for ihe fai^ndintr ef a, CcUtge in, tM\Colo>if •YAiLE-VMnnfEiasinnf- Purchased with the income of the Midshipman Julian B. Bishop Fund CAMBRIDGE NAVAL AND MILITARY SERIES General Editors — Sir Julian S. Corbett, LL.M., F.S.A. H. J. Edwards, C.B., M.A. THE NAVY IN THE WAR OF 1739-48 IN 3 VOLUMES VOLUME I CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager LONDON : FETTER LANE, E. C. 4 BOMBAY ) Calcutta!- macmillan and co., Ltd. MADRAS j TORONTO t J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. TOKYO :MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED •'¦¦"¦ ¦¦¦¦ - L £s 1 & t v 1b m- «**» if* fe ¦ jf -Jp7 ^ &,' i « trS^sl *R -AQl ^jTssflrf/f*-"/ J-'r-rW.-r Jtil.tftr** I'.jl ) . '//,/-/'/',////:/(:-//":,/.%>////,' \{>r/7,f-!'m. /,/////'/,//,•/( 'w////////A/'///////r,//^ j ,/////( /•/// ///,//////¦/' /// Cn£/f 0/Jfu.'// result of these efforts was the Convention of the Pardo, in which it was stipulated that all losses whicIThad been sustained at the hands of the guarda-costas up to December 10th, 1737, should be met by a payment of £95,000 by Spain, this sum to be paid within four months of the ratification of the convention. The treaty was signed on January T3T, 1739- 1 She was subsequently taken at Porto Bello. 2 Many similar cases occurred in the Seven Years' War: so great were the abuses that it was seriously discussed, Mr Temperley tells me, whether means should be used for over-awing the local courts. 3 R. Trevor to Sir E. Fawkener, September 6th, 1738, quoted by Mr Temperley in his "Causes of the War, etc." 12 Preliminaries of War 1739 Everything now appeared to be making for peace and on January 29th Haddock was ordered to return with his squadron to England, leaving CUnton in command at Gibraltar with two ships only, the i Gloucester,' 50, and the 'Dursley galley,' 20. Haddock had gone to Minorca for the winter in order to refit his squadron. He could not return at once as several of his ships were on the careen, and it was only on March 13th that he sailed for Gibraltar on his way home. But in the interval since January the situation had taken a different turn. Parliament met on February 1st, and the convention was debated hotly in both houses. Petitions from merchants opposing the ratification rained in, their main objection being that the question of search was not settled. "No search" was the watch word. "No search, my Lords," said Lord Carteret, "is a cry that runs from the sailor to the merchant, from the merchant to Parliament, and from Parliament, my Lords, it ought to reach the Throne1." Party feeling was imported wholesale into the discussion and a matter which required cool handling between statesmen, became the subject of windy declamations from politicians. The peace, which the possession and use of a strong and ready fleet had so nearly secured, was to be wrecked at Westminster. The debates came to an end on March 10th; the Ministry had a narrow majority in favour of the convention, but the country was stirred up by speeches and pamphlets against it. There can be little doubt that the nation was inclined to war. Men still looked back to the days of Cromwell and even those whose political views made them eye the Protector with no favour, sighed for a return to his conduct of foreign affairs. Throughout the debates in Parliament the days of Elizabeth and the Commonwealth were referred to constantly, and it would appear that the country was under one of those influences, perhaps the outcome of a long peace, which need war to exorcise them. The Duke of Newcastle, the principal Secretary of State, kept his eye on the temper of the mob. He watched the trend of public feeling, and prepared to follow it. Suddenly another factor entered into the situation. The Ministry received intelligence that a Franco-Spanish treaty concluding an offensive and defensive alliance between the crowns was about to be arranged2. This news, in fact, was doubtful and premature, but nevertheless carried weight, and the net result of the combined causes was that the recall of Haddock's squadron was cancelled. On March roth, the day the debates in Parliament on 1 Parliamentary History, vol. x. p. 754. 2 "Causes of the War of Jenkins' Ear," pp. 229-230. 1739 Spain Declines to Pay 13 the convention came to an end, Haddock was ordered to remain at Gibraltar1. Spain, who in consequence of the favourable turn of affairs had disarmed her fleet, now became anxious. To her it appeared that a double game was being played; and though Newcastle instructed Mr Keene at once categorically to deny that the counter orders had been sent to Haddock, the Spanish ministers, who could see the British squadron still at anchor in Gibraltar Bay, not unnaturally declined to accept the statement. When May 25th — the date on which the payment should have been made — arrived, no money was forth coming from Spain. On May 29th the Spanish Minister informed Keene that nothing would be paid until Haddock's squadron was recalled. On May 31st the question was asked in Parliament whether the money had been paid and the reply, to make use of a formula familiar to us to-day, was in the negative. Spain had broken the convention and thereby put herself in the wrong. War was now inevitable. 1 Out letters. March ioth, 1739. CHAPTER II THE CONSIDERATION OF THE WAR PLANS The naval and military forces of the powers immediately concerned, and the probable attitude of the other powers, must now be taken in review. The English fleet consisted, in May, 1739, of 124 ships of the line and fifty-gun ships; besides these there were many frigates of 40 and 20 guns, sloops, bomb-vessels, and smaller craft. Although the fifty- gun ship was not a ship of the line it was not unusual to include her among the heavy ships and to speak generally of "50 gun ships and above," but it is important to bear the difference in mind — a difference which was not only one of the number of guns, but of scantling and weight of guns as well. Of the 124 heavy ships, no fewer than 44 were, by the Admiralty accounts, unfit for service. Of the 80 remaining, only 35 were in sea-pay, that is to say actually ready for service, and of these 5 were in the West Indies with Commodore Brown and 10 in the Mediterranean with Haddock, so that the immediately ready force of ships of the fine in home waters consisted of 20 ships, of which 10 were guard-ships. The English army numbered about 29,000 to 30,000 men disposed in garrisons about the United Kingdom, at Gibraltar and in Minorca. The Spanish navy consisted of 58 ships altogether, of which 41 were of 50 guns and upwards. It was however by no means ready ; nor was it concentrated, since the necessity under which Spain lay to convoy her treasure fleet involved her always having a number of her heavy ships in the West Indies. The fleet in home waters was organised in three divisions at the ports of Cadiz, Ferrol and Carthagena, the whole being under the Infante don Philip as General-Admiral of the naval forces. Twenty-one of the great ships belonged to the first-named port, and out of the remaining twenty, eight belonged to the Flota (the armed ships which traded with South America), five to the Buenos Ayres service and two to the Barlovento, or Windward squadron. Her army, including about 23,000 militia, numbered some 110,000 foot and 20,000 horse1. France, whose exact diplomatic relationship with Spain was uncertain but suspected, had a fleet of about 50 ships of line, divided 1 Les preliminaries de la Guerre de la Succession d'Autriche, M. Sautai, p. 388. I739 Spain's Vulnerability 15 between the ports of Toulon, Rochefort and Brest : but according to the information in the possession of the Administration, very few of her ships were ready for service at this date. As a military power she was the strongest in Europe and could place over 300,000 men in the field1. The immediate struggle that was to take place was thus between a nation with a force of about 80 ships of the line and a small army, and another with about 40 ships of the line and a very large army, with the possibility that the latter might be assisted within a certain time by a third nation with a force of about 50 ships of the line and a larger army still. There could thus be no question of England's undertaking military operations on any large scale against Spain in Europe : the disproportion between the military forces of the two powers precluded any such possibility. Spain was only vulnerable- in her colonial possessions overseas, and in the trade that passed between those possessions and the old country. Such pressure might be brought upon her by interference with that overseas trade and deprivation of the sources of wealth themselves, that the losses she would suffer by a continuation of hostilities, would exceed those incurred by a recognition of and subscription to the demands put forward by England. It was therefore obvious that the efforts of England would be directed towards sapping the wealth of Spain. The wealth of Spain lay in her trade and in her colonies. But her- colonies without trade were valueless to her ; it was only because they were the sources of her trade that they contributed to her wealth. If the communication between those colonies and the home country were cut, or were interfered with to so great a degree that trade could not be carried on, the colonies lost their value. Thus as Spain could not be brought to an agreement by measures of military force, occu pying the country and throttling the economic life, the pressure could only be brought to bear externally by throttling the channels on which that economic life depended. True, a certain degree of pressure might be brought to bear by the capture of oversea possessions, and their conversion into possessions of our own ; but only so far as those posses sions were of direct economic importance to Spain would this method affect her. The energies of Great Britain required therefore to be directed towards the destruction of Spanish trade. So much was clear; but when it came to consideration of the methods to be employed there was room for wide differences of opinion. Trade could be attacked either by spreading ships fanlike over the 1 Pajol, Guerres sous Louis XV, gives the state of the French army in 1745 as 322,000 men. 1 6 Consideration of War Plans x739 seas and capturing every vessel that sailed under the Spanish flag which came in sight: or by concentrating squadrons at the points of arrival and departure of that trade : or by seizing, by means of military force, the ports whence the trade sailed. Such ports as were seized might be held temporarily for the immediate purposes of the war, or, if favourably situated for strategic reasons, might be retained per manently afterwards. A still further development of such a trading war would be not only the seizure of a port, but the actual conquest of the territory in which the port was situated with the view of appropriating it to the Crown and settling colonists there, in order that that territory might be used to supply the wants or increase the riches of the kingdom, or because its occupation was essential to the secure tenure of an important strategic position in the territory. The principal theatres of activity of the Spanish commerce were in the West Indies, Central and South America and the Philippine Islands ; but the trade from all these parts came to Europe by the route across the Atlantic. On the continent the trade came down to the coast at Vera Cruz, Cartagena1, Porto Bello (which received the trade from Peru) and Buenos Ayres. The trade from the Philippines which was embarked at Manila was carried across the Pacific to Acapulco and thence transported through Mexico City and re-embarked at Vera Cruz. All of this trade was conducted by the Royal and privileged fleets. The South American trade was carried in the galleons, which, sailing from Spain went first to Cartagena where they awaited the news of the arrival of the Peru fleet at Panama. When this intelligence was received they proceeded to Porto Bello, whither the trade was brought from Panama either on mules over the stone-paved track which led across the Isthmjsjfr, or by water down the Chagres River, according to the season of tne year. The arrival of the galleons was the occasion for the holding of a great market at Porto Bello. The merchandise brought out from Spain was then sold, the products of South America were embarked on board the ships, which then returned to Cartagena, received that part of the trade which came from the mainland and then stood over to Havana where all the Western trade collected on its return journey to Europe. The trade between Spain and Mexico was carried out by the Flota. This fleet was fitted out at intervals— sometimes as much as three or four years apart— or as occasion required, and sailed from Cadiz taking 1 In order to avoid confusion I have adopted the following arbitrary spelling to distinguish the two Cartagenas; the Spanish port, Carthagena; the Colombian one, Cartagena. CARTE TOPOGRAPHIQUE BELABAYE ViLLE ET FAUBOURG DE CARTAGENE AV. Ly Tout duaitltpar da Plain ParaetiUtnt ttrei d'aprat Phuiairi aiitrco letwj jur lit lien* ¦ Con 1/ a joint tint Carte Marine redutte. pour serpir a luxtrttpencc du a I Carte Topographtque de la \Baye t>e Carthagene des Indes 4 CeUta iftu. otic paitbcjutfu'a pcia' -be Ord in ;u 1 ¦<: du Roy. pikir Purrte) CJturificatlvi-trnsnu. H Fbrt de J-"CfvuE. ou, U ertvutCA&tnu "dt&o Catunu .-•r.-.t-l,: dtna-rx.-ii •j-Jnutj Jvta rrjnftlu diiuc . t t - I M naiun* da/aeyuj de $ Canoia. T ffata^ri dc fhim*j \ •tmtmZZS?™* h^B^mmaa id :=t^^ N ilaxme dejatvu* dt.8 rjuwnJ V. ibi-cde clUmin. J ST dc Can am d* Si,. iLvre*. THE TRADE ROUTES TO THE WEST U Lis Forts et Batteries nouvellement ftablievpour vfuvtr a va nFFFFiv^ rouia, que hinmitt la i'.iitfmut Pour 14 oiler el restnir. FORT DE BoCACHIdl jg, ¦ \pus DEL/l Villi, et EfUXBCVxc. V£ Cua-HJoene\ AND CENTRAL AMERICA (Carte Marine) x739 . Course of Spanish trade 17 out wine, oil, brandy, cloth and wearing apparel of all kinds. It called at Porto Rico to refresh and thence sailed to Vera Cruz. The harbour of Vera Cruz was very small and not more than 30 to 35 ships could lie in it; it was also weakly defended, so that any ships lying there were in danger of attack from the sea. The market was therefore not held at the port but at Jalapa, a town about a third of the way between the port and Mexico city. The treasure and trade were not brought down to the coast until the ships arrived and were ready to embark it, in order to shorten as much as possible the time during which they would be exposed to danger. In the interval between the sailings of the Flota, vessels known as Azogues sailed between Spain, Havana and Vera Cruz, carrying quick silver out from Spain for use in reducing the silver ore, and returning with the produce of Mexico and Havana. These ships, which figured among the men-of-war, were armed with about 60 guns. The trade to Buenos Ayres, which was not as yet very extensive was conducted by ships which sailed separately from the great trading fleets. Their home port was Cadiz, and the imports they carried to Spain consisted largely of gold, silver and hides. One other class of ship remains to be mentioned, the Register ships. These vessels belonged to merchants who by payment of a certain sum were privileged to carry goods to any part of the Spanish settlements. They were free to move independently, sailing when they wished and steering their own courses. The Havana itself, besides being the principal port of Cuba where the products of that island — hides, sugar and tobacco — were embarked, was also an important shipbuilding centre not only for merchantmen but also for men-of-war of the largest classes. But its main importance lay in the fact that it was the rendezvous where the whole Western trade, except that of Buenos Ayres, collected before proceeding home under convoy. Porto Bello, Cartagena, La Vera Cruz and Chagres were minor trading bases at which the exports of the country immedi ately behind them, or of more distant parts such as China and Peru, were embarked, subsequently to be concentrated at Havana. Thus the capture of Havana, the focus of the trade, would be the most serious blow that could be inflicted on Spain, while the capture of any of the other ports would exercise a severely restraining effect upon the trade that they fed. In home waters Cadiz was the principal port: there a Casa de Contratacion of the South Sea Company was established, and there the Flota collected for its outward sailing. The minor ports were Coruiia, Santander, San Sebastian and Bilboa. Sir Charles Knowles, an officer of whom we shall hear much during r. n. 1. 2 1 8 Consideration of War Plans 1739 this war and a careful observer, writing in 1748, gave a fairly full account of the course of Spanish trade and its seasons. He said : " The Spanish ships generally arrive in May. The places to watch for them are off Cartagena, fifteen miles S.E. of Cape Tiberoon, and on the north side of Hispaniola to prevent their going through the old straits of Bahama, and between Cape Antonio and Cape Cartouche: which being so many different routes require the more ships.... In the middle of August or beginning of September the Spaniards generally bring up their treasure from Vera Cruz in two men-of-war, and three or four ships sail from the Havana much about that time over to the Dry Tortuga where they anchor and wait for those from Vera Cruz, when all proceed to the Havana. This has been the practice these eight years past, so that as the Hurricane months are not proper to arrive off Cape Frangois1, the time falls out well for the large ships upon this station going to waylay the Spaniards. The ships destined to carry the treasure generally sail from the Havana about the middle of October when they wait to see the first North {i.e. northerly gale) over before they sail : then they push through the gulf, so that if they were missed on the way from Vera Cruz with the treasure, our cruisers might run through the gulf and have a second chance of meeting them on their passage home ; but then we must be very strong as the treasure ships are generally convoyed by most of the men-of-war from the Havana as far as the Bermudas." The treasure here referred to by Knowles was obtained from mines upon the American continent, the importance of which to Spain may be realized by the fact that the average annual receipt from them was at this time calculated at more than 4^ million pounds sterling. The protection of this trade by convoy formed a perpetual duty of the navy even during peace. Privileged persons only were permitted to take part in the commerce, and the King himself was in effect the principal merchant of the kingdom. Instead of encouraging the trade to increase, those persons who could obtain permission to take a part in it held it jealously in their hands. "Kept under by absurd regulations, hindered by all kinds of obstacles, cramped by a thousand chains, yet this commerce is the richest in the universe." It was this rich commerce on which Spain so greatly depended that must be the first object of an attack, the successful issue of which would deprive her of the money she would require immediately for conducting a war. The Ministry had a fairly clear field to work in so far as their offensive operations were concerned. If they decided to attack the 1 The principal French station. The trade from the French settlements usually sailed for home in June, before the hurricane season set in settiemems 1739 Offence and Defence 19 headquarters of Spanish trade in the West Indies they required a combined force to capture the ports and a naval force to cover the operations, ensuring the immunity of the troops on their passage and holding the fines of communication at the required points to prevent either interference with our own supplies, or reinforcements from reaching the enemy. The main ports requiring observation would be Cadiz in the south, in connexion with which Carthagena would be included, and Ferrol in the north, which would include the ports on the Biscay coast. The security of our dominions — the British islands, Gibraltar and Minorca in the Mediterranean, and our scattered posses sions in the West Indies and America had also to be provided for against counter attack ; and so far as they were concerned the squadrons employed to cover our oversea offensive operations would, if properly disposed, secure those territories from invasion. There remained the defence of the trade. The large squadrons watching the enemy ports could not ensure its safety. While the squadrons off Carthagena, Ferrol or Cadiz could guard against the sailing of any similar body of ships, it was impossible for them to guarantee that single ships or small squadrons should not slip out from those ports; and over and above these main bases every harbour on the coast that would hold a ship could send out a privateer, so that some force in addition to the main squadrons would be required to deal with these pesti lential craft. Sir Robert Walpole, speaking in the House of Commons in the early part of the following year1, indicated the lines on which he surmised the war must proceed: "It is true," he said, "our Navy is much superior to theirs; but by our Navy alone we cannot propose to force them to a peace. We must attack them on land at some place or other, and for this purpose we must have a sufficient land force. I believe they have not at present any great number of regular troops in the West Indies; and we may prevent their sending a great ; fleet and army there at the same time; but we cannot prevent their sending small detachments in single ships or in half-a-dozen ships at a time, and by such means they may considerably increase their regular troops in the West Indies even before we can attack them." It will appear strange that with so clear an appreciation of the situation so little attempt should have been made to prevent the saihng either of fleets or smaller bodies of ships from the Spanish ports. Unreadiness of the fighting forces and irresolution as to their use were among the reasons why Spain was allowed so free a hand as she was at the beginning of the war; but there were others as well. The 1 Parliamentary Debates, 1740. 20 Consideration of War Plans 1713-25 irresolution was to some extent created by the relations with foreign powers. A brief reference to these will therefore be made, so that the effect of the prospects of interference or assistance from the continent may be appreciated, and the extremely evanescent character of the alliances of the preceding years brought out. From 1713 to 1731 France and England had been at peace. In 1717 they had been in actual alliance1, and the short war of 1718-1720 had seen France, Austria and Great Britain acting together against Spain. England's attitude in this matter was dictated by her continuous pohcy of the preservation of the balance of power, but another potent influence was also at work — her regard for her trade ; and this played no small part in weakening the ties that hitherto had bound her to Austria. The desires of the Emperor for an external commerce which he was anxious to develop from his Flemish Province, led to Austro- Spanish rapprochement which culminated in a treaty2 in 1725. By this arrangement Spain agreed to assist Austria in the development of an overseas trade and the establishment of an East Indian trading corporation known as the Ostend Company, while Austria in return was to use her influence to obtain the restoration to Spain of Gibraltar and Minorca. Secret clauses included an attack on France, and marriages by which Austrian archduchesses were to be united with Spanish in fantes and thus provide these princes with settlements in the Austrian dominions in Italy. This treaty gave rise to serious fears both in England and France. Not only trade and power were believed to be affected, but it was rumoured that a Jacobite restoration was among its provisions. Holland would be in danger, and through her, England; for the Dutch had openly announced that they would attack the Imperial ships if they should meet them in the East Indies, in which case a war would follow between the Empire and the United Provinces in which Spain would be bound to assist Austria. England could not afford to see Holland either crushed or driven into the arms of France; and, if France should go to war in defence of Holland, England could not sit by and see French squadrons attacking Spanish West Indian settlements, which would result in an increase in French strength in those parts. France, no less than England, had good reasons for not standing alone in the presence of two such powerful enemies as Spain and Austria. The result of the mutual danger was a treaty between the two powers, into which Prussia also entered3; and a triple alliance of England, France and Prussia confronted the dual alliance of Spain and Austria. The moral support which Spain had thus obtained from Austria 1 Treaty of Vienna. 2 Ibid. * Treaty of Hanover. 1726-33 Alliances and Friendships 21 did not content her. She next desired active assistance in recovering Gibraltar which she attacked in 1726. But the money which was needed to induce the Emperor to participate was not forthcoming until too late owing to a blockade of Porto Bello by a British squadron under Hozier, — that terrible pacific blockade which cost so many lives. Thus Spain received no help from her ally. England likewise received none from her's, and a half-hearted struggle, hardly worthy the name of war, in which the Spanish attempt upon Gibraltar failed com pletely, soon came to an end. The Austro-Spanish alliance lasted only a short time. The grouping of the powers underwent another change in 1729 in which dynastic and trading influences were supreme. Austria having rejected the proposed Austro-Spanish marriages, Elisabeth Farnese, the very masterful consort of the King of Spain, in high dudgeon carried Spain into the arms of France and England, and a treaty, in which the Emperor was obliged to take part, resulted in 173 1. England was guaranteed the possession of Gibraltar, her treaty rights as regards trade were secured to her, and the Ostend Company was abolished. Spain obtained some of the concessions in Italy desired by her Queen. From this time Anglo-French friendship had gradually grown fainter, a tendency accentuated two years later by the conclusion of the first Pacte de Famille between Spain and France. In this compact the former agreed — notwithstanding previous treaties — to transfer to the latter the commercial advantages conceded to England by the Treaty of Utrecht, France in return engaging to assist Spain to recover Gibraltar, to suppress the illicit trading, and provide an army of 40,000 men if required. That same year however the attention of the parties was diverted in another direction by the death of the King of Poland which brought about a war concerning his succession in which France, Spain and Sardinia were opposed to the Emperor. The British Ministry adopted an attitude of non-interference, mainly through the influence of Walpole— an attitude strongly criticised at a later date by opponents of that Ministry. Carteret, in the debate on the motion for the removal of Walpole, said: "Our joining the Emperor in the war would in all human probability have entirely cast the balance... but we remained idle spectators and by this our inaction the power of the house of Austria was diminished, the power of France increased and the whole system of Europe turned upside down." The kingdom of the two Sicihes passed at the peace in 1733 from Austria to a Spanish prince. The main effect of the war, so far as it concerned England, was a great increase of Spanish power in the Mediterranean ; all that had been gained by the war of 1726 was lost. 22 Consideration of War Plans 1739 This short survey will have shewn that while Austria entertained no friendly feelings towards Spain, she had no reason to extend any help to England, who had just been instrumental in killing at its birth her overseas trade to the East Indies, and had allowed her territories to be taken from her in the recently ended war. Holland had no cause to come into the war unless she were attacked by France; but she was bound by treaty to assist England in the event of the Protestant succession being endangered. Of the smaller powers whose attitude affected the situation, the most important was Sardinia, whose ruler, King Charles Emmanuel, was a soldier held in high esteem by all his contemporaries. But so long as the quarrel between Spain and England was concerned with matters without the Straits of Gibraltar, the attitude of Sardinia mattered little. The northern powers similarly had even less concern in the dispute, and France only remained. Her attitude was of serious importance and of great uncertainty, and every effort was made by the British ministry to ascertain the exact relations existing between her and Spain, and whether certain rumours as to a secret treaty between them were true. As we have seen, the first family compact between the French and Spanish branches of the house of Bourbon had been secretly signed in 1733. In it France agreed to assist Spain if she were attacked by England, to obtain for her the restitution of Gibraltar and Minorca and to assist her to check the illicit trading in the West. The agreement was known to the Duke of Newcastle early in 1734, and, though the compact had lasted not much longer than the ink took to dry, it indicated the trend of a considerable body of influential opinion in France making for a close alliance between the Bourbon powers. Cardinal Fleury, the " Prime Minister" of France, was known to be averse from war. All his influence, it was rightly anticipated, would be employed in the maintenance of peace; and Newcastle hoped that if only Holland could be persuaded to throw in her lot with England the scales might be turned so definitely in England's favour that Fleury would keep out of the contest. "I sometimes flatter myself," he wrote to Horace Walpole1, "there are strong indications of success: a little spirit in the Dutch would certainly frighten the Cardinal, and give him an excuse for not taking part with Spain, since that would bring on a general war and make the Dutch take part with us; but if our friends in Holland shew plainly nothing will engage them to act, France will. then think they may then quarrel with us without endangering a general war." 1 Duke of Newcastle to Horace Walpole, (Brit. Mus.) Add. MS. 15055. 1739 The Council 23 It was however suspected that measures were on foot for a renewal of the treaty of 1733 ; and as the Cabinet had themselves experienced, the peaceful tendencies of a minister might not be proof against a popular outcry for war. It was therefore the obvious duty of the administration not to rely too confidently on Fleury's attitude, but to take all the steps possible to guard against the situation that might arise if he were unable to keep the reins in his own hands. The first, the most obvious, step was to prepare every ship in the yards for service, so that a force superior to that of the two powers would be available if required. As the sequel will shew, this was not done, and ministers contented themselves with gambling with the security of the nation, trusting to the pacific character of a frail old statesman 86 years of age. Such, then, was the actual pohtical situation when the British Government found itself faced with the necessity of deciding on some definite plan of war with Spain. At that time the direction of all warlike measures was in the hands of the Privy Council, but in practice the business was done by a Com mittee of the Council, which constituted in effect a Committee of Imperial Defence. This Committee was a Committee of the Privy Council, and though the same great officers of the State who formed the Cabinet were to be found attending it, it was wholly distinct from that body, nor was attendance confined to members of the Govern ment or Council. So far as the navy was concerned, while its repre sentative was generally the First Commissioner, others of the Board frequently took part in the discussions; and the officers commanding the Fleet in home waters are often to be found at its deliberations. Such matters as the operations to be undertaken, the movements of the various fleets and the instructions to be given to their commanders were considered by this body1. The two sea-officers who in the initial stages figure most prominently in the work of preparation for, and conduct of, the war, were Sir Charles Wager, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and Sir John Norris, the Commander-in-Chief, or Admiral of the Fleet. Sir Charles Wager was now 73 years of age. He had held the office of First Commissioner since 1733, an office held by many sea-officers since 1688 2. In his young days he had served with Russell at Barfleur, 1 Cf. Professor E. R. Turner in American Historical Review, July and October, 1913; Sir William Anson in English Historical Review, January and April, 1914; Mr Hi V W Temperley in the same Review, No. xxvn. of 1912; Memoirs of Court of George II, by Lord Hervey; Diary of Sir John Norris (Brit. Mus.) Add. MS. 33004; Minutes of the Privy Council. 2 Admirals Herbert, Edward Russell, Sir John Leake, Sir George Byng and Lord Berkeley. 24 Consideration of War Plans 1739 and later was present at the taking of Gibraltar in 1704 and of Barcelona in 1705. He had made himself a rich man by the capture of a great quantity of treasure from a Spanish fleet of seventeen ships, which he boldly attacked with a squadron of three vessels only. He had commanded in the West Indies, where his conduct of affairs was marked by the success of his defence of trade and capture of prizes. He was present at the siege of Gibraltar and the blockade of Cadiz in 1726 and 1727, but he had never had the good fortune of commanding a great fleet action, and the majority of his services had been connected with squadrons rather than fleets. Sir John Norris, the date of whose birth is uncertain1, was apparently about 79 years old. He had been present at Barfleur, la Hogue, and at the loss of the convoy off Lagos in 1693. He took part under Sir Cloudesley Shovel at the capture of Barcelona in 1705 and the operations round Toulon in 1707. He commanded in the Mediterranean in 1710 and 171 1, when he took part in the joint opera tions with the Archduke Charles. He had been employed in the Baltic both in naval work and diplomacy in the years between 1715 and 1727, and was appointed Admiral and Commander-in-Chief in 1734. Sir John's Diary contains a very full account of the meetings of the Committee of Council attended by him2; it gives a singularly clear picture of the method, or rather the lack of method, with which the war was directed. It was at a meeting of the Council held on June 3rd, when Spain's failure to conform to the agreements arranged in the Convention of the Pardo was known, that the first acts of hostility were decided on. The acts of hostility were not to be acts of war but reprisals3, blows directed against Spanish commerce in reply to the injuries Spain had inflicted upon British trade. Spanish shipping was to be attacked in its two great focal areas, Cadiz and the West Indies. With this in view the Council decided to send orders immediately to Haddock to dispose his squadron in the best manner to seize the Flota, then preparing at Cadiz, and to stop all Spanish advice-boats going to the West ; and to Commodore Brown to "act hostilities against the Spaniards in the West Indies, making the interception of the galleons from Havana his 1 Sir John Laughton in the Diet. Nat. Biography gives the year of his birth as 1660, with a query. 2 It is in the British Museum Add. MS. 28132-5. 3 "The term applied to such injurious and otherwise internationally illegal acts of a State against another as are exceptionally permitted for the pu'rpose of compelling the latter to consent to a satisfactory settlement of a difference created by its own international delinquency." L. Oppenheim, International Law, vol. 11. p. 34. J739 Instructions for Reprisals 25 principal object." The defence of the kingdom was to be provided for by manning a strong squadron for home service and augmenting the land forces. The proper method of issuing letters of marque was to be gone into, in accordance with precedent. Orders in the sense decided upon were despatched three days later in three six-rates to the Mediterranean, West Indies and Northern Colonies respectively, a fourth and a fifth-rate were sent to guard the fisheries at Newfoundland, and Sir John Norris was appointed to command the fleet at home. Thenceforward meetings of the Council were held daily to discuss the operations which were to be under taken. The instructions to Haddock1, dated June 6th, began with a preamble in which the unjust seizures committed by Spain, the injuries suffered by our commerce and the cruelties inflicted on our seamen were recited; and Haddock was directed, as Spain had failed to fulfil her undertaking to pay £95,000, to commit "all sorts of hostilities" against the Spaniards, seizing both ships of war and merchant vessels. In particular he was to cruise off Cadiz to try and capture the Flota fitting out for the West Indies, and also to look out for some Azogue ships expected soon to arrive, and for the galleons in case the squadron in the West Indies should miss them. As it was not improbable that these measures of reprisal might provoke the Spaniards to retaliate in the form of an attack on Minorca, he was from time to time to detach such ships as he considered necessary to prevent such an attempt being made, going himself to the island in case of urgent need, but not otherwise. Besides this he was ordered to protect trade, to station ships off Lisbon and Gibraltar for the purpose of getting intelligence of Spanish ships, and to attack the enemy's privateers; but he was directed not to weaken his own squadron to an extent that would make it inferior to any squadron that might come out from Cadiz, or from any other port of Spain to join the ships at Cadiz; which junction he was enjoined to prevent. When it is borne in mind that Haddock's force consisted of ten ships of the line, one large frigate and eight small craft, and that the force in Cadiz so far as was known consisted of thirteen ships of the fine besides small craft in unknown numbers, it will be seen that his task was sufficiently comprehensive. He had not only to keep a force off Cadiz which could engage the Spanish squadron if it came out, but also to provide ships for the other scattered services enumerated. To enable him to carry out these instructions an increase of force was obviously required. 1 They were drawn up by the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Harrington, Henry Pelham and Sir John Norris. 26 Consideration of War Plans 1739 The actual disposition of all the ships in sea-pay when these orders were issued was as follows : — Rates Plantations Mediterranean Home Service Guardships 34 56 Sloops 1 467 8 5 5 1 6 1 10 1 68 6 4 26 18 25 10 making a total of 79 ships, of which 36 were of the line. On June 20th news was received from Gibraltar that two Buenos Ayres and two Azogue ships were expected to arrive at Cadiz during June. The Council at once decided to endeavour to intercept them. Sir Chaloner Ogle was ordered next day to hoist a broad pendant on board the 'Augusta,' 60, take the 'Pembroke,' 60, and 'Jersey,' 50, under his command and, as soon as he could be ready, to sail for Gibraltar with sealed orders (which were not to be opened until he reached Cape St Vincent) directing him to cruise off that Cape for the expected Spanish ships. Admiral Haddock also was warned that these ships were on their way home and informed that Ogle was being sent to intercept them. Both of these sets of orders were shewn to Lord Hardwicke, the Lord Chancellor, a statesman whose strategic insight was considerable. Hardwicke at once drew attention to the fact that the Spaniards would not neglect the obvious precaution of ordering their ships to come to some other home port than Cadiz, watched as it had been for so long, but would divert them elsewhere, probably to Corufia. In confirmation of Hardwicke's surmise information appears to have been received that some such measure had been taken, and it was settled immediately after the Lord Chancellor's remarks to' send another force to watch off the northern capes of Spain. For this purpose the Council decided to employ a squadron which had been prepared for the purpose of making the opening moves against Spain in the West Indies, and now lay at Spithead, nearly ready, under the command of Admiral Edward Vernon1 The instructions to Chaloner Ogle were therefore not altered, and Vernon was directed to get to sea as quickly as he could and proceed to Finisterre with the object of intercepting the Spanish ships in case they should make for Corufia. 1 'Burford,' 70 (flag); 'Worcester,' 70; 'Strafford,' 60; 'Princess Louisa' 6o- Norwich, 50. M' uu> J739 Vernon off Cape Ortega! 27 As however it was important that he should arrive in the West Indies before the galleons should leave for Europe, which they were expected to do in October, he was told not to wait more than fourteen days off Finisterre unless he should get information that the ships were actually coming, and in any case not to wait so long as to risk missing the galleons in American waters. Ogle was unable to get away until July 22nd in consequence of a severe gale, and even when he did sail the weather was still tem pestuous ; after a day or two of battling with foul winds he lost his foremast and was obliged to return to harbour. A new mast was stepped and rigged and he once more set out on the 30th and worked down to Cape St Vincent, where he found three of Haddock's squadron — the 'Ipswich,' 70, 'Edinburgh,' 60, and 'Dragon,' 60, — already cruis ing on the look out for the same quarry as himself. The possibility that the Azogue ships might be met and protected at their home terminal by the Ferrol squadron caused the Admiralty to strengthen Vernon's command by four more ships1 under Captain Coville Mayne, and with these he sailed the day after Ogle's first departure and ran into the same bad weather. Although he lost no spars he was not able to get clear of the Channel until the end of the month, the foul winds keeping him battling about the Isle of Wight until then. On the 2nd August he was out of the Channel and on the 9th he made Cape Ortegal where he cruised for the inside of a week, and then, leaving Covill Mayne the three 70-gun ships and the frigate which had been added temporarily to his squadron, with orders to cruise in those parts for another month, he bore away with the remainder of his ships towards Madeira, where he arrived on the 23rd of the month. Mayne continued cruising with the detached squadron off Ortegal until the 1st of September when he received certain news that the Azogue ships had got into Santander a month before. This was true. Under the command of Admiral Pizarro they had sailed from Vera Cruz and made their European landfall at Cape Clear; in that part they appear to have received warning from an advice-boat sent out from Spain that the British squadron was cruising off Cadiz, where upon Pizarro shaped course across the Bay direct for Santander where he anchored in safety on August 2nd. Mayne, having thus missed his quarry, returned to England. The Azogue ships had good luck in their safe arrival. But for the foul winds which had delayed the departure of the two British squadrons there would have been a very fair chance of their being intercepted 1 'Lenox,' 70; 'Elizabeth,' 70; 'Kent,' 70, and 'Pearl,' 40. 28 Consideration of War Plans 1739 off Ortegal, if indeed they were not met in the northern part of the Bay. Thus the first blow of reprisals in home waters had failed. In the Mediterranean, Haddock, after refitting quietly at Mahon, had arrived at Gibraltar on April ist on his way home in accordance with his instructions of recall. Here the orders met him rescinding those instructions, and directing him to remain at Gibraltar. He was still there in the end of June when the orders for executing reprisals reached him. He sailed within a couple of days with a strong squadron1 to cruise in the approaches to Cadiz', with the objects of falling upon the Flota if it should put to sea, and of intercepting the homecoming Azogue ships of whose expected arrival he had received timely notice. Making his base off Cape St Mary's, that convenient spot just within Portuguese territory so often used by British squadrons for observing Cadiz, he kept a detachment cruising about Cape St Vincent, sending a constant succession of reliefs from the main body; and in this manner he was in a position to deal with either the Flota or the Azogue ships and to save his own as much as possible. Haddock remained in this situation throughout July and the early part of August. Fresh instructions then reached him in which he was told to devote his main attention to preventing the Spaniards from using the delay in the declaration of war to concentrate their fleet or get the Flota to sea. Nothing, he was told, was to divert him from keeping a sufficient number of ships off Cadiz to frustrate either of these movements. Thus the British ministry were prepared to treat any attempt towards effecting a junction between the Cadiz and Ferrol squadrons as an act of war; but as this blockade could not be main tained indefinitely the Admiral soon received instructions for more drastic action. On August 13th the Privy Council had decided to attempt what was an actual act of war and to attack the Spanish squadrons in their own harbours2. His particular attention was directed to a squadron of four ships which was known to be at Carthagena under the command of M. de la Bene. The reason for this new orienta tion is clear. The administration, as Haddock's original instructions shew, were particularly anxious lest Spain should attack Minorca without any declaration of war, and were not averse from forestalling any such action if a favourable opportunity presented itself, by the destruction by bombardment or burning of the squadron and shipping which constituted the most serious threat to the island. The instruc- 1 'Somerset,' 'Berwick,' 'Edinburgh,' 'Ipswich,' 'Plymouth,' 'Dragon,' 'Can terbury,' and 'Chester.' 2 This was agreed to by the Privy Council on August 13th, but the instructions were not sent out until September 4th — a delay of three weeks. Add. MS. 33004. x739 From Reprisals to War 29 tions to attempt to destroy the Spanish squadron reached Haddock towards the end of September. He at once sent Lord Augustus Fitzroy to reconnoitre Carthagena and Barcelona — the latter being the port at which any troops destined for the enterprise would collect as they had on previous occasions — with orders to bring back a report as to the possibility of executing an attack upon either the squadron or the shipping by means of fireships and bomb-vessels. Lord Augustus, who returned in the middle of October, reported that the enterprise was impracticable in view of the strong defences of the harbours. In the same despatch in which the burning of the shipping was recommended to Haddock's consideration, he was instructed to keep the main body of the squadron off Cadiz as long as the weather would permit, and then return to Mahon for the winter. His station at length yielded him two prizes of value, the first captures since the orders for reprisal. On September 23rd and 29th his squadron took two rich Caraccas ships whose cargoes were valued at over £200,000. This was more than double the sum of which the non-payment had led to the present situation. In this manner the opening moves of a preparatory and protective nature were made and reprisals were carried out. Vernon had been sent with his squadron to attack Spanish trade in the most advan tageous manner at one end of the trade route, at the same time pro tecting the British trade and settlements in that area, while Haddock's squadron at the other end held up the outgoing and intercepted the homecoming trade and protected Gibraltar and Minorca. The fleet in home waters was being fitted out as fast as the defective organisation for manning would admit, trade was carried on under convoy, and a few cruisers were sent out into the Soundings to protect shipping against attack by privateers. It now lay with the Council to determine how the coming war was to be conducted. At the time when England issued the orders for reprisals, Spain had sixteen ships at Cadiz, of which two only, which were preparing to sail with the Flota in July, were ready. The remaining fourteen were under orders to be fitted out as soon as possible, in consequence of the threatening aspect of affairs. At Carthagena there were five ships, and at Ferrol there were from twelve to fourteen, of which four only were ready for the sea. Like England, Spain experienced great difficulties in manning her ships and was anxious to protract negocia- tions and stave off reprisals or war as long as possible, or at any rate until the valuable Azogue ships should have arrived. She accordingly did not answer the British order for reprisals at once, but when those vessels reached Santander safely, in August, she felt herself in a position J o Consideration of War Plans 1739 to take action. Her orders for reprisals were issued and a number of privateers got to sea with very little delay. The plan upon which Spain intended to conduct the war consisted in a general attack upon British trade by privateers. The field was to be opened for them by forcing the British to concentrate their naval forces by threats of invasion of the British Islands and the recapture of Minorca and Gibraltar. For this purpose three armies were to be formed, one in Galhcia ostensibly to be thrown into Scotland or Ireland, one opposite Gibraltar and one in Catalonia to menace Minorca. It was further anticipated in Madrid that France would throw her lot in with Spain in accordance with the terms of the Family Compact. The number of ports the English squadrons would then have to keep under observation would demand so great a naval force that the Spaniards hoped that not enough ships would be available to deal with their privateers. They estimated that a squadron of twelve vessels would by these threats be tied to Gibraltar, and another of the same force to Mahon, so that the privateer zebecks from Majorca and Catalonia would be free to ravage the unprotected British trade1. The Enghsh plan consisted mainly in an attack on Spanish sea borne commerce until information should be received as to which oversea Spanish ports were vulnerable to attack. But the idea as to how the campaign against commerce was to be organised was by no means clear in the minds of the Council; and while instructions were given to Haddock to cruise off Cadiz and blockade that port, no measures were taken to maintain a squadron off the other great arsenal at Ferrol. One only of the Spanish bases was watched; and, as Spain had hoped, an insufficient force was provided to deal with the privateers on which she so largely depended to cripple our resources. Very slowly the Council set about receiving and considering suggestions for an oversea military expedition against some part of the Spanish colonies. Although the order for reprisals was issued in June, no war plans were made or even discussed, nor were any methods taken to get troops ready, (beyond the formulation in the Council of a pious opinion that it was advisable to augment the land forces) until September. On the 4th of that month the Privy Council met to consider the under taking of some expedition to the West Indies, but dissolved without doing anything2. On the 10th they reassembled and heard a scheme proposed by Colonel Bladen3 and his son-in-law, Mr Tinker, which consisted in a suggestion to attack and make a settlement in the 1 Duro, Armada Espanola, vol. vi. «- 2 Minutes of the Privy Council. Newcastle Papers, Add. MS. 33004 3 Colonel Bladen was uncle of Lord Hawke. J739 Schemes of Oversea Attack 31 isthmus of Darien, and, holding this as a base, to seize the Spanish gold mines, which, said Mr Tinker, would be the means of carrying on a trade with the Spaniards and the opportunity of putting off great quantities of European goods. A force of 2000 men was supposed to be all that would be necessary. The Council were pleased with the notion; and, saying the scheme "deserved consideration," they referred it to Sir John Norris and Sir Charles Wager. These officers met on the 17th September and reported that the plan was feasible and could be carried out either by sending ships to Panama, or from the Eastern side by carrying the men up the Chagres River. Further consideration however caused the scheme to be laid aside, and another proposal which had been brought forward earlier1 to send two 50-gun ships to the Philippines to intercept the Acapulco ship and assist the Portuguese to recover Salsette was examined. This developed into a proposal to attack Spain in the South Seas and as a part of the operation to capture Manila and there take the Acapulco ship. A squadron which should leave England before Christmas could reach Manila in time. The garrison was reported to be very weak — only 150 men — and it was suggested that after capture the city should be transferred to the East India Company who would then provide the permanent garrison — that a flourishing trade with China and the South Seas might result. A similar suggestion of making a permanent settlement on the coast of Chile with the same object was discussed2 and rejected, but it was agreed that a squadron of three or four ships on the Chile coast would be able to do serious harm to Spanish trade. One further proposal remains to be mentioned. General Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony of Georgia, had recommended sending an expedition to demolish the Spanish settlement at San Augustine, and on September 25th this was agreed to. The General was to raise forces locally, ordnance and other stores were to be provided from England, and the stationed ships on the American coast were to form the necessary naval force. A 50-gun ship was at once sent to tell Oglethorpe what had been decided, and to carry the necessary instructions to the vessels scattered along the seaboard of the northern colonies. Although the Council were able to make their decision in this small matter by the end of September they were wholly unable to do so with regard to the other and more important operations. The expedition to the Chile coast was not agreed upon until November 10th, and even then the Council could not make up their mind as to whether the Manila proposal should be carried out. They met and dissolved again many times without settling anything, preferring, it would appear 1 On September 6th. 2 October 12th, 1739. 32 Consideration of War Plans 1739 postponement to decision. It had been intended that Captain Anson should command the Manila expedition, and he had been recalled from sea in October— he was then cruising in the Soundings for the protection of trade— and informed that he would do so. The opera tions on the coast of Chile were to be undertaken by another squadron under Captain Cornewall who was to proceed thither round the Horn, and after ravaging the Spanish trade and settlements on the west coast of South America, stretch across the Pacific and join Anson at Manila. This scheme was however dropped, at the instance of Walpole who considered that it would take too many men, and that as one squadron was already going to Chile it might as well afterwards cross the Pacific and take Manila. Finally, after three months of vacillation and two months after war had been formally declared, the Council made up its mind in the direction suggested by Walpole. Anson was to take four ships round the Horn, attack the trade of Chile, attempt to capture Darien, and if necessary proceed afterwards to Manila and endeavour to intercept the Acapulco ship. The larger question of a serious territorial attack on the Spanish possessions had meantime been discussed as well, though the manner of doing so had been equally dilatory. The Council on September ioth expressed the opinion that it was "extremely desirable" that an expedition should be made in the Spanish West Indies which should distress the Spaniards, and they asked when any number of land forces sufficient for that purpose could, with safety, be spared from the country. No answer to this elementary request seems to have been given, and although an opportunity of increasing our land forces in a simple manner was afforded, advantage was not taken of it. In September the King of Sweden had offered to hire a number of his Hessian troops to France ; but Prince William of Hesse-Cassel who was to marry Princess Mary, offered 6000 troops to England. The Council advised the King to accept the offer, which would set free a number of troops for service abroad, but nothing came of it. Another month went by, and on October 12th, the day after the Council had advised the declaration of war, the subject of the large expedition which had lain dormant since September ioth was once more brought out of its pigeon-hole, and Wager and Norris were directed to consider it. This they did. "Sir Charles and I," wrote Norris, "took into consideration what Sir Robert Walpole has so earnestly desired as his Majesty's opinion and all of his Council, that some undertaking of consequence should be undertaken in the West Indies; and the Havana being the first to be wished for." The two Admirals examined all the information available about Havana and concluded that it was impossible to attack J739 Havana or Cartagena 33 it by sea, the town being wailed round and the entrance closed by a boom, but that it could be captured by an army. Its batteries mounted 152 guns and its garrison consisted of 1300 good soldiers, 5000 militia and six troops of horse of from 60 to 70 men each; the arsenals contained arms for 10,000 men. Taking these matters into consideration it was estimated that an army of from 8000 to 10,000 men would be required, who might be landed in a bay to the westward of Havana — a distance of about two miles — while the ships carried the heavy stores along the coast. The town was reported to be weakest. to the westward, but with no gates in that direction, so that the attacking troops would not be in danger of a sally by the garrison. If however so many men were not available. Wager and Norris con sidered Cartagena the next best place to take and hold, "as the entrance of that port is narrow and may be made defensible against a stronger force; the town is hkewise commodious for that purpose and, being upon the continent, if we can maintain ourselves, communi cation with the natives will follow, and the way to the mines [that] are now used by the Spaniards1." Thus Cartagena would fulfil the necessary condition of being self-supporting, and easy to hold, would open up a trade with the interior, and by its position on the flank of the trade route to Porto Bello would enable the power that held it to dominate the Spanish trade. "The Spaniards," said Norris, "would hardly venture to send their galleons to Porto Bello with us in posses sion of Cartagena." In suggesting the number of men that would be necessary the Admiral instanced that de Pointis took the city in 1697 with 3000 men, and proposed to send the same number, which might be supplemented by a force of 1000 local buccaneers. When 'these proposals were put before the Council they caused some consternation among its members. Walpole informed the sea-officers that the idea of taking Cartagena came as a complete surprise to the Ministry, who had never had that operation in their minds; while as to Havana, he said, they had never imagined that so large an army would be required. The intention had been to send General Wade with a far smaller force than that suggested, and though he thought the lesser number proposed for Cartagena might be obtained, he did not think the 10,000 for Havana could be had2. To this the Admirals very properly replied that the military force was purely a soldier's question on which their opinions might be wrong, and Norris added that "the best method to avoid diversity of opinion would be a meeting with a Secretary of State, Sir Robert Walpole and whom his Majesty should think proper to be consulted, which of the expeditions should 1 Diary of Sir John Norris. 2 Diary. R. N. I. 3 34 Consideration of War Plans 1739 be undertaken: and Sir Charles Wager and myself being with them would answer how far the naval assistance could sustain the expedition that should be thought proper to be undertaken1." This proposal was not adopted, and full meetings of the Council went on without any decision being arrived at. One day it was agreed that 10,000 men could not be had; Havana was then laid aside and Cartagena con sidered; a few days later the Duke of Newcastle suggested that perhaps more men could be raised in America which might make the Havana enterprise possible. But when the subject became difficult it was dropped and one of the other expeditions — Manila, Panama, Chile — was brought up and toyed with. The inevitable result was that time passed and nothing was done. While the British Ministry were thus dallying with war the Spaniards were making effective preparations. Reinforcements were being des patched from Ferrol to Cartagena and Havana, both of which were rightly considered as threatened, and privateers were putting to sea in increasing numbers daily. The Spanish armies were assembling as arranged, and the fleets were preparing, albeit slowly. The omission on the part of the British Fleet to observe Ferrol, an omission which permitted those reinforcements to sail without hindrance was not due to forgetfulness. From the first Norris had urged that ships should be kept off Finisterre for the double purpose of intercepting troops and supplies intended for the West Indies, and as a precaution against a possible junction of the fleets of the supposed allies, France and Spain. No notice of his reiterated advice had how ever been taken. Sir Charles Wager appears from Norris's account to have persistently opposed this measure. Sir. John's disappointment at the failure to take this obvious step is repeatedly shewn in his accounts of the Council meetings. His Diary for November 26th, 1739, contains the following entry, rather involved in its construction but clear in meaning: "Sir Charles [Wager] was asked if 2 Spanish men-of-war with about 4 or 5 hundred men were not sailed from Ferrol to the West Indies: he said he believed there was; and in almost all Councils I have been called to I have always proposed some ships to cruise off the Norward Capes to prevent the Spaniards putting, to sea from Ferrol: the different sentiments of Sir Charles has prevented it, and it has always been my opinion that if we could not keep a squadron off that coast to prevent the ships at Ferrol coming to sea, that [theyj might with those men-of-war and two or three thousand soldiers send to the West Indies, and by that means disappoint any desires we might have of making great conquests in those parts." 1 Diary of Sir John Norris, October 21st, 1739. 1739 An Expedition decided upon 35 Norris himself was strongly in favour of making Havana the main objective. His plan was to collect all the troops then in the West Indian garrisons and North America, together with those from San Augustin after that place had been captured, and assemble them at Providence, there to be joined by an army coming out from England. The whole force would then move direct to Havana. Chmate, he urged, was a matter of the highest importance in determining the objective, and in this respect Havana was in every way preferable to Cartagena, being 120 further to the northward and comparatively healthy, whereas Cartagena was notoriously unhealthy. The ap proaches to Havana presented no great difficulties, but at Cartagena the landing was bad in the strong winds that prevail along the coast, and, in addition, the fortifications were known to have been con siderably strengthened since its capture in 1697. A decision, typical of the Duke of Newcastle, was finally arrived at on December 5th. The expedition should be sent to Jamaica, and when it arrived there a local council of officers should decide what was to be done with it. The responsibility was thus shifted from Newcastle's shoulders to those of other people. As to the command of the army, the first proposal was that it should be given to Lord Stair, a veteran of Marlborough's wars and one of the most distinguished soldiers of the time; but the King refused to consider his name when it was submitted to him, and desired the command to be given to Lord Cathcart1, another experienced officer who had taken part in the previous war. The Council at last, six months after they began to take steps which must infallibly lead to war, had succeeded in deciding that an expedition should be sent to the West Indies, its objective to be decided when it got there ; and the question of raising troops for that expedition began to form the subject of their deliberations. It was agreed that a force should be raised in America under the command of Colonel Spotswood of Virginia; that the Governors of the colonies should be instructed to embody men, grant commissions to officers and arrange transport so as to meet the army coming from England at Jamaica; and that all the troops in the West Indian garrisons were to join the expedition. Five regiments, to be called Marines, were to be raised at home; but in truth, these regiments were Marines in name only. The essential of a Marine was and always had been that he was borne principally for manning and fighting on board the ships of the Fleet. These Marines were not to be in any way allotted to the squadron, but were to be an expeditionary force, and were given the name of 1 Diary of Sir John Norris, December 14th, 1739. 3—2 36 Consideration of War Plans 1739 Marine only because under that name it was easier to raise men, as the pubhc believed them to be for the service of the Navy. The regi ments were ordered to be assembled in the Isle of Wight, and transports for 8000 men at the rate of 1 J tons per man, victualled for six months, were ordered on the 31st December, 1739. While these matters were under discussion the preparation of the fleet in home waters proceeded slowly. Men were the great difficulty. Although bounties of two guineas a head for able seamen and thirty shillings for ordinaries were offered, seamen were not forthcoming. It was proposed to remedy this lack in various ways. One suggestion was to withdraw the protections from impress extended to the seamen of the coastwise traffic and fisheries who numbered some 14,000 and thereby make them available for service in the fleet. Another alterna tive was to man the fleet largely with soldiers; while a better one, which had the support of the sea-officers of the Council, was to re establish the Marines and to use them for the objects for which they had originally been raised of manning the fleet and providing a body of continuous service seamen1 Sir Robert Walpole's proposal to embody men into regiments for the West Indian expedition and call them Marines, when they were not going to form part complements of the ships, was naturally ill-received by the seamen on the Council ; and though the men so raised were denominated "Marines" in spite of the protests of the Admiral of the Fleet, the intention as to their functions was subsequently modified and a proportion of them was definitely allocated to the sea-service. But while these discussions continued as to the methods in which men were to be obtained to man the fleet, the ships were lying helpless in the dockyards, the ports of Spain were insufficiently watched, and the ports of France were not watched at all. It soon however became known that, for the present at any rate, no danger was to be expected from France. A letter from Lord Waldegrave, our Ambassador in Paris, received on October 25th, shewed that no immediate junction of the French and Spanish ships was to be apprehended, as the French ships could not be ready before the spring of the foUowing year. In consequence Haddock was even ordered to send home six of his ships2, a number reduced a week later to four, and eventually cancelled altogether when French preparations were again reported. For the present, a watch on Ferrol and Cadiz 1 See Appendix on the manning question. " He had had a reinforcement of six ships sent him in conseauence of the expected interference of France. He was to send home six of hifearner ships. SS Add. MS 11^^ reaCh6d hlm' MimteS °f ^^ C°URCi1' °Ct°ber 25*' 1739 War Declared with Spain 37 would meet all strategical requirements; but it was imperative to hurry on the manning and fitting out of the fleet, as the French might early in the next year have twenty-eight ships of the line ready1. Seeing what the actual state of preparations were it is not surprising that when on October 2nd the Council met and discussed whether it were not now time to declare war, Norris strongly opposed such a precipitate step. He urged that there was not only no need to declare war, but that it would be most undesirable to do so until the naval and military forces were ready to carry out offensive operations against Spain and to protect the kingdom and its outlying possessions. At present, he pointed out, such squadrons as were abroad had instructions which entitled them to do all that lay within their powers ; more they could not do. The winter was approaching in which regular sea blockades would be most difficult to maintain, and until the fleet was manned it would be impossible to support those blockades. Besides this, he argued, France could have no object in joining Spain until we actually declared war, and it would be well to be ready to meet both powers from the beginning. To exhaust our ships in a winter blockade would lead to their being unready to undertake the operations in the spring when the naval forces of both the allied powers might be ready for combined action against us. He might indeed have continued his arguments further — possibly he did — and carried them on from the unreadiness of personnel and material to the not less important matter of unreadiness of a war plan. But whatever pleas he used he only succeeded in delaying the declaration of war for a few days. Notwithstanding his protests and arguments, the decision, deferred on October 2nd, was definitely taken on October nth, and war was formally declared by proclamation on October 19th. In this proclamation the unjust seizures made and the injuries done to our merchant ships and seamen, the interference with legitimate commerce, the claim of Spain to the right of search in other than her territorial waters were referred to. Her failure to fulfil her part of the arrange ments agreed to in the Convention of the Pardo, and the apparent impossibility of obtaining either redress or any guarantee of future security were mentioned; and it was represented that since all peaceful means of settling the dispute had proved fruitless there remained to us only to endeavour to secure our rights by war. To this communication Spain replied on November 17-28 by one couched in similar language. England's declaration of war, her pre tensions, and her failure to observe treaties, left Spain, so it ran, no 1 Eleven were preparing at Brest, five at Rochefort and twelve at Toulon. 38 Consideration of War Plans 1739 course open but to declare war in self-defence. Relations between the two powers were broken off, and commerce between them ceased1. War was at last begun, and it cannot be said that it began under the most favourable auspices. The fleet was not ready, the army was not ready, and the offensive operations had not yet been determined, nor were they fully decided upon two months later. After a period extending over several years during which the relations of the two Powers had steadily tended towards a conflict, war had actually broken out before the British Administration began to consider in what manner it should be conducted. Months more passed before the Cabinet decided, and then only partially, what operations against the oversea possessions of the enemy should be undertaken and how they should be executed. Such an unreadiness shews how little the problem of war occupied the mind of the Government during the years of disturbed peace preceding 1739. 1 The cessation of commerce meant the laying up or transfer of a very large quantity of British shipping, the volume of which may be appreciated by the fact that in the year 1737, out of 1243 French, Dutch and British ships that entered Cadiz, 183 were French, 153 Dutch and 907 were English. Duro, Armada Espanola, vol. vi. CHAPTER III THE OPENING OPERATIONS IN THE WEST INDIES The orders for reprisals, issued when Spain failed to fulfil the obligations imposed upon her by the Convention1, reached Commodore Brown at Jamaica in July 1739. They directed him to "act hostilities" against the Spaniards in the West Indies, and accordingly he took his squadron2 to sea early in August, and cruised with it in a solid body, first between Cape Corrientes and Cape Antonio for outgoing trade, and then between Cape Santa Maria and Havana for the trade arriving at the latter port. Two ships were detailed to see the homeward-bound British trade through the Windward Passage, and a sloop was kept cruising along the north coast of Jamaica to guard against small raids from Cuba. Brown's information was that the Spanish ships in the West Indies were scattered. He heard there were no ships of war at Havana, but that three lay in Cartagena, two in Porto Bello and two at San Domingo; a small force under Pizarro, which had been sent to cover the trade from Porto Bello in the preceding winter, was reported to have sailed already for Spain and was in fact the force that reached Santander on August 2nd. The galleons however were collecting or collected at Havana, and upon them, as the principal objective against which reprisals could be executed, he concentrated his attention. What amounted to a pacific blockade of Havana ensued, as a consequence of which hardly a ship left that port between August and October. In the middle of October, knowing that Vernon was on his way and ought to arrive shortly, Brown carried the bulk of his squadron down to Jamaica leaving only the 'Windsor' and 'Falmouth' to watch Havana. He arrived on the 28th to find Vernon impatiently awaiting him. Admiral Edward Vernon, whom we have already seen starting from England to cruise off Finisterre, was now fifty-five years of age. At Westminster as a boy under the famous Dr Busby he had learned Latin and Greek, and is said to have made some progress in Hebrew by the age of sixteen, when he went to Oxford. There he studied mathematics, navigation and geometry, and, under a private 1 Minutes of the Privy Council, June 3rd, 1739, B.M. Add. MS. 33004. 2 'Hampton Court,' 70; 'Windsor,' 60; 'Falmouth,' 50; 'Torrington,' 40; 'Diamond,' 40; 'Shoreham,' 20. The 'Windsor' was at that moment cruising off Hispaniola: Brown recalled her to join him as soon as possible. 40 The West Indian Opening 1739 tutor, fortification and gunnery. He was nearly seventeen when he entered the Navy, and his first experience of battle was at the destruc tion of the galleons at Vigo, which took place a month before his eighteenth birthday. Vernon thus started his sea-fife with a good grounding in the elements of the most important part of his profession, and also with a liberal education of a wider nature than that of the average sea- officer of his time. He combined broad views on varied subjects with an attention to all matters of detail connected with his profession. His writing is the formed hand of an educated man, and his letters display an insight and thoughtfulness which are not to be found in the same degree in those of the majority of his contemporaries. His early education may possibly have contributed to his defects as well as to his qualities, and it is not unnatural that while his outlook was wider than that of the greater number of the officers of the day he was affected by an impatient temper which did not permit him to suffer fools gladly. He who saw so clearly the essentials of a situation, who could pierce through superficialities and reach main principles, found himself unable to sit silent while he observed an Administration blundering in the mires created by its own lack of foresight. He could not resist the temptation, which a certain facility in expressing his opinions encouraged, of putting forward his views and criticisms with a directness which no Ministry at that time appreciated. In Parliament, where he sat for Rochester, Penrhyn and Ipswich1, he was a frequent speaker, especially upon all subjects connected with the seamen, of whose cause he was always a pronounced and advanced advocate. Vernon's first operations on leaving England had been concerned with the attempt to intercept Pizarro. Apart from this diversion, his instructions, dated July 16th, 1739, directed him to take command in the West Indies and there "commit all sorts of hostilities against the Spaniards in such manner as you shall judge the most proper." Further, he was to sink, burn and destroy all Spanish ships; to procure the best intelligence about the galleons at Cartagena and Porto Bello, particularly the time at which they were to sail from either port on their return voyage, and of all Spanish ships in West Indian waters; to take station and cruise or fie in the best places to intercept Spanish trade; if the Spaniards appeared to be preparing to attack South Carolina or Georgia, to send ships to intercept any squadron or flotilla sent from Havana for that purpose; and always to keep two or three 1 Horace Walpole says he was elected at the same time for these three constituencies (vol. 1. p. 93). He is shewn as Member for them in Parliamentary Debates. 1739 Vernon's Instructions 41 small frigates about Jamaica for the protection of that island and its local trade. The instructions continued: "In case yoU shall find that the Spanish men-of-war or galleons either at Cartagena or Porto Bello lie so much exposed as that you shall judge it practicable to burn or destroy them in port, you are to attempt to do it provided it may not too much hazard the disabling of our squadron under your command from performing any other services that may be necessary." Secret instructions were added later, directing him to make it his business to procure the best intelligence as to where a descent could be made on the Spanish dominions in the West Indies or on the •continent, which would be of prejudice to Spain and of advantage to England. He was to state the number of troops that would be required, and, so soon as he had ascertained these matters, to send the informa tion home with the utmost despatch by a sloop. From all this it will be observed that Vernon was by no means sent out, as the popular legend would have it, to capture Porto Bello ; for except in so far as an attack on the shipping in the harbour is mentioned, Porto Bello is not referred to in his orders. It will also be noted that territorial attack on the Spanish possessions was con templated, though not decided, so early as July, 1739 ; but while Vernon was ordered to send home prompt information as to where these possessions were most vulnerable, the Ministry took no steps whatever to be ready to act upon that information when it should be received, other than by passing a resolution in a Cabinet Council in June that His Majesty should be advised to increase his land forces1- From the time of leaving England Vernon had assiduously busied himself in preparing his squadron for service. His first consideration was the manner in which he would handle his command in action, and he issued an addition to the Fighting Instructions "for forming a sort of Corps de Reserve in case my squadron should exceed the number of the Spanish Fleet I might meet with, and which I explained more fully to them in the verbal orders I gave them upon it yesterday, having called all my Captains together to deliver them their orders, and advise with them on the execution of them2." The Additional Instructions ran as follows: — "In case of meeting any squadron of the enemy's ships, whose number may be less than those of the squadron of his Majesty's ships under my command, and that I would have any of the smaller ships quit the line, I will in such case make the signal for speaking with the captain of that ship I would have quit the line: and at the same time I will put a flag, striped yellow and white, at the 1 Cabinet Memoranda, June 3rd, 1739. Add. MS. 32993; Minutes of the Privy Council, June 3rd, 1739. Add. MS. 33004. 2 Vernon to Duke of Newcastle, July 29th, 1739. 42 The West Indian Opening 1739 flagstaff at the main topmast-head, upon which the said ship or ships are to quit the line and the next ships are to close the line, for having our ships of greatest force to form a line just equal to the enemy's. And as, upon the squadrons engaging, it is not to be expected that the ships withdrawn out cf the line can see or distinguish signals at such a juncture, it is therefore strictly enjoined and required of such captain or captains, who shall have their signal or signals made to withdraw out of the line, to demean themselves as a Corps-de-re'serve to the main squadron, and to place themselves in the best situation for giving relief to any ship of the squadron that may be disabled or hardest pressed by the enemy, having in the first place regard to the ship I shall have my flag on board, as where the honour of his Majesty's flag is principally concerned. And as it is morally impossible to fix any general rule to occurrences that must be regulated from the weather and the enemy's disposition, this is left to the respective captains' judgement that shall be ordered out of the line to govern himself by as becomes an officer cf prudence and resolution, and as he will answer the contrary at his peril." This order is noteworthy. It is the first Additional Instruction; and thus the originator of the system which set the Navy free from the trammels of the Fighting Instructions was Vernon. His v.are was always to look as far ahead as possible and to issue instructions to govern such cases as he could foresee; but he was none the less careful to limit those instructions, and to explain their limitations, making it clear to his subordinates that he could provide only for the conduct of affairs up to a certain point, after which it fell to individual captains to act according to the circumstances of the case. He realized that signals in battle may fail, and impressed upon his captains that he could not depend upon being able to send them any instructions during the progress of an action. He provided, in fact, the major tactics to be followed, and left the minor tactics to be evolved according to the unforeseen circumstances that might arise. "It is from my knowledge of the experience of my captains," he wrote, "and my confidence in their resolution, that I have my chief reliance successfully to execute his Majesty's orders." Throughout his operations Vernon pursued this course, taking his captains into his confidence, explaining to them verbally what he wished them to do, and letting them know that he depended on them to carry out his intentions by an intelligent exercise of their own judgment. And in no case during his command did his captains fail him. Besides this he exercised his ships' companies daily with the guns and small arms. He had, he said, found "our unfledged mariners very raw at it." This inexperience of his ships' companies was the theme of more than one of his letters. "We are under one general misfortune," he wrote, "to be sent upon service with such numbers of raw men we have to instruct in everything"; and it was upon his passage out that he expressed his opinion to the Duke of Newcastle that it would be well to turn several of the marching regiments into *739 Waterhouse at La Guayra 43 Marines in order to strengthen the ships' companies with riflemen, and provide men capable of being readily turned into able seamen— an intention as regards the formation of a Marine corps that dated back to the reign of William and Mary1, and was still prominent in the minds of the senior men. Vernon's efforts to intercept the Azogue ships on his way out had been fruitless. After leaving Finisterre he had stood for the Canaries and thence passed on to Pahna, but had failed to get any news of them at either place. He therefore sailed for Antigua which he reached on the 28th of September. From Antigua he went on to St Kitts and there detached Captain Waterhouse with three ships2 to harry the trade off the Spanish Main from La Guayra to Puerto Cabello, and then rejoin him at Port Royal. Waterhouse on parting company sailed to La Guayra, where he saw some ships and small craft hauled up in the cod of the bay. He at once made preparations to attack them, but when he got nearer, he found the difficulties were greater than he expected. The harbour mouth was defended by two well placed forts, he had neither chart nor pilot to guide him in the local navigation, and the shifty breeze inshore increased the risks of attacking under such circumstances. The forts received him with a smart fire, and he soon found that an attempt to force his way into the bay would probably involve his squadron in losses which would not be com pensated for by the destruction of a few coasting vessels. Knowing how important it was that his ships should be in a fit condition for the more important services that were to follow, he hauled off after a brisk engagement and proceeded to rejoin Vernon at Jamaica. His conduct met with the Admiral's full approval. After detaching Waterhouse, Vernon had proceeded with the rest of the squadron to Jamaica, and anchored at Port Royal on the 12th of October. Here he found things very different from what he expected. His original intention had been to proceed direct to Havana to intercept the galleons, but he now heard that they had not even all arrived at that port. One was still at Cartagena and none were likely to be ready to sail till after Christmas. He had expected to be joined by Commodore Brown immediately on his arrival at Jamaica, and was much annoyed to find the Commodore was not there, but was still cruising with his squadron at Havana, where according to his informa tion, there was no need for him. Vernon's last instructions directed him to advise as to where a territorial attack would best be made against Spain. His views on this 1 See Appendix. 2 'Strafford,' 60; 'Princess Louisa,' 60; 'Norwich,' 50. 44 The West Indian Opening 1739 question, in the hght of both an earlier and later experience of land warfare in the West Indies, are so clear that they shall be quoted with some fullness. He was uncompromisingly opposed to any opera tions of the kind on an extended scale; but if territorial attack, with a view to ultimate possession, were intended, he considered Cuba would afford Spain the "most sensible loss," and was most capable of being retained and colonized. "But when I reflect," he wrote, "on the populousness of that island, their neighbourhood to the French at Hispaniola, who would never fail to assist them and could always speedily do it, the great expense of a transport from Britain of any number of forces into these seas, and the many unsuccessful expeditions of that kind that have been attempted by land in these seas, the best advice I can think of giving is to lay aside all thoughts of such expensive land expeditions, as all advantages may be better and cheaper procured by keeping a strong superiority at sea in these seas ; by which means, let who will possess the country our Royal Master may command the wealth of it : and as such a force at all times not only serves to distress his Majesty's enemies by destroying their trade, but to protect and encourage that of his Majesty's subjects, I can never be the adviser of land expeditions especially into this country, that may drain the Royal Treasury, and, in case of a French war, disable His Majesty from keeping a superiority at sea, on which, in my. apprehensions, both the security and the prosperity of the Kingdom depend1." Among the proposals he was directed to consider was that, already referred to, of Mr Tinker for making a settlement at Darien with the object of developing a private trade with the Spaniards. This scheme he deprecated. Such trading could equally well be carried on from Jamaica, which was also a better base for naval operations, both from its geographical position and from the fact that it was more difficult for the enemy to gather information of intended movements from there than from any place on the mainland. "Success," said Vernon in a letter to the Duke of Newcastle of January 23rd, 1740, "depends on well-concerted enterprises of which they can have the least notice." He pointed out as an additional argument against Darien that scattered solitary settlements were only a weakness, needing garrisons from the army and detachments from the fleet to defend them. The wisdom of these remarks has received abundant confirmation since Vernon's time. Vernon also answered that part of the questions put to him as to the force required, in an interesting manner. " My own reflections," he ^* Vernon to the Duke of Newcastle, October 31st, 1739. Received March 13th, *739 Vernon considers Porto Bello 45 wrote, "upon the almost general disappointments of past expeditions in America is this : that they were principally owing to delays in order to gather more strength in these parts, by which they were weakened more in the force they brought out within that time than any additional forces they collected amounted to: and gave the enemy all the time they could desire to strengthen themselves against them. So that, in my judgment, I should hmit all expeditions to this country to be entered upon immediately on their arrival, and to be executed within the first six weeks, before their men would begin to fall sick1." The history of West Indian operations shews how well judged was this advice. At a rather later date the life of a battalion in the West Indies averaged two years. In the three terrible years 1793, 1794 and 1795 the services of no less than eighty thousand men were lost to the country, and at any time during those years the proportion of sick in the West Indian garrisons might be taken as fifty per cent, at the least. In reading these almost prophetic opinions of Vernon's it is not difficult2 to appreciate his impatience at the dilatory methods of Wentworth in the subsequent operations at Cartagena and Santiago. While Vernon considered what operations should follow, he had to determine what to do at once to distress Spain. Casting his eye round the station he saw that he could not strike any blow directly against the Spanish Navy, and his attention centred on the two nearest main ports of trade — Cartagena and Porto Bello. Trelawny, the Governor of Jamaica, who conferred with him, strongly recommended an im mediate attack on Cartagena, but with the force he had, without more troops, Vernon did not consider it would be practicable. Porto BeUo, however, he thought could be taken. Reports reached him that the Spaniards were moving, or intended moving, many of their ships towards it from Havana, Vera Cruz and Cartagena, thus showing that they were very anxious about its safety. The treasure had not yet reached Porto Bello, and therefore no direct blow in the shape of its capture could be effected, but an attack on the harbour promised several important results. By arriving there before the Spaniards, the British squadron might attack and destroy the fortifications and render the harbour useless as an assembling-place for trade; or it might, by being off the port when the enemy arrived, intercept his ships and sink them; or finally, if any Spanish ships were there before him, Vernon felt confident of being able to sail in and attack and destroy them at their anchors, as he had seen the galleons at Vigo attacked and de- 1 Vernon to the Duke of Newcastle, January 23rd, 1740. 2 Cf. Fortescue, History of the British Army, vol. iv. and vol. vn. Bryan Edwards, History of the West Indies. 46 The West Indian Opening 1739 stroyed in his younger days. Everything in his opinion pointed to Porto Bello as his most suitable objective, and in deciding to sail there, he acted in fact upon the principle that the best place to find the enemy's squadron is in the vicinity of what he most wishes to protect. Having made his decision, Vernon prepared to sail as soon as possible, with or without Commodore Brown. Brown however returned to Jamaica in time on the 28th of October, his ship was watered and victualled with all despatch, and the squadron1, consisting of the five ships Vernon had brought out from England and the 'Hampton Court' sailed for Porto Bello on the 5th November. A sixth-rate — the 'Sheerness,' 20 — was detached to watch Cartagena and keep Vernon informed of any movements made in that part, especially looking out for the arrival of reinforcements from Spain. The harbour of Porto Bello is a small bay running about east and west, a few miles to the eastward of the Colon of to-day: to the west ward lies the harbour of Nombre de Dios. Both of these ports were connected with Panama by a paved road (which still exists) across the isthmus. By this road the treasure and merchandise were carried to and from Panama, except such portion as was embarked at Chagres at the season when the river of that name was full enough to permit navigation2; at such time the treasure was carried down the Chagres, leaving only a short land journey between Panama and the place of shipment on the river. The entrance to Porto Bello harbour is a bare half mile across, and the land rises steeply behind it on either side. The winds inside are tricky and in the month of October are light and mainly westerly. On the north shore, with thickly wooded hills immediately behind it, stood the Iron Castle. At the head of the bay in its south-eastern corner were the Gloria and San Jeronimo Castles, protecting the town. There is bold water close inshore at the Iron Castle, so that ships could go practically alongside, but the Gloria and San Jeronimo could not be approached closer than about 400 yards. Vernon issued his orders as to the manner in which he proposed to attack, on the day after sailing from Jamaica. The squadron, led by Commodore Brown, was to sail in close line of battle so as to pass less than a cable's length from the Iron Castle, each ship firing its broadside into the castle as she went by; from this point Brown was instructed to lay up for the Gloria Castle and anchor as near as he •Norwlt ^o- °lhitll -WaS ^.foUows: 'Hampton Court,' 70; 'Worcester,' 60; Norwich, 50; Burford,' 70; 'Strafford,' 60; 'Princess Louisa,' 60 ihe present Panama Canal follows the line of the Chagres River for a long 1739 The Attack on Porto Bello 47 could to its eastern end, leaving room for the 'Worcester' to anchor astern of him abreast the western bastion. The ' Norwich,' after passing the Iron Castle was to anchor off the fort of San Jeronimo and engage it; the 'Strafford' and 'Princess Louisa,' following the flagship, were to anchor abreast the Iron Castle and assist in its bombardment. All ships were directed to have their longboats in tow astern and their barges alongside ready to tow the longboats in with the soldiers, who would receive their directions as to landing from the Admiral. Special instructions were given to avoid hurry, confusion or waste of am munition. The squadron arrived near Porto Bello on November 20th, and Vernon anchored for the night some two to three leagues to windward in order to avoid being driven to leeward. At five o'clock next morning he called all his captains on board to give them final instructions. An hour later the squadron weighed, formed fine of battle, and beat to windward until it could weather the Salmadinas rocks. In order to avoid the possibility of any mistake in the leading, Vernon had arranged that when the red flag was hoisted at the maintopmast-head it was to indicate that Commodore Brown was to lead whichever tack was on board. This was the first introduction of this invaluable signal which so greatly increased the flexibility of tactics. It was wanted badly when Mathews left Hyeres Bay on February ioth, 17441. The wind during the forenoon was between north and north-north west. By about 2 p.m. the 'Hampton Court' was in a position to weather the Salmadinas, and the Commodore bore away, passed between the Rocks and Drake's Island, and when he opened the harbour mouth hauled his wind to stand up harbour. But now the wind came easterly. His orders to attack the Gloria Castle became impracticable. Without hesitation he disobeyed them and anchored half a cable off the Iron Castle. His prompt action received full approval. "Commodore Brown," wrote Vernon, "discharged his duty like an experienced good officer." For about half an hour the ' Hampton Court ' alone was engaged with the Iron Castle, for the light wind had opened out the squadron and their progress was slow, but in that half hour the heavy fire of the Commodore's broadsides beat down much of the Spanish defences. The ' Hampton Court's ' cable was then cut away by the enemy's shot and she dropped to the southward before she could bring up again, but as she did so the next two ships, 1 On that occasion a shift of wind on leading out of harbour reversed the tacks and in consequence the whole line had to be inverted in order that the commander ordered to lead with the starboard tacks might get into his position. The meaning attributed to the signal by Vernon was a special one, the red flag — No. 3 — having no signal significance when so hoisted. 48 The West Indian Opening 1739 'Norwich' and 'Worcester,' came in and took up their positions inshore of her. They opened fire as briskly as the leading ship had done, while Brown, seeing that the resistance would not be long, prepared for the assault which was to follow by getting his soldiers and seamen into his boats ready to push in to the shore immediately the signal to land was made. Close behind the 'Norwich' and 'Worcester' came the flagship, which was so lucky as to pick up a large puff of wind as she rounded the point, which enabled her to luff up and anchor closer her next ahead; she dropped her anchor within about a pistol shot of the castle, hauled her broadside to bear with a spring, and opened fire. A tre mendous battering of heavy guns and fusillade of small arms from the three closely placed ships was now concentrated on the castle, whose defenders were already shaken by the 'Hampton Court's' attack. Vernon very quickly saw that the resistance was broken and within a few minutes of anchoring signalled for the boats to land. Brown's boats were immediately on their way, and in less than a quarter of an hour the men were on shore, scrambling up into the lower batteries, helter skelter, driving what remained of the garrison before them. Such of the Spaniards as were able escaped, and when the attackers climbed into the upper batteries they found no more than some thirty-five of the defenders remaining alive. Before the 'Strafford' and 'Princess Louisa' got into position abreast the Iron Castle the Union flag was flying over its bastions. Thus four ships only had got into action and had all been engaged with the Iron Castle. The rest of the plan was undone. The reason for this was that the wind, which had been at about north when the squadron stood into the harbour, went round to the eastward before the ships were in position, a shift which not only delayed the rear ships from getting into action but also prevented the three leading ships from carrying out the intended plan and moving up the harbour to engage the Gloria and San Jeronimo Castles. Brown, in his Journal, after describing the capture of the Iron Castle, remarks: "The wind being far easterly which obhged me to anchor as it was right down the harbour: ordered a spring on our cable and fired several shots at Gloria Castle as they did at our ships till nigh eight o'clock at night." Some of the Gloria's fire reached the ships of the squadron. The 'BurfordV foretopmast was cut through and other shght damage done, but most of the shot fell short. The ships replied, and although the range was long they dropped some shot into the castle and sunk a sloop lying close off it. Vernon soon afterwards carried the squadron a little further to the south-westward to be out of range for the night, TJIJo~^~) THIS PZ^i'^V of the Haxbour.Town and Forts of PORTO BTZZO (Taken by Edward Vernon Eftf. VICE ~4Z>~4fIR^lL of the BLUE on the 22* of November 1739. With Six Men of War only) Drawn by Lieuten' Philip Durell : Is most Humbly Infcribed to the K. HorPSSJt C&^RZES ffCdGER Erft Lord Commifsioner of the Admiralty. ¦*""*' *"¦**""¦ •«• — Ja: Ketone a~~r <~f *<£**. a.,,*-^. - — s^ . ~-t if- .^___ KKSiiru Ar*,~*m Vuim Hurt *,*r- W.*„. * y en& eftA<nw&ri&r ef£u*td fivm-iAd. ~/td**ura£i My? efu- ffiurprrd- B j£i&ri£*iajrn- i-n £/ir^ Castb ck Gloria, C . .f?i£f0tr7rcji{&r,sf( a n, ofrfa-r fftj.3faJmyfiffd&ffi*ffip%i^Irtni&a\y&e*9^d6r-y^Sntt Zp*M*J&(ruasdarLttais\+JhafiitAJ'n4rTt/tAjtf 6rxnioAd;(w^(Zij;t.7fcn/#rL£.}Aj%ra£{urttf Sfoopj ft matt t*~t+ tv /***£ Mf- S*46*r« ~*Jf aU. >AS6 rfrAc y^i- ,H.T.. ifsrWwf *s#i^ .^-""jVetvC^trj t^^£"«sw»»r '¦ ' - - ^^i#^f-^'A ... ...„vi ,t..,5atJ^"*' /^ '^Sj, .ygu ""^-' l^^^'j^SfM^^r^s; ',-TV Ik's. :^u* i,i9^vv isTasSSt* rST^i W\ 1T10 Grande , gr: g^ftim Cusso *.^.~ ^\ Cartage X *Ni i-?~*B ^^MUirtL^l!. + 'JLhA. i?&?c*> frrafaS—z'^Zj?^ ^ t/u-TK J&tl*. SIR CHARLES ttC4GEJt, first Lord Commifsioner of the Admiralty THIS PZiAJY* 0" tAt. Harbour ,Town , and *j*t»>m/- Forts , a/' CARTA G EN A. Jk ntitcA** t5xtii6aedd72*fictrV/EW.ofjfc. Enfrlifh Fleets s?^ ^dnoA&rvd 'a/6 a/t77U^-^£, faast, /t-i /fa> Bay, mw £/u> Town ; anda&c a/ier-tAty- mwed and/aid ' undet-€ti^i^^rej o/ ' S'.}&go.a/iar& ^n, t/u. i%a*-6ot*r; tn~ort&r & 4ay jZep& co j/L&fToTffL?. ffiu, */Ks.*s y& affirm -ri> s*V sV&r ?n/y Cut &py ej^M^. ^muptltdre-tepA? ever Ay me tr^Aam —:tS*.AZ~. .,-^y,^,. ¦^g; dam) B Jle'TtaCrll'.JrCt.i/tiw'&b'- , «.JV. r-„X,.-S,% fy'Pt'aw frmk** *<*l OJPit -&£ m*sk eur^r* ifli Miles. fit*t?&iUt*& rtuicd, Av attr^fsmy. £0 flay ***MflL9*0/'S&reA . y tA'Afr»tA'ffa/&>y Atfween Mf tow lAvfir ye i^AtcAlJtSfftO /if. 'mr&rny ti? /f&\: r cyd^-Ci-rr. J-w JAtpMejpaAi-id taAen. fy &L- c**y6JA ./r 'Ti *** s £*pt***'i»* mrrr flrvti^Af /c £/&&*/><£. \fforf wwted nrffA /££##,¦ . »% /.ttJtryG Me mat/A af ' Me"ZA>.irAe-rfrAr£/itMt»~y .'MyAi,t/r.r.i».t — v.&., a £**&*# tis'&aarr-v 4ihJ/ n-At'M. r* J*Mi/e&. " ' 'i-'f^rO^-anvvr /i^ttAJr iXt/.-VLr/- 0y/r3 asta* ¦tat. tt*d* Stnidbrti. Af* fft.reA Me f/tv X>aS/e/r',v ty.ltv/tx-ya'vx Me- Hdf * //arM . ¦stssA JAvp Mr/ MW/sJ/yyr/y Me^ jtvUI fitf.&e faenor Juky> Js-ts f^/txS cia - <%arAi?it4iny* /0r Mz^JA/p* vt flMteMey vAsmAA fiedrei* a#-au. /rvm Mz^AbmM 4f*Me. £&?<&*>- £.//,.• /}/• Ms'ffsafr . b & Y-' • 'v'-v,>^- '/'jtf.-.'j.v sai*&A AytAe C'/r'emyj/r Ms. S/ttrattce qfMt rA2t/Q &va/£r\f . J f7Ae*sfdbru ruA* tMty Mt-^tsvA/ur.. *. /nMjrtsis tet Me AirtVjrrv/v* ~>. ¦/?/.- .tArsv ir'tfA Atrvt .^ffjrttf Mt it*- 8 «. f0££ert/tf7Zzre,te4sfr£iy£y'f''A!-rrv. Afrseit-ser sA&mfiei o ^stJrrfleitUtte AfyZay& /$r, 'Vitufj . JtlrvxyA rttUM zvm'ZfAa/G mo*£ 4& /yea^e //r a '-"%/* '/'' ^.m uA . '.¦t*?ra/ .-/Asr'/iL'jA' /TfArrvtety . W*7Ae*s€i/ert*m& JAep meirta1 '/irrMtr ist/& Me'^iirAvrer- /te.irMe t*fti//e> &M/t./e . 1 1 .J*/Z*6x*r <°y& JA"u> . \\ i/'A.-. L^/ri/.-.- £ryHuA> men xsed fif/M & ~&»eu, i*A*M. Hie. £*f/tM t^fffamru xJf*r-j*''' HC/is >W*rtzami'&z.&?rf ttrtei/tte/xvM- ftf &an*, Aal. rru.Tr- ftff ji/rvi.:- • ^ r**ArMdi.SjfM£7fyGj0£ A.- Mj- t /K'jttnyt, lOi^iv tCvw&A^^6vtjy'r¥jr.if\sf/TMjrj 6? iiy ¦de^ye Ar M^iZm-zt. £%.- t^>^r^^K.-fa,m^itA/ta/-^u, . stffe &atfi>/t/£ur-(*//ryfutr.. l".tgi'.'J'j!/i//Y/ise Id^J^-HvC i7*^l/Trf'rM^-Ac**Ad'i{ JAp ffmreiiny.% //¦ ¦/ v /"' iSHpiyZfe^eawueifb _ ^wm^/<^ M,- £fc,rfi . 2oi2y*jtr/$fc JA*y &5/t*Mej /ytky A/-/r lAe /t.irr,' .71 *JAe. dj/s/t m*/ Me'Zfu*/£/r£/vi/t? .tsar Mi t fo. My Jyt-yi 6s*t Atr /rt.x-*t 6y 6c*rry a$vt^. i-uS ft/ Jf^z eir-fie/i JAe Aae/ Md (/^/7CrtIOe •x/viTerf sty/,' fAW Mrs tsZ?see/£r.rtT'.*/f* ,-v/ efe tt/vaeVt asiartHT* Av{/hr // o'.Aji/ . Me J/:-,i.-e •.'/sty a/?er Arr.frtn-tyAe /A./n 6,u>'M<-t>r>A>J/'s.'/u-* .'A// '<2. /h/>i<:&/r J 8 6 Convoy between Downs and Portsmouth 'Scipio,' 8.8. The discontent of the commercial community was too intense to be assuaged by such rephes as this. As long as their losses continued, it gave traders httle satisfaction to know that this or that number of vessels was employed, and petitions still rained in from representa tives of commerce, finally culminating on March 4th in a Resolution in the House of Commons to the following effect : (1) That notwithstanding the repeated applications of the Merchants for cruisers to be properly stationed for the protection of the trade of this nation 1 I.e. 60-, 50-, 40- and 20-gun ships. 2 Out letters to Secretary of State, 19th February, 1742. 1 88 Europe and Home Waters xy^z from the privateers of the enemy, the due and necessary care has not been taken to keep a proper number of bis Majesty's ships employed upon that service more especially in and near the Channel and Soundings: for the want of which many ships have been taken by the enemy, some of them of considerable value, to the great loss of many of his Majesty's subjects, the great advantage and encouragement of the enemy, and the dishonour of this nation. (2) That the detention of the fleet of merchant ships, bound to Portugal, for near twelve months, by the refusal of protections for some time, and the delay of convoys afterwards, gave our rivals in trade an opportunity of intro ducing new species of their woollen manufactures into Portugal, to the great detriment of this Kingdom. This resolution led to a Bill being brought forward on the 20th May1, by the terms of which it was proposed that, between November ist and December ist of each year the Admiralty should nominate a sufficient number of vessels to act as cruisers and convoys between England and Cape Finisterre during the succeeding twelve months. These ships were to be earmarked solely for the service of protecting outgoing and homecoming trade in that area, and ships for convoy of trade to distant parts were not to be taken from their number. They were only to be available for the line of battle in case of "great necessity" and even then not beyond Cape Finisterre. A special Commissioner was to be appointed to superintend everything connected with them. If any ships came into harbour for refit this officer was to see that they refitted as quickly as possible and were sent to sea again at once. Rigorous orders for the captains of convoys were proposed, and a close watch was to be kept on the proceedings of the ships, to ensure that they cruised constantly and with diligence. Finally, each ship was to be cleaned at least three times a year, if not oftener. Remarkable as may appear this intrusion of the legislature into the sphere of the naval executive, the Bill was framed upon the fines of two previous Acts. The first of these, passed in 1695, provided that over and above the ships of war for the hne of battle, 43 s ships were to be employed to cruise in proper stations to protect homecoming and out ward trade; but in case of great necessity they might be employed in the hne of battle. The second one, dated 1708, was to the same effect though the provisions were rather more extended. The merchants in that war had put forward a series of complaints of insufficient convoys, delays and consequent loss of markets through having to wait for convoy, the want of cruisers in the Channel and Soundings, and the arbitrary proceedings of the King's ships in the matter of impressment. To remedy these grievances this Act provided that "over and above the ships of war for the line of battle and for convoys to ' "An Act for the better protecting and securing of the Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom in times of War," Parliamentary Debates, 1742 2 Viz.: 4 of the 3rd rate, 16 of the 4th, 13 of the 5th, and 10 of the 6th. I742 More cruisers provided 189 distant parts at least 43 x ships of war be employed as cruisers on proper stations," of which at least nine were to cruise on the N.E. coast of England and three on the N.W. coast. As in the Bill of 1742, these ships could only be employed in the line of battle on this side of Finisterre. Although the Bill of 1742 was a repetition of that of 1708, except that it did not specify the exact number of ships, it was not carried in Parliament. Lord Winchelsea opposed it with legitimate reasoning on behalf of the Admiralty, shewing that the Board would be fettered in their disposition of ships for other purposes of war and declaring that trade must take its share in common with other interests. The practical result of such a Bill is evident. It would create a second navy, independent of the main force2; and the Admiralty, to whom this proposal had been made in the previous year, replied to the King in their memorandum that "we can not take it upon ourselves nor advise your Majesty to bring such an increase of expense upon the public as the creation of so many new employments and other charges " as the execution of such a project would entail. The agitation however bore fruit, as the Admiralty Lists shew. By July the fifteen ships of February had increased to twenty-five, and a more dihgent conduct and greater care are to be traced in the Orders and Instructions at this time. The disposition of the cruisers employed on the protection of trade in July was as follows: Between Ushant and Isle of Wight ' Stirling Castle,' 70 From Lizard to Scilly 'Launceston,' 40 From Dieppe to La Hogue ' Kinsale,' 40 Off Ostend and Dunkirk 'Hastings,' 40 Convoying troops to Flanders 'Liverpool,' 40 Off Belleisle 'Seaford,' 20 Orkneys and Shetlands 'Tartar,' 20 Convoying trade to Elsinore 'Gibraltar,' 20 Cruising in North Sea 'Lyme,' 20 Between St Malo and Isle de Bass ' Success,' 8.6 Isle of Wight to Portland 'Deptford's' prize, 8.10 Ostend to Calais 'Neptune,' 8.10. Besides these there were twelve other smaU craft between Beachy Head and Yarmouth, convoying trade in the North Sea, and following up privateers. This was stiU far from the ideal of 1708. Only one 3rd-rate and four 5th-rates are included in the force and the number is stiU far short of the 43 granted at the earher time. There is no force specially 1 Viz.: 6 ships of the 3rd rate (70- to 80-gun ships), 20 ships of the 4th rate (60- and 50-gun ships), 13 ships of the 5th rate (40-gun ships) and 4 ships of the 6th rate (20-gun ships). 2 Cf. the Dutch Directors' ships. 1 90 Europe and Home Waters x 742-3 appointed to the north coast of Spain, and it was from the privateers which issued from that part that our trade suffered. But although San Sebastian, Santander and the other ports in North Spain were the principal bases of the privateering industry, the French harbours were also used by the Spanish craft both for shelter and for disposing of their prizes. Information that this was being done appears to have reached England, but there is nothing to shew that any diplomatic action was taken. Small frigates or sloops were sent instead to watch the ports reported to be in the use of the enemy and possibly, an occasional French ship suffered. The instructions to the commanders of vessels so employed gave a fair latitude to them to go beyond their stations in certain circumstances. Thus, a captain ordered "to proceed to sea with H.M. Sloop under your command and cruise between Point Barfleur and Cape la HoguC," in quest of certain priva teers reported to be infesting the ports of Cherbourg, la Hogue, Conquet and Barfleur, was also told that "you are at liberty to cruise on any other station where you shall have good intelligence or a probabihty of meeting the enemy's ships, taking care to return to the above mentioned station when the service for which you left it is performed or that there are no longer hopes of meeting with the enemy, according to the intelligence which had been given to you1." Thus the year 1742 saw a marked increase in the care taken to protect sea-borne commerce since 1739; but for all that the losses were still considerable, and the number of ships employed in cruising was further augmented in 1743. The Straits of Gibraltar, through which a constant volume of trade with the States of Italy and the East was always going, was a peculiarly favourable spot for Spain, who could put out vessels of all sizes, from 24-gun privateers down to row-boats, to attack the passing British merchantmen. In consequence of this the Admiralty sent four small ships2 expressly for the protection of trade in the Gut. The instructions to the captains of these vessels ran as follows : " You are to put yourself under the command of Captain Crookshanks of the Lowestoffe or the eldest captain of his Majesty's ships that may be cruising about the Straits' mouth, being your senior officer, and follow his directions until you receive orders to the contrary from Vice-Admiral Mathews to whose squadron you are to esteem yourself to belong, and to follow such orders as he shall send you3." As a matter of fact it was only in name that these ships were a part of Mathews's squadron, for the Vice-Admiral was specially 1 Instructions to Captain Elliott, 'Granado' sloop, September 24th, 1742. 2 'Lowestoft,' 20; 'Solebay,' 20; 'Saltash' and 'Shark,' 8.12. 3 Orders and Instructions, March 7th, 1747. I743~4 Development of cruising squadrons 191 informed that they were placed in the Straits for the protection of trade, and he was powerless to move them. They were within the limits of his command, which extended as far west as St Vincent, but beyond that of discipline he had no powers over them. The Admiralty later in the year endeavoured to make out that they had met Mathews's requests for small ships by appointing these vessels; but this was equivalent to saying that a ship could be in two places at once; for it was on the coasts of Italy and not in the Straits of Gibraltar, that Mathews was wanting small frigates. Measures were also taken early in this year to deal with the priva teers of the Biscay ports. In March the 'Hampshire,' 50, was sent to cruise between Finisterre and Ortegal to protect ships making their landfall at the N.W. Cape, and the 'Biddeford,' 20, 'Bridgewater,' 20, 'Lyme,' 20, and 'Loo' were ordered1 to cruise between Bilboa and St Jean de Luz, "we having intelligence of large privateers of the enemy being at sea: looking frequently into the ports within your station and using your utmost endeavours to intercept the privateers or other ships of the enemy, and to take or destroy them 2." Three Caraccas ships being reported to be coming to San Sebastian, the 'Sutherland,' 70, Captain Pocock, and 'Leopard,' 44, Captain Lord Forrester, were sent to strengthen this squadron for three weeks3; and a few light vessels with a backbone of ships were kept cruising in this station till well into the latter part of the summer4. The increased number of cruisers and vessels employed in the defence of trade in 1743 and 1744 is shewn best by the accompanying table. Although this slightly anticipates events, it carries the system up to a point at which a still more marked increase took place, and a separate squadron, the Western squadron, was initiated, whose function in the first instance was purely the protection of trade. Offensive operations against Spanish trade were at the same time in progress; but few Spanish ships were taken in 1742 owing to the 1 Orders of March 9th, 17th and 30th. 'Loo' was added 8th April. 2 The clause as to extending the cruise beyond the limits of the station formed a part of the instructions, in terms similar to those already quoted. 3 Instructions of April 8th and 9th. 4 7th June. 'Hampshire' and 'Augusta' to St Jean de Luz to join 'Suther land,' etc., already cruising there. Intercept five or six Caraccas ships and attack Tj ri vs, t c ers 30th June. 'Prince Frederick,' 70, Captain Barnett, to cruise from Cape Finisterre to Cape Machichaca for protection of trade. To " have a particular attention to prevent any ships or privateers of the enemy from coming into or going out of the Groyne or Ferrol." ist July. 'Lyme,' 20 and 'Dolphin,' 20, to the same station under Barnett s orders. 8th July. ' Hampshire' to St Jean de Luz so soon as she is once more ready. 192 Europe and Home Waters 1 743-4 small number of enemy ships at sea. The squadron in the West Indies, still in considerable strength, cruised on the trade routes, and severe British attacks were also made early in 1743 against the ports on the Caraccas coast1. These twin measures of passive cruising and an active offensive kept some of the trade within its harbours. Convoys and cruisers. Rates Month Remarks Year 3 4 5 6 Sloops Smaller vessels Total t743 March — 3 5 9 4 21 April — 3 4 7 6 — 20 fn of these taking May 1 10 5 13 7 6 42 \ King to Holland June 1 9 5 11 8 — 34 ("' Centurion,' first July 3 1.3 5 8 10 — 41 •J heard of at Canton, \ included Aug. 3 10 5 n 7 1 37 Sept. 3 8 4 n 10 1 37 Oct. — 4 3 5 9 — 21 Nov. 2 9 4 6 9 — 30 Dec. 3 8 4 6 7 — 28 1744 Jan. 3 7 4 9 7 SC Feb. 2 4 5 10 10 — SI ( 4 ships watching Brest \ included /Threat of invasion; March — 2 3 6 5 — 16 J all ships assembled | in Downs. War de- (. clared with France April 2 9 8 5 5 — 29 May — 3 5 8 5 — 21 June 2 4 4 10 7 — 27 July 2 3 6 10 10 3 34 Aug. — 4 7 n 12 6 40 Sept. — 3 5 10 12 6 36 Oct. — 4 6 10 10 6 36 Nov. 4 3 9 10 12 6 44 Dec. 7 7 10 8 9 6 47 The effect of the increased numbers of cruisers employed on trade protection cannot be stated with accuracy, as Lloyd's lists, except that for 1741, are missing up to 1749, having been burnt in the fire of 1838. The year 1741 shews 71 British ships taken by the Spaniards. Beatson gives no figures for that year and does not differentiate between the various parts of European waters: he shews 109 as having been taken in Europe in 1742, 136 in 1743 and 84 in 1744. 1 See post chapter xn. 1743 Measures for attack on Trade 193 In *743 the Spanish trade began to sail once more and we have seen that heavy ships were sent off Ortegal and San Sebastian to intercept it. Although these ships were an addition to the force of smaller vessels that was cruising there with the purely defensive object of suppressing the privateers, they were not needed for that purpose and belong more properly to the category of ships employed in the attack of trade. Two other small divisions concerned with trade attack were sent out in April 1743, the 'Monmouth,' 70, and 'Medway,' 60, under Captain Windham, and the 'Dreadnought,' 60, and 'Deptford,' 60, under Captain Boscawen; the former to cruise off the Canaries and the latter off the Azores. Information had been received that several Spanish ships were on their way home from the West Indies to Spain. Windham's instructions directed him to station one of his ships between Cape Gear and Lancerotto and the other off Teneriffe and Grand Canary; but these stations were not rigidly imposed, for the instructions continued "or in case you shall find that other stations about the said islands will more effectually answer the aforementioned purposes of your cruising, you are to station the said ships accordingly. But if you shall at any time receive such advices of the strength of the enemy as shall make you think it advisable to keep both ships together you are at liberty to do so, and annoy the enemy by land or sea as shall be thought proper, taking care to divide them again to the different stations when you shall judge it necessary no longer to keep them together." If Windham heard that de Torres had sailed for Spain he was to inform the three other captains1, and consult together as to how they should act, and where it were best to waylay him. But if de Torres when met with should prove too strong to be attacked with prudence "You are nevertheless not to fail to attend him in his passage to Spain and endeavour to lay hold of any favourable opportunities that may happen of cutting off such of his ships as may be lame sailors, or which by any accident may separate from the main body of the squadron." The squadrons were to remain out as long as their provisions would last and then return to Spartel, range along the Spanish and Portuguese coasts as far as Lisbon and bring home the trade from that port. The instructions to Boscawen were of the same tenour, but gave the cruising stations of his two ships as St Mary's and Flores in the Azores. These divisions sailed on April 25th, 1745, escorting 67 sail of merchant ships. The Spanish homeward-bound trade from Havana however did not sail. Windham's division attacked and destroyed 1 I.e. Medway and Boscawen's division. R. N. 1. r3 194 Europe and Home Waters 1743 the fortifications at Santa Cruz in Gomera Island on May 20th, and took a richly-laden outward-bound ship, a privateer, and three other small craft. The ' Deptford ' took a ship from Caraccas. Both divisions returned to England in July. In the end of June another small division under Captain John Byng, consisting of the 'Captain,' 70, 'Jersey,' 60, 'Biddeford,' 20, was sent to cruise off Belleisle and the Garonne for six weeks, also for the purposes of attacking trade, but did no great service; and in October a similar small squadron under Captain Barnett, 'Prince Frederick,' 70, 'Jersey,' 60, and 'Leopard,' 44, was sent to cruise "off Cape Cantin and thence 50 to 60 leagues to the N.W." Byng, when he returned in September was sent out again with three ships, the 'Captain,' 70, 'Antelope,' 50, and 'Hampshire,' 50, to cruise 18 to 20 leagues west by south of Cape Ortegal. To sum up the main proceedings of the ships in home waters in 1743 : a force of small vessels, occasionally supplemented by ships of the hne was employed upon the protection of trade by cruising in certain stations and by direct attack upon the privateers in the neigh bourhood of their bases; and small divisions of two or three heavy ships were sent out to cruise to intercept Spanish trade at the principal landfalls — the Canaries, the Azores, the approaches to the Straits of Gibraltar and the northern capes of Spain. But while the principal duty which fell to the Navy in home waters during the years 1742 and 1743 was concerned with the defence and attack of trade, an eye was kept on the French Atlantic ports and any activity in them produced its effect in England. Towards the end of 1742 the Brest squadron was reported to be fitting out, and rumours that France was about to declare war disturbed the Admiralty at home as well as the Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean. Admiral Stewart, who commanded at Portsmouth, was at the same time ordered to complete all the ships there1 to four months provisions, and informed that the ships at Spithead were to be kept in instant readiness to sail. The suspected intentions of France are illustrated in the instructions sent to the ' Seaford ' early in November, at which time a second frigate, the 'Biddeford,' went to reinforce him. These instructions ran: "If you shall discover any considerable squadron of men of war coming out of Brest or any other port of France you are to come away immediately with the 'Seaford' to the first port in 1 'St George,' 90; 'Sandwich,' 90; 'Duke,' 90; 'Shrewsbury,' 80; 'Princess Amelia,' 80; 'Princessa,' 70; 'Monmouth,' 70; 'Orford,' 70; 'Stirling Castle,' 70; 'Dreadnought,' 60; 'Hampshire,' 50; 'Lynn,' 40; 'Diamond,' 40; 'Roebuck,' 40; ' Hastings,' 40; 'Scipio' and 'Aetna,' fireships. Orders and Instructions, October 19th, 1742. 1743 Renewed preparations at Brest 195 England you can reach, and send a particular account of their number to this office by express, and direct Captain Laton in the 'Biddeford' to follow them into the sea, and if they steer their course into the Mediterranean to make the best of his way to Port Mahon or where else you shall hear Vice-Admiral Mathews to be, and inform him of it." If no intelhgence of moment were found at Brest, Rochefort was to be examined and all possible information obtained as to the ships of war in that port; after which the 'Seaford' was to return off Brest and watch the proceedings of the ships there, sending in accounts from time to time. The winter of 1742 however passed quietly and no move was made from Brest. In April 1743 rumours were again current that France was about to declare war. The British forces which had been sent to Flanders in May 1742, but had done nothing during that year, were at this moment making the move which culminated in Dettingen, and two frigates were again sent to watch the French port, and to learn whether any men-of-war had lately put to sea from thence, and if so whither bound. As the French were now reported to have a squadron ready or nearly ready at Brest, it was proposed to fit out a force in the Channel, and Norris was sent for by the King and asked to take command. The Admiral of the Fleet reminded the King of the circumstances in which he had asked leave to retire in the previous year, but the King repeated his desire, and further gave Sir John permission to express his opinion generally upon naval affairs. This Norris at once did. The first thing, he said, in view of the armament now preparing at Brest, was to assemble a strong force at Spithead: for, if the French should come over with their fleet to St Helens as they might suddenly do "we have not sufficient strength at that place in readiness to oppose, and that would prevent the junction of other [squadrons] and put the country in great consternation: and our squadrons lying in their road near Toulon might be an inducement for them to do it if they found we were not in readiness to receive them1." How correctly the old Admiral appreciated the possible action of France was proved by subsequent events. Norris further told the King that he did not believe we had above ten ships of war at Spithead in a condition for action. The King said that this could not be so, for he had been shewn a list of no less than thirty sail that would soon be ready for service ; to which the Admiral bluntly replied that he did not beheve the report — a disbelief which was amply justified later. The King thereon directed him to put down in writing what he thought should be done. In accordance with this 1 Diary of Sir John Norris. 13—2 196 Europe and Home Waters 1743 order Norrfs submitted the following question to the Duke of Newcastle, on behalf of the King. "If the squadron at Brest, which according to Lord Waldegrave consists of 35 sail, of which 22 are from 78 to 60 guns, should come into the Channel and place themselves at St Helens, what force is there provided at present to drive them away or even to look them in the face? " This direct question was put before the Council at its next meeting on April 25th. Lord Winchelsea, in reply on behalf of the Admiralty, read a report from Brest which stated that ten ships were ready, but the remainder were not as yet in a condition for sea, some still being in need of repairs. Reassured by this the Cabinet took no further steps. Nothing was done even to keep a squadron superior to that of the French ready for immediate service. The English fleet remained scattered at the three home ports and, as the preceding narrative has shewn, further broken up into small divisions to attack trade. Norris was thus appointed to a phantom command. His flagship was at the Nore, unready for sea. Some ships were at Spithead, others off the Canary Islands, others at Plymouth, Chatham and the Nore. To crown all, when he asked the Admiralty for a list of the ships in commission, with their stations and muster, so that he could form some idea of the force he would have under his command, it was refused him ! Yet at this moment England's own policy was leading straight to war with France. An army under the British King in person was marching against the French in the Palatinate, and a British fleet was lying outside the principal French naval port. It was not to be expected that France would submit tamely to such treatment; nor did her manner of behaving shew her to be unresentful of the British action. It is certain that when the failures of this war are under con sideration the share borne by an Administration which behaves in such a manner must be given full weight. THE! :oast CHAPTER X REINFORCEMENT OF THE MEDITERRANEAN COMMAND WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WAR IN ITALY, 1742 The Mediterranean under Mathews, 1742 Admiral Thomas Mathews, when he was appointed to relieve Admiral Haddock, was an officer just over 65 years of age. He had been in the Navy since 1690, and is believed to have served in the battles of Beachy Head and Barfleur1. He had commanded ships from 1703 till the peace of Ryswick. In Sir George Byng's expedition to Sicily in 1718 he was captain of the 'Kent,' serving with distinction it the battle of Passaro, and he appears to have possessed the confidence of that distinguished officer, his Commander-in-Chief. For two years he com manded squadrons in the East Indies operating against the pirates, and in 1724 he came ashore and settled down to develop his estate in Wales. In 1736 he was made Commissioner at Chatham, and held that civil appointment up till 1742 when he was sent to the Mediterranean Fleet. During the time Mathews was Commissioner at Chatham Captain Lestock had been senior officer in the Medway. The acquaintance had not impressed Mathews favourably with the qualifications of his future second -in command. "I took the liberty of giving your Grace," he Wrote to the Duke of Newcastle on January 3rd, 1744, "my opinion with regard to Mr Lestock before I left England. I did the same to Lord Winchelsea and Lord Carteret," adding, that he need therefore say no more than that Lestock was a cripple and unable to sustain the fatigue which would be involved by an action or the command of the squadron. A campaign in which the senior officer frofn the beginning entertains this opinion of his principal colleague, is one of which the promises of complete success are not very great. The naval operations in the Mediterranean in the year 1742 were subordinate entirely to the military operations in the north and middle of Italy. The instructions on which Mathews was to act were not issued by the Admiralty but by the Secretary of State. These will be given at some length as without them it is impossible to ap preciate the share of the fleet in the continental war. 1 Dictionary of National Biography. 198 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 In the preamble the Admiral was told that his principal objects were to destroy the Spanish ships and embarkations — that is, oversea expeditions, — and the combined fleets of Spain and France wherever they could be met with; and to assist, protect and defend the States and Dominions in Italy belonging to the Queen of Hungary and the Great Duke1, his Majesty's allies. The instructions continued: " It must in great measure be left to your discretion how and where to employ your squadron the most effectually for these purposes; his Majesty has however ordered me in a particular manner to recommend to you the procuring constant intelligence of the motions and designs of the French and Spamsh Fleets; the want of doing which may possibly have been the occasion of the unfortunate accidents that have already happened; and you will from thence be able to judge whether it will be most advisable for you to attend upon the Spanish and French Fleets (now said to be in the harbour of Toulon) with your whole squadron; or whether you may not (as occasion shall offer) detach part of it to destroy any embarkations that may be at any time carrying on from Barcelona, or to intercept what may be coming from Antibes, where, it is said, the Spanish cavalry, or even some of their infantry too, are to embark; or to go directly with your whole squadron or send part of it to the coast of Italy. As soon as you shall arrive on the coast of Italy it is His Majesty's pleasure that you should take the first opportunity of acquainting Mr Villettes, the King's Minister at Turin, with it, who will be with the King of Sardinia at the Army; and you will also take some way of informing the General, who shall command the Queen of Hungary's troops in Italy, of your arrival on that coast, and that you are ready to concert with the General that shall command the Queen of Hungary's troops in Italy, and with such person as shall be appointed by the King of Sardinia, in what manner His Majesty's Fleet may be the best employed for the service -of the Common Cause: — viz. the protecting or defending the States and Dominions of His Majesty's Allies and the disappointing and defeating the designs of the Spaniards in Italy, and of such powers as may join with them; and if you and the General of the Queen of Hungary's troops and the person appointed by the King of Sardinia shall be of opinion that His Majesty's Fleet can be most usefully employed in making an attempt upon Naples in order to make a diversion of the Neapolitan troops now joined with the Spaniards and acting against the Queen of Hungary, it is His Majesty's pleasure that in that case you should do it: and in order thereto you will take care to be provided from the Admiralty with Bomb Vessels and other necessaries for the execution of such design, without however letting it be known that you have any particular service or place in view. As His Majesty has always at heart the care and protection of the Trade of his subjects, and as there is a very considerable one constantly carrying on in the Mediterranean and through the Straits, it is the King's Pleasure that you should give the utmost attention to the security of it : and you will take care to execute that part of the directions sent to Mr Haddock by which he is ordered to have a particular attention to the security of the persons and effects of His Majesty's subjects at Leghorn during the continuance of the present troubles in Italy.... If contrary to expectation the Spanish or French squadrons should separately or jointly repass the Straits in order to go to Cadiz or to proceed on any othei expedition; and if by that means no naval force or only one much inferior to yours will be left in the Mediterranean, you are in that case to employ his Majesty's squadron under your command in such manner as you may think most for his Alajesty's service and for the destruction of the Maritime force of the enemy, by pursuing or following the Spanish fleet, or any other fleet that may be joined 1 I.e. the Duke of Tuscany, husband of Queen Maria Theresa. I742 Admiral Mathews's Instructions 199 with them, wherever they go, taking care however to leave constantly on the coast of Italy such a force as may be sufficient to oppose any naval strength that can be brought against it there and for the defence of the Dominions of his Majesty's Allies in Italy and for the security and protection of the trade of his Majesty's subjects1." These instructions obviously left untouched a most dehcate part of the Admiral's mission, and before leaving England Mathews very naturally asked how he was to act in relation to the French. Was he to attack the French and Spanish ships in Toulon harbour if he should find it practicable? And also was he to destroy any French ships coming from Brest and going into Toulon to join the fleet in that port? In reply, the Duke of Newcastle told him, in the presence of Lord Winchelsea and Lord Carteret, that if he found he could effectually attack the combined fleet in Toulon he should do so, and that he should also attack and destroy any number of French ships that he might meet going into any harbour in which the Spanish squadron lay2. Further, he was to act in a similar manner towards all Neapolitan ships he should find assisting the Spaniards or acting against the Queen of Hungary. These instructions may be compared with those issued to Sir John Norris, concerning the attitude he was to assume towards French vessels attempting to enter Ferrol in 1740. Notwithstanding the declared neutrality of France, the British Government had now firmly made up its mind to prevent by force any attempt on the part of the French and Spanish squadrons to effect a junction which would place them in a favourable position in which to begin hostilities. These instructions left nothing to be desired in clearness, decision or elasticity, but the squadron with which they were to be put into execution was less satisfactory. It consisted in June 1742 of twenty- one ships of the line3, nine 50-gun ships, two of 40, and eleven sloops, bomb-vessels, fireships and an hospital ship, these small craft mounting from 20 to 8 guns. Thus Mathews had altogether 30 ships which he could put in the line of battle, although the 50-gun ships were not considered as regular ships of the line, and are always spoken of separately by the Admirals. The force that lay in Toulon harbour was superior to this. Seventeen sail of Spanish ships, of which twelve were of the line — 60 guns and 1 The close analogy between the strategy expressed in these instructions and that of the Great War deserves attention. 2 Newcastle Papers, Add. MS. 32993. These instructions are similar to those given to Nelson when he left for Toulon in 1803: "...however desirable it may be to avoid any measure of hostility against that country [Spain], you are not to suffer any squadron of Spanish ships of war to enter a French port or to form a junction with any squadron of ships or vessels of that, or the Batavian Republic." 3 Four of 90 guns, four of 80, eight of 70 and five of 60. 200 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 upwards — had sailed into the Mediterranean from Cadiz. These had been joined by a French squadron of fifteen heavy ships, of which twelve were of the line. Mathews, therefore, so far as he knew, had to deal with a combined fleet of thirty-two ships of force, of which at least twenty-four were of the line, lying in Toulon harbour. In addition there was the squadron in Carthagena under de la Bene consisting of at least four ships. Over and above these heavy ships there was a considerable force of frigates and smaller craft. When the position is considered it is evident that the task in front of Mathews was sufficiently formidable. A squadron probably superior, and certainly equal to his own lay in a strongly defended harbour. In the face of this he had to blockade a stretch of coast from Carthagena to Naples; to prevent succours and supphes from getting into the Neapolitan ports; to protect the trade in the Mediterranean and Straits' mouth; and also to detach vessels on any service that the common cause might require, such as the protection of the Austrian, and the attack on the Spanish-Neapolitan, sea communications in the Adriatic. If the enemy brought their whole combined fleet to a state of readiness, Mathews would of necessity require to concentrate every ship of force that was under his command to oppose them; yet while maintaining the blockade he must be able to detach ships to refit and clean at proper intervals. For this he had no margin of reserve allowed. In a paper of 1757 the Board of Admiralty expressed the opinion that a margin of 25 per cent, was necessary for a blockading squadron off Brest, in order to provide sufficiently for the reliefs, refits and cleaning1, while at a later date an even higher allowance is to be found: "Calculating... upon making up the squadron to 20 ships of the line, upon 12 ships of the hne being constantly at sea while the remainder may necessarily be in port for the purpose of repair and refreshing their crews2." On this estimate, in order always to be ready to engage the combined French and Spanish squadrons Mathews would require no less than thirty-two sail of the hne; though this proportion might be modified by the difference between the Atlantic weather and that of the Gulf of Lyons. As has already been seen, so far from his having anything approaching this number he had only twenty-one sail of the line or, if his 50-gun ships were included he had thirty,— but none of the enemy's twenty-four referred to were of less than 60 guns. The force which would then be available for the cruising and convoy services would be two 40-gun ships and eleven 1 The loss of Minorca. Navy Records Society ™i\f'°M^o0/"?m/!' V°L '¦ Pp- I74' J75. N.R.S. See also Barham Papers, ZrY.A' 7 V°, *XXVIIt- P- 4°2, where 32 sail of the line are allowed for a squadron of 24 sail ofi Brest. 1742 State and Disposition of Squadron 20 1 small craft, one of which was a hospital ship ; and let it not be lost sight of that these services were those for which the naval force was being maintained in the Mediterranean. It was the direct action of the British cruising ships in exercising command of the intervening waters which was preventing the conquest of Lombardy by the Spaniards or the destruction of British trade in the inland sea. Thus, this force, even if it had been in the highest trim, would have been less than adequate; but, in fact, its state when Mathews took command was deplorable. Owing to the shortness at which Haddock had been kept, a proportion of his ships — considerably more than 25 per cent. — had not been out of the water for over two years and were in consequence foul, slow, and in need of extensive repair. This was a point on which Mathews could not be silent : " Your Grace will give me leave to say it's not possible for an officer to do the service His Majesty may reasonably expect from him except he is properly supported. I am greatly apprehensive from what I know of the condition of His Majesty's squadron now in the Mediterranean and the very few ships at present designed to reinforce it, that I shall not be able to answer His Majesty's expectations1." In June 1742 the squadron was disposed as follows : At Villefranche Cruising between Marseilles and the east end of Hyeres Island under Lestock Up the Adriatic Between Leghorn, Corsica and Elba Between Cape Delle Melle, Corsica and Spezia In San Soupires Bay Between Villefranche and Cape Garoupe (watching Antibes closely) Off Monaco Between Mentone and Cape Delle Melle Between Barcelona and Majorca At Mahon careening 'Namur,' 90; 'Royal Oak,' 70; 'Romney,' 50; 'Sutherland,' H.S. ' Neptune,' ' Barfleur,' ' Marlborough ' (90) ; 'Lancaster,' 'Princess Caroline,' 'Somerset,' 'Russell' (80); 'Bedford,' 'Essex,' 'Nassau,' 'Ipswich,' 'Hamp ton Court' (70); 'Plymouth' (60) 'Pembroke, '60; ' Warwick,' 60 ; 'Winchel sea,' 20 ' Rupert,' 60 ; ' Panther,' 50 ; ' Winchester,' 5° 'Guernsey,' 50; 'Mary,' galley, 40; 'Guarland's' prize, 8 'Salisbury,' 50; 'Mercury,' fireship, 20 'Kingston,' 50; 'Oxford,' 50; 'Ann,' galley, 8; 'Duke,' fireship, 20 'Spence,' 8 'Guarland,' 20 'Rochester,' 50 'Folkestone,' 40; 'Buckingham,' 'Dursley,' galley, 20 7°; 1 Mathews to the Duke of Newcastle, March 24th, 1742, S.P. Dom. Naval, P.R.O. 202 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 Cruising on Languedoc coast 'Lenox,' 70* Convoying transports with pro- 'Dragon,' 60* visions from Mahon Cruising off St Vincent and Trafalgar ' Dartmouth , ' 50 Proceeding with despatches ' Salamander,' bomb * These two ships formed part of Lestock's squadron, making it up to fifteen sail, a squadron considered sufficient to meet the Spaniards if they should come out alone. This disposition of the squadron enabled it to control the sea- communications of the Spanish armies, whose situation in the middle of the year was far less happy than it had been when they passed un interruptedly into Italy. The preliminary movements of the Spanish forces had all been made with success. The first body of troops, consisting of twenty battalions and seven squadrons of horse under M. de Montemar had disembarked at OrbiteUo in November. At the same time a Neapolitan army of 12,000 men under the Duke of Castropignano, marching through the Papal States by permission of the Pope, had arrived at Spoleto, where Montemar joined it in January. This combined Bourbon army then moved to the north-eastward across Italy and reached the neighbourhood of Faenza in March. In the meantime the second convoy of sixteen battalions under M. de Casteljar, having flouted Haddock, arrived at Spezia on January 20th. Demanding and receiving permission from the Grand Duke, this army marched through Tuscany, and on February 22nd the good people of Florence had the curious experience of seeing the army of the enemies of their ruler's wife passing with his permission under the walls of his capital. From Florence Castel jar's troops moved up to join the forces which had preceded them, and by the middle of March an army of over 30,000 men was assembled at Forli, ready to advance into Lombardy. The base of this force was established at Rimini, a well fortified town on the coast, and thither the bulk of its supplies were brought by sea from the Neapolitan ports on the Adriatic. As the army moved to the northward supplies could be brought to the mouth of the Po and carried up the river. Thus, although both Bourbon armies were operating in a theatre remote from their own countries, their line of communications would have been a comparatively short and secure one, if they had continental adversaries only to contend with. The forces opposing the advance into Lombardy were, in the early months of 1742, an Austrian army of about 11,000 men under General Count Traun in the Milanese, and a Piedmontese army of observation of about 11,000 under Charles Emanuel, King of Sardinia. For a long time the attitude of Sardinia had been doubtful— we have seen how it x742 Attitude of Sardinia 203 was regarded in relation to Haddock's failure to stop the Cadiz squadron. Even now there was some mistrust as to the sincerity of the King's intentions. He was, indeed, in a very difficult situation and found it hard to decide as to whither expediency pointed his steps. As a descendant of a granddaughter of Phihp II he had claimed the Milanese, but this relationship was only a pretext. His real reason for the claim was his fear as to what would happen to his kingdom in the alternative events of a Bourbon or Hapsburg victory. The crushing of Maria Theresa would leave the Bourbons supreme in Italy. Then, with France pressing him on one side, with another branch of the French ruling family in Lombardy, while yet a third held Naples, the prospects that Sardinia would remain an independent kingdom were slight. Although a Bourbon victory was thus opposed to his interests, he could hardly hope to prevent it as the forces arrayed against the Queen were so formidable. An eventual partition of the Imperial dominions seemed inevitable and by being on the winning side he might secure a share. He had lent therefore a favourable ear to a proposal, made in May 1741, that Prussia should maintain her conquests in Silesia, Glatz and Niesse; Upper Silesia should fall to the King of Poland; Bohemia, the Tyrol and Austria proper to the Elector of Bavaria; and Northern Italy should be divided between the House of Bourbon and himself. There was everything in favour of his joining the Bourbon coalition except the one factor — that he had no guarantee that he would be able to keep his spoil. Paper treaties, as Prince Eugene had truly warned Charles VI and as Europe at that moment was experiencing, were of little avail unsupported by armed force. Sardinia, weak and powerless in comparison with her greedy neighbours, would be a tempting object to them. The great and unexpected patriotic rising in the Queen of Hungary's own dominions in the latter part of 1741, and the immediate successes which followed, assisted the King to make up his mind. England at the same time was evincing a strong sympathy with the Queen and appeared likely to give active support to her cause. Charles Emanuel decided therefore, temporarily and tentatively, to throw in his lot with Austria. In February 1742 an agreement was entered into between the two countries that they should unite in a defensive alliance to prevent the invasion of Milan, Parma and Placentia by the Spanish and Neapolitan armies that were advancing against those territories. In pursuance of this convention a Piedmontese army of twenty-two battalions and eighteen squadrons, under the personal command of King Charles Emanuel moved into the Duchy of Parma in March and jjoined the Austrian forces under Marshal Traun. No movements of 204 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 importance took place until the beginning of May; but while reinforce ments were joining both the Piedmontese and Austrians, none were reaching the Spaniards. Both Hapsburgs and Bourbons tried to induce Venice to throw in her lot with their own sides, but the Republic withstood their solicitations and remained neutral. In May the Bourbon army advanced towards Bologna, the Sardinians at the same time moving on Modena which they straitly invested; and a further series of bold movements on the part of King Charles Emanuel paralysed the Spanish Commander. The importance to the Spanish army of their sea-communications with Rimini had not escaped the notice of the King of Sardinia, who requested that a naval force might be sent to act against them. Mathews received this request in the first days of June. On the very next day he detached three ships under Captain Lee of the ' Pembroke ' with instructions to intercept any vessels carrying stores or provisions to the Spanish or Neapohtan armies. An immediate success followed. The whole of the Spanish heavy artillery which was about to sail for Rimini from Brindisi was unable to move, and its services were lost to the enemy. The same fear of compromising Tuscany which had induced the Grand Duke to permit the Spanish troops to march through his Duchy, was also the cause of hampering in some measure, though but a small one, the movements of Lee's squadron. Having no charts of the Adriatic, Lee had opened negociations with the Tuscan Minister for the hire of some pilots from the Duke's galleys. The loan was most definitely refused by the Minister. Such a step, he said, would be most improper; the Spaniards might put a hostile interpretation on the Grand Duke's action and Tuscany would then be exposed to Spain's resentment. When those in whose interests our squadron was operating behaved in such a manner, the difficulty of the British commanders may well be imagined. We can understand the feelings of Lee when he wrote to the Admiral, with reference to this refusal: "I leave to your prudence to consider whether these people are as hearty in our service as we seem to be in theirs." Lee's stay in the Adriatic was short. He reached Rimini on July 22nd, made some useful captures of Neapolitan vessels with stores, and remained off that part of the coast until August 12th; the Spaniards and their allies then being in full retreat there was no further need for his services, and he rejoined the main squadron at Hyeres. While his sea-communications were thus being threatened by the British navy the Spanish General found his army being far more seriously endangered on land. The reinforcements which had reached I742 Situation of Spanish Armies 205 the allies enabled the King of Sardinia to detach a considerable body to the southward of the Spanish army, with the result that in July Montemar found himself in danger of being surrounded in the district of Ferrara. Hopes ran high in Turin that this would be brought about. A hurried retreat, however, saved the Spaniards, and they and their Neapolitan allies retired first to Rimini and thence to the borders of the Kingdom of Naples, where they arrived in August K While the Spanish invasion was meeting with this severe and unexpected check in Italy, due in a great measure to British action at sea, strenuous efforts were being made in Spain to reinforce the army or to restore the balance by providing a diversion elsewhere. It had originally been intended that a third army should, hke the others, be sent by sea, and shortly after the departure of the second convoy in January this force, consisting of twenty battalions and twenty-eight squadrons of horse was assembled at Barcelona ready for embarkation. But the allied Franco-Spanish fleet, damaged by the bad weather it had experienced in the Gulf of Genoa, had put into Toulon instead of returning to Barcelona. Passage by sea unescorted was impossible, delay was undesirable. It was therefore decided not to wait but to send the army by land to Antibes, where it should be embarked and thence escorted by the fleet to Spezia. Permission to pass through France was requested and obtained, and on March 4th the army set out on its journey. It reached the neighbourhood of Antibes in the middle of May. Here the transports were assembled to carry it to Spezia; but here also was the British Mediterranean squadron, reinforced since Don Navarro and de Court had defied it in December. Still, the aUied fleet was superior in numbers; and unless the ships of which it was composed were in no condition to put to sea again it is hard to understand why an endeavour was not made to clear the way and repeat the previous coup. Possibly the ships were not yet refitted after the bad weather they had experienced in February; possibly France did not wish to risk an indecisive engage ment with forces so nearly balanced. Whatever the reason, however, it was accepted that the passage by sea was closed. The alternative of marching into Lombardy from Lower Provence was equally barred. Twelve battalions of Piedmontese troops held the hne from Nice to Coni and had it in their power effectually to block the Col di Tenda. Genoa was neutral, and it was not possible to march through the territory of the Republic; though even if such a route could be taken, it would be open to attack from the sea at all 1 His route was: Rimini, August9th; laCattolica, ioth; Fano, nth; Sinigaglia thence across the Apennines and 18th, Foligno. 206 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 parts. Direct aid to Montemar being thus impossible, it was decided to attack and occupy the Duchy of Savoy, the absence of whose King with a large body of troops on the other side of Italy left it ex posed. Such then was the situation with which Mathews had to deal when he assumed command. The Spanish troops had just arrived in Provence and the transports were at Antibes. This he knew; but he did not know by what measures the Spaniards intended to assist Montemar, and not without good reason he expected that they would try to pass the troops by sea. Naturally his first concern on his arrival on the coast was to ascertain how things stood at Toulon, and he had proceeded direct from Minorca for that port. He found however that he could gather but httle intelhgence, for the enemy's ships were all in the inner harbour and their state of readiness could not be seen from the offing. He therefore passed on to join Lestock at Villefranche where he airived on May 26th. It is said that at this first meeting Mathews treated Lestock with great discourtesy, reproving him publicly, in the presence of Sardinian officers, for not communicating with him at Gibraltar by means of a frigate when he arrived on the station1 If he did so it was a bad beginning to their service. The Admiral was certainly dissatisfied to find the whole fleet at Villefranche instead of being spread along the coast; not one single ship was cruising — so he reported to the Duke of Newcastle — between Barcelona and Cape Garoupe, and in con sequence the Spaniards had been able to land more troops and all their artillery at Marseilles2. To remedy this Lestock was directed to return to cruise off Toulon, and he sailed thither with nine ships3 on June 2nd. Mathews remained at Villefranche* in order to get into communication with the Sardinian authorities and inform himself as fully as possible as to the situation. Ignorant of the decision already made by the Court of Spain to march through Savoy, the Sardinians were convinced the Spaniards intended to make their advance through Genoa, beginning with an attack on Villefranche. They also drew Mathews's attention to the fact that the French garrison of Monaco was being strongly reinforced by troops who were passing by sea from Antibes. Now a strong French garrison at Monaco, of greater force than was necessary for the actual 1 Beatson, Naval and Military Memoirs, vol. 1. p. 153. 2 Mathews to Duke of Newcastle, June 6th, 1742, S.P. Dom. Naval. 3 'Neptune,' 'Marlborough,' 'Elizabeth,' 'Russell,' 'Ipswich,' 'Somerset,' 'Lancaster,' 'Bedford' and 'Nassau.' 1 Villefranche, or Villa franca as it then was called, was at that time a possession of the King of Sardinia. r742 Importance of Villefranche 207 defence of the place, could only be regarded as a serious threat to Villefranche. If the Spaniards made their direct advance through Nice, these French troops might co-operate with them and attack the defences from the other direction. To prevent such assistance from being given to the enemy was within Mathews's instructions, and accordingly, to stop any further reinforcement, he issued orders to all his cruising vessels to arrest any French vessels carrying troops from Antibes to Monaco. The boats of the fleet, manned and armed, patrolled the coast. On the first day they were out— June 3rd— three polaccas with French soldiers on board were taken and brought into Villefranche harbour. French tartans, laden with timber and plank for Toulon which might be intended for the use of the Spanish squadron, were also taken prize — a somewhat high-handed proceeding as these cargoes were not contraband, being free goods under the treaty with France, nor was there any evidence to shew that their final destination was on board the Spanish ships. These actions drew a strong protest from the Governor of Antibes. Mathews in reply bluntly pointed out that the French were obviously intending to assist the Spaniards by moving troops to Monaco; and though he subsequently agreed to release the soldiers he had taken, he insisted on their return to Antibes, and intimated his fixed intention to allow no more to pass. The pos session of Villefranche was of too vital an importance to both the British and their Sardinian allies to permit an unfriendly neutral to establish himself in force in a position which rendered its tenure uncertain. The importance of Villefranche was two-fold. On land it was the principal barrier to an eastward advance of the Spanish army; at sea it was the base of the fleet, the only place where ships could he in security and where water and provisions could be obtained. As early as the 6th of June, less than a fortnight after his arrival, Mathews was urging the Sardinian authorities to strengthen the defences. He himself landed twelve swivel guns from the fleet and a good supply of ammunition, and offered also to land heavy guns and to put 200 marines and 400 soldiers ashore to assist in the defence. But the dilatory methods of his allies made him fear that an attack would be pushed through before the defences were completed, and he therefore held himself in readiness to sail as soon as he should hear the Spanish advance had begun from Antibes, as he could not run the risk of being caught in the harbour of ViUefranche where, if bad weather should prevent their sailing at short notice, his ships could be destroyed by land batteries on the surrounding heights. On June 16th a small but useful service was rendered by one of 208 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 the squadrons off Cape Garoupe. This squadron1, under Captain Richard Norris, sighted some Spanish galleys with guns and mihtary stores for the army in Italy leaving the anchorage at St Marguerites. Norris at once chased, and the galleys fled into San Tropez and took refuge under the mole. Norris brought to off the port and sent a message in to the Governor requesting that the enemy's galleys might be denied shelter and sent to sea, a request which was refused. At six in the evening, therefore, Norris prepared to attack them. The 'Kingston' and 'Oxford' sailed up to the mole and anchored close to it, and at 1 a.m. the fireship was sent in with all the boats of the squadron to burn the galleys, covered by the guns of the ships. The action is thus described in the log of the ' Spence ' : "At 5 p.m. anchored before San Tropez in 9 fathoms: found riding here H.M. ships 'Kingston,' 'Oxford' and 'Duke,' fireship, and found in the Mould of San Tropez five Spanish galleys which Captain Norris demanded of the Governor. Made a clear sloop and brought a spring on my cable. The Commodore finding me too much exposed to the enemy ordered me to weigh and anchor further out. Weighed and anchored against Mould head in 10 fathoms water. The Commodore and 'Oxford' warp[ed] nearer in and brought springs on their cables. At 2 a.m. the galleys not coming out the 'Duke' fireship was sent in to burn them which was done accordingly by being all burnt without any damage to the French. My Lieutenant was ordered [with] the boats attending the fireship in order to bring off the officers and men belonging to her. Just as the fireship entered the Mould the galleys began to fire as did the Commodore and the rest of the ships and then left off. At 3 my boats returned with two of my men shot in her: at the same time my yawl was shot from the stern and lost with the oars and furniture in her. At 4 a.m. weighed and' came to sail...." A protest was of course lodged by the French for this breach of neutrahty, for such it unquestionably was. Norris's action has been severely criticised by modern writers, but it may well be borne in mind that international law was still in a very fluid state, and moreover that the French were dehberately assisting our enemies and giving them the use and shelter of their ports. The main Spanish squadron was lying in safety behind the boom and the fortifications of Toulon; and to criticize Norris's conduct by the light of modern views of neutrality would be wholly wrong. We must consider what the doctrine was at that time, and judge by that; and that it was not looked upon as greatly exceeding the rights of nations at war is shewn by the fact that beyond the local protest made by the Governor of San Tropez nothing further was said about it. Modern fulminations describing it as an unheard of outrage are quite out of keeping with the event. Contemporary opinion judged it differently; Captain Callis of the ' Duke ' was given a gold medal by the King. A few days after this, on June 18th, Mathews held a conference at ViUefranche with Villettes, our representative at Turin (who had 1 'Kingston,' 50; 'Oxford,' 50; 'Spence,' sloop; 'Duke,' fireship. J742 Reconnaissance of Toulon 209 arrived the day before in the 'Feversham' from Genoa), de Corbeau, the Sardinian Commandant at Nice, and de Vettes, the Commandant at Villefranche. In discussing the situation Mathews repeated his representations to the Sardinians to take immediate steps to defend Villefranche as it was absolutely necessary, in the interest of the common cause, that the fleet should have a safe anchorage. It was decided in consequence to raise four new batteries, the squadron was to aid in the defences to the approaches to Villefranche by watching the mouth of the River Var, the Piedmontese troops were to hne the course of the river, and six hundred troops which were offered by Mathews were to be landed at La Turbie directly the enemy's advance should be reported. At the same time, as Mathews learned there was a great quantity of spars and naval stores in Villefranche which were to have been brought by the French for their squadron. at Toulon, he purchased them all himself for the service of the British fleet and embarked them, thus making it impossible for the enemy to use them for the purpose of building a bridge across the Var. Finally, as he learned that the Genoese were preparing magazines of stores and provisions in their territory for the use of the Spaniards, Mathews agreed that he would burn any stores falling into his hands which might be destined to the sendee of the enemy. Having made these arrangements with his military colleagues, the Admiral left Villefranche on the 29th of June to examine Toulon, leaving a force of four detachments of soldiers and a number of gunners from the fleet to man the eighteen guns which he had put ashore in the batteries round Montalban. After looking into the Var on his way, he joined Lestock at Hyeres on July 2nd, and reconnoitred Toulon. New batteries had everywhere been erected and a boom was across the mouth of the harbour. In his letter to the Duke of Newcastle of July 25th he expressed regret that he had not been sent out earher to take command — a regret tinged with criticism of what he considered Lestock's inaction. " Had it been my good fortune to have been sent out in time to have taken the command upon me before Rear-Admiral Lestock had appeared off of Toulon, it's my opinion good service might have been done; but from the hour Mr Lestock appeared to this day they have been hard at work in raising batteries and mounting guns...." His verbal instructions, as we have seen, had been to attack the French and Spanish ships in Toulon if he found he could do so effectually, and it may be that such an attack would have been possible. But such a criticism on Lestock as is imputed in his letter has a spice at least of unfairness, for the Rear-Admiral had no such instructions. It was only through Mathews having personally asked R.N. I. I4 210 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 the Duke what he was to do if he should find that the enemy lay exposed to attack, that he received these instructions himself. His conference at Villefranche and his reconnaisance of Toulon had now put the Admiral in a situation to form a judgment of the services that would be demanded of the Mediterranean squadron. His view was that a considerable increase would be required to carry out those services effectually. The first necessity was the constant maintenance of a sufficient force off Antibes to be able at all times to deal with the transports and ships that might come out from that port and from Toulon. His own words best place us in possession of his ideas at this time. After saying that he could not keep the sea summer and winter with all his ships, he pointed out how dangerous it would be to reduce the force off Antibes: "It will be making the Spaniards a voluntary present of so many ships," he says, "and without any probability of preventing it. Toulon is but a day's journey from Antibes, often but twelve hours by sea. They can in that time know the exact strength of the ships I leave on this station, viz. between Cape Rous and Cape Delle Mele ; they have 17 sail there, many of them already cleaned, the rest careening, without mentioning the French. My ships all foul. They can double-man as many as will be sufficient to destroy those I leave, and return again into Port before I can possibly have any intelhgence of their being at sea; whereas had I been supplied with a few more ships I could have kept some constantly a-refitting and cleaning, by the doing of which I should have had a squadron in good order to have kept the sea in the winter of sufficient strength for the Spaniards, whereas as the case stands I have not dared to part with but one ship at a time1." This was not Mathews' first reference to the need of clean ships. On June 6th he had written asking that eight ships, all completely fitted for a winter cruise, should be sent out in September, in order that he would have them available for the winter service, sending home the eight ships most in need of repair. " Such a rotation, spring and fall," he had then written, " will greatly contribute in every respect to his Majesty's service." He had also asked for more sloops. " It is next to an impossibihty to intercept any of their small vessels and feluccas who pass from Antibes to Genoa and back again every week, though our boats are out constantly all night, which is a very great fatigue to those ships that have the stations from Cape Rous to Cape Delle Mele2." In reply to these applications, which the Duke of Newcastle transmitted to the Admiralty, Mathews was informed that the state of the ships at home would not 1 Mathews to the Duke of Newcastle, July 25th, 1742, S.P. Dom. Naval. Letter of June 24th. J742 Mathews's appreciation 21 r permit the request regarding the eight ships to be complied with, but that two ships would be sent. As to the small vessels, said the Duke, they were no less distressed at home for want of them, "though new ships are continually building and though they purchase ah the Spanish privateers taken by our cruisers which are fit for his Majesty's service, there being so many stations which require such vessels to curb the insolence of the small privateers and row-boats of the enemy which at this time infest all parts of our Channel1." In reply to this Mathews pointed out that his principal objects were, by his instructions, to destroy the Spanish and French fleets, to prevent the Spanish army under Don Philip from getting into Italy, and to protect and defend the Italian territories of the King of Sardinia and the Queen of Hungary and those of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, besides carrying out any enterprises agreed upon for the common cause. With the force he had he considered it impossible to prevent the Spanish army from passing if it should really desire to do so, since he could not keep all his ships cruising, and no less than all would suffice. He therefore intended to gather his main strength at Hyeres, with two or three cruisers out off Toulon to watch the Spanish squadron so that it should not put to sea without his hearing of it. This plan he con sidered a bad one — a "desperate expedient" he called it — but the best that could be arranged with the forces he had. Hyeres therefore was to be his base, and from thence he hoped to be able to control the sea-communications along the coast. The narrative has been interrupted in order to make Mathews's view of the position clear. We see him entering upon an extensive blockade with the conviction that his forces are inadequate to maintain it effectually; indeed, if the Spaniards had acted with any decision or energy, he would have found it impossible. Much less could he have carried out his instructions if the French had continued to work in the spirit of benevolent neutrahty which had enabled the second embarkation of troops to pass into Italy in defiance of Haddock's squadron. Although his interpretation of the intentions of the enemy was wrong, Mathews cannot be blamed for anticipating that the Allies would act as they had acted before, and make use of the great naval strength that lay in Toulon harbour to further their ends. In requesting that he might be furnished with a squadron of ships of the line sufficient to deal with the main squadron of the Spaniards, and of a sufficiency of frigates to deal with the lesser vessels of all kinds which were assisting 1 Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, July 29th, 1742. 14 — 2 212 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 the army in Italy he was doing no more than common prudence dictated. Mathews had other preoccupations besides the blockade of the Riviera. His instructions authorised him to take action against Naples whose King had furnished troops to assist the Spaniards1. On July 18th the first two2 of the bomb-vessels promised to him arrived, and a third — the ' Salamander ' — on the 22nd. Mathews, on the arrival of the first, at once prepared an expedition to assist the Austrians in North Italy. He ordered Captain William Martin to go to Naples with a squadron3 of frigates and small vessels, with directions that he was "to bring the King of the two Sicihes to a just sense of his errors in having attacked in conjunction with the Spaniards the Queen of Hungary's territories in Italy." Martin's instructions were" to take, sink and burn all vessels belonging to the Two Sicilies laden with any kind of provisions, ammunition, or warlike stores, and "to use his utmost to lay the said city in ashes, unless the King of the two Sicilies shall agree forthwith not only to withdraw his troops now acting in conjunction wth those of the King of Spain in Italy, but to forbear from giving in future any assistance of what kind soever." He was to send an officer ashore for a "categorical answer," and to direct the said officer to insist that it be made in half an hour. If the King should refuse to comply he was to put his orders in execution at the expiry of that time; after which he was to cruise along the coast destroying all vessels belonging to the King of the Two Sicilies. These orders Mathews first sent to the King of Sardinia and Marshal Traun for their concurrence, in case they should consider them too severe. They agreed to them4. Captain William Martin was an officer about 46 years old. He had served in the Mediterranean squadron since it came out under Haddock in 1738, but had not so far had any particular opportunity of dis tinguishing himself. The abruptness of his proceedings off Naples and 1 See ante p. 198. 2 'Terrible' and 'Firedrake.' s 'Ipswich,' 70; 'Panther,' 50; 'Oxford,' 50; "Feversham," 40; 'Dursley' galley, 20; 'Guarland's' prize (zebeck); 'Terrible,' 'Firedrake,' 'Salamander' and 'Carcass,' bombs. Martin's instructions were dated July 22nd, 1742. 4 Writing to Horace Walpole on August 18th Mann says: "Admiral Mathews rides triumphant before Toulon and prevents all stirring.... The Lord of the Mediterranean has sent a considerable detachment to Naples under the command of Captain Martin with a compliment to King Charles as how he wishes his Majesty would withdraw his troops from Lombardy — or else. I really don't know what else, but they say the four bomb vessels that make part of the seventeen have about 6000 shells on board." Mann expected that the operation would force Montemar as well as the Neapolitans to return to Naples. Dr Doran's " Mann and Manners at the Court of Turin." I742 Martin's expedition to Naples 213 the lack of any nicety of diplomatic manners might lead to the behef that he was a rough Tarpauhn of the Benbow school; but it would appear on the contrary that he was a most polished and finished gentleman. Charnock says of him : " He not only possessed a very con siderable degree of classical learning, but spoke the French, Spanish, Italian and German languages with the greatest ease and fluency. In his person he was remarkably handsome, and particularly attentive to his dress, manners and deportment.... When in command he always lived in the greatest splendour, maintaining his rank in the highest style; so that, viewing him in every point, we scarcely know which most to admire, the finished gentleman, the elegant scholar, or the brave Commander." It is well to guard against the impression which might be gathered from Smollett's and Horace Mann's descriptions of the sea-officers whom they met, that all the naval officers of the time Town, of Napless l^omther Scrtcunatuler Cancass O 00 ¦Duratey O Jtredm&e O Terrible J*bveraham O O Tender Tender O O Tinder O Tender 0 Ipswich, O Oxlbrtt Anchorage of Martin's squadron off Naples. were mere blustering Commodore Trunnions, or of the types described by the "Author of the London-Spy" with much forcible language and breadth of illustration1. Martin had only arrived from a cruise on the forenoon of the 22nd. His ship was watered with all imaginable despatch2 by the 'Bedford' and 'Essex,' and the squadron sailed at 4 P.M. on July 24th. By August 8th he was off Naples where he at once began disposing the bomb-vessels in a line about a cable apart off the town, with the 'Panther,' 'Feversham' and 'Dursley' covering them. The 'Ipswich' and 'Oxford' came to outside, and the bomb-tenders got into position soon after dark. The British Consul, Mr Allen, came on board soon after the squadron anchored, with a message asking whether Martin 1 The Wooden World dissected in the Character of a Ship of War: as also the Characters of all the Officers from the Captain to the Common Sailor, 1706. 8 Journal of Captain Martin, July 22nd, 1742. 21:4 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 came in a friendly manner or not, but as the bombs were not yet in correct position, Martin detained him on board until everything was ready, and then sent him ashore again with Captain Merrick de 1' Angle1 to carry Mathews's message to the King. De 1' Angle went to the Palace and there saw the Duke of Montallegra and gave him the message exactly in the terms of Martin's instructions, including the demand for a categorical answer in half an hour. The Duke replied that the King was at Church and would not be back within that time, and protested mightily that he was not to be threatened into compliance with anything that was unreasonable. He spoke about the indignity that was being offered to the King's honour, asked what guarantee he would receive that Naples would not be molested, and finally requested the Captain to go back and represent this to Martin, promising him his answer when he should return. De l'Angle went on board and saw Martin, who replied that he had no powers to treat. His orders were simply to make the demand and secure a reply in half an hour, and if de l'Angle could not see the King he must get the assurances from the Minister. With this message the Captain returned. It was now between seven and eight in the evening. When he reached the palace he was told the Prime Minister was closeted with the King. He waited twenty minutes of the thirty he was allowed, and then insisted he must see some one at once, where upon a General, an Irishman called Burke, was brought in. Burke renewed the procrastinating conversation, saying how hard it was to insist on the King's withdrawing his troops from his father's aid. De l'Angle replied shortly that was not the question ; he had brought a plain message and wanted a plain answer, and there were only five minutes left in which to give it. The General, replying quaintly: "Yes, the message is plain enough," went off and brought back the Secretary of State at once, who assured de l'Angle that the King agreed to all that was demanded of him. This verbal message was obviously not sufficiently satisfactory and de l'Angle desired it might be put in writing. The Duke demurred to signing anything, and requested him to accept his assurance and carry it to Martin, taking Burke with him. When they arrived on board, Burke again attempted to gain time, asking for guarantees, whereupon Martin told him shortly that he was sent as an Officer to act and not as a Minister to treat. He could give no guarantees, but required his answer. Turning to de l'Angle he said : " Sir, you will go on shore and insist on an answer being given to your message, yes or no, in half an hour, or return without one, 1 De l'Angle had been detached to Leghorn on the way to get the latest news of Montemar's army. He heard it was then at Rimini. 1 742 Effect of Martin 's expedition 215 which I shall look on as a refusal of compliance and put my orders in execution; do you understand me, Sir?" No doubt could now remain in Burke's mind as to what would happen if Martin did not get his answer, and when de l'Angle returned to the palace he received his reply in writing, and took it on board with him. The letter did not wholly satisfy de l'Angle, but as he was promised that he should receive one on the following morning, embracing the points to which he took exception, he accepted it. The letter duly reached Martin next day. It ran thus: Au Palais. 20 Aoiit 1742. Monsieur, Le Roy avait deja resolu et ordonne que ses troupes qui sont unies a celles d'Espagne, se retirassent pour veiller a la surete de ses 6tats, et sa Majeste m'ordonne de vous promettre en son Nom, qu'elle va reiterer ses ordres pour que ses troupes rentrent incessamment dans ce Royaume en se retirant de la Romagne, oil elles se trouvent a present, et qu'elle n'aidera ni assistera plus celles d'Espagne en aucune maniere dans la presente guerre en Italie. Le Marquis de Sales1. The effect of Mathews's action, so adequately carried out by Martin, was definitely to detach the Neapolitans from their allies and leave Montemar alone with his Spanish army in the Romagna. This depletion of force came at a most opportune moment, for at that very time the Sardinians had been obliged to withdraw a large portion of their own army from their Austrian allies, Don Philip's advance into Savoy2 constituting so serious a threat to the Duchy that the King of Sardinia, so soon as he heard of it, carried his own troops back to his western frontier ; a withdrawal that would have left Traun very inferior to Montemar but for the valuable diversion effected by the British Admiral. The movement -through Savoy relieved the situation on the Riviera; there was now no longer any fear of an advance on Villefranche. Mathews therefore re-embarked his soldiers and sailed for Toulon on the 5th of September to cruise with a strong force off that port, but he left the cannon he had landed at Villefranche, that the defences should still be complete if the Spaniards should alte,. their minds and return to Antibes. Even if they should do so Mathews was not anxious, for he would be able to have news of their return before they could reach Antibes, and he could send 1000 men from the squadron off Toulon more quickly than the Spanish army could reach Antibes. He considered that in consequence of the impossibility of trusting France 1 Narrative of Captain de l'Angle, Stowe MS. s.56; Martin's letter enclosed in Mathews's of August 16th, 1742, S.P. Dom. Naval; Log of 'Ipswich'; Mathews's orders to Martin, July 22nd, S.P. Dom. Naval. 2 See ante p. 206. 216 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 no less than twenty sail of the line would be necessary off Toulon; otherwise twelve would have been enough1. His intention therefore was to keep this number constantly in a state of readiness at Hyeres to deal with the French and Spanish squadrons, which were reported to be ready for sea at 48 hours' notice. He hoped to be able to main tain this force throughout the winter by keeping up a succession of reliefs from the remaining ships of the hne. His cruising services would thereby be greatly crippled, but this he could not help. Besides France, Mathews had Genoa to reckon with. Notwith standing his notification to her in June, she was again reported to be making magazines, or permitting them to be made in her territories, which would serve a Spanish army. He therefore sent a strong repre sentation to the Government of the Republic on August 29th, through Mr Birtles, our Consul at Genoa, pointing out that their conduct in this matter, and also in endeavouring to seduce the troops of Sardinia and Austria to desert, was such that unless it ceased, it would be necessary for him to "make them still more sensible of their errors." Commodore Martin was ordered to Genoa with instructions to send an officer on shore to " demand of the magistrates to be taken to the magazines and to desire them at once to be burnt " ; failing com pliance in half an hour, Martin was to "lay their town in ashes," and to complete the business by landing all his men to destroy the magazines, and if opposed, "to repel force by force, and beat the town about their ears " in such way as he considered desirable. This action produced the desired assurance from Genoa that her assistance should cease to be given. All of these measures received the full approbation of the Home Government. In the meantime Mathews had been made a Plenipotentiary, in accordance with his own request2. This appointment has been charac terised as a mistake. There were however very good reasons for giving the Commander-in-Chief these extended powers. As the representative of Great Britain's forces in the Itahan war it was of great advantage that he should have authority to partake in all the discussions that took place on the plans of campaign. As a seaman his opinion on the possibilities of such functions as were ascribed to the fleet was necessary. A Plenipotentiary unacquainted with the sea, the requirements of the squadron, the demands of its services in many directions, and the questions connected with its administration which affected the number of ships at any moment available for service— such a Plenipotentiary would be less able to express an opinion as to whether the squadron 1 Mathews to Duke of Newcastle, August 30th, 1742. 2 Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, July 29th, 1742. I742 Mathews appointed Plenipotentiary 217 could take part in any particular operation. The similar appointment of Sir George Byng in 1719 had been attended with the happiest results. The successful issue to which the Mediterranean campaign was brought on that occasion was due very largely to the powers extended to the Admiral, which allowed him to interview other Ministers, to persuade them to undertake concerted measures and to act in co-operation with each other. It has been objected that Mathews' duties as Plenipoten tiary took him away from the fleet and obliged him to spend his time at Turin. This is not correct. For one thing the number of days he was at Turin might be counted on the fingers of the two hands. For another, as Commander-in-Chief of the fleet his duties extended from Gibraltar to the Adriatic. He needed constantly to be in touch with his mihtary colleagues; and there was no particular reason why he should confine his attentions to Toulon at all times. The squadrons in that harbour were not always ready for sea. When he heard of their readiness he could move thither: but until then he had ample duties to employ him in regulating the operations of the remainder of his ships, which in point of numbers made up over two-thirds of his command. He was however at Hyeres with the fleet without inter mission for nearly ten months — from September 13th, 1742, to June 26th, 1743. We have seen that Mathews joined the squadron at Hyeres in September in consequence of two causes — the altered line of advance of the Spaniards and the preparations of the allied squadron in Toulon. The withdrawal of his ships and his 600 soldiers from Villefranche drew a letter "full of fright and fears" — in Mathews's words — from Arthur Villettes. The Minister feared that Mathews's absence would be taken advantage of by Don Philip to return to Antibes at once and so push by sea into Italy. Mathews was able to reassure him that from his position at Hyeres he could deal with any force coming down to Antibes to embark. The anchorage was not a good one and if it were not for the French, he said, he could have kept half his squadron in a far better bay within sight of Antibes; but circumstances being as they were he must make the best of his position at Hyeres. During September a new element appeared. It was reported that a squadron was fitting out at Brest which was not improbably destined for the Mediterranean. On the last day of the month the Duke of Newcastle warned Mathews that this force was preparing, and gave him additional instructions to meet the situation that might arise in consequence. Beginning by repeating that the Admiral was to keep a sufficient force on the look out for the French and Spanish squadrons in Toulon the Duke continued: "But if the French and Spanish 218 The Mediterranean under Mathews 174,2 squadrons, or either of them should escape you and get through the Straits, and if you get news that after the French squadron was passed the Straits it is intended to proceed to Brest to join the squadron there, you are to send home as many ships as you can spare, keeping with you in all events a force superior to what France' and Spain can bring against you." This news that he might find the Brest squadron on his back caused a further demand on Mathews' frigate force. He detached the 'Romney,' 50, and two bomb-vessels to act as cruisers in the Straits of Gibraltar and give him timely warning of the enemy's approach, "so as the better to enable me to prevent the conjunction of the two squadrons which if not prevented may prove fatal to the nation." Action by France might undoubtedly be expected at any time, for the main British squadron had now estabhshed itself definitely at Hyeres Bay, and from that anchorage controlled the movements of all ships going in and out of Marseilles and Toulon. Mathews at this time gave orders to Martin, who was in command of seven ships cruising off Toulon, and Barnett who had another squadron of three off Barcelona, to intercept all stores and provisions going from Spain into any French ports. This gave rise to protests from the Governor of Toulon, who said that if Mathews continued to forbid the entry of provisions to Toulon, he would be constrained to refuse him the conveniences of the harbour of Hyeres. Mathews allowed this threat to trouble him not at all. He informed the Duke of Newcastle that he intended to continue to prevent the entry of provisions to Toulon and Marseilles, and that if wood and water were refused him at Hyeres, he would reply that he should regard such refusal as a declaration of war and act accordingly. To be driven from Hyeres would have made the operations of the British squadron more difficult. A conjunction of the ships from Brest and Toulon could only be prevented, and the defence of Italy secured, by his maintaining this station. The situation was unquestionably galling in the extreme for France, but the attitude she adopted in sheltering the Spanish squadron made it inevitable that consequences inconvenient to her should follow. The bad weather which came on towards the end of October made Mathews's position precarious. Heavy gales from the north-west and north-north-west rendered it very difficult for Martin to keep his squadron at sea. Losses of spars and sails were continually occurring, and the lack of stores made their replacement a serious question. "Scarce a day," he wrote on October 26th, "but some or other of the squadron come in crippled." Mathews husbanded the ships as much as possible, relieving them continually from the main body at Hyeres; *742 Sardinia declares against Spain 219 but the sendee was very trying, and was accentuated by the lack of small ships to keep close watch on the harbour of Toulon. If the Spaniards should abandon their endeavour to pass into Piedmont and return to Antibes Mathews foresaw that his position, without an adequate number of small craft, would be nearly impossible. The Spanish advance on Piedmont produced the satisfactory result of banishing the last scruples of the King of Sardinia in regard to how he should act, and to a small extent served to ameliorate the position of the squadron in the matter of small craft. The King now became a declared enemy to Spain. He abandoned his purely defensive attitude and moved to attack the Spanish army that was advancing towards Piedmont. At the same time he placed his Sardinian galleys at the disposal of the British Admiral. These craft, though they worked poorly in bad weather, were nevertheless useful, for in calms and hght weather, when the small vessels of the enemy crept along in shore and were out of reach of the larger ships of the British fleet, the Sardinian galleys could intercept them. As the year drew to its close the military campaign became more intense, and the efforts of the Spaniards to effect the junction of their armies in the east and in the west were increased. In the Alps a series of operations left the Spaniards in possession of the whole of Savoy. In the east, where General de Gages had replaced Montemar, the Spanish army, though reinforced by some Neapohtan troops in spite of the King's assurance to Martin, retired northward to Bologna, and the Austrians under Traun fell back to the Panaro. It was now fully anticipated that the next move of de Gages would be on Tuscany. An intercepted letter from Paris, communicated by Horace Mann to Mathews on November 6th, stated that the intentions of the enemy were to wait till the season should oblige the British squadron to leave the coast, when the troops from the west would be embarked on board the combined Toulon and Brest fleets and carried to Spezia. The army under de Gages would at the same time advance, probably to Leghorn ; and the desired junction would thus be effected. Magazines were in formation in Tuscany; Neapolitan troops were daily joining the Spaniards. To deal with this situation Mathews gave orders to capture and burn all Neapohtan craft, and sent a small squadron of four ships to reinforce Captain Peter Osborn1 in the defence of Leghorn, in case Tuscany were invaded. De Gages's advance, however, did not ma- 1 Captain of the 'Salisbury.' This ship, sometimes with the 'Folkestone,' had been employed at Legh'orn since July, protecting British interests and preventing supplies going thropgh Tuscany to de Gages's army. 220 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1742 terialize. He received some reinforcements from Naples1, but Traun was able to keep his own numbers up to an equality with the help of troops sent him by the King of Sardinia. The end of the year saw the armies in both theatres of the Italian war facing each other in winter quarters. The Sardinian army was in Piedmont, the army under Don Phihp in Savoy; de Gages was at Imola, Traun on the banks of the Panaro. The main body of the British squadron remained at Hyeres, cruising squadrons watched Toulon and Barcelona2, a small squadron lay at Leghorn, another of two ships was in the Adriatic; watch was being kept on the Straits of Gibraltar; separate vessels were cruising on the coast of Naples and the Papal States3, in the Straits of Bonifaccio, between Sardinia and the squadron at Hyeres, and on services of trade protection. The Franco-Spanish squadrons amounting in all to twenty-eight sail of the hne were partly ready for sea in Toulon harbour. The Spanish ships were refitted and rigged but had not bent their sails, the French had about six ships cleaned which were as yet unready, but they were keeping a tight hand on their seamen, none of whom were allowed to leave the Port. Although he had no knowledge of the enemy's intention one thing appeared clear to Mathews — that above all he must keep as many as possible of his ships constantly ready in Hyeres. " It is lucky, very lucky," he wrote to the Admiralty, "that there is such a place as Hyeres Bay, else I should not have been able to have executed any one part of his Majesty's commands, for to keep the sea was wholly impracticable; and had I been obliged to have retreated to Minorca I could never have answered for it as an officer to have put out to sea with such crippled ships in all respects, the consequence of which might have been fatal to Italy." His perseverance had its reward in the Alps. The threatened return of Don Philip to the coast did not take place, and the invasion of Lombardy through Piedmont was stopped for the time by the strong positions held by the King of Sardinia. 1 The attitude of the Court of Naples in sending troops after the King's engagement to forbear from doing so, is explained by the fact that Neapolitan troops came under two separate headings. About 10,000 were actually Spanish troops, lent to Don Carlos by the King of Spain. The King of Naples himself maintained about 15,000. The troops that were being sent to de Gages were a portion of the Spanish troops which the King of Naples was under an engage ment to restore to Spain. 2 A large body of vessels laden with provisions, powder, ball, grenades, etc., for the army and provisions for the Spanish ships in Toulon lay in Barcelona for months unable to sail. In letters, January 18th, 1743. 3 Finding that corn was being imported into the Papal States Mathews ordered his cruisers to stop the importation as "the Pope cannot want it for the use of his own subjects, whatever corn is brought into this country by sea must be for the service of the Spaniards." (Mathews to the Duke of Newcastle, December 22nd, 1742.) CHAPTER XI THE MEDITERRANEAN COMMAND (continued) The difficulties with which Mathews had to contend were not confined to defeating the enemy or co-ordinating the efforts of his allies. His relations with the Admiralty were not good. Instead of help he received rebuffs; and the strain of an acrimonious correspondence with the Board concerning his needs must have reacted on his health and his powers of conducting the Mediterranean campaign. The numerous services the fleet was called upon to perform in connection with the mihtary campaigns left the Admiral very few ships to employ on the protection of trade; and trade in consequence suffered. The winter season was too severe for the Sardinian galleys, and such help as they had given earher in the year now ceased whenever bad weather came on, so that the Admiral could not depend on their services. To his intense dissatisfaction he found it necessary to employ his 60- and 70-gun ships for cruising. "I am at this instant distressed for smaU ships," he wrote in December, "...I am forced to use the 70 and 60 gun ships upon stations I would not do had I more ships, especially at this critical time." But to all his appeals for more small craft he received one answer only — that there were no small ships to send him. Nevertheless sententious reproofs were sent for permitting the trade to suffer, and he was advised to hire barcolongos and other smaU craft to cruise in the Gut of Gibraltar for protection against the privateers. But no men were provided to make up crews for such craft, nor did the suggestion get over the difficulty that many more small frigates were needed on the coast of Italy, for which service barcolongos were quite inadequate. The letters written by Mathews at this time and the replies sent to him are not pleasant reading, but they explain more clearly than anything else the reason why in this war the navy failed to fulfil the expectations of the country. In February 1743 Mathews wrote as follows to the Duke of Newcastle: "It will not be in my power to hinder the French and Spanish fleet coming out of Toulon except I totally neglect all other services; for to be able to hinder effectually the combined fleet putting 222 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 to sea, I must keep my whole strength together: if so, I cannot have any ships on the coast of Italy. Should that be the case, I cannot prevent any embarkations taking place; besides which, I must take leave to acquaint your Grace that it is not possible in the nature of things to keep ships perpetually at sea without their being fitted and careened; being when all together but barely a match for the combined fleet will not admit of my parting with any ships of force, and the want of them being refitted, etc. must inevitably prove in the end the ruin and destruction of this squadron: without I have more ships I dare not part with any: it would be good husbandry and greatly for the service if I had constantly with me a sufficient number of ships to keep two or three constantly a-refitting, or that the great ships were relieved every year. I know but one inconvenience attending my proposition, viz.: the fresh ships being generally sickly whereas the other crews are seasoned men, consequently better able to do their duty1." On the day of writing this letter, the disposition of the squadron was as follows : In Hyeres Road Sixteen of the line, one 50 and two fireships On Catalonian coast Three 6o's, one 50, one 40 At Minorca refitting Three of the line, one 50, one 20 On the coast of Italy Two 50's, one 40, one 20, one galley, one sloop At Genoa for supplies One 50, one 20 Between Gibraltar and Malaga One 50 Off Cape St Vincent2 One 50 Off Marseilles One 70 Between Gibraltar and C. Spartel Four bomb-vessels (as cruising ships) Off Majorca One zebeck The correspondence on this subject, which continued for some months, places in a clear hght the difficulties under which Mathews laboured and the attitude of the Administration towards those diffi culties. In March he again wrote twice asking for an increase in his force as the French and Spaniards had now thirty-two sail of the fine in Toulon, of which nineteen were ready. He received no reply. In May he wrote asking that some 50-, two 40- and two 20-gun ships might be sent out, as he was being obliged to use 60- and 70-gun ships on services proper for frigates. In answer to this the Admiralty in ' Mathews to Duke of Newcastle, February 24th, 1743. 2 The station out to St Vincent came within the Mediterranean command. Mathews was also responsible for the protection of the trade in the Gut of Gibraltar. "Their Lordships having received strong complaints of the many prizes taken in the Gut by the enemy's small privateers, and charging the captains of his Majesty's frigates and sloops stationed there with great remissness in the performance of their duty... will certainly dismiss them upon the next complaint." Secretary of the Admiralty to Mathews, August ist, 1743. 1743 Mathews and the Admiralty 223 June sent one 40, two 20's and two sloops, and proposed to send two 50's in lieu of two 50's which Mathews would be told to send home. On June 4th Mathews again called attention to his want of small ships: "most of the few I have are old and whenever they are sent in to be careened and fitted they are kept so long in port that the service suffers, not having others to send on their stations. On June 13th he wrote once more in the same sense: "Such has been my unhappy condition that I have not been enabled to clean the small ships in eleven months, though they ought never to exceed ten weeks, occasioned for want of ships to relieve them1. I am at this instant obliged to employ 70-gun ships where small ships are wanting, and the fire ship, and a bomb vessel with her mortar in, to cruise with them. It is what I cannot in strictness justify. But absolute necessity must be my justification should any unforeseen accident happen to them." Again on June 30th he repeated his statement of his need of more ships of 50 guns and downwards. "Ten sail," he said, "is barely sufficient for the coast of Italy, besides two or three for the Adriatic, two perhaps for the Archipelago, besides all the coast of Catalonia and Provence." All these requests were passed on by the Duke of Newcastle to the Admiralty, who informed the Duke in reply that Mathews had been reinforced with a 40-gun ship and two 20-gun frigates. This reply shewed the economy of truth employed by their Lordships, for the forty had not sailed until June and could not arrive for an indeter minate time; the two small frigates were not a reinforcement but were in replacement of two that had been lost no less than a year before. Mathews, when he received a copy of this letter, was not slow to point out the manner in which the Admiralty evaded the real facts. Writing on July 19th he shewed how untrue the reply was, and strongly represented once more his want of ships. At length, in August, a typical answer was drawn from the Admiralty, who said that Mathews's letters consisted of a " disagreeable repetition of complaints." "If you compare the squadron you had then [i.e. when he left England] with that which is now under your command you will find the former inferior both in force and number, tho' the Spanish squadron is fewer and in general in worse condition than at that time both in respect to men, stores and provisions. So that they cannot see any foundation for the constant complaints you have made on that head when it appears that notwithstanding the many other services which call for his Majesty's ships they have not only supported the same strength 1 It will be recollected (vide p. 188 ante) that in the proposed Bill for the protection of trade in 1742 it was laid down that the ships should be cleaned emery four months without fail. 224 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 you set out with, but have rather increased it." To the Lords Justices the Admiralty wrote: "Your Excellencies will please to judge by these lists1 whether the Admiral is not superior in ships of the line of battle to all his Majesty's enemies in those parts, and whether he has not a sufficient number of frigates and small ships to protect the trade and perform other contingent services." Thus the Admiralty brushed all Mathews's complaints on one side. Because his force was slightly stronger than it had been when he sailed from home eighteen months ago it was big enough. No notice of the entirely changed situation is taken, nor of the fact that before Mathews left he had expressed the opinion that the force was not strong enough effectually to perform the services. His arguments as to the necessity of careening and refitting his ships are ignored; his requests for more small ships, and the need for these above all to be kept cleaned, are not even referred to. There is no doubt that Mathews's complaints were disagreeable; but it is also clear that great difficulty was experienced in supplying him with more ships, large or small, in con sequence of the state into which the navy had been allowed to fall and the lack of men. To say that they could not increase his force might have been a correct, though a regrettable, reply. But to say that he had enough ships without taking the pains to examine his complaints in detail was a different matter and less easy to justify. If the Board had consisted of persons whose opinions were entitled to respect from the fact that they were acknowledged authorities on war and on seamanship, it would still have been desirable to support the authority of their names with argument. But they were not. The signatories of the letter were Lord Winchilsea, a politician jobbed into the office of First Commissioner; Lord Baltimore, a man who took some interest in sea-affairs but whose knowledge of the technical requirements affecting the maintenance of ships could only be that of an amateur; John Cokburne, a man who had been a Commissioner for trade in 1716 and a Commissioner of the Admiralty in 1717, but who had no special attainments or experience which entitled him to put aside the Admiral's reasons without discussing them; and Sir George Lee, a lawyer and pohtician, recently appointed to the Admiralty through the influence of Lord Carteret. These gentlemen failed to appreciate the fact that a ship to be efficient required frequent cleaning, and that while she was on the careen or under refit she was not ready for employ ment against the enemy; and also that in the services upon which the Mediterranean fleet was employed, a mere counting of the numbers 1 These were comparative lists of ships of the squadron when Mathews sailed in April 1742 with the squadron he had in August 1743. 1743 Mathews and the Admiralty 225 of ships of the line was no solution of the strategical situation1. Because Mathews had a slight superiority in that class of ship it by no means followed that he had a force suitable for the services of an extensive and continuous blockade. Besides the Commissioners who thus traversed Mathews's opinions there were also seamen on the Board. But no seaman's name is appended to the letter referred to, nor to many others of the same and later times. The reason for this was the First Commissioner's habitual disregard of the advice of sea-officers. Admiral Cavendish, one of the Commissioners, told Vernon that Lord Winchilsea paid no regard to his advice, or the opinion of those who knew anything of sea affairs, and "that the only method left him of shewing his dislike to the absurd and ridiculous orders which were issued from that Board was to refuse signing them2." Mathews, indignant at the Board's reply, went so far as to draw the Duke of Newcastle's attention to the lack of qualifications of his critics at the Admiralty. He quoted how, in July of the preceding year he had been ordered to send home eight ships, but that he had then pointed out how impossible it was to reduce the squadron by so considerable a detachment. "My answer," he said, "gave great offence: yet had I complied with it I should have justly incurred his Majesty's displeasure and convinced the world of my being ignorant of my duty and unworthy of the trust his Majesty has honoured me with. Had some of their Lordships been bred to the sea they would have been better acquainted with discipline and consequently would not have sent an order they would have known not to have been within my power to have complied with, but as is before excepted." The most influential of their Lordships had how ever not been "bred to the sea," and this, combined with their being kept in ignorance of the instructions under which the Commander- 1 Mathews's fleet on April ist, 1743, was as follows, including 4 ships ofthe line which had not yet reached him : 2nd rates (90-gun ships) 3rd rates (80- and 70-gun ships) 4th rates (60- and 50-gun ships) 4 18 14 5th rates (44-gun ships) 2 6th rates (24- and 20-gun ships) 6 Sloops 3 Zebeck 1 Total ships of the line Of which were 50-gun ships 36 8 Bomb-vessels 4 Fireships 2 Ships of the line proper 28 18 50-gun ships 8 Cruising vessels 2& Also a store-ship, a hospital ship and a lighter. ~ 2 Vernon in the Debate on appointing a Committee of Enquiry into the conduct of the J'leet, April 16th, 1744. Parliamentary History, vol. xm. ft W T 5 226 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 in-Chief in the Mediterranean was acting, served to make the conduct of the operations very much of a game of cross purposes. Notwithstanding the attitude of the Board towards the Admiral, the Mediterranean campaign had been far from unsuccessful. The enemy had made no use of their great fleet locked up in Toulon, no progress had been made by the allied armies, and the conquest of Lombardy was as far off in the end of 1742 as it had been a year before. A great army was wasting its strength in Provence, another was dwindling perceptibly for want of reinforcements in the region of the Panaro. The twin barriers of the Alps and the sea kept these two forces separated, and the Austrian army in Lombardy was still un defeated. The new campaign opened early in 1743. The Queen of Spain, anxious to bring about a decision without further delay, sent cate gorical orders to de Gages, who was then in the neighbourhood of Bologna, to attack the Austrian army at once, beginning his advance within three days of receiving the order1. Much against his own judgment, based upon his knowledge of the poor condition of his army, de Gages obeyed the orders. He met the Austrians at Campo Santo on Jan. 28 — Feb. 8 and fought a bloody but indecisive action. The Austrians held their ground, the Spaniards retired, first to Bologna and later in Neapolitan territory. Thus the first attempt to break through in this theatre was a complete failure. The news of the battle reached Mathews on the 12th of February at Hyeres, where he was lying with seventeen ships. This sudden opening of the campaign on shore was accompanied by reports of considerable preparations at Toulon, where ships were being hastened into readiness, troops were being assembled, defences were being thrown up, and a very high tone was being taken by the local authorities who were boasting that they were soon going to drive the British into the sea. It seemed probable that a move of the combined fleet would shortly follow. Mathews therefore recalled his outlying 50's from Spezia and Leghorn and sent orders to Mahon for all ships refitting to be com pleted with the utmost despatch and to join him. Some vessels however he could not recall. He had heavy ships off Gibraltar and Barcelona the former of which were preventing some 3000 seamen from coming from Cadiz to reinforce Don Navarro's crews, while the latter were holding a considerable body of troops at Barcelona. By retaining these minor blockades Mathews was forcing the enemy to march their men by land — a lengthy process in the course of which a large number deserted. 1 Pajol, Les Guerres sous Louis XV, vol. in. p. 23\ 1743 Difficulties of combined action 227 There was no radical change in Mathews's instructions. He was given a free hand to take a part in any operations against Naples that might be decided upon by the King of Sardinia and the Austrian General1, but he found it extremely difficult to persuade his allies to come to a common understanding and to agree to concerted action on a definite plan. Suspicion between the Sardinians and Austrians was rife. Each looked upon any proposal of the other as directed by motives of self interest, and Mathews's position was singularly hke that of Sir George Byng in 1719, whose principal labour had been to arrive at a settlement between the representatives of the same two Powers. Numerous reports had been received in the latter end of 1742 indicating that Don Carlos of Naples was sending troops to help the Spaniards, and the Admiral had communicated with our Consul, Mr Allen, on the subject. Allen reported that the rumours were untrue, but as the Consuls of the other Powers continued to repeat them, and as considerable strengthening of the fortifications of Naples was in progress, Mathews was inclined to beheve them. The Neapohtan assistance was of great importance and must be stopped, and an expedition to Naples, which Mathews had discretionary powers to undertake, appeared to him the only means of checking this dangerous movement. He therefore made ready a squadron of six ships and some bomb-vessels which he placed under the orders of Martin, to pay the city a second visit. At the same time he wrote to Villettes and requested him to arrange a meeting with the Sardinian and Hungarian Ministers to discuss the question of combined action against Naples. Villettes saw M. d'Ormea, the Sardinian Minister, and urged the desirability of striking a blow to prevent Naples from assisting Spain. D'Ormea was averse from taking action. He explained that the Sardinian alliance with the Court of Vienna was only "provisional and defensive," and would not extend to offensive operations, as the King of Sardinia did not wish to involve himself too deeply, or raise up new enemies against himself. "As any attempt you can make on Naples," wrote Villettes after this interview, "must turn to the advantage of the Queen of Hungary, we cannot be too cautious in giving credit to intelligence that comes through the hands of the Generals and Ministers of the Court of Vienna2." D'Ormea fully appreciated the value of such a stroke, but he was for temporising and doing nothing until the Neapohtan troops were known to be in 1 Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, January 18th, 1743. 2 Villettes tp Mathews. Enclosed in Mathews's to the Duke of Newcastle, March 4th, 1743, S.P. Dom. Naval. 15—2 228 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 motion. Yet it was already quite clear from witnesses uninfluenced by Hungary's interests that the Neapolitans had begun to move and were joining de Gages in the northern parts of the kingdom. Mathews therefore wrote back to Villettes intensely regretting that the Sardinians would not agree to his proposal, and pointing out how necessary it was to have a settled plan of action before a campaign" began1, and how these dilatory methods would spell eventual ruin. Mutual suspicion was at the bottom of this hesitancy; an ineffectual campaign was the result. A small British mihtary force would on this occasion have been invaluable to bring Naples to a better frame of mind. Mathews had suggested earlier in the year that he should be supplied with a few thousand troops with which to produce a diversion in Spain. He had asked for three or four thousand soldiers, with which, he said, "I could demolish very easily the works before Gibraltar, destroy Malaga and many other places along the coast which perhaps might obhge the King of Spain to recall part of his troops : if my intelligence is true, Cadiz is by no means in a condition to make any great defence." It is interesting to speculate what effect an army of such a size under an able general, or a larger force of eight or ten thousand men as suggested by the Duke of Argyll, acting in conjunction with the fleet, might have produced on the operations in Italy during this war. Such a force might have carried out those expeditions on which Sardinia hesitated to embark from jealousy of Austria; but more important than that, it would have served as a guarantee to Sardinia and would have gone far towards consolidating the alhance, which was still by no means secure, between that kingdom and Austria. Both Spain and France had made overtures to Charles Emanuel during the winter, offering him the possession of the Milanese as the price of his friendship; and Carteret's efforts had been directed towards bringing the Courts of Vienna and Turin2 to a closer alhance. The attitude of Genoa was less equivocal. Her inchnations were plainly in favour of Spain and she had already permitted magazines of provisions to be prepared in her territory for the use of the Spanish army. These, as we have seen, Mathews had destroyed. In February it was reported to the Admiral that Genoese seamen were being recruited 1 Napoleon's saying that "Rien ne reussit a la guerre qu'en consequence d'un plan bien combine" is well exemplified in this campaign. (Quatriime Bulletin, November 15th, 1808.) 2 "The King is using his endeavours to bring the Courts of Vienna and Turin to a perfect unison: at least he is in hopes that he wiU be able to prevent the King of Sardinia from taking part with the enemy." Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, April 26th, 1743. 1743 Destruction of the ' San Isidro ' 229 for the Spanish squadron, and that a Spanish ship of the line had embarked men in the Genoese island of Corsica and carried levies into Italy. In consequence of this Mathews sent Martin in the 'Ipswich,' with the 'Revenge' and 'Ann' galley, to destroy the ship, though she lay under the guns of the Corsican batteries in the neutral harbour of Ajaccio. Martin sailed from Hyeres on the 13th of February and anchored off Ajaccio on the afternoon of the 18th. The ship, the 'San Isidro,' was at anchor in the harbour. Her Captain, a French officer named de Lage, prepared to resist and hauled himself close in to the batteries. Martin weighed at 4 A.M. next day, warped in to her and anchored with a spring on his cable to bring his broadside to bear; the ' Revenge' did the same, about 300 yards from the Spaniard. De Lage boldly opened fire, the British vessels returned it, and in a very short time the 'San Isidro' was in flames. At noon she blew up, and Martin returned to Hyeres1. The Corsicans, very impatient of Genoese misrule, made no protest. Corsica was, in fact, rather an encumbrance than an advantage to Genoa, and it was reported that the Genoese proposed to sell the island to France or Spain; a rumour which reached Mathews and caused him to write to the Genoese Senate to inform them that in the present state of affairs this sale could not be countenanced by Great Britain. France, who had now definitely decided to take an active part in assisting Spain to gain her ends in Italy, was occupying herself busily during all these early months of the year in securing her coasts and the port of Toulon from attack by sea. Work on the ships was also proceeding diligently, and a squadron was expected to be shortly fit for service. The French officers were also being actively drilled in tactical exercises. "They have rigged 20 odd long boats," wrote Mathews, "which they propose to send out to teach their young officers how to work a ship and to form a hne of battle," and it appeared as though they were at last going to be of some positive assistance to their Spanish friends. The months however went by without their completing their work, but the expectation that they soon would be ready, and the imperfect intelhgence that Mathews received as to their exact state, made it impossible for him to relax his vigilance or weaken his force at Hyeres. Hence he was unable to carry out those repairs and refits which were so greatly needed in order to keep his squadron fit for the sea. No movements of any importance, either of fleet or army, took 1 Log of 'Ipswich'; Mathews to the Duke of Newcastle, February 24th, 1743. De Lage was subsequently Chief of Staff to Admiral Navarro. 230 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 plade during the months preceding June, but the strain on the Admiral was incessant, and in May he was constrained by ill-health to Write home asking to be reheved in his command, as he had been indisposed since October, and the long confinement on board ship had told seriously upon his health1. The Government were anxious he should not give up the command at this juncture; the Duke of Newcastle however gave him permission to go ashore for his health if it should still be necessary, but desired that he would continue to carry out the duties of the chief command from Villefranche, where he could land and get both exercise and medical treatment. The preliminaries of the Treaty of Worms, which pledged the King of Sardinia to assist in driving the Spaniards out of Italy, Were at that moment under discussion, and Mathews was informed that the difficulties attending combined opera* tions would soon be removed; a plan of campaign embracing the . armies of Sardinia and Austria and the fleet of England could then be formulated. An attack on Naples would probably be included, but however this might be, that part of the plan relating to the sea would be left, he was told, entirely in his hands, "since your knowledge of the present situation of affairs in the Mediterranean and the constant attention you have shewn to his Majesty's service must have enabled you in the best and most effectual manner to answer his Majesty's expectations upon any great occasion that may arise2." In spite of the permission to go ashore Mathews felt he could not give up his duties while such matters were in the balance; and moreover at this moment trouble with Genoa had again become acute. A quantity of arms and ammunition had been run into the harbour of Genoa in a flotilla of fourteen zebecks which had evaded both the blockading vessels off Barcelona and the frigate ' Kennington ' which was watching Genoa. A cautionary letter, implying that this should not have occurred, was written by the Admiral to the captain of the 'Kennington'; the Government of the Republic was also informed that it was not to permit any supphes to pass out of its territory to the Spanish army. The British Consul, Birtles, conveyed this message ti) the Senate, but as he was unable to obtain from them any assurance that the powder would not be forwarded to its proposed destination, Mathews, leaving Lestock with a strong squadron at Hyeres, proceeded himself to Genoa with six ships of the line and three bomb-vessels to enforce his demands. Deputies came on board to see him directly he arrived. They explained how helpless they were in the matter, and how completely they were under the thumb of Spain, but "I cut' 1 Mathews to the Duke of Newcastle, May 22nd, 1743. 2 Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, June 17th, 1743. x743 French intervention imminent 231 the matter short," said Mathews, "by telling them I had no time to spare and that I was determined the Spaniards should not have the use of the cannon, powder, etc., during the present war in Italy." He gave them thirty hours in which to make up their minds, and while they were doing so he moored his ships and bomb-vessels to cover the town. The Deputies first proposed that the zebecks should be allowed to return to Spain, but to this Mathews would by no means agree. He had one demand and one only to make, namely, that the guns, stores and ammunition should be lodged in the Castle of Boni- faccio in Corsica, there to remain until the end of the war. As the Deputies demurred to this, he said he should take the Spanish vessels out from the Mole and destroy them. In the face of the Admiral's determination, and the force with which his proposals were backed, , the Deputies consented. His point being thus fully gained Mathews left two ships to see the transportation and deposit of the stores properly carried out, and returned himself to Hyeres. It was now the end of June. The situation was increasing in seriousness each day, as it became more certain that France was about to join Spain and to declare war with England, for the battle of Dettingen, fought on June 27th, was bound to increase French animosity, while the continued presence and arbitrary acts of the British Mediterranean squadron could not fail to be exasperating to France. Although the Treaty of Worms was approaching completion, Sardinia and Austria were far from being yet in agreement, and indeed so hostile to each other did they appear to Mathews that on the 6th of July he wrote asking for instructions as to how he should act if the King of Sardinia should join the Spaniards. Finally, the one great advocate of peace was dead, and a man of different sentiments held the reins of power in France. When Cardinal Fleury died in January 1743 his place had been taken by Cardinal Tencin, an ecclesi astic known to be devoted to the Stuart cause, and believed to be in active communication with the Pretender and to have promised him assistance. With such great events impending as must follow the declaration of war by France Mathews naturally was disinchned to abandon his 'post. Greatly, however, as he wished to remain with the fleet, his '| health made it impossible for him to do so. For thirty-eight weeks j he had not been out of his ship, and he now found it absolutely necessary I to remain at Villefranche and endeavour to recover his health. He 'therefore went ashore, but not to rest. Once more he tried to obtain 1 a conference of the Allied Powers, but until he could be sure of Sardinia's I agreement to the proposed terms of the Treaty of Worms, he could 232 The Mediterranean under Mathews J743 make no arrangements. The difficulty of the position may be easily imagined. His instructions were to protect the dominions of Sardinia, Tuscany and Hungary against the Spaniards, and, if the French joined, against them also. While the French shewed every sign of preparing to take part by land and sea, it seemed possible that Sardinia would desert the cause of the Allies and also join the Spaniards. If a blow were successfully struck by the French army on the Rhine it ap peared certain that their forces in Dauphin6 would be able to join the Spaniards and push into Italy. Placed as they were they might move up to Savoy or down to Nice, and as it was impossible to predict their line of advance, or to tell whether Sardinia would be fighting for or against them, Mathews could not make any plans for the employ ment of the fleet. One thing seemed certain: he must keep all his large ships as much concentrated as the various services would admit, and as many small ships as possible constantly ready to work along the coast of Provence and Genoa in case of a military advance in that part. To effect this concentration he was obliged to withdraw ships from other services; one of the immediate effects was that trade suffered considerable losses, losses which drew remonstrances from the Admiralty and further recommendations to protect commerce more effectively. The disposition of the squadron in September was as follows: At Hyeres At Villefranche Off the mouth of the Var About Elba and Civita Vecchia Cleaning at Minorca Off St Vincent Off Gibraltar Off Cape de Gat In the Straits' mouth Between Toulon and Ventimiglia In the Archipelago Convoying stores from Genoa On special cruising service 1 8 ships of the hne: of these 8 were acting as cruisers between Marseilles, Porquerolles, Levant Island and Cape Roux 4 of the line with Mathews, assisting in the preparation of the defence of Villefranche i 50-gun ship 1 50, 1 40, 1 20 and 2 bombs, cruising to prevent supplies going to the Spanish army through the Papal States and Naples 4 of the line and 1 50 1 5° 1 50 1 50 5 small vessels 4 small vessels 1 small frigate 1 small frigate 2 50's In the beginning of September Sardinia's attitude was at length defined by the Treaty of Worms, to which, after long negociation and with great distaste, the Queen of Hungary agreed. By this treaty Charles Emanuel recognised the Pragmatic Sanction, ceded all his 1743 Treaties of Worms and Fontainebleau 233 rights in the Milanese to Maria Theresa, and bound himself to defend Lombardy with 40,000 foot and 5000 cavalry. In return for this the Queen agreed to assist the defence of Lombardy with 30,000 men, and to cede the Upper Novarese, Piacenza and some territory on the left bank of the Nura to the King; she abandoned all her claims to Finale, in taking possession of which the Sardinians were to have the assistance of the British squadron. The supreme command of the allied army was placed in the hands of the King of Sardinia, who was to regulate all military operations in concert with the Queen of Hungary. The clauses of the Treaty which referred to Great Britain's obligations committed her to pay a yearly subsidy of £200,000 and to maintain a fleet in the Mediterranean. The clause relating to the fleet and the orders it would receive ran as follows: " Article VII. Aussi longtemps qu'il sera necessaire de favoriser et de seconder les operations et aussi longtemps que le danger des allies de l'ltalie le demandera, Sa Majesty le Roi de la Grande Bretagne s'engage de tenir dans la Mediterranee une forte Escadre de ses vaisseaux de guerre, des galiotes a bombes et des brulots, dont les Amiraux et les officers commandants auront ordre de concerter constam- ment et regulierement avec Sa Majeste le Roi de Sardaigne ou avec ses Generaux, ou avec ceux de la Reine de Hongrie qui seront les plus a portee, pour les mesures les plus convenables pour le service de la Cause Commune." While this treaty brought Sardinia into line and facilitated joint action on the part of the Allies, it had an opposite effect on Genoa, who saw her own possessions in Finale being transferred to Sardinia without consultation or compensation. Her relations with Spain, which had hitherto been merely benevolent, now became more actively friendly; and she prepared to dispute the possession of Finale with an army of 10,000 men. France and Spain at the same time concluded a counter-treaty at Fontainebleau by the terms of which France agreed to declare war upon Sardinia, to assist Spain to recover Minorca and Gibraltar, to recognise Don Philip's claim to the Milanese, Parma and Placentia, and to declare war upon Austria and England1. On the signing of this treaty a contingent of eleven French regiments which had already been assembled in Dauphine under M. de Marcieu proceeded to Briancon to join the Spanish general, the Marquis de la Mina. The relations with Sardinia being now satisfactorily established, every effort was made to strengthen the defences of Villefranche in case the Franco-Spanish armies should advance in that direction. The King of Sardinia arranged to hurry reinforcements to that part in such a case, and Mathews, besides lending 54 guns from his squadron 1 October 14th, 1743. The clauses relating to declaring war on Austria and England were of a later date. 234 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 to strengthen the batteries, kept a landing party of 800 soldiers ready to put ashore at the shortest notice. He also furnished transports and made all preparations for a retirement of the garrison to Vado Bay in the case of the capture of Villefranche by the enemy. The enemy's advance was however made through the Alps, positive orders having been sent from the Spamsh Court to march by the route of Monte Viso. The movement began on September 13th, and a week later the enemy was on Piedmontese soil. But the positions held by the Sardinian army were so strong and so well defended that the enemy were unable to pierce them, and, after a ten days' campaign in which the Franco-Spanish army lost over 8000 men, many guns and much moral, they retired into Savoy and Dauphine. The first round had been fought and had resulted in the discomfiture of the enemy. Lombardy was now safe for the winter, provided the British squadron could continue to hold the route of the sea. On the other side of Italy things had been quiet from the time of the battle of Campo Santo until September. The enemy had retired to Bologna unmolested; for this Marshal Traun was censured and superseded in his command by Prince Lobkowitz. The new Austrian Commander arrived at Carpi on September 5th with a reinforcement of nine battalions, and proceeded immediately to infuse a more energetic spirit into the campaign. Advancing rapidly against de Gages he drove him from Bologna to Fano. Once more the campaign was upon the Adriatic littoral. The need for using the sea was felt immediately and Lobkowitz therefore wrote to Mathews asking that the frigates which had been in the Adriatic, but had been withdrawn, might be replaced as soon as possible. The 'Seaford' and 'Dartmouth' were at once sent ; their removal from the other services was an appreciable drain, and Mathews, writing on October 30th, again took the oppor tunity of pointing out his need of more vessels of the frigate class. "There must be ships," he wrote, "constantly in the Adriatic and cruising from Cape del Colonne and Otranto while the two armies in Italy continue in their present motions and situation, not only to prevent the enemy's receiving any succours or provisions by sea, but also Prince Lobkowitz being distressed for want of his provisions and thereby losing the fruit of his glorious labours and endeavours to destroy M. de Gages' army, or drive them to the necessity of taking shelter in the Kingdom of Naples which the Marquis d'Ormea writ me the 6th November N.S. is generally thought they will do. In that case many more proper ships will be absolutely necessary. Sixty or seventy gun ships are by no means proper for these coasts at this season of the year, as I full well know by experience." 1743 Differences with the Admiralty 235 There Were indeed many services calling for the ships of the navy. At this very moment the Pope was permitting cannon and stores for the use of the Spaniards to be landed at Civita Vecchia, an unneutral action With which Mathews was not slow to deal. He sent Captain Powlett with the 'Oxford' and 'Kennington' to cruise in the neigh bourhood of OrbiteUo with instructions to destroy all the galleys in the harbour. It had first been his intention to bombard Civita Vecchia itself, but in deference to the request of the King of Sardinia for a less severe punishment he contented himself with this stroke. The signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau was still unknown in England, btit every day was bringing about a greater tension with France. The British cruisers were making prizes of all vessels, French or Spanish, intercepted carrying mihtary stores into Antibes. M. Mire- poix protested against this treatment of a neutral power, but Mathews, in reply to the French Minister's objection, pointed out with some pertinence that in acting as he did he was only performing the duties of an auxiliary to the King of Sardinia whose dominions he was assisting to protect, in the same manner as the French themselves were acting as auxiliaries to the King of Spain whose forces were attacking the Sardinian Kingdom. Notwithstanding his requests for more vessels for cruising, no reinforcements were sent to him. There are indications that a wretched jealousy may have been a factor in the friction between himself and the Admiralty. The military direction of the Mediterranean fleet came immediately under the Secretary of State, who, as a clerk of the King, transmitted his Majesty's orders. Thus on all questions concerning the operations of the war, the Admiral communicated direct with the Duke of Newcastle; and he was led to believe that the Admiralty took no notice of his complaints owing to his not being under their Lordships' immediate command in regard to his mihtary operations1. In the end of the year the Admiralty wrote in the foUowing terms: "Though their Lordships think it incumbent on them to keep up the strength of Mr Mathews' squadron by supphes of fresh ships in the room of those disabled, they cannot take upon them to send out an additional force Of ships to him without express direction, as they are not informed of the reasons or necessity for it2." There lies the whole petty quarrel. The Admiralty declined to give the Commander-in-Chief the ships he so greatly needed for the services he had to carry out, because they had not been consulted as to the military requirements. The excuse 1 Mathews to Duke of Newcastle, June 13th, 1743; September 21st, 1743. 2 Secretary of the Admiralty to Mathews, October 26th, 1743. Yet Mathews had written seventeen letters giving reasons. 236 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 was also made that Mathews had not informed the Admiralty as to the strength and fitness of the French and Spanish squadrons in Toulon1. This, however, was an incorrect statement, for Mathews had kept them informed in nearly every despatch of the disposition of his ships and the requirements of the situation. In addition, all those parts of Mathews's letters to the Duke of Newcastle relating to his needs were transmitted by the Secretary of State to the Board. The plea that the Admiralty were not acquainted with his requirements is wholly insufficient to justify their fafiure to meet his wants; some other motive was at work. In the end of November the Admiral received information that the French authorities in Toulon had orders to fit out aU the ships in port, numbering twenty-one vessels. The Spaniards had at the same time eighteen ships, so that the situation was now one in which it was necessary for the British ships to be kept together to meet any move which might be made by the combined fleet2. Just before receiving this letter the Duke had written another set of instructions, outhning the conduct Mathews was to foUow, but remarkable for nothing except its reiteration of earlier orders. Mathews was again told to concert with the Powers appointed in what manner the fleet should be employed for the execution of the Treaty of Worms. He was to keep himself informed as to how soon the ships at Toulon would be ready, and ascertain what they were expected to do: whether in particular, any attempt on Mahon or Gibraltar were likely, in which case he was to take steps for the securing of those places. " The war," wrote the Duke, " in aU probability wUl now be carried on with great vigour in Italy; and as his Majesty's fleet must have a material share in it, it wiU require great conduct and attention how that may be most usefully employed." Letters from Paris of November 12-23 confirmed the reports "that aU the men of war in French ports are to get ready for sea by a date in January: it is not doubted that this is done at the instigation of the Court of Spain to oblige Mr Mathews to retire from the coast of France in hopes to carry and convoy troops to Italy3"; about which the Duke remarked: "His Majesty doubts not you wiU be able to disappoint their designs." The Duke this time backed up his instructions with some practical help and gave orders for a reinforcement of three ships4 to saU with the first fair wind, and 1 Out letters. December gth, 1743. 2 An extract from this letter is given post p. 238. The letter reached the Duke on December 14th. 3 Extract of a letter from Paris enclosed in Duke of Newcastle's letter of December 13th, 1743. 4 'Burford,' 70; 'Boyne,' 80, and 'Chichester,' 80. J743 The Brest and Rochefort squadrons 237 another, consisting of two large ships and a frigate, as soon as they could be ready. Some steps to give Mathews the help he needed were thus at last taken, but considering how long reinforcements had been in reaching Haddock, there was no small danger of these not arriving untU after the crisis was over. This despatch had not been received at the end of November when the Admiral, UI in health and weary of the way in which his proposals had been received1 again asked leave to come home. The mere state ments of his wants appeared, he said, to be regarded as a crime. " Permission was given; but the Duke hoped he would not leave unless his health absolutely demanded it2. Everything pointed to renewed attempts on the part of Spain to force her army into Italy, and to the probabihty of France taking an active part in the war with her Atlantic squadrons. On the first of these points the Duke was under no mis apprehension as to what the Mediterranean fleet should do. "You know," he said, "how necessary it is in all events to prevent the Spaniards from pouring more troops into Italy: and nothing could so effectually tend to the disappointing of the views of his Majesty's enemies in Italy as the destruction of the combined fleet at Toulon." He then added such information as he had as to the second point. The Brest and Rochefort squadrons were preparing for sea and it was reported that seven ships from Brest and five from Rochefort were about to saU, or might even already have done so. "It has been conjectured," said the Duke, "that the real destination of the ships that are to be sent from Brest is to place themselves in the Straits of Gibraltar in order to prevent any reinforcement of ships, or any supplies of provisions, etc., from being sent from hence.... I am also authorised by my Lord WinchUsea to assure you that you shaU have further reinforcements according to the advices he shaU have of the number of ships that saU from Brest and Rochefort, and such as shall be sufficient to oppose any force they shall meet with in their passage to you, and as may enable you to resist the combined fleets of France and Spain now at Toulon, even tho' they should be joined by any ships from Brest." And he concluded by observing that it was "very material that any such junction should be prevented." He reiterated the instructions given to Haddock on November nth, 1741, to intercept any French men-of-war coming from any of the Western ports and going to Toulon. 1 "I am sorry to see the pains their Lordships have taken to throw dirt so thick at me, but I have the pleasure of knowing where it must of necessity stick at last." Mathews to Secretary of Admiralty, November 25th, 1743. 2 Duke of Newcastle to Mathews, December 23rd, 1743. 238 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 Thus every element in the situation indicated the importance of the Mediterranean command at this moment, and it is obvious that no one who felt himself capable of carrying out the duties, could relinquish it at such a critical time. Mathews's position must have been doubly difficult, inasmuch as the man on whom the command would devolve was one whom he considered unfit for the responsibility. Not improbably his personal f eelings towards Lestock went some way towards influencing Mathews, but this can be surmise only. At all events he decided to retain the command, and prepared to take the first opportunity of going to Turin to meet ViUettes and the representa tives of the aUied Powers in conference; ViUettes had begged him to do this in an express letter of November 26th. On December 8th therefore Mathews landed at ViUefranche on his way to Turin. He left Lestock at Hyeres with a force of as many ships as he had been able to muster1; but the fleet was still greatly scattered. The foUowing list shews how the outlying ships were employed on December 19th, the remainder of the fleet being either with Lestock or at ViUefranche: At Minorca refitting and cleaning 'Marlborough,' 90; 'Princessa,' 80; 'Eliza beth,' 70; 'Kingston,' 50; 'Norwich,' 50; 'Winchelsea,' 20; 'Folkestone,' 40 (un serviceable); 'Berwick,' 60 (with 200 men sick) Cruising off Malaga, Cape St Vin- 'Dragon,' 60; 'Newcastle,' 50; 'Guernsey,' cent and Lisbon 5° In the Adriatic 'Dartmouth,' 50; 'Seaford,' 20 On the coast of Calabria 'Feversham,' 40 On the coast of Romagna 'Oxford2,' 50; 'Kennington,' 20 At Genoa 'Salisbury2,' 50 The situation at the end of the year as it appeared to Mathews cannot be better shewn than by an extract from a letter written a fortnight before he went to Turin. The Admiral's views not only of the position in the Mediterranean but also of the way in which he was being treated by the Admiralty are therein set out most clearly: " My last letter to your Grace was dated the 13th instant. I only hinted at some particular things which I judged absolutely necessary to be for his Majesty's service, but as I send this to your Grace through Germany I shall speak plainly. I have received certain intelligence that orders are come to Toulon to fit out with the utmost expedition all the ships great and small in that port; their number is twenty-one. One of the persons I have had for a considerable time in pay was about ten days since seized and carried to prison, but after searching his person and house and not finding one scrip of paper by which he might be discovered he was after twenty four hours confinement released, but I have reason to believe is narrowly watched in regard he has quitted the Spanish service in which he was a master of one of their ships, on purpose to serve me. 1 See Mathews's letter to Duke of Newcastle, November 23rd, 1743. 2 These ships were being called in by express letter. J743 Mathews on the situation 239 I shalf Sfore'onti^ ^ **? hC b^evw a meetin«1 wiU be aSreed to *°°n- 1 snau therefore continue here2 some few days longer, but I shall send awav SE£T m°rm^ aU.the great Ships to Prev«nt MrgLestockVteing surpriled When they join him he will have the ships in the enclosed list which I am of opinion are sufficient at present for any number the French caT put to IZ °n three weeks. 1 daily expect ships from Minorca but I arc ^apprehensive °that it will not be prudent to send any more ships there to refit, etc. I shaU govlrn myself m that agreeable to such intelligence as I shall be^ able to get E Z«^* PTT0n+f^feaV,he f0rmer should to refused admissiof or shZd be detained They talk confidently that they are to be joined by twelve sail from Brest My man wnt me that he had read a letter from Brest to one of the Master-Builders at Toulon giving him an account that two were actually sailed I must now take leave to state facts, at least those I judge must be such in a little time. The French will have twenty-one sail at Toulon only. The Spaniards have eighteen great and small and I take it for granted that the scheme I formerly mentioned to your Grace was talked of at Toulon will now take place viz • the French to take some of the Spanish ships and to man them, without which it is my opinion, that all the Spanish ships cannot possibly get manned And the strength that I can depend upon having with me against January is twenty- eight, fifty gun ships included, and they all to be in a condition to keep the sea- and then all other parts of his Majesty's commands must be totally neglected' by the Spaniards and French having the whole coast of Italy open to them to carry by small embarkations recruits into Italy. That is not all, for when the conjunct fleet is kept ready for the sea, how shall I, or the person his Majesty shall judge proper to relieve me, be able to assist at the reduction of the Kingdom of Naples? To divide the fleet will be imprudent and he would justly deserve to be censured as no officer that should do so. Therefore one of these two things must inevitably happen, viz., either the conquest of Naples must be postponed if the assistance of the fleet should be absolutely necessary (as it is generally thought to be); or the conjunct fleet must be left at liberty to go and do what they please. In the latter case they may transport what troops they please to Port Especia [Spezzia] and thereby endanger the liberty of Italy, and after all if joined by any number of ships from Brest, may come and make me (or as I have said before, whoever may be appointed to command) a visit, the con sequence of which is submitted to your Grace. I flatter myself that I have fairly and honourably stated the facts in regard to the present situation of affairs without magnifying the strength of the conjunct fleet. The French ships will be in good order and well manned. The Spanish ships are generally speaking in bad order and ill-manned, and except they should be greatly assisted by France (as I have said before) they will be incapable of putting to sea. They have eight sail in sufficient order and these they can man to put to sea for a short expedition. That number is full sufficient to prevent his Majesty's commanding officer to divide his present strength, and I think it my indispensable duty to acquaint his Majesty in order to undertake the attacking Naples by sea in regard they have put it in the best posture of defence it possibly can be ; having been at work in raising batteries all along the coast, and fortifying the Mole heads ever since Captain Martin was there, it will require at least fourteen sail of capital ships besides frigates to protect the bombs. With a less number, according to the account given me of the additional works made, I should be unwilling to undertake the expedition, because I judge that with a less force I should not have any probability of success. I send this by express messenger and must entreat your Grace to lay what I have now the honour of writing before his Majesty for his consideration and farther instructions before the expedition takes place. As to his Majesty's commands in regard to Finale, I flatter myself that a few of the small ships will be sufficient for that service, though Consul Birtles acquaints 1 I.e. a meeting with the allied commanders, to discuss a plan of campaign. 2 Villefranche. 240 The Mediterranean under Mathews 1743 mt in his letter of the 30th inst. N.S. that the Republic1 has got and is getting together 10,000 men and that they are determined to dispute it with the Savoyards, inch by inch; these are his words. Should that be the case I am of opinion that my going with the bombs to Genoa will be the surest method for saving the King of Sardinia's troops, and the most expeditious way of reducing that Republic to reason. I shall therefore propose it to his Sardinian Majesty when his Majesty's commands are to be put into execution. I sincerely wish the severe reflections the Lords of the Admiralty were pleased to make in their letter of the ist of August may not soon be retorted upon them, by their being convinced that what I have all along complained of, viz. want of ships to enable me to execute his Majesty's commands, was not without just grounds: which in my humble opinion they cannot justify but by confessing they are unacquainted with the different services to be performed by virtue of his Majesty's commands. And I must take leave to add, that severe manner of writing is grounded upon notorious mistaken facts as will plainly appear to any sea-officer in the list of ships I sent your Grace with my letter of the 30th ultimo, wherein are the dates when ships were detached from me, and when those sent out joined me. By their Lordships' manner of representing things one would imagine that the ships ordered out to me were to join me the very day they received their sailing orders, when God knows I never saw any of them until ten weeks or three months after, and then they were so sickly, and some disabled in their passage out, that they have been useless for a considerable time after, particularly the 'Cambridge,' 'Stirling Castle, 'Newcastle' and 'Nonsuch.' I am not afraid to declare that the discouragement and severe treatment I have constantly met with from their Lordships, not to mention the difficulties I have laboured under, greatly to the prejudice of the service, has not assisted to the bettering of my constitution." Such was the situation and such the state of mind of the Admiral on the eve of the important events which were about to take place; but before following further the course of the war in the Mediterranean we must return to the West Indies, where the nature of the operations was modified by the development of affairs in Europe. 1 I.e. of Genoa. Finale was to fall to Sardinia, by the Treaty of Worms. CHAPTER XII THE WEST INDIES. END OF COLONIAL OFFENSIVE. OCTOBER 1742 TO FEBRUARY 1744 Under the British system of colonial defence the naval forces in West Indian and North American waters were practically divided into two categories, the active squadron and the stationed ships. As we have already seen, the latter comprised a number of smaU craft allocated definitely to the local protection of certain colonies and their trade. They were under the Commander-in-Chief of the Jamaica squadron, but at the same time he never interfered with them nor called them away from the waters in which their particular duties lay, except upon pressing occasions. The main force of the squadron was at Jamaica, since Port Royal was the harbour most suitable as a base of operations against Spain, and from that centre the Commander-in-Chief directed the operations of the ships in aU parts of the West Indies. But as the conditions of war changed, and the probabUities of French inter ference increased, the Leeward Islands which were contiguous to im portant French possessions received more attention. When the French attitude became more actively hostile a smaU increase in the number of ships in the Leeward Islands was made, and when in October 1743 it became practicaUy certain that France was about to join Spain, there was a further increase, and the Leeward Islands became a separate station under its own Commander-in-Chief. Thenceforward increments were made to cope with the more powerful squadrons that France was maintaining in those waters. Sir Chaloner Ogle received his instructions to relieve Admiral Vernon on September 23rd, 1742, and the command was definitely transferred to him on October 19th when Vernon sailed for England. The force to be left on the Jamaica station was laid down in a letter from the Duke of Newcastle dated August 5th, 1742, part of which ran as foUows: "Mr Vernon is directed, in determining the number of ships to be left with you, to consider the strength that de Torres has with him at the Havana, if he is stiU there; and in all events to take care that the force he shaU leave with you may be superior to any strength that the Spaniards can bring together against you in those parts, and though this may not be to be done without leaving some ships in the West Indies which may not be in so good a condition as were to be wished, yet, in these circumstances, they must remain tUl others R.N.I. l6 242 Minor offensive in West Indies 1742 can be sent from home to reheve them." The information1 Vernon had as to the Spanish squadron was that it consisted of twelve ships, and that only half were ready for service, while the whole squadron was very short of men from death and desertion ; the squadron he left with Ogle presumably represents his views as to the fighting value of the ships at Havana. The naval forces in the three areas of these "Plantations" stations when Ogle took over the command are shewn upon the opposite page. The disposition of the ships of the Jamaica squadron made by him for the protection of trade and other services was as foUows: Ships of Smaller larger classes vessels Off Cartagena : to attack trade to Porto Bello i Off Cape del Vele cruising up to Rio de la Hacha i In Windward Passage to protect trade and attack privateers i Off the South Keys ("where three galley privateers are r reported") Convoying 500 troops sent for relief of Georgia and South — 2 Carolina Going to Ruatan Island for its protection and to cruise — 2 The remainder of the squadron were at Port Royal or in American waters, mostly refitting, but a few ready for sea. A report was current that those ships of de Torres's which were ready were shortly to sail for Europe with the trade. Judging by the use the Spaniards had hitherto made of their squadron it appeared unlikely that they would now use it offensively, but would more probably continue to devote it to the protective duties of convoy. Ogle could therefore afford to send out his ships of the line to cruise independently, relieving them from time to time by those ships which were refitting at Jamaica. But although the Enghsh squadron was in a better condition than the Spanish, Ogle found the greatest difficulty in keeping even a proportion of his ships at sea. Ships would be tediously refitted from the store-houses at Port Royal, proceed to the Caraccas coast, and in the strong winds which prevail in those parts, the repairs that had taken months to make might be rendered useless in a week. Not only were the rope and the canvas at Port Royal rotten and insufficient, but it was no uncommon thing for ships to be laid up for months owing to the want of stores to supply them. 1 Report of Captain Brodrick, of Shoreham dated 8th of July. The ships he reported at Havana were the 'Reyna,' 80; 'Principe,' 74; 'Leon,' 70; 'San Ysidro,' 64; 'Africa,' 64; 'Andalusia,' 64; 'Hercules,' 64; 'Fuerte,' 64; 'Glorioso,' 64; 'Vittoria,' 54; 'Nueva Espafia,' 54, and 'Real Familia' cruising between Cape Antonio and Cape Corrientes. Some of these names would appear to be wrong — e.g. 'Africa' and 'Hercules'; a ship of the former name having been destroyed the year before at Cartagena, and a ship of the latter name being at this time blockaded in Toulon by Mathews. H72 Squadrons in the Plantations 243 Squadrons in North America and the West Indies, October 1742. A. The Jamaica squadron 'Cumberland,' 80; 'Kent,' 70; 'Grafton,' 70; 'Lyon,' 60; 'Mountagu,' 60; 'Rippon' 60' 'York,* 60 ... T ... 'Assistance,' 50; 'St Albans,' 50; 'Litchfield,' 50 'Eltham,' 40; 'Fowey,' 40; 'Ludlow Castle,' 40; 'Adventure,' 40" ... ... ... ..' 'Shoreham,' 20; 'Experiment, '20; 'Seahorse, '20; ' Astraea,'2o;'Bonet.ta,'4;'Spry,' 6; ' Strom - bolo,' 'Vulcan,' fireships; 'Thunder,' 'Basi lisk' and 'Blast,' bomb-vessels 50 guns and above 40 7 3 — 4 — — 10 4 Smaller vessels B. The Leeward Island and Barbados stationed ship s At Barbados: 'Norwich,' 50; 'Advice,' 50; 'Scar borough,' 20 ... In Leeward Islands1: 'Launceston,' 40; 'Gos- port,' 40; 'Eltham,' 40; 'Lively,' 20; 'Pem broke's' prize... 50 guns and above 2 40 3 Smaller vessels 1 2 2 3 3 C. The North America stationed ships Newfoundland :' Sutherland,' 50 North Carolina: ' Swift,' sloop 8.12 South Carolina: 'Rye,' 20; 'Flamborough,' 20; 'Hawk,' sloop, 8.12 ... Virginia : ' South Sea Castle, ' 44 ; ' Hound,' sloop, 8.12; 'Cruiser,' sloop, 8.12 New York: 'Launceston,' 44 New England : ' Gosport, '44 50 guns and above 40 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 1 3 Smaller vessels 1 The 'Otter' joined the Leeward Island command in October. 16 — 2 244 Minor offensive in West Indies 1742 Empty stqre-houses played their part in the strategy of this war, both in the West Indies and the Mediterranean. In November Ogle received sufficiently fuU information of the situation in the Mediterranean to form a picture of what was passing there and an anticipation of the consequences. The squadron under Mathews was then definitely established off Toulon and along the coast of Provence and the Riviera. French ships were being arrested for carrying troops, French interests were being flouted and a practical blockade: of the principal French naval port was in progress. To Ogle it appeared that the hands of France would soon be forced; and her open espousal of the cause of Spain against Austria gave colour to this belief. It was therefore necessary to be ready for eventualities in the West Indies. There were no French men-of-war in those waters, but as the first intimation of war might be the arrival of a French squadron from Europe it was undesirable to have his ships scattered. Concentra tion was also to be aimed at for offensive reasons, in order that any attack upon French possessions might be put in hand immediately hostilities were declared. Ogle therefore recalled aU his cruising ships, and made preparations, in consultation with Governor Trelawny, to attack the French settlements at Petit Guave and Leogane, destroy their fortifications and naval faculties, and so begin the war by clearing the board of these two naval bases. Trelawny arranged to embark 400 troops from the Jamaica garrison to serve as a land force in those operations; but month after month went by and stiU advices shewed that France did not intend to be goaded, at least for the present, into any overt act. In the spring therefore Ogle again sent out his ships cruising against Spanish trade. In the meantime the Admiralty had decided to prosecute the war against the Spanish settlements, though on a different scale from that of the great expeditions of 1741 and 1742. The harbours of Puerto Cabello and La Guayra on the coast of Caraccas which were selected for attack were both important trading settlements of the second order. Puerto CabeUo was the careening port of the Caraccas Company, whose ships had rendered great assistance to the Spanish navy during the war in carrying troops, arms, stores and ammunition from Spain to her colonies, and its destruction would be a severe blow both to the Company and the Government1. La Guayra was — as it stiU is — the port of Caraccas and an important shipping centre. It was believed by the Admiralty to be very weakly defended, an opinion possibly based on the report of the ships which attacked it in 1739 2. 1 Duro, Armada Espanola. 2 See vol. 1. p. 43. 1742 Puerto Cabello and La Ouayra 245 Against these two ports the Admiralty decided to send an expedition, the scope and intentions of which were set out in the instructions to the officer selected to command— Captain Charles Knowles. Knowles had returned to England in the 'Weymouth' which he paid off on 24th of March 1742. He held strong views as to the best manner in which to prosecute the war, and it is possible that the suggestion to attack these ports emanated from him, and that he was in con sequence entrusted with the command1. He rightly looked upon the destruction of the enemy's bases as one of the most important measures in attacking and defending trade, and was strongly averse from confining operations merely to cruising and convoy. Knowles's instructions, dated October 14th, 1742, ran as foUows: Instructions to Captain Charles Knowles, Captain of his Majesty's ship the ' Suffolk,' and Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels designed on a particular service. 1. Whereas we have thought fit to entrust you with the command of a squadron of his Majesty's ships to be employed on a particular service, you are hereby required and directed carefully to observe the following Instructions. 2. You are to take his Majesty's ship the 'Buiford' under your command, whose captain is directed to follow your orders, and as soon as the said ship and the 'Suffolk' are supplied with all the provisions and naval and ordnance stores ordered for them, and are ready in all other respects for the sea, and the wages and advance money due to their companies paid at the Nore, you are to proceed with the said ships to Barbadoes, and if you meet with any of his Majesty's ships named in the margin2, either at that island or anywhere else, you are to deliver the inclosed pacquets to their commanders, and to take them under your com mand, and without making any unnecessary stay at Barbadoes, to proceed on "without loss of time to Antegoa; but if you meet with none of the said ships in your way thither, you are to leave such orders for their commanders to follow you, as you shall judge proper. 3. When you arrive at Antegoa you are to cause the pacquets directed to the Governor of the Leeward Islands, and to the officer commanding in chief Lieut' General Dalzell's regiment of Foot to be delivered to them, the same containing his Majesty's orders, that four hundred men of the said regiment with a proper number of officers shall embark on board the ships under your command to serve in the intended expedition ; and you are accordingly to make a proper distribution of the said officers and soldiers on board the ships with you, and to see that their embarcation be made with all possible despatch. 4. And whereas we have ordered the Captain of his Majesty's ship the 'Falmouth,' which ship and the 'Assistance' are going out with a convoy of victualhng ships to Jamaica, to proceed himself no farther than Antegoa, and keeping with him such one of the victualling ships as he thinks fit, and also the ' Comet ' bomb vessel and her tender, to send the ' Assistance ' on with the rest of the victuallers and trade to Jamaica, you are to take the said ship ' Falmouth,' and ' Comet ' bomb vessel with her tender, under your command, and to retain the said victualling ship with you, she being laden with dry provisions, and to supply the wants of your ships from h;r; and if you apprehend that you shall want flesh provisions or any other species of provisions, when you return from 1 Beatson wrongly attributes the origin of this expedition to Ogle. 2 'Scarborough,' 'Advice,' 'Norwich,' 'Eltham,' 'Lively,' 'Pembroke,' prize. 'Otter,' sloop. 246 Minor offensive in West Indies 1742 the expedition you are going upon, you are to give the contractor at the Leeward Islands timely orders for providing the same. 5. And whereas you carry out an eight inch mortar for his Majesty's ship the 'Scarborough,' you are to order the same to be fixed in her, and to supply her with shells and other necessaries, and proper persons for the service of the mortar. 6. And whereas we are informed there is an eight inch Howitz on board bis Majesty's ship the 'Pearl,' you are, if you meet with her, to take the same Howitz from her, together with the officers, and shells and other materials thereto belonging, which her captain is hereby directed to deliver to your orders, and you are to cause the same to be put on board such ship of your squadron, as you think fit. 7. You are at liberty to communicate these our Instructions to Mr Mathews, Governor of the Leeward Islands, and you are to consult and advise with him about the best methods to be taken for performing the intended service; and also to get privately what intelhgence you can of the state and condition of the enemy, where you are going. 8. Having got all things in a readiness to go upon service, you are to put to sea with the squadron and forces aforesaid and proceed over to the coast of Caracca where the Guipuscoa Company have established settlements for their trade, at the towns of La Guira and Puerto Cabello, the taking of which places, or any others upon the Main, together with the merchandise and treasure that shall be found there, as also such ships as you shall meet with, and their ladings, are the services that you are sent upon and which you are to endeavour to perform and execute with your whole force and power. 9. But whereas many designs have miscarried by not making an immediate attack upon the enemy after arrival, but wasting the time in deliberation, whereby, their first fears being over they have time given to strengthen themselves and prepare for their defence; you are, before you arrive in sight of the coast to call a consultation of the captains of the ships under your command at which the officer commanding in chief the land forces is to have a vote and the second place in rank, and to lay these our instructions before them, as also such intelli gence as may have been received concerning the state and condition of the enemy, and there to settle fully the whole plan of operation against the enemy so that nothing may remain to be done after your arrival but to go immediately upon the attack and perform the whole service, according as shall have been agreed upon at a general consultation. 10. And for the better distinction of command and dignity of the expedition we do empower and direct you to wear a broad pendant while you are in sight of the Spanish continent aforesaid. n. In case it shall be thought proper to send any soldiers or marines on service ashore, they are to be under the command of the officer who commands in chief the detachment of soldiers sent from the Leeward Islands; but both the landing and re-imbarking the troops, as also all other operations whatsoever in this expedition, either by land or sea are to be performed according as shall be agreed on at a general consultation as above mentioned. 12. In case you shall succeed to take La Guira, Puerto Cabello or any other place on the Main, you are to refer it to a general consultation whether it may be advisable to keep or abandon the same; and in case of keeping any places, you are to appoint the 'Falmouth' and a small frigate or sloop to attend on the same, for the protection and service thereof, and of the forces that shall be left there: and you are likewise to apply to the Governors of Barbados and of the Leeward Islands, for a supply of negroes to assist in fortifying the said places and for such other succour as shall enable the commanding officer to maintain and secure the same, as it is a settlement that may very much redound to the security and advantage of the trade of those islands; and you are to apply the cannon and other warlike stores taken on shore, towards fortifying the said places. 13. You are likewise at liberty to draw from his Majesty's ships under your command such cannon and other warlike stores as shall be judged necessary, at J742 Knowles' s Instructions 247 a. general consultation, to be landed and left there for the better security of the settlements. 14. You are to inform yourself of the disposition of the native Spaniards established in the Province of Venezuela before the settlement of the Guipuscoa Company, and if you find encouragement, you are to publish and disperse among them declarations, setting forth that it is not the design of the English nation to make a conquest of their country or to meddle with their property religion and liberty, but only to free them from the tyranny and oppression of the Guipuscoa Company and to open a free and equal trade with them of their mutual commodities, without any exorbitant duties, charge or imposition what ever: and you are to make such provisional agreement with these people, if you find them disposed to it, as shall be thought proper at a general consultation, subject to his Majesty's pleasure and determination. 15. If you keep possession of any place you are to settle the form of Govern ment there 'til his Majesty's pleasure shall be known, and in order thereto you are to give such instructions to the senior captain of his Majesty's ships that you shall leave there as you think proper for the protection of the place by sea, and to the officer commanding the garrison in whatever relates to the defence thereof by land. And whereas Captain Thomas Somers, who is well acquainted with the coast of Caraccas, has voluntarily offered his services to go upon this expedition, and whose advice and assistance will be very necessary towards facilitating the success of the undertaking, we do therefore hereby direct and order that he shall be called to, and have a vote at, all general consultations: and you are to appoint the said captain to take charge of all the stores and provisions on shore as also of the collection and receipt of the Duties or Revenue that shall be settled there, and likewise of the repair of the Garrison, and all other contingent expenses, as also of providing hospitals for the seamen and soldiers, and other necessaries; and you are to direct the said three officers to advise and consult together in all matters relating to the settlement of the colony and of the duties to be established, and to forward as well everything relating to the general service, as the respective services with which they are entrusted in particular, and to continue acting in their employments until his Majesty's pleasure shall be known, recommending it to them above all things to cultivate and maintain a fair correspondence with the natives, and to comport themselves so towards them as may dispose and incline them to have a good opinion of the English nation, and to be assured of a free and peaceable commerce with us, without any fears or apprehension of danger. 16. In case you do not succeed in your attempts upon the coast of Caracca you are to call a general consultation to consider whether any attempt may be made upon the island of Porto Rico, or on any other place, and to proceed according as shall be agreed on, at the general consultation. 17. But if, when you return from the coast of Caracca to the Leeward Islands, you shall have certain information from Governor Mathews that there is a rupture with France, you are to consult with the said Governor how to annoy any of the neighbouring French settlements, and to proceed therein as shall be approved and agreed on at a general consultation as before mentioned. 18. You are to send us early and particular accounts of your proceedings and success on the coast of Caracca by a small sloop or frigate, as you are likewise to do of any other services you may afterwards go upon, with the opinion taken at a General Consultation of what may be necessary to be done here for the furtherance of the service you are employed on. 19. When the service of the expedition is at an end, and it shall not be thought advisable to attempt any further enterprise upon the enemy by land, you are to order the captains of the ships stationed at Barbados and the Leeward Islands to repair to their respective stations and pursue their former instructions, and to come home yourself to England with the two 70-gun ships and the 'Norwich.' And if you have made no settlement for the 'Falmouth' to attend on you are to send her to Jamaica, directing the captain to put himself under the command of the Admiral or Commander-in-chief at that place. 248 Minor offensive in West Indies 1742 20. In case of your inability by sickness or otherwise you are to leave these our instructions with the next commanding officer who is hereby directed to put them in execution. Given, etc., the 14th of October, 1742, Winchelsea, J. Cokburne, Philip Cavendish, Geo. Lee. An additional and more specific order of the same date foUowed: Whereas the taking the town of Puerto Cavallo, with the forts in and about the same, and keeping possession thereof, is the first and principal object that you are to have in your view, in the expedition you are going upon; you are hereby directed, in addition to our instructions to you of this date, not to make any attempt with the land forces on any other place until you have first tried what can be done at Puerto Cavallo. But you are at liberty, in your way to that place, if it shall be thought proper at a general consultation, to range along the coast of La Guira, and seize on any ships that you may find there, or else where along the coast, and also to insult the said town from the sea, taking care not to waste so much time there as may alarm the people at Puerto Cavallo, and enable them to put themselves into a posture of defence. For which, etc., Given, etc., the 14th of October, 1742. W.,J. C, PC, G.L. These instructions present several interesting features. While going into a good many detaUs they aUow a considerable latitude in execution to the commanders. They provide for what is to be done if it be decided to retain any places in the event of capture. They emphasize the importance of surprise and rapidity of execution and the need of complete preparation, so that the attacks by land and sea can be set in motion immediately on arrival, in fuU co-ordination with each other. The command was a joint one, according to our usual custom; Knowles was in command of the squadron only (paragraph 1), and any soldiers or marines serving on shore are placed under the command of the military officer (paragraph 10); and aU operations connected with landing or on land are ordered to be agreed upon in a joint con sultation at which the military officer is to have the second place. But whether, in preparing the plans for the specific conduct of affairs on shore, the judgment of the military officer could be overridden by that of the naval officers who would be in a majority of the council ordered in the same paragraph, appears to be left in some shght doubt. WhUe the aim of the operations was fairly outlined, a clearer distinction might have been drawn between merely annoying the enemy and developing a strategical situation which would be of per manent injury to him. The attack on Puerto CabeUo was of the latter nature, that on La Guayra of the former. The latitude accorded to Knowles to perform the minor operation of destroying shipping at La Guayra was a weak point without a distinct provision that it was in no way to prejudice the success of the major operation. Concentration upon the achievement of the principal object is a fundamental principle which cannot lightly be disregarded; and while I742 Warren and Knowles 249 every latitude in execution must be extended to a commander, no loophole should be left which can hinder the successful attainment of that object. Besides issuing these instructions the Admiralty took steps about a fortnight earlier to assemble the Leeward Islands stationed ships in readiness for the expedition1. The sloop ' Otter ' was sent out to Barbados and Antigua with despatches ordering all the ships on those stations to assemble at Antigua and there complete with provisions and water, and hold themselves "in a constant readiness to proceed on service according to such orders as shall be sent to you. But if you hear of any enemy's ships cruising in the neighbourhood of that island you are at liberty to go in quest of them, taking care to return to Antigua when the service is performed or that there shall be no longer hopes of meeting with the enemy's ships according to the inteUigence you had received." This last part of the instructions is to be noted. It constantly recurs in aU instructions to ships sent on particular service. Thus a squadron cruising in the Channel, to which certain limits are assigned, is invariably given the same permission to extend its cruising ground beyond those limits if it shall receive information of enemy's ships in a part outside its patrol; and the same sentence about returning to its station when there is no longer hope of meeting the enemy is also a constant formula2. The senior officer in the Leeward Islands was Captain Peter Warren of the 'Launceston.' He had been appointed to her on the 18th of January 1742 for Channel service. On the 31st of March he was ordered to fit for New York and after a cruise on the French coast after priva teers, saded for that station on August 23rd, 1742. His instructions were to fall down to the Leeward Islands in the winter when the weather was unseasonable on the American coast, returning to his station in the spring. He was senior to Knowles, and a letter of the same date— October 14th— was sent to him, informing him that Knowles was appointed Commander-in-Chief of a squadron going on a particular service, and directing Warren not to give him any orders "that may anyways interrupt or delay the service he is going upon, nor to take any of the ships or vessels from him that are appointed to his command." And further, to avoid the chance of friction which the situation might produce, Warren was ordered to take the ' Launceston ' and ' Gosport ' cruising " on such stations either separately 1 Out letters. September 27th, 1742. a Similar instructions were given to the Admiral commanding the Western squadron who was permitted to chase an enemy squadron so long as there was any reasonable expectation of overhauling it. 250 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 or together as may best protect the aforesaid islands and the trade going to or coming from thence from the ships of the enemy untU the season wiU admit of your returning back to your proper stations at New York and New England." Knowles sailed from Spithead with the 'Suffolk,' 'Burford' and 'Comet.' He picked up his squadron at Antigua, embarked a detach ment of Colonel DalzeU's regiment, and saUed from St Kitt's on February nth and anchored off the Tortugas on the 16th. There he caUed a councU of war of the captains of the ships, the Commander of the land forces and Captain Somers, to communicate to them his sealed instructions. It is said1 that the Spaniards had two months' warning of the attack; whether this be true or not cannot definitely be stated. Duro makes no mention of any such information having been received; and that precautions for secrecy had been taken is shewn by a letter of September 1742, written by Lord Winchilsea to the Director General of Ordnance, the Duke of Montagu, in which he very privately informed the Duke that two ships were being fitted out for a public service which would require some special stores from the Ordnance Board. " As all designs for the pubhc service," wrote Winchilsea, " are generally defeated by being known long before our ships saU, and by the manner of fitting out our ships.... I must beg to know from your Grace who it is at your Board to whom you would direct me to apply that these things might be provided privately2." Besides this, Knowles's orders were sealed and not opened tiU he reached Tortugas. If therefore the Spaniards had the information, it could only have been from some person in close touch with the Admiralty who had seen the instructions. Rumour of such leakage is common and frequently untrustworthy; but its possibility was suspected by Anson after he had been at the Admiralty for nearly two years, and had learnt something about the ways of the place; in August 1746, when sending some information to the Secretary this weU-balanced officer concluded: "When }^ou have communicated this letter to their Lordships I desire you will keep it in your possession and not let it go into the office, that the clerks may not see it." The instructions were opened by Knowles in the presence of the officers forming the council of war. The capture of Puerto Cabello was clearly the principal object; but it was observed that "we were left at hberty to take what vessels we might see in La Guayra Road and insult the fortifications as we passed." The instructions contemplated 1 Beatson, vol. I. p. 164. 2 Montagu Papers, Hist. Man. Comm. Report. x743 Attack on La Guayra 251 the squadron going to windward, passing La Guayra and taking any shipping that was exposed, and passing rapidly to leeward to Puerto Cabello without any delay. But the council reasoned thus: if any ships were seen at La Guayra, the Spaniards, on sighting the squadron, would haul them in under protection of the fortifications. Therefore, before the vessels could be taken the defences must be destroyed, "which, by the inteUigence laid before us, would not be difficult." Also, if Puerto Cabello were first attacked, and the squadron damaged aloft, it would take a long time to beat up to La Guayra against the strong winds and currents on that coast. The garrison would in that interval get news of the presence of the squadron and be better prepared than if the attack were made by surprise "which we had great reason to believe would be the case, from the secrecy of our expedition." On the other hand, even if damaged aloft at La Guayra, the squadron would be able to drop down to Puerto CabeUo in less than 24 hours, a shorter time than a courier would take by land. Provided, therefore, the spars were not too crazy to stand enough sail to carry the ships past the forts, success would depend more upon anchors and cables than masts and rigging1. Upon these arguments the council decided to avail themselves of the latitude in their instructions, and to attempt first to destroy such shipping as might be at La Guayra, and then drop rapidly to leeward on Puerto CabeUo and attack and capture the town. The arguments are interesting ; they have aU the appearance of being dictated by good sense and seamanship. The decision was nevertheless an unfortunate one. Arrangements for the attack on the defences of La Guayra were made. In a weU locked up line of battle the squadron was to sail in and anchor, each ship as close to her next ahead as possible, abreast the forts in the foUowing order: 'Burford,' 'Eltham,' 'Norwich,' 'Suffolk' (flag), 'Advice,' 'Assistance,' 'Lively.' The 'Scarborough' and a bomb-ketch, from a position on the off side of the squadron, would join in the bombardment, the 'Scarborough' having, as the instructions had laid down, an eight-inch mortar specially fitted into her — an innovation, it would appear, introduced by Knowles, who had also mounted mortars on the poop of his flagship. The discussions and preparations for the attack lasted two days. On the evening of February 18th the 'Otter' was detached to recon noitre and report what ships were in the port. Reconnaissance is of high importance in many of the operations of war; but when surprise 1 Account of the La Guayra Expedition described in a letter from Captain Watkinsof H.M.S. 'Lively' to Sir John Norris. Naval Chronicle, vol. I. pp. 204, 314- 252 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 is aimed at, a reconnaissance which, unlike the work of scouts on shore, cannot be concealed from the enemy, lurnishes him with a warning and puts him on his guard. So it was in this case. The Spaniards sighted the 'Otter' and instantly took alarm. Seven or eight vessels hastily got under sail and hurried to leeward in the direction of Puerto CabeUo, and thus both that port and La Guayra were warned of an impending danger. This was a distinct failure to observe the tenth clause of the instructions in which the importance of secrecy was so insistently enjoined upon the Commander. At dayhght on the 19th of February the squadron stood in in a line of battle as arranged. When within a short distance of the town sail was shortened to fore and aft sail only, in order that there should be as little canvas as possible to handle whUe anchoring, and to ensure bringing the ships in good order into a close range of the forts. As the squadron approached, the batteries opened a heavy fire to which the ships rephed. There was little wind and the smoke of the squadron hung so heavy that vision was obscured 1- Instead therefore of anchoring as Knowles intended within pistol shot of the waUs, they found them selves much farther off, and indeed too far to use their smaU arms which in such an attack were invaluable. The top riflemen in such a case, firing into the open batteries from their high situation aloft, were of great importance, as the attack at Porto Bello had shewn. It took about an hour to get the whole squadron anchored. The forenoon had gone by, and it was now near 1 p.m. For over two hours a tremendous fire was maintained by both ships and batteries in whioh the former, in spite of the drawback of the long range and the sweU, were getting the upper hand and driving the gunners from their forts, when came a mishap. A lucky shot cut the cable of the 'Burford,' and about the same time the 'Eltham' also parted her cable. The two ships dropped foul of the 'Norwich'; all three ships then drifted out of action, and although the remainder of the squadron maintained their place, the garrison was encouraged, returned to its guns and reopened fire, whUe at the same time the bombardment of the ships began to slacken owing to the necessity for refining cartridges. A magazine in the fort was however blown up, and fighting only ceased at 8 p.m. Knowles now prepared to send in his boats to attack the enemy's shipping under cover of darkness, but his men were so worn out with 1 Vernon's orders of March 21st for the attack upon Fort St Louis had antici pated this difficulty. It will be recollected that he forbade the men being placed at the guns until the ships were in position. See p. 115. J743 Failure at La Guayra 253 the long day's fighting, and. so many of his boats were shot through, that he was unable to carry out his intention. The next day was spent in repairing damages, bombarding the west end of the town and the shipping with the bomb-ketch, and making preparations for a night attack on the shipping. At 3 a.m. the launches were sent in, with strict orders to burn aU the ships and not to attempt to bring any of them out. No opposition was encountered in entering the harbour and the first ship was boarded without the smallest difficulty. Then the whole enterprise was spoiled. Not withstanding Knowles's strict orders, a lieutenant of the 'Suffolk,' tempted by the possession of a fine new ship, partly laden, cut her cable and began to tow her to sea, whUe others of the men went plundering. An alarm was raised; the forts sprang into life and opened fire and all the boats except one immediately retired, — a retreat which Knowles characterised as "scandalous." He ordered a court martial upon the lieutenant who had so flagrantly disobeyed his orders, but before it could be held the officer was kiUed in the attack at Puerto CabeUo. The attack thus became a complete fadure. Four hundred men had been kiUed and wounded1, among whom was the captain of the 'Burford,' and many of the ships were badly damaged aloft. Knowles was therefore unable to proceed to Puerto Cabello until he had refitted. He had appointed a rendezvous at the Keys of Barbaratt, about four miles to the eastward of Puerto CabeUo, and thither he saUed next morning, only to find on arrival that the ships damaged in the action — the 'Burford,' 'Norwich,' 'Assistance' and 'Otter' — which should have been there, were missing. These ships were reported to have been sighted to leeward, and Knowles sent a sloop to order them to anchor anywhere on the coast to enable him to join them. The search was The losses of the squadron in the whole affair at La Guayra were as follow! Shot received Killed Wounded 'Suffolk' 146 29 80 ' Burford ' 94 24 5° ' Assistance ' 54 13 71 ' Eltham ' 41 14 55 ' Norwich ' 9 1 11 ' Advice ' 10 5 15 ' Lively ' 10 6 24 'Scarborough' 3 0 2 367 92 3°8 The enemy are said to have lost about 700. (Charnock, vol. iv. p. 352 ; Beatson, vol. in. p. 39, gives nearly the same figures.) 254 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 fruitless; and, knowing that they were badly damaged, he concluded they must have gone to Curacoa to refit. Thither therefore he next proceeded, and there found them, and expressed to their captains his severe displeasure at their disregard of his instructions. Having got his ships together at Curacoa he proceeded to make as complete a refit as possible, to enable him to carry out his operations against Puerto Cabello. Powder, plank and rope were obtained, but men were lost from sickness and desertion. As good a refit for the immediate purpose could have been made at an anchorage on the coast and less delay incurred. Although surprise was now out of the question, for Curacoa was in constant correspondence with the Spaniards at Cabello who procured their own supplies from the Dutch island, the delay was a serious matter on account of the extra time given to the enemy to strengthen his defences. The action of his disobedient captains had involved him in this situation and all Knowles could do was to make the best of it. Hastening his repairs to the utmost, as soon as he was able — on March 5th — he sent four of his smaU ships to prevent further succours from getting in, or any vessels already there from escaping. As his ships were made ready he detached them to Barbaratt to stiffen the blockade. By March 21st his last ship left Curacoa. The winds and currents were strong and adverse, and it was not until April 14th that he reached the Keys of Barbaratt, after having been obhged to make a board right over to Hispaniola in order to fetch the place. The harbour of Puerto Cabello is formed by an isthmus, stretching to the westward from the main land to a cape called Point Brava. On this point a fascine battery of fifteen guns was erected. The neck then turns sharply south and ends in a point on which a castle stood, commanding the entrance to the harbour. Between Point Brava and the castle a second fascine battery of eight guns had been built, designed to rake ships as they made their approach towards the castle and harbour mouth. The entrance is narrow, a bare pistol shot across, and the prevaihng wind being easterly it is clear that any attempt to force the entrance by naval action alone was impossible. After a personal examination made by Knowles from the masthead of the 'Suffolk,' the plan decided upon was to land the seamen and capture the fascine batteries, supporting them with 1100 land troops under Major Lucas. The 'Assistance' was to move close in to that part of the isthmus which runs towards Barbaratt, command it with her guns, and prevent the enemy from reinforcing the crews of the batteries. The landing was to be made in the evening, the actual attack to be made in the dark. Surprise was hoped for; if the two 12 5i ^a 7 12 $ ¦'+•+"'•• °» 6 L* **J,* '-'•¦? /o^m U*6 >: 5i.^+SC'., "-?< 10 •'% ¦¦ ^ Sl Phillip Castle^^r^,'-.. "%^ IO± 9'W^i 7 '* chain \ 7-' 8 5i._ ,.„ - -hQ&A» # CABELLO Sk Charles Bastiorijg^£s T?\Bastion 13 ~%'.i£. Pl °f La Costica 13 .¦•.+;....+¦ ¦¦~.:.;4-' -¦¦..*& * -$ +V,--- '"i>... '•¦ •t^ .* *¦ ? ' • v» " '"•¦.•. ' ' '' "'^":'::::-..+. *: Q -t.t. i;.:-':;. O, r*t 6 6 -,.¦% PLAN OF PUERTO CABELLO Soundings in fathoms Scale 5 10 Cables One Nautical Mile T743 Attack on Puerto Cabello 255 batteries were taken their guns could be turned on the castle, a breach made, and a general assault by the land troops and squadron would follow. In order to provide a diversion and weary the enemy, the 'Norwich,' 'Lively' and 'Eltham' were to bombard the fascine batteries all day from the earhest moment. No particular execution was expected from this. It would be enough if the Spaniards was well harassed and tired out, so that when the night attack came a sleepy and fatigued enemy would be either unready, or if ready unfit, to repel the assault. Success was looked upon as certain. There was some delay in beginning the bombardment, a delay the cause of which gives some insight into the disciphne of that time. The captain of the 'Norwich' was dilatory in taking up his position, and when called on by the Commodore to hasten, replied that he would consult with his officers about doing what he had been ordered. Knowles acted promptly. He suspended him and sent another officer to command the ship. The batteries were kept busy all day, and at sunset their crews, jaded and shaken, were in need of repose; the ships were httle damaged. The landing party was put on shore after dark without being seen or opposed, and marched along the isthmus. Fighting began about n o'clock. An advanced guard of the enemy had been stumbled upon asleep and might have been taken prisoners quietly, but a naval officer shot one of them. Some of the seamen began firing wildly, voUey foUowed voUey, men shot each other, and in the middle of the confusion some guns from a fascine battery, whose garrison was now alert, opened fire. A complete panic seized the whole party, and though Knowles, who in his barge was pulhng along in shore abreast the landers, did aU he could by hailing to stop the rout, and the officers on shore endeavoured to check the men, the whole party bolted back to their boats without any efforts on the part of the enemy. A surprise on shore was now as impossible as a surprise attack by sea. Knowles sent in the same three ships next day to renew the bombardment, but no great harm could be done, and the enemy set themselves strenuously to add to their defences. At a council of war held on the 21st, it was decided that the only chance of success lay in a general attack by the squadron. The 'Assistance,' 'Burford,' 'Suffolk' and 'Norwich' were detaUed to batter the castle, the 'Scar borough,' 'Lively' and 'Eltham' the fascine batteries. This attack was to be made on the 23rd, but the wind failing it had to be post poned till the 24th. As at La Guayra, difficulty was experienced in getting close to the castle, and though a fierce bombardment was 256 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 kept up from 2 p.m. tiU 9, in which the castle was greatly damaged, the range was too great for the ships to have the advantage necessary for success. FinaUy, when most of their ammunition was exhausted, some 90 to 100 men kiUed and wounded, and the ships much shattered in both huUs and rigging, Knowles gave up the attempt and signaUed the ships to cut or slip and stand to sea. The squadron then returned to Barbaratt where the councU of war came to the conclusion that in view of the shortness of am munition, and the state to which the ships were now reduced, it would be impossible to execute any further service either here or at Porto Rico; Knowles therefore ordered the ships to disperse and to return to their stations. The decision to attack La Guayra before proceeding to Puerto CabeUo, notwithstanding the apparent soundness of the arguments already given, was assuredly an error. It involved a violation of principle. Puerto CabeUo was Knowles's main objective, and to run the risk either of frittering away strength in advance of his attack on that place, or of giving notice of his coming, must be considered a mistake. The law of concentration upon the principal object, to the exclusion of everything else, was not being observed; and though victory may often attend operations conceived upon hnes which violate correct doctrine, those who do so not only throw away some of their chances of complete success, but leave more than a loophole for complete faUure. In the actual attack upon La Guayra the ships lost their bearings in the smoke through not withholding their fire, and thereby anchored too far off for a fuUy effectual bombardment — a mistake Knowles took to heart and provided against in his later attack upon Fort Louis in 1748. In the landing at Puerto CabeUo the advance was spoUed by the letting off of a pistol, an occurrence which on more than one ' occasion has had the same effect. By removing the flints, as Grey did in his successful attacks in the West Indies at a later date, this mischance would have been impossible. These initial mistakes in the plans, unfortunate and avoidable as they undoubtedly were, might yet have been retrieved if better fortune had attended the squadron. The cutting away of the cables of the ships in the attack upon La Guayra at a moment when victory seemed in their hands, and the immediate loss of the services of three ships, was a stroke rather of ill-luck than anything else. At La Guayra there was no want of gaUantry on the part of Knowles or his men, as the heavy losses testify. At Puerto CabeUo the attack was well conceived and begun successfully. The panic foUowing the letting off the pistol I743 Trade attack and defence 257 was one of those incidents which occurs even in the best troops, in explicable by any form of reasoning. If the attacks on the outlying batteries at Cartagena form any guide, it seems probable that if cold steel had been the order Puerto CabeUo would have been taken. It is interesting to note that in spite of the failures of this carefuUy considered expedition, no enquiry was made into the causes of the miscarriage, nor does it appear to have been anywhere suggested that blame attached to the Commanders. No operations other than those of trade-attack and protection were carried out during 1743. Ogle remained continuaUy at Port Royal, his cruisers in the various channels used by shipping. But although he sent out all the smaU craft under his orders they were unable adequately to protect the merchants against the privateers. So great was his need of small ships that in August he took the mortars out of the bomb-vessels and converted them to sloops, but for every small ship he sent to cruise, the Spaniards sent a dozen privateers. The merchants complained both to him and to the home Government of their losses, but he pointed out that he had every ship employed, and remarked, in writing to the Duke of Newcastle on the subject, that it was quite impossible to do more with the force he had, especiaUy as the merchant ships would not help themselves, even weU armed ships surrendering without an attempt at defence. In such circum stances a far greater number of smaU vessels than was at his disposal was needed; but the best answer to the privateer would have been a weU armed and well manned merchant service. Towards the end of the year 1743 the operations were further hampered by a renewal of the French danger. So threatening was the outlook that Ogle was forced to keep his cruising ships in such stations that he could readily assemble them if a rupture took place with France, giving them orders to rejoin him immediately if they should have information that war was declared. The Spanish squadron which appeared to be in a very unsatisfactory condition stiU remained inactive. Ogle was in no fear Of them, for they were reported to be in bad repair and lacking in cordage and stores of aU descriptions; these they were trying to buy from the French, who themselves were not weU pro vided, in order to fit the ships for return to Europe. One rumour certainly disturbedhim for a moment. In February 1744 Captain Taylor of the ' Fowey' brought in a report that four of the Havana squadron1 with some thirty smaU vessels had sailed to retake Ruatan, leaving eight large ships in fair order at Havana. Ogle had at that time a R. N. I. 'Nueva Espafia,' 'Real Familia,' 'Castilla,' 'Europa.' 17 258 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 squadron of four ships1 at or about Ruatan, and he left matters to take their course, confident that these four could deal with whatever situation arose; but the affair never came to anything, and no more was heard of the prospective expedition. It was after this false alarm that the long threatened intervention of France became a reality, and the importance of the Leeward Island theatre developed. UntU this time, while Spain had been the only adversary, operations had necessarily centred in the waters round Jamaica, Cuba and the Spanish Main, in which the respective trading interests of England and Spain focussed and clashed. When however it appeared that France was about to join Spain definitely as an ally instead of an auxiliary, the Administration considered it prudent to make a different disposition of the forces for the area of the Lesser AntUles where French and British islands were close to each other. Lying so far to windward of Jamaica they could not be promptly succoured from that station. It therefore became necessary not only to have more ships on the spot but also to constitute them an inde pendent squadron with a separate Commander-in-Chief. The first officer appointed to the new command was Captain Knowles, with the title of "Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's vessels at Barbados and the Leeward Islands and the Islands adjacent." It is curious to observe that Captain Warren was given a simUar appointment on the same day. The latter was to exercise the command during the winter months when he came down to the West Indies from North America, and Knowles was to resume it again after his departure. The gist of Knowles's instructions ran in the foUowing sentence: "You are to employ the said ships either separately or together in such manner as you judge best for his Majesty's service, making the security and protection of his Majesty's islands in those seas, and the free navigation of the trade to and from hence, the principal point of your care and attention : and, in the next place, how to annoy the enemy's trade, ships and settlements2." He was appointed Captain of the ' Superbe ' and ordered to hoist a broad pendant on board her, and to take the 'Biddeford' and 'Comet' bomb under his orders and proceed with them to his station. Some changes in the ships in the Leeward Islands and Barbados had taken place since the preceding year and reinforcements were also about to be sent. The squadron which Knowles was to command was to be made up as foUows: 1 'Mountagu,' 'Greenwich,' 'Adventure,' 'Assistance.' 8 Out letters. October 3rd, 1743. 1743 Influence of French intervention 259 Over 50 guns Frigates and Sloops 'Boyne,' 80* 'Lynn,' 40 ' Suffolk,' 70* ' Launceston,' 40! (Flag of Warren) , Burford , ' 70 * ' Hastings, ' 40 \ ' Superbe, ' 60 (Flag) ' Biddeford,' 20§ (to relieve ' Scarborough") ' Severne,' 50 • Deal Castle,' 20 'Argyle,' 5of 'Lyme,' 20 'Woolwich,' 5of 'Otter,' 14 'Comet,' bomb * These ships were to have followed in November, but events in Europe made it necessary to keep them at home: they were sent to reinforce Mathews. f These ships were sent from the West Coast of Africa. \ From New York and Virginia: for the winter season only, then to return to their stations. § Did not leave England till January 29th, 1744, with a convoy. From the above it wiU be seen how large an increase was intended in October 1743 to be sent; a wholly new squadron of considerable strength was to be constituted; but the state of affairs in the Mediter ranean and the urgent need for reinforcing Mathews prevented this from being done. The question of strengthening the Leeward Island squadron at this time opens up one of the fundamental principles of strategy. The reason for doing so was to protect these British possessions against France if she should declare war. France, and France alone, was the danger. But if that Power declared war, where could she strike her most effectual blows? She had three main theatres in which she might employ her sea-forces — the Channel, the Mediterranean and the West Indies. It is true she might make an attack on the last named her opening gambit; but she might equaUy, or even more probably, attempt to overwhelm our forces in Europe. War was raging on the Continent from the Rhine to Naples; would not France's navy be better employed in co-operating with her land forces either in Italy or elsewhere? The area in which a defeat would most seriously com promise England at this moment was clearly the European theatre of war, and before any British sea forces were detached to outlying parts, superiority in that theatre should be assured. The loss of the West Indian Islands would have been a serious, but not a fatal, blow. The crushing of the Mediterranean fleet, or the invasion of the United Kingdom — and either might foUow as the result of the other — would have been an irretrievable disaster. Unless therefore a superiority in European waters were assured it would clearly be a mistake to send ships to distant stations, the protection of which moreover would be better provided for off Ushant and Finisterre. If an adequate watch were maintained whereby early knowledge of the departure and course of any enemy's squadron could be conveyed to the 17 — 2 260 Minor offensive in West Indies 1743 Admiralty or the Commander of the cruising squadron, a force could be sent in pursuit, which, saihng unhampered by transports, might reasonably be expected to arrive in the threatened area in time to prevent any serious harm from being done. The greater the force in home waters, the less was the danger to the colonies, as cruising squadrons could be more nearly maintained constantly at an adequate strength and the chances of intercepting any expedition at the point of departure would thereby be proportionaUy increased. It was on this principle that aU our subsequent wars were conducted down to 1815: its truth was simUarly realized in 1743. As the danger of war with France passed from the region of possibUity into that of imminent probabUity, statesmen began to look round to see whether the force in Europe were adequate. Danger quickens the perceptions; they saw that it was not, and the order to send the ships to the West Indies was rescinded. Strategical dispositions, however, should not depend for their propriety upon the fortuitous stimulus of danger — a stimulus which not infrequently acts in a highly unscientific manner. In this case however no harm was done. Knowles reached Barbados on December 4th and hoisted his pendant as Commander-in-Chief; Warren arrived on the 22nd from North America and the two Com manders met at Antigua. Here Knowles transferred the command to his superior and went ashore to superintend the defensive works of the island while Warren cruised in the 'Superbe.' This closed the events of the year 1743; and in the early months- of 1744 there is little to record. Very few Spanish and no French ships were in West Indian waters and the part played by the British squadron was governed by the necessity for readiness to meet a French declaration of war which was expected at any moment. APPENDIX I A LIST OF SHIPS IN SEA PAY IN SEPTEMBER 1739 WITH THEIR STATIONS x Plantations. 'Burford, 7°, 'Hampton Court,' 70 'Windsor,' 60 'Strafford,' 60 'Pr. Louisa,' 60 'Worcester,' 60 'Norwich,' 50 'Falmouth,' 50 'Diamond,' 40 'Torrington,' 40 'Sheerness,' 20 'Shoreham,' 20 'Blandford,' 20 'Drake,' sloop, 4.10 'Anglesea,' 40 'Lowestoft,' 20 'Saltash,' 8.12 'Spence,' sloop, 6.10 'Roebuck,' 40 'Phoenix,' 20] 'Tartar,' 20/ 'Hector,' 'Wolf,' sloop, 'Flambro,' 20 'Squirrel,' 20 'Deal Castle,' 20 'Romney,' 50} 'Adventure,' 40/ 'Salisbury,' 50 WtJ amaica under Admiral Vernon Leeward Islands BahamaBarbados South Carolina 8.12} VirginiaNew York New England Canso Newfoundland Africa ll, Papers relating to the Navy, B.M. Add. MS. 19030. The Admiralty Lists of shj ps give the same information for September ist. 262 Ships in Sea Pay, September 1739 Mediterranean. N 'Somerset,' 80 'Eltham,' 40 'Lancaster,' 80 'Dursley,' galley, 20 ' Edinburgh,' 70 ' Greyhound,' 20 'Ipswich,' 70 ' Dolphin,' 20 'Berwick/ 70 'Guarland,' 20 'Augusta,' 60 ' Aldborough,' 20 'Dragon,' 60 'Solebay,' 20 'Plymouth,' 60 'Kennington,' 20 \ Under Rear- 'Canterbury,' 60 'Grampus,' 6.10 f Admiral Haddock ' Pembroke,' 60 'Ann,' galley, 8.6 'Jersey,' 60 'Duke,' 8.6 'Oxford,' 5» 'Mercury,' 8.6 'Gloucester,' 50 'Terrible,' bomb 'Chester,' 5° 'Alderney,' bomb 'Falkland,' 50 'Salamander,' bomb 'Tyger,' 5° 'Deptford,' lighter Coming Home. / 'Pearl' From Lisbon 'Seaford' From Carolina 'Hawke,' sloop From Georgia Ireland, 'Hound,' sloop 8.12 Waterford and Cork 'Dublin,' yacht 6.10 Attends on the Government At Home • 'Namur,' 901 /'Pr. Caroline,' 'Russell,' 80 80 ¦ Spithead ' Princess Amelia, '80 Portsmouth 'Boyne,'' Cumberland,' 80 80 DeptfordWoolwich 'Norfolk,'' Lenox,' 'Kent,' ^'Elizabeth,' 'Orford,' 80707070 70 Plymouth *" Spithead * Buckingham,' ' Pr. Orange,' 'Grafton,' 707070 Portsmouth Ships in Sea Pay, September 1739 263 ' Superbe,' 'Lyon,''Dunkirk,''Sunderland,''Centurion,' 'Deptford,' ' Warwick,' 'York,''Rippon,''Defiance,''Tilbury,' 'Weymouth,' 'St Albans,' ' Argyle,' 'Newcastle,' 'Greenwich,''Colchester,''Chatham,''Portland,''Bristol,''Rochester,''Ruby,' 'Panther,'' Severn e,' 'Assistance,' 'Advice,''Litchfield,''Winchester,' ' Ludlow Castle, 'Trial,' x 'Otter,''Fly,' 'Swift,' ' Bonetta, 'Cruiser,' 'Spy,' 'Success,''Eleanor,' 'Cumberland,'' Deptford,' store ship 'Royal Escape,' 4 'Royal Carolina,' \ ' William and Mary,' | ' Catharine,' 'Charlotte,' 'Fubbs,' 'Mary,' IQueenbro,' 60 Ordered to Spithead 60 To Plymouth 60 Sheemess 60) „ , > Portsmouth 60 6060 60 60 60 60 5° 50 505° 5°505050 50 50 5°50 50 5050 50 40 8.12 4 Plymouth \ Chatham !¦ Ordered on a cruise Downs Sheerness !• Ordered to the Downs •1 Sheerness Portsmouth Plymouth Sent to Ireland for men Plymouth Portsmouth Sent to Rotterdam for seamen *"*}¦ Attend the Herring Fishery .sloops 4.4 Pressing ofi the Isle of Wight 8.12 Sent to Vernon with despatches [ Bristol Channel 8.12J Portsmouth NoreSheernessDeptford30 men. N. coast of Scotland surveying IO) In the river yachts 1 > Pressing about the Nore Attends Sheerness garrison 264 Contemporary Criticism in 1740 ABSTRACT and vessels Men Plantations ... 29 6,825 Mediterranean ... 32 8,122 Coming home 3 440 Ireland ... 2 120 At home ... 62 18,762 128 34,269 A 90-gun ship has 800 men 80 „ „ 600 men excluding retinue 70 „ „ 480 men 60 „ ,. 4°° a 5° .. „ 3°o a 4° .. „ 25° a APPENDIX II CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM (1740) OF THE CONDUCT OF THE WAR The following extracts from a contemporary pamphlet entitled " Britain's mistakes in the commencement and conduct of the present war, by a Merchant and Citizen of London," dated 1740, are of interest. After discussing the general conduct of the Administration, the author proceeds as follows: " However, if our Ministers saw, as I suppose they did, that the spirit of the nation would not allow them to make such compliances as were necessary for satisfying the pride of the Spanish nation, I must from thence conclude that before the end of March, even our Ministers began to look upon a war with Spain as inevitable. What in this case were we to do ? It was not, 'tis true, proper for us to issue any letters of Reprisal, or to commence hostilities, till the 24th of May because we could not till then judge certainly of the King of Spain's intentions; and it was prudent in us to wait till the first breach of the Convention, I mean the articles ratified by His Majesty, should be made by the Court of Spain. But surely we ought to have begun that moment to prepare, at least in a private manner, for war ; and how were we to prepare ? "Spain, we knew, was a nation that durst not look our squadrons in the face at sea. A squadron of 15 hne of battle ships before Cadiz, another of a like number in the West Indies, and a third of the same number upon our own coasts, was, we knew, sufficient to lock up their men-of-war in their ports, and to prevent their attempting to make an invasion upon Contemporary Criticism in 1740 265 any part of our Dominions. By having three such squadrons at sea we should have made it impossible for them to do us any injury except by their privateers; and for preventing this a few 4th or 5th rates to serve as convoys to our own ships and to lie in the way for intercepting their ships bound to or from the West Indies; and a great number of 6th rates and armed sloops to cruise upon their coasts in order to intercept their privateers, and to give notice to our merchant ships not to approach the ports or coasts of Spain, would have made it difficult for them to annoy our trade and very dangerous to carry on any trade of their own. "For this purpose we should, in my humble opinion, have had at least eight 20-gun ships and armed sloops with three or four 4th or 5th rates, stationed in the Mediterranean, and actually upon duty there; together with at least twelve 20-gun ships and armed sloops and six 4th or 5th rates stationed upon the coasts of Portugal and Gallicia and in the Bay of Biscay, and actually upon duty in their several stations before we had published reprisals or committed any act of hostility in Europe. As for the West Indies, we had no occasion to send many 20-gun ships or armed sloops to that part of the world. If we had taken care to have had a squadron of fifteen line of battle ships there, with three or four 20-gun ships besides the guard-ships usual in time of peace, we might have trusted for the rest to our own people in that part of the world for fitting out such a number of privateers as would have been sufficient to protect their own trade, and intercept that of the enemy; especially if we had taken care to give proper encouragement to the armed vessels fitted out by private adventurers to attack those of the enemy. And as for our own coasts, a squadron of fifteen men-of-war with our usual guard-ships and Custom House sloops would have been sufficient to have protected our trade at home and to have secured us against any invasion that could have been made by so impotent an enemy." The writer then proceeds to argue that instead of publicly issuing orders for reprisal on the 25th of May we should have issued them secretly to the Commodore in the West Indies and avoided giving the alarm; and in European waters to withhold orders for reprisal till July at least, but instruct Haddock privately to seize any rich ship he should find sailing to or from the West Indies ; one reason for this course being that by issuing orders for reprisal we warned the Spaniards, who therefore kept their large ships in harbour, leaving nothing but the small fry for our squadrons to attack. If by the middle of July no rich capture had been made by Haddock, operations might openly have been begun in Europe, and some additional men-of-war sent off the north capes of Spain to look out for the Azogue ships; having thus got our squadrons in position we could proceed to put other schemes in operation for bringing Spain to a peace. By beginning to increase our land forces in March and raising Marines to man the fleet, we might have had 40,000 or 45,000 regular troops in the country, and of these 14 or 15,000 could have been spared for an attack on Spain by land, preferably in the West Indies. "And," continues the Merchant, " that we might have been ready to set out upon such an expedition as soon as we declared war, we should have begun to contract 266 Contemporary Criticism in 1740 for Transports, and prepare for victualling them, by the beginning of June, so that they might have been all ready to sail by the end of September at farthest.... My reasons for saying that the month of August or September is the proper season for sending out a fleet and land army to attack the Spaniards in America are these. First, about that time of the year the air is more temperate than it is either in summer or winter; and therefore the soldiers could not suffer so much by being penned up in transports as they would do in the summer or winter months. Secondly, they would probably be landed in some of the Spanish settlements in the West Indies in the month of November or December which is the coldest season of the year in all the Spanish settlements on this side of the continent of America; so that they would probably have done their business before the hot season came on1, and would by degrees be accustomed to bear the excessive heats of the summer in that part of the world." The writer gives two other reasons, the avoidance of the hurricane season and the possibility of bringing the forces home again before it begins, and then goes on: "Now as we cannot propose to compel the Spaniards to agree to reasonable terms, or to make any conquests upon them that can be of advantage to this nation but by attacking their settlements in America, we should have thought of this, and begun to prepare for it, as soon as we saw that a war would be the necessary consequence of our disputes with them. If we had done this we might have been ready by the end of August to have embarked 12,000 of our best troops, which in my opinion is the smallest number that ought to be sent upon such an expedition, because it would be of the most dangerous consequence to the nation to miscarry in any such expedition... and particularly we ought to have taken care to have the troops we sent thither provided with clothing fit for a march in that hot country: for I must observe that the clothing they have in this country would be very unfit for them in that: which I hope those whose duty it is will take proper care of if we ever do send any troops to that part of the world. " But in order to have rendered ourselves the more secure of success, and to have saved the public expense as much as possible, we should, the moment we declared war, have published a proclamation promising all the rewards and encouragements we could give to such private adven turers and volunteers as should join in the intended expedition: which we might have done without declaring the place against which it was designed. And at the same time we ought to have sent orders to all our Colonies in America to raise as many men as they could spare and to have them ready to rendezvous at St Christophers or Antigua, some time in the month of November. " By these means we might have invaded the Spanish settlements in America with an army of at least 20,000 men; and such an army, with the assistance they might and would certainly have received from our seamen, would in all human probability have been sufficient not only 1 It is to be noted that this was written before the West Indian expedition, which concluded so disastrously. Marines and Manning 267 for taking but holding any of those settlements we might have thought most convenient and advantageous for this nation. Nay, as the Spaniards could no way guard against this danger by sending any relief or assistance from Old Spain, the very apprehension of it might have forced them to give us a sort of Carte Blanche: which would have restored the Honour and Character of this nation at every court in Europe, and would have secured the freedom of our trade and navigation in all parts of the world much better than it is possible for us to do by any treaty we can make." At the end of his suggestions of this nature the writer observes: "that it has always been reckoned ridiculous in any nation to declare war till they were fully prepared to undertake some important expedition against the enemy; and this method of beginning a war is now become more usual than it was in ancient times. The declaration of war is generally now accompanied by an army, and often first published by an army's entering the territories of an enemy." APPENDIX III THE MARINES AND THE MANNING QUESTION The difficulties of manning the fleet played so large a part in this war, particularly in its early stages, that a reference to the intentions underlying the formation of the corps of Marines is necessary to their proper apprecia tion. The principal cause which led to the introduction of the corps was the need of rapidly providing men to man the fleet. It had no relation, as is sometimes supposed, to the preservation of discipline, to the provision of soldiers for landing work, or to an assumed necessity for having two different types of fighting men on board a man-of-war. During the wars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the bulk of the fleet was laid up in the winter season; the three-deckers, for instance, in King William's time never went to the westward after the ioth of September. In the spring the squadrons required for the ensuing campaign had to be fitted out, and proclamations were then issued offering a bounty, frequently of two months' pay, to all seamen and able-bodied landsmen who came into the service of the King within a certain time. In addition to this voluntary entry, warrants for pressing men were issued to all captains by the Lord High Admiral, and officers were sent from place to place to receive volunteers and to impress those who would not come willingly. Ships fitting out were provided with tenders, specially hired for the purpose, which cruised in hkely spots in the Channel to pick up seamen, principally from home-coming merchantmen. The bounty and the press-gangs provided a proportion of the men required, but were rarely a sufficient source of supply. The merchants who offered higher wages, and the privateers whose service promised 268 Marines and Manning more immediate and greater rewards under less irksome conditions of discipline, absorbed a large number of the available seamen. In con sequence, when the fleet was fitting out, many of them retreated into the inland counties in order either to avoid service altogether or to postpone joining until the period of the bounty was nearly expired. Besides this a large number of the seafaring population, calculated to amount in 1741 to some 14,800 men, was protected from the press, including men employed in the coasting and fishing trades, colliers, watermen and outward-bound ships' crews. Under these conditions the manning of the fleet was a constant difficulty, and when it was desired to fit out a squadron for a campaign early in the spring, serious delays which not infrequently compromised the whole of the operations of the year were experienced1. It is not therefore matter for surprise that a means should early have been sought to overcome this grave defect, and in 1664 a regiment, called "the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot" was raised by Charles II specially for sea service. This regiment was always to be held in readiness for manning the fleet. In 1669 two three-battalion regiments were raised by William III, each battalion consisting of 500 men. The intentions as to their employment are indicated in two para graphs of the Order in Council of February 22nd, 1693. "Para. VI. That the two regiments be not at any one time kept both on shore together, but during the winter season when the gross of the fleet is laid up, one of them be alternately kept abroad upon the 3rd and 4th rates of the winter squadron ; by which means they will in a little time be capable of doing their Majesties the service of Mariners at sea, as well as by what follows render themselves no less useful to them on shore. "Para. VII. That the same regiment during its being quartered on shore be at or in the neighbourhood of their Majesties' yards as following, Companies Yards Companies Yards Four . . . . . . Portsmouth Two . . . . . . Woolwich One ... . . . Sheerness Two... . . . Deptford Five ... . . . Chatham One ..: . . . Plymouth to be employed from time to time at the call of the Commissioners of Chatham, Portsmouth and Plymouth and at the desire of the Master shipwrights of the other yards (where no Commissioner resides) upon all extraordinary occasions of service, such as, assist in heaving in and out of ballast, manning the cranes, taking up and removing goods and stores, transportation of ships, laying of cables and of various other works; with the encouragement of sixpence a day per man over and above their 1 This state of things continued into the nineteenth century. See Sir Vesey Hamilton's remarks on the fitting out of the 'Desperate,' which left Sheerness in 1837 after being three months in commission "with only 12 Petty officers and seamen and half our complement of stokers." Byam Martin's Memoirs, N. R. Society, vol. 1. p. xiii. Marines and Manning 269 military pay to be allowed them for every day they shall be so extra ordinarily employed. " Para. X. That the captains of each ship on board of which the soldiers shall serve do send yearly to the Lord Admiral a list of the names of such soldiers as shall in any measure be made seamen, and how far each is qualified towards being an able seaman." This last paragraph was further amplified in an Order in Council of February 17th, 1694, which reads: "That the captain of each ship on board of which the soldiers shall serve do send once in two months to the Lord High Admiral or Com missioners of the Admiralty a list of the names of such soldiers as shall in any measure be made seamen, and how far each of them are qualified towards being made an able seaman; and that upon a certificate signed by the commander, master and boatswain of any of his Majesty's ships on board of which the said soldiers serve that they are so qualified, they shall be discharged and the captain of the Marines to be allowed recruit money to raise others in their stead." One hundred and fifty able seamen could be raised yearly out of the corps: "it being one of the chief uses of the establishment that those regiments may prove nurseries whence the severe necessities of their Majesties' service may be abundantly supplied." So much indeed was the Marine a seaman in the early years of the establishment, that when a captain of a man-of-war impressed seamen from home-coming merchant men in the Channel it was the practice to put on board those ships a number of Marines in lieu of the impressed men to carry her up Channel with a sufficiency of hands, the Marines on landing returning to their depots. Out of the fifteen companies, eight were commanded by land officers and seven by naval officers. " In the attack upon St Christophers," says Burchett, "we had killed or wounded upwards of 150 men, and Captain Keigwin, a sea commander who was appointed Colonel of the Marine Regiment which consisted of about 230 seamen, was shot through the thigh." At the Peace of Ryswick in 1697 the army was reduced and the Marines were disbanded. But in 1702 when the difficulty of getting the fleet manned and to sea was again experienced, the Marines were revived. Burchett, then Secretary to the Admiralty, wrote: "The French had a great advantage in manning their fleet, their sea trade being very little compared with ours and their seamen not therefore drawn away into the merchant service1.... We had indeed some part of the last war several Marine regiments designed as a nursery for seamen, but for want of being put at first on a good footing, they did by degrees dwindle away and were at length laid aside, a fate I hope will not attend those six regiments now allowed for sea service." The advantages which would accrue to the public 1 A statement which seems to contradict itself. For where were the seamen to come from except from the merchant service, the source of supply of France as well as of ourselves. 270 Marines and Manning services if the regiments should be kept entire are argued by the Secretary: they would be useful as labourers and riggers, and also for the protection of the ships and magazines. These new regiments of Marines were however on a different footing in one respect from those earlier established. The purpose of making foremast hands of them, which as Burchett tells us was "one of the principal motives for the first raising of such a body of men," was not continued. Their usefulness however as a means of rapidly increasing or completing ships complements remained. "Experience hath shewn," says the same authority, "that these regiments have been very useful, but more especially in fitting out squadrons of ships for any immediate expedition. For as they are constantly quartered when not at sea as near the principal ports as possible, viz., Plymouth, Portsmouth and Chatham, so they were with great facility put on board such ships as had most occasion for them, for they were under the immediate direction of the Admiralty." The Peace of Utrecht, which brought the war of the Spanish Succession to an end in 1714, also terminated the existence of these Marine regiments, which were disbanded in the following year. Sir George Byng's squadron, which was sent up the Mediterranean in 171 8 to deal with the Spanish invasion of Sicily, carried soldiers. Three regiments were embarked from the Isle of Wight with whom, said Byng, he should " endeavour to complete our complements, and the best of what shall be left I will put on board the fire frigates in the harbour, and discharge the remainder." Writing later on the subject of the pay of these men, Byng urged that they should receive sea-allowances, pointing out that " they actually serve in the fleet and do the duty as Mariners, whether called so or not." The soldiers borne in the squadron during that two years' campaign were throughout the time part complements of the ships and not auxiliaries of the army; they did not serve ashore at any of the operations. When the war with Spain began in 1739 the manning difficulties at once became acute. As early as September, 1739, Norris was urging that soldiers should be embarked to make up the deficiencies in the ships' complements. At a meeting of the Council on the 25th of that month he said : " If all the foot soldiers that shall be kept up in the country were by detachments to enrol in the naval service it might be of the greatest utility to the public service, and with those detachments of about 100 to a ship of the line, or if they were a fourth part of the ship's complement, there would never need to be above a lieutenant or a captain to be with them; and if this were a method to be observed in all sea service to have such an establishment, and a register for all seamen going upon the water, or such a number upon an annual allowance as once passed in a Register Act, the nation would never want on any sudden occasions to have their ships manned and at sea as any other nation." Norris's advice was not heeded. Nothing was done, and the ships lay idle for want of men to man them; and when war was declared the unreadiness of the fleet was largely, indeed principally, due to this cause. Norris then returned to the subject, urging that the Marines should be Marines and Manning 271 re-established, using nearly the same arguments as Burchett. He sug gested "whether it might not be proper from the example of France to establish about a number of 80 or 100 Marine companies, the captains and under-officers being made out of the elderly (i.e. senior) sea-lieutenants commissioned from the Admiralty as all other officers are at sea, and when on shore to be quartered about our docks, and a party of them when on shore to keep a daily guard. And that every ship of the line of battle should have upon fitting out one of these companies to be borne as part of their complements that would be a means always to have in every ship a number of men disciplined (i.e. trained) to the small arms, and is what the French have in every ship, a third part of their complements being marine. And none of them are regimented but always keep in pay for the sea service as they have occasion to arm their ships. And if we should come into this method it would put our ships upon an equal footing with the French... but we have so many proofs of our misfortunes for want of small arms that the necessity of putting ourselves at least upon an equal armament with France cannot be denied by any reasonable person." In the discussion which followed this proposal, Lord Harrington (another member of the Council) argued that unless Marines were regi mented they could not be of proper service on shore. " To which I replied," writes Norris in his Diary, "that it was proper that land troops should be regimented, as was the custom of all nations; and yet the French did not regiment their Marines. And experience has shown from their example : when M. du Guay Trouin took Rio Janeiro he had only Marines with him, commanded by his sea officers: and when he landed them he ordered them into battalions commanded by his captains and himself as commander- in-chief, and as they were all under one naval direction so without any dispute of power he attacked a more numerous regular force in a strong town and succeeded beyond what could have been expected had they been veteran troops1." Vernon, who was on his way to the West Indies at this time, expressed a similar opinion as to the desirability of embarking troops. His views coincided with those of Norris, even to the point of turning foot soldiers into Marines. Writing to the Duke of Newcastle he said: "I could wish we had each of us a company of regular troops on board of us which would have strengthened us in numbers as well as by their expertness in their arms to have excited our seamen to the imitation of them. If we should come to a general war with France as well as Spain, I believe your Grace will have already perceived, from the difficulty of manning those ships, the necessity there may be of converting most of our marching regiments into Marines. And if they become seamen, and were admitted to be discharged as such, that would make a good nursery for breeding them at a time we might probably find such a necessity for them." It was at length decided to raise troops who were to be called Marines ; but they were to be in regiments and were not to form part of the comple- 1 Diary of Sir John Norris, Add. MS. 28132. 272 Marines and Manning ments of the ships fitting out for the Cartagena expedition. As soon as Norris heard of this, he pointed out to Sir Robert Walpole — who appears to have been responsible for the decision — that those regiments of so- called Marines would be of no help whatever so far as the manning of the fleet was concerned, and in fact would not be what was generally under stood in the country by the term "Marines." "It would," he said, "dis appoint the trade of our country, as they believed the regiments to be raised as Marines were to serve as part of the complements of the fleet whereby an equal number of seamen might be spared out of the fleet for the merchant service." In similar terms Lord Polwarth criticised the proposal in Parliament. "The Marines," he said, "as they are proposed to be raised at this juncture are very different from the Marines that were raised at the beginning of the last war and are indeed no other than an additional number of standing troops." When it was necessary to denude merchant ships of their seamen in order to man the fleet, suffering was imposed upon trade. Parliament, while averse from voting soldiers, were ready to vote men for the sea service, who in manning the fleet not only served actively to protect trade but also prevented the ships which carried that trade from being laid up for want of hands. Walpole's proposal would have turned the Marines into an expeditionary army, and all the difficulties of manning the fleet would still have remained to be solved. On Norris's representations the proposal was reconsidered, and the decision made that some of the Marines should be allocated to the fleet — a bad solution as all compromises must be which vitiate a correct principle. A debate of very considerable length took place in November of this year — 1739 — when the manner in which the Marines should be recruited was discussed by Parliament. It hinged largely on whether they should be regimented or raised and kept in companies, and whether the men should be newly recruited or transferred from the regular regiments. The cheapest way, in Walpole's views, would be to take newly raised men, and this would he said be the quickest as well: "for a great many fellows that called themselves seamen have been rejected or turned out of our men-of- war because they were found not to be expert seamen, nor any way fit for their business. These men will immediately list as Marines, and will make good Marines, though they could not be accepted of as good seamen." Sir WiUiam Yonge, the Secretary at War, was of the same opinion as to the method of recruiting Marines. "Newly raised troops are as good on board a man-of-war as disciplined soldiers," he said. "In fighting a ship there are no marches or counter-marches, there is no part of the land discipline required but that of loading and firing the musket, and a country fellow from the plough may in three days be taught to do this as adroitly as the most expert soldier in the army1." Lord Pulteney expressed what were clearly the contemporary views as to the functions 1 The same view as to the limitations of field training necessary for Marines will be found at later periods, in A Discipline of the Marine Force, 1763: and in the description of the battle of Alexandria by the contemporary historian of the corps. Marines and Manning 273 -of Marines. "I shall most readily join in opinion," he said, "that a body of Marines ought to be formed, and that it ought to be such a one as may on occasion be fit for the land as well as the sea service. But gentlemen seem to mistake the principal design of having a body of Marines. They ought to be principally designed to come in aid of our national stock of seamen, and that we may not be obliged to draw away from our trade too many of that necessary body of men. If this be, as it ought to be, the chief design, there is no occasion for forming them into regiments or for putting ourselves to the expense of having any Generals or field- officers of Marines.... I know that Marines ought to be men bred to land as well as sea discipline, and for this reason : men who have already learned the land discipline are more fit for Marines, especially as we have immediate use for them, than new or fresh men that know nothing of the land or sea discipline. But gentlemen I find mistake the land service which Marines ought to be designed for. If Marines were to serve a whole campaign at land, and to be made a regular part of a land army, I shall grant that they ought to be formed into regiments and be officered in the same manner as the other land forces are. But this is a service that Marines ought never to be employed in. When such an army is to be formed, a sufficient number of land forces ought to be sent out for the purpose. The only land service that Marines ought to be designed for, or employed in, is to support our seamen in storming a town or castle after a squadron of men-of-war has so battered and bombarded it as to make an assault practicable; or to make an incursion upon some open country where there are no regular troops as can be called an army to oppose them. And for both these services a body of Marines formed as independent companies are as good as if they were formed into regular regiments." Full and lucid as was the debate the matter went no further. The men were not raised and the fleet continued to go short of crews for all sagacious men could urge. The Admiralty in the meantime was trying to find out some method of raising more seamen, and a Committee was appointed on January 13th, 1740, under the presidency of Sir John Norris "to consider of such means and methods as may be taken for the speedy and effectual a-manning of our fleet1." Their task was confined to the question of seamen and did not touch the Marine problem. Their recommendations were: (1) Payment of same bounty as in preceding year. (2) Pay to men entering to date from day of being entered and men to join in fourteen days from then. (3) Commanders of frigates on the coast to press and receive seamen. Lieutenants employed on pressing to know that their diligence will be noted and contribute towards their advancement. (4) Justices of the Peace and Magistrates of inland towns to be charged to seize all straggling seamen, watermen and others. (5) Masters of fishing-vessels not exceeding 15 tons to be liable to 1 Admirals Cavendish, Stewart and the Earl of Granard, Captains Stewart, Vanbrugh, Hardy and Gregory, all senior officers, were the members of this Committee. k. tm. 1. 18 274 Marines and Manning impressment. Protections to men employed on the rivers or coast only to extend six months, and to be renewed personally and not generally. (6) Protections to be allowed to Master, Mate and Carpenter, and one seaman per ioo tons; to servants under 18 and to old people unfit for service belonging to colliers or coasters. (7) An embargo to be laid on all merchant ships and vessels outward bound: this to be continued until the fleet was manned, and a severe press to be begun at the same time1. These recommendations formed the basis of a Bill, introduced by Wager. It was violently resisted in Parliament and did not pass, but some of the recommendations were adopted. The means in any case could not have been effective, since none of them struck at the root of the matter, the grievances which prevented men from joining the navy. The unpopularity of the service at sea in men-of-war — it was popular enough in privateers — was due to these grievances, and to redress them should have been the endeavour of the Government. How averse the seaman of the day was from the service was well understood, and his reasons appreciated, by Vernon. In a lengthy speech in 1749 the kindly Admiral appealed for justice and better treatment of the seaman, and gave an impressive picture of the hardships under which they suffered. "Our fleets," he said, "which are defrauded by injustice, are first manned by violence and maintained by cruelty. When our ships are to be fitted an impress is sent into the streets to bring those who shall fall in the way by force into the vessels From that time they are in effect condemned to death, since they are never allowed to set foot again on shore, but turned over from ship to ship; and when they have finished one expedition, hurried into another without any regard for the hardships they have undergone or the length of the voyage." Vernon foretold that unless better treatment, more regular pay, and a fairer distribution of prize money were given, a mutiny might break out at a time when the security ofthe Kingdom was in danger — a forecast of what actually occurred forty-five years later. Others saw the root of the problem not less clearly. " Since my leaving Plymouth," wrote the captain of a sloop, " I have pressed in all forty-five men, four of whom notwithstanding a strict watch kept, swam away from the ship in the night when it blowed so hard that a boat could not row ahead, two of which in the attempt were drowned some time before on an attempt of a like nature. This I mention to show their Lordships the aversion they have to the service and the reason why I have raised no more volunteers. I have raised only eight volunteers since my being out2." Thus, as no improvement was made in the inducements to seamen to serve, and as compulsion provided an insufficient quantity besides hampering the trade of the country, the wants of the navy had to be met by the embarkation of soldiers or Marines. In May, 1740, in spite of the embargo which had been imposed, the fleet was still unready at the time when what appeared to be an invasionary force was assembling 1 The embargo was laid later. The press was not ordered until June 2nd, 1741. 2 Captain James Douglas, H.M.S. 'Ferret,' December 26th, 1743. Captain's letters. Marines and Manning 275 at Ferrol, and France was adopting a contumacious attitude. To meet the difficulty two marching regiments and 1000 so-called Marines were put on board the ships of the Home Guard which was sent in Julv off Ferrol under Sir John Norris. In September of the same year when the French squadrons sailed for the West Indies and the intervention of France seemed certain, a proposal was made to increase all our regiments by one battalion and thus furnish another 6000 or 7000 men to man the fleet; but it was not put into execution. Throughout the war the Commander-in- Chief of the Mediterranean fleet had power vested in him to call on the Governor of Minorca to complete his complements from the garrison of Mahon. The original reason for raising Marines, as expressed by Burchett, was not entirely lost sight of, although it had disappeared in fact. The Marines were still to be afforded opportunity of becoming seamen. In 1 746, Brigadier Jeffreys having written to the Admiralty that he might be informed what was expected of Marines on board concerning their going aloft and handling the sails, the Board replied that "though their Lordships would not have Marines beat or punished who do not show an inclination to go aloft to handle the sails, provided they do their duty on deck and assist there in working the ship in the same manner as the rest of the ship's company do, yet their Lordships are very far from giving a Hberty to the officer of Marines to discourage their men from going aloft who shall show an inclination to learn seamanship; but on the contrary, do expect they shall endeavour to qualify themselves as seamen : and if their Lordships shall be informed that any officers of Marines shall act otherwise, they shall resent it in a proper manner." The spirit of this letter is again to be found in Lord Howe's standing orders of 17761, which say: "the Marines are not to be forced to go aloft, nor on the other hand aie to be restrained from rendering themselves expert in a seaman's duty, at proper opportunities agreeable to the standing instructions." The principal sources of the difficulties of getting the fleet ready for service — difficulties which had so great an effect particularly upon the campaigns in the beginning of the war — are to be traced to the omission to raise Marines for the sea service and the failure to treat the seamen with a proper regard. The second of these could not be remedied at a moment's notice: it would involve inducing confidence into a number of men, and confidence in Parliamentary promises was not a plant of rapid growth. But the former might have been done, and it was not for want of advice either from sea officers or members of Parliament that it was left undone. No change was made in this war or later, and throughout the long struggle in which the British Empire was built up the Navy was manned under the old system; the introduction of the continuous service seaman, of whom the Marine was the first representative, did not take place until the middle of the nineteenth century. 1 Signals and Instructions, p. 89, Navy Record Society. 276 Considerations on War with France and Spain APPENDIX IV CONSIDERATIONS ON WAR WITH FRANCE AND SPAIN A sidelight upon contemporary thought is thrown by a paper1, written in 1738, in which the existing political situation, and the measures required to meet it, are discussed. The writer does not appear to be a naval officer, though he clearly appreciates the covering functions of the fleet in home waters: " Our men of war being thus at leisure to watch the motions of the French and Spaniards at home, our people in America can meet with little or no opposition, since it will be difficult for the enemy to find means to send succour to their friends in the West Indies when our fleets are masters of the seas at home." He belongs to that school of thought then repre sented in Parliament by Heathcote and others, and at sea, to a great extent, by Vemon; and later by Pitt and Hardwicke. He desires to concentrate upon offensive war which he argues can only be conducted at sea and in the colonies; he is utterly opposed to continental alliances; he believes in the policy of expanding British trade by destroying that of her competitors; and he attaches high importance to the influence of finance as an element in national strategy. War, he argues, has now become inevitable. Neither England nor Spain can afford to let matters continue in their existing condition in relation to West Indian trade. He allows full weight to, and recognises the fairness of, the Spanish point of view. "The Spaniards very justly observe," he says, "that if they were to let all English ships pass on pretence of coming to Jamaica, they would lose half their annual Treasure that comes from New Spain; which every reasonable man must certainly admit to be true." The treasure which would otherwise go to Old Spain would be drawn away into the local trade by the contraband traffic and so lost to the home Govern ment. But Britain's point of view is not less important and deserves equal weight. Unless the British colonies could trade with the Spanish settle ments they could not continue to exist, since all their ready money came from those parts: "they have no other way of getting one shilling of ready money for their commodities... not having one penny of gold or silver but Spanish money in the country." Hence, the writer argues, "the affair is brought to this dilemma; that Spain must either be content to give up half of their yearly treasure from the West Indies at once, or that the English must give up their Plantations and entirely lose their whole West Indian Trade. Therefore it is clear that this dispute can never be determined but by war." ] P.R.O. State Paper Miscellaneous 200. Endorsed " State of the land forces of France 1738." Considerations on War with France and Spain 277 Starting from this basis of political economy — the natural outcome of the mercantilist theories of the period — the writer proceeds to shew that the opportunity is a favourable one; that it is advantageous to Britain to capture Spanish trade; that the effect of French intervention is not to be feared, for Britain could fight the combined French and Spaniards, and, ii France should not intervene, each power could be dealt with separately; also that, while so long as the quarrel is maritime and colonial, France has no cause to attack Austria and so weaken our position in the Netherlands, Great Britain can exercise her full strength with greater effect if she is not hampered by continental alHances. Thus, first having reasoned that war is inevitable, the writer proceeds to shew why it should be brought about at once. The headings of his arguments for war on these lines run as follows in his text: — " I. Because England is at present in a much better condition than at the beginning of 1702, and France in a much worse than they were at that time. II. Because our Plantations are both able and willing to fit out 50 large ships of force1 and to raise land forces sufficient to take Cuba, Hispaniola and Porto Rico. III. Twenty galleys with 500 men to each, added to the guard ships upon our coast, would effectually secure England against French invasions. IV. Because the success is more certain, and the expense much less to England, of a war carried on against France and Spain without the alliances of the princes of the continent. V. Because in this present case France and Spain have no pretence to attack the Emperor or the Dutch if they take no part with us in this war. VI. Because our Trade will not suffer in this war. VII. Because of the great strength which our colonies in America have acquired since the last war, and the facilities of taking Cuba, Hispaniola and Porto Rico2. VIII. Because the war cannot be of any long duration, and the annual expense thereof cannot amount to one half of what we expended the last war. IX. Because in so just a war there will be no difficulty at home of raising the necessary yearly supphes." The writer discusses in detail and at some length the military, naval and financial powers of France and Spain. Great stress is laid on the last of these. The emphasis with which he urges the inability of the prospective enemy powers to sustain a long war when their oversea trade is cut off affords a measure of our reasons for attacking French and Spanish oversea commerce. Far from being mere piratical warfare, or predatory operations maintained, as some writers argue, at the instance of fortune-hunting naval commanders, trade attack held, as it had for over a hundred years, 1 The " ships of force " subsequently described are " galleys of 500 men each, built in the nature of the French and Spanish galleys," and not what seamen understood bv the term, viz. ships of the line and heavy frigates. 2 An extension of II above, dealing more with the supply of troops from the various colonies. „ is — 3 278 Considerations on War with France and Spain a clearly understood and logical place in our national strategy. As Blake's destruction of the Spanish Treasure fleet at Santa Cruz in 1657 had been a determining factor in the campaigns in Portugal and Flanders, so in 1738 it was proposed to cripple France and Spain by cutting off their principal sources of revenue — the West Indian trade and treasure — without which they could neither pay their armies nor build, fit out and maintain their fleets. The survey of the problem made by the writer shews no sign of that narrowness which regards war merely as a matter of conflicts between armies and fleets, nor of a watertight subdivision into "naval" and "mili tary" operations. It exhibits it on the contrary, as a struggle between two antagonists, each with a definite object in view and making use of all the available resources at its disposal to attain its end; and it does not leave out of account, among the elements that go towards national strength, the willingness of the whole people. END OF VOLUME ONE INDEX ~ \Ij 'A/MA Acapulco, 16; proposal to intercept Acapulco ship, 32, 98, 99 Admiralty, First Commissioner, 23, 23 n.; Lord Winchelsea as, 180; Norris's claim to, 180-1, 181 n.; trade protection, 182-192; manning of fleet, 82; differences with Ma thews, 221-6, 235, 236, 240 Adriatic Sea, squadron in, 204, 234 Africa, west coast of, squadron in (1738), 5, 6 Alexieff, Admiral, 107 n. Anson, Captain G., xi, xii, 32, 90 w., 91 ; his expedition, 97-100 Antibes, Port of departure of Spanish troops, 152, 176-9, 205-7, 210 Antin, Admiral, Marquis d', 57, 81, 109, now., Ill Argyll, Duke of, on coastal attacks, 228 Army, strength of, British, 14; Spanish, 14; French, 15 and n. Balchen, Admiral Sir J., off Ferrol (April 1740), 78-83; commands Cathcart's escort, 90-2 Baltimore, Lord, 224* Baradera battery, n 4-1 17 Barbados, 5, 243 Barbaratt, keys of, 253-5 Barcelona, defences put in order, 9; projected British attack on, 29; Spanish plan to assemble army at, 30; military preparations reported at (1740), 62; influence of threat, 63-7; success of plan, 70; prepara tions at (1741), 154-5, !59. l6°. 163-4; first expedition sails from (Oct. 1741), 165-6; second expedi tion sails from (Jan. 1742), 171 Newcastle and the blame, 172-8 observation of (June 1742), 201 (Dec. 1742), 220; (Feb. 1743). 222. 226 Barlovento, squadron, 14 Barnard, Sir J., M.P., 182 Barnett, Captain Curtis, xi, xii, 155; skirmish with de Caylus, 160-3, 1 70-1 Bene, Admiral, de la, 28, 152, 164 Bermuda, 18 Bilboa, 17 Bladen, Colonel, 30, 31 Bland, Colonel, Acts under Norris on Spanish coast, 91 Boscawen, Captain E., 49, 93 Brest squadron, threat of (1740), 79, 81, 82, 87-91; squadron sails (Aug. 1740), 92-4; effect of arrival in W. Indies, 105-111, 114, 135; in fluence of in European campaign (1741), 148-9, 195-6, 237 Brown, Commodore C, his instructions (1738), 5; duties, 10-n; further instructions, 24; executes reprisals, 39, 43 ; at Porto Bello, 46-8 Buenos Ayres, ships, 14, 16, 17, 26 Burrard, Colonel, 121 n. Byng, Captain John, his command off Cadiz (Oct. 1740), 71, 151, 154 Cadiz, watched by Haddock (1738), 9, 10; squadron at (June 1739), 14, 17, 24, 25; Ogle sent off, 26-30; shipping entering (1737), 38»., 53; Haddock off (Oct. 1739 — Feb. 1740), 59-63, 73, 74; movements of first concentration (Mar., April 1740), 62-70, 78-82; Byng sent off (Oct. 1740), 71, 151; reinforced, I52, J53: considerations of attacks upon, 74, 84, 86, 228; movements of second concentration (May — June 1741), 144-150, 154-9; neutrals entering, 163; campaign off (Sept. — Dec. 1741), 163-176; Mathews's instructions as to, 198, 264 Campo Santo, battle of, 234 Carolinas, squadrons at, 5, 7, 243 Cartagena (America), place in Spain, trading system, 16-18; discussion as to attacking, 32-5; Vernon recon noitres (1740), 51; cruises off, 55; de Torres reinforces, 57 ; expedition to, 101-123, 134-137; report of cap ture, 144-5; failure, 146 Carteret, Lord, 12; asks for Haddock's instructions, 71, 181 Carthagena (Spain), 14; squadron at (Aug. 1739), 28; detachment off (Jan. 1740), 61 ; threat from, 62-64, 66, 67, 74, 81, 82; situation at (Jan. 1741), 152, 157 Cathcart, Lord, selected to command expedition to W. Indies, 35; delays in arrival, 56-8; in sailing, 73~94: departure,1 102 ; death of, 103" Cayley, Consul at Faro, 158 Caylus, Chevalier de, skirmish with Martin, 153-4; with Barnett, 160-3 28o Index Chagres, 16, 17, 31; capture of, 52~54 Charles Emmanuel, King of Sardinia, 202-3, 227, 233 Chile, expedition to, planned, 31, 32 CUnton, Captain, 8 Cokburne, John, 224 Colonial system, 1, 2 Concentration before war. Haddock to orevent cruising of Cadiz and Ferrol squadrons, 28; Norris to prevent Brest squadron entering Ferrol, 89; Vernon's measures to prevent cruis ing of French and Spaniards, 107; Mathews to prevent Brest squadron entering Toulon, 199. 237- Nelson in 1803, 199 m. Convoy system, 1 83-6, 188 Cornewall, Captain, 32, 150,163,165,167 Corufia, 17 Council, Committee of, constitution, 23, 24-28; discusses plans for war, 30-37, 50M., 61, 62; Spanish escape from Cadiz (April 1740), 67-9; di rection of war (Jan. — April 1740), 73-9; sends Balchen off Ferrol, 78; concentration at Ferrol, 79-89 : atti tude towards France (Sept. 1740), 94-5; on annexing Cartagena, 124, 141 n., 144, 150, 152, 166, 181, 196 Court, Admiral de, instructions to, when escorting Spanish army, 172 Criticism, Parliamentary, 71-2, 72-5; of defence of trade, 182-190 Dandridge, Captain, his reconnaissance of Port Louis, 106-9, 106 «. Darien, proposed attack upon, 30, 31, 32 Diversions, divided idea in Spanish war plan, 30; divided effect of expedi tion to Naples (1 742) ,215; Mathews's proposals for attacks on Spanish coast, 228 Ehbank, Lord, opinions on ships v. forts, 115, 117*2., 120OT., 122M.; on holding Boca Chica, 125 Fanshaw, Captain, 7 Ferrol, 14, 19; squadron at (July 1739), 29, 30, 34, 51; movements for first concentration at (Mar., April 1740), 53, 68, 69, 78-82; offensive sally from, 83; proposal to attack with fleet, 84-5 ; Norris ordered to watch, 86-9 ;- sailing of Ferrol squadron (July 1740), 91-3, 102; arrival of Ferrol squadron in W. indies (Oct. 1740), 57, 103; second concentra tion at Ferrol (May 1741), 144-7, !57-9 FirstCommissionership, 23, and n. ; Lord Winchelsea as, 180; Norris's claim to, 180-1, 181 n Fleury, Cardinal, 22, 23, 118,135, i40«.; death of, 231 Flota, 17, 24, 25, 28-9, 60, 61, 74 Forts v. ships, Waterhouse at La Guayra, 43 ; Vernon at Porto Bello, 46-50; at Chagres, 52 ; Norris'sviews on, 84; Vernon at Port Louis, 107; at Cartagena, 111-113; attempt on the Castles at Cartagena, 114, 115; the 'Gallicia' used as bombarding ship, 123; Rentone at Santiago, 125-6; Mathews off Toulon, 209; Martin at Naples, 213-5; Knowles at La Guayra, 251-3; at Puerto Cabello, 254-6 Frangois, Cape, 18 Galleons, 16, 25, 74 Gascoigne, Captain, 89, 90, 91, 102 Georgia, defence of, 6, 7; Spanish ex pedition against, 10 Guantanamos Bay, 56, 127, 130 Guayra, La, attacked by Waterhouse, 43 ; by Knowles, 245, 254, 256 Haddock, Admiral Nicholas, his in structions (May 1738), 8, 9, n-13, 25, 26; begins reprisals, 28-9; be gins war, 59; his instructions (Feb. 4, 1740), 61; operations (Oct. 1740), 62-5 ; Cadiz squadron escapes home, 66-8; second escape of Cadiz squad ron, 155-160; difficulties with neu trals, 163; Haddock and Toulon squadron, 165; and Barcelona ex pedition, 165-7; ant* second Cadiz squadron, 167-171; blamed for mis carriage, 173-5; illness and retire ment, 176-7 Harrington, Lord, 25M., 61 n., 77 and n., 141 w. Hardwicke, Lord, modifies instructions to Ogle and Haddock, 26, 61 n., 73, 86«., 89, 95 n., 14m. Hardy, Admiral, 273*1. Havana, 10; its place in Spanish trade system, 16-18; question of attack upon, 32-5; Brown cruises off, 39, 43, 45; Vernon's objections to at tempting, 55; potential fleet at, 126, 129; squadron at (Oct. 1742), 242; sally against Ruatan, 257 Hervey, Captain, 64 Hervey, John Lord, 69 Illicit trade, 2-4, n Instructions, Vernon's additional, 41, 42- 47 Jacobite, restoration feared, 20, 75, 135 Jalapa, 17 Jamaica, squadron at (1738), 5, 6, 43, 50 ; Vernon ordered to protect, 53-4 ; want of stores at, 55; Ogle ordered Index 281 to reinforce Vernon at, 68-9; expe dition to assemble at, 101 ; Vernon expects French attack on, 105; Kennington goes to, 155; separation of Jamaica and Leeward Island sta tions, 241; squadron at (Oct. 1742), 243 Jenkins, Captain R., 3«., 4, 5 Keene, Mr, Ambassador at Madrid, 3, 13 Kempenfelt, xi, 175 and n. Knowles, Captain Charles, 7 ; on course of Spanish trade, 18; at Porto Bello, 49; engagement with d'Epinay, 103 ; at Port Louis, 107; at Cartagena, 1 1 7-9; at Puerto Cabello and La Guayra, 245-260 Lage, Captain de, 229 Laton, Captain, 195 Lee, Captain, his initiative, 155; in Adriatic, 204 Lee, Sir G., 224, 248 Leeward Islands, squadron at (1738), 5; reinforced, 6; separated from Jamaica station, 241 Leogane, 109, 244 Lestock, Captain Richard, 106, 112, 115; leaves W. Indies, 126; in Mediterranean ; temporary com mand, 175-8; Mathews's opinion of, 197, 206, 209, 238 Lingen, Captain, 168-9 Lisbon, ships stationed off (1739), 25; convoy puts into, 157 Manila, 31, 32 Marines, 35, 36, 83, 142, 265, 267-275 Marlborough, her voyage to Mediter ranean, 167-9 Martin, Captain William, 152-7; char acter of, 212 ; his diversion at Naples (1742), 212-5; at Genoa, 216, 218; destroys San Isidro, 229, 239 Martinique, French arrive at (1740), 57. 58, 97 Mathews, Admiral Thomas, early ca reer, 197; his instructions, 198; his views (June 1742), 199-201; arrives Villefranche, 206-210; orders action against Naples, 212; against Genoa, 216; made Plenipotentiary, 216-7; operations Sept. — Dec. 1742, 218- 220; differences with Admiralty, 221-225; campaign of 1743, 226- 234; further differences, 235-8; views on situation Dec. 1743, 238- 40 Mattagorda, Fort, Rooke's failure to take, 84 Maurepas, de (Minister of Marine), 88, 107, 162 Mayne, Captain Covill, 78 Mediterranean squadron, strength be fore war, 4, 5; reinforced (1738), 8; recalled, 12, 28; remains out, 13, 28; disposition (Oct. 1739), 59; re inforced (Jan. 1740), 60; weakness of (April 1740), 67; Norris urges strengthening, 74; Cornewall's re inforcement (1 741), 150, 163, 166-9, 174; Lestock's reinforcement or dered, 165; arrives, 175; strength (June 1742), 199-202; Mathews on weakness of (1742), 210; (1743), 221-6; mihtary direction of, 235; general situation (Dec. 1743), 239 Medley, Captain H., 148 Naples, Neapolitan galleys assist Don Philip, 176; Mathews's instructions as to (1742), 198, 199, 200; Neapo htan help to Spain, 202, 204; Ma thews sends Martin to, 212-215, 219, 210, 220«.; renewed Naples help, 227-8, 234, 239 Newcastle, Duke of, 12, 25, 35; corre spondence with Vernon, 44, 45, 53- 58; attitude towards French inter vention (1740), 77; reasons for not sending veteran troops to Cartagena, I35> correspondence with Norris (1741), 147-150; blames Haddock for Spanish evasion (Dec. 1741), I73_4; correspondence with Ma thews (1742) 199, 201, 209-211, 216, (1743) 221, 227, 235-240 Newfoundland, Defence of, 5, 243 Norris, Admiral, Sir John, 23; early career, 24; appointed to command fleet in home waters, 25; discusses war plans, 31-37; proposals for Mediterranean (Jan. 1740), 61; on Spanish escape from Cadiz, 67; plans for 1740, 73-5, 80-83; views on attack upon forts by ships, 84-5 ; his instructions (June 20, 1740), 86; takes command, 88; attitude to wards French, 89; windbound.go-i ; final operations of 1740, 91-7; on Anson's instructions, 98; on holding Cartagena, 124; on manning, 142, 270-4; his instructions (June 18, 1741), 145-6; Biscay cruise, 147- 150; relinquishes his command and position in cabinet, 181; consulted on state of fleet, 195 Ogle, Admiral Sir Chaloner, misses Azogue ships, 26-7; opens Cadiz (1740), 62-8, 70, 78-9, 81, 82; brought home, 83, 89, 93; appointed to command escort to Cathcart, 94 ; sails for W. Indies, 96, 102-106, in; Vernon's instructions to, 112, 113, 115, 119; leaves Cartagena, 125, 282 Index 127, 132; assumes command at Ja maica, 241, 242-5, 257 Oglethorpe, Colonel, 31 Ostend, Company, 20, 21 Owlers, 3 Pacte de Famille, 21 Paita, taken by Anson, 99 Panama, 16, 31 ; Anson and, 97 Pearce, Captain Vincent, failure at San Augustin, 50, 51 Peru, trade of, 17 Peyton, Captain Sir Yelverton, 7 Pintado, de, Admiral, 53 Pizarro, de, Admiral, 27; in command against Anson, 98, 99 Plantations, squadrons at (1738), 5; (1739), 261, 264; (1742), 241-3 Port Louis, 55, 104 Porto Bello, 16, 17, 33; capture of, 45-50, 54; Anson and, 97, 133 Porto Rico, 7, 17; proposed attack upon (1742), 247 Pretender, the young, 75 'Princesa,' capture of, 78 Puerto Cabello, 43 ; attack upon, 245-8, 253-7 Reggio, Admiral, 53 Register ships, 17 Rentone, Captain, 108 n., 126 Rochalart, Admiral, 58, 84, 93, 95. iiom. Roquefeuil, de, Admiral, no, in Ruatan, 133, 257, 258 Steuart, Admiral Charles, 3 Strangford, Mr, Consul at Alicante, 9 Strategy, opposing views on, xiv-xix Tencin, Cardinal, 231 Tinker, Mr, his plan to attack Darien, 30, 31 Torres, Admiral de, appointed to com mand Ferrol squadron, 83 ; his sail ing reported (Aug. 1742), 92; effect of French squadron Torres' s movements, 109, no; his instruc tions, in, 129, 144; Norris ordered to intercept, 145-7, 149; Windham to intercept, 193 Trelawny, Governor of Jamaica, 45; at councils of war, 106, 125, 130, 244 Tyrawley, Lord, prompt action of, 158 Vera Cruz, 45 Vernon, Admiral Edward, xii, 26, 27; early life and character, 39, 40; his instructions (July 1739).. 40. 41; additional instructions initiated by, 41, 42; views on territorial attacks, 43-5. 55_°: takes Porto Bello, 45- 50; off Cartagena and Chagres, 51-2; movements to Dec. 1740, 53-8, 68, 73-4, 79 ; views on French intentions, 105-7; at Cartagena, 106 et seq.; instructions to fleet, n 2-3; opera tions, 114-124; Santiago, 125-30; Panama, 130-2; recalled, 133; blame for failure, 134-7, 225 Villefranche, British naval base, 178, 206-9, 232, 238 Virginia, naval defence of, 5, 7, 243 Wager, Sir Charles, First Commissioner, 23; discusses plans, 31-4, 83-4, 87, 142; resigns, 180 Waldegrave, Lord, 36, 65, 77, 81 Walpole, H., 22 Walpole, Sir R„ 19, 21, 33, 36, 81, 89, 94. 180 Warren, Captain Peter, at San Au gustin, 51, 109; Commodore in West Indies and North America, 258, 260 Waterhouse, Captain, 43 Watson, Captain T., 114; captures Baradera battery, 115, 117, 122 Wentworth, General, 103, 106; at Cartagena, 113-124; Santiago, 125- 130; Panama, 131, 132; recalled, 133; blame for failure, 136, 137 Winchelsea, Lord, First Commissioner, 180; opposes Bill of 1742, 189; 196, 197, 224, 225, 237, 248, 250 Worms, Treaty of, 230-2 / W if Cambridge: printed by j. b. peace, m.a., at the university press. 3 9002 00460 1598