward and Major Chriftian for ye Regts. and independent camps to ye Northward. No firing money is allowed but to ye garrifon at Albany and Schenectady ye who wifl be paid their ufual allowance by applying to Lt. Colo. Rob infon. As tome battoes were ftove by ye carelettness of thofe who brought them for ye Engineer it is expected they will for ye future obey the orders they have had for carrying the battoes around the point as toon as they are unloaded, no perfon to quit his battoe till they are unloaded, and his order be complyed with though the hour of work fhould be over as they ought to be certain of punifhment through their negligence. It is hoped for the future no miftake will be made in the evening for ye workmen breaking off fooner than the gun firing. The En gineer will order the alarm beat when ye men are to quit work, for their breakfaft and dinner likewife. For ye different attembly at different hours appointed at work except at 5 o'clock will be done by ye officers of the fort guard. Fatigue Tomorrow. C. S. S. R.V.F. Regulars i 2 5 140 Mass 2 4 6 390 R. 1 023 70 3 8 14 500? A return of ye Maffachufetts and Rhode Ifland with the names of the Field Officers of ye dates of their commiffion to be given in tomorrow morning at orderly time. George Renter of ye 17th Regt. to attend ye brewery. Parole, Stanford. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. A return of the artificers in ye Royal Regt. to be given to the Engineer this evening at 5 o'clock. Ye Royal and Rhode Ifland to take their proportion of their duty tomorrow. Fatigue Tomorrow. C. S. S. Regulars i 2 5 140 Provincials 3 8 12 560 Capt. Sen. Lt. Rofify Capt. Cross & Stafford for fatigue tomorrow. Camp Crownpoint, 20th June 1760. Parole, New Haven. Gen'l Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Campbell. The General Court Martial of which Lt. Colo. Derbey was prefident is diffolved. Col. Haviland approves of ye faid Court Martial. Ye Jofeph Cavendlth, John Macintoth, John Lee, John Gueft of the 17th Regt. John Leflie, James Magrufke of ye 2d of ye Royals, John Robinfon of ye Independents all tryed and found guilty of defertion are to be punifhed as follows viz: John Cavendlth 1000 laishes John Macintoth 500 John Lee 1000 John Gueft 1000 John Leflie 1500 James McGrath 1000 John Robinfon 1000 But as he Is juft come to ye command of his Majetties forces in ye Northern dittrict that the above pertons tentlble of their crimes 74 c. S. s. R.F. I 2 5 140 3 8 12 560 that they will for the future behave as good foldiers he, therefore, pardons them; that, their crimes merit many and he does afture them & ye reft of the Army this is ye laft time he will pardon any of that fort. The artificers of ye Royals to attend ye Engineer at 5 o'clock. John Rogers, of ye Innefkilling Regt. to attend the Engineer. Fatigue Tomorrow. Regulars , Provincials 3 4 10 17 700 Crown Point Saturday, 2itt June 1760. Parole, Guilford. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Lt. Col. Derby. Divine fervice to be at tended tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at ye head of ye 17th as ufual. Parole, Fairfield. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. The regulars to receive 2 days frefh and 2 days fait provifions tomorrow, beginning with ye Royal Artillary at 6 o'clock following 17th Innefkilling & Royal allowing one hour for each Regt. The Provincials to receive 4 days fait beginning with Rhode Iflanders and fo following Maffachufetts & Rangers. This compleats ye Army to ye 26th inclufive. Returns of ye number victualled to be given In this evening at 5 o'clock to the Commitfary. Monthly return to be given In tomorrow at orderly time to the Major of Brigade. The Engineers to pull down ye huts in the foreft tomorrow. The following men to attend the engineer tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock : James Caaly, John Jobfon, Cain Conners, Jofeph Arthred, John Nep, Miners. Edward Mantle and Richard Leed, Mortar makers of ye Innefkilling Regt. Return of ye number of men now In ye Provincials who have ferved as gunners here or elfewhere to be given In this evening to 75 the Major of Brigade. The Commanding officer of each Corps to order the different companies to make hand barrows or other car riages for carrying their fpruce beer and other provifions, if they do not provide them in a reafonable time they wfll not receive fpruce beer, as rolling ye calks damages them. Thofe that do not return ye cafks in good order muft not expect to be ferved. It is recommended to ye officers and futtlers to give to ye fpruce brewery any catk they may have fit for that ufe. The Maffachufetts to re ceive 21 tents from the Quarter Mafter of the 27th Regt. for the two firft detatchments that arrived of that Corps. Crownpoint, Monday 23 June 1760. Parole, Mflford. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Campbell. Thofe men returned by ye Maffachufetts and Rhode Ifland Regts. as gunners to join Lt. Col. Ordd immediately. Fatigue tomorrow as ufual. Parole, Seabrook. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Lt. Col. Derby. The prifoners lately come from Canada not to do duty with arms until they are exchanged, thofe of them who belong to ye Corps here are to join them as toon as thofe that are on board ye veffels come up to Crownpoint. The reft are to go to Albany under the care of the officers that come with them. Such privates as are here belonging to ye Corps at Quebec are to have their account fettled, arms and accoutrements taken In that they may proceed to New York under ye care of thofe officers who are not exchanged. Any of ye faylors that have to ftay here fhall be employed in a peacable way until they fhall be exchanged. The inhabitants belonging to our colonies are likewife to go with this party that they may be supplied with provifion. The Grenadiers and Light Infentry not to be put on duty or fatigue tomorrow mowning as they will en camp in feparate Corps. The eldeft Capt. in each will have ye command. The Light In fentry Fort guard to be augmented to one Sergt. one Corporal and eighteen men. The re-enforcements to join at 4 o'clock this after noon. Fatigue as ufual. 76 After General Orders: AU ye Matons belonging to ye different Corps to be fent to ye Engineer tomorrow morning at 5 o'dock. Sergt. Franklin of ye InifkiUing Regt. is to attend the fame hour. Crownpoint, Wednefday 25 th June. Morning Orders: The Granidiers Companys of the 17th & Inifkflling Regts. to remove their encampments at 10 o'clock this morning. Sr. John Blackney will thew them ye ground. Parole, Branford. The Provincials to erect Hofpital for their fick as foon as they poffibly can. A return of ye artificers in Capt. Morris' detatchment of Maffachufetts to be given in this evening at retreat beating. Crownpoint, Thurfday 26 June 1760. Parole, Killingtworth. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Campbell. Col. Ingerfole, and Major Willard 3 Capts. 9 Subs. 9 Sergts. and 300 of ye Maffa chufetts to go up to Putnams encampment tomorrow where they are to be empliyed in getting timber for ye fort. Col. Ingerfole will receive his directions from Capt. Garth, Engineer and get 15 battoes from ye Major Brigade which he muft be anfwerable for. All arrears of fpruce money to be immediately paid to Mr. Fratier ye Barrack Mafter. For ye future no fpruce beer wfll be delivered tfll paid for. The army to receive 4 days fait provifions tomorrow, beginning at Rhode Iflanders following Maffachufetts ye Royals 17th and 27th Regts. Rangers and Royal Artillary allowing one hour for each Corps. The account of ye Regulars to be fettled to ye 24th inclufive. They are not to be paid their balance till orders. The Granidiers to furnifh the guard at the Light Infentry Fort. I Corporal & 6 men of ye Regulars tomorrow to mount as a guard on ye provifions. Working Party. Regulars 140 Provincials 560700 77 Crownpoint Friday 27 June 1760. Parole, Pemberton. General Orders: For the day tomorrow Lt. Col. Derby, i Capt. 3 Subs. 4 Sergts. and 150 Provincials to join Lt. Ord including thofe he has already. They are to take with them their proportion of tents. A lift of the prifoners that came lately from Canada and have joined the Corps here to be given in this evening at 5 o'clock. The reft of thofe prifoners to be paraded at 9 o'clock at ye Artillary walk in order to embark for Ticonderoga. Men belonging to ye Corps at Quebec to affemble at the lame time. The recruits & awkward [fquads] of ye regulars to practice with powder and ball at a mark as often as the commanding officer of Corps thinks it fit between the hours of 5 and 8 in the morning. They may likewife practice the Battalions at marks not exceeding 12 rounds per month tfll further orders. Working Party. Regulars 140 Provincials 560 Sergt. Grant of ye Regulars to attend Capt. Grath, Engineer. Camp Saturday 2Sth June 1760. Parole, Darby. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. Working Party Tomorrow. C. S. S. R.V.F. Regulars 1 2 5 140 Provincials 3 10 12 560 12 17 700 As complaint has been made to Col. Haviland that the Provincials do not'.come to work regularly after breakfaft and dinner. It is, therefore, ordered that ye officers parade them at the above times and to be anfwerable that their numbers are juft. 78 Crownpoint, Sunday 27th June 1760. Parole, New London. General Orders: For the day tomorrow Major Campbell, i Capt. 2 Subs. 2 Sergts. 100 Provincials to parade at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning and to take 16 battoes and proceed to ye faw mills where eight are to be loaded with provifions and eight with boards and returned as toon as poffible. The provifions to be unloaded here as ufual, and ye boards at ye point where battoes are repairing, and are to be deliv ered to Mr. Marfhal who has charge of them. Working Party Tomorrow. C. S. S. R.F. Regulars i 2 6 140 Provincials 3 10 2 560 Command to Ticonderoga. Lt. Trip i. Fatigue Capt. Marfhal i. Lt. Walton, Lt. Rote & Enfn. Fenner, Lt KembeU Qr. Guard. Parole, Providence. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow, Lt. Col. Derby. The French prifoners in ye Grandier guard be removed to Gage's Light Infentry Fort and ye foldiers barracks of Light Infentry of Regts. to be given to Lt. Col. Ord. The army to receive two days and four days fait provifions tomorrow. Beginning at 6 o'clock with ye Royals, following the 7th Initkilling, Royal Artillery, Ran gers, Maffachufetts & Rhode Iflanders allowing an hour for each Regt. Returns to be given in the evening to the Company. If ye Provincial futtlers do not put their rum into ye catements agreable to former orders, wfll be ftove & they will be turned out of camp. Working Party Tomorrow. C. Regulars i Provincials 9 79 s. S.* ' R.F. 2 5 140 0 12 560 \A Any one that offers to take a painter, oar or anything elfe be longing to a battoe or difplacing them fhall have lOO laifhes without a court Martial and the June punifhment for any perfon who fhall fteal hay or grass or corn intended for ye Army. Tis expected Provincials officers will be more regular in reading orders to their Crownpoint, July ift 1760. Parole, Woodbridge. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. 2 Subs. 4 Noncommitfioned officers and 58 privates of ye Pro vincials to affemble this evening at 3 o'clock in order to go down ye Lake to relieve the same number of Regulars on board the Sloop. Working Party Tomorrow. C. S. S. R.F. Regulars i 2 5 140 Provincials 3 10 12 560 12 17 700 Crownpoint July 2nd, 1760. Parole, Stonington. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Campbell, i Capt. 3 Subs. 3 Sergts. 100 privates of ye Maffachufetts to parade tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock to take 6 battoes and proceed to Col. Ingerfole's encampment and put themfelves under his command, and they are to take their tents and provifions with them. Capt. Silas Brown for ye above party. The Rangers to be formed into Companies agreeable to a lift his excellency General Amherft has fent. The Provincials every two or three days if ye weather permit, to ftrike tents in order to air and fweeten ye ground, a little earth to be thrown into to prevent noitome fmells. The Light Infentry to encamp this afternoon at 5 o'clock on ye left of ye ground they had laft year. They are not to give men for ye works tomorrow. The Grandiers to give their proportions for the works tomorrow. The Grandiers and Light Infentry each to appoint a Sergt. to attend for orders and to keep the details for Corps. Working party: Regulars 140. Provincials 560. 80 After Orders. No liquor of any fort to be fold to foldiers by futtlers or people after gun firing. Any foldier found in the market after that hour wfll be fent to priton. For that purpofe a patrol to go at different hours through the market from ye Quarter Guard of 17 th. and Inifkflling Regt which they will take night about. The futtlers of ye Rangers as well as ye other futtlers in camp, and market people to meet Qr. Mafter Blakney & ye Barracks Matter in ye fort to morrow at II o'clock. Camp Crownpoint 3d July 1760. Parole, Staten Ifland. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Lt. Col. Derby. A futler of ye Rangers, and George Morris of the market who had their liquor ftove this day to quit Crown point immediately. If they are hereafter found in camp or any poft between this and Albany they will be whipped and drummed out. All futlers and market people are defired to take notice they will be ferved the fame way or worfe if they are found to make foldiers drunk or doing anything elfe contrary to orders. The Barrack Mafter to acquaint all futlers and market people with all orders concerning them, and he is hereby ordered to fearch & examine any hutts tents and cellars belonging to thofe people and fee if any fpiritous liquors they have contrary to orders. Any of the camp or garrifon guards are to furnifh him with a file when he demands It for the above fervice. Working as ufual. The artifi cers of the Provincials to encamp on the left of their Corps, that they may be in greater readiness to turn out. Friday, Crownpoint 4th July 1760. Parole, Elizabeth Point. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. The Maffachufetts and Rhode Iflanders to furnifh 4 men that they have had ye tmall-pox they are to take one tent and pitch it where the timer lies In the rear of ye Light Infentry. They wfll receive one battoe which they wfll take care off at ye place in order to ply between the camps and ye tmall-pox Hofpital. They are not to come into camp on any account and are to receive their directions 81 from Dr. Monroe. The following quota of ye Maffachufetts are to attend ye Engineer tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. Thos. Neal, Caleb Flow, Wm. Varnith, Wm. Smith, Nathl. Hardy & Lewis Martin. The men employed in rafting timber not to be included in the Engineers number of 500. Working party as ufual. Regimental Orders: The commanding officer of Companys wfll have their men ftrike their tents every fair day at 10 o'clock and to remain in that pofi- tion until 2 in the afternoon that the ground may air. The orderly Sergts. will make a report every morning at 10 o'clock of ye fick & lame in each camp. Fatigue tomorrow, Capt. Ruffel, Lt. Bennit & Enfign Gardiner. Qr. Guard Lt. Pullon. Saturday 5 July Crownpoint. Parole, Trenton. General Orders: For the day tomorrow Major Campbell. The men to work for the future from revalles beating until 8 o'dock when the ye retreat will beat for them to go to breakfaft. The prifoners march at 9 o'clock when they are to return to work. Retreat at 12 for dinner, the prifoners to march at 4 o'clock and to continue to work until gun firing. Working party as ufual. Divine fervice tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the front of ye 17th Regt. Fatigue tomorrow Capt. Fry, Lt. Warren & Lt. Watfon, Qr. Guard Lt. WiUlcox. Crownpoint, July 6th, 1760. Parole, Brunfwick. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Lt. Col Derby, i Capt. 2 Subs. 4 Sergts. 100 privates of ye Provincials to parade tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. They are to take 16 battoes and proceed to ye taw mill where they are to load them with provifions and return as foon as poffible. Sixty men are to be added to ye Engineer tomorrow. Nicholas Hide of ye Rhode Iflanders to attend ye Engineer tomor row. Working Party Tomorrow. Regulars 200 Provincials 560 760 82 The Light Infentry to gie their proportion to the work tomorrow. The army to receive two days frefh and four days fait provifions tomorrow morning beginning at 5 o'clock with the Rhode Iflanders and following the Maffachufetts, Rangers, Royal Artfllery, Initkil ling, 17th Royals allowing one hour for each Corps. They are to give in ye number to ye commitfary this evening at 5 o'clock this compleats ye whole to ye 12th inclufive. Crownpoint July 7th, 1760. Parole, Frankford. General Orders: For ye day tomorrow Major Gordon. As Major Chriftian is arrived here and Deputy Qr. Mafter General he is to be obeyed as fuch. A return is to be made to Major Chriftian by ye Qr. Mafter of ye names of the futtlers belonging to each Regt. All bakers to tave the flower cafks for the Qr. Mafter General. Each Regt. to appoint a man to attend to their cows. Thofe found with out a perfon to take care of them, will be taken for ye ufe for ye Hofpital. Fifty men are to be added to ye Engineer tomorrow. Work Tomorrow. Regulars 220 Provincials 590810 NOTICES OF FAME OF THE BATTLE GROUNDS. To a traveler unacquainted with the history of the country from Fort Edward to Lake George, the route will present nothing very interesting. Professor Silliman, who passed over it in 1819, says, " It is an uninteresting country, partly of pines, barren and partly of stony hills " ; and excepting the villages of Sandy Hill and Glens Falls, it will so appear. But to me every mile brings up reminiscences of military events of a most interesting nature in which officers and soldiers of my acquaintance have a share. On the low ground a small distance west of Sandy Hill village the bag gage teams and escort were cut off in July, 1758, in an Indian ambuscade. At the east part of Glens Falls village was a small field work at the time, and at Halfway Brook the remains of two field forts are seen, one on each side. Here considerable bodies of troops were posted in 1758 and 1759, and many of the orders in the preceding pages are dated. About half or three-quarters of a mile north of the brook, where the road rises to a pine 83 woods, at what was called Indian Rock, a party of Provincial troops were attacked, defeated, and a considerable number killed, on July 20, 1758, among whom were Captains Dakin, Jones, and Lawrence, two lieutenants, and one ensign. Captain Lawrence was from Groton, Mass. About two miles from there the road passes a defile formed by morasses on each side and a brook called Five Mile Run. Near this defile Montcalm passed with the advance party during the siege of Fort William Henry, August, 1757. About a mile north of this defile is the south point of French Mountain and a small village near the place where Baron Dieskau en camped the night before his attack on General Johnson, September 8, 1755, and also the place where Captain McGinniss and Folsom ( ?) attacked Dieskau's troops after their repulse at the lake. At the distance of half or three-quarters of a mile from this place on the road is the ground where Colonel Ephraim Williams with 1,000 Provincials and 200 Indians was ambuscaded by Dieskau on the morning of the same 8th of September, and defeated with the loss of many officers and men of his detachment and he himself slain. The ground is somewhat elevated, with a ravine and a swamp on the east side. Passing this spot the road descends to lower ground to a small brook and within a quarter of a mile passes the west side of Bloody Pond. The ground south of this place where Colonel Will iams fell is generally open, but at the time of the action was covered with woods. The principal part of the action was fought some distance south of the pond. A small distance north of the pond the road has. recently been turned to the right into low ground and intersects the old road about a mile south of the lake. By following the old road from the pond the traveler will pass over other places where attacks occurred. At the south end of the lake and the ruins of Fort William Henry and Fort George the ground is now mostly open, and on that south of the latter is the place of the battle between Johnson's and Dieskau's forces, September 8, 1755. The village of Caldwell occupies the ground where Montcalm carried on his operations in August, 1757, at the siege of Fort William Henry and the intrenched camp of Colonel Monro, the latter on the rocky eminence south east of William Henry, where Fort George is now seen. Several skirmishes occurred south of this intrenched camp during the siege, as well as at other times and places on the old road, and on the same ground the massacre of Monroe's garrison happened. The ground where Williams was first attacked is still covered with wood, but a small cottage is seen on the open ground south of Bloody Pond. On this battle ground about 140 men were found and buried the second day after the affair, and among them Colonel Williams, at a large rock within a few rods of the present road. The ground now presents a solitary aspect. In the journals of officers and soldiers written during the campaigns of i7S5i the arm of Lake Champlain extending from Ticonderoga to White hall is often called South Bay; but the name was more properly applied to the bay spreading to greater width southwest of that at Whitehall, and here the Rangers and detachments from the armies at Lake George were often sent to watch the enemy in their incursions by that channel. In the 84 war of the Revolution, subsequent to Burgoyne's expedition, a post was maintained at Fort Ann village. — E. Hoyt. September 7, 1842. (1760) Camp at Lake George, July 5th, 1760. Regimental Orders: That the party be ready to embark, in order to cross the Lake, by the break of day tomorrow morning. That Major Hawks lead the front; Capt McFarland bring up the rear. That one officer go in each battoe and the remainder to be under the conduct of fome trufty man. That five well men be appointed to each battoe. The fick or invalids be diltributed at defcretion. That officers take fpe cial care to equalize the ftrength of boat crews to the beft advantage. Sr John Hawks Major. Sunday the 20th of July 1 760. Parole, Prince Town. For the day tomorrow Major Campbell. Spruce beer not exceeding one barrel per company at the ufual price to be delivered by Mr. Francis tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock to the Regular troops who are to receive the tame under the direc tions of their refpective Quarter Matters, who are likewife to give receipts from time to time for the quantity received and to be an fwerable that the barrels are returned the following morning; if neglected that Regiment or Company wfll be ftruck off the allowance for one week, the Quarter Mafter to take care that the barrels are never rolled either full or empty. Any man detected difobeying thefe orders will be feverely punifhed. On Tuefday morning the fame hour the Provincial troops. Ran gers etc. may receive fpruce beer at the brewery, entirely on the fame footing and obferving the orders under the tame penalty as above directed for the regular troops. The delivery of fpruce beer to be continued daily to the Regulars, Provincials and Rangers, if barrels enough can be provided. Beginning as above directed a re turn to be fent in by the refpective Quarter Mafters this day to Mr. Francis, Barrack Mafter, who has the direction of the brewery of the number of the barrels per Company which wfll make the brewing and iftuing more regular. In the tame return may be mentioned what quantity Regimental futlers will want for officers. The quantity of molaftes of what was expected and what did arrive and on the road prevents any double price being made for the pref- 85 ent. The money for the beer to be collected from the refpective Regiments in confequence of the receipts before mentioned as often as Mr. Francis applies for the fame. A General Court Martial of the Provincials, confifting of i Col. i Major, 4 Capts. 8 Subs, to affemble tomorrow morning at the prefidents tent to try all prif oners brought before them. Capt. Pringle of the Initkilling Regt. Deputy Judge Advocate. Prifoners names, crimes, evidences — names to be given in to the Deputy Judge Advocate at 5 o'clock this even ing. A Court Martial of the line to affemble tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock at the prefidents tent, Kennedys tent, of the 7th Regi ment Royals, i Sub. Inifkiling 2 members. Prefident for the above court martial Col. Ruggles, members Lt. Col. Saltonftall, Major John Hawks. For the General Court Martial tomorrow Capt. Lt. Benj. Byum. Morning orders Monday July 21ft, 1760: The General Court Martial ordered to affemble that day is not to meet till tomorrow at 8 o'clock as the Judge Advocate is ill. Crown Point, July 2itt, Monday. Parole, Pitcataway. For the day tomorrow Lt. Col. Darby. The General Court Martial of the lines held this day is ap proved of by Col. Haviland. The piquits of the regulars to affem ble in the front of the 17th Regt. this evening after gun fire where the fentence of the Court Martial is to be put in execution. The drummers of the regulars to attend. 150 men of the lines to go for provifions tomorrow morning at revale beating to Ticonderoga or Sawmill as Major Chritte will order it to be delivered. For this duty i Capt. 2 Subs, of the Regulars i Capt. 3 Subs, of the Provincials and 2 Subs, of the Rangers with a proportion of Serjt. & Corporal. The whole to be under the command of the Capt. of the Regulars. This detatchment is expected back tomorrow night. They will receive their battoes at the landing point as ufual. As in yetterday's orders concerning fpruce beer. . . . The Mafter work men or thofe who have the direction of them fend a return to Mr. Francis of their number, fpruce beer will be delivered to them at the fame rate and in the tame proportion as troops; gabions and fatcine makers and who are imploed by Capt. Lt. Williams are to do duty in the lines until further orders. Working party for the 86 fortress as ufual. John Farnal of the Maftachusetts to attend the engineer tomorrow at 5 o'clock. Tuefday, ye 22 of July 1760. Parole, Upper Malboro. For the day tomorrow Major Gordon. Morning orders: The general Court Martial orders to affemble this day not to meet till tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. The fame number of regulars, provincials and rangers as this day ordered to parade at revalle beat ing and proceed to Ticonderoga Sawmills for provifions as Major Chritte wiU order to be delivered. They will receive their battoes as ordered yefterday. The three prifoners tried by the Court Mar tial of the lines are pardoned at the requett of their commanding officer. The men that was imployed by Capt. Williams engineer to de liver. Crown Point, Augult nth, 1760. Parole, Otwego. The Maffachufetts and Rhode Iflanders to be under arms this afternoon at 5 o'clock that the engineer may know their exact num ber. A return of all the regulars to be given In tomorrow morning to Mr. Stuart. Wm. Fofter, Col. After Orders. The working party to turn out tomorrow morning at beating of the Pioneer's March. The Maffachufetts to give for the working party 1 Sub. i Serjt. and 50 men. The Rhode Iflanders to give 2 Subs. 2 Serjts. 100 men. A Serjt. and 6 men of the Rhode Ifland ers are immediately to mount as a guard on the garden & not to allow anybody to take anything out without an order from the com manding officer & a corporal and 6 men to mount as a guard on the battoes. Crown Point, Auguft I2th, 1760. Parole, Canada. Any of the futlers that are found feeding in the meadows fhall Immediately be fent for, for the ute of the Hofpital. All the Regu lars who are returned to Col. Fofter as invalids to attend roll call ing at troop beating & tattoo. Any that are found abfent fhall be feverely punifhed for difobedience of orders. 87 After Orders. That Col. Hawks fhall order a working party as follows: the Rhode Iflanders to give 2 Subs. 2 Serjts. lOO men, the Maffachu fetts to give I Sub. i Serjt. 50 men and to parade tomorrow morn ing when the Pioneers March begins to beat. The Provincials were all to eate this morning. D. Stuart. Aug. 12, 1760. Regimental Orders: It is expected that the Gentries be alert upon their duty and fuffer none to pass after 9 o'clock without hailing. The vaults are to be covered every morning & no man is to eafe himfelf in any other place. Tomorrow a new vault is to be dug againft the encamp ment near the garden. It is expected that there be no difturbance in camp after night & that all who are able are to turn out at revellie. It is particularly expected that every man wathes himfelf conftantly and keep himfelf clean. The barks are all to be taken up from the vacant tents and carried to the guard forthwith. The ftreets muft be cleared at the front of the encampment. John Hawks. Crown Point, 13th Auguft 1760. Parole, Bofton. The working party tomorrow as ufual: it is recommended to Col. Hawks & the officers under his command that the arms of their men may be infpected and kept In good order and particularly the arms of the artificers fo that they may be in good order when wanted. Crown Point 14th Aug. 1760. Parole, Montreal. It is Col. Potter's potitive orders that no man fhall go a fhooting about the block houfes in the woods. The firft that is found in dif obeying thefe orders fhall be feverely punifhed. Col. Hawks is to appoint an officer to act as Adjutant who is to receive orders from Mr. Stuart every day at 12 o'clock at the Royal encampment. Col. Hawks is to give in a return to Col. Fofter of all the Provincials that are here prefent, mentioning thofe that are fit for duty and thofe tick in the General Hofpital and thofe tick In camp. This return to be given In as foon as poffible and likewife a return of the artificers of Capt. Ingerfole's Company that came in yefterday. Crown Point 14th Aug. 1760. Mr. John Leberview is to act as a Adjutant and be obeyed as fuch until further orders. Lt. Geo. Freeman is to act as Quarter Matter until further orders and be obeyed as fuch. Jess Teague is to act as Serjt. Major and be obeyed as fuch. As it is unwhole- fome tp cook within the encampment it is expected that fires for the future are made without. All the foldiers of the Maffachufetts that have not received money of the pay matter and ftand in need, may apply to him tomorrow at 12 o'clock with the officer who com mands them, but none are to receive money that have received al ready. No man is to go out from the camp to fire upon any pre tence whatever. John Hawks, Lt. Col. Crown Point, Aug. 15th, 1760. Parole, Portfmouth. The working party as ufual tomorrow. The Provincials to give in an exact return of the deficiency they have in arms and ammu nition. Crown Point, Aug. i6th, 1760. Parole, Dartmouth. The working party tomorrow as ufual. Col Fofter is very much furprifed that Col. Hawks dont give in a return of all the Pro vincials here upon the fpot according to orders of the 14th. Crown Point, Aug. 17th, 1760. Parole, Philadelphia. The working party tomorrow as ufual. The following lawyers to attend the engineer tomorrow morning at reveille beating. Eben. Gutten,, Elijah Harvey, James Ross and Elijah Dunning, Eben Taw, John Bagett all of the Maffachufetts. A Court Martial to fit to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Capt. Hag prefident. Lt. New- land, Enfign Fofter, Enfign Shaw and Enfign Grant. Crown Point Auguft 23d, 1760. Parole, Brunfwick. It is Col. Potter's order that no futler or woman offer to go down the Lake in any of the batteaux that may have occafion to go with out written pass and figned by him. If any is found difobeying this order they fhall be drummed out of camp. 89 Crown Point, Auguft 24th, 1760. Parole, Glafgow. The working party tomorrow as ufual. The Provincials to fur nifh for the new fort guard tomorrow & men who are to parade at ye front of ye Royal encampment tomorrow morning at half an hour after feven with their arms. An officer to vifit ye new fort guard whenever he pleates in ye day time but particularly after retreat beating to fee the prifoners are hand cuffed according to or ders and if ye officer mitfes any of ye guards, abfent without leave from ye Serjt. he is to confine them directly. Ye tergeant of the guard is to make his report as ufual. Crown Point Auguft 25th, 1760. Parole, London. The working party tomorrow as ufual. The Provincials to fur nifh 12 men tomorrow for the new fort guard, and parade at the front of the Royal the fame time as this day. Officer for this day Enfign Fofter; tomorrow Entign Shaw. Crovt^n Point, Auguft 26th, 1760. Parole, Manchetter. The working party tomorrow as ufual. The Provincials to fend the tame number of men as this day for guard. Officer of the day tomorrow Enfign Grant. A Court Martial to fit tomorrow at 10 o'clock to try what prifoners may come before them. Crown Point Aug. 27th, 1760. Regimental Orders: It is Col. Hawk's potitive orders that thofe who have taken bark from the old Hofpital fhall immediately return it there again and not any more be taken from thence upon any account. Thofe that are detected breaking this order will be feverely punifhed. If any are found eating themfelves in the old guard houfes or anywhere out of the vaults they will be punifhed. The officers are to tee thefe orders duly executed. John Hawks, Lt. Col. Crownpoint Aug. 30th, 1760. Parole, Springfield. The working party and guards tomorrow as ufual. i Sergeant and 7 private men of ye Provincials to parade tomorrow morning at 6 o'dock at the head of ye Royal encampment in order to efcort an express to ye army. Officer of ye day tomorrow Lt. Newland. 90 Crownpoint, Aug. 3itt, 1760. Parole, Dartmouth. The working party and guard tomorrow as ufual. For the future when any boat is going down ye Lake express, the party is always to take a fortnight's provifions with them. To vifit ye guard to morrow Enfign Fofter. Crownpoint, Sept. itt, 1760. Parole, Ifle Aux Noir. The working party and guard tomorrow as ufual. One Sergeant and 24 private men of ye Provincials to hold themfelves in readiness tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock In order to export tome battoes to Ticonderoga, they are to take two days provifions with them. Offi cer for ye day tomorrow Enfign Grant. A Court Martial to fet tomorrow at 10 o'clock to try what prifoners may come before them. Lt. Newland, prefident, Entign Grant and Fofter members. Crownpoint, Sept. 4, 1760. Parole, Manchetter. The working party tomorrow as ufual. It is Col. Potter's orders that ye officer of ye day is to vitit the French prifoners at 12 O'clock In ye day and at retreat beating at night, and fee that none of the prifoners is abfent. The Provincials to fend fixteen private men for ye fort guard tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock at ye head of ye Royal encampment in order to export four French prifoners to Ticonderoga. The party to take two days provifions with them. Officer for ye day tomorrow Entign Grant. Crownpoint, September 5th, 1760. Parole, Aberdeen. The working party and guard tomorrow as ufual. Officer for ye day tomorrow Lt. Newland. One Corp. and 16 men of ye Pro vincials to parade tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock in order to ex port a battoe with provifions to ye Ifle Aux Nolr. The party to take feven days provifions with them. One Corp. and four men to attend every morning at fix o'clock at Mr. Stewart's hut and receive his directions concerning a chimney that is to be buflt. This number of men to continue till ye work is finifhed. Crownpoint Sept. 6th, 1760. Parole, Chetter. The working party and guard tomorrow as ufual. Officer for the day tomorrow Enfign Fofter. One Capt. 2 Subs 4 Sergts. and 120 men of the Provincials to parade tomorrow morning at reveillie 91 beating, in order to go across the Lake to the wood for the En gineer. The party to take feven days provifions with them. The working party to have but half a hour at breakfaft and two hours at dinner. Crownpoint, Sept. 7th, 1760. Parole Officer for the day tomorrow Enfign Grant. The Provincials to furnifh 100 men for the Engineer. Tomorrow the guard as ufual. Crownpoint, Sept. Sth, 1760. Parole, Philadelphia. The working party and guard tomorrow as ufual. Officer for the day tomorrow Lt. Newland. No futler or foldier are to pre- fume to take away any of the old batteaux; if any is found in dif obeying this order they fhall be feverely punifhed. The End 92 3 9002 00452 2034 i'^;:^,-'