YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of W.L. Ehrich TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES IN NOETH and CENTRAL AFRICA. JOURNAL OF AN EXPEDITION CMDEHTAJiEN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF EB.M.'S GOVERNMENT, IN THE YEAKB 1849—1855. HENRY BAETH, Ph.D., D.C.L., FELLOW OF THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL AND ASIATIC SOCIETIES, &c, &c. IN THEEE VOLUMES. VOL. I. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1857. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE EARL OF CLARENDON, K.G., G.C.B., ETC., ETC., ETC., HER MAJESTY 'ti SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, THESE VOLUMES, CONTAINING AN ACCOUKT OF TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES IN NORTH AND CENTRAL AFRICA, MADE UNDEE HIS LORDSHIP'S AUSPICES, ABE, IN GBATEFOX ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOE MANY ACTS OF KINDNESS, jBebiratcb, BY HIS OBLIGED AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE On the 5th of October, 1849, at Berlin, Professor Carl Bitter informed me that the British government was about to send Mr. Richardson on a mission to Central Africa, and that they had offered, through the Chevalier Bunsen, to allow a German traveler to join the mission, provided he was willing to contrib ute two hundred pounds for his own personal traveling expenses. I had commenced lecturing at the University of Berlin on comparative geography and the colonial commerce of antiquity, and had just at that time published the first volume of my "Wanderings round the Mediterranean, ".which comprised my journey through Barbary. Having undertaken this journey quite alone, I spent nearly my whole time with the Arabs, and familiarized myself with that state of human society where the camel is man's daily companion, and the culture of the date-tree his chief occupation. I made long journeys through desert tracts ; I traveled all round the Great Syrtis, and, passing through the picturesque little tract of Cyrenaica, traversed the whole country toward Egypt ; I wandered about for above a month in the desert valleys between Aswan and Koser, and aft erward pursued my journey by land all the way through Syria and Asia Minor to Constantinople. While traversing these extensive tracts, where European com fort is never altogether out of reach, where lost supplies may be easily replaced, and where the protection of European powers is not quite without avail, I had often cast a wistful look toward those unknown or little-known regions in the interior, which stand in frequent, though irregular connection with the coast. As a lover of ancient history, I had been led toward those re gions rather through the commerce of ancient Carthage than by viii PREFACE. the thread of modern discovery, and the desire to know some thing more about them acted on me like a charm. In the course of a conversation I once held with a Hausa slave in Kaf, in the regency of Tunis, he, seeing the interest I took in his native country, made use of the simple but impressive words, "Please God, you shall go and visit Kano." These words were con stantly ringing in my ears ; and though overpowered for a time by the vivid impressions of interesting and picturesque coun tries, they echoed with renewed intensity as soon as I was re stored to the tranquillity of European life. During my three years' traveling I had ample opportunity of testing the efficacy of British protection; I experienced the kind ness of all her Britannic majesty's consuls from Tangiers to Brusa, and often enjoyed their hospitality. It was solely their protection which enabled me to traverse with some degree of security those more desert tracts through which I wandered. Colonel Warrington, her majesty's consul in Tripoli, who seems to have had some presentiment of my capabilities as an African explorer, even promised me his full assistance if I should try to penetrate into the interior. Besides this, my admiration of the wide extension of the British over the globe, their influence, their language, and their government, was such that I felt a strong- inclination to become the humble means of carrying out their philanthropic views for the progressive civilization of the neg lected races of Central Africa. Under these circumstances, I volunteered cheerfully to accom pany Mr. Eichardson, on the sole condition, however, that the exploration of Central Africa should be made the principal ob ject of the mission, instead of a secondary one, as had been orig inally contemplated. In the mean time, while letters were interchanged between Berlin, London, and Paris (where Mr. Richardson at that time resided), my father, whom I had informed of my design, entreat ed me to desist from my perilous undertaking with an earnest ness which my filial duty did rot allow me to resist ; and giving way to Dr. Overweg, who in youthful enthusiasm came imme diately forward to volunteer, I receded from my engagement. PEEFACE. jx But it was too late, my offer having been officially accepted in London ; and I therefore allayed my father's anxiety, and join ed the expedition. It was a generous act of Lord Palmerston, who organized the expedition, to allow two foreign gentlemen to join it instead of one. A sailor was besides attached to it ; and a boat was also provided, in order to give full scope to the object of exploration. The choice of the sailor was unfortunate, and Mr. Richardson thought it best to send him back from Murzuk ; but the boat, which was carried throughout the difficult and circuitous road by Murzuk, Ghat, Air, and Zinder, exciting the wonder and as tonishment of all the tribes in the interior, ultimately reached its destination, though the director of the expedition himself had in the mean while unfortunately succumbed. Government also allowed us to take out arms. At first it had been thought that the expedition ought to go unarmed, in asmuch as Mr. Richardson had made his first journey to Ghat without arms. But on that occasion he had gone as a private individual, without instruments, without presents, without any thing ; and we were to unite with the character of an expedition that of a mission — that is to say, we were to explore the coun try while endeavoring at the same time to establish friendship with the chiefs and rulers of the different territories. It may be taken for granted that we should never have crossed the frontier of Air had we been unarmed ; and when I entered upon my journey alone, it would have been impossible for me to proceed without arms through countries which are in a constant state of war, where no chief or ruler can protect a traveler except with a large escort, which is sure to run away as soon as there is any real danger. It may be possible to travel without arms in some parts of Southern Africa ; but there is this wide difference, that the na tives of the latter are exclusively Pagans, while, along all those tracts which I have been exploring, Islamism and Paganism are constantly arrayed against each other in open or secret warfare, even if we leave out of view the unsafe state of the roads through large states consisting, though loosely connected to- PREFACE. gether, of almost independent provinces. The traveler in such countries must carry arms ; yet he must exercise the utmost discretion in using them. As for myself, I avoided giving of fense to the men with whom I had to deal in peaceful inter course, endeavoring to attach them to me by esteem and friend ship. I have never proceeded onward without leaving a sincere friend behind me, and thus being sure that, if obliged to retrace my steps, I might do so with safety. But I have more particular reason to be grateful for the opin ion entertained of me by the British government ; for after Mr. Richardson had, in March, 1851, fallen a victim to the noble enterprise to which he had devoted his life, her majesty's gov ernment honored me with their confidence, and, in authorizing me to carry out the objects of the expedition, placed sufficient means at my disposal for the purpose. The position in which I was thus placed must be my excuse for undertaking, after the successful accomplishment of my labors, the difficult task of re lating them in a language not my own. In matters of science and humanity all nations ought to he united by one common interest, each contributing its share in proportion to its own peculiar disposition and calling. If I have been able to achieve something in geographical discovery, it is difficult to say how much of it is due to English, how much to German influence ; for science is built up of the materials col lected by almost every nation, and, beyond all doubt, in geo graphical enterprise in general none has done more than the English, while, in Central Africa in particular, very little has been achieved by any but English travelers. Let it not, there fore, be attributed to an undue feeling of nationality if I correct any error of those who preceded me. It would be unpardona ble if a traveler failed to penetrate further, or to obtain a clearer insight into the customs and the polity of the nations visited by him, or if he were unable to delineate the country with great er accuracy and precision than those who went before him. Every succeeding traveler is largely indebted to the labors of his predecessor. Thus our expedition would never have been able to aeliieve what it did, if Oudney, Denham, and Clapperton PREFACE. x; had not gone before us ; nor would these travelers have suc ceeded so far, had Lyon and Ritchie not opened the road to Fez- zan ; nor would Lyon have been able to reach Tejerri, if Cap tain (now Rear Admiral) Smyth had not shown the way to Ghirza. To Smyth, seconded by Colonel Warrington, is due the merit of having attracted the attention of the British gov ernment to the favorable situation of Tripoli for facilitating in tercourse with Central Africa ; and if at present the river-com munication along the Tsadda or Benuwe seems to hold out a prospect of an easier approach to those regions, the importance of Tripoli must not be underrated, for it may long remain the most available port from which a steady communication with many parts of that continent can be kept up. I had the good fortune to see my discoveries placed on a stable basis before they were brought to a close, by the astro nomical observations of Dr. Vogel,* who was sent out by her Britannic majesty's government for the purpose of joining the expedition ; and I have only to regret that this gentleman was not my companion from the beginning of my journey, as exact astronomical observations, such as he has made, are of the ut most importance in any geographical exploration. By moving the generally-accepted position of Kukawa more than a degree to the westward, the whole map of the interior has been changed very considerably. The position assigned by Dr. Vogel to Zinder gives to the whole western route, from Ghat through the coun try of A'sben, a well-fixed terminating point, while at the same time it serves to check my route to Timbuktu. If, however, this topic be left out of consideration, it will be found that the maps made by me on the journey, under many privations, were a close approximation to the truth. But now all that pertains to physical features and geographical position has been laid down, and executed with artistic skill and scientific precision, by Dr. Petermann. The principal merit which I claim for myself in this respect * Some details will be considered in a Memoir to be subjoined at the end of this work. It is to be hoped that Dr. Vogel's calculations themselves may be re ceived in the mean time. ^ PREFACE. is ._ that of having noted the whole configuration of the country; and my chief object has been to represent the tribes and nations with whom I came in contact, in their historical and ethnograph ical relation to the rest of mankind, as well as in their physical relation to that tract of country in which they live. If, in this respect, I have succeeded in placing before the eyes of the pub lic a new and animated picture, and connected those apparently savage and degraded tribes more intimately with the history of races placed on a higher level of civilization, I shall be amply recompensed for the toils- and dangers I have gone through. My companion, Dr. Overweg, was a clever and active young geologist ; but, unfortunately, he was deficient in that general knowledge of natural science which is required for comprehend ing all the various phenomena occurring on a journey into un known regions. Having never before risked his life on a dan gerous expedition, he never for a moment doubted that it might not be his good fortune to return home in safety, and he there fore did not always bestow that care upon his journal which is so desirable in such an enterprise. Nevertheless, almost all his observations of latitude have been found correct, while his mem oranda, if deciphered at leisure, might still yield a rich harvest. One of the principal objects which her Britannic majesty's government had always in view in these African expeditions was the abolition of the slave-trade. This, too, was zealously advocated by the late Mr. Richardson, and, I trust, has been as zealously carried out by myself whenever it was in my power to do so, although, as an explorer on a journey of discovery, I was induced, after, mature reflection, to place myself under the protection of an expeditionary army, whose object it was to sub due another tribe, and eventually to carry away a large propor tion of the conquered into slavery. Now it should always be borne in mind that there is a broad distinction between the slave-trade and domestic slavery. The foreign slave-trade may, comparatively speaking, be easily abolished, though the difficul ties of watching over contraband attempts have been shown suf ficiently by many years' experience. With the abolition of the slave-trade, all along the northern and southwestern coast of JrxtljFA.CE. Xiii Africa, slaves will cease to be brought down to the coast, and in this way a great deal of the mischief and misery necessarily resulting from this inhuman traffic will be cut off. But this, unfortunately, forms only a small part of the evil. There can be no doubt that the most horrible topic connected with slavery is slave-hunting ; and this is carried on, not only for the purpose of supplying the foreign market, but, in a far more extensive degree, for supplying the wants of domestic slavery. Hence it was necessary that I should become acquaint ed with the real state of these most important features of African society, in order to speak clearly about them ; for with what authority could I expatiate on the horrors and the destruction accompanying such an expedition if I were not speaking as an eyewitness ? But having myself accompanied such a host on a grand scale, I shall be able, in the second volume of my narra tive, to lay before the pubhc a picture of the cheerful comfort, as well as the domestic happiness, of a considerable portion of the human race, which, though in a low, is not at all in a de graded state of civilization, as well as the wanton and cruel manner in which this happiness is destroyed, and its peaceful abodes changed into desolation. Moreover, this very expedi tion afforded me the best opportunity of convincing the rulers of Bornu of the injury which such a perverse system entails upon themselves. But, besides this, it was of the utmost importance to visit the country of the Musgu ; for while that region had been repre sented by the last expedition as an almost inaccessible mount ain chain, attached to that group which Major Denham observed on his enterprising but unfortunate expedition with Bu-Khalum, I convinced myself on my journey to A'damawa, from the in formation which I gathered from the natives, that the mount ains of Mandara are entirely insulated toward the east. I con sidered it, therefore, a matter of great geographical importance to visit that country, which, being situated between the rivers Shari and Benuwe, could alone afford the proof whether there was any connection between these two rivers. I shall have frequent occasion to refer, in my journal, to con- viv PREFACE. versations which I had with the natives on religious subjects. I may say that I have always avowed my religion, and defend ed the pure principles of Christianity against those of Islam ; only once was I obliged, for about a month, in order to carry out my project of reaching Timbuktu, to assume the character of a Moslim. Had I not resorted to this expedient, it would have been absolutely impossible to achieve such a project, since I was then under the protection of no chief whatever, and had to pass through the country of the fanatic and barbarous hordes of the Tawarek. But though, with this sole exception, I have never denied my character of a Christian, I thought it prudent to conform to the innocent prejudices of the people around me, adopting a dress which is at once better adapted to the climate and more decorous in the eyes of the natives. One great cause of my popularity was the custom of alms-giving. By this means I won the esteem of the natives, who took such a lively interest in my well-being that, even when I was extremely ill, they used to say, " 'Abd el Kerim* shall not die." I have given a full description of my preparatory excursion through the mountainous region round Tripoli ; for, though this is not altogether a new country, any one who compares my map with that of Lyon or Denham will see how little the very inter esting physical features of this tract had been known before, while, at a time when the whole Turkish empire is about to un dergo a great transformation, it seems well worth while to lay also the state of this part of its vast dominions in a more com plete manner before the European public. Of the first part of our expedition there has already appeared the Narrative of the late Mr. Richardson, published from his manuscript journals, which I was fortunately able to send home from Kukawa. It is full of minute incidents of traveling life, so very instructive to the general reader. But, from my point of view, I had to look very differently at the objects which pre sented themselves ; and Mr. Richardson, if he had lived to work out his memoranda himself, would not have failed to give to his * " 'Abd el Kerim," meaning " Servant of the Merciful," was the name which I thought it prudent to adopt. PREFACE. xv journal a more lasting interest. Moreover, my stay in A'gades afforded me quite a different insight into the life, the history, and geography of those regions, and brought me into contact with Timbuktu. Extending over a tract of country of twenty-four degrees from north to south, and twenty degrees from east to west, in the broadest part of the continent of Africa, my travels neces sarily comprise subjects of great interest and diversity. After having traversed vast deserts of the most barren soil, and scenes of the most frightful desolation, I met with fertile lands irrigated by large navigable rivers and extensive central lakes, ornamented with the finest timber, and producing vari ous species of grain, rice, sesamum, ground-nuts, in unlimited abundance, the sugar-cane, &c, together with cotton and indigo, the most valuable commodities of trade. The whole of Central Africa, from Bagirmi to the east as far as Timbuctu to the west (as will be seen in my narrative), abounds in these products. The natives of these regions not only weave their own cotton, but dye their home-made shirts with their own indigo. The river, the far-famed Niger, which gives access to these regions by means of its eastern branch, the Benuwe, which I discover ed, affords an uninterrupted navigable sheet of water for more than six hundred miles into the very heart of the country. Its western branch is obstructed by rapids at the distance of about three hundred and fifty miles from the coast ; but even at that point it is probably not impassable in the present state of nav igation, while, higher up, the river opens an immense high road for nearly one thousand miles into the very heart of Western Africa, so rich in every kind of produce. The same diversity of soil and produce which the regions traversed by me exhibit, is also observed with respect to man. Starting from Tripoli in the north, we proceed from the settle ments of the Arab and the Berber, the poor remnants of the vast empires of the Middle Ages, into a country dotted with splendid ruins from the period of the Roman dominion, through the wild roving hordes of the Tawarek, to the Negro and half- Negro tribes, and to the very border of the South African na- xv- PREFACE. tions. In the regions of Central Africa there exists not one and the same stock, as in South Africa, but the greatest diver sity of tribes, or rather nations, prevails, with idioms entirely distinct. The great and momentous struggle between Islamism and Paganism is here continually going on, causing every day the most painful and affecting results, while the miseries arising from slavery and the slave-trade are here revealed in their most repulsive features. We find Mohammedan learning ingrafted on the ignorance and simplicity of the black races, and the gaudy magnificence and strict ceremonial of large empires side by side with the barbarous simplicity of naked and half-naked tribes. We here trace a historical thread wliich guides us through this labyrinth of tribes and overthrown kingdoms ; and a lively interest is awakened by reflecting on their possible progress and restoration, through the intercourse with more civilized parts of the world. Finally, we find here commerce, in every direction radiating from Kano, the great emporium of Central Africa, and spreading the manufactures of that indus trious region over the whole of Western Africa. I can not conclude these prefatory remarks without express ing my sincere thanks for the great interest shown in my pro ceedings by so many eminent men in this country, as well as for the distinction of the Victoria medal awarded to me by the Royal Geographical Society. As I may flatter myself that, by the success which attended my efforts, I have encouraged fur ther undertakings in these as well as in other quarters of Afri ca, so it will be my greatest satisfaction if this narrative should give a fresh impulse to the endeavors to open the fertile regions of Central Africa to European commerce and civilization. Whatever may be the value of this work, the Author believes that it has been enhanced by the views and illustrations with which it is embellished. These have been executed with ar- tistical skill and the strictest fidelity, from my sketches, by Mr. Bernatz, the well-known author of the beautiful » Scenes in ^Ethiopia." I will only add a few words relative to the spelling of native PREFACE. XVII names — rather a difficult subject in a conflux of languages of very different organization and unsettled orthography. I have constantly endeavored to express the sounds as correctly as pos sible, but in the simplest way, assigning to the vowels always the same intonation which they have in Italian, and keeping as closely as possible to the principles adopted by the Asiatic So ciety. The greatest difficulty related to the "g" sound, which is written in various ways by the Africans, and puzzled even the Arabic writers of the Middle Ages. .While the "k" in North Africa approaches the g in "give," it takes the sound of it en tirely in the Central African languages. On this ground, al though I preferred writing " Azkar," while the name might have been almost as well written " Azgar ;" yet, further into the in terior, the application of the g, as in " A'gades," " Gober," and so on, was more correct. The c of the Arabs has been ex pressed, in conformity with the various sounds which it adopts, by 'a, 'o, and 'u ; the a by gh, although it sounds in many- words like an r ; „ by j ; the ~, which is frequent in the Af rican languages, by ch. The alphabet, therefore, which I have made use of is the fol lowing : Vowels. Diphthongs. a as in cat. ai as i in tide (ay at the end of words). a " father. oi (oy) as in noise. 'a (not English) not unlike a in dart. au (aw) as ow in now. e as in pen. e like the first a in fatal. Consonants. i as in it. b as in beat. i " ravine. d " door. o " lot. f * " fan. 6 " home. g " got. 'o (not English) not unlike o in noble. jt " join. u as in put. k " keep. ii " adjure, true. 1 " leave. 'u not unlike oo in doom. m " man. y, at the end of words, instead of i. n " not. * p, ph, f, in many African languages, are constantly interchanged, the same as r and dh, r and 1. t No distinction has been made between the different sounds of j. Vol. I.— B xvm PREFACE. Consonants (continued). n as in the Spanish " campana, like ni in companion, onion. p* as in pain. r " rain. s " son. t " tame. v " vain. w " win. y as in yet. z " zeal. Double Consonants. gh as in ghost, and the g in grumble. ks as x in tax, excise. kh as ch in the Scotch word loch. th as in tooth. ts as in Betsy. ng as in wrong. A few slight discrepancies in the spelling of names will, I trust, be excused, the printing having already commenced before I had entirely settled the orthography I would adopt. Henry Barth, Ph. D. St. John's Wood, London, May 1, 1857. CONTENTS OF THE FIEST VOLUME. CHAPTER I. FROM TUNIS TO TRIPOLI. The first Start. — The Passage of the Syrtis. — Little Progress. — Trials of Tem per. — Our Companions. — An old Friend. — Reach Tripoli Page 29 CHAPTER H. TRIPOLI. THE PLAIN AND THE MOUNTAIN SLOPE ; THE ARAB AND THE BERBER. An Excursion. — Arab Encampments.— Commencement of the hilly Region. — The Plateau. — Turkish Stronghold. — Berber Settlements. — The picturesque Fountain. — Wadi Welad 'Ali. — Khalaifa. — Beautiful Ravine. — TJm e' Zeran. — Enshed e' Sufet. — Roman Sepulchre. — Kikla. — Wadi Kerdemin. — Rabda. — Kasr Ghurian. — Mount Tekiit. — Kasr Teghrinna. — Hanshir. — Wadi Rumma- na 40 CHAPTER IH. FERTILE MOUNTAIN REGION RICH IN ANCIENT REMAINS. AVadi Ran. — Jebel Msid. — Singular Monuments. — Structure described. — Con jectural Character. — Other ancient Ruins. — Approach to Tarhdna. — The Gov ernor's Encampment. — Ruins near 'Ain Shershara. — Kasr Ddga. — Kasr Dawan. — Jebel Msid. — Mesellata. — Kasr Kerker. — The Cinyps. — Leptis. — Khoms 67 CHAPTER TV. DEPARTURE POR THE INTERIOR. ARRIVAL AT MIZDA. — REMAINS OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Departure. — 'Ain Zara. — Mejenin. — Wadi Haera. — The Boat crosses the Defile. — Ghurian. — Kuleba. — Roman Mile-stones. — Mizda. — The eastern Village. — Jebel Durman. — Wadi Sdfejin. — Ruined Castle. — Christian Re mains 90 CHAPTER V. SCULPTURES AND ROMAN REMAINS IN THE DESERT. — GHARITA. Roman Sepulchre in Wadi Talha. — Wadi Tagije. — Remarkable Monument. — Description of Monument. — Wadi Zemzem. — Roman Sepulchres at Taboniye. xx CONTENTS. — Ghariya.— Roman Gateway.— Arab Tower.— Roman Inscription.— Ghariya e' sherkiya. — The Hammada — Storms in the Desert.— End of the Hammada. — ElHasi, "the WeU" '....Page 110 CHAPTER VI. WADf SHATI. OLD JERMA. ARRIVAL IN MURZUK. Wadi Shati, or Shiyati — E'deri and its Gardens.— Wadi Shiiikh.— Sandy Region. — Reach the Wadi. — Ugrefe. — Jerma Kadim. — The last Roman Monument.— The Groves of the Wadi.— End of the Wadi.— Arrival at Murzuk 134 CHAPTER VH. RESIDENCE IN MURZUK. Delay. — Character of Murzuk. — Ground-plan of Murzuk 150 CHAPTER VLU. THE DESERT. — TASAWA. — EXACTIONS OF THE ESCORT. — DELAY AT ELAWEN. Setting out from Murzuk. — Tiggerurtin, the Village of the Tinylkum. — Gather ing of the Caravan. — Tasawa. — Arrival of the Tawarek Chiefs. — Reformation of Isl&m. — Return to Murzuk. — Move on finally. — Sharaba. — Wadi Aberjiish. — Rate of Traveling. — Join the Caravan. — Tesemmak. — Wadi Elawen. — Ha- tita's Intrigues 157 CHAPTER IX. SINGULAR SCULPTURES IN THE DESERT. THE MOUNTAIN PASS. Hatita. — Sculptures in Telisaghe. — Subject of Sculptures, two Deities fighting about a Bull. — Herd of Bulls. — Cattle formerly Beasts of Burden in the Des ert. — Fine Valleys. — Breaking up of the Plateau. — The narrow, gutter-like Pass of Ralle. — Teliya. — Serdales. — Valley Tanescf. — Mount I'dinen. — The Traveler's Mishap. — Astray in the Desert. — The Wanderer found. — Arrival at Ghat 172 CHAPTER X. THE INDIGENOUS BERBER POPULATION. Fezzan, a Berber Country. — The Berbers. — Their real Name Mazigh ; the Name Tawarek of Arab Origin. — The Azkar. — History of the Azkar. — The Hadana- rang. — Degraded Tribes. — The Imghad. — The Kel. — View of the Valley of Ghat ; 194 CHAPTER XI. CROSSING A LARGE MOUNTAIN RIDGE, AND ENTERING ON THE OPEN GRAVELLY DESERT. The town of Bdrakat.— The Date-groves of Barakat and their Inhabitants.— Alpine Lake.— The Tawati.— High Mountain-pass.— Deep Ravine of E'geri. —Threatened Attack.— Region of Granite commences.— Desert Plain of Ma- riaw.— Afalesselez.— Approach to tropical Climes.— Wild Oxen ("bagr el wahsh") in the Desert.-Nghakeli, new Vegetation {Balanites JEgyptiaca) 208 CONTENTS. XXJ CHAPTER XH. DANGEROUS APPROACH TO ASBEN. Picturesque Peak. — Valley of Ardkam. — Caravan of Merabetin. — Asettere. — The Guinea-worm. — The Caravan (at Aisala). — Berber Inscription. — Ikadem- melrang. — Peculiar Mounts. — Mararraba, the Half-way. — Bdro's Threats. — First View of A'sben. — Aseu. — Approach of the Enemy. — Valley Fenorang. — The Freebooters. — Timazkaren. — Maket-n-I'kelan, the Slaves' Dance. — Continued Alarms. — The Valley of Jinninau. — Pleasant Valley of Gebi. — The Capparis sodata Page 228 CHAPTER XHI. INHABITED BUT DANGEROUS FRONTIER REGION. Taghajit. — Character of the Borderers. — New Alarms. — Order of Battle. — Mo hammed Bdro. — A tardy Acknowledgment. — Formidable Threats. — The Com promise. — Mountains of A'sben. — Valley of Tidik. — Sad Disappointment. — Definitive Attack. — The Pillage. — Oucifera Thebaica. — Selufiet. — Tin-tagh- ode, the Settlement of the Merabetin. — Short State of Supplies. — A Desert Torrent. — Arrival of the Escort. — Valley of Fddet. — Camel Races. — Parting of Friends. — Valley of Afis. — New Troubles. — Arrival at Tintellust. — The EngUsh Hill 248 CHAPTER XIV. ETHNOGRAPHICAL RELATIONS OF AIR. The name of Air or Ahir. — Country of the Goberawa. — The Kel-owi. — Recent Conquest. — Descent in the Female Line. — Mixed Population. — Language. — Sections of the Kel-owi. — The Irdlangh. — Tribe of the Sheikh A'nnur.— The Lkazkezan. — The Kel-n-Neggaru. — The E'fadaye. — League of the Kel-owi with the Kel-geres and Itisan. — The Kel-fadaye. — The word "Meharebi." — The Kel-ferwan. — The Itisan and Kel-geres. — Population of A'sben. — The Salt- trade* 276 CHAPTER XV. RESIDENCE IN TINTELLUST. The Sheikh A'nnur's Character. — Rainy Season. — Nocturnal Attack. — Want of proper Food. — Preparations for Advance 292 CHAPTER XVI. JOURNEY TO AGADES. Attempt at Bullock-riding. — Tawarek Blacksmiths. — The double Horn of Mount Chereka. — A'sodi and its Ruins. — Mounts Eghellal, Baghzen, and A'gata. — - Mounts Belasega and Abila. — The Valley Tiggeda. — The picturesque Valley of A'sada. — The Valley of Taghist with the ancient Place of Prayer. — Pic- * " The people of A'gades at that time (the last quarter of the last century) — though A'gades then helonged to the Cashna empire — were annually permitted to load their immense caravans with the salt of Bornou, from the salt lakes of Demhoo" (the Tehu country?), " the merchants of A'gades giving in return for the article a trifling price in hrass and copper." — Lucas, Pro ceedings of the African Association, vol. i., p. 159. xxii CONTENTS. tnresque Valley of Aiideras with the Forest of Dum-palms. — Barbarity. — Valley Biidde. — The Natron. — The feathered Bur. — Imghad of the Valleys.. — Fertile Valley Bdghel. — The large Baure-tree. — Arrival near A'gades. — The Troopers. — Entrance into the Town '. , Page 299 CHAPTER XVH. AGADES. The retail Traders from Tawat. — The learned 'Abdallah. — Aspect of the Town. — The Sultan's Quarter. — Interview with the Chief. — Mohammed Bdro's House and Family. — Markets of A'gades. — Manufactures. — Native Cavalry. — View of the Town. — The Kadhi. — Interior of A'gades. — Various Visitors. — The "Fura," a favorite Drink. — Manners and Customs. — A Misadventure. — Lan guage of A'gades the same as that of Timbuktu. — My friend Hamma. — The fatal Dungeon. — Ceremony of Investiture. — The Procession. — Visitors. — Ru mors of War. — On Rock-Inscriptions. — Visitors again. — Episode. — Parting with Bdro. — Tailelt (Guinea-fowl) Tobes. — A'shu's Garden. — Letters from the Sultan.— Military Expedition. — Results of the Expedition. — Interior of a House. — The Emgedesi Lady. — Ruinous Quarter. — Wanton Manners. — The Mosque and Tower.— Interior of the Mosque. — Hostile Disposition of the Kadhi.— Other Mosques in A'gades. — Enlightened Views. — Preparations for Depart ure 317 CHAPTER xvrn. HISTORY OF AGADES. A'gades not identical with Aiidaghost. — Meaning of the name. — The Songhay Conqueror Haj Mohammed Askia (Leo's Ischia).— The Associated Tribes.— Leo's Account of A'gades.— The Ighedalen.— Tegidda or Tekadda.— Gdgd and the ancient Gold Trade.— Position of the Ruler of A'gades.— The Sultan and his Minister.— Meaning of the word " Turawa."— The Town, its Population. —Period of Decline.— Ground-plan and Quarters of the Town.— Decline of Commerce. — Market Prices..™ _ __ 330 CHAPTER XIX. DEPARTURE FROM AGADES. — STAY IN TIN-TEGGANA. Abortive Commencement of Journey.— The VaUey of Tiggeda full of Life.— Ttntellust deserted.— Arrival in Tin-teggana.— Stay in Tin-te'ggana.— Moham med el Gatrdni.— Turbulent State of the Country.— Conversation on Rehgion. —Poor Diet.— Prolonged Delay.— Preparations for Starting 376 CHAPTER XX. FINAL DEPARTURE FOR SUDAN. Taking leave of Tin-teggana.— Trachytic Peak of Teleshera.— Valley of Tane- gat.— The Salt Caravan.— Wild Manners of the Tawarek.— Mount Mari.- RicherVegetation.-WellA-lbes.-TebuMerchants.-Chemia.-MountBagh- zen.— Camelslost.-RichValleyUnan.— Stone Dwellings of Ke'1-geres.-Christ- mas Day.— Taking leave of Hamma 399 CONTENTS. xxiii CHAPTER XXI. THE BORDER REGION OF THE DESERT. — THE TAGAMA. Traveling in earnest. — Home of the Giraffe and Antihpe leucoryx. — The Magaria. — The Cornus nabeca and the Feathery Bristle. — Princely Present. — Animals (Orycteropus ^Ethiopians'). — The Tagama ; their peculiar Character. — The Tarki Beauty. — New Plants. — Steep Descent. — Ponds of stagnant Water. — Corn-fields of Damerghii. — The warlike Chief, Dan I'bra. — Ungwa Sammit. — Negro Architecture. — Name of the Hut in various languages. — Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. — Horses grazing. — Arrival in Tagelel. — The Ikazkezan Freebooter. — Niggardliness of the Chief. — Towns and Villages of Damerghii. — The Haunts of the Freebooters. — Market of Tagelel. — The "Devil's Dance" Page 402 CHAPTER XXn. SEPARATION OF THE TRAVELERS. — THE BORDER DISTRICTS OF THE INDEPENDENT PAGAN CONFEDERATION. TASAWA. Dissembling of the Chief. — His steadfast Character. — Mr. Richardson's Health. — Separation. — Different Roads to Kand. — Animated Intercourse. — Native War fare. — The first large Tamarind-tree. — Villages and Wells. — Separation from Mr. Overweg. — Improved Scenery. — Encampment at Gozenakko. — Lively Camp Scene. — Native Delicacies. — Revenues of Tasawa. — Astounding Mes sage. — Visit to Tasawa. — The Market in Tasawa. — Nachira, A'nnur's Estate. — Character of the People and their Dwellings. — Intrigue defeated. — Counting Shells. — A petty Sultan. — Dyeing-pits 424 CHAPTER XXHI. GAZAWA. RESIDENCE IN KATSENA. An African Dandy. — My Protector Elaiji. — Camp-life. — Fortifications and Mar ket of Gazawa. — March resumed. — Desolate Wilderness. — Site of Dankama. — Struggle between Islamism and Paganism. — Encampment near Katsena — Estimate of Salt Caravan. — Negro Horsemen. — Equestrian Musicians. — The Governor of Katsena. — Detained by him. — The Governor's Wiles. — Disputes. — Who is the "Kafer?" — Clapperton's Companion. — The Tawati Bel-Ghet conciliated. — Extortionate Demands. — Subject about the Kafer resumed. — The Presents. — Promenade through the Town. — The Governor's Wishes. — Taking leave of him 445 CHAPTER XXIV. HAUSA. — HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF KATSENA. — ENTRY INTO KANO. The name Hausa. — Origin of the Hausa Nation. — The seven States. — Origin of the Town of Katsena. — The Mohammedan Missionary, Ben Maghili. — Kings of Katsena. — The first Moslim. — The oldest Quarter. — Magnitude of the Town. Its Decline. — Salubrious Site and favorable Situation of Katsena. — Depart ure from Katsena. — Wild State of the Country. — Shibdawa. — Rich Scenery. — Kusada. — The Bentang-tree. — Women with heavy Loads. — Beehives. — Giir- z0. — Approach to Kand. — Straggling Villages. — Composition of our Troop. — First View of Dala. — Entering Kand 470 xx;v CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXV. RESIDENCE IN KAN6. — VIEW OF ITS INTERIOR. — ITS HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE. — COMMERCE. My Situation in Kand.— Debts.— Projects.— The Commissioner.— Difficulties.— Sickness. — Interior of Kand ; Animated Picture. — The Quarters of the Con quered and the Ruling Race.— The " Serki" and the Ghaladima.— The Au dience.— Presents. — Plan of Kano. — Street-groups. — Industry. — View from Mount Dala. — Acquaintances in Kand. — Meditated Departure. — Historical Sketch of Kand. — Growth of the Town. — The Quarters of the Town. — Ground- plan of my House. — Population. — Commerce. — Various kinds of Zenne. — Ex port of Cloth. — Grand Character of Trade. — Produce. — The Guinea-fowl Shirt. — Leather-work. — Kola-nut. — Slaves. — Natron, Salt, Ivory Trade. — European Goods in Kand. — The South American Slave-traders. — Small quantity of Cal ico. — Silk. — Woolen Cloth. — Beads. — Sugar. — Fire-arms. — Razors. — Arab Dresses. — Copper. — The Shells and the Dollar. — Markets of Kand. — Revenues. — Administration. — The Conquering Tribe Page 489 \ CHAPTER XXVI. \ STARTING FOR KUKAWA. THE FR0NTI1 ',DISTRICT. Leaving Kand quite by myself. — My Trooper. — Get off 1. \r. — Domestic Slavery. — Gezawa. — My runaway Servant, 'Abd Allah. — The St yif and his Attendants. — Mules in Negroland. — Kuka Mairuwa. — Insecurity.- 'Scarcity of Water.— Natron-trade. — Endurance and Privations of the Travelt \. — Arrival at Gerki. — Take leave of Hausa. — Gummel. — House-building. — -Antidote. — Market at Gummel. — Magnitude of Bdri. — Two Spanish Dollars. — Depart from Gummel. — Benzari. — The Rebel Chief, Bokhari. — His Exploits. — The Governor of Ma- shena. — Letter-carrier's Mistake. — Curious Talisman. — Manga Warriors. — Wuelleri. — Scarcity of Water again. — Town of Mashena. — State of the Coun try. — Cheerful out-of-the-way Place. — A'lamay. — Biindi and the Ghaladima. — The Karda. — Route from Kand to A'lamay by way of Khadeja 525 CHAPTER XXVII. BORNU PROPER. Intercourse. — Change of Life in Negroland. — Region of the Dum-palm. — The Kuri Ox. — The River Wani. — Enter Bdrnu Proper. — Zurrikuld. — News of the Death of Mr. Richardson. — Sandy Downs. — Deffowa. — Industry. — The stray Camel. — Town of Wadi. — Good Market and no Provisions. — Hospitable Treat ment. — The Banks of the Wani. — Locusts and Hawks. — Nguriituwa ; Grave of Mr. Richardson.— The Tawarek again.— Alaune.— The Jungles of the Ko- madugu.— Ruins of Ghambaru. — A Forest Encampment. — Nomadic Herds men.— Abundance of Milk.— Ford of the Komadugu.— Native Ferry-boats.— Kher-A'lla, the Border-warfarer. — Changing Guides. — The runaway Horse — A Domestic Quarrrel 558 CONTENTS. XXV CHAPTER XXVni. ARRIVAL IN KUKAW A. . Peculiar Character of the Alluvial Plains of Bdrnu. — The attentive Woman.— Entrance into Kiikawa. — Servants of the Mission. — Debts of the Mission. Interview with the Vizier. — Sheikh 'Omar.— Mr. Richardson's Property. — Amicable Arrangements Page 587 APPENDIX. Page I. Route from A'gades to Sdkoto 599 H. Route from A'gades to Maradi, according to the Information of the Kel-geres Gojeri and his Companion Ghaser 600 IH. Itinerary from A'gades to Damerghu, according to various Informants. 600 IV. Route from A'gades to Bilma, according to the E'mgedesi E'deri 601 V. Route from A'gades to Tawat, according to 'Abd- Alia 602 VI. Route from A'gades to the Hillet e' Sheikh Sidi el Mukhtar in Azawad, according to the Kel-ferwan Baina 606 VII. Quarters of the Town of Katsena 608 VIII. Chief Places in the Province of Katsena 609 LX. Chief Places in the Province of Kand, and Routes diverging from Kano in various Directions, principally toward the South 609 X. Collection of Itineraries passing through the various Districts of A'da- mawa 626 XI. Fragments of a Meteorological Register 651 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN < THE FIEST VOLUME. Page General Map of Africa to face Preface. Aiideras Frontispiece. Picturesque Fountain 47 Wadi Welad 'All 49 General View of Enshed e' Sufet 53 The Monument 54 Kasr Ghurian and W. Rummana 65 Aboriginal Structures 72 Kasr Ddga 80 Another pair of Pillars, with Slab and Sculpture of a Dog 82 Curious Sculpture 86 General View of Mizda ". 101 Mizda 103 Kasr Khafaije 'Aamer 106 Ruins of Christian Church 108 Two Capitals 108, 109 Ground-plan HO Roman Sepulchre in Wadi Talha Ill Roman Sepulchre in Wadi Tagije 114 Roman Sepulchre at Taboniye 119 Gateway of Roman Station at Ghariya 121 Ground-plan of Station 123 ElHasi 131 E'deri 1 137 Encampment at Ugrefe 143 Roman Sepulchre near Jerma (Garama) 145 Miirzuk 153 Ground-plan of Miirzu'-, 155 Tigger-urti'n \. 159 Encampment at Tesen Hatita on his Camel.. First Sculpture of Tel ak 169 173 ;he (two deities) 174 Telisaghe ." 175 Herd of Bulls 179 Bull jumping into a Ring 179 Mount I'dinen jg7 Ground-plan of Quarters at Ghat 194 Ghat 205 The Mountain Pass 215 ILLUSTRATIONS. xxvii Page Pond in Valley E'geri 216 E'geri 217 Mount Tiska ....'. 222 Picturesque Peak 228 Mountain Ridge near Ardkam 229 Indented Ridge 230 Stratified Mount 234 Mountain Group 245 View of Mountain Chains .% 246 Mountains of Tidik 257 Mount Kadammellet 258 Mountains of Seliifiet 264 Valley of Fddet 270 Tintellust 274 Mount Chereka and Eghellal 302 Mount Chereka, from another side 302 Mountain Chain 304 Deep Chasm of Mount Eghellal 304 Mount A'gata 305 Mount Belasega 306 Valley Tiggeda ." 307 Distinguished Mount 312 Audience Hall of Chief of A'gades 320 Mohammed Bdro's House 322 A Leather Box 323 A'gades * 326 Two Native Spoons 331 Ground-plan of a House 350 Another Ground-plan 352 View of the High Watch-tower 355 Ground-plan of A'gades 372 Encampment in Tin-teggana 381 Mount Mari, in profile 393 Mount Mari, in front 394 Mount Baghzen, from the east side 397 Corn-stack 427 Negro Stirrup 454 Ground-plan of the town of Katsena 477 Ground-plan of the Town of Kano 496 Dagger and Scabbard .' 498 Kand from Mount Dala : '. 500 Ground-plan of my House in Kano 509 Guinea-fowl Shirt 513 Sandals 513 Leather Pocket 514 Hen-house 565 Dendal in Kiikawa 590 TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES AFRICA. CHAPTER I. FROM TUNIS TO TRIPOLI. Mr. Richardson was waiting in Paris for dispatches when Mr. Overweg and I reached Tunis, by way of Philippeville and Bona, on the 15th of December, 1849 ; and having, through the kind interference of Mr. Ferrier, the British vice-consul, been allowed to enter the town after six days' quarantine, we began immediately to provide ourselves with articles of dress, while, in the mean time, we took most interesting daily rides to the site of ancient Carthage. Having procured many useful articles for our journey, and having found a servant, the son of a freed slave from Gober, we left Tunis on the 30th of December,* and passed the first night in Hammam el Enf. Early next morning we followed the charming route by Krumbalia, which presents a no less vivid specimen of the beauty and natural fertility of the Tunisian country than of the desolate state to which it is at present re duced. We then passed the fine gardens of Turki, a narrow spot of cultivation in a wide, desolate plain of the finest soil ; and, leaving El Khwin to our right, we reached El Arb'ain. Both these places enjoy a peculiar celebrity with the natives. * I can not leave Tunis without mentioning the great interest taken in our undertaking, and the kindness shown to us by M. le Baron Theis, the French consul. 30 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. El Khiwn is said to have been once a populous place, but nearly all its inhabitants were destroyed by a spring of bituminous water, which, according to tradition, afterward disappeared. El Arb'ain, the locality of the "forty" martyrs, is a holy place, and 'Ali, our muleteer, in his pious zeal, took up a handful of the sacred earth and sprinkled it over us. It is a most pictur esque spot. Keeping then along the wild plain covered with a thick underwood of myrtle, we beheld in the distance the highly picturesque and beautiful Mount Zaghwan, the Holy Mount ain of the ancient inhabitants, which rose in a majestic form, and we at length reached Bir el buwita, " the well of the httle closet," at one o'clock in the afternoon. The "little closet," however, had given place to a most decent-looking whitewashed khan, where we took up our quarters in a clean room. But our buoyant spirits did not allow us long repose, and a quarter be fore eleven at night we were again on our mules. I shall never forget this, the last night of the year 1849, which opened to us a new era with many ordeals, and by our endurance of which we were to render ourselves worthy of suc cess. There were, besides ourselves, our servants, and our two muleteers, four horsemen of the Bey, and three natives from Jirbi .* When midnight came, my fellow-traveler and I saluted the new year with enthusiasm, and with a cordial shake of the hand wished each other joy. Our Mohammedan companions were greatly pleased when they were informed of the reason of our congratulating each other, and wished us all possible suc cess for the new year. We had also reason to be pleased with them, for by their not inharmonious songs they relieved the fa tigue of a long, sleepless, and excessively cold night. Having made a short halt under the olive-trees at the side of the dilapidated town of Herkla, and taken a morsel of bread, we moved on with our poor animals without interruption till half an hour after noon, when we reached the funduk (or cara vanserai) Sidi Bu J'afer,*near Susa, where we took up our quar- * The town presented quite the same desolate character which I have de scribed in my former journey, with the single exception that a new gate had since been built. Several statues had been brought from Medinet Ziyan. THE FIRST START. 31 ters, in order to be able to start again at night, the gates of the town being kept shut till morning. Starting before three o'clock in the morning, we were exactly twelve hours in reaching El Jem, with the famous Castle of the Prophetess, still one of the most splendid monuments of Roman greatness, overhanging the most shabby hovels of Mo hammedan indifference. On the way we had a fine view, toward the west, of the picturesque Jebel Trutsa, along the foot of which I had passed on my former wanderings, and of the wide, outstretching Jebel Useleet. Another ride of twelve hours brought us, on the 3d of Janu ary, 1850, to Sfakes, where we were obliged to take up our quarters in the town, as our land journey was here at an end, and we were to procure a vessel to carry us either direct to Tripoli, or to some other point on the opposite side of the Less er Syrtis. The journey by land is not only expensive, partic ularly for people who are encumbered with a good deal of lug gage, as we then were, and very long and tedious, but is also very unsafe, as I found from experience on my former journey. The island of Jirbi, which forms the natural station of the mar itime intercourse between the regency of Tunis and that of Tripoli, had been put under the strictest rules of quarantine, rather from political considerations than from those of health, all intercourse with the main land having been cut off. It was, therefore, with great difficulty that we succeeded in hiring a " gareb" to carry us to Zwara, in which we embarked in the forenoon of Saturday, the 5th of January. During our two days' stay in Sfakes, we made the acquaint ance of a Jew calling himself Baranes, but who is, in truth, the Jew servant who accompanied Denham and Clapperton, and is several times mentioned in the narrative of those enterprising travelers as self-conceited and stubborn; yet he seems to be rather a clever fellow, and in some way or other contrives to be on the best terms with the governor. He communicated to us many anecdotes of the former expedition, and, among other things, a very mysterious history of a Danish traveler in dis guise, whom they met in Borno, coming all the way from Dar- 32 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Fur through Wadai. There is not the least mention of such a meeting in the journal of the expedition, nor has such an achievement of a European traveler ever been heard of; and I can scarcely believe the truth of this story, though the Jew was quite positive about it. The vessel in which we embarked was as miserable as it could be, there being only a small low cabin as high as a dog-kennel, and measuring, in its greatest width, from six to seven feet, where I and my companion were to pass the night. We thought that a run of forty-eight hours, at the utmost, would carry us across the gulf; but the winds in the Lesser Syrtis are extreme ly uncertain, and sometimes so violent that a little vessel is obliged to run along the coast. At first we went on tolerably well ; but the wind soon he- came unfavorable, and in the evening we were obliged to cast anchor opposite Nekta, and, to our despair, were kept there till the afternoon of Tuesday, when at length we were enabled to go forward in our frail little shell, and reached Meheres — not Sidi Meheres, as it is generally called in the maps — in the darkness of night. Having made up our minds rather to risk any thing than to be longer immured in such a desperate dungeon as our gareb, we went on shore early on Wednesday morning with all our things, but were not able to conclude a bargain with some Bedowin of the tribe of the Leffet, who were watering their cam els at the well. The majestic ruins of a large castle, fortified at each corner with a round tower, give the place a picturesque appearance from the sea-side. This castle is well known to be a structure of the time of Ibrahim the Aghlabite. In the midst of the ruins is a small mosque. But notwithstanding the ruinous state of the place, and the desolate condition of its plantations, there is still a little industry going on, consoling to the beholder in the midst of the devastation to which the fine province of Byzacium, once the garden of Carthage, is at present reduced. Several people were busily employed in the little market-place making mats ; and in the houses looms, weaving baracans, were seen in activity. But all around, the country presented a frightful scene of desolation, LITTLE PROGRESS. 33 there being no object to divert the eye but the apparently sep arate cones of Mount Wuedran, far in the distance to the west, said to be very rich in sheep. The officer who is stationed here, and who showed us much kindness, furnishing us with some excellent red radishes of extraordinary size, the only lux ury which the village affords, told us that not less than five hundred soldiers are quartered upon this part of the coast. On my former journey I had ample opportunity to observe how the Tunisian soldiery eat up the little which has been left to the peaceable inhabitants of this most beautiful but most unfortu nate country. Having spent two days and two nights in this miserable place without being able to obtain camels, we resolved to try the sea once more, in the morning of the 11th, when the wind became northerly ; but before the low-water allowed us to go on board, the wind again changed, so that, when we at length got under weigh in the afternoon, we could only move on with short tacks. But our captain, protected as he was by the Promontory of Me heres, dared to enter the open gulf. Quantities of large fish in a dying state, as is often the case in this shallow water when the wind has been high, were drifting round our boat. The sun was setting when we at length doubled the promon tory of Kasr Unga, which we had already clearly distinguished on the 8th. However, we had now overcome the worst ; and when, on the following morning, I emerged from our suffocating berth, I saw, to my great delight, that we were in the midst of the gulf, having left the coast far behind us. I now heard from our rais that, instead of coasting as far as Tarf el ma ("the border of the water"), a famous locality in the innermost comer of the Lesser Syrtis, which seems to preserve the memory of the former connection between the gulf and the great Sebkha or Shot el Kebir (the " palus Tritonis"), he had been so bold as to keep his little bark straight upon the channel of Jirbi. Our voyage now became interesting ; for while we were ad vancing at a fair rate, we had a charming view of the mountain range, which in clear contours extended along in the distance behind the date-groves on the coast, seen only in faint outlines. Vol. I.— C 34 TRAVELS TN AFRICA. The western part of the chain is very low, and forms almost a group apart, but after having been intersected by a gap or " gate," the chain rises to greater elevation, being divided, as it would seem from hence, into three separate ranges inclosing fine valleys. We had hoped to cross the difficult channel to-day ; but the wind failing, we were obliged to anchor and await the daylight, for it is not possible to traverse the straits in the night, on ac count of their extreme shallowness. Even in the light of the following day, when we. at length succeeded, our little bark, which drew only two or three feet, struck twice, and we had some trouble to get afloat again. On the conspicuous and ele vated promontory the " Jurf," or "Tarf el jurf," stood in ancient times a temple of Venus, the hospitable goddess of the naviga tor. Here on my former journey I crossed with my horses over from the main to the island of Jirbi, while from the water I had now a better opportunity of observing the picturesque character of the rugged promontory. After traversing the shallow basin or widening, we crossed the second narrowing, where the castles which defended the bridge or "kantara," the "pons Zitha" of the Romans, now lie in ruins on the main as well as on the isl and, and greatly obstruct the passage, the difficulty of which has obtained celebrity from contests between Islam and Christianity in comparatively modern times. Having passed safely through this difficult channel, we kept steadily on through the open sea ; and doubling Ras M'amura, near to which our captain had a little date-grove and was cheer fully saluted by his family and friends, we at length entered the harbor of Zarzis late in the afternoon of Sunday, and with some trouble got all our luggage carried into the village, which is sit uated at some distance ; for, although we had the worst part of the land journey now before us, the border district of the two regencies, with the unsafe state of which I was well acquainted from my former journey, and although we were insufficiently armed, we were disposed to endure any thing rather than the imprisonment to which we were doomed in such a vessel as our Mohammed's gareb. I think, however, that this nine days' sail OUR COMPANIONS. 35 between Sfakes and Zarzis, a distance of less than a hundred and twenty miles, was, on the whole, a very fair trial in the be ginning of an undertaking the success of which was mainly de pendent upon patience and resolute endurance. We were rather fortunate in not only soon obtaining tolerable quarters, but also in arranging without delay our departure for the following day, by hiring two horses and three camels. Zarzis consists of five separate villages — Kasr Bu Ali, Kasr Mwanza, Kasr Welad Mohammed, Kasr Welad S'aid, and Kasr Zawiya ; the Bedowin in the neighborhood belong to the tribe of the Akara. The plantation also is formed into separate date- groves. The houses are in tolerable repair and neatly white washed ; but the character of order and well-being is neutralized by a good many houses in decay. Near the place there are also soma Roman ruins, especially a cistern of very great length ; and at some distance is the site of Medinet Ziyan, of which I have given a description in the narrative of my former jour ney. Besides the eight men attached to our five animals, we were joined here by four pilgrims and three Tripolitan traders ; we thus made up a numerous body, armed with eight muskets, three blunderbusses, and fourteen pistols, besides several straight swords, and could venture upon the rather unsafe road to the south of the Lake of Biban, though it would have been far more agreeable to have a few trustworthy people to rely on instead of these turbulent companions. Entering soon, behind the plantation of Zarzis, a long narrow sebkha, we were struck by the sterile and desolate character of the country, which was only interrupted by a few small depressed localities, where a little corn was cultivated. Keeping along this tract of country, we reached the northwestern corner of the Lake of Biban, or Baheret el Biban, after a little more than eight miles. This corner has, even at the present day, the common name of Khashm el kelb (the Dog's Nose), while the former classical name of the whole lake, Sebakh el kelab, was only known to Tayyef, the more learned of my guides, who, without being questioned by me, observed that in former times towns 36 TRAVELS TN AFRICA. and rich corn-fields had been where the lake now is, but had been swallowed up by a sinking of the ground. The real basin has certainly nothing in common with a sebk- ha, which means a shallow hollow, incrusted with salt, which at times is dry and at others forms a pool ; for it is a deep gulf or fiord of the sea, with which it is connected only by a narrow channel called Wad mt'a el Biban. The nature of a sebkha be longs at present only to its shores, chiefly to the locality called Makhada, which, indenting the country to a great distance, is sometimes very difficult to pass, and must be turned by a wide circuitous path, which is greatly feared on account of the neigh borhood of the Uderna, a tribe famous for its highway robber ies. Having traversed the Makhada (which at present was dry) without any difficulty, we entered upon good arable soil, and en camped, after sunset, at about half a mile distance from a Bed- owin encampment. January 15th. Starting from here the following day, we soon became aware that the country was not so thinly inhabited as we had thought ; for numerous herds covered the rich pasture- grounds, while droves of gazelles, now and then, attested that the industry of man did not encroach here upon the freedom of the various orders of creation. Leaving the path near the ruins of a small building situated upon a hill, I went with Tayyef and the Khalifa to visit the ruins of a Roman station on the border of the Bahera, which, under the name of El Medaina, has a great fame among the neighboring tribes, but which, with a single ex ception, are of small extent and bad workmanship. This ex ception is the quay, which is not only of interest in itself, formed as it is of regularly-hewn stones, in good repair, but of import ance as an evident proof that the lake was much deeper in an cient times than it is now. Traversing from this spot the sebkha, which our companions had gone round, we soon overtook them, and kept over fine pas ture-grounds called El Fehen, and further on, Sullub, passing, a little after noon, a group of ruins near the shore, called Kitfi el hamar. At two o'clock in the afternoon we had directly on our right a slight slope, which, according to the unanimous state- AN OLD FRIEND. 37 ment of our guides and companions, forms the magtt'a, _Jju , or frontier between the two regencies ;* and keeping along it, we encamped a-n hour afterward between the slope and the shore, which a little further on forms the deep gulf called Mirsa Bureka. January 16th. Starting at an early hour, we reached, after a march of ten miles, the ruins of a castle on the sea-shore, called Burj el Melha, to which those of a small village, likewise built of hewn stone, are joined, while a long and imposing mole call ed El Mina juts out into the gulf. Four and a half miles fur ther on we reached the conspicuous hill on the top of which is the chapel of the saint Sidi S'aid ben Salah, sometimes called Sidi Ghazi, and venerated by such of the natives as are not at tached to the Puritan sect of El Madani, of which I shall speak hereafter. All our companions went there to say a short prayer. Here we left the shore, and, having watered our animals near a well and passed the chapel of Sidi S'aid, close to which there are some ruins, we passed with expedition over fine meadows till we approached the plantation of Zowara, when, leaving Mr. Overweg and my people behind, I rode on with the Khalifa, in order to procure quarters from my former friend S'aid bu Sem- min, who, as I had heard to my great satisfaction, had been re stored to the government of that place. He had just on that very day returned from a visit of some length in the capital, and was delighted to see me again ; but he was rather astonish ed when he heard that I was about to undertake a far more dif ficult and dangerous journey than my former one along the coast, in which he well knew that I had had a very narrow es cape. However, he confided in my enterprising spirit and in the mercy of the Almighty, and thought, if any body was likely to do it, I was the man.j * This point is not without importance, as a great deal of dispute has taken place about the frontier. Having on my former journey kept close along the sea-shore, I have laid it down erroneously in the map accompanying the narra tive of that journey. t I will here correct the mistake which I made in my former narrative, when 38 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. January 11th. We had now behind us the most dreary part of our route, haying entered a district which in ancient times numbered large and wealthy cities, among which Sabratha stands foremost, and which even in the present miserable state of the country is dotted with pleasant little date-groves, inter rupted by fine pasture-grounds. In the westernmost part of this tract, however, with the exception of the plantation of Zo wara, all the date-groves, as those of Rikdaliye, Jemil, El Me- shiah, and Jenan ben Sil, lie at a considerable distance from the coast, while the country near the sea is full of sebkhas, and very monotonous, till the traveler reaches a slight ridge of sand-hills about sixteen miles east from Zowara, which is the border between the dreary province of that government and a more favored tract belonging to the government of Bu-'Ajila, and which lies a little distance inland. Most charming was the little plantation of Kasr 'alaiga, which exhibited traces of industry and improvement. Unfortunately, our horses were too weak and too much fatigued to allow us to visit the sites either of Sabratha or Pontes. The ruins of Sabratha are prop erly called Kasr 'alaiga, but the name has been applied to the whole neighborhood ; to the ancient Pontes seem to belong the ruins* of Zowara e' sherkiyeh, which are considerable. Between them lies the pretty grove of Om el halluf. About four o'clock in the afternoon we traversed the charm ing little valley called Wadi bu-harida, where we watered our horses ; and then following the camels, and passing Aserman with its little plantation, which is bordered by a long and deep sebkha, we took up our quarters for the night in an Arab en campment, which was situated in the midst of the date-grove of 'Ukbah, and presented a most picturesque appearance, the large fires throwing a magic light upon the date-trees. But there are no roses without thorns : we were unfortunately per suaded to make ourselves comfortable in an Arab tent, as we I said that Zowara is not mentioned by Arabic authors. It is certainly not ad verted to by the more celebrated and older writers, but it is mentioned by trav elers of the fourteenth century, especially by the Sheikh e' Tijani. REACH TRIPOLI. 39 had no tent of our own ; and the enormous swarms of fleas not only disturbed our night's rest, but followed us to Tripoli. AVe had a long stretch the following day to reach the capital, which we were most anxious to accomplish, as we expected Mr. Richardson would have arrived before us in consequence of our own tedious journey ; and having sent the Khalifa in advance to keep the gate open for us, we succeeded in reaching the town after an uninterrupted march of thirteen hours and a half, and were most kindly received by Mr. Crowe, her majesty's consul general, and the vice-consul, Mr. Reade, with whom I was al ready acquainted. We were surprised to find that Mr. Rich ardson had not even yet been heard of, as we expected he would come direct by way of Malta. But he did not arrive till twelve days after. Witli the assistance of Mr. Reade, we had already finished a great deal of our preparations, and would have gladly gone on at once ; but neither the boat, nor the instruments, nor the arms or tents had as yet arrived, and a great deal of pa tience was required. However, being lodged in the neat house of the former Austrian consul, close to the harbor, and which commands a charming prospect, our time passed rapidly by. On the 25th of January, Mr. Reade presented Mr. Overweg and me to Yezid Basha, the present governor, who received uS with great kindness and good feeling. On the 29th we had a pleasant meeting with Mr. Frederick Warrington on his return from Ghadames, whither he had accompanied Mr. Charles Dick son, who, on the first of January, had made his entry into that place as the first European agent and resident. Mr. F. War rington is perhaps the most amiable possible specimen of an Arabianized European. To this gentleman, whose zeal in the objects of the expedition was beyond all praise, I must be al lowed to pay my tribute as a friend. On setting out in 1850, he accompanied me as far as the Ghurian ; and on my joyful re turn in 1855 he received me in Murzuk. By the charm of friendship he certainly contributed his share to my success. 40 TRAVELS IS AFRICA. CHAPTER II. TRIPOLI. — THE PLAIN AND THE MOUNTAIN SLOPE; THE ARAB AND THE BERBER. In the Introduction I have given a rapid sketch of our jour ney from Tunis, and pointed out the causes of our delay in Tripoli. As soon as it became apparent that the preparations for our final departure for the interior would require at least a month, Mr. Overweg and I resolved to employ the interval in making a preliminary excursion through the mountainous re gion that encompasses Tripoli in a radius of from sixty to eighty miles. With this view, we hired two camels, with a driver each, and four donkeys, with a couple of men, for ourselves and our two servants, Mohammed Belal, the son of a liberated Hausa slave, and Ibrahim, a liberated Bagirmi slave, whom we had been for tunate enough to engage here ; and, through the consul's influ ence, we procured a shoush, or officer, to accompany us the whole way. Neither the instruments provided by her majesty's govern ment, nor the tents and arms, had as yet arrived. But Mr. Overweg had a good sextant, and I a good chronometer, and we were both of us provided with tolerably good compasses, thermometers, and an aneroid barometer. Mr. Frederick War rington, too, was good enough to lend us a tent. We had determined to start in the afternoon of the 4th of February, 1850, so as to pass the first night in Ghargash ; hut, meeting with delays, we did not leave the town till after sun set. We preferred encamping, therefore, in the Meshiah, a ht tle beyond the mosque, under the palm-trees, little knowing at the time what an opportunity we had lost of spending a very cheerful evening. February 5th. Soon after starting, we emerged from the AN EXCURSION. 41 palm-groves which constitute the charm of Tripoli, and contin ued our march over the rocky ground. Being a little in ad vance with the shoush, I halted to wait for the rest, when a very peculiar cry, that issued from the old Roman building on the road side, called "Kasr el Jahaliyeh," perplexed us for a mo ment. But we soon learned, to our great surprise, not unmixed with regret, that it was our kind friend Frederick Warrington, who had been waiting for us here the whole night. From the top of the ruin, which stands on an isolated rock left purposely in the midst of a quarry, there is a widely-extensive view. It apppears that, before the Arabs built the castle, this site was occupied by Roman sepulchres. A little further on we passed the stone of Sidi 'Arifa. This stone had fallen upon the head of a workman who was digging a well. The workman, so runs the legend, escaped unhurt ; and at Sidi 'Arifa's word the stone once more sprung to the surface. Further on, near the sea-shore, we passed the chapel of Sidi Salah, who is said to have drawn by magic to his feet, from the bottom of the sea, a quantity of fish ready dressed. From this point our kind friend, Mr. Frederick AVarrington, returned with his followers to the town, and we were left to our selves. We then turned off from the road, and entered the fine date-plantation of Zenztir, celebrated in the fourteenth century as one of the finest districts of Barbary, by the Sheikh e' Tija- ni, passing by a great magazine of corn, and a mouldering clay- built castle, in which were quartered a body of horsemen of the Urshefana. Fine olive-trees pleasingly alternated with the palm-grove, while the borders of the broad sandy paths were neatly fenced with the Cactus qpuntia. Having passed our former place of encampment in Sayada, we were agreeably sur prised to see at the western end of the plantation a few new gar dens in course of formation; for there is a tax, levied not on the produce of the tree, but on the tree itself, which naturally stands in the way of new plantations. Having halted for a short time at noon near the little oasis of Sidi Ghar, where the ground was beautifully adorned with a profusion of lilies ; and having passed Jedaim, we encamped 42 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. toward evening in the wide court-yard of the Kasr Gamuda, where we were kindly received by the Kaimakam Mustapha Bey, whom I was providentially destined to meet twice again, viz., on my outset from and on my final return to Fezzan. The whole plantation of Zawiya, of which Gamuda forms a part, is said to contain a hundred and thirty thousand palm-trees. Ibrahim gave me an interesting account to-day of Negroland. Though a native of Bagirmi, he had rambled much about Man- dara, and spoke enthusiastically of the large and strong mount ain town Karawa, his report of which I afterward found quite true ; of the town of Mendif, situated at the foot of the great mountain of the same name ; and of Mora, which he represent ed as very unsafe on account of bands of robbers — a report which has been entirely confirmed by Mr. Vogel. Our chief in terest at that time was concentrated upon Mandara, which was then supposed to be the beginning of the mountainous zone of Central Africa. Wednesday, February 6th. While the camels were pursuing the direct track, we ourselves, leaving our former road, which was parallel to the sea-coast, and turning gradually toward the south, made a circuit through the plantation, in order to procure a supply of dates and corn, as we were about to enter on the zone of nomadic existence. The morning was very fine, and the ride pleasant. But we had hardly left the plantation, when we exchanged the firm turf for deep sand-hills, which were broken further on by a more favored soil, where melons were cultivated in great plenty ; and again, about four miles beyond the plantation, the country once more assumed a genial aspect. I heard that many of the inhabitants of Zawiya habitually ex change every summer their more solid town residences for light er dwellings here in the open air. A little before noon we ob tained a fine view over the diversified outlines of the mountains before us. In the plain there are many favored spots bearing corn, par ticularly the country at the foot of Mount M'amura, which forms a very conspicuous object from every side. As we advanced further, the country became well inhabited, and every where, at ARAB ENCAMPMENTS. 43 some distance from the path, were seen encampments of the tribe of the Belasa, who occupy all the grounds between the Urshefana and the Bu-'Ajila, while the Urjimma, a tribe quite distinct from the Urghamma, have their settlements S. W., be tween the Nuwayil and the Bu-'Ajila. All these Arabs here about provide themselves with water from the well Nur e' din, which we left at some distance on our left. The encampment near which we pitched our tent in the even ing belonged to the chief of the Belasa, and consisted of seven tents, close to the slope of a small hilly chain. We had scarce ly pitched our tent when rain set in, accompanied by a chilly current of air, which made the encampment rather uncomfort able. The chief, Mohammed Chelebi, brought us, in the even ing, some bazin, the common dish of the Arab of Tripoli. We wanted to regale him with coffee, but, being afraid of touching the hot drink, and perhaps suspicious of poison, he ran away. Thursday, February 1th. Continuing our march southward through the fine and slightly undulating district of El Habl, where water is found in several wells, at the depth of from fif teen to sixteen fathoms, we gradually approached the mountain chain. The strong wind, which filled the whole air with sand, prevented us from obtaining a very interesting view from a con siderable eminence called El Ghunna, the terminating and cul minating point of a small chain of hills which we ascended. For the same reason, when I and Ibrahim, after lingering some time on this interesting spot, started after our camels, we lost our way entirely, the tracks of our little caravan being totally effaced, and no path traceable over the undulating sandy ground. At length we reached firmer grassy soil, and, falling in with the path, overtook our people at the "Bir el Ghanem." Hence we went straight toward the slope of the mountains, and, after, a little more than an hour's march, reached the first advanced hill of the chain, and began to enter on it by going up one of the wadis which open from its flanks. It takes its name from the ethel {Tamarix orientalis), which here and there breaks the monotony of the scene, and gradually widens to a consider able plain bounded by majestic ridges. From this plain we de- 44 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. scended into the deep and rugged ravine of the large Wadi Sheikh, the abrupt cliffs of which presented to view beautiful layers of red and white sandstone, with a lower horizontal layer of limestone, and we looked out for a well-sheltered place, as the cold wind was very disagreeable. The wadi has its name from its vicinity to the chapel, or zawiya, of the Merabet Bu-Mati, to which is attached a large school. Friday, February 8th. On setting out from this hollow we ascended the other side, and soon obtained an interesting view of the varied outlines of the mountains before us, with several half-deserted castles of the Arab Middle Ages on the summits of the hills. The castle of the Welad Merabetin, used by the neighboring tribes chiefly as a granary, has been twice destroy ed by the Turks ; but on the occasion of nuptial festivities, the Arabs, in conformity with ancient usage, still fire their muskets from above the castle. The inhabitants of these mountains, who have a strong feeling of liberty, cling to their ancient cus toms with great fondness. We descended again into Wadi Sheikh, which, winding round, crossed our path once more. The regular layers of lime stone, which present a good many fossils, with here and there a layer of marl, form here, during heavy rains, a pretty little cascade at the foot of the cliffs. We lost much time by getting entangled in a branch of the wadi, which had no outlet, but ex hibited the wild scenery of a glen, worn by the torrents which occasionally rush down the abrupt rocky cliffs. Having regain ed the direct road, we had to cross a third time the Wadi Sheikh at the point where it is joined by the Wadi Ginna, or Gilla, which also we crossed a little further on. In the fertile zone along the coast, the monotony of the palm-groves becomes almost fatiguing ; but here we were much gratified at the sight of the first group of date-trees, which was succeeded -by others, and even by a small orchard of fig-trees. Here, as we began to ascend the elevated and abrupt eastern cliffs of the valley, which at first offer only a few patches of cultivated plateau, succeeded further on by olive-trees, a fine view opened before us, extend ing to the S.E. as far as the famous Roman monument called TURKISH STRONGHOLD. 45 Enshed e' Sufet, which is very conspicuous. Having waited here for our camels, we reached the first village, whose name, "Ta-smeraye," bears, like that of many others, indubitable proof that the inhabitants of these mountainous districts belong originally to the Berber race, though at present only a few of them speak their native tongue. These people had formerly a pleasant and comfortable abode in this quarter, but having fre quently revolted against the Turks, they have been greatly re duced, and their villages at present look like so many heaps of ruins. * Having passed some other hamlets in a similar state of decay, and still going through a pleasant but rather arid country, we reached the oppressor's stronghold, the " Kasr il Jebel," as it is generally called, although this part of the mountains bears the special name of Yefren. It lies on the very edge of the steep rocky cliffs, and affords an extensive view over the plain. But, though standing in a commanding position, it is itself com manded by a small eminence a few hundred yards eastward, where there was once a large quadrangular structure, now in ruins. The castle, which at the time of our visit was the chief in strument in the hands of the Turks for overawing the mount aineers, contained a garrison of four hundred soldiers. It has only one bastion with three guns, at the southern corner, and was found by Mr. Overweg to be 2150 feet above the level of the sea. The high cliffs inclosing the valley are most beauti fully and regularly stratified in layers of gypsum and limestone; and a man may walk almost round the whole circumference of the ravine on the same layer of the latter stone, which has been left bare — the gypsum, of frailer texture, having been carried away by the torrents of rain which rush violently down the steep descent. From the little eminence above mentioned there is a commanding view over the valleys and the high plain to ward the south. After our tent had been pitched we received a visit from Haj Rashid, the Kaimakam or governor, who is reckoned the second person in the Bashalik, and has the whole district from Zwara 46 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. as far as Ghadames toward the S.W., and the Tarhona toward the S.E., under his military command. His salary is 4600 mahhbubs annually, or about £720. He had previously been Basha of Adana, in Cilicia ; and we indulged, to our mutual gratification, in reminiscences of Asia Minor. Saturday, February 9th. Early in the morning I walked to a higher eminence at some distance eastward from the castle, which had attracted my attention the day before. This con spicuous hill also was formerly crowned with a tower or small castle ; but nothing but a solitary rustic dwelling now enlivens the solitude. The view was very extensive, but the strong wind did not allow of exact compass observations. While my com panion remained near the castle, engaged in his geological re- . searches, I agreed with our shoush and a Zintani lad whom I accidentally met here, and who, on our journey to Fezzan, proved very useful, to undertake a longer excursion toward the west, in order to see something more of this interesting and diversified slope of the plateau. I was anxious to visit a place called Ta-gherbvist, situated on the north side of the castle, along the slope of a ravine which runs westward into the valley ; accordingly, on leaving the site of our encampment, we deviated at first a little northward. Ta-gherbust is said to have been a rich and important place in former times. Some of its inhabitants possessed as many as ten slaves ; but at present it is a heap of ruins, with scarcely twenty- five inhabited houses. From hence, turning southward, we de scended gradually along the steep slope, while above our heads the cliffs rose in picturesque majesty, beautifully adorned hy scattered date-trees, which, at every level spot, sprung forth from the rocky ground, and gave to the whole scene a very charming character. A fountain which gushed out from a cavern on a little terrace at the foot of the precipice, and fed a handsome group of date-trees, was one of the most beautiful objects that can be imagined. The Turks, two years ago, made a small path leading direct ly down from the castle to this fountain, which supplies them with water. After sketching this beautiful spot while the ani- BERBER SETTLEMENTS. 47 mais were watering, we followed a more gradual descent into the valley of El Ghasas, which herewith a rough level, widens to a plain, while its upper or southern part, called Wadi Rumiye, forms a very narrow and picturesque ravine. We then contin ued our march in a westerly direction, having on our right the plain extending, with slight undulations, toward the sea, and on our left the majestic offshoots of the plateau jutting into the plain like vast promontories, with a general elevation of two thousand feet. This grand feature is evidently due to the wa ters which, in ancient times, must have rushed down the slope of the plateau in mighty streams. At present, the chief charac ter of the country is aridity. On asking my guide whether great torrents are not still occasionally formed along those ravines strong enough to reach the sea, he replied, that once only — forty-four years ago — such a torrent was formed, which, passing by Zenzur, gave a red color to the sea as far as the island of Jirbi. He also informed me that, in general, all the waters of the ridge joined the Wadi Haera.™ * I can scarcely believe this to be correct ; for all the water descending from the Jebel Yefren evidently joins the little wadi which runs on the east side of 48 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. On our left, in the valley Khalaifa, a group of date-trees, fed by an abundant spring, called 'Ain el Wuaniye, forms a con spicuous and interesting object ; while, in general, these valleys or ravines exhibit, besides small brushwood, only trees of the siddre {Rhamnus nabeca), jari, and batum tribe. The batum- tree (Pistacia Atlantica) produces the fruit called gattif, which is used by the Arabs for a great variety of purposes. Small brushwood or gandul, also, and various sorts of herbage, such as sebot, shedide, and sh'ade, enliven the ground. As we advanced, we changed our direction gradually to the southwest, and entered the mountainous region. On our right there extended far into the plain a steep, narrow promontory, which had served as a natural fortress to the mountaineers in the last war with the Turks ; but no water being found near it, its occupants were soon reduced to extremities. Having gone round the last promontory on our left, we entered the picturesque valley "Welad 'Ali," once adorned with orchards and groves of date-trees, but at present reduced to a desolate wilderness, only a few neglected fig-trees and scattered palms still remaining to prove how different the condition of this spot might be. After we had commenced our ascent along the side of the ravine, in order to return upon the level of the plateau, we made a short halt near a cluster of about eighty date-trees, where I made the sketch of the accompanying view. But the ascent became ex tremely steep, especially near the middle of the slope, where the water, rushing down in cascades, has laid bare the limestone rock, and formed a sort of terrace. Here, on the east side of the cascade, is a spring in a well, called 'Ain el Gatar mt'a We lad 'Ali. On both of the summits overlooking the slope are two villages of the Riaina, the eastern one a little larger than the other, but at present not containing more than about thirty stone-built cottages. In both we tried in vain to buy a little barley for our cattle, as we knew not whether, at our halting- place for the night, we might be able to obtain any ; but we got Zwara (Zwara el Gharbiye). I am sure that he spoke of the torrents descending from the Ghurian, which, without doubt, join the Wadi Haera, and, if very exu berant, will reach the sea at Zenziir. Vol. L— D KHALATFA.— BEAUTIFUL RAVINE. 51 plenty of dried figs for ourselves. This slope, with its ravines and valleys, might certainly produce a very considerable quan tity of fruit ; and in this respect it resembles in character that of the so-called Kabylia in Algiers. The rearing of fruit-trees seems to be a favorite occupation of the Berber race, even in the more favored spots of the Great Desert. Continuing our march on the summit of the plateau, we reach ed the village Kasr Shelluf, which exhibited far greater opulence, as it had escaped being ransacked by the Turks in the last war. Most probably in consequence of this circumstance, its inhabit ants are more hospitably disposed than those of Riaina ; but the cave or cellar in which they wanted to lodge me had nothing very attractive for a night's quarters, so that I urged my two companions onward. Having continued our southwesterly di rection for a while, and passed another village, we thought it safer to turn our steps eastward, and took the direction of the zawiya or convent situated on the summit of the promontory ; but when we reached it, just after dusk, the masters or teachers of the young men, who are sent to this holy place for education, refused to admit us for the night, so that we were obliged to go on and try to reach one of the five villages of Khalaifa. At length, after a very difficult descent down the steep rocky slope in the dark, we succeeded in reaching the principal village, and, after some negotiation, occasioned by the absence of the Kaid Bel Kasem, who is chief of the Khalaifa as well as of the Wuerje, we at length obtained admission, and even something to eat, my companions (rather against my will) representing me as a Turk. Sunday, February 10th. Our route on leaving the village was very pleasant, winding round the sloping sides of several ravines, among which that formed by the rivulet Wuaniye, and adorned with date-trees, was the most beautiful. Ascending gradually, we reached again the level of the plateau, and obtained an ex tensive prospect, with the remarkable monument Enshed e' Su fet as a conspicuous and attractive landmark in the distance. The elevated level had a slight undulation, and was clothed with halfa (Cynosurus durus) and gedim. However, we did not long continue on it, but descended into the well-irrigated valley Ru- 52 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. miye, which is extremely fertile, but also extremely unhealthy, and notorious for its fevers. The beauty of the scenery, enliv ened as it is by a considerable torrent foaming along the ravine, and feeding luxuriant clusters of palm, pomegranate, fig, and apricot trees, surpassed my expectation. Having kept a while along this picturesque ravine, we ascend ed its eastern side, and then followed the very edge of the steep directly for the castle ; but, before reaching our tent, we were obliged to cross a deep branch of the ravine. There was some little activity to-day about the castle, it being the market-day ; but the market was really miserable, and the Turkish troops, exercising outside the castle, could ill supply the want of na tional welfare and prosperity. If a just and humane treatment were guaranteed to these tribes, even under a foreign rule, the country might still enjoy plenty and happiness. Most of the tribes westward from the Riaina — namely, the Zintan, who for merly were very powerful, and even at present hold some pos sessions as far as Fezzan, the Rujban, the Fissatu, the Welad Shebel, the Selemat, the Arhebat, the Heraba, the Genaf id, the Kabaw, and the Nalud, belong to the Berber race. With regard to the westernmost of these tribes, M. Prax, on his way to Tug- gurt, has obtained some new information. After a friendly parting from the Kaimakam, we broke up om encampment near the kasr, in the afternoon, in order to continue . our tour eastward along the varied border of the plateau, under the guidance of a faithful black servant of the governor, whose name was Barka. Having passed several smaller villages, we reached Um e' Zerzan, a considerable village, situated on a round hill in the midst of a valley, ornamented with fine olive-trees, and surrounded by fine orchards. Um e' Zerzan is well known among the mountaineers as a centre of rebellion. The whole neighborhood is full of reminiscences of the late war, and about two miles in the rear of the village are the remains of strong walls called el Mataris, behind which the Arabs made some stand against the Turks. Having passed a solitary rustic dwell ing surrounded with a thriving olive plantation, we reached the ruins of a castle or village from which the Roman sepulchre, UM E ZERZAN. 53 known among the Arabs by the name Enshed e' Sufet burst suddenly upon our view. Monday, February 11th. After an extremely cold night on this high, rocky ground, the thermometer in the morning indi cating only 5° above freezing-point, with the dawn of day I mounted the hill opposite to the monument, commanding an ex tensive view.* It was a level table-land, uninterrupted by any higher eminence ; but the landscape seemed to me highly char acteristic, and I made a sketch of it. Upon this hill there was formerly a castle built of hewn stone. The foundation walls, which are still traceable, show that it faced the east, the eastern and the western sides measuring each 57 ft. 8 in., the northern and southern not more than 54 ft. On the eastern side there was a strong outwork protecting the gate, and measuring 16 ft. 11 in. on the north and south sides, and 12 ft. 1 in. on the east side, where there was a large gate 9 ft. 1 in. wide. This outwork juts off from the castle at 17 ft. 6 in. * Mr. Overweg, who made a hypsometrical observation by boiling water, found the elevation of this spot just the same as that of Mount Tekiit, viz., 2800 feet. 54 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. '-h I m f IIP 5b mm from the south corner. It was evidently a Roman castle ; but after the dominion of the Romans and Byzantines had passed away, the Berbers appear to have strengthened it by adding an other outwork on the west side, not, however, in the same grand ROMAN SEPULCHRE. 55 style as the Romans, but with small, irregular stones, putting bastions to the corners, and surrounding the whole castle with considerable outworks on the slope of the hill. The Roman castle has been swept away; but the Roman sepulchre is still preserved, with almost all its architectural finery, and is still regarded by the surrounding tribes with a certain awe and reverence.* It was most probably the sepul chre of a Roman commander of the castle in the time of the An- tonines ; hence, in my opinion, the name Sufet, by which the natives have distinguished it. It is certainly not a Punic mon ument, though it is well known that the Punic language was generally spoken in several towns of this region much later than the second century after Christ. The style of its architecture testifies that it belongs to the second century, but no inscrip tion remains to tell its story. This interesting monument is situated on an eminence a lit tle less elevated than that on which the castle is built, and south- westward from it. Its whole height is about 36 ft. The base or pedestal measures 16 ft. 8 £ in. on the W. and E., and 16 ft. N. and S. Its elevation varies greatly from E. to W., on ac count of the sloping ground, the eastern side measuring 3 ft. 2 in., the western 5 ft. 7 in. In the interior of this base is the sepulchral chamber, measuring 7 ft. 1 in. from N. to S., and 6 ft. 6 in. from E. to W., and remarkable for the pecuhar con struction of the roof. Upon the lowest part of the base rises a second one 15 ft. 9 in. W. and E., 14 ft. 3£ in. N. and S., and 2 ft. 1 in. high ; and on this a third one, measuring 14 ft. 7£ in. W. and E., 13 ft. 10^ in. N. and S., and 1 ft. 7 in. in height. Upon this base rose the principal part of the monument, 13 ft. 7 in. high, and measuring at its foot 13 ft. 11 J in. W. and E.,. decorated at the corners with pilasters, the feet of which measure 1 ft. If in., and * In El Bekri's time (11th century) all these Roman monuments hereabout were still the objects of adoration. "De nos jours encore, toutes les tribus ber- beres qui habitent aux- environs ofrrent a cette idole des sacrifices, lui adressent des prieres pour obtenir la guerison de leurs maladies, et lui attribuent I'accroisse ment de leurs richesses." — Notices et Extraits, vol. xii., p. 458. 5Q TRAVELS LN AFRICA. the shaft 9£ in. The moulding is handsomely decorated. Upon this principal body of the monument is constructed the upper story, about 10 feet high, decorated with pilasters of the Corin thian order. On the south and west sides the walls are plain ; but on the east side they are ornamented with a bow window inclosed with pilasters of the same order, and on the north side with a plain window running up the whole height of the body. Inside of this chamber stood, probably, the statue of the person in whose honor the monument was erected. The upper com partment has a plain moulding about four feet high, and sur mounted by a cornice. The material of this interesting monument is a very fine limestone, which, under the influence of the atmosphere, has re ceived a vivid brownish color, almost like that of travertine. It was taken from a quarry which extends all round the monument, and is full of caverns now used by shepherds as resting-places when they tend their flocks hereabouts. Our camels had already gone on some time before we parted from this solitary memorial of Roman greatness ; and after a little distance we passed the ruins of another Roman fort caUed Hanshir Hamed. The country hereabouts, forming a sort of bowl or hollow, and absorbing a great deal of moisture, is very fertile, and is also tolerably well cultivated, but after a while it becomes stony. Having here passed a village, we reached a beautiful little valley, the head of the Wadi Sheikh, which is irrigated by two springs that feed a splendid little orchard with all sorts of fruit. Here lies Swedna, a considerable village, spreading over the whole eminence, and known on account of the murder of Mohammed Efendi. As the valley divides into two branches, we followed the main wadi, and afterward crossed it where it formed a pretty brook of running water. A\^e then wound along a narrow valley overgrown with halfa and sidr, and, changing our direction, took the road to Kikla. The val ley soon became decked with olives, which gradually formed a fine plantation. This is the chief branch of industry of the in habitants, the ground being rather stony, and not so fit for grain. The district of Kikla contains numerous villages, all of which KIKLA.— WADI KERDEMIN. 57 suffered much from the last war, when a great number of people were slaughtered and their dwellings ransacked by the Turks.* Several of these villages lay in small hollows, or on the slope of ravines, and exhibited rather a melancholy appearance. After some delay, we resumed our easterly direction toward Rabda, and soon came to the .spot where the elevated ground descends abruptly into the deep and broad valley called Wadi Rabda, over which we obtained an interesting view. To the left the slope broke into a variety of cones and small mounts, among which the Tarhona — "the mill," so called from a mill that stood formerly on its summit — is remarkable for its handsome shape ; while in front of us rose an almost perpendicular cliff of limestone, on a turn of which, in a very commanding position, lies the village Jafet, inclosed and naturally defended on every side by a deep ravine. Here we commenced our descent, which took us a whole hour ; on the middle of the slope we passed a kiln for preparing gypsum. At length we reached the side val ley, which joins the main wadi on the west. It was ornament ed with a few solitary date-trees, and the beautifully shaped slopes and cones of the Tarhona were just illuminated by a striking variety of light and shade. The soil, a fertile marl, re mained uncultivated. Gradually we entered the main valley, a grand chasm of about four miles and a half in width, which has been formed by the mighty rushing of the waters downt the slope of the plateau. In its upper part it is called Wadi Ker- demin, in its lower part Wadi Sert. The industry of man might convert it into a beautiful spot ; but at present it is a desolate waste, the monotonous halfa being the only clothing of the ground. The eastern border presents a perpendicular rocky cliff about 1500 feet high, on the brink of which lies the village Misga. * These villages are as follows : Bii-Jafet, Amsir, Welad Bu-Siri, El Abaiyat, Welad Mtisa, Welad Na'am, Welad Amran, Ghurfa, Welad Si-Ammer, El Kho- dhiir, Nsii, Takban, Welad S'aid, Gujila (consisting of four separate villages), Jendiiba, Welad Bu-Musi, Msaida, El Fratsa, Shehesh, Negiir, and El Makhrug. t Compare what Captain Lyon narrates with regard to the valley of Beniulid, p. 61 of his Narrative. 58 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. The westerr border consists of a cluster of detached mounts and rocks. Among these, a black cone, which attracted Mr. Overweg's attention, was found on examination to be pure ba salt, with certain indications of former volcanic action. From beyond this remarkable cone, a mount was visible crowned with a castle. As we proceeded, the valley became enlivened by two small Arab encampments. Here we gradually obtained a view of the date-grove of Rabda, which, from the foot of the steep eastern cliffs, slopes down into the bottom of the valley, and is overtopped, in the distance, by the handsome bifurcated Mount Manterus. But Rabda was too far off to be reached before sunset ; and we encamped in the wadi, near a group of five tents inhabited by Lasaba or El Asaba Arabs, whpse chief paid us a visit and treated us with bazin, but declined tasting our coffee, probably thinking, with his fellow-chief the other day, that we were in the service of the Turks, and wanted to poison him. All the people of these regions regard strangers with suspicion. Tuesday, February 12th. Soon after we had started we en tered upon cultivated ground, the first trace of industry we had seen in this spacious valley. The eastern cliffs formed here a wide " chasm, through which a lateral valley joined the Wadi Sert. On the southern slope of this valley lies the Kasr La? saba, from which a torrent that came forth from it, and crossed our route, presented a refreshing spectacle. Emerging gradual ly from the valley, we obtained an extensive view over the plain called El Gatis. Westward, as far as the well called Bir el Ghanem, little was to be seen which could gladden the eye of the husbandman. Toward the northeast the level is interrupt ed by a small range of hills, the culminating points of which, called El Guleat and M'anmura, rise to a great elevation. Be yond this range the plain is called Shefana, the country of the Ur-shefana. At nine o'clock we reached the fine date-grove of the west ernmost village of Rabda. It is fed by a copious spring, which arrested our attention. Following it up to trace its source, we were greatly surprised to find, in the heart of some date-trees, a basin fifty feet in length and about thirty in breadth, in which RABDA. 59 the water was continually bubbling up, and sending forth a con siderable stream to spread life and cheerfulness around. The water gushed up at a temperature of 72° Fahrenheit, while that of the air was only 52°. Besides dates, a large quantity of onions is produced in this fertile spot. The village itself was in former times the residence of Hamid, a powerful Arab chieftain, wi.0 at one time ruled the whole mountainous district, but was obliged to yield to the Turks, and lives at present about Beni-Ulid, where I had to deal with him on my home journey in 1855. The groves of the two villages of Rabda are not far apart. On the northeastern side of the village are seven holy chapels called El Hararat. The eastern village lies upon a hill, over a hollow, in which spreads a date-grove, likewise fed by a spring called 'Ain Rabda e' sherkiyeh. On crossing a brook we ob tained a view of the Jebel Shehesh, which, attached to the Ta- hona, stretches a long way westward, and even El Gunna was seen faintly in the distance. Thus we approached gradually the interesting bicorn of the dark-colored Jebel Manterus, which we were bent on ascending. Alighting at the foot of the mount, near the border of a deep channel, we sent the camels on, but kept the shoush and our guide back to wait for us. It took me twenty-five minutes to reach the eastern and higher summit, on which there is the tomb of a merabet, a holy shepherd, called Sidi Bu-M'aza ; but I was disappointed in my expectation of obtaining a great extent of view, the cone of Mount Tekut and other mountains intervening. Toward the south only, a peep into the Wadi el Ugla, bordered by high cliffs, slightly reward ed me for my trouble ; and the mount itself is interesting, as it exhibits evident traces of volcanic action. I had reached the western lower cone in descending when I met my companion in his ascent, and, being anxious to overtake the camels, I started in advance of him, accompanied by the guide, along the Wadi el Ugla. But my companions did not seem to agree as to the path to be pursued, and my guide, over looking on the rocky ground the footsteps of the camels, wliich had taken the direct path to the Kasr Ghurian, wanted to take 60 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. me by the wadi, and, instead of ascending the eastern cliffs of the ravine, kept along it, where, from being narrow and rocky, the mere bed of a torrent, it widens to a pleasant, cultivated, open valley, with rich marly soil, and adorned with an olive- grove. On a hill in the centre lies the first village of the dis trict Ghurian. We had begun to leave the principal valley by a lateral open ing, when the shoush, overtaking us, led us back to the more northern and more difficult, but shorter path which our camels had taken. The ascent was very steep indeed, and the path then wound along the mountain side and across ravines, till at length we reached the olive-grove which surrounds the Kasr Ghurian; but in the dark we had some difficulty in reaching it, and still more in finding our companions, who at length, however, rejoined the party. In order to obtain something to eat, we were obliged to pay our respects to the governor, but the Turks in the castle were so suspicious that they would scarcely admit us. When at last they allowed us to slip through the gate in single file, they searched us for arms ; but the governor, having assured himself that we had no hostile intention, and that we were furnished with a letter from the basha, sent a servant to procure us a lodg ing in the homestead or housh of a man called Ibrahim, where we pitched our tent. It was then nine o'clock, and we felt quite disposed to enjoy some food and repose. Wednesday, February Yo'th. We paid a visit to the govern or, who, as well as the agha, received us with the civility usual with Turks, and, in order to do us honor, ordered the garrison, consisting of 200 men, to pass in review before us. They were good-looking men and well conditioned, though generally rather young. He then showed us the magazines, which are always kept in good order for fear of a revolt, but will be of no avail so long as the command rests with ignorant and unprincipled men. It is built on a spur of the table-land, commanding on the south and southwest side the Wadi Rummana and the high road into the interior. Toward the north the lower hilly ground intervenes between it and Mount Tekut. Having returned to our quarters, we started on foot, a little KASR TEGHRINNA. 61 after midday, on an excursion to Mo'unt Tekut, which, from its elevation and its shape, appeared to us well worth a visit. De scending the slope by the "trik tobbi," a road made by the Turks, we reached the eastern foot of the mountain, after an hour and a half's expeditious march through the village of Gwasem, and olive-groves, and over a number of subterranean dwellings. My companion went round to the south side in search of an easier ascent. I chose the cliff just above us, which, though steep, indeed, and difficult on account of scattered blocks and stones, was not very high. Having once climbed it, I had easier work, keeping along the crest, which, winding upward in a semicircle, gradually led to the highest point of the mountain, on the north side, with an absolute elevation of about 2800 feet. On the top are the ruins of a chapel of Si Ramadhan, which, I think, is very rarely visited. The crest, which has fallen in on the S.E. side, incloses a perfectly circular little plain, resem bling an amphitheatre, and called Sh'abet Tekut. The mount appears evidently to have been an active volcano in former times, yet my companion declared the rock not to be pure ba salt. The view was very extensive, and I was able to take the angles of several conspicuous points. After we had satisfied our curiosity, we descended along the northern slope, which is much more gradual, being even practicable for horses, and left the " Sh'abet" by the natural opening. Thence we returned along the path called Um e' Nekhel, which passes by the Ro man sepulchre described by Lyon in general terms,* and situ ated in a very conspicuous position. Thursday, February lUh. Accompanied by the shoush, I made an excursion in a southwesterly direction. The villages, at least those above the ground, are generally in a wretched condition and half deserted ; still the country is in a tolerable state of cultivation, saffron and olive-trees being the two staple articles of industry. Passing the little subterranean village of Shuedeya, we reached the Kasr Teghrinna, originally a Berber settlement, as its name testifies, with a strong position on a per fectly detached hill. At present the kasr, or the village on the * Lyon's Narrative, p. 30. 62 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. hill-top, is little more than a heap of ruins, inhabited only by a few families. At the northern foot of the hill a small village has recently been formed, called Menzel Teghrinna. On the west and east sides the hill is encompassed by a valley with a fine olive-grove, beyond which the Wadi el Arb'a stretches westward ; and it was by this roundabout way that my guide had intended to take^ me from Wadi el Ugla to Kasr Ghurian. Protected by the walls, I was able to take a few angles ; but the strong wind which prevailed soon made me desist. From this spot I went to the villages called Ksur Gamudi. These once formed likewise a strong place, but were entirely de stroyed in the last war, since which a new village has arisen at the foot of the rocky eminence. A few date-trees grow at the north foot of the hill, while it is well known that the palm is rare in the Ghurian. As I was taking angles from the top of the hill, the inhabitants of the village joined me, and manifested a friendly disposition, furnishing me readily with any informa tion, but giving full vent to their hatred of the Turks. As the most remarkable ruins of the time of the Jahaliyeh — or the pa gans, as the occupants of the country before the time of Moham med are called — they mentioned to me, besides Ghirze, a tower or sepulchre called Metui7je, about two days' journey S.E. ; Beluwar, another tower-like monument at less distance ; and in a S.W. direction 'Amud, a round edifice which has not yet been visited by any European. The valley at the foot of the Ksur Gamudi is watered hy several abundant springs, which once supplied nourishment for a great variety of vegetables ; but the kitchen-gardens and or chards are at present neglected, and corn alone is now cultivated as the most necessary want. The uppermost of these springs, which are stated to be six in number, is called Sma Rh'ain — not an Arabic name. Beyond, toward the south, is Jehesha, fur ther eastward Usaden, mentioned by Lyon, with a chapel, Geha with a chapel, and, going round toward the north, Shetan, and, further on, Mesufin. The country beyond Kuleba, a village forming the southern border of the Ghurian, is called Ghadama, a name evidently connected with that of Ghadames, though we HANSHIR. 63 know the latter to be at least of two thousand years' stand ing. Continuing our march through the valley N.E., and passing the village Bu-Mat and the ruined old places called Hanshir Metelili and Hanshir Jamum,* we reached the ruins of another old place called Hanshir Settara, in the centre of the olive-grove. The houses, which in general are built of small irregular stones, present a remarkable contrast to a pair of immense slabs, above ten feet long and regularly hewn, standing upright, which I at first supposed to be remnants of a large building ; but having since had a better opportunity of studying this subject, I con cluded that they were erected, like the cromlechs, for some re ligious purpose. On the road back to our encampment, the in habitants of Gamudi, who were unwilling to part company with me, gave vent to their hatred against the Turks in a singular way. While passing a number of saffron plantations, which I said proved the productiveness of their country, they maintain ed that the present production of saffron is as nothing compared to what it was before the country came into the impious hands of the Osmanlis. In former times, they said, several stems usually shot forth from the same root, whereas now scarcely a single sample can be found with more than one stalk — a natural consequence of the contamination or pollution (nejes) of the Turks, whose predominance had caused even the laws of nature to deteriorate. In order to prove the truth of this, they went about the fields and succeeded in finding only a single specimen with several stems issuing from the same root. Passing the subterranean villages of Suayeh and Ushen, and further on that called Housh el Yehud, which, as its name in dicates, is entirely inhabited by Jews, we reached our encamp ment in the housh of Ibrahim. The subterranean dwellings which have been described by Captain Lyonf seem to me to * I will only mention that the name " Hanshir" is evidently the same word with the "Hazeroth" of the Hebrew wanderers. f The name of this part of the mountains has, I think, been erroneously brought into connection with these caves. For, from the word ghar, |i , the < . regular and only plural form besides iVil is i^y^- . E' Sheikh e' Tijani 64 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. have originated principally with the Jews, who, from time im memorial, had become intimately connected with the Berbers, many of the. Berber tribes having adopted the Jewish creed; and just in the same way as they are found mingling with the Berbers in these regions — for the original inhabitants of the Ghurian belong entirely to the Berber race — on friendly terms, so are they found also in the recesses of the Atlas in Morocco. I then went to see the market, which is held every Thursday on the open ground at the east side of the castle, close to the northern edge of the ridge. Though much better supplied than that near Kasr Jebel, it was yet extremely poor ; only a single camel was offered for sale. This results from the mistrust of the inhabitants, who, in bringing their produce to the great mar ket at Tripoli, are less exposed to vexations than here. When taking leave of the Kaimakam, we found the whole castlebeset by litigants. I saw in the company of the governor the chief of the Haj caravan, the Sheikh el Rakeb, of whose grand en trance into the town I had been witness. The agha, wanting to show us their little paradise, accompanied us into the Wadi Rummana, which, in a direction from S.E. to N.W., winds along the southern foot of the ridge on which the castle is situated. Though it looks rather wild and neglected, it is a charmingre- treat for the leisure hours of a governor of a place like thisMfe is irrigated by a very powerful spring issuing from the limestoM rock in a channel widened by art, and then dividing into several little rills, which are directed over the terraces of the , slopf These, of course, have been raised by art, and are laid out|P orchards, which, besides the pomegranates which have : given their name to the valley, produce sferej (sfarajel) — the Malum Cydonium — of an excellent quality, figs, grapes, and almonds. A path, practicable even for horses, leads down from the castle to the spring. Before I left this charming spot I made a sketch of the valley, with the castle on the cliffs, which is represented in the accompanying plate. certainly (Journal Asiatique, serie v., torn, i., p. 110) calls it expressly by this name> (jlrfC- But we see from Ebn Khaldiim (torn, i., p. 275, transl.) that Ghurian was the name of a tribe. WmmSsSSm nmrn OL. I — K A SNOW-STORM. 67 CHAPTER III. FERTILE MOUNTAIN REGION RICH IN ANCIENT REMAINS. It was past three in the afternoon of Thursday, February 14th, when we started from the dwelling of our host in order to pursue our route in a southeasterly direction. We were agree ably surprised to see fine vineyards at the village called Jelili ; but the cultivation of olive-trees seemed almost to cease here, while the country became quite open, and afforded an unbound ed prospect toward the distant southern range, with its peaks, depressions, and steep slopes. But the fine olive-grove of Sgaif proved that we had not yet reached the limit of this useful tree. We were just about to descend the slope into the broad valley called Wadi Ran, when, seeing darkness approaching, and fright ened by the black clouds rising from the valley, together with a very chilly stream of air, we began to look seriously about for some secure shelter for the night. To our right we had a pleas ant little hollow with olive-trees ; but that would not suffice in such weather as was apparently approaching, and we therefore descended a little along the cliffs on our left, where our shoush knew that there were caverns called Merwan. Scarcely had we pitched our tent on the little terrace in front of these when the rain began to pour down, and, accompanied with snow, contin ued the whole night. When we arose next morning, the whole country was cover ed with snow about an inch deep, and its natural features were no longer recognizable. Placed on the very brink of a bank partly consisting of rocky ground, with many holes, partly of marly soil, and, accordingly, very slippery, we could not think of starting. At half past six the thermometer stood at 34° Fahrenheit. Fortunately, our tent, which had been fitted by Mr. Warrington for every kind of weather, kept the wet out. 68 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. The caverns were very irregular excavations, used by the shep herds as temporary retreats, and full of fleas. The snow did not melt till late in the afternoon, and the rain fell without in termission the whole night. February 16th. In the morning the bad weather still contin ued, but the cold was not quite so severe. Tired as we were of our involuntary delay in such a place, we decided upon start ing, but it was difficult to get our half frozen people to go to work. At length we set out, accompanied by an old man whom we hired as guide, on the deep descent into Wadi Ran. The soil was often so slippery that the camels could scarcely keep their feet, and we were heartily glad when, after an hour and a quarter's descent, we at length reached stony ground, though still on the slope. Here the valley spread out before us to the right and left, with the village Usine, inhabited by the Merabe tin Selahat, situated on the top of a hill, and distinguished for the quality of its dates, which are of a peculiar kind, short and thick, with a very broad stone ; while at the foot of the west ern heights another village was seen, and on the top of them the castle Bustam. Here the great valley is joined by a smaller ravine, called Wadi Nkhal, with a small village of the same name. We crossed two paths leading to Beni Ulid, passing hy Wadi Ran, which went parallel to our course on the right, and where there are two springs and a date-grove, while to the left we obtained a view of Sedi-uris, situated on a cone overtower- ing the northern end of Wadi Kominshat. We then approach ed closely the steep glen of Wadi Ran, and, after some turn ings, crossed the small rivulet which flows through it, and, a little farther on, recrossed it. Then, traversing the valley call ed Wadi Marniyeh, we entered a fine fertile plain surrounded on all sides by heights, among which the Keluba Na'ame was con spicuous on our right. But the camels found the marly soil, fully saturated as it was with rain, very difficult, especially after we had entered " Sh'a bet soda." For this reason, also, we could not think of follow ing the direct path which leads over the hills. At the western end of the sh'abet are the villages Deb Beni 'Abas and Suadi- WADI RAN. 69 yeh, with olive-groves. All the waters of the district are car ried into Wadi Ran, which joins the Wadi Haera. The country begins to exhibit decidedly a volcanic character, and from all the heights rise bare basaltic cones, while the low er part is covered with halfa. This character of the country seems to have been well understood by the Arabs, when they gave to these basins, surrounded by basaltic mounts, the name " Sh'abet," which we have already seen given to the crater of the Tekut. Here, at a short distance on our left, we passed "another Sh'abet," distinguished as "El Akhera." At length we found an opening through the hilly chain on our right, behind an indented projection of the ridge called " Sennet el Osis," and then suddenly changed our course from N.E. to S.E. As soon as we had made the circuit of this mount, we obtained a view of the highest points of the Tarhona, and directed our course by one of them, Mount Bibel, which is said to be sometimes visible from Tripoli. Tales of deadly strife are attached to some localities hereabouts ; and, accord ing to our guide, the torrent which we crossed beyond Wadi Ruera poured down, some years ago, a bloody stream. But at present the scene wants life, the Kasr Kuseba, situated on the apex of a cone, being almost the only dwelling-place which we had seen for five hours. Life has fled from these fertile and pleasant regions, and the monotonous character which they at present exhibit necessarily impresses itself on the narrative of the traveler. At length, after having entered the gorges of the mountains, we reached the encampment of the Merabetin Bu-'Aaysha, and pitched our tent at a short distance from it. These people have considerable herds of camels and sheep ; as for cattle, there are at present very few in the whole regency of Tripoli, except in the neighborhood of Ben-ghazi. Their chief, 'Abdallah, who lives in Tripoli, is much respected. The valleys and plains hereabouts, when well saturated with rain, produce a great quantity of corn, but they are almost entirely destitute of trees. Having been thoroughly drenched to-day by heavy showers, we were in a very uncomfortable condition at its close. 70 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Sunday, February 11th. About an hour before sunrise, when the thermometer stood at 41°, I set out to ascend an eminence north from our tent, which afforded me an excellent site whence to take the bearings- of several prominent cones. After my re turn to the tent, we started together in advance of the camels, that we might have time to ascend the broad cone of Jebel Msid, which had arrested our attention. We soon passed a well, or rather fountain, called Bir el 'Ar, which gives its name to some ancient monument (" sanem," or idol, as it is called hy the Arabs) at a little distance, and which the guide described as a kasr tawil Beni Jehel, " a high fortress of the Romans." The country was varied and pleasant, and enlivened, moreover, hy flocks ; but we saw no traces of agriculture till we reached the well called Hasi el abiar, beyond which we entered upon a vol canic formation. As we ascended along a small ravine, and en tered another irregular mountain plain of confined dimensions, we found the basalt in many places protruding from the surface. The more desolate character of the country was interrupted in a pleasant way by the Wadi Nekhel, which has received its name from the number of palm-trees which grow here in a very dwarfish state, though watered by a copious spring. Following the windings of another small valley, we reached a plain at the foot of Mount Msid, while on the right a large ravine led down from the heights. Here we commenced our ascent of the cone, and on the slope of the mountain we met with large pillars sim ilar to those which I had seen in the ruins of Hanshir Settara. The pillars succeeded each other at regular distances up the slope, apparently marking the track to be followed by those as cending for religious purposes. The ascent was very gradual for the first twelve minutes, and twelve minutes more brought us to its summit, which was crowned with a castle of good Arabic masonry of about the thirteenth century. Its ruined walls gave us a little protection against the very strong blasts of wind ; but we found it rather difficult to take accurate angles, which was the more to be regretted as a great many peaks were visible from this beautifully-shaped and conspicuous mount. It was a little past noon when we pursued our journey from SINGULAR MONUMENTS. 71 the western foot of this once holy mount,* and, turning its southern side, resumed our northeasterly direction. We then soon came to the " Wadi hammam," which forms here a wider basin for the brook running along it toward Mejenin, so as to produce a pleasant and fresh green spot. Having watered our animals, we entered a plain from which detached basaltic hil locks started up ; and some ruins of regularly-hewn stones, scat tered about, bore testimony that the Romans had deemed the place worthy of fixed settlements. A small limestone hill con trasts handsomely with these black basaltic masses, among which the Leblu, the highest summit of a larger group to our right, is particularly remarkable. At the foot of the 'Jebel Jemm'a was an encampment of the Welad 'Ali, but I can not say in what degree they are connected with the family which has given its name to the valley in the Yefren. From this side in particular the Jebel Msid presents the form of a beauti ful dome, the most regular I remember to have ever seen. It seems to rise with a proud air over its humbler neighbors. Having then passed a continuous ridge of cones stretching S.S.E., and cleared the basaltic region, we entered a wide plain covered with halfa, and, cutting right across it, we reached the fertile low plain Elkeb, where another encampment of the We lad 'Ali excited the desire of our people to try their hospitality for our night's quarters ; but some distance to the left two enor mous pillars were to be seen standing upright, and thither we repaired. Here I had an opportunity of accurately investigat ing a very peculiar kind of ancient remains, giving a clew, I hope, to the character of the religion of the early inhabitants of these regions, though it seems impossible to give a satisfactory explanation respecting all the details of their structure. It consists in a pair of quadrangular pillars erected on a com mon basis, which is fixed into the ground, and measures 3 ft. 1^' in length, and 2 ft. 10' in width. The two pillars, which measure 2 feet on each side, being 1 ft. 1-^' asunder, aie 10 feet high. The western pillar has three quadrangular holes on the * The ancient character of this mountain is most probably indicated by its present name "Msid." 72 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. inside, while the corresponding holes in the eastern pillar go quite through ; the lowest hole is 1 ft. 8' above the ground, and the second 1 ft. % higher up, and so the third above the second. The holes are 6 inches square. Over these pillars, which at present lean to one side, is laid another enormous stone about 6 feet 6^ inches long, and of the same width as the pillars, so that the whole structure bears a surprising resemblance to the most conspicuous part of the cel ebrated Celtic ruins at Stonehenge* and other ruins in Malabar,! about the religious purpose of which not the least doubt remains at present. But, besides these, there are other very curious stones of different workmanship, and destined evidently for dif ferent purposes ; some of them are large, flat, and quadrangu lar, very peculiarly worked, and adapted, probably, to sacrifices. One of them is three feet in length and breadth, but with a pro jection on one side, as is represented in the woodcut, and 1 ft. 2" high. On the surface of this stone, and parallel to its sides, is carved a channel 4^ inches broad, forming a quadrangle ; and * See especially the Plate No. 7, in Higgins's " Celtic Druids." t See Plate No. 39, in Higgins's work. STRUCTURE DESCRIBED. 73 from this a small channel branches along the projecting part. Several stones of similar workmanship lie about. There is also the remnant of an enormous stone 3 ft. 7^ inches at the back and across, but rounded off at the corners, looking like a solid throne, excepting that on the upper side there is an excavation measur ing 1 ft. 3-j2ff in. at the back, 9-^ inches on the front, and 1 ft. 1^ in. across, and about 10 inches deep, with a small opening. This stone looks very peculiar, and probably formed an altar. These ruins are certainly very remarkable. Any one who looks at them without prejudice or preconceived opinion will be impressed with the belief that they belonged to a place of wor ship, though how this peculiar structure could be adapted to religious purposes I will not undertake to decide. It is well known that the most ancient idols were mere pillars or stones, not only of a round or conical shape, as symbols of the procre- ative power of nature, but even of a square form. It is also well known, from the examples of the columns in On or Heliopolis, of the two celebrated columns, Yakin and Bo'az, in front of the temple in Jerusalem, and from that of the two pillars of the Phoe nician Hercules in Gades, that the power of the Deity was often represented by a pair. A pair of massive columns or pillars, covered with a similarly massive impost, may well serve to rep resent symbolically the firmness and eternity of the cosmical order, while the name of the chief deity of the pagan Berbers, 'Amun, may possibly have the original meaning of "theFounder, Supporter." But I will not enter here into such conjectures ; I will only say that my distinct impression on the spot was, that the structure was a rude kind of sun-dial, combining the vertical with the horizontal principle. That it could not be in tended as a common doorway, even if it were connected with another building, is evident from the narrowness of the passage; but it may have had the purpose of serving as a sort of peniten tial or purgatory passage in consecrating and preparing the wor shipers,* previous to their offering sacrifices, by obliging them to squeeze themselves through this narrow passage, the incon- * Compare what Higgins says, p. Ix., in describing the Constantine tolmen in Cornwall. 74 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. venience of which was increased by the awful character attrib uted to this cromlech. Even in Christian and Mohammedan countries religious ordeals of a similar kind are not unknown; and a very analogous custom in the celebrated mosque of Kair- owan may well have its origin in the older pagan practice of the aborigines. However this may be, the religious character of the whole structure can scarcely be doubtful, from the nature of the flat stone, the channel in which was certainly intended to carry off the blood of the victim.* It must strike the observer, in regarding these ruins, that while they are so rude in principle, their style of execution evi dently bears traces of art ; and I think it not improbable that the art may be ascribed to Roman influence. We shall further on see another specimen of these curious pillars combined with the ground-plan of an almost regular Roman temple. But, from whatever this artificial influence may have proceeded, there can not be the least doubt that the character of the structure is, on the whole, not Roman, but indicates quite another race ; and if we take into regard what I have just said about the influence of art visible in this structure, and that such influence could scarcely proceed from any other quarter than that of the Car thaginians or the Romans, we must attribute these remains to the Berber race, who, during the historical period, were the ex clusive possessors of these inland regions. Analogous struct ures have been found, however, not only in England and Ire land on the one side, and in several parts of India, principally in the Nilgherries, on the other, but also in Circassia, Southern Russia, on the South Arabian coast, and in the Somali country. This analogy might certainly be explained by a similarity of principle in the simple religious rites of rude people ; but there may be also in these curious remains a confirmation of the the ories of Sir Henry Rawlinson respecting the wide extension of the Scythians. But while, with regard to other tribes, from the Dravidian group in Southern India to the Celtic in Ireland, such a connection of origin seems to be confirmed by * From this plain example it might seem that the flat stone in Stonehenge was intended for a similar purpose. OTHER ANCIENT RUINS. 75 of language, there exist but very few points of analogy between the Berber and the Central Asiatic languages, except by means of the Coptic. In every respect, however, it may be better to call such remains by the general name of Scythian than by that of Druidical, which certainly can be justified only with regard to the northwest of Europe. These remarkable ruins are at a short distance from the foot of a fortified hill, which is crowned with ancient fortifications of hewn stone, to which are added later works of small stones. Other ruins of cut-stone buildings lie about ; and on an em inence at a little distance eastward is a small castle belonging to the earlier times of the Arabs, while on the highest top of the hilly chain behind the Arab encampment, and which is called Gabes, are likewise ruins. The ruins of a whole village, partly built of regularly-cut stone, and even exhibiting the ornament of a column, were found the next morning near our encampment, which our people had placed on the slope of the hills bordering the plain toward the northeast. All these ruins are evident proofs that the fertile plain Elkeb, and the adjoining one, called Madher, were once well cultivated and thickly inhabited. Their situation is very favorable, as the direct road from Tripoli to Beni Ulid and Sokna, by way of the valley Melgha, passes close by. We had here descended to an average height of about one thousand feet above the level of the sea. February 18th. During the night there was heavy rain, which lasted till morning, and delayed our starting till rather late. After about a mile and a half's march, we ascended a little from the plain to the undulating pastures of the Dhahar Tarhona, which soon became enlivened by the tents and herds of the Me- gaigera, and where I was glad to see at length a few cows. The ground, though scantily covered with herbage, was dotted with lilies, which my companion called baludt, though this name is generally understood to signify the ash-tree. Our guide1 from Meruan informed me here that the water of this district takes its course, not toward the north, as might be expected, but toward the southeast, running from hence to Temasla, on 76 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. this side of Beni Ulid, thence into the Wadi Merdum, and thence into Wadi Sofejin, which, as is well known, descends toward Tawargha. A little further on we left, on a small em inence to the left, another hanshir surrounded by cultivated ground. It had been an inconsiderable place, built chiefly of small stones ; but even here two enormous pillars or slabs were to be seen standing in the midst of the rubbish. There were two holes in each of these pillars, going quite through, and widening on one side. At half past nine o'clock, when passing the Hanshir Bu-Tre- hebe, at a distance of more than two miles on our left, we had a fine retrospective view of the various peaks of the Ghurian range, while on our left a lower range approached more and more, with two summits rising from it to a greater elevation. About noon we passed another site, called Hanshir Suan, where are the re mains of a large castle, with' an inner and outer fortification, built of small stones, but in a very neat and regular style. The country, chiefly owing to the murkiness of the sky, had begun to assume a very sombre character, and was crossed by stripes of red sand, which, however, affords the best soil for the growth of the pumpkin ; but in the afternoon it improved greatly, showing fine pasture-ground and ample corn-fields, and, among the ruins of ancient times, the rare example of a well-propor tioned and neatly-worked Ionic capital, which I found at the border of a ravine. Further on, upon a detached low rock, which had been hewn into rectangular walls, and surrounded with a ditch, were seen ruins of cut stones, very similar in ap pearance to those of Kasr Jahaliyeh, near Gargash. We at length found traces of living beings, in an Arab encampment situated in a green hollow, where we learned that the Kaid or governor of Tarhona, whose residence we were in search of, was at present encamped near the spring called 'Ain Shershara. The country gradually assumes a more diversified aspect, agreeably succeeding its former monotony. A considerable mountain range, with manifold crags, peaks, and ravines, ap proaches from the S.S.W., and, turning N.E., presents an in surmountable barrier to an advance in that direction, while the APPROACH TO TARHONA. 77 plain sweeps nicely in a concave toward its foot ; but it is quite bare and desolate, and only now and then is seen a poor rem nant of the large olive-grove, consisting, according to the state ment of our shoush, of 10,000 trees, which Bey 'Abd Allah, in Masrata, my host on my former journey, had ventured to plant here five years ago. My people maintained, whether correctly or not I can not say, that the strong gales which prevail in this plain did not allow the young olive-tree to thrive. I think the failure is due rather to the character of the inhabitants, who, un accustomed to this branch of culture, have not paid the neces sary attention to the young trees. Having passed a small wadi, we came in sight of the encamp ment of the governor, which stretched out in front of us in a well-chosen situation at the southern foot of a small cone. A Turkish officer's green tent, pitched a httle in advance, was sur rounded by several smaller ones, while another group of twelve. Bedwin tents, in a higher position up the slope of the mount, contained the household. The governor received us in a very friendly but rather affected manner, which seemed peculiar to him, and might even be thought becoming in a man who has as sisted his country's foes in exterminating all the members of his family, formerly one of the foremost in the country. His friends, who try to represent him as an honest man, say that he was forced to the deed, after having once entered into Turkish service. This man, Bel Kasem el Loheshi Mahmudi, has since played a conspicuous part in the present revolution ; for he it was who led the Turkish force last year against Ghoma, his near relative but most bitter enemy, who, having been a prisoner in Trebizond for many years, suddenly made his escape from thence during the Russian war, and, issuing from the Tunisian frontier, appeared in Jebel Yefren. El Loheshi was routed, and taken prisoner, and, according to the first report, slain by the success ful rebel. When we visited El Loheshi, he had occupied his new post only for the last year, having been before governor of the Jebel. During all the period he had been in Tarhona, he assured us he had not moved his encampment from this place ; which I can well understand, as it is a very pleasant spot. His 78 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. principal business, of course, consists in collecting the tithes, in registering which he was busily employed. He knew very lit tle of the province under his government, and it was to other men that I had to look for information. Having pitched our tent near that of the governor, we pro ceeded to make ourselves acquainted with the locality, and, a few paces north from our encampment, stumbled upon the fa mous brook called 'Ain Shersher, or 'Ain Shershara, which, pro ceeding from the junction of three springs, forms here a cascade of about twenty-five feet over the firm calcareous rock. Eun- ning west a short distance, it then turns north, and, breaking through the mountain slope in a deep, picturesque glen, takes the direction of the Wadi Ramie, which, however, it only reaches during great floods. It seems as if this pleasant spot had already been a favorite residence in the Roman times, as is amply shown by the fine ruins of a large building of hewn stone, which the torrent has rent asunder and scattered on both sides. From this place, ascend ing the side of a very wild ravine, we reached the height which overlooks the Bed win encampment, and on the morning of the following day made a more distant excursion to the mount call ed Bu-tauwil, about three miles north, which was represented to us as affording a very distant prospect, and the name of which seemed to promise more than ordinary elevation. As to the view we were rather disappointed ; yet we were well repaid for our trouble from the character of the country traversed, and the unexpectedly pleasing aspect of the terrace spread out at the western foot of the mountain, which must have formed a favorite retirement in the time of the Romans, so lit erally strewn is it with the ruins of buildings of hewn stone. In descending it, about 300 feet below the summit, we first came to a Roman tomb, 8 ft. 7 in. long, and 7 ft. 9 in. broad, rising in two stories, the lower being about ten feet high from the base to the moulding, and ornamented with pilasters at the corners. A little farther on, to the west, was another tomb, just on the brink of the slope into the valley below ; but it has been de stroyed, and at present the chief interest attaches to a monu- RUINS NEAR 'AIN SHERSHARA. 79 mental stone, which most probably stood upright on its top, and fell down when the monument went to pieces, so that it now lies in a merely casual position on the floor of the sepulchre, which has been repeatedly rifled by greedy hands. This stone is 7 ft. 2 in. long, and has on one side, in high relief, the figure of a man, of natural size, clothed in a toga. The workmanship is good, and certainly not much later than the time of Severus. Close at hand are other ruins lying about ; and farther west are sev eral groups of buildings. Three olive-trees and a palm-tree adorned this beautiful retired spot. Having returned to our encampment, I and my companion resolved to separate for a few days, Overweg wishing to exam ine the neighborhood of the 'Ain Shershara for geological pur poses, while I was rather bent upon executing the original plan of our route all round the mountain range. We agreed to meet again at the castle called Kasr el Jefara, in the plain near the sea-shore. We borrowed another tent from the governor for Mr. Overweg during his stay at this place, while I procured a horseman, with whom, together with Ibrahim, our shoush, and one of the camel-drivers, I was ready for starting an hour before noon ; for the heat of the sun was not much to be dreaded at this season of the year. Overweg accompanied me as far as Kasr Doga.* Winding along narrow ravines, after about one mile's march we passed, on an eminence to our right, another specimen of large pilasters with an impost, and ruins of buildings of large square stones close by. After much winding, we cleared the narrow channel ascending the hills, which were covered with halfa ; but here too there was not a single tree to be seen, and my guide says that there were no olive-trees in the Tarhona ex cept in Mata, a place situated between Mount Bu-tauwil and Kasr Jefara, from which the tribe Mata derives its name. I have noticed before, as remarkable, the three olive-trees near Bu-tau- * The principal tribes living in the district Tarhona are the Hhamadat, the Drahib, Welad Bu-Sid, Welad Bu-M'arah, Marghana, Welad 'Ali, W. Yusuf, Me- gaigerah, Firjan, W. Mehada, W. Bu-Sellem, Na'aje, Mata, Khwarish, Gerakta, Bu- Saba, Shefatra, Welad Hamed, Erhaimiyeh 80 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. wil. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon when we came in sight of the Roman monument called Kasr Doga, and its brown color almost induced us to conclude that it was of brick ; but on approaching nearer, we found that it was built of hewn stone. We were astonished at the grand dimensions of the monument, as it appeared evident that it was originally a mere sepulchre, though in after times blocked up by the Arabs, and converted into a castle. The front of the monument faces the south with ten degrees of deviation toward the west. The whole body of the building, rising upon a base of three steps, measures 47 ft. 6 in. in length, and 31 ft. 4 in. in breadth. The entrance or portal, equidistant from both corners, was 12 ft. 6 in. wide; but it has been entire ly blocked up with hewn stone, so that it is now impossible to get into the interior of the monument without great labor, and only a glimpse can be obtained of a kind of entrance-hall of small dimensions. Of the interior arrangement, therefore, noth ing meets the view ; but on the top of the solid mass of build ing, rising to a height of 28 ft. 10 in., the ground-plan of the third story, which has been demolished to obtain materials for ANCIENT RUINS. gl closing the entrance, is distinctly visible. Here the vestibule measures 10 ft. 10 in., the wall of the interior chamber or cell being adorned with two columns, which are no less than 3 ft. 10 in. apart : the inner room itself measures 22 ft. 4 in. in length within the walls. The monument, although more massive than beautiful, is a fair proof of the wealth of this district in ancient times. Opposite to it, on a limestone hill of considerable eleva tion, is another specimen of the cromlech kind in good preserva tion, besides other ruins. In the hollow at the S.E. side of the sepulchre there are six deep and spacious wells sunk in the rock. Here my companion left me, and I continued my route alone, passing through a well-cultivated tract, till I reached an encamp ment of the Welad Bu-Sellem, where we pitched our tent. Here I met a cousin of Haj 'Abd el Hadi el Merayet, who had once been master of half the Tarhona district, but was made prisoner by the Turks, and sent to Constantinople. This man also re appeared on the stage last year. Wednesday, February 20th. We set out early in the morn ing, the country continuing flat as far as the chapel of Sidi 'Ali ben Salah, which, standing on a hill, is a conspicuous object for many miles round. A short distance from this chapel I ob served the ruins of a castle built of large square stones taken from older buildings ; it measures 42 feet in every direction, and exhibits a few bad but curious sculptures, among others an ass in rehef. Around are the ruins of a small village, and flat stones •of immense size, similar in workmanship to those described above, but no upright pillars. Beyond the chapel of the saint the country became more hilly, and after some time we entered a ravine joining the Wadi Ge- daera, which exhibited the remains of three broad and firmly- constructed dikes, crossing the ravine at the distance of about 800 yards from each other. They were built of small stones, and were evidently intended to exclude the water from the lower part of the valley. Another 800 yards below the innermost dike the ravine widens out into a fine verdant hollow, stretch ing from west to east, and provided with several wells. On a detached hill rising in the midst of this basin is situated the Vol. L— F 82 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. Kasr Dawan, built partly of older materials of hewn stone, part ly of small stones, and probably of the same age as the dikes. The whole floor of the basin is strewn with ruins ; and a con siderable village seems to have extended round the castle : where the ground was free from stones, it was covered with ranuncu luses. Altogether, this spot was interesting — the stronghold of a chieftain who appears to have had energy and foresight, but whose deeds are left without a record. As soon as we emerged from this ravine the whole character of the country changed, and through a pleasant valley we en tered a wider plain, bordered in the distance by a high range of mountains, among which the Jebel Msid, crowned with a zawiya or convent, is distinguished by its height and its form. It is rather remarkable, and of the highest interest as regards the ancient history of the civilization of these regions, that the two most conspicuous mountains bordering Tarhona, one on the west, the other on the east side, should bear the same name, and a name which bears evident testimony to their having been places of worship in ancient times. Both of them have grandeur of form ; but the western one is more regularly dome-shaped. The fine pasturage which this plain affords to the cows of the Mehaedi enabled their masters to regale us with fine fresh sour milk, which interrupted our march very pleasantly. On the site of an ancient village near the mar gin of a small torrent, I found the op posite curious specimens of upright pilasters, together with the impost, re markable for their height as well as for the rough sculpture of a dog, or some other animal, which is seen on the higher part of one of them. About 700 yards beyond the torrent called Ksaea, we had on our right a large building of hewn stone about 140 yards square, besides six pairs of pilasters together with their imposts ; but some of them are lying at present on the MESELLATA. 83 ground. These structures could never have been intended as doors or passages, for the space between the upright stones is so narrow that a man of ordinary size could hardly squeeze his way through them. Other ruins are on the left. Here we entered the mountain chain which forms the natural boundary between the district of Tarhona and that of Mesellata, and at the present time separates scenes of nomadic life from fixed settlements. The highest part of the chain round the Jebel Msid remained on our left, while the heights on the right decreased in elevation. The chain has little breadth ; and we had hardly reached its crest when the country that presented itself to our view had quite a different appearance from that just left behind, presenting, among other objects, the castle of Mesel lata, surrounded by an olive-grove. In this spot, ancient sites and modern villages with stone houses are intermixed, while thick olive-groves enliven the whole, and constitute the wealth of the inhabitants. Having passed a village called Fatir, lying in a ravine that runs S.W., we soon descried, in a hollow at the southern foot of the Kasr S'aade (a small ancient fortress), the first olive- plantation and the first orchards belonging to Mesellata. From this place onward they succeed each other at short intervals. Having passed a small eminence, with a fine olive-grove in the hollow at its foot, we entered the beautiful and well-inhabited plain of Mesellata. Here a great deal of industry was evinced by the planting of young cuttings between the venerable old olive-trees, or ghurs Faraon as the Arabs call them. My shoush affirmed that the inhabitants of Mesellata are the most industri ous and diligent people in the whole regency, taking good care of their plantations, and watering them whenever they need it. The whole country has here a different character from that of Tarhona, the naked calcareous rock protruding every where, while in Tarhona the plains generally consist of clayey soil. This district is only about one thousand feet above the sea, while the average height of the Jebel (Yefren) and the Ghurian is about two thousand feet. Here the olives had been collected a month ago ; in the former districts they remained still on the tree. 84 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Cheered by the spectacle of life and industry around us, we continued our pleasant march, and having crossed an open space of rough rocky ground filled with cisterns, we reached the castle of Mesellata, an edifice of little merit, built with square stones from old ruins, and lying at the northern end of the village Ku- sabat, which properly means "the Castles." While my people were pitching my tent behind the castle, on the only spot which would allow of the pegs being driven into the ground, I went to pay a visit to Khalil Agha, who resided in the castle ; but I found it to be so desolate and comfortless that I left it immediately, taking with me the sheikh Mes'aud and a shoush named Ibra him Tubbat, in order to view the Kal'a or Gell'ah, a very con spicuous object, visible even from the sea. Keeping along the western side of the village, which consists of from 300 to 400 cottages* built of stone, and occupies a gentle slope toward the south, the highest point of which, near the mosque, is 1250feetf above the level of the sea, we reached a pleasant little hollow adorned with gardens, which, being fenced with hedges of the Indian fig-tree, rendered the spot extremely picturesque. From hence we ascended the naked calcareous eminence, from the top of which the fortress overlooks a great extent of country. Going round its demolished walls from east to west, I was able to de scry and to take the bearings of a great number of villages be longing to the district of Mesellata, some of them peeping out of olive-groves, others distinguishable only by the smoke rising up from them. The fortress itself is evidently a work not of Mohammedans, but of Europeans, and was most probably constructed by the Spaniards in the first half of the 16th century. It is built in the form of a triangle, one side of which, running N.W. and S.E., measures about 108 yards ; another, running E.N.E. and W.S.W., measures 78£ yards ; and the third, S. 5 W. and N. 5 E., 106£ yards. At the corner between the first and the second * The quarter of the village nearest to the castle is principally inhabited t>y Jews. t The elevation of this place was determined by Lieutenant (now Rear Admi ral) Smyth in 1819. MESELLATA. 85 wall is a polygonal bastion ; between the second and third a round bastion ; and a small one also between the third and the first wall. Descending from the fortress, I went with Mes'aud through the village, the dwellings of which are built in a much better style than is usual in the regency. It is also stated that, in comparison with the rest of the country, its inhabitants enjoy some degree of wealth, and that the market is well sup plied. Thursday, February 21st. I rose at an early hour in order to continue my route, and entered a very pleasant country, ren dered more agreeable in appearance by the fineness of the morn ing. Winding along through hilly slopes covered with luxuri ant corn-fields and wide-spreading olive-trees, we reached at half past eight o'clock an interesting group of ruins consisting of immense blocks, and among them one like the flat quadran gular stones represented above, but having on its surface, be sides the little channel, a large hole ; also a block of extraordi nary dimensions, representing a double altar of the curious mass ive sort described above. Close to these remarkable ruins, in a fine corn-field, is a small castle, situated upon a natural base of rock, in which subterranean vaults have been excavated in a very regular way. Toward the south, at the distance of about half an hour's march, the large castle of Amamre rises into view. We then reached the fine plantation of Rumiyeh, while on a hill to the left lie other scattered ruins. We met a good many people going to the Thursday market at Ktisabat. Farther on, near another little grove, we found a small encampment of the Jehawat, a tribe which claims the pos session of this whole district. We then passed a castle irregu larly built of large square stones about twelve yards square. Having crossed a hollow, we obtained a good view over the country, in which the "Merkeb S'aid n 'Ali" (the most advanced spur of this chain toward the coast) formed a distinguished point, while we had already reached the last low breaks of the mountain country toward the east. Meanwhile, the greater di mensions of the ruins remind the traveler that he is approach ing the famous remains of Leptis. I found here, a little to the 86 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. right of our path, near a Bedwin encampment, the ruins of a temple of large proportions, called Sanem ben Hamedan, and of rather curious arrangement, the front, which faces the north, and recedes several feet from the side-walls, being formed by double ranges of enormous stones standing upright — they can scarcely be called pilasters — while the inner part is ornamented with columns of the Ionic order. The whole building is about 40 paces long and 36 broad, but the architectural merit of its details is not sufficient to repay the trouble of exact measure ments. About a thousand yards farther on, to the east, are the ruins of another still larger monument, measuring about 77 paces in every direction, and called by the Arabs Kasr Kerker. It has several compartments in the interior, three chambers ly ing opposite to the entrance, and two other larger ones on the east side. Nearly in the middle of the whole building there is a large square stone like those mentioned above, but having on one of its narrow sides a curious sculpture in relief. The camels having been allowed to go on, I hastened after them with my shoush as fast as my donkey could trot, and passed several sites of ancient villages or castles, and numerous fine hollows with luxuriant olive-trees. I scarcely ever remem ber to have seen such beautiful trees. The country continues undulating, with fertile hollows or depressions. We reached the camels at Wadi Lebda, which I found perfectly dry. Close to our left we had cultivated ground and ruins. Near the sea-shore, the spacious and pleasant site of Leptis spread out on the meadow land, while a little farther on rose a small ridge, on the top of which is situated the village Khurbet Ham mam. After we had passed a pleasant little hollow, the plain became for a while overgrown with thick clusters of bushes; but on reaching the plantation of Swail, an almost uninterrupt- THE CINYPS. 87 ed line of villages stretched along the sahel (sea-shore) amid corn-fields and groves of olive and date-trees. According to my shoush, a great deal of corn is cultivated also in the valleys behind this plain, and numerous well-trodden paths were seen leading from the sahel into the hilly country on its southern side. After plentiful rains, this part of the plain is inundated by the waters of the Wadi Bondari, which is called after the general name of the low range bordering the plain. Having passed several little villages of the sahel, and paid my due trib ute of veneration to " El Dekhaele" (the oldest and tallest palm- tree in the whole district), a little before five o'clock in the aft ernoon I reached the village called Zawiya Ferjani, where we pitched our tent in the stubble-field near a date-grove, and rest ed from our pleasant day's march, experiencing hospitable treat ment from our hosts.* The country hereabout is regarded as tolerably healthy, but 'Abd e' Sa'ade, a village a little further eastward, has suffered greatly from malignant fevers, which are attributed to the un- vvholesomeness of the waters of the Wadi K'aam, as I noticed on my former journey ;f hence the population has become rath er thin, and industry has declined. At some distance from the wadi, cultivation ceases entirely, and, instead of groves and gar dens, a wide and wild field of disorder and destruction meets the eye. This rivulet, wliich is identical with the Cinyps, was in great vogue with the ancients, who knew how to control and regulate its occasional impetuosity. Immense walls, which they constructed as barriers against destructive inundations, remain to testify to their activity and energy. Of these, one group, forming a whole system of dikes, some transverse, some built in the form of a semicircle, is seen near the spot, where a * The inhabitants of the Sahel in general, and those of Zh'ten and Masrata in particular, are more attached to the Turks than almost any other tribe of the regency ; they would rather be subjected to a foreign power than suffer oppres sion from their own brethren the Gedadefa and other tribes in the valleys of the interior. Hence, in the revolution in 1855, they remained faithful to the Turks ; and a good many of them were killed in the first battle between the Turks and the rebel chief Ghdma. t Wanderings along the- Coasts of the Mediterranean, vol.i., p. 317.. 88 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. beautiful subterranean aqueduct, which supplied Leptis, issues from the wadi ; another enormous wall, 650 yards long, and from 4 to 4-jL yards thick, stands about three quarters of a mile higher up the valley. But with the details of all these works, though to me they appeared so interesting that I measured them with tolerable exactness, I will not detain the reader, but shall hasten to carry him back to Tripoli. Having startedin the afternoon from the mouth of the wadi, I re-entered Zawiya 'Abd el Ferjani from the rear ; but, finding that my people had gone on to Leptis, I followed them, after a little delay, by the way of Wadi Stik, where, every Thursday, a market is held (" Suk el khamis," a name applied by Cap tain, now Rear Admiral, Smyth to the neighboring village), and then over the open meadow-plain, having the blue sea on my right, and came up with my people just as they were about to pitch my tent at the foot of an enormous staircase leading to some undefined monument in the eastern part of the ancient city of Leptis. February 23d. During the forenoon I was busily employed in a second investigation of some of the ruins of Leptis, which have been so well described and illustrated by Admiral Smyth, Near the small creek called Mirsa Legatah, and a little east of the chapel of the Merabet ben Sheha, a small castle has been lately built by the Turks, about a hundred paces square. It has quite a handsome look with its pinnacles and small bastions. Leaving the site of this celebrated city, we proceeded, early in the afternoon, through a diversified hilly country, till we reached the high hill or mount of Merkeb* S'aid-n-'Ali, which is ' visible from a great distance. This I ascended in order to cor rect some of my positions, particularly that of el Gell'ah in Me sellata, but found the wind too violent. Passing an undulating country, overgrown with the freshest green, and affording am ple pastures to the herds of numerous Arab encampments, I pitched my tent near a small dowar of the Beni Jehem,f who treated us hospitably with sour milk and bazin. * Merkeb means here "the high seat." t This tribe does not seem habitually to frequent this district, the indigenous LEPTIS.— KHOMS. 89 February 24th. The country continued varied, hill and dale succeeding each other ; but beyond Kasr Alahum (an irregular building of a late age), it became more rough and difficult, es pecially near the steep descent called Negasi. Soon after this we descended into the plain, not far from the sea-shore, where we crossed several flat valleys. From the Wadi Bti Jefara,* where a small caravan going from Zliten to the town overtook us, a monotonous plain, called Gwaea mt'a Gummata, extends to the very foot of the slope of Mesellata. Having traversed the desolate zone called El Mita mt'a Teruggurt, whence may be descried the " uglah" near the shore, the residence of my old friend the sheikh Khalifa bu-Ruffa, we reached the broad and rock-bound valley Teruggurt itself, probably the most per fect wadi which this part of the coast exhibits. To my great satisfaction, I met Overweg at the Kasr Jefara. K. Jefara is also called Karabvili, from the name of a Mam- luk who, in the time of Yusuf Basha, built here a sort of con vent or chapel. It is rather a "funduk," or caravanserai, than a " kasr," or castle, and the gates are always left open ; but its situation is important, and it is the residence of a judge or kaid. A battle between Ghoma and the Turks was fought in 1855 at no great distance from it. The country around is a monoto nous plain, enlivened only by three small clusters of palm-trees toward the north. The following morning we proceeded, and encamped on the eastern side of Wadi Rami. On Tuesday we returned to Tripoli, well satisfied with our little excursion, and convinced that the Regency of Tripoli is not by any means so poor and miserable as it is generally believed to be. name of which is Khoms. The principal tribes of this stock named to me were as follows, viz., the Sambara, the Shuwaig, Ziadat, Legata, Shekhatra, Driiga, Argiib, Jehawat, and Swaid. * Smyth's Benzbarah, which he seems to have confounded in some degree with Wadi Teruggurt. 90 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. CHAPTER IV. DEPARTUKE FOR THE INTERIOE. ARRIVAL AT MIZDA. — RE MAINS OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Meanwhile the instruments provided by government had arrived, and proved in general well adapted for their purposes.* But the tents and arms had not yet reached us, and I thought it. better to provide a strong, spacious, and low tent, which, even after the government tents arrived, did not prove superfluous, although perhaps rather too heavy. All tents intended for travelers in hot climates should be well lined and not too high. Those which we received were quite unfit for the country whither we were going, and while they were so light that they could hardly withstand a strong blast of wind, they scarcely excluded the sun, particularly after 'a little wear and tear. All the tents ought also to have top-ropes, which can alone secure them in a tornado such as are common in those climates. Mr. Richardson was soon obliged to provide himself with another tent, so that in the course of our journey we had all together five tents, but generally pitched only two, or, where we en camped for a greater length of time, four. Mr. Overweg and I sustained a heavy loss in the secession of our black servant Ibrahim, who might have proved of great service to us in the interior, as he spoke the Bornu and Bagrim- ma languages, and had himself wandered about a good deal in * Unfortunately, the minimum and maximum thermometers were so deranged that Mr. Overweg was unable to repair them. We had no barometer, and tic only aneroid barometer with which we had been provided, and which had been under the care of my companion, was damaged on our first excursion, so that nothing was left to us but to find the elevation of places by the boiling-point of water. I will here mention, for the use of future travelers, that I always wore not only my azimuth, but even my chronometer in my belt, and found this an ex cellent precaution against accidents of anv kind. TTIE DEPARTURE. 91 thcfse little-known districts between Mandara and Bagirmi. But he declared that he could not remain in our service along with our servant Mohammed ben Belal, the son of a liberated Gober slave, who was a very clever, but unscrupulous and haughty fellow, and bore the character of a libertine. But an other cause of detention was the protest of his wives, who would not allow him to go unless he divorced them. We tried every means of settling the matter, but without success ; so that we had only two servants, one of whom, Mohammed e' Zintani, the lad I have mentioned before, would certainly not go farther than Fezzan. At length all was ready for our outset except the boat, which caused Mr. Richardson a great deal of trouble, as it had been divided in Malta into two pieces instead of four. I proposed that we should pitch our tents for some days at 'Ain Zara, in order that we might be duly seasoned for our long journey. I would advise every traveler who would calculate upon all the means of insuring success to adopt a similar course. A few days' stay in his tent will familiarize him with the little store which is henceforward to form his principal, if not his only re source, and will enable him to bear the heat of the sun with ease. It was late in the afternoon of the 24th of March, 1850, when Overweg and I, seated in solemn state upon our camels, left the town with our train, preceded by the consul, Mr. Crowe, in his carriage, by Mr. Reade, and by Mr. Dickson and his family, of whom we took a hearty leave under the olive-trees near Kasr el Haeni. We then continued our route, and in fine moonlight pitched our tent on the border of 'Ain Zara. This locality takes its name from a broad swampy hollow or depression to the south, thickly overgrown with reeds and rush es. At present no one lives in it ; the wells are filled up with earth, and the date-trees, cared for by nobody, are partly over whelmed by the sand, which has accumulated in large mounds. Still it is an attractive spot, having just a little of cultivation and a little of sandy waste. A few olive-trees spread their fresh cool shade over a green meadow, forming a very pleasant 92 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. resting-place. It was at this very spot that, in August, 1855, on my joyful return, I again met Mr. Reade, the vice-consul, and passed a night there. Here we remained encamped till Friday, the 29th. In the afternoon of the 27th, Mr. Frederick Warrington, who wished, to escort us for, a few days, came out, accompanied by the Amer ican consul, Mr. Gaines, and brought us the satisfactory news that on the following Friday Mr. Richardson would move from the town, and that we should meet him at Mejenin. I and my countryman required eight camels for our luggage, besides the two which we rode ourselves, and which were our own. 1 should have preferred having a donkey for myself, as it would have enabled me to go with ease wherever I liked ; but in Trip oli there are no donkeys strong enough for such a journey, and a horse, including the carriage of barley and water for him, wa6 too expensive for the means then placed at my disposal. But I had been so fortunate as to procure an excellent Arab camel, of the renowned breed of the Bu-Saef, which was my faithful companion as far as Ktikawa ; and Mr. Warrington had made me a present of a handsome Ghad"amsi saddle or basur, with pillows, and a Stambuli carpet, so that I was comfortably mounted. Friday, March 29th. After a great deal of trouble (the camel- drivers and our men being as yet unaccustomed to our unwieldy luggage), we at length succeeded in making a start. After leaving the olive-trees and the little palm-grove of 'Ain Zara, we very soon entered deep sand-hills, which sheltered us from the strong wind ; and after more than two hours we came upon pasture-grounds, which furnished our camels with a variety of herbs and graminea?, such as the sh'ade, the shedide, and vari ous others unknown to me. The progress of an Arab caravan (where the camels march each after its own inclination, straying to the right and to the left, nipping here a straw, and there browsing on a bush) must be rather slow in districts where tie stubborn animal finds abundance of food. This way of pro ceeding is extremely tedious and fatiguing to the rider, and to obviate it the Tawarek, the Teb, and the people in the interior | MEJENIN. 93 fasten all the camels one behind the other. Owing to our slow progress, the sun was almost setting when we overtook Mr. Warrington, who had pitched his tent on a fine pasture-ground near Bir Sbaea. The last hour and a half's ride from the well Jenawa lay along well-cultivated and flourishing corn-fields ex tending along the narrow wadi of Mejenin,* and intermingled with a rich profusion of- flowers, principally the beautiful blue " khobbes." Saturday, March SOth. Having indulged for some hours in the quiet enjoyment of a fine morning and an open, green coun try, I went with the shoush to look after Mr. Richardson's par ty. After an hour's ride through luxuriant corn-fields, and pas ture-grounds enlivened by the horses of the Turkish cavalry, we found Mukni, the sailor, and all Mr. Richardson's baggage ; but he himself had not yet come up. I could not persuade the peo ple to remove our encampment, so I returned, after having paid a visit to the binbasha of the cavalry, who had been stationed here for the last seventeen years. He had contrived to procure , himself a cool retreat from the sultry hours by forming a reg- gular tank, about two feet and a half square, in the midst of his ,tent, and keeping it always full of water. In the afternoon I made a long excursion with my Zintani through the plain, beyond the chapel of Sidi Bargub, in order to buy a sheep ; but, though the flocks were numerous, none of the shepherds would sell, as pasturage was abundant, and every ya.e had what he wanted. In 1846, when I first visited the re gency, the people were starving, and selling their camels and svery thing they possessed to procure food. Sunday, March Slst. Foggy weather indicated that rain was approaching ; and just in time Mr. Richardson with his party irrived, and pitched his enormous lazaretto tent opposite our ittle encampment. Mr. Reade also had come from the town, in )rder to settle, if possible, the misunderstanding with our serv ant Mohammed, and see us off. It is an agreeable duty for ne to acknowledge the many services which this gentleman tendered us during our stay in Tripoli. Our whole party was * The place probably derives its name from the Bata tuberculata, " Mejnineh." 94 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. detained here the following day by the heavy rains ; and Over weg and I were happy to get hold of the black servant of the ferocious pseudo-shei if mentioned by Mr. Richardson, when that troublesome fellow was sent back to town, as we were much in want of another servant. April 2d. We fairly set out on our expedition. The coun try became more diversified as we approached the defile formed by the Bates and Smaera, two advanced posts of the mountain chain, while the^ varied forms of the latter, in high cones and deep, abrupt valleys, formed an interesting background. But the country hereabouts is cultivated with less care than Wadi Mejenin ; and the ground, being more stony, presents, of course, more obstacles than the latter, while both districts are inhabit ed by the same tribes, viz., the Urgaat and the Akara. Even here, however, in the circle formed by the surrounding heights, was a fine extent of plain covered with corn-fields. Just at the entrance of the pass there is a well, where the road divides; and, after a little consultation, we took the western branch, as our people feared that on the eastern we should not find water before night. Changing, therefore, our direction, we seemed a while to keep off entirely from the mountain range till we reached the wide but very rugged and rocky Wadi Haera, which it was our object to reach at this spot, in order to fill our water- skins from the pools formed by the rains. The wadi, indeed, looked as if it sometimes bore in its floods a powerful body of water ; and a considerable dike had been constructed in the early times of the Arabs, extending for two hundred paces from j the wadi eastward ; but it has fallen to ruin, and the path leads now through the breach. Resuming our march, after a good deal of delay, we turned sharp off toward the mountains, and at an early hour encamped on a very pleasant spot adorned with numerous sidr-trees [Rhamnus Nabeca); but instead of enjoying it in quiet, Over weg and I felt disposed to direct our steps toward a hill called Fulije, about half an hour's walk eastward, which promised to be a convenient point for obtaining correct angles of the prom inent features of the chain, and proved to be so in reality. THE BOAT CROSSES THE DEFILE. 95 Having executed this task, therefore, we returned to our com panions well satisfied, and spent the evening in the comfortable tent of Mr. Warrington. We had now reached the slope of the chain, where some of our people supposed that the boat would cause difficulties ; but it could not well do so after being cut into quarters, which fitted to the sides of the camels rather bet ter than the large quadrangular boxes. The most troublesome parts were the long oars and poles, which caused the camel much exhaustion and fatigue by constantly swaying backward and forward. The ground, soon after we had started the next morning, be came stony, and, at three miles distance, very rugged and inter sected by a number of dry watercourses. The landscape was enlivened not only by our own caravan, composed of so many heterogeneous elements, but also by some other parties who hap pened to be coming down the slope : first, the Kaimakam of the Jebel, then a slave caravan, consisting of about sixty of these poor creatures, of whom the younger, at least, seemed to take a cheerful interest in the varied features of the country. The Wadi Bu Ghelan, where the ascent commences, is here and there adorned with clusters of date-trees. In about an hour the first camels of our party reached the terrace of Beni 'Abbas ; and till the whole had accomplished the ascent, I had leisure to dis mount from my tractable Bu-saefi, and to sit down quietly un der a fine olive-tree near the chapel of the Merabet Sames, watching them as they came up one by one, and cheered by the conviction that the expedition was at length in full train. The country was here hilly, and the path often very narrow and deeply cut in the marly soil. Further on, Overweg and I, to- , gether with our shoush, turned off a little to the right from the .great caravan-road, and, passing through fine corn-fields inter- . spersed with flowers of different kinds, reached the village Gwa,- ,sem, lying at a short distance from the eastern foot of Mount jTekut, where we were treated with sour milk by a friend of our .companions. When we had overtaken our caravan, I found itime to pay a visit to the Roman sepulchre,* and ascertained t< * See above, p. 61. 96 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. that the base measured 24 ft. in every direction, the principal body of the monument, containing the sepulchral chamber* hav ing fallen in entirely. From this point we began to ascend the second terrace, and reached the level of the plateau at two o'clock in the afternoon. The country had now a much more interesting appearance than when I was here two months he fore, being at present all covered with green corn. Having started in the direction of the castle, we descended a little before reaching it, along the shelving ground toward Wadi Rummana, and encamped on the spot where the troops usually bivouac. Here- we remained the following day, when, in order to settle formally the demands of our camel-drivers, we had all our things accurately weighed by the officials of the castle. The little market did not grow busy till ten o'clock. The chief articles for sale were three head of cattle, one camel, some sheep and goats, a few water-skins, some barley, a few eggs, and sandals; but at noon it was moderately thronged. In the afternoon we paid a visit to several subterranean dwellings, but were disap pointed in not getting access into an entirely new structure of this kind, formed of a much harder sort of clay. Our cheerful friend Mr. Warrington, in order to treat our party before he sep arated from it for a length of time which nobody could foresee, j got an immense bowl of kuskus prepared, seasoned in the most 1 savory manner ; and our whole party long indulged in the re membrance of this delicate dish as a luxury beyond reach. The site of our encampment was most pleasant : below us the wadi, rich with varied vegetation ; while toward the north the Tekut, with its regularly-shaped crater towering proudly over the lower eminences around, formed a most interesting object. Friday, April 5th. Though busy at an early hour, we did not get off till late, for many things were still to be settled hem We separated from Mr. Warrington ; and of the three travelers I was the only one whom he was ever to see again. Our path was at first very winding, as we had to turn round the deep indentation of the Wadi Rummana, after which it took a straighter course, passing through several villages, with their respective olive-groves, till we reached Bu Sriyan, where the KULETJA.— GHURIA'N. 97 cultivation of the olive-tree ceased entirely for some distance, and the country became more open. Here we made another considerable deviation from our southerly direction, and follow ed a wide valley with much cultivated ground. Having reach ed the village Semsa, situated upon an eminence to our right, we turned off eastward into a very pleasant ravine with an olive- grove, and then began the steep ascent toward the height Ku- leba,* which forms the passage over this southern crest of the plateau. While the camels, in long rows, moved slowly on ward, with their heavy loads, on the narrow and steep rocky path, I, allowing my camel to follow the rest, ascended directly to the village, which is situated round the eastern slope, and is still tolerably well inhabited, although many a house has fallen to ruin; for it has a considerable extent of territory, and, owing to its situation as the southernmost point of Ghurian, the inhab itants are the natural carriers and agents between the northern districts and the desert. On the highest crest, commanding the village, there was formerly a castle, but it has been destroyed by the Turks. Having descended a little into the barren valley, we encamp ed, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the slope of the western hills, near the last scanty olive-trees, and not far from the well, from which we intended to take a sufficient supply of water to last us till we reached Mizda. While our people, therefore, : were busy watering the camels and filling our water-skins, Over weg and I, accompanied by two of the inhabitants of the village who had followed us, ascended a conspicuous mount, Jebel To- ' eshe, the highest in the neighborhood, on the top of which a vil- ' lage is said to have existed in former times. We took several angles ; but there is no very high point about Mizda which could serve as a landmark in that direction. Saturday, April 6th. The country through which we were 8 marching, along irregular valleys, mostly of limestone forma tion, exhibited scattered patches of corn for about the first three ]»i * " Kuleba'* or "keliiba" is a term of frequent occurrence in these districts for a high mountain-top. In some respects it seems to be identical with the term *'" thniye," used in other districts. >' Vol. I.— G 98 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. miles, after which almost every sign of cultivation suddenly ceased, and the "Twel el Khamer," stretching from N.W. to S.E., about two miles distant on the right, formed, as it were, the northern boundary of the naked soil. On its slope a few trees of the kind called raduk by the Arabs were seen from the distance. We then entered desolate stony valleys, famous for the bloody skirmishes which are said to have once taken place there between the Urfilla and the Welad Bu Sef, in the time of 'Abd el Jelil. Refreshing, therefore, was the aspect of Wadi Ranne, which, extending from E. to S.W., was overgrown with green herbage, and had two wells. A little beyond, near the hill, or rather slope called Sh'ahet el Kadim, the latter part of which name seems, indeed, to have some reference to antiquity, we found the first Roman milestone, with the inscription now effaced ; but farther on, Mr. Overweg, who went on foot and was far behind the main body of our cara van, succeeded in discovering some milestones with inscriptions, which he regretted very much not being able to show to me. Hereabouts commences the region of the batum-tree, which, with the fresh green of its foliage, contributes a good deal to enliven and adorn some favored spots of this sterile, gravelly tract. To the left of our path were some remarkable basaltic cones, start ing up from the calcareous ridge. The ground was strewn with numerous flint-stones. About four o'clock P.M. I went to look at a curious quadrangular and regularly-hewn stone, three feet in breadth and length, but only eight inches thick, which was standing upright at some distance from the caravan. It was evidently meant to face the west, but no trace of an inscription was to be seen. About a mile farther on we encamped at the foot of the western chain, which rose to a height of about 300 feet, and formed a narrow cleft with the eastern chain, which at this point closes upon it. In this corner (which collects the humidity of two valleys), besides several battim-trees, a little corn had been sown. Panthers are said to be numerous in this region. The next day we directed our march toward the pass, cross ing the chy teds of several small torrents, and a broader chan- MIZDA. 99 nel bordered by plenty of battim-trees. After an hour's march we had reached the summit of the pass, which now began to widen, the heights receding on each side, and a more distant range bounding the view. We found in the holes of the rocky bottom of Wadi Mezummita, which we crossed about half past eight, several pools of rain-water, affording us a most refreshing drink ; but it was quite an extra treat, owing to recent heavy rains which had fallen here, for in general the traveler can not rely on finding water in this place. The ground becoming very stony and rugged, our progress was excessively slow — not above half an English geographical mile in seventeen minutes. The hills on our right displayed to the view regular layers of sand stone. Another long defile followed, which at length brought us to a plain called Wadi Lilla, encompassed by hills, and of fering several traces of former cultivation, while other traces, farther' on, bore testimony to the industry of the Romans. A small herd of goats, and the barking of a dog, showed that even at present the country is not wholly deserted. In our imme diate neighborhood it even became more than usually enlivened by the passage of a slave-caravan, with twenty-five camels and about sixty slaves, mostly females. After having passed a small defile, we at length emerged into the northwest branch of the valley of Mizda, called here Wadi Ude-Sherab, the channel of which is lined with a considerable number of battim-trees. Crossing the stony bottom of this plain, after a stretch of three miles more we reached the western end cf the oasis of Mizda, which, though my fancy had given it a greater extent, filled me with joy at the sight of the fine fields of barley, now approaching maturity — the crop, owing to the regular irrigation, being remarkably uniform — while the grove of date-trees encompassed the whole picture with a striking and interesting frame. So we proceeded, passing between the two entirely-separated quarters, or villages, distinguished as the up per, "el fok," and the lower, "el Utah," and encamped on the sandy open space a little beyond the lower village, near a well which formerly had irrigated a garden. People going to Tripoli encamp at the other end of the oasis, as was done by a caravan 100 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. of Ghadamsi people with slaves from Fezzan, on the following day. Mizda, most probably identical with the eastern " Musti kome" of Ptolemy, appears to have been an ancient settlement of the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa, the Berbers, and more particularly of a family or tribe of them called " Kuntarar," who even at present, though greatly intermixed with Arabs, have not entirely forgotten their Berber idiom. The oasis lies in the upper part of Wadi Sofejin, or rather a branch of it, stretching out from S.W. to N.E., which has in some parts a great breadth, The natural advantage, or productive principle, of the locality seems to lie in the circumstance that the humidity carried down by the Wadi Sherab is here arrested by a hill, and absorbed hy the clayey soil. This hill is of a lengthened form, and consists entirely of gypsum. From its summit, which affords the best prospect of the whole locality, I made a view of the western vil lage ; while from a more elevated height farther west, called Madum, I made the accompanying sketch of the whole locality. The wells have little depth, and the water is drawn to the surface by means of oxen ; but there being at present only three specimens of this precious animal in the place, the wells are far from being made use of to the extent which is practicable and has been once practiced, as may be concluded from the pillars which extend to a considerable distance on the plain. The town, as I said, consists of two distinct quarters or villages, of which the western one, situated at the eastern foot of the hill, is hy far the larger ; it is built exactly in the character of the ksur of the Algerian Sahara, with high round towers decreasing a lit tle in width toward the upper part, and furnished with several rows of loop-holes. The wall, purposely built with a great many salient and retiring angles, is in a state of decay, and many of the houses are in ruins ; but the village can still boast a hund red full-grown men able to bear arms.- The chief of this village always resides in it, while that of the other generally lives at some distance under tents. The circumference of the village, together with the palm-grove attached to its eastern side, and consisting of about 200 trees, is 2260 paces. MIZDA. 103 Wm9 The lower or southeastern village, the circumference of which is 600 paces, is separated from the former by an interval of about 400 paces, and has at present no palm-grove, all the gar dens having been destroyed or ruined by neglect, and only twenty or thirty palm-trees now remaining scattered about the place. About 100 paces farther down the declivity of the val ley is a group of three small gardens surrounded by a wall, but in bad condition ; and at about the same distance beyond, an other in the same state. The only advantage peculiar to this quarter is that of a large " zawiya," the principal articles in the inventory of which are eight holy doves. But this also has now become but an imaginary advantage, as, according to its learned keeper's doleful complaints, it is very rarely visited. In this as well as in the other quarter, all the houses are built of gypsum. As Mizda is a very remarkable feature in the country, I thought it worth while to make a particular sketch of the oasis also from this side. This oasis is very diminutive ; but two caravan routes, one from Murzuk and one from Ghadames, join at this point. The inhabitants are of a mild disposition, and enjoy the fame of 104 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. strict honesty. Every thing is here considered as secure, and the camels which can not find food in the neighborhood are driven into the green valley at four or five miles' distance, and left there without a guardian. I make these statements ad visedly, as reflections of a different kind have been made on their character. The people seem to suffer much from sore eyes. When we asked them about the most remarkable features of the road before us, they spoke of a high mount, Teransa,* which, however, we did not afterward recognize. -=g

- In the afternoon I made an excursion with Overweg to Jebel Durman, situated at the distance of a mile and a half southeast. It is rather a spur of the plateau jutting out into the broad val ley, and, with its steep, precipitous, and washed walls, nearly detached and extremely narrow as it is — a mere neck of rock- looks much like a castle. Upon the middle of its steep side is a small zawiya belonging to the Zintan. The prospect from this steep and almost insulated pile could not, of course, be very extensive, as the mount itself is on the general level of the pla- * Mount Teransa, if it be identical with the Teransa mentioned above, must be to the east, along the north side of Wadi Sofejin. WADI S'OFEJTN. 105 teau ; but we obtained a fine view over the sea of heights sur rounding the broad valley and the several tributaries of which it is formed. Night was setting in, and we returned to our tent. Having heard our Zintani make frequent mention of an an cient castle with numerous sculptures, and situated at no great distance, I resolved to visit it, and set out tolerably early in the morning of the 9th of April, accompanied by the Arab and one of our shoushes. We had first to send for one of our camels, which was graz ing at about three miles' distance, in the sandy bottom of the wadi S.E. from our encampment. It was only on this occasion that I became aware of the exact nature of the valley of Mizda, and its relation to the Wadi Sofejin ; for we did not reach this latter wadi until we had traversed the whole breadth of the sandy plain, and crossed a mountain spur along a defile called Khurmet bu Matek, at the distance of at least eight miles from our encampment. This is the famous valley mentioned in the eleventh century by the celebrated An dalusian . geographer El Bekri,* and the various produce of which the Arabs of the pres ent day celebrate in song : ras-ha e' ttin ii merj.'n ii wost-ha bazin ii ghar-ha 'ajin. Figs and olive-trees adorn its upper part, which is said to stretch out as far as Erhebat, a district one day and a half beyond Zin tan ; barley is cultivated in its middle course, while wheat, from which the favorite dish 'ajin is made, is grown chiefly in its lower part, near Tawargha. The valley seems worthy of better fortune than that to which it is reduced at present ; for when we marched along it, where it ran S. 20 W. to N. 20 E., we passed ruins of buildings and water-channels, while the soil ex hibited evident traces of former cultivation. I listened with in terest to the Zintani, who told me that the' valley produced an excellent kind of barley, and that the Kuntarar, as well as the * There can not be the least doubt that this valley is meant in the passage cited in "Notices et Extraits," vol. xii., p. 453. Compare Journal Asiatique, serie v., torn, i., p. 156. 106 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. people of Zintan, his countrymen, and the Welad Bu-Sef, vied with each other in cultivating it, and, in former times at least, had often engaged in bloody contests for the proprietorship of the ground. When I expressed my surprise at his joining the name of his countrymen with those of the other tribes herea bouts, he gave me the interesting information that the Zintan had been the first and most powerful of all the tribes in this quarter before the time of the Turks, and held all this country in a state of subjection. Since then their political power and influence had been annihilated, but they had obtained by other means right of possession in Mizda as well as in Ghariya, and still farther, in the very heart of Fezzan, by lending the people money to buy corn, or else corn in kind, and had in this way obtained the proprietorship of a great number of the date-trees, which were cultivated and taken care of by the inhabitants for a share of the produce. Formerly the people of Zintan were in possession of a large castle, where they stored up their provis ions ; but since the time of the Turkish dominion, their custom has been to bring home the fruits of their harvests only as they want them. In Wadi Shati we were to meet a caravan of these enterprising people. CHRISTIAN REMAINS. 107 While engaged in this kind of conversation we entered a smaller lateral valley of Wadi Sofejin, and reached the foot of a projecting hill on its western side, which is crowned with a castle. Here it was that I was to find marvelous ancient sculptures and drawings ; but I soon perceived that it would be as well not to cherish any high expectations. The castle, as it now stands, is evidently an Arab edifice of an early period, built of common stones hewn with some regularity, and set in hori zontal layers, but not all of the same thickness. It forms al most a regular square, and contains several vaulted rooms, all arranged with a certain degree of symmetry and regularity. But while we pronounce the main building to be Arab, the gateway appears to be evidently of Roman workmanship, and must have belonged to some older edifice which the Arab chief tain who built this castle probably found in the place — a con jecture which seems to be confirmed by several ornamental fragments lying about. It is a pity that we know so little of the domestic history of these countries during the period of the Arab dynasties, though a step in advance has been made by the complete publication of Ebn Khaldun's history, else we should regard with more in terest these relics of their days of petty independence. This castle, as well as another, the description of which I shall sub join here, though it was visited some days later, is called after a man named Khafaji 'Aamer, who is said to have been a pow erful chief of great authority in Tunis no less than in Tarabo- lus (Tripoli).* The other ruin, related to this one as well by name as by the style of its workmanship, but in many respects more interesting, having been evidently once a place of Christian worship, stands on a narrow and detached neck of rock in the Sh'abet Um el Kharab, and, from its whole plan, appears to have been origin- * For this statement there may be, indeed, some historical foundation. We know that, from the year of the hejra 724 (1323 A.D.) till the year 802 (1399), there reigned in Tripoli a dynasty of the Beni 'Aamer (Haji Khalfa's Chrono logical Tables, p. 167), who most probably were related to the dynasty of the same name which for a long time maintained its dominion over Tripolis in Syria. 108 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. ally and principally a church about forty-three feet square, suf ficiently large for a small congregation, and with more art and comfort than one can easily suppose a Christian community in these quarters ever to have possessed. Hence greater interest attaches to this building than it would otherwise deserve. It closes with a plain apsis, in which there are two openings or doorways leading into an open room stretching behind it and CHRISTIAN REMAINS. 109 the side-naves, and is divided into three naves, the middle one of which is eight paces, and the lateral ones six and a half wide. The naves are divided from one another by columns with dif ferently-ornamented capitals supporting arches, all in the so- called round style of architecture. I made purposely a sketch of two different capitals, in order to show their designs, and I think they are very characteristic. But it is curious to observe that the walls also appear to have been originally painted on stucco, though at present but a small piece of it remains near the corner ; hence I conclude that the date of the painting was later than that of the erection of the church. The front of the building has suffered in some degree from the depredations of the Arabs, who are said to have carried away a great many sculptures from this place — as much, indeed, a man from Mizda would have made me believe, as fifty-five cam el-loads. However exaggerated this statement may be, it is evi dent that the whole layer over the entrance was originally cov ered with ornamental slabs, while now only two remain to the left of the doorway ; and these, though in the same style of sculpture as the capitals, would rather seem to have been taken from another edifice. There are many debatable points involved in the consideration of this building. The first fact clearly shown is the existence of a Christian community or a monas tery in these remote valleys, as late as the twelfth century at least, under the protection of a powerful chief; and this is not 110 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. at all improbable, as we know that Mohammed expressly ordered that zealous priests and monks should be spared, and as we find so many monasteries in several other Mohammedan countries. That it was not merely a church, but a monastery, seems plainly indicated by the division into apartments or cells, which is still clearly to be seen in the upper story. Attached to the north side of the church was a wing containing several simple apart ments, as the ground-plan shows ; and on the south corner of the narrow ridge is a small separate tower with two compart ments. Near this ruin there is another, which I did not visit, called Ksaer Labayed mt'a Derayer, while a third, called Ksaer el Haemer, has been destroyed. CHAPTER V. SCULPTURES AND ROMAN REMAINS IN THE DESERT. — GHAElTA. April 11th. We lost the best part of the morning, our men not being able to find their camels, which had roamed over the whole wadi. Our road was almost the same as that by which I had returned the previous day; and we encamped in the Wadi Sofejin, on a spot free from bushes. From this place, accom panied by the Zintani, I visited, the next morning, the castle or convent in Sh'abet Um el kharab, which I have described, and thence struck across the stony plateau in order to overtake our ROMAN REMAINS. Ill caravan. It was a desolate level, rarely adorned with humble herb or flower ; and we hastened our steps to reach our com panions. Here I heard from the Zintani that his father came every year about this season, with his flocks, to the valleys east of our road, and that he would certainly be there this year also. He invited me to go thither with him, and to indulge in milk to the extent of my wishes ; as for myself, I declined, but allowed him to go, on condition that he would return to us as soon as possible. Even after we had overtaken the caravan, the country con tinued in general very bare; but we passed some valleys afford ing a good deal of herbage, or adorned with some fine batum- trees. About five o'clock P.M. we encamped in Wadi Talha, not far from a Roman castle or tower on a hill to our left. On visiting the ruin, I found it built of rough stones without ce ment, being about twenty feet square in the interior, with round ed corners, and with only one narrow gate, toward the east. But this was not the only remnant of antiquity in the neighbor hood, for in front of us, on the plateau, there appeared some- 112 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. thing like a tower of greater elevation ; and proceeding early the next morning, when our people had only begun to load, to ex amine it, I found it to be a Roman sepulchre, originally consist ing apparently of three stories ; but of these only the base and the first story remain, while the stones belonging to the upper one are now scattered on the ground, and show that it was orna mented with small Corinthian columns at the corners. Even in the most desolate spot, every thing left by the Romans has a peculiar finish. The first story, being all that at present re mains, measures 5 ft. 4 in. on the east and west, and 5 ft. 9 in. on the north and south sides. Not far from this sepulchre are the ruins of another one, of which, however, nothing but the base remains, if, indeed, it was ever completed. By the time my drawing was finished, the caravan had come up. I then passed several detached cones, the steep precipitous sides of which, formed by the breaking away of the strata, look ed like so many castles, and, traversing Wadi Marsid, reached the camels. They marched to-day at a very good rate, the quick est we had as yet observed in traveling, namely, half a mile in twelve minutes, making a little less than 2£ miles an hour ; hut we afterward found that this had now become our usual rate, ' whereas before reaching Mizda we had scarcely ever exceeded 2 miles an hour. The loads of the camels, of course, had been heavier in the beginning ; but this can hardly be the only rea son of the difference. The greater dreariness of the country, and the impulse of our camel-drivers and their beasts to get to their homes, must be taken into account. I must here ob serve that Overweg and I measured our rate repeatedly with a chain provided by government, although it was a very fatiguing labor, and injurious to our dignity in the eyes of our people. Gradually the day grew very uncomfortable, a hot west wind driving the sand into our faces, and totally obscuring the sky. Keeping along the Wadi Teroth, sometimes more than a mile wide, we had on our left a broad mount, rising first with a grad ual ascent, but in its upper part forming a steep and lofty wall called el Khaddamiyeh. Here too, according to the information of my faithful Arab, there is said to be a Roman sepulchre. REMARKABLE MONUMENT. 113 Having passed a small defile, and crossed another valley, we had other Roman ruins on our right, a castle as it seemed, and near it something Hke a sepulchre ; but the sand-storm hardly allow ed us to look, still less to go in that direction. At three o'clock in the afternoon we turned off to the west into Wadi Tagije, and encamped near the bed of a torrent eight feet deep, which amply testifies that, at times, a considerable stream is formed here, a fact confirmed by the fresh and luxu riant herbage springing up in many parts of the valley among thick bushes and brushwood. Nor was it quite desolate even now ; for the flocks of the Welad Bu-Sef were seen, and their tents were said to be not far off. The upper part of the valley is called El Khtirub. This hot day proved a dies ater to my Arab, who had gone to visit his family. Having brought his old father with him, together with a goat, as a present, and a skin of milk, he un luckily arrived too late in the morning at our last night's en campment. He then sent his father back with the goat, and began to follow us in the hope of soon overtaking the caravan ; but he was obliged to march the' whole intensely-hot day with out water, and he could not drink the milk m. the skin, which became quite hot, so that he suffered greatly, and arrived in a very exhausted state. The fine herbage procured us a whole day's rest, as the camel- drivers were in no haste to bring Tip their camels. Not know ing this, but yet convinced- that we should not start at an early hour, as the well was at some distance, and following the infor mation received from the Zintani, who was himself too lame to accompany me, I had taken my gun and pistols at an early hour in the morning, and gone in the direction of the valley to look after a monument. After nearly two hours' march I distinguish ed something like a high pillar, and, proceeding straight toward it, found it to be one of the richest specimens of this kind of , monument bequeathed to us by antiquity, and an indisputable proof that these regions, now so poor, must have then supported ', a population sufficiently advanced in taste and feeling to admire works of a refined character. ' Vol.1.— H 114 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. The monument rises, upon a base of three steps and in three stories, nearly to a height of forty-eight feet. The base contain! a sepulchral chamber 4 ft. 10£ in. long, and 4 ft. \ in. ' with three niches, one on the north, and two on the east : REMARKABLE MONUMENT. 115 This side was the principal face of the monument, forming its most ornamented part. The first story measures at its base on the E. and W. sides 5 ft. 5| inches, and on the N. and S. sides 4 ft. IOJ inches : it consists of six layers of stones, on the low est of which is represented a pair of wild animals, probably pan thers, with their fore legs or paws resting upon a sepulchral urn, as if they were watching it ; on the next layer above is seen the handsome bust of a young female ; two layers intervene with out sculpture ; and the fifth is ornamented on all the four sides with hunting scenes. The frieze on every side is formed by four rosettes ; but that on the north side had some additional deco ration, the second rosette on that side, from the east, exhibiting a group of centaurs, and the fourth a cock. Upon this part of the frieze is a garland of clusters of grapes ; then follows the moulding. In the second story the third layer forms the sill and lower part of a false door very richly ornamented, and on the fifth layer a pair of genii hold a coronal over the door of the sepul chre, a representation which seems to intimate Christian ideas. Above it a niche contains the busts of a man and his wife ; but on the north side an elderly woman occupies a niche with her bust, probably in her character as proprietress of the single sepulchral niche of the tomb below. Above is an ornament with two bunches of grapes ; and then follows the frieze, of the common Ionic or der. The moulding is surmounted by a pyramidal roof about 12 feet high, which has lost its summit; otherwise the whole monument, with the exception of the sepulchral chamber, which has been broken up in search of treasures, is in the best state of preservation, notwithstanding its very slender proportions — a circumstance very remarkable, after the lapse of at least more than sixteen centuries. No wonder that the natives of these regions now regard these tall sepulchral monuments, so strange at present in this land of desolation, as pagan idols, and call them " sanem ;" for I myself, when alone in front of the mon ument in this wide, solitary valley, and under the shadow of the deep, precipitous side of a plateau adjoining the Khaddamiye on the east, felt impressed by it with a certain degree of awe and veneration. 116 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. My sketch being finished, I was still attracted to a greater distance up the valley by something which seemed at first to be another monument ; but it was only a mark fixed by the Arabs, and served but to lengthen my march back, which was more slow, as the heat had set in. But I was well satisfied with my morning's work, and my companions were greatly astonished when they saw the sketch. In the afternoon I made with Over weg another excursion in the opposite direction, when, after an hour's march, we ascended a height and obtained a most inter esting view over this singular tract, which seems to be the frag mentary border of a plateau torn and severed by ravines and precipices, so that only wall-like cliffs, rising like so many isl ands out of a sea of desolation, indicate its height. A high craggy ridge toward the west, with precipitous pinnacled walls, looked like a castle of the demons. Just in a ravine on the border of this wild scene of natural revolutions, my companion had the good luck to find some very interesting fossils, partic ularly that beautiful specimen which, after him, has been called Exogyra Overwegi ; but our zeal had carried us too far, and it grew dark as we commenced our return, so that we had some difficulty in groping our way back to the encampment, where we arrived weary and fatigued, after having caused our people a good deal of apprehension. April 14th. We were roused from our refreshing sleep as early as two o'clock after midnight ; but this was a mere sham of our camel-drivers, who feigned making up for the loss of yes terday, and, after all, we did not get off early. Our road car ried us from wadi to wadi, which were generally separated from each other by a defile, occasionally presenting some difficulty of passage. We left a castle of Roman workmanship, as it seemedj in the distance to the left, and further on, to the right, a slight stone wall called Hakl el Urinsa, dating from the petty wars between the Arab tribes. We had already passed a few small ethel-bushes ; but now we came to a most venerable* looking old tree called Athelet Si Mohammed fi Useat, spread ing out its weather-beaten branches to a considerable distance: under this I sat down quietly for a while, waiting for our peo- WADI ZEMZEM. 117 pie, who were still behind. The caravan at length came up ; and, continuing our march, we soon passed, on our right hand, the chapel of a great Merabet of the Welad Bu-Sef, called Si Rashedan. The Welad Bu-Sef in general enjoy great author ity with the other tribes for their sanctity of life and purity of manners; they allow no stranger to come near their villages, but pitch a tent for him at a distance, arid treat him well. The person at present most distinguished among them for learning seems to be an old man named Sidi Bubakr, who exercises great influence, and is able to grant serviceable protection to travelers in time of war. The Welad Bu-Spf are remarkable for the excellent breed of their camels, which they treat almost as members of their fam ilies. It is curious that this tribe, intent upon right and justice, has waged war incessantly from ancient times with the Urf ilia, the most warlike and violent of the tribes of these regions. It is difficult to make out whether they are related to the Welad Bu-Sef of the western part of the desert, who are likewise dis tinguished by their peculiar manners, but who, it seems, would scruple, on religious grounds, to call a man 'Abd e' nebi (Slave of the Prophet), which is the name of the ancestor of the East ern Bu-Sef. Emerging from a defile, upon high ground, early in the after noon, we obtained a view over Wadi Zemzem, one of the most celebrated valleys of this part of North Africa. It runs in gen eral from W. to E.N.E., and is furnished with a great many wells, the most famous of which are El Abiadh, Smela, Nakha- la, Uridden, Halk el Wadi, and, a little further down, Teder. In'half an hour we encamped in the valley, full of herbage and with a goodly variety of trees. A caravan coming from the natron-lakes, and carrying their produce to Tripoli, was here encamped. I could not withstand the temptation of ascending, in the afternoon, a projecting eminence on the south side of the valley, which was broken and rent into a great variety of preci pices and ravines ; but its summit, being on a level with the plateau, did not afford me such a distant view as I had expect ed. The cliff was formed of strata of marl and gypsum, and contained many fossil shells. 118 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Monday, April 15th. As soon as we left the bottom of the valley, the path, which became rugged and stony, led up the southern cliffs, went round the east side of the conspicuous promontory, and then continued to wind along between the slopes of the higher level of the plateau. A hill, distinguished from among the surrounding heights by the peculiar shape of its cone, has here received the significant name Shush el 'abid — the Slaves' Cap. A little farther on the roads separate, that to the left leading along the principal branch of the valley to the little town Ghariya, while the eastern goes to the well Ta- boniye. One might suppose that in a desolate country like this, and just at the entrance into a desert tract of great extent, the cara vans would gladly avail themselves of those abodes of hfe which still exist ; but such is not the case ; they avoid them inten tionally, as if a curse were attached to them, and those places, of course, fall every day more and more into decay. After a Httle consultation, the path by Taboniye was thought preferable, and we took it. The rough and stony character of the country ceased, and we gradually entered a fine valley, called Wadi To- lagga, richly clothed with a variety of trees and bushes, such as the sidr, the ethel, the ghurdok, and several others. After meet ing here with a caravan, we caught the gladdening and rare sight of an Arab encampment, belonging to the Urinsa, and obtained some milk. Without crossing any separation or defile, but al ways keeping along the same valley, we approached the well Ta boniye. But near it the vegetation is less rich ; the soil is inter mixed with salt, and covered with a peculiar kind of low tree called by the present inhabitants of the country fr'o — a term which, in pure Arabic, would only mean " a branch." While our people were busily employed pitching the tents, I went at once to examine a moriument which, for the last hour of our march, had stood as a landmark ahead of us. I reached it at the distance of a mile and a quarter from our encampment, over very stony and rugged ground. It was well worth the pains I had taken ; for, though it is less magnificent than the monument in W. Tagije, its workmanship would excite the in- ROMAN SEPULCHRES AT TAB ONI YE. 119 terest of travelers, even if it were situated in a fertile and well- inhabited country, and not in a desolate country like this, where a splendid building is, of course, an object of far greater curios ity. It is a sepulchre, about twenty-five feet high, and rising 120 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. in three stories of less slender proportions than the monumenl above described, and is probably of a later period. The preced ing sketch will suffice to give an exact idea of it. Near this is another sepulchre, occupying a more command ing situation, and, therefore, probably of older date, but it is al most entirely destroyed ; and a third one in an equally ruinous state, but of larger proportions than either, is seen further S.E. These monuments serve to show that the dominion of the Eo mans in these regions was not of momentary duration, but con tinued for a length of time, as the different styles of the remains clearly proves. It may be presumed that no common soldier could pretend to the honor of such a tomb ; and it is probable that these sepulchres were destined to contain the earthly re mains of some of the consecutive governors or officers stationed at the neighboring place, which I shall soon describe. Like a solitary beacon of civilization, the monument rises over this sea-like level of desolation, which, stretching out to an immense distance south and west, appears not to have ap palled the conquerors of the ancient world, who even here have left behind them, in "lithographed proof," a reminiscence of a more elevated order of life than exists at present in these re gions. The flat valley below, with its green strip of herbage, stretch es far into the stony level ; and beyond, northeastward, the des olate waste extends toward Ghariya. I returned to the encampment, which meanwhile had sprung up on the open space round the well, and was anxious to quench my thirst with a draught of the precious liquid ; but the water was rather salt, and disagreed with me so long as I continued to use it, that is, for the next seven days. That we might make good use of our leisure hours, all three of us went the next day to Ghariya, or rather Ghariya el gharbiya — i. e., western, to distinguish it from the more distant eastern place of the same name. Cheerfully as we set forward, we were heartily glad when, after a three hours' march, we saw the northern tower of the place become visible over the monotonous stony plain, the wide GHARTYA.— ROMAN GATEWAY. 121 and unbounded expanse of which seemed to indicate something above a single day's excursion. After having also descried the half-ruined dwellings of the village, we were eagerly looking out for the palm-grove, when we suddenly reached the brink of a deep ravine, in which, on our left, the fresh green plantation started forth, while all around was naked arid bare. We cross ed the ravine, leaving the grove on our left, and ascended the opposite cliffs toward the ruined cluster of miserable cottages, when, having traversed the desolate streets, we encamped out side the Roman gate, the massive and regular architecture of which formed a remarkable contrast to the frail and half-ruined structures of the village. We were greatly astonished to find such a work here.* It has but little resemblance to the Roman castle or station at Bonjem, such as it is seen in Captain Lyon's drawing ;f for, * A copy of my drawing of this interesting monument, of its ground-plan, and of the inscription, was sent by me to Dr. Patrick Colquhoun in May, 1850 ; and a short and learned treatise on it was published by John Hogg, Esq., in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. iv., new series. t Captain Lyon's Travels, p. 67. 122 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. while the latter represents a single gateway flanked by two quadrangular towers, the building at Ghariya consists of three archways, flanked by towers with receding walls. The two smaller gateways have been almost entirely filled with rubbish; the upper layer likewise is gone, and only those stones which form the arch itself are preserved, the centre stone above the principal aych bearing the inscription "PRO. AFR. ILL." (provincia African illustris), encircled by a coronal, while that above the eastern side-gate is ornamented with a large sculp ture, the lower part of which it is difficult to make out distinct ly, except the trace of a chariot and a person in curious attire following it,* while the upper part represents two eagles in a sitting posture, with half-extended wings, holding a coronal, and at each end a female genius, in a flying posture, stretching out a larger and a smaller coronal. Besides this, and a few Berber names,! there is no inscription now on the building ; but an inscription found in another place, which I shall soon men tion, and which was probably originally placed over the small archway on the right,! seems to leave no doubt that this forti fication dates from the time of Marc. Aurel. Severus Antoninus,? and if not built in the years between 232 and 235 after Christ, at least was then in existence. As the ground-plan, which is here subjoined, evidently shows, this is not by itself a complete building, and could only quarters to a very limited number of soldiers acting as a ; * This might represent the subjugated nation or prince. t Among these the following names can be made out with certainty, leaving only the short vowels, which are not expressed, in some doubt. Umaghmagh- diimer or umaghem ghedumer, Muthemaghem. besmeter. menmenyr. The let ters underlined are not certain. It is scarcely necessary to say that these in scriptions were made upon the building at a later period, and that Mr. Hogg was wrong when, taking them for Punic, and thinking that I had overlooked "the most remarkable portions of this remain," he believed them to be taken from some older Punic building. J This is a very probable conjecture of Mr. Hogg. § Although the name ANTONINO has suffered a little in the inscription, yet, copying it, as I did, without any prejudice, I found sufficient traces of the letters composing this name, and I hardly think that I have been mistaken. If so, it is a curious and remarkable instance of this title, which Severus Alexander is said to have refused. See Gibbon, vol. i., p. 289. ARAB TOWER. 123 ¦ ie.£ < ZSM— <~~i(.vf-~f> -V-.«:s"i- > — in fact, it can only be the well-fortified entrance into the Ro man station ; but of the station itself I was unable to discover any traces, though a great quantity of stones from some build ing lie scattered about in the village. The only ancient build ing which I was able to discover, besides the gate, was a cistern at the N.W. corner of the wall, near the slope into the wadi, which is here very precipitous. It was probably 60 ft. long, for at 30 ft. there is an arch dividing it ; but one half of it, ex cept a space of about 8 ft., has been filled with rubbish ; its breadth is 5 ft. 3J in. Perhaps the whole fortification was never finished ; the inner edge of the stones would seem to in timate that not even the gateway received its entire ornament. While I was busy making a drawing of the ruins, Overweg, who, in order to measure the elevation of the place by boiling water, had directed his steps to a rising ground some distance north of the village, which was crowned with a tower, sent to inform me that on the tower was a large Roman inscription, which he was unable to make out, and as soon as I had finished my sketch I went thither. It is a round Arab tower, only two large ancient stones having been made use of as jambs, while a large slab, covered with an inscription, is used as an impost, owing to which circumstance the inhabitants generally regarded even the tower as a Christian or Roman building. The inscrip tion, which was evidently taken from the fortified station, is 32^- in. long, and 15-^-Pr in. high, and consists of nine lines. It has been read and interpreted by Mr. Hogg in the following manner : I(mperatori) Caes(ari) M. Aurelio Severo Alexandro* P(atri) P(atrise) P(i)o Felici Aug(usto) Et pagus et senatus et castr(um) [or castrum munitum] et mu- nicipium d. d. ; poni curavit Severiana; P. Nero situs vexillationis leg(ioni)s * See note, p. 122. 124 TRAVELS IN "AFRICA. IV. S(cythicse) ; [or legionis XXI. Victricis Severianse] dec(urio) Mauromm e(t) solo (o)pere (e)andem vexillationem instituit. " To the Emperor Caesar M. Aurelius Severus, Father of his Country, Pious, Happy, Augustus, the district, the senate, the camp, and free town of ded icate (this) P Nero, Deourion of the Moors, caused the station of the Seve- rian regiment (horse) of the 21st Legion, Victorious, Severian, to be established; and he instituted by his own act the same regiment." Though in this interpretation many words are very uncertain, it is clear from it — as it is more than probable that the inscrip tion was taken from the former monument — that here was the station of a squadron of horse, or rather of an ala sociorum; but at the same time we have to regret that the name of the place is among the words entirely effaced. I, however, think it extremely improbable that it was a municipium. I will here only add that this direct western road to Fezzan and Jerma was not opened before the time of Vespasian, and received then the name "(iter) prseter caput saxi," most probably on account of its crossing the mountain chain near the coast at its steepest part.* As for the tower, or nadhtir, it was evidently erected in for mer times in order to give timely notice when a band of free booters — " el jaesh" (the army), as they are called here — was hovering around this solitary village ; for this seems to have been the chief cause of its destruction, the Urfilla being said to have been always watching and lying in ambush round this lonely place, to attack and rob small parties coming from or going to it ; they are said even to have once captured the whole place. The consequence is that it has now scarcely thirty male inhab itants able to bear arms, and is avoided by the caravans as pestilent, the water, they say, being very unwholesome. The small remnant of the inhabitants have a very pale and ghastly appearance, but I think this is owing rather to the bad quality of their food than to that of the water. In former times it is said to have been celebrated on account of a merabet of the name of Sidi M'adi. * Plinius, H. N., 1. v., c. 5: "Ad Garamantas iter inexplicabile adhuc fuit. Proximo bello, quod cum CEensibus Romani gessere auspiciis Vespasiani Impera- toris, compendium via; quatridui deprehensum est. Hoc iter vocatur Prater » jyiit saxi." GHARIYA "E' SHERKIYA. 125 As soon as I had sufficiently examined the ruins and the vil lage, I hastened to the bottom of the ravine. The contrast be tween the ruined hovels of the village, perched on the naked rock, and the green, fresh plantation, fed by a copious supply of water, is very great. Thick, luxuriant, and shady clusters are here formed, principally around the basin filled by the spring, which rashes forth from beneath a rock, and gives life to the little oasis. Its temperature I found, at half past one o'clock P.M., 70£° Fahr., while that of the air was 70°. The number of the date-trees, though small, is nevertheless larger than in Mizda, and may be nearer to 350 than to 300. The water of the ravine, after a heavy fall of rain, joins the Wadi Zemzem, the principal valley of this whole district, which, together with Wadi Sofejin and Wadi Bei', carries all the streams collected hereabouts to the sea. Such is the character of Ghariya el gharbiya, uniting, even in its present state of decay, great historical interest with that attaching to a conspicuous and remarkable feature in the coun try. Whether her eastern sister^ Ghariya e' sherkiya, awakens an equal or a still greater interest, it is difficult to say, but it seems to have quite the same elements of attraction as the west ern place, namely, a date-grove and Roman ruins. I had a great desire to visit it, but that was not possible, as we were to start next day from Taboniye. According to our Zintani, the path leading to it from the western village first lies over the hammada, then crosses a ra vine called Wadi Khatab, leads again over the plateau, crosses another wadi, and at length, after about ten miles, as it seems, reaches the ravine of Ghariya e' sherkiya,* stretching from W. to E., the grove, of about the same extent as in the other oasis, being formed, at the N. and W. bases of the rocky height upon which the place stands. At the side of the village there is, he said, a large Roman castle far larger than that in the western one, of about eight or ten feet elevation at present, but without an arched gateway of that kind, and without inscriptions. On * It is scarcely necessary to mention that Mr. J. Hogg has been greatly mis taken in identifying this place with Ghirza, which lies at a great distance. 126 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. the east side of the eminence are only a few palms, and on the south side none. The village is distinguished by a merabet called Bu-Sbaeha. Neither from the Zintani nor from any body else did I hear that the inhabitants of these two solitary ksur are called by the peculiar name Waringa ; I learned it afterward only from Mr. Richardson's statement,* and I have reason to think that the name was intended for Ursiha. We returned by a more northern path, which at first led us through a rather difficult rocky passage, but afterward joined our path of yesterday. Overweg and I had no time to lose in preparing for our journey over the hammada, or plateau, while Mr. Richardson was obliged, by the conduct of the ill-provided and ill-disciplined blacks who accompanied him, to follow us hy night. We therefore got up very early next morning, but lost a good deal of time by the quarrels among our camel-drivers, who were trying, most unjustly, to reserve all the heavy loads for the camels of the inexperienced Tarki lad 'Ali Karamra, till they excited his indignation, and a furious row ensued. This youth, though his behavior was sometimes awkward and absurd, excited my interest in several respects. He belonged to a fam ily of Tawarek, as they are called, settled in Wadi el Gharhi, and was sent by his father to Tripoli with three camels, to tiy his chance of success, although members of that nation, with the exception of the Tinylkum, rarely visit Tripoli. He was slender and well formed, of a glossy light-black complexion, and with a profile truly Egyptian ; his manners were reserved, and totally different from those of his Fezzani companions. At length we were under way, and began gradually to ascend along the strip of green which followed the shelving of the pla teau into the valley, leaving the Roman sepulchre at some dis tance to our right. The flat Wadi Lebaerek, which is joined by Wadi Shak, was still adorned with gattuf and retem. It was not till we had passed the little hill called Lebaerek, and made another slight ascent, that we reached the real level of the terrible Hammada ; the ascent, or shelving ground, from Taho- niye to this point being called el Mudhar mt'a el Hammada, * Vol. i., p. 60. THE HAMMADA. 127 and the spot itself, where the real Hammada begins, Bu-safar,- a name arising from the obligation which every pilgrim coming from the north, who has not before traversed this dreaded dis trict, lies under, to add a stone to the heaps accumulated by former travelers. But, notwithstanding all the importance attached to the dreary character of this region, I found it far less naked and bare than I had imagined it to be. To the right of our path lay a small green hollow, of cheerful appearance, a branch of which is said, probably with some degree of exaggeration, to extend as far as Ghadames ; but the whole extent of the Hammada is occasion ally enlivened with small green patches of herbage, to the great rehef of the camel. And this, too, is the reason why the trav eler does not advance at a rate nearly so expeditious as he would expect. In the latter part of our preceding journey we gener ally had made almost as much as two and a half miles an hour, but we scarcely got over two on this level open ground. Of course, the wider the space, the wider the dispersion of the strag gling camels ; and much time is lost by unsteady direction. At the verdant hollow called Garra mt'a e' Nejm the eastern path, which is called Trik el mugitha {via auxiliaris), and passes by the village of Ghariya, joined our path. At Wadi M'amura I first observed the little green bird gen erally called asfir, but sometimes mesisa, which lives entirely upon the caravans as they pass along by picking off the vermin from the feet of the camels. In the afternoon we observed, to our great delight, in the green patch called El Wueshkeh, a clus ter of stunted palm-trees. Hereabouts the camel-drivers killed a considerable number of the venomous lizard called bu-keshash ; and the Tarki in particular was resolute in not allowing any which he saw to escape alive. After a moderate march of little more than ten hours and a half, we encamped in a small hollow called, from a peculiar kind of green bush growing in it, El Je- deriya. A strong cold wind, accompanied by rain, began to blow soon after we encamped. The tent, not being sufficiently secured, was blown down in the night, and we had some trouble in pitching it again. 128 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. •Continuing our march, we passed, about ten o'clock in the morning, a poor solitary talha-tree bearing the appellation of El Duheda. Farther on we found truffles, which in the evening afforded us a delicious truffle-soup. Truffles are very common in many parts of the desert ; and the greatest of Mohammedan travelers (Ebn Batuta) did not forget them in relating his jour ney from Sejelmasa to Walata, in the middle of the 14th cen tury.* The sky was very dark and hazy ; and the moon had an extraordinary " dara," or halo. We slept this night with out a tent, and felt the cold very sensibly. April 19th. The march of the following day was a little en livened by our meeting with two small caravans : the first, of five camels ; the second, belonging to Ghadamsi people, and laden with ivory, of fifteen. With the latter was also a woman, sitting quite comfortably in her little cage. Shortly after half past one o'clock in the afternoon we had reached the highest elevation of the Hammada, indicated by a heap of stones called, very significantly, Rejm el erha, 1568 feet above the level of the sea. We encamped soon after, when a very heavy gale be gan to blow from N.N.W., driving the swallows, which had followed our caravan, into the tent and the holes formed by the luggage ; but the poor things found no protection, for our tent, which was light and high-topped, was blown down again during the night, while a heavy rain accompanied the storm, and we, as well as our little guests, were left a while without shelter, in a very uncomfortable situation. We started rather late the following morning, entering now upon the very dreariest part of the Hammada, called El Homra. So far there had been only one track over this stony plateau ; but in the afternoon a path, called Mserf ben Wafi, branched off toward the left. This path, which leads to the eastern parts of Wadi Shati, formed formerly the common road to Fezzan, the road by way of El Hasi being considered as too insecure, on * Journal Asiatique, 1843, serie iv., torn, i., p. 189. f The name Mser, being pure Arabic, testifies to its antiquity ; for at present no Arab hereabouts would call a track or path by this name. It is properly the journey itself. END OF THE HOMMA'DA. 129 account of the robberies of the Urfilla. Hence the latter is still called the new road, " Trik el jedid." Richardson, who had had enough of the inconveniences of traveling by night, easily got in advance of us this morning, after our short march of yester day, and had advanced a good way by daytime. We were there fore anxious to come up with him ; and on our way we encoun tered a heavy shower of rain before we pitched our tent. Sunday, April 21st. The whole caravan being once more united, the increased variety of our own party relieved a good deal of the feeling of monotony arising from the desolate char acter of the country through which we traveled. After march ing about seven miles, we arrived at the greenest and largest hollow of the Hammada, called Wadi el Alga, which we ought to have reached yesterday, in order to be able to get this day as near the well as possible. As it was, when we encamped in the afternoon, we had still a long day's march before us, and therefore the next day, from general impulse, in order to make sure of our arrival at the well, we started at an early hour, keeping the caravan together by re peated shouting. After a march of about twelve miles, we reach ed the first passage leading down from the Hammada, and call ed Tnie* Twennin ; but it was too steep and precipitous for our rather heavily la'den caravan, and we had to continue till we reached the Tnie el 'Ardha, a little after eleven o'clock, when we began to descend from the plateau along a rough winding pass. The sandstone of which it is formed presented to us a surface so completely blackened, not only in the unbroken walls of the ravine, but also in the immense blocks which had been detach ed from the cliffs, and were lying about in great confusion, that at first sight any body would have taken it for basalt ; but when the stones were broken, their real nature became apparent. Over this broad layer of sandstone, which in some places covered a bed of clay mixed with gypsum, there was a layer of marl, and over this, forming the upper crust, limestone and flints. * Tnie, or, rather, thniye, ? . \ is a classical and still popular Arabic expres sion, for a winding pass over high ground or up a hill. Vol. I.— I 130 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. After a winding course for an hour, the narrow ravine, shut in by steep, gloomy-looking cliffs, began to widen, and our di rection varied less ; but still the whole district retained a gloomy aspect, and the bottom of the valley was strewn with masses of black sandstone, while the country ahead of us lay concealed in a hazy atmosphere, which did not admit of an extensive view. Eager to reach the well, the caravan being scattered over a great extent of ground, we three travelers, with one of the shoushes, pushed on in advance, the south wind driving the sand, which lay in narrow strips along the pebbly ground, into our faces. We cherished the hope of finding a cool little grove, or at least some shade, where we might recline at ease after our fatiguing march ; but, to our great disappointment, the sand becamedeep- er, and nothing was to be seen but small stunted palm-bushes. But even these ceased near the well, which was dug in the midst of the sandy waste, and had once been protected by an oval- shaped building, of which nothing but crumbling ruins remained. It was a cheerless encampment after so fatiguing a march; but there was at least no more fear of scarcity of water, for the well had an abundant supply. No name could be more appro priate to this place than El Hasi (the well). There is no need of any discriminating surname; it is "the Well" — the well where the traveler who has successfully crossed the Hammada may be sure to quench his own thirst and that of his animals. But it is not a cheerful resting-place, though it is the great wa tering-place on this desert road, as he has to cross the fearful "burning plain" of the Hammada before he reaches the spot* There are several wells hereabouts, which might easily supply with water the largest caravan in an hour's time ; for the water is always bubbling up, and keeps the same level. The well at the side of which we had encamped is rather nar row and deep, and therefore inconvenient for a large party; hut it is, though slightly, protected by the ruins around against the wind, which is often very troublesome, and was particularly so * El hammada is a very common name in North Africa for a stony level plain; but it is generally accompanied by a surname. The name is mentioned and ex plained by Ebn Khaldun, vol. ii., p. 358, trans. M. de Slane. r i ; I Vll r ¦ $!.« ma foaltiWm; .'. Mi VSmf^W If I* ,.i' :"l!:' 1111,1 - ¦ li 11 fl* I I: a I I llllilllll1: ¦«* "THE WELL." 133 on the evening of our arrival. Formerly there was here a sort of fortified khan, such as is very rarely seen in these parts, built by the tribes of the Notman and Swaid,* in order to protect their caravans against the pillaging parties of the Urfilla, orig inally a Berber tribe. This building consisted of simple cham bers, twenty, as it seems, in number, lying round an oval court which has entrances from north and south. It is thirty paces long by sixteen wide, the centre being occupied by the well, which, as it is dug in the sandy soil, bears the general name Hasi. It has a depth of five fathoms; and its temperature was found to be 71-f0 Fahr. The quality of the water, in compari son with that of Taboniye, was very good. The elevation of this place was found by Overweg to be 696 feet ; so that we had descended from the highest point of the Hammada 742 feet. As it was, we felt heartily glad when, our steady and heavy Tripolitan tent being at length pitched, we were able to stretch ourselves without being covered with sand. All the people were greatly fatigued, and required repose more than any thing else. Out of regard to the men as well as to the camels, we were obliged to stay here the following day, though the place was comfortless in the extreme, and did not offer the smallest bit of shade. The accompanying sketch, which I made this day, of the place, with the slope of the Hammada in the background, will give but a faint idea of its desolate character. Scarcely any of our places of encampment on the whole journey seemed to me so bad and cheerless as this. If I had had an animal to mount, I would have gone on to a cluster of three or four date- trees, which are said to be at the distance of about three miles west from the well, and belong to the people of Zintan, to enjoy a little shade ; but our camels were too much distressed. * The Swaid were formerly a very powerful tribe in Algeria, and are often mentioned by Ebn Khaldun. In vol. i., p. 94, 101, their subdivisions are enu merated. 134 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. CHAPTER VI. WADI SHATI. OLD JEEMA. — ARRIVAL IN MUEZUK. Wednesday, April 24th. Theee are three roads from El jTasi : the westernmost, called Trik e' duesa, after a small clus ter of palm-trees ; the second, called Trik e' safar, stony and more desolate than the former, but half a day shorter ; and the third, or eastern, leading directly to Birgen. When we at length left our uncomfortable encampment at El Hasi, our cam el-drivers chose the middle road, which proved to be dismal and dreary. But the first part of it was not quite so bad, the ap pearance of granite among the rocks causing a little variety, while tameran and shi'ah clothed the bottoms of the valleys.; and we had a single specimen of a beautiful and luxuriant ba- ttim-tree. When, however, we began to enter the region of the sand-hills, intermixed with rocky ridges and cliffs, the character of the country became desolate in the extreme. We travelers, being in advance, chose our resting-place for the first night near a high rocky mass called El Medal, against the wish of the camel-drivers, who would rather have encamped in the Sh'abet e' talha, further on. The summit of the rocky eminence afforded a very interesting prospect over this singular district ; and our younger shoush discovered, lower down, some scrawled figures. He came running up to inform me of his dis covery ; but it was of no interest, a cow and a sheep being the only figures plainly recognizable. The Fezzani people come hither in spring, when the rain-water collects in the cavities of the rocks, and stay some months, in order to allow the camels to graze on the young herbage, which then shoots up here in profusion. Ben Sbaeda, during such a stay here, had lost a son, near whose tomb the camel-drivers said a prayer, or zikr, early the next morning. Thursday, April 25th. Continuing our march, we soon came to the Sh'abet e' talha, the bottom of which is clothed with the WADI SHA'TI. 135 brushwood called arfish, and with the retem, or broom. Fur ther on, when we came upon the higher rocky ground, the coun try grew more sterile, though we were so fortunate as to catch two gazelles. Black masses of sandstone jutted out on all sides, and gave a wild air to the desolate region through which we were passing. The sterile character of the scene underwent no change till next morning, when, on advancing about a mile and a half, we came to the Wadi Siddre, which was enlivened by a few talha-trees. A narrow defile led us from this place to the Wadi Boghar, whence we entered another defile. Midday was past when we obtained a distinct view of the date-grove in Wadi Shati,* and the high sand-hills which border the valley on the south. Toward the north it was rather open, and we hastened on to escape from the hot desert through which we were marching ; but a good while elapsed before we reached the border of the valley, which on this side abounded in herbage. After a mile and a half we reached the first wild palm-trees, thriving in separate and casually-formed groups. Then follow ed a belt of bare black ground, covered with a whitish crust of salt. The town, on the top of a broad terraced rock, seemed as far off as ever. But I urged on my Bu-Sefi along the winding path over the hard ground ; Richardson and Overweg followed close behind, while the camel-drivers had fallen back to ex change their dirty costume for one more decent. At length we reached the northwestern foot of the- picturesque hill, and chose our camping-ground beyond the shallow bed of a torrent between , the date-trees and the corn-fields, near the largest fountain — a : very agreeable resting-place, after the dreary desert which we had traversed. i We had felt tired so long as the place was yet ahead of us ; j but we had no sooner reached it than all fatigue was gone, and i Overweg and I, under the guidance of a m'allem, went forth to , view the interesting features of the locality. It is certainly a j, very rare spectacle in this quarter of the world to see a town on the top of a steep terraced hill in the midst of a valley, and }I * So the name is generally pronounced; the correct form being Shiyati, " the ,, rent." 136 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. occupying an advantageous position which might be supposed to have given the place great importance from very ancient times. E'deri seems to have been a considerable place till four teen years ago, when the independent spirit of its inhabitants was broken by the despotism of 'Abd el Jelil ben Sef e' Nasr, the famous chief of the Welad Sliman. The old town on the top of the hill having been destroyed, and there being no longer a necessity for a fortified residence, under the civilized though exhausting government of the Turks, the new village was built at the northern foot of the hill, on which side lies the chapel of the Merabet Bu-Derbala, and another of less fame, a little east of the former, called Sidi 'Abd e' Salam. The new village has two gates. Crossing it, we ascended the steep narrow streets of the old town, which seems to have been densely inhabited, and from the highest part, which is 190 feet above the bottom of the valley, obtained a very interestingfiew over a great part of the wadi, with its varied features ---here, black sandstone, which in several places forms hills of consider able extent; there, green fields of wheat and barley; then, again, a large grove of date-trees scattered in long narrow strips behind the high sand-hills bordering the valley on the south The black ground, covered with a whitish crust, lay bare and naked in many parts, while in others it was entirely overgrown with herbage. Toward the south the slope of the rock on whichthe town stands is rather steep and precipitous. On this side lie the caverns which have been already noticed by Oudney, and which are interesting only on account of the oval-shaped form in which they have been excavated, as they are neither remark able for dimensions nor for regularity ; their gen eral shape is this. A larger group of caverns has i been made in a detached rocky eminence, upon which at present the cemetery is situated; but it is only seventy-two feet in length, and its ground-plan is far from being regular. From this place I went through the adjoining grove, which, with a little more care, might easily become a very beautiful .plantation ; for there are a great many wells of very little depth, E'DERI AND ITS GARDENS. 139 and the water is led through the channels with slight trouble. Our encampment in the beautiful moonlight, with not a breath of wind to disturb the tranquillity of the scene, was pleasant in the extreme, and we all felt much delighted and greatly re stored. Early on Sunday morning, after having finished my sketch of the village on the hill, with our encampment in the foreground, I took a walk all round the scattered groups of the plantation, which must have suffered a great deal from 'Abd el Jelil, even though the number of 6000 trees, which he is said to have cut down, be an exaggeration. Toward the east side the salt crust is still thicker than on the west, and is very unpleasant for walk ing. I found here that, in addition to wheat and barley, much amara was cultivated in the garden-fields, besides a few figs ; but I saw no grapes. Several families were living here outside in light huts or sheds made of palm-branches, and seemed to enjoy some degree of happiness. At the southeast end of the plantation rose a hill also formed of marl, and very similar to that on which the town is situated. The names of the villages along the valley, proceeding from west to east, are the follow ing : after E'deri, Te"mesa,n ; then Wuenzerik, Berga (a couple of villages distinguished as B. el foka and B. el utiyah), Gtita, Turut, El Ghurda, Meheraga, Agar, Gogam, Kosaer Sellam, Tamezawa, Aneruya, Zeluaz, Abrak, Gireh, Debdeb, and Ash- kiddeh. The valley has two kaids, one of whom, 'Abd el Rah man, resides at present in Temesan, while the residence of the other, 'Agha Hassan e' Rawi, is in Tamezawa. Meheraga seems to be the most populous of the villages. Abrak has the advant age of a school. April 28th. We left our picturesque encampment in order to commence^ the passage over the sand-hills which separate the shallow " rent" of Wadi Shiyati from the deeper valley, the Wadi el Gharbi, the great valley par excellence. It is rather singular that even the higher ground, which is elevated about fifty feet above the bottom of the valley, is entirely covered with a crust of salt. Having traversed this, we began the ascent of the sand-hills, which in several favored spots present small clus- 140 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. ters of palm-trees, which too have their proprietors. Mukni, the father of Yusuf, Mr. Richardson's interpreter, is said to have killed a great many Welad Sliman hereabouts. The most con siderable of the depressions or hollows in the sand, which are decked with palm-trees, is the Wadi Shiiikh, which afforded, in truth, a very curious spectacle — a narrow range of palm-trees half buried between high sand-hills, some of them standing on the tops of hillocks, others in deep hollows, with the head alone visible. At length, after a good deal of fatigue, we encamped in Wadi Gober, another shallow cavity between sand-hills with brackish water and a few palm-trees. Here our camel-drivers themselves possessed a few trees, and, of course, were more in terested in the inspection of their own property than in starting at an early hour the next day. When we resumed our march we found our work more diffi cult than before, the sand-hills assuming a steepness most try ing for the camels, particularly at the brink of the slopes. We were several times obliged to flatten away the edges with our hands, in order to facilitate the camel's ascent. I went gener ally a Httle in front, conducted by Mohamrried ben Sbaeda, one of our camel-drivers, who, from the moment we had entered Fez zan, had exchanged the quarrelsome character by which he had made himself disagreeable to us, for very obliging and pleasing manners, and was anxious to give me every information. He told me that this belt of sand extended in a southwest and north east direction from Dwesa as far as Fukka, a place, according to him, five days' march on this side of Sokna. He added, that however high and steep we might think these sand-hills, they were nothing in comparison with those in the direction of the natron-lakes ; but, in making this remark, I think he wanted to excuse himself and his companions for taking us this long.way round by the west. He knew that it was our desire to visit the natron-lakes, and that our direct way to Murzuk led by those lakes, while their object was to take us to their native village Ugrefe. Mohammed stated that each district in Fezzan has its own peculiar dialect ; and he contended that, while the inhabitants of Wadi Shati speak a good sort of Arabic, similar THE SANDY REGION. 141 to that spoken in Mizda, the people of the great wadi (Wadi el Gharbi) make use of a corrupt dialect. Meanwhile the caravan remained very far behind, and we thought it prudent to wait for them in Wadi Tawil, particularly as the path divided here. It was so hot that my camel, when I let it loose to browse a little, would not touch any thing. When the other camel-drivers at length came up, there was a dispute as to the path to be followed ; but the truth was, that while there could be no doubt about the direct road to Murzuk, some of the camel-drivers wished to take us to Ubari. But at length the other party, interested only in carrying us westward as far as Ugrefe, which was a great deal out of our route, got the upper hand, and we left the road to Ubari, which passes only two wadis, or hollows, called Tekur and Uglah, both with bad water, to the west, and followed the road to Ugrefe. About four o'clock in the afternoon we encamped in the Wadi Mukmeda, near the sand-hills bordering its southern side, under the shade of a wild palm-bush. Close to it was very good wa ter only two feet below the surface ; but as the hole had only just been made, it contained much sulphureted hydrogen. The following day we crossed several smaller valleys with a few palm-trees (but a larger grove adorned the Wadi Jemal), all be longing to one of our camel-drivers of the name of Bu Bakr. He also possessed here a magazine, built of bricks, and probably several centuries old, but entirely covered with sand, where he had deposited forty camel-loads of dates. They were of the kind called tefsirt, of very large size and exquisite taste, and were eagerly devoured by our people. After having refreshed ourselves for a moment, we went on, having just before us the very steepest ascent that occurs on the whole road. I was obhged to dismount from my beautiful Bu-Sefi in order to get him over it. This ridge being once behind us, we were told that all the " war" was over ; there were, however, still a few " difficult passes" before us. In the Wadi Gellah, which we next crossed, we found the footsteps of a flock of sheep and of a single camel, which latter animal finds plenty of food in this sandy district, and, at the shallow well in Wadi Uglah, is 142 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. able to quench its thirst without the assistance of man. Thence we descended into Wadi Tigidefa, where we encamped near a couple of palm-trees, the only ones in the wadi ; a copious well of very good water was near them, overshadowed by a thick cluster of palm-bushes. It was altogether a very satisfactory camping-ground, except that it swarmed with camel-bugs, as such places in the desert generally do. Wednesday, May 1st. With a general impulse of energy, we started this morning at a very early hour, twenty minutes past two o'clock in the morning, in order to get out of the sands, and to arrive in "the Wadi." After seven hours' constant march, we at length got a fine view of the steep cliffs which inclose the Wadi on the south side, and which contrasted marvelously with the white sand-hills in the foreground ; for, stretching out in a horizontal dark line which faded away at each end, they exhib ited an illusive picture of a lake spread out before us in the re mote distance. The cool east wind, which had blown in the morning, and promised a fine day, changed, as is very common in these regions, toward noon into a hot south wind, and made us very uncomfortable and susceptible of the fatigue of a long march, particularly as the distance proved much greater than we had expected. Indeed, it was not till nearly two o'clock in the afternoon that Mr. Richardson and I, who were much in ad vance of the caravan, reached the border of the Wadi, and shortly afterward the well Moghras, at the foot of two tall palm- trees, where we found a woman with two neatly-dressed chil dren. They belonged to the Azkar - Tawarek, who, leaving their miserable abodes, migrate to these more fertile districts, where they build themselves light cottages of palm-branches, and indulge in a patriarchal life, breeding camels and rearing sheep. Near almost every village in the Wadi, outside the palm-grove, in the bare naked bottom of the valley, these poor people form a sort of suburb of frail huts ; but nevertheless they keep up family ties with their brethren near Ghat, and re spect in some degree the authority of the chief Nakhnukhen. That this state of things might become very unfavorable to Fez zan in an outbreak of hostilities between the Turks and the REACH THE WADI.— UGREFE. 143 Tawarek, is obvious ; I shall have occasion to say more on this subject further on. A belt of saline incrustation, of more than half a mile in breadth, runs through the middle of the valley, forming a line of demarcation between the separate palm-groups and the continuous grove. On reaching this grove we soon caught sight of the famous yillage Ugrefe, the residence of our camel-drivers, which was to them the grand point of attraction, and, in truth, the only cause of our taking this westerly route. It consisted of about thirty light and low dwellings made of clay and palm-branches, and lay near an open space where we were desired to encamp ; but, longing for shade, we went a little further on, and encamped near two splendid ethel-trees (Tamarix orientalis), the largest I ever saw before I reached E'geri. When the camels came up and the tents were pitched, the encampment proved most agree able. Early next morning I was again in motion, roving over the plantation, and was very much pleased with its general charac ter. The corn, which was a fine crop, was just ripe and about to be harvested ; and close to our camping-ground two negro 144 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. slaves were employed in cutting it, while three or four negresses carried it away to the stores. The negroes were powerful young fellows; the women were rather ugly, excepting one, who had a very handsome figure, and by coquettish demeanor tried to make herself more attractive. All of them accompanied their work with singing and wanton movements, and gave dis tinct manifestations of the customs of this district, which is no torious for the familiarity of its female inhabitants with the large caravans of pilgrims who annually pass through the Wadi on their way to or from Mekka. The fields are watered from large holes or wells, which are sunk through layers of variegated marl. Being anxious to visit Old Germa, and to convince myself of its identity with the Garama of the Romans, I hired a miserable little donkey, and, accompanied by the stupid young son of Sbaeda, set out on an exploring expedition into the eastern part of the valley. Keeping iri general along the southern border of the plantation, and having on my right the precipitous rocky cliff of from 300 to 400 feet elevation, I went on slowly till I reached the southwest corner of Jerma kadim, fortified with a quadrangular tower built of clay, and exhibiting a very curious arrangement in its interior. The whole circumference of the town, which was deserted long ago, is about 5000 paces. Here, near the town, there are no Roman ruins whatever, but the re mains of several large and strong towers, built of clay, are to be seen a little farther on ; and, being unable to make out the sep ulchre described by Dr. Oudney,* I was obliged to go to Ta- wash, the village inhabited by the Merabetin. It is divided into three distinct parts, a Tarki village, consisting of huts of palm-branches, an outer suburb of scattered dwellings built of clay, and a small quadrangular place of very regular shape, sur rounded by earthern walls, and furnished with two gates, one on the east, and the other on the west side, and regular streets crossing at right angles. Having here obtained a guide from Haj Mohammed S'aidi, a wealthy man and the owner of almost all our camels, I started for the Roman monument, situated in * Excursion to the AVestward of Mourzuk, p. xlvii., Denham and Clapperton. THE LAST ROMAN MONUMENT. 145 a wide opening of the southern recess. I found it in tolerably good preservation, and without delay made a sketch of it, as it seemed to me to be an object of special interest as the southern most relic of the Roman dominion. It is a remarkable fact, that several years before the beginning of our era the Romans should have penetrated so far as this place ; and that their do minion here was not of a merely transitory nature, this monu ment seems clearly to show. It is only one story high, and seems never to have been loftier. This is evidently character istic of the age in which it was built, and I am persuaded that it is not later than the time of Augustus. Those high steeple- tombs which I have described above seem not to have come into fashion before the middle of the 2d century after Christ* The base measures 7 ft. 9^ in. on the west and east sides, and * Lucius Ealbus Gaditanus, the conqueror of Cy damus (Ghadames) as well as of Garama (Jerma), celebrated his triumph in the year 18 B.C. or A.U. 735. (Plin., N. H., 1. v., c. 5 ; Velleius Patercul., ii., 51 ; Strabo, iii., 169 ;. Marmor Capitolin.) The names and pictures of the other nations and towns, which Balbus carried in his triumph (Plinius, 1. c), were evidently a mere show, comprising, most prob ably, all the information which he had been able to obtain of the interior. -Vol. I.— K ' 146 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. at least 7 ft. 4 in. on the other two sides, including a spacious sepulchral chamber or burial-room ; but while the base fonns almost a quadrangle, the sides of the principal structure are of very different dimensions, measuring not more than 5 ft. 8£ in. on the north and south, and 7 ft. on the west and east sides. It is adorned with pilasters of the Corinthian order. The whole monument is covered with Tefinagh or Berber writing, which was not only intelligible to me, but also to our young camel- driver 'Ali Karamra, whose family lives in this part of the wadi, in a homely little dwelling of palm-leaves. However, as the writing was very careless, and my time was fully taken up with sketching the more important subjects, I did not copy the in scriptions, which indeed are only names ; but, of course, even names might contribute something toward elucidating the his tory of the country. By a direct path I returned from this place to our encamp ment, and felt rather fatigued, having been in motion during all the heat of the day. The south wind still increased in the evening, and we could distinctly see that it was raining toward the longed-for region whither we were going, while we had noth ing from it but clouds of sand. Overweg, meanwhile, had as cended in the morning the highest cliff of the sandstone rocks forming the southern border of the valley, and had found it to be 1605 feet high, or 413 feet above the ground at our encamp ment. Friday, May 3d. Having heard, the day before, in the village of the Merabetin, that Haj Mohammed, the owner of our cam els, ordered the boy who was with me to tell Sbaedo, his father, that they should not start before this evening, I was not sur prised at our camel-drivers not bringing the camels in the morn ing. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when Over weg and I at length pushed on, entering the extensive grove of New Jerma — a miserable place, which, being entirely shut in by the palm-grove, is almost deserted. The grove, however, ex hibited a very interesting aspect, all the trees being furnished with a thick cluster of palm-bush at their roots, while the old •dry leaves were left hanging down underneath the young fresh THE GROVES OF THE WADI. 147 crown, and even lower down the stem, not being cut off so short as is customary near the coast. But picturesque as the state of the trees was, it did not argue much in- favor of the industry of the inhabitants ; for it is well-known to Eastern travelers that the palm-tree is most picturesque in its wildest state. Be yond the town the grove becomes thinner, and the ethel-tree pre dominates over the palm-tree ; but there is much palm-bush. We entered another grove, which stretches far northward into the valley, its produce being, according to our camel-drivers, en tirely reserved for the poor. Having passed Tawash, with its Httle grove, we entered the fine plantation of Brek, enlivened by the bleating of sheep and goats. Here, in the small fields where corn is cultivated, the ground is thickly incrusted with salt and soda. We at length encamped near the grove of Tewiwa, close to the village of the same name, and to the north side of the Merabet Sidi e' Salam. The next morning, while the camels were loading, I visited the interior of the village. The walls have given way in several places, and the whole made the impression of a half-deserted place ; but the little kasbah, which is never wanting in any of these towns, was in tolerable condition. One of the inhabitants, on being asked why the viUage was so much decayed, told me that a torrent had destroyed a great portion of it nine years ago, in consequence of which the greater part of its population had dispersed abroad, only about twenty families now remaining. But this is the condition of nearly all the places in Fezzan ; and it can be partiaUy accounted for only by supposing that many of the male inhabitants go off to Negroland, to avoid being made soldiers. A very extensive grove belongs to Tewiwa ; but the plain between the village and the rocks is rather open, only a few patches of corn-field being scattered thereabouts. Three vast and detached buttresses, which jut out from the cliffs into the plain, give a very picturesque appearance to the groves and villages which we passed on our route. We were just proceeding in the best manner, when a halt was ordered, from very insufficient reasons, a little south from the village Tekertiba, where we were to pass the heat. Meanwhile 148 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. I ascended a ridge of rocks, which, a little farther down, crossed the valley from the southern border. The ridge was a narrow,, steep, waU-like cliff, which afforded a very interesting view of the end, or rather beginning, of the fertile Wadi, which was close at hand. From the highest point of the ridge I descended northward, crossing a small defile, which is formed between the two rocky buttresses to the north and south, the latter being the more con siderable. Along it runs a path, connecting the two valleys. Here I obtained a view of the fresh green valley on the one side, and the destructive sand-hills on the other, and directed my steps to the plantation, where young people were busily engaged in drawmg water from the large pond-like wells. The beams, by means of which the water is drawn up, require to be strongly constructed, the whole of the khattar having a height of from sixty to eighty feet. These draw-wells are always placed in pairs ; and a couple of miserable asses, partners in suffering, do aU the work. The young male laborers aU wore straw-hats, and had an energetic appearance. The northern border of the plantation is now menaced by the approach of the sand-hills, which have already overwhelmed the last range of palm-trees. There is a curious tradition in Teker- tiba,that from the highest peak of the cliffs bordering the valley on the south side, a rivulet or brook, issuing from a spring, runs down into the valley underground. There were, it is related, originally several canals or stream-works leading down to this subterranean aqueduct ; but they have been all fiUed up. The village itself, on the south border of the plantation, is tolerably large, but is inhabited by only forty families at the utmost, though it is the most populous place in the valley next to Ubari. By the exertion of much energy, I at length succeeded in the afternoon in getting our little caravan again under way ; and we left the Great Wadi through the defile, which appears to have been once defended by walls, and, having crossed some irregular depressed plains, encamped at seven o'clock in the evening in a wadi with a moderate supply of herbage. Starting on the fol lowing morning at an early hour, we soon emerged into a more ARRIVAL AT MU'RZUK. 149 open level, beautifuUy adorned with fine talha-trees, and, having with difficulty dragged on our camel-drivers, who shortly after ward wanted to encamp in Wadi Resan, we entered a dreary wilderness, from which we did not emerge till we arrived at the plantation of Aghar, where we encamped. Monday, May 6th. All the people were eager to reach to-day the first great station of the journey ; but, owing to the straying of some of the camels, we were unable to start quite as early as we wished. The country in general was very sterile, presenting only a few smaU date-groves, which we passed at greater or less distance, and at length, when we reached the plantation of Mur zuk itself, we were far from finding in it that picturesque and refreshing character which we had admired in the palm-groves of the Wadi. These had formed a dense beautiful shade and fine groups, while the plantation of Murzuk was scattered about in thin growth, so that it was scarcely possible to determine exact ly where it began or where it ended. Thus we reached the wall of the town, built of a sort of clay glittering with saline incrust ations ; and going round the whole western and northern sides, which have no gate wide enough for a caravan, we halted on the eastern side of the town, not far from the camp of the pilgrims who were returning from Egypt to Marocco and Tawat, till Mr. Gagliuffi came out of the town and brought us in. Mr. Rich ardson had arrived about an hour before us. I was lodged in a cool and airy room on the N. E. corner of Mr. Gagliuffi's house, which had within the court a very pleasant half-covered hall. Mr. Gagliuffi treated us with all possible hospitality, and did all in his power to render our stay in the town agreeable. 150 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. CHAPTER VII. RESIDENCE IN MURZUK. Unfortunately, our stay in Murzuk seemed likely to be come a very long one, as the chiefs from Ghat, who were to take us under their protection, were not yet sent for. The courier with our letters, to which was added a missive from the acting governor promising perfect security to the chiefs, did not set out tiU the 8th of May. No doubt, in order to visit Air, a country never before trodden by European foot, with any degree of safe ty, we wanted some powerful protection ; but it was very ques tionable whether any of the chiefs of Ghat could afford us such, while the sending for them expressly to come to Murzuk to fetch us would, of course, raise their pretensions very high, and in the same degree those of other chiefs whose territory we should enter hereafter. Be this as it may, this mode of procedure having been once adopted, the question arose whether all three of us should proceed to Ghat ; and it was decided, the very next day after our arrival, that the director of the expedition alone (Mr. Richardson) should touch at that place, in order to make, if possible, a treaty with the chiefs in that quarter, while Mr. Overweg and I were to proceed with the caravan by the southern route directly to the well Arikim, and there to await Mr. Richardson. ProvidentiaUy, a man had been sent to act as mediator be tween us and the countries to which we were about to direct our steps. He had been recommended to us in the very strongest terms by Hassan Basha, the former governor of Fezzan, whom we had frequently seen in Tripoli, and who knew something about the men of influence and authority in Negroland. This man was Mohammed Boro, who, with the title Serki-n-turawa, "Lord of the Whites," resided generaUy in A'gades, but had also a house and many connections in Sokoto, and at present delay. 151 was on his home journey from a pUgrimage to Mekka. It was a great pity that Mr. Gagliuffi, H. M.'s agent and our host, in fluenced I know not by whom, greatly underrated the impor tance of this man, and treated him with very Httle consideration. He was represented to us as an intriguer, who, besides, arro gated to himself much more consequence than he was reaUy en titled to — a man, in short, whose friendship was scarcely worth cultivating, at least not at any sacrifice. Mohammed Boro called upon us on the 8th of May at Gagli- uffi's house. He was an elderly, respectable -looking man, wearing a green bernus over white under-clothes. He could speak but little Arabic, but received Mr. Gagliuffi's empty and rather ironical assurances that the whole welfare and success of the expedition were placed in his (Mohammed Boro's) hands with a continual strain of " el hamdu HUahi"s. In his company were his eldest son and another man of Asben. He afterward sent us some guro, or kola-nuts, of which he seemed to have a great stock, and which he also sold in the market. Gagliuffi sent him, as an acknowledgment, a very lean sheep, which, with a smaU loaf of sugar, was all he got from us in Murzuk. In stead of gaining his friendship, this treatment served only to irritate him, and was productive of some very bad consequences for us. This interesting person wiU appear in his true charac ter and importance in the course of this narrative. The appearance of Murzuk is rather picturesque, but its ex treme aridity is felt at once, and this feeling grows stronger on a prolonged residence.* Even in the plantation which sur rounds it there are only a few favored spots where, under the protection of a deeper shade of the date-trees, a few fruit-trees can be cultivated, such as pomegranates, figs, and peaches. Cu- Hnary vegetables, including onions, are extremely scarce ; milk, except a little from the goats, is, of course, out of the question. * I will here only remark that the degree of heat observed here by Captain Lyon, which has astonished and perplexed all scientific men, is not the real state of the atmosphere, but evidently depended upon the peculiar character of the locality where that enterprising and meritorious traveler had placed his ther mometer. 152 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. The town lies in a flat hollow, "Hofrah," which is the ap propriate native name of the district, but nevertheless at the considerable elevation of 1495 ft., surrounded by ridges of sand; and in this hollow lies scattered the plantation, without the least symmetry of arrangement or mark of order. In some places it forms a long. narrow strip, extending to a great distance, in oth ers a detached grove, while on the southeast side of the town the desert approaches close to the walls in a deep inlet. To ward the east a little grove apart forms, as it were, an advanced post. The densest and finest part of the grove is toward the north, where also are the greatest number of gardens and fieldfl in which wheat, barley, gedheb (or, rather, kedheb), and a few vegetables, are cultivated with much labor. In the same quar ter also the greatest number of cottages are to be found, inclul8- ing huts (large and small) made of palm-branches, the fornrer consisting of several apartments and a small court-yard, th^ latter having generally only one room of very narrow dimerir sions. ',> In the midst of this plantation lies Murzuk. It is situated so as not to face the cardinal points, but with a deviation from them of thirty degrees, the north side running N. 30° E., S.30° W., and so on: it is less than two miles in circumference. The,t| walls, built of clay, with round and pointed bastions, but partly ^ in bad repair, have two gates, the largest on the east, and the™ other on the west side. There is only a very small gate onjj the north side, and there is none toward the south. This quar ter of the town has been greatly contracted by 'Abd el JeliI, as the remains of the old wall of the time of Mukni clearly show,; '( but the town is still much too large for its scanty population, which is said now to amount to 2800, and the greatest part of it, especiaUy in the quarters most distant from the bazar, is thinly inhabited and half in ruins. The characteristic feature of the town, which shows that it has more points of relation with Negroland than with the lands of the Arabs, is the spacious road or " dendal" stretching out from the eastern gate as far as the castle, and making the principal part of the town more airy, but also infinitely more exposed to the heat. GROUND-PLAN OF MU'RZUK. 155 The bazar, of course, is the most frequented part of the town. It lies nearly half way between the east and west gates, but a Httle nearer to the former, and affords, with its halls of palm- stems, a very comfortable place for the seUers and buyers. The watch-house at the east end of the bazar, and almost opposite Mr. Gagliuffi's house (from the terrace of which the accompany ing view was taken), is ornamented with a portico of six col umns, which adds to the neat appearance of this quarter of the town. The kasbah is the same as in Captain Lyon's time, with its immense walls and small apartments ; but the outer court has been much improved by the buUding of a barrack or kish- lah, wliich now forms its northern portion. It is a large quad rangular buUding, with a spacious esplanade in the interior, around which are arranged the principal apartments. The build ing is said to be capable of containing 2000 men, though at present there are but 400 in the garrison, who are well lodged and fed. The accompanying sketch of a ground-plan will give a toler ably exact idea of the whole character of the town. 1. Custom-house. 2. Guard-house. 3. Watch-house. 4. Mr. Gagliuffi's house. 5. Garden 6. House of the agent of Bornu. 7. Mosque. 8. First court-yard of kasbah. 9. Kishla. 10. Staircase leading to the upper apart- With regard to commerce, the condition of Murzuk is very 156 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. different from that of Ghadames. The latter is the residence of wealthy merchants, who embark all their capital in commer cial enterprises, and bring home their own merchandise. But Murzuk is rather the thoroughfare than the seat of a consider able commerce, the whole annual value of imports and exports amounting, in a round sum, to 100,000 Spanish dollars ; and ' the place, therefore, is usuaUy in great want of money, the for eign merchants, when they have sold their merchandise, carry ing away its price in specie — the Mejabera to Jalo, the Tebu to Bilma and Bornu, the people of Tawat and Ghadames to their respective homes. Few of the principal merchants of Murzuk are natives of the place. The western or Sudan route is more favorable to commerce than the route to Bornu. On the latter the Tawarek are always ready to furnish any number of camels to carry merchandise and to guarantee their safety, while the road to Bornu, which is the nearest for Murzuk, is in such a precarious state that the merchant who selects it must convey his merchandise on his own camels and at his own risk. As for the routes through Fezzan, the Hotman, the Zwaya, and the Megesha are the general carriers of the merchandise; while, on the route to Sudan, the conveyance at present is wholly in the hands of the Tinylkum. As soon as Gagliuffi learned distinctly the plan of our expe dition, he made an agreement with these people to take our things as far as Selufiet ; and they were anxious to be off. After much procrastination, they fixed upon the 6th of June for taking away the merchandise with which we had been provided here. We were to follow on the 12th ; but the luggage not being ready at an early hour, our final departure was fixed for the 13th. O'M EL HAMMA'M. 157 CHAPTER VIII. THE DESERT. — TASAWA. — EXACTIONS OF THE ESCORT. — DELAY AT ELAWEN. Thursday, June 13th. Accompanied by Mr. Gagliuffi, the Greek doctor, and the Bin-basha, we left Murzuk by the west ern gate. My parting from Mr. Gagliuffi was cordial. He had received us and treated us hospitably, and had shown an earnest desire to further our proceedings, and to secure, if possible, the success of our expedition ; and if, in his commercial transac tions with the mission, he did not neglect his own advantage, we could not complain, though it would have been infinitely better for us if we had been provided with a more useful sort of merchandise. In leaving the town, we kept, in general, along the same path |by which we had first entered it, -and encamped during the hot Ihours of the day in the scanty shade afforded by the trees of "Zerghan, the weU close by affording us delicious draughts of cool water, not at all of that brackish, insipid taste wliich is common to the water of Fezzan. We had started in the belief that we should find our luggage in O'm el hammam; but in this place we learned from the poor ragged people who come oc casionaUy hither to take care of the trees that it was gone on to Tigger-urtfn. Not knowing, however, the road to the latter place, we took the path to O'm el hammam, and encamped about seven o'clock in the afternoon a little north of it. O'm el hammam is a half-decayed and deserted village, built of clay, which is strongly incrusted with salt, the inhabitants at present living entirely in huts made of palm-branches. The plantation, being intermixed with a large number of ethel-trees (Tamarix orientalis), and interspersed with gardens, exhibited a more varied aspect than is generally the case with these groves ; and, having pitched our tent near a large ethel-bush, 158 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. we felt very comfortable, especiaUy as we had the good luck to obtain a few eggs, which, fried with plenty of onions, made a very palatable supper. Next morning we directed our course to Tigger-urtin, making almost a right angle toward the north, and crossing a desolate plain incrusted with salt, after we had left the fine plantation of O'm el hammam. Having reached the village of our camel- drivers, which consists entirely of huts of palm-branches, we looked long in vain for a tolerable camping-ground, as the strong wind filled the whole air with sand. At length we pitched our tents a few paces south from the well. It was an extremely sultry and oppressive day, and the wind any thing but refresh ing. In the afternoon we went to pay our compliments to Moham med Boro, who had left Mtirzuk several days before us. He in formed us that he had consumed all his provisions, and that he would have left to-day for Tasawa, in order to replenish his stores, if he had not seen us coming. We consoled him with the intimation that we hoped our whole party would be soon ready for starting, and sent him a quantity of dates and corn. The next day I went roving through the vaUey, which, a httle further to the N.W., was much prettier,- and had several fine clusters of palm-trees ; but the most picturesque object was the old village, built of clay, now entirely in decay, but surrounded by a dense group of fine date -trees. Opposite is a sketch of it. At the southwest end of the grove also is a little viUage, like wise deserted. Here I met a Fellata or PuUo slave, a full- grown man, who, when a young lad, had been carried away from his native home, somewhere about Kazaure, and since then had been moiling and toiHng here in this half-deserted valley, which had become his second home. He told me that fever had driven away the old inhabitants of the viUage long ago, aft er which the Tinylkum seem to have taken entire possession of it, though it is remarkable that its name seems rather to be long to the Berber language, its original form being Tigger-oden (ode means the vaUey), which has been changed into the more SETTING OUT FROM MUTtZUK. 159 general form Tigger-urtin. The whole valley, which makes a turn toward the southwest, is full of ethel-bush, and affords shel ter to a number of doves. Groups of palm-trees are scattered about. June 16th. In the morning I took a walk round the viUage of the Tinylkum, which exhibited some lively and interesting scenes. AU the men were saying their prayers together upon a sand-hiU on the north side of the principal cluster of cottages, while the women were busy in getting ready the provisions for the long journey about to be undertaken by their husbands, and the chUdren were playing among them. About fifty or sixty huts were lying hereabouts, most of them formed into groups, others more detached. Some of them had.pointed roofs, while others were flat-roofed ; but all of them had a neat and orderly appearance. Besides camels, which constitute their principal wealth, as by means of them they are enabled to un dertake those long annual journeys to Sudan, they possess a good many sheep. Two of our camel-drivers, Ibrahim and Sfiman, whom I shall have occasion to mention repeatedly, to gether with their mother and sister, were in possession of a 160 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. flock of about 200 head, which they were sending to the fine pasture-grounds of Terhen in Wadi Berjush. Besides the lat ter valley, the Tinylkum also use the valley Taderart as their , chief pasture-grounds. On the E.N.E. side of the village rose a hill about 100 feet high, and affording a fine view over the valley-plain. From its highest summit, where a niche for prayers has been laid out with stones on the ground, it stretches from east to west, and forms a kind of separation in the flat valley, limiting the ethel- tree to its western part, all the sand-hills in the eastern prolon gation being covered with palm bushes, which, from a distance, have the appearance of a thick grove. Descending from this hiU northward, I came to the handsomely-decorated sepulchre of Haj Salemi, the brother of the sheikh, who resides in Murzuk, and farther on met a party of Tinylkum en route for the wadi, where numbers of them are residing. Another division dwells about Sebhha ; but the whole body of the tribe comprises from 350 to 400 families, which are united by the closest bonds, and act as one body — "like meal" (to use their own expression) "falling through the numerous holes of a sieve into one pot." About noon arrived the pilgrim-caravan of the Tawati, which had been long encamped near Murzuk, on their way home ; it had been this' year only 114 persons strong, with 70 muskets, while sometimes it musters as many as 500 persons. Their chief, or sheikh el rakeb, was an intelHgent person of the name of 'Abd el Kader, a native of Timimun, who had been leader of the caravan several times. They encamped at no great distance from us on the open ground. Being obliged to buy another camel for myself (in order to he able to mount our servant Mohammed el Tunsi on a camel of our own, the Tinylkum being very particular about their beasts, and not liking to see a man often mounting them), I bought, in the afternoon, a fine tall meheri from Haj Mohammed for 69 Fezzan riyals, or 55 Spanish dollars. June 11th. I made a longer excursion along the eastern part of the wadi, which here, where it is lower and collects more hu midity, is adorned with some beautiful wild groups of palm-trees GATHERING OF THE CARAVAN. 161 left quite to themselves ; the valley extends toward Wadi Ghod- wa, which it joins. Keeping on in that direction, I came to a poor hamlet caUed Marhhaba, inhabited by a few families, who bitterly complained of their poverty. Here was formerly a vil lage built of clay, and a large spacious castle about sixty-five paces square. All is now deserted, and only a small part of the available ground is under culture, forming about six or sev en small fields. The same picture is met with aU over Fezzan, where the only places exhibiting to the eye some degree of life and prosperity are Sokna and Murzuk. The population of this wide expanse of country falls short of even sixty thousand souls. The heat of the day had already set in when I returned to the tents, where I was extremely rejoiced to see the different members of our caravan coUecting at last, so as to afford a fair prospect of our soon setting out for unknown and more inter esting regions. There had arrived Mohammed el Sfaksi, a man with whom Mr. Gagliuffi had entered into a sort of partnership for a commercial journey to Negroland, and whom he had sup plied with a tolerable amount of merchandise, and in the after noon came the boat. The following day Yusuf Mukni, Mr. Richardson's interpreter, came with the rest of the luggage, so that gradually every thing fell into its right place, and nothing- was now wanting but the Tawarek chiefs to set our whole body in regular motion. We therefore procured a load of dates from Aghar, and, getting every thing ready, roused our spirits for the contemplation of novelties and the encountering of difficulties ; for the latter could certainly not be wanting where the former were at hand. Wednesday, June 19th. While the. greater part of the cara van took the direct road to the well Sharaba, Mr. Overweg and I, with the remainder, chose the road to Tessawa, or, rather, more accurately, Tasawa ; but, though our party formed but a smaU body of people, yet it presented a very animated spectacle. The lazy Arab mode of letting the camels go singly, as they like, straggling about right and left, strains and fatigues the traveler's attention ; but his mind is stimulated and nerved to Vol. I.— L 162 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. the contemplation' of great distances to be traversed when he sees a long line of camels attached one to the other, and led by a man at a steady pace without any halt or interruption. As for myself, riding my own meheri, I was quite at liberty to go before or fall behind, just as the circumstances of the road call ed for observation, or presented something worthy of attention. Having passed some tolerably deep sand-hUls accumulated in the wadi, we obtained a sight of an advanced spur of the plan tation of Aghar to our left, when the ground became firm and the country more open. Then, keeping along the southern bor der of the principal plantation, we passed the village and our former camping-ground, and having left farther on some desert ed villages and a few scattered huts of palm-leaves, stiU inhab ited, a little on one side, about noon we again entered a sandy region with a few detached palm-groups. Here I observed a specimen of a very rare sort of bifurcated or divided palm-tree (not the dtim, which is generally so), with two distinct tufts hanging down on the opposite sides : this is the only specimen I ever saw. We then passed the village of Tasawa,* which, with its clay walls and towers, looks much more considerable from afar than it appears when viewed from among the deserted houses within it ; still it is one of the more wealthy and import ant places of the country. A little beyond it we encamped on the open sandy ground, when, as our smaU tent had by mistake gone on in advance, and our large tent was too bulky to be pitched for one night's rest, we contrived a very tolerable airy shade with our carpets. We had scarcely made ourselves comfortable when we re ceived the joyful news that Hatita, with two sons of Shafo,had just arrived from Ghat,«and were about to call on us. Their arrival, of course, had now become a matter of the utmost im portance, as Mr. Richardson had made his mind up not to start without them, though it might have been clear, to every one well acquainted with the state of things in the interior, that their pro- * This is evidently a Central African name, and appears to belong to the original black population of Fezzan. But it seems to stand in some sort of rela tionship to Asawa, the name of one of the original seats of the Auraghen. REFORMATION OF ISLA'M. 163 tection could nqt be the least guarantee for our favorable recep tion and success in the country of Air or Asben, inhabited and governed by an entirely distinct tribe. And, on the other hand, the arrival of these chiefs made our relation to Mohammed Boro extremely disagreeable ; for, after waiting so long for us, he now clearly saw that Mr. Gagliuffi, in declaring that we relied entirely on him for success, while we were, in fact, placing ourselves whol ly at the disposal of the chiefs of Ghat, was only trifling with him. He therefore flew into a violent passion, threatening open ly before the people that he would take care that we should be attacked on the road by his countrymen ; and these were not empty threats. After a hot day followed a very fine evening, with a beauti fuUy -clear moonlight; and cherishing the fervent hope that, with the assistance of the Almighty, I should succeed in my dangerous undertaking, I lay down in the open encampment, and listened with hearty sympathy to the fervent prayers of the Tin ylkum, which, in melodious cadence, and accompanied with the sound ha, ha, sometimes in a voice of thunder, at others in a melancholy, unearthly plaint, were well adapted to make a deep impression upon the mind, the tall palm-trees forming majestic groups, and giving a fanciful character to the landscape in the calm moonlight. It is a remarkable fact that, while the Mohammedan religion in general is manifestly sinking to corruption along the coast, there are ascetic sects rising up in the interior which unite its last zealous followers by a religious band. The particular sect to which belong the Tinylkum, who in general are Maleki, has been founded by Mohammed el Medani, who established a sort of convent or oratory (zawiya) near Masrata, and endowed it with a certain extent of landed property, from the produce of which he fed many pilgrims. The best feature of this creed is the abolition of the veneration of dead saints, which has sullied in so high a degree the purity of Islam. Mohammed el Medani is said to have died a short time ago ; but his son continues the pious establishment.* It is a sort of freemasonry, and promises * From what Major Burton says in his " Pilgrimage," vol. ii., p. 390, it would 164 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. to make a great many proselytes. I am not ope of those who think it a sign of progress when Mohammedans become indiffer ent to the precepts of their religion, and learn to indulge in drinking and such things ; for I have not given up my belief that there is a vital principle in Islam, which has only to be brought out by a reformer in order to accomplish great things. In Tasawa also reside a few Tinylkum, who, however, have been intimately intermixed with the Arabs, while the others in general keep their blood pure, and do not intermarry with the people of Fezzan. Having assured ourselves that, owing to the arrival of the Tawarek chiefs, we should have to make some stay here, we de termined to pitch our large tent early the next morning, while the chiefs had a long dispute with Mohammed e' Sfaksi, the sub ject of which I must relate, as it throws some light on the his tory and the present state of this country. The northern Ta warek, when they occupied the country round Ghat, established a sort of tribute, or gherama, to be paid by merchants passing .through their territory, and on payment of which the trader should be no further molested, but enjoy full protection. At that time the Masrata — a section of a very powerful Berber tribe — had made, as we shaU see, a colonial settlement in A'gades, and, owing to their great power, commercial activity, and near connection with the Tawarek, were considered whoUy exempt from any tribute, while the inhabitants of Tunis, who seem to have excited the jealousy or hostihty of the great lords of the desert, were subjected to the highest personal exaction, viz., ten dollars a head. Now Gagliuffi's partner was a native of Sfakes; but, having long resided in Masrata, he insisted upon being free from tribute, like the inhabitants of the latter place ; but our friends were not to be cheated out of their right, and made him pay as a Tunisian. Having settled this little business, they came to us. There were Hatita Inek (the son of) Khoden of the Manghasatangh, Utaeti (tlie eldest son of Shafo), a younger son of the latter, and appear that Mohammed Ibn 'Abdallah e' Snu'si, which is his full name, is still living. RETURN TO MU'RZUK. 165 several more. The first, who had enjoyed the friendship of Captain Lyon, behaved throughout like a man well acquainted with Europeans ; but Utaeti conducted himself like a strict Tar- ki, neither showing his face nor speaking a single word. Hatita expressed the wish that we should not proceed until he returned from Murzuk, where he assured us he would remain but a short time ; and we engaged to do our best to keep back the camel- drivers, who were but little inclined to stay here long. In consequence of this state of things, I determined to return to the town, in order to ascertain the terms entered into between the parties ; and accordingly, starting at five in the evening, and resting a few minutes after midnight in Zerghan, I reached Mur zuk on Friday morning at seven o'clock. I found that Mr. Gag liuffi had been very ill during the hot weather of the last few days, but to-day he was fortunately a little better. Having waited in vain for the chiefs the whole of Saturday, we received a visit from them on Sunday, when they appeared in the finery with which they had been dressed by Mustapha Bey, but would not come to any terms ; and it was not till Monday, when they took up their residence in the house belong ing formerly to Mukni, but now to the Wakil of Borno, that they concluded an arrangement. The sum which they then re ceived would have been moderate had they undertaken to see us safe under the protection of Annur, the chief of the Kel-owi. I urged, with Mr. Gagliuffi, the necessity of having a written copy of the agreement ; but to this the chief would not listen, and thus confessed that there was really no distinct contract, as we had been given to understand, to the effect that Utaeti should not leave us till he had committed us to the care of the chief Annur. This business being concluded, I was in great haste to return to Tasawa ; and starting immediately afterward, at one o'clock in the afternoon, arrived at our tent a little before midnight. Our tent, indeed, was still there ; but all the Tinylkum (Musa alone excepted) and all our things were gone on, and Overweg and I were obliged to follow the next day, without waiting for Mr. Richardson. 166 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Accordingly, on the 25th of June we left Tasawa, and, after having crossed some sand-hills, entered upon harder soil, with ethel-bushes crowning the little hills, the whole- scene making the impression that a considerable current of water had at one period flowed along here and carried away the soil, which had once extended to the top of the hUls. The whole district, which is a narrow and very long strip of land, affording a little herb age for cattle and sheep, bears the name of Wadi Aberjush or Berjush, and soon exhibits a more pleasant character ; the en circling borders increase a little in height, while the sand ceases and a great deal of herbage begins to cover the soil. But after about another hour's march we entered upon pebbly ground like that of the Hammada, and continued descending through a bare country tUl we reached the well Sharaba, where we encamped a little to the north, near a talha-bush. It is an open well, only three feet below the surface of the ground, which here forms a very remarkable hoUow, almost six hundred feet below the level of Murzuk, but nevertheless contains water only for two or three months in the year. It is, however, evident that, in case of heavy rains, a large pond or lake must be temporarily formed here by the torrent, which, sweeping along Wadi Ber jush, finds no outlet. Toward evening the locaHty was enHvened for a short time by a smaU slave-caravan, led by Mohammed Trumba or 'Akerut, an active, energetic man, whom I met several times in the course of my travels, and incurred some obligation toward him, as it was he who, on my setting out from Zinder to Timbuktu in the beginning of 1853, brought me a supply of one thousand dollars, without which I could scarcely have succeeded in my undertaking. He had come in only sixty-five days from Zin der, and thirty-three from Asben, having been obliged to pursue his journey as fast as possible, because, owing to the expedition of the Kel-owi against the Welad Sliman, provisions were very scarce in Asben. He estimated the number of fighting men who had gone on that expedition at seven thousand, and stated that the Tawarek were acting in concert with the Daza, a tribe of Tebu, whose real name is Bulguda. He stated that E' MOVE ON FINALLY.— SHA'RABA. 167 Nur (or Annur, as the name is pronounced), the chief of the Kel-owi, was at present in Tasawa (that is to say, the town of that name on the borders of Negroland), but would soon return to Asben. He confirmed the report of plenty of rain having fallen in the desert, in consequence of which the wells were full ; but he begged me to beware of the cold during the nights, which he represented as very intense. He had twenty-three female slaves with him and only five camels, and hastened on to Tasa wa, in order to obtain dates for his famished people. Wednesday, June 26th. Owing to the camels having strayed, it was very late when we left our encampment, and entered a sort of flat valley, from which we ascended to a higher level. From this we obtained a distant glance, toward the W.S.W., of the ruins of a fortress caUed Kasr Sharaba, the history of which, as it is connected with the struggles of yore between the Tebu and the inhabitants of Fezzan, would be fuU of interest, if it could be made out distinctly. Toward noon the country wore a more genial aspect, being adorned with several groups of palm-trees. We had to go round a rather steep hill, about 350 feet high, from the summit of which I obtained an interest ing view over the desert. The whole country presented a very irregular structure, and scarcely allowed the continuous line of the Wadi Berjush to be traced by the eye, hiUs of considerable height and black pebbly tracts succceeding each other. Over such a desert we continued our march, until, late in the after noon, we reached a spot where the sight of a true wadi, full of herbage and bordered by a strip of talha-trees, gladdened our hearts, and we encamped. It was a pleasant open ground, and the night being cool and refreshing, we felt very much invigor ated when we rose the next morning to continue our march. The talha-trees continued, but the herbage was principally limited to resu, an herb which has a very strong taste, and is not relished by camels for any length of time. The green strip. took an irregular, winding course, sometimes approaching the sand-hiUs which we had always on our left at a certain distance, sometimes keeping more to our right ; and Musa, our grave but cheerful camel-driver, dwelt in terms of the highest praise on 168 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. the great superiority of this wadi, which, he said, is joined by as many as a hundred smaller branches. It evidently forms the natural high road between Fezzan and the western desert, and about a month ago must have exhibited a more varied as pect, enlivened as it then was by a considerable torrent sweep ing along it. In the afternoon we saw several spots where the eddying stream had formed itself a bed about five feet deep, and had turned up the ground all around ; the crust of mire which covered the bed of the torrent had not yet dried. We encamp ed on a pleasant spot called Hamawa, without pitching our tent, so delighted were we to enjoy the fresh air of the desert. Here we were joined by a man from Tasawa, who wanted to seize a debtor, who had attached himself to Boro's party in order to make his escape into Sudan — a practice very common with the people of Fezzan. By repeated measuring with our chain, we had found that, on tolerably even ground, our ordinary rate as the Tawarek travel was half an English geographical mile in thirteen minutes. It is the general custom of these people, who do not allow their camels to feed on the march, to leave them the whole night on the pasture, and not to fetch them tiU morning, for which rea son they never start very early, and often at a rather late hour. Friday, June 28th. About an hour after we had begun our march along the line of green herbage, we came to a temporary well called Ahitsa,* containing very fine rain-water, but only for a period of about two months in the year. Having filled two of our water-skins, we continued our march, and soon, to our great joy, got sight of two white tents belonging the one to Mo hammed Boro, the other to Mohammed e' Sfaksi, and pointing out to us the encampment of the earavan. It had been pitched on open ground, in the midst of the strip of green herbage, and surrounded with a rich border of talha-trees. The place offered good pasture for the camels ; and a small encampment of other Tinylkum, not belonging to our caravan, but merely pasturing * The commencing vowel-sound " a" is generally inaudible, at least by a strange ear, if the word be not very distinctly spoken ; but nevertheless it is char acteristic of these Tawarek names. JOIN THE CARAVAN.— TESE'MMAK. 169 their camels and goats here, had been formed near the trees. The whole presented an animated picture. Our camel-drivers are said to possess, in the sand-hiUs bordering this valley on the south side, considerable stores of dates and corn, and to have taken from thence their supplies for the road. The whole char acter of this landscape appeared to me so peculiar that, the fol lowing morning before we started, I made a sketch of it from the elevated stony ground to the north of the channel, which here exhibited evident traces of a small waterfall formed by the heavy rains. Stones had been laid here in the form of a circle as a place of prayer. The whole valley was about four miles broad ; the locality is called Tesemmak. When we started next morning we formed a tolerably large party, with sixty-two camels, which were arranged in four strings, one of which consisted of thirty-three animals, each fast ened to the tail of the preceding one. The valley was enliven ed by a small herd of gazelles, which Overweg and I tried for a moment to pursue. Having passed a well called Tafiyuk, at a place where the sand-hills jut out into the valley, we encamped 170 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. about half an hour beyond, near another well containing rain water for a short time of the year, and caUed- Em-eneza. Two branches of the wadi unite here ; and distinct traces of the great force of the last torrent remained in the broken condition of the ground. Here we remained encamped for the two foUowing days, in order to allow Mr. Richardson and the Azkar chiefs to come up. I spent the time sometimes writing and studying, at others rov ing about or musing while seated on some elevated rocks at the border of the rising ground. Musa was our constant visitor, and gave us aU the information required, though he was not very inteUigent. There had been some small differences between us and our camel-drivers, who, though in other respects not un couth or uncivil, had, from religious principles, sometimes as sumed a rather hostUe position toward us. We now effected a general reconciliation, and there was every reason to believe that we should go on well with them. Tuesday, July 2d. Being informed that our companions were near, we moved on a little, and at length got out of the eternal Wadi Aberjush, with all its little side-branches, which are di vided from the main wadi by a gently-rising ground covered with black pebbles. Then after a little we reached the Wadi Elawen, forming a broad depression running from the north, where it is joined by several branch channels descending from the plateau toward the sand-hiUs on the south, and encamped on its western side, between tall sebot shooting up from the sandy ground, and near some fine talha-trees. We soon discovered, to our great delight, that only two hundred paces above our en campment, the floods, descending from the higher ground in two large branches, and carrying down with them bushes and brush wood in abundance, had formed a pond at present about 100 feet long and 50 feet broad, which contributed greatly to enliven the district. AU the world was bathing and playing about the water ; and flights of thirsty birds, of the kinds JYumida and Pterocles, were hovering, about, watching a favorable moment to come in for their share. Every where in the bottom of the valley there was water at a little depth ; and we obtained ex- WADI ELA'WEN. 171 ceUent potations from a weU dug by our people close below our tents. About five o'clock in the afternoon we were at length joined by Mr. Richardson and the chiefs of the Azkar ; but the unsat isfactory way in which the business had been concluded with these chiefs in Murzuk led to a break-up sooner even than I had suspected. The next evening Hatita summoned us to a divan, and declared distinctly that he required a month's time to make the necessary preparations for the journey to Air. Hence it would be necessary for us to separate from the caravan, and, taking our luggage with us to Ghat, to hire or buy other camels there. In reply to this unjust and absurd demand, we declared that we had no other choice but to follow the direct Sudan road in the company of the caravan, and that it was our firm intention, at any rate, not to lose more than seven days in Ghat. Hatita having left us rather dissatisfied at our decision, our servants, who would gladly have idled away one or two months in Ghat as they had done in Murzuk, insolently told us that we were very much mistaken in thinking that the road to Air was in any degree open to us, for it would first be necessary to send a cou rier to ask the permission of the chiefs of that country to enter it, and we must wait for the answer. While remaining, firm in our resolution, we of course consent ed to go to Ghat, and tried at the same time to come to some final arrangement with our camel- drivers, promising them a small aUowance for every day they should wait for us. They at length promised to spend ten days on the way to Arikim, a weU three days' march south from Ghat, where they would wait six days, and then go on directly to Air. Attacking the old chief, therefore, on his weakest side, we sent him word the next morning that, as we had but little money with us, he would not succeed in getting any thing of value from us if he should try to keep us in Ghat for any length of time ; and I insisted, with Yusuf Mukni, upon the dishonesty of the chief's conduct in try ing to make an entirely new bargain after he had got all he de manded. His answer was satisfactory; and with the fervent hope that we should not be baffled in our attempt to discover 172 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. new regions and new tribes of men, we left the further develop ment of the affair to time. While these disputes were going on, I employed my leisure hours in roving about our encampment, in different directions, up and down the valley. The eastern of the two branches, which by their junction form the valley, was peculiarly rich in herbage, and commanded by a hill starting up from the plateau, which afforded a very interesting view around, though this was almost surpassed by the prospect from a mound a little to the W.S.W. of our tent. The lower part of the vaUey was more diversified by numerous branches, which joined it on the S.E. side. One of these, which was bordered by high ridges of sand stone, was evidently a favorite play-ground of the gazelles, the fresh footmarks of which checkered its sandy bottom like a net. • Pursuing this direction, I approached the sand-hills which form the southern border of this whole district. Fatigued by my long walk, I was the more able in the even ing to do full justice to our supper, which was diversified by a variety of birds that had been shot in the course of the day near the pond. CHAPTER IX. SINGULAR SCULPTURES IK THE DESERT. — THE MOUNTAIN PASS. June 5th. We had to separate from the Tinylkum and from our luggage without having any certainty as to where and when we might overtake them. The chiefs of Ghat, too, had started in advance. The country had been rising all the way from Wadi Sharaba, which seems to form the lowest point in this whole region, and we ascended to-day very considerably. Push ing on in advance of our little troop, and passing a small cara van which was laden with provisions and merchandise belong ing to the pilgrim-caravan of the Tawati, I soon came up with Hatita and his companions. They were civil and kind; but the old friend of the English, who hud an eye to a new marriage HATITA. 173 with some pretty Amoshagh girl some forty or fifty years youn ger than himself, gave me sundry expressive hints that I should spare him something of my outfit — either a pair of pistols, or a carpet, or a bernus, or any other little article. My refusal in no wise rendered him uncivil. While he was riding by my side, I took the opportunity of making a slight sketch of him, his English gun, the gift of some previous traveler, forming a strik ing contrast to his large shield of antelope hide, ornamented with a cross. Having crossed another valley of some extent, we descended into Wadi Elghom-ude (the Valley of the Camel), which, richly clothed with herbage, forms an inlet in the stony plateau from north to south, and has a very cheerful aspect. The encampment, spread over a great extent of ground, formed quite an ethnographical museum, comprising as it did six dis tinct small caravan-troops from different parts of Africa, and even of Europe. Saturday, June 6th. A splendid morning, cool and fresh. We were happy to meet a-small caravan coming from Sudan, which brought us some important pieces of news : first, that they had come to Ghat in the company of five men belonging to the family of A'nnur (the chief of the Kel-owi), who, after a short stay, would return to their country ; and, secondly, that the expedition of the Kel-owi had returned from Kanem, after having totally annihilated the Welad Sliman. They brought with them seventeen slaves, among whom were fifteen females, one with a very engaging countenance. After less than three 174 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. miles' march, our companions looked about in the Wadi Teli saghe for a camping-ground. The valley proved of more than ordinary interest. It was hemmed in by steep cliffs of rock, and adorned with some fine talha-trees. With no great reluc tance we followed the Tawarek chiefs, who kept along its steep western border, and at length chose the camping-groundiat a spot where a western branch joins the principal wadi. Scarcely had we pitched our tents when we became aware that the val ley contained some remarkable sculptures deserving our partic ular attention. The spot where we had pitched our tents afforded a very fa vorable locality for commemorating any interesting events, and the sandstone blocks which studded it were covered with draw ings representing various subjects, more or less in a state of preservation. With no pretensions to be regarded as finishef sculptures, they are made with a firm and heavy hand, well ac customed to such work, and, being cut to a great depth, bore a totally different character from what is generally met with in these tracts. The most interesting sculpture represented the following sub ject, the description of which I am unfortunately able at pres ent to accompany with only an imperfect woodcut, as the draw- mm:- ¦¦'y$wm£M SCULPTURES OF TELISAGHE. 177 ing which I made of it on the spot was forwarded by me to En gland to Mr. Birch, the celebrated Egyptian archaeologist, and seems to have been mislaid. The sculpture represents a group of three individuals, of the following character and arrangement: To the left is seen a tall human figure, with the head of a peculiar kind of bull, with long horns turned forward and broken at the point ; instead of the right arm he has a peculiar organ terminating like an oar, while in the left hand he carries an arrow and a bow — at least such is the appearance, though it might be mistaken for a shield: between his legs a long tail is seen hanging down from his slender body. The posture of this figure is bent forward, and aU its movements are weU represented. Opposite to this curious individual is another of not less remarkable character, but of smaller proportions, entirely human as far up as the shoulders, while the head is that of an animal which reminds us of the Egyptian ibis, without being identical with it. The small pomted head is furnished with three ears, or with a pair of ears and some other excrescence, and beyond with a sort of hood (which, more than any other particular, recalls the idea of Egyptian art), but it is not furrowed ; over the fore part of the head is a round line representing some ornament, or perhaps the basilisc. This figure likewise has a bow in its right hand, but, as it would seem, no arrow, while the left hand is turned away from the body. Between these two half-human figures, which are in a hostile attitude, is a buUock, small in proportion to the adjacent linea ments of the human figure, but chiseled with the same care and the same skillful hand, with the only exception that the feet are omitted, the legs terminating in points, a defect which I shall have occasion to notice also in another sculpture. There is another peculiarity about this figure, the upper part of the bun, by some accident, having been hollowed out, while in general all the inner part between the deeply-chiseled outlines of these sculptures is left in high relief. The animal is turned with its back toward the figure on the right, whose bow it seems about to break. The block on which it was sculptured was about Vol. I.— M 178 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. four feet in breadth and three in height. It was lying loose on the top of the cliff. No barbarian could have graven the Hnes with such astonish ing firmness, and given to all the figures the light, natural shape which they exhibit. The Romans, who had firmly established their dominion as far as Garama, or Jerma, might easily have sent emissaries to this point and even further ; but the sculp tures have nothing in them of a Roman character. Some few particulars call to mind the Egyptian sculptures. But, on the whole, it seems to be a representation of a subject taken from the native mythology, executed by some one who had been in intimate relation with the more advanced people on the coast, perhaps with the Carthaginians. Be this as it may, it is scarce ly doubted that the subject represents two divinities disputing over a sacrifice, and that the figure at the left is intended for the victor. On the cliff itself there is another sculpture on a large block, which, now that the western end is broken off, is about twelve feet long and five feet high. The surface of the block is quite smooth, protected as it has been, in some degree, by the block above, which projects considerably ; nevertheless, the sculpture has suffered a good deal. It bears testimony to a state of life very different from that which we are accustomed to see now in these regions, and iUustrates and confirms Saint Augustine's* statement, that the ancient kings of this country made use of buUs for their conveyance. It represents a dense group of oxen in a great variety of positions, but all moving toward the right, where probably, on the end of the stone which is now broken off, the pond or well was represented from which the beasts were to be watered. Some of these bulls are admirably exe cuted, and with a fidelity which can scarcely be accounted for, unless we suppose that the artist had before his eyes the ani mals which he chiseled. My sketch gives only a faint idea of the design, which is really beautiful. The only defect, as I * Augustin., Op., vol. xvi., p. 526, ed. Bassan. ; " Garamantum regibus tauri placuerunt. CATTLE BEASTS OF BURDEN. 179 have already remarked above, is in the feet, which, from some reason or other, have been negligently treated. If we consider that the sculpture described is close to a wa tering-place on the high road to Central Africa, we are reduced to the conjecture that at that time cattle were not only common in this region, but even that they were the common beasts of burden instead of the camel, which we here look for in vain. Not only has the camel no place among these sculptures, but even among the rude outlines which at a much later period have been made on the blocks around, representing buffaloes, os triches, and another kind of birds, there are no camels ; and it is a well-known fact that the camel was introduced into the west ern part of Northern Africa at a much later period.* There was a similar group on another block of this interest ing cliff, but too much effaced to allow the particulars to be dis tinguished ; but the figure of an ass among the oxen was quite clear, as weU as that of a horse, which was, .however, ill drawn. Not far off, Overweg found another sculptured stone representing, as the annexed sketch shows, an ox jumping through * See my Wanderings along the Shore of the Mediterranean, vol. i., p. 5, ff. It is, however, to be remarked, that even now, when the quantity of water all over the ancient world has certainly decreased a great deal, oxen are sometimes used on this Sudan road by way of Ghat soon after the rains. I have been as sured that in 1847 or 1848 the well-known Tebu Haj Aberma traveled with oxen from Kand as far as Ghat, about the time of the 'Aid el kebir — that is to say, in the month of December — the oxen being watered every second day. 18Q TRAVELS IN AFRICA. or falling into a ring or hoop, which I should suppose to have an allegorical meaning, or to represent a sacrifice, rather than, as Mr. Richardson thought, to represent any games of the cir cus. There was a circle regularly laid with large blocks of rock at the southwestern slope of the cliff: these, I should sus pect, belong to the same period as the sculptures before men tioned. To a later period belong innumerable inscriptions in Tefinagh, with which the cliffs on the other side of the valley and over hanging the water-pond are covered. These are mere scrib- blings, and are interesting merely as they serve to render evi dent, by contrast, the superior merit and age of the adjacent sculptures. It appeared to me remarkable that on this side, where the water now principaUy coUects, not a single drawing should be seen ; and I formed the conclusion that in more an cient times the water coUected in the other side. The valley is formed by the junction of two branches coming from the north, of which the western is the more considerable, being joined by some smaller wadis. Just at the place of our encampment it changed its direction, and extended from W. to E., having run in its upper course from N.W. to S.E. After the junction the valley runs from N. to S., and loses for a mo ment almost the character of a wadi while running over pebbly ground; but it soon becomes once more well bordered and adorned with fine groups of talha-trees, and in some places ex hibits a river-bed eight feet deep, and stiU wet. Near a shep herd's cave there was a very luxuriant tree, under whose shade I lay down. Toward evening the pUgrim-caravan of Haj 'Abd el Kader, which had delayed so long in the wadi, arrived. The whole valley resounded with the cries of the men and their camels, who were aU eagerly pressing toward the pond at the foot of the steep cliffs. Fortunately, we had already laid in a supply of water, else we should not have been able to obtain any fit to drink. Sunday, July 1th. Owing to the camels having strayed to a great distance, we started at' a late hour; still leaving the Ta warek chiefs behind, who wanted to settle some business with FINE VALLEYS. 181 the Tawati, and, for this purpose, had changed their dirty trav eling-dress for showy caftans and bemuses. We ascended the higher level, and continued along it, crossing some small beds of water-courses overgrown with herbage, till, after a little more than four miles, we had to, descend into a deep and wild ravine which led us to a vale. Having again ascended, we then came to the wide and regular valley caUed Erazar-n-Hagarn6, bor dered by steep cliffs from 150 to 200 feet high, and richly clothed with herbage. Following the windings of this large wadi, which evidently has received its name from the circum stance that the Hogar or Hagara pasture their camels chiefly hereabouts, we reached the point where it is joined by the val ley called A'man semmedne, and encamped near a fine talha- tree in order to aUow Hatita to come up. This valley has its name from the cold water which at times descends from the plateau in floods, of which the deeply-worn channel bears evident traces ; it is joined at this place by an important branch-valley and several smaUer ravines. When the heat of the sun began to decline, I took a walk through the vaUey ; and being attracted by a circle laid out very regularly with large slabs like the opening of a well, I be gan to ascend the steep cliffs opposite the mouth of the vaUey of A'man semmedne, rising to a height of about 500 feet, and which, as I clearly saw, had been repeatedly ascended. The cliffs are here, as is usual in this formation, broken into regular strata, and steep flat blocks standing upright give them an im posing appearance. My search here, however, led only to the discovery of the weU-chiseled form of a single bullock, in ex actly the same style as that in Wadi Telisaghe, though it had suffered a Httle from its exposed situation ; but the whole ap pearance of the locaHty shows that in former times it contained more of this kind. On the plain above the cliffs is another cir cle regularly laid out, and, Hke the many circles seen in Cyre naica and in other parts of Northern Africa, evidently connected with the religious rites of the ancient inhabitants of these re gions. Quartz pebbles were scattered about this part of the valley. 182 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Our people, meanwhile, had been busy laying in provision of dry herbage for the next marches, during which we were told our camels would scarcely find any thing to feed upon ; and our Tawarek friends, when they at length arrived for their supper, did the same. Monday, July 8th. The caravan of the Tawati having passed by our encampment at an early hour, we followed betimes, hav ing an interesting day's march before us. For the first three mUes we still kept along the large valley, into which masses of sand had been driven down from the plateau by the strong east winds ; farther on it became dry and bare. To this succeeded an irregular knot of hollows and plains between the sides of the plateau, which, in some places, formed imposing promontories and detached buttresses, all on one and the same level. We then began to ascend along a sort of broad valley, which grad ually assumed a regular shape, and bore the name of Tfsi. The slope of the plateau was shaped into regular strata, the up permost of which form steep precipices like the waUs of a cas tle ; the lower ones slope down more gradually. Here we dis covered ahead of us, at the foot of the southern slope, the en campment of the pilgrim-caravan, who were resting during the heat of the day. We continued our march, always ascending, tiU a little after noon we reached the edge of the pass, a perfect water-shed, of more than 2000 feet elevation, descending more gradually toward the east as far as the well of Sharaba, while toward the west it formed a steep precipice, passable only along a most interesting guUy cut into it by the water toward the Val ley of Ghat. The higher level, which rises above the pass about 300 feet, seems to be considerably depressed in this place, where it collects large floods of water, such as could alone cut the remarkably wild passage through the sandstone cliffs which we were about to descend : it is called Ralle. The first part of it was more rough than wild, and the cliffs of the sandstone rather rugged and split than precipitous and grand ; but after half an hour's descent it bore evident traces of the waters that descend from the heights, and which, being here collected into one mighty stream, with enormous power THE NARROW PASS OF RALLE. 183 force their way down through a narrow channel. The defile was here encompassed by rocky walls about a hundred feet high, half of which consisted of sandstone, while the other half was formed by a thick deposit of marl ; and a little farther down it was not more than six feet wide, and the floor and the waUs were as smooth as if they had been cut by the hand of man ; but the course of the defile was rather winding and not at all in a straight line, forming altogether a pass easily to be defended by a very small power, and affording the Tawarek a stronghold against any designs of conquest on the side of the Turks, although it does not form the frontier, but is regarded as entirely belonging to Fezzan. At the narrowest point Ta warek, as weU as Arab travelers, had recorded their names. Where the channel began to widen, there were some curious narrow gaps or crevices on both sides, the one to the right, with its smooth rounded surface, bearing a great similarity to the fa mous Ear of Dionysius in Syracuse. The walls contained strata of chalk and ironstone, and Overweg found here some interesting petrifactions. The crevice to the left was less deep, and rather resembled a ceU or chamber. Having here waited some time for the boat to come up, we started together, but had stiU to get through two more narrow passes of the wadi, and at four o'clock in the -afternoon entered another very narrow defile, the steep cliffs forming it being cov ered with inscriptions. At length, after a descent of altogether four hours, we emerged into the open plain some 600 feet be low, and had a wide view of the high precipitous cliffs of the plateau, stretching out in several buttresses into the plain, which is interrupted only by detached hills. Among these was a rather remarkable one upon a terrace-like base, and opening with three caverns toward the road side. Ascending the ter race, I found the westernmost of the caverns vaulted, as if by art, in the shape of a! large niche, but it was a little filled with sand ; I found, however, no inscriptions, nor any thing but four round holes, about nine inches in diameter, hollowed out in a slab on the terrace in front of the cavern. Beyond this hill, where Hatita told us that he had once passed the heat of the 184 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. day with 'Abd AUah (Clapperton) and the tabib (Oudney), the country is quite open toward the north. About sunset we en camped in the deep Erazar-n-Tese ; there were a few talha-trees and some herbage. The following day our route lay over the dreary plain, where nothing but the varied form of the rocky buttresses projecting from the plateau into the plain interrupted the monotony of the prospect. Near the slope the country seems a little less deso late, and the valley Tamelelt, which extends between two of the promontories, has even a great reputation among the natives. In the afternoon we entered a sandy region, when we began to ascend gradually tiU we reached the summit of the sand-hills. We then continued on the higher level, where chalk protruded to the surface. After a long march, we encamped on stony ground covered only with a scanty growth of sebot. On the 10th we descended a good deal from this higher ground. At first the descent was gradual, but beyond the val ley In-kassewa, which, running through high rocky ground, is not so poor in herbage, we descended about two hundred feet by steep terraces, having before us the peculiarly serrated crest of the Akakiis, and in front of it some lower offshoots covered with sand. The bottom of the plain was a broad and entirely naked level, with hard calcareous soil, surrounded by irregular, half-decayed hilly ridges. It forms the boundary between Fez zan and the country of the Hogar. The character of the coun try underwent no change till we reached the valley Teliga, where, at an early hour in the afternoon, we encamped near a group of talha-trees, not far from the well, and remained for the next two days at an elevation of 1435 feet. The valley is very shallow, now and then interrupted by some sand-hiUs, and adorned with some fine specimens of the ethel- tree, while broad strips of herbage cover the more favored spots. It runs N.W., nearly parallel with the range of the Akakiis, which remained at a distance of three miles. It joins the val ley Ilaghlaghen, which again unites with the Titabtaren, and this valley runs toward a favored spot called Serdales, which we were unfortunately prevented from visiting, as Hatita thought TELIYA.— SERDALES. 185 we should be annoyed by the begging propensities of the peo ple. Copious springs, from which the whole locality takes the name of El Awenat, irrigate and fertilize the soil, and support a viUage of about the same size as Tigger-ode, inhabited by about a hundred families, while in the gardens corn, melons, and ghe- deb are produced in tolerable quantity. The water of the springs is said to be warm. We saw a party of Hagara from that place, who called on our friends. They were fine men, and neatly dressed. The water of our weU was not very good ; from being at first discolored, it gradually acquired a taste like that of ink, and when boded with tea became entirely black. Late in the even ing, our best and most steady servant, Mohammed, from Gatron, was wounded, but whether stung by a scorpion or bitten by a snake he knew not, and was much alarmed. We applied spir its of hartshorn to the wound ; but he was very ill for the next twenty-four hours, and totally disabled, so that we were obliged to bind him on the camel during the next day's march. Saturday, July 13th. There had been much talk for some days to the effect that we travelers, together with Hatita, should take the nearer but more difficult road to Ghat, across the range, while our luggage should go by the longer but smoother road round the mountains ; but it was at length decided that we should all go by the longer road, and none but the Sfaksi, who was anxious to overtake the caravan as soon as possible, took the more difficult path, which, for geological observations, might have proved the more interesting. Going sometimes on pebbly, at others on sandy ground, after five mUes we reached the shal low valley Ilaghlaghen, running from east to west, and hand somely overgrown with bushes ; and after another stretch of about the same length, we entered the range of mountains, con sisting of remarkably cragged and scarred rocks, with many narrow defiles. Altogether it presented a very curious spec tacle. When the rocks assumed a smoother appearance, we suddenly descended into a deep ravine, which at the first glance appeared to be of a volcanic nature, but, on closer inspection, all the black 186 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. rocks composing these dismal-looking cliffs proved to consist of sandstone blackened by the influence of the atmosphere: farther on it was disposed in regular strata very much hke slate. The western and highest part of the range seems to consist of clay-slate. The valley changed its character in some degree after its junction with a side valley called Tiperkum, which bears distinct marks of great floods occasionaUy descend ing along its channel from the mountains. Here we collected some fire-wood, as we were told that farther on we should find none, and then entered a defile or glen with an ascent of about a hundred feet above the bottom of the valley. Beyond this the scene grew more open, and irregular plains, interrupted by steep buttresses, succeeded each other. At half past four o'clock in the afternoon we had gradually begun to change our direction from N.W. by W. to S. The valley was bordered by a deep chasm and craggy mountain to the right, and a range of grotesque promontories toward the left, the slope of which was broken into a variety of terraces, with several cones rising from them. At length, turning round the edge of the mountain range, we entered the broad valley of Tanesof, having before us the isolated and casteUated crest of Mount Fdinen, or Kasr Jenun, and on our left the long range of the Akakus, beautifully illuminated by the setting sun, and forming a sort of relief in various colors, the highest precipitous crest, with its castles and towers, being white, while the lower slope, which was more gradual and rugged, disclosed regular strata of red marl. Toward the west, the vaUey, about five miles broad, was bordered by sand-hills, whence the sand was carried by the wind over its whole surface. We ourselves en camped at length on sandy soil without the least herbage, while at the distance of about two miles a strip of green was seen run ning along the valley. Starting at an early hour the next day, we kept along the broad barren valley straight for the Enchanted Castle, which the fanciful reports of our companions had invested with great interest. Notwithstanding, or perhaps in consequence of, the warnings of the Tawarek not to risk our lives in so irreligious MOUNT I'DINEN. 187 and perilous an undertaking as a visit to this dwelling of the demons, I made up my mind to visit it, convinced as I was that it was an ancient place of worship, and that it might probably contain some curious sculptures or inscriptions. Just at noon 188 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. the naked bottom of the valley began to be covered with a lit tle herbage, when, after another mUe, beyond a depression in the ground which had evidently at one time formed a considerable water-pond, talha-trees and ethel-bushes broke the monotony of the landscape, while between the sand-hills on our right a broad strip of green was seen coming from the westernmost corner of the I'dinen. Keeping stiU on for about five miles, we encamp ed in the midst of a shallow concavity of circular shape, sur rounded by herbage, and near a large mound crowned by an ethel-tree. At some distance S.E. we had the weU Tahala, the water of which proved very good. As it was too late to visit the I'dinen to-day, I sat down in the shade of a fine talha and made the preceding sketch of it. In the evening we received a visit from two men belonging to a caravan laden with merchandise of Ghadamsiyin (people of Ghadames), which was said to have come, by the direct road through the wadi, in thirty days from Tripoli. Monday, July 15th. This was a dies ater for me. Overweg and I had determined to start early in the morning for the re markable mountain ; but we had not been able to obtain from the Tawarek a guide to conduct us from thence to the next well, whither the caravan was to proceed by the direct road. Hatita and Utaeti having again resisted aU our solicitations for a guide, I at length, determined as I was to visit the mountain at any cost, started off in the confidence of being able to make out the well in the direction indicated to me. By iU luck, our provis ion of zummita (a cool and refreshing paste on which we were accustomed to breakfast) was exhausted the day before, so that I was obliged to take with me dry biscuit and dates, the worst possible food in the desert when water is scarce. But as yet I needed no stimulus, and vigorously pushed my way through the sand-hills, which afforded no very pleasant passage. I then entered a wide, bare, desolate-looking plain, cfv- ered with black pebbles, from which arose a few black mounds. Here I crossed the beginning of a fiumara richly overgrown with herbage, which wound along through the sand-hills toward the large vaUey-plain. It was the abode of a beautiful pair of THE TRAVELER'S MISHAP. 189 maraiya {Antelope Soemmeringii), which, probably anxious for their young ones, did not make off when roused by my approach, but stopped at a short distance, gazing at me and wagging their tails. Pursuing my way over the pebbly ground, which grad ually rose tiU it was broken up by a considerable ravine de scending from the western part of the mount, I disturbed anoth er party of three antelopes, which were quietly lying down un der the cover of some large blocks. At last I began to feel fa tigued from walking over the sharp-pointed pebbles, as the dis tance proved to be greater than I had originally imagined, and I did not seem to have got much nearer to the foot of the En chanted Mountain. In fact, it proved that the crest of the mount formed a sort of horse-shoe, so that its middle part, for which I had been steering all the time, in order to gain a depression which seemed to afford an easy ascent, was by far the remotest. I therefore changed my course and turned more eastward, but only met with more annoyance ; for, ascending the slope which I hoped would soon convey me to the summit, I suddenly came to the steep precipice of a deep ravine, which separated me from the crest. Being abeady fatigued, the disappointment, of course, de pressed my spirits, and I had to summon all my resolution and energy in order to descend into the ravine and climb the other side. It was now past ten o'clock ; the sun began to put forth its fuU power, and there was not the slighest shade around me. In a state of the utmost exhaustion I at length reached the nar row pinnacled crest, which was only a few feet broad, and exhib ited neither inscriptions nor sculptures. I had a fine prospect toward the S.W. and N.E.; but I looked around in vain for any traces of our caravan. Though exposed to the full rays of the sun, I lay down on my high barbacan to seek repose ; but my dry biscuit or a date was quite unpalatable, and being anxious ab'ut my little provision of water, I could only sip an insuf ficient draught from my small water-skin. As the day advanced I got anxious lest our little band, think ing that I was already in advance, might continue their rriarch ia the afternoon, and, in spite of my weakness, determined to try 19q TRAVELS IN AFRICA. to reach the encampment. I therefore descended the ravine in order to follow its course, which, according to Hatita's indica tions, would lead me in the direction of the well. It was very hot ; and being thirsty, I swallowed at once the little water that remained. This was about noon ; and I soon found that the draught of mere water, taken upon an empty stomach, had not at all restored my strength. At length I reached the bottom of the valley. Hatita had. always talked as if they were to encamp at no great distance from the mountain ; yet, as far as I could strain, my view, no living being was to be seen. At length I became puzzled as to my direction, and, hurrying on as fast as my failing strength would aUow, I ascended a mound crowned with an ethel-bush, and fired my pistols ; but I waited in vain for an answer ; a strong east wind was blowing dead against me. Reflecting a moment on my situation, I then crossed the small sand-hills, and, ascending another mound, fired again. Convinced that there could be nobody in this direction, at least at a moderate distance, I bethought myself that our party might be still be hind, and, very unluckily, I kept more directly eastward. The valley was here very richly overgrown with sebot ; and, to my great delight, I saw at a distance some small huts attach ed to branches of the ethel-tree, covered on the top with seb6t, and open in front. With joy in my heart I hastened on toward them, but found them empty; and not a living being was to be, seen, nor was there a drop of water to be got. My strength being now exhausted, I sat down on the naked plain, with a full view before me of the whole breadth of the wadi, and with some confidence expected the caravan. I even thought, for a moment, that I beheld a string of camels passing in the distance. But it was an illusion ; and when the sun was about to set, not being able to muster strength enough to walk a'> few paces without sitting down, I had only to choose for my night's quarters between the deserted huts and an ethel-tree which I saw at a little distance. I chose the latter, as being on a more elevated spot, and therefore scrambled to the tree, which: was of a respectable old age, with thick, tall branches, but al- ASTRAY IN THE DESERT. 191 most leafless. It was my intention to light a fire, which prom ised almost certain deliverance ; but I could not muster suf ficient strength to gather a little wood. I was broken down and in a feverish state. Having lain down for an hour or two, after it became quite dark I arose from the ground, and, looking around me, descried to my great joy a large fire S.W. down the valley, and, hoping that it might be that of my companions, I fired a pistol, as the only means of communicating with them, and listened as the sound rolled along, feeling sure that it would reach their ears ; but no answer was returned. AU remained silent. Still I saw the flame rising toward the sky, and telling where deliverance was to be found, without being able to avail myself of the sig nal. Having waited long in vain, I fired a second time — yet no answer. I lay down in resignation, committing my life to the care of the Merciful One ; but it was in vain that I tried to sleep, and, restless and in a high fever, I tossed about on the ground, looking with anxiety and fear for the dawn of the next day. At'length the long night wore away, and dawn was drawing nigh. All was repose and silence ; and I was sure I could not choose a better time for trying to inform my friends, by signal, of my whereabouts. I therefore coUected all my strength, load ed my pistol with a heavy charge, and fired — once — twice. I thought the sound ought to awaken the dead from their tombs, so powerfully did it reverberate from the opposite range and roll along the wadi ; yet no answer. I was at a loss to account for the great distance apparently separating me from my compan ions, who seemed not to have heard my firing. The sun that I had half longed for, half looked forward to with terror, at last rose. My condition, as the heat went on increasing, became more dreadful, and I crawled around, chang- ing'every moment my position, in order to enjoy the little shade afforded by the leafless branches of the tree. About noon there was, of course, scarcely a spot of shade left — only enough for my head — and I suffered greatly from the pangs of thirst, although I sucked a little of my blood till I became senseless, and fell into 192 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. a sort of delirium, from which I only recovered when the sun went down behind the mountains. I then regained some con sciousness, and crawled out of the shade of the tree, throwing a melancholy glance over the plain, when suddenly I heard the cry of a camel. It was the most delightful music I ever heard in my life ; and, raising myself a little from the ground, I saw a mounted Tarki passing at some distance from me, and looking eagerly around. He had found my footsteps in the sandy ground, and losing them again on the pebbles, was anxiously seeking traces of the direction I had taken. I opened my parch ed mouth, and crying, as loud as my faint strength allowed, " aman, aman" (water, water), I was rejoiced to get for answer " iwah ! iwah!" and in a few moments he sat at my side, wash ing and sprinkling my head, while I broke out involuntarily into an uninterrupted strain of " el hamdu lillahi! el hamdu lillahi!" Having thus first refreshed me, and then aUowed me a draught which, however, I was not able to enjoy, my throat being so dry, and my fever stiU continuing, my deliverer, whose name was Musa, placed me upon his camel, mounted himself in front, of me, and brought me to the tents. They were a good way off. The joy of meeting again, after I had been already despaired of, ; was great ; and I had to express my sincere thanks to my com panions, who had given themselves so much trouble to find me. But I could speak but little at first, and could scarcely eat any thing for the next three days, after which I graduaUy recovered my strength. It is, indeed, very remarkable how quickly the strength of a European is broken in these climes, if for a single day he be prevented from taking his usual food. Nevertheless, I was able to proceed the next day (the 17th), when we kept more toward the slope of the Akakfis, and here passed a broad lateral valley, rich in herbage, called A'dar-n-jelkum, after which we descended about a hundred feet from the pebbly ground into sandy soil forming a sort of valley caUed Ighelfannis, and full of ethel-trees and sebot. In such a locality we encamped two hours after noon, near splendid ethel-trees ; but the strong north easterly wind, enveloping ourselves and baggage in thick clouds of sand, banished aU enjoyment. ARRIVAL AT GHA'T. 193 Thursday, July 18th. We continued our march with the sure expectation of soon reaching Ghat,* the second great station on our journey. The valley after some time became free from ethel- Itrees, and opened a view of the little town, situated at the north western foot of a rocky eminence jutting out into the valley, and girt by sand-hills on the west. Its plantation extends in a long strip toward S.S.W., while another group, formed by the plantation and by the noble-looking mansion of Haj Ahmed, ap pears toward the west. Here we were joined by Mohammed Sherif, a nephew of Haj Ahmed, in a showy dress, and well mounted on a horse ; and we separated from Hatita in order to take our way round the north side of the hill, so as to avoid ex citing the curiosity and importunity of the townspeople. But a good many boys came out of the town, and exhibited quite an interesting scene as they recognized Yakub (Mr. Richardson), who had visited this place on his former journey. Many people came out to see us, some offering us their welcome, others re maining indifferent spectators. Thus we reached the new plantation of Haj Ahmed, the gov ernor, as he is caUed, of Ghat, and found, at the entrance of the out-building which had been destined for our use, the principal men of the town, who received us with great kindness and po liteness. The most interesting among them was Haj Ahmed himself, a man of grave and dignified manners, who, although a stranger to the place and a native of Tawat, has succeeded, through his address and his mercantile prosperity, in obtaining for himself here an almost princely position, and has founded in reality a new town, with large and splendid improvements, by the side of the old city. His situation as governor of Ghat, in reference, and in some degree in opposition to the Tawarek chiefs, is a very peculiar one, and. requires, on his part, a good deal of address, patience, and forbearance. I am convinced that * If I were to give the real native sound, I should write Rhat rather than Ghat; and it is only from fear lest I might offend the ear of the English reader that I abstain from following this principle. The ghain of the Arabs has a double sound, sometimes as gh, at others as rh, and the latter prevails entirely in this part of Africa ; and I do not see why we should not express this difference. For the same reason, I should prefer writing Sonrhay, and not Songhay or Sunghay. Vol. I— N 194 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. when we first arrived he did not view us with displeasure, but, on the contrary, was greatly pleased to receive under his roof a mission of her Britannic majesty's government, with whose im mense influence and power, and the noble purpose of whose pol icy he was not entirely unacquainted ; but his extraordinary and precarious situation did not allow him to act freely, and, be sides, I can not say that he received from us so warm an ac knowledgment as his conduct in the first instance seemed to deserve. Besides him, the chief parties in our first conversation were his nephew, Ahmed Mohammed Sherif (the man who came to meet us), a clever but forward lad, of pleasant manners — whom, in the course of my travels, I met several times in Sudan — and Mohammed Kafa, a cheerful, good-humored man. Our quarters, of which the accompanying woodcut gives the ground-plan, were certainly neither airy nor agreeable ; but the hot sand- wind which blew without made them appear to us quite tolerable. CHAPTER X. THE INDIGENOUS BERBER POPULATION. There can be no doubt that even Fezzan, in ancient times, had a population entirely different from that dwelling near the coast ; but the original black inhabitants of that country have been swept away, or mixed up entirely with the Arabs, who seem to have invaded this country not earlier than the 15th century of our era, for in Makrizi's time Fezzan was still a Ber ber country.* But few names now remain which evidently he- * Makrizi, Hamaker Specim. Categ., p. 206. (j]/-J <& j^j-j IfWj' El Bekri, p. 455, already mentions Benu-Khaldin, besides the Fezzanah, as in- habitants of some places. On the same page this diligent author says expressly that the town of Zawila was on the border of Negroland. We shall see, in the THE BERBERS. 195 speak a Central African origin, such as those terminating in awa, as Tasawa or Tessawa (a town already mentioned by Edrisi*), Portukawa, and others. But in the country of Ghat, which we have now entered, the case is very different ; for here the former state of things has not been so entirely altered as not to leave some unmistakable testimonies behind it. AU the original population of North Africa appear to have been a race of the Semitic stock, but who, by intermarriage with tribes which came from Egypt, or by way of it, had received a certain admixture. The consequence was, that several distinct tribes were produced, designated by the ancients as Libyans, Moors, Numidians, Libyphcenicians, Getulians, and others, and traced by the native historians to two different families, the Be- ranes and the Abtar, who, however, diverge from one common source, Mazigh or Madaghs. This native widespread African race, either from the name of their supposed ancestor, Ber, which we recognize in the name Afer, or in consequence of the Roman term barbari, has been generally called Berber, and in some re gions Shawi and Shelluh. The general character and language of these people seem to have been the same, while the complex ion alone was the distinguishing point of difference. How far southward the settlements of this North African race originally extended, it is difficult to say ; but it may be gather ed, even from ancient writers, that they did not extend to the very border of the naked desert, and that they were bounded on the south by a region occupied by .^Ethiopian races — an obser vation which is confirmed by the present state of things. War- gela evidently belonged originally to the dominion of the Blacks, as well as Tawat. The Berbers seem in general to have kept second volume, that all this country constituted part of the Empire of Kanem ; indeed, from what El Bekri says, p. 457, it appears that even within twenty years after the great and unfortunate immigration of the Arab tribes into Barbary, two tribes, the Hadramis and the Sehamis, had taken possession of Wadan. But we shall see that the Negroes regained this place at a later period. * Edrisi, ed. Jaubert, vol. i., p. 113. Edrisi deserves attention when he says that the Negroes called Tessawa " Little Jerma ;" that is to say, they attached to it a celebrated name, as if it were another capital of the country. 196 TRAVELS IN AFRICA'. within their borders till driven from their native seats by the Arabs; for they had been mildly treated by the former con querors of the country (the Phoenicians, the Romans, Vandals, and Byzantines), and they appear even to have partly embraced Christianity ;* but this, of course, was just another principle of opposition between them and their Mohammedan conquerors, and a great proportion of them were evidently obliged to retire into the more desolate regions in their rear. The exact time when this happened we are not able to determine. In the western part of the desert this transmigration com menced before the time of Islam ; but in the central part of Bar bary the flight of the Berbers seems to have been connected with fhat numerous immigration of Arab families into North Africa, which took place in the first half of the 11th century, in the time and at the instigation of Ahmed ben 'Ali el Jer- jerani, who died in A.H. 436, or 1044-5 of our era.f The fu gitives pushed forward in several great divisions, which it is not essential here to enumerate, as, with a few exceptions, they have become extinct. It seems only necessary to advert here to the fact, that of all the reports handed down to us by the ancient Arab historians and geographers respecting the different Berber nations existing in the desert, the name of Tarki, or Tawarek, by which they are at present generally designated, occurs only in Ebn Khaldun,J under the form Tarka, or Tarika; and after * Procop. de JEdificiis, vi., 4 ; Joann. Abb. Chronic, p. 13 (respecting the Mauri pacati, but especially the important tribe of the Lewatah) ; Abu '1 Hassan, Annales Regg. Maur., ed. Tornberg, p. 7, 15, 83 (respecting the Western Ber bers) ; El Bekri, Notices et Extraits, &c, vol. xii., p. 484 ; Ebn Khaldiin, torn. i., p. 209, le Baron de Slane, and passim. t A few authors make this momentous event, which plunged North Africa into a series of misfortunes, happen a few years later, under El Yezuri. Leo Afri- canus, ed. Venezia, 1837, 1. i., c. 21 : " Ma quando la loro (degli Arabi) genera- zione entro nell' Africa, allora con guerra scaecio di la i Numidi; e ella sirimase ad abitar ne' diserti vicini ai paesi de' datteri, e i Numidi andarono a far le loro abitazioni ne' diserti che sono propinqui alia Terranegra." t Ebn Khaldiin, vol. i., p. 235, Arab, text, vol. ii., p. 64, transl. De Slane: vol. i., p. 260, Arab, text, vol. ii., p. 105, transl. In both passages the name is written LO; ; and it is to be noted that this name was borne by a clan which dwelt nearest to the Arab tribe of the Beni Solaim. The great General Tarel THE BERBERS. 197 him Leo Africanus is the first who, in mentioning the five great tribes, names one of them Terga.* This name, which has been given to the Berber inhabitants of the desert, and which Hodg- sonf erroneously supposed to mean "tribe," is quite foreign to them. The truly indigenous name by which these people call themselves is the same by which they were already known to the Greeks and Romans, and which was given to their ancestors by Ebn Khaldun and other Arabic writers, viz., Amazigh, Ma zigh, Mazix, Masix, Mazys, Mazax, and even Maxitanus in the singular form. The general form now used in these regions is AmoshaghJ in the singular, Imoshagh in the plural, and Te- mashight in the neutral form. This is the native name by which the so-called Tawarek§ designate their whole nation, which is divided into several great famines. And if the reader inquires who gave them the other name, I answer, with full confidence, the Arabs ; and the reason why they called therii so was prob ably from their having left or abandoned their religion, from the verb ^/a-, " tereku dinihum ;" for, from evidence which I have collected elsewhere, it seems clear that a great part of the Ber bers of the desert were once Christians (they are still called by Ebn Ziyad, who was a Berber from the tribe of the Ulhassa, seems to have re ceived his name Tarek from the same source as the Berber clan Tarika received theirs. * El Bekri certainly mentions (Notices et Extraits, v. xii., p. 623) \_jj T £) ¦ but this has nothing to do with the tribe. t Hodgson, Notes on Northern Africa, p. 23. The word which means tribe is written £ yiU,; and this is an Arabic, and not a Berber word. t The : and * (sh) in Berber names are often confounded. Thus they say Ikazkezan, Ikashkeshan ; A'gadez, E'gedesh. § The name is written by the Arabs promiscuously with the L * ( and with the j;, but oftener with the t * {" '; and the name is so pointedly Arabic that besides the plural form Cj-Jl LLiij ^ 198 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. some Arabs "the Christians of the desert"), and that they aft erward changed their religion and adopted Islam ; notwithstand ing which they still caU God " Mesi," and an angel " anyelus," and have preserved many curious customs which bear testimony to their ancient creed. I said that the regions into which the Berbers had thus been obliged to withdraw had been formerly occupied by Ethiopian, or, as we may rather caU them, sub-Libyan tribes. But who were these tribes ? We have here to do only with the region about Ghat, reserving the other districts of the desert for future discussion as we advance in our journey. This region, as well as the whole country southward, including Air, or rather As ben, was anciently inhabited, I think, by the Gober race. But the Hogar, or Azkar, who now occupy this country, do not seem to have been its first conquerors, but to have found another race, nearly related to themselves, in possession of it. The tribe which now possesses the country, the Imoshagh or Tawarek of Ghat, are generally called Azkar or Azgar; but they are named also Hogar or Hagara, though the latter name is very often employed to denote another tribe. Upon this point, also, we have received full and credible information from Ebn Khaldiin, who teUs us* that the name Hogar was formed from that of Hauwara, and served to designate that section of the great Berber tribe which had retired into the desert about Gogo ; and it is very remarkable that the Hogar were described just about the same time, in those same regions, by the travel er Ebn Batuta.t; Hogar therefore seems to be the more general name, while Azkar serves to designate a section of this tribe. However, this name also appears to be an ancient one, being mentioned already by Edrisi (A.H. 453)1 as the name of a tribe * Ebn Khaldiin, vol. i., p. 275, transl. De Slane. t Journal Asiatique, serie iv., torn, i., 1843, p. 238. jl£=iJ&. This is the usual form, Hogar, although Hagara, with the second vowel short, seems to have no less pretension to correctness. t Edrisi, trad. Jaubert, i., p. 113, 116. It is very probable, indeed, that this tribe is already mentioned as early as the fourth century, under the form of 'Avfaptavoi, and in connection with the Ma? fathoms deep, and not more than a foot and a half wide at the J top, while lower down it widened considerably. It is formed 224 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. of the wood of the ethel-tree. The temperature of the water, giving very nearly the temperature of the atmosphere in this region, was 77°. After the camels had gone our encampment became very lonely and desolate, and nothing was heard but the sound of ghussub-pounding. The Kel-owi had encamped at some dis tance, on the slope of the sand-hiUs. It was a very sultry day — the hottest day in this first part of our journey — the ther mometer, in the very best shade which we were able to obtain, showing 111° -2 heat, which, combined with the dreary monoto ny of the place, was quite exhausting. There was not a breath of air in the morning ; nevertheless, it was just here that we re marked the first signs of our approaching the tropical regions, for in the afternoon the sky became so thickly overcast with clouds that we entertained the hope of being refreshed by a few drops of rain. In the night a heavy gale blew from the east. Next day came Utaeti. On his fine meheri, enveloped as he was in his blue Sudan-cloth, he made a good figure. The re ply which he made when Mr. Richardson asked him how his father had received the present of the sword which H. B. M.'s government had sent him, was characteristic: the sword, he said, was a small present, and his father had expected to receive a considerable sum of money into the bargain. He informed us also that by our not coming to Arikim we had greatly disap pointed the Tawarek settled thereabouts. Tuesday, August 6th. The sand-hiUs which we ascended after starting were not very high, but after a while we had to make another ascent. Sometimes small ridges of quartzose sand stone setting right across our path, at others ethel-bushes, gave a little variety to the waste ; and at the distance of about eight miles from the well, singularly-shaped conical mounts began to rise. The eastern road, wliich is a Httle more circuitous, is but a few hours' distance from this. It leads through a valley at the foot of a high conical mount, with temporary ponds of rain water and herbage called Shambakesa, which about noon we passed at some distance on our left. In the afternoon we came in sight of a continuous range of WILD OXEN IN THE DESERT. 225 heights ahead of us. The whole region exhibited an interest ing intermixture of granite and sandstone formation, white and red sandstone protruding in several places, and the ground be ing strewn with fragments of granite and gneiss. Passing at one time over gravel, atN another over rocky ground strewn with pebbles, we encamped at length in a sort of shallow valley called Taghareben, on the north side of a very remarkable mass of curiously-shaped sandstone blocks, heaped together in the most singular manner, and rising altogether to a height of about 150 feet. On inspecting it more closely, I found that it consisted of four distinct buttresses, between which large masses of loose sand had collected, the sandstone being of a beautiful white color, and in a state of the utmost disintegration.. After a weary day's march, the camping-ground, adorned as it was with some fine talha-trees, and surrounded with small ridges and detached masses of rock, on which now depended the beauty of the scene, cheered our minds, and fitted us for anoth er long day's work. Soon after we started the ground became rugged and stony, and fuU of ridges of sandstone, bristling with smaU points and peaks. In this wild and rugged ground our people amused themselves and us with hunting down a lizard, which tried to escape from the hands of its pursuers in the crevices of the rocky buttresses. Then followed broad shal low vaUeys, at times overgrown with a little herbage, but gen- eraUy very barren ; winding along them we turned round a large cluster of heights which seemed to obstruct our route. Bare and desolate as the country appears, it is covered, as well as the whole centre of the desert, with large herds of wild oxen {An- Mlqpe bubalis), which rove about at large, and, according as they are more or less hunted, linger in favored districts or change their haunts. Our men tried to catch them, but were unsuccessful, the animal, clumsy and sluggish as it appears, climbing the rocks with much more ease than men unaccustom ed to this sort of sport, and, owing to the ruggedness of the ground, being soon lost sight of. At five o'clock in the afternoon the heights on our left rose to a greater elevation, as much as 1000 feet, bristling with cones, * Vol. I.-P 226 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. and formed more picturesque masses. Resting on the spurs of the mountain range was a peculiar knot of cliffs, ridges of rocks, and isolated perpendicular pillars, through which our road led with a gradual ascent till we reached the highest ground, and then descended into a shaUow valley furnished with a tolerable supply of herbage and a few talha-trees, some of which, with their young leaves, soon attracted the attention of the famished camels. The poor animals were left grazing aU night, which re cruited their strength a little. These long stretches were fa tiguing both for man and beast ; and they were the more trying for the traveler, as, instead of approaching by them in long strides the wished-for regions to the south, there was scarcely any advance at aU in that direction, the whole route leading to the west. Thursday, August 8th. After a mUe and a half's march the country became more open and free, and those ridges of granite rock which had been characteristic of the region just passed over ceased ; but ahead of us considerable mountain masses were seen, the whole mountainous district, in which the long range called Isetteti is conspicuous, being named A'nahef. Aft- , er a march of about ten miles, a path branched off from our road toward the west, leading to a more favored place called Tadent,* where the moisture collected by the mountain masses around seems to produce a richer vegetation, so that it is the constant residence of some Azkar famUies ; it is distant from this place about sixteen mUes. Here some advanced heights approach the path, and more talha-trees appear ; and farther on the bot tom of the fiumara was richly overgrown with bu-rekkebah {A vena ForsJcalii), grass very much liked by the camels, and which we had not observed before on our route. The country ahead of us formed a sort of defile, into which I thought we should soon enter, when suddenly, behind the spur of a ridge projecting into the plain on our left, we changed our direction, and entering a wide vaUey inclosed- by two picturesque ranges of rocks, we there encamped. * In Mr. Richardson's Journal, vol. i., p. 194, this place has been confounded with Janet, the name having been probably written in the MS. "Tanet," a form1 used also by Mr. Overweg, and which seems to be verified. NGHA'KELI. 227 The vaUey is caUed Nghakeli, and is remarkable as weU on account of its picturesque appearance as because it indicates the approach to a more favored region. Besides being richly over grown with luxuriant herbage of different species, as sebot, bu- rekkebah, shi'a, and adorned with fine talha-trees, it exhibited the first specimens of the Balanites JEgyptiaca (or "hajUij," as it is caUed by the Arabs, " addwa" by the Hausa people), the rope-like roots of which, loosened by the torrent which at times sweeps along the valley, grew to an immense length over the ground. I walked up the vaUey to a distance of two mUes. Compared with the arid country we had been traveling over latterly, it made upon me just the same impression which the finest spots of Italy would produce on a traveler visiting them from the north of Europe. The Kel-owi had chosen the most shady talha-tree for a few hours' repose, and I sat down a mo ment in their company. They gave me a treat of their palata ble fura, or ghussub-water, the favorite (and in a great many cases the only) dish of the Absenawa. In the evening Mr. Richardson bought from some sportsmen a quantity of the meat of the wadan, or (as the Tawarek caU it) audad {Ovis tragelaphoi), an animal very common in the mount ainous districts of the desert, and very often found in company with the wild ox. As for myself, I kept my tent, filling up from my memorandum-book my last day's journal, and then, full of the expectation that we were now about to enter more pleas ant regions, lay down on my hard couch. 228 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. CHAPTER XII. DANGEROUS APPROACH TO ASBEN. Friday, August 9th. There had been much talk about our starting at midnight ; but, fortunately, we did not get off before daylight, so that I was able to continue my exact observations of the route, which was now to cross the defile observed yester day afternoon, which afready began to impart quite a character istic aspect to the country. There were some beautifully-shapei cones rising around it, while beyond them an uneven tract stretch ed out, crowded with smaU elevations, which gradually rose to greater height ; among them one peak, of very considerable ele vation, was distinguished by its graceful form, and seemed wor thy of a sketch. Attached to it was a lower rocky range, with a very marked horizontal crest, while running parallel to our path were small ledges of gneiss. After a march of seven miles and a half we ascended a considerable range of rugged emi nences, from the crest of which we foUowed a steep descent into an uneven rocky tract, intersected by several shallow beds of torrents ; and then, just as the heat began, we reached the val ley of Arokam, where we encamped at about half an hour's dis tance from the well, and opposite to a branch wadi, through which lay our next day's route. In the afternoon I climbed the VALLEY OF ARO'KAM. 229 highest of the cones rising above the cliffs, but without obtain ing any distant prospect. Saturday, August 10th. The active buzu Amankay, who early in the morning went once more to the well in order to fiU a few water-skins, brought the news that a considerable cara van, consisting chiefly of AnisHmen or Merabetin from Tinta- ghode, had arrived at the well the evening before, on their road to Ghat, and that they protested against our visiting their coun try, and still more against our approaching their town. Not withstanding the bad disposition of these people toward us, I managed to induce one of them, who visited our encampment, to take charge of letters addressed by me to Haj Ibrahim, in Ghat, which I am glad to say arrived safely in Europe. Aman kay reported to us that on his way to the well he had observed a small palm-tree. We started rather late in the morning, entering the branch wadi, which proved to be far more considerable than it seemed, and rich in talha-trees. In this way we kept winding along several vaUeys, till, after a march of three miles, we ascended and crossed a very interesting defile, or a sHp in the line of ele vation, bordered on both sides by a terraced and indented slope, the highest peaks of the ridge rising to not less than a thousand feet, while their general elevation was about six hundred feet. 230 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Mr. Overweg recognized this as gneiss. Close beyond this de file, at the foot of mounds of disintegrated granite, we encamp ed, to our great astonishment, a little after eight o'clock in the morning ; but the reason of this short march was, that our com panions, on account of the arrival of the caravan above mention ed, did not choose to stop at our former encampment, else they would have rested there to-day. In the afternoon a high wind arose, which upset our tent. Sunday, August 11th. After a march of Httle more than two mUes over an irregular tract of granite, in a state of great dis integration, intersected by crests of gneiss, we obtained from a higher level an interesting view over the whole region, and saw that beyond the hilly ground of broken granite a large plain of firm gravelly soU spread out, surrounded by a circle of higher mounts. Then followed a succession of flat shallow valleys overgrown with sebot and talha-trees, tiU the ridges on the right and left (the latter rising to about 800 feet) approached each other, forming a sort of wider passage or defile. The spur of the range to the left, with its strongly-marked and indented crest, formed quite an interesting feature. Beyond this passage we entered a bare graveUy plain, from which rose a few detached mounts, foUowed by more continu ous ranges forming more or less regular valleys. The most re markable of these is the vaUey Asettere, which, in its upper course, where it is called A'kafa, is supplied by the famous well Tajetterat;* but, as we were sufficiently supplied with water * The two names Asettere and Tajetterat are apparently derived from to same root. ASE'TTERE. 231 from Arokam, and as the weU Aisalen was near, we left it on one side. We encamped at length in a vaUey joined by several branch vales, and therefore affording a good supply of herbage, which the Kel-owi were anxious to collect as a supply for the journey over the entirely bare tract to Asiu. As for ourselves, one of our servants being utterly unfit for work, we could not lay in a supply. We had been rather unfortunate with this ' feUow ; for, having hired him in Murzuk, he was laid up with the Guinea- worm from the very day that we left Ghat, and was scarcely of any use at aU. This disease is extremely frequent among peo ple traveling along this route ; Amankay also was suffering from it, and at times became quite a burden. It attacked James Bruce even after his return to Europe ; and I always dreaded it more than any other disease during my travels in Central Af rica ; but, fortunately, by getting a less serious one, which I may call sore legs, I got rid of the causes which I am sure, when act ing in a stronger degree, produce the vena. About sunset I ascended the eastern cliffs, which are very considerable, and from the highest peak, which rose to an eleva tion of more than 1200. feet above the bottom of the vaUey, ob tained an extensive view. The whole formation consists of granite, and its kindred forms of mica, quartz, and feldspar. The bottom of the vaUey bore evident traces of a small torrent which seems to refresh the soU occasionaUy ; and the same was the case with several smaU ravines which descend from the south eastern cliffs. Monday, August 12th. Our route foUowed the windings of the valley, which, farther on, exhibited more ethel than talha- trees, besides detached specimens of the Asclepias. After a march of four miles and a half we came to two weUs about four feet deep, and took in a small supply of water. The granite for mation at the foot of the cliffs on our left was most beautiful, 'looking very like syenite. While we were taking in the water, flocks of wild-fowl {Pterocles) were flying over our heads, and expressed by repeated cries their dissatisfaction at our disturb ing their solitary retreat. The ethel, the talha, and the addwa, or aborak, enHven these secluded valleys. 232 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Delighted by the report of Amankay, who came to meet us, that he had succeeded in detaining the caravan of the Tinylkum at Aisala, where they were waiting for us, we cheerfully contin ued our march ; but before we reached the place the whole char acter of the country changed, the cliffs being craggy and split into huge blocks, heaped upon each other in a true Cyclopean style, such as only Nature can execute, while the entire hollow was covered with granite masses, scarcely allowing a passage. Descending these, we got sight of the encampment of the cara van in a widening of the hollow ; and, after paying ottr compli ments to all the members of this motley band, we encamped a little be"yond, in a recess of the western cliffs. The Tinylkum* as weU as Boro Serki-n-turawa were very scantily provided. They had lost so much time on the road on our account that it was necessary, as well as just, to leave them part of the provisions which they were carrying for us. All our luggage we found in the best state. Very much against their will, our companions had been supplied on the road with the flesh of nine camels, which had succumbed to the fatigues of the march ; and some of them, and especially our energetic friend Haj 'Omar, had obtained a tolerable supply by hunting : besides wad&ns, they had killed also several gazeUes, though we had scarcely seen any. They had been lingering in this place four days, and were most anxious to go on. But we had a great deal to do ; for all our luggage was to be repacked, all the water-skins to be filled, and herbage and wood to be collected for the road. Besides Ibrahim, who was lame and useless, Overweg and myself had * I give here a list of the stations of their route from Elawen : Em-eriwuang, with water, one day ; Inar-amas, one long day ; Tiballaghen, with water when there has been much rain, one day ; Terhen, with water, one day ; Tin-afarfa, mountain range with sand, one day ; Takiset, a valley between high mountains, three days, two of them over very sandy ground; Arikim, with water at all times; Iseti, a valley, two days; Tamiswat, valley with water, one day ; Morer, high mountains, two days ; Falesselez, one day, over a gravelly hammada ; Tamba- or Shamba-kesa, a, shallow valley rich in herbage (see p. 221), one day ; Tirarien, one day ; Araer, hammada with shallow valleys, one day ; Tafak, one day ; Arokam, water, one day ; Tadomat, valley, one day; Ka- telet, one day ; Aisala or Isala, one day. AN INSCRIPTION. 233 only two servants, one of whom (Mohammed, the liberated Tu nisian slave) was at times a most insolent rascal. Besides, we were pestered by the Kel-owi and by Utaeti, and I got into a violent dispute with Farreji, the shameless freed- slave of Lusu ; stiU I managed, on the morning of the following day, to rove about a little. Just above the well rises a confused mass of large granite blocks, the lowest range of which was cov ered with Tefinagh inscriptions, one of n /— m— . . ^ . which I copied. It was written with un- ^^-^41' common accuracy and neatness, and, if found near the coast, would be generaUy taken for Punic* I was obliged to be cau tious, as there was a great deal of excitement and irritation in the caravan, and, from what had previously taken place, all the way from Murzuk, every body regarded us as the general pur veyors, and cherished the ardent hope that at last it would be his good fortune, individuaUy, to get possession of our property. In the afternoon the Tinylkum started in advance, and we followed them, the hoUow gradually widening and becoming clothed with large knots of ethel-bushes. At the point where this valley joins another, and where a large quantity of herbage bedecked the ground, we found our friends encamped, and chose our ground a little beyond them, near a low cliff of granite rocks. All the people were busily employed cutting herbage for the journey, while Mr. Richardson at length succeeded in satisfying Utaeti, who was to return. He had been begging most impor tunately from me; and, by way of acknowledging my obligations to him, I presented him, on parting, with a piece of white mus lin and a red sash, together with something for Hatita. These parties were scarcely quieted when others took their place, urging their pretensions to our acknowledgments ; and we had just started the next day when Boro Serki-n-turawa dispatched, underhand, my smart friend the Tawati 'Abd el Ka.- der, with full instructions to give me a lecture on his boundless power and influence in the country which we were fast approach ing. I was aware of this before, and knew that, in our situa tion as unprotected travelers in a new country, we ought to have * I read it " enfadmaschbel." 234 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. secured his friendly disposition from the beginning; but the means of the expedition being rather limited, Mr. Richardson had made it a principle never to give tiU compeUed by the ut most necessity, when the friendly obligation connected with the present was, if not destroyed, at least greatly diminished. The structure of the valley soon became irregular, and the character of the country more desolate, a circumstance which seems to be expressed by its name, Ikademmelrang. All was granite in a state of the utmost disintegration, and partly re duced to gravel, while detached cones were rising in all direc tions. Marching along over this dreary and desolate country, we reached, at half past two in the afternoon, after a gradual and almost imperceptible ascent, the highest-level of the desert plain, from whence the isolated rocky cones and ridges look like so many islands rising from the sea. A sketch which I made of one of these mounts wiU give an idea of their character. After a march of twelve hours and a half, which I would have gladly doubled, provided our steps had been directed in a straight line toward the longed-for regions of Negroland, we encamped on hard ground, so that we had great difficulty in fixing the pegs of our tents. The sky was overcast with thick clouds, but our hopes of a refreshing rain were disappointed. Thursday, August 15M. The character of the country con tinued the same, though the weather was so foggy that the heights at some distance were quite enveloped, and became en tirely invisible. This was a sure indication of our approaching tropical dimes. After a march of three miles and a half the ground became more nigged for a short time, but was soon suc ceeded by a gravelly plain. The sky had become thickly clouded ; and in the afternoon a high wind arose, succeeded, o MARAHRABA. 235 about two o'clock, by heavy rain, and by distant thunder, while the atmosphere was exceedingly heavy, and made us all feel drowsy. It was three o'clock when we arrived at the Mararraba,* the " half-way" between Ghat and Air, a place regarded with a kind of religious awe by the natives, who, in passing, place each a stone upon the mighty granite blocks which mark the spot. To our left we had irregular rocky ground, with a few eleva tions rising to a greater height, and ahead a very remarkable granite crest, sometimes rising, at others descending, with its slopes enveloped in sand up to the very top. This ridge, which is caUed Gifengwetang, and which looks very much like an arti ficial wall erected between the dry desert and the more favored region of the tropics, we crossed, further on, through an open ing like a saddle, and among sand-hills, where the slaves of our companions ran about to pick up and collect the few tufts of herbage that were scattered over the surface, in order to furnish a fresh mouthful to the poor wearied animals. At four o'clock the sand-hills ceased, and were succeeded by a wide pebbly plain, on which, after six miles' traveling, we encamped. Our encampment was by no means a quiet one ; and to any one who paid due attention to the character and disposition of the people, serious indications of a storm, which was gathering over us, became visible. Mohammed Boro, who had so often given vent to his feeHngs of revenge for the neglect with which he had been treated, was aU fire and fury ; and, stirring up the whole encampment, he summoned all the people to a councU, having, as he said, received intelligence that a large party of Hogar was coming to Asiu. Not having paid much attention to the report about Sidi Jafel's expedition, I became anxious when made aware of the man's fury, for I knew the motives which actuated him. Friday, August 16th. We started early. Gravelly and pebbly grounds succeeded each other, the principal formation * This is a Hausa word, from " raba" (to divide) ; and I shall have to notice, in the course of my proceedings, several localities so designated on various routes. 236 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. being granite ; but when, after a march of about thirteen miles, we passed the narrow sandy spur of a considerable ridge ap proaching our left, a fine species of white marble became visi ble. We then passed a rugged district, of peculiar and desolate appearance, called Ibellakang, and crossed a ridge of gneiss covered with gravel. Here, while a thunder-storm was rising in the east, our caravan, to our great regret, divided, the Tinyl kum turning off toward the east, in order, as we were told, to look for a little herbage among the sand-hills. Meanwhile, thick, heavy clouds, which had been discharging a great quan tity of rain toward the east, broke over us at a quarter past four o'clock in the afternoon, when we were just in the act of cross ing another rocky crest covered with gravel. A violent sand storm, foUowed by heavy rain, which was driven along by a fu rious gale, soon threw the caravan into the utmost confusion, and made aU observation impossible ; but, fortunately, it did not last long. It was on descending from this crest, while the weather clear ed up, that the Hausa slaves, with a feeling of pride and joy, pointed out in the far distance " dutsi-n-Absen" (Mount Ab- sen). Here the granite formation had been gradually succeeded by sandstone and slate. This district, indeed, seems to be the line of demarcation between two different zones. At twenty minutes past six o'clock we at length encamped, but were again in the saddle at eleven o'clock at night, and in pale moonlight, sleepy and worn out as we were, began a dread ful night's march. But altogether it proved to be a wise meas ure taken by the Kel-owi, who had reason to be afraid lest the Hogar, of whom they appeared to have trustworthy news, might overtake us before we reached the wells of Asiu, and then treat us as they pleased. Our companions, who were, of course, themselves not quite insensible to fatigue, as night advanced became very uncertain in their direction, and kept much too far to the south. When day dawned, our road lay over a flat, rocky, sandstone surface, while we passed on our left a locality remarkable for nothing but its name, Efinagha.* We then * This name is evidently identical with the name given to the Berber alphabet, ASHJ. 237 descended from the rocky ground into the extremely shallow valley of Asiu, overgrown with scanty herbage of a kind not much liked by the camels. Here we encamped, near a group of four weUs, which stUl belong to the Azkar, while a little far ther on there are others which the Kel-owi regard as their own property. How it was that we did not encamp near the latter I can not say. But the people were glad to have got so far. The weUs, or at least two of them, afforded an abundant supply of water ; but it was not of a good quality, and had a peculiar taste, I think on account of the iron ore with which it was im pregnated. This, then, was Asiu,* a place important for the caravan- trade at aU times, on account of the routes from Ghadames and from Tawat joining here, and which did so even as far back as the time when the famous traveler Ebn Batuta returned from his enterprising journey to Sudan homeward by way of Tawat (in the year 1353-4). Desolate and melancholy as it appeared, it was also an important station to us, as we thought that we had now left the most difficult part of the journey behind us ; for, though I myself had some forebodings of a danger threatening us, we had no idea that the difficulties which we should have to en counter were incomparably greater than those which we had passed through. Mr. Richardson supposed that because we had reached the imaginary frontier of the territories of the Azkar and Kel-owi, we were beyond the reach of any attack from the north. With the utmost obstinacy he reprobated as absurd any supposition that such a frontier might be easily crossed by nomadic roving tribes, asserting that these frontiers in the des ert were respected much more scrupulously than any frontier of Austria, notwithstanding the innumerable host of its land- which is called tefinaghen ; but the coincidence will cease to surprise when I remark that both words mean nothing but' signs, tokens, a name which may be given as well to letters as to a district remarkable for the position of some stones or ridges. The Tawarek, as I shall have occasion to mention in another part of niy narrative, call all sorts of writing not written in signs, but with letters, tefina ghen. The learned among the Tademekket and Awelimmiden were greatly sur prised, when going attentively over my English books, to find it was all tefinaghen —"tefinagh rurret." * The form Aisou, in Mr. Richardson's Journal, is only a clerical error. 238 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. waiters. But he was soon to be undeceived on aU the points of his desert diplomacy, at his own expense and that of us all. There was very little attraction for roving about in this broad gravelly plain. Now and then a group of granite blocks inter rupted the monotonous level, bordered on the north by a grad- uaUy-ascending rocky ground, while the southern border rose to a somewhat higher elevation. Desolate as the spot was, and gloomy as were our prospects, the arrival of the Tinylkum in the course of the afternoon afford ed a very cheerful sight, and inspired some confidence, as we felt that our little party had once more resumed its strength. All the people, however, displayed an outward show of tranquil lity and security with the exception of Serki-n-turawa, who was bustling about in a state of the utmost excitement. Wa tering the camels and filling the water-skins employed the whole day. Sunday, August 18th. After a two hours' march we began to ascend, first gradually, then more steeply, all the rocks here abouts consisting of slate, greatly split and rent, and covered with sand. In twenty-five minutes we reached the higher lev el, which consisted of pebbly ground with a ridge running, at the distance of about four mUes, to the west. While we were quietly pursuing our road, with the Kel-owi in (he van, the Tinylkum marching in the rear, suddenly Moham med the Sfaksi came running behind us, swinging his musket over his head, and crying lustily, " He awelad, awelad bu, 'adu- na ja" (" Lads, lads, our enemy has come"), and spreading the utmost alarm through the whole of the caravan. Every body seized his arms, whether musket, spear, sword, or bow ; and whosoever was riding jumped down from his camel. Some time elapsed before it was possible, amid the noise and uproar, to learn the cause of the alarm. At length it transpired. A man named Mohammed, belonging to the caravan, haying re mained a little behind at the well, had observed three Tawarek mounted on mehara approaching at a rapid rate ; and while he himself followed the caravan, he left his slave behind to see whether others were in the rear. The slave, after a while, over- APPROACH OF THE ENEMY. 239 took him with the news that several more camels had become visible in the distance, and then Mohammed and his slave hur ried on to bring us the intelligence. Even Mr. Richardson, who, being rather hard of hearing, judged of our situation only from the alarm, descended from his slender little she-camel and cock ed his pistols. A wariike spirit seemed to have taken posses sion of the whole caravan ; and I am persuaded that, had we been attacked at this moment, all would have fought valiantly. But such is not the custom of freebooting parties : they will cling artfuUy to a caravan, and first introduce themselves in a tranquil and peaceable way, tUl they have succeeded in disturb ing the Httle unity which exists in such a troop, composed as it is of the most different elements ; they then graduaUy throw off the mask, and in general attain their object. When at length a Httle tranquillity had been restored, and plenty of powder and shot had been distributed among those armed with firelocks, the opinion began to prevail that, even if the whole of the report should be true, it was not probable that we should be attacked by daylight. We therefore continued our march with a greater feeHng of security, while a body of archers was dispatched to learn the news of a small caravan which was coming from Sudan, and marching at some distance from us, behind a low ridge of rocks. They were a few Tebu, with ten camels and between thirty and forty slaves, uncon sciously going to meet a terrible fate ; for we afterward learned that the Imghad of the Hogar, or rather the Hadanara, disap pointed at our having passed through their country without their getting any thing from us, had attacked this little troop, murdering the Tebu, and carrying off their camels and slaves. While the caravan was going slowly on, I was enabled to allow my meheri a little feeding on the nesi {Panicum grossu- larium, much liked by camels) in a spot caUed Tahasasa. At noon we began to ascend on rocky ground, and, after a very grad ual ascent of three miles, reached the higher level, strewn with pebbles, but exhibiting further on a rugged slaty soil, till we reached the vaUey Fenorang.f This valley, which is a little less * Mr. Richardson calls it Takeesat. 240 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. than a mile in breadth, is famous for its rich supply of herbage, principally of the kind called bu-rekkeba, and the far-famed el had (the camel's dainty), and is on this account an important halting-place for the caravans coming from the north, after hav ing traversed that naked part of the desert, which produces scarcely any food for the camel. Notwithstanding, therefore, the danger which threatened us, it . was determined to remain here not only this, but also the following day. As soon as the loads were taken off their backs, the half- starved camels fell to devouring eagerly the fine herbage offered them. Meanwhile we encamped as close together as possible, preparing ourselves for the worst, and looking anxiously around in every direction. But nobody was to be seen till the even ing, when the three men on their mehara made their appearance, and, being allowed to approach the caravan, made no secret of the fact that a greater number was behind them. Aware of what might happen, our small troop had all their arms ready, in order to repulse any attack ; but the Kel-owi and the few Askar who were in our caravan kept us back, and, after a little talk, allowed the visitors to lie down for the night near our encampment, and even solicited our hospitality in their behalf. Nevertheless, aU of them weU knew that the strangers were freebooters, who could not but have bad designs against us ; and the experienced old Awed el Kher, the sheikh of the Kafila, came expressly to us, warning and begging us to be on our guard, while Boro Serki-n-turawa began to play a conspic uous part, addressing the Kel-owi and Tinylkum in a formal speech, and exhorting them to stand by us. Every body was crying for powder, and nobody could get enough. Our clever but occasionally very troublesome servant Mohammed conceived a strategical plan, placing on the north side of the two tents the four pieces of the boat, behind each of which one of us had to take his station in case of an attack. Having had some experience of freebooters' practices in, my former wanderings, I knew that all this was mere farce and mockery, and the only way of insuring our safety would have been to prevent these scouts from approaching us at all. We •ABD EL KA'DER. 241 kept watch the whole night ; and of course the strangers, seeing us well on our guard, and the whole caravan still in high spirits and in unity, ventured upon nothing. In the morning our three guests (who, as I made out, did not belong to the Azkar, but were Kel-fade from the northern dis tricts of Air) went slowly away, but only to join their compan ions, who had kept at some distance beyond the rocky ridge which bordered, or, rather, interrupted the valley to the west ward. There some individuals of the caravan, who went to cut herbage, found the fresh traces of nine camels. In spite of out ward tranquillity, there was much matter for anxiety and much restlessness in the caravan, and suddenly an alarm was given that the camels had been stolen ; but, fortunately, it proved to be unfounded. 'Abd el Kader, the Tawati of whom I have spoken above, trying to take advantage of this state of things, came to Mr. Overweg, and earnestly pressed him to deposit every thing of value with Awed el Kher, the Kel-owi, and something, "of course," with him also. This was truly very disinterested ad vice ; for, if any thing had happened to us, they would, of course, have become our heirs. In the evening we had again three guests, not, however, the same as before, but some of their com panions, who belonged to the Hadanara, one of the divisions of the Azkar. Tuesday, August 20th. At an early hour we started with an uneasy feeling. With the first dawn the true believers had been called together to prayer, and the bond whiqh united the Mo hammedan members of the caravan with the Christian travelers had been loosened in a very conspicuous manner. Then the encampment broke up and we set out, not, however, as we had been accustomed to go latterly, every little party starting off as soon as they were ready, but all waiting tUl the whole caravan had loaded their camels, when we began our march in close order, first along the valley, then entering upon higher ground, some times gravelly, at others rocky. The range to our right, here a little more than a mile distant, bears different names correspond- mg to the more prominent parts into which it is separated by Vol. I.— Q 242 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. hollows or saddles, the last cone toward the south being called Timazkaren, a name most probably connected with that of the Azkar tribe, while another is named Tin-diirdurang. The Tarki or Amoshagh is very expressive in names ; and whenever the meaning of all these appellations shaU be brought to light, I am sure we shall find many interesting significations. Though I paid a good deal of attention to thefr language, the Tarkiyeh or Temashight, I had not leisure enough to become master, of the more difficult and obsolete terms ; and, of course, very few even among themselves can at present tell the exact meaning of a name derived from ancient times. At length we had left behind us that remarkable ridge, and entering another shallow valley fuU of young herbage, followed its windings, the whole presenting a very irregular structure, when suddenly four men were seen ahead of us on an eminence, and instantly a troop of lightly-armed people, among them three archers, were dispatched, as it seemed, in order to reconnoitres marching in regular order straight for the eminence. Being in the first line of our caravan, and not feeling so sure on the camel as on foot, I dismounted, and marched forward,, leading my meheri by the nose-cord, and with my eyes fixed upon the scene before us. But how much was I surprised when I saw two of the four unknown individuals executing a wild sort of armed dance together with the Kel-owi, while the others were sitting quietly on the ground. Much perplexed, I continued to move slowly on, when two of the men who had danced sudden ly rushed upon me, and, grasping the rope of my camel, asked for tribute. Quite unprepared for such a scene under such cir cumstances, I grasped my pistol, when, just at the right time, I learned the reason and character of this curious proceeding. The little eminence on the top of which we had observed the people, and at the foot of which the armed dance was perform6 ed, is an important locality in the modern history of the coun try which we had reached ; for here it was that when the Kel- owi (at that time an unmixed and pure Berber tribe, as it seems) took possession of the country of Old Gober, with its capital, Tin-shaman, a compromise or covenant was entered into between THE SLAVES' DANCE. 243 • the red conquerors and the black natives that the latter should not be destroyed, and that the principal chief of the Kel-owi should only be allowed to marry a black woman. And, as a memorial of this transaction, the custom has been preserved, that when caravans pass the spot where the covenant was en tered into, near the little rock Maket-n-ikelan,* " the slaves" shaU be merry and be authorized to levy upon their masters a small tribute. The black man who stopped me was the "serki- n-bai (the principal or chief of the slaves). These poor merry creatures, while the caravan was proceed ing on its march, executed another dance ; and the whole would have been an incident of the utmost interest if our minds and those of all the well-disposed members of the caravan had not been greatly oppressed and vexed with sad forebodings of mis hap. The fear was so great that the amiable and sociable Sli- man (one of the Tinylkum, who at a later period manifested his sympathy with us in our misfortunes) begged me most urgently to keep more in the middle of the caravan, as he was afraid that one of those ruffians might suddenly rush upon me and pierce me with his spear. The soil hereabouts consisted entirely of bare gravel ; but farther on it became more uneven, and broken by granite rocks, in the cavities among which our people found some rain-water. The tract on our right was caUed Tisgawade, while the heights on our left bore the name Tin-ebbeke. I here rode a while by the side of E'meli, a Tarki of the tribe of the Azkar, a gentle man both in his dress and manners, who never descended from the back of his camel. Although he appeared not to be very hostile to the robbers on our track, and was certainly aware of their intention, I liked him on account of his distinguished man ners, and, under more favorable circumstances, should have been able to obtain a great deal of information from him. But there * I regret that I neglected to inquire what was the original Gober name of this place ; for, while there can not be any doubt that it received its present name, Maket-n-ikelan, from this transaction, it is very -probable that it was a place of ancient pagan worship, and, as such, had a name of its own. It is very I significant that the neighboring plain is emphatically called "the plain of Air," in the Arabic form, " sh'abet el Ahfr." 244 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. was with him a rather disagreeable and malicious fellow named Mohammed (or, as the Tawarek pronounce it, Mokhammed), from Yanet or Janet, who, in the course of the difficulties which befell us, did us a great deal of mischief, and was fully disposed to do us much more. The country, which in the mean time had become more open, after a while became bordered ahead by elevations in the form of a semicircle, while we began to ascend. The weather had been extremely sultry and close the whole day ; and at last, about three o'clock in the afternoon, the storm broke out, but with less violence than on the day before our arrival at Asiu. We encamped at length on an open gravelly plain, surround ed by ridges of rocks, without pitching our tents ; for our un- wished-for guests had, in the face of the Tinylkum, openly de clared that their design was to kill us, but that they wanted first to get more assistance. Notwithstanding this, Mr. Richardson even to-night was obhged to feed these ruffians — such is the weakness of a caravan; although, in our case, the difference of re ligion and consequent want of unity could not but greatly con tribute to paralyze its strength. I here heard that some of the party were Imghad from Tadomat. Under such circumstances, and in such a state of feeling, it was impossible to enjoy the sport and frolics of the slaves (that is, of the domestic slaves) of the Kel-owi, who, with wild ges tures and cries,, were running about the encampment to exact from aU the free individuals of the caravan their little Maket-n- ikelan tribute, receiving from one a small quantity of dates, from another a piece of muslin or a knife, from another a shirt. Ev ery body was obliged to give something, however small. Not withstanding our long day's march, Overweg and I found it nec essary to be on the watch the whole night. Wednesday, August 21st. Starting at an early hour, we as cended very rugged ground, the rocky ridges on both sides often meeting together and forming irregular defiles. After a march of five miles and a half we reached the highest elevation, and ob tained a view over the whole district, which, being sprinkled as it were with small granitic mounds, had a very desolate appear- THE VALLEY OF JI'NNLNAU. 245 ance; but in the distance to our left an interesting mountain group was to be seen, of which the accompanying sketch wiU give some idea. Having crossed several small vaUeys, we reached, a little be fore ten o'clock, one of considerable breadth, richly overgrown with herbage, and exhibiting evident traces of a violent torrent which had swept over it the day before, while with us but Httle rain had fallen. It is caUed Jinninau, and improved as we ad vanced, our path sometimes keeping along it, sometimes reced ing to a Httle distance ; in some places the growth of the trees, principally the Balanites or aborak, was indeed splendid and luxuriant. Unfortunately, we had not sufficient leisure and mental ease to coUect aU the information which, under more fa vorable circumstances, would have been within our reach. Thus I learned that magnetic ironstone was found in the mountains to our left. After noon the valley divided into three branches, the easternmost of which is the finest and richest in vegetation, while the western one, called Tiytit, has likewise a fine supply of trees and herbage ; we took the middle one, and a little far ther on, where it grew narrower, encamped. It was a very pretty and picturesque camping-ground. At the foot of our tents was a rocky bed of a deep and winding tor rent bordered by most luxuriant talha- and aborak-trees {Bala nites jEgyptiacd), and forming a small pond where the water, mshing down from the rocks behind, had collected ; the fresh green of the trees, enlivened by recent rains, formed a beautiful contrast with the dark-yellowish color of the rocks behind. Notwithstanding our perilous situation, I could not help stray ing about, and found, on the blocks over the tebki or pond, some coarse rock-sculptures representing oxen, asses, and a very taU 246 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. animal, which, according to the Kel-owi, was intended to repre sent the giraffe. WhUe I was enjoying the scenery of the place, Didi stepped suddenly behind me, and tried to throw me down, but not suc ceeding, laid his hands from behind upon the pistols which I wore in my belt, trying, by way of experiment, whether I was able to use them notwithstanding his grasp ; but, turning sharp ly round, I freed myself from his hold, and told him that no ef feminate person like himself should take me. He was a cun ning and insidious fellow, and I trusted him the least of our Kel-owi friends. A'nnur warned us that the freebooters intend ed to carry off the camels that we ourselves were riding in the night, and it was fortunate that we had provided for the emer gency, and were able to fasten them to strong-iron rings. WhUe keeping the first watch during the night, I was en abled by the splendid moonHght to address a few lines in pencil to my friends at home. Thursday, August 22d. The Kel-owi having had some diffi culty in finding their camels, we did not move at an early hour. To our great astonishment, we crossed the rocky bed of the tor rent, and entered an irregular defile, where, a Httle farther on, we passed another pond of rain-water. When at length we emerged from the rocks, we reached a very high level, whence we had(a clear prospect over the country before us. Four considerable ranges of mountains were clearly distinguishable in the distance, forming an ensemble of which the accompanying sketch will give an idea. We then entered valleys clothed with a fine fresh ver dure sprinkled with flowers, and with a luxuriant vegetation such as we had not seen before. The senna-plant {Cassia sen- PLEASANT VALLEY OF GET3I. 247 na) appeared in tolerable quantity. Mountains and peaks were seen all around in a great variety of forms ; and at twenty minutes past nine we had a larger mountain mass on one side, from which a dry water-course, marked by a broad Hne of herb age, issued and crossed our route. , Having here allowed our camels a little feeding, we entered upon gravelly soil with projecting blocks of granite, and then went on ascending through a succession of small plains and val leys till we reached Erazar-n-Gebi, among the splendid vegeta tion of which we first observed the abisga, or Oapparis sodata, caUed siwak or lirak by the Arabs — an important bush, the cur rant-like fruit of which is not only eaten fresh, but also dried and laid up in store, whUe the root affords that exceUent rem edy for the teeth which the Mohammedans, in imitation of their Prophet, use to a great extent. The root, moreover, at least on the banks of the Tsad, by the process of burning, affords a substitute for salt. It is the most characteristic bush or tree of the whole region of transition between the desert and the fer tile regions of Central Africa, between the twentieth and the fif teenth degree of northern latitude ; and in the course of my travels I saw it nowhere of such size as on the northern bank of the Isa or Niger, between Timbuktu and Gagho, the whole ground which this once splendid and rich capital of the Songhay empire occupied being at present covered and marked out by this celebrated bush: As for the camels, they like very well to feed for a short time upon its fresh leaves, if they have some other herb to mix with it ; but, eaten alone, it soon becomes too bitter for them. In this valley the Httle berries were not yet ripe, but further on they were ripening, and afforded a slight but refreshing addition to our food. Leaving the pleasant valley of Gebi by a small opening bor dered with large blocks of granite, while peaks of considerable elevation were seen towering over the nearer cliffs, we entered another large vaUey called Taghajit,* but not quite so rich in vegetation, and encamped here in an open space a little after noon. The valley is important as being the first in the frontier * This name, too, is pronounced Tarhajit. 248 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. region of Air or Asben where there is a fixed settlement— ,i small viUage of leathern tents, inhabited by people of the tribe of Fade-ang, who preserve a certain independence of the Kel- owi, while they acknowledge the supremacy of the Sultan of A'gades, a state of things of which I shall have occasion to say more in another place. CHAPTER XIII. INHABITED BUT DANGEROUS FEONTIEE REGION. The sensations of our guides and camel-drivers had been un easy from the very moment of our encamping ; and Mr. Eich- ardson, at the suggestion of A'nnur, had on the preceding day sent E'meli and Mokhammed in advance, in order to bring to us the chief of Fade-ang. This person was represented to us as a man of great authority in this lawless country, and able to protect us against freebooting parties, which our guests of the other day, who had gone on in advance, were sure to collect against us. Bat Mokhammed, as I have observed above, was a great rascal himself, who would do all in his power to increase our difficulties, in order to profit by the confusion. The chief was accordingly reported as being absent, and a man who was said to be his brother was to take his place. This person made his appearance, accompanied by some people from the village; but it became immediately apparent that he had no authority whatever, and one of the Imghad of Tadomat, who had stuck to us for the last two days, in order to show us what respect he had for this man, struck him repeatedly with his spear upon the shoulder. Among the companions of our new protector was a Taleb of the name of Buheda, distinguished by his talkative ness and a certain degree of arrogance, who made himself ridic ulous by trying to convince us of his immense learning. What an enormous difference there was between these mean-looking and degraded half-castes and our martial pursuers, who stood CHARACTER OF THE BORDERERS. 249 close by ! Though I knew the latter could and would do us much more harm than the former, I liked them much better. Overweg and I had sat down in the shade of a talha-tree at a little distance from our tent, and had soon a whole circle of visitors around us, who in the beginning behaved with some modesty and discretion, but gradually became rather trouble some. I gave them some small presents, such as scissors, knives, mirrors, and needles, with which they expressed them selves well pleased. Presently came also several women, one with the characteristic features called in Temashight " tebuUo- den," which may be translated by the words of Leo, " le parti di dietro pienissime e grasse," and another younger one mount ed upon a donkey. The whole character of these people appeared very degraded. They were totaUy devoid of the noble and manly appearance which the most careless observer can not fail to admire even in a common Tarki freebooter ; and the relation between the sexes appeared in a worse light than one would expect in such a sit uation as this. However, we have ample testimony in ancient- Arabian writers that licentious manners have always prevailed among the Berber tribes on the frontier of the desert ; and we found the same habits existing among the tribe of the Tagama, while not only A'gades, but even the little village of Tintellust, was not without its courtesans. This is a very disheartening phenomenon to observe in so smaU a community, and in a lo cality where nature would seem peculiarly favorable to purity and simplicity of manners. The names of some of these Tagha- jit beauties — Telittifok, Tatinata, and Temetile — are interesting for the character of the language. We were anxious to buy some of the famous Air cheese, for which we had been longing the whole way over the dreary des ert, and had kept up our spirits with the prospect of soon in dulging in this luxury; but we were not able to procure a sin gle one, and our endeavors to buy a sheep or a goat were equaUy fruitless. Instead of the plenty which we had been led to ex pect in this country, we found nothing but misery. But I was rather surprised to find here a very fine and strong race of asses. 250 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. We were tolerably composed, and reclining at our ease (though our weapons were always at hand), when we were a little alarm ed by a demand of six riyals for the use of the pond in Jinni- nau. Our amiable but unenergetic friend A'nnur seconded the demand, by way of satisfying in some way the intruders upon our caravan. These claims were scarcely settled when a dread ful alarm was raised by the report that a body of from fifty to sixty Mehara were about to attack us. Though no good authority could be named for this intelli- 'gence, the whole caravan was carried away by excitement, and aU called out for powder and shot. Boro Serki-n-turawa once more delivered eloquent speeches, and exhorted the people to be courageous ; but many of the Tinylkum, very naturally, had a great objection to come to open hostilities with the Tawarek, which might end in their being unable to travel any longer along this route. In this moment of extreme excitement Khweldi arrived, the chief merchant of Murzuk, whom we had not expected to see, though we knew that he was on his way from Sudan to the north. We were in a situation wherein he was able to render us the most material service, both by his influence upon the in dividuals of whom our caravan was composed, and by his knowlw edge of the country whose frontier territories we had just en tered. But unfortunately, though a very experienced merchant, he was not a practical, sharp-sighted man ; and instead of giv ing us clear information as to the probable amount of truth in the reports, and what sort of difficulties we might really have to encounter, and how, by paying a sort of passage-money to the chiefs, we might get over them, he denied in private the exist ence of any danger at all, while openly he went round the whole caravan extolling our importance as a mission sent by a power ful government, and encouraging the people to defend us if we should be in danger. In consequence of his exhortations the Tinylkum took courage, but had the imprudence and absurdity to supply also the three intruders with powder and shot, who, though protesting to be now our most sincere friends, of course made no other use of the present than to supply their band with ORDER OF BATTLE. 251 this material, which alone gave us a degree of superiority, and constituted our security. Any one accustomed to look closely at things could not be at all satisfied with the spirit of our caravan, notwithstanding its noise and waste of powder, and with its entire want of union ; but the scene which followed in the bright moonlight evening, and lasted throughout the night, was animating and interesting in the extreme. The whole caravan was drawn up in a line of battle, the left wing being formed by ourselves and the detach ment of the Kel-owi who had left their own camping-ground and posted themselves in front of our tent, while the Tinylkum and the Sfaksi formed the centre, and the rest of the Kel-owi, with Boro, the right wing, leaning upon the cliffs, our exposed left being defended by the four pieces of the boat. About ten o'clock a smaU troop of Mehara* appeared, when a heavy fusil- ade was kept up over their heads, and firing and shouting were continued the whole night. Our situation remained the same the whole of the following day; and it became very tedious, as it prevented us from mak ing excursions, and becoming acquainted with the features of the new country which we had entered. Another alarm having been raised in vain, the leaders of the expedition which was col lected against us came out, with the promise that they would not further molest the caravan if the Christians were given up to them. This demand having been at once rejected, we were left in tolerable tranquiUity for a while, as the freebooters now saw that, in order to attain their object, which was plunder, they should be obhged to bring really into the field the whole force they had so long boasted of. Khweldi paid us another visit in the afternoon ; and as he wanted to make us believe that there was reaUy no danger in this country, so he did not fail to represent the state of things in Sudan as the most favorable we could have wished for. He * In conformity with the usage of travelers, I call Mehara people mounted upon mehara, or swift camels (in the singular form meheri). This expression has nothing whatever to do with Meharebfn, a name of which I shall speak here after. 252 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. also sought to sweeten over any remnant of anxiety which wc might have by a dish of very delicious dates which he had re ceived from his friend Haj Beshir in Iferwan, and which gave us a favorable idea of what the country before us was able to pro duce. Altogether Khweldi endeavored to be agreeable to every body; and on a later occasion, in 1854, when I was for some time without means, he behaved toward me in a very gentleman like manner. In his company was a brother of our quiet and faithful servant Mohammed from Gatron, who was now return ing home with his earnings. Not being able to refrain wholly from excursions, I undertook in the afternoon to visit the watering-place situated up a little lateral nook of the vaUey, adorned with very luxuriant talha- trees, and winding in a half circle by S.E. to N.E. First, at the distance of about a mile, I came to a hole where some of the Tinylkum were scooping water ; and, ascending the rocky bed of the occasional torrent, I found a small pond where the camels were drinking ; but our faithful friend Musa, who was not at all pleased with my having ventured so far, told me that the water obtained here did not keep long, but that higher up good water was to be found in the principal vaUey. I had, from the beginning, attentively observed the character and proceedings of Boro Serki-n-turawa, and feared nothing so much as his intrigues ; and, at my urgent request, Mr. Eichard- son to-night made him a satisfactory present as an acknowledg ment of the courage which he had lately shown in defending our cause. Of course, the present came rather late ; but it was bet ter to give it now, in order to avert the consequences of his. in trigues as much as possible, than not at aU. Had it been given two months ago, it might have saved us an immense deal of dif ficulty, danger, and heavy loss. Saturday, August 24th. We left at length our camping- ground in Taghajit, and soon passed Khweldi's encampment, which was just about to break up. Rocky ground, overtopped by higher mountain masses or by detached peaks, and hollows overgrown with rich vegetation, and preserving for a longer or shorter time, the regular form of val- FORMIDABLE THREATS. 253 leys, succeed by turns, and constitute the predominant feature uf the country of Asben. But, instead of the fresh green pasture which had delighted and cheered us in some of the northern valleys, the herbage in some of those which we passed to-day was quite dry. Early in the afternoon we encamped in the valley Imenan,* a little outside the line of herbage and trees, on an open spot at the southern foot of a low rocky eminence. The valley, over grown as it was with large talha-trees and the oat-grass called bu-rekkeba, of taU, luxuriant growth, was pleasant, and invited us to repose. But before sunset our tranquUHty was greatly disturbed by the appearance of five of our well-known maraud ing companions mounted on camels, and leading six others. They dismounted within less than a pistol-shot from our tents, and with wild, ferocious laughter were discussing their projects with the Azkar in our caravan. I could scarcely suppress a laugh when several of the Tinyl kum came and brought us the ironical assurance that there was now perfect security, and that we might indulge in sound sleep. Others came with the less agreeable but truer warning that we' ought not to sleep that night. The greatest alarm and excite ment soon spread through the caravan. Later in the evening, while our benevolent guests were devouring their supper, Mo hammed el Tunsi called me and Overweg aside, and informed us that we were threatened with great danger indeed, these Hogar, as he called them, having brought a letter from Nakhnukhen, authorizing them to collect people in the territory of the Kel- owi, and there to dispatch us in such a way that not even a trace of us should be found, but not to touch us so long as we were within the confines of Azkar. I was convinced that this account, so far as it regarded Nakh nukhen, was an absurd fiction of our persecutors, and I tried to persuade our servant to this effect. When he returned from us to the caravan a council of war was held, and a resolution pass ed that, if a number of from twenty to thirty people came to at tack us, they would undertake to defend us, but if we should be The name has probably some connection with that of the tribe I'manang. 254 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. threatened by a more numerous host, they would try to make a compromise by yielding up a part of our goods. In consequence of this resolution, all possible warlike preparations were made once more, and Boro delivered another speech ; but it seemed rather irreconcilable with such a state of things that while we, iis well as the Tinylkum, brought aU our camels close to our tents at an early hour, the Kel-owi left theirs out the whole night. Perhaps, being natives of the country, they did not ex pect that the freebooters would seize their animals. Be this as it may, great anxiety arose when, early in the morning, it was found that the camels were gone ; and when day broke, our guests of last night, who had stolen away before mid night, were seen riding down from the rocky ridge on the south, and, with a commanding air, calling the principal men of the car avan to a council. Then followed the scenes which Mr.Bich- ardson has so graphically described. I will only mention that Boro Serki-n-turawa, sword in hand, led us on with great energy. He called me to keep close' to him ; and I think that now (when we had atoned for the neglect with which he had been treated by us by assuring him that we were convinced of his high position and influence in the coun try) he had the honest intention to protect us. Of the Tinyl kum only our faithful Miisa and the amiable young Sliman ad hered to us, and, of the other people, the Tawati and Mohammed e' Sfaksi, although the latter trembled with fear, and was as pale as death ; Yusuf Mukni remained behind. Farreji, on this oc casion, behaved with great courage, and bravely chaUenged the enemy. What frightened the latter most were the bayonets on our guns, as they saw that, after having received our fire, they would not yet have done with us, but would still have a weapon to encounter at least as formidable as their own spears. As soon as the enemy had protested that he was only come against us as Christians, all sympathy for us ceased in the car avan. All expected that we would become Moslemin without great difficulty ; and our servant Mohammed, when we rejected this condition as an impossibility, immediately relapsed into his ordinary impudence, laughing in our faces because, forsooth, we THE COMPROMISE. 255 were so absurd as still to think of some other expedient. This clever but spoUed youngster was a protege of the British con sulate in Tunis. At length aU seemed to be settled. The whole host of the enemy, besides its rich booty, had been treated with an enor mous quantity of mohamsa ; and we had repeatedly been as sured that now we might be certain of reaching the chief A'n- nur's residence without any further disturbance, when the Httle A'nnur, a man of honest but mild character, came to beg us most earnestly to be on our guard, lest behind the rocks and ridges there might be some persons in ambush. At length we left this inhospitable place ; but we were far from being at ease, for it was clear that there was stUl a cloud on the horizon, which might easily gather to another storm. After a short march we encamped in a small valley without pitching our tents. The Merabet who had accompanied and sanctioned the expedition against us was now in our company, and that was thought to be the best means of preventing any further molestation. This man, as I made out afterward, was no other than Ibrahim Agha-bature (the son of Haj Beshir, a [well-known and influential person settled in Ferwan, or Ifer- wan), who, in consequence of these proceedings, was afterward punished severely by the Sultan of A'gades. With Agha-ba ture himself I met accidentally at a later period, in 1853, near Zinder, when he was greatly astonished to see me still alive, notwithstanding aU the hardships I had gone through. Boro, who passed the evening with him in reading the Kuran, treated him hospitably — with Mr. Richardson's mohamsa. Monday, August 26th. After a march of three miles and a half, having ascended a little, we obtained a clear view of the great mountain mass which, lying between Tidik on the north and Tintagh-ode on the west, seems not to be marked with a collective proper name, although it is very often called by the people Mount Absen.* But I can not say whether this name, * Absen and Asben are used indiscriminately, though a ba-Haushe or Hausn man will always say Asben, ba-Asbenchi, Asbenawa, while the native half-caste^ will prefer the other form— -Absen, Absenawa. 256 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. which is the old Gober name for the whole country caUed by the Berbers Air, belonged originally only to these mountains, or whether it is now given to them merely on account of their being the conspicuous elevation of the country so named to people coming from the north ; for this, according to the unan imous statement of the Kel-owi, is the frontier of Sudan, to which neither Taghajit nor even Tidik belongs. The Tawarek, it would seem, have no indigenous proper name for Sudan (prop erly Beled e' sudan) or Negroland ; most of them call it Agus (the south). Nevertheless, Tekrur seems to. be an ancient Lib yan name for Negroland. A remarkable peak, caUed Tengik or Timge, towers over this mountain mass, being, according to the intelligent old chief A'nnur (who ought to be well acquainted with his own coun try), the most elevated point in the whole country of Air. Un fortunately, our situation in the country was such that we could not think of exploring this very interesting northern barrier, which must be supposed to possess many beautiful glens and valleys. But we were still at some distance from these picturesque mountains, and had to cross a very rugged and dreary waste, where, however, we caught sight of the first ostrich as yet seen on our journey. We encamped at length in a shaUow valley devoid of any interesting features. During the night, while I was on the first watch, walking round the encampment of the caravan, it struck me that at one end of it, beyond the Kel-owi, a small party was separately en camped. When I went there for the first time, all was quiet; but a little after eleven o'clock (for in general, on such a jour ney, every one lies down at an early hour), hearing a noise on that side, I saw two armed Tawarek saddle their mehara and make off in the gloom of night. From this circumstance I con cluded that something was still going on against us ; but as it appeared useless to make an alarm, I only took the precaution to put Overweg, who succeeded me on the watch, upon his guard. - § Tuesday, August 21th. We started at a very early hour, VALLEY OF TI'DIK. 257 but fortunately the moonlight was so clear and beautiful that I was not interrupted for a moment in marking down aU the fea tures of the country, at least along our route, for our situation was now too precarious to aUow of our observing angles to fix the exact position of mountains lying at some distance from us. The road in general continued rugged for the first six miles, and formed at times very difficult passes ; but, notwithstanding these obstacles, the whole caravan kept as close together as pos sible, and so frustrated the plans of our persecutors, who, as we concluded from the appearance of several Mehara in the dis tance, intended to attack us on the road if occasion offered. There are two roads, the easternmost of which passes farther on through a remarkable gorge in the mountains, which we had for a long time ahead of us. Here, where we turned off with a westerly deviation, beautiful white marble, but slightly weather worn on the surface, appeared between the nodules of granite and gneiss, while on our right we had a rocky ridge called Itsa, the crest of which was indented in a most remarkable way. Farther on, where for a whUe we entered on a gravelly soU, the whole ground was covered with fresh footsteps of camels and | men, and there was not the least doubt that another host was gathering against us. Mount KadammeUet, with its tapering double peak, at a great er distance in the west, formed an interesting object, while the country was graduaUy improving. While turning round the lower offshoots of the large mountain mass which we had now approached, we entered a rather narrow but very rich vaUey, adorned with most luxuriant talha-trees completely inwrapped and bound together by creepers, while the ground was richly clothed with herbage. This is the valley of Tidik ; the viUage Vol. I.—R 258 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. of that name, which is situated in a recess of the mountains on our left, remained invisible. It is said to consist of huts form ed of a kind of long dry grass, and therefore makes some ap proach to the fashion of Sudan ; these huts are called taghamt or taramt by the Southern Imoshagh. But at present the vil lage was desolate, all the inhabitants, the Kel-tidik (people' of Tidik) having gone for a while to the fine valleys in the west, which appear to be richer than those to the east. Farther on we crossed the bed of a considerable torrent, the valley terminating in a narrow passage, which, though consider ed as the very entrance into the region of Sudan, led us once more into a desolate rocky district, at times widening to dry hoUows. Here Mount Kadammellet, of which only the double peak had been previously visible, exhibited to us its ample flanks. The country became so extremely rugged that we ad vanced but slowly ; and having here received distinct informa tion which fully confirmed our apprehension of another preda tory expedition against us, we marched in order of battle. Thus we reached a pond of rain-water in the narrow rugged hollow Taroi,* where we filled our water-bags. We found here several donkeys of a remarkably fine breed, belonging to the men who had brought us the news. The country beyond this place became more interesting, and even picturesque at times, several fine glens descending one aft er the other from the beautifully-indented mountains on our left, which now rose into full view, as the offshoots had gradually receded. * Mr. Richardson calls the pond Anamghur ; correctly, perhaps, though I did not hear it so called. The name of the valley, however, is Taroi ; and, if I am not mistaken, Anamaghur, or Anemaghera, means, in the Southern Berber dia lect, in general, " a watering-place ;" for our halting-place near Taghajit was also called by this name. SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. 259 We were only about eight miles from Selufiet, where we might expect to be tolerably safe ; and we had not the least doubt that we were to sleep there, when suddenly, before noon, our old Azkar madogu Awed el Kher turned off the road to the right, and chose the camping-ground at the border of a broad vaUey richly overgrown with herbage. As if moved by super natural agency, -and in ominous silence, the whole caravan fol lowed ; not a word was spoken. It was then evident that we were to pass through another or deal, which, according to aU appearance, would be of a more se rious kind than that we had already undergone. How this plot was laid is rather mysterious, and it can be explained only by supposing that a diabolical conspiracy was entered into by the various individuals of our caravan. Some certainly were in the secret ; but A'nnur, not less certainly, was sincere in our inter est, and wished us to get through safely. But the turbulent state of the country did not allow this weak, unenergetic man to attain his object. Black mail had been levied upon us by the frontier tribes ; here was another strong party to be satisfied, that of the Merabetin or Anislimen, who, enjoying great influ ence in the country, were in a certain degree opposed to the paramount authority of the old chief A'nnur in Tintellust ; and this man, who alone had power to check the turbulent spirit of these wfld and lawless tribes, was laid up with sickness. In A'gades there was no sultan, and several parties still stood in opposition to each other, while by the great expedition against Welad SHman, aU the warlike passions of the people had been awakened, and their cupidity and greediness for booty and rap ine excited to the utmost pitch. AU these circumstances must be borne in mind in order to form a right view of the manner in which we were sacrificed. The whole affair had a very solemn appearance from the be ginning, and it was apparent that this time there were reaUy other motives in view besides that of robbing us. Some of our companions evidently thought that here, at such a distance from our homes and our brethren in faith, we might yield to a more serious attack upon our rehgion, and so far were sincerely in- 260 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. terested in the success of the proceeding ; but whether they had any accurate idea of the fate that awaited us, whether we should retain our property and be allowed to proceed, I can not say. But it is probable that the fanatics thought little of our future destiny ; and it is absurd to imagine that, if we had changed our religion as we would a suit of clothes, we should have thereby escaped absolute ruin. Our people, who well knew what was going on, desired us to pitch only a single tent for aU three of us, and not to leave it, even though a great many people should collect about us. The excitement and anxiety of our friend A'nnur had reached the highest pitch, and Boro was writing letter after letter. Though a great number of Merabetin had coUected at an early hour, and a host of other people arrived before sunset, the storm did not break out ; but as soon as all the people of our caravan, ar ranged in a long line close to our tent, under the guidance of the most respected of the Merabetin as Imam, had finished their Mughreb prayers, the calm was at an end, and the scene which followed was awful. Our own people were so firmly convinced that, as we stoutly refused to change our religion, though only for a day or two, we should immediately suffer death, that our servant Mohammed, as well as Mukni, requested us most urgently to testify, in writing, that they were innocent of our blood. Mr. Richardson himself was far from being sure that the sheikhs did not mean exactly what they said. Our servants and the chiefs of the caravan had left us with the plain declaration that nothing less than certain death awaited us ; and we were sitting sflently in the tent, with the inspiring consciousness of going to our fate in a manner worthy alike of our rehgion and of the nation in whose name we were traveling among these barbarous tribes, when Mr. Richardson interrupted the silence which prevailed with these words : " Let us talk a little. We must die ; what is the use of sitting so mute ?" For some minutes death seemed real ly to hover over our heads, but the awful moment passed by. We had been discussing Mr. Richardson's last propositions for an attempt to escape with our lives, when, as a forerunner of THE PILLAGE. 261 the official messenger, the benevolent and kind-hearted SHman rushed into our tent, and with the most sincere sympathy stam mered out the few words, " You are not to die." The amount of the spoU taken from us was regulated by the sum which we had paid to our Kel-owi escort, the party con cerned presuming that they had just the same demands upon us as our companions. The principal, if not the only actors in this affair were the Merabetin ; and A'nnur, the chief of Tin- teUust, afterward stated to us that it was to them we had to at tribute aU our losses and mishaps. There was also just at this period a young sherif from Medina at Tin-tagh-ode, with whom we afterward came into intimate relations, and who confessed to us that he had contributed his part to excite the hatred of the people against the Christian intruders. Experienced travelers have very truly remarked that this sort of sherifs are at the bot tom of every intrigue. To the honor of Boro Serki-n-turawa, I have to state that he was ashamed of the whole affair, and tried to protect us to the best of his power, although in the be ginning he had certainly done aU that he could to bring us into difficulties. It was one of the defects of the expedition that our merchan dise, instead of comprising a few valuable things, was, for the most part, composed of worthless bulky objects, and that it made all the people beheve that we were carrying with us enormous wealth, whUe the whole value of our things scarcely amounted to two hundred pounds. We had, besides, about ten large iron cases fined with dry biscuit, but which aU the ignorant people beheved to be crammed with money. The consequence was, that the next morning, when all the claims had at length been settled, and we wanted to move on, there was still great danger that the rabble, which had not yet dispersed, would fall upon the rest of our luggage ; and we were greatly obliged to the Sfaksi, who not only passed some of our luggage as his own, but also dashed to pieces one of the iron cases, when, to the as tonishment of the simple people, instead of heaps of dollars, a dry and tasteless sort of bread came forth from the strong in- closure. 262 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. MeanwhUe, the persecuted Christians had made off, accompa nied by some of the Kel-owi, and at length the whole caravan collected together. The valley was here very beautiful ; and having crossed some smaUer hollows, we reached the fine valley of Selufiet, rich in trees and bushes, but without herbage, while at the distance of less than a mile on our left the high peak of the Timge stood erect. Toward the west the valley forms a deep gap behind a projecting mass of granite blocks ; and it was here that I met again my old acquaintance from the S'aid and Nubia, the dtim-tree or Oucifera Thebdica, here called gariba, after the Hausa name goreba. From the Kel-owi I could not learn the proper Berber name of this tree ;* but the Western Imoshagh call it akof. Even the Oapparis sodata seems to be called by the Berber conquerors of this country only by the Hausa name abisga, while their western brethren call it teshak. Besides the Oucifera, or fan-palm, there were here also a few isolated specimens of the date-palm. The village of Selufiet itself, consisting of sixty or seventy grass huts of peculiar shape, lies on the southern side of a broad vaUey running here from east to west, and richly overgrown with gorebas, abisgas, and talha-trees, but without any grass, for which the ground seems too elevated and stony. Our camp ing-ground also was of this bare character, and not at all pleas ing ; it was protected in the rear by large buttresses of rock. We had not yet enjoyed much tranquiUity and security, and we here felt its want the more keenly, as, our camel-drivers hav ing been hired only as far as this place, we had henceforth to take charge of all our things ourselves. A large mob of lawless people came about us in the course of the night, howling like hungry jackals, and we were obliged to assure them, by frequent firing, that we were on the watch. We had been obliged to leave our camels to the care of the Kel-owi ; but the freebooters having succeeded in dispersing the camels in every direction, our friends were unable in the evening to collect either their own animals or ours, and in the night they were all driven away, as * I think, however, that the more learned among them call' it tagait. The palm-tree is called tashdait. SELU'FIET. 263 we were told, by the Merabetin themselves, who so repeatedly assured us of their protection. In the letters which we sent to Europe during our next day's halt in this place, by a caravan of Arabs and Kel-owi, the largest part of which was already in advance, we were unable to give a perfectly satisfactory account of our progress ; nevertheless, we had made a great step in advance, and were justified in hoping that we should be able to overcome whatever difficulties might still await us, and the more so as we were now able to place ourselves in direct communication with the chief of TinteUust, from whom we might soon expect to receive an escort. Thursday, August 29th. Some of the stolen camels having been recovered, though fifteen were still wanting, we were ena bled to move from this uncomfortable place the next day, leav ing behind us, however, the boat and some other things, which were valueless to any but ourselves. Pleased as we were with our onward movement, we were still more cheered when we observed in the fine valley, which here seems to bear the name E'rasa, or rather E'razar,* some small fields with a fresh green crop of negro millet — a delicious sight to travelers from the desert, and the best assurance that we had entered cultivable regions. The fields or gardens were watered by means of a kind of khattara of very simple construc tion — a simple pole with a longer cross pole, to which the buck et is fastened. A little further on, the whole valley was clothed with fine wide-spreading bushes of the abisga or Capparis, but it soon narrowed, whUe we marched straight upon the high pointed peak overtowering Tin-tagh-ode, which forms an inter esting object. The valley of Selufiet seems to have no connec tion with that of the latter place ; at least, the principal branch, along which our route lay, was entirely separated from it by rocky ground. Here a broad gap dividing the mountain mass ahows a peep into the glens formed by the several ridges of which it consists, and which seem to rise to greater elevation as they recede. The slope is rather precipitous ; and the gen- * "E'razar," properly " eghazar," means " the valley" in general ; but never theless here it seems to be a proper name. 264 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. eral elevation of this mountain mass seems scarcely less than 3300 feet above the bottom of the vaUey, or about 5000 feet above the level of the sea. We soon descended again from the rocky ground into a hol low plain richly clothed with vegetation, where, besides the abis- ga, the tunfafia or Asclepias gigantea, which we had entirely lost sight of since leaving E'geri, appeared in great abundance, Here also was a new plant which we had not seen before — the "allwot," with large succulent leaves and a pretty violet flow er. The camels devoured it most eagerly, and in the whole dis trict of Air preferred it to any other kind of food. It has a great resemblance to the poisonous damankadda, which in Su dan is often the cause of dangerous disease, and even of death, to the camel. After marching along this valley for two mUes, we encamped on an open space encircled with the green spreading bushes of the abisga, a little beyond Tin-tagh-ode, the village of the Me rabetin or Anislimen,* which is spread in a long line over the low offshoots of the mountain range, and contains about a hund red light huts, almost aU of them being made of grass and the leaves of the dum-palm, a few only being built of stones. Small as this village is, it is of very great importance for the intercourse between Central Africa and the northern region be yond the desert ; for, under the authority of these learned and devout men, commerce is carried on with a security which is * " Anislim" is the term in the Temashight language equivalent to the Arabic Merabet ; and though it evidently has the most intimate relation to the word " selem" (Islam), meaning properly a, man professing Islam, this signification has been entirely lost sight of. I was generally deemed and called by the West ern Tawarek an Anislim, because I wrote and read. THE ANTSLIMEN. 265 reaUy surprising if regard be had to the wild and predatory hab its of the people around. As these AnisHmen belong to a tribe of the Kel-owi, we may infer that their settlement here was con temporaneous with the conquest of the country by the latter tribe — a conclusion favored by the narrative of Ebn Batrita, who does not appear to have found any settlements in this quarter. The AnisHmen, however, though they style themselves " de vout men," have not, therefore, relinquished all concern about the things of this world, but, on the contrary, by their ambition, intrigues, and warlike proceedings, exercise a great influence upon the whole affairs of the country, and have placed them selves, as I have already mentioned, in a sort of opposition to the powerful chief of TinteUust. Recently, however, a great ca lamity had befallen them, the Awelimmiden (the " Surka" of Mungo Park, the dreaded enemies of the Kel-owi) having by a sudden inroad carried away aU their camels ; and it may have been partly the desire to make use of the opportunity afforded them by the arrival of some unprotected infidels to repair their losses in some measure, which made them deal so hostile- ly with us. As we encamped, the boys of the village hovered around us in great numbers, and, while we kept a good look-out to prevent their pilfering, we could not but admire their tall, weU-formed figures and their light color — the best proof that this little plan does not intermarry with the black race. They wore nothing but a leathern apron, and their hair was shorn on the sides, leaving a crest in the middle. When we had made ourselves somewhat comfortable, we were desirous of entering into some traffic with the people, in order to replace our provisions, which were almost whoUy ex hausted ; but we soon had reason to be convinced how errone ous were the ideas which we had formed from reports as to the cheapness of provisions in this country, and that we should have very great difficulty in procuring even the little that was abso lutely necessary. Of butter and cheese we were unable to ob tain the smallest quantity, while only very small parcels of 266 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. dukhn, or gero (millet, or Pennisetum typho'ideum), were offer ed to us, and greatly to our disadvantage, as the articles we had to barter with, such as bleached and unbleached calico, razors, and other things, were estimated at a very low rate. A com mon razor brought us here ten zekka of mUlet, worth, according to the estimate of the country, one third of a mithkal, equal to 333 kurdi, or about sixpence halfpenny. I learned from E'meli that the Sakomaren, a tribe of Imoshagh possessing large flocks of sheep and even much cattle, bring almost every year a con siderable supply of butter to this country, a statement which was soon confirmed by my own experience. The man just mentioned, who had something extremely noble, and prepossessing about him, was about to return to Ghat, and I confided to him a letter for Europe. In all probability, this is the letter which was afterward found in the desert, and was brought by Nakhnukhen (the chief of the Azkar) himself to Mr. Dickson, her majesty's agent in Ghadames, who, from its fate,' drew some sinister conclusions as to my own. Several other people having left us, we remained in tolerable quiet and repose the whole day ; but it was reported that the next day, during which we should be obliged to stay here in order to wait for the restitution of our camels, there would be a great concourse of Mehara to celebrate a marriage in the viUage; but, fortunately, the immense quantity of rain which fell in the whole of the neighborhood, and which, on the 1st of September, changed our valley into the broad bed of a rapid river, placing all our property in the utmost danger, prevented this design from being executed, and, while it seemed to portend to us a new misfortune, most probably saved us from a much greater mischief. Having just escaped from the dangers arising from the fanat icism and the rapacity of the people, it was a hard trial to have to contend again against an element the power of which, in these border regions of the desert, we had been far from appreciating and acknowledging. We had no antecedents from which to conclude the possibility that in this region a valley, more than half a mile wide, might be turned, in twenty-four hours, into a A DESERT TORRENT. 267 stream violent enough to carry away the heaviest things, not excepting even a strong, tall animal like the camel ; and it was with almost childish satisfaction that, in the afternoon of Sat urday, we went to look at the stream, which was just beginning to roll its floods along. It was then a most pleasant and re freshing sight ; the next day it became a grand and awful pic ture of destruction, which gave us no faint idea of a deluge. To the description of the flood itself, as it is given by Mr. Rich ardson, I shall not add any thing ; but I have to mention the following circumstances, which seem not to have been placed in their true light. Half an hour after midday the waters began to subside, and ceased to endanger our Httle island, which, attacked on all sides by the destructive fury of an impetuous mountain torrent swol len to the dimensions of a considerable river, was fast crumbling to pieces, and scarcely afforded any longer space enough to hold our party and our things. Suddenly, on the western shore, a number of Mehara were seen, while, at the same time, the whole population of Tin-tagh-ode, in full battle array, came from the other side, and formed themselves in regular groups, partly round our hiU, and partly opposite to the Tinylkum. While we look ed with distrust on these preparations, most of our muskets hav ing been wetted, the mischievous Mokhammed approached our hill, and, addressing me with a very significant and malevolent look, cried out, "Lots of people!" The previous afternoon, when I had requested him, while squatting himself insolently upon my carpet, to leave this only piece of comfort for my own use, he threatened me in plain terms, and in the coolest manner, that the following night I should lie on the bottom, of the wadi, and he upon my carpet. Not put out by his malice, though I was myself rather doubtful as to the friendly intentions of all these people, I told him that the Mehara were our friends, sent by the chief A'nnur as an escort to conduct us safely to Tin- teUust. With a threatening gesture he told me I should be sadly disappointed, and went away. Fortunately, it turned out that the people mounted on camels were really A'nnur's escort ; but, at the same time, a large band of robbers had collected, in 268 ' TRAVELS IN AFRICA. order to make a last effort to take possession of our property before we should obtain the protection of A'nnur, and only with drew reluctantly when they saw that they should meet with a strong opposition. We were then justified in hoping that we had at length en tered a harbor affording us a certain degree of security, and with thankful and gladdened hearts we looked forward to our further proceedings. Our present situation, however, was far from be ing comfortable : almost all our things were wet ; our tents were lying in the mud at the bottom of the stream ; and our comfort able and strong, but heavy Tripolitan tent was so soaked with water and earth that a camel could scarcely carry it. Leaving at length our iU-chosen camping-ground, Overweg and I were passing the principal torrent (which was stUl very rapid), when the camels we rode, weakened by the dreadful situation they had been in the whole day, were unable to keep their feet, and, slipping on the muddy bottom, set us down in the midst of the stream. Soaked and barefoot, having lost my shoes, I was glad to reach in the dark the new encampment which had been chosen On the elevated rocky ground a little beyond the border of the valley. Our beds were in the most cheerless condition, and in an unhealthy cHmate would certainly have been productive of bad consequences. Air, however, in every respect may be call ed the Switzerland of the desert. Fortunately, the weather on the following morning cleared up, and, although the sun came forth only now and then, a fresh wind was very favorable for drying, and it was pleasant to see one thing after another resume a comfortable appearance. The whole encampment seemed to be one large drying-ground. Having recovered a little from the uncomfortable state in which we had passed the night, we went to pay a visit to the principal men of our new escort, who had seated themselves in a circle, spear in hand, with their leader Hamma (a son-in-law of the chief A'nnur) in the midst of them. Entire strangers as both parties were to each other, and after the many mishaps we had gone through, and the many false reports which must have reached these men about our character, the meeting could not ARRIVAL OF THE ESCORT. 269 fail to be somewhat cool. We expressed to the leader our sin cere acknowledgment of the service which the chief A'nnui- had rendered us, and begged him to name us to such of his compan ions as were related to the chief. On this occasion, Moham med, the chiefs cousin, who afterward became a great friend of mine, made himself remarkable by his pretensions and arrogance. They were aU of them tolerably good-looking, but they were not at all of the same make as the Azkar and the people living near the border of Air. They were blacker, and not so tall, and, instead of the austere and regular northern features, had a rounder and more cheerful, though less handsome expression of countenance. .Their dress, also, was more gay, several of them wearing Hght blue instead of the melancholy-looking dark blue tobes. At about ten o'clock we at length moved on, and chose the western of the two roads, leading hence to Tin-teUust by way of Fodet; the eastern one passes through Tago and Tani. Leaving the large green valley of Tin-tagh-ode on our left, we kept on more uneven ground, passing some smaller glens, till | we reached the commencement of the fine broad valley Fodet, fend encamped near the cliffs bordering its eastern side. Here Mie water, rushing down from the rocks in a- sort of cascade, had formed a pond, which, however, was not destined to remain long. Tuesday, September 3d. We made a very interesting march through a country marked with bold features, and showing it self in more than one respect capable of being the abode of man. Turning away from the eastern border, we kept more along the middle of the vaUey tiU we reached the most picturesque spot, where it divided into two branches, the eastern of which, bor dered by several imposing mountain spurs, presented a very in teresting perspective, of which the foUowing sketch, drawn as it was on the back of my camel, will give only a faint idea. The whole bottom of the vaUey, where, the day before yes terday, a mighty torrent had been foaming along, was now glit tering with fragments of minerals. We then passed the ruins of some houses carried away by the floods, and met farther on 270 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. a little troop of asses laden with eneli.* Our whole caravan was in good spirits ; and our escort, in order to give us a speci men of their horsemanship, if I may so call it, got up a race, which, as may be readily imagined, proved a very awkward af fair. Two or three of the riders were thrown off, and the sport soon came to an end. The swift camel is exceUent for trotting, but it can never excel in a gallop. In our ascent we had reached very considerable mountain masses on our right, when some of our old companions, who had come with us from Ghat, separated from us, in order to go to their viUage Tungadu. Among these was A'kshi, a very mod est and quiet man, who alone of all these people had never beg ged from me even the merest trifle, though he gave me some in formation, and I might have learned much more from him if I had seen him more frequently. But I had the good fortune to meet with him again at a later period. * E'neli, \j\ — dukhn — is a word several times mentioned by the learned traveler Ebn Batuta in his Travels, where it has not been understood by the translators. See Journal Asiatique, 1843, serie iv., torn, i., p. 188, 191, 200. M p. 194 he describes the favorite beverage dakno, made of this corn. VALLEY OF AFI'S. 271 The country here became very mountainous, and the ascent steep, tiU we reached a valley called by some of the Kel-owi the upper course of the vaUey of Tin-tellust. Having reached the crest of the elevation, we began to descend, first gradually along smaller vaUeys, afterward more steeply into a deep ravine, while in the distance toward the southwest, above the lower hills, a ridge of considerable elevation became visible. Gradu ally the ravine widened, and became clothed with fine herbage. Here, to our great disappointment, the little A'nnur, Didi, Far reji, and several of the Tinylkum (among them the intelligent and active Ibrahim) left us in order to reach thefr respective resi dences. Of course, A'nnur ought to have seen us safe to the chief's residence ; but, being without energy, he allowed our new com panions, with whom we had not yet been able to become ac quainted, to extort from us what they could, as the Fade-ang and the Anislimen had done before. Keeping along some small er vaUeys, we reached, about noon, a considerable pond of rain water, where I watered my thirsty camel. Almost all the smaU- Ier vaUeys through which we passed incline toward the west. Much against our wish, we encamped a little after three o'clock P.M. in a widening of the valley Afis, near the south ern cliffs (which had a remarkably shattered appearance), there being a weU at some little distance. We had scarcely encamp ed when a troublesome scene was enacted, in the attempt to satisfy our escort, the men not being yet acquainted with us, and making importunate demands. But there was more tur moil and disturbance than real harm in it ; and though half of the contents of a bale of mine were successfully carried off by the turbulent Mohammed, and a piece of scarlet cloth was cut into numberless small shreds in the most wanton manner, yet there was not much to complain of, and it was satisfactory to see Hamma (A'nnur's son-in-law, and the chief of the escort) display the greatest energy in his endeavors to restore what was forcibly taken. Wednesday, September 4th. We were glad when day dawn ed; but with it came very heavy rain, which had been por- 272 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. tended last night by thickly accumulated clouds and by light ning. Rain early in the morning seems to be rather a rare phenomenon, as weU in this country as aU over Central Afri ca,* if it be not in continuation of the previous night's rain ; and it was probably so on this occasion, rain having fallen dur ing the whole night in the country around us. Having waited tiU the rain seemed to have a little abated, we started at seven o'clock, in order to reach the residence of the powerful chief A'nnur, in whose hands now lay the whole success of the expedition. Though all that we had heard about him was calculated to inspire us with confidence in his person al character, yet we could not but feel a considerable degree of anxiety. Soon emerging from the valley of Afis, we ascended rocky ground, over which we plodded, while the rain poured down upon us with renewed violence, tiU we reached another valley, and a little farther, on its northern side, the small village Sara- ra, or Asarara, divided into two groups, between which we pass ed. We then crossed low rocky ground intersected by many smaU beds of torrents descending from the mountains on our left, which rise to a considerable elevation. All these channels incline toward the south, and are thickly clothed with bushes. It was half past nine o'clock, the weather having now cleared up, when we enterred the vaUey of TinteUust,f forming a broad sandy channel, bare of herbage, and only lined with bushes along its border. On the low rocky projections on its eastern side lay a little viUage, scarcely discernible from the rocks around ; it was the long and anxiously looked-for residence of * In many parts of India just the contrary seems to occur. t It will be well to say a few words about this name, as the way in which I write it has been made the subject of criticism. Tin-tellust means "(the valley) with or of the tellust;'' "tin" is the pronoun expressing possession, and exact ly corresponds with the Western Arabic . U^ . It is of very frequent occurrence, as well in names of localities as of tribes, and even of men, such as Tin-Yera- tan, son of Wasembii, the celebrated King of Aiidaghost. "Tellust" is the fem inine form of " ellus," the feminine Berber nouns having the peculiarity of not only beginning with t, but often ending with it likewise. (Newman, in Zeit- schrift fiir Kunde des Morgenlandes, 1845, vol. vi., p. 275.) .V ;Y|S*PfSSf? ARRIVAL AT TINTE'LLUST. 275 the chief E' Nur or A'nnur. Our servants saluted it with a few rounds. Leaving the viUage on the eastern border of the sandy bed, we went a little farther to the south, keeping close to the low rocky projection on our right, at the foot of which was the little tebki or water-pond, and encamped on a sand- hiU rising in a recess of the rocky offshoots, and adorned at its foot with the beautiful green and widely-spreading bushes of the Capparis sodata, whUe behind was a charming little hollow with luxuriant talha-trees. Over the lower rocky ground rose Mount Tunan, whUe toward the south the majestic mountain- group of Bunday closed the view. As for the prospect over the valley toward the village, and the beautiful mountain mass* beyond, it is represented in the annexed sketch, made at a later period, and for the accuracy of which I can answer. Altogether it was a most beautiful camping-ground, where in ease and quiet we could establish our little residence, not troub led every moment by the intrusion of the townspeople ; but it was rather too retired a spot, and too far from our protector, be ing at least eight hundred yards from the village, in a country fcf lawless people, not yet accustomed to see among them men Jof another creed, of another complexion, and of totally different usages and manners. This spot being once selected, the tents were soon pitched ; and, in a short time, on the summit of the sand-hiU, there rose the httle encampment of the English expedition, consisting of four tents forming a sort of semicircle, opening toward the south, the point to which aU our arduous efforts were directed — Mr. Richardson's tent toward the west, Overweg's and mine adjoin ing it toward the east, and each flanked by a smaUer tent for the servants. Doubtless this sand-hiU wiU ever be memorable in the annals of the Asbenawa as the "English HiU," or the "HiU of the Christians." But, before I proceed to relate the incidents of our dafly Hfe whUe we staid here, it will be weU to introduce the reader to the country and the people with whom we have come in contact. * These mountains, which from this side seem to form a well-defined group, have, as far as I know, no general name. 276 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. CHAPTER XIV. ETHNOGRAPHICAL RELATIONS OF AlR. The name Air, exactly as it is written and pronounced by the natives at the present day, first occurs in the description of Leo, which was written in 1526.* The country Kaher, mentioned by the traveler Ebn Batutaf on his home-journey from Tekad- da by way of the weUs of Asiu, is evidently somewhere here abouts, but seems rather to denote the region a few days' jour ney west from Tintellust, and to be identical with the "Ghir" of Leo,| though this extended more to the S.W. The name being written by the Arabs with an h (Ahir), most historical geographers have erroneously concluded that this is the true in digenous form of the name.§ Air, however, does not appear to be the original name of the country, but seems to have been introduced by the Berber con- * Leo Africanus, Descrizione dell' Africa, i., c. 6 : " E Air, diserto ancora esso, ma nomato dalla bonta dell' aere." This derivation of the name is manifestly apocryphal. Comp., l.vi., c. 55, 56. t Ebn Batuta's Travels, ed. Lee, p. 45. Compare Journal Asiatique, 1843, p. 237. % Leo, l.vi., c. 55. Ebn Batiita counts seventy days' march from Tekadda to Tawat, or rather Buda. Now we shall see that Tekadda is situated three days southwest from A'gades, while, from what the traveler says about the place where the road to Egypt separated from that to Tawat, it is evident that he went by Asiu, or rather that the place just mentioned was identical with Asiu, Asiu, then, forty days from Tawat, was thirty days from Tekadda; Kaher therefore, being distant eighteen days from Asiu, was twelve days from Tekadda, and was somewhere between the parallels of Selufiet and Tintellust, but rather, as we see from the sterile character of the country through which he traveled, and from the situation of Tekadda, in the more barren district to the west. About Tekadda I shall have to speak further on. § The Tawarek, as well the Kel-owi as all the other tribes, constantly write 0 £' (Air) ; and the reason why the Arabs write „£ | is simply to avoid the ob- scenity of y\ (veretrum). MIXED POPULATION OF AIR. 277 querors, the former name being Asben or Absen, as it is still caUed by the black and the mixed population. Asben was for merly the country of the Goberawa, the most considerable and noble portion of the Hausa nation, which does not seem to be long to the pure Negro races, but to have originally had some relationship with North Africa ; and from this point of view the statement of Sultan BeUo can not be regarded as absurd, when, in the historical work on the conquests of the Fulbe, "Infak el misuri fi fat hah el Tekruri," he caUs the people of Gober Copts,* though only one family is generally considered by the learned men of the country as of foreign origin. The capital of this kingdom of Asben, at least since the 16th century, was Tin-shaman, at present a viUage a little to the west of the road from Auderas to A'gades, and about twenty miles from the latter place. The name is evidently a Berber one ;+ and the Berber influence is still more evident from the fact that a portion, at least, of the population of the town were Masufa, a weU-known Berber tribe who in former times were the chief guides on the road from SejUmesa to Walata.f Be this as it M»ay, several learned men, inhabitants of this place, are men- Roned by the native historians of Negroland, which shows that Pnere existed in it some degree of comparative civilization. In the middle of the fourteenth century, not only Tekadda, but even Kahir, was in the hands of the Berbers, as we see from Batuta's narrative ; and this eminent traveler mentions a curious custom , with regard to the Berber prince, whom he styles El Gergeri, or ; Tegergeri,§ which even at the present moment is in full opera- iI * Denham and Clapperton's Travels, vol. ii., p. 162. t I bave spoken about the word " tin" before. I have strong reason for sup- , posing that the original name of the place was Ansaman. ; t EbnBatuta, Journal Asiatique, 1843, serie iv., vol. i., p. 188 ; Cooley, Negro- : land, p. 17. § It seems to be the title of his kingdom, so that we may translate it rather "the ruler of Kerker" or Gerger. See Cooley, p. 107, who first pointed out that Kerker was not a mere clerical error for Kaiikau. But what this learned gentle- , man says at p. 109 is based upon wrong information, there being no such name as Birni-n-Gurgar in Hausa. The real name of the place is Goga. It is also impossible that the name Gergeri can have any thing to do with the pagan tribe Keiekere, 278 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. tion in this country, viz., that the succession went not to his own sons, but to his sister's sons.* This remarkable fact is a certain proof that it was not a pure Berber state, but rather a Berber dominion ingrafted upon a Negro population, exactly as was the case in his time in Walata. Leo, who first calls the country by its present Berber name Air, states also expressly that it was then occupied by Tawarek, "Targa populo ;"f and we learn also from him that the ruler of A'gades (a town first mentioned by him) was likewise a Berber ;| so that it might seem as if the state of the country at that time was pretty nearly the same as it is now ; but such was not the case. The name of the Kel-owi is not mentioned either by Leo or any other writer before the time of Horneman, who, before he set out from Fezzan on his journey to Bornu, obtained some very perspicuous information § about these people, as weU as about their country A'sben. At that time, before the rise of the Fulbe under their reformer (El Jihadi) Othman, the son of Fodiye, it was a powerful kingdom, to which Gober was tributary. From Horneman's expression it would seem that the Kel-owi had conquered the country only at a comparatively recent date ;|| and this agrees perfectly with the results of my inquiries, from which I conclude that it took place about A.D. 1740. However, we have seen that four centuries before that time the country was in the hands of the Berbers. It appears that the Kel-owi are traceable from the northwest, and the nobler part of them belong to the once very powerful and numerous tribe of the Auraghen, whence their dialect is called Auraghiye even at the present day. Their name signifies " the people settled in (the district or valley of) Owi ;" for "kel" is exactly identical with the Arabic word ahel, and seems, be- * Ebn Batiita, p. 237. t Leo, l.vi., c. 56. X Ibid., i., c. 10, toward the end. § Horneman's Journal, 1802, p. 109, fl. || That was also what Major Rennell concluded from the traveler's expression when he says, p. 181, " From recent conquest it would seem," &c. I think that the Kel-owi may have formerly borne another name, andfeceived this name only from a place where they were settled. I would not refer to the Cillaba men tioned by Pliny, 1. v., t. 5. The name Kel-owi is properly a plural form. THE KEX-OWI'. 279 sides, to be applied with especial propriety to indicate the set tled in opposition to the nomadic tribes ; for, in general, the characteristic mark of the Kel-owi and their kinsmen is that they live in villages consisting of fixed and immovable huts, and not in tents made of skins, like the other tribes, or in movable huts made of mats, like the Tagama and many of the Imghad of the AweHmmiden. With this prefix kel may be formed the name of the inhabitants of any place or country : Ferwan, Kel- ferwan ; Baghzen, Kel-baghzen ; AfeUe (the north), Kel-afeUe, "the people of the north," whom the Arabs in Timbuktu caU A'hel e' Sahel ; and no doubt a Targi, at least of the tribe of the AweHmmiden or Kel-owi, would caU the inhabitants of Lon don Kel-london or Kel-londra, just as he says Kel-ghadames, Kel-tawat. But there is something indeterminate in the name Kel-owi, which has both a narrower and a wider sense, as is frequently the case with the names of those tribes which, having become predominant, have grouped around them, and, to a certain ex tent, even incorporated with themselves many other tribes which (id not originaUy belong to them. In this wider sense the name Cel-owi comprises a great many tribes, or, rather, sections, gen- raUy named after their respective settlements. I have already observed that the Berbers, in conquering this country from the Negro, or I should rather say the sub-Libyan race (the Leucsethiopes of the ancients), did not entirely destroy the latter, but rather intermingled with them by intermarriage with the females, thereby modifying the original type of their race, and blending the severe and austere manners and the fine figure of the Berber with the cheerful and playful character and the darker color of the African. The way in which they set tled in this country seems to have been very similar to that in which the ancient Greeks settled in Lycia ; for the women ap pear to have the superiority over the male sex in the country of A'sben, at least to a certain extent ; so that, when a ba-A's- benchi marries a woman of another vUlage, she does not leave her dwelling-place to foUow her husband, but he must come to her ia her own viUage. The same principle is shown in the 280 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. regulation that the chief of the Kel-owi must not marry a wom an of the Targi blood, but can rear children only from black women or female slaves. With respect to the custom that the hereditary power does not descend from the father to the son, but to the sister's son— a custom well known to be very prevalent not only in many parts of Negroland, but also in India, at least in Malabar— it may be supposed to have belonged originally to the Berber race; for the Azkar, who have preserved their original manners toler ably pure, have the same custom ; but they also might have adopted it from those tribes (now their subjects — the Imghad) who conquered the country from the black natives. It may therefore seem doubtful whether, in the mixed empires of Gha- nata,* Melle,t and Walata,| this custom belonged to the black natives, or was introduced by the Berbers. Be this as it may, it is certain that the noble tribe of the AweHmmiden deem the custom in question shameful, as exhibiting only the man's mis trust in his wife's fidelity ; for such is certainly its foundation. As for the male portion of the ancient population of A'sben, I suppose it to have been for the most part exterminated, while the rest was degraded into the state of domestic slavery, with the distinct understanding that neither they nor their children should ever be sold out of the country. The consequence of this covenant has been an entire mixture§ between the Berber * Aim 'Obeid Alia el Bekri el Kortobi, Notices et Extraits, vol. xii., p. 644. t With regard to Melle, see what Leo says, 1. i., c. 10, fin., " E quello (re) che fii di Melli h dell' origine del popolo di Zanaga.'' X Ebn Batiita, p. 234, ed. Lee. He says, " And the sister's son always succeed; to property in preference to the son, a, custom I witnessed nowhere else except among the infidel Hindoos of Malabar.'' But the traveler forgot that he had soon to relate the same of the Gergeri dynasty (see above, p. 278) ; or, rather, the learned man who was ordered to publish his journal did not correct the expres sion, which, at the time when Ebn Batiita made his memorandum of his stay in Walata, may have been quite true. § This circumstance explains a, curious fact in Mr. Koelle's Polyglotta Afri- cana, a work of the greatest merit, but in which, on account of the immense ground over which it extends, some errors must be expected. One of the most unfortunate examples in this respect are his specimens of a language called Kan- din (xii., C). Now the name Kandin is quite inadmissible in ethnography, bein,'! a name given to the Imoshagh or Tawarek only by the Kamiri people, to say noth- RULE OF SUCCESSION. 281 conquerors and the female part of the former population, chang ing the original Berber character entirely, as well in manners and language as in features and complexion. Indeed, the Hausa language is as familiar to these people as their Auraghiye, al though the men, when speaking among themselves, generally make use of the latter. The consequence is that the Kel-owi are regarded with a sort of contempt by the purer Berber tribes, who call them slaves (ikelan). But there is another class of people, not so numerous, indeed, in A'sben itself as in the dis tricts bordering upon it ; these are the Buzawe, or Abogelite, a mixed race, with generally more marked Berber features than the Kel-owi, but of darker color and lower stature, while in man ners they are generaUy very debased, having lost almost entirely that noble carriage which distinguishes even the most lawless vagabond of pure Targi blood. These people, who infest all the regions southward and southeastward from A'sben, are the off spring of Tawarek females with black people, and may belong- either to the Hausa or to the Songhay race. What I have here said sets forth the historical view of the I state of things in this country, and is well known to all the en lightened natives. The vulgar account of the origin of the Kel- owi from the female slave of a Tinylkum who came to A'sben, where she gave birth to a boy who was the progenitor of the Kel-owi, is obviously nothing but a popular tale indicating, at the utmost, only some sHght connection of this tribe with the Tinylkum. Having thus preliminarily discussed the name of the tribe and the way in which it settled in the country, I now proceed ing of the very odd geographical blunder involved in the expression " Absen, u town of Egades." But the specimens of the language which Mr. Koelle gives under this head are a curious mixture of Targiye, Hausa, and even some Kanuri terms ; and his informant, Abarshi (a very common name in A'sben), was most probably a slave by origin, at least not a free man, even before he was enslaved by the Kanuri. But these specimens are not uninteresting, giving a fair idea of the state of things in the country, although any respectable native would be ashamed to mix Hausa and Berber terms in this way. And, moreover, the latter, as given here, are mostly corrupted from the very beginning, for " one" is not diyen, but iyen, and d is only added in composition, as merdw d'fyen, meraw d'esin— " eleven," " twelve," &c. 282 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. to give a list, as complete as possible, of aU the divisions or titisi {sing, tausit) which compose the great community of the Kel-owi. The most noble (that is to say, the most elevated, not by purity of blood, but by authority and rank) of the subdivisions of this tribe at the present time are the Irolangh, the Amanoka- len or sultan family, to which belongs A'nnur, with no other title than that of sheikh or elder (the original meaning of the word) — " sofo" in Hausa, " amaghar" or " amghar" in Tem£- shight. The superiority of this section seems to date only from the time of the present chief's predecessor, the Kel-ferwan ap pearing to have had the ascendency in earlier times. Though the head of this family has no title but that of sheikh, he has nevertheless far greater power than the amanokal or titular sul tan of the Kel-owi, who resides in A'sodi, and who is at present really nothing more than a prince in name. The next in au thority to A'nnur is Haj 'Abdtiwa, the son of A'nnur's eldest sister, and who resides in Tafidet. The family or clan of the Irolangh, which, in the stricter sense of the word, is called Kel-owi, is settled in ten or more villages lying to the east and the southeast of Tintellust, the residence of A'nnur, and has formed an alliance with two other influential and powerful famUies, viz., the Kel-azaneres, or people of Aza- neres, a village, as I shaU have occasion to explain farther on, of great importance on account of its situation in connection with the salt lakes near BUma, which constitute the wealth and the vital principle of this community. On account of this alli ance, the section of the Kel-azaneres affected by it is caUed Iro langh wuen Kel-azaneres ; and to this section belongs the pow erful chief Lusu, or, properly, El U'su, who is, in reality, the sec ond man in the country on the score of influence. On the other side, the Irolangh have formed alliance and re lationship with the powerful and numerous tribe of the Ikazke- zan or Ikeshkeshen, who seem likewise to have sprung from the Auraghen ; and on this account the greater, or at least the more influential part of the tribe, including the powerful chiet Mghas, is sometimes called Irolangh wuen Ikazkezan, while, SECTIONS OF THE KE'L-OWI. 283 with regard, to their dwelling-place Tamar, they bear the name Kel-tamar. But this is only one portion of the Ikazkezan. Another very numerous section of them is partly scattered about Damerghu, partly settled in a place caUed Elakwas (or, as it is generaUy pronounced, Alakkos), a place between Damerghu and Mtinio, together with a mixed race called Kel-elakwas. The Brizkezan of this latter section bear, in their beautiful manly figure and fine complexion, much more evident traces of the pure Berber blood than the Irolangh; but they lead a very law less life, and harass the districts on the borders of Hausa and Bornu with predatory incursions, especiaUy those settled in Elakwas. There are three tribes whose political relations give them greater importance, namely, the Kel-tafidet, the Kel-n-Neggaru, and the Kel-fares. The first of these three, to whom belongs the above-mentioned Haj 'Abduwa, live in Tafidet, a group of three villages lying at the foot of a considerable mountain chain thirty miles to the southeast of Tintellust, and at the distance of only five good days' march from Bilma. The Kel-n-Negga- Iru form an important famUy originaUy settled in Neggaru, a district to the north of Selufiet ; but at present they live in A'sodi and in the viUage Eghellal, and some of them lead a nomadic life in the valleys of Tin-teggana and A'sada. On ac count of the present sultan (who belongs to them) being called Astafidet, they are now also named Aushi-n-Astafidet (the tribe of Astafidet). The Kel-fares, to whom belongs the great m'al- lem Azori, who, on account of his learning, is respected as a prince in the whole country, live in Tin-teyyat, a village about thirty-five mUes E.N.E. from TinteUust. I now proceed to name the other sections of the Kel-owi in geographical order from north to south. The Fadaye, or E'fadaye, dwell in the district Fade-angh, containing several vUlages, the principal of which is called Zur- rika, inhabited by the Kel-zurrika. The E'fadaye, although they maintain a sort of independence, are nevertheless regarded as belonging to the community of the Kel-owi, while another tribe, likewise caUed from the district Fade-angh, namely, the 284 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Kel-fadaye, are viewed in a different light, and will therefore he mentioned farther on with respect to their political relation with the Sultan of A'gades. The E'fadaye are renowned on account of their warlike propensities, and to the wild inhabitants of these districts the Fadaye is a model of a man — " halis." The Kel-tedele, who were among the people who attacked the mission, live in a place caUed Tedele, a little to the north of Oinu-makaren. The Kel-tedek, or Kel-tidik, dwell in Tidik, the village I no ticed on our journey as lying at the northern foot of the large mountain chain which forms the beginning of A'sben and Sudan. The Im-asrodangh.* The Kel-ghazar, comprising the inhabitants of Selufiet and those of Tintagh-ode, who are more generaUy named An isHmen or Merabetin. The name is formed from eghazar, " the valley," meaning the large valley of Selufiet and Tin tagh-ode. The Kel-elar, living in E'lar, three hours east from Selufiet, in the mountain glens. The Kel-gharus. The E'ndefar. The Tanutmolet. The Abirken. The Tesebet. The Kel-telak. The Azaiken. The Kel-ulli, meaning "the people of the goats," or goat herds. Another tribe of the same name among the Awe Hmmiden I shall have frequent opportunity of mentioning in the course of my travels as my chief protectors during my stay in Timbuktu. The Fedalala, dwelling, if I am not mistaken, in Fedekel. The Kel-asarar, living in Sarara, the village we passed an hour before reaching Tintellust. The Im-eztikzal, a considerable family living in A'gwau. * Im or em, in composition, is almost identical with kel, meaning "the people of," " the inhabitants of." SECTIONS OF THE KE'L-OWF. 285 The Kel-teget. The Kel-enrizuk. The Kel-takriza. The Kel-aghellal. The Kel-tadenak, living in Tadenak, about half a day's jour ney east from Aghellal, and about eleven hours west from Tintellust. The Kel-wadigi, living in Wadigi, a large village about fif teen miles west from Tintellust. This village, in conse quence of erroneous native information, has been hitherto placed near the Isa, or middle course of the Niger. The Kel-teghermat, at present in the viUage Azauraiden, E.N.E. from Tintellust. Of their number is the active chief Haj Makhmud. The Kel-erarar, in Erarar, a vUlage three hours from Tintel lust. The Kel-zeggedan, in Zeggedan, one day and a half from Tin tellust. The Kel-taghmart, in Taghmart, one day and a half north from the latter. The Kel-afarar, in A'farar, two hours east a little south from Taghmart. The Im-ekketen, Hving at present round Azatartar, but orig inaUy settled in the neighborhood of A'gades. The Kel-sadawat. The Kel-tafist. The Kel-agaten, living in A'gata, a vUlage at the foot of Mount Belasega. The Kel-baghzen, for the greatest part herdsmen or shep herds, Hving scattered over and around Mount Baghzen. These are the Kel-owi ; but there is another tribe, of the Kel-geres, known by the same name, on account of their having in former times occupied those seats. The Kel-chemia, in Chemia. The Ikadmawen, a numerous tribe living generaUy in four viUages which lie at the southern foot of Mount Baghzen, and are called respectively A'fasas (this being the largest 286 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. of the four), Tagora, Tamanit, and Infereraf. But for a great part of the year they lead rather a nomadic life. The Kel-ajeru, in Ajerft, a viUage situate in the upper part of the valley, in the lower part of which lies A'fasas. Here resides another important personage of the name of Haj Makhmiid. The I'tegen. The Kel-idakka, in Idakka, the native place of the mother of Astafidet, the amanokal of the Kel-owi. The Kel-tezarenet, in Tezarenet, a district rich in date-trees. The Kel-tawar. The Kel-tafasas (?). I am not quite certain with regard to this name. The Kel-taranet. The Kel-atarar, living in the neighborhood of A'gades, and having but an indifferent reputation. The Kel-aril. The Im-ersuten. The Kel-azelalet. The Kel-anuwisheren, in Timazgaren (?). The Kel-taferaut. The Kel-aghrimmat. The Kel-awellat. AU these tribes in a certain degree belong to the body of the Kel-owi, whose nominal chief, if I may so caU him, is the ama nokal residing in A'sodi ; but there is now another greater as sociation or confederation, formed by the Kel-owi, the Kel-geres, and the Itisan, and some other smaller tribes combined together; and the head of this confederation is the great amanokal resid ing in A'gades. This league, which at present hardly subsists (the Kel-geres and Itisan having been driven by the Kel-owi from their original settlements, and being opposed to them al most constantly in open hostUity), was evidently in former times very strong and close. But, before speaking of the Kel-geres and their intimate friends the Itisan, I shall mention those smaU tribes which, though not regarded as belonging to the body of the Kel-owi, SECTIONS OF THE KEX-OWI'. 287 and placed under the special and direct supremacy or govern ment of the Sultan of A'gades, are nevertheless more intimately related to them than the other great tribes. These are, besides the E'm-egedesen,* or the inhabitants of A'gades or A'gadez, of whom I shaU speak in the account of my journey to that in teresting place, the three tribes of the Kel-fadaye, the Kel-fer- wan, and the Izeraren. As for the Kel-fadaye, they are the original and real inhab itants of the district Fade-angh, which lies round Taghajit, while the E'fadaye, who have been called after the same dis trict, are rather a mixture of vagabonds flocking here from dif ferent quarters, and principaUy from that of the Azkar. But the Kel-fadaye, who, as well as their neighbors the E'fadaye, took part in the ghazzia against the expedition on the frontiers of Air, are a very turbulent set of people, being regarded in this light by the natives themselves, as appears from the letter of the Sultan of A'gades to the chiefs A'nnur and Lusu, of which I brought back a copy, wherein they are caUed Meharebin,f or freebooters. Nevertheless, they are of pure and noble Berber (lood, and renowned for their valor ; and I was greatly astonish- * This name clearly shows that the final consonant of the name of the great lown is not distinctly a . (z), though the Arabs generally write it so. In fact, as I shall have to state farther on, it was originally sh. From E'm-egedesen is formed E'm-egedesiye, " the language of the people of A'gades." f Mehareoi — j il~_- — though not to be found in our dictionaries, is a very common word with the Mohammedans all over Central Africa, and is regularly formed from "hareb."j t.^.. quite in the same way as Mehares, the common name given in Morocco to a guard or escort, from " hares." The Emir Ham- edu of Hamd-Allahi did me the honor to call me by this name, on account of the resistance I made to his attempt to seize me and my property during my stay in Timbuktu ; and I do not doubt that the following passage in one of the angry and learned letters which he wrote to my protector, the Sheikh El Bakay, will have some interest for such of my readers as understand Arabic : \y»ti j \f~\ (J \j c&j j \cjj &±£ Lop- j \f~ But his sacrilegious wishes were not fulfilled. 288 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. ed to learn afterward from my noble and intimate friend and pro tector, the Sheikh Sidi Ahmed el Bakay, that he had married one of their daughters, and had long resided among them. Even from the letter of the Sultan of A'gades it appears that they have some relations with the AweHmmiden. The name of then- chief is Shurwa. The Kel-ferwan, though they are called after the fine and fer tile place I-ferwan, in one of the valleys to the east of Tinti- ghode, where a good deal of millet is sown, and where there are plenty of date-trees, do not all reside there at present, a numer ous portion of them having settled in the neighborhood of A'ga des, whence they make continual marauding expeditions, or "egehen," upon the Timbuktu road, and against the AweHm miden. Nevertheless, the Kel-ferwan, as the kinsmen of the Auraghen, and as the Amanokalen (that is to say, the clan to which, before the different tribes came to the decision of fetch ing their sultan from Sokoto, the family of the sultan belonged), are of nobler and purer blood than any of the rest. As an evidence of their former nobility, the custom stdl remains, that, when the Sultan of A'gades leaves the town for any length of time, his deputy or lieutenant in the place is the chief of the Kel-ferwan. The third tribe of those who are under the direct authority of the Sultan of A'gades, viz., the Izeraren, Hve between A'ga des and Damerghu. But I did not come into contact with them. The Kel-geres and Itisan seem to have been originally situ ated in the fertile and partiaUy-beautiful districts round the Baghzen, or (as these southern tribes pronounce the name in their dialect) Maghzem, where, on our journey toward Damerghii, we found the well-built stone houses in which they had former ly dwelt. On being driven out of their original seats by the Kel-owi, about twenty-five or thirty years ago, they settled toward tho west and southwest of A'gades, in a territory which was prob ably given them by the AweHmmiden, with an intention hostile to the Kel-owi. From that time they have been alternately in bloody feud or on amicable terms with the K6l-owi ; but a san- THE ITI'SAN AND KE'L-GERES. 289 guinary war has recently (in 1854) broken out again between these tribes, which seems to have consumed the very sources of their strength, and cost the lives of many of my friends, and among them that of Hamma, the son-in-law of A'nnur. The principal dwelling-place of the Kel-geres is A'rar, whUe their chief market-place is said to be Jobeli, on the road from A'gades to Sokoto. The Kel-geres and the Itisan together are equal in effective strength to the Kel-owi, though they are not so numerous, the latter being certainly able to coUect a force of at least ten thou sand armed men all mounted, besides their slaves, whUe the for mer are scarcely able to furnish half as many. But the Kel- geres and Itisan have the advantage of greater unity, while the interests of the various tribes of the Kel-owi are continually clashing, and very rarely aUow the whole body to collect to gether, though exceptions occur, as in the expedition against the Welad SHman, when they drove away all the camels (ac cording to report, not less than fifty thousand), and took pos session of the salt lakes near BUma. » Moreover, the Kel-geres and Itisan, having preserved their erber character in a purer state, are much more warlike. heir force consists, for the greater part, of well-mounted cav alry, while the Kel-owi, with the exception of the Ikazkezan, can muster but few horses, and of course the advantage of the horseman over the camel-driver is very great, either in open or close fight. The Kel-geres have repeatedly fought with success even against the AweHmmiden, by whom they are called Arau- wen. They have even killed their last famous chief E' Nabega. The Kel-geres came under the notice of Clapperton on account of the unfortunate expedition which they undertook against the territories of the Fulbe in the year 1823, though it seems that the expedition consisted chiefly of Tagama, and that they were the principal sufferers in that wholesale destruction by Sultan BeUo. Their arms in general are the same as those of the Kel-owi, ; even the men on horseback bearing (besides the spear, the sword, and the dagger) the immense shield of antelope-hide, Vol. I.— T 290 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. with which they very expertly protect themselves and their horses ; but some of them use bows and arrows even on horse back, like many of the Fulbe, in the same way as the ancient Assyrians. A few only have muskets, and those few them rather for show than for actual use. The Itisan* (who seem to be the nobler tribe of the two, and, as far as I was able to judge, are a very fine race of men, with expressive, sharply-cut features, and a very light complexion) have a chief or amanokal of their own, whose position seems to resemble closely that of the Sultan of the Kel-owi, while the real influence and authority rests with the war-chiefs, tambelis or tamberis, the most powerful among whom were, in 1853, Wanagoda, who resides in Tswaji near Gober, on the side of the Kel-geres, and Maiwa or M'oawiya, in Gulluntsuna, on the side of the Itisan. The name of the present amanokal is Gham- belu. I now proceed to enumerate the subdivisions of the two tribes, as far as I was able to learn them, and first those of the Itisan : the Kel-tagay, the Telamse, the Mafinet or Mafidef, the Tesidderak, the Kel-maghzem, the A'laren, the Kel-innik, the Kel-duga, the Kel-uye, and the Kel-aghelel. Probably also the Ijdanarnen,t or Jedanarnen, and the Kel-manen belong to them. The following are the principal subdivisions of the Kel- geres : the Kel-teghzeren or Tadmukkeren, the Kel-ungwar, the Kel-garet, the Kel-n-sabtafan, or Kel-n-sattafan,:J the Kel-tadeni, * It has been concluded (though erroneously, as the following will show), from the circumstance of the joint salt-caravan of the Itisan and Kel-geres, in the let ter of the Sultan of the A'gades, being called only after the former tribe, that these two tribes were identical. The Itisan, as "Benii Itisan," are mentioned by Ebn Khaldiin among the clans of the Sanhaja, vol. i., p. 195. Arab- *• > vo1, ii., p. 3, trad, par le Baron de Slane. t These, in the form of Ajdaranin, are mentioned by Bello in his geographical introduction to his historical work (Clapperton's Travels, Appendix If., p. 160), among the first Berber tribes who came from Aujila and took Ahir (Air) '">m the Sudan inhabitants of Gober. X This is the tribe of which Bello speaks (Clapperton's Travels, ii., p- 160) when he says " they appointed a person of tbe family of Ansatfen." But his knowledge of the Tawarek was very insufficient ; and the chapter to winch that passage belongs is full of confusion. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE TWO TRIBES. 291 the Tadada, the Tagayes, the Tilkatine,* the Iberubat with the tamberi Al-Hassan, the Tashil, the Taginna, the Kel-azar, the I'ghalaf (pronounced I'ralaf), the Toiyammawa,f the Isoka, the Tegibbu, the Kaina, the Tuji. Among the Kel-geres is a noble family called in the Arab form A'hel e' Sheikh, which is distin guished for its learning, their chief and most learned man being at present Sidi Makhmud. I must here state that, in political respects, another tribe at present is closely related with the Kel-geres, viz., that section of the AweHmmiden (the " Surka" of Mungo Park) which is caUed AweHmmiden wuen Bodhal ; but as these belong rather to the Tawarek or Imoshagh of the west, I shall treat of them in the narrative of my journey to Timbuktu. Other tribes set tled near A'gades, and more particularly the very remarkable tribe of the I'ghdalen, wiU, in consequence of the influence ex erted on them by the Songhay race, be spoken of in my account of that place. Many valleys of Air or AsbenJ might produce much more than they do at present ; but as almost the whole supply of pro- Iision is imported, as well as aU the clothing- material, it is evi- ent that the population could not be so numerous as it is, were ; not sustained by the salt-trade of Bilma, wliich furnishes the people with the means of bartering advantageously with Hausa. * The tribe of the Tilkatine, appearing here among the clans of the Kel-geres, is of the highest historical interest ; for there can be no doubt of their being identical with the tribe of the Tel-kata mentioned by Ebn Khaldiin (vol. i., p. 195, Arab, t., vol. ii., p. 3, trad, par le Baron de Slane) as the most noble and predominant among all the sections of the Sanhaja. t The form of this name seems to indicate the sub-Libyan influence which this subdivision has undergone. t The list of all the villages and towns of Air, given in the note at the end of the first volume of Mr. Richardson's Journal, is in general, I think, exact ; there are only two mistakes of importance — with regard to the population of Talaze- ghrra aud that of A'fasas (p. 341), each of which places is stated to have 1000 male inhabitants, while the whole population scarcely reaches that number. On the other hand, the estimate of the population of A'gades at 2500 (p. 343) is too low. Besides, some places are left out there, such as Isellef, the residence of Uidi's wife, and some others. I have to regret the loss of a paper which I sent home from Air, where a topographical arrangement of the villages had been at tempted. 292 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. As far as I was able to learn from personal information, it would seem that this trade did not take the road by way of A'sben till about a century ago, consequently not before the country was occupied by the Kel-owi. It is natural to suppose that, so long as the Tebu, or rather Teda, retained political strength, they would not aUow strangers to reap the whole advantage of such natural wealth.* At present, the whole authority of A'nnur, as weU as Ltisu, seems to be based upon this trade, of which they are the steady protectors, while many of their nation deem this trade rather a degrading occupation, and incline much more to a roving life. I now return to our encampment near Tintellust, reserving a brief account of the general features of the country tiU the mo ment when we are about to leave it. CHAPTER XY. RESIDENCE IN TINTELLUST. We saw the old chief on the day foUowing our arrival. He received us in a straightforward and kindly manner, observing very simply that even if, as Christians, we had come to his country stained with guilt, the many dangers and difficulties we had gone through would have sufficed to wash us clean, and that we had nothing now to fear but the climate and the thieves. The presents which were spread out before him he received gra ciously, but without saying a single word. Of hospitality he showed no sign. All this was characteristic. We soon received further explanations. Some days after- * In the account of the expedition of the Bornu king Edris Alawdma, of which I shall have to speak in the second volume, no mention is made of this salt-trade of the Tebu, but from this silence no conclusion can be drawn as to the non-ex istence of the- salt-trade at that time. On the contrary, we may conclude from the interesting account of Edrisi (trans. Jaubert, vol. i., p. 117, f.), who certain ly means to speak of the salt-trade of the Tebu country, although he uses the term " alum," that this article formed a very important staple in remote times. A'NNUR'S CHARACTER. 293 ward he sent us the simple and unmistakable message that, if we wished to proceed to Sudan at our own risk, we might go in company with the caravan, and he would place no obstacle in our way ; but if we wanted him to go with us and to protect us, we ought to pay him a considerable sum. In stating these plain terms, he made use of a very expressive simile, saying that as the leffa (or snake) killed every thing that she touched, so his word, when it had once escaped his Hps, had terminated the matter in question ; there was nothing more to be said. I do not think this such an instance of shameful extortion as Mr. Bichardson represents it, considering how much we gave to oth ers who did nothing for their pay, and how much trouble we caused A'nnur. On the contrary, having observed A'nnur's dealings to the very last, and having arrived under his protec tion safely at Katsena, I must pronounce him a straightforward and trustworthy man, who stated his terms plainly and dryly, but stuck to them with scrupulosity ; and as he did not treat us, neither did he ask any thing* from us, nor allow his people to do so. I shall never forgive him for his niggardliness in not I offering me so much as a drink of fura or ghussub- water when II visited him, in the heat of the day, on his little estate near PTasawa ; but I can not withhold from him my esteem both as a great politician in his curious little empire, and as a man re markable for singleness of word and purpose. Having come into the country as hated intruders pursued by all classes of people, we could not expect to be received by him otherwise than coldly ; but his manner changed entirely when I was about to set out for A'gades, in order to obtain the good will of the sultan of the country. He came to our encampment to see me off, and from that day forth did not omit to visit us every day, and to maintain the most familiar intercourse with us. So it was with aU the people ; and I formed so many friendships with them that the turbulent Mohammed, A'nnur's cousin, used often to point to them as a proof how impossible it was that he could have been the instigator of the misdeeds per- * The little trifles which we gave him occasionally are scarcely worth men tioning. 294 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. petrated on the night preceding our arrival in TinteUust, when we were treated with violence and our luggage was rifled. Still we had, of course, many disagreeable experiences to make before we became naturaHzed in this new country. It was the rainy season ; and the rain, setting in almost daily, caused us as much interest and delight (being a certain proof that we had reached the new regions after which we had so long been hankering) as served to counterbalance the trouble which it occasioned. Sometimes it feU very heavily, and, coming on always with a dreadful storm, was very difficult to be kept out from the tent, so that our things often got wet. The heaviest rain we had was on the 9th of September, when an immense torrent was formed, not only in the chief valley, but even in the small ravine behind our encampment. Yet we liked the rain much better than the sand-storm. In a few days nature all around assumed so fresh and luxuriant a character, that, so long as we were left in repose, we felt cheered to the utmost, and enjoyed our pleasant encampment, which was surrounded by masses of granite blocks, wide-spreading bushes of the abisga, and large, luxuriant talha-trees, in wild and most picturesque confusion. It was very pleasant and interesting to observe ev ery day the rapid growth of the little fresh leaves and young offshoots, and the spreading of the shady foliage. Monkeys now and then descended into the little hoUow be yond our tents to obtain a draught of water, and numbers of jackals were heard every night roving about us, while the trees swarmed with beautiful ring-doves and hoopoes, and other small er birds. The climate of Air has been celebrated from the time of Leo, on account "deUabonta e temperanza deU'aere." But, unfortunately, our little English suburb proved too distant from the protecting arm of the old chief; and after the unfortunate attack in the night of the 17th of September, which, if made with vigor, would inevitably have ended in our destruction, we were obliged to move our encampment, and, crossing the broad valley, pitch it in the plain near the viUage. But the circumstances connected with this attack were so cu rious that I must relate them in a few words. The rain, which NOCTURNAL ATTACK. 295 had wetted all our things, and made us anxious about our in struments and arms, seemed to abate ; and Overweg and I de cided, the very day preceding the attack in question, on cleaning our guns and pistols, which had been loaded for some time; and having cleaned them, and wishing to dry them well, we did not load them again immediately. In the afternoon we had a visit from two well-dressed men, mounted on a mehara ; they did not beg for any thing, but inspected the tents very atten tively, making the remark that our tent was as strong as a house, while Mr. Bichardson's was light and open at the bot tom. The moon shed a splendid light over the interesting wilder ness ; and our black servants being uncommonly cheerful and gay that night, music and dancing was going on in the vUlage, and they continued playing till a very late hour, when they fell asleep. Going the round of our encampment before I went to lie down, I observed at a little distance a strange camel, or rath er meheri, kneeling quietly down with its head toward our tents. I called my colleagues, and expressed my suspicion that all was not right ; but our light-hearted and frivolous servant Mo hammed calmed my uneasiness by pretending that he had seen the camel there before, though that was not true. Still I had some sad foreboding, and, directing my attention unluckily to the wrong point, caused our sheep to be tied close to our tent. Being uneasy, I did not sleep soundly ; and a Httle after two o'clock I thought I heard a very strange noise, just as if a troop of people were marching with a steady step round our tents, and muttering in a jarring voice. Listening anxiously for a moment, I felt sure that there were people near the tent, and was about to rush out ; but again, on hearing the sound of music proceeding from the viUage, I persuaded myself that the noise came from thence, and lay down to slumber, when sud denly I heard a louder noise, as if several men were rushing up the hUl, and, grasping a sword and calling aloud for our people, I jumped out of the tent ; but there was nobody to be seen. Going then round the hill to Mr. Bichardson's tent, I met him coming out half dressed, and begging me to pursue the robbers, 296 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. who had carried away some of his things. Some of his boxes were dragged out of the tent, but not emptied : none of his servants were to be seen except S'aid, all the rest having run away without giving an alarm, so that all of us might have been murdered. But immediately after this accident we received the distinct assurance of protection both from the Sultan of A'gades and from the great m'allem Azori ; and I began to plan my excur sion to A'gades more definitely, and entered into communication with the chief on this point. Meanwhile I collected a great deal of information* about the country, partly from a Tawati of the name of 'Abd el Kader (not the same who accompanied us on the road from Ghat), and partly from some of the Tinylkum, who, having left us the day after our arrival in TinteUust, had dispersed aU over the country, some pasturing their camels in the most favored localities, others engaged in little trading spec ulations, and paying us a visit every now and then. Small caravans came and went, and among them one from Sudan, with its goods laden almost entirely on pack-oxen — a most cheerful sight, filling our hearts with the utmost delight, as we were sure that we had now passed those dreary deserts where nothing but the persevering and abstemious camel can enable man to maintain communications. At length, then, we were enabled to write to government, and to our friends in Europe, assuring them that we had now over come, apparently, most of the difficulties which appeared likely to oppose our progress, and that we felt justified in believing that we had now fairly entered upon the road which would lead directly to the attainment of the objects of the expedition. With regard to our provisions, Overweg and I were at first rather ill off, while Mr. Bichardson, although he had been obliged to supply food on the road to troops both of friends and foes, had still a small remnant of the considerable stores which he had laid in at Murzuk. We had been led to expect that we should find no difficulty in procuring aU necessaries, and even a * That part of my information which regarded the topography of the country, and which I forwarded during our stay there, has unfortunately been lost. I WANT OF PROPER FOOD. 297 few luxuries, in A'sben (and carriage was so dear that we were obliged to rely upon these promises) ; but we were now sadly disappointed. After a few days, however, the inhabitants being informed that we were in want of provisions, and were ready to buy, brought us small quantities of Guinea-corn, butter — the botta (or box made of rough hide, in the way common over al most the whole of Central Africa) for two or two and a half mithkals — and even a little fresh cheese ; we were also able to buy two or three goats, and by sending Ibrahim, who had now recovered from his Guinea-worm, to A'sodi, where provisions are always stored up in smaU quantities, we obtained a tolera ble camel-load of durra or sorghum. But I could not relish this grain at aU, and as I was not able to introduce any variety into my diet, I suffered much ; hence it was fortunate for me that I went to A'gades, where my food was more varied, and my health consequently improved. I afterward became accustomed to the various preparations of sorghum and Pennisetum, particularly the asida or tiivo, and found that no other food is so well adapted for a hot climate ; but it requires a good deal of labor to prepare it well, and this, of course, is a difficult matter for a European traveler, who has no female slave or partner to look after his meals. Our food during our stay in A'sben was so ill prepared (being generally quite bitter, owing to the husk not being perfectly separated from the grain) that no native of the country would taste it. Meanwhile, my negotiation with the chief with regard to my going to A'gades, which I managed as silently and secretly as possible, went on prosperously, and on the 30th of September I took my leave of him, having with me on the occasion a pres ent for himself, worth about eighty riyals, or eleven pounds sterling, and the presents intended for the Sultan of A'gades, in order that he might see what they were and express his opinion upon them ; and I was greatly pleased to find that he was sat isfied with both. He promised me perfect safety, although the undertaking looked a little dangerous, and had a letter written to 'Abd el Kader (or, in the popular form, Kadiri — this was the name of the new sultan), wherein he recommended me to him in 298 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. the strongest terms, and enumerated the presents I meant to offer to him. But as soon as my intention transpired, all the people, unin vited as well as invited, hastened to give me their best advice and to dissuade me from embarking in an undertaking which would certainly be my ruin. Conspicuous among these motley counselors was a son of Haj 'Abdiiwa, the presumptive heir of A'nnur, who conjured me to abandon my design. These peo ple, indeed, succeeded in frightening Yusuf Makni, Mr. Bichard son's interpreter, whom the latter wished to send with me ; but as for myself, I knew what I was about, and had full confidence in the old chief's promise, and was rather glad to get rid of Makni, whom I well knew to be a clever, but no less malicious and intriguing person. With difficulty I persuaded Moham med, our Tunisian shushan, to accompany me ; and I also suc ceeded in hiring Amankay, Mr. Bichardson's active black Biizu servant, who, however, on this trip proved utterly useless, as we had no sooner set out than he began to suffer from his old com plaint of Guinea-worm, and was the whole time too lame for service. I then arranged with Hamma, A'nnur's son-in-law, under whose especial protection I was to undertake my journey, but whom I had to pay separately. I gave him the value of eleven mithkals, or about one pound sterling, for himself, and hired from him two camels, each for six mithkals. After various de lays, which, however, enabled me to send off two more of my journals, together with letters, to Murzuk, by the hand of a half-caste Kel-owi of the name of Bawa Amakita, our departure was definitively fixed for the 4th of October. DEPARTURE FOR A'GADES. 299 CHAPTER XVI. JOURNEY TO A'GADES. Friday, October 4th. At length the day arrived when I was to set out on my long-wished-for excursion to A'gades ; for al though at that time I was not aware of the whole extent of in terest attaching to that place, it had nevertheless been to me a point of the strongest attraction. For what can be more inter esting than a considerable town, said to have been once as large as Tunis, situated in the midst of lawless tribes, on the border of the desert and of the fertile tracts of an almost unknown con tinent, estabhshed there from ancient times, and protected as a place of rendezvous and commerce between nations of the most different character, and having the most various wants ? It is by mere accident that this town has not attracted as much in terest in Europe as her sister town Timbuktu. It was a fine morning, with a healthy and refreshing light breeze, invigorating both body and mind. The old chief, who had never before visited our encampment, now came out to pay us his compliments, assuring me once more that " my safety rested upon his head." But his heart was so gladdened at wit nessing our efforts to befriend the other great men of his coun try that his habitual niggardliness was overcome, and with graceful hospitality he resigned one of his bullocks to our party. The little caravan I was to accompany consisted of six cam els, five-and-thirty-asses, and two buUocks, one of which was allotted to me, till my protector Hamma should be able to hire a camel for me. But, although weU accustomed to ride on horseback as well as on a camel, I had never yet in my life tried to sit astride on the broad back of a buUock ; and the af fair was the more difficult as there was no saddle, nor any thing to sit upon, except parcels of luggage not very tightly fastened to the animal's back, and swinging from one side to the other. 300 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. After the first bullock had been rejected as quite unfit, in its wild, intractable mood, to carry me, or indeed any thing else, and when it had been allowed to return to the herd, the second was at length secured, the luggage fastened somehow on his back, and I was bid to mount. I must truly confess that I should have been better pleased with a horse, or even an ass ; but still, hoping to manage matters, I took my seat, and, bidding my fel low-travelers farewell, followed my black companions up the broad valley by which we had come from the north. But we soon left it and ascended the rocky ground, getting an interest ing view of the broad and massive Mount Eghellal before us. Having at first thought my seat rather too insecure for mak ing observations, I grew by degrees a little more confident, and, taking out my compass, noted the direction of the road, when suddenly the baggage threatened to fall over to the right, where upon I threw the whole weight of my body to the left, in order to keep the balance ; but I unluckily overdid it, and so all at once down I came, with the whole baggage. The ground was rocky ; and I should inevitably have been hurt not a little if I had not fallen upon the muzzle of my musket, which I was car rying on my shoulder, and which, being very strong, sustained the shock, and kept my head from the ground. Even my com pass, which I had open in my left hand, most fortunately escaped uninjured ; and I felt extremely glad that I had faUen so adroit ly, but vowed never again to mount a bullock. I preferred marching on foot tiU we reached the valley Eghel- liiwa, where plenty of water is found in several wells. Here we halted a moment, and I mounted behind Hamma, on the lean back of his camel, holding on by his saddle ; but I could not much enjoy my seat, as I was greatly annoyed by his gun stick ing out on the right, and at every moment menacing my face. I was therefore much pleased when we reached the little village of Tiggereresa, lying on the border of a broad valley well clothed with talha-trees, and a little further on encamped in a pleasant recess formed by projecting masses of granite blocks ; for here I was told we should surely find camels, and, in fact, Hamma hired two for me, for four mithkals each, to go to and return TAWA'REK BLACKSMITHS. 301 from A'gades. Here we also changed our companions, the very intelligent Mohammed, a son of one of A'nnur's sisters, return ing to Tintellust, while the turbulent Mohammed (I caUed him by no other name than Mohammed babo hankali), our friend from Af is, came to attend us, and with him Hammeda, a cheer ful and amiable old man, who was a fair specimen of the im provement derivable from the mixture of different blood and of different national qualities ; for, while he possessed all the cheer fulness and vivacity of the Gober nation, his demeanor was nev ertheless moderated by the soberness and gravity peculiar to the Berber race ; and though, while always busy, he was not effect ively industrious, yet his character approached very closely to the European standard. He was by trade a 'blacksmith, a more comprehensive profes sion in these countries than in Europe, although in general these famous blacksmiths have neither iron nor tools to work with. AU over the Tawarek country the " enhad" (smith) is much re spected, and the confraternity is most numerous. An "enhad" is generally the prime minister of every little chief. The Arabs in Timbuktu caU these blacksmiths " m'allem," which may give an idea of their high rank and respected character. Then there is also the "m'aUema," the constant female companion of the chief's wife, expert above all in beautiful leather works. In order to avoid, as much as possible, attracting the atten tion of the natives, I had taken no tent with me, and sheltered myself at night under the projecting roof of the granite blocks, my Kel-owi friends sleeping around me. Saturday, October 5th. Hamma was so good as to give up to me his fine taU meheri, while he placed his simple little sad dle or " kiri" on the back of the young, and ill-trained camel hired here, a proceeding which in the course of our journey al most cost him his ribs. In truth, I had no saddle ; yet my seat was arranged comfortably by placing first two leathern bags filled with soft articles across the back of the camel, and then fastening two others over them lengthwise, and spreading my carpet over all. Even for carrying their salt, the Kel-owi very rarely employ saddles, or if they do, only of the lightest descrip- 302 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. tion, made of straw, which have nothing in common with the heavy and hot " hawiya" of the Arabs. The country through which we traveled was a picturesque wilderness, with rocky ground intersected at every moment by winding valleys and dry water-courses richly overgrown, with grasses and mimosas, while majestic mountains and detached peaks towered over, the landscape, the most interesting object during the whole day being Mount Chereka, with its curious double peak, as it appeared from various sides, first looking as if it were a single peak, only bifurcated at the top, then after a while showing two peaks separated almost to the very base, and rising in picturesque forms nearly to the same elevation. Un fortunately, our road did not lead us near it, although I was as anxious to explore this singular mountain as to visit the town of A'sodi, which some years ago attracted attention in Europe. We had sent a present to Astafidet, the chief of the Kel-owi residing here, and probably I should have been well received; but Hamma would not hear of our going there now, so we left the town at no great distance to the right, and I must content myself with here inserting the information obtained from other people who had been there repeatedly. A'SODI. 303 A'sodi,* lying at no great distance from the foot of Mount Chereka, which forms the most characteristic feature of the sur rounding landscape, was once an important place, and a great re sort for merchants, though, as it is not mentioned by any Arabic writer, not even by Leo, it would seem to be of much later ori gin than A'gades. Above a thousand houses, buUt of clay and stone, lie at present in ruins, while only about eighty are still inhabited ; this would testify that it was once a comparatively considerable place, with from eight to ten thousand inhabitants. Such an estimate of its magnitude is confirmed by the fact that there were seven tamizgidas, or mosques, in the town, the largest of which was ornamented with columns, the " mamber" alone being ornamented with three, while the naves were covered in partly with a double roof, made of the stems of the dtim-tree, and partly with cupolas. The town, however, seems never to have been inclosed with a waU, and in this respect, as well as in its size, was always in ferior to A'gades. At present, although the population is scat tered about, the market of A'sodi is stiU well provided with pro visions, and even with the more common merchandise. The house of the amanokal of the Kel-owi is said to stand on a little eminence in the western part of the town, surrounded by about twenty cottages. There is no well inside, all the water being fetched from a weU which lies in a valley stretching from north to south. Conversing with my companions about this place, which we left at a short distance to our right, and having before us the interesting picture of the mountain range of Bunday, with its neighboring heights, forming one continuous group with Mount Eghellal, we reached the fine valley Chizolen, and rested in it during the hottest hours of the day under a beautiful talha-tree, whUe the various beasts composing our little caravan found a rich pasturage all around. * It is an obvious mistake to derive this name, which is written j^A and i&ye], though the former is the more correct form, and is evidently of sub- Libyan origin, from the Arabic word j.1 (black). 304 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Having taken here a sufficient supply of very good water from hollows scooped in the sand, we continued our march over rocky ground thickly covered with herbage, and surmounted on our right by the angular outlines and isolated sugar-loafs of a craggy ridge, while on our left rose the broad, majestic form of Mount Eghellal. As evening came on I was greatly cheered at the sight of a herd of well-fed cattle returning from their pas ture-grounds to their night-quarters near the village of Eghellal, which lies at the foot of the mountain so named. They were fine, sturdy bullocks of moderate size, all with the hump, and of glossy dark-brown color. In the distance, as the Eghellal began to retire, there appear ed behind it, in faint outlines, Mount Baghzen, which of late years had become so famous in Europe, and had filled my imag ination with lofty crests and other features of romantic sceneiy. But how disappointed was I when, instead of all this, I saw it stretching along in one almost unbroken line ! I soon turned my eyes from it to Mount Eghellal, which now disclosed to us a deep chasm or crevice (the channel of powerful floods) separ ating a broad cone, and apparently dividing the whole mountain mass into two distinct groups. At six o'clock in the evening we encamped in the shallow valley of EgheUal, at some distance from the well, and were MOUNT BA'GHZEN. 305 greatly delighted at being soon joined by Haj 'Abduwa, the son of Fatim (A'nnur's eldest sister), and the chief's presumptive heir, a man of about fifty years of age, and of intelligent and agreeable character. I treated him with a cup or two of coffee weU sweetened, and conversed with him a while about the dif ference between Egypt, which he had visited on his pilgrimage, and his own country. He was weU aware of the immense su periority even of that state of society ; but, on the other hand, he had not failed to observe the misery connected with great density of population, and he told me, with a certain degree of pride, that there were few people in Air so miserable as a large class of the inhabitants of Cairo. Being attacked by severe fe ver, he returned the next morning to his viUage Tafidet, but aft erward accompanied the chief Astafidet on his expedition to A'gades, where I saw him again. I met him also in the course of my travels twice in Kukawa, whither he alone of all his tribe used to go in order to maintain friendly relations with that court, which was too often disturbed by the predatory habits of roving Kel-owi. Sunday, October 6th. Starting early, we soon reached a more open country, wliich to the eye seemed to lean toward Mount Baghzen; but this was only an iUusion, as appeared clearly from the direction of the dry water-courses, which all ran from E. to W.S.W. On our right we had now Mount A'gata, which has given its name to the village mentioned above as lying at its foot. Here the fertility of the soil seemed greatly increased, the herbage becoming more fresh and abundant, while numer ous talhas and abisgas adorned the country. Near the foot of -the extensive mountain group of Baghzen, and close to another mountain called Ajuri, there are even some very favored spots, Vol. I._ U 306 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. especially a valley called Chimmia, ornamented with a fine date-grove, which produces fruit of excellent quality. As we entered the meandering windings of a broad water-course, we obtained an interesting view of Mount Belasega. The plain now contracted, and, on entering a narrow defile of the ridges, we had to cross a small pass, from the top of which a most charming prospect met our eyes. A grand and beautifuUy-shaped mountain rose on our right, leaving, between its base and the craggy heights, the offshoots of which we were crossing, a broad vaUey running almost east and west, while at the eastern foot of the mountain a narrow but richly-adorned valley wound along through the lower rocky ground. This was Mount Abila, or Bila, which is at once one of the most picturesque objects in the country of Air, and seems to bear an interesting testimony to a connection with that great family of mankind which we call the Semitic ; for the name of this mountain, or, rather, of the moist and "green vale" at its foot (throughout the desert, even in its most favored parts, it is the valley which generally gives its name to the mountain), is probably the same as that of the well-known spot in Syria from which the province of Abilene has been named.* A little beyond the first dry water-course, where water was to be scooped out a few feet under the surface of the ground, we rested for the heat of the day ; but the vegetation around was * See Gesenius, s. v. " abel ;" and compare Porter, Five Tears in Damascus, vol. i., p. 264 ; Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 405, 485. VALLEY OF TI'GGEDA. 307 far from being so rich here as in the valley Tiggeda, at the east ern foot of the picturesque mountain, where, after a short march in the afternoon, we encamped for the night. This was the finest valley I had yet seen in the country. The broad, sandy bed of the torrent, at present dry, was bordered with the most beautiful fresh grass, forming a fine turf, shaded by the richest and densest foliage of several kinds of mimosa, the taborak or Balanites, the taghmart, the abisga, and tunfafia,* while over all this mass of verdure towered the beautiful peaks which on this side start forth from the massive mountain, the whole tinged with the varied tints of the setting sun. This delicious specta cle filled my heart with delight ; and having sat down a little while quietly to enjoy it, I made a sketch of the beautiful forms of the mountain peaks. Just before, encamping we had passed a small chapel in ruins surrounded by a cemetery. At that time I thought this valley identical with the Tekadda (as the name is generally spelled), * I have noticed in my memorandum-book also that I saw here the first txiji : but what " tuji" means I am at present unable to say. 308 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. mentioned by Ebn Khaldtin and by Ebn Batiita* as an inde pendent little Berber state- between Gogo and Kahir, lying on the road of the pilgrims ; but I found afterward that there is another place which has better claims to this identification. Monday, October 1th. We began a most interesting day's march, winding first along the valley Tiggeda (which now, in the cool of the morning, was enlivened by numerous flocks of wUd pigeons), and then over a short tract of rocky ground, en tering the still more picturesque " erazar-n-A'sada," on the west only lined by low rocky ridges, but bordered toward the east by the steep massive forms of the Dogem. Here, indeed, a really tropical profusion of vegetation covered the whole bottom of the valley, and scarcely left a narrow low passage for the camels, the rider being obliged to stoop every moment to avoid being swept off his seat. The principal tree here is the dtim-tree, or Oucifera Thebdica, which I had not seen since Selufiet, but here it was in the wild picturesque state into which it soon re lapses if left to nature. There was, besides, a great variety of the acacia tribe all growing most luxuriantly, and interwoven with creepers, which united the whole mass of vegetation into one thick canopy. I regret that there was no leisure for mak ing a sketch, as this valley was far more picturesque even than Auderas, of which I have been able to give the reader a slight outline. In this interesting valley we met two droll and jovial-looking musicians, clad in a short and narrow blue shirt well-fastened round their loins, and a small straw hat. Each of them carried a large drum or timbaK, with which they had been cheering the spirits of a wedding-party, and were now proceeding to some other place on a similar errand. We then met a large slave- caravan, consisting of about forty camels and sixty slaves, wind ing along the narrow path, hemmed in by the rank vegetation, and looking rather merry than sad — the poor blacks gladdened doubtless by the picturesque landscape, and keeping up a live ly song in their native melody. In the train of this caravan, * Ebn Khaldun, texte Arabe, torn, i., p. 265 ; Ebn Batiita, Journal Asiatique, 1843, p. 233. THE DOGEM. 309 and probably interested in its lawless merchandise, went Snusi and Awed el Kher, two of the camel-drivers with whom we had come from Murzuk, and who probably had laid out the money gained from the English mission in the very article of trade which it is the desire of the English government to prohibit. This is a sinister result of well-meant commercial impulses, which wiU probably subsist as long as the slave-trade itself ex ists on the north coast of Africa.* On emerging from the thick forest, we obtained the first sight of the majestic cone of the Dogem, while a very narrow ravine or cleft in the steep cliffs on our left led to the viUage of A'sa- da. We then began to ascend, sometimes along narrow ravines, at others on sloping rocky ground, all covered with herbage up to the summits of the lower mountains. In this way we reach ed the highest point of the pass, about 2500 feet, having the broad cone of the Dogem on our left, which I then thought to be the most elevated point of Air, though, as I mentioned above, the old chief A'nnur maintained that the Timge is higher. This conspicuous mountain most probably consists of basalt ; and, from what I shaU observe further on, it may be inferred that the whole group of the Baghzen does so too. From this pass we descended into the pebbly plain of Erarar- n-Dendemu, thickly overgrown with smaU talha-trees, and show ing along the path numerous footprints of the lion, which is ex tremely common in these highland wUdernesses, which, whUe affording sufficient vegetation and water for a variety of animals, are but thinly inhabited, and every where offer a safe retreat. However, from what I saw of him, he is not a very ferocious animal here. The weather meanwhile had become sultry, and when, after having left the plain, we were winding through narrow glens, the storm, the last of the rainy season, broke out, and, through the mismanagement of the slaves, not only our persons, but all our things, were soaked with the rain. Our march became rath er cheerless, every thing being wet, and the whole ground cov- * At the moment I am revising this, I am happy to state that the slave-trade is really abolished. 310 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. ered with water, which along the water-courses formed power ful torrents. At length we entered the gloomy, rugged valley of Taghist, covered with basaltic stones, mostly of the size of a child's head, and bordered by sorry-looking rocky hills. Taghist is remarkable as the place of prayer founded by the man who introduced Islam into Central Negroland,* and thus gave the first impulse to that continual struggle which, always extending further and further, seems destined to overpower the nations at the very equator, if Christianity does not presently step in to dispute the ground with it. This man was the cele brated Mohammed ben 'Abd el Kerim ben Maghili, a native of Buda in Tawat, f and a contemporary and intimate friend of the Sheikh e' Soyuti,i that living encyclopaedia and keystone, if I may be allowed the expression, of Mohammedan learning. Living in the time when the great Songhay empire began to decline from that pitch of power which it had reached under the energetic sway of Sonni 'AH and Mohammed el Haj A'skia, and stung by the injustice of A'skia Ism'ail, who refused to punish the murderers of his son, he turned his eyes on the country where successful resistance had first been made against the all-absorbing power of the Asaki, and which, fresh and youthful as it was, promised a new splendor, if enlightened by the influence of a purer religion. Instigated by such motives, partly merely personal, partly of a more elevated character, Mohammed ben 'Abd el Kerim turned his steps toward Katse na, where we shall find him again ; but on his way thither he founded in this spot a place of prayer, to remain a monu ment to the traveler of the path which the religion of the One God took from the far East to the country of the blacks. * I trust my readers will approve of my using the expression Western Negro land to denote the countries from Fiita as far as Sokoto ; Middle Sudan, or Cen tral Negroland, from Sokoto to Bagirmi ; and Eastern Negroland, comprising Wadiiy, Darfiir, Kordofan, and Sennar. However, here, when I say that Mo hammed ben 'Abd el Kerim introduced Islam into Central Negroland, I exclude Bornu, where the Mohammedan religion is much older. t He may have been born in Telemsan, but at least from very early youth he was settled in Tawat. X E' Soyiiti's full name is Abu '1 Fadhl Jelal e' din 'Abd e' Rahman el Kuo- dairi e' Soyiiti. AU'DERAS.— B ARB ARITY. 3 J 1 The "msid" or "mesalla" at present is only marked by stones laid out in a regular way, and inclosing a space from sixty to seventy feet long and fifteen broad, with a small meh- hrab, which is adorned (accidentally or intentionally, I can not say) by a young talha-tree. This is the venerated and far- famed " Makam e' Sheikh ben 'Abd el Kerim," where the trav eler coming from the north never omits to say his prayers ; oth ers call it Msid Sidi Baghdadi, the name Baghdadi being often given by the blacks to the sheikh, who had long resided in the East. At length we descended from the rugged ground of Taghist into the commencement of the celebrated vaUey of Auderas, the fame of which penetrated to Europe many years ago. Here we encamped, wet as we were, on the slope of the rocky ground, in order to guard against the humidity of the valley. Opposite to us, toward the south, on the top of a hill, lay the little viUage Aerwen wan Tidrak. Another viUage, called I'farghen, is sit uated higher up the valley on the road from Arideras to Damer ghu. On our return I saw in this valley a barbarous mode of tiUage, three slaves being yoked to a sort of plow, and driven like oxen by their master. This is probably the most southern place in Central Africa where the plow is used ; for aU over Su dan the hoe or fertana is the only instrument used for preparing the ground. Tuesday, October 8th. While the weather was clear and fine, the vaUey, bordered on both sides by steep precipices, and adorn ed with a rich grove of dum-trees, and bush and herbage in great variety, displayed its mingled beauties, chiefly about the weU, where, on our return-journey, I made the accompanying sketch. This valley, as well as those succeeding it, is able to produce not only millet, but even wheat, wine, and dates, with almost every species of vegetable ; and there are said to be fifty garden- fields (gonaki) near the viUage of I'farghen. But too soon we left this charming strip of cultivation, and ascended the rocky ground on our right, above which again rose several detached hills, one of which had so interesting and well- marked a shape that I sketched its outlines. The road which 312 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. we followed is not the common one. The latter, after crossing very rugged ground for about fifteen miles, keeps along the fine deep valley Telwa for about ten mUes, and then ascending for about an hour, reaches A'gades in three hours more. This lat ter road passes by Timelen, where, at times, a considerable mar ket is said to be held. Having descended again, we found the ground in the plain covered with a thin crust of natron, and farther on met people busy in collecting it ; but it is not of very good quality, nor at all comparable to that of Munio or to that of the shores of Lake Tsad. There are several places on the border between the des ert and the fertile districts of Negroland which produce this mineral, which forms a most important article of commerce in middle Sudan. Another well-known natron-district is in Za- berma ; but in Western Sudan natron is almost unknown, and it is only very rarely that a smaU sample of it can be got in Timbuktu. Many of the Kel-owi have learned (most probably from the Teda or T6bu) the disgusting custom of chewing to bacco intermixed with natron, while only very few of them smoke. The monotony of the country ceased when we entered the valley Btidde, which, running in the direction of our path from S.S.W. to N.N.E., is adorned with a continuous strip of dum- trees, besides abisga and talha ; but the latter were of rather poor growth in the northern part of the valley. Having cross ed at noon the broad, sandy water-course, which winds through the rich carpet of vegetation, and where there happened to be a tolerably large pond of water, we encamped in the midst of the thicket. Here the mimosas attained such an exuberance as I had scarcely observed, even in the valley of A'sada, and being closely interwoven with "graffeni" or climbing plants, they formed an almost impenetrable thicket. From the midst of this THE PENNISETUM DISTICHUM. 313 thorny mass of vegetation a beautiful ripe fruit, about an inch and a half long, of the size of a date, and of dark-red color, awakened the desire of the traveler ; but, having eaten a few, I found them, though sweet, rather mawkish. Here, too, I first became acquainted with the troublesome na ture of the "karengia," or Pennisetum distichum, which, to gether with the ant, is to the traveler in Central Africa his greatest and most constant inconvenience. It was just ripe, and the little bur-like seeds attached themselves to every part of my dress. It is quite necessary to be always provided with smaU pincers, in order to draw out from the fingers the little stings, which, if left in the skin, wUl cause sores. None even of the wild roving natives is ever without such an instrument. But it is not a useless plant ; for, besides being the most nour ishing food for cattle, it furnishes even man with a rather slight, but by no means tasteless food. Many of the Tawarek, from Bornu as far as Timbuktu, subsist more or less upon the seeds of the Pennisetum distichum, which they call " tizak." The drink made of it is certainly not bad, resembling in coolness the fura or ghussub-water. From the circumstance that our Kel-owi were here cutting grass for the camels, I concluded that the next part of our jour ney would lead through an entirely sterile tract ; but, though the herbage was here exuberant, it was not at aU wanting far ther on. Having left the vaUey a while to our right, we soon re-entered it, and crossed several beautiful branches of it veiy rich in vegetation. We then encamped on an open place be yond the southernmost branch, close to a cemetery of the Im ghad, who inhabit a small village to the east called Tawar Nwa- ijdud, and farther on some other villages, called Te"ndau, Tinta- borak, and EmelloH. While, with the rest of our companions, we tried to make ourselves comfortable on the hard ground and under the open canopy of heaven, Hamma and Mohammed took up their quar ters with the Imghad, and, according to their own statement on their return the following morning, were very hospitably treat ed, both by the male and female part of the inhabitants. As 314 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. for the Imghad who live in these fertile valleys round A'gades, they are divided into numerous sections, of which I learned the following names : the Eher-heren, the Kel-chisem, the'Taranaiji, the Edarreban, the Yowuswosan, the Efelengeras, the E'heten,* the Tariwaza, the Ihingemangh, the Egemmen, the Edellen, the Kel-tedele, and the Ikohanen. Wednesday, October 9th. Our route led us over stony ground tUl we reached another favored valley, called Tefarrakad, where, owing to the water-course being divided into several branches, vegetation is spread over a larger space. Here, while our Kel- owi hung a little behind, two Imghad, mounted on camels, at tached themselves to us and became rather troublesome; but they looked so famished and thin that they awakened pity rath er than any other feeling, their dress and whole attire being of the poorest description. Farther on, when we had left the val ley and ascended rocky ground, we met a small caravan of the same mixed kind as our own troop — camels, bullocks, asses, and men on foot ; they were returning to their village with pro vision of Negro millet, which they had bought in A'gades. We had scarcely advanced three miles when we descended again into another long, beautiful hollow in the rocky ground, the valley Boghel, which, besides a fine grove of dum-trees, ex hibits one very large and remarkable specimen of the tree caUed bauref in Hausa, a large ficus with ample fleshy leaves of beau tiful green. This specimen, so far to the north, measured not less than twenty-six feet in circumference at the height of eight feet from the ground, and was certainly eighty feet high, with a full, wide-spreading crown. I scarcely remember afterward to have seen in all Sudan a larger baure than this. Here, for the first time, I heard the Guinea-fowl (" taliat" or " tailelt" in Te- mashight, " zabo" in Hausa) ; for I did not see it, the birds keeping to the thick and impenetrable underwood which filled the intervals between the dum-trees. * This name may be connected with the Songhay or Sonrhay; the Awelim- miden, at least, call the Songhay people Ehetane. t This tree has nothing in common with the Adansonia, with which it has been supposed to be identical. THE FERTILE VALLEY BO'GHEL. 315 At noon the wood, which was rather more than half a mile in breadth, formed one continued and unbroken cluster of thick et in the most picturesque state of wild luxuriance, while farther on, where it became a little clearer of underwood, the ground was covered with a sort of wUd melon ; but my friend the black smith, who took up one of them and applied his teeth to it, threw it away with such a grimace that I rather suspect he mistook a colocynth, " jangunna," for a melon, " gunna." Num bers of the Asclepias gigantea, which never grows on a spot in capable of cultivation, bore testimony to the fertiHty of the soil, which was soon more clearly demonstrated by a small corn field still under cultivation. Traces of former cultivation were evident on aU sides. There can scarcely be the least doubt that these vaUeys, which were expressly left to the care of the degraded tribes or the Imghad, on condition of their paying from the produce a certain tribute to their masters, once pre sented a very different aspect ; but when the power of the ruler of A'gades dwindled away to a shadow, and when the Imghad, who received from him their kaid or governor, " tagaza," ceased to fear him, preferring robbery and pillage to the cultivation of the ground, these fine vaUeys were left to themselves, and re lapsed into a wilderness. We encamped at an early hour in the afternoon near the wa ter-course, but did not succeed in obtaining water by digging, so that we could not even cook a little supper. Farther down the vaUey there had been a copious supply of water, and we had passed there a numerous caravan of asses near a large pool ; but my companions, who were extremely negligent in this re spect, would not then lay in a supply. Several Tawarek, or rather Imoshagh and Imghad, encamped around us for the night, and thus showed that we were approaching a centre of inter course. Owing to our want of water, we started at a very early hour, and, ascending gradually, after a little more than three miles, reached the height of the pebbly plateau on which the town of A'gades has been built. After having received several accounts of this naked " hammada" or " tenere" stretching out to the 316 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. distance of several days, I was agreeably surprised to find that it was by no means so dreary and monotonous as I had been led to expect, forming now and then shallow depressions a few feet only lower than the pebbly surface, and sometimes extend ing to a considerable distance, where plenty of herbage and middle-sized acacia were growing. The road was now becom ing frequented ; and my companions, with a certain feeling of pride, showed me in the distance the high " Mesallaje," or min aret, the glory of A'gades. Having obtained a supply of water, and quenched our thirst, to my great astonishment we proceed ed to encamp at half past seven in the morning in one of these shallow hollows ; and I learned that we were to stay here the whole day tUl near sunset, in order to enter the town in the dark. We were here met by two horsemen from A'gades (the son of the kadhi and a companion), who, I suppose, had come out on purpose to see us. They had a very chevaleresque look, and proved highly interesting to me, as they were the first horsemen I had seen in the country. The son of the kadhi, who was a fine, tall man, was well dressed in a tobe and trowsers of silk and cotton ; he earned only an iron spear besides his sword and dagger, but no shield. But, for me, the most interesting part of their attire was their stirrups, which are almost European in shape, but made of copper. Of this metal were made also the ornaments on the harness of their horses; their saddles also were very unlike what I had yet seen in these countries, and nearly the same as the old Arab saddle, which differs httle from the English. While encamped here I bought from Hamma a black Sudan tobe, which, worn over another very large white tobe or shirt, and covered with a white bernus, gave me an appearance more suited to the country, while the stains of indigo soon made my complexion a few shades darker. This exterior accommodation to the custom of the natives my friend Hamma represented as essential for securing the success of my undertaking; and it had, besides, the advantage that it gave rise to the rumor that the Sultan of A'gades himself had presented me with this dress. A'GADES. 317 At length, when the sun was almost down, and when it was known that the Kel-geres and Itisan (who had come to A'gades in. very great numbers, in order to proceed on their journey to Bilma after the investiture of the new sultan) had retreated from their encampments at some distance from the town, we started, and were soon met by several people, who came to pay their compliments to my companions. On entering the town, we passed through a half- deserted quarter, and at length reached the house of A'nnur, where we were to take up our abode. But arriving in a new place at night is never very pleasant, and must be still less so where there are no lamps ; it therefore took us some time to make ourselves tolerably comfortable. But I was fortunate in receiving hospitable treatment from our traveling companion 'Abd el Kader, who, being lodged in a chamber close to mine, sent me a well-prepared dish of kuskusu, made of In dian-corn. I could not relish the rice sent by one of A'nnur's wives, who resides here, owing to its not being seasoned with any salt, a practice to which I became afterward more accus tomed, but which rather astonished me in a country the entire trade of which consists in salt. Having spread my mat and carpet on the floor, I slept well, in the pleasing consciousness of having successfully reached this first object of my desires, and dreaming of the new sphere of inquiry on which I had entered. CHAPTER XVII. A'GADES. . Early in the morning, the whole body of the people from Tawat who were residing in the place, 'Abd el Kader at their head, paid me a visit. The Tawatiye are still, at the present time (like their forefathers more than 300 years ago), the chief merchants in A'gades ; and they are well adapted to the nature of this market, for, having but small means, and being more like 318 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. peddlers or retail dealers, they sit quietly down with their little stock, and try to make the most of it by buying Negro minet when it is cheap, and retailing it when it becomes dear. Spec ulation in grain is now the principal business transacted in A'gades, since the branches of commerce of which I shall speak further on, and which once made the place rich and important, have been diverted into other channels. Here I will only re mark that it is rather curious that the inhabitants of Tawat, though enterprising travelers, never become rich. Almost all the money with which they trade belongs to the people of Gha dames ; and their profits only allow them to dress and live well, of which they are very fond. Till recently, the Kel-owi fre quented the market of Tawat, while they were excluded from those of Ghat and Murzuk ; but at present the contrary takes place, and, while they are admitted in the two latter places, Ta wat has been closed against them. Several of these Tawatiye were about to return to their na tive country, and were anxiously seeking information as to the time when the caravan of the Sakomaren, which had come to Tintellust, intended to start on their return-journey, as they wished to go in their company. Among them was a man of the name of 'Abdallah, with whom I became afterward very in timate, and obtained from him a great deal of information. He was well acquainted with that quarter of the African continent which lies between Tawat, Timbuktu, and A'gades, having been six times to A'gades and five times to Timbuktu, and was less exacting than the mass of his countrymen. The most interest ing circumstance which I learned from them to-day was the identity of the Emgedesi language with that of Timbuktu— a fact of which I had no previous idea, thinking that the Hausa language, as it was the vulgar tongue of the whole of A'sben, was the indigenous language of the natives of A'gades. Hut about this most interesting fact I shall say more afterward. When the Tawatiye were about to go away, A'magay, or Maggi, as he is generally called, the chief eunuch of the sultan, came, and I was ordered by my Kel-owi companions, who had put on all their finery, to make myself ready to pay a visit to THE SULTAN'S QUARTERS. 319 the sultan. Throwing, therefore, my white helali bernus over my black tobe, and putting on my richly-ornamented Ghadamsi shoes, which formed my greatest finery, I took up the letters and the treaty, and solicited the aid of my servant Mohammed to assist me in getting it signed ; but he refused to perform any such service, regarding it as a very gracious act on his part that he went with me at aU. The streets and the market-places were still empty when we went through them, which left upon me the impression of a de serted place of by-gone times ; for even in the most important and central quarters of the town most of the dwelling-houses were in ruins. Some meat was lying ready for sale, and a bul lock was tied to a stake, while numbers of large vultures, dis tinguished by their long naked neck of reddish color and their dirty-grayish plumage, were sitting on the pinnacles of the crumbling waUs, ready to pounce upon any kind of offal. These natural scavengers I afterward found to be the constant inhabitants of all the market-places, not only in this town, but in all the places in the interior. Directing our steps by the high watch-tower, which, although built only of clay and wood, yet, on account of its contrast to the low dwelling-houses around, forms a conspicuous object, we reached the gate which leads into the palace or fada, a small separate quarter with a large, irregular court-yard, and from twenty to twenty-five larger and smaller dweUings. Even these were partly in ruins, and one or two wretched conical cottages, built of reeds and grass, in the midst of them, showed any thing but a regard to cleanliness. The house, however, in which the sultan himself dwelt proved to have been recently repaired, and had a neat and orderly ap pearance ; the wall was nicely polished, and the gate newly cov ered in with boards made of the stem of the dtim-tree, and fur nished with a door of the same material. We seated ourselves apart, on the right side of the vestibule, which, as is the case in all the houses of this place, is separated from the rest of the room by a low balustrade about ten inches high, and in this shape ^ . ^^^ . Meanwhile Maggi had 320 TRAVELS IN AFRICA. announced us to his majesty, and, coming back, conducted us into the adjoining room, where he had taken his seat. It was separated from the vestibule by a very heavy wooden door, and was far more decent than I had expected. It was about forty or fifty feet in every direction, the rather low roof being sup ported by two short and massive columns of clay, sHghtly de creasing in thickness toward the top, and furnished with a sim ple abacus, over which one layer of large boards was placed in the breadth and two in the depth of the room, sustaining the roof formed of lighter boards. These are covered in with branches, over which mats are spread, the whole being com pleted with a layer of clay. At the lower end of the room, be tween the two columns, was a heavy door giving access into the interior of the house, while a large opening on either side admitted the light. 'Abd el Kaderi, the son of the Sultan El Bakeri, was seated between the column to the right and the wall, and appeared to be a tolerably stout man, with large, benevolent features, as far as the white shawl wound around his face would aUow us to perceive. The white color of the litham, and that of his shirt, wliich was of gray hue, together with his physiognomy, at once announced him as not belonging to the Tawarek race. Having saluted him one after another, we took our seats at some dis tance opposite to him, when, after having asked Hamma some complimentary questions with regard to the old chief, he called me to come near to him, and in a very kind manner entered into conversation with me, asking me about the English nation, of which, notwithstanding all their power, he had, in his retired spot, never before heard, not suspecting that " English powder" was derived from them. INTERVIEW WITH THE CHIEF. 321 After explaining to him how the English, although placed at such an immense distance, wished to enter into friendly relations with aU the chiefs and great men on the earth, in order to estab lish peaceable and legitimate intercourse with them, I delivered to him A'nnur's and Mr. Richardson's letters, and begged him to forward another letter to 'Aliyu, the Sultan of Sokoto, wherein we apologized for our incapability, after the heavy losses and the many extortions we had suffered, of paying him at present a visit in his capital, expressing to 'Abd el Kader, at the same time, how unjustly we had been treated by tribes subject to his dominion, who had deprived us of nearly all the presents we were bringing with us for himself and the other princes of Su dan. WhUe expressing his indignation on this account, and regretting that I should not be able to go on directly to Sokoto, whither he would have sent me with the greatest safety in com pany with the salt-caravan of the Kel-geres, and at the same time giving vent to his astonishment that, although young, I had already performed journeys so extensive, he dismissed us, after we had placed before him the parcel containing the pres ents destined for him. The whole conversation, not only with me, but also with my companions, was in the Hausa language. I should have liked to have broached to him the treaty at once, but the moment was not favorable. On the whole, I look upon 'Abd el Kader as a man of great worth, though devoid of energy. All the people assured me that he was the best of the family to which the Sultan of A'ga des belongs. He had been already sultan before, but a few years ago was deposed in order to make way for Hamed e' Ru- fay, whom he again succeeded ; but in 1853, while I was in Sokoto, he was once more compelled to resign in favor of the former. While returning with my companions to our lodging, we met six of Boro's sons, among whom our traveling companion Haj Ah was distinguished for his elegance. They were going to the palace in order to perform their office as " fadawa-n-serki" (roy al courtiers), and were very complaisant when they were inform ed that I had been graciously received by his majesty. Hav- Vol.1.— X 322 TRAVELS LN AFRICA. ing heard from them that Boro, since his return, had been ill with fever, I took the opportunity to induce my followers to ac company me on a visit to him. Mohammed Boro has a nice little house for a town Hke A'ga des, situated on the small area called "Erarar-n-sakan," or "the place of the young camels." It is shown in the accompanying />.,—* sketch. The house itself consists of two sto- fflif!>~* ^ShI r*es' an^ ft1111^68 a g°0