Jf"^ Yale llniversily Library 'll'll-fli'll'"'' ¦i i 'i' ')? • 39002004576204 Hf . ¦'¦' t-'*!. - ^*^ " •* . . ,.^ .. r/i ¦VS^c ,^ '^ ^21 . YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the WILLIAM C. EGLESTON FUND RWEGIAN ^i eONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICA'S . MAKING America's Discoverer Leif Erikson Monument, Boston, Mass. THE LEIF ERIKSON MONUMENT The plan of raising a monument to Leif Erikson, the first European to plant his feet on American soil, -was first sug gested by Professor Rasmus B. Anderson of Madison, Wis. In 1873 Professor Anderson suggested to the celebrated Nor wegian violinist, Ole Bull, the idea that America's Norse dis coverer be honored with a lasting memorial. Ole Bull ac cepted the suggestion -with enthusiasm and the two immediately began preparing plans for its realization. Ole Bull was at this time at the height of his powers and the idol of the American people. A few years later he made his American hoine at Cambridge, Mass. There the American Leif Erikson Monument Committee was organized. The Committee was a brilliant one and included among its members James Russell Lowell, Henry Wadsworth Long fellow, OHver Wendell Holmes, Thomas S. Appleton, Profes sor Eben Norton Horsford, the Governor of Massachusetts, the Mayor of Boston and many other distinguished Americans. Funds were rapidly raised and America's then most famous sculptress. Miss Anne Whitney, was commissioned to produce in bronze a statue of Leif Erikson in heroic size. The result is a great work of art. Miss Whitney seems to have* taken the splendid physique and features of Ole Bull for her model, according to Professor Anderson. It repre sents America's discoverer as he discerns the first faint out lines of land far away on the horizon, and with his right hand he shades his eyes from the rays of the sun. Pro fessor Horsford was the orator at the unveiling ceremonies. A replica of the monument stands in Juneau Park, Mil waukee, Wis., on an eminence overlooking Lake Michigan. Another Leif Erikson monument by the sculptor, Sigvald Asbjjztrnsen, stands in Humboldt Park, Chicago, raised by a committee of the Norwegian group of that city. Norwegian Immigrant Contributions to America's Making Harry Sundby-Hansen "lEditor New York, 1921 Copyright 1921 by Harry Sundby-Hansen, New York. Cb4 y 3Z| Printed in the U. S. A. by the International Press, New York Published by the General Committee of the Norwegian Group of America's Making. Oluf Kiser, chairman; Thormod Jullum, Secretary; A. N. Rygg, Treasurer; O. G. Olsen, Chairman, Finance Committee; Thomas Bull, Chairman, Exhibit Committee; Anton Wetlesen, Chairman Festival Committee; Harry Sundby-Hansen, Chairman, Committee on Publicity and Publications. NorrjzJnafolket det vii fare, det vii give kraft til andre. 0rnstjerne Bjprnson ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgement is hereby made to the contributors of the several chapters for their kindness and interest in volunteering their valuable assistance in the preparation of this book. The Committee also desires to thank the officers of the Supreme Lodge and the many subordinate lodges of the fraternal order of the Sons of Norway, the Norwegian National League of Brooklyn, N. Y. and the many other organizations and individuals in the East, Middle West and on the Pacific Coast whose liberal financial support and en thusiastic interest in this enterprise made Norwegian parti cipation in the Afnerica's Making exhibit and festival possible. To the Norwegian language press of the United States, its publishers and editors, the Committee owes a debt of gratitude for loyal support and editorial generosity in making this enter prise known far and wide. OLUF KI^R, Chairman, Norwegian Group Committee. INTRODUCTION ]HIS volume was conceived by the general com mittee of the Norwegian group of the America's Making exhibit and festival in New York, October 29 to November 12, 1921, and is designed to serve an educational purpose. The character, achievements and contributions of the Nor wegian ethnic element of the American people are, we be lieve, deserving of more general recognition. This element does not constitute a problem in any sense. It is now among the oldest of the immigrant groups of the early XIX. cen tury. The Norsemen discovered America nearly 500 years before Columbus landed on one of the West Indian Islands, and the first attempt by Europeans to plant a colony on the North American continent was made by the Norseman, Thor- finn Karlsefne. Norwegians were here in Colonial times, especially among the Dutch in New Amsterdam, but also in the other colonies, and they participated in the Revolutionary War on land and sea. This year marks the looth anniver sary of the beginnings of modern Norwegian immigration on a large scale. The lOOth anniversary of the arrival of the sloop, Restaurationen, the first immigrant ship from Norway, will be commemorated four years hence. This group is, there fore, no longer an odd band of newcomers, but a substantial part of the American people, which by loyalty and demonstrated achievements in material and cultural advancement, has earned the right to be Americans. The voluntary contributors of the several chapters have within the limited space and time allotted to them endeavored to show what some of these con tributions are. The shortcomings of this book are obvious. It was pre pared under pressure of speed and, in the case of several of the contributors, with no time for adequate research work. It is hoped, however, that this modest effort in the treatment of an important subject will serve to stimulate an interest in the study of the material and intellectual part Norwegian immigrants and their descendants have played in the up building of America. The field is rich for the scientific in vestigator, the student of history, the seeker after truth, and it has hardly been touched. If such a result follow, the mission of this little volume will have been amply ful filled. The Editor. DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION By Professor George T, Flom Scandinavian Languages and Literature, University of Illinois. HE coming of people of Norwegian nationality to this country presents three phases, if viewed in the large. There is ist, the Vinland Voyages ; then 2, Immigra tion in the Colonial Times, and 3, Immigration in the XlXth Century. I shall consider these briefly in order. The Vinland Voyages. The actuality of the discovery of America by the Norsemen is no longer a matter of doubt among well-informed students. The critical examination of the sagas dealing with it and the analysis of the various other sources of our knowledge has led to certain outstanding conclusions. These may be summarized as follows: I. In or about the year 1000 Leif Erikson (origin, Jaederen, Norway) on a voyage between Norway and Greenland, lost his way in violent storms in the North Atlantic and was driven far to the west, where he at last came upon lands he had never seen before. The spot where Leif landed, it seems likely, was at or near the present Boston Bay, but it may have been as far north as Nova Scotia. 2. A few years later an expedition headed by Thorfinn Karlsefne and consisting of three ships and a hundred and sixty men was fitted out for the purpose of finding Leif's Vinland and settling there. The Saga of Erik the Red says that "they took with them all kinds of livestock, for they intended to settle, if possible, in the new country." They did not locate Vinland, but they landed at other parts of the new land, probably western New Foundland. From there they explored north and south. They remained about three years, then returned to Iceland. 3. There were other vojrages at the time. 17 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION 4. The knowledge about the discovery of land in the western ocean was general throughout the Scandinavian North. 5. The tradition about it in Norway, Greenland, Iceland, was alive down to the close of the Middle Ages. And finally 6. a voyage thither is recorded for Ii2i and a voyage from there in 1347. As to the other voyages at the time I note here the fact that whereas Leif's accidental discovery is "told very briefly m the Saga of Erik the Red, there is elsewhere a circumstantial account of a voyage of exploration to Vinland later by Leif and a crew of thirty-five men. This is preserved in the Greenland Narrative (Grcenlendinga pdttr), which gives a larger place to Leif and his sailing, while the Erik's saga concerns itself principally with the story of Karisefne. It is in the Greenland Narrative that we have the Leif Erikson saga proper. Again the journey of Thor- vald, brother of Leif, appears as an independent voyage in the Greenland- Narrative. But it seems likely that it actually was a part of the Karlsefne expedition as told in the Erik's saga. 1 pass over the other voyages. To Leif Erikson belongs the distinction of the discovery both on the basis of the trustworthy parts of the accounts themselves, and on that of all later tradition. And Leif seems to have made some effort to follow up his discovery by exploration. It is Karl sefne, however, who is the central figure in the sagas of Vinland. And whereas, to be sure, the romance of the discoverer does not attach itself to his name, to us in America his story has another and a special interest; for he was the first white to fit out an ex pedition for the purpose of settlement in this country. They laid their plans accordingly, they equipped themselves for settlement, and they came and remained for three years. We have their ac counts of the lands they saw, the conditions they met, and the natives they. came in contact with. These they called Skralingar, i. e., "Skinlings", wearers, of skins or fur blankets. They traded with the natives and there was peaceful intercourse for a time. But in the second summer there were hostile visits by the "Skin lings", who appeared in increasing numbers in later attacks. Ul timately Karlsefne, for these and other reasons, decided to re- 18 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION turn home. The account of barter with the "Skinlings" and the latter's war-shout before attack form a realistic picture of Indian ways, and shows that these "SkinHngs", at any rate, were In dians; some natives elsewhere spoken of from farther north, were probably Eskimos. The sources of information, aside from the sagas themselves, are of various kinds and come from different regions in the North. The earliest reference is that of Adam of Bremen, who wrote about 1070 (Descriptio instdarum aquilonis). He gives us information gathered during a sojourn at the Danish court, as an emissary of the Archbishop of Bremen. He was to find out whatever he could about the lands of the North, which then formed a part of the Archepiscopal See of Bremen-Hamburg. And the lands that came in for consideration in connection with Norway were Greenland and Vinland. His informants were Danes, and no doubt also Icelanders; and King Sven Estridsen was apparently able to augment this information with some facts from a recent experience of the Norwegian king Harald Haard- raade, which seems to have some connection with the Norwegian tradition. Whether the Norwegian tradition is to be regarded as also substantiated by the H^nen inscription from Ringerike is uncertain, for the name Vinland does not actually appear there except as an interpretation. Now it is to be noted that Adam wrote only about sixty years after the return of Karlsefne. Ari the Learned in Iceland in his Islandinga bok gives us the Greenlandic-Icelandic tradition about half a century later (1130). And here the facts told are traced back to Ari himself directly to one who accompanied Erik the Red to Greenland in 985, when Greenland was discovered. Further, from the same time we learn from the Icelandic Annals that Bishop Gnupson "went in search of Vinland"; the year is 1121. In so doing he was no doubt carrying out a mission given him at the newly established Archepiscopal See of Lund. Unfortunately Bishop Gnupson, it would seem, lost his life in the western waters, for nothing more is heard from him. Then in the oldest Ms. of the Landnama (ca. 1200) we have some statements from Ari Marsson. This Mar, father of Ari here spoken of, was a grand son of Ulfr Skjalgi as was also Ari the Learned. I pass over the other bits of information. 19 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION That which strikes, the reader in these various references to Vinland and voyages in western regions is the continuity of the tradition, and the manner of its transmission. It comes from those who took part in it or lived at the time, and it passes down through trustworthy channels. The sagas thena- selves show some discrepancies; they have undoubtedly, in their received form, been embellished here and there through accre tions from elsewhere. But they are sober narratives, and they agree in all essentials. The Saga of Erik the Red, first writ ten down ca. 1200, belongs to the classical age, and has the style and the structure and the sobriety of treatment char acteristic of the historical sagas. Nothing could be farther from Irish and French medieval romances about thfe riches of wonder-lands and the glories of "Blessed Isles." What the Vinland Voyages tell about is storms at sea, diffi,culties met. with in the new land, its vegetation and its animal life, and troubles with "ill-looking" natives. But to relieve this we also learn that they found grapes and self-sown wheat; the last was of course some kind of wild grain. The last reference to Vinland is one of 1347, when the Annals of the Flatey Book tell of a ship that came froni Green land, which had sailed to Markland (New Foundland), and that there were thirty men on board. The same significant item is carried also by the Elder Skalholt Annals for the same year. After that, silence. Immigration in Colonial Times. Our brief consideration of this period may properly be prefaced by a few words about a royally sponsored exploring expedition from the North in 1619-1620. King Christian IV of Denmark and Norway de sirous of finding a northwest passage to Asia had fitted out two ships Eenhj0rningen and Lamprenen, and he requested Jens Munk, an experienced navigator, to take charge of the expedi tion. Jens Munk was bom in 1579 at Bardu, Norway, immedi ately east of Arendal. The crews of the two ships numbered sixty-four. They sailed from Copenhagen May 9th, 1619, stop- ing first a few days in Karmsund Channel, possibly at the pre sent harbor of Kopervik, Karmpien, western Norway. It may be noted however, that several members of the crew were from 20 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION Skudenaes at the south end of Karmji^en, hence that may be where they stopped. It is interesting to observe that the route taken by this expedition follows fairly closely that of the Vin land voyagers six hundred years before. They passed ,the Shetland Islands, the Faroes, and Cape Farwell, then crossed Davis Straits and entered Frobisher Bay. Thence they sailed through Hudson Strait, exploring and taking possession of the country in the name King Christian. The fate of this expedi tion has been recorded elsewhere. When Munk returned to Norway in /September, 1620, only two of those who had left with him were alive to retum with him. The crew were mostly Norwegians and Danes, a few were Germans, two were Eng lish. Of the Norwegian members, there was one each from Sj^ndmj^re, Bergen, Tjzinsberg, and Oslo, several were from Skudenaes, Karmjzfen, and from Marstrand in the (then) south eastern corner of Norway. We know very little about the part that Norwegians may have played in the colonies in the seventeenth century. We j know that they formed a certain contingent among the Swedes (' on the Delaware; and not much more was known. However,! through a recent investigation of New Netherlands records! from 1630-1674, we are now better informed as to this period and region. We learn that Norwegians, who had generally come in Dutch ships, were present in considerable numbers in New Amsterdam, Albany, Schenectady, and elsewhere after 1633. Their numerical extent is concealed somewhat by the Dutch form of the names. The Norwegian Anderson or And- reassen became AndrieSsen; such other patronymics as Karlson, Klausen and Jonson became Carelsen, Claesen and Jansen, the place names Bruun and Bakke became Bruyn and Bagge, while Laurens Laurensen from Flekkerp {Mandal), became Laurens van Vleckeren. By the introduction of a Van sometimes the nationality of the name might be quite obliterated. A word about what they were doing and what their position was. We find them in every occupation and in official life, among those who had little property or none, and among those who had much, and in the various classes of society as it was constituted at the time. We find them as shop-keepers and inn-keepers, and some of them went as traders into the 21 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION wilderness; they were farmers and tobacco planters, and indeed, some of them seem to have had an active share in the promotion of the tobacco industry and the improvement of its culture, something for which Arent Andriessen is especially named; they were engaged in milling and in the lumbering in dustry; they were carpenters and ship-builders, and as such built some of the first ships in the Manhattan ship-yards; thus they built the "New Netherland", of which Van Rensselaer says "It was one of the largest merchantmen afloat, and not for 200 years was another as large launched in the same waters." Also the Norwegians (and Scandinavians in general) took a large part in the development of shipping in general and in navigation on the inland waters, as the early freighting on the Hudson. Some were offitials in the West India Co. And they are found in public office and in positions of trust. They are among the magistrates of villages, as Dirck Holgerson in 1681, they are members of governing boards of the towns; as sheriffs and burgomasters, and otherwise in ad ministrative positions. Many of them are extensive property owners; some of the names of such are met with to-day in various local names. I may note here Bronx Borough as being named after the one time owner of that part of New York, Jonas Bronck. Bronck came from Thorshavn, the Faroe Is lands, to New Amsterdam in 1639. And Van Cortlandt Park perpetuates the name of Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt, who it appears was a Norwegian (though the other Van Cortlandts were Dutch). Norwegians were also soldiers in the Indian wars; and others rather took part in establishing friendly rela tions with the Indians and in missionary work among them. The readiness with which some of the Norwegians learned Indian made them valuable in a practical way in Indian affairs. Three of the leading interpreters of Indian languages were Scandinavians and two of these were Norwegians: Claes Car- stensen and- Sara Roelof. It has been remarked before how often the -men of other nationalities, Dutch, German, English, married women of the Scandinavian nationalities. Especially common was the inter- 22 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION marriage with the Dutch. Thus Anneken Hendricks from Ber gen, Norway, married Jan Arentzen van der Bilt in NeW Am sterdam, February 6, 1650 (he was the first Vanderbilt in America), and Cornelia Andriessen married Jan Putnam (the first Putnam in America). Other families into which Nor wegian women married were: Bayard, De Peyster, Governeur, Jay, Morris, Schuyler, Stuyvesant, Van Cortlandt and Van Rensselaer. As elsewhere so here, it was the coast towns in southem and southwestern Norway that furnished the emigrants of those days. It would be interesting to know what share the different towns and parishes had in the emigration to New Netherland in the XVIIth century. Unfortunately place of birth is most often given only as "Norway." Where definite place is in dicated we find that some came from Tji^nsberg, Langesund, and Stavanger. But it is clear that the greater part were from Smaalenene, Mandal and Bergen. As to the extent to which Norwegians may have settled in New England in the seventeenth century or in Atlantic coast states south of New York there has been no investigation and the information reaching us is of the most fragmentary kind. And even for the whole of the XVIIIth century we are but little better off. I have referred above to the fact that there were also Norwegians in the New Sweden colony (founded 1638,. The church records of the colony reveal the names of many Norwegians, particularly in the later period. In 1740 Nor wegian Moravians took part in the founding of a Moravian colony at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and in 1747 of one at Bethabara, North Carolina. One of the members of the Betha- bara colony may here be mentioned: Dr. John M. Caiberlane (Kalberlahn), born 1722, in Trondhjem, who came to this country in 1753. He was a prominent member of the colony, a man of ability, a noble character, and was, it appears, a leader among colonial physicians in his time. Kalberlahn was, so far as I know, the first man to come to America from Trondhjem, Norway. Others at Bethabara and Bethlehem were from Sj^nd- mj^re, Bergen, Christiania, and elsewhere; the period of their coming is 1740-1762. Philadelphia had a large Scandinavian colony from 1740 23 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION on, and among these were many Norwegians. The Soctetas Scandinaviensis was founded in Philadelphia in 1769; its first president was Abraham Markoe (Mark^e), a Norwegian. This society ceased to be active about the year 1802. It is interesting to note in this connection that on Febmary 28th, 1868, eighteen gentlemen, all of Scandinavian birth and residents of Phila delphia, met and formed an organization under the name The Scandinavian Society of Philadelphia. This society regards it self a continuation of that founded in 1769. In the South, except as noted above in one case, Norwegians rarely settled in those eariy days; nor indeed in later times except on a limited scale. Occasional names do come down to us; in vestigation would here probably not reveal many more. Pos sibly the first Norwegian to settle in Georgia was Captam Iverson in the close of the eighteenth century (Alfred Iverson, United States Senator from Georgia, 1855-1861 was a descend ant of this sailor-pioneer of Georgia). There were Norwegians in the American marine and in the army both before the Revolution and after. They served in the War of the Revolution, and in the Indian wars, as later in the Mexican war. The careers of some are well known, as Thomas Johnson, who was with Paul Jones in 1779 and later. Johnson, born, 1758, was the son of a pilot of Mandal, Norway. There were Norwegians among those who fell at Fort Dear born in 1812. And in all later wars of their adopted country, the Civil War and the Spanish War, the World War they made the same sacrifice when the call came. Immigration in the XlXth Century. With the XlXth cen tury Norwegian immigration enters upon a new phase. It be comes more intensive and it takes on something like a system atic form. This period takes its beginning with the sailing of the Restaurationen in 1825, a sloop of forty-five tons carrying fifty-two passengers, all but one of whom were from Stavanger and the districts thereabouts. The history of the "sloopers" has often been recounted and I shall only mention them here. The arrival of the ship attracted considerable attention at the time, as evidenced by the space given it in the American press, especially in the East. The founding of the settlement at Ken dall, Orleans County, N. Y. on the shores of Lake Ontario, 24 DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION inaugurates the period of the formation of settlements. Other immigrants from Norway joined the Kendall settlement clear down to 1883; but of the original founders of the settlement some moved away, as to the City of Rochester, N. Y., but es pecially to the State of Illinois, where they helped to found the extensive and prosperous Fox River settlement in Illinois in 1834-36. The descendants of the sloopers live especially in New York, Illinois, and Iowa, but some are in Michigan, Min nesota, Missouri, South Dakota, Kansas, Utah, and California. During the years 1826-1833, inclusive, there was but little immigration. There were new arrivals from Ryfylke, while in 1831 the first immigrant came from Har danger, an^ in 1832 the first one from Gudbrandsdalen. But with 1836 it takes a definite start with the coming of the brigs Norden and Den norske Klippe bringing some 200 immigrants from Ryfylke, S^ndhordland, Hardanger, Bergen, and also the first immi grants from Voss. Finally I note the continuation of this exodus from southwestern Norway in 1837 when the ship Enig- heden from Stavanger, brought ninety-three passengers mostly from Egersund, Stavanger, and Ryfylke again, while the ship Aegir from Bergen brought eighty-two from Hardanger, Voss and the vicinity of Bergen. And there were other sailings with ships from other ports, bringing the first contingents from Tele- marken and Numedal. During the years 1837-1845 the move ment shifted to these districts and Voss, Sogn and Hallingdal. In the last two it began in 1842 (though one man had left Sogn in 1839). In 1843 the first came from Saetersdalen, in 1844 from Land, 1847 from Valders, somewhat later other districts east and north. By 1850 many large settlements had been established, elsewhere in Illinois, and in Wisconsin (Kosh- konong, 1839), and Norwegians were beginning to locate in considerable numbers in Chicago. From 1846-55 date the begin nings of the numerous prosperous Norwegian communities in Iowa and Minnesota, and the colonies in St. Paul and Min neapolis. In all these regions it was almost wholly imsettled where they came. They had a very large share in the reclaim ing of that wilderness and transforming it to what it now is. And similarly later in the Dakotas and west; and no less in the upbuilding of the cities. To follow the westward move rs DISCOVERY AND IMMIGRATION ment of Norwegian settlement would be to follow the ever- moving line of the frontier. We have been concerned here only with the immigration. And I have avoided names and dates, and statistics, as much as possible. The tide of immigration that set in in 1836 con tinued to 1859, then there was almost complete cessation until after the Civil War. Now began a long period of heavy immi gration in 1865 which continued to 1911. The heaviest year was 1882 with 29,101. In this period Gudbrandsdalen and Trondhjem and eastern Norway in general have contributed most of those who came, and their destination generally was, as is their present home, the great Northwest and the Pacific Coast. But I shall stop at this point. All that has been attempted here is to tell in outline the story of the coming of Norwegians to this country, as a first chapter in the much longer story of their contribution to the Making of America. 26 AGRICULTURE CONTRIBUTIONS TO AGRICULTURE I By O. p. B. Jacobson Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission |INCE their first arrival in America, the chief mission of the Norwegians has been to stock the national lar der. The great cities into which other immigrants streamed by thousands and even millions have held no temptation for the hardy Norsemen. The great open country beyond, where nature smiled and freedom beckoned always and ever was their goal. This explains why the upper Mississippi Valley has become the new Norway. Cheap land and an agree able climate were the principal lures. The great Mississippi Valley, often called the Northwest, offered both. As the Nor wegians emigrated in large bodies, it was but natural that they should settle in large bodies. Of the great tide of immigration, beginning in Northeastern Illinois in the thirties, wave after wave radiated out into Wisconsin and Iowa, then into Southern Minnesota, then into the famed Park region and the more famous Red River Valley and South Dakota, further again into Montana and across the Rockies and the Canadian border. Today hundreds of thousands of Norwegian immigrants and their progeny are tilling the soil. Their relative value im mediately looms large. Agriculture not only is the world's prin cipal industry, but it is the basic industry. It must be then that any racial element in the American composite that is de voted mainly to agriculture should have due recognition as of leading importance. But whether they received recognition or not, the Nor wegian people may well be satisfied with their emoluments. Reared in a land mainly devoted to agriculture and well versed in the methods of extracting sustenance from the soil, they but followed natural laws and impulses when they sought the land in the new world. Land owning became a passion. It was the distinctive trait of the Norse newcomers. 29 AGRICULTURE Happily, for them, they were peculiarly well adapted for their national task. Of strong and rugged physique, inured to hardship, industrious and energetic and possessing courage, will power and infinite patience they faced alike the primeval wilder ness and boundless prairies and by sheer force tamed the wild nature for the permanent blessing of mankind. In other words, they were and are ideal pioneers. It is keenly regretted that this article, through unfortunate circumstances arising at the last moment, had to be prepared within the short space of one week and without any statistical data at hand. In that brief time it was impossible to do any research or to gather any exact information. A certain amount of historical matter, such as has been found in various his tories naturally is reliable, but the agricultural figures mainly are estimated. Hence, instead of representing a picture of the Norwegian farmer as a national figure, it is possible only to reveal a glimpse here and a sidelight there. At the best this writing is but a sketch and a most incomplete one. Certain individuals and cer tain events have received more space than their relative import ance to the whole would warrant and vice versa. It has been quite impossible to give honor where honor is due and to es tablish fully what the Norwegians have accomplished in the field of agriculture. A presentation of the Norse contribution to Agriculture in the United States simply becomes a recital of the saga of the second Viking movement to America. Virtually all of the emi grants from Norway to the United States sought the soil and today in all probability there are more than 4,000,000 people of Norwegian blood occupied in agricultural pursuits within the United States. This figure will be questioned far and wide, but it will withstand analysis. No less a student than Mr. E. G. Quamme, President of the Federal Land Bank for the seventh district, declares that there are fully 5,000,000 persons of Norse blood in the United States. The majority to be sure have lost their identity as Norwegians, are true Americans by birth, speech and thought and do not even realize that their ancestry is of Norse origin, but they are part of Norway's contribution to America never- 30 AGRICULTURE theless. It must be remembered that the Norwegians are a pro lific people. Among them large families are the rule rather than the exception. Ordinary birth statistics will not hold good when applied to the Norwegians, for a family of four or five, which among many peoples are regarded as large, to them is small. Mr. Quamme also asserts, after personal observation, that from eighty-five to ninety per cent of Norwegian born cit izens and descendants of Norwegian immigrants are found in the rural communities. To be sure there are consid erable bodies of this people in New York, Chicago, Min neapolis and other cities, but in the total number the percentage of dty dwellers will not exceed fifteen per cent. In the interest of accuracy one might well wish that the Federal Census reports carried their analytical tables to include information on this point, but inasmuch as they do not, the best available informa tion is the prudent estimate. Accepting the population estimate and the percentages of rural and urban dwellers, it is found that upward of 4,250,000 persons of Norse blood are devoted to agriculture. It should be understood that that figure is not limited to those who actually till the soil, but embraces all those having a part in furthering farm work. Included in this class would be the local elevator men, the rural blacksmiths and mechanics, the rural bankers and merchants. Without them the farmer would be in a sorry way indeed and all except pro fessional men, located in rural communities, . justly may be classed as devoted to agriculture. But it is not only in the number of people the Norse race has contributed to the all important task of supplying the country with food that they are en'titled to honor and should have recognition. The great West largely was won by home- seekers from the thirteen original colonies and the Scandi navians. The Norwegians contributed a mighty share, for they laid the groundwork for the development and prosperity of a large part of the upper Mississippi valley. They are not numerically superior to some other immigrant races, but they prepared the way. They were pioneers, seventy, sixty and fifty years ago and they are still pioneering beyond the fringes of the cultivated lands. They laid low the primeval 31 AGRICULTURE forests, broke the virgin prairies, opened roads, established markets, founded school houses, then after they had survived the rigors of pioneer life, demonstrated the agricultural values. Other races, who now outnumber them and who hold com manding positions in the rural sections of the United States, moved in and became land owners. Without inviting any criticism or making any invidious comparison no one should take offense when it is asserted that as pioneers in the upper Mississippi Valley the Norwegians hold first place. But it is not only as pioneers that this people deserve recognition. They have the name, and a well deserved one, of being very progressive as farmers. Always they have been ready to adopt new methods, to try new machinery, to experi ment with new crops in the hope of increasing their individual productive capacity. Often while their neighbors looked ask ance at proposed farming innovations, such as silos, the Nor wegian farmer did not hesitate to give them a fair trial. If they proved successful his more cautious neighbor was quite willing to adopt the idea. As a rule the Norwegian farmer has shown that he is not hidebound in his ideas and the younger stock today are found in the very front ranks of livestock breeders, and dairymen, as well as of general farmers. Travelers relate that they always can tell when they enter a Norwegian farm settlement. There is a neatness and tidi ness of appearance, not only of the houses, but of the bams and out buildings. Farm machinery usually is well housed, while the livestock invariably ' is sleek and well fed. Wherever he has located the Norwegian farmer usually has been regarded as something of a model in his line. The life of the pioneer is inconceivable to the present generation of Americans. A prairie "schooner" looks very pic turesque, but it is a slow and tiresome means of transportation, particularly with an ox team over the roadless country. So also log cabins appear romantic and sod houses are very curious, but they also are very uncomfortable for habitation, even under the best of conditions. Markets were far distant, sometimes a hundred miles away and many had to make such a journey with ox team to dispose of their harvest and obtain supplies. In a great many sections the Indians were troublesome, if they 32 AGRICULTURE did not do actual violence, they often were threatening and spread much fear. For some years particularly in Western Minnesota and the Dakotas, the grasshopper plague appeared year after year and the pests devoured everything that was green right down to the bare earth. Only a hardy people could have overcome the many difficulties and withstood the many discouragements, but the Norwegian immigrants were just that kind of people and they have transmitted the same desirable qualities to the modern American character. It is said of the Norwegian element that a larger percentage of the second generation remains on the land than of any other racial group and such statistics as are available appear to point in that direction. Without being able to present any figures that will estabUsh a fact, none probably will gainsay the statement that the Nor wegian people have contributed a mighty impulse to the agri cultural development of the upper Mississippi Valley and that their influence will continue a potent factor in the continued growth of this farm empire. Like any other movement of any consequence the Nor wegian settlement of America in its genesis had an outstanding figure, as forerunner or pathfinder. This personage was Kleng Pederson or Cleng Peerson, as he signed his name in later life. In all justice he should be ranked with Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Sam Hbuston and other forerunners in the making of the great West. He was restless and eccentric, of a roving disposition, always improvident and generally impecunious, but he had a veritable mania for planting colonies. He traveled the middle West far and wide, generally on foot and studied the agricultural possibilities of the terrain, wherever he went. He talked America, he wrote America and he did both well. Three times he returned to Norway between 1824 and 1842 and went up and down the countryside painting in glowing words the fortune that lay dormant in the new world for those who had the vision and the courage to attempt the great ad venture. Writers have dubbed Kleng Pederson everything from a tramp and a vagabond to a romantic hero. Be that as it may, he had vision and boundless enthusiasm. And he felt that he had a mission in life. Two remarkable settlements flourishing 33 AGRICULTURE today, live as monuments to his zeal and energy, namely- the Fox River settlement in La Salle County, ilhnois and the pros perous Norwegian colony in Dallas County, Texas. The mother colony of the Norse emigration through the West the Fox River settlement truly was. It became the ob jective point for thousands of newcomers. They came for rest and guidance and wandered on to the cheaper lands- in Wis consin, Iowa and Minnesota. The early settlers were good letter writers and the "American Letters" were read with avidity in Norway and were passed from house to house. Further stimulus to the emigration fever was given by three little booklets concerning the United States. These were Ole Nattestad's "Dagbog" or "Diary" and Ole Rynning's "Truthful Statements About America" (Sandferdig Beretning om Am erika), both published in Christiania in 1837 and Johan Reier- son's "Guide (Veiviser) for Norwegian Emigrants," published in 1344. The former works dealt mainly with Illinois and Wis consin, while the latter, although somewhat general, commended Texas for which Reierson was an enthusiastic boomer. Kleng came to America in 1821. Whether he traveled as an emissary of the Quaker band in Stavanger is disputed, but that he conferred with the leaders on his return to Norway in i8i4 has been established. This Quaker congregation chartered the little sloop "Restaurationen" (Restoration) and set sail from Stavanger July 4, 1825. After three months of buffeting the stormy Atlantic the little party of fifty-three souls found haven in New York Harbor, October 2nd. Kleng was there to meet them and to lead them to land near Kendall in Western New York . which he had selected for them. Eight years later he set out on foot for the unknown West accompanied by one man, said to have been Thomas Erickson, a giant in size and strength. They traversed Ohio, Indiana, parts of Michigan and Illinois and probably South eastern Wisconsin. On the Fox River they found an ideal country and a thriving farm community soon was established.; Later Cleng Peerson founded another community in Shelby County, Missouri, to which he led a party of homeseekers in 1837. This colony did not prosper for some reason or other and was abandoned in a short time, the members removing to 34 AGRICULTURE the Sugar Creek locality in Iowa. Finally in 1850, then sixty- eight years of age, he set out from Fox River with a party of ambitious homeseekers for Dallas County, Texas. In the meantime other lesser pathfinders were busy else where. Ole Nattestad led a party from Numedal on to Jeffer son Prairie in 1838. Next came the extensive Norwegian com munities at Muskego and Koshkonong. The most desirable lands were_ soon taken, but the tide from Norway assumed larger and larger proportions. Without much doubt the main cause of the great rush of Norwegians into Minnesota, Iowa and the country beyond was the passage of the free homestead act in 1863. Previously gov ernment land was obtainable only through the process of pre emption. The cost was generally $1.25 an acre. John Anderson, publisher of Skandinaven, was most enthusi astic over the passage of the free homestead law and urged his readers to take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime. It is related that he printed handbills explaining the act and per sonally distributed them among the Norwegian newcomers arriv ing by water and rail at Chicago. Without doubt hundreds had their attention directed to the excellent agricultural lands of the Northwestern territory by his newspaper articles and handbills. In many respects the valuable services rendered by Cleng Peerson were duplicated in later years by Paul Hjelm-Hansen, a journalist from Norway. It is understood that his purpose in coming to the United States was to obtain material for articles tending to discourage emigration from Norway. He was speed ily converted to an opposite view of the question when he saw former tenant farmers established in economic independence on farms that would have been regarded in the home land as baron ial domains. He realized that the shift from dire poverty to comparative afflhience had been effected in but a few years and that in the main those emigrants who sought the land had pros pered even beyond their hopes and dreams. It then occurred to him that he could render their kinsfolk no better service than undertake an exploration in the then unsettled portions of Min nesota to learn if there were not other tracts available for settle ment. 35 AGRICULTURE His journeys were historic for they led directly to the speedy settlement of the Red River Valley, often called the "bread basket 'of the world" because of its immense production of grain. Hjelm-Hansen left La Crosse June 17, 1869 to begin his memorable tour. He went by steamboat to St. Paul, took the railroad to St. Cloud and by stage reached Alexandria. Here he came in touch with countrymen who had an ox team and consented to accompany the explorer on his expedition. They drove through parts of Ottertail and neighboring counties reach ing the Red River at Fort Abercrombie and thence went down the valley some distance. On his return to Alexandria he wrote to Nordiske Tidende describing the land he had seen. One of the statements in his first letter to the public is worthy of re production. He wrote as follows : "The soil is productive in the highest degree and unusually easy of cultivation, as there is not as much as a stone or a stump in the way of the plow." It was this same land that General Hazen officially described as "unproductive, unsuitable for cultivation and only fit for mos- quitos, -wild animals and Indians." Much detailed information was given of the character of the country and the soil by Mr. Hjelm-Hansen in his first letter and this was further amplified by subsequent writings to the Norwegian papers in the United States and Norway. His readers followed the advice offered and immediately there began a migration of Norsemen that probably is without parallel in the history of their race. When the movement fairiy was under way in the middle seventies- a continuous stream moved day and night from the Atlantic coast to the Twin Cities of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul, where it divided into in numerable smaller streams which spread westward and north ward overflowing the valley and reaching far into South Dakota and North Dakota. Pioneering still is going on in Wisconsin and the Norweg ians have an active hand therein. Men from Telemarken, Nume dal and Stavanger located in Rock and Dane Counties and there established some of the largest and most prosperous colonies in 36 AGRICULTURE the West. Virtually all of them were engaged in agricultural pursuits. At first, it was a sordid struggle for mere existence. Poorly provided with household goods and agricultural imple ments they were compelled to live a life of primitive simplicity. Cholera and smallpox epidemics threatened, nature was stub born, the log cabins offered only a meagre shelter and their trials were many. But they hewed, sawed and cleared, then plowed and planted and later harvested. Their yields were small at first, but grew with each succeeding year and it was not so long before they found themselves in comparative comfort. In 1850 there were 8,651 Norwegian born residents of Wis consin nearly one half of the entire Norwegian population of the United States. Virtually all of them were engaged in farming and aiding thereby to lay the foundation of what has been one of the most progressive agricultural commonwealths in the world. Some five years ago Wisconsin was credited with having 200,000 residents of Norwegian ancestry. Unquestionably an overwhelming majority of them, if not actually tilling the soil, were engaged in promoting agriculture. No less, an authority than Mr. Samuel G. Iverson, for many years Auditor of the State of Minnesota, places the farm wealth of the Norwegian element in Minnesota at the prodigious figure of $1,200,000,000. And he states that his estimate is conserva tive. On account of his long service as State Auditor which enabled him to cover the entire State time and again Mr. Iver son probably is the best qualified person to undertake to make any such computation. "After the Federal Census of 1910 I undertook to learn what share the Norwegians had in the farm industry of my native State" Mr. Iverson explained to the writer. "From per sonal knowledge of the distribution of immigrant elements within the State and particularly in the rural sections, I reached the conclusion that the Scandinavians owned 115,000 of the 175,000 farms reported in Minnesota by the Census Bureau. From personal observation I should say that a greater proportion of Norwegian stock are engaged in agricultural pursuits than is the case with other immigrant elements and therefore half of this number was credited to that people. The number of farms in 37 AGRICULTURE Minnesota doubtless has increased by several thousands and with out question the Norwegian element has had its full share^ in the increase. Hence, no one will be far from wrong in placing the number of farms owned by this element at 60,000. Taking 160 acres as the size of the average farm and bearing in mind that thousands of farms have a value of $200 an acre and even more, the average value will be approximately $20,000 per farm. This value will of course include farm buildings, stock and machinery. Sixty thousand farms at $20,000 makes a total weailth of more than a billion, and although! the figure is unbelievable at first thought, I am sure that it is. conservative." It will be observed in this connection that Dr. J. S. John son after much careful investigation in 1913 placed the number of Norwegian farm owners at that time at 50,000, the extent of their holdings at 8,850,000 acres and the land value at $500,-! 000,000, so the estimates virtually coincide. Fillmore County saw the first Norwegian settlers in 1851. They came from Muskego colony in Wisconsin and very soon there as a procession from the older colonies in Wisconsin and Illinois to which were added 'the rising tide of immigration from the motherland. Of course, Fillmore County could not begin to hold them all and they overflowed into Houston, Mower, Olm- stead, Freeborn, Goodhue and Rice Counties. The war and the Sioux massacre halted the occupation of Minnesota for a period. It may be recorded that the Federal Census of i860 credits Norway with being the birthplace of 8,425 of Minnesota citizens. Virtually all of them were engaged in agriculture. They actually, laid the foundation for the future prosperity of the State. After the war and massacre, settlement was resumed; Ren ville, Yellow Medicine, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa and Swift Counties were occupied to such an extent that it was possible to travel for days at a time in certain districts without getting beyond the domain of the Norwegians. Later came the greatestj migration initiated by Hjelm-Hansen and which gave the Park; Region and the Red River Valley to the Norwegian immigrants and their descendants. Only in North Dakota, so far as is known, has an attempt been made to obtain exact figures of the land holdings Of the 38 AGRICULTURE Norwegians. In the year 1913 while preparing a North Dakota exhibit for Norway's Centennial Exposition, for which the State Legislature had made an appropriation, Alfred Gabrielsen under took to ascertain the amount of land owned by residents of Norse stock.. In this category he included only those bom in Norway or whose parents were born in Norway. In other words the statistics were limited to the first and second generation of Nor wegian blood. Undoubtedly there are many of the third and fourth generations of the race within the State, but having lost their identity as Norwegians and in numerous cases altered or changed their names, it would be a well nigh hopeless task to enunjerate them. His report showed that a solid territory of 600 square miles in Trail, Grand Forks and adjoining counties is populated exclusively by Norwegians. In addition there are the Sheyenne River, the Park River, the Turtle Mountain and the Williams and: Benson County settlements all of great extent. The report also showed that out of a total of 32,000,000 acres of taxable farm land in North Dakota 7,867,140 acres were owned by individuals classed as Norwegians. Using the aver age acre value of $35.00 fixed by the Federal Census Bureau he placed the value of this land at $275,349,200. Truly a princely sum. But, inasmuch as land values have more than doubled since the tabulation was completed and that land holdings have increased materially, the aggregate wealth of these people in North Dakota now reaches a stupendous sum. Mention should be made of C. P. Burastad, who at the time operated a cattle ranch of 6,000 acres in Logan County and John Steen, who had a "bonanza" farm near Rugby. Norwegians first settled South Dakota as farmers. They came from the Koshkonong Colony to Vermillion County in 1859. From this locality they spread in various directions and became the dominant element in many districts. There were various Indian scares, trying experiences with blizzards in which quite a number lost their lives, but the worst handicaps were event ually overcome. This element today comprises about 25 per cent of the population of the State. As early as the forties the Norwegians appeared in Iowa and they were real pioneers. Today the entire northern part 39 AGRICULTURE of the State is sprinkled liberally with Norwegian settlements. In not a few counties they are the dominant element and they have become famous as progressive farmers and breeders of livestock. Cyrus Tow, the famous Hereford breeder is of Norse blood and there are others who have achieved success in raising blooded stock. They have exerted an extensive influence on agriculture within the State and sent thousands of their sons and daughters to aid in developing other parts of the Union. Some of the finest farms in Iowa, which means -in the United States, are in the hands of racial stock with which this article is concerned. Norwegian farm communities were founded in Kansas and Nebraska as early as 1857, but it was not until after the Civil War that any considerable number of this people sought to ob tain land. Virtually all of them are engaged today in agricultural pursuits. What their number may be is not possible to deter mine, but it must be 50,000 in the two States and possibly many more. In the great rush at the opening of the Oklahoma re servation, there were quite a number of Norwegians and they obtained their share of the prizes. Michigan attracted numerous Norsemen in the early days. The parties that went out together were smaller than those which penetrated the more Western States. However, some were of considerable extent and virtually all proved successful. The Norse population of the State probably will reach 100,000. Early in the twentieth century a party was formed in Otter- tail County, Minnesota led by Jens Dunham, Amund Levorson and John L. Trosvig to find a new home in the South. Vir ginia was selected as a desirable field and a suitable tract was found near Williamsburg and named Norway. Some ten or twelve families comprised the first party. The land cost them from $5 to $10 an acre. By industry and intelligence and the application of modern metliods of farming they made a garden spot in the heart of the old Dominion. Within fifteen years their land easily was worth $75 an acre and upward. It is today an object lesson for the entire State and it is needless to say that this isolated band of Norwegians is highly regarded by their 40 AGRICULTURE neighbors and the State authorities. Instances of this kind are numerous and similar ventures without doubt may be found in virtually every State in the Union. Ole Bull, the famous violinist was an altruist and philan thropist in the broadest sense. Having knowledge of the un promising lot of thousands of his countrymen in Norway and realizing the glorious possibilities in the new world he undertook the foundation of a colony which he hoped would be a Mtecca for his people. Oleana, Odin and New Bergen were founded in Potter County, Pennsylvania in the early fifties and at one time these settlements became a complete failure. Nevertheless they had their value for they contributed one thousand very desirable people to other communities. Few Norwegian immigrants were attracted to New Eng land unless they were artisans or engaged in commercial pur suits, but there are small but prosperous Norwegian farming groups near Carlisle and Cambridge, Mass. near Berlin Mills, New Hampshire and in Connecticut. In the Southern States there are quite a number of thriving Norwegian colonies, notably the Listonia settlement in Georgia, Thorsby settlement in Alabama, the Oslo and Viking colonies in Florida and the Norse colonies at Lawrenceburg, Frankfort and Genesis, Tennessee. These andi others were founded in the nineties mostly by Norwegian farmers from the North who had found a change of climate desirable. Up and down the Pacific coast Norwegian farmers are found in numbers. Many rural communities were established by them when the country was in possession of the Siwash In dians, some antedating the Civil War. Martin Ulvestad credits Washington with 60,000 inhabitants of Norwegian descent in 1905, but there must be many times that number in the State at the present time. Oregon had quite a number of distinctive Norse colonies some years ago, and doubtless they still are flourishing. Several widely scattered groups of this race also located in California, one near Golita, Santa Barbara County, two in Humboldt County and in various other Counties. The mountain states of Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. In the rural districts of Montana 41 AGRICULTURE the Norwegians are particuarly numerous. There are thousands of them in Utah, probably one-eighth of the entire population of the State and there are successful Norwegian farmers in numbers in Idaho and Colorado. It must be confessed that the foregoing is an unsatisfactory treatment of a great subject.' Some day some one will have the time to prepare something more worthy of preservation as a his torical record. 42 INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDUSTRY COMMERCE, finance, ENGINEERING, LUMBERING AND GENERAL business enterprises. By Harry Sundby-Hansen Editor and Manager, Norwegian Section, Foreign Language Information Service, New York jMERICANS of Norwegian birth and lineage consti tute a considerable force in American industry. While by far the greatest number of the Nor wegian group in America is engaged in agricultural pursuits, there still remains a force of sufficient numbers to make its influence in industrial and allied occupations felt in the fields suited to the group's degree of skill and temperament. For the present purpose, those engaged in strictly in dustrial occupations as well as leaders and workers in a variety of enterprises embracing finance, commerce, engineer ing, architecture, the skilled trades and lumbering, are in cluded in the general classification of industry. In the basic industries of coal and metaliferous mining and in the manufacture of steel the number of Norwegian immigrants engaged as industrial workers is negligible. That sort of labor does not appeal to the Norse temperament. Nor way has no coal deposits and consequently that class of workers has not been developed. Only a limited amount of metaliferous mining is carried on, mainly copper and silver mining, and to a somewhat larger extent iron in northern Norway, but these industries require only a comparatively small force of workers. Neither does Norway manufacture steel except in a limited, specialized line. Norway's suzerainty over Spitzbergen or Svalbard, as the islands were called by the early Norse discoverers, offers some opportunity for the development of coal mine workers, but this 45 INDUSTRY field is as yet in its infancy and does not call for a very large force of men. Thus it comes about quite naturally that Norwegian im migrants in America remain for the most part aloof from these unfamiliar fields of labor. It is an outstanding characteristic of the Norwegian im migrant that he seeks and usually finds the kind of work he did in his native land. People from the rural parts of Norway settle in the rural regions of the United States; people from the cities remain as a rule urbanites here. It is one hundred years since immigrants from Norway began to come in large numbers. The first of these, the pioneers, hailed almost exclusively from Norway's rural dis tricts and remote coast villages. They soon found land to their liking and settled down to a life of agriculture. The urban people did not come until later. The first arrivals of these were laborers, sailors, and skilled mechanics. Sub sequently larger and larger numbers of skilled workers ar rived until the group found itself sufficiently numerous in various cities to form societies and develop organized group activities. Following these waves of immigration came still other classes of workers with speciaHzed education, and not a few with university training. Among the latter are men with doctor's degrees in medicine, law and theology. New York and Chicago each boasts an alumni association of the Univer sity of Christiania. Graduates are likewise found in Min neapolis, Seattle, and other centers of population as well as in many other parts of the country, all contributing of their knowledge and skill to the upbuilding of America. Norway has no illiteracy. Consequently no illiterate im migrants come from Norway. Disregarding for the present those with a technical train ing and higher education, all Norwegian immigrants possess at least a common school education plus a moral and religious training. In addition to these qualifications the girls and young women are trained in needle work, ordinary domestic duties and home making, the boys and young men in a trade or skilled handicraft. 46 INDUSTRY The work of the earlier Norwegian immigrants in break ing new land and aiding materially in the tremendous task of opening up the west and northwest for settlement, and the growth of cities and revival of business and prosperity fol lowing the Civil War, gave impetus to this urban class of im migration from Norway. The pioneers had already then be come "old settlers" and had given a good account of themselves as officers and enlisted men in the volunteer regiments of the Union army. Those, who by reason of age or other dis abilities remained at home, helped to raise food. In the earlier period of Norwegian immigration thousands flocked to the forests of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota where they constituted a factor in the lumbering industry. This was a work which many were famiUar with from Nor way. They arrived here with previous experience in wield ing the axe and logging, and with skill was coupled a robust physique, brawn and brain, desirable qualifications in such a strenuous occupation. The timber was floated down the rivers to saw mills where other Norwegian immigrant workers converted the- logs into building materials. These were there upon shipped to the citiees, to a large extent by means of the old lumber schooners on the Great Lakes. The lumber carrying traffic on the lakes in the 60s, 70s and 80s of the last century was largely in the hands of Nor wegian masters and sailors. In Chicago, Milwaukee and other lake ports men are still living who can look back to the "days of romance" when their sailing ships in endless procession carried the lumber that went into the construction of dwel lings for the constantly increasing population of our cities. A big single factor which gave stimulus to the lumber car rying traffic was the great Chicago fire of October 9, 1871. This fire was one of the worst on record. It reduced the greater part of the young city to a smouldering heap of ashes in less than three days, destroyed millions of dollars worth of property and rendered thousands homeless. Among the victims were large numbers of Norwegian immigrants of the artisan class. All joined with their fellow sufferers of all 47 INDUSTRY races in combating the fury of the onrushing flames as volun teer fireman and in rescue work. The date of the beginning of the Chicago fire has been adopted generally throughout the United States as "fire pre vention day." The city had to be rebuilt and speed was an essential element of reconstruction. Demand for lumber and all kinds of building material was enormous. Millions of feet of lumber were consumed in building operations in this one city alone. Thus Chicago became one of the most important lumber markets of the country. In all these operations Norwegian immigrants played a leading part. They cut the timber in the northern forests, transported the logs to sawmills, converted the sawn lumber into building material, carried the lumber and materials in their sailing ships down the lakes and finally as building contractors and artisans erected dwellings and structures of every description. In Chicago Norwegian builders and workmen did their full share in helping to re build the fire stricken city. In lumbering the Norwegian immigrant group still con stitutes a substantial factor in the forested areas of the Pacific Northwest. Large numbers of this group have moved westward in the course of the last quarter of a century until they and their descendants now make up a considerable proportion of the population of Washington, Oregon and other Pacific coast states. When the first white man set foot upon the great region west of the Cascade Mountains, he found a barricade of forest, unconquered and apparently unconquerable by man. Only the strong dared essay the task of making the advance. The weak, the fearful, the doubting, the cowardly had no place there. Where were the right men to be found? The pampered dandy of the streets and parlors would have perished before he had dropped a single giant tree. But the men came. They came from Norway, the land of hills and waterfalls, the land of lakes and fjords, the land of rock and forests. 48 INDUSTRY Their muscles were like the sinews of the giant firs ' themselves, tough, strong, enduring and unbreakable. Patience and endurance they had and eternal industry. Before them the mighty forests melted away. The stumps were uprooted, the stubborn roots were Hterally torn from the ground. Fields and gardens smiled where once the cougar roamed, and civilization and culture blossomed on the vanished realm of the wilderness. The Norwegian set to work in the forest, on the farm, or on the deck of a ship is the forerunner and advance guard of civilization. The forests on the Pacific Slope are the largest and den sest in the United States, and when removed from their native soil, are manufactured into lumber and find their way into all parts of the world. From the time the axe is applied to fell the giants and until they are loaded into the vessel that carries them to their destination, and during this process, they are handled many times. The handling is performed mostly by men of Norwegian birth or parentage. The logger, the millhand, the mechanic and finally the lumber loader who places them into the ships bound for the four corners of the earth are, if not exclusively, though mostly immigrant Norwegians. Starting in the logging business with his brawny hands and a team of oxen, the Norwegian immigrant skidded the mighty logs down the slopes into tide water. Later, true to his progressive nature he discarded the oxen for logging engines, and if the territory was too hilly, he later employed the air routes with cables and finally also became the first user of logging railroads with powerful locomotives. Over these roads he transported logs of unbelievable size to salt water, where a tug boat, built by a Norwegian shipbuilder, manned by a Norwegian . crew, would tow the mile along raft to mills, where the great part of the necessary labor power, skilled and unskilled, is supplied by Americans of Norwegian birth and parentage. A fist of the logging and mill companies on the Pacific Slope which are owned and operated by Norwegian-Amer- 49 INDUSTRY icans would fill pages. The one, however, who pioneered in this work on Puget Sound was Mr. A. H. Anderson, now deceased, a son of the Middle West pioneer, Mr. Mons An derson of La Crosse, Wisconsin. In the wood working trades of carpentering, house build ing, furniture making, wood carving, ship building, general shipyard work, including sail and rope making, Norwegian 'immigrants rank high as skilled workmen. They are more over to be found in practically all skilled trades including machine shops, tool making, electrical works, the manufac ture of fire-arms and the finer trades such as watch making and optical instrument manufacture. In Chicago and other cities are to be found local unions of organized workers in the carpentering, house painting and other building trades whose membership is made uj) exclusively of Norwegian im migrants or in which a majority are Americans of Norwegian birth or parentage. A large number of the group is en gaged in the printing trades and alhed industries of which a goodly proportion are compositors on our American news papers. In Chicago the membership of a local union of the International Typographical Union is made up entirely of Norwegian and Danish immigrant printers, the Norwegian contingent being heavily in the majority. These men are for the most part engaged in the composing rooms of Amer ican newspapers printed in the Norwegian language. In the wood pulp industry and the manufacture of paper Americans of Norwegian lineage play an important part. America is rapidly being deforested by the ruthless stripping: of our timbered areas. Forestry experts estimate that our forests will have entirely disappeared in fifteen years unless steps are taken to prevent such a calamity. The demand for news print and paper of all kinds is enormous. The demand for wood pulp for the manufacture of paper is bigger than America for many years has been able to supply by reason of timber shortage. Our shortage in the supply of wood pulp is relieved by imports from Nor way. In return Norway buys food stuffs and other neces saries from the United States. The maintenance of this 50 INDUSTRY commerce is of enormous importance to the economic wel fare of both nations. In New York and other Atlantic seabord cities many Americans of Norwegian lineage are engaged in the import and export business connected with the wood pulp and paper industry. Norwegian methods of converting wood pulp into paper, especially into news print for our great dailies, have been adopted by the American paper making industry, and many Norwegian immigrants are engaged in paper making. One of the largest American paper mills, one controlled and operated by Noi-wegian immigrant leadership and technical skill, is located in Maine. Among the foremost men in this line in New York are Mr. Jack Anderson, Mr. A. Olafsen and Mr. S. Jobs. Chris- tensen. In the manufacture of agricultural implements and farm' vehicles Norwegian immigrants and their descendants rank among the leading factors. Since agriculture is the basic industry of the Norwegian group it was to be expected that its members soon would enter a field of manufacture so closely related to the tilling of the soil. Foremost among these industries are plants in Stoughton, Beloit and Madison, Wis. where plows, wagons and agricultural implements of all kinds are manufactured under the leadership of Norwegian immigrants or descendants of Norwegian immigrant pioneers, who laid the foundation of the industry. The products of these plants are known to all American farmers for the excellence of their quality. One of the foremost and largest American plants for the manufacture of tool machines is also located in Madison, Wis. This enterprise was founded in the early 90s by the Hon. John A. Johnson, a Norwegian immigrant. Experts consider the tool machines produced there the best in America. The largest chair factory in the United States, possibly in any country, is located in Chicago and was founded by a Norwegian immigrant. Many Americans olf the Nor wegian group in Chicago are engaged as employers and workmen in the cooperage business. One of the largest SI INDUSTRY manufacturing plants in Chicago devoted to the making of desks and office furniture was founded by Norwegian im migrants and is owned and operated by their descendants. In Grand Rapids, Mich., Norwegian immigrant leader ship has developed a flourishing textile industry in the midst of this, the country's furniture making center. Mr. Alfred Clementsen the founder, is also interested in a large number of business enterprises and is regarded as one of the pillars of the community. In Manitowoc, Wis. is located one of the most extensive mercantile enterprises in America in the hands of descendants of its Norwegian immigrant founder, the late Osuld Torrison. In New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Fargo, Grand Forks, Seattle and other centers of population Americans of Norwegian lineage are found in practically all lines of business activity. The Norwegian group has three large city centers of population. Numerically Chicago is the largest. In proportion to population, however, Minneapolis holds first place. New York City is third. The principal occupations of Norwegian immigrants in New York are the skilled trades of carpentry and other building trades work, and large numbers are engaged as water front and marine transport workers in the harbor. A characteristic occupation of Norwegian immigrant sailors in New York is the trade called "rigging". Many of the group are also engaged in this work in Chicago and other cities where skyskraper construction work calls for a suf ficient force of men to make the work profitable. Riggers are men who by means of rope and tackle hoist steel beams aloft to iron setters working on the erec tion of steel skeletons of skyskrapers. These men are also employed in moving heavy objects, when necessary to hoist or lower them through upper story windows high above the sidewalk. It is a hazardous occupation, requiring men of robust physique, muscle and nerves of iron. They must also possess a thorough knowledge of the handling of ropes, splicing and looping. For these reasons former Norwe<^ian sailors are peculiarly fitted for the work. 52 INDUSTRY The business of marine surveying in the port of New York and other Atlantic ports is largely in the hands of Norwegian immigrant engineers. A prominent representative of this group is Mr. Christian Nielsen of New York, well known on the Atlantic coast as a marine engineer. In welfare work among employes in large manufacturing plants Mr. N. O. Nelson, a St. Louis manufacturer, was a pioneer among American employers in this field. A system of welfare work inaugurated by Mr. Nelson several years ago served to focus the attention of American employers upon his plant and to influence others to follow the example set by this progressive Norwegian American employer. Tobacco growing is classified both as agriculture and as an industry. It is included in this sketch because it is closely related to commerce in general. ' Americans of Norwegian birth and hneage are heavily interested in tobacco growing in the state of Wisconsin. Moreover, they are pioneers in the industry. Dane, Rock, Jefferson, Vernon and Crawford Counties are dotted with tobacco fields cultivated by Americans of Norwegian ex traction. The yearly crops marketed are valued at millions of dollars. An interesting fact in this connection is that through Norwegian immigrant enterprise Wisconsin tobacco is now cultivated successfully in Norway. Norwegians returning to the mother country brought plants and seeds with them to try as an experiment in Norwegian soil. The experiment proved successful beyond expectations and as a result Am ericans visiting Norway as tourists may have the pleasure of filling their pipes with Wisconsin tobacco grown in the Sogn district of the Land of the Midnight Sun. One of the pioneers in the Wisconsin tobacco industry and a leader in many other financial and commercial enter prises was Mr. Andrew Jensen of Edgerton, Wis. Mr. Jensen embodied the cardinal virtues of his race— integrity, straight forwardness and sturdy honesty. In him all classes of people placed impHcit confidence. 53 INDUSTRY In a necessarily hurried sketch such as this and the lack of time for research work it is manifestly impossible to do justice by a mention of all the enterprising pioneers and men of action who have blazed the way in industrial activ ity among the Norwegian group. Nevertheless, no sketch, no matter how general in scope, would be complete if it failed to mention Mr. Magnus Swenson of Madison, Wis. Coming to America from Norway at the age of 13 Mr. Swenson has carved out a career unique among Americans of Norwegian hneage. The recording in a comprehensive way of his numerous and varied achievements would alone require a chapter of considerable length. Mr. Swenson worked his own way all the way up. He was graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1880. Older students will remember him as a teacher of chemistry and later he became noted in chemical enterprises. He is credited with being one of the founders of the College of Agriculture of Wisconsin, one of the foremost institutions of its kind in the world. Mr. Swenson had a passion "for saving waste and is credited with a big share in placing the American sugar industry on its feet and developing the manufacture of glycerine on a large scale. He is the inventor of a number of important improvements in sugar refining machinery. To this work he devoted a number of years in Texas and other sections of the South. Subsequently he entered the field of machinery manu facture in Chicago. After leaving that field he planned to retire and take a well earned rest, but fate willed otherwise. The tremendous water power resources of Wisconsin which annually went to waste would not let him rest. He set to work developing the power of the great rivers of his beloved state. To his foresight and initiative are due in a large measure the present tremendous water power dev elopment of Wisconsin. The great Sauk City Dam bears living testimony to his vision and practical abiHty as an in dustrial organizer and builder. Nor can a sketch such as this be considered complete 54 INDUSTRY without mention being made of the late Mr. Anton M. Holter, who died at his home in Helena, Mont. July ' i6, 1921, at the age of 90 years. Mr. Holter was a leading fin ancier and an industrial pioneer in his section of the country. He came to America from Moss, Norway in 1854. After six years spent on the then frontiers in Iowa, Missouri and Min nesota he set out with a party of gold seekers headed for Pikes Peak, Colo. Meeting with indifferent success in his hunt for gold he set out for Montana taking with him a small sawing outfit. After many hardships he and a partner by the name of Evenson, also a Norwegian immigrant, managed during the winter to cut a considerable quantity of lumber. The following year they opened a lumber business in Nevada City. In 1867 Mr. Holter established the first sash and door mill in Montana. In the 70s he entered the copper and silver mining industry and in 1884 he established in partner ship with others the first street car line in Helena. Sub sequently he extended his mining operations to include gold and c(fel. Mr. Holter was at the time of his death among the best known of the generation of Norwegian pioneer immigrants who helped to clear the wilderness, advance the frontier and build up the great Northwest. Two sons, Norman B. Holter and Aubrey M. Holter, succeeded to the business in Helena. Another son, Edwin O. Holter, is a well known attorney in New York City. Americans of Norwegian extraction are extensively in terested in banking both in the larger cities and in the rural sections of the country. This is especially true in the- great Mississippi Valley. In the smaller citiees and towns up and down this great agricultural region Norwegian immigrants and their descendants are found everywhere as bank dn-ectors and as active executive heads of banking institutions. In New York, Chicago, Minneapolis and Other large cities thousands of the Norwegian group are to be found as executives and employes of the leading banking houses. : Banks founded and controlled exclusively 'by Nor- 55 INDUSTRY wegian immigrants and their descendants are scattered all over the country. They are, of course, most numerous in the Middle West and Northwestern States. The largest and most influential of these institutions is the State Bank of Chicago, founded in 1879. One of the founders, the late Mr. Helge A. Haugan, was at the time of his death a power in Chicago's financial circles and a leader in all progressive enterprises for the advancement of the city. ;. This bank, while it has drawn largely for its clientele upon the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish groups and owes much to their support, is nevertheless thoroughly American in spirit and business organization and enjoys the support of many leading Americans of other than Norse ancestry. As president of the bank, Mr. Henry A. Haugan, a typi cal American, is a worthy successor of his father. Another son. Captain Oscar H. Haugan,.^ is vice-president and man ager of the Real Estate Loan Department. In the matter of interesting himself actively in Norwegian group interests Captain Oscar Haugan is worthily upholding the tradition established by his father. • Another member of this noted immigrant family, who contributed to the upbuilding of the Middle West, was the late Hauman G. Haugan, a brother of the founder of the bank. He was for many years actively interested in trans portation development and served for forty years as comp troller of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. A station on the line is named in his honor. A large number of the Norwegian group is engaged in railroad work, as executives, as employes in the various de partments of railroad administration, in the train service as conductors and trainmen generally, as engineers and fire men, in the passenger and freight terminals and in many other capacities. The Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company's shops at Chicago was at one time manned almost exclusively by Norwegian immigrant workmen and there is still quite a number of the "old timers" employed there. The old town of Pullman, now a section of Chicago's aouth side, was in the 80s and 90s largely populated by 56 INDUSTRY Norwegian workmen employed as car builders in the plants of the Pullman 'Palace Car Co. This concern drew upon Norwegian immigrants for large numbers of its most skilled workmen in the fine wood working trades. Norwegians with technical education began arriving in the United States as early as the 60s and continued coming in small numbers through the 70s and early 80s. These men were for the most part mechanical and civil engineers, though there were also a few architects and chemists among them. The influx of technically educated men from Norway increased rapidly in the latter part of the 80s and grew to considerable proportions in the course of the two suc ceeding decades. Between 1890 and 1910 the great bulk of this class of Norwegian immigrants arrived on American soil. While statistics are lacking it is estimated by technical men in touch with group affairs within the profession that there are not fewer than 5,000 engineers and architects of the Norwegian group in America at the present time. Some of these are American born, but the great majority are immi grants and have received their education in the technical schools of Norway. A large contingent of these men was graduated from the leading technical institute of the country, Norway's Tech nical High School at Trondhjem. This school has given America a number of prominent men in the field of engi neering. Other schools represented in the group are Bergen, Christiania, Porsgrund and Horten. In Chicago the con tingent from Trondhjem is so numerous that an alumni asso ciation has been in existence for several years. While many of these men have never reached farther than the draftsman's table, it is nevertheless a fact that the number which has reached the top ranks of the profession is remarkably large. It is moreover a fact that in propor tion to population, Norway has not only given America a greater number of her people than any other sovereign nation on earth, but she has also given this country proportionately a greater number of technically educated men than any other country. 57 INDUSTRY It would be impossible here to estimate the values sup plied Anierica by these immigrants. That tViey are enor mous, considered from an economic standpoint alone, no one will seriously deny. Norway foots the educational bill, and when the young men reach an age when, according to natural expectation they should yield a return, they emigrate, many of them never to return. This supply of values costs America nothing. On the other hand America gives them larger opportunities for the exercise of their skill and efficiency. Space permits only a brief mention of some of the Americans of Norwegian birth and extraction who have made a name for themselves in the technical world. There are many more, but to include them all would require a large volume. In construction work in New York City Mr. Gunvald Aus, consulting engineer, and Mr. Kort Berle, architect, stand out prominently as distinguished men in their line. The two men are business partners. Mr. Aus came into prominence in connection with construction work on the United States Custom House, the monumental and artistic structure facing Bowling Green. Subsequently Mr. '[Aus added lustre to his fame by designing the steel work for the Woolworth Building, the beautiful "Cathedral of Commerce" on Broadway near City Hall Park, of which the distin guished American, Mr. Cass Gilbert, is the architect. In the designing and erection of the steel structure of this monu mental building, the tallest of its kind in the world, MV. Aus and Mr. Berle shared responsibilities and honors. Mr. John A. Gade of New York is a well known archi tect of high standard. Mr. Olaf Hoff, of New York City, consulting engineer, is the inventor of a new method of building subaqueous tun nels of which examples in New York are several subway tunnels under the Harlem river. He also built the great New York Central Railroad tunnel under the Detroit river. Mr. Hoff served for many years as engineer of bridges for 58 INDUSTRY the New York Central Lines. His brother, Mr. J. H. Hoff, a graduate of the Christiania Technical School, has followed bridge construction in the United States for a number of years and is now chief engineer for the American Bridge Company at Chicago. Mr. Carl Wigtel, of New York City, is an inventor and expert in the manufacture of hydraulic machinery. Mr. Otto J. Andreason is a designing and estimating engi neer, for many years with the world famous engineer, William Barclay Parsons, New York City. Mr. John Borge, of New York, has for many years been identified with the improve ment and manufacture of incinerators. In connection with New York subway construction work -Americans of Norwegian birth and education have taken a prominent part. Thus Mr. Sverre Damm has for more than twenty years been engineer in direct charge of subway construction in the American metropolis. Mr. Berge B. Furre and a large number of engineers of the Norwegian group are engaged in various capacities in connection with subway work. Mr. Guttorm Miller has likewise for over twenty years been connected with New York subway and other big construction enterprises. Mr. Eugene Schou, structural engineer with the Board of Edu-cation of New York City, has for years been prom inently identified with the construction of the city's numer ous public school buildings. Mr. Nils F. Ambursen of New York is a well known consulting, hydraulic engineer and the inventor of the Am bursen dam. Mr. John S. Branne, of New York, is a well known consulting engineer. In the silk industry Mr. A. Berg, of Paterson, N. J., is a chemical engineer and expert in silk dyeing. In the field of chemistry Mr. E. A. Cappelen-Smith, of New York; is an outstanding figure among Americans of the Norwegian group. He is another of the large number of graduates of the Trondhjem technical school who have made their influence felt in the American technical world. Mr. Cappelen-Smith has invented great improvement devices in 59 INDUSTRY the copper industry. The Mining and Metallurgical Society of America recently gave a dinner in his honor in New York at which he was presented with the Society's gold medal in recognition of his great services in the development of hydro- metallurgical science. It is especially his inventions and im proved methods employed in extracting copper from the ore that have made Mt. Cappelen-Smith famous. He is en gaged by the Guggenheim Co. in an expert capacity. Mr. Tinius Olsen of Philadelphia is a pioneer inventor and manufacturer of machinery for the testing of materials- He was awarded the grand prize at the Panama-Pacific Ex position at San Francisco. At Mr. Olsen's plant was built the largest testing machine in the world for the United States Bureau of Standards. Mr. Henrick V. Loss of Phila delphia made the first rolled steel railway car wheels in .Amer ica and has the Franklin Institute gold medal. Another Philadelphian of the Norwegian group, Mr. Carl G. Barth, is the inventor of a system of efficiency in industrial man agement. Mr. Viggo Drewsen of New York is a leading chemical engineer and a recognized authority on the subject of paper manufacture. Other prominent paper mill engineers are Mr. D. S. Jensen and Mr. Ole Berger of New York. Mr. Her bert W. Guettler of Chicago, a graduate of the Christiania technical school, is closely identified with the paper mill in dustry. He is the inventor of the Guettler barking drum, an improved method of removing bark from the logs, and other improvements in fibre making processes. Graduates of the Trondhjem and other technical schools in Norway are well represented in Chicago and other cities in the MJddle West. Many of the engineers who arrived in America in the 60s and 70s now hold high executive posi tions in the steel industry, in the state and municipal govem ment, in transit enterprises and with public commissions. One of the Trondhjem graduates of the early 70s is Mr. Gustav L. Clausen of Chicago, civil engineer and expert on sewer construction. Mr. Clausen was among the early arrivals in Chicago. He has devoted himself chiefly to the 60 INDUSTRY work of laying out cities and planning sewer systems for cities. He planned the town of Pullman and the town of Hyde Park, both of which now are within the city limits of Chicago, and several other cities adjacent to the Middle Western Metropolis. Mr. Clausen was for a number of years superintendent of sewers of the City of Chicago and is a recognized authority on sewer construction. Mr. E. Lee Heidenreich is another Trondhjem graduate of the 70s who has reflected glory on his Alma Mater. Mr. Heidenreich is the inventor of the modern type of grain ele vators used in America. He made a specialty of building large grain elevators both in and outside of Chicago. Several of Chicago's big grain elevators are his work. Mr. Heiden reich also specialized in reinforced concrete and wrote a book on this subject. He was considered the foremost en gineer in the world of reinforced concrete construction. To gether with Mr. A. A. Boedtker, also a Trondhjem grad uate, Mr. Heidenreich built a number of the beautiful ex hibit buildings of the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893. Mr Boedtker was a leading railroad engineer. These two men also built a big section of the famous drainage canal between Chicago and Lockport, 111. Mr. Leonhard Holmboe, a graduate of the Christiania technical school in the early 70s, designed and built one of the largest steel plants in America, the Illinois Steel Com pany's South Works on the southwest shore of Lake Michi gan at Chicago. Mr. Holmboe has been in the service of this company for a period of forty-one years and is chief engi neer of construction. Another graduate of the Christiania technical school of the same period is Mr. Thomas G. Pihl- feldt of Chicago. Mr. Pihlfeldt is a noted bridge engineer and the inventor of many improvements in bridge construc tion, notably in the Pihlfeldt-Ericsson or Chicago type of "jack-knife" bridges of which Mr. Pihlfeldt has built a large number for the City of Chicago. He is chief engineer of bridges for the city, a position he has held for more than twenty-five years. Mr. Joachim G. Giaver is a noted civil engineer and 61 INDUSTRY a graduate of the Trondhjem school in the early 70s. As a young man he held the position of chief engineer for one of the large bridge companies of Pittsburgh. He came to Chicago in 1891 and entered immediately upon the work of designing the steel frame of the great exhibit buildings of the World's Fair. Subsequently he held the position of chief engineer for H. D. Burnham Company, designing skyscrapers. He is - one of the foremost engineers in America on skyscraper construc tion, and is the inventor of the well known Giaver bell foundations. Mr. Giaver was connected with the construc tion of several of the largest buildings in the country in cluding the Equitable Building in New York and other large structures. In steel plant construction Mr. A. B. Neumann of Chicago holds an eminent place. Mr. Neumann is a grad-l uate of the Trondhjem Technical school in the 90s and came to the United States shortly afterwards. He is the designer and builder of the largest steel plant in America, possibly in the world, the great plant of the United States Steel Corporation at Gary, Ind., on the south shore of Lake Michigan just outside of Chicago. The plan of the new City of Gary is also Mr. Neumann's work. He held the position of chief engineer of the city and laid out this newly created manufacturing town on the basis of a popu lation of 100,000 people. Other steel plants built by Mr. Neumann are the American Rolling Mill Company's plant! at Middletown, Ohio and seamless tube plants for the Pitts-! burgh Steel Products Co. Mr. Neumann is an inventor and has patented the first blast furnace rotary distributor which greatly improved on blast furnace practice. Mr. J. A.' Dyblie is a prominent engineer of the Nor wegian group in the steel industry. He too is a graduate; of the Troiidhjem school in the early 70s. For a number of years he held the position of chief engineer of Anaconda Mining Co., Anaconda, Mont. He then went to the Illinois Steel Company and is at present chief engineer at this company's Joliet, III, works. Mr. Dyblie is an inventor and has secured patents on many valuable improvements in the 62 INDUSTRY copper industry as well as in the iron and steel industry. Mr. Christian Holt and his brother, Mr. Severin Holt, are well known engineers and inventors. Mr. Christian Holt spent all his time in the service of the United States Gov ernment designing locks in rivers and other navigable water ways. Mr. Severin Holt is an inventor and was for a num ber of years with the McCormick Co., now the International Harvester Co. of Chicago. He invented and patented several machines built by this company and he is also the patentee of the well known Holt cream separator. Mr. H. Claussen and Mr. Carl Printz are well known engineers and hold important positions with the £. P. Ellis Co. of Milwaukee. Wis. Mr. K. Baetzman is a graduate of the Trondhjem Technical School and holds an important position in one of the large steel plants near Chicago. Mr. Leif Lee. has been chief engineer and assistant to the president of a' large steel plant in the Youngstown, Ohio, district. Mr. Halfdan Lee, a brother of Leif, was also engaged in the steej^ in dustry and then entered the coke making industry. He now holds an important position with a large concern in Pittsburgh. Mr. Gustav Bergendahl and his brother, Mr. EiUar Bergendahl, both of Chicago, are noted engineers and build ers. A third brother, Mr. Carl Bergendahl, has for years been identified with bridge construction. Mr. Einar Bergen dahl is at present engaged on the construction of the great bridge over the Delaware river between Philadelphia and Camden. Mr. F. W. Cappelen was until his death on October i6, 1921, city engineer of Minneapolis. Mr. Cappelen was born in Drammen, Norway, in 1857 and came to the United States in the early 80s. He was for some years with the Northern Pacific Railroad in Montana and was later this company's bridge engineer with headquarters in Minneapolis. In 1886 he entered the service of the city and in 1892 he became City Engineer. He built the Northern Pacific bridge over the Mississippi river near the University of Minnesota, the Third Avenue bridge and the city filtration plant. He 63 INDUSTRY was an inventor and patentee of a number of improvements in reduction plants. Mr. J. Heyerdahl-Hansen is a noted engineer of the Norwegian group on the Pacific Coast and is president of a large Diesel engine company. Mr. Knut Dahl is chief engi neer of the well known Union Iron Works of San Fran cisco. He is also the inventor of the famous oil burner used by the United States Navy for our gun boats. Mr. J. P. Paulson is chief engineer of the C. H. Moore Iron Works of San Francisco. This list could be extended, but time and space forbid it. The foregoing is sufficient to show that the Norwegian group has made substantial contributions to the upbuilding of our country. These men are thoroughly American in spirit and take a pride in their work for America. The psychology of the attitude of mind of the Norwegian immi grant toward the Hfe and ideals of his adopted country is that tlje transplantation process is perhaps effected with a minimum of pain as compared with some other racial groups. The spirit and ideals of America are largely those with which he is familiar in Norway. America gives to the ideals within him a quickening impulse. In concluding this sketch of Norwegian immigrant in dustrial contributions it is fitting that mention be made of an important industry the Norwegian group has given our great northern territory of Alaska. Reindeer were first in troduced in Alaska many years ago from Northern Nor way, where nomad Lapps are the principal raisers of these useful animals. Lapps sustain a relation to the govern ment and people of Norway somewhat akin to that of the Indians with respect to the Government and people of America. During the last twenty years reindeer raising in Alaska has assumed large proportions and much of this industry is in the hands of Americans of Norwegian birth and descent. One of the foremost men in this work is Federal Judge G. J. Lomen, of Nome, who controls a herd of 30,000 animals. Judge Lomen is a native of Iowa of Norwegian parents. He practiced law a number of years in Minneapolis 64 INDUSTRY before going to Alaska twenty-one years ago. Alaskan rein deer raisers are now estabHshing markets for reindeer meat all over the United States thus adding a delicacy to the country's food supply by means of an industry of great economic possibilities. The assertions made in this sketch are based largely upon experience and contact with men in all walks of industrial activity. They are conservative. More could be said fori the industry, thrift, progressiveness, integrity, and depcnd-j ability of the Norwegian immigrant. Sufficient has been' told, however, to show that this group has made substan tial and lasting contributions to our country's upbuilding.j The character, life and work of Americans of Norwegian birth and descent deserve well of our great Republic, to which they are all whole-heartedly devoted. FISHERIES CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN FISHERIES By Thomas H. Kolderup Vice Consul of Norway, Seattle, Wash. jHEREVER Norwegians have taken up their home, whatever they have done, their sterling honesty, t their sturdy character and their clear intelligence have always made their mark in the development of the country of their choice. It is, therefore, only natural that their influence and contribution become so much greater in spheres, where their forefathers for generations have found their life-work, where their old country has been one of the foremost during all time. The writer is not in possession of the necessary facts to judge competently of the contribution made by the Nor wegians to the fisheries of the Atlantic Coast, but, judg ing from the information he has been able to gather, they have been prominent in the fishing • on that coast from the very beginning of the immigration of the Nor wegians to America. During the last few decades they have also made great strides in the development of the fish canning industry of the Atlantic Coast. But the Norwegians have never in the fisheries on the Atlantic Coast been represented in such great numbers that the whole fishing industry has been, so to speak, impregnated by them and led by them. This, however, is eminently the case on the Pacific Coast and in Alaska. It may be said with out fear of contradiction, that the Norwegians have pioneered practically all kinds of fishing on the Pacific Coast, that they have taken the initiative and carried their plans to success as far as their limited capital has allowed. But in the early days of the fisheries the capital held and owned by Norwegians was insignificant and when more money was 69 . FISHERIES required to accomplish the results they had planned, it oftei became necessary to interest others. Too often did it ther '6ccur, when other capital was secured, that the originators of the plans and the successful workers in the enterprise were ousted, the new capital claiming the credit for the accomplished success. Nevertheless — the initiative was Nor wegian — the first and hardest work, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles of conditions and nature, was done by Nor wegians. Success could not have been accomplished without this display of initiative, intelligence and energy. . A few words should be said about the contribution of the Norwegians to the development of the most important branches of fishing on the Pacific Coast, namely: Salmon, Halibut, Herring, Cod and Whaling. I have mentioned salmon first, as this branch of fishing is so decidedly the most important on the Pacific Coast. The value of the salmon catch does now and has for many years constituted more than 80 percent of the total value of all fish products. Up to about 1878 practically all salmon fish ing and canning was done on the Columbia River, some on other rivers in Oregon and California and but very little on Puget Sound and in Alaska. In 1878 the output from Columbia River was 460,000 cases out of a total for the entire district of 629,191 cases. And the greatest part of these 460,000 cases of American salmon was caught by Norwegian fishermen. Capital for canneries they had none, nor did they perhaps know enough about the country and its customs to conduct successfully such a business, but they had the un tiring energy of the old Norwegian vikings, they had the courage of their forefathers to wrest from the sea its silver treasures. And they made a name for themselves, "Nor wegian" became a synonym for sterling honesty and un questioned courage. On Puget Sound we hear of one John Brygger, a Norwegian, who in 1876 founded one of the first salmon fisheries at Salmon Bay near Seattle and the salmon fishing and canning industry grew from that time on apace in Washington and particularly in Alaska. Out of a total 70 FISHERIES pack of 629,191 cases packed on the Pacific Coast in 1878 Alaska's share was only 8,159 cases, while in 1898 Alaska packed about i million out of 2,484,722 and in 1918 6,177,569 out of a total of 9,692,300 cases. The predominant figure amongst the early Norwegians in the salmon business in Alaska is Peter Thams Buschmann, who in 1 89 1 with wife and 9 children came from Trondhjem to Tacoma. His influence has been more widely felt and his achievements are probably greater than any other of the early Norwegians in Alaska. For a few years he made his home on Puget Sound, experimenting with different branches of fishing and fishing business and during that time he located and put in the first salmon trap on Lummi Island, Puget Sound, in 1892. This location was some years ago sold for the sum of $90,000.00, the largest amount ever paid for a salmon trap site. But Buschmann saw in Alaska the greatest future for the American fisheries and in 1894 he disposed of his hold ings in Washington and took a homestead in the southern part of Alaska. The future proved his judgment to be correct. The fishing products of Alaska now exceed in value those of the combined fisheries of British Columbia, Wash ington, Oregon and California. Out of an approximate total value of all the American fisheries in the entire district of 72 million dollars in 1920 Alaska produced $43,443,340.00. Buschmann started his first cannery in 1894 and later on 3 more canneries were built by him. On this homestead and the adjoining land a town grew up, named "Petersburg" in honor of Peter Buschmann its Norwegian immigrant founder. This town of probably 1,500 inhabitants is one of the main centers of the fishing business in Alaska and it is claimed, that at least 90 percent of its inhabitants are of Norwegian birth and descent. In 1901 Buschmann put in the first salmon trap in Icy Strait, Alaska, and the fishing, which was previously done exclusively by purse seines has gradually changed, so that now probably 50 percent of the salmon are caught by trap and 50 percent by purse seines. Buschmann's work gave 71 FISHERIES a great impetus to the cannery business in Alaska and after his death most of his sons have followed in his footsteps. His oldest son. Christian Henry Buschmann, was until his death General Manager of one of the largest fish industries in the United States and his second son, August Busch mann, is now the owner of the most modern and one of the largest canneries in Alaska. ' The process of salting salmon, packing the fish in large tierces — "mildcure" is the technical term used — was started on the Pacific Coast in 1893 by representatives of Einar Beyer of Bergen, Norway, who is now the president and general manager of one of the very large fishing industries on the coast. This way of treating salmon was started on a small scale on Columbia River for export to Europe, but the business has developed greatly and the largest quantity of mild- cured salmon is now produced in Alaska. In addition to the quantities exported the article has also found a large market in the United States and the yearly value of mildcure salmon exceeds now 2 million dollars. Halibut fishing is pre-eminently a Norwegian undertaking and was started by Norwegians in the latter part of the 19th jcentury. Just a sailboat and a few men fishing from dories jOn the bank off Cape Flattery, Washington. It was at that itime an exceedingly dangerous and hazardous task and took men of the highest courage and intelligence. For a number of years only Norwegians partook in the halibut fishing, but during later years fishermen from Nova Scotia and New Foundland have also fotind their way out here. However,! even today about 80 percent of the hahbut fishermen are! immigrant Norwegians. The fleet of fishing vessels has now reached the number of about 300 and practically all of them ^ are owned andi operated by Norwegians. 'The type of vessels differs, quite a number are now of the most modern construction with destil-j late or oil engines. The crews range from 3 to 15 men! and about a total of 1,800 men are engaged in this branch of ;| fishing. Sentimental regard for the mother-country is indiJ cated by man^ of the names given the vessels, such as "Tor- FISHERIES denskjold", "Ibsen", "Eidsvold", "Alten", "Helgeland", and "Vestfjord" and the three last names seem also to indicate the local origin of the owners. The sailing boat of olden days made a round-trip of about 300 miles to the banks off Cape Flattery to catch the halibut. the modern schooner of today makes in 3-4 weeks a round- trip of about 3,000 miles to the banks off Kodiak Island, Alaska, and returns with a catch that may give owners and crew a net sum of up to $4,000.00. The trips are often hard and stormy and the fishing mostly done 20 to 60 miles off shore, but the vessels are staunch and can ride out any storm that a present day steamship can weather, and should damage occur, then the ship will be taken care of and repaired at the Vessel Owners' own Marine Railway and Repair Yard". But accidents are few and comparatively speaking very few men are lost at sea. In order to judge of the importance of the halibut fisheries on the Pacific Coast it should be mentioned that the value of the catch in 1920 amounted to more than 7 million dollars and that more than 49 million pounds of halibut were brought into the ports of the Pacific in 1920. Herring is exclusively an Alaska product and was in the early days caught practically only for bait for the other fisheries, for fertilizer and for oil, until Peter Thams Busch mann, referred to under the salmon fisheries, started to do salting in commercial quantities in 1898 or 1899. Only a few thousand barrels were then packed and a market for these was found amongst the Scandinavians of the Middle West. Others, mostly Norwegians, followed Buschmann's example and the demand for the article grew gradually lar ger. The development of this branch of fishing has been wonderful, more than 100,000 barrels being packed in the year of 1918. The quality of the Alaska herring is excel lent and by experts claimed to be superior to any European herring. Amongst business men and consumers the opinion is prevalent that the Alaska herring will unquestionably, within a short time, exclude any other herring from the American market. /3 " FISHERIES Cod fishing is the oldest fishing industry on the Pacific Coast, starting as early as 1863 or 1864. The cod has all been caught in Alaska around the Shumagin Island, the Aleutian Islands and in the Bering Sea. It was at its in ception a strictly American undertaking, sailing ships being outfitted in San Francisco for their season's trip north.; A great many of the crew were, however, already in the earliest days Norwegian fishermen. The industry has been gradually expanding and vessels are now also being sent north from Anacortes and Seattle, Washington. The boats are chiefly manned by Norwegian crews and Norwegian masters. Although cod-fishing is the oldest fishing industry on the Pacific Coast it is of less importance than any other in that district and the total value of the products from 1867 up to the present day amounts to only about 10 mil lion dollars. The whaling industry on the Pacific Coast is of very old date, sailing ships being sent into the Arctic mostly from San Francisco to catch the bow-heads, principally for their value in whale^bone. Later on other products of the whale were also partly utilized, but this manner of catchingi became gradually obsolete and the industry dwindled in the early part of the twentieth century down to practically nothing. It remained for the Norwegians to introduce modern shipsi and modern methods. Through Norwegian initiative modem whaling was started in British Columbia in 1905 or 1906 and in the United States a shore whaling station was erectedj in 1913 at Port Armstrong, Alaska, with partly Norwegian! capital and under entirely Norwegian management. To this establishment belonged three of the most modern ships, which, although built in the United States, were exact reproduc-| tions of the present day Norwegian whaler and did excel lent work. Since that time three other companies, also with part Norwegian capital, have been established and success fully operated. 74 FISHERIES While it is on the northern shore of the Pacific Ocean, Oregon, Washington and Alaska, that the Norwegians have done their greatest work and made their largest contribution to the American fisheries, their influence has also been dis tinctly felt in California. As individuals they have been fore most in the catching of the fish and during later years they have introduced modern methods into the canning industry of sardines and tuna-fish. Several large concerns, composed of Norwegians, are now leading factors in this industry. A whaling company has also a few years ago been started by California Norwegians and is already a proven success. In this short article there is no opportunity of going more deeply into statistics, nor more exhaustively into the history of the fishing industry. What the writer has tried to demonstrate and hopes to have proved is only this out standing fact: That the Norwegians have done more than any other immigrant group towards the development of the present day American fisheries and that these fisheries could not have reached the magnitude of today without this contribu tion to America's making. 75 Sffll'PING CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMERICAN SHIPPING By Audun H. Teln^es T required time and much dickering before the Indians consented to sell Manhattan Island to the Dutch settlers. One of the biggest stumbUng blocks in the way of that famous bargain was the lack ot a common language. But as history records "it, the deal went through and the island passed out of the hands of the Indians who appeared to have been satisfied with the compensation amounting .in value to twenty-four dollars. This historical^ real estate deal was closed with the help of a Norwegian sailor by the name of Sand, who acted as interpreter be tween the Indians and the Dutch. This incident illustrates the versatility and world-wide experience of the Norwegian sailor. No shore, no country, no harbor was strange land to him. During hundreds of years his blue eyes had penetrated the unknown and always there was a longing to roam over the big oceans. Thousands of rugged, able-bodied, clean-cut Norwegian sailors have fared westward in a steady stream toward America. Accurate figures showing how many Norwegian born sailors have helped to man American ships are not available, but acceptable proof of their conspicuous participation in American shipping is to be found in the fact that few Amer ican writers of native maritime affairs — fiction included — fail to include one or more Norwegian names in describing the crew of ships with which the story deals. And there is surely no American harbor where "Ole Olesen" is a myth to shipping people and others familiar with water front activities. Before the age of steamships— when the picturesque and romantic sailing vessels were the ambassadors of trade, hardly a Yankee Clipper cut the blue oceans of the world without 79 SHIPPING Norwegian sailors on board. It happened quite often more over that all hands in the forecastle were born in the Land of the Midnight Sun, and the rule was that Norse sailors were welcome on all American sailing ships. It happened, of course, that the difference of language made it difficult for all concerned during the first few weeks, but this draw back was easily outweighed by the conspicuous efficiency of the Norwegians in all a seaman's work. There are still to be found many a Yankee skipperl who will vow that no better sailors can be found than Nor-^^ wegian tars. Thousands of them have become American citi zens and prefer to sail under The Stars and Stripes. The seaman in the golden era of America's sailing vesj sels was above everything required to know his business. No better kept ships were wafted by the winds over tht seven seas than the Yankee Clippers and few ships madp quicker passages. To man these ships were needed firs| of all men who did not shrink on account of a wet coat and who had no fear of the many hazards and dangers of life at sea. In such surroundings the Norwegian born sailor fitted perfectly. From his boyhood days he was used to hardship and the ways of the sea. Many of these sailors came to America and their skill as seafaring men was soon discovered and valued on ships flying the Stars and Stripes- Reliable accounts of the advancement of .American sailors of Norwegian lineage are lacking. A few available records show, however, that quite a number found in due time a place on the quarterdeck. This is especially the case on the Great Lakes, where Norwegian sailors went in large num bers in the early days. It is also recorded that Norwegian born sailors by hard work and thrift became owners of their own schooners. There was at one time a large fleet of these ships on the Great Lakes. Many of these ships were built by Norwegian immigrant shipbuilders who had learned the shipbuilding trade in their native country. In other inland waters and lakes Norwegian immigrants have been conspicuous for enterprise. Thus Captain P. C. Sorensen, who came to Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, in 1880 from 80 SHIPPING Kragero, Norway, built the first steamboat on that big lake. This was the government owned "Amelia Wheaton," in the service of Fort Sherman. Captain Sorensen served as its skipper for a number of years. He navigated the lake in every direction and named all the principal bays and points besides making the first official map of Lake Coeur D'Alene. He also was in charge of dredging the mouth of the Coeur D'Alene river, the first work of this kind in northern Idaho. Mr. P. W. Johnson later became Captain Sorensen's partner and the two men operated for a number of years an ex tensive boat building business. In more recent times it is evident that American sea men of Norwegian birth and descent have decided to ad vance to the highest positions. The coming of the steam- slwp upon the high seas seems to have fired them with an ambition to advance to the most responsible positions in American maritime affairs. How strong this ambition is may to a certain extent be gauged by the record made in the World War. During the most critical days when the transportation of troops and munitions of war was a question of life or death for our gallant fighting men many American ships were navigated through a floating hell of mines and submarines by Amer ican skippers of Norwegian birth or extraction. Hardly a single American transport sailed without a part of the crew at least being immigrant sailors of the Norwegian group. As an illustration of the numerical strength of immi grant sailors of Norwegian lineage in American shipping to day, it is perhaps sufficient to point out that between 10,000 and 15,000 of these seamen are employed annually on board American merchant vessels. These figures do not include the large number of immigrants of the Norwegian group who are employed in harbor transport work in our ports and in the American coastwise trade. In this particular branch of shipping Norwegian born American sailors have made a sub stantial contribution to the upbuilding of American shipping. During many generations Americans of the Norwegian group have taken a leading part in the American revenue 81 SHIPPING cutter and lighthouse tender service. fudging from the honorable discharges many of these sailors are the proud possessors of, there is every reason to believe that they have done their full duty to our government. And what is true of the men in the government service is equally true of the sailors of this group in the United States Navy. Here the descendants of the Norwegian vikings were some years back found to outnumber all other immigrant groups among the enlisted men. The rolls of our navy disclose a large number of names of officers and enlisted men of Nor wegian racial origin. Large numbers of the young Amer icans who enlist in the navy today come from the Middle West where Norwegian immigrant settlers form a substantial part of the community. In one particular service of the navy American sailors of the Norwegian group have for years served in conspicu ously large numbers. This is in the navy transport service. During the Spanish-American war many transports were manned almost exclusively by sailors of this group. There is one branch of American sea life in which sailors of Norwegian lineage have made a contribution equalled by no other immigrant group. This is in the field of American yachting. Here these sailors have joined with American boat designing ability and yacht building their efficiency as sailors in keeping the American flag in a place of honor. For a long time a great part of American yachting has been in the hands of Norwegian immigrant sailors. Hardly a race o'f consequence has been sailed in which these men did not make up the crews of the contending boats. In the inter national race in New York in July, 1920, the victorious Amer ican cup defender was manned by one Dane, eleven Swedes and twenty-two Norwegians. Among the latter were the Reso- lute's sailing master and all the other navigating officers, j Many American sailors of the Norwegian group have! taken a prominent part in the organization and development of the different seamen's associations. In this field it is only necessary to point out that the leader of the, American or^ ganized seafaring men is an American of Norwegian birth, 82 SHIPPING Mr. Andrew Furuseth, President of the International Sea men's Union of America. Before concluding this brief sketch of the part Norwegian immigrant sailors have played in the upbuilding of Amer ican shipping, it is proper to mention that for many years our merchant marine has profited by the experience of a large number of capable Norwegian shipping men, who have helped to make it possible for our sailing vessels and steam ers to secure cargoes in competition with the ships of other maritime nations. During the height of shipping activities during the World War many trained shipping men of this group acquitted themselves with credit in this branch of American shipping. Space forbids a detailed account of the life and work of Norwegian born sailors in helping to build up our great merchant marine. This sketch would not be complete, how ever, if we failed to call attention to the team work carried on between Norway and the United States during the World War with regard to shipbuilding operations. Norwegian immigrant shipbuilding enterprise was of special importance to America in the first years of the war. The enterprise and efficiency of the Norwegian group helped to save many American lives and assisted in bringing on a speedy ter mination of the war. This big seafaring contingent of the Norwegian immi grant group has done its full share in the development of -American shipping. 83 CHURCH AND EDUCATION ll^'^ CHURCH AND EDUCATION By Gisle Bothne Professor of Scandinavian Languages and Literature in the University of Minnesota ^HE Lutheran church is by far the strongest of the church organizations among the Norwegians of Amer ica, and what the Norwegian Lutherans have done for education is the most important contribution the Norwegians have made to America's Making. Americans of Norwegian birth or extraction affiUating with other denominations have not neglected education, but have established no schools of their own. As a rule, the Methodists, Baptists and others have their pastors trained and their young people educated in schools connected with larger American institutions of learning as f. i. at the Northwestern University at Evanson, 111. Others, as the Seventh Day Ad- ventists, have combined with Danes in establishing schools of their own. To tell the story of the Norwegian Lutherans in the United States, of the various Lutheran church bodies, their struggles and controversies, is^ impossible within the space allowed, although a knowledge of this is essential to a com plete understanding of the origin and history of their educa tional institutions. At present there are two Norwegian Lutheran bodies that have to be mentioned in a discussion of what the Luther ans of Norwegian origin have done in the educational line in America. The smaller body is the Free Church which, after separa tion from the United N. L. Church in 1893, retained and has ever since maintained the old established institution in Minneapolis, Augsburg Seminary, a combination of a theo logical seminary, college and preparatory department. The 87 CHURCH AND EDUCATION Free Church also has established a school for girls and young women in Fargo, N. D. By far the larger church body is the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, the strongest and most powerful or ganization of Norwegians in America. This church body was formed in 1917 by the merging of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church with the Norwegian Synod and the Hauge Synod. Twenty institutions are at the present time under the supervision of the Church Board of Education. The Board defines its duties in the following words : "The department of education is that sphere of the activity of the Church in which the Church endeavors to awaken and nourish the con sciousness of its own Christian educational mission and to provide ways and means by which its educational duties can be most effectively discharged. The agency which has been instituted by the Church and through which, as a guiding and coordinating center, the Church aims to carry its educational purpose into effect is the Board of Education." Of the twenty institutions eight are owned and gov erned by the Church: I. Lutheran Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. 2. Norwegian Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. 3. St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. 4. Red Wing Seminary, Red Wing, Minn. 5. Augustana College and Normal School, Sioux Falls, S. D. 6. Madison Normal School, Madison, Minn. 7. Spokane College, Spokane, Wash. 8. Canton Normal School, Canton, S. D. Twelve institutions not directly owned by the Church receive aid: 9. Canada College, Canada. 10. Central Wisconsin College, Scandinavia, Wis. II. Clifton College, Clifton, Texas. 12. Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. 13. Gale College, Galesville, Wis. 14. Jewell Lutheran College, Jewell, Iowa. 56 CHURCH AND EDUCATION 15. Luther Academy, Albert Lea, Minn. 16. Outlook College, Canada. 17. Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, Wash. 18. Park Region Luther College, Fergus Falls, Minn. 19. Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, 111. 20. Waldorf College, Forest City, Iowa. The Lutheran Ladies' Seminary, Red Wing, Minn., a school for girls, stood in the same relation to the Church as this class of subsidized schools until the buildings were de stroyed by fire two years ago. It will probably be reestab- hshed. Out of the total budget for 1921-22 of $354,086.61 Concordia College at Moorhead, Minn., which maintains a complete college, will receive $24,800; the other eleven subsi dized schools which are not colleges, though some have the name, receive only $11,000. The balance goes to the institu tions owned and governed by the Church. Of the twenty schools above mentioned, Luther Seminary, with 10 professors, prepares students for the ministry. Four are colleges, only one, St. Olaf, exclusively so; three, Luther, Concordia, Augustana, have also in connection with the college department, preparatory schools, in the Board's official report listed as academies. Spokane College has, in addition to the academy, only College Freshman and Sophomore classes. The others, listed as academies, offer high school or normal courses in both. Of the academies the Board in its last report says: "They are important. Through them our Church can give to a larger number than our colleges can reach, and at a younger age, a culture touched by the finger of Christ. These (subsidized) schools have received only scant recognition by the Church. It is of the utmost impor tance that the academies should receive far more liberal help from the Church." In the twenty institutions 284 men and women, of whom only a very few served part time, were employed as in structors in the year 1920-1921, and the total number of the students was 4,045. Sy CHURCH AND EDUCATION The following tables show the status of attendance and of the number and class of graduates of the various institutions for the year 1919-20: Attendance 1919-20 SCHOOLS COLLEGE ACADEMY Model Boys Girls Boys Girls Total : Music School Luther Seminary 87 Luther College - 127 90 217 St. Olaf College.™ 381 330 790 79 Red Wing Seminary 111 89 200 9 Augustana Col. & Nor mal School 2 n 147 226 n 40 Madison Nor. School-... 26 65 91 32 Camrose College 18 63 81 2 Concordia College 60 66 224 201 551 177 Clifton College 27 18 45 6 Gale College 67 71 138 62 Jewell Luth. Col 47 79 126 44 Luther Academy 97 129 226 97 LuthL Ladies Seminary ' 152 152 18 Outlook College 39 64 103 53 Park Region L. Col 119 72 191 48 31 PI. View L. Col 76 80 156 17 Scandinavia Academy 28 96 124 Spokane College <..._ 8 2 68 49 127 4 4 Waldorf College ..- 120 106 226 134 Total 580 475 1,234 1,481 3,857 859 71 90 CHURCH AND EDUCATION Graduates 1919-20 SCHOOLS <1 n 6 3 o M W M M W MWMW MWMW MWMW Tot. Luther Seminary Luther Colleere. . 18 St. Olaf College. 65 46 Red Wing: Sem. Aug. Col. & Nor. School Madison Normal School Camrose College Concordia Col... 10 7 Clifton College. . Gale College . . . Jewell L. Col. . . Luther Academy Luth. L a d i e s' Seminary .... Outlook College Pk. Kegion Luth. College PI. View Luth. College Scandinavia Aca. Spokane College Waldorf College 36 8 10 2 8 5 3 6 2 1 9 14 2 25 1 4 1 5 14 12 4 1 1 2 7 11 1 7 10 6 4 3 9 7 1 9 13 2 4 6 12 6 14 11 7 6 13 13 37 18 65 46 111 11 27 38 13 40 S3 5 13 18 3 12 15 41 37 78 14 5 9 15 24 12 3 14 29 53 26 2 2 8 18 26 9 15 24 7 21 28 16 12 28 25 36 61 Total 93 53 36 84 104 6 59 1 5 50 16 5 101 12 15 228 329 64S Luth. Sem. — One graduate with degree B. D. Clifton College — Two graduates from Home Economics course. PI. View Luth. College — One graduate from Home Bconmlcs course. Spokane College — Four graduates from Intermediate course. Waldorf College — Four graduates in agriculture. As to salaries paid the various classes of instructors, the Board of Education recommended to the General Church Con vention in 1920 the following increases, which I believe were adopted : Class I Class II Class III Presidents Colleges Present Schedule $1,500-2,000 1,200-1,500 800-1,200 2,000 and House 91 Proposed Schedule $2,000-2,500 1,500-2,000 1,000-1,500 2,000-3,000 and House CHURCH AND EDUCATION Academies and Normal Schools Class I, permanent $1,300-1,500 1,040-2,000 Class II, elected annually 700-1,500 900-1,700 Presidents 1,700-2,000 2,000-2,500 As to the resources of the schools the following state ment is from the last report of the Board of Trustees of the Church. In this list are not included the large gifts from Harald Thorson to St. Olaf College nor the resources of the institutions that are only subsidized by the Church. RESOURCES SCHOOLS—Luther Seminary: Real estate, building and equipment. Ham- line - 119,000.00 Real estate, building and equipment, St. Anthony Park 162,478.00 Endowments 170,014.66 Students' Support Fund 21,911.57 473,404.23 Red Wing Seminary: Real estate, buildings and equipment 158,206.82 Endowments -.. 2,050.00 Interest in St. Peter's Church, Red Wing 2,000.00 Endowment Hauge Memorial Fund (Held by Red Wing Seminary Alumni & Norw. Lutheran Church of America) 40.217.71 202,474.53| Gt. Olaf College: Real estate, buildings and equipment 575,422.98 Endowments -_ 297,063.02 Building Fund 106,746.08 St. Olaf Corporation 34,641.96 1,013,874.04 Luther College: Held by Luther College Corporation) Real estate, buildings and equipment 447,549.57 Endowments (Held by Corporation) 30,320.00 Endowments (Memorial Fund) 250,000.00 Endowments :-.- ...- 8,791.70 736,661.27 Lutheran Normal School, Madison, Minn.: Real Estate buildings and equipment 137,946.27 Endowments -.- 5,087.51 143,033.78; Augustana College and Normal Schopl, Sioux Falls, S. Dakota: Real estate, buildings and equipment 222,552.07 Endowments 224,705.86 447,257.93 Canton Lutheran Nor. Canton, S. Dakota: Real estate, buildings and equipment 96,011.93 92 CHURCH AND EDUCATION For detailed information about the institutions, their his tory, their aims and their courses, one must consult the cata logues, usually published every year by each one of them. In a general way it must be said that they have served the Norwegian section of the American people very well and better than other institutions of the same grade could have done. Much highly creditable work has been done by a number of able and enthusiastic instructors, and the results obtained by these institutions have more than paid for all the money that has been contributed by members of the Church. It has been an excellent and very profitable invest ment. As a matter of course, the general aim of all these institutions is to give young men and women an education on the basis of the Christian faith as taught in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. "The work is based," as one of the cata logues puts it, "on the conviction that there is no true culture or education without personal Christianity, and that all mental training, in order to have real value, must be blended with Christian faith and love." Owing to the fact that the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America is a merger of three church bodies that formerly were rivals, the existing schools are not all properly located for their future growth and success. And it may also be said that the Church is hardly able to support and maintain four colleges in the way it should be done in our day. But as Cleveland said: "It is a condition, not a theory, that con fronts us." Some of the more difficult of this class of edu cational problems in the Church only time will solve, while in some cases there may be consolidation. Of the most widely known institutions of the Church, Luther College at Decorah, Iowa, has an interesting history and has exerted great influence. It was established in 1861, in the first year of the Civil War, and the collection of $75,000 to put up the first building, in those days among pioneer farmers, still stands as an unequalled achievement of organized Norwegians in America. It was also very fortu nate that the leaders of the movement to establish this first 9d CHURCH AND EDUCATION Norwegian higher institution vigorously maintained, and at Luther College carried through the demand that the future pastors of the church should have a thorough training and education without shams and frills, to use the words of the first President, Laur. Larsen. This stand has given strength and direction to the whole educational movement among the Nor wegian Lutherans of America. It is especially true of all the earlier history of this institution that the excellent training given by self-sacrificing and conscientious instructors, in an atmosphere created by honest and hard work, put a stamp,: easily recognized, on all Luther College men, graduates and former students, wherever they were scattered throughout thei length and breadth of the land, and in whatever position they were. In the Luther College Catalogue we read: "The chief aim of the College is to provide a liberal and thorough edu cation for young men who intend later to enter the ministry: but it welcomes any youth who desires to avail himself of its advantages." The following summary shows the number of Luther College graduates and their present occupations, also of other former students who have become clergymen. LUTHER COLLEGE Summary Clergymen and Students of Theology 335 43.00% Teachers 133 17.07% Business Men 83 10.66% Physicians and Medical Students 48 6.16% Bankers and Bank Clerks 42 S.39% Farmers 38 4.88% Attorneys and Law Students 30 3-8s% Public Service , 26 3-34% Editors and Authors 12 i.54%! Students 10 1.28% Foreign Missionaries 6 0.77% In Various Occupations 16 2.05% Total Number of Graduates 779 99-99% Deceased , ,. . 96 12.31% Students who have become clergymen without finishing the College Course , 193 94 CHURCH AND EDUCATION The obstacle to any great future growth of Luther College is the location. Dfecorah is no longer a center of the Norwegian population in America. While Luther College is a school for boys only, St. Olaf at Northfield, Minn., is a co-educational institution. It has had a remarkable growth, and although in these last few years has accepted only students of college grade, it has by far the largest number of all the institutions of the Church, and last year it had to refuse admission to many who wanted to enter because of lack of buildings and other facilities. The following Record of Growth of St. Olaf College was recently pubUshed : St. Olaf College Record of Growth Men 1899-00 153 1900-01 267 1901-02 307 1902-03 275 . 1903-04 263 1904-05 300 1905-06 306 1906-07 302 1907-08 350 1908-09 317 1909-10 294 1910-11 317 1911-12 313 1912-13 317 1913-14 292 1914-15 328 1915-16 339 1916-17 350 1917-18 267 1918-19 349 1919-20 385 Degrees Women Total Granted 25 178 7 41 308 14 60 367 12 70 345 17 93 356 20 105 405 31 136 442 34 174 476 17 182 532 30 180 497 36 161 455 41 177 494 3^ 206 519 3S 224 541 6] 216 508 5/ 222 550 6: 259 598 9- 304 650 & 282 549 9 282 631 ? 405 790 10 95 CHURCH AND EDUCATION Distribution of Students by states Minnesota 400 Montana 4 Iowa 125 Washington 4 Wisconsin 93 Michigan 3 South Dakota 72 Texas 3 North Dakota 52 Nebraska 2 Illinois 21 California i Canada 5 Maine i Oregon 4 Total students 790 St. Olaf College was founded in 1874. For a number of years the name of the institution was St. Olaf School. It was conducted as an academy until in 1886, when the name was changed to St. Olaf College and collegiate work was be gun. According to the catalogue also of this college: "the chief and special object of the college is to prepare young men for the study of theology, in order that they may become ministers and missionaries in the Church." In addition to the many usual college subjects offered young men and women, and in which excellent instruction is given, this college is especially strong in music. The St. Olaf choir has become famous and is one of the great assets of the institution, which under the present administration seems to have a great future before it. The emigration from Norway to America has been very great, greater proportionately than ' that from any other inde pendent nation in Europe. To transplant this nation to Amer ican soil without losing the best traits of their character, to make it a fully harmonious part of our American people so as to enrich and strengthen it, has, as it should be, been the general aim and the only real justification of the American institutions established by the Norwegian contingent of our people. In some instances educators may have lost sight of what this view of the Norwegian- Ameri can institutions in volves, but it is their only real strength, and real educational leaders will maintain it. There are, of course, also in the 96 CHURCH AND EDUCATION Norwegian Lutheran Church of America some so-called leaders who Uke many other leaders in reality are followers of what they at the moment conceive to be the winning side, and easily join in the cry for false- Americanism, just now so prevalent in many places. The higher institutions of learning established by Ameri cans of Norwegian birth or ancestry owe it to the people whose money has built these schools and who have done their share in building America by conquering the wilderness, by clearing and cultivating the land, to give in their curricula a prominent place to the intelHgent and intensive study of Nor wegian literature and history. They owe to themselves as American institutions to hit back and hit hard, at the ignor ance and arrogance which dare to call everything "foreign" that does not conform with the narrowest conception of Amer icanism. They owe it, in true understanding of the idea underlying the Norwegian-American institutions of learning, to our glorious America which they want to make more glorious and rich in good things by doing their share, by contributing what the Norwegian element has that is worth while to the sum total of America's spiritual, intellectual and moral values. This has been the great glory and the real justification of these educational institutions. When this view of the general aim of these institutions no longer prevails, and they lose their individuaHty, they will also lose their special appeal and run the risk of becoming superfluous in the large company of American, Christian and Lutheran institutions. 97 HUMANITARIAN INSTITUTIONS HUMANITARIAN INSTITUTIONS By The Rev. C. O. Pedersen, Superintendent, Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. GREAT problem presented by the thousands of new Americans who reach our shores is, "WilL these people become a burden upon or an -asset to -the state?" In order to become an asset- it is essential first of all that every individual- or group of people be self- supporting. To ' be self rsupporting as a group means also ¦ to provide for those among us who may be in need of aid, -either financial or other assistance. That Americans of Norwegian birth and descent are self- supporting and that they are doing the very thing mentioned above is evidenced by the extensive social and humanitarian work conducted by them in all parts of the country. The immigrant: is met at the door of our nation by repre sentatives of the group. Once settled he is introduced to -in terests of every description. The Church, the sick benefit and fraternal oganizations, the cultural societies as well as the many purely social clubs vie with each other in interesting the newcomer in their respective activities. Once a member, and he invariably joins one or more of ' these organizations, he i -finds that -each has a very definite problem to deal -with and that he is expected to do his share in its solution. An important part of all organization programs is the effort made for the relief of the sick and helpless. The -words of the Divine Master, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy," have in a peculiar way found favor with Americans of the Norwegian group. Not only do they care for their own but they share freely of their store with others. The Church alone directly and indirectly maintains more than twenty orphanages, nine hospices and seamen's ; homes, lOI HUMANITARIAN INSTITUTIONS two rescue homes for wayward girls, eight home finding societies, operating in as many different states, surely an honorable record for a group as small as the Norwegian group is in proportion to the total population of our country. This is the chief reason why so few Americans of Nor wegian extraction, when they are in need of assistance, be come a burden upon the state, and why there are so few of them found in state institutions. The group is self-sup porting. Not only does the Church (and in the case of the Nor wegian group 98 per cent adheres to the Lutheran com munion) perform a truly wonderful work but also the large fraternal organizations, the most prominent of which is the national fraternal order of the Sons of Norway. A few church congregations belong either to the Methodist Epis copal Church or to the Baptist denomination. A practical illustration of the eleemosynary work done by the Norwegian group may be found in the following: The Borough of Brooklyn of New York City has a popula tion of about 25,000 of Norwegian origin. They maintain a modern 200-bed hospital, two old people's homes, one or phanage, a day nursery, a slum station for the unemployed, a summer camp for poor children, several sick benefit societies besides six or eight poor relief societies. There is a sailors' temperance home and several employment agencies conducted by group relief organizations. The total population of the Norwegian group in Greater New York and vicinity is approximately 50,000. In Chicago, where the Norwegian group numbers fully 100,000, the Church maintains several important humanitarian institutions notably the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital, regarded by the medical profession as one of the best equipped hospitals in the city. The group also maintains several secular institutions such as the Norwegian American Hospital, two orphanages, two old peoples' homes' and a number of other social and welfare activities. The Nor wegian Old People's Home in Norwood Park, Chicago, ii an institution of high standard and is generously supported': 102 HUMANITARIAN INSTITUTIONS by the group. The Bethesda Home for the Aged is also a high grade institution for the poor and helpless. Similar Church and secular institutions are found in Mil waukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Seattle and other cities. There are schools for nurses and for the training of social work ers who wish to dedicate their life to a service of mercy and good works for those in need of sympathy and assistance. With such a record of achievement and active work going on the Norwegian group feels confident that its position in American life is all to the good. There is no "foreign jproblem" here. Americans of the Norwegian group take care of their own. By adding in every way to the worth and Iwelfare of the nation we take by right an honorable part in America's Making. 103 POLITICS PARTICIPATION IN AMERICAN POLITICS By N. a. Geevstad Former United States Minister to Uruguay and Paraguay. I HE basic facts which go to determine and explain the part taken by citizens of Norse stock in the political hfe of the United States are these: I. The percentage of land holders is greater among the Norwegians than in any other ethnic group in the country, and for this reason their average wealth per capita is higher than the average for the country at large. It follows that they have a greater national stake in the country than the average for all groups of citizens. 2. Of all non-English speaking immigrants the Nor wegians, in common with the other Scandinavians, the Ger mans, and the Dutch, show the highest percentage of American citizenship. 3. They hail from one of the two most democratic coun tries of Europe and have come, as they are coming, to the United States thoroughly schooled in popular government. 4. In several of the northwestern states this group of voters is strong enough to wield the balance of power between parties and policies. As a people of land and home owners and taxpayers the Norwegians want to have their say as to what use is to be made of the taxes they pay. The practical exercise of their privileges as American citizens appeals to them as some thing with which they seem to be familiar at the very out set. In Norway as in the United States tjie government rests upon the broad foundation of universal suffrage for men and women; the organic laws and institutions of the two countries are very much alike, and popular govemment works about the same way in one of these countries as in the other. 107 POLITICS Hence the Norwegian immigrant comes to feel at once that he has merely come to a greater Norway as far as his political duties and privileges are concerned. The source and center of the political influence of voters of Norse birth or blood are the farming districts and the villages and small cities with) which tljey are dotted, in the; middle western and western states. The typical Norwegian in., this country is a, farmer, not a city man or industrial worker. About four-fifths of the Norwegian element in our bo,dy politjc are, farmers. In other words,- the Norwegianj fa^-mer. represents the ; great , bulk of the "Norwegian vote" — to use a common if not very commendable campaign term — , and, he has put his st^mp ,upon this vote : ever since it came, to-be, felt, as a - factor in the public life of the country. The, swelling current, of early Norwegian immigration was made-.up,, almost exclusively, of tenant farmers, farm hands and small farmers,, who all came to obtain what they could not get in their native land-: farms of their own. Upon land-i ing, these landrhungry people made a. bee line for the west, settling:. . at first in Illinois and Wisconsin and, successivelyj in Iowa, . Minnesota, Dakota and other western states or terri tories where free or cheap lands were to be had. The fir^st | thing they did was to secure a quarter section, or more, of land after. ; taking , out their "first papers," and under the Hberal,; or lax, local election laws in force in this part of tljie country in those d^ys,; the new settlers were qualified to vqte. wjthin a, few months. In many of the localities where these people drove their stakes they were the » first comers or made up , the majprity of the early pioneers. In such places it fell to their lot to take charge of , public matters ; to- or^ ganize and , run some sort of local government in the pioneer,] communities their hard toil was, building. The. ballot was as much of a nepessary tool in their life as the, ax, the. spade, tl^e hoe, the plow and the harrow. So it came, to p^ss that the American Government with w-hiqh.,the iNorwegjan pioneer ^settlers . first came into immediate , an4.,d^ily. contact .was, one that largely was of their own making,, Most, of , them knew , but . very little of the English language;. loS. POLITICS and were more or less unfamiliar with the methods and prac tices of local politics in this country. Even so they would not gp far astray by following Norwegian models. There is no material difference between the American and the Nor wegian types of government of local rural communities. In Norway as here the public affairs, of a rural community are managed by a body of men elected by the people and which, within its jurisdiction, combines legislative with executive powers. But county government is organized on somewhat different lines in the two countries. In Norway the head and executive officer of the county government is appointed by the national government, while the law-making power of the county is vested in a county legislature made up of the chairmen (speakers) of the legislative bodies in the parishes, or townships, into which the county is divided. We see here illustrated a general difference between national and local gov ernment in Norway, on the one hand, and state and local govemment in the United States, on the other. Norway has what we term the "short ballot"; only such public officials as are vested with legislative powers are elected by the people; all' others are appointed by some executive authority, except ing commissioners of conciliation, communal judicial officers who are elected by the voters of the respective communities. There is no danger whatever of encroachment upon popular rights in such a system in any country where, as in Norway, the executive branch of the govemment is under the direct and complete control of the legislative branch. That the Norwegians, as a rule, have made wise use of the power of the ballot is attested by the general prosperity, the progressive spirit and the orderly character of the com munities where they have controlled the majority vote or held the balance of power. They have provided generously for the public schools, for' road construction and other pubhc improvements; and those among them who have had pubHc funds in their care have made enviable records for integrity and honesty in the discharge of their duties. Em bezzlers and defaulters are extremely rare exceptions among Norwegian guardians of public moneys. 109 POLITICS What has been said about the Norwegian farmer as a voter applies in a measure also to the people living in the villages and small cities dotting the Norwegian farming dis tricts. As nearly everywhere else in the country these small urban communities are closely allied to the surrounding rural neighborhoods in politics as well as by family ties and in bi^iness relations. Many of their residents are retired farm ers from the vicinity, and their business enterprises are largely in the hands of sons of farmers. While the farmers are inchned to believe that the local merchants are getting the best of them in business, buying or seUing, the reverse is generally true in matters political; for here the farmer has the upper hand, and the trades people of the villages and cities are slow to oppose him even if they do not fully agree with his views. These conditions prevail in the Nor wegian as in other rural districts in the western part of the country. In the public life of our larger cities the Norwegians have cut a much more modest figure. Very few of the early comers remained behind in the cities of the East. As the years passed more and more Norwegian sailors would settle in coast cities frequently visited by Norwegian ships, and during the last 30 to 40 years there has been considerable emigration also from the cities of Norway, and the majority of this urban element have cast their lot in our seaboard cities and our industrial centers of the eastern part of the country or the middle west. But all of these immigrants, whether early or late comers, have settled in communities that were ready-made in a political sense; hence they had no such opportunities as had the Norwegian farmers of doing political pioneering work by organizing or helping to or ganize local political units; and, moreover, in but very few, if any, of the larger cities have they been strong enough in numbers to make themselves felt as a distinct factor of importance in politics. Some years ago they were recognized as an element of importance in the public Hfe of Chicago, which was due in part to the vigorous leadership of able and aggressive men, but since then they have been dwarfed no POLITICS by\a growing influx of people of other race's. In such middle- sized cities as Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Madison, La Crosse, Fargo, Grand Forks, Seattle, and Tacoma they have exercised a pohtical influence somewhat commensurate with theii strength in numbers. trhere is nothing startling and very little to attract any special attention in the discharge of what may be termed the humble, everyday duties of the voter. Yet these routine activ ities l,orm the foundation of our whole frame work of govern ment as a living organism in practical operation. It is true in politics as in religion that he who is faithful in little things fits himself, and proves his fitness, for greater tasks. Unless the citizens provide good honest government in the local units we cannot have clean, competent and progressive government in state or nation. It is to be said for citizens of Norse birth or blood that in the management of local affairs they have used the ballot with intelligence and good judgment, doing their full share in providing for justice, peace, good order and healthy development in the communities where they have made their homes. With respect to national policies and issues of a more general character they have, on the whole, been in Une with the progressive forces of their time and section of the country. They made their entrance into national politics in the trying years preceding the Civil War, and enlisted under the banner of Lincoln almost to a man. In the voting booths of the North as on the battle fields of the South they fought, with enthusiasm and characteristic perseverance, the good fight for union and human freedom. Their staunch and soHd sup port of the union cause was a factor of no small importance in some districts in such states as Wisconsin. Their early baptism in the spirit and creed of Lincoln was to become a controlHng force of the trend of their politi-j cal development for years to come. For a generation or more after the Civil War the Norwegians remained all but solidly repubhcan in national and local politics. In more recent years other parties or creeds have found followers within their ranks, espfecially among the "newcomers," but III POLITICS the: great majority still remain true to the Reptiblican party. Most of them have supported the progressive wing of the party and the teachings and policies of Lincoln and Roosevelt- names that are sacred to the Norwegians above those of any other national leaders. While their attitude on general issues is not free from freakish aberrations their influence has, as a rule, been a source of strength to constructive development along sane conservative .Hues. In the eighties they supported the demand for a modification of the high customs tariff in force at that time; in more recent years the protection sentiment has gained in strength among them. In 1896 the vote that saved the gold standard was cast by Germans and Scandinavians, in cluding the Norwegians. In 1912 the majority of the Nor wegians voted for Roosevelt, and in 1916 a large Norwegian vote went to Wilson, because "he had kept us out of war." The strength of the peace sentiment among the Nor wegians is due to a large extent to direct influences from [Norway, where peace organizations were in active operation more than a generation ago. Norway is one of the pioneer countries in the world peace -movement and has been repre sented on the inter^parliamentary council for world peace ever since the organization of that body. Her conspicuous leader ship in the cause of peace was recognized by Alfred Nobel when he made the congress of Norway the custodian of the -Nobel Peace Fund with power to award the peace prizes. Immigrants who have come from Norway during these years have reflected the peace sentiment prevailing in their native land, and this accounts in a great measure for the heavy vote cast for Wilson by Norwegian republicans in 1916. At first the League of Nations, with its setting of Wilson "points" and speeches, found general support among them;! but as the discussion of the covenant progressed their en thusiasm for it gradually cooled, and in the "solemn referen dum", they voted for Harding with practical unanimity. In the wheat states of Minnesota, North and South Dakota two radical movements have made heavy inroads among the Norwegian farmers during the last generation. 112 POLITICS The first of these waves, an agrarian movement tinged with socialism and known as populism, swept the prairies in the early nineties. Thousands of Norwegians embraced the popu list doctrines and helped to make the Peoples Party the power it was for a few years. As the wave subsided the Nor wegian populists gradually found their way back into the republican fold. The second wave of radicalism, which under its organized name is known as the Nonpartisan League, is a socialist propa-i ganda deftly masked as a farmers movement. It is not to be denied that the Norwegians were as easily misled as any other group of farmers by the cunning clap-trap of Townley and his aids, and that they have to shoulder their share, or more, for the successes of the League and the grave ills it has brought upon the state of its birth. For in North Dakota the Norwegian farmers are so strong, numerically and finan cially, that it would have been impossible for Townley to make any headway at all without the generous backing of their votes and purses. But it is to be said for them that, as they were among the first to be led astray they were also among the first to recover their senses. They have taken the lead in the war now going on for the complete up-rooting of Town- ley socialism in North Dakota. The Norwegians of Wisconsin are charged, or credited, as the case may be, with a substantial share in the political making of La Follette. In his early career he stood for a material curbing of the power of ,great corporations which at that time had too much to say in the government of the state. On this issue the Norwegians were with him, and his first nomination for governor was made possible only by their unwavering support. After his second adminis tration they began to fall away, though he still has many Adherents in their ranks, but most of these followers are mem bers of I the Nonpartisan League. In the war upon the liquor traffic the Norwegians, along with the Swedes, have taken a strong and leading part, up holding > the ¦ cause of temperance at all successive stages Of the movement as indicated by the slogans "high license," "3 POLITICS "local option," and general prohibition. In the Northwest in particular the Norwegians and the Swedes have furmshed| the bone, marrow and sinews of the temperance movement. Illiteracy is unknown in Norway. English is taught in all schools of that country, from the high schools and up. The Norwegian immigrant learns English quickly and Ameri canizes readily. Coming from a country with a constitution second in age only to that of the United States and as democratic as any organic law that was ever framed— from a society where a caste of nobility has been unknown for a hundred years— Norwegians feel at home here as soon as they land. The first comers were eager to become full-fledged - Americans at once and to be nothing but Americans. They J cut all ties with the native land, except exchanging letters with relatives, who were urged to come over and join them. Their loyalty to America and her institutions was forcibly illustrated not only by their whole-hearted support of the national cause in the great crisis of those days but also, among other things, by their vigorous defense of the pubhc schools against insidious attacks. As they were increasing in numbers and planting settle ments and organizing congregations all over the northwestern prairies they came to feel that they formed a distinct body of people like other racial groups hailing from other coun tries; and that they, in the historical traditions, religion, language, literature and art of their native land had a pre cious national heritage worth preserving for the benefit of themselves, their children and their adopted country. This; sentiment has been stimulated by the rapid progress in social j and political betterments made by Norway during the last two generations and by her remarkable achievements in lit erature and the arts, in science and exploration. That Nor way, though small and comparatively poor, has forged so conspicuously to the front in all developments of higher] civilization has nourished and strengthened their pride in their native land and their race. And believing that they are here not only to receive but also to give something besides their loyalty and their labor they feel that by treasuring th^ "4 POLITICS best of their national heirlooms they will do their part to broaden and enrich the moral and intellectual life of America. But they have but one flag. Old Glory, and it is because they love America that they strive to give her the best of what they are and what they have. As public speakers, leaders of political assemblies and candidates for public offices, citizens of Norse birth, excepting those that have come in their tender years, have been handi capped in various ways. Public speaking is not taught in the schools of Norway nor so highly developed as it is here. Nor is the Norwegian temperament such a fruitful soil of oratory and eloquence as, for instance, the American or the Irish. Moreover, the Norwegian who has come to this country a grown-up man cannot get rid of his brogue entirely, though he otherwise may learn quickly to master the English language. He knows that his particular brogue is not the privileged one in this country and that his speech will sound somewhat odd to the audience ; and as he is sensitive of ridicule, expressed or suspected, he is apt to remain passive and silent, even though he may feel that he has something to say worth hearing; or if he speaks he will do so haltingly from lack of confidence in his delivery. As office seekers he is lacking in the aggressiveness with which some other groups of voters are more generously endowed, and is held back by an inherited belief in the doctrine that the office should seek the man, and not the man the office. In Norway, until a few years ago, it was an un-heard of thing for a man to announce himself as a candidate for an elective office; and to soHcit votes for oneself was a misdemeanor under the law punish able by fine or imprisonment. This view of public office was common among Norwegian immigrants until compara tively recent times. It has plainly been a handicap in a country where it is proper for a man who wants an elective office to say so frankly and as loudly as he can and to do his best to get it. In the smaller political units these obstacles have made themselves felt only to a limited extent. There men of ability are known, personally or by reputation, to pretty neai "5 POLITICS all thei voters, and public servants of the community are chosen not for their oratorical abilities but on their known merits for positions of public trust. Whether a village trustee, or a county treasurer, or a register of deeds, speaks with a brogue or not is of small consequence; all that mat ters is that he is honest and otherwise well qualified. What is known as clannishness in politics, a weed that grows most readily in a many-tongued society, is found among the Norwegians as among other groups of voters. It is more or less customary to attribute clannishness only to voters of foreign birth or extraction, but that is a mistaken view. The group spirit crops out among all classes- of voters and in all parts of the country. It is a source of mischief, yet it is not wholly unnatural nor is it easily uprooted even in an homogeneous society. It is born ofi the greater trust a voter has in the candidate he knows bestI or whom he regards as most closely identified with his own interests. The "farmer vote/' the "labor vote," etc., are' manifestations of class clannishness, and even in our national politics section-clannishness is frequently appealed to as an argument in favor of an eastern, a western, a northern or; a southern candidate, as the case may be. But while the Nor wegian is not free from clannishness he is less influenced by; this spirit than are many other groups of voters. It is to be noted in this connection that as an American voter he has no foreign interests to serve. In casting his ballot he hasi never been called upon or tempted to consider the fate or for tunes of his native land. His ballot is ail-American, even if it may at times express a narrow American point of view. He is apt to prefer a candidate of his own blood if he believes that he is as good a man, or almost as good .a| man as the opponent or opponents of other blood, but that is as far as he will go. It is to be remembered, moreover, that in a constituency made up of two or more racial groups clannishness is invoked as a means of justified defense against! unreasonable opposition more frequently than it is resorted to as a weapon of aggression. Ii6 POLITICS In the states or districts where they have made their homes the Norwegians have had about their "share" of pub lic offices, as measured by their voting strength, in some places more, in others less. This applies more particularly to local offices, membership in state or territorial legislatures and state offices below that of governor. A fair percentage of such honors have fallen to the lot of citizens of Norse birth, though in more recent years they have gradually come to step aside in favor of their own sons born or brought up in this country. Citizens of Norse blood who have held pubHe positions of a broader scope and which, if elective, are filled by larger constituencies of voters, have, with some few exceptions, Ibeen men who either were born in the United States or re ceived their schooling here. The pioneer Norseman in the broader field of American poHtics is the Honorable Knute Nelson of Minnesota. But he is a ¦ typical American in everything except his place of birth. He landed here at the age of six years and received his elementary American education in our public schools and as a newsboy in Chicago. As a boy of eighteen he jvolunteered for service in the union army, carried the musket on many southern battle fields and was left for dead after a battle in front of Fort Hudson, La. But for the timely nursing of some kind rebel ladies who took pity on the slender youth he would have been buried there. Returning from the war he worked his way through an academy, studied ;law, was admitted to the bar and shortly afterwards was sent to the legislature from the district where he lived with his widowed mother in Wisconsin. Attracted by the tempting opportunities in virgin Minnesota he went to that state, took a homestead near the village of Alexandria, where he has lived ever since; was promptly drafted into the service of the ¦county and subsequently sent to the legislature, where he saw service in both houses, and in 1882 was elected to Congress jfrom- the "bloody fifth" after, the most memorable political battle in the history of the state. After serving three terms iMs popularity with the people was so firmly established that "7 POLITICS he had no opposition either for the nomination or the elec tion to a fourth term. But his private affairs demanded his attention and he refused to stand as a candidate. How ever, his rest was to be of short duration. In 1892 the Re publican party of the state was in such a demoralized con dition that its only hope of victory was pinned to the leadership of a man who enjoyed the confidence of all the people. Knute Nelson was drafted to head the ticket as candidate for governor and led the party to victory along the entire line. Soon after his re-election as governor he was sent to the United States Senate, where the "Grand Old Man" of Minnesota is now ser-ving his fifth term. During the heyday of popuHsm in the nineties, two of the Congressional districts in the northern part of the state were carried by that party, each selecting a citizen of Nor-i wegian birth and education to represent it in Washington; for one term. Of Minnesota's ten representatives in the lower house of the present Congress three were born in this country of Norwegian parents, while one came here from Norway as a youth of tender age. The present governor of the state, J. A. O. Preus, represents the third generation of the Norwegian people in America. Excepting but one, of his predecessors he is the youngest man ever elected gover-j nor in Minnesota. In Wisconsin the office of governor has been filled for twoj terms by an adopted citizen of Norwegian birth, and thel present chief executive of the state was born in this country| of a Norwegian mother. One of the Congressional districts: in the northern part of the state was in the nineties repre-| sented for three terms by N. P. Haugen, born in Norway butj brought up and educated in this country. He declined a fourth nomination to enter a contest for the govemorshipi and came within a hair's breadth of landing the prize. He has since distinguished himself for his soHd abiHty as a member and head of the tax commission of the state. Since 1906 the third Congressional district has been represented continuously, with the exception of one term, by John M. Nelson, born in this country of Norwegian parents. 118 POLITICS While the "Norwegian vote" is comparatively stronger in North Dakota than in any other state, no citizen of this group has ever filled the executive chair at Bismarck. But the ticket of the conservative forces in the recall-campaign now going on in the state is headed by a Norwegian-born candidate for governor, and the indications are that this ticket wiU win. In the Congress of the United States North Dakota has been represented by two citizens of Norse blood in either house, all born and educated in this country. One of the senators, A. J. Gronna, serving two terms, displayed a fertile initiative and came to be recognized as a leader within his group of the Republican party. The present representative from the first district, Olger B. Burtness, was born of Nor wegian parents on a farm near the city of Grand Forks. Two governors, one United States senator and one con gressman are to be credited to the Norse element in South Dakota — all born and educated in this country. Peter Norbeck, who served four years as state senator, two years as lieu tenant governor and four years as governor, occupies a posi tion in his state similar to that of Knute Nelson in Minnesota. He is strong in the confidence of the people and has kept his party in good shape, disarming the radical elements by com mitting it to and enforcing a program of practical progressive legislation. He has just taken his seat in the national senate, where we may expect to hear from him after a while. Charles A. Christopherson is serving his second term as rep resentative from the first district. Before he was sent to Congress the first time he had served as speaker of the house of the state legislature for two terms. In Iowa the Norse element has been more or less active in local politics and has made its influence felt in the legislature, but its only conspicuous representative in national politics is G. N. Haugen, now serving his eleventh term as a member of the lower house from the fourth district. He was born, Ibrought up and educated in this country. Illinois has had no representative of the Norse race in Congress until M. A. Michaelson was elected in the seventh (Chicago) district last fall (1920). He was born in Norway, 119 POLITICS but landed here at the age of seven and hence is American by education and training. New Mexico counts but a handful of Norwegians within its borders, but one of them, -Holm O. Bursum, is now serving the state as United States senator. He is a full-blooded Nor wegian, but ail-American by birth and education. It may not be amiss to state in this connection that the mother of United States Senator Reed Smoot was born in Norway. Like most other men of mark the strong Republi can leader probably can thank his mother for a generous part of his mental equipment. Three citizens of Norse blood have represented our gov ernment as heads of diplomatic missions to foreign countries. Two of them were born and educated in this country, while one was born and educated in Norway. The present consul- general in Constantinople was born in Norway and received his education there. The public officials mentioned in the foregoing and other men of Norwegian extraction who have held official posi tions have discharged their duties creditably and some of them have disf)layed marked abilities. Senator Knute Nelson is in a class by himself. In all positions of public trust he has held as state legislator, congressman, governor, and United States senator, he has borne himself in a manner that Hfts him far above the average. Sterling patriotism, a vast store of practical common sense, keen, penetrating judgment, the knack of getting to the bottom of everything he tackles, indomitable courage and sensitive integrity and an inex haustible capacity for work are the outstanding features of the political profile of this great American. His record in the Senate is in some respects altogether unique, and to men in a position to know it is no secret that for many' years he has been one of the half dozen men, more or less,! who have been doing the real work of the Senate. As chairman of the committee on judiciary, Andrew Volstead has shown reHable ability and, incidentaHy, achieved; national fame. Halvor Steenerson has done good work as chairman of the committee on postal affairs, and Harold 120 POLITICS Knutson is at the head of the pension committee. Sidney Anderson has attracted attention by his work on the appro priations committee and in other ways. Gilbert Haugen, in charge of the committee on agriculture, and who is thoroughly familiar with the economic conditions of the country, espe cially in the farming districts of the west, and a man of sound business judgment, has shown himself to be the right man in the right place. In this connection it may not be out of place to state that public servants of Norse stock have taken the lead in bringing about reforms ' that promise to insure a quicker,, easier and steadier marketing of the grain crops of the west! For some time Mr. O. P. B. Jacobson, railway and ware house commissioner of Minnesota, has been emphasizing, in reports and public speeches, that the lack of terminal ele vators in the eastern seaboard cities, is the chief obstacle to easy and uninterrupted marketing of western grain. His view has been endorsed by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, and a bill to compel railroads to build such elevators has been introduced by Knute Nelson in the Senate and Sidney Anderson in the House. Another Norwegian has won laurels by his work in the field of taxation, one of the most difficult problems confront ing any government of any country at any and all times. Mr. N. P. Haugen, for many years head of the tax com mission of Wisconsin and honored with the presidency of the National Association of State Tax Commissioners, has accepted a flattering invitation from Montana to study the tax system of that state and suggest needed and beneficial reforms. The radical theories and movements that have made con siderable headway in this country in recent years have found adherents also among the Norwegians of the west and the far west. It has been asserted by some that the Norwegians have contributed more than their proportionate share to the red hosts. That is not a fact, with the possible exception of a few scattered localities. But it is true that in recent years Norway, in common with other countries in Europe, 121 POLITICS has sent a not inconsiderable number of sociaHsts and other radicals to this country, and after landing here these people have sought the company of their kind. Like other radicals they are denationalized, or cosmopolitans; they are neither Norwegians nor Americans. The vast bulk of the Norwegians in this country are either conservatives or believers in sane progressive policies. Yet the Norwegian is always ready to listen to new doctrines and at times may be led into new paths more easily than some other racial groups. Unlike the typical American the Nor wegian is very slow to accept new ideas in business matters, while he is much quicker to embrace new notions in matters social and political. This is also one of the reasons why Americanization comes to him as a matter of course. But if he is inclined to test all his aim is to keep the best, and that is what he generally succeeds in doing in the end. Taking the political history of the Norwegians in Am erica as a whole it may be said truthfully that the Norsemen in this country have shown themselves to be worthy sons and daughters of a race of state-builders. 122 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS LITERATURE AND THE PRESS By Julius E. Olson Professor of Scandinavian Languages and Literature in ihe University of Wisconsin HEN the melting-pot of the great Northwest shall have ceased boiling, when the various racial elements that have been hurled into it shall have become fused, and the historian of the future undertakes to de scribe the constituent races, he will find it possible, on the basis of reliable records, to give an adequate account of the part that -the immigrant race from Norway contributed to the resultant formation. One of the functions of literature is to inform posterity. Much of even great literature received but scant recognition from the age that produced it; but a later age perceived its value. The Norwegian immigrants in the United States have already done much through their various intellectual activities to inform posterity. Like the Norse colonists of the ninth century in Ice- iland, they have conscientiously garnered the facts of their migra tion and colonization. These records are to be found in the columns of their newspapers, in individual memorabiHa, in let ters to the home-country that are gradually coming to light, and in inexhaustible contributions of pioneers to the press of both this country and Norway, to say nothing at this point of works of conscious historical character. In our age the press has become in large measure the storehouse of early achieve ment, from which the historian and the literary worker will find both facts and creative impulse. And in this modern. age the iwork of transmutation of the records of pioneer Hfe into perma nent historical or literary form is not a matter for a very remote future. It has in fact already begun. The part that the Nor wegian immigrants played and are playing in the Making of America is gradually being revealed in ever clearer- outhnes in 125 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS historical accounts of great and small dimension, and in poems and novels. It has proven a very difficult matter for native historians to give satisfactory account of immigrant groups for lack of written records. So far as the Norwegians are con cerned it does not seem hazardous to assert that no non-Eng- Hsh-speaking race that has come to these shores— regardless of numbers — has done as much as the Norwegian pioneers to preserve the records of their early life and experience in the new home. And what is more, the records of no other foreign group will, it may be emphatically declared, reveal such devotion to the new home, such loyalty to the institutions of the land, and such high hopes for its future. The Civil War was the first great test of this loyalty and faith. There had for two decades preceding been a steady stream of immigration from Norway. The coming conflict had already been sensed by the young Nor wegian press, which, in consonance with the democratic heritage from the home country, quickly aligned itself with the anti- slavery movement.* The first Norwegian paper in America, Nordlyset (Northern Lights), begun in 1847, was an advocate of the Free Soil move ment. The first number presented, as an introduction to the public, a translation of the essential parts of the Declaration of Independence, with a cut of the American flag at the head of the column. A recent historical investigator, Mr. Albert O. Barton, of Madison, Wisconsin, in an article on The Beginnings of the Norwegian Press in America, says concerning the extract from the Declaration: * It is a remarkable fact that Ole Rynning, an educated pioneer of 1837, in a booklet on America ifor the instruction of prospective emigrants, published in Norway in 1838, sounded the keynote on slavery in these prophetic words : "An ugly contrast to this freedom and equality which justly constitute the pride of the Americans is the infamous slave traffic, which is tolerated and still flourishes in the southern states The northern states try in every Congress to abolish the slave trade in the southern states;- but as the latter always oppose these efforts, and appeal! to the right to settle their own internal affairs themselves, there will in all likelihood come either a separation between the northern and southern^ states, or else bloody civil disputes." 126 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS "This was a happy conception of the editor, and was to prove of good omen. It pointed the hopes and ideals and sym pathies of the newcomers from the Northland. The lofty prin ciples of the Declaration . . . appealed to the freedom- loving minds of the immigrants from the North, and it is to the credit of their nationality that in this free land of oppor tunity they have lived up to, and sustained, these principles and ideals in their best sense." This first newspaper lasted but two years. Its successor, Emigranten, began in the latter part of the 50's to argue against slavery. Its influence was felt. During the Civil War one- sixth of the Norwegian population enlisted, which was a better showing than that of the native born, which was one-eighth. The quintessence of Norse sentiment toward the war is pre- :sented in the career of Colonel Hans C. Heg, a pioneer lad of the 40's, in whose father's house the first numbers of Nordlyset were printed. He was the first Norwegian to be elected to a state office, which he resigned, after a re-election, to form a Scandinavian regiment, the 15th Wisconsin. He proved himself a most efficient officer and was on the eve of appointment to a generalship; but he was mortally wounded in a gallant charge at the battle of Chicamauga. His last words were: "I am wiUing to die, for I have fought for a righteous cause." The sons of Norwegian immigrants stood the test of the Great War equally well. The deeds of daring performed by many of them, as evidenced by the recognition received from mihtary and governmental authorities, shine resplendent. These records of individual valor have already been collected and sym pathetically presented in English (see The North Star magazine for Dec. 1920), by Carl Hansen, associate editor of Minneapolis Tidende. This article shows how alert the editors of the Nor wegian press have been to record anything that would do honor to the race. And there has evidently been a special reason for this last example of journalistic alertness. In the dark days of the war there were alien groups on these shores whose loyalty to America was questionable. This fact cast suspicion on all foreign groups. The use of a foreign language, was viewed by 127 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS the great mass of native Americans as an act of disloyalty; and showed lack of devotion to the institutions of the land. In some states the use of 'foreign languages in the churches was not only frowned upon, but actually prohibited. The Norwegians, con scious of a clear record as to loyalty, smarted under this czar- istic treatment. They still feel the sting. Native Americans,! with many notable exceptions, have found it impossible to under-! stand the attitude of the alien toward his native land. They have assumed that language is an index of loyalty. They have not only failed to grasp the fundamental idea of the alien's love for his mother tongue and the memories of the land of his birth, but they have seemingly had no conception whatever of the vital necessity for foreign groups to maintain their lan guages, their press, their churches and social institutions, not only for their own happiness and welfare, but also for the ul timate advantage of the land of their adoption. It is the pro found conviction of the writer that Norwegian churches, schools, press, and other activities of allied character have not been antagonistic to republican institutions and a stable state of, society in this country. As the years pass, and results become apparent, it is evident that the very opposite is true. A Dano- Ainerican investigator of this question, -with the Norwegian situation particularly in mind, declares it as his conviction that these things "instead of being a menace to our state, form one of the main safe-guards of this country against the dangers accompanying the large influx of people of foreign nationality." The chief point of the above contentions with respect to the theme of this essay is that the maintenance of the Nor wegian language, to the extent that it has been maintained (which has been in no exclusive sense whatever), the churchj and its schools, and to some extent the various social organ-! izations outside the pale of the church, such as the numerous singing societies and philanthropic unions, have made possible both a Norwegian press and a Norwegian literature among the Norwegian pioneers and their descendants. When an alien population, very limited in number to begin with, and un affected by any propaganda from the home country, can ac compHsh' anything along the lines of higher humanistic 128 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS endeavor, it is a sign of cultural ambition, and deserves recog nition. If it was conceived in love for the land of their fathers, it is sure to develop into love for the land of their children. But as a matter of fact, love for the new home was an early growth among the Norwegians. Thousands of testi monials could be adduced to prove it. Despite frequent heart aches, sore trials and tribulations, the large majority of Norwegian immigrants were satisfied with the new home. They were quick to see its vast possibilities for their chil dren, if not always for themselves. But for the church and the press, their fate would more often have been tragic, — which emigration to a certain extent always is. In the course of time, they saw the fruits of their toil: the prairies billowed with golden grain, the pastures gleamed with sleek cattle. They prospered. They built comfortable homes, stately churches, academies and colleges to guard and educate their children. But for their own Norwegian institutions, even with their wealth, they could not have been happy in a foreign land. First contentment, and then prosperity: these are the source of Norwegian prestige in America. It could not have been achieved without the church and a sympathetic press. All of the activities of the church in the pioneer days were staunchly and generously supported by the press. It was a mutual matter. The press needed the church, and the church needed the press. This mutuality made possible the gigantic ;organization of the church, and the substantial and independent position of the press, as both exist today. Fortunately for both the press and the church, the Nor wegian immigrants settled in compact groups. It was fortu nate for the pioneers in more ways than one. Among other things, it developed political prestige. The native American politician has learned to have respect for compact groups. These brought pohtical recognition and an opportunity to iparticipate in governmental affairs, which was of course bene ficial both to the immigrant and to the country, for it fos tered a sense of responsibility for good government. The com pact group has, therefore, been the source of whatever distinctive achievements the Norwegians have attained as a racial element 129 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS in this country. This alone has made it possible to assert themselves, and to advance gradually and naturally toward the ultimate goal of complete Americanization. For no Nor wegian group has ever dreamed of the possibility of perpetuat ing the Norwegian language as the language of the home, the church and the press. On the whole, therefore, it is apparent that the Norwegian group has acted in accordance with the best interests of its people and its organizations, and has in-j stinctively felt that this would also inure to the best interests! of the country. It cannot be denied that the process has- nurtured a sane and admirable spirit of loyalty to this country.j The Norwegian immigrant press was the forerunner and fosterer of the Hterature of the pioneers. The story of the development of the press is a long and intricate one. Only a brief survey can be attempted. Over four hundred news-; papers and magazines have been started. There has been an interminable process of absorption and combination. Wonder-! ful and lasting success was at times achieved, of which there is evidence today in the ones that weathered all the storms. As we shall see, at least a half dozen are today strong and prosperous, despite the prophesies of a half century ago that the foreign language press was doomed to an early demise. These sturdy survivors have proved themselves to be the trusty! guardians of their people. They have wisely encouraged their' political activities, nurtured their intellectual aspirations, and! supported their ecclesiastical institutions most generously. Beginnings are usually interesting, and often significant.! The first Norwegian paper was begun in the Muskego settle-! ment, near Milwaukee, in 1847. The first issues were printed in a log cabin in the country. The subscription list never exceeded two hundred. The cholera epidemic which stalked through the settlement in 1849 had a paralyzing effect. The infant press did not survive it. But it had lived long enough to give political prestige to its editor, James D. Reymerty whose career is a kaleidoscope of romantic interest, begin ning with a seat in the second constitutional convention of the state in 1847, and ending with the appointment to a judgeship in Arizona by President Cleveland. The equipment 130 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS of Nordlyset was soon employed in another enterprise of even less duration, but which called into the journalistic field one of the great editors of a later period, namely, Knud Langeland. At the beginning of the year 185 1 there was no Norwegian newspaper or journal pubHshed in America; but between 1850 and i860 seven were started, two of which were church or gans; and of the seven, five were published in Wisconsin, and two in IlHnois. At this time, by the census of 1850, there were about 13,000 Norwegians in this country, of which more than two-thirds were in Wisconsin. Of these seven papers only one was well edited, namely, Emigranten, begun in 1852 by representative churchmen. It was removed to Madison as an individual enterprise in 1857, and immediately became a staunch supporter of the republican party, born the year preceding. It is of interest to note that the pubHsher and editor of this paper, Mr. C. F. Solberg, of Milwaukee, is the sole survivor of the pioneer editors of the nationality. He was born in Christiania, Norway, in 1833, removed witb his parents to Denmark as a lad, and was educated at the f^t- -mous Soro Academy, the Eton of Scandinavia at that time. It !was primarily a school for sons of the Danish nobility, and sought to turn out educated gentlemen, adept in all the social and athletic accomplishments. In 1852 he emigrated to America !with his parents. After a brief sojourn in New York City, he went with his parents to Ole Bull's colony in Pennsylvania, of which the father became the manager, and the son a farm hand and lumberjack. The latter came to Wisconsin in 1856. Emigranten remained in Madison, with Mr. Solberg as editor, until 1868. It therefore feh to his lot, as the editor of the only important Norwegian newspaper in America during the Civil War, to champion the cause of the Union, and this he did in a spirit of ardent loyalty. His zeal was so great that he spent several months in the South with the army as a corre spondent for his own paper. The first Norwegian pubHcation in the nature of a maga zine was Billed-Magasin, which was published at Madison, by fi. W. Suckow, who had been the secretary of the ill-fated Ole Bull colony. Its chief value lies in the fact that it 131 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS contains a series of articles on Norwegian settlements, pre pared by the editor, Svein Nilsson, a graduate of the Univer sity of Christiania, on the basis of personal interviews with pioneers. The leadership that Emigranten had held so staunchly during the war, was at its close assumed by Skandinaven, of Chicago, started in 1866, and which ever since has been a fearless champion of the Norwegian people, the Republican, party, and American ideals in government. Following the westward trend of Norwegian emigration, several Norwegian papers appeared in Minnesota during the the 70's and 8o's, the most important of which was Budstik- ken, which in many ways was both original and independent, and for a time had much influence; but in 1889 it was ab sorbed by Minneapolis Tidende, at present the most impor tant Norwegian paper in the state. During the period from 1878 to 1887 five newspapers were started in North Dakota, of which Normanden, of Grand Forks, is a lusty survivor. By 1890, three papers had appeared in South Dakota, of which two survive. Visergutten, of Canton, and Fremad, of Sioux Falls, are now the leading journalistic representatives. Decorah-Posten, started in Decorah, Iowa, in 1874, is one of the staunch pillars of the Norwegian press of today, ably edited by Jobs. B. Wist. As Norwegian emigration swung toward the Pacific coast, the press was not slow to follow. Possibly a dozen papers have been started there. Washington-Posten, edited by Gun-| nar Lund, was begun in 1889, and has become a worthy col-i league of the four giants of the Middle West. Among a number of attempts to found Norwegian papers| on the Atlantic seaboard that have been made, only one re-' mains, namely. Nor disk Tidende, of Brooklyn, started in i8gi. After many vicissitudes, it finally came under the capable edi-i torial management of A. N. Rygg, who has made it the! spokesman of the large Norwegian population of New York and Brooklyn, in close touch with the varied industrial and artistic activities of the seaboard. Since the days of the Billed-Magasin of the 6o's, there 132 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS has been but one other magazine adventure of similar impor tance, namely, Symra, launched in Decorah, Iowa, in 1905, under the editorial control of Kristian Prestgard and J. B. jWist. It was maintained for nearly a decade, and was a ¦most worthy and commendable enterprise. It will be a source of rare information for the future investigator. . Thus we see that out of the numerous pioneer news paper enterprises, there have emerged several that stand to- iday as fine representatives of high journaUstic endeavor and are a credit to the race. Much might and should be said of the men who have successfully managed these enterprises, and more, perhaps, of the editorial writers connected with them. Among the latter there have been men of great native gifts and fine culture, most of them of foreign birth, who have devoted themselves, for small pecuniary reward, to jthe advancement of their people. They have showered their istores of Old World culture upon an emigrant race, and jsurely some of its pearls will some day shine in the diadem of American cultural glory. At all events the Norwegian press has done a great and useful work in tempering the jminds of the immigrant to the new tasks at hand, pointing jthe way in many difficult situations, and striving in count less ways to make a contented, prosperous, and law-abiding people. Only one important attempt has been made by the Nor wegians to issue a newspaper in English. This was The North, pubHshed in Minneapolis from 1889 to 1894, under |the editorship of Luth. Jaeger, at one time editor of Budstikken. Mention should also be made of a great journalistic enter prise. The Chicago Daily News, maintained since 1876 by Victor F. Lawson, whose newspaper interest was doubtless ;aroused by his father's, and later his own, copartnership in Skandinaven, of Chicago. It would indeed be strange if emigrants from the land of Wergeland, Bjornson and Ibsen should be totally lacking in the matter of literary productivity. They have not been. The press saw to it that the lives of the great poets of the home land were kept vividly before their leaders. Literary gems 133 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS from their works were constantly being reprinted. As early as the latter part of the so's complete literary works were occa sionally republished. These things were of inestimable value in relieving the solitude and brooding of the pioneer. And as he slowly came to feel the need of voicing his own joys and sorrows, either in verse or prose, the press proved a willing hand-maid. It has printed hundreds upon hundreds of poems by pioneers. More than fifty volumes or booklets of verse have appeared, nearly all published at private expense. They indicate a tragic need of expression that could not find utter ance in the language of the land. The voices that sing in these homeless volumes are a part of the tragedy of Nor wegian emigration. Time will prove that these vagrant rhymes were not turned in vain. If the past did not hear, the future wih. Scholars will sift out the gold and use it to illuminate the pages in the Saga of the Norsemen in America. There was pubHshed in 1903 a volume of Nor wegian-American verse, collected largely from the pr^ss, rep resenting forty-five authors and 250 poems. They are of such variety as one would expect in an anthology of immi grant verse. There are none that may be designated great poetry, but there are many in which fine thoughts find ade quate form. In conning the pages of this volume, the thought occurs: How pleased American literary historians would be if the somber Puritans had left such a legacy. All but two of the forty-five writers were born in Norway. Much poetry has been published since, and of improved quality. The English poems by Gustav Melby, in The Seamless Robe and Other Poems (1914), King Saint Olaf, a poetic drama, 1916, and The Lost Chimes and Other Poems, 1918, issued by an eastern publisher, mark a new epoch, and seem to be the harbingers of an English period. His language nowhere re veals the immigrant. The chief literary form among the descendants of the pioneers will doubtless be the novel. The first attempts at novel-writing came in the 70's and 8o's. Some very accept able work has been done since, particularly during the last de cade. The novel and short story have been diHgently used 134 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS ito promote the cause of prohibition, especially by the talented iand aggressive editor W. Ager, of Wisconsin. He knows the Norwegian people of city and countryside, and may be counted on to play a part in the literary awakening that seems to be in the o-ffing. O. A. Buslett, the pioneer of the poets, has turned from the lyric, the heaven-storming poetic drama, and allegorical tale, to bald prose narrative, to deal with the life of the early immigrant in the fields and lumber camps of northern Wisconsin, where the author is on thor oughly familiar ground. Here he has done his best work. i-Simon Johnson, at present chief editorial writer of Nordman- jden, has made a name as a novelist. He knows the prairies lOf the Dakotas, and the life of the pioneers there, and in his last work has given a moving portrayal of the trials of ^pioneer days, when the Indian was a menace. Another talented ;'writer of novels is O. E. Rolvaag, professor at St. Olaf Col- I'lege. He knows Norway, Norwegian history and literature, -has experienced the heart-aches and hardships of pioneer life on the prairies, is familiar as both student and professor I! with coUege life and the life of the church, is in close con tact with the press, and has solid qualifications for taking a leading part in the new literary movement. He knows what the pioneer has done for America, and the price he has paid in doing it. He understands the possibilities of this land of opportunity for the grandchildren of the pioneer — and the tragedies that have made these opportunities possible. Mr. IiRolvaag's last book, To Tullinger (Two Simpletons), is the grim tragedy of the love of gold, a besetting sin of emigrants of all ages who have begun to taste prosperity. The book also contains deft touches on some of the fanatical phases of the Great War. This author has already won distinct favor, and much is expected of him. Another field for novelistic adventure has recently been plowed by the veteran editor of Decorah-Posten, Jobs. B. Wist. His lot as an immigrant was cast in various towns and cities of the Northwest as a journalist, and he has undertaken in a work published in 1920, Nykommer-billeder (Immigrant jPortraits) to portray the sordid life of the immigrant in the 135 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS large' cities. The story is continued in a succeeding volume,] Hjemmet paa Prarien (The Home on the Prairie), 1921, and a third section, Jonasville, has begun to appear as a serial, which foreshadows a picture of the religious combats' of the So's. The author knows the grim tragedy of the urban immigrant and has painted it realistically enough; he has also known much of urban success and industrial and intellectual achievements, which will soon call for portrayal^ These present-day writers have struck the pace of high endeavor. They have marked out the field and blazed the trail for a generation of writers. The best work will seem ingly be done in Norwegian. The ears of the general Nor wegian public have not yet, to any significant extent, been! attuned to the idiosyncracies and niceties of English. Butl the second and third generations are learning EngUsh rapidly. Professor Laurence M. Larson's translation of The King's Mirror, from Old Norwegian of the 13th century; Mabell Johnson Leland's translation of Garborg's The Lost Father;] and Hanna Astrup Larsen's translations of Jacobsen's Marie Grubbe and Niels Lyhne, and her critical articles in American! magazines, particularly her recent article on Hamsun in The\ American-Scandinavian Review, of which she is the literary editor, are illuminating specimens of what the descendants of! Norwegian emigrants can do in the way of clean-cut English.. If we now turn from the field of polite literature to that of historical writing, we shall find things of rare value in con tent that are destined to grow in importance as the years goi on. Thus, Ole Rynning's True Account of America, written and published in 1838, has recently been translated into English for the Minnesota Historical Society, with scholarly commenta^ tion, by that keen young historical investigator Theodore C. Blegen, who is doing commendable work in this early field. Likewise, Ole Nattestad's Account of a Journey to North America, pubHshed in Norway in 1839, has been translated for the Wisconsin Historical Society, by Rasmus B. Ander son. Similar accounts by early pioneers might be mentioned that will doubtless soon call for translation. More important later volumes are Langeland's Normeendene i Amerika, Ander- 136 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS son's The First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration, Holand's De norske Settlementers Historic, Flom's The History of Nor wegian Immigration, which cover the whole pioneering period. Then there are valuable works, mainly monographs, on the Civil War, treating chiefly of the Fifteenth Wisconsin, a Scandinavian Regiment, and its gallant leader. Colonel Hans C. Heg, in whose memory a statue is soon to be erected in Wisconsin. With these should be included memorabilia by such leaders in the church as the Reverend V. Koren and Dr. Laur. Larsen, and particularly a volume by the former's wife. One Norwegian farmer, O. S. Johnson, of Iowa, has three large volumes of similar import to his credit. All of these documents will prove to be veritable gold mines for the historians and literary workers of the future. Of the greatest cultural interest in the history of the Norwegians in America is a work entitled Norsk-Ameri- kanernes Festskrift, 1914, published as a memorial on the occasion of the centennial of Norwegian constitutional Hberty. With but a bare reference to the centennial, the editor and main contributor, Johannfes B. Wist, figuratively speaking, lays in the lap of Mother Norway the Saga of her children in America. It is a large volume, and is possibly the most important work ever published by the Norwegians in America. It presents an astounding array of facts on the various phases of cultural Hfe among the immigrants. The chapters on the press by the editor and a fellow editor, Mr. Carl Hansen, for completeness of detail, covering the period from 1847 to 1914, and giving an account of every paper and journal and their editors, of inestimable value. These chapters on the press (which constitute more than half of the book) and Carl Hansen's chapter on Social Societies are tasks that never before have been attempted. What is more, they are com prehensive and definitive for the period covered. Nor should we omit reference to the work that has been done to acquaint Americans with the literary and historical achievements of the mother country by Norwegians of this country. Anderson's Norse Mythology and Boyesen's The Story pf Norway have found a large circle of readers. Gjer- .137 LITERATURE AND THE PRESS set's The History of the Norwegian People is a monumental work that has won favor with historical students. In this field, The American-Scandinavian Review is doing most excel lent service in promoting reciprocity and fellowship between the Scandinavians of this country and of Europe. It is hoped that the above account, necessarily discursive, may give some conception of the part the Norwegians are playing, and are likely to play, in The Making of America. J^' ARTS AND SCIENCES ARTS AND SCIENCES PAINTING, SCULPTURE, MUSIC, SCIENCE. I. Painting and Sculpture. N the field of pictorial art the Norwegian group in America up to the present time has won only a modest place. The urge of self-expression within the group has taken the form of song and poetry tnore often than color and plastic art, with the result that the Norwegian group counts comparatively few painters and sculptors in its midst. The Norwegian temperament appears tb lend itself more readily to literary expression. Fundamental conditions within the group, economic and social, are to a large degree responsible for the rather discourag ing outlook for the development of painters and sculptors. Americans of Norwegian origin generally considered are a busy, workaday people with only here and there an individual or a select circle appreciating the interpretation of life through the medium of color and beauty of line. Artists who have made efforts to interest and instruct through these mediums have frequently met with misunderstanding, hardship and discouragement when they tried to find a field among their own people. The craving for art and beauty is nevertheless in the race. It is a part of the heritage from the " remote past. It is found in the wonderfully beautiful lines of the viking ships, in the splendid ornamentation and wood carvings on churches and stone monuments of early times, in needle work of the Hardanger variety, which Norwegian immigrants introduced in America, in the quaint stave churches of Norway and in the bright-hued, painted flower ornamentation on chests, draw ers and household utensils in the Norwegian farmers' home. In this respect Norwegians in America still depend upon Norway for a supply of cultural impulses and values. Art 141 ARTS AND SCIENCES is still to a great extent measured by them on the basis of its sentimental value to the group. The great artists of Nor way, especially those of the older schools, but also modern painters, especially of the sea in all its moods, the fjords, the mountains and the countryside, the sailor, the fisherman, the farmer, find quick response in the mind and heart of the Nor wegian immigrant. In spite of hardships and discouragements, the Nor wegian group has nevertheless produced a number of artists of high rank, though most of these, if not aH, have been com- pehed to seek other and more fertile fields than that of their own race for the pursuit of their ideal. In this brief sketch it is possible only to give a summary of some of the artists of the Norwegian group who have won distinction in the American world of art. Mr. Jonas Lie of New York is perhaps the best known and certainly among the foremost American painters of the Norwegian group. Mr. Lie is a nephew of the late distin guished Norwegian noveHst of the same name, one of the five Hterary stars of the first magnitude produced by Norway in the same generation — Ibsen, Bjornson, Kielland, Lie and Hamsun. Few painters of any immigrant group have achieved the fame that Mr. Lie has. His subjects show great ver satility. He depicts the storm, the thunder cloud, snow cov ered hiHs and rocks, dark, half hidden rivers and forest streams, fishing boats and a great variety of other subjects. Jonas Lie has painted New York as perhaps no other artist. Prosaic things like city streets and bridges he has interpreted in color, and he presents them to the onlooker in pictures of rare artistic beauty. He has painted the Panama Canal during construction operations and these paintings are declared by critics to be a color-epic to labor. Pictures by Jonas Lie hang in the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh; the Luxembourg gallery, Paris, and in many clubs and public institutions in Europe and America. Mr. Lars Haukanes is a well known painter within the group. He has devoted himself mainly to painting land scapes from the Hardanger district of Norway. One of 142 ARTS AND SCIENCES these pictures hangs in the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Another hangs in the Chicago Norwegian Club. Mr. Alexander Grinager of Minnesota has done fine work in landscapes with babbUng brooks and sunsets rich in lights and shadows. ' Mr. Olaf M. Brauner is head of the Department of Fine Arts in Cornell University. He is assisted by another artist ol the Norwegian group, Mr. Christian M. S. Midjo. Pro- fffisor Brauner is the son of Julius F. Brauner, at one time well known in Norway as a wood engraver. Pie came to Ajnerica with his parents in 1883 and is a thorough American by education. He is a lecturer on the history of art and has written a history of renaissance painting and other works. Professor Brauner has modelled and painted portraits of miny prominent Americans and is represented by works in Aiiherst College; Cornell University; Kimball Library, Ran- dc^ph, Vt. ; -Girls' High School, Boston; High School, Ithaca, Nj Y., and other public and private institutions. In Chicago the Norwegian group is represented by sev eral painters of merit. Mr. Sigurd Schow is well known for his excellent color work and Mr. Emit Bi0rn has done much creditable work in oil and water colors. Mr. Ben Blessum has devoted much of his time to the interpretation of scenes in rural Norway, particularly the quaint architecture and people in Sastersdalen. Two of his pictures hang in the Chicago Norwegian Club. He has also done a great deal of mural decoration. Both Mr. Bi^rn and Mr. Blessum are iHustrators of high standard and have done good work in this field. Mr. Bi^rn has painted a series of Norwegian historical compositions for the Norwegian Orphanage in Chicago which he presented to the institution. In New York Mr. Thomas Bull holds an eminent place as a decorative painter and interior .decorator. Mr, Bull, as chairman of the Norwegian group's exhibit committee for the America's Making exhibit and festival, conceived and de signed the Norwegian exhibit booth, regarded by critics as being one of the most artistic conceptions of the entire ex hibition. Mr. Bull is represented by work in a large number 143 ARTS AND SCIENCES of residences of wealthy Americans in New York, Philadelphia and other cities, the Morgan Library in New York, the staff capitol of Rhode Island and a number of other public buildings; and churches. Mr. BuU is a relative of the famous Norwegian! violinist, Ole Bull. Mr. Brynjulf Strandenas of New York is a painter and; illustrator of high standard and has done much excellent work.' He has invariably given evidence of his keen interest in affairs of the Norwegian group by contributing of his art to the ad vancement and success of group enterprises. During the Nor-; wegian group's Liberty Loan campaign he contributed a striking; poster, and in the America's Making enterprise he responded i generously by contributing the cover design of this book. Mr. Sigvald Asbjprnsen of Chicago is probably the first sculptor of the Norwegian group to achieve a name for him self. He has modeled many busts of American statesmen and a number of notable statues and monuments representing Amer ican history subjects. .Among his busts may be mentioned those of Grover Cleveland, James G. Blaine and Carter H. Har rison. He is the sculptor of the Grieg monument in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., the John Monogham monument in Spo kane, Wash., the Soldiers' Monument in Madison, Ind., a work which art critics have given high praise, the Confederate Sol dier's Monument in front of the Texas State capitol in Austin, the Leif Erikson Monument in Humboldt Park, Chicago, and many other important works. Mr. Gilbert P. Riswold of Chicago is a sculptor of great promise. Mr. Riswold is born of Norwegian immigrant parents, on a farm near Baltic, South Dakota. He has done work which critics pronounce brilliant, and a great career appears to be ahead of him. Probably his most notable work is his statue of Stephen A. Douglas, "The Little Giant," which was pur chased by the State of Illinois and stands in front of the State House in Springfield. This statue is declared by critics to be one of the finest works of art in America. Mr. Risvro-ld's work was accepted in a competition participated in by more than seventy-five artists, among whom were several of Amer ica's leading sculptors. Another of his works which has won 144 ARTS AND SCIENCES him high praise is "The Quizzical Madonna," a portrait bust of Miss Lucille Palmer, the noted California composer. Art critic's refer to this bust as a "Modern Mona Lisa." Mr. Paul Fjelde of New York is a sculptor of promise and has done notable work. He has modeled the Colonel Hans C. Heg monument which the Norwegian group is planning to raise ;in Madison, Wis., to the memory of the gallant commander of ithe famous 15th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment in the Civil War. Mr. Fjelde's father was a noted sculptor of the Norwegian group whose numerous works are to be found in many cities and towns in the Northwest. Mr. Sigurd Neandross of Ridgefield, N. J., has won great distinction for his many notable works of sculpture, among which may be mentioned "The Kiss," "The Egyptian Widow," "The Song of the Sea," and many more. Critics declare that Mr. Neandross has succeeded in combining modern French real ism with Thorvaldsen's lofty idealism. Mr. Trygve Hammer of New York has done good work in stone, wood and copper and has endeavored to awaken an in terest in Norwegian wood carving and ornamentation. He is a director of the Society of Independent Artists and has ex hibited in the Society's annual exhibits in New York. There are a number of other painters and sculptors doing creditable work. Space forbids a mention of all. Sincerity of purpose and high ideals are the distinctive traits of all artists lOf the Norwegian group in America. The difficult conditions mentioned above bear eloquent testimony of that. 2 Music The Norwegians are distinctly a musical people. In an cient times their love of music took the form of skaldic poetry. Few races have a richer heritage of characteristic folk song and melodies. The profound influence of this heritage upon Edvard Grieg is evident in the "Peer Gynt" suite and all through his works. This heritage, Norwegian immigrants have brought with them to America, and will eventually be- 145 ARTS AND SCIENCES come resplendent jewels in the diadem of American music of the future.Music, especially choral singing, is assiduously cultivated by the Norwegian group in this country. No center of popula tion is without its singing society. In the larger cities as many as six and eight singing societies and glee clubs flourish side by side. The Norwegian glee clubs, however, should not be confounded with the American college glee clubs. They have a much more serious purpose and permanent existence. The name has been adopted because it seemed to the mem bers to have American sanction as a name indicative of a musical organization. Usually the societies bear names in dicating racial origin, local place names or the name of a composer or other designation typifying music. The first Norwegian singing society in America was found ed by pioneers about sixty years ago in La Crosse, Wis. This society no longer exists. The oldest existing society is the Norwegian Singing Society of Chicago which is fifty-one years old. The anniversary of its half century of musical activity was celebrated with a jubilee concert one year ago. Sim ilar organizations are found in New York and adjacent cities and in all the large and small cities from coast to coast where the Norwegian immigrant population is numerous enough to support .ind foster choral singing. Locally and nationally the societies are bound together in federations under the leadership of self-sacrificing men devoted to an ideal. In 1887 began the movement for national federation. At the annual concerts of the national organiza tion, from 400 to 700 singers have taken part. At the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893 a chorus of 1,000 men rendered a memorable program of song. This, however, was a joint Scandinavian chorus. The Norwegian Singers' League of America is the prin cipal organization of singers. It does not, however, include the numerous singing societies in the East and on the Pacific Coast. In 1914 a picked chorus of 200 singers selected from societies in all parts of the United States and Canada visited Norway and gave a series of concerts in various parts of the 146 ARTS AND SCIENCES country. The music director on this tour was Mr. Emil Bij^ru of Chicago. It should be mentioned that for many years back, long before it became a general custom, the audiences at Norwegian singing society concerts always remained standing during the singing of the "Star Spangled Bannar" and "America," frequently to the astonishment of native Americans present. The history of the musical contributions of Norwegians in America can not be written without mention of the world famous vioHnist, Ole Btdl. This Norwegian genius is closely connected with America through his many years of residence here, his colony enterprise in Pennsylvania and his marriage to an American woman. He lived at different times in Cam bridge, Mass., in Pennsylvania, in Chicago and in Madison, Wis. In the latter city his house has been used for many years as the governor's mansion. In the 50s of the last century Ole BuH was the idol of the American people. When ;the poet, Longfellow, in his Tales of the Wayside Inn sings of the rapt musician, it is Ole BuH he has in mind: "Before the blazing fire of wood Erect the rapt musician stood; And ever and anon he bent His head upon his instrument. And seemed to listen, till he caught Confessions of its secret thought, — The joy, the triumph, the lament. The exultations and the pain; Then by the magic of his art He soothed the throbbing of its heart And lulled it into peace again." The Norwegian people have developed church music to lofty standards of excellence, and they have transmitted this; heritage to their descendants in America. The Lutheran Church has been called "the singing Church" and nowhere is this more evident than in the Norwegian Lutheran congregations. It is not only the church choir that sings. The entire con gregation joins in the singing of the beautiful hymns that have 147 ARTS AND SCIENCES been accumulated by the Church through centuries of singing by the worshippers themselves. Choir singing is given careful attention. The Church fosters choral singing in all localities where secular musical activities do not absorb all the interest. The Choral Union; of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America is a strong body of singers devoted to the cultivation of sacred music. The finest example of this class of singing society is the' mixed St. Olaf College Choir of Northfield, Minn. The dir-^ ector of this organization of student singers is Mr. F. Melius] Christiartsen who has succeeded in developing a choir which' critics in New York, Chicago and other cities declare is with-' out a peer in the United States. St. Olaf College pays much attention to music and the little town of Northfield seems] destined to become a music center of the Northwest. The college also has a band which has won fame both in Amer ica and Norway. Luther College, Decorah, la. is equally attentive to the musical training of its students and has an excellent band under the direction of the head of the music department, Prof. Carlo Sperati, who in spite of his Italian name is of Norwegian origin. In New York Mr. Ole Windingstad is a musician of high, rank, an orchestra conductor and director of singing societies.! His symphony orchestra has won high favor among all lovers of the best in music and his work as choral director gives evidence of sincerity, intensive work and high aims. Mr. Alfred Paulsen of Chicago is the best known and the! most popular of the composers and music directors of the Norwegian group. Mr. Paulsen's works are sung in aH Nor-] wegian choral societies in America and have been adopted with! enthusiasm by similar societies in Norway. His works have] also won popularity among Swedish and Danish singers. In Norway Mr. Paulsen was a pupil of Edvard Grieg. Foremost among singers of the Norwegian group is Mmei Olive Fremstad, for many years an American operatic star! of the first magnitude. Her career and triumphs are so well known to all Americans that it would be superfluous to give an account of them in this brief summary. 14S ARTS AND SCIENCES The best baritone among immigrant Norwegians was the late Mr. Albert Arveschou. His voice was a marvel of range, power and beauty of tone. Mr. Ralf Hammer has done good work as a tenor and romance singer, as has also Mr. Chris tian Mathisen. Mr. Erik Aulie of Minneapolis is well and favorably known as an orchestra director and Mr. Hjalmar Rabe of Chicago has the distinction of being one of the fore most trombone players in America. He has for many years been with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Erik Bye is a new arrival and gives promise of an American career as a barytone singer. Mme Signe Lund won first prize during the war for her composition entitled "On the Road to France." A list of all the musicians and singers of the Norwegian group would require more space than this little book affords. A sufficient number has been given to indicate that music is one of the arts which Americans of Norwegian birth and parentage love and foster to an extent equalled by few racial groups. It is fostered as an art of the people in which every body in the community, in the state, in the nation may share. A spiritual contribution such as this is not the least of the values Norwegian immigrants and their descendants have given and are giving to the enrichment of American life. H. s-H. 3- Science. In the American world of science there is a number of prominent men and women of Norwegian lineage, who, by their research work and instructive ability, have made valuable contributions to the development of various fields of science. Lack of space and time makes it impossible to give a com plete list of these scientific workers, but some of the more prominent among them will be briefly mentioned in the fol lowing paragraphs. The dean of the scientists of Norwegian ancestry is the venerable professor Rasmus B. Anderson. He was for a number of years professor of Scandinavian languages and Hterature in the University of Wisconsin and has devoted 149 •' ARTS AND SCIENCES many years of his life to scientific investigations of the his tory of the Norse discovery of America and the first Nor wegian immigration to the United States. Some of his works on these subjects are still regarded as sources of authoritative information. The same is true of his work on the subject of Norse mythology. Julius E. Olson is professor of Scandinavian languages and literature in the University of Wisconsin. He has writ ten a Norwegian grammar and reader which is extensively used as a textbook in American schools and universities. His edition of Ibsen's "Brand" published some years ago attracted attention by the clear and penetrating commentaries on the many difficult symboHsms of this dramatic poem. Pro fessor Olson is well known through the Northwest as a lec turer and orator. Gisle Bothne is professor of Scandinavian languages and literature in the University of Minnesota. He has con tributed a large number of articles to the newspaper and magazine press on a variety of scientific and popular sub jects and has written the history of Luther CoUege. Pro fessor Bothne is intimately connected with organized group work of Americans of Norwegian origin in the Northwest and has done prominent work in this field. George T. Flom is associate professor of Scandinavian languages in the University of Illinois. He has published authoritative works on the history of Norwegian immigration to America and has written much on philological subjects. J. S. Shefloe is professor of romance in the Johns Hop kins University, Baltimore, Md. Andrew Fossum, professor in Concordia College, Moor head, Minn., is a prominent writer on Greek philology and Norse discoveries. Oscar Olson, acting president of Luther College, Decorah, la., has written much on philological subjects. O. E. Rolvaag and P. J. Eikeland, instructors in Nor wegian in St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., have written valuable works on the Norwegian language. ISO ARTS AND SCIENCES Knut Gjerset, professor of history in Luther College, Decorah, la., published a few years ago an extensive two volume history of Norway which is considered the standard treatment of this subject in the English language. J. E. Granrud, professor in the University of Minnesota, is a writer on classical archeology. Laurence M. Larson, professor of history in the Univer sity of Illinois, is the author of a number of historical works. John O. Evjen, president of the State Normal School, Mayville, N. D., has pubHshed an extensive work on Nor wegian and other Scandinavian immigrants in New York in the 17th century. Ludvig Hektoen is professor and head of the department of pathology and bacteriology in the University of Chicago and director of the Memorial Institution for Infectious Dis eases. He is regarded as a high authority in the medical field. M. N. Voldeng is superintendent of the Hospital for Epileptics at Woodward, la., and has -written many works on psychiatry. Nils Remmen, of Chicago, is a leading eye specialist which subject he has given extensive study in Europe and America. Dr. Remmen is chief eye surgeon in the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. Thorstein Veblen, professor in the University of Mis souri, has gained national fame by his exceUent works in the field of political and social economics. His "Theory of the Leisure Class" and similar publications stand forth as standard works in this field. Oswald Veblen, professor of mathematics in Princeton University, has won reputation as an authority in his de partment of the sciences. A. A. Veblen held for many years university chairs, mostly in the department of physics and mathematics. Leonhard Stejneger is the head curator of biology in the National Museum, Washington, D, C He specializes in 151 ARTS AND SCIENCES ornithological and other zoological subjects and has published a number of scientific works in this field. F. W. Woll, professor of animal nutrition in the Univer sity of California, is a prominent authority on agricultural chemistry. John Koren, in the service of the U. S. Government for several years, is an authority on statistics and has written several scientific works on this subject. In American library work mention should be made of J. C. M. Hanson, Juul Dieserud and Torstein Jahr. The former is associate director of the University of Chicago Library and the two latter are connected with the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Dieserud is a writer on anthropology and Norse discoveries and Jahr has written much on early American pioneers. A. K. WARS PARTICIPATION IN AMERICAN WARS By Arne Kildal Official Norwegian Press Representative in the United States. HE fighting spirit of the Vikings has proved to be still active in the Norwegian immigrants who came to America in modern times. In all the American wars Norwegian settlers have taken part as soldiers or officers and in some of them they can pride themselves on a most glorious record. It appears that even in the Revolu tionary war, the war of 1812 and the Mexican war Nor wegians were found in the ranks of the armies and it seems very likely — according to historical investigations— that some of the men accompanying John Paul Jones were of Norse descent. The reports of these events, however, are too vague to give a complete picture of the situation, whereas in the case of the later wars, particularly the Civil war and the great World war, full records of the merits of soldiers of Norse extraction are available. It is estimated that six or seven thousand Norwegians enlisted in the various regiments of the Northern army dur ing the civil war. The most typical Norwegian regiment was the famous Fifteenth Wisconsin under the leadership of Colonel Hans C. Heg. It consisted almost exclusively of Norwegians, many of whom had only recently arrived from the other side and many being unable to speak the language of the country for which they fought. The regiment rapidly came into action and distinguished itself on several occasions, in the battles of Union City Tennessee, Stone's River, Murfrees boro and in the siege of Island Number 10. It was men tioned favorably in special orders, and in an official docu ment dating from 1861 is found the following encouraging greeting to the Fifteenth Wisconsin: "All hail, Norsemen, 15s WARS descendants of the Vikings, let your hordes as in days of old, sweep down upon the South, crushing as with Thor's ham mer the Southron who meets you on the field of battle." The most fateful event in the history of the Fifteenth Wisconsin was the bloody two-day battle of Chickamauga. The Norse regiment fought stubbornly against heavy odds and would not retreat. Lying on the ground the men fought on in the foremost Hne and held the enemy in check. But by a fatal mistake the reserves sent to their support took them for Confederate troops opening fire on them from behind. This was unexpected — ^and the regiment broke and ran for the first and last time in its history. There were not many left, only 75 men. On the field they left their idoHzed com mander and the flower of his officers and men. Colonel Heg was waving his hat and giving the order for a renewed attack upon the enemy's intrenchments when a bullet hit him. The history of the Fifteenth Wisconsin would probably have ended with the battle of Chickamauga if two companies, left behind on garrison dnty, had not joined it with about 150 men. The regiment took part in the storming of Mis sionary Ridge and, we are told, was the first to reach the summit. In the battle of New Hope Church it again dis tinguished itself and in the summer of 1864 it accompanied Sherman's army on its march to the sea, almost continually being engaged and under fire. The Fifteenth Wisconsin took part in 26 battles and engagements. Its total losses up to November 7, 1864, were 481 or more than fifty per cent, of its total strength. The State of Wisconsin has erected a magnificent monument on the battlefield of Chickamauga in honor of the Fifteenth Regiment, and another marks the spot where Colonel Heg fell at the head of his battalions. Colonel Heg was a splendid type of what is best in the Norwegian character. He was a brave, almost a reckless commander, capable of inspiring his men to great efforts and his popularity with his boys was immense. The Norwegian Society of America plans to erect a statue of Colonel Heg in Madison, Wis., his home city. 156 WARS While the Fifteenth Wisconsin was above aU the "Nor wegian regiment" in the Union Army there were several com panies of other regiments which consisted almost exclusively of Norwegians. This was true of Company F of the 36th Illinois under the leadership of Captain Porter C. Olson who rapidly advanced to colonel and fell in the battle of FrankHn. Tennessee. In Company H of the 23d Wisconsin almost all the soldiers and officers were Norwegians. In the first Min nesota regiment there were several Norsemen. This regi ment was in the army of the Potomac and suffered heavy losses. At the battle of Gettysburg it lost 86 per cent, of its men, probably a larger percentage of losses than any other regiment during the whole war. Several years elapsed before the Americans of Nor wegian lineage were again called upon to enlist for war pur poses. When in 1898 the United States went to war with Spain the American navy was manned by Norwegian sailors to such an extent that in some quarters it was pointed out as a danger. The records show that a great number of Norwegian boys took part in the battle of Santiago, and it is reported that a bluejacket of Norwegian extraction fired the first shot in the battle of Manila Bay. Large numbers of Americans of Norwegian lineage enlisted as volunteers in the United States army when the war with Spain broke out and served to the close of the war. When America joined the allies in the great European war and appealed to its young people to enlist for the service the Americans of Norwegian ancestry responded enthusias tically. We find a great number of them in the American army in France, and while most of these service men were born in America there were not a few who had only re cently settled on this side of the ocean. They frequently distinguished themselves for bravery and courage and of the 78 American soldiers who received the Congressional medal of honor there are at least four who safely may be designated as Norwegians, namely Corporal Birger Loman, !Sergeant Reidar Waaler, Sergeant Johannes S. Andersen an- ]Private Nels Wold. 157 WARS The two former were born in Norway. Corporal Loman was generally referred to in the press as "the most dec orated Yank," having received in addition to the Congres sional medal the French Mihtary Medal and the Croix de Guerre, the British Victoria Cross, the British Distinguished Service Medal and the , Belgian Leopold order. Sergeant Reidar Waaler had only been in this country a few years and was not an American citizen. He received a number of decorations for his bravery and when the 27th Division to which he belonged paraded through the streets of New York on March 25th, 1919, he was given the honor, as the most decorated man of the division, to cut the silk ribbon stretched across Fifth Avenue and to be the first man to pass through the arch of victory. There are several reports of Sergeant Waaler's brave and daring spirit. Once he defied death by crawling in the midst of the enemy's heavy artihery fire to a burning British tank from which he rescued two living men and brought with him one dead. Similar reports of him and his countrymen are plentiful. But it would lead too far to mention the citations in which the bravery, courage and spirit of loyalty of the "Norwegian Yanks" were eulogized. It was not only as warriors that the soldiers of Norse descent distinguished themselves. They also exceUed as rifle men, sportsmen and aviators. Many of them had officers' rank, among them the noted Colonel Jens Bugge who was the chief of the first army corps in France. Jens Bugge was retired from the army when the war came and was re- caUed as an advisor to the general staff, reentering active service. He was considered one of the best informed men in the army on tactics and strategy. After returning from France he became commandant of West Point, the first American of Norse extraction to hold this important military post. Another prominent officer was Brigadier-General Alfred William Bjornstad who acted as chief of staff of the third army corps and in France chiefly attended to the train ing of officers. He is now commandant at Fort SneUing, Minn. In this connection mention should also be made of the 158 WARS war service which Commander John A. Gade of New York and Magnus Swenson of Madison, Wis., rendered on special errands to Europe for the American Government. Com- imander Gade was entrusted with the leadership of the Amer ican relief work in Belgium and Magnus Swenson, as the right hand of Mr. Herbert C. Hoover in his food adminis tration work, was at the head of the work for distribution of food supplies in Northern Europe, particularly Finland- Taking a retrospective view of the great World war the impression survives that the record shown by Americans of Norwegian lineage is one that may be characterized as noble and proud. They enlisted when the call came and a number of them gave their fives in defence of America. Also in other ways they demonstrated their loyalty and patriotism, by the women's service in the Red Cross, by heavy subscriptions to the liberty loans, by ministerial service in the field, by establishment of volunteer army training corps, and by many other patriotic services. They quietly went about their work and without hesitation offered their con tribution in defence of the stars and stripes for the glory of the country for which their forefathers had fought and died before them. It may be maintained, without fear of contradiction, that the record of Americans of Norwegian Hneage in Amer ican wars belongs to the greatest achievements ever per formed by Norsemen since the heroic saga-times. Thus, both by his material contributions and the shedding of his blood has the Norwegian immigrant won his rights as a citizen of the United States of America. 159 SPORTS CONTRIBUTIONS TO SPORTS By Cael G. O. Hansen Associate Editor, Minneapolis Tidende. LL Norwegians are fond of life out of doors and, as a rule, lovers of sport. Their special fields are skiing, sailing and skating, although they also will be found in almost every other fielq of sport. The homeland of the Norseman offers pe- cuHar advantages for the skier, the oarsman, the yachtsman, the skater. The snowclad mountainside beckons to the lad and lassie as soon as they are able to roam and rove, in viting them to try a swift glide down its slope. As one of the greatest seafaring nations the Norwegians naturally at a very early age learn to handle the oars and maneuver the sails. During the beautiful winter season skating is excellent on the fjords and the inland lakes. The bracing cHmate makes for health and strength. It is then but natural that Norwegians in America have become the leaders in these fields of sport. There is less professionalism in these fields than in most sports, and thej Norwegians do not take very kindly to this sort of profes-' sionalism. They are truly devotees of these sports. Men of Norwegian blood have distinguished themselves in other branches of sport as well. ' Usually, however, these are of the second, third or fourth generation, but even then they are very seldom found among professional boxers or baseball players. WrestHng is a little more to their liking than boxing. At the universities and colleges, especiaUy in the west, some of the foremost athletes are students of Nor wegian extraction. Skiing is the Norwegian sport par excellence. Its popu larity has long since gone beyond the borders of Norway, and in few countries has it been adopted with such enthu- 163 SPORTS siasm as in the United States. This is due principally, of course, to the example set by Norwegian immigrants. It is no longer therefore only a Norwegian sport. Americans of other than Norse origin have taken to it with enthusiasm. Accounts of ski meets are now given a prominent place in the sporting sections of our newspapers. No first class dealer in sporting goods neglects to have a good assortment of skis. Devotees consider skiing the king of all outdoor winter sports. Skis were used in America long before skiing became the prominent winter sport it now is. Many a Norwegian immigrant took his skis with him to America. In the older settlements of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and the Dakotas, the Norwegian pioneers more easily than others made their way through forest and over prairie on their winter journeys to town because they had their skis. The first record made on skis in America was set by "Snowshoe Thompson," a native of Telemarken — famous for its exceUent skiers — who came to this country in 1837 and for twenty years on his skis carried the mail over the mountains from Hangtown, or Placerville, California, to Carson VaUey, Idaho, a distance of ninety miles. The skiers could not fail to attract attention, and when about thirty or forty years ago vnnter carnivals were given in cities of the west, skiers took part. The first ski club was founded in the middle of the eighties, and from that time on skiing has been one of the principal recognized winter sports of the middle northwestern states. Eau Claire, Wis., MinneapoHs and Red Wing, Minn., all lay claim to the dis tinction of having had the first ski club in America. In the latter eighties an association of ski clubs was formed and regular national ski meets initiated. During the nineties the interest lagged somewhat. In 1904 a new association was organized which stiU survives and flourishes. Regular na tional meets have been held every year since the formation of the ski association. The National Ski Association of America was founded by Carl TeUefsen of Ishpeming, Mich., now deceased. It was 164 SPORTS through his untiring effort and winning personality that the association was formed and the sport put under organized control. For a time skiing threatened to degenerate into a com mercial enterprise. Tempted by big money offers for their exhibitions of skill, a few men attempted to force profes- sionaUsm on the organization, and for a time a bitter fight raged over that issue. To Mr. Thor O. Raaen of Chicago belongs the credit of waging the war that banished the taint of professionaHsm from the National Ski Association of America. Mr. Raaen served as president of the association for three years and when he retired professionalism was thoroughly wiped out. Another untiring worker in the interest of ski sport de velopment in America is Mr. Aksel Holter of Ashland, Wis. Mr. Holter was for 15 years national secretary of the asso ciation and laid down an enormous amount of time and labor for the success of the sport. The present national president is Mr. G. C. Torguson of Glenwood, Minn., an untiring worker in this field. It is of interest to note in this connection that skis have been officially adopted by our government for army purposes and in the forestry serace and national parks. On making skiing a regular sport no serious efforts were made to estabKsh records for some years. The skiers were willing enough but the hillsides of the middle northwestem states were not Uke the ski hills of Norway. Where there is a will there is a way, however. If these states had no HolmenkoUen or GraakoUen (two of the most famous ski hills of Norway) they might be created. High steel scaffolds, or ski slides, were erected and covered with snow. Hereto fore the skiers in America had looked upon it as a matter !Gf course that the records should be held in Norway. In the earliest tournaments a jump of 100 feet was considered good, now twice that distance has been covered by the jumpers. In February, 1913, Ragnar Omtvedt of Chicago set a new world's record by making a standing jump of 169 feet at Ironwood, Mich. Since that time the world's record 16S SPORTS has been boosted several times, usually in America. The record is now 214 feet, established by Anders Haugen at Dillon, Colorado, February 29, 1920. During the same meet he made a jump of 218 feet but feU. Ragnar Omtvedt's world record was broken in 191 5 by Amble Ommundsen who jumped I77j4 feet at Mjjz(ndalen,! Norway. The following year this was beaten by Henry Hall by jumping 203 feet in the hill of Steamboat Springs, Colo., March 9, 1919. Hall's record was beaten by Anders Plaugen who made a jump of 214 feet in the hiU of the Summit County Winter Sports Club near Dillon, Colo. Anders Haugen, the world's ski champion, was born at Boe, Telemarken, Norway, and is thirty-two years old. Annual summer ski meets have been held by skiers on the Pacific coast since 1919 in the hills of Mount Rainier, Washington. The ski meets in the middle northwestern states have attracted wide attention and there have been present up wards of 10,000 spectators. The municipalities have come to recognize the importance of the ski sport. In Minne apolis a Municipal Ski club was organized in February, 1920. The Board of Park Commissioners of the same city was the prime mover for a Winter Carnival held in Feb ruary of this year, and in connection with this ski runs were held in Glenwood Park before an assemblage of over six thousand spectators. In several cities of the Northwest the lofty, steel ski slides bear mute testimony the year around of the keen in terest taken in the ski sport. In approaching Virginia, Minn., for example, the traveUer by rail sees the ski slide long before he observes the first houses, and if curiosity prompts him to inquire of a townsman what that structure might be he is met with the response: "That is our ski slide-r- the greatest in the country." The American Norsemen's capabilities as yachtsmen were proclaimed to the world when the American yacht Resolute won the cup races with Shamiock July 20, 1920. For the thirteenth time since the in.'-ernational cup races began over 166 SPORTS fifty years ago a British challenger was defeated by an American defender. The thirty men who made up the crew of the Resolute were twenty-two Norwegians, seven Swedes and one Dane, all American citizens however. The sailing master of the defender was Captain Chris Christensen. Cap tain Christensen, since he arrived in America from Arendal, Norway, in 1882, has taken part in many national and in ternational regattas. It is said that no man knows the vagaries and whims of the wind and weather along the Atlan tic coast better than he. Many of the racing captains of the Atlantic ports are Americans of Norwegian birth. The racing master of the New York Yacht Club since 1874 is Louis W. BHx from Sandefjord, Norway. Since skating races for tlie international distances of 500, 1,500, 5,000 and 10,000 meters were introduced in 1886 the different records have at various times been held by Norwegians. Several of these Norwegian champions have visited the United States, Axel Paulsen, Alfred Nsess, Mar- tinus Ljzfrdahl, Peder 0stlund, Harald Hagen, Adolf Norseng, Oscar Frederiksen, Rud. Gundersen and Oscar Mathisen. Of these the first and the last are perhaps best known. Axel Paulsen made this country his home for two or three years, 1888-90, and took part in many races. Among those whom he outdistanced were Rudolph Goetz and Hugli McCormick. Oscar Mathisen of Christiania, who first won interna tional fame at Davos, Switzerland, in the winter of 1906-07, was in the United States a couple of years and met several of the best skaters of this country on the rinks. "Bobby" McLean of Chicago tried to beat him on his own ground and went to Christiania for that purpose. The match took place February 8, 1920 and Oscar Mathisen, winning 3 of the 4 races, was declared champion of the world. (The official time for the exciting 10,000 meters race was : Mathisen 18 minutes, 39.1 seconds; McLean 19 minutes, 2/5 seconds.) The present American ice skating champion is Arthur Staff, who captured the national title in a match last Feb ruary on Lake Placid, N. Y. Arthur Staff was born in 167 SPORTS Chicago of Norwegian parents. He is this year for the first time visiting the land of his ancestors and it is reported that he win seek a match in Norway next winter with the worid's champion, Oscar Mathisen. It will be interesting to see the outcome of a match between the American champion of Norse ancestry and the world's champion of Norway. In the field of tennis all Americans are proud of the achievements of "the girl from Norway," Mrs. MoUa Bjur- stedt Mallory. Her sportsmanHke conduct toward her French rival, MUe. Suzanne Lenglen, after the visiting player's un fortunate illness and default, is still fresh in the memory of all lovers of true sport. The New York Times' tennis observer, in an article in that newspaper, Sunday, October 23, 1921, has the following to say about this Norwegian immigrant champion: "Regarding Mrs. Mallory's position in first place in the ranking there can be but one opinion. Never in the history of the sport were American women's tennis laurels intrusted to such capable hands as in those of the present champion this last summer. The Times' observer of tennis is wiUing to admit that, in advance of the women's national tourna ment, he considered that the main burden of defense against the invasion of MUe. Suzanne Lenglen lay rather with Miss Mary Browne than with Mrs. Mallory. He was mistaken. He had not sized up the magnificent resources of Mrs. Mal lory correctly. He had thought that a more versatile game than Mrs. Mallory's was needed to meet the French girl. He had noted Miss Browne's command of a net attack and her ability to lead up to it by well laid ground strokes and he had thought that her greater variety of strcJces made her America's one greatest hope in the successful defense of the trophy. "Never was acknowledgment of incorrect judgment a hap pier task than in the case of the national tournament and Mrs. Mallory's superb performance in it. In her defeat of MUe. Lenglen, Mrs. MaUory did something that no observer of the game, remembering what had happened between the strated that not only was she the foremost player in America, 168 SPORTS two in Europe, had thought her capable of doing. She demon- but that she was dearly the superior of the girl whom aU the world considered the greatest woman player who had ever raised a racquet. It was not purely her splendid skill that made this victory possible, rare though that was. It was unaduherated courage, gameness, determination. Mrs. Mallory raised the back-court driving game to unheard-of heights as an attacking medium in women's tennis. Having a limited repertory of strokes, she used them as never they had been before. Almost every shot was a forcing shot and sheer grit enabled the American champion to handle returns that any other player would have passed up as impossible. In aU the history of the sport no player, masculine or fem inine, ever rose to the occasion with more consummate mas tery or a finer exhibition of grit than Mrs. MaUory showed in the national tourney. To Mrs. Mallory more than to any other player in the game in the season of 1921, one's hat is off. She was magnificent." "Marvellous MoUa" has gone from triumph to triumph until she stands as the undisputed champion woman tennis player. Her game is superb, and she has given America a glimpse of the best tradition of the Norse race in the field of sport. In football Americans of Norwegian extraction are doing excellent work. The football teams of the Norwegian American Athletic Association of Chicago have made an en viable record in soccer football, which is the game preferred by Norsemen, and are regarded as being among the top notchers in the soccer league. The Norwegian American Arfiletic Association is per haps the leading sports organization of the Norwegian group in America, although other strong sports organizations exist in New York and other cities. The Chicago association, how ever, embracees nearly all forms of sports such as skiing, skating, turning, swimming, soccer football, bicycle riding and all forms of track and field sports. It is this organization or its forerunner, the old Sleipner Athletic Club, which has developed ice skaters like Arthur 169 SPORTS Staff, the present American national champion, and has captured innumerable records in many other fields. One of the finest trained and most efficient turner so cieties in America is the Norwegian Turner Society of Brooklyn, N, Y. The Norwegians are among the peoples who come near est being perfect specimens of humanity, according to scien tific surveys, and their offspring in this country do not deteriorate. It may be noted that at the time of America's entry into the World war North Dakota, where forty per cent of the population is of Norwegian extraction, had the smallest percentage of rejections at camps of any state in the Union. At the universities and colleges of the middle west these young Americans distinguish themselves as athletes. They are among the football stars and the best track men. At the University of Minnesota the student who at present is credited with having most successfully combined scholastic attainments with athletic excellence is Arne Oas, and his predecessor having this enviable distinction was Erling Platou. During the world war Americans of Norwegian origin distinguished themselves as fighters. Four of those who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest dis tinction accorded an American soldier, were men of Nor wegian blood. Corporal Birger Loman, Sergeant Reidar Waaler, Privates Nels Tidemand Wold and Johannes S. Andersen. As sharp shooters and in athletics the fighters of Norwegian blood proved their mettle. Sergeant Olav Gunheim of Canby, Minn., 351st Infantry, was awarded a gold medal by General Pershing for being among the twenty-: five best riflemen in the American Expeditionary Forces. He won fourth place in the A. E. F. contest on the d'Anvours range near Le Mans in competition with 1,300 of the army's best marksmen. Trygve Mordt, New York, who served in the United States navy for four years, won the distinction of being the best aU-around athlete among the bluejackets] 170 CONTENTS CONTENTS Page Discovery and Immigration 17 Agriculture 29 Industry 45 Fisheries 69 Shipping 79 Church and Education 87 Humanitarian Work 101 Politics 107 Literature and Press 125 Arts and Sciences 141 Wars 15s Sports " 163 » n ri IT 11.1 "l-'i ^'l'i|' Vi|i~i 3 9002 00457 6204 ^liL--- . ^ ^•>M ^,>»' ««i ,>«*. ..-l ^^ .. "^ .^^^ = nif 1'*--^ [...W.^^^^^- ,=- -t-sili- C^^^- ) i \ ^^'" '>?^s: