fej?"* YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WORKS ISSUED BY tIbe Ibahlu^t Society. THE TRAVELS PIETRO DELLA VALLE IN INDIA. THE TRAVELS PIETRO DELLA VALLE INDIA. FROM THE OLD ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF 1664, BY G. HAVERS. IN TWO VOLUMES. ffiiiitrt, tottfl a aife nt t^e antfinr, an Jntiolmrtion anlr jaotes, BY EDWARD GREY (late bengal civil service). VOL II BURT FRANKLIN, PUBLISHER NEW YORK, NEW YORK Published by BURT FRANKLIN 514 West nath Street New York 25, N. Y. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY REPRINTED BY PERMISSION H IS PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. COUNCIL THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Clements R. Markham, Esq., C.B., F.R.S., President. Major-General Sir Henry Rawlinson, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. Associ^ Etranger de U Institut de France, Vice-President. Lord Aberdare, G.C.B., F.R.S:, late Pres. R.G.S. S. E. B. Bouverie-Pusey, Esq. Vice-Admiral Lindesay Brine. Robert Brown, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. Miller Christy, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, G.C.S.L, Pres. R.G.S. Albert Gray, Esq. A. P. Maudslay, Esq. Admiral Sir E. Ommanney, C.B., F.R.S. E. a. Petherick, Esq. Ernest Satow, Esq., C.M.G., Minister Resident in Ur-ugim-y S. W. Silver, Esq. Coutts Trotter, Esq. Prof. E. B. Tylor, D.C.L. Captain Sir J. Sydney Webb, K.C.M.G. Captain W, J. L. Wharton, R.N. E. Delmar Morgan, Honorary Secretary. LETTERS OF PIETRO DELLA VALLE. VOL. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS. LETTER IV. I. Departure from Goa. — Arrival at Pangi . . 193 2. Meeting with Brahman Ambassador. — Ear-pendant. — Scarcity of sailors at Goa. — Weakness of the Portuguese Government . . . . -195 3. Difficulty about licence. — Visit to the Bishop of Cochin . 197 4. Voyage continued. — Malabar rovers. — Angediva islands. — Arrival at Onor ..... 200 5. Description of Onor. — Inquiry into the conduct of the Cap tain of the fort.^Sumptuous entertainment . . 202 5. Visit to a hot stream and cistern. — Visit of Vitula Sinay, Brahman Ambassador. — Davali festival. — Town of Brah mans ...... 205 7. Death of Venk-tapa Naieka's wife. — Story told about her . 207 8. Negotiations with Venk-tapa Naieka. — Visit to Vitula Sinay. — Conduct of Venk-tapa .... 209 9. News from Goa and Europe . . . .213 LETTER V. I. Indian and Egyptian idolatry compared. — Departure from Onor. — Arrival at Garsopa. — Account of the Queen of Garsopa . .... 216 2. Description of the journey up Garsopa river , 220 Vlll CONTENTS. 3. Departure from Garsopa. — Ascent of the Ghat. — Beautiful scenery. — Temple and statue of Hanuman. — Female saint. — Ofiferings to idol . . . . . 22 1 4. Present from Moorish Captain. — Indian fencing-match. — Visit of Vitula Sinay and of Moorish Captain. — Present from the Portuguese Ambassador to the Captain . 225 5. Boys learning arithmetic .... 227 6. Continuation of journey. — Description of Indian torches. — Night spent under trees. — Journey continued. — Arrival at Tumbrfe . . . . . .228 7. Use of cow-dung described .... 230 8. Departure from Tumbrfe. — Night spent on bank of river. — Journey continued. — Myrobalan trees described . 232 9. Arrival at Ahineli. — Temple of Virena Deuru. — Idols described. — Curious head-dresses of idols. — Figure of an ox. — Procession of idol. — Religious ceremonies. — Plan of Temple ..... 234 10. Letter from Vitula Sinay. — Renovation of idols. — No emperor but Caesar .... 242 II. Arrival at Badra. — Journey continued to Ikkeri. — Descrip tion of Ikkeri ..... 244 12. Cane bedsteads. — Presents from the King. — Preparations for an audience with the King .... 245 13. Description of the Captain-General and his son . . 247 14. Cavalcade described. — Description of citadel, and of the Kingrs reception-tent . . . .250 1 5. Interview with King Venk-tapa. — Presentation of gifts. — Self-abasement of the Portuguese Ambassador . . 252 16. The King's speech.— Ambassador's reply.— Questions and answers. — Presentation of silk scarf to the Ambassador . 254 17. Procession of singing-girls described . . . 257 18. Apparatus for swinging festival described.— Large car with wooden figures.— Indian friars — Mounted soldiers. — Dancing-giris . . . . .259 19. Letters from Goa.— Nephew of the King.— His retinue described. — Second audience with the King. — Female acrobat.— Presents of fruit .... 262 CONTENTS. IX 20. Latitude of Ikkeri ascertained. — King of Spain's letter. — Visit to Sagher. — Elephants. — Procession of a widow about to bum herself . i • ¦ 265 21. Latitude of Ikkeri ascertained a second time. — Procession of Jangamis, or Indian friars. — Dancing-women. — Kissing offeet ...... 267 22. Funeral procession. — Great religious ceremony in the Temples. — Religious procession. — Exhibition of dancing- women ..... 271 23. Conversation with a widow about to burn herself . 273. 24. Religious dance by a priest. — Ignorance of the priests generally. — News from Goa and Europe. — More religious ceremonies ..... 277 25. Great procession of idols. — Religious dances described . 279 26. Great illumination. — Visit of the King to the Temple . 282 27. More dancing. — Treaty between Venk-tapa Naieka and the King of Banghel. — Policy of Viceroy of Goa . . 284 LETTER VI. I. Book presented by Vitula Sinay. — Description of Indian palm-leaf books. — Departure from Ikkeri. — Theft by Portuguese servant .... 290^ 2. Scruples of natives as to eating. — Description of scenery. — Arrival at Colur. — Female idol.— Hospitality of women. —Poverty of the people. — Arrival at Barselor. — Descrip tion of town ..... 293 3. Continuation of journey by river. — Arrival at Portuguese settlement. — Embarkation on board ship. — Ship runs aground. — Is eventually got afloat again . . 297 4. Continuation of voyage.— Rocks and pigeons. — Arrival at Mangalor. — Description of the port, and of city. — Land ing at Mangalor. — Visit to the captain of fort . . 300 5. Visit to Banghel. — Description of the town.— Return to Mangalor.— Visit to Olala.— Description of that place, and of the Queen's palace.- Return to Mangalor . 302 X CONTENTS.. 6. Mass and sermon.^Departure from Mangalor. — Arrival at SalS. — Account of the King of that place. — Arrival at Manel. — Description of adjacent country . . 304 7. Meeting with Queen of Olala. — Conversation with her . 306 8. Theory as to Indian gods. — Curious rule as to succession by sister's sons ..... 310 9. History of the Queen of Olala .... 313 10. Description of the Queen's palace. — Interview with Queen's son. — Description of his appearance . . . 316 1 1 Conversation with Queen's son. — Presentation of a map of the world. — Plan of the palace described ' . . 320 12. Dinner prepared. — Description of Indian dish called "Caril" (curry). — Dinner eaten. — Difficulty about spoon. — Satis faction ofthe Prince . . . -325 13. Further conversation with Queen's son. — Astonishment of natives at whiteness of European complexion . . 332 14. Description of "Lagne", or Indian nuts . . . 336 15. Attempt at interview with the Queen. — Message sent by her. — Visit to the Devi's Temple. — Latitude of Manel ascer tained. — Reasons given why the Queen refused an inter view.— Departure from Manel. — Arrival at Mangalor . 337 LETTER VII. I. Latitude of Mangalor ascertained. — Visit to the King of the Jogies 2. Description of a temple 3. The King's, habitation described 4. Interview with the King of the Jogies 5. Dinner in a peasant's cottage. — Return to Mangalor. • Account of Carnate, and its Queen '6. Arrival of Portuguese fleet. — Embarkation on board ship 7. Departure from Mangalor.— Meeting with Malabar rovers, —Arrival at Calicut.— Negotiations with the Samorin of Calicut ...... 8. Latitude of Cahcut ascertained. — Description of town and people 344 346348 350352353 355359 CONTENTS. XI 9, Account of the Malabar people.— Visit to the Samorin's palace. ...... 361 icj. Description of the palace .... 363 II. Interview with King's nieces. — Description of the King. — Mode of saluting him . . . . 365 12. Conversation with the King. — Inspection by the King of a Portuguese arquebus .... 369 13. Conduct of Portuguese companions . . . ;72 14. Discourse ofthe King. — Presents of fruit and of a wild pig. — Plan of the palace. — Return on board ship . . 374 15. Strange custom of the Nairs. — Clothing of the King, and of the people. — Mode of warfare. — Custom of "Amoco" . 379 16. Departure from Calicut. — Christmas Eve on board ship. — Arrival at Cananor. — Description of the place. — Account of " La Misericordia". — Visit to the bazaar . .381 17. Departure from Cananor. Arrival at Mangalor. — Visit to Franciscan Fathers. — Departure from Mangalor with convoy ...... 384 18. Fleet anchors near rocks of Sta. Maria. — Scarlet jasmine. — Meeting with supposed pirates, who turn out to be friends ...... 386 19. Continuation of voyage. — Arrival at island of Salsette. — Supremacy of Jesuits there and elsewhere . . 390 20. Visit to a Jesuit church.— Retum on board ship. — Arrival at Goa. — Attempted trick of Portuguese servant . *. 392 21. Proclamation of Viceroy of Goa. — Account of soldiers called "Dispacciati" . . . . .395 22. News from Ormuz. — Conduct of the Viceroy and of Ruy Freira and his captains .... 397 23. News from Persia ..... 401 24. Festival of the Jesuits. — Their dispute with the Augustine friars ...... 402 25. Visit to Guadalupe. — Description of a beautiful lake and of various trees, and of the lotus plant . . 404 xu CONTENTS. LETTER VIIL I. Festival of Martyrs — Council of State. — Masquerade. — Tragedy of St. Xavier. — Mass and masquerade. — Tourna ment. — Solemn procession of Jesuits . . . 409- 2. Procession and religious ceremonies described ¦ . 414 3. Despatch of fleet to Ormuz. — Latitude of Goa ascertained.— Massacre of English by the Mogul. — Retreat of Sultan Chorrom ...... 416' 4. More ships sent to Ormuz. — Festival of the Inquisition. — News from Persia, and from Turkey . . . 419 5. News from Europe ..... 424. 6. A Canarese wedding described .... 427 7. News of the wreck of a Portuguese ship on coast of Africa . 429 8. Visit to the Prior of the convent of Ispahan. — Arrival of ships from Mozambique. — Affairs of the Jesuits . . 431 9. Solemn cavalcade.— Visit to Patriarch of jEthiopia . 434 10. Adventures of a cavalier .... 435 II. Festival of St. Bartholomew. — News from Ormuz. — Arrival of Portuguese fleet. — News from Europe . . 436 12. Fight with an English ship. — Consecration of an Arch bishop. — Proclamation of the Viceroy . . . 439 13. War between Adil Shah and Nizam Shah. — Procession of " La Misericordia'^, and of Dominicans. — Sea-fight with the Moprs. — More news from Ormuz . . . 442 Index , . . 447 LETTER IV. From Onor, Octob. 30, 1623. EING departed from Goa and arriv'd at this Port of Onor^ I shall give you some account of what hath happened in my observation during the few days since the last that I writ to you, on October the tenth : and because I understood that it lay still at Goa, with the two Ships which were to go thence for Persia, I have thought fit to send this to accompany it, and I hope you will receive both of them together, and that not without as much delectation of my News, as I am pleas'd in writing to you from several places, and (when I can get opportunity) from those very places which afford the Novelties and matters whereof I write, which therefore may possibly be more grateful in the reception as being native of the Country. I took ship with our Portugal Ambassador, Sig. Gio. Fernandez Leiton, about Evening, October the fourteenth, and, departing from Goa, we remov'd to a Town call'd Pangi^ in the same Island, but lower, near the place 1 See ante, p. J90, note. 2 Now called Panjim, or New Goa, on the left bank of the Mandovi river, three or four miles from the sea. It was made the seat of govemment in 1759, and was formally raised to the dignity of being the capital by Royal Proclamation in the year 1843. Fonseca (pp. 97 to 103) describes it in detail, and speaks of it as having a " picturesque 194 DEPARTURE FROM GOA. where the River enters into the Sea, and whither the Vice- Roys used to retire themselves frequently to a House of Pleasure which they have there, besides many other like Houses of private persons upon the River likewise, and where also at the mouth of the Sea, or Bar, as they call it, which is a little lower, almost all Fleets that depart from Goa are wont to set Sail. We might have performed this journey by Land along the Sea-coast, passing along the other lands of Adil-Scidh}- till we came to those of Venk- tapa Naieka? But to avoid expences and occasions of dis gust with many Governours of those Territories subject to Adil-Scidh, who sometimes are little courteous and im pertinent, the Vice-Roy would have us go by Sea, and for more security sent five of those light Frigats or Galeots, which the Portugals call Sangessis^ to accompany us as far as Onor, where we were to land. So that we were in all ten Ships or Galeots, to wit, one which carry'd the Portugal ambassador and us, another in which Venk-tapa Naieka s Ambassador the Brachman* went ; three others laden with the baggage of the two Ambassadors (and par ticularly with Horses and other things which the Vice-Roy sent for a present to Venk-tapd Naieka, and other Horses which I know not who carry'd thither to sell)^; and the five Ships of war, whereof Sig. Hettor Fernandez was Chief Captain or General. Nevertheless we parted from Goa the aforesaid Evening onely with our own Ship, the rest appe;irance"; and C. de Kloguen (p. 142) says: "It is now (1831) a very handsome town, all the houses being well built and the streets being broad and well paved." 1 See ante, p. 143, note. 2 See ante, p. 168, note. 3 Properiy " Sanguigel". (See Vieyra's Dictionary.) * See ante, p. 191. 5 The horse trade was a great business on the west coast of India. (See Com-mentaries of A. Dalboquerque, vol. ii, pp. 76, 77, 107, and III ; vol. iii, p. 21; and Col. Yule's Marco Poto, vol. i, pp. 84, 88, 324, 333, etc., and Index.) EAk ORNAMENTS. I95 being already fallen down lower toward the Sea, and the Ambassador Vitula was above a day at Pangi expecting us, where we arriving the abovesaid night did not land, because it was late, but slept in the Vessel. II. — October the fourteenth. We went ashore in the Morning at Pangi, and the two Ambassadors saw one another upon the Sea-side, where, I being present with them, Sig. Gio. Fernandez told the Brachman Ambassador who I was, and that I went with them out of curiosity to see his King, wherewith he testified great contentment, but was inuch more pleas'd with the Pendant which I wore at my left ear, as I have us'd to do for many years past for remedy of my weak sight, because wearing Pendants at the ears is a peculiar custom of the Indians, especially of the Gentiles, who all wear them in both ears^ : and because this is among the Portugals a thing not onely unusual, but ignorantiy by some of the ruder sort of them held for un lawful onely because 'tis us'd by Gentiles, therefore the Ambassador marvelled that I, being of the Portugal's Religion, nevertheless us'd it ; but being told that it was not forbidden by our Law, but onely customarily disus'd, and that in Europe it was us'd by many,^ he commended the ^ See Quintin Craufurd's Sketches relating to the History, etc., oj the Hindoos : " In the ears all the Hindoos wear large gold rings ornamented with precious stones." The custom of wearing ear-rings has been adopted by males as well as females in India, as is well known, from time immemorial. They are frequently of large size. (See Burton's Goa and the Blue Mountains, p. 232.) Instances have been known in which their weight amounted to no less than 2 lbs. In some parts pieces of shell are inserted in the lobes of the ears, and in Burma cheroots are carried in this way. Nose-rings are commonly worn by women. (See Sir M. Williams' Modern India, p. 61.) Ear rings are mentioned as being generally worn by Indians in Arrian's Indica, chap. xvi. Mr. Forbes [Oriental Memoirs, p. 390) says : "The Malabar women's ears, loaded with rings and heavy jewels, reach almost to their shoulders.'' 2 Jt is said that Charles I. of England wore pearl ear-rings, and that 196 WEAKNESS OP PORTUGUESE GOVERNMENT. custom, and bid the Portugals see how well I shew'd with that Pendant, and better than they who wore none ; so powerful is use to endear things to the eye, and make that fancy'd and esteem'd by some, which others, through want of custom, dislike, or value not.^ This day we departed not, because one of the Frigats of the Armado which was to accompany us was unprovided with Sea-men, for which we were fain to stay till the day following, and then were not very well provided. The cause whereof was that there was at this time a great Scarcity of Mariners in Goa, because the Governours of the maritime parts of the Continent subject to Idal-Scidth^ would not permit their Ships to come, as they were wont, to supply Mariners for the Portugal Armado ; which seem'd an argu ment of some ill will of that King against the Portugals, of which, were there nothing else, their being weaker and more confus'd in their Government than ever, and all things in bad order, was a sufificient ground ; for remedy of which they took no other course, but daily loaded themselves with new, unusual and most heavy Impositions, to the manifest ruine of the State, taking no care to prevent the hourly exorbitant defraudations of the publick Incomes, which otherwise would be sufficient to maintain the charge without new Gabels^ : but if such thefts continue both the publick Incomes and the new Gabels, and as many as they can he gave one of them to Bi.shop Juxon, the day before his execution, for his daughter, the Princess Royal. They were at one time much wom in Europe, as bemg good for the eyes. ^ See Shakespeare il'wo Gentlejnen of, Verona, act v, sc. 4): " How use doth breed a habit in a man !" 2 Should be .A.dil Shah. See ante, p. 143, note. ^ This word (said to be derived from the Arabic Kabdla, " a tax") was in Fi ance specially applied to a tax on salt, and is said to have led King Edward III. to the perpetration of a. pun in remarking that King Philip, who imposed the tax, was the author of the " Salique law". THE VICEROY'S LICENCE REQUIRED. 1 97 invent, will be all swallow'd up. Nevertheless the Portugals are heedless according to their custom, and out of fatal blindness, making no reckoning of these signs which shew the evil mind of their neighbour Adil-Scidh, think he knows nothing of these disorders, and that this with-holding of his Subjects is onely an impertinence of his Officers. What the event will be Time will shew. III. — But to return to my purpose. Not being to depart this day we went to dine and pass the time, with intention also to lodge the following night, in the house of Sig. Baldassar dAzevedo, who liv'd constantly in a fair House there by the Sea-side, a little distant from the Villa, or Fort,^ where the Vice-Roys lodge in Pangi? Whilst we were recreating our selves, Sig. Fernandez, bethinking himself of what, perhaps, he had not thought of before, ask'd me whether I had the Vice-Roy's Licence to go with him this Voyage, and I telling him that I had not because I did not think it needful, he reply'd that it was needful to be had by any means if I intended to go, otherwise he could not venture to carry me, for fear of giving malevolous^ persons occasion to criminate him, by saying that he had carry'd me, a stranger and without the Vice-Roy's licence, into suspected places, where matters of State were to be handled ; in brief, knowing the matter to be blameable, and the wonted cavils of many of his own Nation, and being admonished by many and great troubles befallen others, and particularly a Kinsman of his, very innocently for very slight causes and much inferior to this, he told me reso lutely that without the Vice- Roy's Licence it was no-wise good, either for him or me, that I should go. Wherefore, being* we were not to depart that day, he advis'd me to return to the City, and procure the said Licence, if 1 1 Built by Yusuf Adil Shah. ^ See p. 193, note. ' An obsolete word for " malevolent" * For •' since" see ante^ p. 27, note. 198 THE LICENCE OBTAINED. intended to go, and he would stay for me till the next Morning; but without the Licence"! must not return to take Ship, nor would he by any means venture to carry me. I who well understood the procedures ofthe Portugals, and what rigor they use in their Government,^ and to what suspicions and malevolences they are prone, which cause a thousand ill usages and injustices, was sensible that Sig. Fernandez had reason, and that the not having gotten this Licence was an inadvertency, because I accounted it not necessary ; but to obtain it of the Vice-Roy, who knew me well and had shewn himself courteous to me, I look'd upon as not difficult. Wherefore, being loathe to lose my intended voyage, as soon as I had din'd with these Gentlemen, I went by boat to the City, and having first given account of my business to Sig. Antonio, and Sig. Ruy Gomez his Brother, (to whose House I repair'd, having left that which I had hir'd,and remov'd my Goods to that ofthe said Sig"^ Barocci), I went with the same Sig. Ruy Gomez to speak to F. Moryad, a Jesuit and the Vice-Roy's Confessor and my Friend, whom I desir'd (as the fittest person to do it in the short time left me) to get me a Licence from the Vice-Roy. He went immediately to speak to the Vice-Roy about it, and had the fortune to find him before he enter'd into a Con gregation, or Council, which was to sit till to-night ; and the Vice-Roy presently writ a Licence for him with his own hand, directed to the Ambassador Gio. Fernandez, wherein he told him that, whereas I desir'd to go along with him, he might carry me and shew me all kind of Civility and 1 The policy of Admiral Dalboquerque, first Viceroy of Goa, which, it may be presumed, was adopted in a general way by his successors, is thus described by Fonseca {Historical Sketch of Goa, p. 144): " While on the one hand he treated the Muhammadans with undue severity and harshness, he showed marked favour to the Hindoos, but punished with merciless rigour every species of oppression praclised on the merchants and traders." INTERVIEW WITH THE BISHOP. 1 99 Honour as a deserving person, with other like courteous and high expressions. Having gotten my Licence, I went with F. Ruy Gomez Baroccioto visit the Bishop oiCocin}^\io in the vacancy ofthe See administred theArch-bishoprick of G' appeared to go about visiting all the Temples, When it was very late the King came to the great Temple, accom panied onely by his two grandsons, to wit Seda-Siva Naieka, (whom I had formerly seen) Son of one of his Daughters, and Vira-badrd Naieka, a young boy, his Son's Son, whom he designs for his Successor, if his other kindred elder than he, to wit the above-said Seda-Siva and two of Venk-tapd's Nephews by one of his Brothers whom he keeps prisoner, do not disturb him. The King came in a Palanchino at a great pace, his two Nephews on Horse back, and so did Vituld Sinay} who rode by the King's side with appearance of a great Favourite. Likewise Putapaia^ came in a Palanchino and other of his Grandees, some in Palanchinos, and some on Horse-back, following him at a great distance, with some number of Souldiers and Servants on Foot; but, in summ, the whole train was not very considerable. The King stay'd in the Temple about an hour, being entertain'd with Musick, Dancing and other things which I could not see because I was without. At length he came forth, and with the same company, and running in as much haste as he came re turn'd home; the like did all the other people of whom the Piazza was full, some on one side, some on the other. After the King was come out of the Temple they carry'd the Idols a while in Procession about the Piazza, but with small pomp and company ; so that I car'd not for staying to see them, but went to another Temple standing at the end of the Bazar, or market, facing a large and goodly street, where the show of lights was gallant, and there I stay'd a good while with my Companions, ¦^ See ante, p. 191. ''- See ante, p. 252. TREATY WITH BANGHEL. 285 (for all tlie Ambassador's party was come abroad this night to see the solemnities; even the Chaplain himself, but disguis'd) to see two great companies of Dancing- women dance, they all being sent for thither by a great Captain, (who, perhaps, had the care of the solemni ties of this Temple) after the King was gone from the great Temple; they danc'd here a good while in numerous companies; after which we return'd home, it being after mid-night. November the two and twentieth. Venk-tapd Naieka had already given our Ambassador an answer concerning the affairs which he negotiated, and the Ambassador had pre pared a dispatch to be sent to the King of Banghel? also another for the Vice-Roy of Goa, giving him an account of his negotiation, when a Currier arriv'd from Banghel with new Letters, both for Venk-tapd Naieka and the Ambassador; whereupon consultation was held as to what answer to return him, which was soon concluded on the part of Venk-tapd Naieka to this effect, (being no other than what I have already mentioned) namely that he would pay the King of Banghel "jcxiO Pagods'^ yearly, according to the Treaty of Peace, provided the said King would come and live in his^ Court, or in some other place of his Country, (excepting such Lands as were formerly his, for fear he might make new insurrections) or else in Goa, or any of the adjacent places, namely in the Island of Salsette? or some place there without the City ; but in any case such wherein he may be subject to the Vice- Roy of Goa; so that Venk-tapd might be secure that the said King of Banghel would live peaceably without making new commotions. But in case (as he seem'd to intend) he ¦^ See ante, pp. 212 and 213. ^ See ante, p. 209, note i. ' I.e., Venk-tapa's. ^ See ante, p. 139, note 2. 286 VACILLATION OF THE KING OF BANGHEL. would live neither in Venk-tapd's Country, nor in that of Goa, but would continue in Cagnoroto} where he was at present (which is a place beyond Mangalor''' Eastwards,^ and belongs to another small but free Prince, alli'd to Banghel, whither, being near his quondam-Territories, he had be taken himself) or else would wander here and there like a Fugitive and Invader, disquieting these Countries, then Venk-tapd was resolv'd not to give him any thing at all. Therefore let him either accept the above-said Offer, or never speak more to him, for he would not hear him ; that he hath been mov'd to make this offer of paying the said summ by the instance of the Portugals, who had in- terpos'd in his behalf by this Embassie : and for the king of Banghel s assurance that he would perform this, he would give the Ambassador (and accordingly he did so) a Copy of the Letter containing these promises, which he writ to the said King of Banghel, to the end the Ambassador might send it to the Vice-Roy, and be a witness of what he promis'd and was to observe. He has further told the Ambassador that this King had formerly writ to him that he would come and live in his Dominion, and repented of what he had done heretofore through evil counsel ; and that for the future he would be at his devotion, receiving that Pension which he had pro mis'd him and the like: nevertheless he had now chang'd his mind, and refus'd both to come into his Dominion and to go to Goa: that therefore, seeing him so unconstant, he had much reason not to trust him, and, in short, would neither trust him nor give him any thing, saving upon the ' It is not clear what place is here referred to, but it seems probable that it is Cdnara (or Kdnara). In the map accompanying these letters the place is marked as lying on the coast due S. of Mangalur. No such name appears in modern maps. As to CAnara, see ante, p. 168, note I. ''¦ See ante, p. 212, note 2. ^ In the original, " Ostro", i.e. South-west. KING OF SPAIN'S ORDERS. 287 above-said terms ; and that not for his own sake, but in regard of the intercession which the Portugals made for him: that this was his last Answer, and that nothing more was to be expected, or hoped, from him. From Spain, they say. Orders are sent to the Vice-Roy to re-establish the king of Banghel by all means in his State, and to make war upon Venk-tapd unless he restore the King intirely. However, being^ that country is remote, and in the time that is spent in the going and coming of dis patches many things may happen which may render it necessary for the Vice-Roy in the present conjuncture to proceed in sundry particulars differently from the Orders he receives from Spain, and to have authority in this busi ness of Bangliel to deliberate as to Peace or War, as shall to him seem most expedient, endeavouring to comply no less with the times and the State of affairs than with the in structions from Spain: therefore the King of Spain in the Letter which he writ to Venk-tapd Naieka, making onely general complements to him, refers all matters of business to the Vice-Roy to guide himself therein as he shall think most fit. Accordingly the Vice- Roy, though he knows the King of Spain's intention and order to make war upon Venk- tapd, yet, not deeming it a fit time, whilst the Portugals are engag'd in the war of Orntiiz''' and also in Malacca, (which is reported to be besieg'd either by the King of Acem? which is Sumatra, or by him and the Dutch together) and being much perplex'd in a thousand other intricacies in India, hath therefore given Order to the Ambassador to seem satisfi'd with whatever Answer Venk- tapd Naieka gives, and to return without making further ' For ¦' since" ;- see a7tte, p. 27, 7iote. ^ See Introduction, p. xxvii. ' That is, Achin (Atcheh), a town on the northernmost point of Sumatra, in Lat. 5 N. and Long. 95 E. (See Yule's Cathay, vol. i, p. loi.) 288 DISSIMULATION OF THE VICEROY. instance; it sufficing the Vice- Roy to have made this com pliment for the service of the King of Banghel and to have shown that he hath done therein what was in his power; he well knowing that Venk-tapd would not be moved bythe Embassie alone, and that the conditions he requires of the King of Banghel upon which to give him what he had promis'd are but excuses, and being certain that this King will not venture himself in his^ Dominions, (as neither is it reasonable) much less go and subject himself in the Ter ritories of Goa, and so will not consent to the proposals. Wherefore, seeing 'tis not time now to constrain Venk-tapd Naieka to greater things by war, he dissembles till a better occasion, for fear of drawing this new Enemy upon him at an unseasonable conjuncture, and orders the Ambassador to depart with a show of good Friendship. The Ambassador hath accordingly done so, and, seeming satisfi'd with Venk-tapd's Answer, hath added other Letters to those formerly written to the King of Banghel, certifying him of Venk-tapd's resolute Mind; that either he must accept of the Agreement, or must speak no more of any; and that he onely expects at Ikkeri this his last Resolution before returning to Goa. He hath written the same to the Vice-Roy of Goa; and, the dispatches being seal'd, he hath order'd both Curriers to depart, and also a Brachman call'd Nangasd together with the Currier to the King of Banghel, sending likewise with them a Christian of Barse- Ibr'' nam'd Lorenzo Pessoa, who was at Ikken with Monteyro, that he might, either in Mangalbr? Banghel, or other places thereabouts, procure Mariners for a Ship remaining at Barselbr unprovided of Men; giving the said Pessoa a License to hire some, which license he had obtain'd of the ''¦ I.e. Venk-tapa's. 2 See ante, p. 250, note 2. ^ See ante, p. 212, note 2. CONCLUSION OF LETTER V. 289 Ministers of Venk-tapd Naieka to levy mariners in his Territories if need were. Being by this time sufficiently inform'd of remarkable things in Ikkeri I am desirous of divers others, especially to see the person of the Queen of Olala} whose History and many valiant exploits^ I read of when I was in Persia; for which I have a fair opportunity by accompanying these Men sent from the Ambassador, of whom when I have taken leave I shall (God Willing) depart to morrow. ^ Marked " Oolaul" and " Ulala" in modem maps. It is a small place of no importance on the coast near Mangalur, about three miles to S.W. (See Brookes' Gazetteer.) It is near the village of Manjeshwaram described in Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 301. ^ The history and exploits here referred to are described in the next letter at pp. 313, 314. 4«? LETTER VI. From Mangalbr, Decemb. 9, 1623. AVING already seen in Ikkeri as much as there was remarkable, and being very desirous of seeing Barselbr} Mangalbr} and also principally the Queen of Olala} whose Dominion and Residence are contiguous to Mangalbr, as well because she is Sovereign of those parts, (a thing not ordinary in other Countries) and a Princess famous in our dayes, even in the Indian Histories of the Portugals, as because she is a Gentile in Religion, as like wise all her Subjects are, (whence, I conceiv'd, I might possibly see some considerable curiosity there) I lay'd hold of the occasion of going thither in company of these Men who are sent by the Ambassador, by whose favour being provided of a good Horse (in regard that there were no Palanchinos to be hir'd in Ikkeri) and a Man to carry my baggage upon his Head I prepar'd to set forth the next Morning. November the three and twentieth. Before my departure from Ikkeri I was presented by Vituld Sinay* (of whom I had before taken leave) with a little Book, written in the 1 See p. 250, note * See a7tte, p. 289. '^ See p. 212, note 2. ¦* See a7tte, p. 191. PALM-LEAP BOOKS. :29t Canard? language, which is the vulgar tongue in Ikkeri and all that State. It is made after the custom of the Country, not of paper, (which they seldom use) but of Palm-leaves, to wit of that Palm which the Portugals call Palmum brama? i.e.. Wild-palm, and is of that sort which produces the Indian Nut; for such are those commonly found in India, where Palms that produce Dates are very rare.^ On the leaves of these Palms they write, or rather ingrave, the Letters with an Iron style made for the purpose, of an uncouth form ; and, that the writing may be more apparent, they streak it over with a coal,* and tye the leaves together to make a Book of them after a manner sufficiently strange. I, being desirous to have one of these Books, to carry as a curiosity to my own Country for ornament of my Library, and not finding any to be sold in the City, had entreated Vituld Sinay to help me to one, but he, not finding any one vendible therein, caus'd a small one to be purposely transcrib'd for me, (there being not time enough for a greater) and sent it to me as a gift just as I was ready to take Horse. What the Book contains I know not, but I imagine 'tis Verses in their Language, and I carry it with me, as I do also (to show to the curious) divers leaves not written upon, and a style, or Iron Pen, such as they use, together with one ^ See ante, p. i68, note i. 2 Probably brabo, " wild" (Port.). If by this name the coco-nut palm (Cocos nucifera) is referred to the statement here made is not quite cor rect, for the paLu-leaves used for writing on in India are generally those of the Palmyra (Borassus flabellifor77iis), and of the Corypha U7nbra- culifera, or Talipat (which means " palm-leaf") tree in Ceylon and the adjacent parts of India (Yule's Cathay, etc., ii, 449), though the coco-nut palm is so77teti77ies used. The leaf of Licuala Spi7iosa is also used for this purpose. ^ Even in the presentdayfruit-bearing date-trees (Phoenixdactylifera) are not coramon in India. Date-trees (Pha27iix sylvestris) axe there generally grown for the purpose of making sugar from their sap. It is said that Bengal alone formerly furnished annually 100,000 cwt. of this sugar. (See Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom,^. 137.) * Or rather " with charcoal". 292 CACCIATUR's MISCONDUCT. leaf containing a Letter Missive after their manner, which was written, by I know not whom, to our Ambassador ; of whom taking leave with many compliments, as also of Sig: Carvaglio, the Chaplain, Monteyro and all the com pany, I departed from Ikkeri a little before noon, going out at the same Gate whereat I had enter'd; and having no other company but a Vetturind^ and a Pulid^ who carry'd my luggage, without any other servant; for as for Galdl the Persian, aliis Caccidtur? I was constrain'd to dismiss him for some uncommendable actions and to send him back from Ikkeri to Goa. I will not omit to tell you that this my brave God-son, (whom I had brought so carefully out of Persia and trusted so much, and who alone of all my old servants re main'd with me) one day cunningly open'd a light box, or basket, {Canestri the Portugals call them) wherein I kept my Clothes, and which, after the fashion of the Country, was not made of wood, but of hoops lin'd with leather, and clos'd with little Padlocks, like those which are us'd at Rome for Plate; and they are thus contriv'd that they may be of little weight, because in these parts goods and baggage for travel are more frequently transported upon Men's shoulders than upon beasts' backs; and one of these baskets, or Canestri, is just a Man's load. Now the good Caccidtur having open'd mine, without hurting the lock, or meddling with the linnen which he found therein, took out onely all the little money which I then had and had 1 I.e., a man from whom the horse had been hired (literally " one who lets on hire' ) ^ The name o an outcast tribe, perhaps derived from the word pulai, " flesh", such tribes eating flesh forbidden to other persons. There is a good description of this tribe, called by him Puler, in Barbosa's (PMagellan's) account of the Malabar coast, p. 142. He says : " These people are great charmers, thieves and very vile people.'' See also Dubois, Mceurs des peuples de PInde, vol. i, p. 66. ' See ante, pp. 126 12 . THE THIEF DISCOVERED. 293 put into it, to avoid carrying its weight about me ; it was in one of those long leathern purses, which are made to wear round the waist like a girdle, full of Spanish Rials,i a Coin in these parts, and almost in all the world, current enough. His intention, I conceive, was to leave me (as we say) naked in the Mountains in the center of India, and, peradventure, to go into some Territory of the Gentiles, or Mahometans, there to pass a jovial life at my expence. But as it pleas'd God, the theft being done in my Chamber where none but he resorted, we had vehement suspicion of him; and therefore the Ambassador, making use of his Authority, caus'd him to be laid hold on, and we found the theft^ in his breeches ty'd to his naked flesh ; and thus I recover'd my money. I was unwilling that any hurt should be done to him, and, withall, to keep him any longer; nevertheless, that he might not go into the Infidel- Countries, lest thereby he should lose his Religion and tum to his native errors, I sent him away with some trusty persons to Goa, giving him Letters also to Signora Maria? but such as w^hereby they might know that I had dismiss'd him and that he was not to be entertain'd there, though not otherwise punished. By this Story you may see how much a Man may be deceiv'd in his trusting; how little benefits prevail upon an unworthy nature; and, withall, you may consider to what misfortunes a Stranger is subject in strange Countries; so that, if I had nothing else, being thus depriv'd of all, I should have been left to perish miserably amongst Barbarians. II. — But, leaving him to his Voyage, I departed from Ikkeri, and having pass'd the Town Badrapor,* I left the 1 Or " Real", a coin equal to about i ^s. of English money in the 17th century. ^ See Exodus, chap, xxii, v. 4, for an instance ofthe use of this word to signify the thing stolen. ^ See ante, p. 24, note i. * See a7ite, pp. 243, 244. 294 .SCARCITY OF FOOD. road of Ahineli^ and by another way, more towards the left hand, went to dine under certain Trees near a small Village of four Houses, which they call Bamanen coppa? After dinner we continued our way and forded a River call'd Irihale} not without being wet, by reason of the small size of my Horse; and having travell'd near two Gau^ (one Gau consists of two Cos, and is equivalent to two Portugal Leagues) we lodg'd at night in a competent Town the name whereof is Dermapora? In these Towns I endeavor'd to procure a servant, as well because I understood not the Language of the Country, (for though he that carry'd my Goods could speak Portugal yet he could not well serve me for an Interpreter, because, he being by Race a Pulid} which amongst them is accounted vile and unclean, they would not suffer him to come into their Houses nor touch their things ; though they were not shie of me, albeit of a different Religion, because they look'd upon me as a Man of noble Race), as because I found much trouble in reference to my diet: for, as these Indians are extremely fastidious in edibles, there is neither flesh nor fish to be had amongst them; one must be contented onely with Rice, Butter, or Milk, and other such inanimate things, wherewith, nevertheless, they make no ill-tasted dishes; but, which is worse, they will cook every thing themselves and will not let others either eat, or drink, in their vessels; wherefore, instead of dishes, they give us our victuals in great Palm^ leaves, which yet are smooth "¦ See ante, p. 234, note 3. 2 Or " Brahman's grove". ' A small stream not marked in modem maps, but erroneously marked " Trishale" in the map accompanying these letters. * .See ante, p. 230, note i. s Or " Dharmapoor" (City of Virtue), a small town not marked in ordinary maps. » See ante, p. 292, note 2, ' Or, probably, " Plantain", AN INVENTION OF THE DEVIL. 295 enough, and the Indians themselves eat more frequently in them than in any other vessels. Besides, one must entreat them three hours for this, and account it a great favor; so that, in brief, to travel in these Countries requires a very large stock of patience. The truth is 'tis a most crafty invention of the Devil against the Charity so much preach'd by our Lord Jesus Christ to put it so in the heads of these people that they are polluted and become unclean, even by touching others of a different Religion; of which superstition they are so rigorous observers that they will sooner see a person, whom they account vile and unclean, (though a Gentile) dye, than go near him to relieve him. November the four and twentieth. In the Morning, before day, the Brachman Nangasd'' and the Ambassador's other Men, being in haste, went on before; but I, desirous to go more at my own ease, remain'd alone with my Pulid^ and the horse keeper; as I might well enough do, since the High-ways of Venk-tapd Naieka's Country are very secure. The road lay over pleasant peaks of Hills and through Woods, many great streams likewise occurring. I descended the Mountain Gat^ by a long precipice, some of which I was fain to walk on foot, my Horse having fallen twice without any disaster, and by a third fall almost broke my knee to pieces. I din'd, after I had travell'd one Gau'^ and a half, in a good Town called Coliir? where there is a great Temple, the Idol whereof, if I mis-understood not, is the Image of a Woman*; the place is much venerated, and many resort to it from several parts in Pilgrimage. I See ante, p. 288. 2 ggg ante, p. 292, note 2. ' See ante, p. 185, note 2. * See p. 230, note i. * Marked as "Colloor" in Wyld's map of India, to N.E. of Mangalur. ° Probably an image ofthe goddess Kdli. (See ante, p. 258, note 2.) 296 RICE CULTIVATION. After dinner, my Horse being tired, I travelled not above half another Gau} and, having gone in all this day but two Gaus, went to lodge at a certain little village, which, they said, was called Nalcdl. Certain Women, who dwelt there alone in absence of their Husbands, courteously gave us lodging in the uncovered Porches of their Houses and prepared supper for us. This Countrj' is inhabited not onely with great Towns, but, like the Mazandran^ in Persia, with abundance of Houses, scattered here and there in several places amongst the woods. The people live for the most part by sowing of Rice; their way of Husbandry is to overflow the soil with water, which abounds in all places; but they pay, as they told me, very . large Tribute to the King, so that they have nothing but the labour for themselves and live^in great Poverty. November the twenty fifth. I travelled over great Moun tains and Woods like the former and forded many deep Rivers. Having gone three Co^ we din'd in two Houses of those people who sow Rice, whereof the whole Country is full, at a place call'd Kelidl? In the Evening my Pulid? being very weary and unable to carr)' the heavy load of my baggage further, we stay'd at some of the like Houses which they call'd Kabndr} about a mile forwards ; so that the journey of this whole day amounted not to a full Gau. November the twenty sixth. I pass'd over peaks of Hills, and uneven and woody places. At noon I came to a great River,^ on the Northern bank whereof stands a little 1 See ante, p. 230, note i. 2 The province forming the southem shore of the Caspian Sea. ' See ante, p. 22. ¦• Probably Keladi, a town in the Shim6ga district, the cradle of the family who reigned at Ikkeri. Seeante,-^. 168, note 2, and p. 216, note I. ' See p. 292, note 2. » A small village of no importance. ' Or rather an estuary of the sea, ARRIVAL AT BARSELOR. 297 village nam'd Gulvdn} near which the River makes a Httle Island. We went to this Island by boat and forded over the other stream to the far side. Thence we came by a short cut to Barselbr? call'd the Higher, i.e. within Land, belonging to the Indians and subject to Venk-tapd Naieka, to distinguish it from the Lower Barselbr on the Sea-coast belonging to the Portugals. For in almost all Territories of India near the Sea-coast there happen to be two places of the same Name, one call'd the Higher, or In-land, belonging to the natives, the other the Lower, near the Sea, to the Portugals, wherever they have footing. Entring the Higher Barselbr on this side, I came into a fair, long, broad and straight Street, having abundance of Palmetos* and Gardens on either hand. The soil is fruitful and well peopled, encompass'd with weak walls and ditches, which are pass'd over by bridges of one, or two, very great stones, which shew that there is good and fair Marble here, whether they were digg'd thus out of the Quarry, or are the remains of ancient Fabricks.* It stands on the South side of the River, which from the Town Gulvdn fetches a great circuit, seeming to return backwards; and many Travellers, without touching at the Upper Barselbr, are wont to go to the Lower Barselbr by boat, which is soon done; but I was desirous to see both places and therefore came hither. III. — Having din'd and rested a good while in Higher Barselbr, I took boat and row'd down the more Southern stream ; for a little below the said" Town it is divided into many branches and forms divers little fruitful Islands. About an hour and half before night I arriv'd at the Lower Barselbr of the Portugals, which also stands on the 1 A place of no importance. '' See ante, p. 250, note 2. ' See ante, p. 182, note 3. * A kind of black marble is plentiful in these districts. -98 STAY AT BARSELOR. Southern bank of the River, distant two good Cannon-shot from its mouth ; having travell'd this day in all one Gau^ and a half The Fort of the Portugals is very small, built almost in form of a Star, having not bad walls, but wanting ditches, in a Plain and much expos'd to all sorts of assaults. Such Portugals as are married have Houses without the Fort in the Town, which is pretty large and hath good buildings. I went directly to the House of Sig: Antonio Borges, a former acquaintance, who came from Goa to Onor? together with us, and to whom the Ambassador at Ikkeri had recommended me. I found, sitting before his House in the .street, the Captain of Barselbr, call'd Sig: Luis Mondes Vas Conti? We discours'd together for a good while and he seem'd a gallant man, though but young. Here were an Armada and a Cafila^ of Ships, which came from Goa and were going to Mangalbr^ and Cocin} or further ; they were to depart the next day, and therefore I prepar'd my self to go with them to Mangalbr. This night I supp'd at the House of Sig: Antonio Borges with some other Portugals that came in the Fleet, and went to lodge by his direction in another good House, together with some Souldiers of the same Fleet who were friends of his, as he had not room in his own House. November the seven and twentieth. That I might not go alone, without any body to serve me in the Ship, I took into my service a Christian of Barselbr} recommended to me by Sig: Antonio and nam'd Manoel de Matos, with whom alone I went aboard about noon, having first din'd with many Portugals of the Fleet in the House of Sig: Rocco Gomes, the chief Portugal in Barselbr, who enter- 1 See ante, p. 230, note I. ' See ante, p. 216, note 1. ^ See ante, p. 121, note 3. ^ See ante, p. 199, note i. ^ See ante, p. 190, note 3. * In original, "Consigliero ° See ante, p. 212, note 2. 8 See ante, p. 250, note 2. A PERILOUS POSITION. 299 tain'd us at his Gate^ in the street very well. Among others that din'd with us there was one Sig: Hettor Fernandez, by me elsewhere mention'd,^ who came from Goa to Onor with us; & the Captain Major of , the whole Armada, Sig: Francesco de Lobo Faria, who commanded a Galley and six other Ships, besides the Cafila of Mer chants. I imbarqu'd in the Ship of Sig: Hettor Fernandez, who in the street express'd much courtesie to me. Being gone a good way upon the Sea, and it being now night, the Captain Major of the Galleys sent our Ship back to fetch certain of his Men and the other Ships -which were not yet got out ofthe Port oi Barselbr ; whereinto we designing to enter in the dark, and not hitting the narrow channel which was to be kept, we struck upon land, and, the wind growing pretty stiff, were in great danger of being over-set and lost; and the more because when we perceiv'd it and went to strike sail we could not for a good while, because the ropes, either through moistness, or some other fault, would not slip; so that the Ship, being driven forcibly against the ground, not onely became very leaky, but gave two or three such violent knocks that, had she not been new, without doubt she had been split. The Sea-men were not onely confounded but all amaz'd ; nothing was heard but disorderly cries; the voice of him that commanded could not be heard; every one was more intent upon his own than the common safety ; many of the Souldiers had already strip'd themselves to leap into the Sea : some ty'd their Money at their backs, to endeavour to save the same together with their lives, making little account of their other goods; divers made vows and promises of Alms; all heartily recommended themselves to God; one embrac'd 1 In the ox\%\nd\ porta, probably a covered portico. 2 See ante, pp. 194 and 20J. 300 ARRIVAL AT MANGALUR. the Image of our Lady and plac'd his hope in that alone. I could not induce my self to believe that God had re serv'd me after so many dangers to such a wretched and ignoble end, so that I had, I know not what, secure confi dence in my heart; nevertheless, seeing the danger ex- treamly great, I fail'd not to commend my self to God, his most Holy Mother and all the Saints. By whose favour, at length, the sail being let down by the cutting of the rope, and the Sea not being rough, (for, if it had, it would have done us greater mischief) the Mariners freed the Ship, having cast themselves into the Sea and drawn her off from the ground by strength of Arm ; the remainder of the night we spent in the mouth of the Haven, lying at anchor and calling to the other Ships to come out IV. — The whole Fleet being set forth before day, we return'd to where the Captain General with the Galley and the rest of the Ships stay'd at Anchor for us; and thence we set sail all together. November the eight and twentieth. We sail'd con stantly Southwards, coasting along the Land which lay on the left hand of us. Half way to Mangalbr? to wit six Leagues from Barselbr? we found certain Rocks, or little desert Islands, which the Portugals call Scogli di Santa Marie?; one of which we approach'd with our Ship, and many of our Men landed upon it to take wild Pigeons, (of whose nests there is great abundance) wherewith we made a good supper. Afterwards, continuing our course, we pass'd- by Carnate? and at night safely enter'd the Port of Mangalbr. 1 See a7ite, p. 212, note 2. ''¦ See ante, p. 250, note 2. 3 These are marked as the " Premeira rocks" in Black's Atlas. * No such place is to be found in modern maps. The name may be used to denote the southern limit of Kdnara, also called Cdrnata, or Kdrnata. See ante, p. 168, note i. DESCRIPTION OF MANGALUR. 301 This Port is in the mouth of two Rivers,^ one more Northern runs from the Lands oi Banghel' ; the other more Southem from those of Olala} which stands beyond the River Southwards, or rather beyond the bay of salt-water, which is form'd round and large, like a great Haven, by the two Rivers before their entrance into the Sea, whose flow ing fills the same with salt water. Mangalbr stands between Olala and Banghel and in the middle of the bay right against the Mouth of the Harbor, into which the Fort extends itself, being almost encompass'd with water on three sides. 'Tis but small, the worst built of any I have seen in India, and, as the Captain told me one day when I visited him, may rather be termed the House of a Gentleman than a Fort. The City is but little neither, contiguous to the Fort and encompass'd with weak walls ; within which the Houses of the inhabitants are inclos'd. There are three Churches, namely the See,* or Cathedral, of our Lady Del Rosario, within the Fort, La Misericordia, and San Francesco without. Yet in Mangalbr there are but three Ecclesiastical Persons in all; two Franciscan Fryers in San Francesco and one Vicar Priest, to whose charge, with very small revenues, belong all the other Churches. I went not ashore because it was night, but slept in the Ship. November the nine and twentieth. Early in the Morn ing I landed at Mangalbr and went, together with Sig: Hettor Fernandez, and others of our Ship, to dine in the House of Sig: Ascentio Veira, a Notary ofthe City. After which I was provided with an empty House, belonging to a Kins-man of his, by Sig: Paolo Sodrino, who was married in Mangalbr and came from Goa in our Ship. The next 1 These are the Boliir (also called Netrawati) and the Balure, of which the former runs to S. of the latter. (See Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 301.) '^ See a7ite, p. 212. 3 See ante, p. 289, note I. * See ante, p. 133, note 4. 302 BANGHEL. night the Fleet departed for Cocin} but I remain'd in Mangalbr with intention to go and see the Queen of Olala. November the thirtieth. After hearing Mass in the Church Del Rosario I visited the Captain of Mangalbr, not in the Fort, but in a cover'd place without the Gate, which is built to receive the cool Air of the Sea, and where he was then in conversation. He was an old Man all gray, by Name Sig: Pero Gomes Pasagna. V. — The first of December, in the Morning I went to see Banghel, by the Indians more correctly call'd Bangher, or Banghervan ; 'tis a mile, or little more, distant from Man galbr, towards the South^ and upon the Sea; and, the King that rul'd there and in the circumjacent lands being at this day driven out, 'tis subject to Venk-tapd Naieka? A musket-shot without Mangalbr, on that side, is a small River which is pass'd over by a ruinous stone bridge and may likewise be forded ; 'tis the boundary of the Portugal's jurisdiction. The above-said mile is through cultivated fields, and then you come to BaiigJul, which is of a rich soil, and sometime better peopled than at present; whence the Houses are poor Cottages of earth and straw. It hath but one straight street, of good length, of Houses and Shops continu'd on both sides, and many other sheds dis pers'd among the Palmetoes.* The King's House stood upon a rais'd ground, almost like a Fort, but is now wholly destroy'd, so that there is nothing left standing but the posts of the Gate; for when Venk-tapd Naieka took this Territory he demolish'd whatever was strong in it. The Bazdr, or market-place, remains, although not so stor'd with goods as it was in the time of its own King; yet it 1 See ante, p. 199, note i. ^ " Towards the south" is a mistranslation for "towards the north". ^ See ante, p. 212. * See a7ite, p. 182, note 3. OLALA. 303 affords what is necessary, and much Areca} or Fofel, whereof they make Merchandise, sending the same into divers parts, that of this place being better then others ; here are also in the Bazdr some Gold-smiths who make knives and cizzers,^ adorn'd with Silver, very cheap, and other like toys, of which I bought some, and, having seen all that was to be seen, return'd on foot, as I came, though somewhat late, to Mangalbr. December the second. This Morning I went to see Olala, which is about the same distance from Mangalbr as Bangliel is, but the contrary way towards the South, and stands on the other side of a great River, which was to be pass'd over by boat. The Queen was not here, and seldom is, but keeps her Court commonly in another place more within land; yet I would not omit to see Olala, the rather because in the Portugal Histories it gives name to that Queen, as being that Land of hers which is nearest and best known to the Portugals, and, perhaps, the richest and fruitfullest which she now enjoyes. I found it to be a fat soil, the City lying between two Seas, to wit the Main-sea and the Bay, upon an arm of Land which the Port incloses ; so that the situation is not onely pleasant, but might also be made very strong if it were in the hands of people that knew how to do it. It is all open, saving on one side towards the mouth of the Haven between the, one Sea and the other, where there is drawn a weak wall with a ditch and two inconsiderable bastions. The Bazdr is fairly good, and, besides necessaries for provisions, affords abundance of white and strip'd linnen cloth, which is made in Olala, but coarse, such as the people of that Country use. At the Town's end is a very pleasant Grove, and at the end thereof a great Temple, 1 See ante, p. 36, note 2. ^ This mode of spelling is unusual. The word is spelt " Cizar" by Beaumont and Fletcher and by Swift. 304 THE QUEEN'S PALACE. handsomely built for this Country and much esteem'd. Olala is inhabited confusedly, both by Gentiles who burn themselves^ and also by Malabar Moors. About a mile off. Southwards, stands the Royal House, or Palace, amongst the aforesaid Groves, where the Queen resides when she comes hither sometimes. 'Tis large, enclos'd with a wall and trench, but of little moment In the first entrance it hath a (jate with an open Porch, where the Guard is to stand ; and within that a great void place, like a very large Court, on the far side whereof stands the House, whose inside I saw not, because the Court was not there; yet for this place it seem'd to have something of wild Majesty; behind it joyns to a very thick wood, serving both for delight and security in time of necessity. The way from the Palace to the City is almost wholly beset with Houses. Having seen as much as I desir'd I stay'd not to dine, but return'd to Mangalbr ; there being always a passage-boat ready to carry people backwards and forwards. VI. — December the third. Arriving not timely enough to hear Mass in the Church Del Rosario I went to San Francesco, where I heard Mass and a tolerably good Sermon, preached by an old Father call'd Francesco dos Neves. In the Evening I prepar'd to go to see the Queen of Olala at her Court, which was the design of this little peregrination. And, not finding Sig: Paolo Sodrino my friend at Mangalbr, by the aid of Sig: Luis Gomes, an unattached soldier, a Native of Cananbr, but who had liv'd long at Mangalbr, and showed me much courtesy, I engaged a boat which should take me to the court of the said Queen, not by the Southern River which comes from the Territories of Olala, but by another more Northern River, (different from, and larger than, the before^mention'd little and swift one, over which I pass'd by a bridge to ¦¦ Or rather their (dead) friends and relations. DEPARTURE FROM MANGALUR. 30^ Banghel) above which large river lies the state of the said Queen and the place where she holds her Court, and which winds round a good extent of country at the back of Mangalbr towards the East, and falls into the Port of Mangalbr. I took with me also a Brachman call'd Narsii, a Native oi Mangalbr, to serve me for an Interpreter with the Queen, (although my Christian Servant spoke the Language well) partly that I might have more persons with me to serve me, and partly because the Brachman, being a Gentile, known to, and vers'd in the ways of, this Court, might be more serviceable to me in many things than my own Servant ; so, having provided what was needful, and prepar'd victuals to dine with upon the River by the way, which is somewhat long, I determin'd to set forth the next Morning. On December the fourth, before daylight I took boat at Mangalbr, in which there were three Water-men, two of whom row'd at the Prow and one at the Poop, with a broad Oar which serv'd both for an Oar and a Helm. Having pass'd by Banghel^ we enter'd into the great Northern River, in which on the left hand is a place where passage-boats laden with Merchandize pay a TolP to the Ministers of Venk-tapd Naieka? to whom the circumjacent Region is subject Rowing a great way against the stream, the water whereof for a good space is salt, at length we stay'd to dine at a Town call'd Sale} inhabited for the most part by Moors, and situate on the right bank as you go up the River. This Town, with others round it, is subject to an Indian 1 See p. 302. 2 Transit dues on merchandise formerly prevailed everywhere in India, but they have, by the efforts of the British Government, been abolished to a great extent. "- See ante, p. 168, note 2, and p. 216. ¦* A small town of no importance. 306 ARRIVAL AT MANEL. Gentile Lord, call'd Ramo Rau} who in all hath not above 20O0 Paygods^ of yearly Revenew, of which he payes about 800 to Venk-tapd Naieka, to whom he is Tributary. Nevertheless he wears the Title of King, and they call him Oingiu Arsii? that is King of Onigiii} which is his chief place. Having din'd and rested a while we continu'd our Voyage, and after a good space enter'd into the State of the Queen of Olala, to whom the Country on either side of the River belongs. The River is here very shallow, so that though our boat was but small yet in many places we stuck against the ground; at length about Evening we arriv'd at Manel? so they call the place where the Queen of Olala now resides, which is onely a Street of a few Cottages, or Sheds, rather than Houses; but the Country is open, fair and fruitful, inhabited by abundance of little Houses and Cottages, here and there, of Husband-men, besides those united to the great Street above-mentioned, call'd the Bazdr, or Market; all which are comprehended under the name of Manel, which lies on the left bank of the River as you go against the stream. VII. — Having landed, and going towards the Bazdr to get a Lodging in some House, we beheld the Queen coming alone in the same way without any other Woman, on foot, accompany'd onely with four, or six, foot Souldiers before her, who all were naked after their manner, saving that they had a cloth over their shame, and another like a sheet, worn across the shoulders like a belt; each of them had a Sword in his hand, or at most a Sword and Buckler; there were also as many behind her of the same 1 More correctly Rao, a chief. '' See a7ite, p. 209, note i. 3 Le., Arasu, " King" (Tamil). * A small town not marked in modern maps. ^ A village which is not marked in maps of India. DESCRIPTION OF THE QUEEN. 307 sort, one of whom carry'd over her a very ordinary Umbrella made of Palm-leaves. Her Complexion was as black as that of a natural .Ethiopian ; she was corpulent and gross, but not heavy, for she seem'd to walk nimbly enough; her Age may be about forty years, although the Portugals had describ'd her to me as much older. She was cloth'd, or rather girded at the waist, with a plain piece of thick white Cotton, and bare-foot, which is the custom of the Indian Gentile Women, both high and low, in the house and abroad ; and of Men too the most, and all the most ordinary, go unshod ; some of the more grand wear Sandals, or Slippers ; very few use whole Shoes covering all the Foot. From the waist upwards the Queen was naked, saving that she had a cloth ty'd round about her Head, and hanging a little down upon her Breast and Shoulders. In brief, her aspect and habit represented rather a dirty Kitchen-wench, or Laundress, than a delicate and noble Queen; whereupon I said within myself. Behold by whom are routed in India the Armies of the King of Spain, which in Europe is so great a matter ! Yet the Queen shew'd her quality much more in speaking than by her presence; for her voice was very graceful in comparison with her Person, and she spoke like a prudent and judicious Woman. They had told me that she had no teeth, and therefore was wont to go with half her Face cover'd ; yet I could not discover any such defect in her, either by my Eye, or by my Ear ; and I rather believe that this cover ing of the Mouth, or half the Face, as she sometimes doth, is agreeable to the modest custom which I know to be com mon to almost all Women in the East.^ I will not omit to state that though she was so corpulent, as I have mention'd, yet she seems not deform'd, but I imagine she was handsome in her Youth ; and, indeed, the Report is ^ See a7ite, p. 280, note 2. 3o8 CONVERSATION WITH THE QUEEN. that she hath been much of a Lady, of majestic beauty, though stern rather than gentle.^ As soon as we saw her coming we stood still, lay'd down our baggage upon the ground and went on one side to leave her the way to pass. Which she taking notice of, and of my strange habit, presently ask'd. Whether there was any among us that could speak the Language? Whereupon my Brachman, Narsii, step'd forth and answer'd. Yes ; and I, after I had saluted her according to our manner, went near to speak to her, she standing still in the way with all her people to give us Audience. She ask'd who I was, (being already inform'd, as one of her Souldiers told me, by a Portugal who was come about his business before me from Mangalbr to Manel, that I was come thither to see her). I caus'd my Interpreter to tell her that I was "Un Cavaliero Ponentino", {A Gentleman of the West] who came from very far Countries ; and, be cause other Europeans than Portugals were not usually seen in her Dominions, I caus'd her to be told that I was not a Portugal but a Roman, specifying too that I was not of the Turks of Constantinople, who in all the East are styl'd and known by the Name of Rumi^; but a Christian oi Rome, where is the See of the Pope who is the Head of the Christians. That it was almost ten years since my first coming from home and wandering about the world, and seeing divers Countries and Courts of great Princes ; and that being mov'd by the fame of her worth, which had long ago come to my Ears, I was come into this place purposely to see her and offer her my service. She ask'd. What Countries and Courts of Princes I had seen? I gave her a brief account of all ; and she, hearing the Great ' In original: "particulariy in regard to her person below the waist, where her corpulence, owing to the cotton cloth which she wears, which, accord ng to Indian fashion, is worn \ery tight, is very evident." 2 See Yule': Catliay and the Way Thitlier, vol. ii, p. 427. CONVERSATION CONTINUED. 309 Turk, the Persian, the Moghol, and Venk-tapd Naieka? nam'd, ask'd, What then I came to see in these Woods of hers? intimating that her State was not worth seeing, after so many other great things as I said I had seen. I reply'd to her that it was enough for me to see her Person, which I knew to be of great worth ; for which purpose alone I had taken the pains to come thither, and accounted the same very well imploy'd. After some courteous words of thanks she ask'd me. If any sickness, or other disaster, had hapned to me in so remote and strange Countries, how I could have done, being alone, without any to take care of me ? (a tender affection, and natural to the compassion of Women). I answer'd that in every place I went into I had God with me, and that I trusted in him. She ask'd me. Whether I left my Country upon any disgust, the death of any kindred, or beloved person, and therefore wander'd so about the world, (for in India and all the East some are wont to do so upon discontents, either of Love, or for the death of some dear persons, or for other unfortunate accidents; and, if Gentiles, they be come Gioghies'-, \i Ma/iometans, Dervisci a.nd. Abdali^; all which are a sort of vagabonds, or despisers of the world, going almost naked, onely with a skin upon their Shoulders and a staff in their Hands, through divers Countries, like our Pilgrims ; living upon Alms, little caring what befalls them, and leading a Life suitable to the bad disposition of their hearts).* I conceal'd my first 1 See ante, pp. 168 and 216. '' See a7tte, p. 37, note 5. ' I.e., Darwesh (from two words, meaning " one who waits at the door" (of God), and Abd-Allah (from Abd, "slave", and Allah, " God"). ¦• See Elphinstone's History of htdia, pp. 14 and 60, 61. He says : "Many are decent and inoffensive religionists, but many are also shameless and importunate beggars, and worthless vagabonds of all descriptions." See also Dubois' Mceurs des peuples de I'hide, vol. ii, p. 269. 310 CONCLUSION OF THE INTERVIEW. misfortunes, and told the Queen that I left not my Country upon any such cause, but onely out of a desire to see divers Countries and customs, and to learn many things which are learnt by travelling the World ; men who had seen and convers'd with many several Nations being much esteem'd in our parts ; that indeed for some time since, upon the death of my Wife whom I lov'd much, though I were not in habit, yet in mind I was more than a Gioghi and little car'd what could betide me in the World. She ask'd me. What my design was now, and whither I directed my way ? I answer'd that I thought of returning to my Country, if it should please God to give me life to arrive there. Many other questions she ask'd, which I do not now remember, talking with me, standing, a good while; to all which I answer'd the best I could. At length she bid me go and lodge in some house, and after wards she would talk with me again at more convenience. Whereupon I took my leave, and she proceeded on her way, and, as I was afterwards told, she went about a mile off to see a work which she had in hand of certain Trenches to convey water to certain places whereby to improve them. I spoke to the Queen with my head uncover'd all the while ; which courtesie, it being my custom to use it to all Ladies my equals, onely upon account of being such, I thought ought much rather to be us'd to this one who was a Queen and in her own Dominions, where I was come to visit her and to do her Honour. VIII. — After she was gone her way, I with my people enter'd into a little village and there took a lodging in an empty house, belonging to a Moor of the Country and near the Palace; but I caus'd my diet to be prepar'd in an other house of a Moorish neighbour, that so I might have the convenience of eating flesh, or what I pleas'd, which in the houses of Gentiles would not be suffer'd, and as the inhabitants of Manel are partly Gentiles and partly Mala- APOTHEOSIS. 311 bar Moors, who have also their Meschitas^ there, I was not in want of good accommodation. The name of the Queen of Olala is Abag-devl-Ciautrii ; of which words Abag is her proper Name; Devl^ signifies as much as Lady, and with this word they are also wont to signifie all their gods ; nor have they any other in their Language to denote God but Deii, or Deurii, which are both one, and are equally applied to Princes ; whereby it appears that the Gods of the Gentiles are for the most part nothing else but such Princes as have been famous in the world,^ and deserv'd that Honor after their deaths ; as likewise (which is my ancient opinion) that the word " God" wherewith we, by an introduc'd custom, denote the Supreme Creator, doth not properly signifie that First Cause, who alone ought to be ador'd by the World, but signifi'd at first either Great Lord, or the like*; whence it was attributed to Heroes and noted persons in the world, similar to the words of the Holy Scripture, Filii Deorum, Filii Hominum; and, consequently, that the gods of the Gentiles, though ador'd and worship'd both in ancient and modern ^ Masjid, or Mosque. See p. 328, note i. ' Literally, "bright". From Sanskrit root, (f/z/, "to shine". See Prof M. Miiller's Hibbert Lectures of 1878, p. 4, where it is said : "'Deva', as ' Deus' in Latin, came to mean ' God', because it originally meant ' bright', and we cannot doubt that something beyond the meaning of brightness had attached itself to the word ' Deva' before the ancestors ofthe Indians and Italians broke up from their common home." - This statement is no doubt true to a certain extent. See Sir J. Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, p. 353 et seq., where he quotes the following passage from the "Wisdom of Solomon" : "And so the multitude took him now for a god, which a little before was but honoured as a man." See also Dubois, Mceurs des peuples de FLide, vol. ii, p. 292. * The word translated here as " God" is, of course, Dio, and is no doubt derived (as already stated) from the Sanskrit div. Hence came the name Dyaus (Illuminator), and the Latin Deus. (See Prof. Max Mulier, Hibbert Lectures of iZji,, p. 144). The English word " God" has of course a quite different history. 312 SUCCESSION THROUGH FEMALES. times, were never held by them in that degree wherein we hold God, the Creator of the Universe, and wherein almost all Nations of the world always held and do hold him; (some calling him Causa Prima; others Anima Mundi; others Perabrahmi} as the Gentiles do at this day in India:) but that the other gods are, and were always, rather but as Saints are amongst us ; of the truth whereof I have great Arguments, at least amongst the Indian Gentiles; or if more than Saints, yet at least only Deifi'd by favour, and made afterwards Divi, as Hercules, Romulus, Augustus, etc., were amongst the Romans? But to return to our purpose, they told me the word Ciautrii? (the last in the Queen of Olalds Name) was a Title of Honour peculiar to all the Kings and Queens of Olala, and therefore possibly signifies either Prince, or King and Queen, or the like. As tp this Country being subject to a Woman, I understood from intelligent persons of the Country, that in Olala Men were, and are always, wont to reign, and that 'tis a custom receiv'd in India amongst the greatest part of the Gentiles} that the Sons do not succeed their Fathers, but the Sons of their Sisters ; they accounting the Female-line more certain, as indeed 1 I.e., Param, or Para, Brah77ia, the €ei\ei BraJwia (or Pervader) (see ante, p. 73, note i), from the Sanskrit root, brih. ^ For a comparison of the Hindu deities with those worshipped by Greeks and Romans, see Dubois' Mceurs des peuples de PInde, vol. ii, p. 293. In the consideration of the question here raised the distinc tion (pointed out by Sir Monier Williams in Modem India, pp. 155 and 191) between Brahmanism and Hinduism must be bome in mind. ^ Probably meant for Kshatrya, the name of the second, or warlike, caste, from which kings are selected. Queens and princesses of the Malabar royal families are restricted in their choice of paramours to men of either the Kshatrya (military) caste, or Brahmans, and hence the descendants of the former caste style themselves " Kshatryas" (see Sir R. Burton's Goa and the Blue Mountains, p. 210). * This applies in India to some of the Southern races only. See ante, p. 218, note 2. HISTORY OF THE QUEEN OF OLALA. 313 it is, than the Male. Yet the last King of Olala having neither Nephews nor other Legitimate Heirs, his Wife succeeded him ; and she, also dying without other Heirs, left this Abag-devl, who was her Sister, to succeed her. To whom, because she is a Woman and the descent is certain, is to succeed a Son of hers, of whom I shall here after make mention ; but to him, being a Man, not his own Sons, but the Son of one of his Sisters, hereafter likewise mention'd, is to succeed.^ IX. — Not to conceal what I know ofthe History of this Queen, I shall add that, after her Assumption of the Throne upon the death of her Sister, she was married for many years to the King of Banghel, who now is a fugitive, depriv'd of his Dominions, but then reign'd in his own Country which borders upon hers. Yet, though they were Husband and Wife, (more for Honor's sake than any thing else) they liv'd not together, but apart, each in their own Lands: on the confines whereof, either upon Rivers, where they caus'd Tents to be erected over boats, or in other places of delight, they came to see and converse with one another ; the King of Banghel wanting not other Wives and Women who accompany'd him wherever he went 'Tis reported that this Queen had the Children, which she hath, by this King of Banghel, if they were not by some other secret and more intimate Lover; for, they say. she wants not such. The Matrimony and good Friendship having lasted many years between the King of Banghel and the Queen, I know not upon what occasion discord arose between them, and such discord that the Queen divorc'd him, sending back to him, (as the custom is in such case) all the Jewels which he had given her as his Wife. For this, and perhaps for other 1 For observations on this custom see Wilks' Hist, of Mysore, pp. 121 and 122, and Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, p. 151^^^^^. 314 WAR WITH THE KING OF BANGHEL. causes, he became much offended with the Queen, and the rupture proceeded to a War: during which it so fortun'd that one day as she was going in a boat upon one of those Rivers, not very well guarded, he, sending his people with other boats in better order, took her and had her in his power : yet with fair carriage and good words she prevail'd so far that he let her go free and return to her Country. In revenge of this injury she forthwith rais'd War against the King of Banghel, who relied upon the aid of the neighbouring Portugals because he was confederate with them, and (as they say of many Royolets of India) Brother in Arms to the King of Portugal. The Queen, to counterpoise that force, call'd to her assistance against the King of Banghel, and the Portugals who favour'd him, the neighbouring King Venk-tapd Naieka? who was already become very potent and fear'd by all his Neighbours, and under his protection and obedience she put her self Venk- tapd Naieka sent a powerful Army in favour of the Queen, took all the King of Banghel's Territories and made them his own, destroying the Fort which was there; he also made prey of divers other petty Lords thereabouts, de molishing their strength, and rendering them his Tribu taries ; one of whom was the Queen of Cumat? who was also confederate with the Portugals, and no friend to her of Olala: he came against Mangalbr? where in a battle rashly undertaken by the Portugals he defeated a great number ; and, (in short) the flower and strength of India? carrying the Ensigns, Arms and Heads of the slain to Ikkerv" in triumph. He did not take Mangalbr, because he would not, answering the Queen of Olala who urg'd ' See ante, pp. i68 and 2i6. 2 Le., Karndta, or the Kanarese country. See a/ite, p. i68, note I. 3 See ante, p. 212, note 2. * This statement must be accepted cu7n gra7w. ° See ante, p. 216, note i. CIC-RAU-CIAUERU. 315 him to it; That they could do that any time with much facihty, and that 'twas best to let those Portugals remain in that small place, (which was rather a House than a Fortress) in respect of the Traffick and Wares which they brought to the benefit of their Countries. After which he came to a Treaty with the Portugals, by which he restor'd the Ensigns he had taken from them, and by their means the King of Banghel surrendered the Fort, which Venk- tapd, as I said before, demolish'd ; besides making other conditions which are now under consideration, accordincr as is above-mention'd in my Relation of the Embassie to Ikkeri? This was the War of Banghel, in which the Queen got the better of the King and the Portugals, of which she was very proud ; yet, withall, her Protector, Venk-tapd Naieka, who is very rapacious and little faithful, sufficiently humbled her, and she got not much benefit by him, saving quiet living; for, besides his subjecting her to his obedience in a manner, she was necessitated, whether by agreement, or violence, I know not, to resign to him Berdrete? which is the best and richest City she had, together with much Land on the confines of Venk-tapd, and of the inner part of her Country, which amounted to a good part of her Dominions; however at present she lives and governs her Country in Peace, being respected by all her Neighbours. This Queen had an elder Son than he who now lives; he was call'd Cic-Rau-Ciauerii? and dy'd a while since. The Portugals say that she herself caus'd poyson to be given him because the young man, being grown up and of much spirit, aspir'd to deprive her of the Government and make ''- See ante, pp. 285-86. 2 Not traceable in modern maps. 3 Probably meant for " Chikka-Rao", or "Junior Chief. "Ciaueru" seems to be a misprint for " Ciautru", the title already mentioned at p. 312, quod vide. 3l6 RUMOURS ABOUT THE QUEEN, himself Master: which is possible enough; for divers other Princes in the world have procur'd the death of their own Children upon jealousie of State; so prevalent is that cursed, enormous, ambition of ruling. Yet, such an impiety not being evident to me concerning the Queen, I will not wrongfully defame her, but rather believe that the young man dy'd a natural death, and with regret to her. So neither do I believe what the Portugals,incens'd against her, further report, namely that she hath attempted to poyson this second Son, but that it succeeded not, he being advertis'd thereof by his Nurse who was to give him the poyson; since I see that this Son lives with her, in the same place and house, peaceably, which would not be if there were any such matter: nor can I conceive why she should go about to extinguish all her own Issue in this manner, hav ing now no other Heir born of herself X. — December the fifth. The Queen of Olala's Son, who, though he govern not, (for the Mother administers all alone, and will do so as long as she lives) yet for honor's sake is styl'd King, and call'd Celuud Rairii? (of which words Celuui is his proper name, and Raird his title) sent for the Brachman, my Interpreter, in the Morning, and, discoursing long with him, made particular inquiry about me, telling him that he understood I was much whiter than the Portugals who us'd to trade in that Country and of a very good presence and consequently must needs be a person of quality. In conclusion he bid him bring me to him when my convenience serv'd; for he was very desirous to see me and speak with me. This Message being related to me, I let pass the hour of dinner, (because, having.no appetite, and finding my stomack heavy, I would not dine this day) and, when it seem'd a convenient time, I went 1 Probably meant for "Saluva Rairu", or King Saluva. Unknown to fame, so far as has been ascertained. THE PALACE. 317 (with my Interpreter) cloth'd in black, after my custom ; yet not with such wide and long Breeches down to the heels, as the Portugals for the most part are wont to wear in India} in regard of the heat, (for they are very commodious, covering all the Leg and saving the wearing of Stockings, so that the Leg is naked and free) but with Stockings and Garters and ordinary Breeches, without a Cloak, (though it is us'd by the Portugal Souldiers in India, even of greatest quality) but with a large Coat, or Cassock,^ open at the sides, after the Country fashion. The Palace, which may rather be call'd Capanna Reale (a Royal Lodge), is entered by a Gate like the grate, or lattice,* of our Vine-yards at Rome, ordinary enough, placed in the midst of a field, which like them is divided by a small hedge from the neighbouring fields. Within the Gate is a broad Walk, or Alley, on the right side whereof is a spacious cultivated plot, at the end of which the Walk turns to the right hand, and there, upon the same plot, stands the Royal Mansion, having a prospect over all the said great green field. In the middle of this second turn of the Walk you enter into the House, ascending seven, or eight, wooden stairs, which lead into a large Porch, the length of which is equal to the whole fore-part of the House. This Porch was smeared with cow-dung after their manner, the walls about shining, and beiqg painted with a bad red colour much us'd by them. The fore-part of it, which is all open, is upheld by great square posts, of no great height, for 'tis their custom to make all buildings, especially Porches, low in respect of their breadth and length, with very broad eaves; which is, I believe, by reason of the great heat of the Country, where they have more need of shade and coolness, than of air, or light Directly opposite to the 1 I.e., Paijimas, or loose trousers. 2 See a7ite, p. 43, note 4 ^ In original, " Cancello". 31 8 THE king's CHAMBER. Stairs, in the middle of the Porch, was another small Porch, which was the only entrance into the inner part of the building. Within the little Porch was a small room, long and narrow, where the King sate near the wall on the left side; and he sate upon the ground after the Eastern manner, upon one of those coarse cloths, which in Persia and Turkic are call'd Kieliiri? and serve for poor people; nor was it large, but onely so much as to contain the Person of the King, the rest of the room being bare, saving that it was smoothed over- with Cow-dung.^ Beside the King, but a little farther on his left hand, sate upon a little mat, suffi cient onely to contain him, a Youth of about fifteen, or eighteen, years of age, call'd Bali Rairii? who is his nephew, and is to succeed him, being the Son of his deceased Sister, who was daughter of the present Queen.* The Father of this Youth was a neighbouring Gentile Prince, whom they call the King of Cumbid} (or perhaps more correctly, Kunble) call'd by his proper name Ramo- Ndto-Arl^ ; of which words Ramb-Ndto is the proper name, and Ari' the title. They said he was still living, though others at Goa told me afterwards that he was dead. But beingS this young Bale Rairii was not to succeed his Father, but had Right of Inheritance in Olala, therefore he liv'd not in his Father's Country, but here at Manel \^'ith his Grand- 1 See ante, p. 253. An interesting article on Turkish and Persian carpets, by Mr. Church, will be found in Tlie Portfolio of April 1892. - As to this use of cow-dung, see a/ite, pp. 87, 230, and 231. = See ante, p. 316, note i. * As to this rule of succession, see a/ite, p. 218, note 2. ^ Marked "Coombla" in Wyld's map of India. It is a small town on the coast, of no importance. ° More correctly " Rdmndth Adi". ' I.e., Rdm, or Rdma, an incarnation of Vishnu (see a/ite, p. 223), Nath, " Lord", and Adi, or Ari, " First" or " Chief. 8 For "since"; see a7tte, p. 27, note l. FLY-FLAPPERS. 319 mother and his Uncle. None other sate with the King, but three, or four, of his more considerable servants stood in the room, talking with him ; and in the great Porch, outside the little one, stood in files on either side other servants of inferior degree, two of whom nearest the entrance fanned the Air with fans of green Taffeta^ in their Hands, as if to drive away the flyes from the King, or from the entrance, a Ceremony us'd, as I have said elsewhere, by Indian Princes for Grandeur^ ; and they told me the use of a green colour was a ceremony too, and the proper badge of the King of Olala, for the King of Banghel uses Crimson ; other Princes white, as I saw us'd by Venk-tapd Naieka^ ; and others, per haps, other colours. A small company indeed, and a poor appearance for a King; which call'd to my remembrance those ancient Kings, Latinus, Turnus and Evander} who, 'tis likely, were Princes of the same sort^ Such persons as came to speak with the King stood with out in the Porch, either on one side, or in the middle of the little Porch; either because the room was very small and not sufficient for many people ; or rather, as I believe, for more State. The King was young, not above .seventeen 1 In the original Ze7idado, which means a thin kind of silk cloth. "Taffeta" is so called from the Persian word Tafta7t, "to w^ave" A remarkable instance of the rapid naturalization of a foreign word is found in the use of the word " Taffata" as early as in Shakespeare's time, to denote flimsy, or frivolous talk. (See Love's Labour's Lost, Act V, Sc. 2) : " Taffata phrases, silken terms precise, Three-pil'd hyperboles, spruce affectation. Figures pedantical." See also Lovis Labour's Lost, Act v, Sc. 2 : " Beauties no richer than rich taffata." 2 See ante, p. 251. 'See ante, p. 251. * See Virgil's ^7ieid, vii, viii, and ix. The last name is written as " Austfe" in the original. '" " Tum res inopes Evandrus habebat." (Virg., ^n., viii, 100.) 320 DESCRIPTION OF THE KING. years of age, as they told me, yet his aspect showed him to be older ; for he was very fat and lusty, as far as I could conjecture of him while sitting, and, besides, he had long hairs of a beard upon his face, which he suffer'd to grow without cutting, though they appeared to be but the first down. In complexion he was dusky ,^ not black, as his Mother is, but rather of an earthy colour, as almost all the Malabaris' generally are. He had a louder and bigger voice than Youths of his age use to have, and in his speak ing, gestures and all other things he shew'd Judgment and manly gravity. From the girdle upwards he was all naked, saving that he had a thin cloth painted with several colours* cast across his shoulders. The hair of his head was long after their manner, and ty'd in one great knot, which hung on one side wrapt up in a little plain piece of linnen, which looked like a night-cap fallen on one side. From the girdle downwards I saw not what he wore, because he never rose from his seat, and the Chamber was somewhat dark ; besides that the painted cloth on his shoulders hung down very low. His Nephew who sate beside him was not naked, but clad in a wholly white garment ; and his Head was wrapt up in a greater fold of white cloth, like a little Turban.* XI. — When I came before the King his Men made me come near to the little Porch in the midst of them, where standing by myself, after the first salutations, the King presently bid me cover my head ; which I forthwith did without further intreaty ; though with his Mother, being a Lady, I was willing to superabound in Courtesie, speak ing to her all the time uncover'd. But with the Son, who was a Man, I was minded to enjoy the priviledge of my ''- In original, " basso". '' See ante, p. 121, note 4. ^ I.e., chintz. See ante, p. 45, note i. * See a7ite, p. 248, note 4. CONVERSATION WITH THE KING. 32 1 descent, and to receive the favour which he did me as due to my quality. At first they offer'd me nothing to sit upon, nor was it fitting to sit down upon the bare ground. Yet, to shew some difference between my self and the by standers, after I had put on my Hat I lean'd upon my Sword and so talk'd as long as I was standing, which was not long, the King, who at first sat side-wise, turning himself directly towards me, although by so doing he tum'd his back to his Nephew. He ask'd me almost all the same questions as his Mother had done^ ; Whence I came? What Countries I had travell'd through ? What Princes I had seen ? Whether I had left my own Country upon any misfortune? Or why? How I would have done thus alone in strange Countries, in case of sickness or other accidents ? To all which I answer'd as I had done to his Mother ; and upon my saying that I wander'd thus alone, up and down, trusting in the help of God, he ask'd me. Who was my God ? I answer'd him, (pointing upwards) " The God of Heaven, the Creator of the Universe"; whereupon certain Souldiers there present, (in all likelyhood Moors) as if applauding me, said, Ah! Chodia, Chodia} which in the Persian Tongue signifies Lord, and is meant for God; inferring that I worship'd the true God, whom the Moors pretend to know, in opposition to the Idols of the Gentiles oi the Country ; and they us'd the Persian word Chodia, because that probably the Sect of Mahomet came into these parts from Persia? (which is not very remote from India) as also from Arabia; or, perhaps. ' See ante, pp. 308-10. 2 For Khiida, " Lord" or " God" (Arabic). ' The first invasion of India by Muhammadans (a.d. 664) was made by Arabs. But they only penetrated as far as Multdn. The first invasion of the westem coast of India, to which P. della Valle probably refers in this passage, was by a Persian army sent from Shirdz in a.d. 71 1. (See Elphinstone's Hist, of India, pp. 259-61."! 322 A PRESENT TO THE KING. because the Indians of the Territory of Idal-Scidh? and Dacdn} being in great part Moors, use much the Persian Tongue, which is spoken in the Courts of those Princes no less than their natural Language* ; with whom these other Indians more inland to the South have, by reason of neighbourhood, communication both in Religion and Speech. The King told me several times that he had very great contentment in seeing me and that no European of any quality had ever been in his Country; that my person well shew'd of what quality I was. Nor was he mistaken herein ; for what other person would ever go out of Europe into his Country ? unless some Portugal Merchant, one of those who come hither for the most part to seek wood to make masts and yards for Ships ; these Woods abounding with very goodly Trees. I told him I was sorry I had nothing worthy to present to him ; that in my Country there wanted not gallant things for his Highness ; but, it being so many years since my departure thence, and my Travels extending so far, I had nothing left as I desir'd; yet, as a memorial of my service, I should venture to give him a small trifle from my Country. Whereupon I caus'd my Interpreter, who carried it, to offer him a little Map of the World which I had brought with me out of Italy; telling him what it was, and how all the Countries, Lands, Seas and Islands of the world were exactly delineated in it, with their Names set to each place in our Tongue, and all that was necessary to make him understand what it was. The King was greatly pleas'd with it and desir'd to see several Countries, where they lay, and how great they were, asking me sundry questions about them; but, being* he understood 1 See ante, p. 143, note 5, and p. 149. ^ See ante, p. 141, note i. ' See ante, p. 1 50, note 2. * For " since"; see p. 28, note I. A PRESSING INVITATION. 323 not our letters written therein, he satisfi'd himself with the sight onely and with shewing it to all the by-standers as a curious and ingenious Work of Art Then he ask'd me whether I could eat in their Houses, or of their meats ; for he desir'd to give me something to eat. I answer'd that I could, and that the purity of our Religion consisted not in the eating, or touching, of things, but in doing good works. He eamestly desir'd of me that I would stay awhile till some meat were prepar'd for me ; for by all means he would have me eat something in his House, and would himself see me eating. I told him that, if his intention were onely to give me meat, the time was already past, nor was I dispos'd to eat; but if it were to see me eat, I could not eat in that place after the fashion of my Country, not having there the preparations necessary thereunto, so that his Highness^ would not see what, perhaps, he desir'd ; and therefore I besought him to excuse me. Nevertheless he was so urgent for it, that not to appear discourteous, I consented to obey him. And, till the meat came,' the King commanded some of his Servants to conduct me to sit down by them in the Porch, where I might sit after our manner, but not in the King's sight. Hereupon I with-drew with some of his Men to enter tain me, and in the mean time the King remain'd talking with the rest of them concerning me, commending me much for several things, but, above all, for a good presence, for speaking truly and discreetly like a Gentleman, and for my civil deportment But, before I proceed further, I will here present you with a rough and unmeasur'd draught of the King's House and the place wherein he was ; so far as may suffice for the better understanding of what is already said and is to follow after. 1 As to this title of " Highness" (and other titles), see Selden's Titles of Honour, Part i, p. 140, and D'Israeli's Curiosities of Litera ture, p. 66. 324 GROUND-PLAN OF THE PALACE. MMM 1. At the foot of this design is the Gate of the Palace. 2. The Walk leading to it, and included within the enclosure of the palace. 3. A great plain and sown field. 4. The turning of the Walk before the House, where the short lines, intersecting the outward line towards the field, represent the Trees planted at equal distances and in order. 5. Seven or eight wooden Stairs leading up to the Porch. 6, The Porch of the House, in which the little squares, near the EXPLANATION OF GROUND-PLAN. 3^5 outer lines, are the wooden pillars which support it, and the surround.. ing lines are the walls. 7. The King's Servants, standing on either side without the little Porch of the Chamber. 8. I, Pietro Della Valle, when I first talk'd with the King, standing. 9. The Room wherein the King was. 10. The King, sitting on the ground upon a little coarse cloth. II. The King's Nephew, sitting on the ground upon a little mat. 12. The King's Servants standing. 13. I, Pietro Delia Valle, ."fitting in the said room on the ground upon a little low Table, whilst I ate and discours'd with the King a very long time together; the place mark'd with the number 13 being that where they set the meat before me. 14. A small open Court. 1 5. A small slope, or bank, in the said Court, leading from the more inward Chambers to that where the King was. 16. Inner Chambers and Lodgings, which what they were I saw not ; but they were of very bad earthen buildings, low and covered with thatch, like Cottages, that is with Palm-leaves ; which are always to be understood when I speak of Cottages, or Houses, cover'd with thatch in India. 17. I, Pietro Della Valle, sitting between two of the King's Servants upon the side of the Porch, (after haying spoken the first time with the King) entertaining me while the meat was preparing. XII. — The meat was not long in preparing, and, it being now in order, the King call'd for me again to enter into the room where it stood ready ; and one of the Brachmans, who spoke Portugal and was wont to accompany me, Jisk'd me Whether it would not be more convenient for me to ungird my Sword and put off my Cassack^ ? I answer'd, that my Cassack gave me no trouble, nor was there occa sion to lay it off; but my Sword might be laid aside, and, therewith ungirding it, I gave it him to hold : which I did the rather because, all Princes being commonly suspicious, I imagin'd the King would not like my entring in with Arms ; and he that goes into another's House, to visit him and do him honour, is not to disgust, but to comply with, him in all points. So I enter'd without a Sword, but yet 1 See ante, p. 43> ^o^'- 326 THE SHOE QUESTION. with shoes and stockings on, though with them it be un usual to do so ; for none should enter into that place but bare-foot, and the King himself is so there, according to their custom : nor did I scruple^ as to their taxing me with uncleanliness, as undoubtedly they would have done in Turkic and Persia if I had enter'd into their rooms with shoes, or slippers, on, because there all the rooms are cover'd with Carpets, but there was not any in these of the King, onely the pavement was gloss'd with Cow-dung.^ Where fore, as to have put off my shoes, (besides that they are not so easily slip'd off as Pantofles, nor does it shew well to do so) would have been an exorbitant and unnecessary humility, so to enter with them on was to me convenient and decor ous, without any liableness to be accus'd of uncleanliness, being* the floore was not cover'd; if it had been so with Carpets, or the like, as 'tis usual in Turkie and Persia, then, (to avoid seeming slovenly by soiling the place with my dirty shoes and my self by sitting upon them,* which indeed is not handsome) I should have caus'd my shoes to be pull'd off ; for which purpose I had accordingly caus'd a pair of slippers of our fashion to be brought along with me, in case there should have been need of them ; our kind of shoes being not so easie to be put off, by shaking the foot alone without the help of the hand, as those which for this end are us'd by all the Eastern people.^ Entering in this manner and saluting the King as I pass'd I went to sit down at the upper end of the Chamber, (as 'tis above describ'd) where they had prepar'd a little 1 So Milton : " He scrupled not to eat against his better know ledge" (Par. Lost, ix, 997). '•* See ante, p. 231. ' For "since"; see ante, p. 28, note. * This result would follow from the adoption of the usual deferen tial posture of kneeling- and sitting on the heels. '-> Shoes, or slippers, open at the heels being usually wom by Oriental nations. RICE, FIGS AND PICKLES. 327 square board of the bigness of an ordinary stool, which might serve for a single person, but rais'd no more than four fingers above the ground ; upon this I sat down, crossing my Legs one over the other; and that little elevation help'd me to keep them out from under me, with such decency as I desir'd. Right before the seat, upon the bare floor, (the Indians not using any Tables) they had spread, instead of a dish, (as their custom is, especially with us Christians, with w-hom they will not defile their own vessels ; it not being lawful for them ever to eat again in those wherein we have eaten) a great Leaf of that Tree which the Arabians and Persians call Mouz? the Portugals in India Field d' India, Indian Fig-trees; and upon the said Leaf they had lay'd a good quantity of Rice, boyl'd, after their manner, onely with water and salt ; but for sauce to it there stood on one side a little vessel made of Palm-leaves, full of very good butter melted. There lay also upon another Leaf one of those Indian Figgs, clean and pared ; and hard by it a quantity of a certain red herb,^ commonly eaten in India, and call'd by the Portugals Bredo, (which yet is the general appellation of all sort of herbs). In another place lay several fruits us'd by them, and, amongst the rest, slices of the Bambii? or great Indian Cane; all of them preserv'd in no bad manner, which they call Acciab? besides one sort pickled with Vinegar, as our Olives are. Bread there was none, because they use none, but the Rice is instead of it ; which was no great defect to me, because I am now accustom'd to do without it, and eat 1 For Mouzah, the Arabic name of Musa Paradisiaca, the " plan tain" ; or Musa sapientuDi, usually called banana. 2 Perhaps the tomato (Lycopersicu7n esculentu7ii). ¦* See p. 220, note 3. ¦• Properly Achdr, a native word for any kind of pickle. Mandelslo, speaking of mangoes, says : " They (i.e., the natives of India) get them while they are green, and put them up in salt, vinegar and gariick, and then they call them ' Mangas d'Achar'." 328 CURRY AND RICE. very little. The King very earnestly pray'd me to eat, excusing himself often that he gave me so small an en tertainment on the sudden ; for if he had known my coming beforehand he would have prepar'd many Carils^ and divers other more pleasing meats. Caril is a name which in India they give to certain Broths made with Butter, the Pulp of Indian Nuts, (instead of which in our Countries Almond Milk may be us'd, being equally good and of the same virtue) and all sorts of Spices, particularly Cardamoms^ and Ginger, (which we use but little) besides herbs, fruits and a thousand other condi ments. The Christians, who eat everything, add Flesh, or Fish, of all sorts, especially Hens, or Chickens, cut in small pieces, sometimes Eggs, which, without doubt, make it more savory : with all which things is made a kind of Broth, like our Guazetti, or Pottages, and it may be made in many several ways ; this Broth, with all the abovesaid ingredients, is afterwards poured in good quantity upon the boyled Rice, whereby is made a well-tasted mixture, of much substance and light digestion, as also with very little pains ; for it is quickly boyled, and serves both for meat and bread together. I found it very good for me, and used it often, as also the Pildo elsewhere spoken of* and made of Rice and butter boyled with it and flesh fryed therein, be sides a thousand other preparations of several sorts which are so common to everybody in Asia; and I account it one of the best and wholesomest meats that can be eaten in the world, without so many Artificial Inventions as our gut- lings of Europe (withall procuring to themselves a thousand infirmities of Gouts, Catarrhs and other Maladies, little 1 This is our well-known "curry" in disguise. The word is derived from the Persian Khjirdi. 2 Carda7no7nu77i repens. (See Eastwick's Handbook, p. 299.) ^ In pne of the Letters from Persia. HANDS FOR SPOONS. 329 known to the Orientals^) daily devise to the publick damage. But to return to my Relation, the King told me he would have given me a better entertainment, but yet desired me to receive this small extemporary one, and eat without any respect, or shyness of those that were present ; for thereby he should understand that I " liked it. I answer'd that the Favour and Courtesie which his High ness shew'd me was sufficient : but as for eating, the time being now past, I did. it onely to obey him ; and so, to comply with him, although I had little will to eat, I tasted lightly here and there of those fruits and herbs, where with my Hand was a little soiled, which upon occasion I wiped with my handkerchief, being^ they use no other Table-linnen, nor had any laid for me. The King, seeing that I touched not the Rice, spoke to me several times to eat of it, and to pour upon it some of that butter which stood by it prepared. I did not, because I would not grease my self, there being no Spoon ; for the Indians eat every thing with the Hand alone and so do the Portugals; I know not whether as having learnt so to do in India of the Indians, or whether it be their own natural custdm ; but they too, for the most part, eat with the Hand alone, using no spoon, and that very ill-favouredly ; for with the same Hand, if need be, they mingle together the Rice, the Butter, the Carll^ and all other things how greasie soever, daubing themselves up to the wrist, or rather washing their Hands in their meat before they eat it ; (a fashion indeed sufficiently coarse for people of Europe) : and though at ^ Gout is certainly not prevalent in India, even if known there. By some physicians gout is attributed to the eating of animal food, and this theory, if tme, may account for the exemption of natives of India from the disease. '^ For " since"; see ante, p. 28, 7]ote. ^ See a7tte, p. 328, note I. 330 A BARBAROUS CUSTOM. their Tables, which are handsome enough, there want not knives, spoons and silver forks, and some few sometimes make use thereof, yet the universal custom is such that few use them, even when they lie before them. The truth is they wash their Hands many times during one dinner, to wit as often as they grease them, but they wipe them not first; for neither do they make use of napkins, whether they have any before them (as for the most part they have) or not ; but, besides the trouble of washing so often, in my judgment there is but little neatnesse in washing their greasy Hands after that manner ; and I know not whether the washing cleanses, or defiles more. I, being accus tomed to the neatness of Italy? could not conform to slovenliness ; and, let them cover this barbarous custom with what pretence they please, either of military manners, or what else they think fit, 'tis little trouble for a civil Man to carry even in the Warr and Travels, amongst other necessary things, a spoon, knife and fork, where with to eat handsomely. The Turks themselves, barbarous as they are, yet are so much observers of this that amongst them there is not the meanest Souldier, but who, if he hath not other better convenience, at least carries his spoon^ ty'd to the belt of his sword. 1 On this point, a curious passage from Coryat's Crudities, vol. i, p. io6, may be quoted : " I observed a custom in all those Italian cities and towns, through the which I passed, that is not used in any other country that I saw in my travels, neither do I think that any other nation of Christendom doth use it, but only Italy. The ItaHans, and also most other strangers that are commorant in Italy, do always at their meals use a little fork when they cut their meat." Then he describes how they use the fork and continues : " The reason of this their curiosity is because the Italian cannot by any means endure to have his dish touched with fingers, seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean.'' And then he proceeds to tell how he himself adopted the custom, and, when he made use of his fork in England, was called " Furcifer" by his friends. 2 This is not the custom among the Turks at the present day. EATING 1 LA MODE. 331 In short the King frequently urg'd me to eat of the Rice, and I as often refused with several excuses ; at last he was so importunate that I was fain to tell him 1 could not eat that meat in that manner because I had not my Instruments. The King told me I might eat after my own way and take what Instruments I would, which should be fetch'd from my House. I reply'd divers times that there was no need, and that my tasting of it was enough to testifie my obedience. However by all means he would have what was necessary fetch'd from my House. So I sent my Brcu:hman and my Christian Servant with my key, and they, the King so enjoyning, went and return'd in a moment, for my House was directly over against the Palace. They brought me a spoon, a silver fork and a clean and fine napkin, very handsomely folded in small plaits ; this I spread upon my knees which it cover'd down to my feet, and so I began to eat Rice, pouring the butter upon it with a spoon, and the other things with the fork, after a very cleanly manner, without greasing my self, or touching any thing with my Hands, as 'tis my custom. The King and all the rest admir'd these exquisite, and to them unusual, modes ; crying out with wonder Deuru, Deuru, that I was a Deum, that is a great Man, a God, as they speak. I told the King that for eating according to my custom there needed much preparation of a table, linnen, plates, dishes, cups and other things ; but I was now travelling through strange Countries, and treated my self "alia Soldatesca", after the Souldiers' fashion, leading the life of a Gioghi, and consequently had not with me such things as were necessary. The King answer'd that it suffic'd him to see thus much, since thereby he easily imagin'd how all my other things would be, and that, in brief, he had never seen any European like me, and that it was a great contentment to him to see me. He desir'd me several times to eat more, perceivr 332 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. ing that I rather tasted of things to please him than to satiate my self He caus'd divers other Fruits, pickled with Vinegar and Salt, to be brought me by a Woman who came from the inner rooms through the little Court ; as also for my drink (in a cup made likewise of Palm- leaves^) a kind of warm Milk, to which they are accustom'd, and which seem'd to me very good. XIII. — Both before and after and whilst I was eating I had much discourse with the King, who entertain'd me, sitting there, above two long hours ; but, not remembring it all, I shall onely set down some of the most remarkable particulars. He ask'd me concerning our Countries, all the Christian Princes, with the other Moors and Pagan Princes whom I had seen ; concerning the power and Armies of each and their Grandeur in comparison of others.^ On which occasion I told him that amongst us Christians the prime Prince was the Pope, my Lord, the Head of the Church and the High-Priest, to whom all others gave Obedience ; the next was the Emperor, in dignity the first of Souldiers, or secular Princes ; that the first Nation was France; and that for Territory and Riches Spain had most of all ; with many other circum stances too long to be rehearsed. Which discourse led me to tell him, as I did, that the King of Portugal, as they call him, that is the King of Spain, so much esteem'd in India, pay'd Tribute to our Lord the Pope for the King dom of Naples, which he held of His Holiness in homage ; for which he had a great conceit of the Pope. As to the Moorish Princes I said concerning the Moghbl? whom he much cryed up to me, that we held him indeed for the richest in treasure, but otherwise had greater esteem of the Turk and the Persian, because, though the Moghbl hath an ''- See ante, p. 294, note 7. '' " The usual exchange of questions and answers which compose the small-talk of an Oriental visit" (Burton, Goa, etc., p. 179). ^ See ante, p. 48, note 2. shAh ABBAS. 333 infinite number of people, and, without doubt, more than others, yet they were not people fit for war ; and that the Scidh? among the rest, did not value him at all, as mani festly appear'd in the late war. As to Scidh Abbas the King profess'd to account him a great Prince, a great Souldier and a great Captain ; and I related to him how I had been for a great while together very familiar with him, and that he had done me many favours, having me with him on divers notable occasions : whereto he answer'd that he did not doubt it, and that being such a person as I was there was no Prince but would highly favour me. He ask'd me also concerning the commodities of our Countries and of those which are brought from thence into these Oriental parts ; and (being- that in India they are accustom'd to the Portugals, who, how great Personages soever they be,' are all Merchants, nor is it any disparagement amongst them) he ask'd me whether I had brought from my Country any thing to bargain withall, either Pearls, or Jewels, for he knew very good ones came from thence? I answer'd him that in my Country the Nobles of my rank never practis'd Mer chandize, but onely used Arms, or Books, and that I addicted myself to the latter and meddled not with the former. He ask'd me how I was supply'd with Money for my Travels in so remote Countries? I answer'd that I had brought some along with me and more was sent me from time to time by my Agents, either in Bills, or in ready Money, according as was most expedient in reference to the diversity of places. He ask'd me whether I had either a Father, or a Mother, Brothers, or Sisters, Wife, or Children remaining by that Wife, who, I said, was pass'd to a better life ? I answer'd that I had not ; . whereupon he said it was no wonder then that I pleas'd myself in ' That is, the Shdh of Persia. See ante, p. 1 50. 2 For " since"; see ante, p. 28, note. 334 HORSE DEALERS. wandering thus about the World, being so much alone and destitute of all kindred. And, indeed, the King did not ill inferr ; for had any of my dearest Relations been Hving, as they are not, perhaps I should not have gone from home, nor even seen Manel, or Olala; but since 'tis God's Will to have it so I must have patience. The King told me that if I could procure a good Horse out of my Country he would pay very well for it, for the Indians have none good of their own breed^ ; and the good ones they have are brought to them either from Arabia, or Persia, and ^e Portugals make a Trade of carrying them thither to sell, even the greatest Persons, as Governours of places and Captains General, not disdaining to do the same. I, standing upon the point of my Italian Nobility, which allows not such things, answer'd the King that to sell Horses was the Office of Merchants, not my profes sion ; that I might present some good one to his Highness, there being in my Country very good ones, and would gladly do it if it were possible. The King was much pleas'd with this Answer of mine and said to his Men that I spoke like a right Gentleman, plainly and truly ; and did not like many, who promise and say they will do many things, which afterwards they perform not, nor are able to do. He ask'd me concerning Saffron,^ which is much esteemed among them ; they use it, mix'd with Sanders,* to paint their foreheads withal,* as also for Perfumes, for Meats, 1 Sir R. Burton (Goa and the Blue Mountains, p. 174) says, "Arab and other valuable horses cannot stand the climate." See also Yule's Cathay, vol. i, p. 219 ; and ante, p. 194, note 5. 2 It is curious that the saffron plant (Crocus sativa), though a native of Greece and Asia Minor, should be known (and was so, even in the time of Chaucer) by a name derived from the Arabic word safra, " to be yellow". 3 See ante, p. 99, note 2. * See a7tte, pp. 75, 99 (note i), 104 (note 2), and 105. A WHITE SKIN. 335 and for a thousand other uses. I answer'd that I might be able to serve his Highness, that it was a thing that might be transported ; and that in my Country there was enough, and that, if it pleas'd God I arrived there alive, I would send him a Present of it, with other fine things of my Country, which perhaps would be acceptable to him. And indeed, if I arrive in Italy, I intend to make many compliments to this and divers other Princes, whom I know in these parts ; for, by what I have seen, I may get myself a great deal of Honour amongst them with no great charge. Every now and then the King would talk with his Servants, and all was in commendation of me and my discreet speaking, and especially of my white complexion, which they much admired, although in Italy I was never counted one of the fair, and, after so many Travels and so many sufferings both of Body and Mind, I am so changed that I can scarce acknowledge my self an Italian any longer. He prayed me once with much eamestness and courtesie, (out of a juvenile curiosity) to unbrace one of my sleeves a little and my breast, that he might see whether my body were correspondent to my face. I laughed, and, to please him, did so. When they saw that I Wcis whiter under my clothes (where the Air and Sun had not so much injured me) than in the face they all remained astonished and began to cry out again that I was a Deurii, that I was a Hero, a god, and that blessed was the hour when I entered into their House, (I took my self to be Hercules, lodged in the Country of Evander^) and the King, being much satisfied with my courtesie, said that he knew me to be a Noble Man by my civil compliance with his demands ; that if I had been some coarser person I would not have done so, but, per haps, have taken ill, and been offended with, their curious Questions. 1 See Virg., jE7ieis, Lib, viii, loo et seq. 33^ UNRIPE COCONUTS. XIV. — As for the Ceremonies of eating, I must not omit to say that after he saw that I had done eating, notwith standing his many instances to me to eat more, he was contented that I should make an end ; and because most of the meat remained untouch'd, and it was not lawful for them to touch it, or keep it in the House, they caused my Christian Servant to come in and carry it all away (that he might eat it) ; which he did in the napkin which I had us'd before ; for to fling it away, in regard of the dis- courtesie it would be to me, they judged not convenient At length, when I rose up from my seat and took leave of the King, they caused my said Servant to strew a little Cow-dung, (which they had got ready for the purpose) upon the place where I had sat, which, according to their Religion, was to be purified. In the mean time, as I was taking leave of the King, he caused to be presented to me, (for they were ready prepared in the Chamber) and de livered to my Servants to carry home, iour Lagn/} (so they in India, especially the Portugals, call the Indian Nuts before they be ripe, when, instead of Pulp, they contain a sweet refreshing water which is drunk for delight; and if the Pulp, (for of this water it is made) be begun to be congealed yet that little is very tender and is eaten with much delight and is accounted cooling ; whereas when it is hard and fully congealed, the Nut, remaining without water within and in the inner part somewhat empty, that matter of the Nut which is used more for sauce than to eat alone is, in my opinion, heating, and not of so good taste as before when it was more tender). Of these Lagni he caus'd four to be given me, besides I know not how ' The name Lanha is applied on the Malabar coast to the coconut when ripe but still soft. " Sometimes they gather the cocoa fruit before it comes to perfect maturity, and then it is called ' Lanho'." (Mandelslo.) AN ENERGETIC QUEEN. 337 many great bunches of Moid} or Indian Figs, which, though a small matter, are nevertheless the delights of this Country; wherefore as such I received them, and, thanking the King for them, (who also thank'd me much for my visit, testifying several times that he had had very great contentment in seeing me) at length taking my leave I departed about an hour, or little more, before night XV. — I intended to have visited the Queen also at the same time, but I understood she was gone abroad, whilst I was with her Son, to the before-mention'd place of her Works. Wherefore, being desirous to make but little stay in Manel, both that I might dispatch as soon as possible, and, withall, not shew any dis-esteem of the Queen by visit ing her not only after her Son but also on a different day, I resolv'd to go and find her where she was, although it were late; being also persuaded so to do by that Brachm.an to whom I gave my Sword when I went to eat, and who sometimes waited upon the Queen ; and the rather because they told me she was little at home, but, rising at break of day, went forthwith to her Works and there stayed till dinner ; and as soon as dinner was done return'd thither again and remain'd there till night. By which action I observ'd something in her of the spirit of Scidh Abbas King of Persia} and concluded it no wonder that she hath alwayes shew'd herself like him, that is, active and vigorous in actions of war and weighty affairs. Moreover they said that at night she was employ'd a good while in giving Audience* and doing Justice to her Sub jects ; so that it was better to go and speak to her in 1 So spelt in original. A misprint for mouz. See ante, p. 327. 2 Described in Letter IV from Persia. 3 It is a common practice with princes and chief landowners in India to give audiences and transact business at night, in consequence of the heat prevailing while the sun is above the horizon. 338 A MESSAGE TO THE QUEEN. the field, while she was viewing her Workmen, than in the house. Accordingly I went and, drawing near, saw her standing in the field, with a few Servants about her, clad as at the other time, and talking to the Labourers that were digging the Trenches. When she saw us she sent to know where fore I came, whether it were about any business? And the Messenger, being answer'd that it was onely to visit her, brought me word again that it was late and time to go home ; and therefore I should do so, and when she came home she would send for me. I did as she commanded, and return'd to my house, expecting to be call'd when she thought fit ; but she call'd not for me this night, the cause whereof I attributed to her returning very late home, as I understood she did. December the sixth. I understood that the Queen was gone abroad very early to her Works, before I was up, without sending for me. Wherefore, desiring to dispatch, I sent the Brachman, my Interpreter, to her, to remind her that I desir'd to do her Reverence, having come into her Country onely for that purpose, and to know when she pleas'd the time should be. The Brachman gave the Mes sage, and she answer'd that I should not wonder at this delay, being^ that she was employ'd all day at those works ; but, however, she would send for me when she came home. She ask'd the Brachman many questions concerning me ; and, because .some of her people extolled me much, and particularly for Liberality, saying that I had given so much for a House, so much for Hens, so much for other things, she, wondering thereat, said, " Do we here toil and moil so much for a fano} (which is a small piece of Money) and does he spend in this manner ?" The Brachman re- 1 For " since"; see p. 28, note. ^ Ox fana7n, of which the value varies in different localities from i^d. to 15^^. (See Yule's Cathay, etc., vol. ii, p. 344.) DEVIL-WORSHIP. 339 turned with this Answer, and I waited all this day for the Queen's sending, but in vain. In the mean while, not to lose time, I went to see a Temple at the end of the Town, standing on a high place and reached by some ill-favour" d stairs ; they told me it was dedicated to Nardina} yet it is very ill built, like the rest of the Edifices, being cover'd with Palm-leaves for the roof; and, in short, such as suited with such a Town. Then, descending the street which leads to the neighbouring River, I sau- likewise upon another Hill a little square Chappel, which, instead of walls, was inclosed with pales of wood and cover'd with a roof My inter preter told me it was built by this Queen, and that there was in it an Idol dedicated to the Devil, to whom, out of their fear of him, that he may do them no evil, these wretched people do reverence. I, hearing of a thing so strange though not new to my ears, said I would go see it, that I might affirm with trath I had with my own eyes seen the Devil worship'd. The Brachman, my Interpreter, dissuaded me as much as he could, alledging that many Devils dwelt in that place and might do me some mis chief I told him that I was not afraid of the Devil, who had no power over me ; that himself needed to fear him as little as I ; and therefore I desired him to go along with me cheerfully. When he saw me resolute he accompany'd me to the foot of the Hill and shew'd me the way ; but it was not possible for me to get him further ; he remain'd at a distance and said he would by no means approach near that place, for he was afraid of the Devil. Where fore I went forward alone and said. If that Caitif, the '^ See p. 236, note l. From Nara and Ayana, " moving on the water". See Sir W. Jones' Asiatic Researches, who thus quotes from the Mdnava Shdstra : " The waters are called ' Nara' since they are the offspring of Nera, or Ishwar, and thence was Naraya7ia named because his first ayana, or moving, was on them.'' 340 STATUE OF THE DEVIL. Devil, could do anything, let him hurt me ; for I was his Enemy and did not value him ; and that if he did not it was a sign he had no power. Speaking thus and invok ing the Name of Jesus, (at which Heaven, Earth and Hell ought to bow the knee) I mounted up the Hill, and, being come to the Chappel, and finding nobody there, I opened the door and went in. I saw the Idol standing in the middle upon the plain ground, made of white unpolish'd stone, exceeding a human stature, and not of that shape as we paint the Devil, but like a handsome Young Man,i with a high round Diadem upon his Head after their fashion. From each Arm issu'd two Hands, one of which was stretch'd out, the other bent towards the body. In the anterior right Hand he had a kind of weapon, which, I believe was oneof those Indian Ponyards of this form^ LLWtea^^- of which I keep one by me. In the anterior left Hand he had a round thing which I know not what it was, and in the other two Hands I cannot tell what Between the Legs was another Statue of a naked Man with a long beard, and his Hands upon the ground, as if he had been going upon them like an Animal ; and upon this Image the Devil seem'd to ride. On the right Hand of the Idol was a great trank of a Tree, dead but adhering to the root, low and seeming to be the remains of a great Tree that had grown there. I imagine that this Tree was the habitation of the Devils, who are wont to be in this place, and to do much mis- 1 This was probably a figure of a Daily a, or Demon, though it might be intended to represent Siva as "The Destroyer". The " round thing" held in one hand was probably intended for a skull, or for a discus, or quoit, which is sometimes represented as held by Siva. See ante, p. 72, note. 2 The sketch is intended to represent a form of dagger common in India. The shaded part represents the blade, the two horizontal lines form a guard for the wrist, the two vertical lines being handles grasped by the hand, BRIMOR AND MA.HA.DE0. 34! chief; to remedy which the Queen founded this Chappel here and dedicated this Idol to Brimbr} (which they say is the name of a great Devil, King of many thousands of Devils) who dwelt here. The same conjecture was after wards confirm'd to me by others of the Country, all confessing that it was Buto} i.e., the Devil ; for so they term him in their Language. When I had seen all, and spit several times in the Idol's face, I came away and return'd home, upbraiding the Brackman with his Cowardice, and telling him that he might see whether my Religion were good or no ; since so powerful and fear'd a Devil could not hurt me when I went to his very house and did him such injuries. Whereunto the Brachman knew not what to answer. Conceming Idols they told me at Manel that the Queen of Olala and all her Family, as 'twere upon an Hereditary Account, ador'd and held for her principal God an Idol call'd Putid Somndta? which they said was the same with Mahadeii? and which they delineated also as of a round figure, like the little pillar^ of a Land-mark, circular at the top after this manner i~| , as I have else where noted that they pourtray Mahadeii in Cambaia, and the Sun in other places. The same day, Deceinber the sixth, being return'd home before noon I took the Altitude of the Sun at Manel 1 A local deity, of whom hundreds are worshipped in their respec tive villages. 2 That is, Bhuta, a malevolent spirit, or ghost. Demon worship is still common on the S.W. coast of India, particularly among the Shdnirs (pakn cultivators) of Tinnevelli.- For a theory as to its origin, and an account of the ceremonies connected with it, see Sir M. Williams' Modern India, p. 195 et seq. 3 A title of Siva. Literally, " Lord of the Moon". * See ante, p. 72, note. Literally "Great God". '° This was, of course, a Linga7n, the usual emblem of Siva. See anU, pp. 93, 1°°, 208 and 235. 342 AN IMPERTINENT CONCEIT. with an Astrolabe. I found him to decline from the Zenith 35 degrees ; he was this day in the fourteenth degree of Sagittary. His Southern Declination was 22 degrees 30' 24", which subtracted from 35 degrees, (the Altitude which I took) leave 12 degrees 29' 36", which is the Declination of the Equinoctial Southwards from the Zenith of Manil, and also the height of the Northern Pole in that place. So that Manel, where the Queen of Olala now resides, lies 12 degrees 29' 36" distant from the Equinoctial towards the North. At night, having waited all the day and not hearing of the Queen's sending for me, as she had promis'd, I thought it not good to importune her further, but imagin'd she was not willing to be visited more by me. Wherefore I gave Order for a Boat to carry me back to Mangalbr the next day. Of the Queen's not suffering herself to be visited more by me certain Men of the Country who convers'd with me gave sundry Reasons. Some said the Queen imagin'd I would have given her some Present, as indeed I should, which would require a requital ; but, perhaps, she had nothing fit to requite me with in these wretched places, or was loath to give : so that to avoid the shame she thought best to decline the visit. Others said there was no other decent place to give Audience in but that where her Son was ; and for her to come thither did not shew well ; as neither to send for me into some other un handsome place, nor yet to give me Audience in the Street, when it was no unexpected meeting but design'd, for which reason she avoided speaking with me. The Brachman, not my Interpreter but the other who held my Sword, had a more extravagant and (in my opinion) im pertinent conceit, to wit that there was spread such a Fame of my good presence, fairness and handsome manner of conversation, that the Queen would not speak with me for fear she should become enamor'd of me and DEPARTURE FROM MANEL. 343 be guilty of some unbecoming action, at which I heartily laugh'd. 'Twas more probable that she intended to avoid giving people occasion to talk of her for conversing privately with a stranger that was of such Reputation^ amongst them. But, let the Cause be what it will, I per ceiv'd she declin'd my visit and therefore caus'd a Boat to be provided, which (there being no other) was not row'd with Oars, but guided by two Men with Poles of Indian Cane, or Bambii? which serv'd well enough for that shallow River. The next day, December the seventh, a little before Noon, without having seen the Queen, or any other person, I de parted from Manel? In a place somewhat lower, on the left bank of the River, where the Queen receives a Toll* of the Wares that pass by, (which for the most part are only Rice, which is carried out of, and Salt which is brought into, her Country) I stay'd a while to dine. Then, continuing my way, I arriv'd very late at Mangalbr, where, the Shops being shut up, and nothing to be got, I was fain to go supperless to bed. Occasion being offer'd for sending this Letter to Goa, whence the Fleet will depart next fanuary, I would not lose it ; so that, wherever I may happen to reside, the Letter may at least arrive safe to you, whose Hands I kiss with my old Affection. ' I.e., so inferior in the eyes of the native Hindus. '•^ See ante, p. 220, note 3. 3 Manel is perhaps another form of Manjeshward7n. See East wick's Handbook of Madras, p. 301. * Called Soonka. The amount is specified at from 2^ to 10 per cent. (See Burton's Goa and the Blue Mou7itains, p. 199, who gives a list of twenty-seven different tolls or taxes, including two on cattle born with peculiar marks on them, and one on pigs fallen into wells.) LETTER VIL From Goa, fanuary 31, 1624. N this my excursion and absence from Goa, (which was short, but the pleasantest three Moneth's Travel that ever I had) besides the Royal Seats of Ikkeri and Manel, describ'd in my last letter to you, I had the fortune to go as far as Calecut} to the other Royal Seat of H 1 > See ante, p. 60, note 3. Properly " Kdlikot". This well-known town is described by Ibn Batuta (A.D. 1342) as one of the finest ports in the world. Here Vasco da Gama freighted his first ships for Europe in 1498. The name is also sometimes written as " Colicodu'', and is said to be derived from two words, meaning " cock-crow", owing to the fact that the territory granted to the first King of Kd-likot was limited to the extent over which a cock could be heard to crow. (See Buchanan's Joumey through Malcdiar, vol. ii, p. 474.) But this etymology is open to great doubt. It seems more probable that the derivation is as stated at p. 258, note 2. This town occupies an important place in the history of Southem India. In 1502 and 1510 it was attacked by the Portuguese. (See Com7nentaries of Dal boquerque, vol. 11, pp. xxi and Ixiv.) A fortified factory was built here by the Portuguese in 15 13 (see Co7H7nentaries of Dalboquerque, vol. iv, p. 73;, which was destroyed by the Portuguese Governor in 1525, in fear of its falling into the hands of the enemy. In i6i6 an English factory was established here. It was taken by Haidar Ali in T766 (see Wilks' History of Maisiir, vol. i, p. 292), but was occupied by the British forces in 1782. (See Wilks, vol. ii, p. 27.) It was sub- KADIRI. 345 Vikird} call'd by his proper Title, il Samorino} where I have erected the Pillars of my utmost peregrination towards the South. Now on my Return, before. I describe to you the Court of this Samorino and his Princesses, following the order of my Journeys I shall first inform you of my going to the famous Hermitage of Cadiri? and visiting Bati- nato} call'd King of the Gioghi} who lives at this day sequently taken by Tipii Sdhib, but recaptured by the British in 1790. (See WiUcs, vol. ii, p. 180.) The surrounding territory was ceded to the British Govemment in 1792. The town is said to have been built about A.D. 1300 (see Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 297, and Hunter's Gazetteer, sub verb.), but an earlier date (a.d. 805) is assigned to it by D'Anville. For an account of K^likot as it is (and the adjacent country), see Sir R. Burton's Goa and the Blue Mou7itai7is, chaps. X and xi. See also Barbosa, p. 103 et seq: (Hakluyt ed.). ''¦ Or MaTia Vikra7/ia, "valiant", the dynastical name of the Tdmuri/is of KahTcot, and said to be derived from Manicham and Vikram, two of the brothers on whom dominion was originally conferred. ^ Properly Tamurin. See ante, p. xxiii. This word is said by some to be a modification of the Sanskrit word Sa77iu7tri, or " Sea-king", and is one of the titles by which the kings of Kdlikot were known in former days, sometimes spelt "Zamorin" or "Zomodri", or " Zamorine" and (by Ibn Batuta) " Samari". The death of the last independent "Zamorine", in 1766, by self-immolation, owing to the cruelty of Haidar Ali, is described by Forbes (Oriental Me77ioirs, vol. iv, p. 207) and by Wilks (History of Maisiir, vol. i, p. 292.) By his own people the King was called "Tdmuri Riji". His family pre tended to far higher rank than even that of the Brihmans. He was ofthe "Nair"' or "Nayar" race. In Ibn Batuta's Travels there is an account of his honourable reception (a.d. 1342) by the " Samari" (or King) of Kilikot. (See Yule's Cathay a7td the Way Thither, vol. ii, p. 416. See also Co7n77i. of Dalboquerque, vol. i, p. i.) 8 The hill of Kidiri is about two miles distant from Mangalur. On it is a Jain temple and (which is probably the " Hermitage" here men tioned) the residence of a Mahant, or Abbot, of the Kdnphattis (Split- ears), a sect of Hindu ascetics, distinguished by their split ears. It is a pretty spot, shaded with trees, and rich in a spring of the clearest and most delicious water. (See Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 302.) * Probably Bhdt Ndth, or " Lord of the Bhits". See p. 80, note i. '" See a7ite, p. 37, note 5. 346 THE KING OF THE JOGIS. in his narrow limits of that Hermitage, impoverish'd by Venk-tapd Naieka? December the tenth. Being yet in Mangalbr I took the Altitude of the Sun, whom I found to decline from the Zenith 35 degrees and 20 minutes. He was now in the I Sth degree of Sagittary and declined towards the South 22 degrees 55' 28", which being subtracted from the 35 de grees 20' wherein I found him, there remain 12 degrees 24' 32", and so far is Mangalbr distant from the Equinoc tial towards the North and hath the Northern Pole so much elevated. At this time the heat at Mangalbr is such as it is at Rome in the moneth of June, or the end of August On December the eleventh I went in the Morning about half a League from Mangalbr to see the Hermitage, where lives and reigns the Architnandritd' of the Indian Gioglii, whom the Portugals (usually liberal of the Royal Title) style " King of the Gioghi", perhaps because the Indians term him so in their Language ; and in effect he is Lord of a little circuit of Land, wherein, besides the Hermitage and the habitations of the Gioghi, are some few Houses of the Country people and a few very small Villages subject to his Government. The Hermitage stands on the side of a Hill in this manner. II. — On the edge of the Plain, where the ascent of the Hill begins, is a great Cistern, or Lake, from which ascend ing a flight of stairs, with the face turn'd towards the North, you enter into a Gate, which hath a cover'd Porch, and is the first of the whole inclosure, which is surrounded with a wall and a ditch Hke a Fort Having enter'd the said Gate, and going straight forward through a handsome broad Walk, beset on either side with sundry fruit trees, you come to another Gate, where there are stairs and a Porch higher than the former. This opens into a square Piazza, 1 See ante, p. 168. 2 Or chief of a Monastery. THE HERMITAGE. 347 or great Court, in the middle whereof stands a Temple of indifferent greatness, and for Architecture like the other Temples of the Indian Gentiles; onely the Front looks towards the East, where the Hill riseth higher, and the South side of the Temple stands towards the Gate which leads into the Court Behind the Teffiple, on the side of the Court, is a kind of Shed, or Pent-house, with a Charriot in it, which serves to carry the Idol in Procession upon certain Festivals.^ Also in two, or three, other places of the side of the Court, there are little square Chappels for other Idols. On the North Side of the Court is another Gate opposite to the former, by which going out and ascending some steps you see a great Cistern, or Lake, of a long form built about with black stone, and stairs leading down to the surface of the water; in one place next the Wall 'tis divided into many little Cisterns, and it serves for the Ministers of the Temple to wash themselves in and to per form their Ceremonies. The Gate of the Temple, as I said, looks Eastward, where the Hill begins to rise very high and steep. From the Front of the Temple to the top of the Hill are long and broad stairs of the same black stone,^ which lead up to it, and there the place is afterwards plain. Where the stairs begin stands a high, strait and round brazen Pillar,* ty'd about in several places with little fillets ; 'tis about 60 Palms high, and one and a half thick from the bottom to the top, with little diminution. On this Pillar are plac'd about seventeen round brazen wheels, made with many spokes round about like stars : they are to support the 1 See ante, p. 259, note 4. 2 Probably laterite. See Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 303, and Burton (Goa and the Blue Mountains, p. 191), who says : " Laterite is found in great quafttities." 3 This pillar is not mentioned in modern descriptions of the Temple. 348 TEMPLE OF THE IDOL. lights in great Festivals, and are distant about three Palms one from another. The top terminates in a great brazen Candlestick of five branches, of which the middle-most is highest, the other four of equal height. The foot of the Pillar is square, and hath an Idol engraven on each side : the whole structure is, or at least seems to be, all of one piece. The Temple, to wit the inner part where the Idol stands, is likewise all cover'd with brass. They told me that the walls of the whole Inclosure, which are now cover'd with leaves, were sometimes covered with large plates of brass ; but that Venk-tapd Naieka carry'd the same away when, in the war of Mangalbr} his Army pillag'd all these Countries : which whether it be true, or no, I know not. The walls of a less Inclosure (wherein, according to their custom, the Temple stands) are also surrounded on the outside with eleven wooden rails up to the top, distant one above the other little more than an Architectural Palm^; these also serve to bear Lights on Festival occasions ; which must needs make a brave Show, the Temple thereby appearing as if it were all on fire. This Temple is dedi cated to an Idol call'd Moginato? Of what form it is I know not, because they would not suffer us to enter in to see it. III. — Having view'd the Temple I ascended the Hill by the stairs, and passing a good way forward on the top thereof came to the habitations of the Gioghi^ and their King ; the place is a Plain, planted with many Trees, under '^ See ante, p. 314. 2, Probably the Italian measure, or Pab/io, is here referred to, equal to about nine inches. The measure of a " Palm" may also be understood as equal to about 8^ inches (length of a hand), or 3 inches (breadth of a hand). ^ Probably another title of Pdrasndth, the idol worshipped here. (See Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 303.) * 'See ante, p. 37, note 5. THE king's HOUSE. 349 which are rais'd many very great stone pavements, a little height above the ground, for them to sit upon in the shade. There are an infinite number of little square Chappels with several Idols in them and some places cover'd over head, but open round about, for the Gioghi to entertain themselves in. And, lastly, there is the King's House, which is very low built. I saw nothing of it, (and believe it is nothing more) but a small Porch, with walls round about, colour'd with red^ and painted with Elephants and other Animals,^ besides in one place a wooden thing like a little square bed, somewhat rais'd from the ground, and cover'd with a cloth like a Tent ; they told me it was the place where the King us'd to reside and perhaps also to sleep. The King was not here now, but was gone to a Shed, or Cottage, in a great plain field, to see something done, I know not what. The soil is very good, and kept in tillage; where it is not level, by reason of the steepness of the Hill, 'tis planted with goodly Trees, most of which bear fruit ; and, indeed, for a Hermitage so ill kept by people that know not how to, or cannot, make it delightful, it seem'd to me suffi ciently handsome. I believe it was built by the Kings of Banghel^ whilst they flourish'd, for it lies in their Terri tory, and that the place and the Seigniory thereof was by them given to the Gioghi; and, as they had no Wives, 1 See ante, p. 235, note I. 2 There is a curious resemblance between the description of the temple at Kddi7^, here given by P. della Valle, and that of the Jain temples at Muda Biddari (about thirty miles from Mangaliir) given by Eastwick (Handbook of Madras, p. 303). In this latter description, the pillar, the little chapels, and the figures of animals, mentioned by Delia Valle, are all referred to, whereas these features are all absent from the description of the Temple at Kddiri. These features are not mentioned in Hunter's Gazetteer, or in Buchanan'sy See some ! The river Tuari. See ante, p. 175, note i. ^ What is now called "New Goa", or Panjim, occupies the site of the town here called " Old Goa", while the present " Old Goa stands where "New Goa" was in 1624. ^ See ante, p. 182, note 3. But the word Palmeto should probably be translated as " Palm groves". As to the Spanish, or Portuguese, word palmito, see Comm. of A. Dalboquerque, vol. ii, p. 195 (Hakluyt edition). * As to the various fruits of palm-trees, see Bates' Naturalist on the Amazons, pp. 59, 63, 184, 246, and 267 * This church does not appear to be standing at the present day (See "A Recent Visit to Qo^','m. Murray's Magazine of November 1890.) ' That is, probably, Canella alba, called Canella (pipe) from the appearance of the bark when rolled up for export in the fonn of 406 SORROWFUL NYCTANTHES are found in Goa, but strangers.! 'Tis as big a Tree as any, not a shrub, as I imagin'd ; . some of the leaves, which have a taste of Cinnamon and are pleasant to be masti cated, I keep among my baggage to shew the same in Italy, as also some of the Tree Trifoe} with its odoriferous what are technically called " quills". The Canella alba is not a true cinnamon. Of the spices used by the ancients, cinnamon is said to have been the most esteemed. It is mentioned by Herodotus. (See Heeren's Historical Researches, vol. i, p. 43.) ! Or "exotics". In the original, pellegrini, a word not usually applied to trees, or plants. The words, " or Cinamon Tree", are in serted by the translator, and need not necessarily mean the true cinnamon, for the Canella alba is often called " wild cinnamon". It is a native of the Bahamas and the West Indies (see Lindley's Vegetable Kingdoin, p. 442), and is a tree of about 20 feet in height, as here stated, whereas the tme cinnamon is a shrub, or low tree, and is a native of Ceylon. 2 In original. Arbor Trisoe, a misprint for Tristo, the Nyctanthes Arbor tristis, one of the Jasminworts. It is thus described in Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom, p. 65 1 : " This plant, the Hursinghar of India, scents the garden with its delicious perfume only during the night, covering the ground in the moming with its short-lived flowers." Compare also the following passage from Mandelslo : " There is in Sumatra a tree, in the Malayan language called Singadi, in Arabia Gurae; the Canarians call it Parizaticco, Persians and Turks Gul, the Deca7iins (i.e., inhabitants of the Indian Dakhan) Put, and the Portu guese Arbor triste de dia The flowers are white as snow, and a little bigger than the orange flower ; they blow immediately as the sun is set ; so suddenly that they are produced as it were in the cast of an eye. This fecundity lasts all night, till the return of the sun makes both the flowers and leaves drop off, and so strips the tree that the least greenness is not to be found on it, nor anything of that admirable odour which perfumed the air, and comprehended all that Asia affords of sweetness. The tree keeps in this condition till the sun hath left the horizon, and then it begins to open its womb again, and deck itself with fresh flowers, as if in the shades of night it would recover itself out of the affliction which it is put into by that planet whose return enlivens the rest of the universe." Sir W. Jones (Asiatic Researches) also writes : " This gay tree (Sorrowful Nyctanthes), for nothing sorrowful appears in its nature, spreads its rich odour to a considerable distance every evening ; but at sunrise it sheds most of LOTUS FLOWERS. 407 Flowers, which blow every day and night and fall at the approach of day, as I myself saw and observ'd of one that was planted before the Gate of our House. This Flower is very like the fasmin of Catalonia} but the Caiinella hath a yellow one, which is us'd by the Country- people instead of Saffron^ with their meats and upon other occasions. Moreover, I saw and observ'd in the Lake two sorts of Flowers,* one great, the other very small, both white, with something of yellow in the midst ; the lesser hath no green leaves on the stalk to be seen and the inner part of the white leaves is full of thick and long Down. The greater Flower hath smooth, long and strait petals, and grows on a Plant whose leaves are large and almost perfectly round, floating on the surface of the water, totally expanded, almost like those of a Gourd. Both these Flowers have a strange property: in the night they its night flowers, which are collected with care for the use of perfumers and dyers." See also Moore's Lalla Rookh — " Sat in her sorrow like the sweet night-flow'r. When darkness brings its weeping glories out. And spreads its sighs, like frankincense, about." ! Jas77iinum grandiflorum, or great-flowered Catalonian jasmin. ^ .See ante, p. 334, note 3. * Evidently two kinds of lotus (Nelu7nbiu7n speciosum), of which there are three varieties known in India. It is called Padma by Hindus. The flower is frequently represented on Indian (and Chinese) monuments. The fruit is edible and wholesome, and the root, or stem, is also used as food in China and India. The tubers of one species (Nelu7nbiu7n luteu77t), resembling sweet potato, are also eaten. The juice of the stalk and flowers is used as medicine, and •the spiral vessels of the leaf and flower-stalk as wicks for lamps in Hindoo temples. The so-called lotus of Egypt (see Herodotus, Bk. ii, ch. 92) is a Ny7nphcea. With reference to the lotus the fol lowing Japanese maxim is worthy of quotation : " If thou be born in the poor man's hovel, but have wisdom, then shalt thou be like the lotus flower growing out of the mud." (See Things Japanese, by B. H. Chamberlain.) 408 A FABLE OF BRAHMA. are always closed, in the day always, open, displaying themselves at the rising, and closing at the setting, of the Sun; besides that, they are of a very excellent fragrant smell. I could not keep any to shew, because they are so tender and full of moisture, especially the lesser sort which is the fairest, that they fade presently upon being kept in papers, as the Custom is. The Indians call them! and tell a Fable of Brahma! s'' being born of one of these Flowers, and afterwards re-entring into one again, wherein he hath spent ten thousand years. You see what fine Stories we have here; I leave them with you, and kiss your Hands. ! A hiatus occurs here in the original text. The word Padma should probably be inserted, that being the vemacular (Sanskrit) name ofthe lotus. 2 See ante, p. 73, note i, and p. 235, notes 3 and 4. Brahma is the " one self-existent spirit". (See Sir Monier Williams' Modem India, p. 254; and Ward On the Hindoos, vol. iii, p. 26.) As to the "fable' here referred to, see Dubois' Mceurs des Peuples de PInde, vol. ii, p. 396 ; and Wilford (Asiatic Researches, vol. viii), who says, speaking of the lotus, " the stalk originates from the navel of Vishnu, sleeping at the bottom of the ocean ; and the flower is the cradle of Brama, or mankind." The references to the lotus in the religious books of the Hindiis are innumerable, abounding, as they do, with mystical allusions to this celebrated flower, which is also referred to in the mystical Biiddhist invocation, "Om man^ padme om !" LETTER VIII. Frotn Goa, November i^, 1624. Y last I writ to you by the Ship which departed from Goa to Portugal on the first of February and was the only Ship of that Kingdom that was sent hitlier this year. On which Day the Bells rung at Goa, and many re- joycings were made, particularly in the Churches of the fesuits} the Augustines? and the Dominicans} upon News brought of many Martyrs lately Martyred in fapan, amongst which were many Religious of the abovesaid Orders*; and particularly of fesuits were Martyred three Italians, to wit F. Carlo Spinola, a Genovese of principal quality : F. Camilla Costanzo, a Calabrese, or rather a Nea politan, of a Family whose Estate lyes in Calabria: and F. Pietro Paolo, a Neapolitan likewise, if I mistake not. On February the eighth a Council of State was held concerning the Vice-Roy's going to Ormuz^; in which, I ! See ante, p. 162, note 4. '' See ante, p. 156, note i. * Se&ante, p. 156, note 2. * It may be useful to mention here that a work recently published. Christian Monasticism, by I. Gregory Smith, is a valuable text-book on the subject of these religious bodies. ° See ante, p. 395. 410 A RELIGIOUS COMEDY. know not what was resolved, because some talked one thing and some another ; but as for the Souldiers, it was determined that all should go and that he that refused should be imprisoned, as some were to my knowledge. On February the tenth, as a beginning of the solemnities for the Canonization, the fesuits sung Vespers in the Church of the Professed-house of Giesii? The night following they caused a numerous Maskerade' of young Students, not Collegians, but Outliers, to pass through the streets on Horse-back, clothed in several rich habits and following a Standard whereon were pourtrayed the Effigies of the Saints. The next day there was a solemn Mass in the same Church, and a Sermon made by the Visitor, F. Andrea Palmuro? at which the Vice- Roy was present. In the Evening upon a very great Theatre, erected without the Church in the Piazza, for representing many dayes together the Life of San Francesco Sciavier? they caused a Squadron of young men mask'd in the habits of Peasants to dance many gallant Ballets with Musick. On the twelfth of February, in the presence of the Vice- Roy and of all the Nobility and People of the City, (for whose conveniency scaffolds and seats were erected in the Piazza round about the Theatre, both for Men and Women) the first Act of the above-said Comedy,^ or Tragedy, (as they said) of the Life of Santo Sciavier was represented. Of which Tragedy, which was a composition represented by about thirty persons, all very richly clothed and decked vvith Jewels, no less extravagant than grand, whereunto 1 See ante, p. 162, note 3. 2 See ante, p. 177, note 5. 3 So in original, but should be Pali7ieiro. See ante, p. 160. * For Xavier ; see ante, p. 170, note 4. 5 The word "comedy" is here, of course, used in its original sense, meaning a representation of a story (real, or fictitious) not necessarily of a facetious character, as in the present day — e.g., the Divina Comedia of Dante. A MASQUERADE. 4 1 t they entered to act the rare Musick, gallant dances, and various contrivances of Charriots, Ships, Galleys, Pageants, Heavens, Hells, Mountains and Clouds, I forbear to speak, because I have the printed Relations by me. Cn the eighteenth of February, the Vice-Roy being indispos'd, the proceedings were suspended and nothing was done. But on the three following dayes, by two Acts a day, the whole Tragedy was rehearsed. It com prehended not onely the whole Life, but also the Death! of San Francesco Sciavier, the transportation of his Body^ to Goa, his ascension into Heaven, and, lastly, his Canonization.* On the seventh of the same moneth Mass was sung in the College of San Paolo Nouvo? and a predication made by F. Flaminio Calb, an Italian, upon the Beatification^ of the Blessed Luigi Gonzaga, who was also a Father of the Society. In the Evening the Portugals of quality passed about the streets in a Maskerade, accompanyed with Chariots and Musick ,' about twelve of us went out of the House of Sig: Antonio Baraccio, all clothed in the same ^ See ante, p. 170, note 4. ^ The body was buried at Malacca in 1552, and transported to Goa in 1553- 3 See ante, p. 170, note 2. Some further details may be here noted. The process of canonization (which is probably derived from the ancient Roman rite of deification) is preceded by a panegyric of the deceased person by one of the Consistorial advocates. The decree of canonization is then pronounced by the Pope, who appoints a day for the ceremony, at which the Pope and Cardinals are all dressed in white, and the Church of St. Peter is hung with gorgeous tapestry. * See ante, p. 185, note 3. 5 See ante, p. 170, note 2. Beatification is the act by which the Pope declares a person beatified, or blessed, after his (or her) death. The corpse and rehcs of the future saint are thenceforth exposed to the veneration of all good Christians, but his body and relics are not carried in procession until after canonization. In the former cere mony the Pope merely grants the privilege of worshipping, but in the latter decrees, ex cathedrd, the sanctity ofthe deceased person. 412 A DIVERTISEMENT. Livery, which I took care to get made according to my Phansie,! and I ordered it after the fashion of the ancient Roman Warriors, just as the ancient Emperors use to be pictured ; the colours were Carnation and White, with several Impresses on the breast, every one after his own Phansie ; it appear'd very well by night, and was the best and greatest Body of the whole Maskerade. I bore for my Impress a Blaze of Flames, with this Italian verse of Tasso : " Men dolci si, ma non men calde al core}'^ which Impress I have been wont to use since the death of my Wife Sitti Maani? The embroidery Work of my clothes was wholly Flames, onely distinguished here and there with Tears which shewed my grief On February the eighteenth, in the Morning, solemn Mass was sung and a Sermon made upon the Canonization of the Saints in San Paolo Vecchio? In the afternoon Lists and a Quintain and a Ring^ being prepared before the Church of Giesii? many great Portugal Gentlemen, richly clothed, came to run Carreers^ both at the one and the other, giving Divertisement to the ladies who stood be- ! An obsolete (but more correct) mode of spelling "fancy", con tracted from " phantasy". 2 See La Gerusalemme Liberata, Canto xii, 97 : " Less pleasing in form, but of heart as warm." * See ante, pp. iii, and 45, note 2, and 122, note 3. * See ante, p. 186, note. * " Lists" strictly means a place enclosed within bounds, the word "list" formerly being used for "boundary", or "limit". The word "quintain" is of uncertain derivation, but is supposed to have originally meint an open space, or fifth part of a camp (see Imperial Diet). Tilting at a ring is a well-known form of equestrian sport, much practised at the present day by men and ladies (English) in India. ° See ante, p. 164, note 2. ' The word " career" originally meant the act of running, but is now more generally used to denote the progress of anyone in some definite course of life. A SOLEMN PROCESSION. 413 holding them on Balconies! and Scaffolds.^ The like they did afterwards in the street of San Paolo Vecchio. On Febmary the nineteenth a very solemn Procession was made from San Paolo Vecchio to Giesii, through the principal streets of the City : which Procession exceeded all the rest in number of Pageants, Chariots and Ships, and other Erections, filled with people who represented several things, and good Musick, accompanyed with several Dances on Foot, and many other brave devices : of all which things I speak not, because I have a printed Relation thereof by me. In the rear of the Procession was carried by many of the Fathers, dressed in their Copes, the Body of San Francesco Sciavier, inclos'd in a fair and rich Silver Coffin,* with a Silver Canopie over it, made very gallant, and the Effigy* of the Saint behind. Then came, a great Standard with the pourtraytures of the Saints, carry'd likewise by some of the Fathers ; and after that, all the Crosses of their Parishes of Salsette? and onely one Company of the Fryers of Saint Francis? Of the other Religious Orders in Goa none appeared here ; because they said they would not go in the Processions of the ! From the Persian Bdlkhdnah, an open window. ^ According to the Imperial Diet, " scaffold" is really a perverted form of catafalco, which is derived from falco, " a beam", with the stem cata (view) prefixed. * This silver coffin is still to be seen, with its contents, at Goa, and is described in " A Recent Visit to Goa" (Murray's Magazine of November 1890) as " crowned by figures of angels wrought in silver, with incidents in Xavier's hfe portrayed in embossed work". It is said to be an "artistic gem", and the quantity of silver used in its con stmction is estimated to have been 300 lb. It was formerly studded with jewels' (See also Fonseca's Sketch of Goa, Hunter's Gazetteer, and Eastwick's Handbook of Bombay?) *¦ This is not the present silver image of the Saint, which was erected in 1670, as the gift of Dona Maria of Portugal. (See Eastwick's Handbook of Bombay, p. 222, and Fonseca's Sketch of Goa.) * See ante, p. 392, note 2. ° See ante, p. 1 56, note 3. 414 PROCESSION DEI PASSL fesuits, since the fesuits went not in those of others. With this Procession, which ended about noon, ended also the solemnities for the abovesaid Canonizations. II. — On February the twenty-fifth, this day being the first Sunday of Lent this year, the Augustine Fathers, accord ing to custom, made a solemn Procession, which they call "dei Passi", in reference to the steps which our Lord made in his Passion, conducted to several places. They carried in Procession a Christ, with the Cross on his shoulders, and many went along disciplining and whipping themselves, being cloth'd with white sack-cloth, gallant and handsome, very gravely according to the humor of the Nation. In several places of the City certain Altars were plac'd, where the Procession stood still ; and, after some time spent in singing, the Christ turn'd backwards, repre senting that passage! " Conversus ad Filias ferusalem, dixit illis, Nolite flere super me", etc. At which turning of the sacred Image the people, who were very numerous and fill'd the whole streets, lamented and utter'd very great cries of Devotion. At length the Procession, being come to the Church Della Gratia? where it ended, after the Augustine Nunns (whose Convent* stands near that of the Fryers in the same Piazza) had sung a while, an Image, " del volto Santo" (of our Lord's Countenance), like that at Rome? was shown to the people, gather'd together in the said Piazza, from a window of one of the Bell-turrets which are on either side of the front of the said Church ; and ! Gospel of St. Luke, ch. xxiii, v. 28. 2 This church is not mentioned (by this name) in the authorities referred to. ' The convent of St. Monica, marked No. 20 in the Plan of Goa, ante, p. 154. It was closed in 1889, but is still in good repair. It is a vast building, but of no architectural merit. (See Eastwick's Handbook of Bombay, p. 227.) * For a history of this portrait, see Mrs. Jameson's History of Our Lord in Art, vol, i, p. 38, A PRIEST-RIDDEN CITY. 415 SO the Solemnity ended. But the above-mention'd Altars in the streets are every Fryday during Lent adorn'd in the same manner, and visited by the people every day and also at many hours of the night ; just as the Church of Saint Peter at Rome is visited every Fryday of March ; and they call this visiting, " Correr os Passos", that is going about and visiting the steps of our Lord ; which serves the people during this time of Lent no less for devotion than for pastime. On March the first there was also another Procession in Goa of the Disciplinanti? which I went not to see ; the like is made every Fryday during all Lent, and therefore I shall not stay to describe it I beHeve there is no City in the world where there are more Processions than in Goa all the year long ; and the reason is because the Religious Orders are numerous, and much more than the City needs^ ; they are also of great authority and very rich, and the People, being naturally idle and addicted to Shews,* neglecting other Cares of more weight and perhaps more profitable to the Publick, readily employ themselves in these matters ; which, however good as sacred ceremonies and parts of divine worship, yet in such a City as this which borders upon Enemies and is the Metropolis of a Kingdom lying in the midst of Barbarians and so alwayes at Warr, and where nothing else should be minded but Arms and Fleets, seem according to worldly Policy un profitable and too frequent, as also so great a number ! This is the name given to those who voluntarily inflict corporal punishment on themselves by way of mortification, similarly to the well-known sect of fanatics called Flagellantes, who arose in Italy in the 13th century. A graphic description of a modern self-flagellation, similar to that here referred to by our traveller, will be found in the notes to Childe Harold (Canto iv), by Mr. Hobhouse, 2 See ante, p. 156, note 7. 5 See ante, p. 161, note i, 4l6 STRANGE DEVOTION. of Religious and Ecclesiastical persons is burdensome to the State and prejudicial to the Militia.! In the Evening of every Fryday of Lent there is a Sermon upon the Passion in the Church of GiesiP- ; and so Hkewise in other Churches, but upon other dayes and hours. At the end of these Sermons certai;i Tabernacles are open'd, and divers figures, representing some passages of the Passion (according to the subject of the Sermon), are with lighted Tapers shewn to the People ; as one day that of the "Ecce Homo" ; another day Our Lord with the Cross upon his shoulders ; and the last day the Cracifix ; and so every day one thing suitable to the purpose. Oftentimes they make these figures move and turn, as they made the Robe fall off from the Ecce Homo and discover the wounded Body ; at which sight the devout People utter prodigious Cryes, and the Women force themselves to shriek out ; and the Signore, or Gentlewomen, are so zealous that they not onely cry out themselves, but make their Maids do so too and beat them even in the Church if they do not and that very loudly, whether they have a will to it, or no. Strange devotion indeed ! III. — On March the third ten Ships of Warr were at length sent from Goa to the barr, or mouth, of the River, in order to depart (as they did) within two or three dayes towards Ormiiz to Ruy Freirc^ ; the Chief Captain of which was Sig: Sancho de Toar, Brother to the Veador* da Fagenda, who was Treasurer and Captain of one of the Ships. Our Friend, Sig: Michel Pereira Boralho, who was sometime Captain of the Galeons, went also ; his Brother, Giovan Boralho, was kill'd under Ruy Freira, in the battle with the English at Gidsk^ last year, being Admiral of that Fleet, ! See ante, p. xv. 2 See ante, p. 164, note 2. 8 See ante, p. 279. * Or Comptroller. * See ante, pp. xxvii, and 8, 9 and lo, and p. 4, note 2. THE GREAT MOGUL. 417 which next to the GeheraP is the prime charge, having been many times before Chief Captain, as they speak, or General, in the Streight of Oritiiiz. I make particular men tion of him upon account of his relationship to Sig. Michele Pereira our Friend. But such a succour for Ormiiz after so long a time is indeed a very inconsiderable matter. Yet, they say, other Ships are preparing to be sent after these. On March the one and twentieth I took the Altitude of the Sun at Goa with my Astrolabe and found him to decline at noon from the Zenith towards the South fourteen degrees and forty minutes. He was this day in the thirtieth degree of Pisces and, consequently, in the Equinoctial without any Declination ; so that without making any Subtraction from, or Addition to, this number, Goa, that is the City, will lye just so many degrees (14° 40') from the Equinoctial towards the North, and also have the Northern Pole elevated as much. On March the eight and twentieth news was brought to Goa how the great Mogbl' had caus'd all the English that were at his Court to be slain,* and imprisoned all the rest that were at SArat? As for those that were slain, some say it was by the Mogbl's Order in way of punishment, and that they were hang'd and otherwise executed ; others say, it was by chance, as they endeavour'd to defend themselves by Arms, when he sent onely to arrest them prisoners, as he did those of Si?irat ; and this seems most likely. Be it as it will, this Accident may easily disturb their Commerce something in that Country. The occasion is reported thus. A few dayes, or moneths, ago, the English in Stirat ap- 1 So in original. '' See ante, p. 30, note i. ^ This alleged massacre is not mentioned in the historical annals of he time referred to by the editor. * See a7ite, p. 18, note 2. The imprisonment of the English residents at Surat, here referred to, is not mentioned in the ordinary works of reference. 41 8 THE ENGLISH AT SURAT. prehending themselves aggriev'd to a considerable sum by the Mogbl's Ministers, (whether by exaction of Customs, or in Accounts, I know not) in order to repair the loss by force, since they could not do so in any other way, made re prisal on some ofthe Mogbl's ships, which were come abroad full laden ; and being! (-he Mogbls people were not able to deal with the English at Sea they were constrain'd, for recovering their surpris'd Vessels, to grant the English everything demanded, and satisfie them so far as they pre tended to be aggrieved. Which thing coming afterwards to the King's knowledge, he caus'd all of that Nation to be apprehended wherever found in his Dominions, and here upon happened the slaughter above-mention'd. For my part, I think the English have not managd their business discreetly in this case ; for it is not possible for a few strangers and immigrants to contest with and get the better of a great King in his own Country. And upon the rising of the like differences I should account it the best course to settle them with good words, and amicably with the said King, by complaining of his Ministers, and pro curing him to provide in such cases as well as may be ; and this course may succeed happily ; otherwise, if redress cannot be obtain'd, then, before a manifest feud, 'twere best to get out of his power and warr upon him securely, not in his own Country were there are so many people, and the King, undoubtedly, hath more power than any other. I believe the English made this attempt, upon supposition that the Mogbl hath great need of the Sea, and that, to the end his Ships might have free passage therein, without being molested by the EngHsh, he would suffer what they pleas'd. But herein, in my opinion, they are grossly mis taken ; because the Mogbl is a very great and wealthy King, whose Revenews arise from his own Lands and not ' For " since" ; see p. 28, note. SULTAN CHORROM. 419 from the Sea ; and one to whom that little which is to be had from the Sea (how great soever it may be) is nothing, and nothing he accounts it ; because it accrues rather to some small Captain of his, as the Governour of Surat, and the like, than to the King himself So what is he con cern'd for it ? But indeed he will be concern'd for such an injury done to him in his own jurisdiction, as the English have done by making reprisal on Ships, which Princes much inferior to the Mogbl would not have suffer'd from any admitted as Friends into their Countries. Besides, the grievances alledg'd by the English were but pretences, and the Mogbl's Ministers had their Reasons for them ; wherefore the case ought to have been heard before falHng to violence ; and, let the matter be how it will, 'twas just for him to be Judge in his own Country, and that this respect should be shewn him, if the English would have taken this course ; if not, or if he would not do them Justice, they were alwayes at Hberty to go out of his power, and so make Warr against him by Sea upon better terms. Concerning the Affairs of the Mogbl with his Son, they said that Sultan Chorrom? having been twice routed,^ had at last retreated with some few followers into the Dominions of Cutab-Scidlfi; and that his Father had given over pursuing him and, being retir'd to his own Court, left him there in quiet ; that Cutab-Scidh did not assist him out of awe of his Father,* nor yet drive him out of his Territories out of respect to himself, but let him enjoy the possession of a certain small circuit in his Country to which he had retir'd. IV. — Concerning Persian affairs we heard a while since. ! Or Kharra7n; see ante, p. 59. 2 At Mewdt, and near Allahabad; see Elphinstone's India, pp. 497 and 498. 3 Or Kutb-Shah; see ante, p. 147, note 4, and p. 148, note 5. * I.e., the Emperor Jahdngir; see ante, p. 52. 420 THE WAR OF ORMUZ. and it was verifi'd, that not only the English Ships were gone thither, according to their custom, for. the Trade of Silk, but also those ofthe Hollanders which come to Surdt; perhaps because the Hollanders are minded to set up a Traffick thither too, as I understood from a good hand last year at Surdt. In the mean time other Ships and Galeons are preparing at Goa to be sent to Ormiiz? On April the tenth three Galeons freighted with Victuals departed from Goa to Ruy Freira for the war of Ormiiz} as two other Ships had done a few days before, besides the above-mentioned ten ; and order was given for three other Galeons to go from Mozambique with people sufficient to arm all the six ; because the former three of Goa carried no Soldiers, but only Sea-men. They carried also from Goa a Petard,* wherewith they said they intended to attempt the little false Gate of Ormiiz which stands towards the Sea, and several other preparations of War. On the twenty-ninth of the same month, being the day of S. Pietro Martire} who, they say, was the Founder*^ of ! Seeante, p. 2, note i. ^ See ante, p. 279. ^ On the east coast of Africa, where the Portuguese established a factory in 1508. This place and Sofala are the only places of im portance on the coast of Africa still held by the Portuguese. * Petards are said to have been invented by the French Huguenots in 1579, and to have been first used at the siege of Cahors in that year. ^ Peter de Castelnau, one of the monks of Citeaux and of the monastery of Fortfroide, in Narbonnese Gaul, who was commissioned by Pope Innocent III to preach against the heresies ofthe Waldenses in 1203, and who was in this way the instrument for founding the Inquisition. He was assassinated in the dominions of the Count of Toulouse, and beatified in 1208. ° The Inquisition was founded by Pope Innocent III early in the 13th century, when he appointed a commission for the persecution of the Waldenses. It was established in the Portuguese dominions by King John III in 1536. THE INQUISITOR'S FESTIVAL. 421 the Inquisition^ against Hereticks, the Inquisitors of Goa made a Festival before their House of the Inquisition^ which is in the Piazza of the Cathedral and was some times the Palace of Sabaio} Prince of Goa, wh6n the Portugals took it, whence it is still call'd la Piazza di Sabaio. After solemn Mass had been sung in the Church of San Dominico? as Vespers had been the day before, in presence of the Inquisitors, v\'ho, coming to fetch the Fryers in Procession, repair'd thereunto in PontificaUbus, in the evening, many carreers^ were run on horse-back by the Portugal Gentry, invited purposely by the Inquisitors ; and a day or two after (for this Evening was not sufficient for so many things) there was in the same Piazza a Hunting, or Baiting, of Bulls after the Spanish fashion ; but the Beasts, being tame and spiritless, afforded little sport ; so that I had not the curiosity to be present at it This is a new Festival lately instituted by the present Inquisitors, who, I believe, will continue it yearly hereafter.*' ! See a7tte, p. 156, note 2. The Inquisition at Goa was abolished by Royal letter in 1774, re-established under Dona Maria I in 1779, and finally abolished in 1812 (see Eastwick's Ha7idbook of Bo77ibay, p. 225), or in 1814, according to Mr. Sandberg (Murray's Magazi7ie, Nov. 1890). See also Fonseca's Hist. Sketch of Goa, p. 219, and Capt. Marryat's tale of The Pha7tto7n Ship. 2 Marked No. 11 in the Plan of Goa, a7tte, p. 154. It was destroyed in 1829, and is now merely a "hill of bricks and stones and many mounds". It formerly covered a space of two acres, and contained three large halls and 200 prisoners' cells. (See "A Recent Visit to Goa" in Murray's Magazi7U, Nov. 1890; and Pinkerton's Travels vol. ix, p. 234; and Fonseca's Sketch of Goa, and De Kloguen's Historical Sketch of Goa.) * Sabaio is evidently identical with Sabaym Delcani (? Dekkani), mentioned by Barbosa in East Coast of Africa a/td Malabar (p. 75 of Hakluyt edition). See ante, p. I43i note 5. « Marked No. 32 in the Plan of Goa, a/ite, p. 154. It was com pleted in 1564, and demolished in 1841. ''See a/tte, p. 412. « In Captain Marryat's tale of The PJumtoin Ship will be found a 422 NEWS FROM MASCAT. On May the tenth a Packet-boat from Mascdt''- arrived at Goa with Letters dated April the twenty-fourth, confirming what had som6 dayes before been rumor'd, that the King of Persia had taken Baghddd? and the Persians were about fo go against Bassord^ by Sea, but were diverted from their designs by the Portugal Fleet, which they heard was preparing to succour that City, and by some Ships of theirs which they continually keep there in favour of the Turks against the Persians to guard the Mouth of the River, which is Euphrates? and Tigris' ]oyv? A together. The same Boat brought news also that twelve Ships were already departed from Mascdt under the conduct of my friend Sig. Michele Pereira to begin a new Siege of Ormiiz; and that Ruy Freirc^ waited for the Galeons that he might go thither too with the greater Fleet graphic description of Goa in the zenith of its pride, with its festivals and processions. ' See a7ite, p. 158, note 7. ^ Baghdad xexaa\Xied in the hands of the Persians until 1638, when it was taken by the Turks under Sultan Amurath IV, and has re mained in their possession ever since that time. It is finely seated on the E. bank of the river Tigris, in Lat. 33° 20' N., and Long. 44° 46' E. It was formerly (before the discovery of the route to India by the Cape) the centre of a very extensive commerce, and still continues to be a place of considerable importance, having manufactories of silk, cotton, wool and leather, besides an iron foundry. ' Sometimes written Basra. The town is in Lat. 30° 30' N., and Long. 47° 45' E., on the W. bank of the Euphrates, about 65 miles from the mouth of the river. It is said to have been founded about the middle of the seventh century, and, previously to the discovery of the route to India round the Cape, was the most considerable trading town of Western Asia. * This river rises nearErzeroum (Long. 41° 36' E., Lat. 39° 57' N.), and has a course of about 1,350 miles before its junction with the Tigris, 35 miles above Bassora. '•' The Tigris rises near Diarbekir (37° 55' N., and 39*^ 22' E.), and joins the Euphrates near Bassora., It forms the boundary between Persia and the Turkish territory. " See a7ite, p. 279. TURKISH AFFAIRS. 423 If it be true that Sciah Abbas'^ has taken Baghddd I am confident that in the long run Bassord will fall into his hands too : if the Portugals may hinder him by sea, they cannot by land ; and 'tis a clear case that if he hath Baghddd, he intends also to have the port of Bassord, which is of great importance. That he has taken Baghddd may very well be true, during the present ill State of the Turkish Affairs, after the late Tumults in that Court, and the death of Sultan Suleitnan} who was lately murder'd and his formerly depos'd Uncle, Sultan Mustafd} restor'd to the Empire, as I was lately assur'd here by an Armenian who told me that he was at Constantinople in the time of these Revolutions, and that Sultan Mustafd was very loth to re-cLSSume the Government by reason of the ill deport ment of the Ministers, and that he would have no more Women, or Concubines, but had married and dismissed all that were in the Seraglio^; that if any woman came into his presence he ran at her with his Ponyard, professing to lead a chaste and religious life, not meaning to have other Successors than his Brother's two Sons, the elder of which is Sultan Mahomad} Son of Sultana Kiosine, who, I alwayes believ'd, would by his Mother's Arts one day come to rule, and now without doubt, whether she be living or not, (if ! See ante, p. 402, note i. 2 This seems to be a mistake for Os7na7i (the 2nd), who was assas sinated in 1622. 3 Sultan Mustafa I, who twice sat on the throne. * The word Seraglio is here used in its usual sense of women's apartments. But its true meaning is that of a "large house" or " palace", and the Seraglio of the Sultan of Constantinople includes the residence of all the officers and dependents of the Court. The grand entrance on the western side is the Baba-hoomajin, or " Sublime Porte", which is, as is well known, the official title of the Turkish Court. 5 He eventually succeeded to the throne, as Muhammad IV, in 1649. 4^4 BAGHDAD. the abovesaid relations be true) will at least reign after his Uncle Mustafd. Now, forasmuch as in these violent mutations of Empires, the Government alwayes suffers deterioration, because without some evil disposition of the Government such violences in Royal Families cannot arise, therefore, I say, perhaps this ill posture of affairs hath afforded the Scidh occasion of making himself Master of Baghddd, especially if the Tyrant Bechir Subascl, who had in a manner usurp'd it to himself have given it into his power, (vvhich is an easie thing even in the good State of the Turkish Affairs) being, perhaps, afraid of Sultan Mustafd, who, they say, is very prudent and wholly intent on reforming the Dis orders of the Empire without caring to attend to foreign enterprises; whence, perhaps having an eye too upon the Disorders of Baghddd, he was about to raise a strong Army for removing the said Tyrant, who by this means became necessitated to yield it to the Scidh. Nevertheless in these matters I have some doubt, because the same Armenian told me that Sultan Mustafd had made peace with the Persian for twenty years ; and if the taking of Baghddd be true it is a breaking of the peace ; which amongst the Moors, and considering the Customs of Scidh Abbas,l%. not impossible. At present. I suspend my. belief and desire tO have more certain and particular informa tions of these matters, of which in Goa there is little supply. By the same Vessel came a Letter from Sig. Nicolao de Silva, Veador^ da Facenda, or Treasurer, at Mascdt} to one of the Inquisitors,* wherein he signifi'd to him that he understood by the Letters of the French Consul at Aleppo, ! I.e., Comptroller. ^ See a7ite, p. 158, note 7. - ^ See a7tte, p. 421, note 2, EUROPEAN NEWS. 425 that at Rotne Gregory XV! ^y^g dead, and a new Pope already chosen. Card. Maffeo Barberitii? about fifty-four years old, who had assumed the name of Urban VIII.* The same Letter further advertis'd that in Spain the Marriage between the Prince of England and the Infanta was celebrated* upon the day of our Ladle's Nativity in September; and that the Infante Don Cai-lo^ was to ac company her into England, and from thence pass to his Oovernuient oi Flanders : that in England the Catholicks had pubHck Churches open and enjoy'd Liberty of Con science : that in Italy the business of the Valtelin^ had been referr'd to his Holiness ; but Pope Gregory died without determining it : that the King of Spaiii' kept a great Army ready in Milan about it ; and that a League was made against him in Italy by other Princes ; that some said Don Carlo of Spain was to marry the Heiress oi Lorraine^; and otherlike news, which, being of things either uncertain, or future, I make small account of till I see the issue. On May i ith the last vessels of the Cafila which went to China, and which had commenced to depart on the previous Wednesday, set sail, and my friends, Fathers Morejon and Vi?icislao Pantaleone, departed in it. ' Formerly Cardinal Alessandro Ludovisio. He had been Pope only since 1621. He it was who granted a dispensation, renewed by his successor, for the marriage of the Infanta with Prince Charies. ^ The Barberinis were a celebrated Florentine family. ^ It was Pope Urban VIII who in 1630 altered the title of the Cardinals, from " illustrissi77ii" to " e7/ii7te7itissi77ti", oi vihlch. change an illustration is seen in the Dedication of these Letters. ^ This piece of intelligence must be included among the other false rumours which seem to have been prevalent. See post, p. 438. 6 Brother of King Philip IV. ^ The Valteline is the long valley in the north of Italy, traversed by the river Adda, to the east of Lake Como. The " business" here referred to was a dispute as to its possession. ' Philip IV, who came to the throne in 1621. ' Marie, daughter of the fourth Duke of Lorraine. 426 A FATAL CONCLAVE. On May the seventeenth, by a Merchant's Ship from Bas sora^ which arrived at Goa the night before, we had more certain intelligence by Luigi Medices, through Ramiro, the Venetian Consul at Aleppo, that Pope Gregory XV died on the twenty-ninth oi fiily 1623, having been sick only five days. The Report of the Conclave saith that the Pope died on the eight oifuly, the Cardinals"^ enter'd into the Conclave* on the nineteenth, and that on the sixth oi August Urban VIII was created Pope; that Card. Montalto died a Httle before the Pope, and Card. Ludovisio^ was made Vice-Chan cellor in his stead ; and the Chamberlainship, being vacant by the death oi Aldobrandino, was conferr'd upon the young Cardinal of the same name ; that the new Pope Urban was sick for some dayes after his Election ; but, afterwards re covering, was crown'd upon the day of ^S-.M^zc/^a^/ the Arch angel ; that besides the Pope, almost all the Cardinals fell sick through the inconveniences of the Conclave in so hot a season ; and many of them died, as Pignatelli, Serra, Sauli, Gozzadino and Sacrati ; and the Card. Glierardi z.nA Aldo brandino remained still grievously sick ; and that of the Conclavists there died about sixty ; which indeed was a great ! See ante, p. 422, note 3. 2 The Cardinals were originally merely the principal priests of the parishes of Rome, and it was not until the eleventh century that they were established as a "College". Up to 1 125 the College consisted of 52 or 53 Cardinals. The number was afterwards reduced to 20 or 25, but was subsequently raised by Pope Leo X to their present number of 70. ' The right of election ofthe Pope bythe Cardinals was established by Pope Alexander III in 1179. Previously to that date the Popes were elected by the " tumultuary votes of the clergy and people". (See Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Ro//zan Empire, vol. vi, p. 353.) The word "conclave" is used for the apartment in which each Cardinal is confined during the progress of the election,- as well as for the general assembly of Cardinals. As to the ceremonies attending the election of a Pope, see Gibbon, vol. vi, p. 354. The " Conclave" was instituted by Pope Gregory X in 1274. * This Cardinal was nephew of Pope Gregory XV. AFFAIRS OF EUROPE. 427 number for a Conclave that lasted so short a while. That Tklli^ (Tilly), the Emperor's General, had given a great rout to Alberstat ; and the Emperor's Affairs in Germany pass'd very well. That 'twas true a confederacy was made against Spain about the business of the Valtelin between France, Venice, and Savoy, but that it will proceed no further, because Spain had deposited the Valtelin in the hands of the Pope^ That the Prince of Urbino'' was dead, and consequently that State would fall to the Church; which is a thing of much importance. That at Venice the Doge Priuli was dead, and a new Doge already elected, one Gontarini, an eminent Person. That there was a great Plague, and that the YLJtngoi France h^ajA. subdu'd almost all the Garrisons of the Hereticks, except Rochelle? which he also hop'd shortly to reduce to obedience. That the Espousals were pass'd between the Infanta of Spain and the King of England's Son, with hope that he is already a Catholick. That they have given her in dower the pre tensions of Holland and Zealand, and money, on condition that Liberty of Conscience be granted in England and four Churches for Catholicks built in London, which was already executed, pubHc Writings thereof going about in print ; besides divers other Affairs of Europe of less consideration. VI. — On May the nineteenth, one Ventura da Costa, a Native of Canara? was married. He was a domestick servant to Sig. Alvaro da Costa, a Priest and our Friend, Lord of a Village near Goa; for whose Sake, who was willing to honour his servant's wedding in his own House, ! This celebrated General (originally a Jesuit) was bora in 1559, and died in 1632 after a brilliant military career. 2 The last representative of the Delia Rovera family. Princes of Urbino, who had been invested with that Duchy by Pope Julius II. * The well-known town of Rochelle, the capital of Lower Charente, was not taken for the Cathohcs until 1637 by Louis XIII of France. * See ante, p. 168, note I. 428 A KANARESE WEDDING, I and some other Friends went thither to accompany the Bride and the Bridegroom to the Church of San Biagio} a little distant in another Village, which was in the Parish of the Bride, where the Ceremonies were perform'd in the Evening for coolnes.s' sake. The Company was very numerous, consisting of many Portugal Gentlemen, such, perhaps, as few other Canarini^ have had at their marriages. The Bride and Bridegroom came under Umbrellas of Silk, garnish'd with silver, and in other particulars the Cere monies were according to the custom of the Portugals; onely I observ'd that, according to the use of the Country, in the Company before the Married Persons there march'd a party of fourteen, or sixteen, men oddly cloth'd after the Indian fashion, to wit naked from the girdle upward, and their Bodies painted in a pattern vvith white Sanders,* and adorn'd with bracelets and necklaces of Gold and Silver, and also with flowers and turbants* upon their heads, in several gallant fashions, and streamers of several colours hanging behind them. From the girdle downwards, over the hose which these Canarini use to wear short, like ours, they had variously colour'd clothes girt about them with streamers, flying about and hanging down a little below the knee; the rest of the leg was naked, saving that they had sandals on their feet. These danc'd all the way both going and returning, accompanying their dances with chaunting many Verses in their own Language, and beating the little sticks which they carry'd in their hands, after the fashion of the Country, formerly taken notice of at Ikkeri? And indeed the dances of these Canarini are pleasant enough ; so that in the Festivities made at Goa for the Canonization^ ! This church does not appear in the Plan of Goa at p. 1 54. ^ I.e., natives of KJinara. ¦' See ante, p. 99, note 2. * Se^ ante, p. 248, note 4. » See ante, p. 258. " See a7ite, p. 170, note 2. A GALLEY FROM MOZAMBIQUE. 429 of the Saints Ignatio^ and Sciavier} though in other things they were most solemn and sumptuous, yet, in my opinion, there was nothing more worthy to be seen for delight than the many pretty and jovial dances which interven'd in this Tragedy.* The marry'd Couple being return'd from Church to the Bride's House, we were entertain'd with a handsome Collation* of Sweet-meats in the yard, which was wholly cover'd over with a Tent, and adorn'd with Trees and green boughs, the Company sitting round, and the marry'd Couple, on one side at the upper end, upon a great Carpet under a Canopy. After which we all return'd home, and the Husband stay'd that night to sleep in his Wife's House. VII. — On May the twentieth a Galley of the Fleet ex pected from Mozambique^ arriv'd at Goa. It brought Sig. Don Nugno Alvares {sometime General there, and Supreme Governour of all that Coast of Cafuria} comprising under his Government the Rivers of Coama, Mombace? and as much of Africa as the Portugals have from the Cape of Good Hope to the streight oi Mekc?) arid with him a.fesuit that was a Bishop, one of those that were to go into Ethiopia? The Patriarch!" deputed thither, being also a fesuit, remain'd behind in another Gaieot, as likewise did the Ships of the last years Portugal Fleet, which came on by little and little ; they brought news of the miserable ! See ante, p. 170, note 3. 2 See ante, p. 170, note 4. * This word is, of course, here used in its more strictly classical sense of any dra77iatic representation. * See ante, p. 381, note 4. * See ante, p. 214, and 420, note 3. ^ For Kaffraria, or Kaffre-land, south of Mozambique. ^ The Coavo and Mo7nbas rivers of modern maps, in Lat. 8° 33' S. and 4° 15' S. respectively, on the east coast of Africa. * See ante, p. 399, note i. ^ See ante, p. 131, note i. '" Or chief Father, 430 WRECK OF A PORTUGUESE SHIP. wrack! Qf g^ Ship call'd San Giovanni, which two years before set forth from Goa iov Portugal, very rich ; and, meeting with the Dutch by the way, after a long fight being totally shatter'd, ran aground upon the Coast of Cafuria^; so that, saving the people remaining after the fight and the other disasters, and the Jewels, all was lost : which people, refusing both the offer of good entertainment made them by the Lord of the place, who was a Friend to the Portugals, till, upon advice sent to Mozambique, they might have passage thither, and also refusing his counsel to travel far within Land, where, he said, they would have less trouble in passing many Rivers, (which otherwise they would meet with) and would find an unarmed and more hospitable people, but unadvisedly, after the inconsiderate humor of the Portugals, resolving to go by land to Mozambique and to travel always far from the Sea amongst barbarous inhos pitable people who eat human flesh, and withall not behaving themselves well with them in their passage, but out of a foolish temerity giving many occasions of dis pleasure, were assaulted in many places by the said Cafiri? often spoyl'd and rob'd, and many of them kill'd ; so that of the Women that were with them some were taken, others strip'd naked, till, after a thousand inconveniences and sufferings, and, as some say, about eight moneths' travelling on foot, during which they were fain to wade through abundance of Rivers, at last no more of the Company arriv'd at Mozambique than twenty-seven persons ; all the rest being either slain by the way, or dead of hardships, excepting some few that were kept slaves by the Cafiri; amongst whom was a Portugal Gentlewoman of quality, whom they kept to present to their King, without hope, I 1 This word, derived from the Danish vrag, is the old form of " wreck"- 2 See ante, p. 429, note 6. 3 Qr Kaffres. AN ENVOY FROM PERSIA. 431 believe, of ever being deliver'd ; a misery indeed worthy of compassion ! The Jewels sent from Goa to be sold in Portiigalwexe almost all sav'd and deposited at Mozambique in the Misericordia^; some say to be restor'd to the owners, and others say at the instance of the King's Officer, who pretends the King's Right to them as shipwrackt goods ; yet most conclude that the case will not be so judg'd, but that they will be restor'd to the owners upon payment of some small matter to those who sav'd them. VIII. — On May the three and twentieth I visited the above-mention'd Bishop now arriv'd in Goa, at the Colledge of San Paolo Novo? He was call'd Dom foamio da Rocka, and is nominated, but not consecrated. Bishop of Heliopoli. On the twenty-sixth I visited in the Convent of our Lady della Gratia, F. Fra: Manoel della Madre di Dio, formerly known to me in Persia, and now Prior of the Convent of Spahan} who the day before arrived at Goa in a Shallop which had been long expected and judg'd lost, having been seven moneths in coming from Mascat? He said that he came about Affairs of his Order and the Convents of Persia (for besides that which I left at Spahan, they have since made one at Sciraz? and another at Bas sora} and they daily multiply) yet withall it was rumoured that he was sent by the King of Persia to treat with the Vice-Roy about the Matters of Ormuz ; and I beHeve it, although he spoke nothing of it himself ; otherwise, me thinks, 'tis not likely they would have let him come out of Persia without the King's express Licence, or that the King would have granted it in time of War, unless he had come about some particular business of his. He informed me that all my friends in Persia were well, and so did 1 See ante, p. 382, note 4. ^ See ante, p. 185, note 3. ? Now generally written as Ispahan, the name meaning a " rendez vous", or place of meeting. * See a7ite, p. 158, note 7. 5 See ante, p. 9, note i. " See ante, p. 422, note 3. 432 THE SOUTH-W-EST MONSOON. a Letter of F. Fra: Giovanni to his Provincial at Goa, wherein mention was made of me, giving me intelligence of the well-fare of all my Friends, and how Sitti Laali, my connection by marriage, had brought forth a Son, whom .she had n'&ytid.Avedik, from Chogia Avedik, his Father's Uncle; which News was stale, for I knew it before my coming out of Persia; and, indeed, all the Letters F. Manoel brought were of a very old date ; to me he brought none, because my P'riends there conceiv'd that I was gone out of India into Europe. On May the seven and twentieth a Ship of the Portugal Fleet that was coming from Mozambique^ arrived in the Port of Mormogon''; it entered not into the River of Goa, because the mouth of the River, by reason of the lateness of the season, was insecure and began to be stopped ; for every year all the mouths of the Rivers and Ports of this Coast are fill'd with sand during the time of Rain,* wherein the West wind blows very tempestuously, and are open'd again in September when the Rain ends. The Port of Mormogon, as I have elsewhere said,* is in the same Island of Goa, in the other mouth of the more Southern River, where sometimes old Goa stood, by which goods are con- vey'd by Boat from the Ships to the City, but by a longer way, going behind round the Island. On May the twenty-eighth in the Evening, at the time of Ave Maria, the Bells of almost all the Churches of Goa, saving that of the fesuits, were rung for the Beatification^ of two Fryers of the Order of San Domenico} whereof this Ship had brought News. On May the twenty-ninth another Portugal Ship of the ! See ante, p. 420, note 3. 2 See ante, p. 154, note 2, and p. 329, note i. 2 See ante, p. 32, note 2. ¦* See p. 392, ante. ^ See ante, p. 170, note 2, and p. 411, note 5 ^ See a7ite, p. 189, note 5. MISSION TO ETHIOPIA. 433 Fleet arrived, and, within two or three dayes after, all the other Ships expected from Mozambique ; and in one of them the fesuit, deputed as Patriarch into Ethiopia, whither he, with two Bishops, whereof one was dead by the way, and many other fesuits, was sent at the instance of the King of the same Country, who, they say, is called Sultan Saghed} and professes himself a Roman Catholick already, with great hopes of reducing all that Kingdom to the Church in a short time. As for the progress which the fesuits affirm daily to be made in those Countries, being^ I know nothing of them but by the information of others, I refer you to their Annual Letters ; and it suffices me to have touched here on what I saw concerning the same, to wit the expedition of this Patriarch, Bishops and many Fathers who were sent thither by several wayes, attempting to open a passage into those Countries, lest such Commerce might be hindered by the Turks, who are Masters of some of those Passes. So that the F. Visitor of the fesuits told me they had this year sent many people for Ethiopia, not onely by the Arabian Gulph,* and the Territories of the Turks bordering upon it, but also by Cascem} a Country outside Arabia but govern'd by Arabians, by Mozambique and Mombaza} Countries of the Portugals, on the Coast of Africk, by Cafraria? Angola, and Gongs'; that so by these several wayes they might send enough, being^ the King demanded at least two hundred of their Fathers ; and 'tis manifest that if the Conversion goes forward, as they pre suppose, the Country is so large that there will be work I See pp. 137 and 446. ^ For "since" ; see ante, p. 28. note i. 3 Or Red Sea. See p. 11, note i. * Probably Kishm. See ante, p. 2, note 2. 5 See ante, p. 420, note 3, and p. 429, note 7. 0 See ante, pp. 429 and 430, note 2. ^ This is one ofthe earliest references to the Congo route. 434 FRIENDLY MEETINGS. enough for a greater number of Fathers and Religious Catholicks. IX. — On fune the second we accompany'd, with a solemn Cavalcade, Sig: Andrea de Quadro from the House of Sig: Gasparo di Melo, Captain of the City, to the fesuits' Colledge!; where, by the hands of the same Fathers, was given him the degree of Master of Arts, that is of Philo sophy ; the said Fathers having by Apostolical Authority jurisdiction in India to confer the said degree, and that of Doctor; for which reason I here have taken notice of this action. On fune the seventh I visited in the said Colledge of the Jesuits the Patriarch oi Ethiopia, one of that Society, who is nam'd "Don Alfonso Luigi de Santi"; he told me much News from Rome, and of several of my Relations whom he knew, but it was stale News. The Patriarch and his Fathers had been inform'd of me, both by the Fathers of Goa and by a Portugal Souldier call'd Pero Lopez, whom I knew in Persia, and who went to Rome with my Letters, where he lodg'd many dayes in my House, from thence pass'd into Spain, and at length return'd into India, and came from Mozambique to Goa in the same Ship with the Patriarch. To gratifie whose desires of seeing me, upon their infor mation I visited him ; he not onely shew'd me many courtesies and offers of serving me, with like ceremonious words, but himself and all his Fathers enter'd into an intimate Friendship with me, and agreed to hold mutual correspondence of Letters from ^Ethiopia to Rome, and where ever else I should happen to be. We discours'd of many things, and he informed me concerning his Voyage, and how Fathers might pass at any time into Ethiopia from other parts, particularly from .Mgypt. I ! See ante, pp. 142 and 185, note 2. KING OF PERSIA'S EMBASSY. 435 inform'd him of the ^thiopick Language, and some good Books for learning it, etc. On fune the sixteenth, if I mistake not in Computation, for which I refer myself to better diligence, (which I shall use with their Ephemerides of this year, in case I can pro cure the same) the Moors were to begin their Rasandhan^ or Fast, of their 1633^ year of the Hegira. X. — On fune the twenty-fourth, being in a house to see the careers* of the Cavaliers who ran in the Street before the Vice- Roy, according to the yearly Custom in Goa upon S.fohn's Day, I hapned to meet with Sig. Luis de Mendoza} Chief Captain of the Fleet wherewith I went to Calecut} and Sig: Bento, or Benedetto, or Freites Mascarenhas, in a Portugal Habit, vvho a few years before was taken by Pirates oi Argiers} and carried a slave to Barbeiy ; whence being redeemed and return'd into his own Country, he was favourably look't upon by his King and sent again into India as Captain of a Galeon. This Cavalier, besides the relation of his own misadventures, told me how Qara Sultan (who in my time was sent Ambassador from the King of Persia into Spain in answer to the Embassy of Don Garcia de Silva y Figueroa} and travelled in the same Ship, before it was taken by the Pirates), died by the Way, having first substituted another of his Company to perform his charge ; which other Ambassador was taken with the said Ship and carried a slave into Argiers; whereof notice being given to the Persian Ambassador at Constantinople, ! Properly Ra77tazan. See ante, p. 179, note i. 2 A misprint for 1033. ' See ante, p. 412, note 7. * See a7ite, p. 354. ^ See ante, p. 344, note i. " For Algiers. The name is written as Argier in Shakespeare's Te77ipest, Act i, Sc. 2. The name does not occur here in the original Italian ; in it the words are " taken by Moreschi'- See ante, p. 188, note 4. 436 OFFERING OF FIRST-FRUITS. an order was expected from thence what to do with him ; which not coming before this Gentleman was liberated, he could not tell what the issue was, but left him still a prisoner in Argiers? XI. — On August the fifth the Indians were to celebrate their solemn Festival of Washing and other Ceremonies accustomed to be performed at Narva} and mentioned by me in the last year's relation as to be celebrated on the seventeenth of the same month. And because the Feast-day fell twelve dayes sooner in this year than in the last I perceived that the Indian yea.r must be Lunar*; or if it be Solar, as I think I have heard, it cannot be just, or equal, but to be adjusted requires some great and extrava gant intercalation. I went not to Narva to see the Feast, because the place lies beyond the River* in the Territory of the Moors, who at this time stood not upon good Terms with the Portugals. Neither did the Gentiles of Goa go thither for the same reason ; and, if I was not mis-informed, they expected a safe conduct from Idal-Sciah? from Vid- hiapor} to go thither another day. On August the ninth, two hours and forty minutes before noon (if the Calculation and Observation of Christofero Brano, or Boro, be true) the Sun was in the Zenith of Goa and began to decline towards the South. On August the twenty-fourth, on which day the Feast of St. Bartholomew uses to be celebrated, certain Officers, deputed for that purpose, with other Principal Persons entrusted with the superintendency of the Fields and Agriculture, offered to the Cathedral Church, and after wards also to the Vice-roy, the first-fruits of the Fields, ! In the original Algieri. ^ See ante, p. i86, note 5. * The lunar year was adopted in some parts of India, and the solar year in others. All festivals are regulated by the moon. '^ Ihe xwex Mandavi. ^ Ox Adil Shah. See ara&, p. 143, note 5. ' See ante, p. 117, note 2. More correctly Btjapiir. NEWS FROM ORMUZ. 437 to wit of Rice newly eared, which is the most substantial of the fruits of the Territory of Goa? I was told likewise that they made a Statue of an Elephant with Rice-straw, which I know not whether they carry'd about with them, or set up in some Piazza. This custom is practis'd annually upon the said day, because at that time precisely the said fruit begins to ripen. On August the twenty-seventh one Galeon (of four that were coming from Mascat} whither they had been sent last April with Provisions) arriv'd at Goa ; they came, by the Vice-roy's Order, to be ready, if occasion requir'd, to afford new succours of large ships to be sent to Ormiiz. This Ship related that the other three were possibly return'd back again to the streights of Ormiiz, for fear of some Dutch Vessels which hover'd thereabouts ; but this Galeon, being driven out to Sea, and having lost its company in the night, was forc'd to come directly forwards. It related further that Ormiiz had been again besieg'd a good while by the Captains of Ruy Freira, to wit first by Michel Pereira Boraglio our friend, and afterwards by another, whom he sent thither by turns, because thereby the task would be easier tp the be siegers : but that at the parting of these Galleys from Mascat Ruy Freira himself was upon the point to go to the said Siege with all the Men and Vessels with oars he had, which were about twenty, or twenty-five, Galeots, and many less Morisco Vessels called Ternata's? A small pre paration indeed to take Ormiiz withall. On September the second, a little before daylight, the safe arrival of the annual Portugal Fleet was saluted by 1 See a7ite, p. 175, note 4. ^ See ante, p. 158, note 7. 5 Should be Terradas. They were light rowing-boats ernployed generally in carrying supplies, but the term is also applied to small boats used in war. (See Co77nne7ifaries of Afo7iso Dalboquerque, vol. i, p. 105, Hakluyt edition.) 438 THE ANNUAL FLEET. all the Bells of Goa. It consisted of two Merchant Ships, lesser and lighter than the Carracks^ which use to come in other years, one Galeon laden also with Merchandize, and order'd to return with the same Ships, in case it should not be required at Goa for the War, and five other Galeons equip'd for war, which were to remain at Goa with all the Soldiery, vvhich was numerous and good, to be em^ ploy'd as occasion should require. The Chief Captain of this Armada was Sig: Nugno Alvares Botelho; the Admiral Sig: Giovan Pereira Cor/'^rm/, to whose diligence the happy and speedy arrival of this Fleet is attributed ; the Hke not having come to pass in many years, and that through the fault and greediness both of the Pilots and Merchants : for before, without keeping order, or rale, in the voyage, or obedience to the Generals, everyone endeavour'd to have his Ship arrive first and alone. But this Sig. Gio. Pereira Cortei-eal having written and presented a printed Discourse about this matter to the King, his Majesty approv'd the same and gave strict charge that it should be observ'd with all exactness: and hence proceeded the good success of this Voyage. This Fleet brought news that the Prince of England was departed from. Spain without effecting the marriage be tween the two Crowns, beca the Parliament of England would not consent to it^: which, considering all the pre- ! From a Portuguese word, carraca, a name given to large vessels built for voyages to India and South America, fitted for fighting as well as for trade. In the year 1592 one of these vessels was cap tured by Sir John Barrough, which is described as being of no less than 1,600 tons burthen, with thirty-two pieces of brass ordnance, having sevfcn decks, and measuring 165 feet in length. ^ This is, of course, a misapprehension. There is no doubt that the people of England disapproved of the match, but the consent of Parliament was never asked. There were several causes which led •to the match being broken off. (See Hume's Hist, of England, vol. vi, p. 76.) NEWS FROM EUROPE. 439 ceding transactions seems to me a strange case, and per haps the like hath scarce happened between Princes; unless possibly there be some unknown mysterie in the business. That the Frosts, having obstructed the mouth of a River in Holland, had caus'd a great inundation, which broke the banks, or dikes, whereby they kept out the sea, and had done much damage to the Country. That twelve Ships which set forth from thence for India, being beset by the Spanish Fleet oU Dunkirk, were partly sunk and partly shatter'd so that they could not come to India. That the Catholicks in August last, upon the precise day whereon Urban VIII was created Pope, had obtain'd a signal victory! in Ger many against the Hereticks. That great Fleets were pre paring in England, Spain and France, for unknown designs. That the King of Spain was at Sevil? and the Queen had borne him a Daughter who was de~ad ; but the Daughter of the Conte di Vidigueira? present Vice-Roy here in India, had bome him a Son ; at which the Queen was much dis- pleas'd with the King. And that in Portugal it was ex pected that the Arch-Duke Leopold should go to govern that Kingdom. XII. — On September the fifth the other three Galeons, wliich I said were to come from Mascat? arriv'd at Goa. The cause of their delay ^yas, as was rightly conjectur'd, that they had discovfel^. an Eiigl^sh Ship upon those Coasts, and had spent some tiifte in giving her chase, but in vain, through the fault, perhaps, of the Portugual Captain who was loth to fight her ; for one of them mauie up to her and fought a «^ile with her Artillery, but, perceiving her com panions came not to do the like, gave over, and, havatig ! This was probably the victory gained by Count Tilly over Mans- feld at Stadt Loo on August 23rd, 1623. 2 In the original written as Siviglia. ' See ante, p. 175. * See ante, p. 158, note 7. 440 CHRISTIANS OF ST. THOMAS. given and receiv'd many shots, let her go without doing her hurt and return'd to her company. The English Ship shew'd much bravery; for, seeing three Vessels coming against her, she waited to give them battle without fly ing. The above-said Galeons brought Letters which signi fi'd that Mascat^ was molested with wars by the neigh bouring Arabians; which, I conceive, may be upon some confederacy with the King of Persia, thereby to divert the Portugals from the Siege of Ormiiz. That Ormiiz was well provided with Men and Victuals ; that, nevertheless, they hop'd it would be taken, if good succour were sent from Goa, particularly of Galeons to fight with the Dutch Ships which were expected to come to the Ports of Persia to assist Ormiiz and recruit it with fresh soldiers. Of the English there is no mention, because, considering the late transactions in Spain, it is not known whether there will be War, or Peace, with them henceforward, though perhaps the Vice- Roy may know something privately. On September the twenty-ninth a fesuit, whose name I know not, was consecrated here in their Church of Giesu? Arch-Bishop* oi Angamale? and also, as they speak in the Portugal Language, "da Serra", that is, " of the Mountain", where live the Christians whom they call " di San Tome"} of the Chaldean Sect," and sometime subject to the Schis matical Patriarchs of Babylonia, but now of late years (by the diligence of the Portugals) Catholicks, and obedient to ! See ante, p. 158, note 7, and p. 187, note 3. '' See ante, p. 164, note 2. ' See ante, p. 199, note 2. * A town in latitude 10° 20' N., to the north-east of Cranganur. 5 See ante, p. 199, note 1. " Or Nestorians. They themselves do not accept this title, but style themselves Nazaranies. THE viceroy's DILIGENCE. 44I Rome^; his residence is in Cranganor} five leagues from Cocin^ Northwards. On October Hne one and twentieth proclamation was made by the Vice-Roy's Order for the Souldiers to come and receive Pay, in Order to their going to Ormiiz? The Armado wherein they were to go was very long in pre paring through want of money ; which the Vice- Roy was very diligent to raise, both from the Merchants and also from the Gentiles, who consented to pay a certain Annual ! These Christians are still to be found existing as a religious sect. They were at one time an independent people, and elected a sovereign of their own. They were much persecuted by the Portuguese, in order to compel them to become Roman Catholics. When the Portuguese rule came to an end they regained their freedom, but rem.ained divided in religion, and at present, both the Syrian and Roman Catholic services are performed in the same church, and the Syrian division of the sect receives a superior from the Patriarch of Antioch, though before the Portuguese persecution they were governed by bishops deputed by the Nestorian Patriarch of Mosul (here called "of Babylonia"). (See Eastwick's Handbook of Madras, p. 317.) An interesting note on these Christians (said to number as many as 233,000 souls) will be found in Sir H. Yule's Cathay and the Way Thither, vol. i, p. 76. 2 More correctly Kodangulilr. In Lat. 10° 23' N. Identified by Si H. Yule with the ancient Cynkali, or Cyncili7n, or Shinkala, the seat of one of the old Malabar principalities, and celebrated as the place where St. Thomas first preached in India, and where Muhammadans, and Jews also, first settled in India. Called Si7igugli by Jordanus, and. f angli hy Rashid-udin. (See Yule's Cathay, vol. i, p. 75.) Taken by the Dutch in 1662. ^ As this is one of the last references to Cocin in these letters, a few facts may be here mentioned in addition to those given ante at p. 199, note I. The town is situated somewhat peculiarly on the extremity of a spit of land twelve miles long, to the east of which is an extensive backwater, which affords an advantageous means of communication, open at all seasons of the year. The town is well built, but it enjoys an unenviable reputation in regard to healthiness, owing to the prevalence of elephantiasis, otherwise called " Cochin leg". (See Eastwick's Ha7zdbook of Madras, p. 316.) * See ante, p. 2, note I, and p. 395. 442 MALIK AMBAR AND MULLA MUHAMMAD. Sum (or else a greater sum once for all) that Licence might be granted them to celebrate Marriages in Goa, according to their own Rite, which ordinarily was not allowed thein. But all these courses were not sufficient to dispatch the Fleet with that diligence which was desired ; and in the mean time it was said that many Dutch, or English, Ships infested the Ports of Ciaul} Bassaim} and Dabul} without controll ; by all which it appears to me that mat»;ers in India go every day from bad to worse. XIII. — On October the one and thirtieth news came to Goa that Melik Ambar? who for a good while successfully warr'd z.g'aJmst Adil-Sciah? dX length in a victory had taken one Mulla Muhliai>ied, General of Adil-SciaUs Army and much favor'd by him ; who by his ill demeanor towards the said Melik (even so far as to endeavour to get him poyson'd) was the occasion of the present Warr, wherein Melik's chief intent was to revenge himself on the said Mulla Muhhamed: whom being thus taken, they say, he beheaded and caus'd him in that manner to be carry'd about his Camp with this Proclamation ; that this Traytor Mulla Muhhamed, the cause of the Warr and present discords between Adil-Sciah and Nizam-Sciah} (to whom this Melik is Governour) otherwise Friends and Allies, was thus in the Name of his Lord Adil-Sciah, as a Traytor and disturber of the publick Peace, put to death. By which act Melik meant to signifie that he had no evil intention against Adil-Sciah, but onely took up Arms for the mis chiefs done him by Mulla Muhhamed, whom he desir'd to remove from the Government oi Adil-Sciah and from the world. Yet it was not known how Adil-Sciah receiv'd this action, and what end the business would have. 1 See ante, p. 140, note 1. ^ See ante, p. 16, note 3. * See ante, p. 136, note 4. * See ante, p. 134, note 2. ^ See ante, p. 143, note 5. " See ante, p. 134, note i. ADIL SHAH'S PROCEEDINGS. 443 In this Warr, they say, the MogoT favor'd Adil-Sciah against Melik and supply'd him with 20,000 Horse : but, be that how it will, Adil-Sciah hath hitherto always gone by the worst and sometimes been in great danger ; Melik, who is a brave Captain, having over-run all the State almost to the Gates of Vidhiapor} which is the Royal City of Adil-Sciah, where he hath sometimes been forc'd to shut himself up as if it were besieg'd. A few moneths before Adil-Sciah put one of his principal Wives to death, for conspiracy which she was said to hold with Melik, and for having been a party in promoting this Warr, out of design to remove Adil-Sciah from the Government, as one become odious to his own people, either through his covetousness, or inability (being infirm), and to place his Son in his room, who therefore was in danger too of being put to death by his Father when the conspiracy was discover'd. Further news came that Adil-Sciah had deposed from the government and imprison'd the Governour of the maritime Territories bordering upon Goa, who had. lately given the Portugals so many disgusts ; which seem'd to signifie that he was minded to give them some satisfaction : that he had given the place to Chogia Riza or "Regeb, a Persian, lately Governour of Dabul? who being in greater employments at Court will send a Deputy, and from whom, being prudent, and formerly a friend to the Portugals, they hope better dealings. On November ih.e first the Conirditernity della Misericordia^ made a solemn Procession in the evening, (as they use to do yearly upon this day) going with two Biers from their own Church to the Church of our Lady de la Luz? to fetch the ! Le., the JEmperor Jahdngir. (See Elphinstone's Hist, of India, p. 498.) 2 See p. 117, note 2, and p. 436, note 6. * See ante, p. 136, note' 4. * See ante, p. 382, note 4. 5 Marked as No. 23 in the Plan of Goa (ante, p. 154). It was built in 1540, and remained in use up to 1835, but is now removed. 444 A SEA FIGHT. bones of all such as had been executed this year and buried under the Gallows ; which they carry in Procession, first to this latter, and then to their own. Church to bury, where also they make solemn Exequies for them. On November the second, in the Evening, the Dominicans^ made their solemn Procession del Rosario with much Solemnity, and so also the next morning, having deferr'd. the same from the first Week of October till now, because the rain uses to disturb it in October. This day news came to Goa that a Ship belonging to the Mogol's subjects, at her departing for Gidda' from the Port of Diu? had there given security to return to the same Port to pay the usual Customs to the Portugals, which would have amounted to above five thousand Scierifines} but the Ministers of Diu were contented with small security, which was no more than four thousand Scierifines : yet, when the said Ship came back very rich, she would not touch at Diu, little caring to discharge the small security, but put in at a place upon that Coast belonging to the Mogul between Diu and Cambaia? The Portugals, under standing this, sent the Armada oi Diu, consisting of small Vessels with Oars, to fetch her in to Diu by force ; and, the Ship refusing to obey, they fell to fighting. In the fight those of the Ship kill'd, amongst others, the Chief Commander of the Portugal Armada ; yet the Armada so beset the Ship that they first forced her to run on shore, and then burnt her. It was not true that the Chief Captain ' See ante, p. 156, note 2. ^ For Djidda, or Jedda, on the west coast of Arabia, in lat. 21° 29' N., a port formerly much frequented by vessels trading between India and Egypt. 3 Or Diul. See ante, pp. 136, note 4, and 397, note I. * Scierifines, Serafines, or Xerafini, as they were called at Goa, were silver coins, equivalent to about 4J. id., and of about the same value as a Pardao. (See Yule's Hobson-Jobson^ ' See ante, p. 66, note 2. DEPARTURE OF THE ARMADA. 445 was slain ; the Ship was taken indeed, but empty, the Moors having had time to save most of their wealth upon Land, but nevertheless they suffer'd much dammage. By this acci dent it may be doubted whether some disgust be not likely to ensue between the Mogol and the Portugals; and I know not whether it may not somewhat retard the Portugal Armada and Cafila} which was ready to set sail for Cainbaia? On November the fourth the Armada of Collettc^ departed from Goa to fetch provisions ; it was to go to Cocin} and therefore the newly consecrated Arch-Bishop of Serra^ im barqu'd in it to go to his residence ; so also did F. Andrea Palmeiro, Visitor of the fesuits, my friend, to visit that his Province ; and F. Laertio Alberti, an Italian, with many other fesuits who came out of Europe this year to go and reside there. The same day, an Almadia? or small Boat, of CiauP came to Goa with news of a Vessel arriv'd there from Mascat} and also a Ship from Bassora^; both which reported that Ormiiz^^ was in much distress by the Siege, so that many Moors, soldiers, escap'd out of the Town to Ruy Freira; after whose arrival the Siege proceeded pros perously for us, with good order and much hope yet, if the succours were sent from Goa, which Ruy Freira very importunately desir'd. At Bassora, they said, all was quiet This will be the last that I shall write to you from Goa, being ready to depart out of India (if it please God) within a few dayes and desirous to return to my Country, where I may see and discourse with you ; the first object that I ! See ante, p. 121, note 3. ^ See ante, p. 66, note 2. ^ See ante, p. 354. ^ See ante, p. 199, note I. ' See ante, p. 440. " See ante, p. 122, note i. ' See ante, p. 140, note i. * See ante, p. 158, note 7, and p. 187, note 3. " See ante, p. 442, note 3. !" See ante, p. 2, note i. 446 CONCLUSION OF LETTER VIIL propose to myself at my revisiting our dear Italy. How ever, I shall not omit in my way to acquaint you with my adventures, to the end that my Letters may forerun me and be the harbingers of my arrival. I reserve many things to tell the Sig. Dottore, and Signor Colleita, and those other Gentlemen my friends, who, I am confident, join in my prayers to God for my prosperous arrival; from whom wishing you all happiness, I rest, etc. Note. — With reference to the mention made in this Letter of the mission to Ethiopia and of Sultan Saghed, king of that country (see p. 433), and to that of the Christians of San To7ni (see p. 440), it may be useful to remind readers that an account of the Nestorian sect, and of the Christians of " St. Thomas in India", as also of the Jesuit mission to Abyssinia (here called ^Ethiopia), will be found in chap. xlvii of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Rmnan E7npire, in which account " Sultan Saghed" appears as the " Emperor Segued" On his death the Jesuits were expelled from the country by his son Basilides, and, in the words of the historian, " the gates of that solitary realm were for ever shut against the arts, the science, and the fanaticism of Europe"- INDEX. Abag-devi-Ciautru, Queen of Olala, her meeting with Pietro della Valle, 306 ; description of, 307 ; interview with Pietro della Valle, 308-10; her his tory, 313 ; becomes the wife of the King of Banghel, 313; puts herself under the protection of Venk-tapi, 314 ; her energetic attention to drain age works, 337 ; promises an audience to Pietro della Valle, 338; fails to send for him, 342 Acosta, Christopher, writer on drugs, 37 Adil, Shah, meaning of the name, 149 ; his fears of Selim Shdh, 151 ; his want of courtesy towards the Portuguese, T96 ; pays tribute to Selim Shdh, 243 ; deposes the Govemor of territories near Goa, who had given much trouble to the Portuguese, 443 Aga Beg, Govemor of Cananor, 383 Aghoreswara, temple of, 216 n. ; idol venerated l>y Venk-tapi, 272 Agra, town of, in danger on account of the rebeUion of Sultdn Kharram, 48 Ahmadabad, royal seat of the province of Cambay, 34; notice of, 92; de scription of, 9S ; trees in, 95 ; palace in, 97 ; image of the Virgin Mary in, 98 ; temple of Mah^deo in, 98 ; arti ficial lake near, 102 Albertino, Antonio, rector of the Jesuits' college at Daman, 116 ; exchanges letters with Pietro della VaUe, 121, 124 ; takes Pietro della Valle to the college, 133; provides accommoda tion ior Mariam Tinatin, 133 Alvares, Don Nugno, govemor of the coast of Kaffraria, his arrival from Mozambique, 429 Ambassador, the. See Leiton Ambe, or Mango, plant of India, 40 Amboyna, massacre of, xxvii Andrada. See Ruy Freira d'Andrada Asaf, Khin, notice of, 47 n. ; possibly aided Kharram's rebellion, 55; held in custody, 121 Ayres de Siqueira Baraccio, sea captain, 354, 355 ; lands at Goa at night, 394 Azarg, Beca, a leamed Brahman,- 75 ; identifies Brahma with Pythagoras, 76 Bdber, a descendant of Tamerlane, founds the Mogul dynasty, 48 ; notice of, SI Badrapoor, town near Ikkeri, 243 Baldinotti, Pietro della Valle's confessor in Goa. 163 Bali Rairu, heir to Saluva Rairu, 318 Banghel, description of, 302; King of, 313. 315 Baraccio, Ayres de Siqueira. See Ayres de Siqueira Barocci, town of. See Broach Baroccio, Ruy Gomez, priest in Goa, shows civility to Pietro della Valle, 180 ; takes him to visit the Bishop of Cochin, T99; shows hospitality to Pietro della Valle, 394 ; accompanies him to Guadalupe, 404 Barros, Giovanni di, Portuguese his torian, notice of, 34 n. Barselor, Higher and Lower towns, notice of, 297 Bassein, seaport town, 16, 17 Batkal, town, notice of, 390 n. Beca Azarg. See Azarg, Beca Benastarim, fort near Goa, account of, 180; lovely view from, 181; captain of, 181. See Gerda Betle, use of, in India, 226, 255 Bhadr Amma, wife of Venk-tapi, her death, 207 ; account of, 208-9 Bhdt Ndth, or Batinato, King of the Jogis, 345 ; is visited by Pietro della Valle, 350 ; description of, 351 ; de clines to write his name, 351 Bombay, ceded to England by Dutch, xxxiv Borges, Antonio, resident in Barselor, 298 Brahma, figure of, in temple at Nagar, 112; identified with Pythagoras, 76, 108, III ; and the lotus flower, fable of, 408 Brahmans, the most noble caste in India, 88 ; dispute with Jesuits as to use of sacred thread, 88-91 Broach, or Bharoch, description of, 60 ; cotton trade of, 60-1 Bulachi, Sultan, son of Sultdn Khushru, notice of, 59 n. Cacciatur, or Galal, servant to Pietro della VaUe, is unable to leave Surat, 126 ; is left in charge of Vanden- broecke, 129 ; who sends him after Pietro della Valle, disguised as an Indian, 130 ; dismissed for theft, 292 448 INDEX. Calecut. See KdUcot Cambay, principal town of Guzarit, desire of Pietro della Valle to visit, 46 ; thegovernor is removed by Kharram, 62 ; description of town of, 65 ; treat ment of animals in, 67-8, 70 ; garden at, 68 ; temple at, 69, 71 ; singers and dancers at, 71 ; temple of idols at, 71 ; departure of Pietro della Valle from, 92 ; high tide, or bore, seen from, 103 ; temple of Vaishnavas, near, 105 ; corpse-burning at, 115 Cananor, description of the city and its churches, 382 ; La Misericordia at, 382 Canara. See Kdnara Celuud Rairu. See Saluva Charles, Prince, and the Spanish mar riage, 171, 214, 255, 278, 425, 438. Chdwul, arrival of Pietro della Valle at, 140 ; cathedral church at, 141 ; hill at, held by the Moors, 141 ; taken by the Portuguese, 141 Chogia Riza, a Persian, friendly towards the Portuguese, is appointed governor of territories adjoining Goa by Adil Shdh, 443 Chorrom, Sultdn. See Kharram Chosrou, Sultdn. See Khushru Christmas Eve, litanies sung on ships on, 381 ; cakes drugged by soldiers on, 381 Cicco, Portuguese boy at the court of Vikera, 357, 364 Clavijo, Ruy Gonzales de, vn-ites his tory of Tamerlane's conquests, 50 Clusius. See I'Ecluse Cochin, notice of, 199 ; Bishop of, ad ministers the Archbishopric of Goa, 199 Commandant, the. .Sc« Vandenbroecke Cortereal, Giovan Pereira, Admiral of the Portuguese fleet, 438 Cos, or Coru, measure of distance, 23 Costa, Ventura da, native of Kdnara, his marriage at Goa, 427 Courten, Sir William, obtains a licence to trade in India, xxix ; the licence not renewed, xxix Cow-dung, use of, in India, 87, 230, 231, 318, 336 Cugna, Lena da, Portuguese gentle woman at Goa, receives Mariam Tina tin into her house, 160 ; retains her during the absence of Pietro della Valle, 200 Cutb, Shdh. See Kiitb, ShAh Ddbul attacked by English ships. Whale and Dolphin, 136-7 Dalboquerque, Afonso, his arrival in India, xi ; sacks Kdllkot, .\i Damdn, Portuguese city, arrival of Pietro della Valle at, 132; description of the city and cathedral, 133 Davdli, Hindu feast of lamps, in honour of Kdli, wife of Siva, 206 Davis' staff, used by Capt. Woodcock, 12 Dher, or Dhed, a low and despised caste in India, 113 Diu, sea-fight at, 444 Dolphin, English vessel, 4 ; leaves Surat on secret mission, 130 Drugs, writers on, 37 Dutch, take ports and forts from Portu guese, xii ; their disagreement with the East India Company, xxvi etseq. ; their treaty for a cessation of hostili ties wilh the East India Company, xxix ; colonise Java Major, 24 ; seize Portuguese orphans and marry them, 25 : show great courtesy towards Pietro della Valle, 26 ; entertain Pietro della Valle at Broach, 61 ; and at Cambay, 66 liast India Company, charter of incor poration, xvii : first factory, xix ; new c- arters of James I, xxii ; establishes a factory at Surat, xxiii ; its struggles with the Dutch, xxvi etseq. ; is autho rised to build forts, xxviii ; firmdn from King of Golkonda and from Mogul Emperor, xxviii ; its treaty for a cessation of hostilities with the Dutch, xxix ; takes island of Pulo- roone, xxxi ; new charter of Cbas. II, x.xxi ; is authorised to estabUsh garri sons and keep ships of war, xxxii ; change of character of the Company, xxxv English, entertain Pietro della Valle at Ahmaddbdd, 95 ; attack Ddbul, 137 ; massacred lay Selim Shdh at Silrat, 417 ; impolitic behaviour of, 418. See also East India Company Europe, news from, 425-7, 439 Farnese, Ranuccio, news of death of, 171 Fernandez, Francesco, Vicar of Chdwul, 142 Fernandez, Gio. See Leiton Fernandez, Hettor, captain of war-ships, 194, 205, 299 Figueroa, Don Garcia de Silva y, for merly Spanish ambassador in Persia, account of, 188 n. ; resides in Goa, 189 Foufel, plant of India, 40 Franceschi, Giacinto, a Florentine in Goa, 163 Francisco, Christoforo Fernandez, cap tain of fortress of Onor, 204 Gama, Don Francisco da. Viceroy at Goa, 158; visit of Pietro della Valle to, 175 ; his arrangements to assist Ruy Freira at Ormuz, 396 ; his luke warmness in assisting Ruy Freira, 398 INDEX. 449 Ganesa, son of Mdhddeo and Parvati, fable of, 73 Garsopa, account of Queen of, 219 ; kingdom of, conquered by Venk-tapd, 219 ; beauty of river of, 220 ; pepper- growing in, 221 Gerda, Manoel Pereira de la, captain ofthe fort at Benastarim, 181 Ghdts, description of, 222 ; fortress and temple in, 223 ; cistern in, 223 ; native school in, 227 Giaccamd, widow in Ikkeri, who re solves to burn herself, 266, 273 Giagata, calls his dominion after him sdf Giagataio, 50 Giovanni, Christoforo di, a leamed Por tuguese in Goa, 163 Giovio, Paolo, an Italian in the Jesuits' college at Ossein, 139 Goa, description of, 154-5 ; many re ligious orders in, 156 ; many slaves in, 157 ; pomp and poverty of the inhabitants of, 157 ; laxity of morals of the Portuguese in, 161 ; account of the Jesuits in, 162 n. ; learned men in, 163 ; Jesuits' convent the hand somest in, 164 ; religious procession in, 167 ; two summers and two winters every year in, 170 ; arrival of four Carmelites from Rome at, 172 ; death of three of tbem, 172 ; Carmelite re joicing for the canonization of S. Teresia in, 173 ; masquerade in honour of S. Teresia in, 173 ; mass in praise of S- Teresia in, 174 ; masquerade on feast of S. John Baptist in, 177; Rdmazdn celebrated in, 179 ; large well at, constructed by the Hindus, 182 ; cliurch of S. Anna at, 182 ; wether used instead ot horse in col lege of S. Paul at, 185 ; Hindii feast at Narva in, 186 ; feast of the Rosary at, igo ; account of archbishopric of, 199 ; Jesuit procession in, 402 ; canon ization festival at, 410, 413 ; repre sentation of life of S. Xavier, 410 ; beatification mass at, 411 ; procession of Augustines at, 414 ; priest-ridden state of, 415 ; exact position of, 417 ; inquisitor's festival in, 421 ; feast of first-fruits in, 436 ; arrival of annual Portuguese fleet at, 437 ; arrival of vessels from Mascat at, 439 ; con secration of Archbishop of Angamdle at, 440 ; procession of the confrater nity of the Misericordia in, 443 ; Do minican procession del Rosario in, 444 ; viceroy at, see Gama Gopi, builder of a reservoir at Surat, 34 ; was probably governor of Surat, 34 Govea, Gaspar di. Procurator of Jesuits' college at Bassein, shows courtesy to wards Pietro della Valle, 138 Greenland, alleged discovery of, by Capt. Woodcock, 5 ; description of, 6 Guadalupe, description of, 404 ; nyct anthes and lotus flowers at, 406-7 Gulielmo, a Dutch merchant at Silrat, 120 ; his marriage, 123 Guzardt, province of India, 34 ; notice of, 92 n. Hindii Nairs, succession by feraale line among, 218 Hindus, saint, or divining woman of the, 224 Holi, or Holika, Hindii festival, 122 Honelli, description of the town of, 234 ; temple of idols at, described, 235-7 ; religious procession at, 238; ground plan of the temple at, 241 Horto. See Orto Hiimayun, son of Bdber, 51 n. Idols, the worship of, in India, 38, 71, 72 Ikkeri, royal seat of Venk-tapd, descrip tion of, 244 ; description of the palace at, 250-1 ; feast of Mdhddeva, cele brated by girls in, 258-9, 261 ; Janga ma friars in, 260 ; costume of soldiers in, 260 ; dancing woman in, 263 ; exact position of, 264, 268 ; widow of, re solves to burn herself, 266 ; temple of Aghoreswara, or Mahddeo, 268 ; Jan- gami in, 268 ; dancing women in, 272 ; dancing priest in, 277 ; religious pro cession in, 279 ; religious dancing in, 269, 281-2 ; religious festival in, 283. India, arrival of Pieti o della Valle in, 20 ; rainy season in, 32, 33, 432 ; use of pdn leaves and areca-nut in, 36 ; the worship of idols in, 38, 71-2; plants of, 40 ; small cost of living in, 42 ; number of slaves in, 42 ; dress of natives of, 43 ; dress of women of, 44 ; fantastic religions of, 73 ; love of red- colouring in, 74 ; castes in, 77 ; reli gions in, 79 ; belief in the transmigra tion of souls in, 80 ; ceremonies of purification in, 81, 87, 232 ; "drinking in the air" in, 82 ; morality in, 82-3 ; condition of widows in, 83 ; widow- burning in, 83-5 ; treatment of ani mals in, 86-7 ; use of cow-dung in, 87, 230, 231, 318, 336 ; monlceysin, 93-4 ; armed beggars in, 94 ; inns in, 95 ; musical instrument used in, 117 ; account of kingdoms in, 144 ; confu sion ofthe provinces in, 149 ; political condition of Moorish princes in, 150-2 ; the distribution of rains in, 174 ; native carriages in, 183; ear-pendants much worn in, 195 ; similarity of Egyptian gods with those of, 217 ; succession by females in, 218 n., 312, 318 ; description bf torches in, 229 ; neglect of learning and books by the priests of, 278 ; rice-growing in, 296 ; 4SO INDEX. special colours adopted by princes in, 319 ; etiquette of warfare in, 380. Indus, wrongly stated by geographers to flow into the Gulf of Cambay, 63 Jahdngir. See Selim Shdh Jesuits, dispute with Brahmans as to the use of the sacred thread, 88-91 ; news of the martyrdom of, in Japan, 409 ; their mission to Ethiopia, 433-4 ; their friendly relations with Pietro della VaUe, 434 Jinghiz Khdn, conquers vast dominions, 50 ; leaves Samarcand to his son Gia gata, 50 Jogis, or Gymnosophists, religious £an- atics, 37, 99, 105, 107, 113 ; their king, Bhdt Ndth, 345 et seq. Kddiri, temple of the Jogis on the hiU of, 345 n. ; description of, 346-50 Kdli, or Bhawdni, Hindu goddess, wife of Siva, 206 n. Kdllkot, account of, 344 n. ; exact posi tion of, 359 ; description of, 360 ; cos tumes in, 360; description of the palace at, 363 ; plan of the palace at, 377 ; community of wives in, 379 Kdnara, notice of, 168 n. Kdrndta, Queen of, subject to Venk- tapd, 314 ; desire of Pietro deUa Valle to visit, 352, 384 ; story of, 353 Kharram, Sultdn, third son of Selim Shdb, 47 ; rebels against his father, 47 ; obtains possession of Sultdn IChushru, 57 ; brings about his death, 58 ; rumoured sack of Agra by, 121 ; is defeated by Selim Shdh, 177 ; is routed by Selim Shdh, 419 Khushru, Sultdn, rebels againsthis father, Selim Shdh, 55 ; is imprisoned, 56 ; declines to marry Nurmahdrs daugh ter, 57 ; is killed by order of Sultdn Khairam, 58 KorEakan taken and destroyed by Ruy Freyra, i88 KAtb Shdh, account of, 147-8 ; receives Sultdn Kharram into his territory, but does not aid him, 419 Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, wife of VisfaoA, 206 n. Lareck, arrival of Pietro della Valle off, 3 Leandro, Fra, Provincial Vicar of the Carmelites at Goa, 159 ; his courtesy towards Pietro della VaUe, 159 L'Ecluse, Charles de, or Clusius, botan ist and translator, 37 Leiton, Gio. Fernandez, Portuguese Ambassador toVenk-tapd Naieka , 168 ; treats with the captain of the fort at Onor, 204 ; is delayed at Onor on account of the death of Bhadr Amma, 210 ; his interview with Vittala Sinaia, 211 ; is called to audience with Venk- tapd, 247 ; his interview with Venk- tapd, 252 ; his want of dignity, 253, 257 ; his dissimulation towards Venk- tapd, 288 ; Manoel, son of the Ambas sador, a soldier in the fleet, 355 Leni, Alessandro, a Roman in Goa, 163 Lingam, an emblem of Siva, 93, 100, 208, 235, 341 Lucena, Joam de, Portuguese writer, no. III Lucia, Donna, Portuguese orphan, married to a Dutch merchant at Siirat, 25 ; sends for Mariam Tinatin to loc^e with her, 26 Luis, Sebastian, master of a vessd at Damdn, 124 Maani, Gioerida (Sitta Maani), her marriage with Pietro della Valle, ii ; her death at Mina, iii, 45 n. ', her burial at Rome, iv ; the body of, 122 Macrdn passed by Pietro deUa Valle, 7 ; prince of, friendly to the Persians, 401 Maffaeus, J. P., Italian writer, 180 Mdhddeo, Hindii idol of, 73 ; fable of, 73; temple of, in Ahmaddbdd, near Cambay, 93, 101 ; temple of, at Ik keri, 263 ; or Putia somjidta, princi pal god of the Queen of Olala, 341 Mdhddeva, a title of Siva, 259 n. Malabar rovers, threatened encounter with, 356 ; friendly vessels mistaken for, 390 Maldiva, King of, resides in Goa and receives triblite-money, 179 Malik Ambar, Abyssinian slave, ruler of Ahmadnagar, 134 ; account of, 146 Manel, residence of the Queen of Olala, 306; description of the palace of, 317 ; g;round-plaa of the palace of, 324 ; temple to the Devil in, 339 ; exact position of, 342 Mangaliir, description of, 301 ; exact position of, 346 ; arrival of the Samori' of Kdllkot's embassy at, 354 ; notice of, 3B6 Mariam, Signora. See Tinatin di Ziba Mariam, Signora, tier marriage with Signor Guglielmo, 123 Mariuccia. See Tinatin di Ziba, Mariam Marmagaon, church of St. Andrea at, 393 Masagna, Joseph, an Italian in Goa, 163 Mascarenhas, Freites, adventures of, 435 Mascat, news from, 422 Mater, town between Cambay and Ahmaddbdd, 93 INDEX. 4SI Matos, Manoel de, a Christian, engaged as a servant by Pietro deUa Valle, 298 Mehi. See Mhye Mendoza, Luis di, chief captain of the fleet, 385 Mhye, a river flowing into the Gulf of Cambay, 64 ; difficulties of crossing, 64-5 Mir Bey, captain of a fortress in the Ghats, account of, 225 Monardes, Nicolaus, wxiter on drags, 37 Moors, rise of their power in India, 145 ; equally familiar with Arabic, Turkish, and Persian languages, 150 Moryad, confessor to the Viceroy, 176; translates Pietro della Valle's account of the wars in Persia into Portuguese, 177 MuUa Muhhamed taken by Malik .\mbar, 442 ; the cause of war between Adil Shdh and Nizdm Shdh, 442 Murdd Shah, brother of Selim Shah, 52 Muse Bey, captain-general in Banghel, sent by Venk-tapd to accompany Signor Leiton, 247 Myrobalane, fruit-tree, descril>ed, 234 Nagar, temple of Brahma at, 108 ; for merly a royal seat, 113 Naraina, or Narayana, a name of Siva, 236 Narliada, sacred river near Broach, 60 Narghil, plant of India, 40 Narsu, a Brahman, native of Mangaliir, engaged as interpreter by Pietro della VaUe, 305 Narva, celebration of washing by tbe Indians at, 436 Negrone, or Negraone, Francesco, Por tuguese writer on reUgion, 109 Nizam Shah, notice of, 134 tz. ; held the hiU at Chawul until routed by the Portuguese, 141 ; raeaning of the name, 145 ; large cannon belonging to, 147 Niir Mahdl, wife of Selim Shdh, account of. S3-S Olala, description of, 303 ; Queen of. See Abag-devi-Ciautru Onor, description of, 202-3 ; hot well near, held sacred by the Hindiis, 205 ; exact position of, 206 Ormuz, condition of, 9, 10, 171, 279, 396-400, 431, 437, 440, 441, 445 Orto, Garcia de, writer on drags, 37 Osorio, Jerome, Portuguese writer, 180 Palmeiro, Andrea, Superior ofthe Jesuits in Goa, 160 ; offers hospitality, to Pietro della VaUe, 160 ; provides resi dence for Mariam Tinatin, 160 Pangi, or Panjim, vice-regal residence at, 193, 197 Pansecal. See Rains Pantaleon, Vincislao, representative of China and mathematician, 163 ; shows Pietro deUa Valle a description of China in the Chinese language, 165 ; his departure for China, 425 Parvati, goddess, account of, 35 ; her effigy cures maladies, 37 ; fable of, 73 Pasagna, Pero Gomez, captain of Man galiir, 302 Paul, Saint, principal patron saint of Portuguese churches in India, 142 Perviz Sultdn, son of Selim Shdh and governor of Bengala, 57 Persian, the language spoken at the Mogul's court, 97 Pietro, Don Sebastiano di San, Bishop of Cochin, account of, 199 11. Pontebuoni, Bartolomeo, Tuscan painter in Goa, 163 Portuguese, buUd forts in India, x ; sack Kdllkot under Dalboquerque, xi ; occupy Goa, xi ; build factory at Kdllkot, xi ; take Mangalur, xi ; Bom bay and other towns ceded to, xii ; ports and forts taken from, by the Dutch, xii ; decline of Portuguese power in India, xiv ; cede Bombay to England, xxxiv ; their neglect of the study of navigation, 13 ; do not gain the confidence of native princes, 179 ; their impolitic proceedings, 196 ; send vessels to the reUef of Ruy Freira, 214 ; their impolitic behaviour in the Samori's palace, 372 ; their incom petency, 390 ; wreck of vessel belong ing to the, at Kaffraria, 429 Pratapdra, favourite of Venk-tapd, 252, 284 President, the. See Rastel Preti Janni, or Prester John, King of Ethiopia, joins the Catholic Church, 137 Qara, Sultdn, death of, 435 Quadro, Andrea de, receives the degree of Master of Arts from the Jesuits at Goa, 434 Rabelo, Henrico, Vicar of Onor, 204 Rains in India, 32, 33, 155, 174, 432 Rdmo Rao, Hindii chief, subject to Venk-tapd, 306 Rastel, Thomas, President of the English merchants at Surat, 19 ; goes on board tbe Whale, 19 ; notice of, 19 n. ; his offer of hospitality declined by Pietro della VaUe, 26 ; is offended with Pietro deUa VaUe for lodging with Vanden- broecke, and declines to see him, 28 ; receives Pietro della Valle's letter and is reconciled, 29 ; splendour of his 452 INDEX. household, 41 ; present at a wedding in Surat. 124 ; meets Pietro della V.illc al tlic seaside, 129 Ror, Sir Thomas, bis embassy to the Mogul Emperor, xxiv ; his treaties with bim, xxiv-xxv Ruy Krcirn dc Andrada, commands war ships against the Persians, 158 ; be sieges Sobdr, 187 ; takes Korfakan, 188 ; bis cruelty towards the inhabit ants, 188 ; is forced to raise tbe siege of Ormuz, 397 ; m-ws of, 399, 400 ; ships sent to his aid, 416 Sa, Constantino da, bis courtesy towards Pietro della Valle, 164 Sabarmati, rivernear Ahmaddbdd, 100 Saghed, Sultdn, reported to be a member of the Catholic Church, 433, 446 n. See Preti Janni Sagher, new city, description of, 265 Saints, canonization of live, 170 Salsette, arrival of Pietro della Valle at, 139 ; province of, 392 Saluva Rairu, son of the Queen of Olala, 316 ; description of, 319 ; begs Pietro della VaUe to procure him a good horse, 334 Samori. See Vikira Savoy, Prince of, news of his appoint ment as Viceroy of Sicily, 189 Scander, Rastel's interpreter, lent to Pietro della Valle, 29 Schipano, Antonio, kinsman of Mario Schipano, visits F'ietro della Valle at Goa, 159-60 Schipano, Mario, medical professor and friend of Pietro della VaUe, ii ; recipi ent of his letters, vii Seining, Alberto di, friend of Pietro della Valle in Siirat, 19 ; visits Pietro della VaUe on the sea-shore, 22 ; urges Pietro della VaUe to lodge with Vandenbroecke, 26 ; undertakes to find a house for Pietro della Valle, 27 ; agrees to accompany Pietro della Valle to Cambay, 46 ; leaves Cambay for Ahmaddbdd, 92 ; visits a Jesuit from Goa, 116 ; present at a wedding in Siirat, 124 ; leaves Siirat on the Dolphin, 130 Seda-Siva Nayak, grandson of Venk- tapd, 284 Selim Shdh, his reUgious toleration, 30, 127 H. ; removes the royal treasure from Agra, 47 ; why called the Great Mogul, 48 ; his descent from Tamer lane and Jinghiz Khdn, 49, 51 n. ; originally called Sceichi, 51 ; his many titles, 52 ; his sons, 52-3 ; his wife Nilr Mahdl, 53 ; his cruelty to Khushru and his followers, 56 ; en counters his rebel son Kharram and defeats him, 177 ; besieges him at Mandu, 177 ; massacres the English in Siirat, 417 Shias and Sunis, rival sects of Muham madans, 152 Sitta Maani. See Maani, Gioerida. Siva, idol, 236 n. ; the festival of, 259 ; See also Mdhddeo Sohdli visited by Pietro della Valle and' tbe English captains, 22 Sobdr besieged by Ruy Freira, 187 Sojitra, town near Cambay, 103 Sonitx}! Shdh, brother of SeUm Shah, 52 !>orrentino, Vincenzo, chaplain to tlie Spanish Ambassador in Persia, 160 Siirat, arrival of Pietro della Valle off, 18 ; factories at, 19 n. ; Pietro della Valle enters, 23 ; description of, 30 ; reUgious toleration in, 30 ; marriage celebration in, 31 ; description of artificial lake in, 32-3 ; large banyan- tree near, 35, 39 ; garden in, visited by Pietro della Valle, 39 ; abundance offruitin,47; massacre ofthe English at, 417 Tamerlane, or Teimur Lenk, descended from Jinghiz Khdn, 49; notice of, 49 71. ; elected King of Giagataio, 50 ; expeditions of, 50 Telingana, a kingdom of the Dakhan, i44n Teresia, Saint, rejoicings for the canoni zation of, at Goa, 173 Tinatin di Ziba, Maria, taken under the protection of Pietro della Valle, iv ; her marriage mth Pietro della Valle, iv ; goes to lodge with Donna Lucia, 26 ; special permission is required for her to leave Ahmadabad, 102 ; is present at a wedding at Siirat, 123 ; lodges with Portuguese gentlewoman in Damdn, 133 ; is received into the house of Sig. Lena da Cugna at Goa, 160 ; remains in Goa with Sig. Lena da Cugna, 200 Tumbri, arrival of Pietro della Valle at, 230 Urban VIII, Pope, election of, 426 ; death of cardinals after the election of, 426 VaUe, Pietro della, birth, i ; joins Span ish fleet, i ; present at the capture of Karkenssa Islands, ii ; starts for the East, ii ; marriage, ii ; goes to Persia with his wife, iii ; takes part in battle against the Turks, iii; embarks for India, iv ; returns to Rome, iv ; second marriage, iv ; retires from Rome, V ; death and burial, vi ; his INDEX. 453 love of music, vi ; Egyptian travels, vi ; study of Assyrian cuneiform writings, vii ; arrival off Lareck, 3 ; arrives off Bassein, 16 ; arrives off Siirat, 18 ; lands in India, 20 ; is attacked by ague, 21 ; is visited by Alberto di Scilling, 22 ; visits Sohali with Al berto di SciUing, 22 ; reaches the town of Siirat, 23 ; declines offers of the English President (Rastel), and of the Dutch commandant (Vanden broecke) to lodge with them, 26 ; is constrained by Vandenbroecke to enter his house, 27 ; occupies house lent to him by Vandenbroecke, 28 ; in so doing offends Rastel, 28 ; is reconciled by means of a letter, 29 ; desires to visit Cambay, 46 ; leaves Siirat for Cambay, 47 ; taikes leave of Vandenbroecke, 59 ; arrives at Broach , 60 ; stays at Jambusir, 62 ; crosses the river Mhye, 64 ; arrives at Cam- bay, 66 ; leaves Cambay, 92 ; lodges at Saima, 93 ; leaves Ahmaddbdd, IOI ; returns to Cambay, 103 ; is received by the Dutch, 103 ; visits a Jesuit firom Goa, 116 ; leaves Cambay, 118 ; stays at Jambusir, 119 ; reaches Broach, 119; is leceived by the Dutch, 119 ; arrives at Siirat, 120 ; exchanges letters with Antonio .\lber- tino, 121, 124 : visits Captains Wood cock and Willis at Siirat, 130 ; parts with Scilling, 130; commences his voyage ivith Sebastian Luis, 131 ; arrives at Daman, 132; is received by Antonio Albertino, 133 ; eats many new fruits at Damdn, 134 ; leaves Daman, 137 ; arrives at Bas sein, 138 ; visits tlie Jesuits' College, 139 ; arrives at Salsette, 139 ; leaves Chawul, 143 ; arrives at Goa, 154 ; lodges witli Jesuits, 160 ; attends mass at the CarmeUte Church in Goa, 162 ; wears mouming since death of his wife Sitta Maani, 165, 412 ; visits the Viceroy at Goa, 17^ ; gives him his account of wars in Persia, 176 ; arranges to accompany Gio. Fer nandez Leiton to the court of Venk- tapa, 192 ; goes to Panjim, or New Goa by sea, 193 ; is introduced to Vittala Sinaia, 195 ; returns to Goa to obtain a licence from the Viceroy, 198 ; encounters pirates, 201 ; arrives at Onor, 202 ; leaves Onor with Leiton, 217; visits a widow in Ikkeri aliout to iium herself, 273; experiences trouble in obtaining suitablefood, 294 ; visits Colur, 295; is in danger of shipwreck, 299 ; arrives at MangaWr, ^oo • visits Banghel, 302 ; and Olala, toT. '¦ leaves Mangaliir, 305 ; meets Oueen Abag-devl-Ciautrti, 306 ; visits Saluva Rairu, 321 ; presents him with a map of ^^^ worid, 322 ; is con strained by him to eat, 323 ; shows him the use of the fork, 331 ; answers his questions, 332 ; is esteemed on account of white skin, 335 ; leaves Manel, 343 ; visits Bhdt Ndth, King of the Jogis, at Kddiri, 350 ; visits Mangalur a second time, 355 ; decides to accompany embassy to Kdllkot, 355 ; is invited to visit the Samori's palace at Kalikot, 363 ; leaves Kdll kot, 381 ; arrives at Goa, 394 ; lodges with Ant. Baraccio, 394 ; receives news of Cacciatur, 395 Vandenbroecke, Pietro, President of tbe Dutch settlement at Siirat, 25 ; de scription of bis house, 26 ; importunes Pietro della VaUe to lodge with him, 27 ; lends a house to Pietro della Valle, 28 ; t.ikes Pietro della Valle to visit a garden in Siirat, 39 ; splendour of his household, 41 ; escorts Pietro della Valle out of tbe town of Siirat, 47 ; receives news from Agra, 47 Veira, Ascentio, notary in Mangalur, 301 Venk-tapd Nayak, Prince of Kdnara, 168; account of, 190-1 ; newsofdeatb of bis wife, 207 ; is dissatisfied with the emtiassy of Leiton, 212 ; conquers tbe kingdom of Garsopa, 219 ; pays tribute to Adil Sbab, 243 ; bis treaty with the King of Banghel, 285 ; his distrust of the Kine of Banghel, 286 ; assists -the Queen of Olala against the King of Banghel, 314 Viceroy. See Gama Vikira, Samori of Kdllkot, 345 ; bis negotiations with tbe Viceroy, 357 ; bis two nieces at Kdllkot, 366 ; de scription of, 367 ; converses with Pietro della Valle and a Portuguese captain, 369 ; speaks of tbe Viceroy's demands, and desires time, 370 ; ad mires a Portuguese arquebus, 371 Villa di Bahmani, villag;e near Onor, 207 Vira-badra Nayak, grandson of Venk- tapd, 284 Virena Deuru, or Lingam, an emblem of Siva, 23s, 238 Vittala Sinaia, ambassador from Venk- tapd to Viceroy, 191 ; visits the cap tain of tbe fort at Onor, 206 ; his interview with Leiton, 211 ; presents Pietro della Valle with a Hindii book written on palm-leaves, 291 WAale, English ship, i ; leaves Siirat on a secret mission, 130 Widow in Ikkeri resolves to burn her self, 266 WnUs, Matthew, captain of the Dol- phin, 3 : is visited by Pietro della Valle at Surat, 130 Woodcock, Nicholas, captain of the 454 INDEX. Whale, 3 ; exhibits a gigantic horn, 4 ; alleged discoverer of Greenland, 5 ; relates the affairs of Ormuz, 8 ; makes daily observations on board the Whale, 12 ; chart of Strait of Ormuz, made by, 15 ; visits Sohdli, 22 ; visited by Pietro della Valle at Siirat, 130 Xaganos, 149 n. Xavier, S. , notice of, 170 ; canonization festival of, in Goa, 410 Xerafin, .184 Vak, tails of, used as ornament, and as a weapon against the flies, 260-1 Yellow colour, 75, 258 YeUow squirrels, 93 Yusuf Adil Shdh, builder of the fort at Pangi, 197 Zeilan (Ceylon), 109, no, 176 Ziacche, fruit, 264 ERRATA IN VOL. II. P. 200, 1. 3, insert IV. — at commencement of line. P. 225, 1.5, „ IV.- P. 273, 1.15, „ XXIIL- „ P. 284, 1. 26, „ XXVIL- „ P. 355, 1. 16, "Mansel" should be "Manoel". P. 424, 1. 28, insert V. — at commencement of line. 3 9002 00486 5243 i • "' rv-