','•>; :*¦%-: 3'e jiiiersilyLiDrari' 39002004889292 ¦' i-^*?^ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY gprottofogifc^ gcorbnete Jammfuttg ^ wn me'^r aU 30,€00 lamen »on ^intoanhrern in ^ennsjlbanien ^eutf(^tanh, bet ^(^ntet}, ^oSanb, ^tan&reii^ tt. a. §>i. i)On 1727 M^ 1776, mit 2htga6e ber Stamen ber ©d^iffe, be« Sinfc^tjfunggortcS unb be^ Satumg ber Stntunft in ^^ilabclp^ia, nebji gcfc^ic^tlit^en unb anbetcn ^cntcrfungen, foiDte ¦gtot^ttcirung »on mel^r aU taufcnb beutfc^eit unb franjiSftfdicit ^amtn tn Slew glorf oor bein 3ai)re 1712. ason SSerfoiTer meftrer 6i|ioti(iifii SBetle. 3»ette tterfiefferte unb oerme^rte Sluflagt mtt bettif^ev l(e0erfe^utig. SSerlag »on 3g. ^of^ltx. 1876. A COLLECTION OF 0PWAIIDS OF rr ffl' i: GERMAN, SWISS, DUTCH, FRENCH AND OTHER Immigrants in Pennsylvania ^rom. I'ZST to UTVQ, WITH A statement of the names of Ships, whence they sailed, and the date of their arrival at Philadelphia, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED, TOGETHEE WITH THE E'ecessary Historical and other Notes, ALSO, An Appendix containing Lists of more than one thousand German and French Names in New York prior to 1712, BY Prof. I. DANIEL RUPP, Author of several Historical IForis. Second Revised and Enlabbed Edition with German Translation. PHILADELPHIA: IG. KOHLEB, 202 NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1876. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in Uie yeur 1875, by IG. KOHLER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CAXtOH PKESa 07 8HEIIMAN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. ¦¦<-' Km^mmM^s^immiM, mi^JEmmmmm - PREFACE TO THE IMPROVED EDITION. To meet the often-repeated requests of many who were anxious to ascertain, if possible, when such and such per sons came to Pennsylvania, the Editor copied carefully the original Lists of the Names of German, Swiss and other immigrants on File in the Secretary's Office, at Harrisburg, and published an edition of A Collection of Thirty Thousand Names, &o., in 1856.* The first edition is now out of print, and cannot be had at any price. From |5 to $7 have been paid within the last five years for seoond-hand copies. The sefeond edition is a carefully revised one, and much improved. The names of males, not sixteen years of age, are inserted immediately under those above six teen years old, instead of presenting them in the Ap pendix. There have also been added enlarged Lists of names of first settlers at Germantown, of early settlers in Lancaster county, in Tulpehocken, Berks county, &c. This Collection contains upwards of Thirty Thousand Names, &o., and some historical and biographical notes. The present descendants of the early German, Swiss and French immigrants, now numbering millions, living in Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia, and in the "Western States, will be enabled, if they procure this Publication, to ascertain the time of their ancestors' ar rival, and other facts of value to most of them. *The flrst edition was published in a Monthly Serial of 24 pages. Soon after issuing the first number, the Editor received orders for the Collection from persons in New Yorlc, New Jersey, Maryland, Vir ginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky and other Western States, and from persons in many counties in Pennsylvania. (V) VI PREFACE TO THE IMPROVED EDITION. It has been truthfully said: "That comparatively few of the living millions in the United States can tell wlien their forefathers came to tiiis country." By the aid of this Collection, thousands of the descendants of early immigrants, can with certainty, determine the year of the arrival of their progenitors.* Among other objects had in view in publishing this Collection, is the preservation of names, which indiffer ence or accident might have forever placed beyond reach. As many feel, naturally, curiously anxious to know the names of fellow-passengers, in crossing the ocean "in perils by sea," the Editor has sought to gratify this curiosity by the plan of arrangement adopted. This Collection may also lead to the rfghtful recovery of inheritance of money, held in abeyance, in the old country. It is not, however, presumed, that this, in it self, is legal evidence, but it may aid materially in sug gesting modes of proof to the right of such claims. I. DANIEL EUPP, 43d AND HuEON Sts., West Philadelphia. 1875. * The late 7?™. Henry Hnrhaugh, D. T>., in r. letter to the Editor, 1856, said: "This CoUertimi. mU place in the hands of Subscribers the means of tracing their ancestors, which must prove a great satis faction to all who have not, nnder a false training, grown indifferent as to their earthly origin. We are among those who believe that any who care not about their earthly origin, cnre little as to .anytliing higher. We are much mistaken if this work will not- be mach sought for." f o.rrtbe ^ux krtesatit %\\h^t ^m ber oft son SStelen mieberl&olten 9?ad()fra(ne, wdd)i fierne ju erfa^ren rounfc^ten, tcann btefe ober jene |Jerfonen \idf in ^cnnf^luamen ntebercjelafTen, ju entfpred^en, fc^rieb ber |)er* auggeber bte m ber 3lint6ftube beg Staatg«©efretavg §u ^ar:= rteburcj aufberoa^rten Drtgt'naUgiften ber 'Jiamen bcutfdjcr, fc|)tt)etjertfcber unb anberer Stnwanberer forcifalttg ah unb oerSffentlt^te btefelben tn bem tin 3a^re 1856 unter bem Stttet „etne ©ammlung »on fiber 30,000 9lainen" u. f. to. erfd^ienenen SSud&e.* 2)te erfie Sluflage tft jcgt bergrtffen unb urn feinen ^ret'g ju befoinmen. Stlte (Sremplare ^aben tn ben le^ten funf 3al)ren »on $5 bt'g $7 gebradjt. jite jaefte Slufloge erfu^r etne forgfiiltige |?mfung unb bebeutenbe SBerbefferung. 2)te Stamen rer inannli4>cn Sin* wanbercr untcr fcdjsc^n 3a^ren folgen Canftatt im Sln^ang) gletd^ nac^ ber 8t(le ber fiber fec^jei^n 3a^re alten ^erfonen. Sine oerme^rte Sfiamenlifte ber erfien Slnftebler tn Oermantomn, tn Sancafter Sountp, in SLuIpe^orfeti, S3erfe £ount9 u. f. tt). tft btcfer Sluflage bctgeffigt. ©tefe ©a mm lung entljait fiber 30,000 D^Jamen k., ifuhft gef(^t($tltcl;en unb btogralj^fc^Eti Slnmerfungen. — Die* felbe erm8glt(^t cs, ben je^t ju SDlttltonen 5al)lenbcn 'iRad)' fbinmen ber frfi^en bcutfc^en, f4(wetjertfd)en unb franj5fifc[)cn Stnttjonberer, bte tn ^ennfpfoanien, ^iew g)orf, Star^Ianb, SSirgtnten unb ben racftlti^en ©taa'ten wo^nen, tt)enn fte ftcf) btefeg SBerf anfc^affen, bte genaue 3ett ber 5ln!unft t^rer * Die criie Sluflagc erfc^t'cn in monaftfi^cn 9?iimmcrn son 2i Seitcn. Salb nai^Seiit bte erfte SKummer serbreitet war, f«men Seftettungeirfiir bie ©ammlung uon 3)crfonen in 9Jcn) glorf, 9?e» 3etfci5, TOar^lnnb, SSivgtnien, 9iorb=EnroIinn, iDt)to, Setitucf? unb otiberen wefWt^en ©taaten, nebji bielen Sountied in 3)enn|9lbanien. (VII) SBorfa^ren unb anbere wi($ttge S:|)atfaci^en, bte ben SD^etften tjon grof em SBert^e ftnb, ju erfal^ren. ffiBa^r ift: „t)a^ ser^altnifmaftg 2Benige ber son ben m ben aSeretnigten ©taaten lebenben 2«tUtonen wiffen, wann t^re aSoreltern tn biefeg Sanb tamen." 2JJtt ^fllfe biefer ©ammlung fonnen Saufenbe ber 2lbf6mmlinge frfi|)er gtnttjanberer mtt ©ewtf tjett bag 3a^r, in bem t^re Sl^nen angetommen ftnb, befttmmen.* 2)te 35ertSffent(t(^ung btefer ©ammlung ^t etnen wet* teren Smedf barin, bag tn t^r bte ^amm tn t^rer etgentltc|en urfprftngltcl) rtc^ttgen govnt ent^olten ftnb, wel^e burd^ @iet4igfilttgfett ober Bufall tt5o|l fttr tmmer auf er^alb jebeg S3eretd^g gefommen fetn wfirben. 2)a Stele etne natfirlid^e 5Reugterbe ^aben, bte ^amtn ber sjJlitiJafi'agtere ju wtffen, bte mtt t^nen fiber bas SWeer famen unb mit t^nen bte ©efal^ren beg SBafferg burc^mad^ten, fo bemfiljte fi^ ber .^erauggeber, tn bem son tl^m oerfolgten ^lane ber ©ntl^eilung foli^e 9?eugterbe ju befrtebtgen. 2)tefe ©ammlung fann ebenfallg jur rec^tmSf (gen (£r* langung etner tm alten 8anbe „tn Slnwartfc^afi ge^altenen" Srbfc^aft bon ®elb ffi^ren. Sg wtrb jcbo(| ntd^t erttjortet, baf bag ^ter ®ebotene an ft^t felbfi gefe^lti^e IBewetgsUrfunbe fetn foil, fonbern eg bfirfte wefentltd^ bagu bettragen, 9Sege an bte ^anb gu geben, weld^e SSercetfe fur bte SRec^tmaf tgfeit folc|er Slnfprficfie Itefem. 1875. .3. Daniel 'Slttpp, 43)le unb $uron.®ttage, SIBejl.5)f)ilflfcrtp'Slw. * 3)er feltge 5)ajior Dr. §etnrfd^ $atbac^ fc^tteb tn etnem Sriefe an ben $etnii«geber Bom 3al()re 1856: „®icfe ©ammlung crmiiglicfit bte UnterfciS) tetter, i^re SBorfd^ren ju erforfcften, weldbeS Denen, bte burcj eine fnlf(ie ©rjie^ung ntc^t ganj gleic&giiltig gegcn t^re irbtf^e 3Ibflam= mung geiDcrben jtnb, grcgeg SSetgniigen gema'^ren mn§. SBir ge^b'ren ju S^cnen, bte glaubcn, bag Dtejentgen, ttel^e jid) nt^t urn t()re irttfd^e SlbPiammung betlimmern, |td& ebenfowem'g um ^b'bere Dtnge !i"tmmcrn. SBJir tDurben un« fejir tfiuf^ien, teenn biefe« SEBert nid^t etnen tetpenben Slbfa^ fonbe." COJ^TEFTS. PAGE General Introduction I Prolegomena 39 Names of German, Swiss and other Immigrants ... 47 Addenda 420 Appendix: No. I. — Names of first settlers at Germantown and yicinity, from 1683 to I7I0 ' . .429 No. II. — Names of early settlers of Berks and Montgomery Counties, originally Philadelphia County, &c., &o. . 484 No. III. — Swiss and German settlers in Lancaster County, from 1709 to 1730 ... ... 436 No. IV. — Names, age and occupation of those, who accom panied Rev. Joshua Kooherthal, &o., &c. . . 439 No. V. — Names and ages of the heads of families remain ing in the City of New York, 1710 . . . .448 No. VI. — Names and ages of male children, apprenticed by Governor Hunter, 1710 to 1714 .... 445 No. VII. — Names of male Palatines, above twenty-one years old, in Livingston Manor, N. ¥., &c 446 No. VIII. — Names of the first Palatines in North Carolina, as early as 1709 and 1710 449 No. IX. — Names of males, Salzburgers, settled in Georgia, 1734 to 1741 . . " 449 No. X 452 No. XI.— German settlement in North Carolina, 1709, 1710 454 No. XII.— Germanna 460 No. XIII.— Names of males at New Rochelle in 1710 . 463 No. XIV. — Names of early settlers iu Tulpehocken, Berks and Lebanon Counties ...... 465 No. XV. — List of members of the German Reformed Church, between 1735 and 1755 468 No. XVI. — Four hundred and sixty-five names of German, Dutch and French inhabitants of Philad'a Co., &c., &c. 470 Interpretation of Names 479 (IX) [nljalt. Seite SWgemftne gtnlettung 19 aSorbemetfungcn 43 SJnnien ber bcutfc^en, fd^wetjertfii^en unb anbeten Sintoanberer . 48 3^H ¦424 Sln^nng: Sir. I. — 9Jninen ber erjlen 9Injiebler »on Oetmantottn unb Um^ gegcnb son 1683 Ha 1710 ...... 429 5lr. 11. — 9lnmert ber erften Slnjtebler son ben gountieS SBerfe unb Wontgomer?, urfpriinglid) ?)t)tlntclpt)ia Sountp jc. jc. 434 Sftx. IU — ©djiTieijertfcbe unD beutfc^e Slnfteblet in Sancojtet Sount?, pon 1709 big 1730 436 9?r. IV.— gjiimen, Slltcr unb SerufSnrten Xcrcr, »eld)e 5).t[lor 3ofua ^odiert^iil btgleitcten jc. jc . . . . .441 Sflr. v.— SfJamen ber tm 3a^re 1710 in SJetP gi'rf petblcitenben gamtlitnljaupter unb berrn Sllter .... 443 Sit. VI.— sRamen unb Sllter ber inn 1710 btS 1714 »on ®ou» Perneur §unter in bie Scljre gcttjonen Snaben . . 445 Str. VII. — 9?nmen ber mannlid)rn JJfaljet iiber etnunbgpjanjig ' 3iJ()re olt JC. JC, in Sisingjl^n «Kanor, 91. g). . . 446 gjr. VIII — SfJamen bet erflcn 3)fiiljer in 9?orb>Sarolina in ben 3nl)ren 1709 unb 1710 . 449 9ft, IX.— SJamen ber mannlii^en ©aljbutger, bie frc^ pen 1734 big 1741 in ©eotgin niebcrgela([en ^oben . . , 449 9tt. X. 453 gfr. XI — Deutfdie Slnftebelung tn Kotb-Sarolina, 1709, 1710 457 9?t. XII— Sjetmanna 461 ««t. XIII.— giamen ber sKanner ju Stew 3todic«e, 1710 . 463 ^r. XIV.— gtamen bet erften Slnjicblct pon SLuliiefjocfcn, Sctfa unb Sebiinon Sountiea 465 9Jt. XV— Sijle bet Witglieber bet beutfdxefotmirten Siti^e in ben 3'ibren 1735 bt« 1755 468 9Jr. XV[.— aSierbnnbrtt unb funfnnbfedjjis 9Jamcn bentfti^et, Ijoaanbifdjer u. franjBjlf^iet einwctinet Pon $t)ilnb'a So. JC. 470 (Stflatung Pon jaufnamen .479 (X) ^mctat 3ttfrobttdiott. BEIEF NOTICES OF THE PRINCIPAL GERMAN, SWISS AND FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN NORTH AMERICA, DURING THE COLONIAL ERA.* Love of fame, the desire to enlarge their dominion, eager to sway the sceptre over subjugated nations, influenced the ancient Germans to leave their hearths, and to achieve conquests, thus proving themselves, in days of yore, as in the middle ages, Herren der WeU, Lords of the World. At different periods, various causes and diverse motives in duced them to abandon their Vaterland. Since 1606, millions have left their homes, the dearest spots on earth, whither the heart always turns. Religious persecution, political oppression drove thousands to Pennsylvania — ^to the asylum for the har- rassed and depressed sons and daughters of the reUcs of the Reformation, whither William Penn himself invited the perse cuted of every creed and religious opinion. From 1682 to 1776, Pennsylvania was the central point of emigration from Germany, France and Switzerland. Perm's liberal views, and the illiberal course of the government of New York toward the Germans, induced many to come to this Province. — See Appendix No. X. In the first period of twenty years, from 1682-1702, com paratively few Germans arrived : not above two hundred fami lies, — they located ^ principally at Germantown. They were nearly all Plattdeutsch, Low Germans, from Cleves, a Duchy in Westphalia, and arrived in 1683-1685. Leaving their na tive country a,t that time, they providentially escaped the deso lation of a French war, which in 1689 laid waste the city of Worms, near which town they resided; ravaged the countries * In the Fireside History of German and Swiss Immigrants, a fuller account of these settlements is given. (1) 1 2 GENERAL. INTRODUCTION. for miles around, where the flames went up from every market place, every hamlet, every parish church, every country seat within the devoted provinces. When, in the same year were laid waste, Rohrbach, Laimen, Nussloch, Wissloch, Kirchheim, Bruckhausen, Eppelnheim, Wieblingen, Edingen, Necker- hausen ; and Handschuhsheim, in the Duchy of Baden, in which, says Kayser, Johannes Schad and Ludwig Rupp were consumed in the flames. — Ka'yser's Schauplatz von Heidelberg, p. 505. Francis Daniel Pastorius, born at Sommerhausen in Franconia, Germany, Sept. 26, 1651, arrived at Philadelphia in the ship America, captain, Joseph Wasey, Aug. 20, 1683, with his fa mily. He was accompanied by a few German emigrants : Jacob Schumacher, George Wertmueller, Isaac DDbeck, his wife and two children, Abraham and Jacob; Thomas G^per, Conrad Bacher, alias Butter, and an English maid, Frances Simpson. Others soon followed Pastorius. (For a List of their names, and of the first settlers at Germantown, see Appendix No. I.) Pastorius located where he laid out Germantown the same year in which he arrived in Pennsylvania. The land of the German- town settlement was first taken up by him, the 12th of the 10th month (October) 1683. He commenced the town with thirteen families. In less than five years some fifty houses had been erected. The period from 1702—1727 marks an era in the early Ger man emigration. Between forty and fifty thousand left their native country — " their hearths where soft affections dwell." The unparalleled ravages and desolations by the troops of Louis XIV, under Turenne, were the stern prelude to bloody persecutions. To escape the dreadftil sufferings awaiting them, German and other Protestants emigrated to the English colonies in America. In 1705, a number of German Reformed, residing between Wolfenbiittel and Halberstadt, fled to Neuwied, a town of Rhenish Prussia, where they remained some time, and then went to Holland — there embarked, in 1707, for New York. Their frail ship was, by reason of adverse winds, carried into the Delaware bay. Determined, however, to reach the place for which they were destined — to have a home among the Dutch, they took the overland route from Philadelphia to New York. On entering the fertile, charming valley in Nova Csesaria, New Jersey, which is drained by the meandering Musconetcong, the Passaic and their tributaiies, and having reached a goodly GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 3 land, they resolved to remain in what is now known as the German Valley of Morrison county. From this point, the Germans have spread into Somerset, Bergen and Essex counties. At Elizabethtown, where the first English settlement was made in New Jersey, 1664, there were many Germans prior to 1730.* There was also a German settlement at a place known as Hall mill, which is some thirty miles from Philadelphia.'}' A well supported tradition maintains, that a Polish colony, consisting of two hundred Protestants, settled in the early part of the eighteenth century, in the valleys of the Passaic and Raritan rivers, in New Jersey. They were led by Count Sobleski, a lineal descendant of the wide-world-known John Sobieski, king of Poland, who routed the Tartars and Turks iu 1683. The name Zabriskie, still found in New Jersey and New York, seems to be corrupted from Sobieski. — Bard's Rel. Am., p. 81. In 1708 and 1709, thirty-three thousand, on an invitation of Queen Anne, left their homes in the Rhine country for London, where some twelve or thirteen thousand arrived in the summer of 1708. J These were, for some time, in a destitute condition — wholly depending upon the charity of the inhabi tants of the English metropolis. In the fall. of 1709, one hundred and fifty families, consist ing of six hundred and fifty Palatines, were transported, under the tutelar auspices of Christian De Graffenried and Ludwig Mich ell, na,tives of Switzerland, to North Carolina. As in all new countries, the Palatines were exposed to trials, privations and hardships incident to border life. One hundred of them were massacred by the Tuskarora Indians, Sept. 22, 1711. § * „®en 16. Sunt 1734, um 10 Ubr OTorgen«, fam tcb mH) SKfabctb" town, »o ptcfc 'Deutfcje ipo^nen, IDtefer £)rt tjl etltd^e TOetlen lang, aUein es ftnb bte $oufet bt^pjeilen febt wett Pon etnanber entfernt."— 3Son dttd: Ulfpetget'g 9Tai^rtc^tcn p. 159. f Rev. Michael Schlatter preached here in 1746. — Magazine of the German Reformed Church, II., p. 266. J " There were books and papers dispersed in the Palatinate, with the Queen's picture on the books, and the title page in letters of gold, which, on that account, were called, 'The Golden Book,' to encourage the Palatines to come to England, in order to be sent to the Caro- linas, or to other of Her Majesty's colonies, to b.e settled there." — Journal of the House of Commons, England, XVI., p. 467, 468. g The anniversary of this massacre was solemnized for many yearsi as a day of fasting and prayer. — 'Williamson's N. C, I., p. 198, 194. 4 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. The descendants of these Germans reside in different parts of the State.* North Carolina received constant accessions of German immigrants. Iii the first third of the last century came Tobler, and the Rev. Zuber- biihler, of St. Gaul, Switzerland, with a large number of his country men, located in Granville county. Tobler was soon appointed Justice of the Peace. Besides these, many Germans moved from Virginia and Pennsylvania, seated themselves in the mountainous regions. Lincoln- ton and Stokes, as well as Granville county, were settled by Germans. In 1785, the Germans from Pennsylvania alone in North Carolina, numbered upwards of fifteen hundred persons. — Loher, p. 69. In 1707, a company of French Protestants arrived and seated them selves on the river Trent, a branch of the Neuse. — Hale's V. S., p. 98. At the time these Palatines left England for North CaroUna, the Rev. Joshua Kocherthal, with a small band of his perse cuted Lutheran brethren, embarked at London, 1 708, for New York, where they arrived in December, and shortly thereafter he, with his little flock, settled on some lands up the Hudson river, which they had received from the crown of England. Two thousand one hundred acres, granted by a patent, Dec. 18, 1709.— 0' Ualahan's Doc. His. N. Y., p. 591. The Queen also bestowed upon Kocherthal five hundred acres as a glebe for the Lutheran church. Newburg is the place of this settlement.^ — Rev. Kocherthal, 1719. In the meantime, while those were transported to North Caro Una, and to New York, three thousand six hundred Germans were transferred to Ireland ; seated upon unimproved lands in the cotinty of Limerick, near Arbela and Adair; others, in the town of Rathkeale, where their descendents still reside, and are known to this day, as German Palatines, preserving their true German character for industry, thrift and honorable dealing. Persons who have lately visited them say, " They are the most wealthy and prosperous farmers in the county of Limerick. "J They still speak the German language.§ * See App. No. VIII. and No. IX. •j- Brodhead's Documentary History of New York, V., p. 67. The names of those who accompanied Kooherthal have been preserved, and are kept in the archives of the State of New York. — 5ee Am. No. IV. for a list of these names. % Journal H. C. Eng., XVI., p. 465; Methodist Quarterly Review, Oct. No. 1855, p. 489. I Fliegende Blatter, II., p. 672. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 5 Of the large number that came to England, in 1708 and 1709, seven thousand, after having suffered great privations, returned, half naked and in despondency, to their native coun try. Ten thousand died for want of sustenance, medical attend ance, and from other causes. Some perished on ships. The survivors were transported to English colonies in America. Several thousand had embarked for the Scilly Islands, a group south-west of England ; but never reached their intended des tination. Ten sails of vessels were freighted with upwards of four thousand Germans for New York. They departed the 25th December, 1709; and after a six months' tedious voyage reached New York in June, 1710.* On the inward passage, and immediately on landing, seventeen hundred died. The survivors were encamped in tents, they had brought with them from England, on Nutting, now Governor's Island. Here they remained till late in autumn, when about fourteen hundred were removed, one hundred miles up the Hudson river, to Livingston Manor. The widowed women, sickly men and orphan-children remained in New York.f The orphans were apprenticed by Governor Hunter, to citizens of New York and of New Jersey.J Those settled on Hudson river were under indenture -to serve Queen Anne aa gratefiil subjects, to manufacture tar and raise hemp, in order to repay the expenses of their transporta tion, and cost of subsistance, to the amount of ten thousand pounds sterling, which had been advanced by parliamentary grant. A supply of naval stores from this arrangement, had been confidently anticipated. The experiment proved a com plete failure.! There was mismanagement. The Germans, being unjustly oppressed, became dissatisfied both with their treatment, and with their situation. Governor Hunter resorted to violent measures to secure obedience to his demands. In this, too, he failed. One hundred and fifty fami- * John F. 'Watson in his Annals, Vol. II., p. 258, says— this was a six months' voyage. They embarked Dec. 25, 171)9, arrived at New York, June 14, 1710.— See Brodhead's Doc. His. N. Y., V., p. 167. f For a list of the names of families that remained in New York, jiec App. No. V. J For a Ust of the names of apprenticed children, see App. No. VI. a For a list of names in Livingston Manor, see App. No. VII. 1* 6 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. lies, to escape the certainty of femishing, left, lat« in the autumn of 1712, for Schoharie Valley, some sixty miles north-west of Livingston Manor. They had no open road, no horses to carry or haul their luggage — this they loaded on rudely con structed sleds, and did tug these themselves, through a three- feet-deep snow, which greatly obstructed their progress — then- way was through an unbroken forest, where and when the wind was howUng its hibernal dirge through leaf-stripped trees, amid falling snow. It took them three ftill weeks. Having reached Schoharie, they made improvements upon the lands, Queen Anne had granted them. Here they remained about ten years, when, owing to some defect in their titles, they were deprived of both lands and improvements. In the Spring of 1723, thirty-three families removed and settled in Pennsylvania, in Tulpehocken, some fifteen miles west of Reading. A few years afterwards, others followed them.* The other dissatisfied Germans at Schoharie, who did not choose to follow their friends to Pennsylvania, sought for and found a fiiture home on the frontiers in Mohawk Valley. New York was, at an early day, an asylum for the French Protest ants, or Huguenots. As early as 1 656, they were already numerous in that State ; ranking in number and wealth next to the Dutch. New Rochelle, situated near the shore of Long Island sonnd, w.as settled solely by Huguenots from Rochelle in France. "The emigrants pur chased of John Pell 6,000 acres of land. One venerable Huguenot, it is related, would go daily to the shore, when, directing his eyes to wards (the direction) where he supposed France was situated, would sing one of Marot's hymns, and send to heaven his early morning de votions. Others joined him in these praises of their God, and remem brances of their beloved native clime, from which they had been ban ished by the merciless fires of persecution." — Weiss' His. of French Prot. Ref, II., p. 304. In Ulster and Dutchess counties, many of their descendants still re side. In Ulster are the descendants of Dubois, Diati or Deyo;"Has- broucq, orHasbrouck; Le Febre, Bevier, Crispell, Freir, &o. — For names of males al New Rochelle in 1710, see App. No. XIII. Queen Anne, who well understood the policy of England, to retain her own subjects at home, encouraged the emigration of •Germans, sent some of those whom she had invited in 1708 and 1709, to Virginia; settled them above the falls of the Rappahannock, in Spottsylvania county, where they commenced * For a list of names of first settlers in Tulpehocken, «ee App. No. XIV. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 7 a town, called Germanna. The locality was unpropitious. They moved some miles further up the river, " where they soon drove well."* From this settlement they spread into several counties in Virginia, and into North Carolina. Shanandab.h and Rockingham county in Virginia were settled by Germans from Pennsylvania, prior to 1 746. Many of their descendants still speak the German language. When George Washington and others were surveying lands in that part of Virginia, in .^pril, 1748, "they were attended with a great company of people, men, women and children, who followed through the woods — they would never speak English ; but when spoken to, they all spoke Dutch (German)." — Spark's Washington, II.. p. 418. In 1690, King William sent a large body of French Protestants to Virginia. In 1699, another body of six hundred Huguenots came to Virginia, under Philip Da Richebourg, and were assigned lands on the south side of James River about twenty miles from the present site of Richmond. — Howison's 'Virginia, II., p. 160, 161. Some of the names of the Huguenots have been handed down, such as Chastain, David, Monford, Dykar, Neirn, Dupuy, Bilbo, Dutoi, Salle, Martain, AUaigre, Vilaiu, Soblet, Chambon, Levilain, Xrabu, Louca- dou. Gasper, Flournoy, Amis, B.anton, Sasain, iSolaigre, Givodan, Mall«t, Dubruil, Guerrant, Sabattie, Dupre, Bernard, Amonet, Porter, Rapine, Lacy, Bondurant, Goin, Pero, Pean, Deen, Edmond, Benin, Stanford, Forqueran, Roberd, Brian, Faure, Don, Bingli, Reno, Lesueur, Pinnet, Trent, Sumter, Morriset, jordin, Gavin. — Weiss' H. Fr. Pro. Ref IL, p. 322. Because of relentless persecution and oppression in Switzer land, a large body of defenceless Mennonites fled from the Can tons of Zurich (the birth-place of Gessner, Zimmerman, Lava^ ter and Pestalozzi) ; of Bem and Schaffhausen, about the year 1672, and took up their abode in Alsace, above Strassburg, on the Rhine, where they remained till they emigrated, 1708, to London, thence to Pennsylvania. They lived some time at Ger mantown, and in the vicinity of Philadelphia. In 1712, they purchased a large tract of land from Penn's agents, in Pequae, then Chester, now Lancaster county. ' Here this small colony erected some huts or log cabins, to serve temporarily as shelters. Here the time and again persecuted and oppressed Swiss, sepa rated from friends and much that makes life agreeable, hoped to tinmolestedly begin anew. Here, surrounded on all sides by several clans of Indians, they located in the gloomy, silent shades of a virgin forest, whose undisturbed solitude was yet * See App. No. XII. 8 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. uncheered by the murmurs of the honey bee, or the twit terings of the swallow, those never-Ming attendants upon the woodman's axe. For the hum and warblings of those, they had not only the shout and song of the tawny sons of the forest, but also the nocturnal bowlings of the ever watchfiil dog, bay ing at the sheeny queen of night, as she moves stately on, reflecting her borrowed light. By way of variety, their ears were nightly greeted by the shrill, startling whoop of the owl, from some stridulous branches overhanging their cabins, and bending to the breeze of evening, or by the sinister croakiugs of some doleful night songsters in the contiguous thickets. This Swiss settlement formed the nucleus, or centre of a rapidly increasing Swiss, French aud German population, in the Eden of Pennsylvania.* Hereafter, the influent accession from the European continent steadily increased, so much so, as to excite attention, and create no small degree of alarm among the '•'¦fearful of that day."f It is stated, by a popular Annalist, upon the authority of another, that the first settlement in Lancaster county was made by some French families in 1704. — Watson's Annals, II., p. 112. The families named were still at Bittingheim, in the latter part of May, 1708 — and only arrived in New York late in December, 1708, as will appear from the sequel. Mary Fiihie (Feree) of Bittingheim, High bailiwick of Germersheim, applied March 10, 1708, for a pass to come to the "Island of Penn sylvania"— these are the words in the pass — „auf bie SnfulJJennfplpnnien })er ^oKanb unb (Snglanb ftcj) ju begeben unb allba gn wcbnen por^aben." she and htr family also applied for a certificate of church member ship, May 10, 1708, which sets forth that they were of La profession de la pure Religion R&formSe, friquenle nos sainles assembles, et parlicipe d la eene du .'^eigneur avec les autres fidiles. The certificate is signed by J. Roman, Pastiur et Inspecteur, attested by the clerk. Madam Feree, or Wemar, or Warembier, as she was called by all these names, her son Daniel Fiere, Isaac Feber, or La Fevre, and others, accompanied the Rev. Kocherthal to New York in 1708. Here, says curj;ent tradition, she remained till 1712 The records at Harris burg show, that, Sept. 12, 1712, Maria Warenbiir, Wemar, or Fiere, at the instance of Martin Kendig had 2,000 acres of land confirmed * For names of first settlers in Pequa Valley, see App. No. III. t Since the days of James Logan, an infiuential man of the Pro vincial Council, who, in 1724, said some unkind things of the Germans. In another work the Editor notices this charge more fully. Politicians have more than once, in their threnodies, complained to the Germans: '•We piped, and ye did not dance." GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 9 to her at Pequae. — His. Lan. Co. p. 102; 0' Calahan' s Doe. His. N.T., III., p. 550. — For the names of those who accompanied Kocherthal, see App. No. IV. Scarcely had the Mennonites commenced making their lands arable, when they sent a commissioner, Martin Kendig, to Ger many and to Switzerland, to induce others to come to Penn sylvania. He was successful. There were large accessions to this new colony in 1711 and 1717 and a few years later. So great was the influx at this time of Svriss and German immi grants, as to call forth, aa already stated, public a,ttention, es pecially of those in office. Governor Keith, says the Record, " observed to the Board — the Governor's council — ^that great numbers of foreigners from Germany, strangers to our language and constitution, having lately been imported into this Pro.vince, daily dispersed them selves immediately after landing, without producing certificates from whence they cam,e or what they are, and, as they seemed to have first landed in Britain, and frfberwards to have left with out any licenss from government, or as far as they know, so, in the same manner, they behaved here, without making the least application to him or any of the magistrates. That, as this prac tice might he of very dangerous consequence, since, by the same method, any number of foreigners, from any nation what ever, enemies as well as fiiends, might throw themselves upon us." This was in 1717. This observation by Gov. Keith led to the adoption of a measure, which has prevented the loss of the names of upwards of thirty thousand of the first German immigrants to Pennsylvania.* His jealously of * The Editor wrote to the Secretary of the State of New York, and inquired of him whether similar Lists as those preserved at Harris burg, are to be found in the Secretary's office at Albany. The follow ing is the Secretary's reply: State of New York, Sbcrbtabt's Office, 1 Albany, July 18, 1856. / I. D. Rcpp, Esq. Dear Sir: — We have in our OfSce no Lists of the kind you refer to. We have indices of foreigners, who file what are called alien depositions, to enable them to hold real estate, and who have become citizens; but these would comprise a very small proportion of the entire number of immigrants, who are brought into the State. Yours, Truly, M. L. SOHERMERHORN. 10 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. the Germans at this time, though he afterwards espoused their cansei heartily, has been overruled to preserve the memory of the oppressed and persecuted. — Sie Col. Rec., III., pp. 29, 228. In 1719, Jonathan Dickinson remarked: "We are daily ex pecting ships from London, which bring over Palatines, in num ber about six or seven thousand. We had a parcel that came over about five years ago, who purchased land about sixty miles west of Philadelphia, and proved quiet and industrious."* Aft«r 1716, Germans, a few French and Dutch, began to penetrate the forest or wilderness — some twenty, thirty, forty, others from sixty to seventy miles, west and north from the metropolis. Large German settlements had sprung up at differ ent points within the present limits of Montgomery and Berks counties. At Goshenhoppen there was a German Reformed church, organized as early as 1717.f Some Mennonites coming from the Netherlands, settled along the Pakihmomink,\ and Schkipeck (a) a few years later. Germans and French located on the fertile lands of Wahlink (6) encompassed by hills. Here an opening was made for others — persecuted Huguenots. Amongst the prominent fiimilies in Oley were the Turcks or De Turcks, Bertolets, Berdos, De la Plaines, Delangs,.Loras, Levans, Yoder, Keim, Herbein, Schaub, Engel, Weidner, Schneider, Alstadt. Abraham De Turck, of Oley, in a note to the Editor, March 1844, says: "My ancestors, Isaac Turck and De Turck by name, lived in France. They w^re of the so called Huguenots, on account of which they were obliged to flee to the city of Frankenthal in the Palatinate. Thence they emigrated to America, and, at the time of Queen Anne, they settled in New York in the neighborhood of Esopus. They moved to Oley in 1712. The patent of my land is dated 1712."— fits. Berks Co., p. 88. Isaac Turck, aged 23, husbandman, unmarried, was one of the number who accompanied Kocherthal. See App. No. IV. In this connection, though apparently out of place, it may be stated that nineteen of the number who accompanied Rev. Kocherthal, turned pietists the first year; whereupon Kocherthal and Schuneman petitioned the Council, May 26, 1709, that these nineteen might be deprived of * These were some of those who had come to Pennsylvania upon the invitation of Martin Kendig.— fi^is. Lan. Co., pp. 79-117. f German Reformed Messenger, Aug. 3, 1842. X Perkioming meaning at the Cranberry place, (a) Skippack, i. e. sttnkmg pool of water, (b) Oley, by interpretation, a cave^ ceU, also a tract of land, encompassed by hills. GENEllAL INTRODUCTION. 11 their sustenance, "because they had withdrawn from the communion of the minister, and the rest of the Germans." June I8th a committee was appointed to inquire into the dispute between the Germans. June 21st this committee reported, "That none of the allegations brought against the pietists had been proved before them, and that they should be cared forin like manner with the others." — O'Calahan's Doc. His. N. Y:, IIL, p. 544. Among the early settlers of Alsace, or Elsace township, Berks county, were many French Reformed or Huguenots ; also Swedes who were Lutherans. " Tradition has it, that the. Huguenots, German Reformed and Lutherans held religious meetings within a mUe or two of Reading, and in conformity with the good custom of their fathers in Europe, conducted their worship in the evening as well as during the day." — Bucher. The Germans were principally farmers. They depended more upon themselves than upon others. They wielded the mattock, the axe and the maul, and by the power of brawny arms rooted up the grubs, removed saplings, felled the majestic oaks, laid low the towering hickory; prostrated, where they grew, the walnut, poplar, chestnut — cleaved such as suited the purpose, into rails for fences — persevered untiringly until the forest was changed into arable field. They were those of whom Governor Thomas said, 1738: "This Province has been for some years the asylum of the distressed Protestants of the Palatinate, and other parts of Germany ; and, I believe, it may truthftiUy be said, that the present flourishing condition of it is in a great measure owing to the industry of those people; it is not alto gether the fertility of the soil, but the number and industry of the people, that makes a country flourish." — Col. Rec. iv. 315. England understood well the true policy to increase the num ber of the people in her American colonies, — she retained at home her own subjects, encouraged the emigration of Germans; by this England was the gainer, without any diminution of her inhabitants. Unreasonable as it may seem, it was this class of Germans, that were so much feared, "whose numbers from Germany at this rate, would soon produce a German colony here, and per haps such a one as Britain once received from Saxony in the fifth century."* * Watson's Annals, II., p. 255. 12 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. In 1719, some twenty families of Schwartzenau Taufer arrived at Philadelphia. Some settled at Germnntown, others located on the Skippack, in Oley, at Conestogo and Miilbach, Lancaster county. About 1728 and 1729, the Germans crossed the Susquehanna, located within the present limits of York and Adams county, and made improvements under discouraging circumstances. Feuds, so common on the borders of States, existed between the people of Pennsylvania and Maryland — strife for ascendency among the rulers! Some were actually "kansas'dl" In 1736, Thomas Cressap of Maryland, made himself captain — headed some fifty "congenial spirits," for no other purpose, than to drive the Germans from their farms. To inspire his accomplices, he very generously proposed to divide the land owned and improved by the Germans, among his associates. To reward them for anticipated Services, he promised each two hundred acres. The Germans were seized by force of arms— their houses demolished — and they themselves carried off and imprisoned, for no other reason than that they were subjects to the proprietory of Pennsylvania. — Col. Rec. iv. 69-122. As early as 1710-1712, German emigrants came to Maryland, settled in the region between Monocacy and the mountain, on the spot where Fredericktown was subsequently laid out by Patrick Dulany, 1745. This first settlement soon extended to the Glades, Middletown and Hagerstown. Between 1748 and 1754, twenty-eight hundred Germans were brought to Maryland, many of whom settled in Baltimore. — Rev. Zacharias' Centenary Sermon, 1847. Butler's History of Maryland, pp. 51, 52, 61, 02. The tide of emigration from the continent of Europe was strong. Various influences were brought to bear upon the in crease of the influx. In Pennsylvania, the Neiddnder, tools in the hands of shipowners, merchants and importers, contributed much to induce Germans to leave their homes. There was, besides these, another class, who were active in prevailing upon the inhabitants of Germany to abandon their country for the new world. These two classes, Neulanders and speculators, re sorted to diverse arts in order to effect their purposes. They gave those, whom they desired to abandon their homes, assur ances, endorsed by solemn promises, that the Poet's Arcadia had at last been found in America. To possess this, in Louisiana, on the banks of the Mississippi, several thousands left Germany in 1716 and 1717, under the leadership of the notorious John Law, who, instead of bringing them immediately on their arrival in America, to the promised Eden, on the banks of the Father of the Western Water, landed them on the pontines of Biloxi near the Mobile. Here they were exposed, without protection GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 13 against their many foes, for five years. Not one of them entered the promised paradise. Two thousand were consigned to the grave. The pallid survivors — ^about three hundred, finally seated on the banks of the Mississippi, 1722, some thirty or forty miles above New Orleans. Law had, through his agents, engaged twelve thousand Grermans and Swiss. The sad fate of those of Biloxi, was spread abroad, which deterred others from coming to participate in the promised blessings of the Elesyan fields, or to possess the Eldorado ! The three hundred on the Mississippi were very poor for some years. They had been reduced to the most extreme poverty. "From these poor, but honorable Germans, have sprung," says Gayarre, " some of the most respectable citizeiis of liouisiana, and some of the wealthiest sugar planters in the State." Their descendants forgot the German language, and have adopted the French ; but the names of many clearly indicate the blood cours ing in their veins ; nevertheless more than one name has been so frenchified as to appear of Gallic parentage. The coast, so poor and beggarly at first, and once known as the German coast, has since become the producer and the receptacle of such wealth, as to be now known by the appropriate name of Cote d'or, i. e. Coast of Gold.* Father Du Poisson, Missionary to the Arkansas, in 1727, iu passing along here, visited Les Allemands, the Germans, May lOth. — "We ad vanced six leagues, which ia about as much as they can ever accomplish in ascending the river, and we slept, or rather encamped aux Allemands (at the Germans). These are the quarters assigned to the lingering remnant of that company of Germans most of whom had died of misery, some at tbe east,-f aud some on arriving in Louisiana. Great poverty is visible in their dwellings." — Early Jesuit Miss., II., pp. 236, 262, 263, 267. In the spring of 1734, some Lutherans, known in history as Saltzburgers, from Saltzburg, a city of Upper Austria, arrived in Georgia. In Europe, they too had been the victims of bloody persecution. " They had been driven from their country and their homes, on account of their unswerving attachment to the principles of the Gospel." J * Gayarre's Louisiana, pp. 360, 361. Barbe Morbois' His. La. f Near Dauphin Islands, twenty-five miles south of Mobile. — Brown's Illinois, p. 163. J Rev. A. P. Strolel's His. of the Saltzburgers, p. 21 — a book that every German should have in his library. 2 14 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. This devotedly pious band of Christians was accompanied by their attached pastors, the Rev'ds. John Martin Boltzius and Israel Christian Gronau, and an excellent schoolmaster. Chris tian Ortman. The Saltzburgers located in Effingham county, and styled their first settlement Ebenezer, to express their un feigned gratitude to the Lord, who had been to them, "A strong rock; a house of defence, to save them."* The Schoolmaster was deemed no less important than the pastor. "The cause of education was not overlooked by the Germans. A fund was subsequently created for the schoolmaster's support ; for our pious forefathers judged, and very correctly too, that no country can prosper in which provision is not made for the mental culture and improvement of the risii\g generation. " — Strobel. This German colony received accessions from time to time, untU they reached, prior to 1745, several hundred femilies. There were also many Germans residing in Savannah ; besides some forty or- flfty Moravians in the same State, under the pastoral care of the Rev. David Nitschman. " The Moravians made no permanent settlement in Georgia. When the Spanish war broke out, they removed, almost to a man, to the State of Pennsylvania, because it was contrary to their religious faith to take up arms in any cause." f In 1738, some arrived in Pennsylvania and located at Beth lehem. J "In 1740, those who had remained, left Georgia and joined their brethren in Pennsylvania. Thus tiie mission among the Indians in Georgia, after a promising beginning, was at once suspended." § Before ^the Moravians came to Pennsylvania, a respectable number of Schwenckfelders had arrived, settling in Bucks and Philadelphia county, now Montgomery, Berks and Lehigh. The Schwenckfelders had intended, before leaving their homes in Europe, to embark for Georgia. They, however, changed their minds and established themselves in the asylum for the op pressed, Pennsylvania. In 1732, Monsieur Jean Pierre Puiy, of Neuchatel, Switzer land, visited Carolina. Being encouraged by the Government * For names of males of first settlers, see App. No. IX. f Strobel's Saltzburgers, p. 80. J For names of those who left Georgia and came to Pennsylvania, see Addenda B. — Orantz' Brilder-Oeschichie p. 802. J Loskiel, Part II., p.. 6. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 15 both of England and Carolina, he undertook to settle a colony of Swiss there. In 1732, one hundred and seventy persons were transported. These were soon followed by others. In a short time the colony consisted of three hundred persons. They set tled on the north bank of the Savannah, buUt a town called Purysburgh, about thirty-six miles above the mouth of the river. The colony stUl continued to increase. In 1734, Pury brought two hundred and seventy persons more from Switzer land. All these were brought from Switzerland at the expense of Pury and several of his friends, who advanced him money for that purpose, he having spent the greatest part of his for tune in the prosecution of that design, before he could bring it to execution. There were now nearly six hundred souls in this settlement. " This was done in pursuance of a scheme, proposed by Mr. Pury to the Assembly of South Carolina; his scheme was to people the southern frontier of Carolina with brave and laborious people, such as the Swiss are known to be. The Assembly highly approved of this scheme ; to assist him in the execution of it, they passed an act, August 20, 1731, which secured to him a reward of £400, upon his bringing over to Carolina a hundred effective men. In this act the Assembly promised also to find provisions, tools, &c., for three hundred persons for one year. Purysburgh in 1 747, contained more than one hundred houses tolerably weU buUt. In CoUeton county, on the north bank of North Ediston river, 12 mUes from its mouth, stands Wilton, or New London, con sisting of 80 houses built by Swiss under the direction of Zu- berbiihler, with leave from the Assembly. This town proved detrimental to Purysburgh, being in the heart of the country and near the capital ; it drew people thither, who did not care to go to Purysburgh." — Bowen's Geog. ii. 645. London edi tion, 1750. From 1740-1755, a great many Palatines were sent to South Carolina. They settled Orangeburg, Congaree and Wateree.* In 1765, upwards of six hundred from the Palatinate and Swabia were sent over from London, and had a township of land set apart for them.f * Ramsay's S. C. i. 3, 4. •f- Holmes American Annals, ii. 268. — Proceedings of the House of OorriTlwms, England, Aug. 1764. " 16 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. Many of the Dutch colonists, dissatisfied with their situation in New York, after the submissioiji of the colony to the crown of Eng land, repaired to South Carolina, and contributed by their industry to the cultivation of the province. The success that attended them induced more of their countrymen to follow their example — Ramsay. In 1679, Charles II. sent at his own expense, in two ships, a com pany of Huguenots to South Carolina, in order that they might culti vate the vine, the olive, &o. In 1752, no fewer than sixteen hundred Protestants, chiefly French, settled in South Carolina. — Holmes ; Baird. In 1739, a number of Lutherans and German Reformed pur chased a tract of land from General Waldo, and laid out the town Waldoborough, in Lincoln county, Maine. Bremen, a vUlage in the same county, and Frankfort, in Waldo county, were undoubtedly laid out, or settled by Germans, as the names would indicate. During the Spanish and French war, in 1746, Waldoborough was laid in ashes by some Canadian Indians. Some of the inhabitants were massacred, others abducted. Not a few died from the iU-treatment received at the hands of the savages, — some made their escape, and were dispersed in Ca nada. Waldoborough remained in ruins untU 1750. In 1751, invited by those in authority, thirty German famUici, and in 1752, fifteen hundred individuals from Europe, persons of means, settled in Maine. " The title of land from Greneral Waldo prov ing unsound, many left the colony, and its numbers have never greatly increased. "^^flaze^ms, pp. 34, 48, &c. Loher, 1772. "Some of them left Maine to join their countrymen at London derry, South Carolina, but most of these repented of having taken that step, and returned to Maine, where their descendants are to be found to this day." — Baird. King George II. of Great Britain, held out strong induce ments, through very liberal promises, to all who would emigrate into, and settle Nova Scotia, when a considerable body of Ger mans, principally Hanoverians, left their country, embarked for America, landed at Chebucto bay, near Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, where fourteen hundred and fifty-three re-em barked, and landed at Marliguish, on the 7th of June, 1758. " Here they laid out the flourishing town of Lunenburg. Here they were doomed to experience the same resistance from the natives which the colonists at Halifiix had met with, m settUng the Peninsula; and the early history of the place contains little else than a constant succession of struggles with the savages, in which, notwithstanding the powerful protection they received GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 17 from the Government, they lost many lives. Their attempts at agriculture were therefore restricted within a very narrow com pass, and the settlement of the adjoining country was retarded until the French power and influence in Nova Scotia were sub dued." — Haliburton's His. Nova Scotia^ I., p. 162 ; Murray's Brit. Amer , IL, p. 55; Loher, pp. 68, 74; M' Oulloch's Uni., n., p. 498. From 1735, settlements in Pennsylvania multiplied rapidly; extended over vast regions, west of the Saosquahanaunk,* whither the Scotch-Irish had led the way. The German settle ments kept pace with the native. From the Susquehanna west wards, in Cumberland VaUey, they had located prior to 1765 along the limpid Callapasscink (o), on either side of the sinuous Sunipduckhannet (6), and farther west, along the GuNNEUKiSSCHiK (c) f three principal streams, draining this fertile, highly improved district of country. The Kau-ta-tin-Chunk {d), extending from the Delaware hundreds of miles westwards, was not an insurmountable barrier, — that they crossed, and laid out farms, "where shortly after wards they, their wives and chUdren, were exposed to the torch, hatchet and scalping knife of the savages, and their midnight assault and slaughter." Hundreds fell victims to the relentlessly cruel savage, along the Blue Mountains, south and north of them and along the Susquehanna, as far north as Penn's Creek, from .1754-1763, and even at a later period. Among the massacred were many Germans — more than three hundred in alk Germans massacred, north of the Blue Mountain, within Monroe county, among others, were: Guldin, Hoth, or Hnth, Bomper, Vana- ken, Vanflor, Sohnell, Hartman, Hage, Brundich, Hellman, Gonderman, Schleich, MuUer, Vandelap, Decker, Van Gondie, Brincker. South and north of the same mountain, within the present limits of North ampton, Carbon and Lehigh — more than one hundred were killed. Among them were : Sohn, Klein, Bittenbender, Roth, Schaffer, Anders, Nitschman, Sense man, Gattermyer, Fabricius, Schweigert, Leslie, Pressor, Depu. Along the same mountain, vrithin the limits of Berks, Lebanon and Dauphin county — Reichelsdorfer, Gerh.art, Neidung, Klug, or Kluck, Linderman, Schott, Kraushar, Zeissloff, Wiinch, Dieppel. Henly, Spitler, Nocker, Maurer, Boshar, Fell, KiiLlmer, Lang, Trump, Yager, Sechler, Schetterly, Sauter, Geiger, Ditzler, * Susquehanna, i. e. Long-crooked-river, (a) Yellow breeches, the sig nification of the Indian name is, Where-it-turns-back-again. (4) Cano- doquinet, i. e. For-a-long-way-nothing-but-beiits. (e) Canococheague, ». e. Indeed-a-long-joumey. {d) The Kittatiny or Blue Mountain. 2* 18 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. Frantz, Schnebele, Mosser, Fincher, Hubler, Martloff, Wolf, Hiindsche, Weisser, Miess, Lebenguth, Motz, Noah, Winkelblech, Zeuchmacher, &c. Prior to 1770, the wUderness of Pennsylvania was penetrated beyond the AUegheny Mountains. Settlements were effected within the present bounds of Westmoreland and other western counties of this State. A number of German famUies had lo cated on the Monongahela as far up as Redstone, Brownsville, Fayette county. Here settled the Weismans, Pressers, Verval- sons, Delongs, Jungs, Martins, Shutts, Peters, Schwartz, But ters, Cackeys, Abrahams, and others,* whom that devoted min ister of the cross, the Rev. John Conrad Bucher, visited in November, 1768. — Col. Rec., IX.5 p. 508 ; German Reformed Messenger, May 24, 1854 ; Rupp's History of Berks Co., p. 459. For names of many other Germans in Westmoreland county, see the History of Western Pennsylvania, hy the Editor. * The first Germans in Western Pennsylvania, located in Greene county. These were two brothers, the Eckerleins of Ephrata, who left there and settled in the depths of the wilderness, in 1745. — Chroni- con Ephratense, -pii.lbS, 195, iQ7. Col. Rec.,Y.,p. 5Si. Prior to 1754, Wendel Braun, and his two sons, and Frederick Waltzer, located four miles west of Uniontown. — Smith's Old Bedstone, p. 25. Jiffgcmcine ginfeituna. ^urje S3emerfungen uber bte bebeutenbfien beutf^jen, ^mU jertfd()en unb fronjeftfc^en Slnjtebeliingen in Slorbamerifa wfi^rent) ber (Solontaljett.* Siefte na6;) 9ltt{)m, ba« ©treBett nac^ Sergro^erung f^rcr §err» fc^aft unt) bie Segierbe, i^r ©cepter uber unterjod^ten SBottern ju [c^tBingen, beeinflu^tcn bie alten ®ctttf(|en l^ren .^erb ju uerlojfen unb Sroberungen ju madden. S)aburd^ erwiefen |te fld^ »or 9llterS Wie ttn SRittelalter OJ0 bie „$erre'n ber SBelt." SRanntgfaltig waren bie Urfod^en unb Seweggriinbe, t»el(|e fie ju tjerf^tebcnen ^eittn 'betoogen, t^^r SSaterlani ju »erla(fen. @ett 1606 'ijobm 9)WIionen i:^rcr ^eimaf^, bem a;|euerjien auf ®rben, nac^ bem (Ic^ bie ©eele immer wieber juriiilfel^nt, ben aiiicEcn gugete^rt. afteltgtofe SSerfolgungeit unb (laatlt(^e Unter» joc^ung trieben Xaufenbe nai^ 5)ennf9l9attien, ber 3ufl«c^t3(iatte fiir iie gequSUen unb unteriritdten ©B^ne unb Joc^ter ber Sieformatton, unb tt)o|in auc^ SDtttiam 9)enn felbfi bie SSerfolgten jebcn SSctenntniffeS unb rellgiofer Slnfd^auung etntub. 25on 1682-1776 war ^ennf^lwnien ber SentrallJunft ber Sinwanberung »on ©eutfd^lanb, granfreti^ unb ber ©d^toetj. ^enn'g liberate Slnfti^ten unb ber l^oc^fl untiberale 2Qeg, ben bie ategterung »on Stero g)orl gegen bie ©eutfc^en etngefc^lagen ^tte, brai^ten »iele in btefe ^rooinj, (®ie:^e 2ln:^ang Str. X.) 3n bem erfien 3ettabfc^nitt son 1682-1703 fomen ser^Uni^- mafig nur roentge Deutfd^e an: wo'^l nic^t me'^r als jtoet '^un= bert Oamilten, bie ftc^ meifleng in ©ermantown nteberlie^en. ©ie< felben toarcn Betna|e fammtlicfe g)(attbcutf(^e aui3 Sle»e, etnem ¦.^erjogtljunt tn SBefip^alen, unb langten |ier in ben 3a'&i^eii 1683-1685 an. ©a [k t^r 2?aterlanb ju ber 3ett serltefen, fo entgingen fte, 2)anf ber-gottlic^en 35orfe()ung, ben Ser|eerttn= * 3tl bent Sffierte " Fireside History of German and Swiss Immigrants" flnbet ber 8efer umfaJTenDere Sluefunft iiber biefe Slnjtebelungen. (19) 30 ^Ilgemeiire finkHnng. gen be« franjoftfd^en .Sriegeg, tocher 1689 bie ©tabt SBonnS jerftijrte, in beren S^a^e fte gewo'^nt fatten, unb ias 8anb meilcn= njcit Bcrwiiftcte. SSon jebem SJlarttflcden, son jebem S)6rfc^en, son jeber ^Jfarrfirc^e, son jebem Sonbft^e inner^lb bzr unglitd^ lichen ^rosinjcn loberten bie glammen empor. 3n bemfelben 3a^rc rourben cbenfatts aerftort: Slo^rbad^, Saimen, 5Ru|loc^, SS5tplo(^, ,Str^:^etm, 33ru(il)aufen, eppelnheim, aSiebtingen, ebingen, S'Jcder'^aufen unb .5anbfd^u^«:^eim im ^erjogtlum SBaben, in tselc^em nad^ ^a^fer Sofeanne^ ©c^ab unb £ub= toig 9lupp scrbrannt toorben pnb. — ^a^fer'a ©c^auplaj son ^cibelberg, @. 505. grana ©aniel ^afiorius, geboren ju ©ommerl^aufen in gron* fen am 26. Sept. 1651, lanbcte in ^^ilabelp^ia mtt bem ©^ife „9Imerifa", gapitan 3ofep:^ SBafe?, am 20. 3tuguft 1683 fammt feiner gamilie, Seine Segleitcr isaren einige beutfd^e ®tn»an= bcrer : 3fltob ®(^u|mac^cr, Oeorg SBertmiiUcr, ^^aat J)ilbcd, gran unb jroei .Stnber, 9lbra^am unb ^atob, j^^oma^ ®afper, Sonrab S3ud)er, alias Sflutter, unb ein engltf(^e« SJZdbc^en, 3lammi granjeS ©impf^on. 3lnbere folgten 95aftortug balb nad^. (giir etne Stfle ber Sftamen unb ber erfien Slnftebler son ®ermanto»n flel^e 3ln|ang 3lx. I.) ^^afiortuS lief p^ in bemfelben 3fl^re, tn bem er nac^ ^ennf^lsanten gefommen, ba niebcr, too er ^^ernad^ ©ermantown grunbete. 3)er ®runb p btefer 9iiebcrlaffung tcurbe son i|m bereitg am 12. Dftober 1683 aufgcnommen. Sen ainfang ber ©tabt mai^tcn brctjeln gamilien. 3n wcnigcr al« fitnf 3fl^«n toarcn fc^on fiinfjtg .^aufev errid^tet !Die ^ertobe son 1703-1727 bejetd^net etnen 3eitabf(^nttt in ber ®efd)t(^te ber erfien beutfd^cn Sinwanbcrung. Sfif^f" »if<^' jig unb funfjig taufenb serlief en i^re .^eimot^. 3Die bcifpiellofen SSer:^eerungcn unb SScrmiiftungen bev STruppen Subisig'iS XIV. unter STurenne, warert bag traurige 3?orfpiel blutiger 35erfot= gungen. Um biefen fd^redftid^cn Setbcn, bie ifirer erisarteten, ju cntge^en, manberten beutfd^e unb anbere ^rotcflanten nac^ ben englifd^en Solontcn in Slmerifa auss. 1705 flu(^tcte fid^ eine 3lnjal)l S)eutf(^=SReformtrter, bie jmifc^cn aEotfenbiittel unb ^atber^obt too'bnten, nac^ S'leuroicb unb son bort nad^ ^oUanb, wo fte ftd^ 1707 nad^ SRets §)ort cinfd^ifften. SBibrtge SSinbe trieben it)r ©c^ifflein-bie Delaware SSap '^inouf. Da fte fid^'g jebod^ sorgenommen l)attcn, an ben Drt i:6rer S5c» fiimmung ju gelangen unb i^re $eimat| unter ben ^ottanbcrrt JU fuc^en, naljmen fte son ^^Uabelp:^ia ben Uebevlanbweg nac^ gkllgemeine €inUitang. 31 9tetB Sort Sllg fte aber bag entaiiiJenbe Zi^al Slooa Safarta in Steffi 3erfe9 au ©efi^t befamen, weld^eg burd^ ben ftd^ :^inf(^ldn» getnben Slusconetcong, ^^affotc unb beren 3"fl«fT^ getranlt rairb, unb gutcg 8anb gefunben fatten, entfi^loffen fte fti^ bofelbfi au bleiben. Diefe (Rteberlaffung ifi je^t unter bem Stamen " German Valley son 9JJorrtfon Sount?" betannt. SSon btefem ^untt serbreitcten ft(| bte Deutfd^en iiber bie Sountieg ©ometfet, 58er= gen unb Sffey. 3tt etifabet^toisn, ber erfien englifd^en Sticberlaffung tm ©taate 3lm 3erfe9 som ^af^n 1664, gab eg stele ©eutfd^e fd^on sor 1730.* 3u S'tifl ¦&«£(, etnem son 3)'^ilabelp^ta ettsa bretftg SWetlen entfernten Dtte, war ebenfallg etne bcutfd^e Stieberlaffung.f Sine tBoblbegriinbete Ueberlteferuitg tiebauptet, bnf am Slp.fong be^ a(^t= jebnten Sajrbunbertg jtc^ etne au« jwetbunbert protejtontifj^en 33oIen be- fiebenbe Solonte in ben 2;bfitern bea JJajfatc unb 9tarttan in 9ZeW) Serfe? ntcbcrgekllen babe. SJicfclbe balte ben ®rafen ©obieaft jum Biibret, einen btreften Slbfb'mmling beg weltberiibmten ^Solenfbntgg Sob^nn @obte«ft, ber tm 3abre 1683 sor SBien bie Sliirfen auf « ©aupt Mlug. ®cr in 9JetB 3eTfe9 unb 9len) gjorf iii^ nocb finbenbe 9Jante ^abti^tie fc^etnt eine serborbene gorm Don ©obtesft ju fein. — Bard's Eel. Am., p. 81. Slttf etne (Stnlabung ber ^Btiigtn 2lnna serltef en in ben 3a|' ten 1708 unb 1709 bretunbbrctfig toufenb i:^re ^eimat:^ in ben Sl^etnlanbern, son benen im ©ommer 1708 etwa awolf ober bretae|n toufenb tn Sonbon anfamen.J Dtcfe Slntommlinge waren etne 3ettlang tn etner fold^' |iilflofen Sage, baf fie gana unb gar son ber 5!RiIbt:^atig!ett ber Sewo^ner ber ^auptfiabt gnglanb'g abbcingtg fetn muften. 3m@patja^r 1709 wurben ein'^unbert unb fitnfatg pfataifd^e gamilien, befte^enb aug fei^g ^unbert unb fiinfatg ©eelen, untcr ber 3lufftd^t unb bem ©(|u^e beg S^^riftian be ©raffenrieb unb Subwig ?!Kid^cll, betbe ©4wetacr son ®eburt, nad^ Storb^Saro* * "June 16th, 1734, at 10 o'clock A. M., I came to Elizabethtown, where many Germans reside. This place is several miles in length, but the houses are sometimes separated by a considerable distance." — Reck, TTlsperger's Nachrichien, p. 159. f ?)oftor SKtdbael ©(^latter prebtgte bier 1746. t „Siiiber unb ^eitungen tourben tn ber 9'fatj Bei:brettet. Sluf ben Sitcbern war ber Siintgin SBilb unb bag SEttelblatt mit golbencn SBucbiiaben serjiert, toe^balb fte aucb bn« „go(bene fflucb" genannt wurben. 3b^3wcct war, bte ^fdl^tx ju beisegen, nad() dnglanb ju fommen, um rxai) ben Earoltnag ober anbern Sotonien 3bter TOoteftat alg $(nfteblEr gcfibictt ju toerben."— Sournal beg englif^en'Unterbaufeg, XVI., ®. 467, 468. 22 gkilgemeint finleitumj. lina gefanbt. 3Bte tn alien ncuen Sdnbern, fo waren aut^ bte gjfalaer ^ier ^Jriifungcn, Sntbe'^rungen unb SSefd^werben, wie fte ft(^ im ©renaleben fietg pnben, auggefe^t. 25te Xuefarora 3nbia» ncr mc^elten am 22. ©ept. 1711 etn :^unbert berfelben nieber.* Die aibtommltnge btcfer Deutfd^en wo^nen tn serf^iebenen 3;^et= len beg ©taateg acrfireut.f 9f orb-Saroltna erbtelt etnen befianbtgen 3«flu§ '"o^ beutf^en (Stniottn- bererit. 3m erfien ©ritttbetl beg lejten Sobrbunbertg !am SEoblar, unb jur felben 3ett Iteg fid^ JSaflot 3«berbubler »on ®t. ©alien mtt einer grcgen Slnjabt feiner Sanbgleute in ®ran»tUe Sount? nieber. Soblartourbe balb barauf jum grtebengrtcbtet ernannt. 3luger biefen jogen »iele ©eutfibe aug 95ennf9l»aniert unb SStrgtnten babtn unb fdjilugen tbten SBobufiS in ben gebtrgigen Oegenben auf. Ctncolnton, ©tofeg, fot»te autfi ®rnn»iUe Sount? baben Deutftbe coloniprt. S)te aug JJennfijlBanten etngettanberten ¦Deutft^en in 'Korb-Sarolina jablten 1785 attein iiber fiinfjcbn bunbert 5)etfDnen.— Sober, ®. 69. 3m Sabre 1707 langte etne ©efellftbaft frangofifiScr ftotcjianten an, bte fi^ am glup SLtent, etnem Slrm ber SJJcufe, ben £)rt ibrer 9Jiebetlaf» fung isablten.— $ale'g SSet. lanb ilbcr, aum Sebauen unculttstrten Sanbeg im Sountip 2imc= ricf tn ber Stal^e son 3lrbela unb 3Jbair; 3lnberen wurbe bog ©tobtd^en Sftotlteole aum SQolbnort angcwiefen, wo i^re 9la(^= * ,,'Ctx 3abregtag btefcg 33Iutbabg murbe stele Sabre lang mtt gaften unb Seteu fcjilidSi begangen."— iffitlliamfon'g 9t. (S., I., ®. 193, 194. t ®iebe Slnbang 5?r. VIII. u. IX. t „3»et taufenb ein bunbcrt 9Icter lautTiJnigli^ieit ©efebig, 18. T)ectr, 1709."— O'Calahan's Uoc. His. N. Y., p. 591. § Srobbeab'g ©oc. ®eftb. Bon 9?. g)., V., ®. 67. ©ie Slamen son ^oibcrtl;arg SBeglettetn toutben erbalteit unb ftnb im ©taatgart^is ju 9JeW giprf ju pnben.— ©tebe 5!lnbang 9lr. IV. gtllgEraeiut ^inliitnng. 33 lommen fid^ nod^ ftnben unb l^eutigeg Sogcg olg „beutfd^e ^fol= aer" betannt ftnb, unb alg folt^e aud^ t|rem iit^ten beutfdben S^orofter, bem gtei^, ber 2Birtt)fd^aftlid^lcit unb bem e^^rli^eti .^onbeln, treu geblteben ftnb. Dlcifenbc, wetdjc btefelben fitraltt^ befui^t, fagen son i^nen: „©ie ftnb bie rett^fien unb wo^l:^abenb= fien SBouern in Simertcf Sount?."* Dtefelben fpred^en oud^ bie beutft^e ©prod^e nod^.f 95on ber gropen Slnaol^l, bte tn ben Sfl^reu 1708 unb 1709 na^ Snglonb gefommen woren, fel^rten fleben taufenb, nod^bem fte grof e Setben auggeflanben, in ^olb nacftem unb serawcifeltem 3ufianb in i^r 2?aterlanb auriid. 3^^" taufenb ^orben aug Stangel on Sto'^runggmitteln, oratli^em Seifianb unb anberen Urfoi^cn. 3lnbcre fomen auf ©t^iffen um. Die nod^ Ueberleben* ben wurben nod^ ben cnglif^en Solontcn in ^merito gebroi^t. Stltd^c taufenb rootlten na4 ben fubwefilid^ son Snglanb ge= legenen ©cttt9=3nfeln iiberf(|iffen, flub ober nie bofelbfi onge= fominen. 3e'^n ©d^tffe woren mit iiber ster taufenb Deutft^en beloben unb fiir 3lm g)or! befiimmt. Sim 25. Decbr. 1709 fegelten bic== felben unb liefen tm 3uni 1710 noi^ einer fct^gmonatlid^en lot^ft befd^roerltd^en SHeife im ^ofen son Stew Sort ein. J Sluf i^rer 0letfc in'g 3nnere tura nod^ bem Stnlonben, fiorben flebaC^n ^un= bcrt. Die Ueberlebenben fd^lugcn i:^r Soger in ^tltm ouf, welt^e f[e son Snglanb mitgebrod&t gotten, unb awor auf ^Wutttng, bem je^igen ©osernor'g 3^la«b. ^ter serbtieben fte big fpdt tm $erbfi, alg etwo sterae^^n :^unbert not^ Sistnggton 3Jlanor, t)un^ bcrt fOtetlen am ^ubfon :^inauf, serlegt wurben. Die serwittweten grouen, trontlt(|en iBtanner unb SBatfen blleben in 3lm §)ott.§ Die 3Baifen gob ©ouserneur .punter Sitrgern son Stew §)orf unb SRew 3etfe9 in bie Se'^re. 1| Die no^ bem ^ubfon ©ef^d^idtten woren unter SBcrpflid^tung, ber ^(intgtn Slnno olg ge'^orfome Untcrt|oncn bontborfi au bte= * Sournal beg engltfcben Unterbaufcg, XVI., ©; 465; SiKetbob. £luar= tetl? jR'es., Dit. 1855, ®. 489. t- gltegenbe Slatter, II., ferbe, bie t^r ©epadf getrogen ober geaogen l^dtten. Dteg lub man ouf grobgeatmmerte ©d^litten unb fd^leppte eg mit eigener ^onb burc^ ben bret gu^ tiefen ©d^nee, ber t|r SSorwortgtommen fe^r :^inbcrte. 3^r ^eg fii^rte burd^ bog Dictid^t beg Urwolbeg, Durd^ beffen enttoubte S^S^ ber fd^neibcnb folte aSinb ppff unb bie foBenben ©d^necflodlcn jornig burd^einonber jogte. Die Steife bouerte brei soHc 28od^cn. 3n ©d^o^orie angelongt, bebouten fte bte i^nen son ber ^onigtn 2lnna sertiel^cnen Sanbereien. .^ter serweilten fte ae^n solle 3ol)re, big t^nen ©runb etneg ^erfe^eng in tljrer Urtunbe t^r fammtltd|eg Sonb mtt olten SSerbefferungen entriffcn wurbe. 3nt griiljo^r 1723 brod^cn brei unb brei^tg gomttten ouf unb fd^tugen i|ren 2Qo|nort tn STulpclodten, etiua fiinfae^n S^letlcn wefiltd^ son SRcobtng, ouf. Sinige 3al)re barauf folgten 2lnbere nod^.f Die tibrigen unaufrtebenen Dcutfd^cn au ©d^ol^orte, bie i^ren greunben ntd^t nod^ ^^ennf^lsanien folgen wollten, fud^ten ft^ tm SRo^owl st^ole etne autiinfttge .^eimotl^. 9Jeto glorf war fiibon friibe etn 3ufhidbtgort fiir bie franjiififien 55roteft- anten, gcioobnlicb §ugeuotten genannt. ©ebon 1656 waren btefelben jabl» retib tm ©taate »orbauben. Sn 3abl unb ®iitfru tamen fte ben §ol" lanbern am nacbfien. SUtw Stctbelle, bag nnbe ber Siifle ber SWecrenge son Cong Sslanb gelcgen ift, Isurbe augfdjlteglii^ son §ugcnotten aug 3locS)e(le in grantreti^ gcjjriinbet. „'©te gmigranten tauftcn son Sobn $oa 6(100 Slder £anb. ®in ebrtsiirbigcr C)ugenotte, fo erjciblt man, gtng * Sm Slnbang 9Jr. VII. ftnbet pdj etne 9?amenglifte biefer gamilien ju Sistnggton OTanor. + Slnbang SItx, XIV. gibt etne SRamenglifle ber erfleu Slnftebltt in a;ulBe- bodfen. §i.llgemcin£ (Sinltitung. 25 tagltdb an bte titfte unb, tnbem er fein Singe granfretcb ju rttbtete, fang er eing son TOarot'g Cieoern unb f^iiifte fein TOorgengcbet jum ^tmmel. Slnbere flimmten mit etn tn bag Sob tbreg ®ottcg unb in bie (Srinnerungen an tbr geliebteg SBaterlanb, aug bem fie bte graufamcu geuer ber SBerfol- gung sertrteben."— SSetg' ®efcb. bet ftanj. ptot. 3tef., II., ®. 304. 3n ben Sountteg Ulfler unb I)utc^eg wbbnen nocb Biele tbrcr 3lb(bmm» Itnge. 3n Ulfter ftnben ftcb bie ©projjen son Subotg, t)tan ober •Deipo, §ag» broucg ober §agbtoudt, Sa gcbre, SBester, Sttgpell, gteir u, f. w. — ©iebe bte 9Jamen ber monnltcben eintsobnet son 9Jem atocbeUe 1710, tm Slnbang 5Rr.XIII. Die ^Snigin 9lnna, weld^e bte ©taatgttug^eit Snglanb''g oug* geaeid^net ser^onb, forgte fietg bofiir, bof i^re cigenen Unter* t|onen au ^oufe blieben, bte Deutfd^en ober aur Slugwonberung aufgemuntert wurben. @o fd^icEte fte etitige son benen, bie fte in ben 3<»^«n 1708 unb 1709 no(| Snglanb gclodtt |ottc, noi^ SSirginien, wo t^nen etn ©tiidf Sonbeg ober|alb ber aBofferfoUe beg Sloppo^annodE in ©pottfplsonto Sount^ angcwiefen wurbe. Dofelbfi gritnbetcrt fte bie ©tobt ®ermonna. Die ®egenb wor ungunflig. ©ie aogen beg^olb etntge 9Reilen ^romoufwortg, wo |te bolb ©lud gotten-.* SSon btcfer 9ltebertaffung serbreiteten fte ftd^ iiber me^rere Sountieg son 33irginten unb 9lorb»Sarotina. !Dte Sountieg ©bananboab unb 0lodEingbam in aSirgintcn wurben sor 1746 son 'Ceutf^en aug gjennf^lsanien ongepebelt. SStele son ibren 9tadji- fommen reben no^ bte beutf^ie ©praebe. Sllg ®eor^e SBafbington unb Slnbere tm Slpril 1748 in jenem Jbeil 35t'rginten'g tbre Saitbereten Bermagen, „liefen tbnen ©cbaaren son SSlaU" nerrt, iffietbetn unb Jttnbern ju, bie tbnen burcb bie SSalber nacbfolgten unb nte englifi^ fpradpen, aber, tsenn angerebet, in beutfcbet ©ptaife antwov» teten."— ©parf'g SBafbington, II., ©. 418. 1690 fibidfte SBntg SBitltam etne groge Slnjabt franjiiftfcber ?)tote|ianten nacb aSirgtnien. ®ine toeitete ©enbung son fcdijg bunbert |)ugenotten tam unter ?)f)tlipp Dc SRi^eboutg nacb SBirgtnicn. Sbnen wurbe cine ©trerte Sanbeg auf bet ©iibfette beg 3ameg»glupg, etwa jwanjig SWetlen son ber iegtgen Sage 3{t(bmonb'g, angcwiefen.— $owtfon'g aStrgtnten, II., ©. 160, 161, Sinige bet Srtamen btefer ^ugenotten ftnb ung erbalten worbcn; j. S. Sbaftain, Dasib, STOonfotb, ®?far, Sfetrn, Dupu?, SBtlbo, Sutot, ©oUe, TOartatn, Slltaigre, Stiatn, ©oblet, Sbambon, Sesilatn, Srabu, Soucabon, ®agper, glournos, Slrntg, Santon, ©afatn, ©olaigre, ®isoban, SKaHet, >Duc9, SBonburant, ®otn, 9)ero, $ean, ©een, (Ebmonb, SBenin, ©tanforb, gorqucran, Siobctb, Srtan, gaure, Don, SBinglt, 3teno, Sefueut, 35innet, Slrent, ©umter, 5Korrtfet, Sorbin, ®aBtn.— SBetg' ®ef^. ber franj. prot. 3tef , II., ©. 322. * ©iebe Slnbang Srtr. XII. 26 giUgemeine ©inleitnng. 3n golge ber unouf^orlit^en SBcrfolgung unb Untcrbriidtunj • in ber ©d|weia flo^ cine grofe SJienge fi^u^lofer Syiennonttcn aug ben Gontoncn 3ii"d^ (bem ©eburtgort son ®e^ner, 3>n'' mermonn, Sosoter unb ^Jeftoloaai), SSern unb ©t^off^aufcn um'g 3o^r 1672 nod^ bem Slfo^ unb lie^ fid^ ober^olb ©trofburg am attein niebcr. SSon |)ter wonberten btefelben 1708 nod^ £on= bon unb son bort noi^ ^^ennf^loonien aug. Sine 3ettlang wobn* ten fie in ©ermontown unb in ber Stole 5)|ilabelp:^ia'g. 1712 touften fie eine gro^e ©trede Sanbeg in 5)equae, bomolg 6:^efier, je^t Soncopcr Sount?, son 5)enn'g Slgenten on, worouf bicfclbcn bann J&iitten unb SSlodf^dufer errid^tcten, weld^e i^nen aettwciltg ein Dbbod^ gewo^ren mu^ten. ^ter :^offten bie immer unb immer wtcbcr serfolgten unb unterbritdEten ©t^wetaer, getrennt son t^rcn greunben unb fo mandliett Slnnel^mlid^leiten btcfeg Sebeng, ungc= :|inbcrt son 9leuem onfongen au tonncn. 3luf alien ©eiten son mc|rerett 3ubianerftommen eingcfd^loffcn, l^otten fie fid^ bo in ben bitfiern, ftitlen ©d^otten eineg jugenblid^en SBoIbeg auriitfgcaogen, beffen, ungefiiirte Stnfamteit nod^ ntd^t son bem ©ummcn ber Siene ober ben gUtgelfd^logcn ber ©d^wolbe begrii^t worbcn tsar, weld^e bie nte fe^tenben Scgleiter ber ^vt beg .^ota^odtcrg ftnb. Slnflott beg .^ummeng unb ©efd^wo^eg biefer ^Brten fte nic^t blog ben 9iuf unb ©efong beg rot^brounen 3Balbegfo|ncg, fon« bern oud^ bog nad^tlii^c ©e^^eul beg fietg wot^fomcn .^unbeg, ber ber lid^ten .Riinigin ber S'lot^t, wie fte fo fiottlii^ ein^craie^t unb t:^r geborgteg Sid^t wieberfirol^lt, nod^bellt. Um einer grijferen 9Ran« nigfolttgfcit wtltcn brong audi) bog ft^rine,.erfd^redenbe ®ctra% ber Sule not^tlid^ tn i|re D^ren, bie ouf etnem scrborgenen Slfie iiber it;ren Jpiittcn bte 3lbenbluft einfaugt, ober bog f(|auerli^c, tloglid^e ©efd^ref etneg 9tod)tsogelg tn fetnem ftnfleren Dtdit^t. Dtefe fd^weiaerifd^e SRieberlaffung bilbete ben ^noten= ober SI'littelpuntt einer fd^neU aune'^menbcn SBcsolfcrung son ©^tDci= acrn, gronaofen unb Deutfd^cn im Sben ^ennfplsonien'g.* Der som europoif^en Sontinente l^creinflriimenbe S""""^^ mc^rte ftdl) befionbig, fo bog er bie Wufmertfamteit wo^ ricf unb bet ben guri^tfomen jeneg Sogeg nid^t geringe SScforgnif scr= urfoc^te.t * iJie Stamen ber erften Slnftebler tm 5)equa ^bale ftnb tm Inbflttg 9fr. III. angegeben. + ©eil ben Sa^en etneg Samcg Sogan, eineg etnflugrettbcn SKanneS int prostnctalen Scnctl, ber 1724 ben Eeutfi^en bocb^ unfdjiine Dtnge na^- giUgemtine ©iuleitung. 27 Sin Boltgtbfimlicber ©efcbtibtfd^retber bertibtet auf bte SSebauptung etneg anbevn, ba§ bte erfie 9Jieber(aifung in Sancaflet Sount? tm Sabre 1704 bte eintger franjiifif^en gamilien war.— SBatfon'g Slnnalen, II., ©. 112. Die genanntcn gamilien waren Snbe WHai 1708 nod^ in Sitttngbetm unb tamen erfl in bet le^ten ^cilfte beg tSRonatg Dejbr. 1708, Wte unlen nod6 wetter gcjetgt Werben wtrb, in 9Jew gjort an. SJiatie gubte (gercc) aug Sitttngbetm, Dbetamt ®ermergbeim, fudbte am 10. aWatj 1708 itm etnen ?)ag naCb mtt bet Slbft^t „auf bte Snful 5)ennf9lsanten pet ^oUanb unb Snglanb fid^ ju begeben unb allba ju toobnen sorbabeu." Sim 10. 3Rai 1708 erbat fte ftib au^'ctn fir^ItC^cg 3eugntg fUr ft^ unb ibte Samtlte J bagfelbe bcjlatigt, bag „fte brr lautCrn reformirten ®laubeng" lebte angeboten, unfere ijfentlidjiett ®ottcgbtenfte befuC^t unb mit anbern Olaubtgen am 5Rable beg |)errn Slntbeil genommen babeu." Unterjetcbnet tfi eg son S. 9loman, 3)afior unb Snfpeftor, unb beglaubigt son einem ©cbretber. grau gerce, ober SSJemar, ober SBarembier (pit fte genannt wurbe) be= glettete mtt ibrem ©obne Daniel gtete, 3faaf geber ober Sa gesre unb anbern im Sabine 1708 ben 9)aflor Sotbertbal nad^ 5lew gjorf. • ^ter foil fie big 1712 geblieben fein. Die Urtunben ju §arttgburg jetgen, bag ant 12. ©ept. 1712 burcb bte SScrmtttlung son SJKarttn Senbtg, SJiarta SGBa= renbuer, SBentar ober gtete 2000 Slder Sanb ju ^Jequac jugcfprod^en ttur- ben.— ®efC&. Sane. So., @. 102. D'Sallaban'g Doc. ®efCSi. 9t. g).. III., ©. 550. Die «»amen bet Segleiter Sod^ertbal'g, f. Slnbang 5tr. IV. iKoum :|atten bie Siennoniten t^rc Sanbcreien boubor gemoi^t, fo fonbtcn fte fd^on SJlortin ^enbig olg Sesollma^tigtcn no(| Deuifd^lonb unb ber ©d^weia, um anbere au bewegen, nod^ 55enn* f^lsonien au fommen. Sr |atte gropen Stfolg. 1711 unb 1717 unb ctnige ^a^xi fpoter erfu^r bie Solonie einen bebeutenben 3uwod^g. ©0 ao^lrcid^ war bie Sinwonberung son Deutft^en unb ©d^wciaern, bof , wie fd^on oben barauf ^ingcwtefcn, biefclbe befonberg bet Seomten SSebcntcn erregte. ©0 erao^lt bie ©taatg=S|ronif : „®ouserneur ^ett| wlcg fetn Soflegtum, ben ©ouserneurg»3lat|, ouf bte grope 2tnao|l ber gremben oug Deutfd^tonb ^n, bte unfere ©pro^e unb SSerfoffung ntt^t tennen unb fiiralid^ in btefe $rosina l)ereingebrodC)t wurben. Diefclben aerpreuen fit^ gleid^ not^ i^rer Slnfunft, o^nc ausor ft^rtftlit^ au a^igcn, wo^er fte fommen unb wer fte ftnb, unb wie fte ftc| in Snglanb betrogen, welc^eg fte o:^ne Srloubnip ber 9le» fagte, unb feiner 5iacbbeter, bte nocb ju bebaupten Wagten, Wag cr nur unter gurdjit augfogte, bat bie aSetgangenbett fefigefieUt, bag fold^e Sevbacbttgungen obne guten ®vunb waren. Sn etnem anbern SBert ntmmt bet Sbttor sott- flanbigere gjottj son btefer Slnftage. 5)olttiter baben fcbon mebr alg etn= mal bag Slagelieb uber bie Deutfcben angc^tmmt: „S!Btr baben cudf) ge= pfiffen unb tbr woUtet nt^t tanjen." 28 g^Ilgemtine Sinleitang. gierung serloffen l^oben, fo oud| '^ier, ba fie ftd^ Weber Ui i:|m noc| bet einer onberen obrigfeitltd^en 55erfon gemelbct. ©old^e ^onblunggwcife fonnte ftc| olg fe|r gefa:|rli(^ erwcifcn, bo auf gtcid^cm SBege trgenb eine belicbige 3lnao|l grembcr. Son wclc^er 9Jotton fte immer fein mijgen, grcunbe ober geinbe, ung auftromcn miji^te." ©0 gefd^ricben 1717. Dtefe aSemertung beg ®ouserneurg Settb fitbrt*. jur Slnnabme etner 9??agregel, bte bag ffletlorengeben son iiber breigtg taufenb Wamen ber erften beutfcben Stnwanberer in fennfplsanien serbinberte.* ©etn TOgttauen, bag er barnalg gegen bte Deutft^en begte, obwobl er nacbbcr ibre Snterefe etfttg sertrat, mugte baju'augfd^Iagen, bag bag ®ebad^tnig bet Unterbritdtcn unb SSerfoIgten ntd^t auggewtfd^t wurbe.— ©iebe Sol. SRec., III., ©. 29, 228, 1719 bemerfte 3ottUi) woren: Surcfg ober be Slurdg, SScrtoletg, Scrbog, be loi^latneg, Defangg, Sorog, Sesong, g)ober, ^cim, ^erbcin, ©d^oub, Sngel, 3Beibner, ©^neiber, Sllftabt. Slbrabam be SEurif son Die? fdprieb an ben $erauggeber in einem Wdx^ 1844 battrttn Srtefe: „tKeine aSoraltern, 9Jameng 3faat Zuxd, be Slurtf, Wobnten in grantrciCb, waren son ben fogenannten §ugcnotten, pcbteten wegen SReltgion nacb bet ^^d^, in bte ©tabt granttntbal, son bottcn Wanbetten fte auS natb Slmevita, liegcn ftdl nieber im ©taat SllM g)ott, tn ber ®egenb Sfopug, in ber 3ett ber Sonigtn Slnna ; jogen natb Dlep uml712. 'Dag 3)atent son metnem Sanb i^ 1712."— //Js. SerAs Co., p. 88. Sfaaf Surd, etn Sanbmann, 23 Sabre alt, war einer ber aSegletter beg 5)aftotg SocbertbaL— Slnbang 9ir. IV. Sg mag bier bemerft werben, obwobi eg etwag auger Drbnung erfcbcint, bag neungebn son benen, bie mit 9)ajior ^odbcrtbal Waren, tm erfien Sabte 3)ietiften wurben. |)tetauf etfud^ten Soi^ertbal unb ©d^iinemann am 26. STOai 1709 ben 9latb, biefen gteunjebn ben Untcrbalt ju entjieben „weil fte fti^ ber ©eelforge beg 3)rebtgerg unb ben iibrigen Dcutfd^en ent^ogen fcottett." Sim 18. Sunt etnannte man etnen Slugf^ug, um bte ©d^toterig=- tetten unter ben Deutfcbcn ju untcrfucben. Derfelbe betttbtete am 21. Suni: „bag tetnc ber ben ^tetiften jur Safi gelegten Dtnge Bor anbern etwtefen ttetbcn fonnten."— D'Salaban'g Doc. @efd^. Sfl. g.. III., ©. 544. Unter ben erfien ^Infieblern son Slfop Slownf^ip, Serfg Sount^, woren stele fronaoftfd^e Sleformirte ober ^ugenotten, ebenfallg fd^webtfd^e gut^croncr. „Wan erao^tt, bap bie ^ugenotten, Dentft^^aieformtrte unt) Sut|eraner inner^^olb einer ober aweter fWettea son Sleobing ii^re ©ottegbienfle ge^olten unb pd^ nad^ guter SOBetfe i^rer SSater in Suropa Slbcnbg fowo^l alg ben SEog uber scrfommelt |oben." — Sud^er. Die Deutfd^en waren ^uptfod^lid^ Sonbleute. @te scrlicpen ftd^ rae^r ouf fii^ felbfi olg ouf Slnbere. ©ie ft^wongen ben ^orfi, bie 2l)rt unb ben ©d^logel, unb mit i^ren fonnense.rbrannten Strmen rotteten fie bie 3Bud^erpflonaen oug, foUten bie majefliiti* fd^en Stt^en unb bie fd^lonfen SBallnupbaume, bte ^ofianten unb * German Ref. Messenger; Aug. 3, 1842. i- 95ettioming betgt ber fteifelbeere-fra?. (a) ©tippadf, b. f). eine ftinfenbe SSaffevkcbe. (b) Die? beigt ««"« ^oblt/ 3«tte, au^ eine Bon SBergen etngefcjiloffene Sanbfcbaft. 3* 30 gtllgcmeiiM ©inleitmtg. gjoppeln. aBog broud^bor wor, fpoltetcn fte au ©d^wcllen fiir Sonne. 3^v uncrmiiblid^er Sifer wupte feinc ©d^ronten, big er bie gonae wolbigc SBilbnip in urboreg Sonb umgeft^offen :^atte. SBon i^nen fagte ©ouserneur X^omog im 3<'^« 1738: „Diefe ^rosina |ot feit 3a^«n olg 3uflu^tftatte fur serfolgte 55rotefi= onten ber 5>fals unb onberer S^eile Dcutf^lonb'g gcbient, unb td^ gloube mit 28a|r^cit fogcn au fonnen, bop fte il^ren gegen* worttgen blit^enbcn 3ujiflnb griiptenti^eilg bem gleipe biefeg Sot= leg au scrbonfen ^ot. Sg ifi nid^t bie ®ute beg Sobeng oUcin, fonbern bie 3tnaa|l unb Slrbeitfomfett eineg SSolfeg, bie etn 8anb wo:^l^abcnb mod^en."— Sol. Sdec., IV., ©. 315. Snglonb ser^anb . feine ^olitit in ber fd^netten Sesolferung ber omerifonifd^en Solonien: feine Untcrt^onen bc^ielt eg ju ^oufe, betrieb l^ingcgen bie Slugwonberung ber Deutfi^en. Sng» lonb aog feinen ©ewtnn boroug, o^ne son feinen Sinwo^nern 3u serlieren. Sg mog unserniinftig fd^einen, bop man ongfilid^ auf bie ©(^ooren beutfd^er Stnwanberer fa:^, „bte, wenn fte in folgen SJJoffen leritberfirtimcn, cine beutfdbe Solonie l^icr grnnben m6d^= ten, unb sieHctd^t etne foldde, tijie bie ber Stngelfod^fett im fiinftcn 3o^r:^unbert in SBrttonnien."* 3m Sabre 1719 faitten etitcbe jwanjig gamilien ber ©d^wargenau-Sau^ fer in 9>bi'abelpbta an. Simge jogen nai ®ermantown, anbere naib bem ©cSrippad in Die?, nadb Soneflogo unb SKitlbad^ in Sancaflet Sount?. Um 1728 unb 1729 iiberfd^ritten bie Dcutfd^en ben ©ugque» :^anna unb licpcn ftd^ innerlolb ber jc^igen ©rcnaen ber Sountieg Slbomg unb gjorf nieber. Dort rtd^teten fte fid^, obwo&l untcr siclcn ^inberniffen, ein. Sg entfpannen ftd^, wie eg leibcr oft awtf(l>cnJ8ewo|nern ber ©rcnae ber goB i\t, ge^ben awit'd^tn ben Slar^lanbern unb 3)ennf9lsanierM, unb ©treit um We Dbcr» l^ctnb unter ben git'^rern. SEboraag Sreffap son 5)?arpTanb mad^te ftcb 1736 jum ^auptmann »on fitnfjtg gleicbnrttgen ®eiflcrn, lebiglti^ baju, um bte Detttfiben son ibren aSauereten jit jagen.' Um feinen ®efeaen TOutb etnjuflogcn, ftblug et sor, bag Sanb, welCbeg bte Deutftben anaebaut batten, unter fie ju sertbeilen. giir bie ju letftenben Dtenfte foatc cm jeber jweibunbert Slcfer erbalten. Die Deutfdien wurben «vit SEBaffcngswolt ongcgriffett, ibre SBobnungen jerfliirt unb fte sertricben unb gefnngen genommen, unb bag blog aug bein ®runbc, wcil fie ber gftegtcrung 5)ennf?lsanten'g treu geblteben Waren.— Sol. 3Jec. iv., ©. 69-122. SBatfon'g Slnnalcn, II , ©. 255. gtllgemeine €inleitung. 31 ©d^on in ben Sabten 1710-1712 tamen Deutfcbe na^ 5WarttIanb unb Kegen fi^ in ber ©egenb jWifcben bem fKonocac? unb ben Sergen, ba, wo nacbber ?)atrtd Dulan? (1745) grebricftown auglegte, nieber. Diefclben bebnten ftcb ober balb big nocb ben ®lobeg, OTibbletown unb ©agergtown aug. 3wtf(ben 1748 u. 1754 wurben ac&tunbjwanjig bunbett Deutfd^e nacb SSatijlanb gebra^t, son benen SSiele ftd^ naCb S3alttmore Wanbten.— 5)aflot 3acbariag, 3)rebtgt betm bunbetlflen Sabregfefl, 1847. Sutler'g "• " . ». 3»b., ©. 51, 52, 61, 62. Die gtut^ ber Stugwonberung som europoift^en Sontinent wor miid^ttg. Sinf[itffe serft^iebener Stotur trugen boju bci, biefelbe nur nod^ a" serfiarfen. 3u ^Jennf^lsontcn woren eg bie SfJeulonbcr, SOBerfaeuge in ber ^onb ber ©d^iffgbeft^er, ,^oufleute unb 3'ni>orteure, wett^e stele Dcutfi^e bewogen, i^ren ^erb au serloffen. Sluper biefen gob eg nod^ eine weitcre Sloffe, bie fid^ grope SWiil^e ant|at, ben Sinwo|nern Deutfd^lonb'g SlugwonDc* Tungg= ©eliifte einauflopen. Dtefe atsei ©orten, bie SRculanbcr unb ©peculonten, nol^mcn Suflu^t au scrft^iebcnen ^unfigriffen, um t^ren 3tBedE ougaufii^ren. ©ie mod^tcn oEcrlei SSerfprcd^ungen unb fielltcn ben Seuten sor, in bem ncuen Sanb flogcn t^ncn bie gebrotcnen Souben in'g ?iKaul. Um biefeg 5):i ^otte ft(| serbreitct wie ein Souffeuer, unb bie itbrigen son bem aBognip fiir bie sorgebilbetcn ©titer unb aSeft^t^iimer obgeft^rcctt. 3a'&re long befanben ftd^ bie Drei^unbert am fJifftfrtpfi in biirfttgen Umfianbeu. ©ie woren in ben ouperfien iJiotlfionb serfunfen. „3lber," fagt ©oi^orre, „son biefen ormen, jebo^ elirboren Deutftben flammcn stele bfr ongefe:^enfien SBurgcr Soul* ftano'g unb stele ber reii^fien 3udEerpflonaer im ©toote." 3^t'e sRod^fommen sergopen bie bcutfd^e ©prod^e unb nal)mcn bie fron= aofifd^e an 5 ober bie 9'lamen ajieler beutcn flor ouf i^r ^extommtn, obwobl mon^e fo gomfirt ober fronaoflrt ftnb, bop eg fd^etnt, alg waren fie son fronaofifd^cr ^crfunft. Die ^itfte, weld^e e|e= 32 gtUgemeine dinleitnng. bem fo arm unb burftig wor, unb bie „beutfd^e Mfic" genannt wurbe, f^at feitbem foldde gieid^tl)iimer l|)ersorgcbrad^t unb in ftd^ aufgcnommen, bop fte j;e^t unter bem geeigneten ^^lomcn Cote d'or, „©olbfiifie", befonnt ift.* Sim 10..5!Wai 1727 befuCbte SSatcr Du f oiffon, etn ju ben Slrtanfag ge» fonbter SKifftonar, in feiner DurCbretfe bie Deutfiben. Sr fagt: „3Btr brangen ad^tjebn tKeilen weit ben glug bfnauf sor, etwa fo siel, alg fte je JU ©tanbe bringen tbnnen, unb fd^lugeti unfer Sager bci ben Deutfiben auf. Dieg finb bie Slufentbaltgplage, weld^e ben Ueberreflen ber Deutf^jen, bie som Slenb im Dflenf unb in Soutftana serftbont geblieben, angcwiefen Worbcn ftnb. ®roge Slrmutb berrfibt in ibren fflBobnungen." — Early Jes. Miss., IL, ©. 236, 262, 263, 267. 3m gritl^jol^r 1734 famen bie ©ola^urger Sut^eroner (aug ©olaburg, einem ^eraogtl^um in De^reid^) in ®eorgio on. Slu^ fte gotten tn Suropa f^were a5erfolgungen au erleiben. „©ie wurben oug i|rer ^dmat^ sertricben unb oug bem Sonbe gejogt, Weil fie ben Se^ren beg Ssongeliumg mit unserriidter Sreue an= :^ingen."J Dtefe ernfie unb fromme ©efeUft^oft son S^riflen wurbe son t:^ren t^euren ©eelforgcrn, ben 5)afloren 3o^ann fSWortin aSol^iug unb 3frftcl S|rifiion ©ronou, fommt i^rem ouggeaeic^netcn ©d^ulmei^er, Sfjrifiion Drtmonn, begleitet. Die ©alaburgcr liepen ft(^ in Sfftng^om Sount9 nieber unb benonnten ibre Sin* ftebelung „Sbeneaer", um boburt^ i:^rem .^errn i|ren oufri^tigcn Danf an fogen, ber i|nen feit:^er „ein fiorfer gelg" gewefen war unb i:^ne'n „btg :^terl^er gel^olfcn" ^otte. § Den ©dbulmetfier badbte man ntdbt wentger Wtdbttg, alg ben 55farrer. „Dte SrjiebunggfadS)e wurbe son ben Deutf^cn ntibt ubcrfcben. giir ben Untcrbalt beg ©dbulmeiflerg ftbuf man nacbber einen gonb; benn unfete frommcn SBorfobten urtbcilten fcbr ridbttg, bag fetn Sanb gebeiben fiinne, Weldjeg fiir bie geifilttbe fflcge unb Slugbtlbung beg aufwaibfenbcn @e- f^let^tg teine a3orforge treffe."— ©trobel. Dtefe bcutfd^e Solonte erfut)r einen 3uwa(^g son 3eit a" 3"^/ big fte nod^ sor 1745 me^rere ^unbert gamilien ao^tte. 3u ©o= sonno^ wobnten ebenfoUg side Deutft^e; ouper biefen befanben pd^ unter ber geifilid^cn 9)flege beg 5)afiorg Dosib DfJitft^mann nod^ sicle"9Jia:^rifd^c Sriiber im ©toote. * ©a^arte'g Souiftana, ®. 360, 361. Sarbe TOorbotg' ®efdb. b. Souif. .+ 9tabe ben Daupbin 3nfeln, fiinf unb jwanjig Weilcn fiibli* Bon sKobtle.— SStown'g SUtnotg,©. 163. t 5)afior SI. 3). ©trobel'g ®efcb. bev ©aPurger, ©. 21.— Dtcfeg SueJ follte fi(b in ben $anben jcbcg Deutfcbcn befinben. I Slnbang 9it. IX. gibt bie 9Jamen ber ctflcn Slnftebler. •^Ugemeine ®i«ltitang. 33 „Dte ?!Jla|rif(i)cn SSriiber grunbeten feine bleibenbe Siliebcr^ laffung in ©eorgio. 3llg ber ^ricg mit ©panien ougbrod^, aogen ft^ foft oUe nod^ ^Jcnnf^lsonicn auriidf, wcil eg gegen i|ren ©lou* ben serfiiep, in trgenb einer ©od^f au ben aSoffen au greifen."* 3nt So^re 1738 fomen Sinige in ^Jennf^lsonien an unb liepen fid) au S5et|fe|em nieber. f „Dieienigen, weld^e nod^ in ©eorgio auritd-geblieben woren, serltepen bagfelbe 1740 unb aogen an i^ren aSriibern not^ ^^ennf^tsonien. @o wurbe bie SJliffion unter ben Snbionern in ©eorgio noi^ einem sielserfpred^enben Slnfonge wieber aufgegeben."f S|e bte aJia^rift^en Sriiber nad| f^ennf^lsonicn fomen, :|atte ftd^ ft^on eine betrod^tlid^e 9lnaof>l ©d^wencffelber cingcfunben, unb ble Sountieg aSucfg unb |)^tlabelp:^io, jc0t Slontgomcr^, Scrfg unb Se:^ig|, ouggewa^lt. Sg wor i^re ^bfid^t, bet i^rem aibaug oug Suropo ©eorgio auaufieuern. ©ie anberten i:^r aSor* l^obert unb wonbtenfid^ biefer 3uflud|tgftfltte oiler Unterbrudtenau. 1732 befud^te J&err ^taxi ^Jierre ^ur9 son SReud^otet aug ber ©(^wcta Sarolino, unb, beeinflupt son ben 3legierungen Snglonb'g unb Sorolino'g, unterno^m er eg, eine fd^wciacrtfd^e 3lnfiebelung bofelbfi an griinben. Sin :^unbert unb pebatg ^erfonen famen 1732 ^criiber. 3l)nen folgten bolb anbere. ^ura borouf ao^lte bte Solonie brei ^unbert Sewo^ner. 3ln ben norblid^en Ufern beg ©osonna^ liepen fie fti^ nieber unb bouten etwo fed^g unb breipig Wtikn obcr^olb ber 9Kitnbung beg gluffeg eine ©tobt, wel(|e fie fjur^gburg^ |tepen. Die Solonte serme:|rte ftd^ aufe^enbg. ?)ur9 brod^te 1734 weitere at»ei :^unbcrt unb ftcbaig fJerfonett oug ber ©d^weia. Dtefe fomen fammtU(| ouf ^o^en ^ur^'g unb einige feiner greunbc, bie i^m aur augfit^rung feineg i)laneg 5Kittel on bie ^onb gaben, bo er fein gonaeg SScrmiigen bercitg boron gewonbt ^otte, nod^ c|e er benfelben soQig scrwirf* Itd^t foil. 3e^t befanben ftt^ beino^e fe^g ^unbert ©eelen in. biefer Sflicberlaffung. - . „$err fuxi) tt)at bicg tnfolge eineg son t:^m ber ©efc^gebung son @iib=Sarolino gemot^ten Sntwurfg, befen nomlid^: bog fiiblid^e ®renalonb Sorolino'g mit tapfercn unb orbeitfomen * ©trobel'g ©aljburger, ©. 80. i Die Slamen berer, bie ®eorgia serltegen unbnad^ ^ennfijlBanten wan= betten, finb in 3ufa| B entbalten.— ®ran|' a3riibet>®efdjicbte, ©. 302. t Sogficl, Sib. II., @. 6. 34 ^llgemeint ^inleitang. Scutcn, wag bcfonntlii^ bie ©d^weiacr ftnb, au besolfcrn. Die Slffembl? idQtt ftd^ gona mit bicfcm SBorfi^lag einserftonben, unb bcwilligie i^m am 20. 3luguft 1731 400 g)funb ©terltng, wenn er liunbert tiid^tige 58?onner no^ Sarolino bringe. 3" bicfcm aSefd^lup serppi^tete fid^ bte 9{egierung ebenfallg, "brei |unbcrt ^erfonen ein 3ct|r long mit Unter^olt, aBerlacugen u. f. w. an serfe^en. 1747 Ijottc ^urpgburg^ uber ^uuDert orbcntlit^ gc= boute Confer. 3n Sotlcton Sount^, om niirblid^en Ufer beg ^Rortl^ Sbifion gluffeg, 12 SJlcilen son beffen Syjitnbung, liegt 3611 ton, ober ^iu Sonbon, mit ot^taig ^oufern, weld^e bie ©d^weiaer mit Sr= loubnip ber Slffemblp unter 3uberbit|ler gebout gotten. Dicfer £)rt erwteg ftt^ nad^t|etltg fiir ^ur9gburg| wegen feiner Sage im 9Kittelpunf t beg Sonbeg unb no^e ber ^ouptftobt. SSiele, bie nii^t nod^ 9>ur9gburgl) wollten, aogen bo l)in." — Sowen'g ®eogr., ii., ©. 645. Sonboner Sluggobe son 1750. 3n ben 3(»^ren 1740-1755 brad^te mon sielc ^Jfoljer nad^ ©ub=Sflrolina. 3u Drongeburg, Songoree unb SBoteree fe^tcn fte ftd^ fefi.* Ueber fet^g |unbert oug ©d^woben unb ber 3)fala wurben 1765 son Sonbon l^eriibergeft^idft ouf ein eigeng fiir fte be^tmmteg STownfltp.f 33tele ber boBcinbifcben Soloniflcn, bie nadji bet Ucbergabe ber Solonte an bte ^one Snglonb'g mit ibrer Sage in Slim gjort ntdit mebr juftieben waren, brai^en naib ®ub.SorDlina auf unb fieuerten buttb ibre Slrbeitfam= feit ntcpt wenig gum SBoblfianb ber ^rosinj bet. Sbr Srfolg bewog autb anbere ibrer Sonbglcute, ibrem Seifptele ju folgen.— SRamfai). 1679 fanbte Sari II. in jwei ®cbtffen cine Slnjabl §ugenotten naib ©iib= Sarolino, um bofelbfi ben aBeinflod, bie iDlisc u. f. w. gu pflangcn. 9ti^t Weniger olg fecbjebn bunbert 3)rotc^anten, metfleng gtangofen, liegen gtJ) 1752 in ®itb-Saroltna nieber,— §olmeg ; SSatrb. 3m 3fl^« 1739 fouften mel^rerc Sutljeroner unb Dcutfdb«9le= formirte ein ©tiid ©runb son ©enerol aSolbo, unb legten borouf bie ©tobt aBolboborougl in Sincoln Sountp, SJJaine, on. a5re= men, ein Dorf in bemfelben Sount?, unb gronfort in SBoIbo Sountp ftnb, wie oug ben Stomen erge^t, aweifelgo^ne son Deut» fd^en entweber ongelegt ober ongeftebelt worbcn. 3m Soufe beg fponif(^=frana6fif^cn ,Rrtegeg wurbe SSolboborougt) burd^ bie * S^omfo^'g ®iib"SaroI., i., ®. 3, 4. + §otme'g to. Slnnalcn, ii., ©. 268.— SJerbanblungcn tm engl. Unter. bang, Slug, 1764. ^tUgemeine Sinleitung. 35 i^onbe canobtfi^er 3nbtoner 1746 aum Slfi^en'^oufen. aSiele ber Sinwo^ner wurben niebergemad^t, onbere obgefii'^rt. Stid^t wenige fiorben tnfolge ber groufomen Se^anblung feiteng ber SBilben; einige entfomcn burdl) bie glud^t unb aerfireuten ftd^ tn Sonobo. aSig 1750 blieb aSolboboroug^ etn @(|utt:^oufen. 3ni 3ot>re 1751 fomen ouf Sinlobung ber Slegierung breipig beutft^e go* milieu, unb 1752 funfae:^n :^unbert bemtttclte Seute son Suropa nod^ SB'Joine. „Da jebo^ ber 3le(^tgtitel beg ©enerol aBolbo ftd^ olg fe^ler^oft erwieg, fo scrlicpen a5iele bie Solonie. 3^w Se= solferung no^m nte bebeutenb au." — ¦^oaeliug,- ©, 34, 48 «. So^er, 1773. „Sinige aogen oug SRoine, um mit itjrcn Sonbg= leuten in Sonbonberri^, @ub=Sorolina, au wo^nen, son benen aber bte SJlcificn biefen ©t^ritt |crnad^ bereuten unb not^ Tlaint auritdffe'^rten, wo ftt^ f^rc ^Wot^fommen je^t nod^ ftnben." — aSoirb. ^uf grope ajcrfprc^ungen beg ^ijnigg ©corg II. son ©rop* aSritonnien.l^tn, weld^e er benen augfe^te, bte nod^ 5Rosa ©cotio ougwonbern witrben, mo^te ftd^ eine bebeutenbe 3lnao|l Deutfd^cr, meifl §annoseroncr, ouf ben SSeg nod^ Slmertfo, wo fte in ber S^ebucto 33,19, naf)t ^ali^ax, ber ^ouptfiobt son SRo'aa ©cotio, onfamen. aSierael^n :^unbert unb brciunbfiinfaig fd^ifften ft^ wie= ber ein unb lonbeten om 7. 3uni 1753 in Storliguif^. „§ter legten fte bie blii:^enbe ©tabt Sunenburg on, l^otten ober biefelbett ©d^wterigfeiten ougaufie'^en, mit benen bte Solonifien au ^alifoy in Slnfteblung ber |)albinfel au fampfen :^atten. Die Ur^efd^id^te jeneg Drteg eraS^lt son wenig Slnberem, alg einer fortwa'^renben aBieber:^olung son fampfen mtt benaBilben, in benen, ungeot^tet ber fraftigen '^ilfc, bie i:^nen bie 3legierung fiellte, bo^ ajiele i^r Seben serloren. gelbbau gotten fte beg:^olb nur inner^olb eng ge= geaogener ©rcnaen an betreiben, unb bie Urbormod^ung beg on* flopenben Sonbeg mupte itbcrliegen bleiben, big bte franaoftfd^e SJioi^t in Stoso ©cotto gebrot^cn war."— ^oliburton'g ©efd^. son Uloso ©cotio, I., ©. 163 ; 5iKurro9'g a3rit.=3lmcr., II., ©. 55 ; So^er, ©. 68, 74; S!)l'SultodC)'g Unt., II, ©. 498. a5on 1735 sermc|rten ftd^ bie Slnftcbclungcn in ^ennf^lsonicn aufe:^enbg unb be:^ntcn ftd^ iiber unobfePore ©egenben, wefiltd^ son ©oogquol^onounf,* oug, wo^tn t^nen bie f(^ottifdl)en * ©ugquebanna, b. b. „lang-qebogener-©trom." (a) ®elbe §ofen. Die aSebcutung beg tnbtanifd^en 9tameng ifi „aBo eg ftt^ tttebet jurucE^ brebt." (b) Sanoboquinet, b. b. „Stne groge ©tredfc long nidbtg «Ig ^r""'-- mungen." (c) Sonococbeague, b, b. „©tcber etne lange 3tetfe." (d) Der Sittattn? ober „a3laue SSctg". 36 ^Ugemeine ©inleitmtg. 3rlattbcr ben S83eg geaeigt ^ttcn. Die beutfcben gitcbcrloffungcn fonnten ftd^, serfiorft burd^ bie immcrwo^renb auflicpenbe Stn= wonberung, mit ben Singeborcnen meffen. SSor 1765 fatten fte ftd^ wefill^ som ©ugque:^anna im Sumberlonbt^ol unb ben Ufern beg floren Sollopopcinf (a) entlang, unb oufbeibcn ©etten beg gcfd^longelten ©unipbud^onnet (b), unb wetter nad^ aBc^en am ©unneufipt^if (c), brei biefe fruc^tborc ©cgenb bewoffernbe ©trome, nicbergcloffen Der ^ou*to=tin»S'^unf (d), ber fid^ som Delaworc:^un= berte son Sltcilen wefiwortg aie^t, wor i^nen fein unubcrwinblid^eg ¦Oinbernip. ©ie fd^ritten bariiber l^inwcg unb legten bo i^re aSoucreien on, „wo fie fura nfl^l^er fommt aScib unb .Rtnb ber godel, bem S3eil unb ©colpirmeffer ber aBilben unb i^rem rnitter* ndd^tlit^en Slngrtff unb aSlutt^oten ouggefe^t woren." 3" ben 3o:^ren 1754-1763, unb nod^ fpoter, fielen ^unberte ben uncr» bittUd^ groufomen SBilben aum Dpfer, unb bieg ben SBlouen aScrgen entlong in fitblii^er unb nijrblid^er SRi^tung, unb am ©ugquel^onno linouf big-au ^enn'g Sreef. Unter ben Daljin* gcft^lod^tcten woren stele Deutfd^e — me^r olg brei ^unbert im ©onacn. Unter ben erfcblagenen Deutf^en norblttb son ben SSIauen Scrgen unb tnnerbalb 9Wontoe Sountu woren: ®ulbiit, |)i)tb, ober |)utb, SBmper, aSonaten, SSonflb'r, ©cbncH, |)attmann, ,&age, SBtunbtd^, |)ellmflnn, ®onbet= monn, ©t^leidji, SKuUer, SSonbelap, Decfer, 25an ®onbie, Srinder. 3nnet.» balb bet Sountieg Scbtgb, 9tortbampton unb Sarbon, fiiblicb unb niirbli^ ber Serge, ftelen iiber Sinbunbert. Unter biefen waren: ©obn, Slein, aStttenbenber, Slotb, ®^affer, Slnberg, 9iitfi^mann, ©enfemann, @attet« m^er, gobrtctug, ©(bwetgcrt, Seglte, JJteffer, Depu. Snnerbalb ber Soun=' ticg aSerfg, Sebanon unb Doupbtn, benfelben Scrgen entlang : SReii^elgborfet, ®etbart, 9leibung, 0ug ober Mud, Etnbermann, ©djjott, Sraugbar, 3eig- lojf, SBiindj), Dieppel, lienl?, ©pitler, 9totfet, 5Kaurer, SBiigbar, geH, Sublmer, Sang, SLrump, gfa'aer, ©edpler, ©i^etterls, ©outer, ®etger. Dialer, gran|, ®c()nebclc, SWoffer, gindjier, Rubier, SKattloff, SBolf, $anb- f^e, aSciffer, aWieg, Sebengutb, TOog, 5Joab, aBinfelble^), 3eu(bma^ct u. f. w. a5or 1770 wor mon in ber SBilbnip ^ennf9tsanten'g big itber bog ailleg:^en9 ©ebirge sorgebrungen. 3unerl)olb ber je^igen ©rcnaen son aBefimoretonb unb onberen wefilit^en Sountieg biefeg ©tooteg befionben bercitg 3lnftebelungen. Sine 3lnaal)l beutfdfecr gamilien :^atte fld^ om ?KonongoI)elfl big t)tnauf nad^ Sflebflonc, SSrowngsitle, go9ette Eount9, niebergeloffcn. Untcr ifinen waren: aBeigmonn, freffer, ajersalfon, Delong, 3ung, SJlorttn, ©dt)utt, |)eter, ©d^wor^, gutter, Sodte?, Slbrabam unb §tllgemeiiie (Einleitung. 37 onbere,'" weld^e jener treue Diener S^rifii, ^oftor3sl)aunSon* rob SBu^er, im ««os. 1768 befud^te.— Sol. giec., IX., ©. 508 ; German Reformed Messenger, 24. Wtai 1854; 3flu]^p'g ©eft^tt^te Son aSerfg So., @. 459. Die SRomen sieler anberer Deutfd)en in aBeftmorelonb Sount9 ftnb in ber som aSerfoffer biefeg aufam= mengeficKten ©eft^id^te som wefili^en 5)ennf9loanien au ftnben. * Die erfien Deutfd()en tm wefiticben ^pennf^lBanten Itcgcn ftdb in ®reene Sount? niebcr. Sg woren bie beiben a3ritbet Sderlein, welcbc 1745 Spbtota serltegen, um ftdb in ber SEiefe ber SBilbemig einen ncuen SBobnort ju futben.- ChroniconEphratense, pp. 158, 195, 195. Sol.9tec.,V., @.531. aSor 1754 bauten fiib SBcnbel aSraun mtt feinen beiben ©iibnen unb grie* bti^ a5$al|er Bier TOeilen wefiltcb son Uniontown on.— Smith's Old Red- atone, p. 26. 4 PROLEGOMENA, TO WHICH THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF THE READER IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. Gebmahs, Swiss, Dutch and French formed a, large portion of the first settlers of Pennsylvania. Between forty and fifty thousand names of these Immigrants are to be found in the Records of the State — in Land warrants. Acts of naturalization, and in Lists of im ported foreigners. Much time has been spent in laborious researches, to copy from these Records the names of Immigrants, and arrange them in chronological order ; especially, the names of those who came to Peimsylvania prior to 1727. As that Collection, embracing the period from 1682-1727, is not as complete as it might be, it is with held from the public for the present. The Collection now published, embraces a period of fifty years, and contains upwards of thirty thousand names of the ancestors "of toiling millions." The great influx of these Immigrants began about the year 1 707. Since then, thousands of Germans, Swiss and others bade their friends adieu, left their 'Vaterland, their home^ — "the hearth where soft affec tions dwell," — for this foreign country. So vast became their numbers in Pennsylvania, as to excite public attention as early as 1717, and, finally, to lead the provincial Council to adopt, Sept. 14, 1727, and enforce the following Resolution : "That the masters of vessels, importing Germans and others from the continent of Europe, shall be examined whether they have leave granted them by the Court of Great Britain for the importation of these foreigners, and that a List be taken of all these people, their several occupations, and place from whence they came, and shall be further examined touching their intentions in coming hither; and that a writing be drawn up for them to sign, declaring their allegiance and subjection to the King of Great Britain, and fidelity to the Pro prietary of this Province, and that they will demean themselves peace ably towards all His Majesty's subjects, and observe and conform to the Laws of England and of the Government of Pennsylvania." — Col. Rec., III., pp. 29, 283. (39) 40 PROLEGOMENA. Lists were taken by the masters of vessels, and attested as being "exact and true.'' These are still preserved in the Secretary's Office at Harrisburg. Many of them are triplicates. All have been carefuUy examined by the Editor. For convenience of reference, the Lists are designated in this Collection, A, B, C. A. The master's or captain's Lists contain the names of all male passengers above the age of sixteen, and some of them, the names of all the passengers. If any had died, or Were sick, on the arrival of the ship, they are marked accordingly. B. This List contains all the names of males above the age of six teen, who were made to repeat and subscribe the Declaralion of alle giance, with their own hands, if they could write, if they could not, the name was written by a clerk, and the qualified person made his mark. Lists A and B are preserved in dietached papers. C. This List is an autograph daplicate of B, signed in the same way, and is preserved in Book form. List A was at the time of presentation, Sept. 21, 1727, to Oct. 19, 1736, copied literatim into the Provincial Records — containing 2,536 names. These were lately published by authority of the Legislature, "as u, faithful and literal copy of the original," in the III. and IV. Colonial Records. The printed List does not present the true ortho graphy of one-half of the autographs, or the names written by the qualified persons themselves. This remark is not intended as invidions. It is a mere statement of the fact, that English scholars may not always be able to spell German names correctly.* B and C are made the basis of this edition. The orthography of cognomens, or family names, is given as in the autographs, or as written by clerks, though the latter do rarely present the correct spelling of German names. To distinguish names written by clerks, from auto graphs, this mark (*) has been appended to the former. Some of the * Hundreds of instances migllt be cited from the printed Colonial Records to sus tain the assertion. Two mnst suffice. In September, 1727, a pereon subscribed the Dedarafion tlius: G. M. Weis, V. D. M.— In tlie Col. Bee. HI. 284, the niime is printed 6. M. Wey, V. D. M. Kev. Weis was born at Stebbock, in Necltarthal, Germany- graduated at Heidelberg— was for some years pastor of the German Reformed Congre gation in Philadelphia— died at Goshenhoppen 1763.— iJupp;* .Wis. iim Co.»S5. Btipifs His. Lebanon Oo. US. In September, 1728, another person subscribed the Declaration, Johann Caspar Stoever, S. S., Theol. Stud. In the Col. Rec. HI. 331— Johan Casper StoiTer jr. Eev Stoevor was born in Strassburg, Germany— was for many years a minister of the Lutheran Church at Lebanon— ho died near that place, M-iy 13, 1779, aged 71 years, 3 months and 2 days. His descendants stiU reside in Pennsylvania.— Bttpp's HU. cfRd. Derrnn. V. S. Rupp's Bis. qf York Ob. 6911. PROLEGOMENA. 4^ German autographs are difficult to decipher. When a doubt remains as to the orthography, a note of interrogation (?) has been added. In List A there are names of males above sixteen years old, marked mci, which are not found in B and C, and some are marked dead. To complete this Collection, these names have been added, and designated accordingly. Where this (?) is added to a name, it indicates the per son was sick. Determined to make this publication as satisfactory as possible, the names of males under sixteen years of age have been copied with the utmost care, and will be presented in an Appendix, in which the cor rect spelUng of names, as far as can be ascertained by collating all the Lists, is represented. By adopting the plan pursued, several thousand names will be added, which would otherwise not have appeared. Foot notes have occasionally been added, for reasons fully explained in the Introduction. Some of the notes are of a historical, others of a biographical cha racter. The most important are those containing the names of early settlers, who had landed at some port, other than that of Philadelphia, but who afterwards came into Pennsylvania, and whose descendants still reside here. An attempt has been made to place the different spellings of names in juxtaposition, showing the orthography of the ancestor's autograph and that of his descendants, as in the case of the well-knovm Hiester family. An ancestor signed his name to the Declaration, Sept. 26, 1787, the time of his arrival, Jost Hikterr— Hiester is the orthography adopted by his descendants. It is not the only design of this publication to preserve names, which indiflference or accidents might forever place beyond reach, or to lead to the recovery of rights to inheritances abroad, that might otherwise remain unestablished ; but ta enable thousands to determine with certainty the time of their ancestors' arrival in Pennsylvania. — Prominent and intelligent individuals may be met with, who, when asked: "When did your ancestors arrive? can give only a conjectural answer. The descendants of Mathias Smvseb, who, numbering in 1845, 1,162 say: "Mathias, with his brother George and his sister Margaretta, emigrated to America about the year 1738, or probably at an earlier period."* By the aid of this Collection, the year, month of arrival and day of his signing the Declaration can be determined. The conjectured time is seven years — "far from the mark!" * Minutes of the Centennial Celebration, held by the descendants of the Elder Mathias Smyaer, May 3d, 184S, on the farm of Samuel Smyser, West Manchester Township. Torli County, Pa. ^ 4* SSorBenterfungcn, tt5elcf)c bent Sefer jur aufmerffamen 2)urdE)ft(f)t Befonberg empfo^ten jtnb. ¦©eutfii^e, ©c^tectjer, ^oKanber unb granjofen Wlbeten etnen grofen Sfjeil ber erfien Slnftebler fennf^lBanicn'S. 3n)tf4)en Bterjig unb fiinftig taufenb 9'lamen btefer (Sinwanberer finb im ©taataarc^is aufbewa^rt, unb jwar in SanbBoBmai^tcn, 9Jaturalifirungg"2lctcn unb in £tfien angelangtet grembcr. Sluggebelinte SfJacdfoift^ungen, ba« Slbfd^reiben ber Sfamen ber lu«to«nberer Bon biefen Urfdiriften, unb bie gef(|)ictitlic&e ^I'fammenftellung berfelben na^men Btel 3ett in 3lnfi)nt(!(),-unb befonbet* tft bieg bet gntt bci ben 9?amen berer, bie Bot 1727 natij) JJennfijlsanien famen. Da bie ©ammlung, toelc^c bie 9Jamen ber in bem 3eitraum Bon 1682-1727 eingetBauberten in fttifi fc<egt, nid)t fo BoKftanbtg tft, al« fte gemad^t loerben fiinnte, fo ttirb biefclbe i»entgfleng fiir bte ®egenttart bem 9>ublifum Bor-^ cnt^nlten. Die je^t Bcriiffentlic^te ©ammlung fi^liegt cine ^JertobCBon fiinfjig 3a^ren in fti^, unb ent^alt iiber bretgig taufenb Women ber Sl^nen emftger 5Killionen. Der groge ©trom biefer ginwanbetsung tBurbe pffig tm Sa^rc 1707. ©eitbem ^aben Jaufenbe Bon Deutf^en, ©(i{«»eijeni unb anberen SJattonen t{)ren greunben bie |)anb juin Sl6fcj)teb gereiiifit, t^r aSnterlanb Berlaffen unb i()re ^eimat^, „bed ^crbea trante geuerfiatte", um in einem ftemben Sanbe i^t ©litif ju Bctfui&en. ©o ja^lrei^i wurben fie tn ^Seitnf^lBanten, bag fie f^on tra 3al)te 1717 baa ofentli^e Slugenmcrf auf ftt^ ric^teten unb enblii^ ben ^JroBinjtalrat^ am 14. ©eptember 1727 jioangen, folgenben Sef^lug ju faffen unb bur^jufegen: „Dag bte Sapttatne son ©^tffen, auf benen Dcutfcftc unb Slnbere »on bem gefllanbc ®urot)a'g ^eritbergebrad^t toerben, untetfu(|t ftjerben follen, ob fie fur bie Sinfu^r folc^er gremben Bon ber Slegierung gnglanb'a Srlaubntg etnge^olt ^aben, unb bag eine £i fte son aUen biefen Seutcn genommen iBcrbc, nebfi t^ren SBcrufaarten unb ben Drten t^rer §er= lunft, unb btefelben weitcr iiber bie 2lbfid;t iljxeg ©ter^ertommena befragt werben, unb bag etne ©^rt'ft jur llntergetilinung i^rerfeita entwotfen Werbe, in ber pe t()rcn Oe^orfam unb Vtntertl^anigfett gegen ben ^b'nig Bon ®rog= IBiitannien unb gegen ben SBefi^er btefer JStoBtnj ijjre Xreue etilaten, unb (43) 44 iB'orbenterknngeR. bag fte ftd) fernet gegen atte Untert^anett ©einer SHaje^at friebli(| bcneV men unb bie Oefege ffinglanb'g unb ber SRegictung 55ennf9l»anten'S be> folgen unb gemag benfelben l)onbeln."— Sol. gjec. III., ©. 29; 283. St fien wurben bemgemcig Bon ben ©cl)iff«-Sapitainen nngefertigt, toelti^c fie alia g e n a u unb to a t) r ju befdjworen fatten. Dtefe finb noc^ auf ber Slmtgflube beg ©laatgfecretairg ju harrisburg erbalten. 33iele bason finb breifati^ Botlianbcn. Slllc wurben Bom §erauSgebcr forg^ faltig untcrfuiifit. 2lu« 9iiirffti|t fiir Sequemlit^teit im 9lac^f(^lagen ftnb bie Siflen mit A, B, C bejet^net. A. Die Sapttaingliften, Diefclben entljialten bie 9Jamcn aHer mann= Itd^en 93affagiere uber fecbjel)n 3a|re, unb einige bte Slamen fammtli^et Steifenben. Diejentgen, wel^eauf bem ©tijjtffe flarben ober frauf ge= Wefcn waren, wurben nat^ ber SlnFunft bemgemag bejeit^net. B. Diefe Sifle ent^alt alle 5Kanngnamen iiber fcd()je^n 3a^re, bie t^re Slnljanglid^tett an t^te ftiifjcre Stegietung ju wiberrufen unb ii)xtn ®ebor= fam gegen ben Sonig Bon Snglanb eigenlionbtg ju bejeugen l)attcn ; fonnten fie nicjit fd;reiben, fo unterjei^ncte ber Seamte ben 9Jamcn, unb bie be= treffenbe ferfon fe^te ti^r 3eti^en bci. Die ?iflen AunbB gnb ouf befonberen ©cjiriftfliiden aufbewa^tt. C. Dtefe Sifle ifi etn eigen^anbtgeg Dupltcat Bon B, unb ifi in 23ucf)fortuat aufbewa|)rt. Die Sijle A wnr jur 3ett i^ter SSorjetgung Bom 21. ©eptember 1727 big 19. October 1736 buc^flabltcfi fiir bie 35roBtnjtal-»etid|te abgefcS)rteben. ©ie ent()alt 2,536 SUamen. Diefe Wurben fiirjlii^ im SJamttt ber ®efeggebung im SBanb III. unb IV. beg Solonial-SBertititg alg eine getreue unb bucfjflobliti^e Slbftbtift beg Drigtnalg »ct» i)ffentlid;t. Die gebrudten Siflen geben fiir bie $olffe ber cigcnt)anbig ober Bon ben beauftragten ferfoncn gefii^riebenen 9Jamen bie unri^fige ©c^retbweifc. Diefe Semerfung ifi aber aUer ®c^a'ffigteit bar. Sg wirb baburt^ nur bie 3;^atfad;e feflgefletlt, bag englif^ie ©ele^tte beutf(3)e 9Jatnen niii^t immer ric^tig buc^flabiren fonnen.* «¦ J&unberte Don Seifiileten liinntcn Mn belt eoroniat.Seri^ten anocfiiSrt tterbcn, um iki ju teftatigen. 3n)ct raiiffcn fleniiacn. 3m EeptemSer 1727 unterjci^nett eine gJerfen bfe Scclarntion fo: ®. SM. SBei«, V. D. M.; im eoIoitial-SBecidit III., 284, ift ber Slame acbrudtl &. as. snSet), V. D. M. gjaftor iffieia tonrbc ju etebDerf iui SJecfart^al, Scutfiilonb, flclwi-en, grnbuirte ju .^eibelbcra, ivar cinioe Saljrc land 9)ailor au bet bentfi-rcformirten Siriit In 3)t)i(abeti)6ia, unb ftnrS 1763 ju ®»f4cn6i>t>l>en.— 3tuvp'« ®ef4. t. Sane. Ut. 255. 3tu|)))'» ®efd). 1). Seljanou 60. 442.— 3m ec|)teml)ct 1728 untcrjcidjnetc eine anbere Jerfon biefe Xierforafion fo: QoOann Eafpar et6t>er, S. S., Stud, theol. 3ii ten Sctoninl-Se. riiiten HI., 331, So^an Eafpet Stejfer jr. faftot etiiter murbe in Strafiburg, SeutW- tanb, fleliotcn, war uiele Saire tang S'tebijer an ber lut^crif^eu Sirilje ju Sebanon, unb (latl) am 13. Mai 1779 In bet State, im Sitter ucn 71 3a*ren, 3 ajtonateit unb 2 Sageit. ©"orbemtrhuugcn. 45 B unb C finb btefem Sffierfe ju ®runbe gelegt. Die ©cptetbweife ber St gen- ober gamiliennamen ifi bie ber Unterf(|rtft ber JJerfonen felbfi, ober bet SlngefleCten ; lejtete jcbod^ geben felten bie tit^ttgc ©cliretbwctfc beutfdjet 9Janten. Um bie Bon Slngefellten gefcbriebenen 9kmen Bon ber eigenbanbtgen 9Jamenguitterfdprift ju uuterfcj)eibett, ifi erfleren ein ©tern (*) betgefegt. SStele bet beutfcben Untetf4)riften finb ^)()c^fl fcbwierig JU entjiffern. SBo ein 3weifel bejitgli(| bet ricfitigert ©t^reibwcife cbwaltet, ift ein.gragejeii|en (?) ^tnjugefe|t. 3n2tfleAftnb bte giamcn ber ttanfen unb Bcr^orbcnen monn- licben 3)etfonen iiber fciidjebn 3al)re betgefitgt, wel^e fic^ in B unb C nicflt finben. Um btefe ©ammlung ju BerBcIlflanbtgen, tourben beg= ^alb biefe Xiamen aufgcnommen unb bemgemag bejeit^net, SBo bag 5!ata» grapl)jet(^en (§) fle^t, bebeutet eg, bag bcnannte 5)erfon f ranf War. Sntfc^loffen, btefe ©ammlung miiglti^pfl, Botlflanbig ju macf)en, gnbet ftcb tm Slnijang eine \)'66}f genaue 2lbfc()rift ber Xiamen ber unter fecfijclin Sabren fie|)cnben 5Kanngpcrfonen ; bafclbfl ifi au6) bie rit^tige ©(!^reib= weife, toie jie bet a5ergleii|)ung alter Siften ergt^tltdji ifi, angegeben. Durdp 33erfolgung biefeg 9)lang werben einige taufenb 9?amen me^r t)injugefitgt, bie ftti^ fonfi nicbt fatten einreifjen laffen. SRanbgloffen wurben ^tn unb wieber betgefe|st aug Utfac^en, bte in bet Stnleitung weiter augeinanbcrgefe|t gnb. Sinige ber ® lof fen ober 33emertungen finb gcfd)ii|tltcf)eit, anbere bio= grai)()if(i^en Sl)arafterg.- Die tBtt^ttgPcn ftnb bie, wel(|e bie 9Jomen Bon fruldjcitigcn Slnfteblcrn entljalten, bie in einem anberen §afen, alg bem ju JJbilabclpbta, angefommen unb na^bei^ nac^ ^enufvloanien etngewanbett gnb, unb beren Slia^^tommen neS) je^t bier wol)nen. Slui$ mai^te man einen 23erfu^, bie Betf4)tebenen ©d^reibweifen begfelben 9?aincng neben cinanber ju fieUctt, um baburC() ju jetgctt, wte ber Sl|)He feinen SJamen buibflabirte, unb tote if)n bte 9?ai|Fommen jegt fd;veiben. Sin befanntet gall ifi ber in ber §iefler=gamilic. 3l)r ©tamntBatet unterjeic()nete am 26. ©e))teraber 1737 feinen 5Jamen 3ofl §u^err jur Declaration; fetne Slbfommltngc baben bte ©t^reibwetfe ^icfler angcnommen. Der 3wetf biefer ©ibttft ifi ntcbt blog, 9Jamen ju erbalten, Weli^e burc|i ® leii^gitltigfeit ober Qu^aU fiir immer unjuganglic^ gemacpt loerben tbnnten, ober jur SntbeiJung Bon augwartt'gen ®rbrecf)ten ju fiiiren, weldpe fonfi Hubegriinbet geblteben fetn tiinnten, fonbern um SEaufenben eg ju ertniig- licben, bte Slnfunft i^xex aSorcltcrn in ^Jennf^loanien mit ®enauigFeit ju etfal)ren. iJKan fann oft bcrBorragcnben unb Betflanbtgen 5)erfonen begcg» iten, bicauf biegrage: 3Bann famen 3bte $11; nen au? nur cine ©eiiie 9la(f)tommen iro^nen no* in Sennfljhjanlen.— g!ul!))'« ®ef^. bet tel. Senennungen in bea Set. St. fHuw'i ®ef4. «• 'S"^ So. 692. 46 ^axbtmtikvmsttt. unbeflimmteSlntwott JU geben Bcrmbgen. Die Kai^Fommen Bon TOatl^tag © m 9 f c r , bte 1845 1,162 jo^lten, fagen : „ 9K a 1 1^ t a g Wonberte um'g Sa^r 1738, ober walfitft^etnlii^ ftu^er, mtt fetnem ©ruber ®eorg unb feiner ©(|wcfler 3!Kargarctta naii^ Slmetifa aug."* !Kit $tlfe biefer ©ammlung fann bag 3a|r unb ber SJJonat ber Slnfunft, unb ber Sag ber Unterjetcbnung ber Declaration befiimmt werben. Die m u t ^» maglic^e 3eit tfl fie ben Sal^re— weit ob »om 3'«n * Stototolt bet fiunbettiiiStigen geitt, tic Don ben 9!a4!ommtn be« 3eltc|tctt SDlatbia* Sraljrer am 3. »D!ai 1845 auf bem ®ut itt Samuel ©ra^fet in Sajeft-aBani^eftet Zotonfii)), S)ott eountl), 9t. S., ge^Iten mutbe. NAMES OF barman, B^m anb ff%r Immigrants. At a meeting of the Board of the Provincial Council, held at the Court House * in Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1727, one hun dred and nine Palatines appeared, who, with their families, num bered about four hundred persons. These were imported into the Province in the ship William and Sarah, Wflliam Hill, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover, England, as by clear ance from the officers of His Majesty's customs there. The said Master being asked if he had any Ucense from the Court of Great Britain for transporting those people, and what their in tentions were in coming hither, said that he had no heense or allowance for their transportation other than the above clearance, and that he believed they designed to settle in this Province. — Col. Rec. III. 283. All male persons above the age of sixteen did repeat and sub scribe their names, or made their mark, to the following Decla ration : " We subscribers, natives and late inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine and places adjacent, having transported ourselves and families into this Province of Pennsylvania, a colony subject to the crown of Grreat Britain, in hopes and expectation of finding a retreat and peaceable settlement therein, Do solemnly promise and engage, that we will be faithful and bear trae allegiance to His present MAJESTY, KING GEORGE THE SECOND, and His successors, kings of Great Britain, and will be faithful *»Immigrants were usually qualified at the Court House, occasion ally elsewhere. October 15, 1766, at the dwelling house of John Law rence, Mayor of Philadelphia. January 13, 1767, and October 6, 1767, at the Oface of Thomas Willing, Esq. December 8, 1773, at the house of Peter Miller, Esq., in Philadelphia. — (Editor.) (47) 48 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS to the proprietor of this Province ; and that we will demean our selves peaceably to all His said Majesty's subjects, and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Province, to the utmost of our power and the best of our understanding." llantett ber kufs^m, st|ki^msdjai u.anto€mioanb«:er. Sei etner im (3ni6^ts^anS* ju 5)^ilatietp:^ia am 21. o'otx in Snglanb mit Sriaubnif jur Slbfa^rt son ben iBeamten in ©einer SUlaicflat BoH^aufe not^ ber ?)ro»inj abgcfitl^rt wurben. 3luf bie grage an ben Sapitain, ob er ^om englifc^en ^ofc SSoHmai^t jur Ueberfc^iffung biejer Seute crl^altcn 1)(ibt unb am roelti^er Urfat^e btefelben ^eritberfamen, antoortcte berfelbe, ba^ er feine SSeroiBigung ober Sriaubnifi fiir beren Ucbcrfal^rt ^abe als bte obgenannte ®ene^migung ber BoUbcamten, unb ba^ er glaube, ba^ i:^r 5Sor:^aben fei, fid^ in biefer frosinj niebersulaffen.— Sol. Slec. III. 283. 2iae mannliti^en ^Jerfonen iiber 16 3a^« wieberl^otten bie naii^* flc^enbc Declaration, unb biefetben unterjeiii^neten eigen'^onbig mit i:^rem SRamen ober i^rem 3"ii^en : „2Bir, bie Unterjcic^neten, geboren unb weilanb wo^n^aft in ber 5)fal3 am SR^ein unb in ben angrenjenben 9)Ia^ett, unb nun felbfi fammt unferen gamilien in biefe ^Jrosinj Don ^cnnf?^ ¦oanien, eine ber .S^rone Snglanb'3 angel^orenbe Solonie, in ber * gintoanberer Wurben gewB^nlitib tm ©crtCbtgbaufc qualifictrt, geltgenl- lii^ anbergiDO. Stin 15. Dftober 1766 im Sffiobubaufe beg 3obn Sawtence, SSiam »on 5)^ilabel|)bia. 13. Sanuar 1767 unb 6. Dftober 1767 in bet Slmtgflube beg SEbomag iffiilling, ®fq. 8. December 1773 tm ©aufe beg ©errn feter OTilter ju $bilabel))^ta.— (^etauggeber.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS. 49 ^offnung unb bem ©laubcn, balmier eine 3uflu(i^tgfiatte unb eine frieblit^e SfJieberlaffung ju ftnben, auggewanbert, BerfpretS^cn unb »er))fli(|ten ung, ©einer gegennjartig regierenben iUtajeflat, ^ottig ®eorg bem 3«>eiten, unb S)effen S'lati^folgern, ^onigen »on ®ropbritannien, Sreue unb Slnl^dngliti^teit beweifcn, ung bem SScft^er biefer ^roBinj treu ertneifen, unb ung gegen atle Untert|anen befagter 3JJajeflat friebtit^ bene^men ju motten, unb JU uttferem beflen SBiffen unb SfeiUen bie ©cfe^e Snglanb'g unb biefer ^roBinj ju befotgen." G. M. Weis, V. D. M., a Rudolph Beyl, Sebastian Graff, Tobias Frey, Johan Peter Fritz, Jacob Jost, Rudolph WeUecker, William Herry,''' Jacob Bausel, Phihp Rutschly, Elias Meyer, Johannes Leib, Hans Georg Ziegler, Henrich Meyer, Christoph Walter,* Johannes Huth, Philip Zigler,* Joseph Albreoht, Michael Bottle, G«org Petter, Johannes Barth, Hans Ernst Rudy, Hans Georg Hertzer, Jacob Meyer, Henrich Meyer,* Hans PhiUpp Schweickhardt, Philip Jacob Rheinlender, Johann Friderich Hilligass, Hans Michael Zimmerman, Johann Georg Schwab, Hans Bernhart Wolff, Johannes Eckman7 Hans Martin Wellmer,* Hans Caspar Spangler, Hans Martin WiU, Johann Jacob Cuntz^ Hans Georg Welcker, Alexander Diibendoffer, Johan Friderick Rudi, Hans Michael Pfautz, _Hans Michael Diel, , Hans Jerg Anspacher, Georg Schumacher, Hans Georg Nogelle, Hans Georg Kremer, Andreas Holsbacher, Hans Adam WUder,* Hans Georg Wolff, Hans Martin Liebenstein, Johan Henrich Hartman, Johannes Haberacker. a G. M. Weis was for many years a minister of the Gospel in the German Reformed Churoh in Pennsylvania. a ®. SSi. SBetg war Me 3al)rc lang ein ?)tebtger beg goangcltumg in ber reformirten Siri|ie. 5 50 NAMES or GERMAN, SWISS In vol. iii. 284. Colonial Records, it is stated, "sundry of these foreigners lying sick on board, never came to be qualified." I have compared Lists A, B and C and find in List A, besides those given above, the foUowing names : ©. 284 Sol. 9tec. III. l^ei^t eg; „Sinige biefer gremben, ftelc^e franf an SBorb lagen, wurben nie qualiftcirt." 3c^ ^abc bie Siflen A, B unb C jufammengefleltt, unb ftnbe au^et ben obcn ongcgebenen in Sifie A noc^ folgenbe: Benedict Strome,* Henericus Bell,* Daniel Levan,* Willm Jurgeins,* Adam Henrich,* Sebastian Vink,* Hans Georg,* Hans Georg Bowman,* Hans Martin ShoomaJcer,* Hieronimus MUderd,* Jon Barnd Lerinstey,* Steven Frederick,* Hans Jacob Eckinan,* Hendrick Wittser,* Jacob Plause,* Johannis Strome,* Philip Swyger,* Jacob Swartz,* Christian Snyder,* Jacob Mast,* Johanes Bait,* Albert Swoap,* Abraham Beni,* Johan Willm Mey,* Johannes Hier,* Ulrich Sieere,* Jacob Swicker,* Philip Feruser,* Johan Wester, § Martin PriU,* Peter Seytz,* Basfian Smith,* Nicholas Adams,* Uhich HetzeU,* Henrich Gonger,§ Clement Eise,* Philip RodeseU,* Uldrich Staffon,* John Tobias Serveas, Johan Hend Gyer,§ Johanes Barteleme,* Christopher Walter,* Hans Adam StoU,* Hans Jerig Viegle,* Hans Jerig Roadebas,* Christopher Wittmer,* Hans Mich Pagman,* Hans Mich TrieU,* Hans Mich Welder,* Hans Jerrick Wigler,* Hans FiUkeysinger,* Hans Georg Kley, § Andro Saltzgerber,* Christopher Labengyger,* Hans Georg Schaub,* Johannes Tiebindorf,* Conrad MUder,* Hans Adam Beinder,* Abraham Fame,* Hans Georg Milder,* Rudolph WUhelm,* Johanes Michel PeepeU.* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1727. 51 The foDowing are reported as having died : Die golgenbcn werben alg gefiorben beric^tet: Leonard Seltenrich, Jac. MUder, Christopher MUder and Hans Georg Ahrnold. 2) Sept. 27, 1727. Fifty-three Palatines with their famUies, about two hundred persons, imported in the ship James Good- wiU, David Crocket, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Fal mouth, appeared, repeated and signed the Declaration. — Col. Rec. III. 284. ©e))t. 27, 1727. Srei unb fiinfjig f foljer, bie mit i|ren ga* miticn, etwa jwei :^unbert 5)erfonen, auf bem ©^iffe 3ameg @oob* wiH, Sapitatn 2)a»ib Srodet, »on Slotterbam iiber galmout| ge= bra^t wurben, erfti^ienen, wieber:^oUen unb unterjeic^neten bie Declaration.— Sol. Sdec. III." 284. Michael Danner, Joseph Schu,rgh,* Georg MiiUer, Ulric Staufer, Peter Zug, Adam Kiener, Hans Kiener, Joseph Clap,* Christian MiUer,* Georg Klapp, Hans Debait Leteman, Creorg Michael Kuntz, Hans Michael Kuntz, Michael Syegrist, Hans Langnecker,* Reinhardt Jung, WUhelm Weygerdt, Abraham Ebersohl, Hans Michael Friedler,* Jacob Giass, Friederich Gass, Jacob Gass,§ Hans Mtiller, Jacob Arndt, Hans Hein,* Hans Hage, Hans Lieman, Jacob Weygerdt, Ulric Zug, Jacob Fritz,* Ulrich Kiener, Christian Weber, Georg Steinerger, Jacob Walder, Paul Hein, Henry Zeug, Jacob Siegel, Hans Furster, Henrich Wolff, G«org Valentin Klop, Johan Jacob Walder, Christoph Kirchhoff, Michael Leiberth, Heiiirich Eberli, Bartholomeus Siegrist, Johan Adam Yolpel, Johan Ludwig Klop, Hans Georg Koch, Johannes MuUer, Joseph MtiUer, 52 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Bastian Mtiri, Jacob Gangwyer,* Hans Altorffler, Heinerich Schultz, Georg Zeug. 3) Sept. 30, 1727. Seventy Palatines with their famiUes, about three hundred persons, imported in the ship MoUey, John Hodgeson, Master, from Rotterdam^ last from Deal, appeared, repeated and signed the Declaration. — Ool. Rec. III. 287. ©ept. 30, 1727. ©iebjig ?)faljer mit ibren gamilien, etwa brei lunbert 9)erfonen, bie auf bem ©c^ijfe 9Kottc9, Sapitain 3o^tt ^obgefon, oon Sflotterbam uber Deal gefommen ftnb, erf^ienen, wie» berl^olten unb unterjeic^neten bie Declaration. — Sol.9lec.ni.287.. Hans Stuber,* Andries Boms,* Johannes Krauss, Martin Hausser, Marx Fuchs, I fHans Ring, Hans Mosser, Michael KrebU, Hans Kobel, Michael Frantz, Peter Gut, Ludwig Bortz, Andreas IhUig, Felix Guth, Wygan Diell,* Hannes Steyer, Hans Guth sen., Henrich Fidtz,§ Samuel Behr, Hans Ludwig Dederer, Hans Heinrich Bernhardt, Hans Georg Huber, Hans Leonard Hofinan,* Hans Michel Guth, Michael Spowrifer,* Hans Georg Harger, Michel Schmidt, Burckhard Hoffmann, Michel Sebastian, 0 Hans Georg Dieter, Georg Ludwig GeseU, Hans Jergle ScheUenberg,0 Henrich Kaufiinann, Michel Schenck,0 Hendrich Kryebiel,0 Frantz Stupp, Hans Jacob Bender, Hans Jerig Keel, David Mardtin, Jacob Marttin, Christian Velte, Jacob Scherer, Jacob Bahr, Hans Funk,§ Samuel Gut, Martin Kindigh, Ulrich Leib, Tobias Horch, Hans Mich. Aso,* Christian MUler, Johannes BtiUer, Augustin Weder, Stephanus Reppert, Ulrich ScheUenberger, Henrich Mayer, 0 Samuel Oberholtz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1727. 53 Hans Jacob Riedt, Christian Wenger, Christian Solderman, § Hans Erick Feilter,* Rudolph Lanckes,* Joh. Matheis Egener. Hans Hooghstadt,* In List A are reported dead : Sifle A beric^tet alg tobt: Hans Ulrich Shumacher and Jacob Horrester. 4) Oct. 2, 1727. Fifty-three Palatines with their famUies, about one hundred and forty persons, imported in the ship Adventurer, John Davies, Master,, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth.— Co?. Rec. IIL 288. In the printed Col. Rec. only twenty-seven names appear. In A fifty-five, in B thirty-two. — {Editor.') Dct. 2, 1727. Drei unb fiinfjig ^^fSIjer mit i^ren gamilien, etwa ^unbert Bierjig ^erfonen, !amen auf bem ©t^iffe SlbBcnturcr, Sapttain 3"'^" DaBieg, Bon SRotterbam uber 5)l9mout| an.— Sol. 3iec. in. 288. 3n ben gebrucEten Sotoniat^Serii^ten ^nben ft^ nur fteben unb jwanjig Sftamen, in A funf unb funfjig unb in B jwel unb breifig. — (|)erauggebev.) v Johannes Lehman, Johann Peter Weissner, Michael MuUer, John Cari Harlacher,* Peter Shilling,* Christophel Miller,* Jacob Bauman, Jacques Simonet, John Seyham, Johannis UUericlt, Johannes Kurtz, Johannes Beydeler, Nicklas Chron, Hans Adam Osser,* Jacob Wilhehnus, Mathias Risling,* Caspar Ney, Frans Baltzar Frans,* Jacob Leidy, Johann Peter Hess, Michael Eiokert, Christopher Ulrick,* Peter Rule,* Christian Bickler,* Baltas Leim, Daniel Bowman,* Ulrich Riesser, Johan Dieter Borleman, Nocolas Keyser, Johann Jacob Stutzman, Christopher Uhick,* Georg Christoph ^chstein. Besides these, who signed the Declaration, List A has the foUowina; : o- 5* 54 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Sluf er ben obigen, welc^e bie Declaration unterjei^netcn, ent^ l^iilt Sifte A not^ gotgenbe: Ulrich Pitcha,* Michael Thar,* Jacob Bowman,* Nicholas Kern, Hans Marteler,* Joost Coope,* Jacob Fisher,* Henry Smith,* Jacob Meyer,* Jacob Smith,* Jno. Sower,* Jacob Riser,* Jacob Filler, Hans Hisly,* Benedict NuU,* Leonard RodennUl,* Derrick Rowshower,* Hendrich Horlogh,* Jaspar Mingale,* Alexander Fritley,* Christian Frier,* Christoph Hoffinan, Hans Haldeman, Christian Piger,. Christo ExeU,* Adam Pisher,* Jacob Hoofinan,* Peter Boorlinger,* Hans York Heriger.* 5) Oct. 16, 1727. Forty-six Palatines with their families, about two hundred persons, imported in the ship Friendship, of Bristol, John Davies, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, whence the ship sailed June 20th. — Col. Rec. III. 290. In B are thirty names ; in A fifty-two, including sick and dead. Dct. 16, 1727. ©eti^g unb Bierjig f faljer mit i||rcn gamilien, etwa jwei l^unbert 9)erfonen, tamen mit bem ©d^iff grienbf^ip, Bon Srifiol, Sapitain 3o^Ji DaBieg, Bon Sflottcrbam, unb am 20. 3unt iiber Soweg an.— SoI.=33er. IH. 290. 3n B finb breipig unb in A jwei unb fiinfjig fRamen, mit Sinft^lu^ ber S^obten unb ^ranten. Peter Hagman, Jacob Hiestantit, Johannes Bense, Martin Scheleren,* Adam Liphart, Valentin Kratz, Hans Riess, Michel Eberhart, Nicolas Piere,* Christian Mayer, Peter Pixseler,* Peter Leeman,* Henrich Lohr, lUess Kassel, Niclaus Bucher, Nicklas Crosman, Peter Welde, Peter Eberhardt, PhUip Reemer,* Johannes Schonholtzer, Johann Geoi^ Hofiinann, Andreas Schwartz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1728. 55 Hans Jerig Lauman, Henrich Strickeller, Jeramia Miller, Johannes Hiestandt, Johann Georg MiiUer, Christian Creyebiel,* Matheis Schweitzer, Albrecht Bauman,* Jacob Sneppley,* Heinrich Schnebli, Johan Vincens Mayer, Michel MiUer,* Johannes Kassel, Abraham Schwartz, Johannes Forrer, Johann PhUip Ried. Besides these, who signed the Declaration, List A has yet: 3luf er biefen, wetc^e bie Declaration unterjeitS^neten, entplt Siftc A nod^ gotgenbe: Jacob Hiestandt,* Michael Ebefam, § Ulrich Scheren, § Peter Hansberger, § Peter Folock, § Ulrich Leemer, § Peter Fennima, § Lodowick Bentze,* Jno. CrybUe, § Joseph Eberam, § Christian Fide,§ Peter Clucksclear, § Nicholas Bogert, § Nicholas Chasrood. § In List A these are reported dead : 3llg tobt bertt^tet Sifle A: Andrew Urmi, Jacob Trycler, Jacob Snyder, Henry Croo, Jno. Overholser and Falkert Adest. 6) Aug. 24, 1728. Eighty Palatines with their SimUies, about two hundred persons, imported in the ship Mortonhouse, John Coultas, Master, last from Deal, whe&ce the ship saUed June 15th.— CoZ. Rec. III. 327. According to List A two hundred and five persons were im ported. Eighty males above sixteen, sixty-nine women and fifty- six chUdren. -^-(.Srfttor.) Slug. 24, 1728. Sld^tjig ^faljer mit il^ren gamilien, etwa jwei lunbert 3)crfonen, wurben mit bem ©ti^iff SUiortonl^oufe, Sapitain 3o^rt Soultag, iiber Deal, Bon wo bag ©li^iff am 15. 3uni abfubr, ^eriibergebrac^t. — Sol.=93er. III. 327. SSla^ Sifte A waren eg jwei ^unbert fiinfjig 9)erfoncn : atiitjig mannltti^e iiber fe^jc^n 3fl^re, neun unb fed^jig weiblic^e unb fec^g'unb fiinfjig ^inber. — (^erauggeber.) Georg Bechtell, Abraham Wolff, PhUip Noldt, Hans Erdt, 56 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Bar, Baltas Gerringer,* Andres Ewy,* Steph. HaltsbieUer, Johaimes Roth, Jacob Storm, Frederick Leeder, Johannes Edesma, Uli Schtirch, Johan Scharch, Jacob Jost, Peter Denckelberg,* Vincent Stoufer,* Johannis Christ,* Frans Latshow,* Henrich Wilh. Dielinger, Johann Dietrich Hengst, Peter Mittelkauff, Christ. Newswanger,* Hans Weldgrau,* Johannes BoUa, Jacob Heidschuh, Bemerd Henssel,* Hans Michel Dettmer, Michael SaipeU,* Johannes Weygandt, Johan Georg Doderer, . L Johan Georg Roth, John Jacob Hack,* Johann Michael Ranck, Johan Christoph Meng, Christoffel Bencker, • Johannes Huber, Michael Kbhier, Johan Stock, Johann Ror, Johan Herer,* Philip Engert, Derick Oordt,* Jacob Bmlasher,* Felde KUle,* Hans Frih, Johannes Bar, Jacob Wissel,* Hans Hauff, Rudolph HeUer, Hans PhUip, Jacob Coger,* Conrad Keer,* Jonas Kbhier, Martin Schaub, Jacob Bnmner, Johan Er, Ury Schiirch, — Georg Schmidt, Hans Wolf Dielinger, John Henry Raan, Henrich Eschehnaim, Johannes Morgenstem, Johannes Kitamiller,* Johannes Lagerhan,* Kasper Heyclrukee,* Johan Jost Schmidt, Martin Vogelhtitter, Johaimes Franckhauser, Johannes Naycommet,* Hans Martin MiUer, Hans Leonard MiUer, Denius Dunckelberg, Frederick Denckelberg, Johau Peter Mohch, Gottfried Henke, Johan Albrecht Kbhier, Christopher SuUenger, Hans Jacob MiUer.* 7) Sept. 4, 1728. Thirty Palatines with their fiimilies, about one hundred persons, imported in the ship Albany, Lazarus AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1728. 57 Oxman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, whence the ship sailed June 22d.— CoZ. Rec. III. 329. ©ept. 4, 1728. Dreifig ^^fSIj'r mit i'^ren gamilien, etwa etn ^unbert ^^erfonen, famen mtt bem ©ti^tffe Stlban^, Sapitain Sajarug Dymann, Bon SRottcrbam itber Soweg, weld^eg fie am 22. 3itni Bcrlief en, '^eriiber.— Sol.=Ser. III. 329. Simon SchoUer, Casper Riedt, Jacob Weis,* Matheis Koplin, Lorentz Belitz, Casper Hoot,* Conrad Duboy, Michel Keim, Hans Georg Metz, Georg Gerttner, Hans MUler,* Johan Carl KeU, Andrew AbUn,* Jan Blbmen, Martin Calb,* Georg Frid V. Berbisdorff, Frid Christf von Steysplatz, Johann Philip Glasser, Heinrich SteUfeldt, Friederich Eichelberger, Hans Jacob Donbach, Georg Wendel Biehel, Johannes Shbnfeldt, Johan Daniel Bengel, Philip Shoman,* Hans Jacob Biehel, Alexander Zarthmann, Hans Georg Buch, Hans Jerick Riger,* Jerig Fred. Bergenstott.* 8) Sept. 11, 1728. A number of Palatines with their femi- lies, about ninety, imported in the ship James Goodwill, David Crocket, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal, whence she saUed June 15th.— CoZ. Rec. III. 331. ©ept. 11, 1728. Sine Slnja:^! f^'idytx mit i:§ren gamilien, wo'^l neunjig, famen auf bem ©i|iffe3flmeg ©tjobwill, Sapitain Dasib Srodet, Bon SKotterbam iiber Deal, wc^eg bag ©(i^if am 15. 3ttni Berltef .— SoL-aScr. III. 331. Ulrich Englert, Georg Graff, Michael Neff, Hans Gurtz,* Isaac Werthon, Hans Martin Valck, Hans Mich. Rider,* Friederich SchoU, Sebastian Dbrr, Bastian Ederle,? Leonard Hicker, Jacob Lentz, Johan Ruspag, Adam Sommer, Andreas Graff, Jacob Fuchs,* Jacob Herman,* Martin Moser, Jacob Bayer, AdamEngelOT,§ 58 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Kuhn, Andreas Strickli, Martin Valk,* Johan Leonhart KeUer, Johann Caspar Stover, Johan Christof Groff, Missionaire. PhUip Henrich SbUer, Johann Caspar Stover, Johan Adam Mosser, S. S. Theol. Stud. Hans Jerick Seyler,* Johan Leonhart Holsteiner, Hans Urieh Bontz,* Johan Egidius Grimm, Hans Jacob Schlauch, Matheus Fernsler, Hans Georg Medtler, Thomas Kopenhaver,* Jacob Meckling, Georg Schuhmacher, Michael Korr. Theobald MechUng, 9) Aug. 19, 1729. Seventy-five Palatines with their families, about one hundred and eighty persons, imported in the ship Mortonhouse, James Coultas, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, whence the ship saUed Jtme 21st. — Col. Rec. TH. 367. Slug. 19, 1729. giinf unb ftebenjig |)faljcrmiti^rett gamilien, wo^l ^nbert unb at^tjig 55erfonen, brac^te bag ©d^iff ?Korton= loufe, Sapitain 3ameg Soultag, Bon SRotterbam itber Soweg, wc^eg eg am 21. 3wni Bcrlie^.— Sol.^SBer. IH. 367. Dielman Kolb, Rudolph Moor,* Michael Borst, a Uldric Root,* a Michael Borst, the Editor's maternal great-grandfather, who lived and, in 1741, died near Lebanon. — See Rupp's History of Lebanon Co., pp. 303, 304. a aKttbacl aSotft, ber llrgrofwater beg |)crauggeberg miittcrliiberfeitg, tt)obnte bet Sebanon unb ftarb 1741.— ©iebe SRubp'g ®ef4. son Set. So., ©. 303, 304. Note —In the year 1729, Conrad Weiser left Schoharie with his wife and five children; Philip, Frederick, Anna, Madtina and Maria, set tled near the present site of Womclsdorf, Berks County. He was use fully employed in various capacities by the Government until within a few weeks of his demise. He died July 13, 1760, aged 63 years, 8 months and 13 days. His remains rest near Womelsdorf. — Rupp's His. Berks Co., pp. 195, 222. SI n m e r f u n g. — 3m 3abre 1 729 Berltcg Sonrab SEetfcr (£4cbattc unb jog mtt feiner grau unb funf fitnbern in bie Sffa'bc beg jt^igen aSomelg. borf, SerFg So. t)ie SRegterung tjcriDnnbte ibn big furj sor fetnem JTobe JU mandifrtet Dienfien. ®r ftarb ant 13. 3ult 1760 tm Sllter »Mt 63 3(il)- ren, 8 TOonatcn unb 13 Sagen. ®ein Seti^nam rubt in ber M^t wn aBomelgborf.--SRupp'g .®efc^. son Serfs So., ®. 195, 222. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1729. 59 Carl Ernst Mnsselbach, Johan Philip Ranck, Konradt Worntz, Henrich SchlengelufiF, Heinrich Dubs, Heinrich BIrmm, Christ. Brown,* Andreas Meys, Jacob Obere,* Ulrich Croll,* Conrad Kilner, Ru,dolph Walder,* Simon Rohl, Baltzar Ror,* Greorg Threhr, Hans Mtiller, Casper. Dorest, Johannes Hoock, Nicolas Peffel, Ultimer Schnebler,* Christ. KroU,* Jacob Crebil, Peter Wecher, Adam Orth, Johannes Reis, Michel Weber,* Nicolas Carver,* Valtin Keiser, Johannes Orde,* Wendel Wyant,* Richd. Fetter, § Jacob Reyer,§ Peter Weeger, § Jacob Sellser, Friderich Marsh, § Andrew Bastian, § Jacob Fetter, § Moret Greater, § Hans Uhich Vry,* Johan Niclas Printschler, John Daniel Worley,* Valentine Ficus,* Hans Michel Heides, Johan Stephan Riemer, Jacob Eschelmann, Abraham Kensinger,* Hans Michel FrohUoh, Hans Jacob Roodlys,* Hans Ulrich Htiber, Gerhardt Mtiller, Heinrich Zurtere, Jacob Bowman,* Johannes MtiUer, David Montandon, Georg Adam Weidel, a Christoph Schambach, Henrich KUlhaver,* Reynard Haider,* Christ. Bumgarner,* Friederich Marsteller, Johann Peter Moll, Johann Middle,* Adam Bastian, § Henry Daniel Back, § Johann Georg Crossman, Georg Crossman, Christian Longenaere,* Martin Alstadt, § Philip Jacob Back,§ Hendrick Sneevele,* Jacob ^eif, formerly of Pa. Jacob Seller, of Germantown. a Georg Adam Weidel, the paternal grand-father of Jacob Weidel, Esq., of Lebanon, Pa. a ®eorg Slbant SBcibel, bet ©rogoater saterfettg beg $ertn Salob SDet- bel in Sebanott, $a. 60 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Reif and Jacob Seller were probably both Neuldnder, a class of persons fully noticed in Rupp's Fireside History ofthe Germans in Pennsylvania: Jacob Reif was once a conspicuous person in the early history of the German Reformed Church. In A are the names of fifty-five females ; among others, the wife of Jacob Reif, Veronica Reif; Eliza Seller, Anna Chris tiana Schlengeluff, Apalis Schlengelufi', Anna Barbara Ranck, Mary Ann Crossman. 3acob Sfieif unb 3acob (Seller waren wa:^rf(^einli(i^ beibe 9^eu= lanber, etne Slrt Scute, weltbe in „9iupp'g ®efc^. ber Deutfcbcn in ^cnnf^lsanicn fiir ben :^auglicben ^reig" gritnblit!^ be^anbelt pnb. 3flcob Sieif war feiner 3fit eine bebeutenbe fJcrfiJnlid^fcit in ber ©efi^tcbte ber beutft^^rcformirten ^irc^e. 3n A ftnb bte stamen Bon funf unb funfjig grauen; unter anberen : bie grau Bon Sflcob FReif, SScrontca Sftcif ; Stifa ©eHer, Slnna S^rifiiana ©ti^lcngcluf, 2lpalig ©^lengeluff, Slnna 33ar= bara SRoncf, SJlaric Slnna Srof mann. 10) Sept. 15, 1729. Fifty-nine Palatines with their families, one hundred and twenty-six persons, imported in the ship Allen, James Craigie, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, whence the ship sailed July 7th.— CoZ. Rec. III. 368. (Sept. 15, 1729. 9leun unb fiinfjig ^Jfaijer mit ibren gami= lien, ein ^unbert unb fec^g unb jwanjig ^erfonen, brai^te bag (S(|iff Sltlett, Sapitain 3amcg Sraigie, Bon SRotterbam iiber Soweg, Welc^eg bag ©c^iff am 7. 3uli Berlie^.— Sol.=Ser. IH. 368. Johannes Mack, Jacob Wiss, Velten Mack, Jacob Snider,* Hans Gunde, Jacob Lesle,* Andreas Bony, Paul Lipkip,* Hisbert Benter,* Johannes Kipping, Pieter Lesle, Conrad Eill,? Jacob Bosserdt, Alexander Mack, a ffl Alexander Mack sen., was born at Sohriesheim, in the Palaidnate, 1679. He married Anna Maria Kling of his native town. T3iey had sons and daughters: John Valentin, Johannes, Alexander, Christina and Anna Maria. Both daughters died young. His wife died in Ger many 1720. He settled near Germantown — died 1735 — buried in the Brethren burying ground. The epitaph on his tombstone is brief: Hier AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1729. 61 Alexander Mack, derjunge, Jacob Kalckloser, Wilhelmus Knepper, Johan Henrich Kalckgleser, Christophel Kalckglasser, Johan Christ. Crobf, Hans Slaughters,* Hans Jacob Kiebel, Rinehart Hammer,* Johann Martin Kress, Johannes Meinterfeer,* Johannes Perger,* Andreas Kropp, Matheis Schneider, Mathias Ulland,* Georg Dieter, Alexander Dihll, Daniel Cropp,§ John Hissle, § Velten Becker, Christian Matler, Ulrich CEUen, Saml. GaUer,* Joseph Brunner, Jerrich Hoffart, Feltin Rafer,* Jacob Cropp,§ Joh. Jacob Knecht, Georg Vetter, Philip Mich. Fiersler,* Hans Georg Klauser,* Christian Schneider, Johannes Fliickiger, Christian Kropf, Johannes PetenkofFer, Hans Georg Koch, Hans Caspar Kolb, Jno. Jacob Hopbach, Leonhart Amweg, Johannes Wightman,* Valentine Gerhart Hisle, Henrich Peter Middeldorff, Christian Ketzendander,* Heinrich Holtzstein. A contains six names of males under sixteen, also the names of thirty-nine females above sixteen ; among these are Agnus Kalklbser, Joanna Margaret Bony, Veronica Knepper, Anna Margaretta Mack, Philippina Mack, Anna Kipping, Sivilla Kip ping, Johanna Kipping, Eva Bossert, Maria Kalklbser, members, with their husbands, of the Schwartzenau -Taufer, of whom Alexander Mack sen. was Urheber, or founder, about the year 1708. He seceded from Hochrrmn, with whom he had co-ope rated for some time, accompanying him in his religious visits in ruhen die Gebeine A. M., geboren 1679, gestorben 1735, seines Alters 56 Jahr. ffl Sl(eranber!Ka(f fen. tourbe 1679 ju (Scfirtegbctm tn ber Jlfalj geboren. gr Dcrbeitatbetc ftcb mtt Slnna fWarta Sling aug feinein ©eburtgort. ©obne unb SLocbter wurben ibnen geboren : Sobann SSalenttn, Sobanneg, Sllcran- ber, Sbrtfttna unb Slnna 5!}jaria. Seibe Zii^itx flarben jung. Seine grau ftarb 1720 in 'Beutftblnnb. (Jt lieg \ii) nabe ®etmantot»n nieber, ftarb 4735 unb Itegt auf bem Sruber=33egrabntgplage bcgraben. ¦Die 3tif*ttft auf feinem ®rabfletn tit : $ier ruben bte ®ebeine SI. SSSi., geboren 1679/ geflorben 1735, fetneg Slltctg 56 Sal^r. 6 62 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Germany and Switzerland. Some of the Tdufev had come to America ten years before Mack. — Rupp's His. Relig. Den. U, S. A ent^olt fci^g 9lamcn ber 9Jtanngperfonen uber fct^jel^n 3a^re, ebenfaflg bie stamen Bon neun unb breif ig 2Setbgperfonen iiber fci^jc^^n ; unter biefen pnb : Slgnug ^alflofer, 3o«»nna SWargaret SSon9, 25erontca -knepper, Slnna SJtargaretta STOail, 5>|tlippina SWacE, Slnna dipping, ©iBiUa dipping, So^anna dipping, Ssa Soffert, ?!Raria ^alflBfer, mit f^ren Wanntxn ju ben (Sc^war^e« nau=5taufern gcborenb, beren ©runber ber altere Slleranber SWad um'g 3flir 1708 war. Sr trennte ftd^ Bon ^oti^mann, beffen 9)?itarbeiter cr eine Qtit lang gewefen unb ben er auf feinen !lie= ligiongreifen nat^ ©eutfi^lanb unb ber (Sc^weij begleitet l^atte. Sinige ber Sciufer waren je|n 3flbre Bor 9Rad nai^ Slmerilo gc» fommen. — SRupp'g Oefc^. ber rel. S3en. in ben SSer. (St. 11) Aug. 29, 1730. Palatines with their families, two hun dred and sixty persons, imported in the ship Thistle, of Glas gow, Colin Dunlap, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. —Col. Rec. III. 283. Slug. 29, 1730. Dag (St^iff SE^tflle Bon ©laggow, Sapitain Solin Dunlap, brat^te ^fciljer mit i:^ren gamilien, jwei bunbert unb feii^jig 5>erfonen, son Sflotterbam iiber Soweg. — SoI.=Scr. III. 283. Valentin Grisemer, Hans Menigh, Johannes Dunckel, Nichol Fiser, Christof Batter, Johan Zwinger, Christian Leman,* Jacob Nagel, Jeremias Hes,* Ulrich Scherer, Joh. Georg Ludwig Hass, Philip Groscost,* Bernhart Siegmund, Casper Bittner,* Hans Jacob Dohl, Nickel Ciinter, Johan Peter Ohller, Johannes Scherer, Johan Henrich Schmidt, Johannes Haus,* Caspar Fiehman, PhiUp Hautz,* Steven Remer,* Lorentz Hofi^, Rudolph Draugh,* Thomas Hamma, Johannes Kun,* Jacob Stiffel, William Keim,* Wolfer Sperger,* Ludwick Delman,* Ulrich Steyner,* Gerhart Zinn, Thomas Hes, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1730. 63 Henrich Hes, Frederick Peifer, Hendrich Gntt,* Johannes Kepplinger, Caspar Krieger, Felte Meidelman, Christoph Anckenbrant, Dietrich Beidelman, Jean Henri Fortineaux,* Elias Meidelman, Frederich Reimer, Jacob Ammon, Peter Beswanger,* Johan Nickel LukenbeU,* Johan Caspar Schmidt, Hans Simon Mey, Johan Paulus Diittenhofier, Henrich Lukebill, Johan Augustus Scherrer, Ludwig Mohler, Hans Georg Hofinan, Lbnhart Hochgenug, Abraham Transu, Peter Federolfi', Casper Hartman,* Peter Mtiller, a Christian Shram, Friederich Lienberger, Leonhart Kbpplinger, Peter Frawiener, Rudolp Andreas, Bernhard Renn, a Peter Milller was a native of Oberamt Lantern, Germany. He graduated at Heidelberg. He was a man of profound erudition — of more than ordinary powers of mind — a finished scholar, as is evident from testimony born him by the Rev. Jedediah Andrews. In a letter dated Philadelphia, lOmo., (Oct.) I4th, 1730, " There is," says Andrews, "lately come over a Palatine candidate of the ministry, who, having applied to us at the synod for ordination, 'tis left to Tenant, Andrews and Boyd to do it. He is an extraordinary person for sense and learn ing. We gave him a question to discuss about Justification, and he answered it, in a whole sheet of paper, in a very notable manner. His name is John Peter MiiUer, and speaks Latin as readily as we do our natural tongue." In 1735, he connected himself with the Siebentdgers, oi Ephrata. He died Sept. 25, 1796. His remains rest at Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pa. — Rupp's His. Lan. Co., p. 229. ffl ^eter TOittler iji tm Dberamt Sautern in 35eutfiblanb geboren. ®r grabutrte auf ber $eibel6erget Uni»etfttat. (Sr War ein TOann »on ttefer ®cle^rfamfett unb befa§ augergetuii^nlicbc ®eiftegfrafte, iotc aug bem Beitg- nig beg JJajiorg 3cbebiab Slnbte»)g erftc^tUt^ ift. 3n einem, 5>btfabelpbia, ben 14. Oct. 1730 battrten Srtefe fagt er: „(Sg ift tittjlicb ein tbeologifdjer (Sanbtbat f)eriibergefommen aug ber wfalj, ber auf feine 3lnmelbung.bei ber (S^nobe jur Drbination an Jenant, ^nbrciog unb Soipb serwiefen tonrbc. ®r ift eine au§erorbentIt^e 5)erfi)nlt(bfcit, toag SSerflanb unb ©elebtfamfett anbetrtfft, SJBir legten t|m eine grage be^ttgltdj) ber Sle^tfertigung sor, welcbc cr auf einem ganjcn SBogen ^apter aitgge^etc^net beantwortetc. ©ein 9fame tfl 3obn 95etct SOfitdet uub cr fprttbt 8atetn fo fltegenb, Wte wir unfere SKutterfprai^e." 1735 serbanb er fidj) mit ben (3iebentagern ju 6pf)rata. (Er ftarb ain 25. (Sept. 1796. (Seine Ueberrciie ttt^en. ju (ipbrata, Sancafler (£o., 9)a.— SRupp'g ®efcf». Sane. So., @. 229. 64 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Dietrich Kober, Georg Htttzel, Ludwig Hutzel, Georg Undetenard,* Carl Valentin Micliaels, Christopher Henerich, Johann Matheis Theis, Michael Thomas, Christian Thomas. 12) Sept. 5, 1730. Forty-five Palatines with their famihes, one hundred and thirty persons, imported in the ship Alexander and Ann, William Clymer, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes.— Co?. Rec. III. 386. (Sept. 5, 1730, brai|te bag ©c^iff 3lleranber unb Sinn, Sapi^ tain SBilliam Simmer, »on Sflotterbam iiber Soweg fiinf unb Bierjig ^fciljer mit f^ren gamilien, etwa ein :^unbert unb breipig 3)erfonen.— Sol.=a3er. III. 386. Anthony Miller, Daniel Christman,* Adam PhiUipot,* Martin Mtiller, John Peter Waller,* Frantz Blum, Jacob Mtiller, Fredrick Meyer,* Cari Keller, Eberhart Meyer, Adam Schuler, David Stisholtz, Martin Creiner, Marger Jerger, Michael Belscher, Conrad Stamm, Leopold Helligas, Mattheis Seltzer, Hans Gerham,? Michael Beyerle, Christof Steinlein, Hans Mich. Wiedes, Johan Carl Hornberger, John Adam Stadtler,* Hans Veltin Breneissen, Hans Lanciscus, Henrich Lanciscus, Johannes Herbert, Baltes Lanckhar, Michael Burger, Hans Jacob Oberholtz, Martin Bucher, Johan Friederich Weber, Henrich Marte, Greo. Michel Breneissen, Johan PhiUp Emmert, Peter Edelman,* Johannes Widner, Michel Ackermann, Rudolph Messei-schmidt, Henrich Clemmer,* Johannes Klemmer, Johann Volckmann, Joh. Sebastian Graff, Hans Bartel Hornberger, Joh. Fried, Lanciscus. 13) Nov. 30, 1730. Palatines with their femilies imported in the ship Joyce, William Ford, Master, from Boston.— CW. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1731. 65 Rec. III. 389. In this ship there were twenty-eight males above sixteen years, six males under sixteen ; twenty-four females, of whom eight were under sixteen years. — (^Editor.) SRoB. 30, 1730. 3)faljer mit i|ren gamilien famen auf bem ©c^iff 309CE, Sapitain ffiiUiam Oorb, Bon Sofion. — Sol.=33er. III. 389. Siuf bicfcm (Sii^tfe befanben fit^ ai^t unb jwonjig SJlanngperfonen iiber feii^jel^n, unb feting unter feti^je^n 3ibren, au§erbcm Bier unb jwanjig grauen, Bon benen a^t unter feti^jel^n Sa^ren waren. — (^erauggeber.) Christian Miller, Johan Ludwig Heintz, Nicolas Swort,* Hans Jacob Bear,* Daniel Swort,* Friederich Elberscheidt, Hans Wichel,* Johann Adam Hoff, Joseph Domini, Andreas Hoffmann, John Bear,* Hans Ulrich Mayer, Leonhart Kolb, Leonhardt Pftidere, Henry Shever,* Johan Michael Fischer, Egram Hall, Henrich Kilian, Johannes Cuhtz, Johannes Oberback, Marck Nitzeh, Zacharias Barth. A. G. Schultze, Passengers under sixteen years of age : fReifenbe unter feti^jel^n 3frfonen Bcrft^iebcnen 9llterg ncbfl jwei fleinen ungetauften ,Rtnbern : 81 im ®anjen.— (^eraugg.) TOargaretba (Smeiffer, 20 3abre. erflcrc tft wobl bie sTOuttet unb Seftete bte (Sibwefier beg fe(:f)jel)ttjaf)rigen SKat^cig unb' beg ncunjaljrigen ®eorg ©mctffer. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 71 Gottfried Lehman, Hans Rosch, Jacob Michael, Johannes UUerich, • Jacob Keesey,* Jacob Snevely,* Henrich Baum, Christo Newbert,* PhiUp Eckford, Caspar Betschen, Ulrich Michel, Georg Scholtz, Jacob Holtzinger, Daniel Weisiger, Johann Christian Lehmann, Henrich Havervass, Johan Wendel Gisse, ? Christoffel Amborn, John Jacob Brunner, Anton Banckauff', Johann Mathias Cramer, Johan Nickel Schmid, Hans Georg Hamerich, Johann Conrad Franck, Phihp Peter Visanant, Frantz Philip Ulerich, Johan Peter Fissnand, John Christoph Knauer, Melchior Hayden,* Christ. Ernst StSgenmtiller, Philip Kinss, Caspar Baumann. Dorst Hoste,* Under sixteen : (Unter fet^jc^n) : — Johannes Gottfried Leh man, David Giesse, Conrad Giesse, Ulrich Giesse, Jeremias Brun ner, Johannes Albrecht, Michael Brunner, Henrich Brunner, Paul Hamerioh, Johann Georg Merchand, Johann Ludwig Merchand, Johann Adam Fessingen, Johannes Straub, Philip Lorentz Michael, Jacob Holtzinger. 18) May 15, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Norris, Thomas Lloyd, Master, from Boston. — Col. Rec. III. 429. mai 15, 1732. ®a« ©t^iff 9^orrtg, Sapitain S'^omag Slo^b, brai^te gjfaljer Bon Soflon. SoL^Ser. IIL 429. Casper Sehirch, Johan Michael Siegmund, Martin Gasner, Joh. Dietrich Jungmann, Mathias Weber, Christian Rennenger,* John Phil. Weber, Johannes Herman, Johan Mancher, Valentine Westheber, Johannes Behn, Joh. Georg Liebenstein. Michael Andreas, 19) Aug. 11, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Samuel, of London, Hugh Piercy, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Col. Rec. III. 431. One hundred and six males above sixteen, thirty -four under sixteen; eighty-nine females above 72 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS sixteen, and fifty under — in all two hundred and seventy-nine. — {Editor.) 3lug. 11, 1732. f faljer wurben auf bem ©d^iffe (Samuel Bon Sonbon, Sapitain Jpugb ?ierc9, Bon JRotterbam iiber Soweg gebrat^t.— Sol.'Ser. III. 431. Sinbunbcrt unb fec^« mannltc^e g)crfonen iiber unb Bier unb breipig untcr fec^je'^n, nebft neun unb ad)tjig weiblic^en iiber unb funfjig unter fcd^je^n. 3in ©anjcn jwei |ttnbert neun unb fiebenjig. (^erau^geber.) Martin Gerhard, John Bendler, Nicklas Korper, Laurentz Knockel, Matheus Bookie, Ulrich Bbehle, Samuel Brandt, John Heneberger, Michel Dirstein, Henrich Ebby, Gotfried Stahl, Michel Georg, Johann George Nungesser, Georg Philip Windemuth, Hans Jacob Beclie, Christoph Bockle, Johan Jacob Behlerdt, Hans Georg Klingmann, Jacob Oberholtzer, Johan Adam Andress, Christ. Frantz sen.,* Samuel Scherer, Leonhart Dbbler, Oswald Hostetter, Hans Muselman, Christ. Frantz jr., Friedrich Kieffer, Jacob Crist,* Jacob Fleiser, Georg Dbbler, Georg Bender, Jacob Stauffier, Martin Weigell, Johannes Miller, Christian Bendler, Hans Adam Neidig, JuUus Dehr,. Christian Biiy, Andreas Miiller, Christian German, Benedict German, Peter Balsbach, Jacob Knechell,* Martin Giller, Jacob Kieffer, Ulrich Burkhalter, Jacob Gut, Hans Paulus Boger, Johannes Ziger, Georg Heyl, Peter Stey,* John Bumgardner,* Jacob Albrecht, J. H. Hartmann, Wendel G«rlach, John Helford,* Jacob Weyes,* Henrich Berret,* Jacob Gochnauer, Peter Frit, Andreas Shetler, Carl Seyl, Philip Wendel, \ Eliseus Mayer, Johannes Lentz, Johannes Brechbil, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 73 Johan Nickel Strass, Georg Ludwig Horning, Hans Georg Gbdeke, Caspar Wartman, Joh. Leonhardt Kieffer, Georg Klingman, Frederich Mulchslager,* Johan Philip Bager, ? Michael Kreiderr, Hans Michel Balmer, Henrich Ramsauer, Christian Balmer, Johan Georg Glassbrenner, Friderich Aldorffer, Johan Sebalt Kremer, Anastasius Uhler, Wendel Brechbtihll, Hans Jerg Steger, Johan Georg Kleinhauss, Wendel Bernheisel, Hans Wendel Hbll, John Bernheisel, Wilhelm Bergheimer, Hans Mich. Baumgertner, Andreas Slantzeberger, Hein Ulrich Fischer, Johannes Uhrich, Peter Schellenberger, Johan Peter Heylmann, Hans Georg Queichel, Joh. Leonhart Ziegler, Wendel Wbrbel, Joh. Friederich Schtitz, , Augustus Wendell, v^ Joh. Phillip Schtitz, Peter Schneider,* Johan Jacob Erdman, Adam Hillegas. Under sixteen: (Unter fed^jel^n): — Henrich Bbehle, Georg Ebby, Georg Stahl, Heinrich Eberle, Samuel Oberholtzer, Jo hannes Frantz, Michael Frantz, Johannes Hosteller, Valentin Nungesser, Johannes Lentz, Abraham WoUschlag, Christian Wollsehlag, Johannes Ramsauer, Philip Neidig, Gottlieb Heyl, Conrad Bergh, Jacob Kieffer, Michael Boger, Matthias Boger, Jacob Zerger, Georg Berger, Michael Albrecht, Georg Hartman, Jacob Bereth, Henrich Bereth, Caspar Bereth, Georg Schellen berger, Georg Kremer, Friedrich Kremer, Gottfried Kremer, Johannes Wbrbel, Michael Mayer, Adam Mayer, Christian Bbhler. — Johann Sebald Kremer aged 32, Margaretta Kremer 27, Georg 12, Friedrich 9, Gottfried 7 years old. 20) Sept. 11,. 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Penn sylvania, Jno. Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. — Col. Rec. III. 452. Seventy-three males above sixteeii ; women and children, of both sexes and different ages, ninety-eight — in all, one hundred and seventy-one. — {Editor.) (gept. 11, 1732. iJKit bem (Sc^iffe gJennfplBanicn, Sapitain 3obtt ©tebman, Bon ^iotterbam iiber f l^imoutb famen ^faljer. Sot.=33cr. III. 452. Drei unb itebenjig mannlit^e ^erfonen uber 74 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS fet^ebn ; SBciber unb ^tnber Bcrfti^iebenen 2lltcr0 neun unb ad^t* jig ; im ®anjen ^unbert unb ein unb fiebenjig. — (^crauggeber.) Adam Klingen, Joseph Caspering,? Jacob Giss, Conrad Frick, Michael Rein, John Jitcob Buss, Michael Wull, Johan Seleberger,* Philip Frank, Jacob Rod, Simon Carle, Adam Louer,* Hartman Lauer,* Jacob Haus, Wendel Fiser, Philip Kebelbe, Coraelins Kram, Hans Rootelee,* Johannes Weber, Conrad Schbnig, Daniel Mtiller, Johannes Hoorle,* Paulus Ryter,* Henrich Ryter,* Georg Mertz, Michael Schnager,* Ditrich Gauff, Johannes Faas, Jacob Schaad,* Michael Capp, Gabriel Konigh, Carl Ohliger, Adam Zeyler,* Friederich Emy, Mathias Shaub,* Matthias Zollicoffer, V. D. M Hendrick Christian, Leonard Immel, Michael Immel, Geo. Michael Hohlstein, Hans Georg Graff, ? Hans Gecffg Smit,* Hans Georg Cuntz, Ghristofel Stedler,* Johan Georg Kauger, Matheias Hauser, Simon Peter Holsteiner, Hans Michel Much, Han Niclaus Mtiller, Johann Peter Strack, Benedict Eiselman, Michael Witmer,* Geo. Michel Schweinhart, Han Michael Krumrein, Wolf Copenhaer,* Michael Copenhaer,* Mattheis Menehen,' Johann Georg Amend, Christian Steinbach, Albrecht Wolffgang, Paulus Linsenbigler, Hans Jacob Meyer, Johann Geoig Batz, Bernhart Wolffinger, Bastian Wagner, Georg Frietlrich Capp, Georg Palsgraff, WiUiiim Chriesmerg,* Hans Leond Conrad, Wendel Weinheimer, Hans Georg Minhard. Under sixteen: (Unter fed^jebnj :— PhiUp Uhich, Jacob Ul rich, Benedict Bartholomaus, Henrich Christian, Hans Kuntz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 75 Andreas Schweinhart, Christian Mtiller, Michael Mtiller, Georg Hottel, Henrich Hottel, Johaimes Hottel, Johan Mayer, Rein- hart Mayer, Paul Reuter, Caspar Renter, Michael Schweighart, Peter Gunst, Bastian Wolfinger, Peter Wolfinger, Jacob Isaac, Friederich Isaac, Friederich Ermich. 21) Sept. 19, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Johnson, of London, David Crocket, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — Col. Rec. III. 453. One hundred and twelve males above sixteen, ninety-eight under sixteen ; ninety-eight females above sixteen, and eighty-five under sixteen — in all three hundred and thirty. — {Editor.) (Sept. 19, 1732. gjfaljer auf bem (ati^iffe 3o^nfon, Sapitain £)aBib SrocEet, aug Sonbon, Bon Stotterbam iiber Deal. — Sol.= SBer. III. 453, bunbert unb jwolf mdnnlit^e iiber unb a6^t unb neunjig untcr fet^je'^n; ac^t unb neunjig weiblit^e 3>erfonen iiber unb fiinf unb atiitjig unter fec^jet)n : brei l^unbert breipig im ©anjen. — (.^erauggeber.) Hans Steinmann, Laurens Hartman, John Harwich, Paulus Wegerlein, Valtin Beyer, Henrich Sien, Conrad Behn,* Jacob Mtiller, Thomas Matem,* Andreas Overbaok,* Jacob Cruir,* Jacob Rouse,* Daniel Schew,* Isac Cuschuah,* Bernhart Peffer, Conrath Bollon, Andreas Lblir, Lorentz Weber, Tobias Hegelle, Christoph Riss, Friderich Riss, Adam,Himler, Andreas Hemler, Nicolas Bwick,* Johan Ewick, § Joh. Henrich Baum, Ludwig Friedle, Anthorn Gilbert, — Valentin Wield,* Nicolas Wield,* Adam Hummel, Fredrich Miller,* Johannes Dieter, Thomas Sander, Johanes Sbffrens, Joh. Georg Steinmann, Hans Jacob Meller, Johan Georg Meller,* John Michel Lochtner, Haus Henrich Jegner, Valentine Renner, Joh. Martin Schilling, Johannes Mbssinger, Mathias Brownwart,* 76 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Johan Jacob Rower,* Christof Ehrenhart, Johan Jacob Kuntz, Joh. Wilhelm Kbllin, Joh. Conradt Scheimer, Joh. Martin BuUinger, Hans Martin Bullinger, Han Phil. Zimmerman, Johan Michel Deeter, Paulus 'Vi'^einheimer, Johannes Bastian, Lorentz Bastian, Joh. Balthasar Bott, Joh. Philipp Gbrich, Joh. Adam Werner, Joh. Valtin Umstadt, Joh. Georg Baltz, Nicolas Evelandt,* Joh. Martin Bauer, Johannes Ebermann, Johannes Albrecht, Johan Henrich Jung, Johan Adam Leberger, Bartholomeus Morth,? Johan Christoph Beyer, Lenhart Mumma, Lorentz Kuntz, Ludwig Leeman, Christoff Englert, Henry Oswald,* Leonard Weyer,* Laurentz Bawder,* Rudolph Bonner,* Henrich Appel, Pieter Derber,* Peter Gabele, Peter Seyler, Philip Smit,* Conrath Sieber, Jacob Tray,* John ShuUmeyer,* Johannes Frey, Thomas Cryle,* Friederich Mayer,* Joh. Georg Sehm, Johannes Kreuel, Johannes Schmitt, Joh. Frid. Baumgardtner, Joh. Henrich Miller, Joh. Peter Schmidt, Joh. Jacob Neihaltzer, Han Georg Tray,* Michael Sehullmeyer,* Johannes Hannar,* Joh. Hen. Messerschmidt, Martin Caplinger,* Hans Wilhelm Brant, Christian Shneyder,* Conrad Schneider, Joh. Leonhardt Herman, Joh. Peter Genther, Johan Frantz Buss, Joh. Paulus Lederer, Joh. Georg Gumpp, Job. Adani Kreil, Joh. Georg Oberkagler. Under sixteen : (Unter fcti^jcbn) : — Paulus Harwich, Ja«ob Harwich, Nickolaus Harwich, Jacob Wegerlein, Johan Jacob MuUer, Johannes Oberbeck, PhiUp Oberbeck, Ludwig Schufej, Michael Mbssinger, Paul Mbssinger, Johann Bauer, Johannes Lauer, Herman Lauer, Henrich Weber, Martin Ebeland, Adam Vogel, Johann. Kuntz, Friederich Riss, Jacob Umstadt, Conrad Stock, Jacob Ebeland, Johannes Eberman, Jacob Albrecht, Ludwig Albrecht, Conrad Sattler, Johannes Sattler, Anthoni AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 77 Mumma, Michael Seyler, Valentin Seyler, Lorentz Sieber, Jo hann Conrad Frey. 22) Sept, 21, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Pink Plaisance, John Paret, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Col. Rec. III. 459. Seventy-seven males above six teen, twenty-eight under sixteen ; sixty-eight females above six teen, and fifteen under sixteen — in all one hundred and eighty- eight. — {Editor.) (sept. 21, 1732. Sluf bem ©t^iffe 5)ittf f tatfancc, Sapitain 3o^n 9)aret, Bon Sftotterbam iiber Soweg famen 3>faljer. — Sol.= SSer. in. 459. (Sieben unb fiebenjig mannlic^e ^erfonen iiber unb ati^t unb jwanjig unter fei^je^n ; at^t unb fet^jtg weibli^e iiber unb fiinfje:^n unter fe(!^je|n 3a|ren : l^unbert unb a(i^tttnb ad^tjtg fm ®anjcn.— (§erauggeber.) Georg Bast, Joh. Cline,* Melcher Feler, Bastian Rudi, Christian Huber, " Samuel Mayer, Martin Mayer, Jacob Schere, Paulus Hertzel, Hans Huber, Felix Fissler, Rudolph Reicshert, Mathes MtiUer, Johan Philip MtiUer, Johannes MtiUer, | Conrath Scharff, Daniel Stauffer, Hans Zimmerman, Hans Georg Wagner, Georg Peter Knecht, Christian Besicker, Christian Martin, Johann Jacob Koch, Johannes Huisiner, Johan Frantz Fuchs, . Balthasar Schbnberger, Tobias Pechtluf,* Johan Fulker,* Carl Wagner, Jacob Kutz, Stephen Long,* Christian Strom,* Rudolff Christen, Peter Bicker,* Hans Stbmply, Ulrich StaUey, Paulus Keyser,* Hans Danler,* Jacob Bloom,* Jacob Swisser,* Frantz Stadel,* Nicklaus Peni,? Andreas Wolff, Jacob Stauffer, Johan Landis, Hans GeseU,* EHas Wagner, Philip Ott, Ulrich Resser,* Hans Leohteni,? iji* 78 NAMES OF GJiRMAN, SWISS Hans Jacob Keyser, Hans Albrecht Bucher, Matthias Kramer, Henrich HertzeU, Nicol Zimmerman, Hans Melchior Werffel, Ulrich Zimmerman, Nicolaus Cam,* Samuel Hamisch, Hans Uhich Wagner, Andreas Pfluckinger, 'Henrich Harstlich,* Christoff Albrecht Lang, Hans Leonhart HertzeU, Joh. Wilhelm Straub, Andreas Cramer,* Georg Bernhart Mahr, Michael Scharer, Joh. PhUip Kistner, Johan Wolff Berlett.? Joh. Adam Zimmerman, A. Sick : (,S)ranf) : — Johaimes Gross, Nicolas Ish, John Jae. Felker, Ulrich HotteU. Under sixteen: (Unter fec^je'^n); — Hans Zimmerman, Chris tian Zimmerman, Bastian Zimmerman, Jacob Mann, Hans Martin Huber, Jacob Huber, Jacob Born, Jacob Mayer, Chris toph Mayer, Hans Dickleder, Hans Peter StaUey, Martin Marte, Johan Emanuel Brallion, Conrad Bbchtold, Bastian Rudy, And. Stattel, Reinhart Reichart, Ulrich Wilhelm Kern, Jacob Treiler, Christoph MuUer, Hans Georg MtiUer, PhiUp MiiUer, Jacol) Baseaur, Joh. Bernhart Straub, Matthias Klein, Henrick Klein. 23) Sept. 23, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Adven turer, Robert Carson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Col. Rec. III. 455. Fifty-eight males above sixteen, nineteen under sixteen; forty-three females above sixteen, and twenty- seven under sixteen — in aU one hundred and forty-seven. — {Ed.) (Sept. 23, 1732. 9«it bem (Sc^iffe SlbBcnturer, Sopitain 3lob. Sarfon, Bon aiotterbam iiber Soweg famen f fatjer. — Sol.=S8cr. III. 455. ^d)t unb funfjig mannlt^e 5)erfonen waren iiber unb neunje|n unter fed^je^n; brei unb Bierjig weibli^e uber unb fieben unb jwanjig unter fe(i^je:^n: l^unbert fieben. unb Bierjig im ®anjen. — (^erouggeber.) Michael Brandt, Mathias Walder, Michael Gross, Han Michael MiiUer, Johannes Artz,* Johan Greorg Prauner, Georg Mosser, Friedrich Tendelspach,* Balthas Sttiber, Hans Georg Able,* Andreas Kilian, Hans Martin Ranger, Andreas Horn,* Han Patilus Zantsmger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 79 David Holtzeder, Hieronymus Glantz, David Fischer, Michael Moser, Simon Meyer, Georg Unruh, Conrath Lang, Michel Potts, Johannes Schott, John Wingleplech,* Henrich Steger, Malteis Riegel, Henrich Lips, Michael Koogh,* Simon GiUinger,* Andreas Wise,* Georg Riegel, Conrad Clewer, Nicolaus Bartle,* Tobias Moser, Andreas Schaup,* Leonhard Moser, Hans Leonart Gam, Lorentz Zwirner, Baltzar Bortner, Han Leonhard Nydy,* Johannes HeberUng, Hans Jacob Gander, Daniel Kolmer, Mattheas Wagner, Hans Ulrich Hey, Bernhart Shertle,* Johannes Becker,* Paul Le Ceae, Jean Le Cene, VaUentin Scheib, Nicholas Bogerdt, Johannes Grawius, Hans Georg Lehner, Han Melcher Stecher, Hans Michael Hagg, Georg Michael Mack, Hans Peter Steyger,* Leonard Aam, sick. Under sixteen : (Unter fei^jcln) : — Hans Adam Trump, Hans Michael Glantz, Hans Holtzeder, Bastian Mosser, Simon Mosser, Hans Georg Mosser, Georg Meyer, Hans Meyer, Georg Adam Steger, Hans Michael Potts, Hans Peter Heberling, Bastian Schbnle, Hans Peter Winckelbleck, Lorentz Lessing, Johan Jacob Gander, Johann Georg Gander, Jacob Bortner, Simon Benedict, Johannes Artz. 24) Sept. 25, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Loyal Judith, of London, Robert Turpin, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Col. Rec. Ill 456. (Sept. 25, 1732. SKit bem (Scbiffe So^al 3ubit^ Bott Sonbon, Sopitain Slobert ilurpin, Bon Slotterbain iiber Soweg fomen ffaljer.— Sol.»33er. III. 456. Andreas Gaar, ? Jacob SteU, Matthes Baarsteyn,* Rudolph Brown,* Matthes Schmidt,* Henrich Papst,* Jacob Spansailer, Christian Reep,* 80 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Peter Kreiter, Johannes Kreiter, Jacob MUler,* Henrich Gbbell, John Auterbaeh,* Peter Rauch, Michael Pentz,* Jacob Ktintzel, Joh. Christian Shultz, Minister, (aged 30), Johann Adam Gaar, Johan Michael Ebert, Johann Adam Abel, Johann Jacob Abel, ¦Johan Georg Schmidt, Hans PhUip Spansailer, Hans Peter Schafer, Hans Bnrghaxt, Hans Georg Noll, Friederich KtihUer, Hans Georg Wagner, Hans Georg Pelman,* John Michael Boyer, Johann Carl Reyer, Fridrich Ehley, Jacob Lishire, Ludwig Happel, Conrati Fey, Philip Ranp, Leonhart HegeU, Bernard Walter, Henrich Acker, WUhelm Berne,* Hans Kuntz, Paulus MtiUer, Cronomus Miller,* Hans WddtU, Peter Saudter, Samuel Griffe,* Martin Heilman, Antlreaa Schenk,* Michael Emmert, PhU. Ernst Kruber, Geo. Mich. Bey,* Hans Georg Able, Johannes Vogel, Johannes Bentz, Jonas Wolf,* Lenhart Lotz, Marcus Jung, Henrich Leibacher, Johan Becker, , Baltzer ConkeU, John Geo. FurkUl,* Johannes Bintnagel,* Hans Georg Raub, Johan Shuman,? Georg MtiUer, Christian Gum, Friedrich Schaffer, Johaimes Reep,* Casper Kramer, Conrad Walther, Jacob Pretz, Joh. Geo. F. Emmert, Joh. Martin Reier, Hans David Ely, Matthaus Schultz, PhUip Ludwig Giifi,? Hans Georg Riser, Georg Adam Riser, PhiUp Jacob Acker, Johann Geoig Rtick, Hans Michl Criger,* Hans Georg Kuntz, Hans David Lentz,* Joh. PhUip Sauter, Joh. Georg Hoffinann Johannes Heilman, Martin Weybrecht, Joh. Geo. Obermtiller Georg Christoph Lay, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 81 Johan Geo. Friederich, Johan Georg Honnig, Johann Veit Jorger, Geo. Michael Schmidt, Jacob Buhlmayer, Joh. Michael Hoffacker, Georg Peter Schultes, Johann Peter Kucher, Joh. George Nadderman, Hans Jacob Stambach, Joh. Friedrich Hesser, Joh. Fried. Burghart, A. Sick — George Ritter. Andreas Cochenderff, Hans Antoni Gasser, Hans Henrich Eokler, Johan Nicklas Ramer, Johannes Zusser, ? Hans Martin Ban, Hans Georg Tran, Johannes Schmeltzer, Johannes Rebmann, Han Martin Weybrecht, Hans Georg Birstler. Dead (tobt) — Jacob Lishire. 25) Sept. 26, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Mary, of London, John Gray, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Sixty-nine males above sixteen, one hundred and twenty-two women and chUdren — ^in all 183. (Sept. 26, 1732. S)ag ©i^iff 9War9 Bon Sonbon, Sopitain 3o:^n ®ra9, Bon gfotterbom uber Soweg, broii^te gjfoljer.— Steun unb fei^jig monnli^e ^erfonen uber fec^je'^n, unb ein |unbert unb jwci unb jwonjig SBeiber unb ,f inber — im ©onjen 183. Nicolas Staller,* Jacob Reitlershan, Conrath MUler, Dewald Kase,* Christian KUng, Jacob Stempel, Nicolas Stemple,* Jacob Haub,* Christoph Kiser,* Reinholt Ezle,* Cornelius Teele,* Daniel BUUger, Albrecht Strauss, Andreas Moser,* Casper Miere,* Jacob Wurth, Georg Schtissler, Henrich Cheajer,* Jacob Walter, Jacob Walder, Herman Sin, Simon MuUer, Winnale Cattler, Albrecht Hass, Carl Lisa,* Georg Kling, Johannes Worth, Michael Dbrr, Pierre Fleury, Martin Ernst, Nicolaus Kint,* Han Georg Frosohauer, Michael Eberman, Hans Jacob Eberman, Johann Laudermilch,* Hans Atiam Miller, 82 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Georg Phillip Pier, Joh. Jacob Dreibelbiss, Conrad Aberman,* Hans Georg Ebenno,'^ Hans Michel Walck, Hans Jacob Wtirth, Stephen Kennamer,* Johannes- Mayer, Henry Cheesler,* Hans Jacob Cheesler,* Joh. F. Rauschenberger, Jacob Marcus Imler, Christian Minier,* Hans Georg Minier,* Hans Henrich Teny,* Hans Adam Robetes, Jean Louis d'Avier, Johann Georg Kohl, Hans Georg Embright,* Hans Peter Verley,* Georg Felte Pickel,* Hans Michel Mentz, Johannes Schaffner, ? Johannes Huber, Christopher Bickel. A. Dead — Hans Georg Dbrr, aged 16, Leonard Sable, 40, Hans Georg Smith, 44, and Baltas CUck, 33. 26) Sept. 30, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Dragon, Chas. Hargrave, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. — In aU 185. (Sept 30, 1782. 9JJit bem (Stibtff Dragon, Sopitain S'^orlcg ^orgroBe, Bon 3iotterbam uber 9^l9mout^, fomen ^^fotjer. — 3m ©onjctt 185. Peter Matem,* Michel Dirr,* Christ. Hoffmann,* Jacob Leipersburger,* Hans Laabour,* George Road,* Leonhard Slosser, Leonhard MiUer,* Peter Raudenbusch, Henrich Gruber, Johannes Witman, Jacob Klein, Peter Schlosser, Christian Huber, Hans Georg Hegi, Simon Belsner, Andreas Schlauch, Henrich Basler, Lenhart Bentz, Michael Graff, Tobias BaU, Georg Fantz, G«org Hayle,* ' Georg Seib, Ludwig Sype,* Frantz Seib, Henrich Klein, Joh. Friedrich Romich, Hans Georg Dirr,* Martin Weidknecht, Hans Adam Bender, Johan Adam Romich, Joh. Wilhelm Franck, Hans Jacob Schbrck, — Hans Peter Wolff, Johan Heerbtirger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1732. 88 Johannes Gteiger, Johan Georg Greiner, Joh. Dietrich Greiner, Han WUhelm Ziegler, Johannes Sehreyiackh, Joh. Nicklaus MtiUer, Johan Phil. Hopmann, Johan PiiUip Schlauch, Haus Michel Reisner, Hans Rudolph lUig, Hans Martin Kappler, Georg Ludwig Schtitz, Christophel Beser, Johann Jacob Beyerle, Hans Ulrich Ber, Hans Georg HeiU, Felix Brunner, Hans Georg Soldnier. A. Sick — Andreas Beetel, WUhelm Keyser, Daniel Stein metz, Johan Hagea, Jacob Hagea, Georg Tsober, George Bar, Henry Zowok, Laurence Bechtle, Nichlas Musloch, Dietrich Bucher, Jacob Dubbs, Wolfgang Birle, Friederich Engelhart Uhlmann. — Simon Baserer, dumb (ftumm). 27) Oct. 11, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Pleasant, J. Morris, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — In all 150. Dct. 11, 1732. 2)og (Scbiff 9)leofont, Sopitain 3omeg mox- rig, Bon aiottcrbom iiber Deal, bracbte ^fiiljer.— 3'n ©onjen 150. Henrich Spengler, George Bar,* Friedrich Bassler,* Ulrich Badner, Johann Georg Senck, Baltzer Spengler, Jacob Friederich Klem, Johan Jacob Timanus, Ulrich Peters, Georg Hans Ped, ? Georg Spengler, Georg KeUer, Henrich Roth, Jacob Padum, ? Henrich Eckert, Conrath Kolb, Felix MUler, ? Johannes Gamber, Friederich Notz, Johannes Moak,* Ulrich Basler,* Georg Mess,* Valentin MtiUer, Conrad Rowp,* Georg Michel Pavian,* Isaac Raudenbusch, Matthias Jurian,* Hans Georg Falck, PhUlip Schilling,* Conrad Glasbrenner, Jacob Hornberger,* Hans Peter Siegmund,* Hans Bern Kuntzer,* Hans PhUip Kresler, Matheis Ambrossi, Hans Adam SchUling,* Joh. Casper Wenterott, Geo. Philip Schnatterly, Han Michel Schatterly, Hans Michel Hoffman, Joharines Taffelmeyer.? 84 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS A. Sick — Leonard Lutes, George Pisell, Conrad Ralsure, Peter Ralsure, Conrad HeUebrun, David Menner, Mich. Favon, Andrew Schweitzer, Jacob Froch, George Kame, Johannes Kieffer, Christoph Sprecher, David Menein, J. Georg Passage. 28) Oct. 17, 1732. Palatines imported in the ship Pink John and WUliam, of Sunderland, Constable Tymperton, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover. — Sixty-one men above six teen, one hundred and nine women and chUdren of both sexes of different ages — in aU 170. — {Editor.) Dct. 17, 1732. 2luf bem (Sd^iffe ?>int 3o'^n unb SQiaiom, Bon ©unbcrlonb, Sopitain Sonflobler Sijmpcrton, Bon SRotter= bom uber 3DoBer, tamen ^faljer. — Sin unb fecbjig SJlonner iiber fet^jcl^n, nebft ein bunbert unb neun SQBeibcrn unb ^tnbcrn 8cr= fc^icbenen Sllterg — im ©onjen 170. — (.^erauggeber.) Moretz Lorentz, C. Vielgar, ? Georg Albright,* Laurens Kieffer,* Jacob BrakebiU,* Stephen Mattes,* Bartel Maul, Hans Emich,* Johannes Jagi, Johannes Nagel,* Peter Smidt,* Baltzer Gurlach, Christian Lau, Stephan Matz, Nicholas Paschon, Hans Georg Martin, Bernhard Weymer,* Hans Ehr. Vosselmann, Felten Schydecker,* Johannes Deymen,* Pieter Hayvigh,* Michael Weissel, Fridrich Wyssel,* Ludwig Johan Herr, Joh. Philip Itein})£u:dt, Hans Peter BrechbiU,* Benedict BrechbiU,* Hans BrechbiU,* Michael Blbmhauer, Casper WUlauer, Conrad Low,* Lud'wig Hugel,* Jacob Weber,* Johannes Schook,* Abraham Dubo,* Adam WUt,* Antoni Albrecht, Conrad Getts, Nicklaus Koger, ? Matheus Mauser, Gideon Hoffer,* Hans Riehl, Henrich G«ck, Johannes Vbgle, Jacob Hem'ich, Greorge Veibert,* Han Georg Sprecher, Joh. Michael Hoffinan,* Joh. Nicklaus Boschung, Haiis Jacob Reyel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1733. 85 Georg Adam Stis,* Johan Paul Derst, Hans Georg Rohbach,* Mathias Rubichon, Joh. Nicklaus Schmid, PhUip Melchior Meyer, Hans PhUip Gleis,* Joh. Getrg Wahnsidel, ¦ Sebastian TruckmuUer,* Johan Peter Apfel, Johan Martin Schbffer, Johan Jacob Scherr. A. aSjcA— Frederick Kuhler, PhUip Melchner, Bartel NoU, Jac. BrechbUl, Johan Vinterhelver, Philip Jac. Probst, Mich. Mtiller, Philip Dubo, Hans Woolf Doopel, Joseph Hously, Michael Probst. Under sixteen: — Nicholas Emich, Joh. Emich, Jacob Emich, Johann David Heifer, Christopher Heifer, Andreas Boschung, Henrich Boschung, Johannes Weymer, Christ. Lau, Christian Bieber, Jacob Bieber, Joh. Schrbgen, Jacob Lorentz, Jacob Reyel, Jacob Frey, Caspar MtiUer, Hans MtiUer, Mich. MuUer, Peter Albrecht, Joh. Albrecht, Bernhardt Hublich, Michael HubUch, Michael Rihl, Michael Martin, Carl De Meyerer, Johann Rubichon. 29) Aug. 17, 1733. Palatines imported in the ship Samuel, of London, Hugh Percy, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — Males eighty-nine above sixteen, females eighty-six ; males under sixteen, fifty-four, females sixty-two — in afl 291. — {Ed.) Slug. 17, 1733. 2luf bem (Sti^iffe (Samuel Bon Sonbon, Sopi= toin Jgiugl ^erc9, Bon Sflotterbom iiber ©col, fomen f foljer. — Slcun unb od^tjig monnlit^c unb fec^a unb ot^tjig wetblit^e '^tX' foncn iiber fed^jefn, unb Bier unb fitnfjtg mannltti^e unter, unb jwet unb fe^jig weiblit^e unter fet^jel^n — im ®onjcn 291. — (^crouggcber.) Hans Peter Frey,* Mattheis Ley, Elias Theiler,* Hans Peter Beissel, Abraham Kuhn,* Michael Sturtzebach,* Friedrich Kuhn, Han Georg Strohauer, Jacob Rausher,*' Johan Lechtenwallner, Christian Krbbs, Johan Jacob Zimmer, Henrich Bischof,* Hans Georg Ruch,* Peter Kuntz,* Johan Georg Ruch, Andreas Frey, Hans Jacob Ruch,* Friederich Leiby, Johannes Jacob Ritt, Michael Schmidt, Hans Leonhart Leber, 8 86 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Hans Georg Peck,* Friederich AUdbrffer, Hans Georg Wervel, Hans Leonard Wolff, Hans Casper Jost,* Hans Wolf Eiseman,* Hans Fries, Hans Werfel,* Martin Scheib, Solomon MiUer,* Hans Jacob Hoff,* KUian Schmid, Christian Lbffel, Milchor Wagner, Michael Probst, Andreas Wigner, Johann Kaufiinann, Caspar MiUhouse,* Andreas Weltz, Jacob Fegely, Jacob Wenger, Johan Lorig,* Johannes Schnep,* Lorentz Schnepp, Martin Wanner, Henrich Beter, Henrich Roth, Peter Cornelius, Nicolaus Kan,* Marx Gleim, Elias Hasele,* Heinrich Haller, Jacob Krater, Sick — Han Jac. Under sixteen Peter Drachsel, Henry Meder, Lorentz Seyboot, Hans Jacob Mathis, Johan Lenhart Weiss, Joh. Jacob Griesinger, Johan PhUip Hbtzer, Hans Kaspar Eysseman, Justus Simon Wagner, Han Jacob Kammerlin, Hans Adam Lang, Han Michael Probst, Han Georg ZoUer, Joh. Caspar Kbrber, Joh. Henrich Fischer, Joh. Henrich Adam, Joh. Wilhelm Fischer, Hans Casper Brenner, Joh. Conrad Kampff, Peter Ensminger, Christian Kampff, GUbert Kampff, Jacob Gerckenhattser, Han Lehnard Eimiger,? Joh. Peter KnbbeU, Joh. Caspar Schaffrier, Uhich Fhckiner,* Han Adam Stuckroth,? Valentin Sneider,* Hans Peter Mack,* Christian Danner, Henrich Fessler,* Han Bernhardt TrosteU. Gamooroon. Valentin Frey, Hans Peter Frey, Christian Frey, Hans Peter Strohauer, Philip Adam Thaler, Hans Martin Thaler, Hans Georg Kuhn, Michael Ruch Kuntz, Hans Georg Kuntz, Georg Ritt, Hans Jac. Ritt, Hans Georg Leitner, Hans Mich. Kammerlin, Christopher Frey, Jacob Leiby, Hans Peter Beissel, Hans Jacob Beissel, Lenhart Wirbel, Martin Scheib, Hans Georg Scheib, Christian Lang, Jacob Fischer, Jac. Fegely, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1733. 87 Hans Georg Lbrch, Joh. Schnepp, Lorentz Schnepp, Christian Wanner, Henrich Peter, Henrich Ensminger, Hans Philip Ens minger, Friederich Kampff, Wilhelm Ritt, Lorentz Cornelius, Michael Kahn, Hans Adam Dieminger, Marx Gleim, Henrich Haller, PhUip Drachsel, Georg Drachsel, Jacob Drachsel, Gott fried Drachsel, Peter Drachsel, Daniel Drachsel, Benedict Sey boot, Georg Rossel, Georg Meder. 30) Aug. 27, 1733. Palatines imported,— ship Eliza, of Lon don, Edward Lee, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover. — Males fifty-eight above sixteen, females fifty; males forty-one under sixteen, females forty-one — in aU 190. — {Editor ) 3lug. 27, 1733. £)ag (St^iff Slijo Bon Sonbon, Sapitain Sbworb See, Bon Slotterbam iiber £)oBer, broc^te 5)foljcr.— 5Kannlt(|e f erfonen od^t unb fiinfjig, unb wetblic|e fiinfjig iiber fe(|je|n; etn unb Bierjig monnlit^e unb ein unb Bierjig weibliti^e unter fet^jcbn— im ®onjert 190.— (^erouggeber.) Johannes Kirschner, Johannes Mohn, Conrad Schott,* Johan PhUip Saner, Joh. Michael Grauel, Johan Georg Petry, Michael Ruth, Carl Hetrich,* Henrich Slentz, Johannes Jung,* Ulrich Schuh,* Jaro Schuh, Johannes Loatz, Henrich StUl, Simeon Linder, Simon Linder jr., Michael Faber, Aron Doganer,* Stephan Lauman, Jaques Bonet, Jacob MuUer, Johannes KnoU,* Jacob Kobbler,* Frantz Weiss, Georg Ohr,* Johannes Ohr, Jacob Serber,* Jacob Serber jr., Jacob Hanrich, Jacob Zettle, Jacob DeUinger, Henry Strigker,* Balser Metz,* Joh. Henrich Schbtte, Johann Philip Fausi, Johan PhUip Faust, Joh. Henrich Danig, Han Peter Hoffman, Johan Peter Paust, Johan PhUip Paust, Jacob Michael Eyb, Matthias Weidman, Geo. Friederich Anselt, Hans Georg Perger, Wolfgang MtiUer, Simon Schermann, 88 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Georg Scherman, Hans Georg Nordt, Johan Debait Traudt, Andreas Klebsattel, Hans Martin Traudt, Georg Henrich Mertz, Johannes Herrgerbder, Johann Ulrich Gaul,? Joh. Henrich Dewess, Johannes Vbgelin, ? Joh. PhUip Schmidt, Michael Reinhard.* Hans Jacob Metz,* Sick — Johann Joseph FaUer, schoolmaster, Matthew Weid man, Hans Georg Ley, Nicholas Sly. Under sixteen : — Conrad Kirschner, Joh. Georg Kirschner, Martin Mohn, Ludwig Mohn, Conrad Kobel, Johannes Schotts, Johan Jacob Paust, Johan Adam Paust, Joh. Henrich Paust, Michael Ruth, Johannes Hetterich, Johann Heinr. Hetterich, Wilhelm Hetterich, Hans Jacob Slentz, Michael Jost, Johannes Jost, Johann Peter Jost, Andreas Eyb, Hans Michael Lntz, Johannes Weidman, Christoph Weidman, Matthias Weidman, Simon Linder, Lorentz Linder, Michael Faber, Johann Tobias Bogner, Stephan Lauman, Jean Simeon Bonet, Jacob Miiller, Philip Scherman, Johannes Traudt, Johann Henrich Traudt, Casper Horsveldt, PhUip Schmidt, Tobias Nordt, Joh. Friederich DeUinger, Mattheis Gaul. 31) Aug. 28, 1733. Palatines, — ship Hope, of London, Dan. Reid, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — MSles eighty- three above sixteen, females eighty-one; males and females two hundred and twenty-five under sixteen — in aU 389. — {Editor.) 2tug. 28, 1733. '9)faljer mit bem (Sibiffe $ope Bon Sonbon, Sopitain 5Dantel 9tetb, Bon SJlotterbom iiber Soweg.— ©rci unb oi^tjig monnlii^en ®efc^le(|tg unb ein unb otbtjtg wetblic^en iiber feti^jebn; unter fetibje^^n beiberlci ©efc^lec^tg jwei bunbert fiinf unb jwonjig — im ®onjen 389. — (^erouggeber.) Ulrich Wissler, Hans Timberman,* Hans Steinman,* Joseph Flure, Peter Steinman, Johannes Flure, Hans Steinman, Christian Kerr,* Hans Rat, Michael Whitmer,* Ulrich Reinhardt, Ulrich Whitmer,* Hans Grumbaoher, Peter Whitmer,* Christian Stouder,* Jacob Btirki, Nicholas Timberman,* Hans Snahley, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1733. 89 Friderick Becker, Rudolph Brock, Christian Reblet,* Barnard KeUer,* Conrad Rauf,* Georg Richter,* Peter Aarond,* Daniel Roth,* Frantz Klebsattel, Andreas Lauch, Herman Arand,* Peter Schmtick, Henrich Umberger, Peter Sayler, Christian Johnle,* Georg Kreisseman, Andreas Besinger, Abraham MiUer,* Jacob Bart, Henrich Tace,* Benedict Wise,* Michael Ably,* Jacob Rubman, Henrich Fegly, Barnard Fegely, Steven Slonacker,* Rudolph Schnebele, Peter Eschelman, Christian Eschelman, Hans Georg Brimmer, Christian Blank, Jacob Lachbaum, Heinrich Schmidt, Hans Georg Schreyaok, Joh. Henrich Vonreth, Johan Adam Reistel, Han Geo. Eichelberger, Joh. Leonahart Stein, Hans Georg Kohler, Hans Georg Hbffner, Johan David Deschler, Johan Jacob Mtickli, Johan Carl Gramp, Bastian Tryster,* Han Leonhart Umberger, Georg Michael Treitter, Hans Georg Gobel, Hans Jacob Gerber, - Joh. Christopf Cumm, Joh. Ad. Simon Cumm, Martin Spitehnayer, ? Han Adam Spittlemire,* WUhelm Krauss, Han Michael Steinbren, Abraham Kreutter, Hans Jacob Schreiber, Daniel Htiselman, Jacob Sohreyack, Han Michael Schreyack. Ulrich Loninacre jr.,* Hans Geoirg Weittner, A. Sick — Michael Umberger and Jacobus Linck. Under sixteen : — Hans Peter Ebly, Hans Adam Ebly, Hans Michael Ebly, Hans RoUman, Hans Adam Linck, Jac. Eschle- man, Caspar Schnebele, Michael Becker, Friederich Brock, Hans Reiff, Henrich Schmidt, Ludwig Busse, Geo. Huselman, Georg Adam Gobel, Jacob Gensman, Michael Klebsattel, Hans Georg Klebsattel. 32) Sept. 18, 1733. Palatines, — brigantine Pennsylvania Merchant, of London, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, 8* 90 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS last from Plymouth. — Seventy-one males above sixteen, fifty-six females ; and sixty-four males and females under sixteen — in all 121.— {Editor.) Sept. 18, 1783. ®oi$ atcnnfcbiff ^ennf9lBonia «Kcrc^ant son Sonbon, Sopttoin 3obn ©tebmon, son Slottcrbam iiber 5)l9moutb, battc^faljer an Sorb. — Sin unb fiebenjig miinnltc^c unb fet^g unb fiinfjig weiblit^e 5)erfonen iiber unb Bier unb fe(b= jig mannliiiben unb wciblit^en ©efc^leti^tg untcr fed^je^n— tm ®anjen 1.91. — (^crouggeber.) Johann Klemm, Gotlob Klemm, Georg Scholtz, David Scholtz, Johannes Naas, Pierre Marot, Andreas Kleim,* Georg Kleim, Georg Schait,? Johannes Riegel, Johannes Riegel jr., Michael Walter, Georg Knop, Jacob Ott, Ludwig Ewalt, Michael Ludwig,* Daniel Ludwig,* Philip Schmyer, Peter Ruth,* Hans Lauer, Mattheis Gisch, Adam VoUmer, Ludowick Evaldt,* Frederick Gotz,* Johannes Mihm, Peter Schmidt,* Paulus Schaffer, Andreas Frey,* Bernhart Mauss, Andreas Bauer, Peter Straub, Friederich Glass, Johannes Gordner, Mattheus Btichler, Andreas Mosemann, Christian Mosemann, Hans Burchard, David Burchard, Johann Schbnfeldt, Johan AuUenbacher, Joh. Valentin Pressel, Carolus Burckhard, Joh. Philip Weynandt, Johan Michael Ott, Alexander Gasser,* Joh. Michael Staudt, Joh. Jost Ohlwein, PhOip Angelberger, Michael Seydenbender, Johan Daniel Endt, Johan Valentin Endt, Johan Peter Saling, Hans Georg Winter, Hans Martin Santer,* Johann Adam Beyer, Joh. Christoph Igelsbach, Michael Kelchner, Georg Barthol. Schaffer, John Ludwig Sees, Hans Georg Hank, Johann Jacob Karst, Christian Hook,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1783. 91 Hans GteoTg Grondt, Johann Georg Grimm> Georg Adam Koch,* Henrich Schmidt. Justus Osterrath, A. Sick — Melchior Gronsaum, Henrich Reet, Jacob Unger. Under sixteen : — Henrich Souchonet, GuiUiam Marot, PhUip Marot, Benjamin Marot, Daniel Marot, Hans Georg Ritt, Caspar Klemm, Abraham Riegel, Johannes Ewalt, Johann Schmyer, Johannes Gasser, Matheis Gasser, Joh. Ruth, Jacob Ruth, Peter Ruth, Georg Winter, Hans Winter, Andreas Stehlin, Johannes Stehlin,^ Matheis StehUn, Jacob Schultz, Joh. Gbtz, Johannes Reuter, Peter Ingold, Jacob Frick, Paulus Schaffer, Georg Schaffer, Georg Stoubig, Christian Striebig, Joh. Schaf fer, Christopher Frey, Christian Fischer, Jacob Straub, Peter Straub, Ge.org Hauck, Paulus Gardner, Andreas Btichler. 33) Sept. 28, 1733. Palatines, — brigantine Richmond and Elizabeth, Christopher Clymer, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. — Forty-four males above sixteen, thirty-four females; twenty-four males under sixteen and thirty-five fe males — in aU 137. — {Editor.) (Sept. 28, 1733. Sluf bem SRennfdjiffe SRic^monb unb Sltfo= bet:^, Sopttoin S:^riflop:^er Simmer, Bon 5lotterbam iiber ^l^moutb, tomen 5)faljer. — 8ier unb Bierjig 9)ianner unb Bter unb breipig Srouen itber, unb Bier unb jwonjig monnlit^en unb fiinf unb breigtg weibliti^en ®efc^le(^tg unter fec^je^n— tm ®anjctt 187. — (^erouggeber.) Frantz SchuUer, Ulrich Burghalter,* Jaicob Greib, Mattheis Beck, David Mertz, Hans Schtirer, Georg Lipp,* Jacob Christ,* Mattheus Bausser, Marcus Christ,* Matheis Bausser jr., Marx Bigler, Christian Bausser, Johannes Weber, Philip Mire,* Mattheis Resch, David Edelman,* Hans Michael Mertz, " Adam Spohn, Hans Conrad Lipp,* Jacob Hennel, PhUip Jacob Edelman, Michael Wise,* Johan Georg Schuster, Jacob Lebegood,* Johan Jost, Heck, Jacob Herman,* Jacob Huntzecker, 92 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Hans Jacob Utz, Georg Schbnmansgraber, Hans Georg Utz, Johannes WoUett, Hans Peter Somey,* Henry Winterberger, Hans Jacob Somey,* Georg Angstet, Hans Peter Somey jr., PhUip Dedigman, Otto Fredrick Somey,* Johannes Rosenstiel,* Joseph Schumacher, Abraham Wotring.? Johann Nicolas Seeger, A. Sick — Ludwig Rigerd. Under sixteen: — Johan Peter Mertz, Balthaser Edelman, Daniel Bausser, Johan Henrich Spohn, Johannes Schnffart, Johann Dan. Heck, Johan Jacob Lebenguth, Dewald Herman, Jacob Herman, Hans Herman, Hans Peter Herman, Hans Michael Somey, Johannes Somey, Hans Peter Burchhalter, Hans Henrich Seeger, Johann Christian Seeger, Anthony Beck, Joh. Henrich Beck, Georg Angstet, Johaimes Angstet, Philip Fahrismann, Haus Peter Wotring. 34) Sept. 29, 1733. Palatines,— ship Pink Mary, of Dublin, James Benn, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Rotterdam. — Fifty-five males above sixteen, thirty-seven females ; thirty males under sixteen, forty-nine females — in aU 171. — {Editor.) (Sept. 29, 1733. ^foljer,— (Scbiff ^int SWor? Bon ©ublin, Sopttoin 3ameg Senn, Bon ' SHotterbam. — giinf unb fiiitfjtg monnltcben unb [itbm unb breipig weiblicben ©cfti^lec^tg iite fe^jel^n, unb breipig ^noben unb neun unb Bierjig 9JJflbc^cn untet fe^je|rt — im ®anjen 171. — (^erouggeber.) David Karcher, Gottfried Reich, Hannes Yorde, Andreas Dries,* Cornelius Dries,* Peter Dries,* Jacob Spengler,* Peter Hite,* Elias Stickler, Hans Georg Harlacher, Johann Adam Dries, Johann Michael NoU, Philip Thomas Trump, Johannes Wingertmann, Johannes Teutseher, Johann Peter Theusler, Johann Georg RiebeU, Johann Arnold BilUg, Johannes Stickler, Henrich Saner, Christian Blaser, Jacob Franck, Friederich Fnnck, Michael Friedly, Nicolaus Soder, Andreas Ney, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1733. 93 Christian Sooter,* Hans Michael Hammer, Georg Pfaffenberger, Johan Michael DiU, Georg Pfaffenberger jr.,* Christian Retelsberger,* Georg Dury, Friederich Dbrfflinger, Jacob Hoffman,* Hans Michael KeUer, Asemus Rambach, Hans Jacob Berkel, Jacob Berkel,* Baltzer Breuninger, Nicolaus Moretz, Johan Adam Warner, Peter Apple, Geo. Friederich Kbhier, Johannes Lap,* Johan Peter Gbttel, Johannes Reichenbach, Johan Jacob Gbttel, Johan Martin Braun, Johannes Slabaeh,* PhiUp Jacob Rothrock, Jacob Lbscher, Johannes Rothrock, Joh. Henry Slabach.* A. Sick — Johannes Holtz. Under sixteen: — David Karcher, Hans Georg Yorde, Johan nes Yorde, Balthasar Reich, Christopher Spengler, Johan Stick ler, Adam Stickler, Henrich Stickler, Johann Pliilip Wingert mann, Joh. Adam-Blaser, Hans Martz Blaser, Nicolaus Blaser, Christopher Teutseher, Jac. Teutseher. 8®" One boy ofFunck, not baptized, seven weeks old. Hans Henrich Sauer, Johan Jacob Braun, tn 23. ©eptember mu§ten aUe !Kann«»5)crfonen, fo uber 16 'ia^x, aufg StatWnitS, itm bem $ei;tn iti ?anbeS, nctmltC^ bem ^ijnig son ®rog-Sttttanten uttb (Succef= forea ber trone (Snglanb'*, ben (Sib ber Sreuc ablegen."— 3ieife.Sef(^rci= bung JC, (a. 450-461. Siefe liegen |ii$-tn Sevf*, Sefeigli unb 5»ontgomer9 nteber.— 9{ui)|)'« ®ef$. rel. Sen. ber Set. (St., (S. 663-667.— SRubp'g ®efi|. »on Serfg So., (S. 224, 427. (Sine eingc^cnbe Slb^anblung finbet iic^ in 3{u))))'« ®efi|. bet Deutftien fennf^lbanien'a, im ^opttel „(S(|n)encf= felbcr." 1S« isatc auc^ bcmerlengwettb, bag btefe ttii^t bie erjien ©cjtoendfelber in 5!cnnf?I\)anien finb. Sim 18. aren 3obann unb ®ottIob Stiemm unb ®eorg unb Dastb ©d^olg. ®« fei^eiitt, a\i blteben fte eine 3ett lang in 9)t)ilabcl))bia. ¦&etr son SBeii fiidretbt unter bem 6. 3uni 1734 itber f tiilabclpbw <" f'tnem SReifc-Diartum »on gbenejcv tn ©eorgia: „§ier finb son aEen SReligionen unb ©ccten: Sutbetnner, m- formirte, S3tfc|io(ii^e, freSbpterianet, datboliten, Sluacfer, £(umpler, Wennonijlcn, ©abbat^eriang, ©iebcntfiger, ©epatatiftcn, a3b|)nitften, (s^iDcnttfelbtaner, Juc^felbter, UCo^toitnfi^et, Suben unb §eiben, u. f. f,— UI|'petgcc'« 9ta^rt(|ten, I, @. 156. 96 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Hans Henrich Jackel, Melchior Mentzel, Georg Mentzel, Georg Weiss,* Caspar Heydrich, Georg Scholtze, Christoph Wiegner, Georg Anders, David Seibb, Christoph Seibb, Georg Heydrich, Georg Drescher, Melchior Meishter,* Baltzer Anders, Georg Scholtze, Caspar John, Friederich Schbps, Christoph Pauss, David Schubert, Wilhehnus Pott, Degenhart Pott, Peter Schamker,* Nicolas Dek,* Nicolas Winder, Uhich Spies,* Peter Jager,* Peter Treidel, Conrad Frey, Abraham Dihl, Melchior Neuman, Tobias Hertteranffifc, Balthaser Heydrich, Christoph Neuman, Matthias Jackel, Christopher Jackel, Gregorius Scholtze, David Mesehler, Christoph Drescher jr., Melchior Scholtze, Christopher Scholtze, Hein. Ludwig Urickhaus,? Bernhard Steinbach, Georg Bansche, Hans Hubener,* Wilhelm Witzen, Johannes Van Duliken,? Jacob Friederick Rieger, Johann Georg Rutz,? Valentin Veruch, Jacob RumpfeUt, Johannes WUdfang,* Jacob Wilhelmi, Johan Caspar Storller,* Johannes Senger, Matthias Marcker, Heinrich Rumpfeld. Valentin Dihl,* Sick — Christopher Kriebel, David Htibner, Creorg Reynold, David Jackie, Andreas Warner, Hans Martin Tryster. Under sixteen : — David Neuman, Abraham Wiegner, Georg Wiegner, Caspar Seibb, Andreas Heydrich, Georg Anders, Melchior Htibner, David Schubert, Peter Labaeh, Johann Wil helm Pott, Johannes Pott, Georg Heinrich Ruth, Jacob Frey, Johann Henrich Deck, Johannes Deck, Johann Michael Wolf gang, Johannes Wolfgang, Jacob Wilhelmi, Valentin Wilhelmi, Wilhelm Hertteranfft, Friederich Drescher, Johann Jacob Spies, Johann Nicolaus Steiner, Johann Jacob Steiner, Philip Freidel, Hans Georg Vblcker, Johann Jacob Hildebrand, Clemrait Du- baoh, Christopher Kribel, Christonher Htibner, David Schubert, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1734 97 Georg Kribel, Christopher Hoffman, Christopher Reinhold, Melchior Wiegner, Christopher Meister, Balthasar Jackel, Georg Hertteranft, Melchior Hertteranft, Christopher Heydrich. 37) Sept. 23, 1734. Palatines imported in the ship Hope, Daniel Reid, Master, firom Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Forty- nine males above sixteen, forty-five females; fourteen boys and seventeen girls — in all 125. — {Editor.) (Sept. 23, 1734. 2)0^ (St^iff Jpope, Sopitotn Soniet SReib, »on giotterbam iiber SotDcg, bracbte f fotjer.— SReun unb sierjtg ntiinntt^e unb fiinf unb ttierjig weibltt^e ^erfonen iiber fct^je'^n, unb sierje^n Snoben unb flebenje^n gjiobi^en— im ©onjen 125. (§crouggeber.) Simon Beil, Jacob Bauman, Jacob Hoffer, Michael Gerber, Christian Huser, Michael Fickel, Ulrich Buhler,* Bernhart Richer,* Han Henrich Hoffman,* Han Jacob Fischbach, Johann Wilhelm Graff, Johan Albert Langerfeld Gottfiried Schierwager, Philip Esping, Johannes Keiser, Peter Stam, Christoph Rabe, Henrich Stettz, Zacharias Ahlbach, Johannes Jung, Jost Shmith,* Johannes Noh, Georg Lubcken, Johannes Artger, Simon Kirbach,* Joh. Henrich Otter, Antony Nobel, Antony Nobel jr., Johannes Richter, Christian Farnie, Johannes Keinsman,* Johan Adam Schroff, Johan Peter Gross, Joh. Henrich Klockner, Aug. Henrich Kunstman, Joh. Henrich Heissman, Joh. Philip Doldt,* Zacharias Flamerfeld,* Joh. Wilhelm Ahlbach, Joh. Peter Schmidt, Han Henrich Otterpach, Joh. Herbert Weberd, Joh. Arnold Reisch, Joh. Hen. Weschenbach, Joh. Geo. Antony Mtiller, Joh. Andreas Mtiller, Christian Otto Schultz, Cornelius Parat. Under sixteen :— Johann Caspar Kratz, Johann PhUip Kratz, Nicholas Husar, Hans Michael Keiser, Anthony Hemsman, Johan Henrich Gross, Johan Gerhard Klockner, Johann WU- 98 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS helm Ahlbach, Johan Gerhard Ahlbach, Johann Peter Ahlbach, Herman Jung, Johann Jacob Noch, Johannes Lescher, Joseph Heinsman, Henrich Wilhehn Reisch. 38) May 29, 1735. Palatines and Switzers imported in the ship Mercury, William Wilson, Master, firom Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Sixty-four men, fifty-one women, thirty-seven boys and thirty-four girls — in all 186. — {Editor.) SJioi 29, 1735. ^fiiljer unb ®(|tteijer mit bem (Sti^iffe 9Rcr= cur9, Sapitain SBilliom aSilfon, »on Siottcrbam iiber SoiDe«.— SBier unb feti^jig Wanntx, ein unb fiinfjig grouen, fteben unb breipig ^nobcn unb »ier unb breipig ^JKiibc^en — im ©anjen 186. (^erouSgebcr.) Conrad Wtirtz, Jacob Beshar, Jacob Schenckel,* Heinrich Huber, Jacob Neff, Jacob Tantzler,* Johann Weiss, Henrich Merk, Hans Meier,? Caspar Netzli, Jacob Frey, Jacob Meyer, Hans Huber, Conrad Naffe,* Hans Mtiller, Hans Ott, Johannes Heit, Henty Surber,* Abraham Weidman, Rudolph Weidman, Hans Jacob Radtgab, Johan Ulrich Aner,* Baltzer Bossert, Caspar Schweitzer, Henrich Oswald, Jacob Perdschinger,* Henry- Brunner,* Jacob Weidman, Hans Conrad Kaller, Jacob Madler, Henrich Schreiber, Martin Shellberg,* Jacob Maurer,* Henrich Scheuchzer, Jacob Shellenberg,* Henry Mosock,* Jacob Wiest,* Rudolph Egg, Rudolph Walter,* Jacob Schmit,* Conrad Meyer,* Jacob Naff, Caspar Gut, Jacob Matz, Philip Klein, Hans Ulrich Amon,* Rudolph Aberly,* Jacob Conrad Naffe,* Caspar Plauler, Abraham Weckerly, Conrad Rtitschi, Christoph Neumeister, Johannes Molich, Henrich Forst. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1735. 99 Sick — Kilian Mertz, Jacob Homberger, Jacob Bticher, Hen rich Mtiller, Conrad Zuppinger. The following are marked absent : Die golgenbcn werben all? obmefenb bejeit^nett Henry Gbtschy, Johan Henrich Maurer, Henrich Zurber, Jacob Schmid, Melchior Meyer. Under sixteen : — Rudolph Gbtschy, Moritz GiJtschy, Rudolph Beschar, Rudolph Huber, Jacob Dentzler, Rudolph Dentzler, Abraham Dentzler, Abraham Dtibendorffer, Hans Ulrich Brun ner, Felix Ahner, Caspar Beschar, Henrich Beschar, Rudolph Beschar, Hans Matz, Hans Conrad Matz, Lenhart Meyer, Jac. Meyer, Heinrich Frey, Hans Jacob Meyer, Jacob Hubler, Bji- dolph Dtibendorffer, Jacob Weidman, Matthias Kaller, Jacob Bucher, Hans Ulrich Zupinger, Jacob Walther, Hans Jacob Neff, Felix Schmidt, Hans Henrich Plauler, Hans Jacob Plau ler, Felix Metzger, Jacob Rtitschi, Henrich Rtitschi, Heinrich MoUoh, Andreas Mohch, Gottfried Molich. 39) June 28, 1735. Palatines imported in the brig Mary, of Philadelphia, James Marshall, Master, from London. — Thirteen men, ten boys, eighteen women and girls — in all 41. — {Editor.) 3uni 28, 1735. 3luf ber Srigg Wlax^ »on WlaMpiiia, da,' pttoin 3ameg 9)?arf^all, »on Sonbon, fomen ^Jfoljer.— ®reij.e:^n SRonncr, je^n ^noben, od^tje^n grauen unb iO^ab^cn— im @att= jcn 41. — (^etauggeber.) Melchior Scholtze, Zacharias Friedrich, Henrich Boshart, Henrich Wtirchman, Peter Schwaab, Johannes Wtirchman, Andreas Brinker,* Jacob Weidmer, Wilhelm Gesel,* Solomon Rtickstul sen., Andreas Widmer, Solomon Rtickstul jr. Under sixteen : — Caspar Boshart, Henrich Boshart, Conrad Brunckner, Henrich Wtirchman, Jac. Wiedmer, Hans Brtinck- ner, Henrich Rtickstuhl. 40) A.ug! 26, 1735. Switzers, late inhabitants of the Canton of Bern, in Switzerland, imported in the ship Billander Oliver, Samuel Merchant, Master, from South Carolina. — Eighteen men, eighteen women, six.boys and three girls — in all 45. — {Editor.) 100 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Slug. 26, 1735. (St^roctjer oue bem Sonton Sern ouf bent (Scbiffe SBillonbcr Dliacr, Sopttoin (Samuel aJlercbont, »ort faljer ouf bem ©t^ijfe (Snow gjJoll?, Sopi* tain 3o:^n Lowell, »on Slmfterbom iiber £)o»er. — 3ni ®onjcn 95. Valentin Stober, Valentin Stober jr., Jacob Stober, Friederich Reitzel, Nicolaus Kachelriess, Michael Hertlein, John Winter, Jacob Meier, Joh. Jacob Geyer,* Valentin Rohleber, Christophel Gomer, Phil. Jacob Schaaff, Frederick Horn,* Joh. Peter Han, John Mart. Frbhlich, Joh. Jac. Schaaff, Hans Jonas Reitzel, Johan Christoph Grohmann, Johan Albrecht SchaUer, Johan Georg Albert, Georg Albrecht Schaller, Johan Lenhart Wulfart,? Georg Simeon Christ, Hans Mich. Herdlein, Greorg Fried. WoUenweber, PhUip Gottleib Meintz, Johan PhUip Kratzer, Johan Adam Gomer, Philip Adam Endler, Johannes Reitzmann, Johan Christoph Schacke. 46) Sept. 24, 1737. Palatines imported in the ship Virginus Grace, John BuU, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes.— In aU 225. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1737. 101 ©ept. 24, 1737. g)faljer mit bem Sti^iffe . aSirtuous ®rocc Sopitoin 3o^rt.33ull, son atotterbom iiber So»c«. — 3»t ©on^ jen 225. Antoni Ruger sen., Antoni Rtiger jr., Jacob Schaub,* Isaac Hoffman, Hans Hoffman, Christoph Stauffer, Leonhart Heier, Rudolph Ltitzler, Bernard Haup,* Jacob Schwartz, Jacob Remel,* Jacob Graff, Jacob Rimy, Ludwig Born, Jacob Stokee,* Simon Stokee,* Jeremiah Smitt,* Peter Konder, Peter Staut,* Adam Weiss, Abraham Wize,* Michael Ulrich, Jacob Wolff, Adam Dill, Baltzer Haxtsoc,* Christian ToU,* Jacob Croyter, David Bruch, Georg Heck, Hans Weis, Jacob Springer, Johannes Tasker, Jacob Hubler, Christian Piner,* Henrich Grimm, Michael Carle,? Albert Lebolt, Burckhart Rtiger, Isaac Hoffman jr., Martin Hegendorn, Johannes Stauffer, Hans Jacob GroUer, Hans Jacob Kobler,* Hans Georg Schwartz, Hans Georg Reimmel, Albrecht Graff, Simon Schunck, Frederick Cromer,* Hans Georg DUlmann, Henrich Jacob DiUmann, Hans Michael Ulrich, Christian BuUinger,* Hans Georg Konder,* Rudolph Duckwell,* Jacob Holhnger, Andrew Sunwald,* Hans Georg Friederick, Friederich Kiester, Henrich Sohwerdt, Jacob Bollinger, Wilhelm Fischer, Henrich Shamberger,* Henrich Crbssman, Hans Georg Meyer,* Johau Jacob Conradt, Henrich Wideabach,* Johannes Weiss,* Henrich Engel, Johannes Hunsecker, Michael Rausch, Christian Bauer, — Hans Jacob Inhof,* Simon Hunsecker. 108 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 47) Sept. 26, 1737. Palatines imported in the ship Saint Andrew Galley, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — In all 450. (Sept. 26, 1737. 3luf bem (Si^iffc (Saint Slnbrcw ©olle? fomen unter Sopitoin 3o|tt (Stebman »on Stotterbftm iiber Sottieg. 450 3)fotjer. Jacob Kintzer, Jacob Niss, PhUip Hefft, Jacob Fries,* PhUipp Fritsch, Peter Rapp, Caspar Htiter, Valentin Steinmetz, Georg Kern, Georg Schissler sen.,* Johannes Stbhr, Georg Schissler jr.,* Philip Stbhr, Georg Des, Georg Hefit,* Jacob Lentz, Jacob Kuster,* Nicolas Koch,* Andreas Smith,* Christian Meyer,* Johanii Meyer,* Conrad Reich, Michael Brown,* Georg Wambold, Ehas Ratgen,* John Spycker, Georg Rahn, Conrad Rahn, PhUip Schmidt, Baltzer BeU, Georg Neihart, Lorentz Kayser, Conrad Wall, Jacob Worry,* Henrich Kreyter,* Peter Lin, Nicolas Scherer,* Henrich Smith,* Nicolaus HoUer, WUhelm Ohler, Paulus Lingel, Henrich Wisler, G«org Kocher, Johan Georg Kalseh, Michael Neihart, Johan Lenhart jerling, PhUip Lebengut,* Joh. Christian Biirger, WUhehn Scheffer, Georg Hen. Wamboldt, Johan Conrad Jost, Johan Asinus Gerlii^,* Joh. Jac. Schindeldecker, Johannes Schnauber, Johan Georg Klappinger, Tobias Bbckell, Johannes Meyer, Jacob Neiswanger,* Hans Jost Meier, Hans Martin Amwag, Nicolaus Scheyer, Nicolaus Biettel, Michael Andreas,* Johan Greorg Schneider, Gterhardt Htibschman, Johan Jacob Lingel, Johan David Btihler, Johan Peter Spycker, Johannes Mevius, Johan Philip Wisman, AND OTHER 1MMIGRANTS^1737. 109 Johan Friederich Heim, Johan Ludwig Kolb, Johan PhUip Seger, Bernhart Dickhoff, Johan Jacob Rosenmann, Georg Fried. Neihart, Johannes Schlotter, Johan Greorg Kuntz, Johan Christian Thron, Matthias Lederman,* Valentine Baumgardner,* Johannes Altenberger, Johan Justus Erdmann, Johan Peter Drass, Johan Rudolph Henrich, Christopher Schaub,* Albrech Fig,? Uhich Horn, /^" ¦ Peter WeUand,* ^ Martin Cron, Georg Conrad, Jacob Conrad, Daniel Zopff, Uhrich SoUberger, Christian Estu,* Mattheis Weber, Casper Heyser, Valentin Diebel, Casper Rabe,* Conrad Delp,* Johan Funck,* Peter Knepper,* Nicolas Rattge,* Sick — Dan. Huster, Jac. Keim, John Erdman, John Appel. Absent — Georg Test, Caspar Heyser. 48) Oct. 5, 1737. Palatines, in aU 231, imported in the bi- lander Townshead, Thomas Thompson, Master, from Amsterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 5,- 1737. 231 5)faljer mit bem fleinen Soflfti^iffe ZomS' l^tai, Sopitoin 2;:^omai8 SEl^ompfon, son aim^erbom iiber Soroes. Joseph Zolenberger,* Henrich Frantz, Andreas Held,* Adam Strauch,* Daniel Ries, Nicolas Ries, Jost Htisterr, Christoph Krause, Johannes Dreichler, Johan Philip Streiter, Georg Caspar Zeigner, Johan Ludwig Wildanger, Johan Georg Gist, Johan Jacob WeUer, Daniel Zachaxias, Christoph Schwenck, Georg Dietrich Helt, Johan Philip Steffen, Johan Herman Weber, Johan Henrich Martz, Henrich. Schiefflier, Georg Ludwid Denner, Johannes Geltbach, Johan PhUip Edinger, Georg . Gernandt, Johfinnes Kbhier, Friederich Schbnfelder, Ernst Seydel, Abraham Wagner, Christoph Htibner, Joh. Herm. von Basten, Candidatus S. Th. no NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Christian Ewig, Georg Egnel,? Conrad Holbe, Peter Schad, Jacob Wogel, John Peter Wilt,* Conrad Lauterbach, Peter Lauderbach, Johan Georg Joh, Johan Casper Neuer, Jean Corbo, Christian Fredrick, Simon Ersame,* Anthony Hidler,* Jacob Acker,* Balthasar Stisz, Peter Rausch, Valentin Kiffer, Georg Spengel, Johan Ktistler,* Vincent Ktister,* Casper Wendel, Andreas Epple, Georg Schutz, Conrad Preiss, Leonard Kugel, Georg Arnoldt, Christian Aspech, Elias Obelhart,* Peter Graff, Ludwig J?rantz, Michael Balmer, Peter Wagner, Johan Schlieger,* Johannes Geseller, Conrad Rippert,* Peter Hotner, Sick — Balthasar Sies, Johannes Lowra,* Jacob Schantz, Sebastian Bisch,* SUvester Holber, Christian Friederich,* Johan Georg Heyer,? Johan Georg Euler, Johan Casper Premauer, Eberhard Greschwind, Valentin Henneberger,* Hans Georg Friederich, Hans Georg Krause, Andreas Camerer, Peter Mahrsteller, Hans Georg Ehemann, Anthony Hempele, Hans Georg Mentzer, Wendel Zwecker, Hans Matthias PfeU, Johan Jacob Sauer, Georg Friederich Arnoldt, Johannes Schlegel, Martin Pfatteicher, Conrad Reinhart, Johan Egidius Hofiinan, Johan Stephan Bernhardt, Hans Georg Bray, Hans Mich. Henneberger, Johan Michael Karber, Johan Frantz WUhehn, Joh. PhUip De Bertholt, Johan Peter Bonnet, Valentin Himmelberger, John Peter Ysterloh, Joh. Martin Dieffenbacher, - Johan Georg Soger, Georg Casper Fernsler. Casper Wendel. 49) Oct. 8, 1737. Palatines imported in the ship Charming PoUy, of London, Charles Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1737. Ill last from Plymoutn. — One hundred and five men, twenty-five boys, and one hundred and seven women and girls. — 237 pas sengers. — {Editor ) Dct. 8, 1737. ?)faljer ouf bem (Scbiffe Smarming f 0II9 son Sonbon, Safjitaitt S^orleg (Stebman, son SHotterbom iiber ^19= mout|. — Sin :^unbert unb funf fSJlonner, funf unb jwonjtg ,^na= ben, unb ein ^unbert unb.jieben SCeiber unb SSRobti^en. — 237 'Siti" fenbe. — (^erouageber.) Johannes Beitzel, Hans Georg GrOtz, Michael Somer, Andreas Ziegler, Jacob Hubele, Gottlieb Reisinger, Heinrich Voltz, Jacob Sontag, Jacob Sontag jr., Johannes Krauth, Jacob Schumacher, Christian Geiger, Jacob Baumann, Marin Funck, Christian Hapeger, Joseph Habeger, Henrich Karli,? Georg Mauntz, Jacob Schantz, Hans Schantz, Hans Gerber, Hans Gerber sen.,* Hans HoU, Hans Koffel,* Isaac HoU, Wendel Holl, Hans Wenger, Christian Kurtz,* Jacob Miller,* Christian Miiller, Valentin Jung, Benedict Lehman, Jacob BeUer, Jacob Mast, Ulrich Spiker,* Ehas Schreiber, Peter Brucker, Claus Erb, Claus Erb jr., Johannes Erb, Adam Pfeller, Jacob Dester,* Matthias Riechart,* Jacob Raisch, Georg Gross, Johan Martin Becher, Hans Peter Schipp, Hans Peter Bernhart, Johan Ludwig Heger, Hans Georg Heiss, Johan Heinrich Heiss, Johan Stephan Conrati, Hans Georg Heiss, Hans Peter Ktider, Hans Martin Reisinger, Hieronimus Eberle, Hans Jacob Fachler, Johan Philip Bbtzer, Hans Jacob Kaufiinann, Hans Jacob Hobbecher,* Hermanns Orendorff,* Thielmanus Weschenbach, Mattheis Hoffmann, Christian Lichte,* Peter Eschbacher,* Hans Michael Punch,* 112 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Abraham Mtiller, Johann Jost Kunz, Hans Zimmermann,* Daniel Zacharias, Jacob Underkoffer, Michael Zurger,* Christian Hertzberger,* Nicolaus Schreiber, Christian Btircki, Jacob WUhelm Weiss, Johan Jeremias Jttnghen, Johan Jacob Wetzel, Johan Valentin Haau, Frederick Hoffman,* Johan Georg Ilgenfiitz, Johan Jacob Dester, Abraham Hann, Andreas Hagenbuch, Hans Georg Ktibler, Johan Dietrich Branner, Peter Lohrmann, Lorentz Nolff, Wendel Heinrich, Dietrich Uhler, Andreas Weber, Christoph Krauth, . Peter Freydinger, Ulrich Strickler, Jacob Schopff, Christopher Ecker, Thomas Schiri, Johannes Bowman,* Georg Ludwig Wagner, Valentin Uhler, , Balthasar Huber, \/ Georg Henrich Emsperger, Johan Matthias Albrecht, Georg Titus Cap, Johannes Kbhier, Hans Jacob Strickler, Georg PhUip Fuhrmann, Georg Michael Dtintz. Christian Gross, Sick — Abraham Dannahauer, Hans Georg Dannahauer, Hans Stephan Conradt, Georg Michael HoUinger, Johan Henrich Grimm, Hans Georg Backer. Under sixteen : — Abraham Dannenhauer, Paul Schumacher, Georg Schumacher, Adam Fachler, Johann Ludwig Sontag, Wilhelm Geiger, Abraham Kauffman, Joseph Karle, Christian Schantz, Hans Lehman, Abraham Holl, Job. Wenger, Chiis tian Eschbacher, Benedict Lehman, Christopher BeUer, Peter Herschberger, Johann Georg Schreiber, PhUip Schreiber, Chris tian Erb, Friederich Hoffman, Hans Georg Bgenfritz, Wilhehn Rieger, Georg Martin Cap, Christian Baumann, Johann Jacob Baumann. 50) Oct. 31, 1737. Palatines imported in the ship WUliam, John Carter, Master, from Rotterdam, last fi-om Dover. — 180 passengers. Dct. 31, 1737. 180 g)faljcr fomen ouf bem (Scbiffe aBittiam, Sopttoin So^n Sorter, son Stotterbom iiber 3)oser. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 113 Michael Reuter, Jacob Vechtel,* Wendel Bohn, Johannes Schantz, Caspar Surber, Peter Schaffer, Johannes Gett,* Heinrich Rode sen., Henrich Rode jr., Daniel Rode, Dietrich Uhle, Matthias Switzer,* Jacob Hauer, Christian Miller, Jost Ficcus,* Niclaus Mufli, Christian Jagi, Andreas Kessinger, George Fitheim,* Jacob Krom,* Simon Schedel,* Thomas Bauer,* Michael Bauer, PhUip Jacob Reuter, Hans Adam Kletle, Johannes Madlung, Johan Dietrich Uhle, Johannes Maurer, Hans Georg Meister, Johan Fri^. Muthhardt, Hans Michael Hauer sen., Hans Michael Hauer jr., Johan Michael Gesel, •/StcA— Friederich WUl, Matthew Switzer. Johannes Ktichle, Hans Peter Hauth, Joh. Theobold Schalok, Johan Nicholas Fischer, Hans Georg Becholtt, Johan Georg Kessinger, Johan Michael Boltz, Johan Carl Haffelee,* Johan Balthas Rathgeber, Johan Michael Spiegel, Johan Fried. Heinnoldt, Johan Peter Baumgertner, Geo. Hein Valen. Hencke, Conrad Braun, Joseph KeUer,* Jacques Creuccas, Mattheis Schmidt, Theobald Lange,* Johannes Schwing, Johannes MiUer,* Joh. Peter WUms, Christian Winderbauer, Joh. Gerh. Brenner, John Casper Zunfft,* Hans Jacob Faber,* Hans Adam Faber, Georg Jacob Bentz, Johan Michael Nees, Johan Conrad Ernst, Heinrich Weidtmann, Johannes Weidtmann, Johan Georg Beyer, Johan Wendel Ernst. -. Peter Fickus. Drowned (ertrunfen) 51) July 27, 1738. Palatines imported in the brigantine Catharine, Jacob PhUips, Master, from London.— 15 passengers. 5uli 27, 1738. 15 5>faljer auf bem (St^neUfa^rer Sot^artnc, Sapitain Socob 5)6tltp3, son Sonbon. 10* 114 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Hans Boach,* Jacob Zuch, Hans SeUer,* Ulrich SeUer jr.,* Christian Zug, Hans Schneider sen.,* Hans Ludwig Falbeystan. 52) Sept. 5, 1738. Palatines, in all 252, imported in the ship Winter Galley, Edward Paynter, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. ©ept. 5, 1738. 3m ©onjen 252 gjfdljer ouf bem ©tbifc 3Binter ©oUe^, Sopitoin Sbworb ^^oipntcr, son 3totterbom itber !Deal. Nicholas Elie,* Christoph Heller, Simon HeUer, Johannes Roth, Henry Weishart,* Andreas Beier, Martin Beier, Johannes Light,* John Sauvage,* Lorentz Heim, Albrecht Eberhart, Gottlieb Eberhart, Wendel Drauth, Johannes Bemtz, Ludwig Meyer,* Peter Wagner, Adam Mayer, Johan Jacob Stahl, Johan Peter Mtiller, Frantz Ludwig Barth, Abraham Kbrper, Johan PhUip Bayer, Hans Adam Schreiner, Joh. Henrich Eschbach, Joh. Michael Schreiner, Johan Wendel Laschett, Johan Michael Rbmer, Johan Friederich Hase, Johan Martin Mayer, Johan WUhelm Mayer, Johan PhUip Wagner, Johannes Wagner, Sebastian Zettlemeier,* Johan PhUip Sebolt, Johan Nehs, Rudolph Schler, Johan Miller,* Conrad Shmit,* PhUip Beyer,* PhUip Weber, WUhelm Janss, Henry Teich,* Jacob Bin, Andreas Bin, Markes MUler,* Friederich Haas, Frantz Seel, Henrich Becker, Samuel Moch, Friederich Krafft, Melchior StaU,* Henry Feelt,* Adam Stoop,* Henry Klengler,* Georg Joughein,* Simon Deck,* PhUip Beyer jr.,* Jacob Hee. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 115 Peter Bucher,* Augustus Pbnsy,* Jacob Thebelt,* Philip Harlas,* Andreas Hoock, WUhelm Best,* Casper Berger,* Conrad Dust,* Andreas Seim,* Georg Seiberth, Adam Wall, Julius Rtibell, Jacob Venig, Jacob Runck, Christian Jani,? Laz. Palin, Jacob Saddler,* Jacob Bach, Stephan Lang, Hans Mich. Hochlander, Johan Peter Hoffinan, Georg Hoffman, Jacob Barthehn, Nicholas Walter,* Hans Geo. Gerth, dumb, Johan Michael Knab, Mattheus Ulrich, Henrich Landgraff,* Johannes Jager,* Johan Michael Busier,* Johan Martin Schreiner, Paulus Kirchner, ? Joh. Daniel Trblich, ' Johan Michael Preis, Johan Christoph Wagner, Daniel Butterfass, Johan Jacob Krafft, Johan Adam Schaffer, Georg Ernst Lintell,* Johan Jacob Hust,* WUh. Zacharias Andich, Conrad Zimmerman, Hans Jacob Tatweiler, Johan Melchior Weiss, Han Nicolas Preis, Christophel Ambrtister, Hans Adam Heinder,* Andreas Frederick,* Geo. Martin LohmtiUer,* Georg Andreas Stupp, Johan Jacob Mtiller, Johan PhUip Weicker, Hans Philip Kbhier, Johan Georg Faass, Johan Philip Faass, Johan Valentine Stocker, Joh. Balthas Sartorius, Joh. Valentin Lemerd,? Daniel Drumberg,* Johan Jacob Beyer, Friederich Fahrion, Adam Hoffmann, Charle Gillion,* Claude Charle, Isaac Vial, • Matthias Gensle, Conrad Ettinger,* Henry Sturf,* Ludwig FUlinger, Johannes Bwert, Paul Prack, Henrich Bullinger, Johan Georg Hayd, Johannes Bechtolt, Georg Philip Dollinger, Frid. Ambrose Tranberg, Johan Michael Mattes, Georg Michael Hyltel, Johannes Cranester, Hans Georg Schmicit, WUhelm Gelsendorf, Johannes LingenfeMter. 116 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 53) Sept. 9, 1738. Palatines, in aU 349, imported in the ship Glasgow, Walter Sterling, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. (Sept. 9, 1738. 349 ^faljcr on ber 3a'^l mit bem ©*tfft ©losgoiB, Sapitain SColter (Sterling, son aiotterbom uber domi. Valentin Krantz, Melchior Clos, Ehrhard Kless, Johannes Zinn,* Philip Jacobs,* Nicolas Mock, Johannes Htippel, Adam Albert, Nicolas Kleh, Debait Guth, Philip Drumm, Daniel Staudt,* Peter Staudt,* Theobald Klee,* Conrad Wolff, Jacob Bernhard, Daniel Corell,* Gottfried Zerfass, Johannes MUler,* Daniel Schneider,* Johannes Dreher, Carl Neumann, Henry Lowrence,* PhUip Gebhart, Peter Koch,* Jacob Mann,* WUhelm Daub,* Jacob Grub, Thomas Schneider sen., Thomas Schneider jr., Johan Adam Schneider, Johan Philip Rihl, Matheis Fenstermacher, WUhelm Fenstermacher, Johan David Diel, Johan Nicklas Fischer,* Johan Nicolas Wolff, Johannes Pontius, Johan Nicolas Rausch, Johan PhUip Heintz, Johan Marx Heintz, Johannes Battelm, Johan Henrich Walter, Johan Bernhard Rauch, Johan Jacob Seibert, WUliam Mombaur,* Christopher Kauffeld, Johan Nicklas Bower,* John Peter Bower,* Conrad Rebman,* Jacob Finstermacher, Johan Greorg MUl,* Henrich Jacob Anspach, Henrich Radebangh,* Sebastian Haupt, Heinrich Bbmmer, Peter Jost, Johannes Jost, Johannes Kuntz, WUhelm Diel, Jost Mitzler, Georg Klein, Jacob Tiel,* Philip Ctmius, KUhan NoU,* Jacob Triess, Stephan Braun, Peter EngeU, Leonhart Greorg,* Anthony Erford,* Johannes Boos, Johannes Berger. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 117 Michael Luteinger,* Michael MuUer,* Peter Daub, Abraham Heintz, Albertius Koch, Michael Maurer, Martin WaU,* Deobalt Weber, Georg Stohler sen.,* Georg Stohler jr.,* Bernhart Stohler, Johan Adam Bbmmer, PhUip Bartholomy, Johan Adam Steyn, Johan Henrich Koller, Johan Peter Oberkehr, Johan Wilhelm Gerhart, Johan Nickel Peck, Johannes Bobenheiser,* Andreas Bobenheiser, Johan Adam Hubert, Johannes Guckes, Johan Nickel Emrich, Johan Nickel Michael, Johan Frid. Michael, Hans Adam Miller,* Johan Dieter Frey, Hans Adam Shade,* Frantz Carl Huyet, Johan Christ. Neuman, Christopher Bernhart,* Frantz Gildner, Thomas Garniger,* Johan Adam Hartman, Heinrich Bernhard,? Mathias Stohler,* Bernhart Dahlheimer. 54) Sept. 9, 1738. f Palatines imported in the snow Two Sisters, James MarshaU, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Forty-one men, thirty women, twenty-three boys and sixteen girls — in all 110. (Sept. 9, 1738.^t 9Kit bem (Seefc^iffe Zmo (Sifters, Somman== bont 3omes 5iJ?arf^all, son IRotterbom iiber Soweg. — Sin unb sierjig iKonner, breipig SBciber, brei unb jtoonjtg ^noben unb fec^jefn gWabc^en— im ©onjen 110, Johannes Dadinger, Hans Wendel Hoff,? Johan WUdermuth, Christophel Schneider, Melchior Schedle, _ Hans Georg Wagner, Dietrich Benedict, Hans Adam Heylman, f This year, 1738, Rev. A. G. Spangenberger, a Moravian, arrived from Georgia in Pennsylvania. Through him the Moravians were made attentive to the conversion of the Indians, having received some ac counts of them through Conrad Weiser. t 3n btefem 3(i^re, 1738, fam fajiot 31. ®. (Spangenberger, ein §errn= buter, son (SJeorgta m^ fennf^ltjanicn. 35ur(b i\)n Wurben bte §errnbutcr betBogen, bet Sefelirung ber Stnbtnner mebr Slufmerffamtett ju f^enfen, ba tbm Sonrab Sffieifer son ibncn crjobU batte. 118 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Wolfgang Braun, Johannes Solder, Jacob Hauser, PhUip Friederich, Andreas Frey,* Leonhart Notz, Henrich Funck, Johannes Johe, Christian Everhart,* PhUip Smit,* Simon Creysmeyer,* Matthias Keyger,* Balthas Bahret, Johannes Merckel, Hans Mich. Reiss, Under sixteen : Hans Georg Greiser,* Hans Martin Halter, Johan Gotlieb Breuninger, Hans Martin Breuninger, Hans Michael Easterly,* Michael Friederich Zeyler, Hans Georg Brendel, Hans Georg Brticker, Johan PhUip Brendel, Johan Henry Rydenstock,* Johan WUhelm Wentzel, Hans Georg Coon,* Johan Wolfgang Unger, Johan Bernhart Reber, -^ Johan Henrich Meyer. Johann WUhelm Simon, Melchior Rucli, Friederich Schupp, Ludwig Holtzhefer, Hans Peterly, Christiaa Schenck, Jacob Dur, Hans Peter Ziegler, Johan Henrich IS Lenhart, Hans Geiger, Hans Michael Kuhn, Andreas Hube^ Christian Schwartz, Hans Jacob Hoffer, Frantz auer, Hans Horst, Georg Friederich, Jacob Frey, Hans Grube, Peter Grube. 55) Sept. 11, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Robert and Oliver, of Dublin, Walter Goodman, Commander, from Rot terdam, last from Dover. — ^320 passengers. (Sept. 11, 1738. ©og (Sti^iff Sdobert unb Dliser son Dublin, Sommonbont SBoltcr ©oobman, son Siotterbam iiber ©oscr, brodjte 320 3)faljer. Caspar Scheck, Lorentz Biesang,? Paulus Baliett, Peter Heydrich, Peter Kister, Alex. Scheffer,* Reinhart Alspach, Jacob Frantz, Matheis Alsbach, Paulus Bufie,* PhUip Herzog, Melchior Kolp, Peter Kolp,* Johannes Fbrch, Peter Seubert, Johannes Rbhrer, Melchior Yand,* Ludwig Boos,* Jacob Bricker,* David Nagle,* Gerhart Henry,* Nicolas Miller, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 119 Gottfried Betzele, Daniel Kliugenschmidt, Christopher Heydrich, Michael Clementz, Johan Peter Phiel,* Johan Paulus Kutz, Johannes Trautmann,* Georg Michael Buch, Johan Adam SchneU,* Johan Gottfiied Rbhrer, Georg Michael Kolb, Johannes Hijntzinger, Hans Mich. Torenberger, Valentin Schultz, Frantz Klingenschmidt, Johan Georg Friederich, Casper Weisgerber, § Johan Jacob Klunt,* Hans Caspar Dortst, Hans Adam Gesler,* Hans Jacob Reyman,* Hans Michael Reyman,* Adam Daniel,* Peter Heyel, Johannes Brown,* Tobias Steuer, Theobalt Schaffer, Theobalt Schaffer jr., Andreas Meyer,* Paulus Mosser,* Johannes Bricker,* Michael MiiUer,* Jacob Dommer,* Johan Shneyder,* Andreas Bader, Hans Martin, Joseph Kensel,* Philip Tofort sen., PhUip Tofort jr., Henrich Shengle,* Conrad Hayt,* Peter Hayt,* Christian Grub, Theobald Fick, Anthony Biehler, Uhich BuUher,* Peter Ruby,* Jacob Beck, Peter Reitenauer, Georg Gottfried, Adam Dick, Joh. Christoph Welterich, Johan Nicolaus Sehneyder, Johan Frid. Sehneyder, Joseph Kentzeljr., Johan Phihp Weiss, Johan Jacob Gugerle, Jacob Koppenheffer,* Leonhart Nachbar,* Johan Nicolas Wolff, Henrich Thomme, Joh. Jacob Schumacher, Johannes Schumacher, Johan Nicklas HoU,* Abraham Holl, Balthaser Reydenauer, Hans Georg Roth, Johan Philip Fehl, Johannes Eskusen,* Peter Eskusen,* {Escoque,) Michael Shumaker;* Stephan Durabercher,* Johannes Schleyfard,* Johan Peter Karch, Johan Adam Graner,? Hans Martin Startzman, Hans Hen. Reitenauer, Christian Stetler, Johan Nicolas Nagle,* Christian XlasseU.* 120 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 56) Sept. 16, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Queen Elizabeth, Alexander Hope, Master, from Rotterdam, last irom Deal, England.— In all 300. Sept. 16, 1738. 300 5)faljer mtt bem (Sti^iffe Duecn SItfa= betb, Sopitoin ^kxanitx ^ope, son atotterbom iiber Scot in Snglanb. WUhelm Brant, Andreas Felsinger,* Andreas Lerch,* Peter Lerch, Johann Lerch, Christian LaubacH, Reinhart Laubach, Johau Ludwig Seipel, Johan Otto Yserloch, Johan Georg Bergman, Johan Bernhard Roth, Hans Otto Schlacher, Georg Casper Schlacher, Johan Jost Schlacher, Johannes Schimmel, Johannes Kunckel,* Caspar Lbrch, Christoph Streter, Nicolas Fege,? Johannes Hetrich, Henrich Koch, Johannes Schmidt, Georg Loroy, Nicolas Winholdt,* Johan Schneider, Paul Geissel, Ernst Scharp, Georg'Scharp,* Ludwig Thomas,* Johannes Strohl, Johannes Bager, Johannes Starr,* Georg Dbrr, Martin Weitzel,* Christoph Ried,* Johannes Stein, Henrich Zeller, Johannes Lbrch, Johaimes Schaffer, Johannes Mbser, Nicholas Hyches,* Bemhail Lintze,* Greorg Scharp,* Isaac Scharp, Theobald Schmidt, Conrad Hergle, Casper Leap sen., Casper Leap jr., Johannes Alt, Carl Nagel, Henrich Wilhelm, Johannes Homan, Conrad MUler, PhUippus Metlh, Casper Scheffer,* Conrad Gbbe, Jacob Ewald,* Johan Geoi^ Schlacher, Johan Henrich Seitz, Johan Henrich SUvius, Johan Siegmund Henle, Johan Adam Shisler, Johan Peter Specht, Johan Henrich Weber, Johan Henrich Koch, Johan Gabriel Vogell, Johan Henrich Schmidt, Johan Peter Schmidt, Johan Carl Reichart,* Johannes Reiffsehneider, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 121 Joh. Con. Reiffsehneider, John Michael Leroy,* Johan Marx SeypeU, Johan Ulerich Sibel,* Johan Georg EUinger, Johan Henrich Weiss, Johan Werner Wetzel, Daniel Eiglebonner,* Johan Conrad Stichel, Heinrich Schleueher, Christian Morietz, Johan Henry Hyches, Johan Henrich Nichter, Johan Martin Schwedener, Johan Georg Kunkel,* Heinrich Weitzel, Ernestus Schlegel, Johan Henrich Grist, Johan He^ry Gabel,* Johan Casper Schreiber,* John Jost Sulsbach, Christian Nudhart,* Conrad Lieppert, Johannes Gunckel, WUhelm Lieppert, Casp. David Dumernicht, Johan Gottwals, Johannes Rister, Nicolaus Schrack, Nicolaus Ziegler.* 57) Sept. 19, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship The Thistle, John WUson, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth, England. — 300 passengers. Sept. 19, 1738. 300 ^faljer ouf bem (Sti^tffe ST^e %i)i^k, 3ot)n SBilfon, S3efc|U:^aber, son SHotterbom iiber 9)l9mout^, Sngl. Daniel Draichler, WUhehn Bischoff, Isaac OmmeU, Valentin Heiss,* Jacob Kener,* Abraham Stetler, Jacob Sligh,* Thomas Reigh,* Johannes Ger§,* Daniel Schneider, Lorentz Gutt, Andreas Neumann, Henrich Becholdt,* Johann KeUer, Jacob Carle, Christian Lutz,* Caspar Lutz, Jacob Cloder, Johannes Hedrigh,* Johannes Cron, Jacob Meyer, Elias Zbller, Michael Thiol,* Michael Friess, Johannes Friess,* Martin Grimm, Johannes Krimm, Jost Freueller, Johannes Cbn,* Bernhart Smith,* Melchior Smith,* Conrad Rtihmle, Christian Letter, Paul Shiffer sen., Bernhart Shiffer, Paulus Shiffer jr., PhUip Kuhn,* Valentin Wildt, 11 122 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Bender, Christian BrechbtiU, Johannes Schligter, Christian Stettler, Peter Habacker,* Henrich Brighti)ill,* Georg Elias Amendt,? Peter Fonderburgh,* Valentin Fonderburgh,* Johan Adam Schneider, Joseph Keller,* Johan Georg Lotz, Johannes WeinmtiUer, Jost Birckenstock, Georg Michael Grotz,* Johan Leonhart MtiUer, Hans Georg Mayer, Joh. Jacob Schuhmann, Conrad WeymUler, Andreas Mendung,? Johan Simon Friess, Caspar Ktihner, Hans Martin BiUer,* .Hans Jacob Pfarr,* Hans Adam Leidy,* Michael Underkoffer, Martin Mansperger, Johan Herman Schaffer, Joh. Hen. Riemenschneider, Henry Bartholom. Shaffer, John Rudolph Auchenbach,* Michael Hubach, Andreas Hannewalt, Johan Ludwig Mtiller, Johan Conrad Ziegler, Johan Peter Schneider, Nicolaus Freitag, Elias Nicolas Bender, Jacob Nicolas Bender,* Johan PhUip Schmeltzer, Dietrich Six,* Johan Frank, Georg Gtinther, Peter Giinther, Wendel Lentz, Johannes Wiest, Hans Meyer, Ulrich Segen,? Johann Rudolph, Jacob KaUaday,* Georg Mattheis Weller, Jacob Hubach, Michael Strobel, Hans Schmauss,? Joh. Mich. Geissehnann. 58) Sept. 20, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Nancy and Friendship, WUliam Wallace, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Dover. — Eighty-seven males above sixteen, and one hundred women and chUdren — in all 187. Sept. 20, 1738. 5)fofjer ouf bem (Srf)iffe SfJonc? unb gvtcnl)» fbip, SBefebl^bober S3m. ffiolloce, son fRottcrbom uber Doscr.— (Sieben unb o^tjtg SUonner uber fecbjc^n 3al^re, unb ein :^tinbcrt aCeiber unb ,Sinber— im ©anjcn 187. Johan Btibinger, Michael Karcher, Jacob Rosfc,* Johannes Kulm, Stephan Glaser, Lorentz Debong,* AND OTHER IMMIGBANTS — 1738. 123 Johannes Negele, Adam Krebs,* PhUip Stover, Heinrich Seibel, Adam Pence,* Jacob WaUrecht, Jacob Vollmer, Jacob Fulmer,* Tobias Dittis, Jacob Zorn, Michael Hubrich, Jean Granget, Casper Messner,* Leopold Jost, Georg MtiUer, Paulus Hime,* Jacob Hime,* Jacob Stamler, Jean Jurdan, Jacob Durie,* Nicolas Strauss, Jean Gausfres, Johan Wendel Braun, Valentin SchaUer, Hans Georg Becher, Theobald Klinger, Johannes Hannecker, Abraham Ecker, Johannes Schreiber, Hans Peter Rausenberger,* Christian Meyer,* Theobald Sterner,* Hans Georg Buch, Johannes Schwartzwelder, Johannes Schaller, Hans Jacob Huber, Michael Messner,* Bartholomaus Bach, Hans Adam Bach, Hans Georg Hartman,* Johannes Schwanner, Hans Georg Mahler,* Johannes Stinglie,* Friederich Pfunder, Bernhart Matz, Hans Michael Braiich, Valentin Pence,* Christopher Weiss, Valentin Reintzel, Abraham Wendel, Adam Ritter, Peter Lauoks,* PhUip Sowber,* Jacob Schup,* Georg Kern,* Bernard Ege,* Jacob Ege, Friederich Karle, Sebastian Neas,* Henrich Hermes, Vite Bechtoldt, Jacob Wagner, Lorentz Hautz,* Marx Schmidt, Friederich Heyly,* Martin Speck, Christian Jung, Johannes Freyling,* Georg Michael Boret,* Joh. Georg Kauffman, Eberhard DroUinger, Joh. Ad. Schwartzwalder, Christoph Wendel Jacoby, Johan Michel Ege, Adam DroUinger, Georg Daniel Henner,* Johannes Langle, Johannes Gensemer, Johannes Friederich,* Joh. Martin Karcher, Dan. Friederich Reinetz,? Hans Georg Baueh,* Hans Georg Kbnig. 124 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 59) Sept. 20, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Nancy, Henry Beach, Commander, fi-om Rotterdam, last from Doverfc- 150 passengers. ©ept. 20, 1738. 150 g)faljer auf bem ©i^tffe gtonc?, Sefc|= tigenber ^enr? Scat^, son IRotterbam itber 3Doscr. Johannes Brientz, Johannes Baltzer, Jacob Lassall,* Michael Jacob, Henry Meyer,* Michael SchoU sen., Michael SchoU jr.,* Christoph Meyer, Henrich Kemper, Jacob Meyer, Johann Meyer,* Nicolas Onas,* Joseph Meyer,* Matheus Leazer,* Johannes RoUen,* Jacob Reese,* PhUip Haimes, PhUip Trap,* Peter Meesmer,* Jacob Klatz, Casper Mantz, Johan Peter Lautermann, Caspar Hoffmann, Christian Bergman, Johannes Betschler, Antonius Engelbret, Johannes Ehrholt, Ernst Hausknecht, Nicholas Robertus,* Ulrich Sheydecker,* Georg Michael Roth, Johannes Memminger,* Frantz Ackermann, Hans Michael Meyer,* Martin Peter Meyer,* Martin Springenklee, Wilhehn Karst, Joh. PhUip Bensch, Joh. Dieterich Hesselbeck,* Jacob PaveUeats,* Johannes Kastinitz,* . Jacob CEsterlin, Jacob Barth, Johannes Bosch, Johannes Hass, Melchior Bellman,* Michael Kemperle. 60) Oct. 12, 1738. Palatines imported in the snow Fox, Chas, Ware, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. — 95 passengers. Dct. 12, 1738. 95 9)foljer ouf bem (Seefc^iffe Sor, 33cfel)n3Ctt» ber S|arleS SGore, son kotterbam uber 5)l9mout^. Michael Grtin, Martin Rein,* Jacob Balmer, Peter Hesterman,* Adam Heisser, Bastian Felte, Adam Ullrich, Michael Krieger,* Philip Hess, Jacob Stieger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1738. 125 Hans Georg Zimerly, Johannes Goldenberger,* Hans Georg Frey,* Jacob Hoffman,* Christian Hohlmann, Philip Jacob Bub, Christopher Bub, Christian Kauff, Ulrich Hubster,* Hans Georg Fetter. Adam Ulmer,* Thomas Reusch,? Johannes Asper,* Michael Potz,* Martin Cindy,* Hans Diebalt Drog, Georg Michael Balmer, Joachim Stbber, Hans Martin Rein, Hans Georg Wtist, Hans Georg Pauth, 61) Oct. 25, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Davy, Wm. Fatten, Commander, from Amsterdam, last from Cowes. — 180 passengers. Dct. 25, 1738. 180 ^Jfoljer ouf bem (St^lffe Dos?, Sommon= bant 5Bittiam Cotton, son Slmflcrbom uber Sotscg. Johan Adam Schreyack,* Johannes Halftzmer, ? Johan Mattheis Scherer, Johan Casper Stein,* Johan Philip Wickert, Johan Henry Fleck,* Johan Henrich Scherer, Johan Friederich Stembel, Johan Valentin Fliegel,* Johan Georg Bickes, . Georg Lutz,* Jacob Schram,* Joh. Geo. Krebs, Joh. Bert. Sender,? Georg Schram,* Hans Michael TiUshbffer,* Hans Jacob Schmuck,* Johan Andreas Kauffman, Johan Nicolas Kienser,* Johan Jacob Herbert. Nicolas Hoffener, Andreas Born,* Valentin Alt, Valentin Nicklaus,* Christian Schmidt, Conrad. Waldman,* Simon Lamport, Uhrich Reichart,* Georg Stoltz, Han Adam Jbk,* Baltzer Lamport, Hans Timmer,* Michael Lange,* Jacob Hoffman,* Gottfried Braun, Johan Stephen Rausch,* Johan Jacob Kintzer, Johan Nicolas Theiss, Joh. Wendel Seibert, Johan Friederick Bartz, 62) Oct. 27, 1738. Palatines imported in the ship Saint Andrew, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 300 passengers. 126 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Dct. 27, 1738. 3luf bem ©li^iffe ®t. 3lnbrei», Sopitain 5'f§wfl 3)ipon, son Sonbon. Felix Lang, Henry Ortley,* John Long,* Jacob Bantz,* Henry Long,* Caspar Widter, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1739. 131 Mgrcus Koch,* Jacob Koch,* Martin Koch,* Peter Thomas, Michael Meyer,* Georg Hans Pfiester, Georg Henrich Pfiester, Johannes Gassmann, John Georg Albert,* Christopher Koch,* Michael Sautter, Johannes Thomas, Burghart Weaver,* Christopher Bader,* Jacob Dispionit. 68) Feb. 7, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Jamaica Galley, Robert Harrison, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 320 passengers. gcb. 7, 1739. 320 f foljer auf bem ©c^iffe 3amatca ©oUe?, Sefc|tgiaber Robert J^orrifon, son Slotterbom iiber Sotseg. Jacob Mtiller, Hans Eppli, Henrich Hauser, Casper Mayer,* Peter Huber, Henrich Mtiller, Lenhart Ftirer, Henry Galler,* Conrad Ackert,* Heinrich Ackert, Henry Better, Ulrich Schr&idt,* Jacob Fehr, Hans Conrad Rbsli, Johannes Wittersinn, Henrich Hostman, Hans Henry Angst,* Joachim Hanslay, Rudolph Baumer,* Hans Henrich Sommer, Hans Michael Schwinck, Christopher MiiUer, Adam Schwinck, Rudolph Decker, Conrad Bauchler,* Andreas Nabniger,* Jacob Schwarber,* Hans Moog,* Casper Freneir,* Jacob Kuntz, Hans Meier, Jacob Meyer, Hans Ntisli, Jacob Hina,* Henrich Otto, Henry Glattly sen.,* Henry Glattly jr., Felix Bossert,* Jacob Bossert,* Henry Meyer,* Felix Schutz,* ' Rudolph Schutz, Lawrence Rieger,* Henry Stally,* Henry Rokoop,* Bernard Riga,* Johannes Trenner,* Rudolph Kamp,* Johannes Soheibley,* Felix Leinbaker,* Henry Leinbaker,* Hans Zolinger,* 132 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Dunkel,* Jacob Meyer,* Felix Clatley,* Henrich Gantz, Hans Anard,* Henry Scheibly,* Henry Brunder,* Rudolph Shutz, Henrich Schellenberg, Jacob Hopman,* Hans Jacob Hopman,* Felix Bachman,* Georg Brunder,* Christoph Weiciman, Jacob Bucher,* Hemrich Bachman, Ulrich Swartzenberg,* Johannes Boshart, Hans Uhich Hoffman, Jacob Baumann, Hans Jac. Baumann, Melchior Dunck,? Ulrich Baninger, Hans Bachman,* Henry Overholtz,* Hans Jacob Baninger, Hans Ulrich Naff, Hans Ulrich Meyer,* Hans Jacob Schaub, Heinrich Dtinck, Hans Jacob Kem, Heinrich Kremer, Ulrich Ntissli, Jacob Nargang,* Henry Wert,* Casper Wideman,* Fehx Frankfelder.* 69) Aug. 27, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Samuel, Hugh Percy, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal.— 340 passengers. Slug. 27, 1739. 340 9)faljer im (StJ^iffe (Samuel, Sefcblgbobcr ^ug:^ 3)erc9, son gflottcrbam iiber Deal. ' Johannes Fischer,* Caspar Meth, Johannes Meth, Henrich Thorwarte, Michael Adam, Peter Rule,* Jean Daniel Ronton, Johannes BraunmiUer,* Michael Schmbhl, Johan Leonhart Hortung, Johannes Sehneyder, Johan Georg Bartmann, Peter Welschans, Georg Freeman,* Matheis Claus,* Peter Steinman,* Conrad Hausman,* Frederick Gerhard,* William Gerhard,* Peter Grab,* Georg Sneyder.* Johan Lamenick,? Daniel Kockart,* Peter Moor,* Ludwig Geib,* Jacob Fuchs, Sebastian Doll,* Christian Seyfert, Philip Lentz, Johannes Beyer, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1739. 133 Paul Michael,* Michael Hahn,* Johannes Hahn, Michael Simon, Simon Geres, Peter Schbffer, Adam Becker, Michael MUler, Michael Baur,* Lorentz Minich, Abraham Faust, Jacob Reiss, PhUip Hirsch, Jacob Wolff, Michael MiUer,* Chiistian Schug, Peter SchoU, Otto Riedy, Simon Drom, Peter Nickom,* Frederick Nickom,* Daniel Burger, Paul Samsel, Nicolas Kniesel,* Peter Mombauer,* John Michael Bartmann, Johan Matheis Bartman, Johan Georg Heyer, Johan Lorentz HanseU, Johannes Ermentraudt, Johan Philip Ermentraudt, Joh. Fried. Ermentraudt, Johan Peter Dressier, Joh. Daniel Crab, Johannes Bischoff, Hans Adam Diehl, Johan Daniel Diehl, Carl Adam Diehl, » Joh. Adam Schneider, Peter Schwenck, Abraham Hendrick,* John Nicolas Hendrick,* Johan Georg Nickel, Joh. Christ. Zimmerman, Joh. Henrich Ehrhard,* David Lautenbach,* Sebastian Guckert, Joh. Adam Klein,* Christian Schbpffer sen., Christian Schbpffer jr., Philip Jacob ScheU, Johan Henrich Freys, Johan Peter Priem, Johan Philip Serfass, Johan Peter Stuber, Johan Georg Schauss, Abraham Schreiner, Johan Christopher Ruth, Johan Georg Faust,* Johan Adam MuUer, Johan Friederich Gabel, Johan PhUip Gabel, Johan Jacob Kockert, Michael Mombauer,* Joh. Nicolas Mombauer,* Johan Jacob Riedy, John Peter Riedy,* Michael Helffenstein, Casper DoU,* Christopher DoU,* Joseph Bederie,* Joh. Bern. Bederie, Johan Philip Klein,* Joh. Adam Gottwals, Abraham Solomon,* John Nicolas Bach.* 70) Aug. 27, 1739. Palatines imported in the snow Betsy, Richard Buden, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal.— 190 passeneers. 12 134 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Slug. 27, 1739. 190 ?>faljcr mit bem (Seeft^tffe S5etf9, Som^^ monbottt atit^^orb Suben, son Sflotterbam iiber 5DeaI. Nicklaus Leinberger, Daniel Dalwig, Johannes Ktiner,? Martin Adam, Caspar Herde, Martin Barth, Peter Blaser,* Friederich Seitz,* Johannes Martin,* Georg Becker,* Jacob Berkel,* Conrad Becker, Valentin Becker, Valentin Ertel, Andreas Weldi,* Martin Haag, Conrad Graff, Jonas Klein, Matheis Hertsel,* Johannes Koch, Frantz Weichel,* Jacob Guth,* Jacob Lantz, Johannes Back, Jacob Ernst, Henrich Strickert, Michael Becker, Conrad Unbehand,* Martin Hoch,* Jacob Allen, Hans Jacob Geiger, Sebastian Unberhent,* Joh. Melchior Kiener, Johan Georg Scherer, Johann Peter Hoffman, Christian Rodenbach, Hans Michael Ernst, Hans Jacob Maron, Gerh. Henrich Schutz,* Geo. WUhelm Hbcker, Johan Daniel (Esterlen, Johan Daniel Midler, Johan Hasselwanger,* Johan Peter Meyer,* Georg Daniel SchaU,* Johannes Reinhardt, Johan Michael Roth, John Henrich MiUer,* Andreas Engelhard, Friederich Ehrenfeichter, ? Joh. Gottfried Straube, Pierre Aubertien, Conrad Hackensmitt, Greorg Friederich Schaffer,* Jacob Unbehand,* Valentin Unbehand,* Hans. Martin Bar,* Johannes Weibell, Nicklas Leyberger.* 71) Sept. 3, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Robert and Alice, Walter Goodman, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — Seventy-eight men, fifty-seven^women and eighty- eight children — in all 213. Sept. 8, 1739. f faljer fomen ouf bem Sc^tffe Sflobert unb Sttice, Sefel^ligenber aSalter ©oobmon, son Slotterbam itbct AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS— 1739. 135 J)cal.— Slti^t unb fiebenjig SiJlanncr, fteben unb fiinfjig grouen. unb oc^t unb oti^tjig ^inber — im ©anjen 213. r,/ Hans Schantz, Peter Riesser, Jost Ebersohl, Michael Hahn, Jost Diehl, Carl SchaUin, Henrich Steiner, Johannes Steiner, Jacob Steiner, Caspar Shever,* Hans MtiUer, Samuel Brant,* Jost Brant,* Peter Bieber,' David Schaffer, Jacob Stambach,* Jacob Smith,* David MUler,* Jacob Zerchert,* Matthis Obolt,* Hans Schauta,* Georg Honi, Nicklas Honi,* Jacob Burgher,* PhUip Burgher,* Bernhart Yauser,* Benedict Lesseir,* Christian Treit,* Theobald Cleiver,* Nicklas Fisher,* Christian Klein,* Lorentz Braa, / Lorentz Biever,* V Bastian Klein,* Jacob Gerry,* Theobald Correl,* Johannes Mtiller, Benedict Bisser, Nicklas Lieser,* Christian Hirschi, Hans Jacob Schneider,* Nicolaus EUenberger, Frantz Leyenberger, Hans Jacob Reiff,* Joh. Martin Hoffmann, Johannes Hoffmann, Johan Peter Hoffmann, Christopher BolUnger, Johannes Baumann, Hans Michael Reitenauer, Johan Martin Bbhlfer, Johannes Havecker,* Joseph Kubhold,* Abraham Bbchtel, Christopher Hovell,* Johannes Votrin, Johannes Beihn, ? Peter Hoffmann, Daniel Hoffmann, Johan Peter Volck, Abraham Welshans,* Samuel Helburgher,* Henry Bambergher sen.,* Henry Bambergher jr.,* Christian Erhart,* Christian EUenberger, Hans Peter Treit,* Albrecht Vonderlind, PhUip Martzloff, Adam Wilhelm,* Simon Mendinger,* Hans Adam Geri, Joseph Welschhans, Hans Mich. Diebolt, Hans Peter Gemberlin, Hans Mich. Diebolt,* Hans Michael Leiser, Johannes Ebersohl. 136 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 72) Sept. 3, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Friend ship, WUliam Vittery, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — 150 passengers. ®ept. 3, 1739. Stuf bem (Sti^iffe grienbfl^ip, Sommonbont SBilliom SSitter^, son SHotterbam iiber Deal, lamen 150^foIjcr. Johannes Mayer, Egidi Mayer, Michael Kraus,* Michael Blatner, Nicklas Schwartz,* Andreas Hack, Jacob Franck, Jacob Ktibortz, Justinus Hoffman, Stephan Lasch, Johannes Wolfart, Conrad Florans,* Martin Beniger,* Jacob Loch, Johannes Loch, Johannes Nicol, Martin Leid,* Jacob Fame, Henrich UUerich, Frantz Brossman, Michael Trolers, Veit Miller, Henrich Heyl, Conrad Schwartz, Leonhart Florer,* Lorentz Fridtel, Ludwig Hevener,* Johannes Werner, WUhelm Werner, Martin Jack,* Johan Philip Hlig, Balthassar Hissong,* Georg Jacob Burchert, Georg Ernst Btihler, Daniel Reinhart,* Joh. Michael Laub, Johan Jacob Franck, Georg Michel Bender,* Hans Peter Adich, Johan Conrad Engel, Anthony Fischbach, ? PhUip Stambach, Georg Michael Wolf,* Johan Conrad Wolf,* Gottfried Christian, Hans Peter MtiUer, Peter Zimmerman, Christian Ehrgott, Georg Henry Hensell,* PhUip Christoph Werner, Georg Thomas Heyl, Hans Thomas Heyl,* Bernhart Herbolt, Johan Henrich Rump, Johan Veit Bachler,* Henry Bleistein,* Johan Conrad Phihpin,* Hans Ad. Haushalder,* Joh. Nicolas Mauerer, Henry Bleistein. § 73) Sept. 3, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Loyal Judith, Edward Painter, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — 315 passengers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1739. 137 Sept. 3,1739. 315 bant Sbtsorb ^Jointer, Henrich Keffer, Gottfried Mang, John Xjeorg Shup, Bartholomse leserding, Johannes BoUmar, Carl Heiser,* Erasmus Frantz,* Johannes Frantz,* Bastian Albert, WUliam Albert,* Peter Martger,* Nicklas Weighel, Nicklas SchUd,* Johannes Bebertz,* David Fortney,* Jost Liesser, ^cob Hough,* Valentin Shey,* Peter Kern, Martin Sebelie, Nicklas SmaU,* Christian Rohrbach, Jacob Rohrbach, Bernhart Warth, Matheas Reemer,* Nicholas Reemer, Peter Becker, Jacob Kbnig, Ludwig Danney,* PhUip Denigh,* Christian Htitter, Henry Bough,* Johannes Rupperter, Sebastian Jacoby, Henrich Wolffram, Peter Bucher, Bartel Bucher, Carl SchoU,* Georg Laub, ^foljer mit ber 2o9al 3ubitl), Sommon* son Sflottcrbom iiber Deot. Tobias Weber, Ludwig Mans,* David Weisser, PhUip Riss, Abraham Staudt, Mathias Felden,* Martin Schaffner, Georg Michael Iserding, Johan Georg Ramseyer, Johan Nickel BoUmar, John Peter Lauch,* Joh. Philip Schneider, Hans Nickel Klein, Johan Frantz Albert, Haus Adam Teetze,* Hans Adam Haledii, Johan Christoph Frantz, Johan Nicklas Shild,* Johan Georg Threer,* Johan Peter Wolff,. Johan Nickel DoU, Johan Peter Hauch, Caspar Leydacker,* Johan Georg Burghart,* John Adam Small,* Henry Adam Klein,* Joh. Nicolas Schatteau, Johan Henrich Kohde, Johan Carl Hey, Johan Adam Reemer, * Johan Adam Tanny, Phihp Hasselberger, Johan Jacob Tanny, Johan Nickel Kleh, Hans Adam Wolffrum, Hans Peter Bouger,* Philip Burghart,* John Jacob Stulil, Adam Schiedenhelm, 12* 138 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johann Carl Geres, Henry Handwerck,* Johan Nickel Glesser, Nicklaus Hantwerck, Christopher Schmidt, Johann Dehlbauer, Nicklas Rodenburger, Georg WUliam Thur,* Johan Georg Staudt, Hans Jacob Madbri. Note. — On the 26th of December, 1738, a ship of 300 tons was cast away on Block Island. ¦[• This ship sailed from Rotterdam in Angust, 1738, last from Cowes, England. John Wanton, the Governor of Rhode Island, sent Mr. Peter Bouse and others from Newport to Block Island, to see how matters were. On the 19th of January, 1739, these re turned to Newport, R. I., reporting that the ship was commanded by Captain Geo. Long, that he died on the inward passage, and that the mate then took charge of the ship which had sailed from Rotterdam with 400 Palatines, destined for Philadelphia, that an exceedingly malignant fever and flux had prevailed among them, only 105 landing at Block Island, and that by death the number had been reduced to 90. The chief reason alleged for this great mortality was the bad con dition of the water taken in at Rotterdam. It was filled in casks that before had contained white and red wine. The greater part of the goods of the Palatines was lost. — Penn. Gazette, Fti>. 8, 1739. Slum erf ung.— Sim 26. S)ccembcr 1738 fijicitertc etn ©(^tjf son 300 SEonncn ©cbalt on SBIoiI 3«lonb. t £!icfe8 (Sd^iff fcgelte im Slugujl ttoit l^otteciiam itber SotDC^ in (Snglanb. 3obn SBanton, ©cutjerneur emt Kbobe 3*tanb, fanbte |)crrn 5)ctct Soufe unb onbere son SfctDpcrt ttai^ ©iDcf 3^Innb, um ben 3«fta«b ber Singe ju erfabren. Sim 19. Sunuot 1739 fcbrten biefe ttac^ SleiDport, 3i. 3-, ^uriiif unb berid^tctcn, ba§ 6(t= pitttin ®corg Song, ber iai (gi^tff bcfe^ltgte, auf bet ©ctfa^rt gejlotbeit fei unb bann ber ®teuermann bie S^eitung iti Si^iffe^ iibcinommen liaie, xotXijti son SRottetbam mtt 400 5)f(iljern abgcfal^ren unb nai) JSbi'ibflpl'o befiimmt getBcfen fei ; bag etn fcbr f^Iimmeg gieber unb Stubr untet ilnen gcberrfCjit bobc; bag nur 105 auf Slot! S^Ianb lonbeten unb bug bet Sob o«^ biefe ouf 90 setminbert babe. Die $oupturfo4ie iti %\tUxi loitt mon in bem fc^Ied^ten 2Ba(fer finben, bog in 9totterbam gtfa§t unb in Sflffern, bie jusor rotben unb wetgcn SBein entbteltcn, nufbewobrt lootben tt)(tr. i)te meiflcn ®iitcr bet 9)falser gingen Bctloren, — JJcnnf. ®(i}ette, 8. Seb. 1739. 74) Dec. 11, 1739. Palatines imported in the ship Lydia, James Allen, Commander, fi-om London. — 75 passengers. f Bloclc Island lies in the Atlantic, south of the Stats.of Rhode Isiand. It Ib eight miles in length and fh)m two to four miles in breadth. It constitutes the township of New Shoroham, Newport Co., E. I. There are no forests, the only fuel is peat— i.d.b. + mai 3«taiib Ilejt tm atI«nHf4ett Oceon, fubtl^ »™ ©taate TOcbe 3«Iaiii'. 3)ii8- fttbe tft o^t aneilcn long unb eonjmel tis vjier STlellcn treit, unb bitbet b«S StoBniSip m ©tote^am, SRerotiott St., 81. 3. €t f|l t«aIbIo«, bit (Siimutner Jrcnnen Serf.— (3.B.8iO AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1740. 139 Dec. 11, 1739. 75 9)fdl3er famen mit t>em(5(^iffeS9iiia,Som=' manbant 3ameg ^tttcn, »on Sonton an. Ludwig Frick,* Johannes Frick,* Andreas Krug,* Ulrich Steiner, Henry Seetz,* Henry Seetz jr.,* Rudolph Bar, Henry Grob,* Caspar Frick,* Hans Bar, Heimich Bar, Hans Jacob Hauser, Hans Jacob Free,* Hans Jacob Grop,* Johannes Schleiffer, Johannes Weber,* Henrich Hobert,* Johannes Kagie,* Hans Ulerich Weber,* Johannes Reittenaur sen.,* Johannes Reittenaur jr.,* Joh. Conrad Fromm. 75) Sept. 23, 1740. Palatines and Switzers imported in the ship Friendship, WUham Vittery, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 120 passengers. ©ept. 23, 1740. 120 f faljer unb ©tJ^toeijcr auf bem ®^ife fjrienbf^i)), Eommanbant SBilliam SSitter?, son JRotterbam iiber Soweg. Johan Christy, Johann Mann, Johannes Kapp, Moritz MUhaus,* Bast. Schaub, Wittus Hartweg, Jacob Liibrick, Martin Schaup,* Heinrich Woher, Henrich Brobeck,* Gottlieb Briegner, Hans Frey,* Martin Banff,* Johannes Stiss, Lenhart Witz, Heinrich* Feger, Jacob Dagen, Derst Tschopp, Jacob Hensi,* Friederich Grieger, Friederich Gerahn, Andreas Eschenbach, Johan Thomas Reinhard, Rudolph Kurntglein, Hermanns Heffeling, Ludwig Wessinger,* Nicolaus Braubeck, Nicklaus Steinhauer, Jacob Steinhauer, Johannes Seller,* Heinrich Spohnhauer, Hans Georg Schneider,* Henrich Unkenbacher, Hans Jacob Fetterley,? Hans Slebacher,* Jacob Slebacher,* Georg Anastasius Bern, Hans Lebemith, Marx Hufrefege. ? 140 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 76) Sept. 27, 1740. Palatines imported in the ship Lydia, James Allen, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Dover.-r- In aU 180. ©et>t. 27, 1740. 180 Dfaljer mit bem (Sd^iffe S^bta, Scm» manbant 3ame3 ^Uen, son Stottcrbam iiber 2)o»er. Simon Hirsch,* Christian Weber,* Christian Holenberger,* Arnold Schneider,* Nicklas Couwald, Johannes WU. Beck, Johannes Arnold,* Christian Coos, Peter Altonius,* Phihp Fritz,* Jacob Keyser,* Henry Keyser,* Michael Eichhart, Jo?t Lang, Matheis Kaffer,* PhUip Petry,* PhUip Tiihnan, Daniel Schneider,* Daniel Lucas,* Christoph Geist, Matthias Fuchs, Wilhelm Lang,* . Johann Ditrich,* Johan Teis, Johannes Kichler, Arnold Schuman,* Caspar Wirth,* Nicklas Beyer,* Peter Lorentz,* Peter l^amm,* Henrich Reussen, Johan Georg Crassmann, Johan Georg Lohss, John Georg Torenberger,* Johan Herman Lehr,* Johan Jacob HoUenberger, Johan Jost Presen, Johan WUhelm Folberg,* Johan Henry Beck,* Johan Jaeob Beck,* Johan Henrich Tiewes, Christian Shwaigermeyer,* Peter Henry Shook,* Johan Michael Jacks,* Johan Nickel Beckeles, Johan Fried. Althoniuss, Johan Adam Fritz,* Ludwig Hartenstein, JohSn Peter Loie, Johan Georg Brosius, Christopher Fuchs, Valentin Pracht,* Elias Gottlieb Stein, Johannes Berckhyser,* Johann Gerhart Schneider, Johann Adam Schneider,* Johan Peter Schuman,* Wilhelm Heldebrand,* Johannes Kagelberger,* Johann Simon Denner, Abraham Kirchhoff, Johaim Jost Plohger. 77) Sept. 30, 1740. Palatines imported in the ship Samuel and Elizabeth, William Chilton, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal, England, — In aU 206. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1740. 141 (Sept. 30, 1740. 206 glifabctb, Sommanbant Deal, Snglanb. Frantz Epgardt, Johannes Schnog, Peter Berger, Johannes Hoffman, Joh. Peter Anders, Paul Diinschman, Johan Christ KraffeUer, Johannes Theis Fiser,* Johan Christ. Schmidt, Johan Christ. Frantz, Johan Jacob Fischer, Christ. Peter Fischer,* Martin Schmidt, PhiUp Bosser,* Christian Kirbach, Georg WUhelm, Friederich Lbhner, J. Adam Luckenbach, Joh. Georg Rorioh, Joh. Ernst Rorich, Joh. Moritz Kohn,* Herman Betzer,* Johannes Hadom, Henricius Schneider, Jost Kremer, Theis Schneider, .Conrad Hirsch,* Thomas Schneider, ^\a^n auf bem (©c^tfe (Samuel unb SBiUtam Stilton, son SRottevbam iiber Joh. Peter Schneider, Joh. Henry Arth,? Johannes Wergraf, Christian Schumacher, Johan Wilhelm Klein, Carl Jacob Weymer, Johan Adam Meyer,* Johan Adam Schneider, Johan Adam MiiUer, George WUhelm Kirbach,* Johan Friedrich Schneider, Johannes Brandenbiirg, Johan Hubfecht Dimott,* Joh. Henrich Luckenbach, Johan Simon Erlegner, Johan Georg EUer, Joh. Gerhart Luckenbach, Joh. Adam Hammacher, Joh. Hubrecht Hammacher, Johan Peter Schreiner, Johann Theis Midler, Johan Adam Bender,* Joh. Peter Shoemaker,* Joh. Peter \Harhaussen,* Johan Adam Rorich, Johan Bertram Klein, Johan Simon Htiller,* Hans Henry MiiUer.* 78) Nov. 25, 1740. Palatines imported in the ship Loyal Judith, LoveU Paynter, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. — 265 passengers. i«o». 25, 1740. 265 ^Jfaljcr famen mit bem (Si^iffc Soisiat 3ubit^, Sommanbant Coscll 5>a9nter, son Slottcrbam uber 2)eal. Anthony KeUer,* Wilhelm Saur,* Christian Brentzer, Henry Thielbon,* 142 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Andreas Beck, Conrad Schneider, Georg Viantt, Jacob Kichler, Simon Wehr, Lenhart Gerhart, WUhelm Ohl, Johann Wolff, Henry Wagner,* Friederich Becker,* Peter Sheetz, John Henry Legire,* Johan Wilhelm Oster, Johan Abraham Haas, Johan Jacob Theobalth, Andreas Refschneider, Wilhelm Jost Becker, Johan Baltzer Hoffmann, Johan Nicolas ZoU, Justus Lindeman, Henrich Lindeman, Johannes KeUman, Wilhelm Schmidt sen., WUhelm Schmidt jr., Johannes Schinidt, Valentin Schneider, Jacob Lindeman, Heinrich Brem, Jacob Breem,* Valentin Krimm,* Jacob Krimm,* Ulrich Hartman, George Conrad,* Adam Maurer,* Conrad Wishong,* Peter Becker, Carle Gro, Johannes Werbel, Mathias Schmidt, Peter Grauel,* Conrad Schmidt, Johannes Adam, Johannes Wagner, Frantz Jost, Caspar Boner, Andreas Schmidt, Johannes Diehl, PhUip Kauff, Johannes Ley, Jacob Wolff, Johannes Becht, Johannes Frantz, Conrad Schney, Phihp Wishong, Jean Gkmty, Peter SeU,* Johan Jacob Koch,* Johan Georg Schneider, Johan Nicolas Brbder, Johan Friedrich Engel, Johan WUhelm Betz, Johan Dieterich Becker, Johan Bernhard See, Johan Abraham BoUenbacher Johan Nicolas Fey,* Johan Ulrich Scheier, Johan Jacob Schertel, Johannes MiiUer, Johann Michael Busch, Johan Peter Diehl, Johan Peter Mohr, Herman Heyman, Johan Friederich Loritz, Friederich WUhelm Nagel, Joh. Georg Gottschalck,* Isaac Dieterich, .^ Johan Peter Wolff, Johann Georg Epple, Johan Georg Meier, Johan Wilhehn Esich, Johan Nicklas Haubt, Johan Peter Hans, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1740. 143 Johan George Esling,* Johan Peter MiiUer, Joh. Georg Seyter, Jacob SeU.* 79) Dec. 3, 1740. Palatines iinported in the ship Robert and Alice, Walter Goodman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 185 passengers. ©ec. 3, 1740. 185 f faljer famen mit bem ©t^iffe SHobcrt unb Stltce, Sapttoin SGolter ©oobman, son 3lotterbam uber SomeS.. Johannes Seydel,* Johann Bader,* George Zohnleyter,* Andreas HoUer, Andreas Sheyb,* Henry Steiner, Frederick Hanet,* Philip Balthaser Crossman, Johan Henrich Crossman, Johan Wilhelm StadeUmaner, Johan Georg Kramer, Christian Anderbach, Hans Michel Holschuh, Johan Jacob Radge, Johannes Brein, Peter Reppert,* Christoph Magel,* Daniel North,* Blastius Bear,* Antoni Feltman, Joseph Walther, Johannes Vogel,* Andreas Bentz, Johannes BtickeU, Johannes Gottlieb, Henrich Gottlieb,* Eubert Rembracht,* A. Kurtz, Henry Hanroth,* PhUip Sh'amele,* Jacob Becker,* Jacob Cress,* Jacob Barthel, Johannes Bruch, Peter Grantzer,* Joh. Caspar CEther, Hans Theobald Grim,* Johan Jacob Diemer, Johan Henrich Neuman, Johann George Schmit,* Johan Adam Gass, Johan Jost Hensel, Joh. WUhelm Volprecht, Joh. Friederich Fichthelm, Hans Jacob Green,* Johan George Smitt,* Johann Jacob Zimmerman, Johan PhUip Heileger, Geo. Michael Lingeveldt,* WUhelm Moritz Vitel, Johann Georg Rauch, Johan Melchior Hangerer, Christoffel Hillebrandt, George Philip Cress,* Conrad Schweighauser, Hans Martin Conrad,* Johan Christoph Beserer, Johan Nicklaus Hippel, Johan Peter Sebolt. 144 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 80) Dec. 3, 1740. Palatines imported in the ship. Samuel, Hugh Percy, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Deal.— 175 passengers. 2)ec. 3, 1740. 175 ^Jfoljer famen mit bem (Scbiffe ©amucl, Sapitain ^uq\) ^crc?, son 3lotterbam- iiber Deal. Johan Nickel Schmidt, Johannes Stool,* Gottfiied Walter,* Georg Schwingel, Johan Nicolas Zerfess, Parthal Ostennan,* Thomas Domer, Nicklas Gruber,* PhUip Leaber,* Jacob Fuchs,* Georg Maus, Andreas MUler, PhUip Kreher, Henrich Kreher, Bastian Vey,* Joh. Peter Werner,* Peter Bischoff, Urban Aschenbrenner, Abraham ScheUberg,* Johannes Zimmermann. Johan Nicolas Wuff, Joh. Nicolas Zimmermann. Nicklas Kuntz, Heinrich Wolff, Johannes Schreiber, Conrath Schneiss, Johann Konig, Georg Born, Nicklas ZbUer,* Peter Spengler,* Peter May, Jacob Maurer, Paulus Huey, Henry Giessler,* Georg Keyser, Samuel Taner,* WUhelm Marx, Philippus Kiipperter, John Adam Stump, Jacob Schuster,* Caspar Klockner,* Johan Henrich Frbhlich, Adam Schneider, Georg Bombach, Johan Nicolas Schwingel, Sick — Ludwig Vivel, Peter Kbnig, Jacob Ruperter, WUliam Bishof, Thomas Fuse, Isaac Hencker, Joseph Neigh, Adam Bushart, Jacob Bley, Georg Kreger, Valentin Singrove. Dead — Mathias Klein. Note. — During 1739 and 1740 a number ot Moravians came from Georgia into Pennsylvania, and settled at Bethlehem and Nazareth. For a list of. these see Addenda, B. Slnmerfung.— SBo'brenb 1739 uub 1740 fam eine Slnjobl $crrn|uter ¦ Don ©eorgio not^ 9)ennfi}l»onien unb liefi (ic^ ju Set^Ie^iem unb SRajattt^ nieber. Slbbcnba B eutbalt cine 9lontcnltjie. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1741. 145 81) May 30, 1741. Palatines imported in the snow Francis and Ann, Thomas Coatam, Master, from Rotterdam, last from St. Christophers, f gjJai 30, 1741. ?)fal3cr famen auf bem (Seeft^tffe SranciS unb Sinn, Sapitain Z^omai Soatam, son Slotterbam uber ®t. S^rijloplerg. f Peter HoU, Geo. Philip Clem,* Johannes Immel, Jacob Kipper, Martin Bittner,* Michael Bigler, Johan Peter Herbel, George Adam Koch,* Hans George Koch,* Samuel Georg Tbssler, Johan Conrad Schmidt, Georg Adam Ernst, Johan Wendel Hornung. 82) Sept. 23, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship Marl borough, Thomas BeU, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. (Sept. 23, 1741. ^faljcr famen mit bem (Scbiffe SiJJarlboroug^, Sapitain Sl^omaS 33ell, son 3lotterbam iiber SoweS. Peter Kuhn,* Joh. Jacob Ick, Uhich Naffair, Johannes Ladsher,* Friedrich Meyer,* Jacob HiU, Johan Ludwig German, Johan Friederich Freyss, Johann WUhelm Welsch, Johan Jacob Kuhn, Johan Georg Wagner, Johan Nicklas Beyer,* Simon Vogelgesang, Friedrich ZoUner, Michel Kreischer, Michael Seipert,* Peter Staudt, Lenhart Kleim,* Bernhard Kapp, Daniel Simon, Johannes Doll, Johannes Meyer,* Jost Gasserd, PhUip Kuntz, Jacob Bernhartt, Peter Deiss,* Abraham Hess, Johannes Ktihl, Georg Ruth, Nicklas Martin, Philip Lein, Nicolas Siiss, Peter Brent, Michael Swyng,* Johannes Kleim, John Nicholas,* t One of the British West India Islands. — Editor. t Etne ber brtttf(l(i--tt)cp;inbifc(ictt 3nfeln.— $erfl««geber. 13 146 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Horn, Caspar Modus,* Jacob Gerdheir,* Peter Kieffer,* Daniel Kieffer,* Michael Neumer, Johan Jacob Hegel, Johan Michael Welsch,* Johan Nickel OEhl, Johan Daniel Grbninger, Georg Jacob Glug, Johan Jacob Nicolaus, Joh. WUhelm Engelman, Johan Adam Kascht, Johannes Worscheber, Johannes Deiss, Joh. Jacob Kemper, Johan Peter Engel, Johannes Dielbohn, , Friederich Bals Ratsmith,* Johannes Kuhn, Joh. Ludwig Hen. Kohl, Peter Bartoleme,* Johan Tobias Ruhm, Melchior Stahlman, Hans Nicholas Smith,* Henry Bernhart,* Joh. Nicolaus Schmucker, Philippus Schneider, Anthonius (Ehler, Johan Adam Kamp, Joh. Ludwig Hanckstein, John Jacob Personz,* Johan Jacob Dietz, Johan Karl Fishahason,* Johan Carl Metz.* 83) Sept. 26, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship St. Mark,,, ¦ WUson, Master, from Rotterdiim, last from Cowes. ©ept. 26, 1741. gjfaljer famen mtt bem ©ti^iife ©t. marl,. Sapitain SBilfon, son 3iotterbam iiber domi. Nicklas Gebhard,* Peter Criling,* Conrad Stellweg,? Mathias Fols,* Jacob Matteis, Wilhelm MiiUer, Mattheus Borich, Johann Arnold Steeg, Johann Nicklaus Steeg, Hans Philip Auert, Johannes Von Erdre,? Johan Henrich MuUer, Johan Peter Bernhart, Johan Henrich Mtincker, Conrad Funck, PhUip Mees,* Georg Davahrt, Ernst Braun, Nicklas Seyler,* Johannes Wieder, Wilbertus Lutz, Ulrich Weis,* Johannes Scherrer, Christoffel Stumb, John Hai-st,* Peter Jacob, Michael Folber,* Hans Amweg, PhUip Swiger,* Nickel Mensch,* Friederich Hertzog, Martin Becker, PhUip Hass, Michael Riess, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1741. 147 Johannes CoreU, Martin Edenborn,* Adam Rener,* Peter Hoffman, Hans Moore,* George Yearst,* Conrad Funck, Martin Leey,* Genes Mook,* Abraham Dencey,* Philip Yeist,* Henrich Stahl, Johannes Scheider, John Shider,* Jacob Gerhardt,* Peter Gaberd,* Johan Johnloft,* PhiUp Kalbach, Conrad Dolch,* William Prickes,* Henrich Kroh, Michael Geest,* Johannes Engel, Lorentz Eranmach, . Johan Herman GeU, Johan Martin Spegt, Joh. Adam Von Erden;* Johan Friederich Heinrich, Johan Adam Schmahl, Johann Conrad MicheU, Johann Starffinger,* Johan Friederich Rbmer, Johan Wilhelm Hoffmann, Just Lorentz List, Joh. Adam Gundacker, Joh. Walther Fischbach, Johan Georg Schmaltz, Johan Caspar Ahls, Johan Nickel Steinert, Johan Philip Beiok, Hendrick Korst,* Johan Georg Metz, Johan Jacob Corell, Johan Samuel Miihl,* Hans Jacob Meltzer,* Johann PhUip Mann, Johann Henrich Mauerer, Leonhard Korn, Johann Niclas Hauer,* Johannes Bockius, Friederich Kleppert,. Johann Jost Schneider, Johannes Kerstrich, Johann VaUstapp, Jacob Stoffelbein, Johannes Wehler, Johannes Sohaum, Johannes Rehwalt, Christian Arhndarff, Adam Schreiber, Michael Dreydel, PhUip Hoffman, Johann Christian Orendorff, Johann Georg Warth. 84) Oct. 2, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship St. Andrew Charles Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam. Dct. 2, 1741. f fiilgcr famen mit bem ©ti^iffc @t. Slnbrem Sapitain S^arlcg (Stebman, son Slotterbam. Johan Conrath, Nicklaus Jungblud, Peter Buhl, Johannes Butterweh, Peter Voigt, Jacob Albrecht, 148 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Ulrich Schbmig, Philip Ulmer, Jacob Gorges,? Michael Will, Jacob Worst, Paulus Michael, David Delatter,* -Nicolaus Bauer, Hans Uhlerich, Johannes PfeU, Conrad Giesy,* Jacob Meyer, Johan Peter, Johan PhUip, Frans Grau, Jacob Pfeiffer, Jacob Klein, WUhelm Gauff, Johannes RoU,* Nicklas Neezer,* Peter MiiUer, Jacob Aseby,* Jacob Meyer, WUhelm Ludwig Becker, Daniel Henrich Elch,? Friederich Christian Becker, Carl Jung Eurvett,? John Michael Behler,* • Joh. Georg Daniel Ktibortz, Carl PhUip Wirtz, Johan Philip Ebartz, Augustus Kauffmann, Hans George Lagner,* Johannes Anthoni, Joh. Michel Prenger, Ulrich Stambach, Hans PhUip Hoffman,* Reinhart Bbckney, Rudolff Steinman,* George Caspar HaUe,* Lorentz Schwenk,* Johan Moritz Dupel,* Gotfried Orbig,* Joh. Nie. Schappert Bernhart, Bernhart Lachart, Valentin Sees,* Hans Rutschmann, Jacob Saltzberger,* Heinrich WeissmiUler, Simon Henrich Hooker, Johan Henrich Walter, "« Hans Surber.* 85) Oct. 12, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship Friend ship, Alex. Thomas, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 12, 1741. 9)fal3er famen mit bem ©c^iife grtenbf^il!,,, Sapitain Slley, SE^oma^, son Slotterbam iiber Soweg. Paulus Miiller, David Dreher, Jacob Diehl, George Hirt,* Jacob Herth, Joh. Geo. Wilhelm Berger, Andreas Hubert,* Johan Peter Braun, Wilhelm Erhart,* Johannes Erhart, Adam Enler, Valtein Scheck, Matheis Schreth, Jacob Lies, Peter Haldriter,* Daniel Hubert,* George Hubert,* Nicklas Bundry,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1741. 149 Nicklas Klan,* Carl Sehneyder,* WUhelm Antes,* Valentin Embs, Cassimir Wessel,* Friederich Helwig, Peter Jung, Jacob Simon,* Adam Weber, Jacob Dinges, Peter Baal,* Peter Durny,* Johau Haudeise, Johannes Melchior, Andreas Kranmer, Joh. Jacob Schack, Hans George Haldriter,* PhUip Haldriter,* Caspar Rauland,* Nicklas Holtzleeder, Johan Georg Embs, Johan Caspar Schneider, Johann Georg Koch, Valentin Hohwerder, Johan Nickel Schuster, Johan WUhelm Hoster, Johannes Fiehman, Wilhelm Zimmer,* Simon Jacob Boor, Johan Georg Riegel, Joh. Conrad Leclileiter, Daniel Korstmann, John Philip Oliger, Johan Jacob Schleiff, Joh. Christoff Schmuckheyde. 86) Oct. 17, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship Molly, Thos. Oliver, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. Dct. 17, 1741. ^faljer famen mit bem ©t^iffe moUi}, Som= monbant SE^og. Dliser, son SHotterbam iiber Seal. Joseph Hobian, Michael MUler,* Martm Giese,* Michael Boracker,* Jacob RimU, WUhelm Schwann,* Veldin Weissig,* Daniel GUlmann, Peter Godfried,* Johannes MtiUer, Peter Mantz,* Daniel Ecron, Michael Spindel, Christoffel Heine,* Michael Simon,* Johann Georg Druck, Johann Adam Scheib, John Nicklas Klein,* . Johan Lenhart Beyer, PhU. Conrad Weydner, Johan Jacob Moltz, . Johannes Stockschleger, Christian Commons,* Bartolomae Conselman,* John Frederick Schipp,* Johan Simon Hein, Johannes Mattheis, Johannes Zellman, Johan Michel Keyser, Michael Hbpster, Matheus Kilian, Philip Daum, Herman Saner,* Jacob Engelman, 13* 150 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johan Ruddiss, Daniel Zinck,* Michel Seuberlich, Martin Regelman, Lenhart Lammer,* Peter Krammer, Alex. Stockschleder, Henrich Becker, Samuel Spiegel, Joh. Michel Herb, Diterich Shweyzey, Conrad Riegelman, John Peter Siesler,* Matheus Meyer,* Bernhart Switzig, Job. Peter Bender, John Geo. Hubeny,* Hans Georg Sterrles, Andreas Unger,* Johan Georg Kiintzel, Sebastian Herlieman, Johan Jacob Gerst, Jacob Engelhnann, Johan Jacob Kron, Johan Peter Eitergall, Hans Michel Schwartz, Joh. Henrich Schmitt, Johan Michel Kramer, Johan Henrich Weydner, Johan Michael Weicker, Georg Phihp Riihl, Hans George Riegelman,* Johan Friederich Klein, Johan Christophel Stimbi, Johan WUhelm Saner, John Lenhart Siesler,* Johann Caspar Gress, Johan Jacob Decker. 87) Oct. 26, 1741. Palatines imported in the snow MoDy, John Cranch, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. Dct. 26, 1741. SJfaljer famen mit bem ©eefc^iffe ^9% Sapitain 3o|n Sranti^, son Stotterbam iiber 2)eal. Peter Schmitt, Jactjb Schmid, Jacob Thejs, Henrich PfeU, Johannes Hess, Georg Funk,* Stephan Riib, Friederich Ott, Georg Keck, Joachim Berger, Peter Meyer,* Michael Jung, Peter Simon, Baltzer Hamman, ? Anthony Adam,* Peter Metz,* Johan Heinrich Graff, Johan Wilhelm Huey, John George Meylander,* Johan Peter Herbach, Johann Peter Haass, Joh. Geo. WUhelm Kiisterman, Joh. Theobald Brauchler, Valentin Benedict Hardt, Johan Michael Siis, Johannes Metzler, Hans Adam Sontag, Johan PhUip Desch, Hans Peter Hess, Hans Dewald Siber,* John Gothart Armbriest,* Joh. Henrich Daniel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1741. 151 Peter Weber,* Johannes Ermel,* Theobald Weber, Hans Adam Cresman.* 88) Nov. 7, 1741. Palatines imported in the snow Thane of Fife, William Weems, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Aber deen, Scotland. 9los, 7, 1741. fJfflfjer tamen mit bem ©ceft^iffe S^ane of fjife, Sapitain SBiHiam SBeemg, son Slottcrbam iiber Iberbeen, ©(i^ottlanb. Gabriel Jung, Jacob Fortine, George Creim,* Carl Grim, Adam Grim,* Johannes Boss,* Matteas Kolb,* Ludwig Essig, Peter Semier,* John Sebastian,* Johann Bolander,* Johau Adam Kircher,* VaUentin Esman,* Valentin Winterstein, John Henry Bob,* Anthony Sehneyder,* Lenhart Zarburger,* John Nicklas Kelch,* John George Weyinan.* 89) Nov. 20, 1741. Palatines imported in the ship Europa. 9Joa. 20, 1741. ^fal^er, bte mit bem ©c^ijfe Suropa anlongten. Joh. Mich. Marx, Paulus Furmann, Paul Furman sen.,* Dewald Shanck,* C^par Rubert,* Johan Jost, Peter Walmer,* Henry Kuhntz,* Henrich Udry, Johannes Henrich, Konradt Rahm, Simon Gross, Theobald Gtoss, Ludwig Breit, Andreas Lann,* Jacob Shneyder,* PhUip Crentz,* Jacob Lomger,* Conrad Cornman, PhUip Wirbel,* Henrich Ensminger, Joh. Christian Hausknecht, John Daniel Begly,* Johan Paul Bauer, Hans Arnold Meyer, Henrich Christman, Johan Jacob Lbser, Johan Christian Lbser, Hans Niclas Eisenhauer, Johan Peter Eisenhauer, Johann Isenhauer,* Hans George Shneyder,* Michael Haberstiick, Henry Nicklas HoBtein,* 152 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johann Nicolaus Ander, Johan Andreas Krieger, Johannes Corell, PhUip Nair,* Joh. Christoph Wagner, Peter Main, Johan Peter Schreiber, Johan Peter Krieger, Nicolaus Wagner, Johann Henrich Krieger. Note Count Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf arrived at New York in the latter part of November, 1741. For a full account of Zinzendorf, see Rupp's History of Northumberland County, p. 391, and History oj Northampton County, pp. 79, 86. 3lumcrtung.— Krof 9licolflu« Subtutg son ^injenborf fam in 9Jtto gort gegen Snbe 9?o»embet 1741 on. (Sine soU^onbige Scbanblung itbw Binjenborf finbet ber Sefcr in 3lupp'6 ®ef(bt4)tc »on ^tortbumbctlonb So., @. 391, unb 9lottbampton So., (a. 79, 86. 90) May 28, 1742. Foreigners imported in the snow Catha rine, Glatiman, Commander. Mai 28, 1742. grembe, bie mtt bem ©eeft^iffe ^at^arinc, Sommanbant Otabman, angefommen ftnb. Johannes Brucker, Matheus Witf^e, David Bischoff, Georg Kast, Michel Miesch,? Georg Emder, Henry Aimers, Georg Schneider, Nathanael Seidel, Joseph Mbller, Jacob Lischy, a Frietierich Post, h George Wiessener,* Gottlieb Petzold, a This was the Rev. Jacob Lischy, a Moravian minister, who offici ated for several years as a German Reformed minister in York, Pa.— See Rupp's History of York County, p. 694. a Dtc« war fafter 3«cob £tfcbv, etn ficrrnbutcr ®etilli(icr, tDcli^ct einige Sobrc a\i bcutft^.teformtrtcr 55forrer in g)ort, fa., omtctc— (Siepe SRupp'a (5*ef4)i4)te son Sorf So., ©. 694. b Post was an unassuming, honest German, a Mor.ivian. In 1743 he accompanied the missionaries Pjrlaus and Senseman to Shekomeko, an Indian village bordering on Connecticut, where he married a bap tized Indian woman. Having preached the Gospel among the Indiims for several years, he was maltreated by being arrested at Albany and imprisoned in New York. After his liberation, he returned to Europe, 1749. Ho afterwards returned to Pennsylvania, and while at Bethle hem was prevailed upon, 1758, to carry a message from the Govern ment to the Delaware, Shawnnese and Mingo Indians in the West- See Post's Journal of 1758 in Rupp's History of Western Pennsylvania. Edition of I8i6.— {Editor.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1742. 153 John Adolph Meyer, Johann Leonhart SchneU, Johan BrandmiiUer, Christian Werner, Paul Daniel Bryzelius, Joh. Christoph Heyne, Heinrich Joachim Sensemann, Johan Georg Heydecker, Michael Tannenberger, Johann Reinhard Rona, Johan Georg Hardtner, Johann Michael Huber. Johann Phihp Mauerer, 91) Aug. 25, 1742. Foreigners imported in the brigantine Mary, John Mason, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Slug. 25, 1742. grembe famen mtt bem ©t^neUfa'^rer SStaxi), Sapitain 3o^n SKafon, »on Stottcrbam iiber Soweg. Valentin Kraft, Johann PhUip Bertz, Daniel Etter, Johan Michael Zeister, Johannes Seivert,* John Henry Kookes,* Andreas Straub,* Constantinus StUhng, Martin Arnold,* Hans George Sneyder,* Jacob Reeder,* Johan Friedrich Ricker, Martin Schmidt, Christoffer Danner,* Georg Kiester, Jacob Baumann, Peter Burgener, Georg Friederich Heranus, Rupertus Bender, Johannes Bergerhoff, Petier Welch, Gerret van Kouten, Hans TrachseU, Jan De Mars, Abraham Liettel,* Peter Burckner,* Jacob Nagli, Christian Bugner. 92) Sept. 3, 1742. Foreigners imported in the ship Loyal Judith, James Cowie, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. b fi^ war etn bef^ctbener, ebrltd^er 'Deutfi|er unb $errnbuter. 1743 beglcitetc et bte Wtfftonare ^J^rloug unb (Senfemann nocb ^thmtU, eincin 3itbtonetborf, ini on Sonnecticut fltenjt, t»o cr oucb cine getoufte 3nbtancrtn bcirotf)ete. 9{acf)bcm cr ben 3nbtanetn mcbrete 3abte long iai EBangtlium Derfitnbtgt batte, t»urbe er butib ®efnngennebmung ju Sllban? unb (Sinfpertung in 9Jett gjorf migbanbelt. Sfotb feiner Scfrciung febtte er 1749 nod^ (Suropo juritd. (Sinige 3eit naiibbcr befucfite er gJennf^lBonien tBieber unb »ai)renb feine« 9lufentbaTt« in SBctblebcm bcwog ibn 1758 bie Sllcgicrung, cine Sotf^nft ben SJeloWorc, (Bt)aWant^t unb 'ffiftgo 3nbia= nttn tm SBefien ju iiberbrtngen.— ®tebe fofl'a Sournol Bon 1758 in Slupp'g ®ef^t(bte Bom aBejilicben gJennf^lBonicn. 3lu«gabe »on 1846.— (§etouageber.) 154 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS ©ept. 3, 1742. grembe famen mit b.em ©d^tffe 8o9aI 3ubit^, Sapitain Samcs Sowie, son Flotterbam iiber Soweg. Bernhart Janson, KUian Fischel, Johan Fishel,* Georg Metzger, Gottfried Schnelie, Friederich Keher,* Wendel Vetter, Jacob BerentpeUer,* Daniel Lang, Johannes Schultz, Johannes Mertens, Dieterich Hobbach, Reymund Laufflenter,* Johannes Dernheimer, Simon Wischhan, Friederich August, Johannes Lehn, Felbert Sochus, Simon Jonas, Jacob Taubetishel,* Johan Jacob Winterehle, Johan Peter Jung, Johan Jacob Schiihler, Johan Georg Weninger, ? WUhelm Anspach, Friederich SchoUenberger, Johan Jacob Sheer,* Johan Paul Weytzel, Johann Henrich Dbrr, Johann Michel Sternn, John Adam Turinger,* Johann Jacob Rath, Henricus De Hooff, Friederich Germerjung, Joh. Andreas Strassbiirger, Henrich Wolffskehl, PhUip Henrich Erben, Johann Henrich Wagner, Theobald Nabinger, Johannes Lorentz, PhUip Cronenberger,. Peter Frey, Johannes Rab, Peter Klein, Ludwig Schott, Johannes Riihl, Zacharias HeUer,* Friederich PfeU, Johannes Fissel, Christofiel Heucher, Valentin Griin, Johaimes Domie, Lorentz Place, Johannes Ruhl, . Peter Barth, David SchaU,* Johan Jacob Grub, Johann Georg Jager, Johann Lehnhart Fiihr, Johannes Peter Frey, Paulus Westenberger,? Johann Michel Paulis, Johann Baltzer Schaffer, Johann Valentin Gloninger, Hans Georg Shaffer, Samuel Fortinnix, Christoph Plantz, Christoph Bergman, Ludwig Metzger, Conrath Hartman,* Johannes Schumacher, Christoffel Geller, Jonas Furtuly,* Johann Simon Griiff. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1742. 155 93) Sept. 21, 1742. Foreigners imported in the ship Francis and Elizabeth, George North, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. ©ept.. 21, 1742. grembe famen mit bem ©c^ijfe granjig unb Sltfabctb, Sapitain ®eorge Flortl), son Flotterbam uber 3)caL Michel Kfllb, Michael Thesser, Johannes Withman, Ulrich Halber * Jacob Geiger, Johannes Eckel, Peter Rubel,* Jacob Klein,* Frederich Haussman,' Nicklaus Walder,* Christian Newcomer,* Andreas Waltaich, Christian Henrich, Conrad Bassel,* Henry Cerber,* Christoph Schmidt,* Jacob Schenck, Paulus Daterer, Michel Coppelger, Johann Friederich loUgo, John Henrich StoU, Christian Adam Hobel, Johan Michael Waidele, Johann Jacob Holbein, Joh. Michael Kaschstler, Johann Henrich Stes, Hans Adam Klein, UUrich Neuschwanger, Christian Newcomer jr., Johann Peter Waller, Christian Hiird, Hans Michel Fohl, Thomas Heunemeyer, John Gottfried Rieger,* Johann Georg Weith, Johan Peter Kochlein, Johann WUhelm Worth, Johan Nicklaus Cuntz, Wilhelm Ruff, Martin Meyer, Peter Laaber,* Jacob Binder, Melchior Hirteel, Jonas Metzger, Adam Sabert, Johannes Grob, PhUip Shleyhouff,* Andreas Heintz, Hans Ewert, Johannes Schafer, Conrad Gerhart, Heinerich Hirii, Anton Faust, Nicklaus Rbhrig, Martin Kirschner, Peter Stam, Adam Odt, Adam Ott sen., Conrad Ott, Johannes Odt, Johannes Reusswig, Christian Riigner, Johannes Weber, Johannes Bohm,* Jacob Yoder,* Friederich Meyer, Jacob Kurtz, Jacob Guth, Peter Faust,* Conrad Bloss, Jacob Hanck, Johann Peter, 156 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Moritz Zug, a Christian Zug, Johannes Zug, Christof Geiser, Hans Georg Binder, Hans George Shenk,* Matthaus Wendnagel, Samuel Wohlegemuth,* Hans Georg Knijdler, ,Hans Michael Bauer,* Johan Matthias Plantz, Rudolph WoUenweiller, Hans George Ruthy,* Ludwig Jacob Friedbnrg, Johann Adam Stam, Johann Henrich Rengel, Johan Henrich Wolff, Johan Georg Schtissler, Nicolaus Gottschalck, Johann Peter Odt, Johann Henrich Odt, Johan Henrich Dossier, Leonhardt Michael Rtiger, Johann Henrich Ahl, Johann Christian Horner, Johan Jacob Bohn, Christian Jotter, Christian Jotter jr.. Christian MUler,* Johannes Knag,* Johannes Gerber, UhUerich Stally,* Johan Adam Heydrig,* Johan Georg Faust,* Johan Henry Creesman, Johannes Walther, Hans Jacob Huber, PhUip Deter Huber,* Johan Peter Kbhier, Stephan Bopenmeier, Abraham Kolman, Johan Michel TruckenmiiUer, Jost Fuchs,* Henry MUler,* Ludwig Huber, Gabriel Kbhier, Jacob Sarbach, Georg Schultz, Moses Binder,* Christian Ecket,* Andreas Bachman, Bernhart Kober,* Melchior Schaner, Abraham Gross, Johannes Koohn,* Martin Stouver,* Ludwig Schmaltzhaff, Georg Adam MiiUer, Hans Michael Krafft,* Christian Dannewald,* Johann Henrich Schertz, Cari PhUip Schultz, Hans Michael DoU, Johann Michael Bucher, Johann Michael Seitz, Abraham Schnutz, Matheus Massiman, David Rotheheffer, Christian MuUer. a Moritz Zug was the grandfather of Shem Zook, of MifBin County, Pa., favorably known by his agricultural essays in the Patent Office Reports within the last few yeai-s. a sKortg 3ug Wor bet OropBotet Bon (5bcm 3Dot bdu SKifflin Scunti), 93o., ber buttb feine Sluffage iiber Canbwirtbfdjoft in ten 3)iitcnt=Dfjice- Beti^jten loabrcnb ber legten paar 3abre riibmli4){i befonnt tfi. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1742. 157 94) Sept. 24, 1742. Foreigners imported in the ship Robert and Alice, Martley Cussack, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Sept. 24, 1742. grembe famen mit bem ©li^iffe Flobert unb Stlice, Sapitain 9Kartle9 Sujfad, son Flotterbam iiber SoweS. PhUippus Barger, Cornehus MUler, Friederich Mtiller, Ludwig MUler,* Conrad Pooff,* Veltin Paul, PhUip Farenthal, Jacob Stiibigh,* •Hans Rub, Friederick Becker, Michel Axer, Michel Wolff, Johannes Heydt, Peter Geris, PhUip Geris,* Nicklaus Hartt,* Paulus Bang, Johannes Binackel, Adam Gucker,* Christian Gucker,* Michel Weiss, Henry Stave,* Durst Ziegler, Johannes- Ziegler, Johann Georg Christ, Georg Christian Ulrich, Johann Jacob Metzger, Johan Nicklas Hyl,* Johann Jacob Benedick, Hans Adam Christ,* Simon Jacob TheU,* Johann Georg Schissler, Hildebrand Heckman, Johann Philip Kercher, Johann Christoffel Peter, Johan Jacob Bome,* Simon Peter Diehl, Johan Friederich Heimer, Johann Henrich Werner, Johann Simon Drum, Johann Jacob Schmitt, Johann Casper ScheU, Johann Michel Koch, Johannes Brosius, Joh. Abraham Brosius, Johann Georg Riess, Johann Jacob Riess, Johann Jacob Wagner, Jacob Weber, Jacob Stein, Lorentz Riess, Peter Herber, Johannes Herber, Andreas Harter, Johannes Kerch, Matheas Meyer,* David WeU, David Mackly,* Johannes Krape,* Peter Maus,* Andreas Kessler, Hans Adam Holdt,* Hans Adam Purtig,* Friederich Schmidt, John Jacob Zervin,* PhUip Jacob Ehrenfelter, Adam Furchtig,* Joh. Paulus Reuther,? Hans Peter Woolf,* Hans Geo. Katzenstein,* 14 158 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Matheis Heinrich, ? Michael Danner, Dietrich -Danner, Hans Michael Spaar.* Note. — Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, D. D., Patriarch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, arrived from Charleston, S. C, at Philadelphia, Nov. 28, ni2.— See Rupp's History of Berks and Lebanon Co., p. 483. Slnmerfung.— ^ajict $cnr^ SKclc^ior SKitblcnbetg, Dr. Theol. unb 5)ntrior^ bet cBongeliftb-lutberifiben iTirtbc in Slmetifo, fom am 28.9to»bt. 1742 Bon (Sbatlefton, @. (£,, in 55btIobcIpbta an.— (Stcbe Flupp'« ®ef(|, Ben Serf« unb Sebanon So., (S. 433. 95) Aug. 30, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Francis and Elizabeth, George North, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Slug. 30, 1743. ^xem'iit famen mit bem ©c^ijfe granjig unb Sttfabct^, Sapitain ©eorge Jlort^, son Flotterbam itber Sotueg. Hans Bucher, Henry Coughly,* Hans Zoblei, Rudolph Mertz, Hans Meier jr., Henry Rudolph,* Henrich Miiller, UhUerich Naff,* Henry Leer,* Casper Spery,* Henry Shwitzer,* Casper Crop,* Johannes Hug, Henry Naff,* Kilian Gild,* Hans Meyer,* Henry Rudsh,* Hans Heinrich Hiibner, Hans Heinrich Naff, Christopher Bosser,* Henry Weidman,* Henry Hebrecht,* Hans Giitinger, Hans Henry Naff,* Henry Baumgardner, Hans Jacob Naff,* Hans Heinrich Scheuerer, Hans Ulrich Bladman, Henry Leinbach,* Henry Poldesberger,* Hans Jacob Usser,* Heinrich Bauerdt, Rudolph Kleinpeter,* Jacob Wegmann, Peter Scheurer, Johannes Meier, Ely Walder,* Henry Good,* Felix Leea,* Henrich Eck, Johannes Biich, Jacob Boumer,* Hans Kuhn,* Hans Dups, Johannes Bar, Jacob Bar, Henrich Grob, Henrich Hitz, Jacob Franck, Henrich Suter, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1743. 159 Henry Zutter,* Henry Shmit,* Daniel Harner, Hans Jacob Wiirst, Fehx Hierlyman,* Johannes Boser, Melchior SteheU, Lenhart Alterfer Schmied, Henry Dubydorffer,* Felts Christ. Wagner, Hans Rurckons,* Hans Jacob Meyer, . , Hans Jacob Riittlinger, Lenhart Schnebeli, Henrich Schleypfer, Johannes Schildemrad, Jacob Bachman, Caspar Snabily,* Hans Jacob Pfister, Hans Ulrich Dinges, , Hans Ulrich HegnetsweiUer. ? 96) Sept. 2, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Loyal Judith, James Cowie, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 2, 1743. grembe famen mtt bem ©(i)iffe So^al 3ubit|, Sapitain 3amcs Sowie, son Flotterbam iiber So»c«. Bartel ZbUer, Johannes Becker, PhUip Christian,* Martin Dincky,? Johannes Larer, Michel Seitz, Henrich Moag,* Jacob Maag, Johan Jacob, Johannes Kirst, Friedrich Feltberger, Lorents LaffersweUer, Nickel Runckel, Johan Runckel, Adam Brech, Johannes Jager, Johannes Kramer, Daniel Martz, Bernhard Lauffersweiler, Nicklaus Scherstenberger, Johan Conrad Schutz, Johann Georg Eppelman, Johan Jacob Gittelman, Johan Wendel Dannefelser, John Valentin Hammer,* Johann Wilhelm Becker, Johan Adam Moses, John George MUler,* Johannes Hbnig, Johan Peter Braun, Johann Philip Odewelder, Philip Carl Angel, Johan Adam Mohr, Johann Philip Beier, Johan PhUip Gambach, Johan Adam Uehrbass, Johannes Gambach, Ulrich Freyhofer, Rudolff Buohy,* Wendel Horst, Valentin Wentz, Gerhart Fichker,* Bastian Bongart, Christian Weiss, Jphannes Bott, ' Andreas Walter, Nicklas Keller, Adam Kappel, 160 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Lorentz Schmahl, a Adam Shmaal,* Jacob Haussman, Johannes Schreyer, Johannes Habersoti,* Mattheas Hoffer, Simon Kiistener, Peter Roth,* George Fitterer,* Peter MUler,* Jacob Mohner, Lorentz Hardt, Adam Schmahl, Wentz Schmahl, Valentin Grosch, Friederich Fichgus, Bernhart Becker, Johannes Becker, Johannes Bermes, Jacob Benth, Jacob Keyser,* PhUipp Hoffman, Johann Philipp Wentz, Christoph Weisskopff, Christopel Grossert, Johannis Schwindt, Johann Jacob WUhelm, Johann Jacob Huth, Jacob Grosskopff,* Johan Henrich Scheurer, Hans Georg Sheyer,* Johan Adam Reyd,* Johann Jacob Petry, Johan Adam Fuchs, Johannes Briickbauer, Johannes Mondshauer,* Johann PhiUipp Bbhm jr., Johann PhiUipp Bohm, Hans Wolf Waltz,* Andreas Weybrich, Hermanns Hoffer, Johann PhiUp Hardt, Johann Emrich Bott, Johan Georg Wolffskehl, Mattheus Butterfass, Nicolas Maneubach, Johan Phihp Schrieger, Joh. Philip Schrieger jr., Johann Henrich May, Johann Georg Story, Hans Heinrich Maag, Johan Balthasar Groh, a Lorentz Schmahl; a native of the Middle Palatinate, settled as a. farmer six miles from York, Pa., where he pursued assiduously and successfully his calling to the close of his life, leaving four sons : Jacob, who, when young, moved to Baltimore, whose son. Col. Jacob Small, was Mayor of the city ; John Schmahl moved to and settled in Beaver County; Kilian ani Lowrence remained in York. From the former, the greater part of the numerous Smalls in York County descend.— Rupp's History of York County, p. 743. a f oren^ ©cbmabi, in bet mittlcrcn ^Jfalj geboren, Iteg |i(b nl« Snuw fecftg SRcilen son gjorf, 3)a., nteber, mo er feinein 33etuf iii jum Snbe fei ne* itbtni treu unb etfrtg oblog. fir bntte Bier Sobne: Satob, bet in fei ner 3ugenb nacb Soltimotc jog itnb bejfen ©obn, Sol. ^ahb ©ninll, SKaBor bet ©tobt K<\x; 3obn ®^mobl licg pcb in SBcoBct SountB nteber; Stlion unb Sorenj blieben in glorf. ^on ctfietem iiamnit ber griigerc 2:i)etl bet in Uorf Sount^ fo joblteie^en ©matta.— Stupp'a ©efi^t^te Bon goil (£ount9, @. 743. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1743. 161 Georg Frederich Gribel,* Peter Schweikharth, Johannes Hoffinan, Lorentz Miller,* Johan Daniel Hoff, Joh. Jacob Fossbendler. 97) Sept. 5, 1743. Foreigners imported in the snow Char lotte, John Mason, Master, fi-om Rotterdam, last from Cowes, ©ept. 5, 1743. grcmbe famen mit bem ©eeft^iffe S^arlotte, Sapitain 3obn SKafon, uon Flotterbam iiber SoweS. Adolph Eiler, Henrich Hant, Mattheis Basting, Henry Shoemaker,* WUhelm Bretz, Jacob Bretz, Johannes Lees,* Johannes Lisch, Johannes Schiffer, PhiUippus Maurer, Jacob Enck, Johannes Gross, Anthon Sohnieder, David Dautderer, ? Nicklas Wolfart, Henrich Eckenroth, Johannes Koch, Valentin Lbrch, Johannes Riesset, Henrich Meyer,* Anton Zehmer, GottUeb Worth, Johannes Bopp, Johannes Sohn, Johan Nickel Schnell, Johan Peter Schwager, Johann Philip Schnell, Johannes Ickrath, Johan Friederich Thor, Johan Jacob Enck, Joh. Andoni Hellenthal, Johann Georg Miller, Johan Georg Herman, Johan David Schmidt, Johan Conrath Guthmannj Johan Balthaser Gir, ? Johann Jacob Stamm, Johannes Niemand, Johann Henrich Mertz, Friederich Kramer, Johannes Hermann, Hans Georg Albrecht,* Mattheis Heimbach, Jacob Granable,* Johannes Albenacht, Johannis Clossheim, Johannes Ulmstadt, Johannes Mumrich. 98) Sept. 20, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Lydia, James Abercrombie, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 20, 1743. grembe famen mit bem ©ti^iffe Si^bia, Sapi» tain 3flme« Slbercrombte, »on Flotterbam iiber Soweg. Jost Folmer,* Johannes Benner, Johannes Bender,* Frantz Bricker, 14* 162 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Dietrich Fohl, Johannes Zepter,* Johan Christian Walther, Joh. Christian Rischstein, Joh. Henrich Hoffman, Johan Jacob Gucker, Johan Henrich Gucker, Simon Dreissbach, Johannes Weller,* Johannes Hiinche, Dielman Schtitz,* Johannes Ax, Hieronimus Weber, Konradt Wirdt, Johannes Jung, Hermanns Bruch, Johannes Gring, Johannes 'Ffister, Peter Althen, WUhelm Hehbel, Henry Schwartz,* Matheus Lentz,* George Frieh, Conrath Kohl, Andreas Schmitt, Johannes Roth, Johannes Peltz,* Valentin Roth,* Jeremias Weidy,* Frantz Greuhch, Casper Gastner, Henry Frey,* Johannes Bauer, — Johannes Diirr, Philip Heger,* George Ament,* Johan Jost Dreissbach, Johan Ludwig Rudolph, Johan Peter Rtihl, Johannes Blattenberger,* Johan Gerhart Weick, George Wilhelm Eckart,* Johan WUhelm Eckroth, Joh. WUhelm Krautter, Johan Adam Gaul, Johann Andreas Gutman, Joh. Nickel Seidenbach, Henrich Lepkucher, Johan Phihp Amendt, Johan Christian Neff, Joh. Bernhart GeseU, Johan Jacob Hacker,* Johan Georg Schwartz, Christian Harshy,* Joh. Friederich Sanger, Valentin Schmidt, Johan Nickel Sauer,* Johan Christoffel Looss,* Valentin Kletter,* Joh. Friederich Heyer, Valentin Heyer, Conrad Sallam,* John Goodman.* 99) Sept. 26, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Rosan- nah, James Reason, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 26, 1743. grembc famen mit bem ©ti^iffc Flofanna^, Sapitotn 3ames Fleafon, oon Flottprbam uber Someg. Jacob Hoffman, Casper Kessler, Andreas Spring,* Hans Ferdinandt, Jacob Schaueffele, Casper Meier, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1743. 163 Jacob Fincky,* Rudy Keyser,* Johannes Jooghly,* Henrich Christoph Heroldt, Hans Georg Bentzinger, Johan WUhelm Satler, Hans Georg Starner, Georg Christoph Schoch, Hans Georg Fuchs, Hans George Markwart,* Hans Martin MtiUer, Hans Conrad Bruner,* Jacob Schuster,* Hans MuUer,* George MuUer,* Gregorius MuUer,* " Hans Brunner, Henry MuUer,* Martin Wirth, Johannes Fischer,* Jacob Prela, David Schatz, Friederich Stall, Jacob Legler, Samuel Wolff, Leonhart Strobel, Andreas Strele, Christian HaUer, Jacob Haller, Michael Wyland,*^ Henrich Burckart, Hans Jacob Gassner, Hans Ulerich Huber,* Hans Melchior Fischer,* Johannes Fischer jr., Bernhart Pflaugner, Hans Jacob Remmler, Hans Jacob Hummel, Johannes Ketterman,* Georg Christoff Herals, Georg PhUip Hummel, Hans Georg Kater, Hieronimus Henning, Hans Georg EtzweUler, Hans Leonhart Wylahd,* Casper Bindschadler, Johannes Roodsman.* 100) Sept. 30, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Phoenix, William WUson, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 30, 1743. grembe famen mit bem ©ti^iffc f l^onir, Som= manbant SBilliam SBilfon, ijon Flotterbam iiber SotteS. WUhehn Holty, Otto Hai, Lenhart Wintergress, Johannes Dandoner, Matheis Treuckel, Johannes Ungear,* Christoff Holwer,* Jacob Rubly,* Michael Bauer,* Michael Leavy, Johannes Schnee, PhUip Reesher,* PhUip Spegel, Jaeob Gansle, David Sausert, ? Frederich Kohler, Jacob Siherrer,* Michael EUer,, Isaac Will, Henry Meyer,* Dewdd Hoehsta4t,* Johann Henrich Haiiss, 164 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Lorentz Protzmann, Henry Reydmeyer,* Paulus Behringer, PhiUippus Bayer, Hans Michael Stumpf, Joh. Nicklas Lohman, J. Ernst Reiffsehneider,* Johannes Gansle, Johan Frederich Esch, Johann Jost Kiihler, Georg Klingmann, Johan Georg Sternbirger, Johan Valtin Reul, Johann Georg Schaffer, Friederich MUler,* Johan Henrich Wagner, Peter Handwercker, Benedict Nussbaum,* Jacob Geiger sen., Jacob Geiger jr., Matheis Kent, Johannes Bar,* Johannes Stamm,* Peter Giir, Jacob Bom, Melchior Bar, Christophel Bar, Melchior Bar jr., Melchior Seydler, Daniel Schwartz, Henry Dornig,* Michael Masserly,* Daniel Mauss, Peter Bartolomes, Phihpus Bartheus, Nicklaus Fey, Lorentz Cuntz, Georg Huber, Conrad Wirth, Adam Richman, Nicklas Hoffman,* Bernhart Mackler,* Henry Georg Nees,* Johann Niclas Gauer, Johann Jost Vetter, Michael Steckbek, Anthon Bensinger, Hans Adam Felbaum,* Conrad Felbaum,* Caspar Reithnauer,* Johannes Reudenauer,* Joh. Michael Fuchthorn, Christian Rorbagh,* Johannes Nusbaum,* Johan Adam Herbes, Bernhart M idler, Hans Michael MUler,* Johannes Schmidt, Cal. August Erlwein.* 101) Sept. 30, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship Robert . and Ahce, Hartly Cussack, Commander, from Rotterdam, last i from Cowes. ©ept. 30, 1743. Srembe tamen mit bem ©^tffe Flobert unb Sllice, Sommanbant ^ortl9 Saffutf, oon Flotterbam iiber SowcS. Johannes Ziiner, ' Johannes Good,* Simon Zenger, Joseph Ziebly,* Nicklas Baker,* Deobold Bauer,* Jacob Baker,* Jacob Shock, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1743. 165 Andreas Liess, Kasper Strom, Michael Deato, Johannes Shalley,* Christian Shalley,* Matheas Baum,* Johannes Schtitz, Karl Schwartz, Johann Philip Emig, Johannes Martin, Johann Philip Emig sen., Baltzer Schwerdt, PhUlip Fredrick May, Joh, Ludwig Schalle, Hans Adam Shally*, Johannes Obenheyser, Nicklas Schreiber, John Henry Butz, Johan Kolmangreuer, ? Jacob Schmidt, Hans Georg Stucki, Christoff Sheaneman,* Hans Jacob KbUer, Peter Guthman,' Samuel Landes, Conrad (Esterlen, Johannes Bender, Henry Gilbert, Hans Hardt, David Sarbach, Samuel Bechtel, Jacob Bucki, Abraham Derst, Mattheis Meier, Oswald Neff, Johannes Young,* Bardel Miller, Henry Fanner,* Felix Fanner,* Baltzer GUbert,* Conrad ToU,* Ulrich Cress,? Joseph Sheffer,* Hans Georg (Esterle, Christoff (Esterlin,* Job.. Ludwig TruckenmtiUer, Johann Georg Frey, Andreas Hemberger, Hans Georg Endes, Hans Michael Ott, Christian MuUer, ' Hans Georg Mtiller, Henrich Stertzenacker, PhUip Heinetsch, Hans Georg Begtel, Johan Georg Schwartz, Felix Zollinger, Heinrich Zwick, Wilhelm Spats,* Jacob GUlinger, Bernhart GUbert. 102) Oct. 7, 1743. Foreigners imported in the ship St. An drew, Robert Brown, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes Dct. 7, 1743. grembe famen mit bem ©c^iffe St. Slnbrcto Sapitain Flobert 33rown, uon Flotterbam iiber Somcg. Jacob Walter,* Ulrich Wechlid, Friderich StoU, Adam Heyler, Johannes Moak,* Jacob Striey, Andreas Wollinger,* Joseph Hartman, 166 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Hauser, Herman Busch, Georg Gartner, Lenhart Stein, Leonhart Dewalt,* Gottlieb Zigel,* Johan Mergel,* Gottlieb Schleer, Jacob Clausser,* John Nicklas Zeisinger,* Joh. Adam Gerber, Geo. Mich. Weiss Mtiller, Hans Georg Maurer, Johan Simon Kern, Hans Peter Grumbach, Hans Michel Striey, Friederich Jayter, Georg Philip Ktirr, Hans George Eatter,* Hans Martin Fischer, Philip Jacob Buttman, Johan Michel Wagner, Hans Adam Sommer, Georg Friederich Zugel, Johann Jacob Ringer,* Daniel Meidinger, Jacob Eichhorn, Lenard Fuchs,* Andreas GuUam, Martin Ruth, Jacob Hesse,* Heinrich Brunner, Hans Burger, Ernest Amon,* Christie Casper, Johannes Ulerich,* Frederick Hubely, Johannes Mayer, Peter Werner, Johannes Witimann, Leonhardt Kern, Heinrich Wagner, Friederich Ziegler, Johannes Rieger, Anthon Knauss, Ludwigh Dewys, Abraham HiiUer, Valentin Shutter,* Henry Shutter,* Jacob West,* Johannes Eberhart, Hyronimus Trauttmann, Bernhart Dtibinger,* Joh. Ludwig Kraft, Hans Ulrich Hegli, Hans Jerg Backastos,* Hans Ulrich Jakly, Hans Ulrich Odt, Hans Henry Bossart,* Jac. Fried. Dochterman, Hans Jacob Goldner,* Hans Jerg Amon, Melchior Buhrly, Johan Georg Wittmann, Hans Georg (Ehler, Michael Wolfgang,* H. Peter Fronkhousen,* Johan Henrich Knauss, Daniel Debus, Joh. Henrich Gackenbach, Han Adam Zimmerman, Niclaus Kobelentz, Johan Philip Schneider. 103) Nov. 10, 1743. Foreigners imported in the snow En deavor, Thomas Anderson, Captain, from London. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1743. 167 9loB. 10, 1743. grembe famen mit bem ©eeft^iffe Snbeapor, Sapitain a;:^oma« Slnbcrfon, son Sonbon. Matheis Braunefelder, Matheis Braunefelder jr., Adam Schaub,* Hans Uhich Schaub. Jacob Froun walder,* . Note. — Sometime in the summer of 1743, the ancestor of the Kei- KERS (Swiss) left his native country for America. His great-grandson, Rudolph F. Kelker, son of Frederick, has in his possession interesting family papers, from which the Editor has made some extracts. Among others is a certificate of church-membership, viz : L. B. S. It is shown by those presents, that Heinrich KoUicker, born in 1705 at Herrliberg, on Lake Zurich, is the son of estimable parents, and has, by holy Baptism, been united with the Reformed Christian Church. Likewise, it is also the intention of Barbara Bratscheri, his wedded wife, together with their three sons and two daughters, all of good repute, as far as is known, to leave their fatherland of their own accord and emigrate to Pennsylvania or Carolina, in order there permanently to settle and herewith take with them their churcbright for themselves and for their descendants. To this journey we wish them success, the divine blessiiig, health and the attainment of their object. For the sake of greater security I have written the above with my owir hand and certified it with my seal. HANS CONRAD ZIEGLER, Hbreliberg, 1 Minister at Herrliberg the 8th day of June, 1743. J and Wezwyl. [l. s.] Family tradition says, they were 28 weeks in crossing the ocean. The date of their actual departure from Switzerland, and of their ar rival in tliis country, and place of landing, are all (up to the present) unknown. As the name does not appear on the lists of immigrants to Pennsylvania, it has been surmised that they lauded in Carolina. Henry KoUicker settled about four miles from Lebanon, now Lebanon, then Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and we learn from the Records of the Churoh that he was an Elder in the "Berg Kirch," near Leba non, in 1745. His son Anthony, and daughter Susanna are his only children supposed to have reached America with him. The others, it is believed, died before his arrival. Slum erf un^.— 3m ©ommer 1743 Berltcg ber Slfmc ber Sclfer {mi bet ©tdwcij) fetn SSaterlnnb, um nadd Slmertfa augjutoanbern. ©ein Ur= entel, Sftubolp^ %. Seller, ©olm iti grtebrtc^, beftgt tntereffnnte gamilien- Wttfteit, au« bctiett bet ^crauggeber Slu«jiigc macule. Untcr benfelben ift foIgEnbeg idm oott feinem ^rebiger auggejtcUtc Bcugnig s SHit ^egenwerttgen ottcjliteti iai ^eiitric!) Sotttifcr »ort herrliberg (m .juticSi ®ee gebutttg, gebof)ten werben »on ef)rtii|en ®ltern, im jaljr unfercg ^etlflitbg gejelt 1705 unb buri^ ben |)ctligcn Sauff bet gtefotmittcu Stiiifl= lti«en Silken eitiBetletbct. 3tem, Satbarn Sratfc^eti fein (Sf)en)cib famt i ©o^ittn unb 2 SEBc^tetn, aUeg uuDctlaumbte leut, fo »il tm Wiiffen, fte? 168 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS unb ungejtBungen ffi entf^lcffen tljr SBaterlanb ju serlnjfen unb nai^ 5)ennf9l»anien ober Sarolina ju reifenj bafclbfl fe§|)nft nieber ju kjfen, ^teintt tt)t aWnnnen unb ©emeinbtct^t fiit fii^ unb i^te 9tai|fommen inttnet)men. 3n welcber fRtii tlincn gliitf, fegen, gefunb^ett unb ettei(|uttg t'|rc8 Qxetdi angewunfi^t witb. 3" melitercn fit^er^cit ^ab ic^ obigea mtt Ijanb unb bitfc^afft unbctfegt. §ana Sonrab 3tcgler, $ettlibcrg, \ 3)forrer ju §etrltbetg unb ben 8 tag §eumonat 1743. J SBejtoijl. fi. s.] Sine gainiltcn-Uebctliefetung fagt, bag bie Uebetfa^rt iiber ben Ocean 28 SBocben in 2lnfpruC^ genommen i)abt. Dog genaue Domm t^tet Sib- reife oon bet ©cftweij unb i^ter Slnfunft in btefem 8anbe jtnb, wie aiit^ bet Sanbunggplnfi, bii ouf ben ^eutigen 2;ag unbetannt. ©a ber 9tniiic auf ben Siften bet einiDanbetct na^ $cnnf?l»onicn nii^t ficbt, fo glnnbte matt, biefeibcn feien in Snroltna gelanbet tootten; |)enivSotti(tct Iteg fi(| etwa siet SDJeilen son Sebanon, barnalg Soncaftet, je|t Sebanon Sount?, 5!ennf9l»anten, ntebct, unb ani ben SSetic^tcn Icrnen wit, ba§ et 1745 ci« Sleltcfter bet „Setg-Strii^e", nabe Sebnnon, toor. !Wnn t^ bet aKetnititg, bag fein ©obn Slnt^on? unb feine 2;Dibtct ©ufanna bie ctnjtgen mit ibw in Slmertta angefommenen Sinbct unb bap bte ubttgen sot feinet Slnfunft : gejiotben finb. 104) Oct. 8, 1744. Foreigners imported in the ship Aurora, Eobert Pickeman, Captain, from Kotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 8, 1744. grembe famen mit bem- ©t^ijfc 2lurora, Sapi» tain aiobcrt fideman, son 9lotterbam iiber Soweg. Jost Vrevel, Pontius Wiem,? Johan Dornbach,* Johann Ciiristian Kell, Conrad Riirig,* Johan Adam Hirter, Joh. Thieffelbach,? Johan Adam Hierte,* Joh. Phil. Fost,* Johan Henrich Bock, Daniel Foost,* Johan Adam Shog,* Peter Schaffer, Johan Christ Wirth,* Pierre Aune, Johann Adam Wagner, Johannes Baker,* . Hans Valtein Streder, Johan Besenger, Johan Georg Miiller, Matteas Meyer,* Johan Adam Meyer,* Matteas Meyer jr.,* Joh. Hermanns Frevd, Nicklas Meyer,* Johan Peter Sheeff,* Jean P. Pavon, Joh. Wilh. Ganderman, Johannes Michael,* Joh. Henrich Rorich, Phillipus Fackert, Georg Wilhehn Berger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1744. 169 Joh. Christian Berger, Joh. Wilhelm Sage, Mattheis Hem, Greorg Nblen,? Godhart Lore,* Andreas Pichnoster,' Jacob Scheyer, Johan Noll, Matthis Noll, Bernhart Neyzart,* Marcos Anclres, Joh. Paul Krebs, Joh. Jacob Henn, Joh. Peter Henn, Joh. Hen. Dornbach,* Joh. Har&tenbaoh, Joh. Adam Geyer, Joh. Geo. Shuster,* Joh. Geo. Kell, Joh. Jac. Reyman,* Joh. Wil. Weiss, Joh. Pet. Jung, Joh. Donis Shmit,* Joh. Wilh. Weyer, Joh. Adam Schumacher, Frantz Wilh. Kaulbach, Johan Konrad Weyre, Johan Wilhelm Lands,* Johan Christ Kohl,* Joh. Wilhelm Koch,* ' Johan Peter Weingerer, ? Johan David Dornbach, Joh. Peter Neytzert, Joh. Peter Peyzer, Johan Peter Meyer, Joh. Christof Stiegeler, Johan Georg Stiegeler, Johan Bastian Miller, Johan Henrich Haffer, Joh. Henrich Schlemer, Joh. G-eorg Schuster, Johau Peter Cheert, ? Johan Wilhelm Kell, Johan Ludwig Ehrman, Johan Martin Kbhier, Johan Peter Strunck, Johan Matteas Dexter.* 105) Oct. 20, 1744. Foreigners imported in the ship Phoenix WiUiam Wilson, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 20, 1744. grembe famen mit bem ©(^iffe ^pnir, Sapt tain aCiUiam SBtlfon, »on Slotterbam ubtx SonJeg. Henrich Hartmann, Johannes Herberth, Georg Schijn,* Lorentz Erbach, Adam Pischborn, Antonius Fischbom, Nicklas Peteo, ' Theobald Klein, Conrad Fuchs, Andonius Weyrich, Mattheis Kolb, Philip Breta, Martin Kolb, Lewalt Laub,* Jacob Rau, Johan Wendel Metzler, Johann Adam Wegel, Johan Adam Morgen, Casper Schneider, Joh. Philip Mauck, Johan Peter Gbtz, Christoph Westerberger, 16 170 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Joh. Georg WahnsiUer, Friederich Partemer, Johannes Schneider, Philip Wendel Klein, Johan Jost Tizler,* Joh. Henry Mattinger, Johan Herman Mohr, Joh. Nicolaus Wagner, Jacob Buchman, Georg Odt, Johannes Klein, Johannes Kuhn, Philip Krebe, Johannes Fliick, Paulus Eberhardt, Paul Schneider, Martin Etter,? Joh. Fiehk, Conrad Hefling, Henrich Piatt, Friederich G-resser, Wendel Benbdes, Martin Kiester, Andreas Eshbacher,* Johannes Wayemer,* Johannes Dieckert, Friederich Stelwag, Peter Faust, Gerhardt Fircus, Jacob Stephen,* Jacob Wagner, Andreas Sbrger, Conrath Jung, Friederich Huby,* Anthonius Hbbhch, Andreas Griibel, Henry Pad,* Bastian Morian, Heinrich Liess, Herman Decreiff,* Philip .Flugh,* Rudolph Fiehl, Valentin Huss,? Johann Kuntz, Weymar Strunck, Valentin Winesheim, Jerg Wilhelm Staudt, Joh. Nie. Messerschmidt, Job. Balthas Fischbom, Peter Tauschhaus, Gerhardt Schlesser, Friederich Michael, Johann Philip Antirese, Christian Eberhart' John Georg Westberger,* Johan Nickel Hen, Friederich Huber, Johan PhiUp Wagner, Johan Reinhart Waltz, Christoffel Dinckenschiet, Johann Georg Schaffer, Fried. Christian Miiller, Johann Valentin Hue, Joh. Peter Breyvogel, Joh. Georg Meisenheim,* John Adam Klein,* Johan Philip Hbflich, Johan Philip Kerchner, Johan Henrich Kuntz, Johan Adam Braun, Peter Philipp Hahn, Joh. Friederich Sauer, Johann Dierlhoffner, Philip Peter Grassert, Johan Peter Fuchs, Johan Peter Kolb, Christoffel Fiehl, Diellman Diekenschiedt, Anton Schneider, Philip Jacob Bader, Johan Philip Roth,* Han Dewalt Seltenreich. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1744. 171 106) Nov. 3, 1744. Foreigners imported in the ship Friend ship, John Mason, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. 9Jo». 2, 1744. grembe famen mit bem @(|tjfe grtcnbf^ip, Sapitain 3o^n SKafon, »on SRotterbam iiber Someg. Herman Weber, Wilhelm Weber, Caspar Weber, Gerhart Will, Jacob Fughs,* Jacob Engel, Peter Bogert, Valentin Voyt, Georg Bernhart, Conrath Pbrster, Nicklaus Kusig, Jaehim Joan, Christoph Koble,* Albrecht Miillel-, Johannes Graber, Johannes Moll, Peter Williar, Abraham Mischat, Peter Hann, Johann WohUeben,* Dewald Sperk,* Georg Bieber, Johannes Bieber, Dewald Beaber,* Wolfgang Siess, Johannes Weber, Johann Schlbgelj* Bernhart Roobe,* Johan Lobach,? Johannes Tieze, Philip Waghmer,* Dietrich Schattler,* Debait Werner, PhUip Shaffer,* Peter Gesell, Joh. Adam Radebusoh,* Johan Jacob Ferber, Anthonius Dillan, Joh. Philip Ehrenhardt, Joh. Henrich Vatter, John Peter Cusick,* John Jacob Summer,* John Wilhelm More,* Theodorus Krahl,* Adam Schblkopf, Johan Wilhelm Reuel,- Geo. Emig Haartz,* John Adam Haartz,* Johann George Weber, Johan Adam Weber, Andreas Reiffschneitier, Johannes Schmidt, Johan Georg Schmidt, John Peter Noss, Michael Baumann, John Jacob Bildhous,* Johann Jacob Stoltz, Johan Georg Schadel, Johann Nickel Grrob, Georg Konrad G-rob, Heinrich Jacob Krebs, Johan Baltzer Kbhier, Johann Michael Klein, Johann Ernst Solomo, Johannes WUdt, Heinrich Scheffer, Heinrich Scheffer jr., Henrich Fayerbach,* Henrich Koppelberger. 172 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 107) Dec. 11, 1744. Foreigners imported in the ship Car teret, Stevinson, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. S)cc. 11, 1744. grembe famen mit bem ©djiffe Sarteret, Sa))i» tain .©tcoinfon, oon 3lotterbam iiber Somes. Philip Stein, Jacob Graff, Johannes Zbrlin, Han Peter Schiihlein, Hans Henry Dobler, Hans Georg Klein,* Michael Haut, Johannes Dewalt, Rudolph Meeke,* Hans Forster,* Philip Bickler, Jacob Bickler, Walter Miller,* Valentin Young,* Michael Anthon,* Henry Shwenk,* Nicolas Herman,* Nicklas Steinmetz, Friederick Kop, Joh. Georg Schaaff, Albrecht Fried. Binder, Johan Philip Binder, Balthazar Armgast,* Christophel Weber, Jacob Lambrecht, Christoph Bittenbender, Johannes Mayer, Joh. Christian Rehkopp, Friederich Deobeld, Friederich Deobeld jr., Johannes Kautz, Wilhelm Jungck. 108) Dee. 22, 1744. Foreigners imported in the ship Mas- cliffe Galley, Georg Durell, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from a port in Dorsetshire, England. 5Dec. 22, 1744. grembe famen mit bem ©d^iffe 5)?agclijfe ®flt= Te9, Sommanbant ®eorg DurcH, »on SRotterbam iiber einen ^a» fen in Dorfetf^ire, Snglanb. Christian Stauffer, Johannes Staube,* Jacob Kbnig,* Henry Dochman,* Christian Coots,* Hans Lynter,* Stephan Kurtz,* Hans Byer,* Jacob Engel,* Jacob Sharff,* Christian Kbnig,* Samuel Kbnig,* Christian Lang, Hans Lichti, Frantz Gernandt,' Valentin Heger,* Elias Dietrich, Christian Florig,* Jacob HbfiBing,* Conrad Notz, Conrad Meckes, Philip Haible, Johannes Meister,* Ulrich Gotter,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1746. 173 Johann Jacob Meyer, Valentine Tallebach,* Christian Harford,? Lenhart Klopert,* Christian Krebill, Abraham Steiner, Adam Jacob. Maurer, Johan Adam Gess, Leonhard Miiller, Andreas Henr. Pattheuer, Michael Trahman, Joh. Melchior Bruder, Johan Adam Wemtz, Philip Ludwig Werntz, Johan Jacob Werntz, Hans Georg Graff, Hans Georg Schneider, Hans Adam Young,* Hans Peter Burye, Hans Georg Dewalt, Caspar Schertzer, Christian Mosser,* John Showalter,* Johannes Mosieman, Henry Thomas,* ' Bernhart Bear,* Philip Vetter,* , Jacob Ebi, Jost Yotter,* Peter Jutzy,* Jacob Muller, Peter Weiss, Peter Looh,* Peter Mayer,* Jacob Junckei^ Elias Rieth,* . Jacob Pregly,* Andreas Mosselman,* Hans David Ern, Jacob Dauerschauer, Johannes Albrecht,* Johannes Sander,* Christian Fratz,* Rudolph Hand,? Peter Wittmer, Henrich Schlichter, Rudolph Herdte, Josua Caspar Herdte jr., Rudolph Herdte jr., Geo. Wilh. Heydelbach. Note. — For 1745 no Lists found in the Archives. This year the Rev'ds Peter Brunnholtz, Herman Heinrich Lempke, J. N. Kurtz and /. H. Sehaum, Lutheran ministers, arrived in Pennsylvania. — Rupp's Original Bistory of Religious Denominations, ^c, p. 384; Stoever's Memoir ofthe Life and Times of Muhlenberg, p. 59. Slnmerfung.— Son 1745 ftnb fetne Stjien im 9lt^t» aufbcttalbrt. 3n btefem 3iif)te famen bie lutbetif^cn 95o|Joren 5)eter fflrunnbolg, Hermann ©einticb Semijfc, 3- 9f. Sut^ unb 3. $. ©dbaum in 5)cnnf«l»anicn an.— 3lut)|)'a Dttginal=®efC&t^te religib'f. aScnennungen sc, ©. 384; ©tb'set'g Witmnx iti Mtni !!Ku^Ienberg'«, ©. 59. 109) Sept. 27, 1746. t Foreigners imported in the ship Ann Galley, William Wilson, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from the Orkneys, Scotland. t This year the Eev. Michael Schlatter, of St. Gall, Switzerland, embarked for America, June 1st, arrived at Boston July 21st, came to 15* 174 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS ©e)5t. 27, 1746. t grembe He?, Sapitain SJilliam SBilfon, ©(|ottlanb. Philip Bohn, Johannes Bohn, Johannes Dammer, Christopher Thamer,* Thomas Hahn, Johannes Hahn, Conrad Raber, Carl Heyderich,*- Caspar Heyderich,* Daniel Zwier, Johan Peter German, Johan Georg Godschalk,* Johan Baltzer Bohn, Johan Balthasar Damer, Christoph Hoffinan,* Johan Ludwig Lauman, Johan George Knabe,* Rubert Harttoffel, Joseph Egenbrohen,* Johannes Kauffman, Michael Egolf, Michael Egolf jr., Simon Dohster, Martin Lauman, Heinrich MiiUer, Martin Blisky,* famen mit bem ©cliffe Sinn ®al= son SHottcrbam liter bie Drfnc^g, Johannes Ott, Johannes Shock, Michael Batz, Jacob Wetzel, Jacob Ziegler, Andreas Endt, Johannes Kraus, Balthasar Stauf, Mattheus Hohl, Christian Lentz, John Lentz, Philip Ziegler, Christoph Lentz, Matheas Bleakly,* Conrad Dress, Michael Dieter, Johannes Sigle, Jacob Ziegly,* Christian Stram, Peter Reshe, Georg Stram, Greorg Ruth, Georg Betz, Joseph Alber, Geoig Hetrich, Jacob Dauttel, Philadelphia Sept. 6. He was one of the first missionaries and found ers of the German Befonned Church in America. — Rupp's History of Berks County, p. 443; Rupp's History of the Germans in Penna., Chapt. History ofthe German Reformed Church; Rev. H. Harbaugh's Memoirs of Rev. M. Schlatter. t 3n btefem Sabre fdbtff.te jt* spaftor Wi^atl ©dblattct son ®l. ©ajen in bet ©^weij am 1. Sunt na* Slmcrifo ein, »o et bann nu^l tn Sojlon nm 21. 3ult unb in fbtlabeliibta am 6. ©ept. anfom. ®t ttat einct bet ctfien OTifitonate unb Segtunber ber beutfCb-rcformtrten flir^e in Slme« rifn.— 9{up|)'« ®efC^. son Serf* So., ©. 443; gtubp'g ®efC6. bet Eetit- f^cn tn 95cnnf(pl»amen, Sn|)ttcl itber bte 9teform, Sttcde; Stojlot $. $flt- k^'0 Sttnnetungcn an Rafter 9W. ©c^latter. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1746. 175 Valentin Staffel,* Hans Peter Dornhauer, Johannes Shock jr., Joh. Gottlieb Wehner, Johannes Hummel, Johan Adam Heindel, Hans Georg Bresthle, Joh. David Schaihing, Bernhart Bochner, " Ludwig Falkenstein, George Shneering,* Johan Andreas Jetter, Hans George Trasher,* Hans Mich. Neuhauser, Johan Baltes Bucher, Christian Kauffmann, Abraham Rbsch, Friederich Eichholtz, Joh. Wilhelm Horst, Johann Schroter, Jacob Freymann, Caspar Schneider, Johannes Stbffel, David Ktintzel, Geo. Albrecht Hillegass, Hans Grtinewaldt, Michel Zimmerman, John Michael Sekel, Christian Wagner, Melchior Mill,- Michael Sekel, Michael Klawer,* Mathias Streihl. 110) Oct. 25, 1746. Foreigners imported in the Neptune, Thomas Wilkinson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from England. Dct. 25, 1746. grembe famen mit bem ©t^iffe SRejjtune, (^api" tain l^omai SBilfinfon, Don 9lotterbam liter Snglanb. Johannes Kauffeld, Arenne Consul,. Henry Eller, Henry Miller,* Jacob Shayder,* Johannes Heindt, Joh. Friedrich Windst, Joh. Fried. Windst jr., Johan Peter Funck, Johan Jacob Pfeiffer, Peter Sutter, Jacob Rauch, Jacob Bauman, George Kauffeld, Adam Kogh,* Daniel Jacob, Frantz Reynhart, Nicklas Felle,* Jacob Baab, Peter Willem, Johannes Gobel,* Jacob Steiner, Georg Weber, Michel Werntz, Jacob Huntz, Dewalt Angny,* Caspar Dewalt, Jacob Leisser, Carl Risch, Georg Ernst, Pierre Gerro,* Jean Duesto,* Saule Ruibec, Francoi Conrieu, Joseph Gerra,* Pierre Vaintvas, 176 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Valentin Leonhardt, Jacob Bauman jr., Nicklas Kauffeld, Joh. Christoff Hausmann, Andreas Reinhart, Isaac Steiner, Job. Peter Langenberger, Wilhelm Baussman, Philip. Ginder, Johannes Steiner, Joh. Philip Reinhart, Lorentz Baussman, Henrich Steiner, Christoffel Pausch, Conrad Conrath,* Philip Wissner, Hejiry Shneyder,* Joh. Bernhart Fer, Christian Steiner, Peter Grosnickel, Michel Fischer, Johannes Breitenbach, George Zimmerman, Joh. Christian Leibrock, Friederich Reinhart,* Alexander Gibbo.* Ill) Aug. 1, 1747. Foreigners imported in the bilander Vernon, Thomas Ricks, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Leith, Scotland. 3lug. 1, 1747. grembe famen mit bem Sajlf^ip 35cmon, 5a» ^jttain 2;:^oma0 SRitfg, son Sflottcrbam iiber ?eit^, ©d^ottlanb. Andreas Bttrge,* Christoffel Bar, Jacob Steinbring, Christoff Cressel,* Dewald Sheyder,* Jacob Leesher,* Marx Ehh, Henry Goub,* Abraham Funck,* Jacob Shappy,* Felix Weiss, Henrich Startzman, Johannes Griinwald, Hans Michael Kuntz,* Heinrich Biittner, Hans Mich. Biittner, Samuel Witmer,* Tobias Wagheman,* Joh. Georg Meingastne^, Hans Caspar Feerer, Johannes Ro^hel,* Hans Jacob Shappy,* Hans BickeU, Jacob Schnebeli, Rudolph Hornecker,* Ulrich Hornecker,* Henry Herker,* Peter Bawman,* Johannes Walder, Ludwig Weiter, Rudolph Huber, Georg Wampfler, Henrich Huber, Henrich Huber jr., Hans Friedt, KUian Indorff, Heinrich Fiett, WUhehn Otz, Hans Nickel Schmitt, Hans Wilhelm Weidner, Hans Henrich Weiss, Hans Bleigestauier, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1747. 177 Rudolph Hornecker jr., Hans Jacob Walder, Hans Henrich Walder, Hans Casper Walder, Han Michel Eysenmann, Joh. Christian Wampfler, Job. Ludwig Wampfler, Hans Niclaus Bar, Jacob Steinbmchel, Hans Georg Sohar, Friederich Wirtz. 112) Sept. 24, 1747. Foreigners imported in the ship Lydia, William Tiffin, Captain, from London — inhabitants of Switzer land. Sept. 24, 1747. grembe famen mit bem ©t^iffe S^bia, (S.api' tain SJilltam SEifftn, »on Sonbon — Sejoo^ner ber ©^weij. Johannes Vogel,* • John Jacob Meishter,* Jacob Vemer,* Hans Martin Wehrner, Hans Peiffer, Mich. Vogelfanger Tolly, Hans German, Hans Jacob Grtillmann, Peter Vomer,* Daniel Heinriehs, Michael Meyer,* Georg Jacob Nutiell, Henrich Danner,* Thom. Hen. Breymayer. 113) Oct. 9, 1747. Foreigners imported in the ship Restau- ration, James Hall, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Leith — inhabitants of the Palatinate and places adjacent. Dct. 9, 1747. grembe tamen mit bem ©^iffe 3ieflauratton, Sa))itain 3ame« ^all, »on 3iottcrbam uber Seif^ — ani ber f falj unb angrcnjcnben Sanbcrn. David Scherch,- Martin Lesch, Johannes Schanz, Nicolaus Miller, Tobias Pflieger, Leonhart Herein,* Johannes Knecht, Andreas Seitle, Hieronimus Greber, Johannes Lbffler, Joh. Georg Siirmer, Joh. Georg Kiihner, Martm Pfiengstag, Johan Peter Beyl, Joh. Adam Kauffman, Hans Georg Jung, Jacob Miiller, Jacob Rbder, Philip Hinsch, David Dietterich, — Martin Streioker, Andreas Riess, Thomas Zigler,* Jacob Houpt,* Georg Lertsclde, Lucas Flak,* 178 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Caspar Ber,* Jacob Endi, Georg Klees, Georg Rohrer, Johannes Yetter, Baltas Mauerer, Jacob Hacke, Michael Wagner, Peter Mosser, Peter Mosser jr., Hans Guth, Andreas Beyer, Jacob Wetzler, Simon Isbod,* Christian EUer, Johannes Fuchs, Jost Kobel, David Kobel, Peter Wittmer, Samuel Rosser, Jacob Beysely,* Michael Funck, Jacob Gross, Adam Tamas, Christian Rupp, Henry Righter,* Hans Lay, Michael Fbss, Bernhart Beck, Georg Beyer, Martin Moll, Michel Meyer, Johannes Leonner, Joh. Lorentz Straueker, Christoph Wagner, Georg Pried. Klingel, Hans G«org Klingel, Heinrich Rbsch, Joh. Philip Busch, Joh. DaniM Busch, Joh. Paulus Misser, Hans Adam Sebaldt, Hans Georg Tbrr, " Joseph Bentainger, Joseph Lobwasser, Johan Georg Wendel, Hans Georg Hoffinan, Johan Peter Lutz, Johannes Schemmlein, George WallmiUer,* Heinrich Hauptman, Michael Hoffinan,* Joh. Frantz Lemmlein, Joh. PhUip Stock, Joh. 'Michael Weckesser, PhUip Hebeisen, Johan Jacob Ebener, Christoph Homan, Friederich Rohrer, Conrad Bisecker, Joh. David Klemm, Joh. Gottfried Bohner, Michael Reinardt, Hans G^org Eberhartt, Hans Georg Shmitzer,* Joh. PhUip Hopff, Gottfried Rattenauer, Joh. Christoph SUberberg, Johannes Hermann, Johannes Feldmayer, Georg Muckenberger, Hans Leonard Butz, Hans Michel Schlauch, Christoph Mtihleissen, Gottfried Lauerer, Andreas Bosshardt, Michel SchUl, Balthes Zericher, Jacob Rbsch, Mattheus Mauck, Jacob Hettler, Jacob Scherioh, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1747. 179 Samuel Wendel, Christian Miihleissen, Geo. Friederich Kasper, PhUip Jacob Mayer, Georg Daniel Eppler, Johannes Weissman, Hermanns Mumau, Johan Jacob Schof, Christian Tragher,* Christian Schneider. 114) Oct. 13, 1747. Foreigners, inhabitants of the Palati nate and places adjacent, imported in the ship Two Brothers, Thomas Amott, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Leith. Dct. 13, 1747. grembe au3 ber ^falj nnb ben angrenjenbcn Sanbcrn famen rait bem ©^tffe Zm Srot^cr^, Sapitain Zi)omaS $(rnott, oon 9iotterbam iiber Setf^. Johannes Fuchs, Johannes Bosse, Johannes Adam, Johannes Buch, Peter Steinmetz, Johannes Opp, Jacob Arnold sen., Jacob Arnold jr., Mattheis Kern, Johannes Hermann, Johan Peterey, Georg Schantz,^? Carl Baumberger, Johannes Eberhart, Nickolas Woolfe,* Henrich Kirch, Georg Karch, Johannes Bischoff, Jost Fullmer,* Johannes Udner, Christian Eydam,* Henrich Julius, Daniel Sauerwalt, Johannes Scheffer, Johannes Enck, Jacob Htippel, Johan Henrich Kuntz, Joh. Christof Midler, Johan Jacob Schmidt, Joh. Bernhart Schneider, Job. Jacob Hilgert, Johan Peter Bausmann, Johan Philip Thomas, Johan Ernst Kurtz, ~. Johan Frantz Hammer, Frantz Henrich Gross', Johan Georg Roth, Johan Peter Conradt, Johan Adam Krbber, Joh. PhUip Klonninger, Joh. Leonhart Negele, Johan Conrad Momma, Johan PhUip German, Frantz Peter Lorentz, Joh. Peter Meisteuch, Joh. Wendel Eberhart, Joh. Jacob Bischoff, Joh. Diet. Schmidt, Joh. Balthas Hieronymus, Joh. Frantz Hieronymus, Adam Ingebrand,* Georg PhUip Groh, PhUip Fidler, Henry Beyl,* Costinibs Ortmann, Michel Reidenauer, 180 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Sebastian Bauer, George Wendling, Anthon Armrestier,* Heinrich Scharff, Herman Wobst,* Nicklas Gebhart, Dewald Knapff, Georgius Boronii, Johannes Schnepp,? Henrich Kem, ]|Iatbeis Bischop, Johannes Bbhm, Johan Seitzius, Johann Georg, Frantz Gerligh,* Paulus Dilgard, Philip Kolp, Ernestus De Switzerdetiiefryer, Johan Niclaus Straitz, Joh. Christoph Strohman, Johan Philip NachtgaU, Johan Georg Huth, Joh. Valentin Harth, George Greenemeyei-,* Johan Nickel Wiist, Frantz Michel Bischop, Johan Christoph Lehr, Johan Conrad Geib, Johannes Sassemanshause, Johan Jost Reese,* Joh. Jost Bebighausen, Georg Herrmann, Frantz WUlhan, Leonhart MiiUer, Baltzer Mohn, UhUerich Moan,* Valentin Buchaker,* Adolff May, Conrad Waagenaer. 115) Oct. 20, 1747. last from Leith. Foreigners imported from Rotterdam, Dct. 20, 1-747. grembe famen son giotterbam iiber Seit^. Johannes Gress, Peter Koch,* Henry Bawngwar,* Jacob Spring,* Jacob Frey, Niclaus Lantz, Wilhelm Dauber, Adam Birger, Hans Sheyer,* Adam Schmitt, Johannes Meyer,* Charles Shmit,* Christian Wenger, Georg Schuster, Johannes Stumpf, Ludwig Tecker,* Hans Conrad Beck, Joh. Christian Petersohn, PhUip Henrich Seng, Jacob AUimang, Jacob AUimang jr., John Henry Sehneyder, Jacob Schwanger, Johannes Wenger, Christoff GottschaU,* Hans Adam Fumy,* Abraham Frantz, Hans G«org Lantz, Christian Gartner,? Hans Philip Baion, Sim. Con. Steinuth, Joh. WUhelm Yef,* • AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1748. 181 Georg Wirth, Hans Michel Kleim,* Henry Frantz, Hans Dewalt Leyty,* Peter Kennel,* Nicklaus Wenger, Peter Frantz, Henry LikwUder.* Johan Kiistner, ¦ 116) Sept. 5, 1748. f Foreigners imported in the ship Edin burgh, James Russel, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Ports mouth. ©ept. 5, 1748. t grembe famen mit bent ©li^iffe SbinBurg^, Eapttain 3ame3 9luffcl, oon 3lotterbam iiber ^ortiSmout:^. Andreas Staut, Valentin Huth, Jacob Schumacher, Valentin Huth jr., Christoph Kumm, Valentin Sherer,* Lorentz Reyder, Valentin MiiUer, Dietrich Strubel, Felix Sautter, Adam Ranch,* Jacob Veirling, Johan Lorentz, Lenhard CEhler, Thomas Kirch, Joh. Valentin Opp, Conrath Claus, Joh. Philip Schmitt, Sebastian Barthol, Joh. Adam Schuster, Peter Wingert, Joh. Stephan Franck, Philip Haller, Johan Peter Heger, Peter Pfeiffer,* Joh. Valentin Klages, Peter Ott,? Jacob Hilssheimer, Friederich Gerhardt, Joh. Philip Lorentz, Peter Dost, Joh. Valentin Lorentz, Lorentz Werthes, Adam Kirchner, ? Simon Pilanus, Joh. Leonard May, Michel Gugesk * Frantz Peter May, t In 1748 several (Jerman Reformed ministers arrived in' Pennsyl vania. Aug. 13, 1748, Rev. Dominicus Bartholomceus, and Rev. John Jacob Hochreulener; Sept. 15, Kev. Johann Jacob Leydig — ^Dr. Butt- tier's Reform. Kirche in America, p. 11; Rev. H. Harbaugh's Memoirs of Germ. Reform. Ministers in the U. S. t SmSnbtc 1748 famen mebtcre beutfii^-reformtrtc (Beijiltcbc tn 5)enn» . fijloanien an. ?lm 13. Slugujl bie ^Sa^oten S)omintcu« S8attbo(omau« unb 3oI)cob, Sopitoin Slbolp:^ be i®ro»e, bon Slmjicrbam iiber ©|telb3, Snglonb. — 290 in 9lUem. Friederich Biickel, Christoph Fiirstner, Friederich WaUes,* Conrad Bauster, Philip Storm,* Martin Wust, Michael MUler,* Georg Hoffman, iJohan Jacob Sinn, SJohan Georg Sinn, : Hans George Keplinger,* Hans Georg Hoffman, Georg Christian Spangler, Johan Henrich Herget, Johan Christoph Kees,? John Georg Steigleder, George Bachert,* Joseph Ritter, f anl Lebing, Jacob UhUerich,* Johannes Becker, Daniel Freysinger,* Conrad Reese,* Johannes Roth, Jacob Sinder, Peter Seyds,* Martin Treibel, Martin Erch, Georg Schweigers, Jacob Traudt, Jacob Rupp, Jacob GUbert, Lorentz Hoch, Johann Jabbes, ? Johannes Neier, Marcus Gbnner, Henry Rubert, William Hofman,* Matheis Hartman, Johannes Rohm, 216 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Henry Krahmer, Jacob Kautzman, Johann Bauman, Adam Eichholtz, Valentin ViUib, Friederich Becholt, Adam Shnyder,* Henry Wirdt, Christoph Heiply,* Philip Stumpff, ^ Peter Seyler,* Jacob Heibly,* Melchior Wolfart,* Joseph Volck, Johannes Folck,* Martin Dbtter, Johan Conrad Lebing, Georg Michael Laubinger, Hans Georg Krafft, Friederich Pfoersching, Jacob Fleischmann, Johan Henrich Knbss, Martin Bleymeyer, Georg Eberharth, Heinrich Hoffman, Joh. Conrad Leitheiser, Eberhart Windmeyer, Christian Fried. Haberlin, Hans Georg Bauer, Johan Georg Stein, Bernhart Gilbert, Simon Grossman, Hans Adam Fakler,* Hans PhUip Schbster, Georg Carl Hubert,* Johan Henrich Rohm, Hans Georg Miinig,* Job. Georg Hunkinger, Gotfried Samuel Welper, Johan Georg Heinrich; Joh. Adam Hiltenbeittel,* Joh. Martin Eichholtz, Joh. Wendel Kiihner, Johannes Zimmermann, Joh. Michael Sehneyder, Hans Michael Gandner, Johan Jacob HeU, Johann Adam Roth, Johan Georg Grbther, Melchior Vogelmann, Johan Georg Stbmer, Hans Michael Gintner, Nicolas Dbtter, Matheis Dbtter, Claudt Reinaldt. Sick — Fried. Seydler, Baltaser Bauer, Johannes Hartman. 140) Oct. 7, 1749. Palatines from Mannheim and Zweibrii cken, — ship Lesbie, J. BaUedium, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 450 passengers. Dct. 7, 1749. 3)faljer tomen ani 'SRannf^tim unb 3»etbriif» fen mit bem ©cliffe Segbie, Sopitoin 3- SoUebium, »on 9tottet;= bom iiber SomeS. — 450 im ©onjen. Conrad Valentine,* Martin Andreas,* Hannes Henrich,* Ulrich Ichle, Wendel Wahl, Johannes Hess,* Jacob Hamels,* Friederich Schott, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1749. 217 Johannes Eckman,* Henry Mohler,* Peter Klein,* Casper Klein, Friederich Fuchs, Anthon Koch,* Michael Shmeyer,* Peter Kraut, Philip Mauer, Peter Kuntz, Conrad Wolfe,* Martin Kind, Wendel Jung, Christophel Jung, Johannes Ritcher,* Friederich Mey, Balser Schmit, Michael Klee, Phihp Klem, Wendel Schmertzen,* Johannes Becker, Valentin Petiy, Michel Huyet, Jacob Womer, Christian Melchert, Philip Karcher, Johannes PfeU, Michel Cuntz, Jacob Strauss,* Michel Dinger, Peter Weber, Christoph Geigenberger, Peter Griinenwalt, Christoph Lesch, Johann Adam Mauer, Martin Vosener, Johannes Wessener,* Rudolph Hoffman,* Johan Philip Griessemann, Johan Herman Metz, Johann Jacob Metz, Johan Bernhart Neiman, Joh. Paul Rotbgerber, Johan Peter Wickert, Johan Paul Wickert, Martin Schwenck, Johan Peter Stimmel, Johan G«org Kind, Johann Michael Messemer, Simon Baumgarttner, Gottfried Griinzweig, Hans Georg Scheistlen, Johann Diehl Klein, Johan Jacob Engler, Joh. WUhelm Irrendt, Jacob Hoffman, Peter ImbsweUler, Anthoni Petersheimer, Jacob Harberger, Michael Wommer,* Christ. Adam MtiUer, Johan Jacob Ninies,* Johan Adam Correll, Johan Michael Deobalt, Johan Philip Matheis, Johan Nicolas MuUer, Johan Jacob Walter, Gottfried Finderer, Gottfried Kommell, Haus Georg Fischer, Jacob Cratz, Stephan Hepp, Georg Hepp, Johannes Muller, Valentin Behler,* Conrad Behler, Georg Muller, Johannes Lang,* Andreas Supper, Jacob Mauerer,* Peter Grem,* Adam Stein, 19 218 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Philip Haubt, Jost Fischer, Peter MUler, Jacob Jager, Georg Imich, Jost Engler, Jacob Meyer, Henry Boce,* Georg Martin Hausser, Bernhardt Hepp, Jacob Leonhart,* Johannes Harmouie, Hans Georg Brodbeck sen. Hans Georg Brodbeck jr.. Sick — Matheis Knauss, Philip Adam. John Rudolph Espidt, Johan Philip Supper, Johan Adam Dbrffling,* Joh. Reinhardt Bbhm, Johannes Klossmayer, Johan Adam Bath, -Friederich Bender, Christian Schneider, Nicklas Diemus,* PhUipp Otto Wagner, Joh. Ludwig Dengeiss, Nicolas Deterich,* - Joh. Christoph Fackler. Bartholomse Mertz, George Shmit, 141) Oct. 10, 1749. Palatines, persons from Whtemberg, Durlach, and Zweibriicken. Dct. 10, 1749. grembe famen ani ber IJfafj, aSiirttcmbcrg, ©urloc^ unb S'^od'bxMtn. Jacob Bock, Steffe Mausch, Johannes Beck, Henrich Bachman, Michael Kipp, Leonhardt Meyer, Georg Wagner, Henry Heyser,* Joseph Balick, Konrat Linss, David Bast, Georg Berger, Adam WoUmer,§ Reinhart Heiss, Heinrich Haffer, Jacob Adams,* Georg Conrad Bloss, Matheas Gberfeld,* Henrich Hubener, Bernhart MUler,* Andreas Gembler, Georg Friedrich Schmidt, Johannes Hanftferck, Johann Michael Bast, Michael Steinborn, Johannes Ohhnger, Johann Peter Clemmentz, Wilhelm Arnold, Peter Arnold, Johannes Arnold, Georg Simon Bresler, Ludwig Herrmann, Jacob Kneiss, Nicklas Bresler,* George Bresler,* Michael Bahrt, Henrich Koch, Friederich Jung, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1749. 219 Nickolas Simon, Christian Lentz, Michael Barth, Michel Schock, Jacob Shaak,* Peter Rap,* Ambrose Remly, Michael Messer, Matheas KeUer, Johannes Schmidt, PhiUp Hany,* Conrad GeidUnger,* Ludwig Hach, Johannes Vogt, Daniel Bock, Andreas Vogler,* Baltzer Heyl, / Johannes Barth, v Hans Gratsch, Jacob Schantz, CarlShantz,* Henry MUler,* Casper Dorn, Joseph Gebhart,* Adam Lotz, Johannes Koch, Georg Rbgler, Johannes Kan, Jaxjob Stadtler, Jacob Tonner, Jacob Ulmer, David Kehm, Friederich DoU, Georg Breining, Jacob Briicker, Georg Crassan, J. WiUiam Shaak, Georg Jacob Wagner, Johannes Oberle, Johann Peter Oberle, Conrad Gliick, Johan Georg Schreiber, Georg Henrich Wust, Cornelius von Starweg, Johann Georg Hammer, John Jacob Messer,* Anthonius Gedelo, Hans Georg Huff, Johan Henrich Hettieh, Johannes Scherrer, Jacob Schweinftirth, Hans Michael Seitz, Johan Jacob Rahn, Michael Bastian, Nicolaus Schaffer, Johannes UhUerich,* Georg Kuber, Georg Adam Lbble, WiUielm Lbble, Johannes Himmelreich,* Johan Jacob Weyden, Johan PhUip CEhlweUer, Peter Kratringer,*. Georg Jacob Shierman,* Johan Georg Lutz,* Valentein SchaUus, Bastian Shalles,* Hans Georg Kau, Henry Reinhart, § Nicklaus Moclotz, Joh. PhUip Hausman, Philip Martin Hammel, Jacob Schriffele, Bernhart Breininger, Stephan Tieffelmeyer, Christianus Hentz, Johannes Gelisen, Nicklaus Gelisen, Michel Brucker, Christian Seyder,* Georg Kremer, Edmundus ThoU, 220 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Georg Reilenbach, Valentin Keller, Johannes Storm,* Jacob Kantz,* Michael Kantz,* Jacob Bertsch, Philip Bodomer, Andreas Ecker, Ruprecht Haug, Mathias MiiUer, WUhelmus Savelkorl, Georg Christoph MtiUer, Nicolaus Forsohberge, Georg Ludwig Hoffinann, Joh. Peter Hickenauer, Joh. Stephan Dietewig, Valentin Schweitzer, Johan Nickel Klein, Johan Michael Mintz, Christian Carl Brandt, a Johann Menle Brandt, Johan Christian Brandt, Joh. David Wbpperck. 142) Oct. 17, 1749. Palatines, Wirtembergers and Akr tians, (from Alsace,) — ship Dragon, Daniel Nicholas, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 244 passengers. Dct. 17, 1749. 3)fal3er, aCiirttembergcr unb Slfaffcr famen mit bem ©cliffe ©rogon, Sopitoin ©oniel 51licola3, »on SJotter* bom itber 5)ort0mout|, — 244 im ©anjen. Andreas Mohr, Martin Shratter,* Nicklaus Brickner,* Conrad Roth, Felix Gartom,* Jacob Wolff, Andreas Hertz, Hans Danzel,* Henry Jacob,* Conrad Engel,* PhUip Fischer, Valentin Bender, David Shantz,* Andreas Bircker, Stephan Purman, Peter Fischer,* Jacob Pisher, Andreas Kerschner, Johannes MuUer, Johannes Sauter, Johannes Rumffel, Hans Georg Daubach, WUibald Gambert, WUhelm Menges, Hans Peter Voltz, Michael Schmidt, Christian Duchmann, Peter Tuchman,* Hans Michael Kuntz, Hans Georg Stambach, Joh. Eberhart Balthas, David Kleidens, ffl This name is written in beautiful Roman Script, with the profess sional appendix — Christian Carl Brandt, Chirurg. a !Dtefer 9tnme i|i tn f^iiner laleinif(|ct ©cdrift flcfc^tielien mtt fcm profefftonetlen 2:itel „Sbirur8". AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1749. 221 Heinrich Kiibarts, Johannes Stiebler, Johan Adam Stiebler, Hans Georg Burkhard, Johan Nicklas Wyner,* Johannes Waall,* Andreas Eueriing, Wilhehn Hoffmann, Johan Jacob AUes, Johan Simon Groh, Heinrich Fischer, Jacob Griess, Peter Diehl, Abraham KeUer, Johannes Bigler,* Adam Sprengel, Jacob Kiefer, Simon Metziger, Peter Grow,* Conrad Shyd,* Georg Shyd,* Conrad Grumbach, Simon Bshbagh,* Jacob Grumbach, Casper Iba, Johannes Schmidt, Johannes Eberle, Johannes Gehr, Bastian Gernaut, Wilhelm Zimerle, Tobias Herein, Anthony Ztirch, Balthas Schneider, Conrad Vieman, Johan Georg Krumlauf, Georg Henry Shyd,* Hans Michael Haudesch, Heim Heydersh,* Hans Mich. Haudenscheidt, Johan Adam Meier, Johan Martin Ferster, Joh. Andreas Wagner, Johan Henrich Theiss, Hans Michael Rosser, Geo. Hen. Wider Griindell, Johan Jacob Wirth, Johannes Hoffmann, Johan Georg Schneider, PhU. Lorentz Zimmerle, Arnold Klehass. 143) Oct. 17, 1749. Foreigners from the Palatinate, Wir temberg and Rittenheun,— ship Fane, William Hyndman, Cap tam, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 596 passengers. Dct. 17, 1749. Sluglonbcr ani ber 3)fala, SBiirttemberg unb SRittcn^eim fomen mit bem ©i^iffe gone, Sopttoin SGilliflm S^niittan, son SRotterbom iiber Someg.— 596 im ©onjen. Gottlieb Sbhner, Tobias Manieh, Jacob Schneider sen., Jacob Schneider jr., Leonhirt Lang, Christian Reiner, Georg Reiner, Adam Seifert, Michael Bluer, Casper Wagner, Paul Geiger, Jacob Stier, Christian Stein, Georg Geiger, Adam Hugly,* Ludwig Triber,* 19* 222 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Mattheis Stier, Christoffel Graf,* Christoph Graf jr., Christoph WUlet, Johan Martin Offner, Sam. Henry Abentschon,* Reinhold Abendschbn, Christian Abendschbn, Gottlieb Baumgarttner, Christoph Altneth, Joh. Henrich Gerlach, Hans Georg Huber, Johan Georg Huber, Georg Michael Haas, Johannes Schilling, Johan Adam KeUinger,* Joh. Christoph Wethwein, Joh. Conrad Haussler, Jacob Plantz, Jacob Weyand, Heinrich Benner, Henry Mise, Arnold Althaus, Ludwig Benner, Johannes Benner, Herman Weber,* Jost Weber, Conrad Stenger, Conrad Crum, Konrath Kremer, Johannes Keim, Johannes Gross, Adam Spies, Wilhelm Shatz,* Jacob Klein, Johannes PfeU,* Johann Graffhos, Jacob Hahn, Jacob Zeller,' Conrad Zeller, Johannes ZeUer, Michael Meyer, Martin WUler, Martin Faigile, Martin Pefferle, Johannes Herter, Jacob KeUing, Casper Zesseler,* Johannes Algeyer,* Andreas Scherle, Henrich Priest, Melchior Ram,* Christian Reiner, Paul MtiUer, Gottfiied Tietz, Leonhart Jung,* Lorian Eisely,* Johannes Kramer,* Conrad Hirsh, Johan Leonhard Jung, Leonhardt Plantz, Johan Jacob Schneider, Georg Jacob Plantz, Jost Sasmanhaus, Daniel Marburger, Johan Henrich Rentzel, Jost WUhelm Rentzel, Johan Henrich Schmidt, J. Engel Stokman,* Johan PhUip Stockmann Johan Casper Klein, Johannes Klein, Daniel Benner, Johan Georg Zachrias, Martin Schneider, Christoph Schneider, Joh. Martin Hausser, Johannes Wahl, Johan Martin Hertz, Johan Martin Reisser, Christian Damselt, Christoffel Wimer,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 223 Hans Georg Mayer, Greorg Friederich Hbhn, Hans Georg Plocher, Samuel Beck,* Johannes Fischer, Melchior Heckman, Johannes Schweitzer, Hans Jacob Bbtz, Hans George Kem,* Hans Norffkoh,? ¦ Georg Philip Reiber, Hans Jacob Keller,* Melchior Rinehold, Job.' Dietrich Reiner, Wilhelm Claussenius, Ulrich Heininger, Jacob Adam Kraut, Joh. Conrad Biehn, Joh. Friederich Stieg. 144) Nov. 9, 1749. f Foreigners imported in the snow Good Intent, Benjamin Boswell, Master, from Rotterdam, hist from Cowes. — 76 passengers. 9loi). 9, 1749. t aiugliinber famen mit bem @eef(|tffe @oob Sntent, Sapitotn S3enj. SSogrocU, son Jftotterbom iiber dumi. — 76 im ©onjen. Johannes Hausman, Joseph Hausman, Paulus Hausman, Dietrich Mertz, Johannes Kreiner, Peter Hetzer, Mattheas Plenninger,* Ludwig Stumb,* Jacob Masner, Michael Jung, Georg Meyer, Peter Matter, ' Friederich Bassler, Hans Georg Bbssmer, Joh. Christoph Besmer, Johan Adam Kurtz, Johannes Heinninger, Jacob Heinninger, Hans Georg Hentzelmann,. Christian Pfingstag, Georg Henrich Beinbhl, Jacob Reinholte, Johannes Kessler,* Ludwig Werentz, Henry Seyder. 145) Aug. 11, 1750. Foreigners imported in the .ship Par tienoe, Hugh Steel, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. t This year Rev. J. Conrad Steiner, a Swiss from the Canton Zurich, a German Eeformed Minister, came to Pennsylvania. — BiUtner's Ref. Church, p. IL— {Editor.) t 3n btefem 3«bre fam jSajior 3. Sonrnb ©teiner, etn ©^toeijer ani Mm Ejnton 3iiri(^ unb reform, ©ei^ltc^er, nacl) fennfalsama.— SSitttttcr'a 224 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Slug. 11, 1750. SluSlonber fomen mit bem ©tiiijfc ^atitnit, Sapitoin $ug^ ©teel, son 3totterbam iiber Someg. Stephan Beck, Henrich Lentz, Peter Groff,* Christoff Bener,* Andreas Muller, Georg Schnedh, Jacob Jacoby,* Adam Jacobi, Matheis Jacobi, Peter Jacobi, Jacob Burkard, Jacob Bar, Jacob Conrath sen.,* Jacob Conrath jr., Daniel MUler, Jacob Reichert, Samuel Werner, Johannes Halm,* Peter Wieland, Hans Peter Treger, Jacob Heckendorn, Hans Peter Graff, Hans Jacob Groff,* Johannes Peter Klein, Johan Nickel MiiUer, Johan Nickel Cuntz, Joh. WUhelm Fuchs, Joh. Christoph Orpertag, Johan Peter Fitz, Johan Daidd Jnnge,* Joh. Henrich Leineweher, Joh. Conrad Wblffle, Christian Ulrich Lentz, Christoph Ketteman, Johan Georg Ketteman, Joh. Jacob Rappoldt, Georg Friederich Groh, Johan Georg Bader, Friederich Waltzer, Jacob Schwob,* Georg Loadig,* Geo. Adam Eckerdt, Joh. Peter Wohner, Balthasar Vetterman, Georg Hamen, Conrad Velten, Jacob Muhleysen, Nicklas Muhleysen, WUhelm Diedrich, Henrich Reinhardt, Johannes RoUer,* Christoph Fritz,* Jacob Lentel, Henrich Georg, Christian Mener, Matheas Oberkirsch,* Nicklas Conrad,* Jacob Deremot, Abraham Ritner, Andreas Rost,* Paulus Reylandt, Johannes Eischby, Dewald Gerst,* Friederich Gerst,* David Smith,* Peter Poland,* Stephen Poland,* Peter Foltz, Jacob Dobeler,* Hans Kawf&nan,* Christian Shmitt,* PhUip Heiber, Jacob KeeUenthal,* Michael Juncker, Johannes Palm,* Johannes Reichle, Casper Greiter, Anthon Derffns, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 225 Carl VoUunte,* Jacob bannether, Hans Michael Melber, J. Michael Leidich, Johan Georg Bauer, - Georg Adam Eckart,* Johan Christoph Kuntz, Johan WUhelm Wann, Johan Arnold Reinhart, Johannes Nickel Henrich, Johann Peter Schutz, Johannes Adam Lauch, Johan Jacob Weirich, Johann Nickel Brod, Johan Michel Conrad,* Johan Nickel Hasber, Johan Jacob Lushes, Johan Peter Diedrich,^ Johan Nickel Jung, Philip Jacob Maurer, Johan Friederich PfeU, Hans Georg Eshnger, Hans Georg Sing, Johan Conrad Bross, Johannes Baumgartner, Hans Georg Nagel, Georg Friederich Haug, Johan David Gorges, Joh. Andreas Muhlschlagel, Joh. Adam Satson,* Johan PhUip Ost, Johan Matheis Georg, Friederich Henrich, Johan Michael Leib, David Stadelmayer, Bartholoma Lentzinger, Johan Adam Fetzer, Johan Adam Stiehl, Joh. Albrecht Velter, Johannes Esbenstein, Johan Adam DentzeU, Johan David Limbeoh, Johan Jacob Mtiller. 146) Aug. 13, 1750. Foreigners imported in the ship Ben- net Galley, John Wadham, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 260 passengers. Slug. 13, 1750. grembe fomen mit bem ©c^tffe Sennet ©oUe^, Sapitain 3o|n 3Sob^om, son SRotterbom iiber 5)ortgmout:^. — 260 tm ©onjett. Jacob Lange,* Adolph Riehl, Isaac Gunst,* Jacob Dencker,* Georg Acker, Michael GaUater,* Carl Gustav, Johanes Koch,* Peter Bucks, Jacob Lazarus, Jacob Valentme,* Joseph Eck,* Christoff Grindler,* Adam Steffan, Wendel Insel, Martin Bender, Johannes Jacob, Peter Merckel, Gylyan Geused, Uhlerich Steiner,* Casper Stattler, Hans Bergher,* 226 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Peter Gutman, Bentz Horny,* Balzer Leibrock,* Bastian Ledig, Jacob Schaffer, Hans Rughty,* Nicklaus Mercklin, Peter Funck, Andreas Mtiller, Michael Kuntz, Hans Dtiringer, Johannes Bley,* Benjamin Kelhover,* Dewald Wantlin,* Friederich Reys,* Jacob Reiss, Johanes Hoon,* Hans Michael Beyer,* Hans Jacob SUander, Johan Georg Ott, Joh. Jacob Shtitzlin, John Friederich Ott,* Johan Jacob Wuppel, Johan Adam Bayer, Johan David Neumann, Michael Neumann, Hans Georg Baldes Pargel, Johannes PhUip Schmit, Hans Peter Shrantz,* Heinerich Leininger, Johan Frantz Friess, Johann Michel Kloss, D. Carl Gottlieb Diesbergen, H. Jacob Sander,* Hans Georg Wetzel, Hans Georg HaUifas,* Hans Georg Schenckel, Johann Georg Stiss, Hans Peter Peters,* Hans George Hoon,* Georg Friederich Hoon,* George Friederich Hetzel,* Hans Michael Hetzel,* Hans Michel Reber, Henrich Jacob Vandeburg, Christoff Ackerman, Hans Michael Roth, Julius Friederich Vollandt, Johan Georg Ronister, Hans Georg Shlaybouer,* Hans Georg Reichart, Hartman Leibengut,* Christian Pried. Knauss, Hans Michael HeU, Hans Adam MUler,* Georg Jacob Brunsholtz, Benedict Peter, Adam Fixe,* Peter Lazarus,* George Lees, Diebolt Schwenck, Hans Mich. Leby,* J. Adam Printzholtz,* Hans Thomas Leininger, Hans Michael Bonet,* Johan Nickel Post, Joh. PhU. Jacob Schott, Johann Geora; Hafer. Sick — Johannes MiUer, Friederich Lauderbrunn, H. Nicklas Blader, Henry Peter. 147) Aug. 13, P. M., 1750. Ship Edinburgh, James Rus sel, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 314 pas sengers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 227 Slug. 13, Siloc^mittogg, pitain 3omeS atujfet, oon 314 iPojfagtere. Johann Corngibel,* Johannes Beyer,* Johannes Beyer jr., Michel Hamburgeis,* J. George Kirshner,* Valentin Sbsttel, Stoffel Bruning,* Ludwig Gassier, Jost Schneider, Thomas Kegel,* Thomas Klosse,* Henjich Kloss, Andreas Huck, Jacob Mbler, Georg Schaffer, Johannes Wien, Michael Lemer, Daniel Klein, Jacob Schafer, Johan Fasriacht,* Johannes Telcher,* Johannes Deloher, Jacob Werntz, David Herbster,* Jacob Danish, Georg Heyle,* Jacob Loch, Casper Strohl, Andreas Ditz, Philip Conrad Aumiiller, Johann Seybert Gertz, Johann Henrich Lotz, Johann PhUip Heck, Casper Brbning, Joh. Peter Se^ert, Johan Georg Rabe, Johan George Flour,* Johann Georg Mtiller, 1750. Dai ©c^tff Sbiuburg^, Sa- Siottecbam iiber ^ortgmout:^, brod^te Johan Adam Stein,* Johan Casper Rotter, JohanYi Georg Klein, Johan PhiUp Hblsel, Lorentz Baum, Christophel Spahr, Philippus Bticksell, Johannes Gertz, Johan Peter Leib, Johannes Feuerstein, Hans Georg Renninger,* Johan Herman Dippel, Johannes Eulert, Wendel Renninger,* Ludwig Pretzman, Frederick Brinkman,* Daniel Meerbagh,* Andreas Spielman,* Peter Sickenberger, Valentin Kreischer, Henrich PUgram, Peter Nees,* Peter Bohre, Andreas Keanig,* Carol Keanig,* PhUip Shmith,* Nicklas Hirt,* Johannes Kniss, Christian Haffner,* Jacob Plug,* Nicklas Spring,* Johannes Philips,* Andreas BenseU, Jacob Daunneberger,? Jacob Merckle, _^ Simon Merckle, Carl Stedt, ^ Johannes Mohl, 228 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Peter Marcus,* Conradt Bbhm, Gottlieb Wyda,* Casper Mug,* Michael Heinle, Peter CoUep,* Conrad Haffer, Theobald Cuntz, Frantz Cuntz, Peter Spengler,* Johannes Shmit,* Severimus Sheffer,* Christian Kempt, Jacob Michael, Jacob Schaffner, Anthony Heanz,* Jacob .Walter,* Ludwig Bauer, Nicklas Spiri, Nicklaus Bard, Henry CoUer,* Philip Balbierer, Jacob Metziger,* Thomas Bough,* PhUip Begtholt, Casper Conradi, Friederich Hoffmann, Johann Rtidelbach, ? Valentin Chitzrieth, ? Casper Dieffebacher, Michael Matinger, Johannes Wblschlager, Johann Jacob Brang, Simon Peter Ternantz,* Johan Ulrich Daumer, Johann Gottlieb Rabi, Johann Martin Schaffer, Johan Georg Hbltzer, Johan Christoffel Scharff, Samuel Falckenhahn, Johannes Schmidt, Johan PhUip Stang, Johan Georg Dum, Johannes Haffner, Johannes Mbller, Christoffel Mbller, Johann Bernhard Christ, / Johan Adam Huber,* ¦»/ Jacob von de Bait, Georg Fried. HeUbrunn, Johan Fried. HeUbrunn, Johan Daniel Btibel, Ludwig Schreiner, WUhelm Schreiner, Christ. Sam. Bachmann, Joh. Ludwig Widtmann, Joh. Ludwig Seysser, Johan Georg Esch, ' Haps Adam Wagner, Georg Adam Hobel, Ludwig Spannagel, Johan Adam Regel, Johan Henry Shbman,* Andreas Brandner, Georg Sebastian Krausser, Johan Ludwig Ehrhart, Johannes Fisser, Matthias Heiss, Johannes Wagner, Nicolaus Gerlach. 148) Aug. 15, 1750. Ship Royal Union, Clement Nichol son. Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Slug. 16, 1750. Dai ©c^ijf aio^ol Union, Sommanbant Sle ment 9lic^olfon, Don Stotterbam iiber Soweg, brad^te grembe. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 229 Jacob Grob,* John Brenhauer,* Jacob Karrier,* J. J. 0. Driesch, Adam Staub, Casper Schmidt, PhUip Prike,* Hans Prike,* Conradt Arnoldt, Jacob Stehr, Hans Weertz,* Matheas Rost,* Anthoni Emrich, Daniel Braun, Martin Schrenck,* Andreas Haas,* Andreas Hotz, Adam Long,* GottUeb Utz, Michael Eyrich, Matheas Eyrich,* Felix JuDg, Johann Georg, PhUip Eberhart, Jacob Steebly,* Martm Schmitt, Nickel Faust, Abraham Gerhart,* Jacob Shmith,* Peter Hambro, Nickel Pass, Matheas Fesbely, Johannes Hartman, Peter Mann,* Daniel Dudi, Johann WUhelm Lochmann, Herman Schwamm, Frederick Schnitzer, Johan Conrad Scheffer, Stephan MurUch, Christoffel German, Henrich Hauenstein, Hans Michael Bauersachs, Andreas Hertzog, Hieronymus Schleider, Gustav Friederich Schleider, Heinrich Holtzman, Michael Luttman, Hans Georg Young,* Johan Martin Schwartz, Peter Ulrich Bauer, Johann Georg Utz, Hans Adam Kautzmann, Bernhard (Esterle, Joh. Friederich Glassbrenner, Johan Jacob Ebenth, Ludwig von der Schmidt, Matheis Bernhardt, Johann Michael Schtil, Johann Adam Berger, G. Adam Renecker,* Hans Martin Wurtz, PhUip Peter Theyl,* Johan Georg Spiettler, Fried. Christ. Kappeberger, Joachim WUhelm Storck, Johan PhUip Kirschbaum, Johan Michael HoUich, Johann Peter Perster, Johan Friederich Brecht, Johannes Trtimper, Simon Leyteker,* Jacob Beensly,* Henrich Mtiller, WUhelm Discher, Jonas Vogt, Henrich Bauer, Andreas Rbth, Friederich Stiber, Johann Gelberee, Hans Shoub,* Martin Shoub,* 20 230 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS PhUip Dick, Wendel Bretz,' PhUip Fuchs, Philip Lenius, Johannes Bauer, Valentin Fidler, Martin Rubbert, Christian Rust, Jacob Handshy,* Friederich Paff, Friederich Miesch, Johannes Miesch, Joseph Zug, Martin Imhoff, Johannes WUlar, Jacob Urering,* Valentin Schmeltzer,* Anthon Kraber, Johannes Paffler, Peter Wolff, PhUip Welde, Johannes Grimb, Philip Wilhertzbach, Frantz Brunnholtz, PhiUp Jacob Sttimpel, Valentin G. Bast, Friederich Jacob Cummer, Georg Hoffmann, Hans WUliam Statily,.* Henry UUy Statily,* Johan Andreas Jtingst, Johan Peter Dick, Dielman Fuchs, Nicol Merckhausser, Johan Dietrich Duey, Johann Christian Duey, Wilhelm MtiUer, Johann Millerscliurl,? Johan Adam Kern, Johann Jacob Helwig, Johan PhUip Ludwig, G, Michael Kraus,* J. Nickolaus Sanger, Johann Peter Schneider, Joh. Nicolaus Wertingisch, Johannes Schnebli, Johann Adam Schmeltzer, Johannes Christ. Brammeret, a PhUip Wendel Opp, Friederich Wolff, Johannes Gamber, Matthaus Bastenmeye, KUian Ganther, Johann Peter Benner, Isaac Widmer, Johannes Rohr, Henrich Wolff, Jacob Crebler,* •- Achior Crebler,* Jacob Rorrer,* Jacob Rincker,* Melchior Keeper,* Friederich Keeper,* Johannes Zund, Henry Smith,* Henrich Felty, Puthy Weyss,* Rudolff Sherrer,* Henry Trblly,* Jacob Bercher, a Johannes Christian Brammeret is an unusually well written chi rograph, having appended to it, "going through the land." No doubt, a mere sojourner. — (Editor.) a !Diefe$nttbfcbrift tiiunflcwi)t)nlid) flut unb bnt t)en3«f«?: „bur(|'a Sanii gebenb." SBabrfi^etnlic^ nur ein gieifenber.— (Iietau^geber.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 231 Henry Weys,* Rudolff Widmer,* Hans Scheurer, Weirich Wagner, Henry Brinker,* Jacob Thumy,* Caspar Waldy,* Philip Bruner,* Jost Funck,* Johannes Knob, Rudi Mauerer, Anthony Suder,* Henry RetUinger,* Joseph Shomony,* Gallus Pricker,* Henry Sifry,* Jacob Schiiredt, Georg PraU, Jacob Waasser, Tobias Pfister,* Jacob Lostatter,* Jacob Lostetter jr., Conrad Tshakky, Johannes Turny,* Peter Balsam,* Abraham Arb sen.. Christian Mosser,* Johannes Housser,* Isaac Greber, Hans Jacob Meyer, Leonhardt Vonruff, Lenhart Frbly, Rudolph Hemming, Hans Georg Meyer,* Conrad Kuntzly,* Henrich Koch, Hans Michel Neracker, Hans Conrad Steinman, Hans Jacob Zbble, Joseph Lenggenhar, Melchior Winkelmaii, Jacob Haassler,* Abraham Hasseler,* Hans Georg Shan,* Uhlerich Bitsferker,* Johannes Weidman, Johannes Bimmesdbrffer, Abraham Imobersttich, Heinrich Harneist, Hans Jacob Bar, Heinrich Aleiss, Ludwig Engel,* Solomon Cauffman, UhUerich Waldmer,* Heinrich Baninger, Andreas Shneyder,* Johannes Zbpner, Hans von Huber, Rudolph Guttinger,* Conrad Weydman,* Christian Pf aher, Conrad Bucher,* Caspar Bucher, Heinrich Haller, ' Friederich Alenbach, H. Nicholas HeUing,* Michael Singer,* Conrad Kramer,* Heinrich Boshart, Hans Georg Hennold, Felix Housser,* Rudy Hausser, Jacob Fischer,* Adam Cheseches,? Jacob Waspy,* Johannes Waspy,* Joachim Diehrig, Johannes Schneider, Johann Casper Schaff, • Johann Adam Meng, 232 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johan Nickel Jung, Hans Adam Seydler,* Friederich Specht, Johan Paul Glehas. Marked ''on board." — Probably confined by sickness: SBcjcitlnct „on SSoarb". — 2Ba:^rf^einlid^ wegen ^rant|ett ju^ ritcEgel alten: Hans Smith, Henry Wurtz, Philip Bauer, Henrich Ham- bach, Henry Bretz, Ludwig Bretz, Sander Sanger, Jacob Ure ring, Lorentz Ampel, Henry Bousman, -Anthony Samber, Chris toph Eyerman. 149) Aug. 21, 1750. Ship Anderson, Hugh CampbeU, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. 3lug. 21, 1750. ©c^iff Slnberfon, Sopitoin $ug:^ SompbeK, son SHotterbam iiber Soweg. Christian Botz, Ludwig Horst,* Johannes Gunderman,* Martin Weber, Peter Hentzel, Gottfried Btittner, Samuel Ltithy,* Christoph Metz, Johannes Shmit,* Jacob Rtiter, Christian Widman, Oswald Dups,* Conrad Hauser, Gerhart Ftihr, Conrad Derr, Lorentz Hauck, Jacob Dengler, ¦Valentin Maitlm,* Jonas Mtitschler, Johannes Hebel, Johan MUler,* Johannes Schauerer, Christoph MUler, Michael Wagenmann, Gerhart Birkenbeyly,* Johannes Marquardt, Johannes Bretz, Johann Beck,* Matheas Weymer,* Jacob Lyme,* Henry Reinfeld,* Johan Engel Gonderman, Johann Henrich Fick, Johannes Peter Jung, Johann Henrich Cuntz, Johan Georg Schneider, Johannes Henrich Ham, Johan Jacob Sturm, Johan Christian Sturm, Johan Heinrich Schuster, Joh. Heinrich Mauden, Johannes Ludwig Beel, Johan Wilhelm Beel, Johan Daniel Rheiner, Johan Henrich Schneidery Johann Michel Huber, / Johan Jacob Huber, V Johan Martinus Reinhardt, Johann Georg Reichman, Johann Christian Rick, AND OTHER IMMMRANTS— 1750. 233 Johan Baltzer Schmith, Christian Kauffman,* Hans Georg Singer, Johan Georg MiUer, Johannes Jacob Blasser, Johann PhUip Benner, Georg Deobalt Aner, ? Johan Philip Rambach, Hans G«org Rath, Johan Peter Weiss, Johan Christophel Bretz, Johan Wilhelm Britzing, Melchior Bruner,* Jacob Beaver,* Georg Melcher, ? Andreas Shaad,* Jacob Ackermann, Lenhart Zebolt,* PhUip Pop,* Jacob HeUlman, Johannes Naumann, Christoph Steiner, Conrad Plesher,? Urban Friebele, Johann Ludwig Etter, Johann Peter Batz, Johann Peter Becker, Johann Philip Noll, Johann Jacob Bop, Reinhart Hasenbtirger, Johann Theis Schmidt, Johannes Schwartzhaud, Johann Gottlieb Naumann, Johan Conrad Ruff, Henrich Leuchthold. 150) Aug. 24, 1750. Ship Brothers, Muir, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 271 passengers. aiug. 24, 1750. ©t^iff 58rot:^erS, Sopitoin SJluir, son 3lot= tcrbom iiber Some*. — 271 ^Jojfogiere. Adam Shnyder,* Adam Weaber,* Erasmus Hess, Jacob Gerdner,* Johannes Koch, Johannes (Ehrle, Philip Kawtzman,* Christian Shott,* Jacob Keller, Johannes Walder,* Joseph Nagel,* Abraham Schneider, Adam Mensch,* Abraham Glass,* Chi-istian Fried, Johannes Friessner, Friederich MUler,* Peter Meyer,* Benedict Krieger, Andreas Frey, Casper Caarel,* Daniel Cabel,* Nickolas Rome,* J. Nickolas HoU,* F. PhUip HoU,* J. Adam Lucas,* Johann Jacob Kimmel, John Lenard MiUer,* Johann Leonhard Groh, Johann Peter Seger, Johann Henrich Keller, Johan Georg KeUer, Johann Adam Korner, Johann Georg Weiss, 20* 234 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johann Philip Weiss, Johannes Blumenschein, Johan Georg Hbring, Johann Georg Gans,* Johan Nickel Gauss, Johan Nicklaus Helm, Joh. Georg Soheunberger, Johann Matheis Schaffer, Jacob Friederich Sahn, Johan Peter Schmunck, Johan Georg Drear,* Hans Martin Stirfes, Hans Peter Mtiller, Johann Daniel Hoffmann, Johan Heinrich Hauck, Johann Georg Zerr, Johann Philip Htiller, Hans Georg Frey, Engelhart Wagner,* Jost Jacoby, Mattheis MUler, J. Jacob Freysh,* Martin Dreisbach, Martin Reich,? Martin Weaber,* Otto Dan. Neuer, J. Leon. Reishj* Hans Geo. Stanch, J. Jacob Reybolt,* Martin Ulmer,* Hans Geo. Ganshom, Johannes StroU, G. Adam Bartholt,* Adam Eberle, Con. Israel Oberle, Joh. Hen. Leeseman, George Adam Barttel,* G. Michael Rommigh,* Hans Georg Rommigh,* Johann Jacob Schuster, Joh. Jacob Wagner, Johann Henrich Gamber, Georg Michael Gamber, Johann Peter Kramer, Johann Ja<5ob Bemauer, . Hans Phihp Bender, Johan Georg Koop, Johann Adam Franck, Johan Conrad Schultz, chir., Johann G«org MuUer, Johann Adam Edelmann, Johan Peter Laudenschleger, Johan Ludwig Rauhzahn, Johan Peter Fblker, Georg Adam Young.* 151) Aug. 28, 17-50. Ship Two Brothers, Thomas Arnt, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Slug. 28, 1750. ©c^ijf SLmo Srot:^er«, Sopttottt Z^mai Slrnt, son SHotterbam uber Someg. Philip Peter,* Frederich Prophet,* Christopher Gerner, Johannes Kreutzwisser, David Metzger, Jacob Stein, Christoph Albrecht,* Peter Hergedt, Baltazar Lbffler,* Stephan Kneisel,* Johannes Kerlinger, Daniel Sommer,* Johannes Battenfeld, PhUip Battenfeld, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 235 Sebastian Werner,* Leonhart Heichel,* Johannes StoU, Johannes Bbhmer, Lucas Schaffer, Johan Georg Huber, Johan Matheis Gerner, Hans Georg Gerner, Johann Adam Holtz,* Georg Michael Schupp, Hans George Seacoist,* Hans Martin Echo, Btans Adam Pfisterer, Hans Adam Pfesterer,* PhUip Peter Huff, Hans Adam Battenfeld, Johann Heinrich Leibling, Johann Friedrich Thomas, Johann Jacob Schaffer, Johann WUhehn StoU, Johann Peter Bbhmer, Johann WUhelm Gblb, Johann Paulus Muller, Johann WUhelm Schneider, Michael MeU, Jacob RoUer, Martin Dups, Christian Matheis, Jacob Rosch, Andreas Wentz, Michael Waltz,* Jacob Keble, Jacob Bloss, Johannes Becker,* Jacob Weis,* ¦ Martin Weis,* Jacob Daniel, Bernhart Berch,* Tobias MuUer,* Tobias MuUer jr., Matheus Brundle, Mattheis Seuined, Eberhart Biehel, Matheis Rbssler, - Jacob VoUtzer,? Michael Tybly,* Peter Martin, Mattheis Martin, Johannes Warner,* Lorentz Spatz, Henry Hillinger,* Mathias Berger,* Johannes Jung, Hans Martin Kollmer, D. Bernhart Rothbaus,* Hans Christoph Englerth, Jacob Adam Nonnenmacher, Hans Balthas Buck, Johann Jacob Klein, Hans Georg Sauerbreu, Johannes BUlheimer,* Hans Adam Shmit,* Hans Georg Geltz,* Hans Georg Weiss, Johan David Biehel, Hans Georg Rudel, Johann Jacob Braun, Christoph Friedrich Rentier, Hans Georg Muller, Hans Wendel Seufried,* Joseph Seufried, Joh. Christoph Breitzinger, Hans Georg Marich, Christoph Buckbeck, Hans Georg Dischler, Johan Friederich Risch, Christoph Meyer,* Hans Georg Saal, PhUipp DeUinger, Joseph Stumbff, J. Daniel Printz. 236 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Sick — J. Gottlieb Weniger, Baltazar Munster, Andreas Diirrj Hans Jacob Metzger. 152) Aug. 28, 1750. Ship Phoenix, John Mason, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 339 passengers. Slug. 28, 1750. ©d^iff |)^oniy; Sopitoin 3o^n SSJlofon, wn SHotterbam iiber Some^ mit 339 ^^affogieren. Erdman Schultz, Johannes Seltzer, Simon Peter, Christian Bernhardi, Jacob Saber,* Jacob Patz, Johann Georg Leyss, Johan Ludwig Schleber, Johan Nickel Vogelgesang, Johan Conrad Protzman, John Henry Weydigh,* Johan Georg Kalteisen, Jean Drapet, Caspar Brunei-,* Michel Peter, Henrich Gerlart, Hans Wirheiner, Jacob Moog,* Ernst Bbhm, Conrad ZeUner,* Georg Betzler, Peter SeigendaUer,* Ulrich SeigendaUer,* Johannes Peter, George Hultzler,* Jacob Sheel,* Jacob Prison,* Henry Yeal,* George Yure,* George SaUng,* George Kop,* Jacob Werly,* Conrad Hay,* Dewald TheU,* Jacob Reb, David Frarry,* Jacob Muni jr.,*' Jacob Muni sen.,* Debolt Beck, Peter Dinck, Henry Herman,* Michael Cuntz,* Andreas Hota, Georg Hauss, Peter Schmitt, Jacob Riffel, Peter Erhart,* Dietrich Erhart,* Debait Frantz, Frantz Anton, Georg Gees,* Joseph Waltz, PhUip Hind,* Jacob Anthoni, Solomon PhUlips, Johan David Schmitt, Johan Wilhelm Hertzog, Johan Jacob Peter, Michael Forbringer,* Heinrich Eberhard, Johann Wilhelm Weiss, Johan Gottfried Rtiger, Carl Ernst Rtiger, Georg Siegenthahller, Johan Jacob Reich, Phihp Jacob Volandt, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 237 Hans Michel Nothstein, John George Debald,* Henry Haberman,* Michael Lehman, Christian Muni,* Conrad Muni,* Hans Ulrich Schleppi, Andreas Muni,* Christopf Durrenberger,* Michael Berger,* Hans Jacob Seuter, Nicklaus Yeisly,* Johann Georg Herman, Andreas Diemer, Johan Friederich Rbhn, Dewald Kuntz, Johan David Ziffel, Johannes Zurbrtick, Martin Buchman,* Jacob Buchman,* iGeorg Hans Anthoni, JJicklaus Jacob, Georg Friederich Lintz, Johannes Meyer,* Carl Seusterditz, Christoph Fischer,, Adam HUtenbrandt, Abraham Shopffer,* Martin Burchhardt, Michael Straub, George Lindeman,* •Gfeorge Hatzinger,* Henry Meyer,* Michael Kapp, Uhich Fooks,* Dewalt Fooks,* George Lohr,* Jacob Werner, Peter Bern, Nicklaus Hegi, Jacob Haber, Peter Schirmer, Hans Braun, Valentin Mochel, Heinrich MtiUer, Jacob Paule, ¦ Johannes Lips,* Abraham Enderly,* Christian Gross, Carl Heiser, Jacob Heck, Johan Solomon,* Jacob Meyer,* Jacob Fisher,* Adam Weiss, Paul Weber, Johan Grimm, Hans MUler,* Godlieb Bobe,* George Matter,* Henrich Presler, Debait Farringer,* KUlian Jaac,* Conrad Hefer,? Georg Voltz, Martin Jost,* Philip Finck,* Michael Fischer, Gottlieb Thurm, Nicklaus Kiffer,* Jacob Schoch, PhUipp Ferber, Andreas Engel, Peter WiU, Hans George Eter,* Anthoni Grieser, Georg Henrich Etter, Jacob Friederich West, Johannes Wedel, Johan Friederich von Rohr, Joh. Andonus von Rohr, Gottfried Thiele, 238 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Christophel PfuUer, Johan Otmansdorff,* Jacob Laubenhauer, Michael Shalleberger,* Ernst Jacob Dippberger, Michael Lederman, David Dieterich, Christian Andrse, Johann Jacob Heiser, Gottfried Peuckert, Johan Tobias Zimmerman, Friederich Zimmerman,* Joh. Michael Heuschkell, Joh. Christof HeuschkeU, Benjamin Heuschkell, David Ensminger, George Reinhart,* Hans Heinrich Nacht, Abraham RithmtiUer, Paneratius Reichhelt, Hans Weckerling, Adam Haberling,* PhUip Friederich Winther, Johan Georg MaUe, Andreas Wittenmeyer, Joseph Gerber, Johannes PhiUipi, Johannes PhiUipi jr., Andreas PhiUipi, Christian PhUipy, Hans Jacob Liebenguth, Hans Jacob Liebenguth jr., Peter Liebenguth, Johann Jacob Leininger, Nicklaus Jost, Hannes Gerber,* George Shop,* Dewalt Nagel,* Caspar Shmit,* Georg Clauss, ' Christian Gurdner,* Johannes PhUipi, . Marx Dahleth, Christian His,? Hans Blasser,* Hans Deterig,* George Viet,* Jacob Klbti, PhUip Stock, Ulrich Eggler, Sirach Schultz, Hans Wagner,* Adam Reistebacher, Ludwig Wohlfahrt, Joseph Peter Bauer, Georg Engelhart, ? Ludwig Wittenmeyer, Heinrich Sterchi, Philipp Waletein, Joh. Gottfried Zichelhart, WUhelm Ehrman, Thomas Shhghter,* Nickolaus Shlighter,* Han Geo. Dierenberger, Paulus Christian, Hans Georg Ludwick, Peter Haberstick,* Johannes Steckel,* Hans Georg Schultz, Jacob Guntzerhausser. 153) Aug. 31, 1750. Ship Nancy, Thomas Cautom, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 270 passengers. Slug. 31, 1750. ©ti^iff 5«flnc9, Sapitoin Zi)mai Soutom, Don SRotterbom uber Somca mit 270 SReifenben, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 239 Johannes VoUmer, Daniel Bohset, Martin MuUer, Lorentz Schenck, Joseph Stable, Friederich Gans, Johann Gans, Thomas Gans,* Georg Heuling, Johannes Zweigle, Michael Rieder, Andreas Brauer, Michel Hensel, Johannes Heide, Christoph Kendtel, Johannes Glasser, Jonas Raub, Friederich Weiss, Wilhelm Gettling, Geo. Hen. Lutz, Joh. Bernhardt Riede, Balthas Federhoff, Bernhart Rockenstihl, Daniel Haubersack, Joh. Conrad Raisch, Joh. Tobias Rudolph, Hans Georg Hetle, Martin Jommel, Johan Georg Bauer, Joh. Bernhart Wtinsch, Johann Georg Sieger, Johann Georg Musse, Geo. David Schneider, Hans Georg Kuhm, . Johan Jacob Cantz, Han Georg Beiterman, Han Jacob Beiterman, Joh. Fried. Unrath jr., Geo. Henrich Lutz jr., Geo. Wilhelm Marx, Job. Geo. Marx, Christian Fautz, Joh. Jacob Weiss, Michael Ferster, Jeremias Hoimgacher, Christian Hornberger, Andreas Rahnfelder, Bernhart GUbert,* Christoph Wetzel, Frantz Ktihlwein, Jacob Wtirth, Andreas Singel, Johann Herbolt, Christian Blosser,* Johannes Low, Christian Giebeler, TUman Creutz, Johann Gitting, Johannes Rehbach, Johannes Jung, David Nuss, Philip Grabeman, Immanuel Bager, Henrich WU. Stiegel, Joh. Ludwig Traber, Han Georg Benner, Joh. Nicklaus Gilbert, Joh. Jacob Gobel, Joh. Georg Gilbert, Johan Jacob Baum, Hans Georg GUbert, Han Adam Herbalt, Joh. PhUip Hautz, Han Jacob Gilbert, Joh. Jacob Barth, Jost Henrich Wehler, Joh. Peter Gutelius, Joh. Jacob Brumbach, J. Daniel Sheyder,* Dilmanus Weissgerber, Johan Peter Kleim,* Joh. Henrich Comrath, 240 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johan Henrich Klein, J. Henry Seidensticker,* Johan Henrich Jung, Joh. Georg Braunsberg. 154) Sept. 12, 1750. Ship Priscilla, William Wilson, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 210 passengers. ©ept. 12, 1750. ©c^iff '^xiidVla, Sopitoin SBilliom SSilfon, oon SRotterbom iiber Sowe^. — 210 SRetfenbe. Christian Rentzel, Johannes Grack, Conrad Grack, Peter Hartman,* Nicklaus Weininger, George Cunkel,* Andreas Schuster, Valentin Born, Nicklaus Schaffer, Johannes Guckel, Johannes Ranck, Johannes Mayer, Conrad Hertzog,' Kaspar Oberdorff, Daniel Ressekr,* - John Henry Ritzel,* Joh. Wilhelm Rentzel, Friederich Steinberger, Han Mich. Wissner sen., Han Mich. Wissner jr., Joh. Henrich Rbssler, Geo. Henrich Rasch, George Ernst Rish,* Joh. Georg Keyser, Joh. Georg Rbssler, Joachim Gottschalck, Eberhart Steygerwaldt, Johan Adam Bbrner, Georg Ernst Becker, Han Andreas Kachel, Johannes Stang, Johannes Huth, WUhelm Adelman, Johannes Mauss, Andreas Oberdorff, Friederich Shnyder,* Johannes Ommerth, Valentin Corngiber,* Henrich Lotz, Michael Roth,* Thomas Bertholt,* Peter Gtinder, Johannes Plott, Johannes Heyl,* Georg Waihdel, Ludwig Shmith, Balzer Jager, Johannes FbUer, Balthazar FUler,* Johannes Lamb,* Carl Russ,* Andreas (Etzel, Joh. Jacob Newman,* Wendel Lawmeister, Johan Straushaar, Balthaaer Simmons,* Christian Hartting, Johan Melchior Orth, Johan Adam Roth, Joh. Baltzer Stockel, Ernst PhU. Kirscher, Johannes Schuman, Johann Peter Muth, Nicklas Berninger,* Melchior Kleinfelter,* Johannes MbUer, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 241 Joh. Simon Oberdorff,* Cari MUler,* Johannes Diemer, Joh. Michael Stoffel,* Joh. Henry RuUey,* Simon Schierher, Conrad Rbssler, Joh. Henrich Liff. 155) Sept. 29, 1750. Ship Osgood, WUliam Wilkie, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 480 passengers. ©ept. 29, 1750. ©d)iff £)3goob, Sapitoin SBiEiam SBilfie, Don Siottcrbam iiber Soweg. — 480 Sleifenbe. Hendrich Bronk,* Yerrick Wisht,* Jacob \^ist,* Laurantius Wtist, Jacob Wtist, Christoph Shmit,* Michael Shmit,* Johannes Greiner, Conrad ToU,* Georg Becker, Johannes Seyl, Jacob Clauser,* Henry Clauser,* Nicklaus Burg,* Nieholaus Hbmer, Friederich Horner, Han Geo. Hautzenbieler, Andre Baudemont, Hans Adam Kney, Valentin Petermann, WUhelm Humbert, Heinrich Horner, Johannes Schwab, Gabrial Leydy,* Priedei-ich Reist, Gottlieb Kauffman,* Mattheis Schnepp, Bartolomaeus Eppler, Hans Baltas Otz, Han George Zigler,* .Joh. Martm Neher, Joh. Georg Speidel, Michael Peterman,* Georg Dick,* Christian Faas,* Jacob Krebs,* Eder Deghe,* Jacob Schoch, Peter Stotz, Ludwig Sotz, F. Schweitzer, Rudolph Christi, Jacob Keamigh,* Jacob Glohser, Lorentz Dobbler,* Ludwig ReadwUe,* Georg Ulrich, PhUip Jacob, Durst Cantick,* Frederich Kuntz, Michel Bele, . Ludwig Bitzer, Ludwig Eiszele, Hans Netischeh, Ludwig Moritz, Friederich Gauss, Johannes Wolffer, Christian SchmoUer, Anthony Shnyder,* Jacob Frasch, Matheas Meyer,* Michael Eusinger, 21 242 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Heinrich Dietmar, Christian Byserloh, Emanuel Brittschedt, Christian Heussler, Michael Heinrich,* Andreas Knbdler,* Christian Knotz, Sebastian Rayster, Johan Michael jr., Christoph Albrecht, Conrad Bender, Johannes SchneU, Joh. Fried. Sautter, Jacob Schneider, Georg Scheufflen, Christian Schuhler, Jacob Scheufflen, Hans Georg Crietz, Han Martin Wolffer, Andreas Herther, Johannes Moritz, Joh. Michael RietweiU, Johan Arnold Kuntz, Johannes Dinges, Conrad Wittman, Gottlieb Mittelberger, Nicolaus Haugendobler, Joh. Wendel Ackerman, Joh. Georg Ackerman, Han Bastian Eberhard, Loren Marque Daudt, Hans Georg Marti, Joh. Georg Ludwig,* Hans Martin Waltz, Hans Jacob Binder, Johann Georg Gauss, Hans Georg Meyer,* Han Martin Kienstein, Han Mart. Kienstein jr., Joh. Henrich Binder, Job. Christian Seindel, - Joh. Gottfried Richter, Joh. Gottolb Hoppe, Han Geo. Kobei;stein, Johann Martin Kast, Jacob Fried. Kummerley, Han George Fackler,* Han Georg Knbdler, Han Geo. Schweigarth, Han Georg Murr, Han Georg Kreutz, Hans Geo. Schnawffer,* Han Mich. Dentzer, Joh. Daniel Bosch, Valentin Heygis, ~ Georg Heigis, Mattheis MiUer, Christian Stotz, Bernhardt Rtist, Jacob Ehele, Jacob EUheim, Jacob UhUerich,* Andreas Hertcber,* Hans Jac. Shanker,* Louis Gerizeh, Johan Jacob Bosch, Hans Georg Hutekunst, Johan Peter Bender, Johan Peter Bender jr., Johan PhUip Mofhel,? Hans Ludwig Zimmerman Hans Georg Mofhel,? Hans Ludwig Stein, Hans Martin MtiUer, Philipp Joseph SchUling, Hans Georg Basch. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 243 156) Sept. 17, 1750. Brigantine SaUy, WUliam Hassleton, Captain, from London. ©ept. 17, 1750. ©(|ncllfo|rer ©0II9, Sopttoin mUiam ^ogleton, oon Sonbon. Christoff Reushaw,* Joseph Reiff,* Peter Millend,* Ludwig Falck, Jacob Winkler,* Hans Stuber,* Nicklas Dick,* Hans Stohl,* Hans Ammich,* Hans Stuber,* Jacob Furrer,* Jacob Dick,* Hans Uhlerich Winsh,* Johan Gottfried Kiele, Hans Christian Soheffeler, Friederich Scharschler, Johannes Kuhn, Hans Georg Keller, Christoff Coblet,* Christian Stober, Hans George Frey,* Hans Knerr,* Jacob MUler,* Abraham Yarsing.* 157) Nov. 3, 1750. Ship Brotherhood, John Thomson, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 300 passengers. Sloo. 3, 1750. ©t^iff Srot^er^oob, Sopttoin 3o^n S^omfon, »on Stottcrbom iiber Soweg.— 300 Slcifenbe. Conrad Laubsher,* Johannes Schaffer, Simon Minch, Teobalt WiUia,hr, Matheis Hoffner, Jacob Stark,* Jacob Sieber,* Peter Sicher, Mattheis Brtickert, Johan Jacob Laubscher, Johann Nicolaus Schaffer, Johann EUas WUhahr, Johan Adam Heys,* Georg Friederich Bayer, Johann Peter Brickli, Johann Jacob Maag, Hans Georg Schaufler, Johann Nicolaus Meek, a .Pierre Paris, Isaac Paris, Henrie Jeune, Michael Swing,* Johannes Schock, Peter Hahn, a Died at Harrisburg, April 16, 1803, aged 71 years, 4 months and 4 days. He was the Editor's wife's Proavus. a ©tarb JU §orri«burg am 16. Slpril 1803 in etnem Sllter »on 71 3ab=- «n, 4 Ttenattn unb 4 Za^tn, (Sr war ber Urgroiuater bet 3rnu be? •perauggeberg. 244 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Frey, Michael Seitz, Johannes Albrecht,* Johannes Kreuss, Nicolaus Bonn, Johannes Bonn,* Nicklas Weisman,* Michael Weisman,* Paul lemel, Wilhelm Trtin, PhUip Leister, Hans Ziesser, Nicklas Leyster,* Peter Bassler, •Joseph Bassler, Jacob Bassler, Jacob Schowalter, Henry Stigel,* Peter Fahren, Joseph Fahren, Johannes Rub,* ilacob Lichty,* Johannes Mast, Peter Stuky,* Hans Konig,* Hans Zorr,* Joseph Meyer,* Michael Hblley, Peter Fisher,* PhUip Feillem, Michael Wurm,* Ludwig Fetzer,* Peter Knabe,* Hans Blanch, Hans Knebel, Michael Stuky,* Hans Siegrist, John Jost Shwalb,* Johan Jacob Wolkemer, Peter Ratenbtirger, Joh. Henrich Ktiblinger, Joh. Christoffel Hembel Sebastian Kappler, Christian Daublin, Johannes Lehman, Johannes Showalter, Christian Showalter, Peter Lugenbiehl, Christian Eidenes, Christian Bleich, Heinrich Schwartz, Christian Kauffman, Johann PhUipp EckeU, Johan Jacob Lbsch, Johannes Rohrer, Johan Adam Stbhr, Johannes Schneider, Johannes Bassler, Jacob Schowalter sen., Peter Schowalter, Simon Wisham,* Christian Rub,* Jacob Btirth, Johannes HoUy, Nicolaus MihUer, Christian Furrer,* Andreas HoUey, Peter Delebach, Christian Neycomer,* Johan Georg Beck, WUhelm Werner,* Hans Gundelfinger,* — Jacob Naftziger, Christian Knebel,* Hans Hertzler, Johannes Hertzler, Johann Jost Weigandt, Georg Daniel Orth, Melchior Geissert, Jacob Mbssinger, Jacob Berg, Jacob Reif,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1750. 245 Georg Weiss, Jacob Graf, Jacob Behr, Hans Funck, Paul Roth,* Christian Neuman, Martin Funck, Georg Rebschleger, Jacob Hausser, Nicolaus Schmidt, Johannes Hausser, Johan Georg Bauer. 158) Nov. 30, 1750. Ship Sandwich, Hazelwood, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 200 passengers. 9100. 30, 1750. ©c^iff ©anbmic^, Sopitain ^ojelmoob, »on Sotterbom iiber Someg. — 200 Sfteifenbe. Jacob Simre, Johan Ludwig, Peter SaUatin,* Christian Piess, Jacob Rumel,* Daniel Fahrne, Joseph Klbpster, Jacob Traub, Heinrich Schmidt, Johannes Koch,* Adam Weygel, Daniel Debuss, Henry Hartzel,* Johannes MoU, Hans BolUnger, Andreas Mentz, John Eshbach,* Paulus Groundler,* George Brech,* Johannes Leitz, PhUip Gassman, Michael Mbggy,* Henrich Stumpf, George Casper,* John Martin,* Henry Haan,* Peter Mantz, Casper Peter, Johannes Reel,* Jacob Breys, Jacob Shmit,* Michael Frankbauser, Johann Georg Gass, Georg Philip Rumel, Johan Philip Kbrgert, Leonhart Rupperter, Johannes Wflldanger, Mattheis WUfanger, Martin Deinberger, Johannes Knauss,' Johannes Weygel, Johann Peter Glaffer, Nicolaus Lorentz,* Peter Huffshmit,* Jacob Bollinger,* Johannes Fuchs, Johan Peter Lamberty, Hans Adam Biebel, Job. Christoph Laubach,* Joh. Bernhardt Kessler, George Christ. DeuU,* Georg PhUip Teul, Joh. Henrich Waydemann, Johan Adam Gross, Georg Adam Wagner, John Georg Wagner, Kasper Ristnach, Wendel Hermann,* 21* 246 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Friederich Schenckel, Johan Jacob Koch, Johannes Fleisher,* Michael Funfrock, Peter Shmit,* Martin Nazurus,* Philip Leber, Ulerich Tuxly,* Rolandt May, Georg (Ess, Daniel Bricker, Moritz Wbber, ' Jacob Spitler, Martin Piere, Jost Habgehes, ? Friederich Schor sen., Friederich Yor jr.. Hans Weber, Michael Schor, Nicklaus Schande, Joh. Friederich Bager, Joh. Anthon Schwartz, Joh. Philip Schwartz, Joh. Anthonius Kbmer, Christian Hagen, Konrath Imhoff, Lorentz Shmitly,* Michael Hans Peter, Jacob Behrt,* Wolfgang Joh. Henhey, Engelhart Yeiser, Gottlieb Beckley,* Caspar Mayer. 159) Aug. 26, 1751. Ship Anderson, Hugh CampbeU, Mas ter, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, — fifty Roman Catho lics. — 236 passengers. 3lug. 26, 1751. ©i^iff SJtnbcrfon, Sopitoin ^ug'^_ Sampbcll, ijon Slotterbom iiber Soweg, — funfjig gi6mifc^=.Sat^oltf(^e.— 236 Sieifcnbc. Lorentz Durst,* Mathias Rost,* Jacob Maud,* Joseph Strosle,* Hans Martz,* George Hoozer,* Sebastian Greim, Adam Greim, Hans Riter, Peter Klein, Martin Clain,* Joseph Voltz, Hans Adam, Hans Shaver,* Philip Kinder,* Andreas Hyder, Peter Wehrner, Hans Scheffer, Michael Morith,* Lorentz Leble, Jost Stroh, Hans Georg Hummerle, Johannes Frick, Hans Georg Hook, Michael Chrisback,* Johannes Bower,* Ludwig Werner,* Joh. Friederich Geyer, Peter Breelinger, Anthony Yauble,* Abraham Rinehart,* Ulrich Bernhart,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 247 Hans Jacob Bemath, Hans Georg Schneider, Michael Dannerinborgen sen., Michael Dannerinborgen, Johannes Zimmer,* Hans Casper Sttindter, Joseph RiebeU, Georg Arbengast, Hans Michael Koonts,* Michael Sommesr, Matheis Flach, Lorentz Shiney,* Michael Barle, Michael Weidt,- George Reyser,* Adam Storch,* Otto Haase, Johannes Furster, Henrich Furster, Valentin Clamdy, George Miller,* Joseph Wittemer,* Hans Petersheim, Christoph Fleur, Hans Straub,* Christian Ritz, Adam Gehrich, Peter Weber, Jacob Meier, Jacob Minjan,* Bastian Nbgle, Johannes Geiger, Daniel MUler,* Henrich Erierdt, Joseph Joram, Henry Demanche,* Johan Jost Franck, Carl Wiederholt, Bartholomilus Weid, Valentine Loomyer, Joh. Abraham Arbeiter, Joh. Christian Schauer, WUhelm Hammer, Joh. Kilian Feltmann, Johannes Seyffarth, Joh. Michael Deininger, Hans Georg Spang, Dominique Fleur, Jacob Tsebieringer, Joh. Dietrich Hostender, H. Michael Metz, H. Martin Vaudalin, Joh. Caspar Jungmann, Jeremias Taubenheim,* Matthias Schwartzwelder, Hans Georg Felber, Johannes Hildebrand, Johan Georg Reichwein, Joh. Christoph .Ohle, Joh. Michael Gistelbarth, Johan Christian Alter, Augustus MUchsack. 160) Sept. 5, 1751. Ship Shirley, James Allen, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Orkney, Scotland, — three Roman Catholics. — 288 passengers, ©ept. 5, 1751. ©4tff ©lirlc?, Sopitain 3ameg Mm, »on Sottcrbom iiber Drfne?, @d)ottlanb,— brei 3(lomifc^=^ot|olifc^e. 288 ifteifettbe. 248 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Leonard Maas, Johannes Fahr, Mattheus Keuffer, Henry Uhrer,* Heinrich Wagner, Jacob Huth, Michael Schneider, Gottlieb Roth,* Johannes Heiss, Michael Weiss, Hans Georg Betz, Christoff Ludewig,* Georg Jacob Fisar, ? Johan Michael Sholty, Joh. Georg Schumacher, Johan Caspar Spring, Johan Martin KroU, Johan PhUip. Wagner, Hans Georg Klobly,* Johann Georg Curr, Johan Lorentz, Georg Giebler, Heinrich Crafft, Thomas Geiner,* Friederich Zinn, Georg Schbrth, Jacob Schauckert, Jacob Shack,* Henrich Curr, Martin Leyer, Nickolas MUdeberger,* Lorentz Ludwig,* Ludwig Schuttier, Fredrick Shetz,* George Frantz,* Georg Kleeh, Johann Grosskopff,* Daniel Pracht,* Georg BaLsbach, Georg KreuUer, Andreas Kuhn,* Christoph Gnassle, Burkhart Heinrich, Wendel Miech, Isaac Paris, Johannes Ney,* Stephan Schertzer, Samuel Shweyart,* Balzar Henning,* Veit Meister, Conrad Sampel, Johannes Gilbert, Frederick Krafft, Christian Mook, Christian ShoU,* Lenhart Sumer,* Michael Arnold,* Dietrich Rbhm, Peter Mugler, Christian Riger,* Frederich Gross, David Frank, Hans Martin Seyfeird, Georg Adam Stbr, Hans Adam Gramhch, Joh. Bernhard Shrank,* Hans Georg Schrauck, Johann Michael Wagner, Johannes Jacob Braun, Hans Andreas ZiUing, Geo. Conrad Schweighart, Hans Adam Franck, Johan Friedrich Teibz,* Hans Henrich Kautzmann Georg Michel Walcker, F. Johannes Schweitzer, Hans Stephan Martin, Georg Simon Baum, Johann Georg Gassinger, Johann David Herbst, H. George Ney,* Hans Jacob Schoch, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 249 Johan Henrich Schirm, Johann Martin Seltzer, Hans Georg Wurteberger,* Christoph Horlacher, Georg Michel Gretter, H. Michael Wurtenberger,* . Johann Georg Kuhlein, Johan Conrad Beyrer, Hans Jacob Fogelmann,* Michael Fagelman,* ^Johann Michael Sommer, Friederich Wielandt, Frederich Shwartz,* Johann Georg Blintzinger, Georg Martin Carle, Hana Michel Ott, Jacob Bernard Danecker,* Johannes Reys,* Melchior Lauall,* Hans Georg Hand,* Gabriel Rbssler,* Johan George Epson,* David Edlinger, Francis Edelberger, ' Ludwig Ernst, Michael FbUx,* Jacob Sheyder,* Hans Shauman,* Jacob Gerringer,* Johan Michael Leytecker,* Melchior Reysal,* Andreas Schmeltzer,* Christopher Ederly,* Johan EUas Horrst, Nickolas Mittelburger.* 161) Sept. 9, 1751. Ship Patience, Hugh Steel, .Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, — eight Roman Catholics. — 255 passengers. ©ept. 9, 1751 Slotterbam iiber John Hendrick,* Pierre Balmas, Diewald Hig, Andreas Bleshor,* Daniel Tien, Jacob Wenigard,* Stephen Deer,* Abraham WUd, Isaac Reno, Matthieu Moret, Daniel Ehart, Christian Gran,* Michel Farckart, Johannes Bock,* Christian Gaily,* Jacob Wolf, ©(i^iff 5)attence, Sopitoin Jpug:^ ©teel, »Dn ,— ai^t 3(lom.=^at^olifi^e.— 255 Sfleifcnbc. Jacob Wolf, PhUip Hering, Jacob Enckisch, Philip Gob,* Blasius Isele, Michael Wieder, Martin Erdman, Jacob Stbhr, Ludwig Rimmel, J. Peter Andrea, Peter Haubert,* Peter Thomas,* Frantz Host,* Peter Haut,* Georg Ludwig Math, Eberhart Chappelle, 250 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jean Henri Tien, Johann Andreas Bersch, Johannes Strohschneider, . Johan Fried. Strohschneider, Michael Strohschneider, Hans Michael Mauer,* Hans Georg Worthlin,* Hans Worthlin,* Jacob Danninger, Michael Mauch, Samuel Pauser, Hans Peter Enek, Christian Gabriel Conver, H.'George Gerhart, Johan Henrich Hering, Philip Wendel Hbring, John George Reely, Johann Georg Babb, Johann Andreas Htitig, PhUip Carl Jtidu, Johann Andreas Becher, Carl Anton Bergman, Johann Christoph Wieder, Johann Georg Ruoff, -Johan Diterich Weitzen,* Johann Henrich Weitzel, Johann Frantz Huber, Hans Peter Huber,* Peter Martin, Joh. Deitschmall, J. Henry Dietzel, Jacob Martin,* Michel Drabach, J. Adam Trarbaoh,* Jacob Trarbaoh,* ~ J. Peter Thomas,* Conrad MUler,* Henry MUler,* Nicola Matter, Johannes Rust, Daniel Hess,* Jost Karger,* Melchior Spery,* Johannes Block,* George Block, Nicklas Wolff,* Peter Woleher,* Friederich Mbbs, Bernhard Bauer, ^ PhUip Conrad ZeUer, Johann Henrich Stbhr, Johan Martin Freitag, Georg Henrich Joseph, Johann Peter MiiUer, Johann Henrich DuU, Johann PhUip Haubert, Johann PhUip Litz, Hans Peter Shutz,* Johan Nicol. Bass, Joh. Adam Oberklrch,* Johannes Schwarbach,* Johann Jacob Weyll, Johann Peter Holderbaum, Johan Adam Barthnies, Johan Peter Strbher, Johann Georg Scherbeann, Hans Adam Didrich, ^ Jacob Leibrock, Christian Lindner,* Peti-ug Trauenstack. 162) Sept. 14, 1751. Ship St. Andrew, James Abercrombie, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, — eight Roman Ca tholics, ten Mennonites, the remainder Calvinists. — 230 passen gers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 261 ©ept. 14, 1751. ©c^ijf ©t. Slnbrcw, Sapitoin 3omeg 9rber» crombie, »on atotterbom uber Soweg, — ot^t 3l(Jmifc^=.fi!at|olifc^e, jcbn 9Jlcnnoniten, bte Ucbrtgen Soloiniflen. — 230 SReifenbe. Johannes Lenn, Peter Eckman,* Wendel Hanst, Peter Berringer,* Jacob Brandt, Martin Shwab,* Jacob Kimmel, Adam Kimmel, Christoph Foth, Jacob Stahl, Johannes Ehrman, Michael Spengler, Thomas Vreytach,* Valentin Daubenberger, Ludwig Dewalt,* Georg Ludwig Stutzenberger, Peter Jacob Weiss, Rudolph Schbppi, Henrich Seydenbender,* Johann Philip Kimmel, Johann Henrich Lohmann, Georg Henrich Rbsch, Hans Peter Henrich, PhUipp Ihringer, Johann Conrad Bauerle, Hans Georg Spengler,* Johann Peter Schmeher, Johann Michael Friedle, Johan Jacob Daubenberger, Hans Georg Hitman,* J. PbUip Diss,* Johannes Frick,* J. Jacob Shumber,* Augustus Hub, Valentin Kimmel, Melchior Seib, Caspar WUghart,* Albrecht Reinhardt, Andreas Lemel, Peter Arnold,* Albrecht Dederer, Friederich Biebler, Tacilus Geiger,* Alexander Holder, Martin Bender,* Martin Dietz, Peter Bininger,* H. Matheus MiUer,* KUian DestermtiUer, J. WUliam Volck, Conrad Erich,* J. Adam Diersen,* Gottlieb Ihrich, Abraham Gusman, Hans Mauerer,* J. Wendel Shwob,* Johannes Frick,* Stephan Rigler, Andreas Kramer,* Hans Georg Scheu, Joseph Bender, Joseph Ehrman, Weybrecht Nushagen,* J. Adam Kirschbaum, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Hans Georg Uhrich, Johann Jacob Selig, Johann Georg Hub, Johann Ludwig Ziegler, Georg Adam AUbrecht, Johan Georg Threer, Johann Georg Kochendbrfffer, Johann Philip Teutsch, Hans Peter Strein, Johann Frantz Biebler, Johann Georg Schaffer, 253 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johann Georg Feick, Hans Adam Hotter,* Georg Peter Htiter, Joh. Christoph Steirschildt, Johan Henrich Eisenmenger, Johan Friederich Mindisch, Georg Simon Schramm, Georg Thomas Henneberger, Peter Henrich Eysenmenger, Johann Jacob Haffner, Johan Conrad Friedle, Johann Adam Sttickle, Johann Gottfried Sttickle, Johann Dietrich Sauer, Johann Daniel Betz, Johann Georg Weiss, J. Balth. Eysenmenger, Michael Casper Fuchs, Johannes Georg Backer, Johann Georg Lasch, Georg Michael Weeber. 163) Sept. 14, 1751. Ship Duke of Bedford, Richard Jef- ferys. Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth, — nine Roman Catholics, one hundred and twenty Calvinists. — 260 passengers. ©ept. 14, 1751. ©cl)tff £>ufe of SSebforb, Sapitotn 3ii(^arb 3effer!9g, son 9iotterbam iiber ^ortgmout^, — neun Sfli)mifd^»^a« t:^olif(|e, ein |unbert unb jwanjig Soloiniflen. — 260 Sleifenbe. Friederich Zabooy,* JFriederich Zabooy jr.,* Johann Henrich Weickel,? Hans Michel Scherster, Abraham Beck, Isaac Wengert, Andreas Beck,* Nicklas Mtinder,* Samuel Weiss,* Adam Koch sen., Adam Koch jr., Michel Koch, Andreas Knauer, Johannes Knauer, Christian Reich, Caspar Scherffig, Andreas Schaffer, Michael Pisserth, Georg Fetzer, Peter Gerbrich, Valentin Huth, Michael Huth,* Joseph Fuchs, Frantz Bruner,* Erhart Grimm, Jacob Hobler,* Abraham HoU, Christian GaUy,* Christoph Heller, Henrich Heller, Caspar Mtiller, PhUip Liebener,* Jacob Thurig,* Henry Shloder,* Caspar Metz,* Henry Derker,* Johannes Bender, Valentin Shaffer,* Peter Weber, Johannes Weber, Peter Bltigner, Henrich Lummel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 253 Michael Heyler, Simon Burchhart, Johannes Dewetten, Jacob Vaser, Jacob LaUemand, Johann Georg Beck, H. Michael Meyer,* Johan Jacob Zigler,* Joh. Michael Koch,* Johan Melchior Rudi, Hans Peter Knauer, Caspar Weinmer,* Georg Balthes Wecker, Christoph Albert, Matthaus Fetzer, Johan Henrich Krebs, Michael Gerbrich, Johann Adam Koller, Hendrick Courpenning, Jeremias Geiger, Joh. Rennigius Spiegel, Christian Kunther, Johann Gottlieb Zinck, Johan Peter Kammer,* Friederich Mutschler, Valentin Mutschler, Johan Christian Lentz, Johannes Schmuck,* Hans Georg Bender, Johan Georg Bender jr., Johann Marcus Beck, Johannes Kleinpeter, ¦ Hans Peter Schiffarth, Martin Mattheis Schielie, Georg Adam Krauss, Georg David Reinhard, Hans Michael Knab,* Johann Lorentz Stindtler, Johann PhUip Schmidt, Johan Georg Stotz, Johan Jacob Gehemann, Johan Georg Burckhardt, Johann Andreas Heldt, Johann Adam Schick, Johann Wendel Weichstnir, Johann Philip Diehl, Lorentz Htinckel, Hans Peter Kelinsteller, Jacob Rewold,* Christoph Zieger,* Andreas Jund, Peter Herr, Georg Kleinpeter, Nicklaus Schultz, Rudolph Hoffer,* Johannes Schaffer, Peter Grauel,* Martin Mtiller, Andreas Kolb, Christian Krebs, Jacob Klein, Paulus Sherly,* Jacob Gaily,* Johannes Stumpp, Jacob Geiger, Cari Shaffer,* Nicklas Shmith,* / Jacob Hildebrandt, y Solomon Heisoh, Hans GeorgResh,* Martin Henrich, Hans George MiUer,* Matthias Rbckhele, Hieronimus Kbmmele, Hans Jacob Kurtz, Hans Georg Hauser, Johann Jacob Fischer, Mattheus Schbllhorn, Johann Ludwig Einsel, Johan Peter Heygiss, Peter Ludwig Hayer, Hans Georg Klein,* 22 254 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Friederich Wtirth, Johan Martin Heugeld, Johann Martin Fleisehman, Henrich Bernhardt Diener, Johann Adam Brentzinger, Johan Adam Pole,* Hans Georg Mercker, Johann Adam Stock, Johan Henrich Haber, Nicolas von Mtinchler. 164) Sept. 16, 1751. Ship Edinburgh, James Russel, Mas- 'ter, — ten Roman Catholics. — 345 passengers. ©ept. 16, 1751. ©c^iff Sbinburg^, Sopttoin 3amti SlnM, jc^n 3flomif(^=^ot^olif(^e.— 345 0ieifcnbe. Jacob Bauer, Peter Maurer, Lorentz Kuntzman,* Conrad Zanck,* Johannes Gbttges, Gottlieb Wagner, Wilhelm CErdter, Conrad Bachman, Henrich Katz, Casper Wisser, Henry Stumpff, Johannes Doren, Peter Fleck,* Joseph Hombro, WUliam Saltzman, Henrich Pfeffer, Johann Adam Allap; PhUipus Jacob Wagner, Johann Jacob Huser, Hans Adam MiUer, Hans Michel Gerber, Johann Henrich Gintermauj Johann Henrich Vblckner, Johann Jacob Vblckner, Adam P. Kness, Frantz Wilhelm Jerholtz, Johann Peter Mengen, Johann Henrich Stein, Wilhelm Kupferschmied, Hans Adam Matter, Hans Henrich NoU, Johann Adam Walther, Georg Matter, Jacob Keis.ser, Andreas Keyser,* Jacob Matter, Michel Hardman, Balthasar Jung, Lorentz Schweissguth, Peter Prim,* Andreas Wier,* Nicolaus Schoppert, Hieronimus Textur,* Abraham SchneU,* Nicholas Lindeman,* Peter Pfliester, Henrich Pfliester, Christian Luther, Christian Scheib, Michel Weber, Nickel Weber, Johannes Henrich,* Michael Burger,* Johannes Ort,* Peter Schlosser, Wilhelm Weigerich, Frantz Highart, Martin Schuh, Frederick Greenewald,* Carl Smith,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 255 Peter Lang, Carl ScheU, Peter Rhein, David Rhein, Adam Kober, Christian Kober, Michel Bauerman, Johannes Schlater, Christian Hahn, Peter Dbtzter, Nicholas Mathias,* Martin Maties, Johannes Mathias,* Friederich Mehl, Johann WUhelm Heintz, PhiUp Friederich Meyer, Hans Adam Ferber, Georg Justanus Noll, WUhelm Adam Wolff, Georg Christophel Brem, Johann Gottfried Kroh, Johann WUhelm Ferber, Henrich Wilhelm Kochler, Johann Michel Eberth, Johann PhUip Ebert, Johann Nicolas Ebert, Johann Georg SchneU, Johann Michel Stemler, Johann Nickel Weber, Johann Nickel Weber jr., Johann Peter StiUing, Johann Abraham Dauber, Johann Friederich Conrad, Johann Nickel Henrich, Johann Georg Reinheimer, Johann Friedrick Griiff, Joh. Nicklaus Weyerbacher, Isaac Weyerbacher, Johannes Weyerbaclier, Johann Andreas Wagner, Joh. WUhelm Graff, Johann Friederich Fahss, Heinrich Adam Scherer, Jacob ZUchart,* Johann Henrich Rhein, Hans Adam Kober, Johann Jacob Muller, Johann Nicklaus Ker, Johan Valentine Brenighoff, Johan Philip Brenighoff, Johan Friederich Brenighoff, Johann Nicklaus Mehl, Johann Wilhelm Nagel, Johann Conrad Jost, Abraham Wenbacher, Hans Georg Kast, Jacob Inder,* Simon Burcliart,* Johannes Arbengast, Jacob Fj-idrioh, Jacob Hoover,* Frans Hoover,* Johannes Schmid, Johannes Klein, Johannes Schmidt, Jacob Funek, Anthony Blum, Nicklas Zegler,* Johan Reys,* Zachary Reys, Blasius Weg,? Georg Walcker, Johann Philip Ktister, Johann Michael Heuler, Philip Hasselbacher, Johannes Schneider, Johan Jacob Bitter, Jacob Shnaudy,* johan Nicklaus Marheffen, Georg Segman,* Christian Steyerwaldt, Daniel Lehmbacher, 256 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Christoph Metz, Henrich Daniel Deitt, Johannes Schleich, Philipp Henrich Weis, Israel Burchart, Johann Nickel Schmidt. 165) Sept. 16, 1751. Ship Nancy, Thomas Coatam, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, — one Roman Catholic. — 200 passengers. ©ept. 16, 1751. ©c^iff 9ianc9, Sopitoin Z^omai Soatam, son SRotterbom, — ein SRomifc^=^at^olif(^er. — 200 3teifenbe. Jacob Guth, A. Conrad Koder, Conrad Koder, David Mauerle, Michael Friess, Johannes Hackeler, Johannes Hopff, Michael Capp, Andreas Berensteher, Jacob Kauffmann, Elias Bar, Jacob Kennely,* Conrad Maurly, Jacob Scheible, Sebastian Sohnell, Andreas Messerschmidt, Hans Wuchter, Andreas Bitinger, Christian Nagel, Jacob Kapp, -Daniel Kapp, Hans Jacob Klett, Johann George Rbsch, Hans Georg German, Hans Georg Mauerle, Johann Friedrich Rooss, Johann Friederich Wurster, Johann Martin Lang, Johan Georg Goonner, Hans Jacob Pfester, Hans Michel Sohnauster, Johann Jacob Supper, Hans Fredrick Brendley,* Jacob Fredrick Sooper, Hans Georg Reinthaler, Johann Henrich Fischer, Johann Ludwig Nonnemacher, Hans Georg Reynthaller,* Johan Jacob Scherick, Johann Michel Rtihl, Hans Georg SchneU, Johan David Weissmann, Michel Mauser, Johann Mauser, Johannes Heydel,* WUliam Swindel,* Jacob Haug, Elias Mayer, Hans Mayer, Jacob Haag,* Johannes Kimmerlein, Conrad Steiger, WUhelm Hammer, Daniel K euler, Johannes Keuler, Johannes Kohler, Jacob Raub, Hans Hay, Baltzer White, Hans Bernhardt Messerschmidt, Hans Jacob Wizer, Hans Georg Koder, Hans Martin Kimmerlein, Hans Martin Mohr, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 251 Hans Conrad Steiger, Hans Georg SchneU, Hans Georg Reichenacher, Hans Martin Entiemann, Johannes Kircher,* Johann Lorentz WUhelm, Johann Philip Gerig, Johann Friederich BiUinger, Michael Schmidt, Johann Hay, Johann Balthasar Geyer. 166) Sept. 16, 1751. Ship Brothers, WiUiam Muir, Cap tain, from Rotterdam. — 200 passengers. ©ept. 16, 1751. ©c^tff Srot^erg, Sopitoin SBtEiam 9«uir Don aiottcrbam. — 200 Stcifenbe. Johannes Leinberger, Henry Shneyder,* Johannes Bieber, Joseph Kennel,* Paul Mercker, Henrich Seistel, Friederich MUlefelt,* Erhart MUlefelt,* Michel Bieber, Henrich Bieber, Christoph Weber, Georg Hackir, Peter Abort, George Mader, Valentin Walter, Michael Oberly, Andreas Klein, Peter Moore,* Peter Dingis,* Peter Heyser,* Johannes Seyfarth, Johann Jacob Zigenftiss, Johann PhUip Schneck, Joh. Melchior Swerer,* Hans Jacob Farnie, Hans Adam Wagner, Friederich Entzminger,* Johan Jacob Schmidt, Johannes Schmidt, Johannes Schnitt, Johann Nicolaus Merckel. Georg Conrad Meffet, Philip Brentz, Johann Jacob Ahlem, Johau Adam Stein, Johannes Zbssler, Ludwig Friedland,* Johann Michel Mohr, Johann Jacob Blum, Johan Jacob Maul,* Joh. Peter Sheesler,* Johann Georg Hbtzele, Jacob Ludwig, Martin Wolff,* Henry Wolff,* Adam Adams,* Friederich Kirchner,* Christoff Heuer, Christoph Hauck, Jacob Hauer,* Sebastian Nagel, . Jacob Lehme, Jacob Heit, Joachim Nagel, Georg Obermeyer, Michael Weber, Andreas Mohr,* Georg Meintzer, 22* 258 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Conrad Menser,* Anthony Graff,* David Bietch,* Michael Bietch,* Jacob Roth,* Ludwig Weltnes, Jacob Ritter, Daniel ZoUer, Jacob Frantz, Christian Peter, Joh. Jacob Gerling,* Valentin Blumenstein,* Johan Wendel Beylstein, Joh. Georg Kirchner,* Bernhard Hauer,* Martin Maintzer, Johann Michael Hause, David Musgnug, Michael Raub, Johann Georg Stahlein, Anthony Hauer, Anthony Nagel jr., Anthony Nagel sen., Hans Georg Kappes, Hans Georg DUlman, Johannes Munster, Hans Georg Uhlerich, Johan Adam Heiser, Georg Bastian Eigelberger, Ludwig Schlincker, Johannes Monitzer,* Friederich Daniel MtiUer, Georg Hoffheintz,* Ludwig Bender, Johan Henry Past, Henrich Mag. 167) Sept. 21, 1751. Ship Two Brothers, Thomas Arnet, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 239 passengers. ©ept. 21, 1751. ©dbiff Zm Srotl^crg, Sopitoin Z^mai Slrnet, »on Stotterbom itber Soweg. — 239 SReifenbe. Johannes Bausum, PhiUppus Bausum, Johannes Decker, Johannes Rahn, Jacob Jung, Abraham Jung, Johan Steinmetz,* Georg Romel, Jacob Pander, Melchior Jung, Job. Christ. Pried. Wolff, Christofel Gerhart, Johann Henrich Decker, Melchior Jung, Caspar Steinmetz,* Johan Jacob Steinmetz, Johan Christian Lupp, Johan WUhelm Staudter, Joh. Michael Lung, Johan Georg Etzler, Christian Rohr,* Johannes Stauffer, Simon Weier, Andreas Brendle, Georg Lupp, Johannes Lupp, Adam Lung, Caspar Augenstein, Ludwig Beiekle, Gregorius Richter,* Henrich Arndt, Carl Lbhe, Johannes Kbnig, Daniel Becker, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 25* Johannes Hein, Johannes Henrich, Johannes Orth, Valentin Fey, Johannes Lappe, Andreas Gratz, Anthonius Seemisch, Conrad Christian,? Jacob Eberhart, PhUipp Thomas, Philipp Hetz, Ludwig Gleissinger, Johannes Werbung, Georg Straub, Jacob Fegert, Mattheis Hunolt, WUhelm Hunolt, Jacob Schauer,* Simon Lung, Johannes Shrout,* Baltzer Kentzler,* Henry Matheas, Nicokus Stoltz, Johannes Bentz, Han Martin Schers, Jacob Heinberger, Wolfgang RtitticheU, Johann -Georg Schneck, Johan PhUip Eyster, Caspar KaJckglbsser,* Henrich KaJckglbsser, Georg Henrich Solinus, Johann Wilhelm Weyman, Hans Michael Herzog, Hans Georg Schmitt,* William Maltzberger,* Johan Conrad Kreger,* Johannes Becker, Johann Georg Henrich, Johannes Heintz, Johan Henrich Heym, Johan Jost Giersbach, Johann Daniel Hoffman, Johan Henrich Gring,* Johann Henrich Hartman, Johann Georg Decker, Johan Jacob Hoffheintz, Johan Henrich Ebes, ? Joh. Henry Mauerbach,* Joh. Henrich Nicodemus, Johan Jost Gring, Phihp Henrich NbU, Johan Martin Bender, Johan Michael Wieg, Johan Daniel WiU, Johan Adam Schmidt, Johan Friederich Perlet, Martin Christoph Rbder, Johannes Kristmann, Johannes Molssberger, Friederich Klarwein, Joh. Christoph Georgey, Fried. Wilhelm Herman, Joh. WUhelm Weinandt, Johan Jacob Gbbler, J. Gerhart Zimmerman, Johan Henrich Adam, Joh. Gerhart Schuhmacher, Joh. Wilhelm Cfomberg, Joh. WUhelm Bodenheimer. 168) Sept. 23, 1751. Ship Neptune, James Wier, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 154 passengers. ©ept. 23, 1751. ©c^iff 5Reptun, Sopitain 3ameg aSier, Poti Stotterbom itber Soweg. — 154 Sletfcnbe. 260 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Anthoni Weinnert, Jacob Hetzel, Johannes Gies, Michael Wennert,* Adam Weiser, Mattheus Lippoth, J. Conrad Koch, Johannes Manderbach, Johannes MuUer, Jacob Pool, (Puhl),* Johannes Greis, Henrich Gerhart, Johannes Schtitz, Nicolas Reybolt,* Johannes Busch, Johannes Meyer, Michael Lauffer, J. Michael Lauffer, Johannes Vetter, Johannes (Exle, Johannes Beer, Paulus Graninger, Johannes Hombert, Johannes Baker,* Balthas Gressmann, Matheis Lutz, Joh. Engl. Cunrad, Johannes Geistweit, Joh. Georg Christ, Johann Thomas,* Andreas Steyger,* Everhart Thomas,* Henry Zimmerman,* Jost Henry,* * Joh. Phil. Sesberger, Joh. Ebert Steyner,* Joh. Engel Bucher, Christian Schmidt, Christian Haffer, Johannes WUhelm Seyn, Johan PhiUippus Bbhmer, Johau WUhelm Bbhmer, Johan Heinrich Vetter, Johan Friederich Gettner, Johan Bernhart Beatt, Johann Georg Seckel, Johan Alexander Schtitz, Johan Ludwig Klein, Johan Conrad WuUeweber, Johan Christ. Zimmerman, Johan Henrich Kochling, Johan Henrich Greiss, Johan Philip Anhorn, 1 J. Henry TiUman, Johann Peter Schaaff, Johan Nickel Weber, Johannes Peter Reusel, Johannes Engelberth Jung, J. Jost Walter,* J. Friederich Shreiber,* J. Henry Shmitt,* Johan Philip Krum, Philip Henry Sholtz,* \ Johan Jacob Gonderman, Hans Jacob MiiUer, Johan Michel Niscb,? Johan Christian Baum, Johan Christian Benner, Johan Christian Leidtorff, Joh. PhU. Daniel Pfeiffer, Georg Andreas Carle,* Herm. Adolph Schoppemneyer, Johan Henrich Bucher, Johann Egidus Hecker, Johann Christian Schmidt, Johann Henrich Schmidt, Johan Henry Reinhart,* Johannes Henrich Peiffer, Joh. Peter Flick, Joh. PhUip Fhck, Johan Martin Fhck, Joh. Christian Zimmerman, Gerlach Paul Fhck. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 261 169) Sept. -24, 1751. Ship Neptune, John Mason, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 284 passengers. ©ept. 24, 1751. ©c^iff sjteptun, Sapitoin 3o|n SWofon, oon SUptterbom uber Soweg. — 284 Steifenbe. Christian Armbrtister, John Pieters, Conrad Newmeyer,* Henderich Boons,* Jacob Sheyco,* Philip Klinger, Abraham Pons, Johannes Hbring, Johannes Hering,* Johannes Saum, Johannes Redig, J. Adam Ewig,* Melchior Trautmann,* Bernhart Jagel,* Adam Pfeiffer,* Christoph Cotz,* Georg Kleinbach,* Michael Link,* George Crope,* Johannes Henrich, . Frantz Horn, David MaisheUer,* Johannes Gessner, Elias Emminger,* Conradt Schmidt, Jacob Frith, Jacob Gruber,* Conrad Rawher,* Balthaser Hess,* George Kimmel, Johannes Hock,* Johannes Geiss, Daniel Erhart,* Peter Binger, Andreas MUler, Johannes Laurentius Schmidt, Jean Pierre Arnoul, Leonhart Mentzinger, Hans Georg Anstein, Johann Ludwig Hbring, Henrich Lautenschleger,* Johann Bernhart Goth, Johann Adam Trinckhauss, Johann Adam Wirdeberger, Johann Geoj-g Erhardt, Johann Philip Meyer, Joh. Michael Knotz,* Jacob Walter Wagner,* Conrad Scheffnit, Johan Wilhelm GreU, Johan Georg Schafer, Johann Peter Schindel, Johann Adam Geiss, Martin Heckendorn,* Andreas Drtichsel, Johann Georg Eisenbeiss, Wilhelm Gbttman, Hans Georg Heisy, Hans Georg Spohn, Johann Adam Heiss, Johan Georg Heiss, Tobias Daumiller, Johann Peter Trautmann, Christoph HoUobach, Joh. Adam Issener,* Andreas Reybold; Friederick Zimmerman, Jacob Zettelmeyer,* Georg Zettelmeyer,* Caspar Spann, Jacob Bogus, Henry Deutch,* Med. et Chirg. iJoctor. Clementz Frey, 262 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Summer,* Ludwig Knoll, Nicklaus Schey, Adam Weys,* Caspar Kessler,* Johannes Welt, Jacob Nagel, Christoph Schropp, Johannes Vetter, Stephan Herth, Henrich HaU, Casper Hoffmann, Casper Hoffman jr., Jacob Buch, Jacob Buch jr., Johannes Lemer,* Georg Schill, Andreas Berlib,* Conrad Bower,* Jacob Frey,* Baltes Laub, Jean Coulties, Georg Creesh,* Conrad Schaffer, Siegmund Cosia, Benedict Ervig,* Henry Shrbder,* Michael Sattler, Frederick SuUinger,* . David KuUem, Jacob Peterman,* Peter Klases, Georg Eppenzeller, Georg Adam Weys,* Johannes Schniringer, Lorentz Schniringer, Johann Georg VoUert, Heinrich Eyssenmenger,- Johann Michel Hag, Johann Georg Heist, Johan Ludwig BUger, Johann Jacob Gottwalt, Antonius Lambrecht, Johan Jacob Artzt, Joh. Daniel Scharmann, Johan Jacob Schneider, Christian Hoffman,* Conrad Selhoff, Christoph Vanterberg,* Johan Conrad Essy,* Martin Scbaickel, Joseph Lehmann, Ewald Trummaner,* Jacob HbUerman, Albrecht Schleppy,* Johan Georg Must, Joseph Zugmayer, PhilUp MaUycoat,* Johan Bernhard Schaffer, Johan Leon. Trautman, Job. WUhelm MtiUer, Johan Peter Klump, Joh. Michael Dur, Joh. Georg Hummer, UhUerich Schwenckel,* Ludwig Klemmer, Martin Kagel, Michael Hahn, Hans Georg Stehle. 170) Sept., Wednesday, the 25th, 1751. Ship Phoenix, John Spurrier, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth, Eng land. — 412 passengers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 26a mittmS), ben 25. ©ept. Spurrier, oon Stotterbom 3>affagiere.Martin Maurer, Jacob Bauer, Christian Laufaner, Michael Meyer, Georg Volpp, Antoni Stehrn,* Georg Stirn, Conrad Hbffler,* Jacob Jordan, Andreas Roth, Jacob Heegy, Albert Schneck, Michel Hoffman, Christian Pfeiffer, Martin Wagner, Martin Engelberth, Balthas Widenmeyer, Martin Ziegler, Peter Denier, Martin Ludi, Martin Herter, Jacob Rosli,* Hans Rosli,* Georg RosU,* Jacob Riger,* Georg Banssle, Simon Widmayer, David Herrmann, Carle Hey,* Albrecht Heu, Mathias Laufer, Jacob Pfeiffer,* Georg Hollinger, Jacob Wbrner, Peter Hoffman, Michael Hudere,* Jacob Veigenbaser, Conrad Host, 1751. ©d^if g)|onty, Sopitoin 3ol)n iiber 55ortgmout|, Snglonb. — 412 Bernhard Brand, Baltzer Btimbel, Matheis Bastian, Anthoni Blesinger,* Johannes Conrad Lauer, Georg Matias Weig, Johann Adam Bauer, Hans Georg Weber, John Georg Kappis, Hans Michael Baunich, Joh. Michael Lerchenzieler, .Hans Jacob Schletzer, PhUip Ernst Wagner, Johan Melchior Mils, Johan Friederich Ftirber, ^ Joh. Valentin Hoffman, Johann Conrad Freeh, Joh. Balthas Schblhorn, Joh. Michel Schumacher, Johann Georg Kiderer, Michael Lautenschlager, Johann Conrad Krtigele, Johan Tobias Hang, Andreas Hildenbrandt, Hans Jacob Stambach, Hans Georg Betsch, Ludwig Teussel, Hans Georg Hagele, Johan Gottfried Schmelzer, Hans Jacob Geis, Johann Gottfried Fuchs, Hans Georg Schotebecker, Georg Friederich Baisch, Christian Ktichler, Johannes Gramm, Michael Bossert, Michael Kaucher, Mattheis Hipscher, 264 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johann Georg Gehringer, Albrecht Htibscher, Baltus Schlichter, Gottlieb Lunenmacher, 'Johannes Dietrich, Friederich Veit Schanss,^ Friederich Dannwolff, Joseph Bbhringer, Samuel Dirstein, Elias Stocki, Graff Hannold, Christoph Ltick, Jacob Geigle, Martin Off, Jacob Hauber, Matheus Kern, / Jacob Huber, y Jacob Hauber, Jacob Alt, Samuel Hitzer,* Georg Hetzer, Frederick Heins, Jacob Seller,* Jacob Waltz, Georg Teuffell, PhUip Mtiller, Mathias Diesch, Jacob Harz, Christian Neuffes,? Thomas Fisher,* Jacob Fischer, Michael Laver,* Dieterich Lbffler, Mattheus Walter, Heinrich Fritz, Baltes Beyer, Abraham Hausser, Georg Ziegler, Jacob Walder,* Michael Mtiller, Friderich Wogt,* Jacob Hermann, Michel Ernst, Michael Wbmner, Matheis Schimpff, Michael Mayer, Simon Brener, Friederich Hirsch, PhUip Poutmant, Georg Carle, Joh. Siegmund Ktihler, Christ. Friederich Weyler, Franciscus Stur, Mattheis Plocherr, Jacob Btickel, Johannes Albrecht, Hans Jacob Kiechner, Johannes Waltschmidt, Johannes Hauer, Christian Blaser, Johannes Rathgeb, Martin Eilting, Bernhardt Schneider, Hans Conrad KuchU, Hans Georg Christein, Christian Christein, Peter Christein, Johannes Demuth, Friederich Kerchel, Philipp Jacob Geis, Johan Adam Stoltz, Jean Diedier Moret, Jacob von Kbnnen, Lorentz Schmiedt, Georg Michel Weimann, Matheis Haufetein, Jacob Hermann jr., Andreas Eissenhardt, ¦Johan, Michel Wbmner, Christian Schmidt, Johannes Schmidt, Jacob Btirkhardt, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 265 Job. Georg Pried. Bayer, Gabriel Wachter, Adam Hettinger, Theophilus Htibbertz, Samsoii Mittelberger, Georg Baumann, Michael Altrich, Konrad Lender, Michael Leuttel, Hans Greorg Ehrman, Jonas Rupp, a Christoph Hofman, PhUlipp Mtiller, Balthas Schwinkes, Hans Jacob Meyer, Johan Jacob Wbmner, Hans Georg Blesser,* John George Blazer,* Hans Georg Blaser jr. 171) Oct. 4, 1751. Ship Queen of Denmark, Georg Parish, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 252 passengers. Dct. 4, 1751. ©c^iff Queen of 3Denmar!, Somraonbant ©eorg ^arifl, son SRotterbom iiber Soweg. — 252 3leifenbe. Christoph Berg, Georg Wolff, Hartmann Fritz, Daniel Meyer, Baltzer Martin, Valentin Brook,* Jacob Wolff, George Bicker, Balzar Konig,* Johann Friederich Hering, Georg- Jacob UUrich, Michael Kremer, Hans Georg Erbolt, Melchior Zigler,* Martin Shewerman,* Hardlie SaUade, Jacob Geoijan, Hans Georg Martin, Jacob Kugel,* Hans Suter, Jacob Regennas, Johannes Wagner,* Peter Rehrer, Heinrich Stohler, Johannes Oxeman,* Johannes Martin, a, Jonas Rupp, the Editor's paternal grandfather, was bom Octbr. 23d, 1729, at Reihen, near Sinaheim, Grand Duchy of Baden. From 1751 to 1772 he lived in Lancaster Co., now Lebanon Co., in 1772 he moved to Cumberland Co., six miles west of Harrisburg. He died May 21st, 1801. His remains rest in the graveyard at Friedens-Kirch, three miles east of Mechanicsburg. a 3orta« SRupp, ber ©togsatct iti |)ernu«geberg »«terfettg, tnurbe axn 23. Octbr. 1729 in SReiben, nabe ®ini%tim, tm ®roPetjogtbum Saben, geboren. Sorn 3abre 1751 Ui 1772 tnobnte et in Sancajicr So., iegt 8e= Mnon So., 1772 jog er natiSi Sumberlonb So., fecb« SWeilen ttepcb »ort §atri«butg. ®t jiarb am 21. 9»at 1801. ©eine ®ebeine ruben nuf bem Stt(|ibof ber 3riebengHtd|)e, bret 3Keilen iifilicb »on 5JJei|antcgburg. /to 266 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Geesseler,* Andreas Fridli, Stephan Bieg, Andreas Roth, Nicklas Rippel, Oeorge Happes,* Durst Griiner, Jacob Joder,* Huiis Blanck, Huns Reizer,* Henry Stiss,* Michael Meyer,* Christian Blanck, Wilhelm Bosch, Friederich Ruthy, Johannes Shulty,* Bastian MengeU, Caspar Fisher,* Conrad Fisher,* Martin Pries, Andreas Lantz, Conrad Weiss, Hans Geisser,* Henrich Seitz, Jacob Stehlij Heinrich Stehli, Jacob Shob,* Nicklas Weiss,* Heinrich GreU, Georg Wolff, Friederich Dirkerhoff,* Johann Michel Hartmann, Heinrich Bachman, Johann PhUip Bieg, Johannes Carmane,* Georg Grauss, Conradt Schneider, Johann Henrich Graff, Christian Bernhart, Hans Schneeberger, Hans Jacob Weiss, Marx Oberhaussle,' Hans Ulerich Hess, Casper Schneider, Johannes Schaad, Hans Schallenberg, Johannes Eymeyer, Martin Dreysbach, Johan Friederich Mertz, Johan Henrich Hofiinan, Hans Henrich Wiest, Hans Henry Shneyder, Johannes Pampus, Antonius Stutte, Johan Wilhelm Priess, Jacob Ruthlinger, Heinrich Stehli, Weinbert Tschucki, Johannes Strub, Joh. Friederich Steiner, Friederich Lander,* Johannes Possert, Johann Friederich Mentzer, Georg Schweyler, Hans Melchior Andere^, Valentin Meyer, Daniel Wolff, Anthony Carmone.* 172) Oct. 7, 1751. Ship Janet, WUliam Cunningham, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 220 passengers. Dct. 7, 1751. ©c^iff 3anet, Sapitotn gCtmom Sunning^om, son 3lottcrbom ii6cr Soweg. — 220 Sfteifenbe. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 267 Johannes WaUer,* Michael HoUstein, Peter Ganns,* Peter Rossburger,* Philip Pfeiffer,* Mathias Pfeiffer,* Adam Jacobi, Marx Breinig, Adam Beckebach,* Caspar Beckebach,* Peter Ulmer, Georg Welter, Kilian Hausser,* Nickolas Steyn,* Henry Carle,* Martin Bigler,* Georg Bigler,* Johannes Lap,* , Christ. Peifer, Stephen Zweyer,* Eberhart Kreiling, Michael Alt,* Adam Jordan, Jacob Holtz,* Carl Wagner, Abraham Konig,* PhUip Enes, Jacob Neiman, Leonhart Buckel, Johannes Hahn, WUhelm Ewig,* Michael Leonhart,* Matheas Nass,* Henry Haushalter,* Heinrich FrietUe, Melchior Krautter, Jacob Kbnig, Enoch Weber, Jacob Spreeher, Jacob Weimmer,* Dewald Storch,* Jacob Diether, Ehrhardt Thtirwachter, Leonhart Simon,* Georg Adam Beckenbach, Johan Georg Beckenbach, Georg Bernhart Beckenbach, Johan Valentin Sommer, Nickolas Eshwyn,* Jacob Hauswirth,* Jacob Kammerer, Heinrich Hetzel, Johann Nickel Stumm,* Johannes Kauffmann, Johan Adam Best, Johannes Schmidt, Johan Peter Schang, Andreas Altendorff, Johan Lenardt Gbsel, Johann Jacob Lapp, Joh. Christoph Weysbach,* Han George Zweyer,* Hans Adam Diem,* Han George Odewalt,* Joh. Andreas Engelman, Georg Jacob Schirmer, Michael Wahrlich, Hans Conrad Bauman, Johann Georg Geisler, Johann Nicklas Wolff,* Johan Valentin Ross, Johan Jost Shweiger,* Johann Jacob Weltz, Johann Simon Schober, Eberhart Gochnat, Abraham Bitilion, Johann Georg Busch, Johann Michael Hoffmann, Philip Jacob Hagenbuch, Matheus Kbnig, Hans Jacob Htibbert, Christoph Ketteman, 268 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Hans Georg Sprecher, Philip Jacob Kunbe, Jacob Hahn, Friederich Humbert Diewald Matter, Jacob GaUman,* George Shend,* Jacob Shaffer,* Hans Georg WaUhuter,* Johann Georg Steiner,? Philip Jacob Humbert, Johann Michael Drion, PhUip Jacob Meder, Andreas Kisselberg.* 173) Oct, 16, 1751. Ship Duke of Wirtemberg, Montpelier, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 406 passengers. Dct. 16, 1751. ©(i^iff ®ufe of aBirtembcrg, Sopitoin aKont- pelier, oon Stotterbara iikr Soweg. — 406 Steifenbe. Ludwig Heinrich, A. Mattheis, Theodor Larber, Johannes Wissner, Andreas Schlenckfer, Ulrich Braitinger, Conrad Ram,* Jacob Umensetter, Jacob Umensetter,? Christoph Stindel, Mattheus Reich, Michael Weyhenger, Johannes Schott, Christian App, Friederich ZoUer, Johannes Grauttler, Friederich Hering, David Duett,* Andreas Leaderer,* Johannes DoU,* Martin Dohl, Johannes Notz, Peter Struckel, Martin Ecker, Johannes Meiger, Eberhardt Martin, Leonhart Behl, Balthas Gbtz, Jacob Schaffer, "^ Bernhart Frick,* Graff PUlab,* Jacob Greiner, Georg Christoph Reichle, Johann Andreas Mayer, Johann Georg Mayer, Johan Andreas Mayer jr., Johann Adam Meckle, Johann Georg Weisser, Johann Georg Maisch, Christian Gertzinger, Jacob Ludwig Cappele, Johan Conrad Held, Johannes Brodbeck, Johannes Weyhenger, Georg WUhelm BantUon, Christ. Friederich Bantlion, Hans Georg Schaffer, Hans Georg Dute,* Conrad Eisenhardt, Georg Adam Schlegel, Christophel Schlegel,* Sebastian Wunder, Johannes Wunderlich, Johann Georg Hoch, Mattheus Sabererick, Joseph Brendlinger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1751. 269 Georg Adam Franckenberger, Georg Michael Kern, Conrad Klingemeyer, Joh. Conrad Leibbrand, Georg Adam Gaab, Hans Jacob Baum, Daniel ¦ Baumann, Conradt Grietzinger jr. Conrad Merckle, Friederick Keppert, Jacob Zerch, Johannes Winter, Martin Ebbly,* David Ansel, Jacob Beyerly,* Friederich Wibel, Jacob Stahlman, Joseph Ahner, Adam Herman, Jacob Jungling, Jacob Scherrer,* Johann Nadem, ? Ulrich Hirschmann, ' Matheus Hirschman,* Johannes Stucky,* Jacob Schwartz, Johannes Augenstein, Simon' Nagel, PhiUp Nagel, Michael Deiss, Johannes Mayer, Johannes Mayer jr., Johannes Bischoff, Bernhardt Merkle, Michael Fritz, Ludwig Fritz, Casper Meyer,* Peter Printly,* Christian Fuchs, Joseph Karg, Jacob Karg, Michael Rosch, Michael Rosch jr., Jacob Esch, Baltas Folck,* Christoph Folck,* Conrad Stbhr, Philip MtiUer, Stephan Katz, Michel Waltz, Martin Brodbeck, Conrad Grietzinger,* Johannes Brodbeck, Dieterich Kammerer, Peter Kammerer, Christian Kammerer, Johann F. Brodbeck,* Johan Georg Sendel, Hans Georg Winter, Hans Georg Heim, Hans Georg Wehr, Christ. Gottlieb Scheiberle, Hans Peter Path,? Joh. Friederich Dorff, Joh. Michael Zebntbauer, Johannes Schultheiss, Andreas Hirschman, Johan Adam Hirschman, Hans Michael Moser, Mattheus DuUnick, Johann Georg Haman, Johan Friederich Stiess, Hans Georg Augenstein, Philip Jacob Werner, Hans Ludwig Roth, Hans PhUip Roth, Hans Martin Bischon,? Lorentz Wessener, Hans Adam Meyer, Hans Martin Fisser, Michael Hirnneise, Hans Georg Hirnneise, 23* 270 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Michael Hehnle,? Benedict Funck, Johann Georg Dtirr, Abraham Eckert, Jacob Widdenmann, Andreas Huttich, Michael- Katz, Conrad Gensly, Hans Georg Schneider, Friederich Heyl, Johan Bardel Gottwalt, Johannes Eberhart,* Hans Bernhart Frantz, Johannes Eberhart jr., Johann Jacob Waltz, Hans Georg Schinck, Andreas Weidhom,* Michael Wolff, Hans Georg Eckert,* Andreas Kappler,* Michael Werner, Hans Georg Ege. WUhelm Koch,* Note. — In a communication from Kev. S. S. Schmucker, D. D., to the Editor, March 18th, 1856, it is stated, the Rev. John Dietrich Mat thias Heinzelman aud Rev. Emanuel Schultz, Lutheran Ministers, ar rived in Pennsylvania in the year 1751. — {Editor.) Slnmerf ung.— 3n etner SWittlieilung som 18. 5)?ars 1856 »on ^ajiot Dr. S. S. ©c^muilct an ben §ernuggcber fagt berfelbe, tng bie lutberif^cn ®eijllid&en 3ol). Die tri$ 5Katt§iaS |>Einjelm«nn unb Smanuel ®4iul$ im 5a^xt 1751 in 9)ennf9l»ania angefommen jtnb.— (§erau«geber.) 174) Sept. 15, 1752. f Ship Two Brothers, commanded by Thomas Arnot, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ¦|- Rev. Michael Schlatter, having revisited Germany, returned to America — arrived at New York, July 28th, 1752, accompanied, says Lewis Mayer, D. D., in his History of the German Reformed Church, in America, by six young ministers of the Gospel — Revds. Wilhelm Stay, Johannes Waldschmidt, Theodore Franckenfeld, Rubel, Wissler, nnd Philip Wilhelm Otterbein. The latter was for many years a minister of the German Reformed Church. He is regarded, gener ally, as the founder of that now numerous denomination, " The Usited Bbethben in Christ." "Rev. Otterbein was, says Lewis Mayer, more attentive to internal piety than to external forms In his person, Mr. Otterbein was portly and dignified ; in his manner, urbane and affectionate, and of child-like simplicity. He had been well educated ; and to the close of his life read Latin authors with as much ease as those in his vernacular tongue. His piety was unfeigned .ind glowing; his preaching solemn and impressive." — Rupp's Hist, of Berks Co., pp. 445, 446. P. W. Otterbein was born in Dillinberg, Nassau, Germany, Nov. 6, 1726. He died in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 17, 1813. He had, it is said, a peculiar attachment to Jacob Wagner's family of Eibelshaiisen, who, it is thought, emigrated to America at the time Otterbein came. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 271 (Sc))t. 15, 1752. t ©c^tff Zm ^xot^txi, kfe^ligt »on 2|o= ma«. Slrnot, son SHotterbam iiber Soweg. Georg Eisenmenger, Paulus Bohm, Friederich Mayer, Johan Deiswers,* Joh. Christo Friederich Kohler,Conrad Hahns,* Kilian Eisenmenger, Casper Kramer, Jacob MuUer, Johannes WUhelmus, Christoph Arnoldt, Adam Beck, Nblgen Kremmer, Johannes Jacob, Peter Schock,* Anthon Sheyed,* Peter Hommer,* John Antoni Statt,* Paulus Gross,* Wendel Frey, Philip Bornn,* Thomas Gramlich, Wilhelm Huner,* Jacob Lips, ? Jacob MuUer, Gottfi-ied Kappes, Conrad Winegarden,* Casper Lichtenberger, Bertram Behm,* Michael Dietrich, "¦ Paulus Huders,* Joseph Konig,* Moritz Hene, Johannes Metzem,* Jacob Anders,* Borkhardt Unangst, Johannes Gerhardt, Jonas 'Pool,* (Puhl), Peter Dilss, Jacob Helbach, Jost Ferschbach, Joachim Sodt, ? + SfliK^bem ?)nflor W6)at\ ®4lnttw t)eutf(^(anb einen Sefucfe nbge= Ilattet, tet)rte cr nm 28. Suit 1752 toieber naii^ 9Jen) glorf jurntf. 5»tt if m tottt, ttaH) Dr. sKa^tt'g ®ef4iid^te ber reformirten SirtJ^e in Slmertfa, \t^i jitnge Jircbtger, namltd& aBtI|)eIm ©to?, Sobanneg SBalbfti^mtbt, Sfteobor granttenfelb, Kubel, SCijIer unb W^ipf SSi^tim Otterbein. Segtcrer war siele 3at)re lang ein ®eijlltd)er in ber beutfc&= reformirten SJtnJ&e. (£r tttrb gemo^nltc!) fiir ben ®ritnber ber jc^t ja^trei- A)tn Senennung ber „a5eretntgtcn Sriiber in ®f)riilo" nngefe^en. ,.3)ailor Dtterbetn, fagt Zenii SSWa^cr, legte mti)x Oeioii^t nuf tnnere Srommtgfeit, ali nuf au'gere Sorm 3n feinem Sleugcren tuarer flattltcj unb Biiirbij, im Umgnng ^Bflt^ unb licbreid^, unb »on finblic^er (Stnfalf. 6r tonr gut gefd^ult, unb \ai gegen Snbe fetneg Sebeng lateintfe^e ©librtft" ftetter mit berfelben gertigfeit, tote bie in feiner TOutterfpracpe. ©eine oriimmtgfett wnr unge^eu^elt unb ernjiliaff ; fetne ?)rcbtgt wiirbesoll unb gewaltig."— SRuiJtj'g ®efc^. son Serfs So., ®. 445, 446. ?). S. Otterbein wurbe in 35t(linberg tm 9^affauif^en geboren unb jwnr «m 6. ^Rwix. 1726. Sr jiarb in Saltimore, Tii., am 17. StoDbr. 1813. Mfln f«gt, bng er eine befonbere SBorltcbe fiir Safob SBogner'g gamilie ju GibelSlmufen ^atte, welcfie, wie man glaubt, jur 3eit, ali Otterbein fnm, itflcii Jlmerifa ou«wanbette. 272 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Lutz, Conrad Welder, Joh. Silas Bonn,* Joh. Peter Bon, Johann Martin Gans, Johann Peter Lentz,*' Johan Peter Schock,* Leopoldt Valentin Gross, Johannes Henrich Metz, Johann Friederich Beck, Georg Michael Eberly, F. Conrad Leberling,* George Michael MUler,* John Peter Rodebagh,* John Peter Blom,* Diedrich WUhelm Disohong, Johan Wilhelm Ahlbach, John Peter Blom sen., John Christian Ottinger,* Herbert Schumacher, Johann Christian Hoffman, WUhelm Peterwelles, Johan WUhelm Meyer, Conrath Schneider, Joh. Herbert Lor,* Joh. Antonius Kramer, Johan Adam Imboten,* Johan Gottfried Kring, Johann Christian Seyler, Johann Jacob Beyer, Johan Christ. Eulenber, Joh. Christ. LichtenthaUer, Jphann Christ. Meyer, Johan Paulus Seehl, Johan Steffy Drybler,* Johan Peter Hauer, ? Johan Christian Albirger, John Jacob CElgarden,* Johann Henrich Wirth, Hans Henrich Mitnch, Johann WUhelm Bbttger, Johann Georg Metzger, Georg Andreas Raab, Georg Michael Gebhart, Johan Gerlach Meyer, Johan Georg Spiess, Conrad Leinenberg,* Nicolas Leinenberg,* Jat5ob Dilss, Moritz WUh. DUls, Joh. Peter AUer, Joh. WUh. WeUrar, Johan Sebastian Onangst, Johan Peter Schmidt, Simon Ludwig Himroth, Johan Herbert Wingert, WU. Henrich Brandenbitrger, Johan Thomas Schumacher, Johan Peter Putterbach. 175) Sept. 19, 1752. Ship Edinburgh, James Russel, Cap tain, from Amsterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 19^ 1752. ©c^iff Stinburg'^, gapitain 3amea 3iuffcl, son Slmjlerbom itber Somcg. '* Peter Renau, Franciscus Dilier, Johan Valentin, Michel KtimeU, Henry Hollinger,* , Leonhart Claus, Paulus Harting, Siegfried Billing, Frantz Renau, Martin Hai-sch, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 273 Jacob Heerd,* Jacob Beck, Paulus Schmidt, Nicolaus Mayer, Jacob Fried, PatUus Mauerer,* Wilhelm KeUer,* Christoph Hummel,* Paulus Walter,* Peter Miib, Jacob Kiiber,* Johannes Roth, Friederich Roth, Johannes Bauer,* Georg Shneyder,* Georg Zerman, Michael Fetzer,* Christian Shneid,* Christian Wenger, Leonhard Lauter, Sebastian Waas, Johann Georg Denier, Jacob BUdman, Joh. Samuel Huth, Georg Casper Bohrmann, Johann Martin Schnepf, Georg Leonhardt Pfiister, Johannes Bernhardt,* Michael Hibscher,* Johan Georg Bauman, Johannes Krieharst,? Andreas Gabriel Dietrich, Johan Wilhelm Trautwein, Bartholomaus Lederer, Georg Antony Schebble, Johan Carl Hayer, Johan Jacob Helm, Johan Friederich Kiess, Hans Martin Kirschman, Martin Kuntzman,* Hans Michael Weismeyer,* Christoph Hardtmann, Adam Christoph Behning, Johannes Schwartz,* Hans Jacob Roth, Johann Christoph Bentz, Stephan Nerlinger,* Johan Christian Benish,* Sebastian Dreher, Jacob Friederich Blaser, Jos. Bernhard Speth,? Johan Jacob Haydt, Johannes Ziirn, Georg Schild,* Jacob Hauser, Jacob Rincker, Isaac Buck,* Jacob Meysel,* Johannes Gemser, Carl Horn, Friederich Rosslein,* Leonhardt Rosslein,* Adam Stock, Andreas Fetzer,* Friederich -Fens, Michael Diir, Joseph Shennal,* Frantz Fischer, Johannes Hendel, Johan Adam Schwartz, Joh. Friederich Huss,* Johann Jacob Kerffer, Johannes Hiitbler, Heinrich Ottinger, Jacob Wietdemann, John Adam Rey,* Michael Friederich, Johann Rischerd, Valentin Briittschiett, Johannes Schweller, Hans Jacob Seltzer, • Joseph Shiinal,* Christoph Bauer.* 274 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Sick on Board {txanl an 93ort)) : — ^^Johannes KerUn, Erhart Kuhrbocker, Baltzer Fahringer, Jacob MiiUer, Johannes Jung, Caspar DeUinger, Jacob Weller, Michael Karch, Jacob Roth, Georg Braun, Michael Schaffer, Conrad Guth. 176) Sept. 22, 1752. Ship Brothers, WUliam M'Nair, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 22, 1752. ©(|tff SBrot^erS, Sapitain SBittiam 5K'S«atr, i)on Slotterbam iiber Sowea. Johannes Stanch, Cari Fuchs, Martin Karch, Andreas Leisser, Peter Heilman, Jacob Seltzer, Johannes Unruh, Daniel Utz, Stephan Goss, Johannes Eckert, Peter Bechtel,* Peter Seig, Johannes Bab,* Jacob MiUer,* Bastian Hellman, Andreas Ott,* Georg Lentz,* Samuel Herrmann, Johan Michael Lindemuth, Johann Peter Schwartz, Johannes Edelman, Hans Adam Heckman, Wilhelm Heckman, Joh. Conrad Kriechbaum, Joh. Jacob Rudisielie, Johann Jacob Winter,* H. Nicolaus Berringer,* Johan Jacob Wilhelm, Johan Peter Gabel,* Hans Adam Gerig,* Hans Peter Edehman,* Georg Jacob Ehresmann, Georg Henrich Gramhch,* John George Edelman,* Lenhart Hertell, Antonius MiiUer, Jacob Lorentz, Hans SchuberU, Matheis Geyler, Andreas Geyler,* Hans Gergerich, Michael Lupp, Jacob Ybach sen., Jacob Ybach, Diebolt Dietrich, Hans Moltz, Peter Bensel, ' Mattheis Haas, Jacob Braun, Johannes Sommer, Peter Hickman, Philip Seydelman, Conrad Heylman,* KiUian Pulirer, Joseph Scheffer,? Johann Georg Schmeltz,* Johann Georg Ester, Han Georg Edeler,* Johann Erhard Lobstein, Hans Georg Dammer,* Hans Georg Mauss, Philip Jacob Gottschalck, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 275 Anthony Zimmermann, Hans Ulrich Rentier, Abraham BUling, Heinrich Rahausser, Hans Georg Sommer, Hans Georg Holtzschuh,* Johannes Cfalus,* Hans Adam Leh, Hans Georg Marquard,* Andreas Rotenbtirger, Hans Jacob Merckel, Hans Jacob Hage, Hans Adam Schnabele, Hans Jacob Burgheh.* Sick — Jacob Lasch, Johann Nicklas Schneider. 177) Sept. 22, 1752. Ship Halifax, Thomas Coatam, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 22, 1752. ©t^iff ^alifaj:, Sapitain Zf^omai Soatam, Don Siotterbam uber Soweg. Christophel Witmer, Philip Engel, Nicolas Kohler,* Friederich Eberhart,* Martin Decker, Johannes Griese, Hans Feltz, Anthony Zinck,* Johannes Paulus,* Christian Herman,* Jacob Olenthin, Philip Hoffman,* Bartholomae Evar,* Jonas Imschmiedt, Peter Reeb, Johan Melchior Brombach, Johan Conrad Blecher, Johann Georg Kuntze, Michael Springer, Johann Georg Kreybach,? Johannes Josephus Roth, David Sasmanhaussen, Hans Georg Doctor,* Johan Jacob Bersey, Johan Ludwig Bersey, Johan Jacob Brucker,* Hans Michael Geyer,* Hans Michael Hammer, Hans Philip Elter, Han Jac. Serber Zimmerman, Friederich Fleckstein,* Henry Meyer,* Peter DuweUer, Heinrich Maag, Lorentz Diirr,* PhUip Hirdt, Jacob Muller, Jacob Surber, Heinrich ZoUi, Henry Kuntz,* Ulrich Kreyser, Caspar Wincker,* Henrich Mercki, Friederich Hbrsch, Johannes Meyer,* Johannes Jordan,* Johann Rudolph,* Friederich Kammer, Jacob Klein, Jacob Schaaff, Johannes Gehr,* Matheas RJth,* Otto Pegy,* Martin Varninger,* 276 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Johan Ludwig Ache, Hermannius Ache, Joseph Weigandt,* Lorentz Reinhart,* Martin Brungart, Joh. David Wildenmuth, Georg WUhelm Midler, Johann Jacob Hess, Georg Ludwig Marburger, Johann Kraffthorn,* Johannes Jacob Ache, Johan Henrich Giitting, Hieronimus Spies, Johannes Michael, Johannes Schreiber, Joh. Daniel Steinseiffer, Hans Henrich Kauffer, Hermanns Limper,* Joh. Michael Kantzer,* Johan Jacob Brentz, Johan Georg Biissung, Johann Dieterich, Joh. Jacob MiiUer, Johan Wennertblecher, Johan Michael Backer, Ulerich GlokU,* Johannes Meyer, Conrad Ziegler,* Joseph Altheer, Jacob Gross, Hans Nickel Quinrin,? Johan Nicklaus Hofiman,* Johan Nicklaus Farringer,* Joseph OnzemUler.* Miciael Wentz, Anthony Rush,* Jacob Hanick,* Friederich Schaaff,* Matheis Kientz, Jacob Dietrich, Jacob Juncker, Peter Wendling, Andreas Stober,* Michael Conradt, Jacob Hisner,? Johannes Riegeler, Augustus Urban, Joseph Held,* Joseph Riibel,* Georg Riibel,* Johannes Patt, Martin Hutter,* Leonhart Weidman, Hans Jacob Muller, Conrad MtiUer, Johannes Surber, Hans Jacob Riimmen, Hans Heinrich Weiss,? Hans Conrad Wirth,* Hans Casper Schladter, Wilhelm Haussaman, Hans Michael Eigel, Georg Hans Dietrich, Johann Philip Goress, Johann Georg Weber, Hans George Gleysler,* Jacob Weissenberger,* Johannes Muller, Paulus Schaffer,* Sick— Jaooh Roth, Henrich Frey, Christian Bruchhart, Jo hannes Bruchhart, Matheis Muller, Daniel Fischer, Hans De wald Wandlin, Hans Georg Mauser, T. Nicklas IMauser, Lud wig Gross, Johannel Kottring, Peter Bring, Johannes Ludwig, Johannes Ewers, Hieronimus Schneider, Georg Adam Schiitz, Hans Jacob, Michael Gross. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 277 178) Sept. 23, 1752. Ship St. Andrew, James Abercrom bie, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth, England. ©ept. 23, 1752. ©i^iff ©t. Slnbrem, Sapitain 3ameg Siber* crombie, son Slottertiam uber ^li)montij, Snglant). Jacob Baltzer, Henrich Horn, Hans Dommi, Andreas Bartruff, Uhich' Scherch,* Abraham Zety,* Jacob Orth, Philip Becker,* Christian Btihler, Valentin Becker,* Andreas Lintz,* Ulerich Zercher,* Daniel Blim, Ulrich Scherr, Leonhart Bremer,* Jacob Blanck,* Nickolus Blanck,* Mathias Ecks,? Johannes Rutis,* Nicolas Buch,* Hans Blanck,* Joseph Gropff, Ulrich Hauser,* Leonard Hedly,* Ulrich Fischer, Johan Friederich Zeller, Hans Martin ZeUer, Johan Christoph Rissel, Hans Martin Hang,* Dewalt Billman,* John PhUip Krimb,? PhUip KiUinger,* Jacob Hiestandt, Johannes Webrecht, Johan Georg Knoch, Ludwig Spannagel, Grabriel Spannagel, Hans Georg Naffzer,* WUhelm Reiter, Johan Jacob Bauer, Jacob Kauffman,* Johan Henrich Krass,* Johan Valentin Krass, Daniel Reinhold, Christian Schmucker, Johan Jacob Boltz, Dorstius AUeman,* Joh. Michael Mauerer, Joh. Bernhart Eytel, Ulrich Lautenbach, Joseph Gall, Jacob Fried, Philip Wissler, Johannes MoU, Peter MoU, Dietrich Schmitzer, Eberhart Luttman, Michael App, Christian Stabler, Christian Meyer, Henrich Schenck, Heinrich Gebhart, Jacob Lutz, Andreas Zorn, Jacob Schaffer, Christoph Carl, Christian Lutz, Simon Kricht, Peter Adam, Friederich Planck, Jeremias Eberle, David AUer, PhUip Schauer, Friederich Miiller. 24 278 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Ulrich Stauffer, Simon Brand,* Frantz Kamman,* Daniel Gerhart,* Michael Eindesweiler, ? Johan Georg Gramlich, John Georg Kiiffer,* Frantz Jacob Haussler, Bastian Bohrman, Jacob Bernhai-t Friederich, Johann Peter Lang, Georg Adam Eberth, Hans Georg Bader, Johan Georg Kupper, David Katterman, Johannes Schmidt, Sick— Jacob Forney. Hans Jacob Bemer, Martin Steinbrenner, Jacob Steinbrenner, Matheus Baritschwerd, Joh. Leonhart Keuchert, Hans Michel Hattenbach, Johan Georg Hattenbach, Hans Jacob Eberle, Johan Michael Schlencker, Johan Heinrich Riedel, Christoph David Schauer, Johau Georg Eberle, Hans Georg Heiss, Hans Georg Piesch,* Johan Peter Bangman, John Caspar Ginter. 179) Sept. 23, 1752. Ship Ann Galley, Charles Kenneway, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth, England. Sept. 23, 1752. ©^iff 2lnn ®altc9, Sapitain S^arleS Men' nemap, son Stotterbam iiber 5>ortgmout^, Snglanb. Bartholomae Eibach, Andreas Braun, PhUip Heyd, Sebastian Eschbalt,? Wilhelm Conrad, Jacob Mattler, Andreas Kissel,* Michael Obrist, Johan Friederich Pendtner, Albrecht Hofmeister, Johan Ludwig -Buschler, Johannes Jacob Rau, Eberhart Christoph Schret, Joh. Henrich Kuntz,* Johan Georg Steiner, Johan Georg Rihm,? Henry Angculy, Martin SchaU, Martin Wolff, Ulrich Spohn,* Balthaser Mante, Joseph Mayer, Rudolph Schaub,* " Simon Zeiner,* Nicklas Leydecker,* Peter Spengler,* Henry Valentin,* Peter Campo, Jean Pigonie,* Clementz Ober, Georg Ludwig, Michael Meek,* Michael Muth, Thomas JeitUer, Christian Muor, Peter Inilbmit, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 27S Michael Schwar, Jacob Butz,* Martin Miiller, Johan Elias, PhUlip Block, Christian Tomm,* Jacob Miiller, Jost Martin Waltz, Johan Valentin Seidel, Johan Friederich Springer, Johan Gabriel Springer, Johan Casper Spohn,* Martin Georg Wahl, Friederich Reichenerder, Hans Georg Hipp, Daniel Nonnenmacher, Ludwig Conrad Schneider, Joh. Michael MUler,* Hans Georg Schaal, Joh. Georg Spengler,* Benedict Spetzfendem, Hans Georg Meek,* Hans Martin Mack, Han Georg Schley,* Johan Conrad Schenck, Hans Georg Baltzer,* Joh. Jacob Wintzberger,* Joh. Georg Schwinederer, Johan Friederich Braun, Johan Georg Braun, Georg Jacob Schneider, Hans Georg Schwartz, Wilhelm Conrad, Rudolph Schoff.§ 180) Sept. 26, 1752. Ship Richard and Mai-y, John Moore, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. ©ept. 26, 1752. ©t^iff mi^axi unb 9«ar9, Sapitain 3o|n Sfioore, i)on SHotterbam itber 5>orti3mout^. Peter Wonner, Peter Emmert, Casper Baltzer,* Johannes Weyant,* Johann Dieblbeck, Michael Behm,* Nicklas Bernhart,* Peter HoUebach,* Andreas Ham,* Gabriel Armbriester, Johannes Conrath,. Jacob Daniel Scherrer, Henrich Jacob Knerr, Johan Daniel AUsbach, Johan Nicklas Karcher,* Johan Georg Gensheimer, Johan Georg Emmerich, Johan PhUip Taules, Johan Henrich Kipp, Johan PhUippus Hoffman, Johan Peter Roller, Joh. Peter Pfankuchen, Georg Reit,* Henrich Scheidbach, Nicklaus Winchel, Martin Schmitt, Michael Schleyer, Michael Roth,* Jacob Schuckman, Johannes Becker, Johannes Was, Elias Schmidt, Andreas Jackie, Friederich 'Saamm,* Nicolas Samm, Adam Samm, 280 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Theobald Becker, Peter Huth,* Ludwig Schmidt,* Conrad MUler,* Peter Bar,* Henrich Mosser, Michael Graff, § Jacob Klar, Andreas Petri, Adam Bernhart, Dewalt Grub, Daniel Cramer, Michael Lauetz, Baltzer Dickhans,* Johannes Kiistner, Georg Seider, Casper Lademan, Antonius Walter, Joh. Henrich Stanhenner, Joh. Philip Werntz, Joh. Benedictus Muller, Johan Henrich Scher, Joh. Theobald Bauer, Philip Jacob Kehle, Johan Jacob Siegfried, Johan Henrich Hummel, Johan Adam Derting, Dewalt Dannfeltzer, Johan Nickel Hembt, Johan Georg Beck, Martin Holtzhausser, Johan Thiol Herman,* Henrich Miissemer, Johannes Konig, Jacob Steinbach, Henrich Bierbauer, Jost Scbbnwaldt,* Simon Schumacher, Johan Georg Haudt, Johan Wilhelm Stuber, Johan Friederich Stuber, Johan PhUip Stuber, Hans Georg EbeUer, Johan Wilhelm Strieker, Georg Peter Eckel, Simon Herrmann, Hans Jacob Gebhardt, Peter Leonhard Henkenius, Joh. Henrich Henkenius, Michael Hoffinan.* 181) Sept. 27, 1752. Ship Anderson, Hugh CampbeU, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. ©ept. 27, 1752. ©(|iff 3tnberfon, Sapitain ^ug| Sampbell, »on atotterbam iiber 5)ort2mout^. Leonhart Bender, Christoph Mauerer, Uerlich Volck,* Georg Riegert, Peter Wilier, Jacob Beiltel, Johan Martin Schweitzer, David Haussman, Hans Georg Marquart, Johannes Stratter,* Johannes WeUl, Michael Heim, Daniel Krutter, PhUip Euler, Peter PfeU,* Philipp Kress, Michael Schmidt, Peter Diickherdt, Friederich Steinle, Georg Wetzel, AND OTHEe. IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 281 Christian Diirz, Nicolaus Schunder, David Weyfaller, Christoph Usterle, Michael SchelUng, Martin Betz, Andreas Gass, Andreas Eppler, Johannes Kurtz, Pierre Lageau, Johannes Altig,* Adam Weisbarth, Johannes Weber, Andreas Weg, Peter AnseU,* Christoph Gisterer, Moritz Bauer, Thomas Knissel, Johannes Deissher, WUhelm Garein, Gottlob Herman,* Michael Ritter, Thomas Piel, § Christian Peistly,* Jacob Blessing,* Jacob Kriser, Jeremias Lud. Engelmann, Johannes Schneder, Mattheis Kniigel, Nicklaus Wenschler, Leonhardt Gnarr, Christian Rapman, Johannes Waltz, WUhelm Fried. Schumann, Carl Friederich Muckenfus, Simon Zimmerman, Jacob Friederich Fischer, Johan Georg' Breymeyer, Wilhelm Christoph Kesebohrer, Johan Friederich Fuchs, Christoph Bothacker, Andreas Scheibling, Job. Caspar Windesch, Joachim Brauchle, Johannes Washer, Johan David Harlacher, Johan Georg Maul, Johan Jacob Beltz, Georg Michael Beltz, Johan Jacob Fussbec,? Hans Michael Kretel, Georg Ernst Lindenberger, Joh. Georg Reist,* Joh. Georg Schilger, Joh. Friederich Kiinig, Matheus Kuhbauch, Joh. Friederich von Rahden, M. Jacob Fried. Schertlein, Balthas Triett, Friederich Masser. 182) Sept. 27, 1752. Ship President, Dunlop, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from England. ©ept. 27, 1752. ©c^iff gjraftbent, Sapitain ©unlop, bon 3fltottcrbam iiber Snglanb. Job. Martin Cranmiller, Georg Christoph Kuss, Johan Martin Huber, Johannes Folmer, Georg Albrecht, 24* Johannes Enttiger, Johannes Laufer, Hans Bauer, Johannes Lutz, Johan Georg Schneider, 282 NAMES OP GERM4N, SWISS Michael Riiss, Jacob Nast, Gottfried Stanch,* Michael Fischer, Wilhelm Schneider, Carl Killuge, Wolfgang Hefner, Conrad Huber, Johan Bruning, Michael Gantner,* Jacob Ruppert, Solomon Wessle, Jacob MiiUer, Christoph Strobel, Adam Sorg, Johann Faber,* Peter Baltzly,* Jacob. Wildt, George Wild,* Andreas Weste, Frederich Shwenk,* Jacob Long, Mattheis Baser, Georg Duwerter, Jacob Threx, § Frantz Tulpenbaum,* Henrich Hassler,* Johannes Schmidt, Bernhart Upp, Johannes Dauchbes,? Johan Georg Haas, Hans Martin Shrang, Johan Martin Pfeiffer, PhUip Jacob Nass, Michael PfadermUler, Ulrich Michael Bauer, Johan Georg Haitberger, Ulrich Haitberger,* Georg Friederich Scherthlen, Johan Peter Erman, Bernhart Hobneise, Hans Georg Lessig, Christoph Schmid, Johan Georg Weidich, Caspar Beintzighoster, Johann Georg Wagner, Johann Henrich Kostenbades, Johann Christoph Peter, Johannes Schnecke, Melchior Beltzhuber, Hans Georg Looser, Johann Jacob Lftng, Johannes Schwencke, Adam Augermeyer, Martin SohiUinger, Johan Bernhard Bauer, Andreas Schwartz, Hans Georg Baser, Johannes Scharthle, Georg Friederich Hengel, PhUip Samuel Puhl. 183) Sept. 27, 1752. Ship Nancy, John Ewing, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 27, 1752. ©d)lff ^anci}, Sopitain 3o|n Swing, »on 9iotterbam iiber Somc3. Jacob Schweller, Samuel Miisse, Jacob Schmidt, Philip Mall, Jonas Bastian,* Johan Friederich Danninger, Georg Hauber, . Jacob Mussgenug, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 283 CailFr. Biebert,? PhiUp Jacob Wunder, David Xander, Johann Michael Hauss, Konradt Weiss, Andreas Bastian, Georg Wenig,* Matheis Deibel,* .Friederich Baisch, Jacob Baish,* Christoph Breisser, Johannes Butz, Michael Eyroh,* Joseph Stiindel, George Grass,* Jacob Dietrich, Joseph Bernhart,* Joseph Bernhart jr.,* Hans Kintz,* Johannes Sliwitzer,* Jacob Zinchffer,? Jaque Peirot, Jaque Molan, Michael Doser, Balthas Baumm, Christoph Embich, Israel Eberiin, PhUip Fallen, Valentin Hagner, Ludwig Erich, Martin Fromm, Andreas Jager, Henrich Schlachter,* Christoph Mast,§ Paul Waag, Rudolph Klaar,* Hans Stots, Jacob Kautz jr., Joh. Philip Bietrighoffer, Adam Friederich Weiss, Joh. Georg Friederich Bayer, Jacob Bauerschmiedt, Jacob Bauerschmied jr., Georg Friederich Jauss, Christoph Rothbaust, Johann Andreas Roth,* Johann Friederich Uhlandt, Jacob Armbrtister,* Georg Michael Spatz, Jacob Stiitzmann, Johann Ludwig SeUer, Christian Hamberg, Johannes Herrmann,* Hans Georg Kautz, Hans Jacob Lersoh, Frantz Saltzman, Peter Halteman,* Johan Martin Doser, Christian Muhlheim, Jos. Jacob Ernst, Hans Jacob Neustatt, Hans Georg HeUikel, Georg Balthas Ernst, Casper Underweg, Johann Marx Klopfer, Joh. Martin Riidelmayer, Herman Matsh,* Georg Friederich Schwartz, Hans Georg Krebs, § Hans Paul Henrich, Johann Georg Braun, Johannes Griess. 184) Oct. 4, 1752. Ship Neptune, John Mason, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 4, 1752. ©c^tff sRcptunc, Sopitain 3o^n SKofon, bon Sotterbam iiber Somes. 284 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Adam Hartman, Valentin Letman, Christophel Feichtner, Nicolas Boron,* Johann Ludwig Leib, Hans Michel Gutknecht, Hans Michael Dock, Hans Georg Hartman, Nickel Nahlich, Henry Henly,* Georg Mewes, Christian Schmidt, Johannes Bernhart, Stephan Nicklaus,* Georg Werner, Michael Hoak,* Stoffel Hussung, Daniel Stattler,* Daniel Conrad,*" Anthony Roth, Johannes Conrad, ,; Casper Fell,* Paul Hoffmann, Jacob Schwartz, Adam Pence,* Nicklaus Hob, Michael Busch, Matheus AndraB, Wendel Biesel,* Jacob Haberstich, Balthasar Schwartz, Paulus Seip, Theobald Schwartz, Philip Seip, George Meyer,* Jacob Kuhn,* Thomas Straub, Johannes Hortig, Johannes Kress, Henry Kress, § Caspai- Kress,* Carl Kress,* Nickolas SchaU, Andreas SchaU, Conrad Rosch, Jacob Zieget, Simon Schmitt,* George Unckel, Johannes Feyly,* Matheas Ebener, Johann Jacob Wolff, Hans Peter Hertzog, Johan Valtin Walter, Hubert Baumgartner, J. Christian Bohnenblust Hans Nicolaus Pesser, Hans Georg Kurtz, Joh. Jacob Becker, Johan Henrich Nol, Hans Georg Kucher, Georg Friederich Kbnig, PhUip Jacob Roth, Christian Rohrbacher, Christian Hoffmann, Johann Georg Werner, PhUip Christian WeUer, Joh. Sigmund Hagelgans Johann Jacob Dietrich, Johann Michel Harfer, Johan Adam WUd, Wilhelm Trautmann, Christian Haberstich, Hans Georg Schwartz, Wilhelm Stanch, Michael Hutzner, Johan Adam Tietz,* Dewalt Wittei-spohn,* Johan Peter Asseim, Nickolas SchaU jr., Christopher Blumer, Johan Georg Weber, Johan PhUip Griech,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 285 Johann Jacob Friess, Hans Adam Weber, Georg Lautenschlager, Johan Michael Heinecke, Johan Adam Heinecke, Nicklaus Schweyer, Johann Sebastian Gross, Johann Andreas Gross, Johan Henrich Niess, Johan WUhelm Schneider, Joel Dormeier, Andreas Dormyer,* Jacob Dormyer, | Peter Schneider, Conrad Schneider, Samuel Schultz, Ludwig Kiister, PhUip Wentzel,* Johannes Geiss,* Mattheis HaUer, Peter Molsbach, Johannes Schaffer, Henry Lipps,* Johannes NickeUas, Joseph Bernhart, Christian Lauer, Peter Uhrich, Johannes Zuplie, Johannes Hirni, Johannes Arris, Johannes Glass, Hans Kuntzi, Georg Meyer,* Ulrich Sterchi, Christian Sterchi, Michael Spatz, Michael Hessler,* Johannes Blbckinger. Ulrich Feitz,* Peter Shneyder,* Peter Dunter,* Johannes Hoffer sen., Johannes Hoffer jr., Nicolas Lotz, Jacob Gross, Johannes Kautz, Johannes Conrad Streuber, Gebhart Bertholt, Georg Philip Kiister, . Joh. Henry LohmUler, Johann Georg Rtibsaamen, Johann Georg Jung, Johannes Hufnagel, Joh. Michael Schmidt, Johann PhUip Haffner, Christophel Keller, Heinrich Schaffer, Johan PhUip Breuning, Johan Adolph GUman, John George Nicholas, Peter Zbngrig,* Johann Jacob Baumann, Johann Michael May, Johann Casper Domm, Johannes Schwatzer, Johan Heinrich Heiss, Joh. Adam Arris, Johann Jacob Hipge, Friederich Zurbucben, Johan Philip Muller, Johann Peter Muller, Valentin Lautenschlager, Johan Georg Kriegenmeyer, Johan Wilhelm Lotz, Johannes Lohmbller, Christoph Ensling, Johann Peter Schmidt, Johan Daniel Becker, Christian Kautz, Johannes Diehl, Johan Caspar Kindt, Johann Georg Nonyus. 286 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 185) Oct. 11, 1752. Ship Forest, Paterick Ouchterloiiy, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Dct. 11, 1752. ©c^iff goreft, Sapitoin ^attxid Duc^terlon?, son giotterbom iiber ^Jort^mout^. Michel Danner, Johannes Schreiner, Johann Jacob WUbrandt, Johan Georg Englerdt, Jacob Reinardt, Balthas Maute, Peter Sauder, Johannes RubemUler,* Peter PfeiU, Jacob Heller, Peter Girstohber, Johannes Wolff, I. Daniel Junger, Conrad Feuch, Johannes Hirschman, Valentin Braun, Johannes Clauss, Johannes ScheU, Johannes TiUman, Conrad Jung, Christoph Gerhardt, Jacob Notz, Johannes Lademacher, Johannes Helters, Henry Kahlbach, Johannes Amgontert, Caspar Hubert, Johannes Schoyrer, Hans Erling, Jacob Digel, Michael Englest, Johannes Hayner, Mattheis MUler, Johannes Mayer, Johannes Huss, Henrich Crentz, Wilhelm Creutz, Daniel Leicht,* Joh. Jacob Swartz,* Job. Jacob Lerch, Johann Engelschreter, John Henry Shram,* Jacob TUlinger,* Emanuel Heintz, Johan Jost Georg, Christoph Stattel, Hans Georg Bader, Johan Ludwig Henner, Johan Peter Schbnfelter sen., Johan Peter Schbnfelter jr., Johann Georg Hoffmann, Johann Caspar Fitting, Johann Adam Schissler, Friederich Jacob Kuntz, Johann Adam Wolff, Johan Cari Wolff, Johan Dietrich Schwartz, Georg Martin Vbtt, Hans Georg Suliger, Christian Scheckenberger, Johann Conrad Wack sen., Johan Conrad Wack, J. Henry Herman, Johan Junges Jung, Johann Peter Clossmeyer, Johann Coni-ad Hay, Johann Henrich Wiesteir, Johann Christ. Reis, Johann Peter Jung, Johann Georg Lender, Johann Jacob Vaymer, Johann Simon Schreyer, Adam Leonhart Schreyer, Johan Peter Steinbach, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 287 Johan Henrich Humerich, Johann Georg Hanner, Joh. Teis Reichel, Johan Friederich Gass, Johan Engel Rbder, Johanii PhUip Weller, Georg Henrich Gross, Hans Martin Wiser, Johan Leonard Harriger, Johann Georg Oltenwaldt, Johan Michael Buntzel, Johann Dietrich Riess, Hans Adam Werner, Johann Peter Spreeher, Michael Bitzer, Mattheis Bitzer, . Johannes Better,* Peter Grimm, Michael Kegereiss, Johannes Adam Adam, Jean Christoph Marekel, Johan Georg Benck, Johann Peter Archbiss, Johann Martin Walter, Johann Henrich BeU, Johannes Jacob Dowart. Sick — Matheis Bader, Nicolaus Ruth, Conrad Luntz, Jo hannes Teis, Henrich Gross, Christian FreUich. 186) Oct. 16, 1752. Snow Kedy, Theophilus Barnes, Com mander, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Dct. 16, 1752. ©eef^tff MMxf, Sommonbont S^eopl^iluS Sarneg, »on Slotterbom iiber 3)ortgmout:^. Friederich Jarquart, David Welsch, WUhelm Lenhardt, Christian Closs, PhUip Bideljung,* Daniel Klein,* Joseph Mey, Johannes Gadhon, Leonhart Seuffert, Georg Sehneyder, Johannes Hen, Andreas Heck, Henrich MiUer, Christian Wentz, Johan Bluth, § PhUip Scheffer, Philip Albrecht, Caspar Bauer, Andreas Mack, Christian Sand, Georg Brauss, Christoph Suss, Joseph Weber, Henrich Weidner, Jacob Han,* Georg Wolff, Jacob Welde, Martin Grtin, Michael Baker,* Johan Dieter Marckbach, Johann Daniel Mutschler, Johan Conrad (Esterich, Johan Conrad Ruth, Johan Christian Burg, Johan Christophel Volck, Johann Peter Niedenthal, Johann Jacob Nunymeyer, Johann PhUip Schneider, Johan Wilhelm Strempel, Jonas Rinderdustf? 288 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johan Joachim Tblcker, ' Johan George Frey, Johann Georg Hertranft, Johan Michael Leid, Johan Jacob Decker, Johann Peter HbU, Johann Jacob Miiller, Johann Henrich Heyl, Philip Jacob Mack, Johann Tobias Ebele, Joh. Daniel Weisenberger, Georg Philip Lied, Conrath Thomas Lied, Philip Carl Schenckel, Georg Michael Egert,* George Michael Hain,* Johan Jacob Heintz, Nickolas Salladin,* Friederich MiiUer, Henry Hess, Georg Gass, Jacob Heyl, Henry Siis, Georg Welde, Nicklaus Kbnig, Peter Kbnig, Abraham Sontag, Johannes KallenWger, Hans Georg Brenner, Jacob Shuster, Philipp Schenckel, Heinrich Schenckel, Balthaser Kbnig. 187) Oct. 20, 1752. Ship Duke of Wirtemberg, Daniel Montpelier, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 20, 1752. ©c^iff Dute of SBirtemberg, Sommanbant Danid SWontpelier, oon Stottcrbom iiber Soreeg. Jacob Guth, Michael Stbhr, Georg Ziegler, Jacob Bosch, Michael Meng, Christian Zurn, Johannes Kleiss, Mathaus Kibler, Tobias Baab, Johannes Blickly,* Tobias Mick,* Christian Lutz, Mattheis Bruder, Johannes Wehing, Balthasar Lotz, Jacob Schaibler, Friederich Stbhr, Friederich K8gus, Matheis Zeiger,* Hans Hemiger, Heinrich Schwab, Christian Drion, Friederich Dehm, Matheus Stahl, Michael Fohme,? Johannes Lemle, Michel Lbmle, Jacob Wessener, Matheus Lang, Johann Michael Guth, Johan Georg Guth, Samuel Banher, Johan Martin Bat, Conrad Feuerbohnen, Jacob Bernhart Schwab, Johann Friederich Gross, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 289 Immanuel Fred. Weckerlin, Johannes Schwartzwblder, Anthony Katterer,* Johannes Deschler, Johann Ludwig Uber, Johann Michael Fissler, Johann Georg Fissler, Hans Georg KeUner, Hans Jacob. KeUner, Sebastian Wegner, Johann Fritlauf,? Johann Conrad Hesser, Jacob Simon Vogler, Johannes Schwartz, Jacob Michel Hel, Hans Georg Heitzman, Johannes Seitz, Michael Hauer, Johannes Fachmeyer, Michael Goodner,* Johann Jacob Lauman, Johann Georg Ott, Johannes Miller, Michael Bach, Jacob Bauman, Christian Braun, Andreas Goring, Matheis Bruchli,* Joel Waltz, Georg Haber, Friederich Mag, Michael Hart, Peter HaUer,* Jacob Hewass, Jacob Schider,* Jacob Weyn,* Martin Haug, Asaph Lantz, Jacob Heitter, Johannes Braun, Johannes Braun jr., Jacob Mass, Martin Lang, Jacob Stehly, Jacob Lanck,* Jacob MorhariJt, Jacob Giindner, Jacob Walter, Mattheis Wessener, Jacob Beyerly, Jacob Braun, Jacob Braun sen., Mark Mattheis, Christian Haas, Jacob Bub,* Christian Stahl, Mattheis Van, Hjns Geo. Zihkblei, Elias Finslaimer,? Johannes Zinsser, Michael Leichs,* Johannes Leichs,* Hans Michael Schatz, Johannes Raible, Hans Martin Raible, Christian Getz, Christian Ziegler, Johannes Kugler, Johannes Lochmeier, Albrecht Walter, Johannes Shutz, Christian Karch, Joseph Bontaux, Friederich Schmeltzle, Ulrich Scheermesser, Christian Singer, Mattheis Kirsch, Friederich Gasser, Johannes Leix, Hans Martin Lang, Hans Georg Fritz, Andreas Wasserman, 25 290 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Friederich Schmidt, Augustin Stahl, Johannes Vigeld, Christian Hebling, Georg Haffner,* Johannes Hetzel, Anthoni Burell, Johannes Fleit,* Johann Jacob Masser, Hans Georg Haak, Hans Georg Gbttle, Christoph Fried. BUler. Sick — Johan Jacob Keyser, Michael Frick, Hans Jacob Van, 188) Oct. 23, 1752. Ship Bawley, George Grove, Captain^ from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. ¦ Dct. 28, 1752. ©(^if Soiote?, Sapitotn Oeorge ©rose, son Stotterbom uber 5>l9mout:^. Adam Ship,* Adam Tesch,* Heinrich Klein, Jacob Wann, Christoph Reyter, Christian Metzger, Johannes HeU, ' Georg HeU, Peter Schwab,* Johannes Bauss,* Hans Bauss, Johannes Koch,* Jacob Hottenstein, Johannes Schmit,* Moritz Schadig,* Jacob Frey,* Daniel Hatzel, Gottfried Schutz, Andreas Haag, Michael Ruttger, Andreas Jauch, Martin Jager,* Henry Bauth,* Peter Simmon, Andreas Vey,* Michael Kitz, Kilian Bauer, Baltzer Simon,* Andreas Berge, Conrad Ahster, Valentin StaU, Henrich Simon, Georg Hartman, Andreas Hbhl, Christian Htigel, Nicolaus Bbhm, Johannes Roth, Justus Herbert, Stephanus Lotz, Johannes Lotz, Ulrich MiUer,* Georg Braun, John Georg Bager,? Henrich Peter Tesch, Phihp Henrich Gross, Joh. Friederich Gackly, Joh. Michael Breiner, Melchior Katteman,* Leonhart Bauman,* Hans Georg Schmitt,* Georg Wilhelm Dbnges, Conradt Dbnges, . Johan Friederich Wubel, Joh. Nicklaus Graushar, Johannes Graushar, Bernhart Mauer, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 291 Joh. WUhelm Engesbach, Johan Adam Zey,* John George Wendel, Johann Georg Gross, Nicholas Miller,* Johan Henrich Cress, Johannes MuUer, Nickolas Graffenstein, Hans Peter Lein, Johann Simmon, Johannes Thurm,* Daniel Machleit, Joh. PhUip Titshler,* Johannes Glassier,* Wilhelm Gottlieb Jaysser, Johan Georg Strobig,* Johannes Lincker,* Joh. Georg Eberly, Leonhart Spang, F. Peter Bauer, Johan Nicklas Ott, Andreas Frischkom, Joh. Nicklas Staus,* Jacob Gumeringer,* Hans Georg Steedinger, Joh. PhUip Fretz, Lorentz Haushalter, Joseph Burgstahler, Johannes Seitz, Michael Lang, Matheis MUler,* Jacob NeieU,? Matheis Kron, Conradt Endres, Friederich Kern,§ Elias Most, PhUip Fisher,* Daniel Schmidt, Leonard Gobi, Elias Gobi,- Johannes Stocker, David Jung, Christian Kress, Michael Wilhelm, Andreas Brauss, Carl Bentz, Johannes Stehr, PhUip Caryess,* Gottfried Weyland, Johannes Hebeisen, Christian Herrmann, Johannes Mbller, Johannes Bohn, Christoph Hancker, Hans Georg Mock, Hans Georg Wachter, Johan Gottlieb Frbhlich, Georg Henrich Bentz, Johan Jacob Schuppert, Johann Georg Wunderlich, Hans Georg Gardner,* Georg Friederich Klein, David Hottenstein, Georg Eberhart Dbring, Lenhard Schweitzer, Jacob Schweitzer, Joh. Nickolas Bender, Johannes Ommerth, Jacob Sultzberger, Georg Adam Kern, Johan Henrich Gattung, J. Henry Staubach,* Theobaldus Eberhardt, Johan Tobias Kenner, Joh. Conrad Trunckler, Georg Christoph Steinertz, Jost Henrich MbUer. 292 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 189) Nov. 2, 1752. Ship Phoenix, John Spurrier,. Comman der, from Rotterdam, last from Portsinouth. StoB. 2, 1752. ©c^tff ^^^bnijc, Sommonbont 3o|n ©puvrier, »on Siotterbom iiber 5>ort3mout^. Bas1;ian Kender,* Lorentz Michel, Georg Hore, Johannes Riess, Peter Ahlemann, Heinrich Becker, Conrad Ross, Joachim Strbver, Thomas Geissler, PhUip Herdel, J. Jacob SheUbecker,* J. Henry Sholtes,* Jacobus Sautranck, Johann Henrich Schleich, Johann Jacob Wetzel, Joh. Baltzer Kleinschmidt, Hans Michael Fries, PhUip Jacob Hore, Matheis Wilhelm Heming, Johann Michel Wissler, Johann Wolf Wissler, Johann Casper Wissler, Johan Henrich Katzbach, Joh. Philip Schelbacher, Johan WUhelm Backer, Johan Michael Burger, Johannes Stehlert, Johannes Wassum,* Leonhart Wassum,* Christoph Kuhn, Frantz Ihmme, Philip Kurtz, Abraham Eduman, Johannes Schmid, Johannes Schmid, Andreas Bauer, Stephan Bauer, Michel Bauer, Hans Seubert, Georg Hbmer, Andreas Seuberth, Peter Dibm, Jacob Bauer, Andreas Drach, Veit Garrecht, Friederich Hirsch, Michael Hoffman, Johann Bausch, Conrad Kurtz, Adam Rochia,* George Bier,* Michael Leiberich, Jeremias (Esterlein, Jacob Gibler, Nicklaus Strauss, Johannes Hbmer, Ludwig Wejuatius,? Lorentz Kuntz, Andreas Dressier, Peter Ross, Andreas Hbrauff, Georg Muller, Johannes Fintzel, Jacob Wolff, Andreas Eyrich, Andreas Buttel, Hans Fertig, Joh. Georg Hoh, Hans Philip Dosch, Johan Conrad Wassum, Joh. Georg Wassum,* Hans Christoph Schlesman, AND OiTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 293 Johan Ludwig Feister, Johan Christian Heydt, Johannes Satzman, Hans Michel Uetzel,? J. Jacob Gbtzelman, Johan Adam Einner, Joh. Melchior Horner, Joh. Jacob Hbrner, Jacob Oberdorff, Veit Fetterhng, Hans Thomas Dihm, Hans Caspar Haag, Ludwig flaltemeyer,* David Haltemeyer,* Hans Melchior Stieffel, Hans Adam Stieffel, Joh. Georg Sauselin, Johan Georg Wimmer, Johan Friederich Berger, Joh. PhU. David Spindler, Joh. Henrich Kinsel, Joh. Conrad Duntz, - Hans Peter Meyer,* Johan Caspar Wisener, Johan Michael Schrom, John Christoph Weydner, George Adam Frederick, Johan Nicklas Klein, Johann Peter Weichell, Johan Christoph Btitner, Christian Tobias Hensel, Hans Georg EgenschweUer, ? Johan Friederich Volck, Joh. Henrich Schlessman, Hans Georg Hand, Johan Michael Lutz, Hans Michael Beck, Johan Nicklaus Ott, George Hoppengartner,* Conrad Onkel,* Andreas Aleberger,* Michel Schiilein, Johan Eissendal, Christoph Schaad, Nicolaus Weyant, Michael Hundt, Philip Sieur,* Sebastian Leybolt, Johannes Kraus, Nicklas Ingelhoff, Johannes Scholthes, Johannes Weisgerber, Johannes Endress, Johannes MUler,* Jacob Danner, Christian Schaffer, Valtin Ehrhart, Johann Schaffer, Christoph Waltz, Barthel Schbtzlie, Andreas Klein, Simon Beleni,? Carl Schmid, Hans Gerbrich, Hans Georg SeU, Andreas Sell, Jacob Krachman, Jacob WiU, Tobias Ketter, Joseph Sommer, Johannes Hotman, Lorentz Heffner, Johann Heffner, Johannes Honnig, Lorentz Rbrich, Peter Fleischer, Peter Mtiller sen., Hans Georg Lang, Hans Georg Fintzel, Hans Martiii Franck, Johann Peter Reeg, Nicklas Weitzenhbller, 25* 294 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Carl Ludwig Miickelburg, Johan Melchior Stader, Paulus Jacob Wolff, Caspar Beuschlein, Hans Henry Forster,* Baltzer Lantz, Hans Adam Schaffer, Hans Peter Schaffer, August Henrich Schrbter, Johan Henrich Mbnch, Hans Adam Hoh, John Ludwig Bender, Johan Georg Strauss, Christoph Kuhlemann, Joh. Conrad Btitefisch, Johan Martin NoU, Carl Fried. Dan. Christian, Johan Adam Hardel, ¦ Johan Georg Kallemeyer, Lorentz Joseph Dennschertz, Hans Georg Engelbert, Joh. Christoph Schaber, Joh. Niclaus Schlessman, Joh. Stephanus Hom, Johan PhUip Eich, Hans Georg Buttel, Hans Antonius Seger, Joh. Ferdinandus Leiss, Johann Heinrich Muth, Heinrich Fleischer, Christian Denner, Joh. Peter MuUer, Hermanns Cronenberg, Johan Conrad Stbdter. Sick — Andreas Drach, Johan Heyser, Johann Leonhart Wieder, Johan Henrich Scholtes, Henrich Bed, Joh. Henrich Koch, Michael Kuchel, Henrich Kuhn. 190) Nov. 3, 1752. Ship Queen of Denmark, Georg Parish, Commander, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. 9loo. 3, 1752. ©(^iff Dueen of Denmort, Sommanbant Oeorg 5)artf^, son Hamburg iiber Somes. P. Wortman, Christopher Pabst,* Zacharias Bach, A. Dietrich ScheU, Johan Zwiebeller, Andreas Schott, Jacob Schott, P. Matheis Abel, Lambrecht Philip, Johan Egen, Magnus Schroder, Peter Bruns,* Johann Schliiter, Simon Marcus,* J. Jacob Lanten,* Andreas Ulsch, Conrad Schaffer, Georg Gai-tner,* Christian Nagel,* Michael Stalil, Hen. Van Hoven, Johan Croyer,* Joachim Harloff,* Christoph Meyer, J. Pried. Lutzer,* Ernst Hornaffer,* Christ. Wilgenson,* J. Henry Shultz,* Henrich Magnus, Joh. Ernst Heim, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1752. 295 Peter Weis, Joh. OhnschUd,* H. Mich. Menneke,* Joh. Adam Gartner,* F. Christo Torson,* H. Fred. Laub,* Zacharias Straubel,* Frantz Schutz, Johan Meyer,* Friederich Schreyer,* Henrich Burchard Gabriel, Georg Thomas Gimpel,* Georg Christian Fischer, Casper Friederich Lutz, Hans Zacharias Longer,* J. Christian Morgenroth, G. Leopold Heinig, Georg Gottlieb Fass, Johan Casper Oberman, G. Henrich Herold,* Johan Adam Stoltze, J. Nicolas Tranckner, J. Daniel Metzler, Joachim Henrich Detloff, Hans Casper Batram,* Nicholas Daniel Nas, Johan Henrich Bauer, Joh. Casper Fried. Griimmet. L. Ludwig Winckler, Christoph Ludwig Grummet, M. Friederich Kippenberg,* Georg Christoph Giinder, Georg Christoph Muck, H. Zacharias Hagelberg, Georg Michael Hamscher, J. Christian Nesselroth, Christian Henrich Habicht, Henrich Andreas Nagel, Hen. Jacob Struckmeyer, Joh. Henrich Sackman, Joachim Andreas Brautigam. Joh. Sebastian Voght, Joh. Joachim Gbrtler, Christ. Dietrich Meyer, Johan G«org Golhell, Henrich Caspar Putscher, J. Martin Bbttger, Joh. Valentin Dantius, Johan Carl Menneke, Henrich Nothdarf,* J. Christo Schletz,* Casper Gab. MUler,* Joh. Geo. Barfuss, Christ. Ludwig Miint^ Carl Fred. Grobler, Christian Henrich, Fried. Solomon Weis, Friederich Zimmer, Dietrich Volkman, Johannes Bibe, Joh. Henrich Sanger, J. Andreas Hornaffer, Dietrich von Bieren, Joh. Gottfried Zerhiger, Johan Daniel Bckebert, Hen. Rudolph Stoltze, Joh. Friederich Grassier,' Joh. Bartho. Nuhlhahn, Casper Henrich Grimm, Joh. Georg Reinhold, Johan Zacharias Jahn, Johan Christoph Winter. Georg Christian Klem, Sick— Joh. Henrich Hefthar, J. Thomas Kuhn, Gottfried WUhelm AUhelm, Johannes Minck, Johan Gustavus Kuntz, H. Christian WiUfeld, Georg Christian Mayer, Johan Friederich Giinter, Johan Ernst HoUand, Georg Friederich Tesch, Johan 296 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Henrich Klem, Henrich Rudolph Nagel, Christoph Mayer, David Mbrson, Gottfried Reinknecht, Joh. Ernst Simon, J. Friederich Berghaus, Friederich Albrecht Seheller, Joh. Hen rich Wendel, David Henrich Heyer, Nicklaus Ruel, A. Matheis Molin, Hans Georg Breihahn, Johan Ludwig Schlotterman, Johan Adolph Flock. 191) Nov. 8, 1752. Snow Louisa, John Pittcaime, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ««oi). 8, 1752. ©eeft^ijf Souifo, Sopitain So'^n 9)ittcatrnc, son Eftotterbam iiber Soweg. Michael Deeg, Matheus Kepstner, Christoph Kuntz, Jacob Holder, Ulrich Meyer, Johannes Feiler, Johannes Meyer, Johannes Ullman, Casper Krieger, Adam Pabst,* Christian Hofrnan, David Mellinger, Jacob Hoffmann, Frantz Carl von Campe, Hans Georg Hausser, Hans Georg Reisch, Johan Herman Rosenblatt, Johan Leonardt Kopp, Johan Christian Friess, Johann Martin Holder, Johan Michael Geiger, Hans Georg Lantzer, Georg Michael Schmidt, Albrecht Michael Felder, G. Friederich Hottenbacher, Hans Adam StateU,* Wilhelm Fortenbacher, Johannes GeUer, Leonhardt Schindler, Conrad Schindler, Johannes Romig,* Frantz Schmid, Konrad Hepfoh, Balthaser SchoU,* Peter Diem, Georg Gobel, Christoph GiUberth, Joseph Beyrer, Tobias Stahl,* Christian Kast, Johannes Schneider, Jacob Hag, Johannes Bader, Johannes Hoss, Jacob Grieg, Georg Karr, Friederich Schrader, Hans Michael Carl, § Johan Georg Koch, Johann Peter SchoU, Johann Georg Sturm, Georg Baltzer ScheUing, Johann Georg GUbert, Johann Jacob Kuckhen, Johann Jost Bruno, Johan Georg Laubinger, Andreas Gilbert, Jac. Balthasar Volcampe,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS— 1752. 297 Hans Georg Kautz, Joh. PhUip Scbwartlander, John Philip Welsh,* Johann Georg Meyer, Georg Philipp Bock, Hans Michael Schmidt, Georg Michael MuUer, Johann Michael Path, Johan Martin Haussleither, Johan Jacob StoU, Georg Christian Nusser, Simon Leitel Huber. 192) Nov. 22, 1752. Ship Phoenix, Reuben Honor, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. SHoB. 22, 1752. ©li^iff ^^bnix, Sapitain Steuben .^onor, oon Stotterbom iiber Somc«. Peter Antel,* Josias Schertzer, Johann Klass, Jacob Huwit, Budolph Hoffman, Michael Burgin, Ulrich Nussly, Friederich WeUer, Leonhart UUer, David Zimmermann, Lambert Smyets, Johannes Mohr, Johannes Roth, Valentin Scheurich, Jacob Scheurich, Christoph Dosch, Ludwig Henrich Nussbiirckel, Johan Adam Lotz, Johan Nicklas AUhaU,* Johann Peter Gittin, Georg Christoph Bauman, Johan Adam Geiger, Johann Henrich Breser, Jean Jaques le Roy, Han Georg Rohrer, Johan Henrich Becker, Jacob Friederich Schneider, Johan Philip Albert, Frantz Joseph Pfeifer, Johan Matheis Scheurich, Johan Martin Dostman, Hans Michael Adelman, Ludwig Weimer, Johannes Frblich, PhUip Jacobi, Hans Shneyder jr.,* Jean Botisnion, Christian Kuhbach, Daniel Gingenhan, Abraham Peter, Michael Peter, Paul WaUeysen,* Jacob Ogli, Johannes Statler,* Bartholomeus Hoffman, Augustin Fieng, Abraham Prioth, Henrich LoUeninger, Andreas Kutz, Johannes Fischer, Jacob Gartman, Jacob Grauss, Christian Roth, Rudolph Dbbely, Johann Schaidt, Henry Geisler,* Joseph Imfeld, Uhich Ott, 298 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Rudolph Egy, Jacob Haller, Johann Waltz, David Jugnal,* H. Weytzel,* Peter GUliona,* Daniel LawaU, Henry Straub, Jacob Guyer, Mathdis Krauth, Johannes Duff, Peter Jung, Wilhelm Albert, Simon Schneider, Christoph Henrich, Jacob Luper, Johannes Heltenmeyer, Burchard Zendmeyer, Joh. Jacob Winter, Johann Georg Suber, GuUiam Silbirit, Johann Adam Speck, Johann Georg Heck, Johann Georg Gingenhan, Hans Georg Dosh,* Johann Peter Lehmann, Jean Michel Lanblene, Johan Peter Conveer, Hans Michael Claus, Johann Jacob Schelling, Johan Georg Merckling, ¦ Hans Georg Zaimger, Johann Michel Ihl, Johann Henrich Schaff, Johann Thomas Beck, Johann Burckhard, Hans Georg Meyly, Mich. Friedrich Buch, Johan Peter Pfannkuchen, Johan Adam Klein, Michael UUmann, Hans Michael Hoff, Georg Nebeling, Johan Ludwig LawaU, John David Henkel, Hans Michael Lutz, Hans Martin Scheurich, Adam Le Roy, Johan Peter Frembes, Johann Georg Roth, Johan Rudolph Ferrer, Georg Henrich Kop, George Henry Koch, Georg Bernhart Kapp, Johan Michael Chrttian, Martin Johann Bauer, Hans Jacob Back,* Johan Melchior Ensle, Daniel Kuhn, Piere GuUlons, Frantz May, KUian May, Anthon Weinbrener, George Hoffman,* Wolfgang Winebrener,* Johann Jacob MiUer,* Johann PhUip Straub, Michael Schaffer, Johann Rudolph Graff, Johan Theobald Closs. Sick — Johannes Lensohy jr., Hans Georg Backofen, Thomas Leyerig, Johan Ludwig Miokel, Johann Dietrich Eckel, Jacob Reigert, Jacob Dbbly, Hans Georg Beicht, Georg Hinleer, Abraham FreUich, Jacob Lupfer, Johan Gottfried List, Jacob Scheywisoh. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 299 193) Sept 8, 1753. Ship St. Michael Michael, Thomas EUis, Commander, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. ©ept- 8. 1753. ©(^iff ©t. mi&iad m6)atl, Sommanbant Ilomag aUii, »on Hamburg itber Sotoea. John Henry Deer,* Joh. Fried. Deer,* Henry A. Deer,* Christian Warner,* Peter Gunckel,* Andreas Shweishelm, Andreas Roger, J. George Saxe, Johannes Rehr,* Friederich Rauberg,* WUhelm Latink,* Christian Latink,* Lorents Shuler, J. Henry Krape,* J. Peter MUlberg,* J. Christian Heyl, Michael Kind, Christoph Wegener, Conrad Eichler, Ludwig Topper, Christian Aterholt,* Johannes Resch, Ehler Herse, Andreas Linden, Herman Inbuss, Henrich Meyer, Fred. Henrich Barthals, John Jacob Port, Joh. Josephus Meinersen, John Henry Keller, John Henry Gross, Johann Henrich Ahrens, Joh. Henrich BUlingesleben, J. Henry Messershmit,* J. Friederich Fischer, Johann Christian Sachse, Johan Nicklaus Rehcopp, J. Caspar Latink,* J. Henry Seydhng,* J. Friederich AUter,* J. Andreas Vogt, G. Christoph Warinken,* Conrad Henry Sander,* Clas Casten Krbger, Johann Daniel Klemm, Hieronimus Eichler, H. Christoph Gall, Joh. Hen. Eberhart Hensen, Joh. Benedictus Breittenfeldt, Friedrich Henrich Stern, Johann Gerhart Mayer, Hans Henry Tete,* Frantz Con. Rose, J. Henry Ratiker,* J. Henry Gutjahr,* Johann Kirscher, Matheis Kersher,* Johann Erich Reuter, Johan Friederich Sachse, John Henry Saxe, Christian Wilhelm CbU, George WUhelm Hooker.* Richey, Captain, 194) Sept. 10, 1753. Ship Beulah, - fiotn Rotterdam; last from Cowes. ©ept. 10, 1753. ©c^iff Sculff^, Sapitain Sdtilc?, oon 3flotter= bam uber So,we3. 300 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Jac. Bishop Berger,* Joh. Georg Rab, Vinsintzius Beggari, Johan Perass, ? Friederich Ztiron, Christian Scheitt, Stephan Lay, Andreas Lay, Moses Bauer, Simon Walther, Peter Uber, Thomas Dich, Friederich Gruber, Jacob Michel, Baltius Zweyk,* Christoph Zweig, Conrath Schief, Ludwig Schick, Andreas Frey, Jacob Stein, Friederich Cast,* Hans Georg Wilt, Albrecht Heckman, Georg Arnolt, Michel Kuhn sen.,* Michael Kuhn, Sebastian Hoffman,* Johannes Hoffman,* Valentin Korn, Martin Burger, Lorentz Hbssert, Hans Waltz, Martin Hedinger, Johan Michael Greffenstein, Stephan Frantz Volch, Georg Friederich Volch, Johan Michael Bauer, Georg Friederich Braun, Johann Simon Schmieg, Johann Friederich Freund, Johann Matheus Braun, Johann Henrich Hoffmann, Georg Heinrich Alter, Johann Jacob Alter,. Johann Albrecht Fessler sen Johann Albrecht Fessler, Johann Andreas Fessler, Georg Conrad Braun sen., Johan, Stephan Riegler, Georg Conrad Braun, Johann Michael Krauss, Johann Georg Braun, Johann Matheus Mayer, Henrich Martin Ebele, Johan Philip Vohleder, Johan Michel Ungerer, Johan PhUip Berberich, J. Friederich HUtzbeck,* Georg Friederich Schweitzer Johann Henrich Gebert, Johan Georg Ziegler, Johan Michael Lang, Johan Christoph Nitz, Johann Peter Bauer, Johann Friederich Bauer, Johann WUhelm Ruth, Georg SchoUer, Peter TruckenmiUer,* Jacob Sammit,* Andreas Klein, Georg Schimmel, Joh. Jacob Keppner, H. Adam Brenner, Joh. Ernst Satteltbaler, Joh. Andreas Schmieg, Georg Henrich Schaffer, Georg Friederich SchaU,* Johan Michael Franck, Joh. Ludwig Sommer, Johan Georg Dietz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 301 Georg Christoph Dietz, Hans Georg Kamm, Georg Ludwig RosenmuUer, Georg Michael Daueber. 195) Sept. 11, 1753. Ship Queen of Denmark, Geo. Parish, Captain, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. Sept. 11, 1753. ©^iff Queen of ©cnmort, Sopitoin ®eorg 5)arif:§, son Hamburg iiber Soweg. Caspar Krbnberg, Ludwig Raffg-arn,* Henry Bergfeld, Georg Bossman, Thomas l^ugnicht,* Ernst Delitz, J. Ernst Kort,* John Ewald,* Christian Arrent,* P. Zangenberg, Ludwig BraU,* J. Henry Frey, Lorentz Petry,* Andreas Grotheim,* Nicolaus Schaffer, J. Jost Werning,* Johannes Taubert, David Albrecht, J. Jacob Voigt, J. August Freyberg, J. Friedrich Desem,* Christoff Endike,* J. George Gerang,* George Fischer,* Christian Heippe,* Christian Luig,* Wilhelm Brenner, Johann Reichman, r Christoph Gut jr.,* Johann Valentin Elte, Hans Georg Disseler,* Johan Henrich Mastenherg, H. Christopher Shadike,* Dieterich Proptenslad,* Jost Henrich Bebe, Job. Friederich Ungar,* J. Andreas Rudolph,* J. Andreas Balthauer,* Joh. Henry Engel,* Hans Herman Arrent,* Johann Christian Tenne, Johan George Distner,* J. Valentin Neimeyer,* Ludwig. WU. Bockrantz, Anthon Barthol. von Brunck, Joh. Carl Rauschenbach, Joh. Wilhelm Schiele, Johann David Fischer, Johan Christian BoUe, Johan Valentin Rausch, Johan Christian Schneider, Jost Henry Kinige,* Joh. Christoph Gobrecht jr., Georg WUhelm Reburg,* Joh. Christian Gobrecht, Frantz Henrich Ernst, Johann Ernst Blanssart, Geo. Wilhelm von Lude, Johann Dingier, Christian GoUstad,* Wilhelm Kreiss, Peter Fred. Niemeyer, Nicolaus Christian Otto, Joh. Friederich Wambeck,* Henrich Julius Boths. 26 302 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Sick — Johan Ludwig Starck, Georg Demme jr., Friederich Jordan, J. Dietrich Welde, Hans Herman Brand, Christoph Weidener, Joh. PhUip Preising, Christian Neiss, Johan Georg Muller, Erhart Reindel, Christoph Gut sen. 196) Sept 14, 1753. Ship Edinburgh, James Russel, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. ©ept. 14, 1753. ©c^tff Sbtnburg:^, Sopitoin Someg SRuffcl, son aiotterbom iiber '^oxtimontl). Johann Achintopfs,? Michael Halberstadt, Julius Brecker, Samuel Maus, Peter MiUer,* Dewald Creutz,* Johannes Miller,* Abraham MiUer,* Jacob Braun, PhUip Lantz, PhUip Mulhof, Conrath Kleim, Jacob Dewalt, Conrath Guth sen., Conrad Guth, Andreas Hesterich, Peter Schuh, Heinrich Schupp, Jacob Muller, Bastian Mohr, Michael Lang, Ludwig Busch, Adam Hamscher, Joseph Zwieshig, Carl Arnth, Andreas Scher, Georg Marthin, Johannes Limberger, Peter Steiner, PbUip Henry Gabel, Johann Jacob Ham, Johann Jacob Wissinger, PhUip Jacob Muhlhoff, Michael Zimmerman, Johann Georg Kuhn, Johann Adam Kreischer, Johann Sebastian Kreischer, Ernst Christoph Adam, Johann Jacob Ross, Conrad Klenter,* Johann Peter Bade, Johannes Schwalb, Balthaser PemeUer, Johann Jacob Beck, Johann Reinhardt Rahmer, Johann Georg Jost, Johann Friederich Vogeler, Johann Christoph Mauerer, Christoph Treydel, Jacob Kauffmann, Johann Nickel Michel, Johann Geoi^ Leonard, Conrad Wagner, Christian Jutzener,* Johannes Herguth, Johann Nickel Jacoby, Johann Nickel Jacoby sen., Johann Peter Jacoby, Wilhelm Stein, Jacob Krier,* Cai-l Bernhart, Peter Kuntz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 303 Jacob Schott, Johannes Laffer, Peter Rbdtler, Friederich May,* Jacob Threye, Jacob Zombro, Jacob Knab,* PhUip Preiss,* Johan Rauffbem,* Jacob Bauer, Jacob Bachman, Jacob Heck, Daniel Heck, Peter Beder, Samuel Wertz, David Schmitt, Belann Lantz, Martin G«ldt, Peter Klein, WUhelm Spira, Johannes PeUentzer, Adolph Meyer, Daniel Hann, Jacob BoUinger, Johannes Stbtzel, PhUip Weber, Andreas Hamstein, Ulrich Waber, Johannes Frey, Bernhart Beck, Matheis Ehhalt, Martin Braun, Conrad Foltz, Marcus Angst, Paulus Hartman, Georg Gbhringer, Ludwig Folmer,* Friederich Jackie, Christoffel Renner, Valentin Hoffmann, Jean Pierre du Corbier, Johann Adam Bbhm, Valentin Kohlmann, Theobald Angene, Friederich Schwartz, PhUip Henry Lein, Johann Jacob Bachman, Lorentz Bachman, Eberhart Schmitt, Ludwig Jung,* Johann Entzmenger,* Johann Bientzel, Joh. Henry Bintzel,* Johannes Bintzel,* Paulus Spirandin, Jacob BoUinger, Johann Kra%oss, J. Henry Shrohr,* Peter Flickinger, Joh. Christ Huffnagel, Johan Georg Weyshaar, Johann Georg Steinbock, John Henry Wunderling, Justus Henrich Weber, Conrad Mentzinger, Johan Wilhelm Waber, Johannes Kornhaas, Johannes Rechtlos, Johannes Buchstel, Christian Fischei;, Gregorius Busche, Friederich Hartman, WUhelm Hartman, Friederich Weidmeyer, Andreas Huttenbaoh, Jeremias Htisterle, Johan Christian Dbrr, Johannes Schmidt, Heinrich Adam Hoffman, Georg Melchior Hiebner, Johannes Auer,* Jacob Knodel, 304 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Paulus Hochstrasser, Valentin Fleck, Johan Michael Hauber, Johann Conrad Metz, Friederich Stephan, EUas Kneller, Solomon Gabel, Johan Jacob Albert.* AStrA— Friederich Kramer, Michael Decker, Rudolph Welde, Henrich Rodhaf, Friederich Hartman. Adam Roser, Johannes Kreiner, Jacob Polweller,* Henrich Strack, Jacob MiUer,* Jacob Ott, Philip Lehrer, Johan Georg Marcker, 197) Sept 17, 1753. Ship Patience, Hugh Steel, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 17, 1753. ©d^iff 9)attence, Sapitoin ^ug"^ ©teel, son SRotterbom iiber Someg. Gottfried Haberly, Jaques Balme, Paul Caffarel, Moi-tier Ture, Jaques Gouriie, Lorie Nerien, Jacob Gerhart,* Adam Seibs, Jacob Fisher,* Jaque Berger, Joseph Knittel, Johannes Singer, Jacob Borman, Friederich Jensel, Michael Scheible, Charles Shommet,* Martin Kayser, Martin Jauss, Pierre Gautier, Jean Bonnet, Elias Nastes,? Jaque Bac, Jacob Singquet, Lenhart HeUer, Pierre Armin Jean, / j Jean Pierre ChappeUe, Jeremie ChappeUe, v Pierre Roucbon, Henri Roucbon, Jean Jaques Servai, Michael Rustler, Joh. Georg Knidel, Hans Georg FeUer, Jean Richardon, Hans Georg Shelter,* Georg Valentin Reinhardt, Andreas Munchinger, Fried. Haux, a Johannes Wurmle, Gottlieb Heinrich Harindns, a To this name is prefixed Ehw. Dom., i. o. Res. Mr.; thus: Ehic. Dom Fried. Haux. — (Editor.) "¦ aSor biefem iRamen jiebt (S^in. 3)om., b. i). 35a(lor Otieb. ^aur.— C^erauagebet.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 305 Hans Conrad Hogoodus, Hans Georg Bross, Ferdinand Wurtz, Friederich Reinholdt, Christoph Hehr, Johanii Caspar Gross, Johann Georg Strbdinger, Johannes Preyss, Daniel Stauber, Jacob Banchle, ? Michael AUer, Johannes Bodner, Hans Hentzinger, Johannes HUler, PhUip Weiss, Bernhart Jung, Henrich Kendel, Matheas Heber, Tobias Kurch, Johannes Kleintopf, Johann Jackobi, Addm Winbart, Johannes Breinig, Casper Hassler, Peter GrbbU, Bastian Erie * Peter Landig,* Leonhard Schauer, Peter Biihler, Michael Gerber, Simon Gerber, Christoph Schmit, Sick — Isaac Grad, Christoph Larg, Christian Bauer, Hans Georg Leib. _ Etienne Breun, Jacob Gerber, Gabriel Lausch, Michel Rbm, Georg Martin Kreidler, Johannes Schweitzer, Georg Michel Descher, Jacob Oohsenreiter, Johan Friederich Werner,* Joh. Friederich Oohsenreiter, Joh. Friederich Stable, Johan Caspar Sieg, Georg Adam Wiet, Hans Georg RoUer, G. Wilhelm Rieser, Christoffel Kleintopf, Hen. Christo. Bleicberodt, Joh. Matthias Schmidt, Hans Georg Schilttinger, Hans Georg Adtelberger, PhUip Adtelberger, Hans Adam Schaffer, Heinrich Hackmann, Hans Michael Mann, J. Dietrich Steinbrecher, J. Lenhart Gerwig,* Sebastian Knartsoh, . Johan Daniel Rau, Samuel Bosserman, Friederich Osswald, Johan Georg Federhoff. 198) Sept 17, 1753. Ship Richard and Mary, John Moore, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 17, 1753. ©c^iff fSiiS^axt) unb max'9, Sommonbont 3o^n SJJoore. son Stotterbom iiber Soiweg. 26* 306 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Joseph PhiUipp, Ulrich Seuberlich, Peter Juncker, Joh. Martin Jacob, F. WUh. Ztirn, Joh. Knabschneider, Geo. Adam Schober, Johan Caspar Gayer, Hans Michael Rau, Johan Jacob Gayer, Johan Henrich Juncker, Johan Carl Siegle, Johann Ernst Juncker, Johan Christian Kniess, Martin Stihrer, Andreas Diehm, Johannes Siglin, Conrad Lampater,* Joseph Lampater,* Johannes Lampater,* Joseph WUd, Casper Weschune,? Adam StaU, Adam Grim, Abraham Lang, Michael Vollmer, Friederich Kucher, Josephus Friederich, Peter Janson, Paulus Bautigam, Joh. Ernst Nagel, Christoph Mahl,* Johannes Kuchen, Han Jacob Adam,* J. Georg Metzger,* Peter Rahm,* Adam Obendorff, Peter Hitschner, Jacob Schlauchter, Johannes Sack, H. Albert Horner,* Johannes Schreiber, Jacob Wittmann,* Paulus Hopp, Valentin Schobig, Christoff Waltz, Christoph Heinickel, Peter Nass, Christophel Gref, Peter SeUer, Johannes HoUscheit, Johannes Gurtz,* Simon Sark,* Johannes Peroing,* David Reiff,* ' Philip Hammerschmit,* Joh. Nicolaus Schubert, Joh. Michael Schubert, Joh. Casper Wurm, Johan Georg Stump,* Georg Friederich Pflieger, Joh. Georg Maisch, Joh. Georg Gelinder, Hans Martin Gehnder, Hans Jacob Kemmerh, Johan Adam Kbmer, Joh. Georg Geretenmayer, Georg Friederich Weiss, Joh. Lenhart Zembt,? Carl Friederich Weydo,§ Joh. Christoph Herth, Joh. Daniel Druss C. Friederich Hutman,* Joh. Friederich Hess, Joh. Friederich Satler,* Joh. Wilhelm Engelhardt, Georg Paul Langenbach, Hans Ludwig MaU, Hans Georg Kreis, Joh. Henrich Oberlender, Johan Adam Wolff, George Nicklas Straus,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 307 Joh. Philip Stein, Joh. Christoph Beck, Joh. Conrad Steinmetz, Joh. Henrich MtiUer, Joh. Michael Spannagel, Georg Adam Wittmann, Johann Georg Klein, Hans Barthel Heck, Hans Geo. SchbUbammer, Johan Caspar Auen, Ernst Wilhelm Kageroth, J. Gottfried Knapper,* Georg Friederich Heininger, Hans Adam Oswald,* Johan Georg Bick, Johan Peter Ruhter, Herman Weyskirk,* Michael Kolb, Jacob Schenck, Johannes Schmit,* H. Georg Gramly,* Hans Georg Seydelmeyer,* Philip Grindelmeyer,* Hans Georg Harst, Joh. Matheus Pfanner, Joh. Georg Braun. 199) Sept. 19, 1753. Ship Leathley, Lickey, Captain, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. ©ept. 19, 1753. ©c^iff Seot^le9, Sapitotn Side?, oon $am» bitrg iiber Soweg. Anercus FoU, Christian Schlemer,* Christoph Amelon,* Christoffel Termel,* J. Christoph Bbmer,* H. Henry Coffer,* Caspar Hillebrecht,* C. Rudolph Rechner, Daniel Lange, Henry Busman,* Henry Neymeyer, .Andreas Busman,* J. Carsten Thorman,* Ludwig Schmit,* J. Henry Hinsey, Michael Uhl, Christian Ramberg, Henry Shreeder,* Hiram AUeman, Johan Heneman,* Henry Werner, J. Henry Probe,* Conradt Shmit,* Friederich Veiher,* Valentin Wegmeyer, John Henry Honing,* Johan Peter Koch, J. Wilhelm Voss, J. Dieterich Sehr,* Joh. Gottfried Golde, Christophel Schlencker, Fried. Wilhelm Schlencker, Frantz Hen. Schlencker, Christ. Andreas Nichtedt, Joh. Ludolph Wehmeyer, Joh. Andreas Meyer, Johan Just MtiUer, Hans Henry Busman,* Ernst Henrich Stblle, Joh. Philip Fertinbach, Johan Stats Koch, Joh. Christoph Appache, Johan Nicklaus Klein, Casper Ludwig Siwert, 308 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johan Henrich Siwert, Johan Christian Ale, J. Cort Halster, Georg Casper Hbppener, And. Christoff Meinsken, Joh. Fried. Christian AUeman. 200) Sept. 24, 1753. Ship Neptune, John Mason, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 24, 1753. ©^tff Sfleptune, Sapitoin 3o|n 5«afon, son SHotterbam iiber Soweg. Friederich Melcher, Johann Wilhelm, Peter Dtimmig, George Keytel,* Joh. Michael Seharpyein, Georg Nicolas Weugaterr, Johan Georg Wenckert, Hans Michael Rather, Peter Keytel,* Sebastian Hore, Peter Kltinth, Nicklas Hebhng, Sebastian Werlein,- < Michael Kretz, Andreas Bolch, PhUip Riesser, Andreas Schneffer, Jacob Oberdorff, Joh. Peter Riess, Georg Weiss, Johannes Ross, Conrad Winckler, Michael HoUenbach, Caspar DoUniann, Johannes Riess, Nicklas HoUebach, Simon Irst,? Gfcorg Falock, Georg Leming, Melchior Eisnert, Johannes Fleischer, Christian Reysing,* Michael HoUenbach, Philip Weiss, Adam Hauck, Peter Lennich, Sebastian Hamer, Joh. Adolph Ott, Johannes Schreiner, WUhelm Wtirtz jr., WUhelm Wurtz sen., Job. Georg Raab,* Bernhart Shop,* Andreas Crieby, Sebastian Riess, Casper Henkel, Johannes Hue, Geo. WUh. Morash,* Andreas Hommer,* Jacob Beyer, Lorentz Friederich Croy, Georg Schwenckert, Johannes Trump, Bartel Raunberger, Johann Michael Weriein, Johan Georg Schwab, Joh. Christoph Breitenhardt, Joh. Philip Eyrich, Joh. Michael Erdners, Joh. Michael Heidt, Johan Paul Schwab, Hans Adam Dierhein, Johan Adam Sauer, Johann Georg Wunder, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 309 Johann Michael Desch, Joh. Lenhart Wiittninger, Joh. Sebastian Hammeter, Joh. Christoph Feemhaber, Joh. PhiUp Mewe, Hans Jacob Winckler, Hans Thomas Winckler, Johan Georg HoUenbach, Joh. Bernhardt Pabosuch, Johan Nicklas Saul, Johan Georg Harmoff, Georg Peter Fuchs, Joh. Nicklaus Heckser, Hans And. Weickert, Ephraim Benedict Kaubel, Georg Henry Bauer,* Johan Thomas Lennich, Hans Georg Stautz, Hans Casper Fuchs, Hans Georg Carl Volck, Joh. Henrich Graf, Joh. Georg Conrad Hinck, Johan Caspar Schnerr, Johan Adam Saull,* Hans Michael Hbrner, Johan Georg Oberdorff, Johan Georg Beck, Hans Michael KbUer, § Johan Meyer,* Jacob Schaffer, Andreas Sahm, Baltzer Oberdorff, Georg WoUf, Adam Scheck, Paulus Plitz, Jacob SchoU, Christoph Biittel, Johannes Horn, Balthaser Seuberth, Hannes Schnepper, Nicklas Reinhart, Nicklaus Beringer, Christoph Horn, Martin Semmel, Michael Seubert, Simeon "Btirger, Jacob Willier,* Johannes Stihling, Peter Hbbling, Cari Mildy,* Hans Sehruck, Andreas Seuberth, Valentin Oberdorff, Christian Ernst Nieman, Johan Heinrich Ord, > Johan Christian Keyser, Johan Michael Seelig, Johann Adam Bolch, Johann Adam Schatz, Joh. Henrich Scblbsser, Georg PhUip Roth, Philipp Hoffman, John Michael Schatz, Johan Peter Stumpf, Baltzer Georg Christian, Georg Philip Btirger, Johann Peter Flick, . Johann Paulus Platz, , Johan PhUip Meyer, Johann "Bernhart Saull, Johannes Burkhardt, Hans Meckelein sen., Johan Henrich Meckelein, Hans Meckelein, Johann Michael Wassem, Johan Adam Schantz, Adam Nicolaus Platz. 310 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 201) Sept. 24, 1753. Ship Peggy, James Abercrombie, Com mander, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. ©ept. 24, 1753. ©c^tff 5>egg9/ Sommonbont ^amti Jlto crombie, oon SHotterbam iiber ^li^mont^. Martin Bauer, Christian Roth, Johannes Lutz, Christoph Frantz, Christoph Hast, Michael Voltz, Holfern Holtzman, Jacob H. Herly,* Johannes Hutterly, Jacob Miller, Casper Mauele, Fortunatus Geney,* Nicklas Schreck,* Johan Andreas Buch, Christian Friederich Pause, Johan Jacob Kautz, Johann Adam Zweuer, Johannes Eiminghoff, Johann Carl Erhardt, Johannes Bachman, Johan Casper Nill, Johan Michael Schumacher, Philip Leonard Schwartz, J. George Pluner,* Johan Adam Oberweiler, Carl Friederich Waag, Casper Schaff, Jacob Hohr,* Michael Ban, ? Johanii Forttmeier, Johannes Steinman, Ignatius Vogt, Johannes Fibs, George Baker,* Jacob Eberhart, Conrad Wiettemeyer, Jacob Armschild,* WUhelm Gonder, Peter Heiss, Jacob Hetrich, George Lange, Michael MuUer, Diebolt Sorg, Conrad Jager, Michael Brauer, Martin Beck, Jacob Schmidt, Georg Matzon,* Johannes Walder, Jacob Berger, Valentin Schaffer, Philip Krebs, Jacob Grininger, Jacob Hirsch, Carl Ebersohl, Henry Hassler, Abraham CorreU, G. A. Daser, Conradt Huber, Martin Schneider, PhUip Jacob Meyer, Joseph Graff, -Isaac MuUer, Anton Cantzle, Jacob Nagel, Carl Degreiff,* Jacob Haller, Philip Zorge, Hans Michel Zomel, Carl WeinmiUer, Georg PhUip Ziegler, Jean Frans Battez, Johan Jacob Zucker, Georg Anton Linder, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 311 Johan Andreas Schrbdlie, Johan WUliam Engel, Hans Jacob Steigelmann, Johan Jacob Kleinbub, Joh. Michael Hero,* J. Dieterich Oppenheim, G. Wilhelm Albrecht, Henrich Philipp Brumm, H. George Leysig,* Friederich Dann wind, Joh. Theobald Sternberger, Johan Michael Sorg, Johan Martin Bettinger, Johan Jacob Blocker, Georg Peter Delp, Joh. Wilhelm Kempff, Job. Wolfgang Zeilen, Johannes Francisculur, Peter Casper Schbn, Sick — Johannes Rudel, J. Jacob Selwinger, Paulus Johan Jacob Walther, Georg Adam Geiss, Nicklas Turmeyer,* Georg Adam Siegrist, Michael Feierstein, Joh. Georg Sautter, Jos. Conrad Haussman, Joh. Nicolaus Bartholomae, Johan Casper Rumetsch, J. Georg Schweickhart, Georg Christ Reinholdt, Joh. Friederich Engelhart, Joh. Wolfgang Leiter, Johan Adam Schackh, Johan Friederich Uebel, Johan Carl Jacqueart, Johan Conrad Kagel, Johann Christian Krebs. Johan Jac. MtiUer, Nicklas Harter A. Daser, J. Casper Weitzenfelder 202) Sept 26, 1753. Ship Brothers, WiUiam Main, Com mander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 26, 1753. ©c^iff Srot^er^, Sommonbont SBm. SKoin Bon SRotterbom iiber SoweS. Peter Bysenbreit, Christian Diem, Matheis Blocher, Michael Wasener, Johannes Karch, Jacob Haipser, Ludwig Fischer, Lorentz Kblcket, Daniel Wunderlich, Melchior Minalt, Johannes Kuss, Burckhart Bindeman, Melchior Rieckhed, Johannes Jbdder, Friederich Mergel,* PhUip Hoffman, Jacob Hester, Lenhart Diterich, Christoph Mtiller, Jacob Muller, Friederich MtiUer, Ludwig Hertz, Johannes Strohm, Martin Flisterer, David Kind, ? Andreas Keyser, Isaac Vendner, Paulus Bohler, 312 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Michael Setzer, Stephan Kreidler, Jacob Mann, Johannes Koch, Johannes Zaberer, Stephan Reybolt,* Nickolas MiUer,* Hans George Hop,* Hans Jacob Finfleher, Michael Schittenhelm, Martin Shittenhelm,* Johann Casper Koch, Hans Georg Hay, Johann Simon Jager, Hans George Baltsonderweg,* Georg Christoph Eberle, Johan Ludwig Weltz, Phihp Jacob Kreidler, Johan Martin Kreidler, Johan Philip Freher, Christoph Jacob Kaucher, Johan Philip Kliestadt,? Hans Wendel Huber, Georg Friederich Reinhard, Johan Paul Schott, Hans Georg Marsteller, Hans Georg Frauenfelder, Georg Friedrich Andrae, Georg Alberth DUl, Melchior Fliesbach, Eberhart Sallener,? Georg Peter Wilhelm, Friederich Henrich Knabe, Lenhardt Beckermann, Christoph Schenck, Hans George Mann, Bernhart Schneider, Friederich Lay, Johannes Weyerbacher, Mattheis Rbstlin, J. Andreas Ehrman, Johann Casper Marburg, Johannes Limbach,* Johannes Herlein, Philip Geyer, Jacob Mann, Friederich Leinbach, Friederich Kunstler, Johannes Steidle, ' Johannes Mann, Jean Hartman, Martin Schneider, Michael Schneider, § Hans Georg Fischer, Johan Jacob MuUer, Hans Georg Mann, Hans Georg Schweitzer, Georg Jacob Schramm, Jacob Schweitzer, Valentin Klein. 203) Sept. 27, 1753. Ship Windsor, James Good, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 27, 1753. ©c^tff SDtnbfor, Sopitain 3omeg ®oob, »oit aiotterbom iiber Soweg. Sigmund Bondeli, Henrich Pfister, Rudolph Banninger, Marcus Tomer,* Daniel Schneider, Martin Fazler, Christian Schober, Johannes Graber, Henry Boner,* Christian Deiss, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 31! Daniel Speck, Caspar Ltitz, Heinrich Sattel, Samuel Sattel, Christian Keller, Johannes Thomas, Georg Hgff, Georg Mossbaeh, Casper Cabbas,* Johan NickUn, J. Jacob Maitin, Philip Rice,* Simeon Reiss, Jacob Reive,* Henry Eschrich,* Joh. Peter Diehm, Jacob Shrey,* Adam Libhart, J. WUhelm Tistel,* Joh. Jacob Boshart, Joh. Reinhart Batz, Joh. Martin KietzmUler, Johan Ludwig Beck, Georg Stephanus WaUhauer, Johann Georg Mann, Johann Georg Schmidt, Johan WUhelm Cromer, Reinhart Dietrich Kercher, Johan Ferdinand Lehrer, Johann Christoph Rein, Hans Greorg Ltitz, Joh. Martin TruckenmtiUer, Hans Adam Schatzman, Henrich Gottfried Murr, Johan Peter Hbrn, Johann Joachim Jaysor, Johann Jacob Friess, Johann Peter Grub, Johan Peter Eltz, Michael Milberg*, Johannes Baumann, Johann Casper Diehl, Johan Jacob Osterwkld, WUhelm Berckhauser, Georg Friederich Steidgers, Johan Jacob Striby, Johann Philippus Pix, Simon Peter Strauch, Andreas Grunau, Nicklas Mensch, Adam Hoppaeher, Johann Georg Betz, Johann Michael Hobbar, J. George Sommer. 204) Sept 28, 1753. Ship Halifax, Thomas Coatam, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 28, 1753. ©^tff ^altfoy, Sopitain Z^omai Sootom son Oiotterbam iiber SoweS. Friederich Keener,* Johannes CoUe,* Heinrich Thbnei, Ludwig Luther, Adam Syroa,* Andreas Seydlle,* Daniel Brenner, Henrich Merki, Daniel Ammon, Andreas Staub, Felix Gerber, Jost Conrad, Andreas Ingan,* Johannes Kuhn, Conrad Bornn, Christoph Weber, 27 314 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Christian Banner,* Paulus Wolffe, Jacob Rein, Johannes Buch, Johannes Bassert, Jahannes Wagner, Isaac Budeman, Talio Repair,* -Andreas Hath,? Christoph Schtitz, Joseph Schmitt, Jacob Streder, Johannes Haf pener, Gottfried Streidtz, Johannes Haass, Henrich Kohn, Ludwig Wiirtz, Johannes Henckel, Johannes Mayer, C. Friederich Maag, Christian HeUlmann, Johannes Peter Hann, Georg Michael Vollerman, Georg Michael Megerth, Georg Baldas Ungerer, Johannes Danwisch,? Solomon Hartman, Heister Hangarten, Michael Grossclaus,* Rudolph Meyer,* Jost Fischbach, Bernhart Schmid, Paulus Weygant, Daniel Zacharis, Mattheis Zacharis, J. Henry Stoffel, Herman Gbbel, Johan Georg Becker, Hans Michael Gock, Joh. Daniel Haga, Joh. Ludwig Hesser, Joh. Caspar Weiss, Ludwig Henrich Karcher, Johan Jacob Welter, Joh. Georg Stbcker, Johan Conrad Hess, Johan Georg Moritz, , Johann Georg Schraster, Johan Conrad Betis, Johan Georg Hinroth, Johan Georg Prost, Johann Georg Krauskob, Johan Georg FUlibs, Johan Peter Henn, Jacob Ringwald, Martin Mayer, Johannes Heyr, Nicolaus Kremer, Georg Bishoff,* Mattheus Gromlich, George Ftihrling, Adam Fays, Michael Laub, Jacob Urban, J. Georg Steyb,* Johannes Laub, Johannes Theis, John Adam Bald, Johannes Achenbach, Johann Jost Schmidt, Johan Georg Sanborn, Johan David Druber, Christian Rohrbach, Peter Katzenmeyer, Hans Nicklas Bbrger, Johann Casper Koch, Johan Adam Forsch, Gottfried Kbrschnbek, Adam MUchsack, Johannes Georg Henny. Sick — Christopher Getzelman, Jacob Meyer, Felix MUler, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 315 Johannes. Monbauer, Jacob Kreyder, David Beistel, Jacob Schaafbahn, Johannes Schwartz. 205) Sept 28, 1753. Ship Two Brothers, Thomas Arnot, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. ©ept. 28, 1753. ©(|ijf Swo .S3rot:^er« , Sapitoin Z^mai Slrnot, oon SRotterbom iiber 5)ort«mout^. Johannes Spath, Mattheis Dischong, Wilhelm Dischong, Frantz Klein, Conrad Lutzing, Leonhart Lutzing, Johannes Wagner, Martin Jung, Johannes Mtiller, Debait Bosseng,* Peter Stauber, Johannes Lein, ? Johannes Wirtz, Joh. PhUip Pus, WUliam TUlboner,* Johannes Grau, J. Georg Volck, J. Joachim Seebert, J. Adam Kohlman, Hieronimus Bruner,* Michael Hotman, Jacob Hering, John Friederich Schuy, Rudolph Zimmerman, Joh. Jacob Helpfish,* Johan Henrich Lutsch, Johann Theis Schiitz, Joh. Henrich Heesman, Johan Frantz Koch, Johan Philip Heyman, Johan Peter Jung, Johan Matheis Schneider, Christian Tressenstutt, Johan PhUip Gesseler, Johan Wilhelm MiiUer, Johan PhUip DiU, Johan Adolph Gesseler, Johann Peter Hahn, Johan Adam Wirth, Johann Adam Meyer, Joh. Gerhard MtiUer, Johan Jung Richler, Johannes Elias Arnoldt, Johan Adam Pfetzer, Johannes Schneider, J. George Winter,* Johannes Neydig,* J. Adam Lang, Heinrich Schmaus, Conrad Shmaus,* Johannes Schmaus, Matthias Nied, J. Adam Shwartz,* J. WUhelm Shutz,* Johannes Feck, J. Henry Jackel, J. Georg Jackel, Israel Wetzfeld, Johannes Jung, Joseph Beck, Conrath PfiUibs, Johannes Schey, Jacob Hann, Johannes Seiser, Johannes Pauly, Friederich Kroh, 316 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Job. Valentin Wieber, Jacob Kohl, Johan Kohl, Friederich Hamman, Johan Leonhart MtiUer, Johan Adam Pabst, J. George Bechtol, Johan Peter Koch, Joh. Nicklaus Lehnes, Johan Stephan Dieter, J. Jacob Eisenhauer, Joh. Wilhelm Hardtstang, Johan Adam Schmit, Johann Baltaser Gbtz, Johann Adam Gbtz, J. Ludwig Shook,* Johannes Peter Halt, Johannes Wirthsman, Johann Philip Schneider, Johan Georg Bechtoldt, Johan WUhelm Schaffer, Joh. Paulus Shaffer,* Franciscus Schmidt, Johan PhUip Klein, Johan Christian Zuprian, Joh. Henrich Heymann, Joh. Henrich Sagnisch, Elias Conrad Stegman, Johan Georg Seiffert. 206) Sept. 29, 1753. Snow Rowand, Arthur Tran, Captam, frorii Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 29, 1753. ©eef^if SHowonb, Sapitoin 9lrt^ur Iran, oon iRotterbom iiber Soweg. PhUippus Schmidt, Daniel Flender, Joh. Peter Weyel,* Johannes Buchner, Christian Mann, Jonas Mann, Ludwig Lupp, a Johann Georg Starck, Johann Christian Weinbrenner Johan Stephan Klbckner, Christ Henrich Greb, Johan Deis Greb,. Johan Wilhelm Jung, Johan Peter Meyer, Joh. Z. Schruntz, Bernhart Pfeiffer, Martin HeUeysen,* Joh. PhU. Siesfass, Johannes Selbach, Johan Engelpruck, ,Joh. Jacob Hass, Frantz ZeiUer, Conrad Becker, Johannes Selbach,* a Rev. Ludwig Lupp, a German Reformed Minister at Lebanon, Pa., from 1786 to 1798. He was born January 7, 1733, and died June 28, 1798. His remains rest in the German Reformed graveyard at Le banon. — See H. Harbaugh's Lives of German Reformed Ministers. a gjnfior Cubwig 8upp wnr »on 1786 iii 1798 beutf^.reformirtcr ®ei(i= li^cr JU Sebanon, 93n. ®r tviar nm 7. 3nn. 1733 geboren unb ftnrb nm 28. 3uni 1798. Seine ©ebeine ruben tm beutftb-reformirten Sirt^bofe 8" Sebanon.— ©iebe ^arbn^'a Seben^befciireibungcn reform. ®ei|ili(bet. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 317 G. Peter Bear,* George Hoover,* David Giessler, Jacob Hetering,* Peter MuUer, Johannes Miller, Joh. Hen. Brutz, Johan Hindert,* Joh. Conrad Gra, Christian Rubsamen, ' Job. Henry Held, Johannes Thomas, Johannes George, Johannes Freund, Philip Pool,* Peter Kolb, PhUip Schuman, Jacob Shiitz,* Sebastian Weber, Johannes Keller, Jacob BbUer,* Theiss Lauer, Henrich Lauer, Johan Frantz, Henry Wastenhaber,* Johannes Schaffer, Matthias Schutz, Martin Diel, Henry Kiimpffer,* Johannes Kregeloch, Christian Mann,§ Paulus Crum, Johan Friederich Schmidt, Johan Philip Sonner, Johan Christian Greebel,* Joh. Wilhelm Bbhmer, Johan Peter KbU, Joh. Martin Buckner, § Johan Henrich Buchner, Johan Theis Erand, Jost Henrich Meller, Johan PbUip Seye,? Joh. Heinrich Bbhm, Johan Elias Steneroloh,? Johan Peter Schlamacher, Christian Blickensdbrffer, Jost Blickensdbrffer, Joh. Jacob Lingenfelter, Johan Peter Rach, Johann Theis Hissgen, Joh. Gerhart Humbel,* Johan Henrich Helt, Johan Engel Thomas, Joh. Georg Georg, Job. Georg. Knbrtzer, Johan Christ. Bentz, Johan Philip Spath, Joh. Henrich Spath, Joh. Bastian Henn, Joh. Henrich Schaffer, Job. Gerlach Schaffer, WUhelm Becker Grtin, Job. Henrich Kicherman, Johan Theis Kicherman, Joh. WUhelm Schaffer, Johan Theis Schmidt, Joh. Henrich Felger, Joh. Henrich Sti-unck, Johann Peter Leiss, Johan Theis Rubsamen, Joh. Christ Stahl, Joh. Gerlach Stahl, Bastian Shneyder,* Matheus Zimmerman, Johannes Crum, Andreas Ecker; Johannes Creutz, Henry Panix,* Hermanns Zimmerman, John Peter Krammer,* Johan Engel Braun, Johan Peter Braun. 27* 318 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 207) Oct. 1, 1753. Snow Good Hope, John Trump, Captain, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. Dct. 1, 1753. ©cefc^iff ®oob ^ope, Sapitoin So'^n Srump, Bon Jpamburg iiber Soweg. Ulrich Reling, Peter Knobe,* H. George Becker, J. Henry Klapper, J. Henry Niederhut,* Andreas Feigner, Christoph Michael, Christofel Ohms,* Christofel Ahllbom,* J. Henry Nedermad,* Johan Kinerimen,* Simon Shroder,* Jeremias Pflug,* Christopher Pok,* Elias Au, J.- Henry Worm, Christian Kbnig, Conrad Hartman, Christoph Reinman, Christoph Kneply,§ Simon Eberle, Jacob Riemann, Gerdt Hurrelman, Joh. Peter Ptigner, Carl Ahlborn, Joh. Hen. Christo Runcker, Hans Henry Steedeberger,* J. Henry SeUigman,* Joach Conrad Steinwehn, Johan Peter Dippel, H. Andreas Wigman, Joh. Erich Schneeberg, Johan Georg Laumann, Hans Christoph Engel, Henrich Christoph Diedrich, Johan Jacob Niecke, Joh. Henrich Ziegeler, Joh. Andreas Forster, J. Christoph Leman,* Hans Joachim Meissner, Joh. Gottlieb Wecker, Joh. Urban Kaulitz, Joh. Christoph Mohmeyer, Joh. Theodor Martini, Justus Carl Wil Martini, Joh. WUhelm Rbber, Job. Christian Bachman, Jean Jaque Lapierre, Joh. Andreas Friederichs, Georg Henrich Doieges. 208) Oct 2, 1753. Ship Edinburgh, James Lyon, Captain, from Rotterdam, last fi-om Cowes. Dct. 2, 1753. ©ci&iff Sbinburg^, Sapitoin 3ame8 ?9on, »on SRotterbom iiber Soweg. Joh. Engel Jung, Joh. Conrad Scherer, Joh. Hen. Knodt, Friederich Kbhier, Joh. Georg Christoph Hering, Joh. Henrich Wessing, Joh. Henrich Otto, Joh. Philip Schneider, Friederich Bbmer, Johannes Denig, Johannes Rudrauf, WUhelm Cossler, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 319 PhUip Wagner, Gottfried Krum,* Andreas Gerlach, Urban Scbaddell, Johannes Heyl, Henry Gimper,* Anthon Keusch, Christian Dbtter, J. Henry Cronro, § Anthon Gersterkorn, Friederich Sohrieg, Christian Jauch, Jacob Looss, J. Peter Lehr, J. Jacob Wiesser, Joh. Adam Krum, Michael Hauss, J. George Rosdorff, Joh. WUhelm Buhl, Joh. Georg Stahl, J. Dan. Maunshagen,* Andreas Schnyder, Johannes Aurandt, Joh. George Shwartz,* Johannes Jungst, Adam Klockner, Christophel Hebener, Johannes Renschmit, Daniel Schlappy, Georg Schaffer, J. Peter Meyer,* J. Christian Schmit,* Michael Tasch, Anthon Krim, Johan Schneider, Johannes Fregele, J. Peter Ku-cbhbffer, J. WUhelm Wisser, Joh. WUhelm Hbffer, Jost Henrich Weyerliaussen, Joh. Friederich Schall, Joh. Gottfried Hbhle, Philip Valentin Kurseli, Joh. Solomon Heim, Johan Georg Muller, Johann Peter Baldus, J. George Friedrich Lbser, Andreas Erdman Leinan, Johan Wilhelm ^hl, Joh. WUhelm Steer, Johan Conrad Schneider, Johann Georg Looss, Johan Jacob Katz, Johann Daniel Ruppert, Johann Henrich Kuntz, Johan Henrich Printz, Johan PhUip Gbbel, Johan Jacob Schweitzer, Johan Jacob Hoffman, Johann Georg Schneitier, Joh. Ludwig Schweitzer, Joh. Baltzer Ducker, Joh. Gerlach Born Hutter, Johan Anthonius Hun, Joh. Friederich WeitzeU, Philip Hen. Arndorff, Johan Gerlach Klein, Joh. Gerlach Muttersbach, Joh. Wilhelm Stump, Joh. Henrich^ Steinseiffer, Joh. Georg Kinsel, Joh. Conrad Orndorff, Joh. WUhelm WuUenweber, Johan Georg Waller, Joh. WUhelm Weller, Hieronimus Schneider, Ernst Ludwig Krauss, Johan Henrich Stoltz, Johan Peter Stoltz, Johan Georg Schneider, J. Gerlach Wisser,* F. Conrad Schmit, § 320 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Muller, Johannes Graff, Johau Peter Orndorff, Joh. Henrich Jung, Joh. Jost Schlappig. 209) Oct 3, 1753. Ship Louisa, John Pittcaime, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 3, 1753. ©^iff Souifa, Sopitoin So^n 5>tttcatrnc, ocn Sdotterbom iiber Sowed. Conrad Ktihl, Balthaser Vorbach, Emst Jacoby, Mathias Becker, PhUip Klein, Johann Daeh, Johannes Buhlman, PhiUippus Zech, Johannes Preyss, Christian Weber, Andreas Kratz, Johannes Fuss, Hans Georg Jansy,* Christophel Schbpf, Friederich Heyer, Conrad Rbberling, Johannes Warffer, Joh. Georg Braun, Stephan Riel, J. Henry Wemeyer,* Friederich Durek^ Johannes Mtiller, Philip Lutrich, Henrich Schmidt, Herman Emrich, Johannes Bauman, Peter Tran,* Johannes Leipp, Peter Mauer, Lothering Richan, Henry Fleck, Carl Emrich, § Jacob Henendorff, Philip Brendtle, Benedictus Neidlinger, Johan PhUip Hehnel, Johan Adam Dach, Joh. Georg Hemmersbach, Johan Peter Spielman, Johan Christian Lauer, Joh. Wilhelm Ruck, Georg Wilhelm Hard, , Johan Georg Grub, Johan Peter Stadel, Johann PhUip Innkb,* Johann Carl Vbttel, Johann Albert Maurer, Johan Conrad Strott, Johann Henrich Schmit, Johan Philip Hinnlaub, Georg Adam Mandel, Johan Christian Mandel, Johann Jacob Neiman, Henrich Wilhelm BecW, Johan Christian SchweUer, Johan Peter Grub, Johan PhUip Wachs, Georg L. Gundrum, Hans Michael MiiUer, Hans Cansfluderman, Joh. Georg Hasselbacher, Johan Peter Nickel, Johann Peter Schmick, Philip Friedrich Warth, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1753. 32] Georg Friederich Hoolbbck, Johan Henrich Seeberger, Johan Georg Zenlaub, Johannes Blocher,* MichaBl Pflocher, Andreas Heister, AchiUes Stau, Carl Veny,* Joh. Wilhelm Vblbel,* Joseph Geiger, Friederich ZiUow,* Hans George Priere.* 210) Oct 3, 1753. Ship Eastern Branch, James Nevin, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Dct. 3, 1753. ©(^tff Soflern Sronc^, Sopttoin 3ame3 Steoin bon Sftotterbom uber ^ortdmout^. Johannes Dutt, Johan Brey, J. Martin Fanau,* Sebastian Stauzer, Christoph Curfes, Joh. David Fuss, Conrad Fausser, Christ. MausM, Henrich Leiner, Jacob Schmidt, Sebastian Schaber, Johannes Hopff, Ulrich Stierlein, Johannes Lbbss, Jacob Anthoni, Johannes Lieck,? Peter Bilhinger, Jacob Schneider, Johannes Kirme,* Johan Christian, Ludwig Christian, § Gottlieb Miischlitz, Matheis StoU, Friederich Schaffer, Pete.' Klees, Tobias Wandel, Christoph Wolffe, Wilhelm Decker, Daniel Parisien, Friederich Glasser, Johannes Glasser, Adam Dornberger, Jacob Weininger, Henrich StoUzol, Johan Michael Roller, Johan Friederich Bleich, Johan Martin Feyl, Joh. Andreas Lohrman sen., Joh. Andreas Lohrman, Johan Martin Kielman, Hans Ulrich Stohonen, Hans Michel Ketterer, Georg WUhelm Schlatterer, Christoph Henrich Spiegel, Michel Ludwig Feitter, Georg Philip Feuerstein, Johan Michel Schbneck, Hans Georg Debts, Johann Caspar Hopff, Joh. Henrich Krauss, Johan Georg Fbrg, Johan Jacob Reneb, Joh. PbUip Vogelgesang, Johan Georg Beck, Hans Philip Klein, Johan Lorentz Siegrist, Georg Friederich Taxis, Michael Hbrmann, 322 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johann Michael Brodbeck, Georg Eysemann, Johann Ludwig HeUers, Johannes Dbrflinger, Johan Nicklaus Zeitz, Hans Georg Heintzelman, Philip Daniel Gross, Johannes Bonner, Hans Georg Schenck, Joseph Haanelam,* Casper Kreiter,* Michael Basseler, Conrad Hadt, Andreas Schnabel, Michael Vogel,* Andreas Deg, Joseph Crisby,* Jost Peter, Johan Peter Lorie, Friederich Deeg, Jacob Friederich Schenck, Jacob Schmertzka, Johan Conrad Giessler, Hans Georg Michael, § Johan Conrad Ludwig, Henrich Friederich. 211) Nov. 19, 1753. Ship Friendship, James Seix, Master, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. SfJoo. L9, 1753. ©(^iff gricnbf ^ip, Sopitain 3ameg ©eir, »on ^omburg iiber SoweS. Johann Petz, Gottfried Nebe, Johan Tabel,* George KneeUng,* Christoph Wachter, Valentin Reyling, Johan Volks, Christophel Auhagen, Gottfried Forster,* Gottfried Leman,* Jacob Bramer, Andreas Blbtz, Conrad Hage, Andreas Singneitz, H. Uhich Rossel, Christoph Matthesen, Joachim Dietrich Mohl, Adam Stein, Andreas Gerlach, Lorentz Riischle, Joh. Heinrich Schneider, Joh. Fred. Franciscus Sorsini, Christ. Henrich Lutterman, Joh. Fried. Landgraff, Joh. Henrich Reventlau, F. Michel Lorentz, Conrad Henrich Tbrentz, Johan Andreas Klein, Johan Georg GbrtUer, Johann Christian Zeise, Johan Peter Schmit,* Henry Jacob NoU, Joh. Henrich Comulder, Joh. Henrich Bauermeister, Hen. Christoph Delikamp, Johan Friederich Pelss, Andreas Henrich Lanneger, Johan Hartman Emmel, Joh. Henrich Sammann, Joh. Henrich Paffland. Johan Lorentz Vogel, Sworn sick on board whose names are not in the List AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS^ — 1754. 323 2lls franf an Sorb beeibigt, beren SRomen ober niti^t auf ber Sijie ftnb. 212) Sept. 14, 1754. Ship Nancy, Ewing, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Lorraine, f ®cpt. 14, 1754. ©c^ijf Stone?, Sopitoin Swing, »on 3flotter= bam iiber Soweg. — Sinwo^ner »on Sot^rtngen.t Abram Huguelet, Antoni Hogar, Charles Huguelet, Jeania Quepic, Johannes Adolphf, Peter Rammy,* Simon Keppler, Johannes Seyser, Friederich Kramer, Abram Joray, Johannes Bar,* Abraham Gobat, Frederick Showay,* Peter Smith,* ~ Carl Steiss,* Thomas Bauer, Adam Maine, Michel Haag, Christian CbUy, Christoffel Weiss, Jacob MiUler, Johannes UU, Pierre Vautie, Franc La Mero, Pierre Griene, Abram DuUle, Georg Got, Pierre Dechin, PhUip Hasslinger, PhUip Spannseiler, Wilhelm Bahr,* Frantz Bahr,* Christian Bbss, Caspar Riegel,* Jean Mathiat, Georg Dessloch, Alexandre Guille, Jacob Bauer, Jacob Brautwald, Joh. Georg Steubesant, Mattheus Schendt, Nicklaus Schwartz, Johan Jacob Vbll, Joh. Daniel Meylander, Adam Le Roy, Abram Le Roy, Ludwig Keiner, Abram De Die, f Lorraine, an old province in the Korth-East of France, and since the treaty of peace, at Frankfort, 1871, again became attached to Germany In ancient times this name was applied to the countries of Germany and the Netherlands, northward to the mouth of the Rhine. — (Ed.) + Sotbrtngen, cine alte beutfcbe ^rosinj, norbojilii^ son Srnnfreicb fle= mm unb feit bem Srnnffurter gtteben 1871 Wieber mit Deutf^lanb »er= Iiitnben. 3n niter 3eit wurbe biefer Sftnmc ben Ccinbern 35eutf(blnnb'g unb btr SRieberlanbe beiijelegt, welcbe nBrtlicb »on bet SKiinbung iti fR^eini '""fT— (^ernuggcber.) 324 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Albert Otto Steg, Johan Peter Wedel, Johan Henrich Stentz, Christoph Scharlle,* Hans Michael Conradt, Johann Adam Wagner, Henrich Eisenhuth, Michael Klenck, Joh. Daniel Zimcr,* Joh. Conrad Ziiumer, Johan Jacob Kuntzmann, Johan Dietrich Gohipff, Johan Jost Lap, Jean Pierre Monin sen., Jean Pierre Monin, Johau Jacob WiUer,* Johan Nickel Bauer, Jaque Barberat, David Marchand, Jean Jaque AUemand, Johan Henrich Hausser, Michel Amacher, Valentin Heidenberg, Jean Christoph Pechin, Joh. Gottfried Herring,* Alphonse Louis WUlemin, Abram Rathend, Frantz Philip Weis, J. N. Pechin, Daniel Fischer, Gabriel Seger, Jean Periter,* Johannes Schelling, David Putner,* Jean Periter jr.,* Johan Thomas Bernhard, John Pierre Bellie,* Johannes ShuUobak.* ¦ 213) Sept 14, 1754. Ship Barclay, John Brown, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Alsace and Lorraine. ©ept 14, 1754. ©(i^iff 33orcla9, Sopitain 3o|n Srown, »on SHotterbam iiber Sowea.— Sinwo^^ner son Slfog unb Sot^rtngcn. Georg Voltz, Abram Duton,* Nicklaus Bauer,* Johannes Craus, Daniel Weiss, Ludwig Haas, Nicklas Ash,* Georg Schmit,* David Pfeller, G. Peter Lange,* Jacob Traub, Michael Riieb, Jacob Kraber, Friederich Schenck, Tobias Reisener, Joseph MiUer,* H. Peter Engels,* Ludwig Schuster, Joh;innes Karch,* Matheus Reuchler,* Andreas Kroissel, Martin Hechler,* Michel Eissge, Bastian Rust,* Joseph Sudtner, Nicldaus Ehrhardt, Johannes Kbhier, Michael Hauch, Ludwig Stanger, Georg Nawiss,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 325: Johannes Jungst, Jacob Geissler, Johan Conrath Mock, George Michael Fautzer,* John Adam Pass,* Michael Hostman, Nicolus Steinman,* Jean Pierre Rottei, Joh. Adam Traub,* Georg Peter Bock, Christoph Inpierman, Bernhard Winder, Valentin Zaneichel,* H. George Hechler, Samuel TaUebach,* H. Michael Unangst,* Lorentz Schbnman,* Joh. Friederich HaUer,* Wilhelm Jacob Pack,* PhUipp Kattenmann, Bernhart Mirbach, Christian Hoffbauer, Johan Carl Greiss,* Frantz Ludwig Uehle, Georg Waffunong,* Johann Adam Dbrr, Johannes Schnarrenberger, H, Georg Haffner, Hans Georg Stanch, Michael Komwalther, Bernhart Ochsenbacher, Hans Michael Berr, Johan Martin Unangst, Johan Conrad Ber, Johannes Bahs, Andreas Baum, Gottlieb Nagel, Matheis Schreiner, Johan Backofen, Johan Schrauck, Caspar Ganz, Michael Knecht, Jacob Bbckhle, Martin Schranck, Peter Thum, Frantz Rotham,* Matheas Wagner,* Han Nickel Ktinel, Otto Burgestrass, Michael Stauch jr., Jacob Eichely, PhUip Hentzer, Wilhelm Zetzel, Bernhart Meyer, Christoph Gans, Matheus Alt, Andreas Stauch, Bernhart Rebhuhn, Hans Georg Feyl, Jacob Rathacker, Joh. Jacob Strohmenger, Helfrich Knieriemen, J. Michael Seiffer, Christoph Laichinger, Dewald Braunholtz, Hans Georg Fuchs, Johannes Schuman, Ludwig Bernh. Zwissler, Joh. Christian Jauss, Joh. Nicklaus Martin, Sebastian Muschler, Johan Jacob Rauch, Michael Stauch sen., PhiUp Jacob Griedler, Mattheus Fautz, § Michael OErthler, _ Hans Michael Bleich, Johan Jacob Seitz, Johannes Kleinfeld. 28 326 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 214) Sept. 25, 1754. Ship Adventure, Joseph Jackson, Cap tain, from Hamburg, last from Plymouth. — Inhabitants from Franconia. -j- — 245 passengers. ©ept 25, 1754. ©^iff 3lb»ettture, Sapitoin 3ofep^ Sodfon; Don .^amburg uber ^^mont^. — Sinwo^ner »on gronfen.f— 245 Sfteifenbe. Johann Hartmann, Christian Schaffer, § Johan Georg Dger, Andreas Weiss, Johannes Weiss, Johannes Andriola, Frantz Hautuss, Christian Letzbeyer,* Johannes Veil, Joh. Andreas Hoffner, Joh. Adam Kohlass, John George Shmit,* Hans Peter Rehvan,* Johan Philip Wagner, Johannes Andriola sen., Johan Jacob Weinman, Johan Adam RoUbach, Job. Conrad Spongenberg, Johannes Fritz, Johannes Keim, Balthaser Raab, Johannes Reidiger, Joseph Gasser, Philip Michael, J. Zacharias Stbkel, Herman Massemer, Anthon Lembach,* Christian Nehrlich, Henrich Urich, George Kbhle, J. Jacob Cornelius, Johannes Liebrich, Johannes Didrich, Joh. Jost WiU, Joh. Nickel Bech, Caspar Schreiber, Johannes Ditmar, PhUip Thiringer,* Joh. Georg Shmit,* Johannes Mardersteck, Christian Funck, Johan Eberth, Adolph Ilrbach, J. Friederich Ebnie,* Georg Steinweg, Johannes Rutiger, Georg Steinweg jr.. Christian Gasser, Johan August Straube, Johan Georg GiitseU, Joh. Christoph Diemer, Joh. Dietrich Baltdauss, Johan Christian Eser, Joh. Henrich Neumann, Joh. Michael Weiss, Joh. Henrich Kohrman, Johan Georg Jung, Joh. Daniel Franck, f Franconia, an old duchy, afterwards a circle of the Germanic Em pire, between Upper Saxony and Lower Rhine, Swabia, &c. — (Editor.) t Srnnfen i[l ein altti ©crjoiitbum unb tunr nntbber etn ^tii bed bcut' fcben ditiAjti. (ii licflt jiuifcjien Dbcrfacbfen, bem untereu dH)tin, ©d)i»aben u. f. h).— (§erau«flcber.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 327 J. PhiUp Tamhbffer, Joh. Nicklaus Handt, Joh. Jacob Renneck, Joh. Georg Rausch, Joh. WUhelm Sebaf,? Joh. Matthias MiUler, Joh. Gottfried Nagel, Joh. Henrich Ruppel, Minist. Candit. a Joh. Christoph MiiUer, Johann Jost Heck, Johan Jacob Riihlein, Job. Martin Gardert, Joh. Frid. Ermetraud, Joh. Martin Matterstek,* Johan Conrath Con, ? Joh. Leonard Rohrmann, Math. Andonius Rutiger, Nicklaus Gorshbotte.* 215) Sept 30, 1754. Ship Richard and Mary, John Moore, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from the dukedom of Wirtemberg, — six Roman CathoUcs. — 230 pas sengers. ©ept 30, 1754. ©i^ijf m^axt) unb SJlar?, Sopitoin 3o:^n SKoore, oon Slotterbom iiber Soweg. — Sinwo^ner com §erjog= t|um SBitrttemberg,— fec^g 3flomif^=^at^oli[^e.— 230 Steifenbe. Michael Fischer, Conrad Fischer, Caspar Kust, Hans Casper Geyer, Michael Staiger, Johannes Schnerenberger, Andreas Zinckh, Jacob Zinckh, Christoph Zinckh, Gottlieb Tuche,? Jacob Saltzer, David Kohl, Michel Wolff, Jacob Adam, Jacob Wolff, Ludwig Strobel, Johannes Bother, Adam Knoblig,* George Heisel, Georg Heisel jr., Martin Schmidt, Henrich Kost, Jacob Blessing, Friederich Deiler, Friederich Burr,* Jacob Marier, Johannes Wetzel, Casper Hincke, Jacob Steudtle, Jacob Busch, Wolfgang Ulmer, David Wolff, Christoph Walters, Jacob Zuch, Jacob Ramsberger, Christian Zinck, ffl Joh. Gottfried Nagel i.s written in a very hold Latin script. — (Ed.) a 3ob. ®ottfrtcb Stagel t|l in febr beutltiber lateintfcber (S(|rift gef^irie- kn.— Ciierauggeber.) 328 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Michael Wolff, Johannes Hohl, Georg Hohl, Johannes Lauer, Georg Grau, Daniel Stumpp, Johannes Schlotz, Valentin Leman,* Herman Fonnedus, Henrich Kagele,? Johannes Schauer, Chiistian Kramer, Jacob Schnerenberger, Johannes Giirthner, Michael Libelt, Hans Martin Muller, Johan Michael Strobel, Michael Welthe, Jacob Welthe, Ludwig Miissi, Johannes Schiessle, Hans Georg Bether, Hans Georg Welte, Hans Georg Meyer,* Jacob Adam Wendel, — Michael Herman, Christoph Fleisser, Georg Fried. Dockesladel, ? Johannes Maohler, Hans Martin Schaffer, Johan Georg Busch, Jean Jac. Foulquier, Joh. Michael Mbssinger, Daniel Blumenschein, Ludwig Zimmermann, Anthonius Schmidt, Joseph Feinriir, Joh. Christoph Beyrle, Mattheis Suss, Hans Georg Ramsberger, Wolfgang Wolff, Georg Friederich Dietz, Johan Caspar Dietz, Georg Adam EngeU, Hans Georg Meyer,* John Martin Alisch, Hans Georg Heidle sen., Hans Georg Heidle, Hans Georg Rbssel, Hans Friedrich Klinger, Georg Ludwig Kraft, Ludwig WUhelm Heller, Friederich Reninger, Johannes Bernhai-d. 216) Sept 30, 1754. Ship Brothers, WiUiam Muh, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from the Palatinate and' Mentz, — seven Roman CathoUcs, twenty-seven Mennonites. — 251 passengers. ©ept 30, 1754. ©t^iff 33rotI)erg, Sopitoin aBtlltam SKuir, BOrt 9lotterbam itber Soweg. — Sinwo^ner ber 55foIj unb son SDloinj,— fteben 3fJbmif(^=^at^oUf^e, (ieben unb jwansig 9JiennO' ntten. — 251 ^Jojfogtere. Job. Georg Kol, Conrad Wagner, Johannes MiUer,* Daniel Sander, Joh. Peter Hahn, Conrad Mercky, Johannes AUer, Johannes Klein, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 329 Henry Weidman, Jacob Bernhard, Wilhehn Staut,* Job. Ansthoch, J. Georg Lucker, Carl Heinrich, Jacob Kauffman, Johannes Schadel, Michael Rasch, Jacob Huber, Henrich Graff, Valentin Noldt, Jacob Shable,* Johannes Kiiny, Johannes Forrer, Jacob Rrub'acher, Johannes Schbri, Peter Weitzel, Anthony Weitzel, Stephan Weber, Frantz Burghart, Joseph Zieff, Jacob Pfister, Daniel Ott, Valentin Urlettig, Hans Georg Krauss, Frederick Andreas, David Hemgerberer, Christophel Volckrath, Johannes Bartel Misihni, Johan Georg Humbert, PhUip Jacob Spath, Georg Christoph Dauber, Johan Conrad Schmidt, Johan Diehl Kleinman, Johan Balthas Schmidt, Johann Tiel Werss, Johann Peters Werss, Hans Jacob Geist, Johann Georg Spies, Johan Nicolaus Stimmel, Joh. Lud. Ernst SchUler, Abraham MeUinger, Johannes Herschberger, Johannes Eicher, Georg Michael Schultz, Abraham Hackman, Joh. Jacob Brubacher, Michael Burghart, Georg Ludwig Meittinger. Johan Christian Trump, Hans Georg Zieff,* Friederich Beher, Augustus Schaad, Heinrich Zumbrun, Christian Wolst,* Johannes Ritschart, Hans Miildaler, Joh. Wolfgang Mbhring, Balthas Reiner, Christian Eicher, Abraham Bleistein, Johann Georg Diemes, Johan Valentin Webel, Hans Jacob Schaffner, Joh. Christian Wittmer, Joseph Lemann, Jacob DettwUler, Martin Herman, Adam Kuntzel, Philip Metzger, Johannes Frey, Jacob Becker, Peter Frey, Wendel GUbert, Johannes Seithss, Phihp As, Caspar Knag, Johan Jacob Wittmer, Christian Huber, Johannes Muller, Abraham Strickler, 28* 330 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Oswald Andreas, Leonhart Krumbein, Johann Georg Becker, Hans Mich. Koppenh'affer, WUhelm Eschelman, Henrich Heistandt, Joseph Bubickofer, Johannes Kantz. 217) Sept 30, 1754. Ship Edinburgh, James Russel, Mas ter, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from the Palatinate and Wirtemberg, — five Roman Catholics, and one Mennonite. ©ept. 30, 1754. ©^iff Sbtnburg:^, Sopitoin 3omeg Slujfel, »on Siotterbam iiber Soweg. — Sinwol^ner. ber ^folj unb SBiirb= tembcrg'g,— fiinf 3flbmif(^=^at^olif(i^e unb ein 91lennonite. Jacob Schlotter, Henrich Weil, Herman Gerlach, Georg HUt, Johannes Hirsch, Philippus Spetzius, Christophel Gtihtt, Melchior Schimpf, Paulus Lbshorn, Herman Summer,* George Wessig,* Anthon Petry, Andreas Wegel, Ludwig Rahm, Casper Zahn, ' Andreas Dein, _ Philip Besteres, Johannes Bott, Johannes Lincker, Jatjob Ludwig, Andreas Hubner, Rudolph Drack, George Lohr, Friederich Wilhelm Frich, Georg Eberhart Miihl, Johan Henrich Pfeiffer, , Johan Conrad Schappler, Johan Henrich Blecker, Johan Georg WUhelmi, Johan Peter Walschner, Johannes Matthaus, Bernhard Matthaus jr., Bernhard Matthaus, Georg Henry Rahm, Conrad Wiichart, Johannes Ludwig, Conrad Ludwig,* J. Jost Bingeman, Friederich Schimpf, Daniel Vetzberger, Heinrich Walther, J. Henry Langsdorff, Engelhard Ludwig, Ludwig Winckler, Joh. Jacob Schmess, Balthaser Faulstick, Casper Erb, Johannes Haubt, Peter Hecht, Conrad Lohr, PhUip Ludwig, Johannes Huber, Conrad Bauer, Conrath Enders, Johannes Weber, Georg Kopp, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 331 Adam Strehm, Valtin Beltzer, Henrich Huey, Casper Weber, Jacob Kem, Matheus Kem, Michael Wentz, Christoph Essig, Peter Paul, Adam Maurer, Johann Henle, Michael Georg, Conrad Grim, Johannes Grim, Conrad PhUips, Georg Grim, Peter Kiel, Conrad Mieser, - Werner Tickel, Peter lickel, Hans Dome, Jacob Giebel, Georg Diel, Ernst Menge, Peter Pigger,* Eeinhart Weiss, Conrad Geysel,* Herman Geysel,* George Sorge, Jacol) Hoffman, George Bbrstler, Jacob Fondenie, Samuel Haubt, Joh. Nickel Haubt, Jacob Hammerstein, Valentin Ulrich, Eberhard Diehl, Henrich WencUer, Henrich Gebhart, Peter Weissman, Joh. Daniel Krug, Adam Bbchteldt, Joh. Henrich Strehm, Heinrich Hock, Anthoni Hecht, Johan Georg Weitzell, Christoph Rebele, Georg Henrich Haas, Anthon MerckeU, - Johann Chrunz,? Joh. Conrad Schneider, Andreas Krauthamel,* Joh. Sebastian Fritz, Joh. Dan. Langsdorff, Joh. Conrad Langsdorff^ Friederich HUdebrand, Herman Matheus, Johannes Bender, Joh. Conrad Bender, Conrad Schneider, Johannes Rupp, Johannes Kemmerer,? Heinrich Lupp, Peter Derdler, Johannes Menge, Lorentz Albahn, Gerhardt AUbahn, Jacob Hellebrich, Christoph Hellebrich, Johannes Geisel, Hans Conrad Diehl, Frank Baltzer Schalter, Johannes Knaab, Joseph Nadtheimer, Michael Kunstler, Georg Renner, Jacob Renner, Henrich Herter, Johannes Becker, Casper Becker, Henry Stecker, Jacob Renner jr.. 332 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Hans Michael Esper,* Johannes Schmeh, Georg Gottfried Vblcker, Hans Georg Kroh.* Christian MerckeU, Side — Philip Sommer, PhUip Riess, Philip Tauberman, Georg Metzger, Jacob Rehble, Johannes Kopping, Henrich Peterson, Casper Ziegler, Georg HoU, Mathias Ludwig. 218) Sept 30, 1754. Ship Neptune, Ware,' Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Darmstadt and Zweibriicken, — four Roman Catholics. ©ept 30, 1754. ©t^tff Sfleptune, Sopitoin 2Dare, oon 3tot» tcrbom iiber Soweg. — Sewo^ner oon 3!)armflabt unb Swet^ brii(fen,'^»ier Sfl6mifc^=^ot:^olifc^e. George Meyer,* Jacob Bersding, Mathias Heiner, Andreas Bingel, Gottfried Gebhard, Georg Boltz, Johannes Rebe, Friedrich Schneider, Georg Hoffman, Daniel Stegner, Johannes Hoch, Henry Klein, PhUip WUt, V. Briicker, Jacob Weynant, Friederich Preis,* Jacob Weynant jr., Johannes Schober, PhiUippus Frey, Christian Rietz, PhUip "WUd, Georg Hechler, Benedictus Forster,* Henry Schaffer, Valentin Dalick, Christoph Speck, Joh. Georg Decher, Geo. Mich. Vitzthum, Georg Michel Lbhr, Joh. Henrich Brumbach, Joh. Henrich Kurcht, Joh. Adam Michael, Johann Peter Decher, Johannes Schuman, Joh. Georg Traxel, Joh. Thomas Bisshantz, Georg Jacob Haussman, Johann Carl Hermsdorff, Hans Adam Beckenhaub, Johan Bernhard Meek, Johan Adam Edelman, Joh. Nicklaus Hauer, PhU. Friedrich Wringer, Hans Adam Bleier, Joh. Paul Geroberling, Hans Nickel Ensminger, Joh. Carl Gemberhng, Aug. Sigfi-ied Eichler, Eberhart Kriechbaum, PhUip Jacob Fbsig, Joh. Henrich Schneider, J. Adam Angold, Philip Dietrich, Peter Rubel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 333 Conrad Wagner, Valentin Clementz, Christian Hoch, Hemrich Cappis, Johannes Bbckel, Jeremias Herbel,* George Weyman, Jacob Graulich, Henry Shneyder,* Christian Baiier, Peter Stbtzel, Michael Miller,* Friederich Betz, Christian Andreas, Henrich Holtzhausser, Friederich Betz, Conrath Nie, Henrich Hann, Johannes Schmitt, Johannes Lentz, Frederick Brand, Andreas Riehl, Jacob Becker, Jacob Schoff, Peter Step,* Ludwig Herring, I Daniel Schrein, • Conradt Wirl, Reinhart Stein, David MUler,* Peter Shamar,* , Johannes Keyser, Wilhelm Grauss, Johannes Volck, Henry Hain,* Burchart Shneyder,* PhUip Lang, Peter HUliger, Arnold Becker, Philip Becker, Georg Reiger, J. Henry Shneider,* Joh. Christian Wissbach, Joh. Georg Grundloch, J. Jost Stuberiing,* Johannes Kleinbehl, Johan Philip Nold, Joh. PhUip Kolb, Joh. Bernhart Wolff, Joh. PhUip Bresel, Joh. Georg Mentz, J. Adam Thomas, J. Peter Schrot, Daniel Hoffman, Johannes Bartenbach, Balthaser Bergmann, Joh. Michael Schrot, J. Jacob Zimmerman, G. Michael Andreas, Johan Henrich Hauff, Abraham Holtzhausser, Adam HbUerman, Johannes Keller, Johan Peter Haun, Johan Christian Haun, Joh. Nicklaus Eitenmiiller, Johannes Herman, Joh. Peter Scheuerman, Reinhold Seheretz, Joh. Conrad Meiger, Joh. Georg Kribel, Joh. PhUip Dietz, J. Jacob Dorsham,* Johann Georg Gack, Valentin Gbsper, . . John WUliam Kurtz, v^ ^ Johan Peter Denger, Ludwig Gach, Martin Neimiger, Joh. Henrich Grantz, Johan Michael Rapp, Johannes Krayly,* Johan Just Gack, Conrad Scherrer. 334 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 219) Oct 1, 1754. Ship Phoenix, John Spurrier, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Franconia, the Palatinate and Zweibriicken,- — seventeen Roman Catholics, twenty-five Mennonites. — 554 passengers. Dct 1, 1754. ©c^tff 9)^6nir, Sopitain 3obn ©purrier, »on SRotterbom iiber Soweg. — Stnwobner gronfen'g, ber ^Jfalj unb 3weibrucEen'g, — ftebenjel^n 9tbmif(^='^at^oltfc^e, fiinf unb 3»an= jig ajlennonitcn..— 554 gjopgicre. Johannes Jung, Jacob Schneider, Ludwig Gbttgen, Abraham Stein, Peter Streier, Peter Henriohs, PhUip Wesger, Hans Reisch, Ulrich Fesel, Johannes Alberth, Johannes Gebhart, Johannes Sauer, Johannes Andreas, Peter Muller, Lorentz Alberth, Daniel Doss,? Hans Kisecker, Johannes Beck, Andreas Hath, Andreas Fertig, Johannes Hilbert, Johannes Schaffer, Lenhardt Ott, Henrich Ott," Adam Gieg, Michael Bertrie, Matheus Stumpf, Adam Miller,* Georg Schaffer, Peter Schaffer, Adam Dihm, Peter Heiges, Heinrich Dann, Caspar Jost, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Gerberich, Valtin Hbmer, Carl Henrich Werckhausser, Johan Nickel Dibs, Johannes Henrichs, Jost Schbnauer, Michael Plotter, Lorentz Mangel, Burckhardt Kiich, Marcus Weidinger, Frantz Weidinger, Hieronimus Griinewald, Hans Adam Sauer, Hans Michael Sauer, J. Michael Teubel,* J. George Ruttenwalder,* Joh. Lenhart Binzel, Joh. Bernhard Bob, John Georg Bob, J. Henry tjnckelbach,* Christoffel Sebum, Andreas Schwartz, G. PhUip Epsenbaar, Hieronimus Gieg, Jean Jaque Aiquel, Jean Pierre Zoisin, Johannes Hartman, Nicolaus Bindder, Casper Oberdorff, Hans Senffbeber, Andreas Briischlein, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754 335 Thomas Dihm, Hans Adam Dihm, Thomas Biemmer, Melchior Weppert, Johan Georg Katz, Andreas Cunckel, Peter Cunckel, Joh. Heinrich MiiUer, Martin Sentiner, Johannes Gabel, Heinrich Haag, Michael Seitner, Dietrich Gerhart, Balthas HoU, Lorentz Riites, Matheis Reinhart, Conrad Kern, Lorentz Cramer, Johannes Hertz, Martin Shreyer,* Valentin Keyser, Peter Thomass, Ludwig Cuntz,- Michael Kriihl, Hartman Haas, Matheas Pop, Andreas Ferdig, Johannes Geyman, Simon Bechler,* Johannes Beyl,* Andreas Grab,* Philip Wagner, Jacob Fries, Frederick Christian, Daniel Ditloh, Peter Guth, Ludwig Schott, Peter Ney, Georg Rau, Dietrich Weiris, Wilhelm Weiss, Peter Rohrbach, WUhelm Alberth, Andreas Htiter, Wendel Kremer, Daniel Schmidt, Johannes Schmidt, Nickel Neuman, Reinhart Wolff, Nicklaus Schindtelman, Joh. Philip Schindtelman, Balthaser Rabanus, Abraham le Roy, Baltzer Schneider, Lorentz Sandmann, Henrich Messerschmidt, Joh. Nicklaus Armhiener, Georg Philip Diehl, Johann Helffer Cramer, Johan Peter Fischer, Rernhart Thomass, Wilhelm Metzger, Johan Jacob Holder, J. Nicklas Gerhart, PhUip Adam Paulus, Jacob Schneider, Philipp Schuch, Johannes Schneider, Hen. August Grimier, Joseph Reinhard, Jacob Bernhart, J. WUhelm Zwib,* Johann Jacob Angst, PhU. Friederich Schaffer, Bernhart Franckfurter, Nicklas Lehmer, Joh. Henrich Sackss, Johann Lehmer, Hans Peter Schott, Johannes Kauffman jr., Johannes Kauffman, 336 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Abraham Edinger, Adam Heinbach, Johan Georg Gerlach, Thomas Hunsicker, Daniel Hunsicker, Joh. Adam Batziuss, Joh. Daniel PfeU, Joh. Albrecht Stimmel, Johan Peter Stimmel, Michael Dietrich, Jacob Herman, Peter Dbrrnis,* Jacob Miller,* Adam Schmit,* Henry Shedle,* Henry Hather,* Peter Biehl, Daniel Biehl, Georg Friess, PhUip Hess,? Adam Muller, Christian Koch, Johannes Zinn, Ludwig Wird,* Conrad Dewa,* Friederich MUler,* Johannes Veithj Peter Dick, Nicklas Paul, Elias Jentes,* Henry Gielman,* Daniel Fuhrer; Peter ..Eshelman,* Hans Jantz, Joseph Wanger, Ulrich Engel, Frantz Zechler, Ulrich Richty, Hans Schwartz, Hans Schiitz,* Christoph Pantzly,* Peter Balzey, Christoph Widerich,* Peter Schwartz, Christian Schwartz, Nicklaus Moser, Georg Hartwieg, Lorentz Enders, Christoffel Muller, Friederich Herman, Johan Georg Tinius, Joh. Henrich Schmitt, David Schroder, Jacob Rathebach, J. Nicklas Lorentz, Gerhart Martins, Johann Michael Saner, Georg Magnus Conrad, Wendel Wendeling, J. Lenhart Burchart, Matthias Muller, Jacob Theissinger, Chrisrian Brengel, Jacob Brengel, . Jacob Bussing,* Christian Conrad, WUhelm Becker, Christian Brachtbiil, Christian Fuhrer, Nicklaus Schantz, Hans .^schliman, Jost Neuenschwander, Hans Uelireist, Ulrich Burckhalter, Hans Jacob Moser, Hans Burckhalter, Christian Burckhalter, Sebastian Neuenschwander Ulerich Newcomer,* Christian Geimmer, Christian Geimmer jr., Abraham Brechbuhler, Christian Newcomer,* Christian Helhoff,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. Bartholomais Beringer. 337 220) Oct 16, 1754. Ship Peggy, James Abercrombie, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from the Palatinate and Wirtemberg, — ten Roman CathoUcs. Dct. 16, 1754. ©t^iff 5)E99b, Sapitotn 3omeg Slbercrombie, son SRottcrbom uber Soweg. — Sinwo:^ner ber 9)falj unb 2Burt= temberg'g, — jel^n Stomift^^^at^olifc^e. Marcus Weckfort, Henrich Hust, Frantz Stichhng, Wendel Warner, Ferdinand Frantz, Jacob Freyberger, Peter Gebel, Andreas Bonjour, Jacob Shutt,* Georg Kbhl, Henry Rubrecht, Bernhart Egel, Jacob Frey, Abraham Trestel, Peter Wudo, Johannes Luppoldt, Hans Luppoldt, MatheusZenaldt,Friederich Koch, Johannes Hasser, Matthaus Die, Friederich Hausebl, Andreas Heckenleib, Michael Koster, Johann Daniel, Johannes Hummel, Joseph Doger, John Shuster,* Stephan Kraus, Johannes Wersum, Martin Haas, Johannes Class, Michael Krebs, Johannes Ricker, Jacob Thum, Hans Glee,? Johannes Meyer, Johannes Meyer, Michael Klein, Hans Schiile, Michael KbUer, John Carl Krumholtz, Antony Kettinger, Balthasar Wisser,* Christ Henrich Fiedler, Georg Adam Dnrstler, Hans Michael Shmit,* Hans Philip Flachs, Jacob Friederich Mayer, Johan Valentin Meyer,* Daniel Hingerer, Hans Georg Krajis, Georg Schweiger, Michael Schenck, H. George West,* Hans Martin Tram, Hans Georg Tram, Ludw. Fried. Freisinger, Hans Georg Armbrtister, . Joh. Adam Schnelleberger, Jacob Hikenleibly,* Matthias Wassemiann, 29 338 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Hans Georg Zinn, Jacob Henrich Pluhan, Georg Henrich Bauer, J. Johannes Herrmann, Johan Friederich Linck, Hans Michael Dies, Joh. Conrad Mbschler, H. Michael Hupbisch, John George Braucher, Henrich Ludwig Worn, . Hans Georg Ratze, Johannes Schumacher, Johannes Biecheler, Michael Wuster, Johannes Walckher, Lorentz Martin Scherer, ? Michael Rossnagcl, Christian Reck sen., Georg Nickel Reck, Christian Reck jr., Hans Meyer,* Martin Marekel,* Johannes Vaubel,* Johannes Butz, Wilhelm Reichly,* Adam Grund,* Christoph Gress, Johan Adam Pfisterer, Georg Adam Grombeer, Johann Peter Schlemb, Johann Georg Kress, Hans Georg Schiettinger, Georg Peter Kochendbrffer, Jacob Andreas Sprecher. Sick — Georg Weber, Johan Friederich Hauser, Melchior Jordan, Anthon Wallbeyer, Jacob Graaf, Johan Georg Kreyer, Michael Tietz, Jacob Eberhart. 221) Oct 21, 1754. Ship Friendship, Charies Ross, Cap tain, from Amsterdam, last from Gosport, England. — Inhabitants from Franconia and Hesse, — seven Roman Catholics. Dct 21, 1754. ©c^tff grienbf^ip, Sopitain S^orleg 9lo^, Don Slmflerbom uber ©ogport, Snglonb. — Stnwo^ner son grfln= fen unb beffen, — fteben 9iomtf^=^atl^olifc^e. Gabriel Reber, Johannes ZeUer, Joseph Weissert, Albrecht MUler,* Martin Shnyder,* •Jacob Feiner,* , Gregorius Grim, Deis Dersch, Andreas Bommer, Johannes Manckell,. Henrich Steller, Johannes Koch, Johannes Schmitt, Philip Schweiger,* Jacob Stahl, Conrath Spenner, Lorentz Althart, Johannes Immel, Christoph Stedtler, Moritz Gbbel, Georg Steiner, J. Friederich Korn, Johannes Harff, Johannes Freyling, Johannes Wihrrem, Henrich Reyel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 339 Adam Neubeck,? Joh. Christoph Lang, Johannes Shellenberger,* Joh. PhUip Schbberger, Johan Georg Weissert, Johann Jost Berger, J. Henry Cautz,* Johann Wedelscheider, Reinhard Werkheiser, Johan Peter Hasbach, Joh. Dietrich Kalckb'renner, John George Shmit,* John Michael Hoch, Johan Georg Hen, Johan Casper Freyberg, Johann Georg Stahl, Johann Michael Stahl, Joh. Balthaser Harff, Johan Henrich Euhricheim, Johan Henrich Schmidt, Johan WUhelm Mohr, Johan Jacob Mohr, Henrich WUhelm MiiUer, Georg Friederich Auger, Joh. WUhelm Becker, Joh. Marcus Weylthbffer, Johannes StrauU, Johannes Reuber, Balthaser Stittz, Christian Diehl, Martin Bender, Cari Wender, Johannes Miiller, Jacob Fries, Philip Seybolt, Anthon Russ, Nicklas Rab, Johannes Vogt, Georg Kriig,* Bernhart Spesser, Reinhart Schmitt, Johannes Ammon, Conrad Schmitt, Peter Klein, Balser Saltzer, Johannes Kick, Peter Stein, Peter Buss, Johannes Buss, PhUip Luar,* Anthon Dauber, Johannes Nold, Henrich Scherr, Johannes Mebiir, Georg Pott,* Mattheus Diehl, Johan PhiUp Schreidt, Johan Jacob Laux, Johannes Seybolt, Nicolaus Heister, Joh. WUbelm Bender sen., Johan PhUip Bender, Konrad Freitenberger, Joh. Henrich Rathschlag, Joh. Michael Reinhart, Wil. Henrich Lautenber, Johan Conrad Krug, Matheus Achenbach, Herman Wetzler, Reinhard Kuntz, Johannes Riell, ¦ Conrath Langsdorff, Arnold Dannhbffer, Johann Peter Bernhardt, Heinrich Esch, Johannes Weber, Johannes Schaffstall, Joh. Daniel Biishart, Johannes Danneheim, Johan Georg Meyreiss, Johan Henrich Vos, Johann Georg Vos, 340 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Joh. Henrich Scheid, Johan Ludwig Bernhart, Henrich Peter Kbllmer, Johan Christian Schmidt. Sick — Friederich Stein, Johannes Mtiller, Michael Dinges. 222) Oct. 21, 1754. Ship Bannister, John Doyle, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Wirtem berg, Westphalia and the Palatinate,^four Roman Catholics. Dct 21, 1754. ©t^iffSanntfter, Sapitoin 3o^n ©oi^le, Don 91otterbom iiber Soweg. — Sinwo^ner son SBiirttembcrg, SJefl* p'^olen unb ber ^Jfolj, — oier iRbmifc^^^at^olifd^e. Jacob Hbrman, Bastian Wittmer, George Wittmer, Andreas Eberharth, Hans Michael MUler,* Johan Peter Rademacher, Joh. Conrad Jauch, Matheis Heinlein, Johannes Kintsch, Konrath Weber, Johannes Geisler, Joseph Cormet,* Martin Torward,* Martin Torward jr.,* Jaques Talmon, Jaques Caral, Jaques Caral, Simon Ege,* Adam Ege, Balthes Muller, Christoph Diger,* Georg Wirst, Peter Butz, PhUip Modi,* Johannes Weber, Johannes Benner, Joh. Peter Kebler,* Matthias Buchman, Valentin Jager,* Joh. Jacob Wolff, Joh. Peter Wolff, Abraham Gehr, Adam Mirtorum,* Conrad Kemp,* Johannes Delp, Peter Meister,* Ludwig Lang, Elias Hartmann, J. Peter Weber,* Johannes Weber,* Leonhart Weber,* Conrad GUdner,* Jacob Ludwig Beimling, Georg Reissdorff, Joh. David Krauss, Christoph Soharfrichter, Friederich Schiebel, Alexander Finck,* G. Daniel UhU,* Hans Mich. Buhlheim, Hans Georg Ruass, Hans Jacob Ruass, Johannes Laucher, Joh. Michael Schickel, PhUippe Roucbon, Johan Valentin Keller, S. Bastian Geyer,* Phylippe Sarijons, Hans Georg Dblcker, Johan Jacob Weber, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 341 Johan Georg Jager, Joh. Nicolaus Derscher, Nicklaus Baserman, William Leeb,* J. Henry Ashman,* Joh. Conrad Georg, Joh. Jacob Modi,* Joh. Georg Hofman, Joh. Burchart Hausser, Johan Nickel Mick, Christoffel Miiller, Johan Henrich Muller, Georg Warthmann, Wenzel Bolteschwag, Johan Adam Gebhart, Johan Peter Emrich. Sick — Johan Christoph Borell, Johannes Bernhard Wench, Johannes Fiedler, Jacob Kress, Pierre Tolman. 223) Oct. 22, 1754. Ship Henrietta, John Ross, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Franconia, Wirtemberg and Hesse, — three Roman Catholics. Dct 22, 1754. ©d^tff ^enrictto, Sapitoin 3o|n SRof, Don SRotterbom uber Soweg. — Stnwo^^ner Don granfen, SBiirttemberg unb ^cffen,— brei SfliJmif(;^=^at|)olif(^e. Johannes Keipp, Christian Schwartzwelder, Jacob Seyboldt, Peter Dietrich, Georg Stbhr, Jacob Knbdler, Noah Hagy,* Simon Pier,* P. Henry Pier,* Philip Badert,* Jacob Volmer,* Hartman Rausch,* Friederich Haysner, Jacob Haysner,* Peter Stroh, Philip Grass, Simon Higdal, Conrad Bohl, David Ernstmeyer, Simon Leible, Johannes Karch, Balthas Thuringer, Christoph Sauther, Georg Vetter, Georg Franck, Elias Tomm,* Michael Tomm,* Albertus Roosin, Peter Franck, Jeremias Eckert, Ludwig Zucker, Michael Kohr, Joseph Schmidt, Johannes Koch, Jacob CEhler, Jacob Sehner, Johan Christoph Preiss, Jaobb Kaltmiller,* Joh. Bernhard Ressing, Johan Reinhard Steiner, Johan Daniel Pier, Johan Georg Reith, Jacob Scbiefferdecker,* Johan Georg Herbst, Georg Adam Klee, Hans Mich. Scheer, 29* 342 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Joh. Henrich Schwalbach, Joh. Caspar Stropp, Johan Georg Bader, Joh. Anthon Graff, Joh. Georg Neuman,* Georg Henrich Beck, Johan Michael Peter, Johannes Rothenbiirger, Johan Georg Schneider, Job. Georg Franck, Conrad Schlemmer, Johan Adam Rohlandt, Albrecht Schweinfarth,* Johannes Reinhart, Joh. Wolrath Kruger, Johan Georg Heiges, Georg Friederich Stubert, Joh. Henrich Gunther, Bernhard Speck, Johan Philip Beuerle, Hans Jacob Mayer, Johan Georg Ihle, Gottfried Ludwig.* 224) Oct. 22, 1754. Ship Halifax, Thomas Coatam, Captain^ from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Wirtem berg, Hesse, Franconia and the Palatinate, — ten Roman Catholics. Dct. 22, 1754. ©(i^tff ^olifoj;, Sopttoin S^omog Soatam, Don Slotterbom uber Soweg. — Sewo^ncr Don SBiirttemberg, |)effen, gronfen unb ber 5)fal3,-r-3e:^n 3i6mif^=^at^olif(i^e. Johann Haas, Johann Fbrch, Hans Georg Merling, Johan Georg Best, Michael Schneck, Leonhard Schmith, Bongre Nietzel,* .Bastian Geringer,* Henry Heinnisch,* Albrecht Rabenstein, Anthoni Sultzer, Andreas Schober, Johan Gunderbusch,* Johann Reckert, Conrad Bucbler, Hans OberzeUer,* Bernhard Kreith, Anthony Gruber,* Lorentz Senkeler,* Michael Klein, Johannes Geiger, Elias Gordan, Jacob Darm, Georg Richter,* Gustavus Reeb, Jacob Strach, Johann Ihle, Jacob Grassel,* Adam Breck, Henrich Heiss, Nicolaus Felix, Andreas Frantz, Anthony Dirner, Conrath Casper, Peter Zegels, Jacob Wolfinger, Jacob Weis, David Blanck,* Jacob Stegman,* Martin Ran-,* Henrich Wereni, Anthony Braun, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 343 Michael Poobagh,* Johannes Hoch, Martin BrieU, Johannes Schwab, Joh. Michael Kleinschrot, Peter Matheis Ganshon, Joh. Georg Getinbaur,? Hans Georg Oberholtzer, Joh. PhiUp Hofinann, Joh. Wolfgang Dietrich, Joh. Michael Tristers, Joh; Michael Abelman, Joh. Michael Kauffman, Hans Adam Schmidt, H. Friederich Schmit,* Johan Caspar Wahl, Johan Georg Riess, Johan Michael von Berg, Paulus Fussweg, H. Thomas Schlosser,* Hans Georg Ihle, Johan Jacob Roth, Johan Nickel Wetterhardt J. Jacob Wetherholt,* Hans Adam Haner,* Joh. Henry Amrein,* Hans .Jacob Ferre,? "^ Joh. Fried. Albrecht Biirckert, Johan Simon Schelberger, Joh. Leonhard Ilgenfritz, Johan Adam Ewa, Valentin Weebehandt, Johan Daniel Heck, Johan Christian Guth, Johan Dietrich Brecht, Hans Michael Swenk,* Christophel Heil, Johannes Bachman, Johan Jost Koch, Joh. Henrich Briehll, Hans Martin Schierob, Hans Jacob Dirner,* Johan Georg Maull,* Joh. Bernhart WiUer, PhUip Gresel, Jacob Lang,* Martin Pfeiffer, Hans Georg Schutz,* Jacob Hanengrath, Joh. Lenhart Kochendbrffer, Hans Michael Dussin°;. Johann Michael Koch, Martin Dorsehbeimer, Sick — Martin Volckmeyer, Johan Michael, Matheis Tar, Nicolaus Remberger, Andreas Schopp, Nicolaus Geringer, Johan Henrich Haas, Johan Albrecht Henrich. 225) Oct 23, 1754. Snow Good Intent, John Lasly, Cap tam, from Amsterdam, last from Gosport — Inhabitants from Hesse, Hanau, the Palatinate, and a few from Switzerland, — seven Roman CathoUcs. Dct 23, 1754. ©cefc^tff ®oob 3ntent, Sapitain 3o^n iail^, »on Slmflerbom fiber ®ogport— Sewo^ner Don beffen, ^anou, berffolj unb einige oug ber ©c^wcij, — [teben 3(l6mifc^=^at:^oli[(^e. Friederich Holtzappel,* Conrad Heyser,* Johannes Linck,* Johannes Heyser,* 344 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Jost Marthin, Johannes Ortt,* Casper Schwing, Paulus Fabin, Johan FUlibich, Andreas Zwanzger, G. Friederich Klein, Andreas Schaffer, Peter Staub,* Matheas Staub, Christian Meyer,* Conrath Aumiiller, Johannes AumiiUer, Johannes Bock,* Johannes Lang,* Johannes Vogel, Conrad Loray,* Anthon ZoUmann, Johannes Gliick, Christoph Kopp,* Friederich Deussinger, Mich. Leinberger,* Mich. Rehbock,* ^ Nicklas TiUman,* Frantz Peter Schultz, , Marcus Anthon Schultz,* Joh. Nicolaus Hoffmann, Joh. Bernhart Heckardt, Johannes Wohlemder, Ludwig Hen. Krutter, Johan Georg Gbss, Johan Christoph Lang, Joh. Bernhart Rost, Joh. WUhelm Weiss, Joh. Jacob Schaffer, Johan Wilhelm Lieber, John Valentin Henkel,* Sick — Frantz Jacob MiUer, Sommer. John Peter Lob,* Johan Georg Hoff, John Jost Meyer,* Joh. Peter Bleichenbacher, Georg Friederich Walber, Joh. Caspar Loray, Georg Henrich Vogel, Joh. Wilhelm Christian, Joh. WUhelm Becker, Johan Adam ZoUmann, Joh. Henrich Schwartzel, Johann Teitzwortzer, Johann Teitzwortzer jr., Joh. Philip Kluck, Joh. Georg Hinckel,* Nicholas Resch,* Jacob KbUer,* Friederich Stuntzel, Friederich Pepler, Lorentz Arnold, Johannes Hauck, Wilhelm Arnold, J. Friederich Nebel,* Philip Rieth,* Balthasar Frietz,* Peter Asper, Johannes Abachlender, Johan Adam Blihle, Johan Christian Heintz, Johannes Breidenbach,* Joh. PhUip Kleiss, Johannes Stephanus,* Sam. Friederich Riigerr, Joh. Caspar Bock, F. Reinhardt Fischer,* Christian Scheldt. Johan Wilhelm Niese, Michael AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 345 226) Oct 26, 1754. Brigantine Mary and Sarah, Thomas Brodrich, Captain, from Amsterdam, last from Portsmouth. — Inhabitants from Franconia, Wirtemberg and the Palatinate, — six Roman Catholics. Dct 26, 1754. ©(S^ncttfcgler SWari^ unb ©oro:^, Sopitoin Z^omai Srobric^, Don 3lm^erbam uber 5)ortgmout|. — Stnwo^» ncr son gronfen, SBurttembcrg unb ber 3)fal3, — feting SRi)mifd^= Johannes Brunner, Joh. Jacob Helm,* H. Adam Reybolt,* Nickolas Leberman,* Johannes Edelmann, Johann Bartman, Georg Adam Kaiser, PhUip Sommer,* Hans Peter Menges, Johann Georg Menges, Adam Menges, Jacob Schmit,* Matheas Krauss,* Michael Hubert,* Peter Weygand,* Michael Wirth,* Friederich Volck,* Conrad Geyer,* Peter Schnurr,* John Ihrig,* Adam Neidig, Jost Reichel,* Samuel Lbfe,* David Lbfe, Philip Naab, Hertz Kiest,* Johannes Pfeiffer, Martin Kistner, Johannes Reist,* Georg- Schbff, Peter Joh, J. George Krauss,* Joh. Peter Krauss,* i|^e. Jacob Visser, Michael Lehn,* Michael Wenhart,* Adam Breydinger,* Carl Menges,* Peter Volck,* Jacob Stbmer, Jacob Shumbert,* Adam Schaffer, Jacob HaUer,* Joseph Dohnor, Anthony Rohr, H. Peter Carel,* Nicholas Seewald,* Anthon KUng, Nicolaus Carl, Johannes Roll, Peter Edelman, Herman Neyman,* Lorentz Mauerer,* Peter Menges, Jacob Carol,* Johan Christoph Heiss, Joh. WUhelm Schneider, Nicolaus (EUenschlager, J. Adam Schwiibel,* Joh. Bernhart Kessler, J. Conrad Menges,* Johan Georg Brincker, Hans Georg Aeuchler, Johan Nickel Lehr, J. Michael Schlauch,* J. Dieterich ZieUer,* 346 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS J. Leonhart Neidig,* Hans Adam Meister,* Joh. Adam Weber,* H. PhUip Hartman,* Johan Philip Kuhl, J. Leonhart TrumheUer,* Hans Peter Job,* PhUip Jacob Schwenck, J. Adam Heckman,* Georg Lud. Nonnenmacher, Bastian Schraader, Daniel Neidig, Johan Michael SchaU, Joh. Bernhart Mayer, Joh. Leonhart Kistner, . Joh. Jost Schletz,* Johan George Michel, Johan Jacob Helm. Sick — Joh. Georg Edelman, Hans Edelman, Jost Witt, Hans SchneUenberger, Georg Kauffman, Johannes Breslauer. 227) Nov. 7, 1754. Ship John and Elizabeth, Ham, Captain, from Amsterdam, last from Portsmouth. — Inhabitants from Hanau, Wirtemberg and the Palatinate, — eleven Roman Catholics, one hundred and twenty Protestants. — 330 passengers. 9'loD. 7, 1754. ©t^iff 3o:^n unb Slifobetl), Sopitain ^om, Don 3lmfierbam fiber ^^ortgmoutt). — Sinwo^ner Don $anau, aCurttemberg unb ber ^falj, — eilf giomif(^=^ot^olifc^c, l^unbert unb swanjig 5)roteflanten. — 330 Sfleifenbe. Nicklaus Lang, Conrad Herman, Wendel Fritzius, Georg Hocbreitter,* Henry Wblfiing,* Martin Krebs, Henry Eyler,* Nicolaus Desch, Johannes Nees. Johannes Winholt,* Johann SchiUers, Leonhart Peteri, Berthold Henry Pott,* J. Georg Birckenmeyer,* Carl Friederich Schultz, Joh. Fried. Thebards, Johan Henrich Schmid, Melchior Meichler,* Johannes Roley,? Friederich Adam Derst, Martin Reinharth, Joh. Georg Gerner,* Joh. Gebhart Leicbtheisser, Johan Georg Heck, Jacob Ammon,* Georg Meissner, Johannes Klein, Herman Henger, Theobald Pein, Johannes Hahn, Christian Kramer, Jacob Wagner, Paul Hoffman, Jacob Ende, Wilhelm Shneyder,* Johannes Roth, Johannes Blecher, Georg Uder, Christoph Mengel,* Martin Cachler, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1754. 347 Johannes Weygandt, Michael Scheck, Burchart Hentz,* Johannes Shuster,* Nicklaus Klein, Friederich Margel, Johannes FUnner, Johannes Maning, Johannes Horatz, Henry Shneyder,* Michael Homan, Michael Krug, Peter Fischer, Henry Bachy,* Albert Schunck, Adolph Flohri, Christian Aldt, Johannes Rentz,* George Flohri,* Michael Schmit,* Jacob Gander, Philip Boger,* Andreas Schwartz, Jacob Dogent * Adam Bartholomae,* Joseph Debeer,* Daniel David Heiner, Bartholomi La Gneau, Johan Jost S Usser, Johannes Heldmann, Johannes Meister, Joh. Henrich Schmidt, Joh. Ernst Fronheuser, Johannes Schumacher, Daniel Leuckel, Henrich Dresbach, Philip Achebach, Jean Jaque Kifie, Joh. Henrich Franck, Johannes Graffenstein,* Georg WUhelm Schneider, Johan Adam Mannig, Casper Darner, Michael Staub, Michael Neyff,* Joh. Adam Zehnen, Jacob Werthmiiller, Johan Martin Lbsch, Joh. Georg KuUmann, Joh. Jacob Schlbtzer jr., Joh. Jacob Schlbtzer sen., Johan Wendel Lent, Johann Georg Fey, Johann Peter Hauss, H. Georg MUler,* Hans Georg Abel, Joh. Michael Uhting, Jacob Bernhardt, Hans Nicolaus Dech, Andreas Gebhart, Hans Georg Kleinpeter, Johannes Darendinger jr., Joha,nnes Darendinger sen., Johan Henrich Schuster, Henry Schwartzenbach,* Christian Hauswirth, Joh. Wendel Kbnigsfeldt, Joh. Nicklau^ Seidel, Jacob Weni^rt, Christoph Mey,* Carl Gleim, Christian KeUer, Daniel Pfadt, Jacob Muller, Joh. Conrad (3-eU, Joh. Peter Bannot, Johan PhUip Klein, P. Christian Gross,* Joh. Jacob Gross,* Joh. Andreas Gbtz, Johann Georg Schiitz, Johann Peter Herrmann, Job. Valentin Briinckmann. 348 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Sick — Caspar Fahrenstock, Johan Adam Nees, Richard Nees, Hans Minnich. 228) Dec. 13, 1754. Ship Neptune, William Malam, Cap tain, from Hamburg, last from Cowes. — Inhabitants from Ham burg, Hanover and Saxony. — 149 passengers. Dk. 13, 1754. ©c^tff gfleptune, Sopitoin SBiUiom SJJolom, Don Jpomburg fiber Soweg. — Sewo^ner Don Hamburg, ^onnoDcr unb ©ot^fen. — 149 ^Jopgierc. Andreas Schindler, Gottfried Ficke, J. Andreas Knochen,* Nicolaus Albers, Joh. Georg Bolicli, J. Gottlob Basler, Anthon Gunther, WUhelm Antheis,* Ludwig Leib, ' Adam MiiUer, Conrad Zorn,* Elias Israel,* B. Christian Barkel,* Joh. Ernst Ziegler, J. Peter Usbeck, J. Christoph Urich,* Joh. Offenhauser, W. Claar,* Johannes Lebentraut, J. Christian Kucher,* Walter Wittmann, J. Caspar OErrig,* J. Christian Kiilinman, Christian Kalckbrenner, Friederich Wiederhohl, Johann Holler,* Christopher Guitelman, Joh. Henrich Schaffer, Johan Simon Kahler, Hen. Anthon Bestenbast, Joh. Martin Martine,* Joh. Christoph Zachriss, Julius Casper Strebig,* Joh. Christian Werlisch, Andreas Jacob Emeyer, Johan Henrich Weidner, Jerome Diederich Solfon, Georg Christoph Maschcat, Joh. Christian Schrader, Joh. Gottlob Kiintzelman, Joh. Abraham Glimpff, Christian Gebhart Ziegler, Johan Henrich Schlesse, Conrad Schnogheim, Johan August Kbnig, Jac. Friederich Shrbder, Henrich Frid. Stammann, Christ. Hen. Jacobi, Georg Hen. Heller, Job. Philip Alberti, Joh. Julius Sorge, Joh. Gottfried Ritter, Johann Arntberger, John Kotter,* Peter Henry Trotz, Johan Philip Stein.* 229) Oct 7, 1755. Ship Neptune, George Smith, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Gosport — 226 passengers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1755. 349 Dct 7, 1755. ©d)iff 9leptune, Sopitain ®iorgc ©mit^, Don gtotterbom fiber ©ogport. — 226 SReifenbe. Reimer Landt, Bodo Otto, Christian Ocker, Philip Grieg, Israel Josep, a Henrich Metz, Joseph Steinman, Christian Reutter, Jacob Bertsh, Nicklaus Rein, Jacob Wiirtz, Friederich Dietz, Peter Finck,* Thomas Hiitz, Albrech Shabert,* Jacob Stierle, Adam Wenigeck, Hans Reinger, Michael Blaass, Johan Kaiser, ' WUhelm Walder, Casper Ulerich, Christian Stbhr, Hans Buch, Jacob Buch, Michael Wer, Michael Wbrer, Christoph Mayer, Friederich Ege, Johannes Schitz,* Andreas Missner, Mathias Preissgartner, Georg Peter Hasser, Christoph Kauffman, Joh. Ludwig Dantzebecher, Joh. Adam Chretschenbach, Thomas Dantzebecher,* Joh. Casper Bittonff, Joh. Conrad Eirheim, Georg Friederich DiUman. Johan Henrich Finck, Henrich HenckeU, Gottfiied Zergiebel, Sebastian Schmidt, Casper Hinderstieff, Hans Michael Krauss, Johannes Biendser, Michael Schindel, Joh. Jacob Schock, Job.- Casper Zincke, Christ Ludwig Kbnig, Joh. Henrich Mbser, Hans Georg Schneider, Hans Georg Scheffer, Christian Baumann, Conrad Baumann, Johannes Erbshusser, Andreas Hbfflinger,* Mathaus Obergefall, Johan Nickel Gast, Johann Christian Gast, PhUipp Jacob Biir, Job. Peter Hickman, Joh. Adam HelmstaUer, a This name is written in Hebrew. The final lettet Pe, having a dot inscribed, I have written Josep;, for reason known to those who read Hebrew.— (£'diior.) 0 Dtefer gjnme ifi in bebrntfiber ©i^rift ©a ber ©cbluf buibflnbe Pe fuiifttrl ifi (Cagefd) 8ene), fo babe ttb 3 o f e p geffbrteben, unti jwnr nug ©riinben, welcbe ©tejentgen, bte in ber bebraifi^en ©praibe bemanbertfinb, tDilfen.— C^erauggebtr.) 30 350 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Steiney,* J. Philip Fischer,* Sebastian Senlieder, Conrath Miiller, Johannes Walther, Friederich Adam, Christian Bausman, Matheas Weis, Henrich Emert, Johan Petter, Friederich Schirdt, Georg Klinger, Jean Frentier, Johan Michel Korner, Johan Melchior Hirth, Georg Christ Webrecht, Johan Michael Weise,* Adam Lorentz Dietrich, Johannes Schneider, Jacob Albrech Haass, Bernhart Eilsheimer,* G. Michael Schwab,* Hans Georg KeUer, Johann Georg Volck, Joh. Georg BlanckenbiUer, Samuel Fraatsrach. ? 230) Nov. 1, 1755. f Ship Pennsylvania, Charles Lyon, Cap tain, from London. SiloD.l, 1755.t ©(|tff 3)ennf9lDanto, Sapitotn S|arleg g^on, Don Sonbon. Friederich Leydig,* Lorentz Seitz, Andreas Bietel, Georg Friederich Weber, Johannes Jung, Joh. Philip Fischer, Conrad Timpe, Joh. Heinrich Albers, Johan Valentin Reuter, Georg Ludwig Hochheimer, Johan Georg Koch, Joh. Daniel Brautigam, Joh. Henrich Fischer, Joh. Melchior Hornung, Johan Just Hopman, Andreas Nicolaus SaUing. Lawrence, Cap- 231) Nov. 10, 1756. Snow Chance, - tain, last from London. — 109 passengers. ¦]• The Rev. John Conrad Bucher, a name associated with Church and State in this country, came to Pennsylvania in 1755, resided for some time at Carlisle, then a frontier settlement. He died, while pastor of the German Reformed Church of Lebanon, at Millerstcwn (Annville), Aug. 15, 1780. — See Rupp's History of Lebanon, p. 469; Harbaugh's Lives of German Reformed Ministers. t 3)(ifior 3obn Sonrnb Sndier, etn in SfrtSe nnb ®t«at in btefem Sunbe Woblbefnnnter Sinine, fnm 1755 nncli ^Jcnnf^brtnicn unb wobnte etne ^tH' Una in Snvltgle, iai bnmnig nocb eine (SrensnnitcMmtg wnr. Sr (ifltb nm 15. Slnguji 1780 nli iPnflor ber bcntftb-refonniiten Strcbe 311 Sebanon in sWtttergtoiDit, jtgt Slniwiac. — ©iebe 3lHpp'g (SJefftttbte son Sebonon, ®. 459; ^atbaib'g fiebengbefcbreibungen ref. ®eijili(ber. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1756, 1761. 351 gioD. 10, 1756. (Seefti^iff Sonbon.— 109 SHcifenbe. Bernhard Uehlein, Paulus Kamp,* Ehrhardt Conradt, Georg DoU, Leonhard Diirr, Greorg Ludwig Eberle, Caspar Bernhart, Johann Andreas Kliinck, Johann Pecer Kliinck, Johann Michael Kuhn, Simon Hengel, Nicklaus Hahn, Michael Muller, Nicklas Pauly, Johannes Sombero, Baltes Sehinf,? Adam Schmidt,. Johan Sack, Friederich Schoff, Frantz Waner, Casper Biener, Sconce, Sopttoin Satorence, uber Johannes Weytzel, Friederich Walther, Christian Segnitz, Johannes Haas,* Valentin Diirr, Georg Ludwig Crucius, Hans Wolff Gundel, - Wolfgang Nicolaus Heymann, Johann Peter Korner, Johann Heinrich Klopper, Johan Valentin Panzer, Joh. WUbelm Stiernkorb, Johan Georg Schmidt, Johan Georg Weining, Johann Peter Weber, Johan Nickel Wagner, Joh. Nickel Basserman, Christian Pauli, Hans Epplinger, Rudolph Pulleweiler,* Johan Michael Wagner. 232) Oct 21, 1761.t Snow Squirrel, John Benn, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct 21, 1761. t ©eefditff (Squirrel, Sopitoin So^^n Senn, bon 3flotterbam iiber Sotocg. Peter Mischler, Nicolaus Schweitzer, Eberhart Disinger, Georg Vogelgesang, Christophel Bamberg, WUhelm Becker, Johannes Beyerle, Hans Eckardt, Andreas Graff, Henrich Holtzapfel, Stephan Danner, Joh. Jacob Vogelgesang, Daniel Schaab,* Friederich Probst,* t Owing to the hostilities between France and England, German immigration was completely suspended from 1756 to 1761. — (Editor.) t Sffiabrcitb ber Sabre 1756 bii 1761 biirte.bie beutfcbe ginlDanbernng ttegen ber jtotf^cn [Jrontceifl^ unb Snglanb befiebenben ©ibniietigfeiten gnnj ttuf.— f^enntggtber.) - 352 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Friederich Lieberknecht,* Caspar Knoblauch, Valentin Annawaldt, Johan Simon Mayer, Johann Wilhelm Serger, Johann Conrad Serger, Joh. Nickel Hertzler, Johan Nickel Becker, Georg Friederich Rohrer, John Henry Diessinger,* Johann Jacob Hackman, Johann Friederich Diehl, Johann Nicolaus Diehl, Johan Ludwig Probst, Johan Jacob Probst, Johann Dietrich Taub. 233) Oct 5, 1763. Ship Richmond, Charles Young Husband, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 1 62 passengers. Dct 5, 1763. (Sc^tff aiit^monb, Sopitain Sljarleg goung ^usbanb, Don 9lottcrbom iiber 5)or.tgmout§. — 162 Steifenbe. Job. Jacob Peiffer, Johannes Zimmerman, 'Johannes Schutz, Johannes Klappert, Johannes Schiitz, Rudolph Hehr, Peter Gatz, Jacob Gatz, Heinrich Daum, Ludwig Agricola, Johannes Schneider. Joseph Fischer, Frantz Miiltz, Georg Bender, Conrad Betis,* P. Pautz, Joseph Bohn,* August Hemerlein,* Johannes Hanner, Paul Grin, Henrich Dietz, Peter Gotz, Johannes Claus, Daniel Paulus, Peter Humberd, Jacob Otho, Jost Heintz, Johannes Ba.sel,? Casper MiiUer, Andreas Dress, Wilhelm Eck, Andreas Mertz, Matthias Lockner, Henry Wagner,* Johann Daub, John SoUberg,* Martin Hasch, Johannes Just, John Marbes,* Johannes Schaff, Henry Banroth,* Georg Bastian,* Johan Jacob Hoffmann, Johann Theis Cromm, Johann Herman Klappert, Johann Engel Becker, Johann Michael Becker, Johan Henrich Schneider, D. Dieterich Burcbardt, Andreas Holtzmann, Johan Thomas NoU, Friederich Schbnleber, Johan Daniel Royscher, Johann G«org Hibler, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS^1763. 353 Johann Henrich Niess, Joh. Philip Wahrenholtz, Johann Jost Hanner, Johann Jost Dietz, Johan Christian Scheldt, J. Henrich Lack, Johann Henrich Paulus sen., Johann Henrich Paulus, Johann Friederich StiiU, Johann Michael Matz, ' Hermanns Janler, Wilhelm Voltmer, Johann Georg Giesberg, Johann Peter Giesberg, Johannes Engel Giesberg, Hermann Donat, Johann Engelhut, Jacob Glassner, Lorentz Knori, Heinrich BeinoUer, Martin Schaffner,-* August Eissinger,* Dilmanus Becker, PhUlipp Warner, Jacob Bergmann, Friederich Bersmann, Georg Friederich Huber, Johan Henrich Wensell, Conrath Wolff, Johannes Wiekel. 234) Nov. 1, 1763. Ship. Chance, Charies Smith, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 193 passengers. 5toD. 1, 1763. ©c^iff Stance, Sapitoin S^orlcg ©mit^, Don SHotterbam iiber SoweS. — 193 Slcifenbe. Joseph Seifferdt, Valentiti Ganssel, PhUip Casner,* David Goltir, Johannes Ludy, Georg Ebert, PhUip Schappert, Nicolaus Schappert, Henrich Alsbach,* PHlip Schmit, Jacob Spielman, Casper Huber,* Georg Giinther, Jacob Jentz, Johannes Gern, Andreas Fegel:,* Jacob Baltzel, Carl Baltzel, Adam Samuel,* Georg Jantz, Georg Fischer, Jacob Schadt, Johannes Dorst, Jacob Schlick, Jacob Behr, Peter Wolff, Christian Wangolt, Friederich Arnold, - Peter Krafft, Adam Schmid, Michael Schmidt, Daniel Zutter, Balthasar Ziitter, Henry Schwantz,* Johannes WeUer, Johannes Engelbert, 'John Henry Miller,* Anthon Hausam, Martin Braun, Samuel MiiUer, 30* 354 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Schellenberger,* Henrich Deberts Hausser, Jean Henri Gaijdon, Johann Georg Vetter, Job. Jacob SchnorsS) Johannes Schnorss,* Johan Peter Kessler, Johan Christian Schwab, PhUip Zumstein, Johan Georg Dorneh, Georg Ludwig Kesselrinck, Bernhard Ranhert, Johann Nickel Kotter, Johann Georg Muhlheim, Johann George Henninger, Georg Jacob Baltzel, Johann Peter Hauck, Hans Peter Studi, ' Michael Becker,* Hans Georg Zeiner,* Michael Zeiner,* Johan Henry Shuntz,* Johann Michael Altz, Jacob Ebersohl, Johann Jacob Sonntag, Johann Jacob Hoffman, Johan Valentin Hauck, Georg Henrich Flanckenhardt, Johannes DSrbaum, Friederich Wilhelm Stahl, Johann Benedictus Grieben, Johann Wendel Fackler, Johan Thomas GU, Johannes Jacob Hud, Johann Peter Munner, Johann Engel (Erter, Johan Eckart (Erter, Jost Henrich Schmidt, ' Johann Henrich KeU, Johannes Becker, John Bernhart,* Michael Stoffel, Heinrich Menges, Samuel Cyriaci, Balthaser Christ, Johannes Stratzer, Johann Ernst Thiol, Valentin Nicodemus, Michael Spielman,* Emanuel Meisterer,* Nicolaus Wistadius, PhUip Georg Kneiht. 235) Nov. 25, 1763. Brigantine Success, WiUiam MarshaU, Captain, from Rotterdam. SfJoD. 25, 1763. ©c^nellfegler ©uccef , Sopitoin aBilliam Sllarf^all, Don SHotterbom. Abraham Neu, Jacob Helm, Leonhardt Wass, John George Bauman,* Anton Naryes, Johann Kayser, Johann Henrich Hedrich, Johan Jacob MiiUer, Charles Christman,* Mathias Christman,* Joh. Matheis Steffen, Johan Henrich Fetzer. 236) Nov. 25, 1763. Ship Pallas, Richard MUner, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 198 passengers. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 355' SRoD. 25, 1763. ©c^tff ^aUai, Sopitain SRic^orb SWilner, Don giotterbom iiber Sotoea.— 198 3teifenbe. Isaac Droqunt, George Kuhnele, Conrad Mayer, Georg Wagner, Johannes Schmidt, David Jansohn, Jacob Weissert, Johannes Schaaff, Ludwig Amaus, Gottlieb KoU, Peter Opp, Johann Wendel, Martin Helder, Jacob Hauser, Lewis Stutz,* Jost Vohl, Johannes Georg, Jacob Heintz, Henrich Flick, Henrich Graff, Johannes Blum, Henrich Just Rohrig, Georg Friederich Hammer, Ulrich Biirckholder, Georg WUhelm Janson, Johann Henrich Strauch, Friederich Holtzhausser, Michael Braun, Conrad Scherer, Johann Georg Hochst, Martin Schneider, Johannes Friehruff, Wilhelm Bleiniger, John Henry Miller,* Johan Martin Merck, John Henry Freind,* Johann Conrad Kryser, Johann Jacob Schweitzer, Johann Adam Hoffheintz, Johann Daniel Hoffheintz, WUhelm Ritter, Georg Thomas Gerhardt, Peter Schutz, Caspar Reider, Andreas Obmann, Lorentz Obmann, Martin Steffen, Henry Pfeiffer, Baltzer Schock, Friederich Hiittner, PhUip Faust, PhUip MiUer,* Christian Pfeiffer, Valentin Seipel,* Peter Wercken,* Abraham Senner, Jean Andrie Stockinger, Jean Louis Seiz, Johann Georg Prestel, Leonhart Frischkorn, Johann Schittenhelm, Johann Christian Schreiber, Gerlach Wittenstein. 237) Aug, 8, 1764. Ship Chance, Charles Smith, Captain, from Rotterdam. — 208 passengers. Slug. 8, 1764. ©c^iff Sl^once, Sapitain Stories ©mit:^, Don Stotterbom.— 208 gicifenbc. 356 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Sebastian Bender, Peter Neyer,* Henry C. Shiel,* Johannes Schneider, PhUip Shiffere,* Balthas Kappes, Valentin Metzger, Bernhard Ginger, Johannes Stronger, Michel Bandelo, Adam Wanner, George Sleig,* Matheus Roth, Friederich Altherr, PbUip Bi-ogli, Johannes Tandt,? Peter Grosh,* George Haag, Andreas Amon, Ludwig Schad, Johannes Rittesheim, Antoni Vogt, Andreas Scholl, Peter Arandt, Jacobus Arandt, Peter Krapff, Michael Bremich, Joh. Ludwig Dexheimer, Daniel Dexheimer, Johann Peter Schmidt, Johann Philip Thoma, Johann Adam Schiffer, Johann Martin Hes, Joh. Michael Habtiizel, Joh. Friederich Miiller, Johann Georg Haass, Georg Peter Beck, Johann WUhelm Weiss, Johann Jacob Sties, Johann Nickel Mayer, Johan Herman Mayer, Johan Peter Durst, Georg Leonhart Stutz, Johannes Gerhard, Stephan Freundt, Johan Georg Gebhardt, Johannes Wench, Johan Jacob Grob, Johan Jacob Schiffer, Matheus Bremich, Johan Stephan Saam, Johann Adam Bremich, Johann Georg Hundt, Philip Abraham Hornich, Johannes Kelter, Jacob Eckfeldt, Heinrich Schaffer, Peter Ziirn, Philip Blum, Andreas Bartel, Johannes Wahl, Andreas Meisch, Ludwig Feter, Joseph Gaser,* Peter Riicker, Peter Haas, Johannes Theissen, Philip WiU, Ludwig Huber, Georg Gielberth, Friederich Ringer, Michael WUbelm, Johan Georg Strein, Friederich Wahl, Herman Zonnerer, Simon Descher, Johan Christian Descher, Johannes Spiith, Johannes Rick, Johann Georg Theiss, Friederich Hoffman, Daniel Weniger, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 357 Frantz Schwartz, Matthias Kempe, Andreas Druckenbrodt, Georg Scherer, Johannes Weinberger, Sebastian Seyberth, Valentin Bauer, Geo. Wendel Zimmerman. 238) Sept 19, 1764. Ship Polly, Robert Porter, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — Six Roman Catholics. — 184- ©ept 19, 1764. ©c^tff g)oE9, Sapitoin Siobcrt 9)orter, Don Stotterbom iiber SoweS. — ©eti^s 3ibmif(i^ = ^ot^olifc^e. — 184 Steifenbc. Bernhardt Beck, Niehl Shluhtes,* Johannes Schadt, Friederich GaUe, Hans Grimm, Joh. Jacob Reudt, Jacob Berchel, Joh. Jacob Mann, ' Christian Bergman,* Caspar Wenger, Jacob Wenger, Nicklaus Lugebiil, Joh. Daniel Konig, Geo. Adam Graff, John Martm StoU, Johannes Beiser, Johannes Eiilman, Peter Steigelman, Christian Lang,* Johann Christoph Schmidt, Joh. Jost Schreckenangst, Johann Jacob Graff, John Melchior HoUebach, Johan Georg Schmidt, Johann Peter Trein, Johann Georg EUer, Joh. Casper- Giittenberg, Job. Michael Bergman, Johan Friederich Strass, Johan Conrad Strass, Johann Carl Laubach, Joiian Henrich Ehls,? Johan Georg Weyckel, Johan Nicklas Franck, Johan Adam Franck, Johan Henrich ScheU, John George Schwaab, Johan Niclcel Heibst, Peter Marks,* Andreas Grebiel, Peter Grebiel, Leonhart Bauer, Conrad Bauer, Antoni Jutz, Peter Dietrich, Adam Mishell,* Carl Schmidt, Anthoni Welte, Frantz Peter Hacket, Johan Valentin Dumm, Joh. Fried. Zimmermann, Peter Thormeyer, Anthon Noschang, Johan Mathias Hoffman, Christian Ernst Bescbler, Jacob Neblinger, WUhelmus Moser. 358 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 239) Sept 20, 1764. Ship Sarah, Francis Stanfield, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 230 passengers. ©ept 20, 1764. ©i^iff ©oro|, Sopitoin grancis ©tonftclb, Don jRotterbom uber fjort^mont^. — 230 Sfleifenbe. Paul Hoffman, Godfrey Keyser, Conrad Bischoff, Georg Scherer, Michael Lauth, Adam Gbttel, Peter Gottel, Henrich Eich, Theobold Lehman, Jacob Hoch, Israel Grob, Peter Schwaab, Peter Hiib, Theobold Weber, Adam Liidy, Frantz Kettering, Christian Meyer,* Jacob AUspach, Daniel Frick, Conrad Frick, Michael Hoffecker, Jacob Kieffer, ¦Job. Peter Weber, Leonhard Lenckner, Johann Biithenfeldt, Andreas VoUprecht, Johannes Welte, Michael Funck, Martin Hoffman, Georg Jacob Scherer, Johan Ludwig Betz, Johan Urban Betz, Johan Adam Schaff, Friederich Conrad Scheffer, Henrich Wettern,? Theobold Itzberger, J. Henry Kisauer,* Christian Framdling, Jacob Altvatter,* Johann Jacob Kauftnan, Simon Friederich Schober, Johannes Spielman, Johan Daniel Fubrman, Daniel Dausman,* Philip Hoffecker, John George Hubacher, Johan Michael Thran, John George Drachsel, Henrich Ochssenbecher, Hans Georg Schyre, Johann Henrich Hoff, Hans Dietrich Hoff, Johann G^org Grossglass, Johann Matheis Dibel, Johann Friederich Kiichner, Johann Philip Welde, Jacob Schantre, Jacob Feiock,* John Schuster, Michael Metzger, Jacob Gansel, (S^eorge Fischer, Johannes Finniger, Johannes Dbrr, Johan Herman, Carl Gerhardt, Peter Kuhn, Arend Krissing, Wendel Sheets,* Christel Kbnig, Georg Schog, Georg Riehm, Johannes Hitz, Johannes Gass, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 35i Johannes Blitz, Oswald Rap, Peter Gbttel, Moritz Master, Johann Christ. Schaub, Johannes Georg Specht, Conrad Fischer, Jacob Trein, Heinrich Schreiner, Martin Rauch, Johan Henricli Fashaus, Johann WUhelm Weber, Johann Jost Strack, Johann Peter Ottershelt, Johannes Hegenstill, Frantz Thomas Hartman, Johan Christoffel Bintz, George Henry Hartman, Johann Georg Wetzel, Johann PhUip Kuhn, Henrich Nickel Raque, Hans Christ. Raque, Johann Daniel Lbhr, Conrad Schaffer, Johan Peter Steiler, Johann Michael Jung. 240) Sept 26, 1704. Ship Brittania, Thomas Arnot, Cap tain, from Rotterdam. — 260 passengers. ©ept 26, 1764. ©t^iff Srtttonto, Sopitain Zf)mai Slrnot- »on Slotterbflm.— 260 3leifenbe. Christoph Heger, Johannes Einzopp, John Weber, Augustus Weiss, Nicholas Smith,* Daniel Rieg, Theobald Roth, Martin Jetter, Andreas Vogt, Johannes Gitt, Jacob Gitt, Adam Fink, L. Herscbheimer, Jno. Geo. Reiff,* Johann Baum, Casper Erhardt, Gottfried Lampart, Joh. Paulus Grabsteinbrenner, Andreas Ketteman, Georg Michael Schmitt, Johann Henrich Wblker, . Georg Handler, Friederich Zantler, •Johan Carl Schmitt, Georg Philip Karwin, Georg Adam Zepp, Henrich Marschheimer, Jacob Tieschmar, Johan WUhelm Werger, Georg Michael Oeltinger, A.dolph Carl Schneider, PhUip Lautenschlager, Thomas Wagner, Christian Schellman, Johannes Waibel, Stephan Waibel,* Adam MiUer,* Aiidreas Freyberger, Justus Lechleider, Carl Garaus, Valentin Stettler, Jacob Masohlder, David Schneider, Christian Fleckstein,* 360 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Peter Wiser, Johannes Wambach, Jacob Schafer, Johannes Hoch, Peter Paulus Leicht, Joh. Andreas Velck, Joh. Valtin Horter, Joh. Adam Ran Erhard Bodenstein, Joh. Friedrich Koch, PhU. Henry MiUer,* Jacob Brtickert, Christoph Brtickert, Johannes Kalbfleisoh, Abraham Messer, Fried. Jocbeim,* Christian Eberhardj* Andreas Jager, Georg Lehner, Georg Lambarth, Georg Kuntz, Henrich Wegner, Jacob Batzerlein, Christian Rupp, Nicklas Staller,* Friederich Bachman, Dietrich Gerhart, Christoph KeUer, Johann Bernhart 0th, Johann Andreas Schmidt, Christian Haushalter, Georg Heinrich Schmitt, Johannes Georg Freyberger, Johann Martin Ott, Johann Friederich Vogel, Georg WUhelm Schmitt, John Conrad Wambach, Johann Philipp von Nieda, Johan Friederich Mopps, Gerhart Steinbreucker, Georg Friederich Helids, Johann Georg Graff, Johann Adam Graff, Johann Georg Cautz, Georg Valentin Dengen, Joh. Philip Seidenstricker, Johann Jacob Schmidt, , Philip Henrich Engel, Johan Philip Racke, Johann Henrich Spitzer, Johann Andreas Spitzer, ¦Johan Friederich Beyermeister, Johan Dietrich Hauck, Hans Georg Schusterdreher, Johann Philip Schbsser, Henry Seidenstricker,* Hans Michael Lampart, Johann Ludwig Schaffer, Joh. Henrich Fabricius, John George Menges,* Johann Michel Michel, Christian Sachsman,* Hans Adam Taxler, Jacob Bartscherer, Hans Michael Rosser, 0. P. Dieter Ticker,? Martin Buhler. 241) Oct 3, 1764. Ship King of Prussia, James Robinson, Captain, from London. — 94 passengers. Dct 3, 1764. ©d)iff ^ing of ^^ruffto, Sopitoin ^amti 3lo= binfon, Don Sonbon. — 94 SReifenbe, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS^— 1764. 361 Jacob Vadd, Henrich ScheU, Johann MuUer, Jacob Weber, Gerlach Gran, Philip Rescher,* Ludwig ScheU, Sem. Urckart, Frantz Schweitzer, Johan Nickel Herst, Andreas Zinck,* Johannes Stutz,* Wendel Apffel, Georg Schlemb,* Henrich Strohm, Georg Appel,* Georg Ridle, Paul Schreck, Nicklas Scherrer, Christian Wickert, Albertus Haffer, George Kenttner,* EUas Appel,* Jacob Specht, Christian Appel,* Georg DoU,* Johann Peter Vadel, Johann Georg Ther, Georg Peter Deisert, Christian Weber, Johannes Ott, Matthias Hendrich,* Joh. Philip Rauschkopf, PhUip Jacob Breszler,* Johan Nicolaus Dippel, Johan PhUip Steinmetz, Johan Philip Matter, Ernst Ludwig Reinhold, Georg Schwerdt, Thomas Salade, Johan Georg Ernst, Joh. Nicolaus Schwerdt, Michael Salade, Johan Peter Fischer, PhUip Jacob Suder,* Johannes Delb, Georg Michael Hart,* Johan Martin Heidt, Johann Georg Gantz, Johann Nickel Wagner, Johannes Haffer, Joh. PhUip Mtihlmichel. 242) Oct. 20, 1764. Ship Richmond, Charles Young Hus band, Captain, from Rotterdam. — 224 passengers. Dct 20, 1764. ©(i^iff gftid^monb, Sopitain Stories gloung ^uabanb, Don Stotterbom.— 224 Sfteifenbe. Jacob NiU, Daniel Weichel,* Friederich Gebberdt, Johann Christian Thiol, Jacob Sherber,* Johann Peter Gerhard, Christoph Webier sen., Johann Georg Diebert, Eberhard Kirsheyer,* - John George FuUman,* Johan Conrad Kauffman, Johann Adam Sebeinzer,* Johann Martin Anpert, 31 Christoph Weber, Bernhart Schneider, John AUman, Samuel Starck, Johannes Anpert, 362 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Job. Wendel Bartholmae, John Adam Heckman, Michel Halm, Conrad Jacoby, Jacob Hasbirch, Wendel Runckel, Albert Gtilcher, . Michel Keiser, Frantz Kuhn, Balthas Steiner, Sebastian Stier, Johannes Gltick, Samuel Stauffer, Henrich Kurtz, G,eorg Taub, Michael Reiner, Gottfiied Scholt, Daniel Satzler, Johannes Seitz, Michael May, Paul Kober, Peter MuUer, Jacob Metz, Henrich AUman, Abraham Jacob, Jno. Geo. Ord,* Jno. Geo. Haffner, Conrad Minger, John Erlenheiser,* Jacob Kleh, Jacob Sehneyder, Michel Becker, Jacob Breisch, Christian Jung, Jacob Bardon, Wilhelm Feickert, Nickel Kamerer, Peter Hardtman, Peter Hanner,? Adam Rieth, Nickel (jrbtz. Michael Mayer, Gottlieb Bbrckle, Georg Stattler, Wendel Heiss, Johann Peter ScheU, Valentin Hackenbach, Johann Friederich Henrich Friederich Hirschfeldt, Matheich Koch Weber, Joseph Breisch, . Christoph Martin Henerdt, Hans Georg Kurtz, John Geo. Geiger, Hans Georg Hagenbach, Johti Martin Knobloch, Nicklas Lachner, Johann Andreas Kolb, Michael Beidebach, Johan Philip MtiUer, Johann Adam Schtitz, Wendel Gutd'ander, Johannes Mensch, Johann Michel Stoff, Joh. Jacob Engelhardt, Wolfarth Reinhart Edinger, John Peter Beckel, Johannes Jacob Quandel, Johannes Henrich Ham, Johannes Erlenheiser, Frederick Kuhlman, Georg Leonhard Pfeiffer, Hans Michael WiUs, Johan Nickel Grimm, ¦ Peter Reidebach, Hans Michael Henrich, Conrad Dieffenbacher, Johann Dietrich Heiss, Philip Friedrich Mtiller, Wilhelm Spengler, Johan Peter Chypfeius, Johan Adam Weber, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 363 Johan Balthaser Hausser, Johannes Spengler, Joh. Ghristopher Ulrich Kenser, Johann Nickel Reidenbach, Melchior Edinger. 243) Oct 27, 1764. Ship Hero, Ralph Forster, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 500 passengers. Dct 27, 1764. ©c^iff ^txo, Sapitoin SRotpI) gorjier, Don Slotterbom uber Sotoeg. — 500 Sfleifenbe. Johannes Hufer,* Jacob Karch, Johannes Weiss, John Berg, Andrew Wolff, Jacob Hass,* Peter MuUer, Georg Siel, Jost Meyer, Georg Etter, Jacob Lossle, Matheis Petter, Jacob Hauck, Johannes Hauck, Peter Schauer, Peter Scheide, Martin Herwald, Gustavus Schlosser, Peter Wedel, Gottfried EppUng, Friederich Eppling, Johannes WUl, Daniel Strickler, Michel Shub,* Lazarus Herby Jacob Hbnich, Johannes Ludwig, Johannes Gress, Jacob Schibb, Conrath Dbrr, Johannes Diirr, Lorentz Durr, Dietrich Jager, Philip Ecker, Michael PhUipi, Adam PhUipi, Johannes Deehr, Adam Eagle, Adam Neiss,* Ulrich Eyman, Johann (jeorg Wagner, Johannes Welsch, Johann Andreas Schad, Johann Christian Gemot, Leonhard Btichler, WUhelm Henrich Biegel, Johann Lorentz Beck, Johann Adam Rudolph, George Adam Weickel, John Reinhard Cauffman,* Henrich Schwerdt, Jacob Sauerheber, Johann Schuman, Rudolph Schuman, Christopher Radebach, Johannes Fuhrmann, Johan Ludwig Sewaldt, Martin Heylman, , Johann Georg Wetzel, Johann Adam Wausch, Johannes Dage, ? Johann Ernst Daniel, Johan Adam Seyberth, Hans Georg Gbtz, 364 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johann Michel Walter, Johan PhUip Kuntsch, Abraham Fetter, Jacob Dussardt, Johann Michael Klein, Hans Nickel Bauer, Johannes Hoffmann, Johannes FeUman, Johannes Ring, Joh. Georg Weydenmeyer, Urban Weidenmaier, Eberhardt Weydenmeyer, Nicholas Anthony, Ludwig Freiburger, Johann Jacob Gross, Conrad Bingman, Peter Nickles, Johannes Gerent, Adam Meyer, Paulus Pauly, Henrich Fuchs, Johannes Frietsch, Michael Scheff, Georg Wintz, David Kbnig, Conrad Kbnig, Georg Wilhelm, Egidius Jung, Henrich Sohl, Nicholas Ott, Johannes Sellheim, Joseph Hertel, Georg Heyman,* Martin Schupp, Andreas Reck, Simon Fischer, Bernhard Steiner, Jacob Kiportz, Joseph Renau, Henrich Baum, Johannes Wittig, Henrich Roth, Michael Nieth, Gottlieb Nieth, Georg Sachs, Georg Deg, Michael Walter, Samuel Schober, Andreas Michael, Michael Schaffer,* Martin Heitz, Nicolaus Breidebach, Daniel Brennemann, Christian Brubacher, Jacob Seitz, Daniel Joder, Rudolph Kagy, Peter GrebU, Georg Altschuh, Johann Georg Adam, Johann Nickel Raab, Johan Adam Bruchhauser, Johann Henrich Lutz, Friederich Haffner, Abraham Schantz, Conrad Haftentrager, Jacob Kauffman, Johann Henrich Heyl, Johann Georg Heyl, Johann Conrad Heyl, Johann Jacob Heyl, Johann Peter Hoffstadt, Johann Jacob Leiman, Johann Henrich Bausch, Johann Valtin Becker, Christian Schowalder, Jost DettweUer, " Johann Michael Breidebach Georg Philip Pettry, Carl Ludwig Baum, Johannes Prenser, ? Melchior Weydenmeyer, • AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 365 Johann Daniel Franck, Johann Georg Soberer, Albrecht Schumacher, Benedictus GaUe, Johann Philip Gattman, Johann Gottfried Weiss, Johann Ludwig Weber, . Johann Michael Hirschlag, Johannes Kugelwerth, Johann Martin Klein, Johannes Kiester, Johannes Kundelmann, Christian Stauffer, Henrich Schneider, Johan Henrich Lannert,* Adam Herman, Nicholas Ueberroth, Johann Jacob Nagel, Valentin Volck, Peter Harris,* Georg Bortz, Nickel Herisch, Adam Ruth, Peter Ambrose, Peter Ziefus,* Peter Jung, Christopher Hess, Simon Klos, Jacob Klamm, Abraham Petter, Johann Glasser, Michael Btittner, Philip Beck, Johann Adam Btich, Friederich Lofinck, Hans George Baumantz, Herman Wittscher, Georg Peter Zenteler, Johann Michael Nagel, Johann Andreas Unangst, Michael Resineyer, Georg Michael Klamm, Georg Simon Rieger, Joh-ann David Schaadt, Friederich Wtirtzbacher, Johann Henrich Schbneberger, Johann Martin Mader, Conrad Hbldebrand. 244) Nov. 5, 1764. Ship Jeneffer, Georg Kerr, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 247 passengers. 9]o». 5, 1764. ©d)iff 3cncffer, Sopitoin ®corg ^txx, Don Slotterbom iiber SoweS. — 247 SRetfenbe. Johannes Futerman, Hans Perger,* Frantz Kramer, Jost Ranter, Frantz Kramer, John Jager, Antonius Cromm, Henrich Cromm, . Sunon Georg, Georg Schbn, Peter Hiirstman, Andreas Braum, Johannes Ochsa, John Cond. Steibel, Jno. Geo. Upper,* Jno. Diet. Fehring, Thomas WeUer, Johannes Rtibelandt, Friederich Decker, Jno. Charles Hetrig, Martin ScheUer, Johann Wantzbach, 31=' 366 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Christian Roth, Johann Ludwig Degen, Johann PhUip Endres, •Johann Gottfried Meyer, Johan George Leininger, Frantz Rtibsamen, Johann Martin Neb, Johann Tbnges Cromm, Johann Christ. Lindorff, Johann Best Weber, Johann Gerlach Traut, Johann Gerlach Finck, Johann Pete}- Weber, Johann WUbelm Strunck, Johann Henrich Au, Johann Peter Petery, Johann Georg Reyman, John George Faust, Johann Jacob Schlosser, Joh. Dieterich Schmidt, John Christ. Fuhrsbach, Jost Henrich Frantz, Johann Jacob Frantz, Johann WUbelm Frantz, Johannes Volck, Gottfried Stock, Conrad Braun, Christian Zimmer, Jacob Landes, Johannes Landes, \I Ulrich Bieber, John MUler, Henrich Stockel, Nicklaus Meisset, Jacob Meisset,* ' Philip Schmidt, . Jno. Wm. MiUer, John Schwab, Christian Hantzel, Abraham Schapler, Jacob Werns,* Stephan Petri, Peter' Grebihl, Joh. Epgel Stbhr, Johann Christ. Heusser, Johannes Georg Eeusch, Johann Andreas WentzeU, Johann David Mehn, Johan Adam Steinwax,* Johann Henrich Gihl, Valentin Schuster, Hans Georg Vuter, Hans Geoig Schmidt, Johann Michael Braun, Heinrich WUhelm Gruck, Johann Henrich Helensteuer, Johann Adam Bieger, ? Johann Jacob Batz, Balthasar Dieffenbach, Johannes Gerhard Klein, Johan WUhelm Weynan, Jacob Brennemann, Johann Peter Hachenberg, Johann WUhelm Klein. 245) Nov. 5, 1764, Ship Prince of Wales, James Edgar, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 131 passengers. SiloD. 5, 1764. ©^tff sprtnce of SBoleg, Sapitotn 3omeiJ Sbgar, Don Slotterbom iiber Sotoeg. — 131 Sleifenbe. Peter Rbmen, Casper Fries, Johannes Muth, Ludwig Mader, Philip Becher, Peter Julien, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1764. 367 Philip Golb,* Carl Uhl, Nicolaus Booss, Henrich Happfel, Jacob Dorsheimer, Peter Dbrr, Johannes Eckel, Peter Rorbach, Peter Harbarger, Paul Biebler, Christoffel Schneit, Johannes Schertzer, Johannes Strack, Adam Henneberger, Johann PhiUpp Bittman, Jacob Schenckweiler, Conrad Korffmann, Georg Wilhelm Resler, Johannes Manderfelth, Georg Peter Hessler, ? Charles Norheimer,* Wilhelm Henrich Kuss, Johann Nicklas Schneider, Johann Valentin Schneider, Philipp Mittmann, Johannes Schnell, WUhelm Stuntz, Johannes Stuntz, Georg Jager, Adam Kaiser, Carl Stoltz, Johannes Orth, Gottlieb Becker, PhUip Barth, Peter Wann, Adam Gless,* Peter Umstatt, Jacob Petry, Georg Schmit, , Sebastian Thiol, Thomas Polhaus, Peter Hosier, George Horster, Martin Seybert, Johann Conrad Stoltz, Johan Jacob Mattheis, Johan Christoph Pruch, Peter Laubenstein, Johan Peter Laubenstein, Johann Philip Schuey, Jacob Espenschied, Georg Schaffer, Henrich Rihm, Peter Carius, Georg Adam Duckel, Christopher Heidrich, Henrich Berninger, Johannes Schneider, Joh. Burcbardt Culman, Johannes Weisgerbef. 246) Nov. 10, 1764. Ship Boston, Matthew. Carr, Master, from Rotterdam," last from Cowes. — 203 passengers. StoD. 10, 1764. ©c^iff SBoflon, Sapitoin 2«att:^em Sorr, Don Slotterbom iiber Sotocg.— 203 Sfteifenbe. Henrich Spahr, Johannes Schwerm, Anthony Boley, Johannes Wentz, Johannes Walther, Philip Glass, Johannes Kessler, Peter Wentz, Peter Kenderoer,? Georg Reidenauer, 368 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Pflaum, Diebolt Lertz, Andreas Kbppel, Lorentz Jung, Ludwig Scheffer, Michael Georg, John Scheffling, Diebolt Beit, Jaque Depre, Isaac Bertsch, Adam Lampart,* - Johan Andreas Fuchs, Henrich Bachmann, Johan Casper Keipper, Johann Peter Schahl, Johan Georg Muth, Johan Valentin Diokes, Hans Georg Btittner, Johan Carl Boley, Georg Dannefeltzer, Hans Adam Hartman, Nickolaus Reidenauer, Andreas Schneider, Simon Peter Baidemann, Christian Jacob Klein, Johann Teobald, Lewis Shimfassel, Johan Philip Weytzel, Henrich Herbach, Frantz Lambert, Christian Mtihleisen, Peter Castermann, John Lampart,* Jacob Buss, Henry Bauer,* Michael Week,* Peter Halm, Justus Eckhard, Henry Scheffer,* Henrich Fuehs, Peter Geiss, Peter Fuchs, Henrich Fuchs,* Nicklas Hittel, Peter Steffen, Johan Nickel Week, Jacob Conrath, Andreas Baussmann, Rupertius Waller, Bernhart Doss, PhUip Jacob Bausmann, Casper Bernhardt, Wilhelm Bernhardt, Johann Diter Bledel, Conrad Fried. Bientelheimer, Johann Georg Stattler, Johannes Sponknbbel, Philip Gerber.* 247)~ Dec. 4, 1764. Snow TryaU, John Clapp, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. — 48 passengers. Dec. 4, 1764. ©eefc^iff Sr^otl, Sapitoin Sob" Slopp, Don Stotterbom iiber ^Jlbmoutl). — 48 Sleifenbe. Jacob Keppel,* PhUippus Stein, Georg Bender, Johannes Jung, Andreas Emrich, Bastian Bender, Johannes Greast, Anthony Opp, Johannes Bender, Carl Dost, Henrich Strocher, Johan Daniel Gross,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1765. 369 Heinrich Lautzenheisser,* Peter Lautzenh'ausser, Abraham Schaffer, Christopher Mathias,* Johannes Roscher, Nickolaus Aberthal, Johann Jacob Enck, Johannes GauU, Kaspar Schbnbruck, Valentin Braun. 248) Aug. 24, 1765. Ship Polly, Robert Porter, Master, from Kotterdam, last from Cowes. — ^211 passengers. 2lug. 24, 1765. ©li^iff ^oU?, Sopitoin Jlobert gJortcr, Don Slotterbom iiber Soweg.- 211 SReifenbe. Jacob Huntzieker,* Andreas Heintz, Jacob N'agele, Jacob Gay, Joseph Stecher, Jacob Gemberling, Christian Wundjr, Conrad Haujiutein,* Elias Werner, Joh. Adam Friedrich DoU, Jacob Gemberling sen., Georg Jacob Hauenstein,* Christoph Spriegel, Joh. Leonard Devil,* Andreas Ehresmann, Andreas Buchhecker, Lorentz Gronninger,* Joh. Michael Gronninger,* Peter Sigrist, Conrad Munch, Jacob Mays,* Peter ZeUer, Jacob Wunder, Elias Wigandt, Jacob Fans,* Peter Gram, Jacob Treuttle, Jacob Schultz,* Jacob Behr,* Samuel Behr,* Jacob Thorwarth, Jacob Hetzel, Jacob Schneck, George Stadtler,* Henrich Hopff, Friederich Hippel, Georg Uffer,? Christian Maurer, Rudolph Mambeek, Johannes Voltz, Johannes Mtiller, Johannes Schmidt, Michael Hoff, John Mich. Bishop, Johannes May, Jacob Muller, Anthony Rhein,* Michael Mensebach,* ¦Peter Gress,* Johan Bernhart Dietrich, Gottfried Munch, Georg Adam Bressler, Michael Widerick,* Valentin Kauffmann, Georg Simon Haushalter, George Adam Teis,* Christoph Dieterich, Henrich Wilhelm Mayer, Henrich Berthgiss, Christian Hauffrer, 370 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johann Philip Harttung, Jacob Schwenck,? Paulus Sturm, Johannes Rathacker, Christoph Ginahle, Hans Georg Schneck sen., Hans Georg Schneck, Christopher HanmtiUer, Johan Jacob HanmtiUer, Johann Bardtmann, Johann Jacob Hofelen, Johann Georg Hoff, Johann Jacob Schressel, Johann Nickel Fischer, Johann Wilhelm Bender, Frantz Arnold Lein, Martin Klaubach,* Johan Jacob Mohr, Johan George Kahler, Peter Rudolph.* 249) Sept 9, 1765. Ship Chance, Charles Smit^i, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 2i6 passengers. ©ept 9, 1765. ©(^iff Sconce, Sapitoin S^flrleg ©mit:^, Don SHotterbam iiber Sotoeg. — 216 Sleifenbe. Peter Kebbler,* Georg Krebs,* Charles Grim,* Jacob Mtiller, Jacob Geiger, Peter Schmidt, Jacob Deinius, Johannes Schissler, Caspar Roth, Henrich Lambert, Balthas Breitenbtibr, Johann Georg Bauer, Tobias Hafferstock, Christopher Kessler,* Jacob George,* Johannes Fecher,* Daniel Meyers,* John Dauchawirt, Jacob Krafft, Henrich Kagel, Jacob Guth, John Klein, Jacob Kendel, Jacob Kehl, Johan Erendorff, Christian Hbhl, Eberhard Ltittig,* Michael Heyl, Martin Weber, Israel Bockreider, Friederich Keller, Peter Beixitsch,* Nicklaus Ludi, John Dinius, Jonas DiU, ¦ Christoph Kettering, Wendel Schanck, Johannes Preiss, Rudolph Brengel, Jacob Kcbbel, John Russ, Valentin Rbbach, Isaac Frantz, John Geo. Firer, Michael Hutler, Matheis Hora, Michael Muller, Joh. Georg PbUip Lessig, Johann Christian Lessig, . Johan Gottlieb Gampffer, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1765. 371 Valentin Metzger, Georg Christian Muller, Johan PhUip Melter, Michael Kettenring, Johan Jacob Kettenring, Joh. Georg Paul Christmann, Johann WUhelm Ntitzer, PhUip Henrich Mayer, ^Joh. Christophel Kurtz, Joh. Wiihelni Schaffer, Joh. Conrad Escher, Joh. Wendel Gtibeller, John Henry Reichard, Matheis Hartmeyer, Joh. Adam Graeim, . Johannes Ernst Kaps, Apothicaire, Johan Friederich Weyrer, Joh. Burchard Krels, Joh. Henrich Gernardt, Joh. Michael Seltzer, Abraham Breitenbuher, Johann PhUip Mtiller, Johan Daniel MtiUer, Johannes Giedelmann, Johan Michael Hoyer, Christian Brutzius. 250) Sept 19, 1765. Ship Betsey, John Osman, Comman der, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept 19, 1765. ©d^iff Setfe?, Sommonbont 3o:^n Damon, son Slotterbom iiber Sotoea. Ludwig Barer, Jacob Frietz, Daniel Cobbit, Henrich Pfeiffer, Jacob Idler, Isaac Gassman,* Henrich Hermann, Johan Matheus DoUmann, Michael Lbwenstein, Hans Michael Brattler, Johan Jacob Brattler, Phil. Gottfried Mathias, Abram Schming, , Martin Becker, Jacob Zekerr, WUhelm Schafer, Joh. Georg Pletz, Peter Schneider, WUhelm Freund, Joh. Ebert (Erter, Johann Gastlied, Daniel Zwigart, George Scbiff, Peter Garthner, Michael Zehner, John Heins, Martin Hegner, Jacob Hauss, Benedict Schmit,* Hans Merckle, Johannes Wolff, Jacob Blaus, Darius Strauss, Jacob HiUer, Martin Ostertag, Christian Wehr, Andreas Heckel, Jacob Licht, Josua Metzger, David GottschaU, Conrad Schuler, Johannes Braun, 372 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johann Henrich, Benjamin Gassmann, Gottfried Grumbach, Joh. Carl Gabriel, Hans Georg Ochs, Jacob Friederich Schaffer, Gottlob Jacob Lbffler, Johan Jacob Thiel, Johann Georg Schneider, Johan Henrich Ohrendorff, Johan Adam Sehneyder, Johann Christian Betz, Johann Adam Arnsterger, Stephan Hbpffer, Philip Jacob Stockel,* Lorentz Rinckle,* Hans Georg Frietz, Abraham Gleding, Johan PhUip Muller, Johannes Riemer, Georg Deschner, Johannes Peter Zepper, Johan Jacob Birki, Friederich Heckel, Johan Ruben WeUer, Johan Nickel Licht, Johan Conrad Lang, Johan Henrich Clement, Johan PhUip Schroder, PhUip Peter Laplace, Johan Friederich Ernst, Jacob Rockenbauch. 251) Sept 21, 1765. Ship MyrtUla, James Cayton, Captain, from London. — 81 passengers. ©ept 21, 1765. ©(|iff fDlprtitta, Sopitoin Someg Sopton, Don Sonbon. — 81 Sleifenbe. Martin Schmidt, Christian Hauss, Jacob Kapp, Martin Frey, Martin Behr, PhUip Behr, Jacob Dieterich, Johannes Burgholdter, Samuel Funck, Christian Burgholdter, Andreas Friederich, Christoffel Dieterich, Jacob Burgholdter, Henrich KeUer, Adam Eckel, Jacob Meyer, Henrich Frey, Johannes KrebtiU, Jacob Riiumann, Ulerich Wissler, Jacob Wissler, Henrich Ktiny, Joh. Michael Meyer, Sebastian NUl, Ludwig Schehlman, Johann Christian, Josue Dedie, a Jean Dedie, a Abraham de Roche, o Jean Jaque Etienne, a Jean Richar Vierisard. a a Swiss-French Protestants. a ®i^ti)etjertf(b=fvanjiipfcbe 35totefiantett. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1766. 373 252) Oct 7, 1765. Ship Countess of Sussex, Thomas Gray, Captain, from Rotterdam. — 50 passengers. Dct 7, 1765. ©(^iff Sounteg of ©uflfer, Sopitain Zf^omai ©rap, Don Slotterbom. — 50 Sleifenbe. William Hagher,* David Vohl, Rudolph Kaphffer. Henry Stephan, Georg Michel Hertle, Joh. Thomas Metzler, Melchior Metzler, Jacob Sandemeyer, Christian Schneider, . Conrad Brombach, Johannes Brombach, Andreas Hubert, Joh. Christ. Schbnfelder, Frantz Carl Beaujacque, Joh. Leonhard Hirsch, Johan Theodor Hofius, Job. Jacob Scheppach, Joh. Gottlieb Ponce sen., Joh. Gottlieb Ponce jr., Joh. Henrich Bender, Joh. Henrich Hepde,? Johan Henrich MeU, Joh. Christoph Schultz. 253) Sept 23, 1766. Ship Chance, Charles Smith, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 200 passengers. ©ept 23, 1766. ©c^tff Sconce, Sopitoin St)arleS ©mit^, son Slotterbom uber SoweS. — 200 Sleifenbe. Conrad StbrckeU, Johannes GrbU, Johannes Hoch, ^ Peter Blass, Johannes MuUer, Johannes Lipp, Johannes Conradi, Conrath Enrich, Jacob Reitzel, Henrich Gross, Nicholas Arnold, Johann Georg Freytag, Johan Friederich Altvetter, Johan Friederich Ulrich, Michael Sulheimer, Johann Georg Ernold, Johaan Georg Enrich, Johan Peter Mehriing, Johan Henrich Kern, Johann Peter Faist, Johan Franciscus Faist, Johannes Meister, Johannes Vogt, PhUip Blitz, Johannes Emrich, Martin Lantz, Johannes Graub, Joh. Georg May, Johannes Leis, Friederich Ltideritz, Job. Adam Flick, John Haster,* Johann Borthlehr, Gabriel Becker, Henrich Frey, Johannes Mates, Zacharias Endres, Henrich Bossel, 32 374 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Paul Conrad, Andreas Weiss, Friederich Loclier, Henrich Haber, Henrich Dewalt, Johannes Miesemer, Sebastian Heckman, Adam Schaffer, Peter Burging, Georg Tramp, Geo. Conrad Seip, Joh. Georg Weber, Heinrich Ehrhart, John Peter Tramp, Johan Hirschbirg, Johannes Kehl, Peter Weber, Simon Biohller, Joseph Schmidt, Johannes Reb, Christoph Huger, Johannes Huger, Johannes Weber, Anton Mundorff,? Francis Beier,* Joh. Christian Kunckel, Johun Jacob Vogler, Michael Grtinewald, Johan Peter Hbr, Johan Friederich Helm, Johann Adam Ohl, Johan Georg Seib, Joh. Benedict Schneider, Joh. Ludwig Waltmann, Joh. Nicklaus Seitz, Joh. Wilhelm Klopper, Joh. Valentin Klopper, Joh. Gabriel Grbber, Joh. Michael Weingartne*, Joh. Henrich Deetzel, Joh. Dietrich Koster,? Hannes Waldtmann, Joh. Daniel Frischmuth, Johan Nickel Martin, Georg Gramlich, Henrich Jtingst, Joh. Jacob Reinhart, Johan Peter Low, Joh. Friederick Mtiller, Joh. Jacob Matzenbacber, Hans Georg Schnepp, Johan Wilhelm Seip, John Adam Sand, Johan Christoph Simon, Joh. Georg Zimmermann, Simon Peter Deubard, Christopher Unger, PhUip Colman Ramlander, Johan Michael Kuh, Job. Christoph Kampff, John Michael Lauer, Johan Georg Ott, Johan Nicolaus Wiebel, Johan Georg AUsbach, Joh. Henrich Leuthausser, Simon Gickert 254) Oct. 13, 1766. Ship Betsey, John Osmond, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 154 passengers. Dct 13, 1766. S^iff Setfep, Sap'itatn 3o:^n Dsmonb, Don Slotterbom itber Soweg. — 154 Sleifenbe. Johannes Breinokhart, Johannes Schmid, Nicolaus Bbhler, Jacob Henckel, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1766. 37£ Michael Rath, Daniel Brenner, Joseph Stauch, Johannes Benner, Jacob Schaffer, Jacob Kauffmann, Joseph Singer, Gottlieb Geyer, Fred. Hoffman, F. G. Hirschmann, Johannes Mseyer, Joh-annes'Dahm,? Jonas Barone, ? Lorentz Boris,* Jacob Kern, Jacob Gtinther, Louis Robert, Johannes Hbckert, Jacob Hahn, Jacob Wagner, Johannes Linck, Valentin Schurling, Peter Ltitter, Michael Weiss, Johan Hage, Peter Reyt, Christoph WiUemann, Jacob Greuther, Christian Wolff,* Johannes H'auser, Johannes Mosser, Valentin Hamm, John KeUer,* Peter Guite, Georg Bub, Jost Kuntz,* Daniel Zimmermann, Johan Helman Karle, John Jacob Karl, Johann Georg Becker, Johannes Gelessener, Jost Henry Volmer, Georg SchUtw'achter, Johann Georg Volmer, Johan Georg MiUer, Johann Jost Miller, Johann Georg Piesser, Joh. Melchior Endlich, Joh. Henrich Bar, Joh. Henrich Frantz, Joh. PhUip Lambach, Friederich Schittenhelm, Georg Michael Schaber, Johan Jacob Haussmann, Johan Bernhard Borst, Johann Henrich Fessler, Johann Jacob Fessler, Georg Friederich Immich, Henrich Frantz Feck, Johann Christoph Gbtz, Johan Georg Lichtenberger, Hans Martin Ziegler, Johan Georg KneU, ? , Johan Michael Keyser, Johan Michael Schaffer, Johan FUbert Gleh, Johannes Wtist, < Lenhart Eckert, Johan Bernhard Kbrtz, Christian Frey, PhUip Buchman, Lorentz Ladenbefger, Joseph Haller, Christian Becker, David Wathman, Joh. Georg Sehneyder. 255) Oct. 16, 1766. Ship Palladium, Richard Hunter, Mas ter, from Lisbon, Portugal. 376 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Dct 16, 1766. ©(^tff g)attabtum, Sopitoin Slit^orb punter, Don Siffobon, ^ortugol. Pedra Oberlander, Ignacio Onder, Francis Frey, John Meyer,* Francis Fisher,* Peter Polo,* Peter Scbotter, Paul Abzieger, Carl Grissinger, Erhard Schlagel, Johannes Kreck. 256) Oct 18, 1766. Ship Polly, Robert Porter, Master, from Amsterdam, last from Cowes. — 181 passengers. Dct 18, 1766. ©i^iff ?)oE9, Sopitoin Slobcrt S)ortcr, Don Slmjicrbam iiber Soweg. — 181 Sleifenbe. Michael Schaftel, Christian Reiss, Georg Schattel, Nicolas Stoltzfus, Christian Stoltzfas, Jacob Holler, Jacob Heifer, John Brodnier, Jacob Diemer, Joh. Jacob Lentz, Johannes Reuther, Job. Hen. Mtiller, Ernst Wilh. Christ, Johannes Geitling, Johan T. Lupp, Jo'hn Edelmaan, Johannes Schwen, Johannes Bloch, PhUip Walter, Peter Mtiller, John W. Herman, Hans Jacob Motz, Andreas Stetzel, Johannes Schrag, Valentin Weld, Frantz Schmidt, Michael Friederich Gutekunst, Johann Nickel Wems, Hans Georg Horn, Frantz Herman, John Georg Herman, PbUip Henrich Hechs, Hans Georg Cuntz, Johan PhUip Jacob, Hans Jacob Duchman, Johan Jacob Schreiner, Johannes Peter Stockmann, Johan Adam Widerstein, Johan Hen. Eissenberger, Johan Philip Gielberth, Johan Eberth Michael, Georg Friederich Steiner, Johan Georg Schreiber, Joh. Philip Wcltzheimer, Hans Georg Petry, Job. PhUip Schreiner, Georg Valentin Steiner, Joh. Henrich Herdel, John Conrad Erick,* Johann Jacob Henninger, Johan Caspai- Trump. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1767: 377 257) Nov. 4, 1766. Ship Sally, John Davidson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. gjoD. 4, 1766. ©c^iff ©ollp, Sopitain 3o^n DoDtbfon, Don Slotterbom iiber Soroeg. Paulus Amecker, Georg Jacob Elsass, Johannes Lemp, Georg Friederich G'bbss, Jacob Brandenberger, Joh. Georg Sturmfels. Christoph Henrich Augustinus, 258) Jan. 23, 1767. Ship Juno, John Robinson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Berwick-on-Tweed, England. — 36 passengers. 3an. 23, 1767. ©^tff 3uno, Sapitotn So'^n Slobtnfon, Don Slotterbom itber Sertoid'On'SLweeb, Snglonb.— 36 Sleifenbe. Johann Bekenne, Johan Georg Seuberth, Michael Gbtz, Johan Georg Huber, John Henry Hirsh,* Johann Henrich Kiesy, John Peter Bbll, Joh. Hen. Holdinghaus, Johannes Moss,* Johan Clemens Gulich, Joh. Hen. Lebo, Georg Mich. Kittelmeyer. 259) Oct 5, 1767. Ship Sally, John Osman, Master, from Kotterdam, last from Cowes. — 116 passengers. Dct 5, 1767. ©c^tff ©0II9, Sopitoin 3o|n Desman, Don Stotterbom iiber Soroeg. — 116 Sleifenbe. Henrich Kleiber, Adolph Dill, Georg Kleiber, Theobald Fischer, Georg Leidich, Adam Dbrr, Jacob Durwee";, Christian MtiUer, °D' Johannes Sommer, Andreas Sperling, Peter WUrich, Leonhart Beyer, Stephan Tuchman, Johannes Kemperling, Philip Krimmel, Gabriel Leon, Joh. Emerich Adam, Georg Henrich Focht, Bernhart Eglin, Adam Knoblauch, Michael Gtitcbrel, Friederich Gamssendahl, Peter Auchementer, Martin Borntrager, Wendel Bernhardt, Joh. Theodore Hartman, Georg Bernhardt, Hans Georg Mattheis, 32* 378 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Christo. Ludwig DetweUer, Hans Adam Bauer, Johan Georg Wtirtzer, Johan Andreas Seuling, Georg Henrich Keitz, Adam PhUip Kietz, Johan Philip Huff, . Wilhelm Diewalt, Johann Petrygandt, Joh. Conrad Bertsch, Joh. Nicklaus Weyandt, Georg Kilian Worth, Joh. Henrich Krafft, Joh. Nicolaus Ludwig, Joh. Michael Bast, Joh. Hieronimus Augustine, Johannes Mtiller, Joh. Jac. Heiser, Frantz Hoch, Jacob Eokenberger, Jacob Berndt,* Jacob Berndt jr.,* Henrich Weber, Nickel Huber, Caspar Acker, Adam Huber, Michael MiUer, Adam Muller, Valentin Hoch, Philip Huber, Jacob Lein, Jacob Kuffer, Jacob Kerst, Peter Diehl, Kunrad Heier, Peter MiUer,* Fi-antz Wilhelm, Adam Reyter,* Jao^-b Lambert, Walter Heyl, Jacob Zebalt,* Frederick Kass, Henrich Kiess, Jacob Gbrtlerr, Caspar Spies, Jacob Reder, Jacob Rummel, Hans Georg Graberth, Johann Adam Lechler, Johann Philip Lntz, Johann Simon Hoch, Joh. Bernhard Hoffmann, Hans Schonenberger, PhUip Frblich, Johann Georg MUler, Daniel Lauth, Jacob Luntz, Johann Adam Reb, Georg Adam Kiffer, Johan Henrich Fuckes, Hans Adam Palm, Wilhelm Reuter, Leonard Albreoht, Michael Klein, Peter Schweitzer, Hans Georg Buchman, Joh. Friederich Schlemb, Adam Eokenberger, Joh. Carl August Kiess, Johann Jacob Appel, Philipp Rottmann, Job. Wilhelm Bonyneburg, Jacob SteUwagenj" Johan Caspar Schneider,- PhU. Leonhart Hartman, Balthaser Heinrich, Nickolaus Cabbett. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1767. 379 260) Oct 6, 1767. Ship Hamilton, Charles Smith, Com mander, from Rotterdam. — 302 passengers. Dct 6, 1767. ©d)iff Hamilton, Sommanbant S^orleg ©mit^, Don Slotterbom.- 302 Sleifenbe. Christophel Henritzy, Joh. PhU. Toninger, Geo. Leon. Zeller, Peter Rothrock, Friederich Satler, Nicklaus Schaffer, Michael Wambach, ,^ohan Nicklaus Frick, Job. Henrich Baydeman, Joh. Henrich Grossbard, Joh. Friederich Anstbach, Johann Peter Grumm, Hans Michael Dreher, Andreas Dreher, Matheus Cuntz, Michael Merlock, Christ. Wineman,* Henrich Felty, ¦•Johannes Hoch, Peter Krassle, Peter Neuschwander, Peter Neuschwander jr., Peter Diether, Caspar Fitrius, ? Henrich Seyler, Johannes Weiss, Jacob Euher, Jacob Nuss, Leonhart Knor, Wendel Heuotz, Johannes Huber, Conrath Rau, Conrad Wachter, Jacob Veiock, Johannes Dis, ? PhUip Baltzer, Joh. Nie. Smith,* Michael Endres, Conrad Henrich, P. E. Leonie, Georg Cuntz, Daniel Stollberger, Caspar Walter, Christian Steiner, Jacob Schneider, Johannes Hedinger, •Johannes Schneider, Peter Seekatz, Adam Lotz, Henry Wagner, George Hoock,* Frantz Hopp, Ludwig Horst, Joseph Blisch, Leonard Gramm, John Vestermfeyer, Joseph Schleser, Joh. Christ. Kirschenmann, Jacob Hochstrasser, Georg Jacob Baumann, Henrich Nickel Heynioh, Geo. Michael Roth, Geo. Michael Vuss,* Joh. Nickel Stiick, Joh. Michel Kulman, Christoph SeUer, Conrad Bbhmer, Friederich Bbhmer, Johann Georg Butz, Conrad Wagard, Michael Heuntz, Georg Jacob Suss, Christophel Shitertz,* Heinrich Walther, 380 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Diebolt Kelchoffner, Philip Christian Schrader, Johan Conrad Schlupp, Johan Gottlieb Blumler, Friederich Mbllinger, John Peter Hees, Johan Melchior Reuschling, Johan Friederich Heuntz, John Bernhard Hoch, Frid. WUhelm Rauhman, Peter von Hulen, Johan Jacob Beuckler, Christoph Hartman, John PhUip Menick,* John Adam Peck, Johannes Biircket, Jobann Jacob Frick, Christian Winseher, Johan Georg Biss, Hartman Schneider, Peter- Michael Klein, Martin Kalckhaufen, Johann Conrad Reiss, Georg Peter Stoffel, Johan Zacharias Donselt, Henrich Medart, Friederich Hert, John Ewig, Daniel Barch, Adam Humbert, Henrich Horn, Sebastian Ettel, Fried. Vogel, Michael Kiesser, Gottlieb Geiss, Jacob Badel,* Jacob Albrecht, Michael Erhart, Jacob ScheU, Peter Bollinger, Johan Schultz, Andreas Neuman, Friederich Stimmel, Phil. Jacob Cuntzmann, Friederich Conrad Hoff, Casimir Bernhard Alberti, Georg Friederich KnobeUoch, Frau W. Sebwig, Lorentz Schmidt, Johan Gottlieb Hauck, Johannes Ftitter, Philip EuUmann, Hans PhUip Bott, Quirinus Michael, Johan Peter Klatz, Mattheis Grassel, Joseph Dubemock.* 261) Oct 26, 1767. Ship Brittania, Alexander Hardy, Mas ter, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Dct. 26, 1767. ©c^tff Srittonio, Sapitoin 2lle;;anber ^arbp, Don Slotterbom iiber ^^ort^moutt). Johannes Han, Johannes Bauer, Casper Dietrich, Johaimes Staub, Henrich Gorgi, Johannes Kunckel, Michael Gbbler,* Henrich Kunckel, Johannes Hirsch, Friederich Stegel, Henrich Hesser, Adam Dieterich, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1767. 381 Johannes Kister, Johannes Keyser, Carl Rbrig, Lorentz Schuster, Michael Gtintzler, Jacob Plat,* Johannes Gltick, Johannes Hem, Johannes Kleinpeter, Friederich Steygerwalt, Johann Peter Hoch, Johannes Steigerwalt, Friederich Flehmann, Michael Jacob Rach, Johan PhiUp Falck, Leonhart Kramer, Johannes Kunckel, Johan Michael Alstat, Johannes Breitenbach, Valentin Breitenbach, Johan Henrich Bory,. Johannes Christian, Johannes Kohler, Johannes Bach, Peter Schuster, Johan Peter Uhl, Matheus Kbhier. 262) Oct 29, 1767. Ship Minerva, John Spuriers, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 194 passengers. Dct 29, 1767. ©(^ijf 9RinerD0, Sapitoin 3o^n ©purieriJ, son Slotterbom iiber Soweg. — 194 Sleifenbe. Johannes Nauman, . Johannes Nauman jr., Jeremiah Nauman, Nicholas Rlacher, Johann Tetwelder,? John MUler,* Peter Schumacher, John Fischer, Johannes Honor, John MiUer,* Jacob HeUman, Friederich Gaey, H. Hambach, Christian Faber, Valentin Faber, Jacob Faber, Jacob Gorsch, Peter Fuchs, Anthony Schoch, Joh. Mausshalder, Jacob Weiss, Michael Buch, Jacob DriU, Henrich Laux, ' Jeremias Algeir, Philip Hitzler, Michael Seitz, Peter MtiUer, Valentin Stahl, Johanne.s Schmidt, Johannes Fusser, Jacob Hohlwein, Hans Georg Mayer, Hans Bernhart Mayer, Johan Peter Schumacher, Johann Simon Schuey, Joh. Dietrich Hennenberg, Johan WUhelm Endres, Johannes Georg Hefer, Johan Jacob Zechiel, Job. Valentin Kattinger, Gteoxg Adam Teutsch, 382 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Christian Kauffman, Joh. Matheis Schleemann,* Valentin Faber sen., Georg Wilhelm Meyer, Georg Adam Wetterbauer, Johan Martin Motzer sen., Johan Martin Motzer, Valentin Kamper, Johan David BordUi, Hans Georg Haaga, Conrad Schneider, Johann Georg Schaffer, Nicolaus Albrecht, Diterich Reidenmeyer, Nicodemus Ungerer, Johan Wolfgang Bolschner, Johan Daniel Wilhelm, Johann Jacob Lang, Johann Adam Pfeiffer, Johan Daniel Schmoltze, Johan Ludwig Dieterich. 263) Nov. 4, 1767. Brigantine Grampus, Henry Robinson, Commander, from Rotterdam. JfloD. 4, 1767. ©^nellfcglcr ®xampni, Sommonbont ^enrp Sflobinfon, Don Slotterbom. Adrian Granget, Christian Muinber, Peter Dertwa,* Nicolaus Mtiller, Johan Peter Gliikler, Michael Unsold, Johan Bernhard Welte. 264) Nov. 10, 1767. Ship Sally, Patrick Brown, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 62 passengers. SloD. 10, 1767. ©c^iff ©oUp, Sopitoin 9)otrtd Sroton, Don Slotterbom uber Soweg. — 62 Sleifenbe. Adam Hertzerger, Johannes Egel, Lorentz Huber, Hans Tschopp, Martin Waller, Martin Stohler, Simon Stein, Friederich Bantz, Conrad Hering, Johann Ganssle, Simon Boni, Valentin Neissel,* Henrich DbUe, Johannes Glotz, Johann Tschudy, Jacob GobeU, Martin Tschudi, Martin MuUer, Daniel Ernst Hirach, Jacob Ersteberger, Johannes Hiinner, Christian Althaus, Hans Michael Boni, Georg Fried. Weidmayer, Johannes Burman, Adrian Hablutzel, Michael Lanhart, Joh. Rudolph Bapp, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1768. 383 Martin Nicolaus Schudy, Christoph Lochner, Georg Wachter, aits Memmin-'P'hiCip Jacob Fuchs, ffen, Johan Christian Roth, Georg Carl Mandel, Henrich Schaab. 265) Oct 3, 1768. Ship Pennsylvania Packet, Robert GiU, Master, from London, f Dct 3, 1768. ©d)itf f cnnf^lDonio gjodet, Sapitotn Sflobert @Ul, Don Sonbon. t Martin Pontzius, Ludwig Brenner, Jacob Linder, Wilhelm Pynni, Jacob Koch, Jacob Kulmann, David Pontzius, Jonas Apfel, Jacob Mauss, Johan Georg Jung, Frans Peter Brenner, Reinhart ScheU, David HigerneU, Johannes Schumacher, J. Frantz Helm, Nicklas Kulmann, Hans Jacob Hoffman, Johan Georg Wurtz, Johan Peter MuUer. 266) Oct. 10, 1768. Ship Minerva, Thomas Arnott, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 247 passengers. Dct 10, 1768. ©d^iff 5«tnerD0, Sopitain Zl)omai 3lrnott, Don Slotterbom iiber ^ortgmout^.— 247 Sleifenbe. Johannes Mohr, Johannes Kunckel, Friederich Stapf, Rudolph Dersch, Wendel Engel, Philip Hbhl,^ Jacob Hbhl, Wendel Decker, Johan Strohbau, Johannes Busser, Michael Latsch, Ludwig Orth, -v^ Daniel Weber, Friederich Brand, Conrad Braun, Michael Wolff, Peter Karp,* Michael Ehrman, f In List B, the only one preserved, are found the names of only nineteen, although twenty-eight were to be qualiiied. Diligent search for the nine missing names has been made, yet without success. — (Editor.) t 3n Stfie B, ber ctnjt'g erbnWcnen, ftnben jtib bte 9lamen »on nut neun- jebn, obglcttb aOft unb jwanjig qunlifijirt werben foattn. Qi wurbe flcigtg na^ ben »erIorenen neun gefucbt, jebotb obne (Jvfolg.— (^crauggcber.) 384 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Johannes Sbstner, PhUip Gruntzge, -Christian Phtil, Henrich Mtiller, Georg Mtihl, Jacob Frauenfelder, Johann Bernhardt, Michael lUgentz,? Christian Koch, Michael Scbiesler, Jacob Clautsch, Jeremias Gleim, Thomas Seyberth, Jost Gbtz, Maximilian Netzert,' Jacob Neu, Christian Echternacht, Frantz Hammet, Michael Lang, Erhard Giebelbauss, Paul Buchert, Johan Klemer,* Joh. Peter Meier, PbUip Scheckler, Johan Christian Heliand, WUhelm PhUip Knecht, Johan Jacob Hbhl, Hans Jacob Rippas, Henrich Straumay, Johannes Schrath, Casimer Hembd, Conrad Ltickhiiub, Valentin Sandel, Johann Raffensburg, Johan Wolfgang Seybots, Johan Lenhard Wagner, Christian Wilhelm Frutz, Joh. Andreas Wiest, Joh. Georg Mich. Strecker, Johannes Sttickerdts, Joh. Georg Eisenman, Johan Christoph Weick, Johan Peter Graff, Joh. Balthasar Graff, Joh. Christian Steymenn, Job. Balthaser Kroh, Johan Anthon Stephan, Johannes Schmidt, Joh. Conrad Rau, Georg Adam Rau, Paul Weitenbacher, Jacob Zimmerman, Johan Adam Meyer, Georg Henry Seyberth, Mathaus Kockenbauch, Philip Peter Hautz, Johannes Theis MtiUer, Philip Jacob Ohler, Johan Peter Merckel, Johann Mathias MuUer, Johan WUhelm Kleman, Georg Henrich Haug, Johan Jacob Walther, Johan Jacob Dietrich, Johan Jacob Harmann, Johan Peter Sieffert, Michael Hieber, John Peter Meyer,* Josephus Hybler, Philip Sahl, WUhelm Frubs, Michael Mauerer, John Hasselberger, Melchior Schmidt, Peter Obersheimer, Jacob ZoU, Peter Feitne, Georg Emmiger, Johan Wilhelm Paulus, Joh. Matheis Best, Joh. Georg Scheuerman, Johan Tobias Mohr, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1768. 385 Johan Valentin Krauss, Joh. Peter Schmidt, Joh. Nickel Huber, Joh. PhiUp Schleiclier, Joh. Henrich Haubt, Johan Jacob Schaffner, Joh. Daniel Kauff, Johannes Scheyzer. 267) Oct 26, 1768. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Master, "from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 205 passengers. Dct 26, 1768. ©(|iff Srowforb, Sapitoin ^axUi ©mit^. Don Slotterbom iiber Soweg. — 205 Sleifenbe. Gottfried Schlaug, Jacob Schmidt, Franc Gouche,* John Gersto,* Peter Fairy, Johannes Schaffer, Georg Brlinger, Andreas Ussener, Conrad Scheffer, Johannes Schtitz, Jacob Weicker, • Johannes Weicker, Michael Weicker, Johannes Kreiter, Henrich Blum, Abraham Saruain, Isacque Dedie, Samuel Saldret, Abram Doisin, Jacob Stehm, Gottlob Schwartz, Henrich Herschberger, ThUip Gotz, Hannes Weickert, Georg Hoffmann, Martin Schnabel, Joh. Jacob Escher, Johan Samuel Amweg, Johan Georg Scher, Christian Aescher, Gabriel Aescher,* Jacob Echman, Joh. Jacob Ktimmel, Johan Valentin Friehs, Johan Christophel Keller, Carl Ludwig Staudehauer, Georg Wilhelm Becker, Johan Philip Haass, Johan Dbnius Frblig, Friederich Hoffmann, Fried. Samuel HeUer, Johan Georg Grun, Jean Pierre Welle, Martin Gerhardt Utes, Johan Samuel Gudtner, Jacob Ulrich SUtzel, Johan Henrich Fohrman, Johann PhUip MicheU, Michael V. Huber, Ignatius Zengerle, Joh. Friederich Schnabel, Joh. Conrad Schnabel, Daniel Spies, Conrad Frtihs, Martin Paff, Joh. Philip Fries, Caspar Lntschy, Peter Galloe, Job. Jacob Dietz, Joh. Hen. Leis, Ludwig Kiehl, Joh. Adam Stand, 1 33 386 NAMES OP GERMAN, SAVISS Jost Hen. Muller, PhillpHoff,Isaac Cochet, Joh. Wil. Hartman, * Joh. Nick. Hartman,. Sebastian Hinderle, Job. Matthias Hartman, Georg Henrich Fischer, Emanuel Waltmann, 'Georg Jacob Waltmann, Johan Isaac Cochet, John Georg BeUstein, Johan Wilhelm Diehl, Joh. Nicklaus Heckmann, Joh. Henrich Walterscher, Joh. Herman Obermeyer, Jost Henrich Schneider, Joh. Erhardt Schneider, Georg Dietrich Cochet, Johan Henrich Strom, Johan WUhelm Waitman, Andreas Gotthard Lbbe. 268) Oct. 16, 1768. Ship Betsey, S. Hawk, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 16, 1768. ©c^tff Setfep, Sapitoin ©. ^awf, Don Slot» tcrbom iiber Soweg. Solomon Stenger, Peter Kammes, Jacob Andoni, Joh. PhUip Naahs, Jacob Berentz, Michael Bieber, Jacob Stenger, Jacob Naschi, Johannes Niess, Philip Munsch, Adam Anthony, i Valentin Bieber, v Johann Gerst, Jacob Bieber,* Gerhard Krug, Jacob Motz, Adam Steger, Andreas Hauck, Adam Horn, Frantz Schnell, Joseph Emrich, Jacob Stenger, Johan Gerhard Thiel, Jacob Anthony MannwiUer, Joh. Matheis MannwUler, Ch. Frantz Christman, Abraham MadsseU, Christian Seyfert, Johan Peter Qerhart, Nicklaus Rauscher, Theobald Pfaff, Peter Reissdorff, Jacob Schulheiss, Johan Philip Opp, Peter Armenbefer, Johannes Schulheis, Johann Friederich Leich, Henrich Borckel, Johann Henrich Marx, Johann Nicklas MiiUer, Johannes Schweyer, Martin Weisshardt, Fried. Wilh. Hoffmann, Mathias Muller, Daniel Stenger, Christian Kuntze,? Wendel Gtinther, Georg Dupont, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1769. 387 Stephani FeUx, Martin Felix, Michael Lang, Georg Schtitt, Martin Bauer, Nicolas Shirra,* Valentin MtiUer, Jacob Mayer, Peter Sieber, Henry Bender, Peter Mennel, Hannes GreisseU, Friederich Mahler, Georg Mutz, Peter Driebler, Nicolas Glazer, John Matheis, Jacob SchoU, Andreas Schmidt Johannes Gess, George Huber, Andreas Bach, Nicholas Hardt, Michael Raum, Henrich Zibig, Nickel Ber, Phihp Gippel; Adam Klein, John Cottringer, a Johannes Felix, Christopher Kirchsettin, Hans Georg Honher, Johan Jacob Lorentz, Johan Georg Threin, Johann Nickel Lintz, Johann Nickel Lintz jr., Philip Micher, Johann Nickel SchoU, PhUipp Schammo, Hans Adam MtiUer, Johannes TedweUer, Friedrich Brandtohr, .Johan Peter Prick, Hans Ludwig Herman, Michael WUhelm, Daniel Gerhard, Hans Adam Schory, Michael Zimes, Johannes Pfau, Hans Georg Ban, Georg Wendling, Daniel Kammer, Jobann Peter Facquart, Joh. Henrich Hermann, Jacob Hausknecht, Joh. Hen. Krachmer, Adam Bernhart, Johan Adam Stenger sen., Georg Etelweih, Daniel Kammer, Christian Stenger. 269) Sept 1, 1769. Ship Nancy and Sucky, William Keys, Captain, from London. ®ept 1, 1769. ©^iff Stancp unb ©ucEp, Sopitain SBilliom %g, Don Sonbon. Friederich Roth, Jacob Grob, WUhelm Usener, Joan Guilielmus Pythan, a John Cottringer was only quaMed Feb. 14, 1769. — (Editor.) 1 3obn Sottringer tourbe erji am 14, gebr. 1769 qnaliftjirt.— ($erau«g.) 388 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Job. Balthaser Dernheimer, Job.- Hen. Christoph Roth, Uli Schrack, Christian Roth, Nicklaus Ernst, Johann Georg Wunder,? Johannes Gabriel. 270). Sept 29, 1769. Ship London Pacquet, James Cook, Captain, from Lisbon, Portugal. ©ept 29, 1769. ©c^tff Sonbon ?)ocquct, Sopitain 3amcg Soot, Don Sipbon, Portugal. Wentzel Serb, Hermanns Cazo,* Martin Long,* • John Henry Block, Johannes Miller, Hen. Michael Dhamer, Thomas Brtist, Joseph SchmeueU, Martin Gtitt, Frantz Gamb, Friederich Diess, Joel Franciscus Todf, Adrian Brust, Joh. Her. Fried. Lippenkan. Pitre Incler, 271) Oct 13, 1769. Ship Minerva, Thomas Amott, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. Dct 13, 1769. ©d^iff SJlinerDO, Sapitoin Zf^omai Slrnott, Don Slotterbom uber |)orti3mout^. Andreas Heyer, Lorentz Heier, Friederich Grommel, Hans Georg Bofp, Conrad Bock, Joh. Jacob Lentz, Michael Bans, Friederich Kesseler, Abraham Mellinger, Peter Ulrich, PbUip Moses, Bernhard Karg, Philip Seyfrit,* Joseph Farni, Jacob Famy, Jacob MuUer, Michael Hertz, a Conrad Hoffman, Michael Neff, Michael Dosch, Daniel Scheffer, Jacob Berg, Johan Philip Hecker,- Johan Geoi-g Gbltmann, Johan Christoph Ferdig, PhUip Henrich Boblender, Joh. Matheis Katzenbach, Johan Nicklas Schaffer, a Michael Hertz, written in Hebrew, undoubtedly a Jew.— (Editor.) a md)atl §ev8 ijl in bebraifcber ©ibtift geft^rteben, unb ijl awetfel^obnf ber 9lame einea 3«ben.— ($eraw8geber.) AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1769. 389 Johan Theobald Emrich, Johann Adam Klein, Johann Adam Weller, Johannes Theis Arnd, Joh. Henrich Manderbach, Joh. Henrich Manderbach jr., Joh. Henrich Dischardt, Johann WUhelm Schu, Georg Friederich Ruck, Johan Georg Zundel, Johann Nicklaus Dbbler, Hans Georg Jacob, Jacob Musselmann, Jacob Stilger, Johan Matheus Dock, Johann Jacob Walter, Henrich Klein, Nickelas Weber, Nich. Bernet,* Jacob Diehl, Christoph Pasch, Jacob Fryer,* John BoUiek,* Heinrich Fentz, Johannes Herd, Christian Jung, Anthon Fuchs, Andreas Heger, Johannes Weber,' Georg Siemath,* Joh. Jacob Fritz, Theobald Hess, Hans Vass. ? Peter Silwel, Manuel Eberth, Antoni Drexel, Johann Hemrier, Henrich Porster, Georg Martin Jentz, Theobald Schramm, Jacob Henrich Arnold, Philipp Conrad Haussler, Henrich Carl Steutz, Philip Peter Rothenheusser, Georg Henrich Ziegler, Johann Bernhard Frietzel, Daniel Naumann, Johannes Schneider, Johann PhUip Frey, Johan Jacob Walther, Johan Henrich Pfeffer, Johan Casper Pauli, Johan Ludwig Wasser, Johan Christoph Scherrer, Johan Adam Stock, Joh. Andreas Strasbtirger, Johann Adam Steuer, Johan Valentin Klein, Johan Jacob Kiefer, Johan Michael Rademacher, Johan Philip Hennstz, Stanislaus Matter. 272) Oct 24, 1769. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Com mander, from Rotterdam. Dct. 24, 1769. ©c^iff Srawforb, Sommanbant dljaxki ©mif^, son Slotterbom. Georg Rtincker, Dieter Beyerle, Michael Caff, Johannes Hoff, Johannes Hinckel, Peter Thorn, Friederich Kneiss, WUhelm Nadler, 33* 390 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Anthon MtiUer, Jost Henrich Thiel, Johan Adam Bariedet, Christopher Schmidt, Johan Wilhelm StoU, Johann Theis Kempff, Valentin Hoffman, Johann Bernhart Kempff, Johann Wilhelm Flick, Johan Theis MUler.* 273) July 27, 1770. Snow Neptune, Thomas Edward WaUis, Commander, from Lisbon, Portugal. 3uli 27, 1770. ©eefc^tff fReptune, Sommonbont Z^omai Sbworb SBolliS, Don Sipbon, 5)ortugol. John Nuttier,* Georg Heinrich Cremer, Francicio Weytzer, PljUip Jacob Michael, Johann Paul Karz, Johann Georg Bradtfisch. Jean Baptiste,, 274) Aug. 29, 1770. Brig Dolphin, George Stephenson, Captain, from London. Slug. 29, 1770. Srigg 15olp:^in, Sapitoin ©eorge ©tep^cn= "fon, Don Sonbon. Joseph Solomon, Johann Jost Klein, Peter MUler,* Jean Siesrieux, George Alizon, " Nicola Pavit, Jaque Monie, Piere Pavit 275) Sept 10, 1770. Snow Rose, George Ord, Master, from Lisbon, Portugal. ©ept. 10, 1770. ©eeft^iff Slofe, Sapitoin ©eorgcDrb, Don Sijfobon, ^ortugol. Johannes End, Johann Krusser, Peter Mohr,* Petro Claude, . , Antoine Dore, GUle Saiier.* . Louise Patier,* 276) Oct. 1, 1770. Ship Minerva, Thomas Amott, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dtt 1, 1770. ©d)tff SJlinerDO, Sopitoin Z^mai Slrnott, Don Slotterbom uber Sowes. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS^-1770. 391 Georg Mengs, Michael Schmitt, Johannes ScheU, Georg Mtiller, Jacob Kuntz, Jacob Marx, Valentin Hess; Philip Frantz,* Lorents Vix, David Ott, . Georg GeUi,* / Adam Bieber, «/ Adam Wolff, Theobald Busch,* Jacob Greiner, Jacob Schmit,* John Leiffer,* Georg Ltick, Jacob Ltick,* Peter Schmit, John Weyer, Johannes Sprotz, Georg Jacob Sturm, Hans Georg ScheU, Johann Georg Hammerer, Michael Nonnenmacher, Johann Georg Schnepp, Andreas Eyrich, Caspar Pletsch, Mathias Weber, Johann Peter Bbssinger, Friederich Hehlhofher, Friederich Greiner,* Johan Georg PfaU, Georg Heinrich Maurer, Johannes Scheib, Johann Georg Muller, Jacob Ltick, Mathias Schesuermann, Christian Weiss, Johannes Becker, Martin Kerner,* Philip Preissman,* Johan Georg Bastian, Joh. Henrich Bastian, Georg Nickel, Conrad Holstein, Heinrich Freyer, Jacob Paulus, Peter Miller, Michael Sehock,* Philip Simon,* Jacob Heintz, Georg Wier,* Johan Frantz, Christian Schultz,* Michel Geist, Jacob Coblentz, Michael Schafter, Georg Ferber, Henrich Garthner, Jacob Doll, Jacob Stambach, Dieterich Stambach, Johannes Gaul,? Andreas Kiefer, Johannes Humbolt, .Georg Paul Freyer, Matheis Weidner, Philip Jacob Bessinger,* . Wilhelm Schlemileh, Hans Georg Herrmann, Stephan Ftinfrock, Michael Ftinfrock jr., Hans Georg Mallo, Joh. Henrich Hornberger, Joh. Geo. Zimmerman,* Hans Georg Weidman, Michael Kammer, Georg Henrich Braunig; David Hirschberger,* 392 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Conrad Sebastian KbUer, Jacob Philip Harn, Michael Pessinger,* Martz Olftheintz, Johan Henrich WaMte. 277) Oct 30, 1770. Snow Brittania. Richard Eyer, Master, from Lisbon, Portugal. Dct 30, 1770. ©eef(|iff iBrittonia, Sopttoin Sliti^orb Sper, Don Siffobon, 5)ortugal. Z. Didiers, GuUliaume Mommaton, De Labeaume, Jean Vinettier, Jean Hissard, Matheis Kreis. 278) Oct 29, 1770. Ship Sally, John Osmond, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — ^143 passengers. Dct 29, 1770. ©^iff ©oltp, Sopitain 3o|n D^monb, Don Slotterbom fiber Sotbe^. — 143 Sleifenbe. Joh. Anton Frazer,* Christoph Mtiller, Francis Stein,* Joh. Geo. Altefried,* Peter Joseph,* Paul Mingel,* Burchart Seipp, Daniel Solmer,* Johannes Ditman, Geoi^ Christian Vblcker, Dietrich Wilh. Bticking, Thomas. Engelhardt, Johan Friederich Hester," Joh. Jost Sasmanshaussen, Johan Krafft Achebach, John Henry Denner, Johann Henrich Eul,? Johan Jost Birckelbach, Andreas Lichti, Johannes Lichti, Johannes Griess, Jacob Sehneyder, Jacob Schnell, I Johannes Reichel, Henrich Weitherstein, Martin Hebeisen, Job. Georg Dentzel, Christian Furbi, Paulus Welbemeir, Henry Wernley, Johannes Bibighauss, Johannes Vollmer, Johannes Stick, Johannes Franck, Johannes Weyandt, Justus Schmidt, C. G. Hauck, Henricus Horn, '^ Jacob Buhler, Peter Vogt, Jacob Hubacher, Paridon Petersen, Friederich Borsch, Rudolph Miller,* . Hans Christian, Daniel Mise, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1770. 393 Christoph BeU, Johannes Gaul, a Johan Henrich Affterbach, Johan Henrich Weyand, Joh. Christopher Dietz, Johan Theobald Franck, Ludwig Daniel Stendli, Johann Nicklaus Walter, Johann Georg Schleicher, Johan Balthas Klein, Johan Henrich Klieberstein, Johann Adam Haar, Georg Andreas Wagner, Johan Christian Breitner,* Johann Nickel Haas, Johann Nickel Bach, Johann Jost Weyandt, Johan Christ, vom Hoff, Johann Peter Grub, Georg Ludwig Fischer, Johannes Bachneid, Johan Martin Gaul, Joh. Martin Baumann, Friederich Wilh. Baumann, Christian Aeschlimann, Johan Jacob Heinriegel, Balzar Heinriegel, Christ. Ludwig Heinriegel, George Emmert, Johannes Hothem, Johan Valentin Franck. 279) Nov. 23, 1770. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 60 passengers, including Newlandcrs. -j- 5loD. 23, 1770. ©c^iff Srowforb, Sapitoin Series ©mit^, son Slotterbom iiber Soweg.— -60 Sleifenbe, ctnfi^lieplic^ ber SUeulanbcr. f Jacob Uff, Francis Kuhlman, Ernst Berg, Johannes Jauss, Henrich Haub, Andreas Gutting,* P. F. Droz, Jacob Geiger, Daniel Stauffer, Jacob Rohrer, ¦ Wilhehn Gramm, Johannes Hiestand, ' . Cornelius Gramm, - Tobias Hartmann, Peter Muller, ' Johannes l]S,M a A memorandum on this list states, "^ine absent of those to be quali fied."— (Editor.) a Sine Slnmerf ung auf btefer £t(ie fngtt „«eurt ber ju aunHftjirenben ttbiuefenD.— (^ernusgeber.) f Newl0iders, such persona as had been in Pennsylvania before. — See Rupp's History of Germans in Penna., Chap. "Neuldnder." + 91 eu lan ber ftnb foldfie SJerfonen, bie fibon sorbet in ^JennffjlDamen BWefen ttnren.— ©iebe Stupp'g OefiJ^itite ber -Deutfiiben in f ennfplsanten; % „9leulanber." - 394 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Carl Wilhelm Keek, Georg Kleideriein, Johannes Ginther, Johannes Hummy, Johannes Diehl, Onesimus Schwentl, Carl Adolph Seitz, Heinrich Geiger, Andreas Serenius, Cornehus Braun. 280) June 17, 1771. Ship Pennsylvania Packet, Peter Os- born. Master, from London. 3uni 17, 1771. . ©c^iff gjennfplDonio ^odet, Sapitoin fettt Daborn, Don Sonbon. Conrad Bachman, PhUip Jacob Weiss, Abraham- Mayret, Joh. Georg Fried. Bechtel, Ludwig Rohrer, Johann Adam Bauth. Johannes Heyler, 281) July 27, 1771. Brig America, WUliam Copeland, Com mander, from London. 3nli 27, 1771. Srigg Slmertco, Sommonbont aSiUiam Sope= lonb, Dt)n Sonbon. Johannes Belmann, Johann Georg Helff, Johannes Hepp, Johann Dietrich Hepp, Justus Korpschur,? Joh. Georg von Nieder, Lorentz Stahl, Joh. Martin von Nieder,* Jacob Ruff, John Jacob von Nieder. 282) Sept 17, 1771. Ship Minerva, Thomas Amott, Cap tain, from Rotterdam, last fi-om Cowes. — 204 passengers. ©ept 17, 1771. ©(^i(f STOinerDO, Sopitoin Sj;:^'""''^ Slrnott, Don Siotterbom iiber SoweS. — 204 3letfenbe. Jacob Wentz, Henry Dieterich, Henry Spiess, Joh. Barth. Rbhm, George Miller, Johan Daniel Schrbder, Gabriel Gascha,* WUhelm Friederich Seeger, PhUip MtiUer, Carl PhUip Ebert, Christian Kneber, Johan Henrich Schmaltz, Jacob Beier, Georg Jacob Stoltzel, Peter Hertel,* Johan Georg Jordy, Henrich Sch'affer, Johan Peter Lutsch, AND OTHER IxMMIGRANTS — 1771. 395 Johann Peter Kuntz, Johann Peter Heissler Jacob Weiss," Caspar Osser, Conrad Osser, Jacob Jung,* John Werge,* Alexander Oranu, John Geo. Noth,* Jacob WentZf Adam Wagner, Michael Waldenaus,* WUhelm Hirsch, Friederich Hirsch,* Valentin Linn, Carl Weicker, Jacob Weicker, PhUip Hehck, Henrich Kurtz, Ulrich Kayser, Mattheis Engel, . Andreas Hertziger, Friederich Dewald, Johannes Bbst, Jacob Reiff,* Christian Gaul, Michael Schmidt, Jacob Hanhor,. Anton Glantz, Ludwig Stegner, Peter Kurtz, Jacob Laux, David Drexler, Petrus Meyer, Joh. Peter Lehr, Erasmus Busch,* Dionisius Busch, Henrich Weidlandt, Johann Geo.Friederich ScheUer, Henrich Matterkens,* Johann Georg Christmann,- Johan Henrich Sche, Johannes Guntlert, Johannes Reinhold, Michael Pilerge,? Johann Michael Schmidt, Johan Jacob Meder, Andreas Hettmansterger, Johann Georg Stierle, Johann Michael Hoel, Friederich SeigmtiUer, Jacob Grunenwaldt, Johann Adam Malle, Johann Georg Suss, Johann Friederich Dbrsch, Johan Conrad Roth, Johann Conrad Schneider, Hans Baltzer Peterman,* John Henry Peterman,* Johann Philip Schenckel, Valentin Saslavo Stadecker, Theobald Leibrock,' Philip Jacob May, Sebastian Marcker, Jacob Kuhlman, Adam Molitor, Johan Michael Straub, Jacob Huthmacher, Job. Gerhard Kaltschmidt, Job. Stephan Guck, Johan Jost Otterback, Joh. Erhardt Rayer, PhUip Henrich Knapp, PhUip Conrad Christ, Georg Christoph Hebebold. 283) Sept. 19, 1771. London Packet, from Lisbon, Portug-al. Cook, Captain, 396 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS ©ept 19, 1771. Sonbon ^aStt, Sapitoin Sool, Don Siffobon, ^JortugaL Henrich Berger, Peter Schunke,* Paulus Gottlob GrieU, Gerardius Vestens, Jean Baptiste, Michael Esteuer, Michelle Devignair,* Etienne Teisser, Pier Gabori.* 284) Oct. 31, 1771. Brigantine Recovery, Bull, Mas ter, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct 31, 1771. ©d^neUfegler SlccoDcrp, Sapitoin ©uH, Don Sflotterbam iiber (lototi. John Havel, Jacob Schupp, Michael Gundery, Johannes Ortmann, Christian Furman,* Johannes Herschman, Paul Ackerman,* Philip Burbach, Daniel Niederhauss, Nicholas Becker, Peter Schneider,* Albert Delir, Christian Weber, Albertus Kratz, Johannes Benner, Andreas Schneider, Philip Graff, John Martin,* Jacob Welsch, WUhelm CErtter, Valentin Thomas, Jacob Schaffer, Michael Schaffer, Peter Becker, Johannes Schnell, Gottfried Lebrecht Schmidt, Johann Georg Reiss, Joh. Henrich Ortmann, Gottfried Henrich Diehoff, Johannes Nicklaus Neu, Johann Michael Lahm, Christophel Zantyes, Johann Peter Schneider sen., Johannes Peter Schneider, Johannes Christian Horster, Johann Jacob Denkircher, Jacob Henrich Wilhelm, Ludwig Schneider, Alexander Schumacher, Johann Nickel Welsch, Johann Jost Schneider, Johann Adam Leonhardt, Hans Jacob Schaffer, Johan Conrad Spangenberg, Johannes Eckstein, Wilhelm Ernst Felbach, Johannes SchneU jr., Johann Martin Hisger, Johann Henrich FUger, Johann Jacob Becker. 285) Nov. 19i 1771. Ship Tyger, Georg Johnston, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1771. 397 9lo». 19, 1771. ©(i^iff apger, Sopitain ©eorg Sol^njlon, son Slotterbom iiber SowcS. John Kreble,* Peter Wagner,* Nicholaus Scheuerman,* Jacob Wagner,* Ludwig Schneider, Johannes MtiUer, Hans Georg Benner, Johann Jacob Beyerle, Sebastian Wille, Dominicus Heyrom,* Nicholas Grunenwald, Johann Lautenschlager, Peter Wasser, Adam Steiner, Henry Apple, Henry Webber, Anthony Klein, Nicholas Jost, Johannes Sigile, Matheis Fauth, Caspar Beyer, Johannes Motte, Nicklaus Kbhier, Friederich Foltz, Jacob Burg, Jacob Hoffman, George Hann,* Nicholas Hoffinan, Jonas Blesch, Jacob Ihrig, Gustavus MtiUer, Johannes Lupp, Peter Odern, Christoph Sterner, Wilhelm Kumpf, Henrich Mtilberger, Johannes Ihrig,. Martin Grahn, Henrich Rickos, Johannes WeUer, Johannes Nitzel, Leonard Kessler, Georg Volck, Johannes Schneider, Peter Kessler, Carle Benner, Johannes Benner, Martin Benner, Jacob Marx, Adam Grosshart, Peter Trexler, Michael Trexler, Jacob Kessler,* Conrad Haasse, Georg Michael Weiss, Joh. Daniel Schwanfelder, Jacob Samuel Golde, Johann Nicolas Fuchs, Johann Michael Beltz, John Le Port, Georg Mich. Rafienberger, Hans Georg Ackermann, Jobann Wilhelm Fleck, Georg Simon Grtin, Hen. Jac. Raubenheimer, Johannes Wucherer, Joh. Hen. Lautenschlager, Johannes WUlmann, Georg Henrich Kindle, Niclaus Samuel Golde, Johannes Waitman, Georg Friederich Kuchle, Johann Christ. Jager, WUhelm Schmidt, Johann Peter WeiU, Johan Georg Scheuermann, Johan Daniel Cleiss, Johann Michael Ihrig, 34 398 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Johann Friederich Dbrr, Georg Eissenring, Johann Peter Schrig, Joh. Gottlieb Stein Becker, Johann Georg Horn, Johann Adam Low, John Bernard Leyer, Johan Caspar Lorentz, Hann Heinrich Zimmerman, Johan WUhelm Schneider, Gottfried Kibnner, Johann Nickel Martin, Johannes Bernhardt Henn, Jobann Ludwig Starck, Johann Adam Dracker, Johan Conrad German, Johann Bernhard Ragel, Johannes Peter Reusch, Conrad Meyer,* Johannes Schott, Lewis Ney, John Ney, Sebastian Dheuch, Johannes Schletzer, Martin Eberts, John Jorts,* Jacob Scheibly, Philip Egle, Adam Als, Christ. Jeremias Schmidt, Johannes Reusch, Conrad Radman, Johann Jacob Menges, Jacob Sanner, Johannes Niebel, Johan Georg Laudenschlager, Hans Mich. Lautenschlager, Conrad von Halt, Adam Eberhardt, Andreas Ehmer. 286) Nov. 25, 1771. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Com mander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. 9(100.25, 1771. ©c^iffSromforb, Sommonbont Stories ©mit:§, Don 0lotterbam iiber Soweg. Michael Mohrlock, Jacob Friederich Hbckhlen, Daniel Wolff, Johann Peter Kuch, Mathias Krauss, Johann Stephan Sulger, Gottfried StoU, Christoph Gottlieb Tbieleman. 287) Dec. 1, 1771. Brig Betsey, Andrew Bryson, Com mander, from London. Dec. 1, 1771. aSrigg SBctfep, Sommonbont Slnbrew Srpfon, Don Sonbon. Jacob Prey, Johannes Schmidt, Jacob Schneider, Johannes Staub, Heinrich Meier, Jacob Kugler, Friederich Banley, Heinrich Fichter, Jacob Biiy, Peter Stein, Jacob Stugger, Jacob Heer, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1772. 393 Henrich Dicke, Hermanns Dicke, Rudy Funck, John Koch, Wilh. Becker, Michael Frey, Johannes Heintz, Johannes Flubacher, Jacob Flubacher, Heinrich Busser, Martin Thomme, Christophel Winder, Mattheis Ftisselbach, Paulus Bauersachs, Johan Henrich Hester, Jacob Zimmerman, Jean Gaspard Hathe, Sebastian Strauman,* Conrad Schelertinthler, WUhelm Schwhenneher, Johannes Klappert, Johann Martin Frey, Sebastian Harth, Daniel Volck, Martin Funck, Jacob Schumacher. 288) Dec. 10, 1771. Ship General Wolfe, Richard Hunter, Commander, from Lisbon, Portugal, Dec. 10, 1771. ©c^tff (general SBolfe, Sommonbant SRtc^arb ¦punter, Don Stffabon, Portugal. Charles Smith, Anton Ernite, R. Berger, Nich. Biso,* Francs Pros, Joannes Baptista, Casper Trible,* John Fajon,* John Carle,* Johannes Schmitt 289) Feb. 24, 1772. Ship Hope, John Roberts, - Captain, from London. — 26 passengers. geb. 24, 1772. ©c^iff ^ope, Sapitoin 3o|n Slobertg, Don Sonbon.— 26 Sleifenbe. Henrich Meisner, Hieronimus Henricli, Christian Schmidt, Christian Wohler, PhU. WUh. May, Dietrich Muntzer, Friederich Hector, Theobald Klein, Lemuel Lober, Theobald Bastian, Martin Sudtne, Joh. Friederich Honninger, Johan Ernst Ziegler, Johann Jacob Schweutzer, Johann Henrich Steitz, Johann Henrich Voigt, Johann Jacob Hartmann, Johann Andreas Fritze, Johan Ulrich Bayer, Johann Georg Trtibauffer, Johann Georg Meyer, Johan Melchior Vast. 400 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 290) Sept 20, 1772. Ship Minerva, James Johnston, Com mander, from Rotterdam, la-st from Cowes.--r-97 passengers. ©ept 20, 1772. ©d^iffSJlineroa, Sommanbant 3ame«3o|n» flon, Don Slotterbom uber Somes. — 97 Sleifenbe. Johannes Mayer, Caspar Wintz, Hans Plattner, Johannes Hauck, Hans Schuey, — -_ Ludwig MUler,* Gottlob Hempel, Henri Perret, Jacob Schaub, Christian Apffel, Henrich Schweitzer, Jacob Ballmer, Thomas MoU, Jacob Schweie, Frantz Beck, Heinrich Schaublin, Ulrich Henberger, Jacob Hoffacker, John Christian Pleit,* Hans Baltzer Btisch, Hans Peter Kammer, Johan IMartin Zimmer, Johan Friederich Ulmer, Johannes Wasling, Hans Casper Heier, Georg Henrich Dehn, Hans Jacob MoUer, Johann Georg Kessler, Johann Da-dd Bennz, Johannes Scbwerdle, John Arnoldus, Jacob Uberer, Martin Rudy, Wilm. Nycius,* Henrich Wissich, Hans Jacob Weier, Gottfi-ied Zessernick, John George Stander,* Johann Georg Gehr. 291) Oct. 16, 1772. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct 16, 1772. ©^iff Srotoforb, Sopitain S:^arleg ©mit|, Don Slotterbom uber Sotoeg. Andreas Hoffman, Martin Hauck, Jacob Demmel, Johannes Fischer, Jacob Schwartz, Valentin Weicker, Gottfried Wittman, Friederich Beyer, Johannes Hbrner, Jacob Scherer, Gottfried Fechty, Christian Schlauch, Johann Worth, L. Smith,* Johannes Sauter, Jacob Abbiter, Henrich Vogel, Philipp Hamman, Andreas Weissart, Jonathan Linck, Frederick Feitmeyer, . Christian Mohr, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1772. 401 Martin Wieton, Johannes Schmidt, , Johannes Keitzi, Marx Schneider, Jacob Rupp, Samuel Schoch, Georg Franck, Christian Rettes, WUhelm Baltzer, Henrich Zercher, Andreas MuUer, Johan PhUip Fitting, Johan Christian Nerbler, Johan Theobald Merckel, Henrich Franckforther, Johann Peter Ochsner, Hans Martin Mayer, Johann Henrich Wagenhorst, Johann Carl Wagenhorst, Hans Georg Preis, Joh. Georg Warthman, John Henry Zimmerman, Matheus Lindenmeyer, Michael Warthman, Samuel Friederich Wirfter, Georg Martin Htichtner, Michael Stauffer, Jonathan Treuttle, Peter Hamman, Friederich Linck, Johann Georg Baum, Bernhardt Wieland, Andreas Holtzbarth, Johannes BuchmuUer, Henrich WeissmtiUer, Johann Christoph Scheibe, Jacob Friederich Lauser, Joh. David Ziegler, Joh. Jacob Eberly, Joh. Georg Einwachter, Johan Conrad Discher, Martin Mbllinger, Johan Leonhard Fichler, Jacob LautermUch, Albrecht Kummerle, Johann Hebeisen, Johannes Beer, Peter Galte, Johann Hess, Peter Lambert, Andreas Lambert, Joseph Stump, Michael MuUer, Rudolph Seltzer, George Shuman,* Isaac Bergthal, John Gramer,* Martin Hirsch, Balthas Bertsch, Jonas Nothstein, Johann Gram, Joseph Graff, Georg Henrich Maurer, Friederich WUhelm Hess, Frantz Carl Widman, Johann Peter Harbach, Georg Friederich Betz, Johann Friederich Betz, Georg David Herm, Philip Jacob Sartorius, Georg Michael MUler,* Friederich Linck, Abraham Kbhier, Peter Weymer sen., Christoph Saudrich, Johann Wendel Wiegele, Georg Adam Zacharius, Jacob Schmidt, Johannes Quast, Frantz Peter Drexler. 34* 402 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 292) Oct. 19, 1772. Ship Catharine, Sutton, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from London. Dct 19, 1772. @d)iff Sat|ortne, Sapitain ©utton, Don Slotterbom iibej: Sonbon. Francis Stephany, Leonhard Muller, Ulrich Otho, Georg Keller, George Bardeck, Martin Schude, Francis Geisse, Frantz Heicks, Henrich Gerding, Charles Friederich Knbi-y,* Johan Caspar Koch, Christian Linderman, Gotthard David Flickwir, Henrich Richner, Frantz Fideli Schreckenbtirger, Joh. Christoph Lotspeich, Peter Mohrmann. 293) Oct 19, 1772. ShipPheba, Castle, Captain, from London. Dct 19, 1772. ©li^iff f^tU, Sapitoin Soflle, Don Sonbon. Nicholas Jacobson, Joh. Reinhardt SchabeUe, Frederick Schrbder, Joh. Friederich Bahlsdorf, Georg Rehfeld, Friederich Klette. 294) Nov. 3, 1772. Ship Sally, John Osmond, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. 9^oD. 3, 1772. ©c^iff ©ollp, Sopttoin 3o|n D^monb, Don Slotterbom iiber Somcg. Gerlach Hass, Job. Geo. Ostertag, Daniel Weiss, Samuel Reiss, Carl Neier, Johan Freymu, John Holtz, Karl Geissler, Wilhelm Lehman, Christian Trautmann, Weygandt Rohr, Henrich Rolandt, Jacob Albreoht, Johannes Krom, Peter Rathenbach, Johannes Pritzinger, Jacob Michel, Wilhelm Reiss, Henrich Dieterich, Conrad Bbder, Jean Halewyn, J. W. Lopfer, Jacob Theis, Christian Schmid, Matthias Pauli, Christian Reete, Johannes Theis SchneU, Nicolaus Trautwein, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1772. 403 Johann Jacob Eller, Wilhelm Henrich Ritter, Joh. Adam Matzenbacber, Ernst HenricL Fritzinger, Johan Matheus Bbttger, Joh. Jost Langebach,* Johan Henrich Hartmann, Johannes Schieberstein, Johan Gerlach Lnpffer, Johan Daniel Koffer, Johann Georg Rubbel, Johannes Peter Schneider, Johann Henrich Georg, Johan Georg Knebelbach, PhUip Peter Schneider,* Burchard Heyer,* Nicklas Paulus, Hans Georg Hiderffer,? John Philip Bauer, Gottlieb Schlichter,* Johan Jost Betz, Johann Georg EuU, Johann Wilhelm Meyer, Johan Nicolaus Schuhriem. 295) Dec. 3, 1772. Ship Hope, George Johnston, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dec. 3, 1772. ©t^tff ^ope, Sopitoin ®corge So^njlon, Don SRotterbom iiber Sowea. Henrich Lehr, Jacob Finck, Johannes Olilwein, Johannes Hentz, Johannes Cbsch, Peter KeUer, Johannes Elgerth, WUhelm Becker, Jacob Binckle, John Frickheffer,* Arnold Peters, Jacob Cacho, Joh. Zacharias Langbein, Johann Georg Pflinder, Philip Hardniann, Johan Philip Miller, John George Geib,* Friederich Jacob Laux, WUhelm Friederich Dampff, Georg Wilhelm Ber, Philip Martin KeUhauer, Georg Kirchner, Henrich Schuler, Johann Adam Funck, Paulus Huwes, Anthon Rausch, Anthony Auer, Jacob Masser, Christian Stucky, Georg FUms, Isaac Heuman, a Friederich Steinha Justus Bottenfeld, Christian Sahm, Johann Jacob Pfautz, Johan Jost Frickheffer, Johan Jost Dalmer, Carl Ohlwein. a Isaac Heuman, ¦written in Hebrew. — [Editor.) a 3faiic $cuman ift bebtaifi^ gefibrieben.— (^(erausgeber.) 404 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 296) Dec. 24, 1772. Master, from Rotterdam, !Dec. 24, 1772. Srtgg (ler, Don Slotterbom iiber Gottfried Fisterer, Jacob Weltner, John Weickel, Jacob Kuster; WiU. Kemp, Conrad Underseel, Jacob Nusser, Abraham Richards,* John Runkel, Jacob Hess, Johan Feierbrand, Friederich Hoffmann, Anthony Schaffer, Peter Nauatter, Johann Lemer, Ludwig Reinick, Bernhard Nickel,* Philip Support,* Friederich Winder, Christian Wenger, Georg Schwartz, Frantz Mentzer, Brig Morton Star, Georg Demster, last from Cowes. SJlorton ©tor, Sapitoin ®eorg ®em» Somcei, Johan Ludwig Maxeiner; Henrich Maxeiner, Andreas Stettling, Johannes Hamscher, Nicklaus Ltidermacher,? Jno. Jacob Nanecker,* Conrad Langebach, Ludwig Henrich Deisman, Johann Henrich Ktintz, John Jacob Gerem, Wil. Ananius Turnez, Johann Georg Kessler, Johann A.dam Esch, Johan Heinrich Messert, Johan Gotfried Gressmehr, Johann Adam Stoll, Johann .Jacob Pfeiffer, Johann Carl MUler,* Frantz Henricus Hegert, Johann Frantz Kelter, Johann Peter Ulrich, Jacob Niebergall. J^^ February 22, 1773, Francis Caspar Hassenclever, a merchant of Philadelphia, appeared before Richard Penn, Esq., Lieutenant GoTernor of Pennsylvania, and was qualified. The time of his arrival is not sta,ted.-^(Editor.) ^W 2lm 22. gebruar 1773 crfcbien grancis Snfunr $nffencle»cr, tin ^anielimann son ^bilnbclpbta/ »or Sltibnrt ^cnn, gfq., Sieuten«nt=®ou= Berneur son 5)enitf!9l»anien, unb wurbe qualipjirt. Sie 3ctt feiner Slnfunft tt)irb nicbt angegeben.— C§erau«ge6er.) 297) AprU 30, 1773. Ship Pennsylvania Packet, Peter Os borne, Commander, from London. aiprit 30, 1773. ©c^tff 9)ennf9lDania ^Jodet, Sommonbont 9)eter D^borne, Don Conbon. AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1773. 405 Edeme Halbon, Gerhard Meyer, Arnold Bbdescer, Johannes Muller, Conrad Gabel, Charles Kltikner,* Henrich Kese, Philip Bahn, Adolph Strohl, Gottfried Hebauer, Joseph BurchheU, Pier Carle Pouponnot, Johan Friederich Rintelman, Johannes Hartman, Anton Le Roy, Johan Christoph Hebiegt, Andreas Kleinschmidt, Johan Philip Rieffenach, Christoph Reinche, Johann Daniel Lehmann, Sebastian Kleinschmidt, Friederich Basermann. Sutton, Com- 298) AprU 30, 1773. Ship Catharine, - lander, from London. Jlprit 30, 1773. ©(|iff Sot^orine, Sommonbont ©utton,-Don Sonbon. Henry MoUwitz, Etienne Shoret, Pierre Factzedy, PhUippe Sunbert, Ulrich Bastig, Jean Gourdain,* Johannes Schmitt, Henrio Savet, Eobert HaU, Ch. Friederich Oberlander, Johan Christoph Schweigerts, Henrich Conrad Boger, Joh. Bar. Dondemand, Georg Baumann, Jean Daniel Pouriot, Simeon Meyland, Etienne Morlier, Augustin Gage Mercier. 299) May 31, 1773. Brigantine Dolphin, Arthur HUl, Com mander, from London. SKoi 31, 1773. ©c^neHfegler Dolphin, Sommonbont 3lrt^ur ^tll, Don Sonbon. Friederich Heyn, Georg Pfetzer, Henry Cautz, Jacob Grtibe, Michael Horn, Niehl Bardoe, Mathaus BoreUe, Johannes Engel, Andreas Heinlich, Nich. Heyer, Miehl Flyder,* Johann Martin Weber, Johann Georg Kuntz, Christian Bashedich,* Henrich Meistor, Andreas Reinhardt, Henrich Areularius, PhUip Jacob Areularius, 406 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Ludwig Reinhart, Erhard Ahlemann, Johann Birstbdt, Friederich Schleiff, Andreas Franck, Peter Kappus, Nicholas Gottman, Jacob Leshong, Friederich Frey, John Wiseman,* Christian Pfeiffer, Zacharias Bohret, Christopher Keeger,* Johann Georg Vogeley, Christopher Biegel,* Balthasar Paulssig, Eberhart Vareffens.* 300) June 4, 1773. Ship Carolina, Benjamin Loxley, Cap tain, from Loudon. 3uni 4, 1773. ©c^iff Sorolino, Sopitain Scnjomin Sorlep, Don Sonbon. Gab. Valin, Johann Georg Egert, Louis Demarer, Johannes Andreas Schmidt, Henericus Martin, Joachim Hartkopff,* John BUers, Gilli Dautremer. 301) Aug. 23, 1773. Ship SaUy, John Osmond, Comman der, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 193 passengers. 2lug. 23, 1773. ©(i^iff ©oUp, Sommonbont 3o^tt D^monb, Don Slotterbom uber 5)ortamout|. — 193 Sleifenbe. Christopher Mingel, Mathias Ham, John W. Petri, Daniel Mesare, Ernst Mengeting, Joseph Shemmler,* (Uiristian Leuthe, Heini-ich Brtiser, Herman Heldicb,* Friederich Brieff, Henry Beck, George Wolf, Philip Keyser, Gerhard Nobel, Isaac Levi, Georg Reyninger, Bernhard Horning, WiUiam Ubung,* Johannes Gadecke, Henrich Hilgert, Johannes Brticber, Albertus Schilack, Jean Peietrs, Mathias Friederich Datibler, Christian Ludwig Bussel, Carl Gottlob Fridler, Johann Mathias Hinck, Joh. Hen. PliUip Ehr, Johann Georg Vanberg, Johan Frantz Fuchs, Johan Gottfiied Fischer, Johann Peter Gbbrich, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1773. 407 Johann Henrich Tjiielo, John Henry Bartram, Johann Carl Btittner, John Lorentz Tempel, Johann Conrad Hasemann, Johan Henrich Dreyman, Adolph Gottf Carl Rose, Johan Friederich Kukuck, Christopher Schlachman, Johann Jacob Engel, Johann Jacob Mtiller, Johann Jacob Bastian, Johann Jacob Becker, Carl van Wuwenhuys, J. Christ. Schultz, G. Werner Himmel, Jno. Nich. Harm,* Burcbardt Jung, Andreas Jung, Peter Lbsch, J. Daniel Weismuth, Anton Hen. Ritter, J. Gottfried Nestler, W. DoUendorp, Ernst Paul Peter, John Daman,* Martin Hochmeyer, Mark Wolff, Pierre Demje, Adolph Unfug, Gottfried Vogel, John Feig, Theobald Stephan, J. Conrad Arnd, J. August Just, Frantz Mutschler, Johannes Braun, Andreas Wagner, Joh. Adam Schmidt Andreas Hampe, Casimir Leitz, Frantz Frischtze, Tobias Gbhnet, Ignatius Graffenberger, Conrad Maurer, John Kirshner, George. Schenck, Bartel MetUmolske, Joh. Emanuel Klos, Friederich Marcus Mohtelius, John Henry Hasper, John Henry Schwitger, Johan David Mandeler, John Bernhard Habner, H. Conrad Hieron. Schultze, Johan Christoph Bosse, Joh. Gottlieb Strietzel, Joh. Carl Rosenkrantz, John Vanderhuyst, John Henry Zelman,* Johan Peter Walter, Cari Enoch Schildbach, Joh. Tobias Hes§, Johan Friederich Beck, Johan Gottfried Neinrich, John Christoph Bautz, Francis van Bauch, Joh. Conrad Brackmann, Valentin Christian Lehnig, John Herman Rudolph, Johann Andreas Merck, Johann Christian Merck, Johann Christoph Fasel, Johann Joachim Welsnack, John Valentin Kinberg,* Henry Fred. Sbuckers,* Henrich Wilhelm Busse, Joh. Hen. Christ. Bremmer, George John Rauch, Andreas Fahrenkom. 408 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 302) Sept. 18, 1773. Ship Brittania, James Peter, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. — 250 passengers. ©ept. 18, 1773. ©(i^iff Srtttonia, Sapitain 3omcg 3)eter, Don Slotterbom uber So«5c3. — 250 Sleifenbe. Christoph Henri,? Daniel Genter, Simon Schunck, George Miller,* Johan Grein, Georg Adam Vogelsang, Johann Henrich Lbhr, Johann Georg Ehrenfreid, Johann Dieterich Bbnig, Hans Georg Klein, Paul Matz, Henrich Saner, Andreas Lbb, Jacob Luck, Peter' Eckel, Christian Becker, Johannes Mertz, Anthony Weber, PhUip Conrad, Augustin Hes, Hans Prick, Henrich Schultz, Ludwig Gerlinger, Christian Leibich, Jacob Deque, ' Christian Schtitz, Adam Kamminger, Christophel Orth, MicL Runckel, Andreas Ott, Johannes Aal, Daniel Spiess, Dan. Geo. Jung, . Michael Jung, Philip Bbnning, Jacob Wenner, Jacob Schott, Johannes Daub, Michael Ruff, Christian Nell, Martin Kramer, Ludwig Kramer, Joseph Schaak, Christoph Henckel, Thomas Baumann, Bernhart Webert, Philip Runckel, B.ernhard Schmitt, Jacob Wenner, Jacob Neu, Stofel Neu, William Rockenbrod,* Hans Georg Weyl, Johannes Reinhardt, Johan Friederich CammerUch, Johan Henrich Herbst, Johan Nicklaus Bastian, Johann Jacob Waiblinger, Philipp Aberthiine, Jacob Schauffler, Jobann Peter Schott, Traugott Leberecht Behzer, Johann Georg Kramer, Johan Nickel Reuthnauer Johan PhUip Pflieger, Johan Jacob Beheling, Johan Martin Kramer, Johan Georg Kramer, Johan PhUip Ttick, Johan Conrad Emich, Johann Adam Engertt, Jdhann Conrad Netscher, Carl Anton Maas, Johann Daniel Roth, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1773. 409 Joh. Georg Wenner, Joh. Jeremias Bbnning, Hermannus Schbler, Johann Georg Gunckel, Johann Carl Wentzel, Johann Georg Huss, Georg Martin Eberhardt, Johan Ralthaser Kramer, Johann Adam Kramer, Johann Simon Linck, Jobann Georg Linck, Jobann Nickel Staudt, Johann Friederich Becker, Johan Christian Fabritzius, Johannes Welthshans, Joh. Michael Kirschbaum, Hans Adam Weiss, Johan WUhelm Franck, Hans Geo. Slettebauer,* Joh. Michel EUig, Gottlieb Mayer, Michel Haas, Peter Haas, Michael Jung, WUhelm Voltz, Jacob Hertz, Jacob Degen,* Franc Smith,* Henry Erb, Daniel Schtitz, Jacob Schneider, Michael Kieffer, Jacob Schneider, Johann Georg Haffer,, Conrad Voltz, Andreas Hirsch, G«org Henrich Gecfc, Adam Schmel, Johan Michael Fuscher, Andreas Grbner, Johann Georg Reiner, Adam Schneider, Johan Michael Thome, Michael Sath. 303) Sept. 21, 1773. Ship Catharine, James Sutton, Com mander, from London. ©ept. 21, 1773. ©t^ijf Sat^orine, Sommonbont 3«»ieg ©ut=- ton, Don Sonbon. Georg Lufft, Johann Schrecka, PhUipp Wild, Johannes Sander, Casimir Delbig, Johannes Klein, Georg Baucher, Jac. Lud. Videbant, Conrad Trippel, Henrich Andreas Meyer, Johan Henrich Becker, Christian Tihn, Michael Habach, Martin Eberhard, 304) Sept. 27, 1773. Ship Union, Bryson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Portsmouth. — 247 passengers. ©ept. 27, 1773. ©d^iff Union, Sopitain iBrpfon, Don Slbtter' bam iiber Dortgmoutb.— 247 Sleifenbe. 35 410 NAMES OE GERMAN, SWISS Christophel Leinn, Balthaser Hammer, Johannes Brand, John Gennett,* John Peter Fuchs, Ludwig Bachman, D-aniel Bernhard, Valentin Gbtz, Christian Gotz, George Shreier,* Jacob Smith,* Johannes Schutz, Johannes Bauss, Johannes Kiffer, Johann Peter Schauer, Johannes Wicke, John Philip Diffebach, John Henry Dambeller, Johan Michael Lenhardt, Georg PhiUp Gruber, Jobann Jacob Hbrner, Georg Adam Wendel,* John George Stbrtzemeyer, John Adam Zeitz, ¦John Michael Clements, Johan Zacharias Conradt, -Johan Henrich Bauch, Johan -Lenhart Ihrig, John Zimmerman, Johannes Adler, Joh. Adam Krausser, Johan Spannman, Jacob Arnoldt, Rtiben Stier, Ludwig Schenckel, Jobann Kroscher, Hannes Schmidt, PhU. Dan. Greiss, John George Sheffer,* Johannes Firn haber, Christian Beck, Friederich Grames, Nicklaus Bachert, Andreas Fischer, Wilhelm Spies, Jobann Pfeiffer, Herman Spies, WUhelm Busch, J. Leonard Rbdel, J. George Erig, Joh. Bourquin, Johannes Batz, Conrad Marsdorff, C. Variet, Joh. Egel, Joh. Geo. Egel, John Hartman, Johannes Herstein, Georg Hartman, Jacob Garste, WUhelm Stickel, Johannes Schaffer, PhUip Andreas Hadt, Johan Matheis Flach, Johan Jacob Aurandt, Johann PbUip Donnges, Jobann Valentin StegmuUer, Henrich Valentin Storches, Johan Peter Schmid, Johan PhUip Hauck, Johann Adam Beichert, John George Holtzschuh, Jacob Niclaus Firnhaber; Andreas Friederich Schwentzel Johann Georg Leonhardt, Johann Leonhard Gbttmann, Johann Peter Stbhr, Jacob von Lahnen, Johann Gottheb Metzger, Johann Henrich Weber, Johann PhUip Graber, Johann Henrich Brausser, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1773. 411 Philip Peter Gruber, Johann Georg Steilhener, Johanu Joachim Gruber, Johann Adam Hartman, Johann Nickel Horn, Johann Nickel Schmaus, Adam Rosmeissel, John Conrad Riechels,* Johann-Jacob Hoof, Jobann Jost Lenhard, Georg Adam Btickel, Johan WUhelm Kruger, Johannes WUheiser. 305) Oct. 1, 1773. Ship Hope, George Johnston, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 1, 1773. ©^iff ^ope, Sopitain ©eorge 3o:^n|lott, Don Slotterbam iiber SowcS, Andreas Dengler, Matthias Wall, Matthias Wexler, Jonas Dollinger, Johann Peter Weber, Johann Jost Busch, Johan Henrich Bosch, John Christian Guth, Henry Steinbring, Michael Stumpf, David Niess, John Karn,* Christian Keberling, Michael Bauman, Andreas Oberdorff, Jost Althaus, Graff Weyand, Conrad Gerhard, Fried. Sblcbel, Henry Meyer,* Johannes Huss, Georg Wunderlich, Johannes Hesse, Franz Schmidt, Andreas Annletz, Jost Weickel, Philip Peman, Friederich Rbser, Henry MiUer,* Johannes Strackbein, Leonhardt Schmidt, Jacob Schlatter, Joh. Hen. Klein, Niclaus Henrich Stephan, Johannes WUhelm Carle, Johann Jost Bruch, Johann Carl Mattis, Carl Ferdinand Conrad, Johann Michael Conrad, Johann Bernhart Rau, Johann Michael Oberdorff, Job. Fried. Sasmanhauser, Johann Wilhelm Seemann, Joh. Jeremias Ballenberger, Joh. WUhelm Eckhardt, Joh. Christoph Thiel, Philip Adam Schuck, Johan Lorentz Dihm, Johan Michael Hirsch, Johann Henrich Dan, Johann Conrad Jung, Johann Ludwig Hantz, Johann Friederich Webkel, Johann Michel Seydel, Johann Georg Seidel, Joh. Hen. Sasmanshaus, Johan Ludwig Offleler. 412 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS 306) Oct. 22, 1773. Ship Charming MoUy, Robert GiU, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth. Dct. 22, 1773. ©c^tff Smarming 5!Jloll9, Sopitoin Slobert ®tfl, Don Slotterbom iiber f Ipmout:^. Christian Ernst, Nicola Chaillot, Valentin Dietz, Thomas Krebs, Cassimir May, Johannes Steckel, Friederich Wilhelm, Johan Lechleitner Pierre Miloh, Mathias Astimer, Engelbert Classen,* Andreas Emmrich, Johann Patteiss, Johann Martin Fuchs, Johan Henrich Hensle, Hans Adam Weitzel, Johan Michael Fuchs, Joh. Conrad Leonhard, Johann Philip Berg, Joh. Friederich Freytag, Johan Ludwig Schwens, Johann Christian Letten, Johannes Eberhart Ohl, Johan Jost Blecher, Johann Henrich Wentzel, Joseph Friederich Honstein, Jacob Elgart,* Henry Dayberer,* Christian Schbnfeld, Daniel Weibel, Jacque Dubret, Caspar Geissinger, Friederich Dietrich, Henrich Kleyn, Friederich Muller, George Reinhart, Caspar Adam, Johannes Hartman, Johannes Hoch, Christian Lambert, Jacob Graff, Arius Schulicus, Johann Daniel Bonn, Friederich Baltzer Scherer, Nicholas Zutheimer,* Joseph Cauffman,* Johannes Friederich Braun, Johann Friederich Vogel, Johann David Steinmann, Johann Georg Vogel, Johann Peter Geyer, Johann Adam Lang, John Peter Ermolt, Carl Heinrich Hartig, Bernhard Bauer, Johann Georg MuUer, Johann Georg Theys. 307) Oct. 25, 1773. Ship Crawford, Charles Smith, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 25, 1773. ©d)tff Sroinforb, Sapitoin ^ax\ti ©mit^, Don Slotterbom uber Soweg. Johannes Bud, Jacob Trewitz, Christian Mertel, Joh. Jost Miitz, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1773. 413 John Schlichter, Joh. Math. Weber, Wilhelm Sehneyder, Joh. Bap. Nonn, Andreas Zahele, Joh. Geo. Steiner, Johannes Klappert, Henrich Ober, Johannes Geistweit, Joh. Nickel Thomas, Joh. Philip Kees, KUlian KeUer, Jno. Wm. Humer,* Johann Ftirst, David Reich,* Daniel Meyer, Johannes Diebler, Christian Meyers,* Johann Henrich Dittman, Johann Jost Strackbein, Johann Conrad Triewitz, Johannes Peter Stahl, Johannes Henrich Kiel, Johan Friederich Manalther, Johann Henrich Achen, Johan Carl Gentzhginiann, Cari Christ. Fried. Cist, Johann Henrich Graff, Joh. Georg Birckelbach sen. Joh. Georg Birckelbach, Jacob Henrich Bast, Johann Georg Reichman, Johan Henrich Schumacher, Joh. Siegesmund Stedtekorn, Georg Philip Zissle, Ludwig Gtithing, Johan Ludwig Becker, Johann Ulrich Sieffner, Johan Peter RostweUer, Michael Mtiller, Adam Michael, Matthias Hbffer, Wilhelm Schbler, Henry Brum,* George Lebank,* John Fisher,* Joh. Geo. Hartman, WUhelm Walther, Adam Hamm, Andreas Hild, Johannes Petermann, Johann Henrich Dbrner, Johann Georg Schneider, Johann Henrich Loos, Hans Henrich Schreiner, Johan Jacob Schwissfurth, Johan Henrich Hoffman, ohannes Demandt, Joh. Daniel Schweitzer, Joachim Stremmel. 308) Nov. 23, 1773. Snow Neptune; Thomas Edward Wal lace, M-aster, from Lisbon. 5loD. 23, 1773. ©eef^tff Sleptune, Sopitain Z^omai Sbroorb ffiadace, Don Siffobon. f Joseph Lefran, Anthony Sinclair,* ' Charles Cassell, Joseph Martin. WUliam Blach, 35* 414 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS 309) Nov. 24, 1773. Ship Fame, James Duncan, Master, from Lisbon. SfJoD. 24, 1773. ©(i^tff Some, Sopitain ^amti Duncon, Don Stffabon.Geo. Shavere,* Daniel Shapue. John Martine,* 310) Dec. 7, 1773. Ship dementia, Patrick Brown, Master, from Lisbon. ®ec. 7, r/73. ©^iff Slementio, Sopitoin ^atxid SSroton,. Don Siffobon. John Pesser,* Francis VUleneaue,* Charles Zemmer, Francois Pechenet, Maro Seroni, Francis Duchand. Joseph Louvat, 311) Dec. 8, 1773. Ship Montague, WUliam Pickels, Com mander, from London. S5ec.8, 1773. ©c^ijf SRontogue, Sommanbant aBilliam3)i(!cl«, Don Sonijon. Jacob Ftirst, Friederich Waltz, Peter Andreas, Joh. Ludwig, PhUlippe Engroth, , Jacob Rissner, John Henry Lau, Johan Friederich Pieckert, Christian Hallitschke, Joh. Wendel Andreas, Johan Adam Handel, Johan Heinrich Krauel, Mathias Conrad, Friederich Eberle, Joachim Neubaier, Joseph Walcker, Joseph Wagner, Joh. Matthey, Johannes Fessler, Joh. Friederich Zinckenritz, Traugott Gottfried Mayer, Georg Ludwig Kelmold, Anthon Henrich Gnaschler, Johann Adam SchanckweUer, Johan Georg Speiser, Johann Christian Duncker. 312) Aug. 15, 1774. Snow Sally, Stephen Jones, Captain. 9lug. 15, 1774. ©cefc^iff ©ollp, Sapitoin ©tep^cn 3oneg. Conrad Bernhard,* John Ulrichj* Conrad Seifert, John Sauter,* AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1774. 415 Michael LilHenthal,* John George Gesel,* Joh. WUliam Sauter,* John Diehl. 313) June 21, 1774. Brigantine Nancy, Thomas Armstrong^ Master, fi«m Hamburg. 3uni 21, 1774. ©c^ncUfegler fRoncp, Sopttoin Stomas 2lrm» fitong, Don Hamburg. Christopher Fuse,* Joseph Lorentz Herrmann, Herman Schuman, John Matthias Bauer, Cornelius Weick, Carl Friederich Muller. Johan Fried. Matz,* 314) June 21, 1774. Ship Charming Molly, Robert GiU, Master, from London, Sunt 21, 1774. ©c^iff Smarming SWottp, Sopitain Slobert ®iU, bon Spnbon. Henrich Ktintzel, Laurens Frost, Chrbtian Heyll, Peter Stephan, Georg Fried. Prick, Johannes Schwenck, Joh. Henrich Moser, Georg Jacob Weiss, Georg Paulus Merckle, Christian Langspech, Carl Christoph Nicht, Johan Georg Schneegantz, Johan Georg Tritzlen, Joh. Ludwig Bettmann. 315) Sept. 30, 1774. Ship Union, AnHrew Bryson, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. ©ept. 30, 1774. ©t^iff Union, Sapitain 3lnbre» Srpfon, Don Sotterbam iiber Sotoe^. Caspar Nuyne,* Georg Rummell, Heinrich Dbrr, Andreas Schneynow,* Johan WUhelm Muller, Johan Martin Schweickart, Matthias WUd, Cari Eurfur, Johannes Fuchs, Adam Seibert, Nicklas Grauss, Hartman Winck, Bernhard Schwing, Philip Jung, PhUip Klein, Michael Klein, Jost Leibinger, Carl Steinmetz, Johannes Had, Jacob Boss, 416 NAMES OF GERMAN, SWISS Adam Stam, Laux Kochges, PhUipp MuUer, Jacob Eyler, Christian Rossin, Jest Spengler, Alexander Ott, Peter Kuner, Leonhart Opp, Friederich Gant^ Nicholas Bayer, Samuel Schenck, Fabian Kortz, Peter Schimmel, Johan nes. Sehaum, ,^ * ,^ Rutticher, Jacob Voltz, Christian Witmer, Friederich Weyler, Matheis Feiring,- Friederich Bayer, Daniel Hiekert,_ Martin Weima-, Nicklas Sirer, Peter Wallman, Peter Sietz, Johann Walter, , Heinrich Thering, Johann Anthon Rtihl, Johannes Heimbach, Heinrich Heidt, Abraham Stoffel Jatsoby, Caspar Steinmetz, Heinrich Steinmetz, Carl Bbhringer, Michael MuUer, Friederich Kolb offer, Adam Koningsfeld, PhUipp Thiebautz, Joh. Bartholomeus Ney, Johan Georg Gottfried, Johan Adam Pecht, Peter Spruckmann, Nicklas Fitincher, Johann Zimmermann, Nicklaus Schneppenhausser, PhUip Jacob Wagner, Valentin Beyer, Henrich Adam Weltman, Johann DetweUer, Gotthold Fried. Enslin, Johan Friederich Streuch, Johan Adam Schlott, Johannes Stoffel, Friederich Bergman, Johan Carl Reutzheiner, Peter Schwabeland, Johan Adam Friederich, . Johann Gotthelf Paul, Zimmermann Michael David Esch, Christ. WUh. Rathardt, Johannes Becker, Christoph Eufer, Melchior Wickert, Johann Georg Bauer, Valentin Gbttert, Johann Nicolehrs, Johan Adam Steinbach, Johann Adam MiUer, Jacob Heibenzeter, Friederich Hehl, Nicholas Guit,* Joseph Ftitsch, Ulrich Webber, Jacob Leber, Ludwig Au, Johan Kurtz, Daniel Wolff, Georg Eckhart,* Michael Schilling, Jacob Gucker, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1774. 417 Christoph Herbster, Heinrich Engelfried, Friederich Freytag, Martin Schwartz, Caspar Uhl, Friederich Beyerly, Johannes Carolis, Johannes Holtz, Israel Leypold, Michael Muller, Johann Nicolaus Quast, Johan Adam Leber, Carl Christian Loris, Ludwig Schwabeland, Christian Schwabeland, John Georg Baltz, Johan Conrad Eiselen, John George Butter, Johann Jacob Rotb, Johann Jacob Medert, Friederich Schaumenkessel, Johan Daniel Nisler, Johann Christian WUms, Johann Jacob Dieterle, Johann Adam Stock, Georg Jacob Hausisler, Georg Adam Marggrander, Christian Glaufliegel, Erhardt Freytag, Leonard Kroneman, Johann Georg MtiUer. 316) Oct. 29, 1774. Snow Patty and Peggy, Robert Hardi, Master, from Lisbon. Dct. 29, 1774. ©eefc^iff fatti} unb gjeggp, Sopitoin Slobcrt ^arbt, Don Siffobon, Jono Moraublez,* Jabopet Hoquedas, Jono Contono,* Manuel Rodrigue, Franco Barkeka, Franoisca Rabane, Jono Cameti,* Hipolito Poncelly,* Jiram Cloter,* Juan Domingo,* Fran. Boz, Juan Hinanso.* 317) Oct. 31, 1774. ShipSally, John Osmond, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Dct. 31, 1774. ©i^tff ©oUp, Sopitain 3o^n Dsmonb, Don Slotterbom uber Sowe«. Christian Muller, Christian Ehmig, Hans KeUer, Ludwig Seitz, Andreas Buhler, Caspar MUler, Joh. Maximilian Hake, Johann Jacob Weicker sen., Johann Jacob Weicker, Frederick Mayer, Joh. Peter Cronenberger, Balthaser Eberhardt, Peter Kbhier, Joseph Shem,* 418 NAMES OP GERMAN, SWISS Jacob Stpff, Georg Katz, Geo. Habel, Adam Segel, Peter Lbwenberg, PhUip Lbwenberg, Diewalt Klein, Wilhelm Bramer, Peter Bartheleus, Ludwig Fibter, Obha,nnes Kunsinger, Johannes Schaffer, Daniel Zittel, Jacob Klein, Joel Klein, Anthony Weber, Christian Laros, Pierre Maison, John Henry Klein, Johann Philip Weber, Johann Jacob Sunckel, Christoph Griebela, Christian Schudieck, Henrich Oberkircher, Christian Rommel, Friederich Lbwenberg, Carl Bartholomae, Michael Bartholomae, Georg Schaltzindt, Johann Paul Thomas, TeichgrOber, Johann Conrad Schmidt,' Friederich Cronberger, Wilhelm Wenner, Johann Georg Burckhard, Conrad Bindenberger, Jacob Mussgenug. 318) Jan. 16, 1775 der, from London. 3an. 16, 1775. Don Sonbon. Caspar Beaufort, John Adam, David Zuber, Thomas KleneCj Ship Catharine, John Baron, Comman- ©(^iff Sot^orine, Sommonbont 3o'^n Soron, Joh. Georg Fried. Wagner, Johan Jacob Holtzer, Joachim Jacob Brandt. 319) Oct. 9, 1775. Ship King of Prussia, WUliam Potts, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Falmouth, England. Dct. 9, 1775. ©(^ifjF .Ring of ^ruffio, Sopitoin aCitliom 5)otta, Don Slotterbom iiber galmoutb, Snglanb. Ludwig Eller, Job. KUian Booss, Georg Bernhardt, Jacob Kohlman, Jacob MtiUer, PhUip Weber, Nicolaus Sandmeier, Johann Segwalt, Johannes Obersheimer, Johan Friederich Huey, Joh. Georg Linns, Georg Conrad Busch, AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS — 1775. 419 Conrad Tresenreuther, Johann Georg WeyeU, Johann WUhelm Schilack, Johann Michael Tannezer, Johann Philip Kohlman, Jobann David Weber, Johann Michael Hans, Jobann Peter Heissheiner, Joh, Paul Lein, Thomas Rentzheimer, Johannes Eokenberger, Valentin Hoch, Niohoks Rudy, Nicolaus Grail, Matfhias Kbssler, Leonhard Gbtz, Carl Ritter, Johannes Fauth, Michael Kramer, Cari Eller, John Seip, Jost Alstatt, Casper Nickel, Johau Herrman, Christian Vatter, Jacob Vatter, Jacob Teutzei, Conrad Becker, Jacob Jost, Thiols Zer&s, Nicol. Heustang, Ludwig Weiss, Johannes Rentzheimer, Johan Nickel Wendeling, Johann Nickel Meyer, Johan Friederich Meyer, Henricus Denner, Joh. Jacob Schmidt, Johannes Kriedelbach, Joh. Valentin Mundel, Stephanus Spach, Nicklaus Zimmer, Nicolaus Borman, Philip Peter MtiUer, Johan Ernst Kessler, Joh. Jacob Knabenschus, Christian Weissbach, Friederich Schbnholtz, Georg Friederich Grawan, Johan Jacob Grawan, Johan Simon Schlars, Johannes Sahler, . Peter Horbach, Jacob Henrich Krammer, Christian Gottfried WiUert. 420 ADDENDA. ADDENDA A. The Schwenckfelders are called after Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossing, a Silesian Knight, and counselor to the Duke of Liegnitz, Prussia. Schwenckfeld was a contemporary with Luther, Zwingli and other Reformers, and had his adherents, who were tolerated by the German Emperors, in the arch-dukedom of SUesia, especially in the principahties of Taur and Liegnitz, for nearly two hundred years. They, like many others, had to en dure persecutions in 1590, 1650, 1725, when they were com peUed to seek shelter in Upper Lusatia, Saxony, under the pro tection of the Senate of Gbrlitz, and also of Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf, who had them under his protection about eight years, when they resolved to emigrate and seek a home in Georgia; but on arriving in HoUand they were persuaded to go to Penn sylvania. Some came over in 1733, but the greater part in 1734.— See pp. 90, 94, 95, 96. ADDENDA B. For the following List, fiirnished by the Rev. Levin T. Eeichel, Salem, North Carolina, I am much indebted to Prof. John Beck, of Litiz, Pa., (died 1872) who not only pointed to the source, whence it could be obtained, but also very kindly engrossed the Mss. List at the request of the Editor. I. Arrivals of Moravians from Georgia in Pennsylvania, from 1737 io 1747 — a period of ten years. Note. — Some ministerial brethren, as Bishop Spangenberg, Bishop Nitschmann, Peter Bohler, &c., are omitted in this List, as they were no actual settlers, but returned again to Europe, or to other fields of activity of the Moravian Church. Ministers and Missionaries are in Italics. ADDENDA. 421 A. D. 1737. — Georg Neiser, bom in Mora-na, emigrated 1737 to Georgia, thence to Pennsylvania, died 1784 ; Gottlieb Demuth, Gottfried Habereoht, died 1784 ; George Waschke, his wife and mother; Gotthart Demuth, David Jag, David Tanneberger, the celebrated organ-builder; John Tanneberger, son of David T. — descendants near Lebanon. A. D. 1740. — Anton Seiffert, returned to Europe; Martin Mach, died 1784 at St. Croix; George Zeisberger, Rosina Zeis- berger, David Zeisberger, an Indian Apostle, died 1808 at Goshen, Ohio ; John Buhner, died 1785 at St. Thomas, one of the West India Islands ; Hannah Hummel, aftorwards Bahner's wife. A. D. 1742. — Hagen, Buninger — his descendante in N. Y. A. D. 1743. — James Burnside, born in Ireland, died 1755 near Bethlehem, where his remains rest. Twice Representative of Northampton County in the Assembly. A. D. 1744.— Hussey. 1745.— Brownfield. H. Arrivals of Moravians from Europe in Pennsylvania, from 1739 to 1749 — a period of ten years. A. D. 1739. — Christian Senry Rauch, in New York, died 1763 at Jamaica. A. D. 1740. — ^^Andrew Eschenbach, David Nitschmann, first proprietor of Bethlehem estate, died 1758 at Bethlehem; Christian FrbUch, died 1776 at Bethlehem. A. D. 1741. — Gottlieb Buttner, died 1745 at Checomeko, N. Y. ; John Wilhelm Zander, died 1782 in HoUand ; John Christian Pyrlaeus, died 1785 in Germany; Count Zinzendorf, only on a visit; Abraham Meinung, died 1769 at St. Thomas; David Bruce, was from Scotland, died 1749 at Wechquattisch. A. D. 1742. — Peter Bohler and wife, returned to Europe; David ?^ishop, Michael Mikseh, Joachim Senseman, died 1772 at ^{Qaica — descendants in Pennsylvania ; Michael Tenneberger, David Wohmit, John Brucker, died 1765 at St. Croix; Paul David Beyzelius, a Lutheran minister, died 1771; Heinrich Almerson, George Hartin, John BrandmiiUer, died 1777 at Bethlehem; John Adolph Meyer, Owen Rice, died 1778 in England — descendants in Bethleheni ; Thos. Yarrell — descend ants in Lancaster, Pa.; Robert Huss, John Turner, Samuel. 36 422 ADDENDA. Powell, Joseph Powell, died 1774 at Sichem, N. J. ; Nathaniel Seidel, a Bishop, died single 1782 at Bethlehem; Gottlieb Pezold, died 1762 at Litiz ; Philip Meurer, died 1757 at Done gal; Leonhard Schnell, Frederick Post, Indian Missionary, (see Collection, p. 152, Note,); George Schneider, Matthew Wittke, George Wiesner, George Kaske, George Heidecker, John Reinhard Sommers, Joseph MbUer, John Huber, George Eister, Joseph Shar, Hector Gembold, died 1788 ; John Okely, WiUiam Okely, Christian Werner, Jacob Lischy, (see Collec tion, p. 152); John Christoph Heyne, Andreas, (colored). A. D. 1742. — Congregation at Bethlehem Organized. David Eurbert and wife, died 1788 at Bethlehem; A. J. Kohn, J. G. Franke, M. Liebisch, from Moravia; SchneU. A. D. 1743. — In December, one hundred and twenty persons arrived at New York, who moved to Bethlehem and Nazareth; among these were thirty-three young couples, who had been married, all on the same day, at Herrnhaag, May 27, 1743. Note. — The letter N appended to a name indicates that the individual settled at Nazareth, Pa. A. D. 1743.— Wohmit and wife, Abraham Kessler, N; H. Bie- fel, N; John Tobias Hirse, N; G. Kremer, John Henry Mailer, N, died 1760 at Bethlehem; M. Reuz, died 1753 at Oldman's creek, on the pulpit; Christian Fritsch, N; Matheus Otto, doctor at Bethlehem ; Gottfried Grabs, N ; Wolfgang Michler, died 1785 at Hebron -^descendants in Easton; Gottlieb Anders, N; Herser, Aimers ; John Munster, from Moravia ; Geo. Christ, N; M. Hanke, Schaub ; Geo. Zeisberger and wife, died 1780 ; G. Hantsch, died 1756 ; Christian Hbpfiier, died 1760; John Jorde, N; J. Christian Weinest, N; G. Hicke; Matheus Schropp, N, died 1766 at Salem, N. C. ; Jonas WUson, Ostian, Dugion, Jno. Schaub, N; John BrandmtiUer, returned from Europe whither he had gone 1742; J. G. Nix- dorf, died 1785 at Bethlehem, Pa. ; Anton Wagner, died 1786 near Emaus; James Greening, D. Kunkler, N; A. Demuth, from Moravia; Schtitze, Brosch, M. Bbhmer, Hanke, Opitz; George Ohneberg, N, Missionary in St. Croix; Matheus Weiss, N; John Mozer, N; J. M. Micke, N; G. Bertsch, N; John Michler, N; P. Gbttge, N; Andrew Krem- ser, N; Schober, Harding, Oerter, Dbh- Ung, Cook, Thomas Schaaf, N; Jacob Behringer, Thomas Fisher and wife, N; Lighten, Jasper Paine ; Richard ADDENDA. 423 Usley, first English Missionary in Dobbs Parish ; M. Krause, died 1775 at Salem, N. C. A. D. 1744. — Abraham Reinke, Bishop, died 1760 — his grand-son, Moravian Minister at Litiz, his grand-daughter, wife of Prof. John Beck. A. D. 1746.— J. F. Cammerhof, died 1751 at Bethlehem; Hendrup, Wacke, Westmann, Gottechalk, S. Rosun. A. D. 1747. — The members of the Moravian Church in the region of Bethlehem numbered 316, viz: at Bethlehem 163; Nazareth 42; Frederickstown 23; Gnadenhutten 11 ; Gnaden- thal 18 ; scattering 59. A. D. 1749. — Dec. 12, the foUowing twelve married couples moved from Bethlehem to Nazareth : Everet Emerson ; Paul Fritsch, born in Moravia ; Elias Teex, born in Upper Lusatia, Germany ; Gottlieb Berndt, do ; Jacob Hafner, Switzerland; Gottfried Schultze, Lower Silesia; Hein rich Fritsche, do ; Wenzel Bernhard, Bohemia ; John Schmidt, Upper Silesia; Geo. Gold, Moravia ; Melchior Schmidt, Moravia. III. A List of unmarried men, who arrived at Bethlehem, September lith, 1753. Ludolph Gottlieb Bachoff, born in Ltineburg; Christoph Heinrich Bachmeyer, Friedensburg ; Frederick Beyer, Silesia ; Hans Martin Calberlahn, Norway (surgeon) ; Ludwig Christoph Dehne,Wernigerode; Jacob Eyerie, Wirtemberg ; George Chris tian Fabricius, Denmark, was murdered, Nov. 21, 1755 ; Jacob Pries, Denmark, died 1793 at Bethlehem; George Wenzel Golkowsky, SUesia (surveyor), died 1813; Joseph Haberiand, Moravia; Jacob Herr, Wirtemberg; Samuel Hunt, Yorkshire, England; Jacob Jtirgens.pn, Finland ; Henry Krause, Silesia; Otto Christian Krogstrup, Denmark, pastor there; Joseph Lennert, Breisgau; Albertus Rudolph Rusmeyer, LHuehvirg; George Solle, Denmark, formeriy a minister; Christian Frie derich Tollner, Pomerania; Peter Worbasse, Juttland; Chris tian Widsted, do; Peter Weicht, SUesia; Charies Frederick Ziegler, Pomerania ; Jacob TiU and his wife, Moravia, died 1783 at Bethlehem ; G. Stephen Wolson, Thtiringen. 424 Unssii. 3«f«^ A. S)te©(^n3cn(Ifelber werben nac^Safpar©c^n3en(ffelbDonDffing, einem ft^lefif^en Slitter unb Slot^ iti ^erjogS Don Siegnt^ in 5)reupen, genannt. ©ti^mcncEfelb war etn 3fitgeno(fe Sut^er'g, 3wtnglt'g unb anberer Sfleformotoren. Sr |otte Slnbonger, bie Don ben beutfcben .Sioifcrn gebulbet wurben unb jtd^ tm ®rop» ¦^erjogt^um ©i^teften, befonberg in ben giirftent^^iimem 2:our unb Siegni^, no|e an jwei :^unbert 3o^re fortpflonjten. 2Sie Diele Slnbere, fo fatten ouc^ fie in ben 3a|ren 1590, 1650 unb 1725 SSerfolgungen ju erbulbcn unb nai^ ber Dber=Sauft0 in ©at^fen, unter ben ©c^u^ beg ©enotg ju ®6rli^ unb beg ©rofen yiicoloug Subwig Don Binjenborf, ju fltc:|en, wctti^er fte oc^t 3a|re long befc^u^te. ©ie entft^lopn ftd^ ougjuwonbcrn unb eine .^eimot^ in ©eorgio jn fuc^en ; man bele^rte fie jebot^ auf i^rer 3lcife buri^ ^oHonb, pt^ in ^JennfplDonien onjufiebeln. Sinjelne fomen 1733, jebot^ bie grofe SKoffe erfl 1734.— ©icl^c ©. 90, 94, 95, 96. 3«fa^ B. ®te folgenbe Stfie Don ^ojior ScDin Z. 3leic^el in ©olem, 9lorb= Sorolino, :^abe ic^ 5>rof. 3b^n Sed Don Sitij, 5>ennf. (geflorben 1872) JU oerbonfen, wclc^cr nit^t nur bie Quelle ongob, in ber fte JU ftnben wor, fonbern ouf bie SSitte beg .fierauggeberg btc= felbe auc^ fur biefeg aUerl jure^t mot^te. I. Slnfunft ber $errn:^uter Don ©eorgio in 9)ctttt= fploanten in ben SoVren 1737 big 1747 — ein 3eitraum Don je'^n 3obren. Slnmcrfung. — Sinige jeijlltibe Sritter, al« Sifcbof Spangenberg, Stfibof 5titf(bmnnn, ftttx SBbler u. f. »., feblen in btefer Sijic, ba bte» felben ftcb eigtntlitb nicjjt ntebetltepen, fenbctn i»ieber nntb Suropa }uriid« tcbrten, ober etn nubereg Slrbeitgfelb ber ©ei-tnftuter-Sir^ie auffucbten. $rebtgec unb ilRtfftoiiare ftnb mtt gefpeccter ©tbcift gebiitdt Unsat^. 425 1737.— ©corg 5f eifer, tn 9Jla:^rert geboren, wonberte 1737 nac^ ©eorgio oug unb Don bo na^ ^^ennfplDonien, unb florb bort 1784; ©ottlicb ©emut:^, ©ottfrieb J&oberec^t, florb 1784; ©corg SBofc^fe, feine grou unb SJlutter; ©ott^orbt ©emutl^, 2)aDib 3og, 2)aDib Sanneberger, ber beriil^mte Drgelbauer; 3o^flnn tanneberger, ©o|n Don 3)0Dib Z. — Stoc^fiimmen no^e Sebonon. 1740. — 3lnton Seiffert, fe'^rtcnoti^ Suropo juritd 5 SJlar* tin 9)1 od, florb 1784 ju ©t. Sroir; ©corg 3Ei«berger, Slortna 3ctgberger, 3)oDib 3ei3berger, war 3nbioner=9lpo^cl, florb 1808 JU ©of^cn, D^io; 3o:^ann Sooner, ftorb 1785 ju' ©ti Z^omai, einer ber wejlinbifc^en 3nfrin; -^onna:^ J&ummcl, :^crtta4 Sol^ner'g grau. 1742.— J^ogen, Sitnlugcr — fWat^fommen in Slew §)orf. 1743.— 3ameg SSurnfibe, in Srlanb geboren, florb 1755 no'^e Sct^lc:^em, wo feine ©ebcine ru^en. "^mx Ma\ Slbgcorbneter Don Stort^ampton Sountp in ber Slffcmblp. - 1744.— ^uffep. 1745.— Srownftetb. n. Slnfunft Don ^errn^utern in ^^ennfplDanien aug Suropo Don 1739 big 1749 — ein Qextxanm Don je:^n 3owell, jlorb 1774 ju ©it^em, 91. 3-5 ^lotboniel ©eibel, etn Sifc^of, jiarb 1782 unDerbeiratbet ju 33et:^le^em; ©ottlicb g)ejolb, jiarb 1762 juSitt J ; g)bitip SKcurer, jlorb 1757 ju Donegal; Seonborb ©(|nell, grteberic^ 3>ojl, 3n= ¦bianer=9)tifftonar, (jtcbe ©. 152, Slnmcrfung); ©corg ©(^neiber, SJlott^oug SBittfe, ©corg SCicgner, ©eorg ^ogfe, ©eorg ^eibcder, 3obann SHeln^orb ©ommerg, 3ofep^ 9)lij(ler, 3o^ann J^uber, ©corg Sijler, 3ofep^ ©d^or, .^'ector ©embolb, porb 1788; 3ol)ann Dtelp, SDil^elm Dfelp, S'^rtjlionSfCerner, 3acob Sifc^p, (ftel)e ©cite 152), 3o^onrt Sbrijlop^ ^epnc, Slnbreog (forbig). 1742. — ©emeinbe ju Set^lebem gegriinbet. ©oDib .& tt r b e r t unb grau ; er jiarb 1788 p «8etble:^em ; 31. 3- ^ o ^ n , 3. S. gronfe, 9Jl. Siebifc^, Don Wd^xtn; ©c^netl. 1743. — 3'tt SDecember fomen etn l^unbert unb bretf ig 3)crfoncn in 9lcw glorf on, welthe noti^ Set^k^em unb Sflojorct^ jogen; unter biefen befonben jtt^ bret itnb bretfig jutige t)florc, toelc^e fammtli^ am 27. SJloi 1743 ju J^errn|oag getrout worben woren. Slnmerf ung. — Der bem 9lamen bcigefugte Smbjiabe 91 jetgt, bag bie bettclfenbe JJerfon jtib in 9lnjaretb niebetUeg. 1743.— aCo|mit unb grou, Slbro^om ^e^lcr, 31 ; ^. Sicfel, 91 ; 3Dbonn Jobiog ^irfe, SR; ©. .S^remer; 3o^ann .^einrid^ g» oiler, 91, jlorb 1760 ju Set^le^em; 9W. 3ieuj, jiarb 1753 ouf ber ^onjeljuDlbmon'g Sreef; St)rtjliongritf(J^, 91; 59lat= t^oug Dtto, Slrjt in Set^le^em; ©ottfrieb ©robg, 91; fSolf' gong SJliti^ler, jlorb 1785 ju Hebron — 9lac^fommctt in Sojlon; ©ottlieb Slnberg, 91; ^erfer, Sllmerg ; 3obann 9Ritnfler, Don 9Jlabren; ©eorg S^rlfl, m-, 9Jl..&anfe, ©t^oub; ©corg 3etgberger unb grou, cr jlorb 1780; ®. .^antfi^, jlorb 1756; S^rijlton ^ijpfner, jlorb 1760; 3o|anneg 3orbe, 91; 3.Sbrijl. fflSetnejl, 91; ®. ^icfe; 9Kottl)Oug ©*ropp, 91, jlorb 1766 ju ©olem, 91. S.; 3onag SBilfon, Djiion, ©ugion, 3o'^ann ©d^oub, 91; 3o'^anneg SronbmiiUer, te^rte Don Suropa, bog er 1742 befuc^t, juriicf; 3- ©. 9liyborf, porb 1785 ju Set^le^cm; %itsal|. 427 SlntonSBogner, jlorb 1786 no^e Smoug; 3acob ©reening, 2).\Runfler, 91; SI. Demutb, Don Wai)xm', ©dbii^e, S3rof(|, m. Siibmer, ^onte, Dpi^; ©eorg D:^neberg, 91, SJliffionor JU ©t. Sroir; !!«nttf)oug SBei^, 91; 3obann 9Jlojer, 91; %m. midt, 91; ®. Sertft^, 91; 3o|ann fUltc^ler, 91; % ©ottge, 91; Inbreog i?remfcr, 91; ©c^ober, ^orbing, Derter, ©obltng, Soof, Sbomag ©(^oof, 91; 3acob SSe^ringer, 2;^omag gifd^er unb grou, 91; Sig^ton, 3ofper5)aine; atic^arb Uglep, erflereng= lift^er 9Jlifftonor in Dobbg ©prengel; 9Jl. .Kroufe, jlorb 1775 ju ©olem, 91. S. 1744.— Slbrof)am3lcinfe, Stfc^of, jlorb 1760; fetn Snfel ijl bermbuter ©et^lid^cr ju Sttij, feine Sntelin bte grau beg $rn. $rof. 3obonn«8ecE. 1746.— 3.g.Sammer:^of, jlorb 1751 ju Set:^le|em ; .^enbrup, SSocfe, ffiejlmonn, ©ottft^olf, ©. 3lofun. 1747. — Die ^Jlitgltcber ber '^errnf)uter ©emeinbe in ber 9la^e Set^lclem'g jo^lten 316, namltt^: ju 33ef^le:^em 163, 9laja= rctb 42, grcbcrtdgtown 23, ©nobcnptten 11, ®nobcnt|aI 18, jerjlreut 59. 1749. — Sim 12. December jogen folgenbe jwolf Der^ctrot:^cte faaxt Don Set|le|em nac& S^ojoretf) : Soeret Smerfon; ^oul gritfc^, in 9Jld|ren geboren; Sliog Jeer, in ber Dber^Souft^ geboren; ©ottlieb SBernbt, ebenfollg; 3acob hofner, oug ber ©c^weij; ©ottfrieb ©t^ul^e, aug 9lteber= ©(|le|len; ^einrii| gritft^e, bo; 9Benjel33ern|orb, oug 33o|men; So'^ann ©d^mibt, oug Dber»©c^leften ; ©eorg ©olb, oug Waf^= ren; 5B?elc^tor ©c^mibt, ebcnfottg oug SOlo^ren. HI. Stjle ber unDer'^eirot'^eten 91ldnner, bie am 14. ©ept. 1753 JU Setl^le'^cm angefommen finb. Subwig ©ottlieb Soc^off, geboren ju Siineburg ; S:^rift. ^einric^ Sat^mcper, griebengburg ; griebric^ Sepcr, ©tS^leften; ^ang SDlortin Solberlo^n, 9lorwegen (aSunborjt); Subwig Sbrijlop:^ ©e'^ne, SSernigerobe ; 3ocob Sperle, ffiiirttemberg ; ®eo. S:^r{jlian gobrictug, 1)anemorf, wurbe om 21.9loD. 1755 ermorbet; 3ocob grteg, Donemarf, jlorb 1793 ju Sctllc^em; ©eorg SBenjel ©olfowgfp, ©c^lerten (Sonbmeffer), jlorb 1813; 3ofep^ J&abcrlanb, gJlS^ren; 3ocob ^err, SBitrt* temberg; ©omuel^unt, gorfflirCj Snglanb; 3acob 3itr9enfcn, 428 ^ttsstj. ginnlonb; $eiTiric^,S!roufe,©(^lejien; Dtto S|ri^ian^rog« jlrup, DSnemorf, borttger 5)oftor; 3ofep^ Sennert, SSreiggou; Sllbertug Sflubolpl) SRugineper, Siineburg; ©eo. ©Bile, Donemorf, friiber ©etftlic^er; Sbrijlion griebric^ SEBll= ner, ^^ommern; 5>eter 2Borbfljfe, 3ittlanb; Sbri^ion SBibjieb, 3ittlanb; fctcrSGBeic^t, ©c^lcfien; ^orl griebricb B'cgler, $om» mem; 3ocob Xill unb grou, SHii^rcn, ftorb 1783 ju SBct^lc:^em; ©. ©tep^yen 3Bolfon, SE^iiringen. APPENDIX. 429 APPENDIX mnUm). No. I. NAMES OF FIBST SETTLERS AT GERMANTOWN AND VICINITY, FROM 1683 to 1710. 9lamen ber evjim Slnftebler son ©ermantoton ttnb Untgegtnb son 1683 bis 1710. Names having an asterisk {*) attached were naturalized by an Act of Assembly, 1708-1709. ®te mtt etnem ©tern (*) bejcit^neten 9lomen iourben 17)38-1709 burcb 3lifemblv-33ef4)lup notuvoltfttt, Francis Daniel Pastorius,* Isaac Dilbeck,* Jacob Schumaclier, Tiines Ktinders,* a Georg Wertmiiller, Arents Klincken, 6 0 Denis Kundors, or Conrad. — Pastorius had an interview with Con rad at Crefelt, April 12, 1683, on his way to America. The iirst religious meeting by Quakers, or Friends was held at Conrad's house, German- town, 1683.— /'road's Penn., I, p. 220. a S)enis Sunborg, ober Sonrab.— 9)«|iortug b«tte Sonrab ju Srcfclt dm 12. Slpril 1683 auf fetnem SBege nnjb Slmeritn gefprocben. Die erjtc gottegbtcnjlltibe 3«fnmmenfunft ber Quofer .ober grcunbe -tDurbe 1683 in gontftb'g |)nug tn ®evmanton)u gebalten.— $roub'a 9)ennf., I, ©. 220. b Arents Klincken came from Holland with William Penn, in his first voyage, 1682. He became acquainted with Penn in Holland. Klincken built the first two-story house in Germantown ; Penn was present, and partook of the raising dinner. The same old house stood, 1855, on Justus Johnson's premises. Klincken died at the age of eighty, and left a son whose name was Anthony Klincken, "the great hnaixT."— Watson's Annals, IX, p. 20. * %xtnti mindtn tam mit ilBitttam ftnn auf beffen erfie SRcife 1682 Don ^oUani', wo et mtt ?)enn betannt toorben tunr. ®r baute iai erjle MBetjiiicftge ®ebaube in ®etmanto»n ; ftnn wax jugcgcn unb betbeiligte jit^ an bem bci ®e(egenbeit bfg 9luff^lngeng biefeg $aufeg bcreiteten geji^ eifcn. 1855 ftaub nocb bagfelbe olte §«ug auf 3ujiug 3obnfon'g ®runb. jjiicf. itlinifen jlorb tm Sllter son 80 3abrcn unb binterlieg etnen ©obn, Slntbon? Slinden, „beV grofeaBoibmann."— SBatfon'g 5lnnalen, II, ©.20. 430 APPENDIX. Thomas Gasper, Cunrad Backer, alias Rutter, Dirk op den Graff, Herman op den Graff, Abraham Isaac op den Graff, Lenert Arets,* Reinert Tisen,* Wilhelm Strepers,* Jan Lensen,* Peter Keurlis, Jan Simens, Johannes Bleiokers,* Abraham Tiines,* Wigard Levering, Gerhard Levering, Jan Ljjcken, Johannes, Jawert,* Conrad Conrads, Johannes Kunders, Dennis Kunders,* Matheis Kunders,* Johan Kunders,* Dirk Keyser,* Peter Keyser,* Johannes Doden,* Casper Hiidt,* Cornelius Werts,* Henrich Selen,* Walter Simens,* ' Dirk Jansen jr.,* Richard van der Werff,* Johannes Streper sen.,* Cornelius Siverdts jr.,* Peter Schumacher,* Georg Schumacher,* Isaac Schumacher,* Jacob Schumacher jr.,* Mattheis van Bebber,* Cornelius Vandergach,* Peter Clever,* Georg Godschalk,* Hannes Reinhart van derSluys,* now (je^t) Vanderslice, Adrian van der Sluys,* Johan van der Heggen,* Godschalk van der Heggen,* Casper Kleinhoof,* Heinrich Buchholtz,* Herman Tuyman,* Paul Kliimges,* Johannes Kliimges,* Johannes de Wees, Cornelius de Wees, now Dewes, Mattheis Neus,* now Nice, Johannes Neus,* Claus Ruttynghuysen,* a a ' Claus or Nich. Rittenhouse settled, says Horatio Gates Jones, Esq., on the eastern bank of the Wissahiokon, south of Germantown, where he erected, on a small stream, which empties into the Wissahickon, about a mile from the Schuylkill River,, the first paper mill in British America. He died about 1780, and was the grand-father of David Rittenhouse, the Philosopher, who was born April 8, 1732 and died June 26, 1796. a £(aug ober SfJiibcIag SRittcnbaug ftebclte naib ber Slng.ibe »on $otatio ®atti 3oneg, (Sfq., ouf bem BjWitbcn Ufer beg SEiffobicfon, fiibli^ son ®ermonton)n, nieber, wo cr nn einem fleinen Sluife, welder etmn cine aKeile obctbnib iii ©tbuslfidg fttb in ben SBtiTnbidon crgic§t, bte erjle 3)apietmitble in Sritifib Slmerifn erbnute. Um'g 3nbr 1730 florb cr. Sr Wax ber ©rogontcr beg J)b>'ofoi)bcn Dosib SRtttenbnug, meliber om 8. Slpril . 1732 geboren tsurbe unb am 26. 3uni 1796 gejiorben tji. APPENDIX. 431 Gerhart Riittynhuysen, Matthias Riittynhuysen, Henrich Riittynhuysen, William Riittynhuysen, Casper Stabls,* Heinrich. Tubben,* Wilhelm Hendricks, Henrich Hendricks,* Lorentz Hendricks,* Gerhart Hendricks, Heinrich Kesselberg,* now Casselberry, John Rebenstock,* Peter Verbyman,* Johan Heinrich Carstens,* Casper Carsten, Johannes Radwitzer, Johannes Conrads sen.,* Johannes Gorgas,* Henrie Bartels,* Senwes Bartels,* Johannes Krey,* Andreas Kramer, Thomas Boter, Wilhelm Krey,* Conrad Jansen,* Everhart in Hoffe,* Herman in Hoffe,* Gerhard in Hoffe,* Peter in Hoffe,* Peter Jansen J* Johannes Schmidt,* Thomas Echelwich,* Johannes SchoU,* Peter SchoU,* Gabriel Sentner,* Heywart Hapon, Conrad Hermann Bom, Dirk Vankolkj William Potts,* Mattheis Tison,* Jacob Keiner, Jacob EngeU,''' Paul EngeU,* Paul Wulff, Andreas Soplis, Jacob Isaac von Pedden, Arnold Kassel, Johannes Kassel, Jacob Isaacs, Herman Dorst, a Heinrich Zimmermann,* 6 a Herman Dorst died suddenly near Germantown, a bachelor, past 80 years of age, Oct. 14, 1789; he lived for a long time in a house by himself — Penn. Gazette. a $ermnn ©orjl jiorb plb'gltcb nobe ©ermontown olg SunggefeUe son fiber 80 Snbren ben 14. Oct. 1739 j longe 3flb« lebte er abgefiblofl'en in etnem $aufe nllein.— 5)cnnf. ©njette. 4 Heinrich Zimmermann came to Pennsylvania 1698. He returned to Europe for his family, -which he brought over in 1706, to German- town.- In 1717 he removed to Chester County, now Lancaster. His eon Emanuel was born 1702 in Switzerland. Emanuel died in 1780. — Rupp's History of Lancaster County, p. 126. * $>einri(b 3'mmermann tom 1698 nod) ^eitnfplsnnten unb rctgte noib Suropo juriid, um feine gnmilte jtt \oUn. 1706 langten fie in ®ermon» toisn on. 1717 jog cr notb Sbefter, ie|t Cnncofler Sountp. Sein ®obn ffimnnuet tsurbe 1702 in ber ©(btset} geboren unb ftorb 1780. — SRupp'g ®cfcpi(bte son Concajier Sountp, ®. 126. 432 APPENDIX. Philip Christian Zimmermann, David Scherges, Hufert Papen, Jan SUans, Jonas Potts, Jacobus De la Plaine, Simon Andreas, Thomas Potts jr., Cornelius Bom, Isaac Sehefer, Enneke Klosterman, Claus Tamson, Johannes Kiister, Albertus Brandt, Johannes Pettinger, Jacob Peines, Reinhart Herman, Anthony Loof, Martin Seelen, Lorento Marcus, Christian Wammer, Hans Peter Umbstat, Daniel Falkner, Johan Heinrich Mehls, Georg Miiller, Johann Cornelius Cotweis, Conrad Cotweis, Peter Kenlis, Anthoni Jerghjes, Johan Doden, Ludowic Christian Sprogel,* John Henry Sprogel,* a Mattheis Frank, Hans Heinrich Mehls, Heinrich Kassel, Andreas Hartzfelder, Johan van der WUderniss, Johannes van Leer, Joseph Baumstadt, Johannes Kelpius, Johannes Seelig, Heinrich Bernhardt Kuster, 5 Daniel Lutkins, Ludwig Aderman, Andreas Boney, Heinrich Frey, c Johannes German, Peter Scharbon, Mattheis Nezelius, Johannes van der Wert, Wilhelm Baumann, Paul Kiister, Paul Ruttynghuysen, Arnold von Bossen, a The Sprogels were naturalized by special Act of Assembly, passed 1705.— Ooi. Rec., II, p. 184. a Die ©progelg tsurben 1705 burdji einen befonberen Slffembl»=Sef^lu§ noturoltftrt.— Sol.-SBer., II, ®. 184. b Heinrich Bernhardt Kuster, a native of the town of Blomberg, in Lippe-Detmold. He came to Germantown 1689, and was the first German and English preacher there. — LSher, p. 39. b §etnri(b 3?ernbarb fiitjier, geboren in ber ©tobt SSlomberg, Sippe^ SDctmoIb. 1689 fnm et nnib ©ermnntown, unb toor ber erjle beutfcbe unb engltfcjie ?)rebiger bnfelbjl.- SBber, ®. 39. c Heinrich Frey had been in Pennsylvania before 1682. — HaUische Nachrichten, p. 664. c ^einrtib grep wax sor 1682 in 9)ennfpl»anten gelsefen,— ©atlifc^e 9lo(bn(bteit, O. 664, APPENDIX. ¦ 433 Isaac von Sintern, Jiirgen Jacob Jacobs, Doctor Christopher Witt, a Wilhelm Hesters, Joseph Paul, Hans Graaf,* b Reiner Peters, Philip T. Lehnemann. c a Doctor Witt was an Englishman and came to this country 1 704. He was noted as a famous conjuror, and died 1765. — Watson's An nals, II, p. 22. a ©oftot SBttt, etn ISnglonber, fam 1704 in biefeg Sonb itnb Wax tin Betii^inter aBobrfoget. (Sr jiotb 1765.— Sffiatfou'g Slnnnlen, II, @. 22. b Hans Graaf came to Germantown 1696. He settled afterwards in Chester County, now Lancaster, took up, as by date of warrant, 1716, in Pequffi, 1000 acres of land; on a second warrant, Nov. 22, 1717, a large tract of land in Earl Township, Lancaster County. The old homestead on this tract is now owned by Levi W. Grove, a lineal descendant of Hans. — Rupp's History of Lancaster County, p. 133. b $nng ®rnaf fnm 1696 notb ®erntonto»n. 9laibber licg er fttb in SbcRct, jejt Soncojitv Sountp, nteber unb nnbni, rote bte Urtunbe befngt, 1716 toufenb Slcfer son in 3)equa ju etwerbcnbem Sonbe, unb erbiclt om 22. StoB, 1717 burd) etnen jisetten SBoUmoditgbrtef etne groge ©trecte Sonbeg tn Sorl S^otsnfbi)), Soncnjier Sountp. Die olte ^ctmflotte auf bic fcm Sonb ijt jf^t im SBeftg son Sesi SB. ®rose, etn Slbfommling in gerober Sinte son $ong.— SRupp'g ®efib. son Concojier Sountp, ®. 133. c Philip T. Lehnemann was for some time private secretary ta William Penn. — LSher, p. 39, Proud, Watson, Deutscher Pionier, Col. Rec. II, p. 493, Penn. Archives, I, p. 63. c fbiltpt) Z. Sebnemonn tsor etne gernume 3ctt ?)tisot=®efretar beg SBiHiom f enn.— Siibcr, ®. 39, f toub, SBotfon, Seutfcher Jionicr, Sol.« Sh., II, @, 493, 3)ennf. Slt^ise, I, ©. 63. 87 434 APPENDIX. No. II. NAMES OF EARLY SETTLERS OF BERKS AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES, ORIGINALLY PHILA DELPHIA COUNTY, who -were naturalized January 9, 1729 to 1730; SOME FROM BUCKS COUNTY, FROM CHESTER, AND FROM THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Votes of Assembly, III, p. 131. Sfiamett ber erften Slnftebler son ben ©ountteg SdnU unb SJJontgomer?), urfpriinglid^ ^^Ijtlabelpl^ia S^ountp, toclt^e sotn 9. 3anuar 1729 an big 1730 naturaltftrt tourben etnige Don 93u(fg eountp, son g^ejier unb »on ber ©tabt 5)^tlabelp^ia. 3lbjiimmungert ber 5!lffembl9, HI, ©. 131. Peter Wentz, Martin Kolb, Dielman Kolb, Jacob Kolb, Michael Ziegler, Paul Fried, Hans Danweiler, Valentin Hunsicker, Jacob Schreiner, Johannes Kooken, Jacob Herman, Gerhart Clemens, Christian Zimmerman, Jacob Metz, Bastian Schmidt, Martin Gmelin, Ulrich Mayer, Christian Bauman, Abraham Schwaark, Hermanns Kuster. From Berks County. Johan Joder, Johan Joder jr., Philip Kielwein, Jost Joder, Hans Hoch, Peter Endreas, Johan Dietrich Kreiner, Peter Balio, Abraham Levan, Isaac Levan, Nicholas Lescher, David Kauffman, Jean Bartolett, Hans Martin, Georg Martin Schenckel, Jonathan Herbein, Johan Bauman, Arnold Huffnagle, Johannes Langenecker, Johannes Buchwalter, Johann Eckstein, Isaac Vansintern, APPENDIX. 435 Johannes Dewalt End, Johan Georg Bentzel, Blasius Daniel Mackinet, Mathias Adam Hogermod, Hans Rupp, Lorentz Belitz, Johan .Nicholas Kressman, Christopher Funk, Johan Georg Reif, Johan Isaac Klein, Peter Reif, Johan Jacob Scharch, Johan Joseph Scharch, Antonius H alman, Gerhard Peters, Johannes Mayer, Johannes Schaffer, Jacob Seltzer, Johannes Lefeber, Georg Rans, Georg Jiiger, Samuel .Guldin, Christopher Guldin, Heinrich Punnbecker, Hans Siegfried, Samuel Hoch, Johann Schneider, Georg Merkle, Hubbert Cassell, Peter Traler, Heinrich Schaut, Jacob Hottenstein, Daniel Langenecker, Hans Jacob Bechtel, Melchior Hoch, Georg Bechtel, Jost Henrich Sassamanhaussen. From Bucks County. Georg Bachman, John Dreistel. Jacob Klemmer, Jacob Sauder, Philip Geisinger, Note. — As early as 1709 John Bleicher was naturalized. — Col. Rec, II, p. 494' Sin m e r f It n g.— 3obann SSlcicpcr wor 1709 bercitg noturolijirt.— Sol.» Set., II, ®. 494. From Chester County. Christian Mory, Casper Acker, Johannes Roth, Jacob Acker. From the City of Philadelphia. Marcus Kuhl, Johann Becker, Johan Keller, Jacob Karsdoop, " """~ — , Abraham Kintzing. 1734 to 1735. Martin Bitting, Fronik Philadelphia County. Anthony Benezet, Abraham Zimmerman, . Conrad Kerr, Christian Weber, Conrad Kuster, — Nicholas Keyser, Jacob Dubre, 436 APPENDIX. Anthony Zadouski, Andreas Kreher, Hans Jacob Dubre, Ludwig Bitting. Hans Bingeman, From Chester Co. 1734 to 1735. Gerhart Braunbeok. From Lancaster County. Johan Georg Bard, Frederick Elberstadt, Johan Casper Stover, Peter Ensminger, Michael Weilder, Jacob Herschberger. No. III. SWISS AND GERMAN SETTLERS IN LANCASTER COUNTY FROM 1709 to 1730. 'B^'«)t\%tx\\^t unb beutfc^e Slnftebler tn Sancafter (lountp »on 1709 \i\^ 1730. 1709: Johann Rudolph Bundeli, Martin Kgndig, Jacob Mtiller, Hans Graff, Hannes Herr, Martin Oberholtz, Hannes Ftlnck, Michael Oberholtz, Wendel Bauman, Hans Meylin sen., Hans Meylin jr., Martin Meylin, Samuel Gulden, Johan Rodolf van der Werff, Daniel Herman, Christian Brenneman, Johan Georg Trellinger, Hans Mayer, Hans Haigy, Christian Herschi, Hans Pupather, Heinrich Biir, Peter Lehman, Melchior Brenneman, Benedictus Witmer, Heinrich Funck, Christopher Franciscus, Michael Schenck, Johannes Landes, Ulrich Hauerich, Emmanuel Herr, Abraham Herr, Hans Huber, Isaac Kauffmann, Melchior Erisman, Michael Miiller, Christopher Scblegel. APPENDIX. 437 1712: Hans Georg Schutz, Mai-tin Reninger, Michael Bachman, Jacob Hoehstetter, Jacob Ki-eider, Benedictus Venerich, Jacob Kreutzer, Jacob Biihm, Hans Faber, Martin Urner, Theodorus Eby, Johannes Lein, Heinrich Zimmerman, Emanuel Zimmerman, Gabriel Zimmerman, Johannes Schenck, Michael Danegar, » Marcus Oberholtz, Christian Stein, Edward Riehm, Joseph Steinman, Siegesmund Landtart. 1719: Ulrich Brechbiil, Christian Mosser, Andreas Schultz, Samuel Hess, Peter Yorde, Hans Tschantz, Johannes Hauser, Francis Neff sen., Francis Neff jr., Georg Kendig, Johannes Burchhalter sen., Johannes Burchhalter jr., Abraham Burchhalter, Michael Bauman, Johannes Hess, Johann Friederich, Christopher Brenneman, Martin Harnish, Joseph Buchwalter, Felix Landes, - Heinrich Neff, Michael Meyer, Peter Baumgardtner, Melchior Hoffarth, Johannes Brubacher, Jacob Ntissly, Hans Schnebele, Jacob Guth, Johannes Wolschlegel, Jacob Meyer, Joiseph Steinman, Daniel Eschleman, Christian Biilman, Johann Henrich Neff jr., Abraham Herr, Jacob Beyer, Hans Jacob Schnebele, Ulrich Roth, Rudolph Meyer, Carl Christopher, Henrich Musselman, Mattheis Schleiermacher, Jacob Kurtz, Johan Ulrich Huber, Johannes Lichty, — ¦ — Johannes Stampfer, Peter Neucomer, Johan Henrich Bar, Jacob Weber, Heinrich Weber, Johannes Weber, Georg W^eber, David Langenecker, Abraham Meyer, Ulrich Hauser, Johannes Meyer, 37* 438 APPENDIX. Heinrich Musselman, Michael Schenck, Peter Eby, Johannes Guth, Christian Steiner, Adam Brandt, Johan Jacob Lichty, Caspar Lauman, Friederich Stein, Johannes Schwaab, Bastian Rayer, Jonas La Ru, Simeon Konig, Eberhardt Riehm, Hans Graff, Johannes Rupp, Philip Dock, . Johannes Weidman, Christian Lang, Michael Albert, Wilhelm Albert, Leonard Bender, Georg Miller, John Buschong, Nicholas Kendel,- Johannes Hagey, Charles Keller' Stephen Remsberger, Ludwig Detteiibbrn, Jacob Bar jr.. Christian Lauer, John Leiberger, Michael Becker, John Peter Kucher, John Liebach, Biirtholoraew Schiifer, Casper Stump, Jacob Becker, Tobias Bickel, Peter Ruth, George Klein, Paul Tittenhoffer, Matthias Teis, Georg Ludwig Horst, Sebastian Graff, John Henrich Basler, Matthias Jung, Jacob Schlauch, Heinrich Michael Immel Felix Miller, Martin Weybrecht, Friederich Eichelberger, Sebastian Fink, Hans Adam Schreiner, Christian Lang, Casper Filler, Antony Bretter, Leonhard EUenmacher, Andreas Bersinger, Jacob Hartman, Theophilus Hartman, Benjamin Witmer, Abraham Witmer, Johannes Binckley, Turst Buchwalter, Valentin Hergelrat, John Stettler, Leonhard Ramler, Leonhard Heyer, Peter Schell, John Nohacker, Nicholas Miller, Jehann Hauck, Thomas Koppenheffer, Christian Lehman, George Unruh, Jacob Schafer, Valentine Keffer, Casper Rieth, Christian Mahenschmidt, Nicholas Kutz, George Weyrich, APPENDIX. 439 Christopher Ley, Johannes Blum, Jacob Lauer, Erasmus Buchenmeyer,. Hans Mohr, George Graff. No. IV. NAMES, AGE AND OCCUPATION OF THOSE WHO ACCOMPANIED REV. JOSHUA KOCHERTHAL, wlio settled on lands on Quassick Creek, then Dutchess County, TS. Y., in the Spring of 1709.* Rev. Joshua Kocherthal, aged 39; Sibylla Charlotta, bis wife, 39; their children, Benigna Sibylla, 10 ; Christ. Joshua, .7; Susanna Sibylla, 3. — Kocherthal was furnished with 1 barrel pf lime, 3 gouges, 2 formers (kind of chisel), 1 grind-stone, 1 square, 1 rule, 1 compass and several pieces more. Lorents Schwisser, aged 25, husbandman and vinedresser; Anna Catharina, his wife, 26 ; their daughter, Johanna, 8. — He was furnished with 1 grind-stone, 1 square, 1 little gimlet, 2 augers, 1 smoothing plane, besides several pieces more. Henrich Rennau, aged 24, stocking weaver, husbandman and vinedresser; Johanna, his wife, 26; their children, Lorentz, 2; Heinrich, 5 months old, and two sisters of Mrs. Rennau, Susanna Liboscha, 15; Maria Johanna Liboscha, 10 years old. — He re ceived 1 cross cut saw, 1 mitre block, 1 adze, 2 aagers, 1 gimlet, besides several small pieces. Andreas Volck, aged 30, husbandman and vinedresser; his wife, Anna Catharina, 27 ; their children, Maria Barbara, 5 ; Georg Hieronymus, 4; AnnaGertrauda, 1. — He received 1 cross cut saw, 1 smoothing plane, 1 whipping saw, a set of gouges, besides several pieces more. Michael Weigand, aged 52, husbandman; his wife, Anna Catharina, 54; their children, Anna Maria, 13; Tobias, 7; * In 1710, April 20, these where furnished by Queen Anne, through Melchior Guelch, a Palatine joiner, with implements, &c. — Doc. His. N. r., V, pp. 52, 53. 440 APPENDIX. Georg, 5. — He received 1 large file, 1 smaller one, 1 mortising chisel, 1 auger, besides several small pieces. Jacob Weber, aged 30, husbandman and vinedresser; his wife, Anna Elisabeith, 25 ; their children, Anna Maria, 5 ; Eva Elisa beth, 1. — He received 1 box with knife, whitelead and compass, 1 adze, 2 gouges, 1 mortising chisel, besides several pieces more. Johan Jacob Plettel, aged 40, husbandman and vinedresser; his wife, Anna Elisabeth, 29; their children, Margaretha, 10; Anna Sara, 8 ; Catharina, 3. — It appears that Mr. Plettel, hus band of Anna Elisabeth, had died prior to April 20, 1710, when these implements were distributed. It is recorded "to widow Plettel," 1 whipping saw, 1 great hammer, 1 gimlet, 1 tenant saw, besidss several pieces more. Johannes Fischer, aged 27, smith and husbandman; his wife, Maria Barbara, 26 ; one child, Andreas, 6 months old. — He received 1 tenant saw, 1 gimlet, 1 hammer, 1 small file, 1 hatchet, 1 jointer, besides several small pieces. Melchior Guelch, aged 39, carpenter and joiner; his wife, Anna Catharina, 43; their children, Magdalena, 12; Heinrich, 10. — He received 2 ftiU sets of carpenter's tools. Peter Rose, aged 34, cloth weaver; his wife, Johanna, 45; no children. — He received 1 glue pot, 1 wimble, 1 hatehet, 1 little hammer, 2 augers, 1 jointer, besides several pieces more. Maria Wemar in, widow, 37 years of age; her daughter, Catharina, 2. — She received 1 smoothing plane, 1 file, 1 hatehet, besides several small pieces more. Isaac Feber {Le Fever), aged 33, husbandman ; his wife, Catharina, 30; their son, Abraham, 2 years old. — He received 1 broad axe, 1 little hatchet, 1 smoothing file, 1 rule, 1 former, besides several pieces more. Note. — Isaac Le Fever was born March 26, 1669, and died in Lan caster County, Pa., 1736. His son, Abraham, was born April 9, 1706. — /. D. R. Daniel Fiero, aged 32, husbandman ; his wife, Anna Maria, 30 ; their children, Andreas, 7 ; Johannes, 6. — He received 1 broad axe, 1 square, 1 mitre block, 1 tenant saw, 1 jointer, besides several small pieces more. Herman Schiineman, aged 28, derk, unmarried. Isaac TUrck, aged 23, husbandman, unmarried. Note. — In 1711, Isaac Tiirk left New York, went to Pennsylvaniit and settled at Oley. — History of Berks County, p. 231. APPENDIX. 441 ^mtn, Sllter unb SBerufsarten 2)erer, toelcfie ^aftor Sofua ^od)ert^al bei5leiteten unb tm grii^ja^r 1709 jtc^ am Quafftcf greet, barnalg ©ud^e^ (Sountp, 9i, g)., nieberliegen.* 9)aftor Sofua ^od^txtf^al, 39 3a'^re alt; fetne grau ©ib^IIa Sbariotte 39; il)re ^tnber, Sentgna ©ib^Ha 10; Sbri^ian 3ofua 7; ©ufanna ©ib^Ua 3. — ^'oi^crtbal :^atte ein gag Jlolf, 3§ot)lmei^el, 2 ©temmeifen, 1 ©c^leifflein, 1 aCintelmap, 1 IRit^tfc^cit, 1 .Soinpaf unb einige weitere ©tiide. 2oren3©^«)iffer,25 ^ai)Xi, Sanbmann unb SQetngartner ; feinc grau 2lnna ^att)arina 26; t^re Sot^tcr 3obanna 8. — ®r irar a-u^gcjtattet mit 1 ©i^leifjlcin, 1 SBinfelmal, 1 tletnen So|» rer, 2 ©tangenbo^rern, 1 5)ianir()obel, au^er anberen ©tiitfen. J&ctnrii^ giennau, 24 Sa'^rc, ©trumpfweber, Sanbrnann unb SJcingortncr ; fetne grau Sol^anna 26; ibrcRinber, Soren^ 2 3«b«; $finri(| 5 5Wonate alt, unb jmei ©^tueflern Bon grau SRcmtau, ©ufanna Sibofi^a 15, unb 5!Jfaria 3o^nna Sibof^a 10 3ab« alt.— ®r er^ielt 1 3irfelfage, 1 SBinfelblocE, 1 ^o^layt, 2 ©tangcnbo^rer, 1 ^^^elbo^rer, auper eintgen anberen tleincren ©tiicfen. * SlnbreaaSBolcE, 30 3i^rc, Sanbmann unb SOBetngartner; feine grou Slnna ,ffat|artna 27 ; i'^re ^inbcr, 51Jlaria Sarbara 5 ; ©corg ^tcron^muiS 4; Slnna ®ertrub 1. — Sr er|ielt 1 3irtel* fagc, 1 $tantrbobel, 1 Srettfage, ein ^aar ^o'^Imeifel, nebfl anberen SCerljeugen. 91Jt(^aeiaBeiganb, 52 Sa'^re, Sanbmann; feine grau SHnnn ^at^arina 54; i|re ^inber, Slnna SJlaria 13; Sdbias 7; ©corg 5.— 3bm murbe 3ugct:^cilt 1 grof e geile, 1 fleinere, 1 Soc^= beittcl, 1 Sourer, ncbfl anberen ©tiiden. Safob 5Dcber, 30 3a|re, Sanbntann unb SSSeingartner; fetne grau Slnna eiifabet^ 25; t^re ^inber, Slnna 9«aria 5; Ssa gltfabet:^ 1.— 3:^m gab man 1 ^ajtc^cn mit gJleffern, Slei* iDcif unb gomfjaf, 1 Jpollayt, 2 ^o'^lmeifel, 1 Sot^beutel, neb|l anbehn ©tiicEen. * am 20. Sl))rtl 1710 tnurbcn btefelben son ber Siintgin Slnna burdb Melcbtor ®iilc^, einem ffaljer Sifibler, mit SJBctf jeugen u. f. W. uerfeben.— £of.®efcb.sB.g.,V.,©. 52, 53. 442, APPENDIX. So'&iutt 3ifob 55Iettel, 40 3fl'^re, Sanbmann unb SBein» gartner; feine grau Slnna @ltfabet| 29; ibre ^inber, 91larga= ret^a 10; Slnna ©ara 8; ^at|artna 3. — di fcbeint.baf §err flettel, ©emo^l ber Slnna eiifabctb, ft^on sjor bem 20. Slpril 1710 geflorben war, an loelc^em SEage bie SBertjeuge sertbeilt wurben. ©er Scrii^t fagt, „ber SBittroc p)lettel" 1 SSrettfoge, 1 grower ^a^= mer, 1 9tagelbo^ircr, 1 ©tic^fage unb anbei:e ©tude. 3o^anne« gifc^er, 27 3lel(^ior ©iilti^, 39 3i'^re, Simm^i^'nittn unb Sifc^ler; feine grau Slnna .Katbarina 43; ibre ,Rinber, SJiagbalena 12; $einric^ 10. — Sr er^ielt etn uoEfldnbigeS boppeltcg S^mmtv mann^^^anbwerlgjeug. 5)eter SRofc, 343a^rc,5j;uc^mac^er; feine grau So^anna 45; tetnc iSinber. — Sr erbiclt 1 Seimpfanne, 1 SGinbelbobrcr, 1 Seil, 1 fleinen jammer, 2 ^o^rer, 1 ®latt|obel, nebfl anberen ©tiitfen. gjlariaSCemarin, SBittwe, 37 3a'bre; i:^re Sot^tcr ^atba* rina 2.— ©te erbiclt 1 ®tatt:^obel, 1 geile, 1 Sell, nebft eintgen anberen fleinen ©egenfianben. 3f aa! geber (Se ge»er), 33 ^aXjxt, Sldermann; fetne grau ^atbarina 30; i:^r ©o|n Slbrabam 2. — Sr erbiclt 1 breite Slrt, 1 fleines Seil, 1 ©lattfeilc, 1 SSJinfelmaf, 1 ©temraeifen, nebfl eintgen anberen ©tiicten. Slnmcrfung. — 3faaf Sc geser hrnrbe om 26. tIMnrj 1669 gcBoren nnb fiarb 1736 in Snncajter So., f cnnf^Isanten. ©ein ©obn Slbra^iira wuvbe am 9. Slpvtl 1706 geboren.— 3. D. St. Daniel giero, 32 3o^re, ?anbmann; feine grau Slnna 9»aria 30; i^te .Rinber, Slnbrea^ 7; 3o^(»nne« 6.— Sr erbiett 1 breite Slrt, 1 2Dinfelmag, 1 aBintelbloct, 1 Soii^fage, 1 ®latt- :^obel, nebfl eintgen anberen ©tu(!en. Hermann ©ti^iinemann, 28 3ft^re, S3uc^l)altcr; unser* l^eiratbet. 3faaf Siird, 23 ^affXi, Sanbmann; unser^eiraf^et. Slnmcrfung.— 1711 »erlieg 3fant SEitrf 9tcm gforf, fnm vadf^mn^ f^loanicn unb Iteg ftcb in Dle^ uiebei:.— 6)efi$. Don £e(f£ So., ©. 231. APPENDIX. No. V. 44a NAMES AND AGES OF THE HEADS OF FAMILIES REMAINING IN THE CITY OP NEW YORK, 1710. ^amn ber tm ^a^xi 1710 in ^m gjorf serbletbenben gamilten^aupter unb beren Sllter. ' The females, whose names appear, were widows. ' Die grauen, beren 3fomen bter »orfommen, lunren 3Bttt»)en. Hans Wilhelm Stuckrath, 37, Ludwig Btirs, 32, Anna Wormser, 36, Nicklaus Jung, 32, Frantz Lucas, Mattheis Bronck, 50, Johannes Jung, 32, Baltzar Wenerich, 40, Benedictus Wenerich, 32, Anna Apolona Siegner, 44, Johannes Planck, 43, Hans Adam ZoUner, 52, Andreas Richter, 47, Anna Maria Mengel, 27, Maria Margaretha Scher, 23, Peter Gerlach, 37, Hieronimus Klein, 38, Anna Catharina Erb, 44, Magdalina Baum, 29, Georg Ludwig Leicht, 56, Johann Henrich Neukirch, 36, Anna Almerod, 67, Johann Henrich Leicht, 24, Johann Henrich Gossinger, 31, Friederich Maul, 31, Christopher Dannermarker, 28, Anna Marg. Dannermarker, 58, Andreas Elich, 37, Johannes EngeU, 31, Michael Piiffer, 32, Michael Storr, 38, Joh. Diet. Wannenmacher, 28, Conrad Lein, 56, Peter Appelman, 42, Anna Maria Bender, 44, Arnold Falck, 36, Maria Catharina Bornwasser, 26, Anna Kunegunde Russ, 44, Maria Catharina Schiitz, 40, Johannes Kautz, 40, Anna Maria Cramer, 38, Maria Nies, 38, Frances Basch, 40, Susanna Beyer, 30, .Sitonia Melch, 41, Anna Catharina Batz, 38, Anna Eliza Rorbaal, 34, Anna Elizabeth Schultz, 22, Conrad Friederich, 52, Johan Philip Greisler, 40, Maria Catharine Hebmann, 40, Anna Maria Sack, 30, Johann Mattheus Keiser, 23, Johannes TrUlhauser, 23, Bernhardt Sickard, 25, Johann Wilhelm Schneider, 28, Valentin Bressler, 41, Andreas Weidknecht, 40, Johannes Bar, 40, Melchior Dausweber, 55, 444 APPENDIX. Elizabeth Lampert, 47, Maria May, 45, Georg Eiimer, 30, Ulrich Simmendinger, 38, Christian Kasselman, 36, Johann Dieterich Schatz, 38, Anna Elizabeth Maul, 42, Peter Wickhaus, 32, Veronica Zwick, 39, Johannes Lorentz, 43, Caspar Hartwig, 39, Magdalena Off, 32, Anna Eva MorreU, 48, Michael Henneschied, 36, Johann Peter Fuchs, 31, Anna Maria Held, 50, Dieterich Fiebersbach, 21, Christopher Werner, 35, Johann Paul Badner, 19, Elizabeth Muller, 42, Nicolaus Heisterbach, 53, Elizabeth NoU, 66, Johanna. Zenger, 33, a Anna Maria Gabel, 34, Benedictus Ktihner, 36, Anna Elizabeth Lauch, 42, Margaretta Schmidt, 27, Daniel Teffer, 30, Margaretta Messer, 50, Maria Galete, 38, Simon Vogt, 31, Johann Wilhelm Felten, 30, Hermanns Hoffman, 30, Ludolph Korning, 50, Bernhart Ekel, 53, Johannes Tauble, 38, Catharina Muller, 36, ¦Joh. Jacob Starrenberger, 45, Johann Friederich Neff, 34, Anna Catharina Grau, 40, Heinrich Schmidt, 54, Daniel Schumacher, 30, Philip Peter Grauberger, 29, Johannes Roschman, 33. ' Appalonia Lintz, 40, In all, males and females of different ages, 430 persons. 3ufammett 430 5)erfonen, fSJtanner unb grauen »erf(|iebencn ¦> Sllterg. a This poor widow was the mother of three children, John Peter, aged 13, Anna Catharina, 10, and Johannes, 7. Her son, Peter Zenger, was apprenticed to William Bradford, printer in New York ; and afterwards became owner of the N. Y. Weekly Messenger. He was indicted for libel, 1734, on which Hamilton, a lawyer from Philadelphia, pleaded his cause. — Doc. Hist. N. Y., Ill, p. 565. a Diefe nrme SSSitttuc war bie 5Ruttec son brei ^inbcrn: Sobnnn 5)fter, 13 3(tb« aW, Slnna Satbarina, 10, unb 3obnnne«, 7. 3bv ©obn, 9)cter ^eiiger, wurbe ju cincm Druiler in 9tcw gjotf, StnmenS SBm. Srabforb, in bte Cebre getban unb naibber felbfi ©igentbumer iti N. Y. Weekly Messenger. 1734 Wurbe et wegen SSerlaumbung angcflagt, bet weltbet Oelegenbeit |)amiItou, etn Slbsofat bon JJbtlabelnbio, feine ©atie fubrtc— Sot. m^' 9t. %, III., ©, 565. APPENDIX. 445 No. VI. NAMES AND AGES OF MALE CHILDREN APPREN TICED BY GOVERNOR HUNTER, 1710 to 1714. SHamcn unb Sllter ber Don 1710 big 1714 »on ®ou»erneur punter tn bte Se^re get^anen ^naben. Johan Philip Lepper, 12, Georg Friederich Weiser, 13, Daniel Artopee Weiser, 12, Philip Daniel Weiser, 13, Johan Paul Denbig, 7, Hans Georg Kuhns, 8, Hans Philip Kuhns, 15, Adam Greiner, 13, Hans Georg Bar, Joh. Ludig Trorit (Trauert), 9, W. Webber, 8, Henrich Porter (Bortner), 14, Jonah Schmidt, Hans Gerhart Loser,? 10, John Peter Zenger, 13, Thomas Reich, 12, Jacob Berleman, 10, Johann Paul Schmidt, 12, Georg Schneider, 15, Joh. Con. Matheis Horner, 15, Jacob Eysterberg, 3, Hans Henrich Schiitz, 8, Hans Bastian Gatian, 12, Joh. Bernhart Ruropaw (Rorbach), 10, Johann Conrad Otteene,? 9, Frederick Otteene,? 7, Hans Georg Schweitzer, 12, Johan Conrad Petre, 12, Peter Pfeiffer, 6, , Georg Kastner, 13, 10, Gerhardt Lamberton, 12, The whole number apprenticed, males and females. Johannes Schiitz, 10, Christian Engel, 12, Arnold Schweedt, 13, Jacobus Brauer, 14, Peter Lohn, ? 9, , Nicholas Dietrich, 14, Peter De Mott, 13, Johann Wilhelm Schmidt, 14, Jacob Berleman, 11 Simon Helm, 12. was 75 5Die ganae 9ln3a:^l, ^naben unb «5iabc^en, betrug 75. 38 446 APPENDIX. No. VII. NAMES OF MALE PALATINES, ABOVE TWENTY- ONE YEARS OLD, IN LIVINGSTON MANOR, N. Y., IN THE WINTER 1710, AND SUMMER 1711. yiamm ber mannltiJ)ert ^fdljer iiber etn unb jnjanjtg 3a|)re olt, meld^c im 22 inter 1710 unb ©ommer 1711 in Ctetngfton SWanor, 91. g)., waren. Johann Christopher Gerlach, Peter Maurer, Phillip MiiUer, Johann Georg Spannheimer, Johan Friederich Casselmann, Johann Loher, Friederick Merkel, Georg Schaffer, Johann Adam Friederich, Valentin Bender, Brandau, Schaffer, Arnold, Wilhelm, Henrich Hoffmann, Georg Hbhlen, Heinrich Scherman, Valentin Wohlleber, Philip Wohlleber, Peter Wagner, Johann Henrich Krantz, Johannes Straub, Frantz KeUer, Johannes Becker, Joh. Friederich Gantermann, Philip Kilmer, Heinrich Mann, Thomas Ehrman, Albert Friederich Marterstock, Augustin Voschell, Peter VoscheU, Johannes Eberhard, Peter WohUeber, Anthony Kremer, Herman Hostman, Stephan Frbhlich, Johannes Franck, Andreas Ross, Joseph Reichart, Melchior Tausweber, Rev. Joshua Kocherthal, Jacob Mond, Matheus Schleimer, Georg Wilhelm Kiel, Peter Becker, Valentin Falkenberg, Wilhelm Muller, Johannes Ritzbach, Peter Keiseler, Johann Wilhelm Kieffer, Johan Henrich Schram, Peter Egner, John Michael Emrich, Georg Henrich Stubenraueh, Peter Diebel, Christian Mayer, Peter Oberbach, Henrich Mohr, APPENDIX. 447 Conrad Martin, Adam Hardel, Gottfried Fidler, Jacob Demuth, Gottfried Riegel, -Hieronimus Scheib, Nicolaus Kerner, Dietrich, Weiden, Hieronimus Weller, Johann Conrad Weiser, Mattheus Reinholt, Johann Peter Dopff, Johann Jacob Reisch, Carl Nehr, Heinrich Jung, Werner Deichert, Georg Muller, Friederich Bellinger, Heinrich Wiederwachs, Georg Mathias, Christopher Hagedorn, Frantz Finck, Andreas Schutz, Peter Hagedorn, Niclaus Weber, Wilhelm Georg, Friederich Schaffer, Anthony Ichard, Johann Peter Lein, Johann Jacob Munsinger, Johannes Leyer, Jacob Kuhn, Henrich Mattheis, Nicolaus Eckert, Martin DUlenbach, Nicolaus PbUer, Jacob SchneU, Jacob Webber, Wilhelm Nelles, Johannes Geissler, Georg Briegel, Johannes Schaffer, Georg Dachstiidter, Johannes Zeissdorf, Heinrich Mayer, Capt. Joh. Christopher Fuchs, Johann Wilhelm Thales, Johan Wilhelm Scheff, Christian Bauch, Peter Heidt, Henrich Hammer, Michael Ittich, Johann Keyser, Jacob Kopp, y Paulus Dientzer, Melchior Foltz, Johannes Segendorff, Philip Laux, Abraham Langen, Johan Jacob Schultz, Johann Wilhelm Hambach, Nicolas Laux, Nicolaus Gottel, Capt. Hartman Windecker, Johann Wilhelm Dill, Peter Spies, Herman Bitzer, Johannes Schuc, Johann Wilhelm Schneider, Jacob Bast (Borst), Johannes Blass, Johan Wilhelm Kammer, Johannes Bonroth, Johannes Bernhard, Sebastian Fischer, Nicolaus Heyd, Henrich Klein, Henrich Balthasar Stuper, Caspar Rauch, Hans Henrich ZeUer, Johannes ZeUer, 448 APPENDIX. Samuel Kuhn, Jacob Ess, Gerhart Schaffer, Ulrich Bruckhart, Conrad Kuhn, Friederich Mentegen, Samuel Kuhn, Valentin Kuhn, Heinrich Winter, Johann Georg Reiffenberg, Johann Wilhelm Linck, Johan Martin Netzbach, Johannes Weiss, Johann Adam Walborn, Johann Heinrich Ahrndorff, Daniel Busch, Johan Henrich Conradt, Henrich Bellinger, Johannes Schneider, Marcus Bellinger, PhUip Schaffer, Johann Kraut, Christian Sittenich, Johann Henrich Schmidt, Johanu Philip Zerbe, Nicolaus Ruhl, Adam Michael Schmidt, Conrad Meissinger, Thomas Ruffener, Jacob Dinges, Henrich Fehling, Johan Jost Petry, Johannes Lantz, Lorentz Zerbe, Peter Rieth, Conrad Schiitz, Joseph Saab, Georg Rieth, Gottlieb iPidler (Filler), Johannes Rieth, Johan Peter Pacht, Sebastian Pisas, Andreas Walborn, Antonius Scharf, Sebastian Fischer, Christian Lauer, Johann Adam Lesch, Georg Anspach, Lndwig Wilhelm Schmidt, Paulus Reidkopff, Rev. Joh. Friederich Hager Johann Peter Kneskern, Jacob Mauck, PhUip Peter Grauberger, David Huppert, Conrad Schauerman, Henrich Sechs (Sex), Friederich Ball, Jacob Kobel, Jacob Werner, Johannes Schultheis, Reinhart Schaffer, Johannes Roschman, Cari Uhl, Baltzer Anspach, Conrad Keller, Johann Georg Schmidt, Conrad Goldman, Georg Bender, Johann Henrich Uhl, Thomas Schumacher, Peter Schmidt, Johannes Schwall, Georg Ludwig Koch, Veit Mtisig, Georg Kirchner, Christian HiUs, Rudolph Stahl, Gottfried Wolfen, Leonhart Anspach^ Georg Zeh, Andreas Kapp, APPENDIX. 449 Jacob Lowengut, Johannes Noiicker, Jacob Katterman, Johann Philip Theis, Martin Zerbe. No. VIII. NAMES OF THE. FIRST PALATINES IN NORTH CAROLINA, AS EARLY AS 1709 and 1710. SHamen ber erfien ^faljer in S'lorbsSaroltna tn ben 3(i^xm 1709 unb 1710. Pheneyer, Mohr, MiiUer, Granatha, Eslar, Ibach, Risched, Riesenober, Grumm, Moritz, Walcker, Hubbach, Ender, Riemer, Tetsche, Bieber, Bucher, Margert, Huber, Ament, Schneider, Kinsie, Wolff, Lutz, Regene, Kohler, Biihlmann, Simons, Gartner, Wallis, Schaffer, Rieser, Buset, Genest, Gesibel, Reigert. These were stUl living ii 1 1714. Biefeibcn lebten noc^ im 3a^re 1714. No. IX NAMES OF MALES, SALZBURGERS, SETTLED IN .GEORGIA, 1734 to 1741. (Sources: Ulsperger Nachrichten, Vol. I, pp. 2307-2310.) 9'lamen ber mSnnltti&en ©aljburger, bte ftcl) »on 1734 big 1741 tn Oeorgta ntebergelaffen l^aben. (Cluellen; Ulapcrger gZatbtiebtcn, Sb. I, ®. 2307-2310.) First Transport. Eev. Joh. Martin Boltzius, Samuel Leberecht Boltzius, (Srfle Ueberfa^rt.) Rev. Israel Christian Gronau, Peter Gmber, 38* 450 APPENDIX. Thomas Gschwandel, Leonhart Rauner, Matthias Rauner, Georg Schweiger, Thomas Schweigboffer, Martin Hertzog, Christian Leimberger, Simon Reiter, Christ. Ortman, schoolmaster, (©d^ulmcifier). In this transport there were 20, including males and females. Sluf btefer Ueberfabrt ttiaren 20, mit ©tnft^luf ber mannlic&en unb tneibltd^en 3)crfonen. Second Transport. Simon Steiner, Ruprecht Kalcher, Thomas Pichler, Stephan Rottenberger, Matthias Burgsteiner, Ruprecht Burgsteiner, Ruprecht Eisehberger, Matthias Brandner, Veit Lemmenhofer, Bartholomaus Rieser, Balthasar Rieser, Georg Rieser, Veit Landfelder, Hans Maurer, Thomas Bacher, In this transport there were Sluf biefer Ueberfal^rt toaren (3weitc Uebcrfa'^rt.) Georg Kogler, Ruprecht Riedelsperger, Joh-annes Riedelsperger, Christian Riedelsperger, Georg Sanftleben, G-dbriel Bach, Bartholomiius Zant, Christian Hessler, Jacob Schartner, Georg Briickner, Ruprecht Zimmermann, Paul Zittrauer, Carl Sigismund Ott, Heinrich Bischof. 59 in all. im ©anjen 59. Third Transport. (Sritte Ueberfa|rt). Hans Schmidt, Hans Flbrel, Johann Spielbiegler, Johann Cronberger, Leonhard Crause, Michael Rieser, Gottlieb Rieser, Joseph Ernst, Johann Ludwig Ernst, Joh. Friederich Helfenstein, Johann Jacob Helfenstein, Jeremias Helfenstein, Johannes Helfenstein, Friederich MiiUer, Johann Paul MiiUer, Peter Arnsdorf, Hans Kriisy, Friederich Nett, Michael Scihneider, Joh. Georg Schneider, Peter Arnsdorf, Andreas Grimmiger, Frantz Hemberger, Carl Florel, Peter Reiter, Martin Lackner, Matthias Zettler, Joseph Leitner, There were 59 in this transport. 59 tamen mit biefer %a^xt. APPENDBX. Gottlieb Christ, Johann Pletter, Ambrosius Ziiblin, Jacob Ziiblin, a C. E. Thilo, M. D. 451 Fourth Transport, which arrived in June, 1741. (SSterte Uebcrfa^rt, bie im 3unt 1741 anfam.) Andreas PUtz, Caspar Gramwetter, Maitin Lackner, Georg Eigel, Lorentz Ludwig Eigel, Johann Lorentz Eigel, Georg Glaner, Johann Frantz Eigel, Samuel Eigel, Balthasar Bacher, Michael Haberer, Abraham Haberer, Bernhard Glocker, Ruprecht Schrempf, Sebastian Glocker, Paul Glocker, Simon Riser, Conrad Kiinlen, Johannes Kiinlen, J. Ludwig Mayer, cMrurgus, Johann Georg Mayr, Mattheus Bacher, Peter Kohleisen, Georg Klam'mer, Johannes Maurer, David Eysperger, Johannes Scheraus, Johann Georg Kocher, Johan Scheraus jr., George Kocher, Veit Lech ner, Ruprecht Lechner, Joh. Georg Mayre jr., Johann Scbefier. There were 63 persons in this transport. SKit biefer Ucbcrfd^iffung famen 63 i)erfonen. a Ambrosius nnd Jacob Ziiblin were two brothers from St. Gall, Switzerland -Ulsperger Nachrichten, I, p. 2310. See also Part II, pp. 91)0 and 1832. « SlmbrofiuS unb Sncob ^itMtn Waren jWet W'i.iix ani ®t. (SSnUen in to gctwcij.-UlSperger 9Ja^ticbten, I, ©. 2310. ©iebe aucb Z^tii II, 452 APPENDIX. No. X. " Though," says Peter Kalm,* " the Pro-vince of New York has been inhabited by Europeans much longer than Pennsylva nia, yet it is not by far so populous as that colony. This cannot be ascribed to any particiilar discouragement arising from the nature of the soil, for that is pretty good ; but, I am told of a very different reason, which I will mention here. " In the reign of Queen Anne, about the year VI09, many Germans came hither, who got a tract of land from the English government, which they might settle. After they had lived there some time, and had buUt houses, and made corn-fields and meadows, their liberties and privUeges were infringed, and, un der several pretences, they were repeatedly deprived of parts of their land. This at last roused the Germans. They returned violence for violence, and beat those who thus robbed, them of their possessions. But these proceedings were looked upon in a very bad light by the government. The most active people among the Germans being taken up, they were roughly treated, and punished with the utmost rigor of the law. This, however, so far exasperated the rest, that the greater part of them left their houses and fields, and went to settle in Pennsylvania. There they were exceedingly well received, got a considerable tract of land, and were indulged in great privileges, which were given them- forever. The Germans, not satisfied with being them selves removed from New York, wrote to their relations and friends, and advised them, if ever they intended to come to Ame rica, not to go to New York, where the government had shown it self so unequitable. This advice had such influence that the Ger mans who afterwards went in great numbers to North America, constantly avoided New York and always went to Pennsylvania, " It sometimes happened that they were forced to go on board of such ships, as were bound for New York, but they were scarce got on shore, when they hastened on to Pennsylvania, in sight of all the inhabitants of New York." — Peter Kalm's Travels in America, in 1747 and 1748, Vol. I, pp. 270, 271. * Peter Kalm, a Swedish natural philosopher and traveler, was born at Ostro Bothnia in 1 7 1 5, traveled from 1 748 to 1 751 iu North America, and at a later period in Russia; he became Professor of Botany at the University of Abo, and died 1779. APPENDIX. 453 „Dbfi|on bie ^Jrouinj 5«em Sorf," fagt ^iUx ^alm,* „Bicr liingcr son guropaern betoo^nt tfl, als 3)ennf9t»anten, fo ift fie boi^ noc^ lange nic^t fo bemobnt, tait jene Solonie. t>iei fann Icinem befonberen ^inberni^, melti^cs in ber SSefc^affenbeit beg Sobcns liegt, jugefd^rteben werben, benn berfelbe ift jiemlttl gut ; ober etn ganj anberer ®runb lourbc mir angegeben, ben id^ |ier mtttbeilcn mtH. „S5So:^rcnb ber Dtegterung ber ^iintgtn Slnna, urn's 3a^r 1709, famen »iele Deutfc^e |ier:^er, welc^en bte engltfc^e ^rone etn ©tiiil gonb jum Wnbauen jutbetlte. ^Hac^bem fte eine 3eitlang bafelbft gcroo^nt unb laufer, grud)tfelber unb aBiefen erbaut unb ange= Icgt :^attcn, griff man in i^re grei:&eit unb Sfleti^te ein, unb na^m untcr ticrfc^iebcnen Sormanbcn i^nen mieberl^olt Xbeile i^res 2an= bc« weg. 3)icS erregte bie ©eutfi^en enblic^. ©ie »ergalten ®e* wait mit ©ctoalt, unb sergriffen fic^ an J)encn, bie l^neti i^r Scfi^tbum raubten. Die JRegierung na:^m biefeg SSorgeben iibcl auf. tlie Slitc^ttg^en unter ben ©eutfc^en tourben in's ©cfang* ni^ gejletft, l)art be^^anbelt unb ibnen bte iiuf erfie ©trafe bes ®efe^eg beigemcffen. T)iti erbitterte bie itbrigen bcrma^en, bag bie 59lciflen ^ani unb ^of Derlicgen unb nail ^cnnfploanicn jpgcn. i^ter wurben fte ^e^r gut aufgenommcn ; fie er^ielten ein bebeutenbcg ©titct Sanb, unb er^ebli(|e Slec^te wurben iljnen fur immer jugct^eilt. ®te ©eutfc^cn, bamit niti^t jufrieben, felbfi 9Je») glorf Berlaffen ju :^aben, fc^riebcn i^ren SBerwanbten uno greunben, unb gaben ibnen ben Slatb, baf, wenn fie je nac^ 3lmcrita augwanbcrten, fte ^Rew glorf f^euen fotttcn, beffen 3te* gierung ftcb fo ungeret^t erwicfcn .:^obe. T)ie SCarnung war »on foI(|cr Sragweite, bof bie ©t^aaren Deutfd^er, bie :^ernac^ nad) 5lcrb=3lmerifa jogen, ^ew g)orf fietg mieben unb '^ennf^lsanien alg Drt il^rer Sfjiebcrlaffung wa^lten. „3uwetlcn gefcba:^ eg, bag fte an Sorb son ©t^iffen famen, tbclc^e nac^ 9iew gorf fieuerten; faum waren fte ober angelanbct, fo cfltcn fte im 2lnbltd alter SewD|ner oon S'lew glorf na^ ^enn» f?lBanten."— ^eter ^alm'g Sleifen in Slmerifa, in ben Sa^ren 1747 unb 1748, SSb. I, @. 270, 271. * ftttx Mm, tin 'fcbwebifcbcr 9?n ttlijl unb 0teifenber, 1715 in Cflro iBotbnien geboren, tetgtc son 1748 big 1751 in 9lorb-3lmertfn unb bcrnntb in 3tu|Ianb. Ijerfelbe Wurbe f rofeifor an ber Uniscrfitat Slbo unb florb tm3abrel779. 454 APPENDIX No. XI. GERMAN SETTLEMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA, 1709, 1710. "The population of North Carolina was increased, near the beginning, of the eighteenth century, by two small colonies of Protestants, French and Germans. A colony of French Hu guenots, encouraged by King WUliam, had come to America in the year 1690, and seated themselves at the Manakintown, in Virginia, above the falls of James River. Not weU pleased with the lands they first occupied, and the greater pait of CaroUna being unappropriated, they removed to the southward and seated themselves upon Trent River, with Rybourg their pastor, 170V. They were sober, frugal, industrious planters, and in a short time became independent citizens. The German colony was from Heidelberg and its vicinity, on the Rhine. Those unfortunate people had suffered persecution from time to time, because they corijd not change their reli gious opinions, so as to be in constant agreement with the ruling prince. The elector palatine, Frederick IL, embraced the Lu theran faith. Frederick III. became a Calvinist. Lodovic V. restored the Lutheran Church; his son and successo* became a Calvinist. That prince was succeeded in the government by a Catholic family, who oppressed the Protestants. Those people had also the misfortune to live between power ful rivals, who were often at war. In the year 1622, count Tilly, the imperial general, took the city of Heidelberg and put five hundred of the inhabitants to the sword. In the year 1634, the city was taken by Louis XIV., and many of the inhabitants killed. In the year 1688, it was taken a second time by the French, who laid the inhabitants under a hea-vy contribution, after wbioh, at the approach of the imperial army, they blew up the citadel and reduced the city to ashes. The city, being rebuilt, was taken again by a French army, who committed it to the flames in the year 1693. The inhabitants, men, women and children, about fifteen thousand, stripped of their property, were turned into the fields by night. Upon the retreat of the French army, the inhabitants were again prevaUed upon to re build the city, being promised liberty of conscience and exemp- APPENDIX. 455 tion from taxes for thirty years. After some time the elector, who seems to have believed that promises made to heretics should not be observed, began to persecute liis Protestant subjecte. The Pren<)h army having again crossed the Rhine, the distressed Palatines, persecuted by their prince and plundered by a foreign enemy, fled to England, about six thousand of them, for pro tection, in consequence of encouragement they had received from Queen Anne, by proclamation, 1708. Having pitched their tents at a small distance from London, they were supported at public expense, untU they could be shipped off for Ireland or the colonies, Christopher de Graf fenried and Leiois MicheU were attempting about this time, to mend their fortunes by purchasing lands in some of the British colonies. Michel! had been several years in America,* and had obtained some knowledge of the country. Note. — Michel! was originally employed by the Canton of Bern in Switzerland, to search for a large tr.ict of vacant land on the frontiers of Pennsylvania, Virginia or Carolina, to which they might send a colony. He spent some years in exploring the country. There was no scarcity of mountainous land, such as those people are accustomed to; but they desisted from the project. The lords proprietors of Carolina had agreed with those gentle men, April, 1706, that ten thousand acres of land should be laid off for them in one body, between Neuse and Cape Fear, they paying twenty shiUings for every hundred acres, and six pence the yearly guit-reut. The Surveyor General was also in structed to lay off an additional tract of one hundred thousand acres, which was to be reserved twelve years. One of them was to be gratified by a title, when he should pay the usual price for five thousand acres of land. De Graffenried made the pur chase and was created a baron. This company, having secured the lands, wished, to make them productive by settling them with tenants; and the poor Palatines presented themselves as an object of speculation. Commissioiieis had been appointed by the Queen to collect and receive money for the use of the Pala tines, and to provide them with settlements. Graffenried and MicheU covenanted with those commissioners, that they would transport to North Carolina six hundred and fifty of the Pala tines (about one hundred families) ; that they would lay off for * Rupp's History of Lancaster County, pp. 70, 71. 456 APPENDIX. each family two hundred and fifty acres of land, to be held five years without cost, and from that period at the annual rent of two-pence currency per acrfe. The Palatines were to be supplied twelve months with necessary provisions, to be paid for at the end of the following year ; and they were to be furnished, gratis, with tools sufficient for building houses. It was also stipulated that, within four months from their arrival, they should be pro vided with a certain number of cows, hogs and sheep, which were to be paid for at the end of seven years ; and half the re maining issue was to be returned in lieu of interest. The commissioners aUpwed five pounds sterling per head, for transporting the Palatines ; and those people, who had each of them, young and old, received twenty shilUngs of the charitable collections, made throughout the kingdom, lodged that money in the hands of Graffenried and MicheU, to be returned to them in CaroUna.* The Palatines arrived in December, 1709, at the confluence of the rivers Neuse and Trent, where they erected temporary shelters until they could be put in possession of their lands. The place on which they encamped was called New Bern, from Bern in Switzerland, where Graffenried was born. The Palatines had too much reason to complain of their trustees; for Graffenried, in whose name the lands were taken up, returned to Switzerland without giving them a title to their settlements. He mortgaged the lands to Thomas Pollock for eight hundred pounds sterling ; and they passed to the heirs of that gentleman. Note.— PoUock, by a letter to Graffenried, Feb. 16, 1716, offered to return to him the land, fifteen thousand acres, if he would re-pay the money. The Palatines in the meantime; being industrious and living in a country where land was plenty and cheap, increased in * The commissioners were John Philips, Alexander Cairnes, Theo dore Janson, White Kennet, John Camberlin, Frederick Store, Mi- caiah Perry. The article of agreement was dated Oct. 10, 1709, in the eighth year of Queen Anne. There were six hundred poor Palatines; — ninety-two families. This article was signed by the seven commissioners; Christopher De Graffenried and Lewis MicheU, in the presence of WiUiam Taylor and James De Pratt, Oct. 21, 1709. APPENDIX. 457 number and acquired property. Afl«r many years, upon their petition to the king, they were in some measure indemnified, by a grant of land, ten thousand acres, free from quit-rents for ten years." 2)eutf4)c Slnftebelung tn 9iort»=^Sarolina, 1709 unb 1710. „S>ie Se»6lferung Bon ^lorb^Sarolino wurbe gegen Slnfang beg a^tje^^nten 3nbr^unbertg burc^ jwei fleine Solonien fran» joftfd^er unb beutfc^er ^^roteflanten »crme|rt. Sine Solonie franjbftfcber .^ugcnotten toar 1690 auf 3«fpruc^ beg ^ijntgg SBil|elm nati^ 3lmcrifo gefommen unb batte pc^ om 9Wanaftntown in SSirginien, ober^alb ber gatle beg 3ameg=gluffeg, ntebergetoffen. 25a fte mit ben Sanbereien, bie fte anfangg befaf en, nid^t jufrieben waren, unb ba ber gro^ere SE^cil Sarolina'g unocraufert war, brot^en fte »on ^ter auf unb jogen fiiblit^ nati^ bem SErcnt^gluffe, tbo fte fi^ 1707 mit i^rem ^aflor Sl^bourg felten. ©te waren niii^terne, f^sarfame unb flctfige ^^panjcr, bie in furjer 3^*^ unabpngige Siirger wurben. S)te beutfd^e Solonie war aug ^eibelberg unb ber Umgegcnb am SRPn. Stefe unglutfliti^cn Scute fatten SSerfolgungen ju erbulbcn, wcil fte i:^ren ©lauben ntc^t mit jebem regierenben $rinjen anbern iDottten. S5er ^urfiirfl griebric^ II. son ber i)fal3 war etn Sutberaner; grtcbricb III. wurbe ein Salotnift; Subwig V. fleHte bte lut^crifcbe ^trd^e wieber b^r; fein ©o^n unb 9lac^folger wurbe ein Saloinift; biefem wieber folgte eine lat^olifd^e gamilie, welthe bie ^^roteflanten unterbrucCte. SbenfaHg l^atten fte bag Ungliid, jwifcben jwei mac^tigcn 9lebcnbu:^lcrn ju wo^^nen, bie oft gegcn einanber ju gelbe lagen. 3m 3abrc 1622 na^m' ®raf ZiUt), ber fatferlic^e ©eneral, bie ©tobt ^elbelbcrg unb rit^tete fiinf:bunbert ber Sewoljner burc^'g ©li^rocrbt bin. Subwig XIV. na^m bte ©tabt 1634 unb lief »tcle ber Sinwobncr nieber^aucn. SBiebcrum wurbe fie 1688 feon ben granjofen etngenommcu unb :^atte cine fc^were ©umme ©elbeg JU bcjal^len. Sllg bie faiferttd^e Strmee angefommen, fprengteu fte bie geflung unb brannten bie ©tabt nieber. 1693, alg bie ©tabt toieber aufgcbaut war, erobertcn bie granjofen biefclbe jum brit= ten SKale unb aaben fie ben glammcn isreig. ©ie Sinwobner, 39 458 APPENDIX. etwa fitnfje!§ntaufenb, Sllanncr, SBeibcr unb ,Kinbcr, wurben, nat^bein ifnen SlHeg gcraubt, in ber ^Hac^t in bie gelber :^inaug gejagt. Stat^ bem SRitcfjug beg franjtjftfti^en ^cereg liefen fic^ bie Sinwo^ner, unter ^crfpred^ung aon ©ewiffcngfrcibcit unb JBefrciung Bon ©tcuern auf breif ig S^bre, bereben, bte ©tabt aufg 9lcue aufjubauen. Sinige 3eit barauf ftng ber ^urfiirfl, weidner ^c^ern geletflcte SSerfprec^en fiir nitibt btnbenb ^idt, an, feine Ijrotcflantifcbcn Untertbanen ju Bcrfolgen. £)ie fronj6ftf(|e 9lrmee iatte ben SRbein bercitg wieber iibcrfi^ritten; ba flogcn bie Bon ibrem giirflcn Berfolgten unb Bom geinbe pepliinbertcn 9)faljer, etwa fec^gtaufenb an ber ^a% nac^ Snglanb, um nat^ bem BOtt ber iSiinigin Slnna im 3ence alg ja^r= lit^en Srbjing, abgemeffen werben. 35er ®eneral=3"fbEftor wurbe ebenfallg angcwiefen, eine weitere giad^e Sanbeg Bon bunbcrt= taufenb Slder abjulegen, weld^e fiir jwolf Sabre juriicfge:^altcn werben follten. Siner Bon i|nen follte nac^ Slbjablung beg ge= wobnlic^en 3)reifcg fiir fiinftaufenb Slder Sanbeg einen Sbrcntitcl befominen. £)c ®raffenricb erfullte bie SSebingung unb wurbe jum Saron erboben. SiJacbbem biefe.®efellf(iboft bte Sonbereien erworben :^atten, war i^r S'lo^d, fte burt^ bie SBeBiJlfcrung mtt 5)ac^tern ertraglid) ju madden; unb ba boten ftc| bte armcit ^fat* jcr jum 91littel ber ©peculation. 2)te ,Sonigin |atte SScooHma^tigte * fRnw'i ®ef(|. bdu Soncofler So., ®. 70, 71. APPENDIX. 459 attgcflcHt, um ®elb fiir bie ^fafjer ju fammein unb i'^nen ju einer sRicberlaffung ju Ber^elfen. ®raffenrieb unb WidCjtU ma&)' ten eg nun mtt biefen ScBoHmadbtigtert ai, baf btefelben fec^g* lunbert unb fiinfjig son bett 5)faljcrn, etwa :^unbert gamilien, no(^ SRorb^Sarolina fc^ifften, melc^en fte bag Sanb, jeber gamille jmeibunbcrt unb fiinfjig Slder, bie erfien fiinf 3al)re long unent= gdblic^ unb oon ber 3eit an ju jwei 5)ence Souront per Slder obgeben wollten. 3'oi)lf SJlonate long foUten bte ^^faljer mit Sebengmitteln Berfc^en werben, beren Sejatjlung erfl am Snbe beg barauf folgenben 3a|reg foHtg wurbe; ebenfoUg follten fie uncntgclblt(| mit ben jur Srbouung i^rer Confer not^igen ®e= ratben auggeriiflet werben. Sg ftonb ebenfallg im SSertrog, baf fic innerl)alb oter 9Konate noti^ ilirer Slnfunft mit einer bcfiimm= ten Slnjol^l ^ii^e, ©t^weine unb ©t^ofc Berfe|cn werben foUtcn, bte erfl notl SSerlouf oon fteben Sa^ren jablbor wiirben. ©tott ber 3utcreffcn foHten fte bann bie .5>alfte ber ^Hadijud^t juriid* crflattcn. Our Ueberf(I)iffung ber ^^fatjer geflotteten bie SBcBoUmdd^ttgten fiinf $funb ©terling ouf ben ^opf ; unb folc^e, Weldje, jung ober all, jwonjig ©chilling Bon ben im gonjen ^iinigreit^ crl^obencrt mtibt|atigen SoUefttonen cr^ielten, gaben bog ®elb in bie Jpiinbe ©roffcnrieb'g unb 'Slid^eWi, um eg i|nen in Sarolina wieber juriidjuerflotten.* 3m December 1709 famen bie 5)faljer am 3ufommcnfluf ber glitffe 9leufe unb Sir ent an, wo fie flc^ ^iitten fluffd)lugcn, big fte in ben SBeft^ tl^rcg Sonbeg gelangen fonnten. i)m Drt, wo fic i|re SBo^ungen aufft^Iugcn, :^iefett fte Sflew iBern ftoti^ Sem in ber ©c^wctj, bem ©eburtgort ©raffenrieb'g. 3)ie ffciljcr lottcn gute Urfoti^c ju flogen, ba ©roffenrteb, auf beffen Jlamcn bag Sonb aufgcnommen worben war, not^ ber ©d^weij juriidfe^rtc, o|ne t:^nen ein ©runbret^t ju i^ren Slnfiebelungen ju geben. Sr oerfd^rieb bte Sanbercien bem Sl^omog ^loUod fiir * ©ic ScBoHmoibttgtcn woren 3obn PiHpg, Sllcronbcr Sntrneg, Z1)ti>. 3anfon, SBbite Rennet, 3obn Sbomberlin, gtcbericf ©tore, 3JJicotab9)crr9. Sic aSertroggurfunbe toor botirt: ben 10. Dct. 1709, tm od;ten Sobre bet SRegictung ber Sijnigin Slnno. S5te3obl ber ormen ^foljer betrug fci^gbunbert ;— jwei unb neunyg Somilicn. ¦ '©tefe Urfunbe wor untcrjciibnet Bott ben ficbcn SesoKmoibttgten; Ebriflo)!bet be ©toffcnricb unb Souig WciftU, in ©egenwort son SBiUwm So^lor unb 3omeg be 93tott, ben 21. Ott. 1709. 460 APPENDIX. bte ©umme Bon oc^tbunbert ^funb ©terling, wclii^e bonn auf bie Srben biefeg SJZonneg ubergingen. Slnmerfun g. — 3n einem »on 9)ollocf on Ornffcnrieb gertibtcten ennf9lBanien ongeftebelt. Stner, ber wabrenb beg fronjiiftf^en unb inbianifc^en ^riegeg burc^ biefen Z^dl S5tr= ginien'g gercigt war, fc^reibt: „S)ie an ben Ufern beg ©l^enonboa^ gelegenen Sflieberungen ftnb febr reit^ unb fruc^tbor. ©iefelbcn pnb ^auptfod^lti^ Bon ©eutfi|en ongebaut, bie burc^ 3'^^^" son SBorrot^ fiir bie SEruppen unb burd^ Sieferung Bon SButter noc^ ben nieberen Z^tikn beg Sonbeg pc^ einen genugenben Unterlolt erwerben. 3i^ fonnte nur mit 35ergniigen fiber bte Sage biefer Seute noii^ftnnen, unb benfcn, bof, wenn eg in biefem Seben ®liidfeligfeit gibt, fte biefclbe befi^cn miiffen. SBeit Bom ®et6fe ber 2Celt entfernt, wo^nen fte im proc^ttgflen ^Itmo unb ouf bem reic^flen SBoben, ben man flc^ benlen fonn. UeberoU ftnb fie mit ben berrtii^ften Slugftt^ten unb SCalbgruppen umgeben — bob^ 33crge, ftlberbeCle ©trome, aCofferfotte, ret(|e SEb'ilsr unb moje* fiattft^e SBatber, mit einer 3lotfd|enfaat Bon buftenben, blii^cnbcn ©eflraucben oiler Slrt, bilben bie fte umgebenbc Sonbfc^aft. ©ie pnb nur wenigen .Kranfbeiten unterworfen, gewijbnlicb son fraf= tigcm Sleuf eren unb Ieben in BoUtger greil)eit. ©if fennen feinen SKongcl unb finb mit wenigen Saflcrn befonnt. 3|re Unerfo|rcn= |ett in ber Slegonj beg Scbeng f(|licf t jebeg SSebauern, bof fie ntd^t bie SUlittel jum ®enuf berfelben beiben, Bon felbfi aug; ibr S^eil jebo(| ifi ein ®ut, fur bog bie gfir^cn ble ^alfte ibrer ©liter geben wurben: ©efunbbcit, 3ufriebenbeit unb ©eclen= rut)e." — ^owe'g ©ommlungeu Bon SBa., ©. 468. APPENDIX. 463 No. XIII. NAMES OF MALES AT NEW ROCHELLE IN 1710. New Rochelle, in We§t Chester County, N. Y., was early settled by Huguenote from Rochelle, a seaport-town of France. The following list embraces the names of all the males, ages annexed to the names, living in New Rochelle, December 9, 1710. The Editor can vouch for the true spelling of names — they have all been carefully copied. Stamen icr Scanner ju SRtto Sloti^elle, 1710. gicw Sdoc^eKe in aBeflt^efler Sountp, 91. §)., wurbe fru^e sou ^ugcnottctt aug Sloc^cllc, einem ©ec:^afen gronfrcic^'g, ange= ficbelt. ®ie noti^fle^enbe Sifle entbalt bie Xiamen otter am 9. Dec. 1710 ju ^Icw SRoclclle wo|nenben maunlid^cn ^crfoncu, nebft beigefjigtem Sebengolter. William Le Conte, 52, William Le Conte jr., 16, Jean Le Conte, 6, Alexander Allear, 50, Peter Allear, 15, Philip Allear, 8, Jean Allear, 3, Isaac Allear, 1, Peter Vallow, 47, Josiah Le Villien, 48 Peter Le Villien, 9, John Le Villien, 4, Peter Martine, 45, Andreas Nodden sen., 73, Andreas Nodden jr., 34, John Rannoo, 46, Stephen Rannoo, 22, John Rannoo, 3, Andrew Jarro, 45, John Jarro, 13, Andrew Jarro jr., 11, James Jarro, 3, John Mannion, 45, Peter Fruteer, 22, Isaiah Vallow sen., '72, Peter Vallow, 10, Daniel Bondett, 58, William Landering, 13, Zachariah Angevine, 46, Zachariah Angevine jr., 6, Daniel Angevine, 2, James Moreye, 55, Daniel Moreye, 9, Ffrancis Le Conte, 45, Josiah Le Conte, 13, John Teast, 54, John Lambert, 52, Isaiah Baddo, 46, Isaiah Baddo jr., 12, Andris Barrett, 63, John Barrett, 25, Barnabas Barrett, 16, Andris Barret jr., 13, Peter Angevine, 44, 464 APPENDIX. Lewis Angevine, 8, John Barrett, 50, John Barretfrjr., 7, Gabriel Barrett, 6, Peter Barrett, 50, Peter Brittain, 28, Peter Brittain jr., 3, Anthony Leppener, 24, John Chance, 1, John.NefiVeile, 69, Josiah Nefi'veile, 18, Lewis Guion sen., 56, Isaac Guion, 25, John Lammon, 28, James Fflanders, 46, James Fflanders jr., 4, Peter Fflanders, 1, Paul Pillon, 40, Paul Pillon jr., 14, James Sycar, 34, John Sycar, 3, Robert Bloomer, 76, James Mott, 15, Thomas Mott, 9, Fredk. Bolt, 36, Peter La Roue, 12, Daniel Sycar, 40, James Sycar sen., 75, Daniel Sycar jr., 12, John Sycar, 11, Peter Syear, 9, Andrew Sycar, 3, Peter Parcout, 47, John Parcout, 15, Andrew Parcout, 9, John Couton, 52, John Couton jr., 15, Peter Couton, 12, Frederick Scurman, 80, Jacob Scurman, 40, Jacob Scurman jr., 11, Miles Scurman, 6, Peter Symon, 47, Peter Symon jr., 12, Charles Frnttye, 56, Oliver Bayley, 52, Peter Le Doof, 46, Daniel Le Doof, 14:, Peter Le Doof jr., 8, John Le Doof, 5, Andrew Le Doof, 4, Ffrancis Geenar, 45, Frederick Scurman, 43, Daniel Rennoe, 55, Theophilus Ffurtye, 68, John Sarineer, Stephen Garrien, 46, John Mun-o, 46, Peter Murro, 9, John Murro, 13, John Martine, 25, Peter Frederick, 68, Peter Sluce, 18, Peter Frederick jr., 26, John BouUie, 35, John Boullie jr., 5, Daniel Bennett, 45, Daniel Bennett jr., 17, John Bennett, 15, Peter Bonnett, 5, Josiah Hunt, 43, Josiah Hunt jr., 15, John Bon Repo, 47, .Blanch Bon Repo, 13, Gregory Guyion, 44, Gregory Guyion jr., 7, Peter Dais, 48. APPENDIX. 465 No. XIV. NAMES OP EARLY SETTLERS IN TULPEHOCKEN, BERKS AND LEBANON COUNTIES. As early as 1723, thirty-three families of Germans, who had come to New York 1710, settled in Schoharie 1713, left there and located on Tulpehocken Creek ; among these were : ^amm ber erfien Slnftebler sjon Xul^e^odm, SdnU unb Sebauon Sountieg. ©(|on im Sdvre 1723 liefen ftt^ breif ig bcutfti^e gomilien, bie 1710 noc^ Slew §)orf gefommen unb 1713 no^ ©t^o^arie gejogen waren, am ^ulpri)oden=gluf niebcr; unter biefen waren : Johannes Lantz, Johan Peter Pacht, Peter Rieth, Sebastian Plsas, Conrad Schutz, Andreas Walborn, Lorentz Zerbe, Antonius Scharf, Joseph Saab, Sebastian Fischer, George Rieth, Christian Lauer, Gottfried Fitler, Johan Adam Lesch, Johan Nicolas Schaffer, George Anspach. Johannes Rieth, In 1728, others from Schoharie settled here. Slnbere Bon ©t^o^orie liefen pt^ 1728 :^ierfelbfl nieber. Leonard .Anspach, Georg Zeh, Johan Jacob Holsteiner, Andreas Kapp, Johan Philip Schneider, Jacob Lowengut, Philip Theis, Georg Schmidt, Casper Hbhn, . Johannes Nocker, Michael Lauer, Jacob Werner, Jacob Katterman, Heinrich Six. Conrad Scharf, Note. — In 1729, Conrad Weiser left Schoharie with his wife and five children, Philip, Frederick, Anna, Madlina and M^aria, and settled near the present site of Womelsdorf, one mile east of the town. He was usefully employed in various capacities by the Government of Penn- 466 APPENDIX, sylvania, until within a few weeks of his death. He died July 13, 1760, aged 63 years, 8 months and 12 days. His earthly remains moulder in their narrow house, near Womelsdorf. — See Rupp's History of Berks County, pp. 195-222. The first settlers in Tulpehocken were Lutherans and German Re formed. Kev. Tobias Wagner was the first pastor of the Lutheran Congregation. The following is a List of the members of the Tulpe hocken Church, from 1 743 to 1 746 : Slnmcrfung. — 1729 •ctxlit^ Sonrab SBcifcr ©ibobane mtt feiner grnu unb fiinf Sinbcrn, 5)i)ilt|)|), grtebrtib, Slnnn, 9D?ogbaIena unb Wortil, unb ftebclte ftcb in bet 5Jabe ber gcgenwatttgen Sage son SBomelgborf, eine !Wci(e iiftliib sont ©fabtibcn, an. 33ig furj sor feinem Zait leiftete cr ber SRegierung won 3)ennf9toanicn nuf serfCbicbenerlEi Sffieife treue 5)icnfie. Sim 13. 3nlt 1760 flnrb er im Sitter »on 63 3abren, 8 5Ronaten unb 12 Sngcn. ©etne ®ebeine ruben in ibrem engen ^ani bci SBomclgborf. — ©iebe giuplj'g ©efij. Don Settg Sount?, ®. 195-222. 35ie erfien Slnftebler in Sulpeboifcn toarcn Sutbernncr unb 3?cfotmirte. 5)(ijior Jobtag SBngncr wnr ber erfie ©celforger ber Sutt)erifc^en ©emeinbe. golgenbeg ifi eine Sifle ber SDJitglieber bet 2;uIpebo(fen-.Stt(^e son 1743 bi« 1746 s Sebastian Fischer, Michael Nef sen., Erasmus Dunkenmayer, Martin Hocker, ¦ Peter HohnsteiUer, Valentin Urich, Thomas Koppenhbfer, Michael Erhardt, Georg Graf sen., Friederick Kapp, Andreas Kapp, Reinhold Eset, Johannes Rickmiiller, Leonard Grau, Christoph Kaylor, Joh. Georg Brigel, Joh. Georg Lechner, Andreas Graf, Martin Stupp, Christian Laur, Jacob Fischer, Georg Unruh, Johannes Immel, Andreas Kreutzer, Christian Walborn, Andreas Saltzgeber, Martin Batorf, Joh. Heinrich Boyer, Georg Anspach, Joh. Adam Lesch, Joh. Peter Anspach, Joh. Georg Kohl, Nicolaus Dek, Johan Heinrich Dek, Johannes Anspach, Leonard Anspach, Joh. Phil. Schneider, Balthas Anspach, Joh. Leonhard Hollsteiner, Georg Brosius, Abraham Lank, Michael Miiller, Joh. Nich. Schwengel, Andreas Wolf, Michel Koppenhbfer, Simon Carle, Joh. Phil. Gebhardt, Michel Hof jr.. APPENDIX. 467 Johann Sohoss, Abraham Nef, Andreas Wigner, Joh. Mich. Muller, Joseph Keller, Peter Gebhard, Jacob Lowengut, Joh. Martin Kapp, Jokan Martin Cass, Geo. Vitus Cass, Joh. Michel Kapp, Joh. Georg Kbnig, Doratha Ertzbergerin, Margretha Baslerin, Niclaus Hafner, Philip Moderer, Joh. Muller, Joh. Adam Lang, Peter Kreutzer, Nichlas Gaucher, .Jacob Katterman, Peter Zerb, Johannes Graf, ¦ Heinrich Schupp, Georg Graf jr., Joh. Adam Christ, Philip Kunz, Georg Pfafenberger, Wilhelm Leitner, Frederick Suss, Margr. Kreutzbergerin, Johau Kistler, Anna Cath. Daurin, Melchior Debler, Marg. Cath. Christian, Franciscus Brosmann, Joh. Kastner, Anna Elisabeth Lenin, Hermanus Batorf, Jacob Lesch, Leonhard Feg, Joh. Geo. Goldmann, Joh. Gotfried Rbhrer, Joh. Jacob Kohler, Anna Barb. Riedin, Daniel Schneider, Joh. Adam Miiller, Joh. Peter Miiller, Heinrich Gruber, Jacob Muller, Conrad Scharf, Christian Gruber, Johan Dieter, Joh. Valentin Lang, Jacob Mautz, Christoph Besher, Joh. Georg Lauk, Andreas Kraft, Stephanus Umbenhauer, Joh. Kettner, Joh. Casper Stover, Geo. Michel Kettner, Conrad Ernst, Adam Scharf, Gottfried Fiteler, Michel Schauer, Eva Martinin, Martin Pfateicher, Jacob Zorn, Philip Straus, Adam Schauer, Johannes Zerbe, 'Jacob Zerbe, Adam Schmidt, Adam Ulrich, Leonhard Muller, Johannes Waidmann, Balthas Siiss, Georg Albert, Martin Waidman, Daniel Huber, Geoi-g Klein, 468 APPENDIX. Jacob Klein, Jacob Heil, Hartman Vertries, Leonhard Hof, Joh. Georg Heil, Peter Raa, Henrich Rothe, Johannes Bauer, Joh. Adam Oberlin, Geo. Eichelberger, Michel Spieger, Mattheus Albrecht, Joh. Peter Kucher, Georg Steitz, Joh. Sigmund Herle, Georg Zeh, Wendel Heil, Friderich Ruth, Georg Giinter, Valentin Herchelroth, Adam Stump, Henrich Major, Geo. Bartel Schafer, Franz Wenrich, Johannes Haak, Georg Wenrich, Johan Henrich Basler Joh. Holman, Joh. Jac. Ertzberger, Christian Anbauer. No. XV. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH, BETWEEN 1735 and 1755. fiifte ber SWitglieber ber beutfd^s reformirten ^irt^e tn ben Sa^ren 1735 big 1755. Johannes Bassler, Jonas La Ru, Johan G. Zbller, Wilhelm Hoster, Hartman Zbller, Friederich Klopp, Georg Huber, Johan Thomas, Michael Spengler, Johannes Petrus, Nicholas Gelbert, Johannes ZoUner, Jacob Itzberger, Nicklaus Muller, Johannes Muller, Peter Becker, Peter Loch, Jonas Fortuny, Johannes Lein, Johan Adam Stein, Jacob Dinges, Christian Orndorff, Jacob Simon, Michael Gunkel, Jacob Keller, Johan Jacob Miiller, Peter Summois, Georg Dollinger, APPENDIX. 469 Johan Wilhelm Hoster, Abraham Lebbo, Peter Spycker, John Adam Pome, Henrich Marsteller, Jacob Rammler, Johannes Reiff, Wilhelm Leitner, Johan Georg Stehlschmidt, Nicklaus Simon, Michael Kor, Peter Mayer, Jacob Rossel, Johan Henrich Herchelroth, Jacob Seifert, Johan Diehm, Henrich Koppenhbffer, Conrad Hartman, Henrich Ludwig, Daniel Maurshagen, , Johan Peter Pappel, Isaac Mayer, Joh. Adam Dieffenbach, Adam Forrer, Peter Wenkelbley, Baltzer Noll, Jacob Grbninger, Conrad Goldman, Henrich Schmidt, Philip Ziegler, Valentin Schuler, Casper Kor, Johan Michael Becker, Michael Sanger, Jacob Walter, Conrad Schwartz, Georg Deys, Johann Datweiler, Martin Schell, Augustus Wilhelm, Jacob Zufall, Lorentz Wolff. Note. — May 10, 1728, inhabitants of Colehrook Dale petitioned Governor Gordon, praying for relief against what they suffered, and were likely to suffer, from the Indians, who had fallen upon the back inhabitants about Falkner's Schwamm and Goshenhoppen. — Pa. Arch., I., p. 213. Slnmcrfung.— Sim lO.SKat 1728 rcicbten bie SScttoliner Bom (£ote» ixtof'Zi)al an ®ou»crncut ®orbon eine fflittfCbnft ein, in bet ;¦'¦; il)n etfu^ten, i^nen Slb^iilfe ju Bcrfdjnffcn »on ben Slngttffen, bie fie son ben Snbianetn ju letbcn l)nttcn, wtld}t btxtiti uber bie liintercn Semo^ner nalie Saltner'g ©cjiroamm unb ®of]^en^ot)|>en ^ergcfallcn ttaten.— Slcnnf Slrt^iB, I., ©, 213, John Roberta, John Pawling, Henry Pfannebacker, W. Lane, John Jacobs, D. Bais, Israel Morris, Benjamin Frey, 40 Jacob Opdegraf, Richard Adams, George Boger, Adam SoUom, Dielman Kolb, Martin Kolb, Gabriel Schuler, Anthony Hollman, 470 APPENDIX. John Isaac Klein, Hans Ulrich Borge, Hans Detweiler, John Mayer, William Bitte, John Frot, Heinrich Ruth, Paul Frot, Hubrecht Cassel, Wm. Smith, Henrich Fenttinger, Peter Rambo, Christian Weber, David Yung, Gerhart de Hesse, Christopher Schmidt, Lorentz Sinsemore, Gerhart Clemens, Richard Jacob, Mathias Tyson (Deisen), Herman Rupert, Peter Janson, Betu Bohn, Yost Held, Jacob Conrads, Christian AUbach, Christian Neuschwanger, Hans Reif, Conrad Cresson, Daniel Stauffer, Jacob Kolb, and numerous others (unb Oiete anbere). No. XVI. FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY -FIVE NAMES OF GERMAN, DUTCH AND FRENCH INHABITANTS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, who owned land, and paid quit-rents prior to 1734. Note. — Quit-rent, a reserved rent in the grant of land, by the Pro prietary, by the payment of which the landholder was to be freedfrom other taxes. Quit-rents were not uniform ; they varied from one shil ling sterling per hundred acres, to six shillings ^sr annum, and in other instances moi-e. SSier^itnbert unb fiinfunbfed&gjtg Stamen beutfcfier, l^oMn* bif(|er unb franjiSflftler Gtnmol()ner son ^|)tlabelp^ia Sountp, xatlS^t Sanb 6efapen unb oor bem 3o;^re 1734 Sr^jinfen ja^lten. Slnmcttung.— (Srb}in« tfl cine refcrBi'rte SRente bet bem llcberltngen bon I'linb burcb ben (Sigentbiiincr, burcb beren 3iil)lnng bet 5'n^tcc »on alien nitbeten Zaxtn bcfrctt wutbe. ffiibjinfen wnren ntcbt glctdjiformig 5 fie batiittcn »on einem ©(bitting (Sterling V'cr ^unbett Slrfcr bii ju \t^i ®(^itttngen ja^rlic^, unb in anberen gcillen ine^r. APPENDIX. 471 Amity Township. Johan Jacob Roth, 100 acres, Jacob Weber, 110, Daniel Womelsdorf, 200, Georg Ander, 200, Elias De Hart, 100, ' Simon De Hart, 100. Bibury Township. Joseph Van Pelt, 180. ' Bristol Township. Christian Peterman, 50, Abra'm Schuhmacher, 50, Johannes Liicken, 300, Mathias Lticken, 150. Cresheim Township, late part of Germantown. Wilhelm De Wees, 150, Peter Zell, 60, Johannes Conrad, 100, Dirk Rebenstock, 50, David MiiUer, 100, Peter Ruttynhuysen, 100, Heinrich Zell, 100, Jacob. Zell, 90, Cornelius Neus, 50, Hans Schelly, 25, Michael Acker, 25, Leonard List, 20, Anna Rupp, 100, Johan Streper, 150, Anthony Tiinis, 150, Joh. Georg Rieser, 27. Cheltenham Township. Georg Schuhmacher, 100, Isaac Schuhmacher, 20. Georg Herman, 50, • Colebrook Township. (Number of acres not given.) Daniel Stauffer, Hans Bauer, Jacob Buchwalter, Peter Beidler, Michael Bauer, Jacob Herman. Upper Dublin Township. Dirick Tison, 100, Johannes Herman, 100, Dennis Cunrad, 100, Wilhelm Liicken, 200. Johannes Conrads, 200, Franconia Township. Johannes Frey, 150, Johan Griesman, 40, Jacob Oberholtzer, 150, Conrad Kuster, 100, Jost Pfannenkuch, 100, Michael Bang, 75, Joseph Althaus, 141, Jacob Fuhrman, 140, Uly Hunsberger, 150, Johannes Hentz, 100, Leonard Christoleer, 200, Ludwig Zerkel, 100, 473 APPENDIX. Johannes Wilhelm, 50, Henrich Rosenberger, 100, Jost Schindler, 140, . Chiistian Mayer, 150, Abraham Reif, 200, Jacob Hunsberger, 50, Georg German, 100, Frederick Gadschalk, 150 Wilhelm Hauk, 100, Henrich Zerkel, 50, Michael Hentz, 100, Georg HertzeU, 50, Frederick SchoU, 100. Frederick Township. Johannes Neus, 200, Joh. Hein. Hageman, 100," Henrich Stover, 100, Henrich Stettler, 140, Adam Barsteller, 25, Joh. Georg Sprogel, 120, Johannes Kraus, 150, Jacob Paute, 100, Joh. Geo. Schwenhart, 100, Gotlieb Herger, 80, Wilhelm Frey, 150, Geo. PhU. Dotterer, 150, (The number of acres are Christian Getzendonner, Paul Hippel, Christian Schneider, Michael Bastian, Daniel Frantiz, Joh. Geo. Ganser, Martin Husacker, Michael HiU, Ludwig Dotterer, ' Joh. Georg Kraus, 22, Christian Stettler, 50, Martin Funk, 160, Ludwig Englehart, 100, Henrich Schmidt, 80, Michael Kraus, 150, Baltus Fauts, 100, Frederick Reymer, 100, Michael Herger, 200, Joseph Graaf, 100, Michael Dotterer, 150. not given in the following.) Jjohannes Herb, Christian MiiUer, Jacob Mecklin, Jacob Fuchs, Georg Trumbauer, Abraham Pfenning, Michael Hendricks, Adam HiU, Johannes Dilbeck. Germantown. Abraham Kauffman, 50, Georg Wammer, 10, Gotfried Lehman, J, Henrich Holtzapfel, 70, Samuel Kerschner, 50, Andreas Keyser, 50, Johan Georg Knorr, 50, Christian Wammer, 75, Paul Engle, 50, Jacob Keyser, 4, Dirick Keyser, 3, Georg Hass, 20, Johannes Mack, 2, Henrich Friederick, 1, Gotfried Liebgieb, 13; Lorentz Blitz, 15, APPENDIX. 473 Bernhard Rieser, 80, Isaac Van Sentern, 18, Joh. Theobald Ent, 5, Jacob Bauman, 8, Johannes Bartel, 20, Christopher Meng, 15, Peter Schuhmacher, 50, Alexander Mack, J, Mathias Adams, 70, Johan Liickin, IJ, Dirick Jansen, 100, Jacob MiiUer, 50, Casper Steinbrenner, 50, Anthony Klinken, 100, Joh. Friederik Ochs, 25, Georg Traut, 28, Joh. Jac. Pallard, 31, Joh. Peterkoffer, J, Johannes Gorgas, 30, Peter Becker, 23, Baltzer Traut, 25, Johannes Eckstein, 25, Joh. Adam Gruber, 14, Johannes Bechtel, 20, Christopher Saur, 6, Joh. Henrich Kalckleser, 42, Herman Theen, 50, Christopher Funk, 50, Nicholas De Laplaine, 7, Benj. Schuhmacher, 20, Henrich Pastorius, 260, Georg Bentzel, 15. Hanover Township. Stoffel Witman, 100, Johannes Benner, 50, Benedict Mentz, 50, Frederich Reichard, 150, Christian Eyster, 100, Claus Braun, 100, Melchior Hoch, 100, Samuel Musselman, 50, Henrich Wenger, 50, Johan Linderman, 100, Cornelius De Wees, 24, Michael Schenk, 50, Georg Kiister, 100, Peter Lauer, 100, Andreas Graber, 150, Balthaser Huth, 150, Henrich KoUman, 150, Jacob Weizler, 150, Daniel Schbner, 100, Elias Aff, 50, Mathias Bender, 100, Andreas Kepler, 100, Johannes AUbach, 100, Jacob Hoch, 100, Jacob Amer, 100, Jacob Bechtel, 200, Mathias Christman, 100, Garret De Wees, 100, Mathias Otto, 50, Joh. Henrich Sprogel, 556, Johan Bingeman, 200, Jacob Dunkel, 150, Ludwig Bitting, 150, Henrich Bisbing, 150, Georg Saalicht, 150, Henrich Rieder, 150, Francis Stupp, 50, Friedrich Hillegass, 150, Daniel Lubbar, 100, Henrich Saalicht, 150, Michael ScheU, 150, Jacob Mayer, 100, — Jacob Hiestendt, 150, Johannes ZeU, 100, Georg Geiger, 50, Ludwig BethsUl, 100, 40* 474 APPENDIX. PhUip Knecht, 50, Mathias Herman, 100, Adam Spengler, 50, Peter Rothermel, 100, Jacob Grus, 100, Henrich Dehring, 100, Henrich Antes, 150, Henrich Bitting, 100, Hans Martinius, 50, Simon Krebs, 100, Jacob Miiller, 100, Barnibus Tothero, 100, Georg Raudenbusch, 150, Johannes Huth, 150, PhiUp Lubbar, 100, Daniel Borleman, 100, Conrad Kolb, 150, Stoffel Wagenseiler, 150, Rudolph Mauerer, 150, Nicholas Insell, 100, Valentin Geiger, 100, Martin ^Belting, 100, Adam Herman, 100, Wendel Kelt, 100, Peter Conrad, 100, Michael Schmidt, 50, Jacob Schweitzer, 100, Philip Brandt, 100, Adam Ochs, 140, Nicholas Jost, 70, Jacob Mayer, 100, Henrich Krebs, 100, Jost Freyer, 100, Paul HUl, 100, Casper Kemp, 100, Ba.stiau Reifechneider, 100 Joh. Georg Georg, 100, Georg Noth, 100, Henrich Acker, 50, Wilhelm Kehle, 100, Martin Zentler, 150, Johannes Eyster, 60, Jacob Schafer, 50, Johan Reichelsdbrfer, 100. Jacob Frey, 100, Johannes Schneider, 150, Anthony Hinckle, 100, Georg Hallenbach, 150, Georg Steiger, 100, Mathias Ringer, 150, Johannes Dunkell, 100, Casper Singer, 50, Christopher Schlegel, 50. (The number of acres are not giveu in the following.) Nicholas Hensy, Johan Adam Plank, Herman Fischer, Hans Leymeyer, Michael Krebs, Martin Merkle, Stephen Reymer, Adam Muller, Joh. Georg Weicker, Jacob Schmidt, Jacob Jost, Ludwig Burghart. Limerick Township. Peter Umbstat, 250, Adolph Pennybecker, 250, Hieronimus Has, 250, Stephan Muller, 170, Johannes Umbstat, 250, Henrich Reiner, 100, Lorentz Rinker, 50, Martin Kalb, 150. APPENDIX. 475 Maxatany Township. (Number of acres not given.) Jacob Hottenstein, Peter Andreas, Jacob Levan, Jacob Kemp, WUhelm Gross, Casper Wink, Christian Mahnenschmidt, Jacob HiU, Isaac Leonard, Peter Trexler, Hans Hage, Johannes Siegfried, Nicholas Kutz, Abraham Timberman, Jost Hen. Sasseman, Andreas Fischer, Henrich Hartman, Michael Miiller, Hans Kleiraer, Henrich Schade, Jeremiah Trexler, Bastian Ferr. Oley Township. Georg Jager, 250, Johannes Joder jr., 300, Sebastian Graaf, 100, Jacob De Plank, 100, Andreas Bally, 200, Johannes Bertolet, 200, Christopher Bittle, 100, Isaac Levan, 230, Johannes Joder, 200, Jost Joder, 150, Peter Schilbert, 200, Englo. Peters, 150, Nicholas Lescher, 150, Arnold Hufnagel, 200, Martin Weiler, 100, Martin AUstadt, 150, Peter Fornwald, 100, Perkiomen and Hemrich Pennybecker, 150, Anthony HaUman, 100, Julius Kassel, 90, Abraham Schwartz, 100, Jacob Scheimer, 100, Peter Jansen, 150, Martin Kolb, 100, Adam Weidner, 100, Johannes Hoch, 300, Philip Kiihlwein, 200, Jonathan Herbein, 200, Samuel Guldin, 200, David Kauffman, 300y Martin Schindel, 100, Johannes Engelhardt, 150, Peter Bingeman, 100, Peter Bally, 100, Abraham Levan, 150, Samuel Hoch, 150, Johannes Schneider, 200, Johannes De Turk, 300, Johannes Leinbach, 250, Abraham Eschelman, 150, Rudolph Hiegler; 250. Shippack Townships. Johannes Fried, 200, Jacob Merkle, 200, Paul Fried jr., 100, Valentin Hunsecker, 100, Johan Van Hussen, 50, Hermanus Kiister, 150, Hupert Kassel, 60, 476 APPENDIX. Georg Merkle, 150, Jacob Updegraff, 100, Paul Fried, 100, Michael Ziegler, 100, Peter Kolb, 100, Henrich Dentlinger, 100, Benjamin Frey, 100, Providence Township. Johannes Beidler, 100, Dirk Ramsauer. Hans Detweiler, 100, Mathias Jansen, 50, Leonard Van Hussen, 25, Peter Pennybecker, 100, Hans Heiser, 100, Arnold Van Hussen, 50. Conrad RubeU, 150, Conrad Knoss, 48, Jacob Schrack,* 250, Jacob MuUer, 80, Han Nicholas Crisman, Bastian Muller, 100, 200, 100, Henrich Holtzstein, 60, Conrad Stein, 15, Herman Indohaven, 200, Jacob Boblitz, 80, Anthony Vandersluice, 100, Joh. Georg WagemiiUer, 30. Roxburro Township. Wilhelm Levering, 150, Jacob Seltzer, 100. Daniel Bergenthaler, 80, Claus Ruttynhuysen, 50, Henrich Schaub, 100, Sulford Peter Kuntz, 100, Valentin Crates, 100, Hans Michael Wagly, 100, Hans WoUeberger, 100, Ulrich Steffe, 50, Dewalt Jung, 100, Hans Adam Mauerer, 100, Jacob Kehler, 100, Andreas Haake, 120, Hans Weyei-man, 50, Henrich Ruth, 100, Jacob Levering, 50, Arnold Bamberger, ' Johannes Mack, 18, Peter Rinker, 46. 80, Township. Hans Reif, 100, Hans Klemmer, 100, Jacob Hoffman, 100, Hans Georg Bucher, 100, Jacob Reif, 150, Vincent Mayer, 100,- Johannes Jansen, 150, Henrich Schlinglauf, 50, Johannes Lebo, 100, Johannes Kemper, 100, Galy Heffelfinger, 150, * Jacob Schrack arrived from Germany, 1717, and located at the place now called Tlie Trappe. He died 1742, aged 63 years. — HaUische Nachrichten. * 3ofob ©c^riidE Inngte im 3abre 1717 bon ©euifdilnnb an unb luobnte in bcin jegigcn SEto|)pc. (Sr ftarb 1742 tin 63ften:^cben«ja^re.—|>allif(^c 9{ac^ric^ten, APPENDIX. 477 Christian Kroll, 50, Isaac Klein, 130, Mathias Hass, 100, Samuel Mayer, 100, Martin HUdenbeidel, 50, Christian Lehman, 100, Jost Cope,* 100, Christopher Ankibrant, 100, Ludwig Schafer, 100, Christian AUebach, 150, Gabriel Scholer, 150, Philip Rieth, 100, Andreas Lederach, 150, Thielman Kolb, 150, Nicholas Haldeman, 100, Georg Reif, 100, Johannes Scholl, 100, Christian Jiingling, 20, Hans Wendell HoJBFer, 100, Abraham Title, 50, Andreas Schwartz, 150, Michael MoU, 50, Christian Stauffer, 120,. Hans Mayer, 150, Christian Mayer, 100, Samuel Mayer jr., 50, Henrich Funk, 150, .. Hans Mayer jr., 100, "" Jacob Koch, 100, Jacob Landes, 150, Hans Fried, 100, Joh. Henrich Schneider, 100. Towamoncin Township. Christian Weber, 50, Jacob Frey, 200, Peter Tison, 100, Gerhardt Schrager, 100, Abraham Liiken, 200, Velty Kaufenheisen, 22. Jacob FriU, 100, Nicholas Lescher, 150, Peter Weber, 150, Christian Brenneman, 150, Herman Gadschalk, 100, Henrich Frey, 50, Jellis JeUis, 22, Springfield Township. Christopher Ottinger, 85, Georg Gantz, 40. Henrich Schneider, 50, Worcester Township. ' (Number of acres not given.) Lorentz Schweitzer, Johannes Van der Sluys, Conrad Conrads, (now Vanderslice), Stoffel 'Timberman, Henrich Schweitzer, Jacob Engel, Johannes Lefever, * Jost Cope arrived at Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1727, with the ship Adventurer, Capt. John Davies. — See pp. 53, 64. Soft Sope longte am 2. Oct. 1737 mit bem ©cbtffe Slbbcnturer, Sapt. . 3o|n SDosteS, in fliilabclp^to on.— ©ie^e ©..53, 54. 478 APPENDIX. Adam Vanfussen, Conrad Vanfiissen, Henrich Riitteiihuysen, Daniel Christman. Peter Keyser, Whitpaine Township. PhUip Bbhm, 200, Henry Levering, 100, Henry Conrad, 201, Peter Indehaven, 10(), Jacob Jost, 80, John Merckle, 100. Jacob Levering, 100, Whitemarsh Township. Henry Bartinstal, 170, Nicholas Stiegletz, 150, Adam Kettler, 170, Ludwig Knoss, 100. Mooreland Township. Joh. Van Buskirk, 180, Garret Winecoop, 200, Joseph Van Buskirk, 150, Herman Yerkes, 150. Plymouth Tovmship. Johannes Redwetzer, 200, Peter Kroll, 100. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 479 Interpretation of Baptismal Fames OCCURRING IN THE goffcrfiott of Ipirtv Ipou^anb llantc^. Srflarung »on Saufnamen, n?el(i)e tn ber ©ammlung »on 30,000 5Zamen corfommen. AARON, a teacher ; Hebrew, literally one that is exalted above the vulgar or common people. ABRAHAM, father of many nations ; Hebrew,- from ab, father, and raham, many nations, or multitudes. ACHILLES, one that mourns or grieves — F. Pichler. It is a Greek name, by which the son of Peleus and Thetis was known, who signalized himself at the siege of Troy. ACHOR, Achior, trouble, disturbance of mind ; Hebrew, akJior, troubling, or akhan, he that troubles. ADAM, earthy man ; Hebrew. This name may be derived from dam, blood, adam, red, or to be red, in the sense of beauty, or beautiftil, i. e. red man, beautiful man. ADELBERTH, Ethelbert, of noble birth ; Gothic, xdel, adel, noble, and Anglo-Saxon, byrd, beorth, berth, birth, the con dition in which a person is born. ADOLPH, Adolf, a noble helper; Gothic and Anglo-Saxon, hylpan, helpan, holpen, holph, help, hence helper. ADRIAN, Hadrian, one from the Gulf of Venice ; Greek origin. ^GEDIUS, Egidius, GUes, vigUant, wakeful ; Greek, and may be derived from the verb egeiro, to stir up, animate, to waken. ALBERTUS, Albert, Albrecht, same as Adelberth. ALEXANDER, one who aids, or defends ; Greek, from alexo, alexeo, to defend, and aner, andros, nom. pi. andres, a man, men ; one who protecte men. ALFRED, aU peace ; Anglo-Saxon, eal, (Greek, holos, aU, the whole) and freoh, freod, fread, fred, peace. 480 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. ALPHONS, Alphonse, Alphonso, Olphonso, blessed, happy, one that is blessed — F. Pichler. This name may be derived from the Greek holos, olos, all, and phone, phones, sound, voice — literally, "all spoken of," much renowned. If de rived from the Gothic alfanz, alefanz, alifanz, alafanz, the name signifies "a jovial man." — "Jetzt merk' ich den ale fanz." — Wackernagel. AMBROSIUS, Ambrose, imaginary food of the gods; Ger- manice, Gotlerspeise; Greek, from ambrosias, a, on, immor tal, but mostly as appertaining to the immortals, sacred to the immortals, the food of the gods. AMOS, one who bears a burden ^F. Pichler. Burdensome, burdening, with stammering tongue — Heubner; Hebrew. ANANIAS, the cloud of the Lord, or the Lord wiU answer — M. T. Bernler. ANASTASIUS, a convalescent, one rising from the dead; Greek, anisiemi, part, anastesas, arouse, arise; anastasis, a rising up from sickness. ANDREAS, Andries, Andrew, a courageous man, one strong and stout; Greek, aner, andros, a man, hence andria, as manhood, manly courage, manly feeling — it occurs Andro. ANTON, Anthon, Anthony, not to be valued, one who is in estimable — F. Pichler. It may be derived from the Greek verb antheo, to attain the highest pinnacle, hence anthos, eos, antlieon, the excellence of anything — occurs Andoni. AREND, a tenant-farmer; Germanice, Pachter; Russian, arenda, hence the English arendator, a farmer of the farms. It might be derived from the Greek aroo, to plough, sow; Latin, aro, aras, arare, to plough, to till. Ovid says : arati, aqri, farmed fields. ARIOVIST, honorable— F. Pichler. ARIUS, martial, valiant; Greek, from areios, arieov,, excellent, strong, valiant. ARNOLDUS, Arnold, an honorable hero— F. Pichler. From the Gothic aeren, sehren, am, hence ehren, and old, aeld, hseld, held, hero. ASAPH, one who assembles the people; Hebrew, from the verb asnph, to gather, to collect, to assemble. ASEMUS, without a mark, note or stamp; Greek, from a, privative, without, and sema, ssmafos, a sign, mark, note, stamp; Germanice, zeichenlos, ungewohnlich. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 481 AUGUSTUS, Augustinus,* Gustav, noble, subUme, elevated, increasing; Latin, from avgeo, to augment, increase, elevate. AURELIUS, the golden one, one most excellent; Germanice, goldener — F. Pichler. Latin, derived from aurum, gold, hence aureus, golden. BALTHASAR, Balthas, Baltzer, Baldis, counselor of war; Germanice, Kriegsrath — F. Pichler. It may be derived from the Gothic haltha, daring, bold, audacious; Anglo-Saxon, beald, bald, bold. lornandes, in defining this word, gives its Latin synonymn thus, baltha, audax, as audax viribus, der auf seine Starke pochet. BARTHOLOM.^US, Bartholomew, a valiant son— F. Pich ler; a son who stays the water — Heubner. It may be de rived from the Hebrew, Chaldaic and Syriac bar, son, and Greek, tolma, boldness, courage, from the root; or the verb talao, to have boldness: undertake, hazzard, dare, support, sustain ; or from the Hebrew tal, b^ar, support. This name occurs abbreviated, as Bardel, Bartel, Barthe, Bard. BENEDICTUS, Benedict, a blessed one; Latin, from bene, well, and dico, dicere, dixi, dictum, to speak, hence bene dictus — occurs abbreviated Bene, Behi. BENJAMIN, son of fortune— F. Pichler. Son of the right hand, or most beloved son — Heubner. Derived from the Hebrew ben, son, and jam,in, the right side, or the right hand. BERNHARD, Bernhardt, Bernard, a robust child, born robust ; Anglo-Saxon, byran, baern, beran, berand, born, and heard, hard or robust — abbreviated Barni. BERTHOLD, Berchtold, Berdolf, Berdolt, worthy age, one worthy by reason of his age; Gothic, berth, verth, werth, worth, excellence, worthy; and Saxon, aelde, eald, old, ad vanced in years — occurs Berd, Bert. * This name is variously written and abbreviated; it occurs once: Costinios Ortman, p. 179. This is undoubtedly iutended for Gustinus, Augustinus, unless it be derived from a Greek word, kostos, kostou, an aromatic plant. — (Editor.) * ®icfcr9?nmctoirb»crfd^tcbenatttgflefd)riebertunbab8e!iirjt; er fommt einmal auf ©cite 179 »or— SoftintiiS Drtmnnn. SiefeS ijl ofjne 3i»etfEl fiir ®ujltnu«, SluguflinuS, gemeint, wenn ti nic^t son bem grtectjifcSien SBorte kostos, kostou, (cine too^lriec^enbc gjflanje) nligcleitct ttirb.— C^erauSgekr.) 41 482 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. BERTHRAM, Bertram, Berdram, a stately hero, a grand champion — F. Pichler. BLASE, Blasius, a royal one, a king — F. Pichler. It may be derived from the Swedish blasa; Saxon, blaze, to make known, hence generally known as a king. BODO, a hero, a commander — P. Pichler. BONGRE, good wUl ; French, bon, good, and gre, will. BURCHARD, Burghardt, Burkhart, one that is energetic — F. Pichler. CAROLUS, Charies, see Kari. CARSTEN, Karsten, a small farmer; probably from the old German, karsten, to hoe, to tUl the ground. One who tUls the ground is called Haker,' in some parte of Germany, a small farmer. CASPAR, see Kaspar. CLAUDIUS, Claude, one that limps, or one who is lame; Latin, claudus, Germanice, hinkend. Proverb, Fides clauda, lame faith. , CLAUS, see Nicolaus. CHRISTIAN, christian, a follower of Christ; Greek, from chrito, to anoint, christos, the anointed; in Hebrew, Mes siah — it occurs Christly, Christel, Christ. CHRISTOPHER, a bearer of Christ; Greek, christos, christ, and phero, I bear away,' bear, carry, from pherein, to bear or carry — it occurs Christoph, Christof, Stoffel, Stoffe. CLEMENTIUS, Clemens, Clement, one who is benign, or in dulgent; Latin, clemens, gentle, mild, tender hearted, in dulgent — written Clem, Klemm, Klemens. CONSTANTINUS, Constantine, one who is steadfast, firm, im movable, resolute; Latin, constans, firm, enduring, stable — sometimes occurs Constant, Cons, Konstons. CORNELIUS, one that is strong, horn-like; Latin, from cor- nus, a horn, hence corneus, corneolus, horn-like. The horn is often used as a symbol of power, or strength. The princi pal defence and strength of many animals are in their horns. COSTINHES, see Augustus and Note there. DAGOBERT, Degenhart, a stately, magnificent hero— Pichler. DANIEL, judgment of God, a righteous judge: God is my judge — Heubner; Hebrew, daw, judge, and Chaldaic, el, God. DARIUS, he that informs himself; conqueror, subduer — Heubner. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 483 DAVID, well beloved, dear; commander, governor — F. Pichler; Hebrew. DIELMAN, see Thielman. DIETRICH, Derrick, a patriot, or friend to the people — F. Pichler. The vulgar write Dieter ; sometimes Ditrich, Tiet- rich, Dirk. DIONYSIUS, divinely touched ; Greek, probably derived from dios, divine, celestial, and tbe verb uusso, to touch, prick, spur. DOMINICUS, Dominique in French, belonging to the Lord ; Latin, Dom,inus, the Lord, as Dominicae habitationes, habita tions belonging to the Lord. DURST, Dorst, if derived from the German Durst, it is thirst. EBERHARD, Everhard, weU reported, one that is strong and energetic — F. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon, asfre, efre, efer, eher, ever, constant, immovable; and heard, hard, unyielding, never yielding, immovably ; unyielding. ECKART, Eckard, Ekard, one who is faithftil, one that has been proved — F.. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon, and may be derived from eacon, to increase, or to complete, and heard, hard, un yielding. EDMUND, a generous protector, a noble defender — F. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon, aedel, prefixed to the old German mund, a compound word, like the vor, fiir, for, and m,und, as in Vor- muail, guardian, protector. EDUARD, Edward, a noble watchman, truth-keeper; Anglo- Saxon, asdel, contracted, xd, noble, meardian, ward, a guard, or wateh, act of guarding. EGBERT, faithful and kind, one that is true and friendly — P. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon. EGIDIUS, see Aegidius, EGINH ARD, one who has proved himself faithful, or who has been tested by experience — P. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon. ELIAH, God the Lord, the strong Lord ; God my strength — Heubner; Hebrew, eliah, eliiahu, Jehovah is my God; Eliiua, Elishuah, God is my salvation; Hebrew, elishaa, God is salvation. EMANUEL, Immanuel, God with us; Hebrew, im, with, in conjunction with; manu, us; el, God — literally, G«d united to man. 484 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. ENGEL, a messenger, one who is sent; Greek, angelos, a mes senger, one who announces anything directly, or indirectly. Several names occur compounded of the prefix angel, and the aflSx berth, bright, fair, as Angelbert, and hart, hort, shield, rock, or defence, as Engelhart. ENOCH, one who is consecrated, dedicated, or disciplined; Hebrew, channok, initiated, or initiating. , EPHRAIM, fruitful, that brings, or bears much fruit; Hebrew, efraim. ERASMUS, worthy of being loved ; Greek, erasmios, amiable, lovely, from erao, to love tenderly. ERDMANN, Erdman, earth-man; Anglo-Saxon, eard, eorth, yrih, earth, and man, mann, man. EHRHARD, Erhart, high-minded, magnanimous; Gothic or Gernjan, Fhre, Ehr, honor, and heard, eard, hard, unyield ing, literally, over-honorable — of various orthography, Erhat, Erart, Erert. ERICH, Ehrenreich, highly honorable, ftiU of honor; German, from Ehre, Ehren, honor, honors, and reich, rich, wealthy, opulent. ERNESTUS, Ernest, Ernst, serious, one that is grave or stem; Anglo-Saxon, earnest, geomest, earnest; Germanice, emstlich. ETIENNE, French; Stephan, Stephanus, Stephen, a crown, one who is crowned ; Greek, Stephanos, a crown, a wreath, a g'drland; from utepho, I crown, I decorate with a crown, hence stephanoo, I bestow a crown, I crown. EWALD, one who is strong, vigorous, stout, able-bodied — F. Pichler. Probably old German, ewnlt, e, ge, and wait, {poteniia in Latin) power, strength — Gewalt. power, force, authority. Er ist in seiner Gewalt, he is in his power. FABIAN, Fabius, one who delays, one who is dUatory. Per haps, one who imitates Q. Fabius Maximus, avoiding battle. It occurs only once or twice as a Portuguese baptismal name. FELIX, fortunate, happy, prosperous; Latin, feUK, fdicis, happy. Vir Felix, a happy man. FERDINANDUS, Ferdinand, meritorious. Ml of merit, weU deserving — F. Pichler; old German, ferdienen, verdienen, to deserve, or earn merit, verdienend, deserving merit. FIDELIS, faithful, true, honest, loyal, trusty; Latin, as Fi- delis in, amicitii^, true in friendship. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 485 FILBERT, FUlibert, Wilbertus, Philibert, most renowned, most Ulustrious — F. Pichler. FORTUNATUS, fortunate, prosperous, successful, propitious ; Latin, forfun a, fortune, success, hence fortunatus, fortunate. FRANCOIS, Franco, the first is French; Franco is Italianized, and is the Frantz. FRANTZ, Franciscus, Francis, a freed man, freeman— ^uncon strained, generous, ingenious; French, franc, franche, free, frank, candid, sincere, open, without dissimulation. FRIEDRICH, Friederich, Frederick, peaceable, peaceful, abounding in peace; German, Friede, peace, reicli, rich, abundant, or abounding in — occurs written Frieder, Fritz, Fried, Fred. GABRIEL, man of God, God is my strength ; Hebrew, from gabdr, to be strong, and el, God; gabriel, man of God, "a strong man of God." GAGE, testimony, pledge, pawn, token, proof; French. GALLUS, a leader, or chieftain ; Latin. This name occurs only once as a French baptismal name. GASPER, French, see Kaspar. GEORG, George, a farmer, one who tUls the earth; Greek, georgos, georgios, a husbandman, an agriculturalist — occurs strangely spelled, Yerrick, Jerg, Jurg, Yerg. GERHARD, Gehrhart, Gerhart, a pian of strength, one strong and- mighty — F. Pichler. Probably derived from the old Ger man ger, spear, lance, javelin, and the Anglo-Saxon heard, hard, powerful, forceable — one who wields the spear forcibly. GERLACH, Gerlauch, illustrious, eminent, high ; old German, gerlauch, erlauch, erlaucht, as Eure Erlaucht, your highness, same as Durchlaucht, now in general use. GIDEON, one that bruises or destroys, one that cute off in iquity ; Hebrew, from gada, to cut down, destroy, cut off, break in pieces, hence Gideon. GILBERT, same as Filbert, which see above. GILLES, a Portuguese name, same import as Aegedius, which see above. GOTTFRIED, Godfrey, Geoffry, peace of God; German, Gott, God, and Fried, Friede, peace. GOTTHART, Gotthort, Gotthirt, inheritance of God, defence of God; old German, Gott, God, liart, Hort, a rock, shield, or safe retreat. Mein Hort, my rock — Ps. 28, 1. Hort is, also 41* 486 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. something precious, a treasure or inheritance, something to be careftiUy preserved. Den himmlischen Hort, den Gott seinen Soldenern wUl geben dort — Basler Chronik, A. J). 1561. GOTTHELF, Gotthiilf, God-help; German, Gott, God; hilf, half, hiilfe, help, assistance, support. GOTTHOLD, God-gracious, merciful, propitious; German, Gott, God; hold, gracious, affectionate, fiivorable. GOTTLIEB, God-pleasing, beloved of God; German, Gott, God ; lieb, dear, beloved, pleasing, agreeable — same as Theo philus. GOTTLOB, God be praised; German, Gott, God; lob, praise, eulogy. GRAFF, Graf, an earl, a count; German — occurs only once or twice as a baptismal name. GREGORIUS, Gregor, Gregoi-y, one who is lively, sprightly ; one who is watchful, vigilant; Greek, from gregoreo, to watch, to be vigUant, to be awake ; from egeiro, to awaken, to stir up, to animate. GUILLIAUMB, Portuguese, see WUhelm. GUSTAVUS, see Augustus. GYLLYAN, see Kilian. HECTOR, commander, lord, ruler, master, or one who arreste and holds fast— F. Pichler; Greek. HEINRICH, Heinerich, Henrich, Henry, a courageous man, a spirited hero — F. Pichler. Probably from the Anglo-Saxon hentan, haen, hent, to seize, to lay hold of, to conquer, or to overcome, as heen, hentan, sich einer Sache bemachtigen, and ricca, ric, rich, possessing a large portion, literaUy, possessing a large portion of courage, to overcome. It may be derived from the Greek enurea, manly courage, vigor — abbreviated Hein, Heintz, Hintz. HBLFRECHT, help-right, a suitable assistant ; Anglo-Saxon, liylp, helpan, to assist, hence help, or assistance, and riht, reht, German recht, right, fit, suitable, proper, becoming, at a convenient time. Helf recht, locally used, is "the r^ht of selling unredeemed pledges." HENRICUS, same as Henry, which see above. HERRMANN, Herman, Herrmanns, Arminius, a war-man, one who is valiant; lord-man, master-man, one who subdues; Gothic, gerr, ger, spear or lance, and manna; Anglo-Saxon, INTERPRETATION OF NAMES. 487 man, mann, man, the man, the lord, or chief, who wields the lance.* HERTZOG, Herzog, a duke, a sovereign prince, a chief, a prince; German. HIERONYMUS, Jerome, an ecclesiastic, a person in orders, consecrated to the service of the church and the ministry of religion ; Greek, from ieros, consecrated, and nemo, to pasture and rule, hence nomos, an ordinance, divine law, custom. HIPOLITE, Hipolito, occurs as a Portuguese baptismal name, from HippoHtus; Greek, ippolutos, from ippns, horse, and luo, luso, to loose, slacken, set at liberty, hence lutos, loosed, susceptible of being loosed. HIRAM, exalted life, the most high liveth — Heubner; exalta tion of life ; Hebrew, hiram, herem, something devoted to Jehovah. HUBERT, Hubrecht, -one who is renowned, famous, or cele brated — F. Pichler; Anglo-Saxon, hob, hub, lift, lifting, raised, exalted; and riht, reht, recht, right, proper, suitable, fit — suitably exalted. IGNATIUS, Ignace, one that is ardent, fiery, one who glows with joy; Latin, ignis, fire, igneus, fiery, glowing. ILLES, Dlos, one who squiute, a person affected with strabism ; Greek, illos, the eye, illis, one who rolls the eyes, from illo, to look askance. IREN.ffiUS, Irene, one who is peaceable; Greek, eirene, es, peace, concord, calmness, rest. * The Romans called die Deutschen Gbbmans, from their warlike and valiant mode of thinking, a name which the Tungi, a body of German warriors, first bore, and was subsequently applied to all their race, to express their warlike manners, and thus to impress their ene mies with terror. This name was willingly adopted by the Germans, as a name of honor. The man, whose heart is in the proper place, is proud of the honorable title, "A German," A Herrmann. * Etc ©cutf4cn wurben son ben SRiimcrn wegen ifjxtx frtcgerifcben unb Bra»en Tentwcifc ©ermnncn genannt, ein 5fame, welchcn bie Slungt, ein beutfdie« Sricgeroolf, juerji fii'tirten, unb welder nUen ©tammcn ber gnn- jcn fRa^t beigelegt wurbe, um ibre frtegerifdien ©ittcn barjnicgen unb bnburcb tjven gci'nben ©cbrctfen etnjupgcn. 'Ctefer 9{nmc wurbe »on ben Ileutfticn ali g^rennamc gcrne angcnommen. Der Wann, beffen ©crj om recliten glccf figt, tjl jiolj auf ben e^jrcnliaften Xitel: fiin l;eut|'d;er;. ein Herrmann. 488 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. ' ISAAC, Isaque, French ; laughter, or the son of laughter, son of joy ; Hebrew, itsak, he laugheth. ISRAJjL, prince of God — Heubner. One who prevaUs with God ; Hebrew, israel, a wrestler with God. JACOB, Jaque, French; a supplanter, " who, with his hand, took hold on the heel;" Hebrew, iakobh, a supplanter. JEREMIAS, Jeremiah, Jeremie, French ; one exalted of God, exaltation of the Lord; Hebrew, irmia, irmiahu, Jehovah setteth up. JEROME, French, same as Hieronymus, which see above. JOACHIM, Joiakim, the resurrection of the Lord — Heubner. The Lord will arise, God wUl help ; Hebrew. JOEL, wiU, purpose ; a beginner — Heubner. He that wUls or commands; Hebrew, ioel, Jehovah is God. JOHANNES, John, Jean, French; Juan, Portuguese; the mercy of the Lord, the grace of the Lord; Hebrew — it occurs in various spellings, Johann, Johan, Han, Hans, Han nes, Jan; it seems to be a sort of Lieblingsnamen, occur ring in this Collection, upwards of eight thousand times, alone or connected with some other baptismal name, as Han George, Johann Jacob, Han Niclaus, Hans Peter, Hannes, Johann. JONAH, Jonas, a dove — Heubner. He that oppresses ; He brew, ionah, plural ionim, a dove; sometimes a word of en dearment. JONATHAN, the gift of God— Heubner. Given of God, a faithful friend ; Hebrew, JOSEPHUS, Joseph, Josephe, Portuguese, addition, increasing ; Hebrew, iasap, ioseph, to add, to increase, enlarge, to ^ve or bestow in abundance. JOSIA, Josias, Josiah, the Lord burns, the fire of the Lord, essential, or real Lord ; Hebrew. JOSUA, Jesua, Joshua, a saviour, a helper, the Lord the Saviour; Hebrew, ioshiahu, Johovah healeth. JULIUS, Julian, a sofl>haii-ed young man, one who is pubes cent; Latin, julus, from the Greek ioulos, the first down on the cheek or chin. JUSTINUS, Justus, Just, Jocelyn, Jocelin, sometimes Yost, » in German, one that is just, honest, upright; Latin, justuSf from JUS. Fir Justus, ein gerechter Mann, a just man. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 489 KARL, Carle, Charles ; one who is strong, vigorous, powerftj — : F. Pichler. Old German or Gothic, charl, vir maritus, a married man, harl, vir senex, an old man; Anglo-Saxon, carl, ccerl, masculus, masculine, having the qualities of a man, strong, robust, bold, brave. KASPAR, Kasper, Casper, Jasper, Gasper, French; a royal treasurer ; first Lord of the treasury — F. Pichler. Probably derived from the old German cassa, casse, kass'e, a money-box or treasury, and per, peran, bearan, hyren, to bear, to pos sess and use as power, to exercise ; to act in any character. KILIAN, KUlian,* one who quiete, soothes, assuages, pleases, captivates by words — this is ite meaning, if derived from the Greek keleu. If Kilian is corrupted from the Hebrew chilion, which signifies finished, complete, perfect, it may then be derived from khillah, to complete, finish ; or from khalah, to be completed or finished — it occurs Gyllyan. KONRAD, Konrath, Conrad, a counselor, a person who gives advice, one who is consulted by a client in a law case — F. Pichler. It may be derived fi-om the Anglo-Saxon cene; * Kilian, Killian — this name occurs frequently ; its meaning I do not certainly know. The introduction of it into Germany is historic ally known. Kilian was an Irish bishop, and an apostle or missionary. Accompanied by eleven others, he crossed to the continent, and by his zealous, evangelical preaching in Germany, he persuaded Gozhert, governor of the city of Wurtzberg, and- many others to embrace Christianity. He suffered martyrdom, A. D. 689. The cathedral erected in Wurtzburg, in the eighth century, is called St. Kilian. He was a contemporary with Saints Wolfram, Willebrand, Trudo, Lambert, Kuriibert, Suidbert, Wigbert, Sturmio, Magnoald, Theodor Kempten, OffoOffonzell, Laudolin, Corbinian Freissing, Erameran, &c. — Mentzel's Geseh. d. Deu/schen, p. 160. * Silinn, SiKinn— biefer SHamt fommt pufig sor, nUein i^ Innn feine Scbeutung nnt ®ewig()eit ntt^t angeben. Die ginfiilirung be«fclbcn in Eeutrdjlanb ifi geftiji^tlid) tcfannt. Lilian war ein irlanbtfder SBifd)of unb etn Slpollel ober 50?tffionar. SBon eilf Slnberen begleitet, xtiitt er nntt) bem gejilnnbe, unb bur^ fein etfrtgeg unb Ijeitbringenbe? 5>rebtgen bradjte er Oojbcrt, ©tnttbalter son SBurjburg, unb mcle Slnbere bnt)tn, bem fibriflenttium ju bulbtgcn. ®r jiarb ben iKattigrertDb im 3a^tc 689. 'Bte Satt)ebrale, wcIc^c im ot^ten 3al)r^unbcrt ju SBurjburg ctbaut wurbe, wnrb ©t. Siltan genannt. (£r wnr ein Scitgenoffe ber ©etitgen 3Bolfrnm, SBiUcbranb, Srubo, Sombert, Sunibcrt, ©uibbert, SSigbcrt, ©tutmto, 5)Jngncalb, Sbeobor Scmptcn, Dffo DffonjeB, Snnbolin, Sorbinian gretf- iing, gmmeran, jc— STOcngcl'g ®cf(^. ber t)eutfc&cn, ©. 160, 490 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. Hollandish, hoen, pronounced koon; German, kiihn, bold, keen, penetrating, and rath, consultation, advice, counsel — it occurs Kunrad, Conrat. LAURENT US, Lorentz, Laurence, Lawrence, one that has been crowned, or laureated by way of eminence, or distinc tion; Latin, laurus, laurel tree; laurea, a laurel leaf ; lavr- reatus, crowned with laurel, mit Lorbeer gekronet. LAZARUS, assistance of God — Heubner. " The word lazarus," says A. Barnes, "is Hebrew, and means a man destitute of help." — Com. in loco. LEBERECHT, Lebrecht, live right; German, from Iebe, live thou, and recht, right. LEMUEL, God to them ; Hebrew, from lahem, to them, and el, God. LEOPOLD, one who is courageous, daring, intrepid ; one that is magnanimus; Greek, from lean; Latin, leo, lion, and pro bably from polleo, es, ere, pollens, to be mighty, powerfid. LEVI, who is held and associated; Hebrew, from lavah, to adhere to any one, to be joined to any one. LORENTZ, see Laurentus above. LUCAS, Luke, light, luminous, shining bright; Greek, leukos, bright, clear, conspicuous, limpid, white lucid ; , derived from leusso, to shine, cast light. LUDOLPH, a helper, an assistant — F. Pichler. LUDOVIC; Ludwig, Louis, Lewis, one who is renowned, cele brated or famous— F.' Pichler. LUTHER, venerable, respectable, reverend — F. Pichler. MARCUS, Marx, Mark, a shearer or barber, a cleanser or dresser — Heubner; polite, shining; one who contends, a champion, a warrior, or a combatant — F. Pichler; a sipith's hammer — Bernler;- Hebrew, marak, to scour, polish, furbish, to cleanse, purify; morak, to be cleansed. MARTINUS, Martin, a hero, a man of distinguished valor, intrepidity or enterprise in danger, a great Ulustrious or ex traordinary person — F. Pichler. Latin, from Mars, in hea then mythology, the God of war. MATTHEUS, Matthew, one that has been bestowed, one who is given ; Chaldaic, mattan, a present ; Hebrew, mattanah, a gift. MATTHIAS, Mathias, the gift of the Lord— sometimes occurs Matheis, Miitteis, Matis, Teys, Deys, Theis, Deis. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 491 MAXIMILIANUS, Maximilian, the greatest; Latin, from magnus, great, major, greater, maximus, greatest. MELANCHTON, black-earth ; Greek, melas, black, dark, and cliton, the earth. In German Schwartzerd, which was his first name. At the advice of Reuchlein,* his teacher, Schwartz erd changed his name, according to the custom of the learned at that time, into the Greek name Melanchton. MELCHIOR, a royal person, one of royalty — ^F. Pichler. Probably derived from the Hebrew malakh, to reign, to be a king; Chaldaic, melekh, king, and hor, or, riches, wealth, substance, sufScient, enough — occurs Melcher, Melchor. MICHAEL, Michel, Michal, who is like unto God? — Heubner; who is perfect; Hebrew, derived from mi, who? ca, as, like, and el, God; michael, who is as God? MORITZ, Maurice, dark-colored, auburn, an auburn person — F. Pichler; Greek, mauroo, to darken; mauros, dark — it occurs Moret. MOSES, one who has been taken out of the water ; Hebrew, from masha, to seize, to draw ; moseh, Moses, drawn out. NICOLAUS, Nicklas, Nicholas, victory of the people ; Greek, from nikao, to conquer, be victorious; nike, nikos, -victory, and laos, the people, nation, crowd, multitude — occurs Nick las, Nickel, as in Hann Nickel, also occurs Nicola. NOAH, repose, rest, consolation ; Hebrew. ONESIMUS, profitable, useful, one that proves profitable; Greek, from ono, onemi, oneso, to profit, to aid, onesimos, profitable. OSWALD, Oswalt, manager, administrator, steward — F. Pich- - ler; literally a dispenser, one who adnainisters; German, or Gothic, OS, aus, out, (as in spenden, ausspenden, to distribute, administer); walten, to rule, to govern, to dispose of, to dis tribute: waiter^, ruler, manager. * John Reuchlein was a learned German, bom in 1450, and died 1552 ; he was the iirst who introduced the study of the Hebrew among modern christians. * 3Dl)ann SRcuc^lctn war ein bcutfi^er ®elel)rter, geboren 1450, geftorbcn 1552. ®r war ber (Stjle, wcld^ct bte ^ebtoif^e ©pracfjc untet ben bama= Hgen Sljrtflen einfii^tte. 493 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. OTTO, Otho, fiither of the famUy, economist, manager — F. Pichler; Guthic, otto, atta, fadar, father.* PAULUS, Paul, small, little, diminutive; hatin, paulus, small, little, same as parvus, small; vir paulus, a smaU man; puer parvus, a, small boy. PETRUS, Peter, Pierre, French; a rook, ein i^efe-r-Heubner; rock or stone ; one that is immovable or firm ; Greek, petros, a stone or rock, hence the word petra in Greek, a stone, a rock. The French word pierre, Peter, and pierre, rock or stone, are spelt alike, e. g. su ei Petros, kai api tautei tei petrai — es Pierre, et que sur cette pierre. Petros and Pierre are masculine, and petra and pierre feminine. PHILLIPPUS, Philipus, Philip, a lover of horses — Heubner; a knight — F. Pichler; Greek, philippos, that delights in horses; fond of riding; from, philos, a lover, a friend, and hippos, a horse. REINHARD, same as Richard. REMIGIUS, an oarsman, a rower, a navigator — F. Pichler; Latin, from remigo, are, to row, to impel a vessel or boat on water. REUBEN, Ruben, who sees the son, vision of the son; Hebrew, from raah, rao, rau, to see, perceive with the eye, and ben, a son. ¦* Otto, atta, fadar, father of a family, means literally, one who be gets, provides and governs his children; the word "father," in various languages, conveys a similar idea — as in the Sanscrit piir, Zend pata, Persian pader, Latin pater, Italian padre, French pire, Greek pater. Ancient German fatar, German Vater, Anglo-Saxon faeder, Swedish fader, Hollandish vader, Irish athair, Welsh tad, Russian otetz, Polish ojciec, Bohemian otec, Finnish isa, Hebrew ab, Arabic abon, Malaic bappa, Coptic babb, Spanish padre, Britannic taad, Icelandic bader, Dalmatian otcse, Croatian ozhe, Lusatic wosch, Hungarian atyanc, &c. * Dtto, atta, fadar, aSatet cincr gamttic, bebeufet cigcntlttj: Siner, wcIc^cr feine Stnber jeugt, fiit fte fotgt unb btefelben tegtert. tiai SHJort „a3ater" bebeutet in bielctlei ©pracben bagfelbe, j. 33.: ©anfctit pitr, jenbtfc^ pata, tierfifi^ pader, lateinifc^ pater, italienifc| padi-e, ftnnjijftfcft pfei-e. grtec()if(l) pater, alt.beutfd^ fatar, bcutfcb SBntcr, anglo-fac&jtfl^ faeder, fcbwebifcfc fader, ijoUanbifcft vader, irlanbtft^ athair, we(fd) tad, rnfjifi^ otetz, polnifi^ ojciec, biiljmifcb otec, finntfcl) isa, ^ebtaifc^ ab, atabifi^ abon, malatfd^ bappa,. coptifd) babb, fpantft^ padre, bttttif^ taad, i«Ian« btf(^ bader, bolmatiftl otcse, ctoatif(i|l ozhe, lauftgift^ wosoh, ungartfc^ atyanc jc. INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. 493 RICHARD, richly honored; Saxon, from ric, ricca, rich, earen, ered, eard, honored. ROLANDT, Roland, one who is honest, a just man — F. Pich ler; probably Gothic* RODOLPHUS, Rudolphus, Rudolph, Ralf; in Hollandish, Roelf, a counselor, adviser; any person who gives advice; but properly, one who is authorized, by birth, office, or pro fession, growing out of that relation, to give advice to an other, in regard to his future conduct and measures — Ein Rathgeber, einer der Jemanden Griinde vorfiihrt, seinen Verstend zu gewinnen, um ibn zum Nachdenken zu bringen. Probably derived from the old German reed, rset. Rath, consultation, advice, counsel, and Anglo-Saxon helpan, hylp an, hylph, hulf; German, Hiilf, Hiilfe, help, to help, to aid, to assist; aid, assistance. RUPERTIUS, Rupert, Robert, red-beard; Gothic. SALOMO, Solomon, peaceable, peaceful, peacefti'ness ; Hebrew, shele, quietness, peace, prosperity; Chaldaic, shleah, rest, tranquility; shlomin, peaceable. SAMUEL, asked of God, heard of God; Hebrew, shmuel, heard of God; from shama, to hear, and el, God. SEBASTIAN, august, exalted, elevated; Greek, from sebo, sepso, to venerate, to stand in awe ; sebas, veneration, sebas- tos, venerated, worshipful, venerable, august. SEM, Sema, Shem, a name, renown ; Hebrew, sh,em, a name, authority, fame, renown, a good name, a rumor, report, a monument. , SETH, a law — Heubner ; put, or who pute ; Hebrew. SEVERIMUS, more earnest, one who is very austere or stern ; Latin, from severus, stem, earnest, serious, austere, as severus judex, an austere judge. SIEGFRIED, victory of peace, peace-conquest; German, Sieg, victory, triumph, and fried, Friede, peace. SILAS, or SUvanus ; the former is a contraction of the latter — one who loves the woods, or delighte in the forest; Greek, * A distinguished general, Feldherr, mentioned in German history, A. D. 778, was called Roland, whose fame has been spread by ancient and modern poets. * 3n bet beutfdben ®cfd()t4tc wutbe SRolanb um'« 3nl)t 778 ali etn auggcjciiinctet %tli^txx bejeit^net, bejfen 3lu|)m son ben alteren unb neucten ©ic^tetn Betbteitet wutbe. 494 INTERPRETATION OP NAMES. silas etiam silovanos, hence the Latin sylvanus, the god of the woods ; sylva, woods. SILVESTER, SUvius, one who lives in woods, or country; Latin, derived from sylva, woods ; Sylvestres homines, Bau- ernleute, peasante; musa sylvestres, or musa sylva, a peas ant's song, ein Bauernlied. SIMEON, Simon, heard, one that is heard; Hebrew, shamea, to hear; shimon, a hearing. STANISLAUS, praiseworthy constancy, glorius stabUity, laud able firmness; Greek, stasis, a fixed state, immovable, con stant; Latin, status, fixed, certain, hence stanis, and laus, praise, from laudo, I praise. STEPHANUS, Stephan, Stephen, a crown, crowned; Greek, from stepho, stepso, to crown, to decorate -with a crown; stephanoo, to crown ; Stephanos, a crown, a wreath, a garland — occurs Stefan, Steffy, Steff, Steven. TACITUS, silent, tacit; Latin, tacitus, a name from Cajus Cornelius Tacitus, a celebrated Roman historian, orator and statesman under Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. He was born A. D. 56. TALIO, occurs as a Portuguese baptismal name; retribution, remuneration, recompense; may be derived from the Latin talio, talionis, retribution. THEOBALD, Theobold, one that is valiant, bold, brave, valor ous; a compound name, from the Greek theos, a god, a prince, a ruler, a judge, a person in station or office, and ¦ Anglo-Saxon, beald, bald, bold — occurs Debald, Dewalt, Diewald, Siebald, Siebalt, Siebold. THEODOR, Theodore, gift of God; Greek, theos, God, and dor-eo, doreso, to bestow anything as a gift; doron, a ^ft, a present. THEOPHILUS, see Gottlieb above. THOMAS, t-win, a twin brother; Hebrew, from taam, a twin, to be doubled, and Hiphel, to bear twins ; in Greek Didy- mus, from didumios, double, two-fold ; dis, twice, and from the root doo, dosi; didomi, doso, to give, to offer, to present. TITUS, honorable, illustrious, noble ; Greek, tio, tiso, to esti mate, to value, to esteem, to prize, to honor; fifos, honorable. TOBIAS, the goodness of the Lord ; God's kindness; Hebrew. TRAUGOTT, trust God, confide in God; German, trauen, to trust, to rely upon, to have confidence in, and Gott, God. INTERPRETATION OF NAMES. 495 ULRICH, Ulric, Ulrique, French ;' one who is richly endowed, of strong and vigorous intellect; endowed with reason — F. Pichler. May be derived from the Gothic olos, nil; Greek, olos; Latin, ullus; Anglo-Saxon, sel, all; wholly, complete ly, and ricca, ric, rich, possessing a large portion — ^it occurs Uldrich, Uly, Ury, UUerich. URBAN, polite, courteous, urbane ; Latin, urbanus, urbanitas, urbane, urbanity, politeness. VALENTIN, Valentine, strong, powerftil, a man of valor, one of strong affections; Latin, from valeo, valere, to be healthy and strong; valens homo, a strong person — occurs Felty, Felten, Velde, Valtin. VINCENT, one who conquers, or overcomes ; (same as Victor, which occurs abbreviated Vict.) ; Latin, from vinco, vincere, to conquer. VITE, celerity, speed, quickly, fast, nimble ; French, as par ler vite, to speak fast. WALTHER, Walter, one who governs or rules; German, walten, to rule, to govern, to manage; Walter, a manager or ruler. WENCESLAUS, victory of the people or subduer of the ¦ people — F. Pichler — occurs Wendel, Wentz, Wenslas, Wen zel. Perhaps derived from the Latin vinco, vincere, to con quer, and Greek, laas, the people.* WILHELM, WUliam, GuUliaume, Portuguese; a defender of many, a potent shield, a strong protector — F. Pichler; An glo-Saxon, from willa; Gothic, wilja, determination, ability, power, and helma, helm, a defensive armor. WOLFGANG, an assistant, a helper— F. Pichler. ZACHARIAS, Zachariah, the memory of the Lord ; Hebrew, zakhar, think of, remember; zikharon, memory, remem brance; ^khariah, Jehovah remembereth. ¦* Wenceslaus is a Bohemian name, -written Wenceslaw, and is de rived from wenec, wreath of honor, chaplet of honor ; and slawa, praise, honor, celebrity, glory, hence one that has been crowned with glory. * SBeme^lauS ifi etn Vi^mi^^tx 9?ame unb Wirb Wenceslaw geft^rtcben 5 ti wirb abgeleitet son wenec, S()rcnfronii, unb slawa, 9tu^m, (5()te, 33e» ru()mt^ett, ® lorie; alfo ffiiner, ber mit @|)ten gcftiint tjl. Scrlag ban 3. Collier, Ut. ",102 ilorb jJtcrtc Strngc, JTIjilalielplilo, {To, CSB ibcin, bexiis ch. eibcI, ncue nrofic sprat^t^SluenaBe der (ciltgcn ^i^xift. ©rog Qui.tt'Sotmat mit gtoBem i;rucf. ^xeii : 51o. 0. StUtge SluSgabe mit gwct ©to^lfticjicit, fi^iin unb flnrt in Sccer gcbunben $7 00 9?o. OA. SlJit 26 Siltern, ebcnio gcbunben 8 00 9Jo. OB. TOit 26 SBilbcni, in TOarocco mit ©slbfii^nirt, SKiicfcu- Itnb ScitenBcrgolbung cinfo^ 10 00 9?o. 0 C. 3){it -26 Silbern, in TOarocco, Siuctcn unb ©eiten siiU sergolbct 12 00 9Jo. 1. Sluf "fetnem wcigcm ^aficx, fcjon unb fiarf in Scfcet gcbunben 10 00 91o. 1 A. 3n aJfatocco gcbunben mit ©olbfcSinitt, SRiitfen- unb ©cttcnucrgcibung einfacft 12 00 9fo. 1 B. 3n TOarocco, JKiicfcn unb ©etten boK bcrgolbct 15 00 9lo. 1 C. ©upeifi-in tiirfifc^ ajjatccco, etnfr.c^ 18 00 9Io. 1 D. bo. bs., 9iucfcn unb SccfcntloU unb fetn sergolbet 20 00 9Jo. 2. Sluf feinftcm Scnpnpict (tinted paper), ft^on unb flnrf in Scbcr gebunbrn 12 00 3?o. 2 C. Supcrfctn a^t liitlifcb SJ!atocco, einfnt^..-. 20 00 SRo. 2 D. bo. bo. SRiiilcn unb iDca'cii fein bcrgclbct (©ujjer- crtrn 25 00 Set 3?cfleUungcn wirb gebetcn, anjngcticn ob bie 33tbcln „mtl" ober wD^ne ©cblog" gcliefcrt toctben follen. N3.— ©mblftictie, 33iltcr, ctncn pradjtsoflcn SEttel in Snrbenbtuif, 3!lf)otogtn|:^'A'artcn fiir 16 Si3ilber ei:tbalt jebc IQttcl, von gewb|;nlict)en biajuin fetnften Sinbanb, boii 9?o. 1 bii 9fo. 2 U. ©cit 3nl>tcn wutbe biefe SluSgabc mil bidcm Slctge botbcrcitct, um fie ben bcjien i!3il ten rc^tcn ©cjt(^)ta- puntirn jufammeugeftel.t werben, fo »trl jum I'erftanbnig tct betltgcn ©cbttft teittagcn, tji brfonbctcr glcil bcitoenbei wotbcn unlet S3enu6- Kng ber bcftcn ^julfimittel unb bcfonrcia btr in tiefei 5)infii$t »cr- ttejilicben Dctbcjicttcn Sbibcliibcifcgung ucn St. ©tiet. Siucb finb tci;i Slitcn unb b.m SfJcucn SEcfinmente cinlcttcnbe SBemcr- f u n g e n rctnngcli^icft, wclttic lie tocientli^^jltn ©cfid^tfpunftc fiir bie SJctradjtung bcibct Scftnnicutc t)crBorbcbcn. Ur.i tcm Don mancbcn ©eiten geaugcncn SEunicbe ju cntiprcdjcn, fiigte tie SUcrlaggbonblung ben SIpcfr9pl)e:i tea Slitcn ScftamcritS nc^ cincn befonberen SI n I) n n g bet. Slucb cia bciscgebenco SI c g i fl e r nltbcutfcl^cr cbct fonfl ftcmbei SiJiirtcr urb ein wcitlaufigcs SJcgiftet ter wittig fien Se« grtffc, cine (Soncorbnnj, fcwie tic ©efdjiote ber 3er» ji ii r u n 8 3 1 r u f a I e ra'0 u. 31. wirb boiu bcittogcn, ben ai5cttp 2 3. Sto^Ut'i fStxlae. biefer ncuen SSibelauSgabe ju crliiilicn, bie pt^ »ot bet SSctglciddung mil jeber anbeten ani bet alten otci ncuen SDcIt nitlit ju fiirijitcn Ijjnt. !Cie a3crlagSt)antlung bat uerfuilt, iir ou§ercr SlnSftottung iai StiiBlic^e mil rem SInficnebmcn ju uetbt'nben. Eic Sucftjlaben finb bon gcpriger ©rii^E ai;^ fiir mintcr ftarfe Slugen, unb »on re-'ncm, flarein Sctmitt. Sluf jecet ©cite finbet fic^ Slngobe iti bitrejfenben Eapiteld unb .Jjaupttp^alic^. ©0 burfen Wit beffen, una bet ben bermalen fo enormcn !tejlen brr $frftellung eineg foldjen SBcrfeg unb 6ei einem j^o gtopnrtigen Untet* ncbmen tuttb tie Saufcnbe son SSibclfreunbcn teeit unb breit tmCanbt crinutbi(\t ju feben, J^igr" §ert 5)rof. Dr. !S?. 3- W a rt n bat bte $erau«gnbe tti gan jcn SBctfcg gelcitet unb fiit bie 95arnllcl|}tllen ic., unlet Sbcnujung bft bcjien uorbanbenen ^iilf^mittel, '.Esorge gctragen. IBoIf?=8tl3cr=i8tBcl, bte groge Sllliiemeine, obet tic ganje l^etl. ©cbrift les 21!ten unl) 9fcuen jcftamentg, nncb Dr. 9J?at- tin Sutber'g UcbetK^Hng. ©icbente ©teffot9p.Slu#g.ibe mtt liurbert fd'iiiicn in ben S^rrt cingebrucften Slbbilbun- gcn, biircbsiangiget SJaubeinfaffiingunb jwi-t ©tablftii^en.' Sin grower £lunrto»33anb, foiib in gnnj I'ebet gcbunben, fC^iJn geprcgt unb mit Xlopprlfdilicgcit Dcrfc^en $7 50 3nimitation'TOnrocco, mit Oolbfdjnitt 9 00 - , Sliitfifcb TOarccco, »oU Bcrgolbet, mit ®olbfcJntn 12 00 bo. bo. eitra fein 1500 S5olf8"SilBcr=SiBcl, fleine, cbct bte ganje fjcilige ©li^tift bc8 Sllten unb Sieucn'SrllnmcntS, natii tct leuti^icn Uebcr(cri- ung Dr. SHattin 8utf)er'g. Vlit bunbert fcbiSnen in ben Sett etngcbnirften Slbbilrungcn unb jwei ©tablftidien, nuf feineg wci§ca 3)apici grbrucft. 'fet i:tucf cmpjiEblt fii^ butc|i feinc Ecutlicbfctt unb SRcinbct't, unb lapt in Sje- jug auf Sorrcctljcit nitbts ju wiinf^cn iibtig. Octas- fcanb, fdjiin in gepregtc2 ^cber gcbunben, obne ©cbliegcn.. $3 00 bo. lo. mit ©Cjjlicgcn... 3 50 3mmttntion.5J?arocco, mit ©olbfii&nitt 4 00 Siirtifi^ >Warocco, mit ©olbftbnitt 5 00 bo. bo. BoU sergoltet, fein mit ©olifibnitt 6 00 ©tcfe jwet Sluggaben ber Sibel jetcbncn ftij) bcfonbcra burdj) feltcne bollftanbigfeil au«, tnbem fie bie SlpotujPbcn gnnj, bann bnS britte unb bterte SBucb <&ixa, iai btitte 35uci) bet SBnccabact unb bie ^etjlormtg Serufalenia »on 3ofcp!)u« glauiug cnt^alten, weli^je griigtentbeilg in finberen SBibel-Slusgaben fc^len. The Holy Bible Royal Quarto Bible. With References in the Centre of the Page the Text Comformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Con taining Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, various Tables, Engravings and Family Record. Photograph Record foi^^G Cards. No. 1. Roan marble edges, $6 00 No. 2. Turkey Morocco, gilt edges gilt sides, 10 00 No. 3. Turkey Morocco, gilt edges full gilt sides, extra 12 00 No. 4. Turkey Morocco super extra, full gilt 15 00 Clasped for 25 cts., fio cts. and $1 flO 3. fl 0 H e t'g S e r I 0 g. 3 Bii^ncr'e, M. ©nttfricD, biblifi^e fReaU unb SScrbal-^anb- Soncortnnj. I5ut^gefe^cn unb Bcrbejfett Bon Dr. §ein- ttcb Sconbatb ^eubncr". SKit cincr SBortcbe Bon Dr. f^i- lipp fc^a^, unb cincm Slnfenng Bon 8060 SBifclftcacn Bctmebtt son gjajiot SI. ©patb. Etc nlte SSiicbner'icbe Soncotcnnj in ibrer fpnteren SJcarbcitung Bon Dr. $. 8. ^cubner ift -etn fo Bottrefflicbeg unb Wcljlbefanntcg SBucb, bng JU tbtct iSmpfcblung fein SiBott ju fagen niitbig t^ Sein ^-'rcbiget, Sebrcr, ©cnntagsficbuHc^tct unb ficigigct ©djriftlefer fotltc ol;ne biefe Soncorbanj fein. ©ie bilft i()m jcte Bibcljlcllc, aug let ct fii^ nnt eineg SBortcg cr- innert, finben. ©ie giebt il;m cincn Ueberblicf iibet SlUeg, Wag bie lietligc ©^tift iiber trgenb cincn ©egenftnnb icbrt. ©ic crflart fammtlid((e in bet ©c|)tift Borfommenbc SBorte unb giebt cine bcutfcbe Ucbctfe^ung bet f)c!;rnifc|)en unb gticc^'ifcbcn (Jigcnnnmcn. ©ie bie tet cine futje fagli^e Sluglegung bet fi^wierigcrcn 93ibcl|ieKen,unb tjl baburdj) ein unenttcbtlicticr ©c^ng fiir jeten ^^iebbabcr unb gorfcjjcr bet bctligen ©i^itift. "Lai SBcrf tft nninliC^ in jcbn ino- natlt^cn Ciefcrungcn Bon je 120 ©etten groy fRopal-Dc- taB auf fcbiJncm weigem JSapicr crfcl)icncn. 5)reig bet Sieferung, in Uinf4)lag brocjjirt 50 9Jo. 1. Somplete ©Tcmplarc, f4)iJn in ijaib 3m. TOnrocco gcbunben $6 00 91o. 2. ®anj in Ccbcr gcbunben, gcprfgtpEcdcn u. Sliiden 6 50 9fo. 3. gcin, m balb ertrn tiirfiftj^ 5)?nrocco 6 50 Slnbang ju Sflc^nct'g Soncotbanj, fepntat, broc^itt 50 ©rbauuTTigsbUchci:. Mrnbt'S, 3-1 Mi Siiclicr Bom waijxtn Stjrijlentljum, nebjl bem Seben beg fdigen Slutorg unb bepn ^atabieggattlcin, ,ou^ bie ©onn- unb geicrtagg-SBangelicn unb tepijleln, ' mit 66 |)oljfcl)nitten. Quattfotmat. ©anj in Cebcr gC' bunben unb Eoppelfcblicpen $5 00 Slct^t SMatocco, mit ©olbfC^nitt, fein BCtgolbct 8 00 Slrnftt, 3. Siefclbe Sluggabe auf biUt'gcm papier, gut gcb... 3 50 ©tefcg woblbcfannte SBerf cmpfieljft fit^ aUen cJrii|Hi4tcn Cefern, bie nur etnigcn aBcrtfj auf cicbte grominigfcit Icgen, buttb feinen cinfadjen unb cinbtingenbcn ©tpl, unb bucc^ bie ttatme unb bctjlicbe Slnbncbt unb Sicbc, bie fi4l aug jetem Eapitcl biefeg ft^iinen SBetfeg obfpiegclt. (ii eignet ficb ganj auggcjeii^nct alg ein l^amtlicnbuc^, woraug fi($ je^ bet gamilienfreig cibauen unb bcle()teu fntin. (Sin aCcif bicfet Slrt tji befonberg gecignet, bie ©aii^e beg od^ten &t)nftent^nmg ju befiirbetu. Dicfcg SBcrf ijl noc^ bctcutcnb #fgt6gett buti^ ben Slnbang bet jicbenuubjwanjig geiftlidien ©cnbbticfe beg fei. aSerfoJIcrg, bie bi>i jcgl no4) tn gat feinet anbeten Sluggabe entbalten fmb. 3amilic:n:®cliet&ui| jum $aug-®onegbien^. 3n IDtuglin gebiiiiben • ^ 4 3. Jio^EiIti'^ SSeilag. ©retflntffe, Sit, lies germ, fiir ©cbulc unb ^aug, DctaBo, mit 30 $oljfc(initten, fcbbn gebunben, fcbwatj ?t) Dtefelben, bo. colotitt 30 ffiofner, Sobanneg, ©dia^ftiftcficn, ent^altenb biblitfcbe S?c- ttatltiinjien, mit etbaulidien Siecern auf atte iage im 3abte, jut Sefiitbetnng bauglii^et Slnbacbt unb ®ott|cltg- ¦feit. .SleinDctaB. 3n Sicinwanb ; $100 ©olibet gepregtet Scbctbnnb, mit Dopbclfdiliegen 1 75 bo bo obne ©C^itcgeu 1 50 3n 3mnittatton-U)(ntocco, mit ®olbfd)nitt 2 50 3n WaxDUB, mit ®olbfct)n{tt unb Bcrgolbct 4 00 gofodcr'S, Wl. CuSloiB, ^Jtebigten fiit qtte @onn», gefl= unb gctertage, ntbji eintgen Sugtngg-S'tcbigtcn unb ®rab» reben, mit bem Silbntjfe beg *J3erfaffctg unb etweitctten 5Uittbcilungen oug feinem ougeren uno tnneten Scbeng- gangc, nebft etnem Stnbange son aibt natbgelajfcncn 5)te- bigten. ®rog 9{oBal"£)ctaB. ©ebon in Scinwanb gcb. 2 50 ®anj gepregtct Scbrrbnnb, mit Doppelfcblifgen 3 50 ©oltbet gepreSter Seterbonb, mit gefptengiem ©tjiiitt, oline ©4)Itegen 3 00 SUatDcco, mtt ®oltfcbnitt, setgolbet 5 00 3rt tilrfiftbcm 'Karocfo, Boll Btrgolbet ,. 6 00 (Srtta tUrftfcb TOnrocco, mit ®ol"bfdinitt, BoH Bctgoltet.... 7 00 &aa8, 3. ®., ©(|ul-Sarmonte. gntbnltmb cine ®cfang- Icbre, 30 Sborale unb 30 rcligib'fe ®eiange fiit bie ^jii- genb. ©reijlimmtg gefejt unb jufaminrniicfletit son 3. S. ^aag, I'ebtcr, ®cfanglc|rer unb Drgnniji an let bentfcb- cBnngflifcb-lutfjerii'dien et. aJJid;aclig= u. Btoitggcmcinbe in 5)bilabflpbia. ©ebon unb folib gcbunben 40 ^tg. * ®teje ©ammlung Bon fcbiJnen, ciiifatben, erbebeuben (S.l)OTdlm unb SUelobten Witt fiir ©t^ulen unb gamilien cine willfomniene ffitftbei- nung fein uub tie Siebe ju teligiijfi-n ®efangen befotbcrn. goBermonn'S, 2)r. 3o6., cbrifilitftt !0?oi-gcn- unb Slbcnb- gebete auf alle Xage in ber 5Co($e. ©ammt ftblMim S3eic()t-, Sommunton- unt ontern ®cbeten, wie ouc^ 5Korgen-, Slbent- unt antere ncue Stctcr. ©i^iin gepreg- tct tUiugtinbant, mtt ®olttitcl 25Etg. ©cflijn gcpregtet TOuglinbanb, mit ®oIttiiel u. ®oItfd)n.30Stg. S)iefeg SBdntilen entbd'lt cine jablrcitbe ©ammlung einfatber unb fi^oner Sieber unb ®cbete, bte etnec gebetbiitfttgen lacele Bid 9Juge« unb Stoji gcwobren fiinnen. Sr. John Habermann's Mornin? and Evening Pravers, published both in German and English, the two lang uages on opposite pages, nearly 400 pp., neatly bound in cloth BOctB. GiU edged 60 cts. The same edition in Englis#only, neatly bound in clotfi 2.5 cts. Nfoally bound, gilt edged 80 «¦, efiSncr'S btbltfdje ^iflorien oug bem Sllten unb 9feiien Sejla- mente f ut bie 3ugeub unt aScIfgfibuleu, uod) Slnfottevung unferer 3eiti aufg 9icue bearbeitet son S. SI. fiijtuer. 3. « 0 5 I e t'« 3J e r 1 a 8. 6 «DUt let^t fogd'iibcn gtogen unter bem 3:crt, etnet futjen Siefibitbte ber cbtiftlicbcn 3leligioii,51 fdjiinen iBtlbirn unb {inem flatldjcn son Jlalojlina. 5»it fcbiincm teutlt^em Dtutf unt ganj gepregtem Setctbono, nnt Doppclfcblicgen $1 50 ®,inj gcptigtcm Scoerbunb, obne ictbliegcn 1 25 SBillige ©cbul-SJu^gabc, gebunben 60 Diefe §iJlorieu lourf en tor nie^r nig (juubett 3abten Bon bem from mcn §itbnet gefdjvicben, unt fint feitbem fiit Slaujenbe Bon iJinbctn unb grwacbfcnen cine crbauli^ie Sectiire gewejen. .Ecin religtiifeg !6ud) ^at mrbr 9?uern unt Skrgniigen gcwdbtt alg tiefc in einem etnfacb tinclidjcn ©ipl gcftbrirbencn ^iftotien, unb iu ber ncucren unb gefaUt^ gen gorm, worm ber gegenwdrtigc S5crfaffer bicfclbcn ctngctlcibct (jot, werben fie outb ten Scictn unfctcr 3cit eine wiUfommene Quelle tet Sibolung unb Stbauung bietcn. Huebner's Biblical Stories, from the OM and New Testament, for young people and public schools. Re modeled and improved by C. A. Koebneb, with 51 Illustrations and a Map of Palestine. Translated from the German by J. G. Oeblscblaeqeh. Small octavo, bound in leather, with double clasps, $1 50 Bound in leather, without clasps, 1 25 Cheap School Edition, bound, 60 These stories were written more than a hundred years ago by the pious and venerable Huebner, the Rector of St. John's Col lege, Hamburg. They have been one of the most popular family and school books in Germany, and to this day are read by thou sands with undiminished favor. The publisher is confident that they will meet with equal success in our own country, and will prove an instructive and useful source of the biblical- informa tion to our own children and young people of a more matured age. [ngraham. Dng Seben 3cfu. Der gitrjl aug Dnoib'g $oufc, Obet: Dtet 3abcc in bet lieiligen ©tabt. 6ine (^^mm- lung Bon SBticfen, wclc^e Slbina, eine 3iibtn oug Sllcvan- btien, wd'brenb i^reg Slufcntbaltcg in Seiufalein jut 3ctt beg §erobcg an ibren SSotet, einem xtix^tn Suten in Sgvp= ten, febtieb, unb in tencn fie olg Slugenjeuge nlle Segcben- bcitcn unt wuntertatcn aSorfiiUe aug tcm Seben 3cm »on 9Jajaretb, Bon feiner Soufe im 3i'rbnn big ju feiner Srcu- jigung onf ®olgatl)a bcricbtct. ©t^iin in •DJuglin gcbunb, $1 50 ©^onet folibcr Sebetbonb 2 00 SJonlJcnBcriitr, S. g. EboraI=93udb fiir bte Dtgel, mtt 3wt- fC^er.fpielen Bcrfelien unb fiit ben Bierjiimintgen ©efang cingerii^tet. (Sntboltenb: yjttloiitn ju fdmmtltibcn SDcrg- maagen beg tcutidjen ®efongbu#cg fiir bie coangclifij- lHt|)erif(be Sircf e in ben a3ereinti-,tcn ©taaicii, fowie ju benen leg beutftben ®efangbud)eg fitt bie refctmitte flit- cpe ; Bon ^i)H. ©i^off. Dr. unt 5)tof. ler S^^eologte. Se- nrbeitct Bon ®. g. Santeubctget, Drgoniji nn ber ©t. JPflulftitcbe. 3)tcig, gut gebunben $1 50 6 3. floHefg aSe f lag. Dicfeg (S^oralbui^ in quet Cluartformot cnt^dlt 177 bet beliebtcajlt E^orole dlterer unb neueret 3c't, uub umfagt fdmmtlicbc SUergmageti bet beiben ®efangbit4)et fiit bie lutbeiifcbe unt teformirie Sirdje in 3?ortamcrifa. BonBcnlicrfler, K. fj. Sirdpen-gbb're. Sine ©ammlung son bunteit ter beltcbtcften unt bcftcn ®efnnflflitcfe fiir fircb' lii^t ®efang-a5£reinc, Bon ®. g. Sanbenbergcr, SBetfajfer beg bctannten SBerfeg; „Sbotal6u(^ fiir bie Otgel," ic. ic. S3ei bet Slugwabl bet «titcte wutbch bauptfdcjilicb bie Se= bittfnijfe beg jSitc^enjnbreg bctii(ffid|tigt, uub baburcb ct=' moglicjjt, mit ber gegcbenen 3nf)l fo »'cl Ju bicten, alg ein ©ingibor iu einem Sinbenjabr brout^t. 3" fl'citber 3cit wurbe bet bet ^ctauggabe bet ©ammlung SRiitffii^t ouf Wenigct gcitbte SiHg=(ibote genommen, wegbalb (eitbtere mit ftbwereteit ©titdeu abwe^feln. 5)rcig, gut u. fcbiin gcb. $2 00 JSerDugenb 18 00 Stturgie unit Slgenbc : §eraitggegeben Bon bet 5)ennfvlBant- fcbcn ©^noie tet eBangelifcb»lutbetifcben Jiirdjie. 3n ®efflngbu^-gotmnt, gepregtit Seterbanb 1 25 „ „ „ Scterbant init ®olDfcbnitt 1 50 „ „ „ ganj fein debt 2Sar. gebitntcn, mit ®olbf4)nitt 3 50 Sittl^ct'S, Sr. SDlartin, ^augpojlillc, obet: 9)tebtgttn iibet bie ffisangclien auf bie ©oun- unb Bornebmftcn geptage beg ganjcn 3abreg. 3Joipal OctaBfotmat, in ganj Seter geb. 2 50 fintJcr'S ffeiner fiatcr^iSmuS, ctfldrt in gtogen unb Slnt- ttotten, jum ®ebrau^ in Sittbe, ©tbule unb $aug. Sc- otbeiiet unb lictouggcgeben im tinmen ber ffiBangelift^-Su- ti^erii'd^cn ©Bnobe Bou ^ennf^toanten unt ten benotbbarten ©taaten. Son Dr. SB. 3. gRann unb ®. g. Srotel. 6injelne Stemplare 25 3m ©u^enb 2 50 Slttl^Cl^r *>« f'""f Sate(!Siigmug ncbjl Bcrfiibictenen belejrcnten unb erbauenbcn 3ufdgcn, wie aucb betgefiigter unncrdn- bertcr Sluggbutgct Sonfcffton. ®cb., einjelne firemplote 25 SBcimDugenb 2 50 iWel, Sr. Sonrati. 5)ofauncn ber Swigf cit, obet : $retigten Bom SEob, Slufctjle^ung ber Sottcn, jitngjien ®ctid)t, Un- tergang ber SBelt, $olle unb gwigfcit 686 ©eiten, £luortfocmat, gonj in Sebct gebunben 3 00 JlfUcS Scjfoment unfetcg |)etrn unb ©etianbeg, mtt 30 SSil- betn, gtogem Diuif, in ganj Seber ncbunben 1 00 3n OTuglin gcbunben 75 Set ©finncr om ®rnJie. Sine Slugwabl Sieber jum ®e- broud^ bet Setd)cnbcgdnguipn, wte oucEi Stoftiicbet fitt folibc, bie um ®cltebte ttauein. 18mo. 240 ©eiten SEcrt. ©(^iinec WugUnbanb mit ®olbtitel 50 3v fflo^let'g aSerUg. 7 Dicfc Sicbet jinb jttcdmngi'g gcwo'blt nnb th gitten, too^Iloutenben aicimcn abg'fagt. ©pracbe unb SSctgbnu laffen nttbtg ju wiinft^en ttbtig. 3cbct fann borin ein ®cbic()t ftnben, bag ficji auf ben Boilie- gcnbcn gall bcjicl;t. ©ijoff, 2>r. SPfiilitH). ®efi^icl)tc bet alten itirt^e. SBon Sbrt- fit ©cburt big jum ffinbe teg fecbften 3obtbunbcttg. Son >pi)ilipp ©cjjajf. Doctor unt 9)tofeffot ber S^ieologie. 1264 ©etten, fcbbn in (jalb SWntocco gebunben $7 50 — $tibcIbctgerRote4)tgmug, oljne l)tjlotift!&en Slnlmng. 3)rcig, gcbunben, 20 Stg., betm Dupenb 2 00 Dct Sfioine beg l>oi^gecl)rten SSctfafferg tjl wo^l bte bejlc ®mpfc^« lung fiir biefe ctjle ftitifc^e Sluggabe biefeg jtleinotg tct tefotmttten Sitcbc — 3ubel.Sluggabe beg $eibelbcrget Satedjiigmua. Dct $ei- belbergcr ^atc^igmug. 9tacb ber Sluegabc Bon 1563 te- •Bibitt unb mit fritif^en Slnmerfungen, fowie einct ®e« fibidite unb Ubotattcriitif beg llatcebigmug ocrfcbcn. (Sin Seittog jut breitjunbcitjd'Origen 3nbelfeicr tm Satjre 1863, 3)reig, gcbunben 3U ScnU, bcim Dujjcnb $3 00 in Seinwant 40 „ „ „ 4 00 mit ®olbfc^nitt, in Seter geb., 75 „ „ „ 7 00 — g^rifllic^et Sotcibigmug. Sin Scitfaben jum Utcligiong- untcrrid)t in ©cbulJ unb •©aug. 3n 52 Scctionen. SSon fi). ©tbajf. Dr. unb 9)tof. bet Sbeologte. filetnc Slug gabe, welcbe blog gragen unb Stntworten cnlbdlt. Sinjel- neg ©rcntplar, gcbunben, 20 Scntg, bcim Dujcub 2 00 ^®roge Sluggabe, mit ©tjriftbeweifen unb Srfld'rungcit, (200 ©cittuj. (Siiijelncg ©jcmplor, gut gebunben, 50 (icnig, bcim Eugent 4 00 Qinjelncg Stcmplar, balb gcb., 35 <£entg, bcim Du^eiib... 3 00 — ®efnngbud) fiit tie ©onntaggfCbulen bet cBongcIifdj-lutbc- tif(ben unb tcutfcb»rcformirtcn iliv4)cn in tender. ©tontcn. ©cbiJn in SKuglin gebuuten 2E &}fatfl, St., SPnfior. Die ©Bangclien teg Siti^enjnljtg, fiit ©onntagg'.djulen unt gamilien turi^ gragen unb Slnmer fungen jt^riftgentdg erldutcrt. ©ebunben 25 ©lititft, SI., SpnRor. SSrofamen son beg $etrn SifcJje. ©et^g 3)rctigtin fiir bie liebc 3ugcnb. ®ebunben 25 giSmoltcn'S, S., bimmlift^cg SSergiiugen in ®olt, obet »otl- ftdnbtgeg ©ebctbucb fur olle 3citeH, jum ©cbroutbc fiit flUe ©tdnbe unb bci oilen Slngelcgcnt)citeu. SRebjl tet Scitcnggcjdjicbtc unfcreg $errn unb §eilautcg 3rfu (S^rijH, nut gjiorgcu. unb Slbcno-Slncacbtcn in SJctfeii, fowie bef fen «Uioigen. unb -atenb-Sicbctn. Diefe ©ammlung ent- ddlt eibouUiitie ®cbete unb ©cfdnge fiit ©efunbc unb firanfe, S3etiiibtc unb ©tctbctibe, ncbjl ®cbeten unb &t' 6 3. floliler'g aSerlog. fdngen fiit gtnuen tn jettt Soge beg Scbeng. 3n Scin- loaitD gebunten $2 00 ©diiin gcpregtet Setetbanb, mit ©i^ilicgen 2 75 Dbne ©diiiegfn 2 50 3inmitation-9Katocco, mit ®olbi4nitt 4 OJ Slecbt 9Jiarocco, boU Bcrgolbct, mit ®oltfcbnit 5 (0 extra tiirfifib OTatocco, Boll BctgoItet, mit ®oItf($nitt.... 6 00 Dtcfeg aSctf iji alien Denen ju cmpfc|ilcn, tie bci Srfitttung ibrer JlnbocbtJV'flicljten eineg 9J?uj}ergebeteg bet^iitfttg jtnb. 5!Kan jtnbet bter trbcbcnrc unb feclencrquicfeiibe ®ebete, bie ouf olle Sagen unb SSet- ^idltnijfe beg Scbeng pojfm. S^efonterg ju empfe^lcn Wegen beg fluggejeic^ueten, f4)onen, gtoben Drudeg. ©torf'8, Sofion" ^xieWti^, tdglidbrg ©anbbui^ in gutcit unt bbicn Sagen, cntbaltent: Slufmunternngrn, ®ebcte unt ®etdnge fiir ®efunte, fiir SetriiMe, fiir Jftonfe unb fiir ©tcrbeiibe. 9leb[t mcfircren geft-Slnbadjten unb Bie len fdiiinen ffiug- unb SBci(|)t», Soinmunion- unb SBetter- ©ebeten, OJiorgen- unb Slbenb.Slubadjten ouf oUc Sage tn ^er SlJodic, wte oucb itriegg-, Sbcuetungg-, 9)eji- unb gtiebcng«®cbeten, mtt etnem Slnbonge Bon SJiorgcn- unb Slbenb-®el'etfn, Slufmuntetuiigen itnb ®efdngen fiir ©cbwnuiicte unb ©cbdrenbe auf attctiei 3ufdUe. JPobl- feile Sluggabe in grobem Dtud. DctoBfotinnt. ©ibou in SeinwauD gebunben $1 00 ©anj in Sebet gebunten, mit Dopi-elfcb'iegen 1 75 Dnffclbc, ganj Seterbanb, obiie ©ibliegen 1 5l( 3mntttation-4)?ari'cco, mit ©oltfdmitt 2 50 ^ccbt iJiorocco, mit ®olbfi^nitt, boU Bcrgolbct, fetn 4 50 ®egen»d'rtigc Sluflage biefeg in ganj iSuropo unb and) in Slmetifa tctiibniteu ^oubbud^eg jete^^net fid) batutcb aug, tag fte son einem ®laubengfteunbe -start'g genau tutcbgcicben unt son oflen finn- entjiettcnten Ctucffcblecu unb ungebtdu^liCj^en 9iebengatten focgfdltig gereinigt Worbcn tft. Btark's, John Frederick, Daily Hand Book for days of re joicing and sorrow. Containing Exhortations, Prayers, and Hymns, for use in Health, in Sickness, in Trouljle, in the Dying Hour ; with various Festival Exercises and' many beautiful Penances, Scripts, Collects Prayer for Good Weather, Morning and Kvening Prayer, Prayers in Time of War, of Death, of Pestilence, and of Peace. With an Appendix of Morning and Evening Prayers, Exhortations, and Hyms for Tiines of Preg nancy and Labor. Bound in muslin $100 Solid bound in leather, with double clasps 1 75 do, do. without clasps 1 50 Immitation Morocco, gilt edges 2 50 Turkey Morocco, gilt edges, extra 4 50 Thin celebrated work has had numerons editions in the original Ger man language, and has becume an indi-pensibe part of the fariiiry library, wherever the German language is spolcen. The publislier Hatiers hnn- self that the fair legible type adopted for this bi» k, as vveil as the low price at which ic is oUered, will shuw mat he has spared no pains lo dis seminate this work of the learned,' pioua, and lowely-minded Btoi-k among all otosses of the people. 3. S 0 5 I e r'g S e 1 1 0 g. 9 k ogclfintf], 3.. SPoflor. Dog Seben Dr. Wartin Sulfcr'g fut ©onntagf^ulcn unt gamilien, iu SJJuglin gebunten 25 SaSitftljcrs, 3of). j5cinr. SBtlft., 9}?Btgcn. unt Slbcntopfct, ncbjl ontiren ©eidngcn unt einrm Slnbnnq ; mit einem Jitelfupfcr. ®enau uncb terOriginnlauggnbe, 18mo., 328 ©c'ten. ©dib'n in SOhtglin geb.', mit Bctgolbetein Stiiifen 60 ©diiin in Scbcr gebunten 75 Smmitotion 5Dfatocco, mit ©oltfdmitt $1 25 to. to. Boll Bergoltel, mit ®oItf(bnttt 1 50 SledU Warocco, fein Brtaoltet, mit ©oltfdmitt 2 50 Diefe -scnmmlung Bon f^iincn, ai'.mutlii.'icn uiit bcr;eil)rbetibcn Sie- betn iji fo wobl unb nllgemciu befonnt, bag rg fount nbtbig fdicint, bte Slufmeiffomfeit rincg djrii'tlidien 5Pablifiimg auf ciefelbnt i;injulcnfen. Diefe Sieler fint in cincr cblcn ©on^ic nbgefagt, unb fiinnen gelefcn unb ttietet geleicn wciteit, obne tog §crj oiiet ©ctjl tct fcbiSncit'Ditb- tung mitte wettcn. S\d)oUt'S StunScn Scr 9ln6nil)t jur Seforberung Wal^rcn Sbrijlen- ibumg unb bduglidier ©ottcgBCte^rung. Diefclben etfdirinen in Bict gtogen DrtaBbdnben, jebct Senilis 6 10 big 620 5 eiten cnt- ^flltcnb, mit neuer ijicbrift unb fcj)i)ncm Dtucf. 5J?it bem 9>ot- troit beg i^cr'ajfrtg in iKtnblftiel). Um bem Innggebegten SBunfcbe bet Btfirn greunbc beg Berjlorbencn, otlgemein genibtcten unt bcfannten a3crfoffetg, wclcbcr fii^ in bet ©cbwei\ fowobl,_nlg in gnnj Entcpa, turt^ feine SBrrfe einen bleibcn- ben SRubm alg iJidiriftfteller, ffliirgct unb g.imilienBater crworb, cnt- gegen ju fominen, fo crfcfeeint eine ncue fdiiine Slugjiobc Bon 3\it)otlc'i iStunteii bev 3Iutad)t in Bier gtogen Dctai'bdnbcn. gin jccct Seiet fonn burii^ biefeibcn feinen ®[nubcn nn ©ott uub 3ciug (ibrtftug ftdifeu unt giittlidien Srojl in fcldieu ©tunbcn leS Se- brns torin ftntcn, in lencu unfer ©cmiitb mit llnglucf nnb tiefcm Auiumcr fcbwrr belabrn ijl, unb ingbefonbcte, Wenn itng bie gclicbten U.iitigen burcb ten lob cntnjfen werben. ©ie jint ein wa^rcr ^ougfioB fitt tine febe t^rijlltcbc gamilie. Urbit jwcibuntert Sluilagcn fint son 3fcboffc'g ©tunttn tet Slulod^l in Dcutfdilont crftbii-nen, unb fein 'Suc^ iu tet SSclt, ouggrnommen unfete S3ibcl, bat fo Birle Stujlogcu gcliabt. Dieg tft bet gciigte unb tiibtifljlc 3!3ewcigteg fo ft^dgboreu 3iil)altg. SBir etlouben ung einige iffiorte oug 3fcS)offe'g aSoitcle bict folgen JU loffcn : „3cb Wat in ten 5'oldiien tet ©rogen, in ben gclblogetn bci Srieog- [leeic, in ben SBcrfftdtten frietlicbcr SBiirger, in ten $utten let Sir* muit). Ueberall font t(^_®cinii!bcr, betcit unt gcuci.it ju bciligcn Unti-t().iltungeit ; iibcrall acjjnfucbt jut S3cfferung teg §erjeng, §in- jirebcn emer bcfiinimcrtcn 5ccle jur i'crfiitmuna mit fic^ fclbjl, jut 4'creinigung mit ®ett; iiberoU log ewige loutc Setiirfiitg, nidjt cufcr SEcli oU;tn, ioutern oucb ben Sagen einer fiinftigcn SDcIt ju Icbcn, Wildie unfeblbar ung crworict nacb ten gtogen SUciwanbluugcii, tie wir in tet Soocgftuntc erleircn. Slbct jene .^si-bnfudit bet 9Ken)cbcn Wat leibcr nut ©ebufucbt unb S?ebittfntg teg Slugcnbltcfg. Ug fom ein jwcitet Slugrnbltcf, nub tie beUiacn l£ntfci)liijfe waren tm ©cbrdnge onbcicr Umjidube unb 3ct* to 3. Son«t'« SBetUfl. jlrenuiigcrt Berlorcn uitb Bcrnfu&tct. ffiin onbeteg §-tj ftbten oft bet 9J?cnfcb in feiner Srujl ju ttagen, Wenn et tm Scmijel jid) Bot bera Slllrtbciligftcn beugtc ; ein ontereg, wenn et oug cen J'fotten bet ^itdbe tn tag ©tgrdufcb teg oOtdgltcben Scbeng binaugttot. Denn nicbtg jiimmt unfer |)erj fo febr ju bletbenbcn frommcn ®c- finnungen, ju fcboncn unb *riftli(bcu Sbaten, olg Unterboltungen mit ©ott in einer ©tunic tet fiini'amfetf. Wo tie ©ecle, loggcbobcn son atten ©orgen, alien 3crftrcHHngrn beg Scbeng, ibrem cwigen 93ater ju- febrt unb tbm atlein angc^iirt ; nidjtg Bctmcbrt fo febr l)duglid)e ©liirf- feliiifcif, nig wenn ber 45ater occt bie 9Kutter tm iireife ber licben 3brigcn iid) mit ben crbabenflcn ®egcnftonben, mit tem §ciligt()uine Jeter ©ecle, mit ®ott uut feinen ©d)iipfuugeu, mit ten SfBabrbeiten tet 0Jeiigion 3rfu Sbrifti, mit ber gwigfett unb ben Svwartungen beg fiir bte iwigleit erfcbnffcncn ®eijleg untetbalten. @in jlittct griete Bcrbreitet fiib naii[ foldicn Unterrebungcn iiber tic ©cmiii^er ter go- milie, — eine Sbrdne ler Sfii^rung Bcrfiegclt oft ten Sunt ler ^t'er Bereinten ©erjen ; gliitlid) auf (Srbcn ju bauteln, um ewig ©ott wiir- tig JU fein. SBct biefe ©eligfcit fdion cmpfnnbcn bat, fiibit bie SBabr- ^eit nicineg !fi?ortfg ; — unt Wer fie nie empfanb, loarum ftrebt er, ber nod) oHcrlei ©lucf biirflei, nidit uod; tem (jinen, wai ibm fein Uebel beg Scbeng rouben, foutern nur erbiibcii fann ? . 3ur SScforterung foldicr ©tuutcn ftillet Slulacbt unt lidugltcjeit ©liicfg will id) tuttb tiefe Sidtter oerfudicn beijutraaen. ©ie follen cud) geweibt fein, Siinglingc unb 5)Jdbcben, bie t'bt.mt't frobcu nnt bangen'Sbnungcn in bieSl'cit binougtrrtcnt, furem beijern 5tU'li nod) nicbt trculog gcworien f.-ib. 9J(oiien fie cudi ftiUe SCiirbe bcwnbtrn in ten grcutcn teg ©liicfg, religiofcn Wlnti) in ber ©tunbe beg .tet- fen in fol.irnten Sinbdnten bejo.icu wrroen j 9?o. 1. ©cbuntfu in 4 33nute, bolb 9JJarcccp, einfodS) $8 00 9lo. 2. ®eb. in 2 33dnbc, bnlb TOnrccco. cinfocb 6 50 9?o. 3. lo. 4 to. ^olb crtra tUrtifcb 9»arocco 10 00 9?D. 4. to. 2 to. to. to 8 00 9lo. 5. to. 4 to. Bott aWarocco fcinfod)} mit ®oltf^n. 14 00 9lo. 6. bo. 2 to. bo. to. 10 00 9lo. 7. to. 4 to. ©uper titrfifcb Warocco, crtro ein- facb, mit ®oltf(bnitt 16 00 91o. 8. bo. 2 bo. to. bo. 12 00 9?o. 0. bo, 4 bo. ©uper tiirfifdi 9)?orrccc, crtto, BoH Bctgoltct, mit ®olcfd)nitt 20 00 Ko. 10. bo. 2 to. to. to. 121)0 ©ubiciiptioneu wctien angcnommen ouf liefcg SBcif unb jn-nr btocbiti in Hmfdilag, @ :Bonb 1 25 ©ibunccn, bolb 9J(atocco, @ a3anb 2 00 Dicfcg SBctf tji eiu waiter ^ougf^o^ fiir jebc cbrijUtt^c gomilie. 3. fflo^let'g SJerUg. 11 in jtnci betfdjtclicncn SluSgaGcn.' Um ©driller, ben Sicbling ter tcutfc^en 9Jation, beffen 9fome jetem bciitf^en .fjcrjcn ^cilig iji — ber, olg Slpoftcl wabrer greilicit uub ©ittlicbtcit, inebr nig itgcnb ein oubcter ©cbrifi^ellcr baju bctgetragen ^at, in ben §erjcn otter SBrittcrildmme beg gemcinfamen SSaterlanteg ben Drang iiaCb 9?atiouolcinbcit ju cnlfotljen — um biefen geiftigen §i-tog-allcn Deutfcbcn Slmcrifag jugdhglicb ju mocbeit, baben wit ung eiitfcbloffen, ju Sbrcn tct nun fo glotretd) ettungencn (£inl;eit unt GStiJgc Deutfcblanog in biefem Santc ein ®etdcbtiiigmal ju erridjtcu, bag nid)t nur teg grcgcn Diibterg witrtig, fontcrn juglrii^ aucb fiit teutfc[)'anterifauifc!)eu Untcrnebmungiigeift cbrcnb fein foU. Qn tie- fern Setjufe bieten toir tem 9)ublifuai ©cbtllct'g fnmmtltcbe SBcrfc iu jwct Bcrfcji iebe nen Sluggabcn, tie ciiic in jioiilf S3duten, flein CctaB, tic antere in jwei S3diiicu, grog Slopal- gorniot, lie on (Slegniij, ftrenger Sotrcft^cit unt bittigem ^Jritfe aUcg„ big jegt in Sliucrita ®ebotcne weit bintet fiib Intjen uub felbfi ben bc jien in Deutfcbloni crfcbiencn Sluggabcn in feinet SBcife naC^ftcben, gcjl iibctjeugt, bog biefeg Uutcrnebmcn Bon gldnjcnbcm Srfolge ge- triint wctbcn witb, lotcn wit atte uu|'tte beuifcjjeu Sonbglcute in biejem Same ju regei Untctjliiguitg etn. ©ibiUet'g fdinnitltC^e SBctfe Werben in ben folgenben funf Betfcbtcbencn Slugjlattungcn ouggcgcbcn : 3lo, 1, in 12 Sonben, ficin Dcto-B, auf fi^iinem Wetgcm ^Japicr. 5)teig, brocbitt in Umfcblag, @ iBout 60 ©ebunben in aJtuelin mit ®olbiitel, @ S6anb 75 Eomplct, 12 93diitc, btocbirt $7 20 bo. iu TOuglin gebunccn 9 00 bo. in 6 siJdnbcn, in t)alb SJJorocco gebunten 10 00 bo. in 12 Ji3dnocH, bo. bo 15 00 •Jlo. 2, in 12 SBdnben, nuf feinem Sonpopier (tinted paper). a3rocbirt in Umfdjlag, @ SSout 75 3n feinem aUuglin, mit ©I'lbtitel, @ S3anb 1 25 bo. to. mit ©oltf^nitt, @ SBont 1 50 Eomplct, in 12 SBdntcit, ttod)irt 9 00 to. in 12 to. in f-itnem 9J?ugltn gebunten... 15 00 bo. in 12 bo. in balb SUorocco gebunten 20 00 bo. in 6 bo. bo. bo 15 00 9lo. 3, Sluggabe in 2 Sdnten, grog Sto^al-DctoB, ouf fii&iir.em tBcigcm 9)opict, in 16 Sieferuugen, jcte circa JUO ©ei ten ftorf, in Umfdilog gcbcftct (c^ 25 Eomplet, in 2 SBdnten, bvodiitt..... 4 00 bo. in 2 bo. in 9JJugltu gcbunben 5 50 bo. in 2 bo. in balb 9Jiorocco gebunben 6 50 Jla. 4, 3lug.-obe in 2 Sdnben, nuf feinem Sonpopier (tinted paper), in 16 Sieferungcit, jebc citca 100 ©eiten jlorf, in Umft^log gcbcftct @ " 35 Eomplet, in 2 Sinten, btocbirt 5 50 be. in 2 bo. in ^alb Timlin gebunten, fein 7 00 12 3. SoMer'g SSetlog. (Somplct, in 2 33dnben, in bolb OTorocco gcbunben $7 5(1 bo. in 2 to. in bolb 9JiarL-cco gcb.. crtro fein 8 5;) bo. in 2 lo. iuBoll tUrfiicb 9JJor., ©upcrfcin 18 01) to. iu 1 S?(inb, bo. to. to. 12 00 Ko. 5, Slufgabe fu 2 33dnten, (btutgc SScIfgouggabe) ouf gu- tem Dtudpnpier, brocbirt 3 00 ©diiin iu 9}(Hglin gebunten 4 00 Sdiijn tn f)alb iffiarrcco gebunben 4.50 ©cbiin in 1 Sonb pebunten 3 51) SSon tet Slugqobc iu 2 S3dnten wctcen tie ^JsCtifibcn SSctfc, Ijict S3ant, unb 9'rofaifdie gBerfc, 2tcr 3?ant, cinjcln BCtfouft. aSon let Sluggabe iu 12 SBdnten wetten otte Sdnte etnjcln abgcgt< ben, Wog beionterg fiit Sebr-'Jlnftaltcn ju tcriitfjic^tigen ijl, Snbalt berfelben: I. S3 0 n b.— ®cbt*te. 2. S3 a n b. — Die Sidubet. ©(^oufpicl. DicSRdubet. Stoueifptcl. « Die SSerfc(>worung beg giegco in ©cnuo. 3. 33 0 n b.— ffobole unb Sietc. Don Sorlog. Der TOcnfi^enfcinb. 4. 53 0 n b.— Syattenflein. gin btnmotifiJicg ®eb{(|t gri'tctSbcil: SBattcufteing Soget. Die 9'ifcclomint. 3weitet Sbcil : aBoOf nPeiug Sob. 6, 33 a n b. — 9Korta ©tnort. 3ungfrou Bon Drfcong. Die a3rflut son aJJefjino. 6. 33 0 n b.— 3Bilbclm Sett. Die Imlbigurg ber Sunjie. 3pb'gcnie in Slulig. ©cenen oug ben J'bonijicrinnen. 9JJacbetb. gin Srauctipicl. 7. S 0 n b.— Sutonbot, ?)rtnjcfjin bou gbina. Der ^.'orafit. Dtt 9Jcffe olg Onfel. gj^obto. 9lod)lag: 1. SBotbccf. II Die 9Ralt!)efer. ill. DU JSintet beg |)aafcg. IV. Dcmcttius. 8. 33 0 n b.— ®crcbic&te beS llbfoag ber SScrcinigtcn 9Iiebetlanbe Bon ber fpanifi^en 3{rgicrung. 9. S3 0 n b. — ®cf^id)te beg ttcigigjdljrigcu jiriegcg. 10. 33 0 n b.— gjrofoifibe ©ditiftcn. grjlc SJctiotc. 5)rofaifcbe ©cbt'itcn- ^""''f ^jJctiott, II. 33 0 n b.— Sleine Sdjtiftcn ocrmifctten 3nbaltg. 12. 33 0 n b.— 24riftcn Bermi\c()ten 3n?)oltg. SlnmcTfung.— 3ntem wir unfcrn beutfcben TOttbitrgctn © iti fl it r ' g fammtltcbe SBcrfe in Bctf^icbcnen Sluggabcn bteien, fei eg un< 3. .Refilet'g SSetUg. 13 gejlattct, ben Umjlonb befonberg bctBorjubcbcn, bag wit Weber flojlen nocb 5Biibe fdicuten, um bog gcwi'B fcbt bctcutcnte Unternebmcn in etnet tem tcutf^-ontotlfanifc^cn S^erlaagbuibliantel jur gbre gcrct- ^enben SBcife burd)sufiibten. 3D?'t tiefrm 3wccfe Bor Slugen Inurbe • nicbt nnt fiit wirfliib fcbone Slugflottung an Drucf, 55,ip;cf unt gin- bant ©orqe gctragen, fontcrn jugleiil) nuf tit giBgte Sorrrfibtit nnb SSoUildntigfcit bcbodit genommcnjfo tog ficb unierfficrf in Jeter ©in- ftdit ler bcftcn Sotto'fdicn Slug.iobe fiibn on bie incite jlettcn borf unb otte oubctwdrtg erfcbienenen Sluggabcn weit btuter fid) Idgt. ©o tbct- len wit J. SB. bte in mancbctt Slugaoben gdnjiicb feblcnten Bcrfibtetcnen Scgarten einiger ®et14te ioibillet'g mit; tegglciibcn — wag no- ntentlicb Sbcotcrlicbbobmi ^odifl etwiinfdit fein wirb — tie fogenonnte „S3itbncnouggabe"bcgSroucrfpiclg „Dte 91 du ber," bie Bon 2d)il- ler felbfi tm Sabre 1782 nocb bet Siteratnrauggabc bearbeitet wurte. Diefe SSiibnen.iugqobe finbet fii^ nur in etner etnjtgen in Dculfd^lonb erfditcncn Sluggabe bet fdnimtli^en SBcrfc ©djtllcr'g, unb intcm wir uufetcm sIBctfc beibe Sluggabcn biefeg ewig populdten ©diou- fpielg cinBerltibrn, glouben wit ben 3Scrrbtctn beg grogrn Dii^tcrg einen befontern Dt'ciijl ju erwcifcn. Dct jebcn oucb nocb fo Uubemit- telten betitifficbtt'gEnbe bittige ^'rcig bercditigt bie Scrlaggbantluiig jitt pijcru grwortung einct regen Unterjliieung bcu isctten teg teutfdicn fublitumg unb etner oQgcmeinen 35crbrcitung bet ®cfammtwerfe Dejfen, ben Deutftblanb mit ©tolj ben cbelften feinet ©iibne nennt. @if|incr' ®Ci)t(§tc, in flein Octos, 750 ©eiten, in bcutf4)cr unb cnglifibct ©proC^c (cinanbrt gcgeniibcrjli^enb), 9lo. 1. Sluf weigcin 5'apier, in Umf^log brocbirt $1 50 to. ©C^iin in 9Hugiiu gebunben - t'O bo. bo. bo. mit ©olbfdmitt 2 50 bo. ©cfib'n in l)olb Wotocco, ertro, gebunben 2 50 3lo. 2. *^uf feinem Sonpopiet, in Umfij)lag btoditrt 2 00 bo. to. bo. tn feinem SJlugltnbanb 2 ."iO bo. to. bo. mit ©oItfd)nitt, bo. 2 75 bo. bo. bo, in bolb 9)Jorocco, crtto 3 00 Bchiller's Poems, published both in German aud Eng lish (the two languages on opposite pages) small Svo, 750 pages. Mo. 1. On white paper, paper cover, 1 50 " Elegantly bound in 1 volume, 2 00 " do. do. do. gilt edges, 2 50 No. 2. On tinted paper, in paper cover 2 00 " do. do. in nne cloth, 2 50 '¦ do. do. , do. gilt edges, 2 75 The same edition, in English only, white paper, bound in cloth, ^ 25 White paper, bound in cloth, gilt edges, 1 50 On fine tinted paper, do 15) do. do. do. gilt edges, 1 'O do. do. half morocco, extra i 175 14 3. itoHet'g SSerlog. Schiller's Complete Works in English. TWO VOLUMES LARGE KOYAL OCTAVO. Selected from the best Translations by S. T. Coleridge, E. L. BtiLWEE, Melish, A. J. W. Moekison, T. Maetin, J. Chuechill, 0. J. Hempel, and others. Edited hy Dr. CH Alt LES J. nEMPET.,. PRICES : FINE WHITE PAPER. In Paper Cover, in 2 volumes, $ 4 50 No. 0 — Bound in 1 vol., Cloth, 5 00 No. 1— " " 2 " " 6 00 No. 2— " "2 " Half Morocco 7 00 SUPERFINE TINTED PAPER. In Paper Cover, ia 2 v'olumes, 5 50 No. 3 — Bound in 2 vol., Fine Cloth, 7 00 No. 4 — " "2 " Half Extra Turkey Morocco, 9 00 No. 5 — " " 1 " Super Turkey Morocco, extra, plain, gilt edges, 12 00 No. 6 — " " 1 " Super Turkey Morocco, extra, full gilt, gilt edges, 14 00 No. 7 — " " 2 " Super Turkey Morocco, extra, plain, gilt edges No. 8 — " " 2 " Super Turkey Morocco, extra, full gilt, gilt edges, 20 00 Among all the great modern bards whose mighty intellects have thrilled and electrified mankind, Sohillee towers pre eminent. Not that we wonld ignore the just claims of others who vied with him for the wreath of immortality, yet we may truly say that none of his great rivals did as much as he for the cause of humanity. With the loftiest genius he combined the greatest moral purity, the glowing fervor of the reformer, and the world-embracing love of the philanthropist. His was the devine spark that kindled the ecstatic fire of thought and feel ing ; his were the soul-elevating strains that animated every bosom with love of virtue, truth, and liberty. He never pros tituted his God-given genius to unworthy purposes ; he never penned a single line that did not, directly or indirectly, aim at the social, moral, and intellectual elevation ofthe human race. His great heart was all aglow^with love for his fellow-men. Their sorrows were his, and his their joys. Hence the unparal leled popularity which he enjoys among the German people ; hence the more than filial veneration with which they cherish bis memory. It is not too much to say that, in Germany, Sohil- lek's works are read and admired by as many millions, as Goethe's are by thousands. Certain it is that Schillee has exerted, and is exerting, a far greater influence upon the Ger man mind than Goethe ; and we may safely say that no author, ancient or modern, has struck as deep and enduring roots in the hearts of the masses — Homer and Shakespeare alone ex cepted. To Sohiller's mighty influence, perhaps, as much ai 3. ffloHet'8 SSerlflfl. 15 lo any other cause, we may attriljute the re-awakened n&tional feeling and burning love of liberty which urged the Germans to rouse from the abject leth.irgy that had held them spell-bound BO long, and to throw oif the yoke of a foreign tyrant. No less obvious is the effect of his writings upon the gradually increas ing desire of the Germans for national unity — a desire which reached its culminating point but recently, and led to the grand spectacle of a United Germany, rising in majestic strength against the aggressions of an insolent foe, and to the achieve ments of triumphs the brilliancy of which is not eclipsed by anything that has been recorded in ancient or modern history.' Surely, then, a bard to whose influence such great results may, in part, be traced, must be worthy of tbe thoughtful con sideration of every lover of sterling literature in every clime ; and it is, therefore, a pleasing task to us to place before the American public these two volumes embodying Schiller's Com plete Works in an English dress. This Eclectic Edition com prises not only the poems and dramas, but the historical, phi losophical,, sesthetical, and critical productions of Schiller. It were supererogation to speak of the merits of the various trans lations which have been selected in the compilation of this work, for such names als Bulwer, Coleridge, Churchill, etc., are in themselves a. sufiicient garanty for the superiority of their versions. The greatest care hus been bestowed upon the ar rangement of the material by the American Editor, Dr. Chaeles J. Hempel, and we are confident that his labors will te duly appreftidted. The day cannot be distant when the works of Ger many's greatest and noblest poet, humanitarian, aud champion of liberty will be found in every publio and private library in this country, and when the name of Schillee, like that of SuAKESPEAEE, wiU be a household-word in every cultivated American family. P. S. — Directors o( Lyceums, Schools, and all concerned in tha management of public libraries, will find in the Eclectic and Perfect Edition of Scbillee's Wobks a book well fitted for their readers. Ladies' r.nd Gentlemen's Reading Clubs and Circles have de cided on the superior excellence of Schiller's Works as pecu liarly adapted to their wants. l/Ompetent literary authority has long declared. SrHiLLEE to be the first of modern poets who have written in any other language except English. As a historian, he has no equal in the present century. Who would remain ignorant of the works of such an author, when they may be obtained at such a price as that for which these volumes are offered ? As a. gift, either to a gentleman or lady, Schiller's Works will be found to be always acceptable, and appropriate to every occasion. A more complimentary present cannot be made to any person possessed of the slightest claim to taste and refinement. The experience of the publisher warrants him in assuring members of the trade that their are very few books now before the public as certain of a steady sale as these works of SoniL- LEB. An impartial examination of their merits is all that is detiredi 16 3. flo^er'g SSetlflg. S^crr, 3o5onnc8, ©tbiUcr unb fetne 3eit, l)alb OTotocco flfbunctn $2 0( 3;i 9Kua!in gcbunben ^ 1 5C Dag clofficbcSScrf „®d)illct unt feinc 3c:'t," bon 3ol)oitncg ©i^crr, (|l in einct neueu biUigcu Slufloge bci mir crfi^teuen. JBir miiffcy tag ^cben unb_ten Sbaratier ©i^illct'g nocb trenet Dorft.-lluug fcnncn, um ten od)t;fti'tcller gonj ju wiitbigcn ; benn feinc ©d)riften finb tag Spiegelbilb eiiieg reinen, (5!erfenlofen jebeng unb cimr cblcn, fiir oUcg ©togc uut ©uie begciflettcn ©ceIc ciuet SBelt bet „35cole" in trr ©ruft eineg OTcnfcbcn ; to tfl f.tne Cicucbe- Ici, frin freocntlit^eg ©picl mit ©cuubfogen, fetn unlautaer gbrgcij, nut SBoiirbcit. Unb weiibin jetd^net fii^ bog Sui^ ©ierr'g sor nUcn o'bnli^cn aug; siSicle Ijabtn sctfu^t, ben ju fcbiltctii, on ten fte nii^t bctan- teicbcu. 3n Iciest flicgcntct, anmutbtger, fcffelntcr UDei'fe jeicbn-t ter 3Set- fojfct mit idjarfcin !!3licf unb feiner Recet !Kcnf4c!t, aSci{)fllt-.iiffe unb Dtn.-,e. giuc Jcit, in ric nod) bie Slaincn ccg 9JJittelaltetg binciuto- gen, bie Icptc 3'i' teg 3''Pff^» bie ^tiote einct ungebcuten froiijiijt- fd)cn ;)tc'.'OiUtio;i,_cic tag Ullte ousioicbt unt tie ©ci'cllidioft umge- jl.ilict, unt tie isatctlung unb b,ig ©irfcn unfcreg Sutbcr'g ; ticfe 3eiicu unt ticfcr ©ecbfcl jic()en in fdjiiuen SDilbctn on ung ootitbet. ©cb;-rt macbt nicbt glcicb Sintern nug tcm 2cbcn unfcreg monnbof- tcn Dicbterg et:icn cmpfintfamen Sloman ; ct giebt ung tog on unb fiir fi(^ Syjeitbc mit gcitlpicbil tbcr Sreuc ; er tre:bt aucb fciuen ©ooeii- bienft mit fcincm $elbcn unb jlcllt ^.Habere in ungrrcibtcn ©diottcn ; et giebt ung cine gcboltoollc ^riiif, bie Dinjcnigrn, ter fid) fclbjt nubt jc^mci- eltr, nidjt but4 itbertreibcn:e §uloig.iu,ie.i bcrabfcjt. 3c^ fann biefeg 23u!b nu3 meinem 3?ctlog cmvfeblcu, mit bet Dollen Uebcrjeugung, bog 3-'ter eg o^ne ctfcblotTcubeg 3iiictrjfc but^lcfcn unt oft bojU juriidfcl;rcu wirb, um Untcrbaltung unb 33clc^tung ju \n(bcn. Baskervills. The Poetry of Germany. Consisting of selections from upward of 70 ofthe most celebrated Poets, translated in English verses, with the German text on the opposite page. Half bound, $2 25 Bound in Aluslin 2 00 Bound in full Morocco, antique ; 4 00 SBornr, tt., ©ommtltc^e SDctfe. 5 SSonbc, btotjitt 6 00 ©cbunccne tircmplotc, bolb TlaxBcca 9 00 '•¦ gcinf , ©., ©cimmtlicbc iJBctte. 7 33anbc DctoD, bto^n'tt 8 00 Somplct gcb. giemplote : $alb \!ebct, ciufatj) 12 00 $olb aJiotocco, crtto 15 00 Heiae, H., Pictures of travel, translated by Ch. C. Le land, with Portrait of Heine. Bound ia cloth 150 do. half Morocco, 2 00 IKtidcrt, Sr., ©ebitSte. 3 aSonbc, Jiolb ftonj. geb 5 00 3. ftol&let'a S[Jetl«g. 17 'TSJotks- xirxb ?S>ifQenb-.^chrifien. f^orn, grjiiglungcn bon SB. O. b. Sl'ollflanbtg in 14 33ou- tcn, wcbcn 2 I'dnte ©ibmiet-SaFobg ©lifdiicbtcn, mtt siclcn Sllujlrotionrn son 5)rof. S. 3tid;icr. 3ctet a3nnb son 300 big 340 Scitcn jlorf, f4)i)n gebunben. 9lo. 1. 3n SKugltn gebunten 75 9Jo. 2. 3c 2 33ante gufommcn, in 9J?ugIin gebuuten $1 25 9li'. 3. 3c 2 i^ante jufamnicn gcbunben, balb 9)^an¦cco 2 OC 9lo. 4. Diefclben in Umft^lag gcbcftct, einjelne S3autc 60 gon-.plcte grcmptare in 14 33aubcu, fcbiiu tu 9J!uglin gc bunben 10 00 to. bog ©anje in 7 33anbcii, 9J?Hglin 8 75 to. bo. bo'b Worccco, cinfacb 12 00 to. to. crtro fciu, bolb 9)Jarocco... 14 00 Die 14 33onbc brcci)irt 8 40 3ctcr 35onb bilbet fiit jiC^ ein ©niijeg, unt fiinnen cinjeinc 33anbe ober 2 33ante jufommen gibuntcu fitt oben ongcgebenen $tcig bc}o- jen werben. Dog gonje SBerf cntf)alt 93 grja'blungcn, unb jtsor : (Srfier Sanb. Dag 9J?oiIebcn. ginc S3olfggcf($id)te oug bem Slbrt^ole. Dag ©ottcgbaug^cn nnt feinc ^Bewobncr. ginc SJolfggcfi^ti^te oug tcm 3al)rc li.89. Die Dcfcrteurc. ginc §ungrucfer Dotfgcfci^iii^te. Sine SlbciuiiUe ©cbmugglctgefcbicbtc. Slug bet ©li^inietc. ginc t^etntjd)e Dorfgcf4)ic[)te. SweitcT Sanb. Die 9?ad)t son 33ingcn. SJosctle. Die a)?cctgcufcu. 92oseOc. ©omcf. |)ijiotifc5 - tomontifc^e gtjo^lung oug bem 13. 3o^»- buntett. Dft gefpenjttge ©toUcn. ginc ©ungtiidct Dorfgefi^icjite. Die 30)cite. ginc |)iftottc. , Stittet Sanb. Slug tcm Seben eineg SSogelgbcrgetg iu Stieg unb grteben. Det Bojot. ginc gtiotilung oug bet legten $alftc beg 16. 3a|r- ^luntcttg. Dog Dtiginal. gin ©tittflfin. . Dog 9Rii()libcn tu bet 9Borgenbo^. ginc Segcbcnl)cil oug bem Sabte 1716. Det Slpojiel|)of. Sine ©eff^td^tc oug bet SSotscit fSa^axad^i. JBifrtcr Sanb. 9Keinc ctjle Stout. Sine Sngentetinnctuna. Det gtcietgmann. gine Cmiigriiifcr Dorfgefc!^tii^tc. Dog $fcifct{)nnnglcin. ginc ©efd)icbte oug ben 3citen beg SBouctn- fticgeg. gtoginente oug bem Seben jttcier ormen Seufcl. Die glfet. gine ©cfibtci&te oug tem Stajfouet Sonb. Die grobctung aSoc^otoc^g. $tjiotif4i-tomantif4)e gtao^lung ani bem Sfl^te 1632. 18 3. fto^er'g SSctlofl. Siiinftet Sant. Dag ©t.ibat 5Katct unb $etgoIefc. gine ©efd^ii^lc. gin ©tatfletn son bet 9JJefcl. Deg Domprobflg 9)Jii;tbel. giue biilortfci^-tomontifdjc gtjo^luitg oug ber Witte beg 14. 3abrbuntertg. Die 9lugborfcr. ginc 9)fflljct ©cf^iicbte oug bem 3a()re 1524. iScd^flcr Sanb. $ugo son ©eefl. giue biflorifc^-tomonttfc^c gtja'blung. ©0 ging mtr'g. gine ®cfd)itbte jur Sebte unb iturjwcil. 5)occoboutag. giue Wabre ©efd^i^te oug ben 3citen bet etjlcn eng- lifcbcu 9?icter|a(fungcn in 9Jottamcrifo. Dct §ageflolj. gine Doppel^ijlotie. 3untctbucbg. gin Silt oug tem rbeinifcbtn SSolfglcbcn. |)cirat^ggeji^icj)ten. grjat)luugen im Slbentfrcife meineg £)i)timi. Siebenter Sanb. Dct Snufmann son Spon. gine biilottfc^-tomonttfii^e gtjo'^lung. ginc .^iftotie ot)ne Jitel. Dct pbpfiognomifd)e Sotf. gin gtogment oug Tt. Tla'i'i Sluto- biogrnpbic. Die 3iitunftiae. gtne ©efi^iibte. Die Fteitct 9iietcrwcfelg. ^ijlJtifciSi'romantif^e grjo'btung oug tcm 3abrc 1629. Die JJreujfa^rer. ginc grjo'blung oug tem 11. 3ol)r|)unbert. 3Iii)ter Sanb. SStclotin'g ®d!)tcjfale. giue gtjcidlung oug ben 3citcn beg bteigig- ja()rtgen fticgeg. ©uogfor. gine grjci^Iung oug bet crfle $alfte beg 16. 3a^rbunbettg. Segebcnbeiten eineg Sonbfii^aftgmaletg in 3talicn. SSon tbm fclbjl ctjo'llf. . Die ©cbult. Die gicjie son Sincenneg. 9?oselctie. SBenetig'g ^Jottt'jtcr. Sine grjal)lung oug tem 7. 3a^rje^enb btg 15. Sobrbuntertg. Die gbriftfteiibc. gin SSilb. 9tcuntcr Sanb. • Die ©cfcjiitipte son bcu jwei 9JJiilIcrgfinbetn. Det 9Bann auf bem 9}Jittclt^ortS)urme. grtnncrungen nug bem Seben etneg giinfjigetg. Die 9fotnnba'g. ginc litilorifcb'tomautif^e grjof)IUHg oug bem Sobte 1640, in jwei Slbtl)eilungcn. 3Immt. gine ©cfc^icbte aug tcm ^ungtittfec $D4llante. 3cl)ntcr Sant. Gui de Saint-Flour, ginc 9'iooelle. Der ©i|)ag im SLbwrmc ter SBiigte son §unoltjiein. gine SSolfg- fage oug tem 9?obctl)ale. Dct Scltmatf^oll SBlitc^er unt bet J'fottct Sretfii^mot. Uuinttu. gine grjoi^lung. (Sifter Sank. Dtefe unb gine. ®int ©eftji^tc. Die etjle SBoJilt^ot. 3. flo^let'g SSerlog. 19 SBig'^t.nnb SOintie galante. giue gercbicbtltd^t gtjoblung. 3m SBalbe. grinuerungcn nug tcm Seben eineg Sotji-glesctt. SBocbmnj JU Songenfclbolb. gine Doppclgcfcbicbte oug bem 3olite 1756. SDog init einmal tet SEottengrober ctjcifjltc. aSctfcbtcbeuc aBcge. gin ©tucflein oug bet guten olten 3eit. 3n)&IftcT Sanb. Det SSoigncut sou Djleutc. ginc ©cfdiii^te. Dct ©tjfcl beg D^mg 3ofcp{). gine fKoiiijer ©tobtgefd^iii&te oug bet ©olocncn Suft. Deg D.uoncn iJinb. gine i^etnifi^c ©djmugglctgeft^idpte. Det SSettct im gonjijiorium. gine ©cjibttbtc. Seim 9lugfcrncn. gine ©cfdiidjic oug tcm rbctnifc^cn SSolfglcben. Dog Socbatodjer aWcgjcbilT son 3lnno 1720. giue ©cfc^iicbte. Srcijebntcr Sanb. Deg oltcn ©c^micbjofob'g ©cfc()i4iten. Ttit 30 ncuen Sllufitatio. len son 95tof. 8. SRii^tet. Somplct in 2 Sanben. ffirftet ZitlU 1. Ttaxll^a, bte Stugwonbetin. 2. Dct ©tricf. tiiiic ©cfibicjtc, bte bet ©^micbjofob in bet ©piiinftube etjoblt. 3. Die 9tocbbargti)d;ter. Sine ©tfi^id'te. 4. SBic'g iu ben Sffialb fi^^aUt, fo fcboat'g ^eroug. ginc ©efiji^ite. 5. Die ®ef(bid)tc oon bcu gwei getfcljie^etit. 6. Die ©i^oggtabct. ginc ©efcbicbte. 7. ©0 wot'g tecbt ! 8. ©0 tbnt cine ctle tcutfe|e giirflin. 9. SSSie einmal giuct ein Dainpf|c()ijf bcfcfjcn bot. 10. ©djinicbjolpb crjotjlt son feinen gobrtcn. 11. Son gtnem, bem nian'g aucj nicbt bci ter SSiege gefungen ^ot. Wag oug ii)m gewotten ift. 12. Der ©cbmictjofob (lolt einmal einen ©ptegel sot. 13. gin Dienetfpicgel. SSierjcfinter Sant. — Sioeiter Sbell. 1. Die ©cfi^ii^^tB beg ntmeu ©ebeetcnfcblctferg-3unqeni 2. ^rinj Stcgi|en. giue ©efcbicbte fiit Tidi^tn, iit i}B^ ^inoug tsoUcn. 3. Dog ^einjclmonmbcn. gine ®ef!i^ii|)tc. 4. SSon gincin, tct etjl ein ttcuct Diener wor, unt tonn ein bta« scr§crr wurtr. 5. Unscrbojft fommt oft gine ©efc|)iibtc. 6. SCog cincr fertig bringen faun, wenn et wtH. 7. iSine ©cjc^icbtc, wte fie leioet eft poffitt. 8. Det ©tebenie. ginc ©cfcjii^lte., 9. Der SBclt Snuf. 10. Swti botte ©teine ma^lcn felten teine. gine ©cji^tc^te. 11. Sffiie cine grou i()ren 9Jiaun einmnl furitt ^ot. 12. ilteuc §aub gct)t turcb'g gonje Sont. 13. Der fom mit lauter |)Dffitung beruutec gine ©efcbicbte. 14. Dog 9JMt^en sun ©ogbocb. 15. gg ijl nicbtg fo jeiu gtfponucn, eg fommt iad) on bag 8tc()t tej ©onncn. gine ^efc()ict)te. 20. 3. So^et'g aSetlog. SS. D. B p tt $ 0 1 n ijl ein Wo^dter, oi^tet, tut^ unb bun!^ bcutfiidej SScIfg' unb 3ugentfd)rififlcllcr (ni cbcljien iccinne beg SB.rtcg. SBobutcb fcffclt cr fo niacjitig feine Scfet? 2Sie fommt eg, bog Silt unb 3«".i fo scrtroucngsoU ou if)ni bangcn, bag fein SItnmt beliebt unb Brrcbrt tft, fo weit bie beutfcbc 3"i'gc f''"g' ? ^i 'ft nidjt nut, well ci^. fo mcifterboft JU crjablen Weig, wcil Selcbrung unb junior, gtnji unb ©dicrj, griic^te unb !8litil)cn fiC^ fo onmutbig in feinen ©cbtiften sct^ fli'ditcu, fonbern sorjiiglicb nncb, Weil bci ibm SlUeg fo Icbcntig iinb fti|'cb,aug bent wormen ^ct^cu quillf, wcil tog Woblwollcntjie ©cmiitb fcine'geDct bcfcelt, wcil cr bicOTenfcbcn fo gcrne pliicfltcb fci)rn.niod)tc, uns c3 tlm traiigt, fie ouf ten cinjiacn rid)!igen SBcg jit icttcn, tct »um ©liicfe fii^t, — ten tct fitiliebcn I'ctsollfcmninung. . Ttit cincm arort, feine Scfct liebcn il)n, wcil ct fie liebt, w tl fie eg ouf jcter ©cite fiiblcn, bag eiit treuet, saterlici)Ct, ctfabtcnct gteunb unb Stot^gcbet mit ibncn fpridit. 3'.i I'cn grjob|unacn teg trrjflicbcn ©pinnjlubcni'ddteibctg jinten jtib olle SSotjiigc bc||elbcu seteinigi, uuo bie SSnbl feinet ©tojfe ijl nictil mintcr glucflid) ju nennen, nlg bie Slrt unb SBcife, wie er fic sotttogt. a3a'b finb eg gewoltigc 9ffltiitetfcbeinungen, bie ct ung f^iltctt, bait grogoitige gefd)id)tlid)c Segebenbciten. ©icr fit^tt cr ung in bie glit- lente Jlrocbt ter iEropentnelt, tort in ten bobeu 9Jorbcn, nun aii'g 9Keet uub tit'g $o^gcbirgc. gt folgt ten Sputcn teg ©emgjagctg in tic Sllpcn unt teg Sibctfangcrg on ric aracritanifibm ©een,Jowie beg SBollpfcbfabtctg in tie giniioen teg Dceong. Doib wobl wiijcnt, wie onrcgent unt flufmuutcnit tag gute Sciipiel wirit, lagt cr eg in tiefet fleinen, obet teid)baltigcn iBolfgbibliotbcf on onjic^enben Sebcnefcbil- bituiigeu bebcutcntcr iWJanucr uicbt feblen. &nn aSuutct alfo, tag tic ©C^tiitcn 33. O. Son §otn'g — ouf fo mannidifadic SIDcife bclebrcnt, iinterboltcut tWJ fiirtcrnt — iibcroli fo tiibmliC^ anctfoimt ur.b fo weit setbrettct finb; ttnu wer tog ginc licft, wiinftbt null) bag Sincere ju Icfeii, unb bet gomilicnsatet, btr t^n einmal bnt fcnncn Ictncii, weig, tag cr feinrn juscrltiffigtrcn SJlotbgc- ber unb itcuercn greunb iu ben Steig bee ©einigen etnfitbren fonn. goffmonn'S, Svonj, GrjnSlunocn. 3cbc citco ubet 100 ©eiten ftovf. 3u jibiJncni Umfcblag btoi^iirt ju bem 3)teife son 15gtg. 1. ©cjcr SBolt?. 15. gutditlog unb treu. 2. Siebct cure gctnte. 16. Die ettnntji|cj)et. 3. ^.Stiifungcn. 17. StoBc Seute. 4. Dlieim unt 9?cffe. 18. DieSEoifen. 5. Die Tl son Sj:i)etla son ©umpett. Slug tet ©egen watt, ) 11. Dut^ 9iacbt jum Sic^t ; sou SRicidatb Soton. 12, 9?al unb Domojontt son getb. ©c^mtbt. ''• Sa!f&„Slftifa,S «o„getb.©*mitt. "•&'Sgo?'! m.^.ei'Bbtx. 15. SBag tct IDJenfi^ ffiet, tog witb et au^ etnten, son fRi^. Sotou. fxtii per Sontc^en, in Umfcblag broibttt, 15 gentg. ©ibulcinbont 20 gentg. SRugltn ©olttitel, 30 gentg. Sfl- fioftlcr, 202 mt\> itt ©trage, $liila!icl))'^ta. 22 3. ^oMet'd Sctlog. Sci^ftctn, Sutitoig, Ttdxi^tnbni^, mit 90 $oIjfc;mttlen, noi$ Dttginoljet^nuugen son Subtsig Sliibtct. 9Joi| bet 24. Slufloge sctbcjfctt unb Bctmcjirt. ©cbbn gebunben 75 gcin in 9JJugltu gcbunben unb scrgolbet,^. $100 JBtBIifii^e ISilDcr, 68, beg Sllten unt STciicn 2:cjiamentg, fut @4iule unt $oug. ©tog Sluorto, fd^iin gebunten 200 3n 9)ottfolio.». • 2 00 SBUDer-Siajgs unti SefcBuib, colorirt, gebunten 30 f(|)Wotj, gebunben 20 SBtirfncr, §., groge Stlber-gtbel. Solorirt unb jleif broiiiitrt... 25 Dtcfclbc, f4)wotj 10 @(a SPo^ieia. Titni^t ^inbctt)eiinatb, in SBott, ©ang unb Silb, mit 52 31Iuptattoncn, fi^Bn gebunben 50 #c5, IBS., .gitnfjtg gobcln fiit finbet. 3n Stltetu, gejeid^- nct son Otto ©pecftet. 9Jebji cincm ctn|l!)aften 5Slnt)ange. 9'2cue Sluggabe, mtt $oIjfc$nittcn na<$ neuen 3eiibnungcn. ©li^iin gebuuten 50 ^rat^tsSilber^Sfificl, mtt stelcn grja'blungcn unb ©cbtibten 25 iBciter ttub, cine grjai)Iuitg, in aJcuglin 30 iKoBtnfon Srufoc, son Daniel be goe, no:^ tori SBttgcr'g bcutfii^ct Seotbcitung, neu crjo^lt son D. 8. §eubner, mtt Bielen SQujlrottonen, gut gebunben 50 gcfn in SWuglin 75 Settlement, Sag, im SBuf4, etne grjo'blung. 3n 972uglin gcbunben 30 @trutncl|iet''r, entt)altent lujitgc ©efc[)ii$tcn nnb trollige. Siltet -. 76 'TJSoi'fcrbiicher, ^tammafiken, ^chul- biichcr JC. 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Fr., Dictionary of the English and German languages, with a Synopsis of English words pro nounced by different orthoepists, and a Supplement, containing the history ofthe English language ; ex planation of the pronunciation, with tables ; reading exercises with different pronunciations ; a table of the irregular verbs, and a Glossary ofthe American isms not contained in the work itself; a complete explanation ofthe German pronunciation; exerclEes in reading, with au interlinear pronunciation, etc. In 2 vols. Vol. I. English and German. Vol. II. Ger man aud English. 2 vols, in quarto. 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With two sketches of Grammar, English and German. New enlarged Edition. 12mo. 830 pages. Bound in half Morocco 2 50 Snfel, Sr. 3. gf. tteonj. unb fi. §., A. b. 9?cucg soU- jlantigcg gngltfc^-Dcutfcleg unt Dcutfdfi'gnglifcpeg So- fti^cn-SBKitctbuc^, mtt tet Slugfptoci^e ber beutfcben unt ber cnglifcben SfiSb'ttct unb mit befontetct Setiictji^tt'gung ter fc4intfc!)en Slugttitcfe ter fiitnjie unt SBiffenfc^oftcn, fitt ©efi^^aftglcute unb ©d^ulen. ©ut gcb., 874 ©eiten... 1 50 Ttii btefem neuen SBiirterbucbc ^ojfcn bie Scrfajfcr bte ©proc^en ber jwei ctflcn ^ultutsijlfct ber SSelt bem grogcrn tJublitum me|r, nlg bur4) aBbttetbit^et gletcibcn Umfongg bigbcr gtfi^cbcn ijl, jugonglic^ jn inocjcn. 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Scefmonn unb 3- S. ^etjog 25 £ieutf(§tS fiefeBui^. gijlc ©lufc. gut ©onntoggf^iulcn... 15 %x^ti jRe^nenbtti^, fiit teutfcjicn ©ti^ul- unb 3)rtBot>Untet- ri*t, son ®. g. ©tomm 20 bo. gocit-Suci!) 10 (Slementarfi^iiler, tet fleine, obets tie Slnfongggtiinte im Ecfen, . ©cjteiben, SRccbnen unb Qtii)ntn, son ®. ®. ©tomm 25 StfeBttij 9lo. 1. Son 3. S. OeW4)Iag". ©ebunben 25 SefeBu* Mo. 2. 3»eiteg 8cfebut|i. Son 3. E. De]&lf§la- get. Kcue Sluggabe. 280 ©eiten 50 SSarren'l (S^ulgeogra^gte fur !Knfanger. ©ebunben.... 7ii SBtDmme'S ipofl:, ^mnV- unb C^ifeuBaln^fiovte bet Set- tinigten ©tooten son 9lott>Slmetifa 25 Baxter, M, Eev. Die jieben ©tcgel ber £)jfenbatung 3olian- • nig, otet bie gtfitllung tet SDcifjagungen tct 3)topbcten, iibet tie fommentcn SBuntet. aiitt 18 gtogen 3flu- fttott'onen. ©cjiiin in 3^2 ugltn gcbunben $100 graft, Snteteffonte Slbenteuet untet ben 3nttonetn, intt jabl- rci^en SUujitotioncn. 848 ©eiten gtog 8so. ©ebunben 2 00 Dog fo geffl^itBolIe Seben ber etjlcn Slnitttlct unlet beit SRotbbauten iji ^ict butdi jo^Itci^e gpifoten tiejflii!^ iaujititt unb btetet etnt tntc- teffonte Scetitcc fitt ^It unb 3ung. 8ciB'8, 3fooc, aSo^Ietfa'^tener 9)ferbt.Sltjt, enl^oltenb j TIU- tel fiit tie lieilnng ollcr bcfannten ~uub serfibicbcnatttgen fitonfficiten unt ©cutijen bet 3)fctte. OTuglinbonb mit ©olttitel 100 JBoHmer, SB., SoQjl&'nttgcg englifd^-beutfii^cg Str. ©taotcn Soc^bu*. gin Bon cincm betiibmtcn unb erfo^tencn flocf) jufommengcjlcflleg unb ben Scrbfiltniifcn biefeg Son beg ongepogteg ^oi^bttc^. Sllle fiit cine Wii^in uub $aug- ^i