I i u^'.'^i'y.:- -il'»i cc 3 BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Alfred E. Perkins Fund THE GENEALOGY OF THE CLEVELAND and CLEAVELAND FAMILIES AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE, IN BOTH THE MALB» AND THE FEMALE LINES, THE POSTERITY OF MOSES^ CLEVELAND WHO CAME FROM IPSWICH, COUNTY SUFFOLK, ENGLAND, ABOUT 1635, WAS pF WOBURN, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS ; OF ALEXANDERS CLEVELAND OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA ; AND OF ANCIENT AND OTHER CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND, AMERICA, AND ELSEWHERE; WITH NUMEROUS BIOGRAPHI CAL SKETCHES ; AND CONTAINING ANCESTRIES OF MANY OF THE HUSBANDS AND WIVES ALSO A Bibliograpb^ of tbe Clevelanb family AND A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF EDWARD WINN OF WOBURN, and of OTHER WINN FAMILIES COMPILED BY EDMUND JANES' CLEVELAND AND HORACE GILLETTE' CLEVELAND 1IUu6tcate& rIN THREE VOLUMES Vol. HI HARTFORD, CONN. lPvlnte^ for tbc Su6scii6ev5 bB Ubc ttase, 5tocl!woo6 &. S5vainai-6 Compans 1S99 Copyright, i8gg, By Edmund Janes Cleveland, Hartford, Conn. 2icc. /S"C DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2OO3 13112. JOHN RIDDLE" CLEAVELAND (john v.', john«, John voss«, Ebenezer*, Josiah", Josiah", Moses»), m. New Orleans, La., June 4, 1872, Helen Bateman Worrall, born London, Eng., Sept. 23, 1851, da. David and Helen (Bateman). Ch.: 15870 William Wheeler', b. Apr. 3, 1873, New Orleans; Ruth Alice', May 15, 1875, Central City, Col; John Fred", Nov. 30, 1878, Denver, Col.; Florence' Cleaveland, July 29, 1881, Denver. John Riddle* Cleaveland, res. at Quincy, 111., to 1863 ; was eleeted, 1869, Clerk and Recorder, Gilpin cc, Col.; was Clerk of 2d Judicial District from Feb., 1872, to 1876; Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1880 ; removed, Oct., 1876, to Denver, where he res. (1891); of Collier & Cleaveland, engravers and lithograph ers; sec, 1 89 1, of Collier & Cleaveland Lithographing co. 13132. JAMES WILSON" CLEAVELAND (Aaron', Aaron«, Aaron=, Aaron*, josiah=, Josiah", Moses'), d. Washington C. H., O., July 30, 1877, a. 41, m. ist, there, Jan. 6, 1859, Mary Wendel, b. there June 11, 1841, d. there Oct. 16, 1866, da. Peter and Elizabeth (Hay). He m. 2d, Brooklyn, N. Y., June 11, 1868, Mary Lyman Hubbard, b. Lebanon, N. H., July 8, 1835, da. Benjamin Tyler and Abby Blake (Bruce). Ch. b. Washington C. H. (a son" and da" are m. bef. 1886), by ist m.: 15871-6 Charlotte Amelia", b. Aug. 2, i860, unm. 1883, of Washington C. H., teacher ; Charles Henry' Cleaveland, Aug. 9, 1861, druggist, Washington C. H.; resides Greenfield, O., 1895 ; Nellie Elizabeth', Dec. 26, 1862 ; Wilson Pitt', Oct. 16, 1864; Benjamin Wardel', Oct. 7, 1866. By 2d m.: Edwin Eldridge', Dec. 27, 1869; Bessie Bruce" Cleave land, June 13, 1876. Dr. James Wilson' CLE.fVELAND removed, 1854, to Lebanon, where he was clerk for merchants ; removed Apr., 1855, to Cin cinnati, O., to learn the profession of druggist. He grad. from Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, receiving Diploma as M.D.Jan. 28, 1858. Rem., 1858, to Washington C. H., and, in CO. with Louis Starkel, opened a pharmacy. Enlisted Aug., 1862 ; was capt. Co. C, 114th O. V., from its organization; on account of ill-health resigned Mar., 1863. Afterward was U. S. Marshal. Was in co. with his bro., as J. W. & W. P. Cleave land, druggists. Mrs. Mary (Wendel) Cleaveland res. Wash ington C. H. 1886. 13133. WILLIAM PITT' CLEAVELAND (Aaron^), m. ist, Clare- mont, N. H., Apr. 5, 1865, Lizzie Louisa Sargent, b. C. July 21, 1841, d. Washington C. H., O., July 4, 1866, da. Winthrop and Louisa Ladd (Smith). He m. 2d, Washington C. H., Oct. 14, 1869, Addie Virginia Buckner, b. W. C. H. Apr. 7, 1848, da. Wil liam Moore and Jane Elizabeth (Morrison), ist m.: s. p. Ch. by 2d m.: 15877 Carl Buckner", b. June 27, 1875, New Rich mond, Clermont co., O. 2004 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. William Pitt" Cleaveland removed from Brookfield, Vt., May 25, 1862, to Washington C. H., clerk for his brother, with whom he was afterward partner, as J. W. & W. P. Cleaveland, druggists. Enlisted Sept., 1861, Co. A, ist O. Cav. The regt. left Columbus, O., Sept., 1861. Was taken prisoner at Winches ter battle, May 25, 1862, was at Belle Isle ; exchanged Sept. 12, 1862; was member of Kilpatrick's brass band till his term, full 3 years, expired. Continued in service at Washington, D. C., as orderly. Was U. S. Gauger, Int. Rev., at Washington C. H. 1875-84, and at Higginsport, Highland co., O., 1883. Mr. Cleaveland is thoroughly versed in paleontology of Ohio; res. 1886-92, Wichita, Kan., real est., of Buckner [G. O. from O.] & Cleaveland. 13138. JOHN ROBINSON" CLEAVELAND (Alpheus Baker', Aaron', Aaron", Aaron*, Josiah", Josiah", Moses'), m. MurphysborO, 111., Aug. 29, 1866, Anna Walley, born Cape Girardeau, Mo., Nov. 9, 1848, da. Thomas. Of Ark. 1881, farmer. Ch.: 15878 Phernaby Eliz abeth', b. Aug., Sept., 1867, Wayne co., Mo. 15879 Thomas Walley", June 10, 1869, Valle's Mines, St. Francois co., Mo.; Mary Ellen', Dec, 1872, V. M.; Alpheus Baker" and Sarah Eveline" Cleaveland (tw.), Apr. i, 1875, Elm Store, Randolph CO., Ark. 13144. MARY MALVINA" CLEAVELAND (Henry Janus', Aaron', Aaron", Aaron*, Josiah", Josiah", Moses'), m. Coulterville, 111., DeC 6, 1866, Rev. Samuel Rutherford Stormont, b. n. Cedarville, Greene co., O., Aug. 30, 1836, s. John and Esther (McMillan). Ch.: 15880 William Porter' Stormont, b. Feb. 16, 1868, Elkhorn, Washington co., 111.; Frederick Irving', Feb. 9, 1871, Cedarville; Riley McMillan', Dec. 2, 1874, Fayetteville, Lincoln co., Tenn.; Samuel Harvey', Apr. 24, 1877, F.; Harriet Esther"^, Mar. 21, 1881, Linden, Cumberland co., N. S.; Lewis Alfred' Stormont, Dec. 16, 1882, L. Rev. Samuel Rutherford Stormont grad. Miami University, Oxford, O., 1859 ; Reformed Presbyterian School of Divinity, Philadelphia, Pa., 1871. Was a school teacher 1859-64; grad. Iron City Commercial coll. 1862; teacher of Freedmen in Alex andria, Va., 1864 to 1866. Lived at Cedarville 1866-7, Elkhorn 1867-9; licensed to preach Apr. 7, 1870, by Western Presbytery of Reformed Presb. Church ; ordained 187 1, by Ohio Presbytery, a Home Missionary for Middle Tenn., remaining there to 1878 ; preached in N. S. and N. B. 1879; received a call and located as pastor of Goose River Reformed Presb. Church, Linden July, 1880, where he still remains, 1885 [not there Dec, 1894]! His congregation of some 50 families are scattered over a scope of 20 miles. See Reformed Pres. Advocate, Phila. Mrs. Mary Malvina" (Cleaveland) Stormont resided at Elkhorn Prairie, Washington co., 111., with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah P. and Harriet C. (Ford) Hibbard, to 1863' when she accompanied Rev. and Mrs. [a maternal aunt] Nelson DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 200 S K. Crow to Alexandria, and taught i8 months in a Freedman's school Mr. Crow had established. Here she first met Mr. Stor mont. Attended an Academy in Milton, Northumberland co.. Pa., winter 1864; returned to Mr. Hibbard's residence fall of 1865. 13180. Henry MobbinS' Baldwin (Laura Newporf Robbins,'E\izaV&Yn^', Camden', Aaron*, Josiah", Josiah", Moses'), born at YoungStOWn, O., May 25, 1867, is unmarried and still a resident of Youngstown, 1896, where he is engaged in the milling business. Mr. Bald win is a member of, and has held the office designated in each of, the following Lodges : Western Star Lodge No. 21, Free and Accepted Masons ; Councilor Washington Council No. 2, Order United American Mechanics ; Past Councilor Samuel J. Randall Council No. 3, Jr., Order United American Mechanics ; National Representative Jr. Order United American Mechanics ; Past Commander Duquesne Legion No. 10, Select Knights of Amer ica, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Past President Youngstown Council No. 78, and Past Supreme Representative American Protective Asso ciation,— W. A. P. A.— N. O. D.— O. M. A.; Sons of William Loyal Orange Lodge No. 155 ; Deputy Master Daniels Own- Royal Black Preceptory No. 30 ; Pride of Ohio Council No. 12, Daughters of Liberty ; Western Reserve Society Sons of the American Revolution (Cleveland, Ohio). Mr. Baldwin is a sub scriber for this Genealogy. 13190. IRA" CLEVELAND (Jonas', Elijah', Jonas'), m. DeC. 4, 1854, Ruth Ann Baker, b. Salisbury, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1828, da. Joshua and Deborah (D welly). Dwelt bef. 1861 Fayetteville, Washing ton CO., Ark.; was in 13th Wis. Vols.; res. Apr., 1882, Freedom, Beaver co.. Pa., carpenter. Ch.: 15881 Phila Angeline" Cleveland, born Apr. i, 1858, m. Frank Mack of Rochester, Beaver co., Pa., farmer. Children : Georgiana^" Mack; Sanford^'' Mack. 15882-3 George Ellsworth', b. May 30, 1861, unmarried, mfr.; Jay' Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1868. 13195. LUCIUS" CLEVELAND (Henry), m. Breedsville, Mich., June I, 1856, Lizzie Howard, b. Paw Paw, Mich., da. Mr. and Elizabeth (Anderson). Soldier 13th Mich. Vol. Of Parshall- ville, Mich., 1883, farmer. Ch. born Columbia, Van Buren co., Mich. : 15884 Mary Vergenie' Cleveland, b. Aug. 30, 1857, m. Mar. 17, 1874, William A. Ackerman. 15885 G. W.' Cleveland, b. Mar. 17, 1875. 13199. JEWETT" CLEVELAND (Henry'), m. Glendale, Van Buren CO., Mich., July 13, 1873, Emma Abi Salisbury, b. Cass co., Mich., 20o6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Jan. 21, 1855, da. Alva and Olive (Hedges). Was in ist Mich. Cav. Of Glendale, Mich., 1879-83, farmer. Ch. b. G.: 15886 Grace Maud', Apr. 10, 1877 ; Edna May", Aug. 9, 1880. 13200. ZELON" CLEVELAND (Henry), m. Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 25, 1876, Lucy Ann Magoon, b. Lawrence, Mich., Apr. 5, 185s, da. Emerson and Sylvia (Ellsworth). Served in ist Mich. Cav. Of Glendale, Mich., 1879-83, farmer. Ch.: 15887 Roy M', b. Dec 31, 1882. 13205. JOSIAH" CLEVELAND (jedediah D.', Elijah', JonaS'), m. July 4, 1863, Margaret Leppin of Fairfield. Of Pent Water, Mich., 1878, carriage builder; Crystal Valley, Oceana co., Mich., 1883. Ch.: 15888 Ervil J." Cleveland. 13213. JAMES HARVEY" CLEVELAND (David', Elijah', jonas"), m. Apr. 27, 1867, Helen McKinney, she d. Jan. 26, 1874, a da. Hon. John. Rem., 1880, from Elk Rapids, Antrim co., Mich., to Col. 1885). Ch.: 15889 Phebe A.", b. Feb. 4, 1868 ; Alice A.", Apr. 13, 187 1 ; Harriet" Cleveland, Jan. 11, 1874, of Altona, Mich. 13236. JAMES HINCKLEY" CLEVELAND (james Scofield', Jonas', John', John*, Joseph", Josiah", Moses'), d. bef. 1885, m. Louisa DooHttle, she res. Bell« Plaine co., Ia., 1885. Ch. : -I-15890 Jay Henry' Cleveland. -{-15891 .Charles Dwight" Cleveland. Jennie Maria", m. Koszta, la., Nov. 11, 1880, William Henry Rosecrans. Ch. : William Arthur^' Rosecrans, h. Oct. 6, 1882, Sadora, la. 13245. JONAS JAY" CLEVELAND (EliabPasohalFranchotf, Jonas', John', John*, Joseph", Josiah", Moses'), m. ist, Miss Clarissa BushncU, shc died. He m. 2d, January, 1869, Miss Sarah Littler of Florence, N. Y. Res., 1876-83, North Bay, N. Y., boat-builder 1876, taxpayer on land Vienna tp., N. Y., 1880. ist m. : s. p. Children by 2d va. : 15892 Homer', Id. June, 1873, N. Bay; Ida' Cleveland. 13247. JEHIAL HEMAN' CLEVELAND (Sliab Paschal Franchott'), m. Vienna, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1866, Maria Louisa Woglum, b. Fort Schuyler, Westchester co., N. Y., Apr. 6, 1840, da. Cornelius and Sarah Ann (Cropsey). Ch. : 15892^ Heman Cornelius', b. Oct. 29, 1867, North Bay, N. Y., pharmacy Buffalo, N. Y., 1890-5; FREDERICK VERNER CLEVELAND. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 20O7 Helen Georgiana', June 24, 1869, N. B., unm., res. home 1890, stenographer; Hiram Wesley", July 9, 1871, N. B.; Howard Franchott", Dec. 10, 1873, Buffalo; William Cropsey', Oct. 19, 1876, B.; Leland Legrand", Oct. 12, 1879, B.; Stephen Grover" Cleveland, b. Aug. i, 1882, B., d. B. Jan. 20, 1883. Jehial Heman" Cleveland was of Vienna 1866, real estate owner; residence, Buffalo 1877-98, merchant. Van Woglum, Woglum ancestry : — Van was dropped from the name 4 generations back. 13263. FREDERICK VERNER" CLEVELAND (jerome Bonaparte, Jonas', John', John*, Joseph', Josiah", Moses'), m. IStin McConnellsville, N. Y., Mar. i, 1871, Harriet Almira Tiffany, b. Vienna, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1854, died Palmyra, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1885, da. of Gilbert and Sarah (Nicholls) Tiffany. He m. 2d, Palmyra, Mar. 7, 1886, Mary Teresa Foley, b. Alliston, Canada, Oct. 4, 1863, da. James and Mary (Scanlan) Foley. Ch., b. Palmyra, by ist m. : Clara Louisa^ b. Mar. 30, 1873, d. P. Apr. 7, 1874. 15893 Frederick Gilbert" Cleveland, b. Aug. 11, 1877. 15894 GEORGEDAvis°CLEVELAND,b. Oct. 10, 1881. By2din.: Grover Folsom' Cleveland, b. Aug. 12, 1887, d. Palmyra Jan. 31, 1890. 15985. Mary Elizabeth' Cleveland, b. Dec. 11, 1888. Mr. Frederick Verner" Cleveland, residence. Palmyra (1897), wholesale and retail grocer; much esteemed. Mr. Cleve land is a subscriber for this Genealogy. (Special to the Innkeeper.) Palmyra, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1804. One of the best known men among the dealers in Wayne county is Mr. P. V. Cleveland, whose picture the Innkeeper gives to-day. It shows him tobe good-looking, and represents a man of liberal thought and generous disposition. The Innkeeper knows that he possesses these traits to an eminent degree. He made one of the best presidents that the Wayne County Beer and Liquor Dealers ever had, and only stepped down at the last annual election to let some of his brethren " have a show at it," as he jokingly remarked. Mr. Cleveland has views of his own, and does not hesitate to express them. He was a Murphy man at the last convention, and couldn't be swerved either by Tekulsky or Kearns. In a recent letter to The Innkeeper, speaking of the New York and Brooklyn men whom he met at Syracuse, Mr. Cleveland says : *' If any of thera should happen to mention my name remember me to them, for they are all good fellows, although they were not all with us at the convention. I think they were wrong in dragging politics into that gathering, and in over-riding the rights of many delegates, and I further think that the very disgraceful manner in which the Syracuse Convention was ruled contributed to the defeat of the Democratic ticket this past fall." Mr. Cleveland, when he grew to boy's estate, received a good education. But he was ambitious, and he was barely over fourteen years of age when he induced his father to allow him to try and earn his own living, and he went to work tor Maurice Richards in Utica, and remained with him for four years, gaining, during that period, the full confi dence of his employer. He was called back to his home, however, by the illness of his father, and he then lived with his parents until the time of his father's death ; and when the estate was settled up, young Cleveland moved to Palmyra, where he started in busi ness in August, 1872, and has remained there ever since. He has been 14 years in the retail and three in the wholesale business, and has developed a business tact and judg ment which has caused the firm to be most favorably known throughout all of Wayne county. When the importance of organization to the liquor interest became apparent, Mr. Cleveland was one of the foremost men to urge action, and his activity in behalf of the general welfare of the trade throughout the country has been fully recognized and appreciated. The honor of the presidency of the association was unsought by Mr. Cleve land ; it was forced upon him for the simple reason that he was fully qualified for the responsibilities. The Innkeeper congratulates Mr. Cleveland, and in bestowing upon him the assurance of its most distinguished consideration, also takes the opportunity to wish him a happy new year. Covin ancestry of Harriet Almira Tiffiany : — Was a gr. daughter of Allen Covill, Esq., of Vienna, N. Y. Foley ancestry of Afary Teresa Foley : — Owen' of Sligo, Ireland, m. Winifred Mc Laughlin, whose grandson, James' Foley, of Alliston, Can., m. Mary Scanlan, da. of Dominic and Ann Teresa (Wren). 2oc8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 13264. FRANKLIN DAVID" CLEVELAND (jerome Bonaparte', Jonas', John'), m. Vienna, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1882, Mary Forgeon, b. Western, N. Y., Feb. 8, i860. Res. Shepardsville, Clinton co., Mich., 1895, merchant. Ch. : 15896 Jerome Bonaparte' Cleveland, b. July 6, 1883, Nunica, Mich.; Olive Lorane" Cleveland, b. Jan. 10, 1888, Shepardsville, Mich. 13265. JULIUS SCOVILLE" CLEVELAND (jerome Bonaparte', Jonas'. John'), m. Vienna, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1882, Huldah Eugenie Clifford, b. Rome, N. Y., June .6, 1862, da. of Peter Cromwell and Char lotte Lovina (Brown). Ch. b. Palmyra, N. Y. : 15897 Char lotte Nina" Cleveland, b. Feb. 25, d. Sept. 23, 1883; Elsie Elizabeth' Cleveland, b. Mar. 13, 1884; Huldah Essie" Cleve land, b. Mar. 20, 1885. Mr. Julius Scoville" Cleveland, residence Palmyra 1895, merchant. Clifford ancestry: — Peter Cromwell Clifford, b. Stephentown, N. Y., July 17, 1812, d. Vienna Jan. i, 1894, m. Charlotte Lovina Brown, b. Stephentown Mar. 23, 1816, d. Vienna 1892. 13272. HENRY BATCHELER" CLEVELAND (Benjamin PenfieW, John', John', John*, Joseph", josiahs), m. Albion, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1 866, Mary A. Marsh, b. Barre, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1847, da. William and Eliza (Batcheler). Residence, 7 Cleveland street, Rochester, N. Y., 1884, fruit merchant, partner with John A. Taylor. Ch. : 15898 George Marsh" Cleveland, born Jan. i, 1867, d. Sept. 5, 1875; William Marsh", Nov. 24, 1877; Henry P.", born Oct. 23, 1882, d. Aug. 9, 1883. 13301. GEORGE HENRY" CLEVELAND (George Washington', Nehe miah', John', John*, Joseph", Josiah", Moses'), m. Harriet SterWOod. Of Canastota, N. Y., 1885, glass mfr. Ch. : 15899 James"; Blanche". 13305. CHARLES OSCAR" CLEVELAND (william Barnes',, James', Josiah', John*, Joseph", Josiah"), m. Fond du LaC, Wis., July 3, 1 869, Luella Viola Bacon, b. Linden, Iowa co., Wis., May 15, 1850, da. William and Cynthia (Odell). Of Fond du Lac 1884, farmer. Ch. : 15900 Jessie Viola Albertie' Cleveland, b. May 10, 1870; Bessie Lenore", Feb. 8, 1875; Charles Clay", May 11, 1877; Dell Gray", June 4, 1883. 13313. JAMES' CLEVELAND (josiah', james», Josiah'), m. McGregor, la.. May i, 1877, Annie Margaret Troutfetter, b. McG., Jan. 31' 1856, da. Peter and Elizabeth (Weitz). Of McGregor 1884I farmer. Ch. : 15901 Belle", b. Apr. 13, 1879, McG. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2009 13323. Laurentius Constantine^ Washburn (Leura', Asahei«, Henry', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Deerfield, Randolph CO., Ind., Aug. 18, 1853, Mary Caroline Milligan, b. Sidney, Shelby co., O., Jan. 15, 1837, da. Samuel and Margaret (Graham). Ch. : 15902 William RosTziell' Washburn, b. Aug. 3, 1854, Deerf., m. Fieldon, Jersey co.. 111., Jan. 30, 1884, Laura Minerva Brown, b. Christian co.. 111., Apr. 26, 1863, da. Ephraim Frank and Mary Williams (Dennis). Of Jerseyville, 111., 1885, farmer. Children: Carrie Maud^° Washburn, b. Oct. 31, 1884, Fieldon. Andrew Perry', born Oct. 8, Deerf., d. D. 9, 1855; Charles Melancthon', b. Nov. 6, 1856, Clinton, Henry county. Mo., d. C. Aug. 26, 1857; Samuel Asahef Washburn, born Dec. 2, 1861, Jacksonville, 111., d. Delhi, Jersey co., 111., Feb. 5, 1864. Dr. Laurentius Constantine'' Washburn, by his own efforts, received an academic education, graduating from Coolville, O., High School 1849. Engaged in the practice of medicine 1850 ; grad. at Physio Medical College, Cincinnati, O., 1851, at Ameri can Medical Coll., St. Louis, Mo., 1873, and at St. Louis Eclectic Medical College 1878; of the latter he is, 1885, President and Treas., and occupies the chair of Principles, Theory, and Prac tice. Practising physician and surgeon in Deerfield 1850 to 1856, Clinton to 1861, Delhi to 1870, Jerseyville since. Writes, May 30, 1885, that he expects soon to make Monroe co., Fla., his home. Dr. Washburn has often been a delegate to and officer in State and National Medical Associations; a member of Jerseyville Scientific Association; lecturer on scientific sub jects before St. Louis and other Academies of Science. Doctor Washburn is remarkable for originality; claims to be originator . of a new theory that we derive no heat from the sun. Of inter est to scientists are his lectures for the advancement of medical science, entitled : Creation vs. Evolution, Philosophy, of Eternal Life, New Theory upon Solar Heat. Has given much attention to our aborigines; has a cabinet of 3,000 specimens, relics of stone age of America, of mound-builders of 111., fossils, precious stones, etc., and a large library; a Democrat in politics, casting his first vote for Lewis Cass 1848, he has voted for every subsequent Democratic presidential nominee. In religion, a Baptist; a Free Mason since 1855. ' 13324. Malvina Laura' Washburn (Leura'), m. ist, Coolville, O., Mar. 29, 1851, Consider Chapin Frost, b. Troy, O., June 23, 1827, d. Staunton, W. Va., June 29, 1864, s. Heman (b. Chenango CO., N. Y., Mar. 25, 1795) and Susannah (Barrows, b. Rome, O., Dec. 27, 1800), farmer, d. of wounds in army. She m. 2d, Troy, July 16, 1866, Harvey Gilmore Frost, b. T. June 4, 1819, d. Frost, Athens county, O., May 3, 1881, s. William (b. Mass. 1783) and Siloam (Barrows, b. N. Y., Dec. 30, 1792, m. 2d, Andrew Fisher of Troy), farmer. She res. Frost 1885. Ch. by ist m. : 15903 Leura Belle' Frost, b. Sept. 9, 1856, Troy, m. Parkers burg, W. Va., Dec. 19, 1872, John B. Lemon, b. Cooksville, 20IO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Howard co., Md., Jan. 20, 1845, of Frost. Ch. b. Troy : Laura Bertha^' Lemon, Jan. 27, 1874; Charles Roscoe" Lemon, July ^4, 1876; Mary Angie'° Lemon, June 30, 1878; Verner Ashby" Lemon, July 27, 1879 ; Lynne" Lemon, Dec. 31, 1880. 2d m. s. p. 13326. Alvira Letira' Washburn (Leura'), m. Coolville, O., Oct. 30, 1850, John Bartlett, b. Little Hocking, Washington co , u , May 16, 1825, s. William (born Md. May 30, 1806) and Elizabeth (Allen, b. Shenandoah co., Va., May 8, 1803). Of Parkersburg, W. Va., '85, coal dealer and steamboat man. Ch. b. Little H. : 15904 Jeannette Eolia' Bartlett, b. Feb. 23, 1852, d. Parkersburg Sept. 22, 1880, m. Little H., June 27, 1875, as first wife, Robert Basim, b. Decatur tp., Washington county, O., Sept. 9, 1852. Of Chillicothe, O., R. R. man. He m. 2d Feb. 17, 1885, Mary R. Connors, born C. Aug. 6, 1858. Ch. : Harry Bernard^" Bastm, b. Oct. 27, 1876, Little H. 15905 Roilen Gordon' Bartlett, b. Jan. 8, 1854, d. near Little H. May 14, 1876, m. Washington county, O., Jan. 17, 1875, Leotia Batten, b. W. co., Dec. 4, 1859; she res. Little H.; ship carpen ter. Ch. : Leura Ionia" Bartlett, b. July 27, 1875, near L. H., d. Parkersb. Dec 13, 1881; Roilen Clyde" Bartlett, b. Jan. 10, 1877, P. 15906 Cynthia Gertrude' Bartlett, b. Sept. 20, 1858, d. Torch, O., Nov. 30, 1882, m. Little H., June 7, 1875, as ist w., Richard Hughs, b. Llanidloes, North Wales, Jan. 11, 1847. (Hem. 2d, Little H., Oct. 9, 1883, Ida Lenora Curtis, b. Middleport, MeigS CO., Ohio, Jan. 30, 1857. Ch. : Helen Lucile Hughs, b. July 11, 1884, Torch.) Of T., -R. R. engineer. Ch. b. T. : John Eddie" and Freddie Bartlett" Hughs (tw.). Mar. 19, 1876 ; Charles Forest Washburn" Hughs, b. Nov. 6, 1877, d. T. July 23, 1878; Grade- May" Hughs, b. Dec. 14, 1879. 15907 Elmer McLellan' Bartlett, b. Aug. 4, 1862, m. Anna- wan, 111., May 24, 1882, Harriet Louise Boss, b. Brooklyn, N Y., Apr. 16, 1859. Of Parkersb., merch., with father. Ch. : Ethel P earle" Bartlett, b. Apr. 3, P., d. P. July 6, 1883. 13328. Mlizabeth Machaef Washburn (Leura'), m. Little Hocking, O., Aug. 8, i860. Calvary Morris Cole, b. n. Gallipolis,' O., Feb. 27, 1832, s. Nathan and Levina (Bryan). Ch. : 15908 Lelia Bertha' Cole, b. June 23, 1863, Coolville, O., m. Point Pleasant, Macon co., W. Va., Feb. 14, 1883, George Benja min Sayre, b. New Haven, Mason county, W. Va., Mar. 25, 1862. Of Point Pleasant 1885, merchant. Ch. : George Beale^" Sayre b. July 10, P. P., d. before Dec. 30, 1885. Elbert Gordon Washburn' Cole, b. July 8, 1869, Point Pleasant. Mrs. Cole was a teacher in Decatur, O., and Carthage, O.- res. Point Pleasant 1885. Mr. Cole, a miller. ' "' Cole ancestry : — Nathan Cole, b. Pittstown, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1796, farmer, d. n. Coolv Feb. 26, 1882, m. Marietta, O., Apr. 5, 1821, Levina Bryan, b. Fauquier co., Va Tan 1797, d. Coolv. Feb. 15, 1878. ¦' ''• DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2OI I 13333. Leura Laodicea^ TubbS (Laura', Asahel», Henry', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), in. Carthage, O., Nov. 4, 1838, William An derson Dinsmoor, b. Chester, N. H., Oct. 3, 1814, died Coolville, O., Sept. 6, 1884, a son Isaac and Hannah (Little). Ch.: /ohn Carlton', b. Jan. 14, 1840, Lodi, O., d. Carthage, June 5, 1847. 15909 Mary Ann' Dinstnoor, b. July 24, 1841, Carthage, m. n. Ravenswood, Jackson co., W. Va., July 3, 1866, William Lewis Safreed, s. John and Frances (McKinley). Soldier U. S. A., wounded; pensioner. Of Grant, Jackson co., W. Va., 1884, far mer. Ch.: Samuel Dinsmoor" Safreed, b. June i, 1867, G. ; Nora May" Safreed, Apr. 21, 1869, Coolv.; Frances Leura" Safreed, May 26, 1879, Grant. -(-15910 Samuel Perry' Dinsmoor, b. Mar. 8, 1843, Carthage, Ohio. Elizabeth Creesy' Dinsmoor, b. July 6, 1849, Lodi, m. Coolv. Dec. 6, 1874, Capt. David Whitcomb Gardner, b. May 24, 1847, s. Thomas and Mary Ann (Rardon). When 10 years old "was cabin boy, has served in every capacity up to capt. of ves sel. Soldier in late war. Of Coolv., farmer. Ch.: William Thomas" Gardner, b. Jan. 16, 1876, Coolv.; Mary Laodicea" Gard ner, b. June 9, 1878, Grant. Theresa Jane' Dinsmoor, b. May 8, 1851, Carthage, unm., teacher. Franklin Pierce' Dinsmoor, b. Feb. 21, 1853, Carth., m. n. Coolv., Oct. 5, 1879, Honor Lizzie Cole, b. 1861, da. John and Eliza Ann. Lives on his farm n. mouth of Federal Creek, Athens co., O. Ch.: John William" Dinsmoor, b. Oct. 19, 1880; Leura Ann" Dinsmoor, July 26, 1882. Rosa Laodicea' Dinsmoor, b. June 23, 1857, Coolville, • m. Coolv., Dec 30, 1879, William James Pruden, b. Jan. 16, 1857, s. William Martin and Hannah (Porter). Of Coolv., contractor, mason. Ch. b. Coolv.: William Adelmer", b. July 7, and Laodi cea Adell" Pruden (tw.), b. July 7, 1882, d. Coolv. Sept. 26, 1883. William Anderson Dinsmoor removed from N. H., 1836, to Athens co., O., of Coolville, farmer. Justice of Peace 3 terms. Dinsmoor ancestry: — Isaac Dinsmoor, 5th generation, from Ireland, and 6th, from Scotland, m. Hannah Little'. Little ancestry : — George', b. London, Eng., resided Unicorn St., n. London Bridge, of Newbury, Mass., 1640, tailor, m. ist, Alice Poor, had sons : Joseph", b. Sept. 22, 1653, m. Mary CofBn, da. Tristram: Moses", b. Mar. 11, 1657, m. Lydia Coffin, da. Tristram. Ancestor of Hannah' Little. See Little Genealogy. 13334. William' Tubbs (Laura'), m. ist, Brunswick, Me., Feb. 10, 1864, Mary Elizabeth Staples, b. Lee, Me., July 10, 1846, died Monticello, Wright co., Minn., June 27, 1879, da. George Lincoln and Emily Harriet (Jordan). He m. 2d, M., June 9, 1881, Mrs. Florence Adelia (Handy) Seamans, b. Fairfield, Mich., widow Albert Phillips Seamans, da. Joel and Emily Amelia (Bigelow). Ch. by ist m.: Ulysses Cleaveland', born Jan. 5, 1865, Elk River, Sherburne co., Minn. i'59ii Hattie Laura' Tubbs, b. Oct. 2, 1866, E. R., m. Oct. I, 1885, J. W. Bowers. Of Clear Lake, Sherburne co., Minn., 20I2 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1885; William George^ b. Oct. 4, 1868, Elk R.; Myron', Oct. 5. 1870, Monticello; Rosabella', b. June 12, 1872, M., d. M. Feb. 2, 1882. By 2d m.: Mildoed Susie^ Tubbs, b. Feb. 17, 1883, M. William' Tubbs went to Minn. 1859; was appointed, 1859, oi^^ of commissioners to organize Isanti co., Minn.; elected is County Auditor, re-elected, resigned 1863, and rem. to Elk River, merchant there. Elected, 1865, Auditor of Sherburne co. Rem., 1870, to Monticello, built and operated a flour mill to 1874; elected, 1874, co. Auditor 3 terms. Of M. 1885. Florence Adelia Handy m. ist. Excelsior, Hennepin co., Minn., Oct. 5, 1870, Albert Phillips Seamens, b. R. I- .^^^,^.°' 1846, d. Excels. June 23, 1877, s. Silas A. and Hannah E. (Phil lips). Of Excels., painter. Ch.: Fay Salome Seamens, b. Apr. 30, 1876, Minneapolis, Minn., died Watertown, Coddington co.. Dak., Dec. 15, 1879. 13339. LUCINDA LURA" CLEVELAND (Morgan Holmes'), m. ist, Rensselaer, Ind., Jan. 4, 1866, Mayberry Gohean Marker, born Baltimore, Md., Feb- 28, 1840, only s. of Paul and Isabella (West). He was, from June 19, 1861, 4 years in Co. G, 13th Ohio Vol. Residence 1885, Carthage, Mo., merchant. She m. 2d, Mr. Kurtzebom. She has been an advocate and speaker of the Prohibition party for some years, an organizer of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in Carthage, and of a Temperance School ; contributor, see Bibliography, Chap. IV. Dealer in hair goods ; teacher. Ch. by ist m.: 159I2 Otto May' Marker, b. Mar. 25, 1867, Solsberry, Ind., of Carthage, telegraph operator. 13341. LEWIS CASS" CLEVELAND (Morgan Holmes'), m. Lin wood, Leavenworth co., Kan., Sept. 3, 1876, Irene Attebury, b. Law rence, Kan., Aug. 10, 1858, da. Thomas and Caroline (Anderson), telegraph operator and R. R. agt.. Silver Lake, Shawnee co., ¦ Kan. Ch'.: Grace", b. June 22, Detroit, Dickinson co., Kan., d. Rossville, Shawnee co., Kan., Dec 25, 1878. 13345. John Warren' Bardin (Lydia', Aaron', Henry', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), died Dalton, Mass., Jan. 8, 1858, a. 35, m. Derby, Conn., Sept. 20, 1848, Emma Maria Gay, b. Stroud, Gloucester shire, Eng., Jan. 6, d. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 30, 1880, da. James and Hesper Keziah (Clutterbrook). Of Dalton, farmer and school teacher. Ch. : 15913 James Newlan' Bardin, b. Aug. 15, Dalton, m. Mar 23, 1881, Mary Elizabeth Albin. Ch.: Howard Ga/° Bardin b Apr. 18; Edna May" Bardin, June 5. DECSENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2013 12346. NELSON WRIGHT' CLEVELAND (Jonathan Wright', Aaron', Henry', Wm.*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Oct. 1 4, 1 844, Emily Smith of Alabama, N. Y., she died May, 1856. Went West 1856, to Cal. 1862. Of Union, Mich., 1878. Ch.: George Washington", b. Oct. II, 1846, d. Jan. 11, 1847. -I-15914 Nellie Cornelia" Cleveland, born Jan. 18, 1848, Oakfield, N. Y. George Washington' (ag.), b. Feb. 28, 1850, of N. Y. state 1882; Albert Porter", b. May 14, 1853, of Mich. 1882; Mary Emily", b. and d. May, 1856. 13347. ELEAZER BLACKMAN" CLEVELAND (Jonathan Wright'), m. Newsted, N. Y., July 2, 1843, Mary Jane Smith, b. Pembroke, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1828, a da. Ezra and Nancy S. (Durham). Since 1855 [of Greenville, Mich., 1881], of Spencer, Kent co., Mich., 1886, farmer.' Ch. (17 grandchildren — 15 living 1882): 15915 Harriet Maria" Cleveland, born May 23, 1844, Pemb., m. Clinton W. Rose, b. Mansfield, Pa., Feb. i, 1841, far mer. Ch.: Son"; Charity Ellen" Rose, b. Nov. 23, 1866, Winfield, Ingham co., Mich.; John Wesley" Rose, Nov. 17, 1868, Watertown, Tuscola CO., Mich.; Bertha Viola" Rose, Nov. 9, 1870, Wat.; Clin ton Irving" Rose, Oct. 8, 1872, Cato, Mich.; Ernest Sheldon" Rose, Dec. 4, 1877, Spencer; Minnie Almira" Rose, Apr. 24, 1880, Cato. 15916 Nancy Abigail', May 6, 1846, Pemb., m. bef. 1882. Martha Jane", b. Apr. 29, 1852, Alabama, N. Y., d. Springfield, Oakland co., Mich., Apr. 26, 1863. 15917 Mary Ettie", b. July 29, 1854, Alabama, N. Y., m. bef. 1882. 15918 Frances Emma", Jan. 7, 1858, Brandon, Oakland co., Mich., m. bef. 1882. Ella Willmattie", Oct. 9, 1862, Springfield, unm. Charles Edgar", Jan. 3, 1865, unm. 13348. LEVI CUTLER' CLEVELAND (Jonathan wrighf), m. [?0n- ondaga, N. Y.], Jan. i, 1846, Laura A. Bingham, b. Onondaga, Jan. 31, 1823, da. Dr. Luther and Nancy (Graves). Ch.: 15919 Hiram L.", b. Mar. 8, 1847. 15920 Luther H.", June 3, 1849; Lydia H.", Mar. 28, 1851; Mary P.", Dec 11, 1856; Son", June 5, 1858. Levi Cutler" Cleveland settled in Pembroke, N. Y., dwelt there 1858; of Iowa 1880, farmer. Bingham ancestry :— Thomas', Thomas" [see -|-88so, p. 1824]; Thomas", b. Dec. 11, 1667-9, of Norwich, Conn., Windham, Conn., d. Apr. i, 1710, m. Hannah Backus"; Joseph*, m. Ruth Post*; Calvin'; Dr. Luther' Bingham m. Nancy Graves, da. Rufus and Eunice (Williams). Fost ancestry:— Steven', John" [see -I-3S7, p. 232]; Samuel", b. Mar. 8, 1688, of Nor wich, m. Ruth Lothrop; Ruth* Post m. Joseph Bingham*. Backus ancestry .-—William', William" [see -I-819, p. 409] ; Hannah" Backus m. Thos. Bingham'.— Caulkins' Norwich: Hyde gen., 1042. 13349. LODOVINSKA ABIGAIL" CLEVELAND (Jonathan wright'), d. Nov. 16, 1878, a. 53, m. Mar. 17, 1847, Edward C. Porter, born 2or4 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cummington, Mass., Sept. lo, 1820, s. Seth and Polly (Mitchell)- Ch.: Mary' Porter, b. Oct. 18, 185 1, d. Aug. 30, 1855. 15921 Harriet A.' Porter, born Dec. 20, 1856, m. June 1°) 1875, Finley L. Smith; James A.' Porter, b. Jan. 30, 1859; ^*' ward CobP Porter, July 14, 1861. .,, Edward C. Porter, of S. Hadley, Mass., 1882, HaydenvUie, Mass., 1883. Porter ancestry :—'&.\cha.T&^, Weymouth 1635; John"; Samuel", ™-. J^i;''^_f"'^Mlry Jacob*, m. Esther Ford, da. Ensign Andrew and Mercy (Whitmarsh); Setn ¦ "•"'•' Cobb, da. Capt. Edward ; Seth' Porter m. Polly Mitchell.—/. W. Porter s rorter g^ ¦ Nash ancestry. — fames', Weymouth 1628, rep.; Jacob", m. Abigail Dyer; Ma y Nash m. Samuel Porter". 13353. JONATHAN ALLEN" CLEVELAND (Jonathan Wright'), m. Pembroke, N. Y., Jan. 12, i860, Martha Sarah Mosher, b^^ Evans, N. Y., May 11, 1839, da. Joshua and Mary (Ballon). Ot Pena- broke, 1878, Waterloo, la., 1883. Ch.: 15922 Alma Orilla , b. Dec. 25, i860, Londonville, la. 15923 Nelson Wright , Jan. 10, 1863, L.; WiLBER Wright" Cleveland, Apr. 30, 1865, Straw berry Pt., Ia. 13354. WILLIAM HENRY" CLEVELAND (Jonathan Wright'), m. Pembroke, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1859, Lydia Jane Peck, b. P. Mar. 6, 1839, da. William and Celinda (Ryckman). Of E. Pembroke, 1883, farmer. Ch. b. E. P., all unm. and 1. home 1883 : 15924 OcTAviA Abigail', Dec. 20, r86i; Nellie Aurelia', Apr. 15, 1863; Effie", May 14, 1865; William Nelson", Mar. 20, 1867; George Austin", Mar. 15, 1869; James Hesten', Dec. 30, 1871; Mary Adaline", Jan. i, 1873; Albert Ernest', Nov. 2, 1876; Edith May' Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1879. 13356. GEORGE LUCIAN" CLEVELAND (Cyrus', Aaron', Henry', William* Henry", Josiah", Moses'), b. DaltOU, MaSS., Oct. 12, 1827, m. D. Sept. 21, 185 1, Martha Aurelia Tower, born Washington, Mass., July 21, 1829, da. Laban and Patty Barnes (Johnson). Children b. Dalton : 15925 Emma Gridley' Cleveland, b. Aug. ii, 1852, m. D. Mar. 17, 1875, Homer Hudson Bicknell, b. Windsor, July 3, s. Ephraim and Eunice (Rhodes). Of Dalton (1896-7), book keeper. Ch. b. Dalton : Martha Carlotta" Bicknell, Aug. 15, 1876; Mer tiee Ethel" Bicknell, July 1, 1878; George Cleveland" Bicknell, Dec. 23, 1880; Kate Rhodes" Bicknell, Nov. 27, 1882. 15926 Libbie Tower' Cleveland, b. July 15, 1854, m. D. May 16, 1888, as 2d w., James Frank Leslie. (He m. ist, Mary Johnson' Cleveland -j- 15927.) Of Pittsfield, Mass., insurance agt. Ch.: Mary Cleveland" Leslie, b. Apr. i, 1890, Dalton, d. D. Aug. 23, 1892; James Franklyn" Leslie, Nov. 7, 1891, D.; Elizabeth Gilbert" Leslie, Dec 25, 1895, Pittsfield. 15927 Mary Johnson" Cleveland, b. May 3, 1858, died Worthington, Mass., Feb 6, 1886, m. Dalton, Feb. 5, 1883, as ist w., James Frank Leslie, b. Worthington, Mass., Apr. 25, i860 s. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 20fS James R. and Betsey S. (Cross). (He m. 2d, Libbie Tower" Cleveland +15926.) Ch.: Edith" Leslie, b. and d. West Worth ington, Mass., Jan. 29, 1886. Hattie Bell" Cleveland, born Aug. 31, i860, m. Dalton, May 12, 1885, Charles Sabin Galusha, b. Williamstown, Mass., Sept. 6, s. Daniel Brown and Clarissa Adelaide (Prindle). Of Windsor, Mass., farmer. Ch.: Charles Sabin" Galusha, born Aug. 16, 1888, Williamstown; Martha Miranda" Galusha, b. Wil- liamst.; Clara Eliza'" Galusha, b. Williamst.; George Cleveland" Galusha, b. Dalton; Donald Bryant" Galusha, b. Windsor; Doro thy Edith" Galusha, b. Mar. 16, 1896, Windsor. George Wesley", b. Feb. 22, 1864, d. Dalton, Apr. 14, 1865. + 15928 Egbert Cyrus" Cleveland, b. Aug. 6, 1865. George Lucian' Cleveland, residence Dalton (1876-96,) lumberman, proprietor of saw mill, and farmer. Johnson ancestry :— Moody' [see +6910, p. 1640]; Patty Barnes" Johnson m. Laban Tower. 13357. HOWLET CYRUS" CLEVELAND (cyrus'), m. Hinsdale, Mass., Sept. 8, 1857, Augusta Ann Meacham, born Peru, Mass., May 16, 1830, da. Ambrose and Electa (Thompson), of Middle- field, Mass. Residence Dalton, Mass., 1882, Windsor, Mass., 1885-97, farmer. Ch. b. Windsor, Mass.: Frank Howlet" Cleveland, b. Apr. 13, i860, m. Windsor, Aug. 19, 1885, Alice Miranda Francis, b. W. June 26, 1862, da. William P. and Mary M. (Spencer). Of Dalton, paper maker, s. p. + 15929 George Ambrose" Cleveland, b. Mar. 9, 1862. -i-15930 Ernest Wilford" Cleveland, b. Feb. 28, 1867. 13358. MARY ELIZABETH" CLEVELAND (cyrus'), d. Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1855, a. 22, m. Dalton, Mass., Jan. 5, 1852, as ist w., Lorenzo Henry, b. Stoddard, N. H., Aug. 9, 1825, d. Pitts field, Nov. 23, 189s, a s. John and Roxanna (Parmenter). , (He m. 2d, see below.) Ch.: John Cleveland' Henry, b. Mar. 6, P., d. P., Oct. 28, 1853. Lorenzo Henry, residence from 1855 Pittsfield, paper dealer. He m. 2d, P. Nov. 6, 1856, Lydia Esther Hubbard, b. P. May 23, 1835, da. Enoch and Marietta (Tracy). Ch. b. Pittsfield: i. Charles Lorenzo Henry, b. Mar. 17, 1858. 2. Marietta Harriet Henry, Feb. 10, 1861, m. David Johnson. 3. Carrie Esther Henry, b. Oct. 27, 1862, d. P. July 20, 1863. 4. Minnie E. Henry, b. May 23, d. P. Aug. 10, 1864. 5. Carolyn Alida Henry, b. Feb. 7, d. P. July 25, 1866. 6. Ernest Livingston Henry, b. Aug. 27, 1868, m. Minnie E. Lyon. 7. Stanley Roscoe Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1872, m. Ellen Geneva Pratt. 13359. CLARISSA CORNELIA" CLEVELAND (Cyrus', Aaron', Henry', WiUiam*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), married at Dalton, MaSS., Apr. 20l6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 24, 1854, Harvey Isaac Henry, b. Stoddard, N. H., Mar. 22, 183I' a son of John and Roxanna (Parmenter). Children : 15931 Anna Elizabeth' Henry, b. Feb. 2, 1855, Falls Village, Conn., m. Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 22, 1877, William Lyman White, b. Colerain, Mass., Mar. 31, s. Stephen and Almira (Halladay). Residence (1896-7), North Adams, Mass., shoemaker. Cn.: Henry Halladay" White, b. Jan. i, 1880, Pittsfield; Harvey Gnd ley" White, Aug. 30, 1889, P.; Aira Millicent" White, Sept. 19, 1892, N. Adams. . ., .. 15932 Cyrus Cleveland' Henry, b. Apr. 15, 1859, Pittsfield, m. Elizabeth, N. J., June 15, 1861, Annie Margaret Ewan b. Jersey City, N. J., June 15, 1861, da. William and Barbara Mc- Indoe (Crawford). Residence, Pittsfield, wholesale merchant. Ch. b. Pittsfield : Annie Margaret" Henry, Feb. 15, 1886; Jeanme Clarissa" Henry, Apr. 7, 1889; William Ewan" Henry, Sept. 18, 1892 ; Cyrus Alexander" Henry, Mar. 26, 1895. ^ 15933 Harvey Earl' Henry, b. Nov. 22, 1864, Pittsfield, m. P. Jan. 5, 1890, Ardella Jane Pulver, b. Valatie, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1867, da. David Gushing and Mary Jeanette (Liteer). Resi dence, Pittsfield, box-maker. Ch. b. Pittsfield : Earl Pulver" Henry, b. Jan. 18, d. P. Aug. 16, 1892 ; Rodman Cleveland" Henry, b. July 16, 1896. 15934 Wellington Kirk^ Henry, b. May 4, 1868, Pittsfield, m. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1887, Annie Ruth Butler, b. Pitts field, Jan. 30, 1868, da. James Henry and Frances Elizabeth (Renne). Residence, Pittsfield, foreman. Ch. b. Pittsfield : Ruth Lydia" Henry, Feb. 24, 1888; Richard Kirk" Henry, July 17, 1889 ; Frances Elizabeth" Henry, May 28, 1894. Mr. Harvey Isaac Henry, residence from 1854 at Lunen burg, Canaan, Conn., and Falls Village to 1858, since at Pitts field ; for many years a hardware merchant, retiring from ac tive business some years since (1897). Mr. Henry is a sub scriber for this Genealogy. 13360. MILLICENT COLT' CLEVELAND (cyms'), m. Dalton, Mass., Mar. 29, i860, Theodore Rodney Glentz, b. Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 14, 1834, son of George Frederick and Annie Louisa (Robbins). Children b. Pittsfield : 15935 Bessie Gridley' Glentz, b. Aug. 6, 1866, m. Mary ville, Nodaway co.. Mo.', Apr. 13, 1882, Fred Lewis Cheney, b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 6, i860, s. of George Washington and Hannah (Beach). Residence, Pittsfield (1896-7), book-keeper. Ch. : Harry Glentz" Cheney, b. July 14, 1883, Omaha, Neb.; Lewis Beach" Cheney, Oct. 4, 1884, Omaha ; Rodney Keith" Cheney, May 2, 1890, Pittsfield. Olin Theodore' Glentz, b. Oct. 25, 1869, d. P. Nov. 22, 1886 ; Harvey Cleveland' Glentz, b. May 6, 1873. Mr. Theodore Rodney Glentz, residence Pittsfield, Mass. (1897), builder and contractor. 13361. ANSON GRIDLEY" CLEVELAND (cyrus'), m. Manches ter, Conn., or la., Oct. 3, 1863, Ellen Sophia Babcock, ,b. Leba- DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2017 non. Conn., Mar. 11, 1841, da. Williamand Lucy Olivia (Perkins). Of Hamburg, la., stock raiser, 1883; Hubbell, Thayer co.. Neb., 1896-7. Ch. b. Hamburg : -t- 15936 William Cyrus" Cleveland, b. November 4, 1868. Millicent Clarissa' Cleveland, b. Sept. 20, 187 1, m. Rev. Orrin Forrest Cheseboro. Of Moorefield, Frontier co., Neb., M. E. clergyman. Ch.: Forrest Wesley" Cheseboro j Ray Wellington" Cheseboro. George Henry" Cleveland, b. May 3, 1874; Lucy May" Cleveland, May 3, 1878; Anson Gridley^ Cleveland, Dec. 11, 1880. 13365. LYDIA MATILDA" CLEVELAND (Aaron Schuyler'), m. ISt, Akron, O., Sept. 3, 1851, Spencer Benjamin Stephens, b. Akron, Nov. io, 1828, s. John White; of Akron, merch., divorced Apr. 13, 1857. She m. 2d, Akron, Nov. 26, 1857, Frederick Merrick Kil bourne, b. Atwater, O., Mar. 20, 1833, only s. Timothy E. and Louisa (Baldwin). Ch. by ist m.: John White' Stephens, b. June 25, 1852, d. June, 16, 1854 ; 2d m.: s. p. Frederick Merrick Kilbourne, of Hudson, O., to 1865, since Lakeville, Minn., 1884, fruit cultivator. Baldwin ancestry : — Richard', Richd.", Richd.", Joseph* [see -f- 2482, p. 932] ; Jona than', b. rec. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 15, 1649, m. Hannah Ward"; Ezra', m. Ruth ; . Abiel', m. Mehitable' Johnson, da. Dea. Benjamin and Eunice of Durham, Middlesex co.. Conn.; Jonathan', m. ist, Submit Lord, b. Sept., 1764, da. Christopher and Patience of Say brook, Conn.; Louisa" Baldwin, m. Timothy B. ^iXtio^m^.— Baldwin gen. Ward ancestry : ', prob. oE Rutland co., Eng., m. Joyce , she d. Feb., 1641, widow Joyce Ward, names in will Nov. 15, 1640, children : [prob. brought by her fr. Rutland co.] Anthony", Robert=, all of Wethersheld, Conn., and William", of Middle- town, Conn. Her son : John", Branford, Conn., rep., signer ot new planta. cov. Jan., 1668, rem. soon to N. J., m. Sarah ; Hannah' Ward m. Jonathan Baldwin'. 13366. SCHUYLER BAINBRIDGE" CLEVELAND (Aaron Schuy ler', Aaron', Henry', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. ChilHcothe, O.,, Mar. 25, 1858, Sarah Elizabeth Smith, b. C. May, 1839, a da. Otho Daniel and Elizabeth (Glentzer). Resided at Chillicothe ; of Bradford, Pa., 1885-90, hotel proprietor, merchant. Ch. : 2 Infants', d. y. + 15937 William Schuyler' Cleveland, b. Mar. 31, i860, Chillicothe, O. 15938 Charles Edward" Cleveland, b. July 23, 1864, C, of Chillicothe, unm., business manager 1885-90 of W. S." Cleve land's minstrels. 13367. LODEMA PEIRCE" CLEVELAND (Aaron Schuyler'), d. Hastings, Minn,, May 10, 1875, a. 37, m. Hudson, O., Aug. i, 1859, Martin Ellsworth, s. Phylander and Caroline (Oviat). Of Hudson 1885, farmer. Ch. b. Hudson : • 15939 William Orson' Ellsworth, b. Aug. 9, i860, m. May 14, 1885, Rose Reeve. 15940 Emma May' Ellsworth, b. Jan. 6, 1864, m. Nov. 12, 1879, Myron Westley Dewey, b. Stow, O., July 16, 1855, s. Lo renzo and Belinda (Myers). Of Hudson. Ch.: Ethel Lodema" Dewey, b. May 5, 1883, H. Clyde Ransom' Ellsworth, Dec. 25, 1867. 127 20l8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 13372. Le Boy' Holder (Ann Rose', warren'), d. Niagara Falls, J^' Y., Dec. 27, 1864, a. 32, m. N. F. or Rochester, N. Y., Nov., i8S». Margaret McFraquhar, b. Inverness, Scotland, da. Duncan and Bella (Fraser), engineer. Ch.: 15941 Frank Wood' Holder, b. May 28, 1859, N. Falls or Batavia, N. Y., m. Chicago, 111., Jan. i, 1881, Mary Agnes Nagie, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 6, 1859, da. Joseph and Margaret (Scott;. Of B. 1885. Ch. b. Chicago : Margarette Isabella" Holder, Nov. 22, 1881 ; Le Roy Warren", Jan. 27, 1882. 13373. Tryphena Blanche' Holder (Ann rosc), m- a.* George Messenger's plantation, "Basconham," Warren co., Miss., June 3, 1856, Dr. Daniel Raymond Fox, b. Pinkney ville, Wilkinson CO., Miss., Oct. 14, 1823, s. Rev. James Angel and Sarah (Otis). Grad. University Medical Coll., New Orleans, La., 1845 ; many years practicing physician in Plaquemines Parish, La. ; of Jesuits' Bend, Plaquemines co.. La., 1886. Ch.: 15942 Fanny Otis' Fox, b. Sept. 14, 1857, Plaquemines P., m. Jesuits' B. Nov. 20, 1883, Louis Bartholomew Benecke, b. N. Orleans, July 8, 1854, s. William. Of Jesuits B. Ch.: Louis Raymond" Benecke, b. Dec. 21, 1884, J. B. Son\ b. Jan. 20, Plaq. Par., d. Jesuits' B. Feb. 3, i860 ; Ann Rose' Fox, b. July 12, 1861, Plaq. P., d. Warren co.. Miss., 1863; George Randolph', b. Sept. i, 1863, De Soto, Clarke co.. Miss.; Frank Coleman', Jan. 15, 1867, Plaq. P.; Blanche Cleveland', Oct. 4. i868, P. P.; John Angel', Dec. 17, 1870, P. P.; Emma Catharine', Mar. 20, 1875, P. P.; fames Torry"" Fox, Feb. 22, 1878, P. P. 13409. ELLA REBECCA" CLEVELAND (Henry warren'), m. Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 10, 1873, Benjamin Hopkins Bartow, b. Lyons, Ionia CO., Mich., Mar. 12, 1852, son of Henry and Maria Catharine (Hopkins). C. b. Portland, Ionia co., Mich.: 15943 Beatrice Ella' Bartow, Oct. 13, 1878 ; Lee Henry'' Bartow, May 3, 1888. Mr. Benjamin Hopkins Bartow grad. Albion Coll., Albion, Mich., 187 1, and from Albion Coll. Law School was admitted to the bar at Ionia, Mich., Feb., 1873 ; has always lived in Ionia CO., residence still in Portland 1897, attorney-at-law. 13410. GEORGE EDGAR" CLEVELAND (Henry Warren'), unm., residence, Tacoma, Washington, 1893-7. State Agent of Home Life Insurance co., o£ New York, N. Y. 13411. GUY LOREN" CLEVELAND (nem-y Warren', Henry, Henry', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), unm., residence Still at Nunica' Mich., 1897, druggist. Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this ¦ Genealogy. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 13412. 2019 WILLIAM WALLACE" CLEVELAND (wiiuam m.', wm.', Henry', Wm.*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), died LaUesboro, MaSS., July 16, 1881, a. 29, m. Hawley, Mass., May 2, 1875, Julia Ann Hawkes, b. H. Jan. 14, 1859, da. Levi and Ann (Fuller), lived Pittsfield, Mass., 1877. Ch.: Ettie May", b. May 7, Lanesboro, d. Sept. 5, 1880. 13435. Marion Sophia' Bussell (jason Cleveland-' Russeii), married Ripon, Wis., Apr. 3, i860, Dr. John Henry Callender, of An thony, Harper co., Kan., 1883. Ch.: 15944 Charles' Callender, M.D., b. Ripon ; Frank', b. R., farmer ; Edwin Russell' Calender, b. R., newspaper man, printer ; William', \i. R.; Maybell',h. Anthony; Harrie^ Callender, h. A. 13439. ALVAH KITTREDGE" CLEVELAND (wm. k.', Aivah«, wm.', wm.4, Henry", Josiah"), m. Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 13, 1879, Amy Eliz abeth Neate, b. Stroud, Gloucestershire, Eng., Oct. 6, 1859, da. Samuel and Mary Ann (Hemming). Of Dalton, Mass., 1886, farmer. Ch. born D.: 15945 Elizabeth May", Aug. 22, 1880 ; Ruby Barker", Sept. 9, 1882. 13456. THOMAS RUSSEL" CLEVELAND (charies', wm. w.', wm.', Wm.«, Henry", Josiah"), killed by powdcr explosiou, North San Juan, Nevada county, Cal., Sept. 19, 1883, a. 28, m. Nevada City, Cal., Dec. 23, 1878, Martha Jane Moody, b. Spenceville, Nevada co., Cal., July 26, 1861, da. Isaiah and Susan (Miles). Farmer. Was hauling the powder on a wagon, see account : Nevada Daily Transcript, Sept 21, 1883. Ch. b. Nevada C: 15946 Earl Leroy", Sept. 6, 1879 ; Clarence Edwin", May 18, 1881. 13468. ABEL LUTHER" CLEVELAND (Luther D.', jedediah', Jed.», Wm.*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Sadie E. Landis, b. Rcedville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1848. Of Randolph, N. Y., 1884. Ch.: Elias Landis', b. May i, 1867, Urbana, O.; Mary M.", Sept. 23, 1869, U.; Bir die A.', Sept. 17, 1875, Salamanca, N. Y. 13500. . Lucinda Melvina' Clark (Bmellne Lucy', Merrell', Jedediah', William*, Henry", Josiah"), m. Union Grovc, Wis., Nov. 15, 1865, Orin Moe, b. Ridgefield, Lorain co., O., Mar. 16, 1843, son of Edwin and Mehitabel (Case). Residence Burlington, Racine co.. Wis. (1897), livery proprietor. Ch.: Linnie Emetine' Moe, b. Dec. 17, i866, Dover, Buchanan co., Ia.; Alan Stiles' Moe, Dec. 11, 1868, Hazelton, la.; Clifford Orin' Moe, Oct. 31, 1870, H.; Zelia Lyle' 2020 • CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Moe, July 7, 1872, H.; Edwin Nathan' Moe, July 15, 1876, H-' Roy S^ s-nd, Ray W' Moe, Mar. 27, 1880, H.; Elwyn Clark' Moe, Jan. 7, 1884, H. 13501. Lucy Ann Hepsibeth' Clark (Emeiine Lucy), d. at Union Grove, Wis., Oct. 3, 1869, a. 21, m. Union G. Nov. i, 1866, Leon ard Alcott Brush, b. La Porte, Lorain co., O., Apr., 1841, son ot Charles and Permelia (Alcott). Res. Hazelton, la., farmer. Ch.: Lucy May' Brush, b. Jan. 25, 1868, Union G., d. there Sept. 2, 1891. 13503. Wallace Cleaveland' Clark (Smeline Lucy', Merrell', jedediah', William*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. at Rochester, N. Y., Dec 30, 1884, Louise Catherine Werner, b. Rochester Nov. 27, 1868, daughter of George and Dorothy (Breber) Werner, s. p. Dr. Wallace Cleavela?id' Clark grad. University City of New York, N. Y., 1891, Chicago (111.) Medical College 1892, studied medicine at Rush Medical and Cook county hospital. R.esi- dence Chicago 1897, homeopathic physician. Dr. Clark is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 13508. FREDERICK BARTLETT" CLEAVELAND (Franklin Abel', Merrell', Jedediah', William*, Henry", Josiah", Mosesi), m. at Chicago, 111., May 15, 1883, Minnie Frances Gay, b. in Lake co.. 111., Apr. 11, 1862, da. of John Henry and Mary Etta Orphaette (Hanks) Gay. Residence Norwood Park, 111. (1897). Financial secre tary in Chicago. Children b. Norwood Park : 15947 Geneva Lillian Gay" Cleaveland, b. Oct. 7, 1885. Harold Haskins" Cleaveland, b. May 29, 1888. 13509. FRANKLIN LINCOLN' CLEAVELAND (FrankUn Abei', Merrell', Jedediah', William*, Henry", Josiah"), m. at NoTWOod Park, 111., July 24, 1890, Ama Louise Drake, b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 12, 1865, da. of Alexander and Elizabeth (Naylor) Drake. Residence Norwood Park (1897), clerk and accountant in Chicago, 111. Children b. Norwood Park : 15948 Herbert Merrell" Cleaveland, b. May 15, 1891. Hellen Margarete" Cleaveland, b. July 9, 1893. 13515. EMERSON SUMNER LEONARD" CLEAVELAND (Em erson p.', Sumner', Jedediah', Wm.*, Henry", Josiah"), m. Lina Olman. Of Chicago, UL, 1881-91, joiner. Ch.: Grace Maud", born Oct. i 1877, Aurora, 111.; Lettie Elvira" Cleaveland, Tune 7 tSRo' New Albany, Ind. ' ' DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 202I 13531. David Prentice' RhoadeS {Sumner-< Plwades, Electa', Nehemiah', Neh.*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Chicopce Falls, MaSS., Oct. 28, 1874, Isabella Carter, b. C. F. Nov. 8, 1849, ^ ^^- Timothy Walker and Eliza Harriette (Bayley). Ch.: Mabel Carter^, b. Nov. 12, 1875, Geddes, N. Y.; Sumner' Rhoades, Jan. 30, 1881, Syracuse, N. Y. David Prentice' Rhoades res. Syracuse 1 889, commercial trav eler. Isabella Carter grad. Vassar Coll. 1868, A.M. 1872. Carter ancestry : — Thomas' [see +10171, p. 1867]; Timothy", m. Anna Fiske" ; Ben jamin", m. Sarah Stone; Timothy*, m. Sarah Walker; Elias', Chicopee Falls, m. Eudo- cia Lyon, b. Holland, Mass., da. Col. Alfred; Hon. Timothy Walker' Carter, state sena tor, m. Harriette Bayley [for Bayley ancestry, address John Charles March Bayley, New- fcuryport, Mass.] —&»««' j Woburn, 124.: Genealogical Record, by Mary Prentice Rhoades, 1S84. Fiske ancestry — From N. E. H. G. Reg.y IV: 180 — Candler manuscript in the Brit ish Museum. Robert', m. Mrs. Sybil (Gold) Barber, relict of Barber ; Jeffery", m. Cooke; David", who went with his father to New England, m. Sarah Smith. It would seem is identical with following ment. by Savage: David", of Watertown, Mass., 1637, freeman Mar., 1638, will Sept. 10, 1660, pro. Jan. 22, 1662, m. Sarah Smith, da. of Edmund Smith of Wrentham, co. Suffolk, Eng.; Lt. David*, b. Eng. about 1623, of Cambridge Farms, now Lexington, Mass., freeman 1647, rep. in courts 1689-90, d. Feb. 14, 1711, m. 2d, Sept. 6, 1655, Seaborne, or Sarah Wilson, da. Theopilus and Elizabeth of Ipswich, Mass. ; Anna" Fiske, married "Timothy Carter". 13570. Wary Ann' Baker (Bertha Aimira'), m. North Bloomfield, , O., July 2, 1848, Luther Dwight Crail, b. Palmyra, Portage co., O., Sept. 2, 182 1, d. Warren, O., Feb. 5, 1861, s. Joseph La Selle and Keturah (Van Gordor). Ch. b. Warren : Mary Elizabeth' Crail, b.July, 1849, d. W. July, 1850 ; Luthera' Crail, b. Mar. 22, 1861, unm. (1896). Luther Dwight Crail of Warren, O., lumber business. Crailiancestry : — Arms (Scot\3.n&). Gu. on a bend ar. 3 hearts of the field. . . . John' ; Joseph La Selle" Crail, of Palmyra, O., m. Keturah Van Gordor. 13571. CaroUne W.' Baker (Bertha Aimira'), d. Sharon, Pa., Apr. 30, 1884, a. 52, m. Warren, O., Mar. 28, 1854, Joseph McClury, b. Hubbard, Trumbull co., O., Mar. 25, 1823, s. George and Mary (Beggo). Ch. b. Sharon : Charles /." McClury, Jan. 7, 1855, unm. 1896 ; Jessie A!' McClury, b. Feb. 6, 1859, unm. Joseph McClury, residence Sharon, Pa., farmer. McClury aBcej/ry.' — Jol"", Scotch-Irish; George" McClury, of Hubbard, O., mar ried Mary Beggo, da. Joseph, Scotch-Irish. 13573. Francis Proctor' Baker (Bertha Aimira'), married Bea trice, Neb., Aug. 21, 1864, Maria J. Artist, b. Westmoreland co.. Pa., Nov. 22, 1845. Of Chagrin Falls, O., 1881, De Witt, Saline CO., Neb., 1896, farmer. Ch. b. Saline co.: Ida M.' Baker, born Sept. I, 1865, m. Jesse Woods ; Ross' Baker, born Apr. 8, 1867, m. Maggie Lattell. 13574. Elizabeth Huntington' Baker (Bertha Almlra', WiUard', Am asa', Nehemiah*, Henry", josiah", Moses'), m. Warren, O., Nov. 20, 1856, Alfred Adams, b. Warren, O., Feb. 6, 1833, son of Asahel and 2022 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Lucy (Mygatt). Children : Fitch Mygatt' Adams, b. Oct. 3/^ 1857, Laporte, Ind., d. Chagrin Falls, O., Feb. 17, 1891, m-^i^^ A. Evans ; Julia Estep' Adams, b. Oct. 10, 1864, Cleveland, u^, m. Frank T. Barman ; Bertha Elizabeth' Adams, b. June 3, looo. Cleveland, O., m. Charles Henry Wellman ; Alfred Henry Ad ams, b. June 5, 1870, Chagrin Falls, O., m. Florence Sylvia ^ire- stone ; Elizabeth Huntington', b. Jan. 11, 1871, C. F., d. C. F. Aug. 10, 1872. William Whittlesey^ Adams, born Feb. 9, 1874, Cieve^ land, O., m. Laura Evelyn Beamish. . Mr. Alfred Adams, residence formerly at Chagrin falls, 1895-6 Cleveland, O., manufacturer ; and of Adams, Jewett & Co. [Alfred Adams, Estate of Fitch Adams], manufacturers of paper, cotton, and jute flour sacks, and exporters, Cleveland, O., and office in New York. Adams ancestry : — Zohi\'\ James"; Richard" [see -1-722, p. 384] ; William*; Phineas'; Asahel', of Girard, O., m. Lucy Avery ; Asahel' Adams, m. Lucy Mygatt, da. Comfort S. and Lucy (Knapp). 13593. EDWARD WARNER" CLEAVELAND (osborn waies', waido', ^ Amasa', Nehemiah*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. ISt, Oxford, O., Oct. I, 1871, Clara Miller, b. Sixteen Mile, Hamilton co., O., June 19, 1853, d. Contreras, Butler co., O., Oct. 16, 1879, da. Daniel Elli ott and Johanna (Rail). He m. 2d, College Corner, Butler co.^ O., Oct. 20, 1881, Alice Rebecca Stewart, da. Samuel Wilson and Mary Jane (Stewart). Of College Corner, 1883. Ch. by ist m.: 15949 Winfield Miller" Cleaveland, b. July 7, 1872, Ox ford; Arthur Waldo' Cleaveland, Oct. 15, 1874, Ox.; Hattie Lucelle" Cleaveland, Dec 9, 1887, Bath tp., Franklin co., Ind. 13600. Mary Anna' Bodinan (Theodotla Nlles'.'Waldo', Amasa', Nehe miah*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Chicago, 111., Sept. 19, 1872, George Woodward Haskell, b. Toledo,' O., Mar. 24, 1844, s. of Edward and Charlotte (Williams). Children : 15950 Georgina Lucile' Haskell, born Apr. 23, 1875, Evans- ton, 111. Hazel' Haskell, b. July 16, 1880, Chicago, 111. Sidney Cleaveland^ Haskell, b. June 21, 1887, Chi cago, 111. Jessica Theodotia' Haskell, b. Sept. 19, 1889, Chicago^ Mr. George Woodward Haskell, residence, Chicago, 111., 1872-95 ; foreign buyer for Marshall, Field & Co., merchants,, Chicago, is residing in Dresden, Saxony, Germany (1895). . Mrs. Mary Anna' {Bodman) Haskell is a member of the Soci ety of the Daughters of the American Revolution, notified of admission from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Haskell is a .subscriber for this Genealogy. Haskell (Hascall) ances Windsor, Conn., d. Sept. 4, .„.„, „. ,„, „.. ^ ..j, ,,„^„ „„^„„„,.u u„ooii- ui w n h-pv, 7, 1747-^' ^- Ji^ly ^' '833. a. 8s ; Eli Bissell", b. Oct. 17, 1778, m. ist, Sophia Bissell both of East Windsor, Conn.; Edward" Haskell, b. May 8, 1813, of Toledo, O., married Charlotto. Williams*. iiune DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2023 Williams ancestry : ' Williams, of the Williams faraily of Middletown, Conn., m. Miss Paget, of the noble Paget family in England, who and her son lived on Bermuda Island ; Benjamin", of Bermuda I.; Charles", m. Emma Plum, da, of Col. Plum, of the Plum family of Middletown, a soldier of the Revolution ; Charlotte* Williams, m. Ed ward Haskell". Bissell ancestry : — 'John', b. Somersetshire, Eng., 1590, oame (according to tradition, with a brother Thomas) from Somersetshire' to Plymouth, Mass., 1628, and was of Wind sor, Conn., 1635, received the monopoly of the Scantic ferry, Windsor, 1640, was the fir.st settler on the east side ot Conn, River, enlisted troops for Windsor 1657-8, d. W. Oct. 3, 1677, a. 86, his wife came to America with him, she died Windsor May 21, 1641 ; John", b. Eng., m. Izrel, or Isabel Mason, da. Capt. John and Anne (Peck) ; Daniel", born Sept. 29, 1663, m. Margaret Dewey, b. Jan. 10, 1674, da. of Jedediah and Sarah ; Daniel*, m. Jeru- slia Fitch* [see -1-66, p. 84] ; Daniel', m. Elizabeth Newberry' ; Elizabeth' Bissell, m. Jabez Haskell'. Newberry ancestry : — Thomas'; Benjamin"; Benjamin"; Roger* [see -I-8855, page 1827] ; Elizabeth' Newberry, m. Daniel Bissell'. 13603. WILLIAM WALDO' CLEAVELAND (Edward Everett', Waldo', Amasa', 'Nehemiah*, Henry", Josiah", Moses'), m. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 22, 1883, Minnie Beall Lockhart, b. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 19, 1864, da. Robert Beall and Emma Jane (Rankin). Ch.: 15951 William Waldo" Cleaveland, b. Apr. 6, 1886, Jackson v. Mr. William Waldo" Cleaveland, residence Lake City, Fla., to 1879, since at Jacksonville; of the firm Cleveland [E. E.] & Son, wholesale furniture and carpets from 1883, etc. ; Sec'y and Treas. Jacksonville Furniture Co. [E. E. Cleveland, Pres.], 1886, etc. 13604. HARRY EDWARD" CLEAVELAND (Edward Everett'), m. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 17, 1885, Annie Laura Lumpkins, born Georgetown, Scott co., Ky., Jan. 18, 1869, da. George Franklin and Adelaide Victoria (McCormick). Of Palatka, Putnam co., Fla., merchant. Ch. : 18952 Hazel Beale" Cleaveland, b. July 12, 1884 ; William Waldo", Apr. 6, 1886. 13737. CLARK BENNETT" CLEVELAND (wilUam', George', Ezekiel', Simon* [? Curtice", Isaac", Moses']), m. Gilroy, Cal., Nov. 24, 1 880, Minnie Elizabeth Hancock, born Sept. 13, 1854, a da. John and Mary Frances (Shaen), related to Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock; came to California with his father. Of San Francisco, Cal., 1885, '89, plumber, carp. Ch. : 15953 Albert George', born Dec. 3, 1881 ; Gertrude Bennett", Mar. 14, 1883; Milton' Cleveland, Apr. 7, 1885. 13738. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (Willlam', George', Ezekiel', Simon*), m. Mary F. Removed from Utica and Rome, N. Y., i860, to Cal., of Lewis Creek, Peach Tree P. O., Monterey county, Cal., 1885. Ch. : 15954 Lewis" Cleveland. 13749. FREDERICK CLINTON" CLEVELAND (George ciinton', George', Ezekiel', Simon*, [? Curtice", Isaac", Moses']), m. Lockport, 111., May 21, 1873, Mary Murray, born Lemont, 111., Dec. 23, 1855, a da. 2024 CLEAVELAND GENEOLOGY. Patrick and Honorah (Sullivan). Of Chicago, 111., 1883-95. teamster. Ch. : 15955 George Clinton", b. March 22, 1874. Spencer Carleton", Apr. 21, 1878; Mary Mabel', July 22, 1883, C. 13779. CHARLES HENRY" CLEVELAND (George, Isaac v. », wm.', Simon*), m. Jan. 30, 1878, Bertha Ann Cook, b. Dec. 23, 1858. cn.. 15956 John Albert Hawley", b. Nov. 15, 1878. 13796. James Worden' Hatch {/oeiFUch^ Hatch, R/ioda''Bi^by,vriscm&^ Simon*), m. ISt, Mexico, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1862, Polly Mary Ladd. b. Clay, Onondaga co., N. Y., Nov. 28, 1844, d. Bernhard s liay, N. Y., May 23, 1866, da. Ira and Lucilla (Fancher). He m. 2d, Big Rock, UL, Nov. 17, 1875, Annie Maria' Hatch +i3795 V'^ff Hatch, Rhoda' Bixby), she d. Scranton, la., Apr. 14, 1880, a. 23. He m. 3d, Pembroke, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1881, Emma Jane Mook, b. Alabama, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1854, da. Anthony and Catherine (Martin). Of Constantia, N. Y., to 1874, Big Rock and Little Rock, UL, to 1879, Scranton to 1881, since N. Pembroke 1883, carpenter. Ch. by ist m., b. Constantia : Joel Fitch' Hatch, May 17, 1863, of Pembroke; Wallace Emery', Feb. 22, 1865, of P. By 2d m. : Viola Annie', July 13, 1877, Little Rock; Mabel Ada- liza', May 27, 1879, Scranton. By 3d m. : Ida May', Nov. 10, 1882, N. Pembroke. 13814. NOBLE RICHARDSON" CLEVELAND (Ephraim', Noble', Ephraim', Simon*), m. Castile, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1874, Ruth Adelia Larkham, b. Castile June 6, 1856, da. Thomas H. and Amarilla (Green). Of Catlin, N. Y., 1884. Ch. : 15957 Rosie Belle", b. Mar. II, 1875, Castile; Ruth Amarilla" May 15, 1877, Orange, N. Y.; Grace Gertrude' Jan. 8, 1879, O.; Elizabeth Marga ret', Aug. 24, 1880, Castile; Er Stafford' Cleveland, May 27, 1882, Dix, N. Y. 13815. LUTHER ER" CLEVELAND (Ephraim'), m. Apr. 19, 1876, Mary E. Knapp, da. Thomas G. Ch. : 15958 Grover' Cleve land, b. Oct. 12, 1882. 13832. JOSIAH FRANCIS' CLEVELAND (Festus Portius'), m. ist, Newark, N. J., Nov. 2, 1869, Electa Garrison Price, b. N. Oct. 2, 1847, d. N. Jan. 29, 1872, da. John and Mary (Walker). He m. 2d, Chicago, UL, Sept. 25, 1873, Mary Elizabeth Frisbie, b. Little Falls, N. Y., May 20, 1845, da. of Augustus and Hannah (Lucore). Children by ist m. : Festus Arthur, b. Feb. 18, 1871, Wauke- gan, UL, d. Chicago Feb. 8, 1880. By 2d m. : 15959 Augustus Frisbie Cleveland, b. Sept. 19, 1874 Chicago. Junior at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1897! DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2025 Eva May, b. June 22, 1877, Chicago, IIL Josiah Judson, b. July 31, 1882, Oak Park, 111. Josiah Francis Cleveland, residence, Chicago, 111., Assist ant Land Commisnr. of the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Co., Land Department, Chicago, 1883, to July i, 1897, and since Land Commissioner of both the C. & N. W. and the Winona & St. Peter R. R. Co. 13853. EMERSON JOHN" CLEVELAND (john Emory'), m. Canton, Pa., July 16, 1884, Jennie F. Elliot, b. Canton tp. Oct., 1859, a da. Francis S. and Elizabeth W. (Davis). Ch. : 15960 Florence J.", born May 3, 1885; Eloise F. Cleveland, born February 19, 1887. Emerson John" Cleveland, res. Canton 1875-97, attorney at law; received his education in the graded schools; began reading law under Davis & Carnochan in 1878, and was admit ted to the bar in February, 1881, and is a member of the United States Courts and of the Supreme Court of the State of Penn sylvania; member of the F. & A. M., Canton Lodge No. 415; of Troy Chapter R. A. M. 261, a 32d degree Mason; member of the I. O. O. F. Canton Lodge No. 321, and Canton Encampment No. 184. Mrs. Cleveland is a member of the Disciple Church. Francis S. Elliot was born in Bradford co.. Pa., 1820; was a builder and contractor, d. at Canton 1880, a. 60, m. Elizabeth W. Davis, b. in Bradford co. — From Bradford co., Pa., History, iSgti. 13877. ORDINE MONROE" CLEVELAND (chauncey, John Platt', William', William*, [? Curtice", Isaac", Moses']), married first at Corning, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1872, Mary Bacon, b. Geneseo, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1851, d. Corning May 17, 1875, da. of Joseph and Mary (Smith). He married 2d at Newburgh, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1877, Louise Chapman, b. Newburgh Jan 23, 1845, da. of Paddock and Mary (Hoffman). Children by ist m. : 15961 Frances Estella' Cleveland, born Nov. 22, 1873, Corning, unm. (1896). By 2d m., b. Newburgh : Edward Pond" Cleveland, born May 25, 1879, d. N. Apr. 26, 1881. Harry Whitehill" Cleveland, b. July 10, 1884. Louise Chapman" Cleveland, b. March 30, 1887. Mr. Ordine Monroe" Cleveland, residence Newburgh (1896). Of Whitehill [Hugh] & Cleveland, clothing manufacturers 1880 to 1892 ; then of Cleveland & Whitehill Co., incorporated, engaged in same business, factory at Newburgh, with branch salesroom in New York city. I*Ir. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 13879. PHILO PLATT" CLEVELAND (chauncey), m. Nov. 12, 1878, Cora Mina Hummel, b. Kingston, N. Y., 1861, da. of John Frederick and Hattie Salina (Barnheart). Residence, Elmira, N. Y. (1882-96). Children: 2026 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 15962 Hattie Belle" Cleveland, b. October 31, 1881. Anna May' Cleveland, b. March 2, 1883. Estella Louise" Cleveland, b. August 2, 1889. 13881. WILLIAM LUDLOW" CLEVELAND (chauncey', John Platt', William', William*), m. May 13, 1885, Emily Louise Bower, b. Soutn- port May 24, 1862, da. of William F. and Marcia (Ray). Resi dence, Newburgh, N. Y. (1894-6), stock clerk for the Cleveland & Whitehill Co. Children : ^^ , Arthur Ray' Cleveland, b. April 16, 1887,. d. Aug. 16, 1887. 15963 Earnest William" Cleveland, b. July 5, 1891. 13973. Joseph WiUard' KeyeS {joeP Keyes.. Joel' Keyes, Joseph'' Keyes, Jonathan* ICeyes, Joseph^ JCeyes, 'ioaTmefi,Uoses.'), d. Warren, MaSS., Mar. 31, 1883, a, 44, m. ist, Minneapolis, Minn., May 15, 1866, Anna M. Cooper, b. Lancaster co., Pa., Nov. 6, 1844, d. Webster, Mass., Mar. 3. 1871. He m. 2d, Pelham, N. H., Oct. 6, 1874, Ellen Cut ter of P. Ch. by ISt m.: Bertha Anna' Keyes, b. Apr. 18, 1868, Arlington, Middlesex co., Mass. By 2d m.: Mary WiUard' Keyes, May 23, 1876, Auburn, N. Y. Rev. Joseph WUlard' Keyes, Universalist clergyman, grad. Normal School, Westfield, Mass., July, 1859, taught and preached awhile, ent. Theological Dep. St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y., graduating 1864. Then was ord. over a new parish, Minne apolis, Minn., built a fine church, remained 2 years ; afterward pastor at Arlington, Webster, and at Auburn, where, by his efforts, the spacious church was rebuilt ; minister at Shirley Village, Middlesex co., Mass., 1878. 13978. Annie Shepard' Keyes {john Shepard'' Keyes. John» Keyes, Joseph^ Keyes, Jonathan* Keyes, Joseph' Keyes, Joa.nna.'', TAo&es'), m. ConCOrd, MaSS., Sept. 19, 1794, Dr. Edward Waldo Emerson, b. Concord, July 10, 1845, s. Ralph Waldo and Lydia (Jackson). Ch. b. Concord: William' E?nerson, b. July 11, d. 14, 1875; Charles Lowell' Emerson, b. July 3, 1876; John' Emerson, Jan. 6, 1878. Dr. Edward Waldo Emerson grad. Harvard College 1866; residence. Concord, physician. Emerson ancestry: — Thomas', Joseph", Edward", Joseph*, William'; Rev. William', H. C. 1789, accomplished pulpit orator, m. Ruth Haskins, da. John" (Robert') Haskins and Hannah (Upham') [see +-3208, p. 1082]; Ralph Waldo' Emerson, LL.D., born Boston, Mass., May 25, 1803, H. C. 1821, of Concord, essayist and author, m. Lydia Jackson, da. Charles of Plymouth. 14004. JOSEPH GILBERT" CLEVELAND (john James', Joseph', James', James*, [? James", Enoch", Moses']), m. at RoUUd Lake, N. Y., June 8, 1882, Mary Ella Townsend, b. Fort Ann, N. Y., July 13, 1857, da. of Rev. Gideon Howe and'Mary (Jones). Children: 15963'' Earl Townsend" Cleveland, born Mar. 30, 1883 DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2027 Salfem, N. Y.; Carl Gordon' Cleveland, b. Sept. i8, 1884, Sy racuse, N. Y., died Pittstown, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1886; Mary Jose phine' Cleveland, b. June 9, 1889, Yonezawa, Japan; Pauline Eleanor" Cleveland, b. Dec. 27, 1890, Hirosaki, Japan. Rev. Joseph Gilbert" Cleveland, Ph.D., of the Methodist Episcopal Church, U. S. A., residence, Yokohama, Japan. Until the age of 18 years he worked on the farm in Brunswick, N. Y., summers, and attended school winters, and then began to teach district school. On being converted, in the summer of 1877, the first thing that presented itself to him was that he must study for the ministry. Through the kindness of a friend he was enabled to enter the Troy Conference Academy at Poult- ney, Vt., Jan., 1878, and duly graduated, and then took examin ations for entrance to Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. But Rev. Gideon H. Townsend, a member of Troy Conference, then stationed at North Bennington, Bennington co., Vt., was that _ summer stricken with paralysis, and his daughter, to whom Mr. Cleveland had become engaged about a year before, requested Mr. Cleveland to come to her home for a few days. Mr. Cleve land cared for and partially filled Rev. Mr. Townsend's appoint ment ; taught school the next winter at North Shaftsbury, Vt., and accompanied Rev. Mr. Townsend's family to Round Lake, in the spring, working for the Round Lake Association, giving all leisure hours to study. Entered Syracuse University Sept., 1882, while in college supplying a church 7 miles from the city, grad. 1886. He was ordained deacon 1884, entered Troy Con ference 1886, and was stationed at Pittstown. Was ordained elder 1887. He had previously thought of going to Japan, and, on receiving an urgent call, sailed from San Francisco Mar. 24, 1887, and since 1887 has remained in Japan. 14026. MARY JANE' CLEVELAND (Thaddeus SobesW, Timothy', Timothy', Joseph*, Jonathan",. Enoch", Moses'), m. at Calais, O., Aug. 12, 1859, Solomon Morris Railing, b. in Belmont co., O., Apr. 28, 1837, s. of John Henry and Eliza (Morris). Children : Martha Belle' Railing, born Oct. 10, 1861, Calais, m. Sancho, Tyler co., W. Va., Nov. 18, 1880, Freeman Clay Starr, b. Cornwallis, Ritchie co., W. Va., Nov. 15, 1859, s. Moses and Sarah Ann (Smith). Ch. : John" Starr, b. Oct. 30, 1881, Sancho; Clyde Elmore" Starr, June 5, 1884, Sugar Creek, W. Va.; Purley Delvin" Starr, Sept. i, 1887, Cornwallis; Mary Edna" Starr, b. July 5, C, d. C. 18, 1889; Sallie Wineford" Starr, b. Nov. 14, 18—, C, d. C. Feb. 2, 18 — .; Benjamin Franklin" Starr, b. Mar. 31, C, d. C. May 24, 1894. Milroy' Railing, b. Aug. 27, 1864, Calais, m. Sancho, Nov. 10, 1887, Ida Lawson, born Indian Creek, Mar. 5, 1871, da. Winfield Scott and Susan (Woodbourn). Of Next, Tyler co., W. Va. (1895), blacksmith. Ch.: Mamie May" Railing, b. Mar. 12, 1889, Sancho, d. S. June 20, 1894; Clemma Delvin" Railing, b. Apr. 3, 1891, S.; Mazie Fay" Railing, Dec. 8, 1894, Next. Sarah Ann' Railing, b. Jan. 29, 1867, Calais, m. San cho, Aug. 18, 1885, Clayton Commodore Baker, born S. Dec. 5, 2028 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1863, a s. William and Ehzabeth (Stealey). Of Middlebourne, Tyler co., W. Va., farmer. Ch. born Sancho : Icy Belle" Baker, July 17, 1887; Ota Omar" Baker, b. Aug. 27, d. S. Sept. 21, i8»». Evert Edwin" Baker, b. Sept. 23, 1891. „ , Ella May' Railing, b. Dec 9, 1868, Archer's lorK, Washington co., O., married Sancho, Sept. 16, 1885, Jacob tloyo Baker, a s. William and Ehzabeth (Stealey). Of Moscow, Han cock CO., W. Va., farnjer. Ch.: Lozila" Baker, b. Aug. 24, i8»7, Sancho; Va Sara" Baker, July 20, 1889, S.; Dora IVelhngton Baker, Dec. 19, 1890, S.; Lilian Edna" Baker, Sept. 9, 1891, JVios- cow; Early Elsie" Baker, Dec. i, 1894, M. At,' Kate Gertrude' Railing, b. Mar. 12, 1871, Arctiers Fork, m. Sancho, Dec. 24, 1893, Warren Wilber Ash, b. b. July 18, 1869, s. James and Sarah Lucena (Smith). Of Sancho, tar- mer. Ch.: Verla Dessie" Ash, born Mar. 3, 1894, S. Thaddeus Henry' Railing, b. Nov. 14, 1872, Archer's F., unm., of Sancho, farmer; John William' Railing, b. Oct. 24, 1875, S.; Frank Rati ing, b. Sept. 11, 1878, S.; Stella Alice' Railing, b. Feb. 21, 1884, b. Mr. Solomon Morris Railing, residence, Sancho, farmer. Railing ancestry :—Ut. ¦' Railing, of Strawsburg, Pa.; John Henry" Railing, b, Franklin co.. Pa., 1804, of Belmont CO., O., m. Eliza Morris, b. in Ohio, da. of bolomon 01 Barnesville, Belmont co., O. 14027. SARAH ELIZABETH" CLEVELAND (Thaddeus sobeski'), m. Calais, O., Sept. lo, i860, William Henning, b. near Johns town, Pa., Dec. 17, 1829, son of John and Dora (Hildebrand). Ch.: Dora Martha' Henning, b. July i, 1862, Calais, d. Johnstown, Aug. 26, 1863. Emma Bella' Henning, b. Aug. 21, 1864, Johnstown, m. Cannelton, Beaver co.. Pa., Apr. 9, 1882, Fredriech Godfrey Petry of Gallipolis, O. Residence, De Soto, Mo., cutter. Ch. b. De Soto: Vernon Henning" Petry, b. Mar. 9, 1883; Sadie Cleve land" Petry, Feb. 20, 1885. Ella Maf Henning, y:). Nov. 4, 1866, Cannelton. Nellie Gray' Henning, b. Nov. 4, 1866, Cannelton, d. there April 8, 1867. 15964 William Cleveland' Henning, b. Sept. 3, 1869, Cannel ton, m. there Jan. 21, 1890, Maude Lee, born Cannelton, da. of Clemen Oscar and Angeline Adelaide (Barlow). Graduated at Greencastle, Ind., 1889, residence, Cannelton, 1895, lawyer, of the law firm, William Henning & Sons. Ch.: Cleveland" Hen ning, b. June 12, 1892, Cannelton. Flora Lucinda' Henning, b. Feb. 28, 1873, Cannelton. 15965 Edwin Charles' Henning, b. Jan. 20, 1875, Cannelton, unm., grad. Ann Arbor, Mich., Law School 1894, lawyer, of William Henning & Sons, Cannelton. Elsie Sarah' Henning, b. May 18, 1878, Cannelton. Lillian Lucille' Henning, b. Feb. 17, 1882, Cannelton. Mayme V.' Henning, b. Jan. 26, 1885, Cannelton. Guy Thaddeus' Henning, b. Aug. 12, 1887, Cannelton. Mr. William Henning, when aged 6 months, went with his parents to Germany, was reared and educated there, and re turned to the U. S. in 1850, studied law with R. T. Taunchill, in Ohio. Residence, Cannelton, 1895, attorney-at-law, of the law DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2029 firm, William Henning & Sons. Mr. Henning is a subscriber for this Genealogy. John Henning was b. in Germany, m. Dora Hildebrand, b. in Germany. 14052. WILLIAM PITTS" CLEVELAND (Oinsmore', Joseph', Joseph', Joseph*, Jonathan", Enoch"), m. Ansou, Mc, Jan. 5, 1878, Sarah Greene Pinkham, b. A. Mar. 20, 1851, da. Nahum and Mary (Marsh). Ch.: William Elmore" Cleveland, b. May 8, 1881, Caledonia, Traill co.. Dak., now N. D. Dr. William Pitts" Cleveland grad. Bowdoin Medical coll., Brunswick, Me., 1878, of Caledonia 1884, regular physician and surgeon. 14092. WOODBURY FREMONT" CLEVELAND (Samuel Parker', James', Joseph', Joseph*, Jonathan", Enoch", Moses'), m. Skowhegan, Maine, Dec 5, 1882, Nellie Emery, a daughter of Horatio C. and Mary (Wheeler). Dr. Woodbury Fremont" Cleveland, of Eastport, Maine (1884-90), practising physician. Emery ancestry : — John', Anthony", Tames", Zachariah*, Zachariah', John', Joseph', Joseph' [see 4-7615, p. 1708]; Horatio C." Emery m. Mary Wheeler. 14104. Julia Cooper' Blanchard (Mary jane', james', Joseph', Joseph*, Jonathan", Enoch", Moses'), m. at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 22, 1868, Ed ward Payson McCormick, b. at Mill Hall, Clinton co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1841, son of Samuel and.Catharine (Hood). Children: Mary Blanchard' McCormick, b. July 25, 1869, Philadelphia, Pa. 15966 Edward' McCormick, b. Jan. 30, 1873, Lock Haven, Pa., grad. Princeton University, Princeton, N. j., June lo, 1895; Helen Mayer' McCormick, b. Aug. 30, 1879, L. H.; Katherine Hood' McCormick, b. Sept. 17, 1882, Philadelphia, Pa.; James Cleveland' McCormick, b. Jan. 25, 1884, P.; Bessie Blanchard' McCormick, b. May 17, 1885, P. Mr. Edward Payson McCormick grad. Pennsylvania State College 1 86 1. Residence, Philadelphia 1896; was admitted to the bar at Lock Haven, May, 1865, attorney-at-law in Philadel phia. 14105. Bose DurreW Blanchard (Mary jane'), m. at Philadel phia, Pa., Mar. 9, 1876, Charles Henry Elliot, b. at Philadelphia, Jan. 9-, 1843, d. Feb. 23, 1890, son of John and Henretta (Gra ham). Residence, Philadelphia, banker. 14106. Ella Fidelia^ Blanchard (Mary jane'), m. at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 25, 1874, Henry Boardman Neely, born Philadelphia, May 24, 1848, son of Josiah and Sarah (Robinson). Children : 2030 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Florence' Neely, b. Oct. 29, 1875, Philadelphia ; Harry' Neely, Nov. 5, 1877, P.; Charles Blanchard' Neely, July 27, 1878, P.; /«"* Neely, Feb. 10, 1880, P.; Ella' Neely, June 10, 1889, Germantown, Pa.; Merrill' Neely, Apr. 9, 1891, Meadowbrook, Montgomery CO., Pa.; Norman' Neely, Sept. 22, 1894, M. Mr. Henry Boardman Neely formerly resided in Philadel phia. Residence, Meadowbrook, 1896, lumber merchant. 14107. Kate Cleveland' Blanchard (Mary jane'), m. Philadel phia, Pa., Jan. i, 1885, Isaac Stokes Lowry, b. at Philadelphia, Apr.' 6, 1849, son of John Stroud and Elizabeth Collens (Stokes). Ch.: Margaretta Reamer' Lowry, b. Dec 13, Germantown, Pa., d. 15, 1886; John Blanchard' Lowry, b. Feb. 9, 1889, Camden, N. J. Mr. Isaac Stokes Lowry, res. Philadelphia, 1896, banker. 14108. Mary Cleveland' Blanchard (Mary jane'), m. at Phila delphia, Pa., Jan. 17, 1882, William Newell Bannard, b. in New York, Dec. 30, 1848, son of William and Frances (Heath). Ch.: William Newell' Bannard, b. Aug. 16, 1883, Camden, N. J. Margaret Blanchard' Bannard, b. Aug. 29, 1887. Mr. William Newell Bannard, residence, Wilmington, Del., 1896; was, in 1885, Supt. of the Pa. & Schuylkill Valley R. R., Reading, Pa.; is Supt. of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Balti more R. R. (runs from Philadelphia to Baltimore, with branches). 14109. Bessie Cleveland' Blanchard (Mary jane'), m. at Ger mantown, Pa., Apr. 5, 1888, Henry William Dunne, b. Mt. Pleas ant, Schuylkill co.. Pa., Nov. i, 1856, d. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 26, 1895, s. of Henry Hawthorne and Esther (Cherry). Mr. Henry William Dunne resided at Cape Charles, North ampton CO., Va., 1885-6. Was from 1885 Supt. of the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad (runs from Delmar, Sussex co., Del., to Cape Charles, with branch). 14110. Charles Merrill' Blanchard (Mary jane', james', Joseph', Jo seph* Jonathan", Enoch", Moses'), m. at Germautown, Pa., Oct. 16, 1889, Alice Day Gregg, b. Wissinoming, Philadelphia co.. Pa., Aug. 7, i86g, daughter of William Lampus and Harriet Louise (Day). Children, all born at Germantown : 15967 Charles' Blanchard, b. Oct. 10, 1890. William Gregg' Blanchard, b. Sept. 30, 1891. Thomas Wood' Blanchard, b. July 17, 1894. Mr. Charles Merrill" Blanchard, residence Philadelphia Pa. dealer in Winterburn bituminous coal, office in Philadelphia.' Mr. Blanchard is a subscriber for this Genealogy. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 203 1 14135. CHARLES CRAGIN" CLEVELAND (OeWitt ciinton', james Young', Luther', Joseph*, Joseph", Enoch", Moses'), m. Creighton, Neb., Dec. 25, 1890, Mattie Coppage Reynolds, b. Moravia, Appanoose co., Ia., Nov. 5, 1868, da. Thomas Marshall and Emeiine Claressa (Pollard). Residence, Creighton, 1895, farmer. Ch. b. Creighton : Mattie Hope" Cleveland, Oct. 9, 1891; Eugenia Beryl" Cleveland, Jan, 16, 1893; Nellie Charline' Cleveland, Apr. 18, 1895. 14209. HENRY JUDSON' CLEVELAND (niram judson", Hehry, \ jMeph'',' lira'; } Joseph*, Ebenezer", Moses", Moses' ), m. EdgartOWn, MaSS., June 17, 1892, Hannah Robinson' Vincent -(-14212 (Catherine", Tristram', ¦John Neal', Ezra', Joseph*, Ebenezer", Moses"). Of EdgartOWn (1896), farmer. Ch. : Alice Robinson" Cleveland, b. Dec. 15, 1893, E. 14223. Bichard' I>eming {Thomas Dur/ee^ Deming, Deborah', Henry', David', Benjamin*, John", Moses", Moses'), m. in TOWU of Ossining, N. Y., Aug. I, 1889, Emily Montague Bibby Mead, b. in Town of Ossining Oct. 25, 1865, da. of Robert Gillespie and Harriet Newell (Earle). Ch. b. in village of Sing Sing, N. Y. : Elizabeth Oakley" Deming, b. June 16, 1890. Richard" Deming, b. Dec. 14, 1892. Mr. Richard' Deming resides in the village of Sing Sing, N. Y., 1896. Mr. Deming is agent in New York of the Harlan and Hollingsworth Company of Wilmington, Del., builders of iron steamships and steamboats ; also car manufacturers. A sub scriber for this Genealogy. 14415. WILLIAM MEREDITH' CLEVELAND (Henry Porter", Hora- tio Johnson', Aaron Porter', Josiah', Josiah*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. Martha Ann Dorris. Ch. : Burns Monroe" Cleveland: James Henry'" Cleveland. 14416. JAMES HENRY' CLEVELAND (Henry p."), m. Fanny Spencer. Ch. : William Henry" Cleveland. 14439. EUGENE" CLEVELAND (Charles josiah', Horatio J.', Aaron P.', Josiah*, ',"Aaron", "), m. Trempealeau, Wis., Feb. 22, 1873, Florence Elsie Cary, born Oshkosh, Wis., Mar. 10, 185 1, da. Absalom and Elsie Lowena (Inman), Of Elysian, Le Sueur co., Minn., school teacher. Ch. : Edith May", b. May 22, 1874, Gale, Trempea leau CO., Wis.; Charles Victor Leroy", Sept. 30, 1877, Trem pealeau, Wis.; Earl Trevor", Nov. 27, 1880, Elysian. 2032 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 14486. Margaret CtirSlOn" Marquand (jolm PhUUps^ Marqnand, Sa rah Winslow"^ Tyng^ Sarah^ Higginson^ Susanna', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses' j, m. April 5, 1892, Herbert Dudley Hale, son Edward Everett and Emily Beecher (Perkins). Cli. r 15967'' Herbert Dudley" Hale, b. February, 1893. Hale ancestry : — William', Richard", Robert", John*, Samuel' [see -I-713, page 365] ; Richard', b. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 28, 1717, d. Coventry, Conn., June i, 1802, m. iSt, Eliz abeth Strong, da. Joseph of C, of the family of Governor Caleb Strong of Northampton, Mass. ; Rev. Enoch', b. Coventry Oct. 28, 1753, of Northampton, grad. Yale 1773, d. West- hampton, Mass., Jan. 14, 1837, m. Sept, 30, 1781, OctaviaThroop, b, ab. 1754, d. 1839, a. 85, da. Rev. Benjamin and Sybil (Dyer) ot Bozrah, Conn. ; Hon, Nathan', b. Westhampton Aug. 17, 1784, graduate Williams 1804, LL.D. Harvard 18^3, introduced steam printing intoN. E., edited Boston Daily Advertiser 50 years, d. Brookline, Mass., Feb. 9, 1863, m. Sept. 2, 1815, Sarah Preston Everett' ; Rev. Edward Everett' Hale, D.D., b. Boston Apr. 3, 1822, grad. Harvard 1839, pastor South Cong. Chh. ot B. since 1856, author, m. Oct. 13, 1856, Emily Beecher Perkins, da. Thomas Clap and Mary Foote (Beecher), and descended from Pres. Thomas' (Stephen' m. Temperance, Samuel* m. Hannah Gill, da. of Thomas and Hannah [Otis, da. of John and Margaret] of Hingham, Mass., Thomas" of Dorchester, Mass., m. Abigail, Richard", Dorchester, England, ', per. of Devonshire, Eng.) Clap and Mary (Whiting, da. of Rev. Samuel of Windham, Conn.), and desc. from the Perkins family of Ipswich, Mass., the Footes of Guilford, Conn., and Lyman Beecher's family. Everett ancestry : — 2 arms : Everett ; i : Everet, Everett, and Ever att. Gu. three bears' heads couped ar. Crest — An arm in armour, couped, holding a spear, rest ing the elbow on a chapeau. . . Richard', whose name is uniformly given Everard, of Watertown, Mass., an original founder of Dedham, Mass., 1636, m. ist Mary ; Capt. John", b. prob. Watertown, of Dedham, m. Elizabetli Pepper, b. Roxbury, Mass., May 25, 1645, da. Robert and Elizabeth (Johnson) of R, ; John" m. Mercy Brown ; Ebenezer* m. Joanna Stevens ; Rev. Oliver or Olion', born June 11, 1752, grad. Harvard 1779, minister of New South Church of Boston, m. Lucy Hill, da. of Alexander S. Hill, of Philadelphia, Pa.. desc. of Arthur HiU, the emigrant; Sarah Preston' Everett m. Nathan Hale'. — N. E. Reg., XIV: 2iq: Munsell's Ancestry, IV: jg: Clapp Gen. : Savage. 14502. Dudley' Atkins {Francis Higginson» Atkins, Dudley'' Atkins, Sarah^ Higginson, Susanna', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. Manhattan, Kan., May 4, 1890, Jessie Fremont McDonald, b. at Zeandale, Kan., da. of C Perry and Mary Elizabeth (McCurdy). Studied at State Agricultural College, Manhattan; res. Manhattan 1 88 1-5, book and job printer. Children b. Manhattan : 15968 Dudley" Atkins, b. Apr. II, 1 891; Dulce" Atkins, b. July 30, 1893. 14518. Stephen Higginson' Tyng {Stephen Higginson' Tyng), m. June 6, 1894, Juliet Kemp; grad. Williams Coll. 1886, of New York, N. Y., 1895, commercial life. 14519. SewaU TapjJan' Tyng {Stephen Higginson^ Tyng), m. May 29,, 1894, Edith May Gale; grad. Williams Coll. 1888, Columbia Law School, lawyer 1891, of New York, N. Y., 1895. 14523. Mary Bockland' Tyng {charies Rockland^ Tyng), m. Jan. 9,, 1895, Robert Stowe Bushnell. 14554. Mary Cabot' Higginson {Francis Lee^ Higginson), m. Boston Mass., Feb. 2, 1898, Philip Sears. Mr. Sears grad. Harvard, 1889!! DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. , 2033 14592. Bichard Cleveland' Hastings (Anna", Richard Faiiey', wii. liam', Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. Batticotta, Ceylon, Aug. 10, 1883, Minnie Blanchard Truax, b. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 22, 1855, da. Edwin Armstrong and Lucretia (Mason). Ch. : Anna Lucretia" Hastings, born Sept. 26, 1884, Jaffna, Ceylon; Minnie Katherine", Feb. 2, 1886, J.; Alma Sibley", July 20, 1888, J.; Car oline Louise", Aug. II, 1889, J. ; Mary Alida" Hastings, b. Nov. 9, Cincinnati, d. C, Dec. 30, 1892. Rev. Richard Cleveland' Hastings grad. Hamilton Coll. 1875, Auburn, N. Y., Theological School 1878, Missionary at Jaffna 1879 (arrived there Jan. 21, 1879) to the present, 1898 (except 2 years at home). 14594. Catharine Eli&abeth' Hastings (Anna'), m. Hartford, June 9, 1892, Irving Francis Wood, b. 'Walton, N. Y., May 27, 1861, son Francis E. Ch. : b. Northampton, Mass. : Constance Hastings" Wood, May 9, 1895; Edna Francis" Wood, Dec. 24, 1896. Rev. Irving Francis Wood grad. Hamilton Coll. 1885; was associated with Rev. E. P. Hastings at Jaffna, Ceylon, college 4 years, returned and completed his theological studies at Yale Theol. Seminary, grad. 1892. Residence Northampton 1897-8 ; from 1893 professor of Christian Ethics and Biblical Literature in Smith College. 14595. Henry Eurotas' Hastings (Anna»), d. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 22, 1894, a. 32 y. 5 mo. 18 d.," m. H. Oct. 17, 1888, Harriet Greene Day, b. H. Feb. 5, 1864, only da. Robert Elijah and Harriet North (Greene). (Shem. 2d, see below.) Ch. b. Hartford: Robert Day" Hastings, Sept. 27, 1889; Henry Panet", Aug. 18, 1891; Richard Cleveland" Hastings, Jan. 23, 1893. Henry Eurotas' Hastings, when aged 7 years, was sent to this country to be educated; grad. from Hartford P. High School. From 1 88 1 was clerk for, and from Feb., 1889, assist, treas. of, Security Company, Hartford. Was also treas. of Windsor Locks Water Co., member of Hansel, Sloan & Co., jewelers, a trustee of State Savings Bank; was member of and treasurer of several funds of the Center Cong, chh., committee-man, etc. Member (from 3d ward) and vice-pres. of Hartford Common Council 1891; a Police Commissioner from 1893. Obituary and portrait in Hartford Times, Jan. 22, 18^4. Mrs. Harriet Greene (Day) Hastings m. 2d, Hartford, Feb. 17, 1897, Charles R. Hansel of H. Mr. Robert Elijah Day, pres. of Security Co., Hartford, m. ist, Harriet North Greene. 14617. Blanche Cleveland' /?er>t.^OW. (juHet Maria', JohnTreadwem, Charles', Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. San FrancisCO, Cal., Feb. 28, 1872, Rev. Joseph Bailey Greenfield, b. Bettows parish, Monmouthshire, Eng., July 26, 1847, 4th s. of James and Mar- 128 2034 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. garet (Bailey). Ch. : Richard Bailey" Greenfield, b. Jan. 31, i873, San Francisco, d. S. F. Jan. 11, 1874; William Cleveland", b- J™^ 10, 1874; Charles Joseph", Feb. 4, 1876, Round Mountain, Tex^^; Herbert Herndon", Aug. 2, 1877, R- M. ; Walter James Treadwell , Feb. 26. 1881; Edward Henry" , May 22, 1882; Juliet Ida", Nov. 6, 1883, Goldthwaite, Brown co., Tex.; Benjamin Percival", Oct. 12, 1885, G.; Mary Louise Ophelia" Greenfield, May 7, 1887, Downey, Cal. Rev. Joseph Bailey Greenfield, a Baptist clergyman; resi dence, San Francisco to 1875, Round Mountain and Goldthwaite to Dec. I, 1886, since at Pasadena, Downey co., Cal. Ordained missionary in Brown co. Sept., 1885; lives on a fine fruit farm. James Greenfield, b. Isle Anglesea, North Wales, d. '^'¦('1^y^-.y<'riaret Bailey, she d- 1859, eldest daughter of the late Sir Joseph Bailey, Baronet, M. P. 1858, of Glanusk Park, Crickhowell, Brecon, South Wales (father of the late Joseph Bailey, Esq., M, P. 1858, who m. Elizabeth Mary, da. of William Congreve Russell, Esq., of Leamington, whose son, Sir Joseph Russell Bailey, Baronet of Glanusk P. and Easton Court, Tenbury, Herttord- shire, Eng., 1862. — Baronetage). 14618. Ida Bell' Herndon (jmiet Maria^), m. Round Mountain, Tex., Mar. 3, 1873, Peter Getzwiller, b. Alton, 111., Nov. 16, a s. John Peter and Dorothea Margaratha (Cavelage). Ch. : Joseph Herndon" Getzwiller, born Feb. 7, 1874, Round Mt.; Peter George Cleveland", May 29, 1877, R. M.; Dora Blanche", April 9, 1884, Brady Tex. Res. Brady 1886. Getzwiller ancestry : — Gen. John Peter', agitator against the government (general in French army, so thought), outlawed, but his sons were proud of him as a patriot, came to America May, 1833, m. Susanna Thiirenge, b. France. Ch. : 3 s. 2 da, : John Peter", b. Canton Basel, Switzerland, Feb. 2, 1808, engineer, put together first steam engine set up at St. Louis, Mo., m. Dorothea Margaratha Cavelage, born Dincklage, Holland, Mar. 31, 1807, d. Alton bef. 1866, da, Hinrich and Elizabeth (Espelage). Ch. : i. Joseph, 2. Susan nah, 3. Peter", 4. Matilda Francis, 5. Elizabeth, 6. Ferdanande Louis, 7. Mary Dorothea Getzwiller. 14702. Frederick Stuart' Stedman {Edmund Clarence^ stedman, Eliza beth Clementine'' Dodge, Sarah', Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. N. Y. city Mar. 31, 1880, Ellen Montague Douglas, b. N. Y. city Dec. 22, 1855, only da. of George and Martha Hanmer (Montague). Ch. : Laura Woodworth" Stedmafi, b. Feb. 18, 1881, N. Y. c Mr. Frederick Stuart' Stedman, graduated Bryant, Stratton & Whitney's Business College, Newark, N. J., 1872. Residence, City of New York, except brief periods in Washington, D. C, and Newark. Formerly clerk in a N. Y. publishing house, and 1880 to 1884 member in the firm E. C. Stedman & Co. Assistant editor of Literary Encyclopedia, N. Y. 1884 — see Bibliography, Chap. IV. Douglas ancestry : — Robert' , William", William", William* [see -|-is6o, p. 6S7],; Maj. Asa', b. Plainfield, Conn,, Dec. 11, 1715, major during Revolution (buried Stephentown, N. J.), d. Nov. 12, 1792, m. Rebecca Wheeler ; Jonathan' m. Rhoda Hancock ; Jonathan Hancock', b. Lebanon Springs, Columbia co,, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1781, banker, m. Mrs. Har riet Anne (Sheldon) Rossiter ; George' Douglas, born Waterford, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1829, of New York, lawyer, m. Martha Hanmer Montague". Montague ajicestty : — William', Robert", William", Peter*, Richard', m. Abigail Downing*, descendant of William I. [Plantagenet, etc., ancestries — see +^s^, p. 264-6 -f 2273, p. 878]; John', b. Wethersfield, Conn., 1655, m. Hannah Smith" ; Richard' m. Abi gail Camp ; Richard' m. Olive Nott, only child of Capt. Gershom of Wethersf. ; Moses" m. Eunice Harris of W. ; William" of Hartford, Conn., in E, India trade, m. Elizabeth Stillman, da. Nathaniel of Wethersf. ; Martha Hanmer" Montague, m, George Douglas^*. Smith ancestry : Samuel' [see -[-11476, p. 1929] ; Chileab", b. 1636, m, Hannah Hitch cock, da. Luke and Elizabeth (prob. Gibbons) of Wethersfield ; Hannah" Smith m John Montague'. — Montague gen. ' DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2035 14718. Kate Cleveland' Pratt {Henry Cleveland^ Pratt, Henry Zachariah'' Pratt, Susan', Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), m. Hartford, ConU., Oct. 6, 1880, Hon. Wilbert Warren Perry, b. Canton, Conn., Dec 20, 1851, d. at Hartford Feb. 12, 1895, son of Franklin Reuel and Clarinda (Barbour) Perry. Children b. at Hartford : 15969 Wilbert Warren" Perry, b. Aug. 29, 1881; residence, Hartford (1897). Grad. West Middle School, Hartford, 1896; Hartford High School, class of 1900. Katharine" Perry, b. March 25, 1883, res. Hartford. Graduated West Middle School, Hartford, 1896; Hartford High School, class of 1900. Cleveland" Perry, b. Mar. 13, 1885; res. Hartford; class of 1898 West Middle School, of which institution his aunt. Miss Esther Clarinda Perry of Hartford has continuously, since 1 881, been the efficient principal. Mrs. Kate Cleveland' {Pratt) Perry, residence, Hartford. Hon. Wilbert Warren Perry was graduated from Yale Col lege (now University), New Haven, Conn., 187 1; was the class valedictorian; was connected with a classical school at Morris- town, N. J., 4 years; grad. Columbia College Law School, city of New York, 1877; was admitted to the New York bar; resi dence from Dec i, 1877, Hartford, where he always afterward practised law. Was assistant State's Attorney of Conn, until April I, 1 88 1. In politics a Democrat, and was elected a mem ber of the House of Representatives, Connecticut Legislature, 1883. Barbour ancestry: — Thomas^, Thomas^, Samuel^, Jolin*, Jonathan^ [see +7044, P- 1661] ; Henrys, b. Canton Mar. 12, 1794, d. C. Apr. 12, 1869, m. Naomi Humphrey^, b. Bark- hamsted, Conn. ; Clarinda' Barbour, m. Canton, May 2, 1838, Franklin Reuel Perry. Humphrey ancestry : — MichaeP, Samuel^, Jonathan^ [see +586, p. 318] ; Solomon* m. Naomi Higleys ; Solomon^ m. Hannah Brown^ ; Naomi^ Humphrey m. Henry Barbour'* Brown ancestiy : — Peter^, Plymouth, Mass. ; Peter'', Windsor, m. Mary Gillett, da. Jonathan of W. ; John^ m. Elizabeth Loomis, da. John'' (Joseph') Loomis and Elizabeth (Scott, da. Thoraas of Hartford, Conpi.) ; John* m. Mary Eg-gleston* ; John^ m. Hannah Owen* ; Hannah^ Brown m. Solomon Humphrey^. Oiven ancestry : — 34. arms: Owen (Wales) Per bend ar. and sa. a lion ramp, counter- changed. . . . Johni. b. Dec. 25, 1624, of Windsor, Simsbury, m. Rebecca Wade, da. Robert, an original propnetor of Hartford ; Isaac'' m. Sarah Holcomb^ ; Elijah' m. Han nah Higley^ ; Hannah* Owen m. John Brown^. Higley ancestry : — 2 lines; John^ from Frimley, county Surry, Eng,, of Windsor, m. Nov. 9, 1671, Hannah Drake, da. of John'' (Johni of Dorchester or Boston, Mass., 1630) Drake and Hannah (Moore, da. of John of Windsor) ; Brewster'^, b. 168 r, m. Esther Hbl- comb3 : Hannah^ m. Elijah Owen^ ; Naomi^ Higley m. Solomon Humphrey*. Hoicomb ancestry: — 2 lines: Thomas^, Dorchester, Mass., freeman May 14, 1634, Windsor 163s ; Benajah^, b. W. June 23, 1644, na. Sarah Eno, da. James and Anna (Bid- well) of W. ; Sarahs m. Isaac Owen" . . . Thomasi, Nathaniel^, b. W. Nov. 4, 1648, m. Mary Bliss^ ; Esther^ Hoicomb m. Brewster Higley^. Bliss ancestry : — Thomas^, Thomas^ [see +354, p. 2tg] ; Nathaniel^, born England, of Springfield, Mass., m. Catharine Chapin, da. SamueU and Cicely [see 4-381. p. 241] ; Mary^ Bliss m. Nathaniel Hoicomb'*. Eggleston ancestry : — 4 arms : Egleston : (Lancashire, Eng.). Ar. a cross sa. betw. 4 fleurs-de-lis. . . . Begat, Bagot, Bigod, Bigot, Biggot^, b. 1590, fr. Eng. to Dorches ter 1630, of E. Windsor; James", b. Eng., m. Hester or Esther ; Thomas^, b. E. Windsor July 27, i66i, m. Grace Hoskins, da. Anthony (PJohni) Hoskins of W, and Isabel (Brown) ; Mary* Eggleston m. John Brown*. — My Wife and my Mother {Appendix ; Genealogy) by Heman H. Barbour., 1^4. 14742. Eleanor Douglas' Gold {Theodore Sedgwlck^ Gold, Phete', Eras- tus', Moses', Moses', Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), m. Comwall, ConU., Sept. 30, 1868, Charles Henry Hubbard, b. Sandusky, O., Feb. 22, 1845, a s. of Rollin Barnard and Ann Morrison (Massey) Hubbard. Children : 2036 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 15970 Rollin Barnard" Hubbard, b. July 22, 1869, San dusky, O., unm., grad. Kenyon College, Gambier, O., 1892 ; res idence, Hartford City, Blackford co., Ind. (1897), editor ot a newspaper. See Bibliography, Chap. IV . tj f Carolifie Lockwood" Hubbard, b. Oct. 14, 1871, ^art- ford City, unm.; Eleanor Gold", b. Sept. 20, 1873, H. C, d. H. C. Aug. II, 1874. Charles Mills" Hubbard, b. Oct. 24, 1875, Hartford City, unm. ; attended Kenyon College for a time; res. Hartford City, book-lceeper for his father. Alice Gold" Hubbard, b. Feb. 7, 1878, Hartford City. Charles Henry Hubbard grad. Sheffield Scientific School, Yale, New Haven, Conn., 1867. Residence, Sandusky to 1870, and since at Hartford City, is a manufacturer of spokes, and owns and operates an extensive farm. 14743. Rebecca Cleveland' Gold {Theodore Sedgwlck^ Gold, Phebe', Eras- tus«, Moses'), m. Cornwall, Conn., Nov. 8, 1876, Samuel Mott Cor nell, b. New York, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1841, a s. of Sidney and Sarah Ann (Nostrand) Cornell. Children b. Guilford, Conn.: 1597 1 Martha Gold" Cornell, born August 10, 1878. Theodore Gold" Cornell, h. May 6, d. G. July 19, 1884. Mr. Samuel Mott Cornell, residence, Cornwall to 1877, and since at Guilford (1897), farmer. 14744. Caroline Simons' Gold { Theodore Sedgwlck^ Oold, Phebe', Eras- tus', Moses'), m. Cornwall, Conn., July 25, 1882, William Franklin Gibson, b. at sea on a small island on the coast of China, Jan. 7,. 1856, a s, of Rev. Otis and Eliza (Chamberlain). Ch. b. San Francisco, Cal : 15972 Eleanor Eliza" Gibson, born May 11, 1883. Otis" Gibson, born October 7, 1884. Theodore Gold" Gibson, born Oct. 11, 1886. Alice" Gibson, born July 15, 1888. Myra Eliza" Gibson, born November 7, 1890. Caroline Elizabeth" Gibson, born August 23, 1892. Eunice Lockwood" Gibson, born October 29, 1895. Mrs. Caroline Simons' {Gold) Gibson, grad. Yale Art School 1879, residence since 1882 San Francisco. Mr. William Frank lin Gibson grad. from the University of the Pacific, Santa Clara,, Cal., 1877, and Boston, Mass., Law School 1882, lawyer. Rev. Otis Gibson, D.D., Methodist missionary, grad. Dickinson coll., Carlisle, Pa., 1854, went to China 1855, i^i San Francisco 1882,. labored with the Chinese, d. San F. ab. 1889. 14745. A lice Tracy' Gold {Theodore Sedgwlck' Gold, Phebe', Erastus', Moses'), d. Washington, D.C, Dec. 15, 1890, a. 31, m. West Cornwall, Litchfield CO., Conn., Oct. 18, 1887, Franz Ulrich von Puttkamer' b. Versin bei Barnow, Pomerania, Germany, Sept. 7, 1861 d! DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2037 there June 30, 1892, a son of Franz Gustav Carl Heinrich and Anna Marie Clara Henriette (von Trebra) von Puttkamer. Child : 15973 Ottony Kriemhild" von Puttkamer, b. Sept. i, 1888, "Washington, D. C, res. Versin, Germany, 1897. Mrs. Alice Tracy' {Gold)von Puttkamer grad. Wellesley college, Mass., June, 1883. Residence from 1887 Washington, D. C. Franz Ulrich von Puttkamer finished his education at Ritter Academy, Brandenburg a Havel, upper Saxony, Germany, 1880, was for a number of years a teacher in and finally principal of the Berlitz School of Languages, Washington. Of the eminent family of von Puttkamer, of Germany, and related to the Princess Johanna (von Puttkamer) von Bismarck, wife of Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bis marck. 14746. Martha Wadsworth' Gold {Theodore Sedgwlck* Gold, Phebe', Erastus', Moses'), m. West Cornwall, Conn., Sept. 30, 1885, Colin Daniel Morgan, b. West Linton, Peebleshire, Scotland, May 6, 1846, a son of William and Jane (Brown) Morgan. Children : 15974 Theodore Gold" Morgan, b. February 9, 1887, Mon treal, Can. Marjorie Tracy" Morgan, b. December 31, i888, Montreal, Can. Henry William" Morgan, b. Aug. 3, 1891, Cream Hill, Cornwall, Conn. Alice Gold" Morgan, b. Apr. 2, 1895, Montreal, Can. Mr. Colin Daniel Morgan has lived in Canada since' the fall of 1869, residence Montreal (1885-98), merchant, of the firm Henry Morgan & Co. [Colin Daniel Morgan and James Mor gan, Jr., -f- 14749], wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods and carpets, Montreal. Morgan ancestry : — Colin', a landed proprietor and farmer at Saline, Fifeshire, ¦Scotland, William" Morgan, of West Linton, draper, m. Jane Brown, da. Daniel Brown, of Ingraston, Peebleshire, Scot., sheep farmer. 14747. Charles Lockwood' Gold {Theodore sedgwick^ Gold), unm. {1898). Mr. Gold was graduated from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale College, New Haven, Conn., June, 1883; residence. West Cornwall, Conn., farmer. Was appointed Feb. 2, 1898, Connec ticut State Statistical Agent for the United States Dep. of Agriculture. 14748. James Douglas' Gold {Theodore Sedgwlck' Gold, Phebe', Erastus', Moses', Moses*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), married at Bridgeport, Coun., Oct. 17, 1894, Gertrude House, b. Bridgeport, June 24, 1868, da. of James Alvord and Mary Frances (Dimond) House, s. p. Dr. James Douglas' Gold graduated from Sheffield Scientific School, Yale College, New Haven, Conn., 1888, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y., 1891. Residence Bridgeport 1895-8, regular physician. 2038 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 14749. Anna Elizabeth' Lyman {juUa Loraine» gou), m. ^°^" treal, Can., Oct. 10, 1879, James Morgan, b. Glasgow, Scotlana, Sept. 23, 1847, a son of James and Catherine (Matthew). Chil dren b. Montreal : James Douglas" Morgan, b. June 29, 1880. Frederick Cleveland" Morgan, b. December i, 1881. Harold Matthews" Morgan, b. December 16, 1882. James Morgan, Jr., residence, Montreal (1879-97), of Henry Morgan & Co. [Colin Daniel Morgan, James Morgan, Jr.], mer chants, Montreal. Morgan ancestry : - Colin' [see -|- 14746, p. 2037] \ James" Morgan, from Glasgow to America 1853, draper, m. Catherine Matthew, da. of Thomas Matthew, of Kmoardme, Fifeshire, Scotland. 14750. Frederick Gold' Lyman {juUa Loraine^ Gold, Phebe', Erastus', Moses', Moses*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), m. Biddeford, Mc, DeC IO, 1885. Mary Isabella Goodwin, b. Biddeford, Feb. 22, 1857, d. Mon treal, Can., Nov. 21, 1888, da. of Hon. John Monroe and Har riet (Herrick). Children : John Goodwin" Lyman, b. Sept. 29, 1886, Biddeford. Frederick Gold" Lyman, b. Sept. 14, 1888, Montreal, d. M. Mar. 2, 1889. Mr. Frederick Gold' Lyman, residence 1895 Montreal ; for merly manufacturer of lumber ; is of Lyman, Knox & Co., im porters, and wholesale druggists, Montreal and Toronto, Can. Mr. Lyman subscribes for this Genealogy. Herrick ancestry : — See Herrick Genealogy. Harriet Herrick m. Hon. John Mon roe Goodwin, connsellor-at-law, Biddeford. 14753. WALTER GOLD' CLEVELAND (james Douglas', Daniel', Eras tus', Moses', Moses*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), m. Elyria, O., Oct. 13, 1 885, Harriet Cary b. Boston, Mass., Dec ii, 1858, da. of Samuel Avery and Anne Maria (Cook), of Elyria. s. p. Mr. Walter Gold" Cleveland, residence, Cleveland, O. Mr. Cleveland studied law at the University of Michigan, and since has been a lawyer in the office with his father. Judge Cleve land, at Cleveland, O. (1895). 14760. GEORGE WILEY" CLEVELAND (Thomas GoW, Daniel', Eras tus', Moses', Moses*, Aaron", Aaron", Moses'), married at Westerly, R. I., Aug. 27, 1895, Sadie Stanton Stillman, b. at Westerly, R. I., June 15, 1872, daughter of Elias Anson and Florence Irene (Kenny) Stillman. Child : 15975 Douglass Stillman'" Cleveland, b. Apr. 23, 1897, at Cleveland, Ohio. George Wiley" Cleveland, residence always in Cleveland O.; for many years an Electrical Expert at Cleveland, office' 687 The Arcade (1897). Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2039 14780. Ernest BolleS" Futnam {Henry Cleaveland» Putnam, Jea.mette-' , Erastus', Moses'), m. Eau Claire, Wis., Mar. 12, 1895, Helen Louisa Van Auken, b. Hastings, Minn., Apr. 5, 1867, da. of Philander G. and Charity (Van Inwegen). Mr. Putnam attended High School at Eau Claire, and studied 2 years at University of Heidelburg, Germany. Residence, Eau Claire to 1888, and since in St. Paul, Minn.; was Assist. Cashier of Chippewa Valley Bank, Eau Claire, now is a lumberman 1895. Philander G. Van Auken of St. Paul, Minn. 14781. Sarah Lynn' Putnam {Henry Cleaveland^ Putnam), m. Eau Claire, Wis., May 30, 1887, James Otis Hinkley, b. Westfield, N. Y., July 16, 1859, s. of Watson Spooner and Clara (Thacher). Mr. J. O. Hinkley grad. Greylock Institute and Union College of Law, Chicago, 111. Residence, Chicago, lawyer. Hinkley, Otis, and. Thacher ancestries . — Jaraes Otis Hinkley, descent from Thomas Hinkley last Gov. of Plymouth Colony. Grandmother on his paternal side was a de scendant of Solomon Otis, grandfather of James Otis, the patriot. Descent on maternal side from Rev. Thomas Thacher, pastor Old South Church, Boston, Mass. Watson Spooner Hinkley m. Clara Thacher of Manchester, Vt. 14820. John Walker' Adams {john Quincy^ Adams, Lucius Smith'' Adams, Aaron' Adams, Simon'' Adams, Miriam*, Moses', Aaron", Moses'), m. St. Paul, Minn., June 5, 1888, Priscilla Fentham Horn, b. St. P. May 16, 1868, da. Henry John and Francina (Banning). Ch. b. St. Paul: John Walker" Adams, b. May 16, 1889; Banning Lowber" Adams, b. Mar. i, 1894; Priscilla Fentham" Adams, b. Apr. 12, 1895. John Walker' Adams, residence, St. Paul 1895, grain mer chant in Minneapolis, Minn. Was educated at St. Paul, and one year in Mass. Institute Technology, Boston. Horn ancestry ¦¦ — ib arms : HORNE ; / ,¦ HORne OR HORN ; 7 ,¦ HORN : (Germany). Or 3 buglehorns sa. . . John', of Philadelphia, Pa., m. Priscilla Fentham ; Henry John" Horn ra. Francina Banning". Banning ancestry : — 2 arms : Erm. on a chief indented sa. 2 true-lovers' knots ar. John', of Wilmington, Del., m. Elizabeth Lowber'; Francina" Banning m. Henry John Horn". Lowber ancestry : — Matthew', of Amsterdam, settled on the eastern shore of Mary land, no dates were given in the primer from which these names were copied ; Peter", moved into the gov. of the 3 counties, now Delaware, and became a very rich man, m. Kain ; Michael', m. Mary Cole; William*, m. Alice Ponder ; Elizabeth' Lowber, m. John Banning'. 14821. Charlotte Bell Adams (adopted daughter of >/5!k Quincy^ Adams), n6e Charlotte Bell, da. of Justus Blanchard and Eleanor (Henry). m. at St. Paul, Minn., May 15, 1888, Samuel Crosby Stickney, b. Stillwater, Minn., Nov. 19, 1859, s. of Alpheus Beede and Kath- .arine Wilts Herzog (Hall). Ch.: Alpheus John Stickney b. Mar. 20, St. Paul, d. St. P. Dec. 21, 1889; Laurence Charles Stickney, b. Aug. 9, 1891, Chicago, UL; Robert Adams Stick ney, b. Sept. 17, 1893, St. Paul, Minn.; Son Stickney, b. Aug. 14, 1895. Bell, Blanchard, Converse, Daggett, Henry, Hill, Hutchinson, Marshall, and Shel don ancestries of Charlotte Bell Adams :— Justus Blanchard Bell of Ohio, m. Eleanor (2040 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Henry of Ohio, both long since deceased. Charlotte was descended from the He^'"y. ^"^ Marshall southern families Justus Blanchard Bell's mother was Charlotte Blancnii descended from Thomas Blanchard of Charlestown, Mass., through John Bli).acaa.T^^ Billerica, Mass., whose branch intermarried with the Sheldons, through them reacmug Edward Converse of Woburn, Mass., also descended from George Hutchinson, itaipn Hill, and the Daggets. Samuel Crosby Stickney res. St. Paul 1895 ; attended Mass^ Inst. Technology, Boston, Mass.; is gen. manager Chicago Great Western Railway. stickney ancestry : - Robert', William", William', Samuel*, Samuel' [see + I'l"'. P- 1919] ; Thomas', b Bradford, Aug, 23, 1694, m. Mary Mullickin, b, Sept. 26, 1692, aa. Kooerc and Rebecca of Rowley, Mass.; Thomas', m. Sarah Tenny, da. Dame and Ann ; w lUiam', m. Anna Smith, b. Canaan, Somerset CO., Me , Feb. 6, 1774 i Daniel', m. 2d, Ursula Mo riah Beede, b. Sandwich, N. H., Aug. i, 1813 ; Alpheus Beede'" Stickney, b. Wilton, Me., June 27, 1840, lived at Stillwater, lawyer, noW 1895 President Chicago Great Western K. R., m. Katharine Wilts Herzog Hall of CoUinsville, IU,— Stickney gen., 407. 14824. Sara Frances' Shepard {Henry H.^ shepard, Laura Lovina-' Adams, Warren' Adams, Zebediah' Adams, Miriam*, Moses', Aaron", Moses'), m. Perry, O., May 7, 1890, Charles Sumner Gleason, b. Windsor, Ashta bula CO., O., Sept. 20, 1861, s. Edwin Delos and Maria Charlotte (Stoughton). Ch. : Ruth" Gleason, b. Sept. i, 1892, Seattle, Washington. Mr. Charles Sumner Gleason, grad. Grand River Institute (Academic), Austinburg, Ashtabula co., O., June 8, 1882. Ad mitted to bar Ohio Supreme Court, Mar. 6, 1888. Residence, Seattle (1896), where he has practiced his profession since Oct. 10, 1888 ; is of Law Firm Gleason & [C. C] Babcock. Gleason ancestry : — Thomas' Glezen of Watertown, Mass. Tho. Leson took oath of fidelity at Watertown 1652. Of Cambridge, Mass., Charlestown, Mass. Thomas Gleison of Charlestown held possession of squa-sachem's lands, 1662, d. Cambridge 1684, m. Su sanna, prob. father of Isaac", soldier in the FaUs fight 1676, of Enfield, Conn., 1681, d. 1698 ; Thomas', b. Enfield ; Thomas*, Thomas', Jabez Onncen', Edwin John'; Edwin Delos' Gleason m. Maria Charlotte Stoughton'*. Stoughton ancestry : — Thomas' [see -(- 1037, p. 467] oame, no doubt in the Mary and 'm, or next month in fleet with Winthrop, Dorchester, Mass., 1630, desir. adm. as freem. Oct. 19, 1630, Windsor, Conn., 1636, m. ist, Mary Wadsworth of Hartford, Conn., a da. of William ; Capt. Thomas', b. W. Nov. 21, 1662, m. 2d, Mrs. Abigail (Edwards') Lathrop, wid. of Benjamin Lathrop; John', b. Dec. 11, 1719 (?) ; William", Oliver", Shem'", Owen", Maria Charlotte'* Stoughton m. Edwin Delos Gleason'. Edwards ancestry : — Richd.', Richd,", Wm.', Richd.*, Timothy' fsee -)- 452, p. 264] ; Abigail' Edwards m. Thomas Stoughton'. Charles Sumner Gleason is also descended from John Steele of Newtown, Mass., 1631, later of Hartford, Conn., Jonathan Gillette of Dorchester and Windsor, John Bis sell of Plymouth 1628, Windsor 1640, Gov. William Bradford of Plymouth 1620, James Smith of Rutland, Mass., 1716; John Bent of Sudbury, Mass., 1638, Robert Hunter of Pal mer, Mass., 1738, Robert Blair of Boston, Mass., 1718, later of Blandford, Mass., etc. 14876. KATHRYN ISABELLE" CLEAVELAND (Frank Edward', Edward', Eliphas', Eliphas', Moses*, Benjamin", Aaron", Moses'), married at Hartford, Conn., Nov. 20, 1895, Dr. Clifford Winship Porter, born at Farmington, Conn., March 28, 1869, died at Tryon, Polk CO., N. C, May 7, 1897, a son of William and Annette (Winship) Porter. Child : Clifford Lester Cleaveland" Porter, born Oct. 4, 1896, Hartford. ClifiEord Winship Porter, M.D., a practicing homoeopathic physician of Hartford. Residence, Hartford. Graduated from Hartford Public High School, class of 1888, and from the New York Homoeopathic Medical School, New York, N. Y., 1892, i^ ''dZluMfT.i^ ^.^At^tA^^- (f9i:tLy DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2041 Studied medicine with Dr. Charles L. Beach of Hartford. De clining health (consumption) compelled him to go to El Paso, Tex,, in Feb., 1897, but he was not benefitted. Accompanied by Mrs. Porter and their child the doctor set out to return, and at one of the stops on the homeward journey died unexpect edly, passing away during the night when thought to be asleep. Dr. Porter was held in high esteem and had a promising fu ture, and his death caused deep sorrow among his many friends. The funeral was held in Wethersfield Ave. Congregational Church, Hartford, May 10, 1897, Rev. Samuel B. Forbes officiat ing. There was a profusion of floral offerings including special emblematic designs from the Royal Arcanum and Parkville Lodge of Odd. Fellows, of which the deceased was a meraber. The burial was at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford. The Hart ford Times, Courant, and local papers contained obituary notices. Mrs. Porter resides at Hartford (1897). 14914. WILLIAM HENRY CLEVELAND (Andrew Beardsley', David', David', Tracy', David*, Samuel', Samuel", Moses'), m. Lincoln, Neb., May 16, 1883, Margaret Spalman, da. Thomas and Mary. Of Lincoln 1886, R. R. conductor. Ch. b. L.: 15976 Laura May", Apr. 18, 1-884 ; Florence" Cleveland, June 25, 1885. 14985. WARREN HENRY SUMNER"-'" CLEVELAND (wiison ... J. „) Albert Alvin', Elijah', Elijah', Eph- Jiioerc - .j Mary Julia'' Darte, Betsey Hamblin'' Shepard, Polly' Hamblin, Rachel', Ben jamin* !¦ Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. New Dorp, N. Y., June 17, 1893, Mary Emma Butler, b. New Dorp Nov. 16, 1871, da. Daniel and Tamzen (Martling). Res. Dongan Hill, N. Y., 1894-7, carpen ter. Ch. b. Dongan H.: 15977 Viola Butler""" Cleveland, b. Mar. 7, 1894 ; Laura Mildred""", May 7, 1895. 15253. GEORGE HENRY" CLEVELAND (Charles Monroe', Joseph Henry', John', Joseph', Elijah*, Joseph', Sarauel", Moses'), m. Ann ArboT, Mich., May 18, 1880, Jennie Jolly, b. Ann A. Feb. 19, 1861, da. William Bliss and Mary Elizabeth (Judson). Ch.: 15978 Charles William", b. Dec. 21, 1882, Coleman, Mid land CO., Mich. Carlton Edward" Cleveland, b. Jan. 8, 1887, Pent Water, Mich. Dr. George Henry" Cleveland grad. M.D. Ann Arbor Uni versity June 18, 1882, of Coleman 1883, practicing physician. 15254. EDGAR FRANCIS" CLEVELAND (charies Monroe'), married Adrian, Mich., June 3, 1885, Jennie Maude Hodges, b. England Feb. 12, 1865, da. James Nathaniel and Sarah Jane (Mullings). Of Adrian, merch. Ch. b. Adrian : 15979 Ollie Hedges", Oct. 22, 1886 ; Beatrice Jennie" Cleveland, July 2, 1888. 2042 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 15275. HENRY BURDETT" CLEVELAND (Ferrand Hartwell', He^y Asa', Asa', Asa', Elijah*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), bom at SchenCVUS, ^-J^'i November 7, 1877, unm. Graduated from Amsterdam (N. Y.) High School June, 1897, president of the class ; education not yet finished ; residence at Amsterdam, N. Y., where he is a civil engi eer (1898). Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Gen ealogy. 15305. JAMES t'VERTON" CLEVELAND (OUver Edwin', Porter', Ezra', Ezra', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. FrOStburgh, Alleghany CO., Md., Nov. 7, 1872, Mollie Catherine Parker, b. F. Nov. 10, 1854, da. William Henry (b. F. Sept. i, 1821) and Rebecca Hum- berston). Soldier Co B, loth West Va. U. S. A. 1863 to 1865, of Augusta CO., Va., to 1866, Lonaconing, Alleghany co., Md., Aug. :,, 1866, to June 'j, 1869, Cumberland, Alleghany co., Md., to Sepu 24, 187 1, Frostburgh to Apr. 30, 1879, since Oakland, Gar rett 00 , Md. (1S82), plasterer. Ch. b. Frostburg : 15980 Bertie CoRNEi '", Jan. 16, 1874; William Oliver", Feb. 28, 1876; Alice May" Cleveland, June 16, 1878. 15307. JOHN PORTER" CLEVELAND (ouver Edwin'), m. South River District, Augusta co., Va., Nov. 25, 1875, Bettie Stuart Berry, born S. River D. Dec. 8, 1855, da. Thornton and Nancy (Lesley), res. near Laurel Hill P. O., Augusta co., Va., 1857 to 1882, teacher. Ch. b. S. River Dist.: 15981 Mary Alice Stu art", Oct. 14, 1876; Frederick Pilson", July 21, 1880; Lily Cornelia" Cleveland, July 21, 1882. 15314. ALBERT BARKSDALE" CLEVELAND (Albert HoratiC, Por ter', Ezra', Ezra', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. Albemarle CO., Va., Feb. 3, 1876, Sallie Pitts Carr, b. A. co. July 24, 1854, da. Sam uel Dabney and Jane (Thomas). Of Albemarle co., merchant. Ch. b. A. CO.: 15982 Harvey Conway", Apr. 29, 1879 ! Annie Dora", Mar. 8, 1881 ; Lena Lewis" Cleveland, May 15, 1883. 15317. EMMET HOWARD" CLEVELAND (Albert Horatio'), m. Al bemarle CO., Va., Jan. 18, 1883, Ella Florence Jennings, b. Flu vanna CO., Va., Islov. 20, 1865, da. Henry Price and Julia Ann (Walton). Of Albemarle co. to 1885, Pa. 1885, New Martins ville P. O., Wetzel county, W. Va., 1885, farmer. Ch.: 15982* George Thomas", b. Dec. 17, 1883, W^etzel co. 15351. George Howard' Beach (Cynthla Maria', john CrandaU', Ezra', Ezra', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. ISt, at Hartford, Conn., July I, ,.<;^'*<^T^/LW<<^— *<" DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2043 1880, Augusta Ann Poindexter, b. at Hartford, d., da. of John H. and Vesta Ann (Edgerly) Poindexter. He m. 2d, Tyring- ham, Mass., Apr. i, 1891, Mary Elizabeth Jones, born East Lee, Mass., Mar. 12, 1865, daughter of Henry Jonsey and Sarah Jane (Thorp) Jones. Residence, Lee 1895-6, engineer, both mar riages, s. p. 15352. Hubert Cleveland' Beach (Cynthla Maria', john Crandall', Ezra', Ezra', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), married at Clinton, Coun., Sep tember 21, 1882, Gracie Arlington Buell, b. Clinton March 26, 1857, daughter Of Harvey Edwin and Nancy Maria (Bushnell) BuelL Children : 15983 Cleveland Harvey Buell" Beach, b. July 25, 1884, Clinton, Conn. Hubert Buell" Beach, b. July 29, 1886, Maiden, Mass., d. Clinton Aug. 7, 1888. Mr. Hubert Cleveland' Beach, residence Maiden 1885-98, pres ident of Beach & Clarridge Co. [George F. Clarridge, treasurer], manufacturing chemists, soda water flavors, factory and home offi,ce in Boston, Mass. This extensive manufactory and busi ness were originated and established and the company organ ized by Mr. H. Cleveland Beach, who has successfully conducted the constantly increasing business for years. Its interests are continually represented by commercial travelers on the road, and its goods are found in almost every city and town in the U. S. and in many foreign countries, where their many beverages are partaken of by the temperance public. Mr. Beach has been a newspaper manager, etc. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. Mr. Beach is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 15365. Adeline' Allen {Laura Ann^ Keiiogg), VO.: Peru, N. Y., July 4, 1866, Martin Baker, b. Mar. 7, 1847, s. Stephen and Lydia (Bar low). Of Ausable, N. Y., 1883, machinist. Ch.: -1-15984 Emma Laura" Baker, b. Dec. 18, 1868: Adelbert" Baker, Nov. 24, 1872 ; Cordelia" Baker, Mar. 30, 1874 ; Cora" Baker, Aug. 4, 1877 ; Alonzo" Baker, Apr. 17, 1879 ; Lucia" Baker, Apr. 18, 1882. 15379. FRANK B.CLEVELAND (Charles oilman', james Gould', Samuel', Tyxhall', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. Akron, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1878, Helen Rogers, b. A. July ii, 1857, d. A. May 21, 1881, a daugh ter James and Mary (Smith). Of Akron 1882-3, plumber; Cleveland, O., 1884-5, salesman. Ch.: Winnifred", b. Dec. 14, 1878, d. Feb. 24, 1879. 15985 Helen Maude" Cleveland, born Feb. 5, 1880. 15427. Bert Henri' Wood {Emlly Louisa' Klnne, Sophronia', Sylvester', Wil liam Darbee', Samuel*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. West Superior, Wis., Oct. 31, 1896, Wealth a Louella Mills, b. Wheaton (n. Chippewa 2044 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Falls), Wis., Apr. 27, 1880, da. Albert Edward and Helen Jen- -nette (Cole). „ Mr Bert Henri' Wood, residence. Hayward, Wis., to. 1895, and since at Hawthorne, Douglas co.. Wis. (1897) ; .an elemen tary graduate of the State Normal School at River Falls Wis., is a teacher. Is commander of Wisconsin Division, Sons of Vet erans. Mr. Wood is a subscriber for this Genealogy. Albert Edward Mills, b. Caton, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1849, m. Wheaton Oct. 31, 1869, Helen Jennette Cole, b. Princeton, Green Lake, Wis., Oct. 3, 1851. 15438. Georgia Louise' Houghton (Louise', ouver', josiah', on ver', [?Josiah*,De'liverance', Edward"]), m. BuffalO, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1862, Jo- siah Granville Smith, b. Lexington, Mass., June i6, 1833, a son Josiah and Lucinda (Wyman), and cous. to G. W. Houghton — mothers being sisters. Res. Boston, Mass., 1862-74, N. Y. city since ; of Samuel P. Dexter & Co., woolens, N. Y., 1883. Ch. b. Jamaica Plain, Mass.: 15986 Cleveland Houghton" Smith, b. May 19, 1865, entered Harvard College 1882, Class of 1886, thinks of studying Law; Isobel Houghton" Smith, b. May 24, 1867 ; Louise Houghton" Smith, Mar. 30, 1873. 15449. HELEN MARY" CLEVELAND (George Smith', OUver', josiah', Oliver', ? Josiah*, Deliverance', Edward", Moses'), m. Minneapolis, Minn., Apr. 24, 1873, Aaron Moriey Wilcox, b. Painesville, O., July 24, 1842, son of Hon. Aaron and Eliza Jane (Moriey). Children b. Cleveland, Ohio : 15987 Aaron Moriey" Wilcox, b. July 12, 1874., Horace Wilder" Wilcox, b. Jan. 5, 1876. Mr. Aaron Moriey Wilcox, residence, Cleveland, O. (1868-97), has been since 1868 one of the firm Cleveland, Brown & Co. [see -(-4480, p. 13 1 7], iron manufacturers. 15462. JOHN NILES' CLEVELAND (Chester Hurd', Nicholas', Josiah', Oliver'), m. Wyoming, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1877, Ella Jane Newton, b. Yorkshire, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1856, daughter Joel Truman and Rose (LoomiseV Still res. Warsaw, N. Y. (1895), farmer. Ch. born Warsaw: Clara Adell", b. Apr. 18, 1881, d. W. Oct. 15, 1887 ; Mabelle Rose" Cleveland, b. Mar. 14, 1885. 15520. Edie Dell' Einney (Maryette', Solomon', Enoch', Solomon', Enoch*, Deliverance", Edward", Moses'), married Newburg, Mich., Jan. 19, 1879, Charles Fremont Smith, Jr., b. Penn, Vandalia, Mich., Sept. 29, 1856, a son Amos and Martha J. (East). Ch.: 15988 Mary Eme tine" Smith, b. Jan. 14, 1880 ; Archie Lloyd" Smith, Oct. 26, 1882 ; Mattie May" Smith, Dec 26, 1884, Nance co.. Neb. Charles Freemont Smith, Jr., resided homestead to 1884, located Apr. i, 1885, on farm, Cheboygan, Mich. 'r-/% HENRY CLEVELAND WOOD. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2045 East ancestry : — j arm-s : Gu. a chev. betw. 3 pairs of wings in lure or. . . . Wil- liami, b. about 1735, of N. C, m. Frances Cochran of Grayson co., Va.; William2, b. N. C. May 8, 1773, of Gr'ayson co., Blount co., Tenn., Wayne co., Ind., Calvin tp., Cass co.» Mich., m. Grayson co , Rachel Talbott^ b. n. Winchester, Va., Sept. 23, 1780 ; James^, b. Tune I, i8og, of Wayne co., m. Anna Jones, b. Jefferson co., Tenn,, 1805, da. Jesse and Hannah (Frazier) ; Martha J.* East, m. Amos Smith. Talbot ancestry : — i arms : TalbotT;j2.- Talbot. (Richard Talbot held domains in Normandy 1046, came 1066 with William, by Domesday Book had extensive possessions in Eng., ra. da. of Gerard de Gournay, Baron of Yarmouth, by Editha, his wife, da. (by Gundred, da. of the Conqueror) of Williara, Earl of Warren and Surrey, issue : Karon Geoffrey (fourth in descent from whom was Thomas, had grant 37, Henry III of Bashall, York CO., etc.) and Hugh (ancestor of the house of Shrewsbury). -Ar. 3 lioncels salient purpure. Crest ~ A. talbot pass sa. T^o/Zf? — Touts jours fidele. . . . John^, from Eng., of n. Friend's Meeting-House, Middletown, Chester (now Delaware) co., Pa., 1700, ra. Mary, or Elizabeth, prob. Turner, da. or sister of John of M.; Joseph^ m. ist, 1732, Hannah Baker^ ; Jacob^, b. Aug. 19, 1748, of Concord tp , Delaware co., Pa., Hopewell, Va., m. Susanna Sharples^^ ; Rachel* Talbot, m. William East^. Sharpless ancestry : — j arw.?.- Sharples (Sharpies, co. Lancaster). Sa. 5 crescents ar. between the points of each a muUett or. Crest — Dexter hand brandishmg sword. Motto — Pro veritate suffer fortiter. . . . Adam^ de Sharpies, 1320, from him descends in per. 3d or 4th generation, Richard^, of Sharpies 1473, his supposed son or grandson, iohn^, of Sharpies, gent.;. Richard'', of Sharpies, gent., m. Elizabeth Bolton of Bolton, -ancaster co., Eng., gent.; Sj Richard^, b. is'^Bi of Wynbury, Cheshire, England, m. Cicely : Geoffrey, or Jeffrey^o^ of Wynbury, m. Margaret Ashley ; John^^, bap. Wyn bury, Aug. 15, 1624, of Mearemore, Blakenhall, Hatherton, Cheshire, England, a Quaker, Middletown, granted land by William Penn 1682 in Nether Providence, Delaware co., Pa., died near Chester Sept. i, 1722, m. Jane Moor, perhaps sister to David of Hankelow ; Josephi2, b. Hatherton Sept. 28, 1698, m. Lydia Lewis, b. Glamorganshire, Wales, Mar. 8, 1683, da. Ralph and Mary of Haverford tp.; SamueP^^ m, Jane Newlin* ; Susanna^* Shar pies, ra. Jacob Talbot^. Newlin ancestry : — Nicholas^, a Friend, from Mt. Melick, Tyrone co., Ireland, 1683, Concord, m. Elizabeth ; Nathaniel^, born Dec. 18, 1665, m. Mary Mendenhall frora Wilt shire ; Johns, m. Mary Woodward, da. Richard and Jane of Middlet ; Jane* Newlin, m. Samuel Sharplesis. Baker ancestry : — Josephi, of Thornbury, ra. Mary Worrilow of Edgemont, daugh ter Tohn and Ann (Mans) ; Hannah^ Baker, m. Joseph 'Vs.Voot'^.— Sharpless Family., By Giloert Cope., i882„ p. 1^2. 15637. WARREN MARIPN' CLEVELAND (Levi^, Aaron', John', Ed- wards, John*, Palmer=, Edward^ Moses'), m. Lansing, Mich., June 26, 1871, Mary Jeannette Worden, b. Gaines, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1852, daugh ter George Washington and Sarah Maria (Alderson). Of Green- bush, Mich., May, 1875, farmer. Ch.: Harley Walter" Cleve land, b. May 4, 1872, St. John's, Mich.; Henry George'" Cleve land, b. Aug. 27, 1873, Yates, Manistee co., Mich. 15638. MORTON HARLEY WALTER' CLEVELAND (Levis), m. Sullivan, Pa., Jan. 16, 1874, Helen Augusta Palmer, born S. Aug. 19, 1850, da. Mark and Elizabeth (Smith). Of Covington, Pa., Aug., 1875, farmer. Ch.: Jessie Cornelia" Cleveland, b. Nov. 9, 1874. 15664. Henry Cleveland' Wood (Emma Matildas, john Hamilton', Pal mer", Benjamin', Deliverance*, Palmers, Edward', Moses'), b. at Harrodsburg, Ky., Jan. 12, 1855, unm. The following biographical sketch (which is accompanied by his portrait and selections from his writings) is from Illustrated Kentuckian, Lexington, Ky., Nov., 18^4, III : sps — In early life he was thrown much upon his own re sources, and such educational advantages as he lacked, a strong literary' taste and extensive reading in general measure sup plied. He at first turned his attention to journalism. [See Bibliography, Chap. IV.] Mr. Wood has led a very busy life, and possesses a happy combination of business tact, and ability, 2046 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. with a talent for literary pursuits. By his thrift he has become a property-holder in his native town. His genius is composite, and with literature he combines both music and art. In the latter he is expert in wood carving, and has adorned his home in this place with products of his skill. In dramatic composi tion, he is author of two librettos, and both operas were per formed with much success in several cities in the State. Both in poetry and prose literature Mr. Wood has won laurels of dis tinction, and he is well known in periodical literature, being a contributor to some of the most prominent magazines in the country, among them, the following : The Quiver, Appleton's Journal, Leslie's periodicals ; Harper's Weekly will soon pub lish one of his clever short stories. In social life, Mr. Wood has ever a fund of sparkling wit and humor, which render him popular in a high degree. {Press Notices.) Communities, Uke men, are sometimes forgetful of their best friends, and they need at times to be reminded of the existence of strong personalities that affect their common life for good. Such a one in Harrodsburg; is Henry Cleveland Wood, who quietly and modestly has grown to hold a unique part in the composite activities and sentiments of the place. He may be properly termed the poet laureate of Harrodsburg — and a poet, too, whose tender verses have ever been freely indited to Harrodsburg themes, whether grave or gay. If a lady desires to give an entertainment, and to have something_ bright and sparlclihg on her invitations, she goes to Mr. Wood for help ; if a lover wishes to send a gift to his fair one with a tender sentiment expressed in verse, Mr. Wood is his refuge, and when the last sad summons has called away Harrodsburg's brightest and best ones, who has ever with such loving sympathy and tender grace sung their conse crated virtues ? Besides establishing himself as a distinct feature of Harrodsburg's in tellectual and sentimental life, he has earned for himself recognition in the wider field of magazine literature. The New York Star contains an ably written article on "Young Literary Kentuck ians," in which Robt. Burns Wilson, James Lane Allen, and Henry Cleveland Wood are all given excellent notices for their work. Among the younger poets of the South, few show more vital signs of promise than Henry Cleveland Wood and Ingram Crockett of Ky., John P. Sjolander of Tex., and Robert Loveman of Ala. Worthy also of being included in this list is Rufus J. Childress of Louisville. The South has other young poets of even greater fame. These will yet, if true to themselves, reflect honor upon the South by presenting her as she is to her own people and to many besides. Mr. Wood's fame has traveled East, and won him recognition from the higher magazines. His landscapes are Kentucky landscapes. Few photographs could be truer than the study he gives in his "When Fallow Fields Invite." Nor is he a mere landscape painter. His work, while a careful reproduction of nature, has something of deeper quality ; he sees living man the harvest field, as well as the rose by the wayside. — The Round Table. Residence: Harrodsburg (1898). Mr. Wood, since the age of seventeen, has been and still is in mercantile business on his own account. Mr. Wood is a subsciber for this Genealogy. 15671. Walter Bussell Thornton' Lambuth {Mary Isabella' mc- Clellan, Sally Ann', Palmer', Benj.', Delev.*, Palmers, Edward"), m. Nashvillc, Tenn., Aug. 2, 1877, Daisy Lavinia Kelley, b. Huntsville, Ala., Feb. 24, 1859, da. of Rev. David Campbell and Mannie (Harris). Children : 15989 David Kelley" Lambuth, b. Feb. 20, 1879, Shanghai, China. Mary Cleveland" Lambuth, born Mar. 15, 1885, Soo- chow, China. Walter William" Lambuth, born May 9, 1 889, Kobe, Japan. Rev. Walter Russell Thornton' Lambuth, M.D. [Vanderbilt University, 1877, Bellevue Hospital Medical Coll., N. Y., 1882], DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2047 D.D. [Emory Coll., Ga., 1891, Randolph, Macon, College, Va.], grad. Emory and Henry College, Emory, Washington co., Va., M.A., 1875, Univ. of Nashville, scientific course, 1874; while he was a Medical Missionary in China, the Soochow Hospital of the M. E. Church South was erected, of which he was in charge (working together with Dr. William Hector Park) until obliged, on account of the health of his family, to leave Soochow, when Dr. Park was left in, and has since been continuously in, charge of this hospital. Residence, Nashville, 1895, clergyman and physician. ^ Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church South, Nashville, H. C. Morrison, W. R. Lambuth, Secretaries ; T. B. Holt, Treas. Rev. David Campbell Kelley, M.D., D.D., of Huntsville, m. Mannie Harris. 15672. Nora Kate' Lambuth {Mary Isabella' McClellan), m. in Kobe, Japan, Oct. 6, 1886, Dr. William Hector Park, b. Rock Springs, Ga., Oct. 27, 1S58, son of James Andrew and Ann (Smith) Park. Child : 15990 Margarita Mary" Park, b, Jan. 7, 1889, Kobe, Japan. Dr. William Hector Park graduated at Emory College, Ox ford, Ga., 1880, Bellevue Medical College, City of New York, 1880. His boyhood days were spent on his father's farm, but before he reached his teens he was inspired with the desire to become a Medical Missionary. He entered Emory College Jan. 18, 1878, and in March, 1880, was appointed to China, and grad uated June 30, 1880. He studied medicine in Edinburgh, Scot land, andin London, Eng., but graduated from Bellevue Medi cal College, New York, physician and surgeon. Since coming to China he has had charge of the Soochow Hospital of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. This hospital was erected while Dr. Walter R. T. Lambuth was a Medical Missionary in China, and he and Dr. Park worked together. When Dr. Lam buth removed from Soochow, Dr. Park was left in charge of the hospital, which has continuously remained under his man agement (except a two-years furlough) to the present, and now has an average of 9,000 patients a year. His work consists in seeing both clinic and in-patients, foreign missionaries, and wealthy Chinese, who send for him to their homes. He has also a class of medical students, who, after a course of five years, graduate with a medical diploma. One class of gradu ates are successful physicians and druggists. For one case that was cured in the Hospital, Dr. Park was made an Honorary Mandarin. Rich and poor alike find in him a friend and ad viser. Dr. Park took a special Medical Course in New York city, 1895, and returned with Mrs. Park to China, June, 1895. Residence, Soochow, China. Mrs. Park subscribes for this Genealogy. 15682. CATHARINE BUTLER" CLEVELAND (james Butlers, john Smith', John', Benjamin', Deliverance<, Palmer^, Edward", Moses'), m. at One- onta, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1883, Leroy Eugene Harris, born Franklin, 2048 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. N. Y., Jan. 22, 1859, son George and Elizabeth (Farrington). Res. Merrickville, Delaware co., N. Y., farmer. Ch.: 15991 Stanley Cleveland" Harris, b. Jan. 22, 1887, M. 15694. EDWARD WARREN" CLEVELAND (George Clark", George Clark', Job William', Job William', Deliverance*, Palmers, Edward", Moses'), mar ried at Cedar Vale, Kan., November 25, 1897, Marie Louise McGirk, b. at California, Moniteau co.. Mo., August i, 1876, daughter of Zachary Taylor and Martha Columbia (Rowland) McGirk. Residence, Cedar Vale (1898), liveryman and farmer. s. p. 15753. RICHARD CHESTER'-' CLEVELAND (ciarence Chester', {^'uvifE^vSnav', g^eorge Nitfon:; } Hosmer', Edwards Samuel', Edward", Moses'), married at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 26, 1894, Gertrude Elizabeth Smith, b. Worcester, Apr. 13, 1872, only daughter of Jesse and Jane (Hopcroft). Mr. Richard Chester^"' Cleveland, residence from 1890, Worcester (1897); is Treasurer of the Smith-Green Company at Worcester. Graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893. Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 15781. Emma Mary' Butter {Cella Ann' Cady, Horace Harveyi Cady, Jos. C/OTe/a«(;» Cai^y, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah", Josiah", Moses'), m. Chicago, 111., Mar. 2, 1868, William Gray, b. Romeo, Mich., Sept. 25, 1849, son Dr. Neil and Maria (Miller), res. Romeo, 1894. Ch. : -j- 1 5992 Grace Ernest" Gray, b. Mar. 26, 1869, Chicago, 111. Bessie Rutter" Gray, b. Dec. 3, 1870, Romeo, d. R. Sept. 3, 1 87 1. 15993 William" Gray, b. Sept. 26, 1873, R. ; Nina Louise" Gray, b. May 4, 1877, R.; Flossie Brabb" Gray, b. June 12, 1882, Romeo. 15800. Scott' Jordan {Colllns Hausberger' Jordan, Julla Ann'' Cady, Joseph Cleve land' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiahs, Josiah", Moses'), married at Piqua, Ohio, Dec. 5, 1883, Clifford Moody Hall, born at Piqua, June 12, 1863, youngest daughter and child of Dr. William Perry and Ann Maria (Ward) Hall. Child : 15994 Harold Scott" Jordan, b. Feb. 2, 1890, Chicago, 111. Mr. Scott' Jordan was born Jan. 29, 1859, in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, has resided since March, 1859, in Chicago, 111, Was educated in the public schools of Chicago ; Mt. Vernon Military Academy, Morgan Park, 111., followed by a course in Prof. Bell's Academy, Chicago. Is a secretary and treasurer. Became a Master Mason, July, 1886, in Lincoln Park Lodge, No. 611, A. F. and A. M., Chicago, in 1892, affiliated with Kil winning Lodge, No. 311, A. F. and A. M., Chicago; a Knight Templar, Aug., 1886, in St. Bernard Commandry, No. 35, K. T., "^ y^i^d^^^u^. DESCENDANTS OF MOSES' CLEVELAND. 2O49 Chicago ; received the thirty-second degree of Masonry, Nov. 10, 1886, in Oriental Consistory, S.-. P.-. R.'. S 32", Chicago. Admitted to membership in the following patriotic-heredi tary societies : June 26, 1894, Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; Aug. i, 1894, Illinois Society, Sons of the Revolution ; a charter member of the Chicago Continental Guard, which was organized July 17, 1894, and is composed of members of the Sons of the American Revolution ; Oct. 13, 1894, General Society of the War of 1812, Philadelphia, Pa.; a charter member of the Society of the War of 18 12, organized in the State of 111., Oct., 1895; Dec. 7, 1894 (made Life Member, Dec, 1895), Society of Colonial Wars in State of 111.; Society of Mayflower Descendants (of passengers on the voyage of the Mayflower which terminated at Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 11, o. s., 1620); elected Jan. 9, 1896, installed Feb. 13, 1896, a Companion of the First Class Military Order of the Loyal Legio'n of the United States, Illinois Commandery, being eligible through his uncle, Capt. Everard Cady' Jordan, dec'd, through his father (Capt. Jor dan's eldest brother), who waived his claim to the inheritance. Member of the Virginia Historical Society; was elected, Jan., 1895, a life member of the Society for the Preservation of Vir ginia Antiquities; Feb. 6, 1895, member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society; and is a member of the Illinois Genealogica:! Society, chartered 1894, but not yet organized. Is a member of the Illinois Club of Chicago, and of Chicago Ath letic Association. Mr. Jordan is a gentleman of decided literary and antiqua rian taste, and a genealogist. To his efforts are due the very complete accounts in this work of the genealogy, ancestries, and biography of the descendants of David and Lois^ (Cleve land) Cady. Mr. Jordan is a subscriber for a number of copies of this Genealogy. Mrs. Clifford Moody (Hall) Jordan was elected, Dec. 5, 1895, a member of the Chicago Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution ; elected, Dec, 1895, an Hereditary Life Member of the National Mary Washington Memorial Association. Hall ancestry : — Will'iam', born in South Carolina Mar. 29, 1763, of English family ; served in the Revolution (a flrst cousin of Gen. Anthony Wayne), d. in Montgomery co., O., Mar. 3, 1858, m. in the Newberry District, S. C, Oct., 1792, Mary Cammaok, b. New berry D., Oct 12, 1775, d. Montgomery CO., 0.,Mar. 4, 1850, da. James and Joanna (Inscoe), oE Newberry D. ; James", b. in S. C, Dec. 27, 1794, d. Montgomery co., 0., Dec. 13, 1854, m Feb. 22, i8t6, Henrietta Siddons, b. in N. C. 1795, d. Montgomery co., O., Apr. 23, 1850; Dr. William Perry" Hall, born Montgomery Co., O., Aug. 30, 1822, of Piqua, O., m. Piqua, May I, 1849, Ann Maria Ward^, b June 30, 1826. fVard ancestry ; 2 lines : William' [see -I-38, p. 67], m. ist ; John" [see -I-3249, p. 1114] ; Elizabeths m. Joshua Fuller". William' m. 2d Elizabeth ; Richard", b. Eng. 1635, of Sudbury, Mass., freem. 1664, was drowned in Sudbury river Mar. 31, 1666, m. S. Sept. 8, 1661, Mary Moore, b. ab. 1641, da. John and Elizabeth of S. ; Obadiah", b. S. Dec. 10, 1663, d. Wor cester, Mass., Dec. 17, 1717, m. Dec. 20, 169:5, Mrs. foanna (Mixer') Harrington,;born Dec. 14, 1666, of Watertown, Mass., wid. of Joseph Harrington; Richard*, born Sudbury 1694, d. Holden, Mass., 1756, m. Jan. i, 1718-19, Lydia Wheelock of Sudbury ; Jonas', b. Worces ter Jan. 2T, 1720, d. Sutton, Mass., Sept., 1792, m. ist Abigail Child*, she died before 1768 ; Rufus', b. Worcester Jan. 6, 1750, served in Revolution war June, 1776, to August, 1780 ; rem. to Pittsford, Vt., thence, Feb., 1814, to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, d. Mt. V. Sept. 8, 1834, m. Southington, Conn., Oct. 10, 1787, Elizabeth Barnes", b. Southington Oct. 21, 1764, d. Knox Co., O., June 19, 1849 ; Jonas', b. Hubbardtown, Vt., July 21, 1798, d. Piqua, May 7, 1867, m. Knox CO., Oct. 4, 1821, Melinda Hinsdale Newell", b. Cornwall, Vt., Feb. 8, 1799, died Piqua Aug. 30, 1841 ; Ann Maria' Ward ra. Dr. William Perry Hall". Newell ancestry : — i arms : NEWELL or Newall ; / ,¦ Newall ; 4 .¦ Newell : Ar. 3 bars gu. ; over all a bend eugr. sa. . . . ' Newell m. Lorena Moody ; Riverius of Cornwall, Vt., 1799, m. Southington, Conn., Sarah Peck ; Melinda Hinsdale" Newell m. Jonas Ward.' - , , ,. ^ ,, „ . Barnes ancestry: — Joshua' came, 1652, bound for 5 years from landrag to Mr. Pame, in 1642 was fined for scoffing at religion, he, says Savage, perhaps was of East Hampton, I2g 2050 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. L. I., 1650, if so, is evidently identical with Joshua' of Easthampton 1649 i Sainuel" of East- hampton was, says Munsell's Ancestry, IV, 172, probably father of Stephen", b. boutnamp- ton, L. I. ; rem. to Branford, Conn., 1700 (?), died B., m. Mary Barnes, gr.-dau. of John Linsley of Guilford, Conn., before 1650, Branford bef. 1667 ; Stephen*, b. Branford Jan. 2, 1705, rem. to Southington, d. there Mar. 27, 1777, m. Ja"- 5. 1725-6. Martha Wheadon', b. 'Branford ab. 1707, d. Southington Mar. 18, 1771 ; Jonathan', b. Feb. 21, 1731, of faouthrngt, d. there Jan. 7, 1807, m. Aug. 4, 1757, Elizabeth Woodruff*, b. there May i, 1738, d. there Feb. 8, 1814 ; Elizabeth' Barnes m. Rufus Ward". ,„ ,„ Woodruff, Woodrow, Woodroffe, Woodroofe ancestry : —sarms : WoODROF or WOOD- ROW; I : Woodrofe; /.• WOODROFFE or WOODRUFF ; ; : WOODKOFFE: Paly of Six, ar. andgn.abendgobonated. orandsa. . . . Matthew' of Hartford, Conn., rem. to Farmington 1640-1, an orig. propr., freem. 1657, d. F. 1682, m. Hannah ; Samuel", b.F. Aug. 26, 1661, rem. ab. 1698 to Southington, d. there Jan., June 8, 1742, m. 1686 Rebeckah Clark, b. ab. ifi62, d. there Aug. 4, 1737, da. John, an original prop, of Hartford, soldier in Pequot war, and of Farmington; Hezekiah', b. Southmgt Aug. 9, 1801, d. there Mar. 5, 1791, m. Dec. 3, 1730, Sarah Mason, she d. July 20, 1785, of Stratford, Conn. ; Elizabeth* Woodruff m. Jonathan Barnes'. See Sketches of Southington, by Rev. Heman Rowlee Ttmlow. Wheadon ancestry: — Thoma.&', Thomas [see -1-4019, p. 1212]; Martha" Whedon m. Stephen Barnes*. Child ancestry : — William' (brother of Benjamin) came from Eng. to Araerica either with or before his bro. Ephraira, Watertown freem. 1634, d. soon, ra. prob. in Eng. ; Rich ard", b. W. 1631, d. Nov. II, 1694, m. 2d, Jan. 16, 1878, Hannah Traine, b. Sept. 8, 1657, da. of John and Margaret (Dix) of Watertown ; John', b. May 16, 1687, of Newton, d. 1761, m. Jan. 27, 1715, Experience Fuller", b. Nov. s, 1685, d. 1770 ; Abigail* Child, m. Jonas Ward.' Fuller ancestry : — John', b. 1611, of Newton, Cambridge, Mass., may seem the youth who came with John Winthrop, Jr., in the Abigail 1635, 15 years old, freem. 1690, d. Feb. 7, 1699, in B7th year, m. Elizabeth, she d. Apr. 13, 1700 ; Joshua", b. Apr. 2, 1654, of Newton, freem. 16B0, d. June 27, 1752, ra. June 7, 1679, Elizabeth Ward", b. June 18, 1660, d. Sept. 6, i6gi ; Experience" Fuller m. John Child". Mixer, Mixter ancestry : — Isaac', b. Eng. 1603, embarked at Ipswich, Eng., Apr. 10, 1634, in the Elizabeth, of Watertown, freem. May 2, 1638, selectman, d. ab. 1655, m. Sarah, b. ab. 1601, came here with him, d. Nov. 24, 1681 ; Isaac", b. Eng. 1630, of W. 1634, freem. 1652, d. Nov. 22, 1716, ra. 2d, Jan. 10, 1661, Rebecca Garfield", born Mar. 10, 1641, d. Mar. 16, 1684 ; Joannas Mixer m. 2d, Obadiah Ward". Garjield ancestry : — 2 arms : (Tuddington, co. Middlesex), Or. 3 bars gu. on a canton erm. a cross formee'of the second. Crest — Out of a heart a hand holding a sword ppr. Edward', b. 1575, of Watertown, d. June 14, 1672, a. 97 (?) ; Edward", b. Eng., of W., freem. May 6, 1635, d. June 14, 1672, m. Rebecca, b. ab. 1606, d. Apr. 16, 1661 ; Rebecca' Garfield ra. Isaac Mixer". 15801. Cady jyLorrOW' Jordan {ColUns Hausberger' Jordan, Julia Ann'' Cady, Joseph Cleveland' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah", Josiah", Mosesi), married at Chicago, 111., February 8, 1888, Cassie Mae Deeves, born at Chicago June 19, 1871, only daughter and youngest child of Mr. Deeves. s. p. Mr. Cady Morrow' Jordan, residence, Chicago (1895); of C. H. Jordan & Co., Chicago. 15804. IKary Adair' Jordan { WHUam Henry' Jordan, Julia Ann'' Cady, yujd'//! C'&ti^/a«a'» Crrfy, Lois', Josiah*, Josiahs, Josiah"), m. at Ft. Clark, Tex., Mar. 3, 1887, Capt. Henry Fletcher Kendall, b. in Passy a Paris, now Paris, France, June 18, 1855, son of George Wilkins and Adeline Suzanne (de.Valcourt). Ch. : Elizabeth Adair" Kendall, b. and d. Ft. Meade, Meade co., S. Dakota, Mar. 23, 1895, aged 5 hours. Captain Henry Fletcher Kendall grad. West Point Military Academy; was stationed, 1894, at Ft. Meade, capt. 8th Cavalry, U. S. A.; res. St. Louis, Mo., since Oct. i, 1895; is detailed on recruiting service there. Kendall 7-orV\x&).— Clerk of Loudoun co., Va. Prof. Lewis Cass'' PVoolery writes : "I do not know who this William Cleveland IS, unless he was my grandfather's uncle." 16009. JOHN' CLEVELAND (john", Alexander", Alexander'), died at Cleveland's Ferry, Tugaloo River, S. C, or d. in Ga., ab. 1821, a. ah. 91, m. Mary or Mollie McCan, she d. at Cleveland's Ferry prior to 1809. Children, several sons gone West : + 16035 John' Cleveland, born Va., Cleveland's Ferry, or Franklin co., Ga. + 16036 Neal or Neely" Cleveland, b. 1762, Pickens Dis trict, S. C, or Cleveland's Ferry. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDERS CLEVELAND. 2059 16037 Cornelius' Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry, died unmarried. + 16038 William' Cleveland, b. Va., Pendleton District, S. C, or Cleveland's Ferry. 16039 Fanny'* Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry, died, m. there, John McNeel, Neal, or Neil, Carnesville, Franklin co., Ga. 16040 Elizabeth'* Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry, died, m. there, Benjamin Harrison, Carnesville. + 16041 Jeremiah' Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry or Pen dleton Dist. 16042 Mary" Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry, m. there, John Jackson Walters, Franklin co., Ga. 16043 Larkin* Cleveland, born Cleveland's Ferry (this name is not found in all the family records of this family). + 16044 Benjamin" Cleveland, b. Cleveland's Ferry, Tuga loo River, S. C. Rev. John' Cleveland; a Baptist clergyman ; went about 1772, 1785, from Va. and N. C. with his brother Larkin', jour- nied on pack-horses, and cut their road through cane and brush as they traveled. "When he would preach, the wicked people would take him out of the house and beat him severely, but he would preach on, and when they let him go, would mount a stump or log and finish his serraon." They came to Pickens District, S. C, and were of the first settlers. Lived in Pendleton District, at Cleveland's Ferry. [Pendleton Dist. was divided, 1828, into Anderson and Pickens; Pickens was divided, 1866, into Pickens and Oconee counties. The Clevelands lived mostly in Oconee.] He was one of the very first settlers of Franklin co., Ga., ab. 1785 (then inhabited by Indians). His home on Tugaloo River (his brother Larkin lived on the Ga. side, in sight of each other), where he dwelt many years and reared his family, who settled at various points along Tugaloo River (a branch of the Savannah). Preached in Chauga church, Oconee co., and in Eastonala church, Ga. " He was good to his neighbors and the' poor, kind to his many dark ies, who thought their master better than any other man." He was living with his son-in-law, Benjamin Harrison, at time of his death. 16010. MARY' CLEVELAND (john", Alexander", Alexander'), died in Wilkes CO., N. C, m. prob. in Orange co., Va., Barnett or Ber nard Franklin, b. May 26, 1731, d. Jan., 1828, a. 96 y. 8 mo., a s. of Laurence and Mary (Payne). Children (nearly all the sons served in the Legislatures of N. C. and Ga.): + 16045 Jeremiah^ Franklin, b. Sept. 2, 1754. 16046 Bernard^ Franklin, b. Apr. 28, 1756, m. Martha' Cleveland +16028. + 16047 J^^s^" Franklin, b. Mar. 24, 1760, Orange Co., Va., or Surry co., N. C. 16048 Elizabeth or Betty'' Franklin, b. Mar. 10, 1762. + 16049 Abner^ Franklin, b. Apr. 28, 1764. -]-i6o5o Shadrach" Franklin, b. Apr. 20, 1769. + 16051 Mary" Franklin, born May 14, 1770, 1771, Surry co., N. C. 2 36o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 16052 Meshach" Franklin, b. Sept. 17, 1773. + 16053 Abednego^ Franklin, b. May 29, 1776, N. C. 16054 Benjamin" Franklin, m. Betsey Franklin. 16055 Willis" Franklin, d. in Tenn. unm., went to West Tenn. 16056 Jane" Franklin, d. unm., went to West Tenn. Bernard Franklin and family removed from Orange co., Va., ab. 1760, or just before 1776, and settled in Surry co., N. C., on Mitchell's river (where Gill Bryant lived, the place now, 1884-5, owned by C. C. Cockerham), his lands extending into Wilkes CO., N. C. Franklin ancestry and genealogy .— Of English origin, thought to have been " Round heads," who left Eng. upon restoration of Charles II, and settled in what is now Orange CO., Va. The earUest ancestor known: Ijaurence', of Albemarle cc, Va., by marriage with one of his wives, Mary Payne, had : Bernard^, b. May 26, 1731, m. Mary Cleveland^; George^; Laurence^; Nancy^, m. Canterberry, and had John, Nimrod, Reuben, and Ben jamin Canterberry, all went early to Ky.; Betsey^ Franklin ra. Anthony "Wells. 16012. BENJAMIN' CLEVELAND (john", Alexander", Alexander'), b. On Bull Run in Prince William co., Va., May 26, 1738, d. on his plantation at the junction of Tugaloo river and Chauga creek, in Pendleton District, now in Oconee co., S. C, now Fort Madison, Oct., 1806, buried on his farm, m. in Orange co., Va., before 1764. Miss Mary Graves, of an excellent family, of Culpeper co., Va. She d. prob. on their farm, now Fort Madison, Oconee co., S. C, 1800.^ Children, b. prob. in Culpeper co. : + 16057 Jemima" Cleveland, born , , 1765. + 16058 Absalom" Cleveland, born , , 17 — . -I-16059 John" Cleveland, born , , 17 — . Col. Benjamin" Cleveland, the hero of the battle of King's Mountain, one of the most prominent members of the Cleveland family mentioned in the History of the United States. Cleveland County (formed 1841), North Carolina, was named in his honor. Col. Benjamin' Cleveland may have been born on his father's plantation on Blue Run, Orange co., Va., for the Orange county Records show a deed for 600 acres of land from Prince Curtis to John Cleveland, 1734, about the commencement of the records. This was in all probability the plantation, and John' may have removed to Orange co. even earlier. An excellent sketch of the life of Col. Benjamin Cleveland is given in the oration at the unveiling of his monument. Invi tations were issued by Hon. Vannoy' Cleveland +16638 : Fort Madison, S. C, July 18, 1887. As a member of the Cleveland Family you are cordially invited to be present at the unveiling of a raonument to Colonel Ben Cleveland, who coraraanded a regiment of North aud South Carolina troops at the battle of King's Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780. The raonuraent has been erected at this place, where Colonel Cleveland is buried, by mem bers of the Cleveland family of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, and will be unveiled July 28th. There will be an oration. and appropriate ceremonies. Very respectfully, Vannoy Cleveland. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2061 From The Augusta, Ga., Chronicle, July 2g, i88j : A REVOLUTIONARY HERO. honoring the memory op col. ben. CLEVELAND. UNVEILING OF THE MONUMENT AT FORT MADISON — SIX LITTLE GIRLS OF THE FAMILY AND THE PART THEY PLAYED — THE ODE AND THE ORATION. * Greenville, S. C, July 28. — [Special.] — The monument erected at Fort Madison in honor of Col. Ben Clevelani5, the distinguished soldier of revolutionary fame, was unveiled to-day with appropriate ceremonies in the presence of a large crowd, including many prominent citizens. The ceremonies began with an impressive prayer by Rev. Ellison Capers, after which the following ode, composed by Miss Mary Cleveland, was read by Gen. Capers : TO THE MEMORY OF COL. BEN CLEVELAND. BY A SOUTH CAROLINA LADY. The marble shaft shall tell the story. For see ! It proudly bears a name, Recalling many deeds of glory. Glittering on the " Roll of Fame." Now as we read it war clouds gather And cast their shadows o'er the land. Then we behold a noble hero . As on he leads his gallant band. Through lone forest paths they wander, Up rough mountain sides they toil. Seeking out the bold marauder. And to him they give no quarter. For too well they know the doom Of mother, home, of wife and daughter. Where these Tory vandals roam. Well may they be struck with terror, When from some returning spy They hear the shout, " To horse ! Haste, comrades ! " Cleveland and his men are nigh. But rarely they escape his vengeance. As well his charger, true and tried, The noble Roebuck knows his master To victory or death will ride. See him now ! amidst the carnage. In a shower of leaden rain. 'Tis the battle of King's Mountain Where bold Ferguson is slain, 'Midst the awful roar of muskets. Pressing onward in his might, Inspiring fainter hearts with courage To reach the thickest of the fight. See him with that band of heroes — Williams, Shelby, and Sevier, » McDowell and intrepid Campbell, — 2o62 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Men who never dream of fear. Leading where the flying bullets Fall like hailstones all around. And the blood of many comrades Drench in crimson streams the ground. Now the mountain seems volcanic. As one long and sulphurous blaze Flashing forth from base to- summit, Lights the valley's misty haze. On they press and never falter 'Till the bloody work is done ; 'Till the foe is fairly vanquished And the battle fought and won. 'Midst the brilHant constellation Of stars that gem our nation's sky Brightly shines the name of Cleveland With a light that cannot die. Gentle Peace on snowy pinion Crown our fair Southland to-day, Tho' late baptized in blood, we see her Proudly marching on her way. From the wave so dark and gory Venus-like she hath risen now, With a diadem of glory Resting on her lovely brow. True, she hath furled her conquered banner With a tender, reverent hand. Whilst the " Stars and Stripes " she is lifting Over all this sunny land, , And loyally she will uphold them As she did in days gone by. When the British Lion sought to capture Yon Eagle, cleaving still the sky. For at our country's helm is standing A Patriot not a Partisan. He knows no North nor South, but equal Rights to all he gives — a brave, true man. Letters were read from President Cleveland, Governor Rich ardson, ex-President Davis, and other prominent men. The unveiling was performed by six young girls of the Cleveland families. The monument is sixteen feet high, and on the pol ished surface of the die is inscribed the following; " Erected by the members of the Cleveland family in South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, in honor of Col. Benjamin Cleveland, a hero of the American revolution for independence, and a commander at the battle of King's Mountain." Under this are the dates of the birth and death of Colonel Cleveland, " 1738-1806." Lieutenant-Governor Mauldin made appropriate remarks, and introduced Hon. Rufus Alexander Child, of Pickens, the orator of the occasion, who eloquently portrayed the life and character of Col. Cleveland as follows : DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2063 ORATION OF HON. R. A. CHILD. Ladies and Gentlemen : One hundred years ago and our ancestors were engaged in that memorable struggle which resulted in the liberation of the American colonies and secured to us the blessings of self-gov ernment and the heritage of republican institutions. America of that day as compared to the America of to-day was, to a great extent, a howling wilderness. The great West was un known. From the banks of the beautiful Tugaloo to the far away Rio Grande stretched a dense and unbroken forest. This vast territory was a terra incognita to the white man, and no human footfall was heard in its shaded solitudes save that of the native red man, who roamed over its hills and through its dark valleys and dense swamps as free as the wild antelope in its forest home. . . To-day the descendants and relatives of Col. Benjamin Cleveland unveil, with appropriate ceremonies, yon beautiful monument, and it is proper that something should be said of the character and services of such a man. Col. Cleveland was descended from an ancient family in the North Riding of York shire, England. The family were originally called Clifflands or Clifflanders from the section of country in which they lived. In course of time, however, they came to be called Clevelands, the section of country also changing name along with that of the family, and it is now also called Cleveland. In the latter part of the seventeenth century, probably about the year 1690, John Cleveland, father of our hero, emigrated with Alexander Cleveland, his father, from England to America, and settled on the since famous Bull Run creek, of Prince William county, Vir ginia, where, on the 26th day of May, 1738, his distinguished son was born. In early boyhood Cleveland, like Daniel Boone, developed an unconquerable aversion to the tame pursuits of farm life, and, like Nimrod of old, became a "mighty hunter." For days at a time he would roam over the pathless forest in search of pelts and furs, meeting with many wild adventures and hair-breadth escapes. He could track down the wild beast almost equal to the bloodhound, and could all but scent the red man in the air. Thus in early life he became inured to all the trials and hardships of border life, became thoroughly initiated into the mysteries of woodcraft, and an expert in the arts of Indian warfare. Such a life developed in him a spirit of adven ture and self-reliance, with quickness of thought and rapidity of action in times of emergency and danger. These character istics foUowed him through life, and were of great advantage to him in the stirring scenes in which he afterward played so prominent a part. In early manhood he married a Miss Mary Graves, of excellent family, and soon after took an active part in the French and Indian war, where he did. good service and gave promise of the distinguished service he should afterward render his country. About the year 1769 young Cleveland, with his family, removed with his wife's father to North Caro lina, and settled on Roaring Creek, an affluent of the Yadkin River, in what was then Rowan, afterward Surry, and what is 2064 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. now known as Wilkes county. Here he engaged in agriculture. Subsequently he located on the Round About tract on the Yad kin. Three years after he met his old friend, Daniel Boone, who was so enthusiastic in his description of the rich Kentucky country, with its cane and pea vine, and abounding in game of all kinds, that Cleveland was again seized with his spirit of adventure, and, with four companions, he started upon an ex tensive hunt beyond the mountains. Crossing the Cumberland Gap, he was set upon by a roving band of Cherokees and plun dered. He returned home by way of the Tugalo River valley, probably near where we now stand, and was so struck with its wild and picturesque beauty that he determined to remove here and settle. Another account tells us that Cleveland was pursu ing a band of Indians and Tory outlaws, and that near this spot he overtook them. The Tugalo being full from recent rains, they could not cross the river, and a fight ensued, in which all the Indians and Tories were killed and' buried in one grave in the fork of the Tugalo and Changa. However this may be, we know that Cleveland did visit this section before he settled here, whatever may have been the occasion of that visit. But his hunting days were soon to end, and the peaceful valley of the Yadkin was to be disturbed by contending forces and factions. The news of Colonial taxation had reached this secluded spot, and on the wings of the morning came the report of resounding arms from the heights of Lexingtcn and Bunker Hill. Cleve land was among the first to enlist, entering as an ensign [2d N. C. reg., 1775] under Colonel Howe. It is impossible here to follow him through the eventful years and stirring- scenes that followed. Suffice it to say that he was the hero of a hundred battles with the Tories, and took an important part in all the military move ments and engagements in North Carolina and Upper and Mid dle South Carolina. He rapidly gained promotion and distinc tion, and was soon such a terror to the British that one hundred golden guineas were offered for his head. Of all his distin guished services, perhaps that rendered at the battle of King's Mountain was the most important in its results. He had fought as bravely and as well before, but the defeat of the British and Tory forces at King's Mountain was so overwhelming and crushing that it completely destroyed the supremacy of the loyalists in all the interior of South Carolina except Ninety-Six, revived the drooping spirits of the patriots, and paved the way to Yorktown and final independence. Col. Patrick Ferguson, the marauder, had taken what he supposed to be a strong posi tion on the summit of the mountain, and in confident expecta tion of easy victory waited the approach of the little band of patriots led on by Cleveland, Col. Isaac Shelby, Col. William Campbell, and Colonel John Sevier. Reaching an open plain where the mountain stood out in bold relief, Cleveland, point ing to its summit, exclaimed, " Men and patriots, yonder is your enemy and the enemy of mankind. I will show you to-day by my example how to fight. I can undertake no more, you will expect nothing less." A council of war was here held and the patriot forces arranged in four divisions, led respectively by Cleveland and Shelby on the left and Campbell and Sevier on DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2065 the right. These arrangements completed, the several corps, led by their gallant commanders, started for the scene of con flict. Many of the men tjirew aside their hats and tied their handkerchiefs around their heads that the limbs and brushes might not retard them in their charge up the mountain. Ram sey, the North Carolina historian, says that Cleveland was the first to reach his position and engage the enemy, and that his men were the first to receive fhe shock of the enemy's charge. Others say that by reason of having to cross a marshy place, Cleveland was delayed a few minutes, and that Sevier was the first to engage the enemy. Be this as it may, Cleveland was there on time and in the hottest of the contest. Riding to the front of his column, sword in hand, he began the rapid ascent of the mountain, calling upon his men to follow. The enemy poured into the advancing line a galling fire, and Cleveland's noble charger, Roebuck, was shot from under him. Though a very large man, he pushed forward on foot, , fighting like the veriest Roundhead of Cromwell until another horse was brought him from the rear. At this time the patriots were ascending the mountains from all sides, — Cleveland and Shelby from north and northeast, Campbell and Sevier from the south and southeast. The mountain appeared to be literally on fire. From the top, around the base, up the sides, was one continual rattle and roar and one unceasing blaze of fire. The shouts of the men, the rattle of the musketry, the loud commands and encouraging words of the officers, with ever and anon the shrill scream of Ferguson's silver whistle, high above the confusion and din of battle, was a scene never to be forgotten. Still the patriots pushed on. Presently the enemy's line began to waver and finally broke in confusion. Ferguson, seeing that all was lost, made a bold dash for liberty, but fell, pierced by a half dozen bullets. His gallant charger galloped off down the moun tain side, but was captured, and, by general consent, voted the property of the heroic Cleveland. The victory was complete. Ferguson's entire army either killed or captured. This was a severe blow to the cause of the King and was the turning point in the war of the revolution. Lord Cornwallis stationed at Charlotte, N. C, and, awaiting Ferguson's return before com mencing his march through North Carolina and Virginia, was crushed by the news of the defeat. He had confidently ex pected a great victory, and then the speedy conquest of North Carolina and Virginia. This disaster changed all his plans. He at once began a retreat toward Ninety-Six, now the only point in the interior of South Carolina dominated by Tory and British influences. The news of the victory spread rapidly over the colonies, inspiring new life and energy into the waning cause of the patriots and reviving the drooping spirits of the heroes in all parts of the country. It was the silver lining to a dark cloud after a long night of plutonian darkness. And whilst we honor the name of every hero engaged in that important battle, and award to his memory the reverence due his distinguished service, no name is entitled to higher honors and no memory to profounder reverence than that of the brave, the noble, the 130 2o66 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. gallant Cleveland. At the close of the Revolution he settled in the Tugalo valley, at the confluence of Tugalo and Chauga creeks, near the spot where we now stand, and, with the excep tion of a few excursions against his troublesome neighbors — the Cherokees — on the west side of the Tugalo, never after engaged in active military service. But such a man as Cleve land could not long remain in retirement. His State needed his services in another department, and he was accordingly called to the bench along with Gen. Andrew Pickens and Col. Robert Anderson, where he served for many years as judge of old Pendleton district, universally known, loved, honored, and respected. He made a faithful, fair-minded, and upright judge, and administered justice promptly and fairly. Naturally of a vigorous mind, and from habits formed through a long life of stirring events, he was quick to arrive at conclusions, and hence there was little canse to complain of the "law's delays." Com bined with his promptness of decision was his accuracy of judg ment and patient hearing. These indispensable qualities to a great or capable judge — patient hearing, clear jugdment, and prompt decision. He served his generation and his times faith fully and well in all the relations of life, and in 1806, full of years and full of honors, he died suddenly one morning while at breakfast, leaving surviving him two sons and a daughter and many relatives. These have left behind them numerous descendants of the highest respectability, many of whom have filled high positions of honor and trust. Col. Cleveland was a great man in every sense of the word. Deprived of the advantages of early training, his strong natural endowments, finely balanced mind and vigorous brain raised him to distinction and fame. He would have been a conspicu ous character anywhere and in any age. Of strong likes and dislikes, decided opinions and the courage of his convictions he was emphatically a leader of men. Quick to devise his schemes and rapid in the execution of them he was peculiarly fitted for the exciting and dangerous emergencies of border life and the troublous times in which he lived. Firm, and at times appar ently harsh and severe, or even cruel, yet he really had a kind and loving heart, and was possessed of the noblest and most generous impulses. His apparent severity is to be attributed to the exciting times in which he lived and the dangerous class with which he had to deal. In short, brave, generous, and true, he properly ranks among the great spirits of the Revolution. Gen. John S. Preston, in a oration on the heroes of King's Mountain in 1855, says of him, " Cleveland, so brave and yet so gentle. As a soldier he ranked among the bravest of the brave. A strict disciplinarian, he was yet so kind and gentle that all his men loved him. The idol of his men, he was the pet aver sion and terror of the British and Tories. Stubborn and per sistent in defense, he was intrepid and fearless in charge. Deeply imbued with the justice of his cause and burning with patriotic fervor, almost equal to the religious fanaticism of Cromwell, like the illustrious Cromwell he possessed the happy faculty of imparting to his men a part of his own fiery nature and stubborn courage. In battle he was ever superb, cool and DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2067 collected, or magnificent and dashing as occasion required. Our own poet, Paul H. Hayne, has sung of him : " ' Now, by God's grace ! ' cried Cleveland, My noble Colonel, he Resting to pick a Tory off Quite coolly on his knee. 'Now, by God's grace, we have them, The snare is subtly set ; The game is bagged ; we have them Safe as pheasants in a net.' " As a friend, he was true and tried. No one ever had occa sion to regret he ever trusted Cleveland. As true as steel and brave as a lion, he never deserted a friend in time of trouble or danger. When dangers thickened and foes multiplied he stuck closer than a brother. All his friends had implicit confidence in the integrity of his heart, the valor of his arm, and the al most unerring certainty of his judgment. Where he was best known he was best loved, and where that judgment was often est tried it was most religiously trusted. It is related that on one occasion, during the absence of Col. Cleveland, a dangerous Tory horse thief was left with his sons, to be kept until their father's return. He remaining longer away than had been ex pected,, the sons fearing escape or rescue, appealed to their mother as to what should be done with the prisoner. Learn ing the character of the man, and that the testimony against him was conclusive, she asked her sons what would their father do under the circumstances. "Hang him," replied the sons. "Then he must be hung," said the old lady, and it was accord ingly done. This illustrates more forcibly than any language of mine the implicit confidence this life-long companion of Cleveland's had in the integrity of his judgment. Is it not fitting and proper that the memory of such a hero should be honored ? Not that these ceremonies can add one tittle to his fame or this feeble language of mine add to the glory of his name. Not that yonder granite shaft can add a single shade to the brightness of the halo that encircles his brow, or that the epi- itaph thereon written can shed new lustre on his historic deeds. No ; but by these ceremonies we show our appreciation of the heroic dead and teach the living that — " There is a tear for all who die , A mourner o'er the humblest grave; But nations swell the funeral cry. And triumph shouts above the brave." King's Mountain took its name, says Memoirs of Maj. -Gen. William Moultrie, from one King-who lived at the foot of the mount, and is in York co., S. C, and on the boundary of N. C. King's Mountain battle is immortalized in ballads and has the 'distinction of being the subject of a history, very thoroughly gotten up by an author who had very few equals in making re searches. The work is a most important addition to our na tional history and abounds in biography and family genealogy ; and is the result of many years' labor : King's Mountain and its Heroes : History of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780, 2o58 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. and the events which led to it. By Lymare Copeland Draper, LL.D., Secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and member of various Historical and Antiquarian Societies of the Country. With steel portraits, maps and plans, i88i,pp. 612. Pages 425 to 454 are occupied by a biographical sketch of Col. Benjamin* Cleve land. P. 4 — The gathering at King's Mountain 1815 tore-inter the remains of those who fell in the conflict was limited in at tendance. In 1855 the 75th anniversary was appropriately cel ebrated, with Gen. John S. Preston and Hon. George Bancroft as speakers. But it remained for Oct. 7, 1880, to eclipse the others in a Centennial celebration, when thousands of people assembled, a civic and military display, address by Hon. John W. Daniel, poems by Paul H. Hayne and Mrs. Clara Dargan McLean. Then followed the unveiling of a [new] massive gran ite monument [erected near the southwest end, on the summit — the old monument is located at the foot of the northeast end of the mountain, and near where Col. Cleveland's command as cended the mountain], having a base 18 ft. Square, a height of 28 ft. Inscriptions are cut on marble slabs. P. 458 — Robert Cleveland, a brother of Col. Cleveland, was a capt. at King's Mountain. His brother, Lt. Larkin', was badly wounded while on the march. John, a son of Col. Cleveland, led his co. at King's Mountain. Col. Benjamin' Cleveland was by trade a house carpenter and builder ; after the Revolution was the Surveyor of Wilkes county. He became very corpulent. An impediment .n his •speech prevented his entering political life. His will was^made in 1806. The Courant, Carter sville, Bartow co., Ga., May 7, 1883 : Remi niscences of the Cherokees. By Hon. John William Henderson Un derwood -I- 16598, contains sketch of Benjamin' Cleveland. Pic torial Field Book of the Revolution, By Benson John Lossing, II .• 634 — contains the engraved autograph of Col. "Benj" Cleavland " — as it was frequently written in those days. For other notices of Col. Cleveland see : Horse Shoe Robinson, p. 540 ; Lossing' s American His. Record, 1 : 529 — King's Mountain Battle Ground ; Allen's Biographical Die, 23s j Drake's Die. of Biog., 194 ; His torical Sketches of N. C, By John Hill Wheeler, 1831, p. 72 j Life ¦of Washington, by Washington Irving ; Speech of Hon. Alexander Smyth of Va., on bill for grantiug 5,000 acres to the heir of Gen. Wm. Campbell of Va., House of Representatives Feb. 7, i82p ; Sketches by Go'». Benjamin Franklin Perry of S. C, 590 ; Battles of the Republic by Henry William Harrison, 1858, p. 114; Life of Francis Marion by William Gilmore Simms. 16013. ROBERT' CLEVELAND (john=, Alexander^, Alexander'), bom On Blue Run, in Orange co., Va., Jan. 5, 8, Feb. 8, June 8, 1744, d. m Wilkes co., N. C, Apr. 12, 26, 181 2, m. ist, Aley, or Ally Ma- this, or Matthis of Kentucky, b. Dec. n, 1750, d. Dec. 2, 13, 18,' 1 79 1. He m. 2d, Miss Sallie Johnson, b. in Wilkes co., N. C, died at the house of her daughter Fanny in Monroe co., Tenn., after 1812. Children by ist marriage : 16060 Mathis", or Matthis* Cleveland, b. Sept. 30, 1770, DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2069 in Wilkes co , on Yadkin river, N. C, d. Charleston, S. C, date unknown, unm., merchant of Charleston. + 16061 Larkin" Cleveland, b. Oct. 31, 1772, Yadkin river, Wilkes CO. + 16062 Jeremiah' Cleveland, b. Dec. 7, 1774, Prince Wil liam CO., Va., or Yadkin river. ¦16063 Nancy" Cleveland, b. Mar., May 9, 1777, Yadkin river, d. Feb. i, 1846, m. Reynolds, descendants unknown. + 16064 Presley" Cleveland, b. Sept. 16, 1779, Va., or Yad kin river. + 16065 Eli", or Ely" Cleveland, b. Oct. i, 1781, Yadkin river. 16066 Eliza', or Elizabeth" Cleveland, b. July 15, 1782, 1783, Yadkin river, d., Nov. 4, 1850, m. in Wilkes co., John Yates. Children: several sons" ; Jesse'' Yates was clerk for uncle, Jesse" Cleveland, Spartanburg, S. C; merchant La Fayette, Walker CO., Ga., residence 1885 Purlear, Wilkes co., N. C, owns and oc cupies the old mansion and plantation of Capt. Robert' Cleve land. +16067 Jesse" Cleveland, b. Feb. 8, 1785, Yadkin river, Wilkes CO. + 16068 Martin" Cleveland, b. Jan. 7, 1787, Yadkin river, Wilkes CO. 16069 Sarah" Cleveland, b. Nov. 10, 1789, Yadkin river, d. prior to 1881, m. Jessie Rector, lived in S. C. 1855. Children : several sons' ; Lewis" Rector lived in Texas about 1835-6, heir of uncle, Alfred' Cleveland, land at Austin, Tex. + 16070 Aley', or Aily' Cleveland, b. Nov. 2, 1790, Yad kin river, Wilkes. + 1607 1 Mary' Cleveland, b. Dec. 2, 1791, Yadkin river, Wilkes CO. Unnamed child", b. Dec. 2, Y. r., d. 18, 1791. By 2d marriage : -f 16072 James Harvey' Cleveland, b. Jan. 10, 1796, Yad kin river, Wilkes. -t- 16073 Fanny' Cleveland, b. Oct. 11, 1797, Yadkin river, Wilkes CO. 16074 Alfred" Cleveland, b. Nov. 27, 1800, Yadkin riv., d. in Texas soon after close of the Texan war for independence (Apr., 183s) after 1837, unm. He went West about the time Texas had severed connection with the Mexican Government, joined and fought in the Texan army, and rendered material aid by his valor in achieving the independence of Texas. At end of war he was compensated by a large grant — several leagues of land, now the site of Austin, etc. He lived occa sionally, after Apr., 1837, with his niece, Mrs. Dr. Quarles, on Red River, and Mount Lebanon, Bienville co.. La. ; was always on the move ; in Texas he stayed with his nephew, Lewis Rec tor, who became his heir in his will. + 16075 Benjamin Franklin' Cleveland, b. Jan. 2, 1804, Yadkin river, Wilkes co. Capt. Robert" Cleveland, one of the heroes of King's Mountain. Lived in Fauquier co., Va. Records of Prince Wil liam CO., Brentsville, Va., Book T, 1775 — Lease Holtzclaw to Rob ert Cleveland of Fauquier co.; 1775, Robert Cleveland to Holtz claw for rent of farm in Prince William co. 20/0 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. He accompanied his brother. Col. Benjamin Cleveland, to N. C. Removed from Prince William co. 1778 and settled m Wilkes CO., on the Yadkin river, and owned land there. Capt. Robert' Cleveland was captain of a volunteer com pany in Col. Benjamin' Cleveland's regiment at the battle of King's Mountain Oct. 7, 1780, and bore a most important part. A soldier of his corps, Dan White, used to say that to this brave captain was due the success of this battle ; for, in the middle of the conflict, when all were giving away before Ferguson's bay onets, Capt. Cleveland alone stood firm and unmoved, sustained the charge until Col. Benjamin Cleveland could rally the flying troops and come to his assistance. He was accessory to many of the daring deeds of Col. Ben. April 15, 1781, he lived on Lewis' fork of the Yadkin, when he gathered some 30 good men and next morning rescued Col. Cleveland, a prisoner of the Tories, with whom they had a skirmish. Captain Robert spent the remainder of his life on the Yadkin river. He was promi nent in the community, and was one of the 5 Clevelands (the others being Gov. Chauncey Fitch" Cleveland +1717, Hon. Eli jah" Cleveland +2315, Hon. Francis' Cleveland +3212, Hon. Francis Landon' Cleveland +3256) who have served in the Electoral College, and was the first one of the name to be cho sen to that distinguished and responsible office. He was elected for the 6th Presidential election, 1809. North Carolina electors: At Large, Francis Locke, Robert Cleveland ; Dist. i Thomas Wynns, 2 Kemp Plummer, 3 Samuel Ashe, Sr., 4 Joseph Tay lor, 5 Murdock McKenzie, 6 Peter Forney, 7 Robert Love, 8 James Rainey, 9 John Winslow, 10 Joseph Riddick, ii William Gaston, 12 Henry I. Toole. For President, James Madison, 11 ; Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 3. Total for President, Madison 122, Pinckney 47, George Clinton 6 ; for Vice-Pres., Clinton 113, Rufus King 47, Madison 3, James Monroe ¦^ — Lanman's Diction ary, 462. Capt. Robert' Cleveland and ist wife, Aley Matthis, are bur ied side by side within 150 yards of the old homestead dwelling now owned and occupied by Jesse Yates. See Draper's King's Mountain Heroes, 441-3, 445, 458, 554; Wheeler's N. C. 16014. JEREMIAH' CLEVELAND (john^, Alexander^ Alexander'), died in Albemarle co., Va., m. Mary Gentry, b. Albemarle co., died Albemarle co. Children : -I- 16076 Jeremiah" Cleveland, born , 1783. + 16077 William" Cleveland, born , about 1785. 16078 Benjamin" Cleveland, m. Miss or Mrs. Moon. Nothing further ascertained concerning his record. 16079 Mary', m. Lincoln. 16080 Ann", m. Moore. -|-i6o8i Oliver" Cleveland, b. Nov. 7, 1797, Charlottesville, Virginia. John' Cleveland, d. quite young. Jeremiah' Cleveland never removed from Va., whence he wrote last to Col. Benjamin* Cleveland in S. C; farmer. Rob ert Gentry, an aged relative, is living at Charlottesville (1878). DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2071 16015. LARKIN' CLEVELAND (john=, Alexander^, Alexander'), died in Giles CO., Tenn., July 9, 1814, a. 66, m. Frances , b. August 6, 1756, d. March 26, 1836. Children (all removed from Tugalo river. South Carolina, to Mississippi, several of the sons went West, one of the daughters m. Mr. Calloway) : 16082 Betsey" Cleveland, born January 8, 1774. Sally" Cleveland, born April 16, 1775. 16083 Benjamin" Cleveland, born May 7, 1777. David" Cleveland, born March 9, 1779. Rhoda" Cleveland, born October 9, 1782. Abner' Cleveland, born December 20, 1783. 16084 Oliver Cromwell" Cleveland, born May 26, 1786. Giles CO., Tenn., Deed Book B, p. 28 — Larkin Cleveland to OUver C. Cleveland of Giles CO. conveys, Apr. 20, 1812, for $1 in hand paid, but more especially for the affection the said Larkin Cleveland bears the said Oliver C. Cleveland, his son, certain tract in Giles CO., on Polk's creek, 100 acres. Book C,p. 13 — Oliver is conveyed, Nov. 22, 1816, by William Polk of Wake co., N. C, 40 acres in Giles co. Oliver C. Cleveland sells, Nov. 28, 1816, to Thomas Lane of Giles co., 140 acres on Polk's creek. Asenath", b. May lo, 1788. + 16085 Lucinda" Cleveland, b. December 9, 1793. + 16086 Carter Harrison" Cleveland, b. April 19, 1795. Pamela" Cleveland, b. Dec. 19, 1796, d. Nov. 19, 1803. Nancy' Cleveland, b. May 31, 1798, d. Nov. 18, Lieutenant Larkin* Cleveland removed from Virginia about 1772-5 to South Carolina. He served under Col. Benja min* Cleveland and was badly wounded while on the march to King's Mountain, some 10 miles from Crider's Fort, crossing the Brushy mountain to Lovelady's Ford of the Catawba. While crossing the river, Lt. Cleveland, with the advance, after hav ing passed a defile, was shot by some concealed Tories under Capt. John Murray in the cliff, severely wounding him in the thigh. The Tories probably mistook him for Col. Cleveland, whom he very much resembled. He was kindly cared for by Mrs. McDowell, at Quaker Meadows. Though he in time re covered, he was a cripple for life. He was a colonel in the N. C. militia. He removed to Franklin, Ga. He settled in Lincoln CO., Tenn. See Draper's King's Mountain Heroes, 185-6, 436, 458. From McCollum's MS. History of Giles County in Tenn. State Historical Society Library printed in Giles County Record, May 3, i8q; — Early settlers. Col. L. Cleveland came about the time John and Sarauel Jones came (in the early part of 1808), or soon after. They all raised corn in 1808. Col. L. Cleveland settled on part of the farm now owned by Mrs. Judge SpofiEord, where he died, and his grave is near the building occu pied by the superintendent of the farm. Giles co. Deeds A, /, Dec. 4, 1815, d. -t- 16283 Emily" Jones, b. Sept. 7, 181 7. + 16284 Lodusky" Jones, b. Oct. 23, 1820. 16285 Robert Cleveland" Jones, b. Aug. 15, 1821, unm., of Philadelphia, Tenn., tanner. 16071. MARY" CLEVELAND (Robert*), d. Oct. 11, 1850-1, a. 59-60, m. Robbs of Greenville, S. C, he died. Ch. : 16286 Son", died at Hon. T. J. Rusk's house, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches co., Tex., unm. 16287 Daughter", d. long since, m. Cunningham. 16072. JAMES HARVEY" CLEVELAND (Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), b. Wilkes CO., N. C, Jan. 10, 1796, d. ator near Minden, La., July 13, 1842, m. May 16, 1822, Sarah W. Thompson of S. C, b. Mar. 4, 1801, d. Oct. 2, 1861, third da. of Chancellor and Gen. Waddy, sister to Hon. Waddy (b. Pickensville, S. C, Sept. 8, 1798, U. S. Minister to Mexico) and aunt to Hon. Hugh S. Thompson (b. 1836, Gov. of S. C. 1882). Ch. : + 16288 Eliza Williams" Cleveland, born Apr. 21, 1823, Greenville, S. C. ¦ +16289 Emily C.° Cleveland, b. Feb. 5, 1825. -f- 16290 Sarah Jessie" Cleveland, b. Dec. 25, 1827, Edge field, Edgefield co., S. C. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2001 + 16291 Waddy Thompson" Cleveland, b. Sept. 22, 1820 Columbia, S. C. > i- > y. 16292 Robert Jamie I." Cleveland, born Apr. 26, 1832, d. ab. 1851, a. 19; Henry Tazwell", born July 9, 1835, d. Apr 26 1839; Alfred T.', b. June ii, 1838, d. Apr 25, 1839. James Harvey" Cleveland lived several years at Lawrence- ville, Georgia; afterward, residence at Minden, merchant. His family resided at Red River 1845. 16073. FANNY" CLEVELAND (Robert*, John», Alexander', Alexander'), born in Wilkes co.. North Carolina, October 11, 1797, d. at Oolte- wah, James co., Tennessee, Apr 2, 1884, m. ist at the old home stead. Rocky Hill, Wilkes co., N. C, about 181 1, Edward Bryant Watkins, b. N. C, 1785, d. in Monroe county near Philadelphia, Tenn., about August, 1828, a son of Robert and Cecilia (Bryant) Watkins. She m. 2d, Monroe co.,near Philadelphia, September 28, 1835, as 2d w., Caleb Isaac Parker, b. in Virginia January 9, 1789, d; Ooltewah January 18, 1870. a son of George and Sarah (Jones) Parker. Children by first marriage : + 16293 Clarissa Harlowe" Watkins, b. Apr. 13, 1813, in Mon roe county, Tennesse. + 16294 Finley Patterson" Watkins, b. December 10, 1815, in Monroe county. 16295 Josephine Adelaide" Watkins, b. August 12, 1818, in Monroe co., d. in Dalton, Ga., 1845, unm. + 16296 Harvey Cleveland" Watkins, b. 1821, Monroe co. -f- 16297 Eli Bryant" 'Watkins, b. February i, 1823, Monroe county. + 16298 Alfred Mpore" Watkins, b. January 2, 1825, in Mon roe county, and near Philadelphia, Tennessee. + 16299 Robert Franklin" Watkins, b. February 27, 1827, Mon roe county, and near Philadelphia, Tennessee. + 16300 Edward Minerva" Watkins, b. March 21, 1829, Mon roe county, and near Philadelphia, Tennessee. By 2d marriage ; -i-16301 Louisa Hastletine" Parker, born July i, 1836, Monroe county, and near Philadelphia, Tenn. + 16302 Mathis or Mathus W" Parker, born Feb. 11, 1838, Monroe county, and near Philadelphia, Tenn. + 16303 Joseph Peler" Parker, b. Apr. 6, 1840, Monroe county, and near Philadelphia, Tenn. + 16304 Cleveland T" Parker, b. Nov. 28, 1842, Monroe Co., and near Philadelphia, Tenn. The Cleveland [Bradley county, Tenn.,] Banner contained the following tribute to the memory of Mrs. Fannie" (Cleveland) [Watkins] Parker : DIED : — Mrs. Fannie Parker, daughter of Robert Cleve land, at the residence of her son, Mr. C. T. Parker, of Ooltewah, Apr. 2, 1884. She was a devoted Christian for over sixty years. Our whole community are bowed with grief over the loss of this most estimable woman. The family deeply appreciate the kindness of the many friends who aided in alleviating her suffer ings in her last illness. c. 2092 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Edward Bryant Watkins removed with his parents, 1793, to Oglethorpe co., Ga. Lived at Wartrace, Tenn.; residence after ward in Monroe co., near Philadelphia, school teacher, — a very worthy, estimable gentleman, of fine business capacity. Caleb Isaac Parker, residence successively : Philadelphia; Fork Creek, near Madisonville, Tenn.; Loudon, Tenn., to 1849; Julian Gap, Hamilton county, Tenn., now Ooltewah, here he is buried in the old graveyard. He m. 1st in East Tenn., probably Hawkins county, Sept. 7, 1813, Elizabeth Sanders, she d. Phila delphia, Tenn., ab. 1830. Ch. : Cinderella Parker, b.July 7, 1 81 4, m. Allen Blair, farmer. Ch. : large family. William Parker, b. Jan. 18, 1816, went to Texas, wounded by the troops of President Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana of Mexico, while under Capt. Fanning, at Fanning massacre, 1834 [ ? was this Col. James W. Fannin massacred at Goliad, Goliad co., Tex., Mar 27, 1836J. James Parker, b. J an. 3 1, 1 8 1 8, m., of E. Tenn., tanner. Chesley Parker, b. Feb. 24, 1820, m. in Texas, of Texas, 1884-5, farmer. Tabitha Parker^ b. Oct. 7, 1823, m. Richard Hudson of Monroe co., farmer and blacksmith. Ch. : 12 sons. Mary Ann Parker, b. Dec. 3, 1825, m. 16304=^ Minerva Parker, b. Dec. 26, 1828, m. Larkin Jerry" Cleveland +16248. Martha Parker, b. May 23, 1830, m. ist Hawkins; 2d, Montgomery, of Sweet Water, Monroe co., Tenn., farmer Sarah Elizabeth Parker, b. Jan. 26, 1834, m. Benja min Council of Texas, farmer. 16075. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN" CLEVELAND (Robert*), d. Lau rens CO., S. C, early, m. Tabitha Saxon, she d. early, only da. of Col. Louis Saxon of Laurens Dist. Lived in Laurens county. Ch. : 16305 Robert" Cleveland, b. about 1826, of Scuffletown, Laurens co., S. C, 1884. 16306 ? William" (so thought). 16076, JEREMIAH" CLEVELAND (jeremlah*, john', Alexander', Alex.i), d. Fork Union, Fluvanna county, Va., Apr., 1866, a. 83, m. ist, Albemarle co., Va., 1812, Elizabeth Moon of A. co., a da. and one of II ch. of Richard and Winifred (Tilmon of A. co). He m. 2d Susan Payne of Fluvanna county, da. and one of 8 ch. of Capt. Beckwith and Mary (Anderson of F. co.). Ch. by ist m. : 16307 Mary Winifred", b. 1814 F- co., d. Jan., 1839, unm. + 16308 Richard Moon" Cleveland, born Aug. 29, 1817, F. CO., or Albemarle co. 16309 Jeremiah" Cleveland, born Apr 3, 1819, Fluvanna CO., d. 1867, m. Nov., 1841, Sally Ann Wills, both of F. county. She res. Central Plains, Fluvanna co., Va., 1883. 16310 Thomas" Cleveland, b. Jan. 10, 1821, F. county, m. Nov., 1846, Elizabeth Perkins of F. co. Of Palmyra, Fluvanna CO., Va., farmer and mechanic DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2093 + 1631 1 William" Cleveland, b. Oct. 9, 1822, Fluvanna co. 16312 Sarah Elizabeth" Cleveland, b. 1824, F. co., died 1863, m. Feb. 17, 1845, as rst w., Robert Beckwith Hughes of F. CO. (He m. 2d, Martha Ann' +16315.) Of Fork Union, inde pendent farmer. + 16313 Samuel Woodward" Cleveland, b. Sept. 9, 1826, Fluvanna co., Va. 16314 Nathaniel Moon" Cleveland, b. Dec. 25, 1828, F. CO., d. 1864, m. 1855, Mattie Marshall of Albemarle. (She m. 2d, Stephen Perkins of Fluvanna co.); farmer, enterprising man. 16315 Martha Ann" Cleveland, b. Mar, 1831, F. co., m. 1865, as 2d w., Robert Beckwith Hughes. (He m. ist, Sarah Elizabeth" -I-16312.) By 2d m.; 16316 George Beckwith" Cleveland, b. 1841, F. co., m. 1864, Apalana Seag of Fluvanna. Of Fork Union, writes from Islands, Fluvanna co., Va., farmer. 16317 Mary Susan" Cleveland, b. Aug., 1842, m. Jan., 1865, William Jennings. 16318 Jennie Morton" Cleveland, born Sept., 1844, m. 1868, Alfred Burgess. Of Central Plains, merchant. 16319 John Poindexter" Cleveland (Dr.), b. 1846, unm. Of Central Plains, physician. James Flemming", b. 1848, d. y.; Son", d. inf. 16320 Paynie" Cleveland, b. Mar, 1855, m. fall of 1881, Lunsford Luckadoo. Of Fluvanna, farmer. Dea. Jeremiah" Cleveland, in his early days, was clerk or bookkeeper, was of Albemarle co., 181 2, and finally settled on a farm in Fluvanna co. A prominent deacon in the church. 16077. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (jeremiah*, John', Alexander', Alex.'), died in Fluvanna co., Va., quite aged, m. a da. of Richard and Winifred (Tilmon) Moon of Albemarle co., Va., and sister to Elizabeth Moon, wife of his bro. Jeremiah'. Dwelt Fluvanna county. 16321 Location and name seem to indicate that Rev. William M. Cleveland, Baptist clergyman of Central Plains, Va., 1886, is a son. 16081. OLIVER" CLEVELAND (jeremiah*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), b. Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 7, 1797, d. Knoxville, 111., Aug. 3, 1870, m. near Charlottesville, Dec. 23, 181 7, Susan Gay, b. on a farm n. Charlottesv., July 28, 1795, d. on a farm n. Eaton, O., Sept. 14, 1830, da. Samuel and Lucy (Fitchpatrick). He m. 2d, Orangeburg, Preble co., O., July 3, 1832, Nancy Weist, b. Little York, York co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1791, d. New London, Henry co., Ia., Mar. 12, 1861, da. John Henry and Nancy Ann (McDonal). He m. 3d, Burlington, la., 1863, Lydia I. Vanpelt, she res. Knox ville J879. Ch. by ISt m.; 16322 Samuel Gay" Cleveland, b. July 17, 1819, Char lottesv., d. Knoxv., 1873, unm. Lived always with his father, farmer. 20Q4 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 16323 Benjamin Franklin" Cleveland, b. May 24, 1822, Charlottesville. + 16324 William Alexander" Cleveland, b. Sept. 21, 1824, Charlottesville. + 16325 Mary Luis" Cleveland, b. Jan. 21, 1827, Lexing ton, Rockbridge co., Va. Chastine Cyrus", b. Oct. 25, 1829, n. Eaton, d. n. E., Aug. 30, 1830. 2d m.: s. p. By 3d m.: 16326 Daughter", b. n. Mt. Pleasant, la. 16327 Daughter", b. Knoxville, of K. 16328 Daughter", b. K., of.K. Oliver" Cleveland, residence: Charlottesville to 1827, mil ler and millwright there; Lexington to 1829; near Eaton to 1858, carpenter, farmer, elected coroner in Preble co., 3 terms, superintendent of Preble co. farm and poorhouse 1844 to 1858; Mt. Pleasant to i860; New London to 1862; Monmouth, 111., to 1864; Knoxville afterward. Became supt. of Knox co. Infirm ary and farm until decease. Was much esteemed. Gay ancestry :—^2.m-aeV. Gay, b. ab. 1750, of Albemarle co., Va., d. Tan. 20, 1B29, a. 79, m. Lucy Fitchpatrick, b. ab. 1755, d. Nov. 10, 1820, a. 65. Ch.: Inf,', d.: Margaret', d. Ky. Nov 1830; John', d. Va.; Elizabeth', d. May, 1824; Sarah', m. Robertson, he d., she rem. to Mo ; Samuel Steele', d. June 21, 1850, m. Jan. 7, 1817, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamner, a young wid she d Nov. 22, i860; Frankey', m. John Wood. Ch. : several ; David', d. Alberaarle CO., m. Miss Huston of Ky., she d. Ky., he ret. to, and bought land in, Albemarle co. Ch.: James Huston', of North Garden, Albemarle Co.; Lucy', b. July 28, 1795, ra. David Wood, rem. ab. 1841 to Mo.; Susan' (tw.), m. OLIVER Cleveland'; Thomas'; Nancy' Gay, d. Mar. 22, 1816. 16085. LUCINDA" CLEVELAND (Larkin*), m. ab. 1810, as ist w., German Lester, he d. n. Florence, Ala. Ch.: German Wright" Lester, to whom Larkin* Cleveland, by deed Apr. 3, 1814, gives a negro boy, Moris, aged i year. German Lester and Fountain Lester were among the first settlers of Giles co., Tenn. German Lester came in 1809, prob ably the latter part of the year. Giles county was established 1809. The first county court was held the third Monday in Feb., 1810, when he was, by the court, elected clerk of the county court. He improved the place upon which Maj. B. F. Carter now resides. The first house he built was a large brick smoke house. His wife had not then come to Pulaski, Giles co., Tenn., to reside. It was contemplated that she would wait until a residence was erected, but the inconvenience to him was such that she proposed to live in the smoke house until a house could be built, and lived in it several months. He was a com petent clerk. He had considerable experience in the duties of the office before he came to the county. It is said he had a regular training under James Ewing (grandfather of Hon. Ed win H. Ewing), who was clerk of court in Davidson co. Mr. Lester held the office until 1836, when the officers elected under the constitution of 1834 were inducted into office. He accumu lated a handsome estate, but from 1835 to 1838 he became en dorser for friends who failed. Was one of the earliest and most prominent members of the Baptist church in Pulaski. — From McCollum's MS. History of Giles Co., in Tenn. State Historical Soc. Library, printed in Giles Co. Record, Mar. 8, June 28, 18^5 — Early Settlers. German Lester was married 4 or 5 times. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2O9S 16086. CARTER HARRISON" CLEVELAND (Larkin*, john', Alex ander', Alexander'), d. Jan. 3, 1864, a. 69, m. Madison co., Ala., July 9, 1816, Mary Smith, b. Mar 6, 1799,, d. Apr 18, 1880. Children (grandchildren are in Alabama, Texas, and Missouri): 16329 Larkin Green" Cleveland, b. May 18, 1817, died Apr. 28, 1882, was of Giles co., Tenn., 1817. Narcissa Jane" Cleveland, b. Aug. 30, 1819, unm., res. n. Selma, Ala., 1878-89. Morgan Smith", b. Oct. 29, 1821, d. Jan. 10, 1824; Juliet Anne", b. Dec. 10, 1823, d. Aug. 10, 1826; John Smith", b. Jan. 7, 1826, d. Mar 4, 1874. 16330 Carter Harrison' Cleveland, b. Dec. 7, 1827, res. 1878-95, Selma, Ala., of the law firm of C. H. & M. S. Cleveland. 16331 James Smith" Cleveland, b. Nov. 23, 1829, d. Mar. II, 1863. 16332 Morgan Smith" Cleveland (ag.), b. Mar. 23, 1832, d. Oct. 21, 1864, of Selma. Was of the law firm, C. H. & M. S. Cleveland. + 16333 William Calloway" Cleveland, b. June 22, 1834, Dallas CO., Ala. 16334 Charles Crow' Cleveland, b. Aug. 10, 1836, died Mar. 2, 1872. 16335 George Washington" Cleveland, b. May 28, 1839, d. Oct. 15, 1864. One of above sons" m. Elizabeth , who resides at Nashville, Tenn., 1894-5. Ch.: 16336 Rev. William Calloway' Cleveland, res. Springfield, Washington co., Ky., 1895-6, Baptist clergyman. Carter Harrison" Cleveland went from Georgia to Tenn. with his father, was of Giles co., Tenn., 1814, came to Alabama 181 8, and settled near Selma. 16087. ELI" CLEVELAND (Alexander*, Alexander', Alexander', Alexanden), d. Harrison co., Ky., m. Miss George, sister of Gabriel George of Ky. Ch. : + 16337 Alexander" Cleveland, b. perhaps 1795. 16338 Daughter", m. Plasters, dwelt in Hendricks co., Ind. 16339 Daughter", m. Plasters, dwelt in Hendricks co., Ind. Eli^ Cleveland settled up the Shenandoah, but went to Ohio ab. 1805. Lived and d. Harrison co., Ky. 16088. LEVI' CLEVELAND (Alexander*), d. Kcnton CO., Ky., young, m. Rachel McCoy, a Quakeress, she d. Kenton co. when Louisa" was young, da. of Jacob McCoy, a Quaker. Ch. : Robert" d. bef. 1884, m. and went to Mo. + 16340 James" Cleveland. +16341 Pollie" Cleveland. + 16342 Joseph" Cleveland, b. Oct. 20, 1799, K. co. Lucre tia", d. soon after marriage, m. Souther. + 16343 Washington" Cleveland, b. Oct. 15, 1805, K. co. + 16344 Louisa" Cleveland, the youngest child. 2096 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Levi" Cleveland settled first near Charlestown, Va. Re moved, 1790, from Va., and settled in Kenton county, Ky., dwelt there afterward. Levi and Rachel are buried in Covington, Ky., in a family burial ground overlooking Ohio river^ and in sight of Cincinnati, O. 16089. JESSE* CLEVELAND (Alexander*, Alexander', Alexander', Alexan der'), d. at Galesburg, 111., ab. 1864, in extreme old age, m. Lucy Graves. Ch. ; + 16345 Jesse Alexander Harrison" Cleveland, b. 1801 or July 6, 1803, Jefferson co., Va. 16346 Lucy or Lucinda" Cleveland, born Va., m. in Ky. Henry Lander, brother to Sarah Lander (wife of Jesse Alexan der Harrison" Cleveland. She was still living in 111. 1886. Ch.: Alexander'' Lander, Thomas'' Lander, both young men in 1846, when they visited relatives in Texas thought to have then lived in 111.: other sons' and daughters''; res. St. Louis, Mo., 1895. Jesse" Cleveland lived in Shenandoah, Va., on Shenandoah river; went, 1805, to Ohio; went West from Va. when his son, Jesse A. H." was a small iDoy. Resided at Galesburg, farmer. In 1846 he visited Texas. 16090. HARRISON* CLEVELAND (Alexander*), m. Sarah Richards. Started from Alexander 1829 to Charlestown,W.Va., on business, never heard from. Ch. : 16347 Ann" (eldest da.), m. Samuel Burch of Washington, D. C.,res., 1877, Falls Church, Fairfax co., Va. Another da." of Georgetown, D. C, 1877. + 16348 William" Cleveland, b. ab. 1804 at head of Occo quan Creek. + 16349 John Henry" Cleveland, b. 1811, Winchester, Va. 16091. ELIJAH* CLEVELAND (Alexander*), died Edgehill Farm, Clark CO., Va., 1836, m. Miss CeHa Florence, she d. Clark county, da. of Mr. Florence, who m. Miss (Pelty). Ch. : + 16350 Ann" Cleveland. Elijah" Cleveland settled near Charlestown, Va. Lived in Edgehill, farmer Prince William co., B?'entsville records — 1796, Florence to Elijah Cleveland, his son-in-law, deed of gift for lot of negroes. 16094. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (Alexander*), Came from Virginia. Settled in Woodford co., Ky., with bro. George*. Ch. : 16351 Maria", m. Mr. Bowen of James River, Va. 16352 William" m. Miss Able of Charlestown, W. Va., settled in Mo. 16095. GEORGE" CLEVELAND (Alexander*), with bros. John and Wm. from Va. to Ky.; settled in Woodford co,, Ky.; from Ky. to Mo. ab. 1838. Ch. (grandchildren are 1889 in Jessamine co.. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2O97 Ky.) : 16353 Daughter", m. Mr Lingle. Ch. : 16354-5 T. /.' Lingle of Lingle Brothers, proprs. Henry co. Democrat, Clinton, Mo., Apr. 6, i88g. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. 16098. FRANCES" (or HANNAH") CLEVELAND (ja,nes*, Alexan der', Alexander', Alexander'), m. James Coleman. Of Loudoun CO., Va. Ch. ; 16356 Fanny" Coleman, m. Robert Newman. John I", d. ab. 1874. 16357 Dr James R.^ Coleman d. ab. 1865, rem. to Miss. Johnson" d. a young man; Sally", d. a maiden lady. + 16358 Anne" Coleman. 16101. HENRY WILSON" CLEVELAND (WilUam*, Alexander', Alexan der', Alexander'), d. Pendleton CO., Ky., near Havilandsville, Ky., Aug. 14, 1874, a. 81, m. ab. 1818, Elizabeth Mariah Bare of Fayette CO., Ky., b. July 4, 1801, d. 1872, da. Christopher and Catharine (Lemon) of Pa. Ch. : Albert Galliton", b. 1819, Clark co., Ky., d; 1820. 16359 Oliver Alexander", b. Aug. 25, 1821, m., ch. 16360 Catharine Lemon" Cleveland, b. Oct. 22, 1822, Pendleton co., m., ch. George Washington" Cleveland, b. 1826, Pendle ton CO., d. 1831. -I-16361 William Harrison" Cleveland, b. June 25, 1827, Pendleton co., Ky. + 16362 James Armenaius" Cleveland, born Oct. 10, 1828, Pendleton co. 16363 Margaret Wilson", b. Dec 10, 1830, Pendleton co., m. Harrison co., Sept. 23, 1861, Francis Marion Louderback. Ch.: Bettie Louisa', b. Nov. 3, 1866, H. co., d. Feb. 8, 1868; Henry Lee\ b. Sept. 4, 1868, Robertson co., Ky., d. July 2, 1887; Charley French'', b. Aug. 4, 1870, R. co.; Georgia Bare', b. Oct. 3, 1874, R. CO.; Ina Chandler'' Louderback, Oct. 7, 1877, R. co. 16364 Elizabeth Louisa", b. May 3, 1833, Pendleton co., m. 1st, in Harrison co., John Habdy. She m. 2d, in H. co., Hardin Louderback. Ch. by 1st m.: several. + 16365 Andrew Jackson" Cleveland, born June 20, 1835, Pendleton co. Louisa Jane", b. Oct. 7, 1837, P. co., m. Ch.: several. Henry Wilson" Cleveland was in war of 181 2.. While liv ing in Clarke co., Ky., spring of 1813, volunteered under Gen. Green Clay (of Albemarle co., Va., partner with his uncle EH' in ferry), who, in charge of 1,200 Ky. riflemen, went to relieve Gen. William H. Harrison at Ft. Meigs. Was in battle of Dud ley's defeat, on the Maumee rapids, opposite Ft. Meigs, and was, with many others, captured, May 5, 1813, by the Indians. Was compelled to run the gauntlet between 2 long lines of In dians armed with tomahawks and clubs, but, by his agility, received no hurt. The Indians massacred until stopped by Tecumseh. Moved, 181 8, to Pendleton co.; and rem. with bro. William F." to 2 miles E. of Havilandsville, on S. side of Lick ing river; farmer. Member of lower house Ky. Legisl., 1844-5. 132 2098 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY'. 16102. MARGARET* CLEVELAND (wiiuam*), d. Cynthiana, Har rison CO., Ky., Feb. 14, 1876, a. 81, m. in 1833, as 2d w., Joseph Mitchel, he died 185 1, s. of William. A Disciple, or Christian minister. Ch. : 16366 Harriet L." Mitchel, born Oct. 4, 1835, Harrison co.,. Ky., m. 1858, Matthew Messick, b. Jessamine co., Ky., July 4,, 1837, s. Jacob and Annie (McConnell), of Scott co., Ky., afterw. moved to 111. Ch. b. Cynthiana ; James W.'' Messick, b. Aug. 7,. 1859, unm. Jan., 1893; Joseph T.'' Messick, b. Jan. 16, 1864, d. C, Aug. 7, 1866; Jacob Z.' Messick, b. Mar. 19, 1867, unm.; Margaret T? Messick, b. Apr 12, 1871, unm. 16367 Nancy J." Mitchel, b. Feb. 6, 1840, d. Jan. 18, 1861,. m. Jan., i860, W. J. Todd. Ch.: Ed F.'' Todd, b. Jan. 15, 1861,. of Olney, Richland co., 111. 16104. WILLIAM FRANKLIN' CLEVELAND (william*, Alexan der', Alexander', Alexander'), b. Loudoun CO., Va., June 10, 1803, died Pendleton co., Ky., June 20, 1888, m. ist, Harrison co., Ky., Oct. 25, 1826, Cassandrew Scott, b. H. co., July 22, i8oi, died at her home, I mile East of Havilandsville, Ky., Mar. 4, 1849, da. of David and Nancy (Welch). He m. 2d, Aug. 2, 1849, Mrs. Eliza beth (Stump) Woolery, widow. Ch.: Martha Jane", b. Aug. 18, 1827, Pendleton co., m. Dr. Thomas Baltzelle, reared a large family of children, nearly all now (1893) m. + 16368 Sarah Ann" Cleveland, b. Oct. 15, 1829, Pendle ton CO., Ky. + 16369 Henry Jasper" Cleveland, b. Nov. 17, 1831, Har rison CO., Ky. 16370 James William" Cleveland, b. Dec. 9, 1833, H. co., d. Atlanta, Ga., June 6, 1864, unm. Farmer. Enlisted C. S. A. Apr. 23, 1861. Was ist Lt. under Capt. Joe Desha, vist Ky. L Prof. Woolery writes : " I copy frora his Capt. He served as private Co. C, ist Ky. He fought at Dranes- ville. Dam No. i, Warwick river Peninsula, reg. disch. spring 1862. Was afterward in Cameron's Battal. in S. W. Va., and in Mar. in Ky. In Sept , 1862, assisted recruiting an Inf. CO., was elected ist Lt.; his co. served in Ky., fought at Hartwell. At Murfreesboro- he com. Co. D. His co. detached from qth Ky., spring 1863, to S. W. Va. and Tenn. dur ing summer. Then his co. was attached to 5th Ky., as Co. I. 1864, fought at Rocky Fall Gap, Resaca, and Dallas." While gallantly leading his men at r)allas, he was wounded 4 times, and mortally. See History of /si Ky. Brigade: Winchester Bulletin, 1864: for fuller sketch, see Life of W. H. Woolery. A lif^e-sized picture is owned by his Capt., Joe Desha of Cynthiana, Ky. 16371 Fenton Jackson" Cleveland, born May 28, 1836, Harrison co., m. Sue Courtney of Shelby co., Ky. s. p. Was made a cripple when 8 years old ; ed. at Ky. Normal School, Lexington, etc. School teacher and farmer. Joined Co. A, ist Battal. Ky. Cav., C. S., n. Petersburg, ab. Oct. 20, 1861, Capt. John Shawhaw, was in battle Middle Creek, against Gen. J. A. Garfield, served to ab. Nov. 20, 1862. + 16372 Nancy Louisa" Cleveland, b. Nov. 19, 1838, Har rison CO. 2d m.; s. p. William Franklin" Cleveland, of Pendleton co., Ky., moved on border of Harrison co., near Havilandsville. In his younger days was an athelete, excelling in running, etc. Farmer. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2099 Scott ancestry .-— David Scott, b. ab. 1755. moved from Pa. to Ky. ab. 1785, of Harri son CO., farraer, d. H. co., Dec. 25, 1813, m. ab. 1778, Nancy Welch. 16109. JEREMIAH* CLEVELAND (jacob*, jeremiah', Alex.=, Alex.'), d. Habersham co., Ga., m. ist, H. co., Nancy Helen Clark, b. H. CO., d. H. CO. He m. 2d, Martha Smith. Ch. by ist m.: + 16373 James" Cleveland. + 16374 John" Cleveland. 16375 Siletta", m. William McCrary. 16376 Helen", m. Ellis Cannon. Jefferson". + 16377 William", b. Nov. 4, 1798, S. C. By 2d m., b. in McDonald co.. Mo.: 16378-9 Jeremiah"; Charles"; Reuben"; Nancy" Cleveland. Jeremiah* Cleveland was a Revolution soldier. Of Haber sham CO., school teacher, farmer, miller. • 16112. WYATT" CLEVELAND (jacob*), died Franklin co., Ga., or La., m. Of Franklin co. Ch.: 2 ; 16380 Joseph", went to Miss. 16113. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (Jacob*), died Crawford co., Ga., 1842, or ab. 1851, m. Franklin co., Ga., Mary Seaggs, she died Crawford co. - Ch.: 16381 Absalom Carter", was murdered 1857, m. Miss Harp of Crawford co. 16382 Mary", m. Allen G. Simmons. 16383 Mildred or Milly", m. Reaves of Fayette CO., Ga. 16384 Elizabeth", m. Allen Morgan of Crawford co. 16385 Martha", m.- Green Harp of C. CO. vSon", d. y. + 16386 Washington Cromwell" Cleveland, born Apr. 3, 1803. William" Cleveland, Revolution soldier. He m. in Frank lin CO., and in a few years went to Jasper co., Ga., finally set tled in Crawford co. 16115. JOHN" CLEVELAND (jacob*), d. Elbert co., Ga., m. Rhoda Kidd of E. CO., b. Feb. 8, 1779- Ch. b. Elbert co.; + 16387 Jacob Mims" Cleveland, b. July 16, 1798. 16388 Sarah Wesley" Cleveland, b. Dec. 21, 1804, d. E. CO., 1870, m. Daniel Thornton. Of Elbert co. Ch.: Martha' Thornton; Elmira' Thornton; Priscilla' Thornton ; Helen'' Thornton. + 16389 James Madison" Cleveland, b. May 14, 1808. 16390 Martha Lee", b. Feb. 8, 181 1, d. Franklin co., Ga., 1882, m. 1st, St Wiley Wansley. She m. 2d [ ? WilHam] Briant, of Ga., farmer. Ch. by 1st m.: Julia Ann' Wansley. By 2d m.: William'' Briant. + 16391 John Wyat" Cleveland, b. Mar. 26, 1813, 1814. •4-16392 Ibra Harris" Cleveland, b. Sept. 16, 1819. John" Cleveland lived in Elbert co. Did Mrs. Rhoda (Kidd) Cleveland become a widow and m. 2d, Abner" Franklin +16049 ' 2[oo CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16116. JACOB* CLEVELAND (Jacob*), d. Henry co., Ga., ab. 1840, a. ab. 68, m. Elbert co., Ga., Martha Lyons, she d. Henry co., ab. 1840. Ch.: + 16393 Allen" Cleveland, b. 1803, S. C. 16394 Olim" Cleveland (Rev.), a Baptist clergyman. 16395 BEifjAMiN Franklin" Cleveland (Rev.), Baptist clerg. Jacob" Cleveland, m. in Elbert co., went to Abbeville Dist, S. C, lived there some time, then settled in Henry co. 16118. REUBEN" CLEVELAND (jacob*, jeremiah', Alex.', Alex.'), d. U. Elberton, Ga., Dec. 29, 1851, a. 75, m. n. Ruckersville, Ga., Sept. 20, 1804, Mary Alexander, b. n. Elberton, Oct. 6, 1784, d. n. E. Oct. 8, 185s, da. William and Frances (Rucker). Ch. b. Elbert CO., n. Ruckersville, ab. i mile from Savannah river : + 16396 Early" Cleveland, b. June 5, 1806. • -h 16397 Peter" Cleveland, b. Dec 11, 1807. + 16398 Lee Roy or Leroy" Cleveland, b. Aug. 10, 1809. 16399 Frances", b. Jan. 27, 181 1, d. Elbert co.,n. Elberton, July 3, 1856, unm. + 16400 Emillia" Cleveland, b. Oct. 13, 1812. -j-16401 Daniel" Cleveland, b. Nov. 4, 1814. -j-16402 Eliza" Cleveland, b. Mar. 14, 1817. 16403 Louisa" Cleveland, b. Oct. 14, 1819, m. ist, Deca tur, Newton co., Miss., Thomas M. Rousey, he d, Newton co., s. Winslow. Of Elberton to ab. i860, Newton co. afterw. She m. 2d, Thomas Johnston, he d. She res. 1883, Decatur. + 16404 William" Cleveland, b. Oct. 15, 1821. -I-16405 Weston" Cleveland, b. Nov. i, 1825. Reuben" Cleveland lived on a farm on Vans Creek, near Savannah river, in Elbert co., farmer. Is buried in family burying lot on Cleveland homestead. 16124. JOHN" CLEVELAND (Reuben*, [? jeremiah', Alexander', Alexander']) m. Ch.: + 16406 William Leroy' Cleveland. 16127. MICAJAH" CLEVELAND (John*, Micajah', [?Alexander', Alex'r']), d. Posey co., Ind., July 29, 1834, a. 69, m. Loudoun co., Va., ab. 1 790-1, Sarah Whaley, b. L. co., Apr. 25, 1777, died Posey co., Aug. 29, 1834, sister to James. Ch. : + 16407 William" Cleveland, b. ¦ — , 1792, Fairfax cc, Va. + 16408 Andrew Jackson" Cleveland, born , 1794, Fairfax co., Va. + 16409 James" Cleveland, b. , 1796, Fairfax co.,Va. 4-16410 Charles" Cleveland, b. May i, 1800, Harrison co., Ky. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 21OI 1641 1 Rebecka" Cleveland, b. H. co., d. Gibson co., Ind., m. John White, of Gibson co., 1885, farmer Ch., 3 living: George' White; James'' White ; Marf White. + 16412 Leland" Cleveland, b. , 18 — , Harrison co., Ky. 16413 Patsy" Cleveland, b. H. co., d. Neb., m. Benjamin Williams, of Neb., blacksmith. Ch.: SamueV Williams; William' Williams. 16414 Katie" Cleveland, b. Harrison co., d. Kan., m. ist, Thomas Barrett, of Posey co., farmer. She m. 2d, Elison Kale, of Posey CO., auctioneer. Ch. by ist m.; large family of sons, all went West. By 2d m.: Franklin' Kale, of Kan. + 16415 Alvin" Cleveland, b. , 18 — , Harrison co., Ky. 16416 Anna" Cleveland, born H. co., m., of Cynthiana, Posey CO., Ind. Ch.: Da?, of C. 16417 Fanny" Cleveland, b. Harrison co., d. Posey co., m. Verdaman Ester, he d. P. co., farmer. Micajah" Cleveland rem. from Fairfax co. to Harrison co. ab. 1796, thence, 1832, to Posey co.; here he is buried. Was a soldier in 3 different wars, not known whether an officer. Member of Predestinarian Baptist Church for years, possessing many social qualities. Mrs. Harriet Knight, Millersburg, Bourbon co., Ky., da. James and Ellen (Holly) Whaley, bro. to Sarah. 16129. Johnathan" Whiteside {Elizabeth* Ce^fey, Elizabeth', Alex.',Alex.'), d. Lookout Mountain, Hamilton co., Tenn., i860, a. 84, m. Ky., 1798, Thankful Anderson, b. Va., Apr, May, 1775, d. Lookout Mt. 1859. Of Garnett and Pulaski co., Ky., to ab. 1810, Pike- ville, Bledsoe co., Tenn., afterward; merchant. Ch.: Elizabeth" Whiteside, b. 1799. 16418 Henry" Whiteside, b. Oct. 31, 1801, Gar nett of Kan., 1885. + 1 641 9 James Anderson" Whiteside, born Sept. i, 1803, on a farm in Ky. 16420 William- Bolen" Whiteside, born 1805, Pulaski CO., d. Chattanooga, Tenn., ab. 1874. Atiderson" Whiteside. 16130. REUBEN" CLEVELAND (john», John*, John', Alex.', Alex.'), died Franklin co., Ga., now (organized 1854) Hart co., Apr. 5, 1874, a. 90, m. ab. 1809, Nancy Bryant or Obreon, b. Sept. 24, 1791, d. on Tugalo river, Hart co., Aug. 1, 1868. Reuben" was the first white child b. on Tugalo river ; dwelt Franklin (now Hart) co. Ch.: 8, 3 d. bef. 1890: + 16421 John Ashley' Cleveland. 16422 Cornelius' Cleveland, born Feb. 29, 1832, m. Feb. 15, 1857, Miss Melvina Sanders. 16133. BENJAMIN" CLEVELAND (john'), d. Stewart co., Ga., Jan. 26, 1879, aged 87, m. Franklin county, Ga., Mar 3, i8i6, Amelia Hooper, she d. 1870, da. Richard (a Revolution soldier) and sis ter to Obed Hooper Ch. b. Franklin co.: 2I02 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 16423 Arminda' Cleveland. + 16424 James Monroe' Cleveland, b. May 2, 1819. Wil liam', d. inf. + 16425 Richard Hooper' Cleveland, b. June 28, 1823. 16426 Martha' Cleveland, b. 1825, d. 1875, m. 1848, as ist w., Churchill Allen, he d., of Stewart co., farmer. Ch.: 6. + 16427 Louisa' Cleveland, b. , 1827. 16428 Oliver Cromwell' Cleveland, m. Martha Armer; soldier Mexican war, and C. S. A., under Gen. John H. Morgan; of Dawson, Terrell co., Ga., 1884, farmer. 16429 Benjamin Franklin' Cleveland, born 1831, was killed in battle n. Richmond, Va., in civil war, m. 1856, Sarah Smith of Troup CO., Ga. Member Stewart's Cav., C. S. A. Ch.: 2 das. 16430 John Word', b. 1833, killed at Mountain Meadows massacre, Utah, unm. + 16431 Harriet Amelia' Cleveland, born Apr. 27, 1837. Son'. Hon. Benjamin" Cleveland for some years speculated in buying and selling Cherokee lands. Entered military service first in 181 2, as It. under Gen. Floyd. When his enlistment ex pired he returned to Franklin co., Ga., enrolled a co, of vols., re-entered as capt., served through the entire war, did effective service under Gen. Andrew Jackson at New Orleans ; was be hind the cotton bales with his riflemen. Returned to Franklin CO. Represented for i year his county in convention at Mil ledgeville, Ga., presided over by Gen. Mcintosh. Col. Cleve land served in the Creek war under Gen. Wilburne ; was elected Quartermaster, but at the hot battle of Pea River he com manded a CO., and for his gallantry was rewarded with the first choice of the captured ponies ; was capt. of a co. in the Chero kee war, 1837, was in battles of Otlessie and Collebe, Ala. Was State Senator from Franklin co., 1838-39, elected by an almost unanimous vote, so highly was he appreciated. Removed, 1840, to Troup CO., Ga. ; by careful management he acquired a com petence. Removed, 1851, to, and dwelt afterward in, Stewart CO.; planter. Obituary in Columbus, Ga., Times (communicated by "W."), which was reprinted in Shreveport, La., Standard. 16142. GEORGE COLUMBUS" CLEVELAND (Neai«, john*, john>, Alexander', Alexander'), d. residence of James M. McGhee, n. spring Place, Murray co., Ga., Dec. 19, 1883, a. 93, m. Cleveland's Ferry, Tugalo river, S. C, June 9, 1816, Nancy" Cleveland -t-16146 (Williami, John*, John', Alex.'), slie d. n. Spring P., Oct. 10, 1878, a. 78. Ch.: Neely Columbus', b. Jan. lo, 1818, d. Aug. 23, 1822. + 16432 Jane Cornell' Cleveland, b. May 18, 1820. -I-16433 Mary Ann Amanda' Cleveland, b. Jan. 10, 1823, n. Cleveland's Ferry, S. C. + 16434 Martha Louisa' Cleveland, b. Feb. 10, 1825. 4-16435 William Earles' Cleveland, b. Feb. 5, 1827. 16436 Oliver Franklin', b. May 23, 1829, d. Murray co., July 6, 1858, unm., sold goods to the Osages in Mo., 1847 to Aug., 1857, when he returned home. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2IO3 -p. 16437 George Washington', born Sept. 23, 1831, was at i;'ikes Peak Feb., 1859, to 1862, tried to get through Federal lines not succeeding, went to Helena, Mont.; ret. home Nov. 20, 1866 ; went ag. Mar 5, 1867, to Pikes P., is contractor and nimer there, 1885, P. O., Helena. Frances Sarian', b. Dec 23, 1834, d. Feb. 29, 1836; Nancy Catherine', b. Dec. 21,, 1834, d. Apr 28, 1836. + 16438 Melvina Elizabeth' Cleveland, b. May 7, 1841. George Columbus" Cleveland was educated at Augusta, ¦Ga., lived there to war of 181 2, then entered Gen. Andrew Jackson's army, wounded thrice in battle, then returned home. Drew a pension. Went, 1815, to Pendleton dist, S. C, where he bought lands at Rosses Landing, Tugalo river ; there dwelt to 1848, then rem. to Murray co., 8 miles above Spring Place, ¦on the Spring P. & Cleveland, Tenn., road. Became a Bap tist 1852. Joined, spring of 1863, C. S. A. militia of old men and young boys, com. by Capt. Charles Bond, remaining several months. Sold everything winter of 1863, refugeed to Hart co., ¦Ga.; ret. Oct., 1865, to Spring P., 2 of his negroes stayed with him.,. Rem., 1869, to J. M. McGhee's house, liyed there after ward. Farmer. 16147. ROBERT HARRISON" CLEVELAND (William», John* John', Alexander', Alexander'), died Franklin CO., Ga., fall of 1839, ^- 37. ni- Richmond co., n. Augusta, Ga., 1825, Mary Ann Jones, b. Rich mond CO., 1802-3, d. Franklin co., Feb. 4, 1877, da. Thomas and Elizabeth. Lived Franklin co., on Ga. side of Tugalo river, opposite his father, who dwelt on S. C. side of river ; farmer. Ch. b. Franklin co.: 16439 Elizabeth' Cleveland, m. [William?] Carothon. She res. Parker's Store, Franklin co., Ga., 1885. Ch.: William' Carothon, of Parker's S. 16440 Robert Freeman', d. Honey Creek, Mo., i860, m. Miss McGhee of Honey C; lived 10 or 15 years in Murray co., Ga., went to Mo. Ch.: Da.". + 1 6441 William Thomas' Cleveland. + 16442 Mary Ann' Cleveland, b. — , 1834. 16443 Augusta', unm., of Dalton, Ga. 16444 Nancy', no^w Mrs. A. H. Moore, Westminster, Oconee co., S. C. 16445 Frances', now Mrs. F. C. McGhee, Woodlawn, Murray co., Ga. 16150. LUCINDA M." CLEVELAND (wiiiiam'), died, m. Mar 22, 1827, Maj. Benjamin Loughridge, b. Sept. 22, 1800, d. Of Mon roe CO., Ga. Ch.: 16446 Mary A.'' Loughridge, b. May 5, 1828, m. Jan. 22, 1847, "Reuben R. Keith of Murray co., Ga., farmer. Nancy Catharine'' Loughridge, b. Mar. 2, 1830. 16447 Susan Jane'' , b. Feb. 7, 1832, m. Gideon Jackson of Murray co., farmer. 16448 Frances M?, b. July 17, 1834, m. May 22, 1856, Dr. L. P. Gudger of N. C. Son', b. Sept. 17, 1836, d. in a few hours. 16449 Maria E?, b. Oct. 27, 1837, m. Oct. 27, 1856, Amos L. Keith of Dalton, G-a., farmer. 16450 William Rufus'' Loughridge, b. May 22, 1841, 2104 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. m. Mary Keith of D., farmer. So?i and Da.'' (tw.), b. Mar. 16, d. 23, 1843. 16451 James G. A.\ b. Dec. 14, 1844, m. Annie Har ris of Murray co., farmer 16452 Benjamin Franklin Columbus'' , b. Sept. 7, 1847, ™- Sept. 22, 1872, Miss Allen of Dalton, farmer. 16453 John Henry H.'' Loughridge, b. Jan. 9, 1851, m. Oct. 6, 1874, M. C. Terry of Murray co., farmer. 16152. WILLIAM EARLES' CLEVELAND (wiiiiam»), d. Oct. 4, 1868, m. ist, near Fair Play, S. C, Miss Mary Ann Calaway of Pendleton Dist., S. C, niece of Dr. Franklin Calaway. He m. 2d, Miss Anna Pepham. Ch. by istm.: 3 Daughters'. By 2d m.: 3: 16454 Balus Hix' Cleveland, of Ark., 1885. 16455 ? George A. Cleveland we suppose to be a son, being 2d cousin to Mrs. Mary Ann Amanda'' (Cleveland) McGhee +16433. 16155. OSBORN BREWER" CLEVELAND (jeremiah', john*, Johns^, Alex.', Alex.'), m. -Lives near Fair Play, S. C, 1883. Ch.: Jerry'. + 16456 Frederick' Cleveland. -)-i6457 Larkin' Cleveland. -j-16458 Eli' Cleveland. 16459 Frank' Cleveland. -1-16460 William' Cleveland. -j- 1 646 1 Pickens' Cleveland. -f-16462 Freeman' Cleveland. 16463-6 Harriet"; Mary'; Nancy' Cleveland ; Susan' Cleveland. 16156. ELI" CLEVELAND (jeremiah', john*, john', Alex.', Alex.'), d. Pick ens Dist., S. C, Oct. 21, 185 1, aged 48, m. Pendleton Dist., S. C, Mary Reeder, b. Pendlet. D. Nov. 5, 1806, da. Johnathan and Sarah (Ward). Dwelt Pickens Dist., farmer. His widow is living, 1887. Ch. b. Pickens D.: 16467 Sarah', d. Oconee co., S. C, since 1885. + 16468 Johnathan Reeder' Cleveland, b. Sept. 9, 1828. 16469 William O.', d. Pickens D. bef. 1861. 16470 Fran cis M.', d. Oconee City, 1882. 16471 Adaline M.', living 1887. 16472 Mary E.', d. Cal., 1883. 16473 Cenith M.', living 1887. 16474 Eli Elias', 1. 1887. 164/5 Jeremiah', d. on battlefield, Va., during war 16476 Harriet', d. Pickens D. bef. 1861. 16163. THOMAS CALAWAY" CLEVELAND (Benjarain^ John*, John», Alexander', Alex.'), d. Butler, Taylor CO., Ga., June 7, 1864, a. 57, m. • Cleveland's Ferry, S. C, Feb. 4, 1829, Elizabeth Caroline'^ Cleveland +1615 i (wiiUam', John*), she d. Ruralvale, Whitfield CO., Ga., Aug. 10, 1876, a. 67. Of Franklin co., Ga., to 1839, Mur ray CO., Ga., to 1863, Taylor co., Ga., afterw. His wid. dwelt Taylor co. to 1866, Ruralvale afterw. Ch.: 16477 Benjamin Franklin' Cleveland, b. Dec. 22, 1830, Franklin co., m. Whitfield co., Ga., Martin. Soldier C. S. A. Of Atkins, Pope co.. Ark., 1?" DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2IOS 16478 William Earl', b. Apr. 20, 1833, Franklin co., m. Murray co., Ga., Sally Roarix. Soldier C. S. A. 16479 Robert Harrison', b. Jan. i, 1835, Franklin co., m. Taylor co., Matilda Bran. Soldier C. S. A., of Reynolds, Taylor co., Ga. 16480 Nancy Margaret' Cleveland, born Jan. 11, 1838, Franklin co., m. William Findley'' Routh -|- 16783. + 1648 1 David Dumas' Cleveland, b. Mar. 9, 1840, Mur ray CO. 16482 John Oneal' Cleveland, b. Dec. 4, 1844, M. co., killed in battle Winchester, Va., June 13, 1863, soldier C. S. A. Mary F.', b. Aug. 19, 1846, Murray co., d. M. co., June 13, 1848. 16483 Zachary Taylor', b. Aug. 3, 1848, M. co., m. M. CO., Emily Editha Etheredge, b. Wilkinson co., Ga., Nov. 9, 1850, da. Edmund Early and Mary Annie (Shinholser). Was in C. S. A., of Springplace, Ga., farmer, s. p., has adopted ch. Thomas L.', b. Feb. 12, 1854, Murray co., d. M. co., Jan. 12, 1855. 16164. JEREMIAH" CLEVELAND (Benjamin'), died at Mrs. I. W. Randall's, Martin, Franklin co., Ga., July 29, 1892, a. 83, m. Pen dleton Dist., S. C, Oct. 9, 1832, Clara Isbell, b. Anderson, Feb. 18, 1810, d. Feb. 14, 1892, da. Robert and Sallie (Rolison). Of Martin, Carnesville, Ga., farmer. Ch. (45 grandch., 22 great- grandch.): 16484 Nancy', b. Aug. 16, 1833, Pickens co., S. C, m. Franklin co., Ga., Jan. 12, 185 1, Willis Dickson, b. Pickens Dist., s. William and Betsey Ann (sister of George Washington Abbott). 16485 Robert Absalom Carter', b. Aug. 6, 1835, Pickens CO., d., in the war 1863, member Co. H, McMillan's Reg., C. S. A. 16486 Benjamin Jefferson', b. June 7, 1837, Franklin co., farmer. 16487 John Marion', b. June 6, 1839, F. co., d., lost on a march in war 1862, Co. H, McMillan's reg., C. S. A. + 16488 William Thomas' Cleveland, born May 4, 1841, Franklin co. + 16489 Sarah Margaret' Cleveland, born Dec. 18, 1842, Franklin co. Mary Elizabeth' Cleveland, born Dec. 4, 1844, Franklin co. + 16490 Lucinda Jane' Cleveland, b. Oct. 27, 1846, Frank lin CO. David Simmons', b. Sept. 8, 1848, F. co., died F. co., 1850. Milton Hix', b. May 8, 1850, F. co. Susan Rebecca', Dec. 26, 1852, F. CO. Jeremiah', b. Mar 9, 1854, F. co., d. F. co., 1867. 16166. SARAH" CLEVELAND (Benjamin"), m. Pickens co., S. C. (in the house where she was born), Dec. 31, 1837, George Washing ton Abbott (formerly Abbett), b. in Pickens co., on Connerow's Creek, 4>4 miles S. of Walhalla, July 20, 181 1, d. Pickens Dist., S. C, Sept. 13, 1854, a s. John and Mary (Smith). Farmer, of Pickens Dist. Mrs. Sarah" Cleveland Abbott came to Tex. 1870, 2io6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. residence: Thorp's Spring, Hood co., Tex., 1885, Weatherford, Parker co., Tex., Dec, 1891, Center Mill, Hood co., Tex., 1885- 96. Ch., all b. in the same house on Connerow's Creek and in Oconee co., S. C, near Walhalla P. O.: + 16491 John Benjamin^ Abbott, b. Jan. 19, 1839. 16492 Waddie Thompson^ Abbott, b. May 3, 1840, d. Ballew Springs, Parker co., Tex., May 25, 1881, m. Hood co., Tex., May 3, 1876, Sarah Jane Johnson, b. Mobile, Ala., Mar. 8, 1856, da. William Murray and Mary (Conway). Teacher. Lived at Gar ner, Tex., and Ballew Springs, where his widow resides. Ch.; Eugenia Blanche" Abbott, b. Feb. 4, 1877, Center Mill ; William Wayne", June 22, 1880, Ballew S.; Murray Lee" Abbott, Nov. 10, 1883, B. S. George Winchester Lampkin Foster' Abbott, b. Dec. 25, 1841, m. Center Mill, Feb. 1, 1881, Rebecca Jane Humphreys, b. S. C, Jan. 4, da. Thomas Jefferson and Isabelle Reed (Tow ers). Of Ballew Springs (P. O., Garner, Parker co.), Tex., far mer, s. p. Mary Margaref, b. Aug. 9, 1843, died Center Mill, Feb. 18, 1874. 16493 Nancy Josephine' Abbott, born July 22, 1845, ™- ist, Center Mill, Oct. 9, 1876, John Lee Anderson, b. Homer, Banks CO., Ga., Jan. 8, 1840, died Center Mill, Feb. 9, 1882. Of Gran- bury, Ho'od CO., Tex., farmer. She m. 2d, Thorp's Spring, June 2, 1887, Philip Jefferson Steele, b. Steel Station, Ala., Feb. 8. Of Hood CO., farmer. Ch. by ist m., b. Center Mill : Lula Flor ence" Anderson, Oct. 7, 1877 ; Sarah Margaret" Anderson, Sept. 13, 1879. 2d m.: s. p. ¦ 16494 Frances Jane'' Abbott, b. July 7, 1847, m. Center Mill, Tex., Oct. 25, 1874, George Washington Barton, b. Bartow co., Ga., Oct. 15, 1852, s. Joshua and Anna (Windsor). Of Hood co., lives on Brazos river, farmer. Ch.; Katie Berry" Barton, b. Oct. 4, 1875, Hightower Valley, Hood co., Tex., m. Jan. 26, 1896, Peter Marrow Baccus, s. Benjamin vSmith and Cassa (Cumings). Of Center Mill; Mary Bailey" Barton, Jan. 13, 1881, Granbury ; Sarah" Ba?-ton, b. Jan. 13, 1881, H. CO., d. Center Mill, Jan. 27, 1881; Martha Alice" Barton, born Jan. 15, 1886, Granbury; Anna Lee" Barton, Mar. 24, 1888, Centre M. 16495 Ebenezer Preleuf Abbott, b. Sept. 7, 1849, m. Parker CO., Tex., Jan. 18, 1874, Cynthia Laurinda Hurst, b. Rusk co., Tex., fall of 1853, eldest da. James and Rhoda Ann (Lane). Of Acton, Hood co., Tex. Ch.: James Edgar", b. Sept. 3, 1878, Par ker CO., Tex.; Ethel'', Nov. 2, 1880, Hood co.; Eve Myrtle" Abbott, Dec. 25, 1883, H. CO.; Antloona", Aug. 7, 1886, H. co.; Lena Pearl", June 17, 1888, H. CO.; Ruby Clyde"^Y&\i. 15, 1890, H. co.; George Winchester", Aug. 23, 1892, H. CO.; Franklin Prelew^ Abbott, Aug. 23, 1894, H. CO. + 16496 William Thomas'' Abbott, b. Jan. 11, 1854. 16169. BENJAMIN MILTON" CLEVELAND (Benjamin'), d. Gil more, Upshur CO., Tex., 1852, m. in Tex., Adaline. Lived in Texas, farmer. Ch.: 16497 Lewis' Cleveland; Margaret' Cleveland. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 16170. 2107 MARIUM" CLEVELAND (Benjamin'), m. Fair Play, S. C, Dec. 17, 1840, Martin Luther Looney, b. Franklin co. (now Hart CO.), Ga., Oct. 29, 181 1, d. in Franklin co., n. Martin, Ga., Dec. 3, 1881, a s. Adam and Patsie (Walters). In Capt. John M. Free man's militia co., C. S. A., in battles, at Atlanta when Atlanta surrendered. Dwelt in Franklin co. (near Martin), where his widow still res., 1893. Mechanic and farmer. Ch.; + 16498 Thomas Milton? Looney, b. Sept. 15, 1841, Oconee co., S. C. 16499 Anna Margaret'' Looney, b. Mar. 18, 1843, Hart co., m. Franklin co., Sept. 18, 1867, James Jackson Isbell, b. n. Toc- coa, Nov. 12, 1840, a son Allen and Cynthia. Of Ga., farmer. Ch.: Martin Allen" Isbell, b. Sept. 17, 1878, Wetumpka, Ala.; Mary Elizabeth", b. Sept. 7, 1870, Ga., d. Coffeeville^ Upshur co., Tex., Aug. 30, 1875; James Newton^, b. Oct. 30, 1872, C; Maud MaxvilW, b. Sept. 12, 1874, C; No7-a Talulak", Mar. 25, 1877, C, and Anna Belle" Isbell, Feb. 7, 1881, Franklin co. + 16500 Clara Elizabeth'' Looney, b. Feb. 13, 1845, H. co.- 4-16501 Absalom Carter'' Looney, b. Dec. 15, 1846, H. co. -(-16502 George Washington'' Looney, b. July 19, 1848, H. co. 16503 Lucy Catharine MaxwelP Looney, born Nov. 6, 1857, Oconee co., unm. 1893. 16504 Mary Cybill Harrison Cleveland'' Looney, b. Jan. 11, 1861, Franklin co., m. F. co., Aug. 15, 1887, William David De- foar, b. F. co., 1868, s. Martin and Elizabeth (Stowe). Of Ark., farmer. Q,\\.: Lucy Emma" Def oar, 'h.'^v^j \'j,\%?,'i,; Thomas Mar tin* Defoar, Jan. 17, 1889 ; Marium Elizabeth" Defoar, Oct. 6, 1891. 16171. ELIZABETH MELVINA" CLEVELAND (Benjamin'), m. Fair Play, S. C, 1866, William Thomas Dickson, s. William and Elizabeth (Abbott). Of Westminster, S. C, 1892-3, farmer. Ch.: 16505 /^/^7« i/.' Z'2V/&5(?«, m. Clara Reeder, of W., machin ist ; Daughter'', va. John Murphy, of W. 16173. Benja'Vniil'' FranMin {jeremiah^ FrankUn, Mary', John', Alex.'), m. 'Elizabeth" Franklin -|- 16179 {Jesse" FrankUn, Mary*). Dr. Benjamin" Franklin, when m., was of Buckingham co., Va., moved to Tenn. Ch. : 16506 Mary Ann' Franklin, ra.Xioa. Q,&r\os. 16507 Jesse Bernard'' Franklin, m. Mary Wilson, dwelt Bolivar, Hardeman CO., Tenn. James M? Franklin. 16175. Willis" FranMin {jeremiah'' Franklin), m. Dr. Willis" Frank lin, went to Tenn. single. Residence 1845, at Chinnabee, Talla dega CO. Ala. Ch.: 16508 Abner'' Franklin. Louisa' Franklin. 16509 Another daughter', m. bef. 1845, Rev. S. Scales. 2io8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16180. Sarah FanilV FranMin {jesse^ FrankUti), d., m. Jonathan Unthank of Guilford co., N. C, he d. Settled 2 niiles E. of Mount Airy, Surry co., N.-C, on a high hill, naming it Mt. Airy, which this town was afterw. named. Ch.: 16510-11 Rufus'' Un thank, d. Hardeman co., Tenn., unm.; William Franklin' Unthank, d. unm. 1 65 1 2 James Hardiif Unthank, m. Miss Polk of Tenn. Read law, rem. to Memphis, Tenn., practised successfully. Ch.: several". 165 13-14 Mary Ann' Unthank, va. ist, Rev. Hillary Hay den Tippett, he d. Methodist clerg. She; m. 2d, Robert NaU. Ch. by ist m.: Several". Ruth A.' Unthank, va. Smith of De Soto CO., Miss., res. there 1885. 16181. Mary Cleveland" FranMin {jesse^ FrankUn), d., m. Hon. Solomon Graves, b. Caswell co., N. C, Feb. 14, 1784, son Rev. Barzillai and Ursula (Simmons). Ch. : + 16515 Meeky Ann' Graves. 16516 Sarah Emily'', m. Joseph W. Hackett of Wilkes co., N. C, he died Surry co., N. C, 1872. Rem. to Surry co. Ch., all of Mt. Airy, N. C, 1885 : Edwin Graves" Hackett; Alice"; Robe7-t Lee" Hackett; Jennie" Hackett. + 16517 Alary Ursula'. 16518 Elizabeth F.', unm., of Mt. A. -I-16519 Jesse Franklin'. 16520 Margaret Isabella', unm., of Mt. Airy. 16521 Barzillai Yancey' Graves (Hon.), m. ist, Mattie E. Rankin of Wilmington, N. C, she d. He m. 2d, Mary Moore of Steuben co., N. C. He was ed. at Wake Forest College, Wake CO., N. C, served with distinction in C. S. A., became Lt.-Col. 2 ISt N. C, disabled at 2d Battle Manassas. Mayor, 1885, of Mt. Airy, ist m.: s. p. Ch. by 2d m. : William Franklin"; Barzillai Yancey' Graves. Hon. Solomon Graves of Surry co., N. C, lawyer, repres. and senator in Legislature many years. Graves ancestry : — Thomas', of James City co., ^Va., t6o8; John'; John'; John*, went from Va. to N. C. ab. 1770, m. Isabella Lea ; Rev. Barzillai' Graves, b. Dec. 12, 17^9, m. Ursula Simmens of Caswell Co. — John Card Graves, Buffalo, N. Y., compiler Graves Family, thinks that this is the complete pedigree. 16182. Ann P." FranMin {jesse" FrankUn), d., m. William Slade, b. Caswell CO., N. C. Settled ist, Stuart's Creek, Surry co., N. C, rem. to Lenox Castle, Rockingham co., N. C. Ch.; 16522 Meeky Hardin' Slade, d., m. Azariah Graves, s. p. 16523 Jesse Franklin'' Slade, killed in C. S. A., at Gettysburg.. 16524 Thomas' Slade, m. Susan Howard; of Highrock P. O., Rockingham co., N. C., 1886. Ch.; Anabel" Slade; Thomas Hoiu- ard" Slade. 16525-6 'William B.' Slade, unm., of Rockingham CO.; A7inie' , d. unm. 16183. Matilda C FranMin {jesse^ Frankiin), d., m. Samuel Dal ton Moore. Ch.; 16527 Jesse Franklin'' Moore, va. Amu. 'Ba.an.er, DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2109 of J. F. & W. A. Moore, manufacturers and merchants, Mt. Air^y, N. C, 1885. s. p. + 16528 William Alford' Moore. -|- 1 65 2 9 M.atilda C Moore. 16184. James" FranMin {jesse'' Franklin), d. Sept. 19, 1837, a. 44, m. Sept. 12, 1820, Frances Franklin" Nail -I-16196 {Mary'" Franklin, Mary*, John', Alex.'), she d. Aug. 6, 1868, a. 71. Educated at Chapel Hill, Orange co., N. C, farmer. She was educated at Salem, Forsyth co., N. C. Ch.; 16530 Mary Ann' Franklin, b. Aug. 16, 1821, Shelby co,, Ala., m. July 30, 1839, Andrew Jackson Carloss, b. Chatham co., N. C, Oct. 27, 1815, s. Archelaus and Ruth (Pride), farmer near Fayetteville, Tenn., 1886. Ch.; Frances Ruth" Carloss, b. Apr. 21, 1841, d. Dec 7, 1855. 16531 Jesse Slade' Franklin, b. Jan. i, 1823, Shelby CO., d. La Mesilla, N. Mex., Mar. 20, 1866, m. Sept. i, 1859, Mrs. Mary Ann (Carloss) Kimboo, born Chatham, co., N. C, Dec. 17, 1826, wid., da. Robert and Hannah Hill (Stokes). Ed. at Fayettev. Ch. b. Grayson co., Tex.: Robert Albert" Franklin, b. Oct. 15, i860, d. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Apr. 20, 1870; Jessie Slade" Franklin, b. Feb. 8, 1863, of n. Fayettev. 16532 Macon' Franklin, b. Jan. 12, 1825, Shelby co., died Obion CO., Tenn., Aug. 10, 1847, m. July i, 1846, Louise Carloss, b. Apr. 27, 1824, d. Pulaski, Giles co., Tenn., Nov. 20, 1879, da. Archelaus and Ruth (Pride). Ed. at Fayettev. s. p. 16533 James Benjamin' Franklin, b. June 30, 1830, Lincoln CO., Tenn., d. Jan. 8, 1835. 16534 Robert Hardin' Franklin, b. May 13, 1833, L. co., m. Dec. 8, 1853, Fannie S. Ross, born Obion co., Oct. 16, 1832, da. James and' (Brown). Ed. at Fayettev. Of Nashville, Tenn., dentist. Ch. b. Obion co.: James Slade" Franklin, Dec. 20, 1854, dentist, Nashv. ; Mary Fannie" Franklin, born Nov. 23, 1856, d. Madrid Bend, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1859 ; Anna Munrow", b. Feb. 5, 1859, d. Durango, Mex., Feb. 5, 1870. 16185. Hardin Ferhins" FranMin {jesse" FrankUn), d., m. Mar tha E. P. '^ Franklin +162 11 {Meshach" Franklin, M.a.Ty'^), she d. Early Grove, Miss., 1866. Went to Miss. 1848. Ch.: 16535 A7tn Eliza' Franklin, va. Wilson of Hardeman co., Tenn. Ch.; Several". 16536 Meshach' Franklin, va., of Early G. 16537 Jesse' Franklin, ra., of Cal. 16538 Mildred' Franklin, unm. 16539 Hardie' Franklin, m. Covington, of Marshall co.. Miss. 16188. Lucy" FranMin {shadrach" FrankUn, Mary', John', Alexander'), d. 1883, a. 92, m. Ambrose Johnsoti, he died in church in old age. Ch.: 16540 Franklin' Johnson, va.Woodro\i.gh. 16541 Sallie' Johnson, va. Ambrose Roberts. 16542 Pollie' Johnson, m. Jack son McMichel. 16543 Rachel' Johnson, va. Phillips. 16544 Bet- 2 1 10 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. tie' Johnson, unm., of Jonesville, Yadkin co., N. C, 1884. 16545 Pattie' Johnso7i, m. Ervin Parker. 16190. Bernard" FranMin {shadrach" Frankiin), d. Roane co. (n. Philadelphia), Tenn., ab. 1835, m. Rockford, Surry co., N., C, Ann Moore Dobson, b. Stokes co., N. C, d. London, Roane co., Tenn., Mar, 1884, da. William Polk and Mary (Hughes). Served in war 181 2; rem. fr. Surry co. to Roane co., iDOUght and occu pied farm n. Phila. Ch. b. Roane co.: + 16546 William Dobson' Franklin, Apr. 4, 1822. 16547 Sarah Loutitia' Franklin, born May, 1824, m. R. Co., James Alexander Kline, farmer, Loudon, Loudon co., Tenn., 1884-6. Ch. b. Loudon: Mary Ann" Kline; William Lowrey" Kline. 16548 Mary' Franklin, d. a. 18. 16549 Benjamin' Franklin (Dr.), b. May, 1830, m. Roane CO., Tenn., 1854, Margaret Jane Blair, a da. William. Removed from Philadelphia to Osborn, Mo., practising physician of note. Ch.; William"; Ann"; John?; James" f Benjamin Ilill" Franklin. 16193. Patsy" FranMin {shadrach" Frankiin), m. Elijah Thompson. He served in war of 1812. Ch.: 16550 Benjamin' Thompson, d. ^- 35- 1655 1 Sallie', m. James Martin, rem. to Mo. 16552 Co- lumbus', va. Crockerham. 16553 Kimbro"' Thompson (Rev. and Dr.), m. Miss McMichel. Physician and Baptist clergyman. 16554 Shadrach' Thoinpson (Rev.), m. Ky., Beasley; Bap tist preacher. 16555 Mary', va. Knapp. 16556 Bettie', iri. a Baptist minister of Louisville, Ky. 16557 Lucy' - 16194. Wylie" FranMin {simdrach" Frankiin), va. Dec. 29, 1827, Mary Taliaferro, b. on Fisher's River, Surry co., N. C, Apr. 25, 1800. Of Pine Ridge, Mt. Airy, Surry co., N. C, 1884. Ch.: 16558 Sallie'', b. Nov. 20, 1828, died Jan. 3, 1845. 16559 Virginia', m. West Freeman. + 16560 Martha or Pattie' Franklin, born July 12, 1831, Mitcheals river, N. C. + 165 6 1 Bettie or Elizabeth' Franklin, Jan. 8, 1834. Benjamin', d. a. few months. 16562 Judith'', b. Feb. 9, 1838, Fisher's river, unm., res. home. 16563 Matilda Cleveland', b. July 25, 1840, F. river, unm., res. home. + 16564 Lucinda' Franklin, b. Dec. 14, 1842, Fisher's river. + 16565 Shadrach Cleveland' Franklin, b. July 23, 1845, Fish er's river. 16195. John Taliaferro" FranMin {shadrach" Frankiin), m. Nancy Easley, she d. Rem. to Mo., and after she d. rem. to Cal. Ch.: 16566 Sallie''. 16567 William E? Franklin (Dr.), of La Grange, Fayette co., Tenn., phys. 16568 Judith', va. Hodg. 16569 DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2III James', m. Martin. 16570 Jesse' Franklin, killed in C. S. A.; Mary' ; Henry'. 16197. Matilda" Wall {Mary" Frankiin, Mary*, John', Alex.', Alex.'), died Mooresburg, Tenn., Nov., 1867, aged 69, m. M., Mar. 26, 1816, Thomas Amis Rogers, b. Rogersville, Hawkins co., Tenn., Mar. 18, 1792, d. Shelby co., Ala., Sept. 22, 182 1, a s. Joseph and Mary (Amis). Ch.: 16571 Mungo', b. Jan. i, 1817, Rogersv., d. near Cahaba, Ala., July, 1821; Mary Wilds', b. June 9, 1818, Shelby CO., d. n. Cahaba, July, 182 1. + 16572 Joseph Ponsonbf Rogers, b. Mar. 6, 1820, Shelby co., Ala. + 16573 Thomas Amis' Rogers, b. Feb. 22, 1822, Mooresburg, Tenn. Matilda" Nail was educated at Salem, N. C, 1812-13. She dwelt at Rogersville always after 1855. Hon. Thomas Amis Rogers went to Shelby co., Ala., i8i8; practising lawyer. Elected to Convention that framed first Constitution of Ala. When the first Legislature convened, was elected the first Secretary of that State, and died while in that office. Rogers ancestry .-—James', lived and d. in Ireland ; Joseph', b. Cooks Town, Tyrone CO., Ireland, Aug., 1764, came to America 1784, landed in Philadelphia, rem. 178s to Big Creek, Hawkins co., Tenn., when newly married was, by Thomas Amis, given land on which, 1787, the seat of justice for Hawkins CO., Rogersville, was founded by and named for Joseph Rogers, who settled on the site 1786. At June, 1787, term co. court, commis sioners appointed for fixing on place for court house, reported that it be at Joseph Rog ers, on Crocket creek. Rogers relinquished 2 acres for public buildings ; Thomas Hutchings, Huston Johnston, Francis Doherty, Joseph Cloud, Thomas Gibbons, ap. comsrs. to lay off the town, which was done June 15, 1787. He d. 1833, m. 1785, Mary Amis'. Amis ancestry : — Haynes', born France, came to America bef. 1775 ; Hon. Thomas', Capt. in Revolution, whig, from N. C, 1783, to Tenn., built, 1780-1, n. Fort at Big Creek, 35^ miles above Rogersv., stone house (now occupied by gr. s., Thomas Amis) and palis ade, also mill; represented Hawkins co. Legis. 1789, owned site of Rogersv., etc., d. 1798, m. twice, m. Matilda Lee, born Wales, d. bef. 1780, her parents came fr. Wales, ch. : 14; Mary' Amis m. Joseph Rogers'. See History of Tennessee, by Joint Stock Co., i88j, p. »73~5- 16198. Abner FranMin" Wall {Mary" Frankiin, Mary*, John', Alex.'), d. Mo., 1878, a. 73, m. Mooresburg, Tenn., 1830, Matilda Moore, b. M. 1812, d. Mo., da. Ewell and Nancy (Creed). Rem. to North western Mo. 1845, dwelt Missouri City, Clay co.. Mo., farmer. Ch., all of whom left families : 16574-80 Mary Ann' Nail, born 1831, Hawkins co., Tenn., d., m.; James Franklin' Nail, b. 1832, H. CO., d., m.; Robert Franklin' Nail, b. H. CO., d., m.; Nicholas' Nail, b. H. CO., d., m.; Jane' Nail, b. H. co., d., m.; Helon' Nail, b. H. CO., d., m.; Colman' N'all, b. Mo., prob. of Missouri City 1885. 16207. Columbus Bernard" FranMin {Meshach" Fra?iklln, Mary*, John', Alex.', Alex.'), died Early Grove, Miss., Feb. i, 1865, a. 59, m. Elkin, Surry co., N. C, Dec 5, 1843, Amelia Gwyn, b. Jones ville, N. C, Jan. 5, 1820, died Early Grove, July 28, 1858, da. of Hon. Richard and Elizabeth (Hunt). Ch.: 16581 James Gwyn\ b. Dec. 20, 1844, Surry co., killed in battle Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, C. S. A., private Co. B, i8th Miss., Barksdale. 21 12 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 16582 Meshach' Franklin, b. Jan. 15, 1846, Elkin, N. C. Annie Elizabeth', b. July 24, 1848, Surry co., d. Elkin, July 8, 1852. + 16583 Richard Gwyn' Franklin, b. Apr. 9, 1850, E. 16584 Sallie Prances'^ Franklin, b. Nov. 22, 1852, E., grad. Martha Washington coll., Va., 1864, of Santa Barbara, Cal., 1885, Carpenteria, Cal., 1886.- 16585 Mildred Edwards' Franklin, 'bova Apr. II, 1854, Elkin, m. Albert Augustus Oglesby, son Albert Augustus. She grad. Martha Wash. coll. 1864. Of Santa Bar bara, banker. 16586 Gideon Edwards' Franklin, b. Dec. r, 1855, Elkin, grad. Trinity coll., N. C, 1876, teacher, Carpenteria. 16587 Columbus Bernard' Franklin, b. Dec. 25, 1857, Early G., grad. Trinity 1876, of Santa Paula, Ventura co., Cal., 1885, Carpenteria 1886; farmer. Col. Columbus Bernard" Franklin, col. N. C. M. ; member House, of Commons, N. C, 1840, from Surry co.; built, 1850, Elkin Mfg. Cotton Mills, still in operation ; rem., 1856, to Early Grove. Prominent citizen, spoke languages fluently. Hon. Richard Gwyn, member N. C. Commons 1846; his father occupied over 50 years his homestead at Elkin, which was bought, 1880, by Hon. Richard Gwyn' Franklin. 16209. Jesse Daniel" FranMin {Meshach" Frankiin), d. Sardis, Miss., 184- m. Amelia Thurman, or Miss Hunt. Ch. id'^'i,?, Daughter' , now Mrs. G. W. Gordon, Columbia, Maury co., Tenn., 1885. 16212. Anne"-' FranMin ] Maryf rf^efir'jS^'K^^S:; iJ°i"^". a'— der', Alexander'), d. 1834, a. 33, m. Clinton, Ga., 1818, Gov. Charles James McDonald, b. Charleston, S. C, 1793, died Marietta, Ga., Dec, i860, s. Charles and Mary (Burns), leaving 5 ch.: Bedney Franklin''" McDonald, b. 181 9, married Mary Rowland. + 16589 Mary Anne''" McDonald, b. — , 1823, Ft. Hawkins. Katherine Eliza''" McDonald, b. 1826, m. Dean M. Dunwody. Ella C'" McDonald, b. , 1830, d. , 1856. Charles J.' " McDonald, b. . 1834, d. , 1836. Gov. Charles James McDonald, Governor of the State of Georgia 1839 to 1843, grad. Columbia, S. C, College 1816, studied law at Augusta, Ga. Residence : Marietta, Ga., lawyer. His intimate friend and contemporary, Henry G. Lamar, stated that Gov. McDonald began practising law 1818, was Solicitor-Gen. of Flint circuit 1822 to 1825, elected by legislature ; elected, 1825, Judge of Flint circuit; elected, 1830, representative from Bibb CO.; elected, 1834 and 1837, State Senator from Bibb; elected, 1839 and 1841, governor 2 terms; for many years, to decease, was a Trustee of the State University. Was President pf the Nashville Convention; elected, 1857, to the Supreme Court Bench, holding that office to fall of 1859, when declining health DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2II3 constrained him to resign. A few months later his career closed. McDonald ancestrv : — '^r.^ McDonald lived in Scotland; Charles' McDonald, of Charleston, S. C, 1793, m. Mary Burns. 16213. Benjamin Cleveland"' FranMin | Maly'trfves^'ToS; BenjamiS*; } J"*""' Ale=^-^ ^lex.'), d. Dec 25, 1873, a. 68. Ch.; 16590 Sidney Johnston''" 'Franklin, b. ab. 1842, d. 1865, a. 23, unm., served in Hood's brigade, C. S. A., late civil war. + 16591 Robert M.''" Franklin, b. , 1839. Judge Benjamin Cleveland"'' Franklin, residence : Galveston, Tex., judge. 16214. Leonidas"' FranMin ]MaryG*rfve''Sfj?hn»,'^BeAj^mra*;4 -^ "'"''• Alexander', Alexander'), d. 1867, m. Corinne Myrtle Thomas, b. 1812, d. 1882, a da. Col. Jett and Susan (Cox). Left 2 ch. : Maiy Jett''' Franklin, unmarried, residence ; Paris, France, for many years (1895). + 16592 Bernard''" Franklin, b. in Georgia. Leonidas^'' Franklin, residence, Athens, Ga., lawyer of Athens. Thomas ancestry :—i arms : Thomas orTOMMAS; 2q: THOMAS; {temp. Henry VII.) Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. . . . Capt. James', of Virginia, m. Mary Loeus, issue numerous ; Col. Jett' Thoraas, U. S. A., of Ga., d. 1817, m. New Or leans, La., Dec. ag, 1S05, Susan Cox, she d. 1818, da. Dr. Edward Cox of Oglethorpe co., ¦Ga., issue numerous. 16216. Marcus A,"'' FranMin \,^,T^fllS:!oh""\, d. 1858, leav- ing 2 das., i son : Helen''" Franklin, d. unm. Annie''" Franklin, va. G. W. Butler, res. Macon, Ga., 1895 ; Cleveland B?'" Franklin, ^. unm. Dr. Marcus A."'' Franklin, residence : Macon, Ga. 16219. James Butherford" Wyly (jemima^, Benjamin*, John', Alexan der', Alexander'), d. Clarksvillc, Ga., Mar. 16, 1854, a. 72, 1856, a. 74, m. Pendleton Dist., S. C, June i, 1802, Sarah Hawkins Clark, b. Washington co., Tenn., Oct. 25, 1782, 1784, d. Clarksv., June 29, 1867, a da. William and Elizabeth (Sevier). Ch.: -f-16593 William Clark' Wyly, born Jan. 25, 1804, at a place now called Landin, in Blount co., Tenn. Elizabeth Ingram' Wyly, b. Jan. 30, 1806, L., died at her home in Banks co., Ga., 1889, m. Thomas Kenteth Sparks, he d. many years ago. Ch.: Son", of Banks co., 1891. Oliver Cromwell' Wyly, born Landin, va. 3 times, of Rabun Gap Junction, Habersham co., Ga., 1886; on farm in Franklin co., Ga., 1891, farmer. Ch.; 20 living : son B. F."Wyly, of Atlanta, Ga., has 10 so7is\ Robert"^ Wyly, born Dec. 18, 1809, Landin, d. Vicksburg, Miss., Nov. 30, 1833. Benjamin Cleveland' Wyly, b. Apr. 12, 1812, Landin, d. Jacksonville, Calhoun co., Ala., June 5, 1885, m. Ann Maghee, 133 21 14 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. farmer, wid. and ch. res. Jacksonv. Ch., 6 : John M." Wyly, of Montgomery, Montgomery co., Ala., R. R. man, ch.: B. F.'Wyly, Jr., m., of Atlanta, ch.: Son'", R. R. man. + 16594 James' Wyly, b. Jan. 14^ 1814, Landin, Blount co. 16595 Jo'in Harris' Wyly, b. Feb. i, 1816, L., d. Atlanta, Oct. 15, 1886, m. Mary Henrietta Parks. Ch.: 2 s., 4 da. 16596 Louisiana Jemitna"' Wyly, b. Sept. 24, 25, 1818, Lan din or Clarksv., d. Cass, now Bartow co., Ga., June 27, 1846, m. Mar. 27, 1837, Elijah Bird of Franklin co. Ch.; 2 s., 3 da. 16597 Walton' Wyly (Dr.), b. 1820, Habersham co., died Bartow co., Sept., 1854, m. "Mary Johnson, da. Col. Linsley and Miss (Oglesby;, popular practising physician, Talladega, Talla dega CO. His wid. res., 1886-91, Cartersville, Ga. The John sons wealthy and influential, s. p. + 16598 Sabry Minerva'', afterward Mary Ann'' Wyly, b. June 28, 1824, Habersham co., Ga. 16599 Sarah Catharine'' Wyly, b. July i, 1826, H. CO., died Yadkin College, Davidson co., N. C., July, 1886, m. Clarksv., 1846, Rev. William A. Rogers. Ch. ; 3 daughters", all m. + 16600 Augustin Clayton' Wyly, born Aug. 30, 1829, Haber sham CO. Gen. James Rutherford^ Wyly grad. Greenville co. coll., Tenn.; from 1802 occupied a farm on Tenn. river, at now Landin, Blount CO. Was, from 1804 during life, of the co. working out Unicory turnpike from Walton's ford, Tugalo river, to Tellico Plains, Tenn.; a State Commissioner to improve navigation of Savannah and Tugalo rivers. Served under James and Heze kiah Terrell as Sheriff of Franklin co., Tenn., for 12 years, prompt and efficient officer. Was capt. in reg. of Maj. Benja min" Cleveland +16224, in Creek Indian war, under Gen. John Floyd. Fought gallantly at battles of Autossee, Ala., Nov. 29, 1813, Calibbee and Othtawalla war, 1812. Rem. betw. 1818 and 1820 to Habersham co., on Tugalo river, opp. Walton's ford. Planter ; of good judgment ; had a fine library, was well read, and accumulated a handsome property. Parents and family were Baptists. William Clark was a soldier under John Sevier: Xavier, Havia, Sevier ancestry: ' Sevier, b. Paris, France (the family name Xavier now had become Sevier), Huguenot, fled from Paris because of persecution and St. Bartholomew's massacre, [the name -Huguenot (origin of the name not positively 4 known, although differing writers claim that it is derived from Hugues, a notable here tic, i6th century, or from Hugo or Hugon, or from the German " Eidgenossen," or from "Hue nos," which words begin an early public document of French Protestantism, or from Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty and king of France, A. D. 987) was first applied, as a political nickname, to the French Protestants, 1560. Charles IX of Prance pretended to make overtures of peace to the Huguenots, and at the marriage of his sister Margaret to Henry IV of Navarre, he invited Coligny and other Protestant leaders to the wedding ceremonies. Having treated thera at court with simulated favor, he raanaged to lull their suspicions, and the result of his machinations was the general massacre of the Protestants on St. Bartholomew's day, Aug. 25, 1572. In 1598, Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes, which restored toleration and defined the position of the Reformed Church. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Oct. 22, .685, by Louis XIV, caused a loss to France of more than half a million of its best people.— See N. V. Gen. and Bw. Rec, XXIV : , Alexander', Alexander'), b. at Asheville, N. C, Mar. 3, 1803, died at Wartrace, Tenn., Apr. 4, 1876, m. ist, at Lawrenceville, Ga., Nov. 22, 1833, Harriet Neal, b. in Franklin co., Ga., d. at Law renceville May 6, 1839, daughter of Major and Nancy (Mayfield) Neal. He m. 2d, Bristol, R. I., Aug. 11, 13, 1840, Fanny Leon ard Wight, born Bristol Sept. 16, 17, 1816, a daughter of Rev. Henry and Clarissa or Clara (Leonard) Wight. Children born at Lawrenceville, by ist m.; + 16636 William Choice'' Cleveland, b. July 25, 1834. + 16637 Jeremiah'' Cleveland, b. Sept. 21, 1836. By 2d m.: + 16638 Vannoy' Cleveland, b. Mar. 11, 1841. 16639 Caroline Choice' Cleveland, b. June 17, 18, 1842, m. Marietta, Ga., June 23, 1884, Walter Sims Ryall, b. Chapel Hill, Marshall co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1841, s. of Thomas Coleman and Elizabeth Sims (Scudder). Residence: Marietta, 1884, has a planting interest in Florida. ^ ^/iH,-<^CXU.X,.tX^ . DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2II9 16640 Harriet Dawkins' Cleveland, b. Nov. 14, 1844. Miss' Cleveland, residence, Marietta, 1878-96; is a subscriber for this Genealogy. + 16641 Barnet Franklin' Cleveland, b. Aug. 11, 1846. Jesse Dougherty' Cleveland, b. Sept. 12, 1853, d. Lawrencev. Nov. 21, 1858. 16642 Georgia Alden' Cleveland, born Dec. 6, 1851, m. Hon. John Bomar' Cleveland -j-16712. + 16643 Robert Mathis' Cleveland, b. Aug. 25, 1855. Robert Mathis" Cleveland, residence ; Lawrenceville, was a merchant of that city for a number of years. Retired early from active business, and spent the remainder of his days in -dignified ease. Removed, 1866, to, and afterward lived at, Wartrace. Mrs. Fanny Leonard (Wight) Cleveland, residence. Mari etta, with her daughter, Miss Cleveland. Wight ancestry .— Thomas^ [See -I-2024, p 819]; Samuel', b. Dedham, Mass., Feb. 5, 1639, of Medfield, Mass., suffered great loss in Philip's war, m. Hannah Albee or Alby, ¦da. Benjamin of Braintree, Mass.; Jonathan', b. Sept. 11, 1682, m. Margaret Fairbanks -of Medfield ; Jonathan*, b. Oct. 11, 1705, m. Sarah Plimpton ; Henry', b. May 26, 1752, of Bristol, R. L, m. Clarissa Wight ; Rev. Henry', of Bristol, Congregational clergyraan, ra. Clarissa Leonard'. Ch.: i. Alice, d. 1884, ra. Rev. Charles Alden of Providence, R. I. 2. Clara, ra. Williara Rowland of Augusta, Ga. 3. Fanny Leonard^ Wight, ra. ROBERT Mathis Cleveland'. Leonard ancestry, 2 lines :— Henry', Thomas', James', Hannah*, m. Isaac Deane'. Tames* [see --f-8683, p. 1799]; Judge Stephen', b. Dec. 14, 1680, judge of Court of Coramon Pleas; Maj. Zephaniah', b.Mar. 18, 1704, m. Hannah King*; Col. Zephaniah', Yale 1758, sheriff of Bristol co., mentioned in Appleton [Daniel] ^ Co.'s Encyclopedia, d. Apr. 11, 1814, m. Oct. 30, 1765, Abigail Alden'; Clarissa' Leonard m. Henry "Wight'. Alden ancestry : — John' [see -t-2255, p. 872]; Joseph', b. 1624, of Duxbury, Mass., d. Feb. 8, 1697, m. Mary Simmons or Syraonson, da. Moses of Plymouth, Mass.; John', ra. Hannah ¦White'; David*, m. Judith Paddleford ; Abigail' Alden m. Zephaniah Leonard''. White ancestry: — Capt. Thomas', b. Eng, ab. 1599, of Weymouth, Mass., freeman Mar. 3, 163S-6, selectman, commanded railitary company, rep. to Gen. Court ; Capt. Eben- -ezer', b. 1648, ra. Hannah Philliiss, b W. Nov. 25, 1654, a da. Nicholas and Hannah (Salter), of Boston, Mass.; Hannah' White m. John Alden'. King ancestry .- — John', of Newtowne 1636, Sandwich, Mass., 16^7, Weymouth 1639, -owned land at King's Cove and King's Oak Hill, seaman, ra. 2d, Mrs. Dorothy Hunt, widow of Enoch Hunt ; Philip', b. W. 164s, town officer at W., d. Taunton, Deo. 26, 1710, m. Judith Whitraan, a da. John of Weymouth ; Capt. John', b. W. 1676, capt. in militia, rep., m. Alice Deane'; Hannah* King ra. Zephaniah Leonard'. Deane ancestry : — John', b. 1600, from Chard or Taunton, co. Somerset, Eng., of Dor- 'Chester, Mass., an original purchaser of Taunton, Mass., 1639, m. Alice; Isaac', m. Jan. 24, 1678, Hannah Leonard*; Alice' Deane m. John King'. 16238. JESSE FRANKLIN" CLEVELAND (jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), bom at Greenville, S. C, Oct. 25, 1 804, died Charleston, S. C, June 22, 1841, m. in Clinton, Ga., Nov. i, 1832, Mary Franklin' Smith +16608 (Eliza«, John', Benj.*, John', Alex.', Alex.'), she d. Macon, Ga., May 18, 1844, a. 29. Ch.: + 16644 Jesse Franklin''" Cleveland, born Nov. 15, 1834, Clinton, Ga. + 16645 Jeremiah Cap'" Cleveland, born Feb. 11, 1837, Macon, Ga. Hon. Jesse Franklin" Cleveland was a member of U. S. Congress, Representative from the Dekalb District of Ga. for 4 years, from 1836 to 1839, but subsequently removed to Charles ton, S. C, where he became a merchant, and died. U. S. Regis ter, Blue Book, 1837 — Congress; Cleveland, J. F., Decatur, Ga. Hon. Jesse Franklin" Cleveland was highly esteemed, and very popular with his constituents. He is well remembered to 2120 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. this day by all the elder members of the Southern Cleveland Family. The plate portrait of Hon. Jesse Franklin^ Cleveland was contributed to the Cleveland Family Genealogy by the Hon. William Choice' Cleveland +16636. See Dictionary of the United States Congress, by Charles Lanman, 1868, p. 85. 16239. JEREMIAH" CLEVELAND (jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander',. Alexander'), b. Greenville, S. C, Feb. 4, 1806, d. Greenville, May 19, 1877, m. ISt, in Maury co., Tenn., Sept. 17, 1833, Sarah Eliz abeth Stone, b. Maury co. Dec. 9, 181 6, d. Wartrace, Tenn., May 23, 1840, a da. of Thomas Jefferson and Nancy (Dogan). He m. 2d, Maury co., Oct. 27, 1841, Mary Ann Stone, b. Maury co. June 20, 1820, d. Wartrace, July 20, 1847, a da. 'Thomas Jeffer son and Nancy (Dogan). Children, all b. at Wartrace, by ist m.: + 16646 Sarah Philadelphia' Cleveland, b. Apr. 4, 1835. + 16647 Eliza Dawkins' Cleveland, b. Sept. 23, 1837. + 16648 Thomas Stone' Cleveland, b. Apr. 25, 1840. By 2d m. : 16649 Harriet Dawkins' Cleveland, b. Aug. 9, 1842, d. Wartrace, May 29, 1861, unm. 16650 Jeremiah'' Cleveland, b. Aug. 20, 1844, killed in battle in front of Richmond, Va., May 16, 1864, unm. Private Co. G, 17th Tenn. Reg., C. S. A., noted in his regiment for bravery. Mary', b. Apr. 7, d. Wartrace, May 6, 1847. Jeremiah" Cleveland removed to Tenn. in 1833, and settled in Bedford co., Tenn., in 1833, and always afterward lived at Wartrace. He owned there the finest farm in Tenn. Mr. Cleveland was one of the first promoters of the Nashville & Chattanooga R. R., Tenn., which has always been so important to the interests of the State. He was a much esteemed, useful member of the community. The compilers of the Cleveland Family Genealogy are glad to insert (through the kindness of his son, Mr. Thomas Stone'' Cleveland) the portrait of Jere miah", with those of Thomas S.' and wife, in a group. 16240. BARNET FRANKLIN" CLEVELAND (jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), b. Greenville, S. C, Apr. 26, 1808, died Greenville, Oct. 23, 1865, m. Spartan'burg, S. C., Apr. 13, 1847, Mary Harriet" Cleveland +16265 (jesse', Robt.*, John', Alex.', Aiex.'). Child : + 16651 Mary McLeod' Cleveland, born Mar. 30, 1848, Greenville. Mr. Barnet Franklin" Cleveland, residence : always Greenville C. H., S. C. Of large means, he was noted for kind ness of heart, great charity, and hospitality. Mrs. Mary Har riet" (Cleveland) Cleveland resides with her daughter, Mrs. Harris, at Cleveland place, Greenville, 1884. Mrs. Cleveland is a well-known poet, author, and contributor ; see Bibliography, Chap. IV. J^^^..^:.^ ^^-^^^^c^ OL^ ^..z^:^^^^^-^^' ^^^^^^^...^^^J^^^^^L^ O^MjL^Vi-jL^^yL'^'^i)^^ n/ii'ttu^/^ *^^ ^cie^'«^^aut.«ii DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 212I 16241. CAROLINE" CLEVELAND (jeremiah», Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), d. Greenville, S. C, May 17, 1887, a. 76, m. G. May 10, 1832, Capt. William Choice, b. G. Oct. 24, 1796, died Greenville, June 27, 1877, s. of William and Mary (McDonald) Choice, s. p. From obituary of Mrs. Caroline" (Cleveland) Choice : Greenville Daily News, May 27, 1887 — IN memoriam. Died in Greenville, on Tuesday, the 17th of May, 1887, in the seventy-seventh year of her age, Mrs. Caroline Choice, wife ot the late William Choice, Esq. The subject of this sketch, although but little known to the younger portion of our community outside of the circle of her personal friends and relatives, has for many years, during the active portion of her liie, and the earliest history of Greenville, filled an iraportant and conspicuous place in its best society. Born on the 2d of February, 1811, but one square removed from the spot where she died, she has been identified with Greenville three-fourths of a century, a period com prising all its phases of growth, as hamlet, village, town, and city. Her father, Capt. Jeremiah Cleveland, is well remembered by our older citizens. He was among the earliest settlers of this busy, stirring city. Among men he -was ac counted a strong man in his day and generation, and his stern virtues were typical of the times in which he lived. Plere he passed his long and active life, known of all men for his high character, strong intellect, and pure and unsullied record as a citizen and man of business. By force of character and application he amassed, even- at that early day, one of the largest estates in the upper part of the State. In the opinion of the writer, of whom she was a lifelong and valued friend, Mrs. Choice inherited much of the strength of raind and_sterling qualities of her father. The contemplation of these characteristics for a few moraents by the rising generation, many " of whom have already taken her place in the active duties of life, cannot fail to inspire in their bosoms feelings of sincerest respect and generous emulation. Independence, truth, integrity, love of justice, and devotion to duty, were prominent and controlling traits of her character. To these were added the softer graces of charity, unstinted hos pitality, kindness of heart, and beneficence. Toward the humble and the lowly were these truly Christian virtues most constantly exercised, and many of these would bear witness to-day that for long years their lives have been cheered and their hopes renewed by the refreshing dews of her continuous bounty. It was the blessing of her old age, and doubtless the greatest source of her own happiness, that she was thus able to con tribute to the happiness of others. To a liberal education and a natural refinement of manner was added the culture which comes of travel, and a wide range of reading, always from carefully selected authors, causing her companionship to be alike interest ing and instructive to those around her. Having no children of their own, and in entire accord with the wishes of her late husband, Capt. William Choice, she took upon herself at different periods of her life the entire charge of several ot her nieces and nephews, rearing them from infancy, and be stowing upon them the priceless advantages of a liberal education. Among those brought thus near to her by ties of blood and almost filial association, is our townsman, William C. Cleveland. By her death a noble, high-minded, and conscientious woman has passed away, and the good deeds of a long life will follow her. She now rests quietly beside him with whom she joined her young life when she was but twenty-one years of age, and for whom she entertained until hcr latest breath the kindest veneration and most tender regard. Under the shadow of the Episcopal Church, ot which she was a lifelong member, and toward the building of which they largely contributed, both of them now sleep. Another link is broken connecting the past with the present of Greenville, and we who are left may well pause at their graves and study the lesson of their lives, resolving to emulate their virtues, that we, too, at the close raay offer to those coming after us the example of well rounded lives ; the record of which is richly stored with duties well per formed, and obligations well fulfilled. S. S. C. From The Herald : WILLIAM CHOICE, ESQ. When an old, prominent, and most worthy citizen of the community departs this life it is right and proper and respectful to his memory that something more should be said of him than simply the announceraent of his death. - , . . . William Choice was a native of Greenville District, and, at the time of his death, perhaps the oldest native born citizen in the District. His father, William Choice, Sr., was a substantial farmer, and one of the earliest settlers in Greenville. When the Dis trict was first organized, and a county seat to be selected, William Choice, Sr., was appointed one of the Commissioners to locate the Court House. He hved to anadyanced age, and was greatly respected by all his neighbors. He had a large family of children, and most of them moved to Georgia in the lifetime of their father. ^ ,, ^ _, William Choice, the subject of this sketch, after completing his English education at the ordinary schools ot the country, was sent to the Pendleton A.cademy to complete his classical education, which had been commenced under the tuition of Dr. Ihomas Aus- 2122 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. tin, a venerable citizen of the District, still living! He then commenced the study of law in the office of Mr. Tillinghast, who then resided in Greenville, and was afterwards elected Comptroller General, and moved to Columbia. In due course of time Mr. Choice was admitted to the bar, and commenced the prac tice of his profession at Greenville Court House in his native district. He was studious and industrious, attentive to his business, and punctual in the discharge of all his duties as a lawyer. There was no neglect or delay in the business entrusted to him. He soon acquired the reputation of being the best and most prompt collecting lawyer m the Circuit. He never kept his client's money on hand after he had an opportunity of paying it over. Soon he acqtiired a large and lucrative practice. Judge Earle, at that time Solicitor of the Western Circuit, formed a partnership with him, which continued to the mutual advantage of both of them, till Earle was elected one of the Circuit Judges of the State. There was then a partnership formed between him and Judge Wardlaw, which continued for many years. Soon after the election of Judge Wardlaw to the bench Mr. Choice retired from the bar with a fortune most honestly made by industry and economy. Mr. Choice was elected the first Commissioner in Equity for Greenville District, and continued to discharge the duties of the office for a great number of years. No one ever filled this important office in South Carolina more faithfully than he did. His accounts were all kept with scrupulous accuracy, so that every one could understand them who looked at them. He wrote a beautiful hand, and was a first rate accountant. The chan cellors invariably complimented him at court for the neatness of his dockets, the correct ness of his reports, and the promptness with which he paid over the funds in his hands. Having accumulated a large fortune by his profession, he was not vain of it, nor did he make any show of his wealth. He was kind-hearted and charitable, but his charity was like his wealth — not intended for display. It is known to some that he spent large sums — several thousand dollars — in the education of his and his wife's relations. In one instance which accidentally came to the knowledge of the writer, he sent a young man, a distant relation of his wife, whom he had never seen, five hundred dollars, to complete his education. This young gentleman had graduated at the South Carolina College with the first honors of his class, and was of brilliant promise. He had exhausted his patrimony, and could not pursue his intended study of the law. Mr. Choice heard of him and his situation and sent him five hundred dollars to enable him to complete his legal studies ; but death claimed him as his victim, and his studies were never completed. Mr. Choice was a man of great firmness and sincerity of character. He formed his own opinions and could not be swerved from them. No one ever charged him with a want of sincerity. He never deceived any one, but was always frank and open in every thing he did. His enmities, as well as his friendships, were known to the world. He was a most cordial and genial companion with his friends, and he delighted in their society. His conversation was always interesting. He had read a good, deal, and had traveled all over the United States. He possessed a very observing mind and a fine memory. His remarks were always wise and judicious. His mind was practical and his judgment wise and good on all subjects. The best evidence that could be adduced of William Choice's kindness, charity, and goodness was shown at his funeral. His family wished to have a private one, knowing that he who had eschewed all pomp and show in life would not desire a public display in death. But his tenants, his former slaves, his domestics, and his near neighbors insisted on attending his funeral. He treated his slaves all his life as if they had been his chil dren, and when they were emancipated he provided them all with comfortable homes. Like most men of marked character as for firmness, sincerity, frankness, integrity, Mr. Choice was strong in his friendships and bitter in his enmities. He was not one of those characters known as " all things to all men." If he liked you he showed it, and if he did not there was no concealment about it. In politics he was a warm partisan, a nullifier and secessionist, and when the war came on he invested thirty or forty thousand dollars in Confederate bonds. This was all lost, of course, and his slaves, worth forty or fifty thousand dollars, were emancipated. He lost largely, too, by his private debtors and stocks, and still he died possessed of an ample fortune, all accumulated by his industry, energy, and prudence. For several years Mr. Choice's health has been bad, but his mind was as clear in his eightieth year as it ever had been. He left a widow, many relatives, and numerous friends to lament his loss and cherish his memory. B. F. P. [Gov. Benjamin F. Perry.] 16242. HARRIET" CLEVELAND (jeremiah», Robert*, John', Alex.^), d. Greenville, S. C, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 31, m. G., Nov. 13, 1832, Col. Thomas Nuckolls Dawkins, b. Union co., N. C, Dec. 15, 1B06, d. Unionville, S. C, Mar. 20, 1870, a s. Elijah and Nancy (Nuck olls). Residence : Unionville, lawyer ; Judge of Circuit Court ; col. and aid to Gov. James Hamilton of S. C. s. p. 16243. ELIZA" CLEVELAND (jeremlahs, Roberts Johns, Alex.^), died at Greenville, S. C, July 27, 1886, a. 73, m. ist, at G, Apr. 20, 1841, Col. Benjamin Franklin Dawkins of Gowdeysville, Union co., S. C, b. Union, Union co., S. C, May 10, 1810, died Greenville, •25'j!>-?o-t-'<<:?' '..^^-'Z.'t^-^ DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2123 Sept. 4, 1847, a son Elijah and Nancy (Nuckolls). Of Union, merchant. She m. 2d, at Union, Mar. 4, 1852, Henry Coleman Poole of Gowdeysville, b. Spartanburg, S. C, Mar. 4, 1831, d. Greenville, Sept. g, 1868, a son Robert Coleman and Sabina (Turner). Of Greenv., farmer. Both m.: s. p. From a published Obituary Notice : Few better women than Mrs. Poole have ever lived. Her kindness and cordiality of manner expressed the nobility of her character, and she made warm friends of all who came in contact with her, and retained their affections always. Her heart was full of charity and love for fellow creatures, and the poor and unfortunate of two generations have cause to reraember her benefactions and attentions with love and gratitude. Her old age was peaceful and pleasant, full of good work and lighted by the memory of kindly deeds and the blessings of the many who had cause to bless her. During her latter years she has given charity much of her time and attention and was the admira tion of all who visit that part of the city, and has doubtless given pleasure to many thousands of people who knew nothing of the owner. 16244. JAMES HARVEY' CLEVELAND (jeremiah^, Robert*, John', Alexanders Alexander'), died in Greenville, S. C, Sept. 4, 1892, a. 77, and was buried at' Marietta, Greenville co., S. C, m. Greenville, S. C, Oct. 7, 1837, Mary Louisa Williams, b. Greenville, S. C, June 21, 1820, a daughter of Thomas Blackburn and Elizabeth Thomas (Maxwell). Children : -[-16652 Sallie Vannoy' Cleveland, born Jan. 16, 1839, at " Cleveland Homestead," Greenville, S. C. 16653 Elizabeth Maxwell' Cleveland, b. Feb. 2, 1841, at "Williams Homestead," Greenville, S. C, m. Jeremiah Cap' Cleveland +16645. -I-16654 Harriet Dawkins' Cleveland, born Mar. 1, 1843, Hilly Home, Greenville co., S. C. 4-16655 Eliza Tallula' Cleveland, born Sept. 9, 1845, at Hilly Home, Greenville co., S. C. 4-16656 Jesse Franklin' Cleveland, born Oct. 9, 1847, at Hilly Home, Greenville co., S. C. 4-16657 Richard Mays' Cleveland, born Sept. 9, 1853, at Marietta, Greenville co., S. C. Mr. James Harvey" Cleveland was highly esteemed and much beloved. The following and other obituary notices ap peared in the newspapers throughout the U. S. at the time of his decease. From The Greenville Daily News, Sept. 6, i8g2 [writ ten by the Editor, Mr. Alfred Brockenborough Williams]: JAMES HARVEY CLEVELAND. By the death of James Harvey Cleveland Greenville county has lost one of her most honored landmarks. He had lived all his long life here without a shadow of reproach, holding the reverence, confidence, and affection of his neighbors. Hospitality and be nevolence were not duties with him, but were as natural as his breathing, and inex haustible A man of pure and upright life, he had endless patience and compassion for the weaknesses and faults of his fellow men. None were so depraved as to be beneath the scope of his kindly pity and ready help; no wickedness could outstretch his wide charity When he could not speak good of others he was silent. Where he could not give his respect or friendship, kindly recognition ot the brotherhood of man extended, and his hand was ever ready to make felt in living deeds the warmth of his heart. Few men have been so blest as to look back upon a lite as blameless, as happy, and as useful as his He never mingled much in public affairs, and vexed his soul little with the contentions of men or the battles of the world. Far from the madding crowd s igno ble strife he kept the even tenor of his wav, content to do his duty as man, citizen, and neighbor' Ostentation was contrary to his nature. Simplicity and modesty character- 2124 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. ized him always, and made his benevolence and his life doubly beautiful. He was as unassuming as the most shrinking child, and had the perfect poise and self-control of the strongest man. In movements for the public welfare he was always among the fore most and most generous in action, the most backward in accepting praise or reward., He did his full duty always, and always as if it would not have been possible for him or any man to have done otherwise. In these times of rush and hurly-burly and false purposes and base standards and loud selfishness and false pretence, it is refreshing and comforting to find a life like that of Mr. Cleveland's — pure, simple, gentle, kindly, and modest — a life marked by duties and good works well done, without proclamations of the doing or demands for recogni tion, by far-reaching charity for which no trumpets were sounded, by a very sweet and very practical Christianity, in which there was no praying at the street corners or obtru sion of his own righteousness. There are many honored graves in South Carolina, marked and unmarked, many places where high and noble and true men sleep. In none of them will there rest a nobler, kindlier gentleman, a higher or more manly man than he who will be buried to day near the blue mountains he loved. He lived gentle, generous, and honest ; he will sleep peacefully ; and when the time comes he will rise in peace to go before the Creator whose will he did well, whose spirit of love and compassion he faithfully illustrated in his life. From Enterp7'ise and Mou7itaineer^ G?'eenville^ S. C, Sept. /, I^p2 : DEATH OF J. HARVEY CLEVELAND. On last Sunday, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Hamlin Beattie, of this city, Mr. James Harvey Cleveland breathed his last. One of the old landmarks of Greenville County, and one whose name has, during his life of more than three score years and ten, been associated with Greenville, has passed away. A son of Capt. Jeremiah Cleveland, who was one of the pioneer settlers of this county, and a descendant of the Clevelands who fought at King s Mountain, J. Harvey Cleveland was born in Greenville on December i, 1815. His early life was spent at the place of his birth until, about 1838, upon his marriage to Miss Mary L. "Williams, he moved to Cleveland's mill, about four miles above Marietta, and entered upon his life's work of farming. Subsequently, upon the death of Dr. Williams, his wife's father, he purchased from that estate the place upon which he was living at the time of his death, and to which he gave the name of Marietta. He removed for a season back to his birth place for the purpose of educating his children, of whom there were given to him six. Of this number there survive him five, three daughters and two sons: Mrs. William Wilkins, Mrs. H. Beattie, Mrs. Lizzie Cleveland, Hon. R. Mays Cleveland, and Mr. Jesse F. Cleveland. The other daughter, Mrs. J. T. Williams, preceded her father several years ago. Mr. Cleveland was himself the youngest of eight children, having had four brothers and three sisters, all of whom he had survived for several years. In his death, there fore, i)asses away the last of his father's family. Some of his brothers migrated to Georgia and Tennessee, and one of them, Hon. Jesse F. Cleveland, was at one time the Congressman from the Atlanta District. The deceased was also an uncle of Mr. W. C. Cleveland, of our city, and had a very large circle of relatives and friends in this imme diate neighborhood. At the commencement of the war between the States, Mr. Cleveland enlisted as a private in the Brooks Troop, and was attached to the Hampton Legion, but after a ser vice of somewhat more than a year he was discharged, being exempt from duty by rea son of his age. Mr. Cleveland studied in his youth civil engineering, but possessing by inheritance a competency he never made a pursuit of his profession. Possessed of large landed estates, he gave his attention almost entirely to their management, and prosperity at tended his efforts. For over forty years he had resided at Marietta, passing his life in the enjoyment of home pleasures and farming pursuits, wherein was his chief delight. His life was uneventful Of gentle disposition, and far more fond of domestic pursuits than the turmoil of public life, Mr. Cleveland never sought or seemed to desire office. The family circle and familiar intercourse with friends were congenial to him, and his affectionate, cheerful disposition made him particularly welcome and happy in these spheres. Kind and sympathetic, he was willing and ready to give aid when needed ; and of an amiable, even-tempered frame of mind, he never wittingly injured or need-: lessly offended any one. Of generous nature, he delighted in hospitality, and although a patriarch in j^ears and appearance, his heart was ever warm with the glow of youth, We would imagine that nothing would be more enjoyed by him than the thronging of relatives and friends within the precincts of hospitable old "Antiquity," as his home was called. He spent his life in trying to do right, and felt no fears when the end was near. It was during last spring that he remarked that he knew his days must needs be few on earth, but he felt no concern ; that God had been good to him, and he was in no wise troubled as to the future welfare of his children or family ; and almost his last words were, "God is love." The immediate cause of his death was jaundice, to which he at last succumbed after an illness of about six weeks. He had come down from Marietta and, as stated, was so journing with his daughter, Mrs. Hamlin Beattie, when he died. The funeral services were held on yesterday at Christ Church, in this city,'and the remains were afterwards taken to Marietta for interment. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2125 C\ In ?>l^nvjovx^ OF WHO DIED IN Oreenville, S. C, September 4, 1S92. " 'God is love,' and hath been good to me," In his last hours on earth he softly said. As in that quiet room, on bended knee. Loved ones were gathered 'round his dying bed. " God is love ! " No other trust had he,- But that for him the blessed Saviour died ; A perfect sense of pardon, full and free, Sealed by the blood that flowed from His dear side. " God is love ! " He urged no claim but this, As through death's lonely valley, dark and drear, He journeyed onward to a land of bliss, Unfettered by a single doubt or fear. The last of his father's house below, To him on high a welcome now is given ; Where the broken wreath is bound, we know, And the severed chain linked in heaven. Ah, love hath ruled his life, day by day ; Love to his neighbor, and to 'God above ; And through the gates of pearl he hath passed away. To join the angel chorus, " God is love ! " M. H. C. Greenville, S. C, September 13, 1892. Mrs. Mary Louisa (Williams) Cleveland resides (1896) at her home, the Cleveland H6mestead, Marietta, Greenville co., S. C. Williams ancestry : — Capt. Tames^ of Virginia. ¦¦ ~ " " I Williams (Va.), 2d Lt. loth Va., , .^ From Office of Secretary of War, Washington, D. C. — James Williams (Va.), 2d Lt. loth Va., Dec. 17, 1776, 1st Lt. Mar. 18, 1777, Capt.-Lt. June 2, 1778, reg. designated 6th Va. Sept. 14, 1778, Capt. Sept. ig, 1778, and served to close of war. (Had a brother in Lexington, Ky.) m. Elizabeth Blackburn, b. London, Eng. ; Thomas Blackburn^ Williams of (Greenville ra. Elizabeth Thomas Maxwell. 16245. ROBERT' CLEVELAND (Presleys, Robert*, Johns, Alexander^, Alexanderi), d. n. Ooltewah, Tenn.,^ -A-Ug., 1854, a. 36; m. Sweet Water, Tenn., 1844, Elizabeth Sneed, b. n. Sweet W. 1824, a da. Rev. Robert. Rem. from n. Philadelphia, Tenn., soon after m. to Ooltewah, dwelt there, farmer. Ch. b. Ooltewah : 4, 3 living 1885: -(-16658 William' Cleveland (the eldest child). 16659 Presley' Cleveland of Albany, or Gentry ville; P. O., Gentry co., Mo., 1884. 2 126 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16248. LARKIN JERRY" CLEVELAND (presiey^), m. Ooltewah, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1850, Minerva Parker +16304'', b. Monroe co., Tenn., Dec. 26, 1828, a da. Caleb Isaac and Elizabeth (Sanders). Of Monroe co., near Philadelphia, to 1882, n. Golden City, Mo., since, farmer 1885. Ch. b. Monroe co. : + 16660 Presley Parker' Cleveland, b. Aug. 18, 1850. 16661-3 William Alfred', Feb. 18, 1853, unm., res., 1885, with parents, farmer; Harvey Hawgod', b. Aug. 15, 1857, m. Golden C, Mar., 1884, Belle Lee, b. Wayne co., O., the da. Abel and Mary. Of Dekalb co., n. Cameron, Mo.; Cordelia Eliza beth', b. Oct. 12, 1859, unm. 16664 Eliza MinerVa', b. July 4, 1862, m. Golden C, Sept. 10, 1883, David Black, born Pa. 1849, the s. James and Mary (Carter). Of Golden C, wealthy farmer. Ch.: James Larkin Peler" Black, born July 3, 1884, near Golden C. 16665-6 Robert Mathus', b. Mar. 6, 1866; Francis May', b. May 11, 1869, d. Monroe co. Jan. 4, 1878. 16252. ROBERT RAGON" CLEVELAND (eH^, Roberts John», Alexan der", Alexander'), d. Philadelphia, Tenn., Apr. 7, 1868, a. 60, m. P. Jan. 20, 1835, Sydney Gamble Nelson, b. P. July 5, 1811, d. P. Oct. 23, 1884, only da. Matthew and Martha (Cannon). Of Phil adelphia always; merchant. Ch. b. P.: Eli Nelson', b. June 8, d. Oct. 12, 1836; Martha Ann', b. May 23, 1838, d. Apr. 18, 1839; Mary Eliza', b. June 2, 1840, d. Aug. 31, 1841. 16667 Caroline' Cleveland, b. Feb. 2, 1843, m. P. Apr. 15, 1868, Dr. Franklin King Berry, born P. Dec. 4, 1841, s. Dr. Franklin King and Emily (Loughlin). Grad. Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., received their diploma Mar., 1867. Of Philadelphia, Tenn., 1884-5; Sweet Water, East Tenn., 1895, allopath, phys. She was ed. at Mary Sharp Coll., Winchester, Tenn. Ch. b. Phila., Tenn.: Frank Albert" Berty, Jan. 28, 1869; Robert Sydney Cleveland", Dec. 30, 1870; Caroline", Oct. 14, 1873; Emily Ethel", Nov. 4, 1875; Luke Dayloti", July 26, 1879; Ann Eliza" Berry, Sept. 21, 1881. 16253. MATILDA" CLEVELAND (ehs Robert*, john', Aiex.=), d. Oolte wah, Tenn., 1878, a. 67, m. Philadelphia, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1827, John Chesnutt, b. Hawkins co., Tenn., Dec. 3, 1802, a s. Henry and Tabitha (Sanders). Always of Ooltewah, farmer 1885. Ch. : 16668 Mary Tabitha' Chesnutt, b. Oct. 8, 1827, Philadelphia, m. ISt, Ooltewah, Oct. 2, 1845, Hugh McDaniel; he d. O. 1858. Of O., farmer. She m. 2d, 1859, William Joshua Parks, of Ells worth, Logan CO., Ark. Ch. by 1st m.: Granville Winfield" Mc Daniel, born 1844; Caledonia" McDaniel, 1846. By 2d m. : John Chesnutt" Parks; Robert' Parks; Matilda Pauline" Parks. 16669 Robert Nelson' Chesnutt, b. Dec. 18, 1830, Ooltewah, m. Edward Minerva" Watkins +16300; Eli Cleveland' Chesnutt, b. Nov. 18, 1833, O., d. O. Aug. 12, 1834; Blender Caroline', b. Sept. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER" CLEVELAND. 2127 24, 1836, O., d. O. Oct. 18, 1839; Harriet MinervJ , b. Nov. 24, 1839, O., d. O. June 6, 1859, unm. 16670 Henry' Chesnutt, b. Feb. 18, 1843, O-i ni- n- O. June 5, 1862, Sarah Sopshire Phillips, b. n. Greenville, S. C, Oct. 15, 1845, da. Stephen B. and Juliette (Hawkins). Dwelt James co., Tenn., of Ennis, Ellis co., Tex., farmer. Ch. b. James county: Mary Ella", May 8, 1866; Hugh Edward", Nov. 26, 1868; John Stephen", May 5, 1875; Emma Maude" Chesnutt, July 24, 1880. 1667 1 Joseph Dyke' Chesnutt, b. Aug. 30, 1845, Ooltewah, m. O. Oct. 26, 1873, Mary Cynthia Jones, of Ooltewah, farmer. Ch, : Arthur Lee", born Sept. 4, 1874; Eli Mathus", Mar. 13, 1876; Matilda Elizabeth", Mar. 27, 1878; Claude", Aug. 26, 1880; Joseph Edgar" Chesnutt, Nov. 28, 1882. 16672 John Cleveland' Chesnutt, b. Oct. 6, 1851, O., m. Mar. 16, 1882, Eva Eliza Shugart; she d. Sept. 6, 1884, of O.oltewah, farmer. Ch. : Mary Eva", b. Dec. 29, 1882. Eli Mathus' Chesnutt, b. Jan. 5, 1855, O., d. O. Sept. 13, 1857. 16256. JESSE FRANKLIN" CLEVELAND (Eli», Robert^, JohnS,Alex.=), d. 9 miles N. of Cleveland, Bradley co., Tenn., June 14, 1878, a. •61, m. ISt, 2 mi. S.W. of Charleston, Bradley co., Tenn., Nov. 17, 1839, Caroline Spriggs, b. S. C. Jan. 30, 1819, died 9 miles N. of Cleveland, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1874, da. Ezekial and Louisa (McCay); m. 2d, James co., Tenn., Mar. 2, 1875, Mary Jane Sanders, born Hawkins county, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1840, a da. William and Pollie (Smith). Many years of Cleveland, Tenn., farmer. Ch. by ist m. : Mary Louisa', b. Sept. 3, 1840, 4 miles S.W. of Charleston, d. 4 mi. S.W. of Cleveland Nov. 7, 1848. 16673 Eli', b. Mar. 15, 1843, 4 mi. S.W. of Ch., d. Weber's Falls, Cherokee Nation, Aug. 19, 1867, unm., gov't agt. to Cherokee N. 1867. 16674 Ezekial Spriggs'. Cleveland, b. June 28, 1845, 4 mi. S.W. of Ch.; m. twice; of Harrison, Boone co.. Mo., 1884-5. Ch. : 8 living, 1 d. + 16675 Caroline' Cleveland, b. Oct. 30, 1847, 9 mi. N. of Cleveland, Tenn. 16676 Robert Lafayette' Cleveland, b. Dec. 15, 1849, 9 mi, N. of Cleveland, m.; of Cleveland, Tenn. Ch. : 5. 16677 John' Cleveland, b. Nov. 15, 1851, 9 miles N. of Cleveland, Tenn., m.; of Chattanooga, Tenn. Ch. : 4 living, i d. 16678 Jesse Franklin', b. Oct. 5, 1853, 9 mi. N. of Cl., m. Oct. 3, 1886, of Charleston. Martha', b. Dec. 21, 1855, 9 mi. N. of Cl., d. do. Aug. 11, 1857. 16679 Laura', b. May 6, 1858, do., m.; of Charleston, s. p. 16680 Mat Matilda', b. June 30, 1861, 9 mi. N. of Cleve land, m. ; of Meigs co., Tenn. Ch. : 2. By 2d m. : Billie Eva- lenia', b. Feb. 9, 9 mi. N. of CL, d. do. Mar. 22, 1876. 16257. CAROLINE' CLEVELAND (eiis Robert*, johns, Aiex.2), d. near Madisonville, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1840, a. 21, m., as 1st w., Joseph Walker, born M., of Madisonville, farmer. (He m. 3d, Lodusky" Jones +16284 (Aleys, Roberts Johns, Alexander"). 2128 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16258. ELI MATHUS" CLEVELAND (Eli=, Roberts John^, Alexander"), d. Ooltewah, Tenn., 1883, aged 61, m. Philadelphia, Tenn., Sept., ,1843, Emmeline Pennington, b. P. May 11, 1827, only da. John and Alpha (Johnson). Ch. : 12, b. Ooltewah : 16681 Eliza Matilda', b. Dec. 26, 1844, m. Dec. 21, 1865, Alexander McNabb, b. Dec. 5, 1842, a s. Robert Lusk and Eliza Ann (Boyd). Of n. Ooltewah 1884, farmer. Ch. b. O., attend ing O. High School : Harriet Lillie" McNabb, b. Nov. 26, 1867 ; Annie Leona", b. Jan. 17, 1870, d. Sept. 5, 1884; Robert Mathus", \). Jan. 29, 1872; Cleveland Alexander", Oct. 15, 1873; Daisy May", Aug. 14, 1875; Fanny Emmeline", July 28, 1878; Louisa Earl", Sppt. 26, 1880 ; Arthur Roscoe" McNabb, Jan. 6, 1883. I 16682 Polly Ann', b. Nov. 9, 1846, m. July 16, 1871, William Penn Davis. Ch. : Nettie Susan" Davis, b. May 13, 1872; Mathus Cleveland", Dec. 13, 1873; Alpha Emmeline", May 8, 1877 ; Alie Ann", July 22, 1879; Nannie .Louisa" , Mar. 10, 1882; 'Virginia May" Davis, May 24, 1884. I 16683 Clarissa Caroline', b. Aug. 12, 1848, d. Ooltewah, Oct. 16, 1879, m. O. Sept. 7, 1865, John Fletcher Fitzgerald, b. Hamilton (now James) co., Tenn., s. Samuel and Nancy (Blan- kinship). Ch. : Mary Matilda" Fitzgerald, born Dec. 23, 1866, of Ooltewah. +16684 Alpha Emmeline', Jan. 18, 185 i. -f 16685 Alie Jones', Feb. 14, 1853. 16686 Eli Mathus', Aug. 9, 1855, unm., of Ooltew. [an Eli M. Cleveland of Chattanooga, Tenn., 1888]. + 16687 John Pennington' Cleveland, b. Feb. 25, 1857, 1858. Maj. Eli Mathus" Cleveland, residence from 1844, Oolte wah; served in U. S. Army, late war, as major 2d Tenn. Union Vols. Mrs. Cleveland res. Ooltewah. 16259. DAVID HARVEY" CLEVELAND (Eli»,- Roberts John', Alex."), m. ISt, Philadelphia, Tenn., 1844, Elizabeth Ann Johnson, born Fork Creek, Tenn., 1825, d. Phila. 1881, a da. Lewis (brother to Elizabeth Johnson who m. Presley" +16064). He m. 2d, 1884, Malinda Niel Shearman, b. May 27, 1851, da. John F. and Ma linda (Niel). Always lived in the old Cleveland homestead, same house, Philadelphia, 1885 ; res. Sweet Water, Tenn., 1895, farmer. Ch. b., raised, and m. in Phila., has grandchildren ; hy ist m.: 16688 Jesse Franklin' Cleveland, born July 11, 1845. 16689 Mary Katherine', Jan. 4, 1847. 16690 Eli', Dec. 11, 1849. 16691 Sydney Ann', Feb. 19, 1851. 16692 Lewis John son'', Feb. 17, 1853, formerly of Cog Hill, McMinn co., Tenn. 16693 Caroline', Aug. 11,' 1854. 16694 Robert Mathis', Nov. 9, 1856. 16695 Joseph Jones', Nov. 20, 1858. 16696 Eliza', Aug. 28, 1861. 16697 Aley Francis', Dec. 11, 1863. 16698 Vi ola Jessamine', Dec. 15, 1865. 16699 Benjamin David', Dec. 14, 1867. By 2d m.: 16700 John Shearman', Oct. 23, 1885. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2I2Q 16260. EMILY CAROLINE^ CLEVELAND (jesse», Roberts John3, Alexander"), d. Spartanburg, S. C, May lo, 1893, a. 77, m. S. May 10, 1836, Jefferson Choice, b. Greenville, S. C, Apr. 29, i8ii, d. Spartanb. May 12, i860, a s. William and Mary (Alexander). Of Spartanburg, lawyer. Ch.: + 16701 William' Choice, b. Jan. 26, 1839, Spartanburg, S. C. 16702 Jesse' Choice, b. May 22, 1841, Greenv., d. in child hood. + 16703 Harriet Dawkins' Choice, b. Jan. 30, 1843, Green ville, S. C. 16261. JOHN BLOSSINGAME" CLEVELAND (jesse^, Robt.s John", Alexander", Alexander'), d. Spartanburg, S. C, Apr. 19, 1870, a. 52, m. Bivingsville, Spartanburg co., S. C, n. Spartanburg, Aug.' 28, 1844, Susan Elizabeth Bivings, b. Bivingsville or Lincoln- ton, Lincoln co., N. C, May 3, 1825, da. Dr. James and Susan (Von Storre). Ch. b. Spartanburg : + 16704 Laura' Cleveland, b. May 21, 1845. 16705 William Bivings', b. July 17, 1847, d. S. May 20, 1871, unm., attended Wofford coll., of Spartanb., farmer. Alice', b. May 9, 1849, d. S. Feb. 27, 1850. 16706 Catharine', b. Sept. 27, 1852, m. S., Nov. 16, 1873, William Millikin Hagood, b. Pickens co., S. C, Dec. 29, 1850, s. James Earl and Esther Benson (Robinson), and distantly con nected with Gov. Hagood of S. C. Of Easley, Pickens co., S. C, merch. Ch., ab. 6 : Lidie Miles", b. Sept. 26, 1874, Pickens C. H., Pickens co., S. C; Mamie Gertrude", Sept. 30, 1876, P.; Harry Cleveland" Hagood, Aug. 31, 1878, Easley; Clarence Bruce", Aug. 9, 1883, E. Mary', b. July 6, 1855, d. Spart. July 3, 1856. 16707 John Albert' Cleveland, b. Apr. 13, 1857, m. Mrs. Edith McKenzie, of Spartanburg, clerk, s. p.; Ida', b. Nov. 27, 1859, d. S. July IS, 1861. John Blossingame" Cleveland. From his Obituary — Was the oldest native citizen of our town. He received a practical training for mercantile profession, and upon attaining majority became a partner in the house which his father conducted from the earl}^ settlement of the place. After the death of his father, he continued the business until a few months ago, his declining health admonished him of the danger of confining himself so closely, when he withdrew and was devoting himself to agricul ture. In mercantile transactions of 30 years he had been brought into contact with the people of our district. He en joyed the confidence and esteem of a very large number. He possessed a sound judgment, clear perceptions of right, marked equanimity of temper. These qualities, with a quiet disposi tion, made him the chosen arbiter of more differences between neighbors than any other man in the district. His influence was always a power. For many years he was the chosen In- tendant of the Town, in which position he gave such general satisfaction that it was only necessary to show that he would serve to have him elected. After serving several terms he re fused to be a candidate. 134 2I30 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16262. WILLIAM BERRY" CLEVELAND (jessC, Roberts John', Alexander"), d. Dcc. 4, 1856, a. 37, m. 1848, Miss Amanda Wright, she d. McNairy co., Tenn., a da. of Mr. Wright. Was, 1855, of S.C, planter and merchant. Ch.: 16708 Susan Nuckolls' Cleveland, d. Dec. 22, 1875, ni. Jan. 13, 1875, Liddell Elmore Farley. Ch.: William Cleveland" Farley, b. Nov. 29, 1875. 16709 Jesse' Cleveland, ) These two went with their 16710 Benjamin' Cleveland, [ mother to Tenn., then to Arkansas or Texas. 16263. ROBERT EASLEY" CLEVELAND (jesseS Roberts Johns Alexander", Alexanderi), died Spartanburg, S. C, Feb. 25, 1882, a. 60,. m. S,, Nov. 5, 1844, Elizabeth Bomar, b. S. June 18, 1837, d. S. June 18, 1862, a da. of John and Mary (Vernon) Bomar. Ch. b. Spartanburg : + 16711 Jesse Franklin' Cleveland, b. Feb. 7, 1847. + 16712 John Bomar' Cleveland, b. Nov. 9, 1848. Choice' Cleveland, b. Oct. 27, 1850, d. S. 1852, a. 2. Dr. Robert Easley" Cleveland. From his Obituary — His education was obtained in the town schools. After reading medicine, he took his diploma at Charleston, S. C, Medical Col lege, 1843. He at once began the practice of medicine, and took rank amongst the first physicians of the co. If he had given up all other kinds of business and devoted his time en tirely to his profession, no doubt he could have become emin ent. He continued practice of medicine until close of the war. Early in life he began to deal in real estate, and there his fine judgment served a good purpose. He had unbounded faith in the future of our town and co., and desired no better invest ments than could be found at home. His activity in business matters caused him to take rank among the leading business men of the place. His desire was to see his town become a prosperous place. His love for old Spartanburg was very strong, and nothing could have induced him to leave it. A plain man, quick to take the part of a friend. He knew nearly all the older men of the co., and he was accustomed, as he saw them driving into town, to give many interesting incidents. illustrating life as it was 40 years ago. He will be much missed on the street, at our public meetings. He took a special interest in important cases in court. A prominent lawyer says. his opinion of men and cases was very remarkable. He had a fine judicial mind. His suggestions were often valuable to lawyers managing suits. His last illness lasted about 3 weeks ; was buried Sunday [26th], Mr. Vess, pastor of Baptist Church,. conducting the funeral services. A large crowd were in attend ance, and a noticeable feature was the great number of colored people in the procession. 16264. SARAH ELIZABETH" CLEVELAND (jesseS Roberts JohnV Alexander"), d. Dalton, Ga., May 16, 1876, a. 52, m. Spartanburg,. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 213I S. C, Jan. 18, 1842, as 1st w., Dr. Albert Washington Bivings, he d. Dalton a few years ago, a s. Dr. James and Susan Van (Storre). Ch. b. in S. C: + 16713 Mary Elizabeth' Bivings, b. Nov. 25, 1842. + 16714 James Cleveland' Bivings, b. June 18, 1847. + 16715 Emily' Bivings, b. Oct. 17, 1849, 1850. 16716 Jesse Franklin', b. Jan. 21, 1852, d. betw. Tex. and Dalton, Nov. 5, 1878 (on way home), m. D., Nov. 11, 1869, Lula Bell or Beel, da. Sanford of D. Divorced. (She m. 2d.) Dwelt Dalton a few years, went to Tex. Ch.: Emma Gertrude", born May, 1871, d. 1873 ; William Beel" Bivings, b. Apr., 1872, d. a few years ago. 16717 Barney Cleveland' Bivings, b. Mar. 25, 1854, m. Dal ton, Aug, I, 1877, Mary Robert Wyche, b. Ellaville, Schley co., Ga., Dec. 2, 1859, da. Robert Henry and Lula E. Of Dalton, 1884, merch., town officer. Ch.: Emma Avery" Bivings, b. Mar. 14, 1879. 167 18 Jessie', b. Aug. 27, 1856, m Oct. 15, 1872, Eugene Oglethorpe Herndon, b. Union, S. C, Aug. 25, 1850, a s. Benja min Zachariah and Elizabeth Laura (Pratt). Of Dalton, R. R. man. Ch. b. D.: Lily" Herndon, July 12, 1873; Bessie" Herndon, Mar. 7, 1876 ; Benjamin Zachariah" , June 25, 1880. Albert Sidney' Bivings, b. June 16, 1861, d. July 4, 1867. Dr. Albert Washington Bivings, practising physic'n, Dalton. He m. 2.d, Lizzie Green, b. Ky., da. Gen. Duff. She res. D. s. p. 16269. NANCY" CLEVELAND (ManinS Roberts JohnS Alexander"), died Powder Spring Gap, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1884, aged 67, m. at her father's, n. Red Hill, Tenn., Jan. 5, n, 1831, Jacob Beeler, b. n. Liberty Hill, Grainger co., Tenn., Dec. 27, 1804, d. Powder S. G. Feb. 20, 1876, a s Joseph and Catherine (Petre). Settled, Jan. 31, 1831, and afterw. lived, on farm n. Powder S. G., prosperous farmer ; large tax payer, member and benefactor of Missy Baptist Chh. Ch. b. P. S. G.: Martin', b. Nov. 14, d. P. Dec. 20, 1831. + 167 19 Joseph Cleveland' Beeler, b. Nov. 29, 1832. + 16720 Mary Martha' Beeler, b. June 17, 1835. + 16721 Enoch Cromwell' Beeler, Dec. 26, 2836. -j- 1 67 2 2 William Tilmon' Beeler, Mar. 18, 1839. 16723 Catharine' , b. June 29, 1841, d. P. Aug. 16, 1862, unm. + 16724 David'' Beeler, b. July 10, 1843. -j- 1 67 25 Louisa' Beeler, Sept. 22, 1845. + 16726 Sarah Elizabeth' Beeler, Nov. 5, 1847. + 16727 Molisa Isidora' Beeler, Mar. 6, 1850. 16728 Lodusca Adaline', b. Aug. 30, 1852, d. P. Dec. 22, 1865. + 16729 Robert Barton' Beeler, b. Dec. 11, 1854. Isaac New ton', b. Jan. 14, 1857, d. P. Aug. 18, 1862. 16271. ALFRED MATHEWS" CLEVELAND (Martins Roberts John", Alexander", Alexander'), m. Manerva Hill. Throughout war in ist 2132 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Tenn. Cav., C. S. A., twice wounded. Dwelt near Ringgold, Catoosa county, Ga., of Blain's Cross Roads, Grainger co., Tenn., 1885. P. O. care D. D. Anderson, Atty.-Gen. Knox Dist, Knox ville, Tenn. Ch., 5 living: 16730 Matilda Geraldine', m. Pope joy of Tex. + 16731 James Martin' Cleveland, b. Oct. 22, 1850, Ring gold. 16732 Martha Dallas'. 16733 Emeline.' 16734 John'. 16273. WILLIAM MARONA" CLEVELAND (Martins Roberts Johns Alexander"), d. Claibome CO., Tenn., June 29, 1859, a. 33, m. C. co., Apr. 17, 1850, Eliza Amanda Jennings, b. Tazewell, Claiborne CO., Tenn., Aug. 4, 1827, da. Anderson and Zylpho (Moor). (She m. 2d and 1. Bloomfield, Stoddard co., Mo., 1884.) Educated at Rogersville, Jefferson co., Tenn., and Spartanburg, S. C, school teacher and merch., of Mo., May 5, 1850, to 1856, ret., 1856, to Claiborne county. Ch. : 16735 Margaret Virginia', b. Jan. 28, 1852, Bloomf., d. Oct. 10, 1868, ed. at Tazewell. + 16736 John Anderson' Cleveland, born Apr. 6, 1854, Bloomf. 16737 William Morton', b. Feb. 26, 1859, Ball Creek, Claiborne co., Tenn. Ed. at Newtonia, Newton co.. Mo. Acad. and Cape Girardeau, Mo., State Normal School, unm., of Bloomf. 16277. ELI MATHIS" CLEVELAND (Martins Roberts Johns, Alexander"), m. May 9, 1858, Mary Adelaide Ellis, born Grainger co., Tenn., May 3, 1843, da. Lewis Mabry and Sallie (Jennings). Enlisted, Oct., 1862, Co. H, 26th Tenn., C. S. A., orderly serg. in battles Murfreesboro, Stone River, Tenn., while home on furlough was cut off from returning to C. S. A. Of Powder Spring Gap, Tenn., N. side of Clinch Mt. 1886, farmer, a consistent Christian. Ch. : 16738 Ivanora', b. May 8, 1859, m. Nov. 26, 1876, James Leroy Beeler, s. Daniel and Sallie (Clark). Ch. : Lillie"; Dena"; Jesse Everett" Beeler. 16739 Vallie', b. Feb. 3, 1861, d. Sept. 14, 1871. 16740 Sallie', b. Oct. 16, 1862, unm., ed. Fairview Acad., of Powder S. G., teacher penmanship. 16741 Benjamin Frank lin', born Dec. 4, 1871. 16742 Hubert Ellis', Apr. 9, 1873. 16743 Lewis Martin' Cleveland, Aug. 13, 1876. 16280. Jesse FranMin'^ Jones (AleyS Roberts JohnS Alexander"), d. Philadelphia, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1868, aged 60, m. P. Sept. i, 1832, Clarissa Harlowe" Cleveland +16255 (eiis Roberts John", Aiex."). She d. P. Mar. 10, 1880, a. 65, Dea. Jesse Franklin" Jones, of Phila. to 1840, Bradley co., Tenn., to 1854, Phila. afterw.; merchant, retired and became farmer. Deacon and clerk of Sweet Water, Tenn., Baptist Chh. Ch. b. Phila. : 16744 William Napoleon Bonaparte' Jones, b. Sept. 19, 1836, Phila., m. Loudon co., n. Loudon, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1868, Martha Ellen Blair, b. Roane co., Tenn., May 25, 1841, da. William and Elizabeth (Carmichal). Of Phila. to Apr. 7, 1878, merchant, Osborn, De Kalb county, Mo., since, owns fine farm. Ed. at DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2133 Hiwasse Coll. Ch. b. Phila. : Jesse Blair" Jones, Aug. 8, 1876; Bettie Florence", Nov. 26, 1877. Mary', born Nov. 1838, P., d. P. Nov., 1839, a. 1 year. 16745 Aley Mathis' Jones, b. Dec, 1840, Bradley co., m. Monroe co., Tenn., 1858, William H. H. Ragan. She was ed. at Mary Sharp Coll., Winchester, Tenn. Lives on the old homestead, Monroe co., Tenn. P. O., Sweet Water. Ch.: Bettie", Dora", Daniel', Florence", Robert", and William" Ragan, 16746 Eli Cleveland' Jones, b. 1842 Bradley co., m. Monroe co., 1867, Sarah Johnson. Ed. at Riceville, McMinn co., Tenn. Coll. Of near Colfax, Wash. T., 1885. P. O., Garfield. Ch. : Jesse Franklin", Oscar", James", and Clarissa Harlowe" Jones. Joseph Dyke' , b. 1844, Bradley co., d. inf. 16747 Robert Mathus', b. 1846, B. co., m. 1868, Elizabeth Harrison, of B. co.; P. O., Phila. Ch. : Jesse Franklin", William Harrison" 16748 Florence' Jones, b. 1850 Monroe CO., d. M. co., 1865, unm. 16281. Joseph DyJie" Jones (AleyS Roberf, John",Alexander", Alexander'), d. Philadelphia, Tenn., 1883, aged 73, m. 1st P., Aley Mathus" Cleveland +16254 (bus Roberts John", Alexander"), she d. P. May 30, 1855, aged 42. He m. 2d, P., Mrs. Louise Caroline (Cannon) [Nelson] Chesnutt, b. Muddy Creek, Loudon co., Tenn., wid. of James Chesnutt, da. Robert and Ann (Gailbraith). (She m. 1st Lawrence Perry Nelson.) Residence, Philadelphia, Tenn., a large farmer and tanner, an old, well-known, and highly esteemed citizen. Took great interest in his Cleveland ancestry, and was a valued correspondent. Ch. b. Philadelphia, Tenn., by ist m. : 16749 Ludusky Caroline' Jones, b. 1842, d. P. 1864, m. P. i860, as 1st wife, Charles F. Cannon, born P., 1824, a s. Robert and Ann (Gailbraith). (He m. 2d); farnier. Sweet Water, Tenn. Ch. b. Sweet Water Val., Tenn.: William" Cannon; Alice" Cannon, b. 1863, unm., of S. v.. Sweet Water, 1884, of fine intellect and mental culture. 16750 Eli Cleveland' Jones (Capt), b. 1844, m. ist Phila., 1869; was capt. Tenn. reg. C. S. A., late war, of Phila., merch.; "has family." 1675 1 Mary Louise' Jones',h. 1846, d. P., m. P. 1864, Samuel Williams of Sweet Water or Phila., always with E. Tenn., Va. & Ga. R. R. ticket agt. Ch. : Charles", born 1850, d. Sweet W. 1871; Ida" Williams, born 1854, unm., of S. 16752 James Chamberlayn' Jones, b. 1848, d. by accident, Phila. 1872, unm., farmer. 16753 Joseph Morton', d. prob. in youth. 16754 Robert Augustus', va. P., of P., merchant, farmer. 16755 Jesse Franklin\ d. prob. youth. 16756 Aley Mathis' Jones, b. 1854, d. P. 1869, unm.; 2d m. s. p. 16283. Emily" Jones (AleyS Roberts John", Alexander"), m. Mar. 20, 185 I, James Herd Stalcup, b. Ky. Dec. 8, 181 7, s. Moses and Rose Anna (Herd). Of James co., Tenn., 1884, farmer. Ch. b. James co., n. Ooltewah, Tenn. : Joseph Nelson', b. Dec. 6, 1856, d. Feb., 1857. 16757 Alie Ann' Stalcup, b. Apr. 3, 1858, m. James co., Feb. 29, 1876, Luther Green, b. J. county. May 5, 1850, only ch. of Jesse 2134 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Adam and Rebecca (Furgason). Of n. Ooltewah, farmer. Ch. b. J. CO. n. O. : Jesse Carl", Feb. 27, 1878; Emma Grace", Mar. 10, 1880; Herd Stalcup" Green, b. Dec. 9, 1883, d. July 18, 1884. 16284. Lodash'y" Jones (Aieys Roberts John", Alexander"), d., m. Phila delphia, Tenn., as 3d w., Joseph Walker, he d. near Madison ville, Tenn., 1858. (He ar. ist Caroline" Cleveland +16257 (eus Roberts John"). Ch.: id] e^% Elizabeth' fFa//Jfr,m. M. Callie Lowry of Sweet Water, Tenn. 16288. ELIZA WILLIAMS" CLEVELAND (james HarveyS Roberts John", Alexander", Alexander'), d. MindoU, La., Sept. 2 1, 1 87 2, a. 49, m. M. Apr. 21, 1837, Dr. James Williamson Quarles of Edgefield, S. C, b. Aug. 4, 1807, d. at his daughter's n. Homer, La., Apr. 21, 1880. Grad. Transylvania Univ., Lexington, Ky.; rem., after m., fr. Red River to Mt. Lebanon, La., later to Minden, afterw. years ago to Shreveport, La., practising phys. She was ed. at Tuscaloosa, Ala., a fine musician, of rare talents; buried in Minden Cemetery. Children, of fine culture; sons educated at Chapel Hill, N. C. : 16759 George McDufjUe', b. 1838, Mt. Leba non, d. Winchester, Va., during war, graduate Univ. of N. C, Chapel Hill, 1859, private 2d La. C. S. A., in Peninsular battles, Va. lifjdo, Sarah Eliza' Quarles, b. 1840, m. Ooltewah, Tenn., 1875-6, as 2d w.. Col. W. E. Hamilton, Id. Ga. Sept 17, 1828, a s. William and Elizabeth (Bryan), colonel C. S. A., of Shreveport, cotton seed oil mfr., etc., of wealth and distinction. (By istm. had ch.) She grad. Minden Female coll. 1856, teacher 1865-72. s. p. 16761 Caroline Thotnpson' Quarles, b. Jan. 10, 1843, Natchi toches, La., m. Minden July 4, 1865, Capt. Richard 8. Harper, b. Prince Edward co., Va., Mar. 29, 1836, d. St. Louis, Mo , June 23, 1877, s. Vivaldi and Mary (Archer), a Mo. soldier in Gen. Price's Div., of Chariton county. Mo., farmer. She res. St. Louis 1885; grad. Minden F. Coll. Ch. : Samuel Herbert" Harper, b. Mar. 29, 1866, d St L. June 29, 1877 ; Mary Cleveland^ Harper, b. Nov. 23, 1868; Eliza Quarles" Harper, Sept. 23, 1870; Paul Hamilton" Har per, Dec. 12, 1872; Carrie Quarles" Harper, May 8, 1874. 16762 William Lowndes' Quarles, b. 1844, Minden, brutally murdered in Tex. 1866; grad. high honors Univ. of N. C, studied law, began to practice. Upright and honorable. 16763 Robert'. 16764 Richard' . 16765 Mary Susanna' Quarles, b. Oct. 13, 1850, m. Wallace Kerr, of Scotch descent. Ed. at Washington and Lee Univ. Va., of n. Homer, planter. She grad. Minden F. Coll. Ch. : Lyle" Kerr; Fannie Hamilton" ; James" ; Eliza" ; Sallie Quarles" Kerr. 16766 Fanny Hamilton' Quarles, born Oct. 3, 1852, Minden, m. Shreveport Sept. 18, 1883, Guy Borden, s. Paschal P. and Martha Ann (Stafford). In C. S. A. May, 1864-Apr., 1865. Of Shreveport 1884, Galveston, Tex., 1885, San Antonio, Tex. cat tle merch. She grad. Minden F. coll. Ch. : Nellie Hamilton", Borden, b. June 21, 1884. 16767 Edward Rutledge' Quarles, b. Sept. 10, 1854, Minden. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2135 Ed. at La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, La.; was in Enquirer o^aco,, Cincinnati, O.; 1885 with The American, Nashville, Tenn. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. 16768 Lucy Etnma', b. July 25, 1856, Minden, graduate M. F. Coll., school "teacher, Galveston; Annie Laurie', died young; Lizzie Virginia', d. y.; 16769 Hugh Cleveland' Quarles, born Apr. 12, 1863, Minden; ed. at Bossier Parish, La., merch., Pandora, La., n. Shrevep. 16770 Mackie Means' Quarles, b. Sept 16, 1865, Minden, will grad. Columbia, Tenn., Institute, June, 1885. 1677 1 John Esten' Quarles, b. Nov. 29, 1868, Natchi toches, ed. at S. W. Univ., Georgetown, Williamson co., Texas; insurance, Galveston. 16289. EMILY C.° CLEVELAND (james HarveyS Roberts John", Alex."), d. (Minden, La.?), Sept. 12, 1864, a. 39, or d. after May 5, 1872, m. at Judge R. M. Drew's, Claiborne Parish, La., Judge Nelson Jackson Scott, b. Claiborne co.. Miss., May 29, 1817, s. Robert and Isabelle (Bell). Ed. at Minden Acad. 1841-3, ap. 1844, Par ish Judge fr. Bossier co.; in C. S. A., Aug., 1862-Mar., 1864, ist It. Cav. Trans-Miss. Dep., under Gen. Harrison; elected Par ish Judge, Claiborne co., 1868 to close of 1878; practising atty. Homer, La., 1872-85. Ch. b. Homer: 16772 Mary Belle' Scott, b. Oct 22, 1850, m. H. Feb. 26, 1879, Valdaura Edwin Winston, born Memphis, Tenn., May 27, 1 85 1, son Dr. Charles Wesley and Sarah Elizabeth (Garrison). Dwelt Dallas, Tex. ; since July, 1883, Williams Ranch, Brown CO., Tex., on cattle ranch. She ed. at Homer Masonic Inst., La., and Locquette Inst., New Orleans. Ch.: Charles Nelson", b. Nov. 1, 1879, ^- Dallas, Nov. 4, 1881; Val Graham", b. Sept. 12, 1881; Arthur Herbert", Jan. 29,. 1883 ; Kenneth Cleveland" Winston, Nov. 5, 1884. 16773 Sarah Cornelia' Scott, b. Feb., 1852, d. Jan. 6, 1864. 16774 Lidie or Eliza Cleveland' Scott, b. May 29, 1855, m. at her father's res., Feb. 24, 1880, Adam Hawthorne Davidson, b. Ga., Oct. I, 1851, s. Joseph Thomson and Mary (Hawthorne). Dwelt Homer, was of Davidson & Ferguson, merch.; of Gaines ville, Cook CO., Tex., 1884-5 ; Homer, Arcadia, Bienville co., La., 1885, planter. Ch.: Charles^, b. Jan. 14, d. 19, 1881; Louie Scott" Davidson, b. July 6, 1882. 16775 Jessie Corinne' Scott, born Dec. 29, 1858, m. Homer, Dec. 21, 1882, James C. Drew, of Gainesville, bookkeeper. 16290. SARAH JESSIE" CLEVELAND (james h.'s), died Homer, La., May 31, 1875, a. 49, married ist, Minden, La., 1846, Judge Richard Maxwell Drew, he d. M. 1849. Ed. at Minden, of M., lawyer. She m. 2d, Homer, 1855, Dr. William Williams Ar- buckle, b. Accomack, Accomack co., Va., of Homer, phys. 1886. Ch. bv ISt m., b. Overton, La.: 16776 Sallie Emma' Drew,hovn Sept 3, 1847, m. Homer, Feb. 9, 1869, Capt. George Washingtoil Taylor, b. Marion, Perry CO., Ala., 1848. Grad. Chapel Hill Univ., N. C, capt. 12th Tenn., C. S. A., dwelt Mt. Zion, Homer ; of Hope, Hempstead co.. Ark., 2136 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. merch. She grad. Homer Masonic Fem. Coll., June 15, 1865. Ch. : Effie Clyde", born Apr. 27, 1870; Clarence Cleveland", June 7, 1872; Kathleen Mavourneen", Feb. 21, 1874; Maude" Taylor, Dec. 13, 1875. 16777 Richard Cleveland'' Drew (Judge), b. Apr. 17, 1849,, va. af. 1872, Miss Catharine Caldwell. Studied law at Minden, dwelt Bossier co.. La., of Minden, lawyer, judge of Dist. court. s. p. By 2d m.: 16778 Kate Eliza' Arbuckle, b. Oct 25, 1857, m. Dr. Mixon, he d.; of Hope. s. p. 16779 Birdie or Corinne' Arbuckle, b. Mar. 3, 1859, m. Hall, cotton speculator, Texarkana, Miller co.. Ark., Hope. Ch.: i. 16291. WADDY THOMPSON" CLEVELAND (james Harvey»), d. in Confederate Army, Charlottesville, Va., during war, buried in Va., m. Homer, La., 1856, Kate Cunningham, b. n. Lexington, Oglethorpe co., Ga., Jan. 3, 1839, a da. Maj. David and Maria (Crook). (She m. 2d, Crawford Cox, and res., 1884, Robeline, La.) Ed. at Natchitoches, La., St. Joseph's Coll., dwelt Homer, a perfect gentleman ; enlisted in 2d co. from H., 8th La., C. S. A, Ch. b. Homer : 16780 Clotilde' Cleveland, married on Red River, Red River Parish, La., Apr. 17, 1883, Dr. George Richard McHenry, b. on Ouchita river, Ark., Jan. 26, 1854, a s. Josiah W. and Jane Winter (Price), grad. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Baltimore, Md., of Homer, prac. phys. s. p. Sally', d. inf. 16781 Kate Ellis', unm., ed. at Mansfield, La., res. on Red River. 16293. Clarissa Harlowe^ Watkins (Fannys Roberts Johns Aiex."), d. Deep Spring, Whitfield co. (now Spring Place), Ga., Apr. 15, 1861, a. 48, m. Monroe co., n. Philadelphia, Tenn., 1833, as 2d w., Pleasant Mills Routh, b. n. Phila. Oct 15, 1808, d. at house of s. William, n. Fort Worth, Tarrant co., Tex., Jan. i, 1874, buried Plum Grove Cemetery, 6 mi. fr. La Grange, Tex., a s. Joseph. Ch.: 16782 James Cannon' Routh, b. Apr. 10, 1835, Monroe co., n. Phila., was killed in battle, Resaca, Gordon co., Ga., May 15, 1864, m. Pleasant Valley, Murray co., Ga., Oct. 14, 1858, Mary McClure, born Cumming, Ga., May 27, 1834, died Cotaco Valley (Somerville P. O.), Sept. 22, 1868, da. Robert and Martha, far mer, served in Co. B, 30th Ga. reg., C. S. A. Ch. : James Henry Leonadas" Routh, born Oct. 6, 1861, Ga., or Murray co., Pleasant Val., reared in Ala. + 16783 William Findley' Routh, born Aug. 28, 1836, Monroe CO., n. Phila. 16784 Kenzie Lafayette' Routh, b. Dec. 17, 1837, M. co., n. P., m. n. Marshallville, Macon co., Ga., Dec. 19, i866, Louanna Lafley, b. Tenn., June 26, 1844, daughter William and Margaret (Wilkes), of Calhoun, McMinn co., Tenn., 1884, R. R. man, Phil adelphia, Tenn., 1897. Ch.: Mary Alice" Routh, b. Apr. 4, 1874. Tenn. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2137 + 16785 Mary Adelaide' Routh, b. Aug. 16, 1839, Monroe co., n. Philadelphia, Tenn., or Deep Spring, Ga. + 16786 Joseph Edward' Routh, b Dec. 5, 1841, Deep Spring, or at Monroe, Monroe co. (n. Philadelphia), Tenn. 16787 Rice Judson'' Routh, b. Sept. 11, 1843, Deep Spring, m. prior to 1893. Was a member of 34th Ga., C. S. A., Col. Washington Johnson ; in battles of Richmond, Madison co., Ky., Perryville, Ky., Baker's Creek, Miss., Vicksburg, Chattanooga to Atlanta, Franklin, Tenn., Nashville, retreat fr. N., Bentonv., N. C; of Macon co. (P. O., Marshallv.), 1865-84, planter. Of Fairmount, Ark., 1897. + 16788 Robert Franklin' Routh, born Sept. 18, 1845, Deep Spring, Whitfield co. 16789 Samuel Houston', Oct. 22, 1847,. D. S., m. Dawnville, Whitfield county, Ga., Nov. 12, 1868, Ann Virginia BursOn, born Thompson, Warren county, Ga., Jan. 27, 1844, a da. Hazel Green and Rebecca (Story). Of Deep S. Farm., farmer; since Sept. 4, 1874, P. M. of Rural Vale, Ga., 1884. Of Florida (?) 1897. Ch. : Mary Josephine", b. July 31, 1869,. Crawfish Springs, Walker co., Ga.; Mattie Lula", Mar. 9, 1874, Rural V.; Alfred Lee", Oct. 18, 1876, R. v.; Clarissa Harlowe Adelia" Routh, Jan. 12, 1882, R. V. 16790 Harvey Cleveland' Routh, Jan. 7, 1850, Deep S., m. at res. of her father, Anderson co., S. C, Nov. 13, 1879, Mary Anna Hyde, b. Laurens county, S. C, June 25, 185 1, da. Rev. Ezekiel Foster and Nancy Adelia (Hunter). Of near Anderson C. H. Broyles, Anderson county, P. O., S. C. (1884-97), farmer. Ch. ; Walter Cleveland" Routh, born Apr. 5, 1881, Anderson co. 16791 Alfred Woodville' , Sept. 6, 185 1, Deep S., m. Coryell county, Tex., Feb. 17, 1884, Kate Eliza Criswell, b. Fayette county Dec. 12, 1858, a da. Joseph Eve and Sarah Ann (McMickin); came to Tex. 1872, of Flatonia (1884-97), druggist. Ch. : Amanda Eliza beth" Routh, b. Jan. 26, 1885, F. 16792 Frances Adelia Josephine' Routh, born May 25, 1853, Deep S., m. Pin Oak, Fayette co., Tex., Jan. 12, 1876, Francis Marion Tuttle, b. Pin O., Aug. 19, 1855, s. George Washington and Mary Ann (Karnes). Of Houston, Tex. (1884-97), cashier Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio R'y. Ch. : Edna Jose phine" Tuttle, b. Jan. 28, 1877, Pin O., unm., of Houston 1892-7 ; Pearl Agnes", born Nov. 19, 1878, Flatonia, d. F. Apr. 17, 1881 • Mary Stella", born Sept 22, 1881, P., d. F. Feb. 24, 1882; Helen Baker" Tuttle, b. Sept. 19, 1883, Houston. 16793 Annie Eliza' Routh, born July 4, 1855, Deep S., m. Broyles Oct. 26, 1876, James Hartwell Cromer, b. Newberry co., S. C, a s. Adam Francis and Sarah Caroline (Counts): since Oct., 187 1, of n. Anderson C. H. P. O. Broyles, farmer. Ch. b. Anderson co. : Haskel Haskell" Cromer, Sept. 18, 1877 ; Wallace Broyles", May 28, 1879; Claude James", Apr. 22, 1881 ; John Adam" Cromer, Nov. 9, 1882. Pleasant Mills Routh lived his early years in Monroe county^ successful operator and proprietor there of plantation, mills, still houses, blacksmith shops, tannery. Sold all 1844, rem. to and bought and operated large farm at Deep Spring to 186 1, refugeed to Apr., 1865, returned then to Spring PL, sold prop erty; went, 1873, to Texas. He m. ist, Philadelphia, Tenn., 1825, 2138 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Miss Narsissus Lillard, she d. at Philadelphia, Tenn., sister to Miss Nancy Lillard (of Philadelphia, Tenn., 1884). Child : I. Evaline Elizabeth Routh, b. June 21, 1830, Philadelphia, Tenn., m. Dalton, Ga., Sept. 4, 1846, Crosby Littleberry Vining, b. Springplace Nov. 4, 1824, son of Albert Miller and Elizabeth Ann (Jarrard) Vining. Resides in Murray county, merchant Children: Margaret Ann Vining, b. May 28, 1850, Murray co., m. June 22, 1882, Dudley Campbell; Amanda Clarissa Vining, b. Feb. 16, 1853, Whitfield co., m. ist, 1893, D. P. Evans, 2d 1896, W. R. Daniel; Benjamin James Vining, b. June 22, 1864, Macon, Ga., m. Clara Hand; Lizzie Berlin Vining, born June 23, 1867, Marshallville, m. Apr. 13, 1886, Joseph J. Hovet; Fannie Ida Vining, b. Mar. 20, 1870, M., d. M., Dec. 17, 1895, m. W. F. Ben nett. 16294. Finley Patterson" WathinS (Fannys Rob.S John", Alexander"), ¦d. Ooltewah, Tenn., June 3, 1861, a. 45, m. Fork Creek, Madison ville, near Phila., Tenn., July 16, 1843, Mrs. Theresa M. (Kelso) [Price] Carmichael, b. M. June 27, 181 1, wid. of Carmichael, a da. Charles. Ch. : 16794 Cleopatra' Watkins, b. June 10, 1844, n. Phila., m. James co., Tenn., Oct. i, 1868, James Monroe Igou, b. J. CO. Sept. 5, 1840, s. Samuel Thompson and Mary Jane (Yar- nell). Dwelt James co., farmer; was in 43d Tenn. C. S. A.; of Fort Mason, Orange co., Fla., 1884, orange grower, P. M. s. p. Mary', b. July 15, 1845, n. Philadelphia, d. Aug. 31, 1848. 16795 Zachary Taylor' Watkins, born Feb. 8, 1847, near Ooltew., m. ist, Sept. 20, 1880, Annie Laurie Vest, b. Jan. 7, 1859, d. O. Nov. 9, 1882, da. C. C. of Ducktown, Polk co., Tenn. He m. 2d, Feb., 1884, Lillie May Sanders, b. James co., n. Ooltew., Feb. 9, 1863, a da. William and Pollie (Smith). Of Ooltewah always, merch. Ch. by ISt m.: Vida", b. June 17, 1881, O. 2d m. s. p. + 16796 Reese Kelso' Watkins, b. Mar. 8, 1849, n. Ooltewah, Tenn. 16797 Mary Josephine' Watkins, born Apr. 24, 185 1, near 0. Miss Watkins ed. at Mary 'Sharp College, Winchester, Tenn.; of Ooltewah, valued correspondent. 16798 Eolene Alfred' Watkins, b. Apr. 22, 1853, n. Ooltew. Miss E. A.' Watkins, ed. at Mary Sharp College, of Ooltewah, music teacher. And So Forth' Watkins, b. Apr. 13, 1857, n. 0., d. June, 1858. Finley Patterson" Watkins resided at Madisonville to 1846, sold •then his plantation, bought another in James co., gave Ooltewah its pretty Indian name, dwelt there afterward. Theresa M. Kelso m. ist, as 2d w., Isaac Price, he d. (he had ch. by ist m.: William Price, d. unm.). She m. 2d Charles ? Carmichael, he d. She res. Ooltew. Ch. by ist m. : 16798=' Laura Elmira Price, b. 1824, Fork Creek, m. Robert Franklin" Watkins +16299; Fanny Price, d. when her da. a few months old, m. George Guthrie, he d. Ch. : Bruce Guthrie owns and occupies farm n. Ooltewah. Laura Blanche Guthrie m. Milton Bird Templeton of Tenn., law yer of Waxahatchie, Ellis county, Tex., she ed. at Martha Wash ington Fem. Coll., Abington, Washington co., Va. Ch. : Bruce Templeton, b. 1884. By 2d m. : Charles Carmichael, d. a young .< '?^IfcS aif^M. t/c/^e^' ARTOTYPE, E. BIERSTADT, DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2139 man, unm.; James Carmichael, died unm.; Samuel Carmichael, d. unm. 16296. Harvey Cleveland" WatJ^inS {F^rmy", Roberts John", Alexan ders Alexander'), d. 11. Ooltewah, Tenn., June, 1865, a. 44, m. Har rison, Hamilton (now James county, Tenn., 1856, Eliza Douglas Martin, she d. 1874 (she m. 2d, see below). Ch. : 16799 Susan Douglas' Watkins, b. Dec. 25, i860, Oltewah, m. O., Sept 29, 1880, Franklin Pierce Hale, b. n. Trenton, Dade CO., Ga., a s. Shadrach Calvin and Frances Sanders (Thompson), of Whiteside, Marion co., Tenn., 1885, merch. of Bond & Hale. Ch. b. W. : Stonewall Jackson" Hale, Mar. 2, 1882 ; Grover Cleve land''' Hale, June 8, 1884. Dr. Harvey Cleveland" Watkins grad. University of Pa., Phila delphia, Pa., 1852, practising physician of Ooltewah. Mrs. Eliza Douglas (Martin) Cleveland m. 2d, O., 1870, as 2d w.. Dr. Thomas A. Roddy (he m. a 3d w.). Ch. : Annie Roddy, b. Apr., 1872. 16297. Fii Hryant" Watkins (Fannys Roberts John", Alexanders Alex ander'), d. Jacksonville, Cherokee co., Tex., Jul)' 12, 1851, a. 28, m. Ooltewah, Tenn., 1850, Eliza Karnes, b. Philadelphia, Tenn., 1824, a da. Frederick. (She m. 2d, Tanner.) Residence, Ooltewah to Oct., 1850, afterward in Tex. He was buried with Masonic rites. Ch. ': 16800 Daughter', lix'iag ]vi\'y, 1885. 16298. Alfred Moore" Watkins (Fannys Roberts John=, Alex.", Alex.'), married at Franklin, Simpson co., Ky., August 31, 1854, Jane Douglas Crowdus, born in Franklin, Dec. 31, 1833, a daughter of Dr. John Arnold and Julia Emily (Stevenson) Crowdus. Children : + 1680 1 Eugene' Watkins, b. Nov. 18, 1855, Franklin, Ky. + 16802 Jenny' Watkins, b. in Franklin, Ky. 16803 Vernon Stevenson' Watkins, b. Jan. 15, 1859, Chicka- mauga, Tenn., d. at his grandmother's, Mrs. Crowdus's, Franklin, Mar. 2, 1862. + 16804 John' Watkins, born Aug. 24, i860, Chickamauga, Tenn. 16805 Stonewall Jackson' Watkins, b. June 20, 1866, Frank lin, Ky., educated at Crawford College, Dalton, Ga. Maj. Alfred Moore" Watkins received a preliminary education in the county schools of Monroe co., and finished his studies at Hiwassee College, Bat Creek, Tenn. Residence: at Philadel phia, Tenn., to 1845, Athens, McMinn co., Tenn., to 1848, Hunts ville, Ala., merchant to 1851, Charleston, S. C, dry goods jobber to 1859, New York, N. Y., with Bay State Shoe & Leather Co., to 1861, returned, 1861, to Chickamauga, Ooltewah Blue Springs, Tenn. Enlisted, 1863, as private in 35th Tenn. regiment, Con federate States Army. Was commissioned, 1864, Major and Inspector-General on staff of Brig.-Gen. Benjamin J. Hill, Con federate States Army of Tenn., successively commanded by 2140 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Gens. Braxton Bragg, Joseph Eccleston Johnston, and John B, Hood, was in battles from Dalton — New Hope Church, Peach Tree Creek, etc. — to Atlanta, 1864, afterward at Jonesborough, Nashville, and Franklin, Tenn., serving until war ended. After Lee's capitulation, he surrendered his brigade at Calhoun, Ga., to Gen. Judah, U. S. A. Lived from close of war at Dalton to Dec, 1865 ; since with Bay State Shoe & L. Co. [Charles E. Bigelow, Pres.], and living at: Perry, Houston co., Ga., Griffin,. Spalding co., Ga., Franklin, Ky., Marshallville, Ga., Bingham- ton, N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y., Glen Cove, L. L, Hoboken, N. J., Kensico, Westchester co., N. Y., Newtown, Fairfield co., Conn., Orange, N. J., 1874, Rahway, N. J., N. Y. city, 1880, etc. Resi dence since 188 1, Rome, Floyd co., Ga,, 1898. Maj. Watkins at same time owns and operates a fine 320-acre farm, 4 miles from Rome, principally cotton ; is proprietor of Montsana mountain, on top a i2-acre vineyard of fruit and grapes, in James co.^ Tenn., n. Ooltewah; and of a 50-acre orange grove n. Brooks- ville, Fla. The following from a newspaper, 1884: THE MODEL ORANGE GROVE OF SIR FREDERICK NEERGARD AND MAJ. A. M. WATKINS. A few days ago we visited the orange grove at Buena Vista located on one of Her nando's famous hills, just i% miles S. E. of Brooksville, and in plain view from the court house square. The first thing that attracts the attention after leaving town is the broad expanse of the Choocoochatta prairie, now like an immense emerald in a setting of massive live oaks draped in long gray moss, but when overflowed is a beautiful sheet of wa,ter, sparkling under the sunlight like myriads of jewels. When this prairie is overflowed the scene often changes like magic — away off in the southeast corner is a deep sink that connects with a subterranean channel that from some unknown cause opens, and in a few hours the prairie is dry. As there was no water on the ground we drQve directly across this magnificent natural pasture, stopping now and then to wait on our friend, who must needs take an occasional pop at some of the thousands of birds and ducks, or stray aligators that were prospecting some of the sinks for a late dinner ; we'd have been there yet if the birds had not risen and sailed away out of reach as the echo of the shots were reverberating around the amphitheatre. The 'gators also knew the signal indicated a sore head or black eye for them, so left incontinently in a wild hunt for the hole the water goes out at. There being nothing more to keep us we resumed our search for Buena Vista. Soon something white, like a bow of promise, began to loom up in the distance, but not liking to display our ignorance we held our peace and waited develop ments ; as we drew near the thing assumed the shape and form of an immense gate — the biggest seen since the one old Noah opened when he let out all the living creatures- left over from the flood. It was immense, gigantic, a — well, when our friend took his lazy eyes off the lazier cattle g^razing on the prairie, he found us stupified, but-etill hang ing on to the ragged edge ot a knowing look, we didn't want to admit that we were as tonished at anything; but you are not to tell this to anyone, it's strictly confidential. While our friend was opening the ponderous shutters, we took in the grand arch bearing the words: "Buena Vista Grove," in large, shaded letters, and just underneath them the motto, ^'- Finis coronat 0:pus" — the end crowns the work. We got through the gate and found other inscriptions, but as we were going ahead up-hill we concluded they were admonition.s to keep off the grass, not to pull the flowers, don't deface the statuary, or something of that sort, so, rather than display our ignorance by stopping, we let our friend drive on, resolved to see it out some other time. All arounci we saw that a raaster hand and head was directing operations, as the land was in a fine state of cultivation, and the orange trees stretching in every direction were in splendid condition. When we had climbed about two-thirds of the way up, our friend stopped to show us a curi osity; it proved to be a fine spring of water, cool and fresh, and never failing. Truly, it was a curious freak, for here it gushed out of the hillside full one hundred feet above the prairie or water level. Satisfied with our inspection and assured that there was yet more to be seen and that it was only a few hundred yards to the top, we resumed our seat and traveled on up to the front of the tenement house, on top of one of the highest hills in the county, and about as near heaven as the average editor generally gets. Sit ting in our buggy on top of this hill the country around spread out like a panorama. Brooksville was in plain view, we could see the people in town as they walked the streets. Turning our eyes to the northward, we could see Judge Mayo's, 8 miles off ; a few miles nearer was Dr. Snow's place. Mount Airy, and a number of other notable places ; to the eastward, 3 miles off, was Anna Dale grove, which looked as though it was on another hill equally as high as the one we stood on ; south and west was the prairie with its herds of cattle, horses, sheep, and hogs, and just over on the other side was South Brooks ville, with its handsome residences and thrifty young groves and healthy, happy people^ a little to the left was the residence and beautiful grove of Capt. Wm. Hope, one of the first white men to settle in Hernando county, and just a little nearer was the grove of his son, W. Esten Hope ; it is just seven years old, and is now showing fruit for the first time. We had barely finished our inspection when we were recalled to our whereabouts by a harmonious sound that unerringly tells the Southerner there is a well fed, comfort ably clad "nigger" around — a jolly Southern cornfield hoeing song— and sure enough,. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 214I there they were just over the hill, some twenty-five of the best humored fellows, hoe in hand, digging and singing away for dear life. We had always heard that the Major worked things blue that staid around him, and this singing rather surprised us, but there it was and considerably modified the awe in which we had stood of him —fearing that in his pushing business way he might think our visit a trespass on his valuable time ; but our friend had been here before and didn't stand a bit in awe of him, so began yelling at the top of his voice to attract the Major's attention, and he came up smiling and extending an old-fashioned Southern plantation welcome, expressing his pleasure at seeing us, but he added : " Gentlemen, if you expect to tramp around here much you should have'provided yourselves each with a pair of Bay State shoes, as most any others are liable to rip and let your feet get wet." The Major told us that he had enclosed 565^ acres of land, which, he bought two years ago for three thousand dollars, this summer he set out on it about 2,800 orange trees, and would not take $10,000 for the property. Three years ago he purchased the Anna Dale property for $4,000, and this, under his vigorous management, has doubled its value. The Major was so hospitable and pleasant that we could not leave as soon as we pro posed, and were compelled to postpone our visit to Anna Dale until some day in the near future — at any rate before the oranges and bananas are all gone. We had a sample of the bananas and propose trying them again. Maj. Alfred Moore^ Watki7is is a Director of the Florida Or ange Land Co. [ex-Gov. George F. Drew, Pres.], Brooksville. A subscriber for this Genealogy. Crowdus record : — Dr. John Arnold Crowdus, ]Dractising physician of Franklin, Ky., d. 1847, m. Julia Emily Stevenson, she d. at Franklin, Nov. ig, 1871, sister to Mr. Vernon King Stevenson of N. Y. city [Stevensons descended from the ancient family of Douglas, of Scotch ancestry]. (She m. 2d, Lemuel Van Swearingen of Scottsville, Allen co., Ky.) Their daughter, Jane Douglas Crowdus, was educated at St. Mary's Convent, Nashville. 16299. Robert Franklin!' Watkins (Fanny=, Robert^, JohnS, Alexan- der=, Alexanderi), m. ist, Whitfield CO., Ga,, Aug, 21, 1853, Laura Elmira Price +16798% b. Fork Creek, Tenn., 1834, d. Ooltewah, Tenn., 1858, a da. Isaac and Theresa M, (Kelso). He m. 2d, Lawrenceville, Ga., Dec. 25, 1866, Mary Elizabeth Dunlap, born Lawrencev. Oct. 6, 1843, a da. James Conser and Rebecca Ann (Sammon). Was in C. S. A. service in medical director's office, Knoxville, Tenn., afterward in medical purveyor's office in Va. and Ala. Of Whitfield co., Chickamauga, Tenn,, Lawrenceville to 1875, Dalton, Ga., to 1876, since at Chamblee, n, Atlanta, Ga,, 1884, farmer. Ch. by ist m.: 16806 Fanny Lou Elen' Watkins, b. June i, 1854, Whitfield CO., near Dalton, m. Atlanta Nov. 21, 1872, Thomas Franklin Eubanks, born Hall co., Ga., Sept. 13, 1846, s. Joseph Robinson and Rachel (Elrod). Of Atlanta, foreman Fire Co. 2, fire de partment, s. p. 16807 William' Watkins, b. May 29, 1856, Whitfield co., n. Dalton, unm., of Atlanta, member Hook & Ladder, fire dep't. By 2d m.: 16808 Mimiie Dunlap' Watkins, b. Feb. 8, 1870, Gwmnett CO., Ga., n. Lawrencev., unm., of Atlanta. 16809 James Edward' Watkins, b. Mar. 26, 1872, Gwinnett co., near L., unm. 16810-2 John Cleveland' Watkins, b. Nov. 21, 1874, Dalton, unm.; Robert Franklin' Watkins, b. Oct. 12, 1879, De Kalb co., Ga., n. Atlanta; Samuel Clifford' Watkins, b. Sept. 5, 1881, De Kalb co., n. A. 16300. Edward Minerva" Watkins (Fanny», Robert*, JoHns, AleKan- der^ Alexander'), m. at Ooltewah, Tenn., Nov. II, 185s, Robert Nel son' Chesnutt +16669 (Matilda', Eli», Roberts John^, Alexander^ Alexander-), First of Chickamauga, Tenn., farmer on homestead farm ; C, fc>. 2142 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY, A. soldier in battle of Chickamauga ; next of Ringgold, Ga,, merch.; since of Ennis, Tex,, 1884, farmer, Ch,: 16813 Jesse Cleveland'-" Chesnutt, b, July 14, 1857, Chicka mauga, m, Henrietta, Clay co., Tex., Dec. 5, 1883, Kate Phelps. b. Richmond co., Va. Mar. 4, 1862, da. John and Mary (Owens), • ed. at Crawford College, Dalton, Ga., was of D., of Henrietta, in law firm Chesnutt & [R. D.] Welborne. s. p. 16814 Leon''", b. Oct. 25, 1858, Ringgold, d. Sept, 19, 1865," 16815 Harriet Lela' " Chesnutt, born Oct, 25, 1858, Ringgold, m, at Ennis, Dec, 30, 1884, Jesse Bartlett Ragon, b, Ooltew, Oct, 28, 1855, son Jesse Smith and Paulina (Murphy), Ed, at Hiwassee coll,, Monroe co., Tenn., lawyer, Chattanooga, Tenn. 16301. Louisa Hastletine" Parker (Fanny=, Roberts Johns, Alexan- der=, Alexanderi), m. Ooltcwah, Tenn., May 4, 1869, as 2d w.. Judge William Lyle Adams, b, about 1798, d, O. Mar. 26, 1873, a, 75, was of Athens, Tenn, (by ist m, had ch,: i), lawyer and circuit judge. Mrs. Adams res, Athens 1884. s. p, 16302. Mathis" or Mathew FF" J^ar/ser (Fanny», Roberts John>, Alex ander^, Alexanden), m, Edgefield, Davidson co,, Tenn,, Man 19, 1870, Martha Pasley, b, in North Ga, 1846, d. Jan. 10, 1882, a. 36, da. of and (Beachum) Pasley. Rem, 1870 to Cal, to 1871, Waxahachie, Texas, to 187-, Corsicana, Texas, to 187-, since at Ennis, Texas, traveling salesman for a St, Louis firm ; has a fine residence, Ch.: 16816-8 Wallace Deckard' Parker, b. Nov, 21, 1871, Waxa hachie ; Hubert Cleveland' Parker, June g, 1875, Corsicana; Fanny Cleveland' Parker, Oct, 7, 1876, C, 16303. Joseph Peler" Parker (Fanny», Roberts JohnS Alexanders Alex anderi), unm, 1884, Hon, Joseph P." Parker, residence Ooltewah, Tenn,; a prominent lawyer there ; was (1884) candidate-at-large for the Tennessee Legislature, 16304. Cleveland T" Parker (Fannys Roberts Johns Alexanders Alex ander'), unmarried 1884, Capt, Cleveland T Parker, residence, and owns and operates a fine farm in Ooltewah, Tenn., 1884. Was captain in the United States Army in a Federal Tenn, regiment in the civil war, 1861-1865, 16308. RICHARD MOON" CLEVELAND (jeremiahS JeremiahS JohnS Alexanders Alexander'), m, Fluvanna CO., Va., May I, 1843, Elizabeth Frances Wills, b. F, co., July 6, 1822, d. F. co. Aug, 24, i860, da. Miles Cary and Rebecca Mitchell (Bowles). Of Fork Union, Va,, 1886, mechanic and farmer. Ch, b, Fluvanna co,: DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2143 + 16819 Robert Lilly' Cleveland, b. Mar. 11, 1844. 16820 Mary Winnifred' Cleveland, b. July 14, 1845. 1 682 1 Rebecca Bowles' Cleveland, b. Apr. 20, 1847, un married, of Fork Union. 16822 Elizabeth Francis', b. Aug. 23, 1849, "i. Fluvanna CO., Jan. 10, 1 881, Arthur L. Blanchard. Of Hillsboro, Hills co., Texas. Ch.: Myra Elizabeth" Blanchard, died ; Horace Cleveland" Blanchard. 16823 Alice Baxter', b. Sept. 12, 185 1, m. Harrisonburg Oct. 20, 1880, Samuel J. Dundore, of Hinton, Va. Ch.: Willie Cleveland" Dundore, born 1881 ; Elizabeth Moffet" Dundore, 1883. 16824 Martha Ann', b, Aug, 15, 1853, + 16825 Richard Cromwell' Cleveland, b, July 12, 1855. 16826 Frederick' Cleveland, b. Mar, 4, 1859, mechanic, 16311. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (jeremiahS Jeremiahs Johns Alexanders Alexander'), married Buckingham co , Va., Oct. i, 1844, Elizabeth Cobbs, b. B, CO,' July 29, 1823, a da. Capt. Nicholas and Cynthia (Toler), Of Dover, Mason co,, Ky,, 1883, farmer. Ch.: Son', b. and d. Albemarle co., Va., July 4, 1845 ; Mary Eliza', b. May 12, 1847, A. CO., d. July 7, 1848, + 16827 Edward Franklin' Cleveland, b, Apr. 23, 1850, Albemarle co. 16828 Martha Ella' Cleveland, b. Oct. 4, 1852, Lewis CO. [now West], Va., m. Dover July 11, 1876, James Anderson Ross, b. Bath, Va., Apr. 27, 1845, son Benjamin Franklin and Jean (Smith), Of Dover, farmer. Ch, : Alice Emma" Ross, horn May 2, 1877, Doddridge co., W. Va. ; Lizzie Vine" Ross, Feb. 8, 1879, D. CO.; Benjamin Cleveland" Ross, Mar. 11, 1881, D. co.; and Two Ch.", b. Mason co. 16829 Mildred Emma', b. Feb. 28, 1855, Gilmer co. [now W.], Va.; Susan Elizabeth', b. July, 17, 1857, G. co., d. June 20, 1861 ; Da,', b, and d. G. co., Oct, 20, 1859. 16830 Willie Ann', b. Sept. 20, i860, G. CO., unm. 16831 Cynthia Valeria', May 18, 1863, G. CO. 16832 Frances Alice', July 13, 1865, G. co. 16313. SAMUEL WOODWARD" CLEVELAND (jeremlahS Jere miahs Johns Alexanders Alexanderi), m. May 28, 1850, Mildred Virgin Cobbs, b, Buckingham co,, Va., Apr. 4, 1825, a da. Capt. Nicho las and Cynthia (Toler). Ch. b, Gilmer co,, [West] Va,: 16833 Isabella Jefferson' Cleveland, b, July 15, 1851, m. Maysville, Mason co., Ky., Oct. 8, 1874, Gatewood Stokes Anderson, b. Dover, Ky., Mar. 17, 1849, son Stokes and Mary (Evans). Of Dover, 1883, merchant's clerk, Ch, b, D.: John Elgin" Anderson, Sept, 30, 1875 ; Cleveland Burgess" Anderson, Oct, 6, 1877 ; Leslie Gatewood" Anderson, Dec, 20, 1879 ; Samuel Stokes" Anderson, SiQ'pi. 11, 1881, 16834-5 William Nicholas', b, Nov, 30, 1852, unmarried, wagon and buggy business in Dover ; Jeremiah Moon', b, Jan. 26, 1855, d, Gilmer co., July 7, i860. 2144 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY, 16836 Mary Elizabeth' Cleveland, b, July 17, 1857, m. Dover, Sept, 9, 1878, John Bainum, b. Belmont, Bullitt co., Ky., Aug. 21, 1857, s, Hezekiah and Martha (Thomas), Of Dover, formerly merch., farmer. Ch, b, D.: Edna" Bainum, b, June 9, 1879, d. Higginsport, Brown co,, O., Apr, 7, 1880; Claude" Bai num, b, Jan. 20, 1881, d. H, Feb, 6, 1882, Samuel Woodward" Cleveland left the old homestead when quite young ; in the earlier part of his life taught school ; residence 1883, Dover, mechanic, 16323. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN" CLEVELAND (oiiverS jeremiah*, Johns Alexanders Alexanderi), m. n. EatOn, O., July 30, 1846, Elizabeth McCabe Campbell, born Dagsborough, Sussex co., Del., Oct' 6, 1834, da. Eber and Lydia Winter (McCabe). Of Charlottesville, Va., to 1827, Rockbridge co,, Va,, to 1829, Eaton 1883-6, West Florence, Preble co,, O,, 1884, carpenter, Ch, b, Eaton: 16837 Mary Ellen' Cleveland, b. Sept, 2, 1847, m, E,, Dec, 24, 1867, Charles Melville Woody, b, Darke co,, O,, Jan. 13, 1843, s, John and Willhilmina Stansbury (Jellison); in 69th Ind, Vol. late war, rem., 1871, to Kan. Of Clifton, Washington co., Kan., contractor and builder, carpenter. Ch.: Minnie Jessie" Woody, b. Jan. 31, 1869, Eaton, m. Mar. 8, 1885, Richard Peek; Edith Pearl" Woody, b. Oct. 9, 1871, n, Clifton; Oscar Bertram" Woody, Nov, 20, 1873, near C; Charles Melville" Woody, Feb. 15, 1876, Winterset, la.; Leonidas John" Woody, Jan. 6, 1879, Clifton; Jemtie Octava" Woody, Oct, 10, 1881, C, 16838 Lydia Viletta' Cleveland, b, June 11, 1850, m, E,, May 11, 1876, John Wesley Booker, b, n, E. June 27, 1855, s, James Harrison and Sarah Ann (Wolf), Of Eaton, blacksmith. s, p, 16839-43 William Oliver', b. Mar, 28, 1853, unm,, harness mfr,; Eber Campbell', b. Sept. 14, 1856; Joseph Lybern', June 17, i860, unm., harness mfr.; Ida Izola', Aug. 27, 1864; Chas. Franklin', b. Aug. 16, 1867, d, Eaton, Jan. 4, 187 1. 16324. WILLIAM ALEXANDER" CLEVELAND (oiivers), born Charlottesville, Va., Sept. 21, 1824, m. n, Eaton, O., Dec, 14, 1845, Lydia Meroney, b, n. Eaton, July 7, 1814, d, at Eaton, May 22, 1885, da, of Judge John and Esther (Ozias), Child : Daughter', b, and d, Eaton, Apr. 8, 1849. William Alexander" Cleveland, residence : Charlotteville to 1827, Rockbridge co., Va., to 1829; near Eaton, farmer, to 1848; of Eaton since (1886), merchant and grocer; from Jan. i, 1876, of the firm W. A. Cleveland & Co. A trustee in the M. E. Church of Eaton. Meroney record: — Hon. John Meroney, b. Sussex co., Del., June 27, 1765, rem. 1802 to O., settled in Warren co., ent. land 1805 in Preble co., rem. to P. co. spring of 1806, helped lay out, 1806, Eaton, one of the first co. judg:es, represented co. in Legislature 2 terms, d. n. E. Oct. 17, 1848, m. 1800, Esther Ozias, b. Guilford co., N. C, Aug. 26, 1779, d. n. Eaton Feb. 18, 1855. Ch.: Lydia; Isaac Meroney, of Leganier, Ind., m. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 16325. 2I4S MARY LUIS" CLEVELAND (ouver^), died Marion, Ind,, Mar, 2 1, 1875, a. 48, m. Eaton, O,, Dec, 28, 1843, James Henry Stephens, b. E. Aug. 9, 1822, s. David Vance and Mary (Ship- pen). Of E. to Oct., 1851, New London, la., to Apr., 1861, then rem. to Ind., Wabash co., Ind,, to Nov,, 1870, Marion, Ind., 1882, there owner and operator of farm; P, O,, Hastings, Neb., 1883, 16844 David Vance' Stephens, b. Sept. 14, 1844, Eaton, m. Paw Paw, Miami co., Ind., Dec, 24, 1867, Nancy Ann Thompson, b, Wabash co,, Ind., Feb, 15, 1850, da. David and Lucinda Ann (Carpenter). Of Juniata, Adams co. (P. O,, Hastings), Neb., farm owner. Ch,: Eva May", b. Feb, 21, 1871, Miami co., died Wabash co., Sept. 10, 1872 ; Francis Milton", born June 26, 1873, Wabash, Ind.; Clement Vance", Oct. i, 1877, W.; Nellie" Stephens, b. Nov. 23, 1879, Weld co.. Col., d. age 4 hours. 16845 William Henry' Stephens, b. Oct. 13, 1846, Eaton, m. Warsaw, Ind., May 27, 1869, Hannah Elizabeth Schott, b. Erie CO., Pa., Apr. 20, 1845, da. Jacob and Susan (Shoe). Of Adams CO., P. O., Hastings, Ch.: Olive Orta" Stephens, b. Nov. 2, 1870, Grant CO., Ind.; James Henry", 1&a.i-i,\i']2,G:.-aM/§/M, MaryS John-, Alexander^), m. Marshall CO., Tenn., Aug. 2 2, 1848, his ISt cousin on his mother's side, Mary Ann Hughes, b. Surry co., N. C, Dec 31, 1829, d. Mar. i, 1883, a da. William and Martha (Dobson). Of Roane co., Tenn., to fall of 1849, since, Plainville, Gordon co., Ga., 1885, farmer. Ch.: 17219 William Bernard", b. Oct, 15, 1849, Roane co,, m., of Brooksville, Fla., far mer, a mute. + 17220 Mary Ann" Franklin, b. Oct. 28, 1851, Gordon co. 17221 Benjamin" Franklin, b. Apr. 13, 1856, G. cc, m. Cal houn, Gordon co., Ga., Miss Johnson, dwelt C. ; of Brooksville, Hernando co., Fla., 1884, farmer, 17222 Henry Dobson" Fratiklin, born Sept. 7, 1858, G. co., unm., orange grower for Maj. A. M." Watkins at Brooksville. 17223 Albert Lee" y b. Dec. i, 1869, Gordon co., unm,, with father, Plainville, farmer, 16560. Martha' Franklin {Wylle" FrankUn, shadrach" Franklin, MaryS John-, Alexander^), m, Blount CO,, Tenn,, Jan, 20, 1869, as 2d wife, William Hardin Taliaferro, Id, Hamilton, Hamilton co,, Tenn,, Mar, 15, 1830, d, Blount co., n. Concord, Dec. 8, 1876, a s. John and Martha (Wright). Ch,: 17224 Charles Franklin" Taliaferro, b. Jan. 15, 1870, B, co. Mrs. Pattie' {Franklin) Taliaferro relates many adventures during the late war ; the Franklins were Whigs in the Revolu tion, and sided with the South in the Civil War. She has fur nished the greater part of these Franklin records. Residence : Concord, Knox co., Tenn., 1884. William Hardin Taliaferro, after m., bought a farm ; enlisted Co. B, ist Tenn. Cav., C. S. A. Lost nearly all in the war, property mostly negroes. Free Mason. Was buried with Masonic honors, at Holston College. Hem. ist, Hamilton co., Tenn., July 20, 1854, Rachel Maranda Wood, b. Mar. 8, 1834, d. Hamilton co. July 4, 1861, da. Jonathan and Margaret. Ch. b, Hamilton co.: Maggie M. Taliaferro, b, Oct, I, 1856, m, George Johnston, ed. at Holston College ; John Wood Taliaferro, b. Sept, 8, 1858, is blind, ed. at Nashville Blind Asylum. 2I70 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16561. Elizabeth'' Franklin {wyiie" Frankiin), died at her father's, Feb, i6, 1868, a, 34, m. Dec. 16, 1852, James A. Loville of Surry CO., N. C, he was killed at Manassas Junction (Bull Run), Va., battle [July?], 1861. Tradesman. Member Co. I, 21st N. C, C. S. A. Ch.: 3 d. bef. 1884. + 17225 Walter Wylie" Loville, b. Sept. 19, 1853. 16564. Lucinda' FranMin {wyiie" Frankiin), m. Blount co., Tenn., Nov, I, 1 881, as 2d w,, James M. Callaway, b, Knox co., Tenn,, Nov, 20, s, Shadrach and Mary (Hendrex), Ch.: 17226 Mary Mat" Callaway, b. Aug. 8, 1882, K. co. James M, Callaway, of Concord, Tenn,, 1884, farmer. He m. ISt. Ch,: Samuel Callaway, b. 1862; Frank Callaway, 1864. 16565. Shadrach Cleveland' Franklin {wyiie" Franuin), m, Surry co., N. C, Feb. 18, 1880, Martha Whitlock, b. S. co.. Sept, 23, 1851, d. n. Mt. Airy, N. C, Sept. 22, 1884, youngest da. Hon. Charles and Celia (Roberts). Ch.: 17227 James Whitlock", b. June 3, 1881, on Stewart's Creek, Surry co. 17228 Charles Wylie", May 27, 1883, on Tenn. river, Blount co., Tenn. Hon. Shadrach Cleveland' Franklin entered C. S. A. 1863, 45th Va, reg. Fought in Valley of Va. under Gen. Breckenridge and Gen, W. E, Jones ; was taken prisoner by Gen, Hunter, June 9, 1864, remained at Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind,, to Mar, 4, 1865, then was paroled and returned home. Was educated at Rockford Seminary, N. C, leaving there 1866; took charge of his father's farm, Surry co., to 1869, bought and resided on a farm near Knoxville, Tenn., to 1883, then sold it and purchased, and has since occupied, his farm near Mount Airy. Member of the N. C. House of Representatives, 1887. 16572. Joseph PonSOnby' Rogers {MatlUa" Nall, Mary" Frankiin, Marys John-, Alexander^), m. near RogersviUc, Tenn., Apr. 6, 1859, Mary Frances Johnston, b, n, R, Nov, 3, 1833, 1834, a da. Joseph Rog ers and Diana (Beal). Ch, b, n. Galbraith's Springs, Hawkins CO., Tenn.: 17229 Thomas Amis", b. Feb. 22, i860, d. Sept. 26, 1872. 17230 John James" Rogers, b. Feb. 17, i86n 17 231 Henry Franklin", June 9, 1862, 17232 Joseph Johnston", July 20, 1863, ' 17233 Matilda Caroline" Rogers, b. Sept, 11, 1864, m. near Mooresburg, Tenn,, Dec. 24, 1886, Lafayette Kirkpatrick of Hamblen co,, Tenn,, s. Pleasant and Harriet (Rutherford). Of Mooresb. 1889, farmer. Ch.: 2. 17234 Robert Cleveland Nall" Rogers, b. Jan. i, 1866, d, Dec. 17, 1875, 17235 Charles Taliaferro", b, Jan. i, 1867. 17236 Lynn Holmes", b, Jan, 20, 1868, d. Sept, 1882, 17237 Mary Ella", bom Mar. 3, 1869; Jessie Atwood", b. Mar. 3, d. July 20, 1869. 1723^ DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2 1 71 Hugh Franklin", b. Mar. 3, 1870 ; Jesse Atwood", b. July 12, 1871, d. June I, 1872; Clarence Park", b. Sept. 6, d. 12, 1872. 17239 Rufus Nutty' Rogers, b, Dec, 29, 1874; Diana May", b. Sept, 29, 1877, d. Sept,, 1883 ; Ross Roy", b. Dec, 29, 1879, d. July 12, 1880, Joseph Ponsonbf Rogers, residence, Galbraith's Springs, P. O , Dell Monell, Tenn., 1885, farmer, Johnston ancestry :—]ohni, from Ireland, d. n. Rogersville, July, 1829, m. Mary E Rogers, she d. R. June, 1848, da. of James Rogers, who died in Ireland : loseph Rogers' Johnston m. Diana Beal". 1 j r & Beal ancestry :—z arms : Be.^l or Beall ; 6 : Beale : (der. fr. William Beale port reeve of Maidstone, Eng., close of 14th century). Sa. on chev. or betw. 3 grifBns' heads erased ar. 5 estoiles gu. 0-«j/ — Unicorn's head, estoiles. . . . John', b. Md., of Va. m. M. E. Bertram, b. Md., da. of Julius Bertram, who was b. Germany, was sold by Prmce of Ger. for ^30 to Geo. Ill, Hessian, deserted British and fought for the Ameri cans, and d. aged 122 years ; Diana^ Beal. 16573. Thomas Amis' Rogers {uatiida" Naii), b. n. Mooresburg, Tenn,, Feb, 22, 1822, m. n! M, Oct, 28, 1869, Mary Matilda Left- wich, born Bedford co,, Va., Oct. 9, 1839, a da. James and Mary (Brown), Ch, b, in the old homestead, n, Mooresburg: 17240 Minnie Blevins" Rogers, born July 25, 1870, m. near Mooresburg, May 7, 1889, George McNutt Kyle, born Hamblen CO., Tenn., Sept., 1867, s. Robert Massengill and Anne (McNutt). She was educated at Rogersville Female college. Residence : Walnut Hill, Hawkins co., Tenn., farmer and miller, 17241 James Leftwich" Rogers, b. Dec, 7, 1872, 17242 Thomas Amis" Rogers, b. Mar, 7, 1875, 17243 Matilda" Rogers, b, Jan, 19, 1878, 17244 Mary Brown" Rogers, b, Feb, 25, 1882, Thomas Amis' Rogers, Esq,, was born in the house where he Still lives, in Hawkins co,, Tenn., near Mooresburg, which is his P. O. address. Was educated at Rogersville, Tenn, Farmer. Leftwich ancestry : — i arms : (Shropshire, Eng.). Ar. on a fesse engr. az. ^ garbs or. . _. John', b. Northumberland co., Va., of Bedford co., Va. (brother to Gen. Joel Left wich, b. B. CO., 175Q, capt. in Revolution, wounded at Guilford, Brig.-Gen. under Harri son at Ft. Meigs, war 1812 — see Allen' s, ,$20, Drake' s, 540, and Rev. John Lauris Blake's Biographical Dictionaries), m.^u^SinSv^ith; Capt. Tames' Leftwich, m Mary Brown, da. of Reuben (of Bedford co., b. and d. Franklin co., Va.) and Elizabeth (McGhee) Brown. 16582. Meshach' FranMin {ColUmbus B.» Frankiin, Meshach" Franklin, MaryS John-, Alex'-), m. Glade Spring, Washington co., Va., Nov. 23, 1870, Nannie Beattie Dickinson, b. Grayson, Va., August 10, 1850, da. William Bourn and Mary Elizabeth (Edmondson). Ch. : William Bernard", b. Sept. 24, 187 1, Carpenteria, Cal, d. C. Nov. I, 1873. 17245 Grace Eugenia", b. Oct. 12, 1874, C. 17246 Meshach Ernest", Dec. 11, 1877, C.; Bernard Edwards", Aug. 16, 1879, 0,; Ellen", Jan, 13, 1882, C; Mary Elizabeth' Franklin, Oct. 24, 1884, Saticoy, Ventura co., Cal Mr. Meshach' Franklin was in C. S. A., private Co. B, 17th Miss.; Barksdale's Brig., Long^treet's Corps, 3 years; wounded in these battles: Frederickslaurg, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Knoxville, and between Richmond and Appomattox C. House, wounded on the day before Lee's surrender. Residence, Early Grove, Miss., to Mar., 1869, Carpenteria to 1883, and since at Saticoy 1886, merchant and farmer. 2172 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16583. Richard GtVyn' Franklin {coiumbus Bernard" Frankiin, Me- sach" Franklin, Mary', John-, Alexander', Alexander'), b. Elkin, N. C, Apr. 9, 1850, m. in Wilkes co., N. C, Sept. 7, 1882, Annie Victoria Har ris, b. Vox P. O., Wilkes co., N. C, Mar. 15, 1864, a da. Fletcher Asbury and Sarah Henry (Moore). Ch. b. Elkin : 17247 Jesse Harris' Franklin, b. Aug. 14, 1883; Columbus Bernard" Franklin, b. Mar. 13, 1885. Hon. Richard Givyn' Franklin grad. Trinity Coll, Randolph county, N. C, 1868, with first honors; remained on his father's farm at Early Grove, Miss., to 1865, when he was a merchant one year with W. H, Bailey; went to Cal fall of 1868, engaged in stock raising to 1880; held several high county offices of Santa Bar bara county, Cal, returned, 1880, to Elkin, purchased his grand father Gwyn's old homestead; was unanimously nominated, 1882, high sheriff for Surry co,, but declined to run; was elected, Nov., 1884, State Senator from 33d District — Surry and Yadkin counties. Is a practical civil engineer and surveyor, chief engineer of R, R. and farmer. Residence, Elkin, 1885, 16589. Mary Anne'~^ 3IcDonald (^Anne"--' J^rankHn ^^^^^ Graves- Abednego" Franklin, Mary^'^.^^^ I ;,,„,, Alexander', Alexander'), d. n. Marietta,' Ga,, 1881, a. 58, m. Alexander S, Atkinson. Residence, Marietta 1895; lawyer. Ch, : BuswelP^" Atkinson. 17248 Lilla Caroline^'' Atkinson, va. Irwin, Spencer Rolon^"' Atkinson. 17249 Ella McDonald"'" Atkinson, va. Blonta. Dean Dun- ¦wody"'" Atkinson; Samuel Coster"-'' Atkinson. 17250 Ann Eliza^'" Atkinson, va. Marietta, 1867, Robert de Treville Lawrence, b. Beaufort, Beaufort county, S. C, 1841, s. Samuel and Amanda (Bolon). Robert de Treville Lawrence, C. E., grad. Columbia, S. C, i860. Residence, Marietta, civil engineer. Ch. : Alexander A.^-"^^ Lawrence, b. 1869; Amanda BoM'^" Lawrence, Feb., 187 1; Robert de Treville"-^'^ Lawrence, Oct., 1872; Samuel'-'"' Lawrence, 1874; James Bolon'-^" Lawrence, 1879; Moryon McDonald'-^" Lawrence, 1881. 16591. Robert 31'^ FranMin {Benjamin Cleveland«-i Franklin), m. Sarah F. Shields of Kentucky. Of Galveston, Tex., 1895, lawyer Ch. :, 5 living: Benjamin R}-' Franklin; Sidney J."-' Franklin; William B.^-'- Franklin. 17251 Caroline W."-' Franklin, va. CM. Kemp. Martha A}-' Franklin. 16592. Rernard'* FranMin {Leonidas"-'' FrankUn, \ ^lary Graves', Abe^pego" Franklin, Mary V^, J JohnS Alexander', Alexander'), m. Isabella Victoria Harris, b. in Alabama, da. of Sampson Willis and Pau lina T. (Thomas) Harris, s. p. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDERS CLEVELAND. 2173 Mr. Bernard'^'^ Fi-anklin^ residence from 1865, Augusta, Ga., 1895, a cotton broker for many years. Harris ancestrv ¦' — Genesis of the U. S. A narrative of the 7novement in England which resulted in planting North America. By Alexander Broivn., i8qo; II : Q13 — Harris, Thomas gent., Henrico co., Va., 2 Sub. ; paid ^25 ; was first one known. This may have been son of Sir WilHam Harris. Thought to be the person of the name who went to Va. with (Sir Thomas) Dale 1611, and was living at the Neck-of-Landj Charles City, Feb., 1625, aged j8, with his wife, a. 23. Sir William Harris, sub, £ys of Cnxith, En^., and Woodham Mortimer, Essex j knighted at Whitehall July 2, 1603, d. Nov., 1616. Himself and wife are buried at Crixith, m. Alice Smith, da. of Thomas" (b. 1520, Collector of the Queen's Majestees Subsidy for tonnage, etc., of large wealth, seated at Osten (Weston), hanger Kent, at the coming of the Spanish Armada 1588, he lent the Queen ^r,ooo, m. Alice, da. Sir Andrew Judde, Lord Mayor of London, by whom he acquired the manors of Ashford and Westure, d. June 7, 1591 ; John^ Smythe of Corsham, co. Wilts, esq., d. 1538, m. Joan, da. Robert Brouncker of IVfelksham esq.) Smith. . . . Walton' Harris, a descendant of above Thomas Harris, was taken prisoner at siege of Augusta, Revolu tionary war, ra. Rebecca Lanier^ b. Bridge's Creek, Westmoreland co., Va. 17^0; Samp- son2 m. Susannah Willis ; Stephen W.^ m. Sarah Watkins ; Hon. Sampson Willis* Har ris, whose life can be found in Benton 's History of prominent Alabamians, m. Paulina T. Thomas^. Thomas ancestry ; — JarnQs) [see +16214, p. 2113] ; his granddaughter, Paulina T.^ Thomas m. Sampson Willis Harris*. Cary ancestry : — 8 arms : Cary : (Devonshire; descended from Adam de Karry, Lord or Castle Karry, co. Somerset, living 1198). Ar. on a bend sa. 3 roses of the field. Crfiji' -- A swan ppr. J/i?//*? — Virtute excerptse. . . . Col. Dudley^ Cary of Virginia of the Cary faraily of Va., grandfather of Paulina T.^ Thomas. Lanier ancestry : — Lewis^ of Bordeaux, Francfe, about 1687 ; Thomas^ m. Elizabeth Washington38 or so, b. Bridge's Creek, Va., ab.^T665; Sampson^, b. Bridge's Creek ab. 1700, m. Elizabeth Chamberlain ; Rebecca* Lanier m. Walton Harris^. ^ ai'Az«^i:'OKfZ?/ifej//n'.- — Leonard2BorRev.Lawrence27 [see+16880, p. 2203] ; Col.John^e or 2Q, b. in Eng. or bap. Warton, co. Lancaster, Eng., 1627, to America 1659, in a ship owned by Edward Prescott, of which John Greene was capt., lived on the Potomac river, in Westmoreland co., Va., prior to Sept. 30, 1659. d. early in Jan., 1677, interred in a vault President George Washington^! or 32, t). Wakefield, Westraoreland co., Va., Feb. u O. S., 22 N. S. 1732, ist Pres. U. S. A., d. Mount Vernon, Va., Dec. 14, 1799, m. White House, New Kent CO., Va., Jan. 6, 1759, Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Custis, widow of Col. Daniel Parke Custis, da. of John Dandridge of New Kent co.] ; Elizabethan or ao Washington m. Thomas Lamer'*. 16593. William Clark' Wyly {james Rutherford" Wyly, JemimaS Benja mins Johns Alex.'), d. Smith CO., Tex., m. Amelia Starr. Ch. : 7,- and many grandchildren : 17252 Robert Fletcher" /Fy/y (Judge), b. after 1829 (eldest son), res. in Cherokee nation, 4 miles W. of Arkansas line, P. O. Maysville, Benton co.. Ark., 1886-91, lawyer. 17253 Eliza Hannah' Wyly (eldest da.), m. Col. William Thilman Trammell, of Griffin, Ga. Other children', res. in Tex. 16594. James' Wyly {james Rutherford" Wyly), d. Union CO., Ga., after Jan. 14, 1846, aged 32, m. Ann Horshaw. She res. Atlanta, Ga., 1885. Ch. : T7254 Mary Hannah" Wyly, va. Verner, of Atlanta. Da.", d. after maturity; Son", d. after maturity. 16598. Mary Ann' Wyly {james Rutherford" Wyly, JemimaS Benjamins Johns Alexanders Alexander'), ^- RomO, Ga., Feb. 25, 1892, a. 68, m. Nauchooche Valley, Habersham co., Ga., July 14, 1839, John William Henderson Underwood, born Elbert co., Ga., Nov. 20, 1820, d. Rome, July 18, 1888, a s. Judge William Henderson and Nancy (Ferrell). Ch.: 2,74 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 17255 Hele7i Adelaide Josephine^ Underwood, born Jan. 6, Clarkesville, Ga. -I-17256 Sarah Louisiana^ Underitwod,, b. Dec. 24, 184-, C. -I-17257 Florence Wyly"" Underwood^ b. May 15, 1846, C. -I-17258 Marie Cordelia^ Underwood,^ b. Feb. 5. + 17259 Ida Virginia^ Underwood, b. May 22, 1851, Rome. 17260 Wilhelmina Bertha^ Underwood, b. Feb. 8, R., m. R., Apr. 27, 1892, John H. Pitt. She was educated at Rome Female College. + 17 261 Rosa Tallulah^ Underwood, b. Sept. 8, 1856, R. John James^ Underwood, b. Apr. 4, 1861, R. d. Sept. I, 1875. + 17262 Charles Walton^ Underwood, b. Apr. 5, 1864, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Mary Ami' {Wyly) Underwood (named Sabry Minerva until 1832, when her father re-named her Mary Ann), residence, Rome. From Bo77te Herald and Tribune, Mar. j, i^ps : FUNERAL OF MRS.'jUDGE J. W. H. UNDERWOOD. A few hours' sickness brought to a close the life of a grand and remarkable woman in Rome Thursday. The news will cause universal sadness in Rome and North Georgia, and to a devoted son, daughters, and grandchildren, it is a sad blow indeed. Mrs. Un derwood was raised and went to school in Clarksville. She was a most remarkable woman in every respect, possessing a wonderfully fine intellect, great will power, and was always a lovely and devoted wife and mother. As a biblical scholar she had few equals, and was equally as well posted on other literature and matters in general. She carae of one of the raost aristocratic farailies in the State. The funeral occurred from the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, and this edifice was crowded with friends to pay the last sad tribute to a grand and noble woman. A long procession followed the reraains to their last resting place in Myrtle Hill cemetery. The pall bearers were Col. T. W. Alexander, Judge Joel Branhara, Capt. John H. Reece, Mr. Robert T. Fouche, Judge John W. Maddox, Mr. R. G. Clark, Mr. W. P. Simpson, Col. C. 1. Graves, and Col. A. W. Walton. The music at the services was beautiful and appropriate. The grand words and sentences uttered by Rev. Dr. Goetchius, in speaking of the life and death of Mrs. Underwood, stirred the very soul. From Rome Daily Bulletin, Feb. 22, 188^ [with portrait]: Judge John William Henderson Underwood graduated with honors from the State University, with the distinguished class of 1837. The same year, at the youthful age of seventeen years, he was admitted to the bar at Dahlonega, Lumpkin co., Ga., where he practiced his profession with marked success for two years, and then moved to Clarksville, Ga. The brilliant young barrister took a lively interest in politics frora the moment he emerged from the doors of the University to take an active part in the g^reat battle of life. After marriage Mr. Underwood applied hiraself with renewed vigor to the practice of law. Success, that ever follows where brains and industry lead, crowned his efforts, and while yet a young raan he ranked among the first lawyers in the State. He was made Solicitor-General of the Western Circuit in 1843, but resigned the office before the exj)iration of his term. In 1850 he was sent as a delegate to the State Gubernatorial Convention, in which he played a conspicuous part, and made his debut into State politics. He moved to Rome in 1851, and ever since that time has played an important part in State and national politics, and took an active interest in the affairs of this town and county. He canvassed North Georgia for the Deraocracy in 1855, making a brilliant canvass, and again in 1856, and again in 1868, for Seymour and Biair. He was a delegate from the State at large to the Democratic Convention of 1856, which nominated Buchanan and Breckenridge, atnd a delegate to the Democratic Convention of i860, which nominated Breckenridge and Lane, at Baltimore. In 1857 he was elected to the legisla ture of Georgia, was elected Speaker of the House on the first day, and filled the office with honor and distinction. The same year he was appointed and confirmed Judge of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, which appointraent he declined. In 1859 he was elected to the United States Congress, and though one of the youngest members he was also counted one of the ablest members of that historic Congress, which played such an im portant part in the most stormy days the Republic ever witnessed. In January, 1861, when it became evident that secession was inevitable, Mr. Underwood resigned his seat in Congress, and gave his allegiance to the young Confederacy. In 1867 he was appointed Judge of the Tallapoosa circuit, by Gov. Charles J, Jenkins, for 4 years, and removed by the reconstruction laws under Bullock's administration. Judge Underwood then again drifted into politics, and did noble service in the work of redeeming his State from radical misrule. He is probably one of the finest stump speak ers in the South, and many a Republican champion has gone down before his lance. His sarcasm is withering, his eloquence irresistible, the force of his logic convincing, and his native wit. inherited frora his father, as free, easy, and sparkling as the flowing fountain. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2175 In 1873, Judge Underwood was appointed Judge of the Rome circuit by (iov. Smith, which office he held for 8 years, discharging its duties with a distinguished ability and regard for equity, that marked him one of the ablest jurists of his day. In 1882, Judge Underwood was appointed on the Tariff Commission, and the picture at the head of this article was taken while he was a member of that Commission. In a private letter to one of our citizens, Maj. John H. Dent has this to say regarding Judge Underwood's appoint ment to the Commission : "I am sorry to see so fine a judge leave the bench. It is a loss to the judiciary of Georgia." It is generally conceded by those of the bar who know Judge Underwood best that he is one of the ablest lawyers in the State, that his legal discrimination and quickness of perception is unusually marked, his mmd well stored with a thorough knowledge ot the statutes, the decisions of our courts, and the principles of the common law. It IS surprising to see how readily he gathers the facts of a case from a simple reading of the most complicated and confused record, and with what readiness he ap plies the law to the facts of the case : his legal ability is bevond question. So far from his having heretofore been, as his detractors would have it, an old and obscure man, he has been literally crowned with honors, and his life has been devoted to the interest of the Democratic party and to the public good. Judge Underwood is now out of politics and devoting his time to the practice of his profession. Last year his name was prominently mentioned in connection with the Su preme Court Judgeship, and his friends throughout the State were anxious to secure his election to the high oflBce. But when the legislature met Judge Underwood declined to allow his name to go before the body as a candidate for a seat on the Supreme Court bench. He is now sixty-four years old. But he carries his age well, and having always been temperate, his mind is as active and vigorous as ever ; and to-day he is acknowl edged to be one of the ablest lawyers at the State bar. Though the frost of years has whitened his hair and beard, it has not bent the proud, erect head or caused the stalwart form to stoop. His carriage is still erect and his step elastic ; and the fire of that indom itable energy that has never known rest still looks out upon you trom the piercing blue eye ; and the fountain of wit and good humor still flows with the ripple of spring. The Judge will live many years to do good service for his party and State. A mind and nature like his cannot rest contented outside of active public Ufe, and his friends hope to see him in public harness again, ere his long summer ot life is passed. In honoring him, the State will ever honor herself. Sketch in Lanman's Die. Congress, j8g. Underwood ancestry :— 7 arms : (Norfolk, Eng.). Sa. on fesse erm. betw. 3 annulets or, a lion pass. tV«rf— Hind's head gorged with chaplet. . . . William Thomas Un derwood settled in Va. about middle ot 17th century (perhaps related to Alexander ot Md., same period), ancestor ot : Judge William Henderson Underwood of Elbert co., (ia., he d. Mar., 1859, m. -Nancy Ferrell, she d. Apr. 2, 1849. (Ancestor also ot: U. S. Senator Joseph R., b. (Joochland co., Va., Oct 24, 1791, of Ky.; and Rep. Warner L., b. (Jooohl. CO. Aug. 7, 1808, ot Kv.) — Underwood Famihes, by Prof. Luclen Marcus Underwood, in N'. E. H. G. Reg., XXJ^VIII: 400. 16600. Augustin Clayton' Wyly {fames Rutherford" Wyly), va. Jose phine Hamilton, da. Dr. Thomas, a descendant of Alexander Hamilton. Ch.: 17263 Daughter^ (now grown, 1891). 17264 Youngest Daughter" (grown), educated in a Baltimore convent, has taken the vail, is in a St. Louis, Mo., convent ; Son', b. 1880. Col. Augustin Clayton' Wyly, of Atlanta, Ga., 1885-9, merchant, Kansas City, Mo., 1891. Gen. Alexander Hamilton' s ancestry : — Authentic arms ot the Hamiltons ot Grange, Scotland : (iu. a lion ramp. ar. betw. 3 cinquefoils erm. Crest — An oak tree ppr. Motto — Viridis et fructitera. , . . Bernardi (a near kinsman and brother Viking to Rollo or Rolf-ganger, the first Duke ot Normandy, the celebrated Northman or Norman leader of raen, who named him Governor to his son Duke William), m. Q12 Sphreta de Burgun- dia ; Turfus or Turlofus' gave name to town ot Tourville, Normandy, m., gst;, Emberga de Brigenberg ; Turolphe^, Lord ot Pontaudemar in right ot his mother, m. Wcevia, sis ter to Duchess of Normandy ; Humphrey*, surnamed De Vetulis. m. Albreda de la Haye Auberie ; Roger^, surnamed De Bellomont, created Earl ot Warwick by William I, 1076, m. Adelina, only da. and h. of Count of Mellent, and thus assumed that title ; Rob- ert^. Earl of Mellent, created Earl of Leicester, com. right wing at Hastings battle, d. 1118, m. Elizabeth Isabella", common ancestress of all the Hamiltons and Beaumonts, da. Hugh Magnus^, Earl of Vermandois ; Robert' De Bellomont, surnamed Bossu, 2d Earl of Leicester, Chief Justiciary ot Eng. 15 years, d. 1167 ; Robert^ De Blanchemains, 3d Earl L., d. ngo ; William^ De Hamilton took his designation trom manor of Hamble- Qon, Buckinghamshire, Eng., where he was b. ; Sir Gilbert'" De Harailton, ancestor of Dukes ot Hamilton, Dukes of Aberoorn, Earls of Haddington, Viscounts Boyne, Barons Belhaven, and of all the Scottish and Irish Hamiltons ; Sir Walter" De Hamilton, upon whom King Robert I. (the Bruce) conferred Castle of Cadyow (now Hamilton) Lanark shire, Scotl., etc. ; Sir David'^ De Hamilton, one ot the Scottish Magnates who met at Scone, Scotl., Mar. 27, 1371 ; Walter" De Hamilton ; David'* Hamilton of Cambuskeith, had charter of lands Jan. 29, 1411 ; James'^ of C. ; John'' of C. ; Alexander" ot C. ; John'^ of C. ; Williamio of C. ; John^o of C. ; David^i of Ladieton, acquired Grange from his father 1571 ; AlexandiCr"" ot (irange ; John^^ of G. ; John^* of G., heir to his ta. Jan. 31, 1677 ; Alexander'' ot G., m. Elizabeth Pollock, da. ot Sir Robert ; James'", Scotch merch- 2176 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. ant, of Nevis island. West Indies, or St. Croix, m. Faucette, ot Huguenot descent, with son she came to N. Y. ab. 1772 ; Gen. Alexander^', born St. C. or Nevis, Jan. ii, 1757, at : Francis Barber's school, Elizabeth, N. J., 1772, King's (Columbia) coll., N. Y., 1773-6, Washington's A. D. C;., lAar., 1777-Feb., 1781, lawyer, first Sec. U. S. Treasury, Sept., 1789, com. -in-chief U. S. A., Dec, 1799, fell in duel with Aaron Burr, vice-pres. U. S., at Ho boken, N. J., July II, d. N. Y. 12, 1804, m. Elizabeth Schuyler, b. Aug. 9, 1757, da. Gen. Philip (b. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1733, s. ot Petrus Johannes of N. Y., desc. of Philip Pietersen, fr. Holland 1650) and Catherine (Van Rensselaer, da. ot Patroon Stephen). Ch. : Philip'*, b. 1782, fell in duel, Hoboken, i8or, John Church'', b. 1792, Philadelphia, Pa. (father ot Gen. Schuvler), Col. William Steven" Hamilton, b. 1800. Ancestries of Elizabeth Isabella, Countess of Mellent .¦ — KenTy^, King of France, whose Queen was the daughter ot Jeroslaus*, Czar of Russia ; Hugh', surnamed Magnus, Earl 01 Vermandois, Valois, Chaumont and Amiens ; Elizabeth Isabella" m. Robert*, Earl ot Mellent. Ancestry ofjeroslaus. Czar of Russia : — Rurick', founder of the flrst Russian mon archy, ot the same race as Bernard', Rollo, and the other Normans ; Igor' ; Swatoslaus^ ; Wolodomir*, Czar or Grand Duke of Russia, the Apostle, converted his subjects to Christianity, m. Princess Anne, da. of Romanus II., Emperor of the Eastern or Grasco- Koman Empire, the son of Constantine VII, Emperor, the son of Leo VI, Emperor, the son of Basil I, Emperor, "the Macedonian,", founder of a dynasty ot Roman Emperors, a descendant of the Royal Parthian family of the Arsacides, and from Alexander the Great, B.Ci. 316, and his mother descended from the Great Constantine ; Jeroslaus' Czar of Russia. — Lineage of Alexander Hamilton, by Pierce Stevens Hamilton of Yarmouth, N. S., in N. Y. Gen. Bio. Rec, XX : bs. 16602. POLLY' CLEVELAND (Benjamin^, John^, Benjamin*, John', Alexan der', Alexander"), d. Tex. before July 29, 1856, m. 1830, Thomas J. Rusk, b. S. C. 1802, d. Nacogdoches, Tex., July 29, 1856. Ch. (some of them m. and have children ; descendants live in Texas, 1855-85): 17265 John" Rusk, formerly of Houston, Tex. 17266 So7t", formerly of H. Hon. Thomas J. Rusk practised law with success in Ga., was partner with Gen. Benjamin" Cleveland, merch., to 1835 ; rem. early in 1835 to Tex., a prominent actor in the important events in the Republic, afterw. State of Tex.; member of convention. Mar., 1836, that declared Tex. an independent Republic, was the first Secretary of War, participated in San Jacinto battle,; after Gen. Houston was wounded, took commanci of army until organization of constitutional government, Oct., 1836, then was again Sec. War a few months. Afterw. commanded expedi tions against Indians ; representative in Legislature ; Chief Justice of Supreme Court, resigned that office early in 1842. Was, 1845, President of the Convention annexing Tex. to the U. S., and upon admission of Tex., 1845, was elected a U. S. Senator 2 terms, 1846 to 1856; was Vres. pro tem. of Senate to decease ; chairman of committee on P. O. Was elected Senator for a 3d term, ending 1863. Lanman; Drake. 16603. CATHARINE' CLEVELAND (Benjamin*), d. Miss, before 1858, m. twice, ist, Johnson, he d. Miss. Of Miss. 1855. Ch.: several", and grandchildren" . 16606. Juliet Ann' Smith (Ellza*, John^, Benj.*, Johns, Alexander'), HI. Clinton, Ga., Nov. i, 1827, Benjamin Verling Iverson, b. Putnam CO., Ga., Apr. 6, 1807 (bro. to Judge Alfred Iverson, U. S. Sena tor), grad. Univ. of Ga., of Atlanta, Ga., 1884, farmer. Ch.: 17267-8 V. E." Lverson, b. 1836, d. 1855 ; Lnf.", d. y.; /«/.', d. y.; James Smith^ Lverson, b. July 8, 1851, Columbus, Ga., of At lanta, merchant.. DESCENDANTS OF ALEX.-iNDER' CLEVELAND. 2177 16607. Martha Caroline^ Smith (Eiiza»), d. Atlanta, Ga., Aug 27, 1884, a. 71, m. May i, 1834, Col. John L. Lewis, b. Putnam CO., Ga., d. 1870; lawyer, formerly Atty.-Gen. of State of Ga. Ch.: . 17269 William S.° Leivis, b. 1840, d. on his plantation 1878 member La. Vols., C. S. A.; Inf.", d. y.; Inf.", d. y.; Robert Smith" , b. Feb. 6, 1847, d. Dec. 9, 1881. 17270 Eliza Elliott" Lends, died Atlanta, Feb., 1892, m. Mr. Harper, bro. of Dr. W. D. Harper (of Minden, Webster parish. La.), of Atlanta, 1885. She was an author. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. 17271 Mary" Lewis, va. Warier or Waller, of Atlanta 1884, she res. Chicago, 111., 1892! 16609. William Green' Smith (EUza*), b. Jones co., Ga., Mar. 14, 1817, d. Macon, Ga., Sept. 25, 1846, m. Jan. 7, 1836, Mary Ann Calhoun. Ch. b. Macon : 17272 Eliza Cleveland" Smith, born Aug. 20, 1838, m. Rev. William Calloway" Cleveland +16333. 17273 Benjamin Cleveland" Smith, b. June 3, 1842, m. Mar garet Plater of Nashville, Tenn. Grad. Emory Coll., Oxford, Newton co., Ga.; private in Army Northern Va., under Gen. R. E. Lee, 4 years, and surrendered at Appomattox, Va.; residence since 1865, Macon, .1884, of Tinsley Bros. & Co, wholesale gro cers and provision dealers. Of Atlanta, Ga., 1892. Ch.: Cleve land" Smith (daughter). 2 Inf.", d. y. Gen. William Green' Smith grad. Univ. of Ga., Athens ; law yer ; was P. M. at Macon under Pres. Polk ; member of Legis lature of Ga.; served as Solicitor-General. A Gen. of Georgia State Militia. 16610. EUza Cromwell' Smith (EUza*), m. Macon, Ga., Apr. 27, 1837, Dr. Robert Collins, b. Buncombe co., N. C, Jan. 5, 1798, d. Macon, Mar. 12, 1861; of Macon, banker and engaged in rail roads. His widow res. Macon 1885-6. Ch. : 17274-7 Juliet Roberta" Collins, b. July 4, 1842, Charleston, d. Macon, Feb. 2, 1873; Mary", d. M. Oct. 24, 1869; Robert", d. M.; Martha", d. M. 16613. Robert Anderson'' Smith (Eiiza"), was killed in battle, Malvern Hill, Va., June 28, 1862, a. 38, m. s. p. Col. Robert Anderson' Smith commanded 44th Ga. reg.. Army N. Va., fell while leading his regiment in the charge. A gen tleman of considerable prominence, both socially and as a sol dier, and would have been promoted General had he lived a few months longer. 16617. Joseph Ebenezer' Pond, (CaroUne*, Larkin^, Robert*, John', Alex ander'), m. n. Rockford, Ala., winter 1854, Ellen Temperance Lee. Of Moulton, Lawrence co., Ala., 1885. Ch.: 17278 Wm. Ebenezer" Pond, b. July, 1858, m. 1881, Fannie Glenn of Jefferson CO., Ala. Of Moulton. Ch.: 2. 137 2178 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16620. Cynthia Aim' Pond (caroiine»), m. June, 1858, James F. McLane of Talladega, Ala. Ch., 3 : 17279 Charles Pond" Mc- Lane, b. July, 1859, T., of Shelby Iron Works, Ala., 1885. 17280 James H." McLane, b. Dec. 23, 1861, Talla., m. Shelby I. W., Dec. 23, 1884, Beulah Dupree, of Shelby I. W. 16623. ROBERT WALTER' CLEVELAND (Robert waiters. Larking Robert*, John^, Alexander', Alexanderi), m. near Rockford, Ala., Dec. 24, 1867, Elizabeth Adaline Porter, b. Coosa co., Ala., Sept. 21, 1843, da. Spratley Jefferson and Charlotte Ann (Darsey), res. since marriage near Rockford, 1884. Ch. b. n. Rockford: William Walter", b. Sept. 4, 1868, d. n. R. July 25, 1870. 17281-2 Lar kin Spratley" Cleveland, b. Mar. 11, 1870; Daisy"- Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1873. 16625. SARAH BUCHANAN' CLEVELAND (Benjamin Frankiin',, Larkin', Robert*, Johns, Alexander', Alexander'), m. ist, Talladega, Ala., Sept. 28, 1859, John Potts Rawdon, b. S. C, died Childersburg, Ala., Nov. 23, 1862. She m. 2d, Feb. 6, 1876, William Henry Montgomery, b. Hardin co., Ky., Nov. 14, 1844, son James Ed ward and Eliza (Sims). Of Childersburg, 1885. Ch. by istm.: 17283 Ethel" Ra-wdon, born July 20, i860, m. Oct. 26, 1879, Justus MacBarnes. She was ed. at Univ. of Ky., Lexington; of Argus, Crenshaw co., Ala. 17284 Jefferson Davis" Rawdon, b. Nov. 23, 1861, of Gainesville, Tex. By 2d m.: 17285 Nellie Fauline" Montgomery, hovn Tiee. 11, 1876. 17286 Emma Florence" Montgomery, July 26, i88o. 16632. JAMES HENRY' CLEVELAND (james Harvey', Larkin», Robt*. John=, Alexander', Alexanderi), died Jan. 24, 1897, a. 49, m. Edinburg, Miss., Oct. 4, 1874, Willie Irene Jay, born E. Feb. 4, 1848, a da. William Brown and Ruth Smiley (Reid). Mrs. Cleveland was P. M. of Edinburg, 1884. Res. 1889, Hattiesburg, Miss., 1897, Uvalde, Uvalde co., Tex. Successively a printer, photographer, jeweler, engineer, now merchant. Ch.: 17287 Robert Bruci? Cleveland, b. Feb. i, 1876. 17288 Henry Leroy" Cleveland, b. Feb. 25, 1882. 16633. WILLIAM BENJAMIN' CLEVELAND (james Harvey), m., Leake co., Miss., June i, 1874, Mary Ellen Barr, b. Neshoba co., Miss., a da. Humphreys and Rebecca (Roper). Of EUisville, Jones CO., Miss., 1885, farmer. Ch.: 17289-92 Oscar Oliver' Cleveland, b. Oct. 9, 1875 ; Leumas Dawson", b. Mar.' 25, 1878; Daisy Eveline", b. Oct. 20, 1880; Otho Carson" Cleveland, b. June 14, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 16636. 2179 WILLIAM CHOICE' CLEVELAND (Robert Mathis',Jeremiahii, Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander'), b. ill Lawrenceville, Ga., July 25, 1834, m. Rome, Ga., June 5, 1867, Amelia Theresa Omberg, b. in Arendal, Norway, Europe, May 22, 1845, only daughter of Adolph Anthon and Ingoberg Marie (Wiltland). Child : 17293 Harriet Emma" Cleveland, born Apr. 29, 1868, at Rome, Ga., d. at Greenville, S. C, Dec. 6, 1885, at midnight. Greenville Daily News, Dec. 12, 1885 — in memory op hattie E. CLEVELAND. Out of the darkness into the light. So placidly calm and free trom all care. What perfect rapture is thine to-night I 'Tis the impress ot patience, and gentleness Out of the pain and constant unrest still Into repose, in the home ot the blest. That taught thee submission to God's holy Out of the wilderness, tangled and wild, will. The Saviour hath borne his dutiful child ; Ah ! those beautiful hands that rivaled the Up through the " VaUey and shadow of snow, death" ' The soft palms, Uke sea-shells, with roseate To the sheltering wings thou resteth be- glow, neath. Like cold sculptured marble, now quietly •Short was the pathway thy young feet rest, ' hath trod One laid at thy side, while the one on thy Up to the radiant City of God ; breast Short, yet bestrewn with earth's fairest Clasps a camelia, so spotless and fair, flowers ; Fit emblem of thee ; loving hands placed it For love untiring guarded the hours there. Of childhood and girlhood with tenderness Now as we gaze, while the blinding tears sweet, flow. Smoothing the way tor thy delicate feet. 'Tis only the casket we see, for we know But the journey is ended, and, robed all in The white pearl hath vanished, to sparkle white, on hi^h. In sweet, dreamless slumber, thou art lying A crown-jewel rare, only meet tor the sky. to-night M. H. With a look on thy face an angel might wear, Greenville, December 10, 1885. Hon. William Choice' Cleveland was educated at Jesuit College, Georgetown, D. C. Was a lieutenant in the 4th S. C. Vols., C. S. A., and afterwards Conscript oflEicer. Residence, Greenville, S. C. (1896). Was an alderman of Greenville; anci from 1875 to 1877 Mayor of Greenville; member House of Rep resentatives, S. C. Legis., 1878 to 1880, and on the Ways and Means Committee. Member S. C. State Democratic Conven tion, 1 88 1, and by that body elected member National Demo cratic Convention which, at Cincinnati, nominated Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock for president. Was, 1878, president of the first Building and Loan Association organized in Greenville. Is a railroad director. His entire time has always been occupied in .attending to his landed and other interests. Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 16637. JEREMIAH' CLEVELAND (Robert Mathis'), m. Grove Sta tion, Greenville CO., S. C, Dec. 8, 1869, Florence McKenzie, b. Camden, S. C, Dec. 2, 1850, a da. Francis Edward and Margaret (Simmons). Of Greenville co., 1881-6, a prosperous planter. Ch. b. Grove Station : 17294 Robert Mathis" Cleveland, b. May 1, 187 1 ; Frank McKenzie", b. Dec. 2, 1872, d. G. S., Dec. 8, 1873; Sarah Van noy", b. Mar. 8, 1874, d. G. S., Jan. 16, 1875 ; Eliza", b. July 5, 1877, d. G. S., Sept. 29, 1878. 2i8o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17295 Jeremiah", b. Aug. 30, 1879. 17296-8 Grace Donald", May 5, 1881; William Choice' Cleveland, Mar. 5, 1883; Benjamin", Mar. n, 1887. 16638. VANNOY' CLEVELAND (Robert Mathisi*), b. Lawrenceville, Ga., Mar. 11, 1841, unm. Residence, Wartrace, Tenn., 1881-7, merchant ; Greenville, S. C. To him great credit is due for his instrumentality in the erection of the handsome monument to the memory of Col. Benj. Cleveland. 16641. BARNET FRANKLI.\" CLEVELAND (Robert Mathis'), m. at Bethsalem church, n. Wartrace, Tenn., June 5, 1872, Eliza beth Hightower Pepper, b. near Wartrace, Feb. 14, 185 1, a da. William and Jane (Stone). Residence near Wartrace, on a farm, 1881-6; Banking House of B. F. Cleveland, Wartrace. Ch. b. in Bedford co., on Knob Creek, Tenn. : Mary Alice",- b. July 24, 1873, d. on Knob Creek, Jan. 14, 1874. 17299-302 Martha Wright", "b. Jan. 18, 1875; William Pepper" Cleveland, b. Nov. 3, 1877 ; Robert Mathis", b. Jan. 3, died K. C, Sept. 29, 1879; Jesse Franklin", b. Dec. 28, 1881, born without a right hand ; Eliza Poole" Cleveland, Aug. 8, 1884. 16643. ROBERT MATHIS' CLEVELAND (Robert Mathis«), mar ried Marietta, Ga., Oct. 4, 1882, Martha Elizabeth Marvin, born Monticello, Jasper co., Ga., Oct. 19, 1859, da. Joseph Benson and Mary Louisa (Linton). Grad. Wofford college, Spartanburg, S. C; res. Marietta, 1881-4; cashier in B. F. Cleveland's Banking House, Wartrace, Tenn. Ch. b. Marietta : Robert Marvin", b. Nov. 21, 1883, d. Mar. 10, 1884. 17303 Marie Louise" Cleveland, b. Jan. 10, 1885. 16644. JESSE FRANKLIN'-" CLEVELAND {Mary Frankiin'^ Smith, \ ^Ifll'^""'^""'' loTnt'"'' Bet^min*, h°hn", Alexander', Alexander'), died In- dian Springs, Butts co., Ga., Aug. 3, 1888, a. 54, m. 1st, Indian S., Jan. 12, 1859, Mary Penelope Collier, b. Hawkins ville,. Pu laski CO., Ga., Aug. 10, 1839, died Indian Springs, Oct. 4, 1873, a da. Bryan Whitfield and Martha (Bryan). He- m. 2d, Indian S., Dec. 15, 1875, Susie Frances Collier, b. Indian S., Apr. 11, 1853, died Indian S., Oct. 19, 1891, a da. Bryan Whitfield and Martha (Bryan). Ch. b. Indian S., by ist m.: 17304 Jesse Franklin""' Cleveland, born May 25, i860, unm., was educated at Furman Univ., Greenville, S. C, 1880 ; residence: Greenville to Apr., 1882, Moody, Tex., i884,'Cityof Mexico, Mexico, 1895 ; formerly teller or cashier NationalBank DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2181 of Greenville ; book-keeper. Martha""", b. May 4, d. Indian S. Sept. 27, 1862. 17305 Jeremiah"-", b. Dec. 15, 1864, d. Indian S. Feb. 16, 1888, unm. 17306 Mary Penelope"'" Cleveland, born Dec. 31, 1866, unm., was educated at Greenville Female College, res. Indian S. Bryan Collier""", b. Apr. 16, d. Indian S. 23, 1868. By 2d m.: 17307-8 Lizzie""", b. Oct. 11, 1879, died Indian S. Feb. 16, 1890; Benjamin"-", b. Jan. 3, 1884. Capt. Jesse Franklin'"" Cleveland grad. first at George town college ; then at Princeton, N. J., college. Residence, In dian Springs, lawyer and farmer. Was capt. of Montgomery Guards, 10th Ga. reg.. Confederate Army. Collier ancestry .¦—'Y'n.oraa.^^, ot Laurens co., Ga., d. there, married Sarah Whitfield; Bryan Whitfield' Collier, b. Laurens co., Dec. 3, i8io, merchant, d. Indian S. Oct. 13, 1894, m. Martha Bryan', b. Twiggs co., Ga., Nov. 24, 1819. Bryan ancestry :—}a.ia&& Campbell', ot Twiggs 00., Ga., m. Penelope Franks, da. John and Sarah (Williams); Martha' Bryan m. Bryan Whitfleld Collier'. 16645. JEREMIAH CAP'-" CLEVELAND {Mary Frankiin^ Smith, ( Jesse Franklin', JeremialA Robert*, ) t«i- iai <9a, j,\j j. ^^ I Eliza', john5. Col. Ben.*, } J"*"""' Alexander', Alexander'), d. at the Cleveland Homestead, Marietta, Greenville co., S. C, May 19, 1869, a. 32, was buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Greenville, S. C, m. in Christ Church, Greenville, S. C, Feb. 28, 1866, Eliz abeth Maxwell' Cleveland -I-16653 (james Harvey', JeremlaW, Robt.*, John', Alexander', Alexander'). Their only child : 17309 Robert Benjamin"-" Cleveland, b. Nov. 28, 1867, at the "Cleveland Homestead," Marietta, S. C, d. at the " Cleve land Homestead," Sept. 12, 1873. Lines on seeing the Portrait of little R. Ben. Cleveland, July 10, i8'j4 (by Mrs. Mary H. Cleve land), appeared in The Greenville Daily News. Dr. Jeremiah Cap'-" Cleveland graduated at Georgetown, D. C, and afterward at Princeton College, N. J., 1856; studied medicine at Philadelphia, Pa., and New Orleans, La. Served in Hart's Battery, Hampton's S. C. Legion, C. S. A. Resided at Greenville, S. C. Greenville Mountaineer, iS6p — Death of Jeremiah Cap Cleve land. The death of this young gentleman, so highly beloved and esteemed by his family, occurred at the residence of his father-in-law, J. Harvey Cleveland, Esq., on May 19 last. He was a grandson of Capt. Jeremiah Cleveland, who was early and long identified with Greenville, and in his day was one of the wisest and most respected of her citizens. His father, Jesse Cleveland, was distinguished as a man of talents and social and popular manners, and for several years represented the State of Ga. in the Congress of the U. S. Young Jeremiah seemed to have inherited the best qualities of head and heart of his im mediate ancestors, but enjoyed superior advantages of ediica- tion, and lyis own fine talents made them available in acquiring remarkable scholastic accomplishments. He was exceedingly kind, just, and amiable in his nature. Such qualities evinced in every sphere, and especially in the family circle, leaves it, with his youthful and devoted wife and little son, bereaved in deed. It is scarcely necessary to state that a young man of his 2 1 82 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. spirit and character made a good soldier in the South ; hewas an early volunteer in her cause. Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell' Cleveland, residence still at Marietta (1896), is a subscriber to this Genealogy. 16646. SARAH PHILADELPHIA' CLEVELAND (jeremiah', jere^ miah', Robert*, John^, Alexander', Alexander'), d. Wartrace, Tenn., May I9, 1862, a. 27, m. W., Sept. 22, 1853, Dr. Walter Hightower Sims, b. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 16, 1815, d. Wartrace, July 2, 1882, a s. John Green and Elizabeth (Hightower). Grad. Nashville Uni versity 1840, Louisville Medical School 1844. Ch. b. Wartrace: 17310 John Green" Sims, b. Nov. 24, 1854, married at Cave Spring, Ga., Mary Wright. 17311-12 Carrie Choice" Sims, b. May 22, 1857, took the first honors at Georgetown, and was crowned by U. S. Grant; Jeremiah Cleveland" Sims, b. Apr. 23, 1859. 16647. ELIZA DAWKINS' CLEVELAND (jeremiah-), d. Wartrac^, Tenn., Apr. 16, i860, aged 23, m. W., Oct. 3, 1855, John Green Webster, b. Lexington, Holmes co.. Miss., Dec, 1831, s. Robert Pinkney and Sarah Henry (Anderson). Mr. Webster was in Q. M. Dept., Confederate Army of Tenn. Residence, Wartrace, 1884, farmer. Ch. b. Wartrace : 17313 Cleveland" Webster, 'qovt^ June 27, 1856, d. Mar. 27, 1884, unm., farmer. 17314 Robert Pinkney" Webster, b. Jan. 24, 1858, m. Fair field, Bedford co., Tenn., Nov. 20, 1878, Sallie EUzabeth Scruggs, b. F. July 21, 1858, da. Matt and Nannie Jones (Osborne). 0| Wartrace, farmer. Ch. : Nannie Elizabeth" Webster, h. Nov. 30, 1879; Eliza Dawkins" Webster, Jan. 12, 1882; Vannoy Cleveland" Webster, July 9, 1884; Matt Scruggs" Webster, Mar. 1, 1886. 16648. 'THOMAS STONE' CLEVELAND (jeremiah'), b. at War- trace, Tenn., Apr. 25, 1840, m. at Cave Spring, Ga., Sept. 4,, 1867, Annie Elizabeth Wright, b. Cave Spring, Mar. 2, 1848, a da. ofj Moses Rochester and Elizabeth Thornton (Flarper). Ch.: 17315 Sallie Stone" Cleveland, b. Sept. 10, 1868, Cave Spring, Ga. 17316 Elizabeth Harper' Cleveland, b. Mar. 28, 1870, Cave Spring, Ga., m. Jesse" Cleveland +17355. 17317 Hattie Dawkins" Cleveland, born Nov. 29, 1872, Cave Spring, Ga. 17318 Annie Laurie" Cleveland, b. June 22, 1875, Cave Spring, Ga. 17319 Caroline Choice' Cleveland, b.July 6 1882, War- trace, Tenn. Thomas Stone' Cleveland, Esq., was educated at Cumber land University, Lebanon, Wilson co., Tenn. Resides, 1884, at Wartrace, on the farm his father left him, and is a prosperous farmer. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 3x83 16651. { MARY McLEOD' CLEVELAND (Barnet Frankiin', JeremiaW, Robert*, Johns, Alexander'), jjj Greenville, S. C, Oct. 5, 1880 John Wilham Harris, b. in Edgefield co., S. C, Sept. 7, 1848, s. Willis Glover and Susan Taylor (Jones). Before graduating served m C. S. A., private Co. A, Thomas' Battalion, S. C. V.; grad N. C. Mihtary Institute 1864. Residence still at Greenville, J 896, planter. Mrs. Harris is a subscriber for this Genealogy. Ch.: 17320 Susan Cleveland" Harris, b. Nov. 18, 1881, G. 16652. ; SALLIE VANNOY' CLEVELAND (james Harvey', JeremiahS, Robert*, Johns, Alexander', Alexander'), m. in Christ ChuTch, Greenville, S. C, April 20, 1858, Hamlin Beattie, b. at Greenville, May 6, 1835, eldest son of Fountain Fox and Emily Edgeworth (Ham lin). Ch. b. Greenville : ^ s \ + 17321 William Edgeworth" Beattie, b. Sept. 25, 1859. • +17322 Harvey Cleveland" Beattie, b. Mar. 23, 1863. Mrs. Sallie' Cleveland Beattie. Residence, Greenville. From a pamphlet, 1884: The South, State of South Carolina, City of Greenville : ': NATIONAL BANK. : Hamlin Beattie, President. In reviewing the commerce and industries of South Caro lina, we are devoting no inconsiderable attention to her mone tary institutions, believing that upon their soundness depends in a great measure the success and prosperity of the whole. . The National Bank of Greenville was established in 1872, ¦and has had a successful career. Its capital is . . . . . $100,000 ; Authorized capital, 200,000 Surplus, 20,000 Average deposits, 150,000 a statement which shows its standing and stability. The shares, $100 par, are selling at $130. The building is a substantial and handsome brick one, 26 X 100 feet in extent, located on Main Street, in the center of the town. The office is well fitted up and nicely furnished, as are also the President's and Directors' rooms. The vault, a large brick one, incloses one of Hall's burglar proof chests, pro- tided with the latest triumph of American genius, the time-lock. The institution since its commencement has been managed by Hamlin Beattie, Pres., who is at present assisted by W. E. Beat- 1;ie, cashier. Mr. Beattie graduated from Princeton College in 1856, and read law with ex-Gov. Benjamin Franklin Perry of S. C, being admitted to the bar in 1857. Having more of a financial turn of mind, he has not devoted particular attention to the practice of the profession in which he had fitly qualified himself, and has been engaged in many large mercantile under takings. He has guarded with scrupulous care the funds placed 2184 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. in the care of his bank, and the prosperity which has attended this institution indicates not only his fitness but that he duly appreciates the responsibility of the trust reposed in him. He is, among other things. President of the Camperdown Mills. Beattie ancestry and g-enealogy :— T arms : Beatie; /.• Beaty (Scotland). Gu. 3, spears' heads ar. .' . John', b. in Ireland, came to America, settled first in Md., then Rockbridge co., Va., moved later to Washington co., Va., m. in Ireland, Ellen Gilmore. Ch. b. in Md. and Va.: i. Mary, m. David Sayers; 2. Nancy, m. 1775, Col. James Dys- oort, b. Donegal co., Ireland, ab. 1744, of Philadelphia, Pa., 1761, set. on the Little Holston 1775, capt., and wounded at King's Mountain battle, N. C., d. Rockcastle co., Ky., May 26, i8i8 ; 3. Ellen, m. Robert Logan ; 4. Capt. David, b. on Carr's creek, in now Rock bridge CO., Va., ab. 1752, an officer of Gen. William Campbell at King's Mt. battle, m. Mary Beattie, distant relation, ch.: 4 s., i da.; 5. Jane, m. James Buchanan ; 6. Ensign John, of Capt Andrew Colville's co.. Gen. William Campbell's Va. reg., killed in battle at King's Mt., Oct. 7, 1780, unm.; 7. William', b. Rockbridge co. 1760. William', d. Mar. or Apr. 4, i860, a. 100 years, the last of Campbell's King's Mt. men, m. Mary Allison. Ch.: i. Elizabeth, m. William Byars ; 2. John, m. Sarah Edmonson ; 3. Robert, m. Paulina White ; 4. James, m. Elizabeth Stephenson ; ^ Samuel, m. Miss. Denny ot Ky.; 6. David, unm.; 7. Josiah N., m. ist, Ellen White, 2d, Evans ; 8. Ellen, m. Richard White ; g. Absalom, m. Eliza Davis; 10. William, m. Rhoda White; 11. Fountain Pox=, m. ab. 1834, Emily Edgeworth Hamlin, da. Elisha and Emily (Edgeworth); 12. Nancy Dyscort, m. Robert Edmonson ; 13. Madison Beattie, ra. Martha Ann Cunningham. 16654. HARRIET DAWKINS' CLEVELAND (james Harvey'), m. . in Christ Church, Greenville, S. C, Apr. 30, 1867, William Wil kins, b. in Spartanburg co., S. C, July 28, 1825, a son of John and Mary Holdman (Lipscomb). Child : + 17323 WiUiain" Wilkins, b. Mar. 26, 1868, Greenville, S. C. Mr. William Wilkins lives in his handsome residence at Greenville, S. C, where for many years he has been a large hardware merchant. 16655. ELIZA TALLULA' CLEVELAND (james Harvey), died in Greenville, S. C, at the " Cleveland Homestead," Oct. 13, 1877, a. 32, was buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Greenville, S. C, m. Greenville, S. C, July 29, 1875, as ist w., James Thomas Wil liams, born Greenville, S. C, June 28, 1845, eldest son of James Thomas and Anna (D'Oyle)^). Their only child : 17324 Lizzie Cleveland" Williams, born August 20, 1877, at "Cleveland Homestead," Greenville, S. C, died at "Cleveland Homestead," Greenville, S. C, Sept. 23, 1877, and buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Greenville, S. C. The following, In Memory of Lizzie Cleveland" Williams, written by Mrs. Mary H. Cleveland of Greenville, appeared in a Greenville newspaper : IN MEMORIAM. There bloomed in August a lily fair. That gladdened awhile the dear "old Sweet was its breath on the summer air ; home "; But when came the chill September days Vainly we wander through garden bower. And wrapped the blue sky m misty haze. There's nothing left like that one pure Lest our beautiful flower should feel the flower. blight Roses are 'round us still fresh and bright, Of a cruel frost on some wintry night. All gemmed with the dew, and crowned- Kmdly gathered by an angel hand with light, 'Twas gently borne to the " Spirit Land "; Yet the bud that opened that summer morn And there, methinks, it was surely given We see no more — alas ! it is gone, To the " Virgin Mother," " Queen of Heav- Leaving still another vacant spot en," To be filled with the pale "-forget-me-not;'' For of all flowers of which we are blest While two sad hearts are left to sigh It IS said she loves the lily best. For the August Lily beyond the sky. Ah ! sadly we miss the cherished bloom M. Greenville, S. C. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2185 The following, written also by Mrs. Mary H. Cleveland, ap peared : IN MEMORY OF MRS. JAMES T. WILLIAMS, who died in Greenville, S. C, October 13, 1877. The sweet perfume of orange buds Ah ! let us join the sad "amen," Still lingers round her brow. She's now the bride of heaven. Yet we must sadly twine tor her Adown the aisle, through open door, A wreath of cypress now. Out in the glad sunlight. In pure, unsullied bridal robes They bear that precious form once more We see her clad once more. Where all is fresh and bright. But her eyes are veiled, her cheeks have And the infant bud that scarce had bloomed paled. Ere it withered on her breast, , She smiles not as before. Was given again to her loving arms, And to the church once more she's borne, As they laid her down to rest. And they step with measured tread. Oh ! may the golden eye ot day For the organ peals no "wedding march," On that dear spot now dwell, But a "requiem tor the dead." Shed there its earliest morning ray. Now to the altar she hath come, Leave there its last farewell. Yet see ! in dreamless sleep Yet, in " that city " she shall find She's lying there serenely calm They "need not sun nor moon ; Whilst all around her weep. The glory of God doth lighten it," Again the solemn words are said, " The Lamb " makes radiant noon. The " benediction " given, M. Greenville, S. C, October 22, 1877. Hon. James Thomas Williams still resides at Greenville, S. C, 1895 ; is a hardware merchant, and is Mayor of the city of Greenville, S. C. He m. 2d, Miss McBee of N. C. Williams ancestry :—}Q.m.%^'^^ Thomas Blackburn^ [see +16244, P- 2155]; James Thomas^ Williams m. Anna D'Oyley^. D^Oyley aiicestry :~ 13 arms : D'Oyly (anciently De Oiglii, De Oilly, and De Oyly, Barons DoHly of Hocknaton, co. Oxford, and of Oxford Castle, temp. Hen. I ; came to Eng. 1066, with the Conqueror). Az. two bends or. . . . DanieP, of Charleston, S. C, m. Anna Webb ; Charles William^, moved frora Charleston, 1827, to Greenville, d. 1841, m. Sarah Eliza Baker, da. William Bohnn and Sarah Eliza (Broughton); Anna^ D'Oyley m. James Thomas Williams^. 16656. JESSE FRANKLIN' CLEVELAND (james Harvey»), m. in Greenville co., S. C, June 7, 1877, Emma Caroline Goodwin, b. in Greenville co. Oct. 29, 1849, a da. of William Calvin and Sarah Cleveland (Hawkins). Children : 17325 James Harvey' Cleveland, b. Feb. 14, 1878, Cleve land Homestead, Marietta, S. C. 17326 Sallie Vannoy' Cleveland, b. July 24, 1879, Hilly Home, Greenville co., S.C; Mary Louise" Cleveland, b. Aug. 27, 1881, Hilly Home. Mr. Jesse Franklin' Cleveland, residence. Hilly Home (1879-96), farmer. Goodwin ancestry :—'^o^&'^\i^, b. in Va., was Sheriff of Amherst co., Va., prior to 180C, then removed to S. C., residence, Merrittsville, Greenville co., S. C, farmer, m. Annie Hightower ; William Calvin' Goodwin, b. Greenville oo., Sept. 5, 1824, m. Sarah Cleveland Hawkins, b. Greenville CO., July 18, 1828, da. of John (born in Greenville co., where he resided, farmer) and Charlotte (West). 16657. RICHARD MAYS' CLEVELAND (james Harvey), married in Trinity Church, Abbeville, S. C, Apr. 25, 1889, Bessie Nor wood, b. Abbeville, Nov. 26, 1869, d. Wildwood, Greenville co., S. C, July 13, 1893, buried in Trinity Church Cemetery, Abbe ville, da. James Alexander and Sarah Ann (Hester). Ch. : 17327 James Norwood" Cleveland, b. Nov. 7, 1890, at the Norwood Homestead, Abbeville; Richard Mays' CLE^ e- LAND, b. July 26, 1892, at the Cleveland Homestead, Marietta, S.C. 2 1 86 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hon. Richard Mays' Cleveland, residence, Cleveland Homestead, Marietta, farmer. Represented Greenville: county in the South Carolina Legislature, 1886-9. Norwood ancestry : — s arms : Norwood or Noithwood ; s: Norwood: {Devon shire and Gloucestershire). Erm. a cross engr. sa. Williamson^, of Abbeville co., S. C., farmer, m. Mrs. Mary (Hughes) Tatum, widow ; James Alexander' Norwood, b. Abbe- -ville CO., Aug. I, 1810, m. Sarah Ann Hester. ¦)> 16658. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (Robert', Presley*, Robert*, JohnS, Alex- -ander', Alexander"), m. Of Sweet Water, Tenn., 1884, farmer. Ch.': 17328 Several', who d. before 1885, m. and had families. 16660. PRESLEY PARKER' CLEVELAND (Larkin Jerry», Presleys, Roberts John', Alexander'), m. Monroc CO., Tenn., Oct., 1877, Nancy Jane Rausin, born M. co. Dec. 2, 1856, da. John and Elizabeth (Dunn). Lived in Monroe co.; resides, 1884, n. Golden City, Mo., farmer. Ch.: 17329-31 Charles Frederick', b. July 4, 11879, Monroe co.; Robert Bruce', June 4, 1881, DeKalb Co., Mp.,; Benjamin Justus' Cleveland, July 29, 1883, n. Golden City. '' 16675. • CAROLINE' CLEVELAND (jesse Pranklin«, Eli*, Robert*, John', Alexander'), m. at old home, n. Cleveland, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1866^ John Pickens Davis, b. in McMinn co., Tenn., Apr. 23, 1843, s. Henry Brazeel and Nancy (Pickens). Resides 9 miles north of Cleveland, at the old Cleveland homestead (P. O., Charleston, Tenn.) 1886, farmer and miller. Chj: 17332-6 Fannie Adelia" Davis, b. Dec. 8, 1867, Georgetown, Meigs co., Tenn., unm.; Eli Franklin" Davis, Feb. 2, 1870, Bradley co., Tenn., unm.; Henry Basil", b. Oct. 17, 1871, B. co., d., m. Charleston, Teijn., Jan. 14.) 1881; Robert Claude", b. Sept. 25, 1876, n. Chariest.; Carrie Agnes" Davis, Nov. 13, 1882, Charleston. : 16684. ALPHA EMMELINE' CLEVELAND (eu Mathus', Eli^ Robt.*, Johns, Alexander'), died Ooltewah, Tenh.', Aug. 7, 1874, a. 23, m. 0., Nov. 7, 1870, as 1st w.,- Hannibal Henderson McNabb, b. James CO., Tenn., July 3, 1847, a s. Robert Lusk and Eliza Ann (Boyd), and bro. to Alexander. (He m.- 2d, Alie Jones' Clevelanj? .4-16685.) Was educated by his father, a teacher. Of Oolte wah, 1884, lawyer. Ch. b. Ooltewah : 17337 Ida Belle", Dec.' 28, 1871. 17338 Lula May* McNabb, Dec. 10, 1873, both educated at Ooltewah High School. , „ . 16685. ALIE JONES' CLEVELAND (Eli Mathus'), died Ooltewah, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1882, a. 29, m. O. Apr. 9, 1876, as 2d w., Hanni^ bal Henderson McNabb. (He m. ist, Alpha Emmaline' Cleve land +16684.) Ch. b. Ooltewah : 17339 Lillie Maud", ]vLne '], 1879. 17340 John Chester^ McNabb, Jan. 30, 1881, both educated at Ooltewah High School. ' ' DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER" CLEVELAND. 2187 16687. JOHN PENNINGTON' CLEVELAND (eu Mathus'), mar ried Sept. 20, 1876, Kizzie Haleston, b. June 17, 1857. Divorced. Private in U. S. A., 1878-9. Of Ooltewah, Tenn., 1884, farmer, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Ch. : 17341 Bennie L.' Cleveland, b. Aug. 6, 1877. 16701. William' Choice (Emily CaroUne', Jesse*, Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), m. July 6, 1875, Mary Evangeline Ladshaw, b. Dec. 20, 1852, da. Edward and Elizabeth (Poulton). Ch. b. Spartan burg, S. C: Efnily", b. July 14, 1876, d. Sept. 9, 1877. 17342-3 Eliza Ladshaw" Choice, b. Apr. 2, 1878; William" Choice, Tune 9 1880. William' Choice grad. Georgetown, D. C. Residence, Spar tanburg, 1884. Contributor to the press — see Bibliography, Chap. IV. 16703. Harriet Dawkins' Choice (Emiiy caroUne'), m. Spartan burg, S. C, June 15, 1865, Hon. John Hamilton Evins, born in Spartanburg District (now county), S. C, July 18, 1830, d. Spar tanburg, Oct. 20, 1884, son of Samuel Nesbit and Elizabeth .(Moore). Ch. b. Spartanburg: 17344 Mary Elizabeth' Evins, Mar. 17, i866; Caroline Cleve land", b. Sept. 19, 1867, d. Aug. 27, 1868. 17345 Jefferson Choice" Evins, b. June 5, 1869. 17346 Samuel Nfesbit" Evins, Sept. 2, 1871. 17347 Emily Margaret" Evins, Aug. 23, 1873 ; Tom Moore" Evins, Apr. 26, 1875 ; John Hamilto?i" Evins, Jan. 7, 1879 ; Andrew Cleve land" Evins, Jan. 23, 1881; Cleveland'^ Evins, May i, 1884. Hon. John Hamilton Evins, M. C, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th Congresses, 1876 to 1885, 4th Dist. (counties of Fairfield, Green ville, Laurens; Spartanburg — except White Plains and Lime stone Springs tps. — Union — except Gowdeysville and Dray- tonville tps. — and Centre, Columbia, and Upper tps., in Rich- 'land CO.), S. C. See 48th Congress, Congressional Directory. By Ben : Perley Poore, 1884. Spartanburg Herald, Oct. 22, 1884 — Death of Hon. John Hamilton Evins. It has been very seldom in the history of this county that -the announcement of the death of one of its citizens has caused such a deep and universal throb of grief and regret as did the 'sad intelligence that Hon. John H. Evins breathed his last on Monday morning, the 20th inst. Whilst it was generally known that his health was bad and his recovery doubtful, but very few of us knew that his case was hopeless, and that his days had been numbered. Only the day before his death, some of his friends were indulging strong hopes that he might rally his physical strength and be spared to his family and friends for a season. But the symptoms which had been gladly translated into an improved condition were only bright and cheerful reflections from his own resigned and (happy spirit before taking its final flight. 2i88 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. His physician had spent some time with him on Monday morning, and saw no immediate danger. Mrs. Evins accom panied the doctor to the door. When she returned Col. Evins had fallen asleep. In a few fieeting minutes he had passed, without a struggle, from the repose of sleep to the repose of death. Col. Evins was born in Spartanburg county on the i8th of July, 1830. His father was one of the most thrifty, energetic, honest, and intelligent citizens of the county. His mother was a woman of unusual strength of intellect and character, and by her precept and example thoroughly indoctrinated her children in the principles of virtue, truth, honor, and piety. Col. Evins never proved truant to these principles. He was graduated in the South Carolina College in the class of 1853 ; immediately began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1856. Very soon after his admission he became one of the editors and proprietors of the Spartanburg Express, which he conducted with marked ability until the war. He was one of the first in the State to enlist in the cause of the Southern Confederacy, and as soon as his company was called went to the front. He was with his regiment [5th S. C] in the first battle of Manassas, and proved himself there to be a brave and true soldier. On the reorganization of the army, in the spring of 1862, he was elected capt. of his company, K, [Palmetto] sharpshooters. Whilst engaged in a terrific struggle at Seven Pines, he was wounded in the arm by a ball which splintered the bone just below the shoulder joint ; in consequence of which he patiently and bravely endured many weeks of intense agony, during which he was attended by his brother. Dr. Thomas Evins, a Confederate surgeon. It was owing to the skill and devotion of his brother that his arm was saved. His wounded arm was for a long time the cause of much irritation and suffering, from which he never recovered suffi ciently to rejoin his command, and was appointed to the very important and responsible position of Lt.-Col. of the Home Guards in Spartanburg Co. We are assured by those who know the facts, that the people of this and adjoining counties are largely indebted to his skill, patience, energy, and courage for the preservation of their lives and property, which were threatened by native renegades, who eagerly sought to gratify their lust of blood and plunder upon the true and loyal men and women who had scorned and denounced them as traitors and cowards. In 1863-4, he was elected by an almost unanimous vote of civilians and soldiers to a seat in the House of Representatives of the State. This high position he filled with the same earn estness, prudence, and fidelity which had previously marked his career of public usefulness. Very soon after the close of the war he devoted himself with unusual energy to the practice of his profession, and soon rose to distinction as a pleader and advocate. He was one of the most timid and self-distrusting men we have ever known at the bar. When he first began to speak at the bar his natural diffi dence would so overpower him as to make it painful to his DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2 1 89 friends to witness his discomfiture ; but with an indomitable will he would subjugate his own self-consciousness, and rising to the demands of the occasion, would soon transform an appar ant failure into a brilliant success. He never succeeded in overcoming his natural diffidence, only in so far as to be able always to fully meet the requiirements of the cause which called him before the public. It was only a sense of duty that brought him before the public gaze, and that he always met at any sac rifice to his persoaal comfort or convenience. The success of his public career was due to this — his conscience was stronger than his consciousness. [Member Democratic National Con vention, St. Louis, 1876.] In 1876, without any premeditation on his part, he was elected by the Convention as a candidate for Congress in this district. One who was in Columbia at the time well remembers this remark of his — "I desire to consult you as to my duty. Some of my friends urge me to accept the nomination for Con gress. I have no ambition to lead a 'forlorn hope,' but if I can be of any service to the party, I am willing to make the sacri fice ; I feel confident that I will be counted out, if not beaten, but if I can help the cause I can submit to either. What would you advise me to do?" His friend advised him to accept. With all the zeal and energy which could be inspired by as sured success, he entered the campaign, devoted all the fire and energy of his indomitable nature to its conduct, and thereby won a signal and splendid victory. So wisely and faithfully has he discharged his duty in that high position, that his proud constituents have not hesitated to return him for four success ive terms. [For 48th Cong, he received 11,662 votes, D. B. Elkins, Greenback, 4,588 votes.] There can be no doubt that he would have again iDcen nominated and elected but for the fact that his failing health compelled him to decline. In the death of Col. Evins, the U. S. Congress will feel the loss of one of its most diligent, faithful, and useful members. The State of S. C. will mourn one of her noblest citizens, and Spartanburg will fructify his memory in the tears she sheds over the grave of her honored son. If one word we could add could alleviate the painful bereave ment of his family, we would gladly protract this notice ; but the recital of the virtues of a kind and loving husband, of a patient and generous father, whose heart has been chilled in the coldness of death, must necessarily excite emotions of grief which we would gladly repress. 16704. LAURA' CLEVELAND (jolm Blossingame', Jesse', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), d. at Spartanburg, S. C, Oct. 23, 1882, a. 37, m. at Spartanburg, Jan. 8, 1867, James Young Goodlett, born Greenville, S. C, Oct. 11, 1844, son of Col. Robert Poole and Lucretia (Young). Children : -1-17348 Lucretia" Goodlett, b. Jan. 19, 1868, Lee co.. Miss. + 17349 Elizabeth" Goodlett, born Oct. 24, 1869, Spartanburg, S. C. 2IQO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17350 Pauline" Goodlett, b. July 26, 1871, Spartanburg, S. C, unm., residence, Pacolet,' Spartanburg co., S. C. (1896). + 17351 /i5'/^« Cleveland' Goodlett, b. June 17, 1873, Spartan burg, S. C. Robert Patrick" Goodlett, b. Apr. 5, 1875, S., d. S. Mar. 19, 1880. Mr. James Young Goodlett, at the age of 16, ran away from school and enlisted as private in 6th S. C. Inf., C. S. A., served the year 1861, came out of the army 1862, and went to school I year, then returned to C. S. A., in 2d S. C. Cav., served as pri vate soldier to close of war ; lived in Miss. 1867-9. Residence since, nearly always in Spartanburg co.; res. Pacolet Mills (1896). Since 1882, has been cashier of the Pacolet Manufacturing Co., Pacolet. Mr. Goodlett is a subscriber for this Genealogy. ' Goodlett ancestry :— 2 arms: GooDLET : (Scotland). Or. a fesse gu. betw. 2 lions pass, guard, sa. . . ; It is claimed that in 1635 the Goodlett ancestor ot following moved trom Bath, Eng., to Paisley, Scotland. Mr. Thomas Goodlett, Paisley, has the History ot this branch. . . . " Goodlett, b n. Glasgow, Scotland, and lived there;. came to America some tirae prior to Revolutionary war, settled first in Pa., later in Va., it is thought that he was a Revolution soldier ; James', b. in Va., rem. after marriage to Spartanburg co., m. in Va., Miss Jones of Va.; Col. Robert Poole' Goodlett, b. Spartan burg CO., Dec. 27, i8o(j, of Greenville, col. of the Upper Reg. in Greenville 00., S. C. Mili tia, d. in Greenville co., Jan. 14, 1881, m. Lucretia Young', b. Greenville co., May 30, 1816, d. May 29, i8go, nearly all of their family rem. to Texas prior to the war. Young ancestry : — John", b. Dec. i, 1762, of Greenville co., a soldier in the American Revolution, d. ab. 1834, m. Nancy Salmons, b. Anderson co., S. C, Oct. 5, 1777, d. Green ville CO., ab. 1854; Lucretia' Young m. Robert Poole Goodlett'. 16711. JESSE FRANKLIN' CLEVELAND (Robert Easley', Jesse',. Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), married at Glenn Springs, Spar tanburg CO., S. C, June 19, 1873, Coro Virginia Zimmerman, b. at Glenn Springs, April 20, 1849, a daughter of John Conrad and Selina Pierce (Wannamaker) Zimmerman. Children b. at Glenn Springs : 17352 Elizabeth Emily' Cleveland, b. Apr. 13, 1874, is attending Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C, 1895. 17353 John Zimmerman' Cleveland, b. Oct. 5, 1875, is attending Wofford College, Spartanburg. 17354 Robert Benjamin' Cleveland, b. June 23, 1879, is attending Wofford College, Spartanburg. Dr. Jesse Franklin' Cleveland, M.D., graduated from Phil adelphia, Pa., Medical College, March, 1869. Residence, alwayS at Spartanburg (1897), physician and planter. After a number of years gave up the practice of medicine, and is now interested in the manufacture of cotton goods. Is President of Tupacau Mills, Spartanburg co. Dr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. Zi7n-}nerma7i ancestry : — John", was originally from Germany, but came from Eng land to America accompanied by his brother lames who settled in Virginia. He settled in Orangeburg co., S. C, and married Margaret IJantzler of Orangeburg co.; Daniel', pf Saint Matthews Parish, Orangeburg District and co., S. C; m. Elizabeth Holman'; Johh Conrad' Zimmerman, b. Saint Matthews Parish, Sept. 26, 1802, m. Selina Pierce Wanna maker*, b. St. Matthews, Sept. 26, 1810. Wannamaker ancestry : — John Jacob", trom Germany, of Orangeburg co.; Lt. Ja cob', b. Orangeburg co., served in the Revolutionary war under Capt. Rumph in Cdl. William Russell Thompson's Reg. In a hand-to-hand encounter in a skirniish near Orangeburg in 1780 he killed the noted Tory Lt. Parker ot Bloody Bill [WillJam]'Cun- ningham's command [see Draper's King's Mountain, 83, 242, 4bS\ m. Annie Rumph of Orangeburg co.; Jacob', b. Orangeburg cc, m. Mary Magdalen Miller, da. of John and DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2191 Margaret (Ott) Miller. The Otts came from Austria ; Selina Pierce* Wannamaker m. John Conrad Zimmerman'. Holman ancestry ¦¦ — Mr." Holman m. Miss Conrad ; Conrad', m. Mary Brown from Charleston, S. C; Elizabeth' Holman m. Daniel Zimmerman'. 16712. JOHN BOMAR' CLEVELAND (Robert Easley, Jesse', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), married at Wartrace, Tenn., Novem ber 4, 1871, Georgia Alden' Cleveland + 16642 (Robert Mathis',. Jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"). Children : + 17355 Jesse' Cleveland, b. Nov. 27, 1872, Spartan burg, S. C. 17356 Henry Mathis' Cleveland, b. Aug. 26, 1874, Spar tanburg, unm. Attended Wofford College, Spartanburg, C. H., S. C, to the close of the junior year. Residence, Spartanburg; (1897), is in the National Bank of Spartanburg. + 17357 Fanny Leonard' Cleveland, b. June 13, 1876,. Wartrace, Tenn. 17358 John Alden' Cleveland, b. June 4, 1878, Spar tanburg, d. there Apr. 29, 1886. From Augusta {Ga.) Chronicle, June I, 1886 : A pretty TRIBUTE. [Lines suggested b^ the death of little JOHN ALDEN CLEVELAND, who asked while dying, " What will happen to-day ? "J For the Augusta Chronicle. What will happen, my child ? Why only this : An angel will enter a world of bliss. A small, new angel, with "wings ot snow. Up to a beautiful home shall go ; A fevered brow will grow calm and white And meet tor a glittering crown ot light. What will happen ? A pair ot bright eyes Will close to open in Paradise, And oh ! to-day, two dear little feet Shall begin to walk the "golden street" ; A tender lamb will be borne on high To pastures green, where still waters lie ; Borne in the "gentle Shepherd's" arms. Forever free from earth's rude storms. What will happen ? Alas ! the home Joyous once, will be full of gloom ; The gold of the sunlight will fade away, And the flowers their perfume lose to-day ; For the child, who seemed of sunshine born. And the flowers loved, will to-day be gone. The children shall hush their songs of glee. And two stricken hearts shall mourn tor thee ; But soon they shall lift their tearful eyes To that fair " Bonhaven " beyond the skies. And say, " For so it seemed good in Thy sight," "Even so. Father," we know it is right. Cleveland Place, May 25, 1886. M. H. C. 17359 Carrie Choice' Cleveland, b. Feb. 25, 1880, Spar tanburg. 17360 Vannoy Vernon' Cleveland, b. Mar. 24, 1884^ Spartanburg. 17361 Alice Victoria' Cleveland, b. Mar. 19, 1887, Spar- "tanburg. Margaret Chesnee' Cleveland, b. Mar. 13, 1891, Spartanburg. Hon. John Bomar' Cleveland graduated at Wofford Col lege 1869; studied and practiced law. Residence always at Spartanburg (1898). Attorney-at-law and banker. Mr. Cleve- 2192 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. land is a leading, very useful, and highly esteemed citizen of Spartanburg, and thoroughly identified with her interests. A promoter of the public schools. He was elected to represent his District in the South Carolina Legislature 1882-3 ; was a delegate from South Carolina in the Democratic National Con vention at Chicago, 111., July, 1884, which nominated Hon. Gro ver Cleveland for President. Hon. John Bomar' Cleveland is President of the Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Co., office at Spartanburg; Pres ident of the Whitney Manufacturing Co. (in which he has been a director many years), whose cotton mills are situate two miles from Spartanburg, Vice-president of the First National Bank of Spartanburg of which he was a founder. Vice-president of the Pacolet (S. C.) Manufacturing Co. ; served as Receiver of the Port Royal & Western Carolina Railway Co., and of the Augusta & Knoxville R. R. Co., Spartanburg, and has held many places of honor and trust in the State. Mr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 16713. Mary Elizabeth' Jiivings (sarah Elizabeth'), m. 1st, Oct. 25, i860, Richard R. King, b. S. C, d. She m. 2d Hon. Benjamin Zachariah Herndon, a s. Benjamin Zachariah and Elizabeth Laura (Pratt). Residence, Dalton, Ga., 1884, practising lawyer: member Ga. Legis. from Whitfield co. Ch. by ist m. : 17362 Richard Cleveland" King, b. Sept. 21, i86i, S. C, d. Dalton, July 26, 1876, then a student in Crawford College; 2d m., s. p. 16714. James Cleveland'' Hivings (sarah Elizabeth'), m. Kingston, S. C, Nov. 12, 1868, Rosa Caroline Flagler, b. Spartanburg, S.C, Mar. TO, 1849, ', } J°i^-^ J-''"'. Alexander'-"), she d. Deep Spring, Whitfield co., Ga., July 10, 1866, aged 28. He m. 2d, Rural Vale, Murray co., Ga., Mar. 28, 1867, Susan Emily Gambrell, b. Calhoun, S. C., Oct. 21, 1849, d. near Moody, McLennan county, Tex., Jan. 12, 1876, da. Rev. James Madison and Amarilla Evaline (Horton). He m. 3d, Dalton, Ga., Nov. 6, 1876, Mrs. Rosanna Vashti (Selvidge) [Sitton] Jones, born Sweet Water, Tenn., May 9, 1836, wid. of Richard Jones, a da. Rev. George Washington and Elizabeth (Luty). Ch. by ist m. : -|- 17403 Frances Eugenia" Routh, b. Mar. 24, i860. Rural Vale. By 2d m. : 17404 Clarissa Amma" Routh, b. Mar. 16, 1870, Dalton, m. about April i, 1891, Joe Lee Jameson. Of San Antonio, Tex., 1892-3. Ch. : Malcolm Routh" Jameson, born about Dec. 20, 1891. 17405 William Frank" Routh, b. June 25, 1874, in McLennan Co., n. Moody, Tex. Of M. 1892-3, builder. By 3dm.: \i\o(> Elmo" Routh, b. Oct. 31, 1877, McLennan co., n. Moody; of M., farmer. Capt. William Findley' Routh was ed. in county schools n. his birthplace; a capt. in C. S. A. Lived on his farm, Rural Vale, 2196 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. and at Deep Spring; then dwelt at Dalton to Jan., 1872, and since in McLennan co., n. Moody, Tex. (1897), carpenter. In 1884 Capt. Routh, John Smith, James C. Kirby, L. A. Trimble, Thomas Mitchell, John Cox, O. H. McClain, John Cook, Thomas Kirby, F. M. McElroy, James Hargett, J. L. Hodge, A. A. Coons, and D. M. McClain commenced on Tuesday to build, on Nat. McCartney's field at Moody, a 5-room house for the preacher, and completed it by Saturday noon ! For which J. H. Trimble returns thanks in Moody Monitor. Rosanna Vashti Selvidge married ist, Dalton, Feb. 28, 1851, Joseph Henry Sitton, born Habersham co., Ga., Oct. 21, 1831, d. Dalton Oct. 28, 1859, son James Tarrant and Mary (Halcome). Of Dalton, R. R. engineer. She m. 2d, Corinth, Miss., Sept. 28, i860, Richard Jones, he d. Giles co., Tenn., Nov. 10, 1865. Of Corinth and Giles co., carriage maker. Ch. by 1st m. : James Washington Sitton, b. Aug. 18, Dalton, d. D. 21, 1853; William Franklin Sitton, b. July 7, 1854, D., of D.; Henry Cruison Sitton, b. Sept. 18, 1856, D., d. London, Tenn., May 30, 1858; John Luty Sitton, b. Dec. 8, 1858, Acworth, Cobb co., Ga., m. Carry West of Dalton, res. D. ; 2d m. s. p. 16785. Mary Adelaide' Bouth {ciarissa Hariowe' Watuns), m. Deep Spring, Ga., Sept. 16, 1858, Dr. William Lowndes Broyles, born Monroe co., Tenn., Dec. 3, 1826, d. Anderson C. H., S. C, June 14, 1877, s. Cain and Lucinda (Nash). Ch. : 17407 George Nash" Broyles, b. June 26, 1859, Whitfield co., Ga., ed. S. C. University, Anderson; of A. 1892-3; mercantile business. -I-17408 Fannie Murtis" Broyles, b. May 5, 1861, Whitfieldco., Ga. 17409 James Marcellus" Broyles, b. Oct. 29, 1863, W. CO.; ed. at Adger College, Walhalla, S. C; of Broyles, S. C, farmer. 17410 Lula Josephine" Broyles, Oct. 2, 1866, Andersoil co., S. C, m. bef. 1893, J. A. Gault. She was ed. at Female Coll., William ston, Anderson county, S. C; res. Broyles. 1 741 1 Willie Clifton" Broyles, June 3, 1871, A. co.; of Broyles, farmer. Dr. William Lowndes Broyles received medical education Nashville, Tenn. Practising physician n. Deep Spring; rem., Dec, 1863, to Anderson C. H. Mrs. Mary Adelaide' {Routh) Broyles res., and, with her sons, keep the P. O. at Broyles (named in honor of Dr. William Lowndes Broyles), Anderson co., S. C. (1884). Residence, Broyles (1897). 16786. Joseph Edward' Routh {ciarissa Harlowe" Watkins, Fanny', Rob ert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), died at Pluni, Fayette CO., Tex., July 3, 1890, a. 48, married in Fayette co.. Mar. 5, 1874, Mary Ellen Stramler, born in Bastrop co., Tex., Aug. 8, 1854, a daughter of William Calhoun and Frances Ann Elizabeth (Breeden). (She m. 2d, see below.) Children : 17412 Eugene Coke' Routh, born Nov. 26, 1874, in Fayette CO., Tex., unm. Residence, Flatonia, Fayette co., Tex. (1892-7). DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2197 Graduated A.B., University of Texas, Austin, Tex., June 15, 1897. Teacher. Mr. Routh is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 17413 Leila Irene" Routh, born Dec. 28, 1889, at Plum. Mr. Joseph Edward' Routh removed to Texas in 1870 ; resi dence many years at Plum, Tex., in the valley of the Colorado, and was a prosperous farmer. Mrs. Mary Ellen (Stramler) Routh m. 2d, Dec. 1, 1895, John M. Wroe. Residence, Winchester, Fayette co., Tex., 1897. 16788. Robert Eranhlin' Routh {ciarissa Hariowe' watkins), married Whitfield CO., Ga., July 1, 1868, Tabitha Burson, b. Warren co., Ga., Apr. 28, 1846, a da. Hazel Green and Rebecca (Story). Ch.: 17414 James Hazel" Routh, born Oct. 23, 1869, Walker co., Ga. 17415 /jaac J////^r' i?,7«//^, Jan. 24, 1871, Whitfield county; Annie Clarissa", b. Aug. 25, Catoosa co., Ga., d. C. co. Sept. 29, 1872 ; Judson Burson" Routh, b. Sept. 3, 1873, Arkansas co., Ark.; Mattie Harlowe", b. Dec. 17, 1875, Prairie co.. Ark., d. P. co. Oct. 27, 1876; William", b. June 13, 1877, P. CO.; Susie", b. Jan. 7, P.. CO., d. P. CO. Oct. 26, 1879 ; Hattie Belle", b. Oct. 18, 1880, P. co., d. P. CO. Jan. 15, 1881; Vesta Virginia", b. Feb. 28, 1882, P. co., d. P. CO., Aug. 18, 1884; Lucy Alice" Routh, b. Oct. 17, 1883, P. co., d. P. CO. Aug. 22, 1884. Rev. Robert Franklin' Routh, a Baptist clergyman, was or dained to preach the Gospel Sept. 16, 1877 ; rem. Oct., 1872, from Ga. Lived in (P. O., Belcher) Prairie co.. Ark., 1884, Fair- mount, Prairie co.. Ark., 1897. 16796. Reese Kelso' Watkins {Plnley Patterson' Watkins, Fanny', Rob ert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), married Feb. 24, 1874, Jenny Wright Smith, b. July 4, 1853. Ch.: C/z.', b. Aug. 15, Ooltewah, Tenn., d. 19, 1875. 17416 Claude Wright" Watkins, b. Nov. 19, 1876, O. 17417 Mary Blanche", May 3, 1879, O. 17418 Ethel Theresa' Wat kins, Mar. 23, 1883, Spring City, Rhea co., Tenn. Dr. Reese Kelso' Watkins, residence. Spring City, practising allopathic physician of Rhea co. (1884). 16801. Eugene' Watkins {Alf-ed Moore'' Watklns, Fanny', Robert*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), m. by Rev. G. A. Menally, Baptist, in Rome, Ga,, Dec. 25, 1884, Florence Perry, b. in Floyd co., 15 miles from Rome, Ga., Mar. 22, 1867, da. of William Nazareth and Sarah Emaline (Dempsey). Ch.: 17419 Grover Cleveland" Watkins, b. 1886. Mr. Eugene' Watkins received a preliminary education at a public school in Brooklyn, N. Y., and at a boarding high school, Middletown, Conn.; finishing at Military College (under guid ance of Church of England), Lenoxville, Canada. Residence, Rome, Ga., 1884-5, schoolteacher; is studying law. 2198 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16802. Miss Jenny^ Watkins {Maf Alfred Moore' Watklns). Residence still in Rome, Ga. (1898). Miss Watkins was educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Manhattan ville. New York. The well-known writer and able contributor of literary, political, and historic articles to magazines and newspapers. See Bibli ography, Chap. IV. From The Tribune, Rome, Ga., May 11, i8po — The leading feature of the forthcoming June issue ot Belford's Magazine will be a completed novel by Miss Jennie Watkins of Rome, entitled, " The Woman's Version." The proprietor ot Belford's announce that it is a very superior storjr. The scene is laid in Virginia after the war, and the plot involves some fine delineations and contrasts of character. An interesting personage is an old negro "Mammy," who figures prominently in the affairs of the fortunes ot the " Howard " family. Editorial — ^'tie complete novel in the June number of Belford's Magazine will be the "Woman's Version," by Miss Jennie Watkins; it is in every way a superior novel. Miss Watkins is a well-known resident of Rome, and is fast winning fame as a writer of fiction. The compilers desire to express their obligations to Miss Watkins for much important assistance, voluntarily rendered, in obtaining, by a large correspondence, the very complete family records in her branch of the descendants of Alexander' Cleveland. 16804. John' Watkins {Alfred Moore' Watkins), unm. Residence : Rome, Ga.; New York city to Feb., 1887, and since at Boston, Mass. Mr. Watkins attended high school, Middletown, Conn., and completed education at Military College, Lenoxville, Can. Salesman and representative of wholesale merchants. 16819. ROBERT LILLY' CLEVELAND (Richard Moon', Jeremiah', Jeremiah*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), m. CharlotteSvillc, Va., Jan. 22, 1868, Alice Thomas Trowers, b. Richmond, Va., Sept. 26, 1847! da. Thomas and Sarah Ann (Phelps). Of Culpeper C. H., Va.| 1886, merchant. Ch.: 17420-1 Lura Ross', born June 5, 1870^ Staunton, Va.; Bessie Bell' Cleveland, b. July 24, 1872, Flu vanna CO., Va. 16825. RICHARD CROMWELL' CLEVELAND (Richard Moon»), m. Hillsboro, Tex., 1882, Mrs. Amanda Fancher. Of Hillsboro, 1886, farmer. Ch.: 17422 Dana Cromwell' Cleveland. 16827. EDWARD FRANKLIN' CLEVELAND (wilUam', jeremiah-, Jeremiah*, John', Alexander', Alexander"), m. Dover, Ky., NoV. 5, 187Z, Theodosia Long, b. D. Apr. 7, 1848, da. Edmund and Xantippa (Aubra). Of Dover, 1883 ; fine house joiner. Ch. b. Dover: 17423-6 Vernetta", Aug. 9, 1873; James Hess' Cleve-- land, Sept. 12, 1875; Lizzie Aubra', Dec. 13, 1.877; Katie Long', Aug. 2, 1882. ^i:.ov..jLiMLiAJNit> OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2199 16852. BENJAMIN F.' CLEVELAND (Alexander', EU'. Alex.*, ',', "), b. 1830. Rev. Benjamin F.' Cleveland, res. 1885, Walkerville, Green co.. 111. Has been a Baptist preacher for 30 years. 16863. ALICE ANN' CLEVELAND (Joseph', Levi', Alexander*, =, ', "), m. Kenton co., Ky., Jan. 19, 1843, Warren Elmore' Scott -(-16859 (poiiie', Levis, Alexander*, ',', 1), he d. Carrollton, Ky., Sept. 8, 1864, a. 47, farmer. She res. Lexington, Ky., 1884. Ch.: r-] ^2-] Joseph Cleveland" Scott, b. Apr. 23, 1844, Kenton co., died Fort Adams, Wilkinson co.. Miss., Sept. 15, 1867. -(-17428 Isabel" Scott, b. Mar. 26, 1846, Kenton co., Ky. 17429 William Elmore" Scott, b. Dec. 17, 1849, Woodford CO., Ky., m. Carrollton, Dec. 17, 1876, Alice Roberts, b. Boone CO., Ky., June 9, 1854, da. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Smith). Of Montgomery City, Montgomery co.. Mo., farmer. Ch.: Nellie Elizabeth" Scott, b. Sept. 7, 1878, Carrollton. -(-17430 George Washington" Scott, born June 20, 1852, Wood ford CO. -(-17431 Nancf Scott, b. Feb. 22, 1856, Woodford co., Ky. 17432-3 Prudie Watts", Nov. 3, 1859, Carroll co., Ky., unm.; John Allen" Scott, Apr. 14, 1862, Carrollton, Ky., unm. 16865. RACHEL' CLEVELAND (Washington', Levi', Alexander*, Alexan der', Alexander'), d. prior to 1895, m. D. C. Collins. Ch.: 17434-6 William D." Collins, m. Martha Graham, res. Crescent Springs, Kenton co., Ky., 1895; Lelia" Collins, va. Dorsey Elbert; Stella" Collins, m. Shakleford Lee. Amos" Collins; Cleveland" ColUns. 16866. JOSEPH' CLEVELAND (Washington'), d. prior to 1895, m. Sydney Allen. Ch. : 17437 Charles' Cleveland, m. Kate Riggs, res. Crescent Springs, Ky., 1895. Gertrude'; Edna Earl'. 16867. JOHN LEVI' CLEVELAND (Washington'), m. ISt, at Cov ington, Ky., July 25, 1872, Clara Bertrand Whittaker, b. Cincin nati, O., May 8, 1845, ^- there, June 25, 1882, da. of James and Olivia Sophia (Lyon). He m. 2d, Maysville, Ky., Aug. 8, 1892, Louisa Rebecca Kieffer, b. Lancaster, Pa., Mar. 25, 1852, da. of William and Susan Elizabeth (Carpenter). Ch. by ist m.: 17438 Olivia Hannah' Cleveland, b. July 24, 1874, Cin cinnati, unm., res. Cincinnati, 1895. 2d m.: s. p. Dr. John Levi' Cleveland grad. Centre College, Danville, Boyle CO., Ky., 1862, and then studied theology at Princeton, N. J. Grad. from the Ohio Medical College, 1868. Residence since 1869, Cincinnati, O. (1896); and during that period has been a practising physician of Cincinnati. He is the owner of the old home place, a short distance from the graves of his grandparents, Levi and Rachel Cleveland. 2200 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY 16872. MARTHA' CLEVELAND (jesse Alexander Harrison', jesse', Alex ander*, Alexander', Alexander'), m. ISt, Brazoria CO., Tox., Nov. 20, 1839, Dr. John McNiell Stewart, born Harnett co., N. C, d. Brazoria, Tex., 1841, s. Hector and (McNeill). She m. 2d, B. Dec. 12, 1847, Stephen Mealy Westervelt, b. New York, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1819, d. Tex. Jan. 15, 1850, s. James and Ellen (Mealy). Ch.. b. Brazovia, by 1st m. : -f 17439 Ann Maria" Stewart, b. Nov. 16, 1840. Sallie Whar ton" Stewart,\i. Feb. 27, 1842, unm., res. Brazoria 1895; 2d m. s. p. Dr. John McNiell Stewart grad. University of N. C, Chapel Hill, N. C, 1841; Medical School University of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. ; was a resident and regular physician of Brazoria. Mrs. Mar tha (Cleveland) [Stewart] Westervelt still res. at Brazoria 1895. 16873. ANNE WHARTON' CLEVELAND (jesse Alexander Harrison', Jesse', Alexander*, Alexander', Alexander', Alexander"), d. Liberty, TeX.,. Jan. 27, 1867, aged 44, m. Brazoria, Tex., Aug. 19, 1838, Edward Thomas Branch, b. Chesterfield co., Va., Dec. 10, i8n, d. Liberty,, Sept. 22, 1 86 1, s. Mr. and Mary (Walker). Ch. : -(-17440 Cornelia" Branch, b. Feb. 13, 1840, Nacogdoches, Tex. -j- 17441 Olive" Branch, b. Nov. 20, 1849, Liberty, Texas. -(-17442 Elizabeth Wortley" Branch, b. Sept. 22, 1843. 17443 Wharton" Branch, b. Mar. 4, 1847, unm. Took his classical course with a priest. Residence, Dallas, Tex., 1895;. attorney at law. 17444 Anne" Branch, b. Apr. 20, 1852, m. Dr. Henry Clay Moss, residence, Galveston, Tex., 1895, regular physician. Ch.: Rose" Moss, b. Aug. 19, 1873, G., unm. Anne Wharton' Cleveland, when 2 years old, was adopted by Hon. William H. Wharton, minister to the U. S. from the Republic of Texas. Judge Edward Thomas Branch grad. from a Virginia College (quite probably William and Mary Coll.), residence, Galveston, lawyer and planter; was appointed, 1838, Judge of the District and Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas; member of the first and second Congresses of Republic of Tex. 16874. CHARLES LANDER' CLEVELAND (jesse Alexander Harri son', Jesse', Alexander*, Alexander', Alexande.r', Alexander"), d. HoUSton, Tex., Feb. 8, 1892, a. 67, m. ist. Liberty co., Tex., Apr. 9, 1849, Mrs. Mary Ann (Hardin) Booker, b. Liberty co., Jan. 5, 1829, d. Galveston, Tex., Oct. 25, 1882, widow of William G. Booker, da. of Benja min Watson and Adelia (Coleman). His 2d wife, Mrs. Louise H. Cleveland, still resides at Galveston (1897). Ch. by ist m. : 17445 Watson Hardin' Cleveland, born Mar. 16, 1850, Liberty, Tex., d. L. July 18, 1867, Stewart', b. Sept. 24, 1852, L., d. L. Mar. 17, 1854. 17446 John Stewart' Cleveland (Judge), b. Dec. 18, 1854, L., m. Nov. 15, 1876, Lula Ritchie. Ed. at Roanoke Coll., Va. ^n?" (Ji'Ruud.'iiai^S '' ' DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 22OI Attorney; commissioned County Judge of Brown county, Tex , Dec. 1, 1880. 17447 Lander' Cleveland, b. March 17, 1857, Liberty, m. Eula Hutchings; ed. at Roanoke Coll., Va. 17448 Oliver' Cleveland, b. Dec. 16, 1859, Liberty, m. Libbie Smith; ed. at A. and M. Coll., Bryan, Brazos co., Tex. Sarah', b. Nov. 26, 1862, L., d. L. July 12, 1864. 17449 Charles Sidney' Cleveland, b. Sept. 16, 1865, L. Ed. at S. W. Univ., Georgetown, Tex. 17450 Jesse Watson', March 31, 1869, Liberty. 17451 Willie Frank', March 3, 1872, Galveston; 2d m. s. p. Hon. Charles Lander' Cleveland, of Galveston. From Encyclopedia of the New West, containing present condition of Tex., Ark., Col, New Mexico, and Indian Territory; also biographiccil sketches of their representative men and women. U. S. Bio. Publishing Co., 1881, p. 53 — (Steel-plate portrait of C. L. Cleveland.) Judge Charles Lander Cleveland was a farmer's boy till age of 13, when he entered the office of the Texas Republican, Brazoria, while Col. Wm. H. Jack, known in Texas history, was a contrib utor; also worked in the office of the Telegrdph at Columbia [Brazoria co.], then seat of government of Republic of Texas. Having worked several months in that office, he ent. Ruters- ville Coll., Fayette co.; graduated M.A. 1842. The same year he went to Galveston and began study of law, preceptor being Judge Benjamin Cleveland'"' Franklin. Adm. to bar in Liberty 1846. Remained at Liberty, and for 25 years devoted himself to practice there. Met with pecuniary as well as professional success, and is now owner of valuable property. In June, 1871, he formed a partnership with Judge Asa Hoxie Willie [a sketch and portrait of whom also appears in Enc. Ne-w West], of Gal veston, to which city he removed, and where he now still res. 1891 [Judge Criminal Dist. Court, Galveston and Harris cos., office in Houston, Tex.]. The business of the firm is extensive, and no lawyers rank higher at the Galveston bar. From Lib erty CO. Mr. Cleveland was elected to 6th Legislature of Tex., Gov. Edward M. Pease then [1853 or 1857] executive. Major John Henry Brown characterizes his career in legislature as especially useful. August, i860, he was elected Judge of 15th dist. of Tex. ; this position he held until removed by Provisional Gov. A. J. Hamilton, 1865. No civil officers of the state were allowed to remain in office unless they would take the iron-clad oath. January, 1861, he was elected delegate to the secession convention from Liberty and Polk counties. Judge Cleveland voted for ordinance of secession, urging its submission to the people, by whom it was ratified by a vote of 4 to i. Judge Cleveland supported secession and the war with all his influence and energy. Was delegate to Democratic State Convention 1857, from Liberty county, and 1873 and 1876 from Galveston. Judge Cleveland and wife are members of M. E. Church South. He became a Mason 1848, in Liberty Lodge No. 48; was master of lodge 16 years. Has taken the Royal Arch degrees. Was deputy district grand master for ist dist. several years. Judge Cleveland's possessions are extensive: dwelling houses in Galves ton; 50,000 acres unimproved in Bastrop, Bexar, Blanco, Bosque, 2202 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Brown, Burnet, Callahan, Chambers, Clay, Coleman, Comanche, Denton, Hardin, Jefferson, Karnes, Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Taylor, Travis, Tyler, and Williamson counties. Is a director of the Tex. Banking" & Ins. Co.; a stockholder in Gulf Loan & Homestead Co., Southern Cotton Compress Co., Tex. Cotton Press and Mfg. Co., Galveston Gas Co., and is Vice- Pres. of Island City Protestant Orphans' Home. Judge Cleve land is a first-class man, whether we regard him as a civilian, a lawyer, or business man. His position has been reached by the employment of the highest principles known to enlightened society. From a pamphlet : Proceedings of Mass Meetings Galvestoiiy Aug. t8^ i^i^ to take into consideration Governor^ s proclamation ordering troops to surround election polls^ etc., — pp. IO to t6, speech of Judge C. L. Cleveland ; C. L Cleveland of Committee signers to letter to E. J. Davis, Gov. Extended obituary- notices of Judge Cleveland appeared in the newspapers. Hardin record : —Benjamin Watson Hardin from Maury co., Tenn,, a Texas pioneer, came with brothers 1828, member of the Ayuntiemento of Jurisdiction of Liberty, under gov't of Mexico ; sheriff under Texas republic, d. Liberty co. Jan. 2, 1849. Had 3 broth ers : William Hardin, primary judge of Jurisdiction of Liberty, Nacogdoches departm't 1833-6, one of II original proprietors of Galveston, with M. B. Menard in organization of G., d. G. 1838; Augustine Hlackburne Hardin, member of the "Consultation" which convened San Felipe [Austin cc, Tex.], 1835, and estab. a provisional govt, for Tex. bef. final separation fr. Mex., soldier of Tex. revolution in bro. Franklin's co., d. Liberty 1871 ; Franklin Hardin, ist surveyor of Liberty land dist , It. in capt. Logan's co. 1836, m San Jacinto battle, in fall of 1836 com. a co, under Gen. Rusk, member Legislature from Lib erty CO. 1858, d. Apr. 20, 1879. 16877. MARY JANE' CLEVELAND (jesse Alexander- Harrison', Jesse^, Alexander*, Alexander', Alexander^), d. Brazoria CO , Tex., Juue 14, 1894, a. 57, m. Galveston, Tex., May 22, 1853, Christopher Randolph Cox, born Bowling Green, Ky., Aug. 31, 1828, s. Christopher Greenup and Harriet Hite (Reese). Res. Quintana, Brazoria CO., Tex., 1895, stock raiser. Ch. : 17452 Sallie Stump' Cox, b. Nov. 26, 1854, Brazoria, Tex., m. Brazoria co., 1879, William Crawford Norris, b. Brazoria co., s. John Hancock Norris. Residence Brazoria, book and sewing machine agent. 17453 Minnie Reese" Cox, born Aug. 25, 1857, Brazoria, m. Brazoria co., Jan., 1876, Joseph Perry Reese, b. Brazoria county, Jan. 1, 1851, son Charles Keller and Sarah Tate (Norris); res. Quintana. Ch. : William .Perry" Reese; Harriet" Reese; Mary Randolph" Reese; Minnie" Reese; Elizabeth Weisiger" Reese. 17454 Harriet Hite" Cox, born Oct. 31, 1859, Brazoria, m. J. V. Hinkle. 17455 Carrie Lee" Cox, b. Apr. 6, 1865, Brazoria, m. E. H. Mather. 17456 Charles Randolph" Cox, b. Nov. 5, 1869, Brazoria co., unm. 1895; Mary or Mamie Emin" Cox, born July 3, 1872, B. CO., unm., res. Quintana; Fannie Dunn" Cox, b. Dec. 27, 1874, Brazoria CO., unm., res. Quintana; Josephine Bennet" Cox, born Feb. 10, 1880, Brazoria co., unm.; res. Quintana. 16880. JESSIE HALE' CLEVELAND (jesse Alexander Harrison', jesse', Alexander*, Alexanders, Alexander", Alexander'), m. GalvCStOU, TeX., May 3, 1881, Courtenay Washington, b. Prince William co., Va., Aug. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2203 14, 1848, son of Lt. Temple Mason and Georgianna Langhorne (Dade) Washington. Child : 17457 Courtenay Cleveland" Washington, born June 7, 1883, Bryan, Tex. Mr. Courtenay Washington, residence, Galveston, Tex. Washington ancestry : — General Arviory, by John Burke, Esq., and John Bernard Burke, Esq., .fj,^^— Washington (Sulgrave, co. Northampton: derived from Robert Washington of Warton, second son of John Washington of Whitfield : Robert's eldest son, John Washington of Warton, was father, by Margaret, his wife, da. of Robert Kit- son, Esq., of Lawrence Washington, Esq., of Northampton and Gray's Inn, who had a grant of the lands of Sulgrave 30, Henry VIII : his great-grandson, John Washington, younger brother of Sir William Washington, of Packington, co. Leicester, emigrated to America circa 1657 [etc.]). Arms and Crest same as Lancashire: Ar. two bars gu. ; in chief, three mullets of the second. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle issuant, with win^s endorsed, sa. . . . Motto [not given by iFzir&l — Exitus acta probat. [The origm of the Flag of the United States.] . . . The name Washington is of Saxon origin, derived from a village juxta Ravensworth, Eng., called originally Wessyngton, or Wassyngton, mentioned m a Saxon charter granted by King Edgar, A. D. 973, to Thornby Abbey ; above village is now called Wharleton, or Wharton. There has been much controversy concerning the name of the father of Laurence and John Washington, who came to Va. 1657. The following from The Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, by Albert ivelles, iS^q, p. xv : — beginning with the first- mentioned male ances- ter : Sveide', the Viking, living A. D. 760-80 ; Halfdan", the Aged, b. ab. A. D. 800 ; Ivar', Jarl or Earl of Upland, A. D. 850, m. A. D. 850. the Daughter^' of Eisten Glumru"^, King of Thrandia [whose ancestry see below]; Eisten Glumru, or Vors*, living A. D. 870; Rogvald', Jarl or Earl of Moere, A. D. 885, m. ist, ; Einar', Jarl or Earl of the Ork ney Isles ; Torfidur^, Earl of the Orkneys, A. D. 942, m. Grelota, Countess of the Ork neys, da. of Dungad, Earl of Caithness, whose wife, Groa, Countess of Caithness, was da. of Turstain Rauda ; Lodver^, Earl of Orkness ; Sigurd^, Earl of Orkneys, died at Clontarf 101^, m. Thora, da. of Malcolm II'' [see ancestry -^-^^-z, p. 266], k. of Scotl. 1003, who allied himself to Sigurd, jarl of Orkney, in rooS, by giving him his da. in marriage ; Thorfin'o, the Dane, b. ab. iooq-io, or Torkill, of Richmondshire, Baron, Lord of Tan- iield, whose ancestors came from Schleswig, Denmark, and settled in ancient Ebor or Yorkshire prior to Norman conquest. Arms — (Normandy): Gu. 2 leopards or lions pass. guard, or, a bend compony or and az.; founder of the Washington family in Eng., a boy of 5 on the death of his father, 1014, was made Earl of Caithness and Sunderland, settled in Yorkshire, Eng., ab. 1030-5. Domesday Book — Irv Molsonby and Diddaston bailiwick of the Geld [that portion respecting N. Riding, Yorkshire, including dist. of Wharleton, alias Washington, 1070-80], Torfin had i manor, d. ab. 1080 ; Bardolfn, b. Kirkby Ravens- wath, Yorksh., ab. 1045, Lord of Ravenswath, in his age took the habit of a monk of the Abbey of St. Marie's, York, m. the heiress of Hanselyn (or Alselyn) of this Baronial Family, and she carried to Bardolf the Manor of Egginton, Derbyshire, which was held at IJomesday Survey by Azelin, under Geffrey de Alselyn ; Akaris'", b. Ravenswath ab. )o8o, the pious founder of Jour%'aulx, a famous Abbey of the Cisterian order, died 1161; Bondoi', Lord of Wessyngton, juxta Ravensworth, Richmondshire co., York, b. Ravens worth ab. 1122, was called indifferently Bondo de Wassyngton, or Washington, and Hondo de Ravenswath, these two places join each other, d. ab. 1200; Walter", fil Bondo de Washington, b. Washington, co. York, Eng., ab. 1160, of W., Lord of Milleburne, co. Westmoreland, Eng., in right of his wife, Agnes, 1199-1215, died ab. 1245, m. ist, Agnes, Lady Milleburne, da. and heiress ot Ivo de Welleburne, or Milleburne, o£ Milleburne; Roberfis de Washington, Lord of Milleburne, b. ab. 1195, was siezed ot lands in Strick land Kettell, CO. Westmoreland, by gift of Walter de Strickland in marriage, d. ab. 1260, m. Johanna, da. of Walter de Strickland, chevalier, by wife Elizabeth, da. and heiress of Sir Ralph Deincourt, knt.; Robert'' de Washington, b. Milleburne ab. 1230, was siezed of lands in Kerneford, co. Lancaster, in right of his wife, where he res. 1302, m. Amercia, da. and h. of Hugh de Kerneford and Lady Kerneford; Roberti' Washington, Lord ot Welleburne, b. Milleburne ab. 1265, took part with Thomas, Earl Lancaster, and was pardoned by Edw. II, 1319, d. ab. 1325, m. Agnes, da. and h. of Adam Derling; John", b. Kerneford ab. 1305, m. Alianna or Alianora, da. and h. of John de Warton of Warton, in Lonesdale, co. Lancaster; John", b. Warton 1334, m. Johanna; John^", b. W. ab. 1365; Robert!", \,. Warton ab. 1400, of W., gent., d. 1479; John^s, b. W. ab. 1430 [others think it more probable that the ancestry is from his brother Robert, b. W. ab. 1440 — see below] ; Robertas, b. W. 1467, Sergeant-at-Arms to Henry VII and Henry VIII, d. Sept. 20, 1517, m. ist, ; Thomas^', b. W. 1493 ; Laurence^", b. W. 1515 ; Laurence^', b. W. 1540 ; Laurence"', b. W. 1569 ; Leonard"", b. W. ab. 1595, d. 16^7, m. Anne ; Laurence"', bap. Warton 1625, or, if o~t 28th generation, as below, bap. at Tring, co. HeKts, Eng., July 23, 1635. He and brother John (ancestor ot Pres. George Washington) emigrated to Va. ab. 1657 N. B. His. Gen. Reg., XLIII: 3S2 — Genealogical Gleanings in England. By Henry F. Waters, A.M. The Ancestry ot Washington. It appears that upon the death of Lawrence Washington of Va. [grandfather ot President George Washmgton], although his will was proved in Va., letters ot administration on his goods were granted in England, May 30, 1677, Luton, 00. Bedford. <(3o", Washington ot Northampton and Virginia [pedigree]: and Welles — I! ohn^", [see above]; John">, ot Whitfield, co. Lancas ter [called by Welles Robert"'— see above]; Robert"", of Warton, gent., m. ist, Eliza- . beth, da. Ralph Westfield of Westfield, co. Lancaster, Eng.; John"", b. Terwhitfleld, co. Lancaster Eng , ab. 1465, m. Margaret, da. Robert Kitson of Warton ; Hon. Lawrence"*, t. Terwhitfleld ab. 1500, Mayor of Northampton, Eng., 1532, 1545, d. July 19, 1584, m. ist. Elizabeth, wid. of William Gough [according to Register, this m.: s. p.]. He m. "d, Ann or Aimee, da. of Robert Pargiter ot Gretworth, gent.; Robert"', b. Grey's Inn, Middle sex, Eng ab 1544, m. ist, Elizabeth, da. Walter Light of Redway, co. Warwick, Eng.; Lawrence"' b Sulgrave, co Northampton. Eng., ab. 1565, d. Brington, co. Northamp ton Eng Dec 13, 1616, m. Margaret, da. William Butler ot Tighes, co. Sussex, Eng.; Rev. Lawrence"' "Washington, M.A., bap. Sulgrave ab. 1597, matriculated Nov. 2, 1621, 2204 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Fellow ot Brasenose Coll., Oxford, Eng., 1624, lector of the college 1627-32, rector of Pur- leigh, CO. Essex, Eng., 1633-43, d. ante 1654-5, m. Amphillis, da. of Roades (?), bur. at Tring, co. Herts, Eng., Jan. ig, 1654-5, admon. gr. to son, John Washington ; Law- rence"8, bap. Tring, June 23, 1635, or if 29, as above, bap. Warton 1625, to Va. ab. 1657, purchased land for plantation in Westmoreland co., Va., between Potomac and Rappa hannock rivers, at or n. Bridge's Creek, removed into Rappahannock co., d. there Jan., 1677, will proved Jan. 6, 1677, m. 2d, Jane or Joyce Fleming, da. Capt. Alexander of Va.; John"' or so^ b. Bridge's Creek ab. 1660-7, m. Mary Townsend or Townshend^; HenryS" or '1, d. 1747, m. Miss Butler or Miss Bailey; Bailey'i or 3", b. Stafford co., 1730-3, m. Catherine Storke ; Bailey'" or ", b. Stafford co. Dec. 12, 1754, d. in Va., m. Euphan Wal lace", who often spoke of Gen. George Washington visiting them in their Staff of d co. home, named '' Windsor Forest " (brother ot Col. William Augustine Washington, born Stafford co. Feb. 28, 1752, a distinguished cavalry officer of the Revolution, who was voted, by special resolution of Congress, a silver medal, which had for a device an equestrian portrait of himself at Cowpens battle, he m. Jane Riley Elliott); Lt. Temple Mason«3 or s* Washington, It. in the old United States Navy, d. ab. 1863, m. Georgianna Langhorne Dade'. See Virginia Genealogies, by Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, 31S-21 : Virginia Documents Relative to Revolution Service, pub. by the State, 1833, 1835. Ancestry of Eisten Glumru, King of Thrandia : — Fridulfi; Odin", first King of Scan dinavia, B. C. 70. His true name, according to tradition, was Sigge, son of Pridulph, but he assumed that of Odin, the Supreme Deity of the Scythians, of whose religion he was chief priest. Was supreme ruler of the Scythians in Asaland or Asaheim, Turkes tan, between the Euxine and Caspian Seas, in Asia, and reigned at the capital Asgard, whence he removed, in the year B. C. 70, and became the first King of Scandinavia. After achieving raany conquests, Odin retired 10 Sweden, d. there ab. B. C. 50 ; Skiold', became King of Zealand and Jutland B. C. 50, reigned at Ledra, Zealand, and at Jutland, became the head of an illustrious race of Kings, called Skioldunger, who reigned at Leire (Ledra), 20 miles from Copenhagen, d. B. C. 40 ; Fridleif I*, ist King of Denmark, B. C. 40, d. B. C. 23 ; Prode Fredigod^, King of Denmark, B. C. 23 ; Frode II', King of Den mark, A. D. 59 ; Vermund', the Sage, King of Denmark, A. D. 87 ; Olafs, the Mild, King ot Denmark, A. D. 140; His Daughter' became Queen of Denmark, m. his successor, Dan Mykillati (the Splendid), who became King of Denmark, A. D. 190, the founder of the Kingdom of Denmark, d. A. D. 270 ; Frode IIIi», King of Denmark, A. D. 270 j Half- dan 111, King of Denmark, A. D. 310; Fridleif IIIi", King of Denmark, A. D. 324; Prode IV"', King ot Denmark, A. D. 348; Haltdan II'*, succeeded his bro. Inglid as King of Denmark, A. D. 456; Roei6, King of Denmark, A. D. 460; Frode VI"', King ot Denmark, A. D. 494 ; Prode VII", or Olaf, the Sharp Eyed, King of Denmark, A. D. 522 ; Haltdan HI", or Snaile I, King ot Denmark, A. D. 548 ; Ivar Vidfamei', King of Denmark, A. D. 588, and ot Sweden, A. D. 630 ; Auda Diuphaudza"', Queen of Holmgard, m. Rerik or Robert, King of Holmgard; Harald Hildetand"", or Hillditur (Golden Tooth), King of Denmark, A. D. 647 ; Throud"", or Fronde, King of Prondheim, m. A. D. 750, a daughter ot Sigurd Ring, or Hring; Eisten"', King of Prondheim, m. A. D. 780; Haltdan"', King ot Prondheim, m. A. D. 810 ; Eisten Glumru"^, King of Prondheim or Thrandia, A. D. 840; His Daughter"' m. IvarS, Earl of XSy\&n&.— Welles' Wash. Fam. Dade ancestry :— Dade (settled at a very early period at Tannington, co. Suffolki Eng., and at Woodton, co. Norfolk, Eng., temp. Edw. VI). Gu. a chev. betw. 3 garbs or- Crest — A garb or, enfiled with a ducal coronet per pale az. and gu. Langhorne' Dadei of Va., m. Sarah Ashton ; their granddaughter, Georgianna Langhorne' Dade, m. Tem ple Mason Washington" or '<. Wallace ancestry:— 16 arms: (Eldersly; The Science of Heraldry by Sir George Mackenzie). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure gobonated of the last and az. . . . James', ot Back River, near Hampton, Va., m. Elizabeth Westwood*: Euphan" Wallace m. ist, Bailey Washington'" or ", 2d, Daniel Carroll Brent. Westwood ancestry :— Sir Humphrey' Westwood, Duke of Norfolk ; his great-grand da., Elizabeth' Westwood, m. ist, James Wallace', 2d, Thompson Mason, a near relative of Sir William Temple of England. Townsend, Townshend ancestry :—b arms: TOWNSEND; b: Townshend: (Win- oham, CO. Chester). Az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. 3 escallops ar. Crest — K buck's head couped ppr. attired or, collared az., on the collar 3 escallops ar. . . . Richard', from England 1636, first owner of the estate upon which Mt. Vernon now stands ; Richard^; Mary' Townshend m. John Washington"' or '». 16882. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (WiUiam', Harrisons, Alex.«, ', ", '), 01. ISt, Dec, 1876, Laura Mackellett. He m. 2d, May 15, 1885, Mary Watt. Of Washington, D. C. 1886. Ch. by ist m.: 17458 Adelie'. By 2d m.: Son', b. Mar. 6, 1886. 16885. CHARLES C CLEVELAND (wiiuam', Harrison^), m. Alex andria, Va., Nov. 24, 1878, Margaret America Lyles, b. A. May 12, 1855, da. Christopher and Margaret (Hevron). Of Wash ington, D. C, 1886-91, clerk, inspector. Ch.: Da.°, b. and d. July 24, 1879. 17459 Arrie Lee' Cleveland, b. Oct. 8, 1880; Son', b. and d. June 20, 1882 ; Son', b. and d. May 2, 1884. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2205 16893. JAMES WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (john Henry, Harrison^), d. 1881, a. 37, m. Jan. 29, 1865, Margaret Harp. She res. Wash ington, D. C, 1883-91. Ch.: 17460 John Robert' Cleveland, b. Nov. 28, 1865, of Washington, plumber, engineer, 1891; Ida May', Feb. 6, 1867; Charles Henry', July 29, 1872; Maggy Virginia', Sept. 10, 1875 ; Laura Virginia', Feb. 18, 1878; Ma bel Ann', Feb. 28, 1880 ; William Leonard' Cleveland, born Oct. 10, i87o,>d. May 14, 1885. 16897. Mary Ann Elizabeth' Jackson (Ann', Elijah', Aiex4, s, ", 1), d. Clarke co., Va., Jan. 10, 1852, a. 35, m. Frederick City, Md.^ July, 1842, James Mathias Kiger, b. Winchester, Va., Apr. 14, 1814, d. Frederick co., Va., Aug. 4, 1886, s. Isaac N. and Lydia (Ritter). Lived in Clarke co., farmer. Ch.: -|- 1746 1 Emma Smith" Kiger, b. Aug. 17, 1843, Winchester, Va. William Jackson" Kiger, res. Sunbury, Northumberland co.. Pa., 1896; Edward Mitchell" Kiger, of Sunbury; Charles Won- derly" Kiger, b. Jan. 29, 1850. -|- 1 746 2 Mary Elizabeth" Kiger, b. Jan. 10, 1852. 16898. Frances Cecilia' Jackson (Ann«), m. Winchester, Va., Sept. 29, 1842, Payton Ross Mitchell, he d. She res., a widow Clinton, 111., 1895-6. Ch.: 17463-4 Ann' Mitchell, va. James D. Campbell of Ky., res. Home City, Hamilton co., O., 1895-6 ; Frances" Mitchell, va. Mar tin, res. Clinton. 16899. Matilda Jane7 Jackson (Ann', Elijah', Alexander^, Alexander', Alexander", Alexander'), d. Mar. 22, 1893, a. 73, buried in Congres sional Cemetery, Washington, D. C, m. Edgehill Farm, Clarke CO., Va., Mar. 10, 1842, Richard Mitchell Sydnor, b. Jan. 26, 1818, d. Winchester, Va., July 20, 1897, a s. William Chinn and Sarah (Redman). Ch. : 17465 Ellen Fauntleroy" Sydnor, b. June 8, 1843, Berryville, Va., unm. 1897; was an efficient volunteer nurse in the Union hospitals at Winchester during the civil war, of which services ¦Gen. Robert H. Milroy, in a letter, gives an account; for many years and is now a gov't employe in Washington; res. there. Florence Lemoin", b. May 29, 1845, B., d. B. July 24, 1847. 17466 Fannie Mitchell" Sydnor, b. Feb. 9, 1847, Berry v., m. Baltimore, Md., June 29, 1876, Joseph McGarrell. Dodridge Chichester", b. Mar. 24, 1848, Winch., d. W. Mar. 18, 1850; Virginia Lemoin" Sydnor, b. Apr. 27, 1850, W. 17467 Gertrude Fillmore" Sydnor, b. May 19, 1851, Clarke co., died Balto. Mar. 4, 1890, m. WinchesJ:er Mar. 9, 1872, Joseph T. Lowry, b. Balto. Mar. 1, 1847. Ch. : Franklin Palmer^, b. Feb. 22o6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. II, Winch., d. Balto. Dec. 12, 1873; Eva Matilda" Lowry, b. Nov. I, 1874, Baltimore; Gertrude Sydnor" Lowry, Oct. 7, 1876, Balto. Mary Cleveland" Sydnor, b. Mar. i, 1853, Berryv., unm., of Wash ington. 17468 An7iie Redman" Sydnor, b. July 10, 1855, Winch., m. Washington Apr. 16, i88r, George W. Raun. Lucy Payton", b. Mar. 1, 1857, Winch., d. W. Sept. 8, 1858; Clarence Dodridge", b. Sept. 20, 1858, W. 17469 Emma Jackson" Sydnor, b. Aug. 4, 1861, Winch., m. Wash., June 10, 1884, Edwin L. Helm. Frank Clifford", b. July 24, 1863, Winch. Richard Mitchell Sydnor, residence Winchester, merchant. Sydnor ancestry : — 'William Chinn Sydnor, b. Aug. 30, 1788, of Va., d. Aug. 30, 1828, m. Sarah Redman, b. June 25, 1789, d. Berryville Dec. 3, 1847. The Sydnors and Redmans owned slaves. 16902. Fanny'' Cockerille {Annie' Coieman), va. Charles B. Tibbs, Leesburg, Loudon co., Va. Ch. : 17470 Judged. H." Tibbs oi Leesburg, 1886. 16905. ANNIE' CLEVELAND (Willlam Harrison', Henry Wllson', William*, Alexander', ", 1), m. Sept. 9, 1886, Jefferson Davis'' Woolery -\-i6gii (Sarah Ann', William Franklin', William*), farmer. Ch. : Nannie Frances" Woolery, b. Sept. 30, 1887, Harrison co., Ky. 16907. William Henry' Woolery (Sarah Ann', Wmiam Pranklln', Wil liams Alexander', Alexander", Alexander'), b. Harrison co., Ky., Oct. 26, 1850, d. Bethany, W. Va., July 30, 1889, m. Flushing, Belmont county, O., Oct. 19, 1876, Linnie Kirk, da. of Kersey Kirk. Ch. : Mary Alice", b. Sept. 2, 1879, Hopedale, Harrison county, O., d. Bethany, Aug. 13, 18 — . Annie" Woolery, h. Sept. 2, 1881, Somer set, Somerset co.. Pa.; William Kirk" Woolery, b. June 20, 1888, Bethany. Prof. William Henry' Woolery, A.M. [Bethany, 1883], LL.D. [W. Va. Univ. 1888], attended Ky. Uni. and Bethany College; was grad. from Bethany Coll. June, 1876, with second honors in his class. Was pastor of Disciple church at Pompey, N. Y., Hopedale, Somerset; was elected to chair of Latin, Bethany Coll., 1883; was elected (the 3d) President of Bethany Coll. 1887. Lectured and wrote "The Wine Discussion," " Ministerial Edu cation," and " The Higher Criticism." See Bibliography, Chap. IV. A Pamphlet contains a brief sketch of him. Biogra phy of William H Woolery, late President of Bethany College, by Lewis Cass Woolery, is in preparation, 1892-3. 16908. George Edward' Woolery (Sarah Ann', Wllliam Pranklin», Wil liam*, Alexander", Alexander'), m. Dec. 24, 1874, Martha Jolly, b. Pen dleton county, Ky., Apr. 10, 1858, da. of Robert. Farmer. Ch. b. Harrison co., Ky. : Della Homer" Woolery, Dec. 26, 1875; Luther", b. Dec. 22, d. PI. CO., 24, 1876; Pearl" Woolery, b. Mar. 23, 1881, d. H. CO., Sept., 1882. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 16910. 2207 Lewis Cass' Woolery (Sarah Ann', Willlam Franklin', William', Alexander', Alexander", Alexander'), b. Pendleton CO., Ky., Apr. II, 1858, m. Aug. 7, 1888, Mattie Virginia Paul of Hopedale, O., b. Knox county, O., June 15, 1859, da. of Albert Bettel and Annie Hayes (Knox). Ch. : Annie Pauline" Woolery, b. Dec. 14, 1889, Bethany, W. Va. Prof. Lewis Cass' Woolery remained on his father's farm until he was 20 years old. He attended Hopedale Normal College and Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. Grad. A.B. Bethany College, June, 1884, receiving the first honor of the class. Re turned to Pendleton co., studied and practised law in Falmouth, Ky. Was principal of LaFayette College, Higginsville, LaFay- ette county. Mo. Was elected to the chair of Greek in Bethany College 1887, which he still (1893) occupies. 16912. Joseph Fenton' Woolery (sarahAnn'), m. New Lisbon, Columbiana co., O., Aug. 13, 1890, Sue Neill, da. of William. Ch. : William Neill" Woolery, b. Nov. 7, 1891, N. L., d. N. L. Feb. 7, 1892. Prof. Joseph Fenton' Woolery attended Bethany College, and grad. B.D. June, 1887, receiving first honors of his class; took post grad. course and received degree A.M. in course in 1889. Was elected President of Nevada Christian Uni., Nevada, Mo., 1889. Resigned in 1891 and accepted the chair of Math'ics in Fremont Normal College, Fremont, Neb., res. Fremont 1893. 16916. FENTON' CLEVELAND (Henry jasper', WilUam Frankiin', WilUam*, Alex.', Alex.", Alexander'), d. 1 8 — , m. Harrison CO., Ky., Tucker. Farmer. Ch. : 17471 Edward'; Annie' Cleveland. 16924. JOHN CLARK' CLEVELAND (willlam', jeremiah', JacoW, jere miah', Alexander", '), m. McDonald co.. Mo., Mrs. Susa (Foreman) Bowman. Of Tahlequah, Cherokee N., Indian T., 1885, farmer. Ch.: 17472-3 William'; Gabriel'; Fannie'; Bark' Cleveland. 16925. WILLIAM JASPER' CLEVELAND (wiiiiam'), m. 1st, Mc Donald CO., Mo., Tennessee Owens, she d. Butte co., Cal. He m. 2d several years after 1st w. died, Sarah Ann Owens, she d. Ukiah, Cal.; cousin to 1st w. He m. 3d Mrs. Elizabeth (Parton) [Card] Wright, wid. Dr. Joseph Wright, da. Thomas. Ch. by ISt m. : 17474-7 Missouri' Cleveland, b. McDonald county; George", b. Fort Gibson, Mo. By 2d m. : Napoleon Bona parte b. McDonald co.; Robert Lee' Cleveland, b. Butte co. William Jasper' Cleveland of Ukiah 1876-85, flour miller. Ehzabeth Parton m. 1st Mr. Card; 2d, Dr. Joseph Wright. 2208 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16926. LIEU ALLEN' CLEVELAND (wiiiiam'), d. McDonald co.. Mo., July 5, 1884, a. 60, m. 1st, McD. co., Catherine Reynolds, b. 1838, d. Madison co.. Ark., 1865. He m. 2d Mrs. Mary Ann (Frazier) Ray, wid. Franklin Ray, da. James and Isabell (Frazier); was of Pineville, McDonald co.. Mo., farmer. His widow res. Pineville 1885. Ch. by ist m. : 17478-85 Alpha' Cleveland; Lavada'; Susan'. By 2d m. : James"; John'; Joel'; Nancy'; Charles' Cleveland. 16929. MARTIN VAN' CLEVELAND (wiiiiam»), m. Geyserville, Sonoma co., Cal., May 25, 1858, Phalba Ann Howard, b. McMinn CO., Tenn., Oct. 10, 1838, da. William Mark and Rachel (Marcum). Ch. : 17486 Bonaparte' Cleveland, b. Feb. 4, 1859, Marysville, Cal., unm. 1885. 17487 Emma' Cleveland, .b. Mar. 17, i860, Ukiah, Cal., m. U. Jan. 17, 1881, Henry Milton Davis, b. Solano county, Cal., Oct. 10, 1858, s. Henry Milton and Clem'enza Elzina (Goss). Of Vacaville, Solano county, Cal., book-keeper. Ch. : Hirvel May" Davis, b. Dec. 5, 1884, V. 17488-92 Newton Dennis' Cleveland, b. July 14, 1861, Ukiah; Dora', Aug. 25, 1863, U.; Oliver, March 14, 1865, U.; Flora' and May (tw.), b. Dec. 9, 1866, U. 17493 Lucy' Cleve land, Jan. 25, 1869, U., unm., of Ukiah. 17494-5 James', Dec. 9, 1870, U.; Rachel', Jan. 30, 1S72, U. Mr. Martin Van' Cleveland lived in McDonald county to 1852; came, 1852, to Cal., was of Butte co., Cal., to 1859, since of Ukiah, harness manufacturer. Has a good property. Mr. Clevelanci speaks 3 languages of the Indians, also Spanish and French, continually busy as court interpreter. 16935. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (Washington Cromwell', Wm.', Jacob*, Jeremiah', Alexander", '), m. ISt, MonrOC CO., Ga., DeC. 4, 1 850, Susauna Hollis, b. M. CO. Apr. 5, 1830, d. Limestone co., Tex., Sept. 23, 1859, da. Thomas and Elizabeth (Taylor). He m. 2d, L. county, Dec. 25, 1865, Harriet Grayson, b. Wilcox co., Ala., Oct. 20, 1837, da. Squier Grant. Ch. by ist m. : 17496 Fannie Cromwell', b. Sept. 5, 185 1, Crawford co., Ga., d. Falls co., Tex., Aug. 23, 1884. -I-17497 Frank Ezekiel' Cleveland, born Apr. 28, 1853, Marion co., Ga. 17498-9 Carlos Clayton' Cleveland, born Oct. 21, 1855, Grimes CO., Tex.; Susan Sneed', Mar. 23, 1858, Limestone co. 17500 Willie Hollis', born Aug. 27, 1859, L. co., m. bef. 1886, res. far West. By 2d m. : 17501-6 John Homer', born Oct. 22, 1869; Eugene Grayson', b. May 14, d. Sept. 25, 1872; Julia', b. Oct. I, 1873; Anna Christine', July 9, 1875;- Mary', Sept, i, 1878; Ella Merle', Feb. 7, 1881. Capt. William' Cleveland came to Tex. 1853; enlisted in C. S. A. June 5, 1861, was captain of Co. B, loth Tex. Resides Thornton, Limestone co., Tex., 1886. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2200 16961. WILLIAM M.' CLEVELAND (james Madison', john', Jacob*, jer emiah', Alexander", '), m. Decatur, Miss., Dec. lo, 1863, Nancy Hol lingsworth, b. D. May 21, 1848, da. and (Alexan der) Hollingsw.orth. Rem. to Miss. 1852, to Tex. 1868; of Kim ball, Bosque county, Tex., 1883-5, blacksmith. Ch. : 17507-12 William Bartow' Cleveland, b. Sept. 21, 1865, Decatur; Rosa Lee', Sept. 15, 1867, D.: Jesse Mason', March 3, 187 1, Homer, Tex.; Albert', July 18, 1874, Kimball; Josephine', August 18, 1880, K.; Cora' Cleveland, Aug. 5, 1882, K. 16969. JOSEPH MIMS' CLEVELAND (ibra Harris', John', Jacob*, Jer- «miah', Alexander", Alexander'), m. Union, Miss., June I, 1882, Fannie Madora Pettey, b. Scott county. Miss., Sept. 14, 1852, da. Albert Gallatin and Luvenia (Brewer). Children: 17513 Junie Etta' Cleveland, b. June 24, 1883, Union, Miss. Dr. Joseph Mims' Cleveland, grad. Louisville, Ky., Medical College Feb. 26, 1880. Residence, Union, Miss., 1883-5, regular physician. 16983. JAMES R.' CLEVELAND (Alien", Jacob', Jacob*, jeremiah', Alex anders, Alexander'), ni. Griffin, Ga., Nov. 11, 1856, Martha Hulit Beall, b. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 16, 1839, da. Josiah and Martha (Cook). Ch. b. Griffin : 17514 Claude Allen', b. Apr. 16, 1858, d. Wilmington, N. C, July 12, 1863. 17515 Lloyd' Cleveland, b. July 13, i860 [Lloyd Cleve land, Griffin, 1885, lawyer]. 17516-18 Marie Louise', died G. July 15, 1869 ; Albert', b. Aug. 4, 1866 ; Esther', Feb. 22, 1872. Dr. James R.' Cleveland was in medical dept. during late war, in hospital at Wilmington. Residence, Griffin, 1886, phy sician and dentist, of firm Drs. Cleveland & Gate. 16988. MARY FRANCES' CLEVELAND (Peter', Reuben', Jacob*, Jere miah', Alexander", '), m. Elberton, Ga., Nov., 185 1, Alfred James Teasley, b. in Elberton, the part now Hart co., Ga., son Bevily Allen and Elizabeth (Eavenson). Of Hart co., farmer, 1883. Ch.: 17519 William Early" Teasley, b. Aug. 13, 1852, on Beaver dam creek, Elbert co., Ga., m. 17520-9 Eliza Catharine", Jan. 16, 1854, B. creek, m.; Bevily Allen", Apr. 21, 1856, B. creek, m.; Mary Elizabeth", Dec. 6, 1857, B. creek, m.; Sarah Jane", May i, 1859, B. creek, m.; Peter Cleveland", b. Dec. 15, i860, B. creek, d. there Aug. 2, 1861; Frances Adaline", b. July 12, 1862, B. creek, d. Hart co., Sept. 13, 1878, unm.; George Alfred", b. Feb. 25, 1867, B. creek; Thomas Weston", Dec. 12, 1868, on Coldwater creek, Hartco.; John Andrew", Apr. 28, 1870, C. creek; Minnie Lee", June 6, 1873, C. creek; Alice Amerial" Teasley, Sept. 24, 1877, C. creek. 139 22IO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 16989. WILLIAM LEROY' CLEVELAND (Peter'), d. in C. S. A., Strasburg, Va., Oct. 22, 1862, a. 21, m. n. Elberton, Ga., Feb. 2, i860, Mary Amanda Haley, b. n. E., da. William R. (now of De catur, Miss., 1883) and Sarah (Gaines). (She m. 2d, Decatur, Johnson, res. n. D.) Farmer. Enrolled recruit C. S. A. of Va. ab. Jan., 1862, Co. I, isth Ga., d. of fever. Ch.: 17530 Sarah Frances', b. Mar. 4, 1861, m., now widow, of n. Decatur. 16990. REUBEN WESTON' CLEVELAND (peter'), m. on Broad river, n. Elberton, Ga., Dec. 15, 1859, Mary Ann Victoria Fort- son, b'. n. E. Nov. 5, 1842, da. Jesse Marion and Fannie (Mills). Ch. b. n. Elberton : -I-17531 Georgia Elvira' Cleveland, b. Nov. 17, i860, 17532-6 William Weston', Nov. 27, 1863 ; Edward Fort- son', Oct. II, 1866; Fannie Estelle', Oct. 27, 1869; Mary Blanche', Jan. 20, 1873 ; Jesse Peter' Cleveland, Feb. 13,, 1876. Orderly Sergt. Reuben Weston' Cleveland lived in Elbert CO., Ga., to June 15, 1861, then enlisted private in C. S. A., Co. I, 15th Ga., the ist co. that left the county, soon prom, to corporal, was ist sergt. 2 last years of the war. Was in battle of Gar nett's farm, n. Richmond, charge and siege Knoxville ; severely wounded in battle of Sharpsburg, Md.; in Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Benning's Brigade, Longstreet's Corps, in charge at Gettysburg,. wounded that evening ; was wounded in the Wilderness ; con tinued in Gen. Lee's army until the surrender, 1865, then re turned to Elbert co.; lived there to 1870, in Wilkes co., Ga., to 1872, and since in Elbert co., P. O., Elberton (1885). Surveyor and farmer. 16991. DANIEL EARLY' CLEVELAND (peter'), m. 1st, Dec, 1865, Clara Ann Glenn, b. Goosepond dist., Oglethorpe co., Ga.,. July 25, 1846, d. n. Elberton, Ga., May 11, 1868, a da. WilHam Henry and Elizabeth Frances (Huff). He m.zd, Aug., 1868,, Sarah Elizabeth Glenn, sister to ist w. Was in Co. I, 15th Ga., C. S. A.; was at Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chicamauga; captured, 1863, foraging in E. Tenn., held to end of war at Rock Island, 111., etc. Of Elberton, 1883, clerk. Ch., all b. Goosepond dist. except youngest ; by 1st m.: i7S37~43 Augusta Leona', Jan. 20, 1867. By 2d m.: Clara Gertrude', Jan. 27, 1870; Harry Leonidus', Aug. 22, 1872; Bessy Pauline', Feb. 19, 1875; Peter Early', July 30, 1877; Mary Daisy', Mar. 2, 1880; ^arah Glenn' Cleveland, Nov. 16, 1882, Elberton. 16994. PETER WASHINGTON' CLEVELAND (peter»), m. on Beaverdam creek, n. Elberton, Ga., July 22, 1875, Cora Amarin- tha Turner, da. John William and Jane (Holt). Lives on Bea- DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 221 1 verdam creek, n. Elberton, 1883. Ch.: 17544-6 William Le roy', b. June 22, 1876; Mary Jane', Oct. 18, 1878; George Washington' Cleveland, Dec. 23, 1880. 17008. REUBEN GARDNER' CLEVELAND (Oaniel', Reuben', Jacob*, Jeremiah', Alexander", '), d. n. Dccatur, MisS., Mar. 24, 1880, a. 45, m. n. D., Feb. 25, 1866, Ann Eliza Roebuck, b. n. Ruckers ville, Ga., Mar. 26, 1842, da. Eppy White and Caroline Milissie (Carter). In war 1861 to close, member Pinkney Guards, 8th Miss. Of Ruckersville to 1857, Decatur afterward, farmer. Ch. b. n. Decatur : 17547-52 William Early', June 14, 1867; Albert Velpo', b. Oct. 27, 1869, d. Newton, Newton co.. Miss., Aug. 10, 1870; Leevonia", b. Aug. 15. 1871, d. N. July 20,' 1873; Leonia Velma', b. Aug. 22, 1874; Harriet Caroline', Feb. 25, 1878; Reuben Gardner, June 24,. 1880. 17012. AMANDA EARLY' CLEVELAND (oaniei'), m. n. Deca tur, Miss., July 22, 1866, John Henry Taylor, b. Elberton, Ga., Apr. 21, 1834,- s. William Terrel and Martha Morgan (Means). Private 8th Miss., of Elberton to 1855, near Decatur afterward, farmer, 1883. Ch. b. n. Decatur: 17553-7 Mary Martha" Tay lor, June 15, 1867 ; Charles Lee", July 12, 1869 ; Elizabeth", Sept. 7, 1872 ; Viola", May 15, 1875 ; Jesse" Taylor^ Mar. 23, 1878. 17013. JUDGE LEROY' CLEVELAND (Daniei*), m. n. Decatur, Miss., Nov. 10, 1880, Emma Jane Harris, b. Pushmataha, Choc taw CO., Ala., Nov. 5, 1858, da. Stanton Young and Sarah Ann (Knighton). Of n. Ruckersville, Ga., to 1857, n. Decatur after ward, farmer, 1883. Ch.: 17558 Daniel Stanton', b. Aug. 26, 1881, Newton co. 17025. MARY EUGENIA' CLEVELAND (Weston', Reuben', Jacob*, Jeremiah', Alexander"'), m. n. Decatur, Miss., Dcc. 24, 1867, John Hol- lingworth, b. n. D. Dec. 6, 1846, s. Isham and Elizabeth (Miller). C. S. A. soldier, Raburn's co., Perin's reg,, Fergison's brig.. Van Dorn's Cav., in 7 days' fight at Jackson, Miss., 1863, thence to Rome, Ga., and Savannah, Ga. Dwelt always in Miss., farmer. Ch. b. n. Decatur: 17559-63 Mary Felicia" HoUingworth, May 14, 1870; Elizabeth Foster", Mar. 19, 1873; Emma Clara", Mar. 20, 1876 ; Fanny Lavinia", Dec. 22, 1872 ; Ada Longmore", Feb. 15, 1881 17026. THOMAS REUBEN' CLEVELAND (weston'), d. Decatur, Miss., Nov. 28, 1876, a. 23, m. n. D., Nov. 28, 1875, Fannie Lu cretia White, b. near D. Oct. 1, 1857, da. Thomas and Lucretia (Mapp). Of Elbert, Ga., to 1856, Decatur afterw., farmer, 1883. Ch.: 17564 Uela Viola', b. Aug. i, 1876, n. D., d. n. D. Jan. 15, 1877- 2212 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17027. WILLIAM HARPER' CLEVELAND (weston'), m. n. De catur, Miss., Dec. 12, 1878, Sarah Jane Macelhany, b. Butts co., near Jefferson, Ga., Sept. i, 1856, da. George Washington and Susan Jane (Johnson). Of' Elbert, Ga., to 1856, Decatur since, farmer, 1883. Ch. b. n. Decatur: 17565-6 William ' Thomas' Cleveland, Dec. 12, 1879 ! George Weston', b. Oct. 12, 1881, d. n. D. Jan. 13, 1882. 17028. HARRIET ELLEN' CLEVELAND (weston'), m. n. Deca tur, Miss., Nov. 4, 1875, James Haly McMulen, b. n. Ruckersv., Ga., Nov. 8, 1855, s. Patrick and Elizabeth (Haly). Of Elbert, Ga., to 1856, Decatur since, farmer, 1883. Ch.: 17567 Thomas Leroy" McMulen, b. June 10, 1880, n. D. 17029. LOUISA FRANCES' CLEVELAND (weston'), m. n. Deca tur, Miss., Dec. 6, 1876, Thomas Benton Heard, b. n. D. Apr. 28, 1855, s. Samuel and Tempa (Johnson). Alway of Miss., farmer, 1883. Ch. b. n. Decatur: 17568-9 James Robert", Aug. 7, 1880; George Thomas" Heard, Sept. 10, 1882. 17048. JOHN THOMAS' CLEVELAND (Charles', Micajah', John*, Mi cajah', [? Alexander", Alexander']), m. ISt, Gibson CO., Ind., Apr. 15, 1852, Mary Jane Davis, b. G. co. Jan. 26, 1836, d. G. co. June 20, 1865, da. "William and Sarah Ann (Johnson). He m. 2d, Posey co., Ind., Nov. 25, 1866, Mrs. Nancy (Eaton) Williams, b. Vander- burg, Ind., Jan. 20, 1837, wid. James Williams (who was killed by cannon, near Cynthiana, Ind., July 4, 1861). Of Cynthiana, 1885, farmer. Ch. b. Gibson co., by ist m. : 17570-7 James Marshal' Cleveland, July 5, 1853 ; William Franklin", July 23, 1856; Joel Davis", b. Mar. 6, 1859, d. G. co. June 18, 1879; Thomas Monroe', b. Nov. 19, 1861; George McClellan', b. 1865, d. G. CO. Dec. 3, 1867. By 2d m.: Pelina Jane', b. June .13, 1868; Mary Etta', Oct. 30, 1871; Anna Alice' Cleveland, Aug. 16, 1873. 17049. WINFIELD SCOTT' CLEVELAND (charies-), vn. Posey CO., Ind., Mar. 5, 1851, Rachel Amanda Rutledge, b. Posey cc, Nov. 8, 1835, da. William. Ch. : 17578-83 Zerelda' Cleveland, born July 3, 1852; Charles William', April 6, 1854; George Washington', Jan. 4, 1856; Thomas Erany', March 5, 1858; Alice', Feb. i, i860; Lee' Cleveland, Sept. 12, 1863. Rev. Winfield Scott' Cleveland, residence. Burnt Prairie, White county. 111., 1885-6, a regular Baptist preacher of the old school. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 22 1 3 17050. CHARLES HENRY' CLEVELAND (Charles'), m. Oct. 31, 1850, America Smith, b. Posey co., Ind., Sept. 23, 1830. Rem., 1854, to 111., of Fraser's, White co.. 111., 1885, market gardener. Ch. : 17584-93 Cornelia Ann', b. Aug. 23, 1850, Gibson county, Ind.; Laura Ellen', Apr. 22, 1853, G. co.; Sophronia Jane', Dec. 19, 1854, Franklin co.. 111.; John Franklin', Feb. 15, 1855, F. CO.; Phoebe", Dec. 25, 1857, F. co.; James Harvey', Sept. 5, i860, F. CO.: Nancy Victory', Jan. 15, 1863, F. co.; George', b. Feb. 4, 1865, F. CO., d. F. co. Nov. 27, 1877; Charles Samuel', b. Jan. 26, 1868, F. co.; Louis' Cleveland, Aug. 8, 1870, F. co. 17051. JAMES WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (Charles'), m. Posey co., Ind., Aug. 3, 1854, Malinda Endicott, b. Posey co., Aug. 11, 1830, da. Hary and Mary Jane (Calvert). Of Cynthiana, Ind., 1885, farmer. Ch. b. Gibson county, Ind. : 17594-9 Charles Henry', Aug. II, 1861; Joseph Casey', Sept. 2, 1863; Louella', June 7, 1865; Mary Ida', Apr. 26, 1868; Jasper' and Newton' Cleve land (tw.), Feb. 25, 1870. 17053. RANY CARTER' CLEVELAND (charies»), m. ist, Gibson CO., Ind., Aug. 29, i860, Elizabeth Weintz, b. in Germany Mar. 28, 1842, d. Carmi, White county. 111., July 7, 1879, a da. Jacob and (Krutz). He m. 2d, C, Aug. 17, 1879, Barbara Catherine Weintz, b. in 111., sister to ist w. Res., since Nov. 18, 1868, at Carmi, merchant. Ch. by ist m. : 17600 Amanda', July 8, 1861, Gibson co. 17601-4 Emma', Feb. 6, 1864, G. co.; John', b. Jan. 26, 1867, G. CO., d. Carmi, Feb. 22, 1883; Lily', b. Aug. 13, 1870, C; James', b. Jan. 14, 1873, C., d. C. Aug. 17, 1875. By 2d m.: 17605 Grover Verner' Cleveland, b. July 8, 1883, C. 17054. LEWIS WILSON' CLEVELAND (Charles'), m. in Posey CO., Ind., May 25, 1862, Elizabeth Meadows, b. in Posey county, August 26, 1842, da. of George Herndon and Matilda (Allen). Of Cynthiana, Ind. (1878-86). Children b. in Gibson co., Ind. : 17606-12 Arthy Millen', May 18, 1863; George Washington', April 17, 1865; Lucian Neely', Oct. 6, 1868; Laura Ellen', Sept. 27, 1872; Mandalina', Aug. 13, 1875; Effa Girtrue', b. Aug. 13, 1877, d. Nov. 7, 1880; Dexter Lee', b. Aug. 17, 1879. 17613 Grover', Mar. 22, 1885. 17614 Colonel Guy' Cleveland, Nov. 18, 1886. 17055. ELIZA ANN' CLEVELAND (charies-), m. Gibson co., Ind:, Apr. 13, 1865, James Thompson Martin, b. Vanderburgh county, Ind., July 2, 1842, son William and Nancy (Robinson). Since 1870 of Fraser's, 111., farmer. Ch. b. Gibson co.: 1 7615-9 Nancy Jane", Feb. 24, 1866; Laura Emma", Dec. 12, 1868; Charles Wil liam"', April 8, 1871; Lemuel Potter", Jan. 18, 1873; Minnie Bell" Martin, Jan. 25, 1875. 2214 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17056. EMMALINE' CLEVELAND (Charles'), m. Gibson co., Ind., Jan. 4, 1864, Elias Williams, b. G. co., Sept. 20, 1843, a s. James and Juliann (McDonald). Of Haubstadt, Gibson co., Ind., 1885, farmer. Ch. b. Gibson co. : 17620-7 Amanda Francis", Oct. 24, 1866: Eliza Etta", born May 20, d. Nov. 9, 1868; James Calvin", b. Aug. II, 1869; Della", Jan. 19, 1873; Sarah Elvn", Nov. 30, 1874; Rany", May 7, 1877; Harley and Ethel" Williams (tw.). May 21, 1883. 17100. WILLIAM HOWELL' CLEVELAND (Richard Hooper', Benja min', John', ', ', Alexander", '), died Jefferson, Marion co., Tex., Oct. 4, 1882, a. 35, m. Marshall, Harrison co., Tex., winter 1871-2, Miss Charlie Ora Rogers. He was in home guards, C. S. A., toward close of war, saw little fighting; came to Tex. fall of 1870, farmer. She has entered a convent at San Antonio, Tex., with her chil dren, 1885. Ch. : Son^ d. inf. 1876. 17628-9 Maud Reeves', b. 1874; Sallie May" Cleveland, b. 1878. 17101. JOSEPHINE HILL' CLEVELAND (Richard Hooper"), m. 8 miles north of Homer, La., Dec. 5, 1867, Prof. Lucius Horace Featherston, b. Heard co., Ga., Aug. 25, 1844, s. Lucius Horace and Maria Ann (Tompkins). She was ed. at Homer Masonic Female Coll. Prof. Featherston was ed. at Franklin, Heard co., Ga.; was successively, from 1861 in 4th Ga. State troops and 56th Ga. Reg. In battles of Western C. S. A., thrice wounded. In one fight received 11 bullet holes through left side of his clothes; surrendered at High Point, Guilford co., N. C, May 5, 1865; res. Homer 1885, school teacher and farmer. Ch. b. Clai borne Parish, La. : 17630-7 Lillian Bell", Nov. 20, 1868; Richard Nicholas", Dec. 17, 1870; Lucius Horace", June 25, 1872; RosaDeW, b. July 28, 1873, d. Nov. 3, 1874; John Winfield", b. Mar. 7, 1875; Sallie Maria", Feb. 20, 1878; Katie Cleveland", March 2, 1881; Charles Gelan" Featherston, Sept. 27, 1884. 17102. JOHN GELON' CLEVELAND (Richard Hooper'), m. near Dallas City, Texas, Dec. 21, 1873, Amanda Medora High, b. Pickens county, Ala., Dec. 17, 1853, da. Andrew Jackson and Amanda Ann (Webb). Has lived in Texas since Dec, 1873. Of Roanoke, Denton co., Texas, 1885, farmer and stock raiser. Ch. : 17638-42 Clarence", b. Dec. 10, 1874-5, Dallas co., Texas, d. Roanoke June 22, 1878; Sallie Blanch', born Dec. 3, 1876, Denton co.; Pat', b. Feb. 6, D. co., d. n. Roanoke June 19, 1879; Richard", b. Feb. 12, 1880, Denton co.; Ella May' Cleveland, b. Jan. 27, D. CO., d. Oct. 7, 1884. 17220. Martha Ann" Franklin {wmiam Dobson'' Frankiin), va. Cal houn, Ga., Oct. 12, 1869, William Augustus Roberts, b. Walton CO., Ga., Jan. 10, 1847, s. Absalom E. and Mary W. (Culbraith). DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2215 Has a large plantation at Monroe, Walton co., Ga., saw-mill, etc., 1884-6. Ch. : 17643-6 Franklin", born Aug. 27, 1870, Calhoun; JohnR", July 8, 1877, Monroe; Toombs" s.nA Stephens" Roberts {^-^ >t, Jan. 21, 1884, M. 17225. Walter Wylie" Loville {Elizabeth-' Frankiin), vn. Martha Jones. Of Pine Ridge, N. C, 1884. Children : 17647-51 5 little boys; Cleveland" Loville, the baby. 17255. Helen Adelaide Josephine" Underwood {Mary Ann'< Wyly), m. Rome, Ga., Dec. 20, 1 867, Albert Mitchell Nevin. Child ren: 17652 Ida Clifton" Nevin, b. Dec. 13, 1869, attended Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., 1886. 17653-4 James Banks Un- dertuood" Nevin, Sept., 1873; Mary Mitchell" Nevin, Sept. 16, 1876. One of Mrs. Mary A. Underwood's granddaughters died Oct., Nov., 1891. Mrs. Helen Adelaide Josephine" {Underwood) Nevin grad. Cass- ville, Bartow co., Ga., Female Coll., 1857; is (1891) President of the Rome Branch of Daughters of the Revolution. Hon. Albert Mitchell Nevin, residence, Rome, Ga.; was mayor three terms; county school commissioner for years — appointed by Governor James M. Smith; clerk of city council 1886; built Nevin Opera House and other edifices; a prominent member of the M. E. Church. 17256. Sarah Louisiana" Underwood {Mary Ann-' wyiy), m. Rome, Ga., Feb. 26, 1863, Christopher Rowell, b. at Alban Wood, n. Florence, Lauderdale co., Ala., Oct. 13, 18 — , only s. Dr. Neal and Martha Ann (Cheatam). Mr. Rowell grad. Princeton coll., N. J., also grad. in the law course; studied law Univ. of Va., res. Rome (1885), lawyer. Ch. : 17655 William Sinclair" Rowell, b. Oct. 6, 1864, Clarksville, Ga., grad. Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. 17656-7 Mary Wyly", Oct. 27, 1868, Rome, ed. Shorter coll.; Martha Cheatam", Dec. 22, 1870, Rome, ed Shorter College; Florence Underwood", June 26, 1872, Rome, ed. Shorter coll. ; Elizabeth Clifton", Mar. 18, 1874, R.; Annie Louise" Rowell, July 26, 1876, R. 17257. Florence Wyly" Underwood {MaryAnw wyiy), va. Rome, Ga., June 6, 1867, Edmund Madison Eastman, b. Canton, N. Y., June 27, 1834, s. Guy Cuyler and Sarah Madison (Dyer). He grad. Miamiville, Clermont co., O., coll., of Rome 1891, in P. O. Ch. b. Rome : 17658-9 Zoe Madison" Eastman, born Apr. 19, 1868, grad. Rome F. coll. June 10, 1885; John William Underwood", b. Sept. 19, 1870; Helen Underwood" Eastman, Apr. 19, 1872; Guy Oliver' Eastman, May 22, 1876. 22 16 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17258. Marie Cordelia" Underwood {Mary Ann'' wyiy), m. Dec. 19, 1872, David Daniel Plumb, b. Augusta, Ga., Mar. 21, 1848, as. Daniel Berroni and Ann Smith (Hankinson). Ch. : 17660 Rosa Milledge" Plumb, b. Oct. 27, 1873, Rome, Ga. Mr. David Daniel Plumb, of Augusta 1891; for years con^ ductor Augusta & Port Royal R. R. Daniel Berroni Plumb m'. 2d Ann Milledge Barnes, da. John A. and sister to Hon. Geo. Y. Barnes, M. C. loth Ga. Dist. 1886. 17259. Ida Tlrginia" Underwood {Mary Ann-' wyiy), m. Rome, Ga., Apr. 29, 1872, George Henry Snyder, b. Dayton, O., Sept. 12 1838, s. Simon and Barbara Leah Ann (Share). He grad. Wit tenburg Coll., Springfield, O.; of Rome i8'86, gen. agt. Springf Mfg. Co. Ch. : 17661 John M. Wyly" Snyder, born Feb. 1, 1873, Rome; George Henry", Feb. 23, 1876, R.; Clifford Shelley", Mar 13, 1879. 17261. Rosa Tallnlah" Underwood {Mary Ann-' wyiy), va. Rome, Ga., Nov. 7, 1878, Charles Richard Clark, born Edgefield, S. C, July 24, 1848, a s. John Mulford and Sarah Ann Elizabeth (Butler). Ch. b. Augusta, Ga. : 17662 Helen Louise", b. Dec. i, 1879, ^- May 12, 1880; Charles Richard" Clark, b. Oct. 13, 1882. Mr. Charles Richard Clark was educated at Elizabeth, N. J., and Augusta; merchant St. Louis, Mo., 1886. Clarke ancestry: — Richard' Clarke, South Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1661, Southold, N. Y., 1675, Elizabethtown, N. J., 167S, Elizabethtown Associate 1695, had 300 acres Feb. 25,. 1679, shipwright, will dated New York Apr. i, 1697, m. Elizabeth ; Richard", b. South- Hampton ab. 1661, Elizt. Assoc. 1699 ; Thomas' lived betw. Elizabethtown and Rahway ;. Thomas*, b. 1701, was named in the ist charter of the borough, Alderman, Judge, etc., d. Sept. II, 1765 ; Hon. Abraham' Clark, b. at the homestead Feb. 15, 1726, a signer of the Declaration of Independence ; of Provincial Congress Sept., 1775, elected by them June 22, 1776, a'Delegate from N. J. to Continental Congress, in which capacity he afSxed his- name to the Declaration, M. C. 1776-8, 1780-8 ; of ist Constitutional Convention, Annapo lis, 1786-7, d. Sept. 15, 1794, m. Sarah Hatfield, eldest da. Elder Isaac of Elizabethtown.— Hatfield's Elizabeth, 2J3, s8b — ancestor of John Mulford Clark, b. Oct. 8, 1813. 17262. Charles Walton" Underwood {Mary Ann-' wyiy), va. Feb. 25, 1882, Martha Jones Moore, only da. John C. and Mary (Jones). Ed. at University of Tenn., Knoxville, and Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Res. n. Rome, Ga. ; broker, com mission merchant. Ch. : 17663 John" Underwood, b. May, i8— , Palatka, Fla.; Charles Walton", Dec, 1884, Rome; 17664 William Henderson" Underwood, Sept., 1886, R. 17321. William Edgeworth" Beattie (SalUe vannoy', James Harvey*, Jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander", Alex.'), m. in Christ Church, Green ville, S. C, Dec. 17, 1885, Kittie Marshall, born in Fla. Sept. 18, DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 221/ 1862, da. of Dr. Samuel Steen and Anne Elizabeth (Barratt). Children b. Greenville : 17665 Samuel Marshall" Beattie, b. Oct. 27, 1886. 17666 Elizabeth Cleveland" Beattie, b. Apr. 26, 1890. 17667 William Hamlin" Beattie, b. Jan. i, 1894. Mr. William Edgeworth" Beattie grad. Princeton College, N. J., June, 1882. Residence, Greenville (1896). Cashier of the National Bank of Greenville from Oct., 1882. Marshall ancestry :—Sia.ra.uA^ , b. 1745, came from co. Tyrone, Ireland, 1792, of New berry, Newberry co., S. C, m. Mary Steen ; Dr. Samuel", of Abbeville, Abbeville co., S. C, m. Eliza Clopton Foster, da. John and Margaret (Perrin); Samuel Steen' Marshall, M.D., m. Anne Elizabeth Barratt, da. John Perkins and Lavina (Brooks). . \ 17322. Harvey Cleveland" Beattie (saiiie vannoy'), m. in Christ Church, Greenville, S. C, Dec. 10, 1891, Margaret Hayne, born Waverly, Richland co., S. C, Mar. 9, 1871, da. of Theodore Bre vard and Elizabeth (Adams). Child : 17668 Harvey Cleveland" Beattie, b. Dec. 23, 1892, Green ville, S. C. Mr. Harvey Cleveland" Beattie, residence, Greenville, S. C. (,896). Hayne ancestry : — Isaaci, m. Shubrick ; Isaac William'', residence, Charleston, S. C, Attorney-Gen. State of S. C, m. Alicia P. Trapier ; Theodore Brevard^ Hayne m. Elizabeth Adams, da, James Picket and Margaret Crawford (Johnstone). 17323. William" Wilkins (Harriet Dawkins', James Harvejr', Jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander", Alexander'), m. in the Methodist Church, At lanta, Ga., Oct. I, 1890, Emma May" Avery +17369 {Emma'' Bivings, Sarah Elizabeth', Jesse', Robert*, etc.). Child : 17669 Albert Avery" Wilkins, b. Feb. 6, 1893, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. William" Wilkins was educated at Bingham School, N. C. Residence, Greenville, S. C. (1896). 17348. Lucretia" G-OOdlett (Laura', john Blossingame', Jesse', Robert*, John', Alexander", Alexander!), m. PaColct, S. C, Apr. 30, 1 889, ReubeU Thomas Thornton, b. Hart co., Ga., Oct. 29, 1866, s. of Reuben Benjamin and Mary Jane (Teasley). Children : 17670 Janie" Thornton, b. Jan. 5, 1890, Easley, Pickens co., S.C. 17671 James Goodlett" Thornton, b. Sept. 2, 1891, in Senec'a CO., S. C. Mr. Reuben Thomas Thornton, residence, Anderson, S. C. R. R. Agent, Columbia & Greenville R. R. Co. Thornton ancestry :— 2g arms : (Lancashire). Sa. a chev. or, within a bordure ar. . . . Benjamini, of Elbert co., Ga.; John", d. Elbert 00. 1832, m. Prances Adams, da. William and Katie (Mansfield); Reuben Benjamin' Thornton, b. Elbert co. Dec. 22, 1830, a. Hartwell, Ga , May 21, 1891, m. Mary Jane Teasley', b. Elbert co. Nov. 14, 1833. Teasley ancestry .— Ishami, of Elbert co. , m. Gercy Adams, da. James ; John Adams", of Elbert co., m. EUzabeth Carroll Harley, da. William and Mary (Furman); Mary Jane' Teasley m. Reuben Benjamin Thornton'. 22x8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17349. Elizabeth" Goodlett (Laura'), va. Pacolet, S. C, July 27, 1891, John Wilkins Norwood, b. Hartsville, Darlington 00., S. C, Mar. 18, 1865, a s. of George Alexander and Mary Louisa (Wilkins). Children : 17672 George Alexander" Norwood, b. Sept. 9, 1892, Green ville, S. C. 17673 Laura Cleveland" Norwood, born Oct. 23, 1894, Wil mington, N. C. Mr. John Wilkins Norwood, residence formerly in Green ville, was Cashier of the People's Bank, Greenville, and after wards President of the Greenville Savings Bank (organized 1887), elected 1887. Residence, Wilmington, N. C. (1896). Presi dent of The Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington (W. J. Toomer, cashier), chartered Apr. 18, 1892, commenced business May i, 1892, and now has the largest business of any bank in N. C, 20 per cent, more deposits than any other, capital (fully paid in by Oct., 1892), $125,000, surplus, $38,000, dividends, 6 per cent, per annum, stock, 128. Is President of the Wilmington Savings and Trust Co., organized 1888, re-organized 1894, when he be came President, capital, $25,000, business is about three times as much as when organized, and now has the largest deposit account of any savings bank in N. C. Mr. Norwood is a sub scriber for this Genealogy. Norwood ancestry : — This Norwood family emigrated from England, about 1648, to Virginia. Theopilus' moved from Orange co., N. C, to S. C; Capt. John", b. in the old Cheraw district, now Darlington, Darlington co., S. C, 1755, capt. in Gen. Francis Mari on's Brigade during the Revolution, see History of the Old Cheraws, by Rev. Alexander Gregg, d. in Cheraw district 1830, m. Martha Warren, da. of Jesse and Martha (Du Bose); Joseph', b. Darlington 1792, d. there 1869, m. Sarah IVicIntosh', born Darlington District 1802, d. 1872 ; George Alexander* Norwood, born Darlington co. Oct. 22, 1831) re'sidence, Greenville, banker, was a Union man duriug the war, though all his brothers were com missioned ofiicers in the Confederate service, m. Mary Louisa Wilkins', b. Darlington Dist. Dec. 23, 1836. Wilkins ancestry .— I arms : WILKIN; //.¦ Wilkins; 3: Wilkins, now De Wintons ' (Glamorganshire and Brecknockshire, South Wales, descended from John Wilcolyne, or Wilkyn, living temp. Edward III, who derived from Robert de Wintona, Lord of the. Manor of Languian, near Cowbridge, who came into Glamorganshire with Robert Fitz- hamon). Per pale, or and ar. a wivern vert. Crest — k. wivern ppr. .Mj«o — Estofe prudentes. . . The Wilkins are of Welch and English descent. . . . John', living ' 1716, m. Mary ; Archibald", b. 1716, d. 1760, m. Ann Bellinger ; John", b. 1746, d. 1779', m. Elizabeth Bettison ; John William*, born 1774, of Coosa whatchie, Beaufort co., S. C, m. Mary Broughton ; Rev. Samuel Bellinger', b. Coosawhatchie Apr. 4, 1802, grad. S. C. Col lege 1820, moved to Darlington, studied law, adm. to the bar soon as he became of age, gave up a lucrative profession before middle life, and was the remainder of his days preacher and teacher, was a Union man during nullification davs of 1832, raised a co. to defend the Union, and was elected capt., was of great moral courage, force of character, generosity, and, after middle life, of earnest piety and broad-minded charity, d. at resir dence of his son-in-law, G. A. Norwood, Esq., Charleston, S. C.,' Apr. 11, 1879, ™- Mary Louisa King', b. Georgetown, Georgetown 00., S. C, Jan. 7, 1810, died Darliiigton 1848; Mary Louisa' Wilkins m. George Alexander Norwood*. King ancestry:— John', Philip", John' [see +16237, P. 2"9]; Benjamin*, b. Raynham, Mass., Oct. 21, 1720, rep., delegate to thfe Provincial Congress which met at Salem, Mass., 1774, member Committee of Safety, d. Raynham Dec. 4, 1803, m. 2d, Deliverance Eddy, da. Loseph ; Elis, b. R. Nov. 17, 1759, grad. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I., 1787, principal of St. David's Academy, Cheraw, Chesterfield co., S. C, 1788 to 1791, 3 years, afterwards taught some years in Newport, R. I., returned to S. C. and taught the remainder of his life, all his brothers served in Revolution, d. Darlington Deo. 25, 1835, m. Rachel Mur phy'; Mary Louisa' King m. Samuel Bellinger Wilkins'. Murphy, Murfee ancestry: — i arms : MURPHY a/M.f O'MURPHY ; 2: MURPHY: (Ire land). Quarterly, ar. and gu. 4 lions ramp, counterchanged ; over all on a fesse sa. 3 garbs or. C?-^^— A lion ramp. gu. holding a garb or. . . . Maurice' Murfee and his brothers Moses, Malachi, and Michael settled on the Pee Dee River, near what is now called Mars Bluff, Florence co., S. C, about 1730 ; Col. Maurice", of the Pee Dee section of S. C, was one of the most reckless, violent, and at times dissipated offlcers in Gen. Marion's Brigade, but commanded the confidence of the people for his integrity, gener osity, and bravery ; Rachel' Murphy m. Eli King'. Mcintosh ancestry:— John', carae from Scotland just after Culloden battle (where Col. and Ensign Mcintosh were slain, and the wife of the Laird of Mcintosh taken in DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANBER^ CLEVELAND. 2219 custody by the English), 1746, with his bro. Alexander (who became a Gen. in the Revo lution, served in Ga., was wealthj^, d. ab, 1787), and settled in the old Cheraw dist., now Darlington, d. before the Revolution ; John^, born at Society Hill, Darlington dist., 1762, served the latter part of the Revolution, wounded in skirmish with Tories near Black Creek, Darlington Dist., m. Sarah Edwards*; Sarah^ Mcintosh m. Joseph Norwood^. Edwards ancestry :~ Kev. Joshuai, b, Pembrokeshire, Wales, 1703, a distinguished Baptist preacher, died Welch Neck (now part of Darlington Dist.), S. C., 1784 ; Thomas^, m. Sarab Roblyn ; Joshua^, m. Ann James Kolb''; Sarah* Edwards m. John Mcintosh^. /^oid ancestry .-—PeteT^, lived in Welch Neck, near now Society Hill, m. Ann James^; Ann Jamess Kolb m. Joshua Edwards^. fames ancestry :— J ames^ and friends first settled in Pa., of Pennepeck, Pa,, leader of the first colony of Welch who settled in that section of S. C, lived at Welch Neck, S. C.; Rev. Philip^, b. Pennepeck 1701, came to S. C. with a colony of Welch Baptists about 1735, first pastor of Welsh Neck Church, one of the first Baptist Churches organized in S. C. ; Ann3 James m. Peter Kolb^. Du Bose ancestry :—Isa.ac^, from Dieppe, Normandy, just after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), when the Huguenots were expelled from France, settled, so thought, on the Santee River, not far from Charleston, S. C, m. Susan Couillandean, who came from Dieppe with him ; John^; Martha^ Du Bose m. Jesse Warren. 17351. John Cleveland" Goodlett (Laura'), m. Pacolet, S. C, Nov. 20, 1892, Mary Senn, born Spartanburg co., S. C, Aug. 9, 1873, da. of James Lewis Grant and Susan Jane (Watson), s. p. Mr. John Cleveland" Goodlett, residence, Pacolet, S. C. (1896), is section man in cotton mills of Pacolet Manufacturing Co. Senn ancestry . — Frederick', of Newberry co.,S. C; James Lewis Grant" Senn, born Newberry co. Jan. i6, 1846, m. Susan Jane Watson, da. of Elijah. 17355. TTTCCT?' PT ¦pAT'TrT A -NTT^ /¦ J John Bomar', Robert Easley', Jesse', I J iibtJjJ/ UJ^Ji V IJyijiirM JJ y I Georgia Alden', Robert Mathis', Jeremiah', f Robert*, John', Alexander", Alexander'), marrieci at Wartrace, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1893, Elizabeth Harper" Cleveland -f-i73i6 (Thomas stone', Jeremiah', Jeremiah', Robert*, John', Alexander", Alexander'), who died at Wartrace Dec. 24, 1894, aged 24, buried Christmas day from her father's house at Wartrace. s. p. Mr. Jesse' Cleveland, residence, Spartanburg. S. C, 1897, formerly in the National Bank of Spartanburg; is in the rail road office at Spartanburg, connected with the R. R. ¦ 17357. FANNY LEONARD' CLEVELAND ] fe'i^gfa" "fdL' [ , m. Spartanburg, S. C, Sept. 9, 1896, William James Screven, b. in Fairfield co. (near Blackstock), S. C, Mar. 7., 1874, s. of William James and Ellen (Moble)') Screven. Residence in Polk county, N. C. (1897), farmer. 17375. Alice" Heeler {Joseph Cleveland-' Beeier), m. at home near Mossy Creek, Tenn,, June 18, 1879, Prof. John Jefferson Huff, b. near Big Creek, Cook co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1859, d. at his father's house, Big Creek, Aug. 31, 1882, s. Andrew and Narcissa Talitha (Bur nett). He grad. Corson Coll., Mossy Creek, June, 1873, and was elected, 1873, by the Trustees to its faculty; was of Beeler & Huff, merchants. Mossy Creek. Mrs. Beeler was ed. at Masonic Female Inst, Mossy Creek, res. Mossy C. 1885. Ch.b. Mossy C: 17674-5 Lydia Grace", hovn June 2, 1880, d. June 26, 1882; John Bernard" Huff, b. Mar. 8, 1882. 2220 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17377. Maetta" Hill {Mary Martha'' Beeler), m. Clear Spring, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1880, John Thurman Essory, b. Russell co., Va., Oct. 17, 1855, s. Thomas Sneed and Eliza Ann (Countiss). Of Morris town, Tenn., 1885, lawyer. Mrs. Essory was ed. at Tazewell Coll. and Mossy Creek Coll. Ch.: 17676-7 Jesse Fred", b. Aug. 22, 1881, Grainger co., Tenn.; Anna Bell' Essory, b. Jan. 10, 1885. 17378. lona" Hill {Mary Martha'' Beeler), m. Clear Spring, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1 88 1, Dr. William Rogers Jenkins, b. Knox co., Tenn., 1854, s. Joseph and Nancy (Neil). Of Tampico, Grainger co., Tenn., 1885, practising physician. Mrs. Jenkins was educated at Tazewell Coll. and Mossy Creek Coll. Ch. : 17678 Estella' Jen kins, b. Mar. 14, 1883, Tampico. 17403. Frances Eugenia" Routh { wiiuam Findiey'' Routh), married Moody, Tex., Jan. 3, 1878, Joseph Franklin Smyer, born Catawba CO., N. C, Oct. 29, 1854, son Jacob Anderson and Martha (Smyer). Of McLennan co., Tex., farmer. Ch. b. McLennan CO.: 17679-80 Horace' Smyer, Oct. 21, 1878; Lena Leoto' Smyer, July 15, 1880. 17408. Fannie Murtis" broyles {Mary Adelaide-' Routh), m. Ander son, S. C, Oct. 8, 1879, Wayman Asbury Holland, b. Holland's Store, Anderson county, S. C, a s. Asbury Morgan and Margaret (Sherard). Of Seneca, Oconee co., S. C, 1884, merchant. Ch. : 1 7681-2 Mary Margie', b. July i, 1880, Abbeville county, S. C; Lula Murtis"^, born Apr. 16, Oconee co., d. Dec. i, 1882; Wayman Asbury" Holland, b. Oct. 15, 1883, O. co. 17428. Lsabel" Scott {{''^^^rfnEl'more^ Scott, &,?;¦ fLevi», Alexander*, Alex- ander", Alexander", Alexander'), m. Carrolton, Ky., DeC. 12, 1865, Robert James Wilson, b. Lexington co., Ky., Apr. i6, 1836, s. Richard Spaulding and Sallie C. (Hunter). Of Carrollton 1885, book keeper. Ch. b. Carrollton: 17683-4 Marian Hunter' Wilson, Oct. 4, 1867; Stella Reberts^, March 28, 1870; Cora Scott", Dec. 15, 1872; Nannie Yellman', Oct. 18, 1874; Josie Cleveland" Wilson, Aug. 20, 1877; Scott Spaulding" Wilson, May 6, 1880. 17430. George Washington" Scott [warr^Eimore-' scott], married Denver, Col., Oct. 25, 1880, Amanda Hughs Dean, b. Carroll cc, Ky., June 28, 1859, da. Chats Tutman and Permelia (Tucker). Of River View (P. O. Worthville), Carroll co., Ky., 1885, farmer. Ch. b. Carroll co. : 17685 Bettie Reunick" Scott, July 5,. 1882; Elli ott Goslee" Scott, Oct. 12, 1884. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND. 2221 17431. Ufancy" Scott ^|^i'=;,.^f|.^^^^^,^„^4, m. Carrollton, Ky., May 19, 1874, John Henry Yellman, b. Lexington, Ky., Dec. 26, 1849, son John George and Sophia Cathrina (Kastle). Of Lexington 1884, dealer in hemp. Ch.b. Lexington : 17686-7 Alice Cleveland" Yellman, Apr. 2, 1878; Grace Elmore", Nov. 23, 1880; John Scott" Yellman, July i, 1883. 17439. Ann Maria" Stewart (Martha', jesse Alexander Harrison', Jesse^, Alexander*, Alexander", Alexander", Alexander'), d. Brazoria, Tex., Feb. 12, 1872, a. 31, m. ist, B. May 25, 1859, Capt. James Neill Turner, b. North Carolina, July 27, 1835, fell at Richmond, Va., 1863, s. Henry Marshall and Caroline (McNeill). She m. 2d, Brazoria, Feb., 1868, John Lynch Cochran, M.D., born Alabama 1820, d. Brazoria 1886. Ch. by ist m. : 17688 Sallie Stewart'. Turner, b. June 29, i860, N. C. d. Brazoria Jan. 14, 1894, m. Harris Master- son. 17689 Lucy Marshall' Turner, born July 10, 1861, in North Carolina. 17690 Martha Cleveland' Turner, born Dec. 30, 1862, N. C, m. Henry Perry. By 2d m., b. Brazoria : 1 7691-2 John Lynch' Cochran, b. Sept. 12, 1869; Stewart' Cochran, Feb. 29, 1870; Owen' Cochran, Apr. i, 1873; Mary' Cochran, Nov. 5, 1874; Allan Rush' Cochran, Sept. 9, 1876; Henry Marshalf Cochran, Mar. 21, 1878; Charles Cleveland" Cochran, Dec. 12, 1879. Capt. James Neill Turner resided in N. C, civil engineer; was capt. in N. C. Cavalry C. S. A. Dr. John Lynch Cochran grad. Kenyon Coll., Louisville Medical School. Residence, Brazoria; regular physi cian, practised in South America, California, and Texas. 17440. Cornelia" Jiranch (Anne Wharton', Jesse Alexander Harrison", Jesse*, Alexander*, Alexander", Alexander", Alexander'), married at Liberty, Tex., Apr. 16, 1856, Henry Clay Stone, born Henry co., Va., Aug. 19, 1828, son of Daniel Stone. Children b. Liberty : Branch^ Stone, b. Dec. 10, 1861, d. Liberty Dec. 20, 1861; Lena' Stone, b. Oct. 31, 1863, d. Liberty July 31, 1865. 17693 Harry Branch' Stone, b. Apr. 30, 1872, unm. Resi dence, Galveston, Tex., 1895, student of medicine. Mr. Henry Clay Stone is a resident of Galveston, where he is engaged in the cotton commission and factorage business. A subscriber for this Genealogy. 17441. Olive" Branch (Anne Wharton', Jesse Alexander Harrisons, jesse», Alexander*, Alexander^, Alexander"), m. Liberty, TexaS, DeC. IO, 1868, George Demster Briggs, b. Galveston, Tex., May 20, 1842, s. of Jacob Lawrence and Marcia Maria (Garfield). Residence, Gal veston 189s; cashier and book-keeper. Ch. b. Galveston : 17694 Lillian Mary" Briggs, b. May 4, 1869, m. Galveston Oct. 4, 1893, Edgar French Brown, b. June 8, 1867, s. of Edgar 2222 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. F. and Hannah (King). Mr. Edgar French Brown grad. Uni versity of Pennsylvania; residence, Syracuse, N. Y., lawyer, s. p. 17695 Clay Stone' Briggs, b. Jan. 8, 1876. 17442. Elizabeth Wortley' Hranch (Anne wharton', jesse Alexander Harrison*, Jesse*, Alexander*, Alexander", Alexander", Alexander'), d. Liberty, Tex., Oct. II, 1877, aged 34, m. Liberty Sept. 22, 1861, William Casle, b. in Mobile, Ala., so thought, s. of John Casle. Resi dence, Liberty 1895. Ch. : 17696 Edith' Casle, b. Aug. at Liberty, m. James Findlay, res. Galveston, Tex. 17461. Etnma Smith" Kiger {Mary Ann Elizabeth-' Jackson, Knn',m'\ja.ti^, Alexander*, Alexander", Alexander", Alexander'), m. Winchester, Va., DeC. 10, 1868, Edward Mortimer Barr, b. W. May 5, 1840, s. Robert and Mary Catherine (Kremer), res. Winchester 1896, brick man ufacturer. Ch. b. Winchester : Charles Frederick' Barr, Feb. 6,. 1869; Mary Jackson' Barr, May 22, 1874; Edward Mitchell" Barr, July 12, 1877. 17462. Mary Elizabeth" Kiger {Mary Ann Elizabeth' Jackson), va. Clarke co., Va., Nov. 18, 1879, Tlfbmas George Mesmer, born Winchester, Va., Jan. 2, 1831, s. Jacob and Nancy (Jackson). Ch. b. Winchester : Nancy A' Mesmer, Sept. 5, 1880; Frank G.° Mesmer, Jan. 21, 1885; Thomas" Mesmer, Mar. i, 1887. Thomas George Mesmer res. Winchester (1896); is with B. & O. Express Co. Jackson ancestry : — Thomas^ [see 4-16350, p. 2149] ; Nancy^ Jackson m. Jacob Mesmer^ 17497. FRANK EZEKIEL' CLEVELAND (William' Washington, Crom- well», William*, Jacob*, Jeremiah", Alexander", Alexander'), m. Thomton, TeX., Nov. 28, 1878, Martha Jane Fox, b. Marshall, Tex., Nov. 29, i860, da. John Wesley and Mary Ann (Craver). Ch. born Thornton : Etta May", b. and d. T. Dec. 2, 1879; Ula May', b. Jan. 2, 4 T., Feb. 3, 1880. 17697-8 Edna Arbertia" Cleveland, b. June 17, 1882; John Lewis" Cleveland, Sept. 21, 1885. F.RANK Ezekiel" Cleveland erected the first building in Thornton, then a wilderness, years before the R. R. built a depot there. Merchant. Was appointed Jan. i, 1875, and still is (1886) P. M. of Thornton. 17531. GEORGIA ELVIRA" CLEVELAND (Reuben Weston', Peter*,. Reuben*, Jacob*, Jeremiah", Alexander", Alexander'), m. 3 milcS N. of Elber ton, Ga., Dec. 7, 1874, Larkin Alexander Clark, b. n., Elberton, June 25, 1863, son William Henry and Sarah Frances (Brown). Ch. b. Elbert co., Ga. : Inf., b. Nov. 3, d. E. co., 6, 1875. 17699- Fannie Vester' Clark, b. Dec. ti, 1879. 17700 Nora Bell' Clark,h. Oct. 28, 1881. Chapter III. THE EARLIEST KNOWN CLEVELANDS. THORKIL' DE CLIVELAND, THE SAXON, A. D. 1066, AND DESCENDANTS. WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND OF HINCKLEY, LEICESTERSHIRE, ENG., AND DESCENDANTS. CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND. LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS TO AMERICA. UNTRACED CLEVELANDS EVERYWHERE. LIST OF SOME OF THE USEFUL MEMBERS OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. The following is arranged to conform to the plan of this Genealogy : From History and Antiquities of Hinckley, co. Leicester, by John Nichols, F. S.A., 1^82. Bib. Top. Brit., VII : i 3 4-1 41 — The more ancient Genealogy of Cleiveland or Cleveland : 17701. THORKIL' DE CLIVELAND lived soon before, at, or just after the Norman Conquest. [The battle of Hastings (Sussex CO., Eng.) was fought Oct. 14, 1066, and Harold II, the English king, was killed. The battle terminated the Saxon dynasty, and put William the Norman — to whom the victory gave the title of the Conqueror — in possession of the throne of England.} Thorkir had at least a son -I-17702 Uctred'' DE Cliveland. Thorkil' de Cliveland SJIistory of Christian Names by Miss Charlotte Mary Yonge — Thorkjell m. Nor. Teu. [Saxon] Thor's (m. Ger. 'feu. Thor, the thunder god) cauldron], the most ancient Cleveland of whom there is any record. The earliest mention of his name appears to be in the deed, " Ex dono Uctredi filii Thorkil de Cliveland " — " Uctred, son of Thorkil de Cliveland," to Whitby Abbey, Cleveland, Yorkshire, Eng. As already stated in this work, Thorkil' evidently resided at Gise- burne, the urbs Caluvium mentioned by Baxter [see page 9 to pedigree, p. 16, 17], now Guisborough, Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire, England. Evidently here he assumed the sur name, calling himself Thorkil de {of) Cliveland, probably when well along in years, and at the same time that his son adopted the patronymic. Thorkil' was of Saxon ancestry, and likely had other children of less prominence. Graves' Cleveland, 175, 370; Ord's Cleveland, 268, 477 — Domes day Book — Torchil, or Turchil, before the Conquest the Saxon land owner of Kilton, Skelton Parish. Tor and Carle held property in East Rounton, Hutton Rudby Parish. Perhaps these were identical with Thorkil' de Cliveland. Thor was the ancient king or general of our Saxon ancestors while they lived in Scythia or Tartary, and before they came into Germany, whom, after death, they deified and worshiped 2224 ' CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. SO much that nearly 40 towns in England bear his name, as well as one day in our week, Thursday. Scandinavian Mythology — Thor, the son of Odin and Freya, answering to Jove of the Romans. 17702. UCTRED' DE CLIVELAND (ThorWi'), had at least a son : -(-17703 Robert'' de Cleiveland. UcTRED^ DE Cliveland \Yonge' s Christian Names — Uchtred, m. Eng. Teu. (Saxon) mind council], evidently had his seat at Gisborough, Cleveland, Eng., and, it is presumed, was identical with UcTRED, the Saxon, owner of considerable landed property, being 10 manors, etc., all situated in Cliveland, Cleveland, York shire, Eng., held, before the Norman Conquest, in his first or given name, Uctred. (And if the following were different Uctreds, he may have been one of them.) Graves' Cleveland, 223, 325, 350, 3t. Michael Pater Noster Royal, built from funds left by Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, destroyed in the great tire, rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren. John Cleveland, the poetical chamiDion of Charles..!, whose works had such an enormous sale at the time, was'buried in this ¦church in i65q. Tke Works of Mr. John Cleveland, i68j,p, 228 — An Epitaph on his Deceased Friend. By John Cleveland. Here lies the ruin'd Cabinet Of a rich Soul more highly set. The Dross and Refuse of a Mind, Too glorious to be here confin'd. Earth for awhile bespake his stay, Only to bait, and so away : So that what here he doted on "Was meerly Accommodation. Not that his active Soul could be At home, but in Eternity. Yet while he blest us with the Rays See Bib Anglo Poet, ibi : Discourse Apologetical, idu^ by Rev. Thomas Gataker : Bio. Die, bvjohn Gorton^ 1835 : History of his times, by William Lilly, 171s, p. S2 : N. A. Rev., Ill ; Ret. Rev., XII: 123 ^ Uni. Bio. Die, JV. K, rSas^ Hartford, Conn., /dPf6/ etc. Of his short continued Days, Each minute had its Weight of Worth, Each pregnant Hour some Star brought forth So whiles he travell'd here beneath, He liv'd, when others only breath. For not a Sand of time flip'd by Without its Action sweet as high. So good, so peaceable, so blest, Angels alone can speak the rest. 2232 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17720. JOSEPH' CLEIVELAND (Thomas', wiuiami), m. ISt, Dorothy she d. May, ab. 5, 1662, bur. Hinckley, Eng., May 7, 1662. He m. a 2d wife, who survived him, sup. to be a da. Mr. Bayley of the Mithe. Ch. by ist m., b. Hinckley : 17727 Elizabeth^ Cleiveland, b. June 29, 1655. 17728 Dorothy* Cleiveland, b. Mar. 26, 1657, bur. H., Mar. 20, 1680. 17729 Edith' Cleiveland, b. Apr. 5, 1659. + 1773° John' Cleiveland, Id. Aug. 3, 1661. By 2d m. : 17731 Anne' Cleiveland, bap. Jan. i, 1663-4. Joseph' Cleiveland. Nichols' Hinckley, III : 602 — was the owner of and lived at the Star Inn, Hinckley, Jan. 29, 1694. 17723. ELIZABETH' CLEIVELAND (Thomas^), died Sept., ab. 26, 1658, a. 32, bur. Sept. 28, 1658, m. Mar. 6, 1649-50, as first wife, William Iliffe, he d. Jan., ab. 10, 1688-9, bur. Jan. 12, i688-g — Nichols' Hinckley, Eng., III., 709. Ch. : + 17732 Joseph* Iliffe. 17724. WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND (Thomas^ wiiiiam-), died Quatt, Eng., 1666, a. 38, m. Elizabeth Woodcock, b. 1629, died Dudley, Eng., Apr. 24, 1705. Ch.: + 17733 William' Cleiveland, b. 1654 or 1655. 17734-5 Elizabeth' Cleiveland, d. London, Eng., Feb. 10, 1726-7, unm. ; Anne' Cleiveland, d. London, Apr. 24, 1727, unm. 17736 Catharine* Cleiveland, died Bridgenorth, Shrop shire, Eng., May, ab. 14, 1731, bur. St. Leonards, Eng., May 16, 1731, m. ISt, Noah Blancha of Stepney, Middlesex, Eng., b. 1666, d. Feb. 9, 1708. She m. 2d, William Cowdery of Wimbledon, Surrey, Eng., b. 1662, 1664, d. May 17, 1723, 1725.. + 17737 Margaret' Cleiveland, b. 1666, after her father's decease. Rev. Williaim' Cleiveland, adm. of Pembroke Hall, Cam bridge, Eng., took degree A.B. 1650 ; became rector of Oldbury, to which he was presented by the lord chancellor, Oct. 10, 1660, was also rector of Quatt, both n. Bridgenorth, Shropshire, Eng. 17726. RICHARD' CLEIVELAND (Thomas^ wiiiiam>), died prob. Liverpool, Eng., in or bef. 1683, m. Miss [Susannah?] Danvers of Oxfordshire, Eng., n. Banbury, she d. prob. Liverpool, in or bef. 1685, da. Danvers, Esq. Ch.: 17738 Daughter*, d. young, m. at Liverpool . s. p. Richard' Cleiveland resided at Liverpool, merchant. Hav ing no son, adopted John* Cleiveland +17730, son of his brother Joseph'. Will of Richard Cleavland of Liverpool, 1683. Will of Susannah Cleavland of Liverpool, 1685, whom we suppose to be his wife. . DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND. 2233 17730. JOHN' CLEIVELAND (Josephs, Thomas^, WilUami), died prob. Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 17, 1716, a. 55, bur. St. Nicholas church, Liverpool, m. Anne Williamson of L., she d. after 1726, da. Williamson, Esq. Ch.: 17739 John' Cleiveland, d. after Aug. 17, 1716, unm. 17740 Williaivi" Cleiveland (Hon.), born Apr. — , 1695, Liverpool, d. prob. L. Mar. 25, 1724, bur. L., unm. . M. P. for Liverpool, 1722. See account of his funeral St. James Evening Post, Apr. 28, 1724. Monument in St. Nicholas Church, Liver pool — see below. + 17741 Alice' Cleiveland, b. , 1701. Hon. JoHN^ Cleiveland or Cleveland, M. P., rem. to Liver pool, to his uncle Richard^ +17726, by whom he was' adopted. There he acquired a large fortune. Merchant. Purchased, ab. 1 7 13, Birkenhead Priory, Birkenhead,- Chester co., on the river Mersey, across from Liverpool. History of the Hundred of Wirral. By William Williams Mor timer, 320 — The executors of Samuel Powell of Horsley, in whom the property of the Baronet vested, sold that portion which had belonged to the priory (built by Sir Thomas Powell before i6 Charles I, 1641), and which is described as an estate in Cheshire called the manor of Birkenhead, alias Birkett and Claughton-cum- Grange, with all the demesne lands, tenements, etc., to them belonging, together with divers lands, messuages, etc., in Birkenhead, Wallasey, Tranmere, to John Cleveland of Liverpool, Esq. Three years after he had made the purchase, Mr. Cleveland died, leaving two sons and one daughter, Alice, married to Francis Price of Bryn-y-pys, in the county of Flint, Esq., to whose great-grandson, Francis Richard Price of the same place, Esq., the manor, lordship, and estates have de scended, according to the following table: — [pedigree]. Mr. Cleveland resided at Cleveland Place, " in the parish and near the docke of Liverpool." Some of the trees in his Parke, the site of which is now used as a market, remained until 1825. Mr. Cleveland was one of the most eminent merchants of his day. He was M. P. for Liverpool in 17 10-13, and Mayor of that borough in 1703. Cleveland Street, Birkenhead, was named by William Laird, Esq., after the late owner of the township, John Cleveland, Esq. The Town Hall and Bride well, in Hamilton Square, toward Cleveland Street. Mr. Cleve land was buried in the parochial chapel of St. Nicholas, Liver pool, near the place where, on the south wall, a marble cenotaph is inscribed, " Here lies the body of John Cleveland, Esq., for merly a Representative in Parliament for Liverpool, who died 17th August, 1716 ; and of William Cleveland, his son, M. P. for Liverpool, who died 25th March, 1724, aged 28 years." Nichols' Leicestershire ¦ — On the monurrient the Arms of Cleiveland : Party per chev. sa. and erm. a chev. engrailed counterchanged. Crest — Head and neck erased of a white fishing ea.g\s — see pi. CXVI,Jlg. ib. Mortimer's Wirral, 340 — In 1726, " Woodside house, the ferry boat and house," were leased by Ann Cleveland, the executrix of John Cleveland, for 11 years, annual rent, ^39,; and in the 2234 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. next lease which occurs, there is a covenant to pay the Hon. Thomas Molyneux 40s. per year for " the taking of passengers from Liverpool town side." One of the ferry boats in 1845, the Cleveland, an iron packet of 150 tons and 50-horse power. 17732. JOSepJl* Iliffe (Elizabeths, Thomas^, William'-), buricd July 24, 1695, m. Hannah Wood. Ch.: -f 17742 John" Iliffe, bap. Aug. 30, 1695. 17733. WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND (wiiiiam^, Thomas^, William>), died Dudley, Worcestershire, Eng., June 5, 1721, a. 66, bur. 8, m. St. Mary's, Bridgenorth, Eng., June 20, 1682, Elizabeth Rogerson of B., bap. Nov. 27, 1656, d. Oct. 11, 1694, bur. Dudley, da. John and Alice. Ch.: + 17743 John' Cleiveland, b. Feb. 13, 1682-3. William' Cleiveland, b. Apr. 22, 1684, bur. July 6, 1684. 17744 Elizabeth' Cleiveland, b. Sept. 24, 1685, Dudley, d. Apr. 25, 1745, unm. Mary* Cleiveland, b. Oct. 24, 1686, d. 1686. Catharine* Cleiveland, b. Dec. 26, 1687, d. Jan. 12, 1688. + 17745 William' Cleiveland (ag.), b. Jan. 12, 1689, Dudley. Thomas' Cleiveland, b. Sept. 27, 1690, d. May 13, 1691. 17746 Thomas* Cleiveland (ag.), b. Nov. i, 1691, Dudley, d. Pershore, Eng., Apr. 13, 1722, was of Christ's College, Cam bridge, Eng., 1710, B.A. 1713. 17747 Catharine* Cleiveland (ag.), born Aug. 24, 1693, Dudley, d. Mar. 25, 1751, unm. Son', b. and d. Oct. 11, 1694. Rev. William" Cleiveland, of Christ's Coll., Camb., adm. A.B. 1677, A.M. 1681, rector of Upton Cressent, Shropshire, Eng., 1681, Vicar of Dudley 1684. 17737. MARGARET* CLEIVELAND (wiuiams), d. Bridgenorth, Eng., June 29, 1745, a. 79, m. Dudley, Eng., July 3, 1699, Arthur Percy, he d. Bridgenorth, 1741, s. John and Elizabeth (Lowe). Children : 17748 Catharine" Percy j Daughter". + 17749 Arthur Lowe^ Percy, b. 1704 ; Daughter". 17750 Edward^ Percy, b. 1707, d. 1746, m. Margaret Nott, she d. 1777, a da. Thomas, gent. s. p. Percy ancestry . — Some doubt has been expressed in Eng. Cyc. Blog., by Charles Knight, i8s7, IF: 7jS: Notes and Queries, rSbS; II: tbq, 205 — tA his being of the noble house of Percy. His descent can be seen in Nash's Worcestershire, if: 318, deduced from the Earls of Northumberland, and he certainly esteemed himself the "heir male 01 the ancient Verciea" — Alltbone, II : i^bi : Gorton's Bio. Die.: Nichols' Bib. Top. Brit., VII. Nicolas' His. Peerage — 'SjhtH of Northumberland: Percy — Henry', created July 1^1 i.S77> slain 1408, Earldom forfeited ; Sir Henry", renowned Hotspur ; Henry', restored Earldom Nov. 11, 1414 ; Henry* Percy, etc. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND. 17741, 2235 ALICE' CLEIVELAND (johnS Joseph^, Thomas", William'), died Overton, Flintshire, Eng., Nov. 3, 1769, a. 68, m. ist, Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of Guernhayled, Flintshire, Eng. She married 2d, Francis Price, Esq., of Brinypiece or Bryn-y-Pys, Flintshire, Eng., and of Castle Lions, Ireland, he d. 1747. Ch. by ist m.: Daughter'', d. y. By 2d m.: + 17751 Richard Parry° Price, b. May 19, 1736. Alice' was sole heiress of her father, Hon. John' Cleveland. Mortimer's Hundred of the Wirral: 321 — ^ Pedigree showing de scent of the manor, lordship, and estate at Birkenhead, Eng., to Alice', etc. She d. of a third stroke of palsy. Francis Price, of Bryn-y-Pys, and of Castle Lyons, Ireland, Esq. Nichols' Bib. Top. Brit., VII — Pedigree facing 132, by error, calls him Francis Parry Price. Arms — 'PViiCT^ (Bryn-y-Pys, co. Flint : Francis Price, of Bryn-y-Pys and of Castle Lyons, Ireland, esq., m. Alice, da. and eventually heiress of John Cleveland of Birken head, CO. Chester, etc.). Az. on a chev. ar. betw. three leopards' heads erased or, three spear heads sa. Burke's Heraldry Illust., III. Plate 132 — Price, -of Bryn-y-Pys. Quarterly (ist and 4th, Price. 2d and 3d, Cleveland). Az. on a chev. erm. Crest — A cock. Motto — In- viglia sic vinces. 17742. John'' Iliffe {Joseph* mffe), d. Aug., 1742, a. 47, m. Apr. 12, 17 16, Christian Robinson. Ch.: Elizabeth', d. y. 17752-5 Joseph"; George's John"; William^ Lliffe, all living in 1782. -1-17756 Mary" Iliffe. 17743. JOHN* CLEIVELAND (wniiamS WllliamS, Thomas", Wllliam'), d. Apr. 17, 1745, a. 62, m. 1st, Moseley Chapel, Jan. i, 1706, Mary Collas or Colles, she d. Dudley, Eng., Sept. 20, 17 12, bur. North- field, Eng., 24. He m. 2d, Dec. 6, 1719, Catharine Grove, da. Rev. Henry, rector of St. Martins, Birmingham, Eng. Ch. by ISt m.: 17757-9 Mary" Cleiveland, b. July 4, 1708, King's Nor ton, d. Apr. 27, 17 14; John", b. Oct. 4, 1709, King's Norton, d. July 12, 1721, bur. Dudley; William", b. Mar. 8, 1710-11, Dud ley, d. Apr. 12, 1729, bur. D. 16. By 2d m.: Catharine" Cleive land, b. Mar. 11, 1720-1, d. Jan. 29, 1721-2. Rev. John' Cleiveland, of Christ's coll., Cambridge, Eng., 1700, A.B. 1703, A.M. 1707, rector in Himley, Staffordshire, Eng. 17745. WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND (wiiuam*), d. Feb. 12, 1758, a. 69, buried Lindridge, Worcestershire, Eng., 14, m. L., Aug. 27, , . 1725, Elizabeth Lowe, b. Aug. 14, 1698, d. Feb. 16, 1769, eldest {-: fc % '-^a,^ Joshua and Elizabeth (Lowe). Ch.: 17760 Elizabeth' Cleiveland, born Julys, 1726, at the Lowe, Lindridge parish, d. Worcester, Eng., Nov. 9, 1786, unm. + 17761 William" Cleiveland, b. June 27, 1731, Worcester, Eng. 2236 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Rev. William^ Cleiveland was of St. John's college, Cam bridge, Eng., B.A. 1 71 1, M.A. 1715. Rector of All Saints, Wor cester, 1 73 1, 1736. Lowe ancestrjy :—IjO\ve (Bromsgrove). On a bend sinister cotised sa. 3 wolves' heads. Crest — Demi griffin ramp. Low is the Old English word for a small hill. . . . Family established in Eng. by a " captayne '* who fought under the Conqueror. . . . Guido Lowe de Clive of Shropshire, 7 Hen. VI. . . . Alanus de Lawe, ancestor of the family before us, whose son, Stephanus de Law, gave land in Lawefield to Worcester priory, m. Dionysia. . . . Thomas' Lowe, of the Lowe parish, Lindridge, Worcester shire, head of this ancient house, m., toward close of i6th century, Anne Foster ; Henry2, of Lowe 1594, m., Knighton Chapel, Feb. 3, 1566, Dorothy Baylies, of the Bower, parish of Rock, da. William; Thomas', of Lowe; Arthur*, of Lowe, m. Elizabeth Pembruge, da. Anthony, esq., of Wellington, Herefordshire; Arthur^, of Lowe. m. Mary Packing- ton, da. Thomas, esq.; Elizabeth^ Lowe, b. 1666, m. Joshua Lowe of Birmingham.- /Tij- tory of the Commoners of Great Britain. By John Burke, esq., 1S3S, IV: 39. 17749. Arthur Lowe" Percy (Margaret*, Wniiama, Thomas", William'), d. 1764, a. 60, m. Jane Nott, she d. 1760, a daughter Thomas, gent. Dwelt Bridgenorth, Eng., grocer. Ch. : + 17762 Thomas" Percy, b. Apr. 13, 1728, Bridgenorth. -1-17763 Anthony" Percy,h.i'] ¦^i. i'j'j64 Arthur" Percy(LiG'at), d. 1756. s. P. 17751. Richard Parry" Price (Allce', john*, Josephs, Thomas", William'), d. May 14, 1782, a. 46, bur. Birkenhead, Eng., 1782, m. ist, Dec. 18, 1759, Dorothea Brine or Byrne, she died Dec, 1761, da. Sir John Byrne, bart., and sister to Sir Peter Leycester of Tabley, bart. He m. 2d, 1765, Anne Puleston, she d. after 1810, da. and sole heir of John, Esq., of Emeral or Emrall, Flintshire, Eng. Ch. b. Bryn-y-Pys, Eng., by ist m.: + 17765 Francis Parry'' Price, b. Nov. 9, 1761. By 2d m. : -I-17766 Richard Par rf Price, b. Sept. 3, 1765. Richard^ Price, Esq., F. R. S., assumed the name bf Parry on a bequest by the Right Hon. Benjamin Parry. Richard Parry" Price, of Bryn-y-Pys, and of Castle Lyons, Ireland, Esq. Burke's Armory: Mortimer's Hundred of Wirral, 321— to whom Birkenhead Priory, manor, lordship, and estates descended.— From the time Birkenhead and Claughton were granted to Worsley, they are seldom mentioned. Sir Thomas Powell built the old hall [before 1641I, of late years called the Priory, on the site of the ancient hotel or lodging house erected under the licenses of the Edwards. At this he occasion ally resided, and during the civil war, when the passage over the Mersey was deemed of great importance, the house was fortified by the royalists. It surrendered to parlia mentary troops Sept. 22, 1644 ; the hall was rebuilt and considerable additions made to it by Mr. Parry Price, who lived in it for some time. At length, in 1843, after having been alternately occupied as a farm house, boarding school, a temporary chapel, a lodging house, and a private residence, it was demolished, the gardens laid out for streets, now covered with 100 shops and houses. 340 — In 1773, William Woods was tenant of Wood- side Ferry, under Mrs. Price. Puleston Arms. Sa. three mullets ar. Crests — 'W'n&t, an oak tree ppr., pendant therefrom, by a band az., an escutcheon gu. charged with three ostrich feathers ; second, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a buck statant ppr. attired or. Motto — ClB.riores e tenebris. Burke's Armory says he m. ist, Anne Puleston, and 2d, Dorothea Byrne. 17756. Mary" Iliffe {john^iuffe), va. Jan. 2, 1 750-1, William Green. Ch.: Charles\ died bef. 1782. 17767-9 John"; Charles'' {agam); Thomas'', all living in 1782. + 17770 Martha? Green. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND. 17761. 2237 WILLIAM"' cleiveland (Williami, Williams William^, Thomas^ William'), d. Sept. 8, 1 7 94, a. 63, m. Sept. 24, 1767, Margaret Mary Jones of Stadhampton, Oxfordshire, Eng., b. Feb. 23, 1736-7, d. Jan. 19, 1777, da. James, Esq. Ch.: 17771 Margaret Eliza beth Anne' Cleiveland, b. Jan. 13, d. 15, 1777. Rev. William" Cleiveland, of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Eng. B.A. 1754; M.A. 1757, succeeded his father, 1758, in the rectory of All Saints, Worcester, minor canon of Worcester cathedral, of which he had been incumbent near 37 years, having, Feb. 8, 1758, succeeded his father, who had been presented to the same by that excellent prelate, Bisliop Hough, and insti tuted by him June 10, 1731. So that the father and son had held this benefice upwards of 63 years, even from the birth of the latter, who may be said to have spent his whole life, from his cradle to his death-bed, in the parsonage house at All Saints ; for which he had such a predilection, and such an attachment to this his first and only church (al though attended with very severe duty, which he continued to the last to discharge him self), that no desire or prospect of preferment could tempt him to forsake it ; for the Bishop of Dromore assured me that, to his knowledge, Mr. Cleiveland once refused the offer of a considerable benefice, which would have required him to abandon his beloved parishioners at All Saints. This conscientious, worthy clergyman (who has died with out issue) was the last of the name of Cleiveland of the family at Hinckley. Inherited the estate of the Lowe mentioned in Gent's Mag., 1758, XXVIII: 94. 17762. Thomas" Percy {Arthur Lowe^ Percy, Margaret*, William^, Thomas", William'), d. at the Bishop's Palace of Dromore, Ireland, Sept. 30, 181 1, a. 83, m. Anne Goodriche of Desborough, Northampton 'CO., Eng., b. 1731, d. Dec. 30, 1806, da. Bartin Goodriche, • gent. Ch.: 17772 A7in Cleiveland'' Percy, d. 1770. 17773 Barbara'' Percy, va. Oct. 20, 1795, Samuel Isted, Esq., of Ecton, Northamptonshire, Eng., living 1810. Ch. : Ambrose" Isted, b. Feb. 15, 1797 ; Annie' Isted, d. inf. 17774 Henrf Percy, d. Marseilles, France, Apr. 2, 1783; of Emanuel college, Cambridge, Eng. 17775 Elizabeth'' Percy, m. April 5, 1801, Hon. and Rev. Pierce Meade, b. Nov, 21, 1776, 4th s. John, the first earl Clan- william. Living 18 10. Ch.: John Pierce" Meade ; Thomas Percy' Meade; Theodosia Barbara" Meade; Edward Richard" Meade ; Henry Hugh Francis" Meade. 17776-7 Charlotte', d. 1772 ; Hester', d. 1774. Rt. Rev. Thomas" Pertly, D.D., was educated at Christ church, Oxford, Eng., became vicar of Easton Manduit, Northampton shire, Eng. (which he held with the rectory of Wilby, North ampton CO.), 1756. Domestic chaplain to the Duke of Northum berland ab. 1766. Chaplain to the King, 1769. Dean of Carlisle 1778. Promoted to the Bishoprick of Dromore, Ireland, 1782. Is best known by his " Reliques of Ancient English Poetry." For his writings, see Bibliography, Chap. IV. A life greatly distinguished by an active zeal for the promotion of sound learning, elegant literature, the advancement of the temporal and spiritual interests of the subjects of his charge. John Nichols' Lit., Illust., VIII : s// — Rev. W. Sturrockto James Macpherson, Aug. 21, 1787 : "No bishop in the kingdom exercises the various functions of his office with more ability, diligence, and approbation." 435 — The bishop's efforts to counteract the per nicious influence of the works of Volney and Paine, his personal exertions, his charge to the clergy, his distribution of the scriptures, his encouragement of literary societies and Sunday-schools, will be long remembered in the North of Ireland [Mr. Nichols dedicates to Bishop Percy the Genealogy — see ante\ 2238 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. A noble tribute was paid to the Bishop's memory by the establishment, 1840, of The Percy Society for publication of Ballad Poetry, etc. President, the Rt. Hon. Lord Graybrooke, F. S. A. (d. 1858); Secretary, Thomas Wright, M.A., F. S. A., etc. This Society was dissolved 1852, after printing g6 volumes. 17763. Anthony" Percy {Arthur Lowe'^ Percy), d. Nov. 7, 1795, a. 64, m. Mary Mason, she d. Jan. 21, 1795, da. John, gent. Ch.: + 17778 Thomas'' Percy, b. Sept. 13, 1768. 17765. Francis Parry^ Price {Plchard Parry' Price, AUce^, john*, Joseph^,. Thomas', William'), d. after 1810, m. June 13, 1783, Francisca Wright, a da. Rev. Henry Offley Wright of Mottram, St. Andrew, Ches ter CO., Eng. Ch.: + 17779 Francis Richard" Price. 17780 Francisca" Price, m. George Kenyon of Cefn, Esq. Francis Parr/ Price, of Bryn-y-Pys, Eng., and of Castle Lyons, Ireland, Esq. See ante and Mortimer's Wirral, 321; Burke' s Armory. Xlldd. Richard Parry^ Price {Richard Parry' Price), d. after 1813, m. twice. Ch.: SeveraP. Richard Parry'' Price Puleston, of Emrall, Esq., inherited the Emral estates, assumed the name of Puleston, and was created a Baronet in 1813 — Mortimer's Wirral, 321; Burke's Armory. 17770. Wai'tha' Green {Mary' Illffe, john' Iliffe, Joseph* Iliffe, Elizabeth',. Thomas", William'), m. June 14, 1778, as 2d w., John Nichols, b. Feb. 2, 1744-5, d. Nov. 26, 1826. Ch.: + 17781 John Bowyer" Nichols. 17782 Thomas Cleiveland" Nichols, d. Apr. 2, 1782. John Nichols, F. S. A., the well-known author and publisher. Allibone's Dictionary, 1424 — One of the most eminent literary benefactors of modern times has already claimed our respectful notice in our articles on Atterbury, Francis ;. Ayscough, Samuel ; Bowyer, Wilnam ; Cave, Edward ; Gough, Richard ; Hardiiige, George ; Hogarth, William, etc., and will be hereafter mentioned from time to time as we have occasion to refer to valuable works, made more valuable by his intelligent edi torial supervision. Lowndes Bib. Man. — This industrious man was either author or editor ot 60 works, a list of which in the Gentlemen' s Magazine, Dec, 182b, of which val uable periodical he was editor and proprietor 48 years. . . . Autobiographical sketch in his Literary Anecdotes of the i8th Century. Among his works : The origin ot Print ing ; Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, Printed "by and for John Nichols, London, 1780-1790, 4» ; Supplement to Bib. Top. Brit. Miscel. Antiq., 17131, iSoo, 2 vols., 4° ; His. and Antiq. of Leicester co., 1795-1815, 4 vols., foi.; Royal and Noble wills; Biographies and Anecdotes of Wm. Ged, Wm„ Bowyer, Wm. Hogarth, 1781-1817; Poems; Processions of Q. Elizabeth and of James I ; Times in Eng., 15th, i6th, and 17th Centuries ; His. and Antiq. of Hinckley, 17 plates, 1813. Memoir of John Nichols, Esq., F. S. A., by A[lexander] Clhalmers], tSzb, repr. from Gent. Mag. Nichols Bib. Top., VII John Nichols m. ist, June 22, 1766, Anne Cradock, she d. Feb. 18, 1777, da. William and Sarah DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM' CLEIVELAND. 2239 (Gent). Ch.: William' Bowyer Nichols, b. 1775, d. 1776; Abne Nichols, 1. 1782 ; Sarah Nichols, 1. 1782. Ondeby, Otieby, or Onebye ancestry :—]ohn', res'd Hinckley middle of i6th century, his family of Newton Burguland, Leicestershire, 14th century ; John', barrister, born Hinckley 1582, m. Emme Byard, da. Earth. ; Emme' Onebye m. Dr. William Mason • Richard' Mason m. Anne Jarman ; Dorothy' Mason m. William Cradock, related to Earl of Huntingdon ; William" Cradock. , 17778. Thomas' Percy, D. C. L. {Anthony' Percy), d. May 14, 1808, a. 39. Fellow of St. John's Coll., Oxford, Eng. LL.B. 1792, LL.D. 1797. Vicar of Thurrock Greys 1793. Poet and author, see Bibliography, Chap. IV. Allibone's Dictionary — Rev. Thomas'' Percy excited the wonder of Daines Barrington by an epic poem of more than 600 lines,. written in his ninth year. Nichols Lit. Anec, VIII : 147; Lit. Illu., VII: 54, ip2, VIII: IOI, 108, 256 — An elegant scholar, a poet, and a very accomplished, amiable man. 17779. Francis Richard" Price {Francis Parryi Prlce, Richard Parry' /¦rzc^, Alices, John', Joseph', Thomas', William'), ijj. jst, Susan Parker, da. Thomas Townley Parker, of Entwistle, Eng., Esq. He m. 2d, Eliza Philipson, da. Philipson, Esq. Ch.: SeveraP, all died prior to 1845. Francis Richard" Price, of Bryn-y-Pys and Birkenhead, Eng.,. Esq., whose name will ever occupy a most prominent situation in the history of Birkenhead, to whom have descended the manor, lordship, and estates in Cheshire called the manor of Birkenhead, alias Birkett and Claughton-cum-Grange, with all the demesne lands, tenements, etc., to them belonging, together with divers lands, messuages, etc., in Birkenhead [Priory, etc.], Wallasey, Tranmere, and Claughton. Mortimer's Wirral, 32$ — Birkenhead. Soon after the demise of his father, IMr. Price, who had succeeded to the entire townships of Birkenhead and Claughton, barred- the entail created in 1765 by the will of his great-g:randinother, Mrs. Alice Price, which limited the estates to her gr. s., Francis Parry Price, and the heirs of his body in tail male. In 1817 and 1818, Messrs. Hetherington and Grindrod, whose attention was at tracted by the facility of transit likely to result from the introduction of steam-boats on the Mersey, where they first appeared in 1815, purchased from Mr. Price a large portion of the sea front, and the lands surrounding the priory. In their agreement with Mr. Price, it was stipulated that certain streets should be cut through the fields, and a new church built by that gentleman ; they engaging to form another landing place and to cpnstruct a hotel, on that part of the property now occupied by the Birkenhead Hotel aiid Ferry. 327 — In 1822, the new Church was opened. In 1823, an actual survey of Birkenhead and Claughton was made by Mr. William Lawton, a land-surveyor and agent to Mr. Price, from which it appears there were 6r houses. 330 — Woodside Ferry Co., lessees under Mr. Price, "had an ancient right of Ferry from Birkenhead to Liver pool." 341 —In 1823, Mr. Price erected a new pier, the present landing slip of the Ferry. 342 — Mr. Price agreed to extend the lease of Ferry to 21 years. 347 — Mr. Jackson offered benefit of the contracts he had made with Mr. Price fcr his reversionary interest in the Ferry to the township, an oifer gladly accepted. 349 — Ferry boat Eliza Price, of 150 tons. 357 — By the Corporation of Liverpool considerable purchases near Wallasey Pool made from JVIr. Price, land for purposes of trade of port of Liverpool docks. 362 — Commissioners for Improvement of Birkenhead, by the act for their incorporation, were empowered to erect a Town Hall, Prison, and a Public Market. Towards these pur poses Mr. Price contributed an acre of land for the site, in addition to paying a moiety of the expenses of obtaining the act of parliament. 373 — Mr. Price bound purchasers of land not to erect steam-engines or nuisances in the town. 374 — Pi-ice Street, 2,700 yards length, 84 ft. breadth, named after the late owner of the township, Mr. Price. 384 — In 1844, Adelphi Hotel and Woodside Hotel were purchased from Mr. Price by Mr. William Jackson. 387 — Statement of Commissioners of Birkenhead. To F. R. Price, for Fee- simple of Woodside Ferry, ;£44,ooo. 391 — St. Mary's church, erected by Mr. Price, at his- own expense, on elevated ground adjacent to ruins of ancient Priory. July T9, 1819, 2240 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. foundation stone was laid with imich ceremony by Right Hon. Lord Kenyon. The de signs furnished bv the erainent architect and antiquary, Thomas Riokman. Church go feet long by 57 feet breadth, of Decorated English Architecture, which prevailed during 14th century, during reign of 2d and 3d Edwards, by whom charters were granted to the Priory. Tower and spire 130 ft. high. 335 — In 1844, Mr. Price sold the residue of his Birkenhead property, together with St. Mary's Church and the manor of Claughton, to William Jackson, Esq., thus terminating the connection that had existed between those townships and the house of Bryn-y-pys for upwards of a century. 17781. John ROtVyer" Nichols, F. S. A. {Marthai Green, Mary' Illffe, John' Iliffe, Joseph* Illffe, Elizabeth', ThomasH, William'). Residence 1 806, Red Lion Passage, Fleet street, London, Eng. The distin guished author. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. His son : + 17783 John Gough" Nichols, b. May 22, 1806, London. 17783. John GoiA.gh^ WicholS {john Bowyer' Nichols, Martha'' Green, Mary' Iliffe, John' Iliffe, Joseph* Illffe, Elizabeth', Thomas', William'), b. at hlS father's residence. Red Lion Passage, Fleet St., London, Eng., May 22, 1806, d. at Holm wood Park, near Dorking, in Surry, Eng., Nov. 13, 14, 1873, rn- July 22, 1843, Lucy Lewis, eldest daughter of Frederick Lewis, Esq., Commander R. N, Children : 17784 John Bruce'" Nichols, b. Nov. 18, 1848, whose name was joined, in 1873, to those of his father and uncle as " Printers of the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons." Two daughters'" . From N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XXX : 118: Necrology of the New- England Historic Genealogical Society — Prepared by the Rev. Dorus Clarke, D.D., late Historiographer of the Society: John Gough Nichols, F. S. A., a corresponding member. He was the representative of a family which, while carrying on success fully the business of printing, has for three generations, more or less, distinguished itself in the sphere of literature and arch aeological research. In 181 1, the subject of this notice was placed at a school at Islington, where Benjamin Disraeli was his school-fellow. In 1814, he was sent to Lewisham, where he remained until 1816, and in 1817 was placed at Merchant Tay lor's, from which, in the summer of 1824, he left school to join in the business and literary labors of his father and grandfather, to whom, before his school-days were over, he was a useful assistant. Journals kept by him during his school-days, are still in existence, and indicate the bent of his mind. He makes notes on churches, and copies inscriptions and epitaphs. His first literary work, after leaving school, was to help in the com pilation of the "Progresses of King James the First," the latest work of his father, which he completed after his father's death. He took an active part in the editorial management of The Gentleman's Magazine until 1856 (when the proprietorship was relinquished by the Messrs. Nichols), 'contributing to its pages many essays of considerable historical value. [For a catalogue of his writings, see Bibliography, Chap. IV.] In 1829, he pub lished his first separate work, a collection of Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages, accom panied by Biographical Memoirs, which show extensive research DESCENDANTS OF CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND. 2241 and historical knowledge in its young author. In 183 1, he pub lished a volume on London Pageants, which was received with considerable favor. In 1835, he was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, of which he was an active and useful member until the time of his death. In 1838, he suggested and, in conjunction with other friends, established the Camden Society, the objects of which were announced to be "to perpet uate and render accessible whatever is valuable, but at present little known amongst the materials for the Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Literary History of the United Kingdom." This society rapidly achieved a triumph beyond the hopes of its projectors. In 1844, he became an original member of the Archaeological Association. The termination of Mr. Nichols's connection with the management of The Gentleman's Magazine had been ren dered necessary by the state of his health, but it was with great reluctance that he renounced it, and in little more than a year we find him planning the establishment of another periodical, which ultimately took the form of the Herald and Genealogist, which met with great favor, but other engagements and uncer tain health interfered seriously with the regularity of the pub lication. Mr. Nichols joined the London and Middlesex Arch aeological Association on its first establishment in 1855, and was •elected a member of its Council in 1857, and a Vice-President in 1865, which offices he retained until his death. The Trans actions of this society also bear witness to his untiring industry and extensive knowledge. Throughout the summer of 1873 his friends had observed with regret a decided falling off in his health and strength, but he still bestowed an immense amount of labor upon his different undertakings. A few days before his death he read a proof of a new edition of Mr. Evelyn Shir ley's "Stemmata Shirleiana." Hewas admitted a member of this institution July 23, 1864. Allibone, 1425 — John Gough Nichols inherited the antiqua rian tastes which have made the name so famous in " Old buck literature." See English Cyclopoedia Biog., 1857, IV: 487. Early and Modern Clevelands in England. 17785 WiLLELMUS DE Cliuelande : Publications of the Sur- tees Society, established in the year MDCCCXXXIV, LVIII : 139 — Estates of the Prior and Convent of Durham, Eng. Northam- shire and Islandshire. Wolveston, parish of Billingham. Grant from Earl Robert in favor of Bishop William First, 1091-2. This gift was confirmed by Bishop Hugo de Pusat, in a charter having the same witnesses with Willelmus de Cliuelande, Ricardus de Parco, and Walterus de Insula. Further confirmed by Henry II [1154-89]. 17786 Hugo or Hugone de Cliveland. Surtees Soc. Pub., 1837,11: 143 — The Priory of Finchdale, Durham co., Eng. Charters of Endowment CLIV De VIII Acris Terrae in Thorp. Willielmus filius Johannis de Thol-p. * Hiis testibus domino Hugone de Capella, Ada de Fulthorp, Galfrido de Parco militi- bus, Elya de Aldacres, Nigillo de Thorp, Roberto de eadem 141 2242 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. clerico, Radulpho filio Hulin, Gilbertd Franceys, Johanne Belle, Hugone de Cliveland, Roberto filio Adae de Wyttone et aliis. [CLV, with Roberto de Thorp a witness, is dated 1265.] 17787 Osburn de Cliveland, of ¦ co. Danark, Scotland, swore fealty, 1296, to Edward I. Lyon office of Edinburgh, Scotland. 17788 . Sir Guy de Cleveland was present at the siege of Boulogne, France, 1349, and there Knighted, afterward com manded the spearmen at the battle of Poitiers, Vienne, France,. fought Sept. 19, 1356, between Edward Plantagenet, the Black Prince, Prince of Wales, with 12,000 men, and King John of France (who was defeated and taken prisoner), with 60,000. [Note the Cleveland Crest — A spearman.] 17789 WiLLELMO Clyveland. Surtees Soc. Pub., Llllr 1 1 4-15 — Testamenta Eboracensia. Will of Mr. William Warde of York, June 20, 1496. Willelmo Clyveland j muske ball de argento. 17789'' WiLLELMi Cleveland. Surtees Soc. Pub., LIII: 300 — The Horse Fair, York. Testamenta Eboracensia. Ex ecutor' testamenti magistri Willelmi Cleveland nuper vicarii de Tadcastre xxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. [Perhaps 1500.] 17790 William Cleveland. Surtees Soc. Pub., .LIII : 244 — May 6, 1506. Will of Dan John Fell, Chantry Priest at St. William's Altar, in York Minster. I yeve to yo Bedderne and y« vicars yeroflf oon goblett w* a cover off silver and gilt,. to pray for my saule and y saule ot Maister William Cleveland. 1 7 79 1 Rev. John Cleveland, of Byland Abbey, York shire, Eng. Monasticon Eboracense. By John Burton, M.D., 1758, P- 339 — Abbotts of Byland. 30th Jan., 28 Hen. VIII, 1536, this abbey was, by king's letters patent, preserved from the dissolu tion of the lesser monasteries, and refounded, but 30 Hen. VIII,, 1540, it was surrendered by John Leeds alias Alanbrigg, the ablDOtt, and 24 monks. Amongst whom following annual pen sions were granted : To the abbot, John Bainton, John Moyser, Christopher Cromacke, Richard Parson, Thomas Metcalf, John Cleveland, and Robert Wilkinson [each 5I., 5s.], William Weatherhall. All remaining in charge 1553, ist Mary. Site granted, 32 Hen. VIII, to Sir William Pickeringe. At present belongs to Sir Bryan Stapleton. 17792 Jacob Cleveland, m. — Parish Register of St. Dun stan in the East, London, Eng. — Feb. 23, 1611-12, Dorathy Smith — N.Y. Gen. Bio. Rec, XXVI: 21— Parish Reg. of St. Dunstan, transcribed by James Greenstreet, Hon. Sec. of Pipe Roll Soc. 17792^ Benjamin Cleveland or Cheland. N. E. Reg., XLV: 230 — Joseph Maye, of the Strand, Middlesex co., Eng., will. Mar. (?) 5, 1631. To my cousin, Benjamin Cheland, £1. Codicil ab. Nov. 20, 1635. His cousin, Benjamin Cleveland, should have but 40s. 17793 Benjamin Cleveland, rector of Moreleigh, Eng.,. 1641. Presentations to benefices, 16 Car. i: John Armourer to vicarage of Eyworth ; William Styles to the vicarage of Stal- ham ; Benjamin Cleveland, to the rectory of Moreleigh — Syllabus in English of Rjmer's Fcedera [by Thomas Rymer and Robert Sanderson\ By Sir Thomas Duffy Hardy, 1885, II: 901. DESCENDANTS OF CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND. 2243 17793=' John Cleveland, of Newton, Eng., administration of his will 1646. [There is a Newton in Hundred of Wirral, Eng.] 17794. JOHN' CLEVELAND, b. prob. 1670-88, of Eng., had a son : 17795 John' Cleveland . . . 1731, Mr. Cleveland clerk of the cheque at Plymouth, Eng. . . . 1753, John Cleveland, Jr., esq. Secretary of the Admiralty, and a chief clerk, . . . 1754, John Cleveland, Jr., esq., to be judge ad vocate, Portsmouth, Eng. . . . Writes June 4, 1757, from Admiralty Office, to Capt., since Commodore William Wilson. . . . Sir Edward Hawke writes, Nov. 24, 1759, from Royal George, off Penris Point, to Mr. Cleveland. . . . 1760. agt. of marine. . . . Apr. 13, 1763, John Cleveland, Esq., ist sec. to the admiralty and member for Plymouth. . . . Relict of the late sec. Cleveland, died Dec. 5, 1764 — Gent. Magazine, I: 85; XXIII: 297 ; XXIV: 580 ; XXX: 250 ; XXXIII: 314; XXXIV : 603; Grave's Cleveland, 201; Peerage of Eng., by Arthur Collins, edited by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, VII : 466. 17796 Sir John Cleveland, of the Navy Department, one of the relations found in Eng. 1754-5, by Rev. Aaron* Cleveland +120. 17797 Capt. Cleveland, removed 1757 to the Shannon, a new fir ship, 28 guns. Capt. Cleveland, 1759, of the Windsor, 60 guns. 17797'' Capt. Cleveland, 1763, capt. of the Phenix. 17798 Capt. Rt. Cleveland, of the W. I. trade, m. Aug. 25, 1768, Miss Amelia Cole of Rotherhite, Eng. — Gent. Mag. 17799 Ezra Cleveland, B. D., author of History of Fam ily of Courtenay, 1735. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. Gibbon observes : " The rector of Honiton [Eng.] (Ezra Cleaveland) has more gratitude than industry, and more industry than criti cism " — Lowndes' Bibl, 1864. 17800 Augustus Cleveland, b. 1755, d. 1784, said to have been a cousin of Sir John Shore, ist lord of Teignmouth [Peer age of Ireland, Gov.-Gen. of India, b. Oct. 8, 1751, m. Charlotte, only da. of James Cornish, esq.]. Bengal civilian, an Indian administrator of exceptional ability. Collector and Magistrate of Boligpoor. Founded a school, raised a corps of Sepoys. Gov. Warren Hastings erected a monument to him at Calcutta. John Shore wrote a monody on his death — Life of Lord I'eign- mouth, 1 : 489, 499. Bp. Heber, who reached Calcutta years afterward, found his memory still treasured — Die. of National Biog., by Leslie Stephen, XI: 4^. Judge Cleveland noticed in Works of Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, Bishop of Calcutta — the people of India hold a religious feast in his memory. Mentioned in William Makepeace Thackeray' s Lectures on the Four Georges, 445. 17801 Col. Cleveland, 1762, 2d in command under Earl of Albemarle (Gen. Michelson, dec.) — Gent M., XXXII. 17802 Lt.-Col. Samuel Cleveland, 4th Battalion Royal Artillery. Office N. Y. Sec. State, XXII: 2/9 — May 14, 1774. Agreement as to 5,000 acres land not yet located, to which Lt.-Col. Samuel Cleveland is entitled by virtue of His Maj esty's proclamation, Oct. 7, 1763, he agreeing to convey % of sd. 5,000 acres to John Kelly. Signed in presence of Robert Foster. 2244 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Memoirs of Capt. William Glanville Evelyn of 4th Reg. (" King's Own ") from N. America, 1774-6. Ed. by Gideon Delaplaine Scull, jgjp — Sketch of Col. Cleaveland, R. A. New Londo?i, Conn., Gazette, Oct. 28, 1774 — Attempt on the life of Col. Cleveland. 17803 Gen. Cleveland. American Biography. By Jared Sparks: Life of Joseph Warren, by Alexander Hill Everett, X: 133 — Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. After the British landed it was discovered that the can non balls were too large for the pieces. This blunder arose from the dotage of an oflScer, Gen. Cleveland. It created delay, and diminished the British fire during the first two attacks. [In honor of Gen. Cleveland, Capt. Alexander' (Capt. Alexander') Forbes, B.A., named his son: Capt. Cleaveland Alexander Forbes — of Perth Amboy, N. J., ab. 1790, among whose posterity Cleaveland often appears as a given name — see N. ¥. Gen. Bio. Rec, XXI : rfQ.l 17804 Col. and Maj. -Gen. Samuel Cleveland, war office, Feb. 24, ij7g—Ge)it. M; XLIX : 21;. 17805 John Cleaveland, maister, Ipswich, Eng., Silent st, n. St. Clemence Church, to whom Rev. John Cleaveland +233 wrote, Dec. 25, 1759. See +1. 1780C T. Jackson Cleveland, High Holbhaberd [Eng.], Sept. 21, 1771. 17807 Breholt Cleveland, London, Eng., mariner, Jan., 1775. 17808 Miss Selina Cleveland, with io,oool. fortune, m., Aug. 16, 1777, John Udney, esq., British Consul at Leghorn — (?«n A Mag., XLVII: 4.SQ. 17809 John Clevland, of Tapley, Eng., m. Jan. lo, 1782, Mrs. Hawese. — Gent. Magazine, LII : 45. 17810. JOHN CLEVELAND, Member of Parliament for Barn staple, Eng., d. 181 7, m. Ibbetson and Saltren. Burke's Armory — CLEVJ^AfiD (Tapley, co. Devon, the sisters and heirs of JOHN Cleveland, esq., M. P. for Barnstaple, who d. in 1817, m. Ibbetson and Saltren). Az. a hare salient or, collared gu. to the collar a buglehorn pendent sa. 6V^j^ — A cubit arm erect, vested az. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a dagger of the second, hilt and pom mel or. Motto — Audaces juvat. Burke's Armory — Willett (Combe in Abbotsham, Porthill in 'Northam, Tapeley in Westleigh, co. Devon ; the last male heir. John Willet, esq., d. 1836, having bequeathed his estates to William Saltren (2d s. of Thomas Saltren of Stone, in Park- ham, esq.), whose elder s., Augustus, assumed the addtl. sur name of Willett, and dying, 1803, left a s. [+17811] Augustus Saltren-Willett, esq., who inherited Tapeley from John Clevland. (Same as Walthamstow, co. Essex.) Ar. three bars gemelles sa.; in chief as many lions ramp, of the second. Crest — On a ducal coronet or, a moorcock, with wings ex panded, sa. combed and wattled gu. Landed Gentry, by Sir Bernard Burke, 254 — Margaret Caro line Clevland [Cleveland], of Tapeley Park, wid. of [m. 1830] 17811. AUGUSTUS SALTREN CLEVELAND, esq. [a J. P. and D. L. for Devon, and col. North Devon Militia — nde Augustus Saltren Willet, assumed name of Cleveland compliance with will of his uncle, John Cleveland, esq., the last male represent ative of the Clevlands of Paskine, co. Lanark — County Families of the United Kingdom, by Edward Waif ord, M.A., 1865], and eldest da. of the late Col. John Palmer Chichester, esq., of Ar lington Court, CO. Devon, by his 2d wife, Agnes, eldest da. of James Hamilton, esq., of Bangour and Ninewaz, N. B., j to the Tapeley Est. Mrs. Clevland has had issue : I. Archibald, of Tapeley Park, cornet 17th lancers, b. May 10, 1833, fell at Inkerman, Nov. 5, 1854, left his property to his mother. DESCENDANTS OF CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND. 224S 2. Agnes Hamilton, m. Oct., 1855, William Langham Chris tie, esq., of Preston Deanery, co. Northampton, and has issue, Augustus-Langham, b. 1857, Langham Charles, b. 1859, Archi bald, b. i860. 3. Caroline Chichester, m., 1857, William- Wither Beach, esq., M. P. of Oakley Hall Hants, and has a son, Archibald William-Hicks, b. Oct. 21, 1859. 17812 Mr. Cleveland, surgeon, Gracechinchstral, Eng., m. Jan. 15, 1785, Miss Sally Ward— Gent. M., LV : 75. 1 7813 Mr. Cleveland, coal merch., Dorset St., Salisbury- square, London, Eng., d. Dorset st, Feb. 14, 1785, his wid., Mrs. Cleveland, m. 2d, July 7, 1790, William Girdler of Harehatch, Sunning, Berks, Eng.— G=. M., LV : 158; LX : 763. 17814 Richard' Cleveland, esq., of Leacock, Eng., his da.: Miss' Cleveland, d. Apr. 21, 1792.— G. M., LXII: 480. . 17815 John Cleveland, No. 32426 — Index to Heirs at law, missing friends, creditors, advertised for 150 years. By Robert Cham bers, revised by Edward Preston, London, 1872, p. 75. John 9 — In dex Register for Next of Kin, by Constantine William DeBernardy, London, 1858. John (Barbecan, London) 7 — do. 17816 Miss Mary Cleveland, No. 8845 — Chamber's Ix. 17817 Mary Maria Cleveland 7 — De Bernardy's Reg. Mary Maria (Barnaby?) <) — do. Mary Maria, Isl'gt'n, No. 40195 — Robert Gun' s Index to Advertisements in newspapers in Eng., Wales, Scotl., Irel., U. S., Can., Australia, E and W. Indies, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, etc., since 1600, for next of kin, heirs, cases of unclaimed money, London. Mary Maria (Middlesex), No. 30180 — Chamber's Ix. 17818 Matthew Cleveland, No. 12732 — do. Matthew 7 — De B. Ix. 17819 Thomas Cleveland, 18328, C^awiJ^r' J- 7x. Thomas 6 — Gun's Ix. 17820 Mr. James Cleveland, d. London, Eng., Apr. 29, 1783, carver in Charlestr, London, Eng., m. Apr. 29, 1783, Mrs. S. Dickinson. Soon after they returned from church bride groom was seized with an apoplectic fit and expired. — Gents. M., LIII: 451. 17821 Col. Frederick-Darby Cleaveland, Royal Artil lery, b. 1822, d. Sept. 27, 1861, m. Sept. 30, 1852, Hon. Sophia, a da. of Sir Edward-Burtenshaw Sugden. Edward- Burtenshaw Siagden, Baron St. Leonards, of Slaugham, co. Sussex, Eng., in the Peerage of the United Kingdom ; late Lord High Chancel lor of Great Britain, P. C. of Great Britain and Ireland, High Steward of Kingston-upon-Thames, a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, LL.D. and D. C. L.; b. Feb., 1781, m. Dec. 23, 1808, Winifred, only ch. of Mr. John Knapp, she d. May 19, 1861. His Lordship is an eminent lawyer, and author of several standard legal works; was called to the bar 1807, Knighted as Solicitor-Gen eral 1829, has been at two several periods Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and was advanced to the Peerage on his appointment, Feb. 29, 1852, as Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, being the first person who ever held this high dignity both in Eng land and Ireland. Creation — Mar. i, 1852. 2246 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Seat — Boyle Farm, Thames-Ditton, Surrey. SUGDEN (Shropshire ; as borne by Sir Edward B. Sugden). Az. a fesse or, in chief 3 maidens' heads couped at the shoulders ppr. vested and crined or ; in base a leopard's head of the last. Crest— A leopard's head erased or, ducally gorged az. Motto — 1,iA>ov& vinces.— Lodge's Peerage, /S62, page joy; Burke's Armory. 17822 Capt. Henry Cleveland, of H. B. M. Iron Clad,- Iron Duke, which went ashore at Shanghai, May, 1879. 17823 Miss Emily Cleveland, 51 Woburn Place, W.C, London, Eng. — Directory, 1894. 17824 William Frederick Cleveland, stock jobber, 70 Cornhill. — London, Eng., Directory, 1894. 17824^ Cleveland & Lightbody, solicitors, 222 Strand, W. C. — London, Eng., Directory, 1894. 17825. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND, of Lowestoft, county Suffolk, England, merchant. Born at Lowestoft 1750, died at Lowestoft July 26, 1805, aged 55, married first, Margaret Boulter, born 1745, died June 18, 1782, aged 37. He married secondly. Chil dren born at Lowestoft, by first marriage : + 17826 William" Cleveland, born Mar. 2, 1781. By sec ond marriage : 17827 James'' Cleveland, born May 20, 1785, died at Low estoft, Sept. 27, 1864. 17826. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (wiiuam'), died at Lowestoft, Eng., Oct. 16, 1861, aged 80, married Ann Hogg, born at Low estoft Dec. 20, 1790. Their son : + 17828 William Frederick' Cleveland, born Aug. 13, 1823, at Lowestoft. 17828. WILLIAM FREDERICK^ CLEVELAND (wiiiiam«, wmiam'), born at Lowestoft, county Suffolk, England, August 13, 1823, married Sept. 27, 185 1, Cordelia Churchill, who was the younger daughter of Joseph and Mary (Turner) Churchill. Children : 17829 Three sons and three daughters. The eldest son is a Member of the London Stock Exchange, and the youngest son is a Solicitor and Journalist. William Frederick' Cleveland, M.D., was educated at Guy's Hospital, and became a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, and Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Com pany in 1846, and graduated M.D. of St. Andrews' University, Scotland, 1862. Residence since 1851, in Maida Vale, London, Eng. Surgeon. In 1870, Dr. Cleveland was elected President of the Harveian Society of London, and published, as his Presi dential Address, " The modes of dying." [See Bibliography, Chap. IV.] He is an original Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of London, and has twice been Vice-President, viz.: in 1875-7 and 1887-9. In 1890, was elected President of the MetropoHtan Counties Branch of the British Medical Association, and pub lished, as his Presidential Address, " The Energy of the Animal Body." In 1894, Dr. Cleveland was appointed President of the DESCENDANTS OF LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS. 2247 Section of " Ethics " at the forthcoming meeting of the British Medical Association in London, 1895. Carries the Cleveland Crest — A demi old man ppr. habited az. having on a cap gu. turned up with a hair front, holding in the dexter hand a spear headed ar., on the top of which is fixed a line ppr. passing behind him, and coiled up in the sinister hand. Dr. Cleveland is a subscriber for this Genealogy. LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS TO AMERICA. 17830. CLEVELAND, of Loughbro, Eng., went to America with the Skipworths of Cotes, Eng., and Henry Herrick, who removed from Virginia to Salem, Mass., before June 28, 1653. See page 25. 17831. MOSES' CLEVELAND, b. in Ipswich, Suffolk co., Eng., May 13, 15, 1718, d. Ipswich Sept. 5, 1800. Ch.: + 17832 John'' Cleveland, b. Feb. 17, 1750, Ipswich. And probably other children. Moses' Cleveland lived in Ipswich, the very town whence came, 100 years previously, the ancestor of the New England Clevelands, Moses' Cleveland +1, of Woburn, Mass., who very probably was of the same stock in Eng. 17832. JOHN" CLEVELAND (Moses'), d. Turnstall (20 miles from Ipswich), Eng., Apr. 5, 1825, a. 75. He was a carpenter. Ch. b. Ipswich [from church rec, Ipswicli], all of whom were living, 1835, in vicinity of Ipswich, Turnstall, and Blaxhall, Suffolk co., Eng., and have since intended to come to America : 17833-4 Thurza' Cleveland, b. June 10, 1792, m. John Barker, merch. Susannah', b. Mar. 23, 1794, m. James Gray- ston, master builder. + 1 783s James' Cleveland, b. Apr. 6, Oct. 8, 1796. -I-17836 John' Cleveland, b. Aug. 17, 1798. 17837 Margaret', b. Sept. 2, 1800, m. James Reed, book keeper. 17835. JAMES' CLEVELAND (johns Moses'), d. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1859, a. 63, m. Turnstall, Eng., 1821, Jemima Robinson, b. Eiig. Sept. 2, 1800. Ch.: 17838 Mary Ann', born Sept. 23, 1823-4, Turnstall, d. Hamilton, Ont., or Niagara, N. Y., 1842-4, unmarried. + 17839 James' Cleveland, b. June 24, 1825, Ipswich, Eng. 17840 Susannah', b. May 31, 1827, 30, 1828, 1., m. Roches ter, Nov. 12, 1849-50, Edwin M. Langdon. Of Rochester 1878, decorator. Ch. born R.: James Edwin", Aug. 17, 1851; Cora A." Langdon, May 31, 1857. Charles', b. Aug. i, Ipsw., d. I. Oct. i, 1829. + 17841 John' Cleveland, b. Oct. 12, 1830, i, 1831, Ipswich. 2248 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. + 17842 Sarah' Cleveland, b. Sept. 16, 1832, 18, 1833, Ips wich, Eng. James' Cleveland came from Eng., and landed in New York city Apr. 18, 1835. Resided successively in Mass., Troy,. N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y., Toronto, Hamilton, Ont., Can., 1841-51, Rochester afterward. Mason builder. His widow res. R. 17836. JOHN' CLEVELAND (john>, Moses'), Still Hvcs, 1878, in Ips wich, Eng., builder. Ch.: 17843' John', builder, prob. others. 17839. JAMES' CLEVELAND (james', john^, Moses'), m. Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. I, 2, 1 85 1, Mary Elizabeth Homer or Horner. Ch.: +17844 James Henry" Cleveland, b. Aug. 5, 1852, Roches ter, N. Y. 17845 Emma Jane* Cleveland, b. Jan. 17, 1855, Roches ter, N. Y., m. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 23, 1875, McFarland Nielson. Ch.: George Henry", b. Mar. 5, 1877, D.; Frederick McFarland", b. Nov. I, 1879, Jackson, Mich.; Wylie Cleveland" Nielson, July 28^ 1882, Jackson. 17846-9 Ann Maria', born Nov. 23, 1857, R., m. Detroit, Mich., May 30, 1883, George G. Spencer. George William', b. Dec. 12, 1870, D., d. D. Jan. 13, 1871. Hattie Bell', b. May 11,. 1872, D. Fannie Irene", Oct. 25, 1874, D. James' Cleveland, from Eng. with his father's family 1835. Learned mason business with his father — stone and brick structures. Worked in Syracuse, N. Y., returned to Rochester 1 85 1. To Milwaukee, May, 1852, in charge of building Custom House. Returned to former home, and later built the canal boat, Morning Star, which he sailed on Erie canal from Buffalo- to N. Y. 3 years. Then built gas houses West, far as Minn.;. was at Toledo, O., 8 months, to Oct., 1866, and rem. to Detroit,, where he res. 1884. Built the gas works there. 17841. JOHN' CLEVELAND (james»,john=, Moses'), m. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1852-3, Mary Elizabeth Beadle or Beebe, b. Birming ham, Greene co., N. Y. Dwelt Trent, Muskegon county, Mich. Of Sparta, Mich.; 1884, mason. Ch.: 17850-6 Adda Susan nah', b. Sept. 18, 1854, Rochester, m.; William Henry', July (>, 1856, R., m.; Abraham Lincoln' Cleveland, b. May 10, 1858,, Grand Rapids, Mich., d. G. R. Aug. 17, 1862 ; Mary Elizabeth', b. Feb. 2, 1862, Moon, Muskegon co., Mich., m.; Charles H.',. Oct. 4, 1866, M., m.; Albert B.', Dec. 9, 1868, M., m.; Eatta C Cleveland, May 14, 1869, M. 17842. SARAH' CLEVELAND (james^), m. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 12, 19, 1850, Samuel Jones Smith, he d. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 23, 1871, machinist. She resided Rochester 1884. Ch.: 17857-9 DESCENDANTS OF LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS. 2249 Charles H.^ Smith, b. Feb. 17, 1851, R., m.; George W.% b. Sept. 24, 1852, R., d. R. Jan. 7, 1853; Albert H.", b. Aug. 9, 1855, R., m.; Lillte A.", Sept. 23, 1857, Toronto, m.; Harvey S.", Aug. 10, 1859, T., m.; Nellie F." Smith, Sept. 16, 1861, T., m. 17844. JAMES HENRY' CLEVELAND (james*, Jamess,John», Hoses'), m. Detroit, Mich., May 16, 1878, Persie A. Allen. Graduate of College. Of Detroit, 1884, in Merchants and Manufacturers National Bank. Ch.: 17860 Edith Pearl" Cleveland, born July 31, 1880, D. 17861. Elijah or Elisha " Lord '" Cleveland, residence, London, Eng., Old London, Eng., Wimbledon, Surrey, Eng., was pos sessed of considerable property, married twice. The Parish and Vestry Clerk of Parish of Wimbledon has (January, 1897) searched through the Registers, but cannot find any names of Cleveland. He died after 1764, m. ist, Sarah or Anne Macintosh, she died at the birth of her son. He m. 2d, . Had at least the following children : by first marriage : + 17862 James" Cleveland, b. 1763-4, in London, Old Lon don, or Wimbledon. By second marriage : 17863 John' Cleveland, remained in Old London or Wimbledon. Ann" Cleveland, resided in Old London or Wim bledon. 17864 Son", accompanied his brother James from Eng. to Halifax, N. S. 17865 Two other sons", who are thought to have also accompanied their brother James, or to have come to the U. S. 17862. JAMES" CLEVELAND (Elijah or Eiisha" Lord"'), d. Blandford, Lunenburg co., N. S., Apr. 22, 1828, aged about 65, m. in St. Paul's church, Halifax, N. S., May 3, 1798, Miss Elizabeth Fleet, b. 1778. Children (nearly all of whom married and had chil dren): John' Cleveland, b. Aug. 19, 1799, d. n. Chester, N. S.; James', b. Jan. 20, i8oi, d. n. C; Hannah', b. Aug. 26, 1802 (the daughters of James" died near Chester, except one daughter, who was living near Halifax 1883); Nancy', b. Jan. 11, 1804; William' Cleveland, b. Nov. 6, 1805, died n. Chester, was of Blandford, 1881. + 17866 Joseph' Cleveland, b. Sept. 22, 1807. -I-17867 Henry' Cleveland, born. Sept. 6, 1809. Charles' Cleveland, b. May 3, 1812, died n. Chester. 17868 Elizabeth Susan' Cleveland, born Jan. 26, 1814, Blandford, m. John S. Fitch. + 17869 Paul' Cleveland, b. Nov. 6, 1815. -I-17870 Elisha James' Cleveland, b. Nov. 26, 1820, Bland ford, N. S. James" Cleveland, according to an account from Halifax (received Jan., 1897), was born in London, Eng.; at the age of fourteen he was bound as apprentice on board H. M. S. (?), 2250 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. which arrived at Halifax, from whence he deserted ; the Ad miral had him cried through the streets, but finally gave him up as drowned. He took his mother's name, and coasted be tween Shelburne and Halifax for years. At the marriage altar he resumed his right name. According to another account, he came from England to Halifax 1779. He was accompanied by one, and perhaps by three, of his brothers. They went soon to the United States. All had ran away from their English home. He remained in Nova Scotia. The date of his decease, "April 22, 1828, aged 65 years," was obtained from a "sampler," a piece of needle work still existing. 17866. JOSEPH' CLEVELAND (james^ Elijah or Elisha "Lord"'), res. near Chester, N. S., 1883-6. Ch.: 1 787 1 Caroline' Cleveland, born Sept. 28, 1845, m. her cousin, James' Cleveland +17872, of Bayswater, Lunenburg CO., N. S., his father res. Chester, 1883. Joseph' Cleveland, born Dec. 6, 1847, ni- Sept. 21, 1872, Henrietta Verge. Of South West Cove, Lunenburg co., N. S., fisherman. 17873 Isabella', b. Apr. 30, 1849, d., m. ist, William Bou- tilier of St. Margaret's Bay, 2d, William Murphy, fisherman. 17874 John', b. Dec. 27, 1850, unm. 1886, fisherman. 17875 Elisha' Cleveland, born Dec. 24, 1852, m. Sophia Baker of Chester, fisherman. 17876 James* Cleveland, b. Oct. 27, 1854, m. Ada Meis- ner of Blandford, N. S., fisherman. 17877 Elias E.' Cleveland, b. Mar. 5, 1857, unm., res. 10 mi. from Chester, blacksmith. 17878 Lucy', b. Feb. 4, 1859, m. Caleb Snow of Chester, fisherman. 17879 George', b. Feb. 14, 1861, unm., fisherm. 17880 Angeline', born June 29, 1862, m. Nicodemus Coolin of St. Margaret's B., fisherm. 17 88 1-2 Josiah', b May 3, 1864, unm., fisherm. Jeremiah', b. Dec. 5, 1865, d. Sept. 18, 1876. Richard', b. Oct. 11, 1867, unm., fisher man. David', Oct. 7, 1869. Daniel', Apr. 13, 1871. Sarah' Cleveland, Nov. 20, 1873. 17867. HENRY' CLEVELAND (james», Elijah or EHsha "Lord"'), living 1881. Ch.: 17883 Isaac', writes from Lunenburg co., N. S., Apr. 10, 1881. 17869. PAUL' CLEVELAND (james^, Elijah or Eiisha" Lord"'), married Sarah Keddy of St. Margaret's Bay, N. S. Went to U. S. Ch. (these 5 now, 1884, living): 17884-6 Thomas', b. St. M.'s Bay. Georgiana', b. St. M. B. John*, b. 1846, St. M. B., of Toronto, Can. Elijah', b. 1848, St. M. B. Eleanor* Cleveland, born Halifax, N. S. 17870. ELISHA JAMES' CLEVELAND (james",Elij.orElisha"Lcrd'"), b. at Blandford, N. S., Nov. 26, 1820, d. East Boston, Mass., Oct. DESCENDANTS OF LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS. 225 1 I, 1866, m. Chelsea, Mass., Apr. 3, 1845, Mary Ann Callahan, b. Wiscasset, Me., Mar. 6, 1824, d. Exeter, N. H., Oct. 22, 1883, da. of Thomas and Mary (Mitchell). Children : 17887 James Albion' Cleveland, b. Sept. 3, 1848, East Boston. Mary Elizabeth', b. Aug. 6, E. Boston, d. E. Bos ton, Sept. 22, 1851. + 17888 Annie Melissa* Cleveland, b. Oct. 29, 1852, East Boston. Lizzie Justin' Cleveland, b. Sept. 13, 1855, Lex ington, Mass., d. Chelsea, Mass., Mar. 29, 1873, unm. Elisha James' Cleveland, residence, East Boston, ship- smith. Thomas Callahan, b. at Wiscasset, m. Mary Mitchell, b. at Wiscasset. 17888. ANNIE MELISSA' CLEVELAND (Elisha james', James=, Elijah •or Elisha "Lord"'), married at East Boston, Mass., Oct. 29, 1872, Charles Leeds, M.D., born at Boston, Mass., Jan. 30, 1849, son of Henry and Mary (Smith). Child : 17889 Edith May^ Leeds, b. Jan. 19, 1874, Chelsea, Mass. Dr. Charles Leeds graduated at Boston University 1878, and at the Medical School of Boston University 1878. Residence, Chelsea, Mass. (1896-7), a practising homeopathic physician. Dr. Leeds is a subscriber for this Genealogy. Leeds ancestry :— i arms : LEEDES ; i: Leedes or Leeds; 3: LEEDS: (Kent and Tjeeds, co. York, Eng.). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles displ. sa. armed of the second. . . . Richard', b. Eng. 1595 or 1605, embarked Apr., 1637, at Great Yarmouth, co. Nor folk, Eng., had grant of land at Salem, Mass., 1637, of Dorchester, Mass., freeman 1645, selectman 1653, constable 1664, d. D. Mar. 18, 1693, m. Joan, b. Eng. 1614, d. Dorchester 1642, who came with him to America ; Joseph^, b. D. July 14, 1637, of Northampton, Mass., 1661, was in the Palls fight, May 19, 1676. went back to Dorchester 1677, d. D. Jan. 28, 1715, m. D. Nov. 8, 1661, Miriam Cook^, b. Northampton 1642, died Dorchester Aug. 23, 1720 ; Samuel", b. D. Dec. 15, i66g, d. D. Mar. 16, 1744-5, m- D. Nov. 18, 1702, Elizabeth Wales, b. D. Jan. 9, 1680, d. D. Apr. 14, 1727 ; Samuel*, b. D. Nov. is, 1709, d. D. Mar. 18, 1778, m. D. Sept. 16, 1734, Thankful Bird, b. D. Dec. 15, 1710, d. D. June 26, 1778 ;' Samuel^, b. D.Jan. 8, 1745, m. D. Dec. 18, 1766, Ann Atkins, she d. D. May 20, 1808 ; Samuel', b. D. Jan. 5, 1769, of Dorchester, mariner, d. 1851, m. D. July 8, 1790, Martha Paxon«, b. Braintree, Mass., Apr. 27, 1771, d. Dorchester, Sept. 4, 1844 ; Henry' Leeds, b. D. Feb. 2, 1803, of Chelsea, merchant, d. Somerville, Mass., Oct. 26, 1886, m. 2d, Boston, Oct. 21, 1833, Mary Smith, b. B. Oct. 21, 1811, d. Chelsea Oct. 2s, 1883, da. John and Elizabeth (Hayden). Faxon ancestry .-—Thomas', Richard^ [see +155, p. 131]; Josiah', b. Braintree, Mass., Sept. 8, 166:), of B., selectman 1722, m. Mehitable Adams', b. Mar. 20, 1665 ; Josiah*, m. De borah Thayer*, bap. Apr. 11, 1O97 ; IsaiaW, m. Catherine Fitz-Gerald of Roxbury, Mass.; Martha' Faxon m. Samuel Leeds^.— .Fajtob gen.. So. Thayer ancestry :— Arms (Thaydon, co. Essex, Eng.). Per pale erm. and gu. three talbots' heads erased, counterchanged. Crest — Ki&Voot's head erased, per fesse, erm. and gu. . . Richard', from Eng., Boston 1640 ; Richard", brot. from Eng., of Brain tree, d. Dec. 4, 1705, m. Dec. 24, 1651, Dorothy Pray ; Richard', born Aug. 31, 1655, of B., prob. serv. in Philip's war, of Capt. Isaac Johnson's co., 1675, m. Rebecca Mycall of B., a da. James and Mary (Farr); Deborah* Thayer m. Josiah Faxon*. Adatns ancestry :— Henry^, Edward" [see +124, p. 119]; Mehitable' Adams m. Josiah Faxon'. Cook ancestry :— Aa-Ton^ [see -I-119, p. no]; Miriam' Cook m. Joseph Leeds". 17890. Mr. ' CLEVELAND, of Yorkshire, Eng., first name not known, nor whether he came to America. Had following ch., b. (as stated by his grandson, Peter Simon) either in York shire or in New York, N. Y.: 1 789 1 Maria", b. ab. 1783-5, d. N. Y. city ab. 1837-40, it is not known whether single or m. She came to N. Y. city with her bro., Peter Simon. 2252 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 17892 Joseph" Cleveland, settled in South Carolina, hav ing gone South with a brother whose name is not remembered. + 17893 Peter Simon" Cleveland, b. ab. 1801-4. 17893. PETER SIMON" CLEVELAND (Mr.'), d. New York, N. Y., 1832, "aged 28," m. twice, ist wife's name unknown. He m. 2d, Mary, she d. in N. Y. city 1832, -within a week of his death. He was either b. in Yorkshire, Eng., whence he came to N. Y. city (came to N. Y. c. with his sister Maria), or was b. in N. Y. c. He and wife Mary d. within a week of each other of cholera, in the epidemic of 1832. By trade a cooper. Ch. by ist m.: 17894 John' Cleveland, d. prob. in California, ab. 1870-2, unm., when a boy he enlisted in U. S. N., was last seen in Ely* sian Fields, Hoboken, Hudson co., N. J., 1852, after which he went to Cal. By 2d m.: + 17895 Peter Simon' Cleveland, b. Nov. 25, 1824, N. Y. city. 17895. PETER SIMON' CLEVELAND (peter simon"), m. New York, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1844, Sarah Jane Sharrott, b. Quarantine Village, Tompkinsville, N. Y., June 9, 1826, d. N. Y. city, Sept. 22, 1882, da. Abraham and Sarah Jane (Arnold). He was, by his aunt, Maria Cleveland, indentured to a mason ; has always (1894) resided in N. Y. city, except 1845-9, ^t Tompkinsville, where he organized a Fire Company, having for years been a member of the N. Y. Volunteer Fire Dept., serving with 40 En gine and 29 Hose. A member of Baxter Guards. Builder. The funeral sermon of his good wife was preached by Rev. Edward Horace' Cleveland +10592. Ch. : Edwin Forest*, b. Sept. 8, 1845, Tompkinsv., d. T. Aug. 8, 1846; Frederick*, born Dec. 18, 1846, T., d. T. Aug. ab. 15, 1848. 17896 Sarah Adelaide' Cleveland, b. June 29, 1848, T., m. N. Y. city, Dec. 28, 1877, Dudley Edward Benyons, born in Spain ab. 1852, his father an Englishman, and mother a Spanish lady. Of N. Y. city, interpreter. Ch. b. N. Y. c.: Da!", b. and d. July 20, 1878 ; Dudley Edward^ Benyons, b. Aug. 10, 1881. 17897 Maria Louisa' Cleveland, b. Sept. 27, 1850, N.Y. c, m. N. Y. c. Aug. 20, 1873, George Anthony Wheeler, b. Har lem, N. Y. c, Apr. 10, s. Edmund Edwin Bunce and Anna (Green). Of N. Y. city 1882, clerk. Ch.b. N. Y. c: Edmund Francis" Wheeler, July 28, 31, 1874; Mary Adelaide" Wheeler, May 13, 14, 1880. 17898 Francis Augustus" Cleveland, b. May 10, 1852, N. Y. c, m. Hudson City, N. J., Dec. 15, 1878, Nellie Pierson. Of S. Bergen, N. J., 1882, merch., in co. with Hezekiah Camp bell; Jersey City, N. J., 1883-95. Ch.: Harriet', b. ab. Sept., 1879. Edward", b. Sept. 17, 1855, N. Y. c, d. Tompkinsv. Oct. 8, 1859. 17899 George Washington' Cleveland, b. July 20, i860, N. Y. c, m. N. Y. c. Dec. 6, 1880, Eveline lone Taylor, b. N. Y. c. Mar. I, 1864, da. John Henry and Adeline Sarah (Tower).^ DESCENDANTS OF LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS. 2253 Of N. Y. c. 1882, 2d steward steamer Colon to Aspinwall. Ch.: Jeanette Mabel', b. Sept. 26, 1881, N. Y. c. Emma Eugenia', b. Nov. 20, 1862, unm., of N. Y. c. 17900 Anna Elizabeth', b. Aug. 8, 1866, N. Y. c, m. N. Y. c. May 3, 1886, Albert Charles Medenil, b. Martinique, W. I. Of N. Y. c. 1887, bookkeeper. Ch.: Mabel Estelle" Medenil, b. Feb. 18, 1887, N. Y. c. 17901. GEORGE, ROSWELL, or ROSLIN' CLEVELAND, as the name is variously remembered by descendants, who have heard that he was an English emigrant to New York, N. Y., and botli he and his wife d. on the spot where now stands Old City Hall, N. Y. city, ab. 180 1-2, of yellow fever. Ch.: Da.", b. ab. 1794, d. young. 17902 George" Cleveland, b. ab. 1796, d. unm., killed in battle of Lake Erie, war of 1812. + 17903 William" Cleveland, b. ¦ 1798, New York city. 17903. WILLIAM" CLEVELAND (George or Rosweiu), d. Norwalk, Conn., Feb., 1871, m. N., Polly Nash, b. Westport, Conn., Sept., 1797, d. Norwalk, Aug., 1868, a da. Benjamin and Mary (Brad ley). .Dwelt many years at Redding, Fairfield co.. Conn., finally at Norwalk, miller. Ch. b. Redding : + 17904 William Henry' Cleveland, b. ,1822. -I-17905 EuLALiA Maria' Cleveland, b. , 1824. -(-17906 Mary' Cleveland, b. Sept. 16, 1829. 4-17907 George' Cleveland, b. , 1831. 17904. WILLIAM HENRY' CLEVELAND (wmiam", George, Roswell, orRosiin'), died Savannah, Ga., Sept. 22, 1854, a. 32, m. Norwalk, Conn.,- Sept. 7, 1843, Angeline Raymond, born Five Mile River, Conn., June 30^1823, da. Gershom and Delia (Raymond). (She m. 2d, see below.) Ch.: 17908 William Henry' Cleveland, born June 28, 1844, Norwalk, Conn., married Syracuse, N. Y., ab. Oct., 1866, Julia Amanda Westcott, b. Greenpoint, n. Syracuse, Aug., ab. 1842, a da. Studied law when U. S. M. agt. on Syracuse & Binghamton R. R., adm. to bar, lawyer Syracuse 1886. Ch.: Harry West cott*, b. June 8, 1867, S. 17909 Arthur Raymond' Cleveland, b. Oct. 29, 1848, Five Mile Run, d. South Norwalk, Conn., Mar. 22, 1863. William Henry^ Cleveland, of Norwalk to 1845, Bridge port, Conn., to 1846, Five Mile R. to 1847, Bridgep. ag. to 1853, Savannah, St. Mary's, Ga., Savannah afterwards, merchant, lumber mill. Mrs. Angeline (Raymond) Cleveland m. 2d, Bridgep., Feb. 5, 1856, as 2d w., John Scott, b. Selkirk, Scotland, Dec. 31, 1817, as. John and Helen (White). Ch.: i. John Winfield Scott, b. Dec. 22, 1856, Stratfield, Conn., unm. 1886, reporter N.Y.Assoc. 2254 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Press, ii. Delia Raymond Scott, b. Aug. 5, 1858, Bridgep., m. Norw. June 6, 1883, as 2d w.. Rev. George Edgar Weeks, b. N. Nov. 21, only son George and (Titus), s. p. Grad. Hamilton coll. 1872, H. Theo. Sem. '75, pastor Vale Ave. Baptist church,. Troy, N. Y.; he m. 1st, Julia Keith, ch.: Nelly Louise Weeks,. George Keith Weeks, iii. Angeline Scott, b. July 16, 1867, Sy racuse, N. Y. John Scott, merchant, Bricigeport, S. Norwalk, m. ISt, Bridgep., Nov. 4, 1844, Mary Burr Sherwood, b. B. Oct. 17, 1819, died Stamford, Conn., Aug. 22, 1847, a da. Charles and Mary (Burr). Ch.: Charles Sherwood Scott, b. Aug. 14, 1845, Bridgep., of N. Y. city, mfr., m. and ch.; James Cooke Scott, b. May 22, 1847, Stamf., m. ist, Lydia Green, 2d, Ellen Green, art ist, Yonkers, N. Y. Raymond ancestry : —Richard' [see -f- 3194, page 1075] ; John", Norw., m. Mary Betts,. da. Thomas of N. ; John', b. Sept. 9, 1665, m. Elizabeth St. John ; John* m. Catharine Hanford ; Gershom^ m. Abigail Taylor ; Gershom' m. Mary Whiting; Gershom^ Ray mond m. Delia Raymond. — Raymond gen. 17905. EULALIA MARIA' CLEVELAND (wiUiam"), d. N. Y. city 1870, a. 46, m. Norwalk, Conn., as ist w., Walter C. Lobdell, b. Danbury, Conn, (he m. 2d and 3d) of Springfield, Mass., hatter.. Ch. b. Norw. : Sarah Frances ', d. N., y. 17910 Mary Eliza'' Lobdell, va. Yonkers, N. Y., James Tall- man, painter, Newburg, N. Y. Ch. : Charles^ Tallman, d. ; Emma" Tallman, ra. ; Catharine" Tallman; Laura^ Tallman; Na than" Tallman. Eulalia^ Lobdell, d. y. William Henry' Lobdell; Edward Francis' Lobdell. Oscar' Lobdell, killed on cars Hunters Point, N. Y., 1867, newsboy. Ida' Lobdell, m. in Newark, N. J., John , in business in N. Y. Walter' Lobdell, va. in N. Y. city, of N. Y. c. Ch. : son". 17906. MARY' CLEVELAND (William"), d. Norwalk, Conn., Nov. \, 1885, a. 56, m. Richard Harvey Bucknam, b. N. Y. city, Nov. 18,. 1823, a son Richard Steward and Harriet Ne«\'-ell (Buxton). Always of Norwalk, manfr. 1886, E. Norwalk. Ch. b. Norwalk: 179^1 Josephine' Bucknam, b. Mar. 29, 1848, m. Port Ches ter, Westchester county, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1868, George Frederick Benedict, b. Norw. Sept. 3, 1849, only son David Warren and. Harriet Newell (St. John), hatter, Norwalk. Ch. b. N. : William Frederick" Benedict, Sept. 9, 1869; Harry^ Benedict, Feb. 19, 1871; Charles" Benedict, Dec. 24, 1873; Ada Louise" Benedict, Dec. 26,. 1875; Edward^ Benedict, Dec. 23, 1878; Howard Warren", Aug. 14, 1883. 17912 George' Bucknam, born Aug. 23, 1851, m. 1878, Mrs. Jenny (Colis) Weingardner, wid. (her ist m. s. p.). Of Bridge port, Conn;, hatter. Ch. : Edith May" Bucknam, b. Jan., 1883. 17913 Frederick Cleveland' Bucknam, b. Feb. 15, 1853, m. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1884, of Auburn, hotel employ6. Ch. r Richard Conrad'' Bucknam, b. Jan., d. Mar. 13, 1885, a. 2 mos. 1 791 4 William' Bucknam, b. Feb. 19, 1856, m. Feb. 4, 1885,. Mary Ann McCarty, born Norwich 1859, a da. Timothy. Lock- fitter, Norwich. DESCENDANTS OF LATER CLEVELAND EMIGRANTS. 2255 17915 Lillian Amelia Angeline'' Bucknam, b. Apr. 20, 1861, m. N. Nov. 20, 1883, Ansley Bedell Reed, b. Staten I., N. Y., Mar. 7, 1862, as. William Benjamin and Catharine (Post), oyster- man, E. Norw. Ch.: Mabel Louise" Reed, b. June 29, 1884, N. Ella Williams'^ Bucknam, b. Jan. 19, 1864, unm., of N. ; Henry Francis', b. Jan. 5, 1868. . 17907. GEORGE' CLEVELAND (WiUiam", George Roswell or Roslin'), d. Norwalk, Conn., m. 1st, Brooklyn, N. Y., Celia Burns, b. Lon donderry, Ireland, 1828, d. Norw. Nov. 20, 1871, d. Joseph and Harriet (Lockwood). He m. 2d, Danbury, Conn., Eliza Beers, b. Yorkshire, Eng., d. Norw. Nov. 29, da. Henry (shem. 2d, 1882, Greenburg, of N., mfr.). Of Norwalk, mariner, mason. Ch. b. Norwalk, by ist m. : 17916 George* Cleveland, born Dec. 29, 1 85 i,m. Hartford,. Conn., Aug. 10, 1874, Estella Egnor, b. Broome Center, Schoharie county, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1855, a da. Dennis and Charlotte (Pryer). Of Boston, Mass., during the great fire, Holyoke, Mass., to 1883,, Springfield, Mass., to 1891; was a mate on Black Ball S. S. line to 1880; decorator; an intelligent gentleman. Ch. : Elnora*, b. Feb. 18, 1875, Holyoke; William', July 31, 1879, H.; Henry', May 8, 1881, H., d. H. Mar. 7, 1882; George', b. Aug. 25, 1882, H., d. H. Feb. 7, 1883; Walter', b. Sept. 1, 1884, Springf. John Henry', b. July 2, 1853, d. Norwalk or N. Y.,. 1872; William', b. Nov. 13, 1854, drowned. By 2d m.: Arthur', b. 1879; Walter', 1880, both of Norwalk. 17917. HENRY D.' CLEVELAND, of Bayswater, N. S., 1876. Ch.: 17918 Daughters". 17919 Agnes Adelaide" Cleveland (the youngest daughter), m. All Saints chh., Bayswater, Nov. 7, 1876,. Clarence Watts McCully of Halifax, N. S., barrister. 17920 H. D. Cleveland, perished in the woods Blandford, N. S., 1 881, census enumerator. 17921. Mr.' CLEVELAND had ch. +17922, Son", of Ireland 1770-90. 17923 Son", the "uncle who brought William' to New York, N. Y., ab. 1790." 17922. Mr." CLEVELAND (Mr.') of Ireland 1770-90. Ch. 17924 Robert'- 17925 James'. +17926 William' Cleveland, born 1775-85, Ireland. 17926. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (Mr.",'), d. Perry st.. New York, N. Y., ab. 1822, of yellow fever, m. 1st in N. Y. city. He m. 2d Mrs. Hannah (Loveless) Odell, born Hartford, Conn., widow of Isaac Odell; was brought by his uncle to N. Y., hatter. Ch. by ist m. : 17927 Gilbert'- 17928 James'. 17929 Robert' i7930' 2256 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Alice'. By 2d m. : 17931 Juliana* Cleveland, b. 1819-20, m. Wooley. She res., Nov., 1886, a few miles from Big Bend (or Tillinghast), Waukesha co.. Wis. 17932. EDMUND FRANCIS' CLEVELAND, b. England, a Brit ish soldier, from Eng. to Can. during the rebellion 1837-9, sold out his commission, d. soon after 1841, m. a French Canadian. (She m. 2d a French Canadian). Ch. : + 17933 Edmund Francis Xavier" Cleveland, b. Sept. 29, 1841, n. Malone, N. Y. 17933. EDMUND FRANCIS XAVIER" CLEVELAND (Edmund Francis'), m. Dundee, Kane co.. Ill, Sept.' 22, 1870, Ella Lucinda Edwards, b. June 27, 1849, ^ ^^' Alfred and Lucinda (Bosworth). Ch. : 17934 Anabell', b. Oct. 6, 1871. 17935 Mary Elizabeth', Dec. 10, 1875. 17936 Grace F.' Cleveland, Oct. 2, 1881. Rev. Edmund Francis Xavier" Cleveland, M.D., received primary education in the public schools of Essex co., N. Y., apd attended St. Mary's Coll., Can., 1855-60. Enlisted June, 1862, private Co. A, 9th Vt., successively corp. July 9, 1862, sergt., ist sergt., 2d Lt. July 4, 1863, and ist Lt. to close of war; disch'd July 14, 1865. [Hemenway's Vt. Gaz., II: 429 — mentions his army career.] Studied medicine in Can., attending lectures at Mich. Univ., Ann Arbor, grad. there Mar., 1868; rem. to Dun dee, has since resided there (1886), practising physician, surgeon, and druggist. Was ordained Deacon in the Cathedral, Chicago, Apr., 1879, by Rt. Rev. William Edward McLaren, Bishop of Chicago. Is officiating minister in charge of parish, 1880-6, without salary; was editor and proprietor of Dundee Record two years; see Bibliography, Chap. IV. Is a member of American Medical Assoc, Fox River Valley Med. Soc, Elgin Med. Assoc, Elgin Scientific Soc, and corresponding member Buffalo Soc. Natural Sciences. History of Kane co., III., contains a notice of Dr. Cleveland. Child ancestry .• — Benjamin', Benjamin", Benjamin', Ephraim* [see -I-6607, p. 1603] ; Ephraim*, m. Mary Lyon ; Increase', m. Olive Pease ; Olive' Child, m. Alfred Bosworth, whose ancestor came after 1630, and was of Bristol, R. I. ; Lucinda S.» Bosworth, b. Greenfield, Sar. co., N. Y., Mar. 29, 1806, m. Alfred Edwards of Gi .— Child gen., 133. JOHN ST. CLAIR CLEVELAND, b. Eng., from London, Eng., clerk of mayor of Chicago, 111., 1876; Denver, Col., editor, 1883, 1888, See Bibliography, Chap. IV; real estate 1891. 17938. Mr.' CLEVELAND, of Eng. Ch. : 17939 Charles", from Eng., of Cleveland, O., 1855, shoemaker. 17940 George" Cleve land, from Eng., of Cleveland, 1861, sailor. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 17941. 2257 CHARLES' CLEVELAND, b. n. Tunbridge, co. Kent, Eng., per. 1770-80, rem. to Galway co., Ireland. Ch. : + 17942 John" Cleveland, b. Galway co. 17942. JOHN" CLEVELAND (charies'). Ch. b. Galway co., Ire land : 17943 Charles', d. 17944 Maria', d. +17945 John' Cleveland, b. July 13, 1833, and others. 17945. JOHN' CLEVELAND (John", Charles'), m. New York, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1864, Mary Loftus, b. Old Castle, co. Meath, Ireland, Dec. 2, 1844, a da. John and Julia (Kernan). Came to America before 1864 ; lived in Jersey city ab. 1877-9, near Petersburg, Va., ab. 1878-80 farmer; and since in N.Y. city, commercial traveler. Roman Catholics — the religion of their fathers. Ch.: 17946 Abraham*, b. July 6, 1866, Old Castle, d. there Feb., 1877. 17947 Catherine*, b. May 16, 1867, N. Y. or Jersey City. 17948 Margaret*, Nov. 28, 1870, Old C. 17949 Mary', Mar. 6, 1873, N.Y. c. 17950 Charles', Aug. 25, 1874, Brooklyn, N. Y. 17951 John', May i, 1875, Old C. 17952 Eugene Edward' Cleveland, Apr. 26, 1882, N. Y. c 17953, JAMES' CLEVELAND, b. in Ireland, m. Jane Ritchie, b. St. Johns, N. B.; of Springfield, Mass., 1864. Ch. b. Springf.: 17954 Alexander B." and 17955 George H." Cleveland (twins), Aug. 4, 1864 — Springfield rec. 17956 Charles Chester Cleveland, from Eng., Boston, Mass.,' 1882-5, carpenter. 17957 Mr. Cleveland, a Scandinavian, of Hastings, Neb., 1882. 17958 Mr. Cleveland, from Eng., of Havana, W. I., 1883, with Cuba Submarine Cable Co., Palaccio del Captain-General. 17959 B.Cleveland. New inventions. A patent for an ore reducing and smelting furnace granted to J. C. Newbury, J. C. Merely, and B. Cleveland, of Melbourne, Australia. — Iron Age, Oct. 16, 1884. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. Untraced Clevelands everywhere. From Family and other Records, Army Rolls, Histories, Printed Registers, Newspapers, Directories, and other publications. 17960 A. Cleveland bought lands in Anderson co., S. C, 1795. 17961 A. Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1883, baggage master. 17962 Dr. A. Cleveland, Erie, Pa., 1878-9. 17963 A. 142 2258 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1879. 17964 A. Cleveland, Texas cattle man at Vinita, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Oct. 28, 1883. 17965 A. A. Cleveland, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887, foreman. 17966 Cleaveland, 0., May 20, 1892, Messengers L. H. Bannister and A. B. Cleve land, in the great relay bicycle race, left Ashtabula with the message for Conneaut at g.54. Bannister wheeled the fourteen miles from Ashtabula to Conneaut in 54 rainutes. — [Race was from Ctiicago, May 18, i P. M., with Gen. Nelson A. Miles's message to Gen. Oliver Otis Howard ; last relay reached N. Y., May 23, 1892, 1.05 A. M.] 17967 A. B. Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1886-7, U. S. int. rev. gauger, collector's office. 17968 A. C. Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1888-9, storekeeper, Coates House. 17969 A. P. Cleve land, Chicago, 111., 1891, bds. 9325 S. Chic. Av. 17970 Office Sec. State, Boston, Mass., Revol. Rolls, XL : 22 — Pay Roll brig° Active com., by Alien Hallet, Esq., AARON Cleveland, entry June 13, 1779, seaman, disoli'd Aug. 31. 17971. ABIGAIL" CLEVELAND, va., ist, about 1739 as 2d w., Capt. Samuel Adams, b. Canterbury, Conn., Sept. 4, 1710, d. C. Dec. 27, 1760, a s. Capt. Joseph and Eunice (Spaulding). She m. 2d, as 2d w, Dea. Richard Hale, b. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 28, 1717, d. Coventry, Conn., June i, 1802, s. Samuel and Ap- phia (Moody). Ch. by ist m.: 17972 Gideon "Adams, b. May 2, 1743, Canterbury, Conn., d. Pawlet,Vt., 1827, a. 84, m. Jan. 5, 1764, Mary or Jude Leach, b. ab. 1744, d. P. 1819, a. 75, sister of James Leach, Sen. (who came from Canterbury to Pawlet ab. 1800). From Canterbury to Pawlet, 1770, town clerk and justice in P. 39 years, member legislature 6 years after, 1778. Ch. : Jude" Adams, Margaret"' Adams m. Joseph Keigwin ; Mary" Adams va. John Kirby, Mid dlebury, Vt. 17973 Eunice'' Adams, b. June 17, 1746, m. Apr. 16, 1764, Capt. John Stark, he was killed by kick of horse soon after 1800, cousin of Maj. -Gen. John Stark (b. Londonderry, N. H.,. Aug. 28, 1728, s. of Archibald Stark, b. Glasgow, Scotland). From N. H., bef. 1770 to Pawlfet, large land owner, commanded a CO. in Bennington battle, was one of the first judges appointed in the state (in 1788), rem. to Grand Isle, Vt., ab. 1800. Ch. : 12 daughters" ; Samuel" Stark rem. to Oswego co., N. Y., raised a family before leaving Pawlet of 10 daughters' and 4 sons'. 17974 Nathan" Adams, b. Dec. 22, 1748, d. Feb. 4, 1837, m. ISt, Apr. 1, 1771, Phebe Ensworth, evidently +513, b. Aug. 2, 1749. ^ Main ; 1872-3, rooms 6 Ann; 1873-4, rooms 54 Allyn ; 2266 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. machinist. 18136 Clarence A., Boston, Mass., 1891, supt. pub lic buildings. 18137 Clarence C, Chicago, 111., 1894, salesman. Clarence C., San Francisco, Cal., 1889, salesman. 18138. CLARISSA" CLEVELAND settled n. Rutland, Vt., 1790; rem. to Seneca co., N. Y., d. Ovid, Seneca co., N. Y., Apr. 11, 1813, a. 37 y. 10 mo. 30 da., m. ist- — — Smith. She m. 2d, Fair- haven, Vt., Jan. I, 1795, as ist w., William Lee, he d. Fayette ville, Cumberland county, N. C, July 8, 1820. (He m. 2d, Ovid, Aug. 29, 1813, Polly Richmond); 1st m.' s. p. Ch. by 2d m. : 18139 Huldah" Lee, b. Aug. 12, 1796, Dorset, Bennington CO., Vt., d. Harrison co.. Miss., Nov. 4, 1880, m. Ovid, Mar. 26, 1814, William Folwell, b. Moreland tp., Lycoming co.. Pa., Oct. 6, 1787, d. Harrison co.. Pa., Feb. 9, 1871. Ch. : Nathaniel Boli var'^ Folwell, born Apr. 25, 1815, drowned in Miss. Sound Apr. 7, 1876 ; James Seyinour" Folwell, b. Feb. 8, 1817; murdered in Cal., 1866; Elizabeth S.", b. Mar. 15, 1818, d. Handsboro, Harrison co.. Miss., Oct. 16, 1884, m. Fleming; Sarah Ann", born Mar. 2, 1821, m. McCHntock, of Neb.; Peter H.', b. Aug. 11, 1823, d. Mar. i, 1824; Mary Lee", born May 17, 1825, m. Samuel Drew, of Green IsL, Wis. ; George Washington Lee", b. Sept. 11, 1828, d. Oct. 20, 1858; Joseph Lee", born Dec. 5, 1830, d. Green Bay, Wis., Jan. 7, 1869 ; William Lee", b. June 24, 1832, d. Oct. 24, 1858 ; Rebecca", b. Oct. 17, 1836, d. Oct. 4, 1876, m. Curtis; Hugh Fleming" Folwell, b. Jan. 4, 1838. Of Austin, Travis co., Tex., in Gen. Land office. -I-18140 Anna" Lee, b. Oct. 3, 1798, Danby, Rutland co.. Vt. + 1814 1 Sally" Lee, b. Jan. i, 1801, Danby, Vt.; Peter Smith", b. Jan. 12, Onondaga co., N. Y., d. Sept. 6, 1803; Parker Smith", b. July 16, 1804, O. CO., d. Rome, Oneida co., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1805; William Smith" Lee, b. Aug. 21, 1806, R., d. R. Oct. 11, 1807. George Fasset' Lee, b. Apr. 7, i8o8,-R., d. in Mexico, va., removed to Kentucky. 18142 Joseph Cleveland" Lee, horn Sept. 16, 1809, Rome, d. Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, Mich., 1841, unm.; commissioned. colonel in "Patriot War" in Canada [1837?]: rendevouzed his troops on Hog Island, was defeated in first skirmish at stone windmill. Owned and operated upper sawmill at Ypsilanti, a scholar, had a large library. William Lacey" Lee, b. Nov. 10, 1811, Rome, drowned in youth. Adoniram" Lee, b. Mar. 13, Ovid, d. O., May 23, 1813. 18140. Anna" Lee (ciarissai), d., m. Vienna, N. Y., May, 1823, Thomas R. Brown, b. N. J., d. Battle Creek, Mich., Apr., i86z, s. Henry and Mary (McCarrack). Dwelt Ovid Landing, N. Y., to 1827, Ypsilanti, Mich., to 1853, Battle C, af. millwright. Ch.: 1 8143 Delia Helen" Brown, b. May, 1824, m. 1852, her cous. Anthony C. Brown, s. William and Margaret (Wintermote), I'd Dayton, O., retired merch. Ch.: Henry Lee' Brown, d. a. 18. 18144 Louisa Amanda" Brown, b. Dec. 6, 1826, Vienna, m. Ypsilanti, Mich., Mar. 24, 1853, Rev. George Phillips Tindall, b. Lawrenceville, Mercer co., N. J., Apr. 29, 1822, s. Thomas and DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2267 Elizabeth (Howell). He was educated at University of Mich., and Union Theo. Seminary, N. Y. city, 1st pastorate was 2d Presb. chh., Dayton, O., 1853 to 1857 ; 2d pastorate 2d Presb. chh., Indianapolis, Ind., 1857 to 1863 ; 3d pastorate in Ypsilanti 1863 to 1876; 4th pastorate Flint, Mich., 1876 to 1881 ; from 1881 to present, 1887, has conducted the Academy at Placerville, Cal. Ch. : George Lee* Tindall, b. Mar. 26, 1855, Dayton, d. In dianapolis, Mar. 8, i860 ; Lizzie Howell' Tindall, b. Dec. 2, 1856, Dayton ; Anna Louise' Tindall, Apr. 21, 1861, Indianapolis. 18145 Henry Hough" Brown, b. Aug. 14, 1828, m. Ypsi lanti, June 24, 1864, Mrs. Isabella Alice (Stewart) Rockwell, b. Romulus, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1823, wid., da. Taylor and Nancy (Brown). Hon. Henry Hough" Brown in 1842 ent. the Naval School then taught in classes on school ships, prior to establish ment of Annapolis Academy. Sailed 1843 as Yeoman of sloop- of-war " Boston "; was in Brazil up the La Platte to 1846, came home, went to W. coast of Africa and the Mediterranean as ex ecutive clerk in frigate "U. S.," shipmate with Elisha Kent Kane, returned 1849, then ordered to U. S. S. " Mich." on the lakes ; resigned here ; went to Cal. and Ore.; member Oregon Legislature 1856-7 ; editor of Yreka {Siskiyou co., Cal.) Union 1858-9, see Bibliography, Chap. IV ; went to Harrison co.. Miss., clerk of Harrison co. Circuit Court 1859-60 ; Master of Confederate gunboat "Carondeiet," 1862-3; burned by orders from Richmond, Va., on Gen. Benjamin F. Butler capturing New Orleans. Rem. 1864 to Battle Creek, Mich., there studied- law, adm. to bar 1866 ; alderman 2 terms, defeated candidate for Mayor, City Atty. and Counsellor 1886 ; of Battle Creek 1887. 18141. Sally" l.ee (ciarissai) d. Monroe, Kan., Nov. i, 1880, a. 79, m. N. Y. state May i, 1817, William Gilmore, b. N. Y. s. Aug. 10, 1797, d. Monroe, Aug. 31, 1881. Settled n. Connersville, Fayette co., Ind., farmer. Ch. : Clarissa Lee" Gilmore, b. Jan. 5, 1819. 18146 Huldah Ann" Gilmore, b. July 3, 1821, d. Fayette CO., Feb. 12, 1851, ra. July 8, 1849, Harvey Millspaugh, s. p. Te7nper- ¦ance", b. Feb. 12, 1822. 18147 John Burroughs" Gilmore, b. Oct. 11, 1824, d. Sept. 29, 1859, va. F. CO., Dec. 27, 1852, Mary Elizabeth Klum. Ch. : Mary May' Gilmore, b. Mar. 25, 1854, d. Eureka, Greenwood co., Kan., ab. 1884, m. Harry Brunner. 18148 William Lee" Gillmore, b. Sept. 15, 1835, m. Fayette CO., Ind., Oct. 31, 1858, Mary Jane Vilott ; res. 1887 Beverly, Sumner co., Kan., wagon manufacturer. Ch. : Silonia D.', b. Aug. 19, 1859, Fayette co.; Frances Fletcher", Oct. 14, i860, F. co.; Carry Belle', June 7, 1862, F. co.; Sally Lee', Dec. 15, 1863, F. co.; John Burroughs', Aug. 21, 1866, F. Co.; Clarence James', Apr. 26, 1868, F. CO.; William Harrison', Nov. 30, 1870, Lincoln co., Kan.; Harvey Lee', Aug. 12, 1873, L. CO.; Florence Ettie', ]vXy i^, 1875, L. CO. Martha Jane" Gilmore, b. Feb. 22, 1838. 18149 Conn. Men in Revol., 507 — Latimer's reg. Eben Lathrop's co. CuRTES Cleve land attached [1777] Aug. 24, dis'd Oct. ; 18150, p. jjy — Col. Samuel Chapman's reg. [Aug., 1778, militia under Brig.-Gen. John Tyler, under Maj. -Gen. Sullivan at Newport, in battle of R. I., Aug. 29], Capt. David Cady's Co., CuRTiss Cleavland ent. Aug. 2, 2268 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. disch. Sept. 12 ; iBigi, p. 332 — 3^ reg. [2d formation Jan. i, 1781, to Jan. i, 1783, composed of 2d and 9th regs., of previous formations]. Col. Samuel B. Webb, Wethersfield, Capt. Elisha Hopkins [of Hartford] co. ; Private CURTIS Cleveland pd. Jan. i, to Dec. 31, 1781 ; 18152, p. bos — Continental Frigate Confederacy [36 guns, built on Thames, below Norwich, launched 177B, sailed Oct. 20, 1779, from Phila. for Franqe, having on board French Minister (Conrad Alexander) Gerard, and newly-appointed American Minister to Spain, Hon. John Jauy (Jay?); to Martinico Dec. 18. Was, Apr., 1781, captured off Capes of Va. by British 74, taken to Charleston, S. C], Capt. Seth Harding. Men's Names: CURTIS Cleaveland. 18153 CoRSON Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1882, box- maker. 18154 D. Cleveland bought lands in Anderson co., S. C, 1807. — County rec. 18155 Married on Wednesday evg. Feb. 5, at residence of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cleveland, in Sauk Center, by Rev. Chas. W. Lawson of Alexandria, Minn., Mr. W. E. Dobbs to Miss Marion E. Cleveland. For years these young people have been active in the S. S. Epworth League. 18156 Mrs. D. Cleveland from Ohio, of Wichita, Kan., 1887, 614 Ohio St. 18157 D. C. Cleveland, Houston, Texas, 1890-4, rooms 277^ Preston. 18158 D. E. Cleveland, trav. Frayer & Bradley, Atlanta, Ga., 1891, res. Toccoa, Ga. 18159 D. W. Cleveland, m. Dec. 17, 1846, Anna Merrill. — Cleveland, Cuyahoga co., O., Probate Rec. 18 160 Dana Cleveland, Camden City, N. J., 1890-1, artist. 18161 Daniel Cleveland had a son, Frank Cleveland of Albany or Troy, N. Y., d., m. Hattie (she m. 2d George La Hue of South Amboy, Middlesex co., N. J., she is a temperance speaker, 1883). 18162 Daniel Cleveland,, married, Cleveland, O., 1809, Harriet Melvin. 181 63 Daniel Cleveland, m. July 7, 1853, Margaret McLean. — Cleveland, 0., probate r. 18164 Daniel Cleveland of Salisbury, Montgomery county, N. Y., m. bef. 1815, Delilah, they mortg. 44-^ acres in S. Apr. I, 1815, to Isaac BurriU ; mortg. canceled Jan. 18, 1828. — Fonda, N. Y., rec. 18165 David Cleveland, Washington, D. C.,, 1882, coachman. 18166 David, Wash'n, 1891, waiter. 18167 David B., Tyler, Tex., 1884, lawyer. 18168 David G., Wash-i ington, D. C, 1887, waiter. 18169 Davis Cleveland, N. Y. city, 1881-2, 315 E. 80th, rem. thence bef. Dec. 15, 1882. 18170 Dennis Cleveland, N. Y. city 1879-80, 27 Rosevelt st. 18171 Conn. Men In Revol., p. iqj-^Vn reg. Conn. Line [recruited in Fairfield and Litchfield COS. to Peekskill spring 1777 ; Sep. to Pa., McDougall's brig. At battle German- town, Oct. 4, Monmouth June 28, 1778 ; its light co. at storming Stony Point July 15, '79, wintered '80-1 camp Conn. Village above Robinson House on the Hudson] Col. Philip Burr Bradley, Ridgefield, Conn. Dyer Cleveland, priv. enlist. Apr. 25, 1777, rejoined Jan. I, '80. 18172 E. Cleveland, private Co. I, i8th Pa. Cav., d. Nov.. 8, 1864, grave No. 11922, Andersonville Cemetery, Sumter co., Ga. 18173 Mrs. E. Cleveland, Denver, CoL, 1880-1. Mrs. E.,, Denv. i882-'3, '5. 18174 Mrs. E. A. Cleaveland, Chicago, 111., 1891. 18175-6 E. B. Cleveland, clerk, and Mrs. Susan L. K. Cleveland, both 16 Follen street, Boston, Mass., 1891. 18177 E. C. Cleveland, Denver, CoL, 1879-81. 18178 Mrs. E. D. Cleveland, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894. Ebe C, Denver, 1884-6. 18179 E. Charles, Denver, 1884-6, 324 Larimer; 1888, cook Union Hotel, 1955 Larimer. 18180 E. C. Cleveland, Elmira,, N. Y., 1882-3. 18181 Dr. E. C. Cleveland, Lawrence, Mich.— Medical Direc, 1879. 18182 E. J. Cleveland, Galveston, Tex., 1877. 18183 E. K. Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1894, conductor- DESCENDANTS Ot OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2269 18184 E. R. Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pa., 1885-6. 18185 Edgar A. Cleveland of New Berlin', N. Y., was killed in army, his wid. of N. Berlin 1878. 18186 Edith L. Cleavland, N. Y. city, 189 1-2. 18187 Edson Cleveland, Waterbury, Conn., 1890. Edson M., N. Y. city 1894. 18188 Edward Cleveland, Balti more, Md., 1891, clerk. 18189 Edward Cleveland, owned lands in Barnwell co., S. C, 1804-12. 1.8190 Edward Cleve- ¦ land, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894, tinsmith. Edward Cleveland came to Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 1881, on business, mentioned in a local newspaper. Edward Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1884-5, barber, 1891 1894, fireman 1891 1894. 18191 Conn. Men In Revol., 333 —Col. Sam'l Chapman's reg., Capt. David Cady's co. Edward Cleavland ent. [1778], Aug. 2, dis. Sept. 12 ; 18192, p. 605— Frigate Confederacy 1778-81 Men: Edward Cleaveland. 18193 — 6 Mass. Revol. Rolls, Lexington Alarm, XIII : gj- Col. John Smith's reg., co. marched trom Walpole, on alarm, Apr. 19, 1775, Capt. Jere Smith : Edward Cleveland, private Walpole, 10 days in Colony's service. /.• iiS— Col. Ephraim Wheelock reg. com. by Maj. James Metcalf upon alarm Warwick, R. I., Dec. 8, 1776, Capt. Oliver Clapp'sco. : Serg. Edward Cleaveland 20 days' service. /.• /22— Col. Benjamin Hans's reg. exped. in R. I. Sept. 25 to Oct. 28, 1777, Capt. Oliver Clapp's CO. : Pr. Edward Cleveland. XX : j— Maj. Seth Bullard's reg. fr. Mass. service in R. I. alarm, July 27 to Aug. 9, 1780, Capt. Adam Peters' co. ; Edward Cleve land, private. 18197-9 Edward, Greenfield, Mass., 1876, printer. Ed ward, San Francisco, Cal., 1878, 9 O'Farrell ; Edward (descended from Josiah", Moses') from Vermont, of Boston, Mass., 1875-7, drygoods store Tremont street. 18200-1 Edward H., Boston 1879-81, cutler; Edward H., Chicago, 111., 1891, _ Watchman. 18202 Edward L., Minneapolis, Minn., ab. 1885-6.' 18203-5 Edward M., Chicago, 111 , 1894, fireman. Edwin Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1886-7, fireman ; Edwin, Glade, Warren co.. Pa., 1885; Edwin, Providence, R. I., 1855, jeweler; Edwin & w. Ruth G., convey, Dec. 7, 1840, land to John Doug lass in Richland, N. Y. — Oswego co. rec. 18206 N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XLVIII: 438 — Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others, relative to Indian Affairs in Maine. Cominunicated by William Blake Trask, ^.ilsT. — Muster Roll of Capt. Robert Temple & Co. from June 26 to Dec. 10, 1722 : Eeb"' Cleveland. 18207 Elbert Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-5, lumber, bds. 18208 Conn. Men, War ofi8i2, p. j6— Cleveland, El'ihu, private, commander Capt. Daniel Deming, whose com'r Lt.-Col. Ezra Brainard, service Aug. 15 to Oct. 26, 1814. 18209 Elijah Cleveland, Toronto, Can., 1886. Elijah B., Boston, Mass., 1894, stock broker. 18210 Elijah J. Cleve land, Washington, D. C, 1891, driver. 18211 Conn. Men in Revol., 28b, — 4th reg., Capt. Jedidiah Hyde of Norwich : Eliphaz Cleveland enlist Apr. 28, 1777, for 8 mo., dis. Jan. i, '78; 18212, p. j,&— Lt.- Col. Samuel Canfield's [of New Milford] reg. at West Point, Sept., 1781. ELISHA P. Cleaveland, Pomphret. 18213 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XXIII; gi — Col. Blisha Porter's reg. detached to join Gen. Gates for 30 days in service of Mass., Lt. Joshua Shaw's Co.: Elisha Cleveland, private, Sept. 26 to Oct. 18, 1777 (pd. 1778). 18214 XX: 14b — Militia in service U. S. com. by Israel Chapen, 3 mos., Oct., Nov., Dec, 1779, Capt. Caleb Keep's CO. : Elisha Cleaveland, pr. Oct. 15 to Nov. 21, 1779. 18215 Elisha Cleveland — Dutchess county, N.Y. Records. 18216-18 Mrs. Eliza B. Cleveland, widow, San Francisco, Cal., 1878; Eliza J. Cleveland, va., Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1881, Daniel D. Bates. Mrs. Eliza J. Cleveland, Galveston, Tex., ab. 1886, h. J. C. Wortham. 18219 Eliza_]^th Cleveland, Western, N. Y., 1835.— Oneida co. land rec. 18220 Elizabeth L. Cleve land, born Buffalo, N. Y., May 9, 1849, m. Oct. 17, 1869, Charles 2270 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Emmot Flannery, b. July 7, 1843, a s. John and Mary (Corwin). Of Oil City, Pa. Corwin ancestry : — ^&tt'a\a.s,^ [see +4036, p. 1214] ; John', freem. Conn. 1662; John', John* ; James= ; Moses* ; Mary' Corwin m. John Flannery. — Corwin gen. 182 2 1 Miss Elizabeth M. Cleveland, from Mansfield, Conn., teacher ab. 1860-4 of public school, Columbia, Conn., S. Mill. dist. of E. Hartford. 18222 Elizabeth R., Philadelphia, Pa.,. 1890, laundry. 18223 Elizabeth W., Winsted, Conn., 1890-91, teacher. 18224 Miss Ella, Lowell, Mass., 1887. 18225 N. Y. Herald, June 28, 1882 — Recovery through prayer. [Telegram] Troy, N. Y., June 27, 1882, Miss Ella Cleveland of Pawlet, Vt., has been for 2 years entirely helpless and confined to bed; on Thursday [June 22] she arose and was able to walk. 18226-8 Miss Ellen Cleveland and George, cotton mills, also William, all of Watkins st, Nashville, Tenn., 1891. 18229 Emeron L. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1885, carpet house. 18230. Emily Cleveland m. Gershom Flagg Brownson. Ch. : 18231 Emma Caroline Brownson, b. May 27, 1847, m. Feb. 27, 1863, Timothy Follett Strong, b. Burlington, Vt., Apr. 29, 1840, a s. Timothy Follett and Olivia (Clark). Ch. : William Albert Strong, b. Dec. 22, 1864; George Lee Strong, Sept. 22, 1867. Of Fond du Lac, ab. 1869-70 printer. strong ancestry : — TAx.^, Richard^, John' [see +748, p. 394], m. 2d, Abigail Ford; Ebenezer' m. Hannah Clapp, da. Nicholas' (of Dorchester, Mass.; Richard' of Dorchester, Eng. ; . ' per. of Devonshire, Eng.) Clapp and Sarah' ( ' of Salcombe, Devonsh. ; 1 per. of Devonsh.) Clapp ; Jonathan' m. Mehitable Stebbins, da. of Joseph' (m. Sarah Dorchester, da. Anthony of Springfield, Mass.) s. of Thomas2(Rowlandi of S. 1641) Stebbins' and Hannah' (Samuel' m. Elizabeth Burt, da, Henry of S. ; SamueU of S., 1641) Wright ; Lt. Elisha" m. Sarah Lewis, da. Daniel and Mary (Strong) ; AsaheU m. Susan Follett of Bennington, Vt., da. Timothy and Susannah (Fay) ; Timothy Follet* Strong, m. Olivia Clark, da. Nathan Satterlee and Mercy (Turner) — Strong gen. : 127^. Miss Emily Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1894, stenographer. 18232 Emily T. Cleveland, m. Plymouth, Conn., Feb. 16, 1870, Frederick T. Aldis — town rec. Emma Cleveland, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894. Miss Emma, Chicago, 111., 1876. Emma, E. Saginaw, Mich., bef. 1887. 18233 N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XLVIII : 438— Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others relative to Indian Affairs in Maine — Muster Roll of Capt. John Shipley's Co. from June 26 to Dec. 10, 1722 : Enoch Cleavland — .Mass. Arch. 91 : 78, 79. 18234-8 History of Chelmsford, Mass., Haverhill, Mass., 1820, p. 17b — Soldiers in the Revolution from Chelmsford : ENOCH Cleveland, private in Capt. John Ford's co. of the 27 reg. of foot in the Continental Army stationed at Cambridge, was in the engage ment Apr. 27, 1775 and engaged in the memorable battle at Breed's commonly called Bunker Hill [June 17] 1775. Mass. Revol. Rolls, Lexington Alarm, XIII : 133 — Lt. Benj. Walker's roll, Col. Moses Parker's co. 1775 : Enoch Cleaveland, private from Chelmsford, 8 days. Con tinental Regiments — 7th reg. Lt.-Col. John Brooks, Capt. Ballard's co.: ENOCH Cleve land, Jan. I, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779, res. Chelmsford. N. E. H. G. Reg., L.: 4bg — James Barrett's returns of men mustered 1777-B, Mass. Bay, Feb. 26, 1777 : Col. Alden's Battal. Capt. Parker's Co. Enoch Cleveland; Revolution Pensioners living' 1818 — Enoch Cleveland, private Mass. line living Vt. U. S. Pension Rep. 1835 —Enoch Cleve land of Orange co., Vt., private Mass. line, pensioned from Apr. 7, 1818, then aged 74, d. Aug. 8, 1823. 18239-44 Conn. Men in Revol., 122 — Knowlton's Rangers 1776, Ephraim Cleveland [Mass.] ISt Lt. Sargent's [Mass.] reg. 18240-4 Mass. Revol. Rolls, III, 207 — Feb. 3, 17791 Ephraim Cleveland, private Capt. William Tucker's co.. Col. Jacob Gerishe's reg., 20J' — Commissioned ofiBcers and staff, Capt. Ephraim Cleaveland, Col. Michael Jack son's 8th reg., 27 mo., Jan. i, 1777, to Apr. i, 1779. 2bj — Capt. EPHRAIM wages to Dec. 31, DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2271 1779, Mass. Continental sth reg. Ephraim Cleveland commissioned capt. 1780 ; XXV: ib3 — Pay Roll Capt. Thomas Whipple's co.. Guards doing duty at Rutland, commenc ing Apr. 20, 1780, for term 8 months : Ephraim Cleveland. Ephraim Cleveland, Waverly, Van Buren co., Mich., Apr.. 20, 1879. 18245 Ernest Cleveland, Pittsfield, Mass., 1888, B. & A. R. R. freight depot. 18246 Ernest Cleveland, Gow st., Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales Directory, 18^4. 18247 Ern est A. Cleveland, Vancouver, B. C, Canada, 1897, surveyor. 18248 Miss Etta Cleveland, Norwich, Conn., 1891, milliner, 66 High. 18249 Eugene S. Cleveland, Boston, Mass., 1891, bds. 25 Hancock. 18250 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XXVIII : 107 — Dukes co. Militia reg. 5th co.: Officers ap. to command June 7, 1775 : Matthew Mayhew, capt., Joseph Norton, ist It. Cleaveland Ezra, 2d It. in room of the officers first chosen. 18251 XXXVI : 243 — Roll Capt. Benj. Smith's CO., stationed Martha's V. ; EZRA Cleveland, pr. Sept. i to Nov. 21, 1776. 18252 XVIII : 222 — IA. Abner Dwellie's co., Mass. Bay militia exped. to Manchester, pd. Dec. 19, 1777 : Ezra Cleveland, pr. 18253 I^- Y. State, Ar : XV. Fernow 1 : 2bb — Militia : Henry Quaokenbush col. vice Garret Vandenburgh, Apr. 4, 1778 — Feb. 6, 1779, Jurian. Hogan's co., Matthew Flansborough ist It.; EZRA Cleveland, ensign. 18254 Ezra Cleveland, m. Salem, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1803, Rebecca Oswald ; lived formerly at S., or Jackson, N. Y. — Sa lem rec. 18255 E. A. Cleveland b. 1831, m. Julia M., b. 1837. Ch. : 18256 F. A., b. July 17, 1863. — New Haven, Conn., town rec. 18257 F. A. Cleveland, wife living 1887, from Syracuse, N. Y.,, to and of Baltimore, Md., of Boston Book co., Hartford, Conn.,. 1887. Ch.: 2. 18258 Fred A. Cleveland, Albany, N. Y., 1891, bookseller. 18259 Fred A. Cleveland, Baltimore, Md., 1891, stationer, house in N. Y. 18260 F. C. Cleveland, Compton Cen tre, Compton CO., P. Q., 1882. 18261 F. E.Cleveland, Balmain, Sydney, N. S. W. — Direc. 1894. 18262 F. J. J. Cleveland, Cin cinnati, O., 1886-7, clerk. 18263 T. J. J. Cleveland, Cincinnati, 1891, trav. salesman. 18264 F. M. Cleveland, N. Y. city, ab. 1886-7. 18265-7 Cleveland Brothers (Felix S., of Mobile, Ala., 1891, Frank or Frank B., of M. 1883, '91, and Stonewall J., of M., 1883, '91), wholesale grocers, 1891 Mobile. 18268. Florence Cleveland, m. Dec. 31, 1877, Frank William Whit ney, b. Apr. 17, 185s, a s. William Montague and Augusta Haw ley (Marsh). Ch. : Isaac Raymond Whitney, b. May 11, 1879, d. Sept., 1881 ; Oscar Franklin Whitney, b. Jan. 2, 1881; Erasmus Montague Whitney, Apr. 14, 1884. Whitney ancestry : — Isaaci, b. Montague, Mass., Jan. 22, 1788, d. Lafayette, Wal worth CO., Wis., May 12, 1859, m. Laura Montague"; VVilliam Montague' Whitney, m. Augusta Hawley Marsh, of Montague, da. Enos Jr., and gr. da. of Chester Hawley of Plainville. Montague ancestry : — Richard', John' [see -)- 14702, p. 2034] ; Samuel', b. Apr. 2, 1695, m. ISt Elizabeth White, da. Nathaniel' (Nathaniel'; Johni, Hartford, Conn, 1636), White & Elizabeth' (John', Middletown, Conn., m. Elizabeth Dubbin) Savage ; Daniel', m. Lydia Smith, da. Nathaniel ; William', m. Persis Russell, da. Nathaniel (desc. fr. Rev. John — s. of John — ist pastor at Hadley, Mass.) RusseU & Mary (Smith); Laura'"- Montague m. Isaac Whitney'. — Montague gen. 18269 Francis Cleveland, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1881, clerk. 18270 Francis Cleveland, Easton, Fairfield co.. Conn., enlisted Dec. 23, 1863, Co. E, 2d Conn. H. A., d. Fort Monroe, Va., Feb. 26,. 1865 — Conn. Men in Civil War. 2272 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1B271 s Cleveland [given name torn off, thought to be Francis, Curtis, James, Jonas, or Phineas] private Capt. Jabez Barnap co. militia, Col. Drury's reg. de tached fr. Mass. state to reinforce Cont'I army for 3 mos. service at West Point, N. Y., by ord. Gov. John Harvey, Nov. 20, 1783 — Mass. Revol. Rolls, 1 : 32. 18272-5 Francis Cleveland, N. Y. city 1879-80, 11 Broad; Francis, N. Bay Vienna, N. Y., taxpayer on land 1879-80 ; Francis, Worcester, Mass., 1878 ; Francis D., Newark, N. J., 1894, fibre mfr.; Francis H., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1887-90, store N. Y. city. 18276 Frank Cleveland, Boston, Mass., 1894. 18277-9 Frank Cleveland, Morris City, 111., 1885, propr. Cleveland House ; Frank Cleavland, Pittsburg, Pa., 1890, blacksmith; Frank Cleveland, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891-2, deputy U. S. Marshal. 18280 Frank B. Cleveland, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894, foreman. 18281 Frank B., Seattle, King county. Wash., 1891 (John Leek & Co.), rms.; 18282 Frank J., Seattle, 1891, propr. Puget Sound steam laundry, rms.; 18283 Frank S., Seattle direc'y, 1891 (age 25), died Nov. 6, 1890. 18284 Frank D., Champaign, 111., 1,885, clerk of Doane House. 18285 Frank G., Milwaukee, Wis., 1885, carrier. 18286 Frank P. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1891, mangr., 17, 184 Dearborn, h. 357 Cleveland av.; of Cleveland & (Judd B.) Light, 1894. 18287 Franklin Cleveland, whose ancestors of Mich.; of Wood River, Idaho, m.. Grass Valley, Cal., Sept. 12, 1859, Ida Bernadet, b. Bordeaux, France, Mar. 9, 1845, came to Cal. 1855. Ch. b. Grass V.: 18288 Kate Cleveland, b. Nov. 25, i860, m. Nov. 25, 1883, Fred C. Burchard, of St. Paul, Minn. 18289-90 Ida May, b. Oct. 29, 1863; Camille Cleveland, June 2, 1870. 18291-2 Fred Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1891, clerk ; Fred, Hartford, Conn., 1883, clerk ; Fred, m., from Lee, Mass., Mans field ; of Sheffield, Mass., 1857, afterwards to papbr co. at Hol yoke, Mass.; Fred, Winsted, Conn., 1890-1, empl'ydby W. L. G. Clock CO.; Fred A., Lowell, Mass., 1887, operative ; Fred A., St. Paul, Minn., 1886-7, clerk. 18293 Frederick Cleveland, of Acton, Texas, 1895, is father of 18294 John Cleveland, of Acton, Tex., merch. there. '18295 Frederick Cleveland, b. 1787, d. Calhoun county, Mich., Sept. 15, 1838. 18296 Conn. Men in Revol., 412 — dfn Baft., 6th eo., 1776, Lt. Abner Bacon, Capter- bury. Drummer: F* Cleaveland; 18297^. rfo— 3d reg. Conn. Levies, enlisted short term: Cleaveland, Frederick, enl. July i, dis. Dec. 4, '80. 18298-9 Frederick Cleveland, d. about 1865. Ch.: Miss Helen M. Cleveland, residence, 1882, Holyoke, Mass., with her mother. 1 8300-6 Frederick Cleveland — thought to be the name — from Mass. ab. 1819-20, and settled in Petersburgh, Pa., d. P. ab. 1823, m. Amelia Pierceon. (His widow taught school ab. 8 years, and then m. 2d, ab. 1831.) Ch. : James Orval Cleveland, b. Apr. 28, 182 1, P., d. n. Grand Rapids, Wood co., O., Apr., 1868, m. Fairfield, Huron co., O., Lydia Macklin, b. Lancaster, Fair field CO., O., July 29, 1822, da. Peter and Mary (Boyer). Of Fairfield to 1855, Grand Rapids afterwards, blacksmith. Ch.: DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2273 Sarah Catharine Cleveland, b. Mar., 1846, Lancaster, m. Wil liam Swain Warner. Michael Pierceon Cleveland, b. Mar., 1849, L., d. Grand R. Dec, 1868; John Spellman Cleveland, b. Aug., 185 1, L., d. G. R. Aug., 1864. Hannah Eliza Cleveland, b. Aug., 1854, L., m. Richard Davis. Mary Rebecca Cleve land, b. Aug., 1856, G. R., m. Aaron Lewis Bartel. Watson J. Cleveland, b. Dec, 1859, G. R., m. Mahala M. Houser, of G. R. 1883, carries on his father's farm. Flora Ann Cleveland, b. July, 1865, G. R. Frederick Cleveland, died at Phelps, N. Y., May 17, 1895. 18307 Frederick Cleveland, 28th Conn. Vols.; name on bronze tablet (with names of many other Salisbury, Conn., men of a large number of Conn, regiments), on Soldiers' Memorial Statue at Salisbury, dedicated July, 1891, in honor of the soldier dead of the town. 18308 Frederick H. Cleveland, telegrapher, Boston, Mass., 1894, h. at Everett. Frederick J., Chicago, 111., 1894, baker. Frederick S., St. Louis, Mo., 1894. 18309 Rev. G. A. Cleveland, of Gloucester, Mass., 1883, corresp. of Cape Ann Advertiser. See Bibliography, Chap. IV. 18310 G. B. Cleveland, Denton, Tex., 1885, grocer. 18311-12 G. Fred Cleveland, plumber, with William H., plumber, Cleveland, O., 1891 (1894). 18313 G. H. Cleve land, Capt. Co. G, 38th Ala., resigned Apr. 5, 1864 — Adjutant and Inspector-General' s Office, Richmond, [Va.], June 10, 1864, General Orders, No. 51 [Confederate States Army], p. 19. 18314 G. W. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1880-1. 18315 Conn. Men In Revol., i&o — 3d reg. Levies : Cleaveland, Gardner, enl. July I, dis. Dec. 4, 1780. 18316 p. jjs — 3d reg. [2d form'n], (iapt. Elisha Hopkins [of Hartford] CO. Gardiner Cleveland, pd. Jan. i to Dec. 31, 1781. 18317 Geneva E. Cleveland, Boston, Mass., 1884, book store, left before Jan. 26, 1885. 18318 George Cleveland, bought lands Anderson co., S. C, 1817 — CO. rec. 18319-21 George, Binghamton, N. Y., 1883, blacksmith, bds.; George, Boston, Mass., 1891, carpenter; 1894, painter; George, Birmingham, Ala., 1891, ins. agent. 18322 George and sister, Carthage, Mo., 1885 ; George, Chicago, 111.. No. 5928 S. Sangamon, 1894. 18323 George Cleveland, of Clarke co., Ky., executed, 1806, a deed of gift to Annie Haynic, or Haynie, of personal property that, in 181 1, Sally Cleveland, widow of George Cleveland, executed power of atty. to Wm. B. Brannum. 18324 George, chh. member, Exeter, R. I., 1842- 72. 18325 George, Hartford, Conn., 1841, Directory, by Isaac N. Bolles. 18326 George, b. 1832, of Hartford 1854, m. Catharine, b. 1835, laborer; Da. b. Aug. 23, 1854, H. — George B. Hawley, phys. 18327 George Cleaveland, m. H., Feb. 10, 1883, Estella Ring. 18328-9 George Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1883, confectioner; George, K. C. ab. 1885-6, head waiter. 18330-2 George' Cleveland, of Ky. Ch.: JohnI Ch.: J. W.' Cleveland, Chillicothe, Mo., 1885, merch. 18333 George Cleveland, New Orleans, La., 1888, broker. 18334-40 George, N. O. ab. 1881, laborer; George, Philadel phia, Pa., 1885-6, laborer ; George, Pittsfield, Mass., 1887-8, rem. 143 2274 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. to Springfield, Mass.; George, Portland, Ore., 1890, engineer, bds.; George, Putnam, Conn., 1881; George, 5, 70, 1660 Wa- keshma Scotts, Kalamazoo co., Mich., 1889. 1 8341 George Cleveland, Ridge Mills, N. Y., tax payer on land, 1880. 18342 George Aaron Cleaveland, author, see Bibliography, Chap. IV. 18343. WILLIAM B.' CLEVELAND, b. in Vermont, d. prior to 1882, m. Nancy Stevenson, b. Nassau, Rensselaer co., N. Y., d. bef. 1882. Said to have been in the war of 181 2. Ch.: -1-1 8344 George Washington'' Cleveland. 18345-50 Chancy^, Jacob'', Allen'', m. Laura Turner, of Nassau 1895 ; Mary Ann^, Sarah", LouisaI 18344. GEORGE WASHINGTON^ CLEVELAND (wiiiiamB.'), d. before 1895, m. Jan. i, 1842, Christina Bliss, b. Schodack, Rens selaer CO., N. Y., Feb. 9, 1817, a da. Samuel and Elizabeth (Pem broke). Ch.: 18351 Albert B." Cleveland, born Apr. 2, 1843, m. 1870, Maria Shaver, farmer. 18352-3 Sylvanus^ Cleveland, b. Oct. I, 1845, m. 1869, Jennie Harrington. Of W. Constant, N. Y., and, 1878-96, Brodhead, Wis., of S. Cleveland & Son, proprietors of The Climax Barber Shop. Ch.: Son\ 18354-6 William B.', b. Sept. 11, 1847, d. Dec. 3, 1871. Thomas P.^ b. Feb. 21, 1849, m. 1878, Emma Shaver. Eugenie^, b. Nov. 22, 1852, m. 1872, John N. Castle, farmer. George Washington" Cleveland, of West Nassau, N. Y., 1878, farmer. Bliss ancestry : — Thomas' (see -1-354, p. 219); Jonathan', b. Belstone Parish, Devonsh.,. Eng., 157s ; Thomas', Braintree, Mass., 1636, Rehoboth, 1643, m. Mrs. Ide or Hyde ; Jona than*, m. Miriam Harmon, sis. of Nathaniel of Braint.; SamueP, m. Mary Kendrick; Abraham^, m. Sarah Ormsbee ; Abraham'', m. Polly Scudder ; Samuel^ Bliss m. Eliza beth Pembroke. — Bliss gen. 18357-62 William — Troy, Rensselaer co., N. Y., rec. — Dec. 2, 1826, land of Jonathan Warren ; Apr. 26, 1828, of and to Jo seph Cleveland; Apr. 26, 1828, to Hannah Cleveland; Apr. 16, 1833, to James Cleveland, Jr.; Sept. 26, 1856, to John Riley; deed, 1872 ; William and Allen Cleveland, 1870 and 1875 18363-4 William B. releases mortg. 1852 — Albany, N. Y., land rec. William B. — Troy, N. Y., Rensselaer co. rec. — land of Roswell R. Chapman, Mar. 25, 1830. 18365-70 George and Allen Cleveland — Rens. co. rec. — land of Shem Vanhees, May 9, 1851; George W. and Allen Cleveland — Rens. co. rec, land of Alfred Webster, Dec. 19, 1839. George W., asst. to Allen, May 9, 1851; of Maryette Hemen- way, Apr. 13, 1858; of Samuel Conniff, Apr. 3, 1866. George W., Nassau, N. Y., 1879. 18371-2 Chancellor Cleveland — Rensselaer co., N. Y., rec , land of Jonathan Rider, Aug. 9, 1853; of John H. Haynes, Jan. 2, 1855; of Rensaeller Delavan, Oct. 17, 1863; deed, 1871. Chancellor, of East Nassau, Rensselaer co., N. Y., 1879. 18373-4 Jacob Cleveland — Rens. co., N. Y., rec, et aL, DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2275 land of John Hassom, Sept. 26, 1836; Jacob (trustee) of David Cleveland, June 8, 1838. 18375-6 Allen Cleveland- — Rens. co., N. Y., rec. — asst. of John Turner, Apr. 2, 1846 ; land of David P. Gussett, May 9, 1851; of Wm. Brockway, Apr. i, 1867; of Philander W. Hicks, Apr. 4, 1867, in Nassau village, N. Y.; of Nassau, 1879. 18377 Allen A., Nassau, 1879. 18378-83 Joseph and James Cleveland — Rens. co., N. Y., rec— la.nd of Wm. Hayner, Mar. 5, 1823; Joseph, of Hannah Cleveland, Apr. 26, 1828. James — Re^ts. co. rec, deed, 1871. David Cleveland — Rens. co. rec, land of Isaac McChesney, Mar. 20, 1838; to John Cleveland, May 11, 1853. 18384 Hiram Clevelanp — Rens. co., N. Y., rec. — land of Josiah Granger, Aug. 31, 1822. 18385 Henry W. — Re7is. co. rec, land of Isaac Mustin, July 6, 1830. 18386 Augustus — Rens. co. rec, land of Lewis EUsenth, May 16, 1836. 18387 William H. — Rens. CO. rec, land of William H. Myers, Mar. 29, 1851. 18388 Thomas — Rens. co. rec. — land of Thomas Hicks, Apr. 15, 1862. 18389 Frederick — Rens. co. rec. — deed, 1874. 18390 George L. — Rens. co. rec. — deed, 1875. . 18391-2 jFrom a newspaper : — The following resolutions in reference to the death of Mrs. Leslie, a native of this town, who d. at Worthington, Mass., were adopted by the Agassiz Association : Chapter 843 : Whereas, It has pleased God to remove from our midst our Secretary, Mrs. M. C. Leslie ; Whereas, It is just that we recognize her many good qualities ; therefore be it Resolved, That we send a copy of our Resolutions to her husband, Mr. Frank Leslie, and to Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland, her parents, and family. West Worthington, Mass., Apr. 22, 1886. 18393 Mary (wid. of George Cleveland),, m. Sept. 5, 1841, Elias Metcalf of Wrentham, Mass. 18394 George A., Bangor, Me., 1894. 18395 George A., student Theol. Seminary, New ton Centre, Middlesex co., Mass., 1883. 18396 George A., Nor wich, Conn., 1891, h. E. G. P., n. Fair Grounds, bookkeeper. George B., Chicago, 111., 1894, clerk. 18397 George B., estate N. Ridge, N. Y., 1887. 18398-9 George B. and Harry M., both with Pacific Union Club, San Francisco, Cal., 1889. 18400 George C, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887. George E., Chicago, 111., 1894, elk. 18401 Georg£ E., Detroit, Mich., 1889, supt. agencies Home Life Ins. co. 18402 George F., Boston, Mass., 1882-5, rnoulder. 18403 George F., Boston, 1891, head waiter Crawford House. 18404 Dr. George H. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1891, 1894. 18405 George H. Cleaveland, Hartford, Conn., shoe maker, bds.. 18 Church, 1869; 610 Main; 1870. 18406 George H., Lawrence, Mass., 1886-7, operative, rms. 18407 George H. Cleveland, Providence, R. I., 1891. 18408 Rev. George H., St. Louis, Mo., 1885. 18409-10 [George L.], Mrs. Ann, Syra cuse, N. Y., 1879. Mrs. Ann (wid. of George L.), Syracuse, 1880. 18411 George O., Chicago, 111., 1891-4, machinist. 18412 George 0. Cleveland, m. Stafford Springs, Conn., Apr. 21, 1894, Hattie L.Eaton. 18413 George R. Cleaveland, Chicago, 1891, sales man. 18414 George R. Cleve-land, San Francisco, Cal., 1215 Jones, 1883-4; salesman 1886. 18415 George S., Tacoma, Wash., 1893-4, clerk. 22j6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland (George W.) & McClure (Milton H.), Carthage, Mo., 1:885, blacksm., wagons. 18416 George W., Chelsea, Vt, 1886, stabler. 18417 George W., Helena, Mont, 1891,- date of arrival, 1864, of Assoc of Montana Pioneers, organized at He lena Sept. 10, 1884. 18418-20 George W. and William B., at Dauphin car stables. Mobile, Ala., 1883. George W., Mobile 1887, 226 Dauphin, porter. 18421 George W., Philadelphia, Pa., 1879, laborer 1882-3. 18422 George W., Newton, Sydney, N. S. W., mason, 1894. 18423 George W., Voluntown, Conn., m. v.. May 9, 1891, Miss Cora Danues of Clark's Falls, R. I. 18424 George Washington Cleveland, Houston, Tex., 1890-1, of Wallace [Theodore F.], Waggener [Richard H.] & Co. 18425 German Atlas Cleveland (not traceable to Alex ander'), his people from Ky., of Wartrace, Tenn., years bef. 1881. 18426 German A. Cleveland, Nashville, Tenn., 1891-2, de signer E. & N. Mfg. Co. 18427-9' GiD Cleveland, an East Tennesseean, and two married sisters of Shelby ville, Bedford co., Tenn., 1885. 18430 Green Cleveland, New Orleans, La., 1888, laborer. 18431 Gustav Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1885, publisher, 473 5th av. 18432 H. Cleaveland, Kobe, Japan, 1894. 18433 H. Cleveland, Huntsville, Sydney, N. S. W., 1894. 18434 H. A. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1883-5, transit elk. C, St P., M. & O., 1. 3 J4 Av. S ; bookkeeper 1883, L 2,% Av. S. 18435-6 Mrs. H. B. Cleveland and Charles B., Frankfort N. Y., 1883, 108 Main. 18437 H. C. Cleveland & Co., Bolton Centre, Broome CO., P. Q. 1882, tub factory. 18438 H. Frank, Boston, Mass., 1891, rms. 18439 Susan M. (wid. of H. H. Cleveland), Law rence, Mass., 1886-7. 18440 Dr. H. H. Cleveland, stopping at the Brunswick, Asbury Park, N. J. — N. Y. Herald, Aug. 21, 1892. 18441 H. H. Cleveland, Mount Eden, Spencer co., Ky., 1882, justice peace. 18442 H. H. Cleveland, grad. May 17, 1882, Columbia coll. Law School, N. Y. c — N. Y. Times, May 18, 1882. 18443 H. J. Cleveland & Bro., Ruckersville, Ga., 1876, general store. 18444 H. J. Cleveland, rancher, res. Mission Valley — San Diego, Cal., Dir., 1888-9. '8445 H. M. Cleveland, Jr., Bos ton, Mass., 1891, elk., bds. 18446 H. P. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1883, student H. B. Bryant's bus. colL 18447 H. W. Cleve land, N. Y, city 189 1-2, 14 W. 28. 18448-50 Harley W. and Norman Cleaveland (1887, lab.), 100 N. av.. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1889. Harold L. Cleve land, Chicago, 111., 1894, elk. 18451 Harriet Cleveland, N Y. city 1888, dressmaker. 1-8452 Miss Harriet, b. 1802, died Sandgate, Vt, Dec. 2, 1837. 18453 Harriet, Washington, D. C, 1891. Lottie, widow of Harry Cleveland, Brewer, Me., 1894. 18454 Harry Cleveland, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890, lawyer, 432 Berry. 18455 Harry, Brookl. 1890, foreman, 590 Pacific. 18456-9 Harry Cleveland, Cambridge, Mass., removed thence, 1885, to New Hampshire. Ch.: Thomas, Anne, Maud, Stella, and Etta. 18460 Harry A. Cleveland, Concord, N. H., 1892-3, fore- DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2277 man of coopers, Penacock, and Thomas W., Concord, cooper, P. 18461 Harry Cleveland, New Orleans, La., 1886, switchman. 18462 Harry, Huntsville, Sydney, N. S. W., draper, 1894. 18463 Harry, Syracuse, N. Y., 1879, 1. Stevens Block. 18464 Harry, emp. (W. Winsted;), Torrington, Conn., 1890-1. 18465 Harry H., Minneapolis, Minn., 1883-5, dk. 18466 Harry L., Chicago, IIL, 1876. 18467 Harry L., St. Paul, Minn., 1885-7. Harry T., Buffalo, N. Y., 1894, plumber. 18468 Hattie Cleveland, Sangerfield, N. Y., 1873 — Oneida CO. land rec. 18469 Miss H*attie J., Lowell, Mass., 1887. 18470 Lucy, wid. Hazard P. Cleveland, Nashville, Tenn., 1886. Miss Helen J., Portland, Me., 1893. 1847 1 • Miss Helen M. Cleveland, Windsor, Conn., teacher in high school, has been traveling in Europe, Sept. 2, i8gi. 18472-3 Ledger and Transcript, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 7, 1885 — In Orange there lives a prominent citizen who is related to President Cleveland. His wife is related to Vice-President Hendricks. They have an only son, whose name is Hendricks Cleveland. Perhaps there never was such a remarkable and similar 00- mcidtnce. — San Antonio (Texas) Times. 18474 Henrietta E. Cleveland, Louisville, Ky., 1885-6. 18475-7 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XXII : 203 — Col. John Brown's reg. militia, Berkshire co., Mass. Northan Dep., Capt. John Strong's CO. Henry Cleaveland, Sept. 6-Oct. 2, 1777. IV: g2 — 6 months men of Deerfield, Franklin co., Mass., Oct. 5, 1780: Henry Cleaveland ; Pension Rep. 1835, p. 26 — Berkshire co. Henry Cleveland, pens'd fr. Mar. 4, 1831. 18478-84 Henry Cleveland, d. Bristol, Conn., 1835, aged 21, of small pdx — Hartford Times, Jan. 8, 1835. Henry, Cale donia, 111., 1879. Henry, Charleston, S. C, ab. 1885-6, 7 Beres- ford, fisherman. Henry, Chicago, 111., 1876, 1491 Indiana av. Henry, Chicago, 1894, bds. 144 N. Curtis, teamster. Henry, Cincinnati, O., ab. 1882, 43 Peirson. Henry, Fayetteville, Ark., bef. 1861. Henry, Kansas City, Mo., ab. 1885-6, appr. 18485 Henry Cleaveland and Talcott Howard, Postmasters, Perry Centre, Wyoming co., N. Y.— U. S. Blue Book, 1834. 18486 Henry Cleveland, St. Louis, Mo., 1887, trav. Simmons h. ware. 18487 Henry, Kogarah, Sydney, N. S. W., 1894. 18488 Henry, Rockdale, Sydney, N. S. W., 1894. 18489 Henry, a trustee fr. Vt. in N. E. Agricult'l fair at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5-8, 1882. 18490 Henry, fr. Wolcottville, Conn., d. Canton, Conn., Aug. 18, 1870, by accident, teamster. 18491 Henry A., West Farm ington, Franklin CO., Me., 1876, dry g. 18492 Mary C. Cleve land, wid. of Henry C. Cleveland, Cleveland, O., 1894. 18493 Henry D., Savannah, Ga., 1 880-1. Henry E., N. Y. city, 1894. Henry F., Hartford, Conn., 1870, mechanic. 18494 Henry H., Chicago, 111., 1876; 1894: mfrs. agt. 18495 Henry H., Lowell, Mass., alDout 1885, bds. 18496 Henry L., Boston, Mass., 1880. 18497-9 Henry L., Chicago, 111., 1894, musician ; Henry L., St. Paul, Minn., 1883, messeng. N. P. exp.; 1891-2, elk. C, M. & St P. R. 18500-1 Henry W. (clerk ab. 1886), and William H. (salesman, 1888), both at Boyd Bros., Charleston, S. C. 18502 Henry W., Chicago, 111., 1885, elk. 18503 Henry W., Seattle, Wash., 1891, waiter. Herbert, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894. 2278 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 18504 Herbert Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1888-9, salesm., rms. 18505 Herbert E. (his parents of Alton, 111.), fr. A. to Chicago, in C. & A. R. R. office, C, 1891-2. 18506-7 Her bert R., Minneapolis, Minn., 1890, fireman Mil. Ry., bds. Her bert R., Minneapolis, 1883-5, machinist 18508 Hervey Cleve land, P. M. Laurens C. H., Laurens co., S. C. — U. S. Blue Book, 1834. 18509 Horace Cleveland, Nashville, Tenn., 1886, with Tenn. Mfg. co. 18510-14 Horace C, Andrew H., fireman, L. & N. R. R., William W., tinher, Sarah H., saleslady, Nancy J. (wid. of William J. Cleveland), all 1. on N. 4th st, Nashville, 1891-2. 185 15 William J., Nashv. 1886, farmer. 185 16-19 Miss Eva, N. Sumner st., 1891-2, Miss Effie, N. Sumner, 1892, Miss Martha, 1891, and William, 1891, all Nashv., with Tenn. Mfg. CO. 18520 Horatio S. Cleveland, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887, clerk. 18521 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XXXVI: 23S-g, 240, 2bo — Ca.pt. Benjamin Smith's co., stationed on Marthas Vineyard : ICHABOD Cleaveland, private, service Jan. 20, to Sept. I, 1776. 18522 Ida Cleveland, Elmira, N. Y., 1883. 18523 Hoadly's Conn. Col. Rec, XIV: 26*— Assembly, May, 1774, establish Isaac Cleaveland lieutenant 13th trainband, 15th Conn, colony reg. 18524-7 Conn. Men In Revol., 40- 2d reg , Gen. Joseph Spencer's, raised May, 1775, in Middlesex co. and eastern part of colony. At Roxbury till expiration service, Dec, 1775.] 6th CO., Capt. Noadiah Hooker, Farmington. Private Isaac Cleveland, enl. May 5, dis". Dec. 18, 1775. p.3gb — 2d Batt., Wadsworth's Brigade., Col. Fisher Gay, Farm ington [Raised June, '76. At battle Long Island, Aug. 27, time exp. Dec. 5, '76]. ist co., Capt. Gad Stanley, Farmington. Cleaveland, Isaac, pr., June 24, 1776. P.301 — W1U- 'v tia : Col. Noadiah Hooker's [of F.] reg., Capt. James Stoddard's co. Isaac Cleveland, dis. May 16 [1777I. p. 233 — Sth reg. [raised Jan., 1777] Litchfield and other Cos. to serve thro war. Into Pa. Sept., under Gen. (Alexander) McDougall; fought at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, assigned to (James M.) Varnum's brigade, Oct. 16, at defence Ft. Mifflin, Mud Isl., Pa., Nov. 12-16, 1777, Valley Forge, '77-8], Col. Jolm Chandler (of Newton) to Mar. 5, '78. Jesse Kimball, capt. Cleaveland, Isaac, enl. May 26, '77, 8 mos., dis. Jan. i, '78. 18528 U. S. Pension Rep., 1835, ^.j56 — Jefferson co., N. Y.: Isaac Cleaveland, private R. I. militia, pens'd fr. Mar. 4, 1831, a. 77. 18529 Isaac Cleveland of Wolcott, Conn., m. Sarah Adkins or Atkins, b. ab. 1739, ^ ^^- °f Joseph (Josiah, of Middletown, Conn., m. Mary Wheeler of Stratford, Conn., Josiah' of M. m., Oct. 8, 1673, Elizabeth Wetmore) Adkins of Bristol, Conn., and Abigail (Rich). Rem. to Cherries Brook parish, East Simsbury, Conn. Ch. : 2 sons, 3 &a..—Orcutfs Wolcott, 440. 18530-4 Mrs. Isaac Cleaveland, d. St. Martins, N. S., Oct. 4, 1891, a. 62, leaving 2 s., 3 da. 18535 Israel A. Cleveland, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891-2. 18536 J. or J. S. Cleveland, kept the first store in Bur ton, O., ab. 1800, went thence to New Castle, Del., or Wilming ton, Del. — Pioneer His. Geauga co., O., 441. 18537-8 J. Cleve land, Guilford, Vt, ab. 1878, wheelwright. J. Cleveland, from Mich., of Wichita, Kan., 1887, carpenter. 18539 Mrs. J. Cleve land, San Francisco, Cal., 1878. 18540-2 J. A. Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1894, trav. salesman. J. A. Cleveland, Gilroy, Cal., 1882. J. A., Los Angeles, Cal., 1887, carriage painter. 18543 J. Anson Cleveland, Worcester, Mass., 1889, driver. 18544 J. C. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., elk. C, M. & St. P. after 1883. 18545 Dr. J. C. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-5, phys. 18546-7 J. D. Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1883, bookpr. J. D. Cleveland, Springfield, Mass., 1882, employe. J. F. Cleve land, Acton, Tex., 1896, merch., his father is living. 18548 J. G. Cleveland, Alabama, route 5564, contracter carrying mail, Apr. I, Sept. 30, 1847— CA. 5. Register. 18549 J. G., Los Ange les, Cal., 1887. 18550 J. H. Cleveland, P. M. Catourah, Green ville CO., S. C, Sept. 30, 1847— &". S. Reg. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2279 18551. Rev. J. H. Cleveland fell before Vicksburg; his wife d. 2 years previous, her mother was b. in Glasgow, Scotl. Of- 83d Ind. reg. Ch.: Helen, aged 11 when her father was killed, m. Sept 12, 1872, John P. MacLean, b. Franklin, O., Mar. 12, 1848, son James and Rachel (Dearth). Grad. Nat. Normal Univ., Lebanon, O., 1867, St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y., 1869, attended Medical Inst., Cincinnati, O., 1873, of Franklin, 1889, Earlville, 111., 1890, author of History of Clan MacLean from its first settlement at Duard Castle, Isle of Mull [Scotland], etc. MacLean ancestry :—Ma.chean is a contraction of the Gaelic Mac-Ghille-eoin, mean ing son of the servant of St. John. John', b. Argyleshire, Scot., 1738, to Ireland 1760, Loudon county, Va., 1765, Uniontown, Pa., ab. 1802, Monroe, O., 1807, of the Kingerloch branch of clan MacLean, m. 1765, Margaret Lynn, b. Derry, Ireland ; William', m Mar garet Clarke, of Scotch-Irish descent ; James= MacLean married Rachel, da. Elder Isaac Dearth, preacher among the New Lights, of Scotch-English origin. See Munsell's American Ancestry, IV: 47. 18552 Second Lt J. H. Cleveland, Co. F, 5th Ky. Vols., resigned Jan. 13, i2,6:^.— Adj.-Gen. C. S. A., Gen. Ord. 51, p. 4. 18553 J- Henry Cleveland, Detroit, Mich., elk. Merch. and Mfrs. Nat Bank, 1882-3; paying teller Home Sav. Bank, 1889. 18554-S J. J. Cleveland, Cog Hill, Tenn., July 31, 1885, Bell's, Grayson co., Tex., Aug. 12, 1885, teacher. 18556 Prof. J. J. Cleveland, La Crosse, Wis., 1885. 18557 J. M. Cleveland, Newark, N. J., to May, 1894, of Cleveland & [William G.] Hoar, art gallery. J. M. Cleveland, Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto co., Tex., 1896. 18558 Captain J. McCleveland, Co. K, 32d Ala. Vols., resigned Apr. 6, 1864 — C. S. A. Ord. 51, p. ig. 18559 J- N. Cleveland, Hooper, Broome co., N. Y., 1878. 18560 J. P. Cleveland, Montreal, Can., 1888-90, ofiicer. 18561-2 J. R. Cleveland, painter, and Mrs. J. R. Cleveland, music teacher, 75 Banning, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887. 18563 J. R. Cleveland, house. New Britain, Conn., farmer, 1875. 18564 J. S. Cleve land, Brownwood, Brown co., Tex., 1882, real estate agt 18565 Rev. J. S. Cleveland (Baptist), Geneva, O., 1891. ¦ 18566 Rev. John S. Cleveland (Baptist), Columbus, O., 1891. 18567 Dr. J. T. C. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1883, phys., bds. 306 N. 1st. 18568 J. W. Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1886-7, cutter, rooms. 18569 Jackson S. Cleveland, Augusta, Ga., 1891, student Med. Dep. u. Ga. 18570-4 Mass. Revolution Rolls, XI: 20b — Lexington Alarm, Apr. 19, 1775, Jacob Cleveland of Dedham marched. Haven's Centennial Address, 183b, p. 68 — From Ded ham 106 served in Revolution : JACOB CLEVELAND in the list. Mass. Revoliition Rolls, XXXV: /^j'- Jacob Cleveland, age 19, stature, 5 ft. n in., complexion, ruddy, of Sturbridge, Mass., arrived Springfield, Mass., July 13, 1780. Descriptive list i.jth Div., 6 mos. men, marched under com. of Capt. Thomas Pntchard. IV : 2^6 — Jacob Cleve land, 6 mos. Sturbridge men. Continental Service, 1780. Ammldown's Charlton, Mass., II: ), d. Bath, N. H., Feb. 25, 1842, a. 37, m. Bath, Apr. 1, 1830, as 1st w., Erastus Fisk, b. Lunenburg, Vt, Apr. 4, 1807, s. Asa and Betsey (Henry), mason, is living with his 7th wife, at Lyman, Grafton co., N. H., 1884. Ch.b. Bath: 18724 Chester Carlton' Fisk, b. Jan. 13, 1832, died Boston,' Mass., Mar. 16, 1883, m. Newbury, Vt, Alice Bailey. Ch.: Ada" Fisk, d. a. 2 yrs.; Hattie" Fisk, d. a. 2 yrs. Betsey Cleveland' Fisk, b. May 12, 1833, d. Bath, Feb. 19, 1852 ; Aaron Hibbard' Fisk, b. ¦ Apr. 5, 1835, (i. B. Apr. 30, 1837 ; Downer Cleveland' Fisk, b. Nov. 28, 1836, d. B. Oct. 1, 1838 ; Harriet Ferry' Fisk, b. May 30, 1838, d. B. July 15, 1842. 1872*5 Sarah Cleveland'' Fisk, b. Sept. 11, 1840, m. Lisbon, N. H., Sept. 26, 1864, David Moulton Hibbard, b. Monroe, Graf ton CO., N. H., Oct. 20, 1840, s. Horatio and Joanna (Moulton), lived, 1864-72, Lisbon, since at Canton, Lewis co.. Mo., miller, merch., and farmer. Ch.: Edward Horatio" Hibbard, b. Sept. 24, 1865, d. Sept. 12, 1867 ; Clean Mellville" Hibbard, b. July 20, 1868 ; George Fisk" Hibbard, Dec. 10, 1870; Josephine Louisa" Hibbard, Apr. 26, 1S75 ; Fred Cleveland" Hibbard, June 15, 1881. 18679. BETSEY FRENCH' CLEVELAND (caieb», johm), d. Cole brook, N. H., ab. 1881, a. ab. 86, m. prob. Columbia, N. H., Mr. Ray, he d. Columbia ab. 1864; or res. Columbia 1882. Ch. b. Columbia : 18726 Abigail' Ray, b. ab. 1840, d. Colebrook ab. 1879, m. Columbia, ab. 1857, John McClellan, he d. Colebrook ab. 1879, s. William; farmer. Ch. : Dau.", b. ab. 1859, d. ab. 1871; Dau.", b. ab. 1861, d. ab. 1867. 18727 Mary' Ray, b. ab. 1842, m. Colebrook, ab. 1867, Wil liam Merrell, b. Cplumbia ab. 1838, s. John ; of Columb., cooper. 2288 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 18681. CALEB DOWNER' CLEVELAND (caieb^ john-), d. Colum bia, N. H., Nov. 9, 1879, a. 79, m. Lee, Penobscot co.. Me., Oct 6, Dec. 12, 1833, Priscilla Brown, b. Montville, Waldo co.. Me., Dec 16, 1813, died Lee, Aug. 16, 1845, da. Elisha and Lowise (Cushman). Ch. : 4-18728 William Howard" Cleveland, born Oct 16, 1834, Springfield, Penobscot co.. Me. 18729 Elisha Brown* Cleveland, b. July 3, 1837, 2, 1838, Lee, m. Lee, Harriet Thompson, b. Bangor, Me., da. John and Susan (Cushtom). Ent. Union service i86t, Co. A, ist Me. Cav., Sergt., in 30 battles, not wounded or in hospital, complimented as one of best soldiers in reg., ret. to Lee, went to Washington Ter. after m.; to Puget Sound, Cal., ab. 1877; in Snohomish, Snohomish co.. Wash., 1882, lumberm.; his family in Prentiss, Me. Ch.: 2, b. bef. 1877. 18730 Charles Addison* Cleveland, b. Sept 7, 13, 1842, Lee, d. Richmond, Va., Aug. 16, 1862, unm.; enlisted Aug., 1861, Co. A, ist Me. Cav., captured with his bro., Wm. H., May 24, 1862, d. in Libby or Castle Tunder. Caleb Downer' Cleveland dwelt Bath, N, H., to 1830, then went to Me. ; was proprietor of several mills in Lee, that at one time were burnt and afterw. rebuilt ; dwelt Lee to 1875, Colum bia afterward. Brown record : — Elisha Brown, bi Sanbornton, N. H., m. Louise Cushman, b. Paris, Me., sister to Jonathan and Hon. Samuel Cushman. 18685. FANNY F.' CLEVELAND (caieb^ johni), d. Colebrook, N. H., ab. 1862, m. Colebr., ab. 1842, Eliphalet Morgan, he d. Cole brook ab. 1857, or both res. Compton, P. Q., 1882, shoemaker. ¦ Ch. b. Colebrook : 18731 Charlotte' Morgan, b. ab. 1841, d. Columbia, N. H., ab. 1876, m. Colebr., ab. 1867, Mr. Hicks, b. Colebr., ^. of Os good Hicks; 1. Colebr. 1882, shoemaker. Ch.: i, d. bef. 1882. 18732 Fanny' Morgan, died Colebr., m. Colebr., ab. 1868, Levi Hicks, b. Colebr., a s. Osgood ; 1. Colebr., farmer. Ch., 2 : Lewis* Hicks ; Another'. 18733 George'' Morgan, va. Colebr., ab. 1867, Miss Jordan, she d. Stewardstown, Coos co., N. H., ab. 1869 ; he 1. Stewardst, shoemaker. Ch.: Da.", d. bef. 1882. 18686. JOHN ADAMS' CLEVELAND (caieb^johni),m. Colebrook, N. H., ab. 1841, Mary Ann Titus, b. Colebrook, Dec. 22, 1819, da. Caleb and Drusilla (Warner). Dwelt at Bath and Columbia, N. H., to 1842, since in Colebrook, 1882 ; farmer, horse farrier. Ch.: 18734 Caleb Titus* Cleveland, born June 4, 1842, Cole brook, m. Old Town, Me., Mar. 13, 187 1, Sarah Philena Carlton, b. Colebrook, Apr. 19, 1841, da. Simeon and Mary Jane (Wal lace). Enlisted Aug., 1863, 13th N. H. V., 9th A. Corps, partici- DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2289 pated in Fredericksburg battle; resided at Colebrook to 1863, Lewiston, Me., pattern maker for European & North American R. R. (Bangor, Me., to St. John, Can.) to 1866 ; Old Town to 1880 ; New York, N. Y.V since in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1884, business in N. Y. city. s. p. 18735 Emily Ann* Cleveland, born May 13, 1844, Cole brook, m. Colebrook, Nov. ab. 1873, John Crawford, b. Barry, Can., ab. 1847, d. Colebrook ab. 1875 ; lived Colebrook, farmer; she 1. Colebrook. Ch.: Roland Wort^ Crawford, b. Apr. 21, 1872, Colebrook. 18736 John Titus" Cleveland, b. July 12, 1846, Colum bia, N. H., m. ISt, Lewiston, ab. 1870, Hannah Burgess, born Vassalboro, Me., ab. 1844, d. Lewiston, June, ab. 1872, da. Isaiah. He m. 2d, L., Matilda or Abigail Willis, b. in Me., n. N. H. line. Dwelt Colebrook to 1865, since at Lewiston, machinist. Ch. by 1st m.: Isaiah Burgess' Cleveland, b. ab. 1871, Lewiston, d. L. ab. 1873, a. 2. 2d m.: s. p. 18737 Ellen Tewksberry' Cleveland, b. July 12, 1846, Columbia, unm., 1. Colebrook and Lewiston. 18692. ANDREW DOWNER' CLEVELAND (Anson^ John:), died Pine Hill, Genesee co., N. Y., m. Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1820, Content Berry, b. B. Jan. 17, 1802, died B. Apr. 21, 1824; kept hotel with his bro., Gurdian B., at Waterville, Oneida co., N. Y. Ch.: Louisa*, b. Mar; 14, 1822, d. May 25, 1840. -I-18738 Mary Ett" Cleveland, born Apr. 17, 1824, West moreland, N. Y. 18693. WILLIAM PHELPS' CLEVELAND (Anson^ John-), mar ried Waterville, N. Y., Feb. 14, 27, 1830, Mary Ann Tower, b. Waterville, Nov. 2, 1808, a da. Maj. Jotham and Polly (Barrett). Ch. b. Waterville : 18739 Ellen Cornelia* Cleveland, b. Aug. 2, 1831, m. Aug. 8, 1855, William Wallace Osborne, b. 1832, d. 1865. Ch. b. St. Joseph, Mo.: Mary Amelia^ Osborne, Nov. 12, 1859 , Ada Caro line" Osborne, Dec. 14, 1861; Emma Cleveland'" Osborne, b. Dec. 7, 1863' d. Nov. 7, 1870-1. Mary*, b. May 5, 1832-3, d. Aug., 1833. -f 18740 William Albert* Cleveland, b. May 6, 1834. 18741 Mary Jane" Cleveland, b. Jan. 21, 1836, d. Mar. 29, 1884, m. June 18, 1862, Rev. William H. Moffett. Ch.: Cleve land Langston" Moffett, b. Apr. 27, 1863 ; Charles William" Moffett, b. Apr. 10, 27, 1866, June 8, 1867 ; Emma Gosier or Goshee" Mof fett, b. Oct 21, 1869, d. Mar. 16, 1870 ; Mabel" Moffett, b. Apr. 21, 1876. Emery Bissell*, b. Mar. 29, 1839, d. June 24, 1848. 18742 Emma Celina* Cleveland, born Dec. 31, 1842, m. Sept. 6, 1865, Clarke Purdy Washburne. Herbert Colburn", b. Jan. 21, 1847, d. July 17, 1851. 18743 Anna Caroline* Cleveland, b. Oct, Nov. 1, 1849, m. June 13, 1877, George Edwin Westcott. Ch.: Hattie Cleve land" Westcott, b. Mar. 27, 1878; George Edwin^ Westcott, Apr. 13, 1881. 144 2290 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 18744 Harriet Reed* Cleveland, b. Nov. 21, 1851, m. Dec. I, 1881, Fred H. CoggeshaU. Catherine*, b. Dec. 9, d. 19, 1853. Dr. William Phelps' Cleveland graduated Fairfield, N. Y., Medical College, and established himself at Waterville. His cousin, Mrs. Leonard, writes : " Dr. Cleveland found that the people preferred the old physicians to the young, con sequently had few calls; but after a time-a young lady, da, of Maj. Tower, a prominent man, fell sick. The old doctors exhausted their skill in vain. A counsel was called ; by courtesy, the young doc. was invited. The doctors decided on a course of treatment, and asked the young doctor's opinion ; he replied that the proposed treatment would make the patient deaf,, dumb, and blind. They did not believe him, but proceeded, with the result predicted. They were then dismissed ; he was called and suctessfully treated the case, and married the lady. He had all the practice he could attend to after that." Barrett ancestry :— i arms ; Bakritt ; /.• Barrette ; 30: BARRETT: (London, 13B3). Gu. a chief indented ar. a bordure az. . . . Humphrey^, b. Eng:. 1592, Concord, Mass.. 1640, m. Mary ; Humphrey^, b. Eng., m. 2d, Mary Potter^; Benjamin^, b Concord, m. Lydia Minott'; Stephen*, m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Hubbard^) How, widow Israel How ; Stephen^, b. Paxton, Mass., Feb. 8, 1753, married 2d, Molly Barrett, da. Oliver and Anna (Fiske); iVIary^ Barrett, b. Winchendon, Mass., Nov. 2, 1783, m. Maj. Jotham Tower, Hubbard ancestry :— George', John^ [see +5773, p. 1519]; Jonathan', m. Hannah Rice, da. Samuel and Elizabeth (King); Capt. Joseph^, b. Concord, Feb. 8, 1688-9, m. Rebecca Bulkeley, da. John and Rebecca (JMinott); Elizabeth' Hubbard m. Stephen Barrett*. Minot ancestry : — Thomas^, George^, John^, James* [see -t-8778, p. 1815]; Lydia' Mi not m. Benjamin Barrett^. Potter ancestry : — Luke^ b. Eng. 1608, Concord 1639, m. 2d, Mary Edmunds, da. Wal ter and Dorothy of C; Mary^ Potter m. Humphrey Barrett^. — Concord Genealogies. By Charles Edward Potter, 1S87, 1 : 48. 18694. GURDIAN BURT' CLEVELAND (Ansons John-), d. Pool- ville, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1880, aged 77, m. Paris Hill, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1842, Hannah Stanford Smith, born Paris H. Aug. i, 1816, da. Capt. Ebenezer and Mary (Ayer). Dwelt Waterville, N. Y., to 1850, Forge Hollow to 1853, Waterville again to 1870, Poolville afterw.; millwright ; hotel keeper at Waterv. with bro. Andrew D. Ch. b. Waterville : 18745 Anson Burt' Cleveland, b. June 19, 1844, m. Ilion, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1875, Mary Jane Jackson, b. Hamilton, Ont., Mar. 4, da. Isaiah and Rachel (Nelson), of Ilion. Enlisted, May 13, 1861, for 2 yrs., fifer Co. I, 26th N. Y,V. The reg. in battles of ; Cedar Mt., Aug. 9, 1862, Rappahannock Station, Aug. 24, Thoro- fare Gap, Aug. 28, Gainesville, Aug. 29, Bull Run, Aug. 30, Chantilly, Sept. 2, South Mt., Sept. 14, Antietam, Sept. i6, Fred- ericksb., Dec. 13; Chancellorsville, May 2-7, 1863; discharged at Utica, N. Y., May 28, 1863; dwelt Utica, 1879-1886, machin ist [an Anson B. Cleveland, Syracuse, N. Y., 1889-90, steam fit ter]. Ch.: Hannah Mehitable', b. Feb. 26, Ilion, d. I. Mar. 12, 1876. Mary Adella*, b. Jan. 6, 1846, d. Waterv. Dec. 2, 1864, unm. RosELLA Mehitable*, b. May 11, 1848, d. W. Oct. 19, 1864, unmarried. 18696. GEORGE WASHINGTON' CLEVELAND (Anson>, johm), born Westmoreland, N. Y., June 27, 1808, d. Waterville, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1884, m. Springfield, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1832, Almira Barrett, b. Wilton, Hillsborough co., N. H., Aug. 27, 1808, died Mar. n, 1886, only da. of Benjamin Fiske and Betsey (Gerrish). Ch.: Orlando Samuel*, b. Nov. 21, 1833, Sherburne, N. Y., d. Water ville, Oct. 22, 1835. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2291 18746 Alice Cornelia' Cleveland, b. Sept. 18, 1836, 1837, Sherburne, m. Waterville, Aug. 13, 1868, Herman Miner Clarke, b. Brookfield, N. Y., Oct 26, 1838, s. Silas and Eleanor (Miner). Of Waterville, 1885-96, accountant, s. p. -I-18747 George Barrett* Cleveland, born Aug. 6, 1838, Waterville. -(-18748 William Fiske* Cleveland, born Aug. 30, 1844, Waterville. Dr. George Washington' Cleveland grad. University State of N. Y., college of Physicians and Surgeons, western district, Fairfield, N. Y., 1831; studied with his brother, Dr. William P.; practising physician and surgeon ; located 2 years in Mich., and in Sherburne, afterward at Waterville always to decease. Dr. Cleveland was highly esteemed. In politics a Democrat ; for 16 years he was Magistrate ; was elected to the Board of Super visors 4 terms: 1850, 1851, 1882, and in 1883, representing the town of Sangerfield, N. Y., was elected in the spring of 1883 by a majority of no over C. F. Havens, and was the oldest mem ber. Biographical sketch in Utica, N. Y., Daily Press, Nov. 14, 1883. Mrs. Almira (Barrett) Cleveland received a finished educa tion at one of the very best schools of her day in New England, the then justly celebrated school of Miss Prescott, at Groton, Mass.,' where she spent 3 years under the instruction of that most accomplished and successful teacher. She was united in marriage to George W. Cleveland, M.D., on the 10th day of Oc tober, 1832, at Springfield, N. Y. With him she lived at Water ville, N. Y., for a period of 50 years, departing this life on the nth day of March, 1886, at the age of over 77 years, surviving her husband two years. Mrs. Cleveland was a lady of many rare and accomplished virtues, of a sweet, cheerful disposition, and was sympathetic, gentle, and affectionate in her nature. A long life of purity in thought and action and deeds of disinterested kindness and charity, crowned by a Christian's belief in a future life as sim ple as it was pure, self-satisfying, and self-sustaining, endeared her to all who came within the charmed circle of her acquaint ance. The hallowed memory and blessed influence of her sweet life and character are the priceless jewels left by her for her children and friends, richer by far than silver or gold. Barrett aticestry : — Thomas^, b. perhaps 1619, for Savage says, "may prob. be he who came, at 16 yrs., in the Increase, 1635," of Braintree, Mass., freeman 1645, o^c of the 32 granted, 1645, by Qen. Court, io,ooa acres in Warwick, removed prior to Mar., 1660, to Chelmsford, Mass., where he and his son Thomas bought, Apr. 10, 1663, house and 52 acres on "Robbins Hill," and settled there, d. C. Oct. 6, 1668, m. Margaret; Joseph', d. C. Dec. 17, 1711, m. Sept. 17, 1672, Martha Gould, b. Braintree, Oct. 15, 1654, da. of Francis and Rose ; Joseph^, b. Chelmsf. Feb. 24, 1690, d. C. 1743, m. Mar. 24, 1714, Mary Taylor', b. Concord, Mass., Oct. 24, 1688 ; Oliver*, b. (Jhelmsford, Jan. q, 1726-7, of Westford, Mass., at outbreak of Revolution, was called out as a "minute man" at Lexington alarm, in Capt. Underwood's co.. Col. William Prescott's reg. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1777, in 10th Mass. Continental reg., Col. Thomas Marshall, served until killed in 2d battle of Stillwater, n. Saratoga, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1777, m. Anna Fiske', b. Lexington, July 29, 1735, d. Winchendon, Mass., July 27, 1823; Maj. Benjamin Fiske" Barrett, b. Jan. 16, 1770, immediately upon marriage located in Royalston, Mass., where he carried on business ot tanner and cur rier to 1803, then rem. to Wilton, N. H., and was there in same business, thence, March, 'ill, to Springfield, N. Y., and always afterward resided there. Maj. Barrett was an up right, broad-guaged, liberal-minded man, a public-spirited citizen, a kind neighbor, an atEectionate husband and father, and left behind him the example of one who had not lived for self alone, but for the community in which he was a prominent actor for his fellow men. He and Mrs. B. were members of the Presbyterian chh., of which he was a 2292 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. deacon. He was known as a person of unusual intelligence, of integrity and enterprise, and she as a lady of gentle, womanly nature, modest and retiring, and one of the best of mothers. Died Oct. ^t, 1844^ m. Westminster, Worcester co., Mass., Jan. i, 1795, Miss Bet sey Gerrish, b. Westminster, Nov. 10, 1774, d. Springfield, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1836. — Barrett Genealogy y by William Ba?-7-ett of St. Baul, Minn.^ iSqo. B'iske ancestry :~ 'Robert^, Jeffery*, Davids, David* [see +13531, p. 2021]; David", of Cambridge, Mass , m. Ipswich, June 17, 1674, Sarah Day, perhaps da. of Robert, perhaps, says Savage., father of Ebenezer*, who d. Lexington, Dec. 10, 1775, a. 84, who was evi dently the Capt. Ebenezer^ who m. Bethia Muzzey ; Anna*^ Fiske m. Oliver Barrett*.— American Ancestry^ III: 68. Taylor ancestry :—\2JVs\^^^y of Concord, 1639, d. C. Jan. 22, 1690, m. ist, 1641, Isabel or Elizabeth Tompkins; Samuel*, b. C. June 21, 1656, m, Mary Robbins; Mary^ Taylor m. Joseph Barrett*. 18697. BETSEY= CLEVELAND (Anson=, John-), b. Apr. i6, 1812, m. Dr. George Washington Blair of Homer, Mich.; of Homer, 1878-81. Ch.: 18749-51 ^//^;2*j9/a:z>,m. Nelson; Albert" Blairva.., ch. : Bessie" Blair ; Edivin' Blair m., ch. ; Daisy" Blair, Josie^ Blair, Nettie^ Blair, George" Blair ; Polly Celina' Blair, d. 18699. Wealthy' Adams {Anna^ ritus), d. near Sparta, O., Dec. 13, 1863, aged 47, m. Sandyville, Tuscarawas co., O., Sept. 30, 1841, Thomas Russell, b. n. Cadiz, Harrison co., O., Feb. 18, 1809, s. John and Anna (Ellis). Of Cadiz to 1814, Pike, Stark co., 0., since, farmer, 1883. Ch. b. Sparta, O.: 18752 Johji" Russell, born July 20, 1842, m. June 10, 1868, Lydia Smalley of Wyandot co., O., da. Abraham. Since 1868 of Nevada, Wyandot co., O., tile mfr. 18753 Joseph Adams" Russell, b. Nov. 26, 1843, m. Pleasant Hill, Pike tp.. Stark co., O., Apr. 19, 1871, Elizabeth Smith, b. n. Pleasant Hill tp. July 12, 1846, da. Rev. Lawrence Bonsman and Catharine (Hockensmith). Was 4 months a soldier. Of Pike, Pierce P. O. ; farmer. Ch. b. n Sparta : Thomas Lawrence' Russell, Feb. i, 1872; Belmah Grace" Russell, May 11, 1874; Per cival Ira", Raymond Smith", and Tyra Anson" Russell (triplets), b. and d. n. Sparta, Apr. 4, 1876; John Cir eno" Russell, b. Apr. 3, 1878; Chester B lain' Russell, Oct. 10, 1881. 18754 Anna" Russell, b. Jan. 15, 1846, m. Sparta, Pierce, Stark CO., O., Apr. 5, 187 1, Joseph Sponhaur, born Bethlehem, Stark CO., O., Feb. 2, 1829, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (White). Of Canton, O., to 1878, since of Nevada, O.; teacher. Ch.: Ida Myrtle" Sponhaur, b. Dec. 18, 1872, Navarre, Stark co., O.; Cor delia Olive' Sponhaur, June 5, 1874, Canton ; Clayton Russell' Spon haur, Dec. 5, 1875, C. 18755 Cordelia" Russell, b. Feb. 3, 1848, m. Pierce, Apr. 15, 1874, William Edgar Ranne, b. Waynesburg, Stark co., 0., Sept. 7, 1847, s. Joseph and Mary Jane (Harmah). Of Coshocton cc, O., to 1877, since Wabaunsee co., Kan., farmer. Ch.: Laura May" Ranne, b. Feb. 3, 1876, Coshocton co.; Mary Lulu" Ranne, Nov. 25, 1877, C. CO.; Clara Wesley" Ranne, Feb. 2, 1879, Wa baunsee CO.; Martha Ann" Ranne, Aug. 15, 1882, W. co. 18756 Martha Jane" Russell, born Aug. 4, 1850, m. Pierce, Jan. I, 1882, William Wallace Miller, b. New Philadelphia, Tus carawas CO., O., Aug. 4, 1836, s. David and Mary Ann (Nagley). Was member Co. G, 2d la. Cav., 1861-4. Of Augusta, Butler CO., Kan., carpenter. Ch. : Edith' Miller, b. Jan. 11, 1883. A. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2293 18700. Anson Titus' Adams {Anna' ntus), m. ist, Annie Mitch- ener of Canton or Massilon, O. Divorced. He m. 2d, Miss Lucy Dennison of Henrietta, Lorain co., O. Ch., all d. but the following : 18757 Charles" Adams (printer) and Annie" Adams (twins), she d. unm.; Louise^, d. unm.; George", d. unm. Dr. Anson Titus' Adams studied medicine with Dr. G. W. Cleveland, at Waterville, N. Y., and grad. Was for years a successful practitioner in the Maumee country, O., but went, a few years before 1883, to Indianapolis, Ind.; was afterward at Hot Springs, Ark., seeking health. 18701. Martha Ann' Adams {Anna' thus), m. Sparta, O., Feb. i, 1843, Elizur Martin Leonard, b. n. New Haven, Conn., Apr. i, 181 1, s. Martin and Elizabeth (Ford). Learned musket lock making in Whitney's Armory, Whitney ville, to 1832 ; studied in N. Haven to 1833, since of Oberlin, O., 1883, cooper. She was a student at Oberlin, 1842. Ch. b. Oberlin : 18758 Anna Elizabeth^ Leonard, b. Apr. 10, 1845, m. Ober lin, Mar. 23, 1865, Lt. William Pierson Michener, b. Cardington, Morrow co., O., Mar. 17, 1838, d. Oberlin, Mar. 31, 1868, s. John and Susan (Pierson). (Quakers.) Of New Sharon, Mahaska CO., Ia., to 1861, then to O.; enlisted in la. as private, Mar., 1862, It. in 144th U. S. Col. Troops, discharged June, 1865, teacher, etc. She 1. Oberlin 1883. Ch.: Martha Elizabeth' Michener, b. Dec. 23, 1865, Oberlin, is in Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1883. Martin Luther" Leonard, b. Apr. 22, 1847, d. Oberlin, Dec. 3, 1853. 18759 David Nelson" Leonard, b. June 24, 1849, m. Oberlin, Dec. 29, 1870, Emily Antoinette Andrus, b. Avon, Lorain co., 0., Oct. 29, 1850, a da. John Gillett and Julia Eliza (Smith). Of Oberlin, manages machinery. Ch. b. Oberlin : Howard Martin' Leonard, b. Nov. 15, 1871; Grace Estelle" Leonard, b. Oct. 11, 1874, d. Ob. June 18, 1881; Mabel Antoinette^ Leonard, b. June 14, 1878; Louis David" Leonard, June 26, 1881. 18760 John Morgan" Leonard, b. July 28, 1855, unm. 1883, in composing room of N. Y. Tribune since i88i. 18761 Cyreno NathanieP Leonard, b. Nov. 30, 1857, m. Ober lin, Aug-. 10, 1880, Eva Beth Andrus, b. Lowville, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1859, da. Rev. James Ladd (Baptist clergyman) and Electa (Lake). Of Cleveland, O., printer in Cleveland Herald office, s. P. Horace Jerome" Leonard, b. Nov. 16, i860, d. Oberlin, Mar. 29, 186.-;. 18708. Lleivelltjn' Cowen {Mary' ntus, Martha^ john^, d. Virden, 111., Apr. 29, 1881, a. 52, m. 2^ miles n. e. of Jerseyville, 111., Dec. 30, 1852, Louisa Conn, b. Erie, Pa., Feb. 3, 1836, a da. of John and Sarah (Bell). Ch. : Ida May", b. Mar. 15, 1856, Jerseyv., d. Virden, Nov. 28, i860 ; Hattie Maria", b. June 23, 1858, V., d. Jerseyv. Feb. 17, 1859 ; fohn Llewellyn", b. Nov. 20, i860, Virden, d. V. Jan. 8, 1861. 2294 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. -(-18762 Lela May" Cowen, b. Mar. 23, 1864, Jerseyville, 111. Orrin Edson^ Cowen, b. Nov. 9, 1866, Virden, d. Jerseyv. Aug. 7, 1868. -I-18763 Sarah Bell" Cowen, b. Dec. 3, 187 1, Virden, 111. Mary Luella^ Cowen, b. May 10, 1874, V., d. V. Sept. 9, 1879. Capt. Llewellyn' Cowen lived on the homestead and engaged in teaching to marriage, sold his interest in the farm to brother Balfour' Cowen, and located in Jerseyville in mercantile busi ness. Was mustered in ist It. of Co. D, 9th 111. Cav., soon pro moted to capt., served three years, was in many engagments. Returned to Virden ; was a merchant with Mrs. Cowen's brother, Lt. George W. Conn (who was his It. in Co. D), to fall of 1879, when he sold out the business and opened a Commer cial Traveller's Home at Virden to accommodate his numerous business acquaintances on their journeyings. Capt. Cowen offi ciated as M. E. local preacher for 4 years prior decease. A sketch of this gallant soldier appeared in Virden Reporter, May 6, 1881. Mrs. Louisa (Conn) Cowen, residence Virden 1883-96. 18709. Norreddeti' Coiven {Mary' thus, Martha^, johni), d. at Car lyle, Clinton co.. 111., Oct. 12, 1872, a. 43, m. in Montgomery co., n. Walshville, 111., Mar. 12, 1851, Melvina Jane Murphy, b. Mad ison CO., 111., June 20, 1828, d. Carlyle Feb. 12, 1890, da. Daniel and Matilda (Alexander). Ch.: Henry Leo", b. Aug. 6, n. Walsh ville, d. n. W. 27, 1853; Frederick Anson", b. Aug. 28, 1855, n. W., d. n. W. Jan. 14, 1858. -f 18764 Ada Maria" Coiven, b. Apr. 26, 1857, n. Walshville. Minnie Alice^ Cowen, b. Oct. 24, i860, n. Walshville, m. Carlyle, Oct. 6, 1881, Clark Matson Piper, b. Fayetteville, Pa., June II, 1858, s. James Alexander and Annie Maria (Horner). Residence, Bridgeport, Lawrence co., 111., (1883-96), telegrapher and R. R. agent. Ch. b. Bridgeport: Helen Cowen' Piper, Aug. 7, 1882 ; Frazer Horner" Piper, Sept. 19, 1885. Mary May" Cowen, b. July 5, 1863, n. Walshville, d. Litchfield, Montgomery co.. Ill, Sept. 5, 1864. -F 18765 N'orredden" Cowen, b. Feb. 11, 1873, Carlyle. Lieut. Norredden' Cowen, enlisted Sept., 1861, was commis sioned first It. Co. L, 2d 111. Cav. Reg., Sept. 13, 1861. His brother, Hon. Balfour^ Cowen, thus writes concerning him: Brother Norredden was Judge Advocate of a general court martial, was in the battle of Pea Ridge, and many other en gagements of less importance ; he was promoted to a captaincy in the same co. He was remarkable when a boy, and even after he was married, for his timidity at the sight of blood. I have known him to faint at sight of blood, and I was surprised to hear of his enlistment, but mother's conscientious teachings as to duty had led him to regard it as his duty to go, and he went leaving the consequences with Him in whom he had ever been taught to trust. I asked him after the battle of Pea Ridge how he managed to go through without losing control of himself when men were falling all 'round ; he replied that he had no '^^ll>Ci^ DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2295 business with the dead then, it was the living he was after; but after the battle he was detailed to remove the rebel wounded and then he was sorely tried. In '64, I think, he was in La., and two companies being on a scout, one of the companies had a skulker that they had never been able to get into a fight, and the captain detailed an orderly to look after him, with orders to see that if they got into a fight that he should be kept in the ranks. When they had gone some distance the shirk's horse suddenly became unmanageable and he was left sorae distance behind, but the orderly stopped and tried to get the horse to go, but the soldier insisted he couldn't manage him, so the or derly determined to have him go, changed horses with him, and when the shirk mounted the orderly's horse he started him, and the horse by this time being so far behind took the bits in his teeth and started for his place in line at a tremendous speed; in passing my brother the soldier's carbine caught on my broth er's horse in some way and was thrown up with such force that it struck Norredden on the back of the head and felled him from his horse as if he had been shot ; he was for a long time on the verge of the grave in consequence, and when able to travel re signed and returned home. For several years after he was un- ble to do any kind of work ; he was granted a pension. He formed a copartnership with his former captain in the riiilling business, and being able to earn his own support would not take the pension and it lapsed. He then in company with his partner and another man bought a mill in Carlyle, where he moved ab. 1868, and continued there until his death. 18710. Balfour' Cotven {.vary' thus, Martha^, John'), m. 'Jerseyville, 111., Mar. 29, 1855, Amanda Bartlett, b. Waterville, Me., Dec. 28, 1833, ^ , john-), d. Lake Mills, Wis., Oct. 19, 1872, a. 44, m. ist, Lancaster, N. Y., June 9, 1848, Marietta, Cheseborough, b. Alden, N. Y., 1831, d. Alden, N. Y., 1853, a da. Nathan and Lucy (Herrick). He m. 2d, Fox Lake, Wis., July 5, i860, Annie Butterfield, da. Jonathan. Of Lake Mills, carpenter. Ch. by istm., b. Alden : -(-18780 David Franklin' Cleveland, b. July 21, 1849. 18781 Anice Henrietta', born Aug. 9, 1852, m. Alden Hoyt. Of Ticonic, la. Ch. : Charles' Hoyt; Alta' Hoyt; Ida" Hoyt; Guy" Hoyt. By 2d m. : 18782 Nellie Josephine', b. Feb. 25, i86i, Randolph, Wis. m. Crump. Of Deerfield, Dane co.. Wis. Ch.: Myrtle C." Crump; Bessie N.' Crump; Harland W.° Crump. 18783 Henry Ashley', b. Feb. 2, 1863, Randolph, unm. Of Iowa. 18784 Gustavus Parker', b. June 19, 1865, Lake M., m. Of la. Ch. : 5. 18785-7 Perry Washburn', born May 17, 1867, Lake. M., unm.; Jennie Cornelia', b. June 28, 1869, Lake M., unm. Of Rodney, Monoma co., Ia. ; Mertie Idella' Cleve land, b. Mar. 6, 1871, Lake M., unm. Of la. 18717. RHODES AlORTIMER' CLEVELAND (oowner'), d. Nov., 1891, a. 60, m. Whitewater, Wis., Jan. i, 1856, Nancy M. Flint, b. Elbridge, N. Y., 1838, da. John and Eva (Flint). Of Osage, la., 1880-3, propr. Merchant's Hotel, Brookings, S. Dak. 1889. Ch.: 18788 Ida Ruth', born Aug. 21, 1857, Beaver Dam., Wis., m. Spicer. Of LaCrosse, Wis., 1895. 18789 Byron Mortimer', b. Nov. 13, 1858, Beaver D., married. Of Waterloo, la. Ch.: 2. 18790 Sarah Effie' Cleveland, b. July 16, 1862, Pardeeville, Wis., unm. Of Osage; John Whitney*, b. Aug. 16, 1864, P., d. la., Nov. 16, 1865. 18719. MARY FRANCES* CLEVELAND (Downer'),m. Lake Mills, Wis., Dec. 24, 1857, George S. Hoyt, b. Wheelock, Caledonia co., Vt, Jan. 2, 1830, d. Jefferson, Wis., Feb. 14, 1894, s. Laban and Mary Ann (Sanborn). Of Lake Mills, farmer. She res. Lake Mills (1895). Ch. b. Lake M.: George Laban", b. Feb. 28, 1859, d. Lake M. Nov. 3, 1875. 18791 Frederick Cleveland" Hoyt, b. .July 27, 1862, m. Jef ferson, June I, 1892, Theresa McNult}^, born New York, N. Y., 2300 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. July 30, 1864, da. Charles and Mary Beatrice (Foy). Of Jeffer son, attendant in insane hospital. Ch. b. Lake M : Leslie Fred erick' Hoyt, Apr. 3, 1893; Hazel Frances" Hoyt, Nov. 17, 1894. Alice Marietta" Hoyt, b. June i, 1870, unm.; Sarah Lorette' Hoyt, Feb. 24, 1872, unm. 18721. SARAH JANE< CLEVELAND (Moses», john>, john>), m. Lit tleton, N. H., Dec. 4, 1845, Joshua Berry Shaw. Of Littleton, 1884, shoemaker. Ch.: 18792 Mary Arabella" Shaw, b. Jan., 1848, L., m. Water ford, Vt., 1869, William Henry Kidder, b. Bradford, Vt., Oct. 23, 1848, only s. James Mills and Lucy Lusannah (Houghton), and relative to Sally Kidder, w. of John"" Cleveland -{-18658. Of Lit tleton, livery business. Ch. b. L.: Jennie Lucy" Kidder, Nov. 29, 1871; Ned Jarvis" Kidder, Nov. 18, 1873 ; Mary Elizabeth' Kidder, Mar. 14, 1876. 18728. WILLIAM HOWARD*. CLEVELAND (Caleb Downer^, Caleb», John'), m. Columbia, N. H., Jan. 15, 1866, Ellen Cleveland Dar ling, b. Columbia, Apr. 4, 1851, da. George and Eleanor Bowen (Morgan). Ch. b. Columbia: 18793 Charles Addison', May 10, 1867. George Darling', Dec. 26, 1869, 1870; Julia May", Aug. 16, 1871, 1872 ; Lillian Best' Cleveland, Aug. 7, 1875. William Howard* Cleveland lived at Lee, Me., until the war; entered, Aug., 1861, Co. A, ist Me. Cav., taken prisoner (with his bro. Addison) on his first campaign under Banks, in the Valley at Middletown, May 24, 1862, paroled at Belle Island, Sept I, 1862; was with McClellan in Md.; at Fredericksburg; while charging battery at Brandy Station, on Stoneman's raid, spring of '63, was captured, but exchanged in 3 days ; was with Meade in Pa., with Sheridan in the Valley, wounded at Island Ford, July i8, 1864, right arm amputated, mustered out Nov. 25, 1864; since lived in Columbia, lumberman. 18738. MARY ETT* CLEVELAND (Andrew DownerB,Anson^ John'), m. Apr. 27, 1848, William Henry Hollister, b. Burnt Hills, Saratoga CO., N. Y., July 24, 18 1 8, a s. Solomon D. and Zilpha (Cady). Ch. : Cady Cleveland" Hollister, b. Apr. 16, 1849, d. Nov. 21, 1850. 18794 William Cleveland" Hollister, b. Sept. 25, 1864, Cohoes, N. Y., m. Half Moon, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1880, Annette Shires, born Waterford, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1853, da. Thomas and Maria. Ch.: Mary Louisa" Hollister, b. Apr. 27, 1883. Stephen Clark^ Hollister, Sept. 4, 1858; Andrew Hoive" Hollister, Oct 21, i860. William Henry Hollister dwelt Cohoes; 1885, Half Moon, merchant. Hollister ancestry : — ]ohn^ [see -I-3179, p. 1070I; John^ b. 1642, m. Sarah Goodrich, da. William of Wethersfield, Conn., and Sarah (Marvin, da. Matthew and Elizabeth of Hartford, Conn.); Thomas', m. Dorothy Hill, da. Joseph of Glastonbury, Conn.; Josiah*, m. Martha Miller, da. William ot G.; Josiah', m. ist, Keziah ; Solomon", m. Mary Davis; Solomon D.' Hollister m. Zilpha Cady.— Hollister Family, by Lafayette Wallace Case. ^^ V^Jt'Z.i, ':^i^^_^. -it^^Vf 'f DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2301 18740. WILLIAM ALBERT* CLEVELAND (wiiiiam Phew, Anson^ John'), m. Oct. 28, 1862, Catharine E. Carter, b. 1838. Of Water ville, N. Y., 1877-81, veterinary surgeon. Ch.: 18795 Mary Cate or Catherine', b. Oct. 19, 1863. William Phelps', b. Jan. 16, 1866-7 ; Grace Carter', b. Sept. 27, Oct. 2, 1872, 1873, died Apr. 7, 1875 ; Francis Sortwell* Cleveland, b. Feb. 27, 1875, 25, 1876. 18747. GEORGE BARRETT* CLEVELAND (George Washington'), m. Waterville, N. Y., May 16, 1874, Isabella Carpenter, born Bridgewater, Mar. n, 1853, da. Charles and Julia (Gaffin). Of Des Moines, la., 1896, hotel clerk. Ch.: 18796 George Wash ington', b. June 26, 1876, Waterville, unm., of W. 18748. WILLIAM FISKE' CLEVELAND (George Washington', Anson^ John'), married first, at Dubuque, la., October 2, 1871, Kate Le- queer Collins, born at Galena, 111., February 21, 1849, died at Persia, la., August 24, 1885, of consumption, and rests in the cemetery at Shelby, la., a daughter of Eli Atkinson and Nancy Anna (Purkeiser) Collins. He rharried seaond, at Omaha, Neb., February 16, 1893, Mrs. Luella (Noble) Pratt, born at Mineral Point, Iowa co.. Wis., August 4, i86i, widow of Sidney Kirtland Pratt and daughter of Peter and Susan (Matthews) Noble. Children by first marriage, born at New Orleans, La.: William John' Cleveland, born August 31, 1873, died at New Orleans, March 11, 1876, and is buried in the ceme tery at Shelby. 18797 Anna' Cleveland, born February 2, 1876. By second marriage : Dorothy' Cleveland, born December 11, 1893, at Harlan, Shelby co., Ia. Hon. William Fiske* Cleveland, the subject of this sketch, was born at Waterville, Oneida County, New York, on the 30th day of Aug., 1844, and is the youngest of 4 children born to Dr. George W. and Almira B. Cleveland. In 1 86 1, he was graduated from the Waterville seminary, and at once, in accordance with the wishes of his father, entered upon the study of medicine ; but after a few months' applica tion, from a natural disinclination to the profession, he gave up the work, and entered a retail dry goods store in his native to'wn. Prompted by a natural desire to see more of the world, four years later he removed to Louisville, Ky., and afterwards to Nashville, Tenn., where he was employed in a large hat, cap, and fur establishment. In the spring of 1867, he engaged in business for himself, in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, and there continued until 1876. On the 2d of October 1871, he was joined in marriage to Miss Kate L. Collins of Galena. In the autumn of 1877, after having spent a year in the ser vice of the government in Wyoming, he became a resident of -Shelby County, Iowa, and in the spring of the following year. 2302 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. established a general mercantile business in the town of Shelby, where he continued to reside until his election to the office of treasurer of his county. To this office he was re-elected in 1887, and in 1889, he was honored with the nomination and election, by the Democratic party, of State Senator from the 1 8th senatorial district, composed of the counties of Cass and Shelby. During the four years of his term in the state senate, Mr. Cleveland became the recognized leader of his party, and left his impress upon the legislation of the 23d and 24th Gen eral Assemblies (1890-1894). In 1893, Senator Cleveland intermarried with Mrs. Ella Pratt {nee Noble), a lady of many accomplishments and graces ; to them has been born a daughter, Dorothy, who, no less than her sister. Miss Anna, assists in making the home of Senator Cleveland one of the most hospitable in the city of Harlan. From the days of his boyhood, Mr. Cleveland has been a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is at present the Senior Warden of St. Paul's, in the city of his resi dence. Of the Masonic fraternity, the subject of this brief article has been, from his 21st year, an active member and an honored officer. Made a mason by his father when he had barely passed his majority, at Waterville, N. Y., he received the Capitular de grees and passed tjie cryptic circle in Nashville, and had the orders of Christian Knighthood conferred upon him by the In visible Friends' Commandery in New Orleans, La. Always active in Masonic circles, he became especially so when, after his removal to Harlan, the County seat of Shelby County, Iowa, he was chosen the first Eminent Commander of Mt. Zion Commandery, No. 49, stationed at Harlan, Iowa, and later the Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Com mandery of Knights Templars of Iowa, and as such led the Iowa contingent at the Denver Conclave in August, 1892. As an officer, it is but faint praise to say that the Masonic frater nity has never had a more competent one at the head of the lines ; as a citizen, in all of the positions of honor, trus^t, and confidence which he has been called to fill, he has proved him self to be an able, honest, faithful, and conscientious public ser vant ; in all the walks of life he has ably and consistently per formed the duties incumbent upon him, ever remembering that one's own interests must not conflict with the rights of others. He is a scholarly and effective speaker, a successful business man, and in. his family and social relations a most ex emplary man. He has been through his life a brilliant, intelli gent, cultivated gentleman, genial and courteous in his manners, pleasant, entertaining, and instructive in his conversation, and devotedly fond of his friends. That he may long be spared is the heart-felt wish of his many social, business, political, relig ious, and masonic friends. Hon. William Fiske* Cleveland is a subscriber for this Gene alogy. Luella Noble m. ist, Harlan, Jan. 19, 1887, Sidney Kirt land Pratt, b. Essex, Conn., Oct. 7, 1859, died Harlan, May 28, 1890, s. Edward William and Cornelia Minerva (Doane). Of Harlan, bank clerk. He grad. Hartford High School, s. p. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 18762. 2303 Lela May" Cowen {Llemellyn* Cowen, Mary' Titus, Martha=, John'), m. Virden, III, Dec. 22, 1886, Howard Mason Lumsden, b. V. Apr. 24, 1861, only s. James and Mary (Utt). Ch. b. Virden: James Llewellyn" Lumsden, Sept. 30, 1892 ; Howard Mason' Lums den, Jan. 10, 1S97. Howard Mason Lumsden, residence, Virden, 111., 1896, mer chant. Mrs. Lumsden grad. Almira college. Has been a music teacher. Pianist. Lumsden ancestry:— i arms: Lumsden or Lumsdon; s: Lumsden (that Ilk, oo. Berwick, Scotland, an ancient family of that shire). Az. on a chev. betw. 3 mullets or, a buckle of the first. . . . James Lumsden, b. Edinburg, Scotl., July 14, 1800, did the stone work on State Capitol at Jefferson City, Mo., stone mason, lived later and owned farm 4 mi. s. of Jerseyville, 111., to 1857, of Virden afterw., d. V. Aug. 6, 1883, m. Mary Utt^, b. Jefferson tp., Sciota co., O., Dec. 20, 1818, she res. Virden. Utt ancestry : — Jacob^, b. Pa., d. Virden, m. his 2d cotisin, Margaret Utt, b. Ohio, d. Virden ; Mary'^ Utt m. James Lumsden. 18763. Sarah Hell" Coiven {ueweiiyn^ Cowen), m. Virden, 111., Nov. 14, 1895, Dr. Frank Leroy Tucker, born Sycamore, 111., June 3, 1871, s. of John and Mary Jane (Burton). Ch.: 18798 Lela Lucile' Tucker, b. Jan. 4, 1897, Virden, 111. Dr. Frank Leroy Tucker grad. Missouri Dental College 1897. Present residence, Virden, dentist. John Tucker, b. East Dixfield, Franklin co.. Me., 1826, m. Mary Jane Burton, b. Bos ton, Mass., 1833, d. Sycamore, Apr. 12, 1892. 18764. Ada Maria" Cou)en {Norredden* Cowen), m. Carlyle, 111., Dec. 5, 1883, as 2d w., Orville Greer Sinclair, b. Hanoverton, Colum biana CO., O., Oct. 17, 1855, s. Levi Miller and Elizabeth (Myers). Ch. b. Carlyle: 18799 Orville Greer" Sinclair, May i, 1886; Nel lie Cowen' Sinclair, Jan. 3, 1893. Orville Greer Sinclair res. (1883-96) Carlyle, merchant. He m. ISt, Waterloo, Monroe co.. 111., Dec. 24, 1878, Grace Eliza Slater, she d. Carlyle, Nov. 17, 1882. Ch.: Elfleda Blanche Sin clair, t). Dec. 19, 1879. Sinclair ancestry :— I arms ¦ Sinclair or St. Clair; 22: Sinclair (Scotland; Lyon. Register'). Ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. 2 mullets az. Motto — Fear God and live. . . . David', b. Edinburgh, Scotl.; Levi Miller^ Sinclair, b. Hanoverton, O., Mar. 3, i8ig, m. Elizabeth Myers, b. Austintown, O., Feb. 25, 1822, da. John (b. Loudoun co., Va.). 18765. Norredden" Cowen {Norredden* cowen)', m. Sorento, Bond CO., 111., Oct. 10, ,1895, Amelia Strehle, b. Litchfield, 111., July 15, 1875, da. John and Amelia (Huber). Ch.: 18800 Jane' Cowen, b. Sept. 2, 1896, Madison co.. 111. Mr. Norredden^ Cowen, residence, Sorento, 1896, furniture merchant and funeral director. Strehle ancestry ¦ ' Strehle and wife were born in Switzerland ; John^ Strehle, of Litchfield, m. Amelia Huber, she d. L. Mar. 30, 1883, her parents were born m Swit zerland. 18766. Nora Amanda" Coiven {Balfour* Cowen, Mary' ntus, Martha^, John>), m. at Virden, 111., Oct. 7, 1879, Rev. Ebenezer Charles 2304 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Sage, b. in Sangamon co.. 111., near Virden, Nov. 14, 1855, a son of Charles Truman and Sophia Elizabeth (Gunnison). Ch.: 18801 Nora Amanda' Sage, b. Nov. 18, 1880, Virden, 111. Eben Balfour" Sage, b. Apr. 14, 1883, Geneseo, 111. Nora Amanda^ Cowen grad. from Almira College, Greenville, Bond CO., 111., 1877. Rev. Eben Charles Sage grad. A.B. Shurtleif College, Upper Alton, 111., June 13, 1878 ;' received A.M. ffom Shurtleff Coll. 1881. Graduated, receiving degree of B.D., from Baptist Union Theological Seminary, Morgan Park, Chicago, 111., May 22, 1882, also receiving degree of Ph.D. from Yale University (Graduate Department) 1890. Was ordained Baptist minister in Livings ton CO., near Dwight, 111., Apr. 16, 1880 ; pastor at Geneseo 1883 to 1886, Urbana, 111., to 1887. Residence since at New Haven, Conn. (1897). From Mar., 1889, has been pastor of Grand Ave. Baptist Church, New Haven. From 1890, has been Sec. Conn. Baptist Ministers Conference. In 1896, was elected Secretary of Connecticut Baptist Education Society ; Trustee of Conn. Literary Institute. 18767. Blanche Balfour" Cowen {Baifour* cowen, Mary' thus), mar ried at her residence, Pueblo, Col., Mar. 29, 1892, Richard Wal ter Hill, b. Litchfield, 111., July 23, 1857, a son of Rev. William Brooks and Henrietta James (Robinson). Children b. Pueblo: Mary Orilla' Hill, b. May 5, 1893, d. P. Feb. 14, 1894. 18802 Raymond Sage'^ Hill, b. Jan. 14, 1895. Warren Robinson" Hill, b. Sept. 29, 1896. Blanche Balfour" Cowen grad. from Almira College, Green ville, 111., 1879. Mr. Richard Walter Hill, residence, Pueblo, Col. (1892-7), merchant. Hill ancestry:— TA'c.i Hill, supposed to have been born in England; William', of King and Queen co., Va., m. EUzabeth Baylor; Rev. William^, b. King and Queen co,, Nov. 10, 1791, m. Lucy Garnett Baylor ; Rev. William Brooks* Hill, b. King and Queen CO. Jan. 8, 1817, of Virden, ordained Baptist minister, m. Henrietta James Robinson, h. Virginia, da. of Gregory and Louisa (Baylor). 18770. Mary Augusta^ Cowen {Baifour* Cowen, Mary' thus), va. Car linville, 111., May 28, 1896, Charles Hugh Bridges, b. Zanesville, Montgomery co.. 111., Dec. 15, 1870, a son Leroy Napoleon and Nancy Elizabeth (Rusk). Ch.: 18&03 Hugh Cowen" Bridges, h. Feb. 23, 1897, Shipman, Macoupin co.. 111. Mr. Charles Hugh Bridges res. Shipman (1896-7), principal of the common schools there. Bridges ancestry :— 10 arms : (Norfolk, Eng.). Or. 3 bars gu. a canton sa. . . . William", b. Charleston, S. C, July 9, 1789, d. Aug. 5, 1845, m. Margaret Armstrong, born Ky. Jan. 27, 1788, d. July 8, 1852 ; Leroy Napoleon^ Bridges, b. O'Fallon, St. Clair co., Ill.i Apr. 1, 1834, of Atwater, Macoupin co., 111., farmer, m. Nancy Elizabeth Rusk, b. Fieldon, 111., Dec. 31, 1841, d. Zanesville, May 10, 1870, da. Hugh (b. S. C.) and Ellen (Barr, b. 0.). 18771. Mary Louise" Lawrence {uariah* Giiiham), va. Coolidge, Bernalillo co., N. M., Oct. 20, 1886, Ben Loan Holmes, b. Lex- DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2305 ington, Lafayette co.. Mo., May 23, 1863, son Edward Christian and Jane (Hughes), s. p. Mr. Ben Loan Holmes, residence. Needles, San Bernardino CO., Cal. (1896), agt. there of Atlantic & Pacific R. R. Holmes ancestry: — Peteri, from Wales, oame to America ab. 1750, settled first in Washington co., Md., fought all through the Revolution war, d. 1832, very old, m. Cath arine Beltz, b. Lancaster, Pa., 1766, d. Loudoun co., Va., 1853 ; Jacob'', b. Washington co., Md., ab. 1790, d. Jefferson co., Va. (now W. Va.), 1832, m. Catharine Nisewner, b. Lou doun CO. 1792, d. Jefferson co. 1829 ; Edward Christian^ Holmes, b. Jefferson co. Sept 14, 1827, is farming in Rice co., Kan., P. O., Windom, McPherson co., Kan., m. Jane Hughes^, b. Bourbon co., Ky., Nov. 14, 1827. Hughes ancestry :— 'Enoch', b. in Va. Aug. 15, 1788, d. Lexington, Mo., Mar. i, 1850, m. Mary P. Norlhcut, b. Bourbon co., Ky., Sept. ji, 1805, d. Kansas (iity, Mo., Feb. 20, 1876; Jane'' Hughes m. Edward Christian Holmes'. 18772. Elizabeth Hattie" Lawrence {Mariah* Giiiham), va. Cen tralia, 111., Oct. 31, 1892, Harry Edwin Lufkin, b. Anna, Union CO., 111., Apr. 18, 1865, s. John Edwin and Chloe Allen (Bagg). Ch. b. Anna,Tll.: Priscilla Allen', b. May 27, d. A. 29, 1894. 18804 Chloe Allen' Lufkin, b. July 24, 1895. Mr. Harry Edwin Lufkin, residence, Anna, 111., merchant. Lufkin ancestry :— hVFKYN . Sa. on i± chev. betw. 3 eagles displ. as many mullets. . . . Joseph", b. "North Yarmouth, Me., July 4, 1806, d. Anna, 111., Dec, i886, m. Mary Chase Merrill, b. Falmouth, Cumberland co., Me., 1807, d. La Grange, Lewis co.. Mo., J891 ; John Edwin" Lufkin, b. New Gloucester, Me., Mar. 23, 1830, m. Chloe Allen Bagg", b. West Springfield, Mass., May 26, 1840, d. Anna, UL, Dec. 18, 1894. Bagg ancestry .-,— 2 arms : BAGGE ; 7 .¦ BAGGS ; / .• Bagg (Plymouth, co. Devon, Eng., granted 1607). Paly and bendy of 6 counterchanged ar. and gu., on a chief or, 3 cinque foils az. Crest — A cinquefoil az. betw. 2 wings endorsed, the dexter gu., the other ar. ¦. . . Frederick", b. W. Springfield, d. Vandalia, UL, 1834, m. Eunice Avery, born W. Springfield, d. Vandalia ; Chloe Allen" Bagg m. John Edwin Lufkin". 18780. DAVID FRANKLIN^ CLEVELAND (washburn Parked), m. Of Rodney. Ia. (1895), Ch., all unmarried, res. home: 18805-7 Lewis" Cleveland; David"; Don"; Frederick"; Marietta". 18808 Helen M. Cleveland, author, see Bibliography, Chap. IV. 18808* John Cleveland, of Charleston, S'. C, 1888, dray man. 18809 John, Chicago, 111., 1885, bds. 45 i8th. 18810 John, of Cleveland, O., 1859-61, carpenter. 18811 John, of Cleveland, 0., 1855, drug clerk. 18812 John, Duluth, St. Louis co., Minn., 1891-2, lab. 18813 John, b. ab. 1806, of Glens Falls, N. Y., ab. 1831, lumberman and contractor. 18814 John Cleaveland, Indianapolis, Ind., 1886, lab., bds. 18815 John Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1888-9, solicitor. 18816 John, Minneapolis, Minn., 1883, carpenter. 18817 John, Moline, Elk co., Kan., 1882. 18818 Mary (wid. John Cleveland), N. Y. city, 1877, 308 West 34th. 18819 Mary (wid. John Cleveland), N. Y. c. 1878, 308 W. 41st. 18820 John, N. Y. city, 1877-8, clerk, 137 Thompson. 18821-4 Ellen (wid. John Cleveland), 1879, Maria (wid. John Cleveland), 1881, John F., 1881-2, elk., and George F., 1881-2, all at 127 Sullivan, N. Y. c. John, N. Y. c. 1888, elk. 178 Varick ; 1 89 1-2, 55 King. 18825. JOHN' CLEVELAND, m. Sabastian Graves. His son, Simon Davis Cleveland, does not know whence John' ':;ame to 145 2306 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Onondaga co., N. Y., where he lived a number of years, and the whole family rem. thence, about 1813, to Illinois, leaving Simon D. in N. Y., who remembers only his brother William G. Ch.: 18826-7 Lydia', LoRENZo^ 18828 William Graves'" Cleveland, m. at Le Roy, N.Y., his cousin, Mary St. John. He wrote Simon D., from Clymer, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1837 : Has sold his farm and is about taking a trip through the West, to return in the fall, and if he likes it, will buy farm and move West next spring. Stephen M. St. John moved there last spring, and is well suited. Suggests that they "go via Jamestown, N. Y., and thence by water on raft. If our lives are spared we shall expect to see our brother and sisters ; would be a satisfaction to us to have you go along." Simon D. has not since heard from him; but got it somehow that he and family went off with the Mor mons. Ch.: several. -I-18829 Mary'" Cleveland. -I-18830 Simon Davis' Cleveland, b. Mar. 30, 1809, Onon daga CO., N. Y. 18831 Malinda'' Cleveland, b. Aug. 6, 1811, d. Mar. 27, 1880, m. June 7, 1836, as 2d w.. Carter Willkey, he d. Apr., 1876. (He m. ist, . Ch.: Dr. James H. Wilkey, of Moore's Prairie, Jefferson co.. 111., 1883.) Dwelt Moore's Prairie, Nov. 5, 1848. s. p. 18829. MARY' CLEVELAND (john-), d. ab. 1836, m. Jacob Geiger, he d. ab. 1848. Ch.: 8. 18832 Susan A.'' Geiger, b. ab. 1828, m. Jacob Seigle Clark. Of Macedonia, Hamilton co.. Ill, 1883. Ch.: Jacob Seigle' Clark, of M. 18833 George" Geiger, d. bef. 1883, his wife d., dwelt Madi son CO., 111. Ch.: 3 or 4. 18830. SIMON DAVIS' CLEVELAND (john"), m. Le Roy, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1833, Jane Youngs, b. Otsego co., N. Y., Dec. 11, 1799, d. East Pembroke, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1863, da. of David. His parents left him a bound-out boy when 4 years old. Resided at Le Roy 1813 to 1855, since at E. Pembroke, 1883. Farmer. Simon D. Cleveland is mentioned in N. Y. Gazetteer, 1882, a resident of Genesee co. Ch. b. Le Roy : Mary Ann', b. Jan. 24, 1834, d. L. R. Apr. 30, 1847. -I-18834 John' Cleveland, b. Oct. 16, 1835. -I-18835 William', Dec. 8, 1838. 18834. JOHN' CLEVELAND (simon Davis", johm), m. Pembroke, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1862, Mrs. Harriet Lauretta (Janes) Waterman, b. Livingston co., N. Y., Jan. 10, 1828, d. Pembroke, Jan. 22, 1880, wid. Harvey Waterman, da. Julius. Of East Pembroke, 1883. Ch. b. Pembroke: 18836-7 Mary Jane*, June 23, 1863; Mar tha Emma", May 29, 1868. 18835. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND (simon Davis", John"), m. E. Pem broke, N. Y., 1865, Maria Baker, born P., da. Horace and So phronia (Wells). Of Le Roy, N. Y., to 1856, Pembroke to 1878, DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2307 since at Cambridge, III, 1883, joiner. Ch. b. Pembroke: 4 (3 living): 18838-9 Lulu', Rose*, Arthur' Cleveland. 18840 John Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1894, sec. Rogers Park B. & L. Ass'n. 18841 John, of Roxbury, Mass., 1812, m. Dedham, Mass., July 23, 1812, Miss Susanna Hardin Torrance of D. 18842 Rachel, wid. of John Cleveland, St. Louis, Mo., 1894. John, Salt Lake City, Utah, 189 1-2, farmer. 18843 John Cleveland, m. Almira. Ch.: 18844-5 John, m. June, 1873, Emma Dennis, b. Niles, Cayuga co., N. Y., Feb. 16, 1856, a cia. Lewis and Eliza Jane (Luyster). Ch.: Nellie, b. Aug. 18, 1876, Sempronius, N. Y. Of S. Oct., 1877. Whitney ancestry : — Henrys, Southold, N. Y., 1649 ; John"; Elizabeth^ Whitney, m. Joseph Keeler ; Martin* Keeler : Jabez^ Keeler ; fohn^ Keeler, m. Mary Mead ; Huldah^ Keefer, m. John Dennis ; Lewis' Dennis, m. Eliza Jane Luyster, da. John and Margaret. —Phcenix's Whitney gen. 18846 John, St. Louis, Mo., 1885, elk. Sec. Dock. 18847 John, Sioux City, la., 1891-2, groom. 18848 John, Syracuse, N. Y., 1889-90, driver. 18849-50 Janette Cleveland, admin istered est. John Cleveland of Tisbury, Mass., 1829. 18851 John, Toronto, Can., 1883-4. 18852-3 John and William, bros., old men, n. Troy, N. Y., 1877. 18854 John, Troy, 1883, painter. 18855-6 John, 1882, fireman, 1883-5, engineer, Washington, D. C. 18857 John, Winsted, Conn., 1890-1, bridge carpenter. John C, Chicago, III, 1894, elk. 18858 John C, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891-2, teamster. 18859 John D., Chicago, 111., 3705 Vincennes, 1885, h. Rogers Park, 1891, clerk. 18860 Maj. John D., New Haven, Conn., aid-d.-c. One Military Div. (Wm. T. King, Sharon, Conn., maj. -gen.). Conn. -militia. — Co7in. Reg., 1831-2. 18861 John D., St. Louis, Mo., 1887, machinist. 18862 John F. Cleve land, physician, Batavia, N. Y., 1894. 18863 John J., formerly of Canterbury, Conn., d. Rensselaerville,N. Y., Apr.28, 1812, a. 25. — Conn. Courant. 18804 John J., Chicago, 111., 1894, carpet layer. 18865 John J., cooper, and Mrs. J. J., 98 Transit, Lockport, N. Y., 1887. 18866 John J., Syracuse, N. Y., 1889-90, elk. 18867 John M., Boston, Mass., 1891, car driver, 1894, motorman. 18868 Mrs. Nancy J. (wid. John M. Cleveland), Mobile, Ala., 1891. 18869 John M., deed. Western N. Y., 1835. — Oneida co. land rec. 18870 John R. Cleveland, Brooklyn, Hants co.. Can., 1881. 18871 Dr. John T. Cleveland, Pine Bluff, Ark., 1877. John W. Cleveland, Albany, N. Y., 1891, currier. John W., Kansas City, Mo., 1885, carpenter. John W., Mobile, Ala., 1883, 1887, clerk. John W., St. Louis, Mo., 1894. 18872 Johnson Cleveland, Fair Play, Oconee co., S. C, 1883. 18873. Johnson' Cleveland, b. in. Conn., was in Wolfe's army at Quebec, Can., 1759, rnustered out of service at Halifax, N. S., settled at Annapolis Royal, N. S., had a son : 18874 ' ' Cleveland (son), b. Annapolis Royal, who had a son : 18875 Johnson' Cleveland, b. N. S., m. Sarah Cecilia' Cleveland -(-5292. 23o8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 18876-7 Conn. Men in Revol.: 209— 6th reg. form'n '77-81 [recruited New Haven co., etc., Aug., Oct., in Parsons' brig, under Putnam, engaged in all movements consequence of enemy's move on Ft. Montgomery, at Stonv Point storming, July 15, '79 ; '80-1 at camp Conn. Vill.], Col. William Douglas, Northford, Capt. [? David or? Elijah] Humphrys of Derby. Pr. JOHSSOM Clevel.^nd, WaHingford, enlist. May 26, 1777, 3 years. Exchanged for Jos. Minor, p. bbb. List of applicants for pensions for Revol. service on file Co. Clerk's Office, Hartford : Johnson Cleaveland, Canterbury. Revol. Pensioners living 1818— Johnson Cleveland, pr. Conn. line. U. S. Pens. Rep. 1833, p. j,y— Hartford 00., Conn.: Johnson Cleaveland per. an. $96, Conn, line, pensioned Nov. 12, 1818, fr. Apr. 8, 1818, a. 65, d. Mar. 23, 1823. t iWji Conn. Men. War of /8/2, p. 3b — Militia.: Cleveland, Johnson, pr. Comman der : Oliver C. Sanford [capt., whose commander, Lt.-Col. Elisha Sterling] service : Sept. 13, '13, to Nov. 1, '13. 18879 Conn. Men. in Revol., iii — Col. Charles Burrall's reg. [Northern Dep., 1776, term expired Jan. 19, 1777 ; besieging Quebec under Arnold and Wooster, Apr., '76] Capt. John Stevens's Co.: JONAS CLEVELAND enlisted Apr. 13, p. 112, also Am. Archives, 3th Ser., I: 168 — Officers aiid Men in Capt. John Stevens s Co. taken prisoners at Cedars [40 miles above Montreal], Can., May 19, 1776, Pr. JONAS CLEVELAND. 18880 N. V. Archives XV, Fernow I, f. 2bb, e/c— CLEVELAND, Jonas, pr.: Reg.: Whiting; Co. Gilbert [i. 273 M- tany co. committee May 4, 1775, app'td foll'g officers subject to approval of Congress: William Bradford Whiting. Col. 17th Albany co. (Kings dist.) reg. reapp. June 16, 1778 ; Elijah Gilbert, capt. Sth co.] 18881 Hoadly's Conn. Col. Rec, XII : 302 — KasenCoiy Oct., 1764, JOSEPH CLEAVELAND established Lt. 5th co. nth reg.; XIII: 374 — Session Oct., 1770, ord. commissioned capt. 5th trainband, nth reg. 18882-8 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XIII : 80, Lexington Alarm — Militia co. marched fr. Ux- bridge Apr. 19, 1775, com. by Capt. Samuel Read : JOSEPH Cleveland pr. service five days. XIX: 223 — Qo\. Samuel Brewer's reg., Capt. Nathan Hamilton co., to return home from Ft. Edward, June 1, 1776, to Feb. 6, 1777 : JOSEPH Cleaveland, place of abode Oakham [Worcester co. J, Mass. XLII: iii — Men rec'd by Hon. Noah Goodman, sup't for Hampshire co., to serve in Cont'I army 9 mos., agreeable to Resolve of Gen. Court June 9, 1779: Joseph Cleveland, Greenwich [.Mass.]. 138: XLV : s66 — Return of 9 moe' men for Hampshire Co., June 9, 1779; Porter's reg.. Power's co.: Joseph Cleve land, Greenwich, age 29, stature 6 ft. 2 m., light hair. ///.¦ 8-j — Col. Nathan Taylor's reg. militia marched to Tiverton, R. I. Capt. Thaddeus Read's co. : JOSEPH Cleve land, pr., ent. July 28, dis. Aug.. 7, 1780'. XXXII: sq — [Bjoston, 31 Aug., 1782, Mus tered and rec'd of Capt. John Ellis of class No. 2 for Dedham certain JOSEPH Cleave land, a recruit enlisted for 3 years, John Popkin, Muster Master. Revol Pensioners living i8rS — ] OSKPK CLEVELAND, pr. Mass. line, 1. Vt. U. S. Pens. Rep., rS3S, i>-7o — Windham co., Vt., JOSEPH Cleveland, pr. Mass. line, pens'd Sept. 6, i8ig, from June 5, i8ig, a. 79, d. June 17, 1827, p. 124, Chenango co., N. Y., JOSEPH Cleveland, pr., pens'd from Oct. 11,1821, Mass. line. 18889/. ^7° — Broome co., N. Y.; Joseph Cleveland, dragoon, Conn. Cont'I, pens'd Oct. 23, 1833, from May 4, 1831, a. 82. 18890 Conn. Men in Revol., 33 — iA reg., Col. Israel Putnam, Pomfret [raised on ist call by Legis. Apr., 1775, in Windham co., i Co. from New London. Boston siege at Cambridge till expiration of term Dec. 10, 1775. Detachment in Bunker Hill battle] Lt.-Col. Experience Storrs, IWans- field ; Lt.-Col. John Durkee, Norwich, 4th co., Obadiah Johnson, capt.: Joseph CLEEVE- LAND, pr., enlisted May i, dis. Dec. 16. 18891-4 Widow Cleveland (husband thought to be Joseph) was called aunt Bellet, went from Hillsdale, N. Y. to 111. about 1838. Ch.: George, went to Western N. Y. about 1833 ; John and Eliza went with her to 111. 18895 Joseph, Nashville, Tenn., 1886, lab. 18896 Joseph, Taunton, Mass., 1880, ma chinist. 18897. MR. ' CLEVELAND had ch.: +18898 Joseph'. 18899 Ezekiel', of Troy, N. Y., worked in shipyard with bro. Joseph, and afterward went West. 18898. JOSEPH' CLEVELAND (Mr..), d. Troy, N. Y., May, 1839, m. in Vt., Mrs. Catharine Caroline (Whipple) Harris, b. Vt. or Troy, Dec. 12, 1789, d. T. June 5, i848-'9, wid. Thomas Harris, da. Waters and Abigail (Wright). Joseph' of Washington co., N. Y., was of Troy many years, foreman of shipyard there ; ship carpenter. He was killed by falling from a vessel at the yard. Ch. b. Troy : -I-18900 Francis'' Cleveland, b. , 1813, 1815, 1820. Joseph' Cleveland, b. 1822, d. Troy 1823, a. i year. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2309 18901 Caroline', b. Aug. 10, 1824, d. Philadelphia, Pa., m. Troy, Samuel Smith of Phila., 1884, stove foundry. Wil liam', b. 1826, d. 1828. 18902 Charles Harvey' Cleveland, b. Dec, 1828, Mar. 20, 1830, of Albany, N. Y., Serg. of Police Dist., 1884. Waters', b. 1832, d. T., a. 6 mos 18903 Archie Anna' Cleveland, b. Nov. i, 1837, m. 1st, Troy, May i, 1854, William Ray, b. Eng. Oct. 23, 1827, d. Troy Nov. 7, 1865 (?), baker. She m. 2d, T., Nov. 11, 186-, Robert Ritchie, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, Mar., May 12, 1837, s. James and Jennie McKensie (Chambers). Of Lansingburg, Rensse laer CO., N. Y., a prosperous merchant and real estate owner. Ch. by ISt m., b. Troy : Mary Caroline' Ray, b. Sept. 23, 1859 ; Corlista Eliza' Ray, Oct. 13, i860 ; Frances M.' Ray, b. Aug. 13, 1864, d. July 13, 1864 [?]. By 2d m.: Son', b. 1863 ; Son', b. 1864 ; Son', b. 1866; Son', b. 1868; and Da.', b. 1869, each of whom d. day of birth; Jennie Chambers' Ritchie, b. Dec. 23, 1870; Robert William" Ritchie, Nov. 11, 1874; Helen Chambers' Ritchie, b. Dec. 6, 1877, d. Oct. 26, 1879. 18900. FRANCIS' CLEVELAND (joseph=, Mr..), died Troy, N. Y., June 7, 30, i848-'9, m. T. Oct., 1835, Eliza Swift, b. Catskill, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1815 (shem. 2d and 1. W. Troy, 1884). Merchant. Children : 18904 Tamar* Cleveland, b. Jan. 16, 1837, m. ist, T., Jan. 12, 1852, Charles Home, b. N. Y., d. in U. S. marine service in late war, son John and Anna (Johnson). She m. 2d, Newark, N. J., Thomas Greene. Of Newark, ornamental plasterer. Ch. by istm.: Anna Frances^ Home. 2d m.: s. p. Lydia', b. Feb., 1839, d. Aug., 1840, a. 18 mo. 18905 William", b. Nov. 10, 1841, unm., of W. Troy 1884, engineer. 18906 Catherine^, 'b. Jan. 10, 1845, m. Mar. 17, 1851, William Alexander; he was accident ally killed by a brother soldier while on guard. Mar., 1863 ; en listed at Troy, 125th N. Y. V. She res. Newark, s. p. 18907 Joseph, W. Rutland, Vt., 1887-8. 18908 Joseph J., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888-90, cigars. 18909-10 Joseph L., salesm., and William O., salesm. supt., both Cincinnati, O., 1883, both 75 W. 7th, 1891. 18911 Conn. Men in Mexican War — Regular Army : Cleveland, Joseph W., pr., residence. Conn., muster Jan. 8, 1848, Co. C, 7th Inf. 18912 Mrs. Josephine, wid., Troy, N.Y., 1883. 18913 Conn. Col. Rec, XI: 267 — Assembly, May, 1759, ap. Josiah Cleveland cap tain 9th CO. or trainband, nth reg. 18914 Pension Rep., 1833, p. no — Josiah Cleveland, ensign Mass. line, pensioned fnom Feb. 9, 1819. 18915 Conn. Men. in Revol, p. /// — Col. Charles Burrall's 1776 reg., Capt. John Ste vens's CO., Josiah Cleveland enl. Jan. 24 ; p. 112 and Am. Ar., I : jb8 — taken prisoner at Cedars, Can.. May 19, 1776, Pr. JOSIAH Cleveland. 18916-7 p. 2iq— 7th reg. [Raised Jan. 1, '77, Fairfield and other cos., fought at Germantown Oct. '4, '77, June 28, Mon mouth]. Col. Heman Swift, Capt. Theodore Woodbridge; Corp. Josiah Cleveland, Sharon, enlist. Mar. 25, '77, for the war, serg. Nov. i, '77, dis. Feb. 26, '81 : p. 323 — sd reg. [formation Jan. i,' 1781-3, composed of 5th and 7th regt's of prev. form'n]. Col. Heman Swift, Cornwall, Capt. James Morris [of Litchfield] co. Serg. Josiah Cleaveland pd. Jan. I — Dec. 31, '81. i8gi8 Hoadly's Conn. Public Rec, 237 — Assembly, May, 1777, Eben ezer Moseley, Windham, capt., JOSIAH Cleaveland, It. z?,i)t.i) p. bi4—Co\. John Ely's State reg., June, 1777 : ist Lt., Josiah Cleaveland, Canterbury. 18920-21 Revol Pen sioners, 181S — Josiah Cleveland, pr. Conn. line. Report Sec. War, 1823, p. by — New London co.. Conn., Josiah Cleaveland, pr. Conn, line, pensioned fr. Apr. 1. 1818, sus pended under Act of May i, 1820. 18922 If. V. Archives, XV: 104- qA reg., Philipp Van Cortlandt, col. 7th co.; Cleveland, Josiah, pr. Mar. 5, '78, 9 m. 23 IO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 18923 Josiah and Russell D., both lab., 946 Hutchinson St., Philadelphia, Pa. 18924 Josiah E., at G. Norton,. Newton, Mass., 1883, farmer. 18925 Josiah H., N. Bay, N. Y., 1876, blacksmith. 18926 Miss Josie Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1880-1, dressmaker. 18927 Judd A. Cleveland, Duluth, Minn., 1891-2, pine lands. 18928-9 Judson Cleaveland, Holyoke, Mass., 1873-4, carriage maker; Judson A. Cleveland, Holyoke, 1880-91, wheelwr., 19 Taylor. 18930-2 Mrs. Julia A. Cleveland, Syracuse, N.Y. (1883- '85 teacher Montgomery school, 1889-90, 120 Cortland), and da.. Miss Julia A., teacher, Syracuse, 1879-83, '85 ; Henry W., tele grapher, 120 Cortland, Syracuse, 1889-90. Kate Cleveland, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1884, oper. 18933 Miss Katie Cleveland, Toronto, Ont, 1892. 18934 Mrs. Katie Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., 1891. 1893s Kinney Cleveland, m. Mary C. Fowler, born Mar. 23, 1839, da. Daniel and Mary A. Coan, s. of Daniel Fowler and Rachel" (Ezra* m. Rachel Talcott, Ezekiel' m. Mary Temple ; [see +5167, p. 1432] John', Johns, Joseph.) Loomis. Of Hudson, N. Y., and Mobile, Ala., about 1874. s. p. 18936-41 H. Kinney Cleveland, policeman ; Daniel T.; HuGGiNS G., clerk ; John D., clerk ; John G., assistant harbor master ; and Thomas D., fireman tug, all res. Springhill shell road. Mobile, 1887. 18942 Knut p. Cleveland, St. Paul, Minn., 1891-2, shoe maker. 18943 L. B. Cleveland, Hartford, Conn., 1882-3, rem. •1883 to Chicago, 111., lawyer, bds. 18944 Mrs. L. B. of Putnam, Conn., d. Brooklyn, Conn., July 7, 1890. 18945 L. C, Denver, Col., 1880-1. 18946 L. H. Cleveland, m. Torrington, Conn., Aug. 27, 1885, Miss Nellie I. Richardson. 18947 Dr. L. J. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-5, pbys. 18948 Miss L. M., on steam ship Scythia from Liverpool, Eng., arr. N. Y. city Nov. 26, 1879. — N. Y. Times. 18949 Mass. Revolution Rolls, XX: 137 — Col. Hopkins's Berkshire co. militia reg marched to Highland, N. Y., Capt. Geo. King co.: Corp. Lemuel Cleveland, service July 15 to Aug. 5, 1776. 18950 IX : 5& — Descriptive List, Aug. 20, 1781, Col. John Ashley' reg., Lt. Persons's co., raised by Great Barrington, Inlistment during war, accounted for by Mr. Bliss : LEMUEL CLEVELAND, aged 32, stature 5 ft. 10 in., res. Noble Town. 18951 N. Y. Archives, .A'F— CLEVELAND, Lemuel, pr. Reg.: Harper, co.: Bogart [p. 297 — Harper, John, col. 5th Tryon co. reg. (Ulster and Albany rangers ord. by Council of Safety, July 17, 1777] ; p. 23b — May 11, 1780 : Lt.-Col. com't 2d reg., John Harper, Capt. Isaac Bogart. 18952 Cleveland, Lemuel, corp. Reg.: Van Rensselaer; co.: Graves. [p. 267 — Col. Robt. Van Rensselaer, Sth reg. (First Claverack Battal.), Feb. 29, 1778]. Leonard Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1894. 18953 Isabella (wid. of Leonard M. Cleveland), N. Y. city 1886. 18954. LEVI' CLEVELAND lived n. Charlestown, Va., farmer. Mrs. Sarah Josepha^ (Cleveland) Edwards states that her father, William L.', was first cousin to Jesse Cleveland of Ky., and that her grandfather [evidently meaning great-grandfather] had sons: 18955-6 Oliver', Elisha'. 4-18957 Levi' Cleveland. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2311 18957. LEVI' CLEVELAND (Levi.), died bef. 1839, m. Mary Green ; lived n. Charlestown, farmer. Ch.: 18958 Maria', b. ab. 1800, m. Jackson, and settled in lower part of Va. +18959 William L.' Cleveland, b. Mar. 24, 1802. 18959. WILLIAM L.' CLEVELAND (Levi^), d. Cal. Oct. 4, 1851, a. 50, m. 1st, Hester Snyder, b. 1806, d. July, 1825, da. Daniel and Polly. He m. 2d, n. Charlestown, [W.] Va., Mar. 3, 1829, Jane Elizabeth Abell, b. Elkwood (or Charlestown), Va., Jan. 16, 1809, da. John and Sally (Forrist). Capt. William L.' Cleveland, a merch. of Charlestown, capt. of militia. His wid. res., 1885-7, St. Louis, Mo. Ch. by 1st m.: Daniel Levi*, born July 19, 1825, d. Aug., 1829. By 2d m.: 18960 Sarah Josepha', b. Dec. 30, 1829, Huntsville, Mo., m. Apr. 30, 1857, Franklin Cook Edwards, born Edwardsville, Madison co.. 111., Apr. 19, 1828, d. Kirkwood, St. Louis co.. Mo., Oct. 26, 1873, s. Benjamin Franklin and Eliza (Green), merch. His widow res. Kirkwood, 1883, St. Louis, 1885. Ch.: Jennie" Edwards, b. Feb. 26, 1858, Pana, Christian co.. 111.; Eliza" Ed wards, Aug. 2, 1862, Bunker Hill, 111.; Martha Letitia" Edwards, Jan. 27, 1865, B. H.; Josephine Cleveland" Edwards, Feb. 5, 1867, B. H. + 18961 John Daniel' Cleveland, b. Mar. 6, 1831. 18962 Mary Susan F.', b. Nov. 2, 1832, unm. Was a gov'm't clerk at Washington, D. C; of St. Louis, teacher. Anna Bo arm an", b. Aug. 11, 1834, d. Martinsburg, [W.] Va., Aug. 13, 1835 ; William Johnson*, b. Jan. 31, 1836, d. near Charlestown, Mar. 27, 1838; Martha Virginia', b. June 29, 1838, d. near Huntsv., Nov. 22, 1844. + 18962 Charles Boarman' Cleveland, b. May 13, 1840. William Hunter', b. Jan. 22, 1842, d. n. Huntsv. Nov. 10, 1849. 18963 Benjamin Abell Forrist', b. June 8, 1843, d- iii Confed erate Army, Oxford, La Fayette co.. Miss., Nov. gi, 1862. + 18964 Alexander Abell' Cleveland, b. Jan. 27, 1847. 18961. JOHN DANIEL' CLEVELAND (wiiiiam^ Levi^ Levi.), d. n. Huntsville, Mo., Sept. 15, 1874, a. 43, m. June 2, 1864, Mrs. Mary Ehzabeth (Dameron) Gray, b. May 9, 1838, wid. William Gray, da. John and Polly (Dameron) Dameron. Ch. : 18965 Jane Maud' Cleveland, b. May 4, 1865, m. near Huntsville, Sept. 16, 1882, James William Malone, b. 1863, son George M. and Mary (Lee). Ch.: Da.\ b. July, 1883, d. imme diately; Grover Cleveland" Malone, b. Nov. 11, 1884. 18966-8 John Dameron^ born Dec. 29, 1868; Charles Bowen', Feb. 16, 1871; Abell Forrist' Cleveland, Mar. 6, 1874. 18962. CHARLES BOARMAN' CLEVELAND (wiiiiams Levi^^), m. Linden, Marengo co., Ala., Nov. 21, 1872, Mrs. Lizzie Houston (Woolf) Bruce, wid. Henry Bruce, da. Jefferson and Lucy Ann. Was in U. S. N. at Annapolis, Md., 2 years, resigned 1857, went 2312 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. to Huntsville, Mo., was in C. S. A. through the war, then set tled at Linden. Is clerk of court in L. Ch.: 18969-70 Lucy Ann' Cleveland, b. Nov. 16, 1873 ; John Abell', Mar. 8, 1876; Charles Benjamin', b. Dec. 12, 1877, d. July 14, 1882 ; Thomas Jefferson', b. Sept. 3, 1880; Winfield Woolf', b. May 19, died Aug. 14, 1882. 18964. ALEXANDER ABELL' CLEVELAND (wiiuam', Levi=), m. Bunker Hill, III, Jan. 31, 1872, Ella Cornelia Van Dom, b. B. H. Oct. 18, 1851, da. Thomas Jefferson and Henrietta (Wilber). Of Bunker Hill, 1885, merchant. Ch.: 18971-2 Thomas Van Dorn', b. Nov. 22, 1872; William Alexander', Dec. 9, 1874; Edward Ellet* Cleveland, b. May 22, 1876, d. 1879. 18973 Lewis Cleaveland & Co., N. Y. city, 1840-1, im porters cloths, cassimeres, 99 Maiden Lane — N. Y. Business Direc, 1840-1, p. 36. 18974 Lewis C, Atlanta, Ga., i88o-:i. 18975 Lewis F., N. Y. city, 1872, deeds land — Oneida co., N. Y., rec. Miss Lillian Cleveland, Chicago, 1894, teacher. 18976 Mrs. Lillian Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1888-9. 18977-8 Lillie, 1884, and Martha, ab. 1881-4, bookkeeper, both Roches ter, N. Y., bd. 244 Court. 18979 Lillie E., Waterbury, Conn., 1890, clerk. 18980 LiNDELL Cleveland, Boston, Mass., 1891-4, police sta. 10, rms. 18981 Lorenzo H. Cleveland, engineer, Torrington (W. Winsted), Conn., 1890-1. 18982 Louis Cleveland, Denver, Col., 1891, lab. 18583 Louis H., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891-2, bds. 18984 Louis H., San Francisco, Cal., 1889, bookkeeper, 557 Mission. 18985 Mrs. Maggie (wid. Louis W. Cleveland), Syracuse, N. Y., 1889-90. 18986 Louisa, Cincinnati, O., 1883, waitress. 18987 Louisa L., Milwaukee, Wis., 1855. 18988 Rev. Lucian Cleveland (Baptist), Scottsville, Al bemarle CO., Va., 1884. 18989 Lucy Cleveland, m. bef. 1883, Samuel C. Adams. 18990 Miss Lucy C, Winsted, Conn., 1890-1. 18991 Lurinda A., New Haven, Conn., 1884, cook. 18992 M. Cleveland, bou't. land in Anderson co., S. C, 1795- 18993-4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Cleveland present at, and Miss Marguerite Cleveland of California acted as maid of honor at marriage of Miss Elizabeth H. Tilley, eldest da. of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tilley of Darien, Conn., to Frederick Clark Taylor of Stamford, Conn., at St. Luke's chh., Noroton, Conn., on 25th anniversary of wedding of the bride's parents, — N. F. Herald, Nov. 6, i8g2. 18995 Lucella (wid. of M. Cleveland), Louisville, Ky., 1886. 18996 Mrs. M. Cleveland, Newark, N. J., 1894. 18997 Mrs. M.A.Cleveland, San Francisco, Cal., 1885-6. 18998 Mrs. M. C. and Mills G. Cleveland, Galveston, Tex., 1886. 18999 M. C. Cleveland, St. Louis, Mo., 1887, elk. 19000 Dr. M. L. Cleveland, Atlanta, Ga., ab. i^iig — Medical Dir., 1882-7. M. M. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-5. 19001 Mablen W., DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2313 Milwaukee, Wis., 1885, stationery. 19002-3 Mallon W., carp., and William, caulker, 527 Reed, Milwaukee, Wis., 1885-6. 19004 Miss Mamie Cleveland, Amsterdam, N. Y., 1883. 19005 Mamie, Cincinnati, O, 1891. 19006 Maria, b. 1795, died Franklin, Mass., May 20, 1873. 19007 Maria E., contributor to Sea Side Sanitarium, Rockaway Beach, N. Y., for destitute chil dren.— TV. Y. Times, May 18, 1882. 19008 Mark Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., ab. 1885-6. 19009 Marvin N., New Albany, Ind., 1884. 19010-13 Mary Cleveland, Adams, Decatur co., Ind., ab. 1885-6. Miss Mary, Auburn, Allen co., Ind., 1882, milliner. Mrs. Mary, Chicago, 111., 1885-7. Miss Mary, Chicago, 1894. Mary, Detroit, Mich., 1882. Mary, Ft. Wayne, 1882, emp. 19014 Mrs. Mary Cleveland, b. ab. 1733-4, of New Marl boro, lilass., d. Hardwick, Mass., Dec. 7, 1810, m. pub. H., Apr. 2, 1775, as 2d w., Daniel Wheeler, b. ab. 1729, d. H. Jan. 10, 1813,, a s. Thomas of Acton, Mass. From Worcester, Mass., to Hard wick ab. 1761, farmer, militia capt. He m. 1st, Betty Holloway of Marlboro, Mass., b. ab. 1735, d. Hardwick Mar. 7, 1774, da. Lt. William. Ch.: John Wheeler, b. ab. 1757, d. June 8, 1794, m. H. Nov. 18, 1779, Mary Paige, b. Sept. 10, 1760, a da. John and Mary (Cutler); Mary Wheeler, b. ab. 1759, d. H. Apr. 20, 1782, m. H. May 28, 1777, Moses Mandell. s. p. — Paige's Hard wick, §32; Spooner gen., by Thomas Spooner, 2'j6. 19015-18 Mary Cleveland, San Francisco, Cal., 1883-5, domestic. Mary, m. ab. 1788-98, John La'wrence of Stonington, Conn., their great-grandch. : Ida I. Pease, unm., of Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886-8. Mary, Waterbury, Conn., 1890, teacher, boards. Mary, deed. Western N. Y., 1835 — Oneida co. land rec. 19019 Mary A., Dutchess co., N. Y., grantee — land rec. 19020 Mrs. Mary C, Cleveland, O., 1891. 19021 Mary E., wid., Cincinnati, 0., 1883. 19022 Mary E., wid.. Providence, R. I., 1878, boards. 19023 Mary E., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1888-9, domestic. 19024 Mrs. Mary F., Elmira, N. Y., 1883. 19025 Mary F., Georgetown, D. C, 1881. 19026 Mrs. Mary J., Baltimore, Md., 1882. 19027. Mary L., wid., Cincinnati, O., 1885. 19028 Mary L., Georgetown, D. C, 1881. 19028 Mason Cleveland, signs. May 9, 1763, petition that Quinebaug river be made passable for boats. — Larned's Windham co., Conn., II: j6. 19029 Miss Matilda Cleveland, died Plainfield, Conn., 1828, a. 20. — Conn, Courant, Aug. 18, 1828. Matthew Cleveland, Baltimore, Md., 1893, watchman. 19030 Merritt J. Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., ab. 1885-6, wagon yard. 19031 Miss Millie Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1891, clerk. 19032. Milton' Cleveland, b. N. C. or S. C, thought Charleston, S. C, supposed d. ab. 1837-8, m. Cincinnati, O., ab. 1831, Sarah Evans, b. Exeter or Devonshire, Eng., Mar. 15, 1813, d. Cincin nati, June 7, 1863, da. Richard and Charity (Rattenbury). Mil ton' Cleveland said his parents were wealthy ; he came from N. C, had no occupation, left his family about 1837, returned South, never since heard from. Ch. b. Cincinnati : 2314 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19033 Nancy', b. Jan. 10, 1833, m. C. Oct. 5, 1848, William Charles Young, b. Pa., d. i860, s. William Charles and Frances Jane. She res. Cincinnati, 1883. Ch. b. C: Caroline", b. Oct. 21, 1849, d. C. Aug. 10, 1851; Anna Jane', b. Feb. 2, 1852, d. Jan. 4, 1854; William Charles", b. Oct. 29, 1854, died C. Sept. 24, 1883; Alexander" Young, b. Feb. 19, 1857 ; Samuel Cliferd" Young, Oct. 13, 1859. 19034-7 Thomas Martin' Cleveland, b. Oct. 20, 1836, m. C. Jan. 25, 1858, Susan Elmira Carr, b. Charleston, Ind., Mar. 12, 1839, d. Cine. Nov. 27, 1873. Enlisted, Apr. 18, 1861, 6th O., mustered out in 3 years; re-enlisted i year, Aug. 21, 1864, 181st O., in Army of Cumberland, through all campaigns, 1861-5, from W. Va. to Johnson's surrender ; had 2 fiesh wounds, but his disability is rheumatism. Was, June 19, 1878, in Cincinnati, is, 1883, in Soldiers' Home, Dayton, O. Children b. Cincinnati: Harry Percy' Cleveland, Oct. 21, i860, of Chicago, 111., tele graph op.; Sarah Evans', b. June 10, 1862, died July 18, 1864; Annie Cora', b. Nov. 1, 1865, of Oakford, Howard co., Ind. 19038 Minnie Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1891, cash. 19039 Moses Cleaveland, Delaware co., N. Y., 1878. 19040 Moses, from Ky., emp., d. Wartrace, Tenn., during war, 1861-5. 19041-2 Moses, b. ab. 1803, his wife d. bef. 1845, from N. Y. state, said he was related to, and visited Paine' Cleaveland +553 at Mashapaug, Conn,, 1845, worked for Solomon" in 1863, had a da., b. ab. 1827, d. bef. 1863. 19043 Mass. Revol. Rolls : Index to ib Cont'I reg's — ^oth Mass. Cont'I Inf., 1777-80, Col. James Wesson, Capt. Miller: MOSES Cleveland of Sheffield, Mass., enlisted for 3 years, served 14 mo., 5 days, on roll raarked dead. 19044 Moses, Sparta, Wis., 1883. 19045 Myron Cleve land, Denver, Col., 1880-1, team. Myron A., Syracuse, N. Y., ab. 1881-6, conductor. Annie P. Cleaveland, wid. of Nathan, Halifax, N. S., 1893-4. 19046 Nathaniel Cleveland and Benjamin Cleveland, of the Western inhabitants, Canterbury, Conn., appeared before Assembly, spring of 1767, with First Society's vote, and secured division of First Society — Larned's Windham Co., II: 42. 19047 Nathaniel Cleaveland, Town Treasurer, Union, Conn. — Conn. Register, 182'/. 19048 Ned Cleveland, accident, shot himself hunting, at Brookline, Hillsborough co., N. H., awhile bef. Apr. 24, 1882. 19049-57 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XIII: 40. Lexington ^/arw — Williamsburg : Capt. Abel Thayer's co., NEHEMIAH Cleveland, pr., Apr. 21 to 27, 1775. Coat Rolls, men 8 mos., siege of Boston, May to Dec, 1773 — Zo\. John Fellows reg., Capt. Abel Thayer's co. ' Nehemiah Cleveland, pr. Misc. Rolls Index. XLIX: 57 — Capt. Perkins' co. Nehe miah Cleaveland, pr., Sept. to Nov., 1776. XIX : 2b— Col. EzraMayreg., Capt. Sams. • uel Fairfield co. Nehemiah Cleaveland, July 9 to Aug. 12, 1777. XX : /60— MassU" Bay Militia, reg. whereof Ezra May i's col., expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga, Lt. Russell Kellogg's co.: NEHEMIAH Cleaveland, serg. major, Sept. 20 to Oct. 14, 1777. Ill miles from home ; dated Hampshire ss. May 28, 1778. IV: 6,u +J 0 ¦a S 11 S0 y Seth Cleavland Joseph Covell Wm. Granberry John Foster Peter Larkins John Yates P. Master [Prize Master] P. M. mate P. Master. Run [signifies escaped] 2328 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19226 Seth Cleaveland, Newport, R. I., 1879. 192^27 Seth M. Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pa., about 1885-6, 2842 Cam bridge St. 19228-9 Conn. Men in Revol., 307 — Jonathan Latimer's reg., Capt. Daniel Clark's co., 1777, Sarj. Silas Clevela.n'd attached Aug. 24, dis. Oct. 30; p. 4/2 — 6th batt. 1776, Pr. Silas Cleavland. 19230 ;s. 6o^ — 1777, Continental frigate Confederacy Apr., 1781, cap tured men: SILAS CleavBland. 19231 U. S. Pension Rep., 1832, iSiO — 'aii.fA Cleve land, Windham co., Hampton, Conn. 19232 Conn. Men in Revol., 124 — Bigelow's Artillery Co. 1776, Northern Dep.; sum mer and fall '76 at Ticonderoga. Matrosses : Solomon Cleaveland on com. with Capt. J'ohn Bigelow, Hartford, Conn., Jan. ig, '76. 19233 p. 412 — 6th Batt. 1776 Lieut. Abner Bacon, Canterbury, pr. SOLOMON CLEAVLAND. 19234 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XXI : 174- Capt. John Ashley's reg. Berkshire co. militia who marched to Bennington Aug. i, 1777, Capt. Enoch Noble's co.: SOLOMON Cleaveland pr. Aug. 1-20, 1777. 19235-8 Revol. Pen sioners living iSrS-Soi^OJiO^ Cleaveland pr. Conn, line 1. in Vt. LL S. Pens. Rep., /dj-^, j>. /9 — Rutland CO , Vt.: Solomon Cleaveland pr. Conn, line pensioned Nov. 10, 1819, fr. Apr. 14, 1818, dropped under Act May i, 1820 ; p. 134 — Cortlandt co., N. Y.: SOL OMON Cleaveland pr. Conn, line pens'd Apr. 13, 1820, fr. May 10, 1819, a. 76, transf. fr. Bennington CO., Vt.; ^. ^26 — Jefferson co., N. Y.: Solomon Cleaveland pr. Conn. cont'l pens'd Jan. 3, 1833 fr. Mar. 4, 1831, age 78. 19239-40 Conn. Men in Revol, 527 — Col. Obadiah Johnson's reg. [Militia from Conn, service in R. L, term 2 months, taken to Feb. 16, 1778 ] Capt. Moses Branch's co.: pr. Squier Cleav£LAND enlisted Jan. 8. Revol. Pensioners living i8r8 — Squier Cleveland pr. Conn, line 1. in Vt. 19241-2 Census Pen sioners, iS40—\^ee, N. Y.: Stephen Cleveland, age 83, living with Harry Cleve land. 19243-9 Stephen Cleveland, of Huron co., Mich., or 0., bef. 1882 ; had children : Stephen, Lydia, Benjamin, George, Persis, William. 19250 Records of Deeds, Oneida co., N. Y. — Stephen Cleveland, Lee, N. Y., 1834. 19251 July 2p, 1884 — All patients in poisoning case at Bloomsbury, Hunterdon co., N. J., improving, except Mrs. Su san Cleveland, who died last night ; analysis shows that the chicken had cholera. 19252 Sylvester, Manchester, la., 1878. 19253-4 T. H. Cleveland (b. about 1834) & Son, Elmira, N. Y., 1882, fruit dealers. 19255 T. J. Cleveland, Amsterdam, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1885, manager People's Theatre Co. 19256 Thomas Cleveland (says a letter from Anderson, S. C.) took, before the 1861 war, first prize at S. C. State college. 19257 Thomas, Jer sey City, N. J., 1877, painter. 19258 Thomas Cleveland, come dian, d. at Nassau — Conn. Courant, Hartford, July i, i^pp. 19259 Thomas, San Francisco, Cal., 1878. 19260 Thomas, Troy, N.Y., 1883-5, engineer. 19261 Thomas, Troy, Apr., 1885, has charge of rolling stock arriving T. & Boston R. R. 19262 Thomas B., Omaha, Neb., 1887, carpenter. 19263 Thomas C, Chicago, 111., 1876. 19264 Miss TiNNiE Cleveland, from Vt., Wichita, Kan:, 1887, teacher. 19265 Toulman Cleveland, Houston, Texas, 1890-1, prop, saloon. 19266-7 Conn. Men in Revol, 412 — ith Batt. 1776, Lt. Abner Bacon (Canterbury) co., pr. Tracy Cleavlaxd. U.S.Pens. Rep., 1833, p. 123 — Qea.n%& eo., O.: Tracy Cleave land pr. Conn, state troops, pensioned Nov. 28, 1833, fr. Mar. 4, 1831, a. 84. 19268 U. Frank Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1894, bkpr. 19269 Ulysses T. Cleveland, Mobile, Ala., 1883-7, dray man. 19270 Valentine W. Cleveland, Kansas City, Mo., 1887, pres. K. C. Stone co., 1888-9. 1927 1 Victor, New West Spring field, Mass., 1879-80, emp. and bds. 19272 Miss Viola, East hampton, Mass., 1891-2. 19273 Virgil Cleveland, Grayville, White CO., 111., 1885. 19274 W. Cleveland, Richmond, P. Q., 1876, blacksmith. 19275 W. A., Chicago, 111., 1891, conductor. "19276 W. C, Nash ville, Tenn., 1885-6, bookpr., bds. 19277 W. Campbell Cleve- DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2329 LAND, Nashville, 1891, clerk. 19278 William C, Nashville, 1886 salesm. 19279-80 William C, market, and William C, jr., tin ner, both 1218 N. Summer, Nashv., 1891-2. 19281 Mrs. W. D. Long Branch, Monmouth co., N. J., July 24, 1881, Ocean Hotel hop. 19282 W. E. Frank Cleveland, Boston, Mass., 1891, team ster. 19283 50,000 Knights Templars parade Denver, Col., Aug. 9,' 1892, Sir Frank B. Hill, Grand Marshal; nth Div. Right Em inant Sir W. G. Cleveland, grand commander of Iowa, com manding 15 commanderies. 19284 W. G., New Britain, Conn. Nov. 10, 1886. 19285 W. H., Denton, Tex., 1885, gen. store 19286 W. O., Chicago, 111., 1891, water insp. 19287 W. S., Min neapolis, Minn., bef. 1887. 19288 W. W., Marshall, Mich., 1879 mfr. water wheels. 19289 Walden Cleveland, b. ab. 1836 mem. Battery H, 1st N. Y. Art., was at Brandy Station, Va. 1863, tall, dark complexion. 19290 Walter Cleveland, b. ab 1839, of Lowell, Mass., 1889, printer. Vox Poptili oEice. Ch. : 2 19291 Walter, Pembroke, N. Y., 1883. 19292 Walter, Phila delphia. Pa., ab. 1885-6. 19293 Walter, Tacoma,Wash., 1893-4 prop. State House. 19294 Walter C, Birmingham, Ala., 1891 elk. 19295 Walter F., Brockton, Mass., 1884, ice. 19296 Wal ter H., auditor's office, Lowell depot, Boston, Mass., h. Law rence, Mass., 1891 ; h. W. Somerville, 1894. 19297 Walter L Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894, clerk. 19298 Warren A., N. Y. city. 1855, Gilsey Building. 19299 Warren N. Cleveland, New Al bany, Ind., 1885. 19300 Wiley Cleveland owned lands in Barnwell co., S. C, 1804-12. 19301. ' Cleveland lived in South Carolina, father of following family : 19302 Wiley" Cleveland, m. Nelly •, lived in South Carolina. 4-19303 Fairabe'' Cleveland, b. , 1805. Charlotte'' Cleveland, ) one of these sisters m. Sabre^ Cleveland, )- Mr. Red, and had Clory'' Cleveland, ) several ch. Mahala^ Red and others. 19303. FAIRABE' CLEVELAND, m. as 2d w., Harbard Holder. Ch.; 19304 Jerome" Holder, m. . Ch.: James* Holder. 19305 John" Holder, va. Miss J. L. Prime. Ch.: Harbard' Holder, Na?tcy Fairabe' Holder, m. West, res. 1890 Hatties burg, Miss. ; Ancybel' Holder, George Jefferson* Holder, Amnion' Holder, Francis' Holder. 19306 James" Holder, unm., 1890; Jefferson' Holder, unm., George' Holder, unm., David" Holder, unm. 19307 William Cleveland bought lands in Anderson co., S.C, 1792, 1807, 1809, 1816. 19308 Jennie (wid. William Cleve land), Atlanta, Ga., 1891. William, Boston, Mass., h. at Win throp, 1894, clerk. William, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883-4, elk. 19309 Charlotte H. (wid. William Cleveland), Brooklyn, 1888, 1894, 415 McDonough. William, Buffalo, N. Y., 1880-1. 19310-12 2330 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. William Cleveland, d. n. Charleston, Va., ab. 1817. Ch.: W. Cromwell Cleveland, also daughters, a daughter b. ab. 1796-7, living Oct., 1876, at Fairfax Seminary, Va., has a grand-daugh ter. Miss Virginia Cleveland, unm. of Georgetown, Washing ton, D. C. 19313 Dr. William Cleveland, Chicago, 111., ab. 1879, 5" Wabash Av. 19314 William, Chicago, 1894, switchman. 19315-6 William, Elmira, N. Y., 1883, 656 Baldwin, 371 W. Wa ter. 1 93 1 7 William, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1882, workman. 19318 William, Holyoke, Mass., 1891, emp. H. Mach. co. 19319 William, Jersey City, N. J., 1877, blacksmith. Lake st. 19320 William, d. Kansas City, Mo., Mar. 15, 1887. 19321 William, Kansas City, 1888-9, lab. 19322 William, Leadville, Col., 1887. 19323 Cleveland (William) and Caster, Minneapolis, Minn., ab. 1885-6. 19324 William, Minneapolis, 1890, 1905 N. 3d., of Cleveland Hair Balsam co. 19325 William, b. ab. 1845, clerk in Mobile, Ala., Savings Bank, i860. William, New Haven, Conn., 1879, 49 Whalley av. 19326 Hoadly's Public Conn. Rec, I., 2^'/ — Receipts for money rec'd thro. Col. Selah Heart from foU'g captive officers are found in Rev. War., XII : 130- 181 Lt. Wm. Cleveland. 10327-9 Conn. Men i7i Revol. — 6th reg., ist co. Capt. Samuel Holden Parsons, New London, Capt. David Fithian Sill, Lyme, Serg. William Cleaveland, enl. Mays, dis. Dec. IO, 1775, f.qq — \ot'a. Cont'l Col. Samuel Holden Parsons, reg. of 1775 [reorg. for Cont'l 1776, after siege Boston marched to N. Y.; in battle L. I., Aug. 27 service ; expired Dec. 31, 1776] Col. Return Jonathan Meigs : William Cleaveland, 2d It., taken pris oner at N. Y., Sept. 15, 1776, exoh. p. ibq — 3d reg. Cleaveland, William, New Lon don, com. 2d It. Jan. i, '77, while pris., exch. but did not serve with reg. 19330 p. ibq,- 3d. reg. Capt. Willis Clift of Plainfield co. Cleaveland, William, enl. Apr. 28, 1777, 3 yrs., dis. Apr. 28, '80, having enl. in 3d reg. for short term, 1779-80. 19331 p. 3b7 — Gen. David Waterbury's state brig. 1781, Capt. James Dana's co.: William Cleveland, Pomphret, joined Apr. 29. 19332-4 Mass. Revol. Rolls, XVIII ; 114 — Col. Simond's reg. march'd fr. Oageborough to Bennington, alarm Aug. 19, 1777, Capt. William Clark's co.: William Cleveland, p. gS — in Capt. Wm. Clark's co., June 12, 1778, XXI : 797 — Col. John Brown's reg. fr. co. Berkshire, called out by order Gen. Gates, Sept. 22, 1777, to march to Bennington, then became a gtiard to escort 169 British and Canadian prisoners to Spring field, Capt. Peter Porter's co.: William Cleaveland, pr. service Sept. 22 -Oct. 11, 1777. 19335 N- y- Archives, XV — Cleveland, William, pr., reg.: Dubois; co.: McFoghtfjl. 301, 220, 337. — Lewis Dubois was maj. 4th Ulster co. reg., com. Oct. 25, 1775, Col. 5th xeg. June 25, 1776, resign Dec. 22, 1779 ; p. 143 — reg. at Ft. Constitution, Jan. 8, 1777]. 19336-7 William Cleveland, N. Y. city 1877-8, tele grapher, 449 W. 56; William, N.Y. c. 1880, 212 E. 76. 19338 William. Philadelphia, Pa., 1879, 161 N. 23. 19339-40 William, Phila., jeweler, 505 N. 4th, 1879, 958 N. 7th, 1882-3. 1934' William, Phila., 1882-3, 2126 Sharewood. 19342 William, Phila. 1882, commis. merch., 214 Vine. 19343 Eliza (wid. William Cleveland) Phila. 1882-6, 1890. 19344-5 William, Phila. 1883, cabinet mkr., 644 N. 15 ; 1883-6, carp., 672 N. 15. 19346 Grace (wid. William Cleveland), Phila. 1890. 19347. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND, m. Sarah Bryant. Of Pike cc, Ga. Ch.: 19348 Sarah Jane', m. Douglas Ratcliffe, of Tulip, Dallas CO., Ark., farmer, s. p. -(-19349 James'' Cleveland, b. June 17, 1837, Pike co. 19350 WyLiE'' Cleveland, m. Anna Key, of Holly Springs, Dallas CO., Ark., 1885. s. p. 19351 Polly Ann'', m. William Adams, of n. Tulip. Ch.: Joseph" Adams. 19352 La Fayette', m. Margaret Hpag, of n. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2331 Holly Springs, farmer. Ch.: several. 19353 Zipporah'", d. bef. 1885, m. William Mackey, he d. bef. 1885, of Holly S. Ch.: 2. 19354 Nancy'j d. bef. 1885, m. William Hood, of Clay co., Tex. Ch.: 2, 1 living. 19355 Thomas Jefferson', unm., of Fort Worth, Tex. 19349. JAMES' CLEVELAND (wiiiiami), d. Mar. 12, 1881, a. 44, m. Mar. 13, 1861, his cousin Emily Caroline Bryant, b. n. Green ville, Meriwether CO., Ga., Jan. 26, 1840, da. Turner and Eliza Ann Matilda (Barton) ; farmer.' She res. 1895 St. Louis, Mo. Ch.: Son', b. and d. Dec. 27, 1861. 19356 William Douglas^ b. Jan. 16, 1868. 19357 Laura Ida'', b. July 8, 1864, m. Texarkana, Ark., Mar. 29, 1882, Thomas Ryan, b. in Can. June 27, 1858, s. Patrick and Margaret, of St. Louis. Ch.: Anna* Ryan, b. Oct. 13, d. 15, 1883; Margaret' Ryan, b. Apr. 20, d. 24, 1885. 19358-61 Fannie Dora', b. Jan. 17, 1867 ; James Allen", Dec. 5, 1869, Da'., b. Apr. 10, 1871, d. ; Son', b. Mar., 1873, d. ; Sarah Louisa", b. Dec. 17, 1874 ; Son', May 25, 1876 ; Mary Cora', May 26, 1877 ; Son', May 27, 1879 ; Son'', Sept. 12, 1880. 19362 William Cleveland, Portsmouth, O., ab. 1885, spoke mfr. 19363 William, St. Joseph, Mo., 1887, helper. 19364 William, M.D., St. Paul, Minn., 1880-1. 19365-7 William' Cleveland, d. Smith co., Tenn., ab. 1837, very old, of Smith co. Ch.: one daughter', is yet living 1883 ; Robert E.', b. ab. 1803, d. S. CO., 1843, 3- 4°i father of W. J.' Cleveland, of Gamaliel, Ky., Apr. 30, 1883 [not there 1895], lawyer; W. J. Cleveland, Flippin, Monroe co., Ky., 1885. 19368 William Cleveland, Gibbes st., Rockdale, Sydney, N. S. W. — Direc. i8g4 ; William, Ramsgate rd. Rockdale, Syd. park-keeper, Scarborough Park, 1894. William Cleveland, Versailles, Woodford co., Ky., 1895. 19369 William, Wolcottville, Conn., ab. 1878. 19370 William A., Boston, Mass., 1891, clerk., bds. Winthrop. 19371 William A., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1887-9, elk. 19372. WILLIAM ALONZO' CLEAVELAND, b. perhaps 1786, d. Woodstock, Vt., 1810, m. Betsey Raymond, she d. W. soon af ter 1810. Of Pomfret, Vt., afterward of Woodstock. Ch.: Eve line E.', d. W. a. 9. + 19373 Alonzo William' Cleaveland, b. Jan. 2, 1809, Pomfret, Vt. 19373. ALONZO WILLIAM' CLEAVELAND (wimam Aionzc), d. Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 7, 1847, a. 38, m. W. Jan. 22, 1832, Betsey S. Pratt, b. Hartford, Vt., July 6, 181 1, d. Ludlow, Vt, Mar. 4, 1863, da. Timothy and Judith (Mason). (She m. 2d, see below.) Ch. b. Woodstock : + 19374 William Alonzo' Cleaveland, b. Oct. 28, 1832. 19375 Elizabeth E.' Cleaveland, b. Jan. 27, 1834, m. Ludlow, Apr. 22, 1856, Levi Hubbard Coffin, b. Winchendon, 2332 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Mass., Sept. lo, 1830, d. Apr. 16, 1877, 1. Ludlow 1881-5. Ch.; EUery C." Coffin, b. Nov. 9, i860, d. Jan. 17, 1864; Henry C." Coffin, b. June 2, d. Sept. 29, 1865 ; Harriet A.^, b. Nov. 12, 1836, d. Woodst May 24, 1846. + 19376 Henry Clay" Cleaveland, b. Oct. 25, 1844. Alonzo William' Cleaveland was left an orphan at about 3 years of age, and never knew much about his ancestors ; was reared by his maternal grandparents, the Raymonds, and set tled in Woodstock. Timothy Pratt, b. Dublin, Mass., May 17, 1787, m. Lebanon, N. H., Feb. 28, 1810, Judith Mason, b. Grafton, N. H., Nov. 24, 1787. Ch. : 12; the eldest, Mrs. Betsey S. (Pratt) Cleaveland, m. 2d, Ludlow, Oct. 3, 1847, Artemas Spafford, he d. L. Feb. 26, 1862. 19374. WILLIAM ALONZO' CLEAVELAND (aIou^o William^ wii iiam Alonzo>), m. 1st, Woodstock, Vt, July 2, 1852, Fanny S. Davis> b. Montreal, C. E., Dec. 20, 1832, d. Woodstock Nov. 26, 1857 He m. 2d, W., May 23, 1858, Sophronia C. Woodward, b. July 2, 1839, d. Apr. 22, 1867. Of Glens Falls, N.Y., 1881. Children b- Woodstock, by 1st m. : 19377-80 William Alonzo^ Cleveland, Nov. 30, 1853, gone West. Fred R.*, Aug. 8, 1857, gone West By 2d m. : Lizzie Ella', Dec. 20, i860, of Rutland, Vt. George McClellan*, July 20, 1862, of Mass.: Frank H.', born Aug. 14, 1864, d. Woods., Apr. 24, 1867. 19376. HENRY CLAY' CLEAVELAND (Alonzo Wm.^ Wm. Alonzo>), m. Rock Island, III, Sept. 17, 1866, Olivia Sophia Hayes, born Jackson, Mich., Apr. 24, 1848, da. William Henry and Calista (Hatch). Ch. b. Rock I. : 19381-3 Harry Hayes* Cleaveland, Aug. 13, 1869; Louis Henry*, Apr. 18, 1872. Bessie Calista*, Dec. 8, 1879. Hon. Henry Clay' Cleaveland, residence Rock Island 1885; fire insurance agency, of Hays or Hayes & Cleaveland, agents, 1876, 1883-5; was a soldier in 1st and 6th Vt. Vols. Member 4 years of 111. Legislature, Representative from Rock I.; intro duced, April, 1885, a bill in the House to repeal the act incor porating the Chicago Board of Trade. 19384 William C. Cleveland, Cleveland, O., 1855, R. R. agt. 19385 William C, Norwalk, O., 1876, coppersm. 19386 William C, Norwich, Conn., 1882, '5, supt lock shop. 19387-8 William C, Norwich 1891, clerk in Washington, D. C; William C, elk. cen. O.— Washington Dir. i8gi. 19389 William D., N.Y. city 1 88 1, elk. William E., Boston, Mass., 1894, teamster. 19390 William E., Conneaut, O., bef. 1878 — r^f. I^eas. Ashtabula co.,0. 19391 William F. Cleveland, d. Mobile county, Ala., Nov. i6, 1883, aged 84. Was engaged, 1822, boating betw. Tuscaloosa and Mobile. In later years with Capt. Kinney, etc., took interest in steamboatmg. Invested his profits and retired to his place beyond Three Mile Creek, where he remained the balance of his life. He was twice m., and raised 2 la,rseta.milies. — Pittsburgh [Pa.] Commercial Gazette, Nov. 22, i88i ¦ Cincinnati Commercial. DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2333 19392 William F., Mobile 1855. 19393 William G., New Orleans, La., 1888, stone cutter, 586^ Josephine st. 19394 Wil liam G., San Francisco, Cal., 1878, 832 Folsom st 19395 William H. Cleveland, Akron, O., 177 High ab. 1884. 19396 Chemung CO., N. Y., 1878. Republican ticket — V or ]nAge: Seymour Dexter; assembly, William Carpenter ; 00. elk., Theo. G. Smith ; school commissioner. William H. Cleveland ; coroner, Orlando S. Groom ; justice of sessions, Charles T. Hill. 19397 William H. Cleveland, Bourland, Choctaw Nation, Indian Ter., is granted July 9, 1895, original pension. William H., Chicago, 111., 1894, tagger. William H., of Kirkland, deed 1872, Oneida county, N. Y. 19398-9 William H. Cleveland, m. Mrs. Sarah E. (Dewey) Brower, born Lebanon, Conn., 1808, d. Obio, widow of John H. Brower (this m.: s. p.), da. John Woodward and Abigail (Rudd). Ch. : John 'H. Cleveland. » ' ' ' Dewey ancestry : — ]ohn^ m. Rhoda Ordway ; John Woodward'* Dewey m. Abigail Rudd, da. Jonathan and Mary (Tracy^). Tracy ancestry : — Simon* m. Elizabeth Hyde*; Mary'' Tragy m. Jonathan Rudd. Hyde ancestry : — William', Samuel^ [see +357, p. 232] ; Jabez', b. May, 1677, of West Farms ; Elizabeth* Hyde m. Simon Tracy'. — Hyde gen., 723. 19400 William H. Cleveland, Mobile, Ala., 1883, works J. McDonnell. 19401 William H., of Norwalk, Conn., must., July 17, 1861, Co. C, 5th Conn., disch. at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., Aug., 1863. 19402 William H., Plainfield, Ma"^s., 1876, express. 19403 William H., Washington, D. C., 1891, hostler. 19404 William J., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894, surveyor. William J., Kan sas City, Mo., 1892, mus. teacher. William L., Tacoma, Wash., 1893-4, shingle packer. William M. Cleveland, St. Paul, Minn., 1885, clerk. 19405 William O., Cincinnati, O., 1883-94, clerk. William O., Omaha, Neb., 1887, trav. agt. Omaha Saddlery co., bds. 19406 William P., Deansville, Oneida county, N. Y., tax payer on land 1880. 19407 William P., of Huron co., O., private Co. A, O. V. M. (which was must, in at Monroeville, O., Aug. 30, 1862, must, out Camp Harker, Tenn., June 12, 1865), disch. for disability Feb. 12, 1863. — His. Huron -co. 19408 William R., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1886, '9, teamster. William S., Buffalo, N. Y., 1894, com. trav. 19409 Frances, A. J. (wid. of William S. Cleveland), Jersey City, N. J., 1891-4. 19410 William S. B., New Orleans, La., 1882, '6, '8 [not there 1895], drummer, collec tor. 19411 William W., Mobile, Ala., 1883, '7, private watchman. 19412 Willie Cleveland, Nashville, Tenn., with Tenn. Mfg. co. 19413-4 Mrs. Jennie (wid. Woodford Cleveland), and Perry W. Cleveland, asst. gas man n. w. c. Carlisle and Central av., Cincinnati, O., 1891, electn. 1894. 19415-19 Mass. Revol. Rolls., II: S3— Col. John Jacob's reg., fr. state of Mass., now in United States service, Capt. Jacob Haskin's co.: Zimri Cleavland, pr., term, i year fr. Jan. i, 1776. XXirill : jo — Reg. fr. Mass., detached to R. I. for term 4 weeks, Capt. Samuel Fisher's 00., U. S. service : ZiMRi Cleaveland, pr. i mo. 6 da., pd. Dec. 18, 1779. XXXV : IQO— Descriptive list ig Division of 6 months men, marched fr. Springfield un der care of Capt. Abner Howard : ZiMRi Cleveland, age 19, stature 5 ft. 9 in., complex- ion light, town Medfield, Suffolk co., arrived Springf. July 17, 1780. IV: /ly — Pay Roll ' Detachment of soldiers fr. Medfield for term 6 months, employed at or n. West Point, ¦ 1780: ZiMRI Cleaveland, marched July 17, discharged Jan. 16. Misc. Rolls, Index 4g, p. /iS^ — Medfield, Apr. 12, 1782. Rec. of Town of Medfield, town's bounty to make good our wages at Indian corn, J^ P bushel full for doing duty at West Point, 6 mos. cam paign, 1780; Zimri Cleaveland. p. /6y — Receipt tor duty West Point : Zimri Cleave land. 19420 2 Cleveland families, Americasville, Dutchess co., N. Y., 1878. 2334 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19421 Miss Cleveland, m. Sackett. Ch.: several: a da., Miss Mary Sackett, of Appleton, Wis., 1883. 19422 Cleveland & Follett, Avon, N. Y., 1876, grocers. 19423 Mr. Cleveland, Bazile, Knox co.. Neb., 1883, ad dress care S. Draper, Niobrara, Knox co.. Neb. 19424 Capt. Cleveland, was in Boston, Mass., Custom House, raised co., joined 35th Mass., and was killed at war. 19425 Clawson & Cleavland, Burr Oak, la., 1876, gen. store. 19426-8 Cleveland families. By town, Canada West, 1854-5. Higgins & Cleveland, Chesterfield, Mass., 1882, mfrs. gun tubes. Miss Cleveland, Chicago, 111., 1855, teacher in Methodist school. Station Agent Cleveland, Cottage Farm, Mass., Apr. 4, 1884. 19429 Conn. Men in Revol. Col. John Douglass' reg't, went to Boston Jan.-Mar., 1776 : Serjent Cleaveland. 19430 Mr. Cleveland of Cowinsville, 1879, a poet. 19431 Cleveland & Co., Cuyahoga Falls, O., 1891, grocers. 19432 Clevelands, Decorah, Winneshiek co., Ia., 1876. 19433-4 Cleveland & Cleveland, Denton, Tex., 18S2, grocers. 19435-7 Miss Cleveland, m. Trout, had 14 ch.: a da. m. Moyer and had 2 daughters, one of them, Mrs. C. M. Snygart, of Dixon, 111., July 13, 1882, had 9 ch. who d. before 1882, also 1 living. 19438-9 Shooting affray occurred Mar. 4, 1881, n. Dodge,. Tex., between 2 brothers named Spratt, and 2 named Cleve land ; 1 of each side was killed. 19440-2 Clevelands, Elliota, Fillmore co., Minn., 1877. Cleveland family, Grafton, Mass.,. 1882. 19443 Cleveland families, Hainesville (12 mi. fr. Wau- kechon). Wis., 1882. 19444-7 Mr. Cleveland and wife, d. before their daugh ter's marriage; their daughter d. Stockbridge, Wis., ab. i860, m. Hanover, N. H., ab. 1831, Hiram Holt, b. Windham, Conn.^ 1807, d. Stockb. ab. 1862, s. Oliver and Sidney Bedolph (Clapp). Of Vt. to 1830, Hanover to after 1831, Elyria, O., Stockbridge. Holt scadi Clapp ancestries — [see +1993, p. 810]. Ch.: LouisaHolt, wid., of Chicago, 111., 1883 ; Susan Holt, va. Amos Ballou, of Nord- land. Dak., 1883 ; Lyman Holt, d. in war. 19448 Cleveland & Co., Jefferson, Tex., 1882, restaurant 19449 Mr. Cleveland, singing teacher, Lee, Mass., three months winter 1849-50. 19450 Mr. Cleveland, Lowell, Vt, 1874. 1945 1 Mrs. Cleveland, wid., of Lowell, Vt., m. bef. 1885, Henry Newton^ and rem. to Belvidere, Vt. She had a family. 19452-4 Miss Cleveland, prob. of Mass., m. Daniel Cold- well, a s. Jonathan and Susan (Pyke). See +409. Prob. of Horton, N. S. Their son, James Coldwell, va. Miss Scofield, and had James Coldwell, who m. Zilpah Davidson, and had several sons.. ' 19455-6 Miss Cleveland, of Mass. prob., m. Luce, had da., m. Levi Parsons of Easthampton, Mass., Feb., 1883. 19457 Cleveland & Hardesty, Modesto, Cal, 1876-81, builders. 19458 Kendall, Cleveland & Co., dry goods and com- . DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2335 mission, N.Y. city, 1864. — Op Dyck gen., by Charles Wilson Opdyke, j8g. 19459-60 Mrs. and Miss Cleveland, fr. Liverpool, Eng., in s. s. Gallia, arr. N. Y. city Oct 7, 1879, Sept 12, 1881. 19461 Mr. Cleveland, Montgomery, Hillsdale co., Mich., 1895. 19462 Clevelands, Oconee co., S. C, 1884. 19463-4 Miss Cleveland, m. Goodenough, their da. m. Mull, and had Barney Mull, Oneonta, N. Y., June 9, 1878. 19465 Clevelands, Ottawa, Can., 1854. Cleveland & Cornwall, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1876, printers. 19466 Cleaveland, Rogers & Co., Perry, 111., 1876, drugs, h. ware. 19467 Cleve lands, Perth, C. W., 1855. 19468-9 Mr. Cleveland, book dealer (his card in the books he sold), and other Clevelands, children, etc., Philadelphia, Pa., 1840. 19470 Cleveland, Ely & Co., Phil adelphia, Pa., 1886. 19471 Cleveland & Allen, Richford, N. Y., 1879. 19472 Mr. Parmelee and Mrs. Cleveland were m., of Richmond, June 19, 1783. — Pittsfield, Mass., records. 19473 Cleveland & Mears, Rockford, 111., 1876, stoves. 19474 Clevelands, Sackville, N. B., 1883. 19475 Clevelands, St. Mary's Landing, St. Genevieve, Mo., 1855. 19476 Cleve land families, Siloam, Smithfield tp., Madison co., N. Y., about 1796. 19477 Mr. Cleveland, from S. C, of Shreveport, La., bef. 1884, dancing master. 19478 Cleveland & Co., Staunton, Va., 1878. 19479 Clevelands, Summit, Waukesha co., Wis., 1882. 19480 Clevelands in towns n. Sutton, Can., 1879. 19481 Train on Southern road, July 10, 1890, -^ miles N. of Owego, N.Y., struck a carriage containing following persons: Mrs. Cleveland, wid. of ex-sheriff Cleveland of Tioga co., Mrs. James Shay, and Mrs. Avery Whitmarsh, who were killed, also Mrs. Thomas Beahan and Mrs. Harvey Van Duser, injured. 19482 Mr. Cleveland, b. ab. 1824, of Waterford, N. Y., expressman, was killed by train on Albany R. R. ab. 1869 ; his wife survived him, 4 ch. : eldest da. b. ab. 1855. 19483 Cleveland & Greer, Watertown, Dak., 1881. 19484 Cleveland, W. Ansonia, Conn., 1890-1, emp. Ansonia Brass and C. co., bds. 19485 Mr. Cleveland (said to be related to Albro' Cleve land +562, p. 309), m. a wife named Waily , who lived at W. Greenwich, R. I., 1808-10, when she visited Albro*, and afterward removed to Newport, R. I., with her son. 19486 Cleveland & Bulah, Worcester, Mass., 1876, painters. 19487. Mr. ' CLEVELAND, given name not learned, per haps lived in Virginia, in Frederick co., or Shenandoah co. Ch.r 19488 William' Cleveland, was killed in the same battle where his brother, John' Cleveland, was wounded, thought to have been Brandywine battle, Sept 11, 1777. + 19489 John' Cleveland, b. ab. 1755, Shenandoah co., Va. 19490 Abigail' Cleveland, m. 1787, Robertson, lived in Scott CO., Ky. 19491 George', lived in Harrison co., Ky., July 28, 1832. 2336 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19489. JOHN' CLEVELAND (Mr. '), d. Harrison county, Ky., Aug. 5, 1832, a. ab. 77, m. Frederick co., Va., Feb. or Mar., 1782, Elizabeth Robertson, or Robinson, from Shenandoah co., Va., b. ab. 1754, d. after 1848, da. William and Elizabeth (Boiling). Ch., descendants of whom live in Ky. (1896) : 19492-7 William'; George'; John'; Hannah'; Francis'; Abigail'. + 19498 Elizabeth' Cleveland. 19499 Sarah' Cleveland. Col. John' Cleveland, of Frederick co., Va., resided in Shenandoah co., Va., at commencement of Revolution, served as private in Capt. Beale's co.. Col. Gibson's reg., 13th Va. line; was wounded in his leg in the same battle (believed fr. term of his enlistment and retirement to be Brandywine, Sept. 11, 1777, where the 13th suffered heavily), where his brother, William, was killed, as stated in his application for pension (witnessed by his brother, George), on his death-bed, July 28, 1832. Rem. fr.. Frederick co., Va., to Harrison co., Ky , at close of war, or 1796, and I'd there, as did all his family. Mrs. Elizabeth (Robertson) Cleveland, was living, 1848, age 94. In Pension Office John Cleveland's wife's name Elizabeth Robinson, but a descendant said name was Robertson. Boiling ancestry : — BoLLiNG or BoLiNG. Sa. an inescutcheon, within an orle of martlets, ar John' of *' Boiling Hall," n. Bradford, co. York, Eng.,, afterw. of AU'hallows, Barkin Parish, Tower St., London, Eng. ; Col. Robert', b. Eng. Dec. 26,,i646, first Boiling who came to Va., arr. Oct. 2, 1660, of "Kippax," Prince George co., Va., d. K. July 17, 1709, m. ist, 1675, Jane Rolfe* ; Col. John" jn. Mary Kennon ; Maj. John* m. Elizabeth Blair ; Thomas' m. Elizabeth Gay ; Elizabeth* Boiling m. William Robertson.- Rolfe ancestry : — John', gentleman, of James City, Va., sec. and recorder-gen. of Va., returned to London, Eng., 1616, land in Toppahannah co., betw. 2 creeks against James C, land n. Mulberry Isl., Va., ment. in will Mar. 10, 1671, proved in Eng. May 21, 1630, bj' William Pyers, m. 2d, Yorktown, Va., Apr., 1613, Princess Pocahontas, b. about 1595 (portrait London, Eng., 1616, in possession of Mr. Elwyn of co. Norfolk, Eng.. of Rolf family), bap. as Rebecka [Lady Rebecca] in Eng., 1616, d. Gravesend, Eng., March, 1617, da. of Powhatan [known by his people as Ottaniack or Mamanatowick, true name WahunsenacawhJ, King and Mighty Ruler of all Indian Tribes in Virginia, lived at Werowocomoco, now Gloucester co., Va., d. April, i6i8 ; Thomas" was ed. by his uncle in London, afterwards became a wealthy and disting. character in Va., m. Jane Poy- thress; lane' Rolfe m. Robert 'Rollinfc'^ .— Am . Ancestrv, V : 32: N. E. Reg., Ill : 130; X XX VII 1 : 68: Drake: Scribner' s XII : 7-13 — i:he true Pocahontas .¦ Notes of Major Howard Morton. 19498. ELIZABETH' CLEVELAND (john»), m. Joseph Bennett Ch., 8 : -f- 1 9500 Mary Elizabeth' Bennett. 19501-7 pothers'. 19500. Mary Elizaheth* Bennett (Elizabeth', john^), d. bef. Feb., 1895, m. Bourbon county, Ky., Jan. 14, 1836, William J. Way, b. Mar. 18, 1814, a s. William and Polly (Lily). Ch. : + 19508 Elizabeth E" Way, b. Dec. 29, 1836. 19509 Mary F." Way, b. Jan. 30, 1840, d. Marshall, Saline CO., Mo., Oct. 30, 1883, m. W. J. Fulkerson. 195 10-13 John B." Wa}, born Jan. 14, 1842, of Marshall (1895-6); Elijah B." Way, b. Oct 26, 1844; Ellen A." Way, Oct 13, 1846; Maria V." Way, July 25, 1848. 19514 William T.^ Way, b. Sept. 15, 1850, Bourbon, Ky., m. Jan. 18, 1877, Cassie Fletcher. Ch. : John Fletcher" Way,b, DESCENDANTS OF OTHER CLEVELANDS. 2337 May 18, 1878; Mabel Moss' Way, Mar. 9, 1882; William' Way, Mar. 9, 1885. 19515-8 Silas C." Way, b. July 15, 1853; Charles W." Way, b. Jan. 16, 1856, killed Sept. 3, 1868; Robert^ Way, b. Aug. 4, 1857; Horace M." Way, May 3, 1861. William J. Way of Bourbon co., Ky. It is thought that he was not b. in Ky. Way ancestry : — 'William^ Way, b. Jan. ii, 1877; is thought to have come from Va. or S. C. to Ky., m. Jan. 22, 1803, Polly Lily.— Way gen. in prep, by Charles G. Way, Bos ton, Mass. 19508. Elizabeth E.^ Way {Mary Elizabeth* Bennett), Va. Oct 30, 1855, Jacob Reneker. Ch. b. Harrison co., Ky.: + 19519 Mary Belle' Reneker, b. Sept. 18, 1856. 19520-4 Robert L.' Reneker, b. Feb. 15, 1858; Jerem W. Rene ker, June 8, 1859 ; James R.° Reneker, Mar. 9, 1861; T. J.' Reneker, Sept. 22, 1862. 19519. Mary Belle* BeneJeer {Elizabeth £.« way, Mary Elizabeth* Bennett, Elizabeths, john=), m. Maj. Howard Morton. Ch.: 19525-6 MabeP Morton; Marcus RandalP Morton. Maj. Howard Morton, residence, Pittsburg, Pa. (1896), The Morton Chemical co., Pittsburg. Is First Vice-President Pa. Soc. Sons of the American Revolution.. His children have no blood in their veins that does not antedate the Revolution by many years, and have complete records of 16 lines. Maj. Mor ton sends us a printed view of the birthplace of Randall Mor ton, Whately, Mass., built 1802, home of Dexter Morton, the ground being part of the allotment to Richard Morton, 1684. Also an illustration of St. Helen's Church, Austerfield, Eng., scene of the baptism of George Morton, the Pilgrim, Feb. 12, 1598, in his i8th year (built by John de Builli bef. 1154) brought to be bap. by Henry Fletcher. Church ancestry : — Richard', Hartford, Conn., 1637 ; Mary" Church, m. Isaac Graves of Hatfield, Mass., killed by Indians Sept. 19, 1677. 19527. TRACY' CLEVELAND, Phoebe Hyde, da. John, had a son. + 19528 David' Cleveland. 19528. DAVID' CLEVELAND (Tracy), had daughters. + 19529 Amy' Cleveland. 19530 Althea' Cleveland. 19529. AMY' CLEVELAND (oavid", Tracy), m. 1773, Thomas Eth eridge. Ch. : -f 19531 Samuel' Etheridge. 147 2338 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19531. Samuel' Etheridge (Amy', oavid", Tracy'). Hon. Samuel* Etheridge, a statesman and orator, the first State Senator from Branch co., Mich., and from southern Mich. Ch.: 19532 Darius' Etheridge, d. California, Sept. 3, 1894. + 19533 Hurt' Etheridge. 19533. Burt' EtJieridge (Amys, David", Tracy'), one of the oldest and wealthiest settlers of Branch CO., Mich. Ch.: 4. 19534-7 Emma^ Etheridge, b. July 8, 1849, Coldwater, Mich., m. Feb. 4, 1875, Barlow. She res. Casa di Fede, Coldwater, 1894-5. The Ban ner of Gold, Chicago, III., Dec, i8p4, contains a portrait and bio graphical sketch (with cut of home — Casa di Fede) of Mrs. Em ma Etheridge^ Barlow. Ch.: Nathan' Barlow, b. ab. 1876, student Dec, 1894, in classical course of Mich. University, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Burt Etheridge' /-larlow, b. ab. 1880, attending High School, Coldwater. 19538. REBECCA' CLEVELAND (whose surname is thought by some to have been Clark ? or Mayhew ?), m. William AUine of Boston, Mass., and Newport, R. I., 1748, went to Falmouth, N. S., 1756. Ch.: William'' AUine. 19539 Henry'' AUine (Rev.), b. June 14, 1748, Newport, d. North Hampton, Rockingham co., N" H., Feb. 2, 1784, unm., or dained Newlight or Congregational minister, Apr. 6, 1779, the pioneer preacher of N. S., and a poet. The Life of Rev. Henrf AUine mentions a cousin, Henry Alline. 19540 Joseph" Alline, va. + 19541 Priscilla' Alline. 19542-4 Rebecca" Alline, va. Cyp rian Davison ; Elizabeth^ Alline ; Daughter' Alline, va. Mr. Cold- well ; AbigaiP Alline, va. Jacob Porter. 19545^ Mary'' Alline, va. Rev. John Payzant, s. and Mary (Montcalm, sister of Gen. Louis Joseph Montcalm, Mar quis de Saint Veran, b. Candiac, n. Nismes, France, 1812, de scended from a noble family of Rouergue, received a mortal wound. Sept 13, 1759, in battle, d. Quebec, Can., Sept 14, 1759). 19541. Priscilla" Alline (Rebecca'), m. Falmouth, N. S., Jan. 31, 1770, Thomas Young, b. Cape Cod, Mass., Sept 3, 1744, d. Mar. 18, 1834, a s. Elkanah and (Storey). Ch.: 19546-9 Rebecca" Young, b. 1771, d. ab. 1881, a. 110 years, m. Samuel Porter; Elkanah" Young, b. 1773, m. Nancy Peck; Henry" Young, b. 1775, m. Clarissa Peck ; 'William Mayhew" Young, b. 1777, m. Elizabeth Wilson, da. Jonathan and (Dewolf). 19550 Clarke" Young, b. July 5, 1779, Falmouth, m. Sarah Wallgate" Johnson +1212. 19551 Alline" Young, b. Nov. 22, 1781, ni. Anne Fox. SOME OF THE USEFUL MEIVEBERS OF THE FAMILY. 2339 Thomas Young rem., 1761, to Falmouth, owned farms and vessels, teacher of astronomy, member of Rev. H. Alline's New- light church. Young ancestry: — [See +1212, p. 557]. 19552 Dr. Cleveland, of Virginia, plantation owner, m. Harriet Aldridge of Herkimer, N. Y., she d. at Santa Cruz Island (perhaps 1825-50), da. Joshua and Abigail (Smed- ley), and gr. da. of Nicholas Aldridge, b. in Va. or Md. 19553 Rev. Cleveland, to whom Oliver" Cleve land + 16096 left his property, after 1829, at Lynchburg, Va. See Appendix for additional Genealogy. SOIVIE OF THE USEFUL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. A.ut}tors . See Bibliography, Chap. IV. Civil Officers. President of United States. CLEVELAND,GR0VER8-|-8666 Governors of States : Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch" + 1717 Cleveland,Grover«+8666 Franklin, Jesse^ -\- 16047 Hovey, Alvin Peter son'' ^-^yjo Lt. -Governor of a State : Robinson, John Cleveland'' + 3303 United States Senators. Franklin, Jesse^ -j- 16047 Pike, Austin Franklin'' -\-7i,Zo Upham, William'' + 3895 United States Congressmen. Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch' + 1717 Cleveland, Jesse Frank lin' + 16238 Cleveland, Orestes' „-f 5470 Franklin, Jesse'' + 16047 Franklin, Meshach'' -f 16052 Pike, Austin Franklin'' -{-7 ^%o Ward, Hamilton" -y 10832 U. S. Cabinet Minister. Usher, J ohn Palmer'' -|- 3082 Presidential Electors: Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch" -f 1717 Cleveland, Elijah' + 2315 Cleveland, Prancis'+32i2 Cleveland, Francis Lan don' -\- 3256 Cleveland, Robert* + 16013 Member of the original Re publican National Com mittee. Paulison, Charles McKnighP + 2995 State Senators. Burnett, Wellington Cleve land'' 4- 5306 Cleveland, Benjamin* + 16012 Cleveland, Benjamin' + 16133 Cleveland, Edward Spi cer' +5294 ' Cleveland, James" + 7615 Cleveland, Martin' + 16068 Cleveland, Mason»+ 1715 Cleaveland, Nehemiah" + 706 Cleveland, William Fiske + 18748 Cooley, Dennis Nelson'' + 4309 Etheridge, Samuel-\- 19531 Franklin, Jesse^ ~\- 16047 Franklin, Meshach" ¦\- 16052 Franklin, Richard Gwyn'' + 16583 Keyes.John Shepard^-\- 7466 Marsh, Frederick Cleveland" + 10638 Pike, 'Austin Franklin'' -1-7480 State Representatives. Adams, Gideon -4- 17972 Brown, Henry Hough-\- i^tjs Cady, Chauncey Goodrich' -{- 6333 Cady, Horace Harvey" ¦\- 6321 Cleveland, Aaron" -1-357 Cleveland, Alexander" + '471 Cleveland, Alexander Pitt' -I- 4470 Cleveland, Benjamin* 4- 16012 Cleveland, Charles Lan der' -j- 16874 Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch" -|- 1717 Cleveland, Cyrus' -|- 6910 Cleveland, Din sm ore' -j- 7603 Cleveland, E. W." -h 1652 Cleveland, Edward Spi cer' -\- 5294 Cleveland, Erastus" -|-I128 Cleveland, George Brainard^ -f 10559 Cleveland, Henry Clay + 19376 Cleveland, Henry Ma son' -H 5295 Cleveland, Henry Wil son"-!- 16101 Cleveland, James' -f- 7615 Cleaveland, James Bow doin' -f- 6600 Cleveland, James Cham berlain' -I- 1473 Cleveland, John Bomar' -\- 16712 Cleveland, Larkin" •\- 16061 Cleveland, Martin" -I- 16068 Cleveland, Mason' -\- 1715 Cleveland, Neal"-1- 16036 Cleveland, Richaii Mays' -|- 16657 Cleveland, Rufus" -|- 4469 Cleveland, Rufus Ba ker' 4- 10560 Cleveland, Stafford Canning' -|- 7281 Cleveland, Stephen'-|-55i Cleveland, Tristram' -I-2756 Cleveland, William' -|- 16134 Cleveland, William Choice' -|- 16636 Cleveland, William Henry' -|- 5309 Cogswell, Leander Winslow'' + 6655 Cogswell, Parsons Brainerd'' + 6656 Cowen, Balfour -\- 18710 Franklin, Jesse'' -\- 16047 Franklin, Meshach" + 16052 Franklin, Shadrach Cleve land'' -j- 16565 Freeman, Charles Howe'' -f- 5352 Hovey, Joseph Milton"-\- 10166 Hovey, Simeon Skinner'' -j- 4343 Mampin, Mark, under-f 16026 Marsh, Frederick Cleveland" -j- 10638 Moulton, Cleveland Fortune'' -\- 6240 Osgood, Charles Edward'' "T" 6754 Paulison, Charles McKnlghf -\- 2995 Smith, John Lyman" -\- 11952 Stnith, Lebbeus Enswortli' -\- 5058 Smith,WilliamGreen''-\-i66oq Terrill, Buck, under + 16026 Upha-m, William'' -\- 3895 usher, John Palmer'' -\- 3082 Pike, Austin Franklin'' -\-7t,io Ward, Elisha'' 4- 3951 Ward, William'' + 434 Whedon, Cliailes Ogden" -j- 12059 Whiteside, James Anderson^ + 16419 Territorial Representative. Cleveland, Hiram Ed ward' 4-4904 State Offlcers. Cleveland, Mason' -|- 1715 Cleveland, Sylvester' + SS13 2340 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cogswell, Leander Winslow ' + 6655 Davis, Erastus Augustus'' + 4820 Franklin, Meshach" -\- 16052 Gold, Theodore Sedgwick" -1-8847 Ricardo, George" + S121 Smith, William Green'' -j- 16609 Usher, fohn Palmer'' -\- 3082 Ward, Hamilton" -f- 10832 Judges. Atkins, Thomas Astley-\rSs4° Cleveland, Augustus -\- 17800 Cleveland, Benjamin* 4- 16012 Cleveland, Benjamin Norton" -f 1019 Cleveland, Charles Lan der' -f 16874^ Cleveland, Elisha Har low' + 6418 Cleveland, Erastus'-|-ii28 Cleaveland, Franklin ABEL-t- 6997 Cleveland,GeorgeWash- INGTON' 4- 1910 Cleveland, Gilbert Marsh" 4- 12455 Cleveland, Henry Bona parte' -|- 5529 Cleveland, Henry Lewis" + 11770 „ Cleveland, James Doug las" -|- 8850 Cleveland, James Payne' „+S33i Cleveland, John Stew art" + 17446 Cleveland, Johnstone" 4- 16097 Cleaveland, Livingston WARNER"-|-967I Cleaveland, Nehemiah" -f 706 Cleaveland, William Pitt" -|- 720 Cooley, Dennis Nelson'' -\-\-3,q^ Cowen, Balfour 4- 18710 Drew, Richard Cleveland'' -\- 16777 Franklin, Benjamin Cleve land"-'' -\- 16213 Gale, John Thomas" 4- 14031 Graves, Jesse Franklin'' -I- 16519 Hazelrigg, J. H.'', under ^T -\- 16024 Keyes, John Shepard''-\- 7466 Moulton, Cleveland Fortune'' ¦\- 6240 Tibbs, R. H." -y 17470 Upham, William'' --|- 3895 Usher, John Palmer'' -\- 3082 Ward, William" 4- 434 Woodworth, William Henry" Wyly, Robert Fletcher"-\-\7iS'2 County Officers. Adams, Joseph" -f- 17977 Ball,Jo'nn'' -i-3042 Bradford, Jo tin Merritf -1-6566 Brown, Henry Hough-\- 18145 Cady, Horace Harve^ -\-tyix Cleveland, , [sheriff] 4- 1948 I Cleveland, Albert Lu cas' 4- 5575 Cleveland, Charles Boarman 4- 18962 Cleveland, Charles Prentice' 4- 6097 Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch" -f 1717 Cleveland, Clarence Chester" -\- 12605 Cleveland, Dinsmore' -\- 7603 Cleveland, Elijah' 4- 2315 Cleveland, Erastus' 4-1128 Cleveland, Ezra' -)- 4755 Cleveland, George Lew- is'4- 7513 Cleveland, George Mor ris' -I- 1191 Cleveland,George Wash ington -t- 18696 Cleveland, Grover"-|-8666 Cleveland, Henry Bona parte' -f- 5529 Cleveland, James Doug las" 4- 8850 Cleveland, James Har vey" -|- 16236 Cleveland, James Payne' -f 5331 Cleveland, Jeremiah Briggs' -f- 5468 Cleveland, John Riddle" -f- 13112 Cleveland, Joseph Hen- ry' -F 4573 Cleveland, Newcomb' ~t" 493 Cleveland, OnvERi'-|-i6o8r Cleveland, Robert Wal ter" -|- 16232 Cleveland, Silas Ezra' -1- 6872 Cleveland, Ulysses' -|- 16132 Cleveland, William" 4- 11622 Cleveland, William 4- 17712 Cleveland, William ¦ Fiske -)- 18748 Cotton, Alfred Cleveland'' -j- 6052 Franklin, Richard Gwyn'' + 16583 Houghton, George Washing ton^ 4- 15440 Hovey, Joseph Milton"-\~ 10166 Keyes, John Shepard'' -j- 7466 Moak, Nathaniel Cleveland" 4- 10853 Percival, John" -\- 12879 Putnam, Henry Cleaveland" -1-8871 Rice, Walter J." + 12568 Sherwood, Carl George" 4- 14184 Sutherland, Albert" -\- 10680 Tyng, George " -\- 8553 Upham, William ' 4- 3805 Webb, Frederick Cleaveland'^ 4- Appendix Woodworth, William Henry " -f 10177 Mayors. Cleveland, Chester Bis sell' -|- 1997 Cleveland, Clarence Chester" -|- 12605 Cleveland, Daniel' -I-5316 Cleveland, George Wash ington' 4-6406 Cleveland, Grover"-|-8666 Cleiveland, John -(- 17730 Cleveland, John Tread- well' -I- 3218 CLEVELAND,ORESTES'4-5470 Cleveland, William Choice' -f- 16636 Graves, Barzillai Yanpey'' 4- 16521 Jones, William Augustus -j- 19108 Moulton, Cleveland Fortune'' -\- 6240 Village Presidents. Cleveland, James Mon roe' -I- 4771 Cleveland, William Pitt' 4- 8923 City and Town Offlcers. Adams, Gideon -f 17972 Bivings, Barney Cleveland'' 4- 16717 Slake, Jam.es" -f- ii6r Brown.Henry jHough-\-\ini Cady, Horace Harvey'' -\-6i,'ix Chandler, Albert Charles'' Chandler, Charles Edward" „-(-"707 Cleveland, Albert Lu cas -I- 5575 Cleveland, Alexander Pitt' -f 4470 Cleveland, Alvah'4- 2374 Cleveland, Barnum La fayette" 4- 10825 Cleveland, Benjamin* 4-92 Cleveland, Benjamin' -1-309 Cleveland, Charles Dex ter"-!- 8673 CLE veland,Charles Har ry" 4- 10076 Cleveland, Cyrus' -|- 6910 Cleveland, Daniel'-|-53i6 Cleveland, Dinsmore' -f 7603 Cleveland, Edward*4-22i Cleveland, Eli Church' -1-3486 Cleveland, Ephraim*-|-!56 Cleveland, Erastus' -t- 1128 Cleveland, Ezra' 4- 1033 Cleveland, Ferrand Hartwell"4- 10867 Cleaveland, Frank Ed ward" -t- 9401 Cleveland, George Brainard"-!- 10559 CLE veland,George Wash ington -!- 18696 Cleveland, H. H.-!- 18441 Cleveland, HARDiN'4-1377 Cleveland, Harvey Hew- ITT" 4- 2098 Cleveland, Henry'-|- 5458 Cleveland, Hervey Sey mour' -!- 5580 Cleveland, Horace Gil lette' -!- 4480 Cleveland, James Cham berlain' -!- 1473 Cleveland, James Doug las" 4- 8850 Cleveland, James Free man" 4- 7772 Cleveland, James Young' -t- 2590 Cleveland, Jeremiah ' Briggs' -f- 5468 Cleveland, John' 4- 2912 Cleveland, John -|- 18658 Cleveland, John Bloss ingame' -!- 16261 Cleveland, John Demar- EST'-I- 3067 Cleveland, John Far num" 4- 1365 Cleaveland, John Har vey' 4- 4022 Cleaveland, Josiah'4-6i Cleveland, Louis Baker" -f "745 SOME OF THE USEFUL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. 234I Cleveland, Luther'-!-i639 Cleveland, Mason' 4- 1715 Cleveland, Moses' 4- 1 Cleveland, Nathaniel 4-19047 Cleveland, Nathaniel Hubbard' -!- 3056 Cleveland, Oliver Ed win" -!- 11012 Cleveland, Rufus'-}- 4469 Cleveland, Silas Ezra' 4- 6872 Cleveland, Squire Reed' 4- 6929 Cleveland, Thomas La throp' 4- 3230 Cleveland, Warner' 4-5556 Cleveland, William' 4-1049 Cleveland, William Choice' 4- 16636 Cleveland, William Davis" 4- 11035 Cleveland, William kittredge' 4- 6955 Cleaveland, William Pitt"-!- 720 Cleaveland, William Pitt'4- 2300 Cogswell, Parsons Brainerd'' -+¦6656 Hastings, Henry Eurotas"^ H- 14595 Hovey, Joseph Milton"-\-\o\66 Hovey, Samuel" ¦\- 1440 Jeffords, Allen Cleveland'' 4- 2660 Johnson, George Harding^ 4- 3540 Marpe, Theodore Henry" 4-8022 Marsh, Frederick Cleveland" -(- 10638 Mattice, Peter -\- igo8i Morrill, Frank Stephen" -fi'395 Moulton, Cleveland Fortune'' -f^ 6240 Paine, Elisha" -\- 516 Putnam, Erastus Gaylord" -(-8872 Putnam, Henry Cleaveland" 4-8871 Sfaldmg, Andrew" -\- 2501 Storrs, Frederick" -j- 2417 Tyng, Morris Ashhurst" 4-8549 Usher, Robert Cleveland ' + 3088 Ward, William" 4- 434 U.S. Government Officers. Broyles, Mary Adelaide'' (Routh) 4- 16785 Cleveland, A. B.4- 17967 Cleveland, Aaron Silas" „-l- '3369 Cleveland, Amos'-(- 4631 Cleveland, Arnold Med- BERY'4-5431 Cleveland, B. F.-|- 16233 Cleveland, Carcillius Durrell"-!- 12537 , Cleveland, Charles Dex ter'-)- 3219 Cleveland, Daniel Os car' 4- 5838 Cleveland, Edward Spi- CER'-|-5294 Cleveland, Eli'-!- 16673 Cleveland, Frank + 18279 Cleveland, Frank Ezek iel" 4- 17497 Cleaveland, HENRY-1-1S485 Cleveland, Henry Da- viii'4-5854 Cleveland, Henry Ma son'-!- 5295 Cleveland, Henry Whit ney" -f 11998, Cleveland, HERVEY4-18508 Cleveland, Horace'-(-i474 Cleveland, Howard Wil der"-!- 10852 Cleveland, J. G.-!- 18548 Cleveland, J. H.-!- 18550 Cleveland, James Doug las" 4- 8850 Cleveland, James Payne' + 5331 Cleveland, James Reid' 4-490S Cleveland, James Wil son" -!- 13132 Cleveland, John FitCh' -f- 6004 Cleveland, John Jacob' 4- 5297 Cleveland, John Kent" 4- 1480 Cleveland, Joseph Wal lace" -f 12354 Cleveland, Lafayette' + S310 Cleveland, Martin" 4- 16068 Cleveland, Oliver Ed win"-!- 1I012 Cleveland, Stafford Canning' -f 7281 Cleveland, William NEAL« -\- I4S99 CLEVELAND.WILLI AM PiTT" 4- 8923 Cleaveland, William PITT«4- 13133 Cleveland, Wils6n Al bert"-' 4- 10028 Gold, Charles Lockwood" 4- 14747 Gold, Theodore Sedgwick" 4-8847 Guernsey, Henry Hubbard" 4- 10130 Hoag, Ephraim Wighf -\-£,\^s Jordan, Everard Cady" 4" 12762 Lee, Fannie Ellen'' (Pond) 4- 16618 Moulton, John Johnson'' -\-62i^ Paulison, Charles McKnight -\- 2995 Putnam, Henry Cleaveland" 4-8871 Routh, Samuel Houston'' 4- 16789 Smith, William Green'' 4- 16609 Tyng, George" -f- 8553 Young, Edward''-\- 3537 Canada Parliament. Cleveland, Clarence Chester"-!- 12605 Johnson, William" -\- 1215 Webb, Frederick Cleaveland" 4- Appendix Wells, Rupert Mears" -f- 8501 'White, Lorenzo'' -\- 4149 Great Britain Parliament. Channing, Francis AUston" 4-8594 , , , Cleiveland, John* 4- 17730 Cleveland, John 4- 17810 Cleiveland, William' -f 17740 Canada Gov. Officers. Allen, Willlam Maxwell" 4-8370 Harding, George Johnson'' -f-3540 Clergymen. Bishops. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland'' 4-3258 Percy, Thomas" 4 17762 Ministers. Adams, Cornelius -\- 2134 Adams, John" 4: 2126 Adams,John Ripley'' -f 6371 Adams, Parker" -\- 212c) Adams, William'' -{-6^73 Allen, Frederick Hovey" 4- 10154 Alline, Henry 4-19539 Armstrong, John Johnson 4- 9282 Benedict, Cleveland Keith'' Benedict, Ernest Milnor' Benedict, George Elliot' 4- 14585 Bill, Armmius Wesley"-\-Bo^q Blstiop, Charles Wallgate Wilberforce"-\- 9287 Bishop, Raleigh Hall"+ 9288 Blake, Charles Morris'' -\-2^io Bradbury, tohn Lord"-\-ioigo Bradford, Ebenezer"-\- 691 Bradford, James" -f- 2180 Bradford, John Melancthon" 4- 2177 Bradford, William" 4- 690 Bradford, William Josiah" 4- 2215 Burleigh, Charles Calistus'' + 6473 Burleigh, Lucian'' 4- 6475 Cady, Hamilton'' 4- 15762 Cady, Philander Kinney" ¦ 4- 12733 Channing, William Henry'' 4- 3192 Clarke, Edward'' -\- 7011 Cleveland, !- 19553 Cleveland, AARON*-f 120 Cleveland, Aaron'-!- 357 Cleveland, Allen'4- 16393 Cleveland, Alpheus An gell' 4- 4296 Cleveland, Benjamin 4- 17793 Cleveland, Benjamin F.' 4- 16852 Cleveland, Benjamin Franklin' 4- 1639s Cleveland, Charles" 4- 1 108 Cleveland, Charles' 4-3208 Cleveland, Charles 4" 18079 Cleveland, Daniel Mi nor" 4- 9236 Cleaveland, Ebenezer* 4- 235 Cleveland, Edmund- Francis XaVIER4- 17933 Cleveland, Edward" 4- 2000 Cleveland, Edward Horace"-!- 10592 Cleveland, Edward Lind- ley" 4- 2097 Cleaveland, Edwards Park"-!- 13011 Cleveland, Eli" 4- 16065 Cleaveland, Elisha Lord" 4- 2255 Cleveland, Enoch J AMES' 4-4004 Cleveland, Ezra 4- 17799 Cleveland, Festus For tius 4- 7322 Cleveland, Frederick Louis"-!- 12653 2342 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, G. A.-f 18309 Cleveland, George Aa ron' 4- 3707 Cleveland, George H. 4- 18408 Cleveland, George Hull" 4- 10576 Cleaveland, George Washington'4- 6613 Cleveland, Giles But ler' 4- 4645 Cleveland, Henry' 4- 2623 Cleveland, Henry Whit ney"-!- "998 Cleveland, Horace Agard' 4- 5473 Cleveland, J. H.4- 18551 Cleveland, J. S.-!- 18565 Cleveland, Jacob' 4-742 Cleaveland, James brad- ford'-!- 4019 Cleveland, Jedediah Al len'4- 4903 Cleaveland, John*4- 233 Cleaveland, John"-|- 702 Cleveland, JOHN'4-5227 Cleveland, John*-|- 16009 Clyveland, John 4- 17713 Cleiveland, John'-)- 17743 Cleveland, John 4- 17791 Cleaveland, John Payne" -)- 2242 Cleveland, John S 4- 18566 Cleveland, John Shult- ERS'-!- 10991 Cleveland, Joseph Gil bert"-!- 14004 Cleveland, Josiah Jud son 4- 7324 Cleveland, Lucian4- 18988 Cleaveland, N.athan" 4- 410 Cleveland, Nathaniel' + "1599 Cleveland, Nicholas' 4" 5164 Cleveland, 0lim"4- 16394 Cleveland, Oliver Ed win" 4- 11012 Cleveland, PoRTER'4-4751 Cleavland, Richard Fal- LEY'-!- 3216 Cleveland, Silas Hall" 4-2386 Cleiveland, Thomas^ + '7715 „ Cleveland, Thomas Par melee'-)- 6739 Cleveland, Washington Cromwell 4- 16386 Cleveland, Wilde Clay ton'-)- 16937 Cleveland, William" 4- 16077 Cleiveland, William' 4- 17724 Cleivel.and, William* H" 17733 Cleiveland, William' 4- 17745 Cleiveland, William" 4- 17761 Cleveland, William Cal loway" -)- 16333 Cleveland, WILLIAM Cal loway'-)- 16336 Cleveland, William Cy rus"-)- 15936 Cleveland, William Henry"-)- 7715 Cleveland, William JOSHUA"-)-8648 Cleveland, William Neal"-)- 8663 Cleaveland, Willis Mil ton"-)- 11455 Cleveland, Winfield SCOTT'4- 17049 Coldwell, William H." 4-1246 Cone, Luther''\- 3087 Cowen, Llewellyn -)- 18708 Coxe, Samuel Hanson'' -\- 32S(^ Darling, Timothy'' -\-6585 Dennison, Samuel Dexter'' 4- 3130 Dodge, David Stuart" 4- 8709 Forbes, Jesse Franklin' -\- 15007 Freeman, Hiram"'\- i-j^q Grant, Lathrop Campbell' -\- 14782 Gray, George Washington'' 4" 5572 Haltock, Charles" -\- 13769 Harding, George" 4- 9278 Hastings, Richard Cleve land'"-^ 14592 Hawley, Atwell Ely"-\- 8978 Hibbard, Oliver Davison'' 4-4377 Hicks, William Cleveland' -|- 14580 Higginson, Thomas Went worth'' 4- 3174 Holman, William Henry' 4-15836 Holt, Spencer Fuller'' 4- 5947 Holt, William Burnham'' -)- 5949 Hovey, Arthur Judson" 4- 10264 Hovey, Edwin Hamilton" 4- 10408 Hovey, George Lewis'' -\- 4318 Hovey, Horace Nelson'' -\-^^^6 Hovey, Simeon Allen"-\- 10163 Hoyt, Samuel RooseveltJohn- son'', under 4- 140 Hyde, Frederick Swartz" 4-8619 Hyde, George Cleveland" -f 8609 Hyde, Melancton Whelpley" -}; 8620 Keith, Cleveland" -)- 8624 Keyes, Calvin" -)^ 1311 Keyes, Joseph Willard-{- 13973 Lambuth, Walter Russell Thornton" -\- 15671 Neary, Philip' -)^ 3677 Newcomb, William. Abram" 4-9290 Nye, Joel Watts" -)- 10497 Payne, Henry Nelson'' -f- 4453 Percy, Thomas'' 4- 17778 Perkins, James Handasyd'' 4-3180 Routh, Robert Franklin'' 4- 16788 Sanborn, Ebenezer Cleve land" 4-2152 Sanderson, Thomas Miller" 4- 10302 Scott, Nelson" ¦\- 9559 Spalding, Voltaire" -)- 2507 Thompson, Kimbro'' -f 16553 Thompson, Shadrach''-\-i6m Titus, John Cleveland'' -\-18663 "Tyng, Dudley Atkins"-\^i$\j Tyng, James Higginson'' 4- 3164 Tyng, Stephen Higginson'' 4-3160 Tyng, Stephen Higginson" 4-8548 Tyng, Theodosius Stevens' 4- 14505 Upjohn, Richard Russell' 4- 14530 Warriner, James Monroe'' + 4189 Warriner, Levi Clark'' 4- 4186 White, Erskine Norman" 4-8716 White, Lorenzo'' -\- 4149 Willis, Dyar'' -f- 4805 Woolery, Willlam Henry'' 4- 16907 Wright, Luclen B.'' -\- 4123 Yarrington, Benjamin Mo- walt", under 4- 140 Young, William He n ry" 4-9268 College Graduates, Adams, Cornelius"-\- 2134 Adams, Daniel" 4- 2137 Adams, James Bradford'' 4-6470 Adams, John Ripley'' -\- 6371 Adams, Ripley Ferklns''-{-6nz Adams, Steaaman"-\- 21^5 Adams, Thomas"-\- 2133 Adams, William''-^- 6373 Allen, William Cleveland" 4-8660 Atkins, Astley'-{- 14499 Atkins, Dudley-Y 3159 Atkins, Francis Higginson" 4-8541 Batchelder, Frederic Per- klns'-\- 1 5026 Beattie, Willlam Edgeworth" ' 4- 17321 Benedict, Cleveland Keith' 4- 14587 Benedict, Ernest Milnor' 4- 14586 Benedict, George Elliot' 4- 14585 Benedict, John Augustus 4- 14.584 Benedict, Samuel Caldwell' 4- 14582 Bisliop, Min n ie Blanche' 4- 14867 Bishop, Raleigh Hall»-\- 9288 Blake, Charles Edward" 4-9127 Blake, Charles Morris'' 4- 3410 Bradford, Alexander War- JieW 4- 6446 Bradford, Ebenezer" 4- 691 Bradford, Ebenezer Green" -)- 2176 Bradford, John Melancthon" 4-2177 Bradford, John Melancthon'' 4- 6447 Bradford, John Merritf 4-6566 Bradford, Merritt" -)- 2210 Bradford, Moses^ -)- 700 Bradford, William'' 4- 690 Brown, Augustus Cleveland'' -FsSsi Brown, Philip King" -)- 14833 Bryant, John'' 4-6688 Bryant, John" -y 13105 Bryant, William Sohier" 4" 13107 Burleigh, William Elizur" 4-9832 Burnett, Isaac Gibson" -)- 11732 Burr, George Lincoln" 4- 12986 Cady, Hamilton' -)- 15762 Cady, Philander Kinney" -\- 12733 Channing, William Henrf 4-3192 Choice, William'' -j- 16701 Clark, Wallace Cleaveland" 4- 13503 SOME. OF THE USEFUL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. 2343 Clarke, Edward'' -)- 7011 Cleveland, Aaron*-)- 120 Cleveland, Alexander Sessums»4- 15342 Cleveland, Augustus Frisbie"-)- 15959 Cleveland, Barnum La fayette" 4- 10825 Cle.aveland, Benjamin Franklin' 4-3277 Clevel.and, Charles' 4-3208 Cleveland, Charles Dex- TER'4- 3219 Cleveland, Charles Dex ter"-)- 14646 Cleveland, Charles Lu- THUK"-)- 10593 Cleveland, Charles Sid ney" -f 17449 Cleveland, Clement' 4-3249 Cleaveland, Ebenezer* Cleveland, Edmund Fran cis Xavier 4- 17933 Cleveland, Edward'4-2ooo Cleveland, Edward Hor ace"-)- 10592 Cleaveland, Edwards Park"-)- 13011 Cleveland, Francis Lan- DON'4- 3256 Cleaveland, Frank Ed ward'-)- 9401 Cleveland, Frederick Krastus"4- 8880 Cleveland, George Clin ton'-)- 5060 Cleveland, George Fred erick'-)- 6103 Cleveland, George Hen- ry»4- 15253 Cle.aveland, George Ne hemiah'-)- 6617 Cleveland,George Wash- INGTON'-h66i3 Cleveland, George Wil liam'-)- 3199 Cleveland, GertrudeMa- ria"4- 11260 Cleveland, Giles But- LER'4- 4645 Cleveland, Guy Kim ball'-)- 4646 Cleveland, HENRY'4-2623 Cleveland, Henry Au- GUSTUS'4- 5856 Cleveland, Henry Bona- PAHTE'4- 5529 Cleveland, Henry Rus sell'-)- 3 194 Cleveland, Hiram"-)- 1636 Cleveland, Ira"-)- 2053 Cleaveland, James Bow doin'-)- 6600 Cleaveland, James Brad- FORD'-f 4019 Cleveland, James But ler"-)- 12034 Cleveland, James Gard- NER'4- 5475 Cleveland, James Har- lan»4- 8797 Cleveland, James Henry' 4- 17844 Cleveland, Jeremiah Cap'." 4- 16645 Cleveland, Jesse Frank lin'-"-)^ 16644 Cleveland,»Jesse Frank- HN»-»4- 17304 Cleaveland, John* 4-233 Cleveland, John'-)- 17B9 CleaVelandJohn'4- 2253 Cleveland, John"-)- 17717 Cleiveland, John' -)- 17743 Cleaveland, John Apple- ton'-)- 6605 Cleveland, John Bomar' -f- 16712 Cleveland, John Jacob' 4- 5297 Cleveland, John Levi' -\- 16867 Cleaveland,'John Payne" 4- 2242 Cleveland, John Smith' „4-55i6 Cleveland, John Stew art"-)- 17446 Cleveland, John Wil liam'-)- 6740 Cleveland, Joseph Gil bert"-)- 14004 Cleaveland, Joseph Man ning'-)- 6616 Cleveland, Land'er" „4- 17447 Cleveland, Leslie Lin- wood"-)- 10079 Cleaveland, Moses Par ker'-)- 6599 Cleaveland, Nathan Smith'-)- 6606 Cleaveland, Nehemiah" 4-2 i49 Cleveland, Newcomb" -)- 11256 Cleveland, Norman" 4- 1592 Cleaveland, Parker' -)- 2240 Cleveland, Richard FALLEY'-)- 3216 Cleveland, Richard JEFFRY'4- 3193 Cleveland, Robert Ma this'-)- 16643 Cleveland, Stephen" -f- 1724 Cleveland, Thomas"-)-i637 Cleiveland, Thomas 2 -f 1771S Cleiveland, Thomas" -)- 17722 Cleiveland, Thomas' + '"46 _ Cleveland, Thom.as Par melee'-)- 6739 Cleveland, Treadwell' -1-8685 Cleiveland, William" -)- 17724 Cleiveland, William* 4- 17733 Cleiveland, William" 4- 17745 Cleiveland, William" 4- 17761 Cleveland, William Cal loway"-)- 16333 Cleveland, William CHARLES'4-3248 Cleveland, William Choice'-)- 16636 Cleveland, William Da vis"-)- 15343 Clevel.and, William Hen- RY"4-77I5 Cleveland, William Neal"4-8663 Cleaveland, William Pitt"-)- 720 Cleaveland, William Pitt'-)- 2300 Cleveland, William Sew- ALL'-|- 3196 Cleveland, William Thomas'-)- 16441 Cleveland, Willis Por ter"-)- 12095 Cone (brothers of Luther''), 4-3087 Cooley, Harlan Ward" 4- 10138 Coxe, Arthur Cleveland'' ^4-3258 Coxe, Ernest Cleveland"-' 4-8808 Coxe, Harry Cleveland"-' 4-8813 Coxe, Samuel Hanson'' A- 3259 Derby, Aaron Cleveland'' -\- 3272 Dodge, Charles Stuart' y- 14680 Dodge, Cleveland Hoadley" 4- 14671 Dodge, William Earl" 4- 14670 Forbes, George Fairfield" 4- 15008 Forbes, Jesse Franklin" 4- 15007 Franklin, Columbus Ber nard'' + 16587 Franklin, Gideon Edwards'' 4- 16586 Franklin Leonidas"-'' -\- 162H Franklin, Richard Gwyn'' + 16583 French, George Alberf 4- 14589 Gilmer, Robert Donald" -f- 17210 Gold, Theodore Sedgwi ck" 4- 8847 Grant, Asahel Henry" -\- 14783 Graves, Bernard Franklin" 4- 17202 Graves, Jesse Franklin'' 4- 16519 Graves, Stephen Porter" -)- 17203 Guernsey, Frank Ward" 4- 10132 Guernsey, Minerva" — 10133 Hastings, Richard Cleve land" -)- 14592 Hawley, Atwell Ely" -)- 8978 Henning, Edwin Charles" 4- 15965 Hicks, DeForest" y 14581 Hicks, George Cleveland" -1-8639 Hicks, George Cleveland" -|- 14588 Hicks, James Milnor" 4- 8638 Hicks, William Cleveland" + 8635 Hicks, William Cleveland' -j- 14580 Higginson, Alexander Gris wold" 4- 8593 Higginson, Charles May- nard" 4- 8591 Higginson, Edward" -}- 8571 Higginson, Francis John'' 4- 3167 Higginson, Henry" -)- 1099 Higginson, Thomas Went worth'' 4-3174 Higginson, Waldo'' 4- 3170 Hubbard, Rollin Barnard" 4- 15970 Hyde, Frederick Swartz" 4-8619 Hyde, George Cleveland" 4-8609 Jeffords, Willlam Henry" 4-7782 Judson, Harry Pratt" -\- 8759 Keith. Cleveland" -)- 8624 Keith, Reuel"-\- 8623 Keyes, Jolm" 4- 2534 Keyes, John Shepard'' 4- 7466 ^344 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Keyes, Joseph Boyden''-\- Ttfiq Keyes, Prescott" -j- 13981 Lambuth, Walter Russell Thornton" -)- 15671 McAllister, George Isaac" under -4- 6672 McCormick, Edward'-\- 15366 Marpe, Caroline Harriet" 4- 8021 Marpe, Harriet Loretta" 4- 14247 Marquand, Philip -\- 14485 Meacham, Franklin Adams" -j- 9103 Miller, Craig Carltony-itjiy. Morse, Hosea Ballou" -\- 93^7 Morse, Augustus'' -^ 4794 Morse, Augustus"-]- 11142 Moulton, Wil lis ton Jay" -)- 12690 Newcomb, Willlam Abram" 4-9290 Percy, Henry''-]- 17774 Percy, Thomas" -\- 17762 Perkins, Henry''-\- 6685 Pratt, Henry Cleveland" 4-8750 Pratt, Robert James"-\- 8764 Pratt, William Hall Brace" 4-8752 Quarles, George McDuffie'' 4- 16759 Quarles, William Lowndes'' -\- 16762 Reynolds, Azra Hibbard'' 4-5003 Rhoades, Lewis Addison " 4- 13529 Rhoades, Mary Prentice" -\- 13530 Ries, Heinrich"-]-^ 14490 Roberson, William Cleve land" 4- 11250 Routh, Eugene Coke" 4- 17412 Rowell, William Sinclair' 4- '7655 Savage, Charles Albert" -j- 14822 Sherman, Lewis"-\- 12074 Smith, Benjamin Cleveland" 4- 17273 Smith, Cleveland Hough ton" -t^ 15986 Smith, William Green'' -\- 16609 SouU, Albert Lee"-h 11263 SouU, Edward Everett" 4" 11264 Soule, Frank"-\- 11266 SouU, Robert Spencer"-\-T.-L267 Stedman, Arthur"-]- 14703 Stedman, Edmund Clarence" 4- 8722 'Tyler, Rollin Usher"-]- 14407 Tyler, Warren'-]- 14406 Tucker, Gilbert milligan" 4-8777 Tyng, Alexander Griswold" -1-8544 Tyng, Charles Rockland" 4- 8550 'lyng, Dudley Atkins" -)- 8543 'Tyng, George''-]- 3162 Tyng, George Mc Alpine " 4- 14525 Tyng, James Alexander » 4- 14509 Tyng, James Higginson ' + 3164 Tyng, Morris Ashhurst " 4-8549 Tyng, SewaU Tappan'-]- 14519 Tyng, Stephen Higginson" 4-8548 Tyng, Stephen Higginson" 4- 14506 Tyng, Stephen Higginson " 4- 14518 Tyng, Theodosius Stevens" 4- 14505 Upjohn, Richard Russell' + 14530 Wadhams, Raymond Lynde" Al?'''' 'alker, Frederick Bryant" 4- 14540 Walker, Maria Bartholow" Ar'''' alker, Russell Tyng" 4- 14539 Ward, Irving"-]- 14514 Ward, Walworth'-]- 14513 Waterbury, James Montau- devert"-]- 11683 W aterman, Thomas''-]- 5342 Watkins, Alfred Moore" 4- 16298 Watkins, Harvey Cleveland " 4- 16296 Waugh, Luther Graves " 4- 17200 Webb, Frederick Cleaveland" 4- Appendix Wellman, Henry Cleveland" 4-8828 Whedon, Charles Ogden " 4- .12059 White, Erskine Norman " + 8716 Woolery, Joseph Fenton ' 4- 16912 Woolery, Kirby Smith'' 4- 16914 Woolery, Lewis Gz.yj'4-16910 Woolery, William Henry'' 4- 16907 Wyly, - James Rutherford" 4- 16219 Young, William Henry" 4- 9268 College JPresidents. Adams, William''-]- 6373 Woolery, William Henry" -)- 16907 College Frofessors, Benedict, Ernest Milnor " 4- 14586 Cady, Philander Kinney " 4- 12733 Cleveland, Charles Dex ter' 4- 3219 Cleaveland, Parker' 4- 2240 Cleveland, William Charles'-!- 3248 Cleveland, William Henry' 4-5309 Hastings, Charles Sheldon -)- 17980 Hicks, William Cleveland" 4-8635 Judson, Harry Pratt"-]- 8759 Marks, William Dennis" 4- 1 1064 Newberry, Spencer Baird" J- 14765. Tyng, Morris Ashhurst " Wool roolery, Joseph Fenton'' -j- 16912 Woolery, Lewis Cass''-]- 16910 Woolery, William Henry ' -]- 16907 Young, Willia m Henry " 4-9268 Doctors. Adams, Anson Titus 4- 18700 Adams, Lucius Smith''-]- 3377 Atkins, Dudley'' 4- 31S9 Atkins, Francis Higginson" -F854I Bethel, Louis Prentiss' -)- 14460 Beeler, David'' -)- 16724 Benedict, Samuel Caldwell' 4- 14582 Bivings, James Cleveland'' 4- 16714 Blake, Charles Edward" -)-9l27 Blake, Charles Lambert" 4- 1061S Blake, Charles Morris'' 4-3410 Blyth, Stephen Cleveland" + 1125 Boies, Tohn Franklin'' -)- 5646 Boyd,James Pendleton Wells'' 4- 14476 Bradford, Henry" -f 2182 Bradford, Theron'' -f- 6570 Bradford, William'' -)- 6571 Brooks, Myrtie" -)- 11349 Brophy, Reuben Cleveland'' 4-6878 Brown, Charlotte Amanda'' (Blake) -H 9128 Bryant, Henry'' -j- 6693 Bryant, John" -]-_i3ios Burleigh, William Elizur"' 4-9832 Burnette, Edward Worth ington'' -y 5307 Burr, William Josiah''-]- 6t,7i, Callender, Charles' -)- 15944 Clark, Wallace Cleaveland" 4- 13503 Cleveland, * [doctor] 4-284 Cleveland, [doctor] 4- 19552 Cleveland, [surgeon] 4- 17812 Cleveland, A.-)- 17962 Cleveland, ALLEN«-f 16393 Cleveland, Anthony Benezet"-!- 1114 Cleveland, Barnum La- fayette"4- 10825 Cleveland, Benjamin' ^ + 398 Cleaveland, Benjamin Franklin'-)- 3277 Cleveland, Charles Dex ter"-)- 8673 Cleveland, Charles Douglas'-)- 4901 Cleaveland, Charles Harley'-)- 6724 Cleveland, Charles Lu ther"-)- 10593 Cleveland, Chester Ed- WIN'4- 4833 C^LEVELAND, CLEMENT' „ 4- 3249 Cleaveland, Daniel AtHEARN"-)-7774 Cleveland, e. 0.4- 18181 Cleveland, Edmund Francis Xavier4- 17933 Cleveland, Edward San ford'-)- 7090 Cleveland, Edward Sherburne'-)- 6092 Cleveland, Elijah' 4- 4570 Cleveland, Elisha Whit tlesey'-)- 1363 Cleveland, Ephraim Marsh'-)- 4253 Cleveland, Frank Pe- REze4- 9691 Cleveland, Fred Lee" „ 4- 14153 ¦ Cleveland, George Clin- TON'-f 5060 SOME OF THE USEFUL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. 2345 Cleveland, George H. 4- 18404 Cleveland, George Hen ry"-)- 15253 Cleveland, George Washington 4- 18696 Cleveland, H. H.-)- 18440 Cleveland, Hiram' -)- 1636 Cleveland, JIiram Ed ward'-)- 4904 Cleveland, J. C.-)- 18545 D, J. T. 0^4-18567 James Cleveland,Cleveland, 4-16983 Cleaveland, James Wil son"-)- 13132 Cleveland, J e r e m ia h , Cap'-84- 16645 Cleveland, Jesse Frank lin'-)- 16711 Cleveland, John"- Cleveland, John»- Cleveland, John Cleveland, John 4-7328 Cleveland, John F.-)-i886: Cleveland, John Frede- ric'4- 3362 Cleveland, EL-)- 19074 Cleveland, 4- 16867 Cleveland, John Lemu- JOHN Levi' John Poin dexter"-)- 16319 Cleveland, John Smith' 45516 Cleveland, John T.-)- 18871 Cleaveland, Joseph Man ning'-)- 6616 Cleveland, Joseph Mims" -)- 16969 Cleveland, Josiah' 4- 6356 Cleveland, L. J.-)- 18947 Cleveland, M. L.-)- 19000 Cleveland, Morgan Holmes'-)- 6905 Cleaveland, Moses Par ker'-)- 6599 Cleaveland, . Nehemiah' 4-706 Cleveland, Norman' 4-1592 Cleaveland, PARKER'4-703 Cleveland, Percy E. „+ 19145 Cleveland, Peter'-!- 19076 Cleveland, Robert Eas ley'-)- 16263 Cleveland, Samuel MCC0SKRY8+ 8682 Cleveland, Sumner Al len'4- 10583 Cleveland, THOMAS'4-1637 Cleveland,Thomas Gold" 4- 8853 Cleaveland, Trumbull WlLLIAMS'4- 6638 Cleveland, Warner' 4- 5556 Cleveland, William „+ 19313 Cleveland, William .4-19364 Cleveland, William Cal loway'-!- 16333 Cleveland, William Frederick-)- 17827 Cleveland,Wilham Hen- RY'4- 1042 Cleveland, William Knapp'-|^ 3360 Cleveland, William Phelps-!- 18693 Cleveland, William Pitt'4- 1130 Cleveland, William Pitts"-)- 14052 Cleveland, William Rush'-)- 4923 Cleveland, Woodbury Fremont"-)- 14092 Cockerille, Americus'' -)- 16901 Cockerille, Samueljohnstone'' 4- 16903 Coleman, James R." -)- 16357 Cotton, Alfred Cleveland'' 4- 6052 Coxe, Ernest Cleveland"-' 4-8808 Davidson, Rexford'' -)- 3139 Day, Charles Oliver" -)- 9845 Derby, Aaron Cleveland'' + 3272 , Dibble, Martha Hutch ins' (Cleveland) -)- 6093 Durkee, John fF."-)- 9891 Emery, Frederic Wilbur" -)- 10360 Fox, Charles James'' -] 3581 Fox, John" 4-1219 Franklin, Benjamin"-]- 16173 Franklin, Benjamin'' -]¦ 16549 Franklin, Marcus A."-'' -)- 16216 Franklin, William E.'' 4- 16567 Franklin, Willis" -)- 16175 Gaylord, Courtlandt Hilli- ard"-]- 14770 Gold, James Douglas'-]- 14748 Hanford, Willlam James" 4- "237 Harding, George Johnson'' 4- 3540 Harding, William Stenning'' -|-3543 Higginson, Francis J 0 hn'' -f 3167 Holt, Ellas Cleveland'' -)- 5946 Hovey, Ariel Burnham" 4- 10253 , Da t, ( - 12714 Hovey, Danief -)- 4311 Howlet, George Cleveland" Huntington, George Fred eric" 4- 8690 Johnson, Rufus" -{- 2429 Lambuth, Walter Russell Thornton" -)- 15671 Look, Frank Byron'' -)- 14177 Lord Abiel Hovey'' -)- 4335 McCrillus, Emery Cleveland" 4-8915 McCrillus, Samuel Brown" 4- 8884 Meacham, Franklin Adams" -j- 9103 Miner, William Hassle Otis Hamilton'' -)^ 3622 Morgan, Daniel'' -)- 6378 Morse, Edward Augustus" -)- 11140 Newberry, Cleveland Gay lord'-]- 14763 Newell, Herbert Llewellyn" 4- 10397 Payne, John" 4- 1466 Perkins, Henry'' -)- 6685 Peirce, Edward" -)- 8024 Pond, Dan'' 4-3933 Pond, Horace Ransom"-]-qsii Pratt, William Hall Brace" 4-8752 Reynolds, Azra Hibbard'' 4" 5003 Rhoades, Sumner'' -)- 7009 Ricardo, Norton Cleveland" 4- 8123 Richards, George W.i -)-3o8i Rix, Lyman" -)- 1971 Root, Simeon Pliny''-]- 4185 Root, William'' -)- 4184 Rupert, Mary Harriet" (Cleveland) 4- 14032 Sangster, John Warren 4" 3632 Sherman, Lewis" 4- 12074 Simpson, Edward Mortimer'' 4- 3076 Smith, Elliott Iverson'' 4- 16614 Smith, George Cleveland'' 4-4682 Smith, Henry Melville'' 4-4684 Smith, John B.'' ¦]- 4742 Smith, Peter Seward'' -)- 4673 Smith, Russell Mansfield'' 4-4815 Spalding, Andrew" -)- 2501 Stone, Harry Branch"-]- 17693 Storrs, Charles F."-]- 13616 Storrs, Justus" -)- 754 Strong, Charles' -]- 14409 Sutherland, William^-]- 4519 Thayer, William Cleveland" 4- 8819 Thompson, Kimbro''-]- 16553 Tucker, Willis Gaylord-]-i77i Tuttle, John Laton" 4-9768 Tyng, Anita .£'."4-8552 Usher, James"-]-_ 1062 Usher, Nathaniel"^- 1057 Usher, Robert"-]- 349 Ward, Spencer'' 4^3952 Washburn, Laurentus Con stantine"-]- 13323 Washburn, William Wal lace"-]- 13325 Waterman, Thomas''-]- 5342 Watkins, Ilarvey Cleveland" 4- 16296 Watkins, Reese Kelso''-]-i6796 Whitney, George Washing ton"-]- 11229 Winchester, Robert Fulton" + 9115 Wright, Abiel Lord'-]-t$««] Bouchet' s French History ; the third from memo rials of the Courtenays of Devonshire.') CLEVELAND, Rev. G. A. +18309. Correspondent of Cape Ann Advertiser — N. Y. Times, July 21, 1883. CLEVELAND, GEORGE' +1104. Extracts copied from interleaved Almanacs of James Jeffry, Esq., in possession of George Cleveland, Esq. By George A. Ward : in Historical Collections of Essex Institute, II, p. 64. First Voyage to Japan. By J. F. Alien, compiled from journal of George Cleveland : Ibid, II, p. 166. CLEAVELAND, GEORGE AARON +18342. American landmarks, collection of pictures of our country's historic shrines, with descriptive index, by George Aaron Cleve land and Robert Campbell, 1894. 111. 4° CLEVELAND, GEORGE FREDERICK' +6178. Reporter of The Comet, Providence, R. I., 1883. CLEVELAND, Rev. GEORGE HULL' +10576. Christ, the World's Great Light ; synopsis of sermon BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2365 preached by Rev. G. H. Cleveland, Ocean Grove, N. J., Oct. 15, 1882 : in Ocean Grove Record, Oct. 28, 1882. Address, S. S. Anniversary Presbyterian church. May 20, 1883, noticed in : Asbury Park [N. J.] Journal, May 26, 1883. CLEAVELAND, Rev. GEORGE WASHINGTON' +6613. Speak evil of no m2x\.— Titus 3 : 2: in George Washington Cleaveland * A Biographical Sketch, Together with His Last Sermon, p. II to p. 17. CLEVELAND, Hon. GILBERT MARSH' +12455. Editor of Holt County Banner, Vol. I, 1883, O'Neill City, Neb. CLEVELAND, Hon. GROVER' +8666. Helped prepare (about 1854) the volumes of, and acknowl edgment of his services therefor : in a work known as [Lewis Falley] Allen's American Herd Book, Allen «fe [W. T.] Bailey, publishers, Buffalo, N. Y., V, preface. The Letters of Acceptance. Grover Cleveland, Buffalo, Oct. 7, 1882, [to] Hon. Thomas C. E. Ecclesine, Chairman : in The People's Cause! For Governor [portrait] Grover Cleveland. For Lt.-Gov., David B. Hill. For Congressman-at- Large, Gen. Henry W. Slocum. For Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, Wil liam C. Ruger. Election, Tuesday, Nov. 7. i6°,J>p. 8. p. 2 to p. 5. Mayor Cleveland a Reformer and an Economist : in same, p. 8. Documents: in "Public Office a Public Trust" [portrait] Gro ver Cleveland. The Open Record of An Honest Man. Good and Pure Government Lies at the Foundation of the Progress and Pros perity of Every Community [1884]. 8°, pp. 36.' p. 4-36.' The Life and Public Services of Grover Cleveland, with in cidents of his early life, and an account of his rise to eminence in his profession ; also containing his address and official docu ments as mayor of Buffalo and Gov. of N. Y. By Frederick E. Goodrich [1884]. Messages, letters, etc. : in Stephen Grover Cleveland, A Sketch of his Life. To which is appended a short account of the life of Thomas Andrews Hendricks. By Deshler Welch, N. Y. John W. Lovell Co. [1884, No. 427 Lovell's Library]. President's message, 1887, illustrated by Thomas Nast. (Edition de luxe), 1888, sq.°. Same, with annotations, by Rich ard R. Bowker (No. 48 of series: Questions of the day, published by George P Putnam's Sons). Principles and Purposes of Our Form of Government, as set forth in Public Papers of Grover Cleveland. Compiled by Francis Gottsberger, New York, 1892. 8°, pp. 187. The Writings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland, Selected and Edited, With an Introduction, by George F. Parker. New York [1892]. 8°, pp. 571. Same : Edition de Luxe, large paper, limited to 200 num bered copies. CLEVELAND, GUY KIMBALL' +4646. All hail ! great valley of the West : poem in Hamilton College, 2366 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. History of the Perry H. Smith Library Hall, with Commemorative Exercises held July 18, 1866, 1872, p. 13. Editor 5 years of Mankato [Minn.] Union. CLEVELAND, HAROLD IRWIN' +10930. Journalist always. Contributor to Magazies, Eastern and ¦ Western, Minn., Dak., Mont, newspapers. Poem : in Chicago Currant, Feb. 2, 1884. Editor and Proprietor of The Hastings Weekly Union, from about Sept., 1883 [Mar., 1884]. Reporter: of Pioneer Pi ess, St. Paul, Minn., 1885. CLEVELAND, HELEN M. +18808. First term's work in reading: apian and reader for teach ing young children to read. 1888, 12°, pap. - Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, Boston and N. Y. \American Catalogue, by F :\^rederick] Leypoldt, i8pi.] CLEVELAND, HENRY — see Cleveland, Rev. Henry Whitney' +11998. CLEVELAND, HENRY JONES' +2712. In charge of monetary, stock, and commercial reports, i860 to 1883, etc.: in Boston Daily Evening Traveller. CLEVELAND, HENRY RUSSELL' +3194. Treatise on the Classical Education of Boys, ab. 1831, Class ical Studies, 1834. Origin and Progress of Music : 2 papers in New England Magazine, July, Aug., 1833. My Journal : 2 papers in same, Sept., Oct., J835. Copyright : 3 papers in Am. Month. Mag., Feb., Mar., Oct., 1837. Faith in dress : in North American Review, July, 1838. Missions at the Sandwich Islands : in Christ. Exam., Nov., 1838. Sallust — English notes, 12°, 1838. Life of Henry Hudson: in The Library of American Biogra phy. Conducted by Jared Sparks. Boston and London, i83p. 12°, X, p. 183 to p. 162 ; Harper's School Library, i83p. 12°, 1847, LXXIX J in Mass. School Library, i83p. 12°, V ; 1848, 16°; 1864, 12°. A Letter to Hon. Daniel Webster on Destruction of the steamer Lexington, 1840. 8°, pp. 46. Another Ed. Cholera ; translated from the French. [Pamphlet.] Address before the Harvard Musical Association, 1840. 8°. Selection from the writings of Henry R. Cleveland. With a Memoir by George S[tillman] Hillard. Printed for Private' Distribution, 1844, post 8°, pp. 384. I, Contributions to Periodi cal Literature : Felton's Homer ; Politics of Europe ; Classic Mythology ; American Architecture ; Music of Nature ; Spen ser's Poetical Works ; Scenes in Europe ; De Diabolo. CLEVELAND, Rev. HENRY WHITNEY' +11998. Chief Editor: of Daily Constitutionalist, Augusta, Ga., 1859. Editor: of Daily Press, Augusta, Ga., 1865. Alexander H. Stephens in Public and Private, with Letters and Speeches, before, during, and since the war. By Henry BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2367 Cleveland. 8°, pp. 833, illustrated. Another Ed., with differ ent steel portrait of Hon. A. H. Stephens. Contributor: to Harper's Weekly, and Harper's publications, 1867-8; to Examiner, 1867; to Daily Star, N. Y., to 1879; and to other papers. One of the three editors of Appleton's Journal, N. Y., 1869. Storm and Sunset : in XIX Century Magazine, Charleston, S. C, 1870. Went to England, 1871, and wrote for Good Words and other magazines, and wrote Entranced, a religious novel. New York Tribune, No. 13. "Novel" Extras. Every Novel in this series is complete and unabridged. Drifted by the Sea; or the Child Crusoe. Folio, pp. 28, copyright 1877. Seal and Clay. Fortunes of the Margraves. Children's Night Entertainment. Compiled a Volume of his Poems (some of these are unpublished). Eva. The Heiress. Editor: of Southern Musical Journal [Savannah, Ga.] from 1881; of Florida Dispatch, organ of the Savannah, Florida & Western R. R., from 1881; of Daily Post Appeal [Atlanta, Ga.] (M. E. Thornton, pres. Post Appeal Pub. Co.) from Aug. 15, 1882. A Southern Statesman (illus.): in The Continent, Philadel phia, Pa., 1883, 77/ .-577. Literary editor: of Courier- Journal [Louisville, Ky.J 1884. Gen. Grant's Militarv Abilities : in Magazine of American History, Oct., 1883. Story illustrating the devotion of an old slave to his young mistress : in The Southern Bivouac, April, 1887. CLEAVELAND, HENRY WILLIAM' +6618. [Rubricated title] : Village and Farm Cottages. Illustrated with One Hundred Engravings. [Title]: Village and Farm Cottages. The requirements of American Village Homes, con sidered and suggested : with Designs for such houses of mod- derate cost. By Henry W. Cleaveland, William Backus, and Samuel D. Backus. New York, 1856. 8°, pp. 189. Ed. 1864. Cleaveland, H. W., and W. and Backus, S. D. Cottage and Farm Architecture. loo eng., 8° \_Leypoldt, 1880]. CLEVELAND, Rev. HORACE AGARD' +5473. Discourse by Dr. H. A. Cleveland: in Chicago Times, 1875. Golden Sheaves from the field of Ancient and Modern Lit erature. In print 1876. Address at Boston bef. June 23, 1878. Our Twelfth Memorial Day — oration : in Household Gazette, Taunton, Mass., June 3, 1880. The Christian Religion ; sermon : in Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Mar. 7, 1881. Sermon [Dec. 24, 1883] in Covenant Church — Art Thou He that should come, or look we for another : in Herald, Reading, Pa., 1883. CLEVELAND, HORACE GILLETTE' +4480. Articles in prose and verse : in Knickerbocker Magazine (L. Gaylord Clark, editor), 1855 to 1857. Absent from thee : poem in Waverly Magazine, 1877. 2368 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Absent from thee, by H. G. Cleveland. Dedicated to Anna M. Cleveland, Chicago, 111. 4°, pp. 6 [Sheet Music], Composed by H. G. Cleveland. Arr. for Piano and Guitar, by T. J. Fin ney. Copyright 1880 by Thomas J. Finney. Absent from thee, 8°, pp. i. A Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a great-grandson of Moses Cleveland of Woburn, Mass., and a native of Canterbury, Windham County, Conn. With an Appendix. Compiled by his great-grandson, Horace Gillette Cleveland. " Cultus maj'o- rum, nepotum praisidium." Chicago : Printed for the Compiler, 1879. 8°, pp. 260. [Photograph of Oren Cleveland. Taken at Ninety. Plate of Cleveland arms. Plate of Allen arms.] Another edition, pp. 76. Springer and Reed Families : in Geauga Republican [Chardon, O.], Mar. 2p, 1882. " Little Mountain." An Enthusiastic Visitor's version of "The Blue Alsatian- Mountains": in Cleveland, O., Sunday Sun, July 30, 1882. Contributor to Cleveland Herald, 1883. Genealogical notes of the Barnes Family : in Geauga Repub lican [Chardon, O.], Oct. 3, 17, 24, 1883. In Memoriam. A Tribute to Edwin R. Andrews of Rock- port : in Cleveland Leader, June 4, 1884. Good Stock. What kind of people the forefathers of Grover Cleveland were : in Chicago Telegram, July 12, 1884. Excerpts from Genealogical Records ; showing Lineage of Hon. Grover Cleveland. 4°, pp. 4. [Noticed in N. E. Histori cal and Genealogical Register, XXXVIII : 1884, p. 460-1.] An account of the lineage of General Moses Cleaveland of Canterbury (Windham County), Conn. The Founder of the City of Cleveland, Ohio (with Portrait). Compiled by his Kins man, H. G. Cleveland. Also a sketch of his Life, from the January (1885) number of the Magazine of Western History, by Hon. Harvey Rice. Cleveland, O., 1885. 4°, pp. 14. [Engrav ings.] Cleiveland. The Genealogy of the Cleivelands of Hinckley, in Leicestershire, England. Communicated by H. G. Cleve land, Esq., of Cleveland, O.: in The N E. Historical and Genea logical Register, XXXIX : p. 212 to p. 216. The Cleivelands of Leicestershire, England. [Reprinted from The N. E. His. Gen. Reg., April, 1885?^ 8°, pp. 7. Excerpts from the Hitchcock Genealogy. Compiled for the Register by H. G. Cleveland, Esq., of Cleveland, O.: in N. E. His. and Gen. Reg., XL : p. 307 to p. 3op. Excerpts from the Hitchcock Genealogy. By H. G. Cleve land, Esq., of Cleveland, O. [Reprinted from The N. E. His. Gen. Reg., July, i88d.] 8°, pp. 3. Genealogical notes of the Clapp Families of Huntsburgh, Geauga Co., O. : in Geauga Republican, Mar. 10, Apr. 7, 21, 1886. Genealogical notes of the Bridgman Family : in Geauga Re publican, July 14, 1886. Genealogical notes of the Pomeroys : in Geauga Republican, Aug. II, Sept. 22, 1886. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2369 The old spring (Poem read at Cleveland Family reunion): in Geauga Republican, Sept. 7, 1887, and in this Genealogy, p. 636. THE GENEALOGY OF THE CLEVELAND and CLEAVELAND FAMILIES AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE, IN BOTH THE MALE AKD THE FEMALE LINES, THE POSTERITY OF MOSES" CLEVELAND WHO CAME FROM IPSWICH, COUNTY SUFFOLK, ENGLAND, ABOUT 1635, WAS OF WOBURN, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS; OF ALEXANDER! CLEVELAND OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA ; AND OF ANCIENT AND OTHER CLEVELANDS IN ENGLAND, AMERICA, AND ELSEWHERE; WITH NUMEROUS BIOGRAPHI CAL SKETCHES; AND CONTAINING ANCESTRIES OF MANY OF THE HUSBANDS AND WIVES ALSO A Bitlloaranbv «f tht eiev«Iattd Tatnilv AND A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF Edward Winn of Woburn, and of Other Winn Families COMPILED BY Edmund Janes' Cleveland AND Horace Gillette' Cleveland Tiiustrated IN THREE VOLUMES Vol. I, Vol. II, and Vol. Ill HARTFORD, CONN. ^PriiiiflB for fga ^u6j3Cri6 Brothers, 1840. [Harpers' Family Library, No. CXI), 16°, pp. 316. p. 303 to p. 304. The I Flowers Personified | Being a Translation of Grand- vill's I " Les Fleurs Animees." | By N. Cleaveland, Esqr. | Illus trated with Steel Engravings I Beautifully Colored. | New York, 1847. [2 Vols.] pp. 385, royal 8°. [Another title at end : 1849.] [Followed by and bound up with]: Modern Botany | for | Ladies I and I Ladies' Horticulture | By | Cte. FCELIX | Translated from the French by N. Cleaveland. pp. 152, 8, [Illus.]. Green-Wood | Illustrated | in highly finished line Engrav ings I from Drawings taken on the spot | by James Smillie. | With I Descriptive Notices | by Nehemiah Cleaveland | N. Y., R. Martin, 1847. 4°, pp. 94, and 4 pp. subscriber's names, 18 steel plates. [6 numbers, 1846-7] [Part 6 : Green- Wood. Price 50 Cents. I The | Rural Cemeteries | of America | Illustrated | * * Green-wood, N. Y. ; Mt. Auburn, Boston; Laurel Hill, Phila.; Green Mt., Balto.; Mt. Hope, Rochester; Albany Rural Cem., etc.]. Green- Wood : A Directory for Visitors, 1847. Ed. 1848. Green-Wood : A Directory for Visitors. | By N. Cleaveland | [Motto] N. Y., 1849, sm. 8°, pp. 233, 167 Engravings. [Part II : Biographical Notices ; Part III : History of Green-wood, Regu lations, Catalogue of Lot Owners.] Editions: 1850,1851; 1852, pp.302. Map, 116 Engravings [no Lot Owners]; 1852, 12", pp. 270; 1852 [no Biographical notices]. Rules and Regulations of the Green-Wood Cemetery, 1847. Ed. 1848. Rules and Regulations of the Green-Wood Ceme tery ; with a Catalogue of Proprietors. And Mr. Cleaveland's Descriptive Notices of " Green-Wood Illustrated " [Motto] 1849, pp.64, 27. Editions: 1850, 1851; 1852, pp.302; 1853, '4, '6, '8, '60; 1862, Rules and Regulations [no Descriptive Notices]; 1863, etc.. Rules and Reg. [no Cataloge of Pro.]; 1863, etc., with a Catalogue of Pro., pp. 145. Hints Concerning Green-Wood ; its Monuments and Im provements. By N. Cleaveland. N. Y., 1853. Sm. 8°, pp. 44. Financial Report of Green-Wood, 1861, pp. 94. Eds. 1862, '3. Green- Wood Cemetery: A History of 'I'he Institution from 1838 to 1864. By Nehemiah Cleaveland. With Illustrations. N. Y., 1866. [Rubricated title] 8°, pp. 233. Map [engravings, tinted paper]. Address delivered before the New England Society of Brooklyn, N. Y.,. Dec. 21, 1849, by Nehemiah Cleaveland. Pub lished by the Society, pp. 37- An I Address | Delivered at | Topsfield | in Massachusetts | Aug. 28, 1850 I the Two hundredth Anniversary | of the | In corporation I of the Town | by Nehemiah Cleaveland | [Motto] N. Y., 1851, pp. 74 (portrait of John Endicott); Appendix, pp. .39 (portraits of Nehemiah Cleaveland, M.D., Gov. Simon Brad- 2380 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. street, and Mrs. Alethea Huntington). [Noticed in N. E. H. G. Reg., XIII: 268.] Hymn, by Nehemiah Cleaveland [sung at 2Qoth anniv.]: in Address at Topsfield ; verses in Wm. Allen's Bio. Die, 237. The Prince of Orators, by N. Cleaveland, Esq. Brooklyn : in The Christian Parlor Book, Devoted to Science, Literature, ani Religion, VI, N. Y., 1830, p. 307. Address delivered on board the U. S. M. S. S. Arago, at sea, July s, 1858, in commemoration of the 82d Anniversary of American Independence. Paris : Printed by E. Priere. pp. 28. The I First Century | of | Dummer Academy. | A | Histori cal Discourse, | delivered at | Newbury, Byfield Parish, | Aug. 12, 1863. I With an Appendix. | By Nehemiah Cleaveland. | Boston, 1865. 8°, pp. 71, XLIII [Noticed: Essex Ins. Col, VII: 20; N. E. H. G. Reg., XIX : 287; XXIII: sp; Bibliography of the Local History of Mass., by Mr. Jeremiah Colbuni]. Address delivered at Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 27, 1865, before the Essex Agricultural Society. Pub. by order of the Soc. 8°, pp. 42. Transactions of Essex Ag. Soc, 1865, with the Annual Ad dress, by Nehemiah Cleaveland. Pub. by order of the Soc. 8° [Address: pp. 31]. Journal [written 1758, while chaplain Gen. [James] Aber- crombie's army] of Rev. John Cleaveland, edited by his grand son, Nehemiah Cleaveland : in Historical Collections of Essex In stitute, XII : 83-103, 179-196; XIII : 33-63. [Address of Nehemiah Cleaveland, LL.D.] to respond to the first toast — "Our Alma Mater: the nursery of men": in First Annual Reunion of the Boivdoin Alumni Association of N. Y. At Delmonico's, Jan. 19, 1871. Reported by M. J. Kelly, Stenogra pher. Illustrated by eight steel engravings from the forthcoming His tory of the College, by N. Cleaveland, LL.D. 8°, pp. 71. p. 18 to p. 24. Address made at the Opening of the [Parker] Cleaveland Cabinet of Bowdoin College, July 10, 1873. By Nehemiah Cleaveland. With an Appendix. Boston, 1873. 8°, pp. 35,. photograph. History | of | Bowdoin College | with | Biographical Sketches | of its | Graduates | from 1806 to 1879, inclusive. | By I Nehemiah Cleaveland, | Class of 1813. | Edited and Com pleted I By I Alpheus Spring Packard, | Class of 1816. | Boston I James Ripley Osgood & Company. | 1882, 8°, pp. 905 [Noticed: N. E. H. G. Reg., XXXVII: it 4, 321-3.] CLEVELAND, Miss OLIVE' +2391— see Clarke, Mrs. Olive" (Cleveland). CLEVELAND, Elder OLIVER EDWIN' +11012. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. [Com munication, dated: Annex, Va., Aug. 22, 1881.] Cleveland — At Annex, July 31, 1884, Sr. Sarah Eliza Cleve land : in The Saints' Herald, Joseph Smith, Editor, Lamoni, loiua, Aug. 23, 1884 [Official Paper of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Published every Saturday,, 1882-4]. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2381 Contributor : to Zion's Hope ; &n6.The Sunday-school and Child's Paper [of the Reorganized Church], both published at Lamoni. CLEVELAND, Hon. ORESTES' +5470. Reports of the Commissioners & Engineer on the proposed County Avenues in Hudson co., N. J.; Accompanied by Maps and Proposed Act. In Accordance with an Act by Legislature of N. J. Jersey City, 1869. 8°, pp. 48. Map Showing Proposed Roads. Commissioners : J. H. Bonn, Pres., Orestes Cleveland, William Clarke, John R. Mullany, Abraham W. Duryee, Patrick McNulty, H. M. Traphagen. Views of the Minority of the Committee on Manufactures, presented by Mr. Cleveland, Washington, May 20, 1870. Wash ington Gov. Printing Of., 1870. 8°, pp. 59. [Signed : O, Cleve land, Rep. 5th Dist., N. J.; John M. Rice, 9th Dist., Ky.] Views of the Minority. Mr. Cleveland, from the minority, presented the following, etc.: in 41st Congress, 2d Session] House of Representatives. Report No. 72. Examination of statements in the report of special commissioner of re7)enue. 8°. p. 66 to p. 162 [the end]. On the Report of the Committee of conference on the bill (H. R. No. 2045) to reduce internal taxes. The Minority Re port of the Committee on Manufactures — Mr. Morrell's so- called Speech on " Protection and -Free Trade — Position of Parties," as printed in the Globe, July 15, 1870. Speech of Hon. Orestes Cleveland of N. J., in House of Rep., July 15, 1870. 8°, pp. 8. [Congressional document.] Speeches of The President pro tempore (Mr. [O.] Cleveland of N. J.), addressed to his Fellow Commissioners : in The Na tional Celebration of the Centennial Anniv. of indep. of U. S. by an International Universal Exhib.j to be held in Phila. 1876. Report to Congress by U. S. Centennial Commission, Feb., 1873 * Proceedings of Commission. Compiled by H. D. J. Pratt. Washington Gov. Pr. 0., 1873. 8°, pp. 217. p. 59 and p. 63, etc. Report of the New -Jersey Commissioners on the Centennial Exhibition. Printed by Authority. Trenton, N. J., Naar, Day & Naar, 1877. 8°, pp. 423. Illustrations, maps. [N. J. State Commission, Orestes Cleveland one of the National Commis sioners, p. 3.] CLEAVELAND, Prof. PARKER' +2240. An Address | Delivered at Brunswick, Apr. 27, 1814, | Before the I Brunswick, Topsham, & Harpswell Society ; | for the Sup pression of Intemperance j *^ | By Parker Cleveland, A.M., I Professor of Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy, | in Bowdoin College [Motto]. Boston. Printed by Chester Steb bins, 1814. 8°, pp. 20. An I Elementary Treatise | on | Mineralogy and Geology, | being an | Introduction to the Study of these Sciences, | and designed | for the use of pupils, — for persons attending lectures I on these subjects, — and as a companion for | Travellers | in | the United States of America. | Illustrated by Six Plates. | By Parker Cleaveland, | Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and Lecturer on | Chemistry and Mineralogy, in 2382 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bowdoin College, Member of the | American Academy, and Corresponding Member of the | Linnsean Society of New Eng land. itum est in viscera terras : Quasque recondiderat, Stygiisque adraoverat nmbris, Eiiodiuntur opes OVID. Boston : Published by Cummings and Hilliard, No. 1, Cornhill. Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, at the University Press, Cam bridge, N. England, 1816. 8°, pp. 668, 5 plates and Map. [Lo'ivndes, 481 — A very excellent work, ably noticed in the Ed inburg Review, XXX .- 37 4-88 ?[ An I Elementary Treatise | on | Mineralogy and Geology, | Designed | for the use of pupils, — for persons, atteriding'Lec- tures I on these subjects, — and a Companion for | Travellers in I the United States of America. | Illustrated by six plates. By Parker Cleaveland, | Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and Lecturer on Chemistry and | Mineralogy, in Bowdoin College ; | Fellow of the American Academy ; Mem ber of the American Philosophical Society ; | of the American Geological Society ; Corresponding Member of the Linnasan | Society of New England ; of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; | Honorary Member of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York ; Member of | the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh ; of the Geological Socie- | ty of London; Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of Jena; of the Mineralo- | gical Society of Dresden, &c. [Motto.] Second Edition, — in Two Volumes. | Vol. I | Boston, 1822, 8°, map + pp. xii + p. I to p. 480. Vol. II [pp. 2] + p. 481 to p. 818 + I + 5 plates. [He had contemplated publishing a 3d Ed. 1856, which was announced — see Necrology Alumni Harvard, 1838, p. 222; His. Bowdoin, by N. Cleaveland, 127; B. Silliman s Journal, XXVI: 448.] Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, 204. Result of Meteorological Observations made at Brunswick, Me., Between 1807 and 1859. By Parker Cleaveland, LL.D., Prof, in Bowdoin Coll. Reduced and discussed at the expense of the Smithson ian Institution. By Charles A. Schott, Assist. U. S. Coast Sur vey. [1867] 4°, pp. 53, illust. Same [May, 1867], 4°, pp. 60. Several papers : in Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. CLEVELAND, PERKINS' +5293. Editor of the Quincy, 111., Herald, 1850. Response to the first regular toast : The President of the U. S. Speech of Mr. Cleveland : in Festival of the Conn. Association, Revere House, Boston, Jan. 14, 1837. 8°, pp. 32, p. 7. CLEVELAND, Capt. RICHARD JEFFRY' +1101. A Narrative of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. Cambridge, John Owen, 1842, 2 vols, [ist Ed.]. 2d Ed., Cam bridge, 1843, 2 vols., 12°. [Flyleaf:] Cleveland's Voyages. [Title: of Voyages | and | Commercial Enterprises. A I Narrative | By I Richard J. Cleveland. | Third Edition ] with Illustrations by Bilhngs. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2383 Boston: Charles H. Peirce, 1850. 8°, pp. 407, 2 Vols, in one. 3 Eds. published by Edward Moxon, London, Eng. [See Index to Periodical Literature, by William Frederick Poole. (Richard Henry Dana, Jr.), N. A. Rev., 53 : 144 — Hunt's Mag., 8: 143.] [Reprints from ster. plates of Voyages, with new titles]: In the Forecastle, or Twenty-five Years a Sailor. By Richard J. Cleveland. N. Y., 1876. 8°, pp. 407. Same [with motto], N. Y., n. d., large 8°, pp. 407. An Account of the Voyage to the N. W. Coast from Canton: in North American Review (Jared Sparks, editor). No. 37. A Tale of the Catholic Church. Burgess, S. & Co., 1849. 8°, pap. Voyages of a Merchant Navigator, compiled from journals and letters of Richard J. Cleveland. . By H. W. S. Cleveland, 1886. pp. 245. Cleveland, Mrs. Bichard Jeffry +1120 — see Cleveland, Mrs. Dorcas Cleveland" {Hiller). CLEVELAND, Miss ROSE ELIZABETH' +8670. A letter on "Smiths ": in The Christian at Work, July, 1883. George Eliot's Poetry and Other Studies, at least 12 editions, 1885. 7th ed.. Funk and Wagnalls. George Eliot's Poetry | and I other studies | By | Rose Elizabeth Cleveland [engrav ing] I Twelfth Edition | Funk & Wagnalls, New York, London, 1885. Sm. 4°, pp. 191. Letter on Silk Culture : read by Commissioner Colman, July 8, 1885, at session of convention of representatives of agricul tural colleges and experiment stations, at Washington, D. C: in Hartford Times, July 9, 1883, and other journals. The Long Ran | By Rose Elizabeth Cleveland | Detroit, Mich.: I F. B^ Dickerson & Co., 1886. Sm. 8°, pp. 146. Editor of Literary Life, Chicago, 111., July, 1S86. Contributor : to Godey's Lady's Book, Jan., 1886. The Dilemma of the Nineteenth Centurv [a satirical poem on " the woman question "] : in Lippincott's Magazine about Dec, 1886. CLEVELAND, Mrs. SARAH GOULD' +4784- Voices in Our Midst, by Mrs. S. G. Cleveland : in The Chil dren's Voice, Vol. I, N'o. i, Chicago, Nov., 1873. 4°, pp. 8. CLEVELAND, Hon. STAFFORD CANNING' +7281. Editor Havana Republican, Havana, N. Y., from ab. Jan. to Nov., 1850. Editor Geneva Courier, Geneva, N. Y., Nov., 1850, to June, 1852 (which he bought in co. with John B. Look). Editor from Aug., 1852 (Cleveland & Look succeeding Rod ney L. Adams — Mr. Look soon retiring) of Yates County Whig, name changed, Jan. i, 1856, to Yates County Chronicle, of which he was Editor to 1884. [Published every Thursday by the Chronicle Publishing Co.— 1879, Vol. xxxvi — Penn Yan, N.Y., S. C. Cleveland, Editor.] Family History | of | Ephraim Cleveland | and his | De scendants. I Prepared By | Stafford C. Cleveland, Penn Yan, N. Y. I 1871. 8°, pp. 10, I. 2384 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. History | and | Directory | of | Yates County,. | Containing a Sketch of its | original settlement by the public uni- | versal friends, the lessee company | and others, with an account | of individual pioneers and | their families ; also | of other leading citizens. | Including Church, School, and Civil History, | and a Narrative of | The Universal Friend, | her society and doctrine. I By Stafford C. Cleveland | _Editor of the Yates County Chron icle. I Volume One. | With eighteen illustrations. | Penn Yan, N. Y. Published by S. C. Cleveland, Chronicle Office, 1873. 8°, pp. 766, 13. Map. [Stafford C. Cleveland collected the mate rial for Vol. II, but it has not (1898) been published.] Editor Fort Myers, Fla., Press, Vol. I, No. 50, Oct. 31, 1885. Letters to Northern Friends : in Fort Myers Press, copied extensively in Yates County papers, to be shortly [July, 1886] published in pamphlet form in New York. CLEVELAND, STEPHEN' +1724. Editor and owner of Poughkeepsie [N. Y.] Gazette about 1830, and for several years. CLEVELAND, STEPHEN' +5313. Editor of Sea Shore Sentinel, Biloxi, Miss., William Henry Cleveland, publisher and proprietor, small folio weekly, 1851. CLEAVELAND, Miss SUSAN PARKER' +6607 — see Child, Mrs. Susan Parker' (Cleaveland). CLEAVELAND, Miss SUSAN TROWBRIDGE' +9670. Seeing Jesus, a Christmas poem. Day Dreaming ; Night Shadows and other poems, in Hart ford and Meriden, Conn., papers. To the Bride of my unseen friend. Only your name. See how great things the Lord hath done. CLEAVELAND, SYLVANUS' +14172. Mr. [Frank B.] Stockton Accused of Plagiarism : in N. Y. World, Oct. 10, 1886. More of [H. Rider] 'Haggard's Tergiversations : in N. Y. World, Sept. 6, 1887. CLEVELAND, TIMOTHY' +5140. Editor of Crown Point (Indiana) Journal, 1879-80. CLEVELAND, Dr. WARNER' +5556. Report of Dr. Warner Cleveland, City Health Officer: in Proceedings Board of Aldermen, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1838. CLEVELAND, Dr. WILLIAM FREDERICK' +17828. The I Modes of dying | and the | means of obviating the | tendency to death. | The | annual address | delivered before the Harveian Society of London | Oct. 20, 1870. | By | W. F. Cleveland, M.D. | President | London [Eng.]: John Churchill & Sons, New Burlington street, 1870. 8°, pp. 32. [Catalog, of Library Surgeon- Gen. Office, U. S. A.] Presidential Address on The Energy of the Animal Body BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2385 (Metropolitan Counties Branch of the British Medical Associa tion, 1890). Presidential Address on Medical Ethics (Section of Ethics, British Medical Association), Annual Meeting, London, July- Aug., 1895. By W. F. Cleveland, M.D., Consulting Physician, Kilburn Dispensary. Reprint from the British Medical Journal, Sept. 14, 1895. CLEVELAND, Rev. WILLIAM NEAL' +8663. African Servitude : | What is it, and what its moral charac ter? I A Discourse, | By | Rev. William Neal Cleveland, | South ampton, L. I. I New York : | For sale by | D. Appleton & Co., 443 and 445 Broadway. | 1861. 8°, pp. 27. Various other occasional sermons. CLEVELAND, Miss ZULEIKA HARALSON' +12056. Poetical and prose contributions in : West Feliciana (La. ) Sentinel (constantly). Point Couple (Point Couple co.. La.) Banner, New Orleans, La., papers, and a Woodville, Miss., paper, and several country papers. Short stories in : Demorest. Coffin, John Bivesey' +7837. Contributor : to newspapers in White co., Ind., 1863 to 1870. Reporter and contributor: to Asbury Park Journal, Asbury Park, N. J., from the first number. Mar., 1876, to Jan. i, 1882. Editor and proprietor of Asbury Park Journal from Jan. i, 1882 (May 26, 1883). Cogswell, Col. Leander Winslow' +6655. Author of History of the Town of Henniker, N. H., with Genealogies. Concord, N. H., 1880. 8°. Cogswell, I*arsons Brainerd' +6656. Associate Editor of Daily Monitor and Statesman (first daily of Concord, N. H.) to 1887. Glints from over the water. Cooley, Dennis Nelson' +43°9- Assistant Editor of the Woodstock, Vt., Age prior to 1854. ' Coon, Roswell' +7891- Newspaper contributor and journalist. Corbin, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth' {Fairfield) +11697. Our Bible Class and the good that came of it. [By Caroline Elizabeth' Fairfield.] Derby & Jackson, N. Y., i860. Rebecca, or a Woman's Heart, Chicago, May, 1867. [A large edition ; plates burned in the Chicago fire, 187 1.] A new edition by Jansen, McClurg & Co., Chicago, who still (1883) publish the book. The Marriage Vow. Lee & Shepard, Boston, 1873. Belle and the boys. Jansen & McClurg, Chicago, 1879. Letters from a chimney-corner | A plea for | pure homes and sincere relations | between men and women. | Chicago, 1886. Sm. 8°, pp. 50. 150 2386 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cowen, Capt. Balfour +18710. Publisher of Virden Reporter, Virden, 111., since Dec. i, 1882 (1887). Coxe, Judge Alfred Conkling' +8814. Relief for the Supreme Court, by Judge Alfred C. Coxe : in The Forum, Feb., i88p, VI: 367. N. Y. Edited by Lorettus S. Metcalf. Cooce, -Rt. Rev. Arthur Cleveland' +3258. Poems : Advent, a Mystery, a Dramatic Poem. New York, 1837. 12°, pp. 131. St. Jonathan, | the Lay of a Scald | [Motto] | New York : Published by Thomas J. Crowen, 1838. 8°, pp. 48, paper. [This being Canto I. Epistle dedicatory To my uncle Samuel.] Saint Jonathan, the Lay of a Scald, 1838. Another ed., 12°, pp. 103. Athwold, a Romaunt. Three Cantos, N. Y., 1838. The Ladye-Chace, Philadelphia, 1877. [N. B. An improved and enlarged edition of Athwold after its suppression for "40 years.] Ballads [afterward, 1840, compiled into the volume Christian Ballads]: in the Churchman, N. Y., 183P-40, etc. I love the Church : in Churchman, summer of i83p. Christian Ballads. | And he appointed singers before the Lord, that should praise the | beauty of holiness. — xx. 21. Sec ond Chronicles. \ New York : | Wiley and Putnam | 1 840. Sm. 8°, pp. 138. Republished Oxford, 1849. Revised editions in Eng land, 1849, and America. [Revised eds. have ever since ap peared and re-appeared in England and America in constant succession.] Christian Ballads. By Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M.A. | Bishop of Western New- York. | With Corrections and Additions | [Motto] I Eighteenth Edition. | Philadelphia, Richard McCan- ley [1855]. 16°, pp. 227 (Copyright 1847). [Rubricated and engraved title]: Christian | Ballads | By | Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. | Rector of Calvary Church, New York I New Edition, Illustrated by | John A. Hows, A.M. | Bobbet & Hooper, eng" [Motto]. [Title]: Christian Ballads : I By Arthur Cleveland Coxe | Illustrated by | John A. Hows, A.M. Revised Edition | N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1865. 8°, pp. 235, gilt and full morocco. Christian Ballads, By the Right Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Bishop of Western N. Y. New edition, revised by the Author. Beautifully illustrated with 14 full page Engravings [etc.], by John A. Hows. 8° [D. Appleton 6- Co.'s list of Publi cations, June I, 1869]. Tribute to Historic Old England [from Christian Ballads]: in A festival of Song, a series of evenings with the greatest poets of the English Language, by Frederick Saunders, 1876, p. 358. Matin Bells [from Christian Ballads]. Athanasion, Hartford, Conn., 1840, pp. 34. Athanasion. An Ode pronounced before the Associate Alumni of Washington College, Hartford, 1840. 8°, pp. 40. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2387 Athanasion. | Second Edition | with Notes and corrections, I also I Miscellaneous Poems | By the | Author of " Christian Ballads," &c. N. Y., Wiley and Putnam, mdcccxlii. 12°, pp. 187. Halloween.^ Privately printed 1842. Halloween, Hartford, 1844. Halloween, a Romaunt, with Lays meditative and devo tional. Engraved Front. Hartford, 1845. 24°, pp. 189. [Front cover] : Halloween | [Title page] : Halloween | a Romaunt. | with | Lays | Meditative and Devotional | By the | Author of " Christian Ballads." [ Philadelphia | J. B. Lippincott & Co. I 1869. 18", pp. 180. Halloween, a Romaunt, with Lays Meditative and Devo tional. By A. Cleveland Coxe, Bishop of Western New York. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co.; Hartford, H. S. Parsons; Philadel phia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1876. 18°. [American Churchman — The work is marked by the same delicacy and devotion of thought which have made the Christian Ballads household words wherever English is spoken.] Saul I a Mystery. | [Motto]. | By | the Author of "Christian Ballads," " Athanasion," etc., etc., etc. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co.; Hartford, H. S. Parsons. 1845. 8°, pp. 297, i. "Thy Kingdom Come : hymn on Programme Westminster Pres byterian Church Sunday-school, i6th Anniversary, June 4, 1882. Athenia and Miscellaneous Poems. Houghton. 12°. General Literature : [Of contributions to periodical literature, the following are the more noticeable] : Modern English Poetry ; and Cowper's Poetry : in Reposi tory, 1839. Devotional Poetry : in N. Y. Review, 1839. Rev. Aaron Cleveland : in Charles W. Everest's Poets of Conn., 1843, p. 23. Cave of the Regicides : in Blackivood's, 1847 ; European Revolutions; Route into Can.: in same, 1848. Foreign Con servatism: in same, 1849. Ch. Schools in American Literature ; The New Hegira : in Ch. Review, 1849. Writings of Hawthorne : in same, 185 1. Re ligion for the Republic, Four Papers: in same, 1853. Impressions of England. N. Y., 1855. Impressions of Eng land, or Sketches of English Scenery and Society. By Arthur Cleveland Coxe, Rector of Grace Church, Baltimore. [Motto.] N. Y., 1856. 12°, pp. 321. Ed. London, 1856. 12°, pp. 340. Ed. Philadelphia, 1875. Works edited, translated, etc.: Bishop [Samuel] Wilberforce's [Lord Bishop of Oxford, Eng.] '• Eucharistica," edited and adapted to the American Lit urgy. N. Y., 1842. Hirscher's Work on " the actual state of the church," trans lated and edited, with an Introduction. Oxford, 1852. The Impossibility of the Immaculate Conception as an Ar ticle of Faith, in reply to several works which have appeared on that subject of late years by M. The Abbe Labarde of La- toire. To which is added the author's Letter to the Pope. Translated from the French of the third edition, and Edited with notes by Arthur C Coxe. Phila., 1855. 12°, pp. 160. 2388 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Morals of Signori, by Meyrick. Edited with Introduction. Baltimore, 1856. Croswell's Poems, with a biography, i860. Poems, Sacred and Secular. By the Rev. William Croswell, D.D. Edited with a Memoir, by A. Cleveland Coxe. [Motto.] Boston : mdccclxi. Sherwood's Stories, with emendations, i860. Stories for Sundays. Illustrating the Catechism. By the author of " Little Henry and His Bearer." Revised and Edited by A. Cleveland Coxe, Bishop of Western N. Y., author of "Moral Reforms." Illustrated. 12°. Phila., 1875. Fine edi tion, red lines, toned paper. The Churchman's Calendar, with an Ecclesiography, or view of the Catholic Church. N. Y., 1861. Enlarged and continued annually till 1866. The Papacy, by the Abb^ Guette^. New York, 1866. Poems by Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D.D., Bp. of Me., with an Introduction by the Bp. of Western N. Y. Hartford, 1867. 12°, pp. viii, 276. Bishop [George] Burgess' Poems, with Critical Review, 1869. Leigh ton's Moderate Episcopacy. New York, 1868. Pamphlets : Revivalism in the Church. Hartford, Conn., 1843. Letter to the Bishop of Arras (French). Oxford, 1856. An Apology for the Common English Bible ; and a Review of the extraordinary changes made in it by Managers of the American Bible Soc. [Motto.] Balto., N. Y., 1857. 8°, pp. 67, I [ist ed.]. 2d ed., 3d ed., Balto., N.Y., 1857. 12°, pp. 76. [This work effected its object, the suppression of the Am. Bible So ciety's new Bibles.] ^ The proposed revision of the Common English Bible, a lecture delivered in Warsaw, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1881: in Wyoming Co. Times, Warsaw, Mar. 31, 1881. Mixed Societies. Balto., 1857. Mixed Societies in principle and in practice. By the Author of an "Apology for the com mon English Bible." To which is appended "Remarks on the Am. S. S. Union," by the Bp. of Penn. Balto., 1858. Sm. 8°, pp. 84. Fixed Principles ; or the Laws of Christian Unity compared with Schemes of Sectarian Union. A Review of his Review ers. By the Author of " Mixed Societies " [etc.]. Balto., 1859. Sm. 8°, pp. 76. Tracts, Nos. XIV, XV, XVI of Parker's Series, Oxford, 1850. Three Tracts, Baltimore, 1859. The Church and the Press ; a Sermon preached in Rich mond, Oct. 12, 1859, nth Triennial Meeting of S. S. Union and Church Book Soc. i860, sm. 8°, pp. 48. Address of Christian Unity Society, New York, 1864. Letter to Pius the Ninth, 1869. Immediately republished in Europe, in French, German, Modern Greek, Bohemian, and Italian. Since circulated in divers languages by the A. C. So ciety. Twice republished in Engfland. Catholics and Roman Catholics. Buffalo, N. Y., 1874. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2389 The Bible Rhyme. Introduction to study of Scriptures. Buffalo, 1876. Episcopal Addresses, Conferences, Charges, Special Services, etc. Sermons : The Household of Faith. Hartford, 1846. Seventy Years Since, or what we owe to Bp. Seabury. Hartford, 1848. A City not Forsaken, Sermon preached in St. John's, Hart ford, Dec. 16, 1849. Sm. 8°, pp. 21. [Bound up with: Errors and their uses, by Rev. John Williams, D.D., pp. 19.] The Priesthood and the People. Oxford, 1851. Parochial Brotherhoods. Hartford, Conn., 1851, pp. 12. Commemoration of the Faithful Departed : account of Ser vices in the Church of the Advent, Boston, Nov. 9, 1852, one year after decease of the late Rector, Rev. William Croswell, D.D., with Sermon preached on that occasion by Rev. A. C. Coxe, M.A. Boston, 1852. 8°, pp. 31, p. 7 [title to sermon]: The Faithful Witness, or, the Pastoral Work and Character as exemplified in the life and death of William Croswell, D.D., First Rector of the Church of the Advent, Boston. The Novelty and Nullity of the Papal Dogma of the Im maculate Conception. A Sermon preached in Grace Church, Balto., Mar. 25, 1855. 8°, pp. 27. Counsels of Unity, Balto., 1856. Quotations from and assistance by Rev. A. C. Coxe, ac knowledged by author : in Life of Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D. By John N. Norton, A.M., Rector Frankfort, Ky., 1837. 16°, pp. 107. Truth and our Times. The Baccalaureate Sermon preached in Calvary Church on Sunday Evening in Commencement Week, June 21, 1863. Before the President, Professors, and Students of Columbia College, N. Y., and more particularly ad dressed to the Graduating Class. By Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Rector of Calvary Church, N. Y. 8°, pp. 17. The Mock ing of Ishmael, 1863. Unjust Reproaches in Public Calamity, viewed as a part of the Divine Discipline. A Sermon Preached in Calvary Church on the day of National Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, 1863. By The Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Rector. New York : C. A. Al vord, Printer, 1863. 8°, pp. 21. The Liturgy of Heaven. N. Y, 1864. The Ministry every Christian's business. Sermon before Soc. for Increase of Ministry, Providence, R. I., Oct. 6, 1863. N. Y., 1864, 12°, pp. 22. Restoration of Unity, sermon, N. Y., 1864, 8°, pp. 31. A Father in Christ, N. Y., 1865. Scriptural Bishoprics : a Sermon preached at the Consecra tion of the Rt. Rev. John Barrett Kerfoot, D.D., as Bishop of Pittsburgh, in Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Pittsburgh, 1866. 8°, pp. 22. Scrip tural Bishoprics, N. Y., 1866. The Choice of a Bishop,, N. Y., 1868. Practical Wisdom in the Planting of a Church. Sermon preached at Consecration of the 2d Bp. of Vt., in Montpelier, June 3, 1868. N. Y., 8°, pp. 34. 2390 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Death of Bp. Burgess, N. Y. 1869; The Corporate Witness, N. Y., 1874; The Anglican Cathedral, Can., 1875 ; The Russian- War, Buffalo, 1877; Sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 1878; Restoration in Mex., N. Y., 1879. Theology : Absolution and Confession. New Haven, 1850. Sermons on Doctrine and Duty, Philadelphia, 1855. 2d Ed., Phila., 1856. 8°, pp. 385. Thoughts on the Services. Baltimore, 1859. Enlarged Ed., Philadelphia, i860. Thoughts I on | The Services ; | Designed as | An Introduc tion to the Liturgy, | and [ an aid to its devout use. | By | A. Cleveland Coxe, | Rector of Grace Church, Baltimore | [Motto] I Third- American Edition | N. Y., Gen. P. E. S. S. Union and Church Book Soc, 1864. Sm. 8°, pp. 370. Thoughts on the Services. By A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Bishop of Western N. Y. J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1875. [N. B. Republished in Eng. About 16 editions in this country.] The Criterion, a means of Distinguishing Truth from Error in Questions of the times. With 4 Letters on the Erinicon of Dr. Pusey. N. Y., 1866. 12°, pp. 129. Republished Oxford, Eng., 1 87- Moral Reforms. Buffalo, 1869. Moral Reforms, suggested in a Pastoral Letter. With re marks on Practical Religion. Phila., 1875. 12°. [Utica Gospel Messenger — The book must have a large circulation, for its style and manner will make any one who begins it read it through.] Apollos, the way of God. Buffalo, 1871. Repub. Oxford, Eng., 1874. Apollos : or the Way of God. A Plea for the Re ligion of Scripture [Motto] 2d Ed., Phila., 1875, 8°, pp. i, 277. Lectures on Prophecy. Buffalo, N. Y., 187 1. An Office of Devotion for use in Schools. Compiled and Edited. Buffalo, Phila., 1873. 12°, pp. 48. L'Episcopat de I'Occident. Paris, 1874. Elements of Ecclesiography (Serial). Hartford, 1874. Covenant Prayers. Buffalo, 1875. Covenant Prayers, short forms for Family Prayer. Buffalo, 1876. 12°, pp. 143, 4. Letters, Lectures, etc.: Letter of A. Cleveland Coxe and the other candidates, date. General Theological Seminary, N. Y. city, June 30, 1841, asking that the sermon be placed at tjieir disposal for publication : in Scripture and Tradition. A Sermon preached at the ordination of Ten Candidates for the Diaconate, in St. Paul's Chapel, N. Y., on the Third Sunday after Trinity, June 27, 1841, By John H[enry] Hop kins, D.D:, Bishop of the Diocese of Vt. [Motto], N. Y, 1841. 8°, PP- 24, p. 3- Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sarah Montague Flagg, by Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, 1844; unpublished poem of Mrs. Lydia Huntley Sigourney. Letter of Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, Rector, and the Vestry men : in Sermon preached in Grace Church, May 8, 1839, -^y ^' ' Wyatt, Rector St. Paul's, Baltimore. Published by Request of A. Cleveland Coxe, Rector, [etc.], p. 3. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2391 Introductory letter, Dec. 17, 1855: in The Cathedral System adapted to our wants in America, by Rev. Francis Granger, M.A. Letter on Dr. Muhlenberg's Memorial, 1856; Memorial of Carey and Patterson, 1858; Letter to Father Nestor, 1865. The Church and the Nation. An Exposition of the Char acter and Action of the late General Convention. Utica, N. Y., 1865. 8°, pp, 24; The Moravian Episcopate, 1866; Speech at Toronto, 1866. Ritualism. A Pastoral Letter, including an exposition of the declaration of Bishops. N. Y., 1867, sm. 8°, pp. 38. Signs of the Times, 4 Lectures, 1869. The Signs of the Times as connected with the Vatican Council : a Series of Lec tures delivered in Rochester and other places. With Letter on Christian Unity. By the Late Bishop of Western N. Y. Ger man Services. Contributions: to Church and Age, London, 1872; to Union Chre 'tieune, Paris, 1872; to New Englander, 1874. The Drop Star. A Legend of Lake Kayutah : in Harper's Magazine, Feb., 1880, p. 373. Liturgical Inquiry : in The Churchman, N. Y., Feb. j6, 1884, p. 172 top. 174; The American Church : in same, Nov. i, 1884; Historical Recollections of N. Y.: in same, Feb. 20, 1886. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland"" +14733. The Unfortunate Bathers : in St. Nicholas Magazine, N. Y., fune, 1 89 1, XVIII: 643. Coxe, Rev. Satnuel Hanson' +3259. The Progress of the Church. A Poem by The Rev. Samuel Hanson Coxe, Jr. Geneva, N. Y., 1843, pp. 21. Cravens, Ora' +16919. An Editor of School Journal. Davies, Mrs. Sarah Olivia' (Prince) +9293 — see Prince, Miss Sarah Olivia'. Dodge, Rev. David Stuart' +8709. Memorials of William E. Dodge. Compiled and edited by D. Stuart Dodge. New York : Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., sm. 8°, pp, 407. Dodge, Miss Elizabeth Clementine' +3226 — see Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine' {Dodge) [Stedman]. ¦ Dodge, William Earl' +3224. Old New York, a Lecture delivered before the Merchants of N. Y. in 1880. Published in book form, 1880. Dunn, Mrs. Julia' Mills +8457. Writer of verses and stories : Contributions: to The Youth's Companion; to Frank Leslie's publications. Regular contributor : to the Union Signal. How our temples grew [poem]: in Signal, 1891. Two stories lately (Jan., 1894) in Worthington' s Magazine. 2392 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Edwards, Miss Elizabeth' +7030-866 Gifford, Mrs. Eliza beth' Edwards. Fairfield, Miss Caroline Elizabeth' +11 697 — see Corbin, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth^ {Fairfield). Fox, Dr. John'' +12 19. Poems. Gifford, Mrs. Elizabeth' {Edwards) +703o- Our Patronymics. | Compiled | By | Elizabeth Edwards Gifford [2 Mottoes]. 1886. [Auburn, N. Y., 1887.] Large 8°, pp. 28 [Ancestries of: Edwards, Cleveland, Parsons, Clark, Sheldon, Hunt, Gifford, Anthony, Slade, Sherman]. Gold, Hon. Theodore Sedgwick' +8847. The first Agricultural Address of Theodore S. Gold was published 1840 ; since that time many addresses and reports by him have appeared in Agricultural papers. Contributor to newspapers and periodicals. An Editor of The Homestead, a Weekly Magazine of Agri culture and Horticulture, published at Hartford, Conn., by Mason C. Weld, 1856 to 1861, the editorial staff consisting of Rev. William Clift, Theodore S. Gold, Henry A. Dyer [corres ponding secretary of Conn. Agricultural Society], and Mason C. Weld. (Soon afterward. Col. Mason C. Weld, now, 1882, of. N. Y. city, became managing editor and proprietor.) [N. Y. Tribune — The best Agricultural paper in the country.] First Annual Report of the Secretary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 1866. Printed by Order of the Legisla ture. Hartford: Press of Case, Lockwood & Company, 1867. 8° [the following Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Con necticut Board of Agriculture are 8°], pp. 243. (p. 3 — State Board of Agriculture. President, His Excellency Governor J. R. Hawley. Vice-President, E. H. Hyde. Secretary, T. S. Gold.) Second Annual Report Sec. Conn. Board Agri., 1867, pp. 222 + I. Third Report, 1868-9, PP- 274. Fourth, 1869-70, pp. 423. Fifth, 1871-2, pp. 386. Sixth, 1872-3, pp. 434. Seventh, 1873-4, pp. 384. State of Connecticut. Eighth Annual Report of the Secre tary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 1874-5. Printed by Order of the Legislature, 1875. pp. 430. Ninth Report, 1875-6, pp. 418. Tenth, 1876-7, pp. 452. Eleventh, 1877-8, pp. 410. Twelfth Report, 1878-9, steel portrait of Eph"" H. Hyde + pp. 409 + State of Connecticut. Annual Report of The Con necticut Agricultural Experiment Station For 1878. Printed by Order of the Legislature, 1879, pp. 128. Thirteenth, Report, 1879-80, pp. 405 + Annual Report Conn. Ag. Experiment Sta., 1879, pp. 159. Fourteenth, 1880-1, pp. 391 + Report Exp. Sta., 1880, pp. 122. Fifteenth, 1881-2, pp. 381 + Report Exp. Sta., 1881, pp. 122. Sixteenth, 1882-3, pp. 337 -f- Report Exp. Sta., 1882, pp. 114 + Compound Index to the Report of the Board of Agriculture and of the Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 8. Seventeenth, 1883-4, pp. 343 + Report Exp. Sta., 1883, pp. 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2393 + Com. Index, pp. 8. Eighteenth, 1884-5, PP- 334 + Report Exp. Sta., 1884, pp. 130 + Com. Index, pp. 8. Nineteenth, 1885, pp. 326 + Report Exp. Sta., 1885, pp. 139 + Com. Index, pp. n. Twentieth, 1886, pp. 354 + Report Exp. Sta., 1886, pp. 159 + Com. Index, pp. u. Twenty-First, 1887, pp. 376 -f- i plate [illustrations] + Report Exp. Sta., 1887, pp. i88 + Com. Index, PP- 13- Twenty-Second Report, 1888, pp. 340 + Report Exp. Sta., 1888, pp. 166 + State of Connecticut. First Annual Report of the Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs [Tol land CO.], Conn., 1888. Printed by Order of the General Assem bly, 1889, wood cut -I- pp. 104 [Officers of the Station. Execu tive Committee, T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, J. M. Hubbard, Middletown I Of the Board of Trustees of Storrs Agricultural School, B. F. Koons, Storrs, Principal of the School] + Com pound Index to the Report of the Board of Agriculture, and of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, and of the Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 13. Twenty-Third Report, 1889, pp. 378 + Report Exp. Station, 1889, pp. 280 + Second Report Storrs Sch. Exp. Sta., pp. 183 + I + Com. Index, pp. 20. Twenty-Fourth, 1890, 2 plates + pp. 340 + Report Exp. Sta., pp. 207 + 4 plates ¦+ Third Report Storrs Sch. Exp. Sta., pp. 200 + Com. Index, pp. 19. Twenty- Fifth, 1891, pp. 330 + folded plan [illustrations] + Report Exp. Sta., 1891, pp. 208 + plate + Fourth Report Storrs Sch. Exp. Sta., 1891, pp. 200 -]- Com. Index, pp. i6. 26th, 1892, pp. 346, plates, + Rep. Ex. Sta., pp. xiv + 168, pi. + 5th Rep. Storrs Sch. E. S., pp. 200 + Com. Index, pp. i6. 27th, 1893, pp. 331 + 17th Rep. Ex^ Sta., pp. xvi + 331 + 6th Rep. Storrs St., pp. 200 -I- Com. Index, pp. 22. 28th, 1894, pp. 338, plates, + i8th Rep. Ex. Sta., pp. xvi + 296 + 7th Rep. Storrs St., pp. 223 + Com. Index, pp. 14. 29th, 1895, pp. 258, plates, + 19th An. Rep. Conn. Ag. Exp. Stat., 1895, pp. XX + 320, plates, + 8th Rep. Storrs St., pp. 216 + Com. Index, pp. 21. 30th, 1896, pp. 297, large folding plate opp. title + 20th An. Rep. Conn. Ag. Exp. Stat., 1896, pp. xvi + 414, plates, + 9th Rep. Storrs St., pp. 292 + Com. Index, pp. 24. 31st, 1897, pp. 268. Papers, etc., in Reports of Secretary of Conn. Board of Agricul ture : Drainage : in First, 137-42 ; Irrigation : 148-31 ; Fruit Culture: 200-7; Spaying Cows : 'm. Second, 127-8 ; Grass Lands: in Third, 171-81; Root Culture : in Fifth, 297-304 ; Foot and Mouth Disease : j/z-^o J- Sterility of Land — its Causes and Remedies: in Seventh, 11-21; Milk: in Eighth, 11-24; Manures: ¦in Tenth, 16-30 ; The Preservation of Food : in Thirteenth, 38-72 ; The Farmers' Club : in Fourteenth, 35-p ; Introductory Address: in Twentieth, 30-2 ; Address of Welcome, by Hon. Wm. Edgar Simonds, Response by Secretary Gold : in Twenty- First, 22-7 ; Introductory Address : in Twenty- Third, 28-31. Historical Records County, I Connecticut. of the I Town of Cornwall | Litchfield Collected and arranged by | Theodore S. Gold. I Hartford : Press of The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1877. 8°, pp. 339. Photograph portraits. Seventy years with Indian corn : in Mirror and Fanner, no ticed in Hartford Times, Feb. 21, 1893. 2394 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. GoodeJl, Lavinia' +12767. Made literary work her profession. Graves, Hon. Jesse Franklin' +165 19. Sketch of his grandfather, Jesse Franklin : in Caruther's In cidents in the Old North State, 2d Series. Harper, Mrs. Eliza Elliott' {Lewis) +17270. Poetry and prose — a well-known writer. Higginson, Alexander Griswold'^ +8593- Editor of Trade Journal, published at Chicago, 111. Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth' +3174- Man shall not live by bread alone, a Thanksgiving Sermon, 1848. The Tongue : | Two Practical Sermons | By T. W. Higgin son I Minister of the First Religious Society in Newburyport | 1850,8°, pp. 18. The Birthday in Fairy-land : A Story for Children. Boston, 1850, 16°, pp. 23. Merchants : a Sunday evening lecture. Newburyport, 185 1, 8°, pp. 31. Things new and old : an Installation Sermon. By T. W. Higginson, Minister of the Worcester Free Church, 1852. 8°, PP- 3°- Woman and her wishes ; an Essay : Inscribed to the Mass. Constitutional Convention. Boston, 1853, 8°, pp. 26. Woman's Rights Tracts . . . No. 4, Woman and her wishes, p. 28 : Appendix. Remarks of Rev. T. W. Higginson before Com mittee of Constitutional Conv., on Qualification of Voters, June 3, 1853. 8°, pp. 32. The Rationale of Spiritualism. Being two extemporaneous lectures delivered at Dodworth's Hall, Dec. 5, 1858. By Rev. T. W. Higginson. N. Y., 1859. 8°, pp. 32. Out-door papers, 1863. 16°. A new translation of Epictetus, 1865. Harvard Memorial Biographies, I and II, T. W. Higginson, editor, also author of several of the biographies. Cambridge, 1866, large 8°, pp. 496, 512. [Memoirs of graduates and under graduates who fell in battle during the rebellion.] 2 Vols. Cambridge, 1886. 8°, pp. 477, 512. Woman's Suffrage Tracts, No. 4. Ought Women to Learn the Alphabet? 1869, 8°, pp. 20 [followed by: The New Eng land Woman's Suffrage Association, T. W. Higginson, member of Executive Committee, pp. 4]. Malbone : An Oldport Romance. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Boston, 1869. 16°, pp. 244. Fort Louis, on Co- nanicut, R. I. -[mentioned in Malbone]: in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XXVI: 203. Oldport Days. Boston, 10 heliotype illustrations. 16°. Essay on the Greek Goddesses. French translation of this Essay : in The Paris Revue Brittanique, Oct., 1869. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 239S Army-Life in a Black Regiment, 1870. 16°. Translated into French. The Sympathy of Religions. An Address delivered at Hor ticultural Hall, Boston, Feb. 6, 1870. Boston: Reprinted from the Radical Office, 1871, pp. 23. Atlantic Essays, 187 1. 16°. In a Wherry : in Atlantic Monthly, Feb., 1872, XXIX: 163. Article in Atlantic, Sept., 1886. The Index Tracts. Are you a Christian? pp. 3 and ad. [from The Index, Jan. 23, 1873]. Young Folks' History of the United States. Boston : Lee & Shepard, 1875. 1877, 18°, pp. 370, illustrated; [reviewed in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XXXI : 351]. 1878, sq. 16°, 100 illustra tions Translated into French and German before 1885. 1891, 8°, pp. vi + 400 + 33 ; [reviewed in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XLVL : 200]. English Statesmen, 1875. Centennial Report on Education in R. I., 1876. Young Folks' Series. A Book of American Explorers. Boston: Lee & Shepard; N. Y.: Charles T. Dillingham, 1877. 18°, pp. 367, illustrated; [reviewed in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XXXI: 352]. Short Studies of American Authors. Boston; N. Y., 1880, 16°, pp. 60. Common Sense about Women, 1881. 16° Oration on 250th Anniversary of Settlement of Cambridge, Mass., i88i. Wendell Phillips [pamphlet reprinted from Natioti, 1884], 4°. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Boston, 1884. 12°, cloth. In Amer ican Men of Letters Series, with Portrait. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. 16°. Address on Gen. Grant, before Cambridge City Government, 1885. A Larger History of the U. S. Illustrated. N. Y.: Harper & Bros., 1885, pp. 470. Afternoon Landscape. The New World and the New Book, Boston [" Recived " by Belford's, Dec, 1891]. Concerning All of Us. N. Y., Harper & Brothers, 1892, 16° [with portrait]. [Reviewed by N. Y. Independent^ Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 186 1-5. Prepared under the authority of the State, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, State Military and Naval Historian. Vol. I. Boston, 1896. 4°, pp. XV + 647. Cheerful Yesterdays [Reminiscences of Col. T. W. Higgin son]. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896. American Sonnets. T. W. Higginson and Mrs. E. H. Bige low, editors and compilers. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. 18°. The dawning of Independence [one of a series of histori cal sketches, illustrated]: in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Oct., 1883, LXVII : 721. Old Salem sea-captains : in same, Sept., 1886, p. 602-16. 2396 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Women and Men [a series of incisive articles]: in Harper's Bazar, commencing Jan. 17, 1885, to 1895. Life of Francis Higginson, by T. W. Higginson, in Dodd, Mead &" Co.'s Makers of America, Series i8pi. List of battles and casualties of Mass. regiments during the war of the Rebellion, by Col. T. W. Higginson [State Military and Naval Historian] and Mrs. Florence Wyman Jaques [his chief assistant in the preliminary work of the Mass. Military and Naval History] : in New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan., i8p2, XLVI: 31. English Ancestry of the Hig ginson Family: in same, Apr., i8p2, XLVI: 117. Contributor to : The Index, Toledo, O.; Atlantic Monthly ; N. Y. Tribune ; N. Y. Independent ; Nation; Century ; Harper s Maga zine ; Harpers Bazar ; Boston Women's Journal; Macmillan's Magazine, London, Eng. Contributor to : The Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Be ing for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate Officers; based upon "The Century War Series." Edited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel of the Editoral Staff of "The Century Magazine." N. Y. : Century Co. [copyright 1884, 1888], 4 Vols, royal 8° [illus.]. Higginson, Waldo' +3170. Memorials of the Class of 1833 of Harvard College. Pre pared for the Fiftieth Anniversary of their Graduation. By the Class Secretary, Waldo Higginson. Cambridge : John Wil son & Son, University Press, 1883. 8°, pp. 164. Hill, Boberf +3071. The Dream, a poem ; read ab. 1830. Contributor of poems to : Hants and Kings Co. Gazette, N. S. Hiller, Miss Dorcas Cleveland' -{-1120 — see Cleveland, Mrs. Dorcas Cleveland' {Hiller). Holman, Alfred Lyman" +15837. Genealogy of the Holman Family, in preparation, 1896. Horton, Miss Abigail' +1004. Contributor to newspapers. Obituary of her sister, who died recently (1875). Extracts from her letters, 1872 : in Horton Genealogy, by Geo. F. Horton, M.D., 1876, p. ps, p6. Hovey, Gen. Alvin Peterson' +4370. Speeches in the day of his Democracy. Republican speeches. Author of a number of poems. Letter from Headquarters, Gen. Hovey's Division, Charles town, Tenn., May 2, 1864, to a cousin in Chelsea, Vt.: in Gene alogy of Benjamin Cleveland, by Horace Gillette Cleveland, 1879, P- 13P-140. Interview containing anecdotes of Gen. U. S. Grant at Vicks burg and Champion Hills : in Sunday Leader (Elizabeth, N. J.), Mar. 22, 1883, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2397 Hovey, Oliver Perry' +10248. Editor and proprietor of Santa Fe Republican, New Mexico, after 1846. Hubbard, Mollin Barnard'' +15970. Of Hartford City, Ind., 1897. Editor of a newspaper. Isaacson, Henry West' +511 1. Contributor of prose and poetry : to Brooklyn [N. Y.] Daily Times. Judson, Charles Dexter' +8761. Editor of Seaford Enterprise, Seaford, Del., 1883. Keith, Rev. Cleveland' +8624. Reuel Keith, D.D. * From the Rev. Cleveland Keith, Mis sionary at Shanghai, China. Petersburgh, Va., Mar. 16, 1858: in Annals of the American Episcopal Pulpit, by William B. Sprague, D.D., V: 634. Keyes, Ebeft. Wight' +7494. Contributor to the press and to the cause of Education, about 1878-9. Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine' (Dodge) [Sted man] +3226. Her early poetry : in Specimens of the Female Poets of Amer ica, by Thomas Buchanan Read, 1848; Female Poets of America, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold, D.D., 184P, and Cyclopcedia of American Literature, by Evert Augustus Duyckinck and George Long Duyck- inck, 1836, 1866. Contributor, over the signatures E. C. S., Elizabeth C. Sted man, E. C. K., and Elizabeth C. Kinney : to the Knickerbocker, Graham's, Sartains, and other American magazines, and to Blackwood' s Edinburgh Magazine, Edinburgh, Scotland, and London, Eng., from 1836 to 1866. . Felicita, a Metrical Romance, New York, 1855. 12°. Letters from Italy, signed with a large star ^, in Newark [N. J,] Daily Advertiser from 1850 to 1863. Contributor: to Scribner' s Monthly and o^er periodicals, from 1866. Poems (abroad and at home, etc.). New York, 1867. 16°. Bianca Cappello, a Tragedy. New York, 1873. 16°. Monody on the death of William Earl Dodge, by Mrs. Eliz abeth C. Kinney : in Metnorials of William E. Dodge, by D. Stuart Dodge, 406. Desires : in The Critic, Nov. 30, i88p. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kinney has written, 1881-4, the Reminis cences of her life and times, for publication at some future date. Lewis, Miss Eliza Elliott' +17270 — see Harper, Mrs. Eliza Elliott' {Lewis). Lingle, T. J.' and Lingle Brothers +16354-5. Lingle Brothers, proprietors of Henry co. Democrat, Clin ton, Mo., 1889. 2398 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Marker, Mrs. Lucinda Lura' {Cleveland) -\-i32>2,9- Contributor to the press before 1 88 1 ; contributor : to Moni tor Journal— no-w, 1885, the Indiana Phalanx, Indianapolis; Union Signal, Chicago, 111.; Northwestern News, Davenport, la.; Irrepressible Conflict, Marshall, Mo.; National American, St. Louis, Mo.; Cimeter, St. Louis; Kansas City [Mo.] Journal; Carthage, Mo., Press, Banner, and Patriot, and others. Editor of Temperance Department of, and assistant editor of, Carthage Press, 1883. 3Iarks, Prof. William Dennis' +11064. Author of Works on Dynamics, Mathematics, and Engineer ing. Moak, Hon. Wathaniel Cleveland' +10853. Edited Clarke's Chancery Reports, 1869, contributing elabo rate notes. [Speaking of this edition of these reports, the Messrs. [Benjamin V., Austin, and Lyman] Abbott, in the preface to their Digest, say, "Much additional value has been given to the collection m a new Edition by N. C. Moak of Albany, who has enriched nearly all the cases with instructive notes, which bring together concisely the result of mtich research and experience." Mr. Wait, in the Preface to his Digest, says, "A New Edition, Edited by Nathaniel C. Moak, Esq., appeared in 1869, Mr. Moak's notes are very clear, accurate, valuable, and give evidence of great learning and experience."] Began the re-publication of the Current English Cases, un der the title of "English Reports," with elaborate notes, 1872. Thirty-five volumes have been published. [Circulating extensively in all the states of the Union, and giving him a National reputation as an excellent and a learned lawyer. His criticisms of some cases, by even the highest Court of his State, have been approvingly referred to and followed by the Courts of other States in preference to the cases themselves.] Edited "Van Sant Voord's Pleadings," 1873. [Bringing the work down to 1873, more than doubling its matter and adding largely to its value. It has remained the standard in New York and the other States which . have adopted its Code of Procedure. As an instance of its authority in the Courts, we quote from the case of Wilson vs. Laurence, 8 Hun., 59^. "As the Code prescribes no method of proceeding under this section * * the practice under it, I think, should be that * * the plaintiff should have obtained an order of the Court, as suggested in Moak's Van Sant Voord's Pleadings (p. 358)."] Published an edition of " Underbill on Torts," greatly en larged and extended, 1881. Prepared an extensive set of legal forms largely used throughout the State. In his lectures to the students of the Albany Law School^ he prepared a mass of information for students and the profes sion, which he voluntarily gave to the profession, and it was,. by his consent, published by Messrs. William Gould, Jr. & Co.,. under the title of " Gould's Law Catalogue." [It contains a mine of otherwise inaccessible information, and is an elaborate and accurate legal bibliography.] Contributed numerous articles to legal and other publica tions, among which are the articles "Bribery," and "Capital. Punishment": in the Encyclopcedia Americana, published as a supplement to the Brittanica. [The article upon " Bribery " has been extensively read and frequently cited from.] Argument of Nathaniel C. Moak before the Senate Com- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2399 mittee on Privileges and Elections, May 10, 1886. 8°, pp. 32 and Index. Reply of Nathaniel C. Moak to Hon. David Dudley Field, relative to the Code of Evidence and Codification of Common Law. Albany, N. Y., June 24, 1886. 8°, pp. 14. An Extraordinary Case : in Albany Argus, June 29, 1886. 3Iorse, Augustus' +11142. Editor and proprietor of The Daily National, Grass Valley, Cal., 1868-187 1. Moulton, Mrs. Louise' {CJiandle?') +11699. This, That, and the other. By Ellen Louise Chandler [Motto]. With illustrations by Rowse. Boston: Phillips, Sampson &. Co. New York : James C. Derby. 1854. 8°, pp. 412 -j- 4 pp. adv. Juno Clifford. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1855. My Third Book. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1859. A collection of stories. Bed-Time Stories. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1873. Some Women's Hearts. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1874. Edition 1888: Roberts Bros., sm. 8°, pp. 364. More Bed-Time Stories. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1874. Poems, by L. C. M. Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1878. Swallow Flights. Macmillan & Co., 1878. An English edi tion of the Poems. New Bed-Time Stories. By Louise Chandler Moulton. With Illustrations. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1880. Sm. 8°, pp. 230 -H 10 pp. of advertisements. Literary correspondence from Boston : in New York Tribune, 1871 to 1876. Regular contributor : to New York Weekly, Street &" Smith, Proprietors, 1877. Numerous poems and stories : in The Atlantic, Harper's, Scribner's, London Atheneum, and various other periodicals in America and England. Tales for the Fireside, contributed by Louise Chandler Moulton: in The Youth's Companion, an Illustrated Weekly Paper for young people and the family, Boston, 1881. Our Continent, a new illustrated paper in Philadelphia, Pa. The household department conducted by Louise Chandler Moulton, and others conducted by Albion W. Tourgee, Jan., 1882. In a Garden [illustrated poem] : in Our Continent {Mar. 29, 1882) 1 : 97; Our Society, edited by Louise Chandler Moulton: in same, 7.- 107; A Statute of Limitation: in same, 1883, III: 177 ; A looker-on in Paris; in same, 777.- 397 ; To Maud — at sea in Autumn [poem]: in The Continent Weekly Magazine (Dec 19, 1883), IV: 77S- .. ^ ,. Willow Dale: in Continent, XLV: 166; Rosaline: m same, XLV: 283. From a window in Chamouni [poem]: in Harper's {Apr., 1882); To-night [poem]: in Harper's Monthly Magazine {Nov., 1883), LXXI: P37- 2400 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. A Mortgage on Ingle-Nook : contributed to The Sunbeam, a Representative Journal of all Temperance Societies, Jersey City, N. J. (Sept., T882). Arthur O'Shaughnessy : his life and works, by Louise Chandler Moulton [with portrait] : in The Manhattan {July, 1884), IV: No. I. Nan : in Cleveland Leader and Morning Herald, Apr. ip, 1883. Riching versus Providence : written for and in Hartford [Conn.] Daily Times, Aug. 22, 1883. Ourselves and Our Neighbors ; short chats on social topics. 16°. Roberts Bros. Spring's Wedding-Day : in Putnam [Conn.] Patriot, June 28, i8p3. Jfichols, John Bowyer' +17781. From an early age the coadjutor of his father, John Nichols, in editing The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, London. Completed many of John Nichols' works. A Brief Account of the Guildhall, London, 1819, 2 pi. Account of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of Saint Katherine, near the Tower of London, 1824, 4°. London Pageants, Accounts of 60 Royal Processions and Entertainments in London, from Henry II to present time, 1831. 8''. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 1834-43, 8 vols., 8°. Historical Notes of Fon thill and its Abbey. Editor : of Hutchin's Dorset, Vols. 3 and 4, and of Dunton's Memoirs. — Allibone, 1423. Clavis Hogarthiana. The Progresses of King James the First. Wichols, John Bruce"" +17784. In 1873, joined his father, John Gough Nichols, and uncle, as Printers of the Votes and Preceedings of the House of Com mons. JSichols, John Gough" +17783. Helped compile and completed The Progresses of James I, by John Bowyer Nichols. Took an active part in the editorial management of, con ducted the Necrological Department of, contributed essays, historical, etc., to The Gentleman's Magazine, London, until 1856. Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages conspicuous in English History from Reign of Richard II to that of Charles II, with Biographical Memoirs. 1829, imp. 4° [commended by Ret. Rev., Lon. Rev., Oct., i82p. New Month. Mag., Feb., 1830, Gent. Mag., Atlas]. Account of London Pageants, 1831, 1837. 8°. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, the publication commenced 1833 in quarterly parts, by the Messrs. Nichols, John Gough Nichols one of the original editors, and latterly sole editor ; [first edited by Sir Frederick Madden, who, and vSir Thomas Phillipps, bart., were associated with him in estab lishing it]. 1834-43, 8 Vols., r. 8°, new ed. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 24OI Edited many of the volumes issued by the Camden Society (established 1838). Journal of the Siege of Rouen [1591], by Sir Thomas Coningsby, edited by John Gough Nichols, F. S. A.: in the Camden Miscellany, T (Camdep. Soc. Publications, XXXIX), 27. Description of St. Mary Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, 1838, sm. 8°. A Description of the Frescoes discovered in 1804, in the Guild Chapel at Stratford-on-Avon, and of the Records relat ing thereto, 1838. The Unton Inventories, with a Memoir of the Unton Fam ily, 1 84 1. Examples of Inlaid and Encaustic Tiles, 1842-7. The Fishmonger's Pageant on Lord Mayor's Day, 1844, foi. The Topographer and Genealogist, 1846-55, 2 vols., 8°. The Chronicles of Calais, 1846. Inventories of the Wardrobe, etc., of H. Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, etc., 1847. The Diary of H. Mechy, 1848. Published, 1849, The Pilgrimage of Walsingham and Can terbury, by Erasmus, an original translation [commended by Salisbury and Winchester Jour, Athenaeum ; Ai't Journal, Weekly News ; John Bull]. Memoirs of Earl Arundel, r. 8°. The Chronicles of Queen Jane, 1850. The Literary Remains of John Stockdale Hardy, 1852, 8° Chronicles of Grey Friars of London, 1852 — Allibone, 1423. Herald and Genealogist [a periodical established about i year after termination of his management of Gentleman's Mag. Its pages open to American correspondents, making known American contributions to genealogical literature]. The Her ald and Genealogist. Edited by John Gough Nichols, F. S. A. London : J. G. Nichols and R. C. Nichols, Printers to the Soc. of Antiquaries. Parts i-xviii, 1863-6 [reviewed, N. E. H. G. Reg., XX : 383]. Part xxx, June, 1869., Oct., 1869. Published (but did not edit) The Register and Magazine of Biography, a Record of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and other Genealogical and Personal Occurrences. 1869. Westminster, Nichols & Son, 25 Parliament St., Nos. Jan.-May, 1869, pp. 80 ea. monthly [reviewed, N. E. H. G. Reg., XXIII: 373]. Pub lished 6 months in 1869, and then abandoned. Biographical sketches of Sir Frederick Madden, K. H., F. R. S., and of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart.: in Necrology of N. E. Historic Genealogical Society: N. E. His. Gen. Reg., Oct., 1873, XXVII: 428-30. Olcott, James Bradford' +12928. Editor of Agricultural Department of Hartford [Conn.] Cour- ¦ant, 1884. Orbeton, Charles Wesley' +6305. Contributor: to Lynn [Mass.] Daily Bee, Schaffer 6- Bye, pub lishers, 1882. 151 2402 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Patterson, Franklin Bayard' +8266. A Plan of the City of New York, from an actual Survey made by lames Lyne. Facsimile of an original Map of New York in 1728. Published by F. B. Patterson, 61 Liberty St., N. Y., 1874. New York | Directory | 1786. F. B. Patterson, 61 Liberty St., 1874, sm. 4°, pp. 82. The Old I Stadt Huys | of | New Amsterdam. | A paper read before the | New York Historical Society | June 15, 1875. | New York: F. B. Patterson, 32 Cedar st, 1875. 8°, pp. 59. The Story of Gum Copal. Edited and printed by F. B. Pat terson, 27 Park Row, N. Y., Murphy & Co., Varnish makers, Newark, N. J., Murphy, Sherwin & Co., Cleveland, O., sm. 4°,, pp. 16, and price list, pp. 8. Colored plate and wood cuts; copyright, 1878. The History and Mystery of Varnish. Murphy & Co., sm. 4°, pp. 26 -I- 6, (illus.). Copyright, 1879. Puffs of Wisdom. P. Lorillard & Co. 64°, pp. 20, (illus.), copyright, 1880. [Compiled and printed by F. B. Patterson.] The Ancestry of the Modern Pleasure Carriage, a Lecture delivered before the class in carriage drafting and construction, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Technical School, ist ave. and 68th st, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1881: reported in N. Y. Times and N. Y. Herald, Mar. ip, 1881. Ancestry of the Modern Pleasure Carriage. By F. B. Pat terson of N. Y. (illus. by " Family Tree of Modern Pleasure Carriage ") [stenographic report of Address before the Class in Carriage Drafting and Construction, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1881]: in The Hub and N. 'Y. Coachmaker s Magazine, June i, 1881, XXIII : ^35- Paulison, Hon. Charles McKnight +2995. An account of the Industrial Prospects and Resources of Arizona Territory, by C. M. K. Paulison. Paulison, John Paul' +2994. Adjustment | of | General and Special Charges | and | Ap portionment of Net Proceeds. | Case of the Steam-Ship | " Scot land," I Hall, Master. | New York to Liverpool | February, 1868. I Printed by J. Maudsley & Son, 4 and 6 Castle Street, Liver pool. I John P. Paulison and Jas. W. Hayward, Adjusters, New York, 1868. 4°, pp. 129. Report of the Chairman, in : Report of Annual Meeting of the Association of Average Adjusters of the United States. Held at Neiw York, Oct. 12, 1887, pp. 7 to 30. Percy, Rt Rev. Thomas' +17762. Hau Kiou Choam, etc., from the Chinese, London, 1761, 4 Vols. 12°. Vol. IV translated by Percy from Portuguese. Five pieces of Runic Poetry, translated from the Icelandic Language, 1 761-2-3, 8°. Edited The Matron's Six Short Histories, 1762, sm. 8°. The Song of Solomon, newly translated from orig. Hebrew, with a Commentary and Notes. Lon., 1764 [criticised in The Song of Solomon paraphrased, by Mrs. A. M. Bawdier, Edin., I775\- . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2403 Reliques of Ancient English Poetry : consisting of old He roic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets (chiefly of the lyric kind), together with some few of later date. Lond., 1765 ; sm. 8°, 3 Vols., portrait (illus.). Editions 1767, 1775, 1794; 3 Vols. cr. 8°, 1812, 1839, 1844, and 1857 [Musical Il lustrations to Percy' s Reliques. By E. F. Rimbault, 1830]. Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy, 1769, 4°. P. H. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, trans., etc., 1770, 2 Vols., 8°. The Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the 5th Earl of Northumberland, etc, 1770. New ed. 1827. The Hermit of Warkworth. Lond., 177 1, 4°. Eds. 1807, 1841. On some Large Fossil Horns. A Key to the New Testament, giving an Account of the several Books, their Authors, etc. Lond., 1779, 1792, 1817, 1821, with Dr. Robert Gray's Key to the Old Testament, 1841, 1857. An Essay on the Origin of the English Stage, particularly on the historical Plays of Shakespeare, 1793. Northumberland article, by Bp. Percy, deniss Sir Ingelram Percy : in Collin' s Peerage, 1812, II . 337 [Restitua or Titles, Ex tracts and Characters of Old Books, in Eng. Lit., Revised by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart., H. J. M. P., 1814]. Specimens of all the well-known writers of English blank verse before Milton. [Whole impression except 4 copies de stroyed by fire.] Letters from John Callander, Thomas Percy, Bp. of Dro more, David Herd, and others, to George Paton, with Apdx. and biog. notes, by James Maidment, 1830. Original letters of Bp. Percy in Lond. Athen., 1848, p. 437. 604. [His works ref. to : Thomas Frognall Dibdin s Bibliographical Decameron, III : 337 ; N. A. Rev., Edin. Rev., Blackwood's Mag., Lon. Quar. Rev., Gent. Mag., 1837, William Orme's Bibl. Bib., 1824, 347 ; Rev. Thomas Hartivell Home's Bibl. Bib., 183P, 161 ; Lownde' s Bib. Man., p. 1830 ; Allibone, 1361, etc. Percy, Rev. Thomas' +17778. Epic poem, written in his ninth year, 600 lines and more. Editor of the 4th Edition of Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, by Rt. Rev. Thomas Percy, 1794, 3 Vols. cr. 8°. A few short poems are : in The Political Register. Scott's Introduc. Remarks on Popular English Poetry, pre fixed to his Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Perkins, Rev. James Handasyd' +3180. Contributor : to Western Monthly Magazine. Edited the Evening Chronicle and Cincinnati Mirror to 1839. Annals of the West, 8°, 1847. Published a series of histori cal sketches of that region in North American Review, 1839 to 1847, and Digest of the Const. Opinions of Judge Marshall, and contrib. historical papers to the N. Y. Review. Life and Writings of James Flandasyd Perkins, by Wm. Hy. Channing, 2 Vols., 185 1, 12°. [See Cyclopoidia of American Lit erature.] 2404 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Prince, Miss Sarah Olivia' +9293. The Wages of Sin [poem] : in Western Chronicle (Kentville, N. S.), Aug. 8, 1885. Memories [poem], by Sadie O. Prince. Frequent contributor to The Monitor. Took prize, for best composition, from publisher of Gems of Poetry, N.Y. Wrote a poem on the marriage of Princess Beatrice, which she sent to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, which the Queen ap preciated, and acknowledged by an autograph letter. Book of Poems, 1889 or 1890. Prindle, Mrs. Augusta Jane' {Cleveland) +4198. Contributor of following to The Golden Rule [magazine], (Olean, N. Y., Martha B. Dickinson, editor): Retrospective and Prospective. By A. C. P., July, 1869, p. 50 ; Margery's Trial and Triumph, Aug., 1869, p. 78; Through Darkness to Light, Oct., 1869, p. 142 ; White Lilies, June, p. 385, July, 1870, p. 417 ; Aunt Elsie's Story, Sept., 1870, p. 490; Decoration Day, 1870, Feb., p. 50, Mar., 1871, p. 73 ; Past, Present, and Future, Apr., p. 103, May, p. 148, June, p. 179, July, 1871, p. 209. Alpine Flowers and Other Poems. By Augusta Cleveland Prindle. Springfield, Mass.: Whitney & Adams, 1879, sm. 8°, pp. 104. [Vales Co. [N. Y.] Chronicle, Oct. 30, iSjq —This book of poems is the work of a Mass. lady belonging to the Cleveland family. Alpine Flowers is the most considerable poem, showing the highest poetic sympathy, the most thought, and the best versiiication. All its songs are earnest, sympathetic, with a deep tone of pious feeling and poetic sensir bility. Her deftness with the pen will no doubt make her frequently heard from in the future.] (An enlarged version of Alpine Flowers is ready for the press, 1895.) The Pen Stroke [poem]: in I'he Guide [Germantown, Phila delphia, Pa.] {Feb. 9, 1884), XIII, No. 11. A new story ran through four months of a Magazine, and is enlarged, and a Book of Original Versifications of passages from the Bible are to be published soon (1895). Proctor, John Cleaveland' +6597. Sunday-school Hymns. Sunday-school Exercises. Quarles, Edward Rutledge' +16767. On Cincinnati [O.] Enquirer bef. 1885. On Nashville [Tenn.] American, 1883. Beynolds, George W,' +4695. Editor at Franklin, N. Y. Editor at Oneonta, N. Y. Letter describing Kingston, its early history, surroundings, interests : in Exeter [N. H.] News Letter, 1878 (ab. Aug.) (owned by Mr. Marseilles, proprietor also of Kingston Journal and Ron- dout Freeman). Reynolds & Dunton, publishers of The Journal, Melrqse, Mass., 1880. Bhoades, Edward Henry' +13528. Compiling the Rhoades Genealogy, 1889. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2405 Rhoades, Miss Mary Prentice' +13530. Genealogical Record — Carter, 1884. 8°, pp. 8. RICE, Mrs. SUSAN TROWBRIDGE' (CLEAVELAND) +9670 — see Cleaveland, Miss Susan Trowbridge'. Sherrick, Miss Fannie Lsabelle' +13121.. The Soldier's Grave : in St. Louis [Mo.] Republican, Sept. 22, 187s- Love or Fame — a book of poems. Contributor to periodicals ; [criticised favorably ; in her possession are 2 letters from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, of which she is justly proud]. Smith, Mrs. Mary Stuart' {White) +8714. In memory of a Mother's Love, for private circulation. Stedman, Arthur" +14703. Library of American Literature, by Edmund_ C. Stedman and Ellen M. Hutchinson — Vol. XI, May, 1890, containing In dex and Biographies, prepared by Arthur Stedman. Sketch of life and poetry of Herman Melville : in The Re view of Reviews {American Edition), N. Y., Nov., 1891. Editor, 1893. - Stedman, Edmund Clarence' +8722. Westminster Abbey [poem]: in Yale Literary Magazine, 185 1. Editor of The Norwich (Conn.) Tribune, 1852-3 — [Caulkins' HH. Norwich — a large, well-printed weekly, which began Jan., 1852, E. S. Wells, editor and proprietor, soon succeeded by Charles B. Platt and Edmund C. Sted man. It was discontinued June, 1853.] Editor of The Herald, of Winsted, Conn., 1854-5. During the years 1855 to the present has been a contributor to Vanity Fair, Putnam's Monthly, Harper's, Atlantic, Scribner's, Century, The Independent, North American Review, The Galaxy, and Otlier periodicals and reviews. On Staff of The New York Tribune, 1859-60. The Diamond Wedding [a satirical poem]: in The Tribune, 1859- How old Brown took Harper's Ferry [poem] : m Tribune, 1839. Same contained in the collection, Parnassus, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Poems Lyric and Idyllic, N. Y., i860. 16°, pp. 196. The Prince's Ball, a Brochure from Vanity Fair, with Illus trations by Stephens. N. Y., i860. 16°, pp. 31. Joined Editorial Staff of The World, N. Y., i860, war corres pondent of World 1 86 1-3. The Battle of Bull Run. New York, i86i. 16''. Alice of Monmouth, an Idyll of the Great War, and other Poems. N. Y.: Carleton, 1864, 16°. A Reconstruction Letter. Privately printed from The Tri bune. N. Y.: Bradstreet Press, 1865. The Blameless Prince, and other Poems. Boston: 1867; 1869. 16°. 2406 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Rip Van Winkle and His Wonderful Nap, with Illustrations by Sol Eytinge, Jr. Engraved and printed in colors by Robert Hooper, etc. Boston: 1870,8°. 4°, pp. 8. Poetical Works. Collective Edition. Boston: 1873. 12°, pp. 342. The Poetical Works of Edmund Clarence Stedman. Collective Edition. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co. The Riverside Press, Cambridge : 1881. 12°, pp. 342. Cameos. Selected from the works of Walter Savage Lan der. By E. C. Stedman and T. B. Aldrich. (Introduction by E. C. S.) Boston : 1874. 24° Octavio Brooks Frothingham and the New Faith. N. Y.: 1876. 12°. Victorian Poets. (A complete Review of the Poets and Poetry of Great Britain, from the accession of Victoria R. to present time.) Boston : 1875, and London : 1876, crown 8°, pp. 441. 1885, 12°. 13th Edition, revised and extends, by a sup plementary chapter, to soth year of Period under review. Large-Paper ed. in 2 vols., 1887. Large-Paper ed. limited to 250 copies. With Portraits. Boston, New York, and Chicago. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7, 2 Vols., 8°. Revised, with supplementary Chapter, 21st ed., 1896-7. Crown 8°, 547 pp. Summer Rain [poem]: in A Festival of Song, a Series of Even ings with the Greatest Poets of the English Lauguage. By Frederick Saunders, 1876. Favorite Poems. Illustrated. Boston: 1877. 32°. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Boston : 1877. 32°. Hawthorne and Other Poems. Boston: 1877, 1896-7, 16°. Lyrics and Idylls, with Other Poems. London : 1879, crown 8°. Edgar Allen Poe. Boston: 1880. Portrait. 24° [elegant]. 18° [vellum covers]. Edited, with a full introduction, the edition of the Poems of Austin Dobson. N. Y.: 1880. Critical Essay on William Blake, poet and painter [prose]: in the volume. Essays from the Critic. J. G. H., by Edmund Cla,rence Stedman [poem in memory of Josiah Gilbert Holland, M.D.]: in Century Magazine, Scribner's Monthly, Dec, 1881, XXIII: 307. Hebe [poem]: in Century Il lustrated Monthly Mag., Feb., 1886, XXXI: 343-7. Souvenir de Jeunesse [poem]: in Century, Jan., 1887. Twelve years of Brit ish Song: in Century, Oct, 1887. The old Picture Dealer [poem] : in Manhattan Magazine] Oct., 1883. The Raven. Illustrated by Gustave Dor6, with comment on the Poem, by E. C. S. N. Y.: 1883. Could we but know, p. 184, Kearney at Seven Pines, p. 259, and The Hand of Lincoln, p. 289: in Favorite Poems from Eng lish and American Authors. Edited by Elmo. 1884. Poems. New Household Edition. With Portrait. 1884. 12°. Household Edition, with Portrait and Illustrations. Bos ton, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. Crown 8°. 12°, 429 pp. Prose and Poetical Works. Boston and N. Y.: 1885. 3 Vols., 12°. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2407 Poets of America, with full notes in margin and careful Analytical Index. Third thousand. Boston and N. Y.: Hough ton, Mifflin & Co., Oct., 1885, 12°. [Companion vol. to the Vic torian Poets. Lit. Rev. — This is the author's maturest prose work.] nth ed., 1896-7. Crown 8°, 536 pp. A Library of American Literature, compiled and edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman and Ellen Mackay Hutchinson. N. Y. : Charles L. Webster & Co. XI vols. 8°, each 500 pp. Illust. Vol. XI, May, 1890. The Nature and Elements of Poetry, 1892. Crown 8°, pp. 338. [Include 8 discourses which formed the initial course in '91 of the Percy Turnbull Memorial Lectureship of Poetry at Johns Hopkins University.] The Nature and Elements of Poe try, with 'Topical Analysis and Analytical Index. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. Crown 8°. Ariel. In memory of Percy Bysshe Shelley: in Atlantic Monthly, Aug., 1892. Falstaff 's Song : in Hartford [Conn.] Times, July 2, i8p2. Cousin Lucrece [poem]: in St. Nicholas, 1894. A Victorian Anthology, 1837-1895. Selections illustrating the Editor's Critical Review of British Poetry in the Reign of Victoria. Edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman. With a Por trait of Queen Victoria, and a Vignette of the Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Hough ton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. Large 8°. Holiday ed., 1896-7. Large-Paper ed., limited ; 2 Portraits of Queen Victoria and Vignette, 2 Vols. 8°. An Amei;ican Anthology. Boston, New York, and Chicago, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7. Prose and Poetical Works. Including Poems, Victorian Poets, Poets of America, and The Nature and Elements of Poetry. 4 vols. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896-7, uniform crown 8° in box. Stedman, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine' (Dodge) +3226 — see Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine' {Dodge) [Stedman]. Stedman, Frederick Stuart" +14702. Assistant Editor of a Literary Encyclopedia, quarter yearly, 1884. Strong, Miss Delia Amanda' +7047. Hymn : To God let grateful praise arise [prepared for the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clarke, May 25, 1859]: in Hampshire Gazette, and Our Patronymics, by Elizabeth E. Gifford, p. 14. The Boy and the Man, or Edward Cleaveland. Written for the Massachusetts Sabbath-School Society, and approved by the Committee of Publication. Boston : Mass. S. S. Soc. [i860]. 12°, pp. 140. [Parmenas Beriah' Strong +7045 is the character, Edward Cleveland.] The Christian Private, S. S. Library. Deacon Robert Stone, S. S. Lib. Biography of Spencer' Phelps +7019, pub. by Mass. S. S. Soc. after 1863. 2408 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Strowbridge, Silas Hammond' +7960- S. H. Strowbridge & Co., publishers of The Cortland News, 1887. Teeple, Frank William' +12509. Compiler of various County, State, and other works of an historical nature throughout the United States, 1879-1897. Wrote up and illustrated many of the foreign Government exhibits at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 111., 1893. Tucker, Gilbert Milligan' +8777. One of the Editors, since 1867, of The Cultivator and Coun try Gentleman, published by Luther Tucker & Son [the present (1895-7) members of the firm now are the editors and publish ers of this journal : Luther Henry Tucker, Gilbert Milligan Tucker, and Luther Henry Tucker, Jr.], Albany, N. Y. A PROFESSIONAL OPINION. The following is from Printers' Ink, published by those well- known advertising agents, Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell br Co., of New York : With the strictly agricultural newspapers are usually classed those devoted in whole or in part to dairying, live-stock, horticulture, poultry, ahd bee-keeping, since these in terests are so interwoven with agriculture that- there is no medium most exclusively agricultural that does not treat in m,ore or less detail upon these other kindred subjects. The total number of newspapers under this classification is 308, and their total circula tion each issue is about 2,924,000 ; 143 of them are monthlies, 24 semi-monthlies, and most of the others weeklies. Some few are quarterlies. They range in circulation from 500 to upwards of 230,000, and in price from 5 cents to $1.50 a line for advertising. After the religious, the ajjricultural newspapers are most used of any of the class publications by general advertisers. Seedsmen and dealers in farm supplies select the agricultural mediums first, and then use freely the reUgious and secular as well. Of course these are the largest and most important patrons of the agricultural press ; but there is a large class wishing to reach general consumers who find agricultural newspapers among the best they can use. They are really family papers as well, and it is thought each copy is read-by more people than an ordinary secular weekly. As a class, farmers are the most independent of any. They are intelligent and have means to supply ordinary wants. The rate demanded is usually; in excess of that given by secular weeklies, and about the same as is named by religious newspapers for similar circulation. In both cases the same reasons are given for the higher rate. In the northeastern States, viz. . New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, are published 93 of these agricultural newspapers, with a combined circulation of about 1,156,000, or more than one-third of the total issue of all in the country. There is one in Maine, one in New Hampshire, two in Massachusetts, three at least in New York (two in the city and one in Albany), and three in Pennsylvania of especial value, all of which should be used. The Albany paper referred to meets the eyes of an unusually large number of the class known as gentlemen farmers, and is in demand among advertisers desiring a circula- tion of the very highest class. The Argument from Law, pp. 14-: in P7'esbyte?'ian Review, Vol. J, p. 14 {Jan.,, 1882). American English, pp. 12 : in Noi-th American Review^ Vol. On Certain Points of Resemblance between Orthodoxy and Nature, pp. 20: in New Englander^ Vol. 7, N. 6*., /. 311 {May^ 1884); Grammatical Suggestions from a Workshop, pp. 12 : Ih.^ Vol. 8, N, S.,p. 3pi {May, i88s). Degraded Words, pp. 18 : in Transactions Albany Ijistitute^ Vol. 10, p. 3p J American English, pp. 27 : in Ib.^ p. 334 ; Locutius in Fabrica, pp. 11: Jb., Vol. 11, p. iij ; English Dictionaries — which is the Best ? pp. 20 : lb., Vol. 13. Our Common Speech — Six papers on Topics connected with the correct use of the English Language, the Changes • BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 2409 which that Tongue has undergone on both Sides of the Sea, and the Labors of Lexicographers to catalogue and explain its Component Parts. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1895. Tyng, Dr. Anita Elizabeth' +8552. Tribute from the College students, in Memorial Hour. Prof. Emeline Horton Cleveland, 1879, pp. 17-22. Essay on Heredity, and Causes of 111 Health in Women, papers in Annual Report of Rhode Island Board of Health, 1881. Tyng, Charles Dtidley' +8551. Correspondent of the Ne7v York Associated Press [before 1873] at Havana, Cuba. Tyng, CJiarles Rockland^ +8550. Record of the Life and Work of Rev. Stephen Higginson Tyng, D.D., N. Y. [Well received by the critics.] Tyng, Rev. Dudley Atkins' +8543. Vital Truth and Deadly Error. 1852. 12°. Children of the Kingdom, or Lectures on Family Worship. N. Y.:i854. 12°. London: 1858. 18°. Republished in Eng. as God in the Dwelling, 4th Ed. Dec, 1859. Memoir of Alexander Viets Griswold, Bishop of the Prot. Epis. Church in the Eastern Diocese. By Rev. John S. Stone,. D.D. Abridged by Rev. Dudley A. Tyng. N. Y.: P. E. Soc. for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1854. 8°, pp. 263. Our Country's Troubles ; Sermons, Nos. I and II : I, Phila delphia: 1856. N. Y.:i864. II, Philadelphia: 1857. N. Y.: 1864. Tyng, George' +8551. Editor of The Sentinel, Yuma, Arizona. ^yng, Julia Griswold^ +8545 — see Ward, Mrs. Julia Griswold' {Tyng). Tyng, Rev. Stephen Higginson' +3160. Lectures on the Law and the Gospel. Philadelphia: 1832,, 8°. 1848. 6th 1,000, ,N. Y.: 1854, 8°. Memoir of Rev. Gregory Townsend Bedell, an enlarged ed.,. prefixed: to [30 of] Bedell's Sermons, 1835, 2 Vols. 8°; 1836, 2 Vols. 8° Memoir of Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, D.D., Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. Second ed., enlarged and improved. Phila.: Henry Perkins ; Boston: Perkins & Marvin,. 1836, sm. 8°, pp. 402. N. Y.: Prot. Epis. Soc. for Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge: 1855, sm. 8°, pp. 387. Many Addresses, single sermons published 1838 to 1864. Sermons preached in Church of the Epiphany, Phila., 1839, 8°. Republished as: The Israel of God, London: 1846. 1850, 18°. 6th 1,000 (in all), N. Y.: 1854, 8° 4th Thousand Enlarged, N. Y.: 1856, 8°, pp. 387. [Steel portrait of Rev. S. H. Tyng.] Recollections of England. N. Y., 12°. London, 1847, 12°. [Noticed in London Atheneum, 1847, 663.] Family Commentary on the Four Gospels, 1849. The Four Gospels arranged as a practical family Commentary for every 2410 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. day in the year. By the author of "The Peep of Day," etc. Edited, with an Introductory Preface, by Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. 12 steel engravings. N. Y.: D. Appleton & Co., 1866. 8°, pp. 548. Contributed Prefaces : to Four Gospels, or Light in the Dwell ing, 1849, Memoir of Rev. E. Bickersteth, by Rev. T. R. Berks, 1831, 12°, and Memoir of W. Johnson, 1833, 8°. Christ is All, a course of Sermons. N. Y.: 1852, 12°; 4 edi tions to 1864. A Lamb for the Flock, 1852, 12°. Christian Titles, a Series of Practical Meditations, 1853, 16°; London, 1853, 16°. Fellowship with Christ. N. Y.: 1854, 12°. The Rich Kins man, or The History of Ruth, the Moabitess, 1855, 16°. Lon don : 1855, i6°. Memoir of Rev. E. P. J. Messenger. N. Y.: 1857, 24°. Contributor : to The Alan of Business, 1837, 24°. The Child of Prayer, a Father's Memorial to the Rev. Dud ley A. Tyng, A.M. By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. N. Y.: 1858, 32°. London, 1858, 18°. 1862, 18°. The Captive Orphan; Esther, the Queen of Persia. 1859, 12°. Forty Years' Experience in Sunday-Schools, etc. i860, 16°. Edin. i860, 18°. Guide to Confirmation. N. Y., 18°. Vow Assumed, 18° Prayer-Book, Illustrated by Scripture. 8 Vols. 18° The Reward of Meekness, 1867, 24°. The Feast Enjoyed, 1868, 24°. Extemporaneous Remarks of Rev. Stephen H. Tyng at funeral in Grace Church, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1869 : in A Memorial of Mrs. Louisa C. McAllister. Privately printed for the Family. N. Y.: 1869, 8°, large paper, pp. 47. p. 15-21. The Spencers, 1870, 1878. Edited The Bible Companion. Editor : of Episcopal Re corder, The Protestant Churchman, N. Y., and Theological Re pository. Record of a Life of Mercy. Personal Biography from 1800- 1845. Prepared and printed in Parts for my Children and 'Friends. By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. N. Y.: S.W. Green's Type-setting Machinery, 1879. 8°, pp. 176. Tyng, Rev. Stephen Higginson' +8548. For some years editor of the Working Church (weekly). He will come. Boston, 1877. 16°, pp. 316. Miracle of Lourdes. Tyng, Thomas Mitchell' +8546. Contributor to magazines, 1891. Ward, Mrs. Julia Griswold' {Tyng) +8545- Contributor to newspapers and magazines. Waterman, Thomas' +1732. Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Members of St. An drews Royal Arch Chapter, Boston, which was instituted 1769. ISt Ed. 1859, 12°, pp. 130. 2d Ed. 1866, pp. 168. Descendants of Robert Waterman of Marshfield, Mass., in the Line of his son Thomas : in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., Apr., 1869, XXIII: 204-5. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 24II Watkins, Miss Jenny' +16802. An Allegory ; and Sketched from Life : contributions in Houston Home Journal, Perry, Ga., 1874. Wasted Lives : contribution to Dalton, Ga., paper. Political letters contributed to The Banner, Cleveland, Tenn., 1880. Tennyson, is he indeed " Lord of all the realms of Poesy " [in answer to Dr. Evans of London, Eng., he claiming the superiority and Miss Watkins the inferiority of Tennyson to other English poets], and other contributions to Kansas City [Mo.] T-itnes, 1884. Woman's Rights: in Courier, Rome, Ga., Aug. 30, 1884. Library of Thought, Dec. 29, 1884, by Georgia Girl : news paper article. Faith, By Jenny Watkins. Copyrighted 1886, by S. S. McClure. Jessup, By Jenny Watkins: in Louisville Times, Dec. 9, 1886. The Woman's Version. By Jenny Watkins : in Belford's Magazine, New York B elf ord Company, June, 1890, V : 111-168, the article paged 1-58. Uncle June's Parable ; A story : in Belford's Monthly and Democratic Review, N. Y., Dec, 1891, I: 382-394. White, Rev. Lorenzo +4149- Christian Giving, 1856, small 12°, pp. ab. 250 [a prize essay]. The Democracy of Christianity: 1892, 12°, pp. 307. Contributor to the Methodist Review and other church peri odicals. White, Miss Mary Stuart' +8714 — 366 Smith, Mrs. Mary Stuart' {White). WILSON, Mrs. ESTHER MARIA' (CLEVELAND) + 10591. Contributor to Cleveland [O.] Leader and Morning Herald. Kenilworth Castle : in Cleveland Leader, May 30, 1886. Winslow, Alfred Aiigu.stus' +11509. Editor at Hammond, Indiana, 1887. WOOD, Mrs. EMMA MATILDA' (CLEVELAND) +11997. The Suburban Resident [Poem]. Third Prize [$250, Proc tor & Gamble's Ivory Soap advertisement, 27,388 contributions received]. By Emma M. Wood, Harrodsburg, Ky., in : The Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. {Dec, 1893), XI: 37. Other contributions. Wood, Henry Cleveland" +15664. Partial list of publications from 1870 to 1883 : The Beginning and the End, by Henry Cleveland Wood [illustrated poem] : in The Quiver, London, Eng. Republished in another paper. A Kitchen Boy who became a Master ; Miss Marlow's Christ mas Dinner, etc.: in Weekly Times, Cincinnati, O. A Tale of Two Bosom Friends ; A New Version of Little Red Riding Hood ; How Christmas came in September ; Miss 2412 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Tackles-Dress-maker; Pretty Jack and Ugly Carl, etc.: in Courier- Journal, Louisville, Ky. Beautiful Hair [poem] : published in a paper edited by students of Kentucky Military Institute, Frankfort, Ky. Little Reuben ; A Story of the Country ; Little Carver in Wood, etc. : in Home and School, Louisville, Ky. Fern Hunting ; Unclaimed Letters ; A Christmas Story, etc.: in Kentucky People, Harrodsburg, Ky. Frieda, a Fairy Tale; The Three Graces, etc.: in Harrods burg Signal. A Southern Corn Shucking : in Appleton's Journal, N. Y. To My Lady [poem] : 'vs\ Illustrated Kentuckian, Lexington,Ky., Ill: 393. October [stanza] : in Frank Leslie's Weekly. Pity and Envy [stanza] : in Belford's Magazine. The Words Unsaid [poem] : in Harper's Weekly, New York, N. Y. Opossum Hunting in the South [illustrated]: 'ra. Frank Les lie, N. Y. Pen Reminiscenses of Niagara ; The Banker's Daughter [illus.] : in Straws, Louisville, Ky. The Awakening [poem] ; Uncle Hamp ; Historic Harrods burg [illus.] ; In the Time of Blooms [poem] {Mar. 2p, 1882) I: 102; Kentucky's Birthplace [illustrated] {Feb. 7, 1883), III: 162,. in : Our Continent, an Illustrated Weekly Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa. Song Notes from the Opera Festival ; Poems : in Southern- Musical Journal, Savannah, Ga. [Poems] : All that Glitters is not Gold ; At Eventide ; Rev eries ; The Little Maiden; The old, old Story; The Distant Bells ; Gwendolyne ; Kentucky Cliffs ; A Warning ; Finding a Rest ; The Dreaming Youth ; Spinning- Wheel Song ; Where are my Friends; Under the Sweet Apple Blossoms, etc.: in Harrodsburg Enterprise, and other periodicals in the North and East. Articles on Entertainment : in the Delineator, Oct., 1881, etc. Uncle Josh at the play [illustrated poem. Ivory Soap adver tisement : Tenth prize], in Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, X: 131 ; The Housekeeper's Need, 7th Prize [illustrated poem,. Ivory Soap advertisement] : lb., X: 27. Advertising poem, for Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.: 3d prize. The Sultan's Gift ; Amor [both librettos] : both set to music by Mr. L. C. Walter of Harrodsburg. One of the editors of the Harrodsburg Democrat at its origin. The Toil-Gate Raider : in Leslie's Weekly, N. Y, Oct. 21, 1897. The Kentucky Outlaw [illus.]: ist installment p. 1-3, New York Ledger, Nov. 27, i8p7. Contributor also to others of the most prominent magazines, among them the following: Leslie's periodicals, Home and School, The Southern Bivouac, American Magazine, The Aldine, The Cosmo politan, The Current, America, Lippincott's, Harper's Weekly, Har per's Young People, Youth's Companion, Literary Life, Santa Claus, Wide Awake, Drake's Magazine, Once a Week, Woman, The Graphic. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CLEVELAND FAMILY. 24 1 3 Woolery, Prof. William Henry' +16907. Wrote extensively on The Wine Discussion, Ministerial Education, and The Higher Criticism, etc., etc. Wright, Platt McDonough' +9799- Editor and publisher of Omro [Wis.] Journal, 1884. Young, Clarence Bishop', B. S. +9267. One of the Editors of an Industrial Journal, N. Y. city, 1865. A compiler and reviser of the Smithsonian Reports and pub lications. Young, Edward', Ph.D. +3537. Author and publisher. Labor in Europe and America. Govt. 8°, pp. 864. Report of the Delegates to the International Statistical Con gress, held at St. Petersburg [Russia] in Aug., 1872. Washing ton Govt. Print., 1875. [P. 32, 34 — an Official Delegate; Hon orary Vice-Pres. U. S.: Dr. Edward Young, Chief of Bureau of Statistics in the Treasury Dep.] Protection Beneficial to Farmers, etc. Report of an Inter view with Judge William Lawrence, First Comptroller of the Treasury. By Edward Young, Ph.D., 1882. 8°, pp. 16. The Wool Industry, Doc. No. 6, Association of American Economists, Aug. 20, 1883. 4°, pp. 4. Production and Export of Cotton Goods, Office of Assoc, of American Economists, Washington, Oct. i, 1883. pp. 3. Wool and Politics. Office Assoc. Am. Economists, Oct. i, 1883, pp. 2. Special Report on Tariff Legislation, Oct. i, 1883 [considered an authority in Canada and U. S.]. Special Report on Immigration, in English, French, and German [10,000 copies each]. Tari,^ Talks, Numbers I to IX : in The Issue, N. Y., Aug. 30, Sept. 6, {'3, 1884, etc. Rev. Henry Alline, the Whitefield of Acadia. By E. Y.: in Baptist Beacon, Washington, D. C, Sept., 1884. Valuable Books at Private Sale. Part of the Library of Clarence B. Young, of the Smithsonian Institution [1884], pp. 4. Correspondent oi-N. Y. Daily Telegraph, Oct. 6, 1883. Young, Miss Margaret Allison' +3539. The Methuselah Family [of Dea. Benjamin Cleveland], Lon gevity, Temperance, and Piety. A correspondent sends us fol lowing, etc.: in Christian Messenger, Halifax, N. S., and Berwick [N. S.] Star, before 1881. Contribution to The Watchman {Methodist paper). " W. A. C." Longevity, Rev. Henry Alline (an Inventor). Rev. Lewis Payzant, Early Inhabitants. Correspondence : in Windsor [N. S.] Courier, Dec. 19, 1883. 2414 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland Characters in Fiction. Major Cleveland : in Love in '76. A Comeditta. By Oliver Bunce ; As performed at Laura Keene's Theatre, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1837. 12°, pp. 22. Mr. Cleveland and family: in the following, which is included in the works of Antoine- Francois, Prevost- D' Exiles : L' Historic de M. Cleveland, Paris, Fr. Didot et Jacques Guerin, 1731, 1738, 1740 ; Cleveland, ou le Philosophe anglais, 1732. Dutch translation. Italian translation. English translation, 3 vols.,.- 1731. The Life and Entertaining Adventures of Mr. Cleveland, Natural son of Oliver Cromwell, Written by Himself. Giving a par ticular Account of his Unhappiness in Love, Marriage, Friendship,. Ore, and his great Sufferings in Europe and America. 2d ed., 3 Vols. London, 1741, 1 : 282 pp., II: 276 pp.. Ill : 2pi pp. Arthur Cleve land : in The American Cardinal, N. Y., 1871. 8°, pp. 313. Cle ment Cleveland : in The Pirate, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Waverly Novels [Many editions]. Edward Cleaveland : see Strong, Delia Amanda, p. 2407. Edward Cleveland and family: in The Cleve lands : showing the influence of a Christian Family in a New Settle ment. By Mrs. E. M . Sheldon. American Tract Soc, Boston [i860]. 16°, pp. 87. John Cleveland : in Husbands and Homes, by Marion Harland. Lucy Cleveland, The History of, 1778 — Bib. Brittanica. The Example, or the History of Lucy Cleveland. By a Young Lady. London, Eng. Fielding, I7p3, 2 Vols. Susannah Cleveland: in Heights and Valleys, by Emma Marshall. Vere Cleveland : in Rhona, a novel by Mrs. Forrester. Philadelphia, Pa., 187 p. There- is a Cleveland character in Ernest Linwood, by Caroline Lee Hentz. Cleveland for a nom de plume. Kate Cleveland : nom de plume of Mrs. Rebecca S. (Reed) Nichols (wife of W. Nichols of Cincinnati, O.), author of : Con tributions, signed Ellen, to Louisville Journal and Nei\h\Letter, ab. 1840; Series of papers by Kate Cleaveland, in Cincinhaii Her ald ; Bernice, and other Poems, 1844; Editor and contributor of poems to the Guest, and to other periodicals ; By Kate Cleveland r Ocomo, p. 371, Christian Parlor Mag., N. Y., ab. 1848; Two Spirits, p. 41, Wigwam in the Forest, 87, Corner Stone, 142, Three Scenes of Death [poem], 260, Christian Parlor Book, N. Y., 184P, V ; Songs- of the Heart and Hearthstone, 1832, 8°. Chapter V. EDWARD' WINN OF WOBURN, MASS., AND SOME ACCOUNT OF HIS DESCENDANTS. ANCIENT WYNNES AND WINNES. -OTHER WINN EMI GRANTS TO AMERICA. From a very remote period the Wynn, Wynne, Winn family are seated in Wales, whence many of them have gone forth to the other nations. The derivation of the name from Dictionary of Names, by William Arthur — Gwvnne, Guinee, and Winne (Welsh). From Gwyn, white. ^rOTj.-— There are 20 arms to Wynn, 13 to Wynne, and 2 to Winn. [The grantees derived severally: Gwydyr — Gwy dir — co. Caernarvon — Carnarvon — bart.; derived through John Wynn ap Meredith, of Gwydyr and Roderick, Lord of Anglesey (and also Owen Wynn of Llwyn, living 1799,) from Owen Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales . . . Pen-y-Clawdd, co. Denbigh, derived from Owen ap Edwyn, Lord of Tegaingl, 00. Flint, Founder of the XII Noble Tribe of North Wales and Powys, who derived through Howel Dda, King of South Wales, and, by usurpation, of North Wales and Powis, from Cadelh, 2d son of Rhodwri Mawr (Roderick the Great) King of all Wales 843, d. 847 .. . Llanolian, co. Carnarvon derived, through Bleddyn, 2d son of Edryd ap lorwerth, trom Marchudd-ap-Cynan, Lord of Abergelleu, Pounder of the VIII Noble Tribe of N. Wales and Powys, contemporary with Rhodri Mawr . . . Tower, co. Flint derived, through John 3d son of Griffith ap Llewelyn (and also is Morris ap Lle welyn ancestor of the Wyns of Plas-Neuadd-yn-Bodlith derived) from Einion Efell Lord of Cynllaeth, living 1182 a son of Madoc, last Prince of Powys-Fadoc. . Hartsheath, CO. Flint, from lorwerth s. of Cynrio Efell, Lord of Eglwys Egle a s. of Madoc, last Prince of Powys-Fadog . . . Garthewin, co. Denbigh, from ROBERT Wynne esq. an ofBcer of Charles I, s. of John Wynn of Melai and Maenan, esq., derived through William 2d s. of Meredith ap David, and Grono Llwyd-y-Penwyn (ancestor of Wynnes of Garthewin) from Marchudd ; Jane, da. of JOHN Wynn, of Melai, m. Sir John Wynn ancestor of Sir Thomas Wynn, ist Baron 'Sisvi'ooTov.^hin the Peerageof Ireland, a.-aA&'&a.xon&t of Eng., who d. Oct. 12, 1807 . . . Garthmeilo, 00. Denbigh, descended from Trahman Goeh, of Emlyn, a Welsh chieftain, as borne by John Wyne . . . Winn, Nostell Priory, co. York, descended from a cadet of Wynne of Gwedir : Sir George Winn of Nostell, created Baronet i566 ; from his eldest s. Sir Edmund Winn, 2d Bart., derived Sir Row - land Winn 5th Bart. Sir George Winn, ist Baron Headley, in the Peerage of Ireland, and a Baronet of Eng., m. ist 1765 Anne, 6th da. of Sir Rowland Winn] . . . Winn.- (As cut m relief in stone on the wall of the porch of The Winn Memorial Public Library at Woburn.) Vert. 3 eagles displ. in fesse or. Crest — A boar's head gu. couped or. From Annals and Antiquities of tlie Counties and County Families of Wales. By Tliomas Nicholas, M.A., Ph. D., P. G. S. 1872. I: 418— Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams-, Bart., of Wynnstay, Denbighshire. Lineage. This ancient and noble family unites two houses whicli have come down from purely Cymric sources. The Wynns were of the princely line of Owain Gwynedd, himself directly descending from Rhodri the Great, King of North Wales, and subsequently of all Wales, who d. in a battle against the Danes, invaders of his country, A. D. 876. The first of the line of Wynn who adopted and settled that surname was John ap Meredydd ap Jevan, who was called John WYNN. The family were long seated in Eifionydd, Carnarvonshire. Meredydd ap Jevan, father of John Wynn, was the first to remove to the Vale of Conway, having purchased there the lands of Gwydir, a place which eventually became famous as the principal seat of the Wynns. The family in its various branches exhibited the primi tive features of a clan, and they were collectively called Tylwyth Sion ap Meredydd, "the family or clan of John ap Meredydd." The grandson of John Wynn was Sir JOHN Wynn of Gwydir, Kt. and Bart., b. 1553, d. 1626, historian of the house. [Baronage created June 2g, 1611, extinct Jan. 7, 17113.] , ,,. . Wynne pedigree 5 generations, 1584, 1612, WiNN 3 gen., 1665— William Paver's Visi tations of 'Yorkshire. Wynne pedigiee — Jlliscellanea Genealogica et Heralidica, Sept., 'Sj!, p. 27/. RICHARD WYNNE of Gisborough, Yorksh., Eng., m. Anne Coulthurst, a da. Robert' (b. 1541, Henry') Coulthurst and Dorothy' (William') Craw — Graves' ; Ord's His. Cleveland, Eng.: Pedigree of Coulthurst of Upleatham. RICH. WINNE of Salop, m. Damaris Cradock, da. Mat thew' (of London, 1634, Matthew', William", Thomas', Thomas', Richard", John', John', 1446, of Stafford, bro. of Sir Miles' of 2416 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Nantwich) Cradock and Rebecca' (Tho.' of Lond.) Jordan. Ch.: Damaris, b. Nov. i, 1623— TY. E. H. G. Reg., IX: 122. Sir RICHARD WYNNE and Sir Edward Spencer, 1640, manor of Sir William Washington (relation to Pres. George), Isleworth, Eng. HENRY WINN, mentioned, June 6, 1643, in will of Sir William Washington of Thistleworth, Middlesex co., Eng.— 77. E. Reg. XXI: 28; XLII: 408. RICHARD WYNE, his da. Mary legatee, Apr. 19, 1603, of Nicholas Rainbury of Stawley, Somerset co., Eng. — N. E. Reg., XL: 163. HUGH AB JOHN WYN, m. Alls (sister of Rowland of Wales, 1600) Coytmore, almost certainly same as Elizabeth, mother of Hugh Hughes, alias Gwyn. Rowland Coitmore of Wapping, Eng., grantee in 2d Charter of Va., May 23, 1609 — N. E. Reg. XXXIV: 234. JOHN WINNE, m. Elizabeth Wentworth, bap. Irby, Lin coln CO., Eng., Aug. 15, 1589, 1. 1628, a da. Christopher" (see + 1095, p. 493) Wentworth — TV. E. H. G Reg. XXII: 132. CATHARINE WYNNE, sister of Sergt. Wynne, m. ist. Miles, 2d, Hezekiah Haynes, b. ab. 1684, of Copford Hall, Essex CO., Eng., a s. John' (Hezekiah", Gov. John', of Mass. 1634, by ist w., Mary Thornton, da. Robert of Hingham, Eng., John', of Old Hold, Copford) Haynes and Mary' (Maj. Thomas' of Brom ley Hall, Suffolk CO. Eng.) Bowes — Tfd'^. XXXII: 311. Mr. GEORGE WINNE, merchant, Plymouth, Eng., 1777 — N. E. His. Gen. Reg. XXXII: 3p3. N. E. His. Gen. Register, IV: 262; XV: 143-4: Passengers for Virginia; The Original List of Persons of Quality, Emigrants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, Serving men sold for a term of years. Apprentices . . . who ivent from Great Britain to the American Plantations 1600-1700. From MSS. in Her Majesty's Public Record Ofdce, Eng. Edited by John Camden Hotten : — GRIFFIN WINNE, /. 2ip [b. ab. 1596], aged 28, in the Francis Bonaventure. The Muster of the Governors Men at Pasbehaighs. Muster of the inhabitants of Pasbehays and the Maine, taken 30"' of January, 1624, belonging to the Corpora tion of James City, Va. CHRISTOPHER WYNN, /. 121 [b.- ab. 1615] [age] yeres 20, X° [P°] Aug" 1635. Theis under written names are to be transported to Virginea, imbarqued in the Safety, John Grannt [or Grant] Mr. JO: WYNN,/. 125 [b. ab. 1610] [age] yeres 25, 21 Aug", 1635. To be transported to Virginea, imbarqued in the George Jo: Severne, M"'., bound thither pr. examination of the Minister of Gravesend. RICH ARD WYNN,/. 486, acres land, 60, wtt servants, Neg's 8, Ano: 1 680 (?). Inhabitants in y'= parish of Christ Church [Barbadoes] 22"' Decemb., 1679. N. E. H. G. Reg., XLIV: pj — JOHN WYNN, witness, Nov. 13, 1678, to will of Henry Isham of Henrico co., Va. A correspondent writes : Capt. PETER WYNNE or WINN was one of the earliest settlers at Jamestown, Va. Sir THOMAS WYNNE, knight, of Welsh extraction, was one of the earliest settlers of Virginia (tradition says that a DESCENDANTS OF ANCIENT AND OTHER WINNS. 2417 brother of his also emigrated to Va.), received from the crown (in return for his loyalty) a large grant of land in York and Warwick counties, Va. "The grant is written in parchment, and was still in the clerk's office at Yorktown, Va., in 1870. From Sir Thomas descended : JOHN WYNNE, m. Dorathea Vines or Hines. Their pos terity lived in York, Warwick, and James City couhties, Va., and, according to tradition, thay have a common ancestor with the Winns of Fluvanna co., Va. John had 2 sons: Thomas and Edmund : THOMAS, m. Frances Harwood, and their son : William H., m, Ann Cary, whose son: William H., b. Oct. 6, 1806, m. Mary M. Jones, and their daughter : Mary E. Cary Wynne, now of Bon Air, Chesterfield co., Va., 1893, m. Elder Humph rey H. Wynne (of him an obituary and portrait appear in Missionary Weekly, Richmond, Va., Mar. 10, i8p2), son of Humph rey H. and Elizabeth C. (Wynne), who was another son of Thomas and Frances (Harwood). EDMUND, b. Mar. 26, 1744, m. Mary Lewelling or Llewellyn (half sister to Frances Harwood), and their son : Thomas, m. Elizabeth Lee, whose son : Edmund Thomas, b. Aug. 3, 1814, Warwick co., m. Martha Frances Curtis, and their son : Prof. Richard Henry Wynne, of Bethany College, W. Va., married Elizabeth M. Alsop. Maj. THOMAS WINN settled in Virginia, m. Elizabeth Anderson or Dabney, both names given by different descend ants. Children : Elizabeth, m. Tucker Woodson, Fluvanna co., Va. Ann, m. Edward Ancell, Fluvanna co., Va. George, d. in Todd co., Ky., m. Henderson. Frances, b. ab. 1782, Fluvanna, m. ist, John Bowles Winn, a distant relative, 2d, Rev. Porter Cleveland' +4751. Ch.: by ist m., 3. Capt. John, b. Va., m. Lucy Wills, da. of Dr. John of Louisa co., Va. Ch.: John Quarles, b. per. 1810, m. Miss Mary L. Jarvis of Rich mond, Va. Their children : Rev. David Watson Winn, Episcopal clerg.. West Point, Va., 1 881-2, Macon, Ga., 1882-5, Waycross, Ware co., Ga., 1885-6. Officiating Brunswick, Ga., 1892 ; Cora ; Lillie, m. J. Lambert of St. Louis, Mo., 1883 ; John Dedwick, banker, Richmond ; Charles, of R. Mary Jane, b. per. 181 2, m. Dr. Edwin Pease Talley of Cum berland CO., Va. Ch.: 4. Phillip James, b. per. 1814, m. 1st, Miss Bettie Ballou, 2d, Miss Eliza Puffer. Ch. by ist m.: Dr. John Farmer Winn, unm., of Richmond; Willie; Lucy Archer; Phillip James, of Lynchburg, Va., drugs. By 2d m. : Anna Gaines ; Eliza Wills. Frances Ann, b. per. 1816, m. John Sclater, sheriff Fluvanna CO. 22 years. Ch.: 13. Lucy Barclay, d. at 9 mos. Elizabeth Dabney, m. Thomas Farrier Bashaw, of Fluvanna CO. Ch.: 6. 152 2418 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Lucy Barclay (ag.), b. Mar. 19, 1826, Winnsville, Fluvanna co., Va., m., as 2d w., Elihu Cleveland' +47S6- . Martha Rebecca, m. Etheldred Miller of Cumberland co., Va., res. Holly Springs, Marshall co., Miss. Ch. : 9. Thomas Horatio, b. per. 1830, m. 1st, Miss Addie E. Davis, of Leavenworth, Kan. Ch. by ist m.: 3. Octavia' Virginia, m. Robert Winn Snead, a distant relative, of Lynchburg. Ch.: 5. Lucius Cole, m. Miss Georgie E. Sipple of Hamburg, la. Ch.: 1. Eliza Wills, b. per. 1835, d. at 3 mos. George Wills, m. Cornelia Breedon, is of Fox, Breedon & Co., Richmond. Ch.: i. Helen Hartland, m. Cornelius Snead, of Fork Union, Va. Ch.: 6. William Henry, d. unm., wounded in Wilderness battle, 1864, Edwin Archer Winn, b. Aug. 4, 1840, m. Kate Seymour Exall' +8260. ' Gen. RICHARD WYNN, b. Va., d. Tenn. soon after 1813. Was, 1775, It. of S. C. Rangers ; in Sullivan's Island battle ; was in com. of Ft. Mcintosh, Ga.; col. in com. of militia, Fairfield dist., S. C; was with Gen. Thomas Sumter, and wounded at Hanging Rock; maj. -gen. of militia; Representative in Con gress from S. C, 1793-7, 1802-13. — Drake; Lanman. Gen. THOMAS WYNN or WYNNS, b. Hertford co., N. C, d. there June 3, 1825; planter; Revolution officer; gen. of militia ; served in House of Commons and Senate, N. C. Legis., member of executive council ; Presidential Elector, N. C, 8th dist., 1801, ISt dist., 1809, Representative in Congress, 1803-7. — Drake ; Lanman. WILLIAMSON WYNNE, of Richmond, Va., d. 1833 (de scended from an old Va. family), m. Agnes Margaret Hardy of the Hardys of N. C; their 6th child : Hon. Thomas Hicks Wynne, b. Richmond, Jan. 22, 1820, d. R. Feb. 24, 1875, of Richmond. Manufacturer of machinery, supt. city gas works, pres. Richmond and Petersburg R. R., pres. Westham Iron Works. Member of City Council, mem ber lower branch of Legis. 1861, etc.. State Senator 1872. Corresponding Secretary Va. Historical Soc, Corresponding Member N. E. Historic Genealogical Soc. from Oct. 3, i860, Member Va. Literary and Ph. Soc, of American Antiquarian Soc, Worcester, Mass., from Oct. 21, 1873, of Numismatic So cieties. Author of : History of Mason and Dixon's Line, 1859; Wynne's Historical Documents from the Old Domin ion, consisting of the Williamsburg Orderly Book, Memoir of Boiling Family (illus.), 1868, pp. 68, Vestry Book of Henrico Parish ; Narrative of Col. David Fanning ; His. Doc. relating to old North State ; Seals of Richmond : in N. E. H. G. Reg., XXVII: 63 ; Colonial Records of Va., brought out under superintendence of Col. T. H. Winne of Senate, and W. S. Gilman of House, 1875. Contributor: to Southern Literary Messenger, to daily press. Biographical Sketch, by Albert Harri son Hoyt, A.M., in N. E. His. Gen. Reg., XXXI: 128. DESCENDANTS OF ANCIENT AND OTHER WINNS. 2419 THOMAS WYNN, lot owner next to N. Allen; Robert Turner's letter, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 3, 1685, to William Penn: in N. E. H. G. Reg., XIII: 224. THOMAS WYNN, Chester co.. Pa., early immigrant.- A^ E. H. G. Reg., XVI: 363. From New York Genealogical and Biographical Record : — PIETER WINNE, b. Ghent, Flanders, his ancestors from Wales to Holland, //.• 147 — bought of Capt. Volkert Janse Douw, 1677, Constapel's Island, lying opposite Bethlehem, n. Albany, N. Y., of B. July 6, 1684, V: "tPj' — had patent in Ulster ¦CO., N. Y., Feb. 23, 1687, m. Tannatje Adams, b. Leeuwaerden in Vrieslandt. See His. Albany, by Joel Munsell. MAETER WINNE (Albany)— F//.- 134: Early Settlers of Hackensack, N. J. — m. Oct., 1697, Margrita (Symonse) Van Winkel. XIV: 123: Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York — Doop-Boeck [Book of Baptisms]: 1699, May 7, Guders [Parents] : Marte Winne, Margriet Simons. Kinders [Children]. Pieter. VIII: I2p: Ancient Families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple — Cornells Bryant, m. at Hackensack, Dec. 7, 1700, Margrita Simonse Van Winkle, widow of Martin Winne. THOMAS WINNE, XIII: 136: Rec. Ref. Dutch Chh., N.Y. — Bap. 1693, Dec. 7, Parents: Thomas Winne, Theuntje Goes, Child : Rachel. FRANSOYS WINNE, XIV: i2p: Witness to baptism, Oct. 29, 1699, in Reformed Dutch Chh., N. Y. JEAMES WYNN, XVIII. jj — Baptisms Dutch chh., N. Y., 1716, Sept. 12, Jeames Wynn, Elizabeth Bedlo, Child: James. JACOBUS WINNE, XX: 123 — -ax. Marytje Brouck. Son: Kiliaan Winne, bap. Albany, Jan. 13, 1706, m. Geertruytje Costar. NICHOLAS WINNIE, //.- 55 — m. Freelove Wood of Pleasant Valley, Dutchess co., N. Y., da. of Abraham and De borah (Latting, b. Apr. 3, 1788). JAMES WYNNE, M.D., LL.D., born Utica, N. Y., 1814. Lineal descendant of Sir John of Gwydyr, M.D. university of N. Y., 1835, practised med. Baltimore and N. Y.; author of^ Memoir of Maj. Saml. Ringgold, 1847, Lives of Literary and Scien. Men of America, 1850, Vital Statis. U. S., 1857, Import ance of Study of Legal Med., 1859, Private Libraries of N. Y., Report on Asiatic Cholera in U. S., 1849. — Allibone; Drake. JOHN HUDDLESTONE WYNNE, b. S. Wales 1743, d. London Oct., 1788, author of Gen. His. of British Empire in America, 2 Vols., 1770, 8°, History of Ireland, 1773, Fables of Flowers, etc. — Drake; Allen. Mr. Win: man, Marshfield, 1643, List of those able to bear Arms in New Plymouth, Mass. 2420 " CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. I. EDWARD' WINN was born, it is conjectured, in Wales, or more probably in England, was of Charlestown, Mass., prior to Dec. 18, 1640,' and, evidently, from and after Feb., March, or May, 1640-1, of Woburn, Mass. He died at Woburn, Sept. 5, 1682. He m. ISt, in Eng., Joanna , b. in Eng., died at Woburn y^ 8^'' of i'' month, March, 1649. He m. 2d, Aug. 10, 1649, Sarah Beal, she d. in Woburn, 15th ist month, March, 1680. He m. 3d, Mrs. Ann or Hannah ( ) [Page] Wood, she d. soon, bef. Nov. 1, 1686, widow of Nicholas Wood. Chil dren by ISt marriage : II. Ann', b. prob. about 1626, in Wales or Eng., m. at Woburn ye 26''^ 7"> m°, Sept., 1648, Moses Cleveland' +i, page 23- +111. Elizabeth', b. prob. about 1628, in Wales or England. + IV. Joseph', b. prob. about 1630-5, in Wales or England. + V. Increase', b. Dec. 5, 1641, in Woburn, Mass. 2d and 3d marriages : s. p. Edward' Winn, the ancestor of the Winns of New England extraction. Of his ancestry in Wales or England we have no definite account. There is mentioned in Burke's Commrs., II: 227 — Edward Wynne, of Thornton Curtis, Lincoln co., Eng., m. a daughter of Rowland and (Hayward) Berkeley of Worcester, Eng. (Rowland Berkeley d. 161 1, m. 1574, a Hay ward. One of his sons was the noted Judge Robert Berkeley). The surname Winn, Wynne, is still plenteous in Great Britain. Edward' Winn evidently came from England to America, bringing his wife, Joanna (called, also, Jane by Savage), and children, Ann, Elizabeth, and Joseph. It is conjectured that he was a master builder, and that he came from Ipswich, Eng., or vicinity, and that Moses' Cleveland was his apprentice and accompanied him thither. The first mention found of his name is when he appears at the house of Mr. Thomas Graves in Charlestown, as one of the' Commissioners, at their first meet ing, Dec. 18, 1640, held for consulting on the affairs of the con templated town of Woburn. From the History of Woburn, by Samuel SewaU, 52q — Town Orders for Woburn, agreed upon by the Commissioners at their £rst meeting, Dec.-.^8, 1640 : It is required that .all persons admitted to be Inhabitance shall si^lascribe to these Orders, upon which Condistion, they are admitted. First Order for Sixpence an Acre. For carrying on Common Charges, all such per sons as shall be thought meet to have land and admittance for Inhabitance, shall pay for every Acre of land formerly laid out by Charlestowne but now in the limits of Woburne, six pence. Second Order : to return their lots if not improved in 15 months, ^hird Or der: about fencing. Fourth Order about inmates. Fifth Order: about timber. These persons subscribed to these Orders : Edward Johnson John Wright John Carter Richard Lowden Edward Conuars Michall Bacon James Conuars Will. Greene John Mousall John Seers Danill Bacon Benjamen Butterfield Ezekill Richison Jol'n Wyman Edward Winne Henry Jefts Samuwell Richison Frances Wyman Henry Bolden James Parker Thomas Richison Mr. Thomas Graves Frances Kendall John Russell William Lernedt Nicholas Davis John Teed ^Tidd] Jams Britten James Thomson Nicholas Treerice Henry Tottmgham Thomas Fuller. Edward' Winn was one 'of the original planters of Woburn. Feb. 8, 1 640-1, the commissioners came from Charlestown to find a location. After two days' search, they pitched upon a DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2421 spot, unquestionably on Aberjona River, over which, Feb. 10, 1640-1, they built a bridge near the house of Edward Convers. To this spot they came, in March and May following, and laid out house lots, and buildings were doubtless erected during the year. The first born child entered in the records of Woburn : In- creas, son of Edward Winn, born (5"') of 10"' mo : 1641. Edward' Winn was made a freeman May 10, 1643 ; and taxed in Woburn in the rate for the country, Sept. 8, 1645, and in the subsequent rates. He was one of the leading men in town affairs, and chosen a town officer, a Survayor for Sale, 1658-9, Selectman, 1669. Signature of Edward Winn, a sub scribing witness, Apr. 10, 1653, to deed of George Polle to John Lakin of Groton, land at Woborne, some of it lying on land of Moses Cleaveland. This deed in N. E. His. Gen. Reg , XLV: 82. — See under -l-i. Woburn Town Rec, II: 153 — The Selectmen 5: 5th m", 1680, appointed John Seirs to oversee these persons and families : William Crane, Samuel Convars, Thomas Pierce, Jr., Edward Winne, Increas Winne, Henry Sumers, Thomas Lefflngwell, William Croone. [Above adjoined Hungry Plain district, where Moses Cleveland lived.] Edward' Winn, in his will, made May 6, 1682, names his son Increase ; his son Joseph's daughter, Sarah ; the 3 youngest ch. of his da. Ann, wife of Moses Cleaveland, and the 3 youngest ch. of his da. Elizabeth, w. of George Polly. Sev all's Woburn contains frequent mention of Edward Winn, and of descendants in civil or military offices, etc., also Genea logical Notices of the family, 649-5 r. There is a Winn Street in Woburn. Beel — A Sarah Beel was adm. church Charlestown 30 (g), 1642. His widow, Ann or Hannah Winn, made her will Sept. g, 1685, proved Nov. i, 1686. She m. ist [prob. in Eng.], William Page, b. Eng., of Watertown, d. Feb. ig, 1665, prob. s. of John (of Watertown) and Phebe CPaine). She m. 2d, as 2d w., Nicholas Wood, he d. Medfield, Mass., Feb. 7, 1670. Ch. by ist m.: John Page, b. Sept. 7, 1642, d. y. 2d m.: s. p. Nicholas Wood dwelt Braintree, freeman June 2, 1641, Dorchester 1640-54, Roxb., Medfield, 1652, was of ample est., he m. ist, Braintree, Mary Williams, b. Eng., prob. Norwich, Norfolk co., 1632, of Roxb., d. Medf. Feb. iq, 1663, a da. Robert and Elizabeth (prob. Stratton). Ch.: Mary Wood, b. Deo. 25, 1642, Braint., m. John Thurston; Sarah Wood, b. Dec. 25, 1642, B., m. Oct. 4, 1660, Dea. Thomas Bass of B.; Hannah Wood, b. B., m. Nov. 26, i66s, John Harding; Jonathan Wood, b. Jan. 3, 1652, Medf., killed by Indians, Feb. 21, 1676; Mehitable Wood, b. July 22, 1655, M., m. Oct. 17, 1671, Joseph Morse; Abi gail Wood, b. Sept. 13, 1657, M.; Bethia Wood, July 28, 1660; Eleazer Wood, Mar. 14, 1662. III. ELIZABETH' WINN (Edward'), d. Woburn, Mass., May 2, 169s, m. W. MayV2i, 1649, George Polly, Pollye, PoUey, Poly, or Polle, he d. Dec. 22, 1683. Of Woburn, carpenter; land laid out to him Feb. 3, 1648-9 ; was Surveyor of Fences 1665. Was overseen, July 5, 1680, by Henry Beiden [Baldwin], tithing man. Ch.: fohn" Polly, b. Dec. 16, 1650, Woburn, m. Mary Bosworth, da. Jonathan, s. of Edward. In King Philip's war, Aug. 24, 1676. Ch. b. Woburn : John" Polly, b. May 21, 1686. Matthew" .Polly, b. Mar., 1689, m. Hannah. Ch.: Lucy'' Polly, b. May 16, 1722 or 24, m. Ebenezer Smith, b. Oct. 4, 1744, d. 1750. Ch.: Capt. Ebenezer' Smith, m. Sarah Dean [see +1150], Revolution soldier. Ch.: Betsey' Smith, m. Aaron Adams' -I-1150. 2422 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Abigail" Polly, b. Apr. 29, 1692 ; Thomas" Polly, born Oct. 13, 1694, d. W. Apr. 4, 1695. Thomas" Polly (ag.), b. Oct. 10, 1696; Sarah" Polly, Oct. 12, 1702. Joseph' Polly, b. Dec. 25, 1652, Woburn, Mass. George' Polly, b. Jan. 4, 1655-6, W., m. W., Oct. 24, 1677, Mary Knight, b. Oct. 14, 1658, a da. Michael and Mary (Bullard). Of Woburn, carpenter, was pressed into public service 1692. Ch. b. W.: George" Polly, Oct. 11, 1698; Joseph" Polly, Aug. 24, 1680; Mary" Polly, Nov. 25, 1682 ; Elizabeth" Polly, Aug. 5, 1684; Sarah" Polly, Oct. 30, 1686; Abigail" Polly, Mar. 17, 1689; Han nah" Polly, Mar. 2 1, 1691; Ebenezer" Polly, Oct. 20, 1693; Mi riam" Polly, Oct. 31, 1695 ; Mercy" Polly, Feb. 21, 1697, 8. Elizabeth' Polly, born Apr. 14, 1657, W., m. 1682, John Brown. Samuel' Polly, b. Jan. 24, d. W. Feb. 6, 1 660-1; Hannah' Polly, b. and d. W. Apr. 6, 1662. Hannah' Polly (ag.), b. June 28, 1663, W., m. 1682, John Baker, b. W. Mar. 25, 1654, a s. John and Susannah (Martin). SamueV Polly (ag.), m. Priscilla or Prisilah. Ch.: Samuel" Polly, b. Oct. 3, 1689, W- [^ Samuel Polley m. Elizabeth Hall, born Jan. 9, 169T, of Medford, Mass., a da. of NathanieP (John' of M., s. of wid. Mary', per. wid. of Nathaniel of Dorchester, Mass., 1634) Hall and Elizabeth^ (Richard' of Cambridge, 1641, son of wid. Elizabeth' of C.) Cutter; a Samuel Polley from Medford was in Charlestown, Mass., 17 16-17]; Jonathan^ Polly, b. July 16, 1691, Woburn; Jacob" Polly, Feb. 23, 1693-4, W.; Priscilla" Polly, Dec. 11, 1696. IV. Ensign JOSEPH' WiNN (Edward'), d. Woburn, Mass., Feb. 22, 1714-15, m. ab. 1664, Rebekah Reade or Reed of W., born prob. Muddy River, now Brookline, Mass., d. 1734, a da. William and Mabel. Soldier in King Philip's war, Aug. 27, 1676. — N. E. Reg., XLIII : 27p. Lived Woburn. Was overseen July 5, 1680, by John, Wyman, tithing man; was tithing man Feb. i, 1691-2, Commissioner of the rate, 1691. Ch. b. Woburn : Re becca', b. May 25, 1665, d. W. Apr. 6, 1679. +VI. Sarah', b. Nov. 9, 1666. Joanna", b. 1668, m. July 13, 1699, Edward Knight [per haps the Edward Knight b. Aug. 31, 1677, s. Joseph and Hannah]. ABiGAiLVb. June 18, d. W. 25, 1670. Joseph', b. May 15, 1671, 2, d. W. Jan. 18, 1718, m. W. Apr. 7, 1696, Martha Bloggett or Blodget, born W. Sept. 15, 1673, 3- <3a- Samuel' (Thomas' of Cambridge, Mass.) Blod get and Ruth' (Stephen') Eggleton or Iggleden. Ch. b. Woburn : Samuel", b. Jan. 18, 1700, m. Sarah. Ch.: Mary", b. Oct. 30, 1728, W. [A Samuel Winn was in co. of Capt. Jesse Wyman from W., at Bunker Hill 1778, etc.] Rebecca*, b. Mar. 15, 1708; Josiah', Feb. 11, 1709-10. [PJosEPH*, supposed to be a son, of W., m. W. Jan. i, 1723, Elizabeth Johnson of W. Ch. b. W.: Joseph', DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2423 Nov. 17, 1723, Benjamin'", Aug. 6, 1726, Elizabeth*, Aug. 10, 1728.] [A Micajah, s. of Joseph Winn, was taken captive at Ft. Wm. Henry, Aug. 9, 1757.] Josiah', born Mar. 15, 1674, of Wells 1733, of Woburn, m. Woburn, Aug. 17, 1733, Mrs. Mary (Richardson) Wyman, b. Woburn, Mar. lo, 1679, d. Woburn, June 7, 1743, or d. Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 18, 1774, widow of Thomas Wyman, da. of Nathaniel' (Thomas' of C.) Richardson and Mary. [She m. ist, C, May 5, 1696, Thomas Wy man, b. C. Apr. I, 167 1, d. C. Sept. 4, 1631, a s. Francis Wyman and Abigail' (William') Reed. Served in Sir Charles Hobby's troop at Annapolis, Oct. 10, 1710, to Oct. 10, 1 71 1. Farmer, Woburn , est. owner Charles town. Ch.: Thomas Wyman, b. May 12, 1697, Woburn, desc. in Pelham, N. H.; Josiah Wyman, b. Mar. 18, 1700, Woburn; Phineas Wyman, 1701, W.; Timothy Wyman, Mar. I, 1702, W.; Benjamin Wyman, June 12, 1704, desc. in Me.; John Wyman, b. July 6, 1706, Woburn, d. Mar. 26, 1739; Mary Wyman, b. Mar. 10, 1708, W., m. June 13, 1726, Nath. Clark of Watertown; Aaron Wyman, b. Dec. 6, 1709, Woburn; Eleazer Wyman, b. Apr. 13, 1-7x2, W., d. July 16, 1747, desc. in Winchendon; Nathaniel Wyman, b. May 18, 1716, Woburn, of Hopkinton, desc. in N. Y.; Elizabeth Wyman, b. Dec. 19, 17 18, Charles town, of Maiden, died ab. 1749, m. ist, Hampton Falls, ¦A.ug. 7, 1744, Capt. Caleb Blodgett, he d. Woburn 1745, son Seth, Sr. She m. 2d, 1747, Lt. Simon Wade, born Chariest. Mar. 8, 1725, est. admin. C. Mar. 4, 1758, a s. Samuel' (Nathaniel', Jonathan' of Ipswich, Mass.) Wade and Lydia' (Thomas') Newhall.] Timothy', b. Mar., 1676, d. Woburn, Mar. 22, 1678. Hannah' ) b. Feb. 14, 1679 [did she die Apr. 16, 1679?] Rebecca' jb. Feb. 14, 1679, m. (int. W. Jan. 13, 1699-1700) Mar. 5, 1700, Timothy Spaulding of Chelmsford. Anna', b. Nov. I, 1684, d. Sept. 13, 1686. +VI1. Timothy' (ag.), b. Feb. 27, 1686, 1686-7, 1687. Serg. INCREASE' WINN (Edward-), d. Woburn, Mass., Dec. 14, 1690, a. 49, m. W. July 13, 1665, Hannah Sactell, Sawtell, or Satall, b. Watertown, Mass., Dec 10, 1642, died Feb. 18, 1722-3, 1723, a da. Richard and Elizabeth. Was sergeant. N. E. Reg., XLI: 278 — Increas Twing als. Winne under Capt. Thomas Brattle of Boston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1676, King Philip's War; XLIII : 27P — Increase Winn [of] Wooborn Towne, K. P. war. Selectman 1687-8. Ch. b. AVoburn : Hannah', b. Apr. 11, 1666, m. Samuel Baker [prob. S. B., b. W. Apr. 21, 1665, a s. John (of Charlestown, Mass., 1629, Woburn) Baker and Susanna (Martin)]. Edward', b. June 15, 1668, m. Mary. Ch. : [Did he have a daughter? — Mary Winn, d. Charlestown, May u, 1755, m. Ebenezer Thompson, b. C. July 26, 1683, d. C. Apr. 19, 1741, 2424 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. a s. James' (Simon', James' of C.) Thompson and Hannah (Walker), — for descendants see Wyman' s Charlestown Gen ealogies^ John*, b. Feb. 23, 1708-9, Woburn, who is supposed to have been the John* Winn who, and family, came from Dorchester, Mass., 1695, to Dorchester, S. C, and from Beech Hill and Dorchester, S. C, to Medway and New port, Ga., Apr. 15, 1755, with family, according to the old Colonial ms., which designates him " Esq.," showing that he was a leading man, d. Feb. 8, 1781. Ch.: Jo seph^; Ann'; Elizabeth'; John'*, d. Apr. 3, 1786; Re becca'; Mary'; Robert'. Peter', died Feb. 26, 1824. Ch.: Rev. Thomas Sumner" Winn (half brother of John"), disting. Baptist divine, d. Jan. 27, 1819. Joan' Winn (grandfather of Theodore N.' Winn of Hinesville, Liberty co., Ga., 1897), was a major in 1 81 2 war. Ch. (all eminent divines in the Presby terian Church): Rev. John' Winn, d. Madison, Wis., Aug. 26, 1892; Rev. Thomas Sumner' Winn, born 1820, pastor emeritus of a church in Ala. 1897; Rev. Peter' Winn, d. 1847, m. Miss Margaret Mc Cormick of Hartford, Conn, (she m. 2d, Henry T. Bartlett, he d. in New Orleans, La., 1868). (There is another branch of the family in Tenn., of whom Rev. George W. Winn of Nashville, Tenn., clergy-' man in the M. E. Church S., during late war was chief of scouts on staff of Gen. John H. Morgan, C. S. A.) Mary", b. May i, 1670, d. near Apr., 1756, m. ist, Woburn, June 28, 1691 or 1692, Nathaniel Wyman, b. W. Nov. 25, 1665, d. W. Dec. 8, 1717, a s. Francis' (of W.) Wyman and Abigail' (William') Reed. Of W., farmer. She m. 2d, W., Nov. 30, 1720, as 2d w., John Locke, b. Aug. i, 1661, d. Apr., 1756, a son William' (of W.) Locke and Mary' (William') Clark. Of W. [He m. ist. May 29, 31, 1683, Elizabeth Plympton, born Dec. 23, 1658, died Feb. 23, 1719-20, a da. Thomas' (of Sudbury) Plimpton and Abigail' (Peter' of S.) Noyes. Ch.: Thomas Locke, b. Mar. 20, d. 23, 1684; Marah, Mary Locke, b. Apr. i, 1685 ; John Locke, b. May 14, 1686, d. Feb. 15, 1709-10; Thomas Locke (ag.), b. Apr. 5, 1688, d. Nov. 27, 1717; Da., b. June 11, 1693; Abigail Locke, born Apr. 2, 1694, m. 1720, Nathan Kendall ; Peter Locke, born Sept. 10, 1698, d. Dec. 25, 1709.] Ch. by ist m., b. Wobusn: Nathaniel" Wyman, b. May 23, 1693, d. Dec. 13, 1715, unm.; Mary" Wyman, b. May 28, 1694, d. ab. May 23, 1763 ; Abigail" Wyman, b. Oct. 5, 1695, m. Benjamin Gowen or Go win. Ruth" Wyman, b. Apr. 17, 1697, m. Charlestown, Aug. i, 1721, Thomas Gould, born C. Mar. 11, 1669-1700, a son John' (John', John' of C.) Gold, Gould and Sarah. Of C. Ch.: Ruth' Gould, b. July 27, 1722, C. Hannah" Wyman, b. Apr. 28, 1699, m. her cousin, Timothy Wyman, b. Apr. 5, 1691, a s. Timothy' (Francis') Wy man and Hannah. Of Woburn, desc. in Vt. and N. H. DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2425 Elizabeth" Wyman, b, Nov. ii, 1700, m. Chariest, Mar. 12, 1723, John Geary, Garey of C. [Stoneham?]. Phebe" Wyman, b. June 11, 1702, m. Chariest., bef. 1729, Thomas Garey, a s. Benjamin' (of Lynn) Geary, Gerry and Abigail' (John', John') Goold, Gould. Of Chariest., Stoneham. Rebekah" Wyman, b. Apr. 14, 1704, m. Mar. 7, 1723, Thomas Holden. Johanah" Wyman, b. July 25, 1705, died Nov. 11, 1786, m. Dec. 30, 1731, Jonathan Holden. Increase'^ Wyman, b. Mar. I, 1707, of Woburn. Sarah'" Wyman, b. Aug. 21, 1710, d. bef. 1756, m. July 6, 1732, Ezekiel Walker, b. ab. 1707, a s. Isaac' (Samuel', Augustine or Austin' of Chariest.) Walker and Mar gery' (George', a Scotchman, of Woburn) Bruce or Brush. Of Pennacook, now Concord, N. H. Kesiah" Wyman, b. Apr. 5, 1713, d. Jan. 14, 1756, m. Dec 9, 1735, John Reed. Sarah', born Dec 23, 1672, m. Chariest, Oct 30, 1691, Peter Fowle, bap. C. 1 (4), 1673, a s. Peter' (George' of C.) Fowle and Mary' (John', Thomas' of C.) Carter. Of C. Ch. b. C: SamueV Foivle, Dec. 30, 1691; Sarah" Fowle, June 30, 1693, unm., of Woburn, 1722-3; Mary" Fowle, b. Apr. 10, 1695, m. Ebenezer Burgess. Abigail', b. Jan. 8, 1678; Rebecca', Nov. 5, 1679. Jacob', born Oct 4, 1681, m. ist, W., June 28, 1704, Prudence Wyman, b. W. Dec. 26, 1683, d., a da. William' (Francis") Wyman and Prudence, sup. by Savage to be Prudence Put nam, da. of Thomas' (John' of Salem, Mass.) Putnam and Ann' (Edward' of Chelsea) Hollicoke, Holyoke. He m. 2d, July 14, 1737, Phebe Palfray. Ch. by ist m.: Prudence*, b. July 28, 1705. Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 29, 1707 — Woburn rec. Vinton's Rich ardson Fam., 314 — of Billerica, Mass., m. Dec. 25, 1733, Andrew Richardson, b. Jan. 18, 1709-10, a s. Andrew'' (Thomas', Thomas' of Woburn) Richardson and Han nah' (Henry', prob. Henry' of W.) Jefts or Jeffs. Ch.: Andrew^ Richardson, born Nov. 11, 1734, of Tewksbury, Mass. Hannah*, b. Mar. i, 17 11. Increase*, b. Jan. 24, 1716-17, m. Woburn, Oct. 5, 1742, Elizabeth Knight, b; Charlestown, Dec. 4, 17 18, a da. Ebenezer' (John', Woburn) Knight and Anna (Totting- ham). Served, bef. 1777, in Revolution. Ch.: David', m. June 11, 1765, Hannah Twiss, with Capt Benjamin Edgell, R. I., 6 weeks, 1778; Elizabeth', born Dec. 9, 1745, m. July 12, 1768, Timothy Twiss ; Annah or Han nah*, b. Oct. 31, 1747 ; Jacob', b. July 16, 1751, m. Molly Twiss, and rem. to Hollis, Hillsborough co., N. H., in Continental army 8 months, 1775, Col. Loammi Bald win's 37th, aftwd. 26th U. S., Pettingell's co., Lt Joseph Johnson, Cambridge, Mass., 1777 ; Molly', b. Jan., 1753. Joshua*, b. Apr. 4, 1719 — Woburn rec, m. ab. Oct., 1745, Mary Center. Ch.: Joshua', b. May 17, 1747; Jere miah', b. Apr. 29, 1749, in Col. Loammi Baldwin's 37th,. 2426 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 26th U. S., Pettingell's co., 8 mo., 1775, sup. to be — see Vinton's Richardson Earn., 230 — the Jeremiah' of W., d. Holden, Mass., m. Oct. 30, 1797, Elizabeth Richardson, b. July 18, 1776, d. H., a da. Zebulon* (Jacob*, Jacob', John', Samuel' of Woburn) Richardson and Abigail' (Samuel' of W.) Tidd. Ch.: Elizabeth', born June 6, 1798, W.; Molly', b. Apr. 5, 1751; JAMES^ Apr. 7, 1753; Jonathan', Oct 18, 1755. Abigail*, b. Jan. 25, 1722-3, 1723- — Woburn rec. [An Abigail Win m., Bradford, Mass., Mar. i, 1749, Maxy Haseltine.] +VI11. Joanna' Winn, b. June 24, 1683. Increase', b. Feb. 9, 1685, d. July i, 1713, or d. 1717, a. 28 y. 4 mo. — Woburn burying g.; m. Mary , ch.: Mary*, b. July 3, 17 11, Charlestown, d. C. Jan. i, 1745, g. s. at Medford, Mass., m. Chariest., Mar. 30, 1 730-1, as 1st w., Capt. Caleb Brooks, b. C. July 8, 1694, d. Medford, Nov. 21, 1766, a son Ebenezer' (Caleb', Thomas', Concord, Mass.) Brookes, Brooks and AbigaiP (Dr. Thomas*, Thomas' of Watertown, Mass., 1635, Thomas', Henry') Boylston. Estate owner, Charlestown. [He m. 2d, C., Mar. i, 1749, Ruth Albree, b. 17 19, d. C. May 6, 1793. Ch.: b.— Charlestoum rec, bap. — Medford or Cambridge rec. : Increase Brooks, born Dec. 17, 1746; Theodore Brooks, b. Jan. 3, 1750-1; Hon. John Brooks, born June 6, 1752, Gov. of Mass.; Joseph Brooks, b. Feb. 18, 1754, d. May 11, 1756; Elizabeth Brooks, bap. June 26, 1757, m. 1776, Rev. Jacob Burnap; Han nah Brooks, bap. Feb. 12, 1760, d. Dec, 1809, m., Chariest., Oct. 21, 1794, as 2d w., Francis Burns, b. 1723, d. C. Dec. 5, 1800. Medford, trader; (he m. ist Nov. 27, 1750, Margaret McKlennin, b. 1716, d. Mar. 28, 1794. Ch.:^ Mary Burns, b. 1753, d. July 6, 1794, m. Samuel Buel)]. Ch.: — births, Charles town rec, bap., Medford or Cambridge rec. . Mary' Brooks, b. Dec. 20, 1731, m. Charlestown, Apr. 2, 1752, Daniel Pratt, of Chelsea, Mass.; AbigaiP Brooks, born July 17, 1733, m. 1757, Joseph Hall; Ebenezer" Brooks, b. Apr. 22, 1735, d. Chariest. Sept. 18, 1775; Caleb' Brooks, bap. Sept 5, 1736; Caleb' Brooks (ag.), bap. Oct. 5, 1737 ; Rebecca'' Brooks, bap, July 7, 1739, in- 1765, Samuel Hall; Ruth' Brooks, bap. Aug. 12, 1741, m. 1760, Joseph Seccomb. Sarah' Brooks, b. Jan. 6, 1742, m. John Le Bos quet, b. Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1737, a s. Henry' (of C.) Lebosquet and Lydia* (Joshua*, John', Thomas' of Boston, Mass., prob. s. of -' and Thomasine) Scottow, Scottaway. Of Bos ton, brazier. Ch.— Charlestovon rec. : John' Le Bosquet, born Oct. 15, 1761; Henry' Le Bosquet, Feb. 21, 1763; Caleb Brooks' Le Bosquet, July 25, 1764; Sarah' Le Bosquet, Sept. 23, 1765. Caleb' Brooks (ag.), b. Sept. 4, 1744. DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2427 VI. SARAH' WINN (joseph=, Edward'), m. Woburn, Mass., Apr. 13, 1691, Ebenezer Johnson, b. W. Mar. 29, 1659, a son William' (Edward' of W.) Johnson and Esther' (Thomas' of Newton, Mass., 1635) Wiswall. Of Woburn. Ch. b. W.: Ebenezer" John son, b. Apr. II, d. 14, 1692 ; Sarah" Johnson, b. Sept 28, 1693. +IX. Abigail" Johnson, b. June 13, 1697. Joseph" Johnson, b. Feb. 9, 1702 ; Timothy" Johnson, b. July 15, 1705- VII. TIMOTHY' WINN (Joseph^ Edward'), d. Wobum, Mass., Jan. 5> 1752, 3i a. 65, m. ist, Elizabeth Brooks, b. ab. 1690, d. W. May 14, 1714, 1724, a. 34. He m. 2d, W., Feb. 18, 1729, 30, Jane Bel knap, b. Nov. 4, 1699, d. W. May, 1775, a da. Thomas' (Joseph', Abraham' of Lynn, Mass.) Belknap and Jane' (Thomas' of Cam bridge, Mass.) Cheney. Ch. b. Woburn, by ist m.: + X. Timothy* Winn, b. ab. July, 1712. + XI. Elizabeth* Winn, b. Sept i, 1719. By 2d marriage: Ruth*, b. Aug. 6, 1732, m. Read or Reed and went to Maine. +X11. Joseph* Winn, b. July 3, 1734. Jerusha*, b. Aug. 4, 1740, m. Sept 27, 1774, Jonathan or John Burnham. VIII. JOANNA' WINN (increase^, Edwardi), b. Woburn, Mass., June 24, 1683, it seems evident was following: Joanna Winn, m. W. Nov. 27, 1711, John Russell, b. W. Sept 20, 1683, a son John' (Rev. John', John' of W. 1640) Russell and Elizabeth Palmer. Of W. Clerk of First Cong. Parish, Mar. 3, 1731-Mar., 1 741-2 ; parish treas.; parish assessor; Town Clerk, 1739-43, 1745. Ch. b. Woburn : Marf Russell, b. Oct. 3, 4, 17 12, d. W. Jan. 11, 1741-2, m. May 6) i73S> as ist w., Thomas Richardson, b. W. Nov. 19, 1706, d. W. June 13, 1773, a s. Samuel' (Samuel', Samuel' of W.) Richardson and Susannah* (John', John', Samuel') Rich ardson. [He m. 2d, Oct. 18, 1742, Sarah Brooks, b. Dec 25, 1714, died June 12, 1784, a da. Jabez' (John', Henry' of W.) Brooks and Hephzibah Cutter, s. p.] Only ch.: Jeduthun' Richardson, b. Apr. 16, 1738, W., d. Oct. 11, 1815, m. Mar. 24, 1761, Mary Wright, b. Jan. 29, 1741, d. Nov. 4, 1820, da. John* (Josiah', Joseph', Tohn' of W.) Wright and Mary' (James', William' of W.) Locke. Lieut, in Revolution, deacon, selectman of W. Ch. b. W.: Jeduthun' Richardson, b. Oct. 13, 1761, died Medford, Mass., 1826, m. Oct. 6, 1789, Sarah Tay, b. Mar. 22, 1770, of W., da. Samuel and Sarah (Johnson). Of Medford fr. 1795, Chairm. of Selectmen, etc. Ch.: Jeduthun', b. Feb. 28, 1790, d. M. unm.; Sarah', b. Oct. 4„ 1791, m. Staniels ; Harriet', b. Apr., d. Oct. 3, 1793 ; Harrief (ag.), b. June 15, 1794, d. July 23, 1803; and Elizabeth' Richardson, b. Oct. 15, 1796, d. Nov. 7, 1815. 2428 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Mary' Richardson, b. Aug. 17, 1764, d. May 27, 1864, m. Aug. 9, 1 781, Jonathan Thompson, b. W. Apr. 26, 1760, d. Nov. 21, 1836, a son Samuel' (Samuel*, Jonathan', Jonathan', James' of W.) Thompson and Abigail (Tidd). Of W., farmer. Ch.: SamueV Thompson, b. Feb. 26, 1782, d. Sept. 13, 1802; Mary'- Thompson, b. Feb. 6, 1784, d. Sept. 4, 1785 ; Jonathan' Thompson, born Apr. 24, 1786, m. ist, Dec. 22, 1808, Margery Fowle, b. W. June 7, 1788, a da. Dea. John Fowle 3d and Lois" (Jesse*, Oliver*, Joseph', Joseph', Samuel') Richardson. He m. 2d, Sept. 21, 1848, Elizabeth Jenkins. Luke' Thompson, b. Jan. 20, 1789, m. 1815, Betsey Chamberlain. Mary' Thompson (ag.), b. Feb. 25, 1791, m. Dec. 25, 1810, Benjamin Wood. Cyrus' Thompson, born Mar. 10, 1793, m. Dec. 26, 1816, Abigail Noble. Of N. Woburn, 1875, surveyor, justice. Emily', born Jan. 28, 1795, unm., of W., 1851; Lydia'' Thompson, b. Mar. 29, 1798, m. 1821, Thaddeus Parker, of W., 1851, wheelwr., s. p.; Abigail' Thompson, b. Aug. 23, 1800, d. Aug. I, 1848, m. May 6, 1825, Joshua Jones; Samuel', b. Nov. 13, 1803, d. Aug., 1848, unm.; Albert' Thompson, born May 13, 1808, m. Apr. 22, 1834, Saviah B. Nichols, was deputy sheriff, Woburn ; 2 others''. Sarah' Richardson, b. Jan. 29, 1767, d. Dec. 30, 1847, m. Nov. 7, 1782, William Fowle, b. Apr. 25, 1763, d. W. Jan. 18, 1850, s. Josiah' (John*, James', m. Mary' [Joseph', Samuel'] Richardson, James' of W., per. George' of Concord, Mass.) Fowle and Margery (Carter). Of Woburn, farmer. Ch.: William' Fowle, b. Mar. 3, 1783, m. Apr. 6, 1814, Nancy [or Ann] Hilton of Dorchester, Mass. Sarah' Fowle, b. Nov. 22, 1784, m. Sept. 17, 1806, Jonas Hale, b. ab. 1781, died Woburn, Feb. 23, 1858, a. 77. Of W-, on committee, Sept. 4, 1821, of ist Cong. Church, commending Rev. Joseph Chickering pastor ; deacon ist Church from 1843 — Sewall's Woburn, 460, 38p. Ch.: Jonas Stephen' Hale, b. W., d. Springfield, 111., ab. 1868, m. ISt, Woburn (pub. Dec. 26, 1829), Mar., 1830, Submit Brooks Richard son, b. W. Dec. 10, 1810, d. W. ab. 1831, a daugh. Samuel Tidd' (Edward', m. Sarah' [SamueP, Ebenezer*, John', John', John' of W.] Tidd, Edward', Jacob', John', Sam uel') Richardson and Esther" (Jethro', Ed ward*, Jacob', etc.) Richardson. He m. 2d, Burlington, Mass., May i, 1832, Abi gail' Winn (William", Timothy*, Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph', Edward'), she d. Wo burn, Jan. 20, 1833, aged 18. He m. 3d, DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2429 Nashua, N. H., Oct. 24, 1833, Hannah Spaulding, da. Reuben and Hannah. Of W. Ch. by ISt m.: Child\ d. W. ab. 1831, immed'ly. By 2dm.: C/z/Zi^", d. W. Jan. 20, 1833, immed'ly. By 3d m.: Sumner'' Hale, Louisa', Sarah Jane", Susan Emma', Charles' and William Winn' Hale (tw.), Matthew John' Hale. Susan' Fowle, b. Feb. 4, 1787, d. Dec. 17, 1788. Susan' Fowle (ag.), b. Jan. 2, 1789, died Nov. 18, 1850, unm. Josiah' Fowle, b. Jan. 4, 1791, lost at sea 6 months after marriage, on passage home from West Indies, m. Scarborough, Montgomery co., N. C, Mary Carr, she was lost at sea with her husband. Mary' Fowle, b. Apr. 21, 1793, m. Feb. 21, 1815, Benjamin Fowle of Woburn. Fanny' Fowle, b. Mar. 10, 1795, m. Oct. 27, 1814, Ezra W. Reed ; Samuel R.' Fowle, b. Feb. 10, 1797, m. ISt, N. C, 1822, Martha Marsh, 2d, Nov., 1847, her sister, Ann Marsh ; James' Fowle, b. Apr. 19, 1799, d. June i, 1818 ; Luther' Fowle, b. Mar. 17, 1801, d. June 16, 1822. Luke' Fowle, b. Dec. 15, 1802, m. ist. May 16, 1826, Rhoda Clark, she d. Apr. 22, 1838. He m. 2d, Aug. 21, 1845, Eliza' Richardson {Calvin' Rich ardson, Jeduthun' Richardson, Mary" Russell, Jo anna', Increase'', Edward'^). Jeduthun' Fowle, b. Dec. 21, 1804, m. Dec. 9, 1828, Louisa Locke ; Edward' Fowle, b. May 30, 1807, m. ISt, Sept. 16, 1828, Mary Locke, sister of Louisa, 2d, Mar., 1835, Deborah Parker, 3d, May 24, 1838, Hannah Damon ; Abigail' Fowle, b. Mar. 28, 1809, m. Apr. 7, 1829, Caleb Mcln- tyre of Reading. At celebration held by Rich ardson Family at Woburn, Aug., 1868, it was said that the descendants of Sarah' Richardson then nurhbered 200. Thomas', b. Jan. 27, died Feb. 22, 1769. Thomas' Richardson (ag.), b. Mar. 29, 1770, d. 1847, m. ist. May 15, 1794, Rebecca Bucknam, b. Aug. 17, 1774, d. Mar. i, 1829, da. John (b. Aug. 19, 1730, of Stoneham, Mass., s. of Edward and Rebecca, per haps Edward' m. Rebecca' [Samuel*, Samuel', Ralph', Edward', Charlestown, 1628] Sprague, Joses', William', Charlestown, Mass., 1647) Buck nam and Ann* (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph', John' of Woburn, 1641) Wright. He m. 2d, Apr. 22, 1830, Mary Lawrence, b. Mar. 10, 1789, prob. a da. Dea. Ebenezer of W. Of Winchester, Mass., manufr. Ch. by ist m. : Rebecca' Richardson, b. July 4, 1795, m. Apr. 3, 1 81 7, Jesse Converse ; Laura', b. July 18, d. 29, 1799. 2430 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Harrief Richardson, b. Sept. lo, 1800, d. Nov. 14, 1826, m. Dec. 27, 1825, as ist w., Samuel' Rich ardson, b. S. Woburn, Feb. 26, 1800, a s. Jesse* (Zachariah", Samuel', Samuel', Samuel') Rich ardson and Submit (sister of Capt. Joseph of S. Woburn) Brown. Of Winchester, 1876, far mer. [He m. 2d, May 29, 1828, Susan Burbeen Pearson, b. Lyndeborough, N. H., June 7, 1808, da. Moses and Susan (Wyman). Ch.: Col. Henry, b. Feb. 27, 1829, Winchester, m. Fanny Lyman McKee of Woburn. Of Brooklyn Vil lage, Cuyahoga co., O., 23d, 54th, and 124th 0. late war; Harriet, b. Oct. 7, 1830, m. George L. White of Calais, Vt. ; Samuel, b. May 23, 1833, m. Catharine Nelson of W.; Lt. Moses Pearson, b. Sept. 17, 1835, 2d Mass. V. late war; Susanna Albina, b. Jan. 24, 1838, died Mar. 15, 1874, unm.; Jesse, b. Mar. 31, 1840, 2d Mass., and Luke Richardson, July 4, 1849]. Ch.: Samuel RoseweW Richardson, b. Nov. 2, d. Dec. 25, 1826. Thomas'', b. July 9, 1802, died Oct. i, 1803. Thomas' Richardson (ag.), b. May 31, 1804, Wo burn, m. Dec. 9, 1830, Mary E. Dale, from Mil ford, N. H., of Woburn. Of W., dea. of Ortho dox church from 1841. s. p. Mary AnrC Richardson, b. Aug. 17, 1806, m. May, 1844, Peleg Lawrence, bro. of her father's 2d w. Of Winchester. John Bucknam' Richardson, b. Dec. 15, 1808, Wo burn, m. Apr. 14, 1835, Eliza Richardson, born May 9, 1 8-1 1, a da. Jesse' (Stephen', Stephen*, Stephen', Joseph', Samuel') Richardson and Susanna' (Elijah*, Reuben*, Joseph', Joseph', Samuel') Richardson. Of Swampscott, Mass. Ch. b. Woburn : Rebecca Bucknam' Richardson, b. Dec. 24, 1837, m. Henry Seger ; Mary Eliza', b. Mar., 1842, d. Mar., 1850. Sum?ier' Richardson, b. Mar. 7, 181 1, m. ist, Apr. 19, 1836, Abigail J. Dale of Boston, b. ab. 1810, d. Sept. 13, 1836, a. 26, sister to Mary E. above. He m. 2d, Nov. 27, 1837, Eliza H. Collamore, da. Anthony, of Pembroke, Plymouth co., Mass. Of Winchester. He was the poet at Richard son Family celebration, Aug., 1868. s. p. Luther' Richardson, b. May 28, 1813, Woburn, m. 1st, June 2, 1839, Elizabeth A. Pierce, b. July 29, 1813, d. Aug. 3, 1853, da. Ephraim of Stone ham. He m. 2d; June 6, 1854, Martha Jane Page, b. Merrimack, N. H., da. Capt. John of Woburn. Of W. Ch. by 2d m.: Da.', b. Dec. 16, 1855, Martha Page^, Apr. 6, 1857, and Mary Dale' Richardson, Nov. 5, i86o. DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2431 Jeduthun' Richardson, b. June 10, 1816, Woburn, m. ISt, Apr. 14, 1841, Rebecca Wood, b. about 1818, d. May 11, 1847, aged 29, da. Sylvanus of Burlington. He m. 2d, Jan. i, 1849, Sarah Elizabeth Locke, b. Feb. 3, 1824, da. Benjamin Amos and Sarah (Marrett) of Lexington. Of Woburn, shoemaker. Ch. by ist m.: Lucy Jane', b. Feb. 14, 1843; Alvan Thomas', Sept. 22, 1844; Rosella', b. Aug. 31, 1846, d. Jan. 24, 1847. By 2d m.: Alvan', b. 1849, and Eliza Maria' Richardson, June 26, 1853. Abby' Rich ardson, b. May 17, 1818, m. George Sanderson, from Lunenburg, Mass. Of Winchester. Linda' Richardson, b. Feb. 29, 1820, Woburn, m. May 26, 1841, John Buxton. Of Winchester. Ch.: Abby E.' Buxton, b. Nov. 18, 1843, m. May II, 1870' Barnet W. Redfern, b. Charlestown, 1 842, s. William C. and Lucy ; John Henry'^ Buxton, b. Nov. 14, 1845, ™- J^^Y ^91 1869, Min nie Poor, born Lowell, 1849, da. Thomas and Olive; Thomas E.' Buxton, b. 184-, d. Aug. 31, 1861, piano maker; Charles Richardson' Buxton, b. Jan. 6, 185 1; Harriet' Buxton, Nov. 5, 1853; Albert B.' Buxton, Oct. 22, 1864. Samuel' Rich ardson, b. June 26, 1772, d. Sept. 22, 1792. Luther' Richardson, b. Aug. 25, 1774, Woburn,- d. Nov. 14, 181 1, m. Aug. 3, 1803, Susanna Crafts, b. May 2, ,1782, d. Dec. i8, 1850, da. Daniel ahd Abigail of Roxbury. [She m. 2d, June i, 1814, Elisha Hatha way, b. ab. 1775, d. Mar. 3, 1850, a. 75, of Boston.] Grad. Harvard, 1799, lawyer in Boston, of Roxbury. Ch.: Augustus Luther', b. July 14, 1805, merch. in Cuba, Ch.', b. Dec. 5, 1806, d. inf., and Susanna' Richardson, b. June 17, 1809, d. Oct 23, 181 1. Calvin' Richardson, b. Feb. 5, 1777, Woburn, d. Feb. 26, 1866, m. Feb. 5, 1800, Sarah Steele, b. Mar. 24, 1778, died Sept 2, 1855, da. James and Susanna of Stoneham. Of Winchester, deacon, 1825-49, of Orthodox chh. Woburn. Ch. : Calvin' Richardson, b. Apr. i, 1801, W., d. Winch. /Dec 24, 1863, m. Apr. 21, 1825, Mary Elizabeth Wade, da. James and Susan of Woburn. Of Stoneham ab. 1854, trader; Winchester, 1858. Ch.: Calvin Luther\ b. Apr. 12, 1828, d. Apr. 30, 1831, Mary Elizabeth', b. Mar. 8, 1831, d. Feb. 25, 1832, John Calvin', b. Feb. 21, 1832, Luther Wade', b. Sept 21, 1833, d. May 9, 1853, unm., James Austin', b. Oct. 6, 1835, Francis A.', Oct. 26, 1839, and Julia Elizabeth' Richardson, Apr. II, 1845. Sarah' Richardson, b. Sept. 6, 1804, Woburn, m. Apr. 18, 1826, Samuel Bartlet White of W., b. May 17, 1803. Of W. Ch.: Samuel Bartlet' White, b. Jan. 14, 1827, William Henry", Oct 26, 2432 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1829, Calvin Richardson', July 27, 1836, Sarah Richardson' White, Sept. 8, 1838. Samuel Steele' Richardson, b. July 19, 1806, Woburn, died Jan. 20, 1869, m. ist. May 29, 1832, Lydia Abigail Meade of Bedford, b. Mar. 6, 1806, d. on str. Golden Gate, on Miss. River, n. Mem phis, Nov. 27, 1852. He m. 2d, Mar. 10, 1858, Mrs. Sophia (Cook) Stanton, b. 18 10, widow, da. of Benjamin and Nancy of Wakefield, Car roll CO., N. H. Of Winchester, merch. Ch.: Ellen', b. Oct. 15, 1834, Samuel Meade'', Apr. 24, 1838. Eliza' Richardson, b. July 17, 1808, m. Luke' Fowle {Sarah' Richardson, Jeduthun' Richardson, Mary* Russell, Joanna', Increase', Edward'). Susan' Richardson, b. July 31, 1810, Woburn, m. Sept. 19, 1831, Frederic Flint of Reading. Of Woburn. Ch.: Susan' Flint, born Oct. 5, 1834, Frederic Augustus', May 25, 1837, John Richard son', Oct. 24, 1839, Franklin' Flint, July 22, 1847. Charlotte' Richardson, b. Oct. 7, 181 2, d. Jan. 4, 1827. Mary'' Richardson, born May 4, 1814, m. Nov. 27, 1833, LMther Richardson' Vining (Fanny' Richard son, Jeduthun' Richardson, etc.), merch., Port land, Me. Ch.: Mary Eliza' Vining, b. Aug. 25, 1834, Sarah Frances', b. Sept. 23, 1835, d. Apr. 18, 1849. Fanny' Richardson, b. Jan. 18, i8i6, m. Nov. 12, 1840, Timothy W. Meade of Bedford. Ch.: Charlotte E.' Meade, b. Sept. 26, 1842, Charles H.', July 21, 1844. John S? Richardson, b. Feb. 11, 1818, Woburn, m. (pub. Oct. 10, 1840) 1840, Lydia W. Collamore ' of Pembroke. Of Winchester, cattle dealer. Ch.: Lavinia', b. June 6, 1841; Lydia Ella', b. Aug. 2, 1844, d. June 20, 1848; John Winsloiu' Richardson, iDorn June 15, 1846, m. Jan. 2, 1872, Rebecca R. Burnham, b. 1846, da. Richard of Winch., butcher ; Adeliza' Richardson, b. Apr. 26, 1849, m. Joseph Stone, b.orn Boston, 1843; Anna Steele', b. Apr. 30, 1851, Emma Collamore', ., Aug. 15, 1854, Sarah S.\ Feb. 8, i860. Son', Dec. I, 1864. Abigail' Richardson, b. July 11, 1820, m. May 5, 1841, Artemas Meade of Woburn. Ch.: John Ames' Meade, born July 16, 1842, Abby Adeline', Dec I, 1844, Asa Warren^ Meade, Feb. 6, 1843. Fanny' Richardson, b. May 20, 1779, Woburn, m. May 9, 1808, John Vining, b. Apr., 1781, of Templeton, ;|: shoemaker. Ch.: John Richardson' Vining, b. June 27, 1810, m. Nov., 1846, Martha A. Clough. Of Woburn ; Fanny Richardson' Vining, b. June 27, 1810, d. Aug. 30, 1838, m. May 2, 1833, George W. Comee; DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2433 Luther Richardson' Vitting, b. May 20, 181 2, m. Mary' Richardson {Calvin' Richardson, Jeduthun' Richardson, etc.); Josiah' Vining, b. Dec. 19, 1815, died Oct. 28, 1817; Andre'', b. Apr. 21, d. Oct. i8, 1817; George' Vining, b. Dec. 29, 1818, m. Nov. 14, 1844, Martha B. Emery; WUlard' Vining, b. Mar. 23, 1821, d. Cal. 1849, m. Webster, Mass., July, 1843, Miranda Cody. Pamela' Richardson, b. July 13, 1782, Woburn, d. Deg. I, 1845, m. June 28, 1804, John Symmes, b. Med ford, Jan. 27, 1781, d. Feb. 15, i860, eldest s. Capt. John' (descended from Rev. Zechariah of Charles town, 1634, s. of Rev. William of Canterbury, Kent CO., Eng. — see Symmes Memorial, by John Adams Vin ton, 34; History of Arlington, Mass., by B. and W. R. Cutter, 330) Symmes and Elizabeth' (Thomas*, James', Joseph', John') Wright. Resided at Symmes' Corner, Medford, wheelwright ; deacon of Cong, chh., M., from i8i8, town officer, much esteemed. Ch.: John Albert', b. Mar. 30, 1805, d. May 30, 1808; Pamela' Symmes, b. Feb. 3, 1807, m. May 28, 1852, Horatio A. Smith; Mary Wrighf, b. Oct. 26, 1809, unm., of Symmes' Corner; John Al berf Symmes, b. Nov. 3, 181 2, d. Feb. 19, 1849, m.- June I, 1839, Lydia Maria Smith. Of S. Woburn, trader; Charles Carey' Symmes, b. Nov. 5, 1814, died Three Rivers, C. E., Aug. 4, 1854, m. Nov. 10, 1840, Lydia Fletcher Clark, she d. Mar. 26, 1859, da. Dea. Oliver of Tewksbury, Mass. Went to Canada E. about 1830; Henry Richardson' Symmes, b. Apr. 13, 1818, m. Mar. 25, 1842, Abigail Symmes, da. of his father's youngest bro., Charles, of Aylmer, C. E. Of Three Rivers ; Luther Richardson' Symmes, born Mar. 21, 1822, m. Nov. i, 1848, Elizabeth Abby Ayer. Of Symmes' Cor., Winchester. Abby' Richardson, b. Mar. 7, 1785, Woburn, m. Oct 31, 1816, Dea. Oliver Clark of Tewksbury. Ch. : Hon. Oliver Richardson Clark, b. Mar. 6, 1819, m. Nov. 25, 1840, Julia Ann Cutter, b. Dec. 3, 1823, eldest da. Stephen' (John', John", Gershom', Gershom*, Gershom', Richard', s. of wid. Eliz abeth') Cutter and Adeline' (Jesse', m. Su sanna' [Reuben', Reuben*, Joseph', Joseph', Samuel'] Richardson, Jesse*, Zebadiah', Ben jamin', Francis") Wyman. Of Tewksbury, in firm Cutters & Clark, mahogany mfrs., Win chester and Boston ; member Mass. Senate. For descendants, see History of the Cutter Fam ily of N. E. Compiled by Benjamin Cutter, M.D. Revised and enlarged by William Richard Cutter, 238 Rev. Edward Warren' Clark, b. Oct. 6, 1820, m. May 2, 1850, Harriet Maria Phelps, b. West- borough, Mass., Aug. 8, 1824, daugh. Ebenezer 153 2434 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Morgan Phelps of W. Grad. Dartmouth, 1844, Andover Theol. Sem. 1847, ordained pastor Bethesda chh., Reading, Jan. i, 1850, dismissed 1853; pastor at Auburndale, Middlesex co,, Mass., July i, 1857, to June 20, 1861, chaplain 47th Mass., Mar. 25 to Sept. 11, 1863; pastor Claremont, N. H., Feb. 25, 1864, to June 21, 1870, res. since at Westborough. Joshua' Clark, b. June 30, 1822 ; Abby Richardson' , Jan. 3, 1825; George A? Clark, b. Jan. 29, d. Feb. 21, 1827. Elizabeth" Russell, b. Dec. 18, 17 14. Anne" Russell, b. Feb. 10, 17 15-16, m. 1739, John Coolidge. John^ Russell, b. July 16, 1717. AbigaiV Russell, b. Sept. 22, 17 19. [An Abigail Russell of Woburn, m. Boston? ab. 1744, Peter Wyman, b. Woburn, Sept. 27, 1711, a s. Jacob' (John' of W:) Wyman and Eliza beth' (Samuel', Samuel') Richardson.] Edward" Russell, b. Apr. 7, 1722. James" Russell, b. Feb. 22, 1723-4 [a James Russell m. 1749, Susanna Richardson, b. Mar. 6, 1725-6, da. of Joseph* of Woburn (Joseph', Joseph', Samuel') Richardson and Su sanna' (Seth', John') Wyman. Was of Haverhill, It. in Col. Saltonstall's reg.. Crown Point exped., 1756]. Daniel" Russell, born Apr. 5, 1726. — Sewall's Woburn, 637, etc.; Vinton's Richardson Memorial, 222, etc. IX. Abigail" Johnson (sarahs, Joseph^, Edwardi), m. ISt, Oliver Farmer, b. Billerica, Mass., Feb. 2, 1686, d. B. Feb. 23, 1761, a s. Edward' (of Woburn, Mass., John' of Anceley or Ansley Hall, n. Atherstone, Warwicksh., Eng., m. Isabella Barbage, who came to Newton, Mass.) Farmer and Mary. Abode at Billerica, on the paternal farm on which have lived 6 generations of Farmers. She m. 2d, Capt. James Lane of Bedford, Middlesex CO., Mass. Ch. b. Billerica, by ist m.: AbigaiV Farmer, b. Dec. 22, 1717, d. Jan. II, 1718. AbigaiV Farmer (ag.), b. Jan. 14, 17 18-19, d. Jan. 13, 1790, m. Feb. 14, 1739-40, Jonathan Richardson, b. Billerica, Feb. 7, 1 7 15-16, d. Mar. 14, 1791, a s. Jonathan' (Thomas', Thomas') Richardson and Hannah' (John', William' of B.) French. Of B. Ch.: AbigaiV Richardson, b. Apr. 14, 1741; Jonathan' Richardson, b. June 3, d. July 2, 1743; Jonathan' Richardson (ag.), b. Nov. 25, 1744, d. Chelmsford, i8i3,'a. 68. Thomas' Richardson, b. Sept. 3, 1747, Billerica, m. Dec. 3, 1772, Judith Kendall of B. Of Billerica Cor. inn. Ch. b. B.: Judith' Richardson, Apr. 12, 1774; AbigaiV Rich- ^ ardson, Apr. 28, 1776 ; Hannah' Richardson, Sept. 29, 1778; 'Polly' Richardson, June 4, 1781; Sarah' Richardson, Oct 26, 1783; Reuben Kendall' Richardson, July 20, 1787; Lydia' Richardson, Dec. 6, 1788; Anna' Richardson, Feb. 3, 1791; Betsey' Richardson, Jan. 21, 1793. Hon. Thomas' Richardson, b. Aug. 31, 1796, d. Dec. 16, 1872, m. at 1828, Olivia Alger of S. Boston, eldest DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2435 da. Cyrus. Of Mobile, 1817-28, commission busi ness with Thomas Blake, was alderman there ; of S. Boston, share in Cyrus Alger's iron foundry, rep. in Legislature, 1835-6, alderman Boston, 183 7-8. Ch.: Thomas F.' Richardson. Oliver' Richardson, b. Feb. 15, 1749-50, d. Sept. 23, 1836, m. Apr. 8, 1778, Elizabeth Shed of Billerica. Benjamin' Richardson, b. Mar. 3, 1753, d. Feb. 23, 1773. Mary'' Farmer, b. Aug. 26, 1721, d. Sept. .25, 1803, m. Sept. 23, 1741, William Baldwin, b. Sept. 15, 1710, d. Dec. 21, 1762, of Billerica. Ch.: Sarah' Baldwin, ^i.^wlj '^,\'ji^2; John^ Bald win, Jan. 13, 1744 ; William' Baldwin, Apr. 12, 1748 ; Thomas' Baldtvin, b. Feb. 27, 1751, d. June 12, 1796 ; Micah' Baldwin, b. Oct. I, 1753; Mary' Baldwin, Apr. 15, 1756; Nahum' Baldwin, May 16, 1759; Oliver^ Baldwin, Feb. 12, 1762. Sarah^ Farmer, b. Dec. 14, 1723, d. Berlin, Mass., Dec. 8, 1819, m. 1741, Edward Jewett, b. Aug. 11, 1714, d. Dec. 20, 1790, of Rowley, Mass. Ch.: Edward' Jewett, b. Nov. 29, 1741, of Rindge, Cheshire co., N. H.; Sarah' Jewett, b. May 29, 1744; Oliver' Jewett, Mar. 24, 1747; John' Jeivett, b. Nov. 6, 1749, d. Feb., 1802 ; Jesse' Jewett, b. Nov. 17, 1752 ; AbigaiV Jew ett, Oct. II, 1755 ; LsdbeV Jewett, Sept. 29, 1758. Joseph' Jewett, b. May 10, 1761, m. Sarah Woods, sister of Rev. Dr. Woods of Andover. Of Ashburnham, Mass. Ch.: Gen. Ivers' Jewett, of Ashb. 1823, maj. -gen. 6th Div. Mass. Militia ; Joseph' Jewett, of Baltimore, Md., 1823; Milton' Jewett, d. 1817 ; Polly G.' Jewett, m. Rev. Otis C. Whiton ; Merrick A? Jewett, grad. Dartmouth, 1823 ; Sarah Farmer' Jewett, m. Aaron Hobart of Bos ton. Rachel' Jewett, b. Jan. 8, 1765, d. Feb., 1766; Jo siah' Jewett, b. Apr., 1767, d. Sept., 1775. Betty' Farmer, b. May 31, 1726, d. Sept 17, 1805, m. Apr. ii, 175 1, Zebadiah Rogers, b. Feb. 23, 1721, d. June 25, 1803, of Billerica. Ch.: Betty' Rogers, born May i, 1752; Zebadiah' Rogers, Mar. 18, 1754; John' Rogers, Oct. 15, 1756; Josiah' Rogers, Apr. 28, 1759; Lucy' Rogers, Apr. 21, 1761; Sybil' Rogers, b. Nov. 4, 1763, d. Nov. 15, 1770 ; Micajah' Rogers, b. Nov. 15, 1770. Rebecca' Farmer, b. May 31, 1726, d. Aug. 30, 1809, m. Apr. 18, 1751, Samuel Rogers, b. Feb. 2, 1723, died Apr. 21, 1788, of Billerica, bro. to Zebadiah. Ch.: Rebecca' Rogers, b. Feb. 11, 1752 ; SamueV Rogers, b. Mar. 5, 1754, d. Va. Oct 18, 1781, in U. S. service; AbigaiV Rogers, b. July 31, 1756. William' Rogers, b. May 25, 1759, m. Dec. 10, 1789, Han nah' Farmer { Oliver' Farmer, Abigail" Johnson, etc.). Ch. : William' Rogers, b. Dec. 23, 1790 ; Jeremiah' Rogers, Oct. 26, 1792. Thomas' Rogers, b. Aug. 12, 1762, d. May i, 1804. RacheV Rogers, b. May 23, 1765, m. Jan. 22, 1789, Samuel Whiting, Esq. Ch.: Harrief Whiting, b. Oct. 20, 1789; Ann' and Catharine' Whiting (tw,.), b. Oct. 20, 17 — ; Au gustus' Whiting, born Mar. 2, 1795, grad. Harvard 1816 ; Mary A?in' Whiting, b. May 25, 1800. Ezra' Rogers, May 9, 1768. 2436 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. +XIII. Oliver'' Farmer, b. July 31, 1728. Isabella'' Farmer, b. Mar. 2, 1731, d. Dec. 26, 1793, m. Jan. 10, 1754, Benjamin Warren, b. 1729, d. Hollis, N. H., Aug. 20, 1800, of Chelmsford, Mass. Ch.: Isabella^ Warren, b. Oct. 15, 1754; Benjamin' Warren, Mar. 12, 1758; Tabitha' Warren, Jan. 2, 1763 ; Abigail' Warren, May 16, 1765 ; Sarah' Warren, Sept. 28, 1767; Rebecca' Warren, Feb. 14, 1793. Edward' Farmer, b. Feb. 24, 1734, d. Aug. 4, 1804, m. Sarah Brown, b. Feb. 20, 1736, d. Aug. 19, 1811, da. Samuel. N. E. H. Gen. Reg., 1 : 28 — Obituary in Boston Repertory, Aug. 10, 1804. Died at Billerica, Edward Farmer, Esq., who many years represented that town in the General Court. He was a firm- patriot in Revolution, and commanded a party of militia at capture of Burgoyne, and obeyed the call of Government in the insurrection of 1786. His re mains were deposited with his fathers, with military hon ors. Ch. : Edward' Farmer, b. Dec. i, 1760, d. Aug. 23, 1802, m. ist. Mar. 25, 1784, Rizpah Baldwin, she died July 29, 1791. He m. 2d, Elizabeth Brown of Concord, Mass. Ch. by 1st m.: John' Farmer, b. July 27, 1786, d. Mar. 6, 1802. By 2d m.: Elizabeth' Farmer, b. June 20, 17 9-; Edward' and Rizpah' Farmer, Sept. 26, 1795 ; Jacob B.' Farmer, Oct. 30, i8oi. Sarah' Farmer, b. Mar. 6, 1763, d. Jan. 28, 1866; Jonathan' Farnier, b. May 28, 1764, d. Oct. 11, 1798; Sarah' Farmer (ag.), b. Oct. 3, 1767, m. Nov. 13, 1787, Reuben Baldwin, he was drowned May 13, 1807. Ch.: 8. Jesse' Farmer, b. Oct. 18, 1770, d. Boston, Feb. 6, 1815, m. July 26, 1803, Margaret Franksford, b. Aug. 26, 1781. ~Ch.: Margaret' Farmer, born Nov. 11, 1804; Harriet' Farmer, Feb. 17, 1806; Henry' Farmer, Aug. 17, 1807; Jesse' Farmer, Nov. 9, 1809 ; William' Farmer, Aug. 11, 181 1 ; George Washington' Farmer, Sept. 25, 181 2; Cath arine Smith' Farmer, Jan. 13, 1814. Lt. John'' Farmer, b. Dec. 7, 1737, d. Billerica, Jan. 9, 1806, m. ist, June 5, 1764, Hannah Davis, b. Sept 7, 1741, d. Feb. 12, 1787. He m. 2d, Mrs. Sarah (Russell) Adams, b. Jan. 18, 1751. Ch. by ISt m.: Hannah' Farmer, born Sept 26, 1764; Rebecca' Farmer, b. Dec. 2, 1766, d. May 29, 1788; AbigaiV Farmer, born Dec 22, 1768; Polly' Farmer, Jan. 14, 1775; John' Farmer, b. Dec. 4, 1776, d. Sept. i, 1778 ; Lucy' Farmer, b. Oct 4, 1780. By 2d m.: Lt-Col. John' Farmer, b. Dec. II, 1 791, m. Susan Gerrish, da. Dea. Moses. Of Boscawen, N. H., 1824, lt.-col. 2 ISt reg. N. H. militia ; Hannah' Farmer, , b. Dec. 15, 1794, m., of Boscawen, 1824. X. TIMOTHY* WINN (Timothy', Joseph!, Edward'), bom Wobum, Mass., ab. July, 1712, d. Mar. 3, 1800, m. Mary Bowers of Bille rica, Mass. Ch. b. Woburn : +XIV. Timothy*, b. December 20, 1740. DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD' WINN. 2437 Mary', b. June 21, 1743, d. July 19, 1779, m. Jan. 2, 1777, as 2d w.. Col. John Waldron of Dover, N. H., b. about 1740, d. D. Aug. 31, 1827, a s. Richard' (John' of D., apprentice to John Heard, 1687) Waldron or Walderne and Smith. Was at Provincial Legis. at Portsmo-uth 1774, at Revolutionary Conv., Exeter, N. H., 1775, Rep. for Dover 1782, q, 5, 6, 8, '97, 8, 1801-3, 15, Senator 1788, '90-2, 1803-6. [He m. ist, Joanna Shepherd, she d. July, 1775. He m. 3a, Mrs. Margaret (Frost) Wentworth of New Castle, N. H., b. Dec. 3, 1747, d. Sept. 30, 1805, wid. of Hon. John Wentworth, da. Joseph* [JohnS, Charles^, Nicholas^ of Kittery, Me.) Frost. {She m. ist, July, 1771, Hon. John Wentworth, b. July 17, 1745, d. Jan. 10, 1787, s. Jolm^-' (Benjamin''^, F.zekiel^^, William"', see -t-ioQ5, p. 493) Wentworth and Joanna" (Nicholas^, John*, Edward^, of Exeter, Robert", Edward' of Caston, Eng.) Gilman. Harvard, 1768, lawyer, delegate to Cong. 1778. Ch.: John, b. Apr. 5, 1772, d. Dover July 28, 1819, unm., Margaret, b. May 27, 1773, died at Col. Waldron's, a. 28, Elizabeth, b. Aug. q, 1774, d. June 24, 1836,- m. Hon. Daniel M. Durell, M. C, Joseph, b. Dec. 23, 1775, died West Indies, 1788, unm., Mesheck Weare, b. June 17, J777, d. at sea about 1800, Dorothy, b. June 24, 1779, d. Northwood, Dec. 28, 1840, m. Hon. John Harvey, and Paul W^entworth, b. Apr. 22, 1782, m. Lydia Cogswell, da. Col. Amos and Lydias (Otis", Thomas' of Deerfield) Baker — see N. E. H. G. Reg., IV; jj/.) He m. 4th, Mrs. Mary Prentiss, wid. of Rev. [? Caleb] Prentiss of Reading, Mass. Ch. by ist m.; Abigail Waldron, b. Jan, i, 1765; Elizabeth Waldron, Feb. 25, 1767; Jeremiah Wal dron, Aug. II, 1769 ; Richard Waldron, Nov. 26, 1772 ; Joanna Waldron, Aug. 4, 1775. 3d m.: s. P.] Ch., 4 : Mary Bowers' Waldron, born Nov. 27, 1778; Timothy Winn' Waldron, May 10, 1779. (Of Col. John Waldron's grandchildren, is Hon. Ezekiel Heard of Dover.) Follow ing by 2d or 3d m.: Susan' Waldron, b. July i (bap. Dover 14), 1782; Eliza Brook' Waldron, July 15, 1787. From Bible record of Zebediah Wyman — John Waldron, wife Pamelia Waldron, d. Aug. 8, 1823. Jonathan* Winn, b. June 24, 1847, d. Dec. 29, 1847. Deacon Timothy*- Winn joined Woburn Precinct church May 4, 1740, chosen deacon Dec. 26, 1752, holding the office during life. Was noted for industry, economy, and success in amassing wealth; a Selectman, 1756, 7, '73, 4, 5; served in Revolution bef. 1777 ; represented Woburn in General Court, 1787, 88, 91. Dec, 1787, he and James Fowle, Jr., were chosen delegates from Woburn to convention which met in Boston, Jan. 9, 1788, respecting ratification of Constitution of U. S. — Sewall's Woburn, 377, 630. XI. ELIZABETH'' WINN (Timothys, Joseph", Edward'), m. DoC. 7, 1742, Nehemiah Wyman. [Wyman' s Charlestown Genealogies — Vf'hicb see for descendants of following — men tions : 2^8, SbS, 7059 — Abel Wyman, of Woburn, Mass. ibro. of Nehemiah), whose daugh ters ; Pamelia Wyman, b. Jan. 24, 1781, d. Mar. 15, 1834, ra., as ist w., Matthew Skilton, s. John of Billerica. Lucy Wyman, b. Sept. 21, 1791, d. Chariest. Feb. i, 1834, m. C, Mar. 21, i8j6, as 2d w., David Fosdick, b. C. June 18, 1786, of Groton, Mass., d. May 29, 1872, a son David* (Jamess, Samuel-", Samuel', John", Stephen' of Chariest ) Fosdick and Mary« (latness, Nathaniel-!, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel", William' of C.) Frothingham ; 521 — Jerusha Wyman (sister of Nehemiah), m. Solomon Hovey of Lunenburg, s. Abijah of Boxford, and had : Solomon Hovey, b. Aug. 14, 1781, d. July 2, 1842, m. Jan. 5, 1806, Sarah Johnson, da. Ichabod and Sarah, Abijah Hovey, b. Jan. 20, 1783, d. C. Aug. 24, 1842, m. Fitchburg, Mass., June II, 1809, Martha Story ; /oj). Corey ancestry, amended:— John'. II Isaac'. II David'. II Ann* Corey, m. Lazarus Horton, s. Jonathan^ and Mary« (TuthiU [see -I-98, p. 99, and [+98 continued], p. 2453 Appendix].). [140 continued. See page 125.] CHLOE* CLEVELAND (Benjamin', Aaron', Moses'), died at Coram(?), L. I., N. Y., April 22, 1807, a. 63, married dX Stonington, Conn., September 28, 1763, William Yarrington, born at Smith- town, Suffolk CO., N. Y., January 27, 1738, died at Coram, Octo ber 28, 1811, a son of William and Rebecca (Dayton) Yarring ton. Children born Coram: Willianfi Yarrington, b. July 15, 1764, d. Aug. 21, 1803, 1807; Ann' Yarrington, b. Aug. 11, 1766, d. Mar. 9, 1809; Benjamin Cleveland' Yarrington, b. Aug. 3, 1769, d. Aug. I, 1849, m. Mary; Frederic' Yarrington, b. June 29, 1771; 2454 CLEVELAND GENEALGGY. Rebecca' Yarrington, April 9, 1774; Daniel' Yarrington, June 2 , 1777. ' +19559 Uriah' Yarrington, b. January 24, 1780. Desier', b. June 24, 1782, d. Mar. 3, 1800; RacheV, b. Mar. 30, 1784, d. May 6, 1805; Jonathan' Yarrington, b. June II, 1786. William Yarrington, while a Continental soldier, kept a diary, containing valuable data (which is possessed by Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson' Hoyt); residence, Coram, contractor and teacher. Yarrington ancestry : — 'V^illmtn^, born in Wales about 1675, successively of Boston, Mass., and Stonington, m. abt. 1700 Alice Woodward, b. Amsterdam, Holland. Ch. 3 sons, 4 da.: Anna, Eliz., Rachel, Mary. II William' Yarrington (youngest son), b. abt. 1713, of Smithtown, teacher by profession, d. there May, 1746, m. 1737, Rebecca Dayton, da. of Jonathan, descendant of Ralph Dayton of Dedham, Mass., 1645. Ch.: William', IDesire, Jonathan, Rachel. 19559. Uriah' Yarrington (Chloe*, Benjamin', Aaron', Moses'), died (place not remembered) February 28, 181 7, a. 37, married in New York, N. Y., May 5, 1805, Ann Tier, born in New York, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1787, died at Greenwich, Conn., April 18, 1869, daughter of Jacob and Ann, Elizabeth (Carr da. of Robert and descendant of Gov. Caleb Carr of Newport, R. I., 1635,) Tier. Residence, Flushing, N. Y., ^nd New York city. Children : Jacob Tier' Yarrington, b. Mar. 9, 1807, New York, N. Y., d. Oakland, Cal., June 11, 1894, m. ist, Anna Maria Per- lee, 2d, Mrs. Eugenia Rebecca Saxon. 4-19560 Ann Eliza^ Yarrington, born April 30, 1808, Flush ing, Long Island, New York. William Robert' Yarrington, b. Mar. 17, 1810, d. New York, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1842, m. Margaretta W. Griffin. Benjamin Mowalt' Yarrington (Rev.) born March 15, 1812, Flushing, died Greenwich, Conn., March 19, 1898, married Margaret King Dominick. Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was rector at Greenwich 1839-51, Glenville, Fairfield co.. Conn., 1852-64, of Christ Church, Greenwich, 1865-95, of G. afterward. Joshua Qureau Tier' Yarrington, b. May 8, d. Flush ing June 10, 1814; Charles Wright' Yarrington, b. Apr. 16, 1815, d. New York, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1859, m. Phoebe Ann Hyde. 19560. Ann 'Eliza'' Yarrington ( Uriah'' Yarrington, Chloe*, Benjamin', Aaron', Moses'), died at Yankton, South Dakota, September 9, 1890, a. 82, married at New York, N. Y., March 28, 1833, Rev. Melanc thon Hoyt, born at Norwalk, Conn., February 13, 1809, died at Yankton January 2, 1888, son of Melancthon and Betsey (Tay lor) Hoyt. Children : Robert Tier' Hoyt, born December 22, 1833, New York, N. Y., married Mary Elizabeth Gurney. Melancthon Uriah' Hoyt, born November 8, 1835, Indianapolis, Ind., married Mary Christiana Booker. Mary Tiebout Tier' Hoyt, born August 2, 1837, Craw- fordsville, Ind., married Abraham Lawrence Edwards. -|- 1 95 6 1 Samuel Roosevelt Johnson' Hoyt, born December 9, 1839, ^t Meriden, Conn. APPENDIX. ?4SS Ann Elizabeth'' Hoyt, born August 6, 1841, Grand Rapids, Mich., married Henry F. Livingstone. Anna Maria' Hoyt, born January 15, 1843, Ionia, Mich., married William Miner. Clara Louisa' Hoyt,'born February 8, 1847, Fox Lake, Wis., died at Parker, Turner county. South Dakota, December 2, 1887, married James A. Hand. William Robert Yarrington', b. Nov. 7, 1849, Watertown, Wis., d. Sioux City, la., Oct. 2, i860. Helen Elizabeth' Hoyt, born June 10, 1851, Water- town, married Horace Campbell Burr ; Emma Jane' Hoyt, born November 27, 1853, Watertown, married William D. Russell. Rev. Melancthon Hoyt, D.D., was graduated from Yale College, New Haven, Conn;, 1832, studied theology and law in New York, N. Y., was one of the pioneers of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the West, and reared his family there. Residence, Yankton ; was rector of Christ Church, Yankton, and missionary at large to 1877, dean of Dakota Territory 1877-8, minister at Swan Lake, Dak., 1879-81, and at Watertown, S. D., 1882, rector at Huron, Beadle co., [S.] Dak., 1883-4, Hurley, Turner co. [S.] Dak., 1885, Yankton afterward. Hoyt ancestry : — Simon' [see -I-5413, p. 147'], m. ist, Smith, 2d, Susannah. By 2d m. ; II Benjamin', b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 2, 1644, of Stamford, Conn., d. there Jan. 26, 1735, m. there Jan. 5, 1670, Hannali Weed, a da. Jonas (a founder of Stamford) and Mary.ll Dea. Samuel', b. Stam. 1679, rep. Stam. in Gen. Court 5 years, elk. of probate, capt. sat with William Davenport in the famous Saybrook, Conn , convention, and was their moderator, d. Stamford 1766, m. Mar. 29, 1704, Mary Jagger, da. Jeremy (of Stamford, served in Pequot war 1637, for this his sons were granted lands) and Elizabeth. II Samuel*, b. Stamford, 1714, merch. there, d. there Apr. 6, 1756, m. Mar. 8, 1738, Abigail Bell, da. of Jonathan and Susanna (Pierson da. Abraham), desc. of Lt. Francis Bell (a founder of Stamford). II Sergt. John', b. Stamford, Nov. 24, 1740, teacher, town clerk 1775-1806, town treas. 1790-1809, of Comtee of Safety, Stamford, 1775, dep. from Stamford 1777, prize mas ter for port of Stamford, d. there Mar. i, 1825, m. Dec. 31, 1761, Abigail Halt, da. Ebene zer (Rev. soldier)' and Mercy. II Lt. Melancthon" Hoyt, b. Stamford Sept. 17, 1770, when a lad steered whale boat that captured British ship in L. I. Sound, Revolution, later had lieut's commission, signed by Gov. Trumbull, of South Norwalk, Conn., and N. Y. city, leather merch., d. Norwalk Nov. 2, J845, m. N. Oct. 15, 1794, Betsey Taylor, b. N. 1773, d. Rosendale, Wis., June 9, 1854, da. Paul and Sarah (Nash, da. John and Sarah [Jackson] of Norwalk). 19561. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson' Hoyt {Ann suza' Yarrington, Uriah' Yarrington, Chloe*, Benjamin', Aaron', Moses'), married at DaveUpOrt, Iowa, June 23, 1869, Mary Elizabeth Barris, born at Meadville, Pa., May 21, 1847, daughter of Rev. Dr. Willis Harvey and Car oline (Harrison) Barris. Children : Mary Fay' Hoyt, born March 28, 1870, Shanghai, China, unm. 1899. Helen Elizabeth' Hoyt, b. August 31, 1871, Hankow, China, married at Davenport, September 18, 1894, Le Roy Foster Campbell, born Scott county, Iowa, August 15, 1871, son of Jonathan Foster and Catherine Dorcas (Metteer) Campbell. Mr. Campbell was graduated from Iowa State University, 1889, and from Chicago, 111., School of Pharmacy. Residence, Dav enport, pharmacist Child: Foster HoyV Campbell, born Decem ber 29, 1895, Davenport. Herbert Roosevelt, born Dec. 3, 1872, Salem, Henry county, Iowa, died Jan. 17, 1873. Ruth Amanda' Hoyt, bom June 28, 1877, Davenport, Iowa, unmarried. Carrie Barris' Hoyt, b. February 18, 1882, Waverly, Iowa. 2456 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Anne Yarrington' Hoyt, born February 9, 1 884, Wav erly, Iowa. Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson' Hoyt, D.D., was born in Meri den, Conn., Dec. 9, 1839. "Roosevelt," after graduating from the public schools in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1858, taught school for two years, and entered Gri&wold College in 186 1. In 1864 he enlisted in the 44th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and spent four months with the Army of the Tennessee. He returned to Griswold College and completed his course, receiving his B.A. degree in 1866; was ord. deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Davenport, June 7, 1868; ord. priest at Cedar Rapids, la.. May 30, 1869. He was professor in his Alma Mater till June, 1869, and meantime completed his work in the theological department of Griswold College, receiving the degree Bachelor of Divinity, 1868. At this time the degree of Master of Arts in course was conferred upon him, and in 1889 the same institu tion gave him his degree of Doctor in Sacred Theology. He married June 23, 1869, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Dr. Willis Harvey Barris, Ely Professor in the Theological Seminary, and, with his bride, sailed for China, where, in Octo ber, 1869, he was one of the founders of the church in Wu Chang, in the province of Hu Peh, 600 miles up the Yang Tse Kiang. After eight years' service, owing to the ill health of his wife, he returned to the United States, and at once (1877) accepted the parish of St. Andrews church, Waverly. His former mis sion being left unsupplied, owing to deaths and illnesses, he volunteered his services until new men could reach the field, and so returned to China alone in the fall of 1878, and remained there two years. In 1879 he went as United States interpreter with General Isaac Shepherd to the famous city " I Chang," at the foot of the great gorges of the upper Yang Tse Kiang, and there assisted in opening the farthest inland port in China. He returned to his parish in Waverly (which had given him leave of absence for two years) in 1880, and completed there a rectorship of fourteen years. In 1891 Dr. Hoyt was appointed by Bishop William Stevens Perry, Archdeacon of the Diocese of Iowa, which position he still holds. In 1892 he was elected Bishop of China; but, owing to the state of his wife's health, declined the position. Upon the breaking out of the Spanish-American war the Archdeacon was commissioned Chaplain of the 50th Iowa Vol. Inft., and filled that position imtil the mustering out of his regiment, Nov. 30, 1898. Residence, Davenport. [228 continued. See page 162.] Waldo ancestry, continued : —4//«?- Waldenses insert [so called from Petrus Waldus or Peter Waldo, who founded this (Bed. Hist.) sect of Christians, professing substan tially ITotestant prmoiples, who never submitted to the Roman Catholic church. They reside m the valley of Piedmont, Italy. —Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, LL.D., 1S77, p. i^SS.'] s s ^ j [249 continued. See page i8i.] LUCY* CLEAVELAND (Henry', Josiahs, Moses'), married at Mansfield, Conn., Dec. 3, 1744, Judah Storrs. APPENDIX. 2457 [250 continued. See page 181. J JABEZ* CLEAVELAND (Henry', Josiah', Moses'), d. (others state) in Cont'l Army, Cambridge, Mass., early in revol. war, m. Jane Trumbull, da. Walter and Jane (Campbell). Ch.: Sarah", m., Mansfield, Conn., June 25, 1786 Ebenezer Welch, rem. to Delaware co., O. ; Rachel', d. with Dr. John B. Arnold. Mrs. Jane (Trumbull) Cleveland m, 2d, Dr. John Arnold. Ch.: Dr. John B. Arnold, m. Rachel Wakelee of Adams co.. Pa. Studied med. with his father. Ch.: eldest da. m. Dr. Cornelius Smith of Pa., rem. to New Carlisle, Clark co., O. Campbell ancestry ; — Charles', b. Ireland, landed at New London, Conn., 1719, m. 2d, Mary Canedy, who came with him. II Jane' Campbell, b. N. L., m. Walter TrumbuU. ^ [325 continued. See page 98.] MARY' CLEVELAND (Joseph*, ichabod', Moses', Moses'), d. June 21, 1826, a. 74, m. ist, Thomas Hubbard. She m. 2d, Mar. 29, 1780, Elias Graves, s. John. Ch. by 2d m.: MabeV Graves, b. Jan. I, 1781; Hubbard' Graves, b. Dec. 19, 1782, m. Betsey Pier son; Oliver' Graves, b. in 1784, d. y. ; Mary' Graves, b. Aug. 26, 1785, m. E. Kimberly. Graves ancestry : — Dea. George' Grave, an orig. prop. Hartford, Conn., 1639, weaver, deputy, d. Sept., 1673, m. Sarah. II John', b. perhaps in Eng., of Guilford, Conn., rep. m. ist, Nov. 26, 1657, Elizabeth Stilwell of G., da. Jasper and Elizabeth. II John', rep. II John*. II Elias" Graves, m. Mary Cleveland'. — Graves Gen. [455 continued. See page 267.] SAMUEL* CLEVELAND (HopestUl*, Samuel', Samuel'.^Moses'). Graves ancestry : —T^iaraas^ [see +1805, p. 765]. II John', freeman, Wethersfield, Conn., May 18, 1654, killed by Indians at Deerfield, Mass., Sept. 19, 1677, m. ist, Mary Smith, da. Lt. Samuel and EUzabeth of Weth. II Daniel', m. Hannah Warriner, a da. James' (William' of Springfield, Mass., 1638, m. Joanna Searl of S , da. of John and Sarah [Baldwin].) Warrener and Elizabeth Baldwin, da. of Joseph* (Richard' of Cholesbury, Eng., Richard' m. Isabell, Richard' of Donrigge, Eng., 1552, m. Ellen Apuke) Baldwin, of Milford, and Hannah. II Daniel* m. Margaret Miller of Springfield. II Simeon' Graves m. Catharine Kimball — ac. to Graves gen., I:s2- — Ca.ty Crane ac. to family rec. [572 continued. See page 152.] STEPHEN' CLEVELAND (johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), b. Farmington, Conn., or Bennington, Vt., Aug. 27, 1754, d. Lee, N. Y., about 1850, aged 96, m. Polly Goodin, b. about 1759, d. about 1795, aged 36, buried at Middletown, Vt., da. Df Thomas and Silence (Norris) Goodin. Children : + 19562 Susanna" Cleveland, born October 2, 1781, at Ben nington, Vermont. 19563 Minerva" Cleveland, b. ab. 1785, prob. Bennington, d. Ridgeway, Orleans co., N. Y., Sept., 1830, m. Solomon Baker, who was living Sept., 1830. Of Ridgeway. Ch. (11 living Sept, 1830) : Minerva' Baker (the eldest daughter), m. R., Aug. 18, 1830, B. Odle ; Lafayette' Baker (Rev.), (one of the sons) was a Baptist minister. , -(-19564 Betsey Elizabeth" Cleveland, b. 1790, near Ben nington, prob. at Middletown, Vt. And, perhaps by a second marriage .: 19564=^ {f) Harry" Cleveland, of Lee, N. Y., 1840, with whom a Stephen Cleveland was then living (see below), thought to have been a son. There may have been more children. 245 8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Capt. Stephen' Cleveland was always called a captain, and this is accounted for by his daughter from the fact that he was a capt. in the sappers and miners in the Revolution, though it is not certain that he was identical with following : Complete Army Register of U. S. for loo years (I'j'^g to iSyg). Compiled from Official Records by Thomas H. S. Hamersly, p. 2, 36. Cleveland, oapt.-lt. of sappers ¦and miners Aug. 2, 1779, on Washington's stall:. Without doubt the following is his record : Pension Office Rec. — Stephen Cleaveland, member of Capt. Isaac Tichenor's Co., Col. Ebenezer Walbridge's reg., Vt. Militia Revolutionary war ; Co. org. at Ben nington, in service at Manchester [Vt.] Apr. 18, 1783. Census Pensioners 1840. — Lee, N. Y. Stephen Cleveland, age 83, living with Harry Cleveland. See +19241-2. Stephen' Cleveland, it is thought, went, about 1795, into the "Black River Country," N. Y. This included Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, and Herkimer counties, a great timber section. He eventually settled at Lee, where he is buried. Farmer. 19562. SUSANNA" CLEVELAND (Stsphen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), d. Grafton, O., July 19, 1873, a. 92, m. Fairfield, Vt., Nov. 25, 1 80 1 , as 2 d w., Thomas J ohnston, b. Palmerston, now Wilton, Sara toga CO., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1777, d. Lagrange, O., July 22, 1858, s. of Peter and Susanna ( , or Wendell ? or Rundell ? or Mundle ? Children : + 19565 Polly Maria' Johnston, b. Oct. 11, 1802, Georgia, Vt. -j-19566 Peter Brown' Johnston, b. July 21, 1805, Fairfield, Vt. -(-19567 Stephen Cleveland' Johnston, b. Sept. 17, 1807, Fair field, Vt. -(-19568 Lucy Benedict' Johnston, b. Feb. 21, 1809, F. Wm. Laing', b. Aug. 4, 1810, F., d. Brunswick, O.; Dec. 15, 1832, unm.; Betsey Minerva', b. Apr. 26, 1812, Lee, N. Y., d. Lee, Nov. 19, 1814. -(-19569 Drew Milletf Johnston, b. Feb. 5, 1814, Lee. -(-19570 Betsey Minerva' Johnston (ag.), b. Dec. 3, 1816, Lee. -(-19571 Sarah Jane' Johnston, b. Jan. 28, 1819, Lee. -(-19572 Lois Ann Miller' Johnston, b. June 22, 1821, Lee. -(-19573 Charles Warner', b. June 29, 1823, Leyden, N. Y. -(-19574 Paul Milton' , b. Apr. 12, 1827, Shelby, N. Y. Thomas Johnston left Saratoga co. soon after 1801, went to Franklin co., Vt., bought some property. Here he met Susanna' and they were married, though relatives objected because so soon after termination of his first marriage. Lived at Fairfield to about 1810-11, thence to Lee. Here he enlisted as private in Capt. Earl Fillmore's co.. Col. Stone's reg., N. Y. M. ; served 188 days in War of 1812. Rem., about 1822, to Leyden, and ab. 1825 to Shelby. About 1830 they started West, and eventually fetched up in Lorain co., O., where they spent the rest of their lives. He was educated for the ministry, but never took up that calling ; was a farmer, but too much interested in religious discussions to be a good one. He m. ist, 1800, Lucy Benedict, of Northumberland, Saratoga co., N. Y., she d. Aug. 4, 1801, da. of Elisha" (Elisha', Thomas*, James', Thomas' of Southold, N. Y., before 1650, m. Mary Bridgham, William' of Nottinghamshire, Eng.,) Benedict and Thankful (Gregory, da. Nathan and Thankful [Benedict] ) . Ch . , d. imme.— Benedict Genealogy, by Henry Marvin Benedict, 307. APPENDIX. 2459 Johnston ancestry :'— Arms — see p. 1Q85. Sir John de Johnstoun, or de Jonistoun, -grant of land in Annandale, Eng., ab. 1360 from Bruce, Earl of Annandale. His crest, the "fiying spur," was granted to commemorate the following event : Edward I of Eng., trying to compel the king of Scotland to acknowledge him as his liege, was opposed by Robt. Bruce, Earl of Carrick, and determined to have Bruce killed. John Baliol, the king, knowing Edward's intention, wished to warn Bruce, and, instead of writing him a letter, he sent him, by John, chief of the clan of Johnston, a knight's spur, to which was tied a bird's wing, signifying " Fly ! " "When Bruce was made king he awarded this crest to the chief of the Johnstons. . . . Thomas^ (thought to be the name) of Lock- ¦erby, n. Lockwood Castle, Scotl. II Peter", b. Lockerby 1735, a yeoman of Annandale clan, bringing a certificate of good standing as a citizen in his community, and another of sat isfactory conduct as a member of the Presbyterian church, came from Dumfries-shire, Scotl., 1773, and settled in Palmerston, was a private in the organization known as the Albany Militia, m. 2d in Scotland (shortly before coming to America) Susanna , .surname not certain, being a record handed down by mouth, and variously called Wen dell, Rundell, and Mundle. 19564. BETSEY ELIZABETH" CLEVELAND (Stephen», Johnson*, jsaac', Edward', Moses'), d. Elyria, O., Aug. i6, 1870, a. 80, m., 1809, Sterling Case, b. Litchfield, N. Y., ab. 1791 (6 months her junior), d. Eau Claire, Wis., Dec. 27, 1877. Settled in the Genesee Valley, N. Y., living in various townships to ab. 1835, then located ab. 25 miles from Mt. Clemens, Mich. In a few years sold farm and bought village lots at Mt. C. ; sold lots, 1840, and rem. to Grafton, and there bought farm n. Kingsley's Corners. Sold out, some years later, and rem. to Beiden (Grafton Center), Lorain county, O. Here she was a weaver. Enfeebled by age, they sold out in 1869, and rem., Oct. 2, 1869, to Elyria. She was buried by Mr. Paul Milton' Johnston in his cemetery lot 2 miles w. of Beiden. Sterling Case afterward lived with his son, Julius Franklin, at Eau Claire. Ch. : Sophia', b. ab. 1810, Gen esee co., N. Y., d. G. CO. 1828; William Johnston' Case, b. 1812? G. CO., d. Mt. Clemens, July, 1836, unm.; Emmeline' Case, b. 1815 ? Genesee co., d. Mt. Clemens, Dec, 1836, unm. Julia Ann' Case, b. 181 7 ? Genesee co., d. Lanesboro, Fillmore county, Minn., 1890? m., Mt. Clemens, Josiah Wood. Ch. : 4 J-., 5 da. ; William Warren' Wood, of Texarkana, Ark., 1899, printer, ch.: 2 sons'; Franklin' Wood, of Seattle, Wash., ch.: three'; Arthur^ Wood, m. S., ch.: 2 daus.'; Edgar' Wood, of Neb., ch. : several'; Lillian' Wood, m. McCarry, he d., she a widow of n. Eau Claire, Wis., ch. : son' dau' Stephen Cleveland' Case, b. 1819 ? Gen. CO., d. youth; son', b. and d. G. co., 1821 ?; Christopher Columbus', b. 1823 ? G. CO., d. youth. Sullivan Carlton' Case, b. ab. 1825, G. CO., d. n. Jef ferson City, Mo., Nov., 1878, m. Pittsburgh, Pa., fall of 1843, Miss Ann Eliza Martin of P., she d. P. Rem. to P., thence to Mo. Ch.: several', d. unm.; Franklin Truman' Case, b. 1857 ? Pittsburgh, unm., of Snohomish, Wash. -(-19575 Julius Franklin' Case, b. July 29, 1827, Leicester, N. Y.; Philander Orson', b. 1829? d. Mt. Morris, N. Y., Aug., 1835 ; Minerva AbigaiV Case, b.Feb. 12, 1831, m. Truman Bagg Jadwin, of Buchanan, Berrien co., Mich. s. p. 19565. ^Olly Maria' Johnston (Susanna«, Stephen', johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), d. Brunswick, O., Apr. II, 1882, a. 79, m. Oct., 1822, Theodore Perkins, b. Enfield, Conn., June 7, 1797, d. Brunswick, Nov. 2, 1883, a s. Daniel and Persis (Billings). Ch.: 2460 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. -(-19576 Morris Matthew' Perkins, b. Oct. i, 1824, Rome, N. Y.; Charlotte Johnston', b. Apr. 15, 1826, R., d. Brunswick, June 2, 1834. -(-19577 Peter Brown' Perkins, b. Apr. 3, 1827, Rome. Wil liam Laing' Perkins, b. Oct. 17, 1833, Bruns., d. Bozeman, Mont., Sept. 5, 1892, m. Boz., Mar. 15, 1866, Mary Elizabeth Stone. Of Bozeman. Ch.: twin sons', b., d. same day; Emma Stone' Perkins, b. Dec. 27, 1868, Gallatin City, Mont., m. Joseph H. Baker. Of Bozeman, 1899, s. p. ; Bessie May', b. Dec. 9, 1876, Boz., d. there Jan. 29, 1882. -(-19578 Charlotte Johnston' (ag.), b. Dec. 7, 1834, Bruns. Jerome Theodore', b. Dec. 5, 1836, Bruns., d. Cincinnati, O., July 11, 1869, m. Nov. 27, 1861, Charlotte Amanda Kelly. Ch. : Samuel Ford', b. July 7, 1865, C; Donna', b. May 4, 1842, Bruns., m. David L. Shafer, 1. Cottonwood, Fergus co., Mont., 1899, s. p. Theodore Perkins lived successively in Rome, Ridgeway, N. Y., to about spring of 1832, rem. to Brunswick at same time as his wife's parents. Perkins ancestry: — John' [see -t-iiii, p. 510]. || Dea. Thomas', b. Eng., Ipswich, Mass., 1648, Topsfield, Mass., d. May 7, i636, m. PhebeOould. da Zaccheus (from Hants Green, co. Bucks, Eng., of Ipswich). II John', of I., m. Nov. 28, 1666, Deborah Browning, da. Thomas, of Salem, Mass. II Thomas^, b. Nov. 4, 1667, m. Sarah Richards. II Thomas*, .m. Mary Allen. II Daniel', m. Hannah. II Daniel' Perkins m. Persis Billings. 19566. Feter Brown' Johnston (susanna«), d. Ashland, O., June 26, 1876, a. 71, m. Strongsville, O., Oct. 3, 1833, Nancy Sarah Maria Searle, b. Plymouth, Conn., Feb. 17, 1817, da. Rev. Roger (the first Epis. min. 1817 in Ohio), and Sallie (Pomeroy). Of Ashland, farmer ; civilian teamster in civil war. His widow of Paola, Kan., 1899. Ch.: -(- 19579 William Thomas', b. Feb. 4, 1836,- Ashland ; Ellen Ophelia', b. Jan. 27, 1837, A., d. Grafton, O., ¦ Aug. I, 1843. 19580 Adelaid Sophronia' Johnston, b. Sept. 10, 1839, Ash land, d. Paola, Sept. 10, 1875, m. Ashl., Feb. 14, 1874, as ist w., William Allee of Attica, N. Y., s. Walter and Suble (Soddy). (He m. 2d, Frances Ellen Gertrude' Johnston -(- 19581). Ch.: Vic tor B.' Allee (Corp.), b., Jan. 12, 1875, Paola, Co. I, 20th Kan. I., at Manila, P. I., Spanish war 1898, Filipino insurrection 1899. 1 958 1 Frances Ellen Gertrude' Johnston, b. Jan. 11, 1852, Ashland, m., as 2d w., William Allee, he d. Paola, Nov. 21, 1878. He m. 1st, Adelaid Sophronia' Johnston -(-19580). Of Paola. s. P. 19567. Stephen Cleveland' Johnston (susanna«), d. Toledo, 0., Nov. 2, 1872, a. 65, m. Sarah Dianthe Dresser of Hinsdale, Mass., she d. Toledo, Dec. 2, 1887, da. Leonard and Mary (Tombs). Successively of Orleans co., N. Y., several years, Lorain co., O., and Toledo, hardware merch. there Ch.: -(- 19582 Martha Susannah', b. Aug. 8, 1837, Millville, Orleans co., N. Y.; Eva', b. Beiden, O., Aug. 21, 185 1, d. B. Sept. 17,- 1861. APPENDIX. 19568. 2461 Lucy Benedict' Johnston (susanna'), d. Medina, N. Y., May 7, 1874, a. 65, m. Horace Billings Perkins, b. Enfield, Conn., Mar. 22, 1803, d. Med. Nov. 7, 1855, a s. Daniel and Persis (Bil lings). Of Medina, farmer. Ch. b. Medina : Jay' Perkins, b. Oct. 19, 1830, m. Nov. 6, 1853, Lucy Ann Sperry, b. Feb. 24, 1833, d. Allentown, Tazewell co.. 111., Apr. 18, 1874. Of Grafton, O., many years, Allentown to 1899, farmer. Ch. : Alicia Annah' Perkins, b. Sept. 4, 1855, Grafton, m. Allentown, John Leslie Francis, of A., farmer. Ch.: Jay Perkins^' Francis, b. Aug. 17, 1855, A.; Esther Jane' Perkins, b. Sept. 30, 1832, d. Medina, Sept. 20, 1852, unm. ; Julia', b. Feb. 6, 1834, d. M. Mar. 30, 1856, unm.; Henry', b. Mar. 31, 1836, d. M. May 11, 1862, unm.; Wil liam Drew', b. July 16, 1838, unm., of Lebanon, O., 1899; Calvin', b. Aug. 20, 1840, d. Med. Oct. 15, i860, unm.; Persis', b. May 10, 1842, d. M. Oct. IS, i860, unm.; Alice', b. Mar. 24, 1843, d. M. June 9, 1861, unm.; Eugene' Perkins, b. May 23, 1847, d. M. Mar: 24, 1869, unm. 19569. Drew Milletf Johnston (susanna«), d. Elyria, O., May 18, 1884, a. 70, m. Grafton, O., Philinda Bathsheba Andress, da. John. Of Grafton several years, rem. to Council Bluffs, la., whence she returned with her da. to Ohio, while he and son went on the plains for some 20 years. On his death bed he sent for his bro. Charles who went n. Fillmore, Nodaway co.. Mo., and rem. him to Elyria. Hunter, guide, Indian fighter. Ch. b. Grafton : Owen Oscar', b. July 2, 1844, m. Maggie Ann West, da. Eben ezer H. and Margaret Ann (Davult), was lost to his family many years. Enlisted in Co. G, 2d Colo. Cav., bugler, dept. of Upper Ark., in battles; Cabin Creek, Honey Springs, Valverde, Big Creek, Lexington, Big Blue, Independence, Mine Creek, Newtonia, Cane Hill, Pigeon's Ranch, Sand Creek; wounded five times, three times almost fatally, must, out at Ft. Riley. Of Papinsville, Bates co.. Mo. (1899), owns farm, builder. Ch. b. P.: George Owen' Johnston, Aug. 9, 1875; Charles Oscar'', Nov. 22, 1877; Frank Alberf, and Flora Ann' (tw.), Sept. 18, 1882 ; Harry Otis', Mar. 15, 1889 ; Alfred Archey' Johnston, June 1, 1898. -(-19583 Ella Philinda' Johnston, b. Dec. 30,' 1847. 19570. Betsey Minerva' Johnston (susanna«), d. Beebetown, Medina co., O., Mar. 24, 1894, a. 77, m. ist, Elihu Franklin Ter rell; he d. She m. 2d, John or George Potter. Of Cleveland, O., mostly. Ch. by ist m.: Elihu Franklin' Terrell, b. Mar. 5, 1843, Ridgeville, Lorain co., O., m. Cleveland, Bridget Ann Lawless. Of Cleveland, 1899, for years a shipper there; merch. Ch. b. Cleveland: Thomas Elihu Franklin' Terrell, Jan. 25, 1876; William John' Terrell, Sept. 12, 1877; Charles James' Terrell, July 18, 1880; Joseph Horace Virgil'. Terrell, Nov. 22, 1881; Thomas Law less Edward' Terrell, Nov. 26, 1883; Lucy Agnes' Terrell, Oct. 18, 1886; Susan Alice' Terrell, Aug. 9, 1889. By 2d m.: 2462 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Frances' Potter, b. Oct. 31, 1849, Warren, O., m. 1st,. Dec. 31, 1872, James Haughey, 2d, Juije 13, 1895, Jacob Hauck,. of Beebetown. Ch. by ist m., b. Cleveland: Emma' Haughey, b. Nov. 3, 1873, d. C. June 19, 1875; Gertrude L.' Haughey, b. Jan. 11, 1878, m. Henry W. Merrick, 1. Strongsville, O.; Jennie' Haughey,\>. Nov. 10, 1880, d. Cleveland Aug. 10, 1881; Florence B.' Haughey, b. Aug. 3, 1883. 2d m.: s. p. Emma' Potter, b. Sept. 17, 1851, Cleveland, d. C. Apr. 4, 1855; George', b. Dec. 25, 1852, d. C. Feb. 8, 1855; George' Potter (ag.), b. May 4, 1855, C, of C, unm. 19571. Sarah Jane' Johnston (susanna«), d. Grafton, O., July 6, 1892, a. 73, m. Ira Sanford Thorp; he d. G., Aug. 10, 1885. Of Grafton, on a farm. Ch. b. Grafton: Sarah Melissa' Thorp, b. May 15, 1843, m. Dec. 22, 1863, William N. Shoop, b. Fairview, York CO., Pa., May 31, 1828, and set. on a farm. North Eaton, Lorain co., O. Of Grafton, 1899. Ch.: Jessie Thorp' Shoop, b. Oct. 25, 1864, Grafton, m. Sept. 11, 1883, John Gregory Gardner, b. Wales. On farm, Eaton, O. Ch.: Lnf.'", b. and d. Ridge ville, O., Aug. II, 1885; Florence EtheV Gardner, b. Aug. 14, i886, R. ; Orlo Sanford^' Gardner, June 11, 1890, Grafton; Lrene Ouida^' Gardner, Sept. 9, 1894, Eaton. Mary Augusta' Thorp, b. Aug. 28, 1850, m. Grafton,, Dec. 10, 1873, Robert Nesbett, b. Dover, Cuyahoga co., O., Dec. 10, 1848. On farm n. Grafton. Ch. b. G.: Lorena Estelle' Nes bett, June 12, 1875; ^ert Thorp' Nesbett, July 31, 187?; MabeV Nesbett, Mar. 25, 1885; Byron Everett' Nesbett, Mar. 20, 1891. 19572. Jbois Ann Miller' Johnston (susanna»), m. ist, Davis Gregory. Divorced. She m. 2d, Virgil Horace Worden. She lived on farm, Columbia, O. Ch. by ist m., b. Liverpool, Medina co., O.: Ophelia' Gregory, b. July 13, 1842, m. Mar. 13,. 1861, Capt. Hugh Coyne, b. Jefferson co., N. Y., July 4, 1828. For years of Detroit, Mich. (1899), ship owner and master on the Lakes, many years U. S. Inspector of Hulls, port of Detroit. Ch. : Emma L." Coyne, b. Apr. 30, 1863, Columbia, d. March 29, 1891, m. Detroit, Dec. 31, 1889, Harry J. Booth. Ch. : Blanche Lois^" Booth, b. Mar. 20, 1891, D.; Charles Hugh' Coyne, b. Nov. 23, 1863, D., unm. -(-19584 Susannah Augusta' Gregory, b. Feb. 27,1844. -(-19585 Virgil Horace^ Gregory, '^OY.z^, \?>\(). Charles Andrew' Gregory, b. June 10, 1848, killed at battle of Resaca, Ga., May 13, 1864, in Co. H, 124th O. V. I., during war. By 2d m.: Lulu' Worden, b. Aug. 19, 1862, Columbia, d. C. June 16,. 1875- 19573. Charles Warner' Johnston (susanna«), m. Dec. 25, 1848,. Mary Elizabeth Fisher — the name was formerly Fish — born Hampden, Delaware co., N. Y., Nov. 13, 1826, da. Carlos and Mercy (Lake). Ch. : Charles Milton', b. Sept. 10, 1850, Savan nah, O., d. S., Jan. 7, 1851 ; Charles Fisher', b. Mar. 14, 1852, S., d. Lagrange, O., Feb. 25, 1854. Mary Cleveland^ Johnston, born. APPENDIX. 2463 Dec. 20, 1857, L., m. James Henry Leonard, b. Bridgewater, Mass.,. March 8, 1852, s. James Madison and Jane (Thompson). Mrs. Mary C {Johnston) Leonard, grad. Shepardson Coll., Granville,. 0., 1878. James Henry Leonard, grad. Oberlin Coll., O., June,. 1878. Residence, Elyria, O., junior partner in law firm Johns ton {Charles Warner') & Leonard, Elyria. Ch. : Charles Manning" Leonard, b. Dec. 25, 1886, E. Martha Lake' Johnston, born Sept. 13, 1861, E., m. Apr, 27, 1881, William Elliott Barnhart of Medina, O., s. Frede rick William and Clarissa (Gooding). Classmate of J. H. Leon ard at Oberlin. Was of St. Louis some years, chief clerk R. R. mail div., St. L., rem. to and still res. Kansas City. Kan. (1899), Tax Commissioner and Special Agt. Mail Service, Port Arthur Route, Kansas City, Mo. Ch. : Marian Florence' Barnhart, b. Aug. 1, 1885, Avon Lake, Lorain co., O.; Oliver Frederick Johns- tor^ Barnjiart, June 23, 1894, Kansas City, Kan. ; Alice Olivette'' Barnhart, June 4, 1896, Kansas C, Kan.; Charles Eugene' Barn-- hart, Jan. 6, 1899, Kansas C, Kan. Carlton Fish' Johnston, b. June 10, 1869, Elyria, m. Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 10, 1894, Laura Constance Hill (origin ally Hiller), b. Oct. 24, 1871, third ch. of John and Eliza Louise (Dagan) [Watts]. John Hill, born Herenberg, Wurtemberg, Germany, June 11, 1834, came a boy to America with his parents, m. Cleveland, O., Feb. 11, 1864, Mrs. Eliza Louise (Dagan) Watts, b. C. May 8, 1841, wid. Charles Wicks Watts, who lost his life in civil war. Of St. Louis, R. R. postal clerk. s. p. Charles Warner' Johnston settle at Lagrange, where he prac ticed medicine. Later on he gave up this profession and studied law, moving to Elyria^ was successful in both professions. Residence, Elyria, summer seat and vineyard, Avon Point, Lake Erie. Of law firm Johnston & Leonard (James Henry), Elyria. 19574. Baul Milton' Johnston (Susanna«, Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Ed ward', Moses'), born at Shelby, N. Y., April 12, 1827, died at Graf ton, Ohio, November 28, 1880, married in Lagrange, Ohio, De cember 24, 1857, Maria Hicks Obitts, born at Antwerp, Jeffer son CO., New York, April 17, 1834, died at Grafton, August 12, 1875, daughter of Jacob and Betsey (Gillett) Obitts. Children : -(-19586 William Byron' Johnston, born November 10, 1858, at Lagrange, Ohio. -(-19587 Helena Maria' Johnston, born September 7, 1863, at Liverpool, Ohio. -(-19588 Charles Ernest' Johnston, born March i, 1866, at Grafton, Ohio. -(-19589 Paul Milton' Johnston, born June 9, 1875, at Graf ton, Ohio. Mr. Paul Milton' Johnston moved to Lorain county, Ohio, with his parents and, like his brothers and sisters, was brought up on a farm. Soon after marriage he settled at Lagrange and engaged in the mercantile business, but afterward moved to Liverpool and opened an iron foundry. Still later he located on a farm in Grafton. 2464 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 0*^7 ;¦.? — evolution of the name: Opitz, Opits, Obits — ancestry : John Michael' Opitz (his original name) afterward Obits, of the Opitz family of Silesia, Germany, came from Alsace, France, to America about 1775, of Amsterdam, Montgomery co., N. Y., m. Miss Bohall. II Jacob' Obitts, m. Betsey Gillett, da. of Samuel (of the New England Gillette old family), and Lucy (Collier of Otsego co., N. Y.) Q'\\\ett&. — Notes of Lieut. C. E.^ Johnston. 19575. J alius Franhlin' Case (Betsey Elizabeths, Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), m. Feb. 1, 1 849, Mary Adelia Reeves, who d. at Eau Claire, Wis., June 25, 1883. He m. 2d, Madison, Wis., Mar. 25, 1886, Sarah C. Fletcher, of the families of Fletcher and Tyler of each of whom a genealogy has been published. Chil dren by first marriage : William Sullivan' Case, b. Mar. 13, 1850, Litchfield, O., m. Eau Claire, Oct. 1872, Annette St. John. Lived in Eau Claire co.. Wis., a few years, then rem. to and still res. Seattle, Wash., carpenter, builder, 1899. Ch. : Sarah Adelia' Case, born Mar., 1879, Eau Claire, m. Owen Harris, res. Seattle; Kate Eva' Case, b. Aug. 23, 1876, Washington, Eau Claire co.. Wis., unm., of Seattle; Fred\ b. Oct., 1881, Eau C, d. Aug. i, 1883; Leon' Case, b. Feb., 1890, Snohomish, Wash.; James Reeves' Case, born Nov. 27, 1851, Grafton, O., d. Eau Claire Sept. 12, 1872, unm. Eva M.' Case, born Dec. 24, 1854, Oxford, Wis., m. Eau Claire, Dec. 18, 1872, Dwight Hazen. Res. Union, Eau Claire co.. Wis. Ch. b. Clear Creek, Wis. : Bernice' Hazen, Apr. 17, 1875; Grace' Hazen, Oct. 7, 1877. 2d m. : s. p. Julius Franklin' Case resided in Litchfield and Grafton for a few years after marriage, then rem. to northern Wis., finally locating at Eau Claire, where he began raising- fruit, establish ing the City Line Fruit Garden, a fine place, still owned by him. Mr. Case is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 19576. Morris Matthew' Perkins {Polly Maria'' Johnston, Susanna', Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), d. BrUUSwick, O., Mar. l6, 1875, a. 50, m. Mar. 27, 1856, Rachel Davis, b. Lampeter Caermar- then, Wales, Mar. 12, 1830, da. Evan and Mary (Edwards). Of Fairfield, Shiawasse co., Mich., to ab. i860, Brunswick afterward. There his wid. still 1. (1899) on the farm. Ch. : Myrta Elva', b. May 18, 1857, Fairfield, unm., of Brunswick; William Theodore', Dec. 19, 1858, Fairfield, unm., of Brunswick. Thomas Johnston' Perkins, born Oct. 7, 1861, B., m. ' May 23, 1896, Nora Ellen Hier. Of Bennett's Corners, Medina CO., O., on a farm. Ch. : Clara May" Perkins, b. May 18,1897, Brunswick. Mary Amelia' Perkins, b. Feb. 2, 1864, B., unm., res. Cleveland, O., school teacher. Subscriber for this Genealogy. Stella May' Perkins, b. Jan. 25, 1866, Brunswick, unm. Morris Matthew' Perkins, June 5, 1875, B., unm. 19577. Peter Brown' Perkins {Poiiy Mariai Johnston), m. ist, Apr'., 1854, Mary Caroline Bryan, she d. before 1880. He m. 2d, 1880, Ellna Alvira Ford. Of several places, res., 1899, Lanark, Brad- APPENDIX. 2465 ley CO., Ark., banker. Ch. by ist m. : Josephine Mary' Perkins, born Sept. 16, 1856, Chicago, III, m. Nov. 30, 1882, Charles A. Caines. Of Ellis, Calhoun co., Mich. Ch. b. E. : Floyd Frederic'" Caines, Dec. 27, 1884; Grover", b. Jan. 7, 1887, d. inf. Frederic Charles', born June 30, 1863, Lee, Allegan co., Mich., d. Newton, Mich., May 27, 1894, unm. Franklin Theodore' Perkins, b. Jan. 3, 1870, Burling ton, Mich., m. Mar. 3, 1895, Florence Cory. Of Climax, Kala mazoo CO.,' Mich. Ch. : Carmen Ethel", b. Sept. 8, Charleston, Sanilac co., Mich., d. Sept. 29, 1895; Cassa Mary" Perkins, born Sept. 6, 1896, Middlesborough, Bell county, Ky.; Agnes" Perkins, Aug. 17, 1898, Climax. George Benjamin' Perkins, born Sept. 25, 1872, Burlingt., of Capetown, S. Af. 2d m. : s. p. 19578. Charlotte Johnston' Perkins {Poiiy Maria'' Johnston), m. Mar. 13, 1856, Linus S. Thayer. From 1856 of Medina, O., on a farm, since Elyria, O. (1899). Ch.: Cora Estelle' Thdyer, b. Jan. 3, 1857, Delta, Eaton co., Mich., m. Medina, Frederick Henry Curtiss. Of M. Ch. b. M.: Donald Frank" Curtiss, June i, 1879 ; Charlotte Mae" Curtiss, Apr. 30, 1884 ; Dorothy Lois" Cur tiss, Dec. 5, 1892. Frank Jerome' Thayer, b. Sept. 13, 1859, Brunswick, 0., m. Sept. 13, 1888, Mrs. Mary (Dewhurst) Glftason. Of Graf ton, 0. Ch.: Richard L." Thayer, b. Feb. 23, 1890, Elyria, O. ; Russell John" Thayer, July 12, 1896, Grafton. , Eva Mae' Thayer, b. Dec. 7, 1862, Medina, unm., of Elyria. 19579. William Thotnas' Johnston {Peter Brown''johnston),ra.As'h- land, O., June 15, 1858, Alphonsine A. Hibbard, b. A. Nov. 26, 1837, d. Papla, Kan., Oct. 7, 1884. Ent. May, 1862, as ist It. Co. B, 87th O., for 3 mos., captured at Harper's Ferry battle, paroled Sept., 1862, must, out Sept., 1862. They rem. to Paola, he there ent. profession of law, is successful, of Paola (1899). Ch. b. Ashland : Minnie Frances' Johnston, b. Apr. 19, 1859, m. Paola, May 26, 1880, John Foster Merrill, b. Kenosha, Wis., July 16, 1856, s. John Withers'' (Allison Owen", Enos', Timo thy', Isaac', John", see p. 1149, Nathaniel') Merrill and Mary Pamelia (Foster). Of Paola, merch. Ch. b. P.: Frank Jo/in- son" Merrill, Feb. 22, 1881; Albert Foster", b. Feb. 23, 1883, d. July 20, 1887 ; John Withers" Merrill, b. Mar. 16, 1885; Fraiik Hibbard', b. Aug. 7, 1861, d. Ashland, Aug. 13, 1864. 19582. Martha Susannah' Johnston {Stephen Cleveland-' joimston), m. Grafton, O., Dec. 22, 1858, Franklin Wells Preston, b. Gen esee co.,N. Y., Oct. 30, 1832, s. Justin' (John', V, John' of Hadley, Mass.), Preston and Rhoda Adaline (Wells). Many years of To ledo, O., was there a prosperous wholesale and retail grocer; afterw, rem. to Denver, Col., and to and still res. Chicago, 111, 1899. Ch.: Carl Webber' Preston, b. Dec. 7, 1864, Grafton, m. 155 2466 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Toledo, Nov. 6, 1889, Frances Helen Lloyd of T., da. of Crom well John' (CromweU*, John^ John°, b. Newport, R. I., 1750, m. Susan Chadwick, ' came to America, of Newport) Lloyd and Helen Munson (Daniels). Was of Toledo in bus. with father, removed to and still 1. Chicago, com. traveler. Ch.: Helen" Preston, b. Oct. 18, 1890, Toledo. Ernest Johnstot^ Preston, b. Aug. 8, 1870, T., m. Chicago, June 12, 1894, Mrs. Marie (Campbell) Mason of C, da. John Wesley and Florentine (Smith) Campbell of Union City, Randolph co., Ind. Of Chicago, banker. Ch.: Justin Campbell" Preston, "b. Jl'o.iy 29, 1897, C; Franklin Wells^ Preston, b. Jan. 20, 1878, unm., of Chicago; Harry Dresser', b. Feb. 11, 1881, To ledo, d. Chic. Aug. 19, 1891. 19583. mien Philinda' Johnston {Drew Milletf Johnston)^ d. Ely ria, O., Jan. 17, 1884, a. 36, m. Theodore Lewis Snow, b. Avon, O., Sept. 16, 1845, s. Edwin and Julia (Lewis). Ch.: b. Avon : Edwin Stillman' Snow, Feb. 19, 1872 ; Elsie' Snow, Mar. 10, 1873. Lucy Alice' Snow, b. May 13, 1875, m. Fort Collins, Larimer co.. Col., July 13, 1895, Leo Woods of Ft. C. Res. Loveland, Col., 1899. Ch. : Niema" Woods, b. July 16, 1896 ; Son",OQ.\.. 10, 1898. Lee Roy' Snow, b. Oct. 22, 1876; Lena Gar field' Snow, Nov. 19, 1880 ; Julia Ella' Snow, Mar. 30, 1882. Theodore Lewis Snow, residence Elyria to 1884, Fort Col lins since ; civil engineer, dairy farmer. Snow ancestry : — Richard' to America ab. 1640, Woburn, Mass., m. Jan. i, 1706-7, Elizabeth Reed, da. Israel' (William' of Woburn, m. Mabel) Reed and Mary (Kendall, da. Francis of W. and Mary Tedd or Tidd). II Samuel', b. W. May 28, 1647, m. ist Sarah. II Samuel', b. W. Feb. 8, 1670. II Samuel*, m. Sarah Locke. II Oliver', m. Elizabeth Phillips. II Oliver', m. Rebecca Wadsworth. II Franklin', m. Lydia Olcott. II Edwin^ Snow m. Julia Lewis. 19584. Susannah Augusta' Gregory {Lois Ann Miiie'r'' Johnston), m. Sept. 25, 1861, Grove Hance. Of North Eaton, O., 1899, on a farm. Ch. b. Eaton : Minnie Eutoka' Hance, b. Aug. 21, 1862, m. Robert E. Carr. Of Liverpool, O. Ch. : Harland" Carr, b. June II, 1892, L. Gertrude Effie' Hance, b. Dec. 9, 1864, m. Elmer E. Tucker. Of Elyria. Ch.: Grove" Tucker, b. Jan., 1888, Elyria. Nettie Josephine', d. inf. Jay Grove' Hance, b. Feb. 6, 1869, m. Emma Shus- ter, of Eaton, on a farm. Ch. b. Eaton : Louis" Hance, Nov. 29, 1892; Hazel" Hance, Oct. 30, 1894 ; Doris''' Hance, Mar. 22, 1898. Lillian Samzen' Hance, b. Nov. 27, 1873, m. Charles Austin. Of North Eaton, O. Ch.: Hugh'" Austin, b. June 25, 1892, Elyria. 19585. Virgil Horace' Gregory {Lots Ann Miner'' Johnston), d. Co lumbia, O., Sept. 12, 1885, a. 39, m. Mary Doneghue, b. Clayton, N. Y., May 4, 1848, da. Thomas Goodchild and Mary (Wells). Sergt. Virgil Horace' Gregory, enlisted ab. 1861, Co. E, 66th 0. V. I., made sergt. for bravery, participated in battles of Shiloh, APPENDIX. 2467 Corinth, Miss'y Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Adairsv., New Hope Chh., Kenesaw Mt., Stone River, Chattanooga, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, Jonesboro, and Spring Hill ; must, out ab. 1865. Of Columbia, on a farm. Ch. b. Coin.: Maude Ophelia' Gregory, b. Nov. 15, 1870, m. Walter Jasper, s. William and Jane. Of Cleveland, O. Ch.: Virgil Greg ory" Jasper, b. Jan. 27, 1891, Cleveland. Mary' Gregory, b. Nov. 26, 1872, unm. Lois Ann' Gregory, b. Nov. 26, 1872, m. Dr. George French, s. William and Rose. Of Lagrange, O. Ch.: Efnma Lois" French, b. Jan. 27, 1893, Cleveland. Sarah Eliza beth' Gregory, b. Oct. 27, 1877. 19586. William Byron' Johnston {Paul MUton-' Johnston, Susanna«, Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), bom at Lagrange, Ohio, November 10, 1858, married there November 20, 1879, Allie D. Hastings, daughter of John B. and Maria (Depew) Hastings, of Lagrange. Children, born at Lagrange: Cecile Cora' Johnston, born October 11, 1880, died at Elyria, Ohio, May 14, 1895; Edna Maria' Johnston, born February 28, 1884, died at Lagrange, January 29, 1890; Bessie May' Johnston, born July 17, 1891. Mr. William Byron' Johnston was reared on a farm in Graf ton. Residence, Elyria (1899), a prominent attorney-at-law in that city. Mr. Johnston is a subscriber for this Genealogy. 19587. Helena Maria' Johnston {Paul Mllton'' Jolmston, Susanna«, Ste phen', Johnson', Isaac', Edward', Moses'), bom at Liverpool, Ohio, Sep tember 7, 1863, married at Jackson, Mich., May 16, 1883, Henry Hubbard Rawson, of Pittsfield, Ohio, son of Zera and Martha (Ames) Rawson, of P. Children, born at Lagrange: Thad F.' Rawson, June 26, 1886; Hazel Ma7-ie' Rawson, Nov. 26, 1887. Mr. Henry Hubbard Rawson located in Vermontville, Eaton CO., Mich., and afterwards returned to Lagrange, O., their present residence (1899). Mr. Rawson is with the Standard Oil Company. 19588. Charles Ernest' Johnston {Paul Mllton-' Jolmston, Susanna«, Ste phen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), bom at Graf ton, Ohio, March I, 1866, married at Oakland, California, February 24, 1892, Rosalie Abbie Magagnos, born at San Francisco, California, September 28, 1868, daughter of Jules Antoine and Josephine (Plummer) Magagnos. Children, both born at Washington, District of Columbia: Maxwell Laing' Johnston, born March 23, 1898. Clement Meservy' Johnston, born May 28, 1899. Lieutenant Charles Ernest' Johnston, after the decease of his parents, lived with his uncle, Mr. Charles Warner' Johnston, of Elyria, Ohio. Appointed to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., from the 14th Ohio District in 1883 (home, Elyria), and graduated in 1887. Honorably discharged in 1889 at his own request. Went to California, and in 189 1 entered the 2468 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. United States Revenue Cutter Service, having been appointed from California. Third Lieutenant, May 27, 1891. Promoted Second Lieutenant, June 6, 1895. Assigned to special duty. Life Saving Service, Washington, D. C, January i, 1898; pres ent station. Life Saving Bureau, Treasury Department (July, 1899). Residence, Washington, D. C. Lieut. Johnston con tributes the genealogy of descendants of Thomas and Susanna" (Cleveland) Johnston, and expects to publish a record of the Johnstons. A subscriber for this Genealogy. Meservy, Meserve ancestry : — Clement Meservy, of Beau Desert, Parish of St. Sauveur, Isle of Jersey, Eng., justice of the royal court, 1448-1513 {that office still filled by a Meservy. Justice Meservy came to America 1898 to visit distant relatives ; Dr. Albion Keith Parris Meserve — see Munsell's Ancestry, iv, 148 — of Portland, Me., and others), ancestor of: Clement' Meservy, from Isle of Jersey, of Portsmouth, N. H., 1670, taxed there 1673, took oath of allegiance 1685, had seat in chh. 1693, m. Elizabeth. || Clement' Meserve, b. P. ab. 1680, of Scarboro, Me., had saw-mill, carpenter, m. ist, Sept. 24, 1702, Elizabeth Jones. || Dea. Daniel', m. Mehitabel Bragdon. j] Gideon *, m. Elizabeth Fogg, il Eunice' Meserve, m. Harrison Blen. || Margaret' Blen, m. George Plummer. || Josephine'' Plummer, m. Jules Antoine Magagnos. 19589. Paul Milton' Johnston {Paul MUton-' Joknston, Susanna«, Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward', Moses'), bom at Grafton, Ohio, Juue 9, 1 875, married, June 15, 1868, Hattie Electa Underbill, born at La grange, Ohio, March 19, 1876, daughter of Abram R. and Sophronia (Sweet) Underbill. Child: Wilrna' Johnston, 'b.'M.oh. 17, 1899, Lagrange. Mr. Paul Milton' Johnston was reared in the family of his maternal aunt, Mrs. J. B. Gott, of Lagrange. Residence, La grange, 1899, engaged in general merchandise business with his foster-father. [684 continued. See page 347.J ESTHER' CLEVELAND (Elisha*, josiah', josiah', Moses'), m. April 2, 1777, Mark Sanborn, born Hampton Falls, Rockingham CO., N. H., Mar. 4, 1750, d. July 27, Aug. 17, 1821, son of Ebene zer and Martha (Salter) Samborn. Children, born at Bath, N.H.: Sarah' Sanborn, b. Jan. 21, 1779, d. Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 5, 181 2, m. Ezra Goodwin. Esther' Sanborn, b. Oct. 3, 1780, d. Landaff, N. H., 1858, m. David Eaton. Tryphena' Sanborn, born July 9, 1782, m. Dr. Abner Miles, b. Feb. 13, 1780, d. May 15, 1857. Pryscilla^ Sanborn, b. May 15, 1784, d. Orleans co., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1829, m. Jonathan Simmons. -I-19590 Beulah' Sanborn, b. Mar. 16, 1786. [2153] Enoch' Sanborn, b. July 27, 1788, d. in Ohio, m. Miss Lois Elliott. Ruth Paine' Sanborn, b. July 15, 1790, d. Conewango, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., June 16, 1848, m. Richard Goodwin. Martha' Sanborn, born Apr. 24, 1792, d. Haverhill, N. H., m. ist, Charles Clement; 2d, Capt. Amos Kimball. [4-2152] Ebenezer Cleveland^ Sanborn, b. June 12, 1794 \see continuation in Appendix]. Mark Sanborn, residence Bath, N. H., was, 1775, i^i Colonel Warner's reg. in New Jersey, and, in 1778, served in Capt. Bar ron's Co., Cavalry, Bedell's reg., on Connecticut River frontier; APPENDIX. 2469 see his account of scouting. New Hampshire Revolution Papers, XIV: 547; XV: 593; XVL: 541. Sanborn, Samborne ancestry : — Sameorne (Montesford, co. Berks, Hampshire and Somersetshire, Eng.).' Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. Crest — A dexter hand holding a sheaf of arrows ppr. . . . John' Samborne d. in England before his family crossed the ocean, m. in Eng. Anne Bachiler, a da. of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, b. Eng. 1561, who grad. Oxford, Eng., 1585, of W. Lowell, Hampshire, Eng., the founder of Hampton, N. H., who d. Hackney, Eng., 1660. II Lt. John' Samborne, b. 1620, from co. Derby, Eng., of Hampton 1643, d. Oct. 20, 1692, m. Mary Tuke, Tucke, or Tewk, she d. Dec. 30, 1668, da. of Robert (from Gorleston, co. Suffolk, Eng., 1636, of Hampton) and Joanna. II John' Samborn, b. 1649, of Hampton Falls, d. Sept. 23, 1727, m. Judith CofEn', b. Dec. 4, 1653, d. May 17, 1724. II Enoch* Samborn, b. les^;, of H. F., went with Capt. Samuel Chestley's Co to Port Royal, N S., 1722— A''. H. Prov. Papers — ra. ist, Elizabeth Dennett, da. of Alexander of Portsmouth, N. H. II Ebenezer' Samborne, b. July 25, 1712, of Hampton F., d. Sept. 27, 1821, m. June, 1740, Martfia Salter of New Castle, N. H. —Sanborn Genealogy, iy Mr. V. C. Sanborn, of La Grange, Cook co.. III., iSqS. Coffin aBCSj-Zrv.- — (Tristram?)', Nicholas', Peter', Tristram*, Tristram' [see -I-2708, p. 968]. II Judith' Coffln m. John Samborn'. 19590. Beulah' Sanborn (Esther', EUsha*, josiah', Josiah', Moses'), bom Bath, N. H., Mar. i6, 1786, d. Brockport, N. Y., Aug. 17, i84o,_m. at Bath, Joseph Searle, b. at Temple, N. H., d. while en route with his family from New Hampshire to Brockport, son of Edward Searle. Children : -|-i959i Edward Dean' Searle, b. Dec. 6, 1812, Bath, N. H. ChristopJier' Searle j Madalene' Searle ; Hannah' Searle; Delight' Searle. Joseph Searle residence, Bath, N. H. Mrs. Beulah" {Sanborn) Searle is buried at Clarkson, Monroe co., N. Y. Searle ancestry : — SEARLES (England). A gem ring stoned or. John Searle, Esq., from England, went to the Barbadoes, where his estates were, in the year 1634 or 5, tak ing his family (wife, a son, and daughter) with him, 11 white servants, and 187 negro slaves ; acres of land, 365, from there to Warwick, Providence, K. I. They went and then scattered over New England. —.A''. £ Hist. Gen. Reg., XXXIX: 141 — 'Ea.rXy inhabitants of the Barbadoes, Governor Daniel Searl, Esq., Mar. 29, 1652. In New England they filled many important positions — statesmen, clergymen, Revolutionary soldiers and officers, capts. of frigates, Indian wars. Colonial wars. Ancestor of Edward Searle. 19591. Edward Dean' Searle {Seulah' Sanbom, Esther', Elisha*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), b. Bath, N. H., De'c. 6, 1812, d. at Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1867, m. at Wheatland, N. Y., June 12, 1839, Marietta Lucrecia Byam, born at Clarkson, N. Y., June 12, 1816, died at .Rochester, Mar. 22, 1894, daughter of Seth and Lucrecia (Cady) Byam. Children : Edwin Byam' Searle, born Oct. 12, 1844, Brockport, N. Y., d. Tucson, Arizona, 1884, unm. -I-19592 Marietta Beulah' Searle, b. May 2, 1850, B. + 19593 Nettie Lucrecia' Searle, b. May 24, 1852, New York, Edward Dean' Searle, residence, Rochester, N. Y., manufacturer. Byam ancestry : — Byam. Ar. three dragons' heads erased vert, in the mouth ot each asinister hand, couped gu., drooping blood ppr. . . . The Byams known m Eng. as the "AntiquessimaTamiliaByammorum," descending from two brothers. . . . . . Quartering the arms of Caradoc Vreiohvras, Elystan — Glodrydd, founder of the V. Royal Tribe of Wales, Howell, Prince of Caerleon and Elvarch [Wales] . Lord of Penrose andBrythlyr. . Lieut. Gen. William Byam m. Doritha KnoUeys Sir Arthur Byam gave up his estates in Wales that he might worship God m peace, came to the colony 1635 Nicholas' Byam of Plymouth Colony, ancestor of Seth Byam, who m. Lucrecia Cady. 2470 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19592. Marietta Beulah' Searle {sdivard oeaw Searie), m. Roch ester, N. Y., 1870, Joseph Simpson, b. Rocheste^r Dec. 29, 1840, d. at Rochester May 19, 1884, s. of William Simpson. Residence, Rochester. Children b. Rochester : Nettie Beulah' Simpson, b. August 4, 1874. Dean Lee' Simpson, b. Oct. 16, 1878, attending Uni versity of Rochester 1898. Member of Delta Kappa Epsilon [A K E] Fraternity. 19593. Nettie Lucrecia' Searle {Edward Dean'' Searle, Beulah' Sanborn, Esther', Elisha*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), married at Sanbom, N. Y., June 18, 1881, Capt. Robert Hanna, born at Attica, Indiana, June 17, 1848, son of Capt. Robert Barlow and Sarah Amanda (Coleman) Hanna. s. p. M-rs. Nettie Lucrecia' {Searle) Hanna is a subscriber for this Genealogy. Capt. Robert Hanna, U. S. A. (retired). Cadet U. S. Mih tary Academy, West Point, N. Y., July 1, 1868. Graduated and appointed Second Lieut. 6th U. S. Cavalry, June 14, 1872, and marched with his regiment to Arizona. First Lieut. U. S. Cavalry July 11, 1878, Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry July 7, 1888. Served nearly all over the western country against the Shyenne, Kiowa, Arrapahoe, Sioux, and Apache Indians ; served in old Mexico in command of Apache scouts, and along the most of the Mexican border of the 'United States. Retired Feb. 24, 1891. Address 1898, War Department, Washington, D. C; the expert in America for testing Whitehead torpedoes at Sag Harbor, N. Y. Hanna [English] ancestry ¦' — Arms : Ar. 3 roebucks' heads, couped, az. collared or, a bell pendent from each collar gu. Crest — A cross crosslet fitch^e, issuing- out of a crescent sa. Motto — Ctgsco et spero [Scotland.] . . . D'Annay [Norman French], Han7iay [Scotch and Irish]. ^ was a foUower of Cromwell from the west of Scot land and settled in County Down, Ireland, where his sons : Robert^ and Hugh after the restoration of Charles II became obnoxious to the favorites of that King because of the activity and aggressiveness their father had shown, and to better their condition and to escape persecution sought a home in the American Colonies — then the asylum of that class — and settled in Wilmington, Del. II Robert* went from there to Virginia, his eld est son II Robert^ went from Va. to South Carolina. II Robert* was Surveyor General of South CaroUna and afterward settled on Whitewater river at Brookville, Franklin co., Ind., and his eldest son : 11 Hon. Robert^ was a member of the Indiana " Constitutional. Convention " of 1816, the first U. S. marshal for the Territory of Indiana, appointed by President "W. H. Harrison, a general of militia, many years in the State Legislature, one of the first of the two U. S. Senators representing Indiana on its admission by appoint ment (one of the Senators elect having died) 1831 to 1832, was killed by cars while walk ing on railroad at Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 19, 1858 — Lanman. II Capt. Robert Barlow* Hanna, b. Brookville, Oct. 29, 1819, Civil Engineer and a captain of yzd Ind. Vols., late war, d. Bloomington, 111., Mar. 6, 1892, m. Attica, 1847, Sarah Amanda Coleman, who d. at Attica 1863, daughter of Lt. Samuel Coleman, formerly a lieut. in Sth U. S. In fantry, war of 1812. — From tJie Memorial of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the u. S. u^on the death of Capt. Robert Barlow Hanna^ written by Secretary of State Walter Quinton Greshant., this obituary signed also by Gen.Jolvt McNulta. [727 contintied. See page 386.] JOHN' CLEVELAND (John* Joseph^, Josiah^, Moses^), Ensign JoHN^ Cleveland served in the Revolution under Capt. Stephen Betts and Col. Zebulon Butler, 2d Conn., and was a pensioner ; identical with John Cleveland + 18650, + 18652-4, p. 2281. APPENDIX. 2471 [736 continued. See page 390.J ALICE' CLEVELAND (wiiuam^). Ch. b. at Mansfield, Conn.: Jonathan' Bassett and Nathan' Bassett (tw.), b. Nov. 21' 1760. [739 continued. See page 179.] LUCY' CLEVELAND (William«, Henrys, Josiah", Mosesi), was ^^^. tized at Mansfield, Conn., April 15, 1744. [744 continued. See page 1 80. ] . LYDIA' CLEVELAND (WilUam*, Henry', Josiah", Moses'), b. Mansfield, Conn., rec. Dalton, Mass., Mar. 9, 1755, d. Milford, Mass., Dec. 21, 1832, m. ab. 1775, Dr. Lazarus Ball, b. M. Jan.,' Mar., 19, 1751, d. M. Jan. 14, 1827, a s. of Josiah and Rachel (Corbett) Ball. Ch.: + 19594 Clarissa' Ball, b. prob. 1776, prob. Weston, Mass. Aur ilia' Ball, b. 1780, Weston or "Western" Mass., d. Milford, Oct. 31, 1801, unm.; Betsey' Ball, b. 1786, Weston or " Western," no trace. + 19595 Henry' Ball, b. Dec. i, 1788, Windsor, Mass. Dr. Lazarus Ball, a regular physician, commenced practice 1787 in Dalton, or Windsor, and from Jan. 16, 1801, practiced in Milford and vicinity ; much beloved. Ball ancestry ,¦ — Arms — see p. 505. Motto— Ccelum tueri. John', b. Wiltshire, Eng., Concord, Mass., 1630, freeman, May 22, 1650, d. C. Oct., Nov., 1655. II John", b. Eng., of Watertown, Mass., Lancaster, Mass., 1643, k. by Indians at L. Sept. 10, 1675, ra. ist, Elizabeth Pierce, a da. John and Elizabeth of Watertown. II Johns, b. W. 1644, of W., weaver, d. May 8, 1722, m. Sarah Bullard, da. George and Margaret of W. II Joseph^, b. W. May I, i674jin. Deo. 31, 1701, Elizabeth Parkhurst, b. Sept. 18, 16B1, da. John' (George" m. Sarah Brown, per da. John ; George', of W. m. ist, Susanna) Parkhurst and Abigail Garfield, b. June 29, 1646, da. Edward" (Edward', b. 1575, of W.) Garfield and Rebecca. II Josiah' Ball, b. W. Mar. 2, 1712-13, W. to Milford, 1731, willed property to son Lazarus, ygi, d. ab. Oct. 28, 1791, m. July 3, 1733, Rachel Corbett, b. Aug. i, 1717, da. John and Me hitable (Holbrook). — jVo^ej df Henry'' Ball +19603; Hist, of Milford, *v Rev. Adin Ballou, i8S2, p. ss2,&'c. 19594. Clarissa' Ball (Lydia^), d. Factory Point, Manchester, Vt., 1863 ["a. 93 " — so stated] m. {pub. Northbridge, Mass., Apr. 25, 1799) Jabez Hill, b. N. ab. 1765, d. Factory P., 1863-5 "a. 98," a few months after his w. d., s. Deacon Hill (descendant of John Hill of Dorchester, Mass., 1633, a selectman at first town meet ing of D. 1656, and Frances). Of Manchester, Vt., farmer, Ch. : Horace' Hill, b. Mar. 7, 1800, Northbridge, d. ; Levi Boyn ton' Hill, b. Oct. 2, 1802, Jamestown, N. Y., d. Sandy Hill, N. Y., May 21, 1881, unm. + 19S96 Jason Cleveland' Hill, b. June 21, 1804, Northbridge, Mass. Aurilla' Hill, b. Feb. 2, 18 10, Milford, Mass., d. M. Dec. 22, 1831, m. M. Oct. 15, 1828, as 1st w., Ebenezer Warfield, b. South Milford, Worcester co., Mass., July 31, 1802, a s. Abijah and Lydia (Wheelock, da. Ebenezer and Mary [Sluman] ). (He m. 2d M. May, 1833, Lorana Freeman), of S. Milford (1881), farmer, s. p. Per line' Hill, b. Apr. 18, 18 13, Milford, d. M. May 17, 1878, m., as ISt w., Reuben Ormes, he d. (He m. 2d Almira Adams). Of North Milford, Mass., shoe mfr. Ch.: Augusta' 2472 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ormes, b. June 13, 1838, living; Mary A.' Ormes, b. July 20, 1842, living. Elijah' Hill, b. July 19, 1815, Jamaica, Windham CO., Vt., d. Oregon years ago, m. Ellen Pickering. Rem. to Ore., thrifty. Ch.: Henry' Hill, and others. Luther' Hill, b. Aug. 13, 1817, Jamaica, m. Florence, N. Y., Miss Mary D. Proper, she d. Dayton, Cattaraugus co., N. Y. Of Jamestown, N. Y., merch. Ch.: Addison' Hill, d. marble dealer; Eloise Alice' Hill, teacher. Charlotte' Hill, b. Feb. 20, 1820, d. May 17, 1838, m. Mr. Gage. 19595. Henry' Ball (Lydla^, WilHam^, Henrys, Josiah", Moses'), d. Milford Mass.j Apr. 1, 1877, a. 89, m. 1st, M., Apr. 4, 1811, Betsey Claflin, b. Rome, N. Y., June 10, 1783, d. Milford June 10, 1825, da. of Ebenezer and sister of Lee, father of ex-Lt.-Gov. William Claf lin of Boston, Mass. He m. 2d, Milford, Sept. 21, 1826, Betsey Lincoln, b. Shrewsbury, Rutland co., Vt., d. Westborough, Mass., Dec. 9, 1873, da. prob. of Daniel of Shrewsbury and Brandon, Vt. Ch. by ist m., b. Needham, West Parish (now Wellesley, Norfolk CO.), Mass. + 19597 Susan' Ball, Oct. 20, .1811, +19598 Mary Bucklir^ Ball, Feb, 29, 1816, +19599 Betsey Claflin' Ball, 1818. By 2d m., b. Milford: +19600 Alzina Ann' Ball, Dec. 7, 1827; +19601 Ellen' Ball, Jan. 31, 1829- +19602, Sarah Jane' Ball, Apr. 23, 1833. 19603 Henry' Ball, Aug. 2, 1834, unm. Mr. Henry' Ball received an academic education, completing at Wilbraham, Mass., Acad., 1857. Residence, Cottage City, Mass., several years (1899); contractor and carpenter, builder, of Ball Brothers (Adin Ballou) for years. Is compiling and purposes to print the Genealogy of posterity of John' Ball from Wiltshire to Concord. Contributed these records, and subscribes for this Genealogy. + 19604 Adin Ballou' Ball, b. Sept. 27, 1836. Lydia Ann', b. July 16, 1840, d. M. Feb. 13, 1841. Henry' Ball of Milford, boot manufacturer and farmer ; his business extending to Westboro, Mass., etc. A worthy man. 19596. Jason Cleveland' Hill {ciarissa' Bail), died Rutland, Vt., Sept. 18, 1896, a. 92, m. Ward, Mass., Julia Cutler, b. Millbury, Mass., or Ward, Apr. 19, 1809, d. Rutland, Apr. 25, 1893, da. Amos and Zeriah (Prett). Of Rutland, marble mfr. : owned quarries. Ch. : Julia Maria' Hill, b. May 20, 1830, Jamaica, Vt, d. Brattleboro, Vt., m. Manchester, Vt., 1848, William Johnson. Successively of Ware, Mass., Lagrange, O., Silver Creek, Har din CO., O., Ware ag. (1899), farmer. Ch. : Orris Franklin' John son, d., dentist; Thomas' Johnson, woolen mill. Ware; Clifton^ Johnson, mill. Ware ; Nellie' Johnson; Willis' Johnson; Florence' Johnson, d. ; Ellen' Johnson, d. George Washington' Hill, born May, Aug. 3, 1832, Jamaica, d. Smith's Mills, Chautauqua co., N. Y., May 20, 1885, m. June 9, 1868, Addie Merrill. HENRY BALL, died in Milford, Mass., April i, 1877. Ball, 7th Generation — Cleveland, 6th Generation. HENRY BALL, Cottage City, Mass. Ball, Sth Generation — Cleveland, 7th Generation. ADIN BALLOU BALL, Milford, Mass. Rail, Sth Generation — Cleveland, 7th Generation. ADIN ELLWOOD BALL, Boston, Mass. Ball, 9th Generation — Cleveland, Sth Generation. APPENDIX. 2473 Margaret Jane' Hill, b. Apr. 3, 1834, Weston, Wind sor CO., Vt., d. Brattleboro, 1868, m. William Augustus Purdy, b. Manchester, Vt., died Washington, D. C. Ch., b. Manchester : Fred William' Purdy, d. M.; Robbie Love', and Bullins' Purdy {iw.); James M.' Purdy, m. ; Annie Laurie' Purdy. + 19605 Mary Elizabeth' Hill, born January 15, 1837, Weston. Charles Henry' Hill, b. Jan. 6, 1839, W., k. on cars at Dunkirk, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1868, m. May 17, 1866, 3 years, 2d Vt, civil war. Ch., b. Rutland : Henry' Hill, Feb. 2, 1867; Herbf, d.; Grace' Hill. Angelia Caroline' Hill, born Sept. 15, 1844, Weston, m. Plattsburgh, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1887, Madison, Ari Durfee, born Ossian, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1848, s. Simeon A. (of Benson, Vt.) and Amanda (Herrick). Of Rutland, jeweler. Ch. : twins', died immediately. 19597. Susan' Ball {Henry' Ball), died Worcester, Mass., Nov. 19, 1^93, a. 82, m. Hopkinton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1832, David Whiting Eames, b. Hopk. May 6, 1807, d. Wore, 1898, a s. John and Ann (Whiting, both b. Holliston, Mass.). Of 25th Mass. Wounded at Roanoke, N. C. Of Ashland, Mass., Hopk. to 1865, Worces ter afterward, merch. Obituaries of David Whiting and Susan'' {Ball) Ames in Worcester Telegram. His by Hon. Alfred S. Roe. Ch. : +19606 Sarah Elizabeth' Eames, b. Feb. 16, 1834, Hopk. 19598. Mary Bucklin' BaU {Henry' Bail), died Milford, Mass., Sept 23, 1849, 2.. 33, m. M. Apr. 21, 1834, Dea. Martin Fletcher, b. Charlton, Mass., Oct 16, 1811, d. Milf. Dec. 11, 1856, s. Nathan and Catherine (Morse). Deacon Cong, chh., Milford, 1845. Ch. : b. Milford: Emmons Franklin' Fletcher (Maj.), b. Jan. 30, 1835, d. Ark., Aug. 11, 1866, unm. Left New Orleans, La., at opening of war; at Yonkers, N. Y., joined Co. G, 40th N. Y., for 3 years, Army Potomac, prom. 2d It. Nov. 28, 1861, 1st It. July, 1862, capt Aug. 12, 1862, maj. July 7, 1863, wounded at Wil- Hamsburg and Spottsylvania, disc'd July 18, 1864, manager of cotton planta. in Ark. G. A. R. Post at Milford named in his honor. — Ballou' s Milford, 14^. Mary Elizabeth' Fletcher, b. Sept. 30, 1838, m. M. May 17, 1858, Charles Sawyer, he d. M. or Chi cago, 111., of Milf., traveling salesman. She res. M. 1899. s. p. Emma Claflin' Fletcher, born Dec. 18, 1845, m. M. June 10, 1869, George Oliver Parkhurst, b. M. Aug. 4, 1837, s. Oliver B. and Maria (Nelson). Of Milford, operative, s. p. 19599. Betsey Claflin' Ball {Henry Bail), d. Milford, Feb. 9, 1898, a. 80, m. ISt M. 1834, William Godfrey Holmes, born Taunton, Mass., Sept. 4, 1809, died Milf. 1884, s. Stephen and Hepsibah (Wilber). Of Hopkinton, Mass. She m. 2d, Milf., 1885, Aaron Brigham, b. Medway, Mass., ab. 1824, of Milford 1899. Express from Boston, Mass., and farmer. Of her a biography and por trait in Zion's Herald, Boston, Feb., i8p8 — member Methodist 2474 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Church from Nov. 28, 1848. Ch. by ist m. : +19607 Otis Worthington' Holmes, b. Nov. 26, 1835, Hopk. John Parker', d. H. immediately. William', d. H. imme. +19608 Oliver Dean' Holmes, b. Jan. 21, 1849, Milf. +19609 William Martin' Holmes, b. June 10, 1851, Milf. 2d m. : s. p. 19600. Alzina Ann' Ball {Henry' Bail), m. Milford, Mass., Jan. i, 1845, William Homer Bailey, born Milf. Jan. 27, 1824, d. West borough, Mass., 1887, as. William (partner at Milf. with Lee Claflin in tanning, etc.) and Ann Homer (Tilton). In civil war, 36th Mass., at Petersburg, etc. She res. Westboro, 1898-9. Ch. : Anna Rosella', b. May 31, 1846, Milf., d. y. William Henry' Bailey, b. Sept. 9, 1849, M., m. Holliston, Mass., July 9, 1877, Stella I. Nutt of Boothbay, Lincoln county. Me. Of Medfield, Mass., mfr. Ch. : Iva' Bailey, b. Westboro, of Medf.; Gladys' Bailey, b. Medf. Walter George' Bailey, b. Feb. 4, 1857, Milf., m. West boro, Oct 17, 1877, Jennie Cross, born W., da. Mr. and Jennie (Woodside). Of West Upton, Worcester co., Mass., mfr. Ch.: 3: Frank' Bailey; Lewellyn' Bailey. Edward Martin' Bailey, born Aug. 5, 1858, Milf., unm., of Taggart, Harrison co.. Mo., farmer; Daniel Alton', b. Feb. 11, 1861, Upton, Mass., d. y. ; Eva', b. Apr. 2, 1867, U., d. y. 19601. Ellen' Ball {Henry' Ball), m. Worcestor, Mass., 1850, John Grigg, b. Cornwall, Eng., d. Springfield, Mo., 1897, s. Thomas and Mary (Tonkin). Successively of Milford some years, Corn wall, Springfield. She 1. Kansas City, Mo., 1898-9. Ch. : Hen rietta', b. 1851, Worthington, O., d. there 1867. Anna F.' Grigg, b. Dec. 6, 1852, Worth., m. Springfield, Mo., May 21, 1894, Noble Conger. Of Colorado, miner. Emma' Grigg, b. May 15, 1854, Worthington, m. Kansas C, Aug. 2, 1891, Amos Leslie Potter, of K. C, merch. Ch. b. K. C: Edna' Potter, Aug. 20, 1892 ; Phcebe' Potter, Nov. 6, 1894; PauV Potter, Feb. 22, 1897. Edmund' Grigg, b. Oct., 1856, Worthingt., d. Kansas C, by accident ; John', b. 1857, Worth., d. Foxboro, Mass., Mar. 21, 1864; Thomas', b. 1859, Worth., d. Fox., Mar. 21, 1864 ; William', b. 1861, Worth., d. Fox. Mar. 22, 1864 ; Herbert', b. 1863, Cornwall, d. Upton, Mass., Aug. 1, 1864. Minnie Belle' Grigg, b. May 13, 1867, Springfield, m. Mr. Worthy. Of Ala., teacher. Ch.: Emma Alzina' Worthy, b. June 3, 1892, Wrightsville, Johnson co., Ga. ; Mabel Minnie' Worthy, Feb. 22, 1894, Haddock, Jones co., Ga.; Gertrude Agnes' Worthy, May 9, 1896, Shiloh, Harris co., Ga.; John Crawford Vaughn' Worthy, b. June 6, 1898, Irwinton, Wilkinson co., Ga. Ellen' Grigg, b. Oct. 6, 1869, Springfield, m. Aug. 29, 1895, Henry Vierth, R. R. mail agt. Ch.: Henry Frederick' Vierth, b. June 10, 1896, Edgeley, Lamoure co., N. D.; Herbert Leroy' Vierth, July 19, 1897, E.; Horner Marcus Grover' Vierth, Oct. 12, 1898, Fargo, N. D. APPENDIX. 19602. 2475 Sarah Jane' Ball {Henry' Baii)^ d. Westborough, Mass., Jan. 1, 189s, a. 62, m. Milford, Mass., Oct i, 1851, Silas Pratt Squier, b. Sutton, C. E., May 23, 1828, d. Westb. May i, 1886, a s. [Solomon ?] Ch.: Ada Ethelyn' Squier, b. July 16, 1852, Sut ton, m. Westb., William Edgar Stevenson, b. New York, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1850. Ch.: Luella Jessie' Stevenson, b. Mar. 29, 1883 ; Mabel Ethelyn' Stevenson, Nov. 20, 1884. Betsey Lovisa' Squier, b. Sept. 28, 1854, Sutton, m. Westboro, Mar. 7, 1872, George C. Fisher, b. W. July 9, 1852, a s. George. Ch. b. Westboro; Sadie May'' Fisher, b. May 23, 1873, m. W. June 23, 1897, Aaron W. Hosmer, of Westboro ; Ernest Winifred^ Fisher, b. Dec. 21, 1874 ; unm., of Westboro, farmer ; Amy Roberta' Fisher, b. Aug. 26, 1876, m., of W. Aug. 26, 1894, Walter W. Robinson, of W.; Stella Ethelyn', b. Oct. 22, 1877, d. W. Feb. 24, 1878 ; Charles Emmons', b. Mar. 29, d. W., Apr. 29, 1880; Bessie Georgianna', b. Feb. 15, d. W. 29, 1881; Harry Em mons', b. Feb. 25, d. 27, 1883 ; Addie Adeline' Fisher, b. June 11, 1884. Francis Henry' Squier, b. Nov. 15, 1856, Milford, m. Westb., Ethelyn Eudora Ward, b. Southville, Worcester co., Mass., Apr. 26, 1866. Of Worcester, Mass., 1899, mfr. Ch.: Percy Frank' Squier, b. Mar. 6, 1888, Wore. Luella Jane' Squier, b. Oct. 11, 1858, Westboro, d. there Jan. 20, 1899, m. there June 18, 1880, John S. Bullen, b. Grafton, Mass., June 30, 1859. Of Westboro, Mass., mfr. Ch.: Harold Emmons' Bullen, b. Mar. 19, 1882, Westb.; Olive Elizabeth', June 4, 1885, Grafton, Mass. ; Evelyn Frances' Bullen, Nov. 15. 1886, G. ; William Ray'' Bullen, Aug. 2, 1888, G.; Ralph Franklyn' Bullen, May 1, 1890; Sara Adaline' Bullen, June 3, 1893, G. Charles Edgar' Squier, b. Oct. 29, i860, Westboro, m. Worcester, Oct. 1, 1881, Eva Belle Beales, b. Wore, Sept. 15, 1892, da. David. Of Worcester, Sec. Board of Trade. Ch.: Cora Belle' Squier, b. Apr. 10, 1883 ; Ethel Esa' Squier, Sept. 22, 1889. Amy Lizzie', b. Apr. 21, 1863, Westb., d. there June 19, 1864; Nellie Alzina' Squier, b. Mar. 20 there, d. there 31, 1865. 19604. Adin Ballou' Ball {Henry' Ball, Lydias, William*, HenryS, Josiah", Moses'), m. Milford, Mass., Jan. 4, 1858, Elizabeth Angel, b. Hol liston, Mass., Feb. n, 1840, da. Alfred and Betsey (Despeaux). Ch.: Grace Atwood', b. Oct. 17, i860. Providence, R. I., d. Nov. 17, 1865. Henry Arthur Remington' Ball, b. July 11, 1862, Mil ford, d. M., Dec. 18, 1890, m. Lillian Violet Dorkham, b. Feb. 22, i860. (She m. 2d, Herbert Whiting, of Avon, Norfolk co., Mass.). Mfr. Ch. b. Milford : Edith Valentine' Ball, Feb. 14, 1885; Mabel Eliza' Ball, Feb. 9, 1891. Elsie Lena' Ball, b. June 22, 1864, M., m. M. May 23, 1888, Lewis Dwight Whittemore, b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 19, 1864, s. Lewis Dwight (b. Blue Hill, Me.), and Ellen (Osgood). Of Boston to 1893, mfr.; Stamford, Conn., 1899, time lock ex- 2476 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. pert. Ch.: Florence Maud' Whittemore, b. Sept. 15, 1890, AU ston, Mass.; Olive Elsie' Whittemore, June 7, 1892, Boston ; Myrtle Evelyn' Whittemore, Oct. 24, 1893, Stamford. Gertrude Anna' Ball, b. July 15, 1866, Milford, m. M., May 23, 1888, Orrin Bookman Fox, b. Aug. 28, 1866. Of Natick, Mass.; South ¦ Framingham, Mass. (1899), merch. Ch.: Esther May' Fox, b. June 14, 1899, Everett, Mass. ; Harold Mau rice' Fox, June 6, 1893, Natick. Edith Clarissa' Ball, b. June 28, 1868, Milford, m. M., June 4, 1890, Nelson Wesley Morey, s. Nelson and Viola. Of Milford, contractor. Ch.: Pearl Viola' Morey, b. Apr. 27, 1892 ; Wesley Spurgeon' Morey, July 16, 1896. Willie Augustus' Ball, b. Sept. 14, 1869, M., d. M. July 24, 1870. Adin Elwood' Ball, b. Oct 29, 1870, M., m. M. Mar. 9, 1891, Helen Geneva Hanley, b. Providence, Dec. 17, 1876. Residence : Dorchester, Mass., supt. in office Morning Star, Bos ton. Ch. b. Boston : Walter Elwood' Ball, Apr. 2, 1892 ; Helen Gertrude' Ball, Oct. 5, 1894; Ruth Evelyn' Ball, Dec. 17, 1896. Frederick Lester' Ball, b. May i, 1873, Milford, m. M. Apr. 15, 1896, Effie Mabel Odiorne, b. Mar. 18, 1876, da. John J. and Miriam L. (Miller), of Chelsea, Mass. Res. Mil ford, mfr. Ch.: Miriam Elizabeth^ Ball, b. Mar. 9, 1897, M. Ruth Evelyn' Ball, b. May 31, 1875, M., m. M. Sept 28, 1896, James Herbert Durling, b. Springfield, Annapolis co., N. S., Mar. 3, 1871, s. George and Matilda (McNayr). Of Milford, s. p. Faith Elizabeth' Ball, b. June 6, 1878, M., of M., unm. Mr. Adin Ballou' Ball, residence Milford, contractor and carpenter builder, and of Ball Brothers (Henry) of Cottage City, Mass. Prominent member and trustee of Methodist E. Church at Milford, much esteemed. 19605. Mary Elizabeth' Hill {Jason Cleveland'' Hill), m. Manches ter, Vt., Jan. 2, i860, John David Stanley, b. North Dorset, Ben nington CO., Vt., Feb. 9, 1834, s. John Alfred and Lucretia (McWarin). Of Troy, N. Y., Plattsburgh, N. Y., Rouse's Point, Clinton co., N. Y., Rutland, Vt., to March 29, 1899, Clarendon, Rutland co.,Vt., since, was a mfr., and for 40 years a railroader, successively brakeman, conductor, yard-master, and R. R. po lice. Ch.: Charlie Francis', b. Nov. 25, 1861, Mechanicsville, N. Y., d. Rutland, July 26, 1868, by accident; Jennie May'' Stanley, b. Nov. 22, 1863, Rutland, m. Morrisonville, Clinton co., N. Y., Jan. II, 1886, Robert Francis Reynolds, b. Rawdon, P. Q., Feb. 6, 1863, s. Thomas and Ellen (Braydon). Of Rutland, salesman. Ch.: Frank Stanley" Reynolds, b. Sept. 8, 1887, Springfield, Mass. ; John Andrew Thomas" Reynolds, b. Sept. 5, 1891, S.; Mary Ellen" Reynolds, b. May i, 1894, Mechanicsv. Mattie Cutlei'' Stanley, b. June 28, 1867, Rutl., m. Plattsburgh, Oct 18, 1887, Samuel Henry Hayes, b. Rouse's Point, Apr. 15, 1858, s. Thomas and Selina (Thompson, b. Lei cestershire, Eng., Oct. 8, 1832). Of Williamsport, Pa., electro- plater. Ch.: John Thomas" Hayes, b. Apr. 30, 1889, Needham, Mass. ; Ruth Stanley^' Hayes, b. Feb. 9, 1892, N. John Frank^ Stanley, b. Oct. 9, 1868, Rutl., d. Mar. 25, 1869. APPENDIX. 2477 Andrew Baker'' Stanley, b. Feb. 5, 1870, Rutl., m Whitehall, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1892, Jennie M. Corbett, b. W., da. Lawrence and Phillena (Dalton). Of Rutland, R. R. engineer. Ch. b. Whiteh.: Ruth Corbett", Nov. 13, 1892; Margaret Pauline'", Nov. 18, 1897. Angle Cora', Nov. 2, 1871, Rutl.;, Frank Guy', July 30, 1874, Rutl., unm., 3d year in Amherst coll., to study med., learned printing, I'd Springfield ; Bessie May', b. Sept. 19, » 1876, Rutl., d. May 8, 1878 ; Zera Davis' Stanley, b. Aug. 4, 1879, Rutland, will study medicine. 19606. Sarah Elizabeth' Eames {Susan-t Ban), m. Hopkinton, Mass., Nov. 23, 1858,- Samuel WiUard Beamis, b. Hopk. Sept 8, 1834, d. Worcester, Mass., 1898, a s. Willard (b. Southford, Mass.,) and Elinor (Corbitt, born Hopk.), of Worcester, farmer. Ch. : Milton', born Dec. 5, 1859, d. Jan. 6, 1862; Willard Whiting', b. Sept. 6, 1862, d. Jan. 18, 1866. Thomas Bucklin' Beamis, b. Aug. 23, 1864, Worcester, m. W. Maud Annie Simpson, b. Dec. 7, 1866, da. Joseph (b. Stanstill, Eng.,) and Sarah (Jones, b. Oakengates, Shropshire, Eng., ab. 1825). Residence, Hartford, Conn. (1899), Special Representative of Hartford Life Ins. Co. Ch.: Charles Whiting" Beamis, b. Sept. 6, 1890, Buffalo, N. Y. 19607. Otis Worthington' Holmes {Betsey ciaflin-' Baii), d. Wash ington, D. C, June 23, 1864, a. 28, m. Holliston, Mass., June 16, 1859, Ellen Maria Claflin, b. H. Mar. i, 1838, d. Milford, Mass., da. James Russell and Hannah (Farrington). (She m. 2d, see below.) Ch. : John Parker' Holmes (Dr.), b. July 18, i86o, M., m. Apr. 25, 1889, Miss Carolin C. Forbush. Grad. Harvard and Heidelberg, Germany. Residence, West Newton, Mass., 1898-9, eye specialist, physician and surgeon in Boston. Ch. : Elmore" Holmes, b. Sept. 7, 1891, Milford. Capt. Otis Worthington' Holmes enlisted in camp, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 9, 1861, private Co. B, 25th Mass. V. ; elected 4th sergt, acted as color sergt. ; was at Roanoke and Newbern; prom. 1st sergt. Aug. 12, 1862. Transf. to 36th Mass. (9th corps), and made ist It. Co. F, when was presented a sword by Medford friends. Prom, to capt. Co. B. Passed through siege of Knox ville. 9th Corps rejoined Army of Potomac. Most nobly did our hero bear himself through the horrible strife. Capt. Holmes fell, mortally wounded, in Burnside's charge before Petersburg, morning of June 17, 1864; expired at Harwood Hosp., Washing ton, evg. of 23d. Count Schwabe named his hospital libra ries to the memory of this martyr, and had painted a portrait hy the artist Ames. — From an extended biographical sketch in the American Volunteer, Boston, Mass., Mar. 31, 1866. Mrs. Ellen Maria (Claflin) Holmes m. 2d, Jan. 26, 1869, her cousin, Harvey Farrington of Philadelphia, Pa., who expired on the train going to Phila., returning home from Europe. 2478 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19608. Oliver Dean' Holtnes {Betsey ciajun-' Bail), m. Hopkinton, Mass., May 6, 1869, Lucinda Kemp, b. H., da. Ezekiel (b. Eng.) and Mary of Milford, Mass. (1899), where he has since 1874 been peace officer. Ch. b. Milford : Otis Worthington' Holmes, b. Feb. 1 6, 1870, m. Auburn, Me., June 29, 1896, Georgie Mae Lincoln, b. Albion, Kennebec co.. Me., Feb. 8, 1872, da. George Harrison (s. George Washington Lincoln, first cousin to Pres. Abraham Lincoln) and Nan Oroville (Handy, da. of John Shouy and Thankful [Philbrick]), Ellen Maria Claflin' Holmes, b. Nov. 5, 1871, Milford, m. M. May 11, 1892, George Harrison Willard, b. Uxbridge, Mass., Oct. 30, 1869, s. George and Harriet (Arnold). Of Worcester, Mass. Ch. : Betsey Louise" Willard, born Jan. 10, 1894. Susan' Holmes, Tsx. Of Worcester, Milford. Ch. : i. 19609. William Martin' Holtnes {Betsey ciafUn-' Bail), died West Medway, Norfolk co., Mass., Mar., 1897, m. Milford, Mass., Sept. 28, 1870, Eliza A. Toby. Of W. Medway, where his widow res. 1.899; merch. Ch. : Clifton Emmons', "b. K^r. \T„'Ho\\iston,'M-a.ss., d. May 8, 1872. Arthur Sawyer' Holmes, b. Oct. 5, 1873, Holliston, d. W. Medway fall of 1898, m. Miss , now of Franklin, Mass., ch.: 2; daughter" living. Winslow Herrick', born Sept. 2, 1875, W. Med., d. Aug. 6, 1876. George' Holmes, b. 1882, enlisted in War with Spain 1898, 5th Mass. v., in Cuba, disch'd Apr. i, 1899, of W. Medway. [763 continued. See page 399.] CHARLOTTE" CLEVELAND (jabez*, Henry3, JosiahS Moses'), m. Nathaniel Webb, he d. Aug. 19, 182J. Children : Mary' Webb, b. 17, 1792, d. Nov. 13,30, 1813, m. Aug. 29, 1830, John Wood Thompson, b. Belair, Va., Sept. 14, 1784, s. James and Dorcas. Of Morgantown (now Monongalia CO., W. Va.), Va. Ch. : Charlotte' Thompson, b. Feb. 18, 1813, d., m. Mr. Sears, he d.; Inf.', d. imme. + 19610 Frederick Cleavelana' Webb,\). Oct. 3, 1794, Windham, Conn. +19611 Nathan' Webb, b.July 27, 1798. Harrief Webb, m. William Baltzel. Lived at Guy- andotte, Cabell co., Va. (now W. Va.), 1830. Ch. : 24, six pairs of twins, they lived near Mount Vernon, Jefferson county. 111. : Polly' Baltzel, DanieV Baltzel, Charlotte' Baltzel, William' Baltzel, Rufus' Baltzel, Charles' Baltzel, George' Baltzel, and Harriet' Balt zel, — all living July 10, 1830; Three children' died before 1830. Nathaniel' Webb, b. Oct. 19, 1800, d. Morgantown Jan. 2, 1844. Charlotte' Webb, born Feb. 10, 1802, d. aged 94, m. ErastusWellingtonof Guyandotte. Ch.: ly. Charles R.' Wellington, b. Apr. 20, 1824; Louisa L.' Wellington, b. June i, 1826, m. Enoch Blankinship; Nodiah' Wellington, b. May 12, 1828; Sarah Eliza beth' Wellington; Zachary Taylor' WeUington. + 19612 Rufus' Webb, b. Feb. 11, 1807, Greene co.. Pa. John Arnold" Webb, b. Mar. 30, Fayette co.. Pa., d. May 6, 1809. APPENDIX. 2479 19610. Frederick Cleaveland' Webb (charlottes, jabez*, Henrys, Josiah=), d. n. Independence, Warren co., Ind., Feb. 3, 1858, a. 63 y. 4 mo., m. ist, Jan. 29, 1815, Catherine Kimmel, she died Nov. 21, 1826. He m. 2d, Apr. 8, 1827, Cynthia A. Davidson, da. Edward of Xenia, O. Ch. by ist m. : Elizabeth' Webb, b. Mar. 19, 1816, d. Pa., July 19, 1817; Charlotte', born Oct 23, 1817, d. Ind., Oct. 18, 1833- Catherine' Webb, b. Dec. 22, 1819, m. Dec. 21, 1835, Abraham Harrington. Dwelt La Fayette, Ind. Ch. : Charlotte' Harrington, m. Babcock; Lydia' Harrington, m. Robert Harris, dwelt Crawfordsville, Ind.; William' Harrington, d..; Mary Ade laide' Harrington, m. Charles Davis, live at La Fayette, 1898; Sarah Jane^ Harrington, d.; Eveline' Harrington, d., m. Mr. Dor- ner. Frederick Cleaveland'' Webb, d. Lydia P.' Webb, b. Oct. 19, 1822, m. ist, Henry Stair, 2d, Amos White, live 10 miles from La Fayette. Ch. by ist m.: Louisa' Stair, died ; Charles Cleaveland' Stair, m. Miss Rhodes of Rensselaer, Ind. ; Mary C. S.' Stair, m. Dr. Brandon of Decatur, 111. By 2dm. : Hampton Winton' White, d.; John Frederick' White, d.; Francis Marion' White, m. twice, he m. 2d, Mariaette Bendore, lived n. La Fayette; both m. : s. p. Sarah Jane' Webb, b. Aug. 17, 1824, m. 1848, John M. Austin. Ch. : Charles' Austin, d.; Mary C Austin, m. Lud- ford Hopkins. Of Rensselaer. Ch. : Nora' Hopkins, m. George Hollingsworth, ch. : Donald" Hollingsworth, Thomas" Hollingsworth; Louis F.' Hopkins, of Chicago, 111.; Ludford' Hopkins, d. Louisa' Austin, m. Dr. Samuel Ensminger of Crawfordsville, Ind., ch. : Leonard' Ensminger. William B.' Austin, m. Louisa Hammond of Rensselaer, ch. : Virginia' Austin. John B. A.'' Webb, born Sept 5, 1826, d. May 8, 1835. By 2d m. : Mary AbigaiV Webb, d.; Harriet Ann' Webb, d. ; Nathan' Webb, d. Rebecca Elizabeth' Webb, m. 1st, Josiah M. Walter. She m. 2d, Edmund Chase Bassick. Residence, Bridgeport, Conn., 1898. Ch. by ist m., 6 : Sarah Elverdia' Walter, d.; Em ma Jane' Walter, d. ; Mary Amanda' Walter, m. 1st, Samuel Chase, 2d, Charles Fleming ; Minnie A.' Walter; Lillie May Cynthia' Wal ter, d. Apr. 15, 1890, m. June 12, 1889, Russell Tomlinson, ch. : Lillie Beatrice' Tomlinson. By 2d m., all of Bridgeport : Edgar Webb' Bassick, m. Grace Morris; Margaret Harriet' Bassick; Fred erick Cleaveland' Bassick : William Roscoe' Bassick. William Wat son' Webb, d. ; Rufus Henry' Webb, b. Jan. 20, 1840, d. a^d 15. Eliza Malinda' Webb, born Dec. 6, 1842, d. Feb. 11, 1875, m. Louis Colton of Iowa, ch.: Natlian Eria' Colton, Musette' Cotton. Frederick Cleaveland' Webb, b. Feb. 11, 1845, ^- J^^- 21, 1856. Nathan Edward' Webb, b. Oct. 11, 1848, m. Annie Ater of 111. Res., Animas, La Plata co.. Col. Ch. : Frederick Cleaveland' Webb, b. June 17, 1886; Edward' Webb, d. ; Elizabeth Bassick' Webb; Roscoe' Webb. Margaret Emily' Webb (child of his old age), m. ist, Mr. Adams, 2d, Ebin Snow, res. Rockland, Me., ch., by ist m. : Ernest Linwood' Adams. By 2d m. : Margaret' Snow; Minnie' Snow ; Robert' Snow ; Carrie Rose' Snow. 2480 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Esquire Frederick Cleaveland' Webb grad. Harvard a. 17, was a member of the Secedar Church in Pa. and O.; rem. to La Fayette 1829; there being no church of that faith and order, he united with the Methodist E. Church, and remained a worthy, exemplary member until death. Was the third school teacher in La Fayette, was four times elected esquire; was sheriff of Warren co., Ind., one term. — From Obituary of F. C." Webb. 19611. Nathan' IFe66 (chariotte«),d. Vincennes, Knox co., Ind. Ch.: NathanieV Webb, born Sept. 2, 1820, m. Mary Jane Angel. Ch. : Margaret Jane' Webb, m. Frank Ed. Moores, of Omaha, Neb., 1898; Adeline' Webb, m. Edward Ulrey; Mary Ellen' Webb, m. John Gentes, of Logansport, Ind. Henry AlbrighV Webb, b. Sept. 20, 1822, m. ist, June 15, 1845, Elizabeth Warner. He m. 2d, Anna E. Lare, b. Fred erick, Md., Nov. 24, 1834. Ch. by ist m., 8 : William Warner' Webb, d.; Clara Arnold' Webb, d.; Mary Elizabeth' Webb, d.; Henry Sylvester' Webb, is in Cal. 1898 ; Emily Ann' Webb, m. Elijah De- vor of Greenville, O. Ch.: Henry Webb' Devor, John^ Devor, Eveline' Devor, d., Arthur' Devor, d. Nathan' Webb, d.; Edward' Webb, m. twice. Ch. by ist m. : i, by 2d m. : 2; Charles Nathan iel Webb, d. By 2d m.: Margaret Rebecca' Webb, m. Henry B. Brombacher of Ottawa, Kan. Ch.: Frederick' Brombacher. Sylvester Frederick' Webb, b. Dec. 27, 1824, d., m. Amanda C. Clark, of Iowa City, la. Ch.: Ida" Webb, m. Henry Lewis of Iowa C. Nathari^ Webb, b. Jan. 15, 1826, Cincinnati, O., d. Bal timore, Md., Nov. 3, 1865, m. Martha Berbank. Ch.: IJi' Webb, m., as 2d w., Charles Ardon (he m. ist her sister, Catherin-i Mar garet' Webb) ; Martha' Webb ; David William' Webb; Catherine Margaret' Webb, was burned to death by hanging lamp falling, m., as ist w., Charles Ardon. Ch.: -Webb' Ardon, Ross' Ardon, Eveline' Ardon. Mary Abbie' Webb ; Julia Agnes' Webb ; Nathan' Webb ; Sophia Andrews' Webb. 19612. Rufus' Webb (chariotte»), d. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 3, 1857, a. 50, m. Malinda Wells. Ch. 7 : Sarah Jane'' Webb, b. Dec. 25, 1825, Guyandotte, W.Va., d. Attica, Ind., 1875, m. Elijah Young. Ch.: Malinda' Young. Charlotte Minerva' Webb, b. Feb. 14, 1828, d. a. 5. Harriet Amanda' Webb, b. Feb. i, 1830, d. Sept., 1871, m. Feb. 18, Zachariah Rozzell. Rufus Henry' Webb, b. June 17, 1832, La Fayette, Ind., last heard of in Jefferson, Tex. David Crockett' Webb, b. Apr. 23, 1834, m. Mar. 17, 1859, Mary A. Seamans. Ch.: Mimiie' Webb, b. July 15, i860. Mound City, Pulaski co.. 111., m. Ed*ward Freychlag. Ch.: Ralph' Freychlag, Norma' Freychlag, Edward' FreyMag. Nora L.' Webb, b. July 11, 1862, Macon, Macon co.. 111., m. Samuel Peu- terbaugh ; Lulu' Webb, b. Nov. 15, 1866, M., d. Nov. 16, 1871 ;. Olive Bernece' Webb, b. Nov. 2, 1868, M., d. Sept. 26, 1876. APPENDIX. 2481 Malinda A' Webb, b. Mar. 2, 1840, m. William A. Jacks. Res. Logansport, Ind., is at present minister to Canada. [934" continued. See page 200.] Noah' Chase (Noah^ C/ia^e, Thankful*, John^, Moses", Moses'), b. Free town, Mass., June 17, 1764, m. Rebecca Hathaway, of F. Ch. b. F.: Joseph H.' Chace, b. Apr. 9, 1786, d. May 8, 1807, drowned at sea, s. p.; Noah', b. Aug. 4, 1787, d. Oct, 1799. + 196 1 3 Holder' Chace, b. Nov. 15, 1789 ; Mercy' Chace, b. July 9, 1794 ; Florintha' Chace, b. July 14, 1796, m. in Mass., White; Alice' Chace, b. Sept 15, 1799. 19613. Holder' Chace {Noah' c/iace), d. East Claridon, O., Dec. 7, 1851, a. 62, m. Freetown, Mass., Dec. 18, 181 1, Sarah Hathaway, b. Sept. 12, 1790, d; June 22, 1858, da. Capt. Clothier and Mary (Borden). Capt. Holder' Chace, resided at Taunton, Mass., to 1816, E. Claridon afterward ; vessel captain on the ocean and great lakes in summer seasons. One time, in casting anchor, he became entangled in its chain, was dragged to bottom of Lake Erie. Ch. (has a gr. gr. child : Holder^^ Chace): + 19614 Elnathan Holder' Chace, b. Nov. 26, 1812, Taunton. Anna Borden', b. Apr. 15, 1815, T., d. Feb. 21, 1892, m. Nov. 30, 1842, Hial Armstrong of Claridon ; Mercy Rebecca', b. Jan. 21, 1822, E. Claridon, m. 1st, Nov. 18, 1840, Ammi Emory Ensign, b. May 10, i8i6, d. Dec. 23, 1855, of Rock Creek, Ashtabula co., O. She afterwards m. twice. Mary A.', b. Mar. 25, 1824, E. Clari don, m. Harcey Armstrong. Lived at Perry, O., was county treas. of Lake co., 2 terms. Florintha Whitl', b. Apr. 16, 1826, E. Claridon, d. Oct. 6, 1881, m. Jan. 14, 1847, John Perry Lukins, b. Sept. 30, 181 1, d. Cleveland, O., Dec. 5, 1891, merch. at E. Claridon. Melissa C, b. Sept. 29, 1828, E. C, m. Apr. 3, 1843, Burton Amstrong, b. Jan. 12, 1822, s. Hial (b. Franklin, Conn.), and (Dow). Still of E. C. 1898, farmer. Edwin R.' Chace, b. June 2, 1832, E. C, m. Of Wayne, Wayne co.. Neb. 19614. Elnathan Holder' Chace {Holder'' chace), d. Jan. 21, 1882, a. 70, m. Lucina Kidder, b. Oct. i, i8ii, of Claridon, O., d. Apr. 28, 1879, Anna Eno, da. James" ( James', of Windsor, m. ist Aug. 18, 1648, Anna or Hannah Bid- well, da. Richard of Windsor), Eno and Abigail Bissell, da. Samuel. |) Joseph^ [see -j- 1863, p. 780]. II Dea. Solomon*, rem. fr. Meadow Plain to Case's Farms, Simbury, m. Anna Case, da. Jacobs (Joseph", John'), Case and Abigail (Barber). || Solomon^, m. Chloe Case. II Solomon Virgil^. || Asa Laurence' Case, b. Milwaukee, Wis., of Ashtabula, m. Nancy Emeline Smith*. — Case gen. in prep, by Clarence Vallierre Case ; Goodwin. Smith ancestry : — Jeremiah. || Jonathan". 1| Dr. John^. || Nancy Emeline* Smith, m. Asa Laurence Case'. [1037 continued. See page 467.] JOSEPH" CLEVELAND (Benjamin Norton^, Benjamin Norton*, Ich- abod^, Moses", Moses'). Stoughton ancestry amended : — Thomas'. || Gilbert" Stoughton, m. Mary Banbesey, daughter of Edward Banbesey. [1041 continued. See page 469.] MOSES CONKLIN" CLEVELAND (Moses^ ichabod*, ichabods, Moses", Moses';, m. ist, Sarah Hubbard, 2d, Ency Hubbard. Hubbard ancestry : — Isaac', was buried on Nashawan Island, and near Tarpaulin Cove, Dukes CO., Mass., 1767, his remainsandgravestone were removed thence Aug., 1896, by his great-grandson, Nathaniel Hubbard' Cleveland to Southold, N. Y. || Dea. Nathan iel" Hubbard of Mattituck, N. Y., m. Sarah Eeeve. [1048 continued. See page 473. J ELIZABETH" CLEAVELAND (john=, Samuel*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), was born Sept. 10, 1775, m. ist, Robert Hill, born prob. at Economy, N. S., Aug. 14, 1772, prob. s. Robert She m. 2d, Maj. Thomas King, who was commissioned Sept 5, 181 1 ; re tired paymaster on half pay Dec. 25, 1815. Her sons : [3071] Robert' Hill, ra..; is believed to have studied medi cine in Edinburgh, Scot. Ch.: Daughter'. Richard Cleaveland'' Hill, d. at sea, unm., was living Jan. 28, 1825. Hill ancestry (as believed) : — Robert', b. prob. Ireland, with others was " admit ted into possession of i,qoo acres at Economy, N. S., 1767," (see orig. grant in Crown Land Ofhce, Halifax, N. S., dated May, 1782), d. bef. 1782, prob. father of : || Robert" Hill, prob. b. Ireland, evidently a minor 1767, but of age bef. 1782, ment. in above grant, d. bef. 1825. [1078 continued. See page 485.] ESTHER" CLEVELAND (john^, josiah*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), b. Haddam, Conn., Aug. 8, 1796, d. New Britain, Conn., Dec. 13, 1851, m. ISt, Malone, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1815, Pierce Shepard, b. Royalton, Vt., Oct 9, 1792, d. Montreal, Can., Mar. 3, 1832, s. Timothy and Anna (Moore). She m. 2d, Jan. 21, 1836, as 2d w., Phineas Guriey, b. ab. 1785, d. Aug. 28, 1843, bur. at Parishville, N. Y., a s. Phineas and Susannah (Swift). Ch. by ist m.: Susan ZeruaK' Shepard, b. Apr. 21, 1818, Waddington, N. Y., m. Jan. 23, 18—, Ansel Soules Smith, res. Elmira, N. Y., 1898. Mary A.' Shepard, b. July 23, 1820, Waddington, N. Y., d. Parishville, June 22, 1842, m. Oct. 16, 1839, John R. Hudson. + 196 1 6 William Pierce' Shepard, b. Apr. 15, 1822, Ogdens burg, N. Y. Emily Cleveland' Shepard, b. Mar. 18, 1824, Ed- wardsburg, Ont., m. July 31, 1845, Gershom F. Brownson, res. Willow Springs, Howell co.. Mo. Maria Moore' Shepard, b. Apr. 13, 1826, Edwardsb., m. Sept 14, 1857, Charles Chandler, res. Fon du Lac, Wis. Sarah Ann' Shepard, b. Oct. 26, 1828, Ed- APPENDIX. 2483 wardsb. d. Wolcottville, Conn., Mar. 3, 1875, ^'^- J"^^^ i^? 1849, Dwight F. Peck. 2d m.: s. p. Pierce Shepard Hved finally in Cornwall, Can., died while in Montreal on business. Architect and cabinet maker. Phineas Guriey, of Parishville. He m. ist, Jan. 15, 1810, Betsey Fox, she d. Pamelia, N. Y., July 3, 1834. Ch.: i William Fox Guriey, d. Jan. 6, 1856, m. Nov. 29, 1832, Olive Perkins, she d. Apr. 18, 1863, da. Leonard. Of Parishv,, farmer. Supervisor and magis. of P. Ch.: i. Matilda Ann Guriey, b. Aug. 25, 1833, m. ist, Dec. 27, 1853, Simeon Lewis Gillette, b. 1821, d. June 24, 1879, ^^ Stockholm, N. Y., machinist. She m. 2d, Aug. 25, 1881, Milo Bailey Bacon, b. 1825, d. Mar. 16, 1888, of Potsdam, N. Y., farmer, s. p. 2. Betsey Olive Guriey, b. Apr. 18, 1835, m. June 22, 1854, Elias Dorland Thorne, b. Plattsburg, ISf. Y., Oct. 28, 1827, 1. Hills boro, Washmgton CO., Ore., millwr, Cli.; William Elias Thorne, b. Oct. 5, 1855; Olive Eliz. b. Aug. 22, 1857, d. Apr. 3, 1859. 3. William Densmore Guriey, b. Apr. 8, 183^, m, Sept. 3, 1875, Anne Tranesa, da. Alex, and Soffa Relinda. Of Potsd., farmer, enhsted Oct. 19, 1861, Co. K, 60th N. Y. v., was in 13 battles, Culpeper, Va., &c. Ch.: Wm. Fox, b. Mar. 8, d. 18, 1878 ; Ralph Isaac Guriey, b. Nov. 20, 1879. 4- Isaac Perkins Guriey, b. Feb. 16, 1852, m. ist. May 21, 1884, Dana Ruby Covey, b. 1856, d. Jan. 21, 1887, da. Larkin and Harriet (Kent) of Parishv. He m. 2d, Feb. 25, 1888, Almira Ellen Rose, da. Adoni ram and Nancy (Marsh) of Stockli., 1. Parishv., farmer, s. P. ii Phineas Densmore Guriey, b. Nov. 12, 1816, Hamilton, N. Y., d. Washington, D. C, Sept. 30, 1868, m. Oct. 7, 1840, Emma Elizabeth Brooks, b. 1816, d. Feb. 19, 18B6, da. Doctor Hosea Melville of Parishv. Rev. Phineas Densmore Guriey, D.D., Presb. divine, grad. Union 1837, Princeton Theol. Sem. Sept., 1840, licensed to preach at Cold Spring, N. Y., April, 1840; pastor of ist Pres. chh., Indianapolis, Ind., Sept., 1840, to 1850, ist chh. Dayton,, 0., to 1854, F Street Chh., Washington, from 1854, N. Y. Ave. Chh. (the union of F St. and 2d Chh.) 1859, to decease, elected 1859 Chaplain XJ. S. Senate, 41st Chaplain to Congress^ was present at death of Pres. Lincoln and officiated at the funeral and at the interment at Springfield, 111. {^Henry farvis Raymond^ s Lincoln^ 703^ 7<5&.] Member Gen. Assembly (Old School) 1866, moderator of same 1867, of Committee on Reunion of Old and New School Assemblies, and author of the adopted amendments to the basis of union. — Memorial Sermon on Dr. Guriey, by Rev. William Edward Schenck, Washington, D. Cy i^: N, Y. Observ., Oct. L^ since 1886. [5426 continued. See page 1472.] ALEXANDER' CLEVELAND (israel', Albro', John*, Palmer', Edward", Hoses'), m. Elizabeth Ferris, she died since 1886. [5428 continued. See page 1473.] POLLY MARIA'' CLEVELAND (israei'), m. Nathaniel Tallman Ferris, he d. soon after Oct. 16, 1886. [5429 continued. See page 1473.] ROXY MELVINA' CLEVELAND (israei'), m. ist, Henry Z, Ferguson. He died about 1889. She m. 2d, his bro. Harvey Ferguson, res. (1899) Paxton, Ford co.. 111. Her son : [11917] -Smith Cleveland' Ferguson, d. ab. 1896-7. [5430 continued. See page 1473.] LYSANDER STEPHEN^ CLEVELAND (israei'), d. since 1886. [6oo2 continued. See page 1548.] SUSAN THERESA' CLEVELAND (John'), m. Warren Allen Street, he d. Wayne, Pa., Apr. 29^ 1885. Ch.: Victoria Mary' (name not Matilda'), b. at French Creek, N. Y., d. at Wayne. [12533-5] John Lucius' Street, b. at French Creek m. Clara Rose Patchin, da. of Harvey Darvey and Sophia (Reed). Of Corry, Pa„ 1897, farmer. Ch. : Orville Warren', b. at Wayne; Robert -Guy',h. atW.; John Glennt', b. at^.; Fitch Roy', b. atW.; Clara Ethei', b. at Spring Creek, Pa. William Alonzo' Street, b. at French C, of Corry, clerk; Eunice Elmina' Street, b. at Wayne. [6046 continued. See page 1554.] Lucy' Sates (Ann crafts', Thomas', Edward*, Samuel', Edward", Moses'). Atkins ancestry, amended: — Thomas', b. about 1^28 {according to Chatham, Mass., town rec, is designated as Thomas, Junior, therefore it is possible that his father's name was also Thomas), d. June 30, 1757, a. 29, m. Ruth. || Charles", born Sept. 2, x'uS. |1 Rev. Charles' Atkins, b. Nov. 4, 1785, m. ad, Mary Manter, da. of David (b. z'« Dukes 00., Mass.) APPENDIX. 2497 [5703 continued. See page 15 12.] PHILANDER BLODGETT' CLEVELAND (Harvey, Isaac', Isaac*, Isaac', Edward", Moses'), m. Mercy Ann Richardson, who died at East Hounsfield, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1899, aged 68 years, 5 months, and 20 days. Funeral from her late residence. Sept, 3, 1899, interment at Brookside. An obituary notice of this worthy lady appeared in Watertown [N.Y.] Daily Standard, Sept. 2, i8gg. Her father, Stephen Richardson of Stowells Corners, Hounsfield, N. Y., was a pioneer settler of the town. [6293 continued. See page 1572.] ALDEN TYLER' CLEVELAND (john c.«), manufacturers Cleveland's superb oil polish, Hyde Park, Mass., 1899. [6849 continued. See page 1634.] LOVINA' CLEVELAND (Nehemiah', John', John*, Joseph', Josiah"), d. Cazenovia, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1892, a. 80, m. James Truax. Ch.: [13289] Mary Lovina' Truax, m. at Cazenovia Mar. 8, 1853, John Delos IngersoU, b. Ilion, N. Y., Feb. i, 1831, d. I., Apr. 11, 1885, s. John and Adaline (Palmer). Of Ilion, nurseryman. Mrs. Mary Lovina' ( Truax) Lngersoll is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, admitted Nov. 4, 1897, connected with the General Nicholas Herkimer Chapter at Herkimer, N. Y., and since transferred to and is chaplain of Mohawk Valley Chapter of Ilion (1898). Children : Frederick Truax' Lngersoll, b. June 2, i860, I., m. I., Aug. 5, 1885, Jennie Rebekah Haughton, b. Salisbury Center, N. Y., Aug. i, 1863, da. Richard Allen and Jennie Elizabeth (McKinney). Of Ilion, mechanic. Ch. born Ilion : Palmer Haughton" lngersoll, Oct. 25, 1890 ; Allen McKinney" lngersoll, June 4, 1894. [13290] James Cleveland' Truax, m. at Ilion Jan. 24, 1866, Mary Adelaide Downs, b. Mohawk, N. Y., da! Floyd and Emily Church (CoppernoU). Of Ilion, mechanic. Ch. b. I. : Florence Downs' Truax, born Apr. 24, 1867, m. I., June 11, 1890, William Clark Ogden, b. Windsor, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1865, s. Joseph Perlee and Calista Louise (Tallman). Of Binghamton, N. Y., manager of brick co. Ch. born I. : Louise Truax" Ogden, May 23, 1891 ; fames Clark" Ogden, June 21, 1893. Marjorie Leslie^ Truax, born July I, 1880; unm. [13291] Florence Birney', 1. Cazeno., unm. [8312 continued. See page 1740.] CHARLTON RORTY' CLEVELAND (WllUam Henry', Joseph-, Benj.Norton', Benj. Norton*, Ichabod', Moses"-'), died sX Newark, N. J., Oct. 25, 1899, a. 33. [8326 continued. See page 1034.] Mabel JEdna' Edwards (Phebe Ann', Robert Lutton', Benjamin Norton', Benjamin Norton*, Ichabod', Moses", Moses'), m. John Charles Scrimshaw, b. Rahway, N. J., June 16, son of Charles and Etnma (Blackburn) Scrimshaw. Residence, Rahway, N. J., 1895-9. Mr. Scrimshaw is an accountant in New York, N. Y. Children : Edith Edwards' Scrimshaw, b. Oct. 6, 1891, Elizabeth, N. J.; Olive May' Scrimshaw, b. Apr. 6, 1893, Elizabeth ; Hazel Edna^ Scrimshaw, b. Oct. 3, 1895, Rahway, d. R. Apr. 21, 1896 ; Charles' Scrimshaw, b. Nov. 2, 1897, R., d. R. Dec. 6, 1898. 157 2498 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. [8327 continued. See page 1034.J Edith Grant Edwards (phebe Ann', Robert Lutton«), m. Eliz abeth, N. J., June 22, 1898, Fred Daniel Williams, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 22, 1868, son of William Henry and Anna Louisa (Voorhees) Williams. Residence, Elizabeth, N. J., 1899, clerk. Child : Gladys Maud' Williams, b. May 10, 1899, Elizabeth, N. J. [7833 continued. Seepage 1718.] GEORGE SNOW' CLEVELAND (George snow'), m. Gertrude Mariman Havens, who d. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 17, 1899, a. 51. Residence .Hartford, Conn., 1899. [8357 continued. Seepage 1742-] Ann' Hill (charies john'- Hill), m., as 2d w., James Johnston Grieve, who d. Aug. 20, 1891, s. Robert (of Crofthead). Living 1898, Edinburg, Scotl. Ch. : Annie' Grieve, of E. [14380] Walter Baine' Grieve is M. L. C. of New Foundland. [14381] James' Grieve. Ch. : Edith" Grieve, b. March, 1887; James Johnstone" Grieve, Aug., 1888; Arthur" Grieve, June, 1892. William' Grieve is of London, Eng. [14382] Helen Lsabel' Grieve, m. John Patten, they have another ch. : Muriel Lsabel" Patten, b. June, 1890. [8548 continued. See page 1762.] Stephen Higginson' Tyng (Stephen Higginson'' Tyng, Sarah' Higginson, Susanna', Aaron*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), d. Paris, France, Nov. 17, 1898, a. 58. Rev. Stephen Higginson' Tyng was chaplain 12th N. Y. V. in civil war 1864; received D.D. from Williams 1872, and was trustee of that college 1872-84; pres. of American Chamber of Commerce at Paris. [Bibliography continued.' See p. 2410]: Author of "The Square of Life." Editor of The Christian at Work 1864-70. [8567 continued. See page 1064.] Francis John' Higginson {Stephen'' Higginson, Stephen'^ Hig- qinson, Susan', Aaron*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), Rear Admiral Francis John' Higginson, U. S. N., was born at Jamaica Plain, Mass., July 19, 1843. He had been at the United States Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md., two years when the necessity for educated young officers for services in the civil war of 1 861-5 called him into active sea duty. He had to fight from the moment he left the school. The capture of the privateer Judith, the bombard ment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, of New Orleans and of Fort Sumter, are some of the engagements that prepared him to command. Became lieutenant 1862; captain of the powerful battleship Massachusetts in the Second ("flying") Squadron, Commodore Winfield Scott Schley, North Atlantic Station, Admiral William T. Sampson, in the war between- the United States and Spain, from April 21 (declared April 25) 1898 (the U. S. battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor, Cuba, W. I., in the evening of Feb. 15, 1898); participating in destruction of Spanish fleet commanded by Admiral Pasquale Cervera off Santiago de Cuba, July 3, 1898 ; bombardment of Santiago, which city capitulated July 16, 1898. Captain Higginson (the Massachusetts leading) was in charge of the naval expedition, consisting also of the Columbia, Dixie, Gloucester, and "Yale, cap- APPENDIX. 24gg turing Port Guanica, Island of Porto Rico, July 25, 1898; a com pany of 30 sailors under command of Lt. Harry P. Huse, U. S. N., from the~ Gloucester, landed, skirmished with and drove oflE the Spanish soldiers, lowered the Spanish flag, and raised the first United States colors on Porto Rico, the flag to remain there forever; cap1;ured many sailing, etc., vessels at Ponce, Porto Rico, July 28, 1898. Capt. Higginson was promoted Aug. 11, 1898, by President McKinley, being advanced three numbers, taking rank as the senior captain of the U. S. Navy; and, Sept. 12, 1898, made a commodore from Aug. 10, 1898, rear admiral Feb., 1899. The war ended Aug. 12, 1898, by the signing of the protocol by the representatives of the U. S. and of Spain. [8663 continued. See page 1780.] WILLIAM NEAL' CLEVELAND (Richard Falley, Wllllam' Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), m. Mrs. Annie M. (Thomas) Scholl, who died at Cleveland, O., Feb. 21, 1898; was an exem plary Christian, always active in every good work, admired and beloved. Fitting tributes to her memory were published. Rev. William Neal" Cleveland still resides at Cleveland, O., 1898. [8790 continued. See page 1113.] ELIZABETH MANNING' CLEVELAND (element', Anthony Benezet', Aaron', Aaron*, Aaron', Aaron", Moses'), married at nOOn in the Church of Zion and St. Timothy, West 57th, New York, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1898, Robert Gillespie Mead, Jr., b. Sing Sing, N. Y., Aug. 29, 187 1, son of Robert Gillespie and Harriet Newell (Earle) Mead. Residence Sing Sing to Oct. i, 1899, New York, N. Y., since. Mr. Mead grad. Williams College, 1893; lawyer. [10047 continued. See page 1859.] RALPH WARREN' CLEVELAND (George Washington', Elijah', Elijah', Ephraim*, Joseph', Samuel"), m. Lydia Elvira Sharrett, who d. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 9, 1898. [10057 continued. See page 1248.] EVA JULIA' CLEVELAND ]^mmm^Warren'^^^^^„^^^thol, Mass., m. A. June 12, 1890, Bertsom E. Clayton, b. Jamaica ab. 1870, s. Austin C. and Sarah. Of Athol (1893), manufacturer. Ch. b. Athol : lona' Clayton, Apr. 5, 1892; Bertha' Clayton, April 2S> 1893- [10459 continued. See page 1299.] Matilda Elizabeth' Shepard (Roswew shepard), m. George Hetherington, he d. Lovington, 111., Jan. 11, 1889. [io46o continued. See page 1299. J Henry Campbell' Shepard {Roswew shepard), residence, Columbus, O., 1898. Children : Henry Delano' Shepard, m. Lockbourne, Franklin co., 0., Apr. 14, 1885, Mara Shirey, b. Grovepprt, Franklin co., O., Oct. 29, 1866, da. Martin and Elizabeth (Sharp). Ch. : Jennie Armstrong", b. Aug. i, 1886, Hanson, Pickaway co., O.; Emerson Henry", b. Apr. 28, 1888, H.; Helen Delano" Shepard, b. Dec. 4, 1894, Columbus. 2500 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. William Armstrong' Shepard, m. Lovington, 111., Aug. 29, 1888, Marietta March, b. Paola,~Kan., Dec. 8, 1870, da. Lewis B. and Margaret (Rhodes). Ch. born Lovington : Hazel Campbell", b. May 28, 1889; William Henry", '0. May 10, 1891, d. Columbus Apr. 10, 1895; Robert Lewis" Shepard, b. Sept. 27, 1893. [io46i continued. See page 1299.] Charles Sprague' Shepard {RosweW shepard). Ch. : Fan nie May' Shepard, m. Dec. 30, 1891, R. S. Shorthill. Ch. : Lydia May" Shorthill, b. Sept. 30, 1892; Lois A. ^'' Shorthill, b. Jan. 12, 1894; Rollie S" Shorthill, b. Oct. 2, 1895; T Verno" Shorthill, b. Oct. 8, 1897. Another daughter' Shepard is Mrs. J. C. Zellweger of Denver, Col., 1898. [10469 continued. See page 1300.] William' Shepard {joei Hambiin'' shepard), m. Frances Rebecca Waterman, she d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 16, 1879. [10832 continued. See page 1898.] Hon. Hamilton' Ward (EHza', Oanlel', Joseph', Elijah*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), d. Dec. 28, 1 898, a. 69. Obituaries in the newspapers. [10925 continued. See page 1907. J Angle E.' Soper (Hirami soper), m. Clinton, la., 1872, Dr. George Washington Frost, b. in Maine, d. Emporia, Kan., 1897. Graduated Bellevue Medical School, New York, N. Y., regular physician. Ch. : Helen' Frost, born 1876, Bellevue, la. ; George Washington' Frost, b. 1877, B. ; Mattie' Frost, b. 1879, Emporia; Albert' Frost, b. 1886, E. [10927 continued. See page 1907.] George Henry' Soper (Hiram'' Soper, Lucinda', John', Elijah*, Jo seph', Samuel", Moses'), married at Stanwood, la., August 26, 1879, Linnie Car Dodson,born in Mercer co.. 111., September 9, 1859, daughter of Blanset Shacklet and Cynthia Ann (Lamman) Dod- son. Children : Fred Clifford' Soper, b. Aug. 6, 1881, Stanwood. -Helen Augusta' Soper, b. Apr. 29, 1883, Logan, la. Mr. George Heniy' Soper was born at Rome, N. Y., July 15, 1849, removed with his parents, in 1856, to Clinton, la., attended school at Clinton, and Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, la., leav ing before graduation ; located at Logan, Harrison co., Ia., in July, 1879, and engaged in the hardware business until 1892. Mr. Soper was elected to and held various town offices : Treas urer, Member of the Council, President of the School Board, Director of Schools, Township Trustee, etc.; a member of the Masonic Society, and a Knight Templar. Removed from Logan 1892 to and residence still in Clinton (1898); was in the lumber business at Stanwood until 1 894, when he sold out, and at once commenced business at Clinton, where he is still a dealer in wholesale lumber, sash, doors, and blinds. Mr. Soper is a subscriber for this Genealogy. [5071 continued. See page 1422.] Mrs. Mary Davison'' (Palmer) Aspenwall (Mary', Bethabra', Timothy*, Timothy', Samuel"), died id. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 17, 1899, a. 73. APPENDIX. 2501 [10928 continued. ^ See page 1907.] Helen Augusta' Soper- (Hiram'' soper), m. Clinton, la., 1888, Mr. Olney. Residence, Clinton_^( 1898), carpenter, builder. Ch.: Rodney' Olney, b. 1890, Clinton. [11911 continued. See page 1951. J FRANK FERGUSON' (Washington La Fayette'), d. since 1886. [11250 continued. See page 1925. J William Cleveland' Roberson (Sarah', Newcomb', Frederick'). Carter ancestry, amended. — John' "of Corotman" (which the father of "King" Carter of Va. was called), the first John Carter In America. |] John" (instead oijohn^), b. 1690, m. Thomasine. II John' m. Jane Michelle. |i Dr. Thomas*. |1 James Broadnax'. ][ John Michelle' Carter m. Frances Maria Cutter'. [11256 continued. See page 1925.] NEWCOMB' CLEVELAND (Frederick'). Another child: Helen Margaret" Cleveland, b. June 11, 1896, Albany, N. Y., d. A. July 15, 1896. [11259 continued. See page 1926.] FREDERICK' CLEVELAND (Frederick', Newcomb", Frederick', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Moses'), m. Boonvillc, N. Y., NoV. IO, 1897, Anna Electa Crosby, b. B. June i6, 1895, ^^- of Romeyn B and Marion (Grant). Residence, Albany, N. Y., 1896-9, lumber dealer, s. p. • [11260 continued. See page 1397.] GERTRUDE MARIA' CLEVELAND (George, Newcomb', Frederick', Ezra*, Joseph', Samuel", Mosesi), m. Orange, N. J., DeC. 15, 1897, Judge Charles Bigelow Storrs, b. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 23, 1859, son of Henry Martyn Storrs, D.D., LL.D., and Catharine (Hitchcock), s. p. Judge Charles Bigelow Storrs grad. Yale 1882, Columbia Law School 1884. Residence, Orange, 1899, lawyer ; was ap pointed, April, 1896, and still is judge of the District Court of the City of Orange. [11541 continued. See page 1935.] ALBERT ROYAL' CLEVELAND (Royal', josiah', Ollver', jo siah*. Deliverance', Edward", Moses'), m. first, Harriet Elmina Henderson, second, March 4, 1866, Elizabeth Ann Sherman. Children, by first marriage : [15466] Guy" Cleveland, m. first at Pleasant Dale, Rush CO., Kan., Jan. 8, 1891, Lucy Mary Brown, born July 21, 1867, of Fort Scott, Kan., d. Colorado Springs, Col., Oct. 19, 1893. He m. 2d, at Alcova, Natrona co., Wyo., Apr. 9, 1895, Mary Georgia Riggle, born Hamburgh, la., Aug. 26, 1872, daughter of George Clinton and Maria Marr (Bidwell), of Green River, Wyo., jeweler. Children, by first. marriage : Grover'", b. Aug. 12, 1892, Casper, Natrona co., Wyo., d. Mar. 9, 1893. By 2d m. : John Clinton" Cleveland, b. Feb. 14, 1896, Alcova; Mary'" Cleveland, born Oct. 12, 1897, Green River. [15467] Vivon" Cleveland, born Sept. 10, 1868, m. at Mazeppa, Wabasha co., Minn., June 12, 1894, Emma Ethel Day, 2502 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. b. McGrawville, N. Y., Jan. i, 1872, daughter of Luman Parker and Betsey Helen Day. Residence, Fort Wrangle, Alaska, 1898, stenographer. Child: Cloteen'" Cleveland, b. Oct. 12, 1894, Grand Rapids, Itasca co., Minn. [15468] Lotta" Cleveland, b. Sept. 4, 1869, m. at Smith Center, Kan., Aug. 2, 1888, Donald Grant Sutherland, born in Jones CO., Ia., May 25, 1863, son of Donald and Margaret Jane (Johnson). Mr. Sutherland was graduated from Iowa State University, Iowa City, la., 1886, completed law course there i886. Residence, Clarinda, Page co., Ia., 1898, attorney. Children : Donald Cleveland" Sutherland, b. July 15, Clarinda, d. there Nov. 2, 1894; Margaret Elizabeth" Sutherland, b. June 16, 1896, Clarinda. [15469] Chink" Cleveland, unm. Miss Cleveland is a professional teacher. Taught in the city schools several years, and is (1898) teaching at Grand Rapids, Minn. [15470] Lee Noir" is reading law in the office of D. G. Sutherland and expects to make law his prof ession. [15471] Mary" Cleveland, unm., attending school, preparing for the duties of a teacher. Chauncey Cornelius", b. Dec. i, 1889, Smith cd., Kan. [12227 continued. See page 1967.] MILO L' CLEVELAND (philander Blodgett', Harvey', Isaac', Isaac*, Isaac', Edward", Moses'), m. Lucy Diadama Warren. Ch. : [15 7 1 2] Caroline Mercy" Cleveland, m. Watertown, N. Y., June 8, 1898, Arthur Clifford Ives, b. W. Aug. 24, 1875, s. Franklin E and Emogene (Coon). Of Watertown 1898, Caro line M.", grad. Utica Conservatory of Music June, 1897. A. C. Ives grad. Zanerian Art Coll., Columbus, O.; propr. Northern Business School, Watertown. Milo L' Cleveland res. Hounds- field, N. Y., to 1876, Watertown since. C. E. to 1874, R. R. con tractor to 1 886, since of Cleveland Bros., contractors. Warren aMcei^ry.- — Nathaniel', b. May ij, 1766, of St. John, N. B., d. Houndsfield, m. Lavina, b. Mar. 23, 1770. [ Thomas", b. St. John, Aug. iq, 1800, d. Houndsf., August, 1883, m. ist, St. John, Diadamie Miller, who d. H., June 4, 1854. || Charles' Warren, b. H., Dec. JI, 1829, d. H. Aug. 17, 1870, m. Adams, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1852, Lydia Holloway, b. A. Apr. 24, 1833, d. Auburn, N. Y., June 3, 1B93, ^^- Samuel (b. Stafford, Conn., Dec. 28, 1786, d. Troy, N. Y., May 6, 1879, m. Jan. 15, 1808) and Lucy (Baker, b. Deerfield, Oneida Co., N. Y., July 17, 1793, d. Troy May 13, 1873). [14286 continued. See page 1731.] Thomas Alva^ Edison, (Mary^ Stllivell, Uargaref Crane, Aaron* Crane, Polly', Benjamin Norton*, Ichabod', Moses", Moses'), married^Q'W York, N.Y.,Nov. 23, 1898, Marie Louise Touhey. Res., Chicago, 111.,' 1899. [14287 continued. See page 173 1.] William LesUe" Edison (Mary^ Stilwell), m., Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 7, 1899, Blanche Fowler Travers, da. of the late Dr. Travers, and niece of Hon. John Warwick Daniel, U. S. Senator for Va. (of Lynchburg, Va.). [16880 continued. See page 2203.] JESSIE HALE' CLEVELAND (jesse a. H.», jesse', Alexander*). Washington ancestry: — Svelde',etc. QoTa.-pa.re^iVci Bruce ancestry, ¦pa.^& iio'i- Itap- pears that President George Washington and Queen Victoria are of same Bruce ancestors. [18676 continued. See page 2287.] SMITH^ CLEVELAND (john", John'), d. July, 1876, m. Han nah Campbell, b. Dec. 25, 1806, d. May, 1872. Of Fowler, N. Y., carpenter and farmer. Ch. b. Fowler : Sally Ann*, b. Jan. 5, 1824, d. F. March, 1858, m.; Mary Jane*, b. Feb. i, 1827, d. F. June, 1883, m. Benjamin Cross. [18720] William Downer' Cleveland, m. F. Oct. 19, 18^4, Sarah Louisa Rolph, b. F. Aug. APPENDIX. 2503 II, 1836. Of Gouverneur, N. Y., 1898, farmer. Ch:, b. Fowler Ida Emogene', b. Jan. 3, 1856, of N. Y. city, trained nurse; Net tie Evelyn' Cleveland, b. June 15, 1866, m. Macomb, N. Y. Sept. 6, 1893, George Goldie Royce, b. Potsdam, N. Y., Nov. 22 1864, s. Harvey and Isabella (Goldie). Of Gouverneur; grad St. Lawrence Univ., 1889, now School Com's'r First Dist. St. L CO. Smith D.", b. Mar. 22, 1832, d. 1856; Margaret*, b. Oct. la 1834, d. Nov., 1878, m. Victor Kitts; Caroline*, b. Mar. 9, 1837, m. Lewis Collins; Benjamin*, b. Apr. 21, 1841, d. 1845; Delana*', b. Feb. 14, 1846, m. Jay Fuller Hodgkin. [18825 continued. See page 2305.] JOHN' CLEVELAND m. Sabastian Graves, da. of William Graves, of Onondaga co., N. Y. [572 continued further. See page 2458.] STEPHEN' CLEVELAND (Johnson*), d. Lee, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1843, a. 89 ; enlisted at Bennington, Vt., served under Capt. Sloan and Col. Patterson ; his pension was for 9 months' service ; had a son and heir : 19627, THOMAS Cleveland, over 21 years of age, who appoints in Oneidfi co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1843, an atty. to receive Stephen Cleveland's arrears of pension. — Rec. U. S. War Office. [19564 continued. See page 2459.] BETSEY ELIZABETH' CLEVELAND (Stephen', johnson*, Isaac', Edward", Moses'), m. Sterling Case. Their daughter: Julia Ann'' Case, b. July 23, 1820, m. 1838, Josiah Wood. Ch.: i William Warren'^ Wood, m. Martha Maria Hedge; ch.: Frank Harry^ Wood, Will Warren" Wood, ii Arthur" Wood, m., of Seattle, Wash., Aug., 1899, ship builder; ch.: Cella" Wood, Blanche' Wood, Maud" Wood. Hi Edgar Allen" Wood, unm., of Mt. 'Tabor, Neb., farmer, stock raiser, iv Mabel Lillian" Wood, m. Robert George McCoy {not McCarry), he d.. State of Wash., 1891. loco, engineer. She res. Lanesboro, Minn.; ch.: Winnie"^ McCoy, Claude" McCoy. [19575 continued. See page 2464.] Julius FranUUni Case (Betsey Elizabeth', Stephen', Johnson*, Isaac', Edward", ¦ - ¦ - - ,, b. " - -".-"-. 1'), m. 1st, Liverpool, O., Mary Adelia Reeves, b. Grafton, O., Sept. 28, 1826, da. James Clark and Mary (Ashley). He m. 2d, Sarah Candace Fletcher, b. Thetford, Vt., Feb. 6, 1828, da. I.eonard and Lucinda (Tyler), ot Eau Claire, Wis., Aug. 16, 1899. Ch.: i Wllliam Sullivan' Case m. Annette St. John; ch.: Sarah Adelia'Case, b. Mar. 72, 1879, m. at Seattle, Wash., Owen Harris, ICate Eva", Ered" d. at Eau Claire, Leon", ii James Reeves", iii Eva Minerva" Case, m. Dwight Hazen; ch.: Bernice", Grace" Hazen. 19628. HENRY B. CLEVELAND, of Millville, Shelby tp., Orleans CO., N. Y., was a private in the 17 th N. Y. Battal., civil war. — Historical Album of Orleans co., N. Y. 19629. JOHN H. CLEVELAND, born Mass., 1855, ap. a surfman from Cal., at Port Reyes Station, Marin co., Cal., Mar. 13, 1891, left at expiration of enlistment, June 30, 1891. Seaman. — Rec. U. S. Life- Saving Service. 19630. JEREMY R. CLEVELAND, private Battery G, 3d U. S. Artillery, wounded Feb. 11, 1899, in the battle of Caloochan, Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands, fought between the U. S. forces (army commanded hy Maj. -Gen. Elwell S. Otis, in command of the land forces in the Philippines, navy commanded by Admiral of the navy, George Dewey) and the insurgent army of the so-called Philippine Republic, commanded by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, President of the Filipino government. 19631. WILLIAM H. CLEVELAND m. Hartford, Conn., June 28, 1899, Miss Grace M. De Lancey, both of Bristol, Conn. [3047 continued. See page 1032.] EDMUND JANES' CLEVELAND (Joseph'). Roome ancestry, amended to read • — Pieter Willemse' Roome came from Goemoenipa (Communlpaw), N. J., to New Yoric, N. Y., — see Winjield's Land Titles, Hudson Co., N. J., p. 424, where this is given as an alias of Communipaw, Goemoenipa. 2S04 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. CONCERNING^ THE ENGLISH ANCESTRY OF MOSES' CLEVELAND -(- I. The following newly discovered data are from '^hc ^^eQtsievsi \ of \ Sii. '';2irtichola0, S5p»tpich, | CO. Suffolk. I Baptisms . . i^jp-J7op. \ Burials . 1^51-1710. \ Marriages . 1.5JP-1710. \ Transcribed by \ Rev. Edward Cookson, M.A., I by the permission of the Vicar, the Rev. S. Green. \ London: \ Privately Printed for the Parish Register Society, \ 18^7. [These excerpts are from the Notes of Mr. William Theophilus Rogers Marvin, of Boston, Mass., compiler of the Marvin Genealogy.~\ These ancient Ipswich, Eng., Clevelands were undoubtedly closely related to Moses' Cleveland of Woburn, Mass., 1635-40. There is not yet sufficient evidence as to which of the below mentioned is his undoubted ancestor, however it is apparent that here is room for three generations back of the New Eng land patriarch, constituting, perhaps, his hypothetical exponent thus : Moses* Cleveland. 19632. WILLIAM' CLEVELAND, b. circa 1520, lived at or near Ipswich, Eng., prior to 1542. One or more William Clevelands had at least the following children, all recorded under the head of "©htsHnng©'': + 19633 Richard" Cleveland, "son of Willm Cleveland," was christened Juli 1542 at Ipswich, Eng. — page 27 printed book. 19634 Alice" Cleveland, "daughter of William Cleve land," was christened Octo. 1544 at Ipswich, Eng. 19635 Abraham" Cleveland, "son of William Cleveland," was christened October 30, 1570, at Ipswich, Eng. [Perhaps by a second marriage.] 19636 John" Cleveland, "son of William Cleveland," was christened Feb. 23, 1588 (1588/9), at'Ipswich, Eng. [Per haps by a second marriage.] 19633. RICHARD^ CLEVELAND (wiiiiam.), lived at or near Ips wich, Eng., had at least two children : 19637 Lester' Cleveland, "daughter of Richard Cleve land," was christened Sept. 10, 1570, at Ipswich, Eng. 19638 Suzan' Cleveland, "daughter of Richard Cleve land," was christened Sept. 19, 1577, at Ipswich, Eng. 19639. ANNES CLEVELAND "was buried" at Ipswich, Eng., Nov. 13, 1574. — .5"^. Nicholas Register. 19640. SAMUEL' CLEVELAND lived in or near Ipswich, Eng., prior to 1600, had at least a child : 19641. Ambrose" Cleveland, "son of Samuel Cleveland," was christened Aug. 24, 1600, at Ipswich, Eng. 19642. MOYSES' CLEVELAND lived at or near Ipswich, Eng., in or prior to 1603, married at Ipswich, Eng., Nov. 20, 1603, Marget Ticklie. Had at least a child : APPENDIX. 2505 19643 IsACK^ Cleveland, "son of Moyses Cleveland," was christened Feb. 26, 1603 (1603-4), at Ipswich, England. The entry reads : Chistinnys — 1603 — [page 46 of original record book, p. ^¦j, reprint. '\ ..fi foV, 3 ISACK, son of Moyes Cleveland. 2b leo. .j ^„„g^ Daughter of John ffrost. Moyses' Cleveland, whose parentage is not of record, first appears at Ipswich, Eng., in the earliest (and to 1612 the only) entry of the marriage of a Cleveland in the Register of St. Nich olas Church, Ipswich, Eng. This is the entry : [Marriages.] — 1603 — 20 Nove Moyses Cleveland to Marget Ticklie. Ticklie : — [Name not in Burke's Armory.'] This is the only time Ticklie is in dexed ; there is no other name like it. 19644. ISACK CLEVELAND was buried at Ipswich, Eng., May 16, 1605, -page 120 of original, p. I2p of printed book. 19645. MOISES CLEVELAND was buried at Ipswich, Eng., octob"' 28, 1611 -page 122 of original, p. ijo of printed book - 19646. ' CLEAVELAND evidently lived at Ipswich, Eng., in or prior to 1612, and had at least a child : 19647 Isaake" Cleaveland, baptized July 19, 1612, as ap pears by The Registers of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, Eng., /. ^o. — 1612 — i Peter the Sonne of Peter Brett. 1 baptd Isaake the sonne of Cleaveland. v all in one Elizabeth, the Daughter of Richard Daines. ) Daie. Moyses' or Moses' Cleveland or Cleaveland-|-i of Woburn, Mass. (see ante) had sons Samuel" Cleveland and Isaac" Cleve land, a ^ra^ifj^i?^ John' Cleveland avlA great grandsons Ambrose* Cleveland and William* Cleveland. All these Christian names appear among those of the early Clevelands of Ipswich, Eng. Ther6 is « 316, 319, 340, 366, 380, 388, 394, 397-8, 401-2, 404-5, 407, 429, 434, 436, 440-2, 444-6, 448, 452, 460, 474-s, 483, 485-7, 489, 510, 512, 523, 532, 540, 543, 547, 552, 554, 568-71, 589, S9I-3, 606, 621, 670-1, 673, 6go, 693, 699- 707, 7i3> 716, 721, 730, 739, 741, 751, 758, 763, 766, 774-5, 778, 788, 790» 793, 796, 79S, 800, 806, 815, 824, 831, 834, 844, 853-4, 856-7, 875, 883, 895, 898, 903-5, 910, 923, 927, 932, 938, 942, 945, 957, 971, 973, 977, 979, 981-2, 996-8, 1022, 1025-6, 1032, 1042, 1044-5, 1074, 1105, 1114-15, 1119-20, 1161, 1199, 1207, 1211, 1216, 1253, 1270, 1289, 1321, 1370, 1374, 1408, 1421, 1428-30, 1433-4, 1438, 1441, 1446-7, 1451, 1469, 1471, i486, 1488, 1494, 1502, 1508, 1510, 1535-7, 1550, 1553, 1561, 1566-7, 1573, 1575, 1581, 1583, 1587. 1591, 1616, 1632-3, 1627, 1634, 1636, 1639, 1649, ¦ 1656-7, 1663, 1668, 1672, 1674-5, 1680, 1683, 1689, 1 691, 1696, 1698-9, 1703-4, 1708, 1711, 172a, 1735, 1741-2, 1744-5, ^7S^, 1768, 1818, 1827, 1838-40, 1S59, 1866-7, 1882, 1895, 1915-16, ¦ 1923, 1927, 1930, 1950, 1953, 1966, 1988, 2003, 2049-50, 2054-5, 2057-8, 2oy2-z, 2076-7, 2083, 2ogo, 2092, 2094-5, 2097-8, 2100, 2104, 2109, zin, 2113, 2127-8, 2133-4, 2137, 2139, 2142, 2144, 2146, 2148, 2152-5, 2157-60, 2164-5, 2169-70, 2173, 2176, 2186, 2190, 2203, 2208-9, 2216-17, 22ig, 2232, 2238-40, 2243, 2245-50, 2234, 2251-2, 2254-6, 2261-3, 2266, 2268-g, 2271-5, 2277-84, 2286, 2292, 2298-9, 2303, 2305-8, 2;^ 10, 23 12, 2314, 2316-19, 2321-2, 2324-31, 2334-5, - 2337-8, 2438-9, 2443, 2459, 2473, 2480-2, 2503 more of the same name are on (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, nir., 125, 138, 213, 260-1, 263, 269, 295, 305, 323, 362, 3S8, 397, 403, 441, 447, 454, 460, 523, 532, 556, 570-1, 591, 59b, 607, 670-1, 694, 696, 712, 739, 754, 763-4, 774, 778-9. 785, 788, 793, 79^-7, 824, 834, 844, 851, 890, 89s, 901, 912, 938, 940, 952-3, 977, 981, 997, loio, 1043-4, 1074, ms, 1120, 1176, 1267, 1349, 1402, 1419-20, 1429, 1436-9, 1441, 1446, 1495, 1501, 1536-8, 1556, 1565, 1579, 1581, 1585, 1591, 1595, 1D18, 1621, 1623, 1626, 1628, 1636, 1674-6, 1689, 1697, 1705, 1710, 1720, 1723, 1730, 1751, 1852, 1857, 1866, 1869, 1872, 1894, 1922, 1998, 2003, 2013, 2074-5, 2092, 2097-8, 2101, 2110-11, 21 14, 2127-8, 2131-2, 2152-3, 2155-6, 2159, 2163, 2209-10, 2248-9, 2254, 2272, 2276, 2283-4, 2286, 2309, 2318, 2321, 2325-6, 2334, 2436, 2443, 2478, 2481, 2502 mrs., 269, 523, 694, 1538, 2152 princess of Frondheim or Thrandia, 2203-4 queen of Denmark, 2204 queen of Frondheim, 2204 regicide, 879 Abbie, 924 Abeltie, 1971 Abiah, 432 Abigail, 59, 75, 86, 129, 157, 183, 240, 281, 284, 301, 346, 386, 433, 539, 543, 552, 557, 566, 769, 833, 959, 968, 1070, 1074, 1145, 1195, II97, 1212, 1281, 1302, 1383, 1543, 1632, 1670, 1707, 1724, 1828, 1830, 2032, 2431 Abigail G., 1611 Ada, 265 Adaline, Adeline, 1459, 2106 Addie, 1222 Adeliza, 266 AfEhia, 205 Agnes, 119-21, 138, 264, 270, ZZ3, 394, 7Z2^ ^77, 1212, 1708, 1792, 1963, 2482 Alden, 1439 Alice, 86, 90, 109, 119, 127, 146, 240, 265, 328, 331, 358, 364, 382, 389, 512, 741, 818, 1060, 1063, 1068, 1070, 1074, IIOO, 1121, 1147, 1211, 1551, 1580, 1970, 1995, 2119, 2234, 2261, 2453 Alicia, 1664 Alison, 1092 Allan, 1108 Almira, 2307 Almira A., 2280 Alse, 331 Alvine, 1676 Alvira, 835 Amanda, 320, 1516, 2198 2507 the same page.] (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Amathia, 59 Amelia, 2272 Amity, 59 Amy, 170, 284, 917, 1063, 1531 Ahgeline, 1139 Ann, 55-6, 66, 83, 89, 120, 146, 154, 191, 220, 226, 232, 264, 270, 288, 312, 318, 364, 380, 385, 493. 522, 658, 743, 765, 775- 813, 819, 878, 1058, II24, II47, II57, I2H, I216, 1266, I313-I4, 1322, 1386, 1394, I4OI, 1464, 1476, 1503, 1 581, 1603, 1612-I3, 1672, 1724, I77I, 1776, 1809, 1823, 1838, 1868, I915, 1919, 2040, 2275, 2420, 2485-6 Anna, 87, 95, 141, 235, 261, 279, 294, 312, 489, 495, 602, 873, 1031, 1047, 1251, 1265, 1638, 1684, 1819, 1859, i960 Anna H., 1776 Anna Jane, 1185 Annah, 261 Anne, 142, 316, 1151, 2203 Annie, 121, 583, 1289, 1726, 1730, 2281 • Annie P., 2314 Annie T., 2262 Annis, 732 Anstis, 502 Antoinette, 538 Arathusa, 1259 Arrold, 495 Avis, 792, 2483 Aymer, 266 Azubah, 296 B., 2263 Barbara, 318, 991 Barintha, 1473 Bathsheba, 743 Beatrix, 1212 Benedicta, no Bennett, 107, no Bessie, 591, 2263 Bethia, 59, 388, 1077 Betsey, 430, 486, 602, 757, 930, 1183, 1401, 1432, 1510, i5.'^4 Betsey A., 974 Betsey Cleveland, 2263 Betsey Helen, 2503 Betty, zfo Blanche, 266 Bridget, 39, no, 477, 507, 121 I, 2072, 2452 Caroline, 1346, 1863, 2280 Caroline W. , 975 C^arrie, 1682 Carrie A., 2264 Catharine, Catherine, 70, 91, 267, 650,- 997, 1 183, 1342, 1489, 1645, 1647, 1652, 1660, 1680, 1742, 1831, 1880, 1915, 2273, 2280, 2322, 2484 Charity, 55 Charlotte, 997, 1513 Charlotte H., 2329 Charlotte Julia Annette, 1244 2E,08 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Charlotte Louisa, 998 Chestina, 991 Christina, 1815 Cicely, 241, 505, 780, 2045 Clara, 1293, 2265 Clemence, 1151 Content, 419, 1660 Cornelia, 1400 Cynthia, 533, 2107, 2486 C!ynthia Ann, 1266 Dadama, 1418 Damaris, 183 Daniel, 1068 David, i ic8 Deborah, 76, 139, 157, 289, 308, 334, 460, 659, 775, 781, 1068, I 197 Delilah, 2268 Deliverance, 132 Delphine, 1383 Dionysia, 2236 Dolly Ann, 1205 Dorcas, 1930, 2478 Dorothie, Dorithy, Doro thy, 72, 97, 151, 316, 335, 493, 541, 543, 647, 1075, 1251, 1394, 1456, 1482, 1525, 1665, 1838, 1915, 2119, 2232, 2290, 2322, 2453 E. A., 2280 E. D., 2268 Edith, 170, 515, 615, 714, 2129 Eleanor, Elenor, 67, 121, 138, 384, 394, 462, 798, 1070, 1210, 1321, 1714 Eli da, 851 Elinor, 67, 138, 1070, 1210, 1321 Eliza, 453, 665, 828, 897, 983, 1013, 1134, 1217, 1286, 1384, 1444, 1624, 1677, 2330, 2487 Eliza Ann, 2011, 2321 Eliza D., 1535 Eliza R., 701 Elizabeth, 32, 35, 39, 44, 51, 59, 67, 70, 72, 76, 87, 92, 94, 96, 103, 105, 107, 123, 126, 127, 138-9, 146, 149-50, 171, 184, 214, 219-20, 227, 235, 238, 240, 256, 266, 278, 305-7, 33^-2, 334-5, 348, 431, 434, 449, 456, 462, 477, 479, 492, 494, 502, 510-12, 515, 543-4, 552, 595, 608-9, 622, 635-6, 647, 659, 675, 700, 735. 743, 770, 813, 826, 828, 877-8, 909-10, 912, 914, 922, 943, 986, 1012, 1030-1, 1041, 1060, 1069, 1071, 1074-5, 1082-3, 1086, IIOO, 1126-7, II47-9, II83, 1304, I2II, I217, I251, 1258, ^296, 1325, 1340, I37I, 1400, 1434, 1458, 1476, 1488, 1496, 1507, 1561, 1580, 1603, 1613, 1625, 1633, 1638, 1645, 165I, 1707-8, 1724. 1771, 1779, 1792, 1828, 183I-2, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1849. 1855. 1882-3, 1899, I915-16, 1929, 1959, 1966, 1970, 1996, iggg, 2021, 2045, 2049-50, 2076, 2094-5, 2103, 2216, 2229, 2261, 2300, 2416, 2423, 2433, 2455, 2457, 2468, 2-171. 2484, 2490 Elizabeth Howard, 2483 Elizabeth J,, 2324 Ella, 1703 Ellearen, 921 Ellen, 209, 2Tg, 621, 700, 903, 818, 1381, 1677, 1890, 2305 Elsie. 819 Emeline, 801 Emily, 1277, 2280 (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Emm., 467 Emma, 453, 467, 1108, 1289, 1792, 2264 Ester, Esther, 65, 146, 210, 338, 402, 495, 678, 1108, 1147, 1708, 1760, 1772, 1838, 1883, 1928, 1996, 2035 Eunice, 232, 391, 759, 816, 958, 1132, 1764, 1827, 1936, 2017 Euphemia, gg7 Eva, 1274, 1S29 Evan, 1829 Experience, 877, 1752 Faith, 1069 Fanny, 917, 1214 Felix, 1496 Fidelia, 552, 642, 658, 668, 911, 917, 1071 Frances, 66, 107, 284, 332, 380, 490, 1147, 121 I, 1216, 1482, 1660, 1708, 1742, 1816, 1827, 1868, 1915, 2071, 2471 Frances A. J., 2333 Frances C. W., 1095 Frances Jane, 2314 Freelove, 476 Frena, 1350 George, 1031 Gillian, 741 Goodeth, (5oodith, 381, 1203 Grace, 139, 196, 355, 399, 522, 878, 1151, 1211, 1370, 1561, 1707, 1792, 1839, 1998, 2330 Grififin, 319 Grizel, 816 H. B., 2276 Hail, 1030 Hannah, 49, 50, 58, 60, 103, 105, 123, 144, 153, 182, 200-1, 209, 316, 351, 399, 417, 432, 467, 510, 531, 537, 557-8, 572, 612, 686, 727, 732, 744, 747, 784, 792, 794, 798, 800, 877-8, 884, 932, 992, 1 1 12, 1126, 1 132, 1 147, 1 150, 1171, 1 175, 1210-12, 1321, 1353, 1403, 1432, i486, 1490, 1492, 1526, 1580, 1635, 1660, 1709, 1742, 1772, 1813, 1827, 1839, 1842, 1915, i960, 1970, 1992, 2050, 2265, 2420-2, 2429, 2457, 2460, 2484, 2487 Harriet, 1684 Harriet M., 1392 Harrold, 51 Hattie, 2268 Helen, 384, 539 Helena, 1867 Henry, 266 Hepzibah, 283, 1584 Hester, 1147, 2035 Heyltie, Heyltje, 1030 Honora, 1761 Honour, 1126 HopestiU, 59 Hulda, Huldah, 430, 987 Huldah Ann, 1224 lone, 1670 Iralee, .591 Irene, 185, 1611 Isabel, Isabell, 58, 103, 266, 319, 520, 554, 686, 700, 776, 816, 910, 932, 1108, 1183, 1519, 1670, 1809, 2457 Isabella, 462, 2310 Isadore, 1214 J., 2278 J. J., 2307 Jacob, 418 James, 1048 Jane, 106, 121, 145, 264, 319, 335, 355, 3^2, 401, 602, 780, 801, 863, 968, 1081, 1122, 1168, :266, 1305, 1488, 1633, 1677, 1764, 1815, 1818, 1827, 1839, 2045, 2280, 2420, 2467 Janet, T048 Janette, 2307 (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Jannetje Joris, 1031 Jemime, 158 Jennie, 1031, 2281, 2331, 2333 Jerusha, 300, 1497, 2483 Joan, 109, 265, 335. 429, 494, 780, 916, 968, 1070, 1105, 1126, 1644, 1670, 2251 Joane, 537 Joanna, Joannah, 23, 58, 62, 64, 99, 102, 235, 312, 338, 510, 537, 830, 910, 1030, 1122, . 1322, 1513, 1543, 1551, 1607, 1709, 1749, 1752, 1837-8, 1930, 1988, 2203, 2420, 2469 Johan, Johann, 138, 1210 Johanna, Johannah, 58, 1837, 2203 John, 319, 1987, 2254 Joice, 1815 Josephine, 2309 Joyce, 647, 1815, 2017 Judith, 87, 383, 494, 510, 735, 863, 107s, 1077, 1083, 1386, 1473, 1843 Julia, 757, 797, 1068, 2310 Julia A., 1350, 2310 Julia M., 2271 Juliet v., 897 Kate, 980, 1667 Katie, 2310 Katharine, Katherine, 1211, 1670, 1771, 2282, 2484 Keziah, 2300 L. B., 2310 L. J., 2148 Laura, 1539 Laura Louise, 1983 Lavinia, 1354, 2502 Leedeoma, 182 Leena, 1869 Lettice, 147 Lizzie, 828, 1417, 1750 Lois, 1243 Lother, 1 108 Louisa, 1848 Louise, 1337 Louise H., 2200 Love, 43T, 1174 Lovina, 1134 Lucella, 2312 Lucia, 1666 Lucina. 1680 Lucind, 895 Lucinda, 1672 Lucinda P., 2280 Lucretia, 991 Lucy, 1047, 1174, 1526, 1536, 1748, 1878, 2431 Lucy A., 1539 Lucy Ann, 2311 Lula E., 2131 Lurene, 185 Lydia, 70-1, ng, 171, 390, 425. 434, 844, 1137, 1361, 1519, 1610, 1701 M. J., 2281 Mabel, 64, 843, 2422 Magdalena, 1869 Maggie, 2312 Mahala, 1639 Marcie, 847 Margaret, 39, 44, 76, 85, 143, 214, 233, 241, 265-6, 319, 331, 382, 399, 435, 478, 485. 618, 759, 814, 874, 886, 914, 932, 959, 1060, 1063, 1074, 1078, 1126, 1132, 1151, 1214, 1276, 1370, 1432, 1458, 1519, 1612-13, 1638, 1660, 1709, 1814, 1827, 1830, 1915, 1988, 1999, 2032, 2169, 2261, 2291, 2307, 2331, 2453, 2471, 2487 Margaretta, 280 Margery, 87, 138, 170, 872, 1149, 1211-12 Maria, 468, 936, 975, 1531, 1664, 1676, 1830, 1928, 2300, 2305 Maria Martha, 1307 Marie. 1742 Marion, t2to INDEX OF PERSONS. 2509 (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Martha, 54, 86, 146, 171, 302, 349, 509, 595, 728, 805, 816, 979, 1005, 1071, 1465, 1537, 181S, i960, 1999, 2136, 2322, 2485 Martha W., 1817 Mary, 48, 50-1, 57-8, 72, 74, 77, 78, 82-3, 95, gg, 102-3, 116, 119, 127, 138, 145, 147, 150, 154, 160, 170, 175, 179, 183, 187, 209, 2ig, 232, 236, 240, 270, 278, 2g4, 30s, 307, 315, 319, 321, 335, 348-9, 362, 364, 382, 389, 418, 453-4, 489-90, 495, 507, 523, 534, 537, 539, 564, 615, 622, 636, 65g, 687, 700, 781, 821, 826, 83g, 846, 855-6, 863, 877-9, 883-4, 888, gi5, 923, 943, 952, 959. 967, 1031, 1033, 1063, 1069, 1071, 1076-7, 1088, 1 107, 1 121, 1124, 113a, 1132, 1147, H51, 1176, 1184, 1193, 1203, 1212, 1258, 1266, 1276, 1286, 1341, 1370, 1372, 1386, 1432, 1445, 1456, 1462, 1488, 1497, 1517-19, 1536, 1551, 1561, 1580, 1598, 1603, 1607, 161 I, 1612, 1625, 1632, 1644, 1651, 1659-60, 1664, 1666, 16^0, 1677, 1687, 1690, 1706^7, 1722, 1725, 1742, 1751, 1772, 1776, 1792, 1799, 1812, 1815, 1818, 1824, 1838-9, 1847, ¦ 1899, 1915, 1935, 1988, 1996, 1998-9, 2032, 2041, 2045, 2058, 2126, 2152, 2166, 2218, 2252, 2275, 2280, 2284, 2286, 2290, 2305, 2313, 2325, 2422-3, 242^, 2430, 2437, 2452-3, 2455, 2478, 2484, 2486 Mary A., 2145 Mary Butts, 923 Mary C, 2277, 2313 Mary D., 2147-8 Mary E., 476, 2051, 2313 Mary Elizabeth, 1193 Mary F., 1174, 2023, 2313 Mary H., 1172 Mary J., 1384, 2313 Mary L., 2313 Mary S., 1597 Maryon, 121 0 Matilda, 109, 3ig, 1280 Matilda L., 2280 Maud, 109 Maurice, 1987 Mehitable, 181, 209, 1074 Mercy, 78, 798, 810, 847, 1664, 2455 Mindwell, 1212 Minerva, 1501 Mirable, 1776 Miriam, 966 Nancy, 534, 1539, 1651, 2166, 2432 Jiancy J., 2278, 2307 Naomi, 128, 418, 988 Welly, 2329 Olive, 346, 429, 618, 661, 1094, 1203, 2431 P., 2324 "amelia, 1400, 2437 Parintha, 1473 Patience, 184, 1681, 2017 Penelope, 856, 993 i^ermelia. 1670 Persis, 1151 Phebe, Phcebe, 117, 1370, 1509. 1968 (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Phebe Ann, 930 Phillis, 90, 800 Pollie, Polly, 392, 585, 617, 905, 921, 1215, 1354, 1589, 2151, 2311 Priscilla, 319, 828, 1229, 2422 Prisilah, 2422 Prudence, 36, 858, 1102 Rachel, 7^, 78, 132, 179, 478, 747, 834, 883, 1 176, I2I3, 1464, i6n, 1663, 2307 Rahamah, 1644 Rebecca, Rebekah, 44, 62-3, 83, 85-6, 120, 132, 153, 159, 232, 278, 333, 364, 747, 775, 797, 937, 986, 1081, 1088-9, 1211, 1752, 1768, 1772, 1832, 1838, 1883, 2040, 2052, 2439, 2471, 2487 Rebecca M., 1832 Remembrance, 823 Rhoda, 1146, 2166 Rhody, 1 146 Richard, 266 Roby, 825 Roderic, 319 Rosa E., 1418 Rose, 83, 87, 109, 268, 686, 1105, 2261, 2291, 2321, 2467 Rose J., 1539 Rosie, 2261 Ruth, 364, 460, 747, 1429, 1613, 1716, 1930, 2017, 2496 Ruth G, 2269 Ruth W., 1748 S., 2245 Sabrina, 1895 Sally, 177, 386, 419, 430, 948, 2273 Sara, 489, 1868 Sarah, 44, 54, 69-71, 78, 87, 92-3, 104, 128, 131, 138-9, 141, 146, 154, 160, 177, 180, 184, 187, 210, 221 , 236-7, 240, 268, 280, 286, 304, 327, 331-2, 334-5, 342, 364, 386, 393-4, 419, 429-30, 436, 492, 497, 503, 509-10, 557. 583. 598, 636, 687, 743, 765, 772, 775, 797. 823, 877-8, 910, 917, 948, 968, 986, 1030, 1068, 1075, 1 081 -3, 1088, 1147, 1194, 1212, 1216, 1458, 1463, 1466, 1496-7, 1511, 1516, 1519, 1526, 1561, 1598, 1600, 1607, 1660, 1708, 1724, 1742-3, 1752, 1771, 1819, 1835, 1838-9, 1S83, 1900, ig3o, 1933, 1988, 2017, 2023, 2050, 2327, 2422, 2437, 2457, 2466, 2487, 24gg Sarah A., 880 Sarah Ann, 801, 2072 Sarah J., 2327 Sarah R., 988 Selina, 1196 Silence, 334 Sisly, 241, 780 Soffa Relinda, 2483 Sophia, 684, 1568, 1658, 1977 Sophronia, 1572, 1717 Susan, 53, (iZ, 235, 315, 478, 558, g32, 959, 1211, 1809, 2328, 2431, 2471 Susan E., 2280 Susan Jane, 834 Susan L. K., 2268 Susan M., 2276 Susan Maria, 1369 Susan T., 813 Susanna, Susannah, 58-9, ^z-, 117, 131, 141, 238-40, 304, 323, 392, 395, 428, 478, 551, 652, 703. ^33, 877-8, 944, 1107, 1148. 1237, 1322. (surnames not men tioned) cont'd, Susanna, Susannah, cont'd, 1632-3, 1742, 1751, 1831, 1917, 1968, igg2, 1995-6, 2040, 2431, 2455, 2458 Sybella, 210 Tabitha, 833, 1883 Tamosin, 1126 Tamsen, 1463 Teagle, Tegell, 147 ¦ Temperance, 76g, gi7, 2032, 2280 Thankful, 88, 90, 1148 Thanks, 1148 Thomas, 1987 Thomasine, 127, 916, 1126, 1925, 2426, 2501 Trifasa, 288 Triphena, 1554 Tryntje, 2487 Tryphosia, 288 Ulalia, 232, 505, 1915 Ursula, 632, 14S9 Valina, 973 Viola, 2476 Vissillah, 466 Waily, 2335 Walter, 1488 Welthan, Welthean, Wel- thian, 85, 828 Will, 1141 William, 265-6, 1108, 1141 Wilmot, 711 Winifred, 388 Zebiah, 337 Abbe, Abbee, Abbey, Abby, mrs., 1742 Emily, 599 Hannah, 1742 Ida, 1236 Ira, 599 John, 1742 Lyman, 295 Mary J,, 620 Molly, 295 Obadiah, 1742 Roxalena, 1741-2 Sarah, 1742 Thomas, 1742 Abbee, see Abbe. Abbett, Abbitt, Abbot, see Abbott. Abbey, see Abbe. Abbott, Abbett, Abbitt, Abbot, miss, 1259 mr., 895 Abigail, 128, 1210, 1212, 1284, 1583, 1607, 1988 Absalom (Clieveland, 2167 Alvah, 2166 Alvah Clifton, 2166 Alvin, 1681 Annie Rebecca, 2439 Antloona, 2106 Austin, 1221 Benjamin Preston, 2166 Betsey Ann, 2105 Bigsby, 2438 Caroline, 1681 Catharine, 1415 Charles, 1681 Clearcie Elizabeth, 2166 Curtis Godfrey, 1415 Cynthia, 1681 Cynthia Laurinda, 2106 Delbert J., 1489 Dollie Dove, 2167 Dorothy, 1497 Ebenezer Prelew, 2106 Effie, 922 Elizabeth, 1221, 1386, 2107 Elizabeth Patience, 2166 Elizabeth Winn, 2438 . Emily 841 Ethel, 2106 Etnia lona, 2167 Eugenia Blanche, 2106 Eve Myrtle, 2106 Frances Jane, 2106 2SIO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Abbott, cont'd, Franklin Prelew, 2106 George Thurston, 2166 George Washington, 2105 George Winchester, 2106 George Winchester Lamp kin Foster, 2106 Hannah, i4g7, 2440 Hephsibah, 2438 James Edgar, 2106 Jeremiah, 2440 John, 2105 John Benjamin, 2166 ' Joseph, 922, 1212 Lena Pearl, 3106 Leonard,* 1681 Lucy Edwinna, 2167 Lydia, 390 Lyman, 3398 Margaret E., 1489 Martha, 895 Martha Jane, 1681 Martha Whittlesey, 2439 Mary, 1212, 2105 Mary Elizabeth, 3166 Mary Frankey, 2167 Mary Jane, 1189 Mary Margaret, 2106 Mary Newell, 2439 Mollie, 2166 Murray Lee, 2106 Nancy Josephine, 2106 Nathan, 290 Nehemiah, 1607 Patience, 1707 Patty, 127 Paul, 127 Phebe, 290 Rebecca Jane, 2106 Robert, 1212 Ruby Clyde, 2106 Ruth, 2438 Ruth Elizabeth, 2439 Sally, 841 Samuel, 2438-9 Samuel Warren, 2439 Sarah, 2105 Sarah Arsina, 1415 Sarah Catharine, 2166 Sarah Elcie, 2167 Sarah Jane, 2106 Seth, 841 Stephen, 128 Vandalia Scott, 2167 Waddie Thompson, 2106 William Thomas, 2166 William Waddie, 2167 William Wayne, 2106 Abby, see Abbe. Abel, see Abell. Abell, Abel, Able, miss, 1352, 2096 Benjamin, 153, 232, 510 Caleb, 153, 232, 510 Elijah, 153, 161 Eliza Adeline, 1585 Elizabeth, 153 Experience, 232 Jane Elizabeth, 2311 John, 2311 Joshua, 232, 510 Lilian Eudocia, 1585 Lydia, 153, 509-10 Margaret, 232 Mary, 153, 161 Mary W., 819 Mehetable, 510 Sally, 231 1 Truman Worthington, i!;8; William F., 819 Aber, see Abers. Abercorn, dukes of, 2175 Abercrombie, Jane E., iigS Abergelleu, lord of, 2415 Abernatha, see Abernathy. Abernathy, Abernatha, David A., 2082 Fannie, 2082 Frances, 2082 John Henry, 2162 Abernathy, cont'd, Rosaltha Ida, 2162 William M., 2082 Abers, Aber, Cordelia, 931 Elias, 931 Jemima, gg6 Able, see Abell. Abrams, Jemima, 472 Joseph, 472 Martha, 472 Sarah, 453 Abramse, Abramse, home stead, 1971 Andrew, 1971 Eliza, 1971 Jacob, 1971 Magdalen, 1971 Rachel, 1971 Achorn, Cornelia, 1572 Jacob, 835 Margaret, 835 Mary, 835 Mary Catherine, 1572 Sarah Elizabeth, 1570 William, 1572 Ackerly, Akerly, David, 1179-80 Harriet, 573 Harris, 573 Lucinda, 573 Mary, 1 180 Miles P. , 573 Rufus, 573 Sarah, 573 Sarah Ann, 1179 Winthrop, 573 Ackerman, mr., 456, 903 Catherine, gg7 James, 456 Margaret Jane, 1000 Mary Jane, go3 Mary Vergenie, 2005 Rachel, 456 William A., 2005 Ackland, Rosette, 1293 Ackley, Albert, 1503 Alice, 1642 Arthur Stewart, 1642 Bernice Adell, 1642 Blanche Estelle, 1642 Emeline, 1677 Ernest Foster, 1642 Frances Elizabeth, 1503 Gustavus Foster, 1642 Henry, 1642 John, 1503 Martha Jane, 1642 Nettie F., 1503 Acomb, Elizabeth, 1684 Joseph, 1684 Margaret, 1684 Acres, princess of, 265 Adair, Adaire, ancient Scot tish family, 1987 Adam, 1935 Frances, ig35 John, ig86-7 Mary, 1935 Mary Ann, 1986-7 Robert, 1987 Adaire, see Adair. Adam, see Adams. Adams, Adam, , 291 miss, 1591 miss or mrs., 2153 mr., 480, 759, 1148, 2479 mrs., 239, 693, 1591, 1672, 1953 A Carley, 048 Aaron, 241, 536, 2421 Abi, 410 Abiah, 2260 Abigail, 162, 240, 291, 345-7,. 354, 658, 1868, 2258 Abner, 597 Ada Gertrude, 871 Ada Elizabeth Billings, 1837 Addie P., 1714 Adeline Matilda, 962 Adrian Mortimer, 539 Albert Egerton, 1582 Alfred, 2021 Alfred Henry, 2022 Alice, 84, 118, 239, 345, 849, 2259 Alice K., 537 Alice Elizabeth, 1592 Alicea, 2259 Amos, 338 Andrew N., 147 Adams, cont'd, Ann, 239, 693 Ann Eliza, 1593 Anna, 346, 410, 844, 1952-3, ¦ 22S4 Annie, 2293 Anson Titus, 2293 Antoinette, 538, 2153 Antonett, 2153 Araminta D., 1306 Asahel, 384, 2021-2 Ashley, 805 Aurelia, Aurilla, 346, 771 Avis, 1069 Banning Lowber, 2039 Barney, 239-40 Belinda, 538 Benjamin, 410, 1151 Berend William, 240 Bernard William, 240 Bertha Elizabeth, 2022 B ertha Florence, 2494 Bessie Maria, 1840 Bethia, 1077 Betsey, 240, 346-7, 410, 536, 538-9, 2421 Bowen, S18 Caleb, 422, 693 Calvin, 1723 Calvin Carlton, 1964 Catharine, 1644 Catharine M., 410 Celia, 844 Charles, 346, 538, 2293 Charles Albert, 1948 Charles C, 1148 Charles Madison, 539 Charles Prentice, 1840 Charlotte. 1250 Charlotte Bell, 2039 Chauncey, 240, 537 , Chauncey Edward, 1149 Chester 771 ¦ Clara, 241, 1993 Clara Augusta, 2494 Clara Hattie, 1306 Clara Josephine, 803 Clara Lucena, 1964 Clarissa, 239, 693, 1591-2 Cordelia Susan, 805 Cornelius, 346 Crawford C., 1871 Cynthia, 1589 Cyrus A., i6i8 Dan, 1644 Daniel, 346 Darius, 159 David, 6gs Deborah, 157, 1077, 2490 Delight, 848, 1672 Dinah, 239 Dolly, 693 Dolly M., 538 Dorcas E., 693 Dorcas Esther, 2494 Dorcas Lathrop, 2494 Dorothea, 693 Dorothy, 1993 Dunbar Wright, 1993 Ebenezer, 346 Edgar, 291 Edith, 1592 Edna, 1590 Edna Elnora, 194S Edward, 119 Edward Milton, 1840. 2352 Edward Payson, 1592 Edwin, 538, 1306-7 Edwin Gregg, 1306 Eleanor, 384, 7g8, 810 Eleazer, 334-5 Elias, 118 Eliashib, 338, 347 Elijah, 347 Elinor, 8to Elisha, 338, 347, 1945 Eliza, sg7, 1661 Eliza Alma, 1146 Eliza Ann, 805 Elizabeth, 331-5, 384, 537, 733, 759, 843, 1077,' 1407, 2217, 2284^ Elizabeth Huntington. 2021 Elizabeth Livingston, 1582 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2sII Adams, cont'd, Elizabeth McGregor, 1581 Elizabeth Ripley, 843 Ella A., 2022 Ella Maria, 1661 Ellen, 384, 537 Ellen Bruce, 1149 Ellen Louise, 803 Ellen M., i6i8 Emeline, 1964 Emily, 1672 Emily Jane, 1583 Emma, 818, 1610 Emma Harrison, 2483 Emma Prudence, 1149 Emma Verona, 851 Emest Linwood, 2479 Esther, 346 Eunice, 347, 615, 849, 2258 Eunice Abigail, 1148, 1504 Eunice Augusta, 816 Eva, 538 Experience, 157 Ezra Duane, 1673 Ezra Pepper, 1672 Fanny, 410, 818 Fanny Elizabeth, 771 Fidelia, 347 Fitch Mygatt, 2022 Florence, 1307 Florence Sylvia, 2022 Frances, 241, 384, 410, 658, 844, 1582, 2217 Frances Adaline, 1590 Frances Guriey, 2483 Frances Maria, 1592 Frances Paine, 844 Franklin Chauncey, 1149 . Frederick Cleveland, 693 George, 157, 159, 291, 53S, 658, 803, 2293 Georgia Ellen, 2156 Gercy, 2217 (Gideon, 225S Grace, 1833 Hannah, 23*9, 246, 333-4, 338, 345, 693, 1077, 1868 Hannah Lucelia, 539 Harriet, 538 Harriet Eliza, 538 Harriet Hannah, 1582 Harriet T., 240 Harris, 539 Harry, 538 Helen, 384, 539, 1148, igg3 Henry, 63, 78, 118-19, 331-2, _ 334. 338, 410, 538, 1661 Henry Coolidge, ig93 Henry Newton, 538 Henry William, 538 Herbert Delean, 1673 Horace, 1590 Howard Vigo, 1833 Hugh, 1069 Huldah, 118 James, 338, 384-5, 849, 2217 .James Bradford, 165, 1592 James Garfield, 803 James H., 2265 James Osgood, 2483 James Picket, 2217 James Ralph, 1833 James W., 816 Jane R,, 1581 Jasper, 818 Jemima, 332 Jeremiah, 179, 2284 Jerusha, 849 Joanna, 338, 410, 7g8, 1255 Joel, 410 John, 46, 78, 162, 334, 3^s, 347, 384, 410, 658, 805, Pio. 843, 1868 John B., 452 John Bradford, 247 John Brown, igg3 John Cleveland, 346 John Francis, 850 John Greenleaf, 863 Adams, cont'd, John McGregor, 1581 John Mountecue Raiford, 2156 John Q., 537 John Quincy, 537, 693, 1837, 2494 John Raiford Mountecue, 2156 John Ripley, 1581 John Walker, 2039 Jonathan, 331 Joseph, 118, 615, 803, 849, 1868, 2258, 2260, 2330 Joseph Chase, 2284 Joseph Merritt, 346 Joseph S., 962 Joshua, 345 Joshua Knight, 851 Josiah, 346 Jude, 2258 Judge Millard, 2156 Julia Ann, 452 Julia Estep, 2022 Julia Marie, 1148 Junius Dean, 537 Junius P., 538 Karl Gavit, 1840 Kate, 1833 Katie, 2217 Laura, 291, 541 Laura Evelyn, 2022 Laura Fidelia, 2494 Laura Lovina, 1148 Lester, 442 Lilla Leroy, 2155 Little G., 2155 Lizzie, 33S Lois, 162, 1945 Louisa, 338 Louisa Hastletine, 2142 Louise, 2293 Lovisa, 3-!/ Luceba, 345 Lucinda, 152? Lucius Smith, 1146, 2490 Lucy, 78. 140, 240, 659. 2022, 2293, 2312 Lucy M., 538 Luther, 347 Lydia, 119, 162, 241, 332, 347, ¦384, 442, 850, 1077, 1723 Lydia Angelina, 805 Lyman, 239 M. Louise, 537 Mabel, 843 McCrillus, 1833 Malvina N., 537 Margaret, 1132, 1149, 17-12, 1993, 2258 Margaret Crawford, 2217 Margaret Emily, 247g Margaret Sherrill, 46 Maria, 410 Maria E., 693 Maria H, 1592 Martha, 338 Martha Ann, 693, 2293 Martha Bradshaw, 1582 Martha Dinah, 1149 Martha G, 338 Mary, 78, 118, 129, 141, 162, 179, 182, 331, 338, 345-'^. 537, 626, 653, 658-9, 6?2, 1076-7, 1148, 1581, 1591-2, 1868, 3258 Mary Ann, 1581, 1592 Mary Brewster, 803 Mary E., 538 Mary Elizabeth, 1306, ig93 Mary Ellen, 1660 Mary Emogene, 1306 Mary Esther, 539 Mary Juliaette, 1591 Mary Laurette, 1656 Mary Morse, 346 Mary Scofield, 2494 Matilda, 597 Mehitabel, Mehitable. 178, 247, .299, 338, 2251 Mercy, 1077 Merritt Bradford, 1592 Mervin, 693 Meta, 1840 Adams, cont'd, Michal, 78, 162 Milton, 538, 24S4 Miriam, 118 Moses, 339, 538, 1077. 1148 Moses Bradford, 1591 Myrtie Edna, 1948 Nancy, 480, 3156 Nathan, 141, 2258 Nathaniel, 333-4, 1077, 1589, 2490 Nellie Fidelia, 1306 Norman, 239 Obadiah, 240 Olive, 346, 384 Oliver, 331-2, 693, 1077 Orilla, 693 Parker, 345, 347 Parley, 597 Patience, 331 Pattv. 410 Patty G, 338 Peddy W., 851 Peggy, 2492 Persis, 338, 1151 Peter, 78, 157, 1458 Phebe, 141, 239, 22^? Phoebe Phillips, 844 Philemon, 1458 Philip Lucius, 1840 Phineas, 384, 2022 Phyllis, 849 Pietty. 2153 Polly, 240, 345-7, 538, 983, 1077 Polly Ann, 2330 Polly C, 87s Polly S., 539, 541 Priscilla, 1458 Priscilla Fentham, 203g Prudence Marvin, 53S R. E., 2153 Rachel, 78, 239 Rahamah, 1644 Rebecca, 154, 159, 162, 384, 1150-1, 1273 Rebekah, 154 Reburda Debora, , 2156' Richard, 53, 78, 384, 595, 1458, 1630 Ripley Perkins, 843 Ritta, 2153 Robert, 798, 1660 Roxalena, 240 Ruth, 1 18-19, 162, 595 Sabrina, 1310 Sally, Salley, 347,- 410, 983, 1077, 1458 Sally Pamelia, 1673 Sally S., 410 Salome, 347, 1591 Samuel, 63, i2g, 162. 165, 179, 347, 733^ 1672, 1953 Samuel Alfred, ig94, 2258 "Samuel C, 2312 Samuel Calvin, 850 Sarah, 51-3, 157, 159, 247, 659, 849-50, 1077, 1340. 2258-9, 2436 Sarah Almira, 538 Sarah C, 693 Sarah Elizabeth, 2156 Sarah J., 1148 Sarah Jane, 1833, 1S40 Sarah Williams, 1841:' Belinda Maria, 544 Sheldon, 538 Simon, 239, 410 Steadman, 844 Stephen, 410 Susan, 53, io6g, 1591 Susan Cornelia, 1672 Susan K., 1068 Susan Magoun, 15^2 Susan P., 1582 Susannah, 129. 164. 384, 1513, 1868 Sylvia, 538 Tamezin, 331 Tannatje, 2419 2512 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. .\.dams, cont'd, Thatcher, 1993 Thatcher Magoun, 1582 Thomas, 63, 129, 340, 410, 658-9, 844, 1077, 2153, 2490 Thomas Safford, 1993 Timothy, 410 Timothy Goodwin, 805 Uriah, 682 Varzina, 1994 \'ashti, 241 Ward, 246 Warren, 538 Wealthy, 2292 Willard P., 1644 \\'illiam, 84, 240, 338, 384, 1077. 1582, 1833, 1993, 3022, 2217, 2384, 2330, 2490 William Bradford, 1592 William Chauncey, 538 William H., 538, 693 \\'illiam Henry, 1672, 2156 \\'illiam Knight, 1592 William Lawson, 1306 William Lyle, 3142 William Whittlesey, 2022 Wolcott N., 538 Zadock, 346 Zebediah, 340 Zebediah Taft, 538 Zeruah, 1560 Ziba T., 693 Zophar, 983 Zurviah, 179 Addie, Frances Jane, 1672 George, 1672 Addison, Elise, 1796 Addleton, Abby, 971 Francis, 971 Henry, 971 Henry Everett, 971 Jennie Thomas, 971 Shubael Howes, 971 Adee, Catharine, 680 William, 680 Adeliza, queen, 266 Adgate, Elizabeth, 735 Hannah, 409 Mary, 71, 409 Sarah, 71 Thomas, 71, 409, 735 Adkins, see Atkins. Adkinson, see Atkinson. Adlard, George, 319 Adsit, Hiram, 352 Phebe, 352 JEMgiiu (Emma), queen, 266 .Elfred, king, 266 Aelfthryth, queen, 266 ^thelred II., 266 .^thefwulf, king, 266 Agar, Agard, Almeda Fanny, 1536 Arthur William, 1536 Elmer Clifford, 1536 Esther May, 1536 Hannah, 1463 Mary, 1536 Stella, 1817 William, 1536 Agard, see Agar. Agassiz, rev. mr., 1767 Cecile, 1767 Ida Olympe Frederika, 1767 Jean Louis Rudolph, 14, 861, 1767 Agatha, princess, 266 Aged, Halfdan the, 2203 Agnes, lady St. Clair, 1108 Agnes, the Fleming, 856 Aprnie, Daniel, igg5 Emma Gene, 1995 Julia Ann, 1995 Agricola, Julius, 9 Albert, seigneur de Sarchi- ville & de Queant, 1015 Aiken, Akin, mrs., 670 Abner A., 670 Alice, 670 Anna, 1349 Armida, 1444 Charles Cirant, 1824 Charles Sedgwick, 1825 Cynthia A., 670 Daniel, 1349 Delia, 1824 Elinor, 670 Eliza Jane, 67a Elizabeth Pratt, 1108 Ellen, 670 Emery P., 670 Emma Amelia, 553 Erastus, 670 Florence Carnahan, 1824 James, 355 Jane, 355 Jeremiah, 670 Julia Antoinette, 1824 Lucinda, 670 Mary E., 1349 Mat, 553 Peter, 670 Peter B., 1349 Rose, 1349 Samuel, 670 Samuel Clark, 1824 William Cleveland, 1824 Ainsworth, see Ensworth. Akaris, founder of Jourvaulx, 2203 Akerly, see Ackerly. Akin, see Aiken. Albee, Alber, Alby, AUbee, Adaline, 1713 Benjamin, 1561, 2119 Betsey, 1713 Calista Matilda, 1308 Hannah, 21 19 Lydia, 1561 Mary Calista, 1308 Preserved, 1308 Samuel, 1713 Alber, see Albee. iVlbert, comte de Verman dois, 1615 Albertson, Alexander, 421 Lydia, 421 Albin, Mary Elizabeth, 2012 Albini, see De Albini. Alborough, Alborow, see Albro. Albree, Ruth, 2426 Albro, Alborough, Alborow, Albroe, Aldbury, All- brow, Alsberrie, Dorothy, 151 Elizabeth, 150 Emelius Sherman, 1666 John, 151 Martha, 1678 Martha Jane, 1666 Nellie Ware, 1666 Samuel, 151 Albroe, see Albro. Alby, see Albee. A 1 cock, Annis, 732 Elizabeth, 1507 George, 316, 872 John, 316, 1507 Margery, 872 Mary, 872 Samuel, 1063 Sarah, 316, 1063 Thomas, 316, 872 Alcorn, mr., 797 Susannah, 797 Alcott, AUcott, Abigail, I 123-4 Alice Jane Cleveland, 661 Almon, 661 Alvin, 661 Bertha Christine, 662 Betsey, 661 Chloe Barnes, 661 Clara Etta, 661 Clarissa, 1324 Eddie Lucien, 662 Edith Gertrude, 662 Frances Ella, 662 ' Frank Cleveland, 662 George Almon, 662 Alcott, cont'd, Hezekiah, 1124 Hubert, 662 John Blakeslee, 661 Lois, 661 Lois Betsey, 662 Lucien Palmer, 662 c^ Maria, 66r ^. ^"^ Maria Ella, 662 f\° Marietta, 661 «£*" Mary, 661 Mary Ballard, 661 Mary Ellis, 1124 Susannah, 751 William Rufus, 662 Permelia, 2020 Rufus Cleveland, 661 Sidney Whiting, 661 Aldbury, see Albro. Alden, col., 2270 mr., 1439 Abigail, 2119 Alice, 2119 Benjamin Franklin, 629 Charles, 2119 Cynthia, 1229 David, 2119 Eleazar, 869 Elijah, 1229 Elizabeth, 872 Plannah, 2119 John, 869, 872, 1229, 1970, 2iig Joseph, 2ng Judith, 21 19 Julia, 1245 Louise Maria, 1229 Lucia, 1229 M. L. T., 76 Martha, 869 Martha Matilda, 629 Martha Shaw, 867, 869 JVJary, 21 19 Mary Malinda, 1438-9 Priscilla, 872, 1229 Ruth, 1868, 1970 Sarah, 546, 869, 991 Silas, 546 Timothy, 869 Alder, Alma, 1672 Alvin, 1672 Eliza, 1672 Elizabeth, 920 Emily, 1672 Frances Jane, 1673 Gustavus Budd, 1672 Henry, 1672 Josephine Jewell, 1672 Martha Anthony, 1672 Mary, 1672 Maryette, 1672 Robert, 920 Simon, 1672 Alderman, Sarah, 2331 Alderson, Sarah Maria, 2045 Aldis, Emily T., 2270 Frederick T., 2270 Hannah, 544 John, 544 Mary, 544 Nathan, 544 Sarah, 544 Aldrich, Aldridge, AU- dridge, Abigail, 2339 Amy, 1892 Benjamin, 1258 Caleb, 1258 Catharine Sexton, 1832 Catharine Turner, 1832 Charles, 1240 Charles Thomas, 1863 Clara, 1256 David Sands, 1832 Deborah, 1258 Emma, 1848 Esther, 271 Harriet, S81, 2339 Ida, 1593 Joshua, 2339 Lucinda, 744 Mary, 1256, 1258 Mary Eliza, 1863 Nicholas, 2339 Niles, 1256, 1258 Sarah, 1258 Sarah Eleanor, 1240 Sarah Emma, 1863 Sarah M., 1863 Thomas Mann, 1863 William Henry, 1863 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2513 Aldridge, see Aldrich. Alexander the Great, 2176 Alexander, earl of Stirling, 1760, 1819 family, 731 miss, 2309 miss or miss, 3153 Catherine, 1819, 3309 Catharine Jeanette, 1601 Eliza Melvina, 642 Elizabeth, 1344, 1760 Frances, 3100 ¦ James, 1760 Jane, 1383 John, 1382, 1760 Joseph, 1601, 2157 Josiah W., 819 Marian, 905 Mary, 1760, 2100, 2129 Mary Elizabeth, 1382 Mary Louisa, 2157 Matilda, 2153, 2294 Pamelia, 1601 Sarah, 819, 1819 William, 1760, 1819, 2100, 2309 Aley, see Allee. Alford, Alvord, rev. dr., 1854 Alexander, 910 Amanda C, 589 Benjamin, 910, 1885 Calvin, 77Z Carrie M., 1539 Carrington Loyal, 1853-4 Charlotte, 1853 Deborah, 910 Esther, 77^ Eunice, 91a, 1885 Frank Cleveland, 77Z Ida May, 1854 James M., 1539 Jerusha, 910 Lorena, 938 Lucina Warner, 77Z Mary, 910 Rebecca, 77Z Richard Warren, 77^ Rose J., 1539 Alfred, king, 266 Alfrey, Sarah, ngg Alfrica, princess, 1108 Alger, Allgar, A. G., 852 Amos, 2316 Benjamin, 1205 Bridget, 1211 Charles, 2316 Clara, 1518 Cyrus, 2435 Elizabeth, 852 Frank Rathburn, 1518 Margaret Amelia, 1544 Martha, 1205 Olivia, 2434 Ruth, 1205 Sarah, 2316 ^^''ebster, 2316 William, 1211 Algitha, queen, 266 Alice, countess, princess, 1108 Allan, earl of Bretagne, 1108 Allan, see Allen. Allard, George, 1626 James, 1626 Joseph, 1626 Mary Ann, 1626 Rebecca, 1595 Sarah, 1467 Susan, 1626 WiUiam, 1626 AUbee, see Albee. Allbrow, see Albro. Allcott, see Alcott. Allcox, Susannah, 751 ¦ AUdridffe, see Aldrich. Allee, Aley. Alley, Adelaid Sophronia, 2460 Frances Ellen Gertrude, 2460 Hannah, 1353 John, 1353 Mary, 2438 Polly, 1353 Richard, 2438 Suble, 2460 . Victor B., 2460 Walter, 2460 William, 2460 158 Allen, Allan, AUin, AUine, Ailing, AUyn, AUyne, , 13, 2335 earl, 318, 1108 miss, 668, 2104, 2338 mr., 287. 1254, 1635, 2335 mrs. , 701 , 1 072, 233S pedigree mentioned, 13 Abigail, 1063, loSo-i, 1846, 2338 Abilene Ann, 1547 Ada Mary, 1683 Adeline, 2043 Albert S., 819 Albina, 1260 Alice, 2147 Alice, Ada, 1616 Almeda, 1726 Almira, 992, 1552, 1995 Amy, 852 Andrew Jackson, 1918 Ann, 288, 331, 658, 710, 819, 1038, 1260, 1579, 1910 Anna, 287, 1041, 1078-9, 1260, 1547 Annie, 1254, 1705 Anson, 992 Asa Witter, 165 Azariah, 658 Barnabas, 288 Barney, 1705 Belle, 2152 Benjamin, 156, 2327 Bertha Viola, 1254 Betsey, 321, 1547, 1616, 1743 Beulah Davis, 424 Bridget, 658-9 Caleb, .44 Caroline Edna, 1726 Catharine Mary, 1038 Charles, 606, 1579 Charles Edward, 1038 Charles Henry, 1994 Charles Julius, 1994 Charles Kissam, 1994 Charlotte, 819 Churchill, 2102 Clarissa Maria, 1741-2 Cleveland, 513 Climena S., 1288 Cynthia Elizabeth, 2452 Dadama, 1418 Daniel, 1418, 1547, 1995 Daniel W., 1594 David, 7Z2 Delbert Harry, 984 Delila, 2152 Dolly, 288* Dorothy, 2261 Ebenezer, 798, 1260, 1726 Edward, 1078-9 Edwin Bennett, 1260 Edwin Lee, 1108 Eleanor, 910 Eliza, 1038, 1260 Elizabeth, 106-7, 288, 305, 452, 819, 912, 1112, 1122, 1202, 1632, 1918, 2010, 2155, 2338 Elizabeth Cleveland, 1078, 1616 Elizabeth Jane, 1639 EUzabeth Walbridge, 1994 EUen Sophia, 1078 Emeline Alice, 1521 Emily Tryphena, 1418 Emma, lady of Bretagne, 1108 Emma Orra, 1516 Ephraim, 76, 424, 1088 Esther, 653 Ethan, 44, 668, 1547 Ezra, 1360 Fleming Hodge, 1667 Frances, 668 Francis Gilbert, 984 Frank Clifford, 1354 Fred G., 1521 Frederic Hovey, 1260 Gaylord, i579 George, 1742 Allen, cont'd, George Edwin, 1260 George Lewis, 1260 George Walbridge, ig94 Georgiana, 1635 Grace Elizabeth, 1994 Grace Louise, 1616 Grover Cleveland, 1639 Hannah, Z3^, 732, 2146 Plarold Bruce, 1108 Harriet, 1078 Harriet Byron, 981 Harriet Frances, 1594 Harriet M., 1392 I-Ieber, 1516 Henry, 2338 Plenry W., 1135 ¦ Herbert Howard, 984 Hezekiah, 158, 218 Hiram, 452 Hope, 1081 Huldah, 1088 Ida Delia, 1254 Ira, 701 Jabez, 321 James, 195-6, 331, 420, 819, 1639 Jane, 971, 1083, 1088 Jane Maria, 1667 Jean, 1547 Jedediah, 388 Jemime, 158 Joel Asaph, 513 John, 658-9, 1073, 1088, 3146-7 John Fisk, 1078 John Pratt, iic8 Jonathan, 819 Joseph, 288, 668, 8ig, 2152, 2338 Josephine E., 1667 Joshua, 1572 Julia, 1579 Julia Maria, 1072 Kate, 1579 Keziah, 158 Laura Ann, 1918 Lavina, 1894 Lemuel, 288 Lettice, 1261-2 Leverett Sherman, 1726 Lewis Falley, 1087 Litta EsteUe, 1571-2 Lizzie, 8ig Lucy Elizabeth, 1547 Lucy Pickering, 1078 Lurena, 1726 Lydia, 1288 Lydia Waterman, 1108 Margaret, 1087, 1827, iggs Margaret Cleveland, 1087 Margaret Gertrude, 1087 Maria, '288, 1072 Marion Cleveland, 1078 Marion Tudor, 1108 Marshall E., 1254 Martha, 90, 196, 420, 658, 1837, 1875, 2102 Martha Elizabeth, 1135 Mary, 189, 288, 331, 653, 658-9, 668, 732, 1072, 130S, 1632, 1827, 2322, 2338, 2460 Mary Ann, 2152 Mary Elizabeth, 1248, 1260 Mary Hodges, 1078 Mary Louisa, 984 Mary Manning, 513 Mary Tudor, 1108 Matilda, 2213 Matthew, 657, 1305 May Constance, 1087 Mav Maria, 1087 Mehitabel, 824 Melissa, 1994 Mercy, 668, 798 Molly, 321 Moses, 6e;?, 658-9 N., 2419 Nancy, 2146, 2152 J.\ehemiah, 668 Nina Estella, 1260 Noah, 8ig Obed, i25g Oliver, 819, 1081 Oliver J., 8ig 2514 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Alien, cont'd, Orlando, 1994 Peletiah, 1261-2 Persie A., 2249 Persis, 1619 Perez, 607 Phebe, 76, 1485 Phila, 1050 Philander, 1260 Philena, 1259, 1875 PhUena A., 1259 Philenda, 1629 Philip Cleveland, 1994 Pickering Dodge, 1078 PoUy, 189, 218 PriscUla, 557, 2338 Rachel, 158 Ralph, 1683 Rebecca, 195, 288, 419-20, 424, 607, 9g2, 108S, 2338 Rhoda Lord, 1260 Richard, 2452 Richard Cleveland, 1087 Roger, 1632 Ruble, Ruby, 164, 1261 Ruel C, 819 Ruth, 288, 798, 1087-8, 1092 Ruth Marjorie, 1087 Sabra, 156 SaUy, 1726 Samuel, 107, 288, 607, 657-8, 668, 1087-8, 1632, 1726 Sarah, 288, 543, 668, 788, 819, ¦ 914, 1088, 1464, 1632, 1741, 1827, 1933 Sarah A., 819 Sarah Elizabeth, 1746a Sebary, 156 Sereno, 1288 Silas, 288 Sophronia, 1572 Stephen, 189 Susan, 1865 Susan O., 819 Susanna, 1088 Sydney, 2199 Sylvanus Frank, 1260 Theodamy, 909 Thomas, 658, 1083 Thomas Pike, 1038 Timothy, 44 Tryphena, 302 Walter, 1088 Walter Cleveland, 1260 Walter Morse, 1705 Wells, 1875 Whiting, 288 Willard, 819 WUlard I., 819 Willard Jackson, 1919 Willard Spencer, 658 William, 31, 910, 1072, 1846, 2338. 2488 William Barclay, 1087 William Cleveland, 1087 William Flanders, 1616 William Henry, 1078 William Maxwell, 1038, 2488 WiUiam Wiles, 1616 Willie, 2152 Wilson, igi8 Aiiender, Anna Greenwell, 1836 AUenton, Isaac, 90 Lucy, 90 AUerton, Isaac, 615 Mary, 615 Alley, see Allee. Allgar, see Alger. Allibone, Samuel Austin, 1092 AUin, Alline, Ailing, see Allen. AUinson, George Goodburn, 1639 Malvina Washburn, 1639 Robert, 1639 Sarah, 1639 AUis, AUiss, Charles, 46 Orinda, 756 Sarah, 46 Allison, Almira, 1218 Augustus, 1746b Cevilla, 1746b Jane, 1746b Johnathan, 1746b Allison, cont'd, Mary, 270, 2184 AUiss, see AUis. AUport,' Caroline, 823 Caroline Buell, 823 Nelson J., 833 AUyn, AUyne, see Allen. Almand, Alfred Oliver, 2157 Almarine Elizabeth, 2157 Benjamin Thornton, 2155 Eliza, 2156 Emma Louanna, 2157 Louisa Frances, 2156 Louisa Rebecca, 2155 McCajah Thomas, 2156 Maggy Lelah, 2155 Mary, 2155 Mary Ann, 2156 Reuben Early, 2156 Sarah Mildred, 2157 Simeon Weston, 2157 William, 2155 Almy, Elizabeth, 497 Alsberrie, see Albro. Alselyn, see Hanselyn. Alsop, AIsopp, de Alsop, de AIsopp, mrs., 1212 Agnes, 1212 Ann Townsend, 917 Anne, 1212 Anthony, 1212 Beatrix, 1212 Elizabeth, 1212 Elizabeth M., 2417 Gamel, Gamellus, 1212 George, 1212 Gweno, i2i2' Henry, 1212 Jane, i3i3 John, 1212 Joseph, 1212 Margery, 1212 Ranulph, 1212 Richard, 1212 Temperance, 1212 Thomas, 1212 William, 1212 AIsopp, see Alsop. Alter, Hannah, 1515 Althorpe,* Lewis, 1314 Alvord, see Alford. Amberson, , 1591 Cora Edith, 1591 Halvor G., 1591 Ambrose, mr., 1130 Minnie, 1130 William, 714 Ames, Adaline A., 1199 Adelia D., 1199 Annetta Jane, 1199 Asa, iioS Betseyette, 1204 Caroline, 949 Catharine, 949 Charles, 1199 Esther, 949 Florette, 949 Frances Mary Bradford, 850 Gideon, 259 Henry Clay, 949 Hepsibah, 2438 Ira, 949 Jesse, 850 Josiah, 1627 Louisa, 949, 1642 Luman Erastus, 1304 Martha, 2467 Mary, 1627 Mary Jane, 1108-9 Mehitable, 259 Phebe Ann, 1627 Philena, 949 Roby Ann, 1292 Sarah, no8 Sophia, 949 William Harrison, 949 Amey, miss or mrs., 284 tiannah, 681 Amidown. see Ammidown. Aniiens, Hugh Magnus, earl of, 2175-6 Amis, mrs., 2111 Haynes. 2111 Mary, 2ni Matilda, 2111 Amis, cont'd, Thomas, 2111 Ammack, John, 1050 Lydia, 1050 Phila, 1050 Ammerman, Orpha, 1752 Ammidown, Amidown, Holmes, 73 Martha, 914 Miles, 914- Ruth, 1495 Amner, Alice E., 803 Augusta M., 803 Harriet Amanda, 803 Isaac, 803 Nelson D., 803 Amsden, Fanny, 354 Ancell, Ann, 2417 Edward, 2417 Anderson, mr., 1757 Addie Elizabeth, 1946 Adeline L., 1235 Alice Lucinda, 1752 Almira, 1077 Andrew J., 2163 Ann, 759, 1404, 1581 Arthur, 759 Augusta (31ive, 587 Betsey Elizabeth, 924 Birdie Alice, 587 Caroline, 2012 Catharine Elizabeth, 1733 Charles, 924 Cleveland Burgess, 2143 Cooley Edmund, 604 Cornelius, 1733 D. D., 2132 David, 759 De Velio White, 1387, 1922 Edmund Cooley, 604 Elijah, 1387 Eliza, 587, 665 • Elizabeth, 1365, 1369, 2005,. 2417 Ella Louise, 809 Elmer Adney, 1922 Emily, 759 Esther Eliza, 587 Ezekiel, 1404 Frances Delilah, 1404 Franklin De Velio, 1387 Frederick Herbert, 604 Frederic L., 1387 Gardner Leslie, 1178 Gatewood Stokes, 2143 George, 967, 1581 George Daniel. 1387 George Edward. 967 Harriet, 628, 759 Harriet Almira, 1134 Hattie, 759 Helen AmeUa, 1387 Henrietta, 591 Herbert Augustus, 1387 Homer Elijah, 1387 Imogene Ella, 1177-8 Isabel, 587 Isabella Jefferson, 2143 James L., 1946 Jane A., 1733 Jesse, 1077 John, 587 John Elgin, 2143 John Henry, 587 John Lee, 2106 Juliaette, 1387, 1923 L. Jane, 759 Laura, 759 Laura E., 809 Lawrence, 759 Leslie Gatewood, 2143 LUlie Belle, 587 Lois, 1077 Lovina Lucinda, 1302 Lucenia, 1757 Lucy B., 1733 Lula Florence, 2106 Lvdia, 1752 Margaret, 1891 INDEX OF PERSONS. 25'5 Anderson, cont'd, Margaret E., 1581 Marinda Eveline, 604 Mary, 2092, 2143 , Mary EUen, 587 Mary Harriott, 1946 Mary Jane, 1733 Matilda, 1387 MatUda L., 2163 MiUie, 2194 Morris M., 587 Nancy, 1747 Nancy Elizabeth, 2163 Nancy Josephine, 2106 Norman Absalom, 587 Oscar, 759 Paulina, 2194 Percy John Clinton, 1178 Folly, 2159 Rebecca, 2154 Richard H., 1134 Riley, 759 Sally, 276 Samuel Stokes, 2143 Sarah Emily, 967 Sarah Henry, 2182 Sarah Margaret, 2106 Sawyers Isaac, 1178 Stokes, 2143 Thankful, 2101 Washington, 1752 Wilber, 759 William, 2194 William A., 1302 William F., Scg William Henry, 1387 Andress, John, 2461 Philinda Bathsheba, 2461 Andrew, Sylvania, 826 Andrews, mr., 670, 813 Abbie Thorndike, 1571 Abigail Ann, i6og Agnes, 793 Albert Nye, 1713 Alma, 1187 Annie, 1330 Asahel, 742 Asenath, 838 Belle, 2491 Benjamin, 1609 Benjamin Cochran, 1609 ' Celia Cochran, 1609 Charles Haskell, 1609 Cleora Cogswell, 1609 David Edgar, 1609 Earl, 1648 Edward C, 601 Edward Cleveland, 742 Edward M., 1419 Ella Maria, 1713 Ellen Maria, 1713 Eloisa Eldridge, 966 Eveline, 1571 Frank Selwyn, 1609 Fred William, 1713 George Edward, 1330 Guy Huntington, 742 Hittie, 1648 Ira Perley, 1609 Irene Cleveland, 1419 J. R., 1419 James, 441, I799 Jane, 966 Jennette, 1427 Jeremiah, 1187 John, 1497 John Cleaveland, 1609 Joseph, 1571 Kate Russell, 1609 Lydia, 213, 441 Maria, 742 Mary, 612, 1456, I497. ^799 Mary Augusta, 1330 Mary H., 1609 Mary Jane, 1187 Mary Orme, 906 Mollie, 670 Nina May, 1713 Phillippa, 1633 Rachel, 1497 Rosella, 1673 Rosetta, 601 Andrews, cont'd, Samuel, 742, 1633 Samuel Kendric, 966 Susan Cleveland, 741 Susan T., 813 WiUiam, 1330 William Henry, 1713 Andrus, Angeline, 621 Asa, 1045 Asahel, 318 Electa, 2293 Ellen Cynthia, 1045 Emily Antoinette, 2293 Eva Beth, 2293 Hannah, 317-18, 779 Henry, ^434 James Ladd, 2293 Jane, 1633 John Gillett, 2293 Julia Eliza, 2293 Lucy, 1045 Mary, ,1434 Orrin, 621 Sarah, 1429 Sarah Cleveland, 1045 Sarah Jane, 1434 Silas Plills, 1045 Washington Clark, 1045 Angel, see Angell. Angell, Angel, Abby Whea ton, 826 Albert Cook, 1564 Altred, 2475 Alice t^ornelia, 826 Amy, 826 Anna Maria, 1564 Betsey, 390, 2475 Carrie Cheney, 1564 Charles Hart, 826 Deborah, 826 Eleanor Arnold, 826 Elizabeth, 825, 2475 Elnor, 1848 Emily Frances, 825 Fenner, 825-6 Frederick Allen, 836 Frederick Jackson, 836 George, 390 George Jackson, 1564 Gregory, 309 Henry F., 1564 Howard Bowen, 826 Irving, 826 Israel, 309 James, 309 Job, 825 John, 309 Joseph, 1848 Maude Seymour, 1564 Mary, 712, 1564 Mary Jane, 2480 Ruth, 309 Sarah, 309, 825-6, 1847-8 Sarah Jackson, 825 Thomas, 309 Anger, see Angier. Angevine, Elijah, 1347 Eliza, 1347 Frances Claretta, 1347 Hannah, 725 Hiram, 735 Mabel Cordelia, 1147 Maria, 1347 Maud Cleveland, 1347 Mary, 1222 Theodore William, 1347 Walter Bailey, 1347 Angier, Anger, Anglers, Ann, 1613 Benjamin, 127 Edmund, 1613 Eliza H., 1350 Elizabeth, 1613 Harriet j-.avinia, 1996 John, 1613, 1996 Judeth, 1147, 2490 Lydia, 127 Tirzah, 127 Angiers, see Angier. Angouleme, Aymtr, count of, 266 Isabel, lady, 266 Angus, king, 1068 Anice, see Annis. Anjou, earl of, 266 Geolfrey, count of, 265 Annandale, x^gnes, lady, 1108 De Annan, lord of, 1108 Robert de Bruce, lord of, 1108 ;. William de Bruce, lord of, 1 108 / Anne, empress of Russia, 2lr76 Annis, Anice, Beulah, 1651 Caroline, 648 Charity, 648 Eliza Cleverly, 1525 / Horace, 1673 Jesse,! 648 Mary Alma, 1673 I Polly, 1270 Portia, 1673 Solomon, 1270 Susan, 835, 1270 Anra-ny Lacken, lord Des mond, lord Beare, 1068 Ansegise, 1615 Anslee, Gove C, 1356 Mary Elizabeth, 1356 Answorth, see Ensworth. Antage, (Christian, 1212 John, 1212 Anthony, family,- 1798 Abraham, 1660 Alice, 1660 Avice, 446-7 Celia, 1302 Elizabeth, 1798 Frances, 1660 Frank, 446 Job, i66c John, 1302, 1660, 1798 Lillian, 446 Philena, 446 Rhoda, 1659 ¦ Sarah, 1660 Susan, 1302 Walter, 446 Anthram, see Antram. AntUl, Edward, 1818 Maria, 1818 Antram, Anthram, Ann, 497 Mary, 497 Antrim, earl, 1068 EUen, lady, 1068 Aodd Duff, 1068 ap Baldwin, lord of Tal garth and Emrys Castle, ap Morgan lord ap Eus tace ap Baldwin ap Eus tace ap Baldwin ap Sir Hector ap Arthyr ap Emrys ap Baldwin ap Emrys aforesaid, sir Baldwinus de Whitney, 856 see also Whitney. ap-Cynan, Griffyth, 1603 Marchudd, 2415 see also Winn. ap Cynfffi, ap Cynfyn, Bled dyn, 1025 ap Cynffn, see ap Cynflfn. ap David, Meredith, 2415 WilHam, 2415 see also Winn. ap David Lloyd, Noyadd, 1612 Rhys, i6t2 ap Dinawal, Cadivor, 1612 ap Edwyn, see Winn. ap Einion ap Corsygedol, Griffith, 529 ap Harry, see Parry. ap lorwerth, Bleddyn, 2415 Edryd, 2415 see also Winn. ap Jer Goch, Anghard, 856 Margaret, 856 2516 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. ap Jer Goch, cont'd, Medoc, 856 ap Jevan, John, 2415 Meredydd, 2415 see also Winn. ap Llewelyn, see Winn. ap Meredith, John Winn, 2415 see also Winn. ap Meredydd ap Jevan, John, 2415 ap Morgan, Morys, 1603 see also Morris. ap Owen, see Bowen. Apple, mrs., 1115 Albany Lorain, 1115 Asenath Martin, 1114 Daniel, 1114 Elizabeth (Cleveland, 1115 Elizabeth Esther, 1115 Eva Amanda, 1115 I'rancis Jeremiah, 1115 John Wesley, 1114 Lulu, II 15 Samuel Lorain, 1115 Sarah, 1114 Wesley J-,ovell, 1115 William Hanson, 1115 Appleby, Hannah S., 425, 430 John, 430 Mehitable, 430 Appleton, Ann, 491, 493 Annie, 1562 Benjamin, 360 Daniel, 859, 1791 Elizabeth, 360, 493-4 Hannah, 493 Judith, 1842 Mary, 327, 358, 360, 493-4 Nathan, 496 Sally, 2438 Samuel, 493-4 Sarah, 1930 Thomas, 493 William Sumner, 119, 364, 429. 515 Apuke, Pooke, Ellen, 209, 2457 John, 209 Aquitaine, William, duke of, 266 Eleanor, lady, 266 Aramitigus, Amelia, 1389 James, 1389 Arbuckle, Birdie, 2136 Corinne, 2136 Kate Eliza, 2136 Maria, 1920 Sarah Jessie, 2135 William Williams, 2135 Archer, Achsah, 1492 Alice, 109 Alma Elizabeth, 965 Amanda Malvina, 1492 'Ann Elizabeth, 210 Charles Edward, 965 Electa Jane, 965 Eliza, 1740 Frederick, 1740 George Silas, 965 Grace, 1740 James, 762 John, 1492 Martha*, 1873 Mary, 762, 932, 2134 Mary Elizabeth, 1873 Minerva, 1878 Rebecca, 762 WiUiam, 210, 1873 Archibald, Adams G., 1039 Annie, 574 Elizabeth, 1039 Mary, 1039, 2488 Samuel George Adams, 1039 Ardon, Catherine Margaret, 2480 Charles, 2480 Eveline, 2480 Ida, 2480 Ross, 2480 Webb, 2480 Arey, Benjamin Pease, 435 Caroline, 435 Arey, cont'd, Margaret, 435 Martin, 435 Argyle, Alfrica princess of, 1 108 Samerlad prince of, 1108 Argyll, duke of, 1493 Aris, Charlotte, 936 Maria, 936 Sylvester, 936 Arling, Alfred Henry, 1275 Asenath, 1878 Castilla, 1275 Charles Wesley, 1878 Eliza Cornelia, 1275 Ella, 1878 Ellen May, 1275 Grace EUza, 1275 Hannah, '1275 Harvey Hollister, 1275 Hiram Atwood, 1275 Israel, 1275 Jeremiah, 1275 Lovisa Lucilla, 1275 Maria, 1275 Melissa, 1275 Minerva, 1275 Minnie Minerva, 1275 Reginald Collins,- 1275 Sarah, 1878 William Henry, 1275, 1878 Arlogia, lady of Russia, 1108 Armer, Martha, 2102 Armes, see Arms. Armington, Emeline, 1272 Armistead, D'Armstadt, D'Armstadt, 1151 Mary Marott, 1151 Robert, 1151 William, 1151 Arms, Armes, Estella, 1053 Frances Mary Bradford, S50 Jesse, 850 Armstrong, mrs., 2481 Anna Borden, 2481 Augusta, 1507 Bella, 316 Burton, 2481 Charles, 559 Edna, 2152 Gates, 1 133 George, 1171 Harcey, 2481 Henry H., 1632 Hial, 2481 Jane, 1299 Jennie, 1299 John, 2263 John Johnson, 1171 Lura Bethia, 1133 Manning, 1507 Margaret, 2304 ¦ Maria, 1171 Martha, 1647 Mary, 1632, 2152 Mary A., 2481 Mary Ann, 1171 Mary Olevia, 559 Melissa C, 2481 Mercy, 1632 Rebecca, 1133 William, 1299, 2152 Arnold, miss, 2457 mr., 1220 Abigail, 1392 Alfred, 2320 Anna Maria, 1564 Anna S., 1060 Annie, 1485 Benedict, 1999 Damaries, 1999 Edwin, 1072 EUina, 1409 Ephraim, 1970 Frances Maria Adelaide, 1072 Freelove, 937 George Benjamin, 2322 Godsgift, 1999 Grace, 1172 Harriet, 684, 1220, 2478 Harriet M., 684 Arnold, cont'd, Henry, 1485 Horace, 684 Israel, 2321-2 Israel Harrison, 2321 J. F., 1392 Jacob, 709 Jane, 182, 2457 Jerusha, 1220 Job, 937, 1564 John, 546, 2457 John B., 182, 2457 Lydia, 260 Maria, 2326 Mary, 546, 709-10, 1564, 1970, 2322 Mary Angell, 1564 Mary Ann, 2330 Mary Frances, 986 Mary Nash, 1970 Penelope, 2321-2 Rachel, 2457 Rebecca, 2320 Samuel, 1970 Sarah Jane, 2252 Stephen G., 1564 Susan Ann, 2321 Thomas, 1999 WiUiam, 269, 1999 Arnulphe, 1515 Arquet, Malinda, 1635 Martha, 1635 Michael, 1635 Arsacides, royal Parthian family of, 2176 Arthur, William, n Artist, Maria J., 2021 Arundel, Arundell, earl, 265-6 lord, 265 Eliza, 1359 Arundel and Sussex, earl, 266 Arundell, see Arundel. Arvil, Mary, 1670 Arzola y Trujillo, Digna Maria de la Concepcion, 1256 Ascda, princess, 1108 Ash, see Ashe. Ashcroft, Adda, 215 1 Ephraim, 2151 Ashe, Ash, Harry, 1923 James, 2028 Jennie Eunetia, 1923 Kate Gertrude, 2028 Sarah Lucena, 2028 Verla Dessie, 2028 Warren Wilber, 2028 William H., 1923 William Horace, 1933 Ashelford, Jane, 1905 Jennie, 1905 Richard, 1905 Ashley, Abigail, 1496 Abraham, 2452 Caroline, 1135 Clarissa, 1454 David, 1497 Gladys, 448 Hannah, 1497 Henry Wilbur, 448 Isabel, 448 Job, 447-8 John, 2310, 2326, 2328 Lydia, 2453 Margaret, 2045 Mary, 1497, 2503 Mary Catharine, 985 Mary Frances, 447 Maud, 448 Mercy, 1819 Nevada Austin, 447 Nevada Wilbur, 448 Robert, 1497 Sydney, 448 Wealthy, 447-8 Ashton, Catharine Ann, 1240 Dorothy, 507 Jacob, 507 Mary, 507 Sarah, 2204 Ashworth, Cynthia, 1747 Mary, 1281 Aspenwall, Aspinwall, Abi gail, 714-15 Almira, 714 ' Anna Maria, 1527, 1921^. Augustus, 495 ; Edward, 714 George, 1422-3 Jacob, 1686 Lucy, 1686 Mabel Florence, 1686J Martha Babcock, 4951 Mary, 714 ] Mary Davison, 1422 I Mary Palmer, 1423 / Milo Hutchingson, 1/685-6 Nathaniel, 714-15 I Olive, 714-15, 1423 I Peter, 714 Rememlier, 714 Thebe Isabella, i68j Thomas, 714 / William, 495, 714-151, 1423 Aspinwall, see Aspetiwall. Astley, Sarah, 491 1 Thomas, 491. I Astwood, Hannah, 1.^^12 Atchison, Abigail, 1438 James, 1438 Maryj 2483 Melissa, 1438 1 Aten, mr., 1352 / Abigail, 1352 Joh:L 1352 Marion, 1352 j William Edwin, {352 Ater, Annie, 2479 J Athearn, miss, 975, ^723 Benjamin, 1721 ^ Hepsibah, IlepsiT^th, 1721 Hepsie, Hussey, f 1721 Mary, 962 J Athelstan Glodryad, prince, 1603 j Athelwold, 266 7 . Atherton, mrs., 1.453 Amariah ChandCer, 746 Catharine, 864, 5105 Charles W., 74(6 Eva Jennie, I2t3 Humphrey, iioic, 1114 Ida L., 746 Kaltharine, 864 Margaret, 1114 Mary Melissa, /746 Nettie Emma, J1253 Oliver C, 1253/ Samuel C, 74(5 Sarah Belle, idgi Atkins, Adkins, I Atkyns, five brothers, 155/4 mrs., 489 Abigail, 2278 Abraham NicJkerson, 1554 Alice KindreJi 1758 Andrew, 489 / Ann, 2251 ' Ann Maria, J 057 Anna, 489 f Annie Luceihia, 1757 Astley, 1758 I Beatrice, 1758 iietsey, 1554 j Caroline Bojwman, 1756 Catharine, 4^9 Charles, 155! 2496 Charles Wesley, 1554 ¦Ueborah, i4za. Dudley, 48# ^2032, 2352!' JJulce, 20321 Eliza A-nn, 1554 H-lizabeth, 1 2278 Emerson, j;758 i7"8f'235r^'^^^"'°^ George TXg, 1757 Henry, 16U Herbert R/.ich, 1554 Jessie Frejmont, 2032 John Wilrfiam, 1554, 2485 489, 495, 1057, 489, INDEX OF PERSONS. Atkins, cont'd, Joseph, 4S9-90, 1759, 2278 Josiah, 2378 Julia Fenton, 1758 ¦ Kate, 1758 Keziah Catharine, 1554 Llewellyn Reynolds, 1554 Lucinda, 1554 Lucy, 1554, 2496 Martha, 1554 Mary, 489-90, iS54, 1601, 2278, 2496 Mary Dudley, 1757 Mary Lucy, 1554 Mary Russell, 489, 1067-8 Mary Snelling, 1554 Mehitable, 1554 _ Melissa, 1554 Persis, 1619 Persis Amelia, 1619 Rebecca, Rebeccah, 489, 1554 Rebecca Cook, 1554 Ruth, 1554, 2496 Ruth Little, 1554 Samuel, 1554 Samuel Thomas, 1554 Sara, 489 Sarah, ^7, 489, 1758, 2278 Sarah Elizabeth, 1756 Thomas, 489, 1554 Thomas Astley, 1758, 2352 Virginie, 1758 Walter Bates, 1554 William Southall Harri son, 1757 see also Tyng. Atkinson, Adkinson, Alex ander S., 2172 Ann Eliza, 2172 Betsey, 955 Buswell, 2172 Christopher, 955 Dean Dunwody, 2172 Elizabeth, 968 Ella McDonald, 2172 Emma Viola, 1687 Etta A., 1687 Isaac, 1688 J. C, 12 Jane, 474 Jason Hope, 1687 Jennie, 1688 John, 968 Joseph, 206 Lilla Caroline, 2172 Marinda J., 955 Mary Ann, 1688 Mary Anne, 2172 Oliver, 1687 Samuel Coster, 2172 Sarah, 968 Spencer Rolone, 2172 Theodore, 968 Atkyns, see Atkins. Attsbury, Caroline, 2013 Irene, 2013 Thomas, 2013 Atwater, history mentioned, 2051 Abigail, 1210-11 Charles Townsend, 2051- Christopher, 1210 Damaris, 1210 David, 1210 » Dorothy, 1210-11 Elinor, 1210 - EUzabeth, 2051 Harriet, 1049 — Isaac, 1210-11 Johann, 1210 John, 121Q, 1930 Jonathan, 1210-11 Lillian Elizabeth, 1325 Lyman H., 870 Marion, 1210 Mary, 1930 Mary Cornelia, 2051 Mary Elizabeth, 1335 Maryon, 1210 2517 Atwater, cont'd, Mattie Viola, 1610 Robert, 1210 Ruth, 1210-11 Sarah, 1210 Thomas, 1210 William WoodrufT, 1325 Atwood, Abbie Frances, 1277 Adaline Luthera, 15 12 Alfred Eugene, 1277 Alice, 1408 Annie Rebecca, 1277 Arthur Hiram, 1277 Asenath, 1276 Benjamin, 1408 Caroline, 1863 Elizabeth, 1276-7, 1867-8 Elroy Adelbert, 1277 Elvira, 1250 Emogene Julia, 1512 Ethan, 1863 Frank W., 1610 Hannah, 767 Hiram, 1276 Ichabod, 1868 Inez Blanche, 1277 Isaac, 1512 James, 1276 Luthera, 1512 Margaret, 2451 Maria, 767 Mary, 1868 Mary Alice, 634 Mary Eliza, 1863 MontraviUe Warren, 1512 Moses, 1863 Oliver, 1276-7 Prudence, 634, 1250 Sarah Abigail, 1863 Sarah Jane, 1250 Simeon Nye, 634, 1250 Washington Irving, 1277 Zaccheus, 767 Aubra, Xantippa, 2x98 Auchmady, see Auchmuty. Auchmuty, Auchmady, Mary, 685-6 Auci, (jilbert, count of, 265 Auda Diuphaudza, queen, 2204 Audley, lord, 856 Augur, Abigail, 1077 Hattie, 1519 Tames Minot, 1519 Minot, 1519 Ault, John, 823 Rebecca, 823 Remembrance, 823 Austin, mrs., 145 Aaron B., 744 Abigail, 843 Alba C, 1412 Alice J., 744 Almira, 1387 Annette Abigail, 1473 Annie Inez, 1462 Bell, 1412 Benjamin, 713 Benjamin \'., 2398 Betsev Caroline, 1462 Caroline, 536 Charles, 2466, 2479 Charles E., 1412 Daniel Hudson, 1473 David C, 743 David S., 71^3 Deborah, 429, 968 Ebenezer, 184 Elizabeth, 145, 743, 1285 Elizabeth Stuart, 712 Elvira Blanche, 1462 Emma Miriam, 1301 Erastus, 184 Esther Elizabeth, 1698 Frederick, 843 George, 184 George Stephen, 1462 25IC CLEVELAND GLNEALOGY. Austin, cont'd, Hannah, 843, i960 Hannah Sarah, 461 Harriet Annette, 1462 Henrietta Francelia, 1387 Hugh, 2466 IsabeUa Amelia, 1387 ¦ Jane Ann, 1811 • Jehial, 1412 Joanna, 145 John M., 2479 John Osborne, 741 Jonathan H., 13^7 Joseph, 145, 429, 968 Keziah, 1103 Laura, 1919 Lillian Samzen, 1:466 ^ Louisa, 2479 Louisa A., 743 Louisa Melinda, U73 Lucia Louisa, 1462 Lucinda E., 743 Lucy, 1412 Martha, 1413 Mary, 842, 1403, 1647 Mary Adeline, 1462 Mary C, 2479 Mary H., 743 Miranda, 14 '2 Miriam, 1332 Nicholas, 712 Nina, 1412 Phebe Davis, 1390, 1462 Rachel, 184 Reuben, 1647 Richard, 145 Sally, 417 Sardh, 184, 4"c), 968, 1420 Sarah A., 1412 Sarah Elizabeth, 1343 Sarah Jane, 2479 Sarah R., 743 Shubael, 184 Stephen, 417 Stephen Everett, 1387 ' Stephen Faulkland, 1390, 1492 Virginia, 2479 William, 184, 1919 ^^^illiam B., 2479 \\ illiam C, 1412 William K., 1412 WiUiam IT., 7332 William Norton, 1343 AveriU, Fanny, 1300 Avery, ancestors, 2193 Albert Wheeler, -2192 Alice, 1242 Amanda, 1794 Anna, 551 Charles, 1682 Charles F., 939 Christopher, 540 Elizabeth, 707, ,1936 Enjily, 1931 Emma, 2192 Emma I^lary, 2192 Eunice, 2305 Experience, 707 Flora Gertrude. 16S2 Florence Electa, 16S2 George W., 551 Harriet CooUdge, 939 Henrietta Louisa. 939 Isaac Wheeler, 2192. Lucy, 2022 James, 540 Jane, 5^0 Jonathan, 1063 Joseph, 707 Judah, 583 Leroy Seray Melton. 1682 Lucv, 1872 Luther, 1456 Margaret, 582, 1063 Marie, 5-10 Martha Reed, in2 Mary, 2290 ' Mary Elizabeth, 939 Avery, cont'd, Mary Moore, 2192 Milhson, 584 Olive, 384 Phebe, I4S5-6 Sybil, 1063 William, 1063 Avide de Sarcin ville & de Queant, 1615 Ayer, Ayers, Ayres, Addie May, 1192 Alanson F., 1192 ' Alfred, 1192 Alice, 663 Aii^eha, 1326 Artiair "Winfield, 1192 Augustus. 1267 Betsey, 663 Charles Dana, 663 Charles Wallace, 1441 Dana, 663 Delia, 663 Elisha, 823 Ertzabeth, 1267 '" Elizabeth Abby, 2433 Emily, ' 619 George, 1441 Hannah, 327, 823 Harriet Augusta, 1406 Henry, 473 James, 472, 823 James Benjamin, 1406 Jaines Brigham, 473 James Isaac, 1406 Jason, 663 Josephine, 1289 Josephine Marian, 1441 Lillian Mary, 1406 Maranda Alvina, 1193 Mary j\.nn, ,473 Mary Lillian, 1406 Mary Paulina, 1192 Mary Peirce, 985-6 Miles Lafayette, 1441 iNancy, 823 Olive, 1555 Peleg, 1289 Ruth, 473 Sarah, 1441 Sarah B., 473 Sarah Bradish, 473 William H., 1267 i Ayers, see Ayer. ; Aylesworth, Aylsworth, Ayl- worth, see Ellsworth. Ayres, see Ayer. Azelin, of Egginton, 2203 see de Alselyn and Hanselyn. Babbitt, Charles Dean, 1252 Jennie Delia, 1252 Nancy Day, 1633 Sylvia, 438 Babcock, Babcox, miss, 2283 mr., 2479 mrs., 1182 rev. mr., 1765 Abel, 1228 AbigaU H., 578 Alpheus (hurley, 261 Amos M., 9^8 Anna, 1055 Anna E.. 1055 Arnold C., 722 Asher Miner, 1375 Benjamin, 946 Blaadina, 1055 ^ Charlotte, 2_i;g Clark W.. 578 Eliza, 1182 Elizabeth, 722, 1228, 1765 EUen Sophia, 20I6 Elsie. 578 Em, 578 Ezi^a, 1375 Fnnnie Esther, 1375 Giles, 105s Henry, 946 Herbert Albert!, 1375 James. 578' John, 946. 1182 John B., 1055 Laura. 261, 793-3 Lucy r Marv, 1286 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2523 Baret, Christopher, 71 Margaret, 71, 467 Barker, Alice, 328 Alonzo, 1 161 Edmund H., 1650 Elizabeth, 1767 Etta May, 1650 Eva M., 1650 Frederick E., 1650 George Spencer, 1161 Harriet Melissa, 1650 Jennie Elizabeth, 1161 John, 1161 2347 Judith, 192-3 Lydia, 977 Margaret, g88 Mary, 204 Mary Elizabeth, 1161 Mercy, 1127 Polly, 1350 Robert, 349 Rose, 349 Samuel, 328 Thurza, 2247 Barkley Alice, 348 Ed., 319 Elizabeth, 319 Barksdale, Elizabeth, 1908 Elizabein Jane, igo8 Rice Garland, igo8 Barlow, mr., 2338 Angeline Adelaide, 2028 ¦ Annie M., 561 Burt Etheridge, 2338 Elizabeth, 2051 Emma, 2338 Frances Ann, 2051-2 Lydia, 2043 Martin B., 2051 Nathan, 2338 Sarah, ig67 Barman, Frank T., 2022 Julia Estep, 2022 Barnap, see Burnett. Barnard, the Viking, 2175 Barnard, divines, ig30 mr., 1566 / Ada Catherine, 1559 Alefa Augusta, 1566 Alexander, 1706 Anna H., 1099 Asahel, 1537 Bartholomew, 1 124 Benjamin, 665 Betsey, Betty, 270 Carrie E., 970 Charles Davis, 970 Charles S., 1448 Daniel, 1566 Eliza, 1706 Eliza Adams, 970 Eliza B., 418 Eliza Pitts, 1705-6 Elizabeth, 1814 Ellen Louisa, 1448 Florence, iiii Francis, ig3o Hannah, 1930 Henry Cleveland, 970 India Grace, 1448 Joseph, 270 Lucretia, 970 Martha Taylor, iiii Mary, 94, 1537, 1603, 1930 Mary Grace, 1537 Nancy, 418 Nathaniel, 94 Orenzo, 665 Phebe, 968 Phebe Cleveland, 665 Polly,. 66s Ralph, 1559 Rebecca Russell, 970 Reuben Cleveland, 970 Robert, 94 Robert A., 418 Samuel, 1930 Sarah, 1134, 1314 Barnard, cont'd, Shubael, 418, 970 Stephen Paddock, 11 n Susan, 970 Thomas C, 970 Earner, Sarah Ann, 851 SUas, 851 Barnes, Baineis, Barns, Abigail, 2484 Adonijaji, 632-4, 2484 Amelia Augusta, 477 Amy, 634 Ann Milledge, 2216 Anna Maria, 1633 Calista, 1653 Calvin, 633 Catharine, 633 Charlotte, 1313 Charlotte Emma, 1314 Charlotte Esther, 1885 Chloe, 632-4, 2484 Elbridge, 633 Elbridge Cutler, 633, 2492 Elbridge E., 2492 Eliza, 1555 Elizabeth, 2049-50 Ella Louisa, 1313 Ellen F., 2492 Ellen Jane, i24g-5o, 2493 Esther AUen, 1313 Everett, 1393 Ezra, 693 Fanny, 724 George A., 1633 George Earl, 1313 George Y., 2216 Hannah, 633, 1212, 1640, 2484 Henrv, 986 Herbert Virgil, 1313 Isabel Alice, 1^13 James, 693 Jesse, 633, 2484 Jonathan, 2050 Joshua, 2049-50 Katie L., 2492 Lemon, 724 Lizzie, 876 Lorenzo, 1248 Lorenzo R., 2492 Lucinda, 1440 Lucinda Flowe, 1349 Lucy, 633 Lucy Ann, 1313 Margaret, 636 Martha, 3050 Mary, 633, '836, 907, 1248, 205a, 2484, 2492 Mary Ann, 2492 Mary Barnes, 1393 Mary Richerson, 693 Mercy, 3484 Michael, 1313 Moses, 633, 2484 Nancy Day, 1633 Nancy TH.., 633 Nathaniel, 1965 Olive, 693 Oren Michael, 1313 Patience, 633, 2484 Polly, 633 Ralph Howard, 1314 Richard, 127 Rufus, 633 Samuel, 205a, 2484 Sarah, 1965 Sophia, 385 Stephen, 2050 Susannah, 127 Thomas. 2484 Virgil Tavlor, 1313 William Sumner, 1249 Wilson Arthur, 1313 Barnett, Emeline C., 613 Emeline Christina, 613 Gardner Potts, 613 George, 613 Ida, 613 Isabella, 1869 Jonathan, 681 Barnett, cont'd, Levi, 681 Martha, 681 Milton, 1869 Sarah, 681 Barney, Allen B., 1650 Clarence A., 1651 Harlow, 1651 Henry, 1921 Mary, 203, 1921 Phebe, 1651 Barnfield, mr., 462 Phebe, 462 Barnhart, Barnheart, Alice Olivette, 2463 Charles Eugene, 2463 Clarissa, 2463 Frederick William, 2463 Hattie Salina, 2025 Marian Florence, 2463 Oliver Frederick Johnston, 2463 WiUiam EUiott, 2463 Barnheart, see Barnhart. Barnhill, Hugh Sharon, 1663 Phebe Frances, 1663 Sarah, 1663 Barns, see Barnes. Barnum, mrs., 1321 Albacinda, 1317, 1321 Amelia Elizabeth, 1504 Anna, 1321 Augustine, 1790 Azor, 132 1 Benjamin Nelson Doyle, 1504 Charles, 1440 Clara Matilda, 1504 David, 1238 Electa, 602 Eli, 1504 Elizabeth, 1238 Emeline Cora, 1504 Emily Jane, 1504 Emma, 1439 George Edward, 1504 Jerusha, 1504 Joshua, 1321 Julia, 1441 Lucina, 764 Lydia Ann, 1441 Milo Hart, 1504 Moses, 843 Orrin Osmun, 1504 Polly, 843 Robert, 1441 Rose Ethelyn, 1504 Sarah, 1238 Sarah Lucretia, 843 Thomas, 1321 Barr, Catherine, 1287 Charles Frederick, 2222 Edward Mitchell, 2222 Edward Mortimer, 2222 EUen, 2304 Emma Smith, 2222 Humphreys, 2178 John, 1287 Mary Catherine, 2222 Mary Ellen, 2178 Mary Jackson, 2222 Matilda, 1251 Rebecca, 2178 Robert, 2222 Sarah, 1287 Barrager, Alphonso, 751 George Washington, 751 Hattie, 751 Louisa, 751 Barratt, see Barrett. Barreel, Mary Abbie, 1698 Barrett, Barratt, mr., 2101 Abial, 620 Almira, 2290 Amos, 2495 Ann, 542 Anna, 2290-2 Anne Elizabeth, 2217 Annis Maria, 2495 . Benjamin, 2290 25 24 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Barrett, cont'd, Benjamin Fiske, 2290-1 Betsey, 2290, 2292 Caroline, 2318 Catherine, 2318 Catharine Ann, 1340 Clinton, 2318 Daniel Rockwell, 1337 Edith Annis, 2495 Elizabeth, 2290 Esther Cleveland, 620 Eve, 1239 Frances, 2318 Frank, 2162 George C, 2318 Grace Elizabeth, 1340 Grace Mary, 2495 ' Gregory, 1740 Hannah, 279-80 Hiram, 2318 Hiram Q., 2318 Hovey Paine, 2495 Humphrey, 2290 Inez Delyra, 2495 Jack P., 2318 Jackson, 2318 James, 2270 Jay Amos, 2495' John, 542, 1340 John Francis, 1340 John Perkins, 2217 Joseph, 2291-2 Judith, 2316 Julia May, 1740 Katie, 2101 Lavina, 2217 Lucinda, 1024, 2318 Lydia, 2290 Lyman, 1337 Margaret, 3291 Margaret E., 2318 Maria Josephine, 2162 Martha, 2291 Martha West, 1740 Mary, 1340, 2391 Marv Almena, 1337 Mary Catharine, 1340 Matilda, 337 Myron, 2318 Oliver, 2291-2 Margaret, 2323 Mary, 2289-90, 2292 Mary Jane, 2495 Medad, 3316 Minnie, 3495 Molly, 2290 Oliver, 2290 Polly, 228g-go Rebecca, 276 Serene, 1337 Stephen, 2290 Stephen Paley, 2495 Susan, 2318 Thomas, 3101, 2291 Thomas Edward. 1340 Walter, 1767 William, 2292 Barrick, Sarah, 439 Barringer, Biansa Matilda, 154s Dorothy Ann, 802 Elizabeth, 802 Eunice, 802 Lucinda, 802 Matilda, 802 Peter, 802 Rachel Cole, 802 William, 802 Barris, Caroline, 2455 Mary Elizabeth, 2455 Willis Harvey, 245'5 Barron, captain, 2468 Ellis, EUiz, 1839 Grace, 1147, 1839 Hannah. 1709, 1839 Isaac, 1839 Jerusha, 1709 John, 1709 Lucina, 764 Malutus, 764 Marv, 1839 Moses, 1839 Sarah, 1839 Barrows, Andrew, 1916 Arthur Storrs, 1916 Augusta, 1644 .Charles Royal, igi6 George, 5g4 Josephine EUen, 1916 Lydia Aurelia, 1916 MUdred Kimball, 1916 Polly, 1638 Rhoda, 594 Robert Reed, 1644 Royal Robinson, 1916 Sarah, 1644, 1916 Siloam, 2009 Susannah, 2009 Tamason, 626-7 Barry, Agnes, 561 Frances, 1598 Harriet, 1598 James, 561 Mary, 561, 570 WUliam, 258 William J., I5g8 Barstow, Anna, 854 Augustus, 188 Aurelia, 854 Billings, 245 Cate, 188 Charles, 854 Dwight, 854 Elizabeth, 853 Frank, 854 George, 854 Hannah, 188 Hezekiah, 352, 854 Jerusha Bradford, S53 Lydia, 245, 352 Mary, 853 Olive, 352, 852 Philura, 853 Rebecca, 854 Samuel, 188 Sophia, 352 Barteaux, Ellis, 1507 Bartel, Bartle, Aaron Lewis, 2273 Mary Rebecca, 2273 Rebecca Adelia, 980 Bartelot, see Bartlett. Barter, Charles H., 1281 Clarence, 1281 Esther, 128 1 John H., 1281 Mary, 1281 Bartholic, Bathsheba, 629 Joseph, 629 Martha M., 621 Philinda, 621 Thomas Dexter, 621 Bartholomew, Abigail, 86-7 Alice, 87, 1936 Anna, 87 George Wells, 87 Isaac, 87 John, 87 Mary, 87 Richard, 87 Robert, 87 WiUiam, 87 Bartingale, Mary Ann, 1977 Thomas, 1977 Bartle, see Bartel. Bartlett, Bartelot, Barttelot, doctor, 46 family, 2297 of Stopham, 2297 Abby,» 1950 Abby Caroline, 1204-5 Abigail, 910, 1885 Abner, 1 150-1 Ada, 1692 Adam, 1147 Alice Amelia, 628 Almira, 529, 629, 1149-50 Alvira Leura, aoio Amanda, 529, 2295 Andtew, 628 Anna, 1045 Asahel, 629 Benjamin, 1150 Buel Hough, 1654 Charles G., 1923 Charles L.. 1923 Charles NeLson. 1692 Clarissa Elizabeth, 1316 Cynthia Gertrude, 2010 Bartlett, cont'd, Daniel, 888 Deborah, 1526 Edith Maud, 1346 Edmund, 2297 Elisha, 1346 Elizabeth, 1147, 1658, 2010 Elmer McLeUan, 2010 Estella, 1692 Eugene Lamont, 1923 Fannie, 1140 Frances Amelia, 1923 Frank Sherburne, 1923 George, 629, 1140, 1147, 1950 Grace, 1923 Hannah, 888, 1150 Harriet Louise, 2010 Helen, 46 Henry T., ^434 Herbert Andrew, 628 Jeannette Eolia, 2010 Joanna, 507 Joel, 1S85 John, 2010 Joseph, 115a Joseph Waterman, 2295, ¦ 2297 Josiah, 329, 3397 Julia, 1473 Leotia, 2010 Levi, 326 Lewis Garfield, 628 Libbie, 1473 Louise, 629 Luther, 1150-1 Margaret, 2434 Margaret Huldah, 1691 Martha, 529, 1150-1 Martin, 529 Mary, 1147, 1150, 1501, 2295, 2297 Mary Ann, 529, 888 Mary Eliza, 1923 Minerva M., 1346 Miranda, 1950 Myra Dot, 1346 Obadiah, 1150 Olive, 1150-1 Orson H., 1346 Patrick, 1473 Patty, 1 150-1 Phoenix, 529 Polly, 326, 1692 Rebecca, 1150-1 Rhoda, 329, 349, 1S85 .Richard, 507, 2297 Robert, 910, 1526 Roilen Clyde, 2010 Roilen Gordon, 2010 Ruth, 2297 Sally, 326, 802 Samuel, 1658 Sarah, 529, 625, 802, 1644 Sarah Jane, 1654 Seth, 802 Sherman, 1692 Sherman Fitch, 1691 Sophronia, 539 Susan Augusta, 1654 Thomas, 1150 Willie Best, 1346 William, 529, 2010, 2297 William Ayres, 529 W^illiam Henry, 1692 Barton, Abigail, 326, 351-2, 851 Almira, 852 Amanda, 852 Amy, 852 Anna, 852, 2106 Anna Lee, 2106 Benjamin, 851, 1798 Betsey, 852 Bradford, 851-2 Caroline, 851-2 Catherine, 852 Charles Sumner, 1958 Deidama, 851 Edward, 851 Elida, 851 Eliza Ann Matilda, 3331 Elizabeth, 233, 352, 852, 1034, 1074 Elizabeth Sperry, 1958 Elmira, 852 INDEX OF PERSONa 2525 Barton, cont'd, Emma Verona, S51 ICsther, 852 Fanny Abiah, 232 Frances Jane, 2106 George Sumner, £958 George Washington, 2106 Harriet, 851-3 Huldah, 852 Isaac, 853 Jacob, 851 James, 233, 851 Jane, 852 John, 233 Jorin Edgar, 1034 Joshua, 2106 Julia Ann, 851 Katie Berry, 2106 Leonard, S52 Lewisj 351, 851-2 Louisa, M52 Lucinda, 852 Lucy, 1044 Lydia, 233, 851 Margaret, 233, 1074 Mana, 852 Maria Louisa, 1982 * Martha Alice, 2106 Mary, 351, 851, 1384, 1798 Mary Bailey, 2106 Mercy, 851' Milly, 351 Moses, 852 Permelia, 851 Philo, 852 Phebe, 352, 832 Pluma, 851 Polly, 852 Rachel Mabie, 19S2 Rensselaer, 852 Reuben, 326 Rufus, 1074, 1798 Samantha, 852 Samuel, ^33 Sarah, 351, 851 Sarah Ann, 85 1 Sarah Martha, 1034 Sarai, 851 Sidney W., 232 'Silas, 1982 Susanna, Susannah, 851, * 1798 William, 852 Bartow, Beatrice EUa, 2018 Benjarjiin Plopkiiis, 2018 Ella Rebecca, 2018 Henry, 2018 Lee Flenry, 2018 Maria Catharine, 2018 Mary Lundie, 516 Perit Lathi'op, 516 Barttelot, see Bartlett. Barwick, Jane, 1109' Samuel, nog Bascom, Abiel, 382 Abigail, i486, 1662, 2483 Avis, 792, 2483 Betsey, 1658 EUen Payne, 382 Flavel, 382 Frances, 1658 Hannah, 792 Silas, 1658 SybU, 382 Thomas, 792, 2483 Bascon, miss or mrs., 45 Bashaw, Elizabeth Dabney, 2417 Thomas Farrier, 2417 Bashoon, John, 2259 Basil L, 2176 Basim, Harry Bernard, 2010 Jeannette Eolia, 2010 Mary R., 2010 Robert, 2010 Baskerville, -Edward, 348 Joane, 348 Baskin, Cynthia, 1192 B.asomer, Anna Mary, 1671 Bass, Almira, 1504 Ann, 186S Eliza, 304 Ephraim, 1970 Hannah, 1868 Bass, cont'd, John, 546, 1868, 1970 Jonathan, 1996 Mafy, 546, 1996 Bfcsa E., 1418 Ruth, 1868, 1970 Samuel, 1868, 1970, 1996 Sarah, 1970, 2421 Susanna, 1996 Thomas, 24:31 Bassenge, Marie Louise, 1174 Basset, see Bassett. Bassett, Basset, Abigail, 1107 Alice, 390, 2471 Anne, 1212 Charles, 1257, 1278 Charles Wesley, 1257 Clarissa, 1138 Cornelius, 390 Deborah, 980, 1211 Edward, 490 Eliza Ann, 1257 Elizabeth, SSo, 1211, 1237 Elmer Ellsworth, 113S Esther, 1210-11 Pj-ances Juliett, 1337 Hannah, 390 Ira, 1138 Ira Bryant, 1138 .James, 886 Jane, 490 Joel, 1337 John, 1211, 1277-8 Jonathan, 390, 2471 Julia, 1278 Justin Harrington, 1237 Louisa, 1138 Lucretia, 390 Lucy, 390 Margery, 1211 Martha, 1138 Martha Bethia, 113S Mary, 1138, 1257, 1278 Mary Jeanette, 1257 Mary Rose, 1277 Mercy Cleveland, ,1138 Mina, 1278 Naomi, 1211 Nathan, 390, 980, 1138, 2471 Nora Almira, 1138 Phebe Lambert, 980 Robert, 121 1 Samuel, 1211 Samuel Mayhew, 1138 Sarah, 1138, 1359 Sarah Elizabeth, 886 Susan,"" 1138 William, 390, 1138, 1212 WiUiam E., 1278 Bassick, Edgar Webb, 2179 Edmund Chase, 2479 ]?"rederick Cleaveland, 2479 Grace, 2479 Margaret Harriet, 2479 Rebecca EUzabeth, 24.79 William Roscoe, 2479 Batchelder, Bachelder, Bach eller, Bachelor, Bachiler, Bachilor, Batcheler, Batcheller, Batchelor, Batchiler, — — ~, 466 mr., 129 mrs,, 1867 Abigail, 145 Almira Fay, 1751 Anne, 1751, 2469 Anscai, 1632 Benjamin, 1751 Calvin, 806 Caroline, 1632 Carter, 1867 David, 1866 Deborah, 1660 Eliza, 2008 EUzabeth, 1751 Frederic Perkins, 1866, Hannah, 1867 Helena, 1867 Henriette Ackland, 806 Isabella Barron, i866 Jane, 145 Lydia, 806 Mary, 1867 Mehitable, 129 Nathaniel, 1S67 Batc'helder, cont'd, Nathan Hammond, 1866 Polly, 129 Ruth, 1102 Sally Thompson, ib66 Samuel, 1867 Stephen, 1660, 1867, 2469 Theresa, 1632 WiUiam, 145 Zadie Ethel, 1866 Batcheler, Batcheller, Batch elor, Batchiler, see Batch- elder. Bafe, see Bates. Bateman, Anna, 1563 Elezer P., 2318 Elizabeth, 1563 Hannah Greene, 1563 Helen, 2003 J ames Dexter, 2318 James Wesley, 2318 Lewis, 1563 Maria, 2318 Susan, ::;3i8 Thomas, 1563 Bates, Bate, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Albert Henry, 1541 Ann, 1335, 3485 Ann Craits, 808, 2485 Artemas, 1376 Aurelia, 909 Bianna, J541 « Catharine, 137$ Clarissa, 1900 Clement, 2485 Daniel D., 2269 David, 787 David Mitchell, 1457 Edward, 50 Eliphalet, 808, 2485 Eliza, 1035, 1240 Eliza J., 2269 Eiiza Susan, 808 Elon, 1578 Elvira Cleveland, 808 Emma B., 2116 Ester, Esther, 2485 Hester, 2485 Horace, 1541 Jacob, 328 James, 50 ' Johanna, 2485 John, 48, 50 Joseph, 24S5 Julia, 808 Laura, 808 Lavinia Catherine, 1376 Lewis, 1035 Lucy, 1554, 2496 Margaret, 1505 Mary, 48-50, 1833, 3485 Mary Ann, 80S, 2485 ; Mary Emily, 1457 ( Mercy Locke,' 787 Nancy, 787 I Olivia J., 1583 1 Patty, 4O4 ReDecca, 103; Rhoda, 1578 Samuel, i Sarah, 808, 1839 ,- Sarah Maria, 1541 / Stephen, 328 / Submit, 909 / Susan Coit, 808 / Susannah, xsi ,-' Thomas, 808 • . Timothy Pomeroy, gog V Tryphena, 1578 ^ Walter, 909 Bathrick, Abigail, 282, 677 1361 Anna, 1360 Cassandra, 13C0 Catharine, 1301 Catharine Susan, 1362 ' Charlotte, 1328 Clarissa, 1328 Daniel D., 678 Daniel Delos Tompkin: 678 Electa, 1360 Electa L., 1360 Elias, 132 2526 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bathrick, cont'd, Elizabeth C, 1361 Elizabeth Caroline, 1361 Esther Champion, 1361 Fanny Maria, 1361 Frank Martin, 1360 Friend W., 1360 Helen L., 1360 John, 282, 678 John Hiram, 678, 1360 Laura, 678 Lydia Champion, 1361 Martin, 1360 Mary, 1360 Mary.B., 1360 Noah Smith, 1361 Reuben Champion, 678 Sophronia, 678 Susan C, 13DC-1 Susannah, 678 Thomas, 282 Batt, Ann, 1613 Christophen 1613 Dorothy, 1613 Nicholas, 1613 Battelle^ Battle, Battles, Abigail, 1462 Ebenezer, 336 Hannah, 336-7 John, 336 Lucy, 336 Mehitabel, 336 PoUy, 816 Sarah, 885 Batten, Leotia, 2010 Battenhouse, Adam, 1969 Anna, i96g Jane, 1969 Kate, 1521 Martin, 1521 Sophia Jane, 1521 Baudains, Collette, 1615 Baugh, Ida, 2163 Bawldwyn, see Baldwin. Baxter, mr., 1408 Abigail, 1868 Elizabeth, 1547 Elizabeth Love, 1547 Emily E., 1408 Erand, 1052 George, 1547 Gregory, 345, 1868 Hannah, 345 Jesse, 807 John, 345, 1547 Margaret, 345, 1547, 186S Mary, 1547 Mary Elizabeth, 1052 Polly, 1052 Susan, 1543 Susan Jane, 807 William, 9, 10 Bayeux, Madeline, 1831 Magdalena, 1831 Thomas, 1831 Bayles Bayley, Baylies, Bay lis, Bayliss, see Bailey. Baylor, Elizabeth, 2304 Louisa, 2304 Lucy Garnett, 2304 Bayne, Alphonso, 537 Genaire, 527 Fannie Amelia, 527 Fannie Elizabeth, 527 Bazley, Charles William, 1 166 Elizabeth, 1166 Ella Eliza, 1166 Ernest Cleveland, 1166 George Henry, 1166 Maud Louisa, 1166 Minor George, 1166 Rebecca Louisa, 1166 WiUiam D., 1166 leach, Beech, Abel Stiles, 1847 Abner, 53:^ Abraham, 1809 Addie, 1348 Anna, 1324 Archibald William-Hicks, 2245 Beach, cont'd, .- Arthur Cleveland^ 1324 Arthur G., 805 Augusta Ann, 2043 Azariah, 1915 Caroline Chichester, 2245 Cleveland liarvey Buell 2043 Cordelia, 805 Cornelia, 1809 Cynthia Maria, 1914 Cyprian Nichols, 1813 Desire, 1915 Elisha, 1915 Elizabeth, 5go Estella Melissa, 1847 Eunice, 153s George Day, 1914 George Howard, 3042 George Lewis, 1324 George Risley, 1914-15 Gracie Arlington, 2043 Elannah, 1915, 2016 Harriet, 1338 Helen, 1812 Honor, 1915 Hubert Buell, 2043 Hubert Cleveland, 2043, 2352 James, 805 Julia, 1404 Louis Theodore, 1324 Lydia, 1915 Mabel, 1324 Margaret, 1847 Margaret Day, 1914-15 Maria A., 1526 Martha A., 915 Mary, 532 Mary Elizabeth, 2043 Mary EUery, 532 Richard, 1914-15 Ruth, 1334 Sarah, 1410 Theodore Benjamin, 1324 Thomas, 1914 William-Wither, 2245 Beachum, miss, 2142 Beacon, see Bacon. Beade, Hannah, 1198 Beadle, Abigail, 348 Betsey, 1867 James, 348 Lorane, Lorena, 348, 845 Mary Elizabeth, 2248 Beadsley, see Beardsley. Beahan, mrs., 2335 Thomas, 2335 Beak, Sophia, 332 Beal, Beale, Beales, Beall, Beals, Beel,. capt., 2336 Barbara, 414 Charlotte, 414 David, 2475 Diana, 2170-1 Eli, 414 Fannie, 696 Fletcher, 918 Frances, 6g6 James, 918 John, 2171 Josiah, 2209 Lavinia Ann, 696 Lula, 2131 Lydia, 918 M. E., 2171 Maria Caroline, gi8 Martha, 2209 Martha Hulit, 2209 Mary, 414 Sanford, 2131 Sarah, 2420-1 William, 696, 2171 Zina, 414 Beale, see Beal. Bealer, see Beeler. Beales, Beall, Beals, see Beal. Beam, Abigail, 453, 999 Alexander Finley, 1729 Amanda Fitzallen, 995 Beam, cont'd, Camilla, 1729 Elias Crane, 995 Emmarilla, 1729 Emmarilla May, 1729 Frederick William, 1729 Harold MUler, 1729 Helen Amanda, 995, 1729 John A., 1159 Joseph, 453 Julia B., 995 Julia Brownley, 995 Lizzie Adrienne, 1729' Mary Ann, 1159 Mary Elizabeth, 1730 Percy Randolph, 1730 Rachel Alice Ellen, 1159 Randolph Ryer, 1730 Susan Whitaker, 995 William Ryer, 1729 William Ward, 1729 Beaman, Eunice, 1960 Joseph, 1658 Mary, 1658 May Mira, 1658 Beamis, see Bemis. Beamish, Jane, 1982 Laura Evelyn, 3032 Beamond, see Bemis. Bean, Abbie, 649 Abigail Hamilton, 649 Betsey, 707 Cora Amanda, 649 Diantha, 1153 Elvira, 1302 Esther Melissa, 1193 Folsom, 642, 649 Frances Maria, 1278 Frank Gilbert, 649 Frederick Ainslee, 1193 George, 1409 Jane Ellen, 1193 John, 649 Lemuel, 1193 Lovina Hoyt, 649 Lovisa, 1301. Martha Fanny, 1409 Nancy, 642, 649, 1271 Oscar Whittier, 649 PoUy, 649 Raphael, 1409 Richard, 1193 Samuel, 1193 Sarah, 1193 Sophia, 647 Susan Cass, 649 Bear, John Henry, 1544 Margaret Amelia, 1544 Martha, 1544 Nancy, 1621 Sarah Ann, 1544 William Wallace, 1544 Beara, queen, 1068 Beard, mr., 36 Alphea, 1519 Carrie Ermina, 1332 Charles, 1332 Deborah, 426 Hannah, 36 John, 1332 Martha, 932 Miranda, 1332 Olivia Almira, 1333 Reuben Cross, 1332 Sarah Jane, 1187 Beardsley, Beadsley, Bears- ley, Berdsley, Bersley, Birdseye, mr., 2S1 Andrew, 617 Dinah, 1776 Eaton, 1233 Eden, 1232 Elizabeth, 617 Erford Carroll, 440 Esther, 1776 John, 1847 John Catlin, 440 Julia Ann, 851, 1847 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2527 Beardsley, cont'd, Maria, 440 Mary, 1776, 1847 Miranda Betsey, 1232 Nathan, 1776 Pollie, 617 Samuel, 1776 Sarah, 281, 1232 Sarah Cleveland, 440 Silas, 851 WUliam, 440, 617, 1776 Beare, lord, 1068 Daniel O'SuUivan, 1068 Ellen, •1068 Beare and Bantry, lord, 1068 Bearehaven, lady, 1068 lord Daniel, 1068 lord Donnel, 1068 lady Ellen, 1068 Bearse, see Bierce. Bearsley, see Beardsley. Beasley, miss or mrs., 2110 Clara Prudence, 1920 Jesse Low, 1920 Mary Catherine, 1920 Beattie, mrs,, 2184 Absalom, 2184 Amanda, 1196 David, 2184 EUza, 2184 Elizabeth, 2184 Elizabeth Cleveland, 2217 Ellen, 2184 Emily Edgeworth, 2183-4 Fountain Fox, 2183-4 Hamlin, 3183 Harvey Cleveland, 2217 James, 2184 Jane, 3184 John, 1196, 2184 John W., 1489 Josiah N., 2184 Kittie, 2216 Madison, 2184 Margaret, 2217 Martha Ann, 2184 Mary, i4g4, 2184 Mary Ella, 1196 Nancy, 21S4 *» Nancy Dyscort, 2184 Paulina, 3184' Rhoda, 2184 Robert, 3184 Sallie Vannoy, 2183 Samuel, 2184 Samuel Marshall, 2217 Sarah. i48g, 2184 Sarah Hannah, i48g Silas, 1494 Thomas, 1196 Thomas Cleveland, 1196 WiUiam, 2184 , William Edgeworth, 2216 William Hamlin, 2217 Beauchamp, Beauchampe, de Beauchamp, old baronial family, 2259 John, 2259 Margaret, 2259 Marguerite, 2259 Marian, 2259 Mary Ann, 2259 Beauchampe, see Beau champ. "Beauclerc" (Henry I), 266 Beaufort, Joan of, 265 Beauharnois, Josephine La Pagerie, 1612 Beaumont, De Bellomont, ancestress, 2175 Adelina, 2175 Elizabeth, 493 Elizabeth Isabella, 2175 Richard, 493 Robert, 2175 Robert surnamed Bossu, 2175 Roger, 217s Beaven, Charles. 1335 Mary, 1335 Mary Ann, 1335 Bebec, see Beebe. Bechtel, Gertrude, 1756 Beck Eliza, 1924 Beckenbrencker, mr., 163c Sarah Jane, 1630 Becker, Clara, 1256 Emil Arthur, 1597 Frederick Walter, 1256 Helen Aldrich, 1256 Hiram, 1256 Joanna, 1597 Max Arthur, 1597 Nancy, 1877 Sarah Jane, 1597 Sophia, 1256 Walter Cooley, 1256 Beckett, Mary, 1917 Nancy, 576 Robert, 576 Beckford, Byron D., 1206 Sarah Ann, 1206 Beckley, Bickley, Elizabeth, 1636 Frances, 66 Richard, 66 Sarah, 66, 3451 Becknel, see Bicknell. Beckwith, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abigail, 1103, 1143 Asa, 1170 Chauncey, 1143 Christiana, 1170 Edward \\'illiam, 1733 Harriet Amelia, 1143 Harriet Newell, 1733 Jane, 479, 1175 Luman, 1412 Lydia Ann, 1175 Rebecca, 1171 Samuel, 1175 Sarah A., 1412 WiUiam, 1723 Bedall, see Bidwell. Beddow, Sabria, 727 Simeon, 727 Bedell, colonel, 2468 Beden, Catherine, 1239 Bedewelle, ace Bidwell. Bedfield, see Bidfield. Bedford, Abigail, 1025 Daniel, 1025 Bedlo, Elizabeth, 2419 Beebe, Bebee, mr., 152 mrs., 1239 Abner, 267 Adelia Jane, 1892 Alonzo, 267 Caroline, 852 Charles Davison, 1239 (Tharlotte, 936 Christiana, 1312 Clarissa E., 1193 David. 1827 Dolly, 267 Edwin Alfred, 1892 Edwin Walter, 1892 EUen Louisa, 1892 George, 267 Hannah, 1892 Hannah Elizabeth, 1339 Helen Mary, 1893 Henry, 267 John, 1339 John Cleveland, 1339 Tulia Ann, 267 La Motte, 1892 Laura, 2494 Laura E., 1381 Lyman Miller, 267 Maria Watson, 831 Mary, 152, 830, 1503, 1837 Mary EUzabeth, 3348 Mary Lucinda, 1826 Pliny, 1892 Robinson, 830 Robinson Milton Newton, 831 SaUy, 841 Beebe, cont'd, Samuel Dickerman, 1239 Beech, see Beach. Beecher, family, 2032 Amos, 1885 Anna, 1891 Frances Rebecca, 1885 Jane, 433 Joseph, 433 Lyman, 2032 Mary Foote, 2032 Phebe, 1885 Rollin L., 1891 Susan Janette, i8gi Thomas Claghorn, 433 Beeckman, Beekman, AUda, 1831 Cornelia, 731 Eva, Eve, 1831 Johannes Martense, 1831 Marten Hendrikse, 1831 Susannah, 1831 Beede, Addie Electa, 1269 Emily Darling, 1269-70 Jesse Rogers, 1269-70 Mary A., 1269 Nathan, 1269 Susan Livingston, 1269-70 Ursula Moriah, 2040 Willie Hovey, 1270 Becker, Anne, 1900 Beekman, see Beeckman. Beel, see Beal. Beeler, Bealer, Adalid, 2193 Alice, 2219 Catharine, Catherine, 2131 Daniel, 2132 David, 2194 Dena, 2132 Elizabeth, 1291 Enoch Cromwell, 2193 Grover Hicks, 2195 Ivanora, 2132 Jacob, 2131 Jacob Newton, 2194 James Leroy, 2132 Jesse Everett, 2132 John, 1291 Joseph, 2131 Joseph Cleveland, 2193 Lena, 1291 Lillie, 3132 Louisa, 2194 Margaret, 1646 Martha Jane, 2195 Martin Luther, 2193 Mary Martha, 2193 Molisa Isidora, 2194 Nancy, 3131 Paulina, 2194 Robert Barton, 2195 Roy Hood, 2195 Sallie, 2132 Sarah Elizabeth, 2194 William Frankland, 2194 William Tilmon, 2194 Wrightman White, 2194 Beeman, Beman, Catherine, 1875 Lydia, 383 Beemer, Abbey, 207 Elton, 207 George, 207 Halsey, 207 Harriet, 207 Horton, 207 Jane, 207 Mary, 207 Sarah, 207 Beerbower, Blanche, 1354 Evaline Amelia, 1354-5 Isaiah, 1354 Lydia Eliza, 1354 Mary Ann, 1355 Peter, 1354-5 Rachael, 1354-5 Samantha, 1354 Sereign Uriah, 1354-5 Beers. Abel, 1772-3 Anna Charlotte, ig4g Eliza, 225s Elizabeth, 1772-3 Ella Maria, 1298 Euretta Alvira, 1949 Henry, 2255 Joseph Husten, 1298 Maria, 129S 2528 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Beers, cont'd, Mary, 127 Ransom Carter, 1949 Richard, 127 Ruth, 1298 Sarah Evora, 1949 Schuyler, 1298 Beeston, Dorothy, 1664 Beetle, Betsey, 971 Christopher, 1720 Eliza, 971 James, 971 . Mary Ann, 1720 Begga de Landen ou le Vieux, 1615 Beggarly, Caroline, 1938 Beggo, Joseph, 2021 Mary, 2021 Beglay, Maggie, 1679 Beidelman, see Bidleman. B elcher, Andrew, 4g7. 545' 878 Elizabeth, 497. 878 Hannah, 104-5 Jeremy, 105 Jonathan, 545» 878 Lucy, 335 Martha, 497 Mary, 105 Richard, 104-5 Ruth, 104-5 Sarah, 545 Beiden, Belding, ancestors mentioned, 1813 brothers, 1487 Fannie Eugenia, 1487 Howard R., 1487 James Russell, 1456 Julia, 1456 Lydia, 1813 Margaret, 1598 Mary Jane, 1456 Sophia, 833 William, 1598 Belding, see Beiden. Belesme, Ada, lady, 265 WUliam, earl, 265 Belhaven, barons, 2175 Beli Mawr, " king of Britain, 715 Belknap, Abraham, 3427 Betsey, 1750 Ebenezer, 1327 Edward, 1750 Herman Ray, 1750 Hiram Clark, 1750 Jane, 2427 Jeremy, 107 Joseph, 2427 Mary E., 1327 Phebe Adelaide, 1337 Thomas, 2^27 William Francis, 1327 Bell, Belle. , 53. 253 miss, 1494 mr., 53, 1145 mrs., 1421 AbigaU, 2455 Anna, 53 Beacher C, 1487 Charlotte, 2039 Christiana, 750 Claudine, 459 Edward Adelbert, 2491 Eleanor, 2039 Fanny, 1093-4 Francis, 2455 Gilbert, 459 Hannah, 53 Hattie Louisa, 45g Isabelle, 2135 James, 1140 Johanne, 2242 Jonathan, 2455 Joseph, 436 Julia, 1140 Justus Blanchard, 2039-40 Laura, 1487 Leander, 1246, 2491 Lizzetta, 2491 Lula, 2131 Lura Velma, 1346, 2491 Lydia, 1409 Marie, 1140 Mary, 1679, 2151 Mary Catharine, 459 Mary Edith, 1145 BeU, cont'd, Mary Lulie, 1145 Minnietta, 459 Nellie, 1487 Sanford, 2131 Sarah, 2393 Sarah Bell, 436 Susanna, 2455 Thomas, 2491 Thomas J., 1140 William, 53, 436* 1487 William Joseph, 436 Bellamy, Alonzo, 1619 Bethia, 2260 CUnton, i6ig Edwin, 1619 Elizabeth, 2260 Frances, 2260 Iva, i6ig Joseph, 2260 Lilly, 1619 Matthew, 2260 Rhoda, 1619 Sarah, 2260 William T., 1619 Bellansted, Gundella, lady, 1108 Vitellan, lord of, 1108 Bellasise, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 viscount Fauconberg, baron of Yarm, 13 BeUe, see BeU, Bellet, aunt, 2308 mrs., 2308 Bellinger, Adelaide M., 1472 Ann, 2218 John, 1472 Bellows, Abigail, 128 Elizabeth, 1295 ¦» Hannah, 257 Joseph, 128 Phillip, 1295 Rachel, 1295 Bellshaw, Elizabeth, 733 Belmont, lady Constance, 319 sir Walter Thomas, 319 Beltz, Catharine, 2305 Beluty, Ellen, 1036 Ellen Margaret, 1036 William, 1036 Beman, see Beeman. Bement, Elvira, 1228 Miranda Content, 1228 Samuel, 1228 Bemis, Beamis, Beamond, Anna Ethel, 1707 Charles Whiting, 3477 Elinor, 2477 Elizabeth, 479 Harriet, 1410 John, 47g Lydia, 479 Mary, 1538 Maud Annie, 2477 Samuel Willard, 2477 Sarah Elizabeth, 2477 Silas, 1410 Susan, 1410 Thomas Bucklin, 2477 Willard, 2477 William, 479 Benadic, rev. mr., 294 Mary, 294 Benbow, Benjamin, 1950 Ellen, 1952 Mary, 1950 Mary J., 1950 Bender, Laura L., 1686 Bendore, Mariaette, 2479 Benecke, Fanny Otis, 201S Louis Bartholomew, 2018 Louis Raymond, 2018 WiUiam, 2018 Benedict, mr., 1163 rev. mr., 294 Ada Louise, 2254 Amos, 1659 Andrew, i7;6 Anna Coates, 1776 Anne, 1776 Annie Rodgers, 1776 Benajah, 1044 Betsey, 679 Charles, 2^54 Cleveland Keith, 1777 David Warren, 225, Edward, 2254 , Elisha, 2458 \ Benedict, cont'd, Eliza, 2316 Ella Maria, 1237 Emeline, 1659 Emily Cleveland, 1776 Ernest Milnor, 1776 Esther B., 1136 Esther Jane, 1204 Ezra, n36 Frances, 1389 George ElUot, 1776 George Frederick, 2254 George H., 1242 • Harriet, 1776 Harriet Newell, 2254 Harry, 2254 Henrietta, 912 Henry Marvin, 2458 Howard Warren, 2254 Huldah, 1364-5 Huldah E., 1242 James, 1659, 2458 Jane, 1659 John, 1659 John Augustus, 1776 Josephine, 2254 Julia, 1776 Julia Bush, 1776 Julia Marietta, 1777 Julius, 912 Lucy, 1776, 2458 Lucy Victoria, i777 Lydia, 1659 * Lydia Ellen, 1242 Mary, 294, 537, 1136, iS43. 1659, 2458 Mary Louisa, 1776 Newton, 1044 Olivia, 1777 Oscar Freeland, 1237 Persis Alvira, 1044 Phebe, i65g Polly, 1136 Ravaud G, 1776 Ruhama, 1543 Sabrina Maria, 1237 Sallie Allen, 1777 Salome, 1044 Samuel, 1776 Samuel Caldwell, 1776 Sarah, 1163, 1659 Sarah E., 1242 Sylvia, 1659 Thankful, 2458 Thomas, 1659, 2458 LTriah, 1543 William, 1659, 2458 William Frederick, . 2254 Benezet, Anthony, 513 Jean Etienne, 513 Benham, mrs., 775 Charles Frederick, 775 Esther, 1968 Frank Henry, 775 George Kinney, 775 Grace, 1526 Harriet Stewart, 775 Helen Augusta, 775 Henry, 775 Lemuel Cleveland, 775 Mary, 775, iggS Mary jane, 1520 Mercy, 1998 ' Phebe, 1968 Samuel, 1968 lleniamin, mr., 1429, 2486 trirs.. 802 /varon, 1504 Abel, 59 Abigail, 59, 1670 Agnes E., 1507 Allen, 602 \ivin, 802 Amathia, 59 Amity, 59 Amy, 692 Anna, 1429-30 A a, 692 Augusta E., 776 T'larles Clifford, 1297 Lilarles T., 776 David, 1353 Edward John, 1297 Eliza Mary, 1297 Elizabeth, 59, 775 Benjamin, cont'd, Emily Jane, 1504 Esther, 1353 Eunice, 802 Eunice S. A. D., 776 Ezekiel, 776 George, 1297 Jacob, 775 Jane, 1297 Joel, 276 John, 59, 315, 1670 Jonas, 1512 Josepih, 315, 723 Laura, 13 12 Louisa, 692 Lucy, 554 Lydia, 315, 556, 1167, 1512 Margaret, 1296 Martha, 1670, 24S6 Martha M., 802 Mary, 315, 693, 775-6 Mary E., 776 Meorry Taylor, 276 Mercy Ann, 1512 Nancy, 1507 ^¦''' Nancy A., 776 Nathaniel, 692 ¦Obed, 315, 775-6 Ogden, 802 Parney, 776 Patience, 130, 1296 Phebe, 776 Priscilla, 692 Rebecca S., 776 Sally, 276 Salome, 775, 1507 Salome A., 776 Samuel, 362, 1297, 1670 Samuel M., 692 Sarah, 723, 1140 Sarah A., 776 Sarah E., 776 Tabitha, 1670 Willard Washington, 1297 WilHam A., 776 William "Alvin, 802 Benn, Bessie Alwin, 1216 Betsey Ann, 1216 Calvin, 1216 Elizabeth Alwin, 1216 Elizabeth Ann, 1216 Emma Delphine, 1216 Bennet, see Bennett. Bennett, Bennet, famUies, 1086 mr., 680 Aaron, 1266, 1871 Abbie Ann, 1474 Abigail, 204, 549 Addison, 1250 Addison J., 1241 Alice Ellen. 1388 Alice Maud, 1369 Alonzo L., 1473 \ Amanda, 1369 ' Amelia Emily, 1263 ' Ann Eliza, 1388 , Anna, 204, 852, 1260 Anna Catharine, 1733 VAnna M., 1733 Archelaus, 1916 Benjamin, 204,- 1332-3 ¦ram an, 267 laleb Drew, 1086 - Caroline, 1871 Catharine, Catherine, 1056, 1086, 1325 Celia, 418 Charles, 418 Charles D., 1733 Clara Belle, 1871 Clara Julia, 1748 Clara Louise, 1388 Clarence, 1369 Cynthia, 662-3 Damaris, 1835 ¦David, 662 159 INDEX OF PERSONS. Bennett, cont'd, Deborah, 1211, 1916 Deborah Starr, 1086 Elizabeth, 1211, 2336 Elizabeth J., 1473 Emanuel, 809 Emeretta Augusta, 267 Esther, 45 Fanny, 1332-3 Fannie Ida, 3138 Fidelia, 1332 Frank Wesley, 1388 FrankUn, 852 George A., 791, 1441 Hannah B., 1241 Harriet Maria, 1056 Harry, 1748 Helen Maria, 267 Henry Alonzo, 267 Flerbert Leonard, 1388 Imogene E., 1241 Irene, 1333 Isaac, 1211 Jane, 1456 Joanna, 1543 John, 410, 1388 Joseph, 1056, 1543, 2336 Josephine Sophia, 1916 Leon J., 1341 Leonard Edmund, 1388 Lillian E., 1241 Lorin Braman, 267 Louisa Adele, 1871 Lucy G., 418 Lucy P., 1733-4 Margaret Ann, 1871 Maria, 680 Marinda, 1637 Martha, 809, 1873 Mary, 267, 1250, 1266, 15 id, 1726 Mary Alice, 1871 Mary Ann, 1250, 1543 Mary Elizabeth, 2336 Mary Emeline, 1388 Mary Jane, 204, 267 Mary Sophia, 1916 Mary Theda, 1916 Minnie Belle, 1871 Minnie Johnson, 809 Nathan, 1211 Oliver, 1916 Orlando, 1871 Perry, 1369 Phebe, 662 Phebe Hunter, 1086 Philena, 1259 Prudence, 438 Rebecca, 1871 Ruth, 1266 Sabrina Maria, 1237 Sally, 410 Samuel Britton, 1086 Sarah, 1388 Sarah Elizabeth, 791 Susan May, 1871 Sweet, 1726 Tryphosa, 1473 W. F., 2138 William, 1266, 1456, 1748 WiUiam Thomas, 1871 Benning, Ann, 494 Henry, 494 Mary, 494 Ralph, 494 Benson, miss, 1432 mr., 1373 Arthur W., 1373 Bridget, 1522 Caroline, 1395 Cornelia, 1395 Frank Sherman, 1373 George W., 1395 Jane Ann, 1373 'Mary, 987 Mary C^llark, 1373 Matilda, 1641 Bent, Agnes, 121 Allen H., 1088 Augusta Amelia, 558 Beriah, 315 John, 2040, 2484 2529 Bent, cont'd. Love Peri, 315 Martha, 2484 W. W., 558 Bentley, Bently, Adelia, 930 Almira, 93*0 CaroUne, 1509 Gharry, 930 Clarissa Lorinda, 797 David, 1509 Eliza Cleveland, 930 Elizabeth, 943 Ephraim Cleveland, 930 Ernest Cargill, 930 Frederick, 1648 Gardner, 797 George A., 1539 George CargUl, 930 George Eugene, 930 Green, 930 Flattie, 1648 Isaac Swartwood, 930 Jane Eliza, 790 John, 943 John Wixom, 930 Loretta, 930 Lucinda, 930 Lucy A., 1539 Maria, 1648 Mary, 930 Olive, 930 Orrin, 790 Phebe Ann, 930 Rosalia Amelia, 1539 Bently, see Bentley. Benton, , 2173 miss, 1352 CaroUne Lucetta, 1125 Carrie Louise, 1125 Chester, 1125 Eliza, 1352 Elmer L., 1412 Emma L., 1412 Esther, 676 Henry Francis, 1125 Jeannette Cleaveland, 1 125 Marcus, 1352 Mary, 651-2 Mary Putnam, 1125 Myra, 1412 Roy A., 1412 Sarah A., 1412 Tirzah Porter, 1125 William, 1412 Bentz, Cornelia Adaline, 1671 Michael, 1671 Susanna, 1671 Benyons, mr., mrs., 2252 Dudley Edward, 2252 Sarah Adelaide, 2252 Berbank, see Burbank. Berdan, Abbie Lavinia, 1734 Abigail, 999 Ann, 999 David, 999 James, 1734 Jane, 1021 Marretie, 1031 Mary, 1031, 1734 Berdewelle, see Bidwell. Berdsley, see Beardsley. Beresford, ancestry men tioned, 1212 Jane, 1212 Berfield, Mary, 1191-2 Berge, Frances Phelps, 1594 Bergen, mrs., 1634 Edgar, 1634 Bergordas, mr., 1674 Margaret, 1674 Minnie, 1674 Berkley, miss, mrs., 2420 Robert, 2420 Rowland, 2420 Berlew, James, 1684 Sophia, 1684 Bernadet, Ida, 2272 Bernard, roi d' Italic, 1615 Bernard, the Norman, 2176 Bernard, the Viking, 2175 Bernington, Agnes, 1210 Berrey, see Berry. Berriman, see Berryman. 2530 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Berry, Berrey, mr., 715 Adelia Jane, 1892 Alphonso Eaton, 1892 Alta Eliza, 1892 An., 715 Ann Eliza, 2126 Anna, 1032 Anne, 122 Bettie Stuart, 2042 Caroline, 2126 Content, 2289 Darius, 122 Edward Cecil, 1983 Elbina, 955 Elizabeth, 1195 Emily, 1127, 2126 Emily Ethel, 2126 Emma Jane, 1893 Ephraim, 311, 1332, 1334 Francis, 1983 Frank Albert, 1127, 2126 Franklin King, 2126 Henry, 430 Isaac, 592 Jennie Elizabeth, 1195 John, 524-5 Lou AUa, 1983 Lucy, 524-5 Luke Dayton, 2126 Lydia, 1332, 1334 Maria, 1892 Martha, 311 Mary, 311 Nancy, 430, 592, 1334, 2042 Nathan Baldwin, 1127 Philemon B., 1195 Rebecca, 524 Robert Sydney Cleveland, 2126 Ruth, 1332 SaUy, 1183 Sarah, 592 Saxon Scott, 1892 Saxton, 1334 Thornton, 2042 William, 489 William Francis. 1983 Berryman. Berriman, Ada Gertrude, 1871 Alice, 1266 Hattie Fithian, 1871 James, 1266 Jane, 572 Katherine Cook, 1871 Louisa Amanda, 1266 Mary Jane, 573 Mary Louisa, 1871 Sarah Jane, 1870 William, 573 William Edmund, 1870 Bersley, see Beardsley. Berthe, queen, 1615 Bertholf, Jane, 1005 John, 1005 Martha, 1005 Bertram, Julius, 2171 M. E., 2171 Bertrand, Alice, 1877 Mary Elizabeth, 1877 WiUiam, 1877 Beryessa, Clara Prudence, 1920 Bessey, Bessie, Eleanor, Elinor, 1626 Elizabeth, 1626 Lemuel, 1626 Mary, 1626 Moses, 1626 Bessie, see Bessey. Betfield, see BidHeld. Bethany, Adeline EsteUe, 1914 James Waller, 1914 Mary Adeline, 1914 Bethel, miss^ 1751 Carrie Mabel, 1751 Clarissa Margaret, 1751 Harry Joseph Cleveland, 1751 Isabel, 1703 Bethel, cont'd, Joseph, 1751 Louis Prentiss, 1751 Mary Jefferson, 1982 Sarah, 175 1 Sarah Bertha, 1751 Bethoc, princess, 266 Bethune, Elizabeth, 1767 Bett, see Betts. Betterton, Charles WUliam, 1853 Christina, 1853 Emily Hannah, 1853 Bettey, Angeline Weaver, 701 Josiah B., 701 Sarah, 701 see also Pettee. Bettison, Elizabeth, 2218 Betts, Bett, Anna, 1752 Elizabeth, 1809 Grace, 213, 1603 John, 1519 Joseph, 1752 Mary, 1519, 2254 Mary Ann, 1771 Mercy, 1809 Richard, 1809 Sally, 326 Sarah, 1752 Stephen, 2281, 2470 Thomas, 1809, 2254 Bevan, Ebenezer, 1800 Jane Tudor, 1800 Nellie Tudor, 1800 Beverly, Margaret, 1819 Robert,. 1819 Beverston, Elizabeth Bark- ley. 319 John, 319 Bewick, Joseph, 12 Beyer, Amelia, 1380 August, 1380 Bibbins, Alvira, 297, 725 Calvin, 297 Deborah, 297 Elijah, 298 Elisha, 298 Luther, 297 Samantha, 298 Samuel, 297 Susan, 298 William, 297 Bickerton, Richard, 2327 Bickford, mr., 1677 Abigail, 1876 Almira Lola, 1876 Anthony Smith, 1677 Betsey, 1520 Cordelia Elizabeth, 1876 Eben B., 1611 Emily, 1677 Ernest Melvin, 1876 Isabelle C, i6n Jane, 1270, 1876 John William, 1876 Julia Theresa, 1876 Louisa, 1848 Mary Abby, 1876 Mary Hannah, 1677 Melinda, 1631 Moses, 1848 Nolan Earl. 1876 Oliver Gurdon, 1876 Samuel, 1876 Samuel B., 1876 Sarah, 1677 Sarah Jane, i6n Bickley, see Beckley. Bicknall, see BickneU. Bicknell, Becknel, Bicknall, Agnes, 333 Bennett, 1130 Bessie, 1130 Byron J., 1130 Elizabeth, 1130 Emma Gridley, 2014 Ephraim, 2014 Eunice, 2014 George Cleveland, 2014 Plarrison, 1130 Homer Pludson, 2014 J. Bennet, 1130 John, 1130 Kate Rhodes, 2014 Martha, 645, 1083 2014 n3o BickneU, cont'd, Martha Carlotta, 2014 Mary, 1130 Mertice Ethel, Sarah, 1083 Sarah Maria, William, 1083 Zachary, 333 Biddal, see Bidwell. Biddle, Julia, 1C93 Sarah Jane, 1273 Biddleman, liidelman, see Bidleman. Bidfield, Bedfield, Betfield, Elizabeth, 1613 Samuel, 1613 Bidlack, Alice May, 1192 James, 1192 Job, 1192 ' Bidleman, Beidelman, Bid dleman, Bidelman, Angeline, 1950 Catharine, 1342 Catherine i\Ielissa, 1342 Daniel, 1342 James Knox, 1342 BidoU, see Bidwell. Bidweil, Bedall, Bedewelle, Berdewelle, Biddal, Bid oU, mrs., 834 Abigail, 3482 Anna, 2035 Anne, 2482 Edwin M., 1999 Elizabeth, 1509 Emma J., 1515 Hannah, 2482 Harriet Jane, 834 James A., 834 John, 1999 Julia, nio Maria Adaline, 834 Maria Marr; 2501 Nancy Louise, 833 Richard, 1999, 2482 Robert, 1999 Sarah, 217, iggq Watson, 833 William, 1999 Bierce, Bearse, Aaron, 314 Austin Alexander, 1591 Barton, 1591 Esther Maria, 314 Plarriet, 314 Leonora, 1591 Lydia Alice, 1591 Bigelow, Baguley, Biglow, elder, 1628 Abby Mandan, 480 Alice May. 1206 Amatus, 480 Ann, 2282 Arnette Rebecca, 1688 Arthur George, 2000 Cecilia Maud, 1175 Clarence Leforrist, 1175 Cleveland, 2000 Cushman, 1706 David, d8o David Skinner, 480 Deborah, 480 Edward, 1206 Eldora Martha, 1206 / Electa, 1197 J Eliza, 1628, 1706 / Elizabeth, 1206, 1839, iSjig* Elizabeth Ann, 1688 fe. Emily, 1175 " ¦ Emily Amelia, 201 1 Hannah. 1706, 1839 Henry Bryant. 2000 Jane, 382 John, 382, dSo, 1839, 2328 Jonathan, 480 Joseph Smith, 2000 Joshua, 1839 Josiah, 648 Lewis Allen, 1175 Lovisa, 648 Lucy, 648" INDEX OF PERSONS. 2531 Bigelow, cont'd, Lydia, 1839 Malvina Flewellen, 1175 Mary, 382, 2000 Mary Cleaveland, 2000 Mary Jane, 458 Nancy, 1924 Randle, 382 Robert, 1688 Sarah, 381-2, 183^9 Stephen, 480 Susan, 1349 Susannah, 480 Bigford, Anna Kendall, 1977 Bigley, Catherine, 2145 Biglow, see Bigelow. Bigod, Bigot, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Bigot, see Bigod. Bill, Abigail, 992 Arminius Wesley, 1727 Clarence Woodford, 1727 Dorothie, 509, 992 E. D., 1727 Ephraim, 509-10 Fanny. 901 Fanny Myrtle, 1727 Frank Wesley, 991 Hannah, 509, 992 Hattie Augusta, 1727 Joanna, 992 John, 509, 992 Joshua, 992 Ledyard, 509 Lorinda E., 1728 Lydia, 509-10 Mary Irene, ggi Mehitabel, 992 Philip, 509, 992 Phineas, 991-2 Rowena Adaline, ggi Samuel, 509 William, 992 Billard, David, 2452 Mehitable, 2452 Billett, Christian, 1212 Billin, Billing, see Billings. Billings, BUlin, BiUing, miss or mrs., 288 I soldier, 806 Abigail, 1816 Abram, 1665 Albert, 769, 1563 Almira, 769 Alpheus, 831 Amy, 640-1 Andrew, 606 Ann, 539, 541 Anna BeU, 1563 Benjamin, 640-1 Candace, 1383 Catherine, 1550 David, 1439 Ebenezer, 103, 539, 541 Edward Phelps, 1665 Elizabeth, 1439 Flavia, 1338 Grace, 640 Hannah, 103, 1838-9 Harriet, 1563 Hepzibah, 103 Jane, 1140, 1839 John, 606 Jonas, 1383 JJary, 539, 771, 830 Nathaniel, 1839 Persis, 2460-1 Phebe, 539 Rhoda, 1383 Roger, 103, 1816 Rowena Maria, 1665 Samuel, 606 Sarah, 2115, 2117 Thomas, 1839 William, 539 Zipporah, 858 Billott, Margaret, 120 Billsby, Eliza, 1740 Bingham, de Bingham, mr., i88g Abigail, 182 Alice, 646, 713 Benjamin, 46 Calvin, 2013 Charlotte, 1823 Charlotte Jane, 1823 Elizabeth, 141, 1889 Bingham, cont'd, George C, 46 Plannah, 2013 James Hervey, 1823-4 John, 1824 Joseph, 2013 Julia Ida, 46 Laura A., 2013 Luther, 182, 2013 Mary, 1824, 1889 Mary Lucretia, 1888-9 Nancy, 2013 Ruby, 182 Ruth, 2013 Silas Lee, i88g Thomas, 1824, 2013 William, 182 Binney, Charles James Fox, 1147 Birch, Burch, Ann, 2096 Aurillia, 1534 David, 1534. Julia, 1534 Margaret, 1400 Samuel, 2096 Birchall, Buckhaults, Eme line Pamelia, 1043 Yeddick, 1043 Zadoc B., T043 Birchard, Burchard, Ann, 1545 Anna, 2316 Catharine, 1377 Diana, 2316 Elias, 2316 EUa, 2316 Fred C, 2272 Hattie, 2316 Kate, 2272 Mary, 112 j. Melvin, 2316 Sarah, 1124 Thomas, 1124 Bird, Burd, , 14 Ann, 1828 Charles, ic2i Elijah, 2114 Frances Maria, 1925 Grace Cleveland, 1021 James, 1925 Jerusha, 199 Keziah, 1411 Louisiana Jemima, 2114 Margaret, 1925 Marv Corrilla, 1052 Sarah, 1562 Sterling, 1052 Thankful, 2251 Thomas, 1828 William, 199 \\''iUiam D., 1021 Birdsall, Burdsall, Adelaide JuUa, 1925-6 AmeUa D., 803 E. M., 803 Judith, 1883 Lydia M., 1547 Oliver, 1547 Polly, 1547 Birdsey, John, 46 Birdseye, see Beardsley. Birge, miss, 1182 Allie Luella, 1850 Alwilda Luella, 1850 Burrit B., 1850 Bisbee, Bisbv, EUen Louisa, 1165 J. PL, 139 Jeannette, 1673 Joseph Perkins, 1165 Ruhama P., 1418 Susan Abigail, 1165 Bisby, see Bisbee. Bishop, miss or mrs., 189 Alice, 1172 Amelia, 570, 573 Ann, 1134, 1147 Anna, 1124, 1168, 1172 Annie, 570 Annie Pearson, 1172 Augusta Maria, 1168 Charles Wallgate Wilber force, 1172 Clara Louisa, 1846 Cornelia, 573 Cynthia, 572 Daniel, 1 147 Ebenezer. 1167, 1172 Edgar Wheeler, 1616 Edward, 568 Elias, 557, 1177 Bishop, cont'd, Eliza Ann, 557, 1172 Elizabeth, 570, 1616 Enoch Aaron, 572 Eunice, 557 Frances Ann, 568 Frank Melville, 1616 Freedom Melinda, 1172 George, 1174 George Cle\^eland, 572 George Leander, 1172 Grace, 11 72 Gustavus Edwin, 1846 Hannah, 573, 1561 Harriet, 1174 Harding Young, 1173 Harvey, 573 Hiram, 573 James, 1445 James Melville, 1616 Jane, 572 Jesse Ames, 624 Jesse Lewis, 1173 Jessie Leanna, 1172 Joan, 1603 John, 1124, 1147, 1172, 1261 John Henry, 572 Judah Lorenzo, 1 177 Lalia Sophia, 1172 Lavinia, 1444 Lewis Leander, 1172 Lois Wiley, 1616 Lola May, 1172 Louisa, 573 Lovett, 570 Lucy Walker, 1261 Lydia Ann, 1172, 1846 Maggie, 573 Marietta, 11 76 Martha, 572 Martin Grant, 1172 Mary, 1147. 1172, 14^5 Mary Blanche, 1846, 2353 Mary H., 1172 Mary Jane, 573 Mary Louisa, 1177 Mary Louisa Olevia, 1172 Mercy, 1172 Naomi, 573 Nathan, 1616 Peter, 572 Raleigh Hall, 1172 Rebecca, 573 Richard Esty Burpee, 1172 Sarah, 624, 1261 Simon Peter, 573 Sophia Atlanta, 1981 Susannah, 1147 Sylvania, 1848 Timothy, 1172 William Johnson Harding, 1 172 Bissel, see Bissell. Bissell, Bissel, Byssel, Bys- selle, Abigail, 912, 1060, I 108, 2482 Amelia, 1311 Anna, 1045 Charles, 283 Charles Harmon, 1217 Cynthia, 1045 Daniel, 329-30, 2023 Ebenezer, 1045 Edward, 283 Eliza, 701, 1217 Elizabeth, 2022-3 Florence Emogene, 1521 Fluvia, 329 Hepzibah, 283 Isabel, 2023 Izrel, 2023 James F., 1521 Jerusha, 2023 John, 1108, 2023, 2040 Lydia, 283, 329-30 Margaret, 2023 Nelson, 283 Samuel, 2482 Sarah, 283 Sophia, 2022 Thankful Ann, 1217 Thomas, 1060, 2023 William, 1217 2532 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bitely, Catherine Xan Dusen, 1558 Bitgood, Abbie, 1336 Tryphena, 1335 Varnum, 1336 Bivings, Albert \\'ashington, 2131 Barney Cleveland, 2131 Blanche Alpen, 2192 Emma, 2192 Emma Avery, 2131 Frank Carlisle, 2192 James, 3129, 2131 James Cleveland, 2192 Jesse Franklin, 2131 Jessie, 2131 Lizzie, 2131 Lula, 2131 Mary Elizabeth, 2192 Mary Robert, 2131 Maud Allene, 2192 Rosa Caroline, 2192 Rosa Cleveland, 2192 Sarah Elizabeth, 2130 Susan, 2129, 2131 Susan Elizabeth, 2129 William Beel, 2131 William Troy, 2192 Bixby, mrs., 404 Aaron, 403 Abel W^halen, 404 Alvan Hovey, 1879 Ambrose, 403-4 Anna, 404 Charles Hunter, 1879 Cornelia, 404 Cynthia, gii David, 403 Eliza, 404 Eveline, 928 George, 404 Ichabod, 1300 Ida Alelia, 1290, 1879 James, 404 Jonathan, 2262 Lura, 1300 Lydia, 404, 1879 Mary Ann Nancy, 1290, 1879 Mary Eva, 1879 Nathan, 1879 Patty, 404 Phebe, 928 Polly, 403 Priscilla, 403 Rhoda, 926-7 Sally, 403 Susan, 1300 Urban Lathrop, 1290, 1879 Urban Willis, 1879 Willard, 404 William, 404 Black, Ann, 388 David, 2126 Eliza Minerva, 2126 Elizabeth, 451, 1688 Frank Lewis, 1688 James, 1688, 2126 James Larkin Peter, 2126 John W., 2156 Louisa Frances, 2156 Mary, 2126 Melissa Amelia, 1688 Minnie Maud, 1688 Nettie M., 1688 William, 1688 Blackburn, Elizabeth, 2125 Emma, 2497 Blackman, Abigail, 1640 Abraham, 1640 Albert Clyde, 609 Ann, 1297 Anna, 609, 1640 Charles Edward, 1297 Charles Hadley, 6og Edna, 6c9 Eleazer, 1640 Elvira, 1332 Estella, 1052 Esther, 1203 Francena, 1203 Frederick William, 1297 Grace Maud, 1297 Hannah, 956, 1714, 1921 Hiram, 1052 Horace, 6og James, 609 Jemima Adaline, 1332 Joseph, 1297 Leander, 1203 ' Blackman, cont'd, Martha Jane, 1297 Mary Corrilla, 1052 Mary M., 1053 Mary Matilda, 609 Melissa, 1052 Oscar, 6og Persis, 609 Sarah, 1640 Sarah Ann, 1053 Truman Leroy, 1052 Walter, 1203 Zenas, 1332 Blackmore, Mary, 129 Blackney, Hannah, 759 WUliam A., 759 Blackwell, Alice, 743 Ann, 462 Cornelius, 462 Eleanor, 462 Eliza, 462 Enoch, 462 Hannah, 415 Harriet, 462 John, 462, 743 Joshua, 462 Lois, 1706 Lucretia, 463 Maria, 463 Nathaniel, 462 Peter, 462 Phebe, 462 Priscilla, 461-2 Priscilla Warner, 461-2 Sarah, 462 Stephen, 461 Thomas, 461-2 Blackwood, Isaac, 161S Mary T., 1618 Rhoda, 1618 Bladger, Daniel, 430 Mary P., 430 Blagg, see Blagge. Blagge, Blagg, Benjamin, 1776 Martha, 1776 Samuel, 1776 Blair, mrs., 2292 Albert, 2292 Allen, 2092 Argin, 21 15 Bessie, 2292 Betsey, 2292 Cinderella, 2092 Daisy, 2292 Edwin, ^gz Elizabeth, 2132, 2336 Ellen, 2292 Frances Augusta, 1294 G. W., 707 George, 2292 George Washington, 2292 Harriet Cornelia, 707 James, 2115 Jennie Elizabeth, I9g2 Josie, 2292 Margaret Jane, 2110 Martha Ellen, 2132 Mary, 449 Mary Jane, 1294 Nettie, 2292 PoUy Celina, 2292 Robert, 2040 William, 2110, 2132 Winslovif, 1294 Blaisdell, Mary Ann, 1621 Nancy, 1621 Stephen, 1621 Blake, de Blakeland, mrs., 2321 Abby Rice, 1158 Abigail, 543 Ada Eliza, 1152 Adelia Maud, 1160 Agnes, 120-1 Allen, 1324 Ann, 120 Ann Eliza, n6o Anna, 241, 1891 Anne, 120-1 Annie, 121 Avice, 120-1 Caleb, 942 Caroline, 1159 Celestia, 1152 Celia, 1324 Celia Elizabeth, 1325 Charles, 544 Charles Arthur, 1159 Charles Beecher, iSgi Charles Edward, 1842 Charles Hamlin, 1322 Charles J., 1160 Charles Lambert, 1325 Blake, cont'd, Charles Morris, 121, 544. 1154. 2353 Charies T., 578 charlotte Amanda, 1154, 1843 , Christopher Columbus, I 159, 2353 Clara, 578 Clara A., 1153 Clorinda, 577 Cynthia, 542 Daniel, 241 Daniel Webster, 545, 1158 Daraxa Lindley, 246 Darus Perry, 577 Diantha, 1153 Dorcas, 245 Ebenezer, 808 Edward, 121, 1102 Eleanor, 121, 577 Elias, 546 Elias Otis, 1160 Elijah S., 918 EUza, 808 Eliza Ann, 1159 Eliza Neal Murray, 542 Eliza Susan, 808 Elizabeth, 120-1, 241, 245, 1102 EUa Finette, 1152 EUen A. M., 1153 Elmira Lovicey, 544 Elona, 245 Emily Clorinda, 578 Eunice Mann, 1153 Faith Cleveland, 1891 Fanny Almira, 918 Fannie O., 1153 Frances Almena, 1152 Frances O., 1153 Francis Everett, 121, 1157 Franklin, 1185 Frederic Columbus, 1159 Frederick Hancock, 545 George, 542, 1152 George Clarence, 11 59 George H., 8go George Halcott, 1325 George King, 546 George Washington, 542, 1159 Gilbert Edward, n5g Giles, 121 Guy, 1410 Hannah, 246, 1712 Harriet, 542, 546, 577 Harriet D., 1153 Harriet Forward, 1159 Harriet Lindley, 1160 Harvey, 246 Hattie D., 1153 HelenA. M., 1153 Henry, 120-1 Henry Harrison, 545 Hervey Vincent, 1324 Humphrey, 120-1 Ida May, 1160 Ina Bell, 578 Jacob, 577 James, 543, 1030, 1102 James Bronson, i8gi James Cleveland, i8gi Jane, 121, 1322 Jesse, 2321 Jessie, 2321 Jessie Foster, 1842 Joan, 121 Job, 241 John, I2Q-I, 243, 245, 709-10, 1273 John Charles, 1159 John Cleveland, 3321 John Farrington, 1152 John Hobart, 1153 John Lauris, 2081 John Warren, 245 Jonathan, 120-1, 1322 Joseph, 121 Joseph Warren, 1154 Julia, 1 160 Julia Monroe, 545 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2533 Blake, cont'd, Lalla Etta, 1159 Levi, 1 1 53 Levi Addison, 1152 Levina, 1273 LiUian Elizabeth, 1335 Lilian Musette, 1160 Lizzie, 1417 Lorenzo Mitchell, 1891 Louisa Selinda, 1158 Lucretia, 341 Lucy, 542, 709 Lucy Ann, 567, 1185 Lydia, 345 Lyman Munson, 1159 Mabel, 1324 Mabel Louisa, 1325 Malta Winchester, 1158 Margaret, 120-1 Marguerite May, 1842 Maria, 1706 Maria Ella, 1335 Martha, 1842 Mary, 120-1, 242, 245, 544-6, 709-10, 1102, 1410, 2320 Mary A., 1153 Mary Barrett, 546, 1158 Mary Dupee, 544 Mary tl., 1158-9 Mary Lee, 1070 Mary Louisa, 1157 Minnie Alice, 1159 Minnie Ellen, 1159 Myra Fisher, 542 Myrtle Alice, 1159 Nancy, 544 Nellie, i8gi Nellie A. M., 1153 Noble Wilbur, 1160 Orlando Wilbur, n6o Patience, 121 Perry, 577 Prentiss Mellen, 546, 1158 Rachel Alice Ellen, 1159 Robert, 120- 1 Roderick, n6o Rosalie EUa, 1159 Roxy Wight, 1152 Ruth, II 02 Sally Hayes, 1152 Samuel, tic2 Samuel Newell, 542 Sarauel Parkman, 1070 Sabra, 1322 Sarah, 543 Sarah Angenette, 546 Sarah Emma, 1154 Sarah Mann, 544 ¦ Selinda Maria, 544 Solomon, 245 Sophia, 546 Sophia Strong, 942-3 Sophronia, 544 Susan, 346 Susan Jane, 1891 Sylvia, 542 Sylvia Farrington, 542 Theresa F., 246 Thomas, 577, 1273 Thomas Frazer, 246 Ward Mitchell, 1891 WilHam, 120-1, 241, 578, 1 102 William Watson Niles, 1158 Willing, 245 Blakely, Blakeslee, Blakes- ley, Adah May, 1301 AUie Luella, 1850 Alwilda Luella, 1850 C. W., 1S50 Catherine, 1301 E._C., 1361 Eliza Alma, 1301 Elizabeth C, 1361 John Alonzo, 1301 Katherine, 1301 j^ Lovisa, 1301, 1356 Blakely. cont'd, Lyman, 1301 Miriam, 599 Blakeman, Adam, 1211 EUzabeth, 1211 Jane, 1211 Johanna, 1211 Samuel, 121 1 .Blakeney, Maggie, 573 Blakeslee, Blakesley, see Blakely. Blakey, doctor, io8g Harriet, 1089 Blancha, Catharine, 2232 Noah, 2232 Blanchard, mrs., 131 Alice Day, 2030 ¦ Arthur L., 2143 Bessie Cleveland, 2030 Caroline, 1467 Carrie Maria, 1467 Charles, 933, 1408, 1510, i7og, 3030 Charles Henry, 836 Charles Merrill, 3030 Charlotte, g23, 2040 Chester, 1199 Curtis, 1556 David, 1513 Dorothy, 258 DuciUa, 1199 Eliza M., 1199 Elizabeth Frances, 2143 EUa Fidelia, 2029 EUa May, 933 Ellen Patterson, 836 Eunice Cobb, 836 Flora Adelaide, 933 Frank Elmer, 933 Hannah Dimick, iic3 Harvey Cleveland, 836 Helen Augusta, 1408 Helen Patterson, 836 Horace Cleveland, 31^3 Ida Sarah, 1510 John, 258, 1709, 2040 Jonathan, 29, 30 ^ Judith, 1709 Julia Cooper, 2"29 Kate Cleveland, 2030 Laura, 708 Mary, 131 Mary Cleveland, 2030 Mary Jane, 1709 Mary S., 1556 Myra Elizabeth, 2143 Nathaniel, 131 Nellie Patterson, 836 Nicholas, 836 Olevia, 1102 Orilla Dorcas, 836 Rebecca, 1661 Rose Durrell, 2029 Ruth, 473 Ruth Cornelia, 933 SaUy, 1513 Sally E., ngg Sarah, 258 Susannah, 131, 1513 Thomas, 131, 1467, 2040 Thomas Wood, 2030 William Gregg, 2030 William Love, iic2 Blanche, queen, 266 Blandford, Blanche, 1744 Dorothy, 258 George, 174^ John, 258 Sarah, 258 Blandin, Betsey, 1307 Job William, 1470 Luretta, 1470 Blankinship, Caroline, g79 Cynthia, 976 Enoch, 3478 ; George Franklin. 979 Georgianna Franklin, g7g James, 076 Louisa L., 3478 Blankinship, cont'd, Nancy, 2128 Blarney, Cormac Oge, lord, 1068 Blatch, Mary Ann, 1626 Blau, Lucena, 677 WiUiam, 677 Blaverhasset, Frances, 544 Bleddyn ap lorwerth, 2415 Bleeker, James W., 1055 Sarah F., 1055 Blen, Eunice, 2468 Harrison, 2468 Margaret, 2468 Blessing, Joanna, 2484 Blififins, Celestine, 985 Chartly, 438 Edniund Valentine, 985 Georgianna, 985 Samuel V., 438 Blight, Ann P., 819 Blish, Anna, 1362 Catharine Susan, 1362 Ella, 1362 Elsworth, 1362 Henry M., 1362 Bliss, mr., 116, 2310 mrs., 219, 2274 Abel, 218 Abigail, 232 Abraham, 2274 Alanson, 232 Alvin Birney, 1292 Amanda Bates, 1585 Ann, 479, 1109, 1915 Anne, 1109 Betsey, 232, 1413 Betsey Elizabeth Clement, 232 Calvin, 1717 Caroline F., 1696 Carrie Grace, 1292 Catharine, 780, 2035 Charles Emory, 1717 Christina, 2274 David, 1292 David Breed, 232 Ebenezer, 232, nog EUis, 1915 Elizabeth, 219, 232, 1717, igi5, 2274 Emeline, 1674 Emma Letitia, 1292 Enos, 232 Eunice, I4g9 Eva Jane, 1292 Fanny Abiah, 232 . Florence, 1717 Frederick Sidney, 1585 Florilla, 232 George Sherwood, 1717 Grace, 1915 Plannah, igi5 Jane, 232, 1292 Joanna, 232 John, igj5 John Barnum, 1129 John Plomer, 219 Jonathan, 2274 Lucy Ann, 810 Lucy Joanna, 1129 Margaret, 219, 394, 477> 1915 Mary, 116, 394, 780, 2035, 2274 Mary Elizabeth, 1292 Miriam, 2274 Nathaniel, 477, 780. 2035 Patience, 232 Phebe, 218 Polly, 2274 Rebecca, 219 SaUy, 232 SaUy Cleveland, 232 Samuel, 1915, 2274 Sarah, 2274 Sidney, 1585 Thomas, 219, 394, 477, 479i 19x5, 2274 Bliven, Eliza. i66t Block, Barbara, 1641 2534 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Blodget, Blodgett, Blod- gette, Bloggett, mr., 46 Burt Lyman, 1389 Caleb, 2423 Charles Everett, 1883 Elizabeth, 46, 2423 George B., 279 Hannah, 1948 Harry De Forest, 1390 Isaac, 1244 Jane Elizabeth, 1883 Julianna, 1244 Laura Lodema, 1389 Martha, 2422 MiUs De Forest, 1389 Rebecca, 2286 Rodney, 1198 Samuel, 2422 Seth, 2423 Thomas, 2422 Viola, 1198 Watson Tremaine, 1390 Blodgett, Blodgette, Blog gett, see Blodget. Blois, see Bloyse. Blonta, mr., 2172 Ella McDonald, 2172 Blood, Annie, 633 Betsey, 1363 Charles Erastus, 1859 Charlotte, 1766 Cynthia, 271 Justis, 271 Leonard Cummings, 482, 2490 Mary Brown, 1859 Mary Eliza, 1859 Narcissa Almira, 482, 2490 Persis, 271 Roswell, 637 Seraph. 637 Bloom, Ella Louisa, 1897 George, 1830 Margaret, 1830 Maria, 1830 Martin, 1896-7 Melissa May, 1896 Miriam, 1896-7 Bloomer, CeHa, 1877 Frank, 1877 George, 1878 Sally Ann, 1878 Bloomfield, Ann, 1776 Annie Rodgers, 1776 Robert, 1776 Sarah, i8og Susan, i8og William, i8og Blosse, see Bloyse. Blossingame, Elizabeth Smith, 2087-8 John, 2087-8 Mary, 2087-8 Blossom, Ann, 380 John S., 693 Martha Ann, 693 Thomas, 380 Blott, Joanna, 240 Mary, 395, 668 Robert, 240, 395 Susanna, 240, 395 Blowers," Bernard, 1540 Elizabeth, 878 Mary Jane, 1540 Piam, Pyam, 878 Roxy, 1540 Bloyse, Blois, Blosse, Dorcas, 264 Edmund, 78 Mary, 78, 1842 Michal, 78, 162 Richard, 78 William, 264 Blue, John B., 1664 Mary. 1664 Blunt, Fanny, 1864 Blvth, Blytbe, Lucy, 235 Samuel, 235 Blyth, cont'd, Stephen Cleveland, 522, 2353 Blythe, see Blyth. Boarden, see Borden. Boardman, Bordman, Bore- man, Borman, miss, 833 Albert William, 1849 Ann, 496 Anna, 1849 Charles Wright, 1849 Christopher, 1519 Daniel, 1849 Dorothy, 1519 Elisha, 1849 Elizabeth, 359, 1849 Emma Leora, 1849 Hannah, 507, 1849 Huldah, 1849 Isabel, 1519 Israel, 1849 Jonathan, 1519 Julian, 1519 Lydia, 1849 Mabel, 15x9 Mabel Emma, 1849 Mary, 1519 Maud Irma, 1849 Mercy, 1519 Ozias, 1849 Ruth, 1071 Samuel, 1519 Sarah, 1519 Sophia, 1518-19 Susannah, 1104 Thomas, 833, 1519 WiUiam, 1519, 1849 William Francis Joseph, 1519 Zerviah, 1519 Boaten, Mary, 1651 Bobst, Susannah, 1222 Bockius, see Backus. Bockover, Alice Sophia, 1303 Benjamin Terry, 452 Elizabeth, 452 Emma, 452 Eunice, 452 George, 452 ^Harriet, 452 James Albert, 1303 Jane, 452 Jason Horton, 452 John Alfred, 1303 John Jackson, 452 Julia Ann, 452 Lulu Bell, 1303 Maria, 452 Margaret Ann, 1303 Mary, 452 Miranda, 452 Ruth, 452 Sarah E., 452 Stephen, 1303 Boddy, Fannie, 1537 WiUiam. 1537 Bodge, Angeline Minerva, 985 Angeline Rebecca, 985 Benjamin, 986 Daniel, 986 Edward, 986 Elizabeth, 986 George Madison, 33, 986 Harriet Cleveland, 986 ITenry, 986 Ichabod, 9S6 James, 985 Jeremiah, 985-6 John Peirce, 986 Leander Clifford, 986 Malvina Jane, 986 Mary, 986 Mary Ayers, 9S6 Mary Peirce, 985-6 PriscUla, g86 Rebecca, g86 Sarah, 986 Bodin, Amelia, 514 Charles Wesley, 514 Bodin, cont'd, Cora C, 514 Joseph Merchant, 514 Lucy Coit Huntington, 514 Sarah Cleveland, 514 Bodman, Albert Cleaveland, 1666 Albert Plolmes, 1666 Alice Minard, 1666 Erastus, 1666-7 Harold Cleaveland, 1666 Harold Edbrooke, 1667 Helean Minard, 1667 Lyman Law, 1667 Mary Ann, 1666-7 Mary Anna, 2022 NtUie Ware, 1666 Theodotia Niles, 1666 William Cleaveland, 1666 Bodwell, Lucy Jane, 1380 PoUy, 1380 Samuel, 1380 Boele, Maria, 793 Boffee, see Boughey. Bogardus, Annetje, 3487 Arabella Ellen, 707 Elias, 707 Everhardus, 2487 Bogart, see Bogert. Bogert, Bogart, Abraham, 1003 Ann, 1266 Isaac, 2310 Jane, 1021, 1266 John A., I03I Katurah, 1003 Maria J., 1000 Mary, 1366 Mary Augusta, 1003 Oliver, 1266 Sarah Jane, 1020 Boggs, Catharine Ann, 1005 Emma Harriet, 1005 Evelyn Isabel, 1736 George Henry, 1006 Harriet Augusta, 1735 Jane, 1006, 1746b Jennie, 1006 Jennie Frances, 1894 Joseph O., 1894 Joseph Paulison, 1736 Keziah, 1894 Lillian Augusta, 1736 Mary Elizabeth, 1736 Sarah, 1005 Theodore Pardon, 1006 Walter James, 1006 Wayland Joseph, 1736 William, 1005 William James, 1005 Bohall, miss, 2464 Bohun, de Bohun, Elena, 1068 Elizabeth, 1068 Plumphrey, 1068, 1126 Boice, see Boies. Boies, Boice, Boise, Boyce, Alson Leroy, 1505 Anna, 772, 1875 Catherine Elizabeth, 1295 Deborah, 1829 Dora Irena, 1505 EUzabeth, 140, 1505 George Washington, 1865 Plarriet, 772 Plenry, 140 Henry Dewitt, 1505 Henry Fayette, 1505 John Franklin, 772 John Granville, 1865 Laura, 772 Luman Dwight, 772 Mary Ann, 853 Mary L., 1865 Mary Louise, 1865 Orsemus, 772 Samuel, 772 Susan, 1875 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2535 Boies, cont'd, William, 1875 WiUiam H., 1865 William Henry, 1865 Boise, see Boies. Bokeson, Susannah, 866 Boleyn, see Bullen. BoUes, ¦• Bowles, baronets, 1453 • family, 1453 miss or mrs., 437 Abigail, 1355, 1451, 1453 Betsey, 1616 Caroline Lucinda, 1451 Charles, 359 Edward, 1451, 1453 Isaac N., 2273 John, 359, 1453 Lucy, 358-9 Lydia, 1453 Margaret, 957 Rebecca Mitchell, 2142 Boiling, genealogy mentioned, 2418 Elizabeth, 2336 Jane, 2336 John, 2336 Mary, 2336 Robert, 2336 Bollinger, miss or mrs., 103 Christena, 920 Jacob, 920 Laura Virginia, gig Bolon, Amanda, 2172 Bolster, mrs., 1648 George, 1648 Hittie, 1648 Bolton, Adelia, 1748 DelUa, 1748 Elizabeth, 2045 Erastus Alexander, 1748 George Washington, 1382, 1748 Henry, 1748 Laura Maria, 1382 Lucinda Jane, 1748 Mary, i8g8 Michael L., 1748 Robert, i8g8, 2045 Ruth, 1383, 1402 Sally Maria, 1748 William, 1748 Boltwood, Lucius Manlius, 1216 Mary, 1432 Robert, 1432 Sarah, 1432 Bolty, Catherine, 1983 Bomar, Elizabeth, 2130 John, 2130 Mary, 2130 Bonaparte, Elizabeth, 1041 Jerome, 1041 Josephine La Pagerie, 1612 Napoleon, 1041 Bonawitz, Elizabeth Ann, iigi Leonora Alvena, 1191 William, 1x91 Bond, Agnes, 121 Almira, 2320 Electa, 1877 Eleanor Josephine, 1444 Elizabeth, 351 Henry, 138 John, 702 Jonas, 351 Loana, 1444 Lydia, 1877 Mary, 702, 1859 Nathan, 1444 Sarah, 1638 Thomas, 1877 Uzal, 2320 Bonebright, Frederick, 462 Maria, 462 Boneham, Almira, go6 Perry, 906 Bonestel, Araminta Dormer, 1322 Charles Chester, 1322 Deborah, 1322 George, 1322 George Baker, 1322 Hannah Cornelia, 1322 John, 1322 'Bonnel, see Bonnell. Bonnell, Bonnel, Bunnell, Abigail, 211 Annie Jane,, 1324 Dwight, 1324 Dwight Harry, 1324 EUzabeth, 1019-20 Estella, 1324 Estella Clarissa, 1324 George Kirby, 1324 Jonathan, 1020 Lydia, 1022 Louisa Jane, 625 Bonner, miss, 530 mr.. 2159 Edmund, 530 Elizabeth, 2159 Martha, 2116 R. I., 1348 Thomas, 2116 William, 2116 BonnevUle, Anna Lucina, 814 Constance C, 814 Joseph, 814 Margaret, 814 Ulric, 814 Bonney, Levi, 247 Lucretia, 247 Nancy, 1723 Rhoda, 1668 Bonsall, mr., 318 Birdsey, 318 Edna, 987 George W., 987 Irene, 987 Louisa, 318 Maria Antoinette, 987 Booden, see Bowden. Book, see Buck. Booker, James Harrison, 2144 John Wesley, 2144 Lydia Viletta, 2144 Mary Ann, 2260 Mary Christiana, 2454 Sarah Ann, 2144 William G* 2200 Boomer, Asa, 986 Caroline Pratt, 986 John Luther Thurston, gS.6 Mary Inez Frances, 986 Mercy, 986 Boone, Daniel, 1982 Eliza Jane, 1224 T-iOrenzo Dow, 1224 Sarah, 1335, i8g2 Willard, 1224 Boosey, see Boosy. Boosy, Boosey, Alice. 512. 1970 Hannah, 512 James, 512, 1970 Booth, de Booth, Adam, 6^g Blanche Lois, 2462 Bridget, 658-9 Comfort, 773 Deborah, 659 EUa L, 1361 Emma L., 2462 Harry J., 2462 Jacob, go2 Lucinda, 902 Lucinda ,H., 1275 Matilda, ngo Parnel, 212 Rebecca, 65g Robert, 659 Sarah, 677 Simeon, 659 WUliam, 659 Boquett, Catharine, 1736 Boradale, Borodale, Borodell. Borrodale, Borrodell, Borrowdale, Ann, 485, 1612 John, 109, 485 Margaret, 109 Borden, Boarden, mrs., 1172 Ann, 1260 Ansel, 268 Armanda, 268 Bayard W., 570 Betsey, 268 Charles, 570 Charlotte, 570 Clarissa, 630 Eunice, 97 Fannie Hamilton, 2134 Freedom Melinda, 1172 Guy, 2134 Hannah, 268 Harriet Amelia, 570 Henry, 1172 HopestUl, 268 James Nelson, 1172 Jessie Leanna, 1172 Martha Ann, 2134 Mary, 1838, 2481 Nellie TIamUton, 2134 Paschal P., 2134 Rachel, 630 Richard, 1838 Roswell, 268 Sarah, 446, 1172 Selden, 268 Thomas Cox, 1172 William, 97 Border, Barbery, 905 Bordman, see Boardman. Bordt, Eunice Lovina, 588 WiUiam, 588 Boreman, see Boardman. Borland, mrs., 1768 Anna, 1768 Francis, 1768 John, 1768 John Nelson, 1768 Julia, 1768 Leonard VassaU, 1768 Madeline, 1768 PoUy, 766 Rebecca Nelson, 1768 Borman. see Boardman. Borodale, Borodell, Borro dale, Borrodell, see Bor adale. Borroughs, see Burroughs. Borrowdale, see Boradale. Borst, Lena, 1545 Borthick, Airy, 1436 Edna Myrtle, 1436 Eliza Harr, 1436 Frank, 1436 Freddie, 1436 James, 1436 Nona, 1436 Ray, 1436 Sallie BeUe, 1436 Samuel L., 1436 WiUiam, 1436 Bosley, Levi, 200 SaUy. 200 Boslough, Annie M., 799 Boss, Amanda, 790 Daniel WiUiam, 1671 FrankUn Daniel William, 1671 Harriet Louise, 2010 Mary Ann, 1162-3 Mary Elizabeth. 1671 Maryette, 1162-3 Nehemiah, 1 162-3 Oscar O., 1671 Sarah, 1163 Sarah Annie, 1671 Viola M., 1162 William, 790 Bossu, Robert De BeUo mont, 2175 Bostwick, Charles, 1279 Gideon, 726 Hannah, 673 Henry, 673 Mary,- 1279 Rebecca Ann, 1279 Boswell, see Buswell. 2536 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bosworth, ancestor, 2256 Alfred, 2256 Benjamin, 537 Edward, 537, 2421 Jonathan, 537, 2421 Lucinda, 2256 Lucinda S., 2256 Mary, 537, 2421 . Olive, 2256 Sarah, 1677' Susan, 1270 see also Buswell. BoterviUe, Botevyle, Bot- field, see Butterfield. Bothwell, James, 462 Phebe, 462 Botterell, Isabel, 366 WiUiam, 266 Bouchet, Jean, 2364 Boudinot, Elie, 1831 Madeline, 1831 Susanne, 1831 Bouge, Harriet, 983 Boughey, Boffee, Bold, 1603 Elizabeth, 1603 Boughton, Bouton, , 1664 miss, 856 Abigail, 1664-5 Clarissa, 1665, 2453 Dorothy, 1665 Eleazer, 1664-5 Elizabeth, 1106, 1664 Enos, 1665 Frederick, 1106 Plannah, 1664 Harard, 1664 Hezekiah, 1665 James, 1664 John, 856, 1664 Levi, 1664 Margaret, 980 Maria Edgeworth, 1106 Mary, 1135, 1665 Nathan, 1665 count Nicholas, 16^ Noel, 1664 Sarah, 1664 Sophronia, 1665 Bouk, see Buck. Boulter, Margaret, 2346 Bourne, Elizabeth, 305, 515 Horatio, 852 Lucinda, 852 Margaret, 515 Martha Phoebe, 1658 Phcebe, 1658 Seth, 1658 Thomas, 305, 515 Boutel, see Boutelle. Boutelle, Boutel, mrs., 815 Abbie Frances, 1153 Charles, 815 Charles Lewis, 1154 Elmira Lovicey, 1154 Eunice Mann, 1153 Fidelia Adelaide, 1153 James, 815 John, 1153 John Calvin, 1154 Lottie Ann, 1154 Lucina, 815 Martha, 1776 Martha EUa, 1154 Nettie Maria, 1154 WiUiam. 815 Bouteville, see Butterfield. Boutilier, Isabella, 2250 William, 2250 Bouton, see Boughton. Bow, Bowe, Bowes, Charles, 1409 Charles Arlyn, 1409 Edwin Ruthven, 1409 Edwin Ruthven Worden, 1409 Eunice, 722 Jennie Ann, 1409 Lydia, 1409 Mary, 2416 Mary Jane, 1927 Polly, 1409 Thomas, 3416 Bowden, Booden, Christiana, 1184 Hannah, 1706 Bowden, cont'd, Littleton, 11S4 Mary, 1157-8 Mary Elizabeth, 1184 Nancy, 1157-8 Ruth, 1604 Bowditch, Charles Pickering, 1071 Louisa H., 496 Mary, 4g6 Nathan lngersoll, 1 1 Nathaniel, 496 Sarah Rhea, 496 William I., 496 Bowdler, A. M., 2402 Bowdoin, Judith, 1772 Bowe, see Bow. Bowen, ap Owen, Bowin, , 715 ancient pedigrees men tioned, 715 mr., 2096 Abi Elizabeth, 1914 Abigail, 714-1S Alexander, 1185 An., 715 Beli Mawr, 715 Catharine, 2283 Clara Elizabeth, 1402 Cynthia, 2282 Edward Augustus, 714-15 Eleanor, 2283 Elizabeth, 715 Elsbet., 715 Emily Matilda, 1402 Francis, 715 Griff:, ,715 Griffith, 715, 2484 Griffith Gwyr, 715 Gryffith, 715 Henry, 715, 800 Jacob Jerome, 1403 James, 1185 John, 2283 Margaret, 715 Maria, 2096 Martha, 800 Mary, 826, 1185, 1564, 3484 Philip, 715 Sarah Elizabeth, 1185 liower, see Bowers. Bowers, Bower, mr., 1551 Adelaide, 1134 Anna Mclntyre, Anna Mackentire, 1551 Charles, 1134 Elizabeth, 1673 Emily Louise, 3036 Ephraim, 676 Esther, 676 Eunice, 676 Florence Louise, 1689 Frederick Ray, 1689 Hattie Laura, 301 1 Ida Ella, 1689 J. W., 2011 John, 331 Marcia, 1689, 2026 Maria, 780 Martha Jane, 1558 Mary, 1551, 2436 Sarah, 331, 1294 WiUiam F., 1689, 2026 Bowersoc, Hannah, 1856 Bowes, see Bow. Rowin, see Bowen. Bowker, Albert, 819 Betsey, 332 Eliza, 1247 John Pearson, 818-19 Mary, 2485 Patty, 8i8-ig Polly, 818-19 Richard R., 2365 Bowler, Charles Emery, 637 George P., 637 Mary, 637 Orrin Freeman, 637 Howies, see Bolles. Bowman, mr., 2077, 2207 Alfred, 2287 Ann, 1058 Ann Maria, 1057 Bowman, cont*d, Annie, 951 Ebenezer, 1057-8 Esther Ann, 1057-8 Martha Elizabeth, 1855 Mary, 841 Nathaniel, 1058 Polly, 2077 Susa, 2207 Susan S». 2287 William, 1855 ' Bowyer, ¦ , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 BoxeU, Alden L, 1869 Catharine, 1869 Charies F., i86g Joseph Henry, i86g Mary Virginia, i86g Minnie E., 1869 - WiUiam, 1869 Boyce, see Boies. Boyd, Adelia Caroline, 1753 Bertha, 1055, 1753 Charles R., 1136 Clara Gertrude, 1136 Eliza Ann, 2128, 2186 Elizabeth, 1106 EUzabeth Scott, 1803 Harriet Adaline, 1324 Ida Jeannette, 1324 James, 1753 James Pendleton WeUs, 1753 James R., 1803 James Robert, 1106 Jennie, 1753 Margaret, iggo Margaret McGinnis, ig89 Mary, 1550 Mary Ann, 1626 Robert, 1990 Robert Elford, 1324 Sophie, 1106 Wallace Wade, 1324 Boyden, mr., 332 Daniel, 157 Jane, 8gg Josiah, 409 Levi, 1666 Louisa Maria, 1666 Lucia, 1666 Lydia, 332 Mary, 940 Polly, 940 Samuel, 940 Sarah, 409-10 Susan, 157 Boyenton, see Boynton. Boyer, Mary, 2272 Boyington, see Boynton. Boykin, Gervase, 910 Isabel, 910 Sarah, 910 Boyle, Sarah, 1120 Boylston, Abigail, 2426 Ann, 1868 Henry, 1868, 2436 Mary, 1868 Peter, 1070, 1868 Sara, 1868 Susannah, 1868 Thomas, 1S68, 2426 Boyne, viscounts, 2175 Boynton, Boyenton, Boying ton, Byington, mrs., ngg Abigail, 276, 378-9 Abijah, 1394 Alfred B., 1608 Alice Maud Mary, 1394 Annie Estelle, 1394 Asa, 817 Bridget, 1394 Charles Everett, 1394 Charles W., ngg David Ives, 1036 Deborah, 1103 Dorothy, 817 Eli, 1394 Eliza M., 1199 Elizabeth, 379 Emily, 1036 Everett, 1394 Everett Claussen, 1394 Hannah, 379, 1394 Hattie Charlotte, 1394 Helen, 1394 INDEX OF PERSONS.. 2537 Boynton, cont'd, ¦Ida Adella, 1036 Jane, 617 Jennie A., 1608 Joel, 1103 John, 279 Joseph, 1394 Joshua, 279 Josiah, 1199 Julia Frances, I3g4 Lewis Denison, 1036 Lodema E., 1608 Martha Cleveland, 1394 Mary, 1103, ngg, 1394 Mary Ann, 817 Mary Ann Terry, 1036 Mary Elizabeth, 1394 Nathaniel, 1394 Olive, 661 Parley, Perley, 1199 Samuel H-, 1199 Sarah, 279, 1394 Sarah Cleveland, 1394 Susan Denslow, 1036 Theodore, 661 William, 279, 1394 William Cune, 1394 Zachariah, 279 Brabazon, de Brabazon, Beatrix, 395 Joan, 395 John, 395 - Roger, 395 Brace, Bracey, Bracie, Bracy, Ann White, 1105 Celinda, 313 Cynthia Almira, 1533 Cynthia Melissa, 1523 Frank Susan, 1036 George V., 1036 John, 1105 Jonathan, 1105 Lucena, 1304 Lucy Elizabeth, 1104 Lucy Mather, 1104-5 Martha, 295 Mary, 1105 Nathan, 313 Rial, 1523 Stephen, 1105 Thomas Kimberly, 1104-5 Ward, 313 Bracey, Bracie, see Brace. Brackenbury, Alice, 1580 Anne, 1580 WUUam, 1580 Bracket, see Brackett. ¦ Brackett, Bracket, Alice, 90 Elizabeth, 90 Isaiah Lewis, nig John, 1063 Josiah, go Lavinia Maxwell, ing Martha, 1640 Mary, 90 Peter, 90 Richard, go Sarah, 1063 Bracy, see Bracey. Bradbury, Abiel Hovey Lord, 1264 Abner Marsh, 1264 Albert Rudolph, 1264 Amelia J., 1869 Blanche, 1264 Cassandra, 1869 David, 1264 David Oramill, 1264 Elizabeth, 1083, 1917 Icy Bember, 1264 Isabella C, i86g Jacob, 1917 James, 1264 James M., 1869 Jane, 1917 John Lord, 1869 Josiah, 1264 Judith, 1082-3 Leona, 1264 Lucinda Araminta, 1264 Mary, 1083, 1364' Mary Virginia, 1869 Matilda H., 1869 Prosper Nichols, 1264 Rebecca Ann, 1264, 1917 Rhoda Alice, 1869 Sarah, 1869 Bradbury, cont'd, Sarah Jane, 1869-70 Susannah, 1264 Thomas, 1083 . Thomas Benton, 1869 WiUiam, 1917 Wymond, 1083 Bradenford, see Bradford. Bradford, Bradenford, Broad- ford, miss, 335 mrs., 260-1 AbigaU, 351, 1595 Alden, 1069 Alexander Warfield, 848, 2353 Alice, 84, 345, 849, 1996 Ann, 129, 139, 849 Ann Seaver, 850 Anna, 350 Anne, 139, 139, 164, 260 Annie Locke, 1928 Benjamin, 164 Beulah, 361, 353-3 Caroline, 850 Charles A., 1595 Charles Clitus, 1595 Charlotte, 353-4, 1457 Clarissa, 850 Daniel, 360 David, 352, 354 Ebenezer, 350-1, 354, 848, 2253 Ebenezer Green, 350 Edith, 164-5, 614-15, 1592-3 Elisha, 164 Elizabeth, 350-2 Elizabeth Green, 849 Emily, 164, 848 Erastus Parish, 850 Esther, 1862 Eunice, 615 Flint, 849 Frances Elizabeth, 855 Frances M., 354 George, 849 George B., 1916 George Henry, 1916 George L., 1595 GUes, 851 Hannah, 165, 351, 360, 844 Hannah M., I5g5 Harriet Newell, 850 Henry, 350 Hezekiah, 360 --Jacob Pierson, 848 James, i2g, 164-5, 354, 615, 839, 84g, 855 James Corwin, ig28 Jane, 1595 Jerusha, 138-9, 350 Joel, 261 John, 351, 1595, 1996 _^John Melancthon, 848 John Merritt, 1597, 2353 John William Henry, 1595 Joshua, 164, 260 Josiah, 260, 352 Julia Ann, 1595 Keziah, 164 Laura, 855 Lucy, 854 Lucy Parish, 850 Luther, 850 Lydia, 848-51 Lyman, 1457 Margaret, 849 Margaret Bigelow, 1597 Maria, 839, 855 Martha, 164 Martha James, 1909 Mary, 164, 260, 350, 848-9, 855 Mary Cleveland, 350, 353, -848 Mary Elizabeth, 854, 1595 Mary S., 1597 Mary Theda, igi6 Matilda, 988 Mehitabel, Mehitable, 361, 850 Mercy, 1988, 1996 Merritt, 854 Bradford, cont'd, Moses, 350, 353-4 Moses D., 260 Olive, 352 Oscar, 849 Pamela, 351 Phebe, 350 Rhoda, .351 Ruby, 164 Samuel, 354 Sarah, 353-4, 849, 1838, 191& Sophronia, 164 Susannah, i3g, 164, 261 Theron, 855 Thomas, 129, 139, 105, 615,- 159s Tryphena, 351 Ward, 1928 Ward Edwin, 1928 WiUiam, 84-5, 164, 261, 335,- 350, 360, 850, 855, 1988,- igg6, iggg, 2040 WiUiam Henry, 1595 William Josiah, 855 Zerviah, 164, 850 Bradie, see Bradish. Bradish, Bradie, Deborah,. 259 Hephzibah, Hepzibah, 103,. 212 John, 103 Jonathan, 259 Joseph, 103 Mary, 103 Robert, 103 Sarah, 103 Bradley, mr., 1387 mrs., 690, 1281 Abby, 1657 ' Abigail, 671, 1210-11, 1388 Abraham, 1580 Alice, 121 r Aimer, 1388 Anna Maria, 1527, ig2g Anson, 1526 Arthur Holmes, 1527 Betsey, goi Caroline, 1526 Caroline W., g75 Charles William, 734 Daniel," r5g5 David, 1388 David' E., 141c Eleanor, g7g' Elizabeth, 1147 Ella, 979 Ellen Mariva, 1527 Esther, 612-13, 1482 Ettie Alice, 1388 Eunice, 1595 Fannie Maria, 1388 Frank Prentice, 1527 Gi-ace, 1526 Grace Adelaide, 1527 Henry, 975 Henry Edmund, 1537 Ida, 3163 Irene, 690 Israel, 613 James, 901 Jane, g66 Julia Bacon, 1527 Kate Marsh, g75 Laura, 1410 Lucy Adelaide, 1527 Marinda, goi Mary, 6sg, 1277, 1580, 1592, 2253 Mary Palmer, 1939- Mary S., 1536 Mary Selina, 1595 Nathaniel, 1211 Oscar, 901 PhUena, 901 Philip Burr, 2268 PoUy, 1287 Robert Holmes, 1929 Ruth, 121 1 Sarah Adaline, 1387-8 Susan, 1933 Sylvester G. P., 975 Thomas, 966 WiUiam, 6go, 979, 1211 William Aspenwall, 1929 WiUiam Edward Cleveland, 1527, 1929 William Henry, 1526 Bradshaw, Dexter, 2440 Mary, 1582 Nancy Robbins, 2440 ^538 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bradshaw, cont'd, Ruth, 2440 Bradstreet, mr., 354, 497 Anne, 498, 1107 Charlotte, 353-4 ^ DoroLiiy, 1930 John, 497 Lucy, 497-8 Mercy, 1107 Sarah, 1077 Simon, 497-8, 1107 Bradt, Christina, 1545 Elizabeth, 1545 Garret, 1545 Bradway, Lydia, 1441 Brady, Anna, 1349 Moses, i34g Braford, Amy, 749 Bragaw, Brokaw, Broucard, Abraham, 1030, 1032 Andrew, 1030, 1032 Bergoon, 1030 Bourgon, 1030, 1032 Catharine, 1030 Elizabeth Meigs, 1027 Ellen, 1030, 1032 Hail, 1030 Heyltie, 1030 Heyltje, 1030 Isaac, 1030 Isaac A, 1027, 1030 Jane, 1030 John, 1030 Maria, 1032 Nellie, NeUy, 1030, 1032 Sally Roome, 1030, 1032 Sarah Elizabeth, 1027 Bragden, see Bragdon. 3ragdon, Bragden, Joseph Henry, 1810 Julia Anjer, 1810 Julia Louisa, 1810 Mehitabel, 2468 Sally, 1706 Bragg, Abigail, 1644 Augusta, 1644 . Benjamin, 1644 Braxton, 1813 Carry Daisy, 1644 Catharine, 1644 Charles Dosier, 1712 Eliza Jane, 1644 Eva Bell, 1644 Eva Maria, 1712 George W^ashington, 1644 Grace May, 1644 Jennie, 1644 Job, 1644 . Kate. 1644 Lewis Benjamin, 1644 Lewis Beuse, 1644 Lydia, 788, 1813 Mahala Cleveland, 1644 Mary Blanche, 1644 WiUiam Curtis, 1644 Willie Nathan, 1644 Brain, Lilian, 1931 Brainard, Brainerd, Brain- wood, Abbie, 217 Almira, 529 Alvah Chapel, 1511 Amy, 1892 Anna, 1509 Barzalie, 1748 Betsey, 1511 Caleb, 1509 Caroline, 529 Christiana, 1511 Cyrus, 529 Daniel, 123, 1948 David, 529 Deborah, 367, 380 Diodate, 1892 Edwin, 529 Elijah, 1041 Elisha, 1041 Elizabeth, 1509 Emma Jane, 1892 Esther, ig48 Evelyn Sherwood, 1509 Ezra, 1042, 2269 Brainard, cont'd, Ezra Seymour, 1892 Fannie Edna, 1509 Fanny Marinda, 1509-10 Florence Edna, 1509 George Douglass, 1509 Grace, 1509, 1511 Hannah, 122-3, 1948 Harriet, 53g Flattie Marinda, 1509 Howard, 1509-10 Ichabod, 538 Jepthai, 1509 Jonathan, 1948 Joshua, 380 Leonard, 528 Lucy, 479, 1511 Lucy Abigail, 123 Lucy M., 1509 Maria, 430 Martha, 1041 Martha R., 1511 Mary, 1041, 1509, xg^B Mary Ann, 529 Mehetabel, 380 Milo Clark, 1892 Miranda, i5og Nathan, 217 Noadiah, 1223 Norman G., 1509 Obadiah, 1509 Olive, 1042 Olive Ann, 529 Phebe, 1041 Polly, 528-g Rachel, 1042 Rachel E., 1511 Ruth, 217 Sallie, 217 Samuel, 1509, 1511 Sarah, 317 Sarah Ann, ig48 Sophronia S., 1449 Stephen, 1043, 1509 Susannah, 133 Sybil, 132 VValter Cleveland, 1509 William, 217, 479-80, 529, 1042 Brainerd, Brainwood, see Brainard. Braisted, Pauline, 1858 Braiosa, see Bruce. Braley, Mary Jane, 446 Braman, Abiah, 543 Eliza Havens, 1883 Bramble, see Bramblee. Bramblee, Bramble, Adie, 585 Ann Eliza, 585 Caroline, 585 Elizabeth, 585 Hannah, 707 John, 585 Mary, 585 ¦ Morgan L., 585 Bramfield, Jane, 348 John, 348. Bran, Matilda, 2105 Branch, mr., 2200 Anne, 2200 Anne Wharton, 2200 Cornelia, 2231 Edward Thomas, 2200 Elizabeth Wortley, 2222 Martha, 1583 Mary, 2200 Moses, 2328 Olive, 2221 Sophia, 1984 \\'harton. 2200 Brandon, dr., 2479 David, 1638 Elizabeth, 1638 Lucinda, 1638 Mary, 614 Mary C. S., 3479 Brando w. Catey, 1683 Mary BeU, igo6 Nicholas, igo6 Nicholas L., igo6 Branduff, Fannie, 1362 Branner, see Bannard. Branning, Maria H., 831 Brannum, William H., 2273 Braos, Braose, see Bruce. Brasier, Mary, 21 16 Brastow, Eunice, 857-8 Hannah, S58 Thomas, 858 Braun, Braun, Cecile, 1767 Clara Estelle, 24g2 Eva Elizabeth, 1719 Mary Anna, 2492 Philander C., 2492 Braus, see Bruce. Bray, Priscilla, 502 Braydon, see Brayton. Brayton, Braydon, Carrie, 1917 Ellen, 2476 Esther, 1304 Brazee, Brezee, mr., 670 Elinor, 670 EUen, 670 Peter, 670 Tiney, 1545 Breause, see Bruce. Breber, Dorothy, 2020 Brechin, William. Pitt, 252 Breck, Daniel, 416 Gertrude Moore, 1525 Martha P., 416 Martin Burr, 1525 Bree, Elizabeth, 1615 Breed, mr., 1157 Betsey, 232 David, 227, 232 Dolly, 232 EUzabeth, 227, 232 Frances, 1157 Breeden, Breedon, mr., 2418 Cornelia, 2418 Elizabeth, 1070 Frances Ann Elizabeth, 2ig6 James, g86 Priscilla, g86 Breedlove, Jane C, 2074 Breedon, see Breeden. Breege, George, 1674 Mary Elenor, 1674 Breen, Plarriet Adaline, 1324 Mary Frances, 1845 Breese, Arthur, 1818 Catharine, 1818 Sarah, 1818 Brehuse, see Bruce. Breijandt, see Bryant. Bremner, Dorcas Melinda, 214 Elizabeth Hill, 214 James William, 214 Lucy, 214 WiUiam, 214 Brent, Daniel Carroll, 2204 Euphan, 2204 Henry JTohnson, 1445 William, 1445 Brenton, Martha, 1814 Sarah, 1814 William, 1814 Breos, Breosa,' Breous, Bre- ouse, see Bruce. Bressee, Elizabeth, 1546 Bretagne, Allan, earl of, 1108 Emma, lady, 1108 Brett, Harriet, 550 Margaret, 1838 Peter, 2505 Robert, 1828 Breuhosa, Breuse, see Bruce. Breuster, see Brewster. Brewen, see Bruen. Brewer, mr., 1148 Alma Maria, i3go Ashbel H,, i56g Charlotte, 1569 Christiana Judith, 1556 Daniel, 510 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2539 Brewer, cont'd, David Cleveland, i56g Dorothy, 1828 Ella Maria, 1504 Eunice Abigail, 1148, 1504 Fanny, 650, 1305-6 Fannie Eliza, i56g Harvey, 1556 Henrietta, 1148 Henry, 1148 Jason, i2go Jerusha, 1681 Joanna, 510 John Watt, 650 Lovina, 1050 Luvenia, 22og Mary, 650, 1305-6 Nathaniel, 1504 Samuel, 650, 1305-6, 2308 Sarah, 510, i2go, 1305 Susan, 1556 Susan Ann, 1569 W., 208s Brewes, see Bruce. Brewington, Marion Augusta, 1616 Mary, 1616 Rufus Morton; 1616 Brewis, Brewosa, Brewose, Brews, see Bruce. Brewster, Breuster, Bruster, esquire, 353 Alanson Walker, 834 Anna, 307 Benjamin, 307, 834 Cabot Russell, 635, 2493 Catherine, 1212 Charles Warren, 219 Cora Emma, 834 Damaris, 183 Daniel, 307 Deidamia, 353 Edwin Delano, 834 Elizabeth, 635 Esqr., 353 « George Alden, 834 Hannah, 307, 834, 1611-12 Hannah Relief, 834 Joanna, 160, 849 Johanna, 160 John, 1212 Jonah, 161 Jonathan, 307, 1149 Judith, 1149 Katherine, 1212 Leora Elwina, 635, 2493 Ledeah, 183 Lewis, 635, 2493 Lucena, 854 Lucretia, 307 Luke Raymond, 834 Lydia, 183 Margaret Nancy, 837 Mary, 307 Mary Eva, 834 Milton Cleveland, 834 Nancy Ashley, 837 Rebekah Gregory, 834 Ruth, 400 Washington Erving, 834 William. 183, 307, 837, 1149 Willis Franklin, 834 Breyosa, see Bruce. Brezee, see Brazee. Briant, see Bryant. Brick, Increase Sumner, 160 Jonathan, 160 Mary, 160 Brickell, Eliza, 1927 Frank Arlington, 1927 John, 1927 Thomas Harvey, 1937 Brickley, Betsey. 887 Bridge, see Bridges. Bridgeman, see Bridgman. Bridges, Bridge, Brydges, Abigail, 1595 Bridges, cont'd, Charles Plugh, 2304 Ebenezer, 362, 2443 Egerton, 2403 Hannah, 380 Hugh Cowen, 2304 Leroy Napoleon, 2304 Margaret, 2304 Mary, 2443 Mary Augusta, 2304 Mehitable, 1051-2 Nancy Elizabeth, 2304 Persis, 51 Samuel Egerton, 2243 William, 51, 235, 380, 2304 Bridgewater, John, dxike of, 943 Bridgham, Bridgum, Mary, 1659, 2458 Bridgman, Bridgeman, Annie Cleveland, 1657 Betsey, 1657 Harriet, 1657 Howard AUen, 1657 Phebe, 1833 Sidney Edwin, 1657 Sylvester, 1657 Bridgum, see Bridgham. Briechner, Charles Peter, 920 Eugenia Adella, 920 Plarry, 920 Susannah Elizabeth, 920 William Henry, 920 Brien, see Bryan. Briendlet, Lodviska, Pont-, 1490 Briggs, miss, 1701 Andrew Vonn, 1194 Axis, 2090 Barnabas, 424 Belle, 1627 Benjamin, 741 Benona Burrows, 1194 Betsey, 905 Charlotte, 934-S. i57o . Clay Stone, 2222 Dorcas, 755 Drayton Orsamus, 1194 EUza, 1838 Elizabeth, 1838 Emily, 483 Fanny Jane, 1194 Frankey Earl, 1194 Frederick, 483 George Demster, 2221 Plopeful, 1493 Irene, 1461 . Jacob, 905 Jacob Lawrence, 2221 Jeremiah, 755 Keturah, 97 LiUian Mary, 2221 Lorena May, 1194 Madelia Delphine, 1194 Marcia Maria, 2221 Margaret, 755 Minnie Cleveland, 1472 Minnie Elizabeth, 1472 Olive, 2221 Phebe, 424, 967 Ruth, 1408 Sarah, 905 Susanna, 1838 W., 1408 WUliam, 1838 WilHam P., 1472 Brigham, Aaron, 2473 Betsey, 817 Betsey ClafUn, 2473 Catharine, 45, 879 Charles Dexter, 1561 George, 45 Hannah, 791 Helen Augusta, 1561 / Brigham, cont'd, John, 1839 Joseph, 126 Kate, 45 Laura, 817 Martha Richardson, 1561 Mary, 1839 Mercy, 1839 Ruth, 126 Sarah, 1839 Thomas, 1839 WiUard, 817 Bright, Nancy, 1465 Brightman, Abigail Ann, 447 Bertha May, 969 Esther, 1470 Gardner, g6g Hannah, g6g Nathan, 438 Pardon Everett, g6g Perez O., 447 Sally, 438 Brimmer, Martin, 1615 Rebecca, 521 Susanna, 1615 Brinckerhoff, Brinkerhoff, miss, 998 Abraham Jorisz, 1809 Aeltie, Alte, 1809, 1837 Anna, 1809 Annetie, 1809 Derick, i8og Diana, 1809 Isaac, 1809 Joris, 1809 Joris Dericksen, 1809 Susannah, 1809 Brindle, George Washing ton, 1226 Maud Lillian, 1226 Portia, 1226 Brine, see Byrne. Brink, Betsey Jane, 1643 Catharine, 682, 1641 Charles, 1643 Dennis, 1641 Eleanor, 1643 Harriet, 2298 Henry J., 1641, 1643 James H., 1643 Jemima, 1641 Katy, 682 Lucy, 1643 Peter, 1643 Sarah Catharine, 1643 Brinkerhoff, see Brincker hoff. Brinley, Grizzele, 1768 Thomas, 1768 Brinsmade, Charles T., 882 Charlotte Rebecca, 882 Brion, Gilbert, count of, 265 Briouze, see Bruce. Brisbin, mrs., 1430 Anzoletta, 1430 David C, 1430 Harry, 1430 John, 1430 John BaU, 1430 Louise, 1430 Margaret, 898 Martha, 1430 Mary, 1430 Oliva Ball, 1430 Oliver, 1430 Sarah, 1430 Briscoe, John, 1401 Laura Adelaide, 1401 Bristol, Bristow, Eunice, 925 Fannie, 2151 Frances, 884 Frances Louisa, 884 Franklin, 607 James Perry, 1771 John, 2151 Julia Marena, 607 Louis, 884 } 2S40 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bristol, cont'd, Louis Bacon, 884 Marena Reed, 607 Margaret, 1346 Mary Ann, 1771 Mary Dwight, 884 Susan Prescott, 1771 William, 884 William Clark, 1771 William Cleveland, 1771 Bristow, see Bristol. Britten, see Britton. Britton, Britten, miss, 348 Anna, 1477 Ebenezer, 1358 Elizabeth Ann, 1191 George Clinton, 1477 John, 348 Mary Ann, 1977 Phebe Ann, 684 Sarah, 1258 Selecta, 1477 William, 1477 Brizzie, Brizzy, Balacha, 262 Clauchie, 363 John, 262 Obelia, 262 Brizzy, see Brizzie. Broadbent, Mabel, 1356 Broadford, see Bradford. Broadnax, Ann, 1925 WUliam, 1925 Broadus, Jean H., 742 Broadway, Fanny Minerva, 1203 Lyman, 1203 Sarah, 1203 Broas, Esther Van Etten, 1401 Rachel, 1401 Rebecca, 1403 Townsend, 1401 Brock, Abbie, 1409 Andrew, 326 Anna, 226 Eliza, 430 Elizabeth F., 430 Oliver S., 430 Peter, 430 Brocken, Sarah, 920 Brockway, Adele Barstow, 1596 Adelia, 1596 Annie Robinson Dunham, 1596 Ebenezer Dunham, 1596 Eliza Emeline, 1596 Plannah, 380 Mary Adelaide, 1596 Mary Cleveland, 1596 William, 2275 Wolstone. Woolstone, 380 Broderick, Joanna, 1419 Brodie, Annie Hill, ig78 Jennie Elsie, 1978 •John, 1978 Brois, see Bruce. Brokaw, see Bragaw. Brombacher, Frederick, 2480 Henry B., 2480 Margaret Rebecca, 2480 Bromley, Anne, 148 Benjamin, 148 Betsey, 1647 David, 148 Eli, 148 Lury, 148 Mary, 692 Thuel, 148 Bronk, Catherine, 1479 Bronson, Brownson, mrs., 1370 Anna, 923 Cordelia, 1523 Dorcas, 1122 Edward J., 1444 Eli, 923 Eliza, 923, 1444 Emily, 2270 Emily Cleveland, 485, 3482 Emma Caroline, 2270 Eunice, 1370 Bronson, cont'd, Francis, 923 George, 933 Gershom F., 485, 2482 Gershom Flagg, 2270 Grissella, 486 Harriet Aurelia, 1662 Homer, 1662 Jane, 1370 Joel, 923 John, 1122, 1370 Laura Mehitabel, 486 Mary, 668 Moses, 1370 Richard, 668, 1370 Sabra, 1322, Sarah, 1370 Sesarien, 923 Silas, 1322 Willis, 486 Brook, see Brookes. Brookes, Brook, Brooks, mrs., 1408 Abigail, 361, 462, 1216, 2426 Alice Lavinia, i860 Alva, 549, 1647 Amos, 1049, 1751 Ann, 462, 7g6 Ann Luten, 1722 Anne, 1823 Annett, 1585 Antoinette, 1585 Artemas Lysias, 1868 Arethusa, 1239 Bateman, 1504 Benjamin, 85 Caleb, 2426 Calvin, 1239 Caroline, 642 Carrie May, 1042 Cassius W., 1408 Charles, 107, 1042 Charles Frederick, 1535 Charles Sumner Clarence, 1751 Cornelia Usher, 1042 Cyrus, 1413 Daniel, 1042 David, 362 Ebenezer, 2426, 2439 Eleazer, 1585 Elizabeth, 361, 462, 2426-7 Ellen, 1751 Elvira, 1647 Emily, 1504 Emma Elizabeth, 2483 Esther Ann, 1721 Eunice, 58 Eva Frances, 772 FlQra, 1049 Frank Fuller, 1413 Hannah, 2426 Harriet, 1535 Henry, 58, 2427, 2439 Henry Dexter, i860 Hephzibah, 2427, 2439 Hosea MelviUe, 2483 Irene, 361 Irving Strong, 1042 Isabella, 462 Israel, 1535 Jabez, 2427, 2439 James, 796 James Arnold, 1413 Jennie, 1535 John, 27, 58, 462, 796, 2270, 24^6-7. 2439 John Ephraim, 462 Jjsepli Potter, 1239 Joshua, 1085 Julia, 463 Laura Lucinda, 771 Lavina, 3317 LiUy Dale, 1751 Lucia Mahala, 1868 . Lucy, 1504 Lucy Mariah, 1504 [ Luther, 771-2, 1504 Brookes, cont'd, Luvia, 1413 Lydia, 1413 Martha Barrett, 1085 Mary, 58, 361, 1413. 2436 Mary Allen, 362 Mary Helen, 1690 Mary Maria, 446 Matilda, 1239 Melinda, 1085 Myrtie, 1408 Nathan Porter, 1535 Olive, 1585 Oliver, 362; Ordney D., 1647 Patty, 362 Phebe, 665, Phebe BaU, 1022 Rachel, 647 Ralph, i6go Rebecca, 2426 Remembrance, 793 Reuben, 361 Robert, 1690 Roxanna Matilda, 1692- Ruth, 2426 Ruth Eliza, 1408 Sarah, i860, 186S, 2426-7 Sarah Emaline, 1504 Sarah Emily, 1504 Savilla, 549 Thankful, 772 Thankful Ann, 1239 Theodore, 3436 Thomas, 2426 Vesta, 1647" Walter, 1408 William, 446, 462, 1042 William George, 772 William Henry, 1722 Brookins, Artemas, 667 Lois, 667 Lucretia, 667 Lucy, 260 Philip, 260 Brooks, see Brookes. Broome, Catherine. 1983. Mary Matilda, 1983 William, 1983 Broosa, see Bruce. Brophy, mrs., 898 Amelia, 898 Charles, 898 Emeretta, 898 Emma, 898 Eugenia, 898 Eva, 898 Florence, 8g8 George, 8g8 Hattie, 8g8 Jennie, 8g8" Minnie, 898 Reuben Cleveland, 898 Truman William, 8g8 William, 8g8 Brbss, Rebecca, 1035 Bro'therson, Catharine, 1761 Frances Bennett, 1760 Lucie Catharine, 1760 Peter Rutgers Kissam,. 1760 Philip, 1761 Brotherton, Enoch, 1476 Eula Belle, 1476 Jessie Lucretia, 1476 LilUe May, 1476 Lucretia, 1476 Maria Eloise, 1476 Mary Artemisa, 1476 Nathaniel, 1476 Orah Pearl, 1476 Silas Plervey, 1476 Broucard, see Bragaw. Brouck, Marytje, 24ig Broughton, Ann, 1316 Hannah, 792 Job, 1316 John, 792 Mary, 2218 Mary Ann, 1316 Rachel, 1217 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2541 3roughton, cont'd, Sarah Eliza, 2185 :Brouncker, Joan, 2173 Robert, 2173 Brower, David J., 1000 Ehzabeth M., 1000 Elmer E., 1000 Inez T., 1000 John B., 1000 John H., 2333 Maria J., 1000, Rebecca, 1676 Sarah E., 2333 Brown, see Browne. .Browne, Brown, colonel, 2281 miss, 232, 2109 miss or mrs., 480 mr., 188, 232, egg, 799, 919, 1586, 2083 ¦mrs., 670, 699, 788 rev. mr., 487 Abby Howe, 1904 Abiel, 1372 Abigail, 180-1, 354, 302 Addison, 1329 Adelaide Frances, 1843 Albert Reid, 1531 Alexander, 2173 Alice, 527 Alice Cleveland, 1929 Alice Dette, 1523 Alice Maria, 1328 Alpha, 1989 Alpheus, 181 Alta Whitney, 1630 Amanda Germond, 1531 Amy Brighthurst, i9g3 Andrew, 670 Angle Lindley, ig68 Ann, i6g7 Ann Maria, 1328 Anna, 496, 1215, 1 765 , 2266 Anna Gould, 1604 . Anne, 188 ^ Annis Maria, 24g5 Anthony C, 3266 Arthur Wellington, 537 Asel, 1364 Augustus Cleveland, 792, 1530-1, 2353 .Aurelia, 267 Bancroft, 1604 Barintha, 1473 Barnabas, 752, 754 Benjamin, 2322 Benjamin Cleveland, 1517 Betsey, i32g, 1553, 1604 Beulah, i5g8 Beulah Cleaveland, 366 Caroline, 487, 806, 944, 1867 'Caroline Cleveland, 913 Catharine, Catherine, 792, 827, 919, 2166 Chad, 1645 Charles, 366 ¦Charles H., 1566 'Charles P., 527 Charlotte, 496 Charlotte Ann, 1881 ¦Charlotte Amanda, 1843 ' Charlotte Lovina, 2008 Christina Elizabeth, 1922 Clara Elizabeth, 838 Clarissa, ig58 Clemens, 1012 Daniel, 75, 1154, 1157, 1836, 2037, 2322 Deborah, 510 "Delia, 1157 Delia Helen, 2266 Deliverance, 180-1 Diadama M., 1305 Diana, Dinah, 180-1 Dollie, 1718 . Dorcas Holbrook, 806 . Dorothy, 493 Browne, cont'd, Dudley, 529 E., 45 Ebenezer, ng3 Edgar, 886 Edgar F., 2221-2 . Edgar French, 2221 Electa Jane, 1436 Elijah, 2322 Elisha, 2288 Eliza, 5g6, 2452 Eliza Coe, igg3 Eliza M., 754 Elizabeth, 212, 241, 358, 1012, 1077, 1525, 1645, 1651, 2035, 2171, 2422, 2436 Elizabeth Carrie, 1630 Elizabeth Peet, 1432 EUen, 1328 Ellsworth, 1013 Emily, 1865 Emma, 1157, 1436 Emma Rebecca, 1436 Enoch, 1843 Ephraim Frank, 2009 Esther, 1423, 1425 Esther Ann, 1193 ^ Eugene, 1328 Eugene M., 1665 Eveline, 1202 Fernando Cortez, 806 Flavins A., 734 Flora, 985 Flora Al^ata, 985 Florida, 2083 Frances, 1423 Frances Ellen, igi6 Frances Eugenie, 1944 Frances Jane, 1339 Frank, 1328, 1436 Franklin Cleveland, 913 Frederick Cleveland, 913 Frederic Tyler, 806 Gad, 913 Gardner Cleveland, 806 George, 596, 1157 George Hyde, 487 Georgianna Eliza, 1463 Gertrude, 1586 Gregory, 1604 Gurdon Perkins, 1423, 1425 Hannah, 698-g, 7g2, 1189, 1275, 1521-2, 2035, 2222 Hannah T., 1199 Harriet Lindley, 1160 Harry, 1328 Harry Howard, 1842 Hattie Langdon, 1843 Helen Gilman, ig93 Helena, 1013 Henry, 1339, 2266 Henry Adams, 1843 Henry Clark, 1531 Henry Hough, 2267, 2354 Henry Sears, 1531 Hiram, 1634 Hyran Crocker, 1703 Ida May, 1436 Irene, 778, 944 Isaac Porter, 1051 Isabel, 2035 Isabella Alice, 2267 Jacob, 1989 James, 90, 792, 1328, 2167; 2322 James Avery, 1916 James Crosby, igg3 James. Simpson, 1436 Jane, 1159, 2037 Jane Eliza, 1694 Jane Hannah, 786 Jarvis, 985 Jeanette, i553 Jeannie, 806 Jedidah, 183 Jemima, 791-2 Browne, cont'd, Jennie, 1630 Jessie, 1436 Joanna, 838-g, 1603 John, 181, 302, 4g3, 510, 79^, 877, 944, 1012, 1157, 1425, 1463, 1633, 1645, 1836, 1843, 3035, 2377, 3330, 2422, 2471 John Crosby, 1993 John Dean, 1423 John Henry Hobart, 1765 John Paschal, 1632 John White, 1328 Jonathan, 877, 2288 Joseph, 827, 2430 Josephine EUen, 1916 Julia, 1339 Julia Ann, 1517 Kesiah, 812 Kyah, 812 Laura, 637 Laura Cleveland, 527 Laura Minerva, 2009 Ledeah, 183 Leonard, 1517 Leroy, 1523 Lewis, 1329 LiUian Mary, 2221 Linus Fields, 1385 Lois, 877 Lois Morrell, 1206 Loisa, 778 Louana, i62g Louisa Amanda, 2266 Louise, 2288 Louise Cecilia, 1774 I.-owise,, 2288 Lucretia, i03g, ig44 Lucy Mary, 2501 Lulu, 1328 Lydia, 183, 1553, 1925 Lydia Bradford, 1535 Lyman, 105 1 Malvina, 1385 Marcia Salome, 1271 Margaret, 886, io6g, 1077, 1432, 2266 ' Margaret Ann, 1679 Marguerite, 1160 Maria Louise, 527 Marian Winchester, 1842 Marietta, 1051 Martha, 422 Martha Adelaide, 754 Mary, 493. 79i. 835, 877. 924, 1154, 1157, 1193, 1258, 1473, 1553. 1600, 1603-4, 1610, 1632, 1645, 1904, 1988, 2035, 2171, 2igi, 2266 Mary Ann, 1157 Mary Cleaveland, 1604 Mary E., 1500 Mary Eliza, 1012, 1221, 2167 Mary Elizabeth, 1265, i6g7, 1993 , Mary Jane, 799 Mary Lvicia, 1529 Mary Magoun, 1993 Mary T., 1487 Mary Williams, 2009 Mathiable, 1655 Matilda, 1013 Matilda Jane, 2167 Mercy, 2032 Micajah, 2322 Myrtle Evlin, 1703 Nancy, 212, 752, 816, 2267 Nancy Adeline, 1463 Nancy Dixon, 387 Naomi, 913 Narcissa, 1249 Nellie, 784 Nellie Aurelia, 1566 Nelson Reed, 1328 Olive, '446 2542 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Browne, cont'd, Oliver, 1329 Orella Sophronia, 1665 Orelle, 527 Parintha, 1473 Penelope, 2321-2 Peter, 1157, 1843, 2035 Phebe, 360, 1425, 1632 Philip King, 1843 PoUy, 7gg Polly Leonard, 1517 PrisciUa, 2288 Rachel, 534 Rachel Arvilla, 812 Rachel Fenner, gSs Rebecca, 75 Rebecca Yale, 52g Remembrance, 7g3 Reuben, 3171 Rhoda, 1989 Rhoda Anna, 1339 Richard, 1157, 1944 Robert, 1604 Robert Bancroft, 1604 Robert S., 1842 Rosalinda, 1535 Roxa, 806 Roxana, 806 Rufus, 1436 Ruth, 752 Ruth Ann, 1604 Ruth Gregory, 1604 Ruth Johnson, 1051 Sadie A., 1848 Samuel, 366, 1157, 1221, 2288, 3436 Sarah, 816, 904, 1118, 1127, 1436, 1634, 1843, 1895, 1916, 2436, 2471 Sarah Ann, 527 Sarah D., 1198 Sarah Emma, 1154, 1157 Sarah Frances, 2222 Sarah Jane, 1377, 1533 Sarah Louisa, 793 Sarah Smith, 827 Seneca, 1157 Silas, 791-2 Silas Clark, 791 Simon, 1697 Simpson, 1436 Solomon, 1473 Sophia, 930 Sophia Western, 1265 Squire Richard, 1944 Stanton, 778 Stephen Henry, 1013 Sophia, 1656 Submit, 2430 Susannah, 1836 Sylvester, 1566 Thankful, 88, 90 Thatcher Magoun, 1993 Thirza Ewell, 1703 Thomas, 886, 1432, 1436, 1904 Thomas Hinton. 1265 Thomas R., 2266 Tryphena. 302 Virginia Frances, 1423, 1436 W. C, 1679 Weltha, 45 WiUiam, 778, 838-9, 1127, 1160, 1517. 1630, 1923, 3266 William Adaras, 1993 WiUiam Edwin, 1160 William F., 806 William Henry, 985, 1436, 1535 William Waldo, 806 Wistren, 75 Zeruiah, 1944 Brownell, Brunell, mr., 670, 2319 Ann, 1724 Carrie E., g7o Dickinson Leander, 684 Edith, 1734 Elizabeth D., 436 Ella, 33ig Eunice, 1724 Brownell, cont'd, Fletcher, 684 George, 1734 Hannah, 1127 Hattie Mable, 684 Laura, 678 Lucy, 670 Mary, 1723-4 Mary Mumford, 1723-4 Sarah Weeden, 1724 Stephen, 1724 Sylvester, 1724 Thomas, 1724 William, 1724 William Henry, 684 Zada Adelia, 684 Browning, Bessie, i6g5 Deborah, 510, 2460 Gertrude, i6g5 Hattie, i6g5 Hattie L., 1695 Ruth, 1695 Thomas, 510, 1695, 2460 Brownson, see Bronson. Broyles, Cain, 2196 Fannie Murtis, 2220 George Nash, 2196 James Marcellus, 2196 Lucinda, 2196 Lulu Josephine, 3ig6 Mary Adelaide, 2196 William Lowndes, 2196 Willie Clifton, 2196 Bruce, Braiosa, Braos. Braose, Braus, Breause, Brehuse, Breos, Breosa, Breous, Breouse, Breu hosa, Breuse, Brewes, Brewis, Brewosa, Brew ose, Brews, Breyosa, Briouze, Brois, Broosa, Brueis, Brueix, Brues, Bruex, Brueys, Bruis, Brus, Brusce, Bruys, de Braosa, de Brawse, de Bruce, de Brus, De Brus, de Brusce, de Bruse, De Bruys, ¦ , 13, 15, 1108 family, 1108 kings, 15, no8 of France and Normandy, 13, 15, 1108 pedigree mentioned, 13, 15, no8 Abby Blake, 2003 Abigail, 1300 Adaline, 1545 Agnes, 1108-9 Alexander, nog Amabel. 1109 Archibald, nog Arlogia, 1108 Barwick, nog Brusce earl of Caithness, no8 ^ Catharine, 944 David. 15, 1108-9 Edward. 15 Elizabeth, 1 109, 1545 Emma, 1108 George, 2425 Henry, 2311 Isabel, 1108-9 James, 1109 Jane, 944, nog Joan, 1 1 09 John, 1108-9 Joseph Osborne, 1109 Katy, 944 Keturah, 1109 Lizzie Houston, 2311 Margaret, nog Margery, 15, 2.125 Marian, 1109 Mary, 944 Mary Dalrymple, 1 108-9 Methusela, 1545 Bruce, cont'd, Ostrida, 1108 Patrick, nog Regenwald, 1108 Robert, 15, 110S-9 Roxena, 944 Sally, 748 Thomas, 138, 1108-9 William, 1108 Zeruiah, 138 Brudnow, Hannah, 1506 Brueis, Brueix, see Bruce. Bruen, Brewen, Le Bruen,. Alice, 210 Anne, 210 Catharine, 209 Dorothy, 210 EUena, 209- Emma, 209 Hannah, 209-10 James, 210 John, 210 Mary, 1513 Mary Ann, 610 Nicholas, 209 Obadiah, 209, 1513 Robert, 209 Roger, 2og Sarah, 310 Thomas, 310 Brues, Bruex, Brueys, see: Bruce. Bruff, Charlotte, 418-19 Jane, 418 Samuel, 418 Bruis, see Bruce, Brumho, Hannah, 707 Brumlee, see Brumley. Brumley, Brumlee, Elizabeth, 443 Mary Jane, 1443 Brump, miss, 1501 Emilus A., 1500 Hannah A., 1500 Minerva, 1501 Morris Graves, 1501 Brund, David, 95 Lovice, 95 Brundage, Caroline, 1017 Daniel, 1673 Edward Hincken. 1017 Estelle Holt, 1017 Martha Anthony, 1672 Minnie, 996 Schuyler, 1017 Brunei], see Brownell. Brunner, Harry, 2267 Mary May, 2267 Brunt, Sarah, 1517 William, 1517 Brunton, Daniel, 1276 Margaret, 1276 Mary Catherine, 1276 Brus, Brusce, see Bruce. Bruscher, Frederick, 1225 Louise, 1225 Mary Clara, 1225 Brlish, Charles, 2020 George, 2425 Leonard Alcott, 2020 Lucy Ann Hepsibeth, 2020* Lucy May, 2020 Margery, 2425 Permelia, 2020 see also Bruce. Brust, Catharine, 944 Jane, 944 Katy, 944 Mary, 944 Roxena, 944 see also^ Bruce. Bruster, see Brewster. Bruys, see Bruce. Bryan, Brien, mrs., 932 Alexander, 914, 932, laiii Alma Lucinda, 711 Anna, 914, 932 Arthur WiUiam, 711 Clarabel, 711 Content, 932 Edward Plenry, 711 Elijah, 932 Elizabeth, 2134 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2543 Bryan, cont'd, Elsie, 1655 George Frank, 711 Ila Rebekah, 1655 James, 711 Tames Campbell, 2181 James Plenry, 1655 James Lansing, 1655 Laura Belle, 711 Levina, 2010 Lucy, 931 Martha, 2180-1 Mary, 914, 932 Mary Caroline, 2464 Mehitable, 932 Nellie Grace, 711 Olive Angeline, 1655 . Penelope, 2181 Phebe, 1086 Rachel, 711 Richard, 914, 932 Ruth, 711 Sarah, 932, 1211 Thomas, 711, 914, 932 Bryant, Breijandt, Briant, De Briant, OlDreon, ancestors, 877 Anna, 426 Catharine, 877 Cecilia, 2091 Charlotte, 1997, 2000 Cornelis, 2419 Cornelius, 1020 Ebenezer, 1864 Edward, 2000 Eliza Ann Matilda, 2331 Elizabeth, 1019-20, 1614, 1769 Elizabeth Brimmer, 1614 Emily Caroline, 2331 Frank, 1864 Georgina Gardner, 1613 Gustavus, 1864 Guy, 877 Hannah, 381, 877, 1020, 1232 Henry, 1614, 2000 James, 1864 Johannis, 1020 John, 877, 1020, 1613, 1997, 2000 John Olmsted, 2000 Julia, iggg Lois, 877 Louisa Sophia, 1864 Malvinia Lydia, 1864 Margrita, 2419 Martha Lee, 2099 %.. Mary Cleaveland, S77,'' 2000 Mary Cleveland, 877 Micajah, 2083 Milley, 2083 Nancy, 2101 Owen, 2000 Rebecca, 1864 Sarah, 2330 Sarah Smith, 1614 Simon, 146, 381 Sophia, 1864 Turner, 2331 William, 877, 2099 WilliaTTi Sohier, 1614 Brvce, Elizabeth, 2165 Mahala, 2165 Thomas, 2165 Brydges, see Bridges. Brythlyr, lord of, 2469 Bubier, Mary Jane, 1864 Buchanan, Buckhanan, Elizabeth, 1942 Frances, 668 James, 1942, 2184 Jane, 1942, 2184 Sarah, 2084 Bucher, Mary, 1967 Buck, Book, Bouk. Bucke, nir., 763 miss, 1373 Buck, cont'd, Abiatha, 894 Abiathar, 894 Azubah, 1627 Catherine, 1871 Clara Martha, 1290 Clarissa, 894 Edgar Wallace, 1104 Elizabeth, 1435 Emmanuel, 1497 Enoch, 1497 Ezekiel, 1497 Hannah, 894 Harriet, 1104 James, 894 Jane, 763 John, 894, 1871 Lewis, 8g5 Lois Dickinson, isgo Lucy Emily, 1104 Margaret Ann, 1871 Mary, i4g7 Mary Arvilla, 1627 Orrin, 1627 Philander, 895 Rachel, 1497 Rebecca, 1625 Relief, 901 Samuel, 1104 Sarah, 894, 1497 William Hicks, 1104 William Landus, 1104 William Leland, 1290 Buckard, Charles, 1180 Margaret, 1180 Margaret Ellen, 1180 Mary, 1497 Buckbearcl, miss, mr., 1603 Buckbee, Abigail M., 1004 Adelia, 1004 Ann, 459 Benjamin, 455-6, 459 Elizabeth, 456 Lydia. 1691 Phcebe, 455 Susan Ann, 1691 Bucke, see Buck. Buckenham, see Bucking ham. Buckhanan, see Buchanan. Buckhaults, see Birchall. Buckingham, Buckenham, lord of, 266 Augustus, 486 Bradley, 1482 Daniel, 1482 Ebenezer, 1482 Elizabeth, 1482 Esther, 1482, 1687 Fidelia, 1482 Plaster, 1482 JuUa, 486 Lester A., 486 Maria, 14S6 Nathan, 1687 Samuel, 1687 Sarah, 1482, 1687 Silence, 1687 Stephen, 1482 Thomas, 1482 William Alfred, 1482 Buckland, Anna, 725 C, 45 Edna, 46 Edward, 45 Eliza, 45 Hattie Standish, 1524 Henry, 45 Henry K., 1524 Jennie Lizzie. 1524 Mary, 1291 Polly, i434 William, 725 Buckley, see Bulkley. Bucklin, Lurana, 1660 Buckminster, Anna, 1767 Bucknam, mrs., 2254 Ann, 242g Edith May, 2254 Edward. 242g Ella WiUiams, 2255 Bucknam, cont'd, Frederick Cleveland, 2254 George, 2254 Plarriet Newell, 2254 Henry Francis, 2255 Jenny, 2254 John, 2429 Josephine, 2254 Joses, 242g LiUian Amelia, 2255 LiUian Angeline, 2255 Mary, 2254 Mary Ann, 2254 Rebecca, 2429 Richard Plarvey, 2254 Richard Steward, 2254 William, 2254, 2429 Buckner, Addie Virginia^ 2003 Jane Elizabeth, 2003 William Moore, 2003 Budd, Maria, 1004 Buddington, Mary, 774 Nahan, 774 Budlong, Amy, 1717 Buel, see Buell. Buell, Buel, Anna Submit,. 1633 Caroline, 823 Elenor, 1382 Florence Ida, 1382 Gracie Arlington, 2043 Harvey Edwin, 2043 Henry Robert, 1030 James Steven, 1382 Joseph, 1633 Loren Brigham, 1382 Mary, 319, 2426 Mehitabel, 1093, 1633 Nancy Maria, 2043 Samuel, 2426 William, 319 Buffington, mr., 446 Delia A., 1922 Susan, 446 Bufford, J. PL, 467 Buffum, Benjamin, 1660 Mercy, 1660 Minerva, 795 Bugbee, Bugsbee, Bugsby,. Abel, 1346 Abigail M., 899 Abigail Rosella, 1293 Albert Volney, 1293 Amanda, 1346 Caroline, 1346 Charies Albert, 1880 Charles Henry, 1879 Eltheria, goo Emily Susan, 1293 Emma Abby Jane, 1293" Frank Perkins, 1293 Henry, 1346 Jonathan, 1741 Lydia, 928 M. Lulu, 1305 Marcia, 1741 Mary Ann, 1879 Mary Lovina, 1879 Orrie L., 1305 Pelatiah, 1293 Sally, 1203 Samuel A., 1305 Sarah, 1741 Sarah Jane, 1880 Stephen, 900 Worcester, 1293 Bugs, Amy, 846 Eder, 846 Bugsbee, Bugsby, see Bug' bee. Bulah, , 2335 mr., 233s Bulclogh, see Bulkley. Bulen, Alice, 1245 Alice Maud, 1245 George, 1245 2544 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Bulger, Adaline, 21 17 Elizabeth, 2117 John Roderic, 2117 Bulkeley, see Bulkley. ^ulkley, Buckley, Bulclogh, Bulkeley, Bulkly, Blanche, 897 Charles, 1772 Edward, 1083 Elizabeth, 1082-3, 1772 Elizabeth Whitney, 1772 Emeline, 1885 Emma, 1577 Esther Ann, 897 George Douglass, 897 Grace, 1773 Henry D., 1577 Jane, 1083 John, 2290 Julia, 1577 Juliet D., 897 OUver E., 897 Peter, 1083 Rebecca, 2290 Robert, lord, 1083 William, 1773 Bulkly, see Bulkley. Bull, Benjamin, iggg Content, iggg Eliza, 1367 EUzabeth, 1147-8, iggg Elvira, 594 Emily, 1367 Esther, 1148 George, 487 Godsgift, iggS-g -Gurdon, 487 "Harvey, 487 Hattie, 487 Henry, 1998 Janette Gage, 1339 'Jarius, Jerah, Jireh, iggg 'juelma Maria, 1339 Lucy, 487 Lucy Edgerton, 487 ¦Lydia, 487 Margaret, 487 Martha, 1367 Mary, 487 Mary Ann, 1998 Matilda, 487 Moses, 594 Nathan, 487 Samuel, 1367 Sarah, 1742 Susanna, 1 148, 1742 Theodosia, igg8-g Thomas, 1 147-8, 1742, igg8 Walter, 487 WilUam, 487 William Augustus, 1339 ¦^uUard, captain, 2270 mrs., 543 Alfred M., 5g8 Benjamin, 543 Clara May, 1811 Franklin, 5g8 George, 543, 2471 Gilbert Edmund, 1811 Hannah S., 5g8 Harriet, 5g8 Hiram, 5g8 Jane, 852 Jane Ann, i8ri Joseph B., 598 Judson, 598' Loomis, 598 Margaret, 2471 Mary, 543, 1114, 2422 Moses, 334 Nathaniel, 1114 Rinaldo, 598 Robert, 543 Ryan, 598 Sarah, 2471 Seth, 2269 William, 543 ;BuUen, Boleyn, BuUon, mr., 140 Evelyn Frances, 2475 Harold Emmons, 2475 John S., 2475 Lois, 140 Bullen, cont'd, Luella Jane, 2475 Mary, 334-5 Meletiah, 537 Olive Elizabeth, 2475 Ralph Franklyn, 2475 Samuel, 335 Sara Adaline, 2475 William Ray, 2475 BuUman, Henry, 540 see also Miner. Bullock, mrs., 1433 Alfred, 1433 Alice, 1936 Betsey, 1433 Caroline, 1433 Cordelia, 1433 Elizabeth, 1433 Emily, 724 Esther, 1433 George, 1936 Harriet, 1936 Henry, 1936 Ira H., 709 James Cleveland, 709 Lucy Ann, 1898 Martha, 1936 Mary, 709, 1936 Mary Alice, 709 Olla, 1936 Pamelia, 1433 PoUy, 1433 Royal, 1936 Shubael, Shubel, 724, 1433 Simeon, 1433 Simon, 724 Thomas, 1433 WiUiam, 709, 724, 1433 Zuba, 1433 BuUon, see Bullen. Bulmer, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Bumpus, Calvin, 948 Lizzie, 948 Bunce, Betsey Lovina, 1279 Eunice, 719 Henry Paine, 1279 Jacob, 1274 John, 1279 Laura Jane, 1878 Loomis, 719 Lovisa, 1274 Mary Ann, 1274 Mary Elvira, 1292 Sarah, 1292, 1742, 1878 Thomas, 1742 WiUiam, 1292, 1878 Bundren, Eliza Ann, 2089 Greeni 2089 Bunker, Charles, 971 Cromwell, 1719 Edward, 971 Elihu, 971 Eliza, 1719 P"'lorence Cleveland, 1719 Frederick, 971 Frederick Hussey, i7ig George, 87, igi, 968 Jane, g68, 971 Jonathan, 191 Judith, 87 . Martha, 87 Mary, igi, 968, 971 Mary Powell, 57 Phebe, 966 Robert F., 1719 Sarah Gardner, g67 Sarah Huntington, 1719 Susan, 971 William Edwin; 1719 Bunnell, see Bonnell. Buntin, Bunton, James, 332 L. J., 2148 Lydia, 332 Bunton, see Buntin. Burbage, Abel, 574 Agnes Augusta, 574 Arnold George, 574 Charles Douglass, 555, 1181 Cynthia Alma, 555, 1181 Edith Maud, 574 Edward Elder, 574 George, 574 Lavmia Hamilton, 574 Martha, 574 Mary Agnes, 574 Burbage, cont'd, Mary Eliza, 574 Ralph Miner, 574 Burbqnk, Berbank, mr., 1721 Abijah, 1556 Alvira, 1412 Amanda, 1412 Betsey, 1721 Eli, 1412 Jennie Clarissa, 1836 Lizzie, 1721 Martha, 2480 Mary, 1443 Mehitable, 607 Miriam, 1556 Burch, see Birch. Burchard, see Birchard. Burchell, Edward, 1521 Frances Rachel, 1521 Burchmore, Arthur Thomas, 1704 Elizabeth, 1704 Emily Clara, 1704 Sarah Augusta, 1704 Thomas, 1704 Thomas B., 1704 Burd, see Bird. Burdell, Alice, 1245 Burden, Charlotte, 810 Burdick, Abel, 847 Catharine, 102, 1354 Eddy Wiat, 1354 Frances, 1333 Frances Elizabeth, 1333 Frederick C, 1354 George, 1354 George A., 1354 Ichabod, 1333 Irena Lydia, 847 Martha, 8og Rachel Emeline, 666 Sarah, 847 Washington, 102 William Henry, 1354 Burdsall, see Birdsall. Burge, Surges, see Burgess. Burgess, Burge, B urges, Adaline, 1295 Addie May, 1295 Albert Hymen, 1339 Alice, 634 Alfred, 680, 2093 Alfred Pinkney, 2167 Anna, 353, 1297 Annie Elizabeth, 473 Annie Jane, 2167 Archibald, 353 Bathsheba, 634 Caleb, 647 Charles, 1297 Clara Elizabeth, 2167 Cosiah, 578 Cyrus, 578 Delia, 1339 Diana, 1294 Dorothy, 647 Ebenezer, 647, 1329, 2425 Eleanor, Elinor, 647, 1397 Eleanor Ann, 1297 Elizabeth, 1294 Emeline, 1295 Ernest, 2167 Eunice, 1295 P'rancis Elbert, 1295 Gustavus Willard, 1329 Guy, 2167 Hannah, 647, 1294, 1296, 1329, 2289 Harriet, 1294-5 Hester, 2167 Hymen, 1329 Isaiah, 2289 Jacob, 647 James, 1295 Jedidah, 647 Jennie Morton, 2093 John Henry; 474 John Henry Strode, 473 Kesiah, 578 Lucy Arabella, 1329 Luther, 634 Malvina, 974 Margaret, 974 M ari ett e, 1297 Mary, 647, 895, 2^25 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2545 Burgess, cont'd, Mary Ann, 267 Mary Eaton, 1329 Matilda Sylvina, 1533 Mercy, 647 Minnie, 2167 Nancv Amelia, 1297 Nathaniel, 974 Olive, 353 Oscar S., 1533 Rachel, 1295 Reuben, 1536 Rose Emeline, 1339 Ruth, 1595 Samuel, 647, 1294 Sarah, 634, 680 Sophia, 1339, 2167 Susan, 1536 Thankful, 188 Thomas, 634, 647, I595> 2167 Thomas Martin Theron, 2167 William Cleveland, 1297 Burget, see Burgett. Burgett, Burget, miss, 2316 Conrad, 2315-16 Emmeline, i8gi John, 2316, 2318 Lambert, 2316 Margaret, 2315-16 Burghardt, Anna, 1634 Anna Maria, 1633 Clarence Norman,' 1633-4 Clinton Parker, 1634 Ernest, 1634 Frederick, 1634 Hannah, 1634 Isaac, 1633 Julia Day, 1633 Lovina, 1634 Norman Rawson, 1633 Rosella, 1633 Sarah, 1634 Susannah, 1633 Theodosia Louise, 1633 Wallace, 1634 Burk, see Burke. Burke, Bur^, Abigail, 1334 Ada Cleveland, 1492 Albert, 171 3 Amy Marie, 1492 Andrew H., 1492 Bernard, 2244 Carrie E., 1492 Daniel, 1334 Deborah, 1724 Eliza, 903 Elizabeth Ann, 1713 Fannie Estelle, 2161 Hiram, 903 James, 2 161 John, 18, 731, 1492, 2235-6 John Bernard, 18, 731, 2235 Lavinia Blanche, 1713 Lucinda Heald, 1713 Margaret, 2161 Maria, 1334 Nevada, 1713 Sally, 1543 Sophia, 1797 Burleiffh, Burley, Abner, 622 Abner Cleveland, 1229 Albert, 1229 Ann Eliza, 1160 Benjamin Abelard, 1229 Caroline, 1229 Caroline Eleanor Ella, 1594 Catherine, 1594 Catherine Benson, 1594 Cecil, 1594 Celia M., 1594 Charles Calistus, 1593, 2354 Charles Hartwell, 850 Charles Henry, 1229 Charles Ira, 1229 Cynthia, 1229 Cyrus Moses, 1595, 2354 Edward Davis, 1593 Elizabeth Morse, 1594 Esther Cordelia, 1339 Evaline, 850 160 Burleigh, cont'd, Florence Hermion, 1594 Frances Mary Bradford, 850 .Francis Julius, 1594 George Reuben, 1229 George Shepard, 1595, 2354 Gertrude, 1593 Gertrude EUzabeth, 1594 Hannah Smith, 1229 Plarriet Adelia, 1593 Harriet Adelia Ann, 1593 Harriet Frances, 1591 Ida, 1593 Inez Bertha, 1229 Ira, 1229 Joanna, 1229 John Carter, 1594 John Oscar, 850 Julia Adelaide, 1229 Le Moine, 1594 Louise Maria, 1229 Lovina, 622 Lovisa Aurelia, 1230 Lucia Elizabeth, 1229 Lucian, 1594, 2354 Lucian Rinaldo, 1594 Lucius Alden, 1229 Lydia, 849 Lydia Bradford, 1594 Marcia Louisa, 1229 Margaret, 1595 Persis, 1251 Pritty, 1229 Rinaldo, 849 Ruth, 1595 Samuel W., 1229 Sarah, 1595 Sarah Marion, 1229 Sidney Richmond, 1595 Theresa, 1593 William Elizur, 1229 William Bradford, 1594 William H., 1590 William Henry, 1593, 2354 Burley, see Burleigh. Burling, Ann, 1755 Elizabeth, 1755 ' Thomas, i7S5 BurUngame, Burlingham, Abigail, 1446 Almira, 628 Angle A., 638 Benjamin, 1563 CaroUne A., 628 Caroline BeUe, 628 Charles Oliver, 1563 Christopher, 1725 Daniel Lewis, 1563 Daniel Preston, 1563 David L., 628 EUa Louise, 1563 Elmira, 667, 1339 Frances, 628 Freddie R., 628 Frederick Jay, 1339 Freelove, 1475 George D., 628 George Hancock, 1563 Hannah Greene, 1563 Harriet, 628 Harriet Gardiner, 886 Harry, 667, 1339 James, 830 James B., 628 James Graham, 1338-9 Janette Gage, 1339 Jeremiah B., 628 Jerome B.,' 628 Lewis Preston, 1563 Lorin, 628 Louisa Marcia, 667 Lowry, 628 Lydia, 752 Mahala, 441 Maria Adelia, 1339 Marion Josephine. 1563 Marjorie Green, 1563 .Vlary E., 628 Mary L, 628 BurUngame, cont'd, Matilda Rozette, £725 Nancy M., 628 Olive, 830 Phebe Louisa, 628, 1338 Randilla, 1563 Ruby E., 628 Samuel, 1563 Sarah, 1735 Scott Harry, 1339 William Bateman, 1563 Willis Clifton, 1339 Burlingham, see BurUngame. Burlock, Catherine, 1775-6 Burn, see Burns. Burnap, Burnet, see Burnett. Burnett, Barnap, Burnap, Burnet, Burnette, brothers, 1659 Anne, 1751 Annie, 1438 Annie Elizabeth, 1438 Catherine, i960 Charity, 1506 David, 1438 Dudley Harlen, 1438 Edward Worthington, 1456 Elizabeth, 739, 1659, 2426 Frances, 1659 Gertrude Augusta, 1450 Grace Hoffman, 1961 Hannah, 1099, iioi ITelen, 1961 Henry L.^ i960 Isaac Gibson, 1450 Jabez, 2272 Jacob, 2426 James, 739 Jennie CromweU, 739, 1450 John R., 1632 Lemira, 1659 Lester, 739 Lester Grant, 1450 LUy Naomi, 1438 Louisa, 1438 Martha, 66 Narcissa Talitha, 2219 Olive, 1450 Olive Brown, 739 R. Mortimer, 1659 Sarah, 1652 Stephen, 1659 Wellington Cleveland, 739, 1450 Burnette, see Burnett. Burnham, Burnum, de Burn ham, mr., mrs., 2286 of Hertfordshire, 1313 Abbie, 1284 Abigail, 945, 1456, 1924 Abner, 1842 Adoniram Judson, 1388 Alfred Avery, 1455 Alice Josephine, 2286 Andrew, 1284-5, 1456 Ann, 1109, 1313 Appleton, 1842 Ariel, 1271 Betsey Josephine Vesta, 2286 Caroline, 1798 Charies, 1313 Charles Cabot, 1285 Charles Russell, 1456 Clarissa, 1312-13 Daniel, 1312-13 David R., 1841-2 DeUa Diantha, 1455 Diana, 1271 Dorothy, 1313, 1456 Ebenezer, 1456 Edward Meacham, 1841 Elbridge, 945 Elisha, 1455-6, 1954 Eliza, 1924 Elizabeth, 1313, 1841 Elton Hovey, 1284 Emily Frances, 1285 Emma Frances, 2286 Enoch, 1284 Eunice, 1284 Fanny Flavilla, 1285 George, 1924 Grace Francesca, 1841 .254^ CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Burnham, cont'd, Gustavus Allan, 2286 Hannah, 571, 1387, 1841-2 Harriet Hovey, 1284 Harriet Newell, 1924-5 Hattie May, 1284 Henry D., 1056 Herbert Fayette, 1285 James, 1284 Jane, 1456 Jane D., 1056 Jane Isabel, 1055 Jerusha, 2427 John, 2286, 2427 John A., 1055-6 Jonathan, 2427 Joseph Carroll, 1285 Josiah, 1456 Judson William, 1842 Julia, 1456 Lois, 1456 Lucretia, 1606 Lucretia Elizabeth, 1285 Luther, 1285 Lyman, 2286 Maria D., 1056 Mary, nog, 1456, 1842, ig:i4 Mary Elizabeth, 1285 Mary Jane, 1456 Mary W., 1056 Minnie Foster, 1388 Minnie Ida, 1388 Nancy, 1924 Nancy Seabury, 1284 Nannie Elton, 1798 Naomi, 1123 Olive E., 1841-2 Phebe, 1455-6 Rachel, 1346 Rebecca R,, 2432 Richard, 1313, 1924, 2432 Robert, 1456 Roderick Henry, 1313 Sally, 1271 Sally Ann, 1312 Samuel, nog ' Sarah, 574, 1313, 1842, 1924 Stephen, 1313 Thomas, 1109, 1313 Walter, 1285, 1313 William, 1456, 1841-2, 1924 William A., 1056 William Owen, 1798 William Powers, 1841 Burns, Burn, mrs., 366 Abigail, 413 Almeda, 416 Anna Davis, 366 Asa, 416 Beulah, 365 Beulah Cleaveland, 366 Celia, 2255 Deborah, 1714 Eliza M., 1718 Elizabeth F., 824 Francis, 2426 Hannah, 107, 2426 Harriet, 2255 Jacob, 416 James, 412 John, 107, 365 Joseph, 2255. Katherine, 1725 Laura, 366 Margaret, 2426 Mary, 1196, 1725, 2112-13, 2426 Polly, 412 Rose, 416 Ruth, 416 Sarah, 365, 416 Seth, 416 Thomas, 1725 William Pitt, 366 Burnside, Alexander, go5 Jane, 1654 Mary, 905 Burnum, see Burnham. Burpee, mrs., 448 AbigaU, 448-9 CaroUne, 448 Charles, 448 Enoch, 448 Esther, 449 Plannah, 448-9 Harriet, 448 Jeremiah, 449 Burpee, cont'd, John, 448 Jonathan, 449 Joseph, 448-9 Mary, 449 Sarah, 449 Thomas, 449 Burr, miss, 1773 Alexander Jay, 1104, ino Andrew, 855 Andrew Bradford, 855 Andrew Cleveland, 855 Catharine, 1598 Celia M., 1593 Charles Sumner, 1598 David, 855 Edwin Harvey Henry, 1598 Eunice, 855 Frances, 1598 - Francis Plenry, 1598 George Andrew, 1598 George Lincoln, 1597 Grace, 1603 Harriet, 870 Harriet NeweU, 1598 Helen Elizabeth, 2455 Plenry Bradford, 1598 Hepzibah, 855, 1310 Horace CampbeU, 2455 Huldah Ann, 1224 Jane Charlotte, 1597 Julia Dodge, 1104, ino ' Luther, 1224 Mabel, 855-6 Margaret Lucinda, iiio Mary, 511-12, 1104, 1679, 2254 Mary Amelia, 1598, 1995 Mary Cleveland, 855 Mary Ella, 1597 Mary Jane, 1224 Mary Louisa, 1598 ' Mary Lucinda, 1104 Sarah Jane, 1597 Timothy, 1104 Walter, 855-6 Walter Cecil, 1598 William Henry, 1597 William Josiah, 1597 William Oliver, 1598 Burrage, Henry Sweetser, 124 Mary, 958 Burrall, see Burrell. Burrell, BurraU, BurriU, AbigaU, 1259 Adna, 1259 Alice Maud, 1259 Alicia, 1078 Alpheus Merton, 1259 Charles, 2308-9 Charles Mann, 1259 Cynthia, 413 EUen Delia, 1259 Eunice, 237 Henry, 1259 Isaac, 2268 Jacob, 911 John, 1259 Lucy, 911 Martha, 911 Mary, 952 Mary EUen, 1259 Mary Miller, 1259 Iviioda Luthera, 1259 Sarah, 170 Sarah Alma, 1259 WUbur Forrest, 1259 Burre!, see Burrett. Burrett, Burret, miss, 1735 Mabel, 843 BurriU, see Burrell. Burrington, Sarah R., 743 Burroughs, Borroughs, Bur rows, Abigail, 875, 1998 Amelia, 552, 554 Amy, 640 David, 640 Elizabeth, 827 Henrietta, 840 Horace, 840 James, 2168 James Madison, 1635 Jane, 2168 JosiaH, 639 Burroughs, cont'd, Martha, 1635 Martha Malinda, 2168 Mary, 708 Polly, 708 Rachel, 639 Susan Childs, 827 Timothy, 640 William, 639 WilUam Gardner, 827 Burrows, see Burroughs. Bur sail, Anna, 1251 James, 1251 Burse, Louisa Abbie, 1177 Burslem, see Bursley. Bursley, Burslem, Burslin, Elizabeth, 810 Joanna, 810 John, 810 Burslin, see Bursley. Burson, Ann Virginia, 2137 Hazel Green, 2137, 2197 Rebecca, 2137, 2197 Tabitha, 2197 Burt, Burtt, mr., mrs., 1045 Abigail, 505 Alynda, 1046 Ann, 55 Bathsheba, 624 Calvin P., 1939 David, 191S Elizabeth, 668, 2270 Ella May, 1939 EUen M., 942 Enos S., 197 F. G, 2265 Frank, 974 Flora, 1430 G. H., 942 George, 1430 George H., 1430 Henry, 232, 505, 1915, 2270 James, 55 Jonathan, 1915-16 Julia, 1898 Louise, 1430 Luther, 1046 Lydia, 1915 Martha, 658 Mary, 1430, 1915 Mindwell, 1915-16 Nancy Hovey, g74 Naomi Maria, 624 Patience, 232 PrisciUa, 1046 Reuben, 624 Richard, 55 Ruth, 55 Silence, 552 Stephen, 55 Ulalia, 232, 505, 191S Winifred, 197 Burten, see Burton. Burtis, Eliza, 770 Evander, 770 John, 770 Sarah, 770 Burton, Burten, miss, 2163 Abigail, 1446 Allen, 1938 Anna Jane, 1447 Annie Mariah, 1184 Celia, 1938 Evelyn May, 1446-7 Fannie, 1938 Fanny Louisa, 1447 Flora Lee, 1446 Florence Burlingame, 1447 Harriet, 851 Henry, 1446 John, 17, 1184 Lincoln, 1938 Loiza Grace, 1446 Margaret, 1814 Maria Burlingame, 1446 Martha. 1814 Mary, 1437 Mary Elizabeth, 1446 Mary Jane, 2303 Olney, 1446 Rhoda, 1 184 Sylvia, 1938 Sylvia Cleveland, 1937-S Thomas, 1814 WiUiam, 1938 Burtt, see Burt. INDEX OF PERSONS. 2547 Bush, Artimisia, 1343 Catherine Hastings, 1323 Clarissa, 1592 Hezekiah, 1323 Irene, 1213 Julia, 1083, 1085, 1577 Levi, 858 Margaret, 1217 Marinda, 1323 Martha, 858 Minnie Louella, 1217 Rebecca, 1906 Roinne Ostrander, 1217 Samuel, 1085 WiUiam Watson, 1217 Bushea, Anna, 1429-30 Samuel, 1429 Bushell, Ruth, 1890 Bushnell, mr., 597 mrs., 1915 Alma, 395 Caleb, 735 Clarissa, 295, 2006 David, 237 Deucy Amelia, 593 Elisha, 395 Ehzabeth, 735, 1371 Fanny, 593 Frances Adaline, 593 Francis, 1915 Hannah, igi5 Harvey, 1371 Jerusha, 237-8 John Wesley, 5g3 Jonathan, 238 Joseph, 238 Lucina, 1371 Lucy, 1045 Martha, 295 Martha Brace, 294 Mary, 71, 237.8, 409, 735, ¦ 1041, 1915 Mary Jane, 597 Mary Rockland, 2032 Nancy Maria, 2043 Nathaniel, 238 Richard, jri, 238, 735 '-—- Robert Stowe, 2032 Stephen, 295 Susan Jane, sg3 Buss, Myra, 1326 Bussard, Elizabeth Perrine, 533 Luther Martin, 533 Buswell, Boswell, BuzweU, Buzzell, Abigail, 50 Anna, 1855 Edward, 1855 Elizabeth, 1267, 1855 George Gage, 879 Hannah, 49, 68-9 Increase Kimball, 879 Isaac, 69 John A., 879 Lor a M., 870 Mary, 4g Mehitable, 50 Moses, 50 Prudence, 150 Robert, 4g, 68;;g Samuel, 69 Sarah, 68-g see also Bosworth. But, see Butt. Buterville, see Butterfield. Butler, Le Botiler, chief butler, 1488 miss, 2204 mr., 1488 mrs., 1742 Abigail, 254, 1124, 1488, 1712 Adaline L, 1241 Adella E., 1241 Agnes, 1660 Albert H., 1241 Alfred, 945 Alphonso Elizur, 1310 Amanda, 2452 Angeline, 1241 Ann Eliza, 8n Anna, 677 Annie, 2113 Annie Ruth, 2016 . Arvilla J., 1241 Benjamin, 1233, 1241 Butler, cont'd, Benjamin O., 1241 Bennie, 1241 Bennie O., 1241 Bessie, 1413 Blanche B., 1241 Blanche Eva, 2050 Chloe Harris, 1488 Cornelia, 1241 Cynthia, 1356 Daniel, 2041 Deborah Ann, 533 Edward Payson, 1310 Edward Sage, 1310 Elena, 1068 EHza, 676 Elizabeth, 8n, 1488, 1741-2, 1849 Elizabeth Wright, 945 Ella, 1241 Ellen M., 1241 EUena, 1068 Elvira A., 1310 Elvira M., 1241 Emeron Ellsworth, 1413 Emily, 1241, 1310 Esther, 1475 Eugene Fields, 1310 Frances Elizabeth, 2016 Fred Elmeron, 1414 Frederic, 1241 G. W., 2113 George, 3452 GUes, 676 Grace, 1488-g Grace Emma, 1414 Hannah, 624, 1233, 1241 Hannah B., 1241 Henry C, 1241 Hepzibah, 1310 Hezekiah, 1310 Hezekiah Goodwin, 1310 Ida, 1241 Ira, 1233-3 Isabella Josephine, 857 James, 1068, 1488-9 James A., 1341 James Davie, 1488-9 James Gleason, 1310 James Henry, 3016 James K., 1241 Jane, 836, 1488 Jason, 1241 Jennie, 1241 John C, 811 Joice, 1815 Julia, 857 Juliette, 1241 Laura E., 1241 Lena, 1241 Linda P., 1241 Lovisa, 1356 Lucia, 857 Lucia Cleave'land, 857 Luther, 1241 Lydia, 1815 Lyman D., 1241 Margaret, 1116, 2203 Mary, 1085, 1488, 1849 Mary Ann, 945, 1666-7 Mary Edith, 1414 Mary Elizabeth, 1310 Mary Emma, 2041 Mary Jane, 1310 Mary Sigourney, 857 Mehitabel, 857 Morton, 1241 Nicholas, 1815 Oresmus Goodwin, 1310 Orice, 1241 Patience, 1232-3 Periin S., 1241 Peter, 857 Peter C, 857 PhUip M., 1341 Rachel, 148S Richard, 533, 1085, 1743, 1849 Royal D., 1241 Samuel Stone, 1310 Sarah, 436, 1915 Sarah Ann, 1906 Sarah Ann Elizabeth, 2216 Sarah EUen, ig8i Sarah J., 1241 Sarah Pamela, 1310 Butler, cont'd, Sidney P., 1241 Stephen, 1488 Tamzen, 2041 Theobald, 1488 Thomas, 1488, 1915 Wilbur, 1241, 2203 William, 857, 1241, 1356 William Alphonso, 1310 Zebulon, 2281, 2470 Butman, Elinor, 1919 Butt, But, Butts, miss or mrs., 670 Abigail, 1362 Alvin, 185 Amy, 67g-8o Candace, 681 Caroline Almira, i68i Charles, 788 Charlotte, 185 Content, 202 David, 202 Deliverance, 78 E. Frank, 787 Edward B., 1526 Elizabeth, 184, 788 EUzabeth Jane, 1546 Emily, 788 Esaias, 185 Fredonia, 1872 George Washington, 184 Hannah, 78 Plarriet Louisa, 788 Plorace, 680 Irene, 185 James, 78. Jane, 283 Jeremiah, 680 John, 78 John Bradford, 1681 Joseph, 184-5 Josiah, 184 Julian J., 1873 Lizzie Celia, 1525-6 Lucinda, 679-80 Lucy, 185 Lurene, 185 Luther, 1547 Lydia, 787 Maria A., 1526 Mary, 78, 185, 788, 923 Michael, 78 Nancy, 788, 854 Nelson, 185 Phebe, 185 Richard, 78 Rufus, 283 SaUy, 1547 Samuel, 78 Sarah, 78, 184 Silas, 1362 Thirza, 185 Wilson, 679-80 Butterfield, BoterviUe, Bote vyle, Botfield, Bouteville, Buterville, de Buteville, mrs., 1223 Ann, 83 Annie, 22gg Benjamin, 83, 191 Beulah, 353 Beulah Bradford, 856 Daniel, 888 Deborah, 82-3 Deidamia, 353 Dorothy, igr Ebenezer, 191 Elizabeth, 856 Emilv, 856 Esther, 353 Frank Wilber, 1223 Hepzibah, 353 James Pluart, 1223 Jonathan, 2299 Joseph, igr Lydia, 353 Martha, 191 Mary, 82-3, 85, 191 Marv Catharine, 1223 Mary Cleveland, S55 Mary Jane Livingstone, 888 Mary Sophronia, 856 Mary Stanton, 856 Melona, 856 Melona Dorcas, 856 Moses, 353 Moses Bradford, 856 Patty, 410 Robert, 83 Samuel, 82-3 2548 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Butterfield, cont'd, Sarah, 888, 950 Susan; log ^^^illiam, 353 Buttolph, George, 1944 Zeruiah, 1944 Button, de Button, Charles Pomeroy, 1630 Charlotte, 1630, 1633 Daniel, 147 Deliverance, 147 Flavilla Laura, 1630 Flavilla Sperry, 1630 Hannah, 147 Lettice, 147 Mary, 147, 185 Matthias, 147 Nathan, 1630 Nathan Walter, 1630 Peter, 147 Sally, 283 Teagle, Tegell, 147 William, 147 Buttrick, David, 354 Elizabeth, 354 Butts, see Butt. Buxton, Abby E., 2431 Albert B., 2431 Benjamin Von Vichten, 1688 Charles Richardson, 2431 Elizabeth Jane, 1688 Florence May, 1688 Plarriet, 2431 Harriet NeweU, 2254 John, 2431 John Henry, 2431 Linda, 2431 Minnie, 2431 Thomas E., 2431 BuzweU, see Bosworth and Buswell. Buzzell, see Buswell. Byam, families, 2469 two brothers, 2469 Arthur, 2469 Doritha, 2469 Lucrecia, 2469 Lucy Marinda, i6g8 Marietta Lucrecia, 2469 Nicholas, 2469 Seth, 2469 William, 2469 Byard, Barth, 2239 / Emme, 2239 Byars, Byer, see Byers. Byers, Byars, Byer, Alida, 1476 Christian . R., 1476 Elizabeth, 2184 Margaret, 1476 Nancy, i37g WiUiam, 2184 Byington, see Boynton. Byles, EHza, 1221 Byram, Abigail, 1999 Deliverance, 837 Martha, iggg Martha Susannah, 837 Mary, ig96 Nicholas, 837, 877, 1996, 1999 Susanna, 87^^ igg6 Byrne, Brine, T)orothea, 2236 John, 2236 Mary, 1881 Byron, Emily, 1362 Sarah Ann, 987 Whitman, 1362 Byssel, Bysselle, see BisseU. Cabbie, Edward, 719 Elizabeth, 719 Cabot, family, 1071 rniss, iggg Amy Wentworth, 1766 Anna, 220, 1071 EUzabeth, 219-30, 1070-1 Francis, 230, 1766, iggg Francis Higginson, 1766 j Cabot, cont'd, Frederick, 1766 Frederick Pickering, 1766 George, 220 Hyde, 1285 John, 220, 1071 Joseph, 1071 ' Louisa Storrow, 1766 I Margaret Copley, 1766 I Marian, 1766 I Mary, 1285 I Mary Ann, 1766 I Mary Elizabeth, 1285 j Mary Louisa, 1766 I Stephen Perkins, 1766 Susan Channing, 1766 ; Cade, see Cady. 1 Cadelh, prince, 2415 ¦ Cadle, Albert Ross, 2ig4 Mark, 3104 Mary, 3194 Newton Porter, 3194 Sarah Elizabeth, 2194 William Henry, 2194 Cadmus, Lydia Maria, 1361 Richard, 1361 Cadwell, Adelia, 1535 Allen Case, 1213 Angelina E., 1134 Benjamin, 1535 Chester, 1134 Christian, 1216 Dexter Ward, 598 Elizabeth, 1968 Hannah, 598 Hezekiah, 1216 Jerusha, 477 Lucy, 597 Mary, nog Melinda, 5g7 Nancy, 1213 Nancy Amelia, 1213 Norman, 5g8 Roxana, 1535 Samuel, 597 Cadwgan, of Carog, 1612 Cady, Cade, mrs., 1573, 1575 Ada Helen, 1575 Alden Burton, 1647 Alice Cleveland, 1577 Allen Henry, 1575 Amanda, 931 Andrew Mitchell, 1981 Angeline, 1983 Ann Eliza, 1573 Anna Mercy, 787 Arthur Plarrison, 1984 Betsey, 787 Carrie Cleveland, 1983 Carrie Emma, 1984 Catherine, 341 Catherine Maria, 1574 Celia Ann, 1982 Charles, 787, 1575, 1984 Charles Chauncey, 1575 Charles Edgar, 1984 Charles Gustavus, 1981 Chauncey Goodrich, 1574 Chester, 1647 Chloe, 840 Clarence William, 1647 Clarissa Cutler, 1577 Cleveland, 839, 1577 Coj-a Lilian, 1575 Cornelia Alice, 1983 Daniel, 322-3 David, 341-2, 2267, 2269 David Knight, 1573, 1983 Demaris Victoria, 1575 Dennis Alvah, 1647 Edward, 1577 Elisha, 787 Elizabeth, 787 Elizabeth Couden, 1984 Emily Angeline, 1984 Emma, 1577 Er, 931 Ethel Runyan, 1981 Cady, cont'd, Eva, 1573 Eva M., 1752 Everard, 1573 Frances, 1981, 1983 Frank, 1981 Frank Deleby, 1575 Frederick, 1575 Frederick C, 1575 Frederick Walter, 1575 George Granville, 1575 Grace, 1981 Plamilton, 1980 Hannah, 82, 341-2 Harry, 1575, igSi Harvy, 1647 Hattie Amelia, 1647 Hazel Taylor, 1984 Helen, 1980 Henry Hutchins, 1574 Henry Joseph, 1984 Herbert, igSi Herbert Lee, 1981 Hettie Paulina, igSi Horace Harvey, 1573 Horace Thorn, ig83 Howard Clayton, 1647 Howard Cleveland, 1577 Howard Solomon, 1981 Hutchins Clingman, 1573 Isaac Plutchings, 840 Isabell Monica, 1575 Tames Hervey, 841 Jarvis Gladding, 1981 Jane Julia, 1574 John Cleveland, 1573, 1982 John Plenry, 1573 John Nichols, 1573 Johnson, 346 Jonathan, 341 Joseph, 341, S39 Joseph Cleveland, 839 Josiah, 840 Josiah Cleveland, 1577 Judith, 341-2 Julia, 1577 Juha Ann, 1575 Julia Bulkly, 1577 Keziah, 720 Laura Louise, 1983 Lewis Thomas, 1575 Lois, 341 Lois Cleveland, 1577 Lou AUa, igS3 Louisa, 1573 Louisiana Woodford, 1982 Lucina Jane, 1984 Lucinda, 1573 Lucrecia, 2469 Lucy, 839, 1647 Lucy Ann, 1984 Lucy Comstock, 787 Lucy Morris, 1573 Luther, 931 Lydia, 322, 341, 840 Lyndon Bulkly, 1577 Margraret Newman, 1574 Maria, 931 Mary, 322-3, 341, 839-40, J575, 1577, 1984 Mary Ann, 1981 Mary BeU, 1981 Mary Ellen, 1982, 1984 Mary Jane, 1574 Mary Louisa, ig8i Mary Lucy, rg8i Mary Morse, 346 Mattie, 1981 Millicent, 1647 Milton, 931 Miner, 931 Minnie, 1575 Mira, 341 Moses, 82 INDEX OF PERSONS 2S49 Cady, cont'd, Nellie, 1981 Nellie G., i57S Nelson Harvey, 1647 Nicholas, 341-2 * Pascal, 608 Phebe Miller, 596 Philander Kinney, 1980 Philomena, 1984 Polly, 840 Rebecca Swift, 1982 Richard, 346 Roxana, 341 Ruhama, 1882 Rupert Arthur, 1647 Sally, 841 Samuel Plillhouse, 1983 Sarah, 342, 841 Sarah Caroline, 1574 Sarah Lucinda, 1647 Sarah M., 608 Sarah Maria, 1647 Silas, 931 Susan Ernest, 1573 Sybil, 82 Terese Hynes, 1981 Virginia Triplett, 1982 Walter Ross, 1981 William, rg8i William Albert, ig84 WilUam Alfred, ig84 William Frank, ig8i William Stuart, 1981 Zadoc, 341 Zilpha, 2300 Caerleon, prince of, 2469 Caesar, Julius, 8, 266 Caganry, mrs., 559 Cage, IsabeUa, 686 John, 686 CahiU, Annie E., 1165, 1168 Charles, 557 Eliza, 557 James Adwin, 557 John, 1 168 Lavinia, ,557 Mary Servan, 556 Mary Survinia, 556 Nancy, 557, 1168 Rachel, 1168 Robert, 556-7 Cain, see Caine. Caine, Cain, Caines, Cane, mr., 670 Charles A., 2465 Elinor, 670 Ellen, 670 Elsie, 670 Floyd Frederic, 2465 Hall, ip86 Josephine Mary, 2465 Lucinda, 1629 Caines, see Caine. Caithness, Brusce, earl, 1108 Duncan, earl of, 1108, 12203 Dungad, earl of, 1108, 2203 Gailcota, lady, 1108, 2203 Grelota, lady, 1108, 3303 Groa, countess of, 1108, 2203 Ostrida, countess, 1108 Thorfin, earl of, 1108, 3203 Caithness and Sunderland, Thorfin, earl of, 1108, 2203 Calaway, see Calloway. Caldwell, Coaldwell, . Cold- well, Colvile, Colville, Colwell, , 13 lord, nog miss, 215 ™r-. 2334, 2338 ™rs;, 2334, 2338 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abigail, 211, 252 Agnes Law, 1646 Alma L., 1253 Caldwell, cont'd, Amos, 1637 Anna, 1638 Annie Lorena, 1965 Anna Maria, 2265 Arminella, 1507 Caroline S., 252 Catey, 503 Catharine, 503, 2136 Cynthia Amelia, 252 Cynthia Ann, 1637 Daniel, 2334 Eliza, 570, 951 Elizabeth, 1410, 1546 Ella, 1215 Emma M., 572 Emme M., 572 Emory Stanley, 1178 Eunice, 249, 571 Everett Leslie, 1178 Fanny Maria, 684 Francis, 1638 Harriet, 602 Henry, 1215, 1507 Hiram, 1507 Hiram Bennett, 1637 Hugh, 211, 571 Imogene EUa, 1177 Isaac Jackson, 1177 James, 1215, 2334 John, 249, 571, 1507 Jonathan, 252, 2334 Mahew B., 572 Margaret, nog, 1507 Marinda, 1637 Martha, 1603 Mary, 1507, 1638 Mary A., 252, 555 Mary Elizabeth, 1177 Nancy, 1507 Nettie, 1373 Obed B., ig65 Olevia, 571 Olivia Caroline, 252 Polly, 1215 Rachel, 503 Samuel, 503 Sarah, 252, 555 Susan, 252, 2334 Warren Otis Gardner, 1178 William, 252, 1507 William H., 572 Zilpah, 2334 Calhoun, Colquhoun, Coqu- houn, miss, 1508 mr., 2078 Abigail, 1508 Andrew, 1603 Celia, 45 Charlotte, 1602-3 Eliza Malvina, 1603 Henry, 45, 1603 James, 1508 Jane, 2078 John Caldwell, 1603 Lucy, 45 Martha, 1603 Mary, 45 Mary Ann, 2177 N., 45 Patrick, 1603 Calkin, Calkins^ see Caulkins. Call, mrs., 145 Aaron, 107 Abigail, 161, 346 Ann, 146 Bennett, 107 Caleb, 107, 146 Dorcas, 107 Elizabeth, 107, 145 EstKer, 145, 146 Hannah, 107, 145 Joanna, 145 John, 107, 145 Julia, 548 Mehetabel, Mehitable, 146 Thomas, 107, 145 Timothy, 161 Callahan, mr., 1074 Eleanor, 1074 Eliza Greene, 1073-4 John, 1074 Lucretia, 1074 Callahan, cont'd, Mary, 2251 Mary Ann, 2251 Thomas, 2251 Callaway, see Calloway. I Callendar, Callender, I earl of, 731 Charles, 20ig Edwin Russell, 2019 Frank, 2019 Hgrrie, 2019 John Henry, 2019 Marion Sophia, 2019 Maybell, 2019 WilHam, 2019 Callender, see Callendar. Calloway, Calaway, Calla way, mr., 2071, 2078 mrs., 2071, 2170 Carrie Lou, 1982 Frank, 2170 Franklin, 2104 Gardener Berry, 1982 James M., 2170 John, 1903 Lucinda, 2170 Mary, 2170 Mary Ann, 2104 Mary Mat, 2170 Nancy D., 1903 Obedient, 2079 Patience, 1903 Paulina C, 2078 Rose English, 1982 Samuel, 2170 Shadrach, 2170 Calver, James Valentine, 1756 Nanette Rogers, 1756 Susan Maria, 1756 Calvert, Mary Jane, .2213 Calvin, Catherine, 1520 Carnahan, C, 1676 Emily EUen, 1676 Camden, William, 10 Cameron, mrs., 1419 Arthur, 1743 Bessie, 1205 Blanche, 1743 Daniel Tirnig, 1205 Eliza, 435 Elsie Helen Hillyard, 1743 G. W., i4ig Hillyard Henry Angus, 1743 John Plillyard, 1743 Mary Howard, 1743 Mary Maria, 718 Maud, 1743 Naomi Maria, 718 Sarah Phebe, 1205 Wesley M., 425 William, 718 William Hillyard, 1743 Camm, Mary EUzabeth, I7g7 Cammack, James, 2049 Joanna, 3049 Mary, 3049 Cammann, Anna Louise, 1133 Charles Athelstan, 1133 Mary Ann, 1133 Cammel, see CampbeU. Cammett, Margaret, 974 Camp, Abigail, 2034 Adaline Augusta, 1336 Ann Eliza, 1336 Elizabeth, 1106 Grace Ella, 1336 H., 46 James Monroe, 1336 Jessie Amelia, 1336 Josephine Belle, 1336 Mary, 46 Matthew, 1336 Monroe Bradley, 1336 CampbeU, Cammel, miss, 1760 miss or mrs., 1006 ' 2550 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Campbell, cont'd, mr., 475, 1025, 1682 Abigail Jane, 475 Adeline MatUda, 962 Agnes, 885 Alida, 998 Almarine Elizabeth, 2157 Amy, 672 Ann, 896, 2209 Anna Spencer, 885 Annie, 1611 Asher, 1505 Belinda Ann, gg8 Bellissant, 1634 Carrie, 1682 Catharine, Catherine, 1485, 1702 Catherine Dorcas, 2455 Charies, 2457 Clara Louise, 1207 Clarissa, i6n Donald Rideout, 962 Dudley, 2138 Duncan, 1493 Eber, 2144 Edward Lee, 1619 Eliza Laura, 1624 Elizabeth, 672 Elizabeth CampbeU, 1192 EUzabeth McCabe, 2144 Elizabeth Prawl, 672 Ellen, 1619 Ellen F., 1207 Ellen Jane, 885 Enos, 439 Eunice Camp, 1945 Fanny Elizabeth, 1498 Fanny Ida, 1503 Florence Maria, 1307 Florentine, 2466 Foster Hoyt, 2455 Fred Ely, 1624 George Jaquin, 1023 Guielma Penn, 1634 Plannah, 1505, 2287, 2502 Plarriet Lockwood, S85 I-Ielen EUzabeth, 2455 Henry L, 1207 Ida, 1193 Ira C, 2157 Isabell, 1493 James, 1192, 2457 James D., 2209 James Duncan, 1022 Jane, 439 Jennie Adelaide, 1624 John, 672, 885, 1307 John Alexander, 1503 John Gerritt Henry, 1307 John Wesley, 2466 Jonathan Foster, 2455 Judith S., 1832 Kezia CarroU, 1865 Laughlin, 389 Le Roy Foster, 2455 Lewis, 1022 Libbeus D., 1505 Lydia Winter, 2144 Margaret Ann, 2138 Maria, 1307 Marie, 2466 Martha, 1342 Mary, 1505, 1988, 2286, 2457 Mary Diana, 1493 Mary EUzabeth, 1307 Mary Jane, 1503 Mary Joanna, 1025 Melinda, 1493 Miranda M., 1022 Moses, 2281 Ora, 1192 Paul, 1988 Peter, 1503 Peter C, 885 Phebe Ball, 1022 Phoebe PhUlips, 844 Reuben PhilUps, 844 Reuben M., 2157 Robert, 1611 Robert Wiley, 1945 Samuel, 672 Samuel James, 1624 Campbell, cont'd, Sarah, 1038, 1624 Sarah Frances, 1945 Sarah Mildred, 2157 Simeon, gyS I'ena, 1865 Theda Abigail, 962 Thomas, 1624 Thomas G., 1619 Thomas Gibbs, 962 Thomas Wright, ig88 William, 844, 1493, 1865, 2286 Campfield, see Canfield. Canada, see Kennedy. Canby, JuUa Amelia, 1144 Margaret, 1144 Thomas, 1144 Candage, Candish, Caven dish, Elizabeth, 120-1 Candee, Esther, 1828 Mary Josephine, 1046 Candish, see Candage. Candler, —, 1083, 2021 Cane, see. Caine. Canedy, see Kennedy, 2457 Canfield, Campfield, Abram, 1717 Anna, 729-30 Asa, 1717 Dolly, 1717 Ebenezer, 729 Ella May, 1717 Emeline, 663 Eunice, 663 Franklin, 1717 Lewis, 663 Maria Mehitabel, 1717 Matthew, 1105 Samuel, 2269 Sarah, 932 Submission, 730 Canmore, Malcomb, Malcolm IIL, 266 Cann, Helen, 560 Canney, see Kenney. Canning, Ermina Elizabeth Pineo, 1 167 John Henry Pineo, 1167 ; Cannon, Alice, 2133 Ann, 2133 Charles F., 3133 EUis, 209g Helen, 2ogg Lodusky Caroline, 2133 Louise Caroline, 2133 Martha, 2126 Mary Ann, 1348 Robert, 2133 William, 2133 Canterberry, mr., 2060 Benjamin, 2060 John, 2060 Nimrod, 3060 Reuben, 2060 Cantlin, Anna, g25 Arthur Frederic, 925 John J., 925 Ruth Ann, g2S William, g25 Capen, Capon, Barnard, 65g Delilah, 1934 Dorothy, 659 Honor, 659 Jane, 659 Matilda Mary, 1934 Silas, 1934 j Susan, 635, i2gg j Capon, see Capen. i Capron, Emma, 1448 I Esther, 797 Hannah, 797 Julia, 797 Oliver, 797 Caradoc Vreichvras, 2469 Carbis, Ann, 1038 ! Card, mr., 2207 Elizabeth, 2207 Eve S., 1192 Melvin, 1192 I Nooman, 1192 ' Peter, 1192 Sarah Ann, 1192 : Carder, Jane Rosalind, 496 Cardigan, lords of, 1612 Cardinal, Cardinal (AngUcized), Clarissa Elizabeth, 1346 Francis, 1346 Francis Xavier, 1346 Jane Amelia, 1898 Josephine Alida, 1346 Margaret, 1346 Mary Elizabeth, 1346 Cardinal (Anglicized), see Cardinal. Cardoc Weichfras, lord of Hereford, 1603 Carew, Eunice, 514, 1092 Joseph, 514 Carey, Gary, de Karry, , 13 family of Virginia, 2173 lord Hunsdon, viscount Falkland, 13 miss, 1772, 1925 mr., 2173 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abigail, 180 Absalom, 2031 Adam, 2173 Alice, 1282 Alonzo B., 619 Ann, 2417 Anna, 350 Anne Maria, 2038 Charles Caleb, 1329 Dudley, 2173 Eliezer, 844 Elsie Lowena, 2031 Emily, 619 Florence, 619 Florence Elsie, 2031 Harriet, 2038 , Ira, 619 James, 350 Julia, 619 I Laura, 619, 893 j Lois, 619 Louisa, 1227 Lydia, 619, 844 I Mary, 1227 j Mehifable, 338 ; Norman Denalvo, 619 Oliver, 619 Phebe Ann, 619 Ruth Robbins, 1339 Samuel Avery, 3038 Sarah, 2451 Sophia, 1329 Thomas, 1057 WUliam F., 1283 Zilpha, 619 see also Gerry. : Cargill, Chloe, 751 I James, 751 I Carhart, James Dunham, 1325 Marie Louise, 1325 Sarah Virginia, 1325 Carl, Mary, 439 ! Carle, of East Rounton, 2223 i Carleton, Carlton, Arthur Henry, 1298 Charles Henry, 1298 Delphia, 2443 I Dorcas, 349 Eugene, 2443 Fanny, 2443 Frank, 1298 Hannah, iig6, 1862 James, 1196-7 Jessie May, 1298 John, 1862, 2443 Kate, 560 Lucetta, 1298 Lydia, 1701 Mary Elizabeth, 1701 Mary Jane, 2288 Mary Winn, 2443 Moses, 411 Nancy, 411 Philo N., 1298 Rachel, 1298 Ruth Estabrook, 1862 Samuel, 349 Sarah Philena, 2288 Simeon, 2288 William, 1701 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2551 Carley, miss or mrs., 895 mrs., 482 Anna, 1978 ¦ Caroden D., 578 Clark, 1441 Cynthia, 1042, 1748 David, 1978 DruziUa PamUla, 1441 Eliza, 578 Hattie May, 1748 Jason Walter, 1748 Melinda, 1978 Quartus, 1043 Rachel, 1350 Rebecca, 1043 Robert Wellington, 1748 Samuel Alvaro, 1748 Sarah J., 1148 Solon Reed, 1441 Walter Glazier, 1748 Carlin, John, 1715 Mary, 171 5 Carlise, Catharine, 1413 Ebenezer, 1413 Jonathan, 1413 Sallie, 1413 Carlock, Elias, 457 Matthias, 457 Carlos, see Carloss. Carloss, Carlos, Andrew Jackson, 2109 Archelaus, 2109 Don, 2107 Hannah Hill, 2109 Louise, 2109 Mary Ann, 2107, 2109 Robert, 2109 Ruth, 2109 Carlow, John, 27 Lambert Clark, 796 Mary Pamelia, 796 . Melva Lillian, 796 Reuben K., 796 Saloma, 796 Carlton, see Carleton. Carmen, Allen Alexander, 696 Ann Glover, 696 Edwin Cleveland, 696 . Elizabeth Jane, 6g6 James Lawrence, 696 U'alter Soule, 696 Carmichael, mr., 2138 Annie, 583 Carrie, 583 Charles, 583, 2138 Delos, 583 Elizabeth, 2132 Fannie, 583 James, 2139 John, 583 Livingston, 1416 Maggie, 1416 Martha, 1416 Salome Ann, 583 Samuel, 2139 Theresa. M., 2138 Carnahan, C, 1676 Emily Ellen, 1676 Carndruff, mr., 784 Anna, 784 Carney, mr., 1440 Eliza, 720 Emma, 1439 Julia, 6ig Carothers, Carruthers, Caru thers, Crothers, Cruthers, Allen, 758 Eli Washington, 2081 Grizzell, ig85 John, 1920 Mary, 758 Mary Ann, 1920 Sarah, 758 Weems, 758 Carothon, Elizabeth, 2103 WilHam, 2103 Carpenter, AbigaU, 1259 Alexander, 1069 Alford, 2166 Alice, 84 Ann, 1248 Arathusa, 1259 Bethia, 259 Beulah Bradford, 856 Bradford, 857 Carpenter, cont'd. Burton Bradford, 663 Charles, 2301 D. Augustine, 1623 Daniel, 1862 Daniel Hovey, 1862 David, 310 Delia, 663 Carrie, 1482 Catharine, 2166 Charles Dana, 663 Charles Darwin, 310 Clara Louisa, 663 I Cleaveland Whiting, 1624 I Cora, 1482 Elihu, 259 Elisha, 1813 Elizabeth, 1862 Elizabeth Patience, 2166 Erastus, 857 1 Genevieve Desire, 1624 Hannah, 1085 ' Harriet, 1259 ' Harriet Aobey, 1862, 2354 Isabella, 2301 James Burton, 663 Jeanette Cleaveland, 1623 Jesse, 1259 Jesse Fairfield, 1862 Joel Ruggles, 856 JuUa, 2301 Julian, 1069 Lucinda Ann. 2145 ' T^ucy Lane, 1857 I Lyman, 856 > Maria, 583 Martha, 310 Mary, 663 Mary Alice, 663 Mary L., 1482 Maud, 663 Mervin, 857 Miriam, 1259 Monroe A., 1482 j Nancy Adeline, 1463 I Nathaniel, 1085 I NelUe, 663 i Priscilla, 1603 i Robert Raymond, "1624 Rosina, 856 Ruth Estabrook, 1862 1 Samuel Alford, 1862 , Sarah, 310, 634 Scott, 310 Susan Elizabeth, 2199 Thomas Corwin, 310 William, 2333 William Bradford, 857 I Carr, Ann, 1449, 2454 Anna, 413 Annie, 161 1 ' Bernard, 1907 Caleb, 2454 Clarissa, 1312-13 i EUzabeth, 151, 2454 Plarland, 2466 Jane, 2042 i Jesse, 151 John D., 1276 Mary, 91, 1276, 1670, 2429 Mary Jane, 1276 Minnie Eutoka, 2466 ! Nancy, 418, 1907 ' Olive, 189 Orison, 1207 Rachel, no6 Rhoda, 560 I Robert, 126, 1670, 2454 ' Robert E., 2466 Sallie Pitts, 2042 Samuel Dabney, 2042 Sarah, 1908 1 Sarah Ann, igo7 Susan Elmira, 2314 Carrick, Mary, i76g Samuel, i76g Carrier, Currier, Aaron Alvah, i28g Abigail, 366 Addie Alma, i28g Albert, i38g Amos, 90 Anna, 852 Carrie Lucretia, 1289 Darwin Augustus, 1205 David D., 1289 Eliza, 1289 EUza Lucretia, 1289 Carrier, cont'd, EUzabeth, 90, 484 EUa Cora, 1289 Elmore Dexter, 1205 Flora Arnah, 1205 Plannah, 90 John, 90 John Alvah, 1289 Jonathan, 366 Martha, go Martha Ann, 1205 Mary, 649 Mary A., 1618 Mehitable, 90 Remembrance, 88, go Richard, 88, 90 Thankful, 88, go Thomas, 89 Timothy, 90 Carrillo, family (Castilian), 1764 miss, 1764 Don Carlos Antonio, 1764 Don Raimundo, 1764 Dona Maria Josefa, 1764 Francisca, 1763-4 Josefa, 1764 Maria Josefa, 1764 Raimundo, 1764 Carrington, Sarah, 1199 Carrivean, Josephine, 1311 Carroll, Amanda, 2195 Celia Gertrude, 1625 Charles, 1445 Plannah, 745 J. Halsted, 872 James, 1590 John, 1445 Maria Jane, 1590 Sarah, 1590 Carruthers, see Carothers. C'arslin. see McEaslin. Carson, Carvel, io8g Sarah, io8g Sarah Anna, 1841 Carter, Abigail, i594-5> ^938 Ada, 1413 Amos C, 589 Ann, 1925 Anna, 2021 ArviUa, 1551 Augusta, 1952 Belle, 1271 Benjamin, 2021 Bertha, Bethia, 2490 Brock, 1559 Caroline, 1938 CaroUne Milissie, 2211 Cary Michelle, 1925 Catharine, Catherine, 1377, 1550 Catharine E., 2301 Charlotte Ann, 1559 Charlotte Rose Cleveland, 1952 Davidson, 1938 Don Carlos, i97g Don Smith, ig52 Edith Hovey, 1271 Edward, 494 Edward Homer, 1377 Elias, 2021 EUza Harriette, 2021 Elizabeth, 5g, 58g Ellen, 1952 Ellen Smith, i9';2 Eudocia, 2021 Felix, 1519 Frances Maria, 1924-5, 2501 George William, 1271 Hannah, 489 Harriet Almira, 1271 I Harriet EUza, 1550 ! Harriet M., 1872 j Hattie Maud, 1979 Helen Gertrude, 1271 I Horatio Nelson, 1271 Ira, 1377 Isabel, 1703 Isabella, 2021 James Broadnax, 1925, 2501 Jane, 1925, 2501 Jane Elizabeth, i97g John, ig25, 2425, 2501 2SS2 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Carter, cont'd, John Cleveland, 1952 John Frazier, 1938 John Michelle, 1924-5, 2501 John Mitchell, 1924-5 Joseph, 28 Joseph Addison, 1271 JuUan, 1 5 19 Lucretia Cargill, 1260 Luke, 1550 Lulu B., 589 Marcia Salome, 1271 Margery, 2428 Margaret, 1519 Maria, 1925 Mary, 1074, 1081, 1867, 2126, 2425 Mary Adeline, 1377 Mary Augusta, 1377 Mary Ella, 1271 Mary Holmes, 1550 Mary L, 1559 Mehitable, 703 Mettie, 1952 Minnie, 1924 Nelson Brown, 1271 Patience, 1502 Paulina, 2281 Rosanna, 1938 Ruth, 1517 Sadie Linus, 1979 Sally Williams, 1260 Samuel, 29, 59 Sarah, 2021 Susan, 1938 Susannah, 494, 1197 Thomas, 1867, 1925, 2425, 2501 Thomas Billings, 1550-1 Thomasine, 1925, 2501 Timothy, 2021 Timothy Walker, 2021 Vincent, 489 William, 1952 William John Benbow, 1952 Carteret, barons, 1020 lords, 1020 Ann, 1020 Edward, 1020 Elizabeth, 1020 Frances, 1020 George, 1020 Hannah, 1020 Helier, 1020 James, 1020 Philip, 1020 Rachel, 1020 Cartismandua, queen, 8 Cartwright, Samantha, 1534 Waity, 2452 Caruana, Fortunata, 1757 Caruthers, see Carothers. Carven, Deborah, 1322 Carver, Delight, 849 Gideon, 849 Sarah, 142^ 163, 1502 Cary, see Carey. Casavant, Louisa Hebecca, 1859 Case, Abigail, 2482 Almira Fay, 1751 Amanda Melvina, 1478 Amelia Maria, 1478 Ann Eliza, 2459 Anna, 56, 780, 2482, 2485 Annette, 2464, 2503 Asa Laurence, 2481-2 Bessie Laura, 2481 Betsey Elizabeth, 2459, 2503 Chloe, 2482 Clarence Vallierre, 2481-2 Dorcas, 1751 Dorcas Lathrop, 2494 Elizabeth, 780, 1695 Eva Minerva, 2464, 2503 Fanny, 483 Frank William, 2494 Frankie Amelia, 2494 Case, cont'd, Franklin Truman, 2459 George, 1695 Georgia A., 1695 Hannah, 780, 1639 Hattie L., 1695 Homer, go6 Hosea, 7S0, 2485 Hubbard, 1280 Jacob, 2482 James Montgomery, 483 Jennie M., 1695 John, 2481-2 Joseph, 780, 2482, 2485 Julia, 483 Julia Ann, 2459, 2503 Julius Franklin, 2464, 2503 Kate Eva, 2464, 2503 Lafayette Wallace, 2300 Lizzie Phyletta, 1280 Leon, 2464, 2503 Martha, 906 Mary, 99, 779-8o, 2485 Mary Adelia, i7Si» 2464, 2503 Mehitabel, 2019 Melissa Adrianna, 2481 Menzies Raynor, 1478 Minerva AbigaU, 2459 Miriam, 1371-2 Nancy Emeline, 2481-2 Norris, 906 Olive, go6 Phyletta, 1280 Rhoda, 483 Royal, 1751 Royal Douglass, 1751 Sarah, 483, i6g5, 2482 Sarah Adelia, 2464, 2503 Sarah Candace, 2464, 2503 Solomon, 2482 Solomon Virgil, 2482 Sterling, 2459, 2503 Sullivan Carlton, 2459 William, 56 William James, 2494 William Sullivan, 2464, 2503 Zebulon, 1751 Casey, Casy, Abraham, 2150 Albert Palmer, 1035 Almira, 1035 America, 1436 George Cleveland, 1035 John, 1035 Laura, 1658 Mary Josephine, 1035 Nannie, 2150 Parnel Conklin, 1035 Cash, Craven, 2147-8 Deborah Bunker, 966 EUjah, 424, 967 Eliza Jane, 2147 Elizabeth, 424 Emeline, 1897 Eunice, 424 Eveylyn, 2147-8 George, 424 Hezekiah, 1897 Lydia, 424 Mary, 424 Phebe, 424, 966-7 Reuben, 424, 966 Sarah Ann, 1897 Sarah G., 424, 967 Susan, 424 William, 424 Casle, see Castle. Cason, Delilah, ig28 Helen Caroline, 1928 Hillery, 1928 Cass, Hannah, 141^ Mart, 2315 Mertie, 2315 Ophelia Cleveland, 1386 Orlando, 1386 WUlis, 2315 Cassady, Caroline Matilda, 1920 Edward Spencer, 1920 Julia Ann, 1920 Cassady, cont d, Rheba Jane, 1920 WUliam, 1920 CassUlis, earl of, 1109 Caster, , 2330 mr., 2330 Ella F., 1701 Nora, 1477 Castle, Casle, Kastle, Abigail, 599 Amanda, 1223 Arubah, 617 Azubah, 617 Benjamin Toby, 1983 Caroline, 1224 Charles Donalvo, 1224 Christiana Ann, 618 Corlo, 1223 Corlo De, 618 Cornelia Alice, 1983 Delia, 1224 Edith, 2222 Eliza, 599 Eliza Jane, 1224 Elizabeth Wortley, 2222 Eugenie, 2274 Flora Charlotte, 1333 Harry Cady, 1983 Hawley, 599 Henry Beckwith, 1983 John, 2222 John N., 2274 Julia Hannah, 1323 Lindamira, sgg Lucia Louisa, 1224 Lucinda, 1471 Marshall, 5gg Mary E., 599 Mary Matilda, 1983 Mehitable, 1388 Minerva, 618 Myra Ann, 1223 Orville, 1224 Paul, 5gg Roxana, 599 Rozina, 1224 Ruby, 617 Sophia Cathrina, 2221 Tracy, 1223 Welthy, 1983 WiUiam, 2222 Zalmon, 617 Castlemon, Catherine, 1941 Castleson, Anna T., 187S Don Estevan, 1878 Etta Anna, 1878 Eugene C, 1878 Castner, Mary Ann, 2320 Castro, Dona Maria Josefa de, 1764 Caswell, mr., 1648 Annie, 1463-4 Dolly, 1648 Joseph, 1464 Lydia, 1464 Mary, 1648 Casy, see Casey. Cathcart, mr., 998 Anna, 196 CaroUne, 435 Caroline B., 959, 970 Charlotte, 425 Charlotte Louisa, 998 David, 424, g5g David F., 425 David Fitzgerald, 959, 970 Dinah, 196 Ellen, 2327 Eunice, 958 George, 196 Henry, 425 Hugh, 196 James F., 425 John, 2327 Joseph, 196, 959 Lydia, 424, 959 Martha S., 958 Mary Jane, 2327 Obed, 196 Owen, 196 Sally, ig6 Sarah, 196 Sarah Elizabeth, 998 Seth, 196 Susan, 959 Susanna, Susannah, 196 William, 2146 WiUiam C, 958 Zimri, 958 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2553 Catlin, Catling, Cattlin, Alice E., 537 Benjamin, 1517 Charles, 1410 Clorinda Starr, 1990, 1992 Ella, 1410 Ellen, 537 Ellen Maria, 1516 Elizabeth, 1410 Hannah, 1517 Henry, 45 Isaac, 1517 J- H., S37 Jacob, 1517 John, 1517 Joseph, 537 Laura, 537 Marcia, 1517 Margaret, 1517 Maria, 440 Mary, 45, 1517 Minerva, 151;^ Ruth, 1517 Sally, 1516 Samuel, 1516 Stanley, 1517 Thomas, 1517 William, 1410 Willis, 1517 Catling, Cattlin, see Catlin. Caulkins, Calkin, Calkins, miss, 1970 Ann, 232 Charlotte, 1746a Daniel, 1872 Eliza, 1553 Elizabeth, 1169 Frances Manwaring, 71, 884 George, 1339 Hugh, 333, 687 Huldah, 1216 Irving M., i22g James, 1216 James Wesley, 1229 Julia Ann, 1(593 Lucia Elizabeth, 1229 Lydia Ann, 1872 Mary EUen, 1872 Miriam, 1044 Sarah, 232, 687 Cavelage, Dorothea Margaratha, 203 \ Elizabeth, 2034 .Hinrich, 2034 Cavendish* see Candage. Laverly, Abigail, i486 Hannah, i486 Philip, i486 Ceallach, prince, 823 Ceallach MacCormac, prince, 823 Ceallaigh, chief, 823 Ceawlin, house of Cerdic, 266 Center, Mary, 2425 Cerdic (house of), Ceawlin of, 266 Cuthwine of, 266 Eahlmund of, 266 Ecgberht, Ecgbryht, Eg bert of, 266 Ine of, 266 Inglis of, 266 Chace, Chase, miss or mrs., 1660 mrs., 2481 of Suffolk, Eng., 95 Abial, 200 Abner, 95, 438 Alena I., 551 Alice, 2481 Amos P., 1427 Amy, 975 Ann, 720, 1603 Anna Borden, 2481 Antoinette, 982 Aquilla, 1603 Ava, 720 Benjamin, 95-6, 418 Betsey, Bessie, 06, 1348 C. S., 856 Caroline, 1191 Caroline Margaret, 1191 Charles, 551 Chester Phelps, 709 Chloe, 445 Clement, S56 Comfort, 987-8 Consider, 200 " Daniel Fazio De Leon, 709 Daniel Phelps, 708 David, 203 David Durfee, 203 Diantha P., 708 Chace, cont'd, Dolly Ann, 1205 Edwin R., 2481 Eliza, 720 EUza Arabel, 709 Eliza H., 1350 Elizabeth, 95-6, 200, 1477, 2284 Elnathan Holder, 2481 Eunice, 95 Florintha, 2481 Florintha White, 2481 Frederick, 95 Giles Cleveland, 709 Plannah, 195, 974-5 Hannah Jane, 820 Helen Isadore, 709 Henry Allen, 720 Henry Work, 720 Hepsey Ann, 958 Holder, 2481 Plorace G., 1348 Plorace L., 551 Horace Stanley, 1348 Isaac, 195 Isadore Jenny Lind, 708 James, 418, 666 Jesse, 200 Joan, 1603 John, 95 John Mudget, 720 ¦ Jonathan, 428, 1205 Joseph, 96 Joseph E., 551 Joseph H., 2481 Julia, 1205 Laura, 708 Leonore Ann May, 709 Louisa Catherine, i igo Lovice, g5 Lucina, 2481 Lucy, 96 Lydia, 96, 438 Manly M., 551 Margaret, 1603 Maria Irene, 1350 Marion, 1348 Martha, 95-6 Matilda Ann, 980 Mary, 95, 418, 428, 666, 700, 981 Mary A., 2481 Mary Amanda, 2479 Mary E., 1253 Mary Jones, 982 Mary Sophronia, 856 Maryette, 551 Melissa Adrianna, 2481 Melissa C, 2481 Mercy, 95-6, 1644-5, 24S1 Mercy Rebecca, 2481 Michael, 96 Nathan, 1350 Nellie Belle, 720 Noah, 200, 24S1 Oliver, 95 Pamelia, 438 Phebe, 200 Phenix, 96 PhiUippe, 95 Polly, 666, 700 Priscilla, 1603 Prudence, 195 Prudence C, 1198 Richard, 1603 Rebecca, 200, 428, 2481 Rhoda, 203 Reuben, 428 Robert, 551 Ruby, 200 Ruth, 95 Samuel, 1191, 1348, 2479 - Sarah, 958, iigi, 1427, 24^1 Sarah Columbia, 700 Seth, g5 Seth H., 820 Simeon, 1137 Solomon Pluse, 700 Stephen Bushnell, 720 Susan Alice, 1137 Susanna, 96 Thankful, g6 Thomas, 1603 Thomas Henry, 709 Chace, cont'd, Thomas Plenry Benton, 708 Tristram, 974-5 \A''illiam, 95, 203 WiUiam Dugal, 720 WilUam Francis, 982 Chaddock, mr., 801 Emeline, 801 Nancy Maria, 801 Chadwick, Anthony, 959 Charles, 425 Deborah, 1724 Hannah, 1839 Harriet P., gsg John, i83g Lydia, 1480 Margaret, 435 Martha F., 425 Mary, g59 Sarah,; 1839 Thomas, 1724 Chafey, see Chaffee. Chaffee, Chafey, Chaffy, mr., 1386 Amanda, 1358-9 Amos, 1359 Andrew Jackson, 1135 Asenath, 1279 Caroline, 1135 Chloe, 751 David, 1359 EUen, 1386 Ellen Maria, 1135 Emeline, 1279 Eunice, 1359 Pliram, 1279 Hiram Wells, 1279 James Andrew, 1135 Lena BeU, 1135 Lovina Harmonia, 745 Lucy L., 683 Mary Ann, 745 Nellie Maria, 1135 Orinda, 1237 Priscilla, 1359 Roxanna, 1643 William, 745 Chaffy, see Chaffee. Challing, Jane, 428 John, 428 Chalmers, Alexander, 2238 Janet, 1461 Jennie Ann, 1461 Jessie, 2298 William, 1461 William Inver^rity, 1461 Chaloner, , 13 ^ pedigree mentioned, 13 Mary, 497 Thomas, 15 Chamberlain, Chamberlin, mr., miss, 294 Abigail, 276, 278-9 Achsah, 1269 Alice, 2S9 Alice Adams, 1582 Alia Maud, ii3g Alzora, 1129 Belle, 1847-S Betsey, 2428 Betsey E., 1248 Caroline, 1582 Charles Lorum, 1129 Charles S., 1569 Charles Spencer, 1569 Charles WilUam, 1 120 Charlotte, 746 Clark C, 1385 David Green, 1847-8 Deborah, 289 Delia Permelia, 1381 Diana EUza, 1385 Diantha Cleveland, 732 DoUee, 143 Edmond, Edmund, 27, 278, 732, 1561 Edna, 289 Edward, 278 Edward Carter, 1582 Eli, 1269, 1271 Elisha, 288 Eliza, 2036 Elizabeth, 278, 288, ¦ 1249, 2173 Elizabeth E., 1248 EUen, 1269 Emeline, 1271 Esther, 1331 Ezekiel, 391 2554 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Chamberlain, cont'd, Fidelia, 596 George Ephraim, 1583 George Ricks, 1249, 1251 Plannah, 716 Harmon, 1381 Plarriet Adams, 1582 Harriet Elizabeth, 1582 Plattie Laura, 1381 Herbert Wallace, 1381 Irene, 1461 Jacob, 131, 143' 294, 1561, 2484 James, 276, 278-9 "John, 1379, i8g8 John Lorum, ii2g Joseph, 278, 28g, igi5 Joseph Belknap, 1385 Josephine \^ictoria, i56g Jotham, 1461 Julia, i8g8 Juliana, 801 Julius Clark, 1385 Laura Ann, 1381 Laura E., 1381 Laura May, ii2g Lewis, 732 Louise, 1582 Lucretia, 1381 Lura Myrtie, 1129 Luther, 596 Marietta Keith Cleveland, -1079 Martha, 475 Martin, 294 Mary, 276, 278, 394, 801, 1561, 3484 Mary Abigail, 1461 Mary Adelia, i8g8 Mary Ann, 1249, 1251 Mary Edgell, 1582 Mary Elizabetli, 1248-9 Mary Walker, 1381 Mercy, 1915 Myron, 1381 N. PL, 1079 Nancy, 1379, 1385 Orra Nancy, 1379 Parmely, 294 Patty, 475 Rebecca, 278 Richard, 278 Ruby, 391 Sally, 1271 Samuel, 801 Sarah, 1394, 1847-8, 1915 Sarah Eunice, 1139 Sarah Jane, 1351 Simon, 131 Stej^hen Edgell, 1582 Susannah, 131 Thomas, 278 Wallace Washington, 1381 WiUiam, 27, 131, 278 Chamberlin, see Chamber lain. Chambers, colonel, 1041 officer, 1041 Alice, 946 Charles, 946, 1063, 1130 Cvnthia, 1335 EUzabeth Rachel, 946 Elmira Cerina, 1335 Emily, 1130 George, 1107 Hester, 1107 Jennie McKensie, 2309 Joanna, 946 Mary Bacon, 1130 Alargaret McCrea, 1040-1, Marshall Long, 1335 Maud, 1130 Myron, 946 Rebecca, 1062-3, i77i Robert, 2245 Salla, 409 Sarah, 1041 Sarah Jane, 946 Sarah Maria, 1130 Scott Wike, 1335 Susan, 946 .^ Thomas, 946, 1063 ^\'illiam, 4.09, 946, 1335 WiUiam H., 1130 WiUiam Pitt, 1130 Chambless, Chandless, mr. , 3153 Mary, 2153 Sallie J., 2161 Chamilly, count, 1664 Champion, mrs., 380 Deborah, 367, 380 Esther, 367, 678 Hannah, 380 Plenry, 367, 380 Mary, 140 Mehitable, 380 Reuben, 678 S. B., 678 Sabrina, 1663 Susannah, 678 Thomas, 380 Champlin, miss, 774 Edward Rutherford, 1536 Esther EUzabeth, 1536 ]\Iary, 140 Mary Lucia, 1536 Nancy, 1536 Phoebe, 1235 Sarah, 804 Susan, 752 WUliam, 1536 Champney, Amiretta, 1364 Asel, 1364 George Mather, 2449 Jessie, 1364 Joanna, 58 John, 58 Mary, 58 Chandler, mr., 1833 Agnes, 732 Albert Charles, I447 .(\lbert Richard, 1944 Annis, 732 Betsey, 732 Charles, 732, 2482 Charles Edward, 1944 Cleaveland Angier, 1996 David, 302, 732 Dellia Joy, 1944 Edward Barron, 1170 Eleanor Emogene, 1833 Elizabeth, 732 Elizabeth Hodges, 1077 Ellen, 1396 Ellen Louise, ig43, 2354, 33gg Ellen Maria, 1600 EUen Sophia, 1078 Esther, 1600 Frances Eugenie, 1944 Ciardner Leonard, 1077 George, 144 Gertrude Clieveland, 1077 Gilbert, 733 (irace, 732, 1996 Grace Webster, 1996 Hannah, 143-4, 732, 888, 1075 Hannah Dana, 1445 Harriet Augusta, 1833 Henry Milligan, 1112 Horace Parker, 1996 James, 467 James Mitchell, I9g6 Jane, 1112 Jennie, 1112 John, 302, 732, 1074-5, 2278 John Wilkes, 1833 Joseph, 302, 732 Lathrop, 738 Lewis (Chamberlain, 732 Loiza Grace, 1440 Louisa Rebecca, 1446 Louise, 1943, 2354, 2399 Lucius Lemuel, 1446 Lucretia Callahan, 1077 Maria Moore, 2482 Marissa Phebe, 1447 Martha Ann Bush, 1600 Mary, 144, 732, 1074-5, noo Mary Allen, 732 Mary Jessup, 1112 Mehetabel, Mehitable, 515, 732 Palmer Cleveland, 1447 Parker Cleaveland, 1600 Peleg, 1600 Pelecr Whitman, 1600 Phebe, 467, 1170, 1833 Philemon, 144 SaUy Ann, 1447 Chandler, cont'd, Samuel Henry, 445 Sarah, 302, 1074-5 Sarah Hodges, 445 Silas, 732 Sophia Bradford, i447 Stephen Milledge, 1170 Susan Maria Wilson, 1170 Susan Spring, 1112 Susanna, 732 Thomas, 1600 Whitman Mitchell, 1996 William, 144, 302, 732 WiUiam Howard, 1944 William Jessup, 1112 Chandless, see (Chambless. Channel, Abr^am, 358 Elizabeth, 358 Mary Cleaveland, 358 Channing, Barbara Higginson, 1067 Blanche Mary Susan Ethe- lind, 1072 Caroline Sturgis, 1767 Elisa, 1067 Elizabeth, 1614, 1769 Ellen Kilshaw, 1767 Frances Maria Adelaide, 1072 Francis AUston, 1614, 1769 Francis Dana, 497 Giovanni Eugene, 1767 Henry, 1767 John, 497 JuUa Alien, 1769 Julia Maria, 1072 Lucy, 497» 1067 Lucy Ellery, 497 Margaret Fuller, 1767 Mary, 497 Mary (Cleveland, 1769 Mary Elizabeth, 1066-7 Polly, 274 Susan Cleveland, 497, 1064 Walter, 1067, 1767 WUliam, 497, 1067 William Ellery, 1767, 2354 William Henry, 497, 1072, 2354 ^^ . Chapen, see Chapin. Chapin, C^hapen, Alvin, 1045 Anna Bissell Bartlett, 1045 i Annie Laura, 1560 ¦ Bathsheba, 1548 Bethia, 241 Caroline Elizabeth, 1899 Carrie, 1899 Carrie Maria, 626 Catharine, 477, 780, 2035 Cicely, 241, 477, 505, 780, 2035 D. D., 2322 Ella A., 1515 Emeline, 1233 Ester, 771 Ezekiel, 1134 Frederick Daniels, 771 George, 771 George H., 1560 George Le Roy, 626 Gordon, 1670 Graham H., 1899 Hannah, 505 Harry, 338, 829 Helen Sophia, 1560 Israel, 2269, 2280 Josiah, 241 Luke, 1045 Lydia, 916 Maria, 626, 771 Maria Jane, 626 Mary, 240-1, 338, 829, 1045, 1104, 1107, 1670 Mason, 626 Maud Evangeline, 1560 Milly, 1501 Nancy Ann, 1238 Newman, 1134 Rebecca, 916 Sabra F., 2322 INDEX OF PERSONS. 3555 Cliapin, cont'd, Samuel, 241, 477, 505, 780, 2035 Samuel Warner, 626 Sarah Ann, 1134 , Sarah Estella, 626 Seth, 241 Sisly, 241, 477, 780 Susanna, Susannah, 71, 1995 Uriah, 916 William U., 1515 Chapman, mr., 446 mrs., 1510 Abigail, 1302 Adelaide Eudora, 918 Ann, 474, 479 Anson Wiswell, 1509 Anthony, 1472 Benjamin Franklin, 1510 Celia, 1514 Chloe, 232 Elijah, 2280 Elisha, 1146 Jiiizabeth, 47g Ely Wilber, 1510 Euphemia, 1970 Fanny Marinda, i5og-io Frank, 1354 Frederick WUUam, 512, 515, 1482 Hannah, 1146 Hannah Sophia, 1302 Ida Sarah, 1510 Jacob, 813 James, 2261 John, 479- 494 Julia Ann M., 1302 Laura A., 1230 Laura Emogene, 1510 Lavinia, 1354 Louisa, 2025 Lovina Ann, 1510 Martha N., 1472 Mary, 494, 780, 1915, 2025 Olive, 1145-6 Orra, 1510 Paddock, 2025 Robert, 479 Rushton P., 918 Russell R., 2374 Samuel, 23^7^ 2269 Sarah, 446, 1509 Silas, 1509 Susan, 901 Thomas, 901 Thomas Erksine, 1509 Tryphena, 1938 Volney Charles, 1302 Zenas L., 1302 ChappeU, Chappie, Anna Catharine, 1129 Catharine, 1129 Cora, 1553 Ellen Adelia, 1338 Emily L., 945 Flora Amelia, 1129 Florence, 1553 George Cleveland, 1129 Jeanette, 1553 John W., 1553 Marcia, 1338 Peter, 1338 Thomas, 1129 William, 945 William Thomas, 1129 Chappie, see ChappelL Chard, J'ames, 165:* . Rachel, 1652 Sarah, 1652 Charlemagne, king and em peror, 266, 1615 Charles IL, 31 t-harles, mr., 1497 Dorothy, 1497 Drusilla, 1665 Elizabeth, 1299 Elizabeth Walker, 1499, 1500 John, 515 Joseph, 1497 Lucy, 1497 Margaret Douglas, 1567 Sarah, 515 Charles-Martel, due d' Aus- trasie, 1615 Charlton, Lionel, 17 Charruaud, EUza Henry, loig John J., 1019 Charter, Charterise, see Charters. Charters, Charter, Charterise, de Charteris, de Charters, de Longneville de Char ters, famUies, 1421-2 mrs., 1421 Annie, 1431-2 Clara, 1421 Cynthia Dutton, 1421 Eraily Aspenwall, 1421 George, 1421-2 Georgianna Augusta, i\2i John, 1431 John de Longneville, 1431 Mary, 756, 1422 Robert, 1421 William Morris, 1421 Chase, see Chace. Chatfield, Abram, 403 Eliza AnUj 1987 Lucy Almira, i960 Sally, 403 Chatham, earl of, 1804 Chatman, Justin, 1 162 Sarah, 1162 Chattan, clan, 1769 Chatterton, Anne, 1744 Frederick William, 1744 John, 1744 Chaumont, Hugh Magnus, earl of, 2175-6 Chauncey, Aurelia Louisa, 140 I, 1926 Bessie Ann, 1401 Catharine, 477 Charles, 477 Charies Lewis, 1937 Dorothy, 477-8 Fannie Aurelia, 1926 George, 477 Israel, 477-8 Israel Oliver, 1927 James Russell, 1926 Judith, 477 Linda Liverna, 1926 Mary, 478, 1640 Pamelia Alice, 1926 Phebe Louisa, 1926 Russell Fernando, 1926 Russell Livander, 1401, 1926 Chaworth, Maud, 266 Patrick, 266 Cheatam, Martha Ann, 2215 Cheek, Nancy, 2156 Cheeney, see Cheney. Cheesbrook, Cheesbrough, Cheesebrough, see Chese boro. Cheever, Chevers, mr., 1497 Aaron, 65 Abraham, 1497 Bartholomew, 65, 1497 Bridgett, 64 Clarinda, 2259 Daniel, 65, 1497 Ezekiel, 1497 Israel, 64-5 John, 65 Mary, 1496-7 Miriam, 64 Peter, 1497 Richard, 1497 William, 64 Cheland, Benjamin, 2342 Chenevard, John Michael, 2259 Margaret, 2259 Cheney, Cheeney, miss, 348 Alfred, 1774 Alonzo Daniel, 1259 Alpheus Hibbard, 1259 Anna, 1965 Bessie Gridley, 2016 David, 1259 Dorcas, 1588 Eleanor, 1259 Cheney, cont'd, Elijah, 1588 Elizabeth, 1696 EUen Delia, 1259 Emma, 1359 Fred Lewis, 2016 George Washington, 2016 Hannah, 1965, 2016 Harriet, 1774 Harry Glentz, 2016 Helen Hooper, 1774 Jane, 2427 Jesse, 1259 John, 348, 880, 1696 John Lorenzo, 880 Jonathan D., 127 Joseph, 8ig Levinah, 137 Lewis Beach, 3016 Lydia, 1194-5 Lydia Maria, 1588 Marcy, 880 Mehitable, 8ig Minerva Howlett, 880 Peter, ig65 Ransley, iig5 Rodney Keith, 3016 Sally, 880, 1408 Sarah H., 1228 Sarah Maria, 1518 Thomas, 2427 WiUiam, 8ig Cherry, Esther, 2030 Chesbrough, see Cheseboro. Cheseboro, Cheesbrook, Cheesbrough, Cheese brough, Chesbrough, Cheseborough, Chese- brough, Chessbruck, AbigaU, 53g Adaline Sophronia, 688 i Ann, 53g j Charles, 689, 1216 I Daniel, 917 Eliza, 917 i Fanny, 917 Forrest Wesley, 2017 I Isaac, 68g : Lucy, 53g, 22g9 I Marietta, 22gg , Mary, 539 Mary Jane, 1216 MiUicent Clarissa, 2017 ; Nathan, 2399 i Orrin Forrest, 3017 I Ray Wellington, 2017 j Samuel, 539 ' William, 539 Zeruiah, 257 : Cheseborough, Chese- brough, see Cheseboro. I Chesford, Margaret, 137 I Walter, 137 ! Chesley, Chestey, Chestley, Hepzibah, 567 I James, 543 PhiUp, 543 ! Samuel, 2469 Tamsen, 543 j Chesnutt, Chestnut, Arthur Lee, 2127 I Claude, 2127 Edward Minerva, 2126, 3141 Eli Mathus, 2127 Emma Maude, 2127 Eva Eliza, 3137 Harriet Lela, 2142 Henry, 2126-7 Hugh Edward, 2127 Pluldah, 1088 James, 2133 Jesse Cleveland, 2142 John, 2126 John Cleveland, 2127 John Stephen, 2127 Joseph Dyke, 2127 Joseph Edgar, 2127 2556 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Chesnutt, cont'd, Kate, 2142 Louise Caroline, Z133 Mary Cynthia, 2127 Mary Ella, 2127 Mary Eva, 2127 Mary Tabitha, 2126 Matilda, 2126 Matilda Elizabeth, 2127 Robert Nelson, 2126, 2141 Sarah Sopshire, 2127. Tabitha, 2126 William, 1088 Chessbruck, see Cheseboro. Chester, mrs., 1120 Christopher, 95 Dora, I05S, I7S3-4 Edwin B., 1119-20 Elizabeth, 200 Frances Jane, 1330 Hannah, 1119 John, 366 Joseph Lemuel, 109 Martha, 95 Chestey, Chestley, see Ches ley. Chestnut, see Chesnutt. Chevers, see Cheever. Chew, Alexander Lafayette, i8ig Ann, i8ig Beverly, 1819 Hannah, 1819 Harriet Hillhouse, 1819 John, 1819 Joseph, 1S19 Larkin, 1819 Margaret, 1819 Maria Theodosia, 1819 Sarah, 1819 Sarah Augusta, 1819 Chichester, Agnes, 2244 Anabel, 348 John, 348 John Palmer, 2244 Margaret Caroline, 2244 Chichester and Sussex, earl of, 266 Chickering, Ann, 87 Annis, 1607 Francis, 87 Joseph, 1351 Mary Ann, 135 1 Millicent, 1351 Child, Childe, Childs, Le Child, L'Enfant, family, 1602 mr., 594, 1352 mrs., 594, 1352 Abel, 159s Abigail, 1394-5. 2049-50 Alice, 1484, 1603 Baldwin, 1603 Benjamin, 1561, 1603, 2050, 2484 Charles Henry, 1602 Charlotte, 1602 Clarissa, 594 Cleaveland, 1603 Cynthia, 672 Daniel, 1595 Deborah, 213 Dorothea, Dorothy, 1603 Elias, 213, 1602-3 Elisha, 1602-3 Elizabeth, 213, 1603 Elizabeth Morse, 1594 Emeline Electa, 1127 Ephraim, 1603, 2050, 2250 Ethel Thorp, 1603 Experience, 2050 Fanny, 741 Grace, 1603 Hannah, 2050 Henry, 1603 Increase, 2256 Irene, 1484 Isaac, 213 Jennette Ann, 1484 John, 1603, 2050 Joseph, 213 Joshua, 213 Child, cont'd, Josiah, 1603 Lydia, 1603, 1751 Mary, 1561, 1603, 2250, 2484 Melissa, 1602 Muriel Worthington, 1603 Nancy, 712, 1602-3 Nathaniel, 1603 Olive, 2256 Patience, 1603 Priscilla, 1603 Rebecca, 1595 Richard, 1603, 2050 Robert, 1603 Ruth, 1595 Sarah, 44, 1603 Stephen, IS94-5 Sumner R., 1484 Susan Parker, 1602, 2354. 2384 Susan Parker Cleaveland, 1602, 2354, 2384 Willard, 1603 William, 2050 Childe, see Child. Childeen, Adaline Loaniia, 1214 P. W., 1214 Childers, Caroline P., 723 Childerson, Mollie J., 2116 Childrake, Christian, 348 John, 348 Childs, see Child. Chillingsworth, Jane, 743 Mary, 743 Thomas, 743 Chilson, Allen Parker, 1834 David Warwick, 1834 Ellen, 1834 Joseph Shanks, 1834 Kittie Maud, 1834 Mabel Grace, 1834 Martin Eugene, 1834 William Henry, 1834 Chingleton, see Singleton. Chipman, Ann A., 559 Charity, 920 Hope, 10S3 John, 1083 John Huston, 559 Lydia, 1083 Mary, 559 Thomas, 1083 Thomas Handly, 559 Chittenden, Alfred, 1223 Amanda, 1223 Charles, 1223 Edith, 1223 Elizabeth Jane, 1688 Flora Charlotte, 1223 George, 1223 Henry, 1223 Huldah, 118 Lucius Eugene, 737 Martin, 1223 Rodney, 1223 Timothy, 118 Warren, 1223 Chitty, John, 1921 Katherine, 1921 Mary, 1921 Choate, goodman, 170 mrs., 875 Abigail, 875 Ann, 170 Anna Frances, 1609 Betsey, 358 Caroline, 875 Charles, 87s, 1609 Charles L., 1609 Clemmie Isabel, 1609 David, 358 Ebenezer, 358 Elizabeth, 358 Emma, 358 Francis, 875 George Isaac, 875 Hannah, 358 Harriet, 875 Hattie Coffin, 1609 James, 895 Choate, cont'd, John, 170, 358, 875 Jonathan, 358 Joseph, 358 Maria Abigail, 875 Mary, 165, 170 Mary Haskell, 875, 1609 Mary Jane, 875 Mercy, 170 Polly, 358 Rachel, 358 Robert, 358 Roger Leander Cogswell, 1609 Thomas, 170, 87s Chodes, John, 315 Sarah, 515 Choice, Caroline, 2121 Eliza Ladshaw, 2187 Emily Caroline, 2129 Harriet Dawkins, 2187 Jefferson, 2129 Mary, 2121, 2129 Mary Evangeline, 2187 William, 2121, 2129, 2187, 2355 Cholet dite Leunot, Marie, 1615 Cholmley, Richard, 2225 Chord, Rhoda, 1184 Christian, Gillchrist, Mac Christen, McChristen, .MacCriosdora, MacGilla- chriosd, of Virginia, 1986 Charles, 1986 Ewan, 1985-6 George, 1986 Gilbert, 1986 Giollachriosd, 1985 Huan, 1985 Isabella, 1214, 1986 James, 1986 John, 1214, 1985-6 Letitia, 1757 Lucinda, 430 Margaret, 1986 Mary, 1985-6 Patricus, 1986 Robert, 1986 Samuel, 430 Susan, 430 William, 1985-6 Christie, Agnes Hamilton, 2245 Archibald, 2245 Augustus-Langham, 2245 Effie Welles, 1763 Euphemia, 1763 Euphemia Welles, 1763 Henry, 1763 Langham Charles, 2245 William Langham, 2245 Christopher, see Christo phers. Christophers, Christopher, Christina, 468 John, 468 Maria, 468 Chrysler, Elizabeth, 1926-7 Chubb, Malinda, 1635 Chubbuck, Betsey, 757 Bissell, 757 Ebenezer, 756-7 Fidelia, 757 Lucina, 756-7 Mary, 756 Church, Abigail, 959 Amanda, 1362 Ann, 65-6, 76s, 2451 Charles, 880 Charles William, 1169 Clara Eliza, 1170 Clarissa, 1879 Edward, 479, 1169 Eli, 552 Elijah Phillips, 385 Elisha Calkin, 1169 Elizabeth, 552, 1169 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2537 Church, cont'd, Emily Frances, 1169 Frances Aleda, 1169 Hannah, 880 Joanna, 1312 John, 65-6, 95g, 1049, 2451 Julia, 1049 Lucy, 240, 260, 1746b Mary, 385, 765, 1169, 2337 Noah, 260 Olivia Pettingell, 1170, 1173 Perley, 385 Rachel, 215 Rebecca, 479 Richard, 66, 765, 2337 ^ Samantha, 1922 Sarah, 65-6, 150, 701, 959, 161 I, 2451 Sarah Louisa, 1170 Shubael, 385 Sophia, 552 Susan Little, 880 Susan Maria Wilson, 1170 William, 1170 Zeruiah, 47 Zurviah, 385 Churchill, mrs., 1220 Abigail, 1426 Addie, 1516 C. W„ 736 Charles Henry, 1516 Cordelia, 2246 Ellen Maria, 15 16 Emeline, 781 Ettie M., 1958 Ettie Marie, 1958 Eunice, 1315 Frank Alonso, 1957-8 George Antler, 1958 Henry Hart, 1516 John, 781 John Catlin, 1516 Joseph, 2246 Mary, 2246 Mary Margaret, 1957-8 Nathaniel, 1427 Otis, 1958 Selina, 781 Solomon, 781 Tallitha, 726 Chute, mrs., 349 Alexander, 348 Alice, 348, 196s Ambrose, 3^ Anabel, 348 Andrew, 1604 Ann M., 1604 Anna, 1965 Annie Lorena, 1965 Anthony, 349 Azor Datton, 560 Charles, 348-9 Charles Lionel, 1604 Christian, 348 Cuthbert, 348 Daniel, 1604 David Prior, 1965 Dorothy, 1604 Dyonice, 348 Edmond, 348 Edward Lane, 1603 Eliza, 1846 Elizabeth, 348-9, 1965 George, 348 Hannah, 357, 1604, 1965 Helen Cleaveland, 1604 Henry, 348 Hiram, 1846 Hughina Margaret, 1846 Isaac R., 560 Isabella EUiott, 1846 James, 349, 357, 1604 Jane, 348-9 Joane, 348 John, 348, 1846, 1965 Judith, 1965 Lionel, LioneU, Lyonel, ^349, 3S7» 196s Marion H., 1604 Mary, 1604 Chute, cont'd, Mary Annetta, 1846 Mehitable, 1604 Philip, 348 Richard, 1604 Robert, 348-9 Rose, 349 Samuel, 1965 Sarah, 1965 Sarah Ann, 560 Sarah Gladys, 1604 Susan, 349 William Edward, 349 Chwith, Rhys, 1612 Cigournai, see Sigoiirney. Cilley, Abigail, 5g9 Albert, 599 Atarah, 599, 1202 Augusta M., 1408 Charles Ward, 1202 Curren, 1202 Eliza, 599 EmUy, 599 Frances Athelia, 1302 Jackson, sgg Jacob, 1408 Lindamira, 599 Lucretia, 599 Lucy, 599 Lysander E., 1202 Roxana, 5gg Sally, 1408 Spencer, 5gg, 1202 Spencer W., 1202 WUliam, sgg, 1202 Clabaugh, Martha Alice, 1672 Claflin, Betsey, 2472 Carrie, 1696 Ebenezer, 2472 Elizabeth, 2320 Ellen Maria, 2477 Hannah, 2477 James Russell, 2477 Lee, 2472, 2474 William, 2472 Claggett, doctor, 852 Elmira, 852 Lizzie, 1536 Melvin, 1536 Claghorn, Alvida Hunter, 424 Charles Henry, 424 Jane, 429, 433 Jedidah, 197 Lucretia Luce, 424 Lydia Gray, 434 Melvina Bartlett, 424 SaUy, 198 Thomas, 198, 433 William Bartlett, 424 William Ward, 424 Clamboro, Mary, 856 Ralph, 856' see also Cromwell. Clancarre, earl of, io6g Clancarthy, earl, 1068 Margaret, lady, 1068 Clanwilliam, earl, 2237 Clap, Clapa, see Clapp. Clapp, Clap, Clapa, Clappa, mr., 76g, 810, 2032, 2270 the Saxon, 76g Abigail, 769, 2032 Ambrose, 769 Ann, 1305 Ann Eliza, 826 Anna Burr, 826 Anna Cleveland, 836 Anne, 836 Barbara, 1069 Betsey, 1657 Catharine, 769-70 Charlotte, 810 Clappa the Saxon, 769 Clarissa, 441 Clark, 706 Corinne Maude, iioi Earl, 810 Ebenezer, 769, 810, 913 Eddy, 706 Edith Ray, 826 Clapp, cont'd, Edward, 769, 1069, 1102 Eliphas, 907 Eliza Douglas, 826 Elizabeth, 810, 1069-70, 1102, 1658 EUen M., 826 Eunice, 1305 Florence M. Shaw, 826 Frances, 769 George, 826 George GUson, 826 Hannah, 769-70, 1070, 2032, 2270 Harriet Cecelia, iioi Flenry, 1384 Increase, 810 Jane, 127 Johanna, 1070 John, 769, 810, 826 Julia Ann, 769 Justin, 441 Lois, 769 Lucy, 1384 Maria, 1305 Maria Louise, 1305 Martin Harvey, 1305 Mary, 706, 769, 826, 1384, 2032 Mehitable, 1305 Mercy, 769, 915 Naomi, 907 Nicholas, 769, 2270 Oliver, 1384, 2269 Osgod, 769 Preserved, 1305, 1658 Prudence, 1102 Ray, 826 Rebecca, 1384 Richard, 769, 810, 2032 Roger, 127, 466, 769, 1070, 1305, 1658 SaUy, 1501 Samuel, 769-70, 2032 Sarah, 810, 1305, 1658, 2270 Sarah Cleveland, 826 Sarah W., 826 Selina D., 826 Seth, 810 Sidney Bedolph, 809-10, 2334 1 Silas, 826 Simeon, 1658 ! Sophia, 1658 j Stephen, 769, 3033 Sydney Bedolph, 809-10, ' 2334 Sylvania, 826 I Temperance, 769, 2032 I Thomas, 769, 810, 826, 2032 I Warham, 1658 William Roswell, iioi Clappa, see Clapp. Clapper, Elizabeth, 1852 John, 1852 Clap per stone, Christiana, 1855 Clare, see de Clare. Clark, Clarke, Clerke, miss, 295, 1662 mr., 333, 466, 763. 783* 1216, 1665 mrs., 466, 1207, 1550, 2216 rev. mr., 2438 Abby, 2433 Abby Richardson, 2434 AbigaU, 730, 8ig, gi7 Abraham, 3316 Ada, Adah, 264 Ada Ann, 527 Adaline, Adeline, 333 Adaline Minerva, 675 Adelia, 1676 Alanus, 117 Albert Harley, 1584 Alfred Elijah, 1533 Alice, 364. 1378 Allen Gates, 1446 Almira, 992 Alse, 331 Amanda, 1474 Amanda C, 2480 Amelia, 1725, 1947 Amey, Amy, 829, 917, 1683 2558 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Clark, cont'd, Amos, 97 Andrew, 915-16 Angeline T., 1113 Ann Elizabeth, 1286, 1586 Ann Maria, 1206 Anna, 313, 477 Anne, 70 Annis, 1679, 1948 Ansel, 955 Arthur, 1217 Aurillia, 1534 Bertha Azelene, 1676 Betsey, 261, 747, 772, 1730 Brayton, 1668 Caroline, 642 CaroUne Mary, 642 Caroline Selina, 1465 Carrie L., 1836 Catharine, Catherine, 815, 1657 Catharine Frances Melissa, 772 Celinda, 1446 Charles, 683, 1668 Charles Henry, 1534 Charles Howett, 1286 Charles MelvUle, i533 Charles Richard, 2216 Charles Warren, 1534 Chester, 748, 1496 Clarence, 2298 Clarissa, 1540 Clarissa Bradford, 748 Cora EUa, 1676 Corrine May, 1533 Cynthia, 436, 975, 1217 Cynthia Mary, 1043 Cyrus, 624 Damaris, 397 Daniel, 326, 510, 683, 1426, 1837, 1885, 2328 Daniel Wellington, 1286 David, 331, 334, 815, 1338 David Conger, 1534 Deborah, 496, 924 DeUa Minerva, 1540 Delos D., 1428 Diantha, 1657 Dorothy, 116-18 Dorus, 3340 Ebenezer, 1313 Edith, 1217 Edmund, 1386 Edmund Bertrand, 1286 Edward, 1657, 2355 Edward Warren, 2433 Edwin Cyrus Willard, 1340 Eleanor, 2291 Elijah, 295, 1948 Elijah Balcom, 1206 Eliner, 264 Elisha, 118, 915 Eliza, 783, 1240, 1286 Eliza Ann, 1657 Eliza Jane, 1584 Elizabeth, 319, 409) 49^, 5i5. 696, 783, 869, io6g, 1075, 1426, 1533, 2113-14, 2117, 2216, 2438 Elizabeth Ann, 1586 Ella, 1240 EUen, 675, 780 Ellen Louisa, 1240 Ellen Lucinda, 1206 Elvira Jane, 1496 Emeline Lucy, 1652 EmUy A., 1665 Emma, 1217 Emma Jane, 1392 Emogene, 675 Enos, 2334-5 Ephraim, 334-5 Erastus, 10/13 Erma Maud, 1534 EsteUe, 683 Esther, 364, 1333 Clark, cont'd, Esther Stevens, 413 Etta Blanche, 1586 Eunice, 330, 1666 Eunice R., 1668 Euremia, 592 Eva, 2325 Experience, 797, 1338 Ezra, 1392 Faith, 1069, 1236 , Fannie Edna, 1509 Fanny Elizabeth, 780 Fannie Vester, 2222 Fern W., i534 Flora, iSoi Florence, 1130 Frances, 8^, 1216, 1503. 1827 Frances Ann, 1286 Francis Alonzo, 1240 Franklin Nathan, 1653 ¦Frederick, 1534 Frederick Austin, 1534 G. C, 1515 George, 70 George Aitken, iioo George Etta, 1240 George Hardin, gg2 George Luther Franklin, 1240 Georgia Elvira, 2222 Gertrude May, 1286 Hannah, 313, 394, 683, 747, 91S, 932, 1533 Plannah Ann, 1641 Hardin, gg2 Harriet Anna, 729 Harriet Maria, 2433 Hattie E., 1668 Helen Louisa, 1240 Henrietta, 794 Henry, 510, 675 Henry Wentz, 1286 Plepsibeth, 1652 Herman Miner, 2291 Hester, 364, 449 Hiram S., 413 Huldah, 1779, 2260 Hyde, 642 Ida M., 1438 Ida Maria, 1240 Ida May, 1676 Irene Sarepta, 1948 J. PL, 1056 J. Scot, 1836 Jacob, 334 Jacob Seigle, 2306 James, 326, 772, 780, noo, 1335, i373» 1550, 1893, 3114 Jane, 87, 1317, 1351 Jane D., 1056 Jared, 398 Jefferson Howett, 1286 Jehiel, 1652 Jemima, 609, 791-2, 1049 Jerome Edward, 1653 Jerusha, 908 Jesse, 460 Jessie, 1217 Jessie Ross,. 2298 ¦John, 87, 319, 409, 496, 515, 683, 794, 797, 917, 1207, 1305, 1550, 1644, 2050 John Francis, 1043 John Lee, 527 John Mulford, 2216 John Prior, 2089 Jonas, 1075 Joseph, 103, 304, 331, 334, 510, 8119, 1305, 1827, 1885 Joshua, 2434 Julia, 1657 JuUa Ann, 2433 Juliet, 992 Kate, 1565 Kendall P., 1750 Larkin Alexander, 3323 Laura, 1222, 1534 Lee, 527 Leonora, 1533 Clark, cont'd, J^ewis Cutler, 1586 Lewis William, 1676 Livonia Doubleday, 1428 Lois L., 95S Louis Cutler, 1586 Louisa Rebecca, 1446 Louise Catherine, 2020 Lucetta, 332 Lucia, 794 Lucinda Jane, 1043 Lucinda Melvina, 2019 Lucious, 3g6 Lucy, 940, 1047, 1313 Lucy Ann Hepsibeth, "-2020 Lucy Edith, 1534 Lucy Jane, 683 Luther Rice, 1240 Lydia, 460, 675, 1404 Lydia Fletcher, 2433 Margaret, 763, 1550, 2279 Maria, 1893 Marietta, 1534 Marion Devillo, 1428 Marion Julia, 398 Martha, 334, 1240, 1286-7 Martha I. T., 1372 Mary, ii6-j8, 330-1, 334-5, 565, 588, 731, 772, , 797-8, 815, 8ig, g\$, 1207, i334. - 1338, T-373i 1426, 1679, 1827, 1835, 1996, 2423-4 Mary Amanda, 1286 Mary Ann, 1932 Mary Brewster, S03 Mary Jane, 1534 Mary Minerva, 1286 Mary W., 1056 Mary Walker, 1381 Matilda, 1098, 1286, 1534, 2o8g Matthias, 1550 Mehitable, 915-16, 932 Meletiah, 334 Melissa, 683 Mercy, 2270 Miletiah, MUletiah, 334 Molly, 797-8 Moses Hardin, 992 Nancy Helen, 3ogg Nath., 2423 Nathan, 330-1, 2324-5 Nathan Morris, 1652 Nathan Satterlee, 3270 NelUe Louisa, 1340 Nettie Adell, 1534 Nicholas, 117, 1662 Noia Bell, 2233 O. P., 1372 Olive, go8 Olive Cleaveland, 180, 2355, 3380 Oliver, 3433 Oliver Hibbard, 1286 Oliver Richardson, 3433 Olivia, 2270 Ora Bernice, 1534 Oren, 1540 Orithea A., 799 Orlantha Samantha, 1207 Oscar J., 1534 Oscar Vitzelan, 1534 Otis Ray, 1534 Otto Lee, 1534 Pamelia, 1533 Patience, 331 Perry, 1534 Phebe Ann, 527 Phebe S., 1676 PhUip, 683 Polly, 326, 1286, 1419, 1465 PrisciUa, 339, 1364 Prudence, 687-8 Rachel, 820 Rebecca, Rebeckah, 97, 393, 6g6, 2050, 3338 Reuben, 696 Rhoda, 1666, 3429 Richard, 364, 908, 1217, 2216 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2559 Clark, cont'd, Robert Edwin, 1533 Rosa Tallulah, 2216 Roxana, 946 Roxiana, 651, 946 Ruth, 312 S. D.. 868 Sally, 1043 Sally Maria, 1217 Samantha, 1534 Samuel, 413, 908, 932, 1679 Samuel C, 729 Sarah, 59, 103, 304, 331, 393-4, 396, 409, 510, 551, 624, 780, 797, 1074-5, 1335, 1448, 1515, 1645, 1658, 1892, 2216, 2324 Sarah Ann EUzabeth, 2216 Sarah Beaman, 1313 Sarah Cleveland, 527 Sarah Franres, 2222 Sarah Hawkins, 2113 Sarah Maria, 1240 Saviah, I4g6 Scotto, gi5 Selah, 1666 Seth, 264 Sheldon Hotchkiss, 772 Shubal, 1533 Silas, 22gi Silence, 1687 Solomon, 331 Statira Leonie, 1673 Steny, 683 Susan A., 2306 Susannah, 117, 914-15, 1534 Sylvia, iig8 Thaddeus, 86g Thankful, 715, gis Theodore, 675 Thomas, 116-18, 747, 8ig, 915, 2216 Thurston, 1069 ; Timothy, 1075 ¦ ¦ Tristram, 10^, 1236 ?¦¦ W., 85 Wallace Cleaveland, 2020 Walter S., 1217 Warner, 1465 Warren, 1533 Waterhouse, Waterius, Waters, Watrous, 118 Wellington, 1217 William, 87, 117-8, 312, 393-4, 396, 731, 797^ 1584, 2113-14, 2330, 2424 WilHam A., 1217, 1676 William Andrews, 1240 William Caldwell, 1286 William Campbell, iioo William Elliott, 1584 AVilliam Henry, 527, 675, 2222 WilHam Lewis, 1286 William Lewis Hibbard, 1286 WiUiam M., 396 William Simeon, 1207 WilHam W., 1207 Zeruiah, 396 Clarke, see Clark. Clarkston, mr., 2079 Cinda, 2079 Clary, Hannah, 144 Classen, see Clause. Claudius Ptolemy, g Claus, see Classen. Clause, Classen, Claus, Allie, 2486 Cynthia, 2486 John, 2486 Katherine, 1350 Claussen, see Classon. Claverly, Elizabeth, 4g3 V/ilHam, 493 Uawson, see Closson. Clay, Mary, 1953 . ^ . ^Mary Rose, 1377 Rebecca, 1277 Thomas, 1277 Clayes, Charles, 936 Charles William, 936 Eliza Ann, 936 Clayes, cont'd, Jennie Cordelia, g36 Mattie, i6g2 Clayton, Austin C, 24g9 Bertha, 24^9 Bertsoih E., 3499 lona, 2499 N. Woodford, 457 Sarah, 2499 Cleave, see Cleeves. Cleaveland, Cleavland, see Cleveland. Cleeves, Cleave, Egbert, 1318 George, 869 Clefland, see Cleveland. Cleiland, see Cleland. Cleiveland, see Cleveland. Cleland, Cleiland, Clelland, Anne, 2336 Barbara, 1932 Earl Cleveland, 1933 Fannie Anzoletta, 1933 Flora, 1801 Isabel, 1109 James, 1801 John, 1933 Julia Barbara, 1932 Margaret, nog Robert, 3326 William, 1^32 WiUiam Oliver, 1932 Clelland, see Cleland. Clemance, Clemen, Clem ence, Clemens, see Clement. Clement, Clemance, Clemen, Clemence, Clemens, Clements, Clemmons, demons, miss, 1563 AbigaU M., 707 Albert Legh, 1263 Ann, 1982 Augustine, 36 Betsey, 707 Charles, 2468 Daniel Quincy, 1263 Edward Woodworth, 1363 Eleanor, 566 Eliza A., 1754 Elizabeth, 36, 227, 232, 707, 1435 Frederick Putnam, 1263 Grace Lowella, 1263 Hannah, 1702 Hosea H., 1510 James, 707 Jeremiah, 227, 233 John, 327 Joshua, 1754 Louise Tamar, 1263 Lucretia, 1269 Lydia, 703 Marian Eudosia, 1965 Marion Stewart, 1263 Marjory L., 1263 Martha, 1147, 3468 Mary, 227, 233, 327 Morris Thayer, 1263 Moses Williams, 1363 Nancy Ann, 1435 Nancy MaUory, 1510 Patty, 1 147 Robert, 337 Sarah, 1903 Susan Eliza, 1369 Tamar, 1363 Wesley, 1269 William, 1435, 1904 Clements, Clemmons, see Clement. Clemner, Melinda, 1355 Clemons, see Clement. Clendenin, see Clendennin. Clendennin, Clendenin, Clendenning, Abigail, 452-3. 994, Alexander, 453-3, 994, 1883 Charies, 1883 EUza, 452 Elizabeth, 1883 Ella Lucinda, 1883 Clendennin, cont'd, Frank Montrose, 132 1 Harriet, 462 Jane, 994 Lucinda Jane, 1883 Rebecca Turner, 994 Robert, 462 Clendenning, see Clenden nin. Clerke, see Clark. Cleveland, Cleaveland, Cleavland, Clefland, Cleiveland, Clevland, Clieveland, Cliveland, Clyveland, de Cleiveland, de Cleveland, de Clieveland, de Cliuelande, de Cliveland, , 15, 35, 158, 533, 703, i8g8, 3247, 3334-5, 2505 s, 2272 ancestors, 3269, 2272, 2315 captain, 2243, 2334 capt-lt., 2458 colonel, 3243-4 doctor, 93, 2339 duke of, 19 earl of, 15, ig families, 3263, 2333-5 general, 2244 lord of, 15 marquis of, 19 miss, 158, 436, 726, 770, 921, 984, I 162, 1410, 1705, 2056, 2077, 2094-5, 2097, 2104, 2148, 2153, 2244-6, 2255, 2261-2, 2273, 3376, 2314, 2318, 2324, 2326, 2330-1, 2333-S mr., 15, 35, g3, 340, 523, 702, 726, 930, 953, 1354, 1910, 1947, 1962, 2013, 2C54, 2056, 2073, 2076, 2146, 3243, 2245-7, 2249, 2251-2, 2255-7, 2261-4, 3268-9, 2274, 2276-8, 2280-1, 2307-8, 3310, 2312-13, 2315, 2334, 2326-9, 2333-5, 2505 mrs., 138, 347-8, 269, 295, 316-17, 340, 386, 396, 401, 423. 427, 436-7, 442, 448, 523, 547, 552, 554, 591, 671, ^73, 707, 730, 751, 753-4, 796, 806, 831, 880, 895, 930, 933, 957, 983, 1161, i3i6, 1344, 1381, 1431, 1428-9, 1434, * 1438, 1469, 1508, 1538, 1553, 1561, 1587, 1627, 1636, 1639, 1649, 1703-4, 1708, 1711, 1859, 1896, 1927, 1949-50, 1979, 2003, 2054-5, 2057-8, '2073-3, 3076-7, 2083, 2095-7, 2099, 2100, 2104, 2137-8, 2148, 2152, 2157-60, 2164-5, 2186, 3308, 2223-9, 2232, 2243-52, 2255-6, 2262-3, 2268-9, 2271-3, 2275, 3377-81, 3283, 3298-9, 2305, 2307-8, 2310, 3314, 2316, 2318, 2321, 2324, 2327-8, 2330-1, 2333-5, 3337 of Loughboro, 25, 702, 3347 rev. mr,, 2073, 3339 sergeant, 3334 sheriff, 3335 surgeon, 2245 three brothers, 2315 widow, 2308, A., 2257-8 A. A., 3358 A. B., 3358 A. C, 2258 A. P., 2258 Aaron, 17, 18, 25, 28-9, 36, 60, 108, no, 133, 175, 193, 227, 247, 253, 3^^^ 523, 552, 2560 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Aaron, cont'd, 760, 880, 900, 1 162, 1468, j6i8, 1779, 2258, 2281, 2355, 2451, 2486 Aaron Augustus, 881 Aaron Benezet, 1116 Aaron J., 1354 Aaron Porter, 21, 4S0, 509, 1086 Aaron Putnam, 182S Aaron Schuyler, 1641 Aaron Silas, 1642 Aba, 1585 Abba Frances, 1339 Abbie, Abby, 179. 445. 7i2> 885, 935, 948, 1426, 1544, 1950, 2073 Abbie Brainerd, 1716 Abbie Doan, 1604 Abbie Eliza, Abby Eliza, 827, 1905 Abby Elizabeth, 1607 Abbie Evelyn, 1442 Abby Howe, 1904 Abbie Jane, 1589, i860 Abby Kelley, 1315 Abbie Pickard, 864 Abbie Salisbury, nor Abbie Somers, 960, 966 Abbie Tabitha Talmadge, 1540 Abbie Thorndike, 1571 Abbie V., 899 Abednego Franklin, 2160 Abel, 255, 312, 401, 416, 770, 920, 956 Abel Burdick, 1589 Abel Luther, 2019 Abell Forrist, 231 1 Abi, 846 Abi Augusta, 1587 Abia Hyde, 515 Abiah, 149, 198, 227, 801 Abiel, 87, 149 Abigail, 29, 47-8,- 60, 62, 69, 72, 76, 78-9, 87, 93, 99, 106, 131, 149, 151, ISS, 161-2, 171, 175, 178, 195, 197. 204, 235. 254. 268, 271, 282, 285-7, 289, 291, 297-9, 302, 320, 326, 328, 348, 354-5, 361, 366, 386, 447, 462, 509, 577, 601, 670, 686, 799, 816, 843-4, 1 166, 1234, 1352, 1392, 1427. 1438, 1508, 1640, 2258, 2260, 2281-2, 2289, 23x7, 2336 Abigail Bond, 1245 Abigail Burns, 945 Abigail Crane, 689, 1378 Abigail Lovell, 331 Abigail Luce, 423 Abigail M., 707, 899 Abigail Maria, 1123 Abigail Minerva, 1647 Abigail Mosely, 1339 Abigail Rebecca, 1544 Abigail S., 625 -A-bigail Slocum, 1467 Abihail, 415 Abijah, 179 Abilence, 327 Abilence Cotton, 809 Abilene, 327, 329 Abisha, 1127 Abisha Sampson, 432, 434, 980 Abner, 778, 1469, 2071 Abner Coburn, 20, 1710 Abner Olin, 63s Abraham, 2261, 2504 Abraham Henry, 1342 Abraham Lincoln, 1403 Cleveland, cont'd, Abraham Luther, 977 Abraham Taber, 682 Abram Seward, 1675 Absalom, 2083-4 Absalom Carter, 2079, 2099 Achsa, 793, 2316 Achsa Jane, 707 Ada, 264, 613, 622, 1470, 171O; 1851, 1947. 1950, 2250 Ada B., 1 167 Ada Baker, 1175 Ada Belle, 1520, 1884, ,1948 Ada Boss, 2164 Ada Byron, 1490, 1607 Ada Caroline, 1691 Ada Catherine, 1559 Ada Frances, 1315 Ada Jane, 1852 Ada Laura, 1990 Ada Lee, 1673 Ada Louise, 1607 Ada Marion, 1688 Ada Stephens, 979 Ada Varzina, 1994 Ada Viola, 1852 Adah, 264, 622 Adah Angeline, 1654-5 Adalbert, 1896 ¦ Adaline, Adeline, 930, 948, 1050, 1351, 1363, 1417, 1512, 1518, 2106, 21 17 Adaline Ann, 1441 Adaline Clara, 1527 Adeline Estelle, 1914 Adeline L., 988 Adaline Loanna, 1214 Adaline M., 2104 Adeline Matilda, 962 Adaline Minerva, 675 Adaline Moore, 954 Adeline S., 437 Adaline Sophronia, 688 Adam, 1753, 2261 Adda, 2151 Adda Susannah, 2248 Adden, 727 Addice, 1354 Addie, 609 Addie Augusta, 1 187-8 Addie Bixby, 1706 Addie Elizabeth, 1946 Addie Josephine, 614 Addie Laura, 1921 Addie M., 1553 Addie P., 1714 Addie Virginia, 2003 Addison, 339, 936, 1160, 1940 Addlemorn, 1363 Adelaide Bowles, 1715 Adelaide Louisa, 1525 Adelaide M., 1472 Adelaide Maria, 1666 Adelaide Marian, 1253 Adelbert, 926, 1195 Adelbert James, 1521 Adele M., 1381 Adelia, 483, 1354, 1585, 1634, , 1749 Adelia A., rooo Adelia Ann, 1219 Adelia E., 1050 Adelia Helena, 1959 Adelie, 2204 Adella, 1471, 2261 Adella Elizabeth, 1499 Adelie Virginia, 1687 Adelpha A., 1664 Aden, 334 Adin, 334, 552 Adin Cornelius, 821 Adin Elisha, 1232 Adoniram Judson, 1406-7 Adrian Di Castello, 1339 Adriana, 2051 Cleveland, cont'd, Agnes, 1899 Agnes A., 1000 Agnes Adelaide, 2253 Agnes Blanche, 1906 Agnes Caroline, 1052 Agnes Eldora, 1849 Agnes Eleanor, 1968 Agnes Hamilton, 2243 Agnes Huldah, 711 Agnes Ingraham, 837 Agnes Marilla, 1540 Agnes Winnifred, 1897 Ally, 2068 Aimee Belle, 1419 Alanson, 673, 698, 749, 898, 1465 Alanson Josiah, 1031 Alanson L., 1465 Alba, 705 Alba Joseph, 89B Albert, 297, 574, 725, 820, 114D-1, 1179, 1195, 1403, 1440, 22q9, 2261 Albert A., 2261 Albert Alvin, 1245, 1299, 2491 Albert Amos, 1561 Albert Augustus, 816, 1624 Albert B., 2248, 2274 Albert Banks, 1407 Albert Barksdale, 2042 Albert Benjamin, 1161, 1501 Albert Corse, 1539 Albert Downer, 1586 Albert E., 1180 Albert Edwin, 1206 Albert Emery, 1939 Albert Enoch, 1947 Albert Ernest, 2014 Albert Francis, 1216, 1340 Albert Franklin, 1948 Albert George, 2023 Albert Haran, 1853 Albert Henry, 1434 Albert Horatio, 1908 Albert Hutchenson, igo8 Albert L., 1354 Albert Lorenzo, 710, 1300 Albert Lucas, 1497 Albert Lutton, 1034 Albert Nelson, 1207 Albert Nye, 1713 Albert Phillips, 1717 Albert Porter, 2013 Albert R., 2261 Albert Royal, 1935, 2501 Albert Rudolphus, 1692 Albert S., 1535 Albert Sidney, 1555 Albert Walker, 1034 Albert Webber, 1964 Albert Whiting, 1540 Albert Wizel, 778 Aibertine Augusta, 1628 Albertine Ebermayer, 1888 Albertus Bonney, 1165 Albina Clarissa, 1903 Albion Kean Paris, 416 Albion Paris, 956 Albro, 309, 752, 2333 Albro E., 2261 Albrough, 2261 Alden Bradford, 1560 Alden Bronson, 947 Alden Tyler, 1372, 2497 Aldis Milo, 1467 Alefa Augusta, 1566 Aletheia, 696, 1466 ^S^^'l^"' '*• ^S. 443, 652, 790, 900, 1179, , 1327^ ,^72, 1702, 2034-6, 2072, 2146, 2261, 2496 Alexander Abell, 2312 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2561 Cleveland, cont'd, Alexander B., 2257 Alexander Blake, 2335 Alexander Burnside, 1652 Alexander Dennison, 1477 Alexander Douglas, i477 Alexander Eustis, 1770 Alexander Hine, 1885 Alexander Lewis, 1342 Alexander Pitt, 1313 Alexander Reeves, 1020 Alexander Sessums, 1910 Alexander Stephens, 2155 Alexander Wiltse, 1324 Aley, 2068, 2087-8, 2090 Aley Francis, 2128 Aley Mathus, 2087, 2133 Alfred, 800, 1176, 1441, 1518, 2069, 2261 Alfred Burney, i860 Alfred Candee, 2195 Alfred Edwara, 1945 Alfred Mathews, 2131 Alfred Monroe, 1893 Alfred Sidney, 1779 Alfred W'., 2261 Alfred Winsor, i7ig Algernon Bennet, 1473 Algerona, 1625 Ahce, 129, 137, 171, 276, 281, 305, 328, 342, 390, 663, 776, 869, gSg, 1 181, 1242, 1328, 1354, 1408, 1462, 1469, 1652, 1774, 1851, 1934, 1937, 2213, 2235, 2256, 2261, 2325, 2471, 2504 Alice A., 2006 Alice Ada, 1616 Alice Amelia, 628, 1693 Alice Ann, 2146, 2199 . Alice Baxter, 2143 Alice Belle, 1415 Alice Cornelia, 2291 Alice Dette, 1523 Alice Dyer, 843 Alice Elizabeth, 1633 Alice Eloise, 1116 Alice Emily, 1231, 1854, 1946 Alice Emma, 1559 • Alice Estella, 1144 Alice Eugenia, 934, 1963 Alice Flora, 1251, 2493 Alice Genelia, 1858 Alice Gertrude, 1249, 1690 Alice Jan'e, 1214, 1846 Alice Julia, 1364 Alice Lavinia, 1339, i860 Alice Loella, 1135 Alice Lucinda, 1752 Alice Mabel, 1572, 1647 Alice Malvina, 1511 Alice Maria, 1133 Alice Matilda, 886, 2160 Alice Maud, 1245, 1369 Alice May, 1205, 1636, 1694, 2042 Alice Minard, 1181 Alice Miranda, 2015 Alice Morton, 1535 Alice Ophelia, 1230 Alice Peabody, 1607 Alice Rebecca, 2022 Alice Robinson, 2031 Alice Rusan, 2165 ¦ Alice Sedgwick, 1825 Alice Sophia, 1587 Alice Thomas, 2198 Alice Victoria, 2191 Alida, 9g8 'Alida Elizabeth, 1691 Alie, 2087 Alie Jones, 3186 Alina Sophronia, 1412 Ahnda, 336 t6r Cleveland, cont'd, Aline, igio Alison Nisbet, 1091, 1799 Allan, 1006 AUan Bertrand, 1664 Allen, 787, 929, 2154, 2274-5 Allen A., 2275 Allen Elmer, 1520 Allen Jefferson, 1896 Allen N., 1587 Allen Stephen, 1230 AUie, 1485, 2261 Allison Douglas, 1773 Alma, 721, 954, 1187, 1244, igii, 2261 Alma Beatrice, 1508 Alma Eliza, 1468 Alma Esther, 1471 Alma Lucinda, 711 Alma Monroe, 1676 Alma Orilla, 2014 Almeda, 728-9, 984 Almeda B., 812 Almeda May, 1856 Almena, 1469 Aimer, 2261 Almerian, 552 Almira, 336, 553, 605, 610, 628, 714, 719, 721, 764, 771, 799, 906, gi5, 984, 1077, 1133, 1193, 1252, 1494, 1532, 1552, 167.^. 1675, 1748, 1903, 2261, 2290, 2307 Almira A., 2280 Almira C. G., 754 Almira Elizabeth, 767 Almira Frary, 1666 Almira Lovina, 1693 Almira Roxena, 1551 Almira Samantha, 1652 Almon Milton, 1964 Almond F., 2261 Almy GifTord, 969 Alonzo, 925, 1 163, 1349, 1712, 1934 Alonzo Asahel, 1639 Alonzo Burritt, 1606 Alonzo C, 2361 Alonzo Cutler, 1133 Alonzo D., 1434 Alonzo H., 1711-13 Alonzo Jewell, 1560 Alonzo P., 1627 Alonzo William, 1369, 2331 Alpha, 2208 Alpha Emmeline, 2186 Alpheus, 202, 246, 547, 3261 Alpheus Angell, 1253 Alpheus Austin, 1246-7, 1250, 2493 Alpheus Baker, 1618, 2004 Alphia Jane, 1989 Alphonso Washington, 1646 Alsom Otis, 1526 Alta Ellen, ig6g Alta Whitney, 1630 Altha, ig39 Althea, 2337 Althea Louisa, 1949 Althea Maria, i6gi Altheus, 203 Alva, 1647 Alva W., 948 Alvah, 903-4 Alvah Kittredge, 2019 Alvida Ella Ringgold, 1715 Alvin, 635, 1167, 1403, 2158-g, 2484 Alvin Albert, 1250 Alvin Hathaway, 437 Alvin Henry, 1345 Alvira, 2g7, 725, 894, 953, 1412 Alvira Rosanna, 1441 Cleveland, cont'd, Alwilda, 1167-8 Alzada Alice, 1965 Ama Ann, 1180 Ama Louise, 3030 Amanda, 778, 1137, 1143, 1349, 1345, 1352, 1509, 1627, 1651, 1933, 1974, 2130, 2195, 3ig8, 2213 Amanda B., 1898 Amanda Corning, 890 Amanda Early, 2211 Amanda Emily, 2154 Amanda Farber, 468 Amanda Jane, 800, 1477 Amanda Jane Lawrence, 1 133 Amanda Malvina, 717, 1439, 1492 Amanda Medora, 2214 Amanda Melvina, 1653 Amasa, 395, 2262 Amasa Burnet, 1949 Amasa Maroe, 1664 Amaziah, 297, 726 Amaziah Leroy, 1692 Ambrey Day, 1252 Ambrose, 15, 97, 203, 2262, 2325, 2504-5 Amee, 130 Amelia, 388, 562, 776, 897, 911, 1380, 1465-6, 1578, 1725* 2101, 2343, 3363, 3272 Amelia Catharine, 1753 Amelia D., 803 Amelia Maria, 1478 Amelia Nettie Antoinette, 1753 Amelia Theresa, 2179 Amerial Catharine, 2154 America, 1436, 2313 Ammonia Octavia, 1651 Amos, 673-4, 1355 Amos Alvarado, 1905 Amos Joseph, 1906 Amos Kinney, 890 Amos Rensselaer, 1354 Amy, 130, 284-s, 322, 554, 573, 634, 672, 749, 846, 920, 1179-80, 1350, 1543, 1950, 2337 Amy Althea, 1748 Amy Ann, 1180 Amy Elizabeth, 2019 Amy Lucinda, 248 Amy May, 1674 Amy Sarah, 627 Anabell, 2256 Anca, 2056 Ancelica Susannah, 1407 .And. J., 2262, 2355 Anderson, 2195 Andrew, 2262 Andrew A., 551 Andrew August, 1467 Andrew B., 2262 Andrew Beardsley, 1852 Andrew Downer, 2289 Andrew Fongo, 2195 Andrew Fuller, igog Andrew H., 2278 Andrew Jackson, 1436, 1642, ig48, 3150, 2153, 2158-g, 2262 Andrew Jay, 1243 Andrew Lewis, 1852 Andrew Philo, 1468 Andrew Richard, 1747 Andrew Thomas, 2154 Andrew Thompson, 789 Andrew Vernon, 1469, 1854 Andrew W., 719, 2262, 2279 Andrew Wallace, 1586 Andrew William, ig68 2562 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Andy, ig36 Angelia Ruth, i85g Angelina E., 1134 Angeline, 548, 7g4, 832, 903, 944, 1189, 1232, 1341, 1578, 1633, 1684, 1692, 2250, 2253, 2262 Angeline Cynthia, 1245 Angeline Gena, 1859 Angeline Harriet, 574 Angeline Lucy, 632, 2491 Angeline T., 1113 Angeline Winans, 1355 Angell, 752 Angenette, 817 Anice Henrietta, 2299 Anita Marie, 1780 Ankey, 2056 Ann, 23, 32, 37, 65, 442, 459. 473, 613, 707, 720, 761, ggg, 1088, 1435, 1584, 1626, 1630, 1645, ig37, 2070, 2078, 2og6, 2115, 2i4g, 2154, 2246, 224g, 2262, 2420, 2451 Ann Amanda, 1654-5 Ann Aurelia, 7go Ann Butler, igsg Ann Crafts, 808, 2485 Ann Dorilla, 1897 Ann Eliza, 811, 826, 924, 1014, 1181, 1356, 1402, 1432, 1466, 1502, 1836, 1893, 2211, 2275 Ann Elizabeth, 1247 Ann Jane, 1343 Ann Louisa, 930 Ann Maria, 1616, 1913, 2248 Ann Martha, 1601 Ann Pride, 743 Ann Shields, 2148 Ann Sophia, 1142 Anna, 53, 56, 62, 65, 92, 95, 99, 102, 129, i3g, 140, 178, 194, 261, 284, 287, 328, 388, 425, 442, 577, 631, 671, 698, 706, 719, 724, 729, 744-5, 757, 761, 763, 777, 822, 841, 879, 890, 905, 952, 1021, 1135, 1161, 1206, 1234, 1357, 1406, 1416, 1429, 1477, 1508, 1520, 1545, 1748, 1779, 1855, 1903, ^93^, 1946, 2004, 2057, 2088, 2101, 2104, 2148, 2158-g, 2164, 2262, 2268, 2301, 3323 Anna A., 1552 Anna Alice, 2213 Anna Amy, 564 Anna Bates, 810 Anna Bell, 1563 Anna Bentley, 1032 Anna Carol, 1415 Anna Caroline, 228g Anna Catharine, 1733 Anna Charlotte, 1949 Anna Christine, 2208 Anna Cora, 1884 Anna Electa, 1926, 2501 Anna Eliza, 1953 Anna Elizabeth, 449, 822, 1680, 2253 Anna Elvira, 1685 Anna Esther, 1136 Anna Fernanda Victoria, 1327 Anna Gertrude. 1608, 1633 Anna Green, i8go Anna Jane, ig32, ig3g Anna Kate, 740, 2355 Anna Kinne, 1313 Anna Lapine, 1034 Anna Laura, 1459, 2495 Anna Louise, 1133 Anna Lucina, 814 Cleveland, cont'd, Anna Mclntyre, 1551 Anna M., 1733 Anna Mackentire, 1551 Anna Margaret, 1719 Anna Maria, 1317, 1629 Anna May, 1688, 2026 Anna Miles, 1220 Anna Murtice, 1525 Anna Orlina, 1949 Anna Rebecca Ringold, 1565 ^Anna Rebekah, 1443 'Anna Rose, 1643 Anna Towns, 413 Anna Whitney, 1888 Annabel, 1702 Annabella, 2117 Annah, 32, z6i Anne, 56, 88, 90, 122, 148, 164, 24S, 260, 327, 2232-3, 2249, 2276, 2326 Anne Wharton, 2200 Annes, 3504 Annett, 1585 Annetta jfosephine, 1219 Annette, 1499 Annette Alaigail, 1473 Annie, 574, 1037, 1136, 1435, 1485, 1562, 1711, 1726, 2151, 2206-7, 2262, 2281, 2299 Annie Celia, 1599 Annie Cora, 2314 Annie Dell, 1479 Annie Dora, 2042 Annie Elizabeth, 473, 2182 Annie Eunice, 1844 Annie Harper, igog Annie Hilton, 565 Annie Irwin, 1359 Annie Isabel, 1944 Annie Laura, 1420, 2023 Annie Laurie, 836, 2182 Annie Lottie, 1899 Annie Louise, 1995 Annie M., 1180, 1780, 2499 Annie M. J., 1175 Annie Magdalena, 1909 Annie Margaret, 2008 Annie Maria, 1671 Annie Maria Stokes, 1021 Annie Mary, 1671 Annie May, 1706 Annie Melissa, 2251 Annie P., 2314 Annie Rhodes, 1366 Annie Sweet, 1726 Annie T., 2262 Annie Ward, 1113 Annis, 309, 1679 Annis Orinda, 1481 Ansel, 952, 1466, 1651 Anson, 2283 Anson B., 2262, 2290 Anson Burt, 2290 Anson Gridley, 2016-17 Anthony Benezet, 513, 1113, 2355 Anthony Curtis, 1543 Anthony Wayne, 817 Antoinette, ' 1585, 1608, 2153, 2262 Antoinette Ophelia, 1251 Antonett, 2153 Anvilla, 847 Apalana, 2093 Aquilla, 158, 333 Arabella, 1231 Arabella Ellen, 707 Arabella Lana, 1246, 1250 Arba, 899 Archanna, 2309 Archibald, 761, 2344 Archibald Haralson, 1490 Archie Anna, 3309 1 Cleveland, cont'd, Archie Duncan, 1844 Archie Lewis, 1897 Argin, 3115 Ariadna Soper, 786 Armanella Maria, 1247 Armida, 898 Arniina, 1625 Arminda, 2160 Arminda Maria, 1635 Arnette Rebecca, 1688 Arnold, 1856 Arnold Medbery, 1473 Arnott Morrill, 1416 Arrie Lee, 2204 Arsino Marianna, 1934 Artelissa M., 1472 Artemas Brookins, 1340 Artemisia, 668 Artemus Ward, 1471 Arthur, 946, 1000, 11 16, 1702, 1724, 1748, 1799, 1939, 2148, 225s, 2262, 2307 Arthur Artemas, 1341 Arthur Bailey, 1847 Arthur Bayley, 1980 Arthur Brock, 1559 Arthur Burdett, 1363 Arthur Burnside, 15:20 Arthur Charles, 957, 1938 Arthur Crocker, 1628 Arthur Curren, 1248 Arthur Dola, 1937 Arthur Edwin, 1339, 1962 Arthur F., 2262 Arthur Freeman, 1443 Arthur George, 1206 Arthur H., 2262 Arthur Henry, 1518 Arthur Horton, 1358 Arthur J., 2262 Arthur James, 1559 Arthur Judson, 168S Arthur K., 1627 Arthur Mead, 1977 Arthur Olivins, 1931 Arthur Roby, 1844 Arthur S., 1684 Arthur St. Clair, 1571 Arthur W^., 2262 Arthur Waldo, 2023 Arthy Millen, 2213 Artie Bates, 1917 Artimitia Calista, 585 Arubah, 617 Arunah, 2262 Arunah B., 1417 Arvilla Ruth, 1962 Asa, 125, 281, 340, 635, 672, 707, 842, 1231, 1469, 2262 Asa Barney, 789 Asa Henry, 1349 Asahel, 692, 8gg, goo, gsi, ii7g, 1391 Asahel Jay, i3g3 Asahel Prescott, 952 Asaph, 291, 635, 914 Asenath, 138, 750, 903, 2071 Asenath Martin, 11 14 Ashby D., 2262 Asher, 956 Astor Oliver, ig3i Athalinda, 974 Augusta, 70s, 1020, 1231, 1469, 1485, 1630, 3103 Augusta Ann, 2015 Augusta Bowen, 1476-7 Augusta. Edith, 1232 Augusta Frances, 954 Augusta Jane, 'I238, 2355, 2404 Augusta Leona, 3310 Augusta Malvina, 1628 Augusta Theoda, 1587 Augustus, 791, 841, 1630, 2243, 2262, 2275 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2563 Cleveland, cont'd, Augustus Adolphus, 1226 Augustus B., 2262 Augustus Broughton, 1668 Augustus C, 2362 Augustus Frisbie, 2024 Augustus Saltren, 2244 Augustus Semmes, 883 Augustus Wilber, 1206 Aurelia, 367, 841, 1235, 1313, 1566 Aurelia Ann, 1640 Aurilla, 75° Aurillia Austin, g6o Aurora, 1770 Austin, 1635 Austin Baldwin, 1528 Austin BisseU, 813 AusUn D., 1354 Austin Henry, 1433 Austin Lorrin, 1413 Avarilla Hart, 1457 Avery, 1160, 1434 Avice Lde, 447 Avra Charles, 1896 Avra Fenton, 1896 Azariah, 180 Azubah, 296, 342, 617, 723 B., 2257, 2263 B. F., 2117 Balacha, 362 Barbara, 309 Barbara Catherine, 3213 Barbara Randall, 309 Balus Hix, 2104 Barbary, 1753 Barber Allen, 1333 Bark, 3207 Barnum Lafayette, 1897 Barnet Franklin, 2088, 2120, 2180 Bartholomew, 316, 1508^ Bathsheba, 634 Bayard, 1508, 2263 Beatrice, 1936 Beatrice Jennie, 2041 Bednigo Franklin, 2160 Bela, 88, 333 Bela Horatio, 2325 Belinda, 660, 1223, 1326 Belinda Ann, 998 Bella, 316 Bella B., 1588 Bella Mary, 2052 Belle, H15, 1474, 1489, 1847, 2008, 2126, 2263 Belle Eugenie, 1692 Bellet, 2308 Bellissant, 1624 Benajah, 153, 772 Benjamin, 20, 65, 76, 96, 133, 132, 136, 199, 200, 247, 269, 310-11, 416, 440, 442, 446, 564, 613, 624, 631, 748, 767, 806, 954, 956,, 1052, 1234, 1243, 1435, 1469, 1726,, 1856, 1937, 2060, 2070-1, 2079, 2101, 2115, 2130, 2180-1, 2242, 2263, 2314, 2328, 2355, 2451 Benjamin AbeU Forrist, 2311 Benjamin B., 1435, 2280 Benjamin Bonney, 553 Benjamin Christopher, 984 Benjamin David, 2128 Benjamin Dunham, 979 Benjamin Edwin, 1856 Benjamin Eugene, 1939 Benjamin F., 2199, 22C3 Benjamin Field, -128 Benjamin Frankwji, 438, 953, 980, 1123, 1234, 1243, ^738, 1938, 1947, 2092, 2100, 2102, 2104, 2117, 2133, 3144 Isenjamin Grant, 627 Cleveland, cont'd, Benjamin Hampton, 1937 Benjamin Hillard, 2160 Benjamin Hopkins, 763, 1484 Benjamin Jefferson, 3105 Benjamin Justus, 3i86 Benjamin Milton, 3106 Benjamin Morse, 449 Benjamin Norton, gg, 205, 211, 457, 1000 Benjamin Penfield, 22, 1632 Benjamin W., 2263 Benjamin Walker, 979 Benjamin Wardel, 2003 Bennett Buell, loig Bennett Smith, 1167 Bennie L., 2187 Berry, 2263 Berry W., 2263 Bert Leroy, 1845 Bertha, 1176, 1404 Bertha Agnes, iggs Bertha Almira, 1662 Bertha Ann, 2024 Bfertha Anna, 1433 Bertha Belle, 1415 Bertha Bernice, 1856 Bertha Charlotte, 1771 Bertha DeU, ig39 Bertha Ellen, 1571 Bertha Lillian, 1547 : Bertha Marie, 1844 I Bertha Maud, ig4g i Bertha May, g6g, 1037 I Bertie, 1681, 2495 I Bertie Cornelia, 2042 j Bertie Eugene, 1940 j Bertie Lutton, 1034 Berton Redfield, 1168 j Bertram R., 2263 I Bertrand, 3363 Bery W., 2263 I Bessie, 1205, 1607, 2185, 2263 Bessie Ann, 1691 Bessie Bell, 2198 Bessie Bruce, 2003 Bessie Calista, 2332 Bessie Gibbons, 1141 Bessie La Verne, 1740 Bessie Leah, 1724 Bessie Lenore, 2008 Bessie Matilda, 1363 Bessy Pauline, 2210 Bessie Pearl, 1947 Bessie Sybil, 1894 Bethabra, 293, 604 Bethia, 96, 202, 445, 531, 1351 Bethia Amelia, 1036' Bethia Mercy, 1138 Betsey, Betsy, 202, 261, 269-70, 331, 331, 390, 413, 420, 43g, 441-2, 446, 551, Sgi, 618, 646, 661, 723, 733, 747, 793, 806, 847, 890, 905, 922-3, 952, 1365, 1430, 1465, 1468, 1511, 1546, 1640, 1934, ig50, 2071, 2078, 2150, 2263, 2281-3, 22g2, 2331 Betsey Ann, 609, 1546, 1634 Betsey Claghorn, 972 Betsey E., 899 Betsey Eliza, 2325 Betsey Elizabeth, 442, 750, 922-3, 2459, 2503 Betsey French, 2287 Betsey Josephine Vesta, 2286 Betsey Parker, 1204, 1710 Betsey S., 2331 Betsey Stevens, 1589 Betseyette, 1204 Bettie, 2150, 2263 Bertie Bell, 1194 Cleveland, cont'd, Bettie Stuart, 2042 Beulah, 365 Beulah Ann, 1949 Beulah Davis, 424 Beulah King, 437 Beulah Maria, 1661 Bezaleel Farnum, 612 Bianca, 801 Bird Men-ill, 1232 Birdie, 1163 Birdie A., 30ig Bishop Goodrich, ig6i Blanche, 1144, 3008 Blanche Elwy, 1463 .Blanche Eva, 2051 Blooma Jane, 1343 Boadicea, 728 Bonaparte, 2308 Boyer Curley, 1989 Bradford, 261-2, 435, 670, 1195, 1721 Bradford Durfee, g8i Bradford Franklin, 1218 Brainard, 122, 551-2 Brainard S., 1163 Brainerd, 122, 552 Breholt, 2244 Bridget, 82, 2072 Buel, Buell, 2263 Eulina, 724 Burdette Newell, 1164 Burns Monroe, 203 1 Burpee Willis, 1844 Burrell, BurriU, 116, 52g, 1134 Burton, 1468, 2263 Buyard, 1508 Byington, 1635 Byrdie,"ii62 Byron, 1195, 1950 Byron Huntley, 1949 Byron Lewis, 1857 Byron Mead, 1522 Byron Mortimer, 2299 Byron Richard, 1522 C, 2263, 2356 C. A.. 2263 C. Ann, 589 C. Augustus, 2262 C. B., 3263 C. C, 2264 C. E., 2264 C. G., 2264 C. H., 3264 C. Harrison, 2364 C. J., 3364 C. Marvin, 8go C. S., 2264 C. Z., 2264 Caldwell, 1774 Caleb, 552, 2264, 2283 Caleb Downer, 2288 Caleb Titus, 2288 Calista, 579, 900, 1366 Calista Lavinia, 1894 Calista Lodema, 1412 Cally Ann, 1438 Calphurnia Reed, 442 Calvin, 413, 634, 709, 725, 762, 800, 841-2, 895, 948, 1420, 1708 Calvin Carter, 1427 Calvin Young, 1726 Camden, 384, 1578 Camden Augustus, 886 . Camilla Linsted, 2053 Camille, 3373 Candace, 925, 1369, 1383, ig7S Carcillius Durrell, 197S Carl Amos, 1852 Carl Buckner, 2003 Carl Franklin, 1897 Carl Harvey, 1232 Carl Mexer, 1780 i Carley Peck, igoo ' Carlos Clayton, 220S ^ 2564 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Carlos Lorenzo, ig49 Carlow, 2321 Carlton, 1935 Carlton Edward, 2041 Carlton Howard, 814 Carmen, 1770 Carminnie, 926 Caroline, 333, 749, 762, 767, 772, 783, 937, 929, 944, 1219, 1243, 1365, 1368, 1395, 1459, 1466, 1618, 1632, 1646, i68c-r, 1941, 2116, 2126-8, 2134, 2149, 2186, 2250, 2309, 2317, 2322, 2495, 2503 Caroline Adelia, 1024 Caroline Adell, 1900 Caroline Almira, 1681 Caroline Amelia, 882, 1166, 1463, 1663, 2356 Caroline Ann, 1364, 1652 Caroline Antoinette, 1443 Caroline Beach, 1532 Caroline Burnham, 1798 Caroline Candace, 676, igi6 Caroline Chichester, 2245 Caroline Choice, 21 18, 2182 Caroline Cornelia, 1142 Caroline Eliza, 1473 Caroline EUzabeth, 820, 1693, 1883-4 Caroline Jane, 2117 Caroline Jeanette, 1404 Caroline L., 1166, 1502, 1585 Caroline Lavinia, 1852 Caroline Lomira, 635 Caroline Louise, 1142, 1253, 1636, 1663 Caroline Lucinda, 699, 926, 1451 Caroline Maria, 536, 1054, 1247, 1349 Caroline Marie, 1219 Caroline Mary, 1618 Caroline Matilda, 690, 1378, 1 651, 2322 Caroline May, i68i Caroline Melissa, 1142 Caroline Mercy, 1^67, 2502 Caroline Mitchell, 767 Caroline Parker, 1706 Caroline S., 1553 Caroline Selina, 1465 CaroUne Sophronia, 605 Carr Webster, i8g3 Carrie, 753, g83, iig6, 1214, 1532,-1899, 2163 Carrie A., 2264 Carrie Abbie, 1706 Carrie Adelaide, 1327 Carrie Amanda, 1234 Carrie Amelia, 1946 Carrie Baxter, 1020 Carrie Belle, 1476, 1861 Carrie Calista, 1213 Carrie Choice, 2191 Carrie E., 1492, 1587 Carrie Elizabeth, 1032 Carrie Elvira, 1964 Carrie Ervin, 1914 Carrie Eumeda, 1740 Carrie Fleet, 1909 Carrie Linda, 1688 Carrie Louisa, 1896, 2323 Carrie Louise, 1636 Carrie Lydia, 1949 Carrie M., 1539 Carrie Mabel, 1625 Carrie Maria, 1247 Carrie Rosalie, i960 Carrie VaugJlaii, 1459, 2495 Carrington Hale, 1442 Carroll Benjamin, 1949 Carter Harrison, 2095 Cleveland, cont'd. Carver Merrill, 847 Cassandrew, 2098 Cassius Elisha, 1231, 1854 Catalina Eliza Maria, 790 Catey, 208, 503 Catey Caldwell, 1081, 1085 Catharina Lewe, 1021 Catharina Romana, 1019 Catharine, Catherine, ig4, 267, 308, 449, 457, 673, 770, 776, 781, gii, gi8, g8o, 1000, 1036, 1086, 1141, 1162, 1183, 1243, 1342-3, 13S4, 1356, 1528, 1546, 1627, 1710, 1723, 1753, 1833, 1884, ig40, 2078, 2083-4, 2129, 2160, 2176, 3208, 2233, 2234-s, 2257, 2264, 2273, 2280, 2283, 2309 Catharine Abia, 1079 Catharine Amanda, 1516 Catharine Ann, Catherine Ann, 731, 919, 1444 Catharine Bennett, 1086 Catharine Butler, 2047 Catherine Caroline, 1884 Catharine Converse, 1219 Catharine Day, 1327 Catharine E., 2301 Catherine Elizabeth, 1142, 1315, 1544 Catharine Farnham, 787 Catharine Frances, 1003 Catharine Frances Melissa, 772 Catharine Jeanette, 1601 Catharine Lemon, 2og7 Catharine Manter, g66 Catharine May, 2322 Catherine Melissa, 1342 Catharine Rose, 1552 Catharine Sexton, 1832 Catharine Somers, 966 Catharine Van Vranken, 1926 Catharine Waldo, 901 Caty, 208, 503 Cecil John, 1928 Cecelia, i73g 'Cecilia Plall, 1774 Cecilia Pauline, 1548, 2356 Celestia, 1213 Celestine Elizabeth, 1645 Celia, 1 165, 1334, 1938, 3og6, 2255 Celia Ann, 1501 Celia Celestia, 1051 Celia E., 2264 Celia Loraine, 1416 Celia Patience, 1208 Celestia Antoinette, 1685 Celinda, 313, 8go Cenith M., 2104 Ceny, 207g Cerintha, 54g Chancellor, 2274 Chancy, 2274 Chaplin Squier, 1188 Charity, ig3, 391, 589, 726, 934 Charles, 287, 436-7, 442, 505, 582, 632, 706, 717, 733, 813, 880, 924, 955, 976, 983, 1082, 10S5-6, I 162, 1214, 1403, 1450, 1490-1, 1635, 1650, 1681, 171 1, 1843, iSs7, 1950, 1961, 1978, 2ogg, 2158, 2199, 3208, 2249, 2256-7, 2264, 2281, 2322, 2356 Charles A., 2264 Charles Adams, 428 Charles Addison, 1948, 2288,, 2300 Charles Adison, ig48 r' Cleveland, cont'd, Charles Albert, 1561 Charles Alexander, 922 Charles Allen, 1176 Charles Alonzo, 1948 Charies Alton, 575 Charles Andrew, 1844 Charles Anson, 1833 Charles Archibald, 1219 Charles Arthur, 1573 Charles Asa, 1904 Charles Augustus, 1931 Charles Austin, 1405 Charies B., 2264, 2276 Charles Bartlett, 1625 Charles Benson, 1685 Charles Blanchard, 1710 Charles Boarman, 231 1 Charles Bowen, 2311 Charles Bfadford, 438, 1979 Charles Burrell, 1133 Charles C, 1503, 1651, 2204, 2264-5 Charles Calvin, 1752 Charles Carroll, 713 Charles Chapin, 1143 Charles Chester, 2257 Charles Chester Warner, 662 Charies Chickering, 1351 Charles Clay, 1852, 2008 Charles Colbe, 1525 Charles Cook, 1633, 1684 Charles Crafts, 809 Charles Cragin, 2031 Charles Crow, 2095 Charles Curtis, 581, 1544 Charles Cutler, 1249 Charles Cyrus, 1713 Charles Daniel, 1347 Charles Darwin, 3322 Charles David, 1243, 1674 Charles Delevan, 1693 Charles De Witt, 1339 Charles De Wolf, 575 Charles Dexter, 112, 1091, 1794, 1798, 1800, 2357-8 Charles Dinsmore, 1706 Charles Douglas, , 1404 Charles Dwight, 1883, 2051 Charles E., 818, 1688, 2265 Charles Edgar, 1939, 1967, 2013 Charles Edward, 3^3, 565, 1360, 1558, 2017 Charles Edwards, 1481 Charles Edwin, 437, 952, ii8r, 1525, 1937 Charles Elbert, 1688 Charles Elmer, 1665 Charles Ely, 1679 Charles Emerson, 1633 Charles Empire, 256 Charles Ernest, 1734 Charles Erwin, 1940 Charles F., 1161, 2265 Charles Fayette, iggo Charles Francis, 1219 Charles Frank, ig8g Charles Franklin,- 1725 Charles Frederic, Chsirles Frederick, 609. g66, 1239, 1928, 2186 Charles Fremont, 1650, 1946 Charles Gates, 781 Charles Gilbert, i860 Charles Giles, 1244 Charles Gilford, 1176 -CharleH- Gilman, 1931 Cha*-!^_., GUson, 1164 Charles Grover, 1936 Charles H., 984, 1180, i24g, 2248, 2265 Charles Halcott, 1324, 2358 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2565 Cleveland, cont'd, Charles Harley, i6ig, 2358 Charles Harmon, 1427 Charles Harry, i24g Charles Harvey, 23og Charles Hazleton, 1426 Charles Henry, 816, 1451, 1467, 1476, 1693, i860, 1894, 1961, 3003, 2034, 2205, 2213, 2323 CharJ Char]Char]Char]Char]Char,' CharlCharl CharlChar]Char! Char] Char: Charl Char] Charl Char] Char Char]Char] CharlChar' Char] Charl Charl Char] CharlChar] Char] Charl Char Char] CharlCharl Charl ChariChar]CharlCharl CharlCharl Char] Charl Charl Charl CharlCharl Char]CharChar]Char] Char] CharlCharl Char] CharlCharl 120; Char] Char] CharlCharlCharl Char]Charl Charl Charl Chari Charl Char]ChaiCharl Charl es Herbert, 1234 es Hiram, 1392 es Horace, 1722 es Hosmer, 1558 les Israel, 1645 es J., 2265 es Jackson, 563 es Jehial, 1381 es Jerome, 1134 les Johnson, 1516 es Joseph, 1339, 2265 es Josiah, 1748, 1752 les Kaucher, 1670 les L., Sgg, 2265 es La Forest, i860 es Lander, 2200, 2359 es Leonard, i93g .es Levant, 1552 es Living^ston, 1434 es Lorenzo, 1904, 1931 Luther, 1889-go, es M., 23^5 es Marion, 1856 es Markj 1780 es Marvin; 1316, 1856 es Melvin, 1343 "es Merritt, 442 es Miller, 1321, 2359 es Milton, 753, 1561 ,es Monroe, 1899 les Nelson, 1344, 1518 les Norman, 1427 .es Nymphas, 248 es <©scar, 2008 les P;, 2265, 2321 es Palmer, 1444 es Patton, 1927 es Peirce, igo6 es Pitt, 1833 es Porter, igog es Prentice, 1559 les R., 2265 es Rawson, 1529 es Raymond, 1177 es Ridley, 1487 es Ross, 1908 es Royal, 633 es S., 3365 les S. F., I4g3 les Samuel, 3313 les Shakespeare, 1450 es Shepard, 707 es Sherman, 1749 es Sidney, 3301 es Simeon, 1338 'es Stacy, 1416 es Strong Herman, les Stuart, 837-8 les Sumner, 1661 es Tabor, 976 es Thomas, 1961 es Van Bergan, i52g les Vener, igg4 les Victor Leroy, 2031 les W., 2265 es Waldo, 1666, ig62 es Ward, 1513 les Warner, _ 1621 -; 'es Warren, 975 es Weatherby, 534 es Wesley, 932. 935 es Wheeler, 1395 Cleveland, cont'd, Charles Wilford, 1127 Charies William, 1144, 1652, 2041, 2212 Charles Wilton, igSg Charlie Ora, 2214 Charlotte, 338, 399, 414, 530, 563, 692, 694, 771, 776, 904, 93^, 945, 952, 974, 1138, 1167, 1227, 1415, 1431-2, 1457, 1472, 1513, 1629, 1634, 1934, 2265, 2283, 2317, 2329, 2478 Charlotte A., 1344, 2265 Charlotte Agnes, 1753 Charlotte Amelia, 2003 Charlotte Ann, 728, 1645 Charlotte Anne, 1559 * Charlotte Augusta, 793 Charlotte Barlow, 1557 Charlotte Catherine, 957, 1771 Charlotte Ella, 1559 Charlotte Ernestine, 1734 Charlotte Esther, 1370 Charlotte Farnham, 1083, 1085 Charlotte Felton, 1561 Charlotte Field, 970 Charlotte Gertrude. 1472 Charlotte H., 3339 Charlotte PIUl, 883-3 Charlotte Hulet, 1139 Charlotte Jane, 1823 Charlotte Lucretia, 1466 Charlotte Mary, 1559 Charlotte Ursula, 384 Charlton Rorty, 1740, 2497 Chauncey, 1689, 2274 Chauncey Cornelius, 250!^ ,, Chauncey D., 2265 / Chauncey P., 3265 ' Chauncey Fish, 980 Chauncey Fitch, 735, 1450, ^1945, 2359 ^Chauncey Madison, 1855 Chester, 290, 335-6, 691, 711, 799, 1546, 2265 Chester Adams, i9g4 Chester AUen, 1924 Chester Bissell, 19, 811, 1557 Chester Darby, 707 Chester Dwight, 1884 Chester E., 2365 Chester Edwin, 1393 Chester Hosmer, 1979 Chester Hudson, 801 Chester Hurd, 1934 Chester Julius, 1349 Chester M., 3265 Chester .Peralto, 1520 Chester Persing, 591 Chillson, 774 Chink, 1935, 2502 Chloe, 125, 203, 298, 723, 751, 788, 818, 1433, 2453, 2485 Chloe Ann, 927 Chloe Harris, 1488 Christiana, 798, 1511 Christina, 193, 468, 983, 1511, 1933, 3374 Christina C., 1893 Christina Elizabeth. 1922 Christopher Columbus, 1343-4, 1893 Christopher Cornelius, 1752 Church, 305 Cinderella, 1632 Clara, 392, 766, 1179, 1195, 1518, 1556, 2032, 2105, 2265 Clara Abbie, 974 Clara Adaline, 1366 Clara Agnes, 1166 Clara Almira, 1963 Cleveland, cont'd, Clara Amanda, 1412 Clara Ann, 2210 Clara Annabel, 1231 Clara Belinda, 1323 Clara Bell, 1345 Clara Bertrand, 2199 Clara Bird, 835 Clara Butler, iii^ Clara Elizabeth, 838, 1364, 2155 Clara Geral thine, 1053 Clara Gertrude, 1136, 1835, 2210 Clara Hannah, 1704 Clara Jeanette, 1 187 Clara JuUa, 1748 Clara Leola, 1967 Clara Louisa, 1650 Clara Louise, 1207, 1925 Clara Lucena, 1964 Clara Maria, 2265 Clara Matilda, 1504 Clara Maude, 1844 Clara May, 1032, 1558, 1663 Clara Rosella, 1499 Clara Wyatt, 1556 Clarasa, 749 Clarence, 1177, 2265 Clarence A., 1628, 2266 Clarence Adelbert, 1627-8 Clarence C, 2266 Clarence Charies, 1476 Clarence Charlton, 1740 Clarence Chester, 814, 1979 Clarence Edwin, 1443, 2019 Clarence Frederick, 1977 Clarence Gasper, 1194 Clarence Henry, 1525-6, 1684 Clarence Hubbard, 1661 Clarence Lee, 1187 Clarence Luster, 437 Clarence Martin, 1686 Clarence Oscello, i860 Clarence Stafford, 1936 Clarina, 158 Clarinda, 484, 1208 Clarissa, 155, 302, 423, 483, 530, 651, 675, 719, 722, 745, ^49, 780, 789, 803, 8gg, 914. 934, 956, 1049, 1344, 1438, 1663, 1950, 3006, 2266, 2316 Clarissa Adelia, 803 Clarissa Amelia, 1687 Clarissa Ann, 1344, 1463 Clarissa Anna, 1137 Clarissa Antoinette, i.2'i8 Clarissa Belinda, 1322 Clarissa Bradford, 74S Clarissa Caroline, 2128 Clarissa Cornelia, 2015 Clarissa Delphene, i6go Clarissa Eliza, 693 Clarissa Plarlowe, 2087, 2132 Clarissa Jerusha, 785 Clarissa Lorinda, 797 Clarissa Maria, 1350 Clarissa Rebecca, 1467 Clark, 254, 578-9, 591, 1194 Clark A., 1513 Clark Abner, 1513 Clark Bennett, 3023 Clark Brown, 778 Clark Downing, 1188 Clark Rathbun, 1187 Clark Raymond, 2150 Clarke Eugene, 1969 Claude Albert, 1896 Claude Correze, 1691 Claud Gifford, 1936 Claude I-,eon, 1931 2566 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Claudius, 2164 Clay Morey, 2150 Clement, 438, 1113 Clifford Henry, 1558 Clifford Mahlon, 1646 Climena, 415, 952 Clinton^ 1402 Clinton WUliam, 1521 Clopnda, 577 Clory, 2329 Cloteen, 2502 Clotilde, 2136 Clymena, 415, 952 Cola Justin, 1208 Colbe Chancy, 787 ¦ Colonel, 984 Colonel Guy, 2213 Comfort, 773, 2077 Commodore Scott, 1936 Conrad, 2317 Constance Isabel, 1945 Content, 202, 413, 2289 Converse, 1479 Cora, 1214, 1235, 1403, 1711, 1947, 1961, 2309, 2376 Cora Agnes, 1585 Cora Amanda, 1543 Cora Amarintha, 2210 Cora Anna, 614 Cora Arenda, 1205 Cora B., 1493 Cora Barker, 977 Cora Bell, 1625, 1962 Cora Belle, 1403, 1857, 2323 Cora Beulah, 1215 Cora Calista, 1927 Cora Elizabeth, igog Cora Ella, i6gi Cora Estella, 1249 Cora Eveline, igSo Cora Jane, 984, 1927 Cora Lilian, 1631 Cora May, 970, 1332 Cora Mina, 2025 • Cora Virginia, 1836 Coral Elmira, 1845 Cordelia, 669, 805, 931, 1179, 1625, 1848, 2246 Cordelia Elizabeth, 1552, 2126 Cordelia Grace, 1927 Cordelia Lucretia, ig27 Cordelia Maria, 1441 Corinna, 1498 Corinne Maude, iioi Cornelia, 712, 870, 1140, 1395, I 681, 1739 Cornelia Almeda, 812 Cornelia Ann, 1050, 2213 Cornelia Ebelina, 1022 Cornelia Electa, 913 Cornelia Elizabeth, 1348 Cornelia Frances, 1606 Cornelia Grace, 1954 Cornelia Jane, 870, 1341, i67g Cornelia Margaret, 1508 Cornelia Seymour, 1540 Cornelia Vesta, 2298 Cornelia Williams, 1828 Cornelius, 2059, 2101 Cornelius Eugene, 1206 Cornelius Sullivan, 468 Coro Virginia, 2190 Corson, 2268 Cosiah, 578 Crissey Rice, 1692 Cromwell Silburne, 2160 Crosman, 1435 Curtes, Curtice, Curtis, Curtiss, 87, 146-7, 155, 326, 699, 801, 1546, 2267-8, 2272 Cutler Charies, 1249 Cleveland, cont'd, Cynthia, 251, 413, 416, 444, 446, 533, 572, 662, 672, 711, 719, 796, 810, 903, 1043, 1354, 1403, 1429, 1747-8. 2076 Cynthia A., 1947 Cynthia Ada, 1627 Cynthia Alatha^ 1747 Cynthia Althea, 1043 Cynthia Amanda, 1843 Cynthia Ann, 95° Cynthia Bowen, 2283 Cynthia Elizabeth,' 1428 Cynthia Eloise, 1974, 2360 ¦ Cynthia Elvira, 815, 1560 Cynthia Maria, 1565, 1914 Cynthia Melvina, 1052, 1243 Cynthia Robinson, 1468 Cynthia S., 753 Cynthia Sophia, 1629 Cynthia Valeria, 2143 Cynthia Weymouth, 1618 Cyrene, 320 Cyrus, 293, 296, 336, 612, 627, 717-18, 761, 827, 847, 955, 1432, 1640, 1673 Cyrus Edwards, 1019 Cyrus Miller, 922 Cyrus Milton, 614 Cyrus Nicholas, 1934 Cyrus Perry, 1427 Cyrus Warren, 1747 Cyrus WiUiam, 1167 D., 2268 D. C, 2268 D. E., 2268 D. Esther, 1534 D. W., 2268 Daisie, Daisy, 1961, 2178 Daisy Ethel, 1858 Daisy Eveline, 2178 Darrfaris, 1578 Dana, 2268 Dana CromweU, 2198 Daniel, 21, 130, 149, 284, 530, 669, 744, 984, 1122, 1349, 1440, 1459, 1492, 1495, 1578, 2076, 2155, 2350, 2368, 2360 Daniel Athearn, 1716, 2360 Daniel Bailey, 1589 Daniel D. Tompkins, 1341 Daniel Dwella, 1502 Daniel Clark, 763 Daniel Early, 2210 Daniel Edward, 1945 Daniel Eugene, 1856, 1897, 1941 Daniel Fenton, 1343 Daniel Frank, 2154 Daniel Holmes, 1733 Daniel Hubbard, 1733 Daniel Hugh, 1365 Daniel Jackson, 1137 Daniel Minor, 1166 Daniel Oscar, 1538 Daniel R., 762 Daniel S., 1180 Daniel Spencer, 718 Daniel Stanton, 321 1 Daniel Steward, 1706 Daniel T., 2310 Daniel Tourtellotte, 790 Darius, 1161 Darius Williams, 592 Darwin, i67g Darwin Burton, 1825 Darwin Eugene, 1679 David, 98, 129, 158, i85> 193, 196, 202, 205, 267, 336, 421, 441, 617, 668, 670, 727, 759, 770, 802, 920, 944, 1160, 1221, 1223, 1440, 1502, 1627, 1639, 1673, 1753, 3071, 2250, 2268, 227s, 230s, 2337 David Adams, 826 Cleveland, cont'd, David Albert, 1896 David Andre, 149J David B., 2368 David Bartlett, 3117 David Centennial, 2150 David Cuttin, 1180 David Dumas, 2165 David Franklin, 2305 David G., 2268 David Harris. 1176 David Harvey, 2128 David Hawkes, 1664 David Hopkins, 1487 David Lafayette, 1343, i345 David Pitt, 1165 David Pomeroy, 1853 David Quin, 2165 David WiUsee, 682 David Woodbury King, 1858 Davis, 322, 428, 786, 789, 2268 Deborah, 76, 82, 147, 150, 157, 176, 303, 397, 308, 433, 646, 723, 725, 730, 826, 976, 982, 1242 Deborah Ann, 533 Deborah Bennett, 1086 Deborah Bunker, 966 Deborah EUen, 1856 Deborah Reeves, 740 De Coursey, 1774 Deidamia, 156, 573, 1166, 1402 Deidoma, 156 De Lafayette, 1243-3 Delana, 3503 De Lancey, 1774 Delavan, 1940 Delbert, 926 Delbert Alanson, 1947 Delbert "Elisha, 1232 DeUa, 307, 4S3, 757, 910, 913, 1161, 1223 Delia A., 1519 Delia Ann, 1340 Delia Brittania, 1651 Delia Caroline, 955 DeUa Diantha, 1455 Delia Jane, 1222 Delia Lucilla, 787 Delia Mariaj 1921 • Delia Minerva, 1540 Delia Permelia, 1381 Delight, 156, 401, 921, 1672, 1678 Delilah, 913, 2268 Delilah Jane, 1234 Deliverance, 47, 74-5, 77^ 86, 151, 307, 311, 393 DeU Gray, 2008 Delia Lucretia, 1471 Delmont, 1710 Delos, 1225 Deloss W., 609 t Demarest, 1015 , Deming Samuel, 1551 Dency Luce, 960 Denison Gilbert, 1380 Dennis, 2268 Desta, 1231 De Witt Clinton, Dewitt Clinton, 147s, 1539. 1543, 1711 De Witt Ernest, 1859 Dexter David, 1219 Dexter Lee, 3213 Dexter Pelton, 903 Diadamia, 953 Diademia, 352, 287 Diah Perry, 2160 Diana, 96, 180, 1426 Diana EUzabeth, 801 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2567 Cleveland, cont'd, Diana Olive. 847 Diana Powell, 1207 Diantha, 735, 935 Diantha EUzabeth, 1950 Diar, 246 Didama, 156 ¦ Dinah, 96, 180 Dinsmore, 1705 Dollee, 143 Dolly, 192, 268, 295, 691, 693, 704 Don, 2305 Don Carlos, 1548 Don Durrell, 1978 Dora, 1484, 2208 Dora Adelaide, 1557 Dora C, 1489 Dora Emma, 1989 Dora Eva, 1707 Dora Jane, 1470 Dora M.. 1219 Dora Parker, 1708 Doral, 2164 Dorance AUen, 1357 Dorathy, 2343 Dorcas, 36, 60, 104, 107, 119, 1-54-5, 232, 384, 333, 349. 755, 8g8, 3058 Dorcas, Bagley, 836 Dorcas Cleveland, 334, 4g8, 2361, 2383, 2396 Dorcas Cleveland HUler, 234, 498, 2361, 2383, 2396 Dorcas Esther, 1856 Dorcas Hiller, 1079 Dorcas Melinda, 214 Dorkey, Dorkus, 2058 Dorothea, 192, 414, 691, 693 Dorothy, 6g, 72, g2, 138, 143, 192, 268, 38g, 414, 603, 6gi, 693, 704, 760-1, 847, 2232, 2242, 2301 Dorothy A., 1000 Dorothy ^Cragin, 413 Dorothy Kendall, 1977 Dorothy Mansfield, 1888 Douglass Stillman, 2038 Douglas Wiley, 1825 Downer, 2286 Druzilla PamiUa, 1441 Dwight, 1469 Dwight Chapin, 916 Dwight Livingston, 606 Dwight Monroe, 831 Dwight Seymour, 1250 Dwight Solomon, 1588 Dyar, 255 Dyer, 246, 255, 842, 2268 E., 2268, 3280 E. A., 2368, 3380 E. B., 2268 E. C, 2268 E. Charles, 2268 E. D., 2268 E. T., 2268 E. K., 2268 E. Mae, 3264 E. R., 2269 E. W., 719 Earl Albert, 1964 Earl Jay, 1674 Earl Leroy, 2019 Earl Lewis, 1845 Earl RoUin, 1219 Earl Townsend, 2026 Earl Trevor, 2031 Early, 2154 Earnest WilUam, 2026 Easton CataUne, 2154 Eatta C, 2248 Ebe C, 3268 Eben, 94 Ebenezer, 39, 54, 93, 163, ^71, 270, 340, 355, 357, 362, 727, 1606, 2269, 2361 Cleveland, cont'd, Eber CampbeU, 2144 Eda, 1231 Edan, 405 Eddie, Eddy, 1586, 1903 Eddie Baker, 1525 Eddie Eugene, 1251 Eden, 405 Edgar, 9S2, 1725, 1748, 3165 Edgar A., 2269 Edgar Francis, 2041 Edgar Hamilton, loio Edgar Josiah, i860 Edgar M., 1000 Edgar Platt, 1523 Edith, 948, 953, 1590, 1847, 2129, 3332 Edith A., 1562 Edith Adella, 1964 Edith Alice, 1247 Edith Clementine, 1685 Edith Elizabeth, i2ig Edith Ellen, 1856 Edith Grace, 1685 Edith Jane, ig47 Edith L., 326g Edith M., 1963 Edith Margaret, 1740 Edith Marie, 1712 Edith May, 1563, 1572, 3014, 3031, 3053 Edith Minerva, 2323 Edith Pearl, 2249 Edith Permelia, 1707 Edith Rae, 1712 Edith Robertson, 1971 Edith Seaton, 1539. Edith Wood, 1726 Edmund Feavel, 1645 Edmund Foster, 1559 Edmund Francis, 2256 Edmund Francis Xavier, 2256, 2361 Edmund Freeman, 831 Edmund Janes, 5, 102, 144, 1027, 1620, 1741, 2361, 2363, 2503 Edmund Orlando, 1529 Edna, T165, 2152-3 Edna Albertia, 2332 Edna Augusta, 1856 Edna Earl, 2199 Edna Eliza, 1355, 1363 Edna Elnora, 1948 Edna Jane, 1705 Edna Lodema, 2325 Edna May, 2006 Edney Francis, 1747 Edson, 1466, 2269 Edson M.. 3269 Edson Milo, 1844 Edson Norton, 1961 Edward, 47, 75, 155-7, 302, 307, 331, 747-8, 812. 1183, 1460, 1553, 1674, 1683, 1710, 1936, 1947, 2207, 2269, 2363, 2451 Edward Albertus, 1234 Edward Augustus, 583, T188, 1856 Edward Chancey, 818 Edward Drinker, 314 Edward Dwight, 1679 Edward Elisha, igSg Edward Everett, 1667 Edward Farnum, 612 Edward Fortson, 2210 Edward Franklin, 2198 Edward Gardner, 1552 Edward H., 2269 Edward Henry, 1013 Edward Hersey, 1753 Edward Hooker, 13 16 Edward Horace, 1888 Edward J., 1503 Cleveland, cont'd, Edward Kirkpatrick, 1558 Edward L., 3369 Edward Lafayette, 1638 Edward Laforester, 1707 Edward Leroy, 1972 Edward J^indley, 835, 1570 Edward Lucien, 1646 Edward M., 2269 Edward Mason, 1451 Edward Miller, 1650 Edward Rodolphus, 1404 Edward Rogers, 1133, 2363 Edward Sanford, 1667 Edward Sherburne, 1558 Edward Smith, 633, 2492 Edward Spicer, 1451, 1945, 2363 Edward Thomas, 1692 Edward Warner, 2022 Edward Warren, 966, 1963, 3048 Edward Weldon, 1443 Edward Yancey, igog Edwards Lynde, igg6 Edwards Park, 1996, 3363 Edwin, 447, 730, 757, 812, 989, 1552, 1718, 1903, 3369 Edwin Alonzo, 1980 Edwin Augustus, 3324 Edwin Clarence, 1443 Edwin Eldridge, 2003 Edwin Elisha, 1239 Edwin Erastus, 1836 Edwin Freeman, 1848 Edwin Irving, 1037 Edwin Lee, 1718 Edwin Lemuel, 1627 Edwin Lowell, 1980 Edwin Luther, 1521 Edwin Lyman, 1661 Edwin Nelson, 1661, 1896 Edwin Oscar, 1908 Edwin Otis, i860 Edwin Reintzel, 1905 Edwin Ruthom, 1492 Edwin Ruthven, 1381 Edwin Stanley, 1143 Edwin Whittlesey, 1216 Eeb'', 2269 Effa, 297 Effa Ella, 1205 Effie, 629, 922, 1835, 2014, 2278 Effie May, 1418 Effie Nina, 1703 Effie Tryphena, 1990 Egbert Cyrus, 2053 Egbert Grove, 1967 Elbert, 3369 Elbert Abner, 1947 Elbert Janies, 1193 Elbridge Cutler, 1349 Elden S., 1714 Eldora Esterdes, 3160 Eldora Martha, 1206 Eleanor, 309, 627, 647, 1349, 1626, 1963, 2250, 2283 Eleanor Almira, 6g8 Eleanor Ascenith, 1911 Eleanor Eliza, 1350 Eleanor Josephine, 1444 Eleanor Louisa, 1239 Eleanor M., 1701 Eleanor Pangman, 617 Eleanor Sarah, 1523 Eleanor Virginia, 1844 Eleanora, 1349 Eleazer, 128 Eleazer Blackman, 2013 Eleazer Coburn, 1708 Electa, 8go, 907, 1160, 1487 Electa Adaline, 927 Electa Garrison, 2024 2568 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd. Electa Mahala, 1243 Electoria Celinda, 1548 Elenor, 1674, 1847 Elenor Axa, 2117 Eleona, 339 Elethea Crockett, 838 Elhanon Winchester, 1052 Eli, 94B, 1711, 1938, 2072> 2076, 2087, 2093, 2104, 2127-8, 2164 Eli Church, 1163 Eli Clark, 1234 Eli Elias, 2104 Eli M., 2128 Eli Mathis, 2132 Eli Mathus, 2128 EU Raymond, 1964 Eli Tuller, 1498 Eliab Paschal Franchott, 1629 Elias, 776. 953-4 Elias Adelbert, 1434 Elias E., 2230 Elias Landis. 2019 Elias Randall, 22, 1406 Elias Smith, 1930 Elida Almeda, 1723 Elie, 443 Elie Alzina, 1896 Elihu, 687, 1369, 1340, 2269, 2418 Elijah, 137, 269, 424, 561, 632, 667, 843, 888, 932, 1346, 2096, 2148, 2249-50, 2269, 2484 Elijah, " Lord," 2249 Elijah B., 2269 Elijah Bartlett, 1623 Elijah Benjamin, 362 Elijah D., 1627 Elijah David, 890 Elijah J., 2269 Elijah Jay Hunt, 1977 Elijah Knowlton, 1711 Elijah Lorenzo, 1471 Elijah Phillips, 383, 1625 Elijah Swift, 424 Elijah Volna, Elijah Vol ney, 1243 Elinor, 647, 670, 1626 Eliphalet, 349, 847, 2313 Eliphas, 234, 575. 2269 Eliphaz, 234, 2269 Elisha, 163, 264, 349, 364, 611, 623, 846, 1434, 2249-50, 2269, 2310 Elisha, " Lord," 2249 Elisha Brown, 2288 . Elisha Bushnell, 293, 722 Elisha Daniel, 1166 Elisha Harlow, 1588 Elisha James, 2230 Elisha Lord, 870, 2363 Elisha P., 4269 Elisha Paine, 846, 15S3 Elisha Ward, 1384 Elisha Whittlesey, '610 Eliza, 261, 321, 333, 433, 447, 437-8, 352. 578, 582, 61s, 671, 673-4, 676, 701, 706, 708, 767. 773. 783, 828, 903, 930, 948, 954-3. 976, 1035, 1091, 1124, 1180, 1182, 1186, 1347, 1352. 1413. 1419. 1434. 1444, 1487, 1319, 1521, 1332, 1623, 1628, 1641, 1664, 1706, 1714, 1836, 1921, 1939, 1971, 1995, 2069, 2113, 2122, 2128, 2145, 2136, 2158, 2255, 2308-9, 2324, 2330 Eliza Abby, 355 Eliza Adams, 970 Eliza Adelaide, 976 Cleveland, cont'd, Eliza Almeda, 1214 Eliza Almira, 1472 Eliza Amanda, 2132 Eliza Ann, 337, 537, 667, 893, 999, 1316, 1650, 1703, 2087, 2089, 2213, 2321 Eliza Annie, 1308 Eliza B., 2269 Eliza Beach, 532 Eliza Bradner, 897 Eliza Callahan, 1073 Eliza Cleveland, 2143, 2177 Eliza Crump, 382 Eliza D., 437 Eliza Dawkins, 2182 Eliza Dennis, 977 Eliza Devereaux, 1723 Eliza Elizabeth, 1473, 1628 Eliza Emma, 1589 Eliza Harr, 1436 Eliza Healy, 821 Eliza J., 2133, 2269 Eliza Jane, 335, 1392, 1405, 2044, 2147, 2136 Eliza Laura, 1624 Eliza Lovejoy, 1380 Eliza M., 734 Eliza Maria, 329, 734, 1249, 1467 Eliza Mary, 375 Eliza Matilda, 2128, 2149 Eliza May, 1360 EUza Medora, 1706 Eliza Mildred, 2134 Eliza Minerva, 2126 Eliza Ollie, 1937 Eliza Parthenia, 1904 Eliza Payne, 887 Eliza Pitts, 1703-6 Eliza Poole, 2180 EHza Tallula, 2184 Eliza Temple, 1449 Eliza Thankful, 1353 Eliza W., 1389 Eliza Williams, 1717, 2134 Elizabeth, 30, 32-3, 70, 74, n, 79. 92, 95. 97. 142, 149-51. 155. 157. 185-6. 198. 211, 214, 227, 232-3, 236, 233-6, 281-2, 288, 317, 325-6, 32S, 331, 335-6. 334-3, 338, 384, 390, 402-3, 412, 417, 426, 443, 433, 473, 302, 315, 347. 552, 579. 584, 587. 589, 631, 669-71, 674, 705, 717, 722, 728, 743, 751, 760, 765, 770. 773-6, 782, 784, 798, 802, 817, 821, 831, 893, 920, 922, 925-6, 944, 930, 998, loio-ii, 1018, 1044, 1081, II4I, II63-4, II8I, II89, 1249, I3I5, 1324-5, 1340, 1348-9, 1403-4. 1434. 1437. 1439, 1472, 1508, 1327, 1346, 1578, I63I, 1633-4, 1638, I64I, 1676, 1684, 1689, 1702, 1724, 1738, 1837, 1899, 1909, 1989, 2058-9, 2069, 2074, 2076, 2086, 2092, 2095, 2098-9, 2103, 21 17, 2123, 2130, 2143, 2133-4, 2159. 2163, 2207, 2213, 2229, 2232, 2234-5, 2249, 2261, 2265, 2269, 2280, 2327, 2336, 2482, 2496 Elizabeth Abi, 1586 Elizabeth Abigail, 353, 1600 Elizabeth Adaline, 2178 Elizabeth Alice, 1833 Elizabeth Ann, 712, 722, 800, 847, 1 1 14, 1213, 1684, 193s. 2128, 2301 Elizabeth Ann Hopkins, 1489 Cleveland, cont'd, Elizabeth Anna, 743 Elizabeth Avery, 1123-4 Elizabeth Caroline, 2078, 2104 Elizabeth Charlotte, 1249 Elizabeth Chloe, 1933 Elizabeth Colliss, 978 Elizabeth Dyantha, Sir Elizabeth E., 2331 Elizabeth Edith, 1894 Elizabeth Ellen, 1346 Elizabeth Emily, 2190 Elizabeth Estella, 1321 Elizabeth Frances, 2142-3 Elizabeth Gammage, 1833 Elizabeth Goodrich, 1713 Elizabeth Gregory, 837 Elizabeth H., 562, 1490 Elizabeth Hannah, 1208. Elizabeth Harper, 2182, 2219 Elizabeth Haynes, 1571 Elizabeth Hazard, 968 Elizabeth Plightower, 2180 Elizabeth Hodges, 1077 Elizabeth J., 1473, 1558, 2324 Elizabeth Jane, 1244, 1546, 1628, 1639, 1908, 1931, 2163-6 Elizabeth Jemima, 1713 Elizabeth L., 2269 Elizabeth Lane, 1643 Elizabeth Lewis, 1888 Elizabeth Louisa, 2097 Elizabeth Love, 1547 Elizabeth Lovell, 1254 Elizabeth M., 1000, 2270 Elizabeth McCabe, 2144 Elizabeth Malissa, 2153 Elizabeth Manning, 1113, 2499 Elizabeth Margaret, 2024 Elizabeth Mariah, 1948, 2097 Elizabeth Maxwell, 2123, 2181, 2364 Elizabeth May, 2019 Elizabeth Melvina, 2107 Elizabeth Miles, 1844 Elizabeth Morgan, 1019 Elizabeth Myfajiwy, 1740 Elizabeth Noble, 1616 Elizabeth Peckham, 1588 Elizabeth Peet, 1432 Elizabeth Perrine, 5^3 Elizabeth R., 770, 2270 Elizabeth Reynolds, t86o Elizabeth Russell, 1501 Elizabeth Sanford, 1081 Elizabeth Sarah. 1115, 2325 Elizabeth Savage. 1774 Elizabeth Sophia, 290 Elizabeth Susan, 2249 Elizabeth Taylor, 1347 Elizabeth W., 2270 Elizabeth ^\'albridge, 1994 Elizabeth Ward, 1649 Elizabeth Whittlesey, 610 Elizabeth M'right, 945 Elkanah, 144 *_ Ella, 412, 609, 934, 1179, 1215, 1327, 1417, 1470, 1472, 1491, 1590, 1634, 1844, 1899, 1997, 2264, 2270 Ella Achsah, 1316 Ella Anna, 1703 Ella Augusta, 1518 Ella Blanche, igo6 Ella Charlotte, 1355 Ella Cleaves, 1372 Ella Elizabeth, 1856 Ella F., J980 Ella Florence, 2042 EUa H., 575 EUa Jane, igog INDEX OF PERSONS. 2569 Cleveland, cont'd, Ella Louisa, 1897 Ella Louise, 1477 Ella Lucinda, 2356 Ella M., 1344 Ella Maria, 1143, 1661, 1713, 1722 Ella Marion, 1940 Ella Mary, 1714 Ella May, 1939 Ella Merle, 2208 Ella Nora, 563 Ella Rachel, 1559 EUa Rebecca, 2018 Ella RoseUa, 1934 Ella Willmattie, 2013 Ellen, 670, 730, 1223, 1328, 1347, 1352, 1381, 1415, 1435, 1506, ,1619, 1636, 1748, 1941, Z150, 2300, 3305 Ellen A., 956 Ellen Angionette, 1560 Ellen Armela, 1895 Ellen Augusta, 1405, 1906 Ellen Clair, 1480 Ellen - Cleveland, 3300 Ellen Columbia, 700 Ellen Cornelia, 2289, 2312 Ellen Dora, 1693 Ellen Elizabeth, 1143, ig66 Ellen Gertrude, 1218 Ellen Jane, i24g, 2493 Ellen Louisa, 1165, 1240 Ellen Louise, 803 Ellen Lucinda, 1206 Ellen Margaret, 1036 Ellen Maria, 828-9, 869, 1135, 1247, 1520, 1886 Ellen Merrill, 548 Ellen Minerva, 1647 Ellen Payne, 382 Ellen PhUinda, 1470 Ellen Sheppard, 1910 Ellen Sophia, 3016 Ellen Tewksberry, 2283, 2289 Ellethra-, 1195 Elliott Edward, i85g BUis, i2g . . Ellis Ephraim, 1246 •Elmer, 1404 Elmer E., looo, 1143 Elmer Ellsworth, 1142, 1232, 2051. Elmer Henry, 1949 Elmer Jarvis, 23g8 Elmer Leroy, i860 Elmer Morillo, 1949 Elmira, 331, 581, 1471, 1974 Elmira H., 2153 Elmira Marie, 1406 Elmira Nye, 632, 1248 Elmore Edwin, 1921 Elnora, 1160, i34g, 3355 Elnora Jane, 1417 Eloisa Eldridge, g66 Eloise F., 2025 Eloise Lawrimer, igog Elon Ezra, 1681 Elsie, 381 Elsie Adeline, 1213 Elsie Ann, ig68 Elsie Elizabeth, 2008 Elsje Havens, 1718 Elsie Margaret, ig63 Elsie May, ig8o Elsie Scott, igg7 Elva May, ig4g Elvira, 3g7, 719, 735, 748, 808, 813, 815, 894, 1500, 163s, .p/647, 1655 Elvira Eliza, 1188 Elvira Frances, 1647 Elvira Jane, 1496 Cleveland, cont'd, Emeline, 578, 583, 663, 716, 781, 933, 951, 1139, 1349, 1358, 1543, 1897. 2128, 2132, 2152, 2214 Emeline Alice, 1521 Emeline Caroline, 1967 Emeline Lucy, 1653 Emeline Pamelia, 1043 Emeline Storey, 1313 Emelissa Amy, i8gg E mer ett, ig78 Emeron L., 2370 Emerson John, 2025 Emerson Prentice, 1655 Emerson Sumner Leonard, 2020 Emery, 1724 . Emilie Jane, 1471 Emilie Louisa, 1246 Emillia, 2155 Emily, 255, 562-3, 6ig, 773, 841, go2, 983-4, 1367, 1415, 1480, 1491, 1504, 1553, 3013, 2246, 2270, 2280 Emily A., 1665 Emily Abigail, I3g5 Emily Alzina, 6g8 Emily Ann, 816, 228g Emily Arabella, 1417 EmUy Aspenwall, 1421 Emily BeUe, 1518 EmUy C, 2135 Emily Caroline, 3139, 3331 Emily Case, 1478 Emily Christina, 1853 Emily Editha, 2105 Emily Electa, 1636 EmUy Ellen, 1676 Emily Fairchild, 967 Emily Hannah, 1853 Emily lone, 1522 Emily Jane, 1645, 1937 Emily Johnson, 1581 Emily Judson, 977 Emily Lauretta, 206, 1589 Emily Louisa, 1646 Emily Louise, 2026 Emily M., 2153 Emily Maria, g56, 1686 Emily Martin, 1652 Emily Monroe Corn well, 1440 Emily Parkhurst, 827 EmUy S., 334 Emily Semantha, 1053 Emily Semmes, 882 Emily Sharpe, 882 Emily T., 2270 Emma, 438, 557, 573-4, 579, 582, 785, 827, 956, 983, 1140, 1179, 1227. 1328, 1416, i43g, 1471, 1508, i55g, 1628, 1691, 1724, 1748, 1993, 2154, 2208, 2213, 2264, 2270, 2274, 2307 Emma Abi, 2005 Emma Adelia, 1990 Emma Alberta, 1725 Emma Amelia, 553, 1684 Emma Ann, 1706 Emma Arvilla, 1947 Emma Avis, i860 Emma BeUe, ggi Emma Caroline, 2185 Emma Catherine, 1941 Emma Celina. 2289 Emma Cordelia, 1692 Emma Derby, 1947 Emma Diana, 1645 Emma Douglas, 1823 Emma E., 1553 Emma EUzabeth, 1474 Emma Elvira, 1558 Emma Ethel, 2501 Cleveland, cont'd, Emma Eugenia, 2253 Emma Frances, 947, 1474 Emma Gene, 1995 Emma Gertrude, 1539 Emma Gridley, 2014 Emma Harriet, 2117 Emma Haynes, 214 Emma Irene, 1719 Emma Jane, 823, 1164, 1380, 1392, 1855, 1894, 2311, 3348 Emma Jessie, i8gi Emma Keturah, 1672 Emma L., 1886 Emma Laura, 1144 Emma Lenora, ig37 Emma Leora, i84g Emma Louisa, 810, 1012, 10 18, 1562 Emma Louise, 1166, 1032 Emma Lucretia, 15x1 Emma M., 1035 Emma Maremna, 1961 Emma Maria, 1316, 1645, 1650 Emma Mary, 1417 Emma Matilda, 1952, 3364, 3411 Emma Priscilla, 1393 Emma Prudence, 1376 Emma Rebecca, 952, 1436 Emmaline, 3214 Emmeline, 3138 Emmet, 1314 Emmet Benjamin, 1978 Emmet Howard, 3042 Emogene Julia, 1513 Ency, 469, 3482 Enoch, 53, g2, 147, 191, 251, 411, 563, 738, 1440, 2270 Enoch James, 1205 Enos, 96, 443, 750, 1469, 1748 Ensiger L., 1701 Ephraim, 39, 131, 143, 156, 268, 294, 404, 631, 721, 807, 936-7, 1684, i97g, 3370-1 Ephraim Marsh, 1345, 2491 Ephraim Smith, 782 Ephraim W., 1428 Epp Jackson, 2165 Er, 929-30, 1684 Er Stafford, 2024 Erasmus Darwin, 1137 Erastus, 534, 1844 Erastus Brown Harris, 1551 Erastus Frederick, r 342 Erastus Earned, 1141-2 Erastus Tyler, 1219 Erin, 20, 1538 Erlunia S., 2323 Erminna, 1936 Ernest, 1470, 2271 Ernest A.. 1180, 2371 Ernest Alfred, 1383 Ernest Clyde, 1539 Ernest CromweU, 2150 Ernest Earl, 1194 Ernest Elgin, 1250 Ernest F., 818 Ernest Lincoln, 1547, 1693 Ernest'^Rexford, ig47 Ernest Wilford, 2053 Ernestine Clapp, 1187 Ervil J., 2006 Estella, 2255. 2273 Estella Louise, 2026 Estella Maria, 1647, 1686 Estella Melissa, 1847 Estelle, 438, I7g4 Estelle Amelia, 1529 Estelle Trezevant, 1794 Esther, 121, 125, 142, 156, 163, 247, 255. 267, 2Qd, 313, 320, 347, 367, 485, 586, 612, 2570 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Esther, cont'd, 653, 713, 725, 762, 773, 956, 1205, i2ig, 1353, 1365, 1475, 1540, 1650, 1782, ig6i, 2209, 3468. 3482 Esther Allen, 1313 Esther Ann, 897, 1193, 1491, 1540, 1552, 1887 Esther B., 1136 Esther Center, 1548 Esther D., 1723 Esther Elizabeth, 584 Esther Ida, 1896 Esther Laura, 1230 Esther Lucinda, 1856 Esther Maria, 1887, 2364, 241 1 Esther Melissa, 1193 Esther Ophelia Franklin, 1492 Esther Stevens, 413 Esther Wilson, 633 Ethana, 436 Ethel, 2493 Ethel Edna, 1177 Ethel Frances, 1861 Ethel Heroy, 1774 Ethel Tufts, 1946 Etta, 1537, 1905, 1963, 2271, 2376 Etta BeU. i860 Etta Belle, 1663 Etta Delia, 1905 Ettie, 1403, 1955 Ettie Marinda, 1207 Ettie May, 1318 Eudevilla, 563 Eugene, 1164, 1365, 3031 Eugene Edward, 2257 Eugene Elon, 1682 Eugene Irving, 1853 Eugene Kincard, 1366 Eugene S., 2271 Eugene Sumner, 1861 Eugene Wyman, 575 Eugenia, 448 Eugenia Beryl, 2031 Eugenia Clara, 919 Eugenie, 2274 Eula. 2165, 3301 Eulalia Maria, 3354 Eunice, 97, 122, 129, 184, 237, 251-2, 274, 285-6, 335, 330, 391, 457, 525, 531, 547, 564, 646, 719, 749, 804, 815, 898, 1176, 1487, 1635 Eunice Ann, T165, 1852 Eunice Augusta, 816, 1328 Eunice B., 1713 Eunice Blodget, 1510 Eunice Eliza, 804 Eunice Fitch, 1547 Eunice Graves, 1665 Eunice Janette, 935 Eunice Marie^ 1945 Eunice S,, 633, Sgg Euphemia, 356 Eva, 8go, 944, 1176, 1673, 1817. 1849, 3278, 2325 Eva Augusta, 1433 Eva De Ett. 627, 1238 Eva Gertrude, 1847 Eva Harris, 1914 Eva L, 1000 Eva Jane, 1165, 1471, 1584 Eva Julia, 1248, 24gg Eva Keene, 1673 Eva Leonora, 1570-1 Eva Louisa, 1738 Eva M., 1752 Eva Mary, 1220 Eva May, 1844, 2025 Eva iliriam, 1686 Cleveland, cont'd, Eva Ophelia De Rosella, 1525^ Eva Seldner, igo5 Evaline Amelia, 1354-5 Eveline, 806, 1162, 1635 Eveline Amelia, 1560 Eveline lone, 2352 Eveline Sarah, 1344 Evelyn Lettie, 1948 Evelyn Spalding, 1800 Everett, 1180 Everett Freeman, 1383 Evert Ostrander, 1245 Evora Lydia, 1949 Experience, 75, 358, 707 Ezekiel, 21, 315-16, 402-3, 697. 775, 925, 1403, 2308, 2486 Ezekiel Spriggs, 2127 Ezer, 727 Ezra, 138, 160, 198, 28s, 432, 461, 549, 671, 675, 685, 693, 6g8, 713, 761, 944, 1353, 1367, 2243, 2271, 2364 Ezra Allen, 1357 Ezra Daniel, 1136 Ezra Rundell, 1906 Ezra Sereign, 1905 Ezra Wallinsford, 1420 F. A., 2271 F. C, 2271 F. E., 2271 F. J. J., 2271 F. M., 2271 Fairabe, 2339 Fannie, Fanny, 187, 218, 323, 482, 709, 770, 781, 785, 818, 909, 952, loio, 1050, 1140, 1181, 1244, 1470, 3031, 2059, 2076, 2ogr, 2101, 2147, 2151, 2207 Fannie Adaline, 1355 Fannie Amelia, 1524 Fannie Anzoletta, 1932 Fanny Belinda, 483 Fanny Bell, 1214, 1854 Fannie Bertha, 1571 Fannie Cromwell, 2208 Fannie Dora, 2331 Fanny Drusilla, 1667 Fannie Elizabeth, Fanny Elizabeth, 771, 1909 Fannie Estelle, 2210 Fannie Eugenia, 1487 Fanny F., 2288 Fannie Fosdick, 1571 Fannie Hemphill, 1623 Fanny Ida, 1503 Fannie Irene, 2248 Fanny Janette, 1465 Fanny Leonard, 2118, 3319 Fanny Lodoka, 778 Fanny Louisa, 1495 Fanny Lucretia, 221 1 Fannie M., 1844 Fannie Madora, 2309 Fanny Maria, 1689 Fannie Mary, 1774 Fanny S., 2332 Fanny Smith, 445 Farman, 1160 Fassett, 730 Fayette, 1215 Fd, 2272 Felix S., 2271 Fenton, 2207 Fenton Jackson, 2075, 2098 Ferrand Hartwell, 1903 Festus Portius, 1685 Festus Wandby, 1685 Fidelia, 619, 757, 1710 Fidelia Coburn, 951 Fidelia EUza, 1044 Findley Fisher, 1490 Cleveland, cont'd, Findley Leroy, 1962 Finley, 1487 Fisher Adams, 820 Fitz Calvin, 1419 Fitz Washington, 1165 Fitz William, 1418 Fletcher, 1180 Fletcher Dunham, 1383 Flora, 274, 787, "35, 1222-3, 1512, 1711, 1940, 2208 Flora Althea, 1852 Flora Ann, 2273 Flora Arnah, 1205 Flora B., 1857 Flora Belle, 1471 Flora DeUa, 1472 Flora Emily, 1392 Flora Ethel, 1854 Flora Jane, 787 Flora Louisa, 1961 Flora Phila, 777 Florence, 1137, 1352, 1702, 1721, ig3r, 3003, 2041, 2179, 2271 Florence A., 1587 Florence Adel, 1037 Florence Adelaide, 1345 Florence Adell, 1127 Florence Annette, 1481 Florence BeU, 1165 Florence Ellen, ii8g Florence Elsie, 2031 Florence Emily, 1215 Florence Emogene, 1521 Florence Hope, 1712 Florence Ida, 1382 Florence J., 2025 Florence Leone, 1651 Florence Mary, 1559 Florence May, 1688, 1856 Florence Murray, 1966 Florence Rowena, 1342 Floro Delmanza, 1471 Floyd, 1753 Floyd Alonzo, 1234 Floyd Raymond," 1964 Fluvia, 329 Fluvia Evelina, 814, 1979 Forest Randall, 1405 Forrest Timothy, 1705 Fostena, 1711-12 Fouche, 2084 Francelia Adelaide, 1856 Frances, 617, 945, 1365, 1423, 1748, 1782, 1935, 2071, 2073, 2078, 2097, 2100, 2417 Frances A. J., 2333 Frances Abigail Jane, 1013 Frances Adaline, 1589 Frances Alice, 2143 Frances Althea, 1557 Frances Ann, 1886 Frances Augusta, 881, 1365, 1948 Frances Chapin, 1478 Frances Delilah, 1404 Frances E., 1632, .1675 Frances Elizabeth^ 1365, 1502-3, 1674 Frances Eloise, 11 15 Frances Emeret, 1422 Frances Emma, 1724, 2013 Frances Estella, 2025 Frances Eva, 1628, 1752 Frances Harriet, 1226 Frances Janette, 682 Frances Josephine, 1116 Frances L., 1629 Frances Louana, 1630 Frances Maria, 834 Frances Orilla, 1571 Frances Orinda, 1989 Frances Rachel, 1521 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2571 Cleveland, cont'd, Frances Rebecca, 1885 Frances Rosalie, i6gi Frances Ruth, 1856 Frances Viola, 1144 Frances Zeruiah, 1674 Franchie Lilian, 1254 Francis, 237, 531, 745, 1086, 1420, 1539, 1702, 3271-2, 2309, 2336 ^ , Francis Arnold, 427 Francis Asbury, ioig-20 Francis Augustus, 2252 -Francis B., 2153 Francis Baldwin, 1420 Francis D,, 2272 Francis Dixon, 1479 Francis H., 2272 Francis Henry, 1366, 1371, 1898 Francis James, 1475 Francis Landon, 1115 Francis Lucian, 1504 Francis M., 3104 Francis Marion, 1343 Francis Montgomery, 1136 Francis Sortwell, 2301 Francis Warner, 1955 Francis Warren, 1556 Francis William, 1086 Francis Willot, 1475 Francis Xavier, 1417 Frank, 591, 613, 707, 1134, 1164, I 176, 1403, 1466, i46g, 1503, 1673, 1681, ig2i, ig47, 3104, 3368, 2271-3 Frank A., 1843 Frank Albert, 1853 Frank Allen, 1405, ig76 Frank Anderson, ig46 Frank Arthur, 1143 Frank Augustus, 1712 Frank B., 3043, 2271-2 Frank Clayton, igso Frank Clifford, 1413 Frank D., 2273 Frank Daniel, 1706 Frank Deming, ig27 Frank Edward, 1521, 1847 Frank Elihu, 1977 Frank Ernest, 1458, 1559-60 Frank Eugene, 1977, 3323 Frank Ezekiel, 3233 Frank Ferguson, 1951, 2501 Frank Fridin, 1441 Frank G., 2272 Frank George, 1429 Frank Hauber, 627 Frank Henry, 1513, 1852. Frank Herbert, g66 Frank Herman, i6g3 Frank Howlet, 3015 Frank Hoyt, iggs Frank Huntington, ig45 Frank J., 2272 Frank Lent, i67g Frank Lewis, ig63 Frank Lincoln, 1624 Frank Luther, 1193 Frank Lyman, 15 18 Frank M., 2195 Frank Maitland, 1676 Frank Mary, 2298 Frank Mortimer, 1633 Frank Nash, 1977 Frank Nelson, 1563 Frank Obed, 1845 Frank P., 2373 Frank Perez, 1215 Frank Perry, 1649 Frank S., 1503, 2372 Frank Smith, 1967 Frank Starr, 1476 Frank Susan, 1036 Cleveland, cont'd, Frank Susana, 1523 Frank Walter, 1693 Frank Winfield, 1555 Frankie Amanda, 1928 Frankie Maria, 1476 Frankie Tristina, 1964 Franklin, 143, 530, 1459, 3372, 2495 Franklin Abel, 1654 Franklin Augustus, igSg-go Franklin D., 66g Franklin David, 2008 FrankUn Erasmus, 1140 FrankUn Gale, 1705 Franklin Harmon, 1427 Franklin Herbert, 1250 Franklin Hulburd, 1474 Franklin Lawson, 1251 Franklin Lincoln, 2020 Franklin Pierce, i860 Fred, 1417, 2272 Fred A., 2271-2 Fred Albert, 1681 Fred B., 818 Fred C, 1417 Fred Chalmers, 1188 Fred Charles, ig48 Fred De ViUo, 1547 Fred Enoch, 1947 Fred Everett, 1977 Fred Grant, 2493 Fred Lee, 1713 Fred Lysander, 1473 Fred Maurice, ii8i Fred Oliver, 591 Fred R., 2332 Fred Rufus, 575 Freddie Baker, 1693, 1S84 Freddie Dewitt, 1717 Freddie Greeley, 836 Freddie P., 1588 Frederic, Frederick. 176. 287, 324, 398, 796, gi8, 1020, ii8g, I2I5, 1243, I3g6, 1466, 1508, 1553, ig26, 2143, 2164, 2272-3, 2275, 2283, 2305, 24g4, 2501 Frederick A., 1135 Frederick A. J., sgi Frederick Adelbert, 1680 Frederick Albert, 812 Frederick Aldrich, 1832 Frederick Allie, 1571 Frederick Augustus, 1513, i6g3 Frederick Austin, 843 Frederick Bartlett, 2020 Frederick CUnton, 2023 Frederick Cook, 1036 Frederick D, 1905 Frederick-Darby, 2245 Frederick E., 1331 Frederick Earle, 1896 Frederick Elliott, 1415 Frederick Erastus, 1833 Frederick Ernest, 1844 Frederick Eugene, 1249, 1403 Frederick Farnum, 613 Frederick Gilbert, 2007 Frederick H., 2273' Frederick Howland, 1606 Frederick J., 2273 Frederick John, 1723 Frederic Lloyd, 1476 Frederick Louis, 1980 Frederick Mills, 1418 Frederick Morrill', 1415 Frederick Mortimer, 1249, 2493 Frederick Norman, 1405 Frederick Oren, 1693 Frederick Pilson, 2042 Cleveland, cont'd, Frederick R., 1503 Frederick S. , 2273 h'rederick Seymour, 1965 Frederick Ughazy, 1670 Frederick Verner, 3007 Frederick Walter, 1383 Frederic Wheaton, 1894 Frederick Wilder, 1852 Frederick WilUam, 1419 Frederick Weston, 1313 Freeman, 306, 449, 1215, 2165 Freeman Moses, iggo Freeman Pulsifer, 1383 Fremont E., 899 Friend WiUiam, 1043 G. A., 2273, 2364 G. B., 2273 G. Fred, 2273 G. H., 2273 G. W., 2005, 2157, 2273 Gabriel, 2207 Gad, 337 Gaius Fayette, 1243 Gala Rhalston, 1418 Galen, 807 Galen Jay, 807 Gardiner, 2273 Gardner, 309, 327, 805, 2273 Gardner Homes, 1553 Gazie Jane Barnes, 2052 Gehila, 891 Gelston Strong, 1663 Geneva E., 1135, 2273 Geneva Lillian Gay, 2020 Genevieve, 1508, 1903 George, 78, 157, 194, 233, 337, 401, 436, 502-3, 583, 755. 765, 776, 821, 933, 944, 966, 1081 , 1086, I 160, 1 176, 1181, i3o6, 1397, 1403, 1435-6, 1445, 1487, 1517. 1638-9, 1635, 1673, I68I, 1694, I7II, 1748, 1855, I9IO, 1931, 1940, 2096, 2207, 2250, 2253, 2255-6, 2270, 2373-5, 3381, 3308, 2328, 2335-6, 2364 George A., 2104, 2275 George Aaron, ii8r, 2274, 2364 George Addison, 834 George Adefbert, 1693 George Albert, 753, 1844 George Alden, 1946 George Alexander Columbus, 2078, 2102 George Allen, 1316 George Almeron, 1851 George Ambrose, 2052 George Andrew, 1139 George Anson, i860 George Arthur, 1163, 1426 George Austin, 2014 George B., 1705, 1774, 2275 George Baldwin, 44g, 711 George Barrett, 2301 ' George Bartlett, 1590 George Beckwith, 2093 George Bolt, 1349 George Bowen, 1773-4 George Brace, 1186 George Brainard, 1883 George C, 828, 1417, 2275 George Carlton, 1964 George Chamberlain, 1604 George Clark, 1496, 1963, 2494 George Claudius, 1441 George Clifford, iggo George Clinton, g84, 1421, i67g, 2024 George Columbus, 3078, 2102, 2160 2572 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, George Cookman, 1021 George Corcoran, 1507 George Daggett, 436 George Dana Boardman, 1366 George Darling, 2300 George David, 1664 George Davis, 323, 2007 George Downer, 1216 George Downing, 1187, 1343 George Dwight, 553 George E., 2275 George Edgar, 2018 George Edward, 1189, 1405, 1504, 1847, 1949 George Egbert, 826 George Elliot, 1969 George Ellsworth, 2005 George Elmore, 1671 George Ernest, 1252 George Erwin, 1940 George Eugene, 1205 George Evans, i6gi George F., 3375, 2305 George Farrington, igsg George Fayette, 983 George Foster, 1557 George Francis, 1219 George Franklin, 1194, i344, 1558 George Frederick, 1360, 1559, 1563, 2364 George Freeman, 1351, 1990 George Gibbons, 975 George Grover, 1711 George H., 3257, 2275 George Plarris, 1621 George Harvey, 1571 George Henry, 808, 814, IIOI, 1421, 1859, 1921, 1935, 2008, 2017, 2041 George Herbert, 1924 George Herman, 1037 George Hiram, 1442 George Holbrook, 831 George HuU, 1886, 2364 George Iram, 821 George Israel, 1906 George Julius, 1928 George Keifer, 1676 George Kneeland, 437 George L., 2275 George Lafayette, 1249 George Lawrence, 615 George Lee, 1454 George Leonard, 1181 George Lewis, 1702 George Lindsay, 1216 George Lindsey, 2150 George Lowell, ig8o George Lucian, 2014 George Lyman, 1252 George M., 1980 George McClellan, 2332 George MarshaU, 1180 George Marvin, 1213 George Melville, 975 George Miles, 1508 George Morris, 554 George Moses, 1036, 2487 George Munson, 1529 George Nathan, 1239 George Nehemiah, 1606 George Nelson, 814 George Norman, 1846 George O., 2275 George Oliver, 1521 George Orange, 1463 George Orson, n6i George Preston, 339 George Putnam , 1092, 1798 George R., 227^ George Randall, 1406 Cleveland, cont'd, George Ricardo, 1733-4 George Roberts, 931, 1684 George Roswell, 2253 George Russell, 1426, 1931 George S., 2275 George Samuel, i4ig George Samuel Parker, 1708 George Smith, ig32 George Snow, g67, 1718, 3498 George Solon, 1348 George Stephen, 1161 George Stillman, 794 George Thomas, 2042 George Thomson, 1652 George Tyler, i3ig George Victor, 1714 George W,, 1753, 3374-6 George Washington, 534, 753, 790, 1013, 1034, ii8g, 1242-3, 1247, 1366, 1429, 1532, 1552, 1584-5, 1604, 1617, 1628, 1634, 1648, 16S0, 1690, 1835, 1856, 1897, 1914, 1920, 2013, 2095, 2103, 2154, 2157, 2159, 2163, 3311-13, 3352, 2274, 2376, 2290, 2301, 2365 George Webber, 1143 George Welcome, igSo George Wilber, 533 George Wiley, 2038 George William, 1078, 1161, 1938 George WilUam Henry, 1525 George WUliams, 960 George Wilson, 606 George Wright, 1165 Georgetta Potter, 1601 Georgia, 956, 1417, 17x4 Georgia Alden, 2119, 2191 Georgia AmeUa, 1508 Georgia Augusta, 1713 Georgia Elvira, 2233 Georgia Etta, 1552 Georgia Irene, 1963 Georgia L., 1492 Georgia May, 1541 Georgiana, Georgianna, 8i3, 1393, 1475, 1520, 1635, 1753, 1963, 3350 Georgianna Eliza, 1463 Georgianna Mackie, 438 German A., 2276 German Atlas, 2276 Gertie Grace, ig6g Gertrude, g30, 1508, 1652 1673, 1780, 1951, 2199 Gertrude Amelia, ; 1540 Gertrude Anna, 1587 Gertrude Bennett, 2023 Gertrude Burlingham, 1735 Gertrude Edna, 1927 Gertrude Elizabeth, 2048 Gertrude Emma, 1849 Gertrude Maria, 694, 1396-7, 2494, 3501 Gertrude Mariman, 1718. 2498' Gertrude May, 1948 Gertrude Olney, 1443 Gertrude Van Vranken, 1926 Gertrude W., 1526 Geunifrede, 1498 Gid, 2276 Gideon, 88 Gideon Harned, 1857 Gifford Wesley, 1645 Gilbert, 20, 1539, 1935. 1941, 2077, 2255 Cleveland, cont'd, GUbert Carey, 1552 Gilbert Marsh, 1976, 2365 Gilbert Moshem Marquis De Lafayette, 1243 GUes, 916, 1432 GUes Butler, 1358 GUes Edward, 1668 Gilman Leroy, 1250 Gilson Strong, 1663 Gladis Louisa, 1856 Gladys Ethel, 1753 Glazier Wheeler, I244 Glen Edgar, 1359 Glen Rives, 1978 Glennie Blanche, 1552 Gordon, 956 Gordon Filip, 1645 Gordon H., 900 Gordon W., 1701 Grace, 1180, 1508, 1724, 1726, 1740, 1885, 1894, 1979, 1994, 2330 Grace A., 1189 Grace Abby, 1247 Grace Adella May, 1551 Grace Ann, 1403 Grace Darling, 1771 Grace Donald, 3180 Grace Eliza, 1969 Grace Elizabeth, 1817 Grace Elma, 1024 Grace F., 2256 Grace Gardner, 1570 Grace Gertrude, 2024 Grace Goddard, 1443 Grace Grant, 1553 Grace Greenwood, 2053 Grace Ploward, 975 Grace Isabel, 969 Grace Jane, 1652 Grace Lenora, 1513 Grace Louise, 1547, 1884 Grace M., 2503 Grace Mabel, 1253 Grace Mansfield, 1888 Grace Maud, 1704, 1847, 3006, 2020 Grace May, 1971 Grace Miriam, 1250 Gracie, 1885 Gracie Maud, 838' Grant, lOoo, 1674 Grant Thorburn, 1316 Grant WUliam, 1553 Grant Wilson, 1704 Green, 2276 Gretta Fetter, 1327 Griffin, 295 Grover, 39, 1782, 1974, 2024, 2164, 2213, 2365 Grover Forest, 1363 Grover HiU, 1836 Grover Roy, 1922 Grover Verner, 2213 Gurdian Burt, 2290 Gurdon Lathrop, 482 Gussie, 2165 Gustav, 2276 Gustavus Parker, 2299 Guy, 1935, 2242, 2501 Guy Cory. 1397 Guy KimbaU, 1359, 2365 Guy Leroy, 1673 Guy Loren, 2018 Guy Willis, 1360 Gwendoline Sarah, 1894 H., 2276 H. A.. 2276 H. B., 2276 H. C, 2276 H. D., 2355 H. Frank, 3376 FT. H.. 2276 H. J.. 2276 H. Kinney, 2310 H. M., 2276 H. P., 2276 INDEX OF PERSONS. 5173 Cleveland, cont'd, H. W., 2276 Halsey R., 1725 Hannah, 35-6, 53, 68, 104, 130, 147, 150-1, 178, igi-2, 195, 199, 2°°' ^°3' ^°^' ^^°' 249, 268, 2g9, 300, 303, 313, 317, 333, 337, 349, 365, 389, 393, 412-13, 415, 417, 440, 446, 448, 574, 589, 608, 671, 681, 685, 699, 707, 719, 732, 744, 759, 762-3, 7S3, 797, 807, 817, 820, 846, 878, 891, 894, 903, 9og, 956, 974, 1167, 1243, 1416, 1421, 1505-6, 1628, 1705, 1753, 2074, 2og7, 2146, 2249, 225s, 2274-5, 2287, 2289, 2336, 2502 Hannah A., 151 Hannah Augusta, 1615 Hannah Belle, 1856 Hannah Blackman, 956 Hannah Brown, 1037 Hannah Clark, 592, 766 Hannah Cornelia, 1322 Hannah Eliza, 2273 Hannah Elizabeth, 981, 1085, 1239, 1586 Hannah Estella, 1586 Hannah Gray, 989 Hannah Hale, 878 Hannah Huntington, 741 Hannah Isabel, 1703 Hannah Jane, 820, 1403 Hannah Jones, 1714 Hannah Josephine, 1521 Hannah Lucretia, 1376 Hannah Luretta, 1934 Hannah M., 773, 1134 Hannah Maria, 912, 1180, 1649, 1904 Hannah P., 1419 Hannah Page, 632 Hannah! Robinson, 1722, 2031 Hannah Sharpe, 1449 Hannah Stanford, 3390 Hannah Webber, 846 Hapiz Brown, gig Hardin, 20, 6i8-ig Harding, 1179 Harding W., 1180 Harland Amos, 1625 Harley W., 2276 Harley Walter, 2045 Harmon, 1673 Harmon Allen, 1948 Harmon Spencer, 1427 Harold, 1966 Harold Haskins, 2020 Harold Holmes, 1722 Harold Irwin, 1359, 2366 Harold L., 2276 Harold Tryon, 1719 Harriet, 303, 314, 320, 334, 449, 474, 534, 564, 573, 730, 759, 773, 786, 800, 817, 824, 866, 86g, 881, go4, 974, 983, 993, 1078, 1086, 1 188, 1 195, 1225-6, 1351, 1469, 1490, 1505, 1674, 1703, igo3, 1989-90, 2006, 2008, 2038, 2079, 2104, 2118, 2123, 3155, 2208, 2252, 2268, 2376, 2288, „233gHarriet Adaline, 339 Harriet Almira, 915, 1134, 2007 Harriet Amanda, 803 Harriet Amelia, 1037, 1143, 1825, 3l6l Harriet Ann, 7g4, 798 Harriet Anna, 729 Harriet Antoinette, 1627 Cleveland, cont'd, Harriet Bunker, 967 Harriet Byron, 981 Harriet Calvin, 464 Harriet Caroline, 2211 Harriet Cornelia, 707 Harriet Curtis, 442 Harriet Dawkins, 2119-20, 2184 Harriet Douglas, 698 Harriet Eleanor, 1626 Harriet EUza, 1504 Harriet Elizabeth, 882, 1407, 1467, 1642, i6g2 Harriet Ellen, 2212 Harriet Elmina, 1935, 2501 Plarriet Emeline, 1539 Harriet Emily, 1037 r Harriet Emma, ^-u, 1227, 2179 Harriet Etheridge, 1895 Harriet Eveline, 1688 Harriet Frances, 1182, 2165, 2324 Harriet Ida, 1989 Harriet Tsabel, 1176, 3333 Harriet Jeannette, 814 Harriet Jessie, 1905 Harriet Josephine, 1741 Harriet L., 1701 Harriet Lauretta, 2306 Harriet Leonora, 2159 Harriet Lewis, 885 Plarriet Louisa, gi6, 1403 Harriet Louise, 1463 Harriet Lucretia, 553 Harriet Lucy, 1442 Harriet Lulu, igo3 Harriet M., 582, 1215, 1353, 2074 Harriet Maria, 384, 817, i6go, 2333 Harriet Melissa, 1650 Harriet Minerva, 1352 Harriet NeweU, 253, 751, 1720, 1733 Harriet OUve, g34 Harriet Payne, 1640 Harriet Reed, 2290 Harriet Roxanna, 1139 Harriet S., 1939 Harriet Sophia, 583, n88, 1682 Harriet Ursula, 1693, 1950 Harriet Waller, 1947 Harriet Williams, 1828 Harriet Zilpha, 1420 Harrison, 1469, 2096 Harrison Payne, 1946 Harrison Wales, 913 Harry, 217, 1445, 1843, 1947, 1965, 2276-7, 2338, 3457-8 Harry A., 2276 Harry Augustus, 1738 Harry H., 2277 Harry Hayes, 2332 Harry Benjamin, 1140 Harry Brodt, 1501 Harry Edward, 3033 Harry Elmore, 1921 Harry Eugene, 1927 Harrv Garfield, 1507 Harry Gates, 1516 Harry Grover, 1937 Plarry Joseph, 1706 Harry L., 2277 Harry Lee, 1141 Harry Leonidas, 2210 Harry Leslie, 1948 Harry Livingston, 1444 Harry Locke, 1355 Harry Lovell, i6gi Harry Luster, i8g6 Harry M., 2275 Cleveland, cont'd, / Plarry Paul, 1974 / Plarry Percy, 2314 • Harry Roland, 197^ Plarry S., 3364 Plarry T,, 3277 / Harry Ward, 1Q67 Harry Westcott^ 2253 Harry White^ U, 2025 Hartley Alopzo, 1547 Harvey, 7- /, 842, 1230, 1469, 2r^7, 3158 Harve:- Brewer, 1556 Ha— -.^y Conway, 2042 Harvey Decastro, 1965 l-Iarvey Dwight, 924 Harvey Haywood, 2126 Harvey Hewitt, 836 Harvey J., 1471 Harvey Jay, 1702 Harvey Tourtellotte, 1537 Harvey Wesley, 1438 Haskell, 2164 Plattie, 1214, 1417, 1705, 1724, 1748, 1948, 1978, 2148, 2268, 2277 Hattie Adiel, 1941 Hattie Alma, 1949 Hattie Amelia, 1419 Hattie Augusta, i9g6 Hattie BeU, 2015, 2248 Plattie BeUe, 1914, 2026 Hattie Brayton, 1917 Hattie Brown, 1406 Hattie Dawkins, 2182 Hattie Elizabeth, 1523, 1650 Hattie Elvira, 1655 Hattie Estella, 1649 Hattie J., 1305, 2277 Hattie Jerusha, 1521 Hattie L., 1492 Hattie Louise, 1540 Hattie Lucelle, 2022 Hattie Maria, 1561 Hattie May, 1164 Hattie Meigs, 1587 Hattie Standish, 1534 Hayward, 1771 Hazard P., 3377 Hazel Beale, 2023 Heber Howe, 1250 Heber Wesley, 1345 Helen, 589, 748, 1188, 1543, 1679, 1726, 2006, 2043, 2099, 2152, 2279, 2321 Helen Adelie, 1234 Helen Amanda, 1622 Helen Amelia, 1428 Helen Augusta, 1133, 1239, 1490, 1561, 2045 Helen Bateman, 2003 Helen Bruce, 1770 Helen Cornelia, 735, i454 Helen Emmaretta, 1679 Plelen Eugenia, 1539 Helen Frances, 150^ Helen Georgiana, 2007 Helen Hooper, 1774 Helen J., 2277 Helen Jewett, 1716 Helen Louisa, 952 Helen Louise, 1420 Helen Lucretia, 1165 Helen M., 2272, 2277, 3305, 2366 Helen Mabel, i860 Helen Mar, 1382, 1693 Helen Margarette, 2030 Plelen Maria, 1584 Helen Mary, 2044 Helen Maude, 3043 Plelen May, 1216 Helen Minerva, 1327 Helen Octavia, 1369 25/4 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Helen Philena, 1363 Helen Rosalinda, 765 Helen Sophia, 1560 Helen Victoria, ig8o Helena H. Moor, I4g2 Hellen Margarette, 2020 Heman Cornelius, 3006 Heman Doui, igg7 Hendricks, ".'377 Henrietta, 6.?^, gi2, 1408, 1436, 1527, 17^^- 1963, 2250 Henrietta B., 14^2 Henrietta De Blois ^..;;; 15 Henrietta E., 2277 ""¦ Henrietta Esther, 1092 ^--, Henrietta Harriet, 796 Henrietta M., 334 Henriette, 683 Henry, 16, 25, 83, 313, 318, 390, 417, 428, 441, 671, 754, 771, goi, g20, 957, 962, 973, 981, 1 176, 1 179, 1354, 1434, 1438, 1469,' 1485, 1520, 1578, 1626, 1671, 1679, 1692, 1711, 1848, 2148, 2154, 2227, 2250, 2277, 2316, 2366 Henry A., 2277 Henry Adams, 1562 Henry Adolphus, 713 Henry AUen, 981, 1556 Henry Arnold, 1474 Henry Asa, 1351 Henry Ashley, 23gg Henry Augustus, 7g3 Henrf B., 2503 Henry Batcheler, 2008 Henry Beach, 1140 Henry Bennett, 1673 Henry Bonaparte, i4go Henry Brown, 1565 Henry Burdett, 2043 Henry C, 2377 Henry Clay, 1451 1852, 2151, 2332 Henry Conklin, 1037 Henry Curtis, 700, 1649 Henry Gushing, 814 Henry D., 1163, 2255, 2277 Henry Daniel, 1166, 1900 Henry Davenport, 1113 Henry Davis, 793 Henry Demarest, 1037 Henry E., 2277 Henry Egbert, 1669 Henry Elijah, 1245 Henry Elisha, 1885 Henry Elmore, 1921 Henry F., 2377 Henry Forster, 957 Henry Francis, igo8 Henry Franklin, 7g2, 984 Henry Franklyn, 1524 Henry Gaylord, 1828 Henry George, 2045 Henry H., 1417, 2277 Henry Hancock, 823 Henry Harrison, 925, Plenrv Herman, 1949 Henry Jacob, 965 Plenry Janus, 1619 Henry Jasper, 2151 Henry Jay, 1649 Henry Jefferson, 1704 Henry Jerome, 1500 Henry Job, 1501 Henry Jones, 969, 2366 Henry Judson, 1722, 2031 Henry L., 2277 Henry Lamartine, 1245 Henry Langdon, 831 Henry Leroy, 2178 Henry Lewis, 548, 1462 Henry Livingston, 1444 1625, 1648 Cleveland, cont'd, Henry Luke, 1349 Henry Luther, 1249, 1684 Henry Marshal, 683, 1365 Henry Mason, 1453-4 Henry Mathis, 2191 Henry Moreton Franklin, 792-3 Henry Murillo, 1949 Henry Newell, 437, 1905 Henry Pitt, 1525 Henry Porter, 1747 Henry Printiss, 1570 Henry Robinson, 1833 Henry Russell, 1072, 1769, 1939, 2366 Plenry Smith, 923 livjry Thompson, 7S5, 1533 Herii^j* Traphagen, 45g Henry \^^ 1490, 2275, 2277, 2310 '¦'..,_ Plenry Warden,' i5"62 Henry Warren, 1044, 1646 Henry Washington, 1643 Henry Wentworth, 1961 Henry White, 1947 Henry Whitney, 1953 Henry Wilder, 1252 Henry Willard, 1859 Henry WiUiam, 1606, 3367 Henry Willis, 830 Henry Wilson, 969, 3097 Hepsabeth, 11 75 Hepsie Hussey, 1721 Hepsie L., 1721 Plepzibah, igg, 434, 1175 Herbert, 1634, 2277-8 Herbert Adelbert, 1205 Plerbert Arthur, 1832 Herbert Ashton, iioi Herbert Burdett, 1950 Herbert Carlos, 1861 Herbert Clayfon, 1989 Herbert Clement, 1962 Herbert Dewitt, 1924 Herbert E., 1684, 2278 Herbert Frank, 1250 Herbert Lavette, 1950 Herbert Lee, 1937 Herbert Meader, 958 Herbert Merrell, 2020 Herbert Ora, 1693 Herbert R., 1965, 2278 Herbert Russell, 1187 Herbert Taylor, 1832 Herbert Wallace, 1844 Herbert William, 1964 Herman, 1939 Hervey, 2278 Hervey Seymour,' 1499, 1965 Hester, 552, 2311 Hester Almira, 1652 Hester Ann, 1653 Hester Margaret, 1216 Hester Washburn, 1670 Hetty,_ 130 Plezekiah, 297, 317 Hezekiah Albro, 1474 Hila, I3I4 Hiland, 1134 Hiram, 140, 267, 713, 806, 952, 1651, 1947, 3275 Hiram Edward, 1405, 1407, 1927 Hiram Judson, 1731 Hiram L., 2013 Hiram Lavette, 1471 Hiram Nelson, 1849 Hiram Paschal, 1629 Hiram W., 1651 Hiram Wesley, 2007 Hitty, 338 Hobart, 1774 Hobart Harrington, 1888 Cleveland, cont'd, Holbrook Gilson, 1663 Holsey, 811 Holsey Horatio, 811,, 1556 Homer, 1903, 2006 Homer Albert, 1588 Homer Asa, 1333 Homer Jay, 1305 Homer Leslie, 1430 Homer P., 956 Homer William, 1646 Honor, 391 HopestiU, 130 Horace, 333, 660, 895, 983, 123 I, 2278 Horace Agard, 1480, 2367 Horace Allen, 1753 Horace Annis, 1673 Horace Barber, 1333 Horace Brooks, 1722 Horace C, 2278 Horace Cone, 1914 Horace Edward, 1316 Horace Fremont, 1249 Horace Gillette, 6, 133, 345, 375, 505, 656, 910, 1317, 1890, 2367 Horace Lowell, 821 Horace V., 206 Horace Victor, 1723 Horace William Shaler, 5, 226, 1075, 3369 Horatio, 217, 781 Horatio Gates, 953 Horatio Johnson, 1042, 1516, 1749 Horatio Nelson, 1366 Horatio S., 1909, 2278 Hortense Alice, 1555 Hortensia, 1512 Hosmer, 329, 1560 Howard, 1559 Howard A., 1555 Howard Albert, 1555 Howard Blauvelt, 1216 Howard Franchott, 2007 Howard Harold, 1359 Howard Wilder, 1900 Howlet Cyrus, 2015 Hubbard Warner, 1661 Hubert Ellis, 2132 Hubert Henry, 1562 Hubert Walter, 1844 Hubert Wilford, 1216 Hubert WiUiam, 1561 Hubert Woodbury, 1946 Huggins G., 2310 Hugh D., 697 Hugh Wallace, 1972 Hugo, 2241-2 Hugone, 2241-2 Huldah, 327, 390, 712, 1 195, 1553, 2152 Huldah Ann, 1628 Huldah E., 1242 Huldah Essie, 2008 Huldah Eugenie, 2008 Huskell, 2164 Huyler, 1314 lantha, 1544 lantha Porter, 1043 Ibra Harris, 3153 Ichabod, 55, 95, 102, 198, 208, 458, ggg, 1012, 2278, ^453 Ida, 613, 1417, 1475, i4gi, 1504, 1565, 2006, 2052, 2153, 2272, 2378 Ida Adell, 1469, 1854 Ida Bell, 1934 Ida Belle, 1521, 1941 Ida Celestia, 1471 Ida Delia, 1354 Cleveland, cont'd, Ida Elizabein, i68o, 1931 Ida Ella, i68g Ida EUen, 1969 Ida Elnora, igSg Ida Emogene, 2503 Ida Ermina, 1547 Ida Estelle, 1847 Ida Eunice, 1551, 1905 Ida Henriette, 1365 Ida Izola, 2144 Ida Jane, 1404 Ida Jessie, 1472, 2496 Ida Lee, 2165 Ida Louise, 1208, igg4 Ida Lucina, i860 Ida Maria, 1250 Ida Marita, igg3 Ida Maude, ig28 Ida May, 575, 1405, 1417, 1340, i63g, 164s, 1673, 1690, 1693, 1884, 1964, 2205, 2272, 2299 Ida Sophronia, 1440 Ida Virginia, 1369 Ina Almira, 1163 India, igo8 Indian Jack, 2058 Indiana, 1955 Inez Grace, 1254 Inez Lucia, 1246 Inez May, 1977 Iowa, 837 Ira, 336, 76s. 824, 8gi, g34, 1469, 1637, 3005, 2325 Ira Best, 1688 Ira Bronson, 1894 Ira Curtis, 1857 Ira David, 1487 Ira H., 1205 Ira Ray, 1500 Ira Wilber, 1417 Ira Wilson, 1499 Iralee, 591 Iram, 158 Irena, 88, 396, ig49 Irena Lydia, 847 Irene, 88, 302, 396, 778, 96g, 2012 Irene Sarepta, 1948 Irinda, 955, 1713 Irvin Leslie, 1187 Irving, 1546, 1681 Irving Hubert, 1403 Irving Ralph, 1859 Isaac, rs, 29, 50, 77, 153, 187, 302, 316, 386, 671 -2, 77 1 , 776-7, 1014, 1163, 1351, 2250, 2262, 2378, 2505 Isaac Albert, 1520 Isaac Frank, 1619 Isaac Franklin, 1163 Isaac Frary, 1666 Isaac Harvey, 1512 Isaac Mariner, Isaac Marriner, 1167 Isaac Newton, 1636 Isaac R., 1531 Isaac Solomon, 1504 Isaac Valentine, 936-7 Isaake, 2505 Isack, 2505 Isabel, 587, 776, 1244, 1466. 1652, 1703 Isabella, 204, 697, 847, 1215, 1402, 2152, 2250, 2301, 2323 Isabella Hannah, 449 Isabella Jefferson, 2143 Isabella Margaret, 958 Isabelle, 1643 Isabelle Maria, 1458 Isadore, 1214, 1980 Isadore Mariah, 1217 Isham Haley, 2154 INDEX OF PERSONS. Cleveland, cont'd, Israel, 180, 751, 776 Israel A., 2278 Israel Angell, 753, 1950 Ivan Garfield, 1897 Ivanora, 2132 Ivory, 2153 J., 2278 J. A., 2278 J. Anson, 2278 J. C, 2278 J. D., 2278 J. P., 2378 J. G., 2278 J. H., 2278-9 J. Plenry, 2279 J. J., 2279, 2307 J. M., 2279 J. Mc, 2379 J. N., 2379 J- P-, 2379 J. R., 3279 J. S., 2278-9 J. T. C, 2279 J. W., 2273, 2279 Jabez, 181, 325, 2457 Jack, 2058, 2083 Jackson Alexander, 1242 Jackson S., 2279 Jacob, 187, 249, 268, 293, 391, 631, 944, 1352, 1937, 207s, 2100, 3342, 2274-5, 2279 Jacob Luce, 965 Jacob Mead, 1521 Jacob Mims, 2153 Jacob Miner, n66 James, 20, 93, 147, 155, 192, 203, 256, 323, 412, 419, 433, 448, 578, 580, 584, 591, 726, 756, 770, 793, 893-5, 944, 950, 953, 1168, 1189, 1195-6, 1469, 1533, 1702, 1709, 1921, 1950, 1955, 1974, 2008, 2073, 2075, 2115, 2146, 2153, 2158-9, 2208, 2245-50, 2255, 2257, 2272, 2274-5, 2279-80, 3334, 3331 James A., 3163, 2280 James Ackley, 1194 James Albert, 1559 James Albion, 2251 James Alfred, 2155 James Allen, 1676, 2331 James Arminius, 1652, 2150 James Arthur, 1077, 2195 James B., 1435, 2280 James Baldwin, 455, 1000 James Berton, 2154 James Bignallj 1630 James Bowdoin, 1599 James Bradford, 1208 James Brown, 1773 James Burkley, 895 James Butler, 1186, 1959 2371 James CargUl, 1471 James Chamberlain, 659, 1315 James Chambers, 1513 James Chandly, 1543 James Clement, 708 James Delizon, 1219 James Douglas, 1823, 2371 James E., 2280 James Edward, 1240-1 James Erving, ig37 James Erwin, 1940 James Ethel, 1383 James Ewing, 1937 James F., 2280 James Fleming, 1183 James Formon, 803 James Frank, 1847 James Freeman, 1715 James Gardner, 756 James Gould, 1380 James Graham, 770, 1503 James Grier, igo4 James Gwinn. 438 James H., 1630, 3380 2575 Cleveland, cont'd, James Handley, 1181 James Planson, 1572 James ITarlan, 1817 James Harvey, 532. 739, 1503, 2006, 3090, 3ii8, 2123, 3185, 2213 James Henry, 1012, 1724, ¦ 1847, 2031, 2178, 2249 James Pless, 3198 James Hesten, 2014 James Hinckley, 2006 James Ira, 2166 James Isaac, 448 James J., 3280 James Lafayette, 913 James Leason, 1176 James Luther, 1547 James Madison, 3153 James Manning, loir James Marion, 1945 James Marshel, 331L; James Martin, 2195 James Milton, 1189 James Monroe, 1134. 1376, igog, 2160 James Norwood, 2x85 James O., 2280 James Oliver, 1663 James Orval, 3272 James Overton, 2042 James Parker, 1710 James Patterson, 1844 James Payne, 743, 1461 James Perez, 1213 James Perry, ig74 • James Peter, 1676 James Porter, i6go James Portus, 1420 James Putnam, 1608 James R., 2209, 2280 Jaraes Rathbun, 1848 James Reid, 1406 James Ricardo, 1000 James Robert, 3157, 2165 James Roderick, 1947 James Rogers, 1031-2 James Rollo, 1961 James Rood, ig7i James S., 58g, 3380 James Scofield, i63g James Simonton, 1571 James Smith, ig6i, 2og5 James Stewart, 78g, 1435 James Stuart, 1552 James Thomas, igog James Todd, I4g2 James Vincent, 1735 James W., 1180 James WaUace, 1725 James Waterbury, 1444 James William, 574, 592, 1638, 1639, 1739, 1937, 1941, 2098, 2205, 3313 James Wilson, 982, 2003 James Wray, 1971 James Wylie, 3052 James Young, 953 Jane, 39, 66, 181-2, 192, 413-14, 433, 440, 449, 583, 610, 617, 667, 720, 733, 763, 783, 794, 896, 899, 919, 921, 944, 981, 1140, 1161-2, 1176, 1193, 1205, 1223, 1322, 1437, 1484, 1517, 1552, 1635, 1679. 1724, ig6g, 2078, 2154, 2257, 3380, 3306, 3457 Jane Abel, 1428 Jane AUda, 1345 Jane Amanda, 1652 Jane Ann, 1351, i6gi Jane Caneran, 6g8 Jane Cecelia, 1213 Jane Cornell, 2162 2576 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Jane E, i64g Jane Elizabeth, 1344, 1626, 1883, 23 I I Jane EUet, 2075 Jane Elvira, i4g9 Jane Fogg, 1617 Jane H., 820 Jane Hitchins, i47g Jane L., 944 Jane Lydia, 1661 Jane Maria, 1894 Jane Maud, 3311 Jane Nancy, 1663 Jane Roxana, 1463 Jane S., 1675 Jane Selona, 1511 Jane Tompkins, gg8 Janett, 1676, ig34 Janette, 195, 682, 1469, 2307 Janette Estella, 1468 Janette Maria, 1856 Janie Howard, 1900 Jannett, 1676 Jason, 391, 1435 Jason Welcome, 1248 Jasper, 2213 Jay, 1629, 1674, 2005, 2326 Jay Eugene, ig6g Jay Henry, 2051 Jay Johnson, 1753 Jeanette, 580, 1014, 1125, 1161, 1518, 1630 Jeanette Augusta, 836 Jeanette EHza, 1552 Jeanette Mabel, 3353 Jeannette, 1014, 1125, 1518 Jed, 3280 Jeddediah, 2281 Jedediah, 155, 180, 388, 3g2, 6g8, 905, 165 1 , 2280- 1 Jedediah Allen, 703, 1405 Jedediah D, 1627 Jedediah Tracy, 702 Jediah, 2280-1 Jedidah, 94, 197, 973 Jefferson, 954, 956, 209g, 2146, 2281 Jefferson WUliam, 548 Jehial Heman, 2006 Jehila, Jehilah, 1314 Jemima, 346, 254, 366, 403, 472, 547, 579, 730, 926-7, 1186, 1641, 2083, 2247, 2486 Jemima Adelaide, 1013 Jemima Maria, 1314 Jennetta, 421 Jennette, 1427 Jennette Jehilah, 1629 Jennette Richards, 5S2 Jennie, 719, 1143, 1195, 1204, 1403, 1546, 1673, 1688, 1752, 1905, 1955. 1989, 2041, 2148, 2274, 2281, 2335, 2333 Jennie Adelia, 1948 "Jennie Ann, 1461 Jennie Gaping, 1706 Jennie Cordelia, g36 Jennie Cromwell, 739, 1450 Jennie E., 1195 ~ennie Eleanor, 1636 ennie Ella, 1524 ennie Elsie, 1978 ennie F., 2025 ennie Frances, 1034, 1894 ennie Plarris, i960 ennie Irene, 1034 ennie Isabel, 1443 ennie Isabella, 1897 . ennie Lincrfln, 1216 Jennie Maria, 2006 Jennie Maude, 2041 Jennie May, 1976 Jennie Morton, 2093 Cleveland, cont'd, Jennie R, 1480 Jennie Ruth, 1472 J ennie Simonton, 1226 Jennie Viola, 1475 Jennie Warren, g66 Jeptha, 294, 2281 Jeremiah, 1702, 2057, 2070, 2079, 2085, 2092, 2099, 2104-S, 2120, 2165, 2179-81, 2281 Jeremiah Briggs, 1478 Jeremiah Cap, 2123, 3181 Jeremiah Clement, 515 Jeremiah Springer, 954 Jeremy R., 2503 Jerome, 1188 Jerome Bonaparte, 1631, 2008 Jerome Spencer, 1740 Jerome Taylor, 1740 Jerre, 178 Jerry, 2104, 2281 Jerusha, 96, 138, igg, 237, 251, 253, 749, 777, 921, 1681 Jerusha Adaline, 1353 Jerusha Ann, 1510 Jerusha Bushnell, 1136 Jerusha Newcomb, 689 Jessa, 3159 Jesse, 178, 757, 1643, 3087, 2096, 2130, 2182, 2219 Jesse Alexander Harrison, 2147, 2371 Jesse Ephraim, 1674 Jesse Franklin, 20S9, si 15, 21 19, 2127-8, 3180, 2185, 2190 Jesse Lester, 1849 Jesse Marvin, 1436 Jesse Mason, 2209 Jesse Otis, i860 Jesse Peter, 2210 Jesse Watson, 2201 Jessie, 1403, 1407, 1739, 2281 Jessie Adelaide, 1725 Jessie Bacon, 1828 Jessie Cornelia, 2045 Jessie Elizabeth, 1621 Jessie Hale, 2202, 2502 Jessie Hope, 192S Jessie Irene, 1967 Jessie Lenore, 1976 Jessie Lillian, 1693, 1S44 Jessie Marion, i860 Jessie May, 1403, 1543, ig4o Jessie Merilla, 1978 Jessie Myrtle, 1927 Jessie Viola Albertie, 2008 Jewett, 2005 Joanna, Joannah, 52, 88, 99, 108, 148, 293, 436, 463, 485* 547, 841, 1749 Job, 755, 2158 Job William, 312, 764 Jocelyn Plant, 1849, 2371 Joel, 755, 761, 1722, 23o8 Joel Smith, 1348 Joel Wesley, 2160 Johanna, Johannah, 148, 160 John, 15-17, 22, 24-5, 29, 48, 54, 60, 68-9, 80, 96-7, 129, 150, 156, 160, 163, 165, 177, 192, 194-5, 204, 314, 217, 237, 283, 308, 317, 354, 380, 386, 415-16, 421, 425, 443, 449, 483, 524, 530, 534. 573, 581, 593, 603, 60s, 613, 668-9, 676, 735, 749, 754, 760, 772, 774, 786, 804, 806, 863, 86g, 878, 891, 893-4, 919, 921, 924-5, 944, 953, 956, 980, 988, 1179, 1 189, Cleveland, cont'd, John, cont'd, 1349, 1435, 1438, 1477, 1489. 1553, 1561, 1630, 1671, 1678, 1927, 1944, 19SO1 2056-8, 2070, 2073, 2076-7, 2079, 3083, 3099, 3100, 2115, 2127, 2133, 2152, 2164, 2208, 2227-9, 2233, 223s, 2243-5, 3347-50, 3353, 2257, 2262, 2265, 2272-3, 2275, 2281-2 2305-8, 2336, 2371, 2373, 2470, 2503-5 John Aaron, 1590 John AbeU, 2312 John Adams, 881, 2288 John Adin, 821 John Albert, 1179, 2129 John Albert Hawley, 2024 John Albro, 753 John Alden, 2191 John Alonzo, 1176 John Anderson, 2ig5 John Appleton, 1601 John Arwine, 3oSg John Ashley, 2159 John Ball, 1932 John Banta, ggS John Baxter, 1547 John Benjamin, 1724 John Birten, igo5 John Blair, 1844 John Blake, 1418-19 John Blossingame, 2129 John Bomar, 21 19, 2191 John Booth, 458 John Boylston, 816 John C, 2307 John Calhoun, 1479 John Carver, 1590 r John Charles, 1897 John Church, 1463 John Cicero, 1481 John Clark, 2207 John Clinton, 2501 John Colby, 837, 1571 John Cole, 326, 1214 John Cornelius, 1753 John Cowles, 1544 John Crandall, 1369 John Curtis, 1556 John Cutler, 1585 John D., 984, 2307, 2310 John Dameron, 231 1 John Daniel, 2311 John Demarest, 1037 John Derring, 442 John Douglas, 1927 John Downer, 846, 2298 John Durham, 1686 John Edward, 1340 John Elmer, 1176 John Emory, 1671, 1687 John Erand, 1053 John Eugene, 1205 John Ezra, 1565 John F., 1180, 2305, 2307 John Farnum, 612 John Fitch, 1548, 1551, 2375 John Fletcher, 932 John Foutleroy, 1436 John Franklin, 435, 1649, 2213 John Fred, 2003 John Frederic, John Fred- erick, ii44,_ 1335, 1705, 1753 John Frederick Austin, 1938 John Fremont, 1704 John G., 2310 John Gealen, 2077 John Gelon, 2214 John George, 944 John Granger, 799 John H., 2333, 2503 John Hall, 1774 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2577 Cleveland, cont'd, John Hamilton, 1053, 1482 John Harvey, 606 John Henry, 552, 1672, 1702, 1935, 2148 John HiU, 79^ John Homer, 2208 John Hunter, ii88 John Ibra, 2153 John J., 2307 John Jackson, 1835 John Jacob, 1454 John James, 1214, 1701 John Jarvis, 1433 John Jay, 980, 1894, 2485 John Jay Oscar, 843 John Jeffry, 503 John Job, 1500 John Joseph, 557, 1167-8 John Kent, 663 John Kinney, 1585 John Leander, 1162 John Lee, 1937 John Lemuel, 2317 John Levi, 2igg John Lewis, 2232 John Lord, 86g John Luther, 2160 John Lyndon, ig48 John M., 2153, 2307 John McClelland, 1359 John Marion, 2105 John Mason, 989 John Milling, 2118 John Milton, 614, 1561, 1628, 2166 John Morris, 1431 John Murrey, 1416 John Myers, 1852 John Neal, 432 John Nelson, 945 John Niles, 2044 John Oneal, 2105 John Palmer, 754 John Pangman, 1223 John Parker, 1552 John Payne, 861, 2376 John Pennington, 2187 John Pierce, 1704, 2377 John Platt, 932 John Poindexter, 2093 John Porter, 1049, 1051, 2042 John Quint, 956 John R., 2263, 3307 John Raymond, 1734 John Richard Samuel, 214 John Riddle, 2003 John Riley, 1471 John Ripley, 681 John Robert, 3205 John Robert McDowell, John JohnJohn John John John John JohnJohn John John John John John John JohnJohn John 2212 John JohnJohn Robinson, 1620, 2004 Root, 1359 S., 2379 St. Clair, 2256 Samuel, 1523 Savage, 1703 Shearman, 2128 Shoreman, 1353 Shulters, 1363 Smith, 1488, i960, 2095 Solomon, 1219 Squire, 323 Stewart, 2200 Swan, logo Sylvester, igo5 T., 2157, 2307 Thayer, 1035 Thomas, 1253, 2165, Titus, 2289 Treadwell, 1090, 2377 v., 1616 Cleveland, cont'd, John Voss, 365 John W., 1587, 2287, 2307 John Wallace, g75 John Warden, 1562 John Warren, 1215 John Washington, 2153 John Webster, 774 John Wesley, 925, 934, 1344, 1937, 2321-2 John Willard, 1663 John William, 534, 882, 1633, 1675, 1681, 2155 John Winslow, 200 John Winthrop, 1392 John Word, 2102 John Wright, 1665 John Wyet, 2153 John Zimmerman, 2190 Johnathan Reeder, 2165 Johnathan Spurgeon, 2165 Johnson, 152-3, 314, 316-17, 320, 773^ 1541, 2073, 2307-8 Johnstone, 3073 Jonah, 2315 Jonas, 176, 385, 8gi, 954, 1625, 1628, 2272, 2308 Jonas Jay, 2006 Jonathan, 6g, 92-3, 191, 203, 412, 945, 1354, 1628, 1702 Jonathan Allen, 2014 Jonathan Cyril, 1855 Jonathan Reeder, 2165 Jonathan Spurgeon, 2165 Jonathan Wright, 1640 Joseph, 55, 6g, 82, 94-5, 98, 178, 193, 198, 302, 205, 268, 280, 287, 328, 335, 414, 431, 443, 464, 472, 620, 62s, 634, 668, 697, 747, 8g6, 944, 946, 950, 974, 1214, 1242, 1381, 1419, 1857, 2099, 2146, 2i9g, 2233, 2350, 2252, 2274-S, 2308-9, 2453, 2482 Joseph A., 1 163 Joseph Albert, 1343, 1896 Joseph Amey, 681 Joseph Andrew, 1248 Joseph Anson, i860 Joseph Augustus, 974, 1020 Joseph B., 2084 Joseph Benjamin, 1037, 1590 Joseph Casey, 2213 Joseph Chandler, 1417 Joseph Dickinson, 1725 Joseph E. Brown, 2160 "Joseph EUjah, 669, 1343 Joseph GUbert, 1254, 2026 Joseph Grove, 1703 Joseph Henry, 1175, 1347 Joseph Hooker, 1950 Joseph Hubbard, 1244 Joseph Huntington, 514 Joseph Ira, ' 1590 Joseph J., 3309 Joseph Jeffreys, 1037 Joseph Jerome, 1133 Joseph Jones, 3138 Joseph L., 2309 Joseph Leonard, 1706 Joseph Levi, 1546 Joseph Lewis, 1252 Joseph Lovejoy, 1176 Joseph Luther, 1420 Joseph Lybern, 2144 Joseph Manning, 1606 Joseph Mason, 1225 Joseph Matson, 1702 Joseph Mims, 2209 Joseph Nelson, 1403 Joseph Noel, 1856 Joseph Oscar, 1736 Joseph Pew, 1163 Joseph Prentiss, 1327 Cleveland, cont'd, Joseph Rodburn, 1836 Joseph Romanyea, 1856 Joseph Russell, 1457 Joseph Seth, 2327 Joseph W., 2309 Joseph Wallace, 1972 Joseph Warren, 1621 Joseph Welcome, 2051 Joseph Willis, 1161 Joseph Wilson, 1707 Joseph Winfield, 1032 Josephine, 1133, ii6o, 1243, 1366, 1477, 1528, 1532, 1962, 2209, 3309, 2337 Josephine E 1667 Josephine HiU, 2314 Josephine Luther, 966 Josephine Maria, 936 Josephine Marian, 1441 Josephine Pickens, 2165 Josephine Preston, 790, 2377 Josephine Vondy, 1479 Josiah, 17, 48, 79, 107, 146, 160, 217-18, 298, 317, 342, 386, 401, 438, 482, 723, 842, 847, 1431, 1439, 163s, 2006, 2250, 2269, 2309-10, 2315, 2485 Josiah D., 847 Josiah Douglas, 931 Josiah E., 2310 Josiah Francis, 2024 Josiah Judson, 1686, 2025 Josiah H., 2310 Josiah Walton, 1052 Joshua, 922, 1438 Josie, 2310 Judd A., 2310 Judge Leroy, 2211 Judith, 703, 2316 Judith Esther, 1244 Judson, 1435, 3310 Judson A., 1180, 2310 Judson Curtis, 1405 Judson Emerson, 1906 Julia, 340, 486, 674, 759, 806, 897-8, 1205, 1345, 1466, 1473, 1520, 1539, 1676, 1770, 2208, 2310, 2324 Julia A., 2310 Julia Adella, 1691 JuUa Alice, 710 Julia Amanda, 1239, 2253 Julia Amelia, 1144 Julia Ann, 389, 483, 608, 912, 933, 1253, 1391, 1517, 1606, 1630, 1646, 1654, 1847, 1933, 1938, 20 1 g Julia Ann Baker, 1716 JuUa Ann Maria, 1126 JuUa Anna, 1668 Julia Antoinette, 1824 Julia Antonetta, 206 Julia Canby, 1144 Julia Eleanor, 1636 Julia Eliza, 1140 Julia Ella, 837 Julia EUen, 1357, ig32 Tulia Elvira, 1440, 1559 "Julia EsteUe, 1188 Julia Ette, 1978 Julia Eva, 1248 Julia F., 1491 Julia Gold, 1825 JuUa Hawes, 1603 Julia Hendrickson, 1799 Julia Luella, 15 13 JuUa M., 2371 Julia Manter, 1716 Julia Maria, 945, i860 Julia May, 1176, 2300 Julia Rebecca, 1133 Julia Smith, 443 162 257? CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, JuUa Sophia, 1207 Julia Woodward, 715, 2494 Juliaette, 1334, 1535, 1632, 1978 JuUan Porter, 1247 Juliana, Julianna, 812, 912, 1244, 2256 Juliet, 992 Juliet Maria, 1796 Juliette, 1234, 1525, 1632, 1978 Juliette Debillier, 1013 Julius, 578, 782, 1630 Julius Augustus, 1630 Julius Austin, 1327 Julius Elwell, 1471 Julius P., 1466 Julius ScovUle, 2008 Tune Lillie, 1691 Junia, 297 Junie Etta, 2209 Juniette, 174S Justina Graham, 1013 Justus, 396, 1234 Justus Albert, 1403 Karrick Ord, 1774 Kata Lena, 1231 Kate, 610, 913, 121S, 1521, 1676, 1951, 2136, 2199, 2272, 2310 Kate Augusta, 1667 Kate Belle, 1239 Kate Elizabeth, i860 Kate Ellis, 2136 Kate Frances, 1621 Kate H., 1683 Kate Horton, 1564 Kate Lequeer, 2301 Kate Louise, 1528 Kate M., 1710 Kate Marsh, 975 Kate Nora, 1652 Kate Wallace, 1621 Kate Wiggins, 1037 Kate Winn, 1909 Katharine, Katherine, 671, 717, 1506, 1725 Katharine Atherton, 864 Katherine Eveline, 1845 Katharine Lawrence, 1607 Katherine Sloan, 1124 Katie, Katy, 192, 412, 671, 944, 1205, 1232, 1947, 2101, 2310 Katie H., 1683 Katie Long, 2198 Kathryn Isabelle, 2040 Katurah, 97, 156, 208, 330, 443 Katy, 192, 412, 671, 944, 1947 Kelsey Plinny, 1416 Kendric Linton, 966 Kesiah, 86, 184, 577, S12, 1629 Keturah, 97 Keziah, 91, 158, 160, 184, 325, 399, 404, 577-8, 930 Kingsley, 905 Kinney, 2310 Kirkland Ensign, 1628 Kittie D., 1684 Kitty Lee, 1652 Kittie Victoria, 1442 Kizzie, 2187 Knut P., 2310 Korleen, ig67 Kyah, 812 L. B., 2310 L. B., 2310 L. C, 2310 L. Charlotte, 1472 L. H., 2310 L. J., 2310 L. M., 2310 Cleveland, cont'd, La Fayette, Lafayette, 1050, 1457, 2330 Laleah, 565 Lana, 1544 Lander, 2201 Lansing, 8g8 Larkin, 2059, 2071, 2076, 2084, 2164 Larkin Green, 2095 Larkin Jerry, 2092, 2126 Larkin Spratley, 2178 Latecia, 927 Laton, 817 Laura, 366, 534, 536, 611, 618, 631, 668, 708, 74g, 761, 772, 784, 802, 817, 841, 8g3, 902, 982, 1115-16, 1230, 1430, 1469, 1487, 1538, 1638, 171 1, 1967, 2013, 2127, 2189, 2204, 2274, 2493 Laura A., 732, 2013 Laura Alice, 1962 Laura Allen, 766 Laura Angeline, 1165 Laura Ann, 299, 1381, 1630 Laura Anne, 1419 Laura Augusta, 1498 Laura Belle, 1848 Laura Catherine, 1852 Laura Celia, 1529 Laura Diana, 1208 Laura EUza, 1965 Laura Elizabeth, 1436 Laura Ella, 1419 Laura Ellen, 2213 Laura Emma, 1225 Laura Ermina, 1522 Laura Estelle, 1571 Laura Ette, 1546 Laura Frances, 947 Laura Harriett, 1936 Laura Ida, 2331 Laura J. L., 1162 Laura Jane, 1857 Laura Janette, 1500 Laura Lucinda, 771 Laura Lucretia, 1934 Laura M., 1665 Laura Maria, 1433 Laura Matilda, 1343, 1564 Laura May, 2041 Laura MUdred, 1725, 2041 Laura Pamelia, 1940 Laura Pease, ig6o Laura Virginia, 2i4g, 2205 Lauraetta, 1163 Lauraette Melissa, ig48 Laurenah, 302 Laurence Burdett, 1950 Lavada, 220S Laverne Josephine, 1360 Lavina, 1437 Lavinia, 249, 773, I354, i437, 1444, 2262 Lavinia Avesta, 1249 Lavinia Catherine, 1376 Lawson Lyon, 1251 Lazarus, 99 Leah, ggg Leander, 54g Leander James, 1635 Leander Raymond, ig5o Lee, 712, 930, 1848, 2212 Lee Noir, 1935, 2501 Lee Roy, 2155 Leila, 1905 Leila Estelle Archer, 1493 Leland, 2158 Leland Le Grand, Leland Legrand, 1630, 2007 Lemira, 912 Lemira Maria, 1370 Cleveland, cont d, Lemuel, 147, ^53, 3}4, 320, 682, 774, 77^, 1506, 2310, 2315 Lemuel Watson Or, 682 Lemuel Woodward, 1425 Lena, 192, 412, 1528, 1717, 1724 Lena Euretta, 1949 Lena Fuller, 1571 Lena Lewis, 2042 Lena Maria, 1857 Lenore, 1426 Leon, 123 1 Leon Triphaine, 1141 Leona, 1162 Leona Frances, 975 Leonard, 726, 1403, 1949, 2310 Leonard Ezra, 1368 Leonard Fletcher, 935 Leonard M., 2310 Leonard S., 438 Leonia Velma, 221 1 Leonidas Sidney, 1572 Leonora, 900, 1136, 1240 Leonore Hermina, 1740 Leonore Marsiglia, 1020, Leora Elwina, 635, 2493 Le Roy, Leroy, 1939, 2155 Leroy Edgar, 1524 Leroy Nichols, 1964 Le Roy Pickard, 1034 ' Leslie Edward, 1922 Leslie Linwood, 1861 Lester, 1195, 1207, 1231, 2504 Lester Clark, 1195 Lester Philander, 1578 Lestina, 1628 Letitia, 161, 927 Letty, 311, 758 Lettie Elvira, 2020 Lettie L., 1485 Lettie Lvdia, 1655 Leumas Dawson, 2178 Leura, 1636 Levanche, 802 Leveret Dwight, 1250 Levi, 710, 712, 812, 814, 951, 1939, 1949, 2095, 2310-11 Levi Bartlett, 802, 1546 Levi Cutler, 2013 Levi Hopkins, 767, 76g Levina, 249 Lewellin, 1137 Lewis, 340, 948, iigs, 1231, 1403, 1465, 1949, 2023, 3106, 2305 Lewis Baldwin, ggg Lewis Byram, 1024, 2487 Lewis C, 1678, 2312 Lewis Cass, 2013 Lewis Edmund, 1206 Lewis Edwin, g84 Lewis Elmer, 1208 Lewis F., 2311 Lewis Frederick, 1792 Lewis Grover, 1909 Lewis H., 1553 Lewis Holmes, 1941 Lewis Johnson, 2128 Lewis Martin, 2132 Lewis P., 912 Lewis Sandford, 1661 Lewis Seldner, 1905 Lewis Valentine, 1339 Lewis Wales, 911, 1661 Lewis Weston, 1571 Lewis Wilson, 2213 Lewy, 1231 Libbeus, 773-4 Libbie, 1679, 2201 Libbie Tilton, 1405 Libbie Tower, 2014-15 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2579 Cleveland, cont'd, Liberty, 335 Lieu Allen, 2208 Lila, 2164 LUah Bell, 563 Lilian, Lillian, 1 1 13, 1226, 1680, 1739, 1748, 1994, 2312 Lillian Best, 2300 „ Lilian Clare, i860 Lilian Eudocia, 1585 Lilian Evangeline, 1686 Lilian Frances, 1252 Lillian Ploward, 1622 Lilian Leonore, 1552 Lillian Mary, 1406 Lillian Minerva, 1327 Lilla Amy, 1673 Lilla Leroy, 2155 Lilla May, 2195 Lillie, Lily, 1645, 1945, 2313, 2312 , LilUe Adell, 1707 Lillie Annie, 1442 Lillie E., 3313 Lily Cornelia, 2042 Lillie Emma, 1691 Lillie Estelle, 1738 Lillie May, Lily May, 1000, 1 176, 1352 Lily Rose, 1948 Lily Sarah, 1115 Lina, 1724, 2020 Lincoln A., 1587 Linda Ellen, 1231 Lindell, 2312 Linian Lina, 1896 Linley Curtis, 1251, 2493 Linus, 847 Linus Martin, 983 Livingston ^Warner, 1850, ^2377Livonia, 2326 Lizzetta Unis, 1963 Lizzie, ^86, 828, 948, 976, 1417, 1706, 1844, ig6g, 2005 Lizzie Ada, 1230 Lizzie AmeUa, ig49 Lizzie Aubra, 2198 Lizzie Belle, 2051 Lizzie C, 1143 Lizzie Celia, 1535-6 Lizzie Ella, 2332 Lizzie Haynes, 1571 Lizzie Houston, 2311 Lizzie Leonard, 977 Lizzie Louisa, 2003 Lizzie Mary, 1524 Lizzie Orlantha, 1206 Lizzie Walker, 1716 Lizzie White, 1498 Llewellyn, 1137 Llewellyn Spencer, 1665 Lloyd, 2209 Lloyd Franchott, 1630 Loama, 757 Loana, 757 Lodema Peirce, 2017 Lodovinska Abigail, 2013, Lois, 150, 301, 341, 362, 416, 6^9, 732, 769, 1487, 1578, ,,1651 Lois Belle, 1208 Lois Louisa, 1947 Lois May, 3326 Lois Neal, 198 Lois RoseUa, 1589 Lona, 952 ,- Lonesa Pietty, 2154 :y. Loren Edward, 1360 Loren Meacham, 1207 Lorena, 682, 1162 Lorenzo, 1518, 2306 i-orenzo Dow, 932, 961, 147 I, 1500 Cleveland, cont'd, Lorenzo H., 3313 Loretta, 577, 1215 Lorin Graves, 639, 1240-1 Lorinda, 1043, 1439 Loring Grant, 256 Lorrin Woodruff, 1412 Lotan, 817 Lotta, 1935, 2502 Lottie, 1995, 2276 Lottie Adelia, 1939 Lottie Alice, 1946 Lottie Bell, 592 Lottie May, 1036 Lottie Prudence, 1250 Louana, 1629 . Louana Ermishia, 1922 Louella, 2213 Louella Julia, 1858 Louis, 2213, 2312 Louis Allen, 1318 Louis Baker, 1453, 1967 Louis H., 2312 Louis Hardin, 1227 Louis Henry, 2332 Louis Napoleon, 1852 Louis W., 2312 Louisa, 132, 299, 318, 547, 556, 7'^9, 751, 955. 1000, 1138, 1235, 1245, 1253, 1349-50, 1365, 1438, 1484, 1642, 1652, 1664, 1748, 1848, ig3i, 1935, 2006, 2025, 3100, 3147, 2161, 2274, 2312 Louisa A., 2322 Louisa Adelaide, 1013 Louisa Ann, 748, 1467, 1948 Louisa Antonetta, 450 Louisa Arvilla, 1948 - Louisa Catherine, 1435 Louisa Frances, 2212 Louisa Jane, 1142, 1436, 1440, 2097 Louisa L., 2312 Louisa Maria, 837, 1666 Louisa Martha, 1940 Louisa Matilda, 1479, 1663 Louisa Owens, 1142 Louisa Phidella, 1244 Louisa Phillipine, 1635 Louisa Rebecca, 2155, 3199 Louisa Rhoda Ann, 1856 Louisa Sherer, 1571 Louisa W., 2074 Louise, 7ig, 1000, ig3i, 2025 Louise Chapman, 2025 Louise Cynthia, 1136 Louise H., 2200 Louise Martin, 1479 Louisiana, logo Louisiana Hughes, I7g8 Louville, g33 Love, ig4, 197, 419, 426 Loveidelbert, 563 LoveU H., 1416 Lovell Tisdale, 1380 Lovica, 904 Lovina, 589, 1629, 1634, 171 1, 2497 Lovinia Harmonia, 745 Lovisa, 317, 622, 904, 906 Lowell Battles, 1560 Lowell Valentine, 2051 Lowella May, 1856 Luann Naomi, 1666 Lucella, 2312 Lucena, 138, 302, 757, 815, 905 Lucetta, 846, 1122 Lucia, 132, 791, 794, 797 Lucia Augusta, 792 Lucia Caroline, 1246, 2491 Lucia Hutchins, 807 Lucia Kinney, 1379 Cleveland, cont'd, Lucia S., 1708 Lucian, 2312 Lucian John, 1504 Lucian M., 1415 Lucian Neely, 2213 Lucina, 138, 302, 757, 815, 905 Lucina Plumley, 1470, 1854 Lucind, 895 Lui^inda, 281, 396, 580, 670, 676, 697, 744, 895, go2, gii, g30, 948, 984, 1133, 1348, 1404, 1413, 1431-2, 1471. 1638, 1655, 1679, 1893, 2094, 3og6, 2484 Lucinda Angeline, 902 Lucinda Heald, 1713 Lucinda Jane, 692, 1043, 2166 Lucinda Lura, 2012, 2377, 2398 Lucinda M., 2103 Lucinda Manville, 905, 1652 Lucinda P., 2280 Lucinda Page, 1599 Lucinda Runnett, 1348 Lucinda Stanley, 437 LuciuSj 608, 2005 Lucretia, 72, 247, 347, 423, 426, 667, 687, 1417, 2563, 2095 Lucretia Ann, 747 Lucretia Farber, 1033 Lucretia Luce, 424 Lucy, 84, 116, 179, 181, 203, 235, 249, 331, 339, 336, 358, 391, 432, 474, 485, 501, 513, 533, 553, 588, 620, 625, 632, 659, 697, 709, 745, 804, 906, 911, 931, 956, 971, 1035, 1083, logi, 1244, 1315, 1341, 1365, 1412, 1431, 1442, 1471, I4g7, 1588, 1629, 1683, i860, 1945, 2096, 2147, 2152, 2208, 2250, 2277, 3313, 2456, 3471 Lucy A. M., 3157 Lucy Almira, 1498 Lucy Ames, 1335 Lucy Ann, 698, 911, 1185, 1214, 1504, 1541, 1686, 2006, 2312 Lucy Annette, 1474 Lucy B., 2154 Lucy Barclay, 1369, 2418 Lucy C, 2312 Lucy Charlotte, 1885 Lucy Coit, 514 Lucy Coit Huntington, 514 Lucy Comstock, 787 Lucy Diadama, 1967, 2502 Lucy Dolly, 1456 Lucy Elnette, 700 Lucy Emma, 1585 Lucy Eudora, 1586 Lucy Gertrude, 1857 Lucy Green Rice, 1123 Lucy Harriet, 1248, i860 Lucy Hawes, 755 Lucy ITiller, 1076 Lucy Jane, 553, 613, 1380, 1538, 1685, 1950, 2051 Lucy Mary, 2501 Lucy May, 1415, 2017 Lucy Minerva, 1051 Lucy Proctor, 1616 1 Lucy S., 505 Lucy Winn, 1369 Luella, 2301 Luella Frances, 753 Luella Franchon, 1897 Luella G., 1406 Luella Viola, 2008 Lula, 2200 2s8o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd. Lulu, 2307 Lulu Blanche, 1572 Lulu Portia, 1673 Luman, 1141, 1949 Luman Adelbert, 1415 Luman Johnson, 773 Luman Moody, 1538 Luman Ward, I9g4 Luna Melissa, iig3 Lunetta Maria, 1349 Lunsford, 2093 Lura Bethia, 1133 Lura Ross, 2198 Lurana, 973 Lurana Clifford, 974 Lurinda, 305 Lurinda A., 3312 Lurinda Almira, 1354 Luther, 415, 587, 715, 841-3, 930, 95^2, 955 Luther Calvin, 1353 Luther Doolittle, 1651 Luther E., 1976 Luther Er, 3024 Luther Erin, 1538 Luther Eugene, 1194 Luther H., 2013 Luther Henry, 1521 Luther James, 1193 Luther Judson, 1365 Luther Napoleon, 2195 Luthera Julia, 1246-7, 2493 Lutia, 1469 Luvia, 1413 Lydia, 80, 85, 93, 153-3, 161, 180, 185, 193-4, 196-7, 202, 304, 248, 368-9, 313, 323, 332, 361, 392, 411, 416, 421-2, 42s, 442, 529, 548, 562, 591, 631, 674-5, 704, ,710. 727, 730, 759, 764, 772, 787, 805, 842, 845, 847, 900, 916, 951, 953, 1050, 1163, 1194, 1438, 1587, 1639, 1748, 2144, 2272, 2306, 2328, 2471 Lydia A., 953 Lydia Angelina, 805 Lydia Angeline, 1164 Lydia Ann, 948, 982, 1133, 1242, 1251, 1441, 1691, 1935 Lydia Aurelia, 1916 Lydia Austin, 509 Lydia Clift, 715 Lydia Coffin, 950 Lydia Davis, 975 Lydia Diadama, 907 Lydia Ellen, 1242 Lydia Ellen Holmes, 1638 Lydia Elvira, 1859, 34gg Lydia Emeline, igo3 Lydia F., g56 Lydia Frances, i6g2 Lydia Gray, 433 Lydia H,, 3013 Lydia H. N., 334 Lydia Hays, 211 Lydia L, 2og3 Lydia Jane, ig32, 2014 Lydia Lucretia, 1467 Lydia Lulu, 1412 Lydia M., 1547 Lydia Maria, 846, 1585, 1588, 1886 Lydia Maria Adams, 1449 Lydia Matilda, 2017 Lydia Orinda, 1167 Lydia Pamelia, 729 Lydia Viletta, 2144 Lydia Young, 416 Lydian, 1552 Lyle Vincent, 1893 Lyly May, 1176 Lyman, 328 Cleveland, cont'd, Lyman BurriU, 911 Lyman Emerson, 1356 Lyman Ludlow, 935 Lyman Truman, S99 Lyman Warren, 1407 Lyndon, 1466 Lyndon Anson, 1541 Lyndon King, 1940 Lynus, 847 Lynus Cyrus, 847 Lysander, 1978 Lysander Stephen, 1473, 24g6 M., 2312 M. A., 2312 M. C, 2312 M. Clara, 3265 M. J., ig8o, 2281 M. L., 2313 M. M., 2312 Mabel, 438, 1180-1, i8g6, 1979 Mabel Ann, 2205 Mabel Annie, 1251, 2493 Mabel Darling, 1921 Mabel Deetla, 1950 Mabel Ella, 1905 Mabel EsteUe, 1847 Mabel Florence, 1636 Mabel Hall, 1508 Mabel Hobart, 1774 Mabel Marie, 1406 Mabel May, 1753 Mabel Remington, 12x8 Mabel Stella, 1686 Mabel Venila, 1949 Mabel Winslow, 977 Mabelle Rose, 2044 Mablen W., 2312 Mack Hagar, 1231 Mae Marsh, 1246 Maggie, 1340, 1416, 1546, 1844, 2312 Maggie May, 1189 Maggy Virginia, 3305 Mahala, Mahalah, 24S, 1644 Mahala M., 2273 Mahlon Washiiiigton, 1646 Major Hammond, 1218 Malinda, 688, 1644, 2213, 2306 Malinda Niel, 2128 Malissa, 749, 948, 1949 Mallon W., 2313 Malon Shaw, 1233 Maltby Eaton, 911 Maltby Jay, 1661 Maltby Parsons, 912 Malvern Hill, 1143 Malvina, 974, 1510, 1707 Malvina Flewellen, 1175 Malvina Washburn, 1639 Mamie, 2164, 2313 Mamie Elizabeth, 1507 \ Mamra, Mamre, 316-17 Manassa Chard, 1652 Mandalina, 2213 Manerva, 2131 Manley R., 1180 Manning, 1606 Marcellus, 1578 Marcia, 1135, 1506 Marcia Estelle, 1681-2 Marcie, 847 Marcus, 774 Marcus Marcellus, 1961 Marcus Stewart, 1506 Marcy, 238 Marenus Rives, 1552 Margaret, 39, 44, 72, 7.6, 143, 195, 214, 331, 234, 293-4, ¦310, 412, 504, 575, 761, 835, 898, 933-3, 947, 957, 1012, 1087, I 122, 1215, 1476, 1651, 1675, 1684, igo5, 1996, 2006, 2041, 2056, 2074, 2079, Cleveland, cont'd, Margaret, cont'd, 2098, 2106, 2205, 222^., 2234, 2246-7, 2257, 2268, 2315, 2330, 2503-5 „,. , , Margaret Agnes Elizabeth, 1205 Margaret America, 2204 Margaret Ann, 1015, 1679, 1702, 2079 Margaret Caroline, 2244 Margaret Celia, 1680 Margaret Chesnee, 2191 Margaret Christina, 1^3 Margaret E., 1489 Margaret Elizabeth, 1570, 1715 Margaret Frances, 1529, 2165 Margaret G., 1490 Margaret Godfell, 1012 Margaret Huldah, 1691 Margaret Jane, 1339, 1348 Margaret Leticia, 1243 Margaret Levins, 923 Margaret Louise F^ley, 1792 Margaret McGinnis, 1989 Margaret Maria, 1937 Margaret Mary, 794, 2237 Margaret Nancy, 837 Margaret Natalie, 991 Margaret Ophelia, 924 Margaret Priscilla, 1455 Margaret Samantha, 1893 Margaret Susan, 946, 1 140 Margaret W., 2195 Margaret Wilson, 2097 Margery, 293, 682 Margery Frances, 946 Marget, 2504-5 Margie Udellah, 1948 Margretta Harvey, 1905 Marguerite, 1254, 2312 Marguerite Greeley, 1548 Maria, 160, 251, 3S6, 398, 533, 535, 562, 576, 613, 630, 669, 709, 767^ 771, 800, 818, 888, 891, 931, 1012-13, 1223, 1674, 2096, 2159, 2351, 3257, 2274, 2305-6, 3311, 3313, 3326 Maria Adelaide, 1499 Maria Ann, 534, 1405, 1407 Maria Augusta, 1420 Maria Bowles, 1371 Maria C, 3327 Maria Dawson, 831 Maria E., 2313 Maria Elizabeth, 1908 Maria Elizabeth Minturn, 791 Maria Eva, 1909 Maria Fraser, 827 Maria H., 831 Maria Harmony, 1652 Maria Isabel, 1395 Maria Jane, 626 Maria Louisa, 692, 1393, 2006, 2252 Maria Louise, 1143 Maria Melissa, 1471 Maria P., 1708 Maria ReUef, 1949 Maria Susan, 1497 Maria Trumbull, 1123 Marian, 905, 1215, 1627, 1726 Marian Eudosia, 1965 Marian Grace, 1835 Marian Hortense, 1429 Marie Antoinette, 904, 1502, 1932, 1945 Marie Betsey, 1215 Marie Louisa, 614 Marie Louise, 2048, 2180 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2581 Cleveland, cont'd, Marie Virginia, 1355 Marietta, 1063, 1080, 1176, 1634, 2299, 230s Marietta Rhoba, 1653 Mariette, 1498, 1S78, 1893 Marilla Jane, 1242 Marinda, 926 Marinda Eveline, 604 Marinda J., 955 Marion, 591, 1244, 1782 Marion Liona, 1176 Marion E., 2268 Marion Wallace, 1621 Marium, 2107 Marjorie, 1971 Mark, 1392, 2313 Mark Abner, 1587 Mark Ernest, 1B54 Mark Francis, 1418 Marlin, 305 Marsha, 774 ¦Marshall B., 956 Martha, 54-S. 96. i47. 1S3, 191, 198, 284, 289, 298, 306, 311, 323, 402, 431, 440, 534. 587, 673, 698, 720, 727-9, 750, 7S1, 768-g, 818, 858, 895. 914. 933. 977. 992. 1082, I179, 1188, 1205, 1240-I, J403, 1437-8, 1461, 1482, 1599, 1631, 1635, 1702, 1739, 1921, 1949, 2056, 2059, 2075-6, 2078, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2116, 2152-3, 2159, 2200, 2278, 2282, 2312, 2315, 2486 Martha Adelaide, 1180 Martha Adelia, 635 Martha Amelia, 1135 Martha Ann, 681, 730, 902, 113s, 1252, 13^, 1470, 1544, 1555. 2031, 2093, 2143 Martha^nn Bush, 1600 Martha Augusta, 1405 Martha Aurelia, 2014 Martha Bancroft, 1893 Martha Barrett, 1085 Martha Barton, 1034 Martha Brace, 294, 723 Martha Brooks, 1085 Martha Bush, 1601 Martha Catharine, 458 Martha Dallas, 2132 Martha Dennison, 2052 Martha E., 2153 Martha Ella, 2143 Martha Elizabeth, 1135. 1628, 1672, 1855, 2180 Martha Ellen, 1457, 1752 Martha Emily, 2089 Martha Emma, 2089, 2306 Martha Florence, 1558 Martha G., 338 Martha Hayes, 1018 Martha Hibbard, 289 Martha Hulit, 2209 Martha Hutchins, 1558 Martha Isabell, 2165 Martha J., 956 Martha Jackman, 1621 Martha Jane, 904, 944', 1252, 1435, 1642, 1936, 2019, 2098, 2222 Martha LaVerne, 123S . Martha Lee, 2099 Martha Louisa, 2163 Martha Lucinda, 1851 Martha Mahala, 706 Martha Maria, 729, 796 Martha Matilda, 1353 Martha Maud, 1216 Martha Mehitable, 1797 Martha Melissa, 904 Cleveland, cont'd, Martha Minerva^ 1645 Martha N., 1472 Martha P., 416 Martha Pauline, 720 Martha Sarah, 2014, 2153 Martha Smith, 2283 Martha Wright, 2180 Martia, 314 Martin, 21, 983, 1469, 1950, 2088 Martin Albert, 2089 Martin Baker, 1688 Martin H., 772 Martin Luther, 249, 1165, 1844 Martin Van, 2208 Martin Van Buren, 749 Martina Elizabeth, 1990 Marvin, 607, 890, 1436 Marvin Alonzo, 1938 Marvin Betts, 326 Marvin Ellis, 1937 Marvin N., 2313 Mary, 48-9, 54-6, 62, 70-1, 74, 76, 78, 83, 94, 98-9, 116-17, 119, 122-3, 129, 142-3, 149-50, 152-4, 156, 160-1, 164-5, 187, 192, 197-200, 203, 205, 207, 217, 234, 250, 256, 261, 267, 276, 281, 288, 290, 293-4, 30s, 307. 311. 313. 317. 326-8, 330, 333, 335, 338, 354. 357. 362. 365, 380, 382, 385, 392, 401, 403, 412-14, 421, 423, 427, 441, 450, 456, 474. 484, 501. 526, 528, 530. 534-5. 548, 552, 556, 578-9. 581, 585, 591-2, 605, 610, 612, 617, 623, 633, 63s, 652, 661, 669, 671-2, 67s, 682, 687, 691, 706-7, 709, 715, 717-18, 720, 725-7. 742, 750, 752, 756, 758, 765, 767, 769, 771-2, 774-5, 778, 783, 786, 788, 791, 799, 802, 816-17, 830, 842, 867, 879, 890, 892, 895, 901, gos-6, 913-15, 920, 922, 924, 929, 944. 948, 953-4, 963. 969. 981, 983, 989, 99S, 1043, 1134, I140, 1180-I, 1223, 1232, 1234, 1243, 1250, 1325, 1328, 1370, 1393, 1403. 1419-20, T428, 1431, 1438, 1451, 1465, 1469, 1485, 1501, 1505-6. 1508, 1543. 1551. 1604, 1616, 1625-6, 1628, 1635-6, 1647-8, 1651, 1664. X673, 168s, 1703, 170S, 171S. 1718, 1752, 1833, 1857, 1859, 1893, 1897-8, 1921, 1935, 1940, 1949, 1965, 2003, 2008, 2023, 2025, 2056, 2058-9, 2061, 2070, 2076, 2078, 2087-90, 2095, 2099, 2100, 2104, 2153, 2159, 2204, 2208, 223s, 2245, 2252, 2254, 2257, 2275, 2280, 2287, 2305-6, 2311, 2313, 231S, 2451, 2457, 2495, 2502 Mary A., 711, 931, 1440, 2008, 2313 Mary Ackley, 858 Mary Ada, 1903 Mary Adaline, Mary Adeline, 935-6, 1355, 2014 Mary Adams. 1076 Mary Adelaide, 2132 Mary Adelia, 1357, 1643 Mary Agnes, 792 Mary Alice, 634, 710, 1467, 1572, 1635, 1937 Cleveland, cont'd, Mary Alice Stuart, 2042 Mary Allen, 289, 702, 1781 Mary Alma, 1673 Mary Almira, 1343, 1429 Mary Alta, 1752 Mary Althea, 1222, 1224-5 Mary Amanda, 932, 1513, 1895, 2210 Mary Amelia, 1500, 1559, i8g6 Mary Anette, 786 Mary Angeline, 1590 Mary Ann, 337, 471, 548, 561-2, 614, 745, 755, 757, 763. 771. 8co, 814, 817-18, 846, 888, 899, 914, 946, 962, 107s, :i24, 1134, 1162-3, 1245, 1312, 1316, 1351-2, 1355. 1437. 1442, 1489. ISOO, 1539. 1543, 1621, 1688, 1706, 1846, 1852, 1884, 2103-4, 2152, 2159-60, 2164. 2200, 2208, 2251, 2274, 2288-9 Mary Ann Amanda, 2162 Mary Ann Buzzel, 1236 Mary Ann Foster, 514 Mary Ann Jerusha Alice, IS79 Mary Ann Terry, 1036 Mary Ann Victoria, 2210 Mary Anna, 1247, 1482, 1932 Mary Anne, 814, 913 Mary Annie, 1523 Mary Antoinette, 1475 Mary Arabella, 1416 Mary Arminda, 553 Mary Artemisa, 1476 Mary Arvilla, 1627 Mary Ashley, 1453 Mary Augusta, 1230, 1527, 1571, 1693, 1702 Mary Aurora, 1383 Mary Azora, 1442 Mary Bacon, 1130 Mary Belinda, 1853 Mary Belle, 1235, 1709, 1828 Mary Blair, 991 Mary Blanche, 1673-4, 2210 Mary Bland, 1779 Mary BurriU, 1708 Mary C, 1490, 2277, 2280, 2310, 2313 Mary Caroline, 1352, 1893 Mary Cate, 2301 Mary Catharine, Mary Catherine, 459, 944, 1014, 134Q, 2301 Mary Cecelia, 1175 Mary Celinda, 1939 Mary Charissa, 1453 Mary Charlotte, 2322 Mary Clarissa, 1316 Mary Clark, 816 Mary Coleman, 193 Mary Cora, 2331 Mary Cornelia, 1035 Mary D., 2147 Mary Daisy, 2210 Mary Davis, 789 Mary Douglas, 2117 Mary Dwight, 8S4 Mary E., 834, 970, 1050, 1162, 1180, 1215, 1403, 1417, 1487, 1500, 2024, 2104, 2117, 2313 Mary Easter, 1436 Mary Edith, 155S, 1857, 1967 Mary Effie, 813, 1323 Mary Electa, 1931 Mary Eliza, 253, 574, 700, 800, 901, 1012, 1123, 1182, 1406, 1513, 1532, 1552, 1747, 1856, 1859, 1887, 1921, 1969 2582 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Mary Elizabeth, 449, 468, 606, 69s, 883, 907, 936, 1032, 1052, 1072, 1085, 1161, 1163-4, 11S7, 1193, 1217, 1227, 124S-9, 1346, 1356, 1398, 1418, 1420, 1481, 1528, 1533, 1640, 1652, 1675, 1678, 1708, 1739, 1953, 1958, 1972. 2007, 2015, 2024, 2052, 2144, 2160, 2165, 2248, 2256, 2311 Mary Ella, 1196, 1420, 1560, 1927, 1934, 2026 Mary Ellen, 827-8, 1652, 16^3, 1967, 2004, 2144, 2178 Mary Ellen Leavitt, 969 Mary Ellery, 532 Mary Elsie, 1940 Mary Elvira, 1434, 1963 Mary Emeline, 1316 Mary Emergene, 2118 Mary Emilia, 1578 Mary Emily, 1457 Mary Emma, 1450, 1560, 1724, 2041 Mary Emogene, 1357 Mary Estella, 1963 Mary Esther, 706, 880 Mary Etheline, 1652 Mary Ett, 1163, 2300 Mary Etta, 1651, 2212 Mary Ette, 751 Mary Ettie, 1946, 2013 Mary Eugenia, 221 1 Mar; Eva, 1471 Mary Evaline, 1691 Mary Evelyn, 1204 Mary F., 2023, 2153, 2313 Mary Folsom, 161S Mary Frances, 755, 836, 1051, 1684, 1710, 1713, 1955, 2154-5. 2158, 2209, 2298-9 Mary Franklin, 2115, 2119 ^Nlarv Gardner, 1475 Mary Gassett, 821 Mary Georgia, 2501 Mary Graves, 2082, 2084 Mary Hammond, 2284 Mary Hannah, 1420 Mary Harriet, 1133, 1704, 2088, 2120, 2184-5, 2377 Mary Helen, 1683 Mary Hibbard, 708 Mary Hodges, 1078 Mary Holmes, 1550 Mary Hubbard, 1581 Mary Huntington, 509 Mary Ida, 2213 Mary Isabel, 838 Mary J., 984, 1939, 1950, 2313 Mary Jane, 204, 262, 562, 591. 712, 714, 748, 750, 779, 784, 906, 929, 1 189, 1212, 1250, 1345. 1349. 1360, 1364, 1435. 1466, 1492, 1523, 1540, 1590, 1627, 1630, 1652, 1661, 1704, 1709. 1747. 1753. 184s, 1852, 1855, 1936-7, 1941, 1961, 1969, 2013, 2027, 2118, 2127, 2146, 2154, 2202, 2211-12, 2289-90, 2306, 2327, 2502 Mary Jane Livingstone, 888 Mary Jeannette, 614, 2045 Mary Johnson, 914, 2014 Mary Jones, 970 Mary Josephine, 2027 Mary Julia, 1245, 1299, 2491 Mary June, 1950 Mary Katherine, 2128 Mary King, 2155 Mary L., 1482, 2313 Mary Lawrence, 532 Cleveland, cont'd, Mary Lemoyn, 1552 Mary Lena, 1693 Mary Lillian, 1345 Mary Lizzie, 1707 Mary Louisa, 957, 984, 1130, 1420, 1482, 1705-6, 2123, 2127, 2157 Mary Louise, 1347, 1621, 1712, 1794, 2185 Mary Louisiana, 1797 Mary Loville, 1694 Mary Luce, 1718 Mary Lucina, 812 Mary Lucinda, 765, 947, 1487 Mary Lucretia, 552, 787 Mary Lucy, 1247, 1681, 1688 Mary Luis, 2145 Mary Lydia, 1887 Mary Lyman, 2003 Mary M., 2019 Mary Mabel, 1415, 2024 Mary McLeod, 2183 Mary Malinda, 1438 Mary Malvina, 1415, 1417, 2004 Mary Manning, 513 Mary Marcia, 1668 Mary Maria, Mary Mariah, 803, 812, "35, 1381, 1690, 2245 Mary Matilda, 609, 1684 Mary Melissa, 1894 Mary Minard, 1451 Mary Miranda, 1432 Mary Morse, 1380 Mary Nancy, 389 Mary Neale, 1607-8 Mary Nellie, i860 Mary Orrena, 1350 Mary P., 1163, 2013 Mary Pamelia, 796 Mary Parmelee, 1622 Mary Patience, 1144 Mary Penelope, .2180-1 Mary Pierce, 1571 Mary Rebecca, 1738, 1910, 2273 Mary Rice, 1547 .Mary Richerson, 693 Mary Richmond, 822 Mary Roxana, 1977 Mary S., 1556, 1844 Mary Samantha, 1414 Mary Sanford, 884 Mary Saunders, 1076 Mary Scott, S21 Mary Seavey, 1414 Mary Sedgwick, 1122 Mary Selina, 814, 1558 Mary Servan, 556 Mary Sophia, 1835 Mary Spear, 340 Mary Sprague, 975 Mary Spreul, 1624 Mary Survinia, 556 Mary Susan, 564, 2093 Mary Susan F., 2311 Mary T., 161S Mary Teasdale, 1773-4 Mary Teresa, 2007 Mary Theresa, 1894 Mary Tisdale, 1359 Mary Tucker, 972 Mary Ulissa, 1654 Mary Vergenie, 2005 Mary Viola, 1163 Mary Virginia, 1162, 1936 Mary Wilder, 1716 Mary Winifred, Mary Winnifred, 2092, 2143 Mary Wood, 718 I Cleveland, cont'd, Mary Woods, 513. 1113 Mary Young, 1163 Mary Zarelda, 1914 Mary Zilpha, 472 Maryann, 1075 Maryett, 1950 Maryette, 551, 751, 1516, 1552, 1588, 163s, 1938 Mason, 611, 734, 2313 Mat Matilda, 2127 Mather, 1925 Mathilda, 1243, 1646 Mathilda A., 1244 Mathilda Amy, 1442 Mathis, 2068 Matilda, 156, 629, 796, 802, 896, 931, 1243, 1856, 2089, 2105, 2126-7, 2153, 2289, 2313 Matilda C, 1019, 2280 Matilda Cordelia, 2195 Matilda Dorcas, 1053 Matilda Geraldine, 2132 Matilda Jane, 1856, 2165 Matilda L., 2163 Matilda Lydia, 886 Matilda Mary, 1934 Matilda Rozette, 1725 Matthew, 248, 1437-8, 2245, 2313 Matthew Cary, 1366 Matthew Spencer, 554 Matthis, 2068 Mattie, 2093, 2151 Mattie Amy, 1949 Mattie Barton, 1034 Mattie Blanche, 1163 Mattie Coppage, 2031 Mattie F., 2150 Mattie Hope, 2031 Mattie Jane, 1363, 1693 Mattie Josepha, 1547 Mattie Maud, 1216 Mattie Rose, 1705 Maud, Maude, 1396, 1404, 1726, 1927, 1955, 2276 Maud D., 1965 Maud Edith, 1859 Maud Ella, 1971 Maud Emma, 1940 Maud Gertrude, 1694 Maud Jane, 1189 Maud Josephine, 1712 Maud Lena, 1560 Maud Lorain, 1416 Maude Lucretia, 1562 Maud Mabel, 1897 Maud Mann, 1931 Maud Miller, 1937 Maud Reeves, 2214 Maurice, 438 Maurice Mead, 1032 Maxwell, 1995 May, 1518, 1847, 1959, 2208 May Belle, 1635 May Cornelia, 1035 May E., 1587 May Emily, 1621 May Harriet, 1476 May Marilda, 1165 May Mason, 1726 May Randolph, 1518 Mayhew Beckwith, 1845 Mazzini Ellsworth, 83s Mehetabel, 505 Mehitabel, Mehitable, 56, 98, 129-30, 218, 291, 336, 505, 1050, 2283, 2451 Mehitable Battelle, 336 Melinda Emeline, 821 Melinda Margaret, 838 Melinda Seagrave, 1560 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2583 Cleveland, cont'd, Melissa, 440, 533, 749, 944- 948, 954, 1 179, 1 188, 1244, 1548, 1650, 1903, 1949 Melissa A., 1205 Melissa Ann, 563 Melissa Helen, 1465 Melissa Jane, 980 Melissa Mary, 1896 Melvin, 1244 Melvin Elon, 1681 Melvina, 2101 Melvina Elizabeth, 902, 2164 Menzies Case, 1479 Mercy, 76, 79, 158, 238, 675, 847, "39 Mercy Ann, 1512, 3497 Mercy Burns, 946 Mercy Locke, 787 Merit Joseph, 936 Merrell, 906 Merritt, 936 Merritt Andrus, 1966 Merritt Cyrus, 1935 Merritt J., 2313 Merritt Newton, 1476 Merritt Owens, 1753 Mertie, 1137, 2315 Mertie Idella, 2399 Mertie Maud, 1690 Merton Duane, 1587 Mervin, 1244 Merwin Loomis, 2052 Micajah, 3058, 2076, 2100 Mildred, 332, 2099, 2153 Mildred Adine, 1541 Mildred Emma, 2143 Mildred Virgin, 2143 Miles, 936 Miles Emory, 1694 Miles W., 944 Milliard, 1748 Millicent Clarissa, 2017 Millicent Colt, 2016 Milley, Millie, Milly, 332, 44Q, 1651. 2055-6, 207s, 2083, 3099, 2313 Millie Adelia, 1753 Millie Louisa, 2160 Millie Minerva, 1189 Mills G., 2312 Milo, 1204, 1843 Milo L, 1966-7, 2502 Milo William, 1466 Milton, 925, 1939, 2023, 2313 Milton Daniels, 838 Milton E._, 1180 Milton Hix, 2105 Milton Richard, 1969 Milton Winthrop, 1520 Mina May, 1723 Minda, 711 Mindwell, 782 Mindwell Rossetter, 1517 Miner Newman, 1252 Minerva, 299, 581, 1369, 1403, 1503, 1517, 2092, 2126, 2131, 2457 Minerva Parallee, 1937 Minerva Ursula, 1164 Minnetta Eliza, 1935 Minnie, 1189, 1560, 1897, .2314 Minnie Agnes, 1905 Minnie Beall, 2023 Minnie Belle, 1896 Minnie Elizabeth, 1472, ,2023 Minnie Estella, 1621 Mmnie Florence, 969 Minnie Frances, 2020 Minnie Ida, 1250 ^finnie Irene, 1164 -^linnie L., 177T Cleveland, cont'd, Minnie Louella, 2118 Minnie McGarvey, 2150 Minnie Malvina, 1139 Minnie Maria, 1253 Minnie Maud, 1512, 1905 Minnie May, n88, 1471 Minnie Orena, 1164 Minnie P., 1670 Minnie Permelia, 1969 Minnie Ursula, 1950 Minor A., 2151 Minot, 1955 Mira Lucretia, 1588 Miranda, 334, 931, 1143, 1509, 1725 Miranda Marilla, 1629 Miranda S., 334 Miriam, 46, 64, 91, 93, 118, 767, 896, 1134, 1556, 1979, 2107 Miriam Bell,- 821 Miriam Belle, 1562 Miriam Eveline, 2335 Miriam Lillie, 1896 Miriam Pamelia, 1044 Mirton George, 1232 Missouri, 3307 Moises, 2505 Mollie, Molly, 159, 295, 331, 339, 387. 2058, 2148, 2164 Mollie Annis, 1436 Mollie Catherine, 2042 MoHie E., 1906 Morgan Harber, 2160 Morgan Holmes, 1638 Morgan Ruger, 933 Morgan Smith, 2095 Morgan Wallace, 1639 Morris, 1244 . Mortimer Lindsay, 1341 Mortimer Wilson, 1234 Morton Harley Walter, 2045 Moses, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 32, 62, 108, 116, 125, 212, 236, 339, 342, 367, 532, 577-9, 608, 761, 831, 1036, 1490, 1578, 1627, 2247, 2269, 2287, 2314, 2377, 2420, 2504-5 Moses Allen, 1316 Moses Conklin, 469, 2482 Moses Dwight, 831 Moses Leon, 1835 Moses Lyon, 934 Moses Marsh, 1140 Moses Parker, 1599 Moses Stickney, 171 1 Moses Welcome, 1989 Moyses, 15, 33, 3504-5 Myra, 880, 1619 Myrna, 1187 Myron, 1344, 1484, 3314 Myron A., 2314 Myron Cole, 3323 Myron Curtis, 1894 Myron H,, 719 Myron Horace, 1428 Myron J., 1849 Myron Lester, 1208 Myron William, 1505, 1522 Myrta Jane, 1948 Myrta "Rosalie, 1894 Myrtie Bell, 1706 Myrtie Frances, 215a Myrtie May, 1188 Myrtle Belle, 1218 Myrtle E., 1752 Myrtle Evlin, 1703 Myrtle Martha, 1940 N. Louisa, 1664 Nabby, 530 Nahum, 605 Nancy, 95, 160, 192, 205, 249, Cleveland, cont'd, Nancy, cont'd, 269, 293, 317, 420, 534, 556, 591-2, 636, 66r, 684, 705, 712, 8ib, 847, 933, 935, 948, 1307, 1223, 1435, 2058, 2069, 2078, 2093, 3099, 2101-5, 2131, 3146, 3153, 2158, 2208-9, 2213, 3249, 2274, 3398, 2314, 2325, 2331 Nancy Abigail, 2013 Nancy Ann, 289, 405, 727, 932, 1221, 1477 Nancy Arilla, 1335 Nancy Celestia, 934 ' Nancy Chipman, 575 Nancy Cornelia, 1908 Nancy D., 830 Nancy Delight, 1690 Nancy Dutton, 1707 Nancy Electa, 1935 Nancy Elizabeth, 1144, 2163 Nancy Ellen, 1179 Nancy Emaline, 2165 Nancy G., 633 Nancy Gilford, 1561 Nancy Helen, 2099 Nancy Hovey, 974 Nancy J., 2278, 2307 Nancy Jane, 636, 1435, 2186 Nancy Louisa, 2151 Nancy Louise, 833 Nancy M., 2299 Nancy Mallory, 1510 Nancy Margaret, 1832, 2105, 2195 Nancy Maria, 801, 1474, 1835 Nancy P., 2153 Nancy Sharpe, 882 Nancy Shields, 2148 Nancy Theresa, 1687 Nancy Victoria, 1639 Nancy Victory, 2213 Nannie, 2150 Nannie Ballard, 1909 Nannie Elton, 1798 Nannie Frances, 1964 Nannie Rebecca, 1909 Naomi, 395, 624 Naomi Maria, 718 Napoleon Bonaparte, 720, 1044, 2207 Narcissa, 1351 Narcissa Jane, 2095 Narcissus, 1351 Nathan, 252, 565, 816, 1180, ^314 Nathan Brown, 931 Nathan Charter, 756 Nathan Lee, 16S4 Nathan Parkhurst, 1552 Nathan Seward, 1226 Nathan Smith, i6ci, 2378 Nathaniel, 306, 1350, 2314 Nathaniel Asa, 1352 Nathaniel Hubbard, 57, 1035, 2378 Nathaniel Lyon, 1525 Nathaniel Medberry, 1474 Nathaniel Moon, 2093 Nathaniel Thomas, 1703 Neal, Neely, 3077-8 Ned, 2314 Nehemiah, 168, 180, 357-8, 393, 86c, 864, 894, 3314, 2378 Nehemiah Stevens, 1166 Nellie, Nelly, 412, 1251, 1417, 2029, 2078, 2252, 2307, 2315, 2329 Nellie Agnue, 1480 Neljie Amelia, 1896 Nellie Augusta, 1713 Nellie Aurelia, 2014 Nellie Charline, 2031 2584 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Nellie Cornelia, 2053 Nellie Dora, 1233 Nellie Eliza, 1713 Nellie Eliza Gertrude, 1419 Nellie Elizabeth, 1417, 1649, 2003 Nellie Gertrude, i860 Nellie L, 3310 Nellie Jane, 1832 Nellie Josephine, 2299 Nellie Julia, 1419 Nellie Louise, 1753, 1966 Nellie Marbeth, 1220 Nellie Maria, 821 Nellie Marilla, 1189 Nellie May, Nelly May, 1144, 1418, 1513 Nelson, 803, 847, 1167, 1207, 1354, 1364, 1435, 1674, 23 IS Nelson Allen, 1250 Nelson Alonzo, 1467-8 Nelson Bliss, 1050 Nelson W., 2315 Nelson Wright, 2013-14 Nettie, 591, 1140, 1186, 14:7, 1702, 171 1 Nettie A., 1162 Nettie Adelaide, 1357 Nettie Albertina, i860 Nettie Dell, 1547 Nettie Evelyn, 2503 Nettie Jane, 1693 Nettie M., 1050 Nettie May, 1253 Nettie Melissa, 1649 Nettie Morse, 449 Nettie P., 1231 Newcomb, 287, 636, 694, 1395, 1925, ^501 Newell, 847 Newton, 1408, 1552, 3313 Newton Dennis, 2208 Newton Early, 2157 Nicholas, 32, 296, 459, 1431, 1739 Nicholas Ransom, 1934 , Nina Loisa, 1339 Nina Louisa, 1359 Noadiah, 246 Noah, 1546 Noah Diah, 789 Noahdiah, 246 Noble, 930 Noble Aaron, 574 Noble Richardson, 2024 Noel Andrew, 1854 Noel Buory, 2160 Nora, 1327, 1477 Nora Adelia, 1950 Nora Belle, 1652 Nora Jane, 1218 Norace N., 1215 Norman, 294, 701, 812, 1135, 1469, 1627-8, 2276 Norman A., 1417 Norman Curtis, 1405 Norman James, 1188 Norris Douglas, 1846 Norris Marston, 1708 Novia Paris, 1936 C, 21, 2315 O Ella Jane, 1672 O K. 1407 Obadiah, 119, 255 Obed, 196, 1978 Obedience, 1682 Obedient, 2079 Obelia, 262 Octavia, 956 Octavia Abigail, 2014 Oel, 706, 1416 Ola Jane, 1585 Ola M., 1848 Cleveland, cont'd, Olevia, 1102 Olevia Roland, 1176 Olim, 2100 Olive, 122, 178, 180, 202, 250, 261, 271, 295, 361, 411, 831, 841-2, 906, 908, 950, 1243, 1429, 1565, 1692, 2315, 2355, 2380 Olive A., 1392 Olive Amanda, 1440 Olive Avery, 888 Olive Brown, 739 Olive Elizabeth, 1706 Olive Grove, 947 Olive Jones, 733 Olive Lorane, 892, 2008 Olive M., 1381 Olive Maria, 1988 Olive Matilda, 1706 Olive Palmer, 714 Olive Pond, 831 Olivia Sophia, 2332 Oliver, 296, 591, 1429, 2073-4, 2078, 2093, 3153, 3301, 2208, 2310, 2315 Oliver Alexander, 2097 Oliver Capron, 1540 Oliver Coleman, 1932 Oliver Cromwell, 2071, 2102 Oliver Edwards, 880 Oliver Edwin, 1907, 2380 Oliver Franklin, 2102 Oliver Grow, 151D Oliver Seabury, 968 Olivia, 1 188 Olivia Hannah, 2199 Olivia Treadwell, 1797 Ollie, 2164 Ollie Hedges, 2041 Olney, 2324 Ona Bell, 1188 Ophelia, 1231 Ophelia Dexter, 1798 Ophelia Jemima Robinson, 880 Ora, 1469-70 Ora Lena, 1937 Ora Viola, 1218 Orange, 744, 1466, 1946 Orange Luther, 578 Orange Sylvester, 1849 Ordine Monroe, 2025 Orella Sophronia, 1665 Oren, 116, 653, 905 Oren Adolphus, 1249 Oren Dayton, 1546 Oren Enos, 750 Oren Luther, 1315 Oren Reno, 1316 Orestes, 1479, 2381 Oretta, 1989 Orilla, 674, 841, 907, 1225 Orilla Dorcas, 836 Orin, 314, 1693 Orin Baker, 936 Orin Odell, 1693 Orinda, 330, 756, 895 Orinda Jane, 1166 Orison, 547-8, 1161-2 Orison Peter, 1160 Orison Schuyler, 1540 Oritha, 143 1 Orland, 1434 Orland M. W., 1434 Orlando, 1544, 2325 Orlando Cortez, 1543 Orlando Joseph, 1948 Orlantha Samantha, 1207 Orlena, 2153 Orlin M. W., 1434 Orpha, 799 Orra, 916 Orra Daniel, 1941 Cleveland, cont'd, Orra Vivian, Orra Vi-Vine, 1239 Orrason, 548, 1161-2, 1844 Orrilla, 841, 1225 Orrin, 905, 2324 Orrin Almeron, 1522 Orrin Goodrich, 1546 Orrison, 547 Orson, 1469 Orson Wallinsford, 1420 Orville Milton, 1441 Orville Squire, 1646 Orwell, 1469 Osborn Brewer, 2104 Osborn Wales, 1665 Osburn, 2242 Oscar, 1635 Oscar Bethabra, 1848 Oscar Oliver, 2178 Oscar S., 2324 Otho Carson, 2178 Otis, 1949 Otis Wilbur, 1428 Owen Gilbert, 1243 Owner, 391 308, p., 306 , 2324 p. p.. 2324 p. T., 1857 Paine, ¦129, ISO, 305, 1463, 2093 Palmer, 20, 75-6 157 „73i. 753-4. 757. 1543 1479 794. Palmer Downing, 768 Palmer Durkee, 756, Palmer Seth, 1472 Pamela, 440 Pamelia, 261, 440, 605, 824, 951, 980, 984 Pamelia A., 2317 Pamelia Ann, 1663 Pamelia Giflord, 951 Pamelia S., 1524 Pamelia Sophia, 562 Parker, 22, 148, 175, 299, 355, 858, 2381 Parker Leonard, 1995 Parlina, 1465 Parmelia, 323, 728 Parmelia Ann, 1707 Parmer, 75 Parnel, 212, 1037 Parnel Conklin, 1035 Passah, 297 Patience, 54, 130, 263, 311, 1215, 1903 Patience Ann, 768 Patience Jane, 1142 Patience Pamelia, 605 Patsy, 2075, 2101 Patty, 163, 198, 284, 306, 323, 750. 914. 2083 Patty G., 338 Paul, 2250 Paul Henry, 1247 Paul Mainard, 1844 Paul Sloan, 2165 Paul Spurgeon, 1954 Paul Williams, 1685 Paulina, 2281 Pauline, 1528, 1617, 1680 Pauline Eleanor, 2027 Pauling, 1435 Paulowna Lavinia, 1665 Payne, 1463 Paynie, 2093 Pearl, 2165, 2324 Pearl Evelyn, 1252 Peggy, 195, 2074, 2079 Peleg, 290 Pelina Jane. 2212 Penelope, 184, 2078 Penina, 2153 Percis Mfjissa, i6go INDEX OF PERSONS. 2585 Cleveland, cont'd, Percy E., 2324 Perez, 361 Perez Franklin, 608, 1215 Perkins, 1451, 2382 Perley Alvin, 1250 Perley Lester, 1848 Perley Putnam, 903 ¦ Permelia, 396, 480-1, 749, 980, 1176, 2153 Pfermelia Jane, 1438 Permelia Sophia, 562 Perry, 613, 2324 Perry Floyd, 1690 Perry Howard, 1903 Perry Joseph, 1904 Perry W., 2333 Perry Washburn, 2399 Persie A., 3349 Persis, 39, 67, 88, 138, 146, 186, ig'i, 269, 271, 275, 1343, 2328 Persis A., 3334 Persis Alvira, 1044 Persis Amelia, 1619 Persis Annie, 1344 Peter, 16, 17, 547, 3148, 2154, 2226, 23 iS Peter Aiken, 1344 Peter Carlton, 2383 Peter D., 3334 Peter Early, 3310 Peter Farnum, 613 Peter Simon, 2252 Peter Washington, 2310 Phalba Ann, 2208 Phebe, Pheebe, 236, 279, 283, 290, 299, 310, 319, 455, 457, 463, 523, 790, 793, 896, 901, 921-2, 966, 968, 1052, 1086, ri3r, I33I, 136^, 1485-6, 1637, 1906, 3078, 2158, 2313, 2334, 3337 Phebe ^., 3006 Phebe Adelaide, 1337, 1433 Phebe Alice, 1675 Phebe Ann, 336, 464, 752, 1034, 1194, 1415, :435, 1474, 1627 Phebe Augusta, 613 Phebe Bennett, 1779 Phebe Eaton, 1940 Phebe Ensign Geneora, 1752 Phebe Frances, 1663 Biebe Hunter, 1086 Phebe Jane, 1351 Phebe Lambert, 980 Phebe Maria, 591, 1646 Phebe Walker, 432, 434 Phernaby Elizabeth, 2004 Phila, 747 rhila Angeline, 2005 Phila Ann, 1466 Philander, 1466, 1978 Phdiander Blodgett, 1513, ^249rPhiiilander George, 1512 Phjlany, 98 Philemon, 548, 1162 Philemon Orlando, 1234 Philena^ 6041,, 1440 Philena Briggs, 1467 Philencia, 1466 Philenda, 659 Philetus John, 1440 Philinda, 323, 392, 749 ^nihp, 669, 902 Philip A., 2337 Phihp B., 2148 Philip Henry, 1896 PhiIHe Ann, 1412 Philo, 902, 1465 1843, 1947 ¦rnilo Camp, r4t)i? Cleveland, cont'd, Philo Patten, 903 Philo Platt, 2025 Philomel, 953 Phineas, 154, 925, 2272, 2324 Phinehas, 154 Pickens, 2164 Piercy, 2326 Pietty, 2153 Pinnina, 2153 Plinny, 705 Polle, 122-3 Pollie, Polly, 122-3, 129, 192, 207, 261, 321, 326, 392, 401, 403, 412, 421, 441, 536, 528, 530, 535, 585, 617, 623, 633, 635, 671, 675, 687, 691, 725-6, 752, 765, 802, 816, 879, 892, 89s, 905, 914-15. 923, 924, 1349, 1353-4, 1365, 1631, 1635, 2077, 2083, 2087-8, 2146, 2151, 3T59, 2176, 2253, 2316, 2457, 2495 Polly Ann, 3138, 2330 Polly Augusta, 1230 Polly Celina, 2284 Polly Ingalls, 2283 Polly Lovejoy, 1377 Polly Maria, 803, 1473 Porter, 1365, 1945, 3417 Porter Asa, 1510, 1965 Porter Calvin, 1347 Portia, 1336 Praella Harriet, 1933 Presley, 2086, 2135 Presley Parker, 2186 Priscilla, 96, 403, ^92, 1466, 15 10, 2288 Priscilla Warner, 461 Prudence, 36, 150, 176, 306, 392, 419, 432, 556, 564, 573> 687, I 166 Prudence Covey, i375 Puella, 432 Puella Sprague, 432 Pulcheria, 626 Quartus Ely, 1136 R. E., 2336 R, H., 2157 E- L., 2326 Rachel, 85, 132, 136-7. 158, 179, 181, 184, 274, 337, 576, 662, 673, 705, 739, 946, 950, 1000, 1138, 1166, 1326, 1402, 1438, 1653, 3095, 2146, 2153, 2199, 3308, 3307, 3457 Rachel Amanda, 2212 Rachel Ann, 697, 1234, 1436, 1651 Rachel Arvilla, 812 Rachel Augusta, 1003 Rachel Burns, 945 Rachel Caroline, 838 Rachel Celestia Chard, 1652 Rachel Da Lene, 1667 Rachel Frances, 1703 Rachel Jane, 1694 Rachel Lucretia, 1655 Rachel M., 753 Rachel Parker, 1707 Rachel S., 513 Rachel Weltha, 1852 Ralph, 16, 17, 116, 433, 531 533- 977, 2336-7 Ralph Angel, 1950 Ralph Armstead, 1845 Ralph Dwinel, 1770 Ralph Emerson, 1219 Ralph Joseph, 1703 Ralph Leland, 1555 Ralph Milton, 1571 Ralph Waldo, 1627 Ralph Warren, 1859, 2499 Randolph, 1470 Cleveland, cont'd, Rany Carter, 2213 Rathbone, 147, 187 Raymond, 1676 Raymond Campbell, 120S Raymond Leroy, 1969 Raymond Lindley, 1570 Reba, 978 Rebecca, 62, 75, 86, 97-8, 129, 131, 149, 154, 204-5, 269, 393, 395, 438, 433, 441, 534, 607, 618, 696, 748, 762, 795, 8o3, 863, 951, 1166, ^^79, 1356, 1937. 1946, 3I0I, 3153, 2154, 3271, 2338 Rebecca Ann, 1164 Rebecca B., 1465 Rebecca Bowles, 2143 Rebecca Brundage, nor Rebecca Coffin, 428 Rebecca D., 975 Rebecca Ellen, 1623 Rebecca Jackson, 981 Rebecca Jane, 1165 Rebecca Louisa, ir66 Rebecca Naomi, 1043 Rebecca Salisbury. 1 102 Rebecca Wilkinson, 381 Rebecca Yale. 529 Rebecka, 2101 Rebekah, 75, 131, 154, 618, 863 Rebekah Wilkinson, 381 Reed, 746 Relief, 291, 777, 1419 Relief Elizabeth, 837 Relief Pingree, 834 Reme, 149 Remembrance, 88 Rena, 88 Rena May, 1680, 1969 Rensselaer, 675 Resolved, 328 Reuben, 94, 160, 196. 389, 417, 562, 897, 899, 966, 1652, 2076, 3099-3101 Reuben A., 3336 Reuben Bloss, i3o8 Reuben Davis, 1684 Reuben Gardner, 221 r Reuben Harrison, 750 Reuben Kidd, 2154 Reuben Swain, g66 Reuben Weston, 2210 Reuel Allen, 336 Rhoda, 95, 303, 349, 386, 401, 534, 734, 779, 930, 926-7, 1195, 1527, 1619, 1989, 2071, 2076, 2081, 2099 Rhoda Adelaide, 1522 Rhoda Ann, 1414 Rhoda Elizabeth, 848 Rhodes Mortimer, 3299 Rice, 2075 Rice Cooke, 1471 Richard, 104, 153, 214, 784, 1940, 2214, 2232, 2245, 2250, 2326, 2504 Richard Benson, 1 142 Richard Buchanan, 1652 Richard Cecil, 1781 Richard Chester, 2048 Richard Cromwell, 2198 Richard Delizon, 1219 Richard Ernest, 1905 Richard Falley, 1088 Richard Folsom, 1782 Richard Hall. 1652 Richard Henry, 797 Richard Hooper, 2161 Richard Jacob, 1969 Richard Jeffry, 334, 49S, 1073, 2361, 2382-3 Richard Leroy, 2154 2586 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Richard Mays, 2185 Richard Moon, 2142 Richard Smith, I544 Richard Thompson, 1013 Rienzi Artemas, 1342 Rienzi Lewis, 1893 Robert, 16, 17, 412, 1216, 1417. 2068, 2092, 2095, 2125, 2151, 2225-7, 2243, 2255, 2326 Robert A., 2326 Robert Absalom Carter, 2105 Robert Alva, 1179 Robert Benjamin, 468, 2181, 2190 Robert Bennett, 1734 Robert Bruce, 2178, 2186 Robert Calvin, 1671 Robert D., 310 Robert E., 2331 Robert Easley, 2130 Robert Edwin, 1676 Robert Emmet, 2147 Robert Erwin, 1676 Robert Foster, 1532 Robert Freeman, 2103 Robert Harrison, 2103, 2105 Robert Henry, 1951 Robert L., 2326 Robert Lafayette, 2127 Robert Lee, 2207 Robert Lilly, 2198 Robert Linsted, 2052 Robert Lutton, 468 Robert M., 2326 Robert Mathis, 2118, 2128, 2179-80 Robert Mathus, 2126 Robert Moorhead, 1605 Robert Ragon, 2126 Robert Seaford, 1675 Robert Walter, 21 17, 2178 Robert William, 2157 Robertson, 1971 Rocepha Ann, 1217 Roderick Random, 747 Rodman, 147, 187, 2326 Rodolphus, 698 Roger Sherman, 1712 Rolland Leoni, 1427 Rollin Andrew, 1468 Rollin Ellsworth, 1539 Ronaldo, 1205 Rosa, 11S7 Rosa A, 1231 Rosa Adaline, 1214 Rosa Belle, 1690 Rosa E., 1418 Rosa Ellen, 1709 Rosa Lee, 2209 Rosalia Amelia, 1539 Rosanna, 416 Roscoe Welton, 1442 Rose, 1546, 1752, 1939, 1950, 2261, 2307 • Rose Adaline, 1417 Rose Ann, 1708 Rose Elizabeth, 1793, 2383 Rose Ella, 1556 Rose Julia, 836 Rose L., 984 Rosella, 936, 1633, 1857 Rosella A., 334 Rosena Williams, 1861 Rosepha Annah, 604 Rosetta, 325-6, 635 Rosette Elizabeth, 1625 Rosie, 2261 Rosie Belle, 2024 Rosiltha A., 1231 Roslin, 2253 Cleveland, cont'd, Roswell, 395. 798, 2253 Roswell Joseph, 1707 Roswell Wickwire, 1506 Rowena, 1044 Rowena Adaline, 991 Rowena Maria, 1665 Rowena Pollard, 1556 Rowland Sackett, 1489 Roxalena, 249 Roxana, 763, 766, 806, 1469 Roxana Bigby, 833 Roxania, 766 Roxanna, 837 Roxey, Roxie, 323, 386 Roxy Anna, 1244 Roxy Melvina, 1473, 2496 Roy, 1232 Roy M, 2006 Roy S., 2326 Roy Sanford, 1181 Roy William, 1738 Royal, 633, 1432 Royal C, 2326 Royal Cook, 1859 Royal Edward, 1653 Rozella A., 334 Rozier F., 2326 Rt, 2243 Rubie, Ruby, 391, 617, 753, 921 Ruby Barker, 2019 Ruby Samantha, 1556 Rufus, 276, 1162, 1312 Rufus Baker, 1884 Rufus Durkee, 757 Rufus George, 1884 Ruhama Ellen, 1477 Ruhama P., 1418 Rupert, 1753 Rupert Rinaldo, 1753 Rush Haven, 1693 Rusk Knapp, 1935 Russell, 1711 Russell C, 2326 Russell Coleman, 1502 Russell D., 2310 Russel Davis, 1711 Russell Hooker, 911 Russell Vaughan, 1636 Russell W., 1650 Russell Wolcott, 1439 Ruth, 32, 55, 98, 131, 139, 152, 163, 217, 312-13, 414, 416, 448, 624, 699, 711, 752, 768-9, 773, 895, 1179, 1324, 1327, 1357, 1471, 1782, 1995, 2286, 2325 Ruth Adelia, 2024 Ruth Alice, 632, 2003, 2492 Ruth Amarilla, 2024 Ruth Ann, 925, 1547, 2005 Ruth Cornelia, 933 Ruth Darby, 703, 1405 Ruth Frances, 1522 Ruth G., 2269 Ruth Johnson, 1051 Ruth Lorette, 2286 Ruth M., 925 Ruth Sherman, 1253 Ruth Stanbro, 1963 S., 2245, 2326 S. A., 2326 S. B., 2326 , S. C, 2326 S. E., 2326 S. L., 2157 Sabastian, 2305, 2503 Sabra, 155-6, 158, 320, 2317, 2329 Sabra Isabella, 1140 Sabre, 2329 Sabrina, 725, 1503 Sadie, 1711 Sadie A., 1848 Sadie E., 2019 Cleveland, cont d, Sadie Ida, 1692 Sadie Russell, 1885 Sadie Stanton, 2038 Sallie, Sally, 177-8. 198-200, 202, 255, 320, 326, 333. 349. 421, 426, 433. 334, 549, 379, 659, 672, 716, 744, 748-9, 751, 790, 801-2, 841, 880, 934, 1365, 1413. 1435, 1439, 1468-9, 1472, 1513, 1623. 2058, 2068, 2071, 2083, 2105, 2132, 2146, 2158, 2245, 2273, 2282, 2287 Sally Adaline, 932 Sally Almira, 669, 1343 Sally Ann, 615, 847, 897, 934, 944, 1312, 1344, 1484, 2092, 2502 Sally Barnaby, 444 Sallie Bayne, 1436 Sallie Blanch, 2214 Sallie Catherine, 1670 Sallie Curtis, 1487 Sallie F., 2150 Sally Fox, 89s Sallie Hellen, igo8 Sallie J., 2150 Sally Jane, 751 Sallie Ketura, 1671 Sallie Maria, Sally Maria, 732, 936, 1217, 1474, 1628, 1748 Sallie Matt, 2161 Sallie May, 2214 Sally P., 800 Sallie Pearl, 1937 Sallie Pitts, 2042 Sallie Stone, 2182 Sallie Vannoy, 2183, 2185 Sally Webster, 1934 Salmon, 1434 Salmon Carley, 1749 Salmon Lewis, 1857 Salome, 315, 775 Salome Elvira, 1556 Salona, 1855 Salter, 916 Samantha, 1143. 1354, 1427, 2155 Samuel, 15, 39, 68, 72, 77, 104, 129, 139, 143, 159, 238, 267, 289, 299, 320-1, 323, 325, 339, 688, 709, 729, 776, 784, 806, - 904, 113S, 1419, 1440, 1676, 1693, 1921, 1937, 2139, 2164-5, 2229, 2243-4, 2326-7, 2457, 2504-5 Samuel Ainslee, 1193 Samuel Alonzo, 1934 Samuel Bennett, 1086 Samuel Caldwell, 1082 Samuel Claghorn, 199 Samuel Davis, 782, 785 Samuel E., 2327 Samuel Edwin, 1140, 1707 Samuel Francis, 1341 Samuel Frederick, 1835 Samuel G., 2327 Samuel Gay, 2093 Samuel Gold, 1127 Samuel Goodrich, 933 Samuel Harvey, 1676 Samuel Jonas, 1922 Samuel Lewis, 1855 Samuel McCoskry, 1799 Samuel Parker, 1708 Samuel Porter, 289 Samuel Rathbone, 1442 Samuel Reed, 1645 Samuel Rice, 1908 Samuel Rich, 320 Samuel P.oIland, 1676 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2587 Cleveland, cont'd, Samuel Tyler, 838 Samuel Whitney, 1142 Samuel Willis, 688 Samuel Woodward, 3143 Saijford Boice, 991 Sara Abbie, 1977 Sara Luann, 915 Sarah, 52, 64, 68, 70, 78, 83, 92, .104, 116, 123, 125, 129, 131, 150, 154, 156-7, 159-61, 181, 184, 187, 205, 237, 246, 252, 283, 286, 297, 309, 314, 319, 333, 348, 3^^, 391, 401, 415, 447, 469, 474, 481, 4S3. 503, S07, 514, 526-7, 532, 547-8, 554, 562, 578, 581, 583, 590, 611, 624-5, 633-4, 668, 677, 683, 688, 690, 693-4, 697-8, 7". 723, 728, 758, 761, 770, 774, 776, 778-9, 811, 816, 843, 847, 891, 893-4, 899, 913, 947-8, 983-4, loii, 1015, 1051, 1085, 113s, "40, 1161-2, 1179, 1187, 1232, 1238, 1313, 1367, 1394, 1403, 1417-18, 1427, 1431, 1438, 1441, 1501-2, 1506, 1509, 1518, 1585, 1627, 1639-30, 1638, 1678, 1705, 1725-6, 1853, 1939-40, 1947, 2006, 2069, 2(^-5, 2096, 2100, 2102, 2104-S, 2147, 2153, 2159, 2165, 2248-50, 2274, 2278, 2313, 2334-5, 2337, 2330; 2336, 2457; 2482, 2485-6, 2490 Sarah A., 880, 1490, 155^, 1560 Sarah Abi, 1585 Sarah Adelaide, 2252 Sarah Adell, 1900 Sarah .^dell Mary, 1646 Sarah Albertha, 1931 Sarah Alice, 1961 Sarah Alvira, 1467 Sarah Amarett, 1886 Sarah Amelia, 1559 Sarah Angeline, 1470 Sarah Ann, 253, 548, 552, 748, 783, 811, 835, 1052, "79, 1234, 1242, 1393, 1412, 1417-18, 1543-4, 1586, 1689, 1707, 1907, 1948, 2CJ72, 2151, 2158, 2161, 2207, 2317, 2325 Sarah Anna, 562 Sarah Anne, 1562, 1704 Sarah Annetta, 1218 Sarah Annis, 1434 Sarah Augusta, 1342, 1704 Sarah Bell, 1436 Sarah Buchanan, 2178 Sarah C, 989 Sarah Caroline, 1025 Sarah Catharine, 825, 2273 Sarah Cecilia, 1451, 2307 Sarah Celinda, 892 Sarah Cleantha, 785 Sarah Columbia, 700 Sarah Convers, 904 Sarah Craig, 822 Sarah D., 1491 Sarah Dallis, 2195 Sarah David, 2118 Sarah Davis, 965, 1914 Sarah Dorcas, 848 Sarah E., 1242, 2327, 2333 Sarah Effie, 2299 Sarah Eliza, 1908 Sarah Elizabeth, 784, 836, 3014, 1027, 1343, 1433, 1522, ^544, 1652, r66r, 1903, 1938, Cleveland, cont'd, Sarah Elizabeth, cont'd, 2017, 2028, 2093, 2120, 2130, 2148, 2156, 2210 Sarah EUen, 756, 1380, 1647 Sarah Emeline, 1590, 1653 Sarah Emily, 1578, 1705, 2157 Sarah Emma, 1243 Sarah Eveline, 1652, 2004 Sarah Evora, 1949 Sarah F., 944 Sarah Fidelia, 1643 Sarah Florinda, 800 Sarah Frances, 1438, 1643, 1945, 2210 Sarah Gilbert, 1252 Sarah Glenn, 2210 Sarah Gould, 1381, 2383 Sarah Greene, 2029 Sarah H., 2278 Sarah Hannah, 1475, 1489 Sarah Hubbard, 472, 2487 Sarah Huntington, 1719 Sarah J., 1161, 1481, 2153, 2337 Sarah Jackson, 825 Sarah James, 1709 Sarah Jane, 449, 563, 608, 782, 785, 806, 835, 924, 946, 948, 1020, 1116, liSi, 1188, 1250-1, 1354, 1434, 1437-8, 1464, 1562, 1630, 1686, 1885, 1934, 2146, 2313, 3353, 2383, 2300, 2330 Sarah Jemima, 1671 Sarah Jessie, 3135 Sarah Joanna, 1339 Sarah Jones, 438 Sarah Josepha, 2311 Sarah Josephine, 2166 Sarah Judson, 1175 Sarah Karrick, 1082 Sarah L., 1166 Sarah Lavinia, 1635 Sarah Letitia, 1897 Sarah Libby, 1573 Sarah Livingston, 1445 Sarah Louisa, 2287, 2331, 2503 Sarah Louise, 1123 Sarah Lovisa, 1236 Sarah Luana, 564 Sarah Luann, 915 Sarah Lucretia, 843 Sarah Lydia, 977 Sarah M., 608, 1714 Sarah McCammon, 1774 Sarah Mahala, 2165 Sarah Malvina, 535 Sarah Margaret, 626, 3166 Sarah Maria, 533, 904, 1130, 1340, 1347, 1518, 1647-8, 1650, 1732 Sarah Marietta, 754 Sarah Marsden, 1177 Sarah IS^ary Marsh, 1246-7, 2492 Sarah Matilda, 670, 1896 Sarah Mazzelli, 836 Sarah Medora, 1466 Sarah Milton, 2074 Sarah Miranda, 1638 Sarah Mongin, 1082 Sarah N., 813 Sarah P., 800 Sarah Paine, 1072 Sarah Parker, 951 Sarah Permelia, 1920 Sarah Philadelphia, 2182 Sarah Philena, 3388 Sarah Rebecca, 1244 Sarah Rosaltha, 813 Cleveland, cont'd, vSarah Shaw, 1422-3 Sarah Smith, 827 Sarah Sophia, 552, 3398 Sarah Thomas, 3150 , Sarah Viola, 1353 Sarah W., 2090 Sarah Wesley, 2099 Sarah White, 947 Sarena, 1670 Sarepta, 205, 754, 1636 Sarina, 1244 Sarissa, 1471, 2496 Satira, 726 Savilla, 549, 947 Schuyler Bainbridge, 3017 Scynthia, 3076 Searing, 673-4 Sebary, 155-6 Seena, 2079 Selby, 707, 1416, 1418 Selby Harry, 1418 Selby Newman, 1417 Selden, 1712 Selena Polly, 624, 1470 Selina, 1844, 2244 Semarimis, 1116 Sementha, 931 Seneca, 757 Seneca J. S., 789 Seneca L., 2337 Seney, 2079 Septimus Alien, 329 Septimus Novimous, 1909 Sereign, Serreign, 673-4 Seth, 54, 197, g73, 1627, 2327-8 Seth Bradford, 1721 Seth Cooper, 1856 Seth Dunbar Wilson, 1523 Seth Folger, 969 Seth M., 2328 Seth Palmer, 1472, 2496 Sevalan Mulford, 1404 Sevier, 2152 Sevilla Frances, 1681 Seward H., 1578 Sewell, 2324 Sewell Nahum, 1208 Sheldon, 320, 782 Shem, 1243 Shepard Agard, i6go Sherman, 783 Sherman Miner, 1989 Sherrill Atwood, 1996 Shubael, 184, 530, 816 Sidney, 2151, 2199 Sidney Ann, 2128, 2146 Sidney Clark, 1848 Sidney Gamble, 2126 Silas, 149, 301, 1469, 2326, 2328 Silas Ezra, 1636 Silas Ferdinand, 1547 Silas Hall, 905, 1652 Silas Levi, 1950 Siletta, 2099 Silva, 483 Silvia, 179, 483, 1437 Silvia Phillips, ^3 Simeon, 626 Simeon Cragin, 954, 956 Simon, 146, 185, 400, 925, 927, 1681, 1702 Simon Davis, 2306 Simon H., 1231 Smith, 612, 2287, 2502 Smith Alba, 1415 Smith Angell, 1471, 2496 Smith D., 2503 Smith Gaius, 1537 Sofia, 1770 2588 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, Solomon, 149, 298, 300, 313, 347, 745, 1434, 1438, 2328 Solomon Ezra, 1914 Solomon Jacob, 1909, 1913 Solomon Paine," 846 Solon Jenkins, 689 Sophia, 154, 323, 328, 385, 432, 533, 552, 607, 919, 1137, 1189, 1347, 1586, 1671, 1684, 1704, 1908, 2245 Sophia Ann, 1990 Sophia B. C, 816 Sophia Elizabeth, 1680 Sophia Emeline, 607 Sophia Eveline, 1353 Sophia Fisher, 977 Sophia Jane, 1521 Sophia Marandia, 1521 Sophia Miranda, 1969 Sophia Strong, 1704 Sophronia, 433, 450, 636, 1410, 1664, 1924 Sophronia Adaline, 607 Sophronia Almeda, 1441 Sophronia C, 2332 Sophronia Cottle, 966 Sophronia Hortensia, 1440 Sophronia Jane, 1253, 2213 Sophronia Maria, 531, 1175 Sophronia Smith, 816 Sophronius Twitchell, 1779 Spencer, 748 Spencer Carleton, 3024 Spencer Isaac, 1665 Squier, 261, 921, 2338 Squire Reed, 1645 Stafford Canning, 186, 721, 1682, 2383, Stafford Noble, 931 Stanley Matthews, 1817 Stanly Howard, 1690 Stella, i68g, 2276 Stella Desta, 1854 Stella Elmira, 1406 Stella Louise, 1404 Stella May, 1692 Stella Temple, 991 Stephen, 152, 154, 314, 331, 303, 458, 681, 740, 921, 1241, 1458-9, 1469, 2338, 3384, 2457-8, 2484, 2495, 2503 Stephen Avery, 1703 Stephen Blythe, 514 Stephen Bushnell, 720 Stephen Dunton, 1587 Stephen Edwin, 1243 Stephen Faulks, 1022 Stephen Grover, 1725, 1782, 2365 Stephen Henry, 1363, 1505 Stephen Higginson, iioi Stephen Payne, 1946 Stephen Richardson, 1967 Stephen Wait, 1682 Stephen Warren, 1640 Stillman, 1974 Stonewall J., 2271 Storm Frederick, 1219 Stratton, 440 Sue, 2098 Sultanna, 1635 Sumner, 906-7, 1651 Sumner Allen, 1316 Susa, 2207 Susan, 97, 157, 403, 414, 459, 503, 5", 562, 564, 5S2, 607, 703, 718, 777, 809, 898-9, 921, 954, 965, 1T38, 1160, I2I3, 1510, 1556, 1626, 1853, 1938, 1979, 2079, 2092-3, 2098, 3104, 2208, 2328, 2504 Susan Alice, 1137 Susan Amanda, 1899 Cleveland, cont'd, Susan Ann, 954, 956, 1188, 2321 Susan Augusta, 1654 Susan Bird, 952 Susan Caroline, 1675 Susan Childs, 827 Susan E., 2280 Susan Eliza, 565 Susan Elizabeth, 607, 753, 1684, 1747, 2129 Susan Ellen, 810 Susan Elmira, 1166, 2314 Susan Emery, 1243 Susan F., 820 Susan Heard, 861 Susan Jane, 807, 823 Susan Janette, 707 Susan L. K., 2268 Susan Lathrope, 1130 Susan Little, 880 Susan Lovena Kilborn, 1625 Susan Luce, 973 Susan Lucy, 1397 Susan M., 899, 2276 Susan Matilda, 1721 Susan Newton,, 833, 2485 Susan Nuckolls, 2130 Susan Ophelia, 1212 Susan Parker, 1602, 2354 Susan Pease, 427 Susan Prescott, 1771 Susan Rebecca, 2105 Susan Russell, 954 Susan S., 2287 Susan Sneed, 2208 Susan Sophia, 1089, 1793 - Susan T., 975 Susan Taney, 920 Susan Theresa, 1548, 2496 Susan Trowbridge, 1850, 2384, 2405 Susan Wing, 1619 Susan Winship, 2321 Susan Wood, 718 Susanna, Susannah, 77, 93, no, 129, 154-5, 196, 219, 221, 303-4, 306, 323-4, 421, 431, 484, 511, 532, 752, 764, 795, 797, 929, 1503, 1545, 2308, 3332, 2247, 2317, 2458 Susannah GiilEord, 952 Susanna Hardin, 2307 Susannah N., 150 Susannah Pulsifer, 573 Susannah Virtue, 951 Susannah Zurviah, 604 Susie B, 1214 Susie Frances, 2180 Suzan, 3504 Sybel, 736 Sybbel, 133 Sybil, 82, 122, 246, 314, 774. 880, 1894 Sybil Ann, 1506 Sydney, 3151, 2199 Sydney Ann, 2128^ 2146 Sydney Gamble, 2126 Sylvanus, 421, 589, 921, 962, 1675, 1716, 2274, 2384 Sylvester, 291, 704, 1355, 1487, 2328 Sylvester Eli, 1412 Sylvester Irving, 1420 Sylvester Jerome, 1553 Sylvester Johnson, 1747 Sylvester Josiah, 1747 Sylvester Smith, 1251 Sylvester William, 712 Sylvia, 179, 204, 317, 483, ^549, 747, 815, 1193, 1937-8 Sylvia Adelia, 1052 Sylvia Cleveland, 1937-8 I Cleveland, cont'd, Sylvia Estella, 1990 Sylvia Genevieve, 1673 Sylvia Mehitable, 105 1 Sylvia Phillips, 483 T. H., 2328 T. J., 2328 T. Jackson, 2244 T. J. J., 2271 Tabitha, 97, 125, 41?, 945, 2092 Tabitha A., 2153 Tabitha Dorcas, 984, 1725 Talcott Easton, 1243 Tallitha, 726 Tamar, 2309 Tamasin, 155 Tamerson Arethusa, 626 Tamer'son Aurila, 1239 Temperance, 395, 781, 1626 Tennessee, 2207 Teresa Emelia, 916 Thaddeus, 1724 Thaddeus Sobeski, 11703 Thankful, 92, 96^ 175, 345» 3^3, 415, 908 Thankful Almira, 887 Thankful Ann 1217, 1239 Thankful Blackwell^ 1712 Thankful Gray, 965 Thankful M., 1645 Theada Abigail, 962 Theadotia, 783 Thebe Isabella, 1685 Theda, 1367 Theda Rebecca, 1231 Theodore Franklin, 2155 Theodore Newcomb, 1380 Theodore Parkman, 969 Theodocia, i68r Theodocia Backus, 16S5 Theodocia Rebecca, 1359 Theodosia, 2198 Theodotia, 395, 1367 Theodotia Niles, 1666 Theresa, 1226, 1342, 2164 Theresa Augusta, 1668 Theresa Elizabeth, 1358-9 Theresa Emelia, 916 Theresa Louise, 1883 Thomas, 15, 16, 138, 287, 316, 32S, 549, 668, 691, 714, 788, 812, 891, 947-8, 1179, 1188, 1485-6, 1855, 1937-8, 2092, 2148, 2229, 2234, 3245, 2250, 2275-6, 2328, 2503 Thomas Augustus, 814 Thomas B., 2328 Thomas Bennet, 214 Thomas Benton, 1704 Thomas Blackwell, 1018, 1020 Thomas C, 2328 Thomas Calaway, 2078, 2104 Thomas Calvin,, 1622 Thomas Carlisle, 1844 Thomas Converse, 1253 Thomas Crafts, 809 Thomas D., 2310 Thomas Daniel, 2153 Thomas Dunham, 435 Thomas Earl, 810 Thomas Erany, 2212 Thomas Foster, 1961 Thomas Gold, 1825 Thomas Harlen, 1938 Thomas Harvey, 1527 Thomas Herbert, 1529 Thomas Jefferson, 1341, 1725, 1896, 2312, 2331 Thomas L., 2153 Thomas Lamson, 165 1 Thomas Lathrop, 1102 Thomas ^.^athrope, if-'33 Cleveland, cont'd, Thomas Lumbard, 1130 Thomas Martin, 2314 Thomas Milton, 1343, 2165 Thomas Monroe, 3212 Thomas Morse, 449 Thomas Oscar, 1628 Thomas P., 2274 Thomas Paine, 381, 579 Thomas Parmelee, 1622 Thomas Perkins, 812 Thomas Raymond, 1344 Thomas Reuben, 2211 Thomas Russel, 2019 Thomas Sherman, 1990 Thomas Stone, 2182 Thomas Van Dorn, 3312 Thomas W., 2277 Thomas Walley, 2004 Thomas Warren, 1643 Thomas Wilford, 1845 Thomas William, 565, 1937 Thomas Wilmer, 707 Thomas Wright, 2160 Thorkil, 8, 14, 16-18, 2223 Thurlow Weed, 1683 Thurza, 3347 Timothy, 72, 142, 294, 413, 722, 947, 950, 1428, 3229, 2384 Timothy Judson, 1707 Timothy P., 912 Tina, 1910 Tina Belle, 984 Tina Latham, 19 11 Tinnie, 1665 Toulman, 2328 Tracy, 263, 317, 783, 1227, 1853, 2328, 2337 Treadwell, 1799, 1800 Tristram, 431, 974 Truman, 388, 899 Truman David, 1636 Trumaji Henry, 1417 Truman Lewis, 1964 Truman Lorenzo, 898 Trumbull Williams, 1608 Tryphena, 562, 901, 1578 "" Tryphena Matilda, 1967 Tryphena R., 1643 Tryphenia, 774 Tryphosia, 774 Turner Shepherd, 1502 Tyler, 160 Tyxhall, 286 U-. Frank, 2328 Uctredj 14-17, 2224 Ula M.ay, 2222 Ulysses, 2077, 2160 Ulysses Grant, 1749 Ulysses Orlando, 1856 Ulysses T., 2077, 2338 Urania Clifford, 974 Uriah, 1438, 1934 Uriah Adams, 1364 Uriah Chapin, 916 Uriah Desoto, 1905 Uriah Eaton, 125 1 Ursula, 632 Ursula Angela, 1440 Ursula Fitch, 982 Ursuline, 1885 Vacah Decastro, 1510 Valentine Nutter, 1444-5 Valentine W, 1444-5 Valentine W., 2328 Van Aden, 1232 Vannoy, 2180 Vannoy Vernon, 2191 Van Rensselaer, 1354 Varzina, 1994 Verbia Inez, 1904 Vernet Elijah, 1858 Vernett Evans, 1456 INDEX OF PERSONS. Cleveland, cont'd, Vernetta, 2198 Vernie Mabel, 1416 Vesta Lorenda, 1707 Vester, 291, 704 Viana, 944 Victor, 2328 Victor C, 1135 Victor E., 1180 Victoria, 1906 Victoria Celia, 1663 Victoria Janette, 1939 Viola, 2051, 2328 Viola Annabel, 1330 Viola Arthelia, 1711-12 Viola Butler, 2041 Viola Elizabeth, 1931 Viola Jessamine, 2128 Viola May, 1435 Violet Grace, 1690 Violetta, 1469 Virgil, 2328 Virginia, 1494, 2155, 2158, ' 2330 Virginia Frances, 1937 Virginia May, 1953 Virginia Reintzel, 1355 Virginia Wayne, 1910 Virtue Jane, 952 Viva Perpetua, 1558 Vivian Virginia, 1219 Vivon, 1935, 2501 W., 2328 W. A., 2338 W. C, 2338 W. Campbell, 3338-9 W. Cromwell, 2330 W. D., 2329 W. E. Frank, 2339 W. G., 3329 W. H., 2329 W. J., 3331 W. K., 3157 VV. O., 2329 W. S., 2329 W. U., 1163 W, W., 3339 Waddy Thompson, 2136 Wade Hampton, 3164 Waily, 233s Waitstill, 384, 671, 682 Waitstill Hilton, 565 Walden, 3329 VValdo, 915 Waldo Strong, 1665 Wallace, 1950 Wallace Franklin, 1655 Wallace Webber, 1588 Walter, 141 6, 1692, 1748, 1974, 2163, 3355, 3329 Walter Avery, 1828 Walter C, 1553, 2329 Walter Carl, 1508 " Walter Dickinson, 1725 Walter Eugene, 1937 Walter Everett, 1563 Walter F., 2329 Walter Fisher, 1561 Walter Franklin, 2493 Walter Gold, 2038 Walter Gordon, 1559 Walter H., 2329 Walter Henry, 1896 Walter Herbert, 1560 Walter Herman, 1625 W^alter L., 2339 Walter Lyon, 1752 Walter Nelson, 1559 Walter Ray, 1900 Walter Scott, 1908 Walter Sumner, 1897 Walter Wallace, 1428 Walter Young, 2195 Ward Elisha, 1994 Warner, 1494, 2384 Warren, 324, 423, 901, 1494, 1578 2589 Cleveland, cont'd, Warren A., 2329 Warren Augustus, 835 Warren Davis, 966 Warren Eddy, 1963 Warren Marion, 2045 Warren N., 2329 Warren Wheeler, 821 Washburn Parker, 2299 Washington, 1160, 1752, 2146 Washington Cromwell, 2152 Washington La Fayette, 1472 Watson Asbury, 1688 Watson J., 2273 Watson Tingley, 1585 Wealtha, 781 Wealthy, 323, 616, 913, 1340 Welcome Jason, 1248 Wellington, 1634 Wellington Napoleon, 1703 Weltha, 717 Weltha H., 1492 Wesley, 1936 Wesley Dyer, 549 Weston, 2157 White, 1587 Whitford Horatio, 1939 Whiting, 255, 7g7^ ii88 Whitney, 1179 Whittingham, 1774 Wilber F., 1962 Wilber Wright, 2014 Wilbur, 1403 Wilbur Frank, 1844 Wilbur Myron, 1440 Wilde Clayton, 2153 Wiley, 2329-30 Willard, 330, 913, 948, 1247, 1835 Willard Reuben, 1636 Willber, 1470 Willelmi, 2242 Willelmo, 2242 Willelmus, 2241-2 Willet Henry, 1693 Willett Stillman, 1492 Willey, 1747 William, 15-17, 21-2, 95, 104, 147, 179, 187, 203-4, 231, 233-4, 262, 316, 323, 391, 401, 403, 405, 412, 423, 433, 437, 473, 484, 501, 504, 522, 533, 556, 579, 671, 711, 751, 799, 802, 806, 828, 902, 944, 952, 977, 1012-13, 1082, 1085^, 1162, 1 196, 1243, 125^ 1415, 1419, 1436, 1438, 1543-4, 1557, 1678, 1681, 1691, 1711, 1844, 1910, 1933, -^93^-7, 1947, 1974, 2023, 2058, 2074, 2077-8, 2092-3, 2096, 2099, 2143, 2146, 214S, 2153-4, 2157-9, 2164, 2186, 2204, 2207-8, 3228, 2232-5 2237, 2241-2, 2246, 2249, 2253, 2255, 2270, 2274, 2278, 2380, 3306, 3307, 3309, 2313, 2316, 2328-31, 2335-6, 2484, 2504-5 WilHam A., 2331 William Albert, 1241, 1949, 2301 William Albro, 1474 William Alexander, 1681, 1S44, 2144, 2312 William Alfred, 1994, 2126 William Allen, 1163, 3160 William Allison, 1779 William Alonzo, 1133, 1319, 3331-2 William Anthony, 1570 William Arlington, 1179 WilHam Armstead,' 573, 1166 2S90 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cleveland, cont'd, William Arthur, 832 William Augustus, 1475 William B., 983, 3374, 2276 WilHam Bacon, 884 WilHam Barnes, 1635 William Bartow, 2209 WilHam Beardsley, 1323 William Beatty, 1774 William Benjamin, 2178 William Bernard, 1907 William Berry, 3130 William Bingham, 1833 William Bivings, 3129 William Bliss, 1847 William Britt, 1525 William Bryan, 1686 William Burnside, 1652 William C, 2076, 2329, 2332 William Calloway, 2095, 2145j 2177 William Calvin, 1355 William Cayley Henry, 1714 WilHam Charles, 1113, 1316 WilHam Chauncey, 1969 William Chester, 1546 William Choice> 2179-80 William Clarence, 1672 William Clark, 1503 William Cropsey, 2007 WilHam Cushman, 1532 William Cyrus, 2052-3 William D,, 2332 William Da Litt, 903 William Darbee, 290 William Datus, 1442 William Davis, 1528, 1910-11 WilHam Dexter, 1649 William Don, 1442 William Douglas, 1406, 2331 William Dounton, 1974 William Downer, 3387, 2503 William E., 3079, 2332 William Earl, 2105 William Earles, 2104, 2163 William Early, 2156, 221 1 William Edgar, 1508, 2323 William Edmund, 1529 William Edward, 1166, 1927 WilHam Eli, 2165 William Elmore, 2029 William Emerson, 1845 William Ephraim, 1684 William Eugene, 1940 William F., 2332-3 WilHam Fiske, 2301 William Fitch, 575 William Floid, 1205 William Franklin, 1855-6, 1909, 2098, 2165, 2312 William Frederic, William Frederick, 1428, 1458, 1590, 1740, 2240, 2384 William G., 1489, 2333 William George, 1441 William Grant, 1950 William Graves, 2306 WilHam H., •1587, 2273, 2275, 2277, 2333, 2503 William Hamilton, 548 William Harper, 2212 William Harrison, 415, 634, 2150 William Havelock, 1175 William Henry, 471, 753, 847, 1000, loio-ii, 1025, 1035, 1219. 1245, 1254, 1344. 1403, 1416, 1457, 1471, 1532, 1646, 1680, 1691, 1710, 1714, 1738, 1896, 1899, 1903, Cleveland, cont'd, William Henry,' cont'd, 1947, 1980, 2014, 2031, 2041, 2248, 2353, 2487 William Henry Harrison, 934, 1344 William Henry Sumner, 2041 William Hibbard, 707 William Hiller, 1771 William Hinton, 1652 William Howard, 2300 William Howell, 2214 William Hughes, 1090 William J., 1503, 2278, 2333 William James, 1645 William Jasper, 1938, 2207 William Job, 767, 1499 William John, 1023, 1392 William John Hamilton, 1753 William Johnson, 1050 William Joseph, 1026, 1686 William Joshua, 1085 William Jule, 1691 William Kittredge, 1649 William Knapp, 1144 WilHam L., 1163, 2311, 2333 William Lacey, 1710 WiUiam Larkin, 2118 William Earned, 381 William Leroy, 1471, 2157, 2210-11 William Levi, 1420, 1501 William Levins, 1679 William Liberty, 831, 1980 William Lincoln, 1650 William Lord, 1404, 1927 William Ludlow, 2026 William M., 1544, 2093, 2209, 2333 WiUiam McMahan, 1114 WiUiam McMichael, 256 William Marona, 2132 William Marsh, 2008 William Mayo, 1408 WilHam Melancthon, 1645 WilHam Meredith, 2031 William Merritt, 944 William Metcalf, 1560 WiUiam Monroe, 1847 William Morgan, 1647 William Morse, 449 William Morton, 2132 William Murat, 536, 1142 William Murray, 1642 William Neal, 1780, 2385, 2499 William Neale, 866 WiUiam Nelson, 1524, 2014 William Nicholas, 2143 William O., 2104, 2309, 2333 WiHiam Odell, 1444 William Oliver, 1650, 1908, 204^, 2144 William Oscar, 1528 WilHam P., 1708, 2333 William Palmiter, 926-7 WiUiam Parker, 1710 WUliam Pepper, 2180 William Perkins, 1466 WUliam Perley, 1607 William Perry, 989 William Phelps, 2389, 2301 William Pitt, 382, 526, 884, 1833, 2003 WUliam Pitt Amherst, 171 William Pitts, 2029 William R., 2333 William Rathbone, 933 William Raymond, 960 WiUiam Reuben, 3160 William Rice, 1551 William Riley, 624, 1470 WiUiam Robinson, 1653 Cleveland, cont'd, William Rush, 1408 WUliam S., 2333 William S. B., 2333 WilHam Schuyler, 1419, ^°53 WilHam Sears, 1180 William SewaU, 1076, 2490 William Seymour, 1686 William Simpson, 1752 William Smith, 322, 1978 William Sylvester, 1939 William Thomas, 2164-5, 3312 William Thompson, 1559 William Vick, 1427 William W., 2278, 2333 WiUiam Waldo, 1666, 2023 William Wallace, 789, 1366, 1381, 1702, 1965, 2019 William Warren, 632, 1219, 124S, 1252 WilHam Waterman, 904 William Weston, 2210 WiUiam Wheeler, 2003 WiUiam Wordsworth, 1480 Williana, 1470 Willie, 1417, 1885, 2153, 2333 Willie Ann, 2143 Willie Clarence, i860 Willie Frank, 2201 Willie Hollis, 220S Willie Irene, 2178 WiUie Olin, 1688 Willis, 2153, 2325 Willis J., 1050 Willis Maltby, 1661 WiUis Milton, 1928 Willis Porter, 1963 Willm, 2504 Wilmarth, 1747 Wilmouth, 1747 Wilson Albert, 1857 Wilson Hopkins, 1955 Wilson Pitt, 2003 Wiltha, 616 Winfield Miller, 2022 Winfield Scott, 837, 2212 Winifred, 1685 Winnifred Agnes, 1189 Winnifred May, 1251 Winona, 1000 Winthrop Thomas, 837 WoUin Scott, 1520 Woodbury Fremont, 2029 Woodford, 2333 Wright L., 1752 Wyatt, 2099 Wylie, 2330 Xenophon, 1508 Zabdiel, 195 Zachariah, 397 Zachary Taylor, 2105, 2147 Zachary Washburn, 2298 Zadah Bell, 1965 Zaidee Trevanion, 1406 Zareph, 148 Zeb, 195 Zebadial, Zebadiel, 195 Zebedee, 195 Zebiah, 786 Zebina S"^ith, 1885 Zebulon, 195 Zedekiah, 761. Zjellah Viola, 1904 Zelon, 2006 Zenas, 273, 646, SSo Zerelda, 2212 Zeruiah, 47, 138, 154, 396, 48s, 785 Ziba Valette, 1950 Zida Dounton, 1974 Zillah, 2263 Zilpah, Zilpha, 157, 298, 388, 471, 712, 896, 943 \ INDEX OF PERSONS. 2591 Cleveland, cont'd, Zimri, 93, 330, 426, 970 Zina Norman, 1937 Zipporah, 73, 2331 Zolvid, 328 Zophar, 1724 Zouchi, 2084 Zuleika, 1490 Zuleika Haralson, 1490, 2385, Zurviah, 361 Cleveringa, Cornelia Ebelina, 1022 Cleverland, Simon, 400 Clevland, Clieveland, : Cleveland. Clifford, Abigail, 648 Alfred, 1881 Arthur Morton, 1881 Bessie Wallace, 1881 Betsey, 647 Charles Condit, 1881 Charlotte Lovina, 3008 Cornelia, 648 Edith, 18 Eleanor, 1074 Elijah Miner, 648 Elizabeth, 1301 Ellen, i88i Hannah, 833 Huldah Eugenie, 2008 Irene Clifford, 1881 Joseph Clark, 1881 Julia, 648 Lorena, 648 Marion, 1881 Mary Elizabeth, 1881 Mary Frances, 1881 Nancy, 974, 1280 Nathan, 823 Oliver Hamblin, 1301 Oliver Morton, 1881 Peter Cromwell, 2008 Samuel, 647-8 Sarah, ^22, 648 Sarah Elizabeth, 1881 Sophia, 647 Sophronia, 648 William Plummer, Clift, Elizabeth, 474 James S., 474 William, 485 Willis, 2326, 2330 Clifton, miss, 976 Betsey, 806 Clinesmith, John, 1137 Mary, 1137 Clingman, Ann Eliza, 1571 Clinton, mr., 1880, 2485 "" Adella Isabell, 1190 Harriet Cordelia, 1880, 4485 Henry, 1190 Matilda, 1190 Washington, 1190 Clissold, Nancy Elizabetl 942 Thomas, 943 Cliveland, see Cleveland.! Close, Margaret, 1382 Mary Louisa, 1382 Samuel, 1382 Closson, Claussen, Claw/son, 2334 mr., 2334 Alice Helen, 1305 Alice Maud Mary, 139I4 Asa Burton, 1305 Caroline, 1305 Fanny Agnes, 1305 genry Burton, 1305 Henry S., 1569 Jeremiah, 1394 ' Josephine Victoria, 1569 Juna Bancroft, 1305 Letitia, 1394 648 Closson, cont'd, Mary, 993 Cloud, Mary Ann, 1280 Norman, 3381 Clough, Cluff, mr., 1386 Abigail, 1862 Abigail Rebecca, 691 Charlotte Marshall, 691 Charles Volney, 691 Cynthia, 1303 Daniel, 389 Elizabeth Nancy, 691 EUen Aurilla, 691 EUen F., 1207 Emma Inez, 876 Hannah, 389 Henrietta, 1863 Hiram, 691 James Russell, 691 John Russell, 691 Joseph, 691 Laura Jane, 691 Leavitt, 1862 Lydia Elmina, 1863 Margaret, 1863 Martha A., 2432 Mary, 1386, 1948 Nancy B., 876 Robert, 876 Susan Maria. b9i Thomas CJrmel, 1862-3 Wilber Carlos, 691 Cloyd, AbigaU M,, 1004 Adelia, 1004 James, 1004 Madalene, 1004 Cloyes, Benjamin Franklin, 1562 Sarah, 1562 Sarah Jane, 1562 Cluff, see Clough. Clugston, Eleanor May, 1410 Clun, lord of, 265 Clun and Oswaldestre, lord of, 26s Clute, Margaret, 1131 Clutterbrook, Hesper Keziah, 2012 Clyde, Abner Hovey, 1263 Anna, 1362 Annabel, 1362 Daniel, 1262 EUen E., 1263 Esther, 1262 Hannah Louisa, 1262 Hannah Louise, 1262 Imogene, 1263 John. 1262 John Downer, 1262 Katie, 1262 Margaret, 1262 Moses Sylvester, 1262 Sarah Amelia, 1262 Clyveland, see Cleveland. Coal, see Cooley. Coalborne, see Colburn . Coaldwell, see Caldwell. Coan, see Cone. Coates, Coats, Anna H., 1776 Betsey, 1557 Charles E., 1776 Elizabeth, 1149 Mary, 1658 Mary Louisa, 1776 Sarah, 677 Coats, see Coates. Cobb, Cobbs, baronet, 44 rev. mr., 44 Abigail, 44-5 Abigail Mayo, 45 Arthusa, 44 Augustine, Austin, 1999 Betsey, 44 Calvin, 44 Carlos, 45-6 Carloscar Warner, 46 Charlotte Callender, 46 Cobb, cont'd, Charlotte WUcox, 46 Clarissa, 44 Cynthia, 2143 David, 1999 Derek, 44 Dorothy, 44 Drury, 44 Ebenezer, 44 Edmund, 44 Edna, 46 Edward, 2014 Eliza, 45 Elizabeth, 2143 Elkanah, 44 Emeline, 46 Emeline Field, 46 Esther, 45, 1999 Eunice, i486 Florence I-Iermion, 1594 Frances, 46 Gideon, 44, 46 Gideon Dyer, 44 Hannah, 44, 958 Henry, 44-5 Horace, 45 Huldah, 44 James Brewer, 45 James Dyer, 44, 46 Jennie, 45 John, 44-5 John Callender, 46 Joshua, 44 Julia Ann, 45 Julia Ida, 46 Lois, 44 Lora, 45 Lora Fitch, 45 Lucina, 46 Lucinda, 183 Lucy, 45 Lydia, 1999 Margaret Sherrill, 46 Maria, 44-6 Martha H., 46 Mary, 44-6, 2014 Mary Emily, 46 Mary Robbins, 46 Mary WUlard, 45 Maud, 45 Mildred Virgin, 3143 Morgan, 1999 Myra, 46 Nicholas, 2143 Oscar, 45-6 Pamelia, 727 Polly, 44 Rachel, 137 Roxana, 46 S. N., 1594 Sally, 1999 Sally Ann, 1625 Sarah, 44-5, 157, 335 Sarah Euselia, 46 Sarah Jenny, 46 Seth, 2014 Simeon, 44, 727 Sophia, 44 Susan, 44 Thomas, 1999 Weltha, 45 Welthean, 44 Willard, 44 William, 44-6 WiUiam Henry, 46 William Horace, 45 Cobble, Julia, 1048 Cobbs, see Cobb. Coburn, Alard, 706 Anfort, 1393 Caroline, 851 Caroline Matilda, 1293 Clara, 1393 Correnah, 706 Eliza, 706 Elmer, 706 George, 851 Justus L., 757 Lucina, 757 Mary Lucy, 757 Moses Bradstreet, 1293 Oscar, 706 Rachel, 9'^o Coch, Eve, 1388 Cochnower, Aaron Cleveland, 11 16 Clara, 1116 Frances Josephine. 1116 John, 1116 2592 *^leveland genealogy. Cochnower, cont'd, John Lewis, 1116 Laurance Morey, 1116 Letitia Dow, 11 16 Mary Belle, 11 16 Cochran, see Cochrane. Cochrane, Cochran, Agnes Gordon, 1064 Allan Rush, 2221 Ann Maria, 2221 Barbara, 1932 Charles Cleveland, 2221 Frances, 2045 Henry Marshall, 2221 John Lynch, 2221 Julia, 1870 Mary, 1064, 2221 Mary H., 1609 Owen, 2221 Stewart, 2221 William, 1064 Cockain, see Gookin. Cockburn, Eliza, 1117 Cocke, Benjamin Amos, 2431 Elizabeth, 1910 Lucy, 1910 Mary Rebecca, 1910 Richard, 1910 Rosa Gray, 1910 Sarah, 2431 Sarah Elizabeth, 2431 William Irby, 1910 Cockerille, Americus, 2150 Annie, 2150 Fanny, 2206 Fanny Cleveland, 2150 James, 2150 Mary Catherine, 2150 Nannie, 2150 Richard Henry, 2150 Sally Lee, 2150 Samuel Johnstone, 2150 Cockey, Rebecca, 553 Codman, Charles, 1062 Cody, Miranda, 2433 Coe, Agnes Eleanor, 1968 Anna, 1325 Anna Higley, 1325 Daniel, 1325 Charles Cleveland, 1326 Elizabeth, 1044 Elizabeth Cleveland, 1326 Ella, 1327 George Jarvis, 1326 Granville, 1225 Helen Marion, 1520 Henry Smith, 1520 lonie Oliva, 1520 James Roger, 1325 John Frank, 1969 John Markhill, 1225 John Reuben, 1225 Lois, 1044 Margaret Lawrence Sweet, 1326 Mary, 1325, 1969 Mary Clara, 1225 Miriam, 1044 Nancy, 1051 Phineas, 1327 Rachel Halcott, 1326 Robert Coe, 1326 Ruby, 1225 Samuel Brown, 1225 Sarah Whitman, 1326 Shreve Shin, 1225 Zechariah, 1044 Coevers, see Covert. Coffee, Coffey, A., 2056 Elizabeth, 2058, 2077 James, 2056, 2058 Martha, 2056 Coffey, see Coffee. Coffin, , 193 miss, 973 mrs., 429 '{ Coffin, cont'd, Abbott Stanley, 1721 1 Abigail, 968 1 Adelaide C, 1721 Allen, 1721 I Annie M., 531 ^Benjamin, 426, 429 (Beulah, 429 Diharles Carleton, 1998 Daaniel, 429 Da-OC'd, 968, 974 , Deb[id Irving, 968 ¦Deb'^o*"^", 4^"' 4^9' 960 Dioii?y, 1721 „ Edwijis, 429, 968 EdwiP, 1716 Eliza^ Ijvin, 1721 Elizat. 4?6 Eliza?'«th, 1057, 1988 Enot^beth E., 2331 Euni-feh, 429 Fre4<=^, 974 Georierick W. M., 875 Geo/fge, 4^6 Grifrge Henry, 968 Hal-^^ Stewart, 974 HaJ°"^^'' '716 Ha "let, 875 Harrie/ Lewis, 974 Harry Htfewell, 875 Hattie ElizabO". I7i9 Henry Allen, 172 '721 Henry Lyman, 17I Henry Russell, 875" Henry Starbuck, g6i Isabella G, 1895 ^ . James, 968 Jane, 429 ' Jedidah, 965 Joan, 429, 968 , Joanna, 429, 968, 1988 1 John, 429, 968 John Livesey, 1719, 2385 John Waterman, 426 Joshua, 364 Judith, 968, 2469 Levi Hubbard, 2331 Lionel, 429 Lois, 431 Love, 426 Lucretia, 970 Lydia, 675, 2011 Lydia Cushing, 968 Magdalena, 431 Marietta Osborn, 1721 Mary, 531, 968, 2011 Mary Ann, 426 Mary Carlan, 1716 Mary Elizabeth, 968 Mary Wilder, 1716 Nathaniel Wheeler, 429 Nicholas, 426, 429, 968 Owen, 426 Peter, 426, 429, 431, 968, 1988 Peter Martin, 431 Phebe, 968 Philip, 429 Rebecca, 1056-7, 1068, 1384 Sabrina, 968 Sally, 1720 Sarah, 429, 968 Sarah Catharine, 1719 Seth, S31 Stephen, 968 Susan, 1721 Tamer, 428 Thomas M., 1716 Timothy, 1720 Tristram, 426, 429, 968, 1057, 1988, 2011 Valina, 1720 Warren Choate, 875 William, 429, 1384 Zacheriah, 426 Zorada, 1720 Coffman, Jane, 1299 CoggeshaU, Fred H., 2290 Harriet Reed, 2290 Humility, Humillis, 1644 Joan, 1644 Joshua, 1644 Cogsdell, Submit, 320 Cogswell, Aaron, 565, 1175 Abiah, 873 Abigail, 360, 565, 87s, i!75 Abigail Ann, 1609 Abigail Cleaveland, 1610 Abigail F., 876 Addie, 875 Adeline, 875 Albert Foster, 874 Alice, 90 Alicia, 90 Ann, 565-6 Amos, 2437 Anna Bell, 874 Anna Mabel, 874 Annie M. J., 117S Annie Mehitabel, 1610 Benjamin Burgess, 565 Bridget, 82 Caroline Parker, 875 Carrie, 1610 Charles Edward, 1611 Charles Elbridge, 874 Charles Robert, 1611 Clara Elizabeth, 161 1 Clarence, 1610 Clarissa, 1611 Cynthia Amelia, 252 Cynthia K., 875-6 Daniel, 252, 565 -^ David, 873 David Warren, 873 Ebenezer, 876 Edna Brainard, 874 Edward, 90, 874 Edward P., 875 Edward Parker, 875-6 Edward Payson, 873 Egbert Cleveland, 1175 Eliza Jane, 872 Eliza L., 873 Eliza M., 565 Elizabeth, 90, 141, 161, 360, 875 Elizabeth Frances, 1608-9 Elizabeth Maria, 874 Elizabeth Wilson, 874 Ellen Paulina, 874 Elva Lodema, 1608 Emeline Adelia, 874 Emeline Mehitabel, 874 ^mma, 1610 if.mma Frances, 873 J/;mma' iT.ez, 876 B'ilpes, 1606 i^rnest Henry, 1608 lEsther Sawyer, 1608 A'H^ugene Clinton, 1608 pEunice, 1175 SFanny Cordelia, 874 fFitz Edward, 874 > Florence Hamilton, 1610 I Frank Edward, 873 IGeorge, 1610 ^eorge Henry, 1610 r-Iannah, 90, 141, 161-2, 873, T( 1082 I'lannah L., 360 C.Iannah Maria, 360 iHarriet A., 161 1 rjarriet Parker, 87s tlelen Paulina, 874 Ttlezekiah, 565 Isaac, 565 Isaac Jackson, 565 Jaabelle C, 1611 JaWes Richards, 1608 JofiN A., 875 Jane M., 875 td \ 90, 141, 161, 360, 565, .Toh)82, 1606 Jond Cleaveland, 873-6, 1610 Jonathan, 357-8, 360, 872 Josephan Cleaveland, 873 '), 360, 874, 1610 index of persons. 2593 Cogswell, cont'd, Joseph Henry Lyman, 873 Joseph Warren, 1610 JuHa Ann, 1606 Laura, 1610 Leander Allen, 874 Leander Winslow, 1609, 2385 Lilian May, 1610 Lina Haskell, 874 Lizzie, 360, 875 Lizzie Maria, 874 Louis Agassiz, 1608 Louisa, 360 Louisa Antoinette, 1608-9 Louisa L., 872 Lucretia, 1606 Lucy, 513. I "9 Luella Susan, 873 Lydia, 2437 Lydia Ann, 1175, 161 1 Margaret, 565, 1606 Margaret Ann, 360 Martha, 565 Martha Caroline, 1611 Mary, 357-8, 360, 872, 876, 1606, I 610 Mary AbigaU, 1610 Mary Anna, 1611 Mary C, 875 Mary Dickey, 873*^ Mary EmiUne, 1610 Mary Frances, 1610 Mary Haskell, 875^, 1609 Mary Smith, 873, 1609 Mattie, 565 Mehitabel, 874 Myron Winslow, 876 Nathaniel, 82 Oliver, 1175 Parsons Brainerd, 1610, 2385 PoUy C, 875 Rachel Euphemia, 873 Ray Beckwith, 1175 Richard Henry Lee, 873 Robert, 90 'Samuel, 141, 565-6, 1175 'Samuel Beckwith, 1175- Sarah Elizabeth, 360 Sarah Ellison, 565 "Sarah Jane, 1610 Susan Eliza, 565 Susan Maria, 874 Susanna, Susannah, 141, 360, 565-6, 1838, 1868 Thomas, 360 Thomas W., 565 Walter Cleaveland, 1610 Warren Harriman, 1608 William, 360, 1606, 2441 William Brainard, 876 WilHam Elbridge, 874 WilHam Goodrich, 876 Willis, 873 Cogwin, Flora Hattie, 1682 George Wallace, 1682 Cohen, Judith, 158S Levi Barent, 1588 ¦Coit, miss, 808 AbigaU, 1816 Addie Johnson, 1816 Adelaide C, i8i6 Benjamin, 1816 Benjamin B,, 1816 Daniel, 360 Experience, 881 Hannah, 1098 John, 514-15 Joseph, 515, 881 Lucy, 514.15 Lydia, 515 Martha, 515 ^ary, 515, 1329 Mehetabel, Mehitable, 515 Olive, 881 Samuel, 515, 881, i8i6 S^rah, 881, 1735, i8i5 Tamarson, Tamerson, 358, 360 William, iSt6 163 Coitmore, Coytemore, Coytmore, Quotmore, Alis, 2416 Ehzabeth, 3416 Katharine, 162 Roland, Rowland, 162, 3416 Cokain, see Gookin. Coke, Edward, 19 Cokefield, Agnes, 686 Colbert, Fanny, 477 Colboth, Elmira Lovicey, 544 Joseph, 544 Colbron, see Colburn. Colburn, Coalborne, Colbron, AbigaU, 339 Albina, 1291 Allen, 830 AUison, 1291 Anna, 338-9, 1262 Anna Florence, 839 Arthur Clyde, 1263 Benjamin, 1621 Betsey, 1621 Clara E., 1992 Cordelia Mindwell, 1291 Edgar Willard, ^262 EHza, 339 Elizabeth, 1234 Elizabeth Church, 839 Elizabeth HuU, 1235 Ella Jane, 1909 . Ephraim, 339 Fairchild Smith, 1324 Flora Ann, 1224 Frederick Erastus, 1224 George, 1335 George Cleveland, 830 Hannah Louisa, 1262 Helen Hamilton, 830 Hitty, 338 Howard, 339 Ichabod, 338-9 James Bussie, 1909 Le Grande Lacy, 1335 Louisa Adelaide, 133S Louisa H., 830 Martha Jackman, 1621 Martha James, 1909 Mary Ellis, 829 Mary EUis Gay, 829 Mercy, 339 Nancy, 830 Nancy Estelle, 830 Nathaniel, 339 PriscUla, 339 Rubie Cleveland, 1224 SaUy, 830 SaUy Ann, 1335 Samuel, 339 Samuel WiUard, 1263 Sarah, 334 Sarah Tate, 1909 Sylvester, 1324 Sylvester Grant, 1324 Sylvester Murray, 1262 Thatcher, 338 Waldo, 839 Walker, 830 WUliam, 1263 Willis Lee, 1335 Colby, Adaline, 1900 Elizabeth, 707 Hiram Newton, 1491 Jennie Adelia, 1948 Jessie Mary, 1491 Joseph, 548 Louisa, 1377 Martha, 1363 Mary, 548 Mary Amelia, 1491 Newton Irving, 1491 Polly, 1054 Sally, 874 WiUiam, 1948 Colchester, viscount, 2000 Coldham, Martha, 1883 Thomas, 1883 Coldwell, see CaldweU. Cole, Coles, mr., 188, 953 Abigail, 819. 1604 Cole, cont'd, Abigail Budd, 1158 Adaline, 1734. Adelaide Juliana, 1646 Amelia, 2243 Ann, 796 Anna Rosaline, 1145 Anne, 120-1 Arrold, 51, 495 Asa, 819, 2322 Augustus Graham, 1593 Bertram Smallwood, 1972 Calvary Morris, 2010 Campbell Quackenboss, 1972 Carl Lewis, 1964 ^ Caroline Matilda, 3333 Charlotte, 1972 Delia A., 2322 Edward Hervey, 1593 Elbert Gordon Washburn, 2010 Eliza Ann, 2011 Elizabeth, 51, 819, 1313, 1503 Elizabeth Rachael, 2010 Ezra, 2317-18, 2322 Flora Augusta, 1964 Frances, 46 Francis, 819 George, 952 Glen Levi, 1468 Grace, 1121 Hannah, 1642 Hannah Myra, 1415 Harriet Adelia Ann, 1593 Harrold, 51, 495 Harvey, 1468 Helen Jennette, 2044 Helen Louisa, 952 Henry Grant, 1145 Hepzibah, 1074 Honor Lizzie, 201 1 Huldah, 1849 Humphrey, 121 Ida Namona, 1468 Inez Albertie, 1468 ¦ Isaac, 459 James, 1526 James Smallwood, 1972 Joanna, 1880 John, 1212, 1503, 201 1 John A., 2322 John Oliver, 1593 Joshua, 450 Lelia Bertha, 2010 Levi, 1468 Levina, 3010 Lewis William Frederick, 1964 Lurena, 1736 Marcus, 1726 Margaret, 1063, 1212 Marietta, 1964 Martha, 1519 Mary, 120-1, 495, 1468, 2039 Mary Alta, 1964 Mary Eleanor, 1145 Mary Elizabeth, 1145 Mary Elvira, 1964 Mary Gardiner, 450 Mary Jane, 1973 Mildred, 1593 Mina, 1964 Molly, 734-5 Myron, 3333 Myron Curtis, 1894 Nathan, 3010 Phineas, 1519 Polly, 2323 Rebecca, 1894 Rice, 51, 495 Rosaline Gardner, 1145 Ruth Permelia, 1332 Ryse, 51, 495 Sabra, 2317-18 Sabra C, 2322 Sally, 2322 Samuel, 1063 Sarah, 819, 1819 Sarah Ann, 630 Secor Quick, 1972 Susan, 459, 2322 Susannah, 1503 Sybil, 1894 William, 46, 121, 952 2594 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cole, cont'd, William C, 1145 WiUiam Madison, 1973 ZUpah, 188 Coleman, Colman, Coultman, mr., 193 Abigail, 437-8 Abner, 1593 Abner Hubert, 1592 Adelia, 2200 Annie, 2150 Araminta D., 973 Augustus, 320 Austin Craig, 1592 Barzillai, 427-8 Benjamin, 1114 Charles H., 43° Daniel, 428 Deborah, 748, 750 Deliverance, 42S Elijah, 1932 Elizabeth, 1613 Esther, 1540 Esther Jane, 1540 Fanny, 2097 Florence, 1654 Frances, 1742, 2097 Frank, 1654 Hannah, 1114, 2097 Henry, 430 Hepsabeth, 418 Hester, 1276 Horatio, 430 Horatio A., 430 Huldah, 430 James, 2097 James Dewitt, 1654 James R., 3097 Jane, 428 Jeremiah, 438 Joanna, 42S John, 428, 959, 1613, 3331 John I., 3097 John Robert, 1540 Johnson, 3097 Judith, 1613 Julia Ann, 1932 Lena, 1654 Mary, 427-30, 1114. 2052 Mary Coleman, 193 Mary Elizabeth, 907 Mary Lucina, 1592 Mary Ulissa, 1654 Orpha, 1593 Pamelia, 1335 Phebe, 959, 1933 Priscilla, 428 Richard Lyman, 800 Robert, 973 Rowland, 437 Sally, 430, 2097 Samuel, 2470 Sarah, 428, 973 Sarah Amanda, 2470 Schuyler Goldsmith, 1592 Solomon, 428 Susan, 418 Sylvanus, 430 Thomas, 428, 959, 1742 Timothy, 907 William, 1613 Winnifred, 430 Coles, see Cole. Colfax, Maria, 1347 Colgate,- Abby Salisbury, 1 102 Annie Louise, 1102 Charles Henry, 1102 Florence Adelaide; 1102 Harriet, 1103 Louisa, 1103 Mabel Salisbury, 1103 William Adams, 1103 Colp;rove, Mary, 1334 Colis, Jenny, 3354 Colkin, see Gookin. Collamore, Anthony, 2430 EHza H., 2430 Lydia W., 2432 Collas, see CoUes, Colles, CoUas, Mary, 2335 ColHcutt, David, 1179 Collier, CoUyer, mr., 286, 475 mrs., 540 AbigaU, 386 Bryan Whitfield, 3180-1 Lucy, 475> 1203, 2464 Martha, 2180-1 Mary, 315, S40 Mary Ann, 1937 Mary Penelope, 2180 Sarah, 2181 Susie Frances, 3180 Thomas, 3181 William, 315, 54° CoUignon, Cologran, Adam A., 1739 Bella E., 1015 Catharine Adelia, 1015 Claudius O., 1015 Hannah M., 1739 Isaac, 1015 IsabeUe M., 1015 Mary, 1015 Mary Elizabeth, 1739 Peter, 1015 Peter C, 1015 Raymond- C, 1015 Sarah, 1015 Sarah Louisa, 1015 Collin, see Collins. CoUins, Collin, Abbie Helen, 415 Ada Catherine, 1555 Alice Elizabeth, 1178 Amos, 3199 Annie Loyd, 1178 Annie May, 1178 Arthur, 3243 Averick Henniken, 978 Avice Lee, 447 Bardeen, 1178 Benjamin, 659 Benjamin Grafton, 978 Caroline, 2503 Caroline Phinney, 1178 Charles Ansel, 415 Charles F., 1338 Chloe, 648 Clara Marcia, 133S Clarence Herbert, 978 Cleveland, 2199 Climena, 415 D. C, 2199 Dorcas, 978 Edith Emily, 1555 Edward B., 7gg Eli Atkinson, 2301 Eliza Barnes, 1555 Eliza Cornelia, 1275 Eliza Cromwell, 2177 EHza G., 1555 Elizabeth, 1106, 1178, 1555 Emily Holmes, 1554 Fanny, 1135 Frank Bourn, 447 George, 1178 George Gillman, 415 Grafton Norton, 978 Harold Fletcher, 978 Helen Elva, 1555 Henry, 1953 Henry Gibbs, 447 Henry Wing, 1555 Jedediah, 1275 John Francis, 137 Juliet Roberta, 2177 Kate Lequeer, 2301 Kesiah, 1639 Lavinia, 1437 Lelia, 3199 Lewis, 3503 Lorana, 1426 Martha, 3177, 3199 Mary, 3177 Mary Spencer, 1519 Collins, cont'd, Nancy, 11 02 Nancy Anna, 2301 Olevia, 1178 Orin Elias, 799 Palfrey, 978 Rachel, 2199 Rebecca, 205 Robert, 1178, 2177 Ruth, 1823 Samuel Bourn, 447 Sarah, 659, 883, 1573 Sophronia, 799 Stella, 2199 Susan Ann, 415 WUliam, 1823 William Burrage, 1555 William D., 2199 William Hertzog, 1554-5 William Palmer, 799 CoUison, see Collson. CoUson, CoUison, Alice, i937 Augusta Maria, 1963 Drusilla, 1937 Guy, 1495 Hannah Cleveland, 1495 Mark G., 1495 Mylo Elijah, 1495 William, 1937 CoUyer, see Collier. Colman, see Coleman. Colney, Frank H., 1721 Marietta Osborn, 1721 Cologran, see CoUignon. Colquhoun, see Calhoun. Colt, Catherine, 1875 Chloe, 783 Jabez, 1641 Jonathan Higley, 1641 Mary, 1641 Mercy, 1641 Millicent, 1640-1 Colth^irst, see Coulthurst. Colton, Anna Submit, 1633 Cynthia, 1681 Deborah, 1839 EHza Malinda, 2479 Esther, 1930 George, 1839 Grace Goddard, 1443 Louis, 2479 Mary, 1930 Musette, 2479 Nathan Eria, 3479 Reuben, 1443 Sarah, 1839 Thomas, 1839 Columbia, Dana, 601 Elcy, 601 Gertrude, 601 Thomas Benton, 601 Colver, Sabra, 856 Colvile, Colville, Colwell, see CaldweU. Comb, Combes, see Combs. Combs, Comb, Combes, Coombs, Ann, 467 Barbara, 1484 Carrie May, 1484 Charles Grant, 1484 Clara Marie, 1516 Dorah BeUe, 1484 Elizabeth, 1761 Francis, 1761 Horace Lincoln, 1484 John, 1484 John K., 1484 ¦ Louisa, 1484 Margaret, 1143 Merritt, 1484 Serene, 1337 Ward Lane, 1484 WUliam Wallace, 1484 Comee, Fanny Richardson, 3433 George W., 2432 Comes, EHza, 1013 MatUda, 1013 Thomas, 1013 Comfort, Rhoda, 534 Comins, see Cumming. INDEX OF PERSONS. 2595 Compton, Alynda, 1046 Amos, 1046 Ann, 1477 Anna Maria, 1049 Betsey, 482 Burt, 1046 Clara, 1046 Clarissa, 482 Clarissa Narcissa, 1047 Cynthia, 1046 Delos Hutchins, 1693 Eliza, 1048, 2489 Ella Louise, 1477 Emmett, 1046 Evelyn, 1046 Fanny, 1046, 2490 Frank, 1046 George Britton, 1478 Harry, 1047 Helena, 482 Henrietta, 1046 Henry, 1046 Herman, 1049 Hester, 1049 Homer, 1049 Hugh, 1046 James, 482 John, 482, 1477, 2489 Josiah Johnson, 1049 Julia, 1049 Lilian, 1477 Louisa Maria, 1047 Lucy E., 2489 Margaret, 1047 Martha, 1046 Mary EUen, 1693 Melissa, 2490 Mildred Cleveland, 1478 Mina Adell, 1693 Murat, 2489 Nancy, 1046 Narcissa Almira, 482, 3490 Ophelia, 482, 2489 Palmer Cleveland, 1478 Paul, 1478 Perry Johnson, 1046 Porter Cleveland, 1046 Priscilla, 1046, 1750 Richard Jordan,- 1477-S Robin Dale, 3489 Sarah, 1047 Sophia, 482, 1047, 2488 Comstock, miss, 672 mrs., 1488 Abbie, 1336 Amy Lovina, 590 Ann, 539, 541 Anna, 478-9 Annah, 261 Clarissa, 590 Cornelia, 938 Cornelia Spalding, 938 Daniel, 539 Elizabeth, 539 Ethel Cleveland, 1326 Hannah, 1488 Harriet, 1326 Ira S., 590 Israel, 478-9 Jacob, 479 James M., 938 Jenny, 1412 John, 479 Lois, 1487 Lucy, 321 Marenius, 1138 Martha Bethia, 1138 Mary, 590, 1488 Mehitable Beckwith, 478 OUver, S90 Oliver Edward, 590 Olivia, 567 Pelatiah, 541 Rachel Cleveland, 1326 Robert Henry, 1336 Samuel Merritt, 1336 WilHam, 541, 1487 Willie, 1488 Conant, ancestors, 877 Abigail Lovell, 331 Agnes, 509, 877 Alfonso, S53 Amanda, 853 Asa, 331 Charlotte, 758 Daniel, 758 Elizabeth, 877 Conant, cont'd, John, 509, 758, 877 Leonard, 485 Liba, 1701 Lot, 877 Lucy, 485 Maria, 758 Martha, 758, 877 Mary,- 509 Nathaniel, 877 Orlando, 758 Richard, 509, 877 Roger, 509, 877 Sarah, 509, 877 Sarah A., 1700-1 Conaughty, Mary, 1438 Concklin, Conckline, see Conkling. Condit, EsteUe, 1100 Joel W., IIOO Margaret, iioo Martha Emeline, 1881 Mary Elizabeth, 1881 Sarah Katharine, 1074 Uzziel Wade, 1881 Condon, Elizabeth, 350 Frances EUen, 1861 Jennie, 1143 Cone, Coan, Abby, 480 Anna, 316 Beulah Sampson, 1390 Caroline, 1390 Caroline Augusta, 1624 Caroline Frances, 1390 Catharine, 480 Catharine Elizabeth, 1544 Charles Chauncey, 1390 Clara M., 1624 Daniel, 123 Edward, 480 Eliza, 1624 Elizabeth, 123, 216, 480 Frances, 480 George Webb, 1390 Georgia Anna, 1390 Hannah, 122-3 Plenry Seth, 1624 Jared, 133, 1390 John Albert, 1390 John Webb, 1390 Jonah, 3i6 Jonathan, 480 Laura Frances, 1390 Laura Pineo, 1390 Luther, 480 Mary A., 3xio Maud Ethel, 1390 Mehitable, 133 Nancy, 480 Nelson, 1624 Revilo, 480 Robert, 480 Sarah Ann, 480 Congdon, mr., 309 Abby, 2g2 Amy Ann, 752 Archibald, 309 Benjamin, 804 Charles Taber, 1549 Daniel, 786 David Peter, 1905 Delia C, 1905 EHza Mercy, 1510 Etta Delia, 1905 James, 804 Jane, 1595 John, 3279 Lucy Cleveland, 804 Lucy Osgood, 804 Marion Edwards, 804 Mary, 786 Nilla, 804 Phebe Ann, 753 Sally Maria, 752 Samuel Dyer, 753 Sarah, 309, 804 Stephen, 392-3 Thankful, 292-3 Thankful Dennison, 293 WiUiam M. H., 309 Conger, Adella Elizabeth, 1499 Agnes MariUa, 1540 Anna F., 2474 Conger, cont'd, Blanche Lena, 1499 Charles Augustus, 1540 Cloud William, 1499 Floyd James, 1499 Frank, 1499 James, 1499 Noble, 2474 Sarah, 1499 Conkelyne, Conklin, Conk- line, see Conkling. Conkling, Concklin, Conck line, Conkelyne, Conk lin, Conkline, Albert, • 1481 Alfred, 1117 Alice Cleveland, 1108 Annanias, 1117 Annis Orinda, 1481 Benjamin, 1117 Bethia, 307 Cineus, 1117 Eliza, 1117 Eliza Malvina, 1603 Elizabeth Pratt, 1108 Elmina, 1428 Esther, 1117 Frederick, 535 Greeley, 1481 Gustavus, 1481 Jennie, 1481 Jeremiah, 1117-18 John, 535, 1117-18, 1768 Jonathan, 213 Leona, 1481 Lewis, 11 17 Mary, 45, 1117 Nancy Maria, 1969 Parnel, 212 Sarah, 535 Sarah Melvina, 535 Susan, 1768 Theodore, 1108 Theodore Haresonyer, 1108 WiUiam Pitt, 535 Conley, Con oily, John, 1578 Mariette, 1578 Mary, 1154, 1157 Conmeyer, Celia, 1680 George, i68a Pauline, 1680 Conn, king, 1068 Conn, George W., 3394 John, 2293 Louisa, 2293 Sarah, 2293 Connard, Catherine, 1534 Henry, 1534 Priscilla, 1534 Connaught, king of, 823 Ceallach, prince of, 823 Conner, see Connors. Connerell, see Cornerwell. Conners, see Connors. Connet, Connett, Gardner, 467 Henry, 467 Matthew, 467 Moses, 467 Phebe, 467 Rhoda, 464, 467 Connett, see Connet. Conniff, Samuel, 2374 Conningore, Cynthia Anna, 1127 Helen, 1127 Henry, 1127 Connor, see Connors. Connors, Conner, Conners, Connor, Alice, 1573 Amy, 573 Barzillai, 573 Bessie Jane, 573 Catherine, 1287 Charles, 573 Clara, 573 Cleveland, 573 Cornelius, 1855 David C, 573 Delilah, 573 2596 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Connors, cont'd, Dexter, 573 Haliburton, 573 John, 1573 John Thomas, 573 Joseph, 573 Martha, 1241 Martha Elizabeth, 1855 Mary, 1855, 2145 Mary R., 2010 Prudence, 573 Sarah, 945 Susan Ernest, 1573 Timothy, 2337 ConoUy, see Conley. Conover, mrs., 996 Charles H., 1004 Edgar, 1004 Elizabeth, 1004 Harriet, 1730 John, 996 Josephine Craft, 1004 Julia Hendrickson, 1799 Lucetta, 995 Mary, 1799, 1837 Nicholas, 996 Rebecca, 2493 \'^irginia, 996 William Haight, 1799 see also Couwenhoven. Conqueror, William I. the, 14, 365-6, 800, 1068, 3034, 3045, 3175 Conrad, see Coonrad. Conrey, Catharine, 1008 Consel, Mary, 1352 Consett, Consett (Dryden), , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Consett (Dryden), see Con sett. Constable, , 13 mr., 1211 pedigree mentioned, 13 Katherine, 1211 Constantine I., 2176 Constantine II. , 266 Constantine VIL, 2176 Contesse, Ann, 1151 Louis, 1151 Mary, 1151 Convass, Convers, see Con verse. Converse, Convass, Convers, miss or mrs., 630 Adella, 1471 Allen, 26-7 Amasa, 391 Asaph, 291, 709 Catherine Bingama, 1219 Edward, 27, 2040, 3438-9 Erastus, 841 Hephzibah, 3439 Herbert, 1471 Ida J., 1471 James, 2438-9 Jesse, 2429, 2439 Jessie, 1471 Josiah, 2438-9 Jonathan, 291, 709 Julius O., 654 Laura, 841 Lucy, 709 Lydia, 709 Mehitable, 292 Nancy, 270 Polly, 289 Ralph, 147 1 Rebecca, 3439 Relief, 291-2 Sarah, 391, 3438 Susan, 598 William, 270 Conway, Mary, 2106 Conybeare, William Daniel, 14 Conyers , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Benjamin, 727 Mary, 727 Cook, Cooke, miss or mrs., 447, 2021 mr., 589 Aaron, no Aaron J., 1045 Abigail, 362, 512, 1103, 1660, 1883 Abigail Rebecca, 1544 Ada, 1750 Adaline, 1545 Adrastus W., 779 Albert W., 779 Alice Louisa, 1306 Almeda, 779 Amasa, 779 Amelia, 897, 1163 Anne Maria, 2038 Annie Hilton, 565 Arthur, 1545 Asahel, 1247 Benjamin, 873, 1883, 2432 Benjamin Cleveland, 873 Bertha Ann, 2024 Betsey, 1035 Betsey G., 779 Charity, 1883 Christina, 1268 Clarissa, 660 Delia Annie, 1222 Dolly, 746 Dorcas, 898 Edward Henry, 1306 Eliza, 1838 Elizabeth, 1426, 1838 Elizabeth Christina, 1268 Elizur, 1229 Ellen, 1681 Ellen Aurelia, 1306 Ellen G., 1045 Ellison, 1880 Emeline, 779 Emeline Melissa, 1247 Emoline, 779 Enos, 1392 Esther, 320-1, 1293, 1883, 1996 Esther Eliza, 3490 Esther Lucinda, 646 Eunice, 1831, 1998 Experience, 157 Fanny, 330 Frances Cleveland, 1045 Frances Maria, 1103 Francis, 1838, 1883, 1896 Frank Payne, 1306 Frank Ray, 1750 George, 565, 897 George J,, 1045 George W,, 779 Gerrit S., 1045 Hannah, 1998 Hannah Smith, 1229 Harvey, 1035 Helen Beiden, 1306 Henry, 1544-5, 1883, 1998 Henry Barzillai, 1545 Henry Martyn, 1103 Herman, 1175 Hope, 1883, 1998 Irene, 77^ Israel, 1883 James, 1298 James Hamilton, 1175 Jane, 1996 Jennie Harris, i960 Jennie S., 1045 Joanna, 109-10, 1930 John, 1211, 1298, 1390, 1838, Cook, cont'd, Jonathan, 1661 Joseph, 16S1 Josiah Marcellus, i960 Josiah Smith, i960 Judith, 1883 Julia Pratt, 1103 Lewis Jacob, 718 Lizzie May, 1579 Lot, 154 Louisa, 581 Love, 1 197 Lucetta, 32a Lucia, 1339 Lucien, 873 Lucretia, 1471 Lucy, 1035, jp^oe Lucy Almira, i960 Lydia, 443, 1545, 1660 Margaret, 1175, 1930 Margarette, 1133 Maria, 1339 Maria Melissa, 1471 Martha, 3309 Martha M., 1045 Martin, 779 Mary, 589, 1083, 1211, 1385, i579> 1S38, 1880, 1930 Mary Ann, 718 Mary Burr, 1103 Many Cleveland, 1103 Mary Jane, 1661 Mary Lucy, 1247 Maud, 1 68 1 Melissa, 2490 Melvin, 1545 Miriam, 1988, 2251 Morris C, 779 Moses, 1426, 1930 Myron, 2490 N. Baxter, 1222 Nabby, 362 Nancy, 160, 1322, 2432 Nancy Melissa, 646 Nathan, 1103 Nathaniel, 1660 *Nathaniel S., 1045 Nelson, 1298 Newell, 646, 1293 Noah, 1988 Olive, 320, 1392 Olive A., 1392 Oren, 1197 Oscar, 1579 Philip, 1083 Phineas, 305, 779 Phineas Baldwin, 1103 Rachel Euphemia, 873 Rebecca, 442, 1661 Rebecca Ann, 1175 Reuben, 160 Rhoda, 779, 129S Rice, 1471, Roxana, 1390 Sally, 320, 985, 1293, 1645 Samuel, 1175, 1883, 1998 Samuel L., 779 Sarah, no, 154, 893-4, 1082, 1193, 1269, 1875, 1947, 1988 Sarah Ann, 1293 Sarah EUa, 1390 Sarah I., 1045 Sarah Jane, 1398, 1880 Sarah Judson, 1175 Simeon, 779 Sophia, 2432 Sophronia, 1175 Submit, 320 Susan Wood, 718 Susanna, 2447 Thomas, 1838 Thomas Vick, 71S Weaver, 1163 Wilkes A., 1750 William, 1^68, 1298 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2597 Cook, cont'd, WUliam HaU, 1175 WiUiam Irving; 1545 Zenas, 1306 Zillah, 1681 Cooke, see Cook. Cookery, Hannah, 877 Henry, 877 Cookson, Edward, 2504 Polly Melissa, 1500 Cool, AUie Cornelisen, 398, 1837 Altie Cornelison, 398, 1837 Margaret, 676 Cooledge, see Coolidge. Coolen, see Coolin. Cooley, Coal, Coole, mr., 781 mrs. J 1680 Aaron, 271 Aaron Cleveland, 371 Abbie Frances, 1355 Abi, 1929 Abigail, 332 ^ Achsa, 637 Adeline, 637 a Alden, 637 Alfred, 1695 Alice Cleveland, 1929 Alonzo, 637 Alvan, 271 Amanda Jane, 1861 Benjamin, 637 Benjamin F., 1255 Betsey, 1231 Betsey LoveU, 637 Caroline Eliza, 1645 Charles Ezra, 1680 Charlotte, 1465 Clara, 1256 Clarissa Alexander, 1929-30 Clark, 1465 Cynthia, 271 Dennis Nelson, 1256, 2385 Egbert, 1645^' Electa, 637 Eli, 271 Eliza, 271 Elizabeth, 1255 Ella lona, 1255 Emeline, 637 Emma Ann, 1255 Ephraim, 637 Everett Austin, 1645 Francis Browne, 1929 Francis Buel, 1929-30 Francis Rexford, 1929 Francisca, 1255 George, 1680, 1929 Gideon, 186 Giles Sanford, 1680 Hannah, 271 Hannah Priest, 1255 Harlan Ward, 1257 Harriet, 1506, 1695 Harry, 1465 Henry Alaska, 1255 Hepdiale, 271 Hiram, 271 Hyman Jacob, 186 Ida May, 1645 Isaac, 186 Israel, 271 Ithamar, 1255 Jane, 806 Jeannie, 806 Joanna, 1255 John, 1255 John Adams, 1255 John C, 1255 John G., 1695 Joseph, 232 Josephine GabriUa, 1255 Josiah, 186 Julia, 1257, 1695 Lemuel, 186 Libbie, 1255 Lyman Harger, 1680 Cooley, cont'd, Margaret, 676, 781 Marietta, 1355 Marissa, 371 Martha A., 1680 Martha E., 1355 Mary, 232, 637, 1355, 1357 Mary Jane, 1355, 1680 Mercy E., 1355 Minnie, 1356 Minnie May, 1680 Moses, 371 Nellie, 1357 Nelson Ward, 1255 Noah, 1729-30 Pedee Taylor, 1254 Persis, 186, 371 Philip, 186 Polly, 637 Rebecca B., 1465 Robert Wellsley, 1680 Roscoe Berry, 1255 Rose Maria, 1680 Rosetta, 1255 Sally, 1255 Sally \\'^ebster, 1255 Samuel, 186 Sanford, 1465 Sarah, 1255 Seneca B., 271 Seraph, 637 Sophronia, 1929-30 Tirzah Wright, 637 Weaker H., 1255 Ward Clark, 1255 WilHam Henry, 1680 Coolidge, Cooledge, mr., 156 Anne, 2434 Elizabeth, 939 Esther, 156 Frances Jane, 408 Harriet, 939 Helen, 1993 Henrietta Louisa, 939 Henry J., 408 John, 3434 Lucy, 408 Mary, 45 Mary Jones, 408 Coolin, Coolen, Angeline, 3350 Ann, 1678 Nicodemus, 225a Coombs, see Combs. Coon, Amanda Melvina, 1478 Betsey Jane, 1144 Calvin, 974 Catharine, 974 Charlotte, 425 Daniel, 968, 1333 Emogene, 2502 Esther, 1333 Grace Howard, 1721 Harriet, 974 Hubert, 1721 Lizzie, 1731 Louis Holmes, 974 Mary, 1333 Polly, 403 Roswell, 974, 1731, 3385 SaUy P., 800 Sarah, 767-8 W., 403 Coonrad, Conrad, miss, 2191 Claude Andrew, 1590 Edith, 1590 Lucinda, 802 Polly Ann, 1590 WilHam Henry, 1590 William Jay, 1590 Cooper, Lewis, 1314 Ann, 1926 Anna M., 2026 Anna Sophronia, 1926 Caroline, 408 Cooper, cont'd, Charles P. C, 450 Elijah, 1382 Eliza, 1542 Elizabeth, 255 EUen, 1439 Plelen, 1204 Isaac Jones, 1916 Jane, 1667 Pleziah, 325 Levin Waller, 1926 Loma, 1549 Louisa Cordelia, 450 Lydia, 631 Maria, 3194 Mary, 280' Mary Catharine, 1916 Mary Ella, 1139 Mary Louisa, 1382 Mary Minerva, 1916 Sarah, 899 Sarah Medill, 1739 Susan, 1739 Thomas, 1314 Thomas J., 408 Virginia, 1314 William, 1739 Cope, Elizabeth, 490 (jilbert, 2045 John, 490 Copeland, Catherine, 834 (jeorge, 1134 Lawrence, 546 Lydia, 546 Mary, 546 ' Miriam, 1134 Richard, 546 Ruth, 546 Silence, 544, 546 Sophronia, 544 Thomas, 5^16 William, 544, 546 William Taylor, 546 Copeley, Copley, Elizabeth, 909-10 Elizabeth Hall, 2053 Gazie Jane Barnes, 2053 Thomas, 910 WiUiam Hibbard, 3052 Copley, see Copeley. Copp, Sarah, 1261 Copper, Oscar, 1515 Viola M., 1515 CoppernoU, EmUy Church, 2497 Coquhoun, see Calhoun. Corbett, Clorbitt, Alexander, ^^33 Charles Cleveland, 1133 Dolly, 1648 Elinor, 2477 Ellsworth Cleveland, 1133 Er, 1684 Fred Wesley, 1133 Jennie M., 3477 John, 3471 John Wallace, 1684 Josephine, 1133 Lawrence, 3477 Lee, 1684 Louis, 1684 Lucia, 1684 Lura Cleveland, 1133 Maggie May, 1133 Margarette, 1133 Mehitable, 3471 Phillena, 3477 Rachel, 3471 S., 1648 Zoroaster, 1133 Corbin, Calvin Dana, 1943 Calvin Rich, 1943 Caroline Elizabeth, 1943, 2385, 23g2 Franklin Nichols, 1943 Hannah, 1943 2598 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Corbin, cont'd, Jedediah, 1943 Joan, 507 John, 507 John Rich, 1943 Lawrence Paul, 1943 Mehitabel, 857 Corbitt, see Corbett. Cordis, mr., 1434 Mary, 1434 Coree, Corey, see Cory. Cork, earl of, 1068 Corlies, see Corliss. Corliew, Susan Abigail, 1165 Corliss, Corlies, Asenath, ^1288, 1290 Charles L., 1589 Clara, 1993 Deborah, i2n Eliza W., 1589 Grace M., 1589 Laura Luella, 128S Levi O., 1589 Mary, 1288 Stephen, 1388 Cormac, sir, 1068 Cormac Oge, lord Blarney and viscount Muskerry, 1068 Cormac Oge, lord Dunhal- low, ic68 Cormac Ulfadha, monarch, 833 Cormic Laidir, lord Muskerry, 1068 Cornake, Melissa A., 1989 Cornell, Amelia, 1766 Harriet Matilda, 1766 Jane, 3078 John Henry, 1766 Martha Gold, 3036 Mary, 15 14 Rebecca Cleveland, 2036 Sally, 1413 Samuel Mott, 3036 Sarah, 1636 Sarah Ann, 3036 Sidney, 3036 Cornerwell, Connerell, Ida ^ 1835 Cornish, Charles Pettibone, 779 Charlotte, 2243 Eber, 1334 Elizabeth, 1334 James, 779, 2243 James Darwin, 779 Richard WoUun, 779 Roxanna, 779 Ruth, 1324 Sarah Maria, 779 Cornwall, Cornwell, , 2335 miss or mrs., 544 mr., 2335 Julia, 1216 Mary, 1215, 1501 Matilda, 1060 Richard, 1060 Cornwell, see CornwaU. Corp, Emily, 1524 Harriet, 786 John, 786 Corpulent, Alice, 1108 Sygurt, 1108 Corrington, Haller Smith, 1798 Mary Ann, 1798 Olivia Treadwell, 1798 William Hugh, 1798 Corse, Mary, 796-7 Cortney, see Courtney. Corval, see Covell. Corwin, Curwen, Curwin, ancient knightly family, 1214 Abigail, 1062-3 Almeron, 1314 Corwin, cont'd, Anna Belle, 1214 Daniel, 1214 Edward T-anjore, 1314 Elizabeth, 1063 Ezra, 1214 George, 1063 George Rea, 25 Hila, Huyler, 1214 Isabella, 1214 James, 2270 Jedediah, 1214 Jehila, Jehilah, 1214 John, 2270 Margaret, 1214 Mary, 2270 Matthias, 1214 Moses, 2270 PoUy, 1465 Polydore Brown, 1214 Sarah, 1214 Silas, 1214 Theopilus, 1214 Cory, Coree, Corey, Couree, mr., 1398, 2282 Alfred Terry, iioi Almira,' 1035 Ann, 2453 Anna, 102 Benjamin, 1040 Calista Amy, 1397-8 Clara Alice, iioi David, 102, 1397-8, 2453 David Uzal, iioi Eliakin, 1398 Florence, 2465 Isaac, 2453 Jemima, 1398 Jessie, 104a John, 3453 Laura H., 1101 Martha, 3383 Mary Clementine, 1810 Mary P., iioi Robert Haskell, iioi Sarah, 1398 Sarah A., iioi Susan Frances, iioi Susan Lucy, 1397 Susan Pratt, iioi Uzal, IIOI William Dodge, iioi Coryell, Deborah, 1579 Cosgrove, Lizzie, 1178 Cossar, mr., 1039 Catherine, 1039 Cossett, Cossitt, mrs., 1447 Abigail, 1447 Franceway, 1447 May, 1095 Phebe, 1447 Phebe Marinda, 1447 Rane, 1447 Reuben, 1447 Cossitt, see Cossett. Costar, Geertruytje, 2419 Costello, Sarah, 564 Cotelate, R., 402 Cothren, WUliam, 91 Gotten, see Cotton. Cotter, John, 1822 Sabra, 1125, 1822 Cottle, Ann, 435 Catharine, 435 Edmund, 435 Elizabeth, 435 Elmira, 435 George, 435 George Dunham, 435 Jane, 435 Jethro, 435 James, 196 John, 435 I-ydia, 196 Margaret, 435 Phebe Walker, 434 Cottle, cont'd, William, 435 Cotton, Gotten, mrs., 1930 Abigail, 1815 Alfred Cleveland, I555 Ann, 932 Charity, 1876 Dorothy, 1930 Edward, 8og EUa Louise, 809 Elvira, 808 EmUy Holmes, 1554 Hannah, 808 Henry, 808 Herbert Bennett, 809 Jessie Emily, 809 Joanna, 1999 John, 1071, 1815, 1930, 1999 Josiah, 1999 Lelia Eloise, 809 Margaret, 910 Mary, 1930, 1999 Melvin, 808 Minnie Johnson, 809 Nancy Ann, 932 Olive Ayres, 1555 Porter, 808 Roger, 910 Rowland, 1071, 1930 Sarah, 1930 Seaborn, 1930 Susan, 1406 Thomas, 932 Ward, 1876 Cottrell, Abbey Ann, 446 Alice Josephine, 1470 Arnold Potter, 1470 Esther, . 1470 Francis James, 1470 Ida Melinda, 1470 Jerusha, 1470 John, 446, 1470 Lillie May, 1470 Luretta, 1470 Martha, 1470 Mary, 1470 Couch, Mary, Mercy, 1340 Couden, Charles Claudius, 1574 James Edg'ar, 1574 Joseph G., 1574 Mary Ann, 1574 Coughlin, Ann, 994 Couillandean, Susan, 2219 Coulson, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Coulter, Alexander, 1642 Alexina MifHin, 1093 Elizabeth, 1641-2 Henry, 1643 I..-eonard, 1642 Orpha,' 1643 Rhoda, 1643 Coulthurst, Colthurst, —, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13, 2415 Anne, 2415 Dorothy, 2415 Henry, 2415 Robert, 2415 Coultman, see Coleman. Counce, Countiss, Counts, Edward, 51-3 EHza Ann, 2220 Elizabeth, 52 Hannah, 51 Samuel, 51 Sarah, 51-3 Sarah Caroline, 2137 Council, Benjamin, 2092 Sarah Elizabeth, 2092 Councilman, Susan, 1403 Countiss, Counts, see Counce. Courcon, see Curzon. Couree, see Cory. Coursen, EUen Ann, 1506 Harriet, 7506 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2599 Coursen, cont'd, Jacob, 1506 Oscar Hart, 1506 Courser, Rosaline, 1197 Courtenay, see Courtney. Courter, Amanda, 1651 Christina, 1651 George, 1651 Courtney, Cortney, Courte nay, mrs., 1720 Angeline Genelia, 1859 Annie, 1720 Catharine, 1232 Charles, 1720 Conda Rena, 1859 Eliza Dennis, 977 Jane, 977, 1720 Joan, 85 Leonard, 977, 1720 Lois BeUe, 1208 Maria, 1720 Martin, 1208 Palmer, 1720 Sue, 3098 Courtright, Courtwright, Barney, 615 Deborah, 615 Emma Jane, 616 Jane, 1401 Levi, 615 Rachel, 585 Courtwright, see .Courtright. Couse, miss or mrs., 1362 Couterman, Elizabeth, 1505 Eve, 1505 Marcus A., 1505 Coutiler, see Cutler. Couwenhoven, Kouwen- hoven, Van' Couenboven, Van Couvenhoven, Van Couwenhoven, Aeltie, 1809 Alte, 1837 Altie Cornelisen, 398, 1837 Altie Cornelison, 398, 1837 Gerdientie, 1-809 Gerrit, 1809 Gerrit Wolfertse, 398, 1839 Jannetje, 1837 John, 1809 Marretje Garretse, 398, ,1837Marretje Gerritse, 398, 1837 Nultje, 1837 Patience, 1837 Peter, 1837 William, 1837 Wolfert, Gerritsen, 1809 see also Conover. Coval, Covel, see Covell. Covell, Corval, Coval, Covel, CovU, Covill, mr., 1655, 2263 Allen, 2007 Bessie Ann, 1691 Betsey, 2263 Daniel F., 959 Elmira, 169 1 Henry Clay, 1691 Joseph, 2337 Lilian Afton, 959 Martha, 1631 Mary, 94, 3194 Miles, 1691 Rachel Lucretia, 1655 Rebecca, 951 . Roxiana, 651 Samuel, 951 Sophia, 1137 Stephen, 651 William, 1631 Covert, Coevers, family, 1809 Annetie, 1809 Barbara, 1809 Teunis Jansz, 1809 Covey, Alexander Madison, 687 Dana Ruby, 2483 Eliza, 673-4 Elizabeth L., 687 Covey, cont'd, Harlan Eugene, 687 Plarriet, 2483 Hope, 688 Jared, 687-8 Julius, 688 Larkin, 2483 Lucetta, 1377 Lydia, 688 Mary, 1437 Mary Elizabeth, 687 Polly, 687 Prudence, 687-8 Tracy Emergene, 687 Covil, Covill, see Covell. Covington, miss or mrs., 2109 Cowden, miss or mrs., 350 Cowdery, see Cowdrey, Cowdrey, Cowdery, Catharine, 2232 Margaret Bonnett, 1804 Williarn, 2232 Cowell, Abigail, 1357 Benjamin, 1357 Carrie May, 1357 Clarissa, 676 Harriet, 1224 Joseph Wesley, 1357 Lucinda, 1224 Maria, 1059 Mary Adelia, 1357 Smith, 1224 Cowen, Ada Maria, 2303 Amanda, 2295 Amelia, 2303 Balfour, 2295, 2386 Blanche Balfour, 2304 Elmer A, 2295 Herbert Henry, 2295 Jane, 3303 John, 3385 Katherine Berry, 1813 Lela May, 2303 Llewellyn, 2293 Louisa, 2293 Mary, 3385 Mary Augusta, 2304 Melvina Jane, 3294 Minnie Alice, 2294 Nora Amanda, 2303 Norredden, 3394, 3303 Sarah Bell, 3303 Sarah Sophia, 1813 Sidney Joseph, 1812 Zechariah, 2285 Zeruiah, 2285 Cowles, Almira Howard, 1269 Anna, 1269 Benjamin, 45 Charles, 1269 Clarence Porter, 1269 Deborah, 1526 Delilah, 596 Eben, 1660 Elizabeth, 800 Esther, 1148 George T., 1673 Gertrude, 1673 Hannah, 800, 1138, 1536, 1970 Henry, 45 Herbert Hayes, 1369 James, 1128 John, 596, 800, 1 148, 1526, 1930, 1970 Joseph, 1497 Lydia, 1661 Lydia Olivia, 1660 Madison, 1269 Mary, 45, 1930 Mary Ann, 1269 Norman, 45 Roscoe Madison, 1269 Rosella, 1673 Rosetta, 325 Roswell, 45 Sarah, 1497, 1536 Cox, see Coxe. Coxe, Cox, miss, 1314 mrs., 3090 Abia Hyde, 515 Abigail, 603 Agnes, 1 1 74 Alexander, 1437 Alfred Conkling, 1117, 2386 Almira, 337 Ann Jeannette, 1129 Anna, 2090 Anna Fos.dick, 520 Anna M., 516 Arthur Cleveland, 25, 1079, I I 16, 1819, 2386, 2391 Carrie Lee, 2202 Charles Davenport, 1757 Charles Ellsworth, 1660 Charles Lucian, 1756-7 Charles Randolph, 2202 Chastine, Christine, 543 Christopher Greenup, 2202 Christopher Randolph, 3302 Crawford, 2136 ^ Edith Cleveland, 1117 Edward, 21 13 Edwin, 603 Eli, 1437 Eli Harlin, 1437 Eliza T., 1117 Elizabeth, 516, 520 Elizabeth Cleveland, 1818 Elizabeth Russell, 1118 Ella, 987 Emily, 603 Ernest Cleveland, 1819 Esther, 1760 Fannie Dunn, 2202 Fortunata, 1757 Frances Abia, 516 Frances Matilda, 1757 Garland, 556 Geoffrey, 1343 Gertrude Herkimer, 11 17 Grace Cleveland, 1817 Hannah, 1129, 1343 Hanson Cleveland, 11 17 Harriet Hillhouse, 1819 Harriet Hite, 3303 Harry Cleveland, H17 Henrietta, 1118 Hulda, 987 Isaac, 530 James, 516, 530 James Richards, 1118 Jeffrey, 1243 John, 1760, 2090 John Albert, 1437 John Charles, 1757 John Wesley, 1437 John X., 2090 Josephine Bennet, 2202 Kate, 2136 Katherine Cleveland, 1079, 1116, 1818 Louisa, 556 Malinda, 3ogo Mamie Emin, 3303 Marion R., 1773 Martha Jane, 1437 Mary 1118, 1437 Mary Ann, 1437 Mary Bowman Wheeler, 1757 Mary Cleveland, 1819 Mary Dudley, 1757 Mary Emin, 3303 Mary Jane, 2202 Mary Lundie, 516 Mattie, 1437 Minnie Reese, 2202 Nannie, 1963 Orlena, 1437 Pauline Augusta, 1756-7 26oo CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Coxe, cont'd, Rachel, 520, 1760 Rankin, 1437 Reginald Cleveland, 1117 Richard, 1437 Rosa May, 1437 Sallie Stump, 2203 Samuel H., 337 Samuel Hanson, 515, 530, iii7j 2391 Schuyler Grant, 1437 Silvia, 1437 Susan, 3II3 Susan Roe, 516 Susan Tyng, 1757 Susannah, 530, 1343 Townsend, 1139 William, 987, 1118, 1129, 1437 William Cowper, 516 WiUiam Sherman, 1437 Willis, 1437 Coykendall, Ruth, 452 Coyle, Minnie L., 1771 Coyne, Charles Plugh, 2462 Emma L., 2462 Hugh, 3463 Ophelia, 3463 Coytemore, Coytmore, see Coitmore. Cozzens, Cozzins, Daniel Elliott, 587 Charles Albert, 587 Daniel Franklin, 587 Elizabeth, 587 Elizabeth Jane, 1628 Eunice, 587 Eunice Martha, 587 George Edgar, 587 Hannah, 1628 Harriet Ellen, 587 James Bertie, 587 Lovina Jane, 587 William, 1628 WUliam Albert, 587 Cozzins, see Cozzens. Cratrtree, Icy Bember, 1364 Martha, 1381 Cradock, Anne, 3338 Damaris, 2415 Dorothy, 3239 John, 2415 Matthew, 2415 Miles, 2415 Rebecca, 3416 Richard, 3415 Sarah, 3338 Thomas, 3415 William, 2238-9, 2415 Craft, see Crafts. Crafts, Craft, mrs., 397 Abigail, 2431 Anna, 328 Daniel, 2431 Electa Ann, 917 Hannah, 807 Henry Storrs, 917 James T., 1004 John, 722, 1003 Josephine, 1003 Lucy, 397 Martha, 722 Martha Mariah, 722 Mary Louisa, 917 Milton Arthur, 917 MUton O., 917 Pearl, 397 Samuel, 338-9, 397, 807 S^rah Jane, 1004 Simeon, 917 Susanna, 2431 Temperance, 917 William, 397 Craggan, see Cragin. Cragin, Craggan, Cragon, Deborah, 193 DoUy, 192 Dorothea, 193 Edith, 953 John, 193-3 Judith, 193-3 Molly, 953 Sarah, 193 Simeon, 953 Cragon, see Cragin. Craig, Alice, 1955 Mary Jane, 1187 Nancy, 1367 Sarah, 335 Susannah, 1364 Crail, John, 3021 Joseph La Selle, 2021 Keturah, 2021 Luther Dwight, 2021 Luthera, 2021 Mary Ann, 303i Grain, see Crane. Crakeplace, Jennett, 478 Cram, Daniel, 1385 Hannah, 1385 Mary, 986 Sarah Eudora, 1285 Cramen, Caroline, 529 Harriet, 539 Huldah, 539 Noble, 539 Sheldon, 529 Cramer, mrs., 189 Adam, 91 Amare, Amasa, 91 Bishop, 189 David Cleveland, 91 Diana, 2316 Elizabeth, 91 Henry, 189 Joanna, 189 John, 189, 2316 Katharine, 91 Martha, 189 Mary, 91 Mary Ann, 133S Mercies, Mercy, 91 Miriam, 91 Olive, 189 Simon, 91 William, 91 Cramp, J. M., 353 Crampton, miss, 1431 Eugene, 1109 Ida, 1109 Crandall, Crandell, Cundell, mr. , 303 Abijah, 685-6 B. F., 476 Carrie, 1668 Charles, 1144 Charlotte, 1327 Clarissa, 303 Eber, 686 Edwin Charles, 1144 Elizabeth, 95 Esther F., 166S Fannie, 1668 H. H., 1668 Plannah, 685-6 James, 95 John, 686 Marv, 685-6 Nancy Elizabeth, 1144 Oliver, 1144 Rachel, 476 Crandell^ see Crandall. Crane, (Jrain, Crayne, general, 158 mr., 310, 1141 mrs., 307-8, 452, 1889 Aaron, 453 Abby Elizabeth, 1729 Abigail, 286, 453, 1837 Alfred, 461 Alfred H., 994 Aletta, 46a Alexander Patterson, 210 Crane, cont'd, Alfred Wesley Bartine,. 1728 Alice, 1730 Amariah, 286 Ambrose, 1018 Angelina, 210 Ann Eliza, 994 Ann Maria, 210, 461 Aurelia Louisa, 1401, 1926-- Austin, 1885 Benjamin, 1022-3, 1742 Caroline Elizabeth, 1884 Caroline Holmes, 460 Catharine McAlpine, 461 Caty, 267, 2457 Charles, 454 (Ilharles Chester, 1280 Charlotte Louisa, 998 Clarence Austin, 1885 Clarence Eugene, 1678 David, 310 David Day, 210 David John, 1678 ¦Dennison Goodrich, 1280- Edith Anna, 1885 Edith Plawthorne, 310 Edith Towle, 1728 Edward, 453 Elias Beam, 996 Elihu, 454 Elijah, 1280 Elijah Winans, 998 EUza, 452-3 Eliza Thomas, 994 Elizabeth, 21a, 1410-11 EUen Cleveland, 1885 Ellery BickneU, 477 Elmer Stephen, 1678 Elsie Elizabeth, 461 Emma, 453 Erastus, 454 Ester, 210 Esther, 210, 3^3, 1022 Etta, 1730 Eunice, 1294 Eunice Clarinda, 1885 Ezekiel, 1837 Francis Elsworth, 1729 Francis Elsworth Scott, 1728 Frank Murray, 1738 Frank Warren, 1885 Frederick Squier, 1729 George, 454 George Elmer, 1678 George Halsted, 1730 Gertrude Lovina, 1678 Plalsted, 1730 Halsted Abrams, 453, 173a Hannah, 210 Hannah Carson, 454 Hannah Sarah, 461 Harold, 461 Harris Hartley, 1885 Harrison Ulysses, 1678 Harry Bertrand, 1730 Plarry Rambo, 998 Helen Amanda, 995, 1729 Helen Isabella, 1739 Horace Fimister, 995, 1739 Ichabod, 207 Irene, 1141 James, 998 James Watson, 998 Jane Ann, 994 Jane Brower, 994 Jane L., 310 Jasper, 1837 Joanna, Johannah, 454, 1837 Job Sayre, 994 John, 207-8, 994, 1022, 1678 John Freeman Ward, 172S John Harvey, 1728 John Joseph, 453 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2601 Crane, cont'd, John Matthias, 994 Joseph, 1837 Julia, 454 Keziah, 158, 1411 Lena, 1730 Leonard, 453 Leonard Alfred, 461 Letitia, 452 Lucetta, 995 Lydia Hayes, ici8 Mabel, 1729 Margaret, 21c, 996, 1767 Margaret Elizabeth Moore, 1728 Maria, 1862 Maria Antoinette, 996 Marietta, 1729 Martha, 1678, 1742 Martha Hayes, 1018 Mary, 207, 454, 1022 Mary Ann, 1056, 1294 Mary Ann Brower, 994 Mary E., 1728 Mary Ette, 1678 Mary Hovey, 1280 Mary Nancy, 461 Mary Ursula, 1678 Matthias, 207-8, 452 Minnie, 996 Nancy, 461, 1280 NeUy Lovina, 167S Oliver, 453 P. M., 1411 Peter, 1767 Phebe, 454, 1023-3, 1146 Phebe Sayre, 454 Phebe Thompson, 210 Philip, 453 Polly, 207 Ralph, 207 Rebecca, 454, 998 Rebecca Turner, 994 Robert, 454 Robert DUlon, 461 Robert Thompson, 210 Rosa, 998 Rufus, 1056 Sarah, 286, 453, 1022, 1963 Sarah Barton, 454 Sarah Elizabeth, 998 Sarah Matilda, 1728 Sarah Potter, 460 Sophy Cass, 461 Squier Moneypenny, 994 Stephen, 208 Susan, 210 Susan Barton, 454 Tillie, 1728 Warren Cady, 1884 Waher TUlou, 1729 William, 1411 WilHam Barnet, 1729 William Elias, 996 William HaU, 1728 William Watrous, 461 Zilpha, 650 Craner, Edward, 1652 Louisa, 1573 Lucinda Manville, 1652 Cranmer, Susan Hill, 1262 Cranthorne, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Crapo, Henry PL, 727 Susan, 727 Crapser, Betsey Ann, 2319 Cornelius, 2319 John, 2319 William Augustus, 2319 Crary, John, 640 Lura Bethia, 1133 Palmer Clark, 1133 Pamelia, 640 Crase, Annie Laura, 2053 Emma Laura, 2053 Harry, 2053 James, 2053 Mary Ann, 2053 Cravens, Frank. 2152 Laura, 2152 Mattie, 3153 Nancy Louisa, 3151 Ora, 3152, 2391 W. H., 2151 Craver, Mary Ann, 3332 Craw, see Crawe. Crawe, Craw, Amon, 788 Dorothy, 2415 Erepta, 788 Grace, 1282 Lucina, 756-7 Sarah, 788 WiUiam, 1282, 2415 Crawford, Anna Ripley, 1583 Barbara Mclndoe, 2016 Benjamin, 1863 Charles P., 1583 Clarinda, 1208 Clay, 1863 Elijah, 1050 Elizabeth, 1314, 1863 Emily Ann, 2289 George, 1507 Hannah, 1215 Plarriet, 1774 Helen Victoria, 1980 Henrietta, 1980 Henrietta A., 1515 Henry, 1539 Hiram J., 1199 James L., 1303 Jane Eliza, 1893 Janet, 1314 John, 2289 Josephine J., 1199 Joshua, 1215 Judson Adoniram, 1050 Lucy, 1303 Luther, 1863 Lydia Elmina, 1863 Mabel Hamilton, 1583 Margaret, 1215 Marian, 1215 Mary, 475 Mary Abby, 1583 Mary Adelaide, 1596 Mehitable, 1050 Nancy, 1507 Rachel Weltha, 1852 Robert, 1596 Roland Wort, 2289 Samuel, 1853 Sarah, 1539 Sarah Ann, 1853 Sarah G., 1863 W., 475 Warren J., 1980 William, 1314 Craycrofte, John, 348 Crayne, see Crane. Creath, Mary, 1399 Sarah Margaret, 1299 William, 1299 Credan, Martha, 1742 Creed, Nancy, 2081, 2111 Crego, Cora Estella, 923 Francis, 933 George, 933 Martha, 933 Mary, 933 Creplever, Alice P., 1877 Creton d' Estourmel, Gilberte, 1615 Raimbaut, 1615 Crilley, Elizabeth C, 1632 Crinan, abbott, 366 Grippes, see Cripps. Crippin, Catharine, 380 Charles Henry, 1185 Henriette, 1185 Ida Josephine, 1I85 Thomas, 380 Cripps, Grippes, miss, 349 George Benjamin, 1433 Hannah, 1432 Harvey Daniel, 1432 Cripps, cont'd, John, 349 Phebe Adelaide, 1432 Thomas Daniel, 1432 William, 1432 Crise, see Grisse. Crissy, Rachel C, 1308 Crist, Mary Elizabeth, 1871 Criswell, Joseph Eve, 2137 Kate Eliza, 2137 Nancy, 1164 Sarah Ann, 2137 Critchet, see Critchett. Critchett, Critchet, Aaron, 1272 Abigail, 1876 Mahala, 1272 Susan Jane, 1272 Critchfield, Edith M., 1962 Lyman, 1962 Croad, Crode, Frances, 170-1 Judith, 170 Richard, 170-1 Crocker, Addanijah, 251 Arthur, ,1628 Edey, 1545 Ellen, 351 Harriet, 251 Huldah Ann, 1628 Jediah, 251 Laura, 351 Maria, 251 Mary MUler, 1259 Miranda, 1628 Roland, 433 SaUy, 433 Sophronia, 351 Sylvanus, 433 Crockerham, miss or mrs., 3II0 Crockwell, Alice Marietta^ 195 1 Leland Madera, 195 1 Marcella, 1951 William O., 1951 Crode, see Croad. Croffut, Crofoot, see Crofut, Croft, Chloe, 648 Isabel, 856 Jasper, 856 Joseph, 648 Sarah, 648 Crofut, Croffut, Crofoot, Cro- futt, C. B., 914 Comfort, 914 Eveline Theodosia, 914 Huldah, 1934 Mehitabel, 914 Orra, 1510 W. A., 1884 Crofutt, see Crofut. Cromer, Abbie PlUlman, 973 Adam Francis, 3137 Annie Eliza, 3137 Claud James, 3137 EHza Abby, 973 Plaskel Haskell, 3137 Henry, 973 James Hartwell, 3137 John Adam, 2137 Sarah Caroline, 2137 Wallace Broyles, 2137 Cromwell, Catharine, 400 Elizabeth, 1126 Henrietta, 400 Henry, 400 Jedidah, 965 Margaret, 733 Mary, 856 Moses Thomas, 965 Oliver, 30, 400, 1126 Peter, 965 Peter Thomas, 965 Presberry Coffin, 965 Ralph, 856 Robert, 400 Susan, 965 Susan Folger, 965 Cronan, abbott, 366 Cronckite, Cronkhite, Elizabeth Annabel, 23191 Sylvia Adelia, 1499 Crone, Alvah, 452 Harriet, 453 2602 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cronk, Elizabeth, 1395 Homer Gerard, 1295 Rosalia, 1395 Timothy, 1395 WiUiam S., 1395 Cronkhite, see Cronckite. Crook, see Crooks. Crooker, Sophia H., 2443 Turner, 2442 ¦Crookes, see Crooks. ¦Crooks, Crook, Crookes. Elizabeth, 1578 Emily S., 334 Harriet, 2079 Ira, 334 John, 2079 Maria, 2136 Mary, 712 Mary Jane, 712 William, 712 Crookstone, Elenor, 921 Ellearen, 921 Susan, 921 "Cropley, Mary, 562 Cropp, Elizabeth, 939 Cropper, Claude, 1964 Flora Augusta, 1964 Thompson W., 1964 ¦Croppes, miss, 349 John, 349 Cropsey, Sarah Ann, 2006 Crosby, miss, 2283 Achsa, 1333 Alonzo, 2283 Anna Electa, 1926, 2501 Charles Adolphus, 1798 Charles Stephen, 179S Cynthia Bowen, 2283 Desire, 418 Edwin, 581 Eleazer, 842 Eliza, 842, 1798 Elizabeth, 1746, 1798 Elizabeth Redford, 1798 Emeline, 1840 EmUy Mehitabel, 1222 George Edwin, 581 Helen, 560 Isaac, 842 Jeanette Julia, 581 John Everett, 1798 Julia, 581 Lydia, 562, 843 Margaret, 842 Marion, 2501 Mary, 418, 581, 1126 Mary Olivia, 1798 MatUda, 1798 Nathan, 861 Nettie Julia, 581 Ophelia Dexter, 1798 Ophelia EUzabeth,- 1798 Ophelia Geraldine, 1798 Permelia Sophia, 562 Persis, 1151 Richard Henry, 1798 Romeyn B, 3501 Sally Baker, 1717 Samuel, 418, 563 Samuel Boynton, 1222 Sarah, 418, 562 Stephen, 1798 Thankful, 915 Thomas Boynton, 1222 Wallace, 562 Walter John, 1222 William Cleveland, 1798 •Crosman, Charity, 726 David, 726 ¦Cross, miss, 845 miss or mrs., 628 mr., 651, 773, 2474 mrs., 824 Abby, 630 Abby A., 630 Abel, 777-8 Abigail, 844 Amanda Jane, 1133 Anita Elizabeth, 1764 Ann, 630 Anna, 630 Arelia Maria, 764 Asa, 844 Cross, cont'd, Aurelia Maria, 764 Benjamin, 3503 Betsey S., 3015 Charles Edward, 1061, 1764 Clarinda, 1341 Clarissa, 630 Desire, 777-8 Dudley S., 630 Edward, 1133 Frederick, 630 Hannah, 1333, 1341 Hannah M., 773 J. J., 844 Jane, 630 Jennie, 2474 John, 702, 1277 Joseph, 764 Judson N., 357 Lucinda, 630 Lucretia, 844 Luther, 630 Lyman D., 630 Margaret Elizabeth, 1711-12 Maria, 1764 Mary, 630, 702, 1277 Mary Cabot, 1061 Mary Jane, 1764, 3503 Molly, 258 Rachel, 630 Relief, 777 Richard, 844 Robert, 1061 Robert Dudley, 1764 Roxiana, 651 Sally, 844 Solomon, 844 Stephen, 630 William, 824, 1133 Crossac, Anna, 1514 Grosser, Callender, 46 Calvin, 46 Mary Emily, 46 Grossman, Ann Eliza, 1324 Charlotte, 1334 Edward, 1334 Nathaniel, 823 Susan Jane, 823 Crosswait, mrs., 1637 CrossweU, see Croswell. Croswell, CrossweU, Elizabeth, 107, 145 Priscilla, 107, 145 Thomas, 107, 145 Crothers, see Carothers. Crothier, Mary Stevenson, 1418 Crotsley, Harriet, 1294 John, 1295 SaUy, 1295 Crouch, Abbie Jane, i860 Mary, 2163 Sophia, 487 Croup, Susan, 1395 Crouse, Benjamin, 1538 Catharine, 1528 David D., 1528 Jennie, 1528 Kate Louise, 1528 Theresa F., 246 Walter, 1528 Crow, see Crowe. Crowdus, Jane Douglas, 2139, 2141 John Arnold, 2139, 2141 Julia Emily, 3139, 2141 Crowe, Crow, mrs., 2004-5 Alice Eugenia, 1963 Elizabeth, 652 John, 652, 1031 Joseph A., 1963 Mehitable, 1930 Nannie, 1963 Nelson- K., 2004-5 Ruth, 1930 Sarah, 653 Crowell, Crowl, mrs., 3363 Alfred Gordon, 1536 Davis, 1274 Crowell, cont'd, E. P., 168 Edgar WUliam, 1973 Edward Payson, 168 Elizabrth, 1813 Hannah, 1813 Isabella Frances, 1973 John, 1813 Liman, 2262 Lucy, 1536 Nellie, 1119 Phebe, 471 Samuel, 1536 Susannah Cleveland, 1536 Crowl, see Crowell. Crowley, Martha, 1342 Mary Jane, 1342 W^alter, 1342 Crowys, miss, 1212 Croy, Benjamin, 1704 Harriet, 1704 Sophia Strong, 1704 Cruikshank, Susannah, 1503 Cruise, Elizabeth, 1864 Crumb, see Crum. Crum, Crumb, Catharine, 1013 Sarah, 1493, 1671 Crump, mr., 2399 Bessie N., 3399 Harland W., 3399 Ida, 3i6S Myrtle C, 3399 Nellie Josephine, 3399 Cruthers, see Carothers. Cruttenden, Abraham, 1147 Hannah, 1147 Mary, 1147 Cudderbuck, Betsey, 602 Cornelia, 602 Samuel, 602 Cudney, Hannah, 578 Cudworth, Emm., 467 Ralph, 467 Culbertson, Catharine, 1189 * Cyrus Alexander, 1189 Harriet Wilgus, 1189 Culbraith, Mary W., 2214 Culen, king, 266 Cull, Elizabeth Lovina, 1274 CuUum, George Washington, 1062 Culpper, mr., 2153 Edna, 2153 Culver, mrs., 1663 Caroline, 1037 Caroline Louise, 1663 Cora, 1037 Edward, 1037 Florence Adel, 1037 Irvin, 1037 John, 1513 John Milton, 1663 Lydia E., 1663 Mary, 1303 Merit, 1037 Philena Walsworth, 2319 Susannah, 1513 William Wallace, 1663 Culwen, miss, mr., 1985 Cumber, Prudence Harrison, 1913 Cumin, Cumings, see Cum ming. Cumming, Comins, Cumin, Cumings, Cummings, Cummins, Cumyn, ancient family, 1837 lords of Badenoch, 1837 mr., 894, 1844 mrs., 895 Abby, 651 Alexander, 1837 Ann, 1743 Anna, 651, 1837 Caroline Alma, 1923' Cassa, 2io6 Catherine, 917 Charles, 1510 Dewitt, 1510 Donald Mcintosh, 1313 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2603 Cumming, cont'd, Edwin L., 1553 Edwin Sumner, 1923 Elgin, 1510 Elizabeth Miles, 1844 Ella Louisa, 1313 Ellsworth, 1510 , Estella, 1510 Eunice, 1359 Eunice Blodget, 1510 Frank, 1510 Harry Lyman, 1923 Ida E., 1553 Isaac, 1742, 2445 James Henry, 895 Jane Ann, 1511 John, 1837, 2445 Joseph George, 1986 Julia Ann, 1313 Lucinda Howe, 1249 Marcia, 2445 Maria, 943 Marion, 1510 Mary, 1510, 1837 Nancy, 817, 2445 Orville, 1511 Paschal, 1510 Phebe Ann, 1844 Perry, 1510 Reed, 894 Rena Loomis, 1923 Reuben, 651 Rosetta, 1280 Susannah, 716 William, 1510 William Henry Harrison, Cummings, Cummins, Cumyn, see Cumming. Cundell, see Crandell. Cune, McCune, mrs., 694 Charles Frederick, 694 Charlotte, 694 Enos, 694 John, 694 ' Sally, 694 Sarah Cleveland, 1394 Cunningham, mr., mrs., 2090 Ann Eliza, 1693 Archibald, 1052 Bernard, 2081 Betsy, 2081 David, 2136 Effa, 297 Emma Frances, 947 George Walton, 1052 Grace Greenwood, 2053 Henry Cumming, 1910 J. W, 1748 John, 947 Josie Belle, 1052 Judith, 2081 Junia, 397 Kate, 2136 Lewis Edward, 1052 Lovina, 947 Lucinda jane, 1748 Maria, 2136 Martha Ann, 2184 Mary Augusta, 1693 Nancy, 1052 Nancy Phebe, 1052 Richard, 2081 Robert, 297 Samuel Marks, 1052 Sallie, 3o8i Shadrach, 2081 Sylvia Adelia, 1052 Virginia Waldbury, 191 1 Virginia Wayne, 1910 William, 297, 1693, 2081 CuppHm, Susan, 1441 Curd, Sarah Virginia, 1325 Cure, Fanny, 483 James Montgomery, 483 Julia, 483 Rhoda, 483 Sarah, 483 Curling, Charlotte, 1742 Currelle, Elizabeth, 1125 Currie, Curry, Adah May, 567- Alexander Ritchie, 567 Currie, cont'd, Cynthia, 568 EUa Grace, 567 Emma Loiiisa, 567 G. E., 1007 George, 1182 George Frederick, 567 Gilbert Egleston, 1007 Harriet Frances, 1182 Joseph, 567, 570-1 Josie, 567 Louisa, 569 Mary Frances, 1182 Nancy, 567, 570-1 Nathaniel, 568 Phebe, 571 Sarah Ann, 567 Sophia, 570 William Henry Sangster, 568 WilHam Louis, 567 Zeluma Laura, 567 Currier, see Carrier. Curry, see Currie. Curson, see Curzon, Curtice, see Curtiss. Curtin, Johanna, 1568 Michael, 1568 Curtis, Curtise, see Curtiss. Curtiss, Curtice, Curtis, Cur tise, Curtize, mr., 91, 1251, 2266 miss, 1522 mrs., 1211 rev. mr., 155 Aaron, 1401 Abel, 1307 Abiel, 1088 Abigail, 131, 1077, 1644 Adaline Topliff, 1307 Albert Roscoe, 1401 Alice, 1077 AHce Genelia, 1858 Anna, 442, 1307 Annette, 1499 Anson L., 801 Benjamin, 578, 1776 Blanche, 1750 Burton, 320 Caleb, 1287 Calvin, 443 Charles, 578 Charles Alphonso, 1750 Charles Densmore, 1750 Charlotte Mae, 2465 Cora Estelle, 2465 Daniel, 1499, 1500 David, 1776 Dinah, 1776 Donald Frank, 2465 Dorothy Lois, 3465 Ebenezer, I3ii Edith Caroline, 1527 Eliza, 304 EUzabeth, 50, 155, 186, 1215, 1308, 1776 Elizabeth Walker, 1499, 1500 EUen, 548 Ellen Mariva, 1527 Emeline, 1388 Emma Miriam, 1301 Emma Oliver, 1301 Esther, 1776 Franklin, 548 Frederick Henry, 2465 Gena Perlina, 1858 George, 548, 1527 George Martin, 1307 Hannah, 303-4 Plarriet, 320, 904, 3360 Henry, 548 Isaac, 304 James Henry, 1307 James Monroe, 1858 Jane, 1527, 1876 Jane Elvira, 1499 Joanna, 189 John, 132, 321, 904, 1776 Jonathan, 131-2 Julia C, 1200 Kenneth Livermore, 1750 Keziah, 91 Laura Adelaide, 1401 Curtiss, cont'd, Lewis, 548 Lovisa, 1301 Lucy, 1359, 1417 Lydia, 442, 1301 Lydia Charlotte, 1898 Mahala, 801 Maria, 1401 Maria Cornelia, 1287 Martha, 904 Martha Frances, 2417 Martha Paulina, 1200 Mary, 1150 Mary Ann, 548 Mary Eliza, 1153 Mary Elizabeth, 1307 Mary Harriet, 1307 Mary Isabel, 1307 Molly, 442 Moses, 1150 Nancy Velona, 1301 Nathaniel, 1527 Nellie, 1251 Noah, 442 Orrin, 320 Pamelia, 1601 Philip, 304 PoUy, 321, 1287 Rachel, i486 Rebecca, 132, 2266 Rowland K., 1200 Ruth, 1211 Samuel, 304 Samuel Ward, 1401 Sarah, 131-2, 286, 304, 548, ^578Sarah Melvina, 1401 Seymour Henry, 1307 Stephen, 1301 Susan, 1307 Sylvia Adelia, 1499 Thomas, 1215 WaUace, 320 Waterman Francis, 1499 WUliam, 133, 304, 1077, 121 1, 1776 WilHam Austin, 1301 WiUiam H., 548 William Small, 1301 Curtize, see Curtiss. Curwen, Curwin, see Corwin. Curzon, Courcon, Curson, Ehzabeth, 1755 Margaret, 1755-6 Margaret Searle, 1755 Mary Russell, 489 Samuel, 1755-6 Cushing, Anne, 496 Anne Maynard, 496 Charles, 1999 Daniel, 1996 Deborah, 1999 Elisha, 1996 Elizabeth, 1996, 1999 John, 496, 1999 John Prentice, 814 Lucinda, 814 Lydia, 1996 Mary, 1999 Mary Ann, 814 Mary Dunning, 968 Matthew, 1996 Nancy, 496 Nancy Maynard, 496 Nazareth, 1996 Peter, 1996 Robert, 496 Ruth, 1708 Sarah, 1999 Susan, 1996 Thomas, 1996 Cushman, mrs. , 793 Bela, 615 Betsey, 793 Catharine, 1579 Consider, 615 Daniel, 841-2 Elkanah, 793 Emma, 358 Florence, 1042 Henry Wyles, 615 Josiah, 793 Lavinia, 615 Louise, 2288 Lowise, 2288 Mary, 615, 793, 841 2604 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cushman, cont'd, Olive, 842 Robert, 615, 793 Ruth, 615 SaUy, 841 Sally Ann, 615 Thomas, 615, 793 William, 793 Cushtom, Susan, 2288 Custer, George Armstrong, 1986 Morris, 1008 Custis, Daniel Parke, 2173 Martha, 2173 Cutha, Cuthra, Cuthred, king, 700 Cuthwine, house of Cerdic, 266 Cutlar, see Cutler. Cutler, Coutiler, Cutlar, Le Cotelar, Le Cotiler, Amos, 2472 Azubah, 1383 Charles Henry, 1570 Clarissa, 1591 Cora B., 1701 Danforth L., 943 Delia, 307 Ebenezer, 943-4 Edna M., 1701 Eleanor, 1207 Eleanor A., 1207 Elizabeth, 943, 1207 Ella F., 1701 EUa J., 1701 Eunice, 237 Flora A., 1207 Frank L., 1701 Freddie I,, 1701 Frederick L., 1701 Gervasse, 943 Harriet, 773 Helen Gertrude, 1207 Henry Cleveland, 1207 Hiram, 851 I. L., 773 Iva E., 1207 Ira, 1207 James, 2444 Jesse, 307 John, 943, 1771 Jonathan, 943, 1207 Julia, 2472 Laura, 943 Laura A., 1701 Loren S., 943 Love, 1570 Lydia, 1207 Magdalen, 943 Margaret Elizabeth, 1570 Marion Folansbee, 1570 Marshall, 1207 Martha, 943 Mary, 943-4, 1591, 1771, 2313, 2444 Mary A., 1701 Mary Ann, 943 Mary E., 1701 Mary Elizabeth, 1509 Nahum Sawin, 943 Nathaniel, 1591 Nelson, 1570 Orlantha Samantha, 1207 Phebe, 943 Samuel, 943 Sarah, 1771 Sophia Huntington, 1269 Stuart Shirley, 1207 Susannah, 851 Thomas, 943, 1771 Zeriah, 2472 Zilpha, 943 Cutt, see Cutts, Cutter, mr., 700, 3433 Adeline, 2433 Benjamin, 58, 700, 2433 Benoni, 1925 Bethia, 1925 Cutha, Cuthra, Cuthred, 700 Elizabeth, 700, 2433 Ellen, 2026 Ephraim, 1925 Frances Maria, 1924-5, 2501 Gershom, 700, 2433 Hannah, 700 Cutter, cont'd, Hephzibah, 2427 Jane, 365 Joanna, 365, 509 John, 2433 Joseph, 1696 Julia Ann, 2433 Lydia, 700 Phebe, 1696, 1925 Rachel, 1925 Richard, 700, 2433 Samuel, 700 Silvia, 1334 Stephen, 2433 Susanna, 1935 William Richard, 27, 700, 2327, 2433 AVilliam Tenny, 1935 Cutting, Alice, 389 Cutts, Cutt, mrs., 1114 Anne, 11 14 Hannah, 1114 John, 1114, 1925 Mary, 1114 Richard, 1114 Robert, 1114 Cuyler, Anna, 1819 Hendrick, 1819 Sarah Hendrickse, 1819 Cynllaeth, lord of, 2415 Cynric Efell, lord, 2415 Cypher, Susan, 1302 Dabney, Abigail Mason, 1077 Elizabeth, 1365, 1369, 2417 John, 1077 Dabol, Abigail, 1447 Dacre, lords, 1799 Dade, of Tannington and Woodton, 3204 Georgianna Langhorne, 2203-4 Langhorne, 2204 Sarah, 3204 Dagan, EHza Louise, 3463 Daggett, ancestors, 2040 mrs., 945 Abigail, 945 Abigail Burns, 945 Albert R., 1713 Brotherton, 431 Deborah, 195 Dorothy Cragin, 413 Edwin, 945 Elmore, 423 Emily L., 945 Frances Mae, 1713 George, 199 Henry, 945 Hiram, 195 Isaac, 195, 413 Jane, 945 John, 199 Jonathan, 945 Joseph, 195, 945 Laura, 945 Mae Frances, 1713 Margaret, 195 Mary, 945 Mary Frances, 1713 Matthew, 413 Mercy, 945 Peggy, 195 Sally, 199 Sally A., 1628 Sarah, 945 Sherman, 1713 Silas, 195 Susan, 945 Susannah, 431 Tristram, 945 Dailey, Daley, Daly, Betsey Farrington, 1625 Carrie May, 783 Elial, 783 Emore, 1625 Katherine, 1332 Lydia, 619 Polly, 799 Rosette Elizabeth, 1625 Theadotia, 783 Dailing, Caroline, 1467 Daines, see Dains. Dains, Daines, Castle, 1505 Chloe, 1505 Elizabeth, 2505 Ephraim, 1505 Dains, cont'd, ITenry, 1505 Jesse, 1505 Jonathan, 1505 Margaret, 1505 Mary, 1505 Nancy, 1505 Richard, 2505 Dake, mrs., 790 Abigail, 790 Alvah, 790 Alvah C., 790 Amanda, 790 Charles, 790 Jane Eliza, 790 Phebe, 790 Sally, 790 Dakin, Jane, 106 Dale, see Dales. Dales, Dale, AbigaU J., 2430 Agnes Martha, 1495 Elwin Ward, 1495 PI. A., 1495 Mary E., 3430 Thomas, 2173 Daley, Daly, see Dailey, Dalrymple, Jane, 1780 Martha Ann, 1910 Mary, 940 Sarah, 409-10 WiUard, 940 William, 409-10 Dalton, Mary, 1867 Phillena, 3477 Ruth, 1867 Timothy, 1867 Dalzell, Martha, 1296 Damen, see Damon. Dameron, John, 23 11 Mary Elizabeth, 2311 Polly, 2311 Damois, Anna A., 1949 Erastus, 1949 Maria Relief. 1949 Damon, Damen, Annie J.^ 945 Hannah, 2429 Mary, 1904 Damuth, Asher, 1877 Dessa Diana, 1877 Rubie Ella, 1877 Dana, Adaline, 1892 Alice Louise, 1893 Azro Edson, 1333 Caroline Melissa, 1094 Carrie, 1893 Charles Anderson, 859 Charlotte, 411 Cyron Jay, 1333 David, 333 Elizabeth, 1830 Ellen, 140S Emma, 1892 Ettie, 1892 Frances, 1408 Francis, 1333, 1892 Frederic Clarke, 1333 George N., 1094 George T., 981 Hannah, 300-1 Hannah Elizabeth, 981 Harriet, 1333, 1893 Helen Marion, 1893 Howard Victor, 1333 James, 3380, 2326, 2330 James Dwight, 861 Jane, 1165 Josefa, 1764 Joseph, 169-70, 359 Laura Lazette, 1408 Martha, 1838 Marvin Le Roy, 1892 Mary Ann, 1893 Mary Maria, 1333 Osman David, 1893 Ransom, 1408 Rebecca, 333 Rebecca Jackson, 981 Richard, 1830 Ruth, 1408 Sally, 333 Sarah, 1828 Samuel, 411, ;i6o7 Susan Coombs, 1607 Tamasin Mary, 665 Thomas, 1828 WilHam G., 1764 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2605 Danberry, Carrie Salome, 616 John Jule, 616 Mary HaU, 616 Danby, lords of, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Dandridge, John, 2173 Martha, 2173 Dane, mrs., 144 Benjamin, 833 Euslin the, 1108, 3203 John, 144 Mary, 144, 183 Ouslin the, 1108, 2203 ;Roxana Melinda, 833 Rufus, 833 Sophia, 833 Thorfin the, 3303 Torfin the, 3203 Daney, doctor, 849 Lydia, 849 Danforth, Caroline, 1713 Elizabeth, 479, 497, 878 Fannie Amelia, 1713 Guy Perley, 1713 .Harriet, 1965 Henry, 1965 Irinda, 1713 Laura Eliza, 1965 Lydia, 479 Menzer Boardman, 1713 Nicholas, 479, 497, 878 Orchard Cook,' 1713 Phebe, 1044 Timothy, 2443 iDaniel, of Ardea castle, 1068 .Daniel, see Daniels. , J)aniels, Daniel, mr., 1587 Alfred, 1574 Alice Lucy, 1933 , Amanda Clarissa, 2138 Anna, 12 11 Arthur Franklin, 1933 Catherine, 1234 Clara Henrietta, 1519 David Norton, 1519 Eleanor, 1574 Elizabeth Couiden, 1574 Ellen, 1036 Emily Augusta, 1933 Ester, 771 Ethel Marion, 1492 Ferdinand Alonzo, 2165 Florence A., 1587 Frances, 2165 Frances Emily, 1933 George Collins, 1574 George Seth, 1933 Gilbert Barber, 1933 'Grace, 1386 Grace Ann, 1386 Hannah, 1933 Helen Munson, 2466 Henrietta, 1519 Henrietta B., 1492 Henry, 126 Hepzibah, 126 .James, 1386 .James Edwards, 3165 Joseph Alfred, 1574 .Joseph Bruce, 1574 Kate, 1224 Lucy Anna, 1933 Margaret Newman, 1574 _ Mary Eleanor, 1574 Melita, 595 Molly, 159 'Orinda Cady, 1574 Rebecca, 121 i 'Samuel, 1933 faarah, 1933 aarah Mahala, 2165 Seth, 1933 oeth Franklin, 1933 Stephen, 121 1 ;" Susan F., 820 Vera, 1933 Daniels, cont'd, W. R., 2138 William B., 1492 U'illiam Duncan Clinch, 2165 Danielson, James, 360 Sally, 360 Dan Mykillati, king, 2204 Dann, see Danne. D' Annay, see Hanna. Danne, Dann, Emile, 1655 Frances Maria, 1651 Gertrude, 1655 Thomas, 1651 Dantzler, Margaret, 3190 Danues, Cora, 3276 Danvers, , 13 miss, 3332 mr., 2333 pedigree mentioned, 13 Susannah, 2232 Darbe, Darbey, Darby, see Derby. d' Arce, Darcy, see D'Arcy. D'Arcy, d'Arce, Darcy, Dar sey. de Adreci, de Arcie, lady, 2000 Charlotte Ann, 2178 Elizabeth, 2000 GuUlard, 686 John, baron, 2000 Mary, 2000 Norman, 2000 Norman, baron, 2000 Philip, havon, 2000 Robert, baron, 2000 Thomas, baron, 2000 Darling, mr., 721 mrs., 857 Abigail, 1426 Calvin, 1214 Celinda, 1446 Charles Balfour, 1437 Columbus Cicero, 717 Donna Maria, 1436 Eleanor Bowen 3300 Elhanon Winchester, 1436 Elizabeth, 857, 1773 Ellen Cleveland, 3300 Emily, 1214 Florantha Cordelia, 717 Franklin, 608 George, 608, 2300 Hannah, 1773 Hansy, 607 James, 608 James Madison, 857 John, 607, 668, 1773 John Cleveland Proctor, 857 Jonathan Proctor, 857 Joseph, 607 Joshua, 85^ Joshua Harrison, 857 JuHa, 857 Laura, 668 Louisa R., 1371 Lydia, 717 Lydia Elizabeth, 1426 Maria, 857 Mary, 717, 857 Mary Jane, ^17 Mary Josephine, 717 Nancy, 857 Origen Balfour, 1427 Patience, 1214 Phebe, 721 Rosa, 608 Rosella, 1921 Sarah Adelaide, 1427 Sophronia Adaline, 607 Stephen P., 717 Susan, 857 Timothy, 857 WUliam, 717 Darlington, Maria, 1482 D'Armstadt, see Armistead. Darne, Darnee, see Darney. Darney, Darne, Darnee, Ann Elizabeth, 1754 Joan, 76 Laura H., 1101 Darrow, Eliza, 1367 EUen Elmira, 1678 George Wasnington, 1678 Hannah Louisa, 1678 Luther P., 1367 NeweU Crandle, 1678 NewriUa May, 1678 Susan O., 450 Sylvester Crandle, 1678 Darsey, see D'Arcy. Dart, see Darte. Darte, Dart, Alvin Wilson, 1880, 2485 Anna, 307 Arthur Sumner, 1880 Betsey, 3383 Betsey Hamblin, 1399 Charlotte Sabin, i88o Elijah, 2282 Emily Fisher, 1880 Harriet Cordelia, 1880, 2485 Harriet E., 1300 Jesse, 635, 1299 Mary JuHa, 1245, 1299, 2491 Richard, 307 Rosetta, 635 Sarah Jane, 1880 Sumner Luman, 1300 Susan, 635, 1299 William Elliott, 1880 Wilson, 1299 Datten, Demaris, 1915 Daugherty, Beverly Waugh, 993 Helen Johnston, 993 Jane, 993 Thomas, 993 Davenport, Annie Ward, II 13 Caroline, 1113-14 Damon, 1491 Elijah, 1114 Elizabeth Sarah, 1115 Harriet, 1490 Henry, 1113-14 James, 755 Jemima, 345 Lucy, 1 49 1 Mary Frances, 755 Sarah, 247 Susan. 11 14 David Bruce, king of Scot land, 15 Davidson, Davison, Abigail, 1361 Ada, 1749 Adam Hawthorne, 2135 .Alice, 1172 Alice Jerusha, 568 Asa, 613, 626 Benjamin, 1361 Bertha Maria, 1167 Bruce Jordan, 1987 Carrie Kelden, 1167 Charlotte, 776 Clara Louisa, 1846 Cynthia A., 2479 Cyprian, 2338 Deidamia, 353 DeUa Maria, 1167 Edward, 3479 Eliza Cleveland, 3135 Ella May, 1167 Elsie Ruth, 1167 Elsie Whitney, 1167 Ermina Elizabeth Pineo, 1167 Eunice Alvaretta, 1167 Eva Leona, 1987 Frank Bruce, 1987 Frederick Owen, 1167 George Nelson, 1177 Hannah, 393, 1167 Helen, 1174 Henry Clinton, 776 Hopestella, 613 Ida, 1749 Israel, 1938 James, 1167 James Maxwell, 1167 Jeremy, 59 26o6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Davidson, cont'd, Jesse, 486 Joanna, 59 John, 59 Joseph, 353 Joseph Thomson, 3135 Julia, 486 Julia Annie, 1167 Lewis, 1172, 1846 Lewis Hilmer, 1167 Lidie Cleveland, 2135 Louie Scott, 2135 Luther Wicker, 1749 Lydia Ann, 1172, 1846 Lydia Mariah, 1361 Maria, 613 Martha, 1928 Mary, 293, 3135 Mary Ann, 1177 Mary Elizabeth, 1361 Mary Sophia, 1167 Maude Mary, 1749 Nancy, 1844 Nicholas, 59 Oliver, 353 Rachel, 1938 Rebecca, 776, 2338 Rexford, 486 Ruth, 1167, 1928 Samuel, 293 Samuel Steadman, 1167 Sarah, 59, 103, 643-4, 1259 Sarah A., 776 Sarah Ann, 1361 Sarah Grace, 1 167 Sarah Olivia, 1173 Stephen, 568 Susan A., 1361 Tamerson Arethusa, 626 Thankful, 626 Tim, 2326 William, 1749, 1928 William Bruce, 1987 William Hatfield, 1361 Winnie Cornelia, 1987 Zilpah, 2334 Davie, mr., 1489 Elizabeth, 1488 Hannah, 1489 Humphrey, 1489 John, 1489 Juliann, 1489 Margaret, 1489 Sarah, 1489 Davies, see Davis. Davis, Davies, miss, 784 miss or mrs., 436, 1631 mr., 1173, 1675, 2284 mrs., 204, 333, 444, 3148 Aaron, 438, 1333 Abbie Jennie, 987 • Abigail, 1561 Abigail Rebecca, 1391 Abraham, 438 Addie E., 3418 Alice, 155 Alice Climenia Maria, 1237 Alie Ann, 2128 Alpha Emmeline, 2128 Amy Elizabeth, 935 Ann, 154 Ann Lodema, 697 Annie, 983 B. F., 1361 Bella Elmina, 983 Benjamin, 983 Benjamin Chadwick, 1237 Benjamin Cleveland, 139; Benjamin F., 983 Benjamin Franklin, 1391 Betsey, Betsy, 127, 605-6 Beulah Morriss, 987 Caroline, 2186 Caroline Maria, 1391 Caroline Matilda, 690 Carrie Agnes, 2186 Carrie Lincoln, 987 Davis, cont'd, Carrie Rebecca, 1391 Catharine, 1356, 1683 Charles, 983, 2479 Charles Button, 204 Charles Frederick, 1391 Charles Henry, 1337 Charles Henry Stanley, 535 Charlotte Ann, 1391 Chartly, 438 Christina C, 1893 Clarissa, 438 Clemenza Elzina, 2208 Constant, 438 Content, 204 Daniel, 741, 2484 David, 1296, 1612 David A., 784 Deborah, 361-2 Delight, 197 Dinah, 96 Dolor, Dollar, DoUard, 1813 Duke, 3148 Ebenezer, 1600 Edmund, 713 Edward, 1561 Eleazer Doan, 691 Eli Franklin, 2186 Eliphalet, 320 Eliza, 1391, 2184 Eliza Neal Murray, 542 Elizabeth, 127, 605-6, 712, 1561, 2484 Elizabeth Ann, 712 Elizabeth W., 2025 Ella, 987 EUen, 983 Emeline Eliza, 1596 Emily, 983 Emma, 2208 Ephraim, 697 Erastus Augustus, 1391 Etolie Tooker, 1391 Evan, 2464 Eveylyn, 2147-8 Fannie Adelia, 2186 Fanny Burnham, 1291 Fannie Elizabeth, 1391 Fannie Heaton, 1291 Fanny S., 2332 Fleedia, 1337 Frances B., 1143 Frances Emma, 1734 Frank Harland, 1391 Frank Igo, 1391 Franklin B., 935 Franklin Isaac, 1337 Fred, 983 Frederick, 983 Frederick Napoleon Nathan, 1391 Gad, 1237 George, 1836 George Blake, 542 George PL, 983 Gilbert, 444 Grandison, 438 Hannah, 438, 1370, 1643, 1836, 2436 "^ Plannah Eliza, 2273 Hannah Eva, 1612 Harriet, 474 Harrison W., 983 Henry Brazeel, 2186 Hezekiah, 983 Hiram, 1625 Hirvel Mav, 2208 Horace Cleveland, 691 Horace Doane, 1391 Hosea, 1367 Jane T., 1237 Jared, 439 Jennie T., 1237 Jesse, 438 Johanna, 740-1, 2484 John, 85, 127, 1561, 2484 John Edward, 1447 John Pickens, 2186 Jonathan, 444 Joseph, 96, 438, 444, 1463, Davis, cont'd, 1561, 1836 Joseph W., 983 Josephine, 1291 Julia J., 983 Leonard, 1367-8 Lois, 438, 618, 1077, 1463 Louisa, 986, 1239, 1848 Lucinda, 430, 697, 787, 955 Luke, 438 Lydia, 96, 438, 688, 941, 1291 Malvina, 1291 Marcellus Washington, 1893 Marcia Amina, , 1401 Marcia Sophia, 1391 Margaret, 1612, 1893 Margery, 1813 Maria, 204, 1296, 1391 Maria Charlotte, 1337 Maria Melcena, 696 Marissa, 1197 Marissa Phebe, 1447 Martha, 1561 Martha Jane, 941, 2213 Mary, 96, 204, 362, 438, 697,. 1031, 1296, 1367, 1561, 1615,. 1651, 1813, 3284, 2300, 2464, 2484 Mary Adelaide, 2479 Mary Adeline, 1391 Mary Cynthia, 1367 Mary Eliza, 1533, 1596 Mary Elizabeth, 1675 Mary H,, 1172 Mary Helen, 1367, 1683 Mary Holden, 1836 Mary Jane, 784 Mary Susanna, 1361 Mathus Cleveland, 2128; Matthew, 154-5 Melvina, 1538 Mildred Mary, 1836 Millicent, 439 Miriam, 1332 Nancy, 136S, 2186 Nanny Louisa, 3138 Nathan, 320, 1291 Nathaniel, 1538 Nettie Susan, 3128 Newell S., 542 Noah, 438, 1596 Orinda, 1337 Ozro Benjamin, 1337 Peter, 1633 Phebe, 200 Phebe Marinda, 1447 Phebe Maud, 1391 Polly Ann, 2128 Prudence, 438 Rachel, 438, 941, 2464 Rankins, 1291 Ray, 1237 Rebecca, 96-7, 384, 438, 1332^ Rebecca P., 1698 Remembrance, 300 Reuben, 1683 Rhoda, 304 Richard, 155, 2273 Robert Claude, 2186 Rollin, 697, 2484 Roxana, 1139 Ruth, 1815-16 Sabra, 320 Sally, 127, 438 Sally Ann, 1625 Sally Barnaby, 444 Sallie Clary, 1016. Samuel, 362, 1561, 2484 Samuel Parker, 1836 Sarah, 200, 444, 847, 1291,. 1632 Sarah Ann, 2212 Sarah Hook, 1152 Sarah Melvina, 1401 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2607 Davis, cont'd, Sarah Olivia, 2391 Sarah Sheppard, 1367 Sophia, 154 Sophronia, 1538 Susan Lovena Kilbourn, 1625 Susannah, 444, 1600 Sylvia, 438 Tamar, 2484 Tamson Charlotte, 1237 Thaddeus, 941 Thaddeus Uriah, 941 Thomas, 96, 204 Tobias, 155 Virginia May, 2128 William, 96-7, 155, 444, 987, 1532, 1561, 3313, 3484 William H., 1651 William Harrison, 1391 William Henry, 474 William Penn, 2138 WilHam R., 1596 Zeruiah, 154, 320 Zerviah, '320 Davison, see Davidson. Davol, Mary Elizabeth, 986 Davult, Margaret Ann, 2461 Dawes, Daws, Elias, 1837 Patience, 1837 Sarah, 193 Dawkins, Benjamin Franklin, 2123 Calvin, 1236 Elijah, 2122-3 EHza, 2122 Erma Leora, 1236 Harriet, 3133 Lydia Climena, 1336 Nancy, 2122-3 Thomas Nuckolls, 3123 Dawley, Julia, 2489 Daws, see Dawes. Dawson, Almira, 1588 Ann Elizabeth, 1134 Caroline Cordelia, 1872 Florence May, 1893 Hobart Ellsworth, 1893 Mariette, 1892 Olive, 1243 William, 1893 Zedekiah, 1872 Day, mr., 341 Abner, 1923 Abner Langdon, 1923 Abraham, 480, 623 Adah, 623 Adelia Drusilla, 667 Almeda, 1330 Amos David, 1334 Aurelia Ann, 1640 Austin Spencer, 1640 Benjamin, 1915 Bernice Leslie, 700 Betsey Helen, 3503 Caroline, 623 Caroline Alma, 1923 Catherine, 1327 Celia, 1224 Charity, 623 Charles Oliver, 1230 Chauncey, 633, 1230 Concord Cleveland, 700 Daisy Ann, 1933 David R., 633 De Ayllon, 1330 Delia, 1834 Diantha P., 708 Editha, 1915 Edna Augusta, 1334 Elias Hudson. 1973 Elisha 633 Eliza, 623 Elizabeth, 584, 1840 Emma Ethel, 3501 Esther, 1042 Ezra, 700 Fannie Donizetta, 2453 Day, cont'd, Frances A.. 1056 Frederick Sheldon, 1972 Grace, 1915 Harriet, 1256 Harriet Almeda, 1230 Harriet Greene, 2033 Harriet Louise, 2030 Harriet North, 2033 Hassie L., 1230 Hattie Amy, 1923 Henry Loomis, 667 Herbert Abner, 1923 Ida Bell, 1230 Ida Leona, 1330 Ira, 623 Ira Gale, 1230 Irena, 480 Jane, 623 Jennie Eunetia, 1923 John, 1915 John W., 1056 Joseph, 1042 Josephine Jewell, 1672 Joshua J., 623 Justin, 1640 Loren T,, 2453 Lovisa Cleveland, 623 Lucia, 1923 Lucia Elizabeth, 1923 Lucinda, 623 Lucy, 479-80, 623 Lucy Ann, 1858 Lucy L, 1230 Luman Parker, 2502 Lyman, 667 Margaret, 1915, 1972 Maria, 667 Martha, 1640 Martha A., 1230 Mary, 1972 Mary Abigail, 1933 Mary Amanda, 1972 Mary EHza, 700 Mary Elizabeth, 1933 Matilda Georgianna, 1973 Myra Phebe, 1933 Norman B., 623 Phebe Celestia, 1230 Phineas, 623 Rachel, 1042 Robert, 1915, 3393 Robert Elijah, 2033 Roxa, 623 Salah, 623 Sally, 1458 Sarah, 623, 2292 Sarah Clark, 1230 Susan, 1923 'Velonie P., 1848 WiUiam Henry, 1972 WiUiam Hudson, 1972 Dayhursh, Henry, 1367 Theda, 1367 Viette Volina, 1367 Dayton, , 1071 Caroline, 1631 Deborah, 150 Jonathan, 1151, 2454 Kate, 1833 Maria, 2492 Phoebe, 1151 Ralph, 2454 Rebecca, 2453-4 Sarah Jane, 1631 Telem, 1631 Dda, Howel, 2415 see also Wirm. de Adreci, see D'Arcy. De Albini, Albini, baron, 266 Isabel, 265-6 William, 266 de Aldacres, Elya, 2241 De Als, see Halsey. de Alselyn, Geffrey, 2203 see also Alselyn. de Alsop, de AIsopp, see Alsop. Dean, Deane, de Dene, de Denne, Den, Denne, mr., 263, 333 mrs., 2319 Abbie, 950 Abiah, 801 Abigail, 496, 1705 Abigail Upham, 263 Ada, 1531 Agnes, 490 Alanson Pierce, 1641 Alice, 2119 Alice Marion, 1641 Allured, 4po Almira, 445 Amanda Hughs, 2330 Amos, 1350-1 Ann, 496 Anna, 1350-1 Augusta Jones, 2319 Bianca, 801 Catharine, (Hatherine, 489-90 Charles, 783, 950 Chats Tutman, 2330 Clarissa Maria, 1350 Colburn, 648 Daniel, 1898 David, 1531 Deborah, 496 Delight, 383 Eleanor, 131 Elias, 1425 Eliza, 783 Elizabeth, 496, 1379, 1435, 1838 Elizabeth Rose, 783 Esther, 1423, 1425 Ezra Merrill, 950 Faxon, 130 Frances, 140 Francis Deming, 1641 Hannah, 333, 21 19 Harriet, 801 Hetty, 130 Hiram Larkin, 3319 Isaac, 2119 James, 537 James Porter, 801 Jane, 496, 783 Jehial Larkin, 2319 Joanna, 537 John, 131, 496, 498, 21T9 John Ward, 496 Joseph, 131, 1840 Joshua Porter, 801 Katherine, Katherina, 489-90 Lizzie Rose, 783 Lodema Adelia, 1641 Lorena, 648 Lucy, 131 Lydia, 651 Lydia Charlotte, 1898 Lydia Eugenia, 3319 Margery, 337 Mahala, 801 Maria, 1531 Mary, 131, 183, 496, 648, 1537, 2444 Mary Boardman, 496 Mary Jane, 1294 Mehitable, 130 Moses, 2319 Nathan, 131 Nathaniel, 537 Norma Imogene, i8g8 Paul, 140 Permelia, 2330 Pincerna, 490 Ralph, 490 Rebecca, 801 Richard, 131 Robert, 490 Rosetta, 801 Samuel, 131 Sarah, 131, 536-7, 3421 Seth, 537 Temperance Cook, 950 Thomas, 131, 496, 1840 Truman Benjamin, 1898 Walter, 131 Ward Clark, 496 W^illiam, 131, 490 Deane, see Dean. De Annan, lord of Annandale, 1108 26o8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Dearborn, Amy, 1289 Sarah, 741 de Arcie, see D'Arcy. Dearing, Elizabeth, 2051 Dearsly, Ann, 1388 Grace Maria, 1388 Helen Maria, 1388 Lena Mabel, 1388 Walter, 138S William Shepard, 1388 WilHam Walter, 1388 Dearth, Isaac, 2279 Rachel, 2279 -de Arundel, see Fitz-Alan. Deason, Eva, 2162 James Z., 2162 Julia Thomas, 2163 Deavitt, Alice J"., 744 Augustus W., 744 de Bacons-Thorp, see Bacon. De Ball, Fannie Ann, 1309 Hannah Ann, 1309 James Montgomery, 1309 De Barr, Charles F., 1163 Olive, 1163 de Beauchamp, see Beau champ. De Bellomont, see Beau mont. De Bernardy, Constantine WiUiam, 3345 de Bingham, see Bingham. De BlainviUe, , 14 de Blakeland, see Blake. De Blanchemains, Robert, 2175 Deble, see Dibble, de Blois, William, 365 De Board, Abigail, 297 George, 297 de Bohun, see Bohun. Debolt, Catherine, 2145 John, 2145 Nancy Jennett, 2145 de Booth, see Booth. De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, 1375 de Brabazon, see Brabazon. de Braosa, de Brawse, see Bruce. De Briant, see Bryant. de Brigenberg, Emberga, 3175 de Bruce, de Brus, De Brus, de Brusce, de Bruse, De Bruys, see Bruce. de Builli, John, 3337 de Burgundia, Sphreta, 3175 de Burnham, see Burnham. de Buteville, see Butterfield. de Button, see Button. de Cambrai, Aae, 1615 Mainarde, 1615 De Camp, Miranda M., 1022 de Capella, Hugone, 2241 de Carrick, Roland, 1813 Decastro, de Castro, Dona Maria Josefa, 1764 Maria Josefa, 1764 Sarah, 154 Vacah, 154 de Charteris, de Charters, see Charters. de Cherleton, Isabel, 319 John, 319 .Decker, Ada, 1246, 2491 Albert Samuel, 1401 Alfred Jay, 1401 Altheia Lodema, 1401 Alva, 1365 Anna May, 1296 Arthur Godfrey, 1296 Belva Leah, 1401 Bethia, 135 1 Decker, cont'd, Charles Eugene, 1365 Cora Emma, 1365 Elizabeth, 897, 1296, 1351 Emma Della, 1043 Eugene Alberto, 1296 Frances Augusta, 1365 Frederic, 1296 Gideon, 1401 Godfrey, 1296 Gurdon Pumpelly Curtis, 1402 Jane, 1396, 1401 Jesse Delos, 1401-2 John Seymour, 1402 Lucy Leverna, 1401-2 Mahala, 1365 Marcia Amina, 1401 Marcia Ann, 1401 Maud Mary, 1296 Peter, 135 1 Phebe Jane, 1693 Rosella, 1538 Samuel, 1401 Sarah, 1402 Seymour Devern, 1401 Stephen, 1365 Zeruiah, 1472-3 De Clare, Clare, earl Fitz-Gilbert, 266 earl Gilbert, 265-6, 1108 Isabel, 265-6, 1108 Joane, 265 Richard, 265-6 see also Pembroke. de Cleiveland, de Cleveland, de Clieveland, de Cliue lande, see Cleveland. de Clive, Guido Lowe, 2236 de Cliveland, see Cleveland. de Courcy, John, 221 see also Savage. de Crepy, Adele, 1615 AHx, 1615 Raoul III, comte, 1615 de Cressy, seigneur, 1831 de Dene, De Denne, see Dean. de Domera, see Dummer. de Douglas, see Douglas. Dedrick, Cynthia, 476 Lucy, 1040 Mark, 476 de Dummera, see Dummer. Dedwoods, John, 210 Deeble, see Dibble. Deeves, mr., 2050 Cassie Mae, 2050 de Exter, see Dexter. de Ferrers, WilHam, 1212 de Ffarington, see Faring- ton. Defoar, Elizabeth, 2107 Lucy Emma, 2107 Marium Elizabeth, 2107 Martin, 2107 Mary Cybill Harrison Cleveland, 2107 Sarah Ann, 2167 Thomas Martin, ^107 WUliam David, 2107 de Forest, De Forest, Anne, 1775 Augusta, 1756 Benjamin, 1776 Catherine, 1775-6 Charles, 1756, 1775-6 David, 1776 Emily Norwood, 1775 Esther, 1776 Hannah, 1776 Isaac, 1775 Isaac N., 1756 Jean, 1775 Jesse, 1775 John, 1775 Katharine, 1775-6 de Forest, cont'd, Leslie Hyde, 1756 Margaret Higginson, 1756 Marie, 1775 Martha, 1776 Melchior, 1775-6 Othniel, 1776 Sarah, 1776 Theodore Stephen, 1756 , William Bowman, 1756 de Foxle, John, 1125 Katherine, 1125 d'Efpehy, chatelain, 1615 de FroHbay, Isabella Harcope, 540 de Fulthorp, A^da, 2241 Degen, Charles Furlong, 1062 Elizabeth Vassall, 1062 Matilda Augusta Temple, 1062 de Giflord, see Giilord. Degman, Levina, 198J Degnon, see Dignin. De Golyer, Lizzie Mary, 1016 De Gorran, see Gorham. de Gourdon, barons, 385 de Gournay, lady, 2045 Editha, 2045 Gerard, 2045 . DegraiT, Florence Elizabeth, 2486 Joseph, 2486 Mary, 2486 De Graw, Charles Henry, 1296 Clifton Evelyn, 1297 Eleanor, 1296 Elenora, 1296 Emeline, 1296 George Hamilton, 1297 Hannah, 1296 Jane, 1297 John, 1296 Margaret, 1296 Maria, 1296 Martha Jane, 1297 Mary Genevra, 1297 Maud Ellen, 1297 Orpha Ann, 1297 WilHam Willis, 1297 Degreat, Julia, 1504 de Gruchy, Thomasse, 1615 de Guerden, barons, 385 De Hamilton, see Hamilton, de Hampden, see Hampden. De Hart, Elizabeth, 1638 De Haveron, Jeanne, 1615 De Hemingburgh, Peter, 11 de Heydon, see Hayden. DehofT, Mary Ann, 919 De Horton, see Horton. de Hungerford, see Hunger ford. Deighton, see Dighton. Deincourt, Elizabeth, 2203 Ralph, 2203 De Insula, Walterus, 2241 de Janes, de Jeane, see Janes. de Johnson, see Johnson, de Johnston, de Johnstoun, de Jonistoun, see John ston. de Karry, see Cary. de Kerneford, Kerneford, lady, 2203 Amercia, 2203 Hugh, 2203 Dekey, Anna, 493 Katharine, 493 Tennis, 493 de Klyne, Barrentsen Huygens, 1971 Elizabeth Huygens, 1971 Leonard, 1971 de Knap, see Knapp. INDEX OF PERSONS. 2609 De Kuype, De Kype, see Kip. De la Barr, see Devotion. De la Beche, Henry Thomas, 14 de Lackenby, Robert, 2226 Stephen, 2226 de la Feld, see Field. de la Fosse, AHce, 1615 de la Guerra y Noriega, mrs,, 1764 Don Jose Antonio, 1764 De la Halle, see HaU. de la Play, Emma, 856 Hugh, 556 de la Haye Auberie, Albreda, 2175 de Laire, Marie, 1615 De La Lee, see Lee. De Lamater, see Da La Mater. De La Mater, De Lamater, Delamatter, mr., 672 Carrie Burget, 1891 Cynthia, 672 Emmeline, 1891 Hannah, 1357 Le Roy Cleveland, 1357 Nettie Adelaide, 1357 Robert Griffin, 1891 Titus, 1357 Williams, 1357 Delamatter, see De La Mater. Be Lambert, Mary, 774 De Lancey, Grace M., 2503 de Landen, Begga, 1615 Karloman, 1615 Pepin, 1615 Delano, De la Noye, de i Launey, Delauny, Achsah, 1269 Caroline, 1582 E. C, 1459 Emma Chastina, 1459, 3495 Esther, 1917 Eugene, 1582 Hester, 1917 Jane, 1299 Jean, 1917 Marie, 1917 Moreau, 1582 Moses, 1917 Nancy, 1917 Philip, 1917 Rebecca, 3443 Sophronia Merril, 1572 Susan Magoun, 1582 William Adams, 1582 De la Noye, see Delano. de la Penne, Agnes, log Delaport, De La Porte, see Porter. Delargee, Mary, 1279 de Laringseta, Ranulph, 686 de Launey, Delauny, see Delano. Delavall, Frances, 1020 Thomas, 1020 Delavan, Rensselaer, 2274 de Law, see Low. de ^a Ward, see Ward. de Lawe, see Low. De Le, de Lega, see Lee. Delehanty, Edward Joseph, 2488 Honora, 2488 John, 2488 Tina, 2488 de Lehe, de Leign, see Lee. De Les Derniers, Clara H., 1053 EUa, 1053 Emma A., 1053 Frances A., 1053 Frances M., 1053 J- M; C., 1053 James Nelson, 1053 John R. Pendleton, 1053 WilHam R., 1053 de Lexington, Alice, 319 Richard, 319 de Limesay, see Lindsay, de Liramont, seigneur, 1615 Delmont, Deborah, 1402 164 De Long, Katy, 192 de Longneville de Charters, see Charters. Delop, Benjamin, 399 Calista, 399 James, 399 de Lowthrope, see Lathrop. de Malvoisin, de Mauvoisin, Adele, 1615 Hugues, 1615 de Manvers, Manvers, Annora, 1613 Lionel, 1613 Michael, 1613 De MaranviUe, see Maran- ville. Demarest, Ann, 459 David D., 459 Jame;s, 1014 Jane, 1014 Jeannette, 1014 Rachel, 457 de Marneil, Margaret, 1809 de Mauvoisin, see de Mal voisin. Dement, EUa, 1703 Margaret, 947 Mary, 1703 William, 1703 Demey, Huldah, 327 Demeyer, Maria, 835 Demick, Emily, 305 Joel, 305 de Milleburne, see de Welle burne. Deming, Demming, Demon, Catherine, 982 Daniel, 2269 Deborah, 982 Elizabeth, 477. 1215 Elizabeth Oakley, 2031 Emily Montague Bibby, 2031 Ethel, 1724 Frederick Stafford, 1724 Howard Webster, 1724 Huldah, 327, 1553 John, 477, 1105 Josiah, 1404 Julia, 1404 Mary Jones, 982 Morris, 982 Morris Bradford, 982 Richard, 2031 Samuel, 327 Sarah Horton, 1733 Sarah Jackson, 982 Sarah Jane, 1723 Stella Louise, 1404 Thomas Durfee, 1723 Demitt, miss, 1171 Demming, see Deming. De Moffat, see Moffett. Demois, Anna A., 1949 Erastus, 1949 Maria Relief, 1949 Demon, see Deming. de Monta'cute, see Monta gue. De Monthermer, Joane, 265-6 Margaret, 265 Ralph, 265-6 de Morlaix, Pierre, 877 see also Perkins. de Mors, see Morse. de Mortimer, Margaret, 319 Roger, 319 De Mott, Anna, 1973 Belinda J., 1015, 1739 Cornelia, 1739 Cyrus, IOI 5 Elmer, 1015 Emma, 1736 Jacob, 1S36 Jacob M., 1015, 1739 John J^ 1973 Margaret Jane, 1973 Rachel, 1^736 Sarah Elizabeth, 1014 Warren, 1015 WiUiam, 1014 Dempsey, Mary, 1734 Sarah Emaline, 2197 Dempster, Adelbert Bruce, 1511 Andrew, 1511 Andrew Jackson, 1511 Betsey, 1511 Bruce, 1511 Eugene Milton, 1512 Jane Lucretia, 1511 WaUace William, 1512 Demskey, Anna, 1191 Frank, 1191 Hannah, 1191 Den, see Dean. de Naton, baron Montague, 1664 de NeufviUe, Cornelia, 1744 George Pieter, 1744 Denham, Benjamin, 591 Ella, 591 Pearl Gould, 591 William, 897 WilHam Henry, 591 Denio, Elizabeth, 1548 Denison, Dennison, mrs., 485, 2160 Albert, 1876 AHce, 1757 Amelia, 897 Amie, 1055 Ann, 48s, 539, 565, 1612 Anna, 1055 Anna E., 1055 Caroline Amanda, 1473 Caroline L., 1055 Charlotte, 140 Cordelia Elizabeth, 1876 Edmund F., 1055 Edward, 1056 Elizabeth, 140 Elizabeth L., 1056 Ellen Frances, 1491 Emeline, 898, 1674 Evelina C, 4S5 Evelina T., 1056 Frances, 140 Frances Elizabeth, 1674 George, 140, 485, 539-40, i6i3 George L., 3160 Hannah, 539 Harriet Maria, 1055 Henry, 1055 Henry C, 140, 484 Henry M., 1757 Ida, 140 Jane Isabel, 1055 John, 140, 485, 565 John Fletcher, 1473 Joseph, 484-5, 539, 1491 Lucretia, 140 Lucy, 140, 539, 3393 Margaret, 485 Maria, 1229 Mary, 140, 484-5 Mary C, 1055 Mary Caroline, 484 Mercy, 539-40 Nathaniel, 539 Patience, 140 Phebe, 485, 539 Rebecca, 1429 Robert, 140 Sally Ann, 897 Samuel, 140 Samuel Dexter, 1055 Samuel F., 484 Sarah, 140, 539, 840 Sarah Jane, 1491 Thankful, 292 WiUiam, 140, 485, 897, 1674 WiUiam Cleveland, 484 William H,, 140 Deniston, Alice, 452 Anna, 453 Charles, 451 Dorothy, 451 Eliza, 453 Elizabeth, 451 George, 451 John Horton, 453 Mary, 451 WiUiam, 451 Denman, mr,, 466-7 Calvin, 464, 467 Eleanor, 464, 467 Hannah, 466 Harriet Calvin, 464 26lO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Denman, cont'd, Jacob, 466 John, 466-7 Judith, 466 Major, 464, 466-7 Mary, 466 Phebe Ann, 464 Philip, 466 Rhoda, 464, 467 Sarah, 466-7 Stephen, 467 Thomas, 467 VisiUah, 466 William, 466 Denmark, queen of, 2204 Dan Mykillati king of, 2204 Fridleif first king of, 2204 Fridleif IIL, king of, 3304 Frode Fredigod king of, 3304 Frode IL, IIL, IV., VL, VII. kings of, 3304 Golden Tooth king of, 2204 Halfdan L, IL, IIL kings of, 2204 Harald HUdetand king of, 3304 Hilditur king of, 2204 Inglid king of, 2204 Ivar Vidfame king of, 2204 Olaf the Mild king of, 2304 Olaf the Sharp Eyed king of, 3304 Roe king of, 2204 Snaile I. king of, 2204 the Mild king of, 2204 the Sage king of, 2204 the Sharp Eyed king of, 2304 the Splendid king of, 2204 Vermund king of, 2204 Denne, see Dean. Dennehur, EmUy, 563 James, 563 Dennett, Alexander, 2469 Elizabeth, 2469 Denniker, Eleanor M., 1701 Gilbert, 1701 Dennis, families, 1838 Abby Elizabeth, 1729 Amos, 563 Charles Augustus, 1739 Eliza Jane, 3307 Elizabeth, 335 Elizabeth Jane, 1244 Emma, 2307 Hannah, 1838 Huldah, 2307 Jane, 1003 John, 1838, 2307 Julia Ann Britton, 1729 Lewis, 2307 Mary Williams, 2009 Patience, 1838 Philip, Phillippa, 1212 Robert, 1838 Sarah, 562-3, 1838 Susannah, 235, 1838 Thomas, 1838 William, 1344 Dennison, see Denison. Denny, miss, 3184 Polly, 1635 WiUiam, 1635 Denslow, Eliza Ann, 1036 ¦ Densman, Rebecca, 731 Densmore, Dinsmoor, Dins more, Adella, 3488 Alice Charlotte Amelee Marie Anoek, 3489 Amos, 482, 1750 Artelissa, 3488 Austa, 1750 Blanche, 1750 Charles Andrews, 2051 Clint, 1750 Cynthia, 1932-3 Darsa James, 2489 David, 950 Elizabeth, 482 Elizabeth Creesy, 2011 Fannie, 1707 Frances Ann, 2051 Franklin Pierce, 2011 Genevieve, 1750 Densmore, cont'd, Hannah, 2011 Henry WilHam, 2051 Honor Lizzie, 2011 Inez Mildred, 2051 Isaac, 2011 James, 482, 2488 James Franklin, 2051 Joel, 482, 2488 John William, 2011 Laura Elizabeth, 2051 Leura Ann, 3011 Leura Laodicea, 2011 Louisiana, 2051 Lydia Coffin, 950 Lynda, 1750 Marianne Alice, 24S9 Mary Frances, 2051 Mary Ann, 2011 Nellie, 1417 PriscUla, 1750 Rosa Laodicea, 2011 Samuel Anderson, 2051 Samuel Perry, 2051 Sarah, 950 Sophia, 482, 2488 Theresa Jane, 2011 Thomas Barlow, 2051 Tina, 2488 Tina Yonne, 2489 William Anderson, 2011 Zebadiah, 482 Dent, Mary, 2166 Denton, Alice, 1730 Furman, 1730 Richard, 1842 Ruth, 1842 Teresa, 1730 Denzelo, see Denzilo. Denzilo, Denzelo, Zelina, 600 De Oiglii, De Oilly, see D'Oyley. de Olmsted, see Olmsted. De Oyly, see D'Oyley. de Parco, Galfrido, 2241 Ricardus, 2241 de Parke, see Park. de Payen, see Paine. de Peltindone, see Pelton. de Percy, William, 2225 de Peronne, seigneur, 1615 Depew, Maria, 2467 de Peyster, Cornelia, 1760 Jan, 1760 Johannes, 1760 Maria, 1760 de Picardie, seigneur, 1615 Adele, 1615 Hugues, 1615 de Pierrepont, see Pierpont. De Plancken, Sarah, 1837 De Poe, Depoe, Henry A., 452 Jane, 452 John, 921 Joseph, 921 Rubie, 921 de Pomeroy, see i^omeroy. de Praers, EUena, 209 Roger, 209 de Pusat, Hugo, 2341 de Puttenham, see Putnam. De Puy, William Henry, 1550 de Queant, Albert, 1615 Avide, 1615 de Quincy, see Quincy. de Ravenswath, Bondo, 3303 Derby, Darbe, Darbey, Dar by, Dorby, earl of, I3i3 Aaron Cleveland, 1119-30 AbigaU, 72 Agnes, 72 Amy, 640-1 Ann, 1120 Anna, 178 Annette Robitoy, 1820 Ahnie Margaret, 1120 Annis, 72 Asa, 72 Betsey, 78, 787 Blanchard, 116 Catharine Elizabeth, mg Cora Adelaide, 1120 Daisy, 1907 Derby, cont'd, Elizabeth, 72, 78, i39> 304» 384, 787, 1120, 1820 Ella CordeHa, 1120 Elmor, 73 Emma, 1907 Emma Cecilia, 1820 Emma Jane, ii30 Emma Josephine, iiso Erasmus Barlow, 11 19 Erasmus Beaumont, 1119 Erastus, 534 Erastus Cleveland, 1120 Esther Maria, 1907 Frederick House, 1120 George Cleveland, 1820 George Douglass, 1120 Hannah, 178, 1119 Harriet R,, 1119 Henry Gallaher, 1820 Ida Wilson, 1820 Isabella, 1120 James C., 1130 Jedediah, 72 John, 1130 John Cleveland, 1120 John Milton, 1120 John Wilber, 1907 Joseph, 524 Joseph Theodore, 1120 Julia Ann, 1120 Lucetta Gaylord, 1821 Lucretia, 72 Lucy, 116, 533 Lydia, 770, 1503 Maria Elizabeth, ii30 v Martha, 393 Mary, 78, 714, 1130 Mary Ann, 1947 Mary Esther, 1120 Mary Jane, 1120 Mary Louisa, 1120 Matilda Elizabeth, 1820 MUlard Fillmore, 1820 Minnie, 1130 Olive, 72 Phebe Catherine, i i3o Roger, 72 Rosamond, 1933 Ruth, 139 Sarah Eliza, 1120 Semanthe, 72 Shedreck, 72 William, 72, 139 William Blanchard, ii3o - William Cleveland, 1120 William H., 1907 William M,, 1907 Wilson Cleveland, 1820 Derling, Adam, 2203 Agnes, 2203 Dermod, lord Beare and Bantry, 1068 Dermod, lord Muskerry, 1068 De Rochboom, Elizabeth, 3327 De RockvUle, see Rockwell. de Rodelent, Robert, 2234 de Rodes, see Rhoades. De Rose, Abbie, 1542 John P., 1542 Matilda, 1542 Thaddeus Kosciusco Mar- cano, 1542 de Rotherfield Dionisia, Dyonisia, 493 Peter, 493 de Ryngville, Theobold, 35 des Ablains, Michelle, 1615 de St. Martins, Bridget Hervie, 540 George Hervie, 540 De St. Peters, Antoine, 1940 Catharine, 1940 Mary, 1940 de Saint-Simon, seigneur, 1615 de St.-Vaast, Louvet, 1615 De Salis, mr., 856 Harriet A., 856 de Salusbury, see Salisbury. INDEX OF PERSONS. 261 r de Sanford, see Sanford. de Sarcinville, Aibert, 1615 Avide, 1615 De Say, baron, 266 HeHas, 266 Hugh, 266 Inigleram, 266 Isabel, 365-6 de Sharpies, see Sharpless. Deshong, Elizabeth, 1395 de Sille, Gerdientie, 1809 Nicasius, 1809 Desmeeko, Eveline, 1162 Martha Evaline, 1162 William, 1162 Desmond, Anra-ny Lacken, lord, 1068 James Fitzgerald, earl, 1068 John, 996 John, lord, 1987 Maurice, lord, 1987 Thomas, earl, 1987 Virginia, 996 William, 996 d'Esne, fiUe, 1615 Robert, 1615 de Snyers, Catalina Hendricks, 1809 Catalyntje Hendricks, 1809 Hendrick Janszen, 1809 see also Snyder. de Somerie, de Somery, John, 319 John Ralph, 319 Margaret, 319 Roger, 319 see Dudley and Paganell. de Somery, see de Somerie. Despeaux, Betsey, 2475 de Spencer, John, 758 Despenser, family, 877 de Standish, see Standish. de Stocktun, see Stoughton. d'Estourmel, Gilberte Creton, 1615 ¦ Raimbaut, 1615 de Strickland, Elizabeth, 2203 Johanna, 3303 Walter, 2303 de Sutton, see Dudley. Des Van Etten, Rachel, 1401 see also Van Etten. Deth, Hannah, 649 Dethic, Margaret, 1764 de Thorp, Johannis, 2341 Nigillo, 2241 I Roberto, 3341-3 WHHelmus, 3341 de Torote, Ade, 1615 Lucie, 1615 Vasce, 1615 De Turri, see Torre. de Upham, see Upham. de Upsale, Warner, 3325 de Valcourt, . Adeline Suzanne, 2050 Caroline Sainte, 2050 comte Dirudonne, 2050 Devall, Charles A., 1081 Elizabeth Sanford, 1081 Louis Cleveland, 1081 .Devan, EUa, 1844 De Vars, see Vars. De Vaution, see Devotion. Devendorf, Almond S., 537 Malvina N., 537 de Vermandois, comte, 1615 Pierre, 1615 Roux, 1615 DeVetuHs, Albreda, 2175 Humphrey, 3175 Devon, count of, 266 Devor, Devore, Arthur, 2480 Charles, 1515 Elijah, 2480 Emily Ann, 2480 Eveline, 2480 Henry Webb, 3480 John, 3480 Mary Alice, 1515 Devore, see Devor. Devotion, De la Barr, De Vaution, , 3484 Edward, 1561, 3484 Mary, 1561, 2484 Dew, miss, 2285 De Wadham, see Wadhams. de Wadworth, see Wads worth. de Walcot, see Wolcott. de Warbleton, John, 1125 Katherine, 1125 Margaret, 1125 de Warren, De Warrene, de Warrenne, see W^arren, de Warton, Warton, Alianna, Alianora, 3303 John, 3203 de Washington, de Wassyng ton, see Washington. De Water, Lewis, 1689 Nellie, 1689 SteUa, 1689 York, 1689 de Welleburne, de Mille burne, Milleburne, Wel leburne, Agnes, lady, 3303 Ivo, lord, 3303 Robert de Washington, lord, 2203 Walter de Washington, lord, 2203 De Welles, barony of, nog de Wentworth, see Went worth. Dewey, miss, 1553 mr., 1199 mrs., 1199 Abbie May, 1307 Abigail, 553, 3333 Abner, 1315 Adaline Topliff, 1307 Ammonia Octavia, 1651 Archibald, i30i Asahel Pond, i30i Belinda, 2017 Beulah, 1651 Caroline, 938 Constance, 1216, 1503 Elizabeth, 1503 Emma May, 2017 Ethel Lodema, 2017 Frances, 1216, 1503 Hannah, 1216, 1827 Harriet Maria, 1690 Harriette, 1827 Henry A., 1201 Hezekiah Ranney, 1307 Huldah, 1553 Jedediah, 2023 John, 552, 2333 John Woodward, 2333 Joseph, 1307 Lorenzo, 2017 Lycurgus, i30i Mabel Clare, 1307 Margaret, 2023 Maria, 1307 Martha Evelyn e, 1307 Mary, 1690 Mary Harriet, 1307 Mary Helen, 1690 Mary Lucy, 1307 Mercy, 1215 Minnie Adaline, 1307 Myron Westley, 2017 Paulina E., 1201 Perlina E., 1201 Phila, 648 Polly, 1702 Porter, 1690 Rhoda, 2333 Roger, i6go Sarah, 2033 Sarah Ann, 553, 1970 Sarah E., 3333 Sarah Gates, 1200 Thomas, 1216, 1503 Thomas D., 1307 Timothy, 1651 WiUiam Henry, 1307 Zelima, 1201 de Whitney, De Whitney, see Whitney. Dewhurst, Mary, 2465 De Winton, de Wintona, see Wilkins, Dewing, Bettey, 1517 Elijah, 1517 John, 1517 Mary Mindwell, 1517 Mindwell Rossetter, 1517 de WMnterwade, see Went worth. Dewire, Margaret, 945 De Witt, Dewitt, Eloise, 1688 Emily Matilda, 1402 George H., 1688 Lena, 1717 Louise Adeline, 1688 De Wolf, Dewolf, miss, 1171, 3338 mrs., 569 Amelia, 1171 Annie, 1015 Catharine, 1015 Charles, 569, 1015 Colin, Collin, 569 Harriet, 569 Isaac, 569 James, 569 John H., 1015 Margaret Ann, 1015 Martin, 1015 Dewolf, see De Wolf. de Woodforde, see Woodford. Dewsbury, Esther, 1917 de Wurdesworth, see Wads- . worth. de Wynterwade, de Wynter- word, see Wentworth. de Wyttone, Adae, 3243 Roberto, 3242 Dexter, de Exter, Andrew, 1615 Bridget, 507 Clarissa, 423 Edward, 621 Elizabeth Amory, ' 1065, 1614-15 Emma, 1736 ' George Albert, 1736 James Leonard, 1736 John, 507 Lydia, 1178 Mary Ann, 621 May Virginia, 1736 Mehitabel, Mehitable, 505, 507 Richard, 507 Sarah, 507 Seymour, 3333 Winnefred, 507 Dextor, Diademia, 352 Deyo, mr,, 801 Diana Elizabeth, 801 Francis Gaylord, 801 Jane, 801 Marietta, 1729 Phebe Jane, 1729 Rebecca, 1689 Theron, 1739 d'Heristal, Pepin due d'Aus- trasie, 1615 D'Hozier, , 1615 Dibble, Deble, Deeble, miss, 670 mrs., 381, 1915 Abigail, 281, 284 Alice Augusta, 1581 Amos, 381 Amy, 284 Annie, 963 Catherine Van Dusen, 1558 Charlotte Della, 1542 Christina, 2316 Clara,. 299, 724 Clara H., 1581 DoUy, 724 Ebenezer, 1915 Elijah, 281 Eliza Dorcas, 1581 Elizabeth, 1433 Emily, 724 Fanny,' 724 Flora, 1581 Frank, 1581 Gradus, 1558 Harry, 29g, 724 Henry, 281, 284, 670, 724 Plerbert A., 1581 Hiram, 671 Horace, 1581 26l2 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Dibble, cont'd, Jabez, 671 James, 3316 John, 281 Joseph, 1581 Katherine, 671 Katy, 671 Le Roy, 1558 Levanche, 802 Lucinda, 281 Lucretia, 1353 Lucy, 381, 670, 1776 Mary, 281, 671, 1827, 1915 Mary Hubbard, 1581 Patrick, 281, 802 Rachel, 281, 1915 Rebecca, 802 Rhoda, 724 Sarah, 281 Stafford, 1581 Thomas, 734, 1915 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 3403 Dick, Anna, 772 Charles, 937 George, 927 Jane, 927 John, 927 Lill, 927 Mary EUen, 1870 Tylena, 927 Warren, 927 Will, 937 Dickel, Christina, 1651 Dickens, Elizabeth, 338 Eveline, 806 William, 338 Dickenson, see Dickinson. Dickerhoff, Mary Margaret, I3S3 Dickerman, miss, 1339 Abraham, 121 1 Mary, 1211 Ruth, 121I Thomas, 1211 Dickerson, Esther E., logs Dickson, see Dixon, Dickey, mr., 1039 Ann, 1173 Caroline Parker, 875 James, 892-3, 1631 John, 875 Louisa, 360 Mary, 872, 1631 Matilda, 893, 1631 Matthew, 872 Polly, 892, 1631 Dickinson, Dickenson, miss, 1128 Adelaide Marian, 1253 Alexander, 1137 Almeda, 984 Ann, 1915 Ann Eliza, 340 Azariah, 1930 Catharine, 1239 ' Clarissa Anna, 1137 Dorcas, 1930 Elijah, 1253 Elizabeth, 760 Elizabeth Ann, 800 Elizabeth Jane, 963 Elizur, 118 Elvira Cleveland, 808 EmUy, 1373 Emma, 1137 Frances, 1915 Helen Augusta, 1239 Henrietta, 1373 James, 760 John, 1915, 2052 John T., 808 Joseph, 984 Josiah, 1930 JuHa A,, 1248 Laura Caroline, 1301 Leslie, 1137- Louis, 1137 Louise, 1137 Maria, 1930 Martha, 1395, 2052 Mary, 118, 1930, 2052 Mary Ann, 1986-7 Mary Elizabeth, 2171 Mercy, 1077, 1915 Moses Simmons, 800 Nancy, 800 Nannie Beattie, 3171 Dickinson, cont'd, Nathan, 1339 Nathaniel, 1915. i930» 2052 Nehemiah, 1930 PoUy, 984 Raymond, 1137 Rhoda, 1253 Robert, 800 Ruby, 1137 S., 2245 Sarah, 963, 1930 Seth, 963 Sibil, 1930 Sophronia, 1137 Thomas, 1077 WilHam, 1930 William Bourn, 3171 Dickman, Sarah, 1358 Dickson, see Dixon. Diefendorf, Martha R., 1511 Diesbach, Mary, 1780 Digby, Kenellime, 47S Diggens, Naomi, 1108 Dighton, Deighton, ' Catharine, 490 Jane, 490 John, 490 Dignin, Degnon, Agnes Jane,- 1138 Bethia Mercy, 1138 Carrie Bethia, 1138 Charles Ralph, 1138 Fannie Elizabeth, 1138 James, 1138 Jane, 1138 Margaret Marcia, 1138 Mary Ann, 1138 Patrick, 1138 Samuel James, 1138 William Sidney, 1138 Dike, Dilkes, see Dykes. DiU, druid, 1068 Dillard, Cynthia, 3167 Dillehay, Benjamin Frank lin, 1865 Edward Franklin, 1865 Green H., 1865 Isabella, 1865 Susan, 1865 Dillenbeck, Helen, 1718 Jacob, 1718 Mary, J718 Diller, Benjamin Franklin, 1781 Rebecca, 1781 Rebecca Jane, 1781 Dillingham, Adelia A., 1411 Deborah, 1660 George Bacon, 1601 George W., 939 Henry, 1660 Joseph Edward, 1601 Laura Gardner, 1601 Lucy Elizabeth, gsg Lydia, 951 Mary Elizabeth, 1601 Mary Rogers, 1601 Patience, x6oi Samuel, 1601 Dillon, mr., 3330 Elsie Elizabeth, 461 Susan, 2320 Dils, Catharine, 1415 Dimick, Dimmick, Dimock, see Dimmock. Dimmock, Dimick, Dim mick, Dimock, Abigail, 1235 C. Henry, 1746b Cicero, 756 Clarence Parker, 1882 Delight, ig6 Edward, 833 Eunice, 581, 756 Frank Leverett, 1882 Grace, 1746b Ida May, 1746b Leverett Nye, 1882 Mary, 756 Mary Florine, 1882 Melinda, 833, 2485 Dimmock, cont'd, MeHssa Bloomfield, 1882 Melissa Cornelia Payne, 1882 Rebecca, 833 Rufus Leverett, 1882 Ruhama, 1882 Shubael, 162, 1746b Thankful, 161-2 Dimond, Mary Frances, 2037 d'Incy, Marguerite, 1615 W^istache, 1615 Dine, Deborah Ann, 1136 Elijah, 1136 Elizabeth, 1136 Dingman, Amasa, 1903-4 Catharine, 1528 Lydia Emeline, 1903 Sarah, 1903-4 Dinsmoor, Dinsmore, see Densmore. Disbrow, Luceta, 798 Ditmars, Abraham, 993 Anne, 993 Catherine Cline, 993 Diuphaudza, queen Auda, 3304 Dix, Abigail, 1849 Hannah, 1849 Leonard, 1849 Margaret, 202, 2050 Dixon, Dickson, Dixson. miss, 2107 Agnes, 793 Andrews, 793-3 Anna, 1313 Betsey Ann, 2105 Clara, 2107 David, 1879 Charlotte Augusta, 792-3 Cora Ann, 1303 David, 1303 Eleanor, 715 Eliza, 1777 Elizabeth, 913, 1039, 2107 Elizabeth Melvina, 2107 George M., 1303 Hannah, 1479 Isola Inez, 1303 Jane, 191 Jane Hitchins, 1479 John M., 2107 Joseph, 1479 Julia Agnes, 1303 Laura, 792-3 Martha, 1466 Mary, 191, 1879 Mary Ann, 1879 Nancy, 2105 Robert, 793 SaviUa Antoinette, 1303 William, 191, 2105, 2107 WiUiam Thomas, 2107 Willis, 2105 Dixson, see Dixon. Doan, see Doane. Doane, Doan, Done, Abigail, 75, 1074, 1604, 2451 Annie, 1074 Cornelia Minerva, 3302 Daniel, 1074 Ebenezer, 1074 Eliza Greene, 1074 George Hobart, 1074 George Washington, 1074 Hannah, 76 Hansy, 607 Hepzibah, 1074 , Irving Isaac, 1174 Isaac, 1174 John, 75-6, 1074, 2451 Jonathan, 1074 Joseph, 1074 Julia Etta, 1174 Keziah Sparrow, 1604 Mary, 1074 Mary F,, 1174 Mehitable, 1074 Rebecca, 75, 79, 2451 ' Ruth, 1934 Sarah, 1380 ; INDEX OF PERSONS. 2613 Doane, cont'd, Sarah Katharine, 1074 Seth, 1604 WilHam Croswell, 1074 Dobbs, Ann, 1736 Elizabeth Wilsey, 1735 John, 1736 Marion E., 2268 W. E., 2268 Dobson, Ann Moore, 2110 Henry, 852 Maria, 852 Martha, 2169 Mary, 21 10 WiUiam Polk, 21 10 Dochter, Geertruy Andriese, 695 Dod, see Dodd, Dodd, Dod, Dodds, miss, 1728 Amzi, 1011 Amzi Smith, 1632 Anna, 1168 Bethuel Lewis, 1632 Carrie, 1011 Charles, 1632 Charles Cleveland Edward, 1632 Charlotte Agnes, 1753 Daniel, 1632 Edmund, 1191 Elizabeth C, 1632 Hugo, 1632 Isaac, 1632 Jarius, 1632 Jemima, 1632 Juliette, 1632 Kate, 1632 Maggie, 1632 Mamie Ella, 1191 Martha, 1191 Martha Ann, 1191 Mary, 1632 Minnie Elizabeth, 1632 Moses, 1633 Phebe, 1633 Sarah, 1632 WiUiam, i igi William Merritt Ferguson, 1632 Dodds, see Dodd. Dodge, mr., 1178 Abigail, 1279 Abraham, 359 Ada, 1803 Addie, .1094 Alice Clinton Hoadley, 1802 Anna, 509 Annie Cleveland, 1802 Annie Loyd, 1178 Anson Greene Phelps, 1803-3 Arthur Douglas, 1095 Arthur Murray, 1095 Caroline, 1093 Caroline MeHssa, 1094 Charles Cleveland, 1803 Charles E., 1553 Charles Stuart, 1803 Clarence B., 1803 Cleveland Hoadley, 1803 Cora, 1553 David, 290, 507, 509 David Low, 507-9, 1094 David Stuart, 1093, 1098, 1803, 2391 Edith, 170 Effingham Nevins, 1094 Eleanor Godwin, 1094 Elizabeth, 1548 Elizabeth Clementinfe, 1095, 2391, 2397, 2407 Ehzabeth Sophia, 390 Elizabeth Scott, 1803 Elizabeth Wainwright, i8o3 Ellen A., 1803 Elsie Stuart, 1094 ' Emeline, 1802 I -Emma, 1094-5 LFrank,_ 1805 t^rederick Nevins, 1094 Hweorge Cramer, 1094 George Eggleston, 1095 Dodge, cont'd, Grace, 1802 Grace Hoadley, 1802 Guy, 1803 Harriet Elizabeth, 1094 Heman, 1548 Jeanne Godwin, 1094 Joanna, 509 John, 170, 508-9 J oseph Edwin , 1094 Joseph Thompson, 170 Josephine Marshall, 1095 Julia Parish, 1S02 Julia Stuart, 1092 Ken neth Egbert, 1094 Lucy, 1697 Lucy Pickering, 1078 Mahala, 1306 Marcellus Hartley, 1095 Margery, 170 Marshall Jewell, 1095 Martha, 509 Mary, 165, 170, 305, 507, 509, 917 Mary Abiah, 1098 Mary Ethel Cleveland, 1803 Mary Melissa, 1802 Mary Theresa Bradhurst, 1803 May, 1095 Melissa, 1094, 1548 Mercy, 290 Michael, 170 Murray Witherbee, 1095 Nancy, 1249 Norman White, 1094 Parker, 165, 170 Peter, 508 Pickering, 1078 Pliny Jewell, 1095 Rachel G., 1802 Rebecca, 1078 Richard, 170, 509 Robert, 509 Samuel, 170 Sarah, 507 Sarah Cleveland, 1093, 11 12 Sarah Frances, 1094 Susan M., 1507 Susan Pratt, iioi Walter Phelps, 1803 William, 170, 509 William Earl, 1094, 1802, 2391 ^ Dodgson, Mdry, 1081 Dodson, bishop, 445 doctor, 445 Anthony, 446 Blanset Shacklet, 2500 Cynthia Ann, 2500 Deborah, 425 Ellen Rubie, 1865 Emily, 1865 Linnie Car, 2500 Marshall, 1865 MarshaU Andrew, 1865 Mary, 446 Patience, 445-6 William B., 425 Dogan, Nancy, 2120 DoiUy, see D'Oyley. Dolan, Mary Annie, 2164 'Dolbeare, Plannah, 382 Dole, Abner, 863 Charlotte, i486 Delila. i486 George Thurlow, 863 Hannah, 863 Helen, i486 Henry, 863 Hitty, 863 John A., i486 Lydia, 1834 Maria, i486 Mary, 863, i486 Moses, 861, 863 PoUy, 936 Richard, 863, 1988 Sarah, 861, 863, 968, 1988 Susan Heard, 861, 863 Doliver, Rebecca, 1470 DoUinger, Mary, 489, 493 DoUins, N. W., 2146 DoUoff, Abby Jane, 1589 Almira, 1589 Stephen, 1589 Dolph, Hattie, 1537 Dominick, Margaret King, 2454. Dommer, see Dummer. Donahue, A. L., 954 Adaline Moore, 954 Anna, 1307 Donald, father of Malcolm, 266 Donald, chiefs, 1394 James, 1394 Mary, 1394 Randal, 1394 Donaldson, Elizabeth, 1584 EUen M., 1331 Hattie Belle, 1914 James Anderson, 1914 John, 1905 Katherine, 1905 Margretta Harvey, 1905 Mary Eliza, 1828 Mary Emily, 1914 Done, see Doane. Donas, James Harry, 1650 Lily Edna, 1650 Doneghue, Mary, 2466 Thomas Goodchild, 2466 Doney, Chloe Ann, 1544 Homer, 1512 Martha Ann, 1544 Mary, 1512 Minnie Maud, 1512 Preston, 1544 Donnel, lord Bearehaven, 1068 Donnel, of Ardea castle, 1068 Donnel, prince of Carberry, 1068 Donnelly, John F., 2052 Mary Louisa, 2052 Donnes, Edith, 1060 William, 1060 Donogh, earl Clancarthy, 1068 Donogh, early Thomond, 1068 Donogh, lord Muskerry, 1068 Donohue, Dillard, 2057 Donoven, Elizabeth, 1218 Donoway, Dennis, 1366 Louisa Amanda, 1266 Doolittle, Dowlittle, mrs., 1966 Abigail, 1998 Abraham, 1966, 1998 Adison Cleveland, 1253 Alma L., 1253 Amos, 1998 Angeline, 1357 CaroUne EHza, 786 Ebenezer, 1998 Eliza, 45 Eunice, 285-6 Eva Jennie, 1253 Hannah, 1998 Harley, 786 Henry, 45 Herbert Osroe, 1253 Jane Hannah, 786 {ohn, 1966, 1998 /ouisa, 3006 Luther, 905 Margaret, 3056 Mary, 1966 Mary E., 12 Minerva, 1353 Miranda, 786 PoUy, 905 Seth, 371, 1353 Seth Henry, 1353 Sophronia Jane, 1253 Submit, 1304 2614 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Doolittle, cont'd, Tamar, 1998 Thankful, 1965-6 Uri, 786 Doran, Betsey, 441 Charles, 441 Edward, 441 Henry, 441 Martin, 441 Dorby, see Derby. Dorchester, Anthony, 2370 Sarah, 3370 Dore, Andrew, 1463 Charity, 1463-4 John, 1463-4 Margaret, 1463 Mary, 1463 Philip, 1463 Richard, 1463 Sarah, 1463 Sophia, 1463, 1946 Tamsen, 1463 Doremus, Cornelis, 1031 Cornelius, 1031 David, 1031-2 Egge, 1031 George, 1031 Hendrick, 1031 Henry, 1031 , Jane, 1031 Jannetje, 1031 Jennie, 1031 Joris, 1031 Josiah, 1030 Marretie, 1031 Mary, 1031 Rachel, 1736 Sally Roome, 1030, 1032 Sarah, 1032 Dorkham, LiUian Violet, 3475 Dorman, Benjamin, 1211 Edmund, 1311 Hannah, 1311 Lydia, 1310-11 Mary, 1398 Ruth, 131 1 Salina, 1309 Sarah, 1311 Dorner, mr., 3479 Eveline, 3479 Dorrance, Abby C, 1454 Dorrell, John, 305 Joseph Cleveland, 205 Nancy, 205 Thomas Gibbs, 205 Dorris, Cynthia Alatha, 1747 Frances Judson, 1747 Martha Ann, 3031 Dorsch, John M., 1863 Margaret, 1863 Dorsey, Arthur, 1533 Mary Elizabeth, 1533 William, 1533 Dorsheimer, William, 1790 Dorward, John, 365 Margaret, 365 Richard, 265 Doscher, Annie, 997 Nicholas, 997 D'Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo, 1767 Sarah Margaret, 1767 • Dotan, see Doten. Doten, Dotan, Dotey, Doty, mrs., 1236 Allie Ann, 1236 Ansel, 1236 Caroline, 772 Charles, 1236 Charlotte, 1336 Edward, 1069, 1236 Elizabeth, 1236 Ellen Idella, 1236 Emily Lovisa, 1236 Faith, 1069, 1236 Helen Idella, 1236 Isaac, 1236 Jacob, 1236 John, 1336 John Wilson, 1336 Joseph, 1336 Lockwood L., 254 Lucinda, 1336, 1349 Doten, cont'd, Lydia, 1236 Lydia Ann, 1236 Mary, 1236 Mary Emily, 1336 Matilda, 1236 NeUie Idella, 1236 Rebecca, 1236 Sally Ann, 1236 Sarah, io6g Sarah Lovisa, 1236 Sullivan, 1236 Thomas, 1336 WiUiara, 1236 Witcher Clark, 1336 Dotey, see Doten. Dotsan, Claiborne Hicks, 2ig5 Frances Minerva, 2195 Martha Jane, 2195 Doty, see Doten. Jjoubleday, Abner, 1350 Anna, 1350 Doud, Domde, Dowd, Dowde, Dowdy, mr., 686 Abigail, 1217 Albigence, 1501 Alice E., 1501 David, 1501 Elizabeth, 1217 Esther, 1501 Ezra, 1217 Giles, 1501 Henry, 1217, 1501 Isaac, 1217 John, 1217, 1501 John Augustus, 1317 Lois, 686 Maria A., 1501 Mary, 1217, 1501, 1551 Milly, 1501 Miranda, 1501 Monroy M., 1501 Rachel, 1217 ^ SaUy Clark, 1217 Sarah, 1317 Stephen, 1317 Tennyson M., 1501 Willis Wedworth, 1317 Zenas, 1317 Doude, see Doud. Dougherty, Elizabeth, 1294 Isaac, 776 Isabel, 776 Rose, 1195 Doughty, Mary, 1085 Thomas, 1085 Douglas, de Douglas, Doug lass, ancestors, 2141 mr., 1217 Abiah, 687, 1122 Alanson, 1819 Albert Post, 1853 Alexander, 1661 Almira, 565 Ann, 1819 Anna, 687 Asa, 687, 2034 Benajah, 687, 1122 Charles, 563 Charles Henry James, 687 Charlotte, 563 Corinne Lucy, 1853 Cynthia, 1217 Deidamia, 1657 Digna^ Maria de la Con cepcion, Arzola y Tru jillo, 1256 Eliza, 1192 Elizabeth, 732, 1296 Ellen Montague, 2034 Frances L-ouisa, 1237 Francis Kenneth, 1256 George, 2034 Grace, 1509, 1511 Hannah, 687, 1661-2 Harriet Anne, 2034 Harriet R., 1119 Harry William, 1853 Douglas, cont'd, James, 687, 1123 Jeremiah, 1144 John, 360, 687, 3269, 2281, 2334 John Francis, 1256 John Howard, 563 , John Rollin, 1322 Jonathan, 2034 Jonathan Hancock, 2034 Julia, 1818-19 Laura Eliza, i960 Laura Virginia, 1853 Malinda Wilson, 1322 Marion, 1144 Martha Hanmer, 2034 Mary, 406, 686-7 Mary Mellville, 1144 Minnie, 1256 Nancy, 1322 Nancy Elizabeth, 1144 Orlinda, 1237 Parmelia, 360 Rachel, 1122 Rebecca, 2034 Rhoda, 2034 Richard, 687 Robert, 687 Samuel, 1662 Sarah, 687, 1121-2, 1285 Smith, 1322 Stephen Arnold, 687, 1122 Susan, 1144 Thomas, 687, 1237 Walter Cooley, 1256 William, 687, 1122, 2308 William Joseph, 1144 Douglass, see Douglas. Douinelle, see Dwinel. Douthet, Ira, 1435 Louisa Catherine, 1435 Sarah, 1435 Douw, Volkert, Janse, 2419 Dow, Dowe, miss, 2481 Almira, 1309 Asa, 205 Celinda, 2444 Charles, 948 Clarissa, 1286 Cornelia Pamela, 1304 Daniel, 1394 Delia Maria, 1921 Dennis S., 1584 EHza, 1995 Galusha, 1921 George Newell, 1309 Harriet, 1394 Harriet Josephine, 2444 Hattie Charlotte, 1394 Ira Luther, 1309 Jessie Edwina, 1309 Malissa, 94S Newell, 1309 Rosella, 1921 Sarah, 205 Stephen, 3444 Dowd, Dowde, Dowdy, see Doud. Dowe, see Dow. Dowlittle, see Doolittle. Downer, Betsey, 3381 Caleb, 2281 Mary, 1420 Downey, see Downie. Downie, Downey, Dennis, 1505 James, 562 John, 1505 Mary, 562, 1505 Susan, 562, 564 Wealthy Ann, 1593 Downing, mrs., 910 Abigail, 254, 910, 2034 Alice May, 1280 Alvan Hovey, 1280 Anna Mary, 1395 Bela, 1280 Calibute, 910 Dorcas, 264 Eddie Ernest, 1280 Eliza Maria, 1280 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2615 Downing, cont'd, Edward Blake, 12S0 Elizabeth, 184, 264 Emanuel, 170, 364-5 Emily, 1379 Erastus, 184 George, 264 George R., 516 Georgie Glenn, 1280 Jeffrey, 264-5 Jemima, 254 Jesse W., 1279 Jonathan, 184 JuHa, 1279 Keziah, 184 Levi, 184 Lizzie Phyletta, 1280 Lucy, 265 Luna Estella, 1280 Lydia Permelia, 1280 Martha P., 641 Mary, 264-5, 641, 1280 Mary Hovey, 1280 Mary Isabella, 1246 Mary S., 1597 Nelly, 184 OUie, 1583 Permelia, 1280 Polly, 1280 Rachel, 1280 Rufus, 641, 1280 Silas, 139s Stephen, 254 Susan, 516 Downs, mr., 125 Adna B., 1876 Beach, 1519 Belle, 1519 Eliza Maria, 1467 Emily Church, 2497 Esther, 135 Floyd, 2497 Frankie Adna, 1876 Frederick Houston, 1519 Gershom, 1463 Henriette, 1519 Hiram, 125 Joshua, 1467 Julia Theresa, 1876 Lydia Lucretia, 1467 Maria, 12^ Mary, 1463 Mary Adelaide, 2497 ' Morton Billings, 1519 Nancy, 1309, 1467 Susan, 125, 1467 Theodore Waldron, 1519 William Perry, 1519 Dowse, Ann, 1020 John, 1842 Relief, 1842 Dox, Elizabeth, 1349 Lois, 1349 Mary, 955 Michael, 1349 Doyle, Mary Ann, 1034 Sarah, 365 D'Oyley, De OigHi, De Oilly, De Oyly, DoUly, barons, 2185 I Anna, 2184-5 Charles William, 2185 Daniel, 2185 Sarah Eliza, 2185 Drago, the Saxon, 1060 Drake, mr., 607 Addie, 1194 Agneta, 1213 Albert, 588, 1194 Alexander, 3030 .Alice, 1194 Alma, 1194 Alpheus, 588 Ama Louise, 2020 Amye, 1212 Ann, 1212 Anna, 777 Asa Whitman, 588 Augustus, 933 Benjamin. 588 Bennie, 588 Bert, 588 Bradford Francis, 1217 Charles, 588 Charles Edward, 1317 Chnstian, 1312 Clarissa Ann, 1344 Cora May, 588 Drake, cont'd, Della, 1194 Drago, 1060 Dyer Cleveland, 1194 Edward, 1217 Elizabeth, 587, 1060, iig4, I3I2, 1344, 1426, 1915, 2020 Emma Jane, 588 Ernest Emerson, 1217 Eunice, 933 Eunice Lovina, 588 Francis, 17, 478, 1060, 1759 Francis Samuel, 107 Grant Colfax, 588 Hannah, 777, 873, i3i3, 1436, 2035 Hester, 1060 Hezekiah Smith, 588 Ida May, 1759 Isaac, 1344 James, 1217 James Madison, 1039 Joan, 478 Job, 1060, 1436 John, 777, 872, 1060, 1212, 1426, 1915, 2035 Julia Ann, 933 Leonard, 588 Leonard James, 588 Lucinda, 1655 Lulu Estelle, 588 Margaret, 1212 Martha, 673 Mary, 588, 1060 Mary Elizabeth, 1217 Minnie Louella, 1217 Nathaniel, 777 Olive, 202 Permelia Louisa, 588 Philip, Phillippa, 1212 Robert, 1212 Samuel Adams, 3449 Samuel Gardner, 466, 1069 Sarah, 588, 1436 Silas, 777 Sophia, 1317 Susan, 1194 Susan Elizabeth, 607 WiUiam, 1060, 1212 Draper, Caroline Maria, 1349 Charlotte Ann, 738 Gideon, 728 Hannah, 1756 James, 66 Julia, 1756 Lemuel, 1756 , Lyman Copeland, 2068 Margaret Higginson, 1756 Martha, 66 Moses, 1296 Nanette Rogers, 1756 Patience, 1396 S., 3334 Sarah D., 1491 Sarah Elizabeth, 1756 Susan, 1349 Sylvester, 1349 William Cutter, 1756 WiUiam Dudley, 1756 Dreemos, Mary Jane, iigi Drennan, Benjamin, 722 Clarissa Cleveland, 722 Dresser, Abigail, 1627 Leonard, 2460 Mary, 2460 Sarah Dianthe, 2460 Drew, Aaron, 1198 Austin, 892 Catharine, 2136 Cora Jane, 1927 Cornelia, 893 Hannah, 893, 894 Helen Jane, 1927 James, 892, 1631 James C, 3135 Jessie Corinne, 3135 John, 892 Joseph Bronson, 892 Lizzie, 976 Maria, 1198 Martin Van Buren, 1927 Marv Lee, 2266 Matilda. 1631 Olive Buell, 1631 Drew, cont'd, Phebe, 1631 Polly, 892 Richard Cleveland, 3136 Richard Maxwell, 3135 Sallie Emma, 3135 Samuel, 2266 Sarah Jane, 1631 Sarah Jessie, 2135 Ursula, 632 Zeruah, 892 see also, Morgan, Driggs, Ada Spencer, 537 Bartholomew, 536 Betsey, 536 Elizabeth, 536 Fannie Amelia, 527 George, 526 Hiram Cleveland, 526 Jane, 526 Maria Theresa, 527 Phebe Ann, 527 Sarah, 526 Sarah Ann, 537 Drinkwater, Sally Ann, 1344 Driver, Robert, 1670 Ruth, 1670 Dronsfield, Agnes, 493 William, 493 Droogh, Catharine, 1809 Tryntje, 1809 Drown, Cordelia, 1848 Dora, 1448 Emma Frances, 1448 George, 1448 Moses, 1848 Sylvania, 1848 Druce, Alexander Neere, 614 Charles Mortimer, 614 Cora Anna, 614 Florence Josephine, 614 Mary Louisa, 614 Drucker, Harry, 1485 Lee Roy, 1485 Margret, 1485 druid Dill, 1068 Drum, Ann EHza, 1523 Jacob, 1523 Katherine, 1986 Drummons, Julia, 778 Drury, colonel, 2272 Dryden, pedigree Consett (Dryden) mentioned, 13 Bridget, 490 Elizabeth, 490 Erasmus, 490 John, 490 D'stuse, Matie, 1663 Dual, Frances, 1403 Dubbels, Susannah, 1809 Dubbin, Elizabeth, 622, 2371 Du Bois, Dubois, Emily Stuart, 1803 George Washington, 1803 Henry Ogden, 1803 Lewis, 3330 Maria, 1803 Mary Constance, 1S03 Du Bose, mrs., 2219 Isaac, 2219 John, 2219 Martha, 2218-19 Susan, 3319 du Cloux, Marie, 1776 Nicaise, 1776 Dudley, de Sutton, baron, 319 brothers, 1839 Alice, 365, 319 Ann, 1031 Anne, 498, '1107 Catharine, 490 Cecily, 319 Constance, 319 Cordelia, 1635 Dean, 498 Dorothy, 319 Edmund, 319 Edward, 319 Elizabeth, 319 Ellen, 913 Heroius, 318 Hervey, 318 Isabel, 319 Jane, 319, 1031 John, 365, 319 26i6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Dudley, cont'd, Joseph, 4go, 1031 Joyce, 319 , . „ Lucia, i83g Lucretia, i83g Margaret, 319 Mary, 488-90, 913, 1031 Mary Anne, 913 Matilda, 319 Mehetabel, 380 Mercy, 318-19, 498 Patience, 1625 > Rebecca, 488, 490 Robert, 319 Roger, 319, 490 Rowland, 3^9 Susan, 879 Thomas, 319, 490» 1839, 1999 Timothy, 1625 WiUard, 913 William, 319, 1031 see also de Somerie. Dudrey, MelviUe, 1406 Stella Elmira, 1406 Duell, Louisa, 853 Nathaniel, 853 Duer, Duers, Catherine, 1819 Elizabeth, 97 John, i8ig Maria Theodosia, 1819 William, 1819 Duei-s, see Duer. Dufar, Emily, 1417 du Fay, Madeleine, 1615 Duff, Aodd, 1068 Mary, 1737 du Fosset, Antoine, 1776 Catherine, 1 775-6 Isabelle, 1776 Katharine, 1775-6 Dugan, Mary, 1131 Dugdale, William, 2225 Dulin, Edward, 1925 Elizabeth, 1925 Maria, 1925 Dumar, see Dummer. Dumaresque, Elizabeth, 1020 Dumas, Austen, 1043 Charity, 1043 Cynthia Althea, 1043 Julius Henry, 1043 Nancy Frances, 1043 Dumere, see Dummer. Dummer, de Domera, de Dummera, Dommer, Dumar, Dumere, Pill- gryme, Pyldrem, Pyl- drem alias Domer, Pyl drem alias Dummer, Pyldren, Pyldrim, Pyl- drim alias Dommer, Pyl- drym alias Domer, Agnes, 109 AHce, 109, 364 Edmund, 109 Henry, 109 Jane, log Joan, log John, icg Matilda, 109 Maud, log Mawde, 109 Ralph, 109 Richard, 109 Stephen, log, 364 Thomas, 109 WiUiam, 109 du Moulin, Jeanne, 1615 Dunbar, miss, 716 Adelbert, 441 Betsey, 782 Catherine, 834 Charity, 782 Charles, 441 Clarissa, 441 Daniel, 716 Eliab, 782 Elizabeth, 782. 1516 Helen, 834 Helen H., 441 Isaac, 441 Ithamar O., 441 Jerusha, 785, 1523 iohn H., 441 2385, 2392 Charles Chandler, 1445 David, 1445 Hannah, 1445 Plannah Dana, 1445 Jason Williams, 1445 Mary Alice, 1446 Miriam, 1259 Samuel, 3314 Fairlie, Elizabeth, 1314-15 Fairweather, Annie, 1750 David, 1750 Genevieve, 1750 Jane, 1750 Fairweather, cont'd, Malcolm Canmore, 1750 Walter Scott, 1750 WUliam,' 1750 Fairn, Charlotte M., 571 Edward, 571 Henrietta, 1173 Fales, Elizabeth, 1181 Faling, Nancy, 534 Samuel, 534 Falkland, pedigree mentioned, 13 viscount, 13 Falkner, Faulkner, Roxy, 680 Susannah N., 150 Falley, Faille, Failly, Anna, 505 Margaret, 504-5 Richard, 504-5 Ruth, 1087 Fallow, Margaret McNair, 1180 Fancher, Amanda, 2ig8 Charles, 1628 Eliza, 1628 Lucilla, 2024 Fanning, mr., mrs., 793 David, 2418 Edmund, 1612 Mary, 1612 Farewell, see Farwell. Fargie, Alida, 1831 Anne, 1830-1 Elizabeth, 1831 Eve, 1831 Winter, 1831 Fargo, Fergo, Firgo, Aaron, 236 Daniel, 237 Elisha, 237 Ichabod, 237 Jabez, 237 Jason, 237 Lucy, 4og Maria, 1347 Moses, 237 Phebe, 236-7 Sarah, 336-7 Fargus, Jane, igo3 Farin, Eudes dit, 1615 Farley, Benjamin, 1393 Emma Priscilla, 1393 Horace, 1128' Liddell Elmore, 3130 Lydia, 1877 Phebe Janette, 1138 Susan Nuckolls, 2130 William Cleveland, 2130 Farling Anne, 1397 Farman, see Farnham. Farmer, Abigail, 2434, 2436 Addie, 1696 Asa, 2440 Betty, 2435 Caroline Valentine, 2442 Catharine, 1737 Catharine Smith, 2436 Charlotte, 2442 Charlotte Riddle, 2442 Clarissa, 2443 Edgar, 1011 Edgar Frank, loii Edward, 2434, 2436, 2441 Elizabeth, 2436 George Washington, 2436 Hannah, 2435-6, 2440, 2443 Harriet, 2436 Henry, 2436 Isabella, 2434, 2436 Jacob B., 2436 Jedidiah, 3443 Jesse, 3436' John, 32, 3434, 2436, 2440-1 Jeremiah, 2443 Jonathan, 2436 Lucy, 2436 Lydia, 2440 Margaret, loii, 2436 Martha Rosaline, 1737 Mary, 2434-5, 2442 ' Mary Frances, 1738 Mary Jane, 2442 Mary Macauly, loii Farmer, cont d. Miles, 2442 Oliver, 2434-S> 2440 Polly, 2436 Rachel, 2440 Rebecca, 2435-6, 2440. 2442 Rizpah, 2436 Sarah, ion, 2435-6. 2442 Sarah Clarissa, 3443 Sophia H., 2442 Susan, 2436 Thomas G., ion Timothy Foster, 2443 William, 2436 William Carleton, ion William Cleveland, 1738 Zadock, 2440 Farnam, see Farnham. Farnham, Farman, Farnam, Farnum, mrs., 763 AbigaU, 155, 787 Amanda, 1285 Ann, 763 Anna, 763 Anna Belle, 1214 Bezaleel, 262 Chester, 762-3 Daniel, 1613 EmeHne, 1335 Eunice, 262 Flora, 787 Herbert A., 1214 Horace, 289 James, 155, 763 Lois Goodenough, 762 Mary, 884 Ophelia, 763 Phebe, 262 Ralph, 884 Rebecca, 1659 Roxie, 765 Sarah Ensworth, 2S9 SybU, 1613 Thomas, 787 Farnsworth, Mary, 1772 Matthias, 1772 Farnum, see Farnham. Farquhar, Ann, 473-4 Elizabeth, 1755 James, 1755 Robert, 473-4 Farr, Arthur Percival, 1294 Carrie Amanda, . 1294 Elial G., 617 Harry, 'i2g4 Jane Augusta, 617 Jennie, 2325 Mary, 2251 Mary Ann, i2g4 Minerva Jane, 617 Farrabas, see Forbes. Farrand, Addison John, 1336 Caroline Emelia EUzabeth, 1336 Jared, 1336 Sally, 1336 Walter Cleveland, i.';36 Farrar, Farrer, Farrow, Charlotte Field, 970 Helen W., 1064 Isaac Edward, g7o Isabell, 970 John, 28 Joseph, 970 Farrell, Elizabeth, 1909 Farrer, see Farrar. Farrington, de Ffarington, Ferrington, Abigail, 543 Benjamin, 543 Charlotte, 1154, 1157 Charlotte Amanda, 1154 Chastine, 543 Christine, 543 Cynthia, 542-3 Daniel, 543, 1154, 1157 Ebenezer, 79 Edmund, 1959 ; Elizabeth, 1959, 3048 ' Hannah, 2477 Isaac, 888 Jacob, 1959 John, 542-3 Maria, 888 : Mary, 543 May, igsg Mercy, 79 Sylvia, 543 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2625 Farris, Dorcas, 1127 Elizabeth, 1127 James, 1127 Farrow, see Farrar. Farwell, Farewell, mr., 1203 Benjamin, 1201, 1203 Benjamin F., 1203 Caroline, 1201 Catharine Cleveland, 962 Cuthbert Collingwood, 1201 Daniel, 1203 Eliza, 1203 Fanny L., 1203 Hannah, 1203 Henry, 1203 John C, 962 John Gould, 1203 Joseph, 1203 Louisa, 1201 Lucy, 1203 Maria T., 1203 Marietta E., 1201 Mary A., 1201 Olive, 181, 1203 Sarah, 890 Solomon, 1201 Fascit, see Fasset. Fasset, Fascit, Fassett, Fau cet, Fawcett, mr., 345 Allice, 8s Amos, 85, 1621 Benjamin, 148, 732 Betty, 182 Charles Wallace, 1621 Dean Briggs, 1621 Deborah, 147 George, 1621 Grace, 732 Hannah, 345 Helen, 1714 Julius Gustin, 1621 Lydia, 85 Marion Wallace, 1621 Mary, 182, 1621 Mary Naomi, 1621 Mehitabl§, 732 Phebe, 1621 Stephen, 182 Susan Emeline, 1621 Susan Mandana, 1621 Fassett, Faucet, see Fasset. Fauconberg, baron of Yarm, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 viscount, 13 Faulkner, see Falkner. Faulks, Anna, 1021 Ella W., 1021 Grace Cleveland, 1021 Hetty Thompson, 1021 Isaac, 1021 Isaac Woodruff, 1021 Stephen Hunting, 1021 Theodore Dufford, 1021 Faunce, Edward Peirce, 988 Elizabeth H., 988 Hannah Elizabeth How land, 988 John, 1069, 1996 Mary, 528 Matilda, 988 Patience, 1069 Priscilla, 1996 Sarah, 1069 Susan Rachel, gSS Thomas, 528 William, 988 William Thomas, 988 . Faust, Frank Susana, 1523 Nancy Agnes, 1523 fobiaa Crider, 1523 Favili, Henry Baird, 1104 John, 1104 Susan Cleveland, H04 F^or, Fabor, Permelia, 396 Samuel, 396 165 Fawcett, see Fasset. Faxon, Fackson, Faxson, Catharine, 3351 Deborah, 2251 Elizabeth, 131 George Luther, 131 Isaiah, 2251 Joane, 131, 537 Joanna, 537 Josiah, 2251 Martha, 2251 Mary, 131 Mehitable/ 2251 Richard, 131 Thomas, 131, 537 Faxson, see Faxon. Fay, mr., 156, 213 mrs., 1751 Alan, 1614 Armelle Persis, 1656 Daniel, 1751-2 David, 127 Delight, 156 Edward Motley, 1614 Elizabeth, 1751-2 Elizabeth Elliot, 1614 Elliot, 1054 Elvira Ella Clarinda, 1054 Ernest Austin, 1054 Gershom, iSsg Gertrude Rose, 1054 Hannah, 1656 Harriet, 1614 Harry Hersey, 1054 Henry Howard, 1614 Hezekiah, 5g6 James, 1751 Jane, 137 John, 1751, i83g Jonathan, 363 Joseph Story, 1614 Lydia, 1751 Margaret, 1614 Mary, 595, 1054, 1751-2, 1839 Nancy, 213 Nathan, 595, 1054, 1656 Polly, 1054 Rebecca R., 1614 Roland, 1614 Samuel Prescott PhiUips, 1614 Sarah, 1839 Sarah Bryant, 1614 Sarah Smith, 1614 Sophia, 596 Susanna, Susannah, 1751, 1839, 2270 WUUam Elliott, 1054 Feabel, Fabels, Feavel, Fra- vel, Ann, 1645 Caroline, 1646 Edward R., 902 Laura, 902 Margaret, 1645-6 Thomas, 1645-6 Fear, Emma, 1653 Featherston, Charles Gelan, 2214 John Winfield, 2214 Josephine Hill, 2214 Katie Cleveland, 2214 Lillian Bell, 2214 Lucius Horace, 2314 Maria Ann, 3314 Richard Nicholas, 2214 SaUie Maria, 2214 Feavel, see Feabel. Fee, Margaret, igos Mattie E., 990 Felca, Charles, 924 Felch, Feltch, Elizabeth, 315, 858 George, 857 Sam, 315 Fell, Dan John, 2242 Deborah, 1724 Elizabeth, 1724 PhiUp, 1734 Fellowes, see Fellows. Fellows, Fellowes, Aaron, 1184 Abbie Ranney, 1184 Almeda, 738-9 Ambrose J., 1183 Annie M., 1183 Armenia, 738 Armenius, 738 Betsey, 1751 Calvin Peterson, 1419 Caroline, 1184 Catharine, 1184 Catharine M., .1183 David, 738-9 Earle W., 1183 Edith Elaime, 1184 Elizabeth Ann, 1337 Emeline, 1184 Ephraim, 577 Henrietta, 1184 Henry, 576, 1184 Henry B., 1183 Henry Parker, 1184 Isaac, 577 Jacob, 1409 Jane, 1205, 1409 Jane Ann, 576 Jay, 576 John, 1184, 2314 Jonathan, 576 Joseph, 577 Katharine Maria, 576 Laura Anne, 1419 Maria, 576 Martha, 576-7, 728-9 Martha C, 1183 Mary Ann, 728 Mary Jane, 1419 Newton, 577 Obadiah, 577 Orra, 1409 Philemon, 576-7 Reuben Clark, 576 Samuel, 577 Urania, 576 Ursula, 577 Victoria, 576 WiUiam, 577, 1183 William H., 576 Felt, Ada Leora, 1633 Alice M., 1633 Angeline, 1633 Anne, 858 Charles Adelbert, 1633 David, 1633 Dora, 1633 Elizabeth, 858, 1633 Eunice, 857-8 Eva Lydia, 1633 George, 1633 Ina Rosanna, 1633 Iva Rosanna, 1633 Jabez, 1633 Jonathan, 857-8 Joseph Barlow, 170, 330 Joshua, 858 Lovewell, 858 Lydia, 858, 1633 Lysander Buell, 1633 Martha, 1633 Mehitabel, 1633 Moses, 858 Nancy, 857 Phillippa, 1633 Rachel, 1633 Samuel, 1633 Vanderlyn Howard, 1633 Feltch, see Felch. Felton, Ezra, 1316 Hannah Ann, 1215 Ursula, 479 Felty, Annie Eve, 1669 Felwich, Christina, 1368 Fenderson, Angelina, 838 Elethea Crockett, 83R Hiram Waterhouse, P38 I^ory Bacon, 838 2626 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Fenn, Diadema, 1663 Samuel, 1663 Fennel, Almon, 599 Lucy, sgg William G., 599 Fenner, mr;, 1536 Mary Angeline, 1536 Fenno, Angeline Minerva, 985 Charles Otis, 986 Enoch, 986 Marion, 1463 Nancy Brown, 986 Fentham, Priscilla, 3039 Fenton, mr., 765, 1133 Adelbert WUUam, 1533 Almira, 764 Ann Eliza, 1533 Anna, 1516 Belinda Caroline, 783 Benjamin, 781 Betsey, 237, 7S1-2, 1132 Bridget, 1216 Catherine Marie, 785 Charles John, 785 Clarissa S., 1516 Cynthia Melissa, 1523 Daniel, 381 Delilah May, 1533 Deliverance Nash, 782 Edith Almira, 1523 Eleanora Almira, 785 Eliza Ann, 782 Elizabeth, 281, 1133 Emerson James, 785 Emily Eliza, 785 Esther Adaline, 1516 Fanny, 781-2, 785 Francis Edmund, 1523 George, 781, 785 George Herbert, 1523 George Walter, 785 Harriet Jane, 785 Jonathan, 764-5 Lavinia Brush, 1758 Lucius S., 1516 Mary, 1516 Philo Scoville, 1523 Polly Cemantlia, 1516 Rosalinda, 764-5 Roxy A., 782 Samuel Mortimer, 785 Sarah, 237, 1133 Sarah Jane, 782, 785 Sherman, 783 WilHam, 783 William James, 785 Feoden, Groe, lady, 1108, 3303 Unemund, count of, 1108, 3303 Fergerson, see Ferguson. Fergo, see Fargo. Ferguson, Fergerson, Furga son, Furgerson, mr., 2286 mrs., 2286 Abigail, 1395 Alexander, 980 Ann Russell, 1743 Annabel, 1702 Anne, 1743 % Catherine, g8o, 1702 Cornelia Vesta, 3398 Electa, 1363 Elizabeth, 1743 Eva, 1473 Fanny, 1128 Frances, 945 Frances Cromwell, 1743 George, 1743 Hannah, 1473 Plarvey, 2496 Henry Z., 1473, 3496 Jane, 1635 John, 1702, 1811, 2298 Kate, 980 Lemuel, 1473 Louis Anthony, 1473 Lucy, 194 Ferguson, cont'd, Margaret, 945, 1497 Mary, 432, 1797 Mary Howard, 1743 P. R., 1362 Rachel Louise, 1811 Rebecca, 2133 Roxy Melvina, 1473, 2496 Sarah, 457 Sarah Ann, 181 1, 34g6 Smith Cleveland, 1473 Thomas, 945 WUliam Henry, i473 Fernald, Furnald, mr., 794 Edwin, 1093 Henrietta, 794 Julia Huntington, 1093 Martha Maria, 1093 Thomas Frank, 1093 Ferner, Rebecca, 697 Fernow, Adelaide C., 1721 Berthold, 3363 Ferrars, Ellen, 493 John, 493 Ferre, see Ferree. Ferree, Ferre, 'Almira, 1903 Catharine Granger, 885 Eliza, 1854 Harvey Wesley Whitfield, igo3 Jane, igo3 Joel, 1903 Josephine, 1903 Marvin, 1903 Samuel George, 1903 Wesley Lincoln, 1903 Ferrell, Nancy, 2173, 3175 Ferrington, see Farrington. Ferris, Catey, 1682 Charles, 1379, 1690 Cleveland, 1398 Cleveland Nathaniel, 1473 Cortland Lewellian, 1473 Elizabeth, 1472, 3496 Emily Melissa, 1379 Enoch, 1303 Evabel, 1690 Frank Nathaniel, 1473 Frederick Jay, 1398 Harry Nathaniel, 1473 Jesse, 1472-3 Joseph, 1471 Leland Lavette, 1473 Libbie, 1473 Mary, i37g, 1473, 1771 Mary Elizabeth, I3g8 Nancy Melvina, 1303 Nathaniel, I3g8 Nathaniel Tallman, 1473, 2496 Peter, 1340 PoUy Maria, 1473, 3496 Rosa Belle, i6go Ruth, 1340, 147 1 Sally, 1471 Solomon, 1683 Susan Mary, 1683 Warren Brown, 1473 Zeruiah, 1472-3 Zilpha, 619 Ferry, Charles K,, 773 Jennie, 1414 Julia Ann, 1333 M. M., 1414 Mary, 773 Nancy Jane, 1414 Sarah J., 1341 Solomon, 1333 Sophia, 1333 Fessenden, Guy Mannering, 85 Hannah, 1083 Nicholas, 1083 Fetter, Catherine E., 1337 Fiacha Muilhethan, king, 1068 Field, de la Feld, Fields, counts, 1799 Aaron Wesson, 1666 Adelaide Maria, 1666 Alice Ophelia, 1230 Anna, i799 Anna Hall. 1799 Catherine, 621 Charlotte Prudden, 1123 David Dudley, iii, 123 Emeline, 46 Emeline MeHssa, 1247 Eugene, 1310 George Washington, 1230 Hannah, 1799 Harriet, 1666 Henry, 752 Hubertus, 1799 James, 1348 John, 1799 Joseph, 46 Loretta, 990 Lucy, 151 1 Mary, 1348 Mary A., 692 Mary Ann, 1274 Polly, 752 Richard, 1799 Rebecca, 1197 Robert, 1761 Ruth, 309 Sarah, 1310, 1761 Sarah Pamela, 1310 Sidney Phyletus, 1230 Susan Temperance, 1330 Susanna, 1799 Zebulon, i79g Fielding, mr., mrs., 349 Hannah, 349 Fields, see Field. Fiero, Addie A., 1906 Albines, 1906 Conrad, 1906 Marilla, 1906 Mary Bell, 1906 Sarah Ann, igo6 William J., 1906 Fiery, Firey, Alice Jane, 1365 Ann Maria, 1364 Catherine, 1364 Eliza Medora, 1365 Henry, 1364 John Henry, 1365 Joseph, 1264 Joseph Francis, 1264 Lewis Edwin, 1265 Mary Elizabeth, 1264 Minerva Maria, 1264 Sarah Catherine, 1364 Fife, earl of, 1800 Fifield, Dorothy, 1380 Louisa L., 873 Mary A., i30i Rhoda, 1434 Filbrick, see Philbrick. Filer, Harriet, 1693 Filkin, Catharine, 398 Filley, Abigail, 1108 Agnes, 1433 Anna, 1432 Charlotte, 1432 Deborah, 1433 Elnathan, 1432 Hannah, 1433 Jonathan, 1432 Margaret, 1108, 1432 Nathaniel, 1432 Samuel, 1432 William, 1108, 1432 Fillmore, see Filmore. Filmore, FUImore, Earl, 3d58 George, 1883 Lydia, 1883 Sarah, 1883 Fimister, Ann, 994 Daniel, 994 Jane Ann, 094 Finch, Artelissa, 2488 Chloe Barnes, 661 John, 2488 Phoebe, 2488 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2627 Findlay, see Finley. Fingall, earl of, 1743 Finkel, Finkle, Elizabeth, 403 Finkle, see Finkel. Finley, Findlay, mr., 1490 Alexander, 995 Charles, 1490 Edith, 2233 EHza, 1527 James, 2333 Mary, 851 Sarah A., 1490 Susan, 995 Susan Whitaker, 995 Finmoor, Anna, 1711 Finn, Lizzie, 896 Finney, see Phinney. Fionn, Heber, 1068 Fippenny, see Phippen. Firestone, Florence Sylvia, 2023 Firey, see Fiery. Firgo, see Fai-go. Firmin- Didot, , 1615 Fischer, see Fisher. Fish, Alexander, 1637 Alice, 1660 Ann Eliza, 1637 Betsey, 439 Carlos, 2462 Caroline Morton, 445 Daniel, 445 David, 44 Ebenezer Duel, 439 Elizabeth Jane, 696 Ephraim, 439, 980 Esther, 44, 142-3 Hannah, 1356 Ida May Roxana, 1637 Ira Oscar, 980 ' James Gatten, 1637 Jane, 439 John, 39, 44, 142-3 Jonathan, 44 Margaret, 39, 44, 143, 294, 980 Martha, 44 Mary, 439 Mary Elizabeth, 2462 Mercy, 2462 Millicent, 439 Paulina, 439 Phebe, 439 Rebecca Adelia, 980 Rector Bartle, 980 Reuben, 439-40 Rufus, 44 Sally, 439 Sarah, 360 Fisher, Fischer, miss, 913, 972 mr., 680 Abigail, 331, 543 Addie Adeline, 2475 Adeline, 333 Alden C, 333 Alma, 815 Alpheus, 815 Amy Roberta, 2475 Andrew, 2009 Anna, 1362 Anthony, 334, 537 Antoinette, 982 Betsey, 436 Betsey Lovisa, 2475 Carlos, 2462 Caroline, 435 Charles, 815 Charlotte, 333, 1281 Daniel, 974 Dorcas, 333 iilecta R., 597 Ellen Miranda, 1144 Eliza, 1386 Elizabeth, 334, 434 b-lmira, 1836 Emily Celia, 1339 Ernest Winifred, 3475 Esther, 975, 1281 Frances Viola, 1144 George, 597, 3475 Jjeorge C, 3475 tjeorge P., 81 Oeorge W., 1836 Hannah, 333-4, 418 Harriet, 1468 Fisher, cont'd, Herman C, 333 Isaac D., 1393 Jacob, 1381 James P., 1286 Jane, 815, 977, 1720 Jemima, 355 Joanna, 537 John, 334, 815, 1363 John O., 430 Joseph, 425 Joshua, 334 Josiah, 537 Julia, 1536 Keturah, 1293 Lavinia, 1329 Lottie, 1293 Lurand, 973-4 Lydia, 977 Margaret Leticia, 1243 Mary, 815, 1335 Mary Ann Elizabeth, 1836 Mary Elizabeth, 1393, 3463 Mary P., 430 Matilda, 1386 Maud Alice, 1293 Meletiah, 537 Mercy, 3463 Morris Borochird, 1144 Moses, 815 N. L., 1343 Naomi, 418 Nathaniel, 355, 418 Reuben, 1339 Sadie May, 3475 Samuel, 2333 Sarah, 680 Siloam, 2009 Simon Peter, 1293 Susan S., 425 Sylvia, 815 Timothy, 333 Zebediah, 418 Fisk, see Fiske. Fiske, Fisk, mr., 2438 mrs., 2287, 2438 Allen Avery, ig3i Amanda, 568 Ann, 87 Anna, 1078-g, 2021, 2290, 2392 Anna Marilla, 595 Artemas, 1875 Asa, 2287 Benjamin. 837, 2438 Benjamin Minot, 243S Bethia, 2393 Betsey, 3387 Catherine, 1875 Charles A., 595 Chester Carlton, 2287 David, 141, 2021, 2293 Ebenezer, 2292 Edmund Phelps, 1931 Eliza, 2d3& Elizabeth, 3438 Emeline, 933 Emily, 1931 Emmons H., 595 Erastus, 2287 Jeffery, 2021 John, 87, 568, 2438 John Minot, 2438 Joseph Winn, 2438 Lily, 2438 Lucy AUen, 1931 Martha Maria, 1875 Mary Sophia, 1931 Milcah Melita Selina, 595 Nathan, 141 Richard, 87 Robert, 87, 303i Roxanna, 837 Sally, 2287 Sarah, 141, 2021, 2292 Sarah Cleveland, 2287 Seaborne, 2021 Sherman, 1931 Silas Henry, 1931 Susannah, 141 Sybil, 2021 ^^'i11iam, 87, •933 FisseU, Andrew, 1920 , Catherine, 1930 FisseU, cont'd, Julia Ann, 1930 William, 1930 Fitch, Fitsh, doctor, 3324 mrs., 1768 AbigaU, 84-5, 165, 345 Alice, 84, 345 Anna, 84 Anne, 1173 Benjamin, 45 Charles, 2324 Charles P., 1816 Charles Perkins, 1817 David, 803, 804 Eliza, 1393 Elizabeth, 384, 1768 Elizabeth Susan, 2249 EmUy Frances, ii6g Emma, 452, 1817 Eunice, 804 George, 575 Gilbert Milligan, 1817 Hannah, 165 Jabez, 140-1, 384 James, 84-5, 141, 165 James Elisha, 1 i6g Jerusha, 140 John Milligan, 1816 John S., 224g Lora, 45 Lucy, 84 Lucy Cleveland, 1816-17 Lydia, 140-1, 384-5, 591 Margaret, 575, 1172-3 Mary, 575 Maud MiUigan, 1816 Mildred, 1817 Miriam, 1813 Natilie, 1817 P., 2324 Polly, 803 Priscilla, 165 R., 476 Rebecca, 1169 Roxanna, 476 Sanford E., '453 Sarah, 1519 Sybil, i5ig Thomas, 84, 1519, 1768 William, 1173 Fitchett, Catharine, 1356 Isaac, 1356 Peter James, 1356 Rebecca, 1356 Fitchpatrick, see Fitz- patrick. Fithian, Mary Louisa, 1871 WiUiam C, 1871 Fitsh, see Fitch. Fitz-Alan, de Arundel, Fitz-Fleald, Alice, 265 Edmund, 365 Eleanor, 265-6 Hugh, 365 Isabel, 365-6 John, 265-6 Richard, 265-6 WiUiam, 265-6 Fitz-Baldwin, see Baldwin. Fitz-Fleald, see Fitz-Alan. Fitzgerald, Fitz-Gerald, Catharine, 2251 Clarissa Caroline, 212S Deborah, 418 Edmund, 1068 Elinor, 1068 Elizabeth, 418, 1680 Gerald, 1068 Plannah, 418 Hepsabeth, 418 Honora, 1068 James, 418, 424, 1068 John Fletcher, 2128 Jonathan, 418 Lydia, 424, 95g Mary, 418 Mary Matilda, 3138 Maryanne, 1068 Nancy, 1747, 2128 Osborne, 530 Samuel, 1747, 2138 Willey, 1747 Wilmarth, 1747 Wilmouth. 1747 see also Yale. 2628 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Fitz-Gerald, see Fitzgerald. Fitz-Gilbert, Richard, 265-6 Fitzhamon, Robert, 2218 Fitzhugh, Alice, 265 Cicely, 365 lord Henry, 265 Fitz-Lewis, Anne, 265 Elizabeth, 265 John, 365 Fitzmaurice, Joan, 1068 Patrick, 1068 Fitzpatrick, Fitchpatrick, LiUian Minerva, 1327 Lucy, 2093-4 Minerva, 1327 Thomas, 1327 Fitzpen, see Phippen. Fitz Symonds, see Simmons. Fitz-Walter, Theobald, 1488 ^^'alter, 1488 see also Butler. Fitz-WiUiam, miss, 1613 William, 1613 Flagg, Betsey, 257 Elizabeth, i83g Gershom, 27 Hannah, 30 Lucretia, 1449 Lucy, i86o Mary, 1S39 Mary Ann, 1133 Miranda, 1501 Thomas, 1839 Flagler, Martha W., 2193 Rosa Caroline, 3193 WiUiam Gregg, 2192 Flanders, Baldwin V., count of, 266 Caleb, 649 Daniel, 649 Henry WiUis, 649 Loretta, 1293 Lovina Hoyt, 649 Mary Naomi, 1621 Mehetable, 649 Susan Emeline, 1621 Flannagan, Flannigan, Edward, 443 Elizabeth, 443 Jacob, 443 John, 443 Nancy Agnes, 1922 Nicholas Edward, 443 Flannery, Charles Emmott, 2269-70 Elizabeth L., 2369 John, 3370 Mary, 2270 Flannigan, see Flannagan. Flansborough, Flansburgh, Jane Frances, ig47 Matthew, 3371 Flansburgh, see Flans borough. Fleeson, Susan Britton, 1119 Flaet, Elizabeth, 2249 Fleming, Flemings, mr., 2266 A. B., 1048 Alexander, 2204 Amelia, 1738 Charles, 3479 Bessie Ann, 1691 Clarissa Maria, 1320 Elizabeth S., 2266 Emma Maranda, 1220 Eva, 1691 Frank, 1048 Henry, 715 Jane, 2204 Janet, 1048 Joyce, 2204 Leonard, 936 Lydia, 1048 Malcolm, 1048 Margaret, 715, ggg Mary Amanda, 2479 Mary Elizabeth, 936 Otis, 1691 Polly, 936 Robert, 494 SaUy Maria, 936 Susannah, 494 Thomas, 1048, 1330 Uther, 494 WiUard, 1691 Flemings, see Fleming. Flenner, mrs., 1674 Almira, 1674 Elanson, 1674 Elenor, 1674 George, 1674 James, 1674 Jane, 1674 John, 1674 Margaret, 1674 Mary Ann, 1374 Pheba, 1374 Simon Peter Cartrite, 1374 Fletcher, geneal. ment., 2464 Abigail, 950 Abijah, igo Alice Emily, 1231, 1854 AHce May, 951 Amanda Helen, 1656 Andrew, 941 Bertie Clayton, 951 Bertie Jay, 1626 Betsey Maria, 951 Cassie, 2336 Catherine, 3473 Catharine Cleveland, 951 Catharine Smith, 1626 Charles H., 190 Charles L., 942 D. G., 1410 David, 1546 Desta, 1231 Downing B., 1656 Elizabeth, igo Elizabeth EUen, 1546 Ellen Jane, ii7g Emma Claflin, 2473 Emmons Franklin, 3473 Fidelia Coburn, 951 Forest Elwood, 951 Frances Grant, 190 Gardiner, igo George William, 1626 Gertrude May, ii7g Hannah, g4i, 1546 Harry Ashton, H7g Plattie, ii7g Henry, 2337 Henry Ashton, ii7g Henry Bailey, 1179 Ida M., 1709 Jabez Baker, 361 Jabez David, 1231 Jabez F., 361 James, 1626 James Henry, 1626 Jesse, 190 Jonathan Varnum, 190 Joseph, igo Kate Cleveland, 951 Leander, 1179 Leonard, 2503 Louisa, 190 Lucinda, 2503 Lucy, 190 Lucy M., 1656 Lydia, 361 Martin, 2473 Mary, 193, 1064 Mary A., 1410 Mary Bucklin, 2473 Mary Elizabeth, 2473 Merriam, Miriam, 190 Nancy, 190 Nancy EUen, 1179 ¦Nathan, 361, 2473 Patty, 190 Pelatiah, igo Perry Truman, 1626 Polly, igo Rebecca H., g4i Samuel, igo Sarah, 1330 Sarah Candace, 3464, 2503 Sarepta, 1626 Sophia Moseley, g42 Truman, 1636 Walter, igo Walter Eric, 1636 William, 951 WilHam Benjamin, 951 William Cleveland, 951 Fleurot, Fannie A., 541 Gabriel G., 5^1 George Gaspard, 541 FUnn, see Flynn. Flint, Flynt, Abby Hayes, 1153 Adelia Amanda, 2453 Alice, 170 Ann, 884 Annie, 1273 Antoinette Frances, 1153 Betsey, 1862 Deborah, 1070 Dorothy, 492-3 Edith, 1273 Edward, 1070 Edwin Atwood, 1264 Electa Lucina, 679 Elijah, 1461 Eliza, 2452 Elizabeth, 1263 Elizabeth Spaulding, 1363 Emily, 1672 Emma Adelia, 3453 Emma Frances, 1264 Ephraim Luce, 1373 Esther, 493, 661 Eva, 229g Frances Abby, 1153 Franklin, 2433 Frederic, 3432 Frederic Augustus, 2432 Hannah, 1078 Hannah Sophronia, 1264 Henry, 493 John, 22gg John Charles, 1153 John Richardson, 2432 Josiah, 493 Leonard, 1273 Lois Diantha, 1264 Margaret, 84g Margery, 493 Martha, 1461 Mary, 1718 Mary Abigail, 1923 Moses, 1263 Moses Atwood, 1263 Moses Delos, 1264 Nancy Bingham, 1263 Nancy M., 2299 Nelson O., 679 Orrin, 2453 Patience, 1461 Sarah Elizabeth, 1364 Susan, 2432 Tamar, 235 Theodore B^lch, 1264 William, 170, 1078 William Henry, 2453 Flood, see Floyd. Florence, mr., 2096 Celia, 20g6 Lemuel W., 1471 Maria MeHssa, 1471 Flowers, Abigail, 530 Anna, 241 Clarissa, 934 John, 241 Polly, 1342 Floyd, Flood, Carrie Almedia, 1294 Charity, 1830-1 Elizabeth, 819 Hannah, 8ig James, 819 Joshua Gleason, 1294 Margaret, 1830-1 Richard, 1830-1 Susan, 1294 Susannah, 1831 Flucker, Fluker, Elizabeth, 1772 Emeline Pamelia, 1043 Hannah, 1772 James, 1772 Judith, 1772 Lucy, 1773 Thomas, 1773 William L., 1043 Fluker, see Flucker. Flynn, Flinn, Bessie May, 1461 Charles Edward, 741 Clara Abigail, 1461 Cordelia, 1461 Edward Roy, 741 Edwin Cleveland, 1461 Emma, 741 Fanny, 741 George Elbert, 1461 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2629 Flynn, cont'd, George Johnson, 1461 Hannah Huntington, 741 Harriet Elizabeth, 742 Harriet Matilda, 1461 Harry Huntington, 742 Henry Michael, 742 Herbert Francis, 1461 Hugh, 1679 James WUliam, 742 Jane, 1679 Mabel Clara, 1461 Maggie, 1679 Mary Elizabeth, 742, 1583 Mary Jane, 742 Michael, 741 Nellie Sarah, 1461 Nettie Matilda, 1461 Richard Orme, 1583 Ruby Amelia, 742 Sarahette Lucy, 742 Susan Cleveland, 741 William, 1583 William Henry, 1461 Flynt, see Flint. Fobes, Leah, 1670 Focks, Johanna, 1725-6 John Adam, 1725-6 Mary Loretta, 1725 Fogg, Amanda Malvina, 1270 Charles Gaylord, 1615 Christine Nina, 1714 Delia C, 1714 Dorothy, 1370 Elizabeth, 3468 Elizabeth Ann, iioi Emma Victoria, 1616 George Henry, 1615 George Stephen, 1270 Grace Gardner, 1616 Hannah Augusta, 1615 Irene Wheeler, 1615 Ivory Small, 1615 J. M., 1714 Stephen, 1270 William Augustus, 1616 Fogle, Charlotte, 1190 Christopher, 1190 Rebecca, iigo Foley, James, 2007 Mary, 2007 Mary Teresa, 2007 Owen, 2007 Winifred, 2007 Folger, Foulger, Abiah, 94 Ann, 958-9 Anna, 958-9 Barzillai, 95g Benjamin^ g58 Benjamin Hazelton, 958 Daniel Webster, 958 Deborah, 425 Delia H, 958 Edward Payson, 959 Eleazer, 959 Eliza Ann, 958 Elizabeth, 959 Hannah, 417, 958 Hepsey Ann, 958 James, 958 Jethro, 94 Joanna, 428 John, 94, 428, 959 Lucretia, 958 Lydia, 959 Margaret, 958 Martha Washington, g5g Mary, 94, 428, gsg Meribah, g4, 428 Meribell, 94, 428 Nathan, gsg Obed Luce, g58 Peter, 94, 428, 959 Pnebe, 959 Phebe Hussey, 958 Richard, 93-4 Rowland, 958 SaUy, 439 Folger, cont'd, Sarab, 93-4, gsg Solomon, 417 Susannah, 93 Walter, g58-g WiUard, 959 William Coleman, 94 Follansbee, Frank, 703 Isabel, 703 Lucinda, 703 Follett, , 3334 mr., 2334 Susan, 2370 Susannah, 2270 Timothy, 2270 Folmer, Catharine, 1295 Folsom, Foulsham, Foul- sham alias Smith, miss, i;792 Abby, 1288 Abigail, 1792 Abraham, 1792 Adam, 1793 Agnes, 1791-3 Almira, 1309 Ann, 1608 Asa, 1793 Asahel B., 'S73 Daniel, 1792 Elizabeth, 1792 Emily AbigaU, 873 Emma, 1792 Emma Cornelia, 1782, 1793 Frances, 1782 Grace, 1793 John, 1791-2 John B., 1792 Mary, 873, 1792 Mary Dickey, 873 Oscar, 1782, 1792 Polly, 1618 Richard, 1791 Roger, 1791-2 Smith, 1388 Thomas, 1791 William, 1791 Winthrop, 873 see also Smith. Folwell, Elizabeth S., 2266 George Washington Lee, 3366 Hugh Fleming, 2266 Huldah, 2266 James Seymour, 2266 Joseph Lee, 2266 Mary Lee, 2266 Nathaniel Bolivar, 2266 Rebecca, 2266 Sarah Ann, 2266 William, 2266 William Lee, 2266 Fonk, Fonke, Maria, 608 Nancy, 11 16 Fonke, see Fonk. Foorde, see Ford. Foose, Lucinda, 1185 Foot, see Foote. Foote, Foot, family, 2032 Aaron, 1650 Alice, 1934 Anna, 477 Betsey D., 1500 Daniel, 1915 Edward L., 1650 Eliza Ann, 1650 Elizabeth, 477, 1215, 1650, 191S, 1929 Enoch Warren, 1716 Ephraim, 1915 Frances, 1915 George, 1716 Hannah, 1915 Harriet, 983 Huldah, 476 Irena, 480 Janett, 1934 Jerusha, 477 Josephine Breck, 1716 Julia Manter, 1716 Lily Edna, 1650 Lucy, 854 Margaret, 477* 1915 Mary, 1215 Myrtle Bell, 1650 Nathaniel, 477, 1215, 1915, 1929 Patience, 477 Polly, 1627 Foote, cont'd, Rebecca, 1929 Rosetta, 479 Sarah, 1915 Warren Cleaveland, 1716 Forbes, Farrabas, Forbush, miss, 1070 Abigail, 1151 Adaline, 585 Amos, 103, 313 Betsey, 1863 Caroline, 585 Daniel, 1151 Deborah, 1151 Edwin Horace, 1862 Eli, 174 Elizabeth, 1862 Esquire, 103 Franklin Joshua, 1862 George Fairfield, 1863 Giles, 339 Hannah, 1151 Harriet Adaline, 339 Plarriet Elizabeth, 1862 Ida May, 1862 James, 1253 Jane, 1353 Jennie Crane, 1863 Jesse Franklin, 1862 John, 585 Jonathan, 1151 Lizzie Lemon Prentice, 1862 Louisa, 213, 1253 Martha, 1150-1 Mary, 940 Mary Jane, 1862 Patty, IT50-1 Persis, 1151 Robert M., 1070 Ruth, 213, 409 Sally, 103 Solomon, 1862 Uriah, 585 Forbush, see Forbes. Force, Annetta, 933 David, 1344 EUa M., 1344 Henry Dickerman, 933 John, 619 Laura, 619 Martha, 457 Sally Adaline, 933 Sarah, 457, 1344 Sophia, g33 Susannah, 1480 Sylvia, 7go WiUiam, 457 Forcia, Lovisa, 723 Ford, Foorde, mrs., 394 AbigaU, 3g4, 510, 554, 913, 2270 Alice Porter, 1557 Amanda Malvina, 1439 Andrew, 2014 Bethia, 2260 Betseyj 1557 Catherine, 1915 Celinda, 1356 Charles Cleveland, 1557 Clara Victoria, 1557 Clara Wyatt, 1556 Cliflord De Witt, 1557 Curtis Howard, 1557 Elisha E., 1308 Eliza Ann, 915 Elizabeth, 2393 Ella May, 1557 Ellen, 717 Ellna Alvira, 2464 Esther, 3014 Eugene Wyman, 575 Eunice, 933 Florence Howard, 1570 Fluvia Bissell, 1557 Franklin Fayette, 1308 Grace, 1915 Grace Marie, 1308 Guy M., 1570 Hannah L., 1308 Harvey, 1556-7 Hepzibah, 800 Horatio Plolsey, 1557 2630 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ford, cont'd, Ida May, 575 Isaac, 1915 James, 1619 Johanna, 1070 John D., 915 Levi, 532 Lydia, 1362 Mabel Helen, 1557 Margaret Elizabeth, 1570 Maria Josephine, 57s Mary Frances, 1308 Mary Jane, 717 Mercy, 2014 Nancy, 1570 Nettie Perkins, 1557 Polly Barker, 1619 Robert Harvey, 1557 Sarah, 532 Sarah Alice, 1557 Susan Wing, i6ig Terrence, 717 Thomas, 110, 3g4, 800, 1070 Timothy, 2260 Walter Scott, 575 William, 1570 WiUiam EUsworth, 1557 WiUiam Russell, 575 Foreman, see Forman. Forgeon, Mary, 2008 Forman, Foreman, mrs., 1745 Annabeliia Blyth, 1745 Arthur Nelson, 1745 Blanche Plerbert, 1745 Charles de NeufviUe, 1745 Charles Gibson, 1745 Edmund George HiU, 1745 Ethel Isabel, 1745 Florence Louisa, 1745 George Gibson, 1745 George Mitchell, 1745 Helen Dorothy, 1745 Helen Fowler, 1745 Ida Georgina Mary, 1745 Isabella, 1744 James, 1744 James Hill, 1745 James Richardson, 1744 Margaret Ann, 1744 Margaret Anne, 1745 Marion Robina, 1745 Nora Anderson, 1745 Robert Hall, 1745 Ronald, 1745 Susa, 2207 WiUiain James Grieve, 1745 Forncrock, Eliza, 1672 John, 1672 Forrist, SaUy, 33x1 Forseth, Forsith, see For syth. Forster, Foster, , 13 mr., 1556, 1842 pedigree mentioned, 13 reverend mr., 316 Adelia, 1328 Adeline, 874 Agnes Augusta, 574 Alice Josephine, 1470 Alfred, 1388 Amanda E., 1556 Amasa Smith, 1108-9 Anne, 1173, 1580, 2236 Annie S., 1507 Arad, 796 Archibald Lamont, 1470 Atosa, 1649 Benjamin, 775, 1965 Betsey, 1109-10 Caroline, 529 Catharine, 1520 Charles, 1520 Charles Alvin, 1220 Charles Demetrius, 1851 Forster, cont'd, Chillingsworth, 743, 1752 Clarence, 1556 Clarissa, 2443 Cynthia Elvira, 815, 1560 D. G., 53g Daniel, 170 Daniel G., 52g David, 741 Deborah, 636 Dolly, 966 E. Rollins, 529 Ebenezer, 796 Edward, 1842-3 Edwin Dyer, 1220 Edwin Eugene, 1220 Eglin, 1842-3 Eliza Clopton, 2217 Eliza Jane, 1220 Elizabeth, 170, 417, 743 Ellen, 529 Elvira, 815 Emeline, 1139 Emeline C, 1851 Emily, 1139 Emma, 741, iS59 Erastus Root, 1470 Ezra, 1507 Fanny, 1220 Filpher, 1501 / Frances Sophia, 1321, 1851 Francis, 1556 Frank Hervey, 1220 Frederick, 1556 Frederick Herbert, 815 George, 1134 George Henry, 1220 George King, 815, 1560 Gideon, 2440 Hannah, 1180 Hannah Maria, 1180 Harold, nog Platherly, 1843 Helen, 1485 Henrietta Harriet, 7g6 Henry, 796, 1559 HopestiU, 466 Ida, 1109, 1139 Ida Amelia, 1134 Isaac, 775 Jacob, 775 James, 1180, 1752, 1842-3 James Byron, 1139 James Emery, 1851 James Frederick, 3440 James M., 539, 743 Jeremiah, 874 Jerusha, 1470 John, 165, 170-1, 743, 1507, 1752, 2217, 2327 John Hervey, 1220 John Lloyd, 1220 John Y., 1029 Joseph, 170, 577 -Joseph Winn, 2440 Judith, 1965 Judson B., 52g Julia, 1140, 1520 Julius, 1851 Junius, 529 Laura Lucina, 1851 Lettice, 1842 Lorinda, 1220 Lucien Corlow, 1220 Lydia, 743, 1752 Margaret, 170-1, 1507, 2217 Margaret Ann, 1489 Martha, 171, 1843 Mary, 165, 170, 315-16, 743, 775> 940, 1752 Mary Ella, 1139 Mary Jane, 1108 Mary Lawrence, 1835 Mary PameHa, 3465 Mehitabel, 1388 Melissa Sophronia, 1851 Mercy Ann, 1507 Forster, cont d/ Minnie Ida, 1388 Nancy Robbins, 3440 Norman, 1139-40 Norman Burpee, 574 Norman Chase, 1139 Pamelia, 2440 Phenia, 1139 Polly, 885 Rachel, 1843-3 Rebecca, 514 Reginald, 775 Relief, 1842 Renold, 775 Richard, 1140 Ruth, 1842, 2440 Samuel, 171 Samuel Eugene, 1851 Sarah, 171, 741, 775, 1559, 1965 Sarah Adaline, 1388 Sarah Jane, 1513 Susan Maria, 874 Susannah, 1799 Tabitha I., 2440 Thomas, 743, 1752, 1843 Thomas Robbins, 3440 Tirnothy, 170, 1842-3, 3443 WiUiam, 539, 1320, 1388, 1580, 3440 William Alphonso, i330 WilHam Amos, 1851 William Henry, 1851 Fought, see Foutz. Forsyth, Forseth, Forsith, Forsythe, miss, 1166 nir., 139 Clara Lyman, 1813-14 Frank L., 3453 Henry Hull, 1813-14 Mary, 570 Robertha Youngs, 2453 Susannah, 139 Forsythe, see Forsyth. Fort, EUa W., 1021 J. P., 1021 Maria, 1109 Fortson, Delancy A., 2156 Fannie, 2210 Jesse Marion, 2210 Mary Ann, 2156 Mary Ann Victoria, 2210 Forward, Deborah, 914 Fosdick, David, 2437 James, 2437 John, 3437 Lucy, 3437 Mary, 3437 Samuel, 3437 Stephen, 3437 Fosget, Submit, 765 Fosket, Foskett, Abigail, 74 Ebenezer, 73 Elizabeth, 46 John, 46, 73 Jonathan, 73 .Miriam, 46, 73 Thomas, 46, 73 Foskett, see Fosket. Foss, Angelina, 838 Benjamin Perry, 1468 Catherine, 1039 Mary Elizabeth, 146S Foster, see Forster. Foulger, see Folger. 'Foulis, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 ¦Foulsham, Foulsham alias Smith, see Folsom. Fountain, Dollie, 171S George H., 1718 Nellie Cornelia, 1718 Foutz, Fought, Jacob, 1336 Margaret, 1336 Maria, 1375 Nancy Ann, 1336 Fowlar, see Fowler. FovaU, see Fovell. Fovell, FovaU, Anna Lane, 1842 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2631 Fowle, AbigaU, 2429 Ann, 2428-g Benjamin, 242g Deborah, 343g Edward, 243g Eliza, 3432 Fanny, 2429 George, 1838, 2425, 2428 Hannah, 1838, 3439 James, 38, 2428 Jeduthun, 2439 John, 2428 Josiah, 2428-9 Keziah, 58 Lois, 2428 Louisa, 3439 Luke, 2439, 2432 Luther, 2429 Margery, 2428 Martha, 2429 Mary, 1838, 2425, 3428-9 Nancy, 2428 Peter, 3435 Rhoda, 2429 Samuel, 3435 Sarauel R., 2429 Sarah, 2425 Susan, 2429 William, 2428 Fowler, Fowlar, mr., 736 mrs., 932 Abigail, 1093 Abraham, 1147 Amy Pettingell, 1171 Annie, 1254 Charles, 1709 Content, 932 Daniel, 1147, 2310 Elizabeth, 1147 Eunice, 1709 Grace, 1147 Hannah, 932, 1273 John, 932, 1147 Jonathan, 932 Louisa, 305 Maria, 1146, 1759-60 Mary, 1147, 1760 Mary A., 2310 Mindwell, 1995 Oscar F., 305 Rachel, 2310 Rebecca, 1147 Richard, 933 Sarah, 932, 1639 Sarah James, 1709 Susan, 933 Theodosius, 1760 William, 932, 1147, 1171 Fox, mr., 177, 3418 Abigail, 386 Agnes, 561 Alanson, 784 Alonzo, 784 ^ Amy, 6S4 Ann, 1819 Anna, 784 Anna Elizabeth, 1071 Anne, 210, 2338 Annie, 560, 1174 Bertha May, 1646 Betsey, 3483 Blanche Cleveland, 3018 Caroline Marie, 1319 Catharine, 560 Charles James, 560-1, 1174 Charles Smithson, 560 Clara, 560 Clarissa, iisg Cornelius, 350 Cornelius John Thomas, 1174 Cynthia _Almira, 1533 Daniel Raymond, 3018 Edward Proby, 560 Edward Ward, 560 Eleanor Pamelia, 561 Elizabeth, 350, 560 Ellen, 560, 648, i8go Emma Catharine, 2018 Emma Maria, 1645 Fox, cont'd, Emma Matilda, 560 Estella, 560 Esther May, 2476 Eustace Lyman, 560 Fanny Otis, 2018 Frank Coleman, 2018 George Alfred, 1645-6 George Randolph, 2018 George William Henry, 1 174 Gertrude Anna, 2476 Hannah, 1432 Harlod Maurice, 2476 Harriet Maria, 2321 Helen, 560, 1174 Helen Maria, 1174 Herbert, 560 Hiram, 1219 Ida, 1174 Isadore, 648 Jabez, 869 James, 1174 James Angel, 2018 James Charles, 560 James Torry, 2018 John, 561, 648, 869, 1646, 2392 John Angel, 2018 John Wesley, 3333 Jon athan Franklin, 1 159 Judith, 869 Kate, 560 Laura, 784 Lydia, 1396 Lydia Louisa, 561 Margaret, 1646 Maria W., 1174 Marietta, 1593 Martha Jane, 3222 Mary, 561, 86g, 1174-S, 1216 Mary Ann, 2233 Mary EUen, 561 Mary H., ii5g Nancy, 684 Nehemiah, 683-4 Nellie, 560 Olive, 350 Olive A., 561 Olive Anne Matilda, 1174 Orrin Bookman, 3476 Peter, 350 Rachel, 1319 Robert, 560 Robert Butler, 1174 Robert Lowe Brenton, 560 Sally, 177, 386 Sarah, 177, 386, 6S3, 736, 1174, 3oi8, 2331 Sophia, 784 Stella, 560 Stephen, 2321 Steven, 2321 Thomas, 869, i8ig, i8go Thomas Edward, 1174 Tryphena Blanche, 2018 Walter, 560 Foy, mrs., 2168 Emma Caroline, 2168 Tames Harvey, 2168 Kate, 2168 Mary Beatrice, 2300 Mary Marcella, 2168 Meeky Ann, 2168 Miles, 2168 William Graves, 2168 Fraats, Abram, 7g8 Andrew, 798 Harriet, 798 Nicholas, 798 Frances, see Francis. Franceys, Gilberto, 2243 Francheyney, Christian, 1213 Christopher, I3i3 Richard, I3i3 Francis, Frances, Alice Miranda, 3015 Alicia Annah, 3461 Allen, 1045 Francis, cont'd, Elizabeth, 106 Ellen, 1861 Hannah, 1049 Jay Perkins, 3461 John Leslie, 3461 Joseph, 106 Lucy S., 505 Lydia, 505 Marietta, 1760 Martha M., 1045 Mary, 1695 Sarah, 3453 Simion, 505 William P., 3015 Francisco, Margaret, 1187 Mary, 1647 Frank, Franks, Ambrose, 406 Carrie Linda, 1688 Charles Emory, 1688 EUery, 1561 Emma J., 1561 Henrietta Ruth A., 1688 Henry, 1688 Jacob Henry, 1688 John, 2181 Maria, 608 Mary Catherine, 1679 Milia, 406 Narcissa, 1351 Narcissus, 1351 Penelope, 2181 Prior J., 1351 Reuben, 1679 Sarah, 1679, 2181 Susan, 1351 Franklin, miss, 1435, 2107, 2112 mrs., 2iog, 2113, 2169 Abednego, 2083, 2084 Abel, 906 Abiah, 94 Abigail, 347 Abner, 2076, 2080-1, 2099, 3107 Albert Lee, 3169 Amelia, 2111-12 Ann, 2110 Ann Eliza, 2109 Ann Moore, 2110 Ann P., 3108 Ann Perkins, 3083 Anne, 2112 Annie, 2113 Annie Victoria, 2172 Barnett, 2059-60 Benjamin, 94, 781, 2060, 2080, 2107, 2110, 3169 Benjamin Cleveland, 31 13 Benjamin Hill, 2110 Benjamin R., 2172 Bernard, 2059-60, 2075, 2080-1, 2 I 10, 2173 Bernard Edwards, 2171 Bettie, Betty, 3059, 2170 Betsey, Betsy, 3059-60, 2081 Caroline W., 2172 Charles Wylie, 2170 Chloe, 1148-9 Cinda, 207g Cleveland B., 2113 Columbus Bernard, 2111-12, 2172 Corinne Myrtie, 2113 Eliza, 3080 Elizabeth, 3059, 2080, 2107, 2170 EUen, 2171 Fannie, 2083 Fannie S., 3iog Frances, 3082 Frances Franklin, 2081, 3iog George, 2060 Gideon Edwards, 2082, 31 12 Grace Eugenia, 2171 Hardie, 3iog Hardin Perkins, 3082, 2109 Helen, 2113 'Henrietta, 1989 2632 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Franklin, cont'd, Henry, 2111 Henry Dobson, 2i6g Inez, ig88 Isabella Victoria, 2172 James, 2081, 3109-11 James Gwyn, 3111 James M., 3107 James Slade, 3109 James Whitlock, 2170 Jane, 2060, 2080 Jeremiah, 2079 Jesse, 2080-1, 2iog, 21 11 Jesse Bernard, 2107 Jesse Daniel, 3111 Jesse Harris, 3172 Jesse Slade, 2iog Jessie Slade, 2iog Joan, 1069 John, ig88, 2110 John Taliaferro, 2110 Josiah, g4, go6 Judith, 2081, 2110 Laurence, 2059-60 Leonidas, 2113 Lewis, 906 Louisa, 2107 Louise, 2109 Lucinda, 2170 Lticy, go6, 2109 Lulu Bell, 1989 Lulu May, ig8g Lutheda, 733 Macon, 2iog Marcus A., 2013 Margaret, 781 Margaret Jane, 2110 Martha, 205g, 2075, 2169-70 Martha A., 3173 Martha Ann, 3314 Martha E. P., 3082, 2109 - Mary, 971, ig88, 2059-60, 2081, 2107, 2110-11 Mary Ann, 2107, 2109, 2i6g Mary Cleveland, 3083, 3108 Mary Elizabeth, 3171 Mary Graves, 2082, 3084 Mary Jett, 2113 Mary Orme, go6 Matilda C, 2108 Matilda Cleveland, 2110 Meekey, 2080, 2082 Melissa A., ig8g Meshach, 2082, 2109, 2171 Meshach Ernest, 2171 Mickey, 2080, 2082 Mildred, 2082, 2109 Mildred Edwards, 2112 Nancy, 2060, 2082, 21 10 Nanny Beattie, 2171 Olive Maria, 1988-9 Patsy, 2075, 2110 Phebe, 2079 Pollie, 2080 Rebecca, 2080 Record, go6 Rhoda, 3076, 3081, 2ogg Richard Gwyn, 2172 Robert, 2082 Robert Hardin, 2iog Robert M., 2173 Sallie, 3o8i-2, 21 10 Sallie Frances, 21 13 Samuel, 347 Sarah F., 2172 Sarah Loutitia, 2110 Sarah Panill, 2108 Shadrach, 2081 Shadrach Cleveland, 2170 Sidney J., 2172 Sidney Johnston, 31 13 Silas, 1149 Solomon, 1988 Solomon Louis, ig88 Tryphena Ann, ig89 Virginia, 2110 Wealtha, 781 Franklin, cont'd, William, i98g, 2110 WiUiam B., 2172 William Bernard, 2169 William Dobson, 2169 William E., 2110 William W., 2082 WiUie, 1989 Willis, 3060, 3107 Wylie, 3110 Franks, see Frank. Franksford, Margaret, 3436 Frary, Almira, 915 Isaac, 915 Laura, 1899 Mary, 1958 Miranda, 976 Sarah, 915 Fraser, Frasier, Frazer, Frazier, uncle, 1873 Agnes, 1872 Alva, 1341 Ann, 442, 827, 1038 Bella, 2018 Cora, 1872 Elias, 1682 Elizabeth, 1056 EmeHne, 1872 Emily, 984 Emma, 1872 Gertrude, 1655 Hannah, 2045 Henry, 1655 Isabell, 2208 James, 2208 .John, 984 Jemima, 1683, 1872 Lucinda, 640, 1266 Lucy, 1341, 1490 Mary Ann, 2208 Mary Elizabeth, 1777 Matilda, 1706 Mertie, 1655 Nathaniel, 1872 Obedience, 1682 Rachel Lucretia, 1655 Ruth, 640, 1266 Sarah, 1655 Sarah Abigail, 1341 • Simon, 1872 WiUiam, 640, 1266, 1873 William Everett, 1655 William Henry, 1655 Frasier, see Fraser. Frathe, Sarah, 1590 JFravel, see Feabel. ^ Frazee, EUen, 1266 Hannah, 1022 Isaac, 1266 Jonas, 1022 Mary, 778 Sadie, 1733 Sarah, 1398 Simeon, 1398 Frazer, Frazier, see Fraser. Fredigod, king Frode, 2204 Frederick, Annjanett, 838 Calvin Harlowe, 1131 Ernst, 1019 Helen Ambrosia, 1131 Julia Kohler, loig Margaret, 1131 Margarita, loig Michael, 1131 Freelove, Clarke King, 986 Malvina Jane, 986 Mary Elizabeth, 986 Freeman, Adaline Ware, 746 Addie Charlotte, 746 Alice, 1069 Angeline Smith, 1464 Ann, 1962 Ann Martha, 1601 Anna, 62, 207, 888 Annett Inez, 1413 Annie E., 315 Benjamin Kimball, 306 Betsey, 1553 Betsey Bromley, 1647 Celia Helen, 746 Charles, 896 Freeman, cont'd, Charles Howe, 740 Charlotte, 315 Chloe, 1413 Clara Bird, 835 , ^ Cora Bell, Cora BeUe, 835, 1963 Constant, 306, 746 Constantine, 1553 Daniel KimbaU, 306 David, 315 Deborah, 636 Diana, 729 Dorothy, 307 Ebenezer, 1647 Edmund, 636 Edward, 1069 Electa C, 64S Eli, 62 EUsha, 315, 739 Elizabeth, 306, 636, 896, 1146, 1181 Ella. AdaUne, 747 Ernest Edward, 729 Esther, 797 Eugene James, 729 Eugenia, 1553 Eunice, 694-5 Eva Louisa, 746 Frank Selwin, 739 Frederick, 1554 George Melvin, 746 George W., 648 Hannah, 307, 636, i3i3 Hannah Maria, 1875 Harriet Anna, 729 Harry Howe, 746 Harry Murray, 1146 Helen Maria, 1875 Helen Marion, 746 Herbert Charles, 746 Hezekiah B., 1146 Hiram, 746 Hiram Guernsey, 1464 Isaac, 636 J. William, 1413 James Thomas, 73g Jennie E., 1384 Jessie Evelin, 746 Joheth, 315 John, 306, 636, 743, 1251 John Clark, 1146 John Henry, 835, 1875 John Macumber, 1359 • Joseph, 306-7, 636 Julia Emmons, 739 Leonard B., 1553 Lewis Leslie, 746 Lorana, 2471 Louisa Mariah, 746 Louisa Olive, 746 Love Peri, 315 J^ucy, 1359 Margaret, 636 Maria, 835 Mark, 1413 Martha Maria, 729 Mary, 315, 636, 743, 1251, 1330, 1601, 1647 Mary Frances, 1330 Mary Jennette, 1413 Mary Melissa, 746 Matilda, 8g6 Melvin Leslie, 746 Mercy, 1251 Moriey, 1553 Myra Mildred, 1146 Nancy, 636 Nathan, 636 Nathan Gardner, 835 Olive Alice, 746 OriUa, 648 Peleg, 315 Prudence, 306 Ralph, 648 Raymond, 1962 Rebecca, 315 Russell, 1601 SaUy, 306 Samuel, 315 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2633 Freeman, cont'd, Samuel Allen, 1330 Sarah, 306-7, 636, 1312 Simeon, 315 Sophia, 306 Stephen, 1212 Susie Whitney, 1464 Theresa Elizabeth, 1358-9 Thomas, 636, 896 Thomas Henry, 896 Truman, 896 Virginia, 2110 Walter, 1330 Watson, 1601 West, 2110 Willhelmina, 1553 Freer, Mary, 1413-14 Freeze, mrs., 1508 Anna, 1508 Bertram, 1508 Isaac, 1508 John, 1508 Mary, 1508 Minnie, 1508 Freichler, John, 1222 Mary Ann, 1222 Susannah, 1222 FreHg;h, Anna, Anne, 694-5 Antje, 695 Elizabeth Catharine, 695 George, 695 Gertrude Maria, 6g4-5 Hendrick, 6gs Michael, 6g4-5 Moses, 695 Peter, 695 Solomon, 695 French, mr., 1345 mrs., 1535-7 Abby, 1409 Abby Mabel, i4og Adelbert Bradley, 1536 Albert, 1537 Albert Tracy, 1537 Alfred, 1536 Alice, 153 Alice M,, i4og Alvah, 985 Ann, 1464, 1501, 1697 Anna, gog Augusta, 1537 Benjamin Franklin, 1537 Betsey, 1408, 1707, 2282-3 Burton Morris, 1536 Caroline, 1345, 1537 Catharine, 2283 Charles Ormsbee, 1778 Chauncey Edwin, 1537 Clara Bell, 1345 Clark C, 1408 Clytie Medora, 985 Daniel Ebenezer, 1536 David, 1778 Earnest, 1537 Ebenezer, 795 Ebenezer Killiam, 1536 Edward, 1464, 1537 Elbert, 1536 Eliza, 1536 Eliza Jane, 583 Elizabeth, 70, 1995 Emily Melissa, 1294 Emma Ann, 1355 Emma Lois, 3467 Emma May, 583 Emmett, 1536 Esther, 795, 1537 Esther Sawyer, 1608 Fannie, 1537 Fannie E., 1537 Flora v., 1537 Francis Marion, 1535 Franklin Merton, 1537 Frederick, 1409 Frederick Cleveland, 1536 George, 1536, 2467 George Albert, 1778 George Riley, 1345 George Washington, 1537 Hannah, 1464, 2434, 2440 Harriet Elizabeth, 985 Harriet Ethylynne, 985 Harvey Gilbert, 1535 Hattie, 1537 Heber, 1537 Henry, 1536, 1608 Henry P. H., 1409 French, cont'd, Plorace, 985 Ida, 1537 Inez v., 1537 Inez Valeria, 1537 Isaac Hurd, 1294 J. H., 201 Jeanette, 1537 John, 70, 1995, 2434, 2440 Jonah, 795 Joshua, 1255 JuHa Adeline, 1535-6 Julia Clark, 1811 Laura, 1537 Lillie Selina, 1536 Lizzie, 1536 Llewellyn, 1537 Lois Ann, 2467 Louise, 1537 Lucia Clark, 1536 Lucy, 1441 Lucy Maria, 1535 Malvina, 1537 Marcus Warren, 1537 Margaret May, 1345 Martha Fanny, 1409 Martha Porter, 1408 Mary, 70, 1995 Mary Angeline, 1536 Mary Ann, 213 Mary Catharine, 985 Mary E., 1537 Mary Grace, 1537 Mary Hubbard, 1778 Mary S., 1536 Marshall Fayette, 1535 Mattie Maud, 583 Merritt, 1537 Mina R., 1409 Nathaniel B., 1537 Nellie S., 1409 Nicholas, 3440 Oliver Farmer, 3440 Phebe, 218 Quincy, 1536 Rachel, 2440 Riley, 583 Rose, 3467 Sally, 1344 Sanford Kingsbury, 795 Sarah, 1294, 1608 Sarah Ann, 1778 Seward, 1536 Simon, 1408 Susan, 1536 Susannah, 795 Sylvester, 1537 Thankful, 1471 Thaddeus, 1537 Valisie Abigail, 1535 Vera Valentine, gSs WilHam, 70, 3434, 3467 William Horace, g85 Winfield, 1536 Frey, Adelia, 1685 Ann, 1671 George, 1671 Laura Annie, 1671 Freychlag, Edward, 2480 Minnie, 2480 Norma, 2480 Ralph, 2480 Frickey, Sophia, 1522 Fridleif I., IIL, 2204 Fridulf, Fridulph, father of king Odin, 2204 Friend, Ruhama, 1477 Frink, Frinks, mr., mrs., 2148 Hannah Clark, i6g4-5 Harriet Adelia, 1593 Judah, 2451-2 Lucy, 1647 Olive, 396 Wealthy Ann, 1593 William, 1593 Frinks, see Frink. Frisbee, see Frisbie. Frisbie, Frisbee, Frisby, Augustus, 2024 B., 260 Benjamin, 1534 Benjarnin Franklin, 1534 Caroline, 1534 Charles, 971 Charles Alfred, 1534 Earl, 1534 Eddie, 971 Frisbie, cont'd. Electa, 1363 Elmina, 667, 1339 Freelove, 1362 Hannah, 3024 Harriet Cleveland, 971 Lucia Thankful, 1534 M^ry, 1534 Mary Elizabeth, 2024 Mary Maria, 1534 Matilda, 1534 Mercy, 842 P. Smith, 1362 Permelia, 1534 Porter, 1362 Ruth, 480 Sarah Delilah, 1362 Thankful, sgg, 1534 Theodore, 1534 Zadoc, 842 Frisby, see Frisbie. Frissell, see Frizzell. Fritts, see Fritz. Fritz, Fritts, miss, mr., loio Alma, 1342 Ann CecUia, 1341 Artemas Roy, 1341 Burton Erastus, 1341 Cornelia Jane, 1341 De Witt Clinton, 1010 Ellen Arminda, 1342 Florence Erminnie, 1341 George, 1341 George Alonzo, 1341 George Wesley, 1341 Georgiana, loio Helen, loio Henry John, 1340 Herbert De Forest, loio Lawrence Rupert, 1341 Mary, 1341 Mary Jane, 1343 Nicholas, 1341 Rose Annabel, 1341 Samuel B., roio Sarah Abigail, 1341 Walter Raymond, 1342 William Alva, 1341 William Arthur, loio FrizeU, see Frizzell. Frizzell, Frissell, Frizell, AbigaU, 86-7 Dellia Joy, ig44 Edwin, 1944 Jane, 1719 Joseph, 87 Mary Isabella, 1944 Frode Fredigod, king, 2204 Frode II. , IIL, IV., VI., VIL, 3204 Frommeyer, Agnes, 1268 Agnes Philomena, 1268 Albert Eugene, 1268 Arthur Ferdinand, 1268 Francis Garritt, 1268 John Francis Edward, 1268 John Frederic, 126S Mary Elizabeth, 1268 Mary Frances, 1268 Fronde, k. of Frondheim, 2304 Frondehim, princess of, 3204 queen of, 3304 Eisten king of, 2204 Eisten Glumru king of, 2204 Fronde king of, 2204 Halfdan king of, 2204 Frondheim or Thrandia, princess of, 2204 Eisten Glumru king of, 3204 Fronk, Ann Elizabeth, 1580 Blanche, 1580 Cynthia, 1580 Emma, 1580 Emma Cleveland, 1580 Frederick, 1580 John, 1580 Maude, 15S0 2634 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Fronk, cont'd, Peter, 1580 Rosanna, 1580 Frost, miss or mrs., 1926 mr., 24s, 1577 professor, 1577 AbigaU, 158 Ada Batt, 1390 Albert, 2500 Allen Charles, 1345 Angie E., 1907, 2500 Ann, 1135 Anne, 2505 Annie, 1579 Annis, 1579 Caroline, 1345 Charles, 2^37 Clarina, 158 Clarissa, 283 Consider Chapin, 2009 Coral, 1579 Daniel, 659, 1345 .David Plarris, 1638 Dorcas, 245 Elizabeth, 659 Elizabeth Ada, 1579 Emma Elvira, 1558 Emma Sophia, 1558 Estella, 1638 Esther, 156 Florence Adelaide, 1345 George Washington, 1907, 3500 Halsey, i57g Harvey Gilmore, 3oog Hattie Fostina, 1573 Helen, 2500 Heman, 2009 Iram, 158 Iva Lola, 1638 Jabez, 1638 John, 2437, 2505 Joseph, 2437 Jeremy, 245 John, 1579 John E., 1579 Johnson, 2161 Jonathan, 156 Leura Belle, 2009 Lisetta, 1572 Margaret, 2437 Maria, 1577 Malvina Laura, 2009 Mary, 158, 245, 895, 1579, ig45 Mary Ann, 1235 Matilda Louisa, 1663 Mattie, 2500 Nicholas, 2437 Olive, 345 Orr W., iS7g Phebe, Phcebe, 1235 Phineas, 158 Polly, 1638 Rebecca, 171, 65g, 3161 Rubie, i57g Samuel, 1335 Sarah, 1853 Sarah Ann, 3161 Sarah Jane, 1579, 1639 Selim, 1558 Siloam, 2009 Stephen, 1572 Susannah, 2009 Thomas Bathrick; 283 William, 65g, i57g, 20og Frothingham, captain, 2314 Abigail, 145-6 Ann, 146 Anna, 4gs Esther, 145-6, 4g4-5 James, 2437 John, 145-6 Mary, 495, 3437 Nathaniel, 3437 Peter, 495 Richard, 59 Ruth, 146 Samuel, 146, Sarah, 907 William, 146, 495, 3437 Fry, Jemima, 1896 Rhoda, 927 Ruth, 95- Fuessenich, CeHa Elizabeth, 1335 Elizabeth, 1335 Frederick F., 1335 Hervey, 1325 Leonard, 1335 Leonard Cleveland, 1335 Mabel, 1335 Fulgham, Martha, igio Fulkerson, Gertrude, g30 Lemuel, g30 Mary F., 2336 Sophia, g30 W. J., 2336 FuHer, miss, 39, 1591 miss or mrs., 680 mr., 39, 1064 Abel WUHston, 983. Abigail, 1107, 1767 Abigail Elizabeth, 1591, 1595 Agnes Gordon, 1064 AiUieen Medora, 1236 Alexander, 1591 Almira, 852 Amanda, 348 Amos, 1677 Andrew Eugene, 1236 Ann, 380, 1647, 2019 Anna, 388 Anna Maria, 1089 Arthur Negus, 1064 Azuba, 1677 Benjamin HoUand, 1107 Bessie, 1695 Betsey, 526 Bridget, 39 Charles, 1747 Charles Hibbard, 527 Charles Jefferson, 1236 Clarissa, 850 Clifford, 1747 Cornelia Jane, 1747 Daniel, 1236 Daniel Ellison, 1236 Ebenezer, 1089 Edward, 380 Edward Dennison, 1089 Electa, 1931 Elisha, 178, 388 Elizabeth, 388, 380, 828-g, 1336, 1370, 1518, 1741, 1767, 1840, 3049-50 Ellen Ann, 983 Ellen Harriet, 1233 EUen Kilshaw, 1767 EUen Maria, 828-9 EmeHne, 1333 Ephraim Austin, 1337 Esther, 367 Esther R., iigg Experience, 2050 Fanny, 1064 Fanny Lucy, 446 Florette, g4g Frances, 380, 1064, 231S ' Fran ces Dewey, 1 107 Frances Emma, 1238 Frances Lucy, 446 Frank, 1747 Fred, 82g George, 1064 George Dennison, 1089 George Driggs, 527 George H., 1695 George Havens, 1089 George Spencer, 1064 Giles, 850 Hannah, 537, 631, 1747, 3487 Hannah Maria, io8g T-Tarriet Stuart, 1793 Harvey Eugene, 1336 Harvey William, 1677 Helen Ann, 983 Henry, 267, 1591 Henry Brown, 1064 Holland, 527 Hosea, 390 Huldah, 390 Irving Washington, 1236 Isaac, ngg Jacob, 1767 James, 527 James Franklin, 537 Jane, 1747 Jennie, 1989 Jeremiah, 389 John, 3050 John A., 838-9 FuUer, cont'd, John King, 626 Joseph, 45 , , Joseph Cleaveland, 1236 Joshua, 2049-50 Josiah, 360 Tuan Ternandey, 1089 Lester K., 626 Lorenzo D., 718 Louisa, 1677 Lucina, 626 Lucinda, 984 Lydia, 717, igsg Lydia Climena, 1336 Margaret, 1755, 1767 Martha, 838-g Martha A., igg3 Mary, 45, 360, 636,-718, 839, 1237, 1747, 1767 Mary Ann, 1571 Mary Ann Buzzel, 1336 Mary Dunbar, 1571-2 Mary Hannah, 1677 Mary Jane, 10S9, 1227, 1236 Mary Juliaette, isgi Mary Nancy, 389 Matthew, 380 Maud Lilian, 1236 Mannie Lavinia, 1236 Nathan, 1747 Nellie Ann, 983 Nora, 1747 Octavia, 128S Rebecca, 288 Robert Higginson, 1064 Ruth, 538 Sally, 178 Samuel, 39, 380, 1069 Sarah, 144, 267, 799, 1695, 1767 Sarah Cleveland, 527 Sarah Margaret, 1767 Susan, 1591 Susan Sophia, 1089 Susannah, io6g Thomas, 26-7, 39, 144, 1767, 3331 Timothy, 506, 1767 Viola Elizabeth, 1931 Walter, io8g WiUiam, 1388 William Cleveland, io8g WiUiam H., 446 William Moreau, ig3i Willie Emery, 1677 Willis, 1233 Fullerton, Almira, 1171 Armina, 1625 Henry H., 1628 John, 1171, 1625 John Wilson, 1171 Mary Jane, 1627 Rosamond, 1171 Susan, 1171 Fulson, Julia Ann, 1120 Fulton, Betsey, 361 Eliza, 361 Hugh, 1364 John, 261 Lucinda Araminta, 1264 Funk, Alice Agnes, 2149 Caroline, 2149 Edward Bernard, 2149 Eliza, 2261 Ella M., 3149 George, 3149 George Harrison, 2i4g Grover Cleveland, 2i4g John Frederick, 3149 Julia Rann, 3149 Walter Winfield, 2149 Furgason, Furgerson, see Ferguson. Furlong, Charles Washing ton, 436 Ethana, 436 Joseph, 436 Matthew, 436 Sarah -BeU, 436 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2635 Furman, AHce M., 1409 Betsey, 1192 Elizabeth, 1943 John McKnight, 1943 Kate Anthony, 1943 ilaranda Alvina, iig3 Mary, 3317 Ralph, 1409 WUliam, 1192 Furnald, see Fernald. Fussell, Elizabeth, 331 John, 331 Gabard, Rachel, 1436 Gable, John, 210 Susan, 210 ¦Gabriel, Elizabeth, 1684 Er Cleveland, 1684 Ezra, 1684 Frederick, 1684 John Plummer, 1684 Lucia, 1684 Plummer, 1684 Gaffin, Julia, 2301 ¦Gage, Abby, 1618 Albert, 879 Albert S., 879 Amanda, 879 Anna, 879 Anna , Cleaveland, 879 Benjamin, 879 Benjamin Augustus, 879 Charlotte R., 1618 Clinton, 1578 Ellen M., 1618 Emily Adaline, 1673 Emily Rosaline, 1578 Eugene Morse, 879 Francis Adeline, 879 Francis E., 879 George F., 1618 Hannah Osgood, 1617 Ida, 1578 James, 879 James Dudley, 879 Justus, 1578 Lora M., 879 Louisa, 879 Mary, i6__i8 Mary L., 1618 Moses Cleaveland, 1617 Oscar, 879 Phebe, 1696 Rosamond, 879, 1617 Ruth P., 879 Samuel, -879 Samuel Augustus, 879 Sophia, 1618 Susan, 879 Thomas, 279 Gager, Elizabeth, 510 Hannah, 307 Hezekiah, 854 John, 510 Lydia, 510 Rebecca, 854 \yilliam, 510 ¦Gailbraith, Ann, 2133 Gailcota, countess of the Orkneys, 1108, 2203 Gaillard, see Gaylord. Gaines, Sarah, 3210 Sophia, 1207 Gaitly, Annie Sophia, 1034 Gale, Abner, 258 Abraham, 141 Edith May, 2033 Elizabeth, 353 Ella, 1704 FrankHn, 1704 George, 352 Grace, 141 Jane Maria, igoo John Thomas, 1704 Louisa, 258 Lydia, 140-1 Mary, 1704 Mary Jane, 1704 Richard, 141 Ruth, 1063 Sarah, 141, 1561 Sylvester, 1704 Wakefield, 174 Gall, Alexander, 1109 Elizabeth, nog Gallard, see Gaylord. Gallauger, Elizabeth, 1669 Gallhiant, sir, 856 Gallichattan Moir, chief, 1769 Gallisham, Abigail, 448-g Gallop, see Gallup. Gallup, Gallop, Andrew Jackson, 583 Bridget, 715 Charles W., 583 Fanny, 991 Francis W., 582 George A., 582 Hannah, 1659 Harriet M., 582 John, 1659 Lucinda, 901 Margaret, 582 Mary Elizabeth, 1595 W. B., 1595 Galpin, Martha, 1151 Gait, John, 1314 Galucha, see Galusha. Galusha, Galucha, Clara EHza, 2015 Clarissa Adelaide, 2015 Charles Sabin, 2015 Daniel Brown, 2015 David, 672 Donald Bryant, 2015 Dorothy Edith, 2015 George Cleveland, 2015 Hattie BeU, 3015 Martha Miranda, 3015 SaUy, 672 Galvin, David James, ig84 John F., 1984 John Francis, 1984 Mary Angeline, 1984 Mary EUen, 1984 Gamage, Gammage, miss or mrs., 361 Betsey, 878-9 Christiana, 1855 Mary, 879 Nathaniel, 879 Gambee, Mary Arminda, 553 Solomon F., 553 Gambell, Gamble, Gambrell, Aaron Lichtenberger, 1383 Amarilla Evaline, 3195 Andrew Suter, 1381-3 Caroline, 811 Celia, 1382 EUza, 1281-2 Ellis G., 993 Pliram, 811 James Madison, 2195 Joseph, 1281 Joseph Hovey, 1281 Lydia, 9g3 Margery, 1172 Martha, 1281 Mary, 1172, 2088 Minerva, 1381-3 Peter N., 1173 Polly, 2088 Robert, 2088 Sarah Ann. 811 Susan Emily, 2195 Gamble, see Gambell. Gamboy, Agnes, 85 Gambrell, see Gambell. Gammage, see Gamage. Gammon, Grace, 878 Robert, 878 Gannaugh, Gannugh, see Geneung. (banners, see Jenner. Gantz, Anna Rebecca Ringold, 1565 Gardiner, Gardner, mr., 349 mrs., 1035 Abigail, 1151 Abraham, 1151 Alanson, 1338 Ann Eliza lone, 2156 Betsey, ^29 Carrie Elvira, 1964 Gardiner, cont'd, Catharine, 610 Charlotte, 1472 Christiana, 1212 Curtiss C, 1152 Daniel, 1025 Daniel Pierce, 2156 David, 205, 1118, 1151 David Whitcomb, 2011 Deborah, 76, 1839 Edith Florence, 6io Elijah, 2156 EHza Cleverly, 1525 Elizabeth, 333, 429, 1071 Elizabeth Creesy, 2011 Elizabeth Welcome, 2156 Emeline C, 613 Emma Victoria, 1616 Eva Ophelia De Rosella, 1535 Ezekiel, 752 Florence Ethel, 2462 George, 1696 George Oren, 1525 Gertrude Moore, 1535 Gorham, 426 Hannah, 349, 1037, 1071, 1075, 1489 Hannah Nothup, 886 Harriet Gardiner, 886 Harriet Jones, 1696 Herbert Cleveland, 1964 Herbert William, 1964 Hiram, 429 Plorace, 1525 Ida M., 1363 Irene Ouida, 2462 James Turner, 3156 Jane Edwards, 1024-5 Jerusha, 205 Jesse, 429 Jessie Thorp, 2462 John, 132, 610, 1075, 1118, 1151, 2156 John Gregory, 3463 John Haris, 3156 John L, 1212 Jonathan, 233 JuHa, 1 151 Juliana, 1151-2 Kate, 610 Katie, 3156 Levi, 348 Lion, 148, 1 1 18 Louisa, 133 Lucretia, 436 Lucy, 1868 Lydia, 348 Lydia Ann, 429 Lyon, 148, 1 118 Marcia, 1338 ]\Iargaret, 233, gsg Maria Wood, 1464 Mariliaette, 1338 Mary, 148, 205, 233, 1117-18, iiSi) 1506, 1868 Mary A.,- 1328 Mary Ann, 610, 2011 Mary Caroline, ig64 Mary Jane, 1213 Mary King, 3155-6 Mary Laodicea, 201 1 Mehitabel, 1887 Moses, 1025 Nancy, 1733 Orlo Sanford, 2462 Pardon Tillinghast, 886 Phebe, Phoebe, 1025, 1151 Philetta, 1035 Rachel, 1151 Richard, gsg, 1118 Richard Austin, 3156 Robert Dodd, 610 Ruth, ig38 Samuel, 233, 1071 Sarah, 148, gsg, 1696 Sarah El izabeth, 1733 Sarah Jane, 3156 Sarah Louise, 610 Stimson Brockway, 1733 Susan, 753 2636 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Gardiner, cont'd, Susannah, 430, 753 Thomas, 233, gsg, 1025, 1868, iggg, 2011 Tryphosa, 1473 William Henry, 1954 William Thomas, 2011 Gardner, see Gardiner. Gardom, Eva, 1282 Helen, 1283 Lucilla, 1383 Samuel, 1382 Thomas Jefferson, 1282 Garey, see Gerry. Garfield, mrs., 2050 Abigail, 2471 Edward, 2050, 3471 Plannah, 1586 James Abram, 375 Marcia Maria, 233 r Rebecca, 3050, 2471 Garioch, Andrew, 63 Margaret, 63 Garland, Sarah, igo8 Garlick, Garlock, Charles, 1935 Julia Hannah, 1323 Mary A., 1935 Garlock, see Garlick. Garner, miss, 2160 Arminda, 3160 George, 3160 Garnett, Catherine, 1 144 Daniel, 1144 Emma Laura, 1144 Joseph, 1144 Garnzey, see Guernsey. Garrabrant, mrs., gg8 Emmarilla, i73g George, 998 John, 997 Sarah, 997 Garrard, Garratt, Garret, see Garritt. Garrett, or Gware, 856 Garrison, Alma, 1672 Electa HaUeck, 1685 John, 1504 Julia, 1504 Martha, 1503 Orra, 1672 Sarah Elizabeth, 2135 Theodocia Backus, 1685 Thomas, 1685 Garritt, Garrard, Garratt, Garret, Garwood, Ger rett, mr., 2146 Amanda, 2146 Charles Walpus, i86g Coe, 1044 Daniel, 1372 Eliza Jane, i86g , Elizabeth MarshaU, 1372 Fidelia Eliza, 1044 Francesca Victoria, 1373 James P., 1373 John, 1044 Joseph, 1372 Joseph B., 1373 Lizzie Tabor, 1371 Lois, 1044 Mary, 1372 Mary Sophia, 1916 Matthias, 1371-2 Miriam, 1371-2 Sidney Warren WiUiam, 1044 Theda, 1371 Thias, 1371-3 William Bacon, 1371 Garvin, PoUy, 649 Garwood, see Garritt. Gascogne, see GaskUl. Gaskill, Gascogne, Olive, 1338 Preserved, 1077 Gass, Emma, 1508 Frederick, 1508 Gaston, Caroline E., 1133 Gataker, Thomas, 2231 Gates, mrs., 1140 Abigail, 90 Alice Genelia, 1858 Ambrosia, 1833 Ann, 89, 1978 Anna Maria, 1649 Benjamin, 1233 Benjamin Franklin, 1649 Betsey, 237, 1132 Carl Foote, 1859 Charles Monroe, 1835 Charlotte Dewey, 1834 Clarence Reade, 1859 Daniel, 337, 538, 1133, 1140 Deborah, 480, 197S Dorothy, 480 Edna, 289 Elizabeth, 881, 1834 Elizabeth Lois, 1835 Esther, 402, i43g, 1649, 1859 Evelyn, 1333 Evelyn Ruth, 1859 Fannie Deane, 1859 Frank Cleveland, 1649 Fred Elme, 1649 George Dwight, 1858 George Washington, 1858 Hannah Maria, 1649 Harriet Ellen, 1649 Hiram Franklin, 1834 Horatio, 402, 2330 Ida, 183s Irving Franklin, 1834 John, 1978 Jonathan, 51, 216, 548 Lewis Cleveland, 1859 Linda Minna, 1858-9 Lottie Sophia, 1835 Lucy Maud, 1858 Lydia, 548, 704 Margaret, 8g Martin, 441 Mary, 316 Mary Alice, i8sg Melinda, ig78 Nancy, 1273 Oldham, ig78 Patience, 477 Persis, 51, 88 PoUy, 528 Sabra Isabella, 1140 Sally, 441, 548, 1647 Samuel, 402, 477, 1629 Sarah, 217, 401-3, 1629 Sarah Ann, 1418 Simeon, 51, 88-9 Solomon, 1649 Stephen, 89, 316 Susanna, 216 Thomas, WUliam, 528 Gaufrid, 15, 2225 his son, IS, 2335 Gaul, Elizabeth, 650 Gault, Emeline, 550 J. A., 2ig6 Lula Josephine, 3196 William, 550 Gavit, mrs., 1840 John E., 1840 Meta, 1840 Sallie, 1873 Gawley, Robert, 934 Sarah Jane, 924 Gay, Abigail, 1362 Bunker, 839-30 David, 2094 Elizabeth, 2094, 2336 Elizabeth Ann, 1362 Emily, 1362 Emma Maria, 2012 Fisher, 2278 Frankey, 2094 Hesper Keziah, 2012 Jacob, 156 James, 30i3 James Huston, 2094 Joanna, 830 John, 830, 2094 John Henry, 2030 Gay, cont'd, Joseph, 830 Jotham, 1362 Lucy, 2og3-4 Lusher, 830 Lydia, 830, 1890 Margaret, 2094 Mary, 830 Mary EUis, 829-30 Mary Etta Orphaette, 2020 Matilda, 156 Milly, 829-30 Minnie Frances, 2020 Nancy, 2094 Nathaniel, 830 Rebecca, 830 Samuel, 3093-4 Samuel Steele, 2094 Sarah, 830, 2094 Susan, 2093-4 Thomas, 2094 William, 1362 Gaylord, Gaillard, Gallard, Gillard, Abigail, 1060 Ann, 686 Charles Darwin, 1827 Courtlandt Hilliard, 1827 Edwin, 1530 Eleazier, 1198 Eleazur, 1198 Eliakim, iigS Elizabeth, 1060, 1198, 1915 Erastus Frederick, 1122 Esther, 1123-3, 1198 Guillard d'Arce, 686- Hannah, 686, 1109, 1198 Harriet Rebecca, 1827 Henry Cleveland, 1827 John, 1 109 Josephine Amelia, 1827 Josiah, 1T23 Julia, 1520 Laura Cleveland, 1837 Lois, 661 Lois Dickinson, 1290 Lucetta, 1122 Lucy, 1 123 Margaret, 1930 Martha, iigS Mary, 1930 Mary Stanwood, 1827 Naomi, 1123 Nathaniel, 1060 Nehemiah, 1122-3 Richard Hilliard, 1827 Ruth, ig3o Samuel, ig30 Sarah Brownell, 1826 Sarah Catharine, 1827 ' Sylvia, 1198 Thankful, 1534 William, 686, 1109, 1915, ig30 William Babcock Hazen, 1827 Gayton, Annie, 1174 James, 1175 Miriam, 1175 Gear, see Geer. Geary, see Gerry. Gedding, Hellen, 686 Gedney, Catharine, i48g Hannah, i48g John, 1126, i48g Margaret, i48g William, i48g Gee, Elizabeth, 1341 George, 1341 Martha, 1867 Geer, Gear, Gere, Alverda, io8g Anne, 1742 Augusta, io8g Clara Cornelia, 1332 Cornelia, 1333 Elmira, 1471 Emmeline Matilda, 1801 Fanny, 1534 Harriet Ann, io8g Henry Austin, 1333 John, io8g Laura, 1089 Lucretia, 408 Sarah, io8g. Sarah Jane, io8g INDEX OF PERSONS. 2637 Geffrey de Alselyn, 2203 Geiger, mrs., 2306 George, 2306 Jacob, 2306 Mary, 2306 Susan A., 2306 Gelison, Esther, 413 Gell, see Gill. Gelston, Hugh, gi4 Jane, 914 Mary, 914 Samuel, 914 Gelvin, Letitia Dow, 1116 Geneung, Gannaugh, Gan nugh, Genung, EUa, igg7 Jeremiah, 466 Mary, 466 R. WaUace, ig97 Genners, Anthony, 1556 Arvilla, 1556 Rose EUa, 1556 Gensley, Almira, 984 Samuel, 984 Gent, Sarah, 2238-9 Gentes, John, 2480 Mary Ellen, 2480 Gentry, Mary, 2070 Robert, 2070 Genung, see Geneung. Geolzer, Louisa Phillipine, 1635 George, miss, 2095 Ambrose, 1035 Carrie Eliza, 1304 Charles, 1366 Cornelia, 1035 Elizabeth, 146 Emma M., 1035 Erastus, 1304 Florence Persis, 1304 Gabriel, sogs George, 1031 Hereford B., 266 Isaac, 1304 Jane, 1031, 1165 Jannetje, 1031 Jennie, ' 1031 John, 146 Malvin* Henrietta, 1304 Margaret, 1048, 1266 Phebe, 350 Polly, 895 Rebecca Jane, 1165 Robert, 1165 Ruth, 146 Sally, 1304 see also Joris. Gerald, Geralds, see Ger- ould. Gerberge, lady, 1615 Gere, see Geer. Gerkin, mr., 1735 Ida D., 1735 Germaine, Mary, 1488 German, Mary, 1950 Gernsey, see Guernsey. Gerould, Gerald, Geralds, Jearould, Jerauld, Jer- olds, Jerould, Jerrolds, Charles, 993 Damaris, 1835 Gamaliel, 1835 Gordon, 1118 Harriet, gg3 Jabez, 1835 Jacques, 183S James, 1835 Johanna, go Martha, 188, 1835 Mary, 188 Olive, 1118 Rebecca, 1835 Reuben, go Samuel Lankton, 1835 Sophia, 2835 Stephen, 1835 Ziba, 1835 Gerrett, see Garritt. 'Gerrish, Gerrishe, Abigail Cleaveland, 1610 Almira, 1611 Ann, 4g3, 1890 Anna, 226-7 ' Betsey, 2290, 2292 Charles, 161 1 Edward P., 1611 Elizabeth, 227, 1890, 1988 Gerrish, cont'd, Enoch, 1610 Hattie Maria, 1611 Jacob, 3370 James L., 1611 Joanna, 226, 1890, ig88 John, 227 Joseph, i6n, i8go Mary Eliza, 1611 Moses, 3436 Prudence, 817 Susan, 3436 Sarah, 161 1 William, 326, 1890, ig88 Gerrishe, see Gerrish. Gerry, Garey, Geary, Abigail, 3425 Benjamin, 2425 Elizabeth, 2435 John, 3435 Mira, 1613 Phebe, 3435 Thomas, 2425 Getchell, Dennis, 430 Lucretia S., 430 Gettier, Elizabeth, 1669 Ellen Magdalena, 1669 Peter, i66g Gettins, Edwin Clark, 1185 Edwin Thomas, 1185 Keziah, 1 185 Laura, 1 185 Mary, 1185 Thomas, 1185 Getty, Sarah, 1489 Getzwiller, Dora Blanche, 2034 Dorothea Margaratha, 2034 Ferdanande Louis, 2034 Ida Bell, 2034 John Peter, 2034 Joseph, 2034 Joseph Herndon, 2034 Mary Dorothea, 2034 Matilda Frances, 2034 Peter, 2034 ' Peter George Cleveland, 2034 Susanna, Susannah, 2034 Geyer, Catharine Hay, 1890 Ghimrice, Ascada, 1108 Euslin, H08, 3303 Ouslin, 1 108, 3303 Giandonati, Catharine, 1538 Pauline, 1528 Raphael Louis, 1528 Gibb, see Gibbs. Gibbard, Ann, 530 Rebecca, 530 Timothy, 530 William, 530 Gibberson, Rebecca, 773 Gibbon, see Gibbons. Gibbons, Gibbon, Edward, 3343 Edward Charles, 1713 Elizabeth, 505, 2034 Henry, 1114 Ida May, 1712 Mary, 1961 Nancy Manervy, 1446 Sarah, 1489 Ursula, i48g WilHam, 505, i48g Gibbs, Gibb, Gibby, Gibbys, Abigail, 211, 1849 Alvin, 434 Caleb, 958 Catherine, 606 Charity, 978 Eliza Jane, g3i Elizabeth, 211, 1476, 1849 Hannah, 1329 Henry, 1476 IsabeUa Louisa, 967 J. Willard, 313 Jacob, 1849 Jedidah, 647 Jerusha C, 958 John A., 1476 Joseph, 311 Lester, 1373 Luther C, 1373 Luther S. C, 1372 Lydia, 434 Gibbs, cont'd, Lydia G., 988 Maria, 211 Maria C, 2337 Maria Eloise, 1476 Martha I. T., 1373 Mary, 212, 967, 1372 Mary A., 1372 Meribah, MeribeU, 94, 428 Mildred Eloise, 1476 Miranda, 1346 Robert, 606 Samuel, 211 Sarah, 211, 1072 Sidney S., 931 Sophia, 1372 Sybel, 726 Thomas, 211-12, 967 WilHam H., 967 Wolcott, 861 Gibby, Gibbys, see Gibbs. Gibson, colonel, 3336 Absalom, 2083 Alice, 2036 Andrew Harris, 1176 Annabella Blyth, 1745 Caroline Elizabeth, 2036 Caroline Simons, 2036 Catharine M., 410 Catharine Olivia, 1818 Charlotte Mary, 1176 Christopher, 466 Edmund, 10 Eleanor Eliza, 2036 Eliza, 2036 Elizabeth, 1533 Eunice Lockwood, 2036 George Hutchinson, 1176 Harriet Isabel, 1176 Henry Becker, 1818 Isaac, 1768 James, 1745 Lucy, 1435 Madeline, 1768 Margaret, 1533 Mary Elizabeth, 1972 Myra EHza, 2036 Otis, 3036 Philena, 1440 Robert, 1533 Sarah, 1818 Theodore Gold, 2036 William Franklin, 2036 Giddings, Abiah, 2485 Alice Ida, 1566 Charles E., 1566 Elizabeth, 358 Emory, 1566 Frances, 486 George W., 1918 John Wesley, 486 Lydia, 486 Mary, 359 Mary Finette, 1918 Walter, 486 Gideon, Chloe Anne, 7g8 Henry H., 798 Giffin, Edward Elmer, 1443 Franklin James, 1443 Kittjie Victoria, 1443 Mary Jane, 1443 Nina Bell, 1443 Royal Cleveland, 1442 William Lytle, 1442 Gifford, de Gifford, family, 1659 mr., 1596 Almira, 1874 Ambrose, 1659 Anna, 446 Benjamin, 951 C. C, 1701 David, 446 Edwin Davis, 1596 Eleanor, 979 Elizabeth, 395, 1659, 2392 Franklin R., 1596 Hannah, 1659 ^ Job, 1659 John, 1659 John Anthony, 1659-60 Lydia, 951 Margaret, 1606, 1659 Marmaduke, 951 Martha, 1659 Mary E., 1701 2638 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Gifford, cont'd, Mary Eliza, 1596 Mercy, 1659-60 PameHa, 951 Randolphe, 1659 Rhoda, 1659 Simeon, 1659 Stephen, 1659 Susannah, 1659 Susanna Virtue, 951 Walter, 1659 GUbert, count of Auci or of Brion in Normandy, 265 GUbert, earl Clare, 366 Gilbert, mr., 535 Ann, 388 Arad Bascom, 1105 Arthur M., 1713 Benjamin, 388 Comfort, 3077 Eleazer, 388 Eli, 934 Elijah, 2308 Elizabeth Cornelia, 1214 Giles, 388 Harriet, 1563 Hattie NeweU, g6o Jane, 388, 730 Jedidiah, 388 John, 388 Joseph, 387-8 Joseph Cleveland, 895 Lewis F., 960 Lovina, 1360 Lucinda Olive, 1713 Maria, 535, 934, 1686 Martha, 636 Mary, .895 Mercy, 2484 Molly, 387 Nathaniel, 388 Nevada, 1713 Olive, 387 Patience, 633, 24S4 Perley Wendall, 1713 Rebecca Anna, 1105 Ruth, 1382 Sally, 680, 1306 Sarah, 636, 1105, 1260 Sarah Frost, 8g5 Sophronia, 636 Strongbow, earl Pembroke, 266 Temperance, 1212 Thomas, 388, 1212, 2077 Timothy, 636 William, 387 Winifredt 387 Gilby, Ellen, 493 John, 493 Gilchrist, BeUe, 1489 Gilcrease, Abraham James, 1981 Hettie Paulina, 1981 Sarah Ellen, 1981 Gile, see Giles. Giles, Gile, Anna, 1406 Bridget, 1771 Edward, 1771 Elizabeth, 1435 Esther, 763 Mary, 1771 Tabitha, 413 Gilford, Nancy, 1561 Gill, Gell, Gille, , 769 of Hopton, of Norton, 769 Anna, 1406 Hannah, 769-70, 3032 Henry, 1850 James, 1296 Margaret, 1396 Mary, 1850 Mary Ann, 1350 Mary Cecelia, 1850 Thomas, 770, 3033 \\'U!iam PL, 1850 see also Giles. Gillard, see Gaylord. Gillchriest, see Christian. Gille, see Gill. Gillespie, Gillusley, mr., 3056 Bridget, 1961 Gillespie, cont'd, Henrietta, 649 Martha, 649 Mary Jane, 1961 Nettie, 649 Patrick, ig6i Robert, 64g GiUet, GiUett, see Gillette. GUlette, GiUet, Gillette, Jel- lett, mr., 1577 Abigail, 63 Anna, 666, 1432 Betsey, 2463-4 Charles, g26 Chloe, 926 Cornelius, mo Elizabeth, 935 Esther, 1110 Harriet EUen, 1751 Harriet Maria, 1750 Harry Elwyn, 1750 Herald, 1653 Hester Almira, 1652 Jacob, 802 Janette, 1681 John, 62 Jonathan, mo, 1432, 2035, 3040 Laura, 803 Liberty, 581 Lucy, 3464 Lydia, 93b Maria, 926 Mary, 1577, 2035 Matilda, 1274 Matilda Ann, 2483 Nathan, mo Nathan Milton, 1750 Pamelia, 1652 Priscilla, mo Rhoda, 1185 Rosanna, 1428 Samuel, 2464 Simeon Lewis, 3483 William, 935 Gillham, mr., 3385 mrs., 2285 Electa, 2286 Elvira, 3386 Ezekiel, 3385-6 Harriet, 3386 Jane, 3386 John Dew, 3385-6 Julia, 2286 Mariah, 3397 Mary, 3385 Gilliland, Alice Flora, 3493 Grant Simpkins, 3493 Rebecca, 3493 Ruth AHce, 3493 Simeon, 24g3 Gillings, Martha, 1820 Gillson, see Gilson. Gillusley, see Gillespie. Gilman, Abigail, 4g6 Dorothea F., 1063 Edward, 1792, I9g6, 2437 Helen Parris, 2483 Joanna, 2437 John, 2437 John Taylor, 1063 Lydia, ig96 Mary, 1792, 1996 Moses, 496 Nicholas, 2437 Robert, 1792, 3437 Rose, 1792 Z. D., 2483 Gilmer, Alice Dalton, 2169 Bernard Graves, 3i6g Edgar Graves, 3169 Emma, 3169 Gertie, 3169 Jessie Slade, 2i6g Love, 3i6g Mary, 1773 Mary Belle, 2i6g Matilda C:, 2i6g Nettie, 2169 Peachy Ridgeway, 1773 Robert Donald, 2169 Samuel L., 2169 William Franklin, 2169 Gilmore, Carry Belle, 2267 Cassandra, i86g Clarence James, 2267 Clarissa Lee, 3367 EUen, 2184 Florence Ettie, 3267 Frances Fletcher, 2267 Harvey Lee, 3367 Huldah Ann, 2267 John, i86g' John Burroughs, 2267 Lucy, 1 1 52 Lydia Ann, g48 Magdalena, 1869 Martha Jane, 2267 Mary Elizabeth, 2267 Mary Jane, 2267 Mary May, 2267 Nancy, 1383 Sally, 2267 Sally Lee, 2267 Silonia D., 3367 Solon E., 948 Temperance, 2267 WilHam, 3367 WiUiam Harrison, 2267 William Lee, 2367 Gilpatrick, Isaac, 1713 Lavinia Blanche, 1713 Gilpin, Laura E., 8og Gilson, Gillson, Jilson, Amy, 1818 Benjamin, 187 James, i8i8 Lovisa, 347 Olivia, 1818 Sarah, 187 Warren, 347 Ginnell, WUliam, 2327 Ginrich, Edna Eliza, 1355 Emanuel, 1355 John Alvin, 1355 Melinda, 1355 Ward Cleveland, 1355 Girdler, mrs., 3345 William, 3345 Girling, miss or mrs., 349 Girty, Catherine Maria, 1574 Gitchell, Isabella, 204 Louis, 204 Given, see Giv ens. Givens, Given, Givings, miss, 1694 Avarilla Hart, 1457 Catherine, 1524 Givings, see Givens. Gladding, Benjamin Halliday, 1734 Corinne Strauss, 1734 Frank, 1734 Gladwin, Abby Maria, 1043 Annie Ellen, 1042 Armenia Marietta, 1042 Ellen Maria, 1042 Frances Gertrude, 1042 Richard, 1042 Robert Usher, 1042 Rovira J., 1042 Stephen Nelson, 1042 Susan, 1042 Glancy, see Glansey. Glansey, Glancy, mr., mrs., 2284 Anna Jane, 1185 Laura, 1185 William John, 1185 Glascock, Grace, 1031 Glass, Alexander, g26 Ann, 8g6 Jane, 1972 Jane Ann, 896 Jemima, 926-7 John, 896 Lucinda, 926 Lydia, 1920 Mary Helen, 1892 Miles Artha, 896 William, 1920 Zilpha, 896 Glaze, Eva, 1048 Eva MUls, 1048 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2639 ' " Glaznor, Jane Maria, 1667 Gleason, Gleison, Glezen, Leson, mr., 1513 Alfred William, 1892 Alta Eliza, 1892 Charles Sumner, 2040 Charlotte, 1513 Edwin Delos, 2040 Edwin John, 2040 Ellen Louisa, 1892 George, 1893 Hannah, 847, 1315 Helen Mary, 1893 Isaac, 2040 Jabez Oniicen, 2040 Maria Charlotte, 2040 Mary, 2465 Mary Helen, 1892 Phebe, 1304 Reuben, 847 Roswell, 847 Ruth, 2040 Sara Frances, 2040 Susanna, 2040 Tho., 3040 Thomas, 2040 Gleison, see Gleason. Glen, Glenn, Catharine, 1818 Clara Ann, 2210 Elizabeth Frances, 2210 Fannie, 2177 Florence Lester, 1234 Helena, 1818 Henry E., 1334 Jacob Sanders, 1818 James N., 3162 Margaret, 474 Mattie' Lou, 2162 Polly, 1193 Sarah Elizabeth, 2210 William Henry, 2210 Glenn, see Glen. Glenny, Alice Belle, 1871 Anna, 1871 Arthur Horace, 1871 Katherine Cook, 1871 Samuel, ^871 Samuel Horace, 1871 Glentz, Annie Louisa, 2016 Bessie Gridley, 2016 George Frederick, 2016 Harvey Cleveland, 2016 MiUicent Colt, 3016 Theodore Rodney, 2016 Glentrer, Elizabeth, 2017 Glezen, see Gleason. * ' ' Gliden, Sarah, 1385 Glines, Abby Ella, 1905 Chandler Lavett, 1905 Glodrydd, Athelstan, 1603 Elystan, 1603, 346g Ethelystan, 1603 Gloucester, earl of, 1108 Glover, (Somerset Herald), 337 miss, 800 Almira, 337 Anna, 337 E. A., 45 Edwin, 337, 946 Elisha Vose, 337 Ellen, 1391 Emily, 45 Francis Alien, 1973 Hannah, i4g7 Henry, 337, 1697 James, 337, 946 Jessie Ann, 946 Louisa Lydia, 337 Lucy, 45 Lydia, 337 Margery, 337 Margery Frances, 946 Mary Ann, 946 Mary Elizabeth, ig73 Matilda, 337 Phebe, 1435 Rebecca, 337 Samuel, 337 Sarah, 337, 946 Thomas, 337 Thomas Dinsor, 337 Walter, 946 William, 337 Zebiah, 337 Gluckner, Catherine, 1880 Jacob, 1880 Margaret Magdalena, 1880 Glumru, Eisten, 1108, 2203-4 Glyndon, Howard, 1456 Goade, Joanna, 2114 Goble, Sally, 1472 Gockin, see Gookin. Godard, see Goddard. Godby, Sarah, 1964 Goddard, Godard, miss or mrs., 353 mr., 245 Amanda, 541 Amanda E., 1556 Ann Blake Wilkins, 541 Anna, 241 Anna Rebekah, 1443 Benjamin, 477 Catharine Rawson, 477 Dora, 1556 Ebal, 1304 Ebenezer, 649 Esther, 1304 Frederick, 1556 George Henry, 1556 George Horatio, 1556 Hannah, 649 Holsey, 1556 Isaac, 1443 Isabelle, 1556 Jessie, 1556 John, 242 John Powers, 541 Joseph, 241 Martha, 1556 Mary, 245, 1185, 1443. ^556 Matie, 1556 Mercy, 649 Michael, 1556 Phebe, 1447 Rebecca, Rebekah, 1443 Robert, 1443 Salome Elvira, 1556 Sarah,- 541 Sarah Ann, 1304 Susan, 541, ig79 Thomas, 541 WUliam, 541 Godfrey, Barbara, 731 Joshua, 731 Mary, 1645, 1844 Mary S., 1844 Phebe, 721 Samuel, 1844 Stafford, 731 Goeh, Trahman, 2415 Goes, Theuntje, 3419 Goetchius, Adelia A., 1000 Clementina, 1000 Isaac, 1000 Goff, see Goffe. Goffe, Goff, Albert, 1886 Albert Walter, 1887 Alice Morton, 1535 Almira, i886 Betsey, 1433 Caleb F., 1495 Cordelia Woolworth, 450 Edward, 1432 Elijah, 450 Ellen Maria, 1886 Ephraim C, 1495 Everard Elleund, 1535 Experience, 711 Hannah, 1432 Hattie Mabel, 1887 Julia Maud, 1495 Margaret, 1432 Robert, 1495 Sirbina, 1886 Goffin, Kerenhappuck, 1087 Goin, see Going. Going, Goin, Frances, 1157 Sarah Ann, 1778 Gokin, see Gookin. Gold, Goold, Gould, Abigail, 232, 3435 Abner, 232 Alice Tracy, 2036 Ann, 1074 Anna, 688 Anne M., 1152 Benjamin, 591 Betsev, 9S?, Beulah, 591 Caroline Elizabeth, 1821 Caroline Simons, 2036 Gold, cont'd, Charles Lockwood, 2037 Eleanor Douglas, 2035 Elizabeth, 591, i2g5 Ella, 5gi Emma, 1821 Eunice, 895 . FloriUa, 333 Frances, 1074 Francis, 3391 George, 591 Gertrude, 3037 Hannah, 1121-2 Harriet, 1049 Henrietta, 591 Hezekiah, 1121-2 James, 688, 1206 James Douglas, 2037 Jessie, 591 John, 591, 2424-5 Joseph Plenry, 1249 Julia Loraine, 1822 Julia Rebecca, 1122 Lavinia Avesta, 1249 Martha, 1121, 2391 Martha Wadsworth, 2037 Mary, 688, 1121 Mary E., 980 Nathan, 1131-3 Phebe, 1121, 2460 PoUy, 1380 PrisciUa, 1126 Rachel, 1121-3 Rebecca Cleveland, 3036 Rose, 22gi, Ruth, 3424 Sally, 1349 Samuel Wadsworth, 1121 Sarah, 688, 1121-3 Sarah Ann, 1306 Sybil, 2021 Theodore Sedgwick, 1821 2392 Thomas, 1074, 2424 Zaccheus, 2460 Golden, Adelpha A., 1664 Anson Joseph, 1373 EHza Elizabeth, 1372 Fannie CaroUne, 1273 George, 1664 Laura Elizabeth, 1272 Verna Jennie, 1272 Warden, 1272 Golden Tooth, Hillditur, 2204 Colder, Mary Wyatt, 1267 Goldham, Francis, 1147 Henry, 1147 Susannah, 1147 Goldie, Isabella, 2503 Golding, Eliza, 1171 Goldsmith, Anna, 1358 Charles, 582 Elias, 582 Elizabeth, 207 Frances Ann, 1013 Plarriet, 582 John, 207 Lydia, 583 Orpha, 1593 Goldtha, miss, 13,43 Margaret Leticia, 1343 Prentiss, 1343 Goldthwait, see Goldthwaite. Goldthwaite, Goldthwait, Charlotte, 1519 Edith. 651 Joseph Lorraine, 1 294 Lydia Ann, 1294 Mary Susan, 1394 Golly, Alice Lilian, 935 Andrew, 035 Charles Plenry, 925 Clarence \\'indfield, 925 Elilian, 025 Eunice Janette, 925 Hugh Scott, g35 Martha EUzabeth, gzs Robert Scott, 935 2640 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Gooch, John, 3453 Margaret, 2453 Good. Charles, 452 Jacob P., 1709 Miranda, 452 Rosa Ellen, 1709 Goodale, see Goodell. Goodell, Goodale, Goodhill, Abigail. 1683 Agnes Goldthwait, 1294 Aldora. 1468 Alice Matilda, 1152 Alpheus, 749 Amos, 1394 Anne i\L, 1152 Carrie Almedia, 1394 Carrie Louise, 1394 Catharine, 1742 Clarissa Cutler, 1577 Ebenezer, 2263 Elizabeth, 127, 1890 Ermina L., 899 Esther Helen, 749 Eugene Bodare, 1153 Eunice, 1394 Frank Theodore, 1468 Fred Clinton, 1468 George Blake, 1152 George Lucius, 1294 George Mortimer, 1394 Hannah, 302 Ida Namona, 1468 Jerusha, 749 Joanna, 226, 1890 Jonathan Morse, 330 Joseph Moore, 1294 Lavinia, 1577, 2394 Levi, 330 Loomis Farrington, 1152 Louisa, 1468 Lucinda, 1566 Maria, 1577 Marion Floyd, 1294 Mark Irvine, 1468 Mary, 1742 Mary Susan, 1294 Nancy Amanda, 1294 Nathaniel, 749 Nathaniel W., 749 Ora Kimball, 1294 Orinda, 330 Ralph, 899 Richard, 237 Robert, 1743 Roxana Ann, 1468 Sally Hayes, 1152 Sarah Hook, 1152 Susanna, 227 Thomas, 1152 William, 1468, 1577 WiUiam Henry Harrison,. 1468 Goodenough, Goodenow, see Goodnow, Goodhue, Annie Cleveland, ^ 1330. Caroline Frances, 1200 Charlotte Barlow, 1557 Daniel, 701 Dorothy, 507 Elizabeth Moore, 1200 Jonathan, 507 Joseph Lord, 1557 Mary E., 701 Mary Potter, 701 Minnie Lawrence, 1200 Sarah, 1330 William F., 1330 WiUiam Tyler, 1200 Goodill, see Goodell. Goodin, Gooding, Clarissa, 2463 Polly, 2457 Silence, 2457 Thomas, 2457 Gooding, see Goodin. Goodlett, ancestor, 3190 mr., mrs., 3190 Goodlett, cont'd, ¦ EUzabeth, 2218 James, 2190 James Young. 2189 John Cleveland, 2219 Laura, 2189 Lucretia, 2189-90, 3317 Mary, 32ig Pauline, 2190 Robert Poole, 2189-go Thomas, 2190 Goodluck, Elizabeth, 1125 Geoffrey, 1125 Goodman, Fannie, 1141 Hannah, 130 Leon, 1141 Morice Lamed, 1141 Noah, 2308 Sigmond, 1141 Goodnow, Goodenough, Goodenow, miss, mr., mrs., 2335 Abigail, 2484 Jane, 1839 Thomas, 1839, 2484 Goodrich, Goodriche, Good ridge, mr., 190 AbigaU, sgg Almira, 7ig Anne, 2237 Ansel Shipman, 1487 Bartin, 2237 Chauncey Clement, i2go Clarissa, 803 Elizabeth, 954, 1698 Frederick E., 1790 James Candee, 1487 John, 876 Joseph, 1285 Julia Maria, i860 Lucretia EUzabeth, 1285 Mahitable, 1675 Margaret, 1709 Mary, 876, 1290, 1709 Maryette, 1487 Polly, 1547 Rachel, 1280 Rebecca Jane, 1478 S. O., 1290 Sally, 803 Sarah, 2300 Samuel Griswold, 231 Sarah, 190, 1285, 1970 Sarah Elizabeth, 1290 Silas, 803 Thomas Warren, 1285 WilHam, 1709, 1970, 2300 Goodriche, Goodridge, see Goodrich. Goodspeed, Anson, 982 Charles Anson, 983 Charles Josiah, 982 Elizabeth, 810, 1126 Gertrude, 983 Harriet, 983 John, 1126 Josiah, 982 Margaret, 1126 Nathaniel, 810 NeUie, 083 NeUie Ann, 983 Susan, 982 Ursula Fitch, 982 Williston Fuller, 983 Goodwill, Almira Houck, 1965 Frederick, 1965 Zadah Bell, 1965 Goodwin, mr., 537 Abigail, 1123-4 Adaline Electa, 1286 Annie, 2185 Benjamin, 212 Carrie AHce, 1526 Catharine, 955 Climena Etta, 951 David Joseph Farnham, 1286 Dorothy, 1526 Eleazer, 1968 Elijah, 1968 Elijah Horton, 1968 EHza, 951, 1643 Elizabeth, 536, 652, 1124, 121 I, 1503, iggg Goodwin, cont'd, Ella J., 1711 EmUy, 1526 Emma Caroline, 3185 Esther, ig68 Ezra, 2468 George Williams, ig67-8 Hannah, 781, 1526, 1968, 1970" Harriet, 2038 Harriet King, 196S Hephzibah, 212 Hezekiah, 1526 Horace Ely, 1526 Jacob, 955 James Junius, 1526 James K., 1873 John, 1526 John Monroe, 2038 Jonathan, 1968 Joseph, 1526, 2185 Julia Ann, 1536 Julia Louise, 1969 Junius Eugene, 1526 Laodamia, 1124 Lucy, 1384 Maria Ellen, 1967-8 Maria TrumbuU, 1123 Mary,- 536, 1124, 1222, 1526, 1643, iggg Mary Angelina, 1873 Mary Isabella, 2038 Mary Mehitabel, 1286 Matilda, 1968 Maud Emma, 1940 Mehitabel, 1968 Nathaniel, 181, 477, 1124, 1526, 1968 Ozias, 1526, 1970 Pamelia Gifford, 951 Richard, 2468 Robert, 1526 Ruth Paine, 2468 Samuel, 951, 1123-4 Samuel Colville, 951 Sarah, 1526, 2468 Sarah Cleveland, 2185 Susanna, 652, 196S _^ Thomas, 1940 Tryphena Matilda, 1967 Valoria Belle, g6i William, 652, 1211, 1526, ig68, 1999 WUliam Calvin, 2185 Gookin, Cockain, Cokain, Colkin, Gockin, Gokin, Gooking, mrs. , 489 Allen Smith, 1494 Annjanett, 838 Arnoldus, 489 Catherine, 489-90 Daniel, 196, 489, 493 Elizabeth, 106, 492-3, ig88 Elmina Wait, 1494 George Frank, 838 Gracie Frederick, 838 Hannah, 489-go Johannes, 48g John, 48g Katherina, Katherine, 489-90 Mary, 489, 493 Mary Isabel, 838 Nathaniel, 489-90, 838 Thomas, 489 Virginia, 1494 Warner Foot, i4g4 Willemus, 489 WiUiam, 489 William Cleveland, 1494 WiUiam Fay, 1494 Gooking, see Gookin. Goold, see Gold. Goram, see Gorham. Gorcoms, Cornelis Jansen, 1830 Maayken Cornelissen, 1830 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2641 Gordon, mr., 728 mrs., 2112 Ann Elizabeth, 451 Betsey, 1099, iioo Casino, 2280 David, 451 Elizabeth, 1099, noo Ephraim, 738 Fanny, loio G. W., 3II3 George Augustus, 83 Harriet Lacy, 451 James, 451 Joseph, 416 Lfeonard, 1010 Lois, 416 Margaret West, 451 Mary, 440 Nicholas, 1485 Rebecca, 728 Sarah, 728 Temperance, 2280 Thomas F., 893 WilHam, 2280 WiUiam West, 451 Gore, Almon Cleveland, 1248 Ann, 1248 Catherine, io68 Charles Clarence, 1248 Christopher, 1068 Ellen Maria, 1248 Elmira Lunette, 1248 Evart Edward, 1248 George Henry, 1248 Hannah, 304 Helen Maria, 1248 John, 1068, 1248 Julia A,, 1248 Mercy, 11 72 Nellie Maria, 1248 Royal Webster, 124S Rubie Dickinson, 1248 Sarah Maria, 1247 WUliam N., 1347 William WiUard, 1348 Gorham, De Gorran, Goram, Gorum, , 1310 mrs., 540 Agnes, 1210 Ann, 543 ' Desire, 540, i3io Dorothy, 1310 Elizabeth, 1805 Hannah, 1210-11 Isaac, 1210-11 Jabez, 1310 James, 1210 James Thomas, 601 Jason Thomas, 601 John, 540-2, 1210-11 Lucy Ann, 601 Lydia, 1210-11 Marietta, 601 Mercy, 539-40 Orlinda, 1237 " Rachel, 601 Ralph, 540, 1210 Sarah, 601, 1210 Stephen, 541 Susan, 541-2 Thomas, 542, 601 Gormer, Maria, 946 Gorton, John, 2331 Samuel, 1798 Susanna, i7g8 Gorum, see Gorham. Gospatric, earl Northumberland, 1214 Goss, mrs., 1408 Betsey, 1135, 1540 Carrie Adelia, 1135 Clarissa Rosannah, 1408 Clemenza Elzina, 3308 Edwin Wilmer, 1135 Emily E., 1408 Horatio Edmund, 1135 Howard Moulton, 1408 John Chandler, 1407 fFvi* "35 Lizzie Maria, 874 Lucy Elizabeth, 1407 166 Goss, cont'd, Luther, 874 Martha Amelia, 1135 NeUie Maria, 1135 Ransom Dana, 1408 Richard Edward, 1408 Ruth Cleveland, 1408 . Sally, 874 Ziba C, 1408 Gossard, Elizabeth, 1871 Gothland and Vigin, Ostrida, lady of, 1108 Reganald, earl of, 1108 Gott, Maria Martha, 1307 Nellie S., 1307 Oscar F., 1307 Gottsberger, Francis, i7gi Gouder, Katherine, 1931 Gouff, see Gough. Gouge, Edward, 1000 Edward F., 1000 Eva I., 1000 Mary Louisa, looo Gough, Gouff, Alfred Spear, 1735 Cornelia, 1333 Elizabeth, 2303 Ida D., 1735 Isaac C, 1735 John, 1735 Josephine Zabriskie, 1735 Lena May, 1735 Richard, 10 Walter C., 1735 William, 2203 Willie I., 1735 Gould, see Gold. Gourley, see Guriey. Gousell, Eleanor, 265 Elizabeth, 265 John, 265 Robert, 265 Gove, Annie Rebecca, 1277 Emma Asenath, 1377 Eunice, 873-4 Hannah, 1659 Ira, 1277 Louisa, 1277 Mary Louisa, 1277 Squire George, 1277 Gow, Joseph, 432 Julia, 432 Gowen, Gowin, Abigail, 2434 Benjamin, 2424 Gower, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Gowin, see Gowen. Grace, Amanda, 1886 Arleigh Eugene, 1886 EUa A., 1388 Hannah P., 1288 Harry Eugene, 1886 John, 1288 Leslie, 1137 Mansfield, 1137 Samuel, 1886 Viola Ann, 1886 Gracie, Archibald, 1767-8 Elizabeth, 1767 Esther, 1767-8 Margaret, 1767 William, 1767 Graeff, Graff, Catherine, 1920 Margaret, 1015 Graff, see Graeff. Grafton, mr., 952, 1071 Elizabeth, 1071 Fayette O., 1563 George, 953 Mary E., 1563 Susan Bird, 953 Gragg, Amelia, 723 Graham, see Grahame. Graharae, Graham, mrs., i88g Alexander Monteith Brown, 1745 Arthur, mg Grahame, cont'd, Catharine, 5g3 Catharine Elizabeth, 1119 Catharine Louisa, 1273 Charles Edward, 1745 Charlotte, 530 Daniel, 770 Deborah, 770 Elizabeth, 770 Ethel Isabel, 1745 Plenretta, 2029 Isaac, 1273 IsabeUa, 1315 James, 1897-8 Jennie Isabella, 1897 John, 1745 John Walter Forman, 1745 Margaret, 2009 Martha, 2199 Mary Ann, 1119 Monteith James Hill, 1745 Sarah Jane, 1373 Susan, 1897-8 Granberry, WilHam, 3337 Grandy, Catharine, 3486-7 Reraembrance, 2487 Granee, George, 1517 Lillie, 1517 Granes, Edwin, 1440 Emma, i43g-4o Granger, Abigail H., 7g8 Abraham, 798 Agnes Adeline Elizabeth, 1977 Allen, 797 Almira, 798 Almira S., 798 Amanda, 1541 Anna Maria, 1542 Annis, 797 Byron, 1543 Byron W., 798 Charles, 1542 Charles MiUs, 1922 Chester Cleveland, 798 Chloe Anne, 798 Chlorinda, 1543 Christina M., 1543 Clara, 1542 Clara Minna Augusta, 1977 Clare Lee, 1543 Clarissa, 1389-90 Clarissa Harlow, 1542 Delos, 1543, 1977 De Roy Ora, 1977 Dora, 1543 Elizabeth, 798, 1543 Emma Adeline Elizabeth, Ernest Easter, 1543 Grace Inez, 1542 Gurdon, 1922 Guy Parshall, 1542 ¦ Hannah, 798 Harold Abner, 1977 Harriet, 7g8, 1543 Helen, 1542 Israel Parshall, 1543 James Nathaniel, 7g8 Joanna, 7g8 John, 7g8 Josiah, 3375 Juliaette, 1933 Launcelot, 798 Louisa Helene, 1978 Luceta, 798 Lucy, 1541 Margaret, 1543 Mariah, i543 Mary, 1542, 1897 Mary Ann, 1977 Mary C, 798 Mary EHza, 1922 Molly, 797-8 Nancy Agnes, 1923 NeUie Margaret, 1923 Orra, 1542 Orrin, 1543 Peter, 1922 Polly, 154 1 Ruth, 798 Sabrina CampbeU, 1541 2642 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Granger, cont'd, Sarah L., 1542 Seba, 797-8, 1543 Seth, 798 Susan, 1543 Susannah, 797 Tulip, 1542 Wilfred Karl, 1978 WUHam Edward, 1977 Granniss, miss, 1152 Grant, mrs., 319 Abigail, 1105 Anna, 1287, 1614 Anna Mason, 1614 Asahel, 1832 Asahel Henry, 1832 Cleveland Putnam, 1832 Edward, 1287 Eliza, 1416 Esther, 12S7 Frances, 39, 44, 52, 1598, 2163 Grace, 1109 Gustavus A., 413 Hannah, 153, 413, "og, ig88 Henry Martin, 1832 Hugh Fraser, 1777 Judith S., 1832 Lathrop Campbell, 1832 Marion, 2501 Mary, 717. "05 Mary Elizabeth, 1777 Mary Jeanette, 1832 Matthew, 319 Patrick, 1614 Phebe M., 1448 Priscilla, 318-19 Rachel, 415 Ruth Stevens, 1146 Sallie Allen, 1777 Samuel, 1105, 1109 Sarah, 1988 Tahan, 1988 Thomas, 153 Ulysses Simpson, 319 Gratrix, Anson, 957 Charles Edward, 957 Elizabeth, 956 Emily Maria, 956 Emma Maria, 956 Herbert, 957 John Wassou, 957 Phebe, 957 Robert, 956 Simeon Cleveland, 956 WiUiam Alonzo, 957 Graves, Greaues, Greaves, captain, 2310 family, 2060 miss, 558 Aaron, 1551 Abner, 1551 Allie, 3486 Almira Roxena, 1551 Almyra M., 3486 Ansel, 3486-7 Asa, 2487 Asa Pomeroy, 2486 Ashley Pomeroy, 2052 Austin Davis, 2487 Azariah, 2108 Barzillai, 2108 Barzillai Yancey, 2108 Benjamin, 1551 Betsey, 3457 Bernard Franklin, 2168 Carrie Ann, 2486 Cassius Williarn, 2486 Catharine, 267, 2457, 2486-7 Caty, 267, 2457 Celia Ann, 211S Charles, 2486 Charles Henry, 2486 Charles Ray, 2486 Charles Roscoe, 2486 Charles WilHam, 1551 Constant, 1551 Daisy Ida, 2486 Daniel, 2457 Edward Lawrence, 2052 Edwin Francis, 2486 Graves, cont'd, Elias, 98, 2457, 2491 Elizabeth, 358, 2457, 2486 Elizabeth F., 2108 Ella, 2487 Elnathan, 2052 Emily Luella, 2052 Eunice, 1551, 2013 Fanchion Grace, 1551 Flora EmUy, 1392 Florence Elizabeth, 2486 Francis Pomeroy, 2486 Frank Horace, 2486 George, 2457, 2491 George Augustus, 2486 Hannah, 395, 2457, 2487 Hannah A., 1500 Harriet Leah, 55S Plelen M., 1514 Horace Eli, 2486 Plubbard, 2457 Ida May, 2486 Isaac, 765, 2337 IsabeUa, 2108 James Amos, 2487 Jesse Franklin, 2168, 3394 Joel, 2487 John, 12, 162, 76s, 1551, 2108, 3457, 2487, 2491 John Card, 765, 2108 John Kirk, 2118 John P., 566, 2491 Jonathan, 3487 Julius, 765 Katharine, 163, 1063-3 Lloyd Oscar, 3486 Lucinda, 1142 Lucy, 3053, 3og6 Mabel, 3457 Malvina, 2168 Margaret, 2457, 2487 Margaret Isabella, 2108 Maria A., 1501 Martha, 2052, 2486 Mary, g8, 765, 830, 1551, 2052, 3060, 3108, 2337, 2457, 2484 Mary Ann, 566, 2053, 34gi Mary Ann Morse, 566 Mary Blanche, 2168 Mary Cleveland, 2108 Mary E., 2168 Mary Elizabeth, 3052 Mary Jane, 2118 Mary Louisa, 2052 Mary Ursula, 2168 Mattie E., 2108 Meeky Ann, 3168 Meeky Hardin, 2108 Morris, 765 Myra Jane, 2486 Nancy, 2013 Nellie Cornelia, 2053 Noah, 3487 Phineas, 765, 2052 Polly, 765 Rachel Elizabeth, 1551 Rebecca, 162, 2487 Reuben, 2487 Rhoda, 765, 1383 Robert Erastus, 2486 Roxanna, 765, 3487 Roxie, 765 Roxy Ann, 765 Rufus, 3013 Sabastian, 3305, 2503 Samuel, 24S7 Sarah, 765, 1063, 2486-7 Sarah Alice, 2486 Sarah Catharine, 2486 Sarah Emily, 2108 Seth, 2053 Simeon, Simion, 267, 2457 Solomon, 2108 Graves, cont d, Stephen Porter, 2168 Susan IsabeUa, 2168 Susannah, 878 Sybil, 1063 Sylvia S., 1322 Thomas, 162, 765, 1063, 2108, 2430 Ursula, 3108 Valentine, 55S William, 24gi, 2503 William Cleveland, 2486 William Franklin, 210S Gray, Grey, mrs., 766 Abby Caroline, 1204-5 ¦ Abigail, 553 Abijah, g66 Agnes Martha, 1495 Albert EUis, 766 Almon, 768 Altena, 1466 Alvin, 764 Alvin Cleveland, 764 Anna Murtice, 1525 Anson, 766 Arelia Maria, 764 Arthur, i4g5 Arthur W., i4g5 Asa, 861 Avice, 446-7 Betsey, 436 Betsey Jane, 446 Byron, 766 Caroline, 766 Carrie Estella, 1649 Catharine D., 1495 Charlotte, 1503 Chauncey, 766 Clark, 1495 Delight L., 1495 Dolly, g66 Dorsena, 1495 Edward, 447, 766 Edwin Elmore, 1496 Elijah, 764 Elizabeth, 436 Ella, 1578 Ella Maria, 1495 EUery, 446 Emily, 1495 Emma Mary, 2048 Flossie Brabb, 2048 Frances Maria, 1496 Francis Howard, 1525 Frank, 1649 Frank Eugene, 1205 « s ss FrankHn, 965-6 Freddie R., 1495 Frederick Aledin, 1204 Georgt Washiiigton, 1495 Gertrude Agnes, 1495 Grace Ernest, 2053 Hannah, 446-7 Hannah Cleveland, 1495 Hattie Maria, I4g5 Henry, 436, 764 Henry Clark, I4gs Herbert, 1495 Isaac, 764 Isaiah, 966 James F., 1746a Job Cleveland, 1495 John, 447, 764, 766, 1503 Joseph, 446-7, 1204 Justus Burney, 1305 Katharine, 162 Lamira, 764 I-orinda, 1959 Louisa, 764 Lucina, 764 Lucy, 807 Luke, 95 Luke B., 1495 Lydia. 433, 764 Margaret, 683, 758, 1011 Maria, 2048 Mark, 766 Martha Eleanor, 1746a Martha J., 1495 Martha Lorain, 1495 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2643 Gray, cont'd, Mary, 764, 766, 966, 1495, 1839 Mary E., 766, 1495 Mary Elizabeth, 766, 3311 Mary Evelyn, 1204 Maryett, 764 Meletiah, 766 Neil, 2048 Nellie, 149S Nina Louise, 2048 Polly, 766, 845 Rhoda, 95 Roxania, 766 Ruth, 768 Sarah Cleveland, 348 Sarah Davis, 965 Sarah Jane, 766 Sarah W., 826 Susan, 764 Susannah, 764, 766 Thankful D., 965 Thomas, 447 William, 348, 758, 2048, 2311 William Elijah, 1496 Grayson, ' Greason, Harriet, 2208 Jane, 610 Mary, 610 Robert, 610 Squier Grant, 2208 Grayston, James, 3347 Susannah, 3347 Grazebrook, Avery, 109 Margaret, log Greason, see Grayson. Greaton, John, 400 Great, Alfred the, 266 Alexander the, 2176 Alfred the, 266 Hugh the, 265 Rhodri Mawr, Rhodwri Mawr, Roderick the, 2415 Greaues, Greaves, see Graves. . . Greely, Grele, mrs., 1550 three brothers, 1550 Esther Center, 1548 Horace, 1548-50 Mary, 1548, 1550 Zaccheus, 1548, 1550 Greenburg, mr., 2355 Eliza, 3355 Green, see Greene. Greene, Green, doctor, 350 miss, 852 mr., 261 mrs., 1074 Abby, 971 Abigail, -648 Abram, 1633 Agnes May, 1139 Alfred Augustus, 661 AHe Ann, 2133 Allen Jay, 1393 Almeda, 1644 Amarilla, 2024 Amelia, i5g8 Andrew B., 430 Angeline, 1633 Angie Lindley, ig68 Ann, 1074 Anna, 1711, i8go, 2252 Anna Amory, 1890 Anna DrusiUa, 1338 Anne, 2298 Annette Cleveland, 1478 Barbara, 721 Bartholomew, i8go Benjamin, 1074-5, 1644 Benjamin B., 1241 Bennett, 618 Betsey, 430, 1511 Caleb, 1376 Celestine, 1376 Charles, 1645, 3336 Charles E., 1376 Charles Ephraim, g28 Charles P., 1376 Chester Adelbert, i3g3 Clorinda, 1376 Cora Belle, ii3g Courtland D., 1376 Greene, cont'd, Datis, Datus, 1644 Dorcas, 261 Duane Alfonso, 1511 Duff, 313 1 Edith, 1968 Edwin Marsh, 1376 Edwin N., 1376 Eliza, 955, 1798 Eliza Adeline, 1585 Elizabeth, 51, 350, 700, 1074, 1798, 1890, 1998, 331 I Elizabeth L., 687 EUa A., 1341 EUa J., 1711 Ella M., 1711 EUen, 700, i8go, 2254 Emma, 1376 Emma Grace, 3134 Emma Jessie, 1393 Emma PrisciUa, 1393 Ephraim, 938 Ethan, 1644-5 ¦Fannie Abbie, 1393 Fostena, 1711-12 Frances, 1333 Frances Chapin, 1478 Francis D., 1376 Frank Llewellyn, 1645 Frank M., 1711 Frederic W., 1341 Gardiner, 1074 George GiU, 1968 George Saunders, 1598 Plannah, 1387, 1335, 1890 Hannah Lucretia, 1376 Plarriet Curtis, 443 Harriet NeweU, 1598 Harriet North, 3033 Harriet Roxanna, 1139 Plarry Brown, ig68 Hartley, 1711 Helen Louisa, 1531 Henrianna, i8go Henrietta, 1644 Henry A., 1241 Henry Atkinson, i8go Henry Cleveland, 1478 Plenry G., 1448 Plervey, 381 Horace, 1410 Horace Clark, 1478 Humility, Humillis, 1644 Ida BeUe, 1521 Ida M., 1711 Ira, 442, 1644 Isadore L., 1376 Iva M., 1711 J. Grafton, 1376 Jabez, i7g8 James, 1511, I7g8 Jane, 1253, 1382, 1734 Jesse Adam, 3133-4 Jesse Carl, 3134 Joan, 1644 Joanna, 1074 John, 687, 836, 1074, 1338, 1644-5, i8go, 2236 John A., 648 John Cleveland, 1711 Tohn Putnam, g28 John Wells, g28 Joseph, 1645, 1890 Joshua, 1890 Julia A., 1341 Julia F., 1491 Julia M., 1241 Laura, 855 Laura Ann, 442 Lawrence, 618 Lewis B., 1376 Lewis Morris, 1968 Lizzie, 2131 Lola, 661 Loleta, 661 Lottie, 1968 Louana, 1644 Greene, cont'd, Lovarties Adeline, 934 Loventia Adeline, 934 Lovina, 1711 Lucina, 1335 Lucretia, 1074 Lucretia Callahan, 1077 Luther, 2133 Lydia, 2254 Lydia B., 1241 Malinda, 1644 Margaret, 1063, 1645 Martha, 223S Mary, 826, 1031, 1074-5, 1123-4, 1410, 1645. 1798, 1890, 2236, 2311, 2325 Mary Ann, 1968 Mary Louisa, 444 Mary May, 1448 Mary R,, 1376 Melissa, 1952 Mercy, 1644-5 Minnie A., 1393 Minnie Malvina, 1139 Nathaniel, 1074, I7g8 Obadiah Johnson, 1478 Olive, IIIO, 1113 Olive Lucretia, g38 Oscar M., 1376 Owen D., 1376 Pamelia, 261 Passevell, 1890 Percival, 700, 1890 Perry, 1335 Phebe, 938, 1063 Rachel, 381, 478 Raymond Harry, 1139 Rebecca, 1670, 3134 Rebecca Jane, 1478 Rhoda, 1511, 1644 '¦ Richard, 1074 Robert, 1074 ' Rolla Alonzo, 1139 Ruth, 1890 S., 3504 Sally, 1300 Samantha, 1644 Samuel, 331 Samuel Abbott, 30, i8go Sarah, 126 Sidney Smith, 1521 Stephen, 444 Susan, 349, 1139 Susan Matilda, 928 Susannah, 1376 Tamar, 2309 Thomas, 430, 1074, 1139, 3336, 3309 Tina E., 1711 Vina E., 1711 Waite, 1645 Walter M., 1341 William, 1798, 2236 William Jonathan, 1139 WilHam Leverett, 1139 William Nathan, 1521 Willie Jonathan, 1139 Winnifred, 430 Winter D., 1644 Zettie, 1534 Greenelch, Edward, 1705 Louisa, 1705 Sarah Emily, 1705 Greenfield, Benjamin Percival, 2034 Blanche Cleveland, 2033 Charles Joseph, 2034 Edward Henry, 2034 Herbert Plerndon, 3034 James, 3033-4 James Treadwell, 2033 Joseph Bailey, 2033 Juliet Ida, 2034 Margaret, 2033-4 Mary Louise Ophelia, 2034 2644 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Greenfield, cont'd, Walter James, 2034 WiUiam Cleveland, 2034 Greenhill, Rebecca, iggg Samuel, ig99 Greenleaf, Abigail, 1466 Betsey, 1867 Daniel, 106, 1988 David, 1867 Edmund, 106, 968, 1988 Elizabeth, 106, 1988 Elmira, 1866-7 Jenny, 106 Judith, 968 Mary, ig88 Rebecca, ig88 Richard, 1867 Sarah, 968, 1988 Stephen, 106, ig88 William, ig88 Greenman, Edward, 1645 Margaret, 1645 Sarah, 1645 Greeno, see Greenough. Greenough, Greeno, Greenow, Almira, i8gg Emelissa Amy, i8gg Erastus, iSgg John Ray, iSgg Madora, i300 Mary, 1175 Myra Mary, igoo Rose Maria, igoo Zuriah, 772 Greenow, see Greenough. Greenshaw, Sarah, 1957 Greenslade, Jane, 540 GreensHtt, George Warren, 977 Lizzie Leonard, 977 MatUda Pierce, 977 Thomas White, g77 Greenstreet, JTaraes, 2242 Greenway, Alice, 3io Thomas, 310 Greenwood, Calvin Russell, 954 Charles Fremont, gs4 Elmer Ellsworth, 954 Harriet, 1193 Isadore, 954 Susan Russell, 954 Greer, see Grier. Greggorie, see Gregory. Gregory, Greggorie, Abby Lemira, 1498 Adae, 1664 Adam, 1664 Alicia, 1664 Betsey, 1231 Burton, 1231 Caroline, I3g5 Carrie L., 1361 Cassandra, 1360 Catharine A., 1361 Charles, I3g5 Charles Andrew, 2462 Clara, 1361 Daniel Warner, I2g8 Davis, 2462 Dorotha, 1664 Dorothy, 1519, 1664 F^liza, 1385 Elizabeth, 340 Elizabeth A., 1361 Emeline Joanna, 1298 Eannie Jane, 1298 Eannie Maria, 1361 Frances, 1231 Hannah, 767, 1604 Harvey. 751 Helen Corinna, 1498 Henry, 1664 Howard Cleveland, 1498 Hugo, 1664 James, 1604 James H., 1361 James John Howard, 1604 John, 340, 1659, 1664 Gregory, cont'd, John Harvey, 1361 Joseph, 1231, 1604 Laura .Augusta, 1498 I^ois Ann, 2467 Lois Ann Miller, 3462 Lora Ophelia, 1331 Loran, 133 1 Lucinda, 838 Lydia C, 1361 Lydia Champion, 1361 Maria, 1664 Mary, 894, 2466-7 Mary A., 1361 Mary Ette, 751 Mary Jane, 1574-S Mary Spear, 340 Mary V., 1361 Maud, 1664 Maude OpheUa, 2467 Nathan, 2458 Nicholas, 1664 Ophelia, 2462 Phebe, 1659 Robert Kinnbury, 1445 Rosa A., 1231 Rosiltha A., 1231 Ruth, 1321, 1604 Ruth Ann, 1604 Sally, 1547 Samuel, 1361 Sarah, 1664 Sarah Elizabeth, 2467 Sarah Livingston, 1445 Susan C, 1361 Susannah Augusta, 2466 Thankful, 2458 Thomas, 1664 Virgil Horace, 2466 Warren William, i4g8 William, 1395, 1664 William Dunlap, 1498 William Harvey, 1361 WiUiam Lewis, 1498 Gregg, Alexander, 2218 Alice Day, 2030 Clara, 1873 Harriet Louise, 3030 Israel, 1873 Roxiana, 1873 William Lampus, 2030 Gregson, Anna, i2n Jane, 1311 Thomas, 1311 Grelaud, Aurora, 1770-1 Mary, 1771 Titon, 1771 Grele, see Greeley. Grelota, countess of the Ork neys, 1108, 2203 Grenelle, Joseph Huntington, 1801 Julia Huntington, 1801 Julia Porter, 1801 Julia Stuart, 1801 Mary Hobart, i8oi Robert Rutherford, 1801 Thomas, 1801 WiUiam H., 1801 Grenier, Elvira, 1635 Pembroke, 1635 Grenville, Amye, 1212 Ann, 1212 Roger, 1313 Gresham, Walter Quinton, 2470 Gressleys, miss, 540 Cotton, 540 Greve, see Grieve. Grew, Rachel G., 1802 Grey, see Gray. Grice, see Grisse. Gridley, Abel, 1640-1 Betsey, 1640 Eliza, 1555 Eliza Barnes, 1555 Hannah, 1641 Hannah Ann, 1641 Gridley, cont'd, 1 Mary, 1641 Millicent, 1640-1 Ralph W., 1555 Samuel, 1641 Thomas, 1641 Grier, Greer, , 2335 mr., 2335 John, 1576 Mary, 1576 Sarah, 1418 Grieve, Greve, Abigail, 1519 Alison, 1743 Andrew Richardson, 1742 Ann, 1742, 2498 Annie, 1743, 3498 Annie Charlotte, 1742 Arthur, 2498 Constance, 1743 Cora, 1743 Cornelia, 1743 Edith, 2498 Eliza Ann, 1743 Florence Georgina Mary, 1743 Helen Curling, 1742 Helen Isabel, 1742, 2498 Helen Marian, 1743 James, 174^, 2497 James Johnston, 1742, 2498 James Johnstone, 2498 June Grieve, 1742 Margaret, 1742 Mary Jane, 1743 Mary Jane Ramsay, 1743 Octavia, 1743 Robert, 1742-3, 2498 Robert Cecil, 1742 Sarah Margaret, 1743 Walter Baine, 1742, 3498 William, 1743, 3498 Grifen, Griffen, see Grififin. Griffeth, see Griffith. Griiftn, Grifen, Griffen, Grif fing, Gruflfid, lord of Shochelach, 319 mr., 353, 270, 555, 1 157 AbigaU, 1533 Abigail Rising, 1215 Adeline, 1157 Alvah, 1215 Ann, 319 Annie, 1958 Arthur, 1374 Benjamin, 144, 1797 Betsey, 270 Calvin, 549 Caroline Theodora,' 1972 Cerina, 549 Chloe, 144 Ebenezer, 143-4 Eliza, 557 Elizabeth, 144 Elizabeth Bonar, 1801 Emma C, 1374 Emmeline Matilda, 1801 Estelle, 1797 Eunice Olevia, 555 Fanny, 1215 Frances Helen, 1157 Hannah, 143-4, 319, 566 Henry A. Bacon, 1374 Hugh, 144 Humphrey, 144 Ida, 555 Isaac T., 1972 Jacob Jay, 1801 James, 566 Jasper, 1^4, i797 John, 144, 319 Julia Ett, 1374 Lucy, 144 Margaretta W., 2454 Martha Mehitable, 1797 Mary, 143-4 Matthew, 144 Mehitable, 144, 1100 Nancy, 270 Nathaniel, 144 Olive, 144 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2645 Griffin, cont'd, Olivia Caroline, 252 Rachel, 1168 Richard, 144* 801, 1374 Richard M., 1374 Robert, 1797 Roxalena, 555 Sally, 801 Samuel, 252 Sarah, 144 Sarah Ann, 566 Savilla, 549 Sherman Joseph, 1374 Thomas, I44' ^797 William, 1797 Griffing, see Griffin. Griffith, Griffeth, Alexandria, 2298 Amanda Merry, 962 Anna, 2088, 2ogo Augustus, 962 Bertie, 962 Betsey, 704 Dennis, 1213 Edith Rae, 1712 Eli, 2298 Elizabeth Ann, 1213 Emeline C, 1851 Fanny Janette, 1465 Frederick Howard, 2298 George Rogers, 1986 Grace, 1986 H. E,, 962 Jane, 2088 Jesse Jordan, 1986 John, 2298 Tohn Richmond, 1712 Julia Ann, 1986 Katherine, 1986 Levi, 2088 Libbie, 1255 Lynn, 1986 Mary, 430 Mary Ruth, 2298 Micah H., 963 Oscar Arial, 3398 Phoebe, 1364 PrisciUa, I3I3 S. W., 1465' Sadie, 962 Sarah, 1255, 2298 William, 1986 William Cady, 1986 Griffith ap Cynan, king, 1603 Grigg, see Griggs. Griggs, Grigg, Alice Eliza beth, 1449 Anna F., 2474 Benjamin, 302 CaroUne Elizabeth, 1449 Damaris Clark, 398 David A., 398 Delia Maria, 1449 Edmund, 2474 Elisha, 677 EUen, 2474 Emma, 2474 Emma Louisa, 1449 George Cleveland, 1449 Irene, 302 John, 1449, 2474 John Salem, 1449 Laurenah, 302 Lucena, 302 Lydia Maria Adams, 1449 Mathilda A., 1244 Margaret Helen, 1449 Mary, 1449, 2474 Alary Gertrude, 1449 Minnie Belle, 2474 Roxanna, 1244 I Salem, 1449 Salmon, 1244 Sarah, 302, 677 Selah, 302 Stephen, 302 Thomas, 2474 Grills, Mary Jane, 1491 bnm, m:r., 1851 Laura Lucina, 1851 wimbaldus, the Norman, 686 Grime, see Grimes. Grimes, Grime, mr., mrs., 295 Ann, 911 Ellen, 1506 Hollister N., 1506 Hugh, 315 Irene, 315 Margaret, 1955 Nancy, 795 Patrick, 315 Grimmond, Eleanor, 85 Grindall, miss, 478 Edmund, 478 Elizabeth, 478 WiUiam, 478 Grinman, Elizabeth, 1353 Grinnell, James, 835 Sarah, 835 Sarah Ann, 835 Grisse, Crise, Grice, ¦ Mildred, Millicent, 255 Millie, 255 Sally, 255 Samuel, 355-6 Grissell, Marcia, 1138 Griswold, Alanson Buckingham Bar tholomew, 1687 Alexander Viets, 1059-60 AHce, 118 Ann, 1060 Ann De Wolf, 1059 Anna Adelia, 1337 Betsey, 1135 Clar'ssa Amelia, 1687 Clarissa White, 1640 Daniel, 538 Edward, 1060, 3361 Edward Riley, 1337 Elias, 1 18 EHsha, 1060 Elizabeth, 1059-60, 1 135 Eunice, 1060 Ezra, g8 Flavins Judd, 1337 Florence Rosabel, 1337 Garwood, 320 George, 1060 George Elmer, 1337 Harriet Martha, 1687 Harriet Olive, 1337 Hester, 1060 Joseph, 1227 Joseph Farwell, 1237 Lucetta, 330 Lydia, 731 Margaret, 1060 Maria, 51 Marion Frances, 1228 Mary, 140, 528, 1060 Mary Frances, 1687 Mary Jane, 1227 Matthew, 1060 Mehitabel, 98 Mindwell, 2261 Patience, 140 Phebe Maria, 591 Polly, 52S Rufus Wilmot, 1099 Samuel, 51, 1060 Sarah, 1687, 1839 Simeon P., 1687 Susannah, 2360 Sylvanus, 140 Thomas, 1060 WiUiara, 118 William C, 1640 Gritraan, mr., 1634 Adaline Louisa, 1337 Lydia, 1337 Solomon, 1337 Wallace, 1634 Grives, Patience, 605 Robert, 605 Groa, countess of Caithness, I 108, 3303 Groce, see Gross. Groe, lady of Feoden, 1108, 3303 Groff, mr., 1543 Arthur, 1543 Harriet, 1543 Grogan, Andrew Wauchope, 1745 ^ Edward George, 1745 George, 1745 Gerald Forman, 1745 Ida Georgina Mary, 17.^5 James Colin, 1745 Mary Ethel, 1745 Groladys, princess, 1603 Groom, Mary, 1689 Orlando S., 3333 Groot, Maritia, 1397 Neeltie, 1397 Gross, Groce, Ann Bliss, 1271 Betsey, 411 Esther Burgess, 1271 Gilbert, 1271 Nahum H., 411 Phebe, 1763 Grosvenor, Emily, 1446 Grove, see Groves. Grover, Amanda, 1412 Ann, 140 Betsey, 878-g Caroline, 762 Edmund, 878 Edward, 878 Elizabeth, 57g Esther Wilson, 632 Hannah, 878 J. M., 762 John B., 632 Lazarus, sg5 Luther, 140 Margaret, 878 Mary, 595 Nehemiah, 878-9 Rachel, 1219 Ruth, 595, 878 Sallie, 579 Silas, 579 Thoraas, 595 Groves, Grove, Althea, 1637 Ann, 1211 Anna, isii Catharine, 2235 Deborah Elizabeth, 1637 Elizabeth, 1816 Elizabeth McKie, 1816 Gilbert MiUigan, 1816 Henry, 2235 Henry Edward Eugene, 1816 Jacob, 1637 John Alexander, 1816 John Milligan, 1816 Nellie Gray, 1816 Philip, I3H Ruth, 947 William Eugene, 1816 Grow, Abigail, 833 Asa, 703 Galusha A., 739 Joseph, 833 Lois, 1456 Malvina, 1510 Olive, 703, 735 Oliver, 1510 Persis, 664 Priscilla, 833 Susan, 1510 Gruffid, see Griffin. Gudger, Frances M., 2103 L. P., 2103 Guernsey, Garnzey, Gernsey, Abigail, 1355 AdaUne Ware, 746 Adele, 1861 Alida Viola, 1935 Asahel, 1355 Caroline Elizabeth, 18S3 Clara May, 1356 Clarence Colfax, 1861 Clarence Elon, 1256 Dennis Cooley, 1255 Elizabeth, 747, 1311, 18S3 Ell Fred, 1862 Esther, 1256, 1602 P'inette, 131 1 Frank Day, 1256 Frank Ward, 1256 Gertrude, 1861 Grace, 1256 Harold, 1861 Harriet, 1256 Harry, 1862 2646 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Guernsey, cont'd, Helen May, 1256 Henry Hubbard, 1861 Ida, 1256 John, 747 Joseph, 746-7 Joseph H., 1311, 1883 Julia Ann, 638 Laura May, 1862 Levi, 1935 Lucy Minerva, 1356 Lydia, 747 Mabel, 1356 Mary C, 1487 Minerva, 1256 Oliver, 747 Orrin, 1255 Orrin EUery, 1356 Phcebe, 746-7 Phebe M., 1356 Rachel, 747 Raymond Stebbins, 1256 Sarah, 1255 Sarah May, 1256 Simon, 638 Sophia, i86i Theodora May, 1256 Theodore Parker, 1256 Williara Day, 1256 Guerra y Noriega, mrs., 176^1 Don Jose Antonio de la, 1764 Guest, Amy, 307 Elizabeth, 207 Fanny, 207 George, 207 Martha, 207 Mary, 207 Phebe, 207 Sarah, 206 Sarah Ann, 207 William, 207 GuUd, Ann, 331 Katurah, 330 Nancy D., 830 Samuel, 330 Gulager, Fannie Mary, 1774 Isabella, 1774 WiUiam, 1774 Guilford, Nancy, 817 Guide, Adeline Hannah, 445 Jesse, 445 GuUifer, GuUiford, see Gul liver. Gulliver, GtUlifer, GuUiford, Anthony, 1799 Elinor, 1799 Lydia, 1799 Gun, see Gunn. Gundella, duchess of Sles- wick and Stormarch, 1108 Gunn, Gun, Jane, 1659 Robert, 3345 Gunnison, Elizabeth, 3304 GunsauUons, Mary E., 1333 Gurdon, Hannah, 700 Joseph, 700 Guriey, Gourley, , 3483 chaplain, 485 mr., 485 Albert Ebenezer, 2483 Almira Ellen, 2483 Alvin Bartlett, 2483 Anne, 2483 Betsey, 2483 Betsey Olive, 2483 Charles Emerson, 2483 Charles Lawrence, 2483 Dana Ruby, 3483 Elizabeth, 1798 Elizabeth Bartol, 2483 Elizabeth Howard, 3483 Emma Elizabeth, 3483 Emma Harrison, 3483 Esther, 485, 2482 Experience, 2483 Frances Mary, 3483 Hannah, 791 Hester, 3483 Plosea Melville, 3483 Isaac Perkins, 3483 Jacob Baker, 791 Lydia, 791 Matilda Ann, 3483. Guriey, cont'd, Melville Brooks, 3483 Olive, 3483 Phineas, 2482-3 Phineas Densmore, 2483 Ralph Isaac, 2483 Richard Hamilton, 2483 Samuel, 2483 Sarah, 2483 Susan Densmore, 2483 Susannah, 2482-3 William, 2483 WiUiam Brooks, 2483 WiUiara Densmore, 2483 William Fox, 2483 William Shields, 3483 Gurnee, Gurney, Caleb, i339 Electa, 1339 Erama, 437 Emma Jane, 1339 Floyd Colby, i33g Lucretia, 1803 Margaret Jane, 1339 Mary, 1657 Mary Elizabeth, 3454 Sylvester Osburn Young, 1339 Gurney, see Gurnee. Gussett, David P., 3275 Gusterfjeld, Hannah, 687 GutcheU, Elizabeth, 751 Guthrie, Bruce, 2138 Fanny, 2138 George, 2138 John D., 905 Laura Blanche, 2138 Lucinda Manville, 905 WiUiam, 905 Guy, Adeline, 817 Alfred Martin, 817 Harriet Maria, 817 Helen Angenette, 817 Henry Martin, 817 Henry Wayne, 817 Martin, 817 Nettie Josephine, 817 Gware, or Garrett, 856 Gwinn, see Gwyn. Gwinnell, Elijah, 1644 Eliza Jane, 1644 Roseann, 1644 Gwiss, see Wise. Gwyn, Gwinn, mr., 3112 Amelia, 2111 Elizabeth, 2111 Hugh, 1481, 2416 Richard, 2111-12 Sarah, 1481 Sarah J., 1481 Gwynedd, Owain, 2415 Owen, 2415 Gwyr, Griffith, 715 Gylour, Anne, 226 Walter, 336 Plabberton, Alice Lawrence, 3360 John, 3260 Habdy, Elizabeth Louisa, 2097 John, 2097 Habeer, Sophia, i3i'7 Hackburne, Hagborne, Haighburne, Catharine, 490 Samuel, 490 Hackenger, Abigail, 1267 Ada, 1368 Ada Eva, 1268 Agnes, 1268 Charles Francis, 1268 Clara, 1267 Elizabeth Christina, 1268 George Martin, 1267-8 George Morton, 1267-8 James Clarence, 1368 Jaraes Ritter, 1368 John Cook, 1368 Joseph, 1367 Joseph Lord, 1368 Louisa May, 1368 Hackenger, cont d, Mary Alice, 1267 Mary- Magdalene, 126S Minerva, 1267-8 Proteus, 1267 Richard Lord, 1268 Sarah Jane, 1268 Williara Henry, 1268 Hacket, see Hackett. Hackett, Hacket, Alice, 2108 Edwin Graves, 2108 Elizabeth, 1676 Hannah, 1385 Jennie, 3io8 Joseph W., 2108 Mary A., 1137 Robert Lee, 2108 Sarah Emily, 2108 Hackin, Deurant, 1118 Hadden, Headding, Hedden, Benjamin, 979 Charles Howard, 797 Edward, g7g Emma Louisa, 1012 Garrett Sneden, 1012 George Cleveland, 1012 Harley, 7g7 John, 7g7 John Butler, 1012 Lucia, 797 Maria Norton, 979 Mary, 797 Sarah, 1224 Thomas, 1012 Pladdington, earls of, 2175 Haddock, John A., 1376 Hadley, Sarah, 1112 Hadrian, emperor, 8 Hadsell, Eunice, 286 Ida, 1504 Mark, 286 Orren, "1504 Hafeman, Agnes Adeline Elizabeth, 1977 Augusta, 1977-8 John, 1977-8 Hagadorn, Charles, 1545 Cynthia, 719 Eliza, 1545 Ida, 1528 James L., 1538 Lydia, 1545 Stephen H., 719 Hagaraan, Elizabeth Maria, 46 Frederick Oscar, 46 John Gideon, 46 Libbie Maria, 46 Lucina, 46 N., 46 Roxa Cobb, 46 Virginia, 46 Hagan, Ella, 1473 Hagar, Gardner, 1331 Lydia Emeline, 1231 Theda Rebecca, 1231 Hagborne, see Hackburne. Haggerty, Mary, 1505 Hagood, governor, 2129 Catharine, 2129 Clarence Bruce, 2129 Esther Benson, 2129 Harry Cleveland, 2129 James Earl, 2139 Lidie Miles, 2129 Mamie Gertrude, 2139 William Milliken, 2129 Hahn, Arch V., 2145 Laura Shackelford, 2145 Haiden, Haidon, see Hay den. Haighburne, see Hack burne. Haight, see Hoyt. Haines, Hains, Han's, Hayne, Haynes, miss, 1281 mr., 253 mrs., 2217 Abigail, 179-80 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2647 Haines, cont'd, Alexander, 1733 Alicia P., 2217 Almira, 992 Benjamin, 3369 Caleb, 1733 Caroline S., 353 Carrie, 983 Catharine, 2416 Charles, 983 Clarine, 1733 Clifton, 1848 David, 1679 Deborah, 1273, 1561 Dorothy. 307, 1151, 3453 Elizabeth, 307, 1023, 1164, 1829-30, 2317 Emma, 983 Etta, 1848 Helen Emmaretta, 1679 Hezekiah, 3416 Isaac, 3317 Isaac William, 2317 James E., 625 John, 307, 1107, 1829-30, 2416 John H., 2274 Jonathan, 623 Lovisa Cleveland, 623 Mabel, 1107 Mary, 1107 Margaret, 2317 Mary, 3416 Matthew, 1733 Paul H., 3067 Roy. 1848 Ruth, 1107 Ruth E., 625 Samuel, 180 Sarah, 1733 Susan, 1733 Susan E., 625 Theodore Brevard, 3317 Thomasine, 515 Walter, 307, 515 William T., 983 Hains, see Haines. Hair, see Hare. Hait, see Hoyt. Hake, see Hakes. Hakes, Hake, Amy A., 1050 Carlton J., 1050 ^ D. B., 1050 Jessie R., 1050 Nettie M., 1050 Thomas, 1083 Tommy D., 1050 Halbert, mrs., 1541 David, 1541 Halcome, Mary, 3196 Halcott, Halkett, baronet, 663 John, 663-3 Letitia, 663 Phebe, 662 Rachel, 662-3 Haldane, Grace Glenwood, 1064 John H., 1064 Mathilda, 1064 Hale, , 13 miss, 703 mr., 1568 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abbie Brainerd, 1716 Abigail, 522, 1921, 3358, 2428, 3444 Allison T., 1877 Andrew Jackson, 1369 Apphia, 365, , 1126, 3358-9 Benjamin, 1308 Bethia, 78S Betsey, 1921 Charles, 243g Chauncey, 1568 Clyde, 1877 Clyde Ploward, i36g •David, 1308 Dorothy, 781 Edmund Gilbert, 1I177 Edward, ig2i Edward Everett, 2033 Eliza Jane, 1308 Elizabeth, i4g, ig2i, 2033, 2258 Elizabeth Aurelia, 1568 Emeline. 481 Emilv, goi Emily Beecher, 3033 Plale, cont'd, Enoch, 2032, 225g Eva Florence, igig Fanny, 131 1 Frances Sanders, 2139 Francis S., 1311 Frank Anderson, igig Frank Filmore, 1708 Frank Irving, 1708 Frank Seymour, 1311 Franklin Pierce, 3i3g Frederic Lorenzo, 1177 George Winfry Lome, 1177 Grover Cleveland, 3i3g Hannah, 85, 365, 242g Hannah Smith, 1716 Hazlett Helen, i36g Herbert Dudley, 2032 Homer Twining, 1311 Ida Virginia, i36g James Israel, 1177 Jane, 365 Jennie Leonie, 131 1 Joanna, 365, 5og John, 365 Jonas, 2428 Jonas Stephen, 2438, 3444 Jonathan, 533 Josiah, 481 Julia, 778 Louisa, 343g Louisa Abbie, 1177 Lucy, 1308 T-,ucy Miranda, 1309 Marcia, 1517 Margaret Curzon, 2032 Mary, 141, ' 789, 863, 1369, 3358 Mary Ann, 1177 Mary Jane, i3og Matthew John, 3439 May BeUe Vernon, 1177 Millicent, 1647 Nathan, 3032, 2259 Octavia, 2032, 3359 Oliver, 481 Ora Maurice, 1708 Orlando, 481 Pamelia, 481 Phebe, 1290 Rachel Ann, 1023 Richard, 365, 2033, 2258-g Robert, 365, 5og, iggg Rose, 1877 Rosie Evelyn, 1708 Samuel, 365, 533, 781, 2258-g Samuel David, 1308 Sarah, 365, 1484, 2258-9, 3438 Sarah Elizabeth, 1877 Sarah Jane, 3429 Sarah Lavinia, 1177 Shadrach Calvin, 2139 Sofia, 965 Sophia, 1568 Stephen, 1369 Stonewall Jackson, 2i3g Submit Brooks, 2428 Sumner, 242g Susan Douglas, 2139 Susan Emma, 2429 Susan Roxana, 1309 Tamosin, 1126 Theresa Lavinia, 131 1 Thomas, 365, 522, 1126 Thomasine, 1126 Timothy, 481 WiUiara, 365, 1716 Williara Winn, 2429 Willis Le Baron, 1177 Haleston, Kizzie, 2187 Haley, Haly, Elizabeth, 2213 Mary Amanda, 2210 Penina, Pinnina, 2153 Ritta, 2153 Sarah, 2210 - WUliam R., 2210 Halfdan, king, 220^1 Halfdan I., IL, IIL, 3304 Halfdan, the Aged, 3203 Halford, Sophia, 888 Plalgrave, see Holgrave. Halkett, see Halcott. HaU, De la PlaUe, HaUe, , 13' honorable mr., 494 mr., 536, 687, 1815, 3136 mrs., 904 pedigree mentioned, 13 Aaron, 637 Abby, 179 Abiah, 1658-9 Abigail, 1254, 1659, 1815, igig, 2426 Abigail Jelina, 1254 Abijah, i7g Achsa, S37 Ada Batt, 13^0 Albert Galatm, 1625 Alfred, go4 Alice Malvina, 1511 Ann, 687 Ann Eliza, 1836 Ann Maria, 3048-9 Anna Greenwell, 1836 Annie Cleveland, 1184 Augusta Bartol, 1017 Barnabas Y., 937 Benjamin, 1659 Benjamin FrankHn, 1511 Bethia, 810 Betsey, 276 Betsey B., 1335 Birdie, 3136 Caroline, g4g Carrie, 1196 Charles Ferdinand, 1502 Clarence Judson, 1493 Clarissa Davenport, 1508 Clark, 179 Clifford Moody, 3048 Cora Jane, 1657 Corinne, 2136 Cornelia, 893 Cornelia Hezediah, 1380 Cornelia Margaret, 1508 Cylena Holbrook, g37 Daniel, 1851 Daniel KimbaU, 1017 David, 700, i65g David Brainard, 136 Deborah, 1554 Edward, 700, 1380 Eli, 7ig Eliza Lovejoy, 1380 Elizabeth, 51, 700, 1147, 1380, i8go, 3083, 3422 Ella Blanche, igo6 Ella Lavinia, 1017 EUen, 1381 Elmira, 637 Elvina, 1906 Emeline, 898 Emily, 1625 Emma, 1190-1 Enoch Washington, 1836 ' Ephraim, 337 Esther, 637, 1047 Ezekiel, 637 Farnum, 1659 Fern Maria, 1391 Fordham, 1390 Frank, 898 Freeman, 1380 George, 949, 1799 Georgia Anna, 1390 Gideon, 1310 Gilbert, 1047 Grace, 1815-16 Hannah, 699, 700, 1251, 1681, 1799, iggS Harriette, 1658 Harriot Curtis, 1017 Helen Frances, 1502 Helena H. Moore, 1492 Henrietta, 2049 Henry, 638, 895. 8g8 Herbert Fernando, 1254 Hiram, 637 Hugh, 494 Ida Delia, 1254 Isaac, 1391 2648 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. HaU, cont'd, Isabel, 700 Ivy Bell, 1493 Jabez, 1554 Jack, 3083 Jaraes, 637, 904, 2049 James Henry, 1391 Jane, 1998 Jane Catherine, 1310 Jane Theodora, 1657 Jedediah, ^904 Jesse, 1653 Jessie Bishop, 1174 John, 51, 78, 443, 687, 700, 892, 1147, 1659, 1774, 1815, 1863, 1998, 2083, 2422 John Frederick, 1492 Joseph, 1659, i79g, 2426 Joseph B., 8g3 JuHa, i25g Julia Ann, 638 Julia Franklin, i4g2 Julia Smith, 443 Katharine Wilts Herzog, 2039-40 Laura, 637 Lavinia, 1310 Lemuel Dudley, 1657 Liberty, 46 Loren, 1381 Louisa Lydia, 337 Louise Cecilia, 1774 Lucy A., 1653 Lucy P., 1733-4 Lydia, 700 Maria, 46 Maria Sophia, 1391 Martha Evans, i88g Mary, 486, 1147, 1184, 1310, i65g, 1799, 1815, 2049, 2422 Mary Ann, 637, 1502 Mary Edna, 1184 Melissa Mack, 1863 MeHssa Sophronia, 1851 Mercy, 78 Michael Curtis, 1184 Nancy, 536 Nathaniel, 700, 2422 Nettie, 1919 Oliver, 1508 Orinda, 895 Permelia, 1920 Persis, 637 Polly, 700, 1863 Rachel, 136 Ralph, 1658-g Rebecca, 1659, 2426 Remember, Remembrance, 1741 Richard, 1659 Richard Allen, 1906 Romelia Ann, 718 Ruth, 1815 Sally, 1659 SaUy Aurilla, 1391 .Samuel, 1998, 2426 Sarah, 78, 494, 687, 980, 1659, 2151 Sarah Elizabeth, 1625 Sarah McCamraon, 1774 Selina, 1196 Sidney, 1254 Silas, i7g Solon, 892 Sophia E., 824 Sophy Cass, 461 Stanley B., 1174 Stephen, 30, 1815-16 Susan R., 476 Thomas, 700, 1 184 Tryphena, 1554 Tyrus, igig Willard, 1815 WUliam, 1147, 1310, 1815, 2049 W^illiam Perry, 2048-g Winnie Cornelia, 1987 Zenas, 1196 Zilpha, 388 Halladay, see Halliday. Halle, see Hall. HaUeck, Cora, 1680 Lucina, 1680 Nathan, 1680 Rachel, 742 Hallenbeck, see HoUenbeck. Halleron, Ann, 1189 Laurence Edwin, 1189 Sarah Jane, 1188 Hallet, see Hallett. Hallett, Hallet, Alice May, 1296 Allen, 2258 Ann EHza, 1296 Arthur, 1880 Catharine, 1396 Charlotte Eveline, 1880 Clarence Eugene, 1880 Didaraa, 1295 Edward, 1296 Eleanor, 647, 1296 Elinor, 647 Emma Jane, 1296 Eunice, 430, 1295 FrankHn May, 1880 Harriet, 1295 Harvey, 1295 Hiram, 1295 Hiram Harvey, 1296 Inman A., I2g6 James Edwin, 1296 Jane, 1296 Lois, 44 Maggie Lydia, 1296 Margaret, 1296 Martha Magdalena, 1880 Mary, 1295 Minnie Gay, 1880 Miriam, i2g8 Nancy Ann, i2g6 Newton, I2g6 Phebe, I2g5 Robert Newton, 1396 Rosalia, 1395 Samuel Harvey, 1296 Sarah Jane, 1298 Solomon, 647, 1295 William, 647 William Ellsworth, 1880 Halley, see HoUey. Halliday, Halladay, Almira., 3016 Caroline Estella, i28g Corinne Strauss, 1724 Henry Horatio, 1724 Jane, I28g Lucius Willard, 1723-4 Sarah Horton, 1723-4 WilHam, i28g HalHock, see Hallock. Plallock, HalHock, Halock, Holock, rar., 328 AbigaU, 57 Benjamin, Isaac, 1037 Charles, 1681 Edith, Estelle, 1037 Edward, i68r EUen, 1681 Emma, 1681 Epentus, 1681 Etta, 1681 Hannah, 1037 Irving Penney, 1037 James, 1037 Janette, 1681 Jeremiah, 15 13 Libbie, 1681 Patience, 1681 Peter, 57 Sophia, 328 ZUlah, 1681 see also Holyoke. HaUoweU, Henry, 823 Rebecca, 823 Hallsy, see Halsey. Halock, see Hallock. Hals, see Halsey. Halsey, De Als, Plallsy, Hals, family, 1023 mr., 839 Elizabeth, 1023, 1141 Isaac, 1023 John, 1023 Joseph, 1023 Lucy, 839 Phebe, 1023-3 Thoraas, 1033 Halstead, Halsted, Halsteed, Holstead, AbigaU, 1D14 Amelia, 1191 Benjamin, 1183 Betsey, 1183 Catharine, 1183 Clark, 1 183 Cynthia, 670 Edward, 1183 Edwin, 1183 Eliza, 1413 Frederick, 1183 Harriet Ann, 1183 Henry, 1183 Isabel, 1183 Jerome, 1413 Martha, 577 MeHssa, 1183 Minerva, 1645 Nathaniel, 1183 Patience Jane, 1143 Halsted, Halsteed, see Hal- stead. Haly, see Haley. Ham, John, 543 Mary, 543 Hamant, Elizabeth, 331 Francis, 331, 334 Hannah, 334 Meletiah, 334 MUetiah, Milletiah, 334 Samuel, 334 Sarah, 331, 334 Timothy, 334 Hamblin, Hamlin, mrs., 1044 Adrian Ralph, 1044 Betsey, 647 Calista Lucina, 649 Caroline, 648 Chester, 1044 Edward, 742- Elisha, 3184 Eliza, 649 Elizabeth, 726 EUen, 648 Eraily, 2184 Eniily Edgeworth, 2183-4 Erastus, 742 Florence, 742 Gertrude EUen, 742 Harriet, 742 Harriet Elizabeth, 742 Isabel Amelia, 1044 James, 648 Jaraes Monroe, 648 Joel, 274, 648 John, 1044 Lovisa, 648, 1301 Lucy, 648, 1044 Lydia, 648 Miranda, 1628 Nancy, 642, 648-g Oliver, 274 Orilla, 648 Persis Alvira, 1044 Phila, 648 PoUy, 274, 647 Rachel, 274 Roxana, 1535 Sophronia, 1668 Theodotia, 274, 3484 Walter Monroe, 649 Hamer, Jemitna, 577 Kesiah, 577 William, 577 Hamersly, Thomas H. S., 2458 Hames, Jane, 414 John, 414 Hamilton, De HamUton, ancestress, 2175 dukes of, 2175 families of Scotland and Ireland, 2175 miss, 1073 mrs., 3134, 2175 Agnes, 550, 3344 Alexander, 3175-6 Amelia, 1766 Andrew, 1072 Ann, 1679 Anna, 757, 934 Annis, 550 Betsey, 1275, 1878 Charles, 550 Clarinda, 484 David, 2175 Dorcas, 1053 Elias, 1053 Elizabeth, 1439, 2134, 2175-6 Faucette, 2176 Frank, 483 Frank H., 45 Genevieve, 1617 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2649 Hamilton, cont'd, George, i43g George Robert, 1617 Gilbert, 758, 2175 Harriet, 1666 Helen, 1980 L, 45 James, 2175, 3244 John, 484* 2175 John Church, 2176 Josephine, 2175 Julia, 45 L., 45 Lavinia, 566 Lulu C, 1617 Margaret, 757-8 Mary Ann, 566, 2491 Matilda Dorcas, 1053 MatUda Jane, 1616 Miriam, 1175 Nathan, 2308 Phebe, 483 Philip, 2176 Pierce Stevens, 2176 Robert A., 1617 Sally, 484, 1439 Sarah, 246, 1293, 1878 Sarah Eliza, 3134 Schuyler, 3176 Thomas, 346, 757-8, 2175 TiUie Jane, 1617 W. E,, 2134 Walter, 2175 WilUam, 2134, 2175 WUliam H. O., 566 WiUiam Steven, 2176 Hamlett, Emily, 1175 Hamlin, see Hamblin. Hammel, Ann, 459 Hammond, rars. , 2283 Ammon, 1204 Angeline, 1983 Betsey, 1365 Delos C, 1365 Edith Estelle, 1834 Elijah, 1695 Elizabeth, 278, 659, 1204 Ella Alice, 960 Ellen, 1983 Emma M., 1204 Florence Ida, 1365 Frank D., 1365 George ' Carlos Wilcox, 1827 Harriet Rebecca, 1837 Hattie Elizabeth, 1721 Hezekiah, 144 Ida Adell, 1834 Isaac W., 49 Katharine Gaylord, 1827 Lewis Napoleon, 1834 Louisa, 2479 Lucy, 144, 1827 Lydia Ann, 981 Mary, 659, 1695 Matie Jane, 1365 Mehitabel, 2283 Minnie Lovinna, 1365 Nathaniel, 659, 1827 Rose, 659 Sarah, 659 Sarah Jane, 1523 Sarah Louisa, 1365 Thomas, 278, 659 Timothy, 1983 William, 659 Zepheniah, 2383 Hamner, see Hanmer. Hampden, de Harapden, Anne, 1135-6 Baldwin, 1136 Elizabeth, 1136 John, 1126 Hampshire, Jane, 1186 Hampstead, Hampsted, see Olmsted. Hampton, Anna, 56 William, 57 Hamsted, see Olmsted. Hamum, Henriette, 1185 Hance, Doris, 3466 Erama, 2466 Gertrude Effie, 2466 Grove, 2466 Hazel, 2466 Jay Grove, 2466 Lillian Samzen, 2466 Louis, 2466 Minnie Eutoka, 2466 Susannah Augusta, 2466 Hancock, mr., 1619 Aurillia Austin, g6o Catharine, 1753 Dorothy, 335 Elizabeth, 335 Hannah, 1753 Henrietta Maria, 823 Jane, 335 Joan, 335 John, 335, 960, 2023 Lydia, 823 Mary, 335, 960 Mary Frances, 2023 Minnie Elizabeth, 2023 Myra, 1619 Nancy, 822-3 Nathan, 335 Nathaniel, 335 Prudence, 335, 1771 Rhoda, 3034 Samuel, 335 Sarah, 335 SewaU, 833 Winfield Scott, 3033 Hand, Clara, 3138 Clara Louisa, 3455 Elizabeth, 1917 Esther, 1117 James A., 3455 Mary Pierson, 1917 Pamelia Ann, 1663 Sabrina, 1663 Watson, 1917 William J., 1663 Handasyde, col., 495 Thomas, 495 Plandford, see Hanford. Plandley, Angeline, 944 Handy, Emily Amelia, 2011 Florence Adelia, 2011-12 Isaac W. K., 3149 Joel, 30II John Shouy, 2478 Nan Oroville, 2478 Thankful, 3478 Haney, Wealthy, 918 WUHam, 913 Hanford, Handford, mr., 1843-3 Alfred, 1393 Annie, 1393 Betsey, 1510 Catharine, 3254 Eglin, 1842-3 EHza, 1393 Lettice, 1843 Huldah, 869 Jacob, 1510 Margaret, 1843 Mary Elizabeth, 1393 Priscilla, 1510 Sarah Ann, 1393 Susannah, 1151 Thomas, 1843 William Fitch, i3g3 William James, 1393 Hankinson. Ann Smith, 3316 Hanks, Almira Jane, 1367 Arthur, 1367 Elizabeth, 1267 James, 1267 'Mary Etta Orphaette, 2020 WilHam, 1267 Hanley, Anna A., 1552 Catharine, 939 Helen Geneva, 2476 Mary, 929 Samuel, 939 Susannah. 939 Hanmer, Hamner, mr., 2094 Calista Lodema, 1412 Hanmer, cont'd, Elizabeth, 2094 Harriet, 1412 John, 14 1 2 John Luis, 1412 Nina Cleveland, 1412 Hanna, D'Annay, Plannahs, Hannay, Planney, Hanny , mr. , 2470 mrs., 547 Anthony, 1745 Charles Scott, 1745 Helen Scott, 1745 Hugh, 2470 IsabeUa, 1735 John, 547 Josephine, 1366 Margaret Anne, 1745 Margaret Samantha, 1893 Margaret Scott, 1745 Marion Scott, 1745 Nancy P., i8g3 Nettie Lucrecia, 2470 Olive, 261 Richard G., t8g3 Robert, 2470 Robert Barlow, 2470 Samuel, 261 Sarah Amanda, 2470 Thomas Scott, 1745 William Sinclair Scott, 1745 Hannahs, Hannay, Hanney, see Hanna. Hannum, Honor, 659 Mary, 658-9 William, 659 Hanny, see Hanna. Hanover, Antoinette, 1557 Hans, see Haines. Hansel, Charles R., 3033 Harriet Greene, 2033 Hanselyn, Alselyn, baron, 2303 heiress of, 2203 see Azelin and de Alselyn. Hansley, mr., 1629 Aelda, 1639 Hanson, miss, 2286 A. H,, 1623 Albert C, 710 Alice, 84 Calvin W., 710 Charity, 710 Cleveland, 1633 Cynthia, 711 Elizabeth, 57 Francis Cleveland, 710 George Curtis, 710 John, 84 Julia, 710 Lewis, 71Q Lydia, 709-10 Matilda, 711 Micajah, 710-11 Philena, 949 Rebecca Ellen, 1632 Relief, 711 Rosa, 711 Rufus K., 710 Sarauel, 530 Susannah, 530 Thomas, 57 Walter Cooper, 710 WUder C, 710 William K., 949 Hanvill, Albert Marcks, 931 Edward Mortimer, 931 Helen Maria, 931 Jane, 931 Philip L., 921 Stephen, 921 Harald HUdetand, king, 2204 Haralson, Ada Byron, 1490 Archibald, 1490 Hendor. 1490 Lodviska, 1490 Haran, Belinda, 1223 Margaret, 1233 Michael, 1333 Harbin, farailies, 2083 Polly, 2083 Thoraas, 2083 2650 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Harbottle, Dorothy, 884 Harcope, Isabella, 540 Hard, Ann Eliza, 1324 Clara Maud, 1324 Clarissa, 1324* Estella Clarissa, 1324 George Mallory, 1324 George Wallace, 1324 Jabez, 1324 John Almon, 1334 Lucretia, 1381 SaUy, 1334 Harden, see Harding. Hardenburg, Elizabeth, i8og Harder, Caroline Augusta, 3650 Christina, 886 Christine. 886 Edgar, 886 Helen EHza, 886 John M., 885-6 Jonathan, 886 Mary Ann, 885 Mary Cleaveland, 886 Michael, 886 Michael Francis, 886 Sarah Frances, 886 Hardesty, , 2334 mr., 3334 Hardin, see Harding. Harding, Plarden, Hardin, Abner Wright, 586 Abraham, 335, 586 Adah Knight, 1171 Adelia, 3300 Amy, 1171 Amy PettingeU, 1171 Augusta Amelia, 558 Augustine Blackburne, 3302 Benjamin \A'atson, 3300, 2303 Caroline, 586 Caroline Hyde, iog4 Charles, 1171 Charles Edward, 558, 1171 Chloe, 586 Clara, 1171 Diana, 1186 Edmund Walker, 1171 Edwin Dodge, 1094 Effie Stuart, 1094 Eliza, 1171 EHza Prentiss, 836 Elizabeth, 334-5 Elizabeth Young, 1170 Elvena Annie, 836 Emma, 1171 Esther, 586 Fidelia, 586 Frances, 1194 Frank, 1194 Franklin, 2202 Frederick, 587, 1171 George, 1171 George Johnson, 558 Georgie, 558 Georgina, 558 Hannah, 1171, 2421 Harriet Leah, 558 Hiram Ripenbergh, 586 PTughina, 558 Ida Phidelia, 586 James, 1171 Jerorae Benjamin, 1194 Jesse GilHs, 558 John, 335, 2431 John David, 1194 John Henry, 1171 Juna, 1 1 70 "Lillie Carrie, 586 Louisa, 586 Louisa A., 1171 Lovina, 836 Madelia Delphine, 1194 Maidax, 558 IMaria Alice, 1170-1 Mary, 558, 1171 Mary Ann, 2200 Alary Elizabeth, 1170 Harding, cont'd, Mary Stuart, 1094 Maxwell, 558 Oliver, 586 Oscar J., 1094 Phebe, 1171 Sarah Mazelli, 836 Seth, 2268 Sidney, 836 Sidney Cleveland, 836 Simon Crocker, 836 Susan, 558 Sylvia, iig4 Theresa, 586 Thomas, 558, 1170-1 Thomas Edward, 1170 Valentine John, 1171 WiUiam, 558, 586, 1171, 2202 WilHam H., 1171 WiUiam Stenning, 1171 Plardon, mr., 1799 Alisoij Nisbet, 1799 Ann Frances, i799 Anna HaU, i7gg Chester Field, 1799 Cleveland, 1799 Comfort, 1799 Cynthia, 1799 David, 1799 Emily, i7gg Ethenia, i7gg Fanny, i7g9 Frances, 1799 Harriet Sweet, 1799 Henry Comfort, 1799 Isaac, i79g Jacob, i7gg John, i7gg Joseph Bradford, 1799 Lewis, i79g Peggie, i7gg Sarah, i7gg Susannah, 1799 Hardrada, Plarald, 11 Hardwick, Jaraes W., 1748 Lillian, 1748 Nina LUlie, 1748 Pearl, 1748 Rose May, 1748 Hardy, farailies, 2418 miss or mrs., 315 Agnes Margaret, 2418 Elizabeth, 743 f^.lizabeth H., 562 George, 26 Tohn, 743 Nancy, 561 Norman B., 562 Thoraas Duffy, 2243 PT^re, Plair, Ellen, 2327 Tohn Cuthbert, 3331 Purlina, 1461 Sarah, 620 Harger, Andrew Sylvanus, 1680 Betsey Elizabeth, 924 Cora, 1680 Deborah, 924 Dora, 1680 Eugene Frank, 1679 Gracie Frances, 1679 Harriet, 924 Plenry Harrison, 1679 Lovina Sybil, 924, Lucy Agnes, 1680 Lyman, 924, 1680 Margaret Theresa,' 1680 Maria, 924 Martha A., 1680 Mary, 1679 Mary Ann, 924 Melinda, 1679 NeUie, 1680 Philo, 934, 1680 Philo Lyman, 924 Polly, 934 Foe Henry, 1680 Sarah, 1679 Sarah Jane, 924 Sophia, 284 Susan, 1680 Plarget, Mary Ann, 1856 Hariraan, see Harriman. Harington, see Plarnngton. Harker, Sarah, 1403 Harkins, Ann, 2116 Harkness, Emma Frances, ^474 ^ ,. Frances Amelia, 1474 Isaac, 1474 Melissa, 590 Harlakenden, Deborah, 349 Mabel, 1107 Richard, 1107 Roger, 349, 1 107 Harl an. El izabeth Sarah, 1115 James, 1115 John MarshaU, 11 15 Laura, 1115 Rachel S., 513 Harley, see Harlow. Harlow, Harley, miss or mrs., 429 Agnes Olivia, 561 Anna A., 1552 Charles Eustis, 561 Cornelius Arthur, 561 Elizabeth, 999 Elizabeth Carroll, 2217 James, 561 Leslie Cleveland, 561 Mary, 2217 Mary Ellen, 561 Nancy, 561 Stephen, 561 WiUiam, 2317 Harman, see Harmon. Harmon, Harman, Herman, rar., 672 Amy, 672 Ann Loorais, 1225 Caroline A., 1225 Charles Cleveland, 672 Elisha, 1792 EUza, 674 Emraa Cornelia, 1782, 1792 George' W., 672 Henry, 674 Jacob, 674 John, 674, 1225, 1792 Mary Jane, 2292 Maude, 1225 Miriam, 2274 Nathaniel, 2274 Orilla, 674 Phebe, 1225 Reuben, 1225 Reuben Plum, 1235 Ruby, 1225 William, 674 Harned, Ann, 1242 Carrie Elizabeth, 701 David Gideon, 1242 Deborah, 1242 Harner, Jonas, 850 Lucy Parish, 850 Harnett, see Harnot. Plarnot, Harnett, Catherine Cecile, 1064 Hannah, 58g Harp, see Harps. Harper, mr., 2177 Caroline Thompson, 2134 Carrie Quarles, 2134 EHza ElHott, 2177, 2394, 2397 ¦Eliza Quarles, 2134 Elizabeth, 616 Elizabeth Thornton, 2182 Emma, 1094 Fletcher, 1757 Frances A., 1053 George, 616, 1053 Hannah Jane, 820 J. Wesley, 1094 James, 1757 James S., 820 JanCj 2156 Jennie Elizabeth, 616 Tohn, 1757» 2310 Joseph Wesley, 1094, 1757 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2651 Harper, cont'd, Mary, 2134 Mary Cleveland, 2134 Peter Hamilton, 2134 Richard S., 2134 Vivaldi, 3134 W. D., 3177 Harps, Harp, miss, 3099 Edward L., 431 Frances Adelaide, 431 Green, 3099, Margaret, 3305 Martha, 3099 Reuben, 431 Harr, Rebecca, 1436 Harrdh, Nancy P., 1893 Harred, Eunice, 749 Harriman, Hariman, Elizabeth, 1211 Ellen, 943 EmeHne, 1802 Hannah, 1742 Irene, 942 John, 1211 Oliver, 1802 Harrington, Harington, Herrington, Abraham, 2479 Amanda, 1143 Anson, 652 Arthur Vivian, 1038, 2488 Benjamin, 1449 CaUsta Devine, 1927 Catherine, 2479 Charles Philip, 1038 Charlotte, 2479 Cleveland, 1038 Delia Maria, 1449 Dorsena, 1495 Dwight, 1895 Edward Musgrave, 1038, 2488 Elizabeth, igog Enid Grace Vivian, 2488 Eunice, 1143 Eveline, 247g Grace, 1038, 2488 Gracie. 800 Hamilton, 7gg Harold Eldridge, i8g5 Harriet, 651 Hattie Frances, 1895 Henry Augustus, 1449 James, 774 Jennie, 2274 Joan, 2452 Joanna, 2049 John, 800 John Edward Musgrave, 1038 Joseph, 799, 2049 Lewis, 800 Lilian May, 799 Lucretia, 1449 Lydia, 2479 Marcia, 127 1 Marion Margaret, 2488 Mary, 774, 79g, 22g8 Mary Adelaide, 347g Mary Eliza, 800 Myra Amanda, 800 Phebe, 7gg Philip, 1038, 3488 Priscilla, 1603 Richard Cecil Moorson, 1038 Roxanna, 838 Roy Spalding, i8g5 Ruth Edna, 1895 Sabrina, 1895 Sanford, 1143 Sarah, 1627 Sarah Jane, 2479 Tryphenia, 774 Tryphosia, 774 W. Stanley, 1909 Waher C, 800 AX'illiam, 2479 WUliam J., 1895 Harris, mr., 2090 AbigaU, 677, 1212 Plarris, cont'd, Addie Lucilla, 535 Albert C, 1445 Alfred, 1948 Alice, 2173 Almira, 620 Araelia EmUy, 1868 Andrew, 880 Andrew Jackson, 678 Ann, 226, 559, 2078 Ann Cecilia, 1341 Ann Elizabeth, 1735 Annie, 2104 Annie Victoria, 2172 Augustus, 1202 Bridget, 1394 Calista Christine, 1342 Carl, 2o8g Catharine Butler, 2047 Catharine Caroline, 2308 Charles, 1735 Charles Smith, 534 Charles William, 1186 Charlotte, 1202 Charlotte Mary, 1 176 Clara H., 1581 Clara Priscilla, 6g3 Daniel, 1186, 1488, 1603 Daniel Jackson, 1186 Daniel Smith, 677 David, 55g E. N., 573 Edgar, 3o8g Edith, 515 Edward Doubleday, 584, 1063 Electa Jane, 678 Elisha, 613, 1341 Elisha Lebius, 534 Eliza, 1186, 2ogo Eliza Ann, 1036 EUzabeth, 336, 355, 515, 677, 1176, 1186, 1386, 1603, 1959, 3048, 2o8g Elizabeth EUen, 1265 Ella, 1272 Emeline Storey, 1213 Emma Jane, 588, 6g2, 221 1 Ephraim, 1036 Eunice, 2034 Eva Louie, 6g3 Fletcher Asbury, 2173 Florence Estelle, 534 Frances, 678 Frances Eliza, 881 Frederic Melvin, 1343 Gabriel, 1386 George, 1361, 2048 George W., 1445 Grace, 355 Hannah, ii86, 1948 Hannah Hough, 1258 Henry Edward, 1341 Hepsabeth, 1175 Herbert, 2089 IsabeUa Victoria, 2172 Israel, 1488 Issacher, 1175 Jacob, 2089 Jacob Cleveland, 2089 James, 677 James Meeker, 678 Jane, 355 Jemima, 355 Joanna, 1603 John, 515, 1488 John Earl, 6g2 John WiUiam, 2183 Joshua, 1258 Lavinia Bishop, i444 Leroy Eugene, 2047 Lewis Plenry, 1342 Lewis Romeyn, 1735 Lillian JuHa, 1342 Louisa, 1265 Louisa Ann, ig48 Harris, cont'd, Lucena, 677 Luellar, 677 Lucy Jane, 612 Lydia, 247g Mannie, 2046-7 Margaret, 1144, 1471 Maria Ann, 534 Maria Louisa, 6g2 Martha, 515, 1041 Martha Emily, 2089 Martha Emma, 2089 Martin Keeler, 677 Mary, 317, 1386, 1488 Mary EUis, 1124 Mary Esther, 880, 1622 Mary F., 678 Mary McLeod, 2183 Milo, 1212 Minnie Ethel, 535 Miriam, 1258 Nathaniel, 355 Nelson A., 692 Olive C, 1445 Orville Delos, 692 Owen, 2464, 2503 Paulina T., 2172-3 Peter, 1386 Phoebe, 677 Rachel, 534, 1488 Raymond Fritz, 1342 Rebecca, 2173 Richard Madison, 2089 Robert, 1603, 247g Robert Scribe, 677 Ruth, ig7i Sallenda, 677 Sampson, 2173 Sampson Willis, 2172-3 Samuel Albert, jSoSg Sarah, 559, 677, 1488, 2173 Sarah Adelia, 2464, 2503 Sarah Ann, 1361, 2211 Sarah Arnold, 1622 Sarah Henry, 2172 Sarah M., 677 Sarah Mandane, 692 Smith, 1313 Stanley Cleveland, 3048 Stanton Young, 331 1 Stephen, 317 Stephen W., 3173 Susan, 588, 1212 Susan Cleveland, 2183 Susan Denslow, 1036 Susan Taylor, 2183 Susannah, 677, 2173 Sylvia, 317 Thomas, 236, 515, 2173, 3308 Thomasine, 515 Walter, 355, 1386 Walton, 2173 WUHam, 515, 588, 2173 William Culver, ri86 William H., 1265 WiUis Glover, 2183 Harrison, family of Virginia, 1757 miss, 1986 mr., 1757, 1986 Abigail, 1266 AbigaU Wood Crane, gg8 Adelaide, 982 Adonijah, 1266 Albert Cleveland, 982 Alice, 1266 Amanda, 320 Benjamin, 2059 Betsey, 320 Caroline, 2455 Charles, 1482 Charles Frederick, 1328 Christopher, 998 Eliza, 1328 Elizabeth, 2059, 2133 Elizabeth Mayo, 1757 Ellen, 1328 Eraily, 1461 2652 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Harrison, cont'd, Ephraim, 330 Eunice, 457-8 Fidelia, 1483 Flavel R., 458 George Buckingham, 1482 Henry, 1482 Henry WilHam, 2068 James, 1482 James Harvey, 1338 Jane, 896 Job Sayre, 998 John, 51 John Henry, 1338 Jones, 1757 Lucenia, 1757 Lucinda AHce, 1366 Lydia Ann, 982 Margaret, iioo, 1266 Martha, 1482 May, 1482 Nancy, 2078 Ogden, gg8 Oliver Kelley, 1266 Patty, 3083 Percival Lemuel, g83 Persis, 51 Phebe, 3ig, 782, 8g6 Polly, 2079 Rachel, 782 Samuel, 319-20, 1266 Sarah, 458, 982 Stephen, 982 Stephen Decatur, 458 Thomas, 89*6 Timothy Sylvester, 982 Tracy, 320 William, 1328, 1986 William Southall, 1757 Harsha, Mary Ann, 1574 Robert, ^74 Sarah Caroline, 1574 Harsie, see Hersey. Harskins, see Haskins. Harstuff, Alvena, 1141 Georgiana, 1141 Nora M., 1141 WiUiam, 1141 Hart, Hartt, Heart, Abigail, 1503, 1724 Alfred, 1361 Alice Elizabeth, 988 Alonzo, 1206 Ann Eliza, 1632 Catherine A., 1361 Charles Cleveland, 1632 Cinderella, 1632 Clara Belle, 1504 Cynthia, 1648 Deborah, ggo Edmund, gi2 Edward, 1503 Edward Milo, 1503 EUa E., 1427 EUa Maria, 1504 Emeline, 783, 1656 Experience, 1128 Fanny, 845 Flora Louisa, ig6i Frank H., 1427 George Byron, 1503 George Calkins, 1206 Hannah, 783-4 Hiram, ig6i Isaiah, 1503 James, 56 Jerusha, 1504 John, 913 John B., 1504 Joseph, 988, 1632 Lena May, 1504 Lizzie Orlantha, 1206 Lois Morrell, 1206 Martha, 625, 1503 Mary, 56, gi2, gi4, 1632 Mary Ann, 584 Mary Elizabeth, 1632 Naomi, 988 Phebe, 1885 Hart, cont'd, PoUy, 1632 Rosella, 1857 Sabrina, 1503 Sally, 1045 Sarah, 1147, 1211, 1961 Sarah Jane, 1632 Selah, 3330 Selina, 781 Stephen, 912, gi4, 1147, 121T Theophilus, 1632 Harter, Eve, 1505 Hartley, Emma, iog5 Frances C. W., iog5 Francis WilHam, 1746a Gerald Eustace, 1746a John Horace Jeffreys, 1746a Marcellus, iog5 Mary Howard, 1746a Hartman, AUmadia, 1671 Andrew, 1671 Carrie Romain, 1671 Charles Bentz, 1671 Cornelia Adaline, 1671 Elizabeth, 1671 Emraa Catharine Ells worth, 1671 Frank, 1671 George, 1671 Georgia AHce, 1671 Gurney Luther, 1671 Jacob Andrew, 1671 Jacob Eli, 1671 Laura Annie, 1671 Lillie May, 1671 Mary Catharine, 1671 Mary Elizabeth, 1671 Nora Roberta, 1671 Park Garfield, 1671 Sarah Elizabeth, 1671 Sophia, 1671 WiUiam Henry, 1671 Hartshorn, Hartshorne, Hartsorn, Abiah, 235 Abigail, i8g, 235 Annie, i8g Caroline Frances, ig49 David, 189 Susan, 235 Susannah, 155 Taraar, 235 Thomas, 235 Hartshorne, see Hartshorn. Hartsook, Sarah, 1637 Hartsorn, see Hartshorn. Hartt, see Hart. Hartwell, miss, 386 Abbie Frances, 1277 Alexander, 1277 Asenath, 850 Calista, 1202 Elizabeth, igo, 1277 EmeHne, I34g Emily, 1277 John, i34g Polly, i34g Seba, I34g Harty, Margaret, 342 Harvett, Amasa Warner, 1875 Catherine, 1875 Mary Etta, 1875 Harvey, Hervey, Hervie, Hervv, Ann, 1213, 1305 Anna D., 813 Araminta Jane, 685 Bridget, 540 Caroline, 408 Daniel, 1310 Dorothy, 3437 Edmund, 1036, 1121 Edward, 1121 Electa Mariah, 742 Elizabeth, 1626, 183S Florence Edna, 1036 George, 540 George Irving, 813 George W., 813 Hermon, 685 Ida Florence, 1036 Harvey, cont'd, Joel, 801 John, 1838, 2272, 2437 Marcy, 1313 Martha, 1121 Mary Effie, 813 Mary Jane, 1310 Moses, 1305 Peter, 408 Rosetta, 801 Sarah Harvey, 1036 Harwood, Abigail, 1462 Alice, 1462 Alice Gertrude, 1249 David, 1462 Elizabeth, 107 Flora v., i537 Frances, 2417 Fred James, 1249 George, 1462 Hannah, 1462-3 Hannah Elizabeth, 1946 John, 107 Leander, 1249 Pasca, 1249 Reuben, 1462-3 Solomon, 1463 Plasbrook, see Hasbrouck. Hasbrouck, Hasbrook, Electa, 1430 Mathilda, 1064 Hascall, see Haskell. Haseltine, see Hazeltine. Haskell, Hascall, Hasquale, Andrew, 1251 Annie Rebecca, 742 Arathusa, 1259 Charity, 1876 Charlotte, 2023 Edward, 2022-3 EH Bissell, 2022 Elizabeth, 743, 2022 George Charles, 743 George Woodward, 2022 Georgina Lucile, 2022 Hannah, 873, 1198, 1461 Hazel, 2022 Henry, 1461 Herbert Michael, 743 Jabez, 3033-3 Jane, 1351 ¦Jessica Theodotia, 3023 Joanna, 743 Kate, 1461 Leah, 743-3 Lucy E., 743 Lydia, 743, 1600 Mark, 743 Mary, 742-3, 1600 Mary Abigail, 1461 Mary Anna, 3022 Mehitable, 1251 Michael, 742-3 Michael Edward Wilder, 743, Nathaniel, 743 Prince, 743-3 Roger, 743 Ruth, 878 Samuel Frank, 1183 Sarah Ann, 1183 Sidney Cleaveland, 3022 Sophia, 2022 Stephen, 873 Stephen Cleveland, 742 William, 743, 878, 1600 Haskin, see Haskins. Haskins, Harskins, Haskin^ ancestors, iig2 descent, iig2 mr., 1082 Adella Isabell, 1190 Alice May, 1192 1 Archie Douglass, 1190 Arminda Mornilva, 1190 Bertha Winfred, 1190 Betsey, 1190 Cemira G., 2491 Charles Arnold, iig2 Charlotte Farnham, 1082^ 1085 Clark, ngo INDEX OF PERSONS. 2653 Haskins, cont'd, Ebry, ngo Eliza, 1192 Elizabeth Jane, 1192 Ella Jane, 1191 George Alonzo, 1 192 Hannah, 1082-3, 2026 Hugh, 1190 Ida, mgz Ira, 1192 Jacob, 2333 John, 1083-3, 3036 Lizzetta, 3491 Lucinda, 1978 Marinda, 1193 Mary Paulina, 1193 Morland Winfield, 1190 Nancy, 1190-1 Nellie, 1190 Orland Burt, 1191 Priscilla, 1440 Prudence, 634, 1350 Rebecca, 1083 Robert, 1082, 2026 Ruth, 3026 Sarah, 305, 1083 Sarah Ann, 1193 Sena Viola, iigi Washington, 1 192 WiUiam, 1190-1 Hasquale, see Plaskell. Hassara, Hassom, John, 944, 3275 Roxena, 944 Sally Ann, 944 Hassard, see Hazard. Hassen, see Hazen. "Hassom, see Hassara. Hastings, Adele M., 1381 Alice Lawrence, 3360 Allie D., 3467 Alma Sibley, 3033 Anna, 1779 Anna Lucretia, 2033 Benjamin, 1970 Betsey, 358 Caroline EUa, 1780 Caroline Louise, 2033 Catharine Elizabeth, 2033 Charles, 1468 . Charles Edgar, 1780 Charles Sheldon, 2260 Damaris, 1578 Ehzabeth, 2260 Eurotas Parraalee, 1779 Frank E., 2z6o Harriet, 718 Harriet Greene, 3033 Henry, 1970 Henry Eurotas, 2033 Henry Panet, 2033 Huldah, 1779, 2260 Jane, 2260 Jane Ann, 1970 Jehial, 1381 John B., 3467 , Joseph, 1935 Lydia, 1935 Maria, 3467 MarshaU, 358 Mary, 1780 Mary Ann, 1351 Mary Louise, 1779 Minnie Blanchard, 3033 Minnie Catherine, 3033 ;, Olive, 1381 ,: Panet M., 2360 ;; Richard Cleveland, 2033 7 Robert Day, 2033 ; Roxana Ann, 1468 :, Sarah Ann, 1970 ;^ Seth, 1779, 3260 " Seth Clarence,! 2260 Sylvia, 1289 Hatch, mrs., 92^ Adaliza, 1682 i Addie M., 19^3 Hatch, cont'd, Almira, 1404, 1854 Amos S., 1866 Annie Maria, 1682, 2024 Asa, 1658, 1876 Augusta Maria, 1963 Baker, 1232-3 Betsey, 1658 Burdett M., 1963 Calista, 3333 Cora G., 1963 Cornelia Ann, 927 Darius, 583 Deborah, 1657 E.. Ferrand, 1963 Edwin, 937 Elara, 1963 Eliza, 582, 1292 Eliza Alma, 1301 Elizabeth, 1838 Ellen, 937 ElTen Harriet, 1233 Elnora, 1933 Elsie Jane, 1233-3 Erama Jane, 3034 Evelyn, 1333 George Edward, 1301 Guy, 1333 Hannah, 68, 401 Herbert D., 1963 Horace, 926-7 Ida May, 2024 Isaac, 937, 1682 Jaraes Worden, 1682, 2024 ¦ Jane, 68, 401, 927, 1838 Jane Naomi, 1233 Jethro, 1963 Joel Fitch, 1682, 2024 j ohn Blakely, 1301 J ulia Frances, 1866 Laura Caroline, 1301 Lauretta Ruvina, 1682 Linus Henry, 1233 Lorenzo C, 1963 Lucy, 1827, 1866 Lucy Elizabeth, 1964 Lydia, 290 Mabel Adaliza, 2024 Maria, 1876 Martha F., 1963 Maryette, 1487 Mehitable, 1051-3 Miriam Cleveland, 1233 Orson, 1922 Patience, 1232-3 Phebe, 1052 Polly Mary, 2024 Rhoda, 926-7 Samantha, 1922 Samuel W., 1301 Sarah, 784, 105 1 Sears, 927 Smith, g37 Susan Mary, 1683 Susanna, ig35 Thomas, 68 Timothy, 1963 Tobias, 1051-2 Viola Annie, 2034 Wallace Emery, 3034 Walter, 1838 Warren, 937 William, 68, 401 WilHs Chapin, 1333 TTatchet, mr., 3ogo Eliza, 2ogo Hatfield, Edwin Francis, 308 Frankie Amanda, ig28 Isaac, 2216 Lockman, 575 LueUa Maud, 575 Margaret, 1267 Moses, ig28 Nancy, 1267 Sarah, 2216 Sarah T., 1064 Susan Jane, 1928 William, 1267 Hathaway, miss, 485 mr., 485 Angeline Rebecca, 985 Anna Powers, 1333 Belle, 796 Bertha Louise, 985 Betsey, 443 Betsey Church, 985 Calista Devine, 1927 Clara Adeline, 986 Clothier, 2481 Cordelia Lucretia, 1937 E. Carrie, 485 Edward Perry, 985 Elisha, 3431 Elisha Durfee, 985 Eliza Elizabeth, 1638 Elizabeth, 576 Elizabeth Winslow, g85 Emma L., 7g6 Eugenia, 448 Evelyn, 448 Flora, 985 Flora E., 3490 Francis Alexander, 985 Francis Edward, 985 Franklin A., 796 Frederick Upham, g8s George N., 7g6 Georgianna, 985 Harriet Elizabeth, 985 Hazel Louisa, ggo Jacob Read, 443 James Ambrose Cleveland, 985 Jay, 485 Katurah, 443 Lavinia, 3363 Lois Medora, 985 Lorenzo, 448 Maria, 750, 853 Maria Louisa Wilkie, ggo Martha Maria, 7g6 Mary, 142, 1348 Mary Anjanet, 443 Mary Anngenet, 443 Mary Barney, g85 Mary Walker, 985 Mehitable, 430 Mary, 2481 Mary Ella, ig37 PhUena, 831 Rebecca, 200, 2481 Rhoda, 203 Robert, 443 Robert Aelson, ggo Robert Wilbur, ggo SaUy A., 1628 Sarah, 2481 Sarah Adelaide, 985 Sarah E., 452 Silence, 796 Simeon Stedora, 576 Stephen V., 1628 StUlman, ig27 Susan, 485 Susanna, 2431 William, 24go WiUiam N., 7g6 Zeruiah, 485 Platherly, Hetherly, Eglin, 1842-3 Timothy, 1842 Ilathorne, see Hawthorne. Hauber, Guy Young, 626 Margaret, 626 Sarah Margaret, 626 Hauck, Houks, Frances, 2462 Jacob, 2462 Rebecca, 1267 Haugh, see Huff. Haughey, Florence B. , 3462 Frances, 2462 Gertrude L., 2462 James, 2462 Haught, Henrietta Dana, 2493 26S4 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Haughton, Jennie Elizabeth, 2497 Jennie Rebekah, 2497 Richard Allen, 3497 Haukens, see Plawkins. Haven, Havens, Aaron, 1617 Abigail, 1266 Andrew Smith, 1573 Chaplin, 486 Daniel, 1089 Desire, 1089 EUza M., 1718 EUa Cleaves, 1572 Emily, 1617 Emily Maria, 1686 Ethan, 269 Gertrude Mariman, 1718, 24g8 Hannah Maria, io8g Hepzibah, 1686 Irene, 969 Isabella, 1215 Mary, 969, 1 1 14, 1458 Moses, 1114 Peter, 2452 Polly, 486 Rebecca, 269 Richard, 566 SaUy, 3453 Samuel, 1686 Samuel Foster, 159 Sophronia Merril, 1573 Susannah, 565-6 Thomas, 566 .¦ William Adaras, 969 WiUiam Waterbury, 1718 Havens, see Haven. Haverly, Emraa, 1140 John, 1140 Haverstock, Eraily Ann, 1378 Havia, see Sevier. Haviland, Araanda, 541 Anna, 1106 Charles, 3491 Emily, 3491 Louisa, 1335, 3491 Thomas, 541 Hawes, Haws, mrs., 543 Abiah, 543 AbigaU, 543 Alfred C, 1603 Ann, I3i6, 1503 Clara, 1603 Constance, 1316, 1503 Cynthia, 542-3 Daniel, 543 Edward, 543, 546 Electa C, 648 Elvira Jane, 1467 Esther, 245 Galen, 546, 1158 Harriet, 546, 1158 JuHa, 1603 Levi Lindley, 546 Mary Barrett, 546, 1158 Mathias, 546 Nathan W., 1467 Richard, 1216, 1503 Sarah, 546, 623 Susan, 1996 Plawese, mr., mrs., 2244 Hawk, see Hawkes. Hawkes, Hawk, Hawks, Ann, 2019 Clara Jeannette, 1187 Clyde Winfield, 1186 David, 1 186-7, 1848 Edward, 3343 Eunice, 901 Floriens, 1186 Frederick, 1186 Ivan Oliver, 1187 JuHa Ann, 30ig L., goi Laura Belle, 1848 Levi, 301 g Lydia, 505 Margaret, iggg Hawkes, cont'd, Mary, 1186-7, 1848 Matthew, iggg Oliver Eggleston, 1187 Polly, gi4 Sarah, iggg Susannah, 360 Hawkins, Haukens, mr., 2og2 mrs., g23 Abby, g23 Abram, 923 Ada Leonora, 923 Almira, 933 Amy, 930 Anna, 1584 Anna Maria, 923 Arnold, 406 Augusta,/ 930 Aylmer, 923 Azariah, 920 Benjamin, 920, 21 14 Betsey, 922-3 Betsey Elizabeth, 933-3» Catherine Ann, 923 Catharine Granger, 885 Charity, 920 Charles Herbert, 933 Charlotte, 923, 2185 Cornelia Jane, 759 Dexter Arnold, 861 Don, 759 Edward, 920, g23 EHza, g33 Elizabeth, g33 Emily, i04g Ezekiel Cleveland, 923 George, g22-3, 1584 George Ferdinand, g23 Harriet, g30, 1635 Harriet Catharine, 885 Plarriet Whiting, 885 Henry, g33 Hepzibah, 1584 John, 3185 Joseph, 406, 933 Juliette, 2127 T^eonora, 1831 ^Margaret, 923 Margaret Levins, 923 Maria, 759, g23 Marinus, g23 Martha, 933, 2092 Martha J., I4g5 Mary, g23, 1672 Mary Ann, g20 Mary Butts, g33 Mary E., 876 Mary Elizabeth, 1678 Maud Ferre, 885 Mehitabel, 3383 Mercy, 406 Nathaniel, g33 Olive, g33 Rachel, 406 Rhoda, g30 Riley, 75g Ruth, 1107 Samuel, 1049 Sarah, 31 14 Sarah Cleveland, 3185 Uriah, 933 Willard Aylmer, 933 William Edgar, 933 William King, 885 William McEwen, 885 WiUiam Vinton, 885 Plawks, see Plawkes. Hawley, Abel, 1828 Abiah, 1988 Adelaide, 1136 Amy, 1398 Anne, 1398 Atwell Ely, 1137 Betsey, 1136 Charles M., 1624 Chester, 2271 Clara M., 1624 Deborah Ann, 1136 Dorothy, 884 Elizabeth, 1136, 1828 Hawley, cont'd, Estella, 1519 Eugene, 1136 Frederick Darwin, 1136 George B., 2273 PlopsteUa, 613 How^, 1136 Tay, 1136 Jerusha BushneU, 1136 John, 1136 John M., 1519 John Montgomery, 1137 John Pearl, 1137 Joseph, 8S4, 121 1 Lelia Andelucia, 1136 Lucinda, 926 Lydia, 884, 1137 Martin, 1398 Martin Gilbert, 1 136 Mary A., 1137 Maud May, 1136 Miriam, 1211 Nancy, 1828 Ruth Jerusha, 1137 Sophronia Ardell, 1137 Thomas, 884 Walter, 1136 Haws, see Hawes. Hawsington, see Horsington. Hawthorne, Hathorne, mr., 170 AbigaU, 1062 Eleazer, 1063 Elizabeth, 507 Mary, 170, 2135 Nathaniel, 67, 359 William, 507 Plaxton, Abigail, 1129 Jeremiah, 1129 Sally Ann, 1129 Hay, see Hayes. Hayden, de Heydon, Haiden,, Plaidon, Haydon, Play- ton, Heiden, Heydon, Heyton, Hoiden, mr.s., 2261 Abigail, 577, 2260 Abigail H., 578 C. W., 485 Charles Austin, 1462 Charles F., 1462 Cotton, 911-12 Daniel, 2261 David, 2261 Dorothy, 2261 E. Carrie,. 485 Ebenezer, 2261 Edward Daniel, 2446 Eliza, 3361 Eliza Jane, 1220 Elizabeth, i ig8, 225 r , 2446 Ella Sophia, ig76 Ezekiel, 2446 Frank L., ig76 Frederick Ellsworth, 2261 Gideon, 2261 Hannah, 578, 2261 Plannah AUyn, 2261 Harriet Annette, 1462 Plenry, 1462 Henry Keys, 2261 Hepzibah, 1686 Horace Edwin, 2204 Howard Sheffield, 2261 Jabez HaskeU, 2261 Jaraes, 2261 Jeraima, 2261 Jessie Lenore, 1976 John, 1243, 3361 Lois, 1243 Lucinda, gii-12 Marcia Ann, 2446 Mary Irene, ggi Mary Lucretia, 1844 Mathilda, 1243 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2655 Hayden, cont'd, MatUda, 1243 Mindwell, 2261 Oliver, 577, 2360 Thomas, 2261 Thomas W., 991 WiUiam, 577-8, 2261 Haydon, see Hayden. Hayes, Hay, Hays, Abigail, 1152 Alice Elizabeth, 580 Anna Lane, 1842 Bernice MabeUe, 1536 Bridget, 580 Calista, 2332 Carrie Alice, 1842 Catherine, 1827 Charles Edward, 1 153 Daniel Edward, 1153 Delos, 1536 , Eleanor AppoUonia, 1153 Elihu, 543 Elizabeth, 2003 Elizabeth H., 1490 EmUy, 1036 Estelle Frances, 1153 Florence Eleanor, 1153 Frances Abby, 1153 Frank Howard, 1842 Frank Melvin, 1536 George, 543 George Deforest, 1536 Hannah, 191, 543 Harriet Loring, 1153 Harry Lane, 1842 Herbert Clayton, 1536 Ichabod, 543 John, 543 John Blake, 1152 John Howard, 1842 John Thomas, 2476 josiah, 1490 Lawrence M., 3365 Levi Washington, 1536 Loney, 1536 Lucy Boutelle, 1153 Lucy E., 743 Marian Winchester, 1842 Martha, 543 Martha Maria, 1536 Mary, 543, 1842 Mary Eliza, 1152-3 Mary Estella, 1536 Mattie Cutler, 2476 Olie, 1490 Olivia Sophia, 2333 Patrick, 580 Ruth Stanley, 2476 Rutherford Birchard, 543 Samuel Henry, 2476 Samuel Waldron, 543 Sarah, 543, 769 Sarah Blake Kidder, 1153 Selina, 2476 Tamsen, 543 Thomas, 1536, 2476 Thomas Rice, 1152 Wilbur Edward, 1843 AVilliam Plenry, 2333 Zilpha, 3317 Hayford, Amelia Catharine, 1753 Dorcas, 1053 Emeline Joanna, 1398 Emma Eliza, igsg Hayne, see Haines. Hayner, see Haynor. Haynes, see Haines. Haynic, see Haynie. Haynie, see Haynic, Annie, 2273 Haynor, Hayner, Mary Ann, 1870 William, 2275 Hey- miss. 1771 Hays, see Hayes. Playton, see Hayden. Play ward, Haywood, ward, Heywood, 2420 Abigail, 595 Benoni, 131 Catharine, 776 Charlotte, 1771 Charlotte Catherine, Clarinda Smith, 1235 Daniel, 1184 Dewey, 1184 Eleanor, 1838 Eliza Ann, 1198 Elizabeth, 595 Emeline, 1184 Hannah, 131, 636, 1151, 1618 Henry, 1184 Levi, 411 Luther, 1618 Martha, 411 Mary Folsom, 1618 Nathaniel, 1618 Nehemiah, 636 Orin, 1184 Patty C, ngg R. S., 1335 Samuel, 595 William, 1771 WiUiam P., 1184 see also Howard. Haywood, see Hayward. Plazard, Hassard, mrs., 2322 Betsey, 436 George, 2322 Jeremiah, 2322 Jonathan J., 2322 Martha, 2322 Patience, 2333 Penelope, 2333 Robert, 3333 Stephen, 2322 Stuart, 314 Sybil, 314 Thomas, 2333 Plazelrigg, Anna, 3057 Dillard, 2057 J. D., 2057 J. H., 2057 John, 3057 Hazeltine. Haseltine, Plazel- ton, Hazleton, Heseltine, Abigail, 3426 Abraham, 1919 Ann, 1919 Anna, 1465 Elizabeth, 1919 John, 1919 Lydia, 293 Mary, igig Maxy, 2426 Robert, igig Hazelton, see Hazeltine. Plazen, Hassen, mr., 538 B erni ce, 2464, 3503 Betsey Maria, 1933 Dwight, 3464, 3503 Edward, 153 Eva Minerva, 3464, 2503 Grace, 3464, 3503 Hannah, 153 Harriet, 538 Hattie E., 1225 Henry Allen, 153 Jabez, 1923 Louana Ermishia, 1932 Lydia, 153 Mary, 153 Thoraas, 153 Hazlet, James, iiio Mary Renine, 11 10 Sarah Jennie, mo Hazleton, see Hazeltine. Hazlewood, Harriet Cecelia, iioi Heacock, miss or mrs. Head, Anna, 1754 Arthur Frazier, 1754 Betsey, 2316 Charles, 1056, 1754 Charles Dudley, 495, 1754 Edward Francis, 1754 1587 Head, cont'd, Eliza A., 1754 Elizabeth, 1056, 2315 Elizabeth Frazier, 175 ^ Frances SaltonstaU, 4y=, 1754 George, 3316 Hortense Clementine, 175^ Jane, 3316 Joseph, 1056 Katharine, 1754 Margaret, 1754, 3316 Mary Bangs, 1754 Mary PlaU, 1754 Mary Lovering, 1754 Sarah Winslow, 1056 Theodore, 3316 Headding, see Hadden. Headley, baron, 2415 mr., 1025 Frances Abia, 516 Phebe, 1025 William Salisbury, 516 Heal, Mary Jane, 1573 Heald, mrs., igi Abbie Brainerd, 1716 Abi, 410 Ann, igi Betsey, 410 -Dorothy, igi Gershom, igi Plannah Smith, 1716 John, 191 Lucinda, 948 Otis, 948 Sarah, 1839 Thomas, .^10 William, 1716 Healey, see Healy. Healy, Healey, mr., 218 Ada Florence, 1802 Allen, 1802 Fanny, 218 Lucretia, 1802 Lucy I., 1230 Lydia, 746 Mattie Josepha, 547 Seth Alden, 1547 Sophronia Littlefield. 1547 Heard, Herd, Elizabeth, 543 Ezekiel, 3437 George Thomas, 2212 James Robert, 3313 John, 543, 3437 Lduisa Frances, 2312 Mary, 543 Rose Anna, 3133 Samuel, 3313 Tempa, 3212 Thomas Benton, 3212 Hearn, Susannah, 141 Heart, see Hart. Heater, Deborah, 615 Heath, Annie Behan, 1845 Arvilla Ruth, 1962 Celestine Elizabeth, 1645 Dorcas, 1645 Ellen Tewksberry, 3283 Frances, 3030 George, 2283 Hannah, 1962 Isaline, 1845 Jacob, 1645 Jeremiah, ig62 John, g82 Moses, 1845 Sarah, 982 Susan, 1583 Heathcote, Arthur Cleveland, 1746 Catherine, 1746 Edraund, 1746 Eustace Cleveland, 1746 Georgina Florence, 1746 Jessie, 1746 Mary, 1746 Samuel, 1746 Heaton, Anna, 1275 Charles Henry, 1275 Francis Joseph, 1291 George, 1275 Hannah, 1275 2656 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Heaton, cont'd, Malvina, 1391 Sarah, 1391 Hebard, Hebbard, see Hib bard. Hebb, Margaret, 3329 Thomas, 2239 Heber, Reginald, 2243 Heber Fionn, 1068 Pleck, mr., 1703 AHce, 1703 Hannah Isabel, 1703 Hedden, see Hadden. Hedge, see Hedges. Hedges, Hedge, Elizabeth, 1659 Joanna, 1151 Martha ilaria, 2503 Olive, 2006 Heff, Amanda, 1886 Heffron, Amy Adell, 1538 Annie, 1538 Cassius Marcellus, 1537 Direxcy, 796 Edna, 1538 Edwin Deloss, 1538 Edwin Steen, 1537 Eugene Burdette, 1538 Flora Augusta, 1538 Fred Jerome, 1538 Frederick Cleveland, 1538 Frinda, 796 Helen, 1538 Plenry Lawrence, 1537 Ida May, 1538 Jerome, 1538 John, 7g6 Laura, 796 Louisa, 1538 Lydia, 796 Mary Jane, 1537 Matilda, 796 Matilda Helena, 1537 Melvina, 1537 C)rrin, 1537 Reuben, 796 RoseUa, 1538 Hegler, Abram, 1323 Plannah, 1323 Heiden, see Hayden. Height, John, 693 Orilla, 693 Heiker, Susanna, 1671 Heimerdinger, Katie, g65 Heinsher, see Henshaw. Heisel, Henry, 1563 Henry Albert Sauer, 1563 Leonard, John, 1563 Marion Josephine, 1563 Mary Wilhelmena Char- lotta, 1563 Helfridge, Jane, 487 John, 487 Helm, Edwin L., 2206 Emma Jackson, 2203 Helpbringer, CalharinCf i86g Plemenway, Abby Maria, 147 Albun Cleveland, 1252 Daniel, 1581 Egerton, igg3 Eliza Maria, igg3 Elizabeth Ripley, 1581 George Cowles, igg3 Harriet N., 1252 Helen Sheldon, 1993 Henrietta Rising, 1993 Henry Rising, 1993 Isabella, 1289 John Adams, 1993 jonatlian Wilder, i28g Josiah, 1252 Josiah Newell, 1252 Lydia, i04g Marjorie Fuller, igg3 Martha A., igg3 Mary, 1581 Hemenway, cont'd, Mary Adams, 1581 Mary Eliza, igg3 Mary Elizabeth, iggs Maryette, 2274 Sarah Elizabeth, 1252, igg2 Sylvia, 1289 WiUiam White, 1252 Hemming, Mary Ann, 2019 Hemphill, Nancy Sharpe, 882 Persis, 875 Hempstead, Hemstead, Mary, 687, 1358 Robert, 687, 1358 Hemstead, see Hempstead. Herastraught, Esther, 1403 Henchman, Bridget, igi Thoraas, igi Hendee, Elizabeth, 73g Hendendorf, Herdendorf, Herdondoff, Hbrdendorf, Hundendorf, Elizabeth, 923, 1834 ,, , , Hendershot, Hendershott, Amanda, 1196 Caroline, 1263 Charles, 1362 Maria, iig6 Michael, 1704 Samuel, 1196 Sarah Araelia, 1363 Sarah Anne, 1704 Hendershott, see Hender shot. Plenderson, miss, 3417 AbigaU, 361 David, 1935 Delphina, 630 Eliza, X33i Elizabeth Brown, 1769 EUen M., 1221 Emily, 1049 Hannah, 1049 Harriet Elmira, 1935, 2501 Ivory, 1049 Jaraes, 361-2, 1508, 1746a Jane, 1746a Mary, 362, 1240, 1508 Phebe, 921 William, 931, 1221 Hendrex, Hendrick, see Hendricks. Hendricks, Hendrex, Hen drick, Charlotte, 1313 Electra, 177S Eliza Jane, 1308 Esther H., 1035 Francis, 308, 747 Jabez, 1308 Jessie Edwina, 1309 Luther Henry, 1309 Mary, 307, 2170 Miranda, 1308 Phila, 747 Philander, 747 Sally, 1308 Samuel Henry, 1308 Susan, 1308 Thomas Andrews, 2277 Hendrickson, Nancy, 1979 Henian, Harriet Amanda, 6g8 Henness, Abram, 848 Arthur Layfaelle, 848 Ira, 848, i5go Katherine, 848 Katharine Maria, 1590 Mary Angeline, 1590 Rhoda Elizabeth, 848 Henning, Cleveland, 3038 Dora, 3038-9 Dora Martha, 202S Edwin Charles, 2028 EUa May, 2028 Elsie Sarah, 2028 Plenning, cont d, Erama BeUa, 2038 Flora Lucinda, 2028 Guy Thaddeus, 2028 John, 2028-g Lillian Lucille, 2028 Maude, 2028 Mayme V., 2038 Sarah Elizabeth, 2028 William, 2028 William Cleveland, 2028 Henris, Araanda, ig33 Huldah, 1934 Ransom, 1934 Henry, king of France, 2176 Henry I., II., 266 Henry III., 1068 Henry V., 19, 266 Henry, descendants, 2056 family, 2040 mr., 365, 76g,~ 2056 mrs., 853 Alice, 265 Araelia Melvina, 1520 Andelucia, 1804-5 Ann Elizabeth, 2016 Annie Margaret, 2016 Annie Ruth, 2016 Ardella Jane, 2016 Betsey, 2287 Charles Lorenzo, 2015 Clarissa Cornelia, 2015 Cook, 1652 Cyrus Alexander, 3016 Cyrus Cleveland, 2016 Dorcas, 1316 Eleanor, 203g-40 Elizabeth, 853 Ellen Geneva, 2015 Emily Martin, 1652 Ernest Livingston, 2015 Eunice Camp, ig45 Flora Lee, 1446 Frances Elizabeth, 2016 Francis, 853 Franklin Watson, 1446 Harriet, 1667 Harvey Earl, 2016 Plarvey Isaac, 2016 Jeannie Clarissa, 2016 Jerusha, 853 John, 3015-16 Joie, 1668 Lorenzo, 3015 Lydia Esther, 3015 Marietta Harriet, 3015 Mary, 76g Mary Content, 1810 Mary Elizabeth, 2015 Milly, 2056 Minnie E., 2015 Miriam Eveline, 3325 Nancy Manervy, 1446 Oscar, 333g Richard Kirk, 2016 Rodman Cleveland, 2016 Roxanna, 2015-16 Ruth Elizabeth, 2016 Sally, 1308 Samuel, 853 Stanley Roscoe, 2015 Wellington Kirk, 2016 William Ewan, 2016 WiUiam Thomas, 1945 Henshaw, Heinsher, Hen- sher, Hincher, Hinshaw, Hinshew, family, 36 rar., 36 mrs., 213 Abigail, 59, 103 Alvan, 213 Amy, 103 Baxter, 213 Benjamin, 59 Betsey, 213 Caroline, 213 Catharine, 36 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2657 Henshaw, cont'd, Clarissa, 103, 213 Daniel, 36 Deborah, 213 Dexter, 213 Ebenezer, 36 Eliza, 213 Elizabeth, 36, 57, 59 Fanny, 213 Foster, 213 G. E., 314 Hannah, 35-6, 58, 103 Hiram, 213 Isaac, 58, 104 Joseph, 59 Joshua, 36, 58; 104, 213 Josiah, 59 Keziah, 58 Leonard, 213 Louisa, 213 Lucy, 213 Lydia, 213 Martha, 60 Mary, 58-9, 103 Mehitable, 103 Nancy, 213 Oliver, 104, 213 Percy, 103 Polly, 103 PriscUla, 103 Royal, 213 Ruth, 213 Sally, 103 Samuel, sg Sarah, 313-14 Sarepta, 104 Thomas, 38, 35-6, 58, 60, 213 William, 36, 103, 213-14 Hensher, see Henshaw. Henson, Frank Curtis, ig23 Harris, 1923 Hattie, 1923 Lucia EUzabeth, 1923 Moses, ig23 Hepburn, Andrew Dousa, 1777 Charles McGufley, 1777 Henrietta, 1777 Janet Douglas, 1777 Julia Marietta, 1777 Samuel Benedict, 1777 ; Herald, Elizabeth, 1187 James, 1187 Lucilla, 1283 •Sarah, 1187 Herbert, comte de Vermandois, 1615 Herbert, Arthur James, 1743 Elizabeth, 1063 Hiram Frederic, 1866 Joseph, 1866 Mary Lucinda, 1866 Susan, 1866 Susannah, 1866 Herd, see Heard. Herdendorf, Herdondoff, see Hendendorf. Hereford, earl of, 1068, 1136 lord of, 1603 Heribert, comte de Vermandois, 1615 Heristal, Pepin d', 1615 Herle, John, 1060 Julian, 1060 Herman, see Harmon.' Herndon, Benjamin Zachariah, 2131, 2192 Bessie, 2131 Blanche Allene, 1797 Blanche Cleveland, 2033 Elizabeth, 1796 Elizabeth Laura, 2131, 2192 Eugene Oglethorpe, 2131 Henry James, 1796 Henry Randolph, 1797 Henry Taylor, 1797 Henry Wood, 1796 Herbert Templeman, 1796 Ida BeU, 2034 James Henry, 1796 Jessie, 2131 Juliet Maria, 1796 167 Plerndon, cont'd, Lily, 2131 Maria L., 1797 Mary Elizabeth, 2192 Mary L., 1797 Thomas Taylor, 1797 Herrick, Eyrick, Pleyricke, family, 24 genealogy mentioned, 2038 Albert Walker, 1498 Alice, 701-2 Almira Maria, 1497 Amanda, 2473 Avery, 1107 Charles Erastus, I4g8 Delos F., 1200 Editha, 703 Edmund Scudder, 1814 Elijah, i4g7-8 Elijah Lawrence, i4g7 Eliza Linsley, i4g8 Elizabeth Pratt, 1107 Ephraim, 702 Eric, 702 Eunice, 189 Frances Dewey, 1107 Frank Jones, 1498 Plannah, 702, 1497 Harriet, 2038 Henry, 25, 702, 2054, 2347 Israel, 702 Joan, 702 John, 702, 1668 Julia Anna, 1668 Lucius Carroll, 702 Lucretia R., 939 Lucy, 2299 Lucy Dunbar, 1498 Lucy Edwards, 1814 Lucy Wade, 1107 Mabel Hurd, 1498 Marcia, 1668 Maria Susan, 1497 Martha Medora, 1498 Mary, 703, 1107 Mary Jane, 1200 Mattie Medora, i3oo Rachel, 1402 Robert, 702 Sally, 1403 Sarah Elizabeth, 1107 Sarah Woodbridge, 1814 Theodore, 1403 Timothy, 703 William, 35, 702, 2054 WUliam Augustus, 1107 William Cleveland, 1107 Herries, Marian, nog Robert, nog H err if ord, Mary Catharine, igi6 Herring, Annie, lOio Catharine, 1015 Christina, 1012 Mary A., 711 Herringman, Mary, 1151 Herrington, see Harrington. Herron, John, 310 Margaret, 310 Martha, 310 Hersey, Harsie, Adelia Mary, 1055 Austin Alaric, 1054 Bertha, 1055, 1753 Calvin, 1054 Caroline Maria, 1054 Caroline May, 1054 Cornelia Maria, 1055 Edith Spencer, 1054 Edwin Boyd, 1055 Eliza, 1055 Elizabeth, 171, 1646 Elvira Ella Clarinda, los-t Eva Adelaide, 1055 Frances, 170-1 Frederic Calvin, 1055, 1753 Genevieve, 1054 Hersey, cont'd, Herman, 1646 Josephine, 1054 Julia, 1054 Lillian Wilma, 1055 Louisa Mary, 1054 Mathilda, 1646 Sarah, 1054 Sarah Amelia, 1753 Sophronia, 876 WilHam, 171 WiUiam Albert, 1054 Zephaniah Swiftmoore, TT ^°54 Plervey, Plervie, Plervy, see Harvey. Heseltine, see Hazeltine. Hesler, Hannah, 1883 Hess, Araelia J., i86g Daniel, 1672 Elizabeth, n86 Martha Alice, 1672 Mary Ann, 1186 Reuben Willis, 1186 Hessing, John, 1613 Sarah, 1631 Hester, Sarah Ann, 2185-6 Hestfield, Frederica, 766 Hetherington, George, 1299, 2499 Henry Shepard, i29g Jane, 1299 John, i29g Matilda Elizabeth, 1299, 2499 Hetherly, see Hatherly. Hevron, Margaret, 2204 Hewen, see Hewens. Hewens, Hewen, Aaron, 1617 Clarissa Ann, i6go Emily, 1617 Hewes, see Hughes. Hewett, Hewit, see Hewitt. Hewitt, Hewett, Hewit, Huet, genealogy men tioned, ig97 Abigail, 128 Abijah, 1612 Ann, 1612 Asa, 128 Azubah, 67 Benjamin, 128, 1612 Content, 399 Deathic, Dethic, Dethick, 128 I)iana, 1560 Edwin, 1730 Elizabeth, 67 Ephraim, 68, 128, 554 Gershom, 128 Hannah, 68 Harriet, 1730 Isabel, 554 Jane Theodora, 1657 John, 67-8, 138 Joseph, 138 Lewis Westly, 631 Lydia, 67-8 Mary, 128, 554, 1612 Nathaniel, 128 Persis, 67 Philander, 128 Philinda, 631 Prudence, 67 Randall, 128 Rebecca, 1611-12 Thankful, 67 Thomas, 67-8, 138 Hewlet, Hewlett, Hewlitt, Ellen, 434 Florid, 434 Henry H., 434 Joseph, 1702 Lizzie, 434 Mary, 1085 Mary Augusta, 1702 Polly, 1702 Hewlett, Hewlitt, see Hew let. Hewsone, Grissie, 1603 Heydon, see Hayden. 2658 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Heyniger, Catharine, 1014 Heyricke, see Herrick. Heyton, see Hayden. Heyward, Heywood, see Hayward. Hibbard, Hebard, Hebbard, Hibbert, A. G., 1823 A. P., 700 Abby, 1288 Abel Currier, 1618 AbigaU, 189, 643, 1288 Alma Elizabeth, i25g, 1866 Almira, 1288 Alpheus, i25g Alpheus Gurdon, 1290 Alphonsine A., 2465 Amanda, 1287 Amy Phyletta, 1280, 1289 Angeline Weaver, 701 Ann, 700 Ann Elizabeth, 700 Archa, 289 Arthur Edgar, 1289 Ashley, 1559 Betsey A., 1618 Caroline, 1289 Carrie Elizabeth, 701 Carrie Winnifred, 701 Catharine, Catherine, 87g, 1287 Charles Cleaveland, 1618 Charles Curtis, 701 Charles MelvUle, 701 Clara Martha, 1390 Clarence, 1288 Clarissa, 1527 Cleon Mellville, 2287 Coralin Adelia, 1288 Curtis Ahira, 701 Curtis Guy, 701 David Moulton, 3387 Don Frederic, 1387 Edward Sprague, 1388 Edwin, 879 Edwin Irving, 1290 Edwin Smiley, 1280, 1289 Elizabeth, 289 Elizabeth Matilda, 644 Elizabeth Perkins, 644, 1391 Ella A., 1288 Ella Rachel, 1559 Ellen, 1288 Elmer, 289 Erama, 1287 Emma Z., 1288 Fanny Burnham, 1391 Franklin Plummer, 1389 Fred Cleveland, 3387 Frederic Miles, 1387 George Brigham, 879 George Fisk, 3387 George Lambert, 701 George Lovictor, 701 Gurdon, 644 Gurdon Plummer, 1289 Guy Arthur, 701 Harriet Atwood, 1288 Helen Elizabeth, 701 Hezekiah, 353 Horatio, 2287 Isabella, 1289 Isabella Luella, 1290 James, 28g-gi, 87g, 1618 James Currier, 1618 Jedediah, Jedidiah, 28g, 2gi, 700 Jedediah Cleveland, 701 Jephtha, 353 Joanna, 2287 Joel, 700 Joel Cleveland, 701 John, 28g, 2gi, i55g John Brazee, 701 Josephine, 701 Josephine Louisa, 2287 Hibbard, cont'd, Josephine Philena, 1259 Lewis Lambert, 701 Lucius Cleaveland, 879 Lucy, 353 Lucy Allene, 701 Lucy Elnette, 700 Lydia, 352-3 Maria Cornelia, 1287 Martha, 289, 291 Mary, 290, 879, 1388 Mary A., 1618 Mary Ann, 879 Mary E., 701 Mary Grace, 701 Mary Jane, 701 Nabby, 289 Octavia, 1288 Olive, 353 Oliver, 643 Oliver Davison, 1287 PhUena A., 1359 Philinda, 289 Polly, 289, 879, 1386 Rachel, 1559 Rhoda Luthera, 1259 Roger, 643-4, 1259 Rose Parepa, 1387 Rufus, 352-3 Ruth Hovey, 1290 Samuel, 289 Sarah, 123, 125, 643-4, 1259, 1559 Sarah Amelia, 1559 Sarah Cleveland, 3387 Sarah Davison, 1390 Sarah Ensworth, 389 Sarah Marinda, 1388 Susan, 390 Susan Emily, 879 Sylvanus Hovey, i25g Sylvester M., i6i8 WUHam, 353 William Bradford, 353 William Lewis, 1288 Willie Frank, 701 Zeruiah, 28g Zilena, 28g Hibbert, see Hibbard. Hickey, Joanna, i4ig Mary, i4ig Timothy, i4ig Hickle, Adalid, 2ig3 Calvin, 2ig3 Winny, 2ig3 Hickling, Catharine Greene, 522 Thomas, 522 Hickock, Hickok, see Hickox. Hickox, Hickock, Hickok, mr., 396 Ambrose, 1492 Gilman C, 1213 Hannah, i4g2 Jessie Amelia, 1213 Lowly, 475 Lucy, 3g6 Weltha H., I4g2 Hicks, Hix, miss, 568, 22g7 mr., 2388 Alonzo, 403 Amy Malij 1778 Arthur Willson, 1778 Balus, 2078 Baptist, 76, 2451 Benjamin, 1248 Betsey E., 1348 Candace, 935 Caroline Amelia, 1778 Catey Caldwell, 1779 Charlotte, 2288 Cora Livingston, 1778 Edward, 540 Elias, 1085 Eliza, 1531 Hicks, cont'd, Elizabeth, 403. 1085 , EUis, 7^ Elmira Lunette, 1248 Eraily Norwood, 1775 Eugene E., 1248 Evelyn Pierpont, 1778 Fanny, 2288 George Cleveland, 1777-8 Gertrude Augusta, 1083 Gibson, 2079 GUbert, 1531 Hannah, 1085 Harriet, 1104 Helen Cleveland, 1778 Henreta, 540 Plerodias, 1085 Hored, 1085 Jacob, 1085 Jaraes, 76, 403, 2451 James Milnor, 1083 Jane, 2078 Joan, 76 John, 76, 403, 1085, 1670, 2079, 3451 John Augustus, 1083, 1778 Josephine, 1777-8, 2079 Julia, 1083, 1085 Julia Bush, 1776 Julia Caroline, 1778 Kinion, 2079 Levi, 2288 Lewis, 2288 Lucy, 1083 Lucy Cleveland, 1775 Lydia, 76, 2451 Margaret, 76, 1851, 2451 Maria, 1565 Mariette Keith, 1777 Martha, 1085 Mary, 1085, 1670, 2451 Mary Hubbard, 1778 Nancy, 76^ 800, 94S, 2079 Oliver Hewlet, 1083, 1085 Osgood, 2288 Phebe, 76 Philander W., 2275 Phineas, 403 Robert, 76, 1085, 3451 Sally, 668 Sarah Isabella, 1531 Stephen, 1085 Susan, 403 Thomas, 76, 1085, 2275, 2451 Williara, 1085, 2078 William Cleveland, 1775 Hidden, Louisa Maria, 1270 Oliver, 1270 Hide, see Hyde. Hier, Nora Ellen, 2464 Higbee, Higby, Amelia Elizabeth,. 1504 Bradford Frank, 1504 Elijah, 6g6 Esther, 696 Henry Anderson, 1504 Julius, 6g6 Lucinda, 696 Higby, see Higbee. Higgins, , 2334 mr., 1720, 2334 AdeUne, 1157 Alice Ann, 1328 Annie, 1720 Arthur, 1338 Betsey, 1430 Electa, 1430 Elijah Hayford, 1547 Elizabeth, 893-4, "89 Harry, 1430 Ida Hermina, 1547 James, 1189, 1338 Jane, 1189 Lewis, 1328 Mary, 1074, 1328 Mary Ann, 1328 Ora, 1338 Orson, 1430 Sarah Almira, 1547 WilHam, 1430 HiggiAson, mrs., 487 Agnes Gordon, 1064 Alexander Griswold, 1071, 2394 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2659 Higginson, cont'd, Alexander Henry, 1767 Alice, 496 Ann, 220 Anna E., 1071 Anna Elizabeth, 1059, 1071 Anna Tyng, 1769 Anne, 496 Anne Storrow, 491, 1064 Annie Louise, 1064 Barbara, 1768 Barbara Cooper, 494 Catherine, 1064 Celma, 1071 Charles James, 496 Charles Maynard, 1769 Charlotte, 496 Dudley L., 1071 Dudley Tyng, 1071 Edward, 1064 Edward Cabot, 491 Eliza Channing, 1064 Elizabeth, 219-30, 488, 495, 1071, 1767 Elizabeth SewaU, 1063, 1080 Ella A., 1064 Frances SaltonstaU, 495, 1754 Francis, 330 Francis John, 497, 1064, 2498 Francis Lee, 1768 Francis VaUery, 1071 Frederick Winston, 1072 Freelove Wiggins, 1071 George, 220, 495, 1070, 1767 George Francis, 1071 George Maynard, 1059, 1071, 1769 Grace Glenwood, 1064 Hannah, 1071 Harold, 1071 Henry, 496 Henry Cushing, 1071 Henry Frederick, 496 Henry Lee, 1767 Ida M., 1071 Ida Olympe Frederika, 1767 James Babcock, 495 James Jackson, 1767 James Perkins, 220, 495, 1754 Jane Rosalind, 496 Jeanette, 487 John, 320-1, 487, 107X John Augustus, 496 John Cushing, 496 Julia, 1768 Julia Newberry, 1072 JuUet Borland, 1768 Katherine, 1064 Katharine M., 1769 Lewis, 496 Louis, 1064 Louisa Gore, 495 Lucy Maynard, 176S Margaret, 220-1, 1767 . Margaret Waldo, 1066 Martha, 230, 491, 495» i754 Martha Babcock, 495 Martha Salisbury, 1063 Mary Cabot, 1070, 2032 Mary Davies, 1065 Mary^ Elizabeth, 1066 Mary Hubbard, 495 Mary Lee, 1070 Mary Louisa, 1766 Mary Potter, 1066 Nancy Maynard, 496 Nathaniel, 491 Norton Finney, 1769 Robert Minturn, 1064 Rowena Balcombe, 1072 Russel Carder, 496 Ruth, 1 07 1 Samuel Perkins, 1071 Higginson, cont'd, Samuel Storrow, 1064 Samuel Thatcher, 491 Sarah, 220-1, 487, 491 Sarah Rhea, 496 Sarah T., 1064 Simplice, 487 Stephen, 219-20, 491, 4g5, 1064 Stephen Cleveland, 496 Susan Cleveland, 495, 497, 1064 Susan Louisa, 491 Susanna, 219 Thomas Wentworth, 38, 1066-7, 2394 Waldo, 1065, 3396 William Cochran, 1064 High, Amanda Ann, 2214 Amanda Medora, 2214 Andrew Jafckson, 2214 Higliam, Alice, g6i Charles Edward, g6i Emma Cleveland, g6r Samuel, g6i Susan Dyer, g6i WiUie, g6i Highfell, Esther, 1428 Highland, see Hiland. Hightower, Annie, 2185 Elizabeth, 3183 John D., 3163 John Thomas, 3162 Mattie Lou, 3163 Higinbotham, Ann, 1818 Charles, 1818 Higley, AbigaU, 1138, 1313 Ann, 530 Brewster, 2035 Catherine, 1212 Esther, 2035 Hannah, 872, 1212, 2035 lola, 140 John, 872, 1212, 2035 Jonathan, 1212 Katherine, 1212 Mercy, 1631 Naomi, 2035 Sarauel, 1213 Higson, Eliza A., 1304 Hiland, Highland, Hyland, Elizabeth, 1147 Ester, 3485 George, 1147 Hannah, 1147 Hester, 3485 Hilda, abbess of Heruteu, 2225 Hildebrand, Dora, 2028-9 Hildegarde, empress, 1615 Hildetand, king Harald, 2204 Hildreth, Elizabeth, 39, 44. igo Fanny, g57 Jane, i83g Joan, i53g Persis, 3g Richard, 39, 44. 1839 Sarah, 44 Zachariah, igo Zaccheus, igo Hiler, Mary J., ig3g HiU, HUles, HUls, , 1030 deacon, 2471 miss, 1045, 1857 mr.., 782, 1253, 3304 mrs., 1045, 3304, 3473, 2482 Abby H., 1561 Abel, 475 Abraham, 1083, 1771 Ada Fidelia, 588 Addie, 2472 Addison, 3472 Alexander S., 3032 Alrnira B., 475 Alvin, 635 Amelia, 1038, 3487 Angelia Caroline, 3473 Ann, 1038, 1743, 34g8 Ann P., 819 Anna, 1895 Anna Bissell Bartlett, 1045 Anna Powers, 1333 HiU, cont'd, Anne, 1744 Ansel, 635 Arthur, 1744, 2032 Asenath, 1234 -Aurilla, 2471 Benjamin, 645 Betsey, 332, 782 Blanche, 1744 Blanche Balfour, 2304 Caleb, 332, 819 Calvin, 332 Candace, 925 Canida, 2089 Caroline, 1510 Catharine Foss, 1039 Cevilla, 1746b Cevilla Albro, 1039 Charles, 1744 Charles B., 2160 Charles PL, 823 Charles Henry, 2473 Charles John, 1038, 1744, 2487-8 Charles T., 2333 • Charlotte, 8ig Clarissa, 481 Cleora Cogswell, 1609 Corina C. C, 333 Cornelia, 1744 Cornelia Isabella, 1744 Cornelia de NeufviUe, 1744 Cynthia, 533, 1045, 1393 David, 333, 8ig Delia Marion, 1751 Delia, 3ig3 Don Gleason, 133 Dorothy, 781, 3300 Dorothy Annie Constance, 1744 Edmund B., 533 Edmund Plerbert, 1744 Edward John, 1745 Eldora Esterdes, 3160 Eli, 818 Elijah, 2473 Elisha, 496 Eliza, 1038, 3488 Eliza A., 819 Eliza Louise, 2463 Elizabeth, 473, 496, 645, 956, }743, X771, 3304, 2483 Elizabeth Cleary, 1746a Ellen, 3473 EUen Sophronia, 588 Eloise Alice, 3473 Emeriah Jane, 1417 EmUy BeUe, 1518 Emma, 1746a Emma Jane, 833 Eugene Duane, 588 Eugene >Nelson, 1233 Eunice, 1518 Ezekiel Loomis, 4S1 Florence Louisa, 1745 Frances, 333, 3471 Frances Cleveland, 1045 Francis Robert, 1039 George, 1039, 3488 George Annand, 1039 George Blandford, 1744 George H., 1609 George Pierre, 1744 George Washington, 3472 Georgina, 1746a Grace, 1038, 2473, 248S Hannah, 333-3, 1518 Harriet, 333 Harriet E., 819 Harriet N., 1353 Henrietta, 533 Henrietta James, 2304 Henry, 2472-3 Plerby, 2473 Hezekiah, 481 Hiram. 333 Horace, 332 Horace Franklin, 588 266o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hill, cont'd, Horatio Nelson, 1045 lona, 3220 Isaac, 1083 Isabella, 1744 J. R., 1745 Jabez, 3471 Jaraes Augustus, 58S Jaraes Newton, 2193 Jane, 1039 Jared, 151S Jason Cleveland, 2472 Jennie, 2163 Jessie, 1746 Johannah, 588 John. 334, 333-3, 481, 496, 1045, 1083, 2193, 2463, 2471 John B., 4gi Jonathan, 781 Joseph, 588, 1083, 3300 Joseph Albert, 588 Josephine Hannah, 1233 Julia, 2473 JuUa Maria, 2472 Kate Foss, i03g Laura Constance, 2463 Levi Boynton, 2471 L^orin, 421 Eouisa Annis, 1045 Eouisa Burton, 5S4 Eucia, 334 Lucretia, 5gg Lucy, 481, 588, 1310, 3032 Lxicy Garnett, 3304. Luther, 3473 Lydia, 333 Maetta, 3320 Manerva, 2131 Margaret Blanche, 1744 Margaret Jane, 2473 Margaretta, 533 Margery, 400 Maria Elisa, 1744 MariUa, 1188 Martha Jane, 818 Mary, 421, 588, 635, 781. 1039, 1083, 1518, 1746, 1746b, 2089, 2193, 2488 Mary D., 2472 Mary ElizalDeth, 2476 Mary Jane, 533 Mary Martha, 2ig3 Mary Rebecca, 1039, 2488 Mary W., 819 Minda, 711 Nathan Stacy, 481 Nelson Carpenter, 1233 Norman, 481, 1045 Perline, 2471 Peter, 4g6 Philip Rowland, 1744 Phillis, 781 Polly, 635 Prudence, 1771, 1838 Kachel Ann, 1334 Ralph, 26, 3040 Raymond Sage, 2304 R-ichard, 533, 1038 Richard Cleaveland, 473, 24S3 Richard Walter, 3304 Robert, 473, 533, 3396, 3482 Robert M., S33 Roger, 496 Rose, 1083 Russel, 635 Sally, 481, 1045 Sallie F., 3150 Sarah, 481, 8ig, 1083, nio, 1196, 1660 Sarah Cleveland, 1045 Sarah Elizabeth, 1252 Silas Johnson, 481 Silas Lorenzo, 1045 Sophia, 332 Stacy, 481 Susannah, 324 Theresa, Rosaltha, 588 Thomas, 3150 Thomasine, 1083 Warren Robinson, 2304 Washington, 1233 WilHam, 781, 1039, 1518, 2304 HiU, cont'd, WUliam Brooks, 3304 William H., 533 WiUiam Hart, 1045 Ziba, 1334 Hillard, mr., 1687 Carroll, 1687 Chester G., 1687 George StiUman, 494, 4gg, 1073, 1600 Hubert M., 1687 Mary Frances, 1687 Hillditur, king, 3304 HiUer, Hilyer, Benjamin, 335 Charles Frederick Prescott, 1119 Dorcas Cleveland, 234, 498, 2361, 2396 Eliza Louise, 2463 Elizabeth, 235 Emma Prescott, nig Hannah, 334-5, 521 James Addison Prescott, mg Jessie Prescott, nrg John, 3463 Joseph, 334-5 Laura Constance, 2463 Lucy, 501, 521 Margaret, 234, 521 Margaret Cleveland Prescott, 1119 Mary, 234, 501 Oliver Prescott, mg Susanna, 235 Thomas Oliver, mg HUles, see HiU. Hilliard, Anthony, 2485 Betsey Church, g85 Catherine, 1827 Esther, 2485 Esther Burgess, 1271 Eunice, 620 Isaac, 985 Richard, 1837 Sally, 985 Samuel, 630 Sarah Catharine, 1837 Hillman, mr., 975 Addie, 609 Caroline Wentworth, 1717 Elizabeth, 6o8-g Emma, 608 Jemima, iig7 Lafayette, 608-g Rebecca D., g75 Sarah Jane, 608 Thomas, 975 William, 608 HiUs, see HiU. TTilly, Sarah, 3155 Hilt, Anna, 1871 Hilton, mr., 674 Ann, 563, 3438 Charles, 563 Eliza, 674 George S., 949 Hannah, 563 Harriet, 564 Pliram, 674 Jacob, 563 James, 562-3 Jane, 585 John, 674 Kinney, g4g Lawrence, 563 McKinney, 948 Mary Jane, 563 Nancy, 2428 Philip, 563 Rhoda, 586 Robert, 562 Sarah, 562-3, 948 Sarah Anna, 562 Sarah Jane, g4g Smith, 563 Thomas, 563, 565, 586 Hilyer, see Hiller. Himelaugh, Grace, 692 Guy, 692 Lucinda Jane, 693 Mary Belle, 693 Peter, 693 Himes, Charles F., 1091 PTimkins, Frances L., 1629 Philenda, 1629 Robert, 1629 Hincher, see Henshaw. Hinchlifle, Charles Edward, 1968 Elsie Ann, 1968 James Edward, 1968 Manassa, ig68 Mary, ig68 Hinchman, Charlotta, 1000 Hinckley, Hinkley, mr., 1408 Armanella Maria, 1247 Caroline C, 970 Charles Franklin, g7o Clara, 3039 Fi'knces, 1408 Harvey, 970 Jabez S., 970 Jaraes Otis, 3039 Mary Edith, 970 Mary Jones, 970 Roxanna, 1347 Samuel, 44 Sarah, 44 Sarah Lynn, 303g Thomas, 303g Timothy, 1347 Wallace, g7o Watson Spooner, 3039 Hincksmann, Joanna, 493 Hinds, see Hines. Hine, see Hines. Hines, Hinds, Hine, Arch, 3i68 Dorathea, 2417 Drusilla, 1665 Emeline, 1885 Harriet, 684 Heman Clark, 18S5 Lois, 150 Maggie, 3168 Mary Blanche, 3168 Mary G., 3168 Sarah Jane, 1885 Sylvester, 150 Teresa, 1730 Thomas Hughs, 1665 Tinnie, 1665 Hiner, Alice Elizabeth, 1592 Harbert, 1592 Isaac, 1592 Mary, 1592 Hinkle, David, 1374 Eva, 1374 Harriet, 1374 Harriet Hite, 3303 J. v., 3302 John, 1374 Hinkley, see Hinckley. Hinman, Almira, 1504 Lucy Ann, 1504 Royal Ralph, 32, 375 WilHam Barny, 1504 Hinsdale, Lydia, 1849 Hinshaw, Hinshew, see Henshaw. Ilintchell, Mary, 1282 Hinton, Caroline Ann, 1653 Catherine, 1653 Corydon Michael William, ISSI Eliza, 1551 Rachel Elizabeth, 1551 William, 1652 Hippie, mrs., 997 Alonzo, gg7 Annie, gg7 Catherine, 997 Charlotte, 997 Elizabeth, 997 Ella, 997 George, 997 Plarry, 997 Hattie, 997 James C, 997 John, 9g7 Lilian, gg7 Sadie, g97 WUliam, 997 WiUiam Holzer, 997 Hirtswood, Mary, 1360 Hiscock, Sophronia, 1924 Hitchcock, mrs., 552 Abigail, 552 Abner P., sgg Adele Barstow, I5g6 Almira, 552 Anna, 599 Caroline, 1196 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2661 Hitchcock, cont'd, Catharine, Catherine, 650, 2501 Dexter, 1596 Edward, 505 Elizabeth, 505, 2034 Ellen, 650 Gad, 552 George, 601 Hannah, 505, 2034 John, 505, 552, 2484 Joseph, 650 Lizzie, 650 Louisa, 1650 Luke, 505, 552, 3034 Lydia, 553 Margaret, 504-5 Maria, 601 Mary, 505, 3484 - — Matthias, 505 Myrtilla Eglantine, 1373 Nathaniel, 553 Newton, 1373 Noah, 553 Ruth, 505 Ruth Ann, 601 Samuel, 505 Sarah Maria, 1650 Sidney, 650 Silence, 553 Submit, 1373 WiUiam Parmalee, 1650 Hitt, Eveline Mercy, 536 Glenn Carl, 536 James Blaine, 536 Jane Ann, 536 Sylvester Chancelor, 536 WiUiam HoUiday, 536 Hix, see Hicks. Hixson, Albert, 1280 Matilda Frances, 1280 Rachel, 1280 Hoadley, see Hoadly. Hoadly, Hoadley, Charles Jeremy, 63 David, 1803 Sarah T., 1802 ¦ Hoag, mrs., 621 Betsey, 852 Caroline, 621 Catherine, 621 Charles @scar, 621 Charlotte, 621 Clara Badgley, 1480 Clarissa, 631 Edith Gertrude, 1480 Elizabeth, 631 Ellen, 621 Emily, 1480 Ephraim Wight, 621 Esaias, 631 Ezra, 621 Ezra Guernsey, 621 Flora, 1480 Hannah, 621 Henry Griffin, 1480 Horace, 621 Job Cleveland, 1480 Lydia, 1480 Margaret, 2330 Margaretta, 621 Russell, 1480 Salome, 621 William Henry, 1480 Hoagland, Amos, 1478 Emily Case, 1478 Herbert, 1479 Robert Sinclair, 1479 Warren Lanning, 1478 Hoar, see Hoare. Hoare, Hoar, mr., 1551 Alice, 1551 Charles, 493, 1999 Daniel, 493 Joanna, 4g3, 1551 Leonard, 493, 1551 Margery, 493 Mary, T55T Robert Colt, i83g WilHam G., 2279 Hobart, Hobert, Aaron, 3435 Abigail Maria, 1123 C. C, 677 Charlotte Prudden, 1123 Plobart, cont'd, Edmund, 844 Elizabeth, 844 Henry F., 1133 Henry H., 751 Horace, 1133 Joseph, 304 Lucena, 677 Maria, 304 Peter, 844 Sally Jane, 751 Sarah Farmer, 3435 see also Hubbard. Hobbs, miss or mrs., 540 Mary, 489, 1659 Plobby, Abigail, 146 Ann, 1613 Charles, 1613 Judith, 1613 William, 1613 Hobert, see Hobart, Hobson, Hitty, 863 Lydia, 848-9 Hochreiter, Margaret, 1863 Hockensmith, Catharine, 33g3 Hockridge, Ann Araelia, 1307 George W., 1307 Hester Ann, 1307 John D., 1307 Hodg, see Hodges. Hodgdon, Andrew Hall, 82g Andrew Yates, 829 Anna Florence, 829 Maria Eunice, 829 Richard Lord, 829 Waldo Colburn, 829 Hodge, see Hodges. Hodges, Hodg, Plodge, mr., 2110 A. B., 45 Almeda Austin, 928 Anna Monroe, 928 Austin WUliams, 928 Celinda, 1379 Charles, 1738 Christian, 45 David, 938 Elijah, 928 Elizabeth, 503 Ellen, 621 Emily, 928 Esther, 1999 Eveline, 928 Frederick, 1360 Gamaliel, 503 George, 502-3 Henry, iggg James Nathaniel, 2041 Jennie Maude, 3041 Joanna, 59 John, 503 Jonathan, 503 Judith, 21 10 Laura Hall, 1728 Laverne Josephine, 1360 Lovina, 1360 Martha, 55, 928 Mary, 1536 Phebe, 938 Priscilla, 503 Richard,' 503 Sarah, 503-3, 938 Sarah Jane, 3041 William, 55 Hodgkin, see Hodgkins. Hodgkins, Hodgkin, Ann, 700, 1436 Christopher, 833 Delana, 2503 Elizabeth, iggg Hannah, 1540 Jay Fuller, 3503 Martha, 833 Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven, igi Elsie Florence, 2494 EHza Pulsipher, 3494 John Buell, 3494 John Edwards, 34g4 Mary Scofield, 34g4 Williara Adams, 3494 Hoding, Mehettable, 1331 Hodlock, Cynthia Bowen, 3383 Levi, 3383 IToel, Hole, Charles, 466 Hannah, 466 Keziah, 1183, Samuel, 1185 1 WUliam, 1185 Ploes, Bethia, 1325 Hoffman, Agnes, 1268 Alice, 1268 Amarilla Cleveland, 1639 ' Benjamin F., 1489 Catharine, Catherine, 1639, ig6o Charles, 1268 EUzabeth Ann Hopkins, 1489 James GUmore, 1869-70 John, 1268, 1489 Joseph, 1639 Joseph Rich, i63g Laura, 1368 Mary, 3035 Mary Alice, 1367 Mary Elizabeth, i86g Mary Wyatt, 1268 Philip, 1268 WiUiam, 1268 Plogan, Jurian, 2371 Plogeboom, Andrew, 1400 Cornelia, 1400 Cornelia Elizabeth, i3g8, 1400 Plogg, Ann, 2246 Hogle, Charles Ernest, 1426 Columbus Lorenzo, 1426 Evelyn Angeline, 1426 Horatio May, 1426 Isaac, 1426 Lydia Elizabeth, 1426 Miriam, 1426 Hogue, Rebecca, 2161 Hoiden, see Hayden. Hoile, see Hoyles. Hoisington, see Horsington. Hoit, see Hoyt. Hoker, see Hooker. Holand, , 13 pedigree mentioned,. 13 Holbrook, Holebrook, ran, 103 Abel, 955 Abigail Rebecca, 1391 Alfred, 955 Amariah, 1958 Anna, 259 Annie, 1958 Arthur T., 1390 Caroline Maria, 1390 Catharine, 955 Clarissa, 1958 Daniel, 259, 1391 David, 259 Dorcas, 155 Eliza, 955 Elizabeth, 675, 1391, 1838 Elizabeth Sperry, 1958 Experience, 675 Georgia, 956, 1714 Hannah, 103, 675 Harold Arthur, 1390 Harrison, 95^, 1714 Helen McNaughton, 1958 Helen Marr, 1958 Howard Griffin, igsS John, 67s, gss Lewis, gss Louisa, 955 Mary, 339, 955, 1663 Matt Howard, 1958 Maud Lyman, 1390 Mehitable, 2471 Peter, 1958 Rose, 955 Sabrina, 359 Thomas, 675 Vina, 1958 W. Plarvey, 156 Hoicomb, Angeline, 1692 Benajah, 2035 Carlos C, 1693 Daniel, 1181 Elias, 1487 Elizabeth, 1988 Esther, 2035 Fannie Eugenia, 1487 j 2662 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hoicomb, cont'd, Harriet, 1181 Ira, 2321 Jemima, 594 Julia E., 594 Martha, 1105 Mary, 780, 1060, 2035, 3331 Mary E., 594 Mercy, 780 Myron T., 594 Myrtie, 3331 Nathaniel, 780, 3035 Phebe Jane, 1693 Rebecca, 1894 Ruth E., 594 Sarah, 780, 1181, 2035 Thoraas, 780, 1060, ig88, 203s Wesley, 594 William, 1182 Holden, AbigaU Bond, 1245 Angeline Cynthia, 1245 Ann, 2486 Ann Elizabeth, 1247 Cynthia, 1245, 1247 Eli, 2486 Elizabeth, 750, 1469-70, 2486 Esther, 2287 Frederic Augustus, 1792 Johannah, 2435 Jonathan, 3435 Joseph, 959 Josiah Bond, 1347 Margaret, 137 Martha Washington, 959 Rebekah, 3425 Susan Caroline, 1865 Thomas, 3435 Holder, mrs., 2339 Ammon, 232g Ancybel, 232g Anna Rose, 1643 Charles, 1643 David, 232g Dorothy, 210 Elizabeth, 1643 Emraa, 1643 Fairqbe, 2329 Francis, 2329 Frank Wood, 2018 George, 1643, 3339 George Jefferson, 3339 George Warren, 1643 Harbard, 232g J. L., 232g James, 232g Jefferson, 232g Jerome, 233g John, 332g Le Roy, 2018 Le Roy Warren, 2018 Margaret, 2018 Margarette Isabella, 2018 Mary Agnes, 2018 Nancy Fairabe, 333g Thomas, 310 Tryphena Blanche, 3018 Holdridge, Sarah E., 745 Hole, see Hoel. Holebrook, see Holbrook. Holembeck, Holenbeck, see HoUenbeck. Holey, see HoUey. Holgate, Jerome B., 731 Holgrave, Halgrave, Elizabeth, 511 John, 511, 872 Martha, 511, 872 Holkins, Harriet Jane, i88o HoUand, earl ol Kent, 856 lady, 856 Alida, 1831 Asbury Morgan, 2220 Dwight, 1812 Edward, 1831 Eve, 1831 Fannie Murtis, 2220 Henry, 1831 Jake, 207g Jenny, 1831 John, 1843 Joseph, 138 Judith, 1843 Linda Howard, 1812 Holland, cont'd, Magdalene Mary, 1830-1 Magdalena, 1831 Margaret, 2079, 2220 Mary Margie, 2220 Peggy, 2079 Polly, 2079 Relief, 1842' Sarah, 887 Wayman Asbury, 2220 HoUenbeck, Hallenbeck, Holembeck, Holenbeck, Almarin, i4gg Ann Eliza, 1402 Catharine M., 1183 Celinda, 1356 Charlotte, 1328 Chester Eugene, 1403 Clara RoseUa, 1499 Deidamia, 1402 Ezekiel Henry, 1402 Frank Spencer, i4gg George A., 1851 Hannah, 1499 Harrison Jacob, 1402 Henry Clinton, 1402 Hubert, 1402 Jacob, 1402 Jacob A., 1402 James Norman, 1356 John Dewitt, 1403 Laura, 1402 Luella Delphine, 1402 Maria, 551 Mary Elizabeth, 1356 Ruth, 1402 Stephen MUler, 1356 Weltha Gertrude, 1851 WiUiam, 551 Winfield Adelbert, 1402 Holleran, Catherine, 1340 Holies, see Holley. HoUey, Halley, Holey, HoUes, HoUis, Holly, Holway, astronomer, 1899 Abigail, ii2g Agnes, i8q9 Caroline Elizabeth, iSgg Edgar P., 1349 Elizabeth, iSgg, 2208 Ellen, 2101 Frances Lucinda, 1275 Jane Russel, 976 John, 1899 Joseph, 1899 Lucinda H., 1275 Manly, 1275 Mary, 1899 Mary Ann', 1674 Myron, xSgg Rose, i34g Samuel, i8gg Samuel Johnson, i8gg Susanna, 220S Thomas, i8gg, 2398 Williara, i8gg Hollicoke, see Holyoke. HoUiday, doctor, 585 Polly, 585 Hollingsworth, HoUing worth, mr., 22og Ada Longmore, 2211 Cora Redd, 2168 Donald, 247g E. F., 2168 Elizabeth, 2211 Elizabeth Foster, 2211 Emma, 964 Erama Clara, 2211 Fanny Lavinia, 2211 George, 2479 Isham, 2211 J. B., 2168 James H., 1233 Jane Naomi, 1233 John, 331 1 Mary, 1333 Mary Eugenia, 3211 ^ Hollingsworth, cont d, Mary Felicia, 2211 Mary Matilda, 2168 Nancy, 2209 Nora, 2479 Paul, 2168 Samuel S., 1233 Thomas, 2479 HoUingworth, see Hollings worth. HoUinshead, Abby Rice, 1 158 AbigaU Budd, 1158 Edward Bettie, 1158 -Joseph, 1 158 Joseph Coles, 1158 Mary Blake, 115S Hollis, see Holley. Hollister, Andrew Howe, 2300 Annette, 2300 Annie, 1276' Annie Rebecca, 1277 Asenath, 1276 Dorothy, 2300 Elizabeth, 1069-70, 1970 Esther, 1602 Gideon Hiram, 1970 Harvey Horton, 1276 Hiel, 342 Jesse, 1276 Joanna, 1070, 1970 John, 1070, 1970, 2300 Josiah, 2300 Keziah, 2300 Martha, 2300 Mary, 1234, 2300 Mary Ett, 2300 Mary Louisa, 2300 Melissa, 1602 Roger, 1070 Roswell, 1602 Sarah, 1970, 2300 Stephen Clark, 2300 Solomon, 1602, 2300 Solomon D.. 2300 Thomas, 2300 William Cleveland, 3300 William Henry, 3300 Zilpha, 2300 Holloway, miss, 2081 Betty, 2313 Hannah, 1151 Laura Carter, 1793 Lucy, 2502 Lydia, 1967,. 2503 Samuel, 2502 William, 2313 Holly, see Holley. Holman, geneal. ment., 1992 rar., rars., 2191 Alfred Lyman, 1992, 2396 Alvin Dusenberry, 1737 Betsey, 663 Catharine Louise, 1737 Cecil Aiejcandrine, i9g3 Charles Edwin, igg3 Clara E., 1993 Clara Hemenway, 1993 Clara Margaret, 1737 Conrad, 2191 Doris Elizabeth., I9g2 Edwin, 1992 Elizabeth, 943, 1207, 2190-1 George Edwin, 1993 Jennie Elizabeth, 1993 John Paulison, 1737 Lucy C, igg3 Lyman FrankHn, 1737 ¦ Margaret, 1992 Mary, 1737, 2191 Mary Abbie, 1992 Mary Elizabeth, 1992 Ruth Colburn, 1993 Sarah Elizabeth, 1993 Stephen, 943 Williara Henry, I9g2 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2663 Holmes, Horaes, mr., 269, 1679 mrs., 673, 788, 2478 Abigail, 53g Adeth May, 635 Alanson, 673 Almira, 1383 Alpheus Sidney, 1941 Amelia Lee, iggg Andrew Hunter, 1517 Angie Green, 1517 Ann, 1419 Anna, 841 Arthur Sawyer, 3478 Ben Loan, 3304 Benjamin, 321, 788 Betsey, 1355 Betsey Claflin, 2473 Carolin C, 2477 Carohne, 1526 Catharine, Catherine, 1645, 1941, 2305 Christopher, 477 Cleveland, 788 Darius G., 1383 Edmund Horaer, 1953 Edward Christian, 3305 Eliza, 673 Elizabeth, 550 Ellen Maria,. 3477 Ellen Maria Claflin, 2478 Elmore, 2477 Erepta, 788 Erepta Mariva, 1526 Experience, 75 Fear, 539 George, 2478 Georgie Mae, 2478 Grace, 1839 Grace Adelia, 635 Hannah, 673 Hannah J., 1383 Hannah Palmer, 635 Harvy, 475 Hepsibah, 2473 Jacob, §305 Jabez, 75 James, 1383 James Huston, 1517 Jane, 2305 Jane Williams, 1446 Jerusha Rice, 635 John, 841, 900, 1383, 1838-9 John Cleveland, 673 John Dewing, 1517 John Parker, 2477 Jonas, 1519 Joshua, 53g Julia Ann, 1536 Lemuel, 333, 788 Lorenzo, 635 Lovina, 788 Lucia, i83g Lucinda, i67g, 3478 Lucretia, 788, i83g Lydia, 369, 788, 900 Mabel, isig Mandana, 475 Maria, 1383 Martha Adelia, 635 Mary, 321-2, 327, 539, 788, 1645, 1838-9 Mary Louise, 2304 Mary Mindwell, 1517 Melissa, 1952 Nancy, 1383 Nancy Greene, 1952 Nancy P., 1383 Newell Augustus, 635 Obadiah, 1645, 1660 Oliver Wendell, iggg Oliver Dean, 2478 Otis Worthington, 2477-S Paulina Jane, 1650 Persis, 26g Peter, 2305 Plolmes, cont'd, Rachel, 673 Robert, 1383 Robert PL, 1383 Sabrina, 1383 Sally, 1352 Saloma Jennings, 1517, i5ig Samuel, 673 Sarah, 75, 477, 1660, ig40 Stephen, 2473 Susan, 2478 Susan Janette, i8gi Thomas, i83g William, 673 William Davis, 788 ^Villiam Godfrey, 2473 William Martin, 2478 Holmestead, Holraested, see Olmsted. Holmgard, Auda Diuphaudza queen of, 2304 Rerik kin'g of, 3304 Robert king of, 3304 Holmsted, see Olmsted. Holock, see Hallock. Holstead, see Halstead. Holt, Holts, mrs., 705, i25g, 2334 Abby C, 1454 Abiel, 818 Abigail, 799 Albert, 810 Albert Gallitan, 810 Alice, 799 Alice Melvina, 1511 Anna Bates, 810 Anne, 1900 Annie M., 799 Arabot F., 601 Asa, 705 Benjamin FrankHn, 1511 Catharine, 510 Charles, 1339 Cornelia, 799 Daniel, 1900 Dolly, 818 Dorothy, 817 Edmund, 510 Elias Cleveland, 799 Eliza, 317, 601 Elizabeth, 137, 705 Emma Flavilla, izgi Emma Louise, 1359 Enoch, 139 1 Enoch Christiansen, 1391 FrankHn, 603 Frederick, 7gg George Morse, 1454 Gertie, 810 Grace, 810 Hannah, 387 Harriet, i259' Helen Cornelia, 1454 Henry E., 1369 Hiram, 2334 Ira, 602 Jane, 2210 Jennie, 799 Joanna, 1239 Josephine, 7g9 Kezia, igoo Laura, 810 Louisa, 3334 Lucy Winn, i36g Lyman, 2334 Martha, 818 Martha Jane, 818 Mary, 602, 1043, 1354 Mary Ann, 1254 Mary Elder, 828 Mary Jefferson, ig82 Minnie, 7g9 Nellie, 799. 810 Noah William, 1369 Oliver, 8og-io, 2334 Orithea A., 7g9 Parkman, 818 Perla Melinda, 602 Rachel, 1291 Rachel Cora, i2gi Ruth, 1369 Plolt, cont'd, Sallie Robertson, 1982 Sarah, 79g Sidney Bedolph, Sydney Bedolph, 8og-io, 2334 Solomon, i25g Solomon Augustus, 1259 Sophronia, 7gg Spencer Fuller, 7gg Susan, 8og, 2334 Sydney Bedolph, 8og-io, 2334 Walter, 7g9 Williara, 7gg WUliam Augustus, i25g WUliam Burnham, 7gg William Morrison, ig82 Holten, see Holton. Holton, Holten, Abigail, 1767 David Parsons, 810 Eva Amanda, 1115 H., 1115 Mary, igis Sarah, gio William, gio, igis I-Iolts, see Holt. Holway, see Holley. Holyoke, Hollicoke, Ann, i44g, 2425 Edward, 1449, 2425 Prudence, i44g see also Hallock. Holzer, Alice, 1730 Jacob, 1730 Mamie Edison, 1730 Theresa, 1730 William, 1730 Homans, James Edward, 1762 Rockland Tyng, 1762 Susan Maria, 1762 Susan Tyng, 1762 Horaer, Agnes, 1174 Frederick, 420 Maria W., 1174 Mary Elizabeth, 2248 Obed W., 1J74 Sarah Folger, 420 Homes, see Holmes. Hondrof, Algenora, 1870 Ann Sophia, i86g Casper, i86g Charles Newton, 1870 John Francis, i86g-70 Kasper, 1869 Leena, 1869 Mary Ann, 1869 Mary Elizabeth, 1869 Sabilla Jane, 1870 Sabilla Juan, 1870 Honeywood, faraily, 1211 Dorothy, 1211 Honora, lady Muskerry, 1068 Honorius, eraperor, 9 Hoo, see How. Hood, Abbie Louise, 1370 Amos, 1370, 1373 Catharine, 2029 Charles Joseph, 1379 Elihu, 1273 Eliza, 1273 Emma Minnie, 1270 Joseph, 1379 Josiah D., 1270 Lucinda, 1270 Lucy D., 1273 Mary Augusta, 1272 Nancy, i379. 2331 Oliver Perry, 1270 Orra, 1379 Sally, 1270, 1273 Williara, 2331 Hooker, Hoker, miss, 316, 478 Ann, 113s CeceHa, 478 Cynthia, 1590 Edward, 478 John, 478 2664 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hooker, cont'd, Kenelm, 478 Mary, 1779, 1814 Mary Maria, 1135 Noadiah, 2278 Samuel, 1779 Sarah, 478 Susan, 478 Susannah, 478 Thomas, 316, 478 Warren, 1 135 Hooper, Hoopper, Alice, 1068 Amelia, 2101, 2078 Ann, 1188, 1674 Bertie Sewell, 2325 Betsey Eliza, 2325 Caroline Estelle, 2325 Cornelius, 2325 Electa Jane, 678 Florence, 1674 Frances Rachel, 1521 Frederick Squier, 3325 Hannah, 1604 Henry, 1674 Jane, 1674 Lourett Augusta, 1570 Lucinda, 1404 Lydia, 1404 Mary, 1081 Mary Elenor, 1674 Mary Jane, 2325 Minnie Belle, 2325 Nathaniel, 1081 Obed, 2101, 2078 Phebe, 2078 Pontius Pilate, 1404 Richard, 3101 Sarah, 1068, 1443 Squier Elston, 2325 Stephen, 1057, 1068 Susanna CofHn, 1057, 1068 William, 1570, 1674 WiUiam H., 67S William Hammond, 1674 Hoopper, see Hooper, Hoose, Loney, 1536 Hoover, Nancy, 1820 Hopcroft, Jane, 2048 Hope, Charlotte Elsie, 1886 Edward Henry, 1886 Edwin, 1316, 1886 Elijah, 1886 Elizabeth, 1316, 1886 Lydia Maria, 1886 Mary Clarissa, 1316 Olive Maria, 1886 William, 1316 WilHam Allison, 1886 Hopkins, col., 2310 mr., 1627 mrs., 76 Adaline Freelove, 1475 Amos, 1501 Arnold Hiram, 1475 Catharine, 1485 Constance, 76 Cynthia, 1303 Daniel, 355 David, 310-11, 763 David Olney, 1447 Dinah, 1819 Dorcas, 1122 Edmund, 1122 Edward, 1122 Elisha, 2268, 2373 Elizabeth, 76 Fayette Wilson, 770, 1503 Frances Maria, 1503 Freelove, 1475 George, 311, 763, 768, 1502 Hannah, 763, 915 Harriet Antoinette, 1637 Ichabod, i8ig Irvin, 1485 Isaac, 311 James, 311 Jane, 763 Jennie, 763 Joel, 763 John, 1122 Hopkins, cont'd, Josephine, 1141 Katharine, 1122 Levi, 313 Levi Dwelly, 1501 Lewis Evans, 1591 Louis F., 2479 Lucy Alien, ig3i Lucy Ann, ig3i Ludford, 3479 Lydia AHce, 1591 Lydia Ann, 1591 Margaret, 310-11, 757-8 Margaret T., 1591 Maria Catharine, 2018 Marie Antoinette, 1502 Martha, 311, 768 Mary, 313, 1122, 1501-2, 199S Mary C, 2479 Mary Elizabeth, 1591 Mary Gardner, 1475 Miriam, 1485 Nancy, 75g Nellie Luella, 1475 Nelson, ig3i Nora, 247g Patience, 763, 768 Richard, 76 Rosalind Winnifred, 1502 Sally, 1501-3 Salome, isgi Sarauel, 311, 1132, 1475 Sarah, 310-11, 1819 Sarah Maria, 1591 Sophia Bradford, 1447 Spencer, 1502 Stephen, 76 Volney Wilson Amos, 1502 William, 1141, i9g8 William WiUiams, isgi Zeruiah, Zerviah, 320 Hopkinson, Ann, 364 Esther, 364, 449 Henry, 364 Hester, 364, 449 Jonathan, 364, 449 Mary, 364 Michael, 364 Portia, 1673 Hopper, Mary, 592 Matthew, 592 Olive, g30 William W., 5g2 Hoppler, Rebecca, 463 Hopton, Anna M., 1456 Emma Cleveland, 1456 Harvey Cleveland, 1456 Jesse Medbury, 1456 John, 1456 Hordendorf, see Hendendorf. Horine, Mary Ann, 1353 Horn, Home, Aletta Louise, 1017 Anna, 2309 Anna Frances, 3309 Anna Louise, 1018 Carl Leroy, 31 r8 Charles, 2309 Elijah Thomas, 2118 Elijah Wilbanks, 2118 Elizabeth, 543 Francina, 2039 Frederick WilHam, 1017-18 Henry John, 2039 John, 543, 2039, 230g Lacy Gray, 2118 Margaret, 1432 Mary, 543 Mary Emergene, 2118 Pearl Cleveland, 3118 PrisciUa, 303g Priscilla Fentham, 303g Susan, 1026 Susan A., 2118 Tamar, 23og Thomas Hartwell, 3403 WilHam, 543, 1026 William Larkin, 21 18 Hornbuckle, Sarah, 1436 Home, see Horn. Horner, Annie Maria, 22g4 George, i86g Mary Elizabeth, 2248 Sarah, i86g Horrocks, Mary, 1702 Horscome, Hannah Maria, 1180 Horsfield, Eliza Emma, 1589 , Ethel Cleveland, 1589 John, 1589 Julia Ann, 1589 Thomas, 1589 Horshaw, Ann, 2173 Horsington, Hawsington, Hoisington, Hosington, Carlos, 1134 Mary, 307 Rhoda, 1387- Sarah Ann, 1134 Sophia, 1861 Horsmore, see Hosmer. Horton, de Horton, Abbey Wilson, 451 Abigail,, 56-7, 207, 2396 Albert, gg3 Alexander Horace, 993 Amanda, 1358-9 Amarilla Evaline, 2195 Andrew Jackson, 451 Ann, 2453 Ann Maria, 451 Anna, 102, 1358 Annie, 1276 Annie Elizabeth, gg3 Barnabas, 57 Bethia, gg, 207 Brackey, 993 Caleb, 57 Catherine Cline, 993 Chauncey, 1358-g Clarence Edward, 1297 Deliverance, 98 Elizabeth, 57, 207, 451 Elwood Ely, gg3 Emeline, 1358 Eunice, 452, iog3 Ezra, 1358 Fanny, 207 Frank Ellsworth, 1297 George Firman, 57 Hannah, I2g7 Hannah P., i4ig Harriet Lacy, 451 Hiram, 1397 Israel, 306-7 James, 1358 Jason, 306 Jeremiah, 57 Jeremy, 57 John, 797-8, 1419 Jonathan, 98-9, I03, 337, 3453 Joseph, 57, 98 Julia A., 1419 Lawrence, 102 Lazarus, 102, 2453 Lydia, gg3 Martha Ellen, I2g7 Mary, 51, 57, g8-g, 102, 206, 1968, 2453 Mary Jane, 451 Mehitabel, 56, 2451 Micah, 56, 3451 Nancy Amelia, 1397 Olive, 1358 ' Orpha, 825 Orrin Ardell, 1297 Orrin Clark, 1297 Robert, 57 Sarah, 206-7 Susannah, 797 Thomas, 51, 57 . Uriah Terry, 451 William, 57, gg, g93 see also Orton. Hosford, Aaron, 1204 Addison Edward, 1513 Alfred, 725 Azuba, 725 George Chester, 1513 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2665 Hosford, cont'd, Henry, 15 13 Nancy, 1513 Polly, 1204 Susannah, 1151 Sylvia Nancy, 1513 WiUiam Henry, 1513 Zerviah, 1519 Hosheins, Clarence Lee, 1951 Ellen Augusta, 1951 James Wilks, igsi Peter Andrew, igsi Hosier, Alfred, 439 Rhoda, 43g Hosington, see Horsington. Hoskin, see Hoskins. Hoskins, Hoskin, Anthony, 2035 Elizabeth, 788, g85 Grace, 2035, Isabel, 2035 Joel, 788 John, 2035 Mary, 788 Hoskinson, John, 640 Josiah, 640 Rebecca, 640 Hosley, Lucy, ig3g Hosmer, Horsmore, mrs., 394 Aaron W., 2475 Clemence, 394 Dorothy, 1915 Dorothy Leavens, 1258 EUridge, 1448 Esther, 542, 1482 Faith Cleveland, 1448 Frances, 1915 Hannah, 1915 Hester, 1482 James, 394 James Downer, 1258 John Kingsbury, 1258 Jonas, 1448 Maria Luthera, 1258 Martha, i6g7 Sabra, 155-6 Sadie May, 2475 Sebary, j^5-6 Stephen, 1482, 1915 Thomas, 394, 1482, 1915 Hosner, Adaline, 1050 Bordon, 1050 Bordon Josiah, 1050 Dorothy, 1482 Fannie Adelia, 1050 ^ Frances, 1482 George Washington, 1050 Gillett, 1050 Henry Clay, 1752 Imogene, 1752 Irvin Mortimer, 1050 Isaac, 1050 Josiah Cleveland, 1050 Lovina, 1050 Sally Lovina, 1050 Sarah Lodema, 1752 WilHam Gurdon, 1050 „ Hotaling, Houghtaling, Houghteling, Albert C, 929 Anna, 1350 Annetta, 1413 Benjamin, 929 Fcank, 929 Fred, g2g Herbert, 929 Ida J., 1413 John S., 929 Mary Jane, 929 Storm, 1350 Hotchkin, Frederic, 1312 George William, 1312 Janette Martha, 1312 Josiah Bacon, 1103 Julia Pratt, 1103 Keziah, 1103 Nancy, 1312 Walter Bryant, 1103 Walter Raymond, 1313 Hotchkin, cont'd, William Henry, 1103, 1312 William Herbert, 1103 Hotchkiss, Ardin, 1254 George, 407 Grace De Ette, 991 Plelen, 1543 Plorace, 1542 Kate, 407 Lucretia, 682 Lurinda Almira, 1354 Lydia, 386 Mary Ann, 1254 ' Rachel, 682 Samuel, 683 Sarah, 1103-4* Zenas, 386 Hotten, John Camden, 25 Hough, see Huff. Houghtaling, Houghteling, see Hotaling. Houghton, Houton, Albert Gallatin, 1812-13 Catharine, 36 Chester, 1931 Elizabeth, 1816 Eunice, 641, 1268, 1379 George Washington, 193 1 , 2044 Georgia Louise, 2044 Harriet Chaffee, 1812-13 Hette, Hetty, 1931 Lilian, 1931 Louise, 1931 Lucy Lusannah, 2300 Margaret, 535 Mary, 1812-13 Mary $ophia, 1931 Olive, 411 Oliver Cleveland, 1931 Percy, 1931 Rectina Francese, nog Houks, see Hauck. House, mr., 45 Anna, 1237 Betsey Emeline, 615 Celia, 45 Daniel, 1120 Dency, 1331 Edward George, 615 Edward Washington, 615 Elizabeth, ii30 Elizabeth Emeline, 615 Gertrude, 2037 James Alvord, 3037 John Nelson, 1331 Margaret, 1864 Mary, 1773 Mary Ann, 133 1 Mary Frances, 3037 Sarah, 1120 Houseman, John, 1360 Laverne Josephine, 1360 Plouser, Mahala M., 2273 Houston, Hustin, Huston, miss, 2og4 mr., 1220 George, g45 Julia Parks, io7g Mercy, g4S Orrilla, 1220 Houton, see Houghton. Hovet, Joseph J., 2138 Lizzie Berlin, 2138 Hovey, , 1078 mr., 735 mrs., 1370, 1866 Abiel, 643 Abigail, 271, 643, i25g, 1261 Abigail Elizabeth, 1291 Abijah, 2437 Abner, 639, 1865 Abner Bingham, 1864 Addie Electa, 1269 Adelaide Louise, 1293 Albert Harvey, 12^0 Albert Silas, 1373 Albini Sumner, 1864 Alfred, 249s Hovey, cont'd, Alice, 1282 Alma Elizabeth, 1259, 1866 Almira Martha, 1875 Althea Loretta, 642 Alvan, 642, 649, 1279 Alvan Seabury, 1293 Alvin, 1269 Alvin Jaquess, 1283 Alvin Peterson, 1283, 2396 Alvin Seabury, 1865 Amanda, 642 Amanda B., 1261 Araanda Malvina, 1270 Amy, 640-1 Amy Jane, 1279 Amy Phyletta, 1280, 1289 Ann Bliss, 1271 Anna Dewey, 1139 Anna Maria, 1260 Annie Catharine, 1272 Ariel Burnham, 1875 Arthur Judson, 1373 Arthur Sumner, 1864 Asahel King, 641 Barzillai Reed, 1875 Bertha Emeline, 1292 Betsey, 1279 Betsey Ann, 1279 Betsey Maria, 1874 Beulah, 638 Caroline AUen, 1875 Caroline Ella, 1379 Caroline Mary, 642 Carroll MUton, 1866 Charles, 1281-2 Charles James, 1283 Charles Kellum, 1373 Charles Sumner Alphonso, 1864 Charles ^^¦Uber, 1380 Charlotte, 1281 Clarissa, 1370 Clarissa Ann, 1379 Dana Wellington, 1874 Daniel, 638, 1358 Daniel HUl, 1293 David WiUis, 1379 Diantha, 735, 739, 1293 Dollie, 1865 Dorinda, 1292 Dudley, 1261 Ebenezer Trask, 1279 Eber Davis, 1261 Edmund L., 1269 Edmund Lee, 1874 Edgar Willis, 1293 Edwin Harailton, 1293 Effie, 1874 Effie Blanche, 1864 Electa B., 1269 Eli, 1271 Elijah, 1139 Elijah Adaras, 1269 Eliza, 1281-2 Elizabeth, 272, 645 Elizabeth Perkins, 638, 644 Elias Seabury, 1875 Ella, 1372, 1293 Ella Experience, 1272 Ellen, 1269 Ellen Janette, 1292 Emeline, 1271, 1279 Emily, 1279, 1286, 1865 Emily Darling, 1369-70 Emily Jane, 1874 Emma, 1279 Emma Polly, 1369 Esther, 1363, 1383 Esther Elizabeth, 646 Eunice Permelia, 1379 Eva EUen, 1393 Fannie, 1382 Fannie Caroline, Fanny Caroline, 1272 2666 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hovey, cont'd, Fannie May, 1874 Frances, 642, 1281 Frank, 1875 Frank Abner, 1864 Frank Washington, 1875 George, 1874 George Billings, 1874 George' Elbert, 1293 George Harris, 1258 George Lewis, 1260 George Lorin, 1270 Grace, 640, 1282 Hannah, 1297 Hannah Hough, 1258 Harriet, 1326 Harriet Almira, 1271 Harriet Atwood, 1285 Helen, 1282 Helen Allen, 1866 Helen Mar, 1271 Helen Maria, 1875 Henrietta Janette, 1864 Henry Horace, 645 Hilliard De Wayne, 1292 Horace Mason, 1372 Horace Nelson, 1272, 1875 Ida, 1293 Ida Josephine, 1863 Ida May, 1393 IsabeUa, 1865 Isabella Barron, 1866 Jacob, 735 James Alvin, 645 James Andrew, 1393 James Harvey, 1280 James Monroe Prouty, 646 Jane. 1293 Jay Baldwin, 1875 Jennie, 1874 Jerusha, 2437 Jesse James, 1865 John Billings, 1269 John Bishop, 1863 John Cornelius, 1293 John Fairfield, 645 John Franklin, 1293 John Kean, 1393 John Nelson, 1362 John Samuel, 1865 John William, 645 Joseph Milton, 1259, 1866 Joseph Newton, 645 Josephine, 1282 Josiah, 2495 Judson Waterman, I2g2 Julia Frances, 1866 Julia Idella, i26g Kezia Carrol], 1865 Laura, 1272 Laura E., 1241 Laura Elizabeth, 1272 Lauretta P, 1271 Lena Carlotta, 1875 Lewis, i26g Lewis William, 1280 Lillie, 1282, 1283 Lizzie, 1281 Lois, 63g, 1262 Lola Irene, 1875 Louisa, 1282 Louisa Maria, 1270 Louisa Sophia, 1864 Lucie Ruby, 1866 Lucinda, 1270, 1281 Lucretia Kingsbury, 1285 Lucy, 646 Lucy Brewster, 1292 Lucy Walker, 1361 Luella Ann, 1866 Luella Clarette, 1393 Luther Sheldon, 1358 Lydia, 1864 Hovey, cont'd, Lydia Abby, 1269 Mabel Ellen, 1293 Malvina Lydia, 1864 Marcia A., i26g Maria Luthera, 1258 Marina Lavinia, 735 Martha, 1865, 2437 Martha Ann Eudora, 645 Martha Maria, 1875 Martha P., 641 Mary, 638, 640, 1283, 2495 Mary Adelia, 1874 Mary Ann, 1269, 1282, 1290 Mary Ann Nancy, 1290, 1879 Mary Belle, 1866 Mary Dodge, 1279 Mary Elizabeth, 645, 1293 Mary Elvira, 1393 Mary Etta, 1875 Mary Jane, 1292, 1864-5, 2495 Mary Louise, 1865 Mary Lucinda, 1866 Mary Melvina, 1279 Maryetta, 1874 Matilda Abbey, 1290 Maurice, 1269 Melissa, 1864 Melissa Ann, 1863 MeHssa Mack, 1863 Melvaine, 1279 Melvina, 1279 Mercy, 1139 Minerva, 1281-2 Myrtilla Eglantine, 1373 Nancy, 642, 649, 1874 Nancy Bingham, 1263 Nancy Maria, 1258 Nancy Melissa, 646 Nancy Seabury, 1284 Nelly M., i26g Nellie Marcia, 1866 Nelson King, 1874 Olive, 735 Oliver Perry, 1270, 23g7 Oliver Utley, 1139 Olivia Capron, 1260 Orange, 1270 Permelia, 1280 Philemon Plenry, 645 Philena, 1873 Phyletta, 641 Polly, 725, 1268, 1270, 2495 Rachel, 639 Rachel Ruthea, 645 Randolph Jaquess, 1283 Rebecca, 641 Rebecca Ann, 1379 Rhoda, 1369, 1371 Rhoda Lord, 1260 Rhoda Lucinda, 1261 Rocina Chastina, 641 Rubie, 1361 Rufus Billings, 1268 Rufus Cleveland, 640-1, 646 Sarauel, 271-3, 641, 1261 Samuel Benjamin, (1292 Samuel Kendall, 1279 Samuel Lewis, 1866 Samuel Willis, 1279 Sarah, 1259, 2437 Sarah Ann, 1293 Sarah Elizabeth, 1293 Sarah Gilbert, 1260 Sarah Lorinda, 1864 Sarah Louann, 1864 Sarah Pauline, 645 Selma Violet, 1269 Silas, 1269-70 Simeon Allen, 1864 Simeon Skinner, 1371 Solomon, 3437 Sophia Sarepta, 1362 Hovey, cont'd, Susan, 1369, 1865, 1875 Susan Eliza, 1269 Susan Livingston, 1269-70 Susan Strickland, 1875 Susie, 1269 Sylvanus Sumner, 1863 Tena, 1865 Timothy Kendall, 1269 Wallace Henry, 1269 Weltha, 1139 ' Wilbert Newell, 646 WilHam, 1875 WUliam Alvin, 1369 William Barron, 1866 William Palmer, 1270 William Pierce, 1865 Willie, 187s WiUie Richmond, 1874 Plow, see Howe. Ploward, mr., 2005 Abigail, 595 Abner, 2333 Ada, 888 Amanda, 1509 Andrew, 1622 Anna, 888, 1839 Benjamin, 1440 Blake Clinton, 1570 Carlotta, 1125 Caroline, 997, 1509 Cecil Hampden Cutts, 1114 Charles, 1124 Charies Cleveland, 888 Chloe, 144 Clarence Henry, 1570 Dwight Dimick, 833, 3485 Eleanor, 1838-9 Eliza, 525, 1 124 Elizabeth, 595, 1125, 2005, 2483 Elizabeth Fenn Hudspath, 1622 Ella Cleveland, 1325 Ellis T., 1509 Emerson Cleveland, 1325 Emily Monroe Cornwell, 1440 Emraa Effie, 1570 Enos, 757 Erastus Cleveland, 1125 Esther, 696 Etta, 961 Fannie, 1509 Fordyce L., 1509 Frank, 888 George, 888, 997, 1839 George Camden, 888 George Edmund, 1570 George Wesley, 833 Grace Colman, 1325 Hannah, 1839 Harriet, 1614 Helen Amanda, 1622 Henrietta, 961 Hezekiah, 833 Horace, 888 Horace Freeman, 888 Jackson Dewitt, 833 James, 604, 841 Jarvis Cutler, 833 Jefferson Dwight, 833 Jennie, 888 John, 581, 1839 Julia, 1 1 97 Julia Rebecca, 1125 Julius Walker, 1325 Leila, 1325 Lizzie, 2005 Louis Emerson, 1325 '¦ Lourett Augusta, 1570 Lucinda, 1440 Lydia, 692 Lydia E,, 1663 Margaret Adelaide, 1570 Margaret Jane, 833 Margaretta, 1971 Maria Adaline, 833 INDFlX OF PERSONS. 2667 Howard, cont'd, Maria Adelaide, 833 Martha, 833 Mary, 144. 183, 191, 757, 1125, 1509. i63g, i83g Mary Eliza, 1135 Mary Elizabeth, 1509 Mary Maria, 1836 Melirtda, 833, 3485 Minfrva, 581 Miriam, 1896-7 Myra, 46 Nathaniel, 191, 723 Nathaniel Snell, 1134 Olive,- 888 Olive Avery, 888 Olive Cleveland, 888 PameHa, 1335 Phalba Ann, 3208 Phebe, 1509 Porter E., isog Priscilla, 833 Rachel, 2208 Rhoda, 723 Roxana Bigby, 833 Roxana Melinda, 833 SaUy, 1221 Samuel, 595 Samuel Emerson, 1335 Sarah, 833, 841, 1570 Stephen, 833, 2485 Susan, 2108 Susan Newton, 833, 2485 Susanna, 833 Susannah Zurviah, 604 Tabitha, 833 Thoraas, 833 Turner Ellis, 1509 William, 833 William Frederick, 888 WilHam Mark, 2208 see also Hayward. , Howe, Hoo, How, Howes, earl, 127 miss, 1040 rar., 1666, 2281 mrs., 127 Abigail, 821 Abigail Glover, no: Abigail RoseUa, 1293 Albert, 210 Alice, 646 Almeda Fanny, 1536 Almira, 1389 Alvira, 1541 Amanda, 1536 Ann, 1345 Ann Elizabeth, 210 Anson, 1533 Arabella, 1231 Asa, 1331 Caroline, 1113-14 Caroline Matilda, 1393 Carrie Amanda, 1394 Cecilly, 686 Charles, 746 Desire, 1089 Dolly, 746 Edward Chaplin, 754 Eliza Healy, 831 Elizabeth, 210, 2290 Elizabeth MiUer, 1394 Ellen Maria, 1347 Eraily Melissa, 1394 Emma, 1735 Esther Elizabeth, 1536 George Gebhart, i3g4 Hannah, 1536 Henry, 467 Hiram, 821 IsabeUa, 1735 Israel, 22go Jacob, 1114 Jaraes, 1735 Jeremiah, 810 Jesse, 1536 John, 127, 302, 754, 1977 Joseph, 874 JuHa, 710 Laura, 808 Lizzie Mary, 1016 Louisa Maria, Louisa Mariah, 746, 1666 Lucia Clark, 1536 Lucius, 646 Plowe, cont'd, Lucius Edson, 1294 Lucretia Amanda, 1533 Lucy, 646 Lucy Ann, 596 M. J., 3381 Martha Maria, 1536 Mary, 137, 1543, 190^, 1077, 2484 Mary Ann, ig77 Mary Clara, ig77 Mary Sophia, 1536 Matilda Sylvina, 1533 Miles Orlando, 1536 Mehitabel, Mehettable, Me hitabel, 874, 1231 Nancy Amanda, i2g4 Nathan, 821 Newton P., 808 Oscar Ira, 821 PameHa, 1533 Peter, 596 Rebecca, 791 Reuben Augustus, 1533 Robert WiUiam, 1977 Ruth, 1254 Sarauel, 2484 Sarah, 127, 810, ii4g Sarah Marietta, 754 Selah, 302 Silas Conant, 1294 Susannah Cleveland, 1536 WilHs Edson, 1294 Zachariah, 646 I-Iowel Dda, king S. Wales, 2415 Plowell, prince, 2469 Plowell, Alma Esther, 1471 Elizabeth, 2267 Jane, 487 Phebe, 1151 11 owes, see Howe. Howett, Elizabeth WUson, 1286 Joseph, 1286 Mary Amanda, 1286 Howland, Abigail, 969 Alden Barker, 988 Bertha E., 988 Daniel, 637 Desire, 540, 1210 Elizabeth, 540-1 Elizabeth Watkeys, 830 Elmira, 637 Fannie Belinda, 483 Henry, 821, 1838 Hope, 1083 Huldah, 678 Ira, 637 James Harvey, 637 John, 540-1 Margaret, 988 Mary, 821, 1360, 1838 Mary Amie, 988 Mary Barney, g88 Olive, 1392 Ora, 637 Parker, 637 Phebe C, 988 Persis, 637 Rodolphus, 988 Ross Ward, 637 Ruth, 615 Samuel, 483, 821 Sarah, 1838 Sarah Maria, 637 Tirzah Wright, 637 Washington Irving, 637 Wilber, 637 Howlet, Howlett, AHce, 153 Angeline, 832 Charlotte, 1569 Didymus, 832 Edward ,Didyraus, 1569 Edward ' Edgar, 1570 Francis, 768 Frank Didymus, 1570 George Cleveland, 1570 Howlet, cont'd, Gracie A., 1570 John, 494 Mary, 153 Patience Ann, 768 Rebecca, 153 SaUy, 880 Sarah, 76g Susan Ann, i56g Susannah, 4g4 Thomas, 153 William, 769 Plowlett, see Howlet. PloxiCj Abel, gsi Annie, 951 Lydia, 951 _ Maria Elizabeth, 951 Solomon, 951 Ploy, Ann Jane, 934 Ployer, miss, 1630 Ployle, see Ployles. Hoyles, Hoile, Hoyle, mr., 21 15 Alfred Liddell, 1040 Ann, 2115 Elizabeth D., 1877 Elizabeth Hugh, 1877 Harriet Liddell, 1040 Hugh, 474 Hugh William, i03g-40 Jean, io3g Lucretia, 1039 Lucretia Jean, 1040 Mary, 474 Newman Wright, 1039-40 Susan Beatrice, 1040 WUliara, 1877 Hoyt, Haight, Hait, Hoit, mr., 894 mrs., 1471, 3455 Abigail, 1660, 3383, 2455 Albert Harrison, 2418 Alden, 2299 Alice Marietta, 2300 Alta, 229g Anice Henrietta, 22gg Ann, 981 Ann Eliza, 2454 Ann Elizabeth, 2455 Anna, 602 Anna Maria, 2455 Anne Yarrington, 2456 B. Rush, 2323 Benjamin, 1660, 2455 Betsey, 2454-5 Caroline, 2323 Caroline Elizabeth, 1569 Carrie Barris, 2455 Carrie Calista, 1213 Celestia, 1213 Celinda, 1201 Cephas, 1475 Charles, 1660, 2299 Charles Grover, 1781 Charles Horatio, 1781 Clara, 894 Clara Louisa, 2455 Clarissa Sabrina, 1551 Clarissa T.,- 625 David, 1660 Dolly, 1660 Ebenezer, 136, 86g, 3455 Electa, 1301 Eliza, 1301, 1781 Emeline, 550, 6o3 Emma Diana, 1645 Emma Jane, 3455 Eugene Hobart, 1213 Fannie Adelie, 795 Frederick Cleveland, 2299 George S., 229g Guy, 2399 Hannah, 1391, 1470-1, 2455 Harriet, 869, 1475 Hattie, 1201 Hazel Frances, 2300 Helen Elizabeth, 2455 Henry, 351 Hiram, 2323 2668 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hoyt, cont'd, Horton David, 1952 Huldah, 86g Ida, 2399 Isaac, 1213 Jacob Hawes, 1645 James, 795 James M., 3323 John, 125, 2382, 2455 Jonah, 602 Jonas, 550 Julia, 1952 Laban, 23gg Laura Ann, 1660 Laura Emeline, 1313 Leslie Frederick, 3300 Louisa, 1301, ig53 Lucinda, 3333 Lucy, 1313 Luella Maria, 795 Lurana, 1660 Margaret, 2323 Mariam, 1587 Martin, 1201 Mary Alien, 1781 jNIary Ann, 239g ISIary Antoinette, 147S Mary Christiana, 2454 Mary Elizabeth, 2454-5 Mary Fay, 2455 ^lary Frances, 22gg Mary Tiebout Tier, 2454 Mehitabel, 1471 Melancthon, 2454-5 ]\Ielancthon Uriah, 2454 Mercy, 2455 Milly, 351 Minerva, 1645 Nicholas, 1660 Patience, 1660 Ralph, 1213 Rebecca, 1781 Richard Cleveland, 1781 Robert Tier, 2454 Ruth Amanda, 2455 Samuel, 2455 Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, 135, 3455 Sarah, 1543, 1660 Sarah Lorette, 3300 Sebrane, 795 Sebrane Shaw, 795 Silas, I30I Simeon, 1471 Simon, 1471, 2455 Sophia, 795 Sophia E., 1201 Susan, 2323 Susan Angeline, 1781 Susanna, Susannah, 1660, 2455 Theophilus, 795 Theresa, 339g Tiraothy, 1660 Walter, 1471 William Cleveland, 1781 William E., 3323 WiUiam Edward, 1781 Zerubbabel, 1471 Hozier, , 1615 Hring, see Ring. Hubb, miss or mrs., 898 Hubbard, Hubberd, Hub- bert, Hubert, mr., 384, 1349 mrs., 844 Abby Blake, 2003 Abigail, gii Alice Gold, 2036 Amelia, gii Amy, 284 Ann, g32 Ann Morrison, 2035 Anna, 631, 6g8, 1041 Benjamin Tyler, 2003" Buckley, 1341 Caroline Lockwood, 2036 Carrie, 774 Catharine, Catherine, 1077, 1236 Charles Henry, .2035 Charles Mills, 2036 Clarinda Louvisa, 585 Hubbard, cont'd, Daniel, ig3o Deborah, 82 Dudley, 1077 Edith Minerva, 2323 Edmond, 844 Edmund, 844, ig30 Eleanor Douglas, 3035 Elizabeth, 844, 1041, 1077, 33go Ency, 469, 2482 Enocb, 2015 Esther, 1930 Frances Josephine, 1182 Frank, 774 George, 1041, 1147, 2324 Hannah, 843, 2290 Isaac, 2482 John, 1041, 1077, 1519, 1851 John Earl, 1041 Jonathan, 2290 Joseph, 82, 2290 Judith, 4g4, 1077 Julia, 1341 Lucy, ig30 Luther Prescott, 1041 Lydia, 1077 Lydia Esther, 2015 Margaret, 1851, ig30 Marietta, 2015 Martha, 4g4, 1041, 1077 Mary, g8, 774, 1041, 1077, 1147, i5ig, 2457 Mary E., i34g Mary Elizabeth, 807 Mary Jane, 1236 Mary Lyman, 2003 MatUda, 1851 Mercy, 1519 Nancy, i37g Nathaniel, 46g, 1041, 2482 NeUie, 774 Olive, 178 Oliver, 1077 Peter, 844 Phebe, 1041 Rachel, 585 Rebecca, 22go Richard, 1077 Rollin Barnard, 2035-6, 3397 Ruth, ig30 Sarah, 46g, 104:, 1077, 2483 Sarah Johnson, 1041 Sophia, i53g Stephen, 1041 Sylvanus, gn Thoraas, g8, 3457 Thomas Jefferson, 1336 W. W., 774 William, 494, 585, 632, 774, 877, 1077 see also Hobart. PlubbeU, see Hubble. Hubberd, Hubbert, see Plub bard. Hubble, Hubbell, Charles, 1006 Cyrus Oliver, 1054 Edith Spencer, 1054 Jennie, 1006 Laura, 1054, 1564 Lucy, 937 Nelly, 536 Rebecca, 916 Hubby, Elizabeth Reynolds, i860 Huber, mr., rars., 3303 Amelia, 3303 Hubert, see Hubbard. Huckins, Huggens, Huggins, Eliza Weeks, igig Fanny, 778 Josiah, 778 Mary, 181 Mary Lawrence, _ 533 Sophia, 778 Thomas, 181 William, 533 Hudson, Hutson, Adaline, 1513 Alice A., .1515 Hudson, cont'd, Alice May, 1673 Ament, 1147 Bessie Van Meter, 1697 Carrie Louisa, 1673 Catherine, 1513 Charles Day, 1904 Daniel, 58, 62 Daniel Tompkins, 1673 David, 1147 Elijah, 1673 Eliza, i6g8 Eliza Parthenia, igo4 Francis, 4g5 Frederic, 1698 George Washington, 1672 Hendrick, 1147 Henrietta, 1980 Henry, 1147 Joanna, 62 John R., 3482 Keziah, 1147 Lucinda, 1672 Mary, 58, 60, 62, 495 Mary A., 2482 Rebecca, 1147 Richard, 2092 Sophronia Eliza, 1904 Susan Cornelia, 1672 Susannah, 494-5 Tabitha, 2092 Williara, 495 WilHam Clark, 1512 W^oodward, 1698 Hueston, mr., 409 Hannah, 409 Jane, 1719 Robert, 1719 Sarah Catharine, 1719 Huet, see Hewitt. Huff, Plaugh, Hough, Abiah, 232, 687, 1122, 2260 Alice, 23ig Andrew, 3319 Anna, 453 Annie iLawrie, 2490 Betsey, 346 Caroline Y., 1305 Daniel, 1305 Edward, 232, 687 Elizabeth Frances," 2210 Esther, 382 Eva C, 1305 Fanny, 24go, 24g2 Fay Compton, 24go Flora E., 24go FrankHn Benjamin, 893, 1 1 13 Gabri el, 2490 Gamaliel Lockwood, 346 Hannah, 3360 Harry Reid, 3490 John, 333, 3360 John Bernard, 3319 John Jefferson, 3219 Marcella, 34913 Narcissa Talitha, 3319 Sarah, 232, 687 Sebra, 452 William, 232, 687 WiUiam Cornelius, 3493 Huggens, Huggins, see Huckins. Hugh Magnus, earl of Ver mandois, 3175-6 Hugh the Great, and bis daughter Elizabeth, 365 Hughan, Louisa, 318 Sophia, 318 Thomas, 318 Hughes, Hewes, Hughs, Huse, mr., logi Abigail Hamblin, 649 Alfred, 649 Ann, 710 Ann Maria, 1328 Catherine, 1884 Cynthia Gertrude, 3010 , INDEX OF PERSONS. 2669 Hughes, cont'd, David, 1091 Elizabeth Beacum, 1331 Enoch, 2305 Freddie Bartlett, 2010 Gracie May, 3010 Hannah, 1603 Harry, 710 Helen Lucile, 2010 Henry Garnet, 710 Hugh, 2416 Ida Lenora, 2010 Isaline, 1845 Jane, 3305 Jane Purie, 1331 Jennie, 1753 Jesse, 1331 John, 616, 649 John Eddie, 2010 John Williara, 710 Josephine, ig03 JuHa Alice, 710 Louisiana, 1090 Lucinda, 616 Martha, logo-i, 2169 Martha Ann, 2093 Mary, 649, 3110, 3186 Mary Ann, 3169 Mary P., 3305 Nancy, 1917, 2082 Owen, 1884 Pamelia, 1158 Priscilla, 1331 Richard, 2010 Robert Beckwith, 2og3 Ruby, 616 Sarah, 1884 Sarah Elizabeth, 20g3 William, logo-i, 2169 Hughes, alias Gwyn, Hugh, 2416 Hughs, see Hughes. Hugues, seigneur de Picar die, 1615 Huister, Mary Louisa, 1000 Hulbert, Hult)urd, see Hurl- burt. Hulin, Randulpho filio, 2242 Hull. HuUs, Abby, 179 Abigail, I9g8 Abijah, i7g Adelia, 1003 Andrew, igi5 Benjamin, 543 Caleb, 1998 Catharine, Catherine, 1003, 1915 Charlotte Law, igg7 Cherissa, 780 Clark, i7g Elizabeth, 4g2, 543, 1224 EmeHne, 1003 Erastus H., 1667 Eunice, iggS George, 425 Hannah, 492, 1211 Hannah Diraick, 1103 Isaac, 1998 James, 1003 ,' Joanna, 810 John, 33, 492, igg8 Joseph, 810, 1998 ; Judith, 493 JuHa, 1003 Luella Delphine, 1402 Lydia, 425 Lydia Kate, 1667 Mary, 658, 1998 Mary Elizabeth, 1003 Mercy, 1998 Richard, 1311, 1998 Robert, 493 Samuel, 780, iggS Sarah J., 435 Silas, i7g William,, igg8 Hullerd, mr., 1635 Sarah Lavinia, 1635 - Hulls, see HuU. Plumaston, miss, 1631 ! Ephraim, 1674, i68i 1 Frances, 1674, 1681 Frances Zeruiah, 1674 Theodocia, 1681 Humbertson, Rebecca, 2042 Humes, Katherine, 1905 Hummel, Hummell, Cora Mina, 2025 Hattie Salina, 2025 John Frederick, 3035 Katherine, 84S Hummell, see Hurarael. Plumphrey, surnamed De Vetulis, 317s Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Pluraphry, Umphrey, Uraphrys, Alice Lucinda, 1637 Amelia, 1514 Anna, 1748 Annie Laura, 1637 Asahel, 1149 Clara Louise, 2319 Clarissa Weller, 422 David, 2308 Delia, 1545 Delia C, 1905 Delia Ursula, 1514 Elijah, 2308 Emily, 779 Erastus, 2319 Frederick, 318 Frederick C. , 15 14 Hannah, 317-19, 780, 2035 Hiram, 422 Isabelle Reed, 2106 Jane, 1816 Jeffry, 779 John, 318-19 Jonathan, 318 Lizzie, 2319 Lovisa, 317-18, 1371 Lucy, 1876 Lyman, 1876 Maria, 1401 MarshaU, 1637 Martha, 1149 Mary, 318-ig, 1637, 1643 Mary Jane, 77g Mercy, 318 Michael, 317-ig, 77g ¦ Milton, 1637 Mo^es, 1514 Naomi, 3033 Otis Milton, 1838 Priscilla, 318-ig Prudence, 1149 Rebecca Jane, 3106 Richard, 779, 1514 Richard Cromwell, 1514 Roxanna, 779 Samuel, 318-ig Sarah, 318-ig, 779. 13^3 Sarah Jane, 1514 Sherwood Milton, 1637 Solomon, 2035 Sylvia, 1513 Thomas, 318 Thomas Jefferson, 2106 Humphreys, Humphries, Humphry, see Hum phrey. Hun, see Hunn. Hundendorf, see Henden dorf. Hundy, Eliza Reed, 446 George, 446 Hungerfoot, see Hunger ford. Hungerford, de Hungerford, Hungerfoot, estates, 1736 line mentioned, i83g miss or mrs, 632 mrs., i83g pedigree mentioned, 1839 Antoinette, 1608 Deborah, 1839 Delia, 1373 E. C, 1608 Esther, 1043 Grace, 1839 Lucy, 1838-g Lurena, 1726 Lydia, 1839 Mary, i83g Robert, i83g Plungerford, cont'd, Thomas, i83g Zachariah, i83g Plunking, Hunkins, Edna, 1470 Mark, 4g4 Sarah, 4g4 Plunkins, see Hunking. Hunkley, Albert, ig47 Dora, ig47 Katy, ig47 Hunley, Darken May, 673 Mary, 673 Plunn, Hun, Erastus, 1134 Mary Jane, 1134 Olive Pond, 831 Hunnewell, Dorcas, i83g Lyman, i83g Mary, 1828-30 Hunsdon, lord, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Hunt, miss, 3112 Abbie Tabitha Talmadge, 1540 Amelia, 568 Ann, 1143 Anna, 283 Anne, 109 Anne Hale, 1394 Annie, 568 Anstris Ruth, 1540 Beaulah, Beulah, 3g3-4 Benson, 677 Boylston, 1337 Cerintha, 549 Charles, 706 Charles Newton, 1143 Clemence, 394 Dency, 1331 Diantha, i2g2 Dorothy, 3119 Earnest, 568 Easter, 568 Ebenezer, 394 Eleanor, 544 Elijah J., 1540 EHza, 1393 EHza Ann, 1337 Elizabeth, 336, 677, 1069, 31 1 1 Ellen, log, 1206 Ellen Elizabeth, 1143 Emma, 1376 Enoch, 2082, 3119 Frances, 568 Freeland, 568 Freeraan, 501 Hannah, 394 Harriet, 1835-6, iggo Harriet S., ig3g Harrington, 1143 Helen, i3o6 Henry Adelbert, 1337 Horace, I2g3 Ida, 38g Isaac, 389 John, 394 Jonathan, 394 Joseph, 549 Julia Ann, 389 Leslie, 706 Lydia Alraira, 1337 Maria, 1279 Martha Mahala, 706 Mary, 394, 568, 2287, 3493 Mercy, 2437 Mildred, 2082 Nelly, i2o6 Olevia, 568 PhUip M., 706 Richard, 568 Roy, 1337 Royal, iggo Rutty T., 336 Sally, 1939 Sylvester, 1939 Thomas, 3287 WeUington La Garonne, 394 WiUiara, 383, 389, 1143 TPunter, miss, 441 Abigail, 368 Addie, 3153 Alexander, 967 Amos, 268, 630 Ann, 1613 Calista, 579 Catherine, 1946 Cora, 3153 Deborah Starr, 1086 Elizabeth, 97, 1611-12 George, 1086 Helen Moirris, 3153 Henry, 1145 Hezekiah, 97 James, 2152 John, 1612, 1946 2670 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Hunter, cont'd, Joseph, 85, 307 Keziah, i8g4 Luella, 1386 Margaret, 1612 Martha, 2152 Mary, 1145, 2153 Mary Edith, 1145 Mary Ettie, ig46 Nancy Adelia, 2137 Phebe, 1086 Robert, 2040 Sallie C, 3330 Susan M., 967 Wilbur, 2152 Hunting, Esther, 338 John, 338 ¦ Margaret, 338 Huntingdon, see Hunting ton. Huntington, Huntingdon, earl of, 71, 1108, 2239 lady, 1108 Abner, 731 Alathea, 360 Andrew, 514-15 Ann Pride, 743 Anne, 307 Asahel, 360 Betsey,' 307, 743 Caleb, 731 Charles Clevelarfa^ 1801 Charles Stuart, 1093 Chloe, 1148-g Christopher, 71, ii4g Civil, ii4g Daniel I^athrop, i7g4 David, g67, 1108 David Low Dodge, 1800 Deborah, 730 Delia, 307 Deliverance, 307 Elida, 1801 Elijah Baldwin, 219 Elizabeth, 304, 409, 515, 743 Eunice, 514, 1092 Flora, i8oi Florence, 1093 Francis J,, 734 Frederic Grenelle, 1801 George Frederic, 1801 Hannah, 303-4, 510 Harriet Bunker, 967 Helen H., 1801 Hezekiah, 734 Horace, 1148-9 Isabel, 1108 Jabez, 510, 514-15 James, 303-4. 307. 73i Jedediah, 304 Jennie May, 1800 John, 1,148 Jonathan M., 730 Joseph, 514, 1092 Joseph Carew, 1092, 1800 Joshua, 510 Judith, 1149 Julia, 1093 Julia Huntington, 1801 Julia Marie, 1148 Julia Porter, 1801 Julia Stuart, 1092 Louis Bevan, 1800 Lucie White, 1800 Lucy, 514-1S Lucy Coit, 514, 1093 Lydia, 509-10, 731 Margaret, 71, 467 Maria Louise, 1423-3 Martha, 1148 Martha Minerva, 1800 Mary, 509-10, 548, 731. 1149, 1433 Mary Ann, 1794 Mary Cleveland, 1433 Mary Edgerton, 1794 Miles Thomas, 1148 Miller, 743 NeUie Tudor, 1800 Peter, 1423 Peter Chester, 1422 Huntington, cont'd, Priscilla, 304 Rachel, 1422 Rebecca, 731 Ruth, 71, 1422 Sally, 307 Samuel, 71, 731 Sarah, 71, 304, 409, 1149 Sarah Cleveland, 1093 Sarah Gardner, 967 Sarah Shaw, 1422-3 Simeon, 1422 Simon, 71, 304, 409, 467, 510 Siward, 71 Sophia, 1873 Stephen Van Dresar, 1801 Susan, 307 Thomas, 1149 Wealthy, 307 William, 307 William Aspenwall, 1433 WiUiam Paine, 307 William Walmsley, 1433-3 Huntley, Charles, 1863 Sarah Abigail, 1863 Sidney, 1863 Huntsinger, Ellen, 1415 Henry, 1415 Mary, 1415 Hurd, mrs., 335 Abigail, 1776 . Abijah, 1846 Alexander Crane, 1016 Araanda Malvina, 1015 Anna, 235 Araminta Aletta, 1016 Bostwick, 1129 Elizabeth, 235, 1846 Esther, 1776 Frances, 6og Frances Arabella, 1016 Hannah, 1462-3 Hester, 1151 Jacob, 235 John, 235, 1776 Joseph, 1463 Josephine Augusta, 1016 Lois, 1463 Lizzie Mary, 1016 Mary, 1463 Mary Ann, i486, 1846 Mercy, i83g Peter, 1463 Philander, 6og Sarah, 648, 1776 Sarah Bailey, ii2g Sarah Eunice, n2g Silence, 1151 Venetia Rebecca, i4g8 William, 1463 William Patterson, 1016 Zenas, 1015 Hurford, Sarah, 701 Hurkins, Elizabeth H., g88 Sarah R., g88 Williara P., g88 Hurlbert, see Hurlburt. Plurlburt, Hulbert, Hulburd, Plurlbert, Hurlbut, Hurl- butt, Alice, 1004 Alice Adrienne, i33g AUen R., 1278 Ann, 658 Arthur, 1278 Caroline Amanda, 1473 Caroline EHza, 1473 David WilHam, 1333 Dorothy, 116-18 Edith Sarah, 1339 Eldred Cleveland, 1339 Eliza Jane, 718 EUen Mowry, 1333 Ethel, 718 Eulalia Cassie, 1333 Frances A., 1378 Franklin Kellogg, 1473 George, 718 Grace Low, 1278 H. E., 775 Helen Augusta, 775 Henry Alonzo, 1339 Hurlburt, cont'd, Herbert, 718 James, 1339 Joseph, 1519 Kenneth Chester, 1339 Lester T., 902 Love, 1743 Lucinda, 1332 Lydia, 590 Martha, 1519 Martha D., 1278 Mary, 1742 Mary A. E., 1278 Mary Jane, 1333 Melvina Elizabeth, 902 Nellie T., 1378 Nina Loisa, 1339 Nina May, 1339 Obadiah, 1742 Phebe, 117 Polly, 1^33 Sarah, 1339, 1742 SUas, 1333 Stephen, 117 Sybil, 1519 Theodore, 1278 WUliam, 658 Hurlbut, Hurlbutt, see Hurlburt. Hurlehy, Eliza Jane, 1^64 Frank Elmer, 1164 Margaret, 1164 Michael, 1164 Thomas Walter, 1164 Hurly, mr. and family, 2058 Plurndall, Elise, 1796 John, 1796 Juliet Maria, 1796 Percy Wilberforce, 1796 Hurrell, Angelina, 210 Hurst, Cynthia Laurinda, 3106 James, 3io6 Rhoda Ann, 2106 Hurtsel, see Hurtzell. Plurtzell, Hurtsel, Mary, 1642 Pluse, see Hughes. Pluskins, Fanny Lucy, 446 Reuben, 446 Huson, Adelia Ann, 1219 Elizabeth, 1146 Richard, 1219 Sarah Elizabeth, 1219 Huss, Burr, 1187 Ernestine Clapp, 1187 Margaret, 1187 Hussey, Huzzey, Albert, 968 Edmund, 1236 EHza, 1719 Elizabeth, 968 Elizabeth Hazard, 968 George C, 419 Harriet G., 435 Lucretia, 958 Mary, 435 Oliver Cleveland, 968 Oliver Clinton, 425 Peter, 419 Sally, 4ig Sally Ann, 1236 Shubael, i7ig Sophia Western, 1265 Thomas Starbuck, 968 Valina, 419 William C, 425 WiUiam S., 425 Husted, Betsey, 1127-8 Edwin George, 980 Permelia, 980 Hustin, see Houston. Hustler, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Huston, see Houston. Hutchings, see Hutchins. Hutchins, Hutchings, mrs., 1840 Abihail, 415 Alonzo, 415 Amos, 415 Amy, 1389 Asa, 808 Avery, 547 Calvin, 1840 Chloe, 840 Elizabeth, 325, 1776 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2671 Hutchins, cont'd, Emeline, 1840 Emma, 415 Ephraim, 1389 Esther, 1319 Eula, 3301 Florence Corrine, 1389 George, 415 George Greenleaf, 1289 Georgiana, 415 Glen Burnell, 1289 Plarry Howard, i28g Isaac, 840 John, 1776 Lucy, 83g Martha C., i2ig Mary, 415 Mary Ann, i24g Mary F., 1840 !Mary Lucina, i28g Olive, 1381 Olivia, 415 Owen A., 415 Rollin, i2ig Roxana. 341 Sarah, 547 Shubard, 839 Susan Coit, 808 William, 1776, 1840 WiUiam J., 1840 Hutchinson, Hutchison, mr., 1917 AbigaU, 3439, 2444 Alma, 954 Ann, 490, I9g8-g Bingham, 4go Bridget, 564 Diantha, 779 Edward, igi7 Emily, 1672, 24gi Faith, 4go George, 2040 Hiram, 1963 Jennie Frances, 1894 John W., 1894 Lizetta Unis, 1963 Mary, 1917 Nancy Elvira, 1200 Phebe, 339 Sarah, 811 Susanna, igi7 Thomas, 31, 4go Unis, ig63 WilHam, 4go, 1917 Hutchison, see Hutchinson. Hutson, see Hudson. Hutton, Harriet, 1133 Jonathan, 1133 Lucinda, 1133 Huxford, Maria, 1731 Huxley, Thankful, 772 Huyck, Huyk, Caroline, 621 Jane, 1199 Huyk, see Huyck. Huyler, Adam, 451-2 Edwin Perrin, 452 Elizabeth, 451-2 Gertrude, 451 Hannah, 452 Jason Horton, 452 WiUiam, 451 Huzzey, see Hussey. Hyatt, Hyett, AbigaU, 352 Daniel, 352 Mary, 1659 Olive, 1116 Sarah, 1659 Thomas, 1659 Hyde, Hide, Ide, ancestors, 1161 mr., 2274 mrs., 2274 Abby, 1657 Abiah, 227 Abigail, 6g Agnes, 1079 Alice Kindred, 1758 Ann, 888 Anna, io7g Anna Curtis, 1794 Anne, 70 Calvin, 590 Caroline, 487, 1093 Catharine, 1379 Catharine Abia, 1079 Charles Keith, 1772 Charies William, 888 Dorothy, 69, 70, 72-3 Edith, 1079 Edward, 70, 1772 Edward Henry, 1079 Edward Rutherford, i07g Hyde, cont'd, Elizabeth, i4g, 35g-6o, 1080, i88g, 2333 Elizabeth Louise, 1079 Elizabeth Whitney, 1772 Erastus, 1093-4 Esther, 232 Experience, 232 Ezekiel Foster, 2137 Fanny, 1093-4 Frederick Bulkeley, 1773 Frederick Swartz, 1773 George Cleveland, 1771 George Clinton, 888 George FuUer, 1794 George Marshall, 487 George Washington, 888 Gertrude Stewart, 1794 Plarriet Louisa, I7g4 Harriet Stuart, 1793 Plattie, 1894 Plenrietta C., 1773 Henry Cleveland, 1079, 1894 Plenry H., 934 Henry Martyn, 1079 Hester, 333 Ira, 590 Isaac, 149 Jabez, 3333 James, 327, 332, sgg, 487, 590, 1079-80, 1094 Jane, 232, 360, 1379 Jedidiah, 2269 Jessie Annie, 888 Jessie Elizabeth, 1794 John, 233, 487, 590, 3337 Jonathan, 6g, 70, 73-3, 363 JuUa, 1657 Julia A., i8g4 Julius EH, 888 Katherine Cleveland, io7g, 1116 Laura Eliza, 888 Lavius, 1657 Lewis, 1793 Lewis Andrew, 1793 Lewis Huntington, 1794 Louis C, 1894 Louisa, 399 Lovina Sybil, 934 Lucy, 363 Lydia, 590 M. Cleveland, 1080 Margaret, 1079 Maria Eugene, 1773 Marietta Keith Cleveland, 1079 Martha, 487, 1079-80, 1094 Mary, 70, 590, 1793 Mary Anna, 1794, 2137 Mary Edgerton, 1794 Mary Henrietta Knox, 1771 Mary Lathrop, 1079 Mary Melissa, 1894 Mary P., 1772 Melancthon Whelpley, 1080 Nancy, 487 Nancy Adelia, 2137 Newland Maynard, 1079 Olive, 590 Olive M., 1894 Phebe, 263, 2337 Phebe Ann, 2454 Reginald, 1772 Robert, 70 Samuel, 70, 360, 487 Sarahi 227, 233, 487, sgo, iog4 Simeon, i07g Siraeon Porter, i07g Susan Cleveland, 1793 Thoraas Spencer, 1079 William 233, 360, 487, 59o William Cleveland, 1079 WilHam Minott, 1079 Hyett, see Hyatt. Hyland, see Hiland. Plylsop, Elizabeth, io6g James, io6g Mehetable, 1069 William, 1069 Plymers, Nancy, 679 Hynes, Margaret Gorman, ig8i Ibbetson, miss, 2244 Ide, see Hyde. Idleburg, Catherine, 1162 John, 1162 Iggleden, see Eggleton. Igor, prince of Russia, 2176 Igou, Cleopatra, 2138 James Monroe, 2138 Mary Jane, 2138 Samuel Thompson, 2138 Her, Harriet Ufany, 1515 Iliffe, Christian, 3335 Elizabeth, 3333 George, 3235 Plannah, 2234 John, 3235 Joseph, 2234-5 Mary, 3336 William, 3333, 2235 lUingworth, Eliza, 1714 Helen, 1714 William Cayley, 1714 Illustrious, Owen the, 106S Ilsley, Phebe, 776 Indians : Mamanatowick, 2336 ^ Oanaco, 41 Ottaniack, 2336 Owaneco, 41 Owenneko, 41 Pocahontas, 2336 Powhatan, 2336 Wahunsenacawh, 3336 Indman, Ezekiel, 645 Martha, 645 Rachel Ruthea, 645 Ine, bro. of Inglis, 266- Ingalls, Ingle, Ingles. family, 1794 rar., 170, 2383 Abigail, 3282 Annette Melissa, 1864 Betsey, 2282-3 Catherine, 1578 Charlotte, 3383 Daniel, 603 David, 957 Dorothy, 2282 Efifte Blanche, 1864 Elizabeth, 170 Elizabeth Hildreth, g57 Ferdinand, 1547 George William, 1863 Hannah, 3383 Plannah L., 360 Hassie L., 1330 Irene, 2282 Israel. 2282-3 Jacob, 2282 John, 3282-3 Jonathan, 3383 Keziah, 3383 Lewis, 7gg Lucia, 1547 Martha, 32S2 Mary M., 603 Orpha, 799 Polly, 32S3 Ruth Ann, 1547 Sherburne F., 3382 Susannah, 3382 WilHam Harrison, 1864 Ingel 'ram, sheriff, 1809 Inger, ran, 934 Edna Alice, 934 Frank Bernard, 934 Ida Josephine, 934 Sarah, 934 Ingersol, see lngersoll. IngersoU, Ingersol, Abigail, i486, 2483 Abijah, i486 Adaline, 2497 Allen McKinney, 2497 Ann, 1771 Colin Macrae, 1564 Elizabeth, 1771, iggz Frank, 1365 Frederick Truax, 24^7 George, 1771 Hester, 2483 26/2 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. IngersoU, cont'd, Jennie Rebekah, 24g7 John, i486, 2483, 24g7 John Delos, 2497 Julia Harriet, 156^ Katharine, 1771 Maude Seymour, 1564 ]\Iary, 496 jNlary Lovina, 2497 Palmer Haughton, 24g7 Richard, 1771 Sarah, 1107 Sarah Louisa, 1365 Ingle, see Ingalls. Ingleram, baron, 266 Ingles, see Ingalls. Inglesby, Ingoldsbury, Sarah, 1069 Inglid, king, 2204 Inglis, great grandfather of king Eahlmund, 266 Inglis, Marion Robina, 1745 Robert, 1745 Ingoldsbury, see Inglesby. Ingraham, Ingrara, , 13 mr., 3083 pedigree mentioned, 13 Arthur, 1809 Betsey, 605 Duncan, 1809 Elizabeth, 883, 2083 Henry, 1266 Hugo, 1809 Ingel' ram or Ing'rara, i8og Lucinda Alice, 1366 Maria, i8og Mary, 605 Mary Ann, 3083 Nathaniel, 605 PoUy, 3083 , Ranulf, 1809 Relief, 1197 Robert, 1809 WiUiam, i8og Ing 'ram, sheriff, i8og Ingram, see Ingraham. Inman, Abram, 386 Alpheus, 386 Anna, 386 Benjamin, 386 Delia, 315 Elsie Lowena, 3031 Jonas Cleveland, 386 Lizzie, 386 M. Valentine, 315 Roxey, 386 Inscoe, Joanna, 304g Inslee, Insley, Mary, 453 Mary E., 1738 William, 1738 Insley, see Inslee. lorwerth, lord, 2415 Ireland, Edward de Bruce king of, 15 Ireland, Charlotte, 1403 Ruth, 1475 Shadrach, 2440 Tabitha, 2440 Irish, Ann, 1003 Ann Elizabeth, 1735 Catharine Frances, 1003 Irving C, 1003 Katurah, 1003 Lewis, 1003 Lewis F., 1003 Rachel Augusta, 1003 Irons, Ivons, miss, 36 Edward, 36 ^^ronsides, king Eadmund II. , Edmund IL, 266, 2225 Irvine, see Irving. Irving, Irvine, mr., 1444 Caroline Amelia, 1166 Clara Frances, 1166 Edward, 1846 EHza, 1444 Everett Enos, 1166 Ford, 1166 George N., 1166 Jane, 1166 Joseph H., 1166 Lillah Carrie, 1846 Margaret, ig85 Mary Annetta, 1846 Irving, cont'd, Thomas Edward, 1846 Washington, 2068 Wilferd Reverdy, 1166 Irwin, mr., 2172 Jane, i35g Lilla Caroline, 2172 see also Erwin. Isaacs, Henry, 450 Mary Ann, 450 Isaacson, AHce Louise, 719 Elizabeth, 719 Plelen Ida, 719 Henry West, 719, 2397 James, 7ig Jaraes Henry, 7ig Louise, 7ig Lydia, 7ig Isabel, lady Shochelach, 319 Isabel, princess, 1108 Isbell, Alien, 2107 Ann Margaret, 2107 Anna Belle, 3107 Clara, 2105 Clearcie Elizabeth, 2166 Cynthia, 2107 Edward, 1472 Eliza Alraira, 1473 James Jackson, 3107 James Newton, 3107 Levingston, 2166 Martha Matilda, 2166 Martin Allen, 2107 Maud Maxville, 2107 Nora Talulah, 2107 Pendleton, 307g Robert, 3105 Sallie, 3105 Susan, 3079 Ischam, Isham, mr., 1408 Anna, 479 Fanny, 1118 Henry, 2416 Jane L., 210 Nancy, 2265 Ruth Cleveland, 1408 Isdell, Nettie, 1005 Isham, see Ischam. Isom, Mary, 1863 Sarah G., 1863 Thomas, 1863 Isted, Ambrose, 2237 Barbara, 3337 Samuel, 3337 Ivar, jarl of Upland, 3303-4 Ivar Vidfame, king, 3304 Iverson, Alfred, 3176 Benjamin Verling, 3176 James Smith, 3176 Juliet Ann, 3176 Ives, Abigail, iggS Adell, 683 Alvene, 683 Arthur Clifford, 3503 Caroline, 1380 Caroline Mercy, 3503 Charlotte Adelia, 1501 Clara Angeline, 1501 EJdmund, 683 Elizabeth RusseU, 1501 Era'ogene, 2503 Eugene, 683 Frank, 683 Frank B., 1444 Frahklin E, 2502 Gideon, 1998 Hannah, 1998 John, 1501, igg8 Joseph, iggS .Jotham, iggS Kate Livingston, 1444 Katy, 683 King Charlie, 1501 Lorenzo Dow, 1501 Margery A., 683 Mary, 1501, iggS Rena Eoline, 1501 Rollin, 683 WUliam, igg8 Iveson, George, 1189 Hannah, 1189 Mary Jane, 1189 Ivins, AHce Isabel, 1246 John, 1346 Lucy Nellie, 3491 Lucy Venelia, 1246, 2491 Mary Isabella, 1246 Roy Francis Vestene, 1246 William Henry, 1246, 2491 Tvons, see Irons. Jack, see Jacks. Jackman, Ann Elizabeth, 195 1 Aurilla Ann, 1951 Benjamin, 357 Elizabeth, 355, 357 Elizabeth S., 950 Eugene Lester, 1951 Plannah, 357 James Wilks, 1951 Lizzie S., 950 Lucinda, 1951 Sylvia, 1951 Timothy, 355, 357 Walter Eugene, 1951 Jacks, Jack, Betsey, 1127 Dora M., 1219 Elizabeth, 1127 J ames Cochran, 1 127 James Corwin, 1128 John Wilford, 1128 Josephine Bonaparte, 1127 Julia WUford, 1128 Mary Elizabeth, 112S Melinda A., 2481 Sarauel, 1127 Sarah Josephine, 1128 WiUiam A., 3481 Jackson, family, 1091 miss, 1511, 2077 rar., 2311 Abby Wheaton, 826 Abigail, g3, 1300 Alice Cornelia, 826 Araelia Lee, iggg Ann, g20, 3i4g Aurelia, Aurilla, 771 Carrie Cheney, 1564 Carrie Jane, 1251 Charles, 1999, 2026 Charles C, 1251 Charlotte Elizabeth, 1777 Christopher, 1071 Clara Abbie, 1300 Clement, 1995 Crawford Henry, 1300 Deborah, 775 Dorothy, 1071 Edward, 1071, 1832 Eliza, 1781 Elizabeth, 279, 1049, 1071 Ellen Armela, 1895 Ellen Eliza, 1300 Eunice, 1300 Fanny Cabot, iggg Frances, 1071 Frances Cecilia, 3305 Frances L., i63g Frank William, 1300 Franklin, g30 Geneore King, 1474 George, 561 George W., 836, 1564 Gideon, 2103 Grace Mabel, 1474 Hannah, 565, 1114, iggs Henry, 1300 Ida May, 1300 Isaac, 565 Isaiah, 22go James, 920 John, 93 John Douglas, 1895 Jonathan, 1071 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2673 Jackson, cont'd, Joseph, 561 Kate MeHssa, 1896 Louisa Jane, 2265 Lydia, 2026 Margaret, 1474 Maria, 3311 Marie ¦ Louise, 1575 Mary, 775, 836, 1070-1, 1561 Mary Ann, 561, 3165 Mary Ann Elizabeth, , 2205 Mary Jane, 2290 Matilda Jane, 2205 Michael, 362, 2270 Nancy, 2222 Patience, 1625 Phebe, 561 Polly, 1632 Rebecca, 561, 1332 Robert, 1474 Robert Albro, 1474 Sally Aurilla, 1391 Sally Maria, 1474 Samuel, 920 Sarah, 407, 1895, 2455 Sarah Ellison, 565 Sarah Jane, 1474 Solomon Redman, 2149 Susan Eliza, 565 Susan Jane, 3103 Susan Taney, 930 Susanna*h, 1593 Thomas, 1474, 3149 Uriah C, 1895 WiUiam, 775 William Henry, 1895 Jacob, see Jacobs. Jacobs, Jacob, Jacups, Deborah, 3336 Elizabeth, igg6 George, 171 Hannah, iggg James, 1357 Jane, 613, 3386 John, 2333 Joseph, 2286 , Lydia, 1361 Margaret, 170-1 Mary, 1996, iggg, 3336 Nancy, 1357 Nicholas, ig96, iggg, 3336 Philomena, ig84 Rachel, 2290 Rebecca, 171, 1295 Roxy Ann, 1357, 3493 Zurviah, 385 Jacobus, mr., 3317 Pamelia A., 3317 Jacquer, rars., 1773 Jacups; see Jacobs. Jadwin, Minerva Abigail, 2459 Truraan Bagg, 2459 Jaggar, see Jagger. Jaggard, Elizabeth Strong, 1826 William W., 1836 Jagger, Jaggar, Charity, 693 ¦ Elizabeth, 2455 Jeremiah, 693 Jeremy, 2455 Mary, 2455 Sarah, 693 Jakeway, Abner McMilton, 586 Elias G., 586 Jay, 586 Theresa, 586 James II. , 1985 James IV., 1048 James VI. , 819 James, Abiel, 1863 Alexander C, 967 Ann, 22ig Bartholomew, 2052 Benjamin, 713 Betsey, 1251 Charlotte R., 967 Christiana Judith, 1556 Clarissa, 789 Content, iggg 168 James, cont'd, David, 677 Edward, 618 Edwin, 424, g67 Edwin C, 967 Elizabeth, 967, 1811 Elizabeth C., 967 Emily Luella, 2052 Enoch Randolph, 1282 Esther, 1283 Francis, 967 Frank, 1882 I-L, 14 Hannah, 36, 39, 3451 Harriet Adell, 1883 Henry F., 967 Henry Williara, 1883 Horace Alba, 967 Ida Josephine, 1863 Isabella Louisa, 967 James, 3319 Jerry Willis, 1883 Josephine Hovey, 1863 T.izzie C, 967 Lydia, 618 Lydia C, 967 Mary, 1413 Mary Ann, 1383 Obed S., 967 Philip, 33ig Sarah, 677, 713 Sarah Anna, 1863 Sarah Emily, 967 Sarah G., 424, 967 Sarah Maria, 713 Susan M., 967 Susanna, 1999 Thomas, 967 Walter, 1883 Waltei- B., 967 W^arren Nathan, 1863 Williara, 1999 Jameson, Jamison, Clarissa Amma, 2195 Ephraira Orcutt, 360 Joe Lee, 2195 Malcolm Routh, 2195 Martha A., 1230 Jamison, see Jameson. Janes, de Janes, de Jeane, Jayne, Jeanes, raiss or mrs., 45 Abel, 1666 Benjamin, 793 Elijah, 1584 Elizabeth, 910 Frederic, 793 Gere, 1089 Guido, 792 Hannah, 793 Harriet Ann, 1089 Harriet Lauretta, 2306 Jemima, 1584 Julius, 2306 Lucy, 1584 Oliver, 1584 Samuel C., 1089 Sarah, 1584, 1666 Seth, 1584 William, 793 Janet, princess, 1048 Jans, Janse, Jansen, Jansz, Anneke, Annetje, 1025-6, i8ig, ig53. 2316, 2487 Catrina Roeloffse Van Maesterlandt, 1819 Harmen, 1032 Maay Ken, 1830 Margaret, 1032 Roeloff, 1819, 2487 Susannah, 1831 Jansa, Maialena, 1887 Janse, Jansen, Jansz, see Jans. Janszen, Catalina Hendricks, 1809 Catalyntje Hendricks, 1809 Geertje, 1809 Hendrick, 1809 Janverin, miss, 1988 Jaquess, Jonathan, 1283 Lillie, 1283 Parma, 1283 Jaquirsh, mr., 1469 Ada, 1469 Avery, 1469 Clara, 1469 EHas, 1469 Elvin, 1469 Floid, 1469 Plorace, 1469 Perraela, 1469 Rose, 1469 Roxana. 1469 Jardine, George, 777 Susan, 777 Jarman, Anne, 2239 Jarrard, Jarred, see Jarrett. Jarrett, Jarrard, Jarred, Anna, 1183 Elizabeth Ann, 2139, 2164 Harriet Frances, 1182 Jennie A., 1183 Mary, 544 Pullen, 1183 Thomas, 1183 William, 1183 Jarve, Sarah Eveline, 1653 Jarvis, mr., 2265 Abigail Adkins, 1113 Elizabeth, 1061 Harriet, 2298 Margaret, 1771 Mary L., 2417 Nancy, 2398 Thomas, 3398 Jasper, Jane, 3467 Maude Ophelia, 3467 Virgil Gregory, 3467 Walter, 3467 Williara, 3467 Jay, Charles M., 436 Francis, 426 Mary Ann, 426 Ruth Srailey, 3178 William Brown, 3178 Willie Irene, 2178 Jaycox, EUen, 1635 Mary Alice, 1635 Thomas, 1635 Jayne, see Janes. Jeager, see Yeager, Jeanes, see Janes. Jearould, see Gerould. Jeffers, Alice Louise, i8g2 Carrie Elizabeth, 701 Hannah, i8g3 James Foote, i8g3 Joseph, 701 Josephine, 701 Sarah, 701-2 Jefferson, Azuba, nil Jemima, 1682 Joseph, 747 Phoebe, 746-7 Ruth, 747 Thomas, 747 Jeffords, Alien Cleveland, g63 Amasa, 421 Ann Eliza, 963 Anson Uriah, 1718 Charles Harvey, 422 David, 1049 Edson E., 1049 Elizabeth, 1049 Elizabeth Jane, 963 Harry, 421 Harry Arthur, 1718 Helen, 1718 Henry, 421 Huldah Ann, 963 Jemima, 1049 John, 421-2 Lillian AUen, 963 Lucy Cleveland, 421 Maltby, 422 Maria Mehitabel, 1717 Martha, 422 Mary, 431-2 Mary Ann, 422, 1717 Melissa, 1049 - Naomi, 963 Putnam, 1049 Sally, 347 Sarah, 433 Susannah, 421 ¦V\'"illiara Henry, 963 Willis P., 1049 2674 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Jeffry, Jeffrys, Ann, 336 Anna, 336 Annie, 1037 Anthony, 190 Arthur, 226 Benjamin, 226 Cyprian, 226 Eunice, igo James, 221, 226-7 John, 226 Margaret, 221, 226 Rebecca, 1023 Richard, 226 Ruth, 221, 226 Thomas, 1114 WiUiam, 226, 1037 Jeffreys, Jeffry, Jeffrys, see Jeffrey. Jeffs, see Jefts. Jefts, Jeffs, Hannah, 2435 Henry, 3435 Jeliff, Joseph, 333 Jellett, see Gillette. Jelliman, Margaret, 1603 Jellison, Willhilmina Stansbury, 3144 Jencks, see Jenks. Jenkenson, Rachel, 711 Jenkin, see Jenkins. Jenkins, Jenkin, Alice, 276^ 1580 Alvin Wood, 113S Ann Elizabeth, 1580 Anna, 1437-8 Anna Harper, 1909 ap Jenkin, 400 Charles August, 1580 Cora Ann, 1580 Diantha, 1657 • Edward, 276 Elizabeth, 1437, 2428 Emma Cleveland, 1580 Estella, 2230 Henrietta Wilehmine Sophie, 1580 Henry Brown, 1437-8 Henry Herbert, 1580 lona, 3320 Jay, 1580 Jerusha, 376 John Jay, 1580 John Robert, 1580 Joseph, 2220 Josephine, 1580 Julia Ellen, 1580 Letitia, 662 Malachi, 1657 Mary, 1657 Mary AmeHa, 1581 Mercy, 843 Mercy Cleveland, 1138 Morgan ap Jenkin, 400 Nancy, 2220 Nannie Rebecca, 1909 Nora, 1580 Richard R., 2263 Samuel, 843 Samuel Fronk, 1580 Sarah, 766, 843, 1438, 1813 Sarah Tate, igog Susannah, i65g William Henry, igog William Rogers, 2220 see also Morgan. Jenks, Jencks, Amy Jane, i2g4 Caroline, 1566 Caroline Gertrude, 1566 CeHa Ann, 1294 Charles Franklin, 1294 Charles Lyraan, 1566 David, 1179 Diana, i2g4 Elisha, I2g4 Elizabeth, 436 Elizabeth Caroline, 1361 Ella L., 1361 F. A., I2g4 Frances Augusta, 1294 Harris, 1361 John, 436, 1566 Jenks, cont'd, John Bathrick, 1361 Joseph, 1 179 Lydia, 823 Mary Susanna, 1361 Naomi, 1456 Park Marion, 1294 Rebecca, 1078 Sarah Ann, 1178-g Jenne, Jennee, Jenney, , Jenny, Abigail, 2451 Dorinda, 703 EUzabeth, 1615 Fraser, 703 Parmelia, 728 Prince, 728 Ruth Alma, 703 Ruth Darby, 703 Sarauel, 703 Samuel Cleveland, 703 Sarah, 2451 Whiting, 702 William Maynard, 703 Jennee, see Jenne. John, 2451 Lucy J., 703 Marcus Lyndon, 703 Mary, 703 Mary A., 702 Nancy J., 703 Olive, 738 Jenner, Ganners, Jenners, Esther, 1772 Hannah, 510 Mary, 515 Patience, 510 Samuel, 510 Thomas, 1772 Jenners, see Jenner. Jenney, see Jenne. Jennings, mr., 3088 Abby Jane, 1333 Abiah, I3g5 Aley, 3088 Anderson, 2133 Chandler, 583 Cordelia Woolworth, 450 Cynthia, 1403 Deborah, 646 Edward WiUiam, 433 Eliza, 433, 583 Eliza Amanda, 3133 Eliza Jane, 583 Elizabeth, 582 Ella Florence, 2042 Ellen Elizabeth, 450 Emeline, 582-3 Emily Jerusha, 450 Frances, 1656 Frances Jermain, 450 Hannah, 1365 Harriet, 582 Harriet Cordelia, 583 Harry, 1365 Henry Price, 3043 Jane, 583-3 Jonathan, 1031 Joseph White, 583 Julia Ann, 2042 Justus, 1403 Laura, iSgg Lemuel, 582-3 Louisa Antoinette, 450 Margaret, 582 Mary Gardiner, 450 Mary Susan, 2093 Millie, 440 Pamela, 440 Ransford, 433 Rhoda, 433 Russell, iSgg SaUie, Sally, 1365, 2132 Salome Ann, 583 Sophia, 582 Sophronia, 450 Sophronia Ann, 450 Stephen Oliver, 450 Stephen R., 450 Susan Amanda, i8gg Susan O., 450 WiUiam, 2og3 Zylpho, 2132 Jennison, Arsino Marianna, ig34 Fanny Maria, 1934 Grace, 78 Michal, 78 Ranson Hennan, 1934 Robert, 78 Jenny, see Jenne. Jerauld, see Gerould. Jernagan, Jernecan, Jerne- gan, Amelia, 514 Lydia, 432 Mary, 972 Rebecca, 973 Richard Weldon, 432 Sukey, 971 William, 972 Jernecan, Jernegan, see Jer nagan. Jerolds, see Gerould. Jerome, mrs. , 2286 Albert, 1648 Charles Wesley, 2286 Elvira, 2286 Josephine, 1648 Mary, 2285 WilHam, 2285-6 William' L., 2286 Jeroslaus, czar of Russia, 2176 Jerould, Jerrolds, see Ger ould. Jespering, Louise,, 1225 Jessup, Araanda Cleveland, 1094 David Stuart Dodge, 1094 Ethel Hyde, 1094 Frederick Nevins, 1094 Harriet Elizabeth, 1094 Henry Griswold, 870 Henry H., 1094 Mary Dodge, 1094 Mary Stuart, 1094 Jewel, see Jewell. Jewell, Jewel, Joyall, Joyell, Jule, bishop, 816 AbigaU, 816 Clyde, 1587 Elizabeth, 1440 Esther E., 1095 Eunice, 816 Finette, 1706 Frederick, 15S7 Gertrude Anna, 1587 Grizel, 816 Helen Louise, 1802 Isabel, 816 J. Spencer, 1803 Jacob, 530, 816 Jesse, 1587 Joel, 816 John, 816 Joseph, 816 Josephine Marshall, 1095 Marshall, 1095 Martha, 816 Mary, 530, 816, 1803 Nabby, 530 Norman, 1587 Pliny, 816 Sallie Bayne, 1436 Samuel, 1436 Sarah Jane, 1803 SUas, 816 Thomas, 816 Jewett, goodman, 466 mrs., 466 Abigail, 3435 Alraira, 1854 Clarissa, 1159 Daniel, 1632 David, 1930 Edward, 2435 Eliza, 1854 Elizabeth, 449 Ella M., 1854 Gratia, iig7 Guy, 1436 Hannah, 137-8, 951 Plelen Augusta, 1708 Henry, 1^54 Herbert F., 1708 Isabel, 243s Ivers, 2435 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2675 Jewett, cont'd, Jesse, 2435 John, 2435 Joseph, 2435 Lydia, 204 Manus, 1854 Martha A., 1854 * Mary, 863, 1633 Merrick A., 3435 Milton, 3435 Oliver, 2435 Patience, 1930 Phebe, 1925 Polly G., 2435 Sarah, 989, 2435 Sarah Farraer, 2435 Sarah PhUlips, 1930 William, 1197 Jhernoy, Vernoy, Frankey, 3ogo Jilaon, see Gilson. Jipson, Frances Amelia, 1474 Joan of Beaufort, 365 Jocelyn, Joselyn, Joslin, Jos- lyn, Jostlin, miss, 309, 2297 Abigail, 1210, 1213 Ann, 1310 Anna, 651 Barbara RandaU, 309 Elizabeth Hannah, i3o8 Henry Vaughn, 309 Israel, 53 Joseph, 360 Lavinia, 1346 Luceannah, i3io, i3i3 Nathaniel, i3o8, 1310, i3i3 PameHa, 438 Sarah, 52 Sarah Atwater, i3o8, i3io Simeon, 1210, 1212 Simeon Smith, 1210 John, king of England, 1108 John, lord of Desmond, 1987 Johnson, de Johnson, miss, 1445, 3i6g mr., 571, 58g, 5g6, 713, 3056, 3176, 2210 AbigaU, 86, 171, 175, 182-3, 713, 3434 Abigail Mayo, 45 Abigail Rising, 1315 Abijah, 873-4 Abner Horace, 1365 Adelbert Lysle, 1343 Adelaide C, 1816 Agnes Hunt, 874 Alfred, ig37 Alfred Everett, 835 Alice, 183 AUce Elizabeth, 1343 Alice May, 635 Alpha, 3138 Alvin J. & Son, 1670 Amanda Malvina, 1343 Ambrose, 3iog Andrew Hay, 1170, 1173 Angus Douglass, 1896 Ann, 559 Ann A., S59 Ann Alletta, 1836-7 Anna, 183, 1875, 2309 Anna C, 1836 Annie May, 1173 Arthur Lincoln, 1926 Asahel Cheeney, 1215 Benjamin, 1215, 2017 Bethiah, 63-4 Bette, 182, 300 Bettie, Betty, 1S2, 300, 2 log- 10 Betsey, 182, 300, gss, 1263, 2109-10 Britannia, 1306 Caleb, 1958 Caroline Candace, 1916 Caroline Lomira, 635 Carrie C, 874 Carrie L., 1836 Catharine, Catherine, 559, 1046, 2176 Catherine HaU, gg3 Charity, 1831 Johnson, cont'd, Charles, 45, logS, 1864 Charles Coit, iog8 Charles Edward, 1887 Charles Henry, igi6 Charles Sarauel, 18S7 Charles Wesley, 1926-7 Charles Young, ssg Charlotte, 1167, 1173 Clara, ssg, 1851 . Clara H., 1172 Clarence Elma, 835 Clifton, 2472 Cornelia H., gss Cornelia Seymour, 1540 Cynthia Anpa, 1127 Cyrus, 1836-7 Cyrus Fisher, 1836 Daniel, 3gg Daniel Cook, 683 David, 182, 2015 David Clendenning, 1642 Deborah, 250 Dewitt Clinton, igsS Dolly, 460 Doncan, i8g6 Doncan Williara, i8g6 Dorothy, 1603, 1777 Ebenezer, 183, 3437 Edith Lillian, 1343 Edith Sutherland, 1173 Edward, 27, 44, 63, 331, 538, 2427 Edward Holraes, 635 Edwin Carlos, 1777 Edwin Hicks, 1777 Edwin Lenman, 1836 Elinor, 67 Eliza Ann, 1014, 1172, 2087 Eliza Demarest, 1640 Elizabeth, 87, 182, 618, 715, 783, 1764, 1883, 1886, ig36-7, 3033, 3086, 3128, 3422 Elizabeth Ann, 3087, 2128 Elizabeth Gammage, 1855-6 Ella Araelia, 835 EUen, 2472 Elsie Cleveland, 1098 Elsie May, 1887 Emeline, 182 Emeline Adelia, 874 EmUy Susan, 1293 Emma, 182, 250, 253, 575 Emma Imogene, 1927 PImmeline, 182 Emory Warner, 635 Esther, 44, 143-3, 558, 3437 Esther Eliza, 2490 Esther Evadna, 2490 Eunice, 182, 873-4, 2017 Eunice Elvira, 558 Eva BeUe, 1343 Fanny, 1864 Fanny Adelia, 874 Florence, 2472 Frances, 3gg Frances Talitha, 2162 Francis B., 3gg Frank, 683 Frank Albert, 1343 Frank Warren, 874 Franklin, 2iog Fred Wilherm, 1887 Frederick Morgan, 1098 Frederick Omen, 1172-3 Frederick Otice, 835 Freelove, 1041 Frelis, 182 Gaius Edwin, 1173 George, 250, 993, t^i73 George Arthur, 1173 George Chapin, 559 George Howard, 24go George Leander, 558 Johnson, cont'd, Hannah, 66-7, 182, 3gg, 559, 1098, 1365, 1540, 1640, 1642 Hannah Maria, 559 Hannah Palraer, 635 Harriet, 182 Harriet Elizabeth, 1642 Plavilah, 558 Henriette, 683 Henry, 45 Henry Hubbard, 183 Henry Marshall, 6S3 Hezekiah, 1540 Homer, 1851 Horace Peirce, 1215 Hosea Cleveland, 635 Ichabod, 2437 Ida, 1836 Ida Elizabeth, 1343 Isaac, 87 Isabell, 1493 IsabeUa, 556 Isaiah Talman, 835 Jacob, 183 James, 1864 James Pettingell, 1172-3 Jane, 600, 614, 1409, 1596 Jane Amelia, 1343 Jedediah, 85, 182, 1041 Jemima, 593 Jennie Cleveland, 1958 Jesse, 1777 Jesse Louis, 558 John, 44, 63-4, 87, 182-3, 250, 558, I173, 1311, 1363, 1466, 1836 John Albert, 1173 John Cumming, 1836 John Eugene, 1343 John Jones, 1343 John Warren, 38 John WilHam, 558 Jonas, 1887 Jonathan, 183, 3484 Joseph, 183, 3437 Julia Cleveland, 1098 Julia Ma'ria, 3473 Kate Melissa, i8g6 Katie Margaret, i8g6 Laura, 1343 Ledeah, 183 Leedeoma, 183 Lena Bell, ig37 Leonard Chapman, 558 Lewis, 3086-7, 2128 LilUe Wykoff, 1836 Linda Liverna, ig36 Linsley, 3114 Lois, 667, 1041 Loretta, 1293 Lovina Hosley, 1686 Lucinda, 183 Lucy, 183-3, 1244, 3109, 2147 Lucy Ann, 1864 Lydia, 85, 183-3, 1041 Mabel Estelle, 1937 Maialena, 1887 Margaret, 63, 559, 1172-3 Margaret Jane, 3502 Margery, 87 Marie Betsey, 1315 Marietta Harriet, 3015 Marietta Keith, 1777 Martha, 649, 1041, 1702 Mary, 62, 77, 87, 175-6, 183-3, 350, 380, 434, 558, 667, 797, 833, 835. II73. 1315, iSog, ig58, i960, 2056, 2106, 2114, 3162 Mary Araanda, 2310 Mary Ann, 1171, 1887 Mary Ann Elizabeth, 1836 Mary Elizabeth, 1958 Mary Emily, 835 Mary Henrietta, 1173 Mary Lydia, 1887 2676 clp:veland genealogy. Johnson, cont'd, Mary Mariah, 835 Mary Olevia, 559 Mary Smith, 873 Mary Smolk, 1896 Mason, 182 Matthew, 27 Mehitable, 2017 Melinda, 596 Mildred Mary, 1836 Miriam, 1258 Moody, 1640 Nancy, 589, 3158 Nathan, 183 Nathan Smith, 874 Neal Daniel, i8g6 Nellie, 2472 NeUie Anna, i8g6 Nora, 1747 Obadiah, Obediah, 44, 62-3, 8s, 143. 183. 2308, 3338 Obadiah Elderkin, 183 Olevia, 571 Olive, 45, 85, 183-3 Olivia Pettingell, 1170, 1173 Olivia Sophia, 560 Ora Estella, 635 Orra, 183 Orris Franklin, 3473 Owen D., 3147 Pamelia Alice, ig26 Pattie, 2110 Patty Barnes, 2014-15 Perkins, I2g3 Peter Eugene, 1343 Peter James, 1343 Phebe, Pheby, 1836, 2481 Phyllis, 182 Pollie, Polly, 182, 3g2, 399, 1365, 2iog Priscilla, 1466 Rachel, 1921, 2109 Ralph, 182, 874 Rebecca, 44, 63-3, 85, 1344, 1365 Rebekah, 63-3, 85 Rhoda, 1315 Robert, 460 Rosamond, 558 Rosa Sophia, 558 Rose May, 1343 Ruby, 183 Rufus, 399 Ruth, 317, 1311 Ruth Ann, 661 Sadie Alberta, 1173 SaUie, Sally, 593, 3068, 2109 SaUy Ann, 1447, 1878 Salome, 182 Samantha, 1130, 1427 Samuel, 182, 1041, 1702, 1831, 2231 Samuel Williara, 1831 Sanford Smith, 1855-6 Sara Lorinda, 1777 Sarah, 182, 250, 3gg, 784, 884, 1041, i4gg, 2133, 2437, 3437 Sarah Ann, 3313 Sarah Cleveland, 874 Sarah Elizabeth, 1343 Sarah Jane, 3106 Sarah Lorinda, 1864 Sarah Louisa, 1173 Sarah Wallgate, 557, 3338 Serena Belle, 1887 Silas Samuel, 1864 Solomon, 67 Sophia Sarepta, 1363 Stanley Howard, 2490 Stiven, 63 Susan, 63, 1211, 1816 Susannah, 63, 77, 1836 Sybil, 314 Sylvia, 538 Tabatha, 935 Tempa, 2213 Theodorus, 1836 Thirza, 1958 Johnson, cont'd, Thomas, 1642, 2100, 2472 Thomas Jefferson, 1343 Thomas William, 559 Timothy, 3437 Urenia Maria, 785 Uzel, 1836 Waldo, 635 Welthy, 182 Willard Henry, 635 William, 27, 44, 63, 77, 175, 182, 250, ssg, 1244, 1746, 1816, 2427, 2472 William C, 2087 William Gumming, 1836 William Henry, 1343 WilHam Jeff^son, 2162 William Murray, 2106 William Wallace, 915 Willis, 2472 Johnston, de Johnston, de Johnstoun, de Jonistoun, Johnstone, ancestors, 1985 Adelaid Sophronia, 3460 Alfred Archey, 2461 Allie D., 2467 Alphonsine A., 2465 Benjamin Hooper, 2161 Bessie May, 2467 Bessie Wallace, 1881 Betsey Minerva, 2461 Carlton Fish, 2463 Catherine, 1985 Charles Ernest, 2467 Charles Oscar. 2461 Charles Warner, 2463 Charlotte, 1539 Clement Meservy, 3467 Cornelia, 1072 Cornelius, 2161 David, 1073 Diana, 3170-1 Drew Millett, 3460 Eliza Ann, 2087 Elizabeth, 1941, 1985, 2086, 2128 Elizabeth Ann, 2087, 2128 EUen PhUinda, 2466 Elliott, 1941 Fannie Maggie, 2161 Flora Ann, 3461 Frances EUen Gertrude, 3460 Francis, 1985 Frank, 1355 Frank Albert, 2461 George, 2169 Gertrude Cleveland, 1941 Hannah, 1539 Harriet, 1942 Harriet AmeHa, 2161-2 Harvey Otis, 2461 Hattie Electa, 2468 Helena Maria, 2467 Henry Elliott, 1942 Herbert, 2161 Hiram, 1539 James, 1881 James Conilious, 2162 Jaraes William, 1746b John, 1539, 1985, 2171, 2459 Joseph Rogers, 2170-r Julia, 1539 Julia Thomas, 3163 Laura Constance, 3463 Lawrence Waterbury, 1941 Lewis, 3086-7 Lois Ann Miller, 3463 Louisa, 1746b, 3100 Lucy, 3458 Lucy Benedict, 2461 Maggie Ann, 3461 Maggie M., 2169 Margaret, 1742, 2161 Margaret Crawford, 2217 Johnston, cont'd, Maria Hicks, 2463 Martha E., 1255 Martha Lake, 2463 Martha Susannah, 2465 Mary, 1072, 1746b, 1878, 1881, 2488 Mary Cleveland, 2462 Mary E., 2171 Mary Elizabeth, 2462 Mary Frances, 2170 Mattie, 2161 Mattie Lou, 2162 Maxwell Laing, 2467 Mildred Harriet, 2157 Minnie Frances, 2465 Mollie Ethel, 2162 Nancy Sarah Maria, 2460 Sallie J., 2161 Samuel, 2161-2 Sarah, 1539 Sarah Dianthe, 2460 Sarah Emily, 2157 Sarah Jane, 1539, 2462 Stephen Cleveland, 2460 Susanna, 3458-9 Thomas, 1941-3, 2100, 2157, 2458-9 Thomas C, 2161 Owen Oscar, 2461 Paul Milton, 2463, 2468 Peter, 24s8-g Peter Brown, 2460 Philinda Bathsheba, 2461 Rosalie Abbie, 2467 William, 1746b, 2488 WiUiam Byron, 3467 WiUiam C, 3087 WiUiam Laing, 2458 William Thomas, 2465 Wilma, 2468 Johnstone, see Johnston. Joiner, Joyner, Albert Webber, i4gg Allie May, 765 Andrew, 765 Andrew Cleveland, 765 Beulah, 1499 Daniel Perry, 1498-9 Elizabeth, 765 Flora H., i49g Helen Rosalinda, 765 Isabel, 1838 Mariette, I4g8 Mary Alta, 1499 Maria Elvira, 1964 Percival, 765 Sylvester, 1499 Jolley, Jolly, Charles Sheridan, 1407 David, 1407 Effie Cleveland, 1407 Elizabeth, 1407. Eudora Anna, 1407 Harriet Elizabeth, 1407 Jennie, 2041 Mabel Loretha, 1407 Martha, 2206 Mary Elizabeth, 2041 Robert, 2206 William Bliss, 2041 JoUs, Catherine, 1287 Catherine Louisa, 1287 Celestia Wheeler, 1287 Jeremiah Platt, 1287 Jolly, see Jolley. Jonas, mr., 2487 Annetje, 2487 Tryntje, 2487 Jondro, Charlotte, 1271 Helen Mar, 1271 Joseph D., 1371 William, 1271 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2677 Jones, miss, 1180, 2190 mr., 321, 1705 mrs., i88g, 2133, 23ig Abi, 1939 Abigail, 3428 Adaline I., 1241 Alanson Alfred, 2319 Aley, 2090 Aley Mathis, Aley Mathus, 2087, 2133 Alfred Arnold, 2330 AHce, i6g6 Amos Clark, 1305 Amy, 1180 Angeline, 1357 Anna, 189, 1315, 1906, 3045 Annie, 189, 1696 Annie Herrick, 1696 Arthur James, 1743 Asa, 1498 Augustus, 2318 Azariah, gi, 408 Bathsheba, 1132 Bessie, 1696 Betsey, 2319 Betsey Ann, 3319 Bettie Florence, 3133 Caroline, 3ogo Caroline Adelia, 1034 Caroline P., i6g6 Carrie, :6g6 Carver, :233a Catharine, 400, gi8 Celia Ann, 3118 Charity, 3318 Charles A., 1363 Charlotte, gi8 Chloe, 586 Christiana, 1855 Clara Louisa, 3330 Clara Louise, 33ig Clarissa, 1665 Clarissa Harlowe, 3087, 3133 Cora Edith, 1591 Cora H., 1490 Cordelia, 1433 Daniel, 1357 Daniel Lloyd, 1393 Daniel S., 1363 Daniel Sutherland, 1357 Darius, 1433 David, 339 David P., 888 David Walton, 1304 Deborah, 1915 Delight, 197 Ebenezer, 189, 197, 1373 Ebenezer Pray, 2320 EfEe LiUian, 1591 EU Cleveland, 2133 Elias Bliss, 1696 Elijah, 1215 Eliza, 2090 Eliza Becker, 2320 Elizabeth, 189, 400, 408, 1267, 1611-13, 1643, 2000, 2103, 2133, 23ig, 3468 Elizabeth Annabel, 23Tg Elizabeth Gammage, 1855-6 Elizabeth Rachel, gi8 Elizabeth Williams, 409 ' EUa, 23ig Ella Sophia, 1974 Ellen Magdalena, i66g Emily, 2133 • Emily Hanford, 1393 Erastus, 1915 Eunice, i8g Fanny, I74g Frances, 23ig Francis Warren, i6g6 Frank Gurdon, i6g6 Frank Johnson, 1696 Frankey, 2090 Frederick Sutherland, 1357 George, 4og, 939, 1696 George Peter, 1669 Jones, cont'd, George T., 1696 George Washington, i66g Gertrude, 1696 Gurdon Azariah, g3g, i6g6 Hannah, 189, 400, 409, 888, 1304. 1915. 2045 Hannah E., 1363 Harriet, 543, 1743 Harriet Adaline, 339 Harvey Brown, 33 ig Helen Martha, 1305 Henrietta, 400, 1184 Henry Cleveland, i66g Henry Earshaw, i66g Henry Jonsey, 3043 Homer, 1749 Horatio, 1611 Ida M., 1363 Isaac Story, 939 Isabella Palmer, 1696 Jacob, 918 Jaraes, 1035, 1315, 3133, 3337 Jaraes Baker, 1024-5 Jaraes Chamberlayn, 2133 Jaraes Madison, 2319 Jane, 338 Jane Edwards, 1024-5 Jenette, 1631 Jesse, 3045 Jesse Blair, 3133 Jesse Franklin, 3087, 2132-3 Joel, 1915 John, gi, 400, 1267, 1433, 185s. 1906 John Paul, 1757 John Ward, 1244 John Wesley, 2320 John William, gi8 Jonathan, 338 Joseph Dyke, 2087, 2133 Josephus Bierce, 1591 Joshua, 2438 Julia Ellen, 1357 Keziah, gi Lodusky, 2127, 2134 Lodusky Caroline, 2133 Lois, 2319 Louie Cleveland, 1357 Louisa, 1216 Louisa Theresa, 1669 Louise Caroline, 2133 Luceta Dele Luz, 408 Lucinda, 1141 Lucretia, i8g, 408 Lucretia R., g3g Lucy, 321, 408-g, 546, g3g-4o, 1498 Lucy Dunbar, 1498 Lucy Thurston, 939 Lucy Ursula, 1591 Lura, 189 Lydia Eugenia, 2319 Mabel Loise, 3330 Mahala, 1365 Mahala M., 1301 Malachi, 1611-13 Manuel, 408 Marcellus Fayette, 1305 Margaret, 1035, 1367, 1595, 1915, 2319 Margaret Day, 1914-15 Margaret Mary, 2237 Maria, 1393 Marietta, 2319 Marietta Jeanette, 338 Martha, 338, 2214 Martha Ann, 1305 Martha Ellen, 2132 Martha Honora, 1591 Mary, 197, 338, 1611-13, 1705, 1730, 1915, 1998, 3036, 2076, 3316 Mary Ann, 3103 Jones, cont'd, Mary C, 1490 Mary Caroline, 918 Mary Cynthia, 3127 Mary Eliza, 3320 Mary Elizabeth, 940, 1393, 2043 Mary Jane, 1304, 1865 Mary Joanna, 1025 Mary Louise, 3133 Mary M., 3417 Mary Maria, 718 Mary Weeks, igo Mercy, 1215 MoUie E., 1906 Morton, 2090 Moshime Augustus, 1669 Nabby, 189 Nettie Lugwena, 1357 Obadiah, 1025 Obed, 680 Obed PL, 1363 Oscar, 2133 Pamelia, 1433, 3488 • Parmenius, Parmenas, 189 Persis, 91 Phebe, 681 Polly Eliza, 3ogo Rachel, igis Rachel Clark, 4og Rebecca, 1367, 1273, 3320 Rhoda, I3IS Rhoda Dewey, isis Richard, 409, 940, 3195-6 Robert, 1490 Robert Augustus, 3133 Robert Cleveland, 3ogL> Robert Mathus, 3133 Robert William, isgi Rosaline Ewan, 23ig-2o Rosanna, 190 Rosanna Vashti, 3195-6 Rose L., 1363 Roxy Anna, 1344 Rufus, i8g Sally Clark, 1317 Samuel, igis Sarah, igo, 650, 939, 1005, 1611, 1696, igig, 2091, 2133, 2324, 2477 Sarah A. D., 1363 Sarah Ann, 1811, 1897 Sarah Cleveland, 1393 Sarah Jane, 2043 Sarah Maria, 1591 Seth Adams, 2330 Sophia, 888, 1591 Sophia Leonard, 1372 Stephen, 2319 Susan Taylor, 2183 Sylvanus, gi Thomas, 1132, iiSo, 1304, 1373, igis, 2103 Thomas Parmenius, g4o Thomas Sylvanus, 4og Tryphena, i8g Viola, 33ig Violetta Rebecca, 1273 Walter, 189 Willard, 30 William, 337, 400, 408, 1267, 1611-13, 3076 William Augustus, 2319 William E. S., 1591 William Harrison, 2133 Williara Napoleon Bonaparte, 3133 Jordan, Jorden, Jourdan, , 1576 raiss, 3288 mr., 3152, 2155 AbigaU Farrington, 1152 Aimee LueUa, 1987 Aletta, 1S7S-6 Ann, 1477 Ann Fannie, 2155 2678 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Jordan, cont'd, Anna, 9g7 Annie, 571 Cady Morrow, 2050 Caroline, 1851 Cassie Mae, 2050 Charles Collins, 1576 Charles Edwin, ig87 Charles Philander, 1576 CHfford Moody, 2048 Collins Hausberger, 1984 David Blinn, 1983 David Cady, 1575 David Jefferson, 1575, ig86 Edwin Everard, 1576 Edwin Shoup, ig87 Eliza Jane, 556 Ella, 1986 Ella Finette, 1153 Ella Mary, 1576 Emeline, 2152 Emily, gg8 Emily Harriet, 3011 Eva Leona, ig87 Everard Cady, 1576 Frances, ig83 Frances Harriet, g3g Grandison, 556 Harold Scott, 3048 Harry Blinn, ig83 Hazen W^, 1153 Jaraes, gg7, 1153 Jedediah, 556, 1167 John, 1575-6 John Adair, ig86 John David, 1576 John Truraan, 556 John Ward, 1575 Julia, 1576 Julia Adelaide Malvina, 1987 Julia Ann, 1575, 1986 Julia Cady, 1986 Junius, 939 Laura, 1986 Lydia, 556, 1167 Lydia Orinda, 1167 Margaret, 59 Marie Louise, 1575 Martha Jane, 1191 Martha Lucinda, 1851 Mary, iigi-3, 1983 Mary Adair, 2050 Mary Ann, 1986 Mary JuHa, 1576 Mary Louise, 1985 Nancy, 556 Nancy Jane, 2163 Rebecca, 3416 Roxy Wight, 1152 Samuel Dickinson, 1986 Sarah, 9g7 Scott, igSs, 2048 Sophia, g4g Thomas, sg, 3416 Uriah, 1851 Warren, 949 WiUiam, 997, 1191 William Harvey, 1983 WilHam Henry, 1986 WUUam Nelson, 556 William Thomas, 3163 WilHam Ward, 1576, 1983 Willie, 997 Jorden, see Jordan. Joris, George, 1031 Jane, 1031 Jannetje, 1031 Jennie, 1031 Joselyn, Joslin, Joslyn, Jost lin, see Jocelyn. Joseph, Joseph, 715 Josephine, empress, 1612 Jourdan, see Jordan. Journey, Frances Ann, 2051-2 Samuel, 2051-2 Joy, Alfred, 542 Cynthia, 542 Elizabeth, 542 Mary Ann, 585 Joyall, see Jewell. Joyc.e, Alice, 2169 Alice Dalton, 2169 Gilmer, 2169 Mary, 869 Robert T., 2i6g Susanna, 1660 Walter, 1660 Joyell, see Jewell. Joyner, see Joiner. Judd, Judde, mrs., 554 AHce, 2173 Amelia, 553-4 Andrew, 2173 Avis, 1315 Catharine Benson, I5g4 Elizabeth, 2265 Ezekiel, 1315 Frances Phelps, I5g4 Georgia, 1448 Hall, 1594 Levi, 553-4 Lucy, 553, 1310 Maria, 554 Mary, 1212, 1666 Ruth, 1212, 1663 Samuel, 554 Sarah, 1212, 1315, 1885 Sylvester, 554 Thomas, 554, 1213, 1663, 2365 William, 554, 1313 Judde, see J'udd. Judson, Abigail, 1968 Abigail Cook, 1105 Alice Cleveland, 1 105 Ann, i3o6 Anna, 1306 Charles, 1968 Charles Dexter, 1106, 3397 Edith Pratt, 1105 Edward Lyman, 1105-6 Electa, 1160 Elizabeth, i3o6 Esther, 1776 Grace, 1311 Harry Pratt, 1105-6 Henry, 485 Joseph, 1776 Joshua, 131 1 Lucy, 485 Lyraan Parsons, 1105 Maria EUen, ig67-8 Mary, 1105 Mary Elizabeth, 2041 Rebecca Anna, 1105 Sabina, 1106 Sarah, 1776 Silas, 1105 Susan Cleveland, 1106 William, 1211 Jule, see Jewell. JuHa, princess, 1068 Julius Cassar, 8, 266 Jump, Amos Ogden, 766 Anthie Inez, 766 Clara, 766 Cliffie Xenia, 766 Justin, Rebecca, 1133 Jutland and Zealand, Skiold king of, 2204 Kackley, James Addison, ig8i James Turner, ig8i Nellie, ig8i Susan, 1981 Kaighin, Alfred Henry, igoo James Alfred, igoo Jane Maria, igoo Philip, igoo Rose Maria, igoo TCain, see Kane. Kale, Elison, 2101 Franklin, 2101 Katie, 2101 Kanatzar, Elizabeth, 1267 Kane, Kain, miss or mrs., 203g Althea, 953 Caroline, 1395 Martha, 1412 Miranda, 1412 Sanford R., 1395 Kaple, Abigail, iigs Harriet, ngs Luther, iigs Karker, farailies, 844 Karloman, 1615 Karnes, EHza, 2i3g Frederick, 2i3g Mary Ann, 2137 Karrick, Joseph, 1082 Rebecca, -1082 Sarah Mongin, 1082 Kasson, Eleanor, 715 Phebe, 715 Samuel, 715 Kastle, see Castle. Kathan, Arnold Stevens, 718 Barton, 718 Charles, 718 Charles Ransom, 718 Eliza Jane, 718 Harriet, 718 Henrietta, 718 James Albert, 718 Josephus, 718 Lucy, 718 Mary, 718 Mary Wood, 718 OrviUe, 718 Romelia Ann, 718 Sarah Susan, 718 Susan, 718 Thomas Edwin, 718 William Edwin, 7ig Kaucher, Catharine, Catherine, 919 Catherine Ann, gig John, gig Kauffman, Kaufman, Barbara, 1484 Jane, 536 John D., 536 Julian, 536 Laura, 536 Sophia, 536 Kaufman, see Kauffman. Kautz, Charlotte Temple, 991 Margaret Natalie, ggi WilHam, ggi Kay, Alice, 1462 John, 1462 Marion, 1463 Mary, 1462 William, 1463-3 Kean, see Keene. Kearby, Elizabeth, 1938 'Julia Ann, 1938 Robert Black, 1938 Kearney, Augusta, 1734 Eliza Ann, 1734 Helen Chase, 1734 John Gordon, 1734 Josephine, 1734 Mary, 1734 Mary Augusta, 1734 Mary Louise, 1734 Minerva, 1734 Patrick Henry, 1734 Keath, see Keith. Keats, Alice, i960 Thomas, i960 Keddy, Sarah, 3350 Keefe, Keff, Kiff, Elma La Wakefield, 1164 Flossie Angeline, 1164 Hattie AngeHne, 1164 James, 1164 Johannah, 1164 Phebe, 1685, 1687 Williara Franklin, 1164 Keel, grandfather, 1674 Margaret, 1674 Ross, 1674 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2679 Keeler, Kelar, Cornelia, 917 Ebenezer, 313 Elizabeth, 3307 Harriet Eliza, 1402 Huldah, 3307 Jabez, 2307 John, 1471, 2307 Joseph, 2307 Lewis, 1465 Lydia, 313 Martin, 2307 Mary, 134 1, 1415. 1465. 2307 Mehitabel, 1471 Rebecca, 1465 SaUy, 548 Sarah, 917 Walter, 917 Keen, see Keene. Keene, Kean, Keen, Amelia, 1038, 2487 Aravesta Susan, 834 Archibald George Camp beU, 1038, 2488 George, 1038 Isaac, 834-5 Jane, 1905 Margaretta Waitstill, 835 Sarah, 1038, 1466 Susan Jane, 834-5 Susan Trussell, 837 Waitstill Nightingale, 83S Keeney, Kenny, Keny, Dorothy, 1313 Fielding H., 1624 Florence Irene, 2038 Julia Ann, 1236 Mary Spreul, 1624 Rebecca, 1624 Keep, Asa, 552 Caleb, 226g ^ster, 552 Experience, i83g Fidelia, 552 Jabez, 1839 John, 1839 Mary, 1839 Samuel, 1839 Sarah, 1839 Kees, see Keyes. Keff, see Keefe. Kehoe, Gracie Viola, 564 Ida May, 564 Mary Susan, 564 Myrtie Gladis, 564 Patrick Louis, 564 Robert Sydna, 564 Sarah, 564 Keies, see Keyes, Keifer, Kieffer, Amos C, 1400 Edith Violet, 1400 Elizabeth, 1400 Flora Adaline, 1400 George, 1400 George Willis, 1400 Harvey Eugene, 1400 Jacob Clay, 1400 Louisa Rebecca, 3i9g Lydia, 1400 Susan Elizabeth, 3igg Vivian Eunice, 1400 WiUiam, 3igg Keigwin, Joseph, 3358 Margaret, 3358 Keiser, Clara Amelia, 1877 Lucy, 1877 Oscar, 1877 Peter, 1877 Susannah, 1877 Keister, Barilla Jane, 1516 Capitola, 1516 Clyde May, 1516 Samuel M., 1516 Sylvia Linn, 1516 Keith, Keatn, AbigaU, 1063, 1080-1 Amanda, i34g Amos L., 3103 Keith, cont'd, Cleveland, 1080, 33g7 Edwin Albert, 1513 Elizabeth, 1513 Elizabeth Sewall, 1063, 1080 Emma Harriet, 3117 Estella, i6g3 Gilbert, 1693 Hannah, 834, 108.1 Horace, 1513 James, 1081 John, 1081 Joseph, 2117 Julia, 3354 Levi, 1304 Lincoln, 1304 Maria E., 3103 Marietta, 1063, 1080 Marshall, g88 Martha Brooks, 1085 Mary, 1081, 3104 Mary A., 2103 Mary Jane, 1304 Mary Lucinda, 1826 Melinda, 1085 Minnie Beebe, 1826 Myron Rush, 1826 Nancy, i24g NeUie May, 1513 Percy Cleveland, 21 17 Persis, 1304 Reuben R., 2103 Reuel, 1063, 1080-1, 1085 Sarah Pope, g88 Simeon, 1349 Submit, 1304 Susan Mead, io8o Susan Rachel, 988 Susanna, 1081 Zephaniah, 1081 Keiver, Jane, 1844 Kelar, see Keeler. Kelden, miss, 349 Kelham, Sarah Alice, 1234 Williara R., 1234 Keller, Albina Rosamond Anace, 835 Anna Mary, 1671 George, 835 Henry, 1671 Sarah Jemima, 1671 Sophia, 536 Susan, 835 Kelley, KeUi^, O'Ceallaigh, O'Kelly, sir, 449 Alton George, 1462 ¦* Anna, 822 Anna Josephine, 1563 Bertha Louisa, 561 Caroline Buell, 823 Catharine, 1710 Ceallach, 823 Ceallach MacCormac, 823 Ceallaigh, 823 Charles Franklin, 1655 Charlotte Amanda, 2460 Cynthia, 976 Daisy Lavinia, 2046 David Campbell, 2046-7 Dolly, 724 Edwar'd, 1264 Efffe Maud, 1462 EUa Augusta, 1462 EUen E., 934 Elizabeth, 823, ig36 Emma Louisa, 822 Fox, 724 George A., 1462 George Hancock, 823 Hannah, 193S-6 Hattie Elvira. 1655 Henrietta Maria, 833 Ida Jane, 1364 Jane, 3168 John, 433, 449, 976, 1936 John WUliam, 1655 ¦ Lettie May, 1655 Lydia Louisa, 561 M. J., 861 Mannie, 3046-7 Kelley, cont'd, Martha, 1386 Martha Araminta, 1264 Mary, 823, 1264 Murchadh, 823 Nancy, 822-3 Robert, 561 SaUy, 433 Sarah, 449, 976 Tadhg Mor, 823 Thomas, 823 William, 823 William Henry, 822 William Robinson, 822-3 Kellogg, mr., 285 Aaron, 1143 Abigail, 1149 Abraham, 1988 Adelbert ReubeU, 1918 Agnes Annette, igi8 Alice, 285 Allyn S., 622 Almira Lovina, i6g3 Almira Sophronia, 1378 Anna, 652 Arthur, 318 Asa, 652 Benjamin Franklin, igi8 Bertha EsteUe, igi8 Caroline, 1510 Charles Henry, igso Charlotte, 1143 Charlotte Maria, g36 Clara Louisa, igi8 Cora Bell, 1378 Ebenezer, 1377 Ebenezer Wright, 1377 Eliza Jane, 1378 Elizabeth, 400 Emily Jane, igi8 Emma Fidelia, 1378 Fidelia Maria, 1377 Francis N., 1510 Franklin Brainard, 1510 George, g36, i6g3 George Delevan, 936 George Wright, 1378 Hannah C, 936, 1693 Harriet, 651 Harvey Ebenezer, 1919 Jerusha Ann, 1510 Joanna, 1930 John, 1950 Joseph, 1149, 1930 Josephine Maria, 936 Laura, igig Laura Ann, igi8 Lottie Maria, g36 Louisa, 318 Lucia Caroline, igig Lucretia, 140 Lucy Jane, 1950 Lydia, 1813 Mary, 218-ig, g38, 1341, 1517, igig Mary A., 1440 Mary Adeline, 1377 Mary Finette, igi8 Mary Jane, 1378 Mary Palmer, igi8 Mary Priscilla, 1918 Mehitabel, 914 Mercy, 1813 Mina Almira, 1378 Miranda, 1143 Miriam, 1988 Nellie, 1919 Nettie, igig Oren, 652 Orie Agnes," 1378 Polly, i8g3 PoUy Lovejoy, 1377 Prudence, 1149 Russell, 2314 Samuel Cleveland, 1378 Sarah Marinda, 1377 Sophia Eliza, 1510 268o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Kellogg, cont'd, Sophronia, 1950 Stephen, 1813 Tamar, 1377 Theodocia, 781 WilHam Wallace, 1378 Kellum, Deborah, 1272 Fanny Caroline, 1372 John, 1273 Kelly, see Kelley. Keloway, Agneta, 1312 John, 1313 Kelsey, Kelsie, Kelso, Abigail, nog, 1503 Amelia, 1326 Belinda, 1326 Bethia, 1357 Charles, 1326, 2138 Charles Elisha, 1326 Dorothy Chapman, 1336 Elisha, 1336 Isabella Cleveland, 1326 Jessie Lee, 1326 John, 1497 Lina, 1724 Lucinda, 1326 Mary, 1497, 1983 Mary A., 1372 Priscilla, 1110 Rachel, 1496-7 Rachel Cleveland, 1326 Theresa M., 2138, 2141 Zenas, 1372 Kelsie, Kelso, see Kelsey. Kelton, Hannah, 1196-7 James, 1196-7 Kemp, C. M., 2172 Caroline W., 2173 Ezekiel, 2478 John, 1266 Juliet, 2032 Lucinda, 2478 Mary, 2478 Ruth, 1266 Sarah, 1105 Kempton, Anna, 241 John Flowers, 342 Joseph, 242 Martha Ann, 1252 Mellen G., 1252 Rebecca, 315 Sarah, 1252 William, 241-3 Kendall, , 3334 mr., 3334 Abbie, Abby, 630, 1977 Abigail, 3434 Abigail Maria, 2447 Adeline Suzanne, 2050 Anne, 1917 Asenath, 1279 Austin, 1271 Azubah, 342 Betsey, 1279 Cora Lilian, 1621 Cynthia, 1382 EUa May, 1271 Ezra, 2447 Eunice, 347, 641, 1268, 1279 Fanny, 2443 Frances, 27 Francis, 2466 George Wilkins, 2050 Henry Fletcher, 2050 Henry Lathrop, 1271 Hersey Eugene, 1621 Judith, 2434 Lauretta P, 1271 Lucretia, 2443 Lucy, 1945 Marcia, 1271 Mary, 2466 Mary Adair, '2050 Nathan, 2424 Nathaniel, 2443 Noah, 1945 Oliver Stafford, 1621 Paul Raymond, 1977 Peter, 188 Phyletta, 641 PoUy, 1368 Kendall,, cont'd, Sally S., 410 Sara Abbie, 1977 Susan Angeline, 1631 Susanna, Susannah, 188, 3447 Timothy, 641, 1368, 1379 Warren Cleaveland, 1631 William, 1917 Kendrick, miss or rars., 2146 George B., 1618 Joseph, 2151 Julius S., 2151 Martha Alice, 2151 Mary, 2274 Mary L., 1618 Sarah, 2151 WilHam Henry, 2151 Kenfield, Benson Aldrich, 785 Edwin Benson, 785 Emily Eliza, 785 Fannie Louella, 785 George Eugene, 785 Phoebe, 785 William John, 785 Zera, 785 Kennedy, Canada, Canedy, Adeline S., 437 Charity, 934 David, 646 Deborah, 646 Elijah Robinson, 1813 Fanny, 1813 Georgianna D., 437 Hannah, 1529 Ida, 934 Isaac, 1813 Isabel, 1109 Jane, 1194, 2147 Leonard, 1030, 1813 Louisa, 2147 Lucinda, 437 Lucinda Stanley, 437 Lucy Brace, 1813 Mary, 2457 Miriam, 1813 Moivre, 2147 Parthenia, 1813 Phila, 1464 Sidney Robinson, 1813 Sophia Jane, 1393 Susie Pratt, 1813 Thomas, 2147 Wesley, g34 William C, 437 Kenneth II. or IIL, 266 Kenney, Canney, Bridget, 1523 Elizabeth, 494 John, 1533 Margaret Elizabeth, 1533 Kennicutt, Alfred, 1051 Ruth Johnson, 1051 Sarah, 105 1 Kenniston, Abiah, 873 Frank, 1387 Henrietta Francelia, 1387 Jane A., 875 Nancy, 973 Sarauel, 973 Thankful, 973 Kennon, Jane, 2336 Kenny, see Keeney. Kent, mrs., 489, 1162 Albert Emmett, 1992 Alice, 276 Charlotte, 1823 Elmore A., 1993 Emily, 1495 George Edwin, i9g2 Hannah, 489 Harriet, 2483 Henry, 1162 Holland, earl of, 856 James, 489 John, 276, 489 Mary, 48g Mary Abbie, ig92 Norton Adatns, i9g2 Kent, cont'd, Richard, 48g Sarah, 487-g Stephen, 489 Kenthan, Edward Coffin, 1895 Harriet Eliza, 1895 Harriet Louise, iSgs Isabella G, 1895 Keny, see Keeney. Kenyon, miss, 1503 mr.; 2321 Abby, 935 Birtie, 2321 Francisca, 2238 George, 2238 Hannah, 1186 Helen, 2321 Joseph, 1380 Mary Morse, 1380 Sally, 283 Kephart, Kline, 1192 LUy Virginia, 1192 Keplinger, Elias, 1278 Emily Ann, 127S Mary Elizabeth, 1278 Kernaghan, James Milligan, 1738 Mary Elizabeth, 1738 Mary Frances, 1738 Kernan, Ellen, 717 Julia, 3357 Kerne, Annie Magdalena, igog Peter, igog Rosa, igog Kerneford, see de Kerneford. Kerr, EHza, 2134 Elizabeth, 575 Fannie Hamilton, 2134 James, 575, 2134 Lyle, 2134 Mary Susanna, 3134 ^ Polly, 141 5 Sallie Quarles, 3134 Saloma Jennings, 1517 Wallace, 2134 Kerry, lady Honora, 1068 lord Patrick Fitzmaurice, 1068 Kessler, mr., 1510 Lovina Ann, 1510 Ketcham, Ketchum, Charles, 1037 Kate Wiggins, 1037 Mary, 7;o5 Nathaniel, 705 Rachel, 705 Ketchum, see Ketcham. Kettell, Kettle, Kittle, Esther, 107, 145 Hannah, 107, 145 Hester, 107, 145 Mary, 1561 Nancy,' 1222 Patience, ig3g Richard, 107, 145 Kettle, see Kettell. Keyes, Kees, Keies, Keys, Keyse, Kies, Kyes, mrs., g43, i6g8 Aaron, g4o, g43 Aaron W,, 943 Abial, 940 Abigail Daby, 1697 Albert Arthur, 1848 AHce, i6g7 Alice May, i6g8 Alicia Mulliken, i6g7 Ann, i6g6 Ann Stow, g40 Anna, 4og, 706, 1325, isgS, 2330 Anna M., 2036 Annie Shepard, 2026 Arthur French, i6g8 Asa, 43, I5g8 Benjamin Franklin, g43 Bertha Anna, 3036 Bessie Van Meter, 1697 INDEX OF PERSONS. 268 [ Keyes, cont'd, Betsey, 411 1 Calvin, 594, 1197 Carleton, 1701 Caroline, 940 Caroline Louise, 1142 Carrie, 1848 Catherine, 942 Charles, 1197 Charles Hartwell, g43 Charles Lowell, 942 Charlotte, 411 Christopher C, 1198 Clarissa, 594 Clemantine, 943 Cornelius Freeman, 942 Daisy, 1848 Daisy Louise, 1143 Darwin Perry, 1696 David, g2 Delia, iig7 Dwight A., 1198 Eben Wight, 1701, 2397 Edna Lizzie, i6g6 Edward, i6g8 Edward Hodgman, i6g8 Electa, iig7 EH, 258 Elias, 258, 772 Elizabeth, 92, 190, 258, i6g6 Ellen, g42, 2026 EUen M., 942 Elmira, 594 Emma, 1197, 1848 Emma S., 1701 Emmeline, 1698 Etta, 1848 Fidelia, 1198 1 Florence, 1697 Frances, 39, 43, 52, iigS, 1598 Frances Grant, 190 FrankHn Balsh, 1701 George, 941-2, 1697 George Eaton, 1701 George Henry, 1698 George Shepard, i6g8 Gerrish, 258 Grace Boynton, i6g8 Hannah, 410, g4i Hannah L., iig8 Harry Alien, 1143 Hattie Anna, 943 Helen Maria, 1697 Henry Otis, i6g8 Hortense Elizabeth, 1701 Hortense Eugenia, 1701 Imla, 941 Irene, g42 James P., iig8 Jane, 39 Jane E., 1198 Jemima, 1197 Joanna, 53, gi, 410 Joel, g4o, 1198, 1696 John, 772, 940 John Harriman, 943 John Maynard, 1697 John Shepard, 1697 Jonas, 940 Jonathan, 190, 411, 942 Jonathan Hartwell, g42 Joseph, 52, g2, 40g, g43-3 Joseph Boyden, i6g7 Joseph E., 1701 Joseph Hammond, 1700 Joseph Warren, g4i Joseph Willard, 2026 Josephine, g43 Julia, 1240 Julian Victor, g43 Laura, iig7, i6g7 Laurinda, 411 Levi, 11 g7 Levinah, 258 Lewis Hart, iig7 Liberty, i6g8 Lilla, 1848 Lorenzo D., 1848 Love, iig7 Lucinda, 1142 Keyes, cont'd, Lucy, igo, 940 Lucy Adams, 1698 Lucy Ann, 1698 Lucy Elizabeth, i6g8 Luther, 5g4, iig7 Lydia, 52, g2, i.go, 258, 411, 594, 941. 1197 Maria, 943 Maria Augusta, 943, 1701 Marion Brown, i6g8 Marissa, iig7 Martha, 190, 410-11, 942 Martha Lawrence, 1697 Martha Maria, g4i Martha Strong, g42 Marv, 258, 5g4, 771-2, g40, 1598 Mary Elizabeth, i6g7, 1701 Mary EUa, 1143 Mary Lillie, i6g7 Mary Willard, 2026 Mila Ann, 1197 Miranda J., 1198 Miriam, Merriam, igo Molly, 258 Moses Park, 1142 Nabby, 258 Nancy, 411, 5g4 Nancy Elizabeth, g42 Nathan, 772 Oliver, 358 Oscar, iig7 Otis, 1697 Patty, igo, 411 Phebe, 1598, 1696 Phila, 594 Polly, 410, g40 Prescott, i6g7 Rebecca, 258 Rebecca H., 941 Rebecca P., 1698 Reliance, 594 Rhoda, 594 Robert, 69, 258, 772 Rosaline, 1197 Rosine, 1698 Rufus, 941 Ruth, 409 Salla, 409 Sally, 411, 1635 Sarah, 69, 92, 258, 409, 771-3, 940, 1598 Sarah A., 1 700-1 Sarali Adelaide, 943 Sarah D., 943, 1198 Sarah Elizabeth, 941 Seth, 1197 'Simeon P., iig8 Solomon, 3g, 43-4, 53, 1598 Sophia, 940 Sophia Moseley, 943 Sophia Strong, 942-3 Sophronia, 1198 Stephen, 258 Stephen Adams, 411. 943 Sumner Wright, 1701 Susan, 1197 Sylvester P., iigS Timothy, i6g7 Trueworthy, 943-3 Velonie P., 1848 Viola, iigS Wealthy R., iig8 Willard, g40 WUlard Worthington, 1143 William, 773, 940, 1701 William Henry, 1142 WilHs, 771-2, 1848 Wright Sumner, 943 Zuriah, 772 Keys, Keyse, see Keyes. Keyser, Clara Adelphia, 1951 William A., 1951 Kibbe, Kibbey, Fidelia Beulah, 1387 Harriet, 1537 Johanna, 588 Lorinda, 1134 Lovina, 1134 Kibbe, cont'd, Luke, 1134 Rachel, 1633 Zerah, 1633 Kibbey, see Kibbe. Kidd, Rhoda, 2ogg Kidder, Aaron, 2382 Ann, 70, gi Benjamin, gi Dorothy, 6g Hannah, 527 James, 70, gi James Mills, 2300 Jennie Lucy, 3300 Joanna, gi John, gi, 3382 Joseph, gi Lucina, 2481 Lucy Lusannah, 3300 Lydia, gi, 353 Mary ArabeUa, 2300 Mary Elizabeth, 2300 Ned Jarvis, 2300 Phebe, 2481 Reuben, 2481 Rosina, 1330 Sally, 2282, 2300 Thomas, gi William Henry, 12300 Kidney, Gertrude Emma, 1849 John, 800 Sally P., 800 Sophronia Almira, 1849 William, 1849 Kieffer, see Keifer. Kies, see Keyes. Kiff, see Keef. Kiger, Alice L., 1629 Charles Wonderly, 3205 Earl Legrand, 1639-30 Edward Mitchell, 3305 Emma Smith, 2222 Isaac N., 2305 Jaraes, 1639 Jaraes Mathias, 3305 Jennette Jane, 1639 Jennette JehUah, 1629 John Cleveland, 1629 Lucinda, 1629 Lydia, 3305 Mary Ann Elizabeth, 3205 Mary Elizabeth, 2222 Thomas Cane, 1629 Thomas Jehial, 1629 WiUiam Anshonty, i62g William Jackson, 2205 Kiggins, Emeroy, 1432 I. C, 1432 Kilborne, Kilbourn, see Kil bourne. Kilbourne, Kilborne. Kil bourn, Kilburn, Cordelia Maria, 1441 Elizabeth, 875 Enoch G., 875 Frances, gn Frederick Merrick, 2017 Harriet, 1351 Henry WUliam, 876 Hiram S., 1441 John Cleaveland, 876 Joseph , Cogswell, 876 Lizzie, 876 Louisa, 2017 Lucy, 1447 Lydia Matilda, 2017 Mary, gn Mary E., 876 Mehitable, 1554 ., Payne Kenyon, 653, 911 Ruth, 1554 Sophronia, 876 Susan Elizabeth, S76 Thomas, gn, 1554 Timothy E., 2017 Kilburn, see Kilbourne. Kilby, George, 449 Harriet, 449 John, 449 . Mary, 449 2682 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Kildare, earl, 1068 Kile, see Kyle. Killam, Esther, 795 James M., 1380 Sarah, 1380 Sarah Ellen, 1380 Kilmer, Abram, 613 Ann, 613 Phebe, 613 KUpatrick, Agnes, 1314 Kilraore, Nancy R., 633 Kilton, lords of, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Kimbal, see Kimball. KimbaU, Kimbal, AbigaU, 279, 875 Adelia A., 1411 Amos, 2468 Anna, 1465 Benjamin H., 1713 Caleb, 1465 Calista Sherman, 1694 Catharine, 2457 David, 1465 David Tenney, 167 Delia, 1373, 1393 Dwight, 1524 Eliza Pierce, 1464-5 Elizabeth, 77, 1465 Elizabeth Wilson, 874 Frances Ellen, 1916 Fred Prescott, 1713 George W., 1411 Harlow, 1373 Henry, 1464-S Hettie AmeHa, 1373 Jane, 840 Joel, 1249 John, 1465 Jonathan, 1418 Laura Ann, 727 Lavinia Avesta, 1249 * Lizzie Mary, 1534 Lora Jeanette, 141 1 Lucy, 359, 1465, 1867 Lucy Ann, 1713 Lydia Elizabeth, 1411 Martha, 2468 Mary, 339, 1659 Mary Elizabeth, 1418 Mary Stevenson, 1418 Matilda, 1811 Morris Blake, 1411 Nancy, 1465 Nathan, 77 Nathaniel, 1465 Richard, 1464 Sarah, 306, 366, 1261, 1659 Stephen, 875 Tamarson, Tamerson, 358, 360 Ursula, 1465 Kimber, Emmor, 1593 Gertrude, 1593 Susannah, isg3 Kimberly, Ann White, 1105 Cora Livingston, 1778 E., 2457 Edmund Stoughton, 1778 Maria Therese, 1778 Mary, 2457 SaUy, 1726 Thoraas, 1105 Kimboo, mr., 2iOg Mary Ann, 2iog Kimmel, Catherine, 247g Kindorf, Amelia, ig28 Arthur, ig28 John Chester, 1928 King, Kinge, , 13 rar., 759, 1677, 1741 mrs., 1741 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abigail, 828, 1647 Agenta, 1741 Agnes, 1364 Alice, 309, 932, 2iig Alicia, 1741 Almira, 1198 Amanda Malinda, 1474 King, cont'd, Amelia, 909 Anna, gog, 1378, 2265 Apollos, gog Augusta, 2320 Benjarain, 1741, 2218 Caroline, gog Catherine, iggo Charles, 555, 1741 Charlotte, 1771 Christina, 1741 Clara Eunice, 1132 Clarence, igio Clarissa Eraeline, 43g Clark, 555 Clinton, 1236 Davis T., 1306 Deliverance, 2218, 2453 Dorothy, 1151, 2119, 2453 Dorothy Cleveland, 1741 Douglas, 1677 Edward, 1132 Eli, 2218 EHas Alexander, igio EHza, 555 Elizabeth, 473, 800, 1741, ig30, 22go, 2482 EUen Jane, 1250 Emily, 1863 Emily Lovisa, 1236 Erama Hortense, 1134 Erastus, 1134 Eunice, gro, 1132 Frank Warren, 1863 George, 555, iig8, 2310 George Allen, 1741 Hannah, ig7, 200, 43g, 759, 909, 21 19, 3333 Harriet Josephine, 1741 Harvey James, 3487 Hervey Walker, 1350 Plorace, 1134 Hubert Leon, 1863 Ida, 1236 Isaac, 439 Isaac W., 1236 James, 1741 Jane R., 15S1 Janette, 1306 Joanna, 1741 Job, 200 John, 300, 341, 555, 910, 1176, 1350, 3ng, 3326 Tohn N., 1336 Joseph, gio Judith, 3iig fuHa A., 1^58 Tulia Ann, 1336 JuHa May, 1176 Laor, Layor, iggo Leander, 1863 Lorenzo Lafayette, 439 Loring Grant, 439 Louis Cleveland, 1741 Lydia, 603, 827-8, gsg, 1661 Marcia, 1741 Margaret, 1741 Maria Clarissa, 1741 Maria Louisa, 439 Marion, 554 Martha Ann, 1910 Mary, 241, 326, 439, gog, 1250, 1384, 1677 Mary Elizabeth, 2192 Mary Hannah, 1677 Mary Janette, 1306 Mary Louisa, 2218 Mary Moore, 2192 Maud Helen, 1250 Melissa, 1244 Melissa Ann, 1863 Mindwell, gio Minerva, 1256 Nahum, 1741 Nancy, 43g Olfrey, 200 Olive, 555" Oscar A., 1256 Paraelia, 984 King, cont'd, Pendleton, 1790 Philip, 546, 2119 Philip Leon, 1863 Polly, 326 Rachel, 2218 Rebecca, 471 Remember, Remembrance, 1741 Rhoda, 439 Richard R., 2192 Robert, 1741 Sally, 439 Samuel, 546, 1151 Sarah, 439, S44-6, gio, 1741 Sarah Ann, 555 Sarah D., 942 Seth, 1741 Sophia Ann, 1990 Susannah, 439 Sylvia, 439 Theodore, 603 Thomas, 473, 1741, 2482 Thurston, 43S Torapkins Delavan, 439 Tryphena, 1968 Victor, 1236 Welthan, 828 Williara, 439, gog, 1151, 1741, 2453 Willidm B., 828 William Henry, 1741 WilHam T., gsg, 2307 William Wesley, igio Zayor, iggo Kinge, see King. Kingman, Frances, 1613 Thomas, 1613 king of Spain, 106S Kings, Mary, 1185 Kingsbury, Archa, 38g Clarissa, 1663 Cleaveland, 1663 Dorothy Leavens, 1358 Dyer S., 1663 Edward, 882 Electa, ig3i Emily Semmes, 882 Emily Sharpe, 882 Esther, 332 Jemime, 158 Julia, i6g5 Lucretia, 642 Matie, 1663 Maud Cleaveland, 1663 Sarah, 8ig Willard Cleaveland, 1663 Kingsley, Kinsley, Kinsly, miss, 522, 1630 rar., 466 Bethia, 738 Chloe, gi2 Cornelia Jane, 487 Cornelius Lothrop, 487 Elinor, i7gg Elisha, ig45 Eliza, 1715 George May, 487 Jane Melissa, 487 John, iggs Lily, ig45 Lois, ig45 Louis, ig4S Louise, ig4S Lydia, 152 Martha, 1591 Mary, 1591, 1995 Mary Pember, 487 Nathan, 152 Sarah Marietta, 754 Stephen, i7gg WUHam L., 487 Kingsman, see Kinsm¦an^ Kingston, duke of, 1613 earl of, 1613 Kinmont, miss, nog Andrew, 1109 Kinnbury, Robert, 1445 Kinne, see Kinney. Kinner, Esther D., 1723 Kinney, Kinne, Kinnie, capt., 2332 miss or mrs., 1514 Aaron, 652 Aaron Josiah, 1938 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2683 Kinney, cont'd, Abraham, logg, 1101 Agnes, 1872 Alton Leroy, ig38 Amos, 38s, ig38 Ann, 1335 Ann Eliza, iS73 Anna, 652 Araminta Dormer, 1322 Avaline Amelia, 1410 Charles Dexter, 1798 Charles Emery, 1938 Charles Henry, 1446 Clarence Henry, 1446 Danforth, 1446 Daniel, 1797 Daniel Perry, 1797 Didymus, 1829 Edie DeU, 2044 Elizabeth, 1410-ir ,_^izabeth Clementine, 508, logg, 1808, 23gi, 23g7, 2407 Emily Louisa, ig28 Emma Elizabeth, 1335 Estelle, noo Estelle Burnet, noo Eva, Evan, i82g Frank, 1514 Frank Eleazer, 1938 George Putnam, 1798 George Rex, 1323 George Sylvester, 141 1 Hannah, logg, 1101 Jane Williams, 1446 Joanna, 1312 John Daniel, i7g7 John Nelson, 1410 Joseph, 1410 Kittie Virginia, 1798 Lillie May, 1938 Lois, 275 Lorrin Joseph, 1411 Louana, 1629 Lovina Ma^ssa, 1410 Lydia Elizabeth, 1411 Margaret Condit, 1100 Maria Burlingame, 1446 Mary, 385, 652, 906-7, noo, 1410 Mary Ann, 1313 Mary Burnet, 1810 Mary Clementine, 1100 Maryette, 1938 Mehitabel, 963 Olivia Treadwell, i7g7-8 Ophelia Bell, I7g8 Paulina, 1514 PrisciUa, 1829 Roger, 1335 Rufus, 1629 Sarah, 846 Sophia, 1797 Sophronia, 1410 Sylvia S., 1333 Thomas, iioi Thomas' Talmadge, 1100 Tryphena, 1938 William, 1313 William Burnet, logg, 1100 WilHam Cleveland, i7g8 Zachariah, go7 Kinnie, see Kinney. Kinsley, Kinsly, see Kings- ley. Kinsman, Kingsman, mrs., 833 Eliphalet E., 819 EHza A., 819 Joanna, 358 Robert, 358, 833 Tabitha, 833 Kinthigh, Caroline, 1871 Fannie Ethel, 1871 Forest, 1871 Hannah Rebecca, 1871 Kinthigh, cont'd, Hannah Taylor, 1871 James Bennett, 1871 Jessie Belle, 1871 John, 1871 John Edward, 1871 Maggie Belle, 1871 Mary Alice, 1871 Mary Idessa, 1871 Mary WUlnetta, 1871 Thomas Plarbaugh, 1871 Kintners, Ida, 1840 Kip, De Kuype, De Kype, Kipp, Kype, mrs., 1026 Catalina Hendricks, 1809 Catalyntje Hendricks, i8og Catharine, 1809 Cornelia, 1809 Elizabeth Clementine, 1808 Hendrick, 1026, i8og Hendrick Hendrickszen, i8og Hendrick Snyder, i8og Henri, i8og Henry, 1809 Isaac, 1026, 1809 Isaac Hendrickszen, 1809 Jacob, 1026, 1809 Jacobus, 1809 Jean Baptiste, i8og Lawrence, 1808 Leonard, i8og Margaret, 1809 Maria, 1809. Maria Elizabeth, i8o8-g Mary Ann, 1026, 1333 Mary Burnet, 1808 Rachel, i8og Ruloff, Ruloffe, 1808 Sarah Caroline, 1025 Sarah Smith, 1814 Susan, 1025 Tryntje, i8og William, 1026 WilHam Home, 1026 William Ingraham, i8o8-g Kipp, see Kip. Kirby, Ann EUzaueth, 1134 Plannah M., 1134 John, 2258 Joseph, 1134 Mary, 2258 Kirk, see Kirke. Kirke, Kirk, Edmund, 375 Kersey, 2306 Linnie, 3306 Susan, 582 Kirkendall, Amanda, 1137, i2g7-8 Daniel Keep, i2g8 Emily, I2g8 Erastus, i2g8 Frederic Henry, i3g7-8 Henry Peter, 1397-8 Herbert Lee, 1398 Horace Cassady, 1398 Julia Ellen, 1397 Julius Emmer, 1297 Mary Belle, 1297 Rufus Elmer, 1298 Kirkham, Lester Raymond, 1650 Paulina Jane, 1650 Thomas, 1650 William WickUff, 1650 Kirkland, see Kirtland. Kirkpatrick, Harriet, 2170 James Marion, 1558 Lafayette, 2170 Martha Jane, 1558 Matilda Caroline, 2170 Nancy, 1955, igS7 Pleasant, 3170 Viva Perpetua, 1558 Kirtland, Kirkland, mr., 480 Abigail, 1502 Alexander, 1502 Alice, 340 Kirtland, cont'd, Ann Eliza, 1502 Daniel P., 383 Eliza Crump, 382 Eliza Cleaveland, 383 Frazar, 1038 Frederick WUliam, 382 Huldah, 383 Jerusha, 1533 Phebe, 262 Philip, 240 Sarah Ann, 480 Susanna, 240 Kishbaugh, Mary Eva, 1471 Kissam, Benjamin, 1761 Catharine, 1761 Daniel, 1761 Deborah, 1761 Elizabeth, 1761 Honora, 1761 John, 1761 Melissa, igg4 Susanna, 1761 Kitchel, see Kitchell. Kitchell, Kitchel, Calvin, 1873 Jemima, 1872 Johannah, 1211 Margaret, 1211 Mary, 1872 Robert, 1211 Kitchen, Anna Elizabeth, gg3 C. W., gg3 Isabella, 1774 Kitson, Margaret, 2203 Robert, 3303 Kittle, see KetteU. Kittredge, Hannah, go3 Sally, igig William, 903 Zepheniah, 1919 Kitts, Margaret, 3503 Victor, 2503 Kligender, Annie Margaret, 1120 Frederick WilHam, 1120 Kline, Florence Nightingale, 1802 James Alexander, 2110 Mary Ann, 2110 Sarah Loutitia, 2110 William Lowrey, 2110 Kloninger, Mary Elizabeth, 1193 Klura, Mary Elizabeth, 3367 Knap, see Knapp. Knapp, de Knap, Knap, mr., 2110 mrs., 1321 Abigail, 1431 Albacinda, 1317, 1321 Ann CeHa, 1165 Anna Maria, 1317 Caleb, 1321 Charlotte, 1431-2 Colby, 317-18 Diana, 1165 E. W., 1636 Ebenezer, 1431 Electa, 1935 Elinor, 1321 Emeroy, 1431 Emily Electa, 1636 Esther, 313 George Thompson, ig35 George William, 1165 Hannah, 534, 1321 Helen Cleveland, 1165 Helen Lucretia, 1165 Herman E,, 1432 Horace, 143 1-2 James Duncan, 1165 Jeraima, 57g Jerusha, 1752 John, 713, 721, 1317, 1321* 2245, Judith, 341-2 Lavinia, 615 Lettice, 1261-2 Lovisa, 317-18 2684 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Knapp, cont'd, Lucinda, 1431-3 Lucy, 1431, 3033 Mabel, 1636 Martha Brace BushneU, 721 Mary, 2110 Mary E., 2024 Nancy Electa, ig3S Nicholas, 343, 1321 Roger, 1321 Ruth,. 1321 Sarauel, 579 Sarah, 1663 Sarah IDiana, 1165 Sophia, 318 Thomas G., 2024 William, 342 Winifred, 3345 Knaults, Mary, 1581 Knauss, Beryl Florence, 1185 Clark Baker, 1185 Della, 588 Ellen, 58S Henry, 588 Ida, 588 Ida Josephine, 1185 Jeannette, 1185 NeUie, 588 Nettie, 1185 Permelia Louisa, 588 Sarah, 1185 Sarah Ann, 1185 Sarah Elizabeth, 1185 Solomon, 1185 Knickerbocker, Alma, 586 Betsey, 539 Charles, 586 Jerome, 586 Louisa, 586 Knifhn, Hannah, 1546 Knight, Knights, rar., 466, 3077, 3I0I mrs., 3077 Ada Florence, 1802 Amy, 1171 Ann, 2425 Azariah, i5g3 Benjamin, 363 Charles, 631, 3334 Chloe, 632-4, 2484 David Brooks, 362 Dorcas, 60 Ebenezer, 2325, 2425 Edward, 2422 Elizabeth, 361, 4g4, 2325, 3435 Eunice C, 1535 Ezekiel, 4g4 Fanny Prescott, 631 Francis, 60 Franklin, 1535 Gilbert Woods, 1817 Hannah, 58, 60, 105, 3^33 Harriet, 3101 Henry Chester, 1802 Horace Alexander, 1817 Horace L., 1113 Jerusha, 84g John, 58, 60, 2425 Joseph, 28, 58, 60, 105, 2435 Martha, 1592 Mary, 58, 292, 2422 Mary Ann, 1592 Mary Hodges, 1113 Mary Lundie, 1113 Mary Sherwood, 1817 Michael, 2422 Minnie M., 1535 Patience, 362 Phebe Esther, 1817 PhilHp, 27 Reuben A., 1802 Ruth, 104-5, 2325 SaUy, S48, 2438 Sarah, 58, 1221, 1883 Sarah Jane, 1802 Sarah Lucretia, 1802 Stella, 1817 Thomas Parsons, 362 Zilpha, g64 Knighton, Sarah Ann, 2211 Knights, see Knight. Kniverton, mr., 1212 Elizabeth, 1212 Knoles, see Knowles. KnoUeys, Doritha, 246g Knowles, Knoles, Abigail G., 1611 Barnabas, 1654 Edith Gertrude, 1480 Julia Ann, 1654 Lot, 1611 Lucy, 1654 Mary, 1844 Warren Doane, 1654 Knowlin, see Nowlin. Knowlton, Ann Elizabeth, 24go Augustus E., 1751 Bertha, Bethia, 2490 Betsey, 1751 Clarence, 1751 Deborah, 1077, 2490 Elizabeth, 34go Ezekiel, 24go John, 24go Leland Llewellyn, 1751 Lily Dale, 175 1 Mabel, 1751 Sarah, 24go Thomas, 366, 2270 William, 2490 Knox, Nock, mr., 952, 1772 mrs., 739 Adam, 739, 1678 Abigail, 1707 AHce Lilian, 1678 Alwin Clair, 1678 Anna Ladocia, 1678 Annie Hayes, 2207 Charity Ann, 1678 Clarissa, 739 Clymena, g52 Cynthia K., 875-6 Daniel, 875 David Blair, 1678 Edward, 739 Elizabeth, 1707 Hannah Louisa, 1678 ' Henry, 1773 Jennie M., 1870 John, 73g Lavinia, i33g Lomira, i4g, 1456 Lucy, 1773 Lucy Flucker, 1772 Margaret, 1430-1 Mary, 1463, 1707 Mary EUzabeth, 1678 Mary Ette, 1678 Mercy, 1707 Phillip, 739 Rebecca, 1707 Robert, 73g Sylvanus, 1707 Thomas, 1707 Walter WilHam, 1678 Knupp, George, 1662 Sarah Abigail, 1662 Koehler, see Kohler. Kohler, Koehler, Margarita, 1019 Wilehmine, 1580 Kohlmeyer, Dora, 1947 Kolb, Ann, 2219 Ann James, 22ig Peter, -2219 Kollock, Abigail, 1370 Emraa Leraira, 1370 Henry Thoraas, 1370 Lerauel Edwin, 1370 Mary, 1370 Royal Thoraas, 1370 Thomas, 1370 Konkwright, Sally, 1^03 Kouwenhoven, see Couwen hoven. Kratts, see Krattz. Krattz, Kratts, Lucy A., 1334 Krause, AmeHa, 1764 Anita Elizabeth, 1764 Godfrey H., 1764 Helen, 1764 Joseph August, 1764 Stella Maria, 1764 WiUiam Dean, 1764 Kreiger, mr., 981 Helen, g8i Kremer, Mary Catherine, 2222 Krugler, Ada Louisa, 1005 Charles Louis, 1005 Louisa, 1005 Krum, Anna, ig78 Krutz, miss, 3313 Kuen, Ertraunda, 1361 Kuhl, Eraeline Augusta, 132S Emma, 1328 George Maxwell, 1328 Harold George, 1328 Leonard Lambert, 132B Mary, 1328 - Percy Edward, 1328 Kuhn, mr., 1575 Amy E., 1575 Cora Lilian, 1575 Kulp, George Brubaker, 128, 1991 George Mark, 1S93 Jane Eliza, 1893 Mary Caroline, i8g3 Kunkle, Jemima, 2051 Kurtzebom, mr., 2012 Lucinda Lura, 2012 Kwiere, Elida Kannon Petite, 1 173 Kyes, see Keyes. Kyle, Kile, mrs., 1354 Anna, 1313 Anne, 2171 Bessie, 887 Charlotte Maria, 887 Christina, 1883 Conrad, 356, iig6 Etta May, 887 Euphemia, 256, iig6 Francis, 1354 George McNutt, 2171 Ida Jane, 1404 Joseph, 1313 Joshua, 887 Lucy Ann, 1313 Maria, 1196 Mary, 1404 Mary Elraa, 887 Minnie Blevins, 2171 Otis W., 887 Philander, 1313 Robert MassengUl, 2171 Sarah Bearaan, 1313 Theron, 1404 Kype, see Kip. Kyple, Sarah Sibella, 1026 Kyte, Martha Jane, 1435 Nathan, 1435 Lacey, Lacy, Catharine, Catherine, 1710 Eliza Maria, 529 Pierrie, 1710 WilHam, 529- Lacken, Anra-ny, 1068 Lackland, John, king, 266 Lackore, Addison, 1052 Agnes Caroline, 1052 Irene Sarah, 1053 Lacv, see Lacey. Ladd, Amy Althea, 1748 Ariel, 807 Clara JuHa, 1748 Ethel R., 1748 Fanny, 1332-3 George, 1748 Ira, 3024 Lucilla, 2024 Mary Brown, 807 INDEX OF PERSONS. 268s Ladd, cont'd, Mary Jane, 807 Philander J,, 1748 Polly Mary, 2024 Ruth W., 1748 Ladshaw, Edward, 2187 Elizabeth, 2187 Mary Evangeline, 2187 La Parry, Charlotte, 1281 George, 1281 La Fevre, Benjamin, 1790 Lafferty, Mary EUen, 1660 Rebecca, ggS Laffin, Clara, 1175 Hepsabeth, 1175 John, 1175 Mary, 1175 Mary CeceHa, 1175 Moreash, 1175 Robert, 1175 Sidney, 1175 Thomas, 1175 Lafley, Louanna, 2136 Margaret, 2136 WiUiam, 2136 Laflner, Andrew, 582 * CindereUa A., 582 Loel, 582 Susan, 582 La Forge, Margaret, 1749 La France, Clarissa Ann, 1690 Clarissa Delphene, 1690 William Breese, 1690 Lagareta, Lola, 661 La Gross, Mary, 2492 Lahase, Mary, 7og-io Peter, 709-10 La Hue, George, 2268 Hattie, 3368 Laidir, Cormic, 1068 Laing, see Layng. Laird, Haskell, 1466 Julia, 1466 Lake, Dora, 1633 Electa, 2393 Mercy, 2462 Mortimer Calm, 1633 Rosanna, 1633 Lakin, John, 30 Mary, 30 La Lang, madam, 1612 Elizabeth, 1612 Lally, Elinor, 828 Lama, mr., 2153 Orlena, 2153 Laman, Laraman, Cynthia Ann, 2500 Mary, 2315 Mason, 2315 Sally, 3315 William^ 3315 Lamb, miss, 400 AbigaU, 1357 Anna, 505 Annie Maria Stokes, 1021 Aurilla, 1021 Charles, 1932-3 Dorothy, 603, 884 Eglon, 730 Elizabeth, 651 Elvira, 1250 , Fannie Adaline, 1355 Flora, 730 Hannah Martha, 1262 Harriet, 1932-3 Henry Cleveland, 1355 Henry Lingaw, 1355 Ida Maria, 1250 James, 1262 James Stone, 1250 Jane, 630 Joanna, 232 Jonathan, 937 Joseph Warren, 1355 Josiah Quincy, i355 Lamb, cont'd, Judea, 937 Leanna, 550 Martha Joanna, 1582 Martha M., 730 Mary, 1337 Nancy, 1536 Nathan, 603 Polly, 1355 Rebecca, 232, 937 Samuel, 232 Sarah, 213, 7og, 711-12, 1933, Susan Hill, 1262 Thomas, 884 William A., 1021 Larnbden, Jane S. , 1115 Lamberson, David Harvey, 1811 Elizabeth, 1811 Jessie Brazier, 1811 Lambert, miss or rars., 429 Alice May, 1698 Ann, 1951 Ann Elizabeth, 1951 Augusta Bowen, 1951 Charlotte Sophronia, 1951 Ellen Augusta, igsi George Anselra, i6g8 Harriet, iig3 Hiram, iig3 Hiram Samuel, 1194 J., 2417 James, 1951 John, 1077 Lillie, 2417 Lucy, 501, 522 Margaret, 1077 Noah Greenwood, 1193 Preserved, 1077 Rachel, 1842-3 Radulphus, 800 Sarauel, 1077 Sylvia, 1193 VVilliam, 501, 522, 1951 Lamberton, mrs., 716 Agnes E., 716 Charles Franklin, 716 Charles Thomas, 716 Cyrena, 1855 Elsie, 1855 Emeline, 716 Emily Fisher, 1880 Fred Cleveland, 716 Gideon, 716 Hannah, 716 Henry Cleveland, 716 Henry Warren, 716 Ida Agnes, 716 James, 716 Jane Lucena, 716 Joanna, 1880 Marcia, 716 Mary EUa, 716 Samuel, 1880 SUas, 1855 Susan .Esther, 716 Lambuth, .Alice, 1955 Daisy Lavinia, 2046 David Kelley, 3046 James WiUiara, ig55_ John- RusseU, ig55, ig57 Mary Cleveland, 3046 Mary Isabella, igss Nancy, igs5, 1957 Nora Kate, 3047 Robert WUliara, 1955 Sarah, 1957 Walter Russell Thornton, 3046 Walter WUliam, 3046 William, 1957 Lamman, see Laman. Lamon, James, 1361 Lydia C, 1361 Lamott, Lena, 1730 Lamphear, Lampher, Lam- phere, see Landfear. Lampkins, Charles, 1344 Elmer, 1344 Gurdon C, 1244 Henry, 1244 Jeannette, 1244 Lovina, 1344 Lydia Ann, 1344 Nettie, 1344 Lampman, Louisa Maria, 1856 Louisa Rhoda Ann, 1856 William Helmus, 1856 Lamport, Cornelia, 1140 W^illiam H., 1140 Lamson, Addie Loraine, 1416 Albert Hartly, 1416 Barnabas, 1083 Carrie, 1917 Celia Loraine, 1416 Delia E., 1416 Eliza, 1416 Hartly, 1416 Hattie Brayton, 1917 Hattie May, 1416 Homer, 1917 Linnie, 1416 Lydia, 92 Marie Antoinette, 904 Mary, 1083 Mary Arabella, 1416 Mary EUzabeth, 1416 Sarah, 904 Sarah Maria, 904 Thoraas, 904 WilHam Davidson, 1416 I..ancaster, Edmond Plantagenet, earl of, 266 Henry Plantagenet, earl of, 366 Howe, earl of, 127 Indiana, 1955 Margaret, 1955 Wright, 1955 Lanckton, Aaron, 537 Charles Brown, 537 George Matthias, 527 Hiram Cleveland, 537 Holland FuUer, 527 Margaret, 527 Maria Theresa, 537 Mary Amelia, 537 Lander, Landers, miss, mr., 3096 Alexander, 3og6 Elizabeth, 1717 Henry, 3og6, 3147 Lucinda, 3096 Lucy, 2096 Molly, 953 Sally, 1708 Sarah, 2096, 3147 Landers, see Lander. Landfear, Lamphear, Lam pher, Lamphere, Lanfier, capt., 1161 miss, 686 Ann Maria, i3o6 Anuis, 1948 Charles, 1146 EmeHne, 1146 Eunice, 749 George, 686 Jane, 1161 Larvin, 1467 Louisa Ann, 1467 Luke, 749 Mary Elizabeth, 1146 Sally, 749 Landon, John K., 348 Ruth Payne, 348 r^andreth, Abigail, 1938 Lane, mrs., 937 Abby, 64g Abigail, '1361, 2434 Ann Bryan, 1331 Anna, 1514 Anna Howard, 1125 Arthur, 1514 Augustine, 1514 Benjamin C, 1405 2686 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Lane, cont'd, Charles Wesley, 1621 Cordelia, 1621 Cornelia H., g35 Daniel H., 2447 David, 1514 David Francis, 1514 Elizabeth, g27 Ellen Augusta, 1405 ElHott T., ig42 Fanny Lucretia, 1514 Freelon, 1643 Hannah, 1867 Harriet, 1224, 1943 Hosea, 1313 Ida M., 1711 James, 3434 Jane, 1942 Jessie Elizabeth, 1631 Job, 1753 John, 937, 1621, 1753 John J., 937 Joseph, 546 Latecia, g37 Laura, 937 Letetia, Letitia, 937 Luman L., 935 ' Margaret, 1645-6 Mary, 363 Mary Eliza, 1135 Mary Ett, 935 Mary Jane, 1643 Maryett, 935 Melissa, 1514 Melissa Esther, g35 Merrill Cleaveland, i63i Philander, 927 Rhoda Ann, 3106 Robert Wesley, 1135 Rollin Dwight, 1514 Samuel P., 1643 Sarah, 1114 Sarah Maria, 1312 Silence, 544, 546 Smith, 935 Susan Maria, 2447 Susanna, 1752 Theron W., 927 Timothy S., 935 Tryphena R., 1643 Lanfier, see Landfear. Lang, Lange, Christina, 1741 Edward, 521 Edward Symmes, 521 Elizabeth, 42S Hannah, 521 Lucy, 1643 Mary Maria, 812 Mehitable, 812 Rachel, 521 Rebecca, 521 Sherburne, 813 Langdon, miss or mrs., 1501 Cora A., 3347 Edwin M., 3347 Inez, 1988 James Edwin, 2247 Susannah, 3347 Lange, see Lang. Langhorne, Elizabeth, igig Richard, igig Langley, Clara, g63 Kittie, g63 Louise, g63 Lucy, gSi Minerva, g63 William, g63 William P., g63 Langworthy, Elizabeth, 1734 Heman, 299 Laura Ann, 299 Sarah M., 677 Lanier, mrs., 2173 Elizabeth, 3173 Lewis, 3173 Rebecca, 3173 Sampson, 3173 Thomas, 3173 Lanman, Charles, 595 | Lansburg, mr., 1676 Louisa, 1676 Mary, 1676 Lansing, mrs., 1818 Adah Angeline, 1654-5 Barent Bleecker, 1818 Catharine Olivia, 1818 Charlotte Ann, 1655 Cleveland Coxe, 181S Elsje, 1818 Ernest, 1818 Frederick, 1818 Geertruy, 695 George, 1654 Gerrit G., 1818 Gerrit Oerritse, i8i8 Gerrit J., 1818 Grace Cleveland, 1817 Helena, 1818 Hendrick, 1837 Henry Livingston, 1818 Ila Rebekah, 1655 Jacob Gerritse, 1818 Jane, 1654, 1818 Katherine Cleveland, 1818 Livingston, 1818 Margaret Emma, 1655 Maria, 181S, 1837 Mary Lavinia, 1655 Peter, 1654 Sarah, 1818 Lant, Eliza, 673 John, 673 Laurence, 673 La Pagerie, , i6i3 Josephine, 1612 Laparl, Laparti, Ellen, 1941 Laparti, see Laparl. Laphara, mr., 245 Dorcas, 245 Elizabeth, 552 Fred, 552 Louisa R., 980 Robert, 553 Larabee, Seth, '1584 Laraway, Lucy, 1303 Lare, Anna E., 3480 Larken, see Larkin. Larkham, Amarilla, 3034 Ruth Adella, 3034 Thomas H., 2024 Larkin, Larken, Larkins, raiss, 1819, 33ig Anne Hale, I3g4 Arthur Washington, 1394 George Decatur, 1394 Hannah, 509 Jane, 1905 John, 509 Mary Elizabeth, i3g4 Peter, 3337 Larkins, see Larkin. Larnard, see Earned. Earned, Larnard, Larnet, Larnit, Learnard, Learned, Lerned, Lernet, Abigail, 1561 Alvena, 1141 Ann M., 1141 Asa, 1141 Daniel, 380-2 Deborah, 1561 Ebenezer, 1561 EUen- D., 41 Erastus, 533, 1141 Fannie, 1141 Fred, 1141 Goodeth, 381 Goodith, 381, 1303 Hannah, 381, 1303 Helen, 1141 Irene, 1141 Irvin, 1141 Isaac, 26-7, 381-2, 1203 Josephine, 1141 Lucinda, 1141 Lucy, 1561 Martha, 1561 Mary, 380-1, 1141, 1203, i83g PoUy, 533 Rachel, 381 Rebecca, 380-2 Rosella, 1141 Sally, 1041 Samuel, 381 Susannah, 533 Lamed, cont'd, Sylvanus, ,1561 W^illiam, 381, 1303 WilHam Law, 381 Larnet, Larnit, see Earned. La Rock, Leonard, 616 Mary EUen, 616 Rosettie, 616 Larramore, A. A., 883 Charlotte HiU, 883- Larrigan, AHce Graham^ 1733 Larsher, Catharine, 153S Joseph, 1538 Lucinda, 1528 Laskey, Elizabeth Chloe, ig35 Ella V., ig35 Mary A., 1935 Thoraas, 1935 Laskin, Editha, 702 Hugh, 703 Lassing, Jane, 2147 Leonard, 2147 Laswell, Mary, 1437 Sarah, 1437 Latham, Alanson, 622 Alanson Winslow, 633 Arthur Bean, 1302 Augustus Blair, 622 * Benjamin FrankHn, 622 Betsey, 5228 Caroline Ascenith, igio Caroline Augusta, 622 Carrie Rosalie, ig6o Charles Whittier, 1302 Charlotte, 633 Charlotte White, 633 Eli, 1338 Elizabeth, 1228 Ellen Hastings, 1302 Francis Ezra, 622 Hiram, 1302 Lodwic Justin, igio Matilda, ig6o Newell P., ig6o Sarah Fidelia, 1228 Tina, 1910 Lathe, rar., 213 Betsey, 213 Lathenburg, Lena, 1428 Lathrop, de Lowthrope, Lawthrop, Lothrop, Lo- thropp, Lothrup, Low- throppe, famUies, 557 mrs., 218-19, 486, 1553 Abigail, 44, 2040 Araelia, 1056 Ann, 4og Ann Maria, 487 Annie E., 1535 Asa, 4og Benjamin, 807, 2040 Betsey, 44, 486, gi7 BUle, 218 Charles, 218 Charlotte, 1056 Clarissa, 44, 1905 Cleveland Thayer, 1056 Clorinda, 409 Content, 202 Cornelia, 486 Cornelia Jane, 487 Dorcas Esther, 693, 3494 Eben, 3367 Ebenezer, 1716 Edwin J., 1056 Elias, 700 EUsha, 700 Eliza D., 1535 Elizabeth, 219, 409, 486, 700, iggS Elizabeth L., 1056 Ellen, 2ig Emily, 1056 Esther H., 1035 Fanny, 218, 482 Fannie Amelia, 1524 Fayette Addison, 487 Frances A., 1056 Franklin, 486 George, 486, 1056 George Cleveland, 486 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2687 Lathrop, cont'd, George Delos, 1056 George Erastus, 1524 Gideon, 44 Gurdon, 486-7 Hannah, 4og, 509-10, 700, 807 Harriet, 486 Harriet Newell, 1389 Henry, 218 Henry Utley, 218 Homer, 486 Ida E., 1553 Isaac Henry, 486 Israel, 2ig James K., 1534 Jane, 487 Janette, 486 Jemima, 486 John, 44, 218, 409, 509, 556, 807 Joshua, 509-10 Josiah Cleveland, 487 Julia, 486 Julius Bliss, 1056 Laura, 2494 Laura Mehitabel, 486 Linda, 218 Lorenzo, 605 Lottie, 1056 Lucian B., 605 Lucy, 807 Lucy Edgerton, 487 Lucy Jane, ng6 , Luman, 486 Luther, 605 Lydia, 486, 5og, 515, i87g Lydia Austin, 5og Margaret, 700 Mary, 218-ig, 486, 556, 807 Mary Ann, 486, 605, 1056, 1794 Mary Jane, 486, 807 Mary Josephine, 1035 Mary Lucilla, 1056 Mary Pember, 487 Mary Sophia, 487 Mehitable, .218 Mercy, 509-10 MUes, 605 Milo, 605 Miranda, 486 Nancy, 44, 487 Nathaniel, 409 Octavia, 487 OHve, 486 Oliver W., 1035 Orrin, 486 Pamelia, 605 Pearle, 44 Phebe, 218 Polly, 44, 318, 486 Porter, 1056 Porter M., 1056 Rachel Clark, 4og Rebecca, 2ig, 813 Robert, 218, 4og, 5og Rollin, 807 Rosetta, 486 Rowland, 807 Ruth, 1056, 2013 Sabra, iig6 Sally, 218 Samuel, 2ig, 4og, 510, 700 ' Samuel M., 1535 Sarah, 44, 835, 1716 Sewall Stephen, 486 Simon, 486 Solomon, 218 Sophia, 487 Stephen, 487 Stillman, 486 Sylvanus, 44 Thomas, 44, 2ig, 4og, 5og-io Thoraas Wood, 24g4 Thoraas Cleaveland, 1553 Walter, 218 Wells, 1035 Welthean, 44 ^ WUHam, 218-ig, iig6 William Porter, 218 WiUis Bronson, 487 Zachariah, 21S Zebadiah, 4og Zerviah, 164 Latin .^3 pedigree mentioned, 13 Ann EHza, 1432 Jane, 1432 John, 1432 Jonathan, 2367, 3338 Nancy, 1313 Lattell, Maggie, 303i Latting, Deborah, 34ig Latty, EUen, ig3i Launce, mr., 3000 Benjamin, 3000 Mary, 3000 Laurens, see Lawrence. Laurie, Lawes, Francis, 171 Lydia, 171 Mary, 170-1 Laut, Christine, 886 Lautz, Carladam, 46 Charlotte WUcox, 46 John Adam, 46 Oscar Cobb, 46 La Vere, Catherine, 44g Law, see Low. Lawes, see Laurie. Lawless, Bridget Ann, 3461 Lawlor, Carrie Elvira, 1754 Dora, 1055, 1753 Dora Maud, 1754 Edith Hersey, 1754 Herbert William, 1754 Ida May, 1754 Ilraa, 1055 Richard Chester, 1753 Sarah Araelia, 1753 Victoria Maud, 1055 WUliam, 1055, 1753 William Edwin, 1055 Lawrence, Laurens, family, 1607 mr., 494, 1809, 1835 mrs., 1441 Abbie Roberts, 33g7 Abbot, 1780 Abigail, 1607 Agnes, 138 Alexander A., 3173 Alice, 137-8, 335g Alicea, 335g Alicia, 3360 Alton, 1883 Amos, 1607 Amanda, 3172 Amanda Bolon, 2172 Amphibus, 137 Ann Eliza, 2172 Anna 67, 1607, 1809 Asa, 67 Azubah, 67 Caroline Ella, 1780 Catharine, 1837 Cecelia Roderika, 2259 Cephas, 1309 Charles, 984 Charlotte, 1883 Clarinda, 2259 Cornelia, 1809 Daniel, 137-8, 160 David Wylie, 1177 Deborah, i8og Ebenezer, 2429 Eleazer, 1839 Elijah, 67 Elis, 137-8 Elizabeth, 137-8, 248, 1839, 2297 Elizabeth Hattie, 3305 Elizabeth L., 3359 Ella, 984 Emily Mott, 1835 Enoch, 138 Experience, 1839 Fernando Cortez, 1667 Hannah, 67, 137-8, 1539, 1607 Harriet, 1780 Helen, 589 Helen Atherton, 1607 Henry, 138 Hester, 335g Isaac, 67, i8og' Isabel, 1607 Lawrence, cont'd, James, 137, 248, 1809 James Bolon, 2172 Jane, 1289, 1667 Joan, 494 Johan, 138 John, 137-8, 494, 1607, iSog, 2259, 2313 John Benuchamp, 335g John Gray, 33g7 John Washington, 22g7 Jonas, 67 Kate Augusta, 1667 Katharine Lawrence, 1607 Laura Louise, ig83 Lois Jane, g84 Lydia, 67, 7g6 Madeline, 1667 Margaret, 137-8, 2ig, igi5, 225g Margaret Frances, issg Margery, 138 Maria, 494, 1309, 2297 Maria Elizabeth, 1808-9 Mariah, 2297 Marian, 2259 Martha Richardson, 1561 Mary, 138, 494, 1839, 2313, 2429 Mary Ann, 1177, 2052, 225g, 342g Mary Louise, 3304 MatUda, 137 Moryon McDonald, 2172 Nathaniel, 1607 Newton, 589 Nicholas, 137 Olivia, 1309 Patience, 1809 Peleg, 1839, 2429 Rachel, 137 Rebecca, 1835 Robert, 137, 4g4 Robert Ashton, 1780 Robert de Treville, 2172 Robert Lee, 984 Robert Means, 1607 Roderick, 2259 Rutl^, 138 Samuel, 1607, 2172 Sarah, 138, 160, 984, 1607, 2259 Solomon, 67 Sophronia Almeda, 1441 Stephen, 67 Susan Coombs, 1607 Susannah, 1 19, 1607 Thomas, 137, 494, i8og Tryntje, 1837 William, 67, 494. 144I' 1529, 1809, 1883, 225g Williara Richards, 1607 William Roderick, 325g WiUiam Rufus, 1177 Lawrey, Esther, 956 WilHam, 956 Lawson, Adelia, 1004 Ida, 2027 Samuel, 1004 Susan, 2027 Winfield Scott, 2027 Lawthrop, see Lathrop, Lawton, Abby, 445 Abby Ann, 445 Adeline Hannah, 445 Elizabeth, 1660 James Hull, 1003 Jane Amanda, 1003 John Turner, 445 Joseph, 983 Josephine, 1003 Maria, 1003 Mary, 983 Robert, 1003 Thomas, 1660 Lay, mr., 313 Chloe, 333 Jane, 333, 1292 Nancy, 313 Phebe, 485 Robert, 333, 485 2688 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Lay, cont'd, Sarah, 485, 1936 Sarah Buckingham, 1370 Laycom, Martha, 534 Robert, 534 Layman, Amelia, 1380 Layng, Laing, Margaret, 1533 Susan, 718 Layton, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Anna Norris, 1811 Joseph Hyram, 1178 Lillie F., 1178 Ralph, 1178 Sarah Ann, 1178 Lazell, Nabby, igg6 Silvanus, igg6 Lea, see Lee. Leach, A. W., 582 Albert, 1571 Almira S., 798 Augusta Theoda, 1587 Bertha Louisa, 1571 Charles Henry, 1571 Charlotte, 1415 Clarence Herbert, 1572 Cora Angeline, 1572 Cynthia, 580 Daniel R., 1415 Edward Fuller, 1573 Elizabeth, 46 Ellen E., 1277 Emily, nig Emily Relief, 1572 Enos, 580 Fannie Fosdick, 1571 Fannie M., 1277 Frank Edward, 1572 George, 1571-2 Harry Clifford, 1572 Hattie J., 1277 Herbert W., 1277 Irving W., 1277 James, mg, 2258 Jarius, 1587 Jedediah, 715 John, 1277 John Elmer, 1572 Joseph, i7g Jude, 2358 Lewis J., 1277 Litta Estelle, 1571-2 Mariam, 1587 Mary, 179, 580, 3358 Mary Dunbar, 1571-2 Miles S., 798 Molly, 1995 Olive, 714-15 Phebe, 715 Phebe Catherine, 1120 Sarah, 179, 1377, 3490 Sophia, 582 Stephen, 1415 Susan Britton, nig Vesper Augustus, 1572 WiUiam, 1120 Leadbetter, Luther, 315 Maria, 315 Leake, Leek, Ann, gg7 Ellen E., 1277 Fannie M., 1277 Hattie J., 1277 Herbert W., 1277 Irving W., 1377 John, 1277 Lewis J., 1277 Sarah, 1277 Leamond, see Lemmon. Leaner, EUen, 1635 Leanington, Florence, ig73 Lear, Hannah, 823 Learn,- Catharine, 1162 Joseph, 1163 Mary, 1162 Learnard, Learned, see Ear ned. Leason, Abiah, g28 Cora, 928 Dick, 928 Edward, 938 Emily, 928 Leason, cont'd, Jason, 928 Jerome, 928 Richard, 928 Leatherberry, Elizabeth, 1106 Leavens, Levins, Andrew Charles, 1598, 1995 Calvin, 1598 Calvin Walter, 1598 Daniel Woods, 1598 Edward, 1598 George Fox, 1598 Lucy, 1598 Margaret, 923 Mary Amelia, 1598, 1995 Mary Louisa, 1598 Leavenworth, Asa, 914 Clarissa, 914 Edwin Waldo, 1664 Elias Warner, 914 Eveline Theodosia, 914 Lucinda, 1664 Mary Theodosia, 1664 Thomas, 914 Truman, 914 Leavitt, Charlotte, 952 Ed C, 828 Ellen Maria, 828 Emily Wilder, 1582 Frank, g53 Hannah, 146 Jemima, ig88 John, 146 Louisa, ig52 Sarah, 146 Virtue Jane, g52 Le Bosquet, Lebosquet, Caleb Brooks, 2436 Henry, 2426 John, 2426, 2442 Lydia, 2426 Sarah, 2426 Le Botiler, see Butler. le Bref, Pepin, 1615 Le Bruen, see Bruen. le Brun, Rachel, 1615 Lechford, Thomas, 65g Le Child, see ChUd. Leek, John, 2273 Le Cotelar, Le Cotiler, see Cutler. Le Count, Alice Marion, 1641 Louis, 1641 Ledley, JuHa Ann, ig2o Lee, De La Lee, De Le, de Lega, de Lehe, de Leigh, Lea, Lega, Legh, Leigh, , 13 mr., 1070-1, 1833, iSSg, 2111 mrs., 2111, 2266 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abel, 2126 Albert Foster, 5go Alfred, 1804-5 Amelia C, 1982 Anna, 2266 Angeline Adelaide, 2028 Barton, 590 Belle, 2126 Benjamin, 1804 Betsey, 930 Blanche Geneva, 1464 Caroline .Eunice, 2116 Catharine, 1014 Charles, 1464 Charles Augustus, 1464 Charles Fear, 1653 Charles Trumbull, 1804 Clara, 1737 Clarissa, 3366 Clemen Oscar, 3038 David, 1340 Deborah, 1070 Edward, 232 Elfward, 232 Elihu Elijah, 1805 Eliza, 770, g3o Elizabeth, 1070-1, 1340-1, 1805, i88g, igoo, 2417 Elizabeth Leighton, 1804 Lee, cont'd, Emaretta Adell, 1833 Emraa, 1653 Emma Amanda, 1653 Emma Hale, 1804 Emma Jane, 1464 Ett^, 1527 Faith Cleveland, 1804 Fannie Ellen, 2116 Genevieve Louise, 1014 George, 2150 George Fasset, 2366 George Gardner, 1613 Georgina Gardner, 1613 Hannah Farnham, 1613 Harriet, 1340 Harriet Augusta, 1737 Henrietta, sgo, 1527 Henry, 1070-1 Henry Alpheus, 1014 High, 332 Homer Matthias, sgo Howard Sheldon, 1737 Huldah, 3266 Isabella, 3108 Isam Leonadus, 3116 James, 1514 Jane, 232, 360, 1221 Jason Barton, sgo Jennie Sophia, 1983 John, 207, 912, 914, 1071, nos, 1518 John Francis, 1014 Joseph, 1070-1 Joseph Charles, 1653 Joseph Cleveland, 2266 Judith, 1613 Julia, 616 Julia Trumbull, 1804-5 Julia White, 1804 Lancelot, Launcelot, 232, 2150 Leighton, 1804 Lewis Smith, 1737 Lilah Bell, 563 Lillie May, 1470 Lionel, 232 Lois, 1070 Louisa, 1613 Lovina, 590 Lucinda, 1201 Lucretia, i88g' Lucy, 1105 Lucy Calista, 1653 Lucy Mather, 1 104-5 Lula, 1653 Marshall, 616 Martha, 1070-1, 1470 Mary, gi2, gi4, 1070-1, 1370, 1514, 1518, 1804, 2126, 2311 Mary Anne, 1613 Mary Cabot, 1070 Matilda, 2111 Maude, 2028 Melissa E., 1514 Mira, 1613 Mollie Jessie, 2116 Nannie, 2150 Nathan Hicks, 1982 Paul Paulison, 1737 Phebe, 232, 360 Polly, 2266 Richard, 232 Ruth Hay, 1653 Sally, 2267 Sarah, 206-7, 1482, 1805 Seth, 1653 Shakleford, 2199 xr Sidney, 266 Stella, zigg Tabitha, gi3, gi4 Thomas, 333, 360, 1070, 1537, 1613, 1737. 1804 Thomas Edward, 1737 Wallace Williams, 1653 William, 563, g3o, 1071, 3366 WilHam Lacey, 3366 William Normgn, 1470 Leeds, Ann, 2251 Annie Melissa, 2251 Charles, 2251 Edith May, 2251 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2689 Leeds, cont'd, Elizabeth, 2251 Hannah, 1070 Henry, 3351 Joan, 1070, 3351 Joseph, 3351 Martha, 3351 Mary, 2251 Miriam, 2351 Richard, 1070, 2251 Samuel, 2251 Thankful, 2251 Leek, see Leake. Leeky, Matthew, 73 Miriam, 73 Leeroy, Elizabeth, 2165 Lees, Leese, Anna, 1343 Hannah, 1387 John, 1343, 1387 {ohn Parker, 1343 Aicy Livonia, 1387 Lydia Ann, 1343 Leesc, see Lees. Leete, AbigaU, 318 Ann, 318 William, 318 Le Febre, Catharine, 1030 Magdalena, 1030 Lefferts, Elizabeth, g3o Reading B., g30 Leffingwell, see Lepingwell. Lefton, Frederick, 1817 Kathrine, 1817 Maud MUHgan, 1816 Wilfred, 1817 Leftwich, James, 2171 Joel, 2171 John, 2171 Mary, 2171 Mary Matilda, 2171 Susan, 2171 Lega, see Lee. Legg, see Legge. Legge, Legg, Amey, 82g Ann, 1278 Elijah, 337 Martha, 838-g Mary, 338, |3g Mary Ann, 1378 Rachel, 337 Thomas, 1378 WiUis,. 839 Leggett, John R., 1936 Laura Harriett, 1936 Legh, see Lee. Le Grange, Angelica, 1634 Legro, Roxana, 1390 le Grosse, Anne, 856 Eustace, 856 le Guidon, Ormus, iggg Leicester, Robert, earl of, , 2175 le Heries, seigneur, 1615 Leigh, see Lee. Leighton, Elizabeth, 1805 John, 1805 Leland, geneal. ment., 337 Alma Eliza, 1468 Charlotte, 1602-3 Experience, 675 Ezra, 332 Frank, 1468 Harriet, 332 HopestiU,' 67s Janette, 1306 Julia, 648 Prentiss, 8ig Sarah A., 819 Leljenstrum, mr., 1908 Sophia, igo8 LeUs, Henry, 1122 Katharine, 1122 Lemon, see Lemmon. Le Manquais, fille, 1615 Augustin, 1615 Lemmon, Leamond, Leman, Lemon, Benjamin, 553 Benjamin Cromwell, 553 Catharine, 2097 Charles Benjamin Crom weU, 553 169 Lemmon, cont'd, Charles Roscoe, 2010 Elizabeth, 1580 Frank Sheridan, 553 Harriet Lucretia, 553 John B., 2009 Joseph, 1580 Laura Bertha, 2010 Lewis Grant, 553 Leura BeUe, 2009 Lynne, 2010 Mary, 1580 Mary Angie, 2010 Rebecca, 553 Thomas, 800 Verner Ashby, 2010 Lemon, see Lemmon. L' Enfant, see Child. Lenox, mr., 361 Lydia, 361 Lent, Ann Eliza, 924 Greene, 924 Lenthall, Lintell, Ann, 510 Robert, 510 Lenton, Agnes, 490, 493 John, 490, 493 Leo VI. , 2176 Leonard, lords Dacre, 1799 Abigail, 730, 2119 Allie, 1485 Alma, 6go Anna, 1135 Anna Elizabeth, 22g3 Asa, 445 Asaph, 1135 Charles Manning, 2463 Charlotte Francis, 445 Clara, 2118-19 Clarissa, 2118-19 Cyreno Nathaniel, 2293 David Nelson, 22g3 Delia H., 958 Edwin, 1135 Edwin Ufford, 1135 Elizabeth, 2293 Elizabeth Dwight, 1135 Elizur Martin, 2293 Elmira, 1836 Emily Antoinette, 2393 Ephraim, 1197 Eva Beth, 33g3 Ezra, 730 Francis, i7gg Frank, 1485 Hannah, 31 ig Henry, i7gg Howard Martin, 22g3 James, g58, 1799, iggg James Henry, 2463 James Madison, 2463 Jane, 2463 ~ Jemima, 730, 844 John, i83g JTohn Morgan, 22g3 Julia B., ^95 Laura, ng7 Louis David, 2293 Lucia, 690 Lydia, 1799, iggg Mabel Antoinette, 2293 Marcia, 1135 Martha Ann, 2393 Martin, 3393 Mary, 1333 Mary Cleveland, 2462 Mary Valeria, 1135 Richard, i79g Sarah, 1839 Sidney, 690 Silence, 796 Stephen, 2119 Thomas, i799 Valeria, 1135 W^illiam, 6go WilHamine, 6go ^Villis, 6go Zephaniah, 2iig Zuar, 6go Leonarg, Dora C, 1489 Lepingwell, Leffingwell, Lep- pingwell, Lippingwell, Hannah, 58 Isabel, 58 Mary, 237-8, 1149 Michael, 58 Sarah, 58 Thomas, 58, 238 Le Pitre, Eliza Ann, 1987 Julia Adelaide Malvina, 1987 Pierre, 1987 Leppelman, Jennie Elizabeth, 1195 Louis, iigs Rose, iigs Lepper, Belle, 1627 Cynthia Ada, 1627 Eddie L., 1627 Jacob, 1627 James Harvey, 1627 Polly, -1627 WiUiam F., 1637 Leppin, Margaret, 2006 Leppingwell, see Lepingwell. Leringman, Leringmore, Lerringham, Mary, 1151 Leringmore, see Leringman. Lerned, Lernet, see Earned. le Rouge, EUebold dit, 1615 Lerringham, see Leringman. .. Lesley, see Leslie. Leslie, Lesley, Betsey S., 2015 Elizabeth Gilbert, 2014 Frank, 3375 James, ggS James Frank, 3014 James Franklyn, 2014 James R., 2015 John E., 1870 Libbie Tower, 2014 M. C, 2375 Mary Ann, 1870 Mary Johnson, 2014 Nancy, 2043 Rosa, 9g8 Sarah Jane, 1870 Leson, see Gleason. L'Espenard, see Lispenard. Lester, mrs., 2og4 Andrew, 1386, isig Ann, 1386, isig Ann Maria, igi3 Charles, 1565 Emma Frances, 1565 Fountain, 2og4 George Cleveland, 1913 Gerraan, 2094 German Wright, 2094 Henry Hulbert, 1565 Jaraes Alby, igi3 John Roberson, igi3 Lucinda, 2og4 Maryamne, 1233-4 Prudence Harrison, igi3 Leston, mrs., 2321 WilHam J-, 3331 Letcher, Georgia Alice, 1671 John, 1671 Mary Anne, 1671 William Henry, 1671 Lett, see Letts. I^etts, Lett, mr., 1639 Adelaide Maria, 1692 Carrie Jane, 1692 Charles Cleveland, 1692 David, 1692 Earl C, 1692 Harrison Arthur, 1692 Ida May, 1639 James Herbert, 1692 Jeremiah, 1692 Mabel Edith, 1692 Mahala, i6g2 Mary A., 1693 Mattie, 1692 26go CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Letts, cont'd, Nina Belle, 1692 Olive, 1692 Ralph Arthur, 1692 Robert Jeremiah, 1692 Ward Wayland, 1693 Willis Robinson, 1693 le Tyas, Joan, 493 Richard, 493 Ie Tyler, see Tyler. Leuriot, Marie Cholet dite, 1615 Leveridge, Leverige, Lover- ige, Eveline Elizabeth, 1033 Helen, 1033 Ida May, 1033 Morris, 1465 Parlina, 1465 Walter H., 1033 Leverige, see Leveridge. Levering, Charlotte, 723 Levestine, Elizabeth, 1671 Le Ventre, Walter, 1313 see also Burnham. Ie Vieux, Begga, 1615 Pepin, 1615 Levingston, see Livingston. Levins, see Leavens. Levinze, Peter, 175 Lewelling, see Llewellyn. Lewin, Betsey, 1547 Lewington, Jane, Joan, 2452 Lewis, Luis, doctor, 834 rars., 532, 1434, 1494 A, B., 3492 Abigail, 1496 Achsa, 1322 Albert, 724 Alexander Plamilton, ig4g Althea Louisa, ig49 Amos, 312, 762 Angelina E., 1134 Ann, 1032 Anna, 724-5, 1063, 1168, 1172 Annie, 1392 Annis, 311 Anthony H., 2322 Arila, 725 Azuba, 725 Barnett, 2317 Benjamin, 311, 725, 763, 1493, 1813 Carlisle, 1434 Caroline, iigi Caroline Frances, ig4g Caroline Margaret, 1 191 Charles Garrett, 1325 Charlotte, 1434 Christiana, 1387 Clark, 311 Corinna, 1498 Cornelia, 1809 Cynthia, 311 Daniel, 1040, 2270 Deliverance, 311 Dewitt, 532 Ebenezer, 757, i9g8 Edward L., 1131 Eleanor, 464, 467 Eliada, 725 Eliza, i4g3 Eliza Elliott, 2177, 23g4, 2397 Elizabeth, 1325, 1494, 1809, 1813, 1998 Elizabeth French, 1325 Ella Cleveland, 1325 Ellen, 1861 Emily, 1565 Emma, 979 Ephraim, 1813 Erasmus Darwin, 2323 Esther, 311 Eunice, 1310 Eveline, 725 Everett E., 232 Ezra, 735 Fanny, 1813 Fanny 'B., 1434 Felix, 1496 Francis, 1494 Lewis, cont'd, Frank, 2492 Frederick, 2240 George, 532, 766, 791, 1813 Hannah, 311-12, 467, 725, 762, I4g3, I4g6, 1641, 1998 Harriet, 725, 1412 Harry, 725 Harvey, 532 Hattie Linda, 1962 Helen, 1434 Henry, 2480 Henry R., 725 Hettie, 1493 Hiram, 1434 Ida, 2480 James, 1134, 1493-4 Jane, 763, 1162 Jareb, 311 Jason, 763 Jemima, 312 Jesse, 1172 Joanna, Johanna, 312, 1568 Job, 763 John, 311, 532, 734-5, 1063, 1366, 1434, 1494 John Calhoun, 1822 John L., 2177 John Walker, 1325 Jonathan, 311-12 Joseph, 1325 Josiah, 724-5 Judah, 1813 Julia, 757, 2466 Julius, 1434 Julius Walker, 1325 Justin William, 1565 Lawrence, 467 Leonard, 1809 Lois, 735, i34g, 1813 Lois Goodenough, 762 Lorette, 1565 Lucinda, i4g6 Lucy, 883, 1496-8, 2240 Luna Velda, 2493 Lydia, 582, 2045 Malinda, 763 Margaret, 763 Maria Elizabeth Minturn, 791 Maria Louisa, 1565 Marie Louise, 1325, I4g3 Mark, 1434 Martha, 1201, 1434 Martha Caroline, 2177 Mary, 311, 766, 1040, 1494, 1496-7, 1813, iggS, 2045, 2177, 2270, 24g2 Mary Ann, 757 Mary Austin, 1335 Mary Charlotte, 3333 Mary Diana, I4g3 Mary E., 834 Mary Jane, 1871. Mary Lottie, 1962 Mary Martin, 1131 Meletiah, 766 Mercy, 1813 Minnie A., 1393 Miranda, 1662 Molly, 724-5 Moses, 532 Nathan, 532 Nathaniel, 1496-7 Nellie, 1335 Normand, 1134 Olive, 891 Oliver, 1497 Pamelia, 1496 Patience, 311 Patty, 725 Polly, 724, 1434, 2322 Rachel, 956, 1496-7 Ralph, 2045 Rebecca, 1519 Rhoda, 1434 Robert Smith, 2177 Roland, 532 Lewis, cont'd, Rosamond, 558 Rosena Williams, 186 1 Ruth, 311, 1266 Sabra F., 2333 Samuel, 312, 532 Sarah, 311-12, 532, 766, 1S13, 3370 Sarah Mead, 1822 Silerlce, 1687 Simeon Dunhara, 1496 Susan, 532, 1300, 1881 Susanna, 1429 Thomas, 1565, 1813 Truraan, 1496-8 Venola Julia, 2492 Vernon Elden, 2492 Wilbur Fiske, 1565 Williara, 1494, 1496-7, 1861, iggS WiUiam H., 1568 William S., 2177 Lewist, see Luist. Leybourne, Ada BeUe, 1485 Edward, 1485 Mary E., 1485 Leycester, Peter, 2236 Leyland, Eliza, 1260 John, n Mary, 1260 William, 1260 Leynse, Leyntje, 1830 Leyshon, John Grey, 1800 Lena, 1800 Lucie White, 1800 Stephen Huntington, 1800 Williara, 1800 Libby, Jane, 1468 Julia, i37g Lichtenberger, Aaron, 1383 Celia, 1383 Elizabeth, 1383 Lida, Catharine Marie, 785 Jacob, 785 Selinda Ann, 785 Liddell, Andrew, 474 Annie Hill, 474 Archibald Glen, 474 Catharine, 474 Eleanor Dempster, 474 Elizabeth, 474 Harriet, 474 Jaraes, 474 James Hill, 474 Jane, 474 Jean, io3g John, 474 John Andrew, 474 Louisa Averv, 474 Margaret, 474 Mary, 474 Robert Alexander, 474 William, 474 Lifley, Edith Inez, 1407 Elizabeth Ann, 1407 Ernest Charles, 1407 Eudora Anna, 1407 Lawrence Robert, 1407 Wiljiam, 1407 Light, Elizabeth, 3203 Judd B., 2272 Walter, 2203 Lightner, Lucy, 2161 Likins, Alice A., 1515 Clarissa Ann, 1515 J. Luther, 1515 Wilbert, 1515 Liles, Lyle, Lyles, mr., 2117 Christopher, 3304 Cynthia, 2167 Elenor Axa, 2117 Goe, 2167 Margaret, 2204 Margaret America, 3304 Thomas Berten, 2167 Vandalia Scott, 2167 Lillard, Nancy, 2138 Narsissus, 2138 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2691 Lillie, see LUly. Lilly, Lillie, Lily, Jennie, 1006 John H., 1006 Polly, 2336-7 Williara, 22^1 Lily, see Lilly. Limbarger, see Liraberger. Limberger, Limbarger, Agnes, 1820 Harriet, 1188 Lincoln, mr., 2070 Abraham, 2478 Alice Marietta, 1273 Alice P., 1877 Almira, 445 Almira Lola, 1876 Alvin Hovey, 1273 Anna, 1598 Betsey, 3473 Caroline Morton, 445 Carrie May, 1273 Catharine Louisa, 1273 Charlotte Frances, 445 Clara Amelia, 1877 Daniel, 2472 Elizabeth D., 1877 Elizabeth Hugh, 1877 Emily, 1273, 1275 Fanny Smith, 445 Finette, 1706 Florence Mabel, 1877 George Harrison, 2478 George Washington, 2478 Georgie Mae, 2478 Gurdon, 1272 Harriet Emma, 1877 James Mason, 445 James Oscar, 1877 James Sanderson, 1876 Jane Charlotte, 1597 John Asher, 1877 Leonard H., 1706 Leonard Perley, 1706 Levina, 1273' , Lola, Lowly, 1272 Lucy D., 1273 Lucy Edna, 1877 Marcella, 1273 Martha, 2485 Martha Elvira, 1877 Mary, 877, 2070, 2485 Mary, Augusta, 1273 Mary Elizabeth, 445 Mary Louisa, 1706 Mary Patterson, 1273 Mary Rosanna, 1877 Nan Oroville, 2478 Nedebiah, 445 Nellie Caroline, 1877 Olive, 728 Oliver Gurdon, 1272 Otis, 1597-8 Prudence, 1272-3 Rachel Maria, 1994 Rebecca, 445 Roswell, 1273 Rubie Ella, 1877 Ruth, 938 Samuel, 1272-3, 2485 Sarah, 1597-8 Sarah Elizabeth, 1877 Sarah Hodges, 445 Thomas, 1598 Violetta Rebecca, 1273 Lindall, Abigail, 1121 James, 1121 Mary, 1121 Lindblom, Elva, 1962 Hattie Linda, 1962 Lenor Hattie, 1962 Lewis, 1962 LouVisa, 1962 Lindblom, cont'd, Mary Lottie, 1962 Nils, 1962 Oscar, 1962 Robert, 1962 Vesta Raven, 1962 Walter, 1962 Linder, Charlotte Ann, 1655 Daniel Webster, 1655 George Lansing, 1655 Lily Angeline, 1655 Silas Harry, 1655 Lindley, Lindsley, Linley, Linsley, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abby Lemira, 1498 Azubah, 1627 Daniel, 546 Eleona, 339 Erama Delphine, 1216 Frederick, 1216 Harriet, 546, 1158 John, 2050 John Warren, 546 Leah, ggg Levi, 546 Lucy, 546 Mary, 245 Nancy, 6g8 Sarah, 546 William, ggg Lindsay, de Limesay, Lind sey, mrs., 38g Anna, 389 Baldric, 389 Charlotte,; 847 Donald, 389 Duncan, 389 Isabella, 563 John, 389 Louisa, 1216 Margaret Isabella, 389 Mary, 389 Mattie Maud, 1216 Nancy, 388-9 William, 1216 Lindsey, see Lindsay. Lindsley, see Lindley. Linebach, Lymbock, Elizabeth, 1439 Lines, mr., 1506 Jennie, 1506 Mary, 1270 Linford, Eunice, 457-8 James, 457 Sarah, 457 Ling, Alice A,, 1575 Catharine G., 1575' Conrad, 1575 Demaris Victoria, 1575 Eva C, 1575 Henry, 1575 Louis C, 1575 Nellie Victoria, 1575 Lingle, brothers, 2097, 2397 mr., 1506, 2097 mrs., 2097 Mary, 1506 T. J., 3097, 3397 Lingley, Alexander, 1878 Mary, 1878 Thomas, 1878 Lininger, mr., 1466 ¦ Amelia, 1466 Link, see Links. Linkfield, Hellen, 536 Linkletter, Sarah, 946 Links, Link, Dan, 3159 Martha, 2isg Victoria, 576 Linley, see Lindley. Linlithgow, earl of, 731 I'Insense, Avide, 1615 Eudes ou Odon, 1615 Linsley, see Lindley. Linsted, Caroline E., 2052 Lintell, see Lenthall. Linton, Ann, 62 Mary Louisa, 2180 Richard, 62 Lion, William the, 1108 Lipes, Charles Taylor, 1853 David Hyner, 1853 Lipes, -cont'd, Ethel May, 1853 Eva Annette, 1853 Ivy De Ette, 1853 Margaret Nace, 1853 Lippet, see Lippitt. Lippingwell, see Lepingwell. Lippitt, Lippet, miss, 1818 Elizabeth, 825 John, 825 Roby, 835 William, 835 Lipscomb, George, 477 Mary Holdman, 3184 Lisk, Lena, 1800 Lispenard, L'Espenard, baroness, ig7i Abeltie, ig7i Anthony, ig7i Antoine, 1971 Elizabeth Huygens, 1971 Magdalen, 1971 Lister, Ella Ida, 1195 George, 1195 Litch, Polly, 358 Samuel, 358 Litchfield, Betsey, 347 Deidamia, 353 Eleazer, 735 Elisha, 353 Helen Cornelia, 735, 739 ' Marina Lavinia, 735 Liteer, Mary Jeanette, 3016 Littell, Little, genealogy mentioned, 2011 mrs., 1022 Abigail, 1033 Alice, 364, 3on Almira Martha, 1875 Amarilla Cleveland, i63g Ann Elizabeth, 310 Annabella, 3117 Asenath, i33g Benjamin, 1032 Betsey, 1251 Caleb, 310 Charles, 1069 Charles Henry, 1875 Charles Herbert, 1875 Electa B., 1369 Elizabeth, 1022, 1417 Ella A., 1064 Enoch, 251 George, 364, 1023, 3on Hannah, 880, 1022, 2011 Isaac, 351, 1033 Isaac William, 1033-3, 1740 Isabella, 251 John, 208, 1022 Joseph, 3011 Julia May, 1740 Lydia, 1033 Lydia Ann, 1251 Martha Alice, 1875 Mary, 1022-3, 201 1 Mary Cox, 1023 Moses, 359, 1022, i25g, 1875, 301 1 Nial, 1639 Rhoda, 1639 Samuel, 1033 Sarah, 1069, 1369, 1398, 1875 Sarah Climena, 1875 Susan, 1022 Tamar, 1263 Theodore Collins, 1033 Walter D., 1639 William Robert, 1251 WilHam T., 2117 Little, see Littell. Littlefield, Alice Cleveland, 661 Don Carlos, 661 Eliza, 1664 • Frederic Augustus, 66r Henry, 1316 Loleta, 661 Mary Emeline, 1316 Nellie Aurelia, 661 Olive, 661 2692 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Littlefield, cont'd, Tamar Dorcas, 1316 Theodore Byington, 661 Theodotia, 1263 Littler, Sarah, 2006 Lively, Louisa, 1644 Livengood, Alma, 1187 Atah, 1187 Henry Peter, 1187 Matilda, 1187 Myrna, 1187 Peter, 1187^ Livermore, Abigail Adkins, 1113 Bathsheba, 258 Betsey, 358 Daniel, 258 John, 1463 Jonas, 258 Louisa, 258 Mary, 1233, 1463 Nancy, 258 Patty, 595 Rebecca, 25g Rebecca Parkman Jarvis, 1113 Ruth, 258 Salem, 358 Sally, 358 Solomon Kidder, 1113 Tabitha, 1670 Livingston, Levingston, Livingstone, lord, 731 mr., 731 soldier, 731 Alida, 731, 1768 Ann, 731 Ann Elizabeth, 2455 Catharine, Catherine, 731 , 1818-19 Catharine Ann, 731 Cornelia, 731 GUbert, 731 Henry, 1768 Plenry F., 2455 Henry GUbert, 731 James, 731 Jane, Joan, 2452 John, 385, 731 John Henry, 1768 PhiUp, 1819 Robert, 731 Robert Gilbert, 731 Sarah, 181 g Susan, 1768 Livingstone, see Livingston. Livock, Susan Maria, 1756 Llewellyn, Lewelling, Mary, 2417 Lloyd, mr., 2466 mrs., 1768 Alice, 1060, 2335 Catharine, 2333 CromweU John, 3466 David, 1060, 1612, 2231 Edward, 2323 Ethel, 810 Frances Helen, 3466 Griselda, Griselle, 1768 Helen Munson, 2466 Henry, 1768 James, 1768 Jerome Bonaparte, 810 John, 2466 Lawrence Jerome, 810 Lucy Ann, 810 Margaret, 1060 Mary, 2322 Noyadd, 1612 Rebecca, 1768 Rhys ap David, 1612 Sarah, 1768, 1884 Susan, 2466 Susan Ellen, 810 Thomas, 3335 Winfield Scott, 810 Llwyd-y-Penwin, see Winn. Lobdell, mrs., 2254 Ann, 1742 Edward Francis, 2354 Eulalia Maria, 2354 Hannah, 1664 Ida, 3354 Lobdell, cont'd, Isaac, 51 Jacob, 1664 Martha, 51 Mary, 51 Mary Eliza, 2254 Simon, 1743 Sophronia, 1664 Walter, 3354 Walter C, 3254 William Henry, 2254 Lochlen, Hepdiale, 271 Locke, miss, 2424 AbigaU, 2424 Aniasa, i82g Benjamin, 311 Elizabeth, 2424 Hannah, 311 James, 2427 John, 2424 Joseph Reintzel, 1355 Louisa, 242g Marah, 3434 Martha, 276 Mary, 2434, 3427, 242g Mary Ann, 1355 Nancy, 787 Nathaniel, i82g Rebecca, 276 Sarah, 2466 Thomas, 2434 Virginia Reintzel, 1355 WiUiam, 376, 2424, 2427 Lockey, , 1030 Lockhart, Emma Jane, 2023 Minnie Beall, 2033 Robert Beall, 3033 Lockwood, Amanda, 845 Annie Louise, 1064 Candace Maria, 684 Caroline Elizabeth, 1831 Charles, 1831 Charles E., 684 E. Dunbar, I7g2 Edmund, 105-6 Elizabeth, 105, 434 Eunice, 1821 Hamilton Davidson, 1064 Harriet, 2255 Huldah, 852 Isaac, 434 James E., 845 James P., 684 John, 852 Mary, 105 Phebe, 1906 Richard, 105 Locy, Ruth, 668-70 Loder, Hannah, 1294 Lodge, Edmund, 1588 Hattie L., 1656 Mary Laurette, 1656 WilHam, 1576 William L., 1656 Lodver, earl of the Orkneys, 1108, 3303 Lodwick, Cady Ross, 839 Loeus, Mary, 31 13 Loew, see Low. Loftus, John, 3257 Julia, 3357 Mary, 3357 Logan, EUen, 3184 Robert, 2184 Logue, Laura A., 722 Lohnthal, Joanna, 1597 Loker, see Looker. Loloa, Mary, g6g T-,omas, Lomax, see Loomis. Lombard, Lumbard, Lum- bart, Lurabort, Abigail, 552 Benjarain, 647 Bernard, 766 Henrietta M., 334 Jane, 647 Joyce, 647 Margaret, 1925 Mary, 766 Mercy, 647 Nathan, 334 Peggy, 526 Polly, 526 Rebecca, 337 Thoraas, 526, 647, 766 Lomes, see Loomis. Lonas, Adam, 1364 Caroline Ann, 1364 Catherine, 1364 Chester A., 1364 Elizabeth, 412 • Ezra, 1364 Jason T., 1364 Jessie, 1364 Long, Americus Newton, 1571 Benjamin B., 967 Charies S., 1413 Christina, 1545 Cleveland Compton, 1478 Cynthia, 1335 Edmund, 2198^^ Edson, 1584 Eleanor, 196 Elizabeth, 877, 1584 Eloise Compton, 1478 Eunice, 424 George Washington, 1478 H. A., n Hannah, 877, 1323 Helen Maria, 1584 Henry Alfred, n Herodias, 1085 Hored, 1085 Jaraes, 196 ¦James Alexzandria, 1584 Jared, 1392 Jesse, 1323 Jesse WilHs, 1478 John, 1626 Julia Ann, 1391 Lizzie Haynes, 1571 Louisa Ann, 2166 Lydia C, g67 Maria North, 1478 Maltha Ann, 1413 Mary, 428 Mary Effie, 1323 Mary Elizabeth, 1571 Nancy, 418 Paul, 196 Reuben, 967 Robert, 877, 1083 • Sarah, 1083 Stephen Harriman, 1478 Susanna, 196 Temperance, 1626 Theodosia, 2198 Valentine, 418 , Xantippa, 3198 Longacre, mr., 1851 Elsie, 1851 Longard, Catharine, 571 Clarissa Sarah, 569 Longcor, Eva M., 1650 John C., 1650 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 860, 3281 Sarah, 633 Longford, Amphibus, 137 Edward, 137 Ellen, 1613 Nicholas, 1613 Longhurst, Frederick Cleveland, 1506 Jennie, 1506 Marcia, 1506 Stella, 1506 William, 1506 Longinhealth, Frances, 2319 Longino, James Walton, 2161 Jerusha Dickerson, 2161 Lalia, 2161 Luther, 2161 Sallie Matt, 2161 Longley, raiss, 2321 Abby Salisbury, 1101 Ada Serene, 1101 Ann Eliza, 3321 Charles Melville, 1101 Eliza Ann, 2321 Elizabeth Ann, noi James Osborne, 1101 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2693 Longley, cont'd, Joanna, 1607 Maude Lilian, iioi Rebecca Cleveland, noi Richard, 1607 WUliam, 1067 Longnecker, Benjamin, 1274 Lucinda, 1274 Matilda, 1374 Loockermans, Anneken, 1831 Govert, 1831 Jacob, 1831 Pieter Janse, 1831 Look, AUen, 1717 Catharine, 194 Christopher, 1715 Daniel Cleveland, 1717 Eliza WUliams, 1717 Frank Byron, 1717 Freeborn, 962 Freeman, 962 Freeman Alien, 1717 Hepsie Ashley, 1717 James, 1717 Mary, 960, g62 Mary Ann, 963 Nannie William, 1715 Prudence L., 1717 Rebecca, 434 Sally Baker, 1717 Looker, Loker, EHza, 1328 Grace Belle, 1864 John, 533 Lucy Ann, 1864 .Margaret, 1864 Mary, 532 Stephen, 1864 Taylor, 1864 Loomas, Loomax, see Loomis. Loomis, Loraas, Lomax, Lomes, Loomas, Loo max, Loomise, Loomys, Lumax, Lummis, Lum- mus, Abigail, 1031, ino, 2265 Abraham, 1640 Augustus, 581 Azariah, 1031 Betsey, 1109-10, 1710 Charles King, ino Charles Randolph, iiio Chester, 1970 Chester Martin, ig70 ¦Cornelia E, 511, nog Deborah, 1432 Dimmis, 1031 Elias, 1031 Elizabeth, 1031, iiog-io, 1841, 3035, 2265 Elmira, 581 Esther, 1110 Experience, nio Ezekiel, 2310 Ezra, 2310 George, 1473 Hannah, ¦ 1433, 3265 Ichabod, 1133 James, 1640 John, 1031, IIIO, 1432, 1970, 2035 Jonathan, 1970 Joseph, 1031, 1108, IIIO, • 131 I, 1433, 1640, 1741, 3035 JuHa, IIIO Liberty, 581 Lovina, i62g Lucy, 481, 1123 Luke, II 10 Maria, nog Marilla, 1472 Martha Maria, nog Mary, 1108, 1211, 1213, 1640, 1741, igi5, 2310 Mary Weston, ig7o Nathaniel, 1640, 1841 Philip, 2265 Rachel, 2310 Loomis, cont'd, Randolph Barnes, 11 10 Rebecca, 1123 Rose, 2044 SaUy, 787, 1472 Sarauel, 1031, 2265 Sarah, 71, 1 1 10, 1432, 1640, 1741 Sarah Ploward, 1970 Sarah Jane, 1654 Simeon, iiog-10 Simeon Lorenzo, nog Stanley Bidwell, nog Thomas, 1432, 1970 Thomas Henry, 1110 Timothy, 1123 Tirzah Porter, 1125 Loomise, Loomys, see Loomis. Looney, Abbie Carter, 2167 Absalom Carter, 2167 Adam, 2079, 2107 Amanda, 2079 Andrew, 3079 Ann Margaret, 2107 Benjamin Andrew, 2079 Bessie Lee, 2167 Clara Elizabeth, 3167 David Sloan, 2079 Ellen, 2079 Emma Jane, 2167 Ernest Lee, 2167 George Maxville, 3167 George Washington, 3168 Ida, 3168 James Lawrence, 2167 James Martin, 2168 ' John Henry, 2168 John Martin, 2167 Lorinda Lawrence, 2167 Lucy Catharine Maxwell, 2107 Mamie, 3167 Margaret Ann, 3079 Marium, 3107 Martha Elizabeth, 2167 Martha Malinda, 2168 Martin Lucas, 2167 Martin Luther, 3107 Mary, 2167 Mary Cybill Harrison Cleveland, 2107 Mary Eliza, 2167 Mathus Belton, 316S Minnie Elenda, 3167 Myrtie Lee, 3167 Nancy, 3079 Nancy Catharine, 3167 Patsie, 3079, 2107 Sarah Ann, 3167 Sarah Elizabeth, 2079 Taylor, 3079 Thomas Milton, 2167 William Balus, 2168 WUHam Lake, 2167 WilHam Thomas, 2167 Lord, rev. mr., 155 Abby, 1572 Abiel Plovey, 1367 Abigail, 216, 496, 1267 Alathea, 360 Alena Agnes, 1265 Alice, 1366 Almira Jane, 1367 Ann, 541 Anna, 953 Annette Sophia, 1365 Beersheba, 216 Benjamin, 1707 Charles Edward, 1713 Charles Edwin, 1265 Charles Henry, 1265 Christopher, 3017 Clara Louisa, 1047 David, 360 Lord, cont'd, Deborah, 1889 Dorothy, 359, 541, 1763 Edwin Harvey, 1265 Eleanor, 1047 Elisha, 216, 358, 360 Elisha H., igSg Elizabeth, 155, 359, 1465, 1889 Elizabeth EUen, 1265 EUzabeth Winnifred, 1265 EUen, 1266 Elnora Edith, 1265 Emeline, 1872 Emily, 1544 Emma Frances, 1265 Enoch, 1047 Experience, 358-60 Fannie Amelia, 1713 Harriet, igSg Hezekiah, 35g Hugh Compton, 1047 Ida May, 1365 Ionia, 1365 Isabella, 1365 Jaraes Edwin, 1365 ; James Newton, 1365 James William, 1365 Jane Elizabeth, 1870 John, 4g6, 640, 1047 John Plenry, 1265 John Paine, 1266 Jonathan, 1367 Joseph, 640 Joseph Edwin, 1265 Joseph Tilden, 1264 Julia Alice, 1265 Julia Ann, 1873 Letitia, 1267 Louisa Maria, 1047 Lucinda, 640, 1266, 1873 Margaret, 1267 Margaret Ann, 1265 Maria, 1264 Martha, 1707 Mary, 360, 640, 1264, 1266 Mary Angelina, 1873 Mary Ann, 1265, 1869-70 Mary EHza, 1873 Mary Elizabeth, 1365 Mary Jane, 1367 Minerva, 1367-8 Minerva Maria, 1264 Minnie Florence, 1265 Myrtle Alynda, 1047 NeUie Grant, 1265 Nora Elizabeth, 1265 Orinda, 1989 Pamelia, Parmelia, 360, 640 Patience, 2017 Permelia Alice, 1265 Philander Augustus, 1365 Rebecca, 640 Richard, 359-60, 1047, 1889 Richard Hinton, 1265 Richard Spring Canby, 1873 Robert, 496 Roswell Tilden, 1365 Ruth, 640, 1266 Sally, 360 Samuel, 1047 Sarah, 360, 1367 Sarah Ann, 1873 Sarah Annette, 1365 Sarah Jane, 1365 Submit, 3017 Tamarson, Tamerson, 358, 360 Thomas, 359, 496, 541 Verlinda, 1266 William, 359 WiUiam Alanson, 1265 WiUiam Harvey, 1265 Williara Nelson, 1365 J 2694 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Loring, Deborah, 1999 Eliza, 1247 Ellen Maria, 1247 Plannah, 146, 1999 James Spear, 497 Jane, iggg Mary, 1S80 Thoraas, iggg , William Willard, 1247 Lornberger, Cynthia Ann, 1870 John, 1870 Lorraine, count, 800 due de, 1615 Losey, G. R., i6gi Lossing, Benson John, 1421, 2068 Lother, earl of the Orkneys, 1 108, 2203 Lothrop, Lothropp, Lothrup, see Lathrop. Lott, Anna Mary, igio Ellen Sheppard, igio James Wesley, igio Martha, igio Nathan, igio Sarah Rosa, 1910 William Cleveland, 1910 Louderback, Charley French, 2097 Elizabeth Louisa, 2097 Francis Marion, 3097 Georgia Bare, 3097 Hardin, 3097 Ina Chandler, 3097 Margaret Wilson, 3097 Lougee, Elisha G., 1876 Maria, 1876 Loughlin, Emily, 3136 Loughridge, Annie, 3104 Benjamin, 2103 Benjamin Franklin Columbus, 2104 Frances M., 2103 James G. A., 2104 John Henry PL, 2104 Lucinda M., 2103 M. C, 3104 Maria E., 3103 Mary, 3104 Mary 'A., 3103 Nancy Catharine, 3103 Susan Jane, 3103 WilHam Rufus, 2103 f Lounsbury, Amy, 1179 Loursbury, Esther A., ngS Louther, Lowther, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Ambrose B., 567 Annabel, 567 Annie E., 567 Brainerd, 567 Burleigh A., 567 Charles W., 567 • Eliza Jane, 567 Margaret, 451 Martin, 567 Martin B., 567 Love, colonel, 1547 Elizabeth, 1547 Lovegrove, Frank Susan, 1036 Hampton W., 1036 Susan, 1036 Lovejoy, rars., 444 Almira, 1854 Ann Elizabeth, 444 Cynthia, 444 Harriet NeweU, 987 Henry Barlow, 444 Jacob, 1854 Mary, 688 Mary Louisa, 444 Matilda Sullivan, 987 Richard, 444 SaUy, 1264 Sarah S., 444 Susannah, 791 Loveland, mrs,, 1566 Alefa Augusta, 1566 Alice Ida, 1566 Charles G., 1566 Cyrena, 1855 EHza J., 1413 Emery, 1591 Harriet, 1591 Loveless, Eunice, 1175 Hannah, 1175, 3355 John, 1 175 LoveU, baron, 240 mrs., 1561 Alexander, 1561 Anna, 688 Betsey, 637, 1561 Daniel, 240 David, 1561 Dyer, 1561 Eliza Maria, i24g Jeremiah, 334 Joanna, 340 John Temple, I34g Lydia, 1561 Lydia H. N., 334 ' Narcissa, i24g Rachel, 1274 see also Lovett. Loverige, see Leveridge. Lovering, Hortense Clementine, 1754 Lydia S., 243g Lovett, Abigail, 240 Daniel, 240 Deborah, , 23g-4o George, ssg Hannah, 240 James, 240 Joanna, 240 Olivia Sophia, ssg T., 559 see also LoveU. Loville, Cleveland, 2215 Elizabeth, 2170 James A., 2170 Martha, 2215 Walter Wylie, 2215 Low, de Law, de Lawe, Law, Loew, Lowe, captayne, 2236 Alanus, 2236 Alba, 1428 Andrew, 1715 Anne, 2236 Arthur, 2236 Betsey, 1356 Charles, 1428 Charles Edward, 2337 Charlotte, 1350 Cynthia, 1356 Daniel Wright, 1356 Dionysia, 3336 Dorothy, 2336 Eliza, 673 Elizabeth, 1150, 1465, 2234-6, 2327 George C, 1250 Guido, 2236 Henry, 2336 IsabeUa, 1515 Jane Abel, 1438 John, 1715 Joshua, 2235-6 Lena, 1428 Levi, 2327 Levi Bowin, 1428 Margaret, 1715 Margaret Elizabeth, 1715 MariUa, igo6 Mary, 675, 2236 Mary Jane, 1250, 2327 Orrin, 673, 1356 Phebe, 1627 Rachel, 438 Rebecca, 1627 Samuel, 673, 2280 Sarah, 846 Stephanus, 2236 Stephen, 1627 Stephen Bushnell, 1428 Thomas, 3336 William, 846 Lowber, Alice, 203g Elizabeth, sosg Mary, 2039 Matthew, 203g Michael, 203g Peter, 2039 William, 203g Lowden, Mary, 495 Richard, 495 Lowe, see Low. Lowell, David J., 1410 Eleanor May, 1410 John, 491 John Ayres, 1410 Laura, 1410 Maria Edwards, 82S Mary Ann, 1410 Mary Elder, 828 Mary OHve, 828 Stephen, 1410 Stephen Nelson, 1410 William Brown Balch, 828 WUliam Jefferson, 828 Lower, Annie Maria, 1671 George C, 1671 Sarah, 1671 Lowndes, Lownds, Elizabeth L., 3359 William Thoraas, 3330 Lownds, see Lowndes. Lowrey, Lowrie, see Lowry. Lowry, Lowrey, Lowrie, Catherine, 1946 Celia Gertrude, 1625 Elizabeth, 2134 Elizabeth Collens, 2030 Esther, 1282 Eva Matilda, 3206 Gertrude Fillmore, 2205 Gertrude Sydnor, 2206 Isaac Stokes, 2030 Jane, 1175 Jennie Louisa, 1625 John, 1625 John Blanchard, 2030 John Stroud, 2030 Joseph T., 2205 Kate Cleveland, 2030 M. CalHe, 3134 Nellie, 1495 Sarah Catherine, ig38 Sarah J., 1016 Lowther, see Louther. Lowthroppe, see Lathrop., Lozier, Alida, gg8 Lubbertse, Lutters, Cornelia, 1760 Lucas, Lucus, Almira, 475 Barbara, i8o0 Ivory H., 972 Jane, 349 John, 34g Mary T., 972 Rosalinda, 764-5 Luce, miss, mr., mrs., 3334 Aaron Cleveland, 959 Abby, 975 Abby A., 1731 Abbie Somers, 960, 966 Abbie Thomas, 960 Abigail, 195, 960-1, 975 Abisha, Abishai, 419-20, 1718 Ada Stephens, 979 Adonijah, 966 Albert, 195 Alexander S., 429 Alice Crowell, 1274 AmeHa, 1274, 1877 Ann M., 429 Annie, 1373 Annie Pauline, 1374 Arvin Atwood, 961 Bartiraeus, 961 Barzillai, 418-19, gsg Betsey, 1304 Betsey Parker, 1304 INDEX OF PERSONS. 269s Luce, cont'd, CaroUne, 425 Caroline B., gsg, 970 Catharine Cleveland, 419 Catharine Manter, 966 Charies, 959 Charles P., 429 Charlotte, 418-ig, gsg Charlotte Jane, g59 Content, 419 CordeHa H., 430 Daniel, 960-1 1273-4 Daniel George, g6o David, 42g Delia Ford, 961 Dency Luce Cleaveland, 960 Desire, 418 Eddy C, 429 Edith, 1273 Edmund, 1718 Edwin Augustus, 1718 Electa, 1273 Elijah, 194, 197, 419, 958, 2337 EHza, ig7 Eliza Ann, g58 Eliza Chace, g6o Elizabeth, 418 Elizabeth A., gs8 Elizabeth AHce Leach, 961 EUzabeth Ann, 958 Elizabeth F., 430 Elizabeth Lovina, 1274 Ella AHce, 960 Emmet T., gsg Eunice, 184, 42g Ezekiel, 4ig Ezra, 353 Frances Adelaide, 431 Frank, 1274 Franklin, g6o George, 42g, 1274 George B., 419 George Harvey, 1718 George Pierce, 1274 Gertrude Eldridge, 1718 Hannah, 418-ig Hannah S., 425, 430 Harriet Ann, 430 Harriet Newell, 95g-6o Harriet P., gsg Harvey Eldridge, 171S Hattie Newell, g6o Helen A., 431 Henrietta, 430 Henry, 197 Hervey Edwin, 1718 Hovey, 974 Ida, 1374 Ida May, 1274 Jabez, 959 James Franklin, 960, 966 James Harvey, 431 Jeptha, 353 Jerusha C, 958 John, 425, 430, 439 John Cleveland, 419 Jonah, 1304 Joshua, 1373-4 Lilian Afton, gsg Lillie, 1374 Lizzie Jane, gsg Louis Phinney, g6o Louisa Jane, gsg Love, 194, 197, 419 Lucinda Frances, 1374 Lucinda Longnecker, 1374 Lucretia, 423 Lucy, 195 Lurana Clifford, 974 Lydia, 194, ig7, 433 Lydia Ann, 43g Maria, 429 Martha, 979 Martha S., 958 Martin, 423 Mary, 429-30, gsg, 1369 Luce, cont'd, Mary Amelia, 1274 Mary Ann, gsg, 1274 Mary J., 42g Mary Luce, 1718 Mayhew Allen, 1718 Nancy, 418, 42g, gsS, 974 NeUy Gray, 1718 Obed, 418, 958 Oliver, 604 Oliver C, 430 Patience, 966 Paulina, 439 Philena, 604 Prudence, 419 Rebecca, 195-6, 419-20 Rebecca Nickells, 960 Reuben, 418-19 Robert, 195-6, 430 Roland, 966 Rose, 1374 Ruth, 1305 Sally, 419, 431 Samuel W., 429 Sarah, 429, 1718 Sarah Emily, 430 Sarah Raynolds, 1718 Simon, 1274 Stephen, 419 Susan, 418, 429 Susannah, 604 Tamson, 966 Thankful, g72-3 Thankful D., 965 Theodore, g7g Tristram, 195 Urania Clifford, 974 Valina, 419 Warren, 421 WiUard W., 429 William, 429, 1374 William Henry, 439 Winifred, 197 Luckadoo, Lunsford, 3093 Luckey, Ann, 1846 Lucore, Hannah, 3024 Lucus, see Lucas. Ludden, Asa, 393 Deliverance, 393 Ludham, Margaret, 686 Ludington, Eunice, 374 Ludlam, Abigail, 1151 Clemence, 1151 George, 1628 Hannah, 1628 Martha, 1628 William, 1151 Luelysone, Pritty, 1239 Luff, Addie, 1348 Cornelia Elizabeth, 1348 Frank, 1348 George, 1348 George William, 1348 Joel Cleveland, 1348 Mary Ann, 1348 Mary Elizabeth, 1348 Walter, 1348 William, 1348 Lufkin, Chloe Allen, 3305 Elizabeth, g34 Elizabeth Hattie, 2305 Harry Edwin, 2305 John Edwin, 2305 Mary Chase, 2305 Luis, see Lewis. Luist, Lewist, Elizabeth, 1772 Rebecca, 1772 Robert, 1772 Lukins, Florintha White, 2481 John Perry, 2481 Lull, Bessie Thomas, 810 Emma Louisa, 810 Erepta, 332 Henry Morris, Sio Leonard, 322 Martha Adelaide, 754 Mary, 322 Morris, 810 Lull, cont'd, Sumner Thomas, 810 Susan, 810 Warren A., 754 Lumax, see Loomis. Lumbard, Lumbart, see Lombard. Lumber, Susan, 333 Lumbort, see Lumbard. Lumley, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Lummis, Lummus, see Loomis. Lumpkins, Adelaide Victoria, 2023 Albert, 1013 Annie Laura, 2023 George Franklin, 2033 Hannah, 447 Helena, 1013 William, 447 Lumsden, ancient family, 2303 that Ilk, 3303 Howard Mason, 2303 James, 2303 James Llewellyn, 2303 Lela May, 2303 Mary, 3303 Lunceford, James, 3158 Nancy, 3158 Phebe, 3158 Lungershausen, Amelia, ig83 Carrie Cleveland, ig83 John Trangott, ig83 Oscar Charles, ig83 Trangott, ig83 Lunn, Horace Aaron, 1311 Horace White, 1311 Salorae Benton, 1311 Lunz, Alma Louise, ig84 Carrie Emma, ig84 Jacob, 1984 Lurty, Susan, 1981 Lush, see Lusk. Lusher, Eleazer, 830 John, 727 Lydia, 830 Nancy Ann, 737 Lusk, Lush, Alice Dyer, 843 Benjamin FrankHn, 843 Fannie E., 1834 Mary, 848 Sally, 843 Stafford Samuel, 843 Luther, Betsey, 666 Freelove, 315 Lutman, Jane, 1031 Lutters, see Lubbertse. Luty, Elizabeth, 2195 Lutz, Jane, i29g Luyster, see Lyster. Lycett, Joseph, 1883 Theresa Louise, 1883 Lydecker, Margaret, 1012 Lyle, Lyles, see Liles. Lyman, mr., 800, 1743 mrs., 800 Abigail, 1833-3 Abigail Crane, 1378 Abigail Jones, 1840 Adeline, ig33 Albert, 800 Alice Amelia, i37g Alice Elsie, 1933 Ann, 1823 Ann Eliza, 1390 Anna, 1614 Anna Elizabeth, 2038 Anna Mason, 1614 Aretas, 1816 Augustus, 1810 Benjamin, 800 Caroline Maria, 1390 Caroline Matilda, i3go Charles, 1822 Charles Channery, ig22 Charles Eddie, 1379 2696 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Lyman, cont'd, Clarissa, i38g-go, 1476 Clarissa Crane, i38g Clifford Henry, 1378 Cornelia, 1666 Cyrus Elias, ig23 Delia A., ig33 Dorcas, 1833 Dwight Wilson, i37g Elias, i38g Elihu, 1666 Elizabeth, 800, i37g Emily Melissa, 1379 Erastus, 1833-3 Eunice, 1378 Fannie Elizabeth, 1379 Fannie Jane, 1379 Florence, 1391 Frances Amelia, 1933 Frank, i37g Fred RusseU, ig33 Frederick, 1833 Frederick Gold, 3038 Frederic WiUiam, i37g Harriet, 800 Henry, 781, 800 Henry Cleveland, 1379 Hepzibah, 800 Horace George, 1391 Ida C, 1933 Ida Lucia, 1379 Isaac, 800 James, 1816 James Eugene, i37g Jane, 1816 John, 1378-g, 1833 John Goodwin, 3038 John Scott, i3go Joshua, 1378 Julia Cleveland, 1810 Julia Edwards, 1378 Julia Loraine, ¦ 1833 Laura Lodema, i38g Lizzie A., i38g Lucia, 1385, ig23 Lucia Kinney, i37g Lucia Leonard, i37g Martha, 800 Mary, 800, 1823 Mary A., ig23 Mary Ann, 1815-16 Mary Clementine, 1810 Mary Crouch, 1816 Mary Emily, 1379 Mary Isabella, 2038 Mindwell, 1823 Moses, 1823 Nathan, 1378 Nathan Henry, 1378 Noah, 1389-go Orra, 1379 Phebe Davis, 1390, 1462 PhilHs, 781, 800 Polly, 800 Rhoda, 1269 Richard, 781, 800 RusseU, 1389 Ruth, 622, 1823 Sarah, 800, 1743 Sarah A., iioi Sarah EUa, 1390 Sarah Mead, 1822 Solomon, 1379 Sophia, 1323 Stephen, 1390 Stuart, 1810 Thomas, 800 Virginia Dumraer, 1810 Watson, 1390 Wilfred John, 1378 Williara, 1379 WUliam Caleb, 1390 WUliam Cleveland, 1379 Willie, 1923 Willie Arthur, i37g Lymbock, see Linebach. Lynch, mr., 1617 Carrie, 1617 Mary Anne, 814 Maryanne, 814 Michael, 814 Pauline, 1617 Lynde, mrs., 235 Cornelia E, nog Dorothy, 1580 Edgar Wallace, nog Edward Cleveland, iggo Edward Hunter, 1990 Elizabeth, 51, 235 Frances Delphene, iggo Gertrude Waldron, iggo Hannah, 107 Jessie, 2050 John, 51, 107 John Warner, i57g Jonathan, i57g-8o Jonathan Warner, i57g-8o Joseph, sg, 1580 Joseph Hand Scranton, iggo Margaret, sg Mary, 51, 1580 Mary Ann. Jerusha AHce, i57g Mary Eloise, i57g Nicholas, 1580 Rebecca, 1773 Rectina Francese, nog Rhoda, iS7g-8o Samuel, 1772 Sarah, sg, 103, 1613 Thomas, 51, sg, 235, nog Lynee, Cornelia Ann, 927 Lynn, Dorcas, 1829 James, 1830 Margaret, 2379 Margaret Sherrill , 46 T., 46 Lynsen, Anneke, 1809 Lyon, Lyon_ alias Baker, Lyons, captain, 351 mr., 1025 mrs., 853, 1025 Abigail, 1837 Alfred, 2021 Alice, 935 Almira, 620 Amy Elizabeth, 935 Ann Eliza, 854 Anna, 1359 Anna Eliza, 1596 Aurelia, 854 Briggs, 934 ¦ Caroline Cynthia, 630 Casper Pearl, 853 Castleton, 3076 Catherine, 1933 Charles Prescott, 853 Charlotte, g34-5 Chester, 853, isg6 Deborah, 935 Deliverance, 133 Delphina, 630 Dexter, 620 Diadama, 933, 935 Drusilla, 334 Electa Mahala, 1243 Elizabeth, 827, 1167 Ella Nora, 563 Ellen, 935 EUen E., 934 Eraily, 935 Ephraim Wight, 620 Esther Cleveland, 620 Eudocia, 2021 Eunice, 620 Euretta Alvira, i94g Florence, g34 Frank, g34 Freeraan, 1503 Gad, 620 George, 563, 935 Hannah, 351, 620 Harriet, 853, 1596 Henry Dwight, 854, 1596 Henry S., 563 Hiram, 93^ Jaraes, 1035 John, 168s, 1687 Lyon, cont'd, Jerusha Bradford, 853 Jerusha S., 1442 Joseph, 1837 Josiah Emmet, 934 Leverett, 93s Lois, 639-40, 1 1 12 Lovarties Adeline, 934 Loventia Adeline, 934 Lovisa, 1503 Lucy, 620, 625 Lucy Minerva, 1051 Ludlow, 935 Lydia Jane, 1932 Lyman, 1525 Margaret, 1035 Martha, 3076, 2100 Martha Louise, 935 Mary, 454, 545, 1685, 2256 Mary Adaline, 935 Mary Annie, 1525 Mary Ett, g35 Mary Matilda, 1684 Mary Wight, 620 Maryett, g35 Mattie Louise, g35 Melissa Esther, 935 Miles, 935 Minerva, 1503 Minnie E., 2015 Moses, 933, 935, 1035 Nancy, 933, g3S, 1051 Nancy Theresa, 1687 Olivia Sophia, 3igg OrviUe Jerome, g3S Patience, 620 Permelia, 1525 Peter, 334 Phebe, Phoebe, 1025, 1685, 1687 Rachel, 132 Robert, ig32 Ruth Stebbins, 620 Sally, g34 Sally Ann, g34 Samuel, 132, g34-5 Sarah, 131-2, 620, 634, 854, i5g6 Solon, 620 Spencer, 850 Stephen, 620 Susan, 853 Tabatha, g35 Thomas Jefferson, g34 W. S., 1243 Walter, 1051 William, 132 Lyon alias Baker, see Lyon. Lyons, see Lyon. Lyster, Luyster, Benjamin Oneale, io3g, 2488 Catherine, io3g, 2488 E^Hza Jane, 2307 Elizabeth, 2488 George Forster, 24S8 John, 2307 John Henry, 2488 Margaret, 3307 Mary Rebecca, i03g, 2488 Richard Neville, 2488 Lytle, Elizabeth, ig85 Maack, J., 1082 Martha, 1082 Mabee, see Mabie. Maben, Mabel Annie, 24g3 John, 24g3 Mary, 24g3 Mary Bell, 24g3 Walter Scott, 24g3 Mabie, Mabee, Maybee, , 402 mr., 402 rars., 402 Aaron, 1748-g Abraham, 401-2 Amy, 1748-g Ann, 1630 Casporus, 402 Daniel, 1749 Heiiry, 402 Jacob, i74g Jeremiah, 402 John, 402, 1630 Lydia, 1748 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2697 Mabie, cont'd, Peter, 402, i74g R., 403 Sarah, 401-2 Selinda Ann, 785 Simon, 403 Stephen Gates, 402 Mable, Anna, 687 Thomas, 687 McAdam, see McAdams. McAdams, McAdam, Alexandria, 22g8 Margaret, 1263 McAfee, families, 1953 McAUaster, see McAllister. McAllister, McAUaster, Albert, 1932-3 Caroline, 875 Catherine, 1932-3 Elizabeth, 1276 George Isaac, 875 Jonathan, 875 Mary, i96g McAlpine, Anna Amelia, 1060 Elizabeth, 1061 John H., 1061 Nancy, 461 Macaly, Anna, 1520 Joseph, 1520 Maggie A., 1520 McArthur, mr., 683 Ann Maria, i33g Archibald, i33g Crista EHza, 1329 Frances Janette, 683 Janette, 682 Margaret, 682 Robert, 682 Seneca, 1429 Welthy, 1429 McBain, George Washington, 1676 Ida Maud, 1676 John Henry, 1676 Lewis Edgar, 1676 Maria Elizabeth, 1676 MacBarnes, Ethel, 2178 Justus, 2178 Macbeda, Macbeth, king of Scotland, 266 McBride, mr., 1438 Anna Dewey, 1139 Clayton Sidney, ii3g Daniel, ii3g Elizabeth Jane, i63g Emma, 1139 Francis MiUicent, 1139 Lydia, 1438 Mabel, ii3g Mary Evangeline, ri3g Roxana, ii3g Sidney, ii3g Wilber, ii3g McCabe, Lydia Winter, 3144 McCall, miss or rars., 45 Sarah Elizabeth, 1373 McCaUa, Ida, 2153 McCammon, Ann, 1435 Benjamin, 1435 Jane, 1435 McCan, see McCann. McCann, McCan, Mary, 2058 Mollie, 2058 Nancy, 1442 McCarrack, Mary, 3366 McCarter, JuUa, 1673 McCarthy, McCarty, families, ro68 Almon, g3i Burr, g3i Charles, io6g Clara, g3i Gertrude, g3i Honora, 1068 Irene, 831 Mary, 34g3 Mary Ann, 2254 Matilda, g3i Omer, 931 Sarah Frances, 931 Timothy, 2254 see also McFinnen. McCarty. see McCarthy. McCay, Louisa, 2137 McChesney, George, 1383 Isaac, 2275 Laura, 1054 Margaret, 1383 Mary Aurora, 1383 Orpha, 825 Robert, 835 Sarah Catharine, 835 MacChristen, McChristen, see Christian. McClain, Jane Elizabeth, 1979 John, ig7g Sarah, 1979 McClair, Jennie, 888 McClave, JuHa Ann, 586 McCleary, Alraira Elizabeth, 767 Ann Zonetta, 767 John, 767 Martha, 1046 Sarah, 767 William, 767 McCleave, Sally, ig6 Thomas Varney, ig6 McClellan, raiss, 776 Abigail, 3287 Ada BeUe, 1485 Alexander, 1485 Alexander Foster, 1485 Alford Hamilton, 1485 Alford WiUiam, 1485 Cornelia, 1485 Donald, 1485 Donald Morey, 1485 Helen, 1485 Jennett, 1484-5 Jennette Ann, 1484 John, 1484, 3387 Lillian Jane, 1485 Lizzie, 1485 Louie Graeme, 1485 Margret, 1485 Mary Isabella, igss Minerva, 1484 Nicholas, 1485 Robert, 1485 Sally Ann, 1484 Samuel, 366 William, 1484-5, 3287 William Gordon, 1484 McClelland, Annie Irwin, i35g Ellen, i3gi Emily Amelia, ig8i Jane, issg Maria, i3gi Marietta, 1226 Mary Frances, 1226 Robert, i3Sg Thomas, 1391 William Stuart, 1226 McCleveland, J., 2279 McCliraot, Maggie, 1632 McCHntock, mr., 897, 2266 EHza Bradner, 897 Lydia, 1301 Sarah Ann, 2266 McCloud, ,see MacCloud. MacCloud, McCloud, Ma Cloud, Daniel, 156 Electa, ig35 EH, 156 Elizabeth, 1267 Forest, 156 Letitia, 1367 Mary, 156 Norman, 156 WUliam, 1367 McCluer, see McClure. McClure, McCluer, J. B., 1731, i7go Martha, 3136 Mary, 3136 Mary Ann, 3165 MUton H., 2276 Polly, 1270 Robert. 2136 Sarah, 2165 Walter, 3165 McClurg, David Nimrod, 1638 Lucinda, 1638 Olie, 1638 McClury, Caroline W., 303i Charles J,, 3021 George, 3031 Jessie A., 2021 John, 2031 Joseph, 3021 Mary, 2021 McCluskey, Rachel Mabie. ig83 McCoUum, , 3071 Edward Douglass, I2g6 Eleanor, i3g6 Eleanor Cleveland, 1296 Elizabeth, I3g6 John Wesley, I2g6 Joseph, i3g6 M!cConahay, Emily, 1137 George Bailey, 1137 James Carrolton, 1127 McConaig, McQuarig, Anna, 1054 McConnel, McConnell, Angeline, 1233 Annie, 3og8 Charles, 1634 Flora B., 1857 Hannah, 1332 Jane, 1435 Jennie Adelaide, 1624 John Travis, 1624 Justus, 1333 Mark Cleaveland, 1634 Mary, 2321 Sarah, 1733 McConnell, see McConnel. McConoughey, Carrie Emma, 1051 Celia Celestia, 1051 Celia Minnie Myrtle, 1051 Daniel Chester, 1051 David C, 1051 David Newton, 1051 Hattie Araelia, 1051 Sarah Lulu May, 1051 Stacey, 1051 MacCormac, McCormack. see McCormick. McCormick, MacCormac , McCormack, Adelaide Victoria, 2023 Alice, 45 Bessie Blanchard, 2039 Catharine, 3029 Ceallach, 833 Charles, 45 David, 45 Edward, 2029 Edward Payson, 3029 Florence, 45 Plelen Mayer, 3039 James Cleveland, 2029 James Henry, 1847 Janet, 1461 Julia Ann, 1847 JuHa Cooper, 3039 Kate, 45 Katherine Hood, 3039 Margaret, 3434 Margaretta, 1738 Mary Blanchard, 3029 Mary Willard, 45 Samuel, 3039 Weltha, 45 McCoskry, Alison, iogi-2 Alison Nisbet, logi-s Charles Nisbet, 1092 Eliza L., 1092 Elvira, 1092 Mary, 1093 Ruth, 1092 Samuel, logi Samuel Allen, 1092 William, 1093 McCoy, Agnes, 389 Claude, 3503 Elizabeth, ig6i George, 34sg Jacob, 3ogs Mabel Lillian, 34sg, 2503 Rachel, 3ogs Robert George, 3503 Winnie, 2503 McCracken, McCrackin, Ann, 2145 Daniel, I3g3 Elizabeth, 1651 John, i3g3 Lydia Jane, I3g3 2698 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. McCracken, cont'd, Maggie, 1844 Rachel Ann, 1651 Samuel, 1651 Sarah Amelia, 1393 McCrackin, see McCracken. McCrary, Siletta, 209g William, 3ogg McCrea, mr., 1041 Abigail, 1334 Amira Bacon, 1373 Hugh, 1373 James, 1041 Jane, 1041 John, 1334 Mary, 1334 Myra, 1373 Sarah Elizabeth, 1373 Williara Alexander, 1373 McCreery, Maria, 1334 McCriUis, McCrillus, Aaron Bailey, 1137 Addie EHza, 1878 Allie, 1878 Amy Amelia, 1130 Ann Jeannette, 1139 Anna Sarah, 1127 Bertha, 1275 Brigham, 1274 Brigham Lovell, 1877 Burton, 1275 Caroline Haxton, 1129 Catherine Anna Ruth, 1275 Celia, 1877 Charles, 1127 Charies CarroU, 1130 Charles Eugene, 1878 Cora Ann, 1374 Daniel Hovey, 1878 Delia Elizabeth, 1139 Donna Amelia, 1130 Dora LueUa, 1375 Dorcas, 1137 Electa, 1877 Elizabeth EUen, 1137 Emery Cleveland, 1130 Emily, 1137, 1273, 1275 Emma Jane, 1S78 Erastus, 1127 Erastus Cleveland, 1130 Etta Anna, 1878 Etta Lizzie, 1127 Eunice, 525, 1127 Flora Amelia, 1129 Florence, 1274 Francis, 1274 Frank DeviUo, 1878 Frederic, Frederick, 1127, 1275 Harriet, 3274 Helen, 1127 Henrietta Elizabeth, 1127 Ida May, 1273 Jessie Myrtle, 1273 Joel Sanderson, 1275 Joseph Warren, 1275 Julia Jane, ii2g Laura Jane, 1878 Lovell, 1877 Lovell Milan, 1273 Lovisa, 1274 Lulu Louisa, 1275 Margaret, 1137 Martin Van Buren, 1273, 127s Mary Abigail, ii2g Mary Ellen, 1130 Maud Olivia, 1130 Milo, 1275 Milo Lowell, 1273 Myrta May, 1275 Orvie, 1274 Phebe Elizabeth, 1128 Rachel, 1374 Rebecca, 1374 Robert, 1274 SaUy Ann, 1129 Samuel Brown, 1127 Samuel Frank, 1130 McCrilHs, cont'd, Samuel Hovey, 1274 Sarah, 525, 1127 Sarah Ann, 1129 Sarah Bailey, 1129 Sarah Jane, 1833 Selden, 1274 Sylvanus Farris, 1127 WilHam, 525, 1127 William Clayton, 1129 WUHam Cleveland, 1129 WUHam Daniel, 1878 William Deville, 1878 William Erastus, 1130 Willie Manly, 1275 McCrillus, see McCriUis. MacCriosdora, see Christian. McCullom, miss, 1541 Ann, 1345 Caroline, 134S Joseph, 1345 Lucy, 1541 Stephen, 1541 McCuUough, J., logo McCuUy, Agnes Adelaide, 2255 Clarence Watts, 2255 McCune, see Cune. McCurdy, Harriet Elizabeth, 1642 Mary, 1642 Mary Elizabeth, 2032 WUHam, 1642 McCutchan, George, 1432 Jane, 1432 McCutcheon, E. J., 1633 Elizabeth' Erickson, 1633 McDaniel, see McDaniels. McDaniels, McDaniel, Caledonia, 2126 Frances, 1413 Granville Winfield, 2126 Hugh, 2126 Jesse, 1859 Linda Minna, 1858-9 Mary Tabitha, 2126 McDavy, Abbie, 1542 Almeda, 1541 Alvira, 1541 Bianna, 1541 Henry, 1541 Margaret, 1541 Polly, 1541 Sabrina CampbeU, 1541 McDermid, Angus, 229g Donald Angus, 22gg Janet, 22gg Katherine, 33gg Rose Josephine, 2299 McDewitt, Susan Jane, ig28 McDonal, see McDonald. MacDonald, king Malcolm I., 266 MacDonald, Macdonald, see McDonald. McDonald, McDdnal, Mac Donald, Macdonald, Mc Donnell, , 1760 king, 266 mr., rars., 2113 Anne, 2112 Annie, 56g Bedney Franklin, 2112 Boadicea, 728 C. Perry, 2032 Catharine, Catherine, iggo Charles, 2112-13 Charles Jaraes, 2112 Daniel, 56g Elijah, 728 Elizabeth, gi3, 1508 Ella C, 2112 Ellen, 569 Fidelia, 586 Frances Ann, 1068 Ida Elizabeth, 1194 Isabella, 1054 J-. 2333 Jane, 1194 Jessie Fremont, 2032 Juliann, 2214 Kate, 913 McDonald, cont'd, Katherine EHza, 2112 Laurel Elmer, 1194 king Malcolm L, 266 Malcolm S., iig4 Margaret, 1087 Maria, 1054 Martha, 738 Mary, 2112-13, 2121 Mary Anne", 2172 Mary Elizabeth, 2032 N^ncy Ann, 2093 Orison, 586 Rose Anna, 2052 Sabrina, 96S Thomas, gi3 Tina Belle, 984 WilHam, iig4 see also Donald. McDonnell, see McDonald. McDougal, McDougald, see McDougall. McDougall, McDougal, Mc Dougald, Agnes, 1040 Alexander, 1040, 3378 Amanda Farber, 468 Anna, 38g Annie, 1040 Annie Hill, ig78 Archie, 1040 Eleanor, 1040 Erama, 1040 Jane Maxwell Campbell, 1742 Jeraima, 468 Jessie, 1040 John, 1040, 1644 Kate, 1644 Margaret, 1040 Marion, 1040 Mary, 1040, 1644 Miriam, 1426 Nancy, 388 Robert, 468, 1040 McDowell, Angus, gs Ephraim, ig85 James, ig85 Jane, 1985 Margaret, 535^ 1985 Mercy, 95 McDuff, McDuffe, McDuf- fee, Caroline, 929 Duncan, 1800 Hannah, 1962- Shaw, 1800 McDuffe, McDuffee, see Mc Duff. Mace, Clarissa, 197S Henry Sanford, 1978 Hiram, ig78 McEachron, Minerva, 1484 McEaslin, CarsHn, Emily, 1277 Macelhany, McElhinney, George Washington, 2312 Hannah, 574 Sarah Jane, 2212 Susan Jane, 2212 McElhinney, see Macelhany. McElrath, Thomas, 1549 McElroy, Ann Maria, 1869 Eliza Jane, 1869 Elvira Ann, 1953 Hannah, 1705 Joseph Robert, 1869 Martha H., 1705 Mary, 1705 Robert, 1869 William, 1705, 1869 William Henry, 1869 McElvaine, Ambrey Day, 1253 McEwen, Abbie, 885 Abbie Cleaveland, 885 Abel, 885 AHce Maud, 885 Archibald, 999 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2699 McEwen, cont'd, Harriet Whiting, 885 Margaret, ggg Robert, 885 Sarah, 885 William BatteUe, 885 William Cleaveland, 885 McFadden, Dorcas, 1870 Hannah, 413 Jane, 413 Martha, 1368 Thomas, 413 McFall, Sarah, 1387 McFarlan, see McFarland. McFarland, McFarlan, Alice, ig84 Almira, i8gg Asa, 1561 Charlotte Temple, ggi Edwin, n3g Elizabeth, 6g7 George, ii3g Harry, ig84 Hepzibah, 3Sg Ida, n3g Isabella, 6g7 James H., 1561 John, ii3g John Richard, 1984 Lucy, 1561 Lucy Clifford, 1984 Marion Louise, 1984 Mary, 1139 Mary Cady, 1984 Parian, 697 Permelia Alice, 1365 Sophia, ig84 Thomas, 35g Williara, 1265 McFinnen, Florence, io6g McFitz, Serina, g47 McFoght, captain, 2330 McFraquhar, McFraquher, BeUa, 2018 Duncan, 2018 Margaret, 2018 McFraquher, see McFraqu har. McGaUiard, Ann Jemima, 1442-3 Mathilda Amy, 1442 WilHam, 1443-3 McGarity, Gardner, 2155 Harriet, 2155 Sarah, 3155 McGarrell, Fannie Mitchell, 2205 Joseph, 3305 McGath, Clinton Percey, 1637 Elias, 1637 Emmet Ruth, 1637 Ida EsteUe, 1637 Jessie Winifred, 1637 John Henry Washburn, 1637 Robert Mitchell, 1637 RoseUa Amanda, 1637 Sarah, 1637 Sarah Lizzie, 1637 McGee, see Magee. McGeehan, Charles, 1650 Esther, 1650 Frances Maria, 1651 McGhee, see Magee. McGibbon, Duncan, 1055 Eliza, loss Jane, 1055 Jennie, 1055 McGill, mrs., g3i James, 1633 John, 1632 Margaret, 1632 Samuel, g2i Sarah Jane, 1632 ^ MacGillachriosd, see Chris tian." McGinnis, Margaret, iggo McGirk, Marie Louise, 3048 Martha Columbia, 2048 Zachary Taylor, 2048 McGormly, George, 1186 James Orley, 1186 Jane, n86 Nettie, 1186 McGouskey, Mary Elizabeth, 1802 McGovern, Eleanor, 1533 Francis, 1523 Mary Jane, 1523 McGrath, Nancy, 1735 McGregor, Alexander, 1797 Helen, 1797 Mary, 1797 Mary Ann, 1581 McGuffey, Henrietta^ 1777 McGuire, Alice Laviliia, 1302 John, 1302 McHeffy, George, i03g Jane, i03g Jessie Isabell Cleaveland 1039 Katherine Elizabeth, 10^0 Mary, io3g ' "^^ Richard A., i03g Machell, Emm., 467 McHenry, Clotilde, 2136 George Richard, 2136 Jane Winter, 2136 Josiah W., 2136 Mcllvane, Maria, 1803 Mclnnis, Ella Blanche, 56^ Emma Belle, 563 Frederick Byron, 563 IsabeUa, 563 James Alexander, 562 James WiUiam Herbert, 56^ Maria, 562 ^ "^ WilHam, 563 Macintosh, see Mcintosh. Mcintosh, Macintosh, Mackintosh, branch, 1800 clan, 1800 col., 2218 ensign, 2318 lady of, 3218 laird of, 2218 Agnes, 885 Alexander, 1800, 22ig Anne, 224g Caroline, 568 Carrie Alice, 1843 Evelyn Spalding, 1800 James McCoy, 1800 John, 568, 23i8-ig John More, 1800 Lachian, 1800 Lydia, 1800 Maria J., 1800 Marion Frances, 1843 Mary Jane, 1503 Sarah, 3318-19, 2349 Walter Howard, 1843 WilHam, 1800 Mclntyre, see Mackentire. Mcjimsey, Euphemia, 1763 Mack, Catherine, igis Clara Lyman, 1813-14 Demaris, igis Frank, 3005 Georgiana, 2005 Joel, 763 Olandder, igis Phila AngeHne, 2005 Sanford, 2005 McKay, Alice, 2147 Ann, 827 Emily Parkhurst, 827 William, 827 McKean, see McKeen. McKee, Fanny Lyman, 2430 McKeen, McKean, Andrew Jackson, 1898 Ervin Andrews, 1898 Erwin Platt, 1898 Jane AmeHa, 1898 Lucy Ann, 1898 Martha, 1416 McKeen, cont'd, Minnie Louise, i8g8 Norma Imogene, i8g8 Peirce Urbana, i8g8 McKeever, mr., 240 Ann, 23g-40 Mackellet, Laura, 2204 McKelney, Catherine Jane, 1275 Mackeneth, Malcolm IL, 266, 1108, 2203 McKenney, McKenny, Ann, iiSg Jane, 416 Jonathan, 1599 Lucinda Page, isgg Lucy, g56 Mary, 1599 McKenny, see McKenney. Mackentire, Mclntyre, mr., 1580 Abigail, 2429 Agijes, 389 Alpheus, 578-g Caleb, 2439 David, 1186 Elizabeth Spaulding, 1363 Johnson Colby, 1263 Julia, 1341 Julia Rann, 3149 Lawrence, 2149 Lois Elizabeth, 1263 Lucretia, 1476 Martha, 1263 Mary, 1187, 1848 Mary Frances, 1325 Rhoda, 1579-80 Sarah, 578 Timothy, 1263 Mackenzie, see McKenzie. McKenzie, Mackenzie, Mc Kinzie, miss, 308 mr., 308, 2i2g mrs., 475 Amanda, 1282 Anna, 284 Catherine, 308 Charles, 1346 Clarissa Elizabeth, 1346 Cynthia Althea, 1043 Edith, 2i2g Edward, 308 Eleanor Erfiogene, 1833 Emaretta Adell, 1833 Eunice Experience, 1833 Florence, 2i7g Francis Edward, 2i7g George, 2204 Georgia Anna, i3go James, 284 Jane, i3go John, 308 John James, 1833 John Milton, 1833 John Murdock, 474 Julia Juanna, 1833 Lucy, 474 Margaret, 1040, 2i7g Marion, 475 Mary, 474-S Mary May, 1833 Maryanne, 814 Norma Alice, 1346 Perry, 1346 Phebe Janette, 1833 Rachel, 1346 Thomas, 1390 Williara, 1043 McKerricher, Jennie, 1055 Mackey, Bridget, 580 Jeremiah, 1052 Jerry, 1052 Williara, 3331 Zipporah, 3331 McKibben, McKibbin, Elizabeth Sarah, 1115 Jane S., 1115 Sarah, 1367 William Scott, 1115 2700 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. McKibbin, see McKibben. McKie, Elizabeth, iiiz Jessie, mg Robert, nig McKilHp, Sarah, 767 Mackin, Mary Elizabeth, 1738 McKinley, Frances, 301 1 Margaret, 78g Sarah, ig36 McKinne, see McKinney. McKinney, McKinne, Avery Clyde, 887 Benjamin C, g53 Charles Cleaveland, 887 Charlotte Ethel, 887 Diadamia, gS3 Helen, 3006 Idela Alma, 887 Jennie Elizabeth, 24g7 John, 887, 2Qo6 John ElHott, 887 Joseph, 1411 Lena Almira, 887 Mary, 1618 Nancy Almira, 887 Rebekah Jane, 887 Samuel, 887 see also Kinne. McKinstry, Elizabeth, 1585 Mackintosh, see Mcintosh. McKinzie, see McKenzie. McKlennin, Margaret, 2426 Macklin, Lydia, 2272 Mary, 2272 Peter, 2272 McKnight, Abigail, 547, 1160 Lucy, 1341 Mary, 1005 Susan, 565, 1177 McKolegan, miss or mrs., 1115 McLachlan, captain, 1152 clan, 1152 highland clan, 1152 Juliana, 1152 Michael, 1152 McLaflin, Belinda, 1223 WilHam, 1223 McLane, Alice Elizabeth, 1178 Beulah, 2178 Charles Pond, 2178 Colin, 1178 Cynthia Ann, 2178 James F., 2178 James H., 2178 Lizzie, 1178 Thomas, 1178 McLaren, , highland family, 1422 Annie, 1431-3 Duncan, 1433 McLatchy, Bessie Fraser, 1746b Blanche King, 1746b Charles Robie, 1746b Charlotte, 1746a Edward, 1746a Elizabeth Cleary, 1746a Ida May, 1746b Katie Allison, 1746b Maude Harris, 1746b Robie, 1746a McLaughlin, Hugh, 83g Mary, 83g Winifred, 3007 McLav. Agnes, 813 Charles R., 813 Donald, 813 Ernest, 813 Lena, 813 Roderick, 813 Sarah Rosaltha, 813 McLean, see MacLean. MacLean, McLean, branch Kingerloch, 337g clan, 1153, 2279 Allen, 39g Almira, 771 David, 771 Francis, 771 George, 771 Helen, 227g James, 227g John, 227g John P., 227g Margaret, 1122, 2268, 227g Mary, 400 Nancy, 3gg Rachel, 227g Ruth Ann, 771 William, 227g McLeUan, Abby Salisbury, 1102 Adah TKnight, 1171 Charies Cleveland, 1102 D., 1171 Edward, 1102 Grace Josephine, 1102 Henry Blake, 1810 Isaac, 1102 Josephine Maria, 1102 Julia Louisa, 1810 Malcolm Sawyer Bragdon, 1810 Marguerita Bragdon, 1810 Mary, 1102 Mary Elizabeth, 1102 Phebe, 575 Rebecca Salisbury, 1 102 William Eaton, 1102 McLendon, Edna, 2152 Johnathan, 2152 McLoskey, Catherine Elizabeth, i2g5 Frances Evelyn, i2g5 Harriet, i2gs James Edmund, i2g5 Zopher Tidd, 1295 MaCloud, see MacCloud. McLoud, Eleanor Jane, 1440 JuHa Elvira, 1440 Nathan, 1440 McMahan, see McMahon. McMahon, McMahan, Louisa, 1642 Rebecca, 514 Sarah, 514, 1310 William, 514 McMichael, McMichel, miss, 3II0 Elizabeth, 356 Euphemia, 356, 1196 Jackson, siog Mary, sgo Philip, sgo Pollie, 3iog Williara, 356 McMichel, see McMichael. McMickin, Sarah Ann, 3137 McMillan, see McMillen. McMillen, McMillan, Esther, 3004 Mary A., i6g2 Nora Jane, 1218 Ruth Ann, 1218 Thomas, 1218 McMinn, mr., 1408 Clarissa Rosannah, 1408 McMorrier, mr., 281 Lucy, 381 McMulen, McMuUan, Mc Mullen, see McMuUin. McMuUin, McMulen, Mc MuUan, McMuUen, mr., 2156 Edith, 1515 Elizabeth, 2212 Fidelia, 1710 Harriet Ellen, 2212 J. Ross, 1515 James Gorbet, 1515 Jaraes Haly, 2212 McMuUin, cont'd, Joseph, 1710 Mary Ellen, 1515 Patrick, 2212 Rose, 1516 Sarah Elizabeth, 2156 Thomas Leroy, 2213 McMurphy, Benjamin, 875 Elizabeth, 875 Henry, 875 Lizzie, 875 Mary Jane, 875 WiUie, 87s McMurray, McMurry, Abbie, 1362 David, 1362 Fannie, 1362 Mary, 1362, 1843 Orpha Mari^, 1362 Robert, 1362 McMurry, see McMurray. McNabb, Alexander, 2128 Alie Jones, 2186 Alpha Emmeline, 2186 Arthur Roscoe, 2128 Cleveland Alexander, 2128 Daisy May, 2128 Eliza Ann, 3138, 3186 Eliza Matilda, 3138 Fanny Emmeline, 3128 Hannibal Henderson, 2186 Harriet Lillie, 2128 Ida Belle, 3186 John Chester, 3186 Lillie Maud, 3186 Louisa Earl, 2128 Lula May, 2186 Robert Lusk, 2128, 2186 Robert Mathus, 2128 McNama, Jennie M., 1706 Jennie May, 1706 Mary, 1706 WiUiam, 1706 WiUiam D., 1706 McNaughton, rrirs., 758 Benjamin, 75g Daniel, 758-g Elizabeth, 75g Findlay, 758 Finley, 759 Hannah, 758-9 Helen, 758 Margaret, 758-9 Martha, 758 Nancy, 1485 Sarah, 758, i486 McNayr, Matilda, 2476 McNeal, McNeel, McNeU, see McNeill. McNeiU, McNeal, McNeel, McNeil, miss, 2200 Caroline, 2221 Eleanor, 566 Eliza Jane, 811 Elizabeth, 697 Eraraa, 566 Fanny, 3059 Jane, 1390 John, 3059 McNelly, Abigail, 738 Crafford, 728 Daniel, 728 Sarah, 728 McNulta, see McNulty. McNulty, McNulta, Charles, 3300 John, 3470 Mary Beatrice, 3300 Theresa, 3399 McNutt, Anne, 3171 Harriet Ann, 798 Thomas, 798 Macomber, Macumber, Amy, 1133 Anna, 1476 Archie, 1133 Clinton, 1310 Egbert, 1476 George, 1133 Hannah, g6g Jennv, 1133 Martha Elizabeth, 1310 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2701 "Macomber, cont'd, Mary Artemisa, 1476 Mary Harriet, 1133 Norman Isaac, 1133 Sophronia, 358 Sophronia Littlefield, 1547 Zebedee, 1476 McPheadres, Catharine, 731 McPheeters, Alfred, 3ogo Amanda, 2ogo Andrew, 2ogo Andrew Scott, 2088, 2090 Anna, 2088, 2090 Axis, 2090 Azariah, 2090 Jane, 2090 Jennie, 2090 Malinda, 2090 McPherson, McPhirsen, mrs., 1675 Agnes, 1769 Almira Malissa, 1675 Charles Edward, 1769 Cortentice Jennie, 1675 Donald, 315 Elizabeth, 1673 Elizabeth Brown, i76g Frederick, 1673 George Edward, 1768 Hiram, 1675 James Alva, 1675 Jennet, i76g John, i76g Letitia, 315 Lucy Maynard, 1768 Mary, 1637, i76g Reynolds, 1769 RobVrt, 1769 Roberf Reynolds, 1769 Sarah Anne, 1704 Susan Caroline, 1675 Sylvanus Cleveland, 1675 William, 1704, 1769 William Webster, 1675 McPhirsen, see McPherson. McQuarig, see McConaig. McQuarrie, clan, 389 Isabell, g70 Mary, 38g McReynolds, Frances Bennett, 1760 McStrachn, see Strong. McSweeney, McSwiney, Honora, 1068 Marganne, 1068 Mary, 1068 Owen, 1068 McSwiney, see McSweeney. Macumber, see Macomber. McVea, Macveigh, Daniel, 924 Isabella, 425 Maria, 924 Macveigh, see McVea. McWarin, Lucretia', 3476 McWethey, Amos, 1886 Andrew Johnson, 1886 Elizabeth, 1886 Frances Ann, 1886 Mary Elizabeth, 1886 McWhillen, rar., mrs., 255 McWhirter, Margaret McNair, 1180 Robeana, 1180 Robert, 1180 McWilliams, Eli, 2074 Elizabeth, 2074 Jane C, 2074 John, 2074 Oliver, 2074 Oliver Cleveland, 2074 Macy, Edward, 430 Eunice, 430 Harriet Ann, 430 Henrietta, 430 Mary, 428 Sylvanus Jenkins, 429 Thomas HaUett, 430 Madden, Margaret, 1233 Maddox, Edna Eari, 1908 John Carr, igo8 John Plenry, 1908 Nora Elizabeth, 1908 , Ruby Lee, 1908 Sallie Hellen, 1908 Sarah, 1908 William Winn, 1908 Madison, Sarah Annie, 1671 Madoc, prince, 3415 Magagnos, Josephine, 3467-8 Jules Antoine, 2467-8 Rosalie Abbie, 2467 Magee, McGee, McGhee, Maghee, Megee, miss, mr., 2103 Ann, 2113 Benjarain FrankHn, 2162 Elizabeth, 3171 Emma Susan, 3163 F. C, .3103 Frances, 3103 Frances Louisa, 2162 Frances Talitha, 2162 George Burton, 2162 Ida, 2162 James, 2162 James Albert, 2163 James Monroe, 3163 Jane Cornell, 3163 Jennie, 2163 Lela, 2163 Lula Jarvis, 2163 Mamie, 2162 Margaret Hannah, 2160 Martha Elizabeth, 2162 Martha Matilda, 2166 Maria Josephine, 2162 Mary, 1350, 2162 Mary Ann Amanda, 2162 Mary Theodosia, 21^2 Myrtle, 2162 Nathaniel Agnew, 2162 Robert Edward, 2163 Rosaltha Ida, 2163 Sena, Senie, 2162 Washington Decatur, 2163 William FrankHn, 2163 Maghee, see Magee. Magnificent, king Eadmund I., Edmund L, the, 266 Magnus, Hugh, 2175-6 Magoon, see Magoun. Magoun, Magoon, Emerson, 2006 Lucy Ann, 2006 Lucy Coit, 1093 Martha Bradshaw, 1582 Mary, 1583 Stephen L., 1093 Susan P., 1583 Sylvia, 2006 Thatcher, 1582 Maguire, Sophy, 1240 Magurk, Mary, 1422 Mahana, Charles Henry, 1932 Helen Adelaide, 1932 Mary Ann, 1932 Thomas, 1932 Maharg, doctor, 680 Rebecca, 680 Samuel, 680 Mahon, Archibald, 1306 Florence Matilda, 1306 Mahala, 1306 Mahoney, Susan, 970 Maies, see May. Maillard, Anne, 1775 Michel, 1775 Mainard, see Maynard, Mainarde, 1615 Maine, Edwin, 788 Elvira, 1228 Mary, 788 Maineer, Sarah Ann, iigi Mainwaring, see Manwaring. Majors, Julia, 1441 Makepeace, Ann, g6 Elizabeth, 96 Lydia, 651 Mary, 96 Seth, 651 Thomas, 96 WiUiam, g6 Makin, see Meakins. Malbone, Betsey, 1136 Malcolm I., Mac Donald, 266 Malcolm II. , Mackeneth, 266, I 108, 3303 Malcolm IIL, Malcomb Caenmohr, Malcomb Canmore, 366 Malcolmson, Charles Tousley, 32g8 Grace Loretta, 2398 Harry Chalmers, 3398 Hugh, 2298 Jessie, 2298 Jessie Ross, 2398 -Loretta Victoria, 2298 MaU, HippoHte, 1778 Josephine, 1777 Malinx, Jesse, 1521 Paraelia, 1521 Sophia Marandia, 1521 Mallard, Abraham, 333 Ann, 473-4 SaUy, 333 Mallary, see Mallery. Mallery, MaUary, MaUory, lady, 1809 miss, 1630 Abigail, 549 Ann M., 1141 Benjamin L., 550 Catherine, 550 Charles, 1353 Clark E., 1163 DeU, 1141 EUzabeth, 550 Fannie, 550 Frances, 1141 Frank, 1141 George Henry, 550 Harriet E., 1163 Hattie E., 1162 Irene, 1141 Isaiah, 549 James Birdsall, 550 John , 1809 Earned, 1 141 Leanna, 550 Lewis Hamilton, 549 Lorenzo Archibald, 550 Louise O., 550 Mabel, 1434 Maria, 750 MarshaU H. & Co., 1016 Mary A., 550 Mary Ann, 1313 Mary Caroline, 1353 Matthew, 549 Matthew G., 550 PpUy, 539 Sally, 54g, 1141, 1334 Sally Ann, 550 Sarah, 1141 Sarah O., 550 Stephen Bennett, 1162 Susan L., 550 William A., 1141 ^ WilHam H., 550 William Orrison, 550 Mallon, Bartholomew, 1422 Bernard, 1422 Frances Emeret, 1422 Mary, 1422 Mallory, see Mallery. Malloy , Frances, 1 141 Malo-lacu, see Mauley. Malone, Betsey, 413 George M., 2311 Grover Cleveland, 2311 James WilHam, 2311 Jane Maud, 2311 Mary, 331 1 Maltby, John, 914 Mary, 914 2702 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Maltby, cont'd, Susannah, 914 WUliam, 914 Malthouse, John, gio Margaret, gio Maltravers, baron, 365 Eleanor, 265 John, 265 Mamanatowick, king, 2336 Mampin, Mark, 2074 Man, see Mann. Manchester, Alfred Washington, 1441 Ann, 704 Cordelia Maria, 1441 Sarah, 1315 Sophronia, 423 Mandell, Mary, 2313 Moses, 3313 Sarah, ig73 Mangan, r)eborah Ellen, 1857 Dorcas Esther, 1856 Mary Margaret, 1857 Matilda Jane, 1857 Richard, 1856 Thomas Eugene, 1856 Manley, see Manly. Manly, Manley, mr., 973 Almira, 15S8 Elizabeth Peckham, 1588 George Washington, i960 Harmon, 1588 Laura Eliza, i960 Laura Pease, i960 Lucy Cleveland, 972 Martha A., iggs Mary Ann, 1383 Mary Renine, nio Myron George, i960 Robert Cleveland, ig6o Mann, Man, Abbie Louise, 1883 Abigail, 543, 603, 1259, 1883 Affra, 544 Alice, 1883 Charles, 544 Daniel, 432 David, 543-4 Dorothy, 544 Eleanor, S44 Ensign, 1883 Esther, 544 Frances, 544 Francis Norton, 1931 George Sumner, 544 Hannah, 544, 858 Harvey, 422 Henry, 422 Horatio, 1883 Jacob, 544 James, 544 Jennie DeU, 1883 John, 544 Louise AHce, 1883 Lydia, 1883 Mary, 544 Mary Ann, 423 Mary Emeline, 1931 Nathan, 3438 Rebecca, 1883, 3438 Richard, 1883 Samuel, 544, 858, 3488 Sarah, 543-4> 1883 Sarah Albertha, 1931 Susan, 824 Tabitha, 1883 Thomas, 544, 1883, 2488 William, 544, 1883, 2488 Zipporah, 858 Mannering, see Manwaring. Manning, Abby Pickard, 864 Alice, 1603 Angeline T., 1113 Anstice, Anstis, 359, 502 Battery, 74 Charles H., 1113 Cleveland Pratt, 1113 Elias, 1853 Eliza, 74 Elizabeth, 359, 555, 864, 866 Emily Lauretta, 206 Eunice Olevia, 555 Manning, cont'd, Hugh, 555 John, 3S8-9- 555 Joseph, 359, SS5. 864, 866 Joseph Cogswell, 1113 Joseph F., 206 Leonard Jarvis, 1113 Lucy, 358-9, 513, 1113 Lucy Ann, 1294 Luther, 735 Mary, 359 Mary Woods, 513, 1113 Nancy, 555 Olive, 734-5 Philena, 1524 Rebecca Parkman Jarvis, 1113 Richard, 3Sg, 502 Samuel, 513, 1113 Sarah, 502, 1853 Susan, 1853 Thomas, 3Sg Manser, Betsey Brown, 212 Eben Brown, 313 Ebenezer, 212 Elizabeth, 57, 212 George Washington, 213 Hephzibah, 212 John, 57, 58, 102, 212 Mary, 57 Mary Ann, 213 Nancy, 312 Polly, 212 Robert, 212 Samuel, 312 Sarah, 102 Sarah B., 472 Seth, 103, 212 Thomas, 313 William, 103, 312 Mansfield, Abbie, Abby, 64g Alexander, 430 Elizabeth, 478 George, 64g Harriet, 430 John, 478 Katie,' 3217 Lyman, 430 Mary, 43g, 1889 Susan, 430 Manter, Angeline, 973 Benjamin, 960 Cyrus, 975 David, 1554, 3496 Eliza Chace, g6o Granville, g7S Hannah, 4ig Henry, g75 Keziah, 1554 Mary, 1554, 1722, 24g6 Stillman, g72 Susan Luce, g73 Thankful, g73 Whitten, g73 Manton, miss, 528 John, 538 Mantz, Elizabeth Perrine, 533 Peter, 533 Manvers, see de Manvers. Manwaring, Mainwaring, Mannering, Elizabeth, 383, 1386 Hannah, 383, 1386 Love, 383 OHver, 383, 1386 Randle, 383 Ranulphus, 383 WUliara, 383 Many, Fanny, isgo Mapes, Catharine, 1183 John, 1183 Jonathan, 1183 Joseph, 1183 Melissa, 1183 Thomas, 1183 Maples, mr., 481 Emeline, 481 Mapp, Lucretia, 2211 MaranviUe, De MaranviUe, Abel, 1302 Christie, 727 Delia, 727 Flora Jane, 1202 Florella C, 1202 Laura Ann, 727 Lewis D., 727 Louis, 727 Lucinda, 727 Lydia, 737 Oliver, 727 Pamelia, 727 MaranvUle, cont'd, PoUy Eveline, 1202 R. Emmett, 1202 Robert, 1202 Sabria, 737 Stephen, 727 Susan, 727 Marble, Alexa Ann, 1307 Ann Amelia, 1307 Anna, 687 Caroline, i2ig Catherine Bingama, i2ig Ella, i6g6 John, 1307 Lucy Ann, g86 Mary Ann, 818 Nancy, 1223 Solomon, i2ig Thoraas, 687 Marbury, Agnes, 4go, 4g3 Ann, 4go, iggg Anne, 490 Bridget, 490 Catharine, 493 Francis, 490 , William, 490, 493 Marcellus, Charles, 1476 Margaret, 1476 March, Marche, earl, 36S' Alice, lady, 365 George, S63, 1793 Hugh, 863 Judith, 863 Lewis B., 3500 Margaret, 3500 Marietta, 2500 Mary, 1792 Marchant, see Merchant. Marche, see March. Marches, Tribe of the, 1108 Marchudd-ap-Cynan, lord, 2415 Marcum, see Markham. Marcy, Ann Lucy, 1448 Asahel, 1251 Augustus, 1260 Charles GUbert, 1448 Ellen Louisa, 1448 Emma Frances, 1448 Eugene Francis, 1448 Mary Eliza, 1251 Olivia Capron, 1260 Persis, 1251 Phebe M., 1448 Jphn J., 1448 Julia Etta, 144S SaUy Williams, 1260 William Henry, 1448 Mareschall, see Marshall. Maret, mrs., 2163 George Harrison, 2163 Ida, 3163 Joseph Franklin, 3163 Martha Louisa, 2163 Nancy Jane, 2163 Robert Monroe, 2163 Sallie, 2163 SaUie E., 2163 Wiley, 2163 Wiley J., 2163 William Isem, 2163 Margaret, lady, 1068 Margaret, queen, 266 Margraff, Anthony William, 1522 Arthur Ormsby, 1522 Charles Henry, 1522 Harold Ginthir, 1522 Margaret Maredith, 1522 Sophia, 1522 Marinor, Marrinor, Ada, 1692 Erama L., 1886 George, 1886 Marion, Lydia, 1752 Maris, Ann, 3045 Markell, Caroline R., 1334 George, 1225 Marker, Isabella, 2012 Lucinda Lura, 2012, 2377, 2398 -INDEX OF PERSONS. 2703 Marker, cont'd, Mayberry Gohean, 2012 Otto May, 2013 Paul, 3013 Markham, Marcum, Anna, i5og Cordelia, 1135 Rachel, 3308 Markley, Rachel, 1354-5 Marks, Albert, 1367 Alanson^ 1367 Amira Maria, 1373 Amy, 1367, 1372 Dennis, 1372 Francesca Victoria, 1373 Jane Ann, 1373 Mary Cynthia, 1^67 Myra, 1373 Nettie, 1373 Theda, 1367 Theodotia, 1367 Viette Volina, 1367 William Dennis, 1373, 23gS Zechariah, 1367, 1372 Marpe, Caroline Harriet, g87 Caroline Jane, 1725 Clemor Adolph C., 987 Harriet Loretta, 1725 Harriet Newell, 987 Lajos Akos, 987 Mary, 987 Mary Loretta, 1725 Theodore Henry, 1725 Marquand, EHza Coffin, 1057 Elizabeth, 1057, 1755 John PhiUips, 1755 Joseph, 1056-7, 1068, 1755 Laura Margaret, 1755 Laura Wheelwright, 1755 Margaret, 1755 Margaret Curzon, 2033 Margaret Searle, 1755 Mary, 1057, 1755 PhUip, 1755 Rebecca, 1056-7, 1068 Russell, 1255 Susan Coffin, 1057, 1068 Susanna Coffin, 1057, 1068 Marr, Jennie, 1905 Thomas, igos Marrett, Sarah, 2431 Marrinor, see Marinor. Marriott, Mary Harriott, >T 1946 Mars, see Morse. Marschalk, Anneke, i8og Elizabeth, i8og Francis, 1809 Marsden, Priscilla Grace, 570 WiUiam H., 570 Marsh, miss or mrs., 630 Abigail, 1538 Agnes, 270 Almon Rickard,, 1426 Amos, 1538 Ann, 2429 Anne, 370 Augusta Hawley, 2271 Carrie Burget, i8gi Carrie Cleveland, i8gi Catharine, g74 Charles, 1436 Charles Summers, 1326 Charlotte, 781, 1426 Damaris, 781 Donna Caroline, 1426 Donna Maria, 1426 Dorcas, 1930 Electa, 1305 Elias, 1326 EHza, 2008 Elizabeth, 781 EUa, 1326 Enos, 2271 Ephraim, 269-70 Fanny, 290 Frederick Cleveland, i8gi Hannah, 1741-2 Hiram, 476 John, 270, g44, 1742 Marsh, cont'd, Jonathan, 781, 1930 Jonathan Edwards, 1326 Jonathan P., 781 Joseph, 270 Julia Ann, 1336 Laura, 1538 Lucina, 476 Margaret, 310 Martha, 3429 Mary, 270, 532, 943-4, 1930, 3039 Mary A., 3008 Mehitabel, 1258 Myra, 1336 Nancy, 2483 Otis, 290 Peleg, 2go Phebe, 2go Rachel, 1133, 1326 Samuel, 270, 3go Sarah, 36g-7o, 1742 Susanna, 710, g44 Temperance, 781 Thomas, 269-70 William, 2008 Winnifred, ^gi Zachary, g44 Marshal, see Marshall. Marshall, MareschaU, Marshal, family, 2040 Abiah, 232 Abiel, 332 Aggie S., 1174 Almira Maria, i4g7 Anna, 196 Anne Elizabeth, 3317 Calvin, 1174 Caroline, 1039 Charlotte, 1434 Delarmo L., 1475 Edith Robertson, 1971 Eliza Clopton, 3317 Elizabeth, 489, 1371 EUathan, 1971 Elmer Lawrence, 1498 Emily, 1933 Emma Cecilia, 1971 Fannie M., 1855 Flora Eva, 1475 George Clinton, ig7i George Francis, 1475 Gilbert, baron, 365 Greenleaf, ig6, 429 Hattie Maria, 1611 Herman Prince, 1174 Hugh, 1497 Ichabod, 1434 Isabel, 265-6 J. Osberts, 1174 James, 1971 John, 26s, 1371, 1475 Kittie, 3316 Lizzie Tabor, 1371 Lucy, 1174 Luella Rosaletta, 1475 Lydia, 196, 884, 1434 Mabel, 1434 Margaret, 1380, 1497 Mary, 418, 884, 1517, 1971, 2217 Mattie, 2og3 Maud, 265 May, 1475 May BeUa, 1475 Nancy, 1940 Nellie, 1475 Phebe, 429 Robert Ferguson, 1498 Rollin, 1434 Ruth, 1475, 1971 S. S., i6n Samuel, 884, 2217 Samuel Steen, 2217 Sarah, 227, 232, 418, 487, 1094, 1131-2, 1979 Sarah Eloise, 1475 Sarah Hannah, 1475 Stearns, 1434 Thomas, 884 WiUiam, 265-6, 1497 WUHam Paul, 1498 Winnie Appleton, 1174 Marshfield, Catharine, 1988 Marsiglia, Antonio, loig Catharina, loig Catharina Romana, loig, 2487 Eliza Henry, 1019 Gerlando, 1019 Marsters, Jane, 1167-8 Margaret, 1167 Wellington, 1167 Marston, Anna, 413 Anna Towns, 413 Benjamin, 233 Betsey, 413 Daniel, 413 EUzabeth, 233 Hannah, 1964 Joseph, 413 Patience, 333 Susan, 982 Martel, Charies, 1615 Martell, Henry Gaylord, 1615 Irene Wheeler, 1615 NeUie Noble, 1615 Stephen, 1615 Marten, Martens, see Martin. Martensen, Frederick Erastus, 1812 Lena Caroline WUliams, 1812 Mary, 1812 Martin, Marten, Martens, Martyn, miss or mrs., i7gg, 2104 rar., 2305 Aaron, 1484 Abigail H., 798 Adaline, 650 Alexa Ann, 1307 Allan, 1380 Alma Ann, 722 Alonzo Chapin, 1280 Althea, 1637 Amelia, 573 Amy, 573 Amy Eliza, 1179 Arid., 1 180 Andrew, 556, 1180 Andrew Dwight, 556 Ann Eliza, 3459 Asenath, 515 Bertrand Ben wood, 1287 Betsey, 641 Carlos, 1098 Caroline, 3087 Catherine, 1287, 2024 Catharine Dorathy Christiana, igg3-4 Charles Alanson, 1380 ¦ Charles AUen, 1377 Charies WiHiam, 2213 Chartly, 438 Clarissa, 1300, 2493 Clarissa Amelia, 1311 Clarissa Augusta, 1311 Colin, 776 Content, 204 Cornelia Hezediah, 1380 Daniel, 641, 1580 David, 739 Dora, 1484 Edward, 1377, i47g Edward Augustus, 1377 Eliza Ann, 2213 EHza Douglas, 2i3g Eliza Maria, 1280 Elizabeth, 144, 650, 73g, 775, 1377 EUen, 650 Eluna, 650 Elvisa Tracy, 1306 Emily Jane, 1918 Emma, 573 Estella Maria, i686 Esther, 1479 Eunice, 1284 Fidelia Maria, 1377 Frances, 3205 Frank Charles, 1380 Franklin, 304 George Frederic, 1287 Grace, gog Greenleaf Robinson, ii7g Gurdon, 1300 2704 CLEVELAND GENEALOG. Martin, cont'd, Hamilton, n7g Hamilton C, 1179 Hannah, 1280, 1479, 1933 Harriet, 1300 Hibbard, 1306 Hirara Henry, 1380 Huldah, 650 Isaiah, 573 Israel, 438 James, 573, 841, 1311, 3110 James Thomas, 1179 James Thompson, 2213 James William, 556 Jeilerson, 204 Jesse, 297 John, 59, 650, 1179, 1287, 1479, 1484 John Alma, 1179 John Lewis Herbert, 1287 John Wellington, 1287 Jonathan, 1300 Joseph, 1580, 1686, iggg Josephine, 1580 Laura Erama, 2213 Lemuel Potter,^ 2213 Loran Fox, 556 Louisa, 556 Lovina Hosley, 1686 Luther Cleveland, 556 Margaret, sg Martha, 572, 1287 Mary, 776, 1180, 1580, 1621 Mary Ellen, 1866 Mary Emogene, 1306 jNIelissa, ii7g ^Melona, 1306- MiUie May, 1280 jNIinnie Bell, 2213 Nancy, 3213 Nancy AHce, n7g Nancy Elizabeth, 1704 . Nancy Jane, 2213 Naomi, 573 Nathan, n7g, 1652 Ora, 7g8 Oren, 711 Persis, 650 Prudence, 573 Rebecca, ii7g Relief, 711 Rhoda, 204 Robert, 59 Rocina Chastina, 641 Roxa Jane, 1484 Royal, 841 S. Jesse, 3087 SaUie, Sally, 841, ig3g, 2110 SaUie E., 2087 Sarauel H., 2087 Sarah, 2g7, 1300, 1380, 1484 Sarah Elizabeth, 1652 Sherman, ii7g Smith Allen, 1380 Solomon, 1866 Susan, 1140, 1307 Susan Mary, 1311 Susanna, Susannah, 1300, 1999, 2422-3 Sybella, 573 SybU, 1179 Thomas, 775 Trintje, 456 Warren, 1179 Washington, 722 M'^ilHam, 2213 WiUiam Cleveland, 1380 William Herbert, 1179 i\Iartling, Tamzen, 2041 ]\lartyn, see Martin. Marvin, Marvyn, genealogy mentioned, 3504 Abigail, 1664 Abijah Perkins, 501 Charles, 45 Elizabeth, 71, 332, 430-1, 735, 2300 Emily, 841 Everett Summerfield, 1235 George, 430-1 George L., 431 Marvin, cont'd, Hannah, 1664, 1930 Helen A., 431 Jedediah, 890-1 Joseph Benson, 2180 Lora, 45 Martha, 943 Martha Elizabeth, 2180 Mary, 71, 232, 409, 735, 8go Mary Abby, 1235 Mary J., 430 Mary Louisa, 2180 Matthew, 71, 232, 735, ig3o, 2300 Renold, ig30 Sarah, ig7o, 2300 WiUiam Theophilus Rogers, 2504 Marvyn, see Marvin. Marwood, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Mashell, see Mousall. Maskell, Bethia, 520 Thomas, 520 Mason, Masson, mr., 1348 mrs., 515 Abigail, 566, 1077 Adeline L., g88 Ann, 565-6, 1120 Ann Louisa, 5g8 Anna, 1614 Anne, 141, 165, 2023, 333g Arthur, 878 Benjamin, 555 Betsey, 618 Charles, 1301 Charles H., sgS Cora Kent, 64g David, 878, 1613, 2000 Dorothy, 333g Edward, 515 Eliza, 555 Elizabeth, 141, 1301, 1708, 2204 EUa Experience, 1272 Emeline, 1272 Emily, i4gi Erama, 898 Emme, 2239 Erskine, 1092 Esther, 146 Eula Belle, 1476 Frank, 1476 George Perley, 649 Gertrude Lenora, 1476 Hannah, 877 Helen Pond, 598 Henrietta, 1726 Henry N., 1726 Hugh, 146 Ida Candice, 64g Isabel, 2033 Izrel, 2023 Joanna, 878 John, 141, i6s, 565-6, 5g8, 2023, 3338 Jonathan, 1077 Joseph, 618, 1301 Joshua, 989 Judith, 3331-2 Keziah, 158 Leigh, 1476 Louise, 1348 Lovina, 618 Lucinda, 1184 Lucretia, 2033 Lydia Pierce, 989 Margaret, 1077 Marie, 2466 Mary, 146, 878, 1092, 2238 Myron, 1201 Nancy T., 1726 Nathan, 1272 Orlando, 1201 Paul MUler, 878 Paulina, 598, 1201 Perley, 649 Perlina, 59S Perlina E., i30i Preserved, 1077 PrisciUa, 165 Richard, 2239 Rosetta, 1255 Ruth, 649 Sally, 1301 Sanford, 1255 Sarah, 2050 Sarah C, 989 Mason, cont'd, Susan Cass, 649 Thomas, 1077 Thompson, 2204 WiUard, 1184 William, 2239 Massengale, Mary, 2159 Massey, Ann Morrison, 2035 Jeffry, 1078 John, 1078 Sarah, 1078 Masson, see Mason. Master, see Masters. Masters, Master, Elizabeth, 105-6 Jane, 106 John, 106 Mary, 1533 Masterson, Harris, 2221 Sallie Stewart, 2221 Mastin, Ruth, 798-9 Mateson, see Matteson. Mather, Abigail, 1105 Adelaide Julia, 1925-6 Andrew Adrian, 1925-6 Carrie Lee, 2202 Catharine, 510, 1105, 1926 Clara Louise, 1925 Cotton, 8s, SIO, 1083 Dan, 1926 E. H., 2303 Eleazer, 264, 510 Esther, 264, 510 Eunice, 510, 1926 Grace, 1105 Hannah, 1105 Horace Eli, 510 Increase, 510 Jehodia, 1926 John, 510 Lucy, 1105 Martha, 1105 Richard, 103, 510, 1926 Samuel, 1105 Sarah, 1926 Thomas, 510 Timothy, 1105, 1926 Matherson, rar., mrs., 308 Mathews, see Matthews. Mathis, Matthis, AUy, Aley, 2068 Matilda, empress, queen, 266 Matlock, Araelia, 1728 John, 1728 Sarah Matilda, 1728 Tillie, 1728 Matson, Matterson, Matte son, see Mattison. Matthew, see Matthews. Matthews, Mathews, Matthew, Alvan, 848 Amelia, 1163 Ann, 1224 C. B., 1817 Catherine, 2038 Elizabeth Wilson, 1286 George, 1163 Grace Elizabeth, 1817 Harriet, 1163 Ida M., 1438 Irena Lydia, 84S James, 1334 James Hervey, 848 John, 1140 Lauraetta, 1163 Lavina, 1637 Mamra, Mamre, 316 Margaret Susan, 1140 Martha, 435 Mary, 1163 OHve, 1163 Sally, 848 Sarah, 1965 Sarah Ann, 1740 Stanley, 1817 Susan, 1 140, 1637, 2301 Thomas, 1965, 2038 Thomas R., 1637 WiUard E., 1163 Matthewson, Adelbert, 1634 Adelia, 1634 Adell, 1634 Arthur, 1634 Delia, 1634 Ellen, 1634 Gertrude, 1634 Hannah, 1634 James, 1634 Jerome, 1634 INDEX OF PERSONS. 270s Matthewson, cont'd, Sylvanus, 1634 WUliam, 1634 Matthis, see Mathis. Mattice, mrs., 2316 Betsey, 2316 Charity, 1351, 2316 Christina, 2316 Clarissa, 3316 Diana, 3316 Eliza, 3316 Frederick, 3316 Gertrude, 3316 John, 2316 Lucy, 3316 Margaret, 3316 Peter, 2316 PoUy, 2316 Sabra, 2316 Sarah, 2316 William, 2316 Zachariah, Zacharias, 2316 Mattison, Mateson, Matson, Matterson, Matteson, mr., 2321 Albert H., i5g6 Amy, 1515 Annie Robinson Dunham, I5g6 Carrie Adele, igss Celestine, 1376 Daniel Weaver, 2321 , EUza Ann, 1703 Francis, 1458 Hannah, 1458 Henry, 1458 Ira, ig3S Isabel, 1703 JuHa, 1141, 2321 Lois, 1458 Mary Daisy, 2321 Myrtie, 2321 Roswell, 2321 Sally Ann, 1475 Saviah, i4g6 Thomas, 1703 Mattock, Ann, 1316 Mattoon, Nancy, 1312 Maud, empress, princess, queen, 266 Maulder, Elizabeth, 2167 Mauleverer, , 13 pedigree %ientioned, 13 Mauley, Malo-lacu, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Mauray, James Barney, i5g6 Mary Olive, 1596 Price E., 1596 Maurice, lord, 1987 Maus, l^lizabeth, 1951 Kate, 1951 Lewis Henry, 1951 Maverick, Ann, 226 Elias, 226 Elizabeth, 1071 Margaret, 226 Rebecca, 1917 Samuel, 336, 1917 Mawr, Beli, 715 Cadelh, 2415 Rhodri, 1025, 2415 Rhodwri, 2415 Maxfield, Clement, 466 Mary, 466 Phila, 648 Sarah, 648 Stephen, 648 Susan, 846 Maxson, see Maxon. Maxon, Maxson, AmeHa, 1598 Martha, 1238 Martha La Verne, 1338 Marthia, 1338 Moses, 1338 Maxwell, Alexander, 630, iSSi Clarence La Roy, 630 Elizabeth Thomas, 3133, 2125 Emma, 1551 John, 630 Linda P., 1241 Maria, 630 Martha, igSi Mary, 1328 Mary Albertia, 630 Mary Jane, 630 Ocren Graves, 630 Prudence, 687-8 170 Maxwell, cont'd, Ruth, 630, 1167 Sarah A., 1551 May, Maies, Maye, Mayes, Mays, Anna, 1359 Annie, 1438 Eleazer, 733 Ezra, 2314 Hannah, 1280 Joan, 702 John, 510, 733 Joseph, 2242 Lucy, 1654 Mary, 733 Nehemiah, 1359 OHve, 1358 Richard, 702 Roxanna, 1244 Samuel Pearce, 1251 Sarah, 510 Maybee, see Mabie. Mayben, John, 351 Paraela, 351 Maybury, Betsey Cleveland, 448 Celia, 448 Elizabeth Cleveland, 448 John, 448 Joseph, 448 Joseph Alfred, 448 Stephen Martindale, 448 Sylvia Maria, ggo Maydole, Clarissa, 1668 Maye, Mayes, see May. Mayfield, Mary L., 1865 Nancy, 21 18 Sarah, igso Maygott, see Mygatt. Mayhew, mrs., 973 Abigail, g6o-i Araminta D., g73 Elizabeth, 1067 Experience, 85, 1067 Grace, ig6 Harriet, g73 Henry, g68 Jedidah, 973 John, 196, 1067 John Adams, 545 Jonathan, 168-9, 1067 Lydia Cushing, 968 Maria PL, 973 Martha, 196, 420 Martha D., 973 Mary, 1566 Mary Dunning, g68 MatUda, g76 Matthew, ig6, 2271 Nancy, g73 Nathan, 1720 Phebe M., g73 Rebecca, g72, 2338 Seba, 1720 Tamson, 966 Thomas, ig6, g73, 1067 Tristram, 973 Ulysses, 1720 William, 973 Maynard, Mainard, mr., 433 mrs., 316 AbigaU, 648 Almon, 1234 Blanche Augusta, 1854 Calista, 900 Caroline, 1469 Curtis G., goo Cyrus, 1469 Elisha, 1088 Elisha Levi, goo George Ingham, i46g Hannah, 316 Harley Herman, 1854 Harriot, 1697 Helen Maria, i6g7 Huldah, 10S8 Ida Adell, i46g, 1854 John, 316 Laura Jerusha, i46g Levi, goo Mary, 85, 316, I46g Mary D., 315-16 Micah, i6g7 Maynard, cont'd, Munson, 552 Orwell Amos, i46g Oscar Asa, 1854 Rachel, 1488 Sarah, 422 Sarah Ann, 1334 Sarah Sophia, 552 Shubael, 1469 Shubael Archibald, 1469, 1854 Simon, 316 Stephen Franklin, 1469 Sybel, 726 WiUiam Edward, 1469 Mayo, miss, 1757 Abigail, 45 Eliza, 45 Henry, 45 John, 1757 Maria, 1757 Mary, 45 Mays, see May. Meacham, ancestor, 1150 Abigail, 1150-1 Alraira, 1149 Ambrose, 2015 Augusta Ann, 2015 Daniel, 1207 Deborah, 510, 1202 Diana Powell, 1207 Electa, 2015 Elizabeth, 77 Ellen Bruce, 1149 Esther, 510 Franklin, 1149 Franklin Adams, 1841 Grace Francesca, 1841 Isaac, 510 James, 1149-50 James Hawkins, 1150-1 Jeremiah, 510, 1150 John, 1150 Jonathan, 1150 Joseph, 510 Lucy, 1150 Mary, 1150 Mary Jane, 1431 Nabby, 1150 Rebecca, 1433 Sarah Grace, 1841 Smith, 1431 Sophia, 1207 William, 1150 Mead, Meade, Abigail, 2432 Abby Adeline, 2432 Artemas, 3433 Asa Warren, 3433 Catharine, 929 Charles H., 2432 Charlotte E., 2433 Edward Richard, 3237 Elizabeth, 784, 1081, 3337 Elizabeth Manning, 2499 Emily Montague Bibby, 2031 Emma Frances, 1678 Fanny, 3432 Gilbert Livingston, 1678 Plarriet Newell, 2031, 2499 Henry Hugh Francis, 2237 Jacob, 784 Jessie May, 1678 John, 2337 John Ames, 2433 John Pierce, 3337 Lydia Abigail, 3432 Mary, 3307 Mary Elizabeth, 1678 NeUie, 784 Pierce, 3337 Robert Gillespie, 3031, 3499 Sarah Jane, 1514 Theodosia Barbara, 2237 Thomas Percy, 2237 Timothy W., 3433 Meade, see Mead. Meader, Abigail, 438 Benjamin, 196 Charity, 193 Hannah, 193 John, 193 Lucy, ig4 Lydia, ig4 Nathaniel, ig4 Susannah, ig6 2706 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Meadows, EUzabeth, 2213 George Herndon, 3313 Matilda, 3313 Meaken, Meakin, see Meakins. Meakins, Makin, Meaken, Meakin, Meekins, Hannah, 1526, 1998-9 James, 1999 Joane, 2490 John, iggg Joseph, iggg Mary, iggg Mealy, Ellen, 2200 Means, David McGregor, 864 Katharine, 864 Katharine Atherton, 864 Martha Morgan, 2211 Mears, , 2335 mr., 2335 Fanny, 1204 John, 1304 Polly, 1304 Robert, 1304 Simeon, 1304 Medaugh, Almira, 798 Medberry, Medbery, see Medbury. Medbury, Medberry, Med bery, Dinah, 937 Emma Cleveland, 1456 Hannah, 1694 Henrietta Harriet, 796 Hezekiah, 753 Jesse H., 1456 Lomira, 1456 Lydia, 753 Nancy, 753 Naomi, 1456 Nathaniel, 1456 Polly, 752 Sally Ann, 1335 Sarah, 1334 Thoraas, 796 Medenil, Albert Charles, 2253 Anna Elizabeth, 2253 Mabel Estelle, 2253 Medill, Susan, 1739 Medley, Nancy Ann, 1435 Sarauel S., 1435 Samuel Skomp, 1435 Susanna, 1435 William Pendleton, 1435 Meech, Sarah, 1814 Meek, Meets, Anna, 1142 Lizzie, 1639 Lydia Ellen Holraes, 1638 Minnie, 1639 Oscar, 1639 Sarah, 1639 Thomas, 1639 Washington, 1638 Meeker, Amanda Josephine, 1017 Hannah, 311 Ida P., 1004 Jonathan, 1025 Mary Hannah, 1020 Mary Joanna, 1025 Obadiah, 1025 Meekins, see Meakins. Meeks, see Meek. Mefford, Abigail, 554, 1163 John, 1163 John H., 554 Mary Young, 1163 Sarah, 554 Megee, see Magee. Meggott, see Mygatt. Meickle, Mary J. G., 1053 Meier, Erama Maria, 1803 Meigs, Ernest, 1747 John, 1212 Mary, 1747 Return Jonathan, 2330 Meinell, see Meynell. Meisner, Ada, 2250 Meldrum, Harold Lorenzo, 1861 James G., 1861 MeIHe M., 1861 MeUeck, Hester, 1187 Mellen, MeUins, John, 1535 Lucy Maria, 1535 Martha Taylor, mi Mary, 1083 Miriam, 1332 Reuben M., 1332 Mellent, count of, 2175 earl of, 2175-6 Adelina, lady, 2175 Elizabeth Isabella, countess of, 2175-6 Robert, earl of, 2176 Mellhouse, see Mellowes. Mellins, see Mellen. Mellody, Emma, 1471 Mellowes, Mellhouse, Mellows, Abraham, 1071 Elizabeth, 96, 1071 John, 1071 Martha, 1070-1 Oliver, 96, 1071 Mellows, see Mellowes. Mellville, Christina, 1542 Melrose, Charles, 1874 Hester, 1874 Nancy, 1874 Melton, Charles Herbert, 1676 Maria Elizabeth, 1676 Melvin, Harriet, 2268 Permelia Jane, 1438 Sarah Elizabeth, 1342 WiUiam, 1438 Menagh, see Menaugh. Menaugh, Menagh, Henry Sylvester, 1878 Jennie Minerva, i87g Lillie Lovina, 1878 Maggie, 1340 Mendenhall, Mary, 2045 Menter, Alma, 1303 Cynthia, 1302-3 Duane Franklin, 1302 Hannah, 1303 Hannah Sophia, 1302 Harriet Maria, 1882 Lovina Lucinda, 1302 Lucinda, 1303 Lucinda Jane, 1883 Mary, 1302 Richard, 1302 Robert Henry, 1304 Walter, 1302 W^alter Samuel, 1302 William, 1303 WUliam James, 1303 Menz, Henrietta Wilhelmina, ig78 Menzer, Henry, 1364 Louise, 1364 Menzies, Esther, 1283 Gustavus Varsa, 1283 Juliette, 1283 Mary, 1283 Sarauel Garber, 1283 Sally Ann, 1283 Winston, 1283 Meraugh, Abigail, 1543 Dennis, 1543 Sarah, 1543 Merces, Eliza, 623 Merchant, Marchant, Abiah, 432 Ann Lourette, 1567 Ella, 432 John, g3, 433 Joseph, 432 Judith, 426 Miriam, g3 Rebecca, g76 S., g3 Sarah, 93 Seth, 426 Silas, 1567 Meredith, Abbie Frances, 1255 Caroline S., 1553 Edgar Dewitt, 833 Frank, 1255 Joseph B., 1553 Lewis Arthur, 833 Margaret Laurett, 833 Maria Adaline, 833 Maria Adelaide, 833 William, 833 Meredith ap David, 2415 Meriam, Merriam, Mary, isig Meritt, see Merritt. Merkel, Minnie, 24g5 Merle, see Merrill. Meroney, Esther, 2144 Isaac, 2144 John, 3144 Lydia, 2144 Merrell, see MerriU. Merriam, see Meriam. Merrick, Elizabeth, 1814 Experience, 1338 Gertrude L., 2462 Henry W., 3462 John, 1814 Merricle, John, 851 Permelia, 851 Merrill, Merle, Merrell, MerrUls, family, 364 miss or mrs., 364 mrs., 1656 Abel, 1603 Abi, 1661 AbigaU, 364, 1149 Abraham, 364, 1149 Adah Angeline, 1654-5 Addie, 2472 Allison Owen, 2465 Araanda, 789 Amos Lewis, 1713 Ann Amanda, 1654-5 Anna, 2268 Benjamin, 949 Caroline Y., 1305 Carver, 163 Chloe, 1315 Daniel, 1661-2 Ebenezer, 163 EUza Dorcas, 1581 Elizabeth, 1563 Emeline, 1656 Enos, 3465 Frank Johnson, 3465 Franklin Leming, 1656 Hannah, 1661-3 Hosea, 390 Isaac, 3465 John, 163, 364, 1 149, 2287, 2465 John Foster, 3465 John Withers, 3465 Jonathan, 1661 Joseph, 163, 1149 Judith, 1709 Laodamia, 1134 Laura, 1461 Lewis, 364 Lucinda, 1654 Lucretia, 390 Lydia, 392 Mary, 364, 1124, 2287 Mary Chase, 2305 Mary Pamelia, 3465 Minnie Frances, 3465 Moses, 1134 Nancy, 163 Nathan Lewis, 1713 Nathaniel, 364, 3465 Nellie Augusta, 1713 Oscar Adelbert, 1656 Priscilla, 1603 Prudence, 1149 Rachel, g4g Rebecca, 445 Riley Graves, 1656 Ruth, 163 Ruth Ann, 1656 Sally, 1435 Sarah, ii4g Silas, 1654 Silas Edward, 1656 Silas R., 1654-5 Susanna, 364, ii4g, 1603, 1661-3 Timothy, 3465 WiUiam, 2287 MerrUls, see Merrill. Merriman, Caroline, i45g, 24g5 Clara Leona, i45g E. C, 1459 Elizabeth, iggS Elizabeth Caroline, 1459, 2495 Emma, igg3 Emma Chastina, 1459, 2495 Florence Ackle, 1459 George, iggs Harriet, igg3 Hattie May, igg3 Mabel lona, igg3 jrerriman, cont'd, Mary Adele, 1459 Nathaniel, igg8 Nellie Rachel, 1459 Peirce, 1459 Thomas Berwick, 1459, 3495 Timothy, iggs Ward, igg3 William I45g Merrit, see Merritt. Merritt, Meritt, Merrit, mrs., 1818 Alan Douglas, 1818 Ancel, 1431 Atwood, 1543 Benjamin, 1819 Catharine, 1013 Consider, i8ig Daniel B., 1431 Dinah, 1819 Dolby, 1366 ^., Douglas, 1818 Elijah, 1431 Elizabeth, 353 ' ^-- Emeline, 1543 I , Ethel Douglas, 1818 George, i8i8-ig Hannah, 1279 Jane, 1818 , , Jemima Adelaide, 1013 Joseph, 346, 352, 1818 Julia, 1818-19 Louisa Amanda, 1266 Lucy, 1431 Mary, 346, 1431 'il-.' Nehemiah, i8i8-ig Phebe, 1819 Thankful, 1819 Thomas, 1818 Trubey, 2gg William, 1013 Merry, Celia, 418 Merryfield, Roxanna, 1643 Sarah Fidelia, 1643 Thomas, 1643 Merwin, Adelaide Maria, ' ';__ i6g3 Catharine, 1343 ': Charles Letts, 1692 George B., 1692 Guy WiUis,- 1692 Henry Arthur, 1692 Meryton, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Meserve, Meservy, justice, 2468 Albion Keith Parris, 2468 Clement, 2468 Daniel, 2468 Elizabeth, 2468 Eunice, 3468 Gideon, 3468 Mehitabel, 3468 Meservy, see Meserve. Mesler, Clinton Sanborn, ^i38gCyrus Eastman, i38g Ivens Ashton, i38g Mary Amelia, i38g Raymond Carlton, i38g Mesmer, Frank G., 3333 Jacob, 3333 Mary Elizabeth, 3332 Nancy, 3333 . Nancy A., 3322 ¦- ' Thomas, 2222 Thomas George, 2222 Hesner, Charlotte Eveline, 1880 Ellis, 1880 John, 1880 Madie Minerva, 1880 Minerva, 1880 Messenger, Messinger, Cyrus, i63g Hannah, 1639 Lydia Frances, 1639 Mary, 1105 Phebe Fidelia, 964 Messick, Annie, 2098 Harriet L., 2098 Jacob, 2og8 Jacob L., 2098 James W., 2098 INDEX OF PERSONS. Messick, cont'd, Margaret T., 2098 Matthew, 2098 Messinger, see Messenger. Messmore, Catharine, 1221 Metcalf, Anna, 1269 Catharine, 827 Diana, 1560 Elias, 820, 2275 Eliphalet, 1688 G. L., 8go Hannah Elizabeth, 1286 Harriet Eveline, 1688 Jackson Dickerson, 1386 James, 3369 Lydia, 890 Martha, 1083 Mary, 3375 Melinda Seagrave, 1560 Nancy D., 820 Nancy Maria, 1286 OHver Dutton, 1386 Sarah A., 1560 Susannah, 1688 Williara May, 1560 Metteer, Catherine Dorcas, 2455 Metz, John, 1187 Margaret, 1187-8 Rosa, 1187 Sarah, 1878 Metzke, see Von Metzke. Metzler, Cevilla Hanliah, 1746a Emma, 1746a Hannah, 1746a James Matwell, 1746a WilHam, 1746a WiUiara HUl, 1746a Mexer, Gertrude, 1780 John, 1780 Mary, 1780 Meyer, Myers, mr., 239 Belinda, 3017 Bertie, 3495 Catharine, 1060, 1641 Elizabeth, 3303 Emeline, 1363 Ernest L., 100, 467 Gillis Pietersen, 1809 Hannah, 1946 John, 3303 JUlis Pietersen, i8og Rachel, 24g5 Robert Charles, 24g5 WiUiam H., 2275 MeyneU, MeineU, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Eleanor Dempster, 474 M. J., 474 Meyrinck, Jan, 1032 Margaret, 1033 Michael, W. H., i6gg Michell, Michelle, see MitcheU. Michelson, see Mitchelson. Michener, Anna Elizabeth, 2293 John, 2293 Martha Elizabeth, 22g3 Susan, 2293 William Pierson, 2293 Michenson, see Mitchelson. Middleton, Mary, 1335 Mietschman, JuHa, 1756 Milberry, Milbury, Lucinda, 1 176 Melzina, 1507 Milbury, see Milberry. Mild, icing Olaf the, 3304 MUes, Myles, mr., 3416 Abigail, 178 Abner, 2468 Catharine, 162, 2416 Elizabeth, 1211 Eveline J., 1553 Hannah, 1210-11 John, 1311 Katherine, 1311 Martha C, i3ig Miranda, igso Richard, 1211 Susan, 20ig Tryphena, 2468 Miletus, father of Heber Fionn, 1068 2707 MUlar, see Miller. MiUard, Anna Lydia, 1S87 Augustus, 1887 Cari, 1887 Esther Ann, 1887 Franklin Worth, 1887 Mehitabel, 1887 Olive Ellen, 1887 Sophia, 1256 MiUeburne, see de Welle burne. Milledge, Phebe, 1170 MiUer, MiUar, , 14 capt., 2314 family, 2317 judge, 470 miss, 681, 1451 mr., 14, 1577 mrs., g2i, 2317 Abigail, 1438 Adaline, 1336 Agnes, 1765 Alice Emma, i6g8 Almira, 62g, 3330 Alvin Milton, 1336 1 Amanda, 1650 Angeline Aurelia, 62g Ann, 520, 686 Ann Maria, 461 Anna, 204, 2159 Annie M., 1183 Arlin D., 1878 Asenath, 1878 Benjamin, ¦ 921 Betsey, 743 Betsey Elizabeth, 924 Caltha Maria, 639 Carl F.,' 1893 Carlton Silas, 3333 Caroline, 629 Catherine, 267 Charles Isaac, i6g8 Christian, 1814 Christina, 192 Clara, 2022 Clara Amelia, 1878 Cora E., 1183 Craig Carlton, 2323 Daniel, 1673 Daniel Elliott, 2033 David, 1649, 3393 Deborah Mansfield, 2330 Diadamie, 3502 Diantha, 779 Dolly, 267 Ebenezer, 568, 779 Edith, 2292 Eleanor, Elenor, 1435, 1 574 Elihu, 707 Elizabeth, 1278, 1702, 321 1 , 3330 Elizabeth Ellen, 1365 Elizabeth Philip, 1612 Ella Elizabeth, 1698 Ellen, 568 Elmira, 1691 Emily, 1544 Emma, 722 Emmarilla, 1729 Ephraim, 936, 1961 Esther, 267 Esther Elizabeth, 1698 Etheldred, 2418 Eunice, 1926 Eunice Parsons, 629 Florence May, 1893 Francis Irvin, 1544 Garret, 192 George, 267, 470, 629 George Clinton, 1612 George Franklin, 1878 Georgia Alice, 1336 Georgianna, 1520 Grace, 1707 Hannah, 412, 903, 1421, i486, 1702 Harriet, 1336 Harriet Augusta, 1735 Harriet Lorinda, 3333 2708 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. MiUer, cont'd, Henry, 1181, 1230 Henry Burke, 629 Henry Wisner, 1612 Hermon Clark, 1336 Hiram, 1702 Homer, 1183 Isabel, 530, 686 Jacob, 1544 James, 1337, 3159 Jane Adaline, 1240 Jane E., i64g Janet, 22gg Jeannette, 1673 Jerusha, g2i ^ Joanna, Johanna, sg, 2023 John, 1181, 1183, 1378, 1438, 1936, 3190 John C, g34, 1530 John Wesley, 1878 Joseph, 367 Julia, 1378, 3321 Katharine Maria, isgo Katy, ig3 Lana, 1544 Levi, 1181 Lewis, 65g, 1733 Lewis D., 1878 Lizzie C, 1016 Loraine Esther, i6g8 Lucina J., 1781 Lucy Orcelia, 666 Lyman F., 590 Lyman Onslow, 666 Margaret, 315, 3191, 3457 Margaret Jane, 3317 Maria, 1814, 3048 Martha, 956, 1707, 1961, 3300 Martha Jane, 32g2 Martha M., 621 Martha Matilda, 62g Martha Rebecca, 2418 Mary, 65g, 7og, g44, 1 181, 1326-7, 1612, 2320 Mary Alice, 1181 Mary Ann, 267, 2393 Mary E., 590, 1495 Mary Elizabeth, 3165 Mary Magdalen, 3190 Mary Virginia, 1936 Mary WUder, 629 Maud, 1613 MeHssa, sgo, 1650 Melvin La Forest, 1336 Mina, 1733 Miriam L,, 2476 Miriam \\'"alley, 1612 Nellie, 1544 Nelson, g34 Orinda, igSg Orrie L., 1305 Pardon, 1431 Peter, 1650 Phebe Celestia, 1330 Philenda, 659 Philip, 934 Polly, 639 Priscilla, 304 Rachel Emeline, 666 Richard, 956, 1707 Robert, 904, 1769 Royal, 1653 Ruth, 1613 Sally, 1649 SaUy Pamelia, 1673 Samuel, 1093, 3317, 3333 Samuel Cooley, 1698 Samuel Elmore, i6g8 Samuel Wilcox, 3320 Sara Edwards, 1814 Sarah, 77g, 1677, 3320 Sarah Convers, 904 Sarah Eraeline, 1651 Sarab Fay, 1612 Sarah Jane, 934, 1539 Sarah Smith, 1814 Sarah T., 1577 MUler, cont'd, Sarah Woodbridge, 1S14 Seth, 267 Silas, 3320 Susan, 1971 Susan Janette, 707 Susannah, 3317 Thomas, 530, 686 Viola, 1278 Walsingham Auchingray, 461 William, 1677, 2300 William Augustus, 1814 William Christian, 1814 William Henry, 1729 William WaUace, 2292 Worthington, 1336 Zebina, 629 Zilpha, 2317 MiUett, Albion R., 1599 Sarah Josephine, isgg Millham, Mary, ig66 Millicon, Andrew, 2147-8 C. C, 2148 L. J., 2148 Mary D., 2147-8 MUHgan, Addie Johnson, 1816 Albert Forbes Conant, 1112 Anna, 1816 Edward Avery, 1112 Eliza Rolston, 1816 Elizabeth, 1112 Elizabeth McKie, 1112, /S16 Elsie Waterbury, 1112 Fannie, 1112 Frank Chandler, 1112 Gilbert, 1112 GUbert McKie, 1112 Grace Grosjean, 1816 Henry Goggle, 1113 Isabell Patchin, iii3 Jane Chandler, 1113 Jennie, 1112 Jennie Chandler, 1112 John Calvin, 1816 Lucy Cleveland, ni3, 1836 Luther Tucker, 1113 Mabel Carrington, 1113 Margaret, 2bog Martha lieed, 1112 Mary Caroline, 2oog Samuel, 2oog Samuel Gilbert, 1816 Sarah Hadley, 1112 Stephen Waterbury, 1816 Thoraas Pringle, 1 112 MiUikan, see Milliken. Milliken, MUlikan, Emma, 1227 Emraa Gilmore, 1227 Evelyn May, 1227 Lewis Cleveland, 1227 Mary, 780 Mary Elizabeth, 1227 William, 1227 WilHam Wyatt, 1237 Millington, Eleanor Eli-ia, 1350 Joseph, 1350 Mills, mr., 1047 mrs., 3ig Albert Edward, 2044 Albina Monilla, 1047 Ben McCoy, 1048 Caroline, g4g Charles May, 1048 Charlotte, 1883 Clara OHve, 1048 Clarissa, 23g Clarissa Margaret, 1751 Eliza, g78 Elizabeth, 1348 Eva, 1048 Fannie, 2210 Fred Raymond, 1048 Georgiana, 1048 Mills, cont'd, Harriet Maria, 1750 Harry Livingston, 1048 Harry Williams Living- ' ston, 1047 Helen Jennette, 2044 Henry Livingston, 1048 Henry Williams Living ston, 1047 Isaac, 23g Isaiah, ^78 James Madison, 1048 John, 318 John Moore, 1048 Jonas, 949 Julia, 1048, 2391 Julia Maude, 1C48 Ludwell, 1981 Margaret, 1047-8 Marian Frances, 1048 Mary, 319 Mary Ellen, 1048 Mattie, rg8i PoUy, 779 Sally, i2gs Sarah, 31S, 1047 Simon, 319 Sophia Atlanta, 1981 Susan Dorcas, 1048 Wealtha Louella, 2043 WilHam, 1981 William Montgomery, 1^048 MUlspaugh, Harvey, 2267, Huldah Ann, 2267 Milne, Jane, 1750 Milton, Belle Lee, 1143 Charles Williara, 1 143 Elijah, 207s Elizabeth, 967 Frances B., 1143 Frances E., 1143 Jane, n66 John, 1613, 2075 Joseph, 1143 Joseph B., 1143 Josephine L., 1143 Lillie A., 1143 Maria Louise, 1143 Mary Bell, 1143 Sally, 2074 Tomasin, 1613 William, 1143 Milyas, mr., 192 Nancy, 192 Minard, Alice, 1181 Elizabeth, 1181 Helean, 1667 Samuel, 1 181 Sarah, 337 Thomas, 337 Miner, Miners, Minor, Myner, Mynors, mrs., 540 Abigail, gg2 Albert, 557 Amy, 564 Anna, 540 Anna E., 1656 Anna Maria, 2454 Betsey, 1275, 1878 Bridget, 540 Caroline, 623 Charles, 128 Charlotte Jane, 566 Christopher Columbus, 1878 Clement, 540 Cynthia Ann, 566 Daniel, 556 Ebenezer, 557, 1844 Edward, 566 Eleanor, 2391 Eliza Susannah, 1177 Ella Gertrude, 566 Emma, 557, 566 Estella Lavinia, 566 Fleedia, 1337 Frances, 1656 George Thomas, 1177 INDEX OF PERSONS. Miner, cont'd, Georgianna, 1177 Grace, 539-40, nog Griffin, 566 Henreta, 540 Henrietta, 540 Henry, 540 Henry Alline, 574 Hope Irene, 566 IsabeUa, 540 James Edward, 566 Jerusha, 253 John, 1410 John Joseph, 1879 John R., 1656 Joseph, 540, 2308 Laura, 1410 Laura Ann Elizabeth, 1878 Lavinia Hamilton, 574 Lillie Lovina, 1878 Lodovick, 540 Lucy J., 703 Marie, 540 Mary Ann, 566, 1177 Mary Ann Morse, 566 Mary Elizabeth, 1177 Melissa, 1275 Minerva^ 1878 Nancy, 566, 1844 Prudence, 556 Samuel, 253, 1275, 1878 Sarah, 253, S3g-4o, 574 Sarah Ann, 566 Sarah Lavinia, 1177 Selina, 1844 Simon Perkins, 1275 Susan Augusta, 1410 Susan M., 1177 Thomas, S3g-4o Whitman, 1177 WiUiam, 540, 2454 WilHam Hassie Otis Plam ilton, 566 WilHs Hamilton, 566 see also BuUman. Miners, Minor, see Miner. Minot, Minott, Elizabeth, 1815 George, 1815 James, 1815 John, 1815 Jonas, 1815 Lydia, 1815- Martha, 1815 Mary, 1815 Rebecca, 1815, 22go Samuel, 1815 Sarah, 1815 Thomas, 1815 Minott, see Minot. Minto, Bertha Louella, 614 Cora Anna, 614 David, 614 Jane, 614 John, 614 Mirfield, Jane, 4g3 Oliver, 493 Mirick, Mirricke, see Myrick. Mitchel, see Mitchell. Mitchell, MicheU, Michelle, Mitchel, miss or mrs., 1965 mr., 927, 1556 mrs., 2og8 AbigaU, 554, 1163 Agnes, 1314 Alphia Jane, igSg Alice, igg6 Andrew, 1981 Andrews, 836 Ann, 2205 Annie, 2293 Bela, 1197 BeUe, 1115-16 Caroline, 767 Cary, ig25 Cassie, 567 Charlotte, 1271, isgg Charlotte Ann, 1881 Mitchell, cont'd, Cushing, i64g, 1996 David, 1314, 1330 David Curtis, 1314 Donald Grant, 318 Dora, 1556 Edward, igg6, ig8g Edward A., ig89 Elizabeth, 927, 1638, 1996 Elizabeth Jane, 2166 f Elizabeth Louise, 1079 Elizabeth Ward, 1649 EUa, 1251 Elvira, 1333 Elvira Eliza, 1197 EmeHne Amelia, 1334 Enos, 836 Ervin, 2166 Experience, 1638, 1996 Frances, 3305 Frances Cecilia, 2205 George, 1334 George Frederick, 1881 Grace Webster, 1996 Harold Clifford, 1881 Harriet, 1334 Harriet L., 2098 Harriet Lavinia, i9g6 Henry, ±166 Ignatius, 1116 James, 1645, 1866 James Henry, 1996 Jane, 836, igg6, 2501 Janet, igg6 Jeanette Augusta, 836 Jennet, igg6 John, ig89 Jonathan, 109 Joseph, 2og8, 2151 Levina, 1981 Margaret, log, i64g, 2og8 Maria, 1059 Martha Elizabeth, 2167 Martha Maria, 1093 Mary, 1107, 1255, 1330, 1334, 2151, 2166, 2251 Mary Louisa, ig8i Mary Luanna, 2166 Matthew, log Nabby, 1866, 1996 Nahum, 132, 1996 Nancy, 1116 Nancy J., 2098 NeUie, i8gi Payton Ross, 2205 Perley Linwood, 836 Polly, 2014, 2151 Rhoda, 3166 Richard Chandler, 1115-16 Sally, 1645 Samuel, 767 Samuel Denley, 1881 Sarah Elizabeth, io7g, 1881 Susan, log, 1866 Susan Wilson, 1059 Susannah, 1866 Thankful M., 1645 Thermuthis, 1330 Thoraas, 1059, 1107, 1638, ig35, igg6 William, 1556, 3og8, 2166 William Alexander, 2166 William Minott, i07g Mitchelson, Michelson, Michenson, Mitchenson, Edward, g68, i8go Elizabeth, 968, 1059-60 Robert, 1890 Ruth, r8go Mitchenson, see Mitchelson. Mitinger, Frances, 1281 John, 1281 Mitten, Mitton, Elizabeth, 86g Joshua, go6 Lovisa, go6 Mitton, see Mitten. 2709 Mix, Amny, 1526 Caleb, 1210-11 Dorothy, 1310-n Elijah, 72g Elisha, 739 Hannah, 1310 Henry, 1536 Lydia PameHa, 73g Rebecca, 1210-11 Thomas, 1210 Mixer, Mixter, Isaac, 2050 Joanna, 204g Rebecca, 2050 Roxana, 1440 Sarah, 3050 Mixon, dr., 3136 Kate EHza, 3136 Mixter, see Mixer. Moak, Moogh, Amy, 1350 Anna, 1350 Frena, 1350 Hannes Jochem, 1350 Henry, 1350 Jacob, 1350 Jacob M., 1350 John Converse, 1350 Katherine, 1350 Kezia, igco Margaret Ann, 1350 Maria Irene, 1350 Martha Maria, 1350 Mary, 1350 Nathaniel Cleveland, igoo, 33g8 Philander, 1350 Moale, Maria North, 1478 Moalter, John, 1648 JuHa, 1648 Mobley, Ellen, 33ig Mocatta, Abraham, 1588 Rachel, 1588 Modley, Deborah, 976 John, g76 John Williams, 976 Matilda Manter, g76 Mattie WiUiams, g76 Rebecca, 976 Sophronia Anna, g76 Thomas, g76 Thomas Jenkins, 976 Moe, Alan Stiles, 30ig Clifford Orin, 30ig Edwin, 3oig Edwin Nathan, 30ig Elwyn Clark, 20ig Linnie Eraeline, 20ig Lucinda Melvina, soig Mehitabel, 30ig Mercy, 851 Orin, 20ig Pluraa, 851 Ray W., 20ig Roy S., 2019 SUas, 851 Zelia Lyle, 2019 Moere, countess of, 3303 Groe, lady, 1108, 2203 Regenwald, lord of, 1 108, 2203 Rogvald, jarl of, 1108, 2203 Moeschke, Franz Louis, 1580 Henrietta Wilehmine Sophie, 1580 Wilehmine, 1580 Moffat, Moffet, see Moffett. Moffett, De Moffat, Moffat, Moffet, Moffit, Moffitt, ancient Border family, igSs bishop, 1985 ilk, 1985 mr'., 103, 529, 1039 Almira, 529 Cleveland Langston, 22*19 Dora, 1762 Edwin, 52g Eliza Elizabeth,. 1272 Emma Louisa, 1762 Henry, 1762 Jane, ig85 Jessie Isabell Cleaveland, i03g John, 1985-6 2710 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Moffett, cont'd, Mabel, 3389 Margaret, igSs Mary, io3g, ig8s-6 Mary Jane, 338g Mildred, 355 MiUicent, 355 Millie, 35s Robert, ig85 Romaine, 53g Sarah Ann, S3g W. Inglis,, i03g Williara H., 2289 Moffit, Moffitt, see Moffett. Mohegans, Oanaco, Owaneco, Owenneko chief of the, 41 Moir, Gallichattan, 1769 Moland, Sarah Jane, .555 Moliere, Hester, 2259 Molines, see Mullins. Molyneux, Thomas, 2234 Monbouchee, Joan, 1613 John, 1613 Moncha, queen, 1068 Monck, see Monk. Mondim, count de, 1490 Moneson, see Munson. Moneypenny, Abigail, 452-3, 994 Monfoort, Jannetje, 1837 Pieter, 1837 Sarah, 1837 Monk, Monck, Casper, 1883 Hannah, 1883 John, 1883 Lucinda Jane, 1883 Robert William, 1882 Ruth Ann, 1218 A'erna Luetta, 1882 Monohon, Mary, 1299 Monroe, Munroe, mr. , 247, 567 mrs., 247 Charlotte Estella, 1279 Clarence Elroy, 1279 David, 292 Eliza Jane, 567 Elizabeth, 292 Esther, 762 George Washington, 1379 Hannah, 1379 James, 763, 3077 Jesse, 1379 Margaret, 3077 Mary, 393, 1708 William, 3077 Monsall, see Mousall. Monserran, Lockie L. G., 1131 Montagu, see Montague. Montague, de Montacute, Montagu, baron, 365, 1664 mrs., gio AbigaU, 910, 2034 Anne, 365 Daniel, 3371 Drogo, 365 Drue, 365 Ele£^nor, 910 EHza, iig8 Elizabeth, 3034, 3371 Eunice, 3034 George WilHam, z66 Hannah, 3034 John, 365, 3034 Laura, 2271 Lydia, 2271 Margaret, 265, 910 Martha Hanmer, 2034 Moses, 3034, 33S0 Olive, 3034 Persis, 2271 Peter, 910 Richard, 910, 2034 Robert, 910 Rufus, iigS Samuel, .2271 Simon, 265 W^illiam, 365, gio, 3034, 3371 WiUiam L., 266 Montcalm, Louis Joseph, 2338 Mary, 2338 Montefiore, Joseph, 1588 Joshua, 1587-8 Judith, 1588 Lydia, 1587 Moses, 1587-8 Rachel, 1588 Monteroath, Jane, 1032 Montgoraery, Mt. Gomery, dr., 834 mr., 3083, 3og2 Agnes, 1345 America, 1281 Catharine, 2083 Eliza, 2158-g, 3178 Eliza L., 1093 Elmer, 984 Emma Florence, 3178 Eraraa Jane, 984 . Franklin, 1345 Gertie, 984 James Edward, 2178 Martha, 2092 Mary E., 834 Mary J., 984 Mary Jane, 1345 Nellie Pauline, 2178 Sarah Buchanan, 2178 William Henry, 2178 Montpeson, miss or mrs., 467 Montrose, Ann Maria, 1649 James Fay, 1649 James Keyes, 1649 Karl Fred, 1649 Moodey, see Moody. Moody, Moodey, Albina, 1291 Apphia, 36s, 3358 Caleb, 1083-3 Frances, 1183 Hannah, 1082 Henry, 1183 Isaiah, 2019 Jessie T., 1468 John, 1468 Judith, 1082-3 Les J., 1468 Loren, 2049 Lucinda, 703 Maggie L., 1468 Martha Jane, 2019 Mary, 1082 Nat Nathaniel, 1468 Sarauel, 1082 Sarah, 1082 Stella, 1761 Susan, 20ig William, 1082 Winfield Scott, 1761 Moogh, see Moak. Mook, Anthony, 3034 Catherine, 2024 Emma Jane, 2024 Moon, miss, 2og3 miss or rars., 3070 Benoni, 1344 Elizabeth, 3093-3 Hannah, 615, 1964 Jane Elizabeth, 1344 Mary, 1636 Nannie Frances, 1964 Richard, 3092-3 Robert, 1964 Winifred, 2092-3 Mooney, Eliza, 1134 Moor, see Moore. Moore, Moor, Moores, More, rar., 476, 686, 2070 mrs., 440, 1S82 A. H., 2103 Aaron Crane, 9g6 Aaron Culbertson, 1281 Abby, g48 AbigaU, 56-7 Abram Graffus, g33 Agnes A., 1000 Alanson O., iigs Albert, i57g Alfred David, ig84 Alonzo, 947 Alvin, 1281 Ann, 56-7, 70, 91, 2070, 2108 Anna, 56-7, gg, 2482 Moore, cont'd, Anne, 56-7, 993 Annie Leola, 1400 Anson, 3^-7 Asenath, 850 Azubah, 780 Benjarain, 56-7 Bertha Elinor, 1400 Bertrand, 1579 Bessie Cleveland, 933 Bethia Amelia, 1036 Boltis, 1000 Caroline, 1400 Caroline E., 1123 Caroline Lord, 1873 Caroline Matilda, 1293 Catharine, Catherine, 70, 91, 440 Catherine Cushman, 1579 Charles B., 57 Charlotte, 1281 Chester, 440 Clara, 1852 Clara H,, 1172 Clarissa, 630 Claude Leavitt, 1984 Cora Redd, 2168 Daniel O'Sullivan, 1068 David, 1883, 3045 Delia A., 476 Dermod McCartby, 1069 DoUy, 1717 Donel, 1068 Donnel, 1068 Dorothea, 1993 Eben H., 1123 Edith Viola, 1400 Edward, 1054, 1432 Edward C, I9g3 Eliza, 2081 Eliza Coe, igg3 Elizabeth, 1882, ig38, 304g, 2187 Elizabeth Adams, 1316 Elizabeth Putnam, 1125 Ella Ida, ngs EUen, 1068-9 Eraeryett, 1545 Emily, 568 Emma Frances, 947 Eogan, 1068 Ephraim, 630 Ephraim Crouch, 1400 Erastus, 1036-7 Esther, 542, 947 Esther Adelia, 1400 Esther Minerva, 1644 Ethan, 933 Evaline, 850 Ewell, 2081, 3111 Frances Hall, 1624 Francis, 70, 91 Frank Ed., 2480 Frank Ellsworth, 1400 Frederick Pettes, 1624 George A., 317 Hannah, 1212, 1426, 1432, 2035 Harriet, 440 Harriet Adell, 1882 Harriet Emily, 1037 Harriet Maria," 1882 Hartshorn, 1123 Helen Maria, 1123 Henry Cleveland, 1123 Plenry O., 1579 Howard Claude, 1984 Huldah, 1195 Isabel, 1838 Jacob Bailey, 2441 Jaraes M., 1870 Jane, 338, 2045 Jane Ann, 1364 Jannette, 1036-7 Jesse FrankHn, 3108 Joan, io6g John, 1426, 1432, 203s, 304g John C, 2216 Jonah, 440 Joseph, gg, 1293, 1400, 1873 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2711 Moore, cont'd, Julia, 648, 1054 Julia Frances, 996 Laura Harwood, 1984 Lavinia Ann, 6g6 Letitia McCloud, 1873 Levi, 1511 Lois, 686 Lorenzo Gavit, 1873 Louville, 933 Lucetta, 995 Lucy, 542, 1281, 1511 Lucy Ann, 1984 Lucy Green Rice, 1123 Lucy Prescott, 1624 Lyman, 440 Marcia, 440 Margaret Ann, 360 Margaret Franklin, 2168 Margaret Jane, 248.0 Margaret Melissa, 1400 i\Iartha, 57, 440, 1466 Martha Jones, 2316 Mary, 1030, 1054, 1381, 1293, 1730, 1842, 1855, 1984, 2049, 2108, 3316 Mary Ann, 1382 Mary Cady, 1984 Mary E., 1417 Mary EHza, 1873 Mary Jane, 1466 Mary Louise, 1984 Mary Matilda, 2168 Maryanne, 1068 MatUda, gg6, 2111 MatUda C., 2108, 2i6g Matthew Dalton, 2168 Mildred Ethel, 1400 MUes, 1838 Minerva, 1397 Minnie Melvina, 1873 Miriam, 1838 Moses, 947 Nancy, 317, 2081, 3103, 2111 Nelson, 338 Nettie Isara, 1400 Olive, 950 Oliver, 440 O'SuUivan, 1068 Owen, 1068 Page, 542 Pamelia, 1400 Pettes Louisa, 1624 Phebe Jane, 1729 Rachel. 2168 Richard, 850 Richard Lord, 1873 Richard M. A., 1172 Robert, 1873 Robert Abiel, 1873 Roxanna, 2323 Sabilla Jane, Sabilla Juan, 1870 Sallie, Sally, 648, 1873 Sally Gavit, 1873 Samuel Dalton, 2108 Sarah, gg6, 1185, 2319 Sarah Cleveland, 440 Sarah Henry, 2172 Selecta, 1477 Seneca David, 1882 Stephen Ritchie, 1984 Stoughton, 440 Susan, 1197 Thomas, 56-7, 1212, 1432 WiUiam, 648, 995-6, 1466, 1984 William Alford, 2168 WUliam F., 1425 AVillie McHenry, 2168 Write, 1197 Zalmon, 440 Zylpho, 2132 Moores, see Moore. Moran, Agnes, 1079 Edith Frances, 1325 Elizabeth, 1845 Elizabeth French, 1335 Ethel, 1325 Moran, cont'd, Francis, 1325 Francis Alexander, 1325 Jane, 1138 John, 1845 Katherine Eveline, 1845 Mary Frances, 1325 Mary Jane, 1120 R., 1079 Sarah, 1325 Mordacque, L. H., 33 More, see Moore. Morecock, Sarah, 1181 Morehead, Plarriet, 1674 Lydia, 918 Mary Ann, 1674 Samuel, 1674 Morehouse, Amanda, 78g EHza Mercy, 1510 George, 1510 Joseph, 78g Minerva M., 1346 Nancy Mallory, 1510 Moremus, Louisa, 1748 Moren, Jaraes A., 1746a Jaraes Alexander, 1746a Julia Mawhood, 1746a Martha Eleanor, 1746a Sarah Elizabeth, 1746a Moreton, see Morton. Morey, Abial Cushraan, 1711-12 Arminda, 840 Edith Clarissa, 2476 Hannah, 1713 Jerusha C, gs8 Jotm, 1713 Lucinda, 1654 Lydia, g58 Margaret Elizabeth, 1711-12 Nelson, 2476 Nelson Wesley, 2476 Pearl Viola, 2476 Sylvanus, g58 Viola, 2476 Viola Arthelia, 1711 Wesley Spurgeon, 2476 Morgan, Morgan alias Car rier, mr., 671 mrs., 3388 Adaline, 1351 Alice, 3gg, 400, 844 Alice Gold, 3037 Allen, 2099 Amanda, i36g Ambrosia, 1131 Anna, 652, 671, 72g-30, 744. 844 Anna Elizabeth, 2038 ap Jenkin, 400 ap Morgan, 1603 Augustus, 1131 Benjamin Delop, 400 Bulina, 724 Calista, 3gg Catherine, g82, 2038 Charies, 1351 Charlotte, 2288 Christopher, 144 Clara, 8g4 Colin, 2047 CoHn Daniel, 3037 Cornelia, 893 Cyrus, 724, 778 D. L., 704 Daniel, 844, 881 Dorothy, 735 Edwin, 1442 Eleanor Bowen, 2300 Eliphalet, 2288 Elisha, 881 EHsha Abbe, 400 Eliza. 1643 Elizabeth, 400, 881, 1019, 1085, 1611, 1641, 2ogg Elizabeth Ann, 1407 Emeline, 778 Erastus, 1643 Ezra, 724 Fanny, 2288 Fanny F., 2288 Frances Augusta, 881 Morgan, cont'd, Frances Harvey, 1442 Francisca, 1255 Frederick Cleveland, 2038 George, 729-30, 2288 George Dunworth, 400 George Washington, 1351 Hannah, 892, 894 Harold Matthews, 2038 Helen Ambrosia, 1131 Henry, 844 Henry WUliam, 2037 Isaac, 345, 399, 400, 844 IsabeUe, 1643 James, 400, 735, 881, 894, 161 I, 2038 James Douglas, 2038 Jane, 3037 John, 400, 844, 881, 893, 894, 1085 John Drew, 892 John E., 1487 Jonathan, 730 Joseph, 400, 735, 892, 894 Joseph Bronson, 892 Joseph Luce, 400 Julius, 1641-2 Keziah, 39g Laura, 1847 Lot, 3gg Lucius Bacon, 400 Lydia Ann, 1591 Margery, 400 Marjorie Tracy, 2037 Martha, 735 Martha Ann, 400 Martha Wadsworth, 2037 Mary, 400, 894, 966, 1611 Mary Ann, 1443 Mary T., 1487 Matilda, 893 Morgan ap Jenkin, 400 Morys ap Morgan, 1603 Nancy, 399, 1351, 1443 Nathaniel, 400 Norman, 144.3 OHve, 881 Orie, 1443 Peter, 894 Philura Ann, 400 Polly, 345, 893 Porter J., 895 Richard, 1442 Robert, 1643 Ruth, 400 Sally, 744. 1635 Sallie Curtis, 1487 Sally Fox, 895 Samuel Coit, 881 Semantha Sophia, g37 Shubael Cleveland, 399 Stephen, 894 Submission, 730 Sylvanus, 1867 Theodore Gold, 2037 Thoraas, 89, 400 ¦ Washington, 1442 WiUiam, 400, 844, 1255, 3037 William Storrs, 937 Zeruah, 892 see also Carrier. Morgan alias Carrier, see Morgan. Morgan ap Jenkin, of Langston, 400 Morine, Alice, 1178 Moriton, Robert, earl, 265 Moriey, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Eliza Jane, 2044 Mary C, 1653 Sally, 665 Morphe, Elizabeth, 1845 Morrell, see Morrill. Morrice, see Morris. MorrUl, Morrell, capt., 1696 Abigail, 1862 Annie, 1696 Bessie, 1413 2/12 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Morrill, cont'd, Betsey, 1413 Blanchie Maud, 1414 Cora Lenna, 1414 Delia Elizabeth, 1414 Dell Blanchard, 1414 Dellie Elizabeth, 1414 Frank Stephen, 1414 Frederick Smith, 1413 Hannah, 271 Juna, 1170 Justin S., 1414 Lucinda, 1413 Lucy Ann, 1414 Mary, 94, 428, 959 Mary Elizabeth, 1416 Mary Potter, 701 ' Stephen, 1413 William, 1170 Morris, Morrice, Morys, Alpha, 1 5 10 ap Morgan, 1603 Betsey, 402 Caleb, 2145 Edward, 213, 1603 Eliza, 2027-8 Elizabeth, 213, 1347. 2152 Estella, isio Eugenia, 1553 Grace, 213, 1603, 2479 Grissie, 1603 Harriet, 1181 , Henry, 1603 Isabella, 2152 James, 1603, 2309 John, 1553, 1603 John Emery, 858 John M., 1884 Jonathan Flynt, 1603 Jordan, 2152 Mary, 1151, 1934. 2145 Mary Lewize, 1181 Maur Rice, Mawr-Rhys, 1603 Morys ap Morgan, 1603 Oliver, 1603 Philip, 1603 Rebecca, 1431 Ruaffe, 1603 Russell, 1181 Sarah, 1431 Solomon, 2028 Susan Olive, 2145 Thomas, 1603 William, 1431, 1603 William Trustrum, 2145 Morrison, Eliza Timberlake, 1366 Elizabeth, 800 James, 1236 Jane Elizabeth, 2003 John Norborn, 1366 Mary, 1236, 1512 Mary Ann, 460, 800 Samuel, 8co Sarah J., 730 Morrow, ancestors, 1985 Catherine, 1985 Jane, 1985 John, 1985 see also Murray. Mors, see Morse. Morse, de Mors, Mars, Mors, Morss, Moss, Mosse, count, 160 families, 160 miss, 495 mr., 160, 837, 1032 mrs., 568, 854, 1032 Aaron B., 567 Aaron R., 895 Abel, 1603 Abigail, 331. 819, 1383 Abigail Crane, 689 Abner, 85 Agnes, 567 Albert, 1178 Morse, cont'd, Albert David, 1 178 Alice, 281 Almira, 1383 Amanda, 568, 879 Amasa, 689, 1383, 1385 Ambrey Day, 12S2 Amelia, 436, 1385 Ann, 364, 449, 1032 Ann Elizaj 834 Anna, 854 Anna Eliza, 1596 Anna May, 1887 Anne, 1032, 2200 Annie Josephine, 1178 Annis, 1607 Anthony, 160, 163, 340, 346, 348, 353, 364, 1032, 1603 Anthony Bradford, 854 Augustus, 1384, 2399 Augustus Edwin, 1384 Azubah, 1383 Benjamin, 346, 449, 1603 Benjamin Cleveland, 56*7 Burton, 367 Caroline, 368 Cassie, 567 Catharine, 815, 2473 Charles Chaplin, 1887 Charles Gilbert, 895 Charles W., 367 Charlotte, 959 Chauncey, 854 Chauncey Atmore, 854, 1396 Church, 313 Clifton Beardsley, 1887 Constant C, 368 Cynthia, 231 Daniel, 1170 Daniel Jay, 421 Daniel Sanborn, 1383 Daniel Sibley, 421 David, 368 Deborah, 157 Deidamia, 136, 353 Deidoma, 136 Didama, 136 Divine Tuttle, 1383 Dorothea, 1603 Edmund, 436 Edward Augustus, 1384 Edwin B., 854 Edwin Sylvester, 421 Eleanor, 1384 Eleanor Goodwin, 1384 Elexia, 1383 Eliza Jane, 567 Elizabeth, 313, 331, 335, 488, 1839 Elizabeth Hall, 2032 Ella Aurora, 422 Ella Louise, 1887 Ellen, 368 "EUen Maria, 1240 Elsie, 281 Emily, 368 Emma, 567 Emma C, 1599 Esther, 163 Esther Maria, 1887 Ethel Olivia, 1170 Eunice, 813 Ezekiel, 421 Frances, 368, 839 Frances Ann, 568 Frances Evelyn, 1384 Francis, 367 Francis Eugene, 854 Frank, 367, 1384 Frederick, 436, 367 George, 367 Gibbs Henry, 567 Grace, 1603 Hannah, 127, 331, 338, 819, 1032, 1603, 1643 Morse, cont d, Hannah C, 93^, I093 Harold Wescott, 1384 Harriet A., 1384 Harvie Black, 1178 Henry Clay, 2200 - Herbert, 1048 Herman Nelson, 1384 Hosea Ballou, 1178 ' Ida, 367 Isaac, 137, 1032 J. Edward, 367 James, 488, 493 James W., 939 Jason, 1347 Jedediah, 160, 839, 1603 Jemima, 332 Jennie E., 1384 Jeremiah, 331, 819 John, '160, 231, 1603, 1607, 1643, 1966 John Eddie, 834 Jonathan, 281 Joseph, 160, 331, 1032, 1731, 2421 Julia, 1048 Kate Olive, 89s Keziah, 160 Laura Frances, 42: Lavinia, 366 Lavinia Annie, 567 Leonard, 837 Lois, 421 Lois Minerva, 421 Lora Belle, 1887 Lucena, 854 Lucena Brewster, 854 Lucy, 367, 813 Lucy Ann, 567 Lucy Cleveland, 421 Lucy Jane, 422 Lydia, 831, 1603 Mabel, 1384 Malvina, 1384-3 Margaret, 331 Maria, 839, 833 Maria Jane, 1887 Martha Augusta, 422 Marvin Robinson, 1887 Mary, 160, 330-1, 333, 346, 348, 364, 368, 375, 895, 1379, 1603, 1966 Mary Anna, 1393-6 Mary Cleveland, 1887 Mary Eliza, 1887 Mary Elizabeth, 449 Mary Louisa, 421 Mary Melvina, 1751 Mary Wilson, 813 Mehitable, 2421 Mercy Dexter, 1178 Minerva, 1233 Miriam Pamelia, 1383 Myron, 1383 N. Brewster, 834 Nancy, 566 Nathan, 815 Nathan Brewster, 834 Nathan Clark, 815 Nathan Cutler, 1383 Nathan Wright, 1384 Nellie, 1384 Nelson, 1252 Noah, 689 Orinda, 815 Parker, 1603 Patience, 137 Peter, i6o, 834, 1032, 1603 Phebe Gore, 367 Philander, 813 Priscilla, 1603 Rachel, 1488 Ralph Prescott, 1170 Rebecca, 1384 Richard, 331 Robert, 160, 1032 Rosalinda, 1333 Rose, 2200 Ruth, 1603 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2713 Morse, cont'd, Ruth Ann, 1547 Sally, 815 Shannon, 1170 Samuel, 160, 331, 335, 568, 815, 1643 Samuel French, 68g Sangster, 568 Sarah, 340, 348, 436, 854, 952, 1488, 1603, i6o7i 1596 Sarah EHza, 1384 Sarah Frances, 1643 Sarah Frost, 8g5 Sarah Louisa, 1170 Sarah Merrill, 836-7 Sophronia, 1383 Stephen, 436 Susan, 1036, 1170 Susan Marian, 7og Susanna, Susannah, 1603, 1751, 1S39 Sylvester Ernest, 1178 Theodore Frelinghuysen, 421 Thomas, 160, 331 Truman B., 1048 William, 160, 568, 1032, 1383 William Chapin, 1887 William Penn, 854 Morsett, Henry, 1680 Lucy Agnes, 1680 Maria, 1680 Morss, see Morse. Mortimer, Edward Thomas, 1667 Edward Thomas Henry, 1667 Frederick Paterson, 1667 Hugh, 856 Kate, 1667 Lydia Kate, 1667 Mary, 856 Rachel Da Lene, 1667 WilHam WiUiams, 2233 Morton, Moreton, earl of, 2224 Ann, 400, 530 BeUe, 1519 Calton Osgood, 946 Canning, 1176 Charity, 623 Charles, 915, io6g Charles Willard, 915 Chauncey, 1519 Consider, 915 Dexter, 2337 Eliza, 1519 Eliza Ann, 915 Eunice, 1176 George, 915, io6g, 2337 Hattie, i5ig Howard, 2336-7 John, io6g John TiUson, 1881 Josephus, 333 Julian, io6g Lorenzo C, 915 Lydia, 1519 Mabel, 3337 Marcus Randall, 3337 Margaret, 1314 Martha A., 915 Mary, 835, 915, "76 Mary Belle, 2337 Mary Frances, 1881 Mercy, gis Mercy Burns, 946 Nancy C, 837 Patience, io6g- PoUy, gi5 Rachel, 1176 RandaU, 2337 Richard,. 2337 Roxana, g46 Roxanna Clark, 1703 SaUy Cleveland, 232 Stephen, g46 Sylvester, 15 ig Morton, cont'd, Thomas, 400, 530, 1069 Walter^ 915 William, 1069 Mose, M.ary, 1977 Moseley, Mosely, Mosley, Betsey, 641 David, i8go Ebenezer, 2309 Erama PrisciUa, 1348 Grace, 1105 Lois, 1834 Lucinda, 1339 Lydia, 1890 Lydia Jane, 1146 Lydia M., 1146 Maria, 1146 Mary, 337, 332, iSgo Noah, 1146 Tryphena, gio Mosely, Mosley, see Mose ley. Moses, Cora Dot, 1205 Delia Ursula, 1514 Guy Ernest, 1205 Harriet F., i7og Melissa A., 1205 Pearl, Perley, 1205 Polly, 1863 Sarah, 1627 Wiona, 1205 Mosher, Moshier, Mosier, Alison Erskine, 1014 Amos E., 2051 Anna, 1275 Annie J., g45 Annie L., 945 Charity T., 945 Charies T., 945 Daniel, 945 Daniel H., 945 Elizabeth, igi8 Frederick, g45 Harvey, 1014 Huldah, sSg Joshua, 2014 Lendall D., g45 Lizzie M., g45 Louisiana, 3051 Lydia, 851 Martha Sarah, 3014 Mary, 2014 Mary E., 2051 Mary Jane, g45 Morcia Eloise, 1014 Phebe, 1295 Rachel M., 945 Willena Hattie, 1014 Winthrop, 1014 Moshier, Mosier, see Mosher. Mosley, see Moseley. Miosman, Tabitha, 1829 Moss, Mosse, see Morse. Mossom, Maria Elizabeth Minturn, 791 Motley, Rebecca R., 1614 Moton, Maud, 1664 Roger, 1664 Motsloff, Jennie, 1644 Louisa, 1644 Valentine, 1644 Mott, Adam, 1511 Alice Williams, 1134 Alonzo, 924 Annie Maria, 1378 Charles Eari, 1134 Charles WUliams, 1123 Dorothea, 934, 1679 Dorothy, 1122 Eliza, 1133 Elizabeth, 1511 John, 1133 Lucy Cleveland, 1124 Mark, 1122 Martha, 1633 Mary Ann, 924 Melinda, 1679 Sarah, 1511 Mott, cont'd. Sarah Ann, 1278 Sarah Louise, 1123 Sylvanus S., 924, 1679 Thomas, 1132 WiUiam Becket, 1378 Williara John Farman, 1278 Mottle, Anna, 687 Thomas, 687 Moulton, mrs., 1567 four descents, 832 pedigrees mentioned, 833 Ann Lourette, 1567 Augusta, 1756 Benjamin, 832 Calista, 1467 Carrie Bell, 1569 Cleveland Fortune, 1567 Daniel Plerbert, 1568 Daniel Johnson, 831 Ebenezer, 833 Elizabeth, 831 Elizabeth Aurelia, 1568 Ellen Louise, 1943, 3354, 33gg Fannie, 1568 Florence, ig43 Frances A., 1568 Frances Jenett, i56g George Addison, 1569 Grant Cleveland, 1569 Harriet Camilla, 1569 Harriet Curtis, 699 Harriet Lourett, 1568 Harry Waterman, 1569 Henry V., 832 Howard, 699, 833 Ida Virginia, 1567 James Douglas, 1569 Joanna, Johanna, 1568, 3387 John Dane, 1567 John Johnson, 1568 John Lewis, 1568 Joseph, 833 Josephine Victoria, 1569 Josiah, 833 Kate Caroline, 1569 . Kate Douglas, 1569 Laura Lazette, 1408 Louisa Juliene, 1566 Louise, 1943, 2354, 2399 Louise Chandler, 1943, 23S4> 2399 Lourett, 1569 Lucy Elizabeth, 1407 Marietta, 1668 Mary, 832 Maud Douglas, 1567 Melona Dorcas, 856 Napoleon Bonaparte, 1568 Reverdy Hallock, 1567 Ruth, 6gg Ruth Eliza, 1408 Ruth Perkins, 1567 Salmon, 833 Sarah J., i56g Stephen, 833 WiUiam,. 1668 William Cleveland, i56g William MitcheU, ¦ i56g WilHam Upham, 1943 WiUiston Jay, 1567 Mountfort, Mumford, Ann, 1814 Mt. Gomery, see Montgom ery. MousaU, Mashell, Monsall, Moiisehole, Alice, 335 Eunice, 58 Hannah, 235 Joanna, 58 John, 27, 58 Mary, 335 Ralph, 58, 235 Thomas, 335 2/14 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Mousehole, see MousaU, Mouser, Amelia Jane, 1164 Daniel, 1164 Elizabeth, 1164 James Ackley, 1164 Minerva Ursula, 1164 Rebecca Ann, 1164 Sarauel, 1164 Mouton, Adeline, 1459 Mary Adele, 1459 Sylvester, 1459 Moxley, Anna, i3o6 Catharine Amelia, 1206 , Charles Seth, 1207 Charlotte May, 1207 Ellen, 1206 Frank Herbert, 1206 Helen, 1206 Kate AmeHa, 1206 Laura Winifred, 1307 Lena Lewan, 1207 Lottie May, 1307 MariUa Lee, 1307 Minnie AHce, i3o6 Nelly, 1206 Sarah Ann, 1206 Seth, i3o6 Susie Mercy, 1207 Moyer, miss, 3334 mr.. 2334 mrs., 2334 Waltina, 1855 Moyett, Frances Maria, 1237 :Mt. Gomery, see Mont gomery. Muckler,. Amanda Jane, 1861 Cari, 1861 Charies, 1861 Lorenzo, 1861 Lorest, 1861 Marietta, 1255 Mellie M., 1861 Rory, 1861 Wilbur, 1350 Mudge, Elizabeth, 51 George, 51 Muilhethan, king Fiacha, 1068 Muir, Archie, 1490 Estella, 1490 Georgia, 1490 Maggie, 1490 Zuleika, 1490 Mulcay, Julia, 1673 Mary. 1673 Thomas, 1673 ]\Iulford, Benjamin, 454 Ezekiel, 698 Henrietta, 454 Jane Caneran, 6g8 Nancy, 698 Phebe, 454 Sarah Jane, 454 Townley, 454 Mulican, Susannah, 604 Mull, mrs., 3335 Barney, 3335 iMuUen, see Mullin. Mullet, Roxanna, 476 Mullickin, see Mulligan. "Mulligan, Mullickin, Mary, 1451, 2040 Peter, 1451 Rebecca, 2040 Robert, 3040 Mullin, Molines, Mullen, Mullings, Mullins, captain, 996 Alvira, 953 Blanche Elizabeth, 1636 Edith May, 1552 Glennie Blanche, 1553 Harriet Eleanor, 1626' Isaiah, 1626 John, 1552 Tohn Lewis, 1552 'T\l R, 1626 Mary Ann, 1626 Mary E., 2117 Mordecia Roberts, 1626 Morgan. 2117 Priscilla, 872 Sarah Jane, 2041 WiUiam, 873 Mullings, Mullins, see Mullin. Mulrennan, , 1985 Multer, Margaret, 673 Mumford, see Mountfort. Mundle, Susannah, 3458-9 Munger, Aaron Gregory, 1361 Abigail Susan, 1361 Charlotte, 1934 Esther, 1361 Esther Champion, 1361 Hannah Luretta, 1934 John Wesley, 1360-1 Lucia, 845 Lydia, 1361 Obediah W., 1361 Reuben Champion, 1361 Robert Raymond, 1934 Ruth, 1429 Susan C, 1360-1 Munn, Katherine, 1301 Margaret, 1336 Munroe, see Monroe. Mun Row, Davi'd, 292 Elizabeth, 292 Mary, 292 Munsden, Cornelia Williaras, 1828 Edward B., 1838 John Cleveland, 1838 Munsee, Sarah, 1725 Munsell, Joel, 312, 731, 1532 Joel's sons, 313 Lydia, 329-30 Munson, Moneson, raiss or mrs., 725 Amanda M., 1675 Amos, 1836 Anna, gog Anna Monroe, g28 Bertha Mildred, 1836 Charles T., 1333 Claude Terry, 1836 Cornelia Araanda, 1333 Edward A., gog Elizabeth, 5g3 Ethel, 1333 George, 1333 Hannah, 1211 Henry, g28 Henry W., 1675 Jane S., 1675 Jared, gog Louella Eugenia, 1836 Louis Oviatt, 1836 Mabel, 5g8, 1201 Maria Lucinda, 1333 Martha A., gi8 Mehitable, 598 MUdred Mary, 1836 Phebe, 1333 Ralph WendeU, 1836 Sarah, 782, gi5, 1516 Thomas, 1211 Mupert, Jesse, 1625 Mary, 1625 ?Uura, countess, 3303 Groe, lady, 1108, 3303 Regenwald, lord of North and South, 1108, 2203 Rogvald, jarl of, 1108, 2203 Murdock, mr., 84g Angeline, i3g2 Austin, 6g2 Beamish, 105 Candace, 681 Charlotte, 6g2 Daniel, 67g, 692 Emily, 6g2 Esther, 692 Harriet, 1340 Jessie, 692 Louisa, 692 Mary, 849 Mary A., 693 Matthew, 681 Rachel, 849 Samuel, 693 Zada Ann, 679 Murfee, see Murphy. Murkland, Mary, 1868 Murney, Eliza, i96g Murphy, Murfee, rar., 1543 mrs., 3107, 33i8 Anna, igo6 Murphy, cont d, Augusta, 1630 Charles, 1361 Clara, 559 Daniel, 1630, 3394 Eda, 1630 EHza, 1542 Elizabeth, 798, i543 IsabeUa, 2250 James D., 798 John, 2107 Joseph R., 1203 Katie, 1410 Malachi, 2218 Margaret, 958 Mariah, 1543 Mary, 1105 Matilda, 33g4 Maurice, 2218 Melvina Jane, 22g4 Michael, 2218 Moses, 1410, 3318 Myra, 1303 Peter Patrick, 1630 Susan A., 1361 WilHam, 3350 Murray, Murrey, Murry, ancestors, ig85 Agnes; nog Alice Ann, 1637 Anna Maria, i62g Benjamin, i62g Catherine, 1680 Charles Carlyle, 1146 Charles Luman, 1146 Esther Ann, 1146 Gertrude Waldron, 1990 Grattan Ashbel, 1146 Plebardon Nicholas, iggo Henriet Eleanor,. 1693 Honorah, 2034 James Augustus Henry, n John Ernest, 1146 John Smith, 1146 Joseph B., 1639 Lydia Jane, 1146 Margaret, 1109 Margaret Theresa, 1680 Mary, 3033 Mary Elizabeth, 1146 Michael, 1680 Miranda Marilla, 1639 Myra Mildred, 1146 Orlando, i63g * Patrick, nog, 3034 Paulina, 3143 Polly, 665 Ruth E., 550 Sarah Case, iggo Susan, 945 Susie Alma, 1146 see also Morrow. Murrey, Murry, see Murray. Muskerry, Cormac, lord, 1068 Cormac Oge, lord, vis count, 106S Cormic Laidir, lord, 1068 Dermod, lord, 1068 Donogh, lord, 1068 Ellen, lady, 1069 EUena, lady, 1068 Honora, lady, 1068 McCarthy Reagh, lord, io6g Teigue, lord, 1068 Musle, mr., 1852 Mary Ann, 1852 Mustain, Mustin, Isaac, 3375 Nathan, 1652 Sarah Elizabeth, 1653 Mustin, see Mustain. Muzzy, Abigail, sg6 Bethia, 22g2 Cephas, 817 Edith Dwight, 2053 Grace Ernest, 3053 Howard Gray, 3053 Joel Howard, 3053 Joel Prouty, 3053 INDEX OF PERSONS. 271S Muzzy, cont'd, Joseph, 1561 Mary Ann, 817 Mary Torry, 2053 Nancy, 817, 1561 Nancy Gilford, 1561 MycaU, Jaraes, 2251 Mary, 3251 Rebecca, 3351 Myddleton, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 see also Wharton Myddle ton. Myers, see Meyer. Mygate, see Mygatt. Mygatt, Maygott, Meggott, Mygate, Ann, 1322 Comfort S., 2022 Dorothy, 1331-2 Jacob, 1322, ig88 Joseph, 1322, ig88 Lucy, 2022 Sarah, 1322, ig88 Mykillati, king Dan, 2204 Myles, see Miles. Mynatt, Elizabeth, 2o8g Mynde, Anna, 1060 John, 1060 Myner, Mynors, see Miner. Myrick, Mirick, Mirricke, Alexander, g5g Amathia, Amity, 5g HopestiU, 5g John, 5g Mary, 58, g5g Prudence, 836 Sarah, g68 Myton, Clarence Bigler, 1364 Jane Ann, 1364 Robert B., 1364 Nading, Andrew, 318 Louisa, 318 Nagle, Nagley, Joseph, 2018 Margaret, 2018 Mary Agi^es, 3018 Mary Ann, 33g3 Nagley, see Nagle. Nalam, Richard, 37g Nall, mrs., 2111 Abner Franklin, 2111 Colman, 2111 EHza, 2081 Frances F., 2081 Frances Franklin, 2081, ¦ 2iog Helon, 2111 James Franklin, 2111 Jane, 2111 Mary, 2081 Mary Ann, 3108, sm Matilda, 3i:i Nicholas, 3111 Polly Ann, 30S1 Robert, 3081, 3108 Robert Cleveland, 3081 Robert Franklin, 31 n WiUiam, 2081 WilHam Holaway, 3081 Naper, see Napier. Napier, Naper, Amelia, 1383 Betsey, 1433 John, 1433 Joseph, 1383 ¦ Joseph Morse, 1383 Ralph, 1383 Robert, 1383 Sarah Elizabeth, 1433 Naramore, Electa, g6s Esther, 1537 Nash, AbigaU, 2014 Almerion, 1848 Benjamin, 2253 Calista Matilda, 1308 Cynthia, 796 Daniel, 797 Elizabeth, 788 Experience, 797 Francis PhiUp, 1818 Hendrick, 439 Jacob, 2014 James, 2014 John, 2455 Nash, cont'd, Joseph, 1988 Katherine Cleveland, 1818 Lucinda, 3ig6 Margaret, ig88 Margary, Margery, 7g7, 1632 Martha, 7g7 Mary, 43g, 7g6-7, 1632, ig7o, 3014, 2353 Mary Crouch, 1816 Philip, 1818 Polly, 3353 Rebekah, 797 Sarah, 1847-8, ig88, 3455 Susannah, 786 Sylvester, 797 Thomas, 797, 1633 Timothy, 797 Treadway Russell, 2234 Tubel, 796-7 Winnifred, 291 Nason, Martha, 564, 1176 Paty, 564, 1176 Navarre, Blanche queen Dowager of, 366 Naylor, Charles, 451 Elizabeth, 2020 Mary Jane, 451 Nead, Elizabeth, 1134 Mary, 1134 Reuben, 1134 Neal, Neale, NeU, NeiU, Niel, Abiah, 198 Abner, 1088-9 Ann, io88-g Barbara, io88-g Eunice, 165, 170 Harriet, 1089, 2118 J. A., 1243 Jerusha, 376 Joanna, 703 John, 170-1 Joseph, 165, 170, 1089 Judith, 170 Lois, 435 Major, 3118 Malinda, 3138 Mary, 165, 170-1 Mary Jane, 1573 Nancy, 2118, 2220 Sarah, io8g Sue, 2307 Susan Emery, 1243 Thomas, ig8 William, 1089, 2207 Neale, see Neal. Nearing, Albert Gallatin, 1213 Allie Luella, 1850 Ashel, 1213 Charles Sumner, 1850 Delia, 1213 Franklin Mortimer, 1213 Frederick, 1313 Jane CeceHa, 1213 Jessie Amelia, 1213 Lewis, 1313 Mary, 1313 Mary Cecelia, 1850 Nancy Amelia, 1313 Nears, Polly, 671 Neary. mrs., 571 \. Adelaide, 571 Alice, 571 Amelia, 570 Ann, 555 Annie, 570-r Arthur, 571 Bessie, 571 Catharine, 571 Charles Sidney, 571 Charlotte, 569 Charlotte M., 571 Clara, 571 Daniel, 570 Edward E., 571 Edwin, 571 Elijah, 570 Eliza, 353, 570 Elizabeth, 570 Emma, 571 Enoch, 571 Ethel, 570 Fletcher, 571 Goodwin, 571 Harriet, 569 Harriette, 570 Henry, 570 Neary, cont'd, Ida, 570 Isabella, 570 James, 252, 570 James Fenn, 571 Jerusha, 251 Kathleen, 570 Laura, 571 Leander, 570 Lena, 571 Louis, 571 Lovette, 571 Mary, 252, 570 Maud, 571 Olivia, 570 Phebe, 571 PhUip, 571 Priscilla Grace, 570 Rachel, 571 Richey, 571 Sophia, 570 Watson, 570 Wellington, 555, 571 Wesley, 570 William, 570 Neate, Amy Elizabeth, 2019 Mary Ann, 3019 Samuel, 3019 Nebenger, Matilda C, 1019 Neblett, Sarah S., 444 Needham, Caroline Amelia, 1463 Plannah, 1463 Jasper, 1463 Winny, 2193 Neely, Charles Blanchard, 3030 Ella, 3030 Ella Fidelia, 3029 Florence, 3030 Harry, 3030' Henry Boardman, 3039 Josiah, 3039 Julia, 3030 Merrill, 2030 Norman, 2030 Sarah, 2029 Neer, Anna, 1265 Hiram, 1265 Sarah Jane, 1265 Neeson, Caroline, 1904 Neff, Ann Seaver, 850 Elizabeth, 1236 Helvetia Lucinda, 2494 Henry, 1409, 3494 Nathan, 850 Patience, 1461 Sarena, 1670 Negus, mrs., 446 Aaron, 446 Abbey Ann, 446 Abel, 444 Anna, 446 Benjamin, 446 Betsey, 446 Betsey Jane, 446 Cynthia, 446 Eliza, 446 " Eliza Reed, 446 Fanny, 1064 Fanny Lucy, 446 Frances Lucy, 446 Henry, 446 Isaac, 446 John, 446 Joseph Hobart, 446 Mary Jane, 446 Mary Maria, 446 Olive, 446 Philena, 446 Robert, 446 Sally Barnaby, 444 Sarah, 446 Susan, 446 Sylvia Davis, 446 Thomas, 446 Thomas Knowles, 446 WiUiam, 446 Neikirk, Addie Augusta, 1187 David, 1 187. Edna Claire, 1187 Floyd Edgar, 1187 George, 1187 Irene Sarah, 1187 Sarah Jane, 1187 NeU, NeiU, see Neah Neilson, see Nelson. Nelras, Alexander Peel, igio Ann, igio Eleanor Cleveland, igio Sarah Rosa, 1910 William Washington, igio 2/16 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Nelson, Neilson, Nielson, mr., 333, 783, 3292 Albert, 1544 Albina Clarissa, 1905 Ann, 364 Ann Aurelia, 790 Ann Jane, 1343 Artimisia, 1343 Asa, 1260 Betsey Ann, 2319 Catharine, 1768, 2430 Charity, 782 Charles Austin, 1562 Charles Campbell, 1343 Clarissa, 1905 Coral, 1544 Dorcas, 333 Eliza Ann, 1562 Eliza Tracy, 1803 Elizabeth Sarah, 650 EUen, 2292 Emeline, 1544, 1964 Emma Jane, 2248 Eunice, 1804 Evelyn, 1233 Francis, i57 Frederick McFarland, 3348 George Henry, 3348 , Hannah, 1563 Harriet, 783, 1505 Harriet A., 1513 Harriet Mary, 1505 lantha, 1544 James, 1505 Jane, 1746 Jeremiah, 364 John, 1768 John G., 1804 John William, 1563 Jonathan, 1562 Lawrence Perry, 2133 Louise Caroline, 2133 McFarland, 2248 Maria, 3473 Martha, 3136 Mary, 1505 Matthew, 3136 Nathaniel, 1905 Oscar, 1505 Phebe, 783 Rachel, 2290 ' Rebecca, 1768 Rosalie, 939 Sarah, 157, 333, 650, 790, 1260 Sarah Anne, 1563 Sarah Gilbert, 1360 Seth, 650 Stephen, 1544, 2319 Stephen S., 2319 Susan, 745 Sydney Garable, 2126 Sylvia, 790 Thankful, 1529 William, 457, 1033 William James, 1505 Wylie Cleveland, 2248 Zilpah, 157 Nesbett, see Nesbit. Nesbit, Nesbett, Bert Thorp, 2462 Byron Everett, 2462 John, 1740, 23ig Leonore Hermina, 1740 Lorena Estelle, 2462 Mabel, 2462 Margaret, 33ig Mary Augusta, 3463 Robert, 3463 Sarah, 3319 Sarah Ann, 1740 William Henry, 1740 WUliara Marsiglia, 1740 Nesler, Christopher, 1381 Lucinda, 1381 Sarah, 1381 Nest, Joseph, 1030 Sarah, 1030 Susannah, 1030 Neville, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Alice, 365 Joan, 365 Ralph, 365 Richard, 365 Nevin, Nevins, Albert Mitchell, 2215 Helen Adelaide Josephine, 2215 Ida Clifton, 2215 James Banks Underwood, 2215 Martha, 487, 1079-80, iog4 Mary MitcheU, 2215 Tamesine, 1262 Nevins, see Nevin. Newberry, Newbury, Nuberry, Andrew White, 1826 Arthur St. John, 1826 Benjamin, 1305, 1827 Clara Dickson, 1826 Cleveland Gaylord^ 1826 Elizabeth, 1826-7, 2023 Elizabeth Strong, 1826 Emma Paige, 1826 Eunice, 1827 Hannah, 1827, 1842 Harriette, 1827 Henry, 1826-7 Jane, 1827 John Strong, 1S26 Keith Gaylord, 1826 Mary, 1305, 1426, 1827 Minnie Beebe, 1826 Robert Thorne, 1836 Roger, 1837 Sarah, 1305, 1843 Sarah Brownell, 1836 Spencer Baird, 1836 Thomas, 1305, 1837, 1843 Williara Belknap, 1836 Winnifred Eells, 1826 Wolcott Ely, 1826 Newborough, iDaron, 2415 Newbury, see Newberry. Newcomb, Newcombe, Newcome, mr., 58g AbigaU, 565 / Abraham, 1173 Adeline Marilla, 1235 Andrew, i3g Ann, 1173 Ann Jemima, 1442-3 Arthur Rowell, 1173 Deborah, 139 Ellen Frances, 1173 Fanny, 1235 Foster, 1235 Freddie Foster, 1235 Frederick WUHam, 1173 George Smith, 1173 Georgianna, 1177 Grace, 139, 1488-9 Hezekiah, 138-9 James, 1173 James Warren, 1177 Jerusha, 138 Leander Witherell, 1235 Louise Marilla, 1335 Lydia Ann, 1394 Nancy, 58g Obadiah, 1443 Pasca, i34g Rachel, 512 Ruth, 562, 564 Sarah, i3g Sarah Louisa, 1173 Simon, 139 Susan M., 1177 WUliam Abram, 1173 Newcombe, Newcome, see Newcomb. Newell, mr., 2049 Abram, 1816 Alma Maria, 1290 Alraira, 1494 Ann Rebecca, 834 Anna, 1853 Antoinette, 1851 Betsey, go6 Edward E., 1564 Newell, cont'd, Edwin, 1851 Eleazer Allen, 1563 Elizabeth, 1762 Elizabeth F., 824 Esther, ii47 Eulelia May, i2go, i87g Eva Wheatley, 1390 Everett Clifton, 1290 Florence, 1564 Frances, 1816 Frank E., 834 Franklin Hibbard, 1290 Frederic Elton, isgo George Flint, i3go George Frank, i3go Grace, 1816 Guy Joseph, i3go Harriet Almira, 1851 Hattie, 1853 Herbert Llewellyn, 1390 Ida Alelia, 1390, 1879 Isaac Freeman, 1564 James Munroe, 1851 Jesse, 333, 834 Jesse Amory, 834 Jesse C, 1290 Jesse S., 1564 Joseph, 1290 Joseph GurHon, 1290 Lavinia, 1494 Lorena, 2049 Louisa Celia, 1290 Lucy Maria, 1563 Luman, 1494 Lydia, 333 Maria, 1851 Martha, 904 Mary, 1663 Mary Ann, 1290 Mary Elizabeth, 1563 Mary Keith, 1290 May, 1290 Mehitabel, 824 Melinda Hinsdale, 2049 Olive, 906 PameHa, 834 Rebecca, 1147 Riverius, 3049 Sarauel, 1663 Sarah, 2049 Sarah Ann, 1290 Sarah Davison, 1390 Sarah Elizabeth, 1290 Silas Davis, 1290 Sophia E., 824 Thomas, 906, 1147' Urbane, 1290 Weltha, 1290 WUHam, 1851 Nevvgate, Ann, 533 Elizabeth, 533 John, 522 Newhall, Elizabeth, 1670 Lydia, 3423 Mary, 1670, 2439 Rebecca, 1670 Thomas, 1670, 2423 Timothy, 243g Newland, John P., 786 Joseph P., 786 Mary, 1838 Mary Ann, 786 Newlin, Elizabeth, 2045 Jane, 2045 John, 2045 Mary, 2045 Nathaniel, 2045 Nicholas, 2045 Newman, Ada May, 1834' Charles, 1814-15 Christina, 1815 Eleanor, 1336 Eliza, 197 Fanny, 2og7 Henry, 1815-16 Julio Ralph, 1336 Laura, 1537 Mary Ann, 1815-16 Mary Elizabeth, 1814-15 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2717 £» Newman, cont'd, May, 1814 Patience, 236 Richard, 236 Robert, 3097 . '-.. Rose, 833 Samuel, 336 Sarah, 833 Silvester, 197 Sybel, 336 Sylvester, 197 Thomas, 833 William Ralph, 1336 Newport, EUza, 886-7 { Elizabeth, 886-7 ; Polly, 1624 ; Newton, family, 1057 mrs., 2334 Abigail, 232, 1031 Ann^ 1057 Azubali, 596 ¦ Benjamin, 339 Betsey, 1683 i*. Christopher, 333 Dana, 1539 Edward Augustus, 1057 Eleanor, 384, 810 Elinor, 810 EUza Jane, 3044 Elizabeth, 1688 Elizabeth Fenn Hudspath, 1633 Elizabeth Stuart, 1057* EUen 384 Fi-ederick, 771 Hannah, 1656' Helen, 384 Henry, 1057, 2334 Hibbert, 1057 Ida Bell, 1934 Jane, iggg Joel Truraan, 2044 Laura, i53g Lucy, 257 Martha, 257 Mary, 232, 339 Mary Ann, 1539 Molly, 339 Rebecca, 259 Rose, 2044 Ruth Ann, 771 Sarah Tileston, 1057 Susanna Cleveland, 1057 Theresa, B632 Thomas, 1057 Ney, see Nye. Nicholas, Nicolas, Nicolaus, David A., 102 Eliza, 1542 Harris, 490 Helen, 1542 John K., 1542 Jonathan, gg, 102 Mary, gg, 102 Mary Ann, 1518 Rheece, I03 Thomas, 3415 Nicholls, -see Nichols. Nichols, Nicholls, Nickols, Nicoll, NicoUs, miss or rars., 45, 313 mrs., 741, 2240 Aba, 1585 Abigail, 1830 Abner, 1463 Ann, 319, 717 Anna Ensign, 1590 Anne, 1830-1, 3238-g Annie, 1830-1 Arzelia, i6g3 Augustine, 319 Benjamin, 1633, 1830-1 Caroline Elizabeth, 1693 Charity, 1830-1 Charles, 1811 Charles Henry, 1633 Deborah, 741 Dorothea F., 1063 Edwin MiUer, 1855 EHza, 1811 Elizabeth, 2438 EUa. 1240 Elmira Nye, 1248 Elsie, 1855 Emma Stockirg, 1811 Ezra, 1855 Fannie M., 1855 Flora Darling, 717 Frances Mary, 1830 Francis, 478 George, 314 Nichols, cont'd, George Canning, 717 George Henry, 1063 George Washington, 1541 Gladys Webster, 1811 Hannah, ii8g Howard W., 1855 Ichabod, 1063 Ida May, ig64 Isaac, 478 Jacob, 1248 Jane Roxana, 1463 John, 15, 1653, 3337-8 John Bowyer, 3340, 2400 John Bruce, 2340, 2400 John Gough, 3340, 2400 John Taylor Gilman, 1063 Jonathan Bassett, 1573 Joseph, 717, 1653 Julia Ann, 608 Lilevs, 1855 Louisa Maria, 1855" Louise Maria, 1855 Lucy, 3340 Lucy Ann, 1541 Lucy Morris, 1573 Lydia, 1063, 1541 Magdalen Mary, 1830-1 Margaret, 478, 1830-1 Maria Wood, 1463 Marietta Rhoba, 1653 Martha, 1633, 333S Martha Salisbury, 1063 Mary, 478, 1054, 1998 Mary Ann, 486 Mary Josephine, 717 Matthias, 1830 Mercy, 741, 883, 3484 Nancy, 1633 Olive McKinstry, 1585 Berlin Edwin, 1855 Philander Cebary, 1964 Polly, 1355 Rebecca, 9g2, 1573 Rhoba, 1653 Richard, 1830 Robert, 1830 Rufus, i6g3 Ruth, 131, 313 Samuel, 1830-1 Sarah, 314, ig64, 2007, 323g, 3444 Saviah B., 3438 Susan, 3444 Thomas, 319, 741, 3484 Tracy, 2444 William, 319, i5go, 1830-1 William Henry, 1811 WUliam W., 1585 WilHam Walbridge, 1585 Nicholson, Ada S., 574 Albert J., 574 Alida, 574 Annie B., 574 Banoni, g58 Charles S., 574 Eliza Bradner, 8g7 Elizabeth, 8g7, 1684 Elizabeth A., g58 Henry, 573, ii7g Henry R., 573 Henry S., 574 Howe J., 574 Jennie E., 1668 John B., g58 John Chandler, 897 Martha, 1179 Otis G., 574 Rachel, 1559 Susannah Pulsifer, 573 Sybella, 573 Sybil, 1179 Williara F., 573 Nickerson, Caroline Wentworth, 1717 Hepsie Ashley, 1717 Joseph Baker, 1717 Julia Ann Baker, 1716 Obed, 1716 Rebeccah, 1554 Reliance, 1716 Nickery, James A., 570 Olivia, 570 Nickols, see Nichols. Nicolas, Nicolaus, see Nicholas. Nicoll, NJcoUs, see Nichols. Niel, see Neal. Nielson, see Nelson. Nigh, Nancy Agnes, 1523 Nighmaster, Elizabeth, 1315 John, 1315 Phebe, 1315 Nightingale, Eleanor Maria, 1801 Julia Huntington Grenelle, 1801 Julia Stuart, 1801 Lionel B., 1801 WUliara Henry GreneUe, 1801 Nihen, Katharine M., 1769 NUes, Addie M., 804 Alexander HamUton, 1838 Allen Worden, 1934 Ansel, 1346 Betsey, 1934 Deborah, 1358 Edson S., 804 Ella Rosella, ig34 Elizabeth, 731 Ethel M., 804 Francis Andrew, 1346 John, 1340 John Osmer, 1346 Josephine Alida, 1346 Mary Belle, 1838 Mary Eliza, 1838 Milton, 395 MUton Cleveland, 395 Miranda, 1346 Smith, 395 Smith Brown, 1346 Theodotia, 395 Nirlton, Drusilla, ig37 Nisbet, Alexander, 1093 Alison, 1091-3 Andrew, 1092 Anne, iog2 Charles, iog3 Hannah, 1746 Mary, iog3 Thomas, iog3 William, 1092 Nisewner, Catharine, 2305 Niver, Elizabeth, 1218 Nixon, Clara Elizabeth, 1364 Michael, 1364 Phoebe, 1364 Noakes, Arthur, 878 Catharine, 877-8 Joseph, 878 Mary, 878 Robert, 878 Nobes, Alice Eugenia, 934 Ann Jane, 934 Harrison Joseph, 934 Isaac, 934 Joseph, 934 Nobil, see Noble. Noble, Nobil, mr., 1837 mrs.,, 405 Abigail, 1885, 2265, 2428 Adaline, 1216 Addie, 1668 Caleb, 2386 Carl E., 1855 Catharine, 1837 Charles, 1204 Charles Ezra, 1216 Charlotte, 1503 Christian, 1216 Daniel Webber, 1216 David, 2265 Electa, 2286 Elizabeth, 1505 Elizabeth Jane, 1449 EmeHne, 1215 Emily, 779 Enoch, 2328 Francis, 878 Gideon, 1316 Hannah, 878, I3i6, 2265 Hannah Ann, 1215 Harriet, 1215-16 Helen, 1204 Herbert M., 1855 27i8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Noble, cont'd, Huldah, 404, 1216 Jane, 1493 Jennie, 1204 Joanna, 1216 John, 1837 Keziah, 404-5 Laura Shepard, 1502-3 Lester, 779 Louise Maria, 1855 Luella, 2301-2 Luther, 1503 Marinda, 1323 Mary, 1837 Mary Jane, 1216 Matthew, 1216 Peter, 404-5, 2301 Ralph, 1215-16 Ralph Alonzo, I3i6 Rufus Fenton, 1315 Sarah, 1503, 1885 Solomon, 1216 Susan, 2301 Susannah, 1503 Thomas, 1316, 1503 . William, 1316 WilHs Albert, i3i6 Noblitt, Jacob, 1437 Lavina, 1437 Martha, 1437 Nock, see Knox. Nodine, Andrew, 318 Louisa, 318 Noel, Elizabeth, 1383 Noiret, Jacqueline, 1776 Noise, see Noyes. Noket, Elijah, 197 Winifred, 197 Nolan, see Noland. Noland, Nolan, mr., i7ig Abbie Howes, i7ig H. M., 1611 Lewis, 3077 Mary Eliza, 1611 SaUie, 3077 Norcross, Sarah, 1883 Norfolk, duke of, 3204 Noriega, Don Jose Antonio de la Guerra y, 1764 Normal, Esther, 1724 Norman, Bernard the, 3176 Elizabeth, iSgg Normandy, duchess of, 3175 Robert, duke of, no8 Rolf-ganger, or Rollo, duke of, 3175-6 William, duke of, 14, 365-6, 800, 1068, 3034, 3045, 3175 Norris, Addie B., 3447 Betsey, 1408 Catharine, 209 John, 210 John Hancock, 2202 Mary, 588, 813 Mary Joanna, 1025 Sallie Stump, 2202 Sarah Tate, 2202 Silence, 2457 William, 1025 W^illiara Crawford, 2202 North, raiss, 1172 David, 1496 Lucinda, 1496 Sarah, 393, 1496 Northcut, Mary P., 2305 North Mura and South Mura, Regenwald, lord of, 1 108, 2203 Northrop, see Northrup. Northrup, Northrop, North- rupp, Northup, miss, 891 Amy, 1773 Ansel Judd, 9g8 Clark, 1334 David, 76 EmeHne Amelia, 1334 Enoch, 998 Freelove, 476 Jeanette, 1161 Joseph, 659, ggS L. R., 476 Lucy, 65g Margaret, 76 ¦Northrup, cont'd, Mary, 65g, gg8 Nicholas, 1334 Rebecca, gg8 Sarah, 1161, 1334, 1340 Stephen K., 1161 Theresa, 34g William, 1773 William Henry, 1334 Northrupp, see Northrup. Northumberland, duke of, 265 earls of, 3234 Gospatric, earl, 1214 Henry Percy, earl of, ig86 Ucthred, earl of, 2235 Northup, see Northrup. North Wales, Marchudd-ap- Cynan founder of the VIII Noble Tribe ol, 2415. Owen ap Edwyn founder of XII Noble Tribe of, 2415 Owenn Gwynedd, prince of, 2415 North Wales and Powys, Marchudd-ap-Cynan founder of the VIII Noble Tribe of, 2415 Owen ap Edwyn founder of XII Noble Tribe of, 2415 Norton, ancestors, g7g miss, 556, g7i raiss or mrs., 42g rars., 998 Aaron, 759 Abbie Howes, 1719 AdaHne, 75g Adrianna Fletcher, 97S Allen, 972 Araanda, 971 Andrew, 35 Ann, 1151 Ariel, 971 Averick Henniken, 978 Belinda, 538 Benjamin, 759 Caroline C., 1584 Charity, 978 Charles, 972 Charlotte, 759 Clement, 978 CordeHa, 971 David, 759 Deborah, 971 Delia, 75g, 1182 Edward, 433, g7i, 1730 Eliza, 431, g7i, g78 Elizabeth, 32, 35, 434, 759 Elizabeth Colliss, 978 EUa, 971 Enoch, 75g Eunice, 538 Francis, ggS Frank Warren, g78 G., 3310 George, 35, 170 Georgiana, g72 Grace, 1151 Hannah, 1716 Hannah Smith, 1716 Harriet Cleveland, g7i Harriet Louisa, g6i Harriet Newell, 1720, 1723 Helen, g7i Henry, 1720 Henry Chancy, g65 Huldah, 44 Ida May, 1884 Isaac, 35, g7i Jacob, 35 jane, 433 Jane West, 1720 Jenny, g7i Jereraiah, 1719 John, 682 John B., 759 John Neal, 971 John Nicholas, 3389 John Rawson, 978 John Warren, g78 Jonathan, g73 Joseph, 35, 3271 Judah, 431 Lola, 75g Lorena, 682 Lot, 434. 979 Norton, cont'd. Love, 431 00 Lucius B., 1884 Lucy, 432, 97^ , Lucy Cleveland, 972 Lydia, 434. 977-8 ¦ Lyman, 759 Mabel, 1720 Margaret, 972. I7i9 Maria, 979» 1720 Mark, 240 Martha, 978, 1312 Mary, 170, 438. 971-2, 978, gg8, 1720 Mary Ann, 1720 Mary Davis, 1730 Mary Elizabeth, 1313 Mary Jane, g72 Mercy, 1340 Nicholas, 32, 35, 434, g72 Peter, g78 Phineas, 538 Polly, 340, 434 Polly Davis, g7i Reuben, 1584 Richard, 35 Robert, 35 Rose Ann, 685 Ruth, 33, 35 Sarauel, 977 Sarah, 75g, 1203 Sarah Fisher, g7g Seba, 1720 Shubael Claghorn, 971, 1720, 1723 Sophia Fisher, g77 Sophronia, g7g Susan, g7i Susan Folger, 965 Susannah, 431 Thomas, g6i, 1151 Thomas Howes, g7T Thomas Martin, 431, g7i, 978 Tristram Warren, g73 William Douglass, 1313 William Rawson, g7S Norway, Olarius king of, 1108 Ragenwald prince of, 1108 Norwood, family, 3318 Bessie, 3185 Elizabeth, 3318 George Alexander, 2218 James Alexander, 2185-6 John, 23i8 , John Wilkins, 2218 Joseph, 22i8-ig Laura Cleveland, 2218 ' Martha, 331S Mary, 361, 3186 Mary Louisa, 3318 Sarah, 2218-ig Sarah Ann, 2185-6 Theopilus, 2218 Williamson, 2186 Nostrand, Lillie Olsen, ig52 Sarah Ann, 2036 Noteware, Frederick, 852 Harriet, 852 Nott, Emma Prudence, 1376 Emmet Eugene, 1475 Gershom, 2034 Jane, 3336 Jennie Viola, 1475 Olive, 1376, 3034 Reuben, 1376 Sylvester GUbert, 1376 Thomas, 3336 Nourse, Letitia, i3g4 NoweU, John, io8g Margaret, 315 Mary Jane, 1089 Rebecca, 1089 Nowlaw, Nowlen, see Now lin. Nowlin, KnowHn, Nowlaw, Nowlen, Ann Eliza, 564 Catharine, 1243 Eunice, 564 Flora, 564 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2719 Nowlin, cont'd, Henry Wescoat, 564 Jane, 1176 Martha, 564, 1176 Mary, 564 Minnie, 564 Otis O., 564 Paty, 564, 1176 Sarah Luana, 564 William, 564, 1176 Noyce, see Noyes. Noyes, Noise, Noyce, doctor, i486 Abigail, 2424 Angenette, 817 Angie Luella, 817 Catharine Campbell, i486 Charles, 1864 Clara Elizabeth, 1611 Cynthia Maria, 1565-6 Dorothy, 307 Elizabeth, 357 Fannie Janette, 817 Frank Wesley, 1566 George W., 1611 Hattie Maria, 1566 Helen Gilman, igg3 Henry Niles, 1565-6 Henry Otis, 817 James, 365 James William, 1566 Jason, 1306 Judd, 1226 LiUian, 1336 Mahala, 1272 Mary, 873, 1566 ' Mary Stanton, 856 Nancy, 817, 1306 Nicholas, 365" Otis, 817 Peter, 307, 2424 Samuel, 1566 Sarah, 365, 1926 Vesta Minera, 1306 Walter Wayne, S17 William, 365 Nuberry, see Newberry. Nuckolls, Nancy, 2122-3 NuU, Francis Cleveland, gig Jane, gig Jane Louisa, 919 Laura Virginia, gig Levi, gi9 Mary Catharine, 1072 Samuel, gig Susannah, gig Susannah Elizabeth, g20 Thurlow Washburn, g20 Vivian Christena, g20 Nurse, Anna, 258 Joel, 258 Nutt, Nancy Ashley, 837 SteUa I., 2474 Nutter, Ann, 731 Christopher, 1236 Lucinda, 1236 Nutting, Cornelia, 648 Emma Ann, 1706 Emma Rebecca, g52 Harriet, 1333, i8g2 James, 648 Joel Smith, 1706 Rachel, 648 Sally, 1706 Seth, 1706 Zachariah, g52 Nye, Ney, marshal, 1751 miss or mrs., 42g Alonzo Harrington, 1303 Anna, 1303 Benjamin, 647 Bonham, 1303 Caleb T., 816 Charles, 816 David, 1440 Delia C, 1714 Edwin Alonzo, 1882 Eleanor, 1714 Elisha, 1667 Elizabeth M., 1O42 EUen Mary, 1714 Nye, cont'd, Enoch Randolph, 1303 Fanny Drusilla, 1667 Hannah Jones, 1714 Harriet, 1667 Plarriet Ellen, 1751 Herbert, 816 Ida May, 1882 Joel Watts, 1883 Joel Wilson, 1303 John Henry, 1714 Lena Centennia, 1883 Lois, i43g Lydia Wheeler, 1714 Margaret, 1882 Mary, 647 Mary.E., 1327 Melissa Bloomfield, 1883 Nancy Melvina, 1303 Nathan, 816 Olive Amanda, 1440' Priscilla, 1440 Sophia, 1303 Sophia B. C, 816 Sophia Payne, 1303 Stephen, 1714 Stephen Albert, 1714 Thankful, 635-6 WilHam, 1751 Oakes, Elizabeth, 5g5, 1083 George Pettibone, 1511 Hannah, 1083 Martha Amelia, 1511 Thomas, 5g5, 1083 Oakley, mrs., g8i Elizabeth, 1003 Emeline, 1003 Harriet, 1003 John, 1003 Maria, 591 Monroe, g8i Theodore, 1003 Thomas, 1003 Oanaco, chief of the Mohe gans, 41 Oatley, Ann, 888 Oatman, Abigail, 12S1 Jesse, 1281 Margaret AbigaU, 1281 Obanin, Mary, 707 Obits, see Obitts. Obitts, Obits, Opits, Opitz, family, 2464 mrs., 2464 Betsey, 2463 Jacob, 2463-4 John Michael, 3464 Maria Hicks, 3463 Obreon, see Bryant. O'Brien, AdaHne Louisa, 1337 Albert Jay, 1337 Alraira Jane, 1337 Anna Adelia, 1327 Clarissa, 380 Delia Jane, 1322 DrusiUa, 660 James Albert Chase, 1337 John, 1333, 1337 Joseph, 380 Lydia, 1686 Lydia Alraira, 1337 Margaretta, 380 Mary, 666 Mary Almena, 1337 Minerva, 666 Phebe, 37g Sarah, 380, 666 Timothy, 279-80, 666 Obryant, Ann, 1584 Fanny, 1584 Harriet, igg3 John, 1584 Ocain, Almira, 1389 Murza, 1389 Nicholas, 1389 O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey, 57, 1831 O'Ceallaigh, see KeUey. Ocker, Catharine, 918 O'Conner, O'Connor, ¦ O'Connors, O'Conons, Catharine, 1000 Margaret, 1164 NeUie, 1475 O'Connor, O'Connors, O'Conors, see O'Conner. Odding, Margaret, 1660 Sarah, 1660 Odell, Odle, rar., 1353 Allen, 981 Almond, 1354 B., 2457 Caroline, g8i Charles, g8i Cynthia, 3008 EHza Ann, 782 Elizabeth, 1353 Frances Mary, 1354 Giles, gSi Hannah, 3355 Henry, 1353 Hiram, 1353 Isaac, 3255 Jane. g8i John, 1353 Joseph, 1353 Joshua, g8i Lewis, 1353 Lucretia, 1353 Lydia Elizabeth, 1353 Martha Matilda, 1353 Mary, 1354 Mary Margaret, 1353 Minerva, 2457 Samuel, 782 WiUiam, 1354 Odiorne, Avis, 1069 Effie Mabel, 2476 Hetty, 1069 John, 1069 John J., 2476 Jotham, 1069 Miriam L., 2476 WiUiam, 1069 Odin, king of Scandinavia, 2204 Odle, see Odell. Odon surnomme I'lnsense, comte de Vermandois, 1615 O'Donnell, James, ig8i Margaret Gorman, ig8r Terese Hynes, ig8i O'Dowd, Bridget, ig6i Offut, Airy,-7i436 Ogden, miss, 1909-10 Calista Louise, 2497 Florence Downs, 3497 James Clark, 2497 Jedediah, 94 John, . 94 Joseph Perlee, 3497 Louise Truax, 3497 Matilda Gouvernier, 11 ig Phebe, 1035 Samuel G., 1119 William Clark, 3497 Oge, Cormac, lord Dunhallow, 1068 Margaret, lady Dunhallow, 1068 Oglesby, miss, 3114 Albert Augustus, 3113 Mildred Edwards, 3113 Ohl, AHce MatUda, 886 Alice Newport, 886 Charies, 886 Elizabeth, 886 Hiram, 886 Howard Cleaveland, 886 Nellie Robbins, 886 O'Kelly, see Kelley. Olaf the Mild, king of Den mark, 2204 Olaf the Sharp Eyed, king of • Denmark, 2204 2720 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Olarius, king of Norway, 1 108 Olcott, Allen, 1590 Anna Ensign, 1590 Cynthia, 1590 Cynthia Hooker, 1590 Deliverance Nash, 782 Edna, 1590 Emily, 1590 FeHx, 1496 Henry, 1590 James Bradford, isgo Lydia, 2466 Martha, go6 Sidney, i5go Thomas, I4g6 Walter Hooker, i5go Old, see Olds. Oldcastle, Joane, 856 Thomas, 856 Oldham, Abigail, 146 John, 146 Martha, 146 Richard, 146 Oldis, Ann, 1012 Benjamin, 1013 Margaret Godfell, 1013 Oldreges, goodman, 466 Olds, Old, Ould, Charlotte, 1934 Elizabeth, 1151 Fletcher, 1934 Hannah, 633, 1838, 3484 Hannah Maria, 913 J. Lathrop, gi3 Joseph, 1151 Olive, 1150-1 Ro'bert, 1151 Roxiana, 1873 Susannah, 1151 William, 1151 Olin, Abigail, 1538 Mary, 1330 OlioU Olura, king, 1068 Oliver, mr., 305 Abigail, 533 Adam Amenzo, 1403 Alraeda, 1330 Ann, 533 Burrell, 1265 Eliza, 1521 Elizabeth, 522 Emily MatUda, 1402 George, 1521 Grace, 522 Harriet, 1420 ^ W., I7g5 Janet, 1521 ^ Joanna, 226, 1890, 1988 John, 227, 533, i8go, ig88 Julia Ann, 1430 Margaret, 1611 Margaret Ann, 1365 Maria, 1365 Maria Augusta, 1420 Mary, 5go Minnie, 1402 Sarah, 1703, ig24 Sarepta, 205 Thomas, 205, 522 William L., 1420 OUiffe, Elizabeth, 1316 Olman, Lina, 2020 Olmstead, see Olmsted. Olmsted, de Olmsted, Hampstead, Hampsted, Hamsted, Holmstead, Holraested, Holmsted, Olrastead, , 307 family branches, 1741 mr., 307, 1741 mrs., 1741 Augusta M., 803 Benjamin, igg8 Betsey, 307 Charlotte, 1997 Charlotte Law, 1997-8 Clarissa Maria, 1741-2 Content, iggS DoUy, 1660 Dorothy, 1741-2 Edgar, 307 Olmsted, cont'd, Elizabeth, 1741-2 Frederick Law, 68, igg7 George W., 803 Hannah, 1526, 1741-2, igg8-g Henry King, 1741 Jabez, 370 James, 1741 John, 1147, 1741, 1997-8 John Charles, i9g7 John HuU, igg7 Jonathan, 1536, igg8-g Joseph, 1741-3 Lucy, 1314-15 Maria Clarissa, 1741 Marion, ig97 Martha, 1741-2 Martin, 1741 Mary, 1741 Mary Ann, i9g8 Mary Cleveland, 68, 1997 Mary Elizabeth, 1325 Maurice, 1741 Myrtie L., 803 Nicholas, 1741 Norton, 1741-3 Owen Frederick, i9g7 Rebecca, 1147, 1741 Richard, 1147, 1741 Roxalena, 1741-3 Sarah, 269-70, 1741 Simeon, 1741-2 Susanna, 216 Thomas, 1741 Olney, mr., 2501 Abbie Evelyn, 1442 Araanda, 1052 Amelia, 1052 Cynthia Melvina, 1052, 1243 David B., 7ig Eli, 1052 Elizabeth, 336, 828-g Eunice, 7ig George, 82g Helen Augusta, 2501 Hirara Asa, 1052 Hortense, 1380 Jerusha S., 1443 John Oman, 1053 Leonard, 1380 Leonard Bela, 1280 Matilda, 1280 Mercy, 1632 Obadiah, 1052 Reuben, 1052, 1243 Rodney, 2501 Sarah, 336 Tilley Merrick, 336 WUliam Frank, 1442 William Otis, 1052 Olum, king OlioU, 1068 Olwell, see Olwill. Olwill, Olwell, Eleanor Appollonia, 1153 Omberg, Adolph Anthon, 2179 Amelia Theresa, 2i7g Ingoberg Marie, 2i7g Ondeby, see Onebye. Onderdonk, Eleanor, 773 Elizabeth, 1831 George E,, 1506 John, 1831 Katherine, 1506 Lavinia, 773 Roulof R., 773 Onderkirk, Augusta, 3316 Catharine, 3316 Charity, 2316 Jacob, 2316 John, 2316 Sabra, 2316 Sarah, 2316 O'Neale, O'NeiU, mr., 2078 Ann, 1477 Charles, 1477 O'Neale, cont'd, Mary, 2078 Nancy Ann, 1477 Oneby, see Onebye. Onebye, Ondeby, Oneby, family, 223g mrs., 223g Emme, 223g John, 223g O'Neill, see O'Neale. Onion, Eliza, 1773 Ootman, Christina, 1853 Op Dyck, see Opdyke. Opdyke, Op Dyck, genealogy mentioned, 2335 Charles Wilson, 2335 Opits, Opitz, see Obitts. Oram, Rowena, 1044 Orbeton, Asenath, 838 Bertha Bird, 1572 Carrie Elizabeth, 1572 Charles Wesley, 1572, 2401 Elizabeth Gregory, 837 Emily Relief, 1573 FrankHn Josiah, 1572 Hattie Fostina, 1572 Isaac, 838 Josiah, 837 Lizzie Frances, 838 Mary Catherine, 1572 Orchard, Anne, 1151 John, 1151 Orcutt, mr., 769 Charles Solomon, 1005 Ellen, 1408 Emma Harriet, 1005 Hiram, 1408 Joanna, 877 Julia Ann, 769 Mary, 1404 Phebe, 439 Samuel, I210, 1370, 1641 Susanna, 877 William, 877 Ord, John Walker, 12 Rebecca, 1083 Ordung, count, 366 Ordway, Addie SaUie, 1371 Charlotte Elizabeth, 1876 Diana, 1271 Edward, 1876 EUa Diana, 1371 Franklin, 1876 , Frederic, 1271 Grace, 1271 Harriet Jane, 1876 Lucretia, 1417 Lucy, 1876 Maria, 1876 Martin Frederic, 1271 Melvina, 820 Moses, 1271 Nancy, 1271 Rhoda, 1271, 2333 Walter Melvin, 1876 O'Reilley, miss, 1128 Ores, mrs., 1303 St., 1303 Orkneys, Alfrica, countess, 1108 Alice, countess, 1108, 2203 Einar, jarl of the, 2203 Eynor, earl of the, 2203 Gailcota, countess, 2203 Grelota, countess, 1108, 2203 Lodver, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Lother, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Sigurd, earl of the, ¦ 1108. 2203 Sygurt, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Thora, countess, 1108, 3303 08, INDEX OF PERSONS. 2721 Orkneys, cont'd, Torfidur, earl of the, 1108, 2303 Torfin, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Orkneys and Shetland Isles, Gailcota, countess, 1 108, 2203 Grelota, countess, 1108, 2203 Torfidur, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Torfin, earl of the, 1108, 2203 Orme, Ormes, Abby Ann, 1582 Almira, 2471 Anna Ripley, 1583 Augusta, 2471-2 Edward Dunning, 1583 John Adams, 1583 Mary A., 2472 Mary Elizabeth, 1583 Olivia J., 1583 Reuben, 2471 Richard McAllister, 1582 Susan, 1583 William, 2403 WUliam Archibald, 1583 Ormes, see Orme. Ormeston, Adae, 1664 Ormond, James, duke, 1068 James Butler, earl, 1068 Ormsbee, see Ormsby. Ormsby, Ormsbee, Alexander John VaU, 1522 Hannah Josephine, 1521-2 Hannah Katherine, 1522 Irene Josephine, 1522 Katherine Louisa, 1522 Lavinia, 1492 Margaret Elizabeth, 1522 Margaret Maredith, 1522 Mary, 1522 Mary Ethel> 1522 Nellie Elizabeth, 1522 Richard, 1531-3 Richard James, 1533 Robert Atkins, 1533 Sarah, 3374 William John, 1533 William Richard WeUing ton, 1533 Orne, Anna, 330, 1071 Linda Howard, i8i3 Lois, 1070 Lucy Gassett, 1812 William Wetmore, 1812 Orpin, Edward, 430 Elizabeth, 430 Eunice F., 430 Jane G., 430 John Barnard, 429-30 John G., 430 Lucretia S., 430 Mary, 43g-30 Mary J., 430 Mary N., 430 Mary P., 430 Nancy, 430 Obed P., 430 Susan, 430 Susannah, 430 WiUiam PL, 430 Orr, Abbie Myra, 1304 Benjamin, 1005 Benjamin Samuel, 1005 Bertha Ethel, 1304 Betsey, 483 Betsey Ann, 1546 Blanche Leona, 1304 Caroline, 2318 Edwin, 1546 Elizabeth, 1546 Emogene Lora, 1304 Helen I., 1162 Helena Doremus, toos Orr, cont'd, Helena Gertrude, 1005 Plugh, igg6 James Madison, 1304 Janet, igg6 Jennet, igg6 Leroy Sanford, 1005 Martha, 1304 Mary, iggb Mary Leach, 1046 Moses Edgar, 1005 Seth, 1304 Orton, Amelia, 1126 Azariah, 346 Beulah, 1136 Carrie, 1136 Charles F., 1126 D. H., 1343 Edward, 1136 Franklin Cleveland, 1126 Henry, 1126 Julia, 1126 Julia Ann Maria, 1136 Lyman Osgood, 1136 MarUla Jane, 1342 Olive, 550 Rhoda, 1417 Samuel Cleveland, 1136 Sybil, 346 Thomas, 1136 Virginia, 1136 William, 1136 see also Plorton. Osband, Elizabeth, 890 Osborn, Osborne, esq., nog miss, i6gi mr., go5 mrs., 1691 Ada Caroline, 3389 Adelia Claudine, 1004 Alice Clinton Hoadley, 1802 Andrew, 462 Caroline, 972 Charles E., 2145 Debsy, 1721 Edward, 972 Ellen Cornelia, 2289 Eunice, 855 Franklin, 972 George Swaine, 1004 Hezekiah R., 1691 Howard, 1720 Isabella, 462 James, 963 Jane Ann, 1691 John, 463 John H., 1004 John Spencer, 1004 Keturah, nog Lovina, 141 1 Mahlon Harvey, 3145 Martha Dennison, 2052 Mary, go5, 2145 Mary Araelia, 228g Mary Frances, 2145 Mary T., g72 Mary Tucker, g72 Nannie Jones, 2182 Phebe, i5og Rebecca, 462 Robert Seely, 1004 Roger, 800 Rose Anna, 2052 Saraiiel, g72, 1720, 2145 Sarah, 800 Seba, i34g Susan, 1721 Walter, 1720 William, g72 William Church, 1802 William 'John, 2053 William L., 2145 William WaUace, 228g Winfield' Hanford, 1004 Zorada, 1730 Osborne, see Osborn. Osbush, queen, 366 Osgood, Ossgood, Abigail, 327 Abilence, 327 Osgood, cont'd, Abilene, 327 Abilene Ann, 1547 Appleton, 337 Catharine Webster, 1633 Charles Edward, 1623 Charlotte, 1623 Chariotte HUl, 883 Christopher, 337 Clarissa, 1386 Deborah, 884 Edwards Appleton, 804 Ellen, 3475 Everett Richardson, 804 Frances Ann, 1386 Hannah, 337 Israel, 339, 804 John, 337 John Cleaveland, 884 John Cleveland, 1623 Julia, 883, 1623 Julia Ann, 883-4 Lucy, 329, 804 Lucy Cleveland, 804 Mary, 327, 884 Mary EUis, 804 Mary Parraalee, 884 Nathan Bailey, 1286 Patience, 763, 768 Peter, 884 Russell, 1623 Samuel, 883-4 Samuel Warburton, 883 Sarah, 327, 343-4, 761, 884 Susan, 1373 Thomas Craft, 804 Timothy, 884 William, 327 Oslac, father of q. Osbush, 366 Ossgood, see Osgood. Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo, 1767 Sarah Margaret, 1767 Ostrander, Caroline, 766 Fred, 1344 Isabel, 1344 Sarah, 1344 Ostrida, countess, 1108 O'Sullivan, see SuUivan. O'Sullivan More, chief, 1068 Oswald, Rebecca, 3371 Oswaldestre, lord of, 365 Oswaldestre and Clun, lord of, 365 Otes, see Otis. Othon, comte de Verman dois, 1615 Otis, Otes, Ottis, Alice Lucinda, 1893 Amos, 1597 Ann Eliza, 1893 Anne, 3336 Bradford, 1597 Dorothy, 3336 Edwin DeWitt, 1893 Elizabeth, 675, 770 Emily, 1673 Franklin Pearl, 1893 George Washington, i8g3 Hannah, 770, 3032 Harriet Chaffee, 1812-13 Horatio W., i5g7 Hannah, 2032 James, 203g John, 675, 770, 1814, 2032, 2326 Joseph, 2326 Julia Ann, i8g3 Lucinda, i8g3 Lucy Frances, I5g7 Maggie Bradford, i5g7 Margaret, 1814, 2032 Margaret Bigelow, 1597 Mercy, 769 171 2722 ^CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Otis, cont'd, Ray Fowler, 1597 Richard, 770 Sarah, 2018 Solomon, 2039 Stephen, 770 William Leroy, 1893 WUliam Martin, 1893 Otley, see Ottey. Ott, of Austria, 2191 Margaret, 2191 Ottaniack, king, 3336 Otterson, Mary, 1799 Ottey, Otley, miss, 310 mr., 310 Ottis, see Otis. Ottivell, see Otwell. Otwell, Ottivell, Cynthia Ann, 1266 Richard, 1266 Verlinda, 1266 Ould, see Olds. Ouslin, a Dane, 1108, 2203 Outwater, Clementina, 1000 Overholtzer, OverhuUer, Overhulser, Amanda, 1650 Christena, 930 OverhuUer, Overhulser, see Overholtzer. Overman, Ann, 3145 Daniel, 2145 John, 2145 JuHa Ann, 2145 Mary Cleveland, 2145 Overpaugh, Catharine, 1226 Overton, George Clinton, 1037 Hannah Brown, 1037 Jane, 1037 Oviatt, Amanda Millicent, 1145 Caroline, 2017 Frank Ward, 1145 Gertrude Mildred, 1145 Louis Dexter, 1145 Lucretia Smith, 1 145 Mary Ellen, 1145 Nellie, 1145 Orson Minott, 1145 Rosaline Gardner, 1145 William Henry, 1 145 Owain Gwynedd, king, 2415 Owaneco, chief of the Mohe gans, 41 Owm, king, 1068 Owen, see Owens. Owen ap Edwyn, lord, 2415 Owen Gwynedd, king, prince, 3415 Owenneko, chief of the Mohegans, 41 Owens, Owen, raiss, 671 Andrew, 886 Anna, 1143 Arthur Cleveland, 1685 Caroline AmeHa, ig5i Catherine, i2g8 Celestia Antoinette, 1685 Clarence Eugene, 886 Clorinda, 1376 Cora Lincoln, 1685 Cornelia Loomis, 1104 Edward Thomas, 1104 Elijah, 2035 Elijah Hunter, 1104 Eliza, 671 Elizabeth, 645, 671 Emilie Brace, 1104 Emily Pratt, 1104 Ethel, 1104 Fannie, 1050 Festus Edward CuUom, 1685 Frances Belle, 1685 | Owens, cont'd, Francis, 1685 Francis Augustus, 886 , Grace Eveline, 1685 Hannah, 2035 Isaac, 2035 James William, 1685 John, 671, ig37, 2035 John J., i2g8 John William, 2148 Jonathan, 1050 Julia, 1050 Kezia, 1685 Laura Virginia, 2148 Louisa Jane, 1142 Lucretia, 311^ Mary, 2142 Mary Adelia, 1751 Mary Ann, 1706, 1937 Mary Antoinette, 1685 Mary E., 834 Mary Jane, 1937 Matilda, 1706 Mehitable, 1050 Nathaniel, 1050, 1706 Rebecca, 2035 Samuel, 1142 Sarah, 3035 Sarah Ann, 2207 Sarah Elizabeth, 2148 Sarinda Elizabeth, 886 Susannah, 1104 Tennessee, 2207 Willard Clinton, 1685 Williara Benson, 1685 WiUiara Elias, 2148 Oxton, Addie Maria, 835 Albina Rosamond Anace, 835 Alvan Talman, 835 Annie Isabel, 835 Aravesta Susan, 834 Carrie Adelia, 835 Charles Irving, 835 Charlotte Edna, 834 Ebenezer Cleveland, 834 Edward Augustus, 835 Elbert Alvan, 835 Elden Albert, 835 Elizabeth Aldana, 835 Ellen Arville, 834 Elmer A., 835 Emma Mabel, 834 Fannie Relief, 835 Floretta Aminda, 835 Frances Relief, 835 George Franklin, 835 Gracia Aravesto, 835 Harvey Hewitt, 835 Plelen, 834 Helen ArvUle, 834 James Edward, 834 James Holraes, 834 John Walden, 835 Lottie Edna, 834 Margaretta Waitstill, 835 Maria R., 834 Mary Emily, 835 Mary Mariah, 835 Maynard Suraner, 835 NeUy Arville, 834 Rebekah Gregory, 834 Relief Pingree, 834 Susan Mary, 835 Velraa Leona, 835 Walton Herbert, 835 William Henry,- 834 Oysterbanks, raiss, 921 Ozias, Esther, 2144 Pabodie, see Peabody. Pacific, Eadgar, Edgar the, 266 Pack, Phebe, 79g Packard, Alpheus Spring, 357. 86i^ 865 Andrew, 6g8 Canaro, 1488 Charity, 68g Charles, 6g8 Deborah, 1670 Ettovera, 1572 Eugene, 698 Ira B., 698 Lisetta, 1572 Martha, 6g8 Mary, 7og, 1488 Ruth, 1779 Packer, Rachel, 1291 Packham, Albany, 1115 Elizabeth Esther, 1115 Esther, 1115 Packington, Mary, 2236 Thomas, 3236 Packwood, miss, 1031 Deraice, Demise, Dimmis^ 1030-1 John, 1031 Joseph, 1031 Mary, 1031 Paddleford, Padelford, Judith, 2119 Ruth, 649 Paddock, Alice, 1204 Ann, 42g Betsey, 23ig CordeHa PL, 430 Eunice, 439 Frances, 2318 George B., 430 Hezekiah, 430 Maria, 430 Mary, 766 Paul, 429 Robert, 1204 Paddy, Alice, 1069 Elizabeth, io6g Margaret, 345, 1868 WUliam, io6g, 1868 Padelford, see Paddleford. Padgett, Benedict, 1435 Elenor, 1435 Margaret Priscilla, 1435 Paganell, see Pagnell. Page, see Paige. Paget, family, raiss, 2023 Pagnell, Paganell, Agnes, 1108 Fulk, 319, 1108 Hawyse, 319 Ralph, 319 see also Dudley and de Somerie. Paige, Page, rn^iss, 248, 1773 mr., 247-8 mrs., 1867 Ann, 2430-1 Bathsheba, 358, 1310, 1312 Caleb Sufford, 1631 Christopher, 1753, 1815 Clara, 1195 Daniel Dearborn, 1374 David, 1815 Deborah, 1374 Delia A., 2322 Delia Caroline, 955 Eben S., 955 Ebenezer, 1195 Edward, 1549 Electa Adaline, 927- Elizabeth, 1151, 1752, 1815 EUethra, 1195 Elmira, 1866 Frances, 1815 Fred, 1195 George, 1212 Goshum, 1867 Hannah, 131, 247-8, 1867*, 2420-1 Hannah M., 1595 Harriet, 1781 PTarriet Augusta, 1406 Hattie Laura, 937 Homer, 937 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2723 Paige, cont'd, IsabeUa, g27 James, 1866-7 Jesse Watson, 1631 Joanna, 1752 John, 258, 1151, 1773, 1867, 2313, 2421, 2430 Judson Caswell, g27 Julia Ann, 1374 Lucius Robinson, 132 Lucy B., 1773 LueUa Ann, 1866 Martha Jane, 2430 Mary, 417, 952, 1599. 17S1-2, 2313 Mary Elizabeth, 1814-15 Melinda, 1631 Millicent, 585 Mindwell, 1212 Nancy, 942 Nathaniel, 1751-2, 1815 Phebe, 1621, 2421 Phineas, 417 Phyletta, 1280 Ralph Wheelwright, 1305 Sarauel, 1213 Sarah, 1313 Sarah Eraaline, 1549 Sarah Emily, 1549 Susanna, Susannah, 1151, 1752 Timothy, 1752 WiUiam, 1815, 2421 Pain, see Paine. Paine, de Payen, Pain, Payne, esquire, 844 miss or mrs., 285 mr., 6gg Abby, 651 Abbie Fenner, 1304 Abbie Louise, 1883 Abdou Thompson, 1146 Abigail, 79, 86-7 Albert Levant, 1303 Albert !Milo, 1515 Alice, 1074? Alice Sophia, 1303 Alvin, 276 Amy, 1515 Ann, 142, 4g3 Anna, 1640 Anne, 87 Arthur Charles, 1388 Barilla Jane, 1516 Beckwith, 2092 Benjamin, 276 Bethia, 1999, 2000 Betsey, 143, 376, 441 Brigham, 1302 Calvin, 651 Charles, iggg Charles Adams, i3og Charles Albee, 1308 Charles Curtis, 1388 Charles Cushing, 1999 Charles Howard, 1307 Charles Jackson, iggg Charles Nathan, 1305 Clara Maria, 1306 Clara Marie, 1516 Clarissa Ann, 1515 CordeHa Melinda, 1967 Deming, 680 Dorithy, Dorothy, 97, 1074-5 Eber, 1146 Edey, 631 Edward, 275, 650 Edward Ernest, 1308 . Edward Henry, 1306 Edward Livingston, 1303 Edward Warhem, 1303 Elihu, 142 * Elisha, 7S, 79, 142, 175-6, 2451 Elizabeth, 142, 276, 331, 334, 441, 1074 EUzabeth Araelia, 1308 Elizabeth Sarah, 650 Ellen Aurelia, 1306 Paine, cont'd, Ellen Frances, 1309 Eraeline, 1309, 1388 Emma Orra, 1516 Emogene Lora, 1304 Esther Ann, 1146, 1304 Eunice, 1307, 1999, 2000 Eva C, 1305 EzrEL 1515 F. M.., g4g Fanny, 276 Fanny Cabot, iggg F'annie Caroline, 1305 Florence Isabel, 1305 Frances, 844 Frank Webster, 651, 1515 Frederic H., 1305 Freeman Edward, 1305 George Dwight, 1306 George Fremont, 1309 George Henry, 1305 Grace, 196 Guy Clifton, 1515 Hannah, 493, 1302 Harriet, 440 Harriet Curtis, 699 Harriet Ufany, 1515 Henrietta, 649 Henrietta A., 1515 Henry D., 75 Henry Nelson, 1308 Henry Welford, 1305 Helen, iggg Herbert B., 1305 Hira Richard, 1516 Hugh, 75 Ira, 651 Isabella, 1515 James, 64g, 1304, iggg, 2000 James Andrews, 1303 James Barney, 1304 Jane, ig6 Joel, 631 Joel C, 631 John, 96-7, 631, 650, 2323 John Adams, 1309 John Bryant, iggg John Fox, 1305 Joseph, 17s Julia, iggg Julia Ann, 651 Julia Ann M., 1303 Julia Bancroft, 1305 Julia Elizabeth, 1303 Laura, 631 Laura Ann, 1309 Laura EUen, 631 Lebbeus, 276 Lois, 275-6 Lois Emeline, 651 Louisa A., 2333 Lucetta Permelia, 1309 Lucinda, 1303 Lucius Lee, 1305 Lucretia, 142 Lucy ArabeUa, 1306 Lydia, 651 Lyraan, 650 M. Lulu, 1305 Marcia, 440 Margaret Ann, 1303 Maria, 1309 Marion Crawford, 1303 Martha, 276, 1875 Marvin Henry, 1303 Mary, 75-6, 175-6, 650, 1305-6, 2059-60, 2092 Mary AUce, 1515 Mary Anna, 1999 Mary Calista, 1308 Mary Ellen, 1515 Mary Louisa, 650 Marv Lydia, 631 Matilda, 650 Meorry Taylor, 276 Mercy, 649 Paine, cont'd, ¦ Miles Richard, 1515 Miles VirgU, 1515 Milo Clinton, 1515 Miranda, 1308 Moses, 332, 334, 631 Myra, 1304 Nathan Cleveland, 1305 Nathaniel, 1074-5 Olive, 142 Oren, 276 Persis, 275, 650, 1304 Persis Maria, 631 Phebe, 3421 PhiUippe, 95 Polly, 142 Porter, 1308 Priscilla, 96 Ralph, 97 Rebecca, 75, 7g, 86-7, g6-7, 828, 2451 Rebekah, 75 Rhoda, Rhody, 1146 Robert Treat, iggg Rose, 87 Ross McKendry, 1515 Roswell, 27g Roxana, Roxiana, 651, 1300 Rufus, 142 Ruth, 163 Sally, 1271, 1300, iggg Samuel, 86-7 Samuel Brewer, 1305 Samuel Stebbins, 1304 Sarah, 142, 163, 680, 1074-5, 1305, 1334, 1999 Sarah Ann, 1304 Sarah Jane, 949 Sarah Sophia, 1307 SaviUa Antoinette, 1303 Selina, 1304 Seril, 376 Solomon, 143, 163 Sophia, 1303 Spray Ashton, 1515 Stephen, 87, 376 Stephen Luther, 1388 Storrs, 1300 Sumner, iggg Susan, 650-1, 2092 Sylvia Ann, 1515 Thankful, 175 Thomas, 75-6, 196, iggg, 3000, 3380 Timothy, 1074-5 Vesta Minera, 1306 Willard, i3og WiUiam, 4g3 William Clinton, 1515 WilHam Henry Harrison, 13^8 WiUiam Locke, 376 Paintor, Mary, 1593 Pairan, Charlotte, 1488 Palen, Palin, AmeHa, 8g8 Charies E., 898 Cornelia, 1636 Eliza, 898 James E., 898 Sarah, 1751 Susan, 8g8 Palfray, see Palfrey. Palfrey, Palfray, Palphry, Edith, 714 Jane, 1815 Peter, 714 Phebe, 3425 Remember, 714 Palgrave, Anne, 316 Richard, 316 Sarah, 316 Palin, see Palen. Paller, Rosettie, 616 Palmer, rar., isgi mrs., 247 Aaron, 247 Abbie, g5o Abigail, 276, 278, 407, 539, 541 Abigail Althea, 1338 Abigail Peabody, 1337 2724 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Palmer, cont'd, Adaline, 2497 Alanson, 1140-1 Alice, 453 Almira Jane, 1337 Ann, 493, 539, 813, 1436, 1608, 1613 Anna Gertrude, 1608 Anna Green, 1890 Asher, 1608 Avis, 1315 Benjamin, 46 Bessie Matilda, 1363 Betsey, 1363 Calvin, 1337 Catharine, Catherine, 1056 Catharine Farnham, 787 Chauncey, 1237, 1338 Cortland, 1056 Daniel, 539, 541 David, 131 Delight, 1678 Deliverance, 47 Denison, 539 Desire, 777-S Edwin Obadiah, 1664 Elias, 539 Elisha, 347, 853 Elizabeth, 1178, iggg, 3045, 2427 Elizabeth L., 1056 EUa, 1362 EUa Josephine, 787 Ellen Margaret, 1118 Eunice, 1734 Esther, 121, 247, 1356 Evelyn AngeHne, 1436 Frederick Eugene, i8go Frederick Jaraes, 787 George, 996 George Herbert, 1118 Gershom, 539, 1613 Grace, 539-40 Hannah, 68, 539, 541, 1988 Hannah P., 1388 Harriet, 853, 1596 Harriet Jane, 1890 Harvey Holkins, 1890 Helen Augusta, 3045 Henry, 539, 853, 1596 Hezekiah, 853 Horatio Nelson, 715 Ichabod, 539 Ira, 345 James, 853 James B., 787 James Cyril, 787 James Spencer, 787 Jane, 1161 Jane Le Count, 1333 Joanna, 347, 345 John, 131, 315, 378, 853, 1356 Joseph, 859, 1333, 1363 Joseph Adams, 347 Julia, 1 141 Julia Eliza, 1140 Levi, 131 Lewis Searls, 787 Lucy, 315, 247, 345, 475, 539, 1333 Lydia, 121, 247 Maria, 247 Maria Louise, 1422-3 Mark, 2045 Marshall, 121 Marina, 1380, igi8 Marvin, 53g Mary, 539,. 71S, 853, ig2i Mary Davison, 1422 Mary Theodosia, 1664 Mary Theresa, 1337 Mason, 247 Matilda, g96 Mehitabel, 247 Milton Chase, 1338 Nathan, 539 Nehemiah, 539, 541 Nelson, 715 Palmer, cont'd, Nicholas, 1988 Obadiah, 1664 Olive, 6g3 Omer, 1338 Orrin, 347, 335 Patience, 1333 Paul, 315 Phebe, 53g Prudence Marvin, 538 Rebecca, 68, 1356 Rhoda, 351 Rosepha Annah, 604 Sally, 787, 1779 Samuel, 121, 715, 1161 Sarah, 625 Seth, 121 Statira, 216 Stephen, 1426 Stephen F., 216 Susan Lathrope, 1130 Susanna, Susannah, 1243 Sylvester Norman, 604 Thaddeus, 247, 345 Thankful, ^345, 715 Theodore, 1056 Theresa, 1532-3 W. F., 1362 Walter, 68, 1612 William, 1999 William H., 1664 Palmerly, see Parmalee. Palmerton, Esther, 1304 Esther Ann, 1304 George Davis 1304 George W., 1304 Lyman, 1304 Palmeter, Palmiter, Catharine, 1546 Charles Francis, 1924 Charles Parsons, 1394 Cornelia, 1395 Elizabeth, 1546 Elkanah, 1367 James, 1395, 1546 Mary Alice, 1924 Sarah, 1394 Theda, 1367 Theodotia, 1367 Palmiterf see Palmeter. Palphry, see Palfrey. Pangburn, Catherine, 1479 Jaraes W., 1479 Louisa Matilda, 1479 Pantree, Pantry, Peyntree, Margaret, 914, 932, 1370 Mary, gi4, g32 WiUiam, gi4, g33, 1370 Pantry, see Pantree. Panzera, son, 1743 Florence Georgina Mary, 1743 Francis William, 1743 Francis William Knott, 1743 Papanti, mr., mrs., 4g5 Papia, comptesse, 1615 Papin, Susannah, 1831 Pardee, Pardoe, Eliza Becker, 2330 Emeline, i65g James Dada Stebbins, 2320 John, i65g Penelope, 856 Stephen Augustus, 2320 William, 856 Pardoe, see Pardee. Pares, Judith, 4g2 Pargiter, Aimee, Ann, 2203 Robert, 2203 Parham, Aaron Wood, 1278 AUen Eugene, i27g Ami, 1278 Asenath, 1278 Effie Maud, 1278 Eva, 1278 Frank Elliott, 1278 Parham, cont'd, Frederic iNewton, 1279 Gertrude, i37g Lillian Irene, 1278 Loren Elliott, i27g Marshall Elburtus, 1278 Mary Ann, 1278-9 Mary Rosetta, 1278 Rebecca, 1278 Richard, 1278-g Parish, Parrish, major, 850 mr., 1383 Abigail, ig27 Ada, 888 Annie Locke, ig28 Artemesia, 73g Caleb, 1927 Caroline Lord, 1873 Clark, 1927 Delilah Jane, 1234 Elijah, 170 Elinor, 1938 Emma Imogene, 1937 George KimbaU, 1928 Gould, 933 Grace, 1802 Helen Caroline, 1928 Jaraes Archer, 932 John, 761 John S., 1234 Julia Ann, 1326 Leta Jenette, 1928 Major, 850 'Maria, 1383 Mary, 932, 1336 Mary Amanda, 932 Mehitabel, 850 Miriam, 761 Robert, 1873 Rodney, 1336 Sarah, 761, 1873 William Andrew, 1873 Zerviah, 850 Park, de Parke, Parke, Parkes, Parks, miss or mrs., 154 Ann, 3047 Artemesia, 73g Asa, 184 Barstow, 352 Benjamin, 184 Charles Burnham, 184 Charles Francis, 1810 Cordelia, 853 Deborah, 1S30 Dorothy, 735,, 1830 Edwards Amasa, 86g Eleazer Edmon, 184 Electa, 2325 Elizabeth, 184 Elizabeth Jane, i63g Esther, 1433 Ezekiel, 184 George Washington, i63g H. Nelson, 1433 Harriet, 853 James Andrew, 2047 Jason, 853 Jesse, 184 John Chesnutt, 2126 John Jason, 853 Julia Adaline, 739 Julia Cleveland, 1810 Julia Lyman, iSio Lydia, 1178 Margarita Mary, 2047 Martha, 511, 872 Mary, 358, 853 Mary Henrietta, 2114 Mary Tabitha, 2126 MatUda Pauline, 2126 Matthew, 1178 Mercy Dexter, 1 178 Nancy Victoria, 1639 Nathan, 184 Nora Kate, 2047 Olive, 352 Patience, 184 Paul, 358 Penelope, 184 Philura, 853 Polly, 1338 Robert, 511, 2126 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2725 Park, cont'd, Rosalinda, 184 Ruel, 739 Russell, 352 Sarah, 184 Sophia, 352 Susannah, 184 Sylvia, 1830 Theoda, 510-n Thoraas, 184, 510, 735 Walter, 184 WUliam, 511 WilUam Hector, 2047 WiUiam Joshua, 2126 Parke, see Park. Parker, captain, 2370 dr., 3438 miss, 365 miss or mrs., 806 mr., 1434, 1587 mrs., 1634, 2092 Abel, 315 Abigail, 258, 2439, 3444 Abraham, 36 Ackley, ng3 Affra, 544 Alvira, 1634 AmeHa Emily, 1263 Amy, 170 Andrews, 584 Ann, 878 Anna, 258, 410, 1243 Annie E., 315 Bartram, 1201 Betsey, 258, 1204, 1836 Caleb Isaac, 2ogi-3, 3136 Caroline, i30i, 1617 Caroline A., 1225 Caroline Jane, 2117 Carrie E., 1587 Catharine, Catherine, 315, i37g Charles, 1263 Charlotte, 315 Charlotte A., 1201 Chesley, 3og3 -Chester Garwood, 3324-5 Chloe Ann, g27 CindereUa, 2092 Clarissa, 1046 Cleveland T, 2142 Corella, 1201 Daniel, 258, 1771 Deborah, 2429 Dwight Lyman, 1379 Edward, 1883, igg8 Edward Lutwyche, 1550 Eleanor, 315 Eleanor M., 1201 Electa, 2325 Eliza, 1434 Eliza Havens, 1882 Elizabeth, 315, 584, g5o, 1883, iggS, 2?g2, 2126 Elizabeth Charlotte, i24g EmUy, 1617 Emma Arvilla, ig47 Ervin, 2110 Esther, 2440 Fanny, 1046, 2ogi Fannv Cleveland, 2142 Floyd Rogene, izdg Francis Braman, 1882 Frank, 1225 Geoffrey, 170 George, igo5, 2ogi George Cleveland, 836 George Clinton, 1634 George F., i7gi George W., 1634 Grace, 1603 Grace AHce Louise, 836 Hannah Osgood, 1617 Hannaniab, 258 Harriet, ig47 Harriet Frances, 3324 Harvey, 358 Henry, 315, 3439, 2444 Parker, cont'd, Henry Clay, 2117 ¦ Hepzibah, 258 Hope, 1883, 1998 Plubert Cleveland, 2142 Irene, 315 Irwin, 1201 Isaac, 1379, 1771 Jabez, 1836 James, 26, 258, 2092 Jane, 1193, 1905 Jehial, 1201 Jemima, 345 Joanna, 878 John, 26, 544, 1617, 1634 John Harvey, 836 John W., 1046 Johnson, 584 Jonas, 410 Joseph, 146, 1947 Joseph Peler, 3143 Joshua, 163, 345 Katie, 1301 Letitia, 315 Lottie A., I30I Louisa, 879 Louisa Plastletine, 3142 Love Peri, 315 Lucia Kinney, i37g Lydia, gi, 315-16, 3438 Margaret, 315, 1771, igo5 Maria, 315, 410, 3439 Marietta, 1634 Martha, 3093, 2142 Mary, 146, 162, 170, 345, 836, 1298, 1434, 1617, 1639 Mary A., 1923 Mary Adell, 1249 Mary AngeHne, 1263 Mary Ann, 745, 1120, 2092 Mary D., 315-16 Mary Elizabeth, 836 Mary Elvira, 1639 Mary Florine, 1882 Mary Frances, 836 Mary Grace, i37g Mary Holden, 1836 Mary Louisa, i37g Mathew W, Mathis W, 2142 Maynard, 315 Minerva, 2og2, 2126 Mittie, 315 Moses, 836, 2270 Mollie Catherine, 2042 Moses Lovell, 836 Nathaniel, 315-16 Neoma, 2286 Nicholas, 878 Noah, 1587 Olive Graves, 1733 Parney, 315 Pattie, 3II0 Paulina C, 1201 Permelia, 1176 Pierpont, 258 Priscilla, 1331- Rachel, g5o Ralph Dwight, i37g Rebecca, 1365, 3043 Rhoda, g37 Robert, 318, 365 Robert Warren, i37g Roxanna, iig3 Ruel, 1046 Ruth, 163, 3286 Sallie, Sally, 1046, 3438 Salome, 315 Sampson, g50 Samuel, 163 Samuel Ineraham, i63g Sarah, 318, 1388, 1607, 3ogi Sarah Elizabeth, 2og2 Solomon, g27 Sophia, 315 Stephen, 2286 Susan, 315, 1 170, 223g Parker, cont'd, Susannah, 1607 Tabitha, 2og2 Thaddeus, 2428 Theresa Butler, 836 Thomas, 170, 365, 2440 Thoraas Townley, 3339 Virgil Rogene, 1249 Wallace Deckard, 2142 Warren, i37g WiUiara, 315-16, 1170, 1607, 2093 William Plenry, 2042 WiUiam Merriam, 836 Winslow, 358 Parkes, see Park. Parkhurst, Abigail, 362, 2471 Carrie, 1448 Charles, 6ig Elizabeth, 2471 Emily, 6ig Emma Claflin, 2473 George, 6ig, 1867, 2471 George Oliver, 3473 John, 3471 Lydia, 805 Maria, 3473 Martha, 196 Oliver B., 3473 Ruth, 1867 Sarah, 3471 Susannah, 3471 William, 363 Parkman, Francis, 170 Parks, see Park. Parlin, Horace E., 1709 Mary Blanchard, i7og Parmalee, Palmerly, Par- marly, Parmelee, Parme- lin, Parmely, Parraley, Parmly, mr., rars., 2335 Abrahara, 1147 Amanda Millicent, 1145 Caroline Sophia, 883 Charity, 391 Charles Harris, 883 Clarinda, 1146-7 David, 883 Elihu, 1146 Elisha, 1145 Elizabeth, 1147, 1513 Elsie Ann, 1518 Everett FrankHn, 1 145 Hannah, 1147 Isaac, 1147, 1513 John, 1145-7 Keziah, 1147 Lucy, 86g, 883 Mary, 1147 Mary EUzabeth, 883, 1145 MUdred Mary, 1836 Olive, 1145-6 Phebe, 1146 Reuben, 1518 Sarah Maria, 1518 Solomon, 1518 Theodore, 1147 Thomas Jefferson, 883 WUHam Cockfield, 1518 Parmarly, see Parmalee. Parraater, Parmenter, Par- metar, Aaron, 1226 Abram, i65g Ann, 723 Anna, 1397 Asel, 1137 Aurelia M., 1659 Azubah, 733 Benjamin, 723 Celia Loraine, 1416 Diana, 1186 Edmund, 831 Edna Berenice, 1336 Ellen ArraUda, 1326 Hannah, 1877 John, 1416, 1659 Julia, 1186 2726 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Parraater, cont'd, Louisa, 1226 Lucius, 1477 Mary, i65g Mary Gassett, 821 Philo Judson, 1226 PoUy, 723, 821 Rhoby, 1416 Roxanna, 3015-16 Ruhama Ellen, 1477 Sophronia, 1137 Willard, 1186 Parmelee, Parraehn, Par mely, see Parraalee. Parmenter, Parmetar, see Parmater. Parmiey, Parmly, see Par malee. Parr, see Parre. Parre, Parr, Dorotha, 1664 Nina, 1412 Parring, Charles John, 1413 Clara Amanda, 1412 Edwin Charles, 1413 Mabel Clare, 1413 Parrish, see Parish. Parry, ap Harry, Ann, 1613 Benjamin, 3336 David, 1611-13 Dyddyn, 1613 EUzabeth, 1611-12, 1765 James, 1613 Margery, 856 Mary, 856, 1611-12 Owen, 856 Richard, 3336 Thomas, 1613 Parshall, Clarissa Harlow, 1543 Deborah, 1542 Israel, 1542 Lucia, 1547 Parshley, George, 2153 Jackson, 2153 Lucy, 3153 Parsons, Persons, lieut., 3310 mr., 483, 63g mrs., 3g4, 3334 Adelia, 483 Alfred, 1338 Amanda, 1474 Angeline, 631 Anna, logS, 1516 Anna Wesley, 1637 Anne, 1742 Anson v., 1930 Arthur M''ellsley, 1098 Asahel, 1932 Bathsheba, 620 Benjamin, 394 Bethia, 530 Beulah, 361, 393-4 Caltha Maria, 62g Charles, 1043 Clara, 3g3 Daniel, 361 David, ig30 De Forrest, 1338 Delia, 483, 1213 Delphurnia Adelia, 1338 Dorcas, 1751 Ebenezer, g65, 1600 Edward Larabe, iog8 Edwin Dwight, 620 Electa, g65 Electa Naramore, g65 Elizabeth, 3g4 Esther, 1600 Eunice, 629, 1305 Fanny Prescott, 621 Flavia, 1338 Frank Nesmith, i6gg Freelove, ig32 George, 1043 George Henry, 629 Gideon, 392 Grace Stanley, 1098 Hannah, 393 Harriet, 1932-3 Helen Clement, 1098 Helen Farley, 1699 , Hiram King, 1043 Horace, 1637 Horatio, 1043 Parsons, cont'd, Ithamar, 1930 J. Bell, 1338 Jacob, 3g3-4 James, 361 Jeffrey, 1600 Joel, ig30 John, 620, 765, 1338 John Reese, 1338 Joseph, 3g4 Josiah, 3g4 Levi, 1516, 2334 Loren, 1043 Love, 1742 Lurana E., 2320 Lydia, 1600 Mahala, 1669 Marcellus, 1043 Margaret Elthea, 1043 Mary, 394, 765, 1098, 1338 Mary Ann, 631 Mary J., 620 MatUda, iog8 Maud, iog8 Maurice, 1474 Moses, 1600 Nancy Maria, 1474 Olive Cleaveland, 361 Philip, 1742 Phcebe, ig30 Polly Cleraantha, 1516 Rebecca, ig30 Rebecca Naomi, 1043 Rhoda, ig3o Samantha, 1043 Samuel, ig30 SKrauel Holden, 2261, 2308, 2330 Samuel Perkins, 62g Sarah, 361, 3g4, 1600, 1637 Sarah Caroline Marilla, 1338 Sophronia, ig29-30 Susannah, 1600 Theophilus, 490, 1600 Thomas, 394 Partch, Carey Albert, i3g3 Emma Josephine, i3g3 Emma PriscUla, I3g3 Joseph B., i8g3 Parthian royal family of the Arsacides, 2176 Parton, Elizabeth, 2207 James, 501 Thomas, 2207 Partree, David, 1323 Eliza, 1323 Mary Rhoda, 1323 Partridge, Partrigg, Abigail, 157 Clara, 1603 Cotton, ig30 George, 288 Hannah, 334 John, 157, 334 Margaret, 1930 Mary, 1147, 1930 Mehitable, 1930 Ralph, 288 Samuel, ig30 Sarah, 157, i5g, 288, 334 Sibil, ig3o Susan E., 8ig William, 334 Partrigg, see Partridge. Pasley, mr., mrs., 2142 Martha, 2142 Pasraat, Maria, 1831 Patch, Chariotte, 1000 Frank B., 1000 Frank S., 1000 Lottie, IGOO Rachel, 1000 Sarah, 1174 Patchen, Patchin, Clara Rose, 1548, 34g6 Harvey Darvey, 34g6 Jared, 3318 Sabra, 3317-18 Sophia, 34g6 Patchin, see Patchen. Pate, Eliza, i8g8 Minnie Louise, i8g8 William Henry, i8g8 Patefield, Peatfield, Amy, 1063 John, 1063 Rebecca, 1063 Pateman, Annie, 1730 Henrietta, 1730 Mary, 1730 Thomas, 1730 Pateridge, Mercy, 339 Paterson, see Patterson. Patillo, Rachel, 3495 Patrick, Elizabeth, 1636 James W., 1636 Mary, 1636 Mary Ann, 1186 Patriquin, Jaraes, 1168 Nancy, 1168 Patte, Pattee, Almira, 1376 Ebenezer, 348 Lucinda, 1376 Richard, 1276 Sophronia, 348 Pattee, see Patte. Patten, Ann, 426 Charies HiU, 1742 Hannah, go3 Helen Dorothy, 1742 Helen Isabel, 1742, 24g8 Isaac, igo Jaraes Alexander, 5ig Jane Maxwell Campbell, 1742 John, 1742, 24g8 Lydia, igo Muriel Isabel, 24g8 Sarah, 1102 Patterson, Paterson, Patti son, miss, 1739 miss or mrs., 1586 mr., 893-4 rars., 460 AbigaU, 851, 2317 Agnes Wilson, 1017 Aletta, 460 Aletta Louise, 1017 Alexander, 460 Alice Mary, 1739, 1973 Alpha, ig8g Araanda Josephine, 1017 Araanda Malvina, 1015 Amasa, 460 Annie Crane, 1018 Araminta Aletta, ioi6 Arthur, 1040-1 Carrie, 1017 Charles Howard, 1018 David, ngi David Williams, 1215, i5g8 Deborah, 460 DoUy, 460 Edgar, i73g, ig73 Edgar Crane, 1017 Eleanor, 1017 Eleanor Simons, 1017 Eliza Jane, 460 Elizabeth, 460, 8g3-4, 1041 Elizabeth Abbott, 2438 Ella Lavinia, 1017 Ezra, 8g4 FrankHn Bayard, i73g, 2403 George Washington, iigi Georgie, 558 Henry Augustus, 1017 Henry C, 1448 Henry Turner, 1017 Howland Perrine, 1739 Ida May, 144S James William, 3439 Jane, 1017, 1254 John, 851 Laura, 1273 Laurence, 1739 Lydia, 460 Mabel, 1896 Margaret, 1040 Margaret McCrea, 1040-1 Martin,- 1896 Mary, 460, 1586 Rebecca, 358 Ruth, 460 SaUy, 1649 Sarah, 460 Sarah Ann, 1191 Sarah Harvey, 1036 Sarah J., 1016 Sarah Medill, 1739 Seely Benedict, 1017 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2727 Patterson, cont'd, Stuart, 1739 Timothy, 460 W. F. B., 558 WilHam, 460, 1041 WiUiam Turner, 1016 William Wright, 1018 Pattinson, Anne, 1743 Pattison, see Patterson. Patton, Isabella, 556 Mary, 556 Robert, 555 Sarah Ann, 555 William Hunter, 556 Paul, Albert Bettel, 3307 Annie Hayes, 3307 Edward C, 1563 Joseph, 434 Josephine M., 1563 Mattie Virginia, 3307 Phebe, 434, 967 Paulding, Elizabeth, 1313 Paulet, Rachel, io3o Paulison, Pieterse, Anna, 1008 Catharine Ann, 1005 Charles McKnight, 1008, 3402 Charles Shephard, 1737 Charlotte Elizabeth, 1737 Clara, 1737 Elizabeth, 1006 Gertrude, 456-7, 1004 Helen, loio Henry Traphagen, 456 John, 456-7 John Paul, 1006, 3403 Joseph Drake, 1737 Margaret Ann, 1006 Margrietje, 456 Marten, 456 Marten Paulisse, 456 Marten Pauwelse, 456 Mary, 456, i737 Paul, 456 Paulus, 456-7 Paulus Martense, 456 Paulus Pieterse, 456 Peter, 456 Pieter, 456 Pieterse, 456 Rachel, 457 Richard, 456 Trintje, 456 Washington, 1737 Paulk, see Polk. Paup, Sophia, gig Paver, William, 466 Pavie, comptesse, 1615 Tayne, see Paine. Payson, miss, 55g Adelia Maria, 820 Alice Oxton, 835 Alvira, 835 Elizabeth Aldana, 835 Eugene H., 835 Leonora, 1571 Olin A., 835 Sarah, 546 VirgU T., 835 Warren Lindlay, 820 William, 835 Payzant, mr., 3338 James, 2338 John, 233S Mary, 2338 Nancy, 567, 570-1 Peabody, Palaodie, Ada Byron, 1607 Benjamin, 1607 Elizabeth, 501, 872 Francis, 502 John, 873 Priscilla, 872 Rachel, 1607 WUHam, 872 Teacock, Ann, 1331 Jane, 1440 Salina, 1331 Thomas, 1331 Peak, Peake, Peakes, Peek, Abigail, 1388 Abigail Luce, 423 Peak, cont'd, Albert, 1553 Amanda, g7i Anna Maria, iQ4g Benjamin Hooper, 3163 Charles Plenry, 423 Claudie Amelia, 3163 Clifford, 3i63 Fannie Maggie, 3161 Irene, g44 James, g7i James Dearborn, 423 John Thomas, 2162 Lydia, io4g M.atilda, i3g7 Minnie Jessie, 2144 Nellie Warren, 433 Nina, 1553 Richard, 2144 Samuel, io4g Samuel Walker, 2162 Sarah, 1365, 1603 Sarah James, 423 Sophronia, 423 Uriel Sylvester, 1049 William Cleveland, 423 William Wodson, 2161 Peake, Peakes, see Peak. Pearce, see Pierce. Peare Poynt, see Pierpont. Pearl, Elizabeth, 389 Pearsall, Eleanor Fransena, 1393 George E., 1691 Janies Zabriskie, I3g3 Latham D., 1393 Latham Derlin, 1393 Mary Evaline, i6gi Pearson, Pearsons, Peirson, Person, Pierceon, Pier son, Piersons, Porsune, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abel L., 35g Abigail, 559 Abner, 559 Abraham, 3455 Adaline, 1336 Amelia, 3273 Anna, 664 Benjamin, 1337, 1604 Betsey, 2457 Bogardus, 1485 Caroline, 1851 Celia, 448 Charles Edwin Abner, 559 Dorothy, 1604 EHas Frasier, 1337 Eliza, 665 Elizabeth, 280 Elizabeth Boyd, 665 Emery La Forest, 1335 Ephraim, 279-80 Ephraim John, 1336 Eugene, 1337 Eunice, 665 George Hough, 1336 George Washington, 1337 Hannah, 279-80 ¦ Henrietta Adelaide, 1337 Henry, 280, 1336 Hepsibah, igoo Hyrum, 1336 Jacob, 665 Jennie Morton, 1336 Jessie Harriet. Harding, 55g John, 55g John Riley, 1337 Jonathan, 1532 Joseph, 280 • Joseph Henry, 1337 Josiah Miller, 1335 "josiah Nathaniel, 1336 Julia Ann Britton, 1729 Lewis Heber, 1337 Lizzie, 280 Louisa, 1336 Love, 1336 Margaret, 348 Pearson, cont'd, Mary, 380, 664 Mary Anna, 559 Mayetta, 1337 Minerva Lucinda, 1337 Moses, 2430 Nancy Ann, 1336 Nellie, 2253 Phebe, 279, 1485 Phebe Cleveland, 665 Phebe Elizabeth, 1336 PoUy, 1555 Rhoda, 665 Rhoda Minerva, 1337 Rosetta Adaline, 1337 Susan, 2293, 2430 Susan Burbeen, 2430 Susanna, 2455 Thoraas, 280 Tryphena, 1335 Pearsons, see Pearson. Pease, Pese, mr., mrs., 2313 Abisha, Abishai, 430, 1137 Allen, 961 Amanda, 962 Ammi, 1127 Ann, 1743 Austin, 94 Bartlett, 1715 Bathsheba, 1133 Benjamin, 97g Carrie Adelia, 1135 Charity, 1132 Charles, g7g Charles Plenry, 962 Clara Butler, 1116 CordeHa, 1135 Cyrus H., g7g David, g4 Deborah, 1202 Delia Ford, 961 Edwin Orson, 1855 Eliza, g7g, i303 Elizabeth, g4, 1132 Elizabeth E., g6i Ella, 979 Elsie, 1855 EmeHne Electa, 1127 Emery, ig68 Emily, 1241 Emma, g79 Etta, 961 FIbrence Adell, 1127 Frederick, 962 Frederick Salmon, 94 George Otis, g6i George Sherburn, 1715 Gorham Martin, 1116 Hannah, 1137, 1742 Harriet, g6i, 1720 Harriet Louisa, g6i Henrietta, g6i Horatio Norton, 1733 Ida L, 2313 James, 1743 James Davis, 420 James Henry, 420 Jeremiah, 420, g6i, g7g John, 94, 1132, 1135, 1742 John Cleveland, g6i John Nickson, g73 Joseph, 94 Joseph Thaxter, g7g Julian Ney, 979 Laura, g63 Leander Freeman, 420 Lois, 431, 435 Lorraine Tracy, 1131-2 Love Cleveland, 430 Lovisa, 1503 Lydia, 1723 Margaret, 94, 435- "i^. 1132, 1742 Maria, 979 Maria Norton. g7g Marie, 1742 Martha, g78 Mary, 1132, 1743, 1811, ig68 Mary Ann, 420 Matilda, ig68 Nancy, 420, 973 Nancy Cleveland, 17^5 Nannie WiUiam, 1715 Noah, g7g Olive, 3356 2728 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Pease, cont'd, Peter, g79 Phebe, 430 Robert, 94, g63, 1133, 1742 Royal, 1203 Salathial, 435 Samuel Brownell, 1137 Sarah, g3-4, g6i, 979, 1131-2, 1741-2 Sarah Elizabeth, 961 Sarah Folger, 420 Sarah Maria, g7g, 1131 Seth, g79 Sophronia, 979 Susan Dyer, 420, g6r Susan Folger, 420 Walter, g7g WilHam Gray, 420 William Henry, 1715 William Luce, 1715 Peaslee, Abigail, 703 Peaster, Amanda, 2052 David, 680 Jonas, 680 Polly, 680 Peatfield, see Patefield. Pechtel, Elizabeth, 716-17 Pecia, Caroline, 1680 Mary, 1680 Oliver, 1680 Peck, mr., 284, 1433 miss or mrs., 250 Adaline, igoo Amanda, igoo Amelia C, ig83 Ann Eliza, 1388 Anne, 87, 141, 165, 566, 2023 Benjamin, 2ogo Berteen, 1648 Bessie Agnes, igoo Carlos, 630 Caroline Adell, 1900 Catharine, 1737 Celinda. 2014 Chloe Aleta, 1433 Christiana, 1387 Cladie Josephine, 1433 Clarissa, igoo, 2338 Darius, 1340 David Hill, i42g Dwight F., 2483 Edgar Farmer, 1738 Eldura Carsendria, i42g EHas, 563 Elida, 1387 Elijah, igoo Elisha, 1900 Eliza Elizabeth, 1475 Elizabeth, 494, 1211, 1340, 1900 ElHott W., 1035 Emerson, 1509 Frances, 284 Francis Maria Jocelyn, 1209 Frank, 563 Frederick RusseU, 1648 Gilbert Raymond, 1433 Harlan Reuben, 1433 Harriet Newell, 987 Henry Jabez, 1737 Hepsibah, 1900 Inez May, igoo Ira, 630 Ira Ballou, 4g5 Jane, 2ogo Jedediah, igoo Jennie, 630 Jeremiah, 1211 Jerusha Maria Tuttle, 1387 Joel, 1340 John, 1340, ig66 John Frederic, 1433 Jonathan J., 1285 Johannah, 1211 Joseph, 566, igoo Lewis, 1648 Lilah Bell, 563 Lovell Alphonso, 1648 Lucinda, 630 Lucius, 630 Luther B., 630 Lydia Jane, 2014 Peck, cont'd, Alaretta Juliette, 1387 Marian Hortensia, i42g Martha Rosaline, 1737 Mary, i5og, ig66 Mary Cleveland, 1433 Mary Cornelia, 1035 Mary Emeline, 1388 May Cornelia, 1035 Mercy, 1340 Minnie, 1648 Mira Jane, 1385 Nancy, 2338 Permelia, 1475 Ransford, 1475 Robert, 566 Robert Grey, 1738 Roy Sherwood, 1433 Ruth, 1210-11, 1340 Samuel, 1340, igoo Sarah, 1340, igoo, 2049 Sarah Adaline, 1388 Sarah Adell, igoo Sarah Ann, 2482 Sheldon Cleveland, 1738 Silas Grover, igoo Silence, 304-5 Stephen L., 1387 Sophronia Almira, 1849 Tabitha, 1900 Theadora Caroline, 1648 Thomas Handasyde, 494-5 Wealthy, 1340 WiUiam, 1211, 2014 WiUiam Henry, 1737 Williara Van Rensselaer, 987 Peckhara, Augusta, 1420 Beulah Morriss, g87 Frances, 1420 John, 1420 Lizzie Stewart, 1420 Peleg Hart, g87 Sarali, 1420 Sarah Ann, g87 WiUiam, 1420 Peed,. Elizabeth Helen, ig82 Peek, see Peak. Peele, Abigail, 1077 Abigail Mason, 1077 George, 1077 Jonathan, 1077 Margaret, 1077 Sarah, 1076 Willard, 1077 Peeler, Charles Abraham, 1310 Charies Willis, isog Cora Belle, i3og David, 1309 Emeline, 1309 Eveline Gertrude, 1309 Nancy, i3og Peets, Mary, 705 Regain, Groladys, lady, 1603 Rhyn, lord of, 1603 Peiksley, Pigsley, SUvia, 483 Peirce, see Pierce. Peirson, see Pearson. Pelgrim, Annie Jane, 2167 Goode, 2167 Thomas, 2167 Pelham, Abram. 7g6 Frinda, 7g6 Herbert, io6g Marvin, 7g6 Penelope, io6g Pell, Ann, 319 Annie, 1136 Helen, 1394 John, 319 Pellate, see Pellet. Pellet, PeUett, Pellate, AbigaU, 254 AHce, 183 Anna, 354 Anne, 183-3, 354 Daniel, 183 David, 849 De Lucena, 183 Frelis, 183 Hannah, 183 Hezekiah, 354 Jeremiah, 183, 393 Jerusha, 350 Jonathan, 350 Pellet, cont'd, Josiah, 350 Lora, 183 Lucy, 183 Margaret, 3g$ Margery, 2g3 Mary, 183, 293, 350 Patience, 183 Phyllis, 182, 849 Richard, 182-3 Samuel, 182- Thomas, 183, 293 Welthy, 182 William, 350 PeUett, see Pellet. Pelly, Aline Mina, 1743 Frances Cromwell, 1743 Henry Raymond, 1743 Pels, Clara Evertson, 1837 Pelton, de Peltindone, Pol- ton, Francelia Adelaide,. 1856 Grace, 1042 Henry, 3g2 Jason M., 1856 Jeremiah M,, 3g2 John, 3g3 Mary, 3g2 Samuel, 3g2 Sarah, 391-2 Susanna, 392: Walter, 392 Pelty, miss, 2096 Pember, Florence, 1564 Frances, 1674, 1681 Jemima, 486 Pemberton, Hannah, 1114 James, 1114 John, 1114 Pembroke, earl, 266 Elizabeth, 2374 see also de Clare. Pembruge, Anthony, 3336 Elizabeth, 3236 Pender grass, Francis Marshall, 1865 James Morrison, 1865 Kezia Carroll, 1865 Mary Jane, 1865 Nettie Sophronia, 1865 Pendleton, George S., 546 Mary B., 546 Reuben, 546 Selinda M., 546 Penfield, Charles Leverett, 1519 Earle Albert, 1519 Estella Mae, 1519 Ethel Louise, 1519 Eva Adeline, i5ig Plorace, i5ig Mary Collins, i5ig Sophronia, 1516 PenhaUow, Hannah, 1114 Samuel, 1114 Mary, 1114 Phcebe, 1768 Pennell, Calvin, 3438 Calvin Smith, 3438 Elizabeth, 3438 Elizabeth Abbott, 2438 Minnie, 2438 Rebecca, 243S Penner, Ella May, 1335 Joseph, 1335 Mary, 1335 Penney, Effie Lina, 1586 Experience, 1037 George Hamilton, 1270 Jane, 1270 John D., 1586 Lucy Eudora, 1586 Lucy May, 1586 Mary, 1586 Matilda Abbey, 1370 Rena, 1586 Richard, 1586' Pennington, Alpha, 3128 Emmeline, 2128 John, 2128 Pennyraan, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Penoyer, Abigail, 1665 Penrose, lord of, 246g Pepham, Anna, 2104 Pepin II. , comte de VermaiB- dois, 1615 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2729' Pepin, Roi d' Italic, 1615 Pepin de Landen ou le Vieux, 1615 Pepin d' Heristal, 1615 Pepin le Bref, Roi des Francs, 1615 Pepper, mr., ggi Artemas Hinckley, 991 Asa Herbert, 1284 Asuba C, 1448 Elizabeth, 2033 Elizabeth Hightower, 2180 Harriet Hovey, 1284 Jane, 3180 Josephine Webb, 991 LiUian_ May, 13S4 Lucretia, ggi Lucretia Ann, 1737 Rachel, 1384 Robert, 2032 Willard, 1284 \yillard Andrew, 1284 WiUiam, 3180 Per'aman, Aceph, 1639 Aelda, 1639 ^ Cynthia Sophia, 1639 Percival, Clarence, 1586 Gertrude, 1586 Harmon, 1586 Henry, 1586 John, 1586 Sarah Ann, 1586 Percy, , 13 countess, 3334 earl of Northumberland, 3334 hotspur, 3334 lord, 1986 noble house of, 3334 pedigree mentioned, 13 Anne, 3237 Anthony, 3238 Arthur, 3334, 3236 Arthur Lowe, 2236 Barbara, 2237 Catharine, 3234 Edward, 3334, 2237 Elizabeth* 3334 Henry, ig86, 3334, 2237 deniss sir Inglerara, 2403 Isabella, ig86 Jane, 2236 John, 2234 Margaret, 2234 Mary, 2238 Thomas, 2237, 2339, 3403-3 Perham, Dorothy, 1394 Franklin Eugene, 1715 Hannah, 1394 Henrietta De Blois, 1715 James Cleveland, 1716 Joseph, 1394 Levi, 1646 Martha, 1646 Phebe Maria, 1646 Perigo, Perrig6, Ebenezer, 1944 Elizabeth, 3337 Lois, 1289 Mary, 1944 Polly, 1944 Ferine, see Perrin. Perkins, captain, 3314 family, 2032 miss, 763 mr., 585, 1885, 2443 Abbie Jane, 1285 Abigail, 78, 876, 1792 Abijah, 734-5 Abraham, 510, 735, 877, 1793 Agnes, 2465 Adeline, 1405 Alicia Annah, 2461 Alfred, 1196 Ann, 1242 Anne Maynard, 496 Antoinette, 1557 Asa, 78 Augustus Messenger, 1313 Augustus Thorndike, 4g5 Barbara Cooper, 4g4 Barbara Higginson, 1067 Benjamin Chaplin, 1313 Perkins, cont'd, Bethia, 735 Betsey Ann, 47g Carl Douglas, 1285 Caroline, 585 Caroline Elizabeth, 1068 Cassa Mary, 3465 Charles Elliott, 1070 Charlotte Amanda, 3460 Charlotte Johnston, 3465 Christina, g83 Clara May, 3464 Cyrus, 876 Daniel, 747, g76, 345g-6i David, 1385 Deborah, 510, 3460 Donna, 3460 Dorothy, 877 Edmund, 4g4-5 Edward Cranch, 1070 Edward Willard, i3og Edwin Dorraan, i3og EHsha, ig48 Eliza, g76 Eliza Greene, 1073-4 EHza Maria, 734 Elizabeth, 220, 273, 4g5, 510, 735, 1068, 3og2 Elizabeth Ann, 47g Elizabeth Peck, 4g4 Elizabeth Welles, 1068 EUa May, 1557 Ellen Frances, i3og Ellna Alvira, 2464 Emily Ann, 816 Emily Beecher, 2033 Erama Stone, 3460 Esther, 494-5 Eugene, 2461 Fanny, 2443 Feroline Lalang, 1612 Florence, 3465 Frances Abby, 1613 Frances Ann, 1068 Francis, 140, 1613 Francis Walley, 1613 Francis WUliam, 1613 Frank, 479 Frankiin Theodore, 2465 Frederic Charies, 2465 George, 430 George Augustus, 735 George Benjamin, 2465 George G., 816 Gilbert, g66 Gilbert Palmer, 787 Grace, 3gg Grace Emily, i3og Grace Webster, 1612 Hannah, 510, 877, 3460 Plannah Eva, 1613 Henry, i6n, 3461 Henry Cleaveland, 1613 Henry HiU, 1070 Herman, 1309 Plorace Billings, 3461 Isaac, 735, 876-7 Isaac Edson, 876 Isabel, 1285 Jabez, 510 Jacob, 510, 735, 787, 844 James, 494, 1073-4 James Handasyd, 1070, 2403 Jane, 1196 Jane Russell, 976 Jay, 2461 Jemima, 844 Jerome Theodore, 2460 Joanna, Johanna, 876-7 John, 510, 735, 877, 1083, 2460 Joseph, 735, 1285 Joseph L., 1385 Josephine Mary, 3465 Judith, 510, 735, 843-4, 1083 Julia, 3461 Laura Salina, 1309 Perkins, cont'd, Leonard, 39g, 3483 Linus, g83 Lizzie Estella, i3og Louisa, ig48 Louisa Arvilla, ig48 Louisa Maria, 1856 Lucinda, 787 Lucretia Ann, 747 Lucretia Kingsbury, 1285 Lucy Ann, 2461 Lucy Benedict, 3461 Lucy Comstock, 787 Lucy Olivia, 3017 Luke, 877 Luther M., 1557 Mabel, i6i3 Margaret, 1116 Mary, I3g3 Mary Foote, 3032 Mark, 877 Martha, 735, 877 Mary, 703, 877, gsg, 1083, 3460 Mary Amelia, 3464 Mary Caroline, 3464 Mary Cleaveland Bryant, 1997 Mary .Cleveland, 68, I9g7 Mary Elizabeth, 1613, 3460 Mattie, 3og3 Maud MadeUne, 1613 Meekey, Mickey, 3080 Miriam, g66 Miriam Phillips, 1613 Miriam WaUey, i6i3 Morris Matthew, 3464 Myrta Elva, 2464 Nancy, 430, 4g6 Nancy Maynard, 4g4 Nora EUen, 2464 Olive, 734-5, 3483 Patience, 140 Persis, 245g-6i Peter Brown, 2464 Phebe, 966, 3460 Polly Maria, 345g Rachel, 3464 Rebecca, 663, 747, 1431 Richard Sullivan, 1068 Rhoda, 813 Ruth, i6i3 Ruth Susan, 1313 Salina, 1309 Sally, 1196 Samantha, 983 Samuel Ford, 2460 Samuel Gardner, 494 Sarah, 140, 220, 3gg, 1070, 1285, 1313, 1611, 2460 Sarah Fay, 1612 Sarah Paine, 1073 Sarah Sever, 1068 Sarah SulHvan, 1068 Stella I\Iay, 2464 Stephen, 3og3 Stephen Barber, i3og Stephen George, 1068 Stephen Pligginson, 1068 Submit, 1373 Susan Cleveland, 1067 Susan K., 1068 Susanna, Susannah, 4g4-5- Theodore, 345g Thomas, 330, 3460 Thomas Clap, 2032 Thomas Handasyd, 4g4, 1070 Thomas Johnston, 3464 Ursuline, 1885 William Channing, 1070- William Drew, 3461 William Laing, 345g William' Theodore, 3464. see also de Morlaix. Perlee, see Perley. 2730 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Perley, Perlee, Aaron, 866 Allan, Allen, 866 Anna Maria, 3454 Harriet, 866 Mehitable, 866 Susannah, 866 Thoraas, 866 Perne, Pirne, Rachel, 477-8 Richard, 478 Thomas, 478 Perrigo, see Perigo. Perrin, Ferine, Perrine, mrs., 1581 Alice M., 1581 Amos, 784 Ancelica Susannah, 1407 Bernard, 1738 Cornelia, 1241 Daniel, 1581 Daniel Harbine, 1581 Elizabeth, 1407 Emma Cleveland, 1581 Epaphras, 1330 Esther, 1331 Hannah, 1521-2 Hattie Jerusha, 1521 Henry A., 1581 Herbert, 1581 Juliette, 1241 Lucretia, 462 Lucy, 140 Margaret, 2217 Margaret E., 1581 Martha, 1330 Mary, 1581 Mary Araelia, 1581 Mary Rebecca, 1738 Orrin A., 1521-2 Rhoda Adelaide, 1523 Richard, 463 Sarauel, 1407 Sarah, 1738 Sarah Elizabeth, 784 Susan Jane, i88g Susanna, 732 Perrine, see Perrin. Perry, raiss, 2164 rar., 1348 AbigaU, 126 Agnes, 527 Alace Elmira, 1414 Alfred Dwight, 1853 Alma Charlotte, ig4o Anna, 1211, 1270 Anna M., 1604 Anna Maria, 1542 Annetta, 1413 Annis, 527 Arthur, 1211 Asa, 1621 Benjamin FrankHn, 2068, 2123 Bethia, 531 Betsey Maria, ig22 Caroline, 1542 Caroline Frances, 652 Catherine, 652, 1312 Catharine Eliza, gi8 Christiana, 1312 Clarinda, 2035 Cleveland, 2035 Deborah, 157 Edwin Robert, 1312 Eliza, 1413 EHza J., 1413 Elizabeth, 157, 1148 Elizur Graves, 1311 Emma Ann, 1414 Eraitye, 6g5 Ephraira, 531 Esther Clarinda, 2035 Ferdinand George, 1312 Florence, 2ig7 Frances, 1413 Frances Edith, ig4o Franklin Reuel, 2035 Frederick Kellogg, 1312 George, 1312 George S., ig40 Hanford John, 1413 Hannah, 531 Harold Martin, 1004 Harrison James, 1413 Helen T., 1004 Perry, cont'd, Henry, 2221 Ida J., 1413 Imrnetje, 695 Ira, 652, 1312 Isaac, 1604 Isadore, 1414 Jaraes Elbert, 629 Jane Elizabeth, 1541 Janette Martha, 1312 Jennette, 1427 John, 1413-14 John Hawkins, 1414 Joseph Stone, 1853 Kate Cleveland, 2035 Katharine, 2035 Laura Pamelia, 1940 Lavinia White, 1312 Leslie Edwin, 1312 Louella Julia, 1853 Louise, 629 Lucy Ann, 1853 Margaret, 636 Martha Ann, 1413, 1621 Martha Cleveland, 2331 Mary, 301, 1015, 1413-14 Mary Annetta, 1414 Mary Brown, 1859 Mary Elizabeth, 1313 Mary Grace, 1312 Matthew, 1427 Minnie Estella, 1621 Moses, 157 Oliver, 1542 Oliver Hazard, 1004 Philenda, 1312 Philenda MUler, 1311 PhUo Beebe, 1312 Rhoda Ann, 1414 Robert, 1312 Salome, 347 Sarah, 1559 Sarah Emaline, 2197 Sarah Maria, 1312 Tryphena, 562 Wilbert Warren, 511, 2035 William, 1413 William Elan, 1413 Williara H., 918 WiUiam Nazareth, 2197 Persing, Bessie, 590 Carrie M., 590 Chester, 590 Clarissa, 590 Cora Bell, 590 Elizabeth, 1195 Emeline, 590 George Henry, 590 Hannah, 58g Harry L., 5go Henry William, 589 Louis M., 590. Lovina, 5go Mary, 590 Mary. E., 58g-go Matthias, 58g Matthias James, 590 Maud Elizabeth, 590 Samuel, 590 William, 589 WUHam MiUer, 590 Persons, see Parsons. Pese, see Pease. Peterkin, see Pitkin. Peters, attorney general, 558 ran, mrs., 558 Adam, 2269 Elizabeth, 1710 Kate M., .1710 Nathan, 2326 Richard, 1710 Petersen, Peterson, miss, 45g, 1528 > Amelia, 388-g Clara A., 46 Eraeline Field, 46 Frances, 642 Frederick Allison, ig52 Joel Cleveland, ig52 John, 643 Lillie Olsen, ig52 Petersen, cont'd, Nancy, 388-9 Nathan, 388-g Paul Frederick, 1052 Sophronia Amanda, igS2 W. Fred, 46 Peterson, see Petersen. Petit, see Pettit. Petre, Petrie, see Petry. Petry, Petre, Petrie, Catherine, 2131 Charles, 620 Fredriech Godfrey, 2028 Jane, 2ig4 John Nelson, 2ig4 Mercy Anne, 620 Molisa Isidora, 2ig4 Robert Cleveland, 2ig4 Sadie Cleveland, 2028 Samuel Herman, 2ig4 Vernor Henning, 2028 William Shields, 2194 Pettee, Pettey, Petty, Albert Gallatin, 3309 AngeHne Weaver, 701 . Fannie Madora, 33og Josiah B., 701 Luvenia, 32og Mary, i65g Rebecca, i5g Sarah, 701 see also Bettey. Pettenger, Sophia, 1347 Pettes, see Pettis. Pettey, see Pettee. Pettibone, Calista, 1366 Jerusha, 661 John, 3ig Sarah, 318-ig Theophilus, 1366 Pettigrove, Direxcy, 7g6 Rhoda, 7g6 William, 7g6 WUliam M., 796 Pettingell, PettingUl, Benjamin, 806 ITannah, 559 Henry L., 1302 James, 560 Lovina Lucinda, 1302 Lydia, 806 Olivia Sophia, 560 Rhoda, 560 ' Salome, 621 Sarauel Curtis, 621 Thoraas, 559-60 Pettingill, see Pettingell. Pettis, Pettes, Fanny, 717 Henry Nelson, 1733 Nancy, 935 - Olive Graves, 1733 Sarah Horton, 1723-4 Pettit, Petit, Chester Wheaton, 1102 Clement, 253 EHza Ann, 353 Guy Herbert, 1102 James, 253 Mary Elizabeth, 1102, 1877 Nancy, 1102 Philenda, 253 Rolland Eldred, 1102 Sarah Ann, 253 Thurlow Weed, 1103 Victoria, 253 Petty, see Pettee. Peuterbaugh, Nora L., 2480 Samuel, 2480 Pew, Anna, 84 Peyntree, see Pantry. Pheeney, mr., 45 OUve, 45 Pheese, Henry, 1354 Polly, 1354 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2731 BPhelan, Anna, 1135 Phelps, Phyllyppes, miss, gog mr.', 161 mrs., pio Abigail, 286 Adelaide, 778 Adeline, 777 Agnes, 1432 Alonzo, 1157 Anson Greene, 1094 Augusta, gog Aurelia, gog Betsey Grant, 1273 Charles, 1658 Charles C, 778 ¦Charles Spencer, 1658 Dora Bell, 778 Ebenezer Morgan, 3433-4 Elijah, 161, 1588 EUzabeth, 161, gio Ella, 2264 Ellen A., 1803 Ellen Miranda, 1144 Emily, 1653 Fanny, 286 Fidelia, gog, 1658 Flora Phila, 777 George Hovey, 1373 George Howard, 1658 Grace, gog- 10 Hannah, 1272, 1517 Harriet, 1657 Harriet Maria, 2433 Helen, i67g Henry, 777 Ida Belle, 1272 John, 777, 2142 Joshua, 286, 1273 Kate, 2142 Laura, 1373 Letitia, 161 Lois, 1060 Lucy, 1313 Lydia, 161, 386, gio Marion, ,778 Martha, 574 Martha Emma, 1658 Martha Phoebe, 1658 Martin, gog Mary, 780, 2142 Mary Bourne, 1658 Mary L., 1588 May Mira, 1658 Melissa, iog4 Mindwell, igg5 Nathaniel, gog-io Olive, iog4 Priscilla, 1213 Ruth, igg5 SaUy, 386 Samuel, igg5 Sarah, i77g, 1868 Sarah Ann, 1908, 3198 Sarah Elizabeth, 1658 Seth, 1373 Simonds Fowler, 1373 Spencer, gog, 1658 Susan Jane, 1373 Thankful, go8, iggs Theodamy, gog Timothy Allen, gog Walter Lyraan, 1658 William, 780, gog-io, 1995 WUlis AUen, 1658 Philbrick, Filbrick, Phil- brook, Philbrucke, Ann, 813 Caleb, 813 Elias, 813 Elizabeth, 813 John, 813 Mary, 813 Prudence, 813 Rhoda, 813 Philbrick, cont'd, Sarah N., 813 Thankful, 3478 Thomas, 813 Philbrook, Philbrucke, see Philbrick. Philips, see PhiUips. Philipson, esq., 3339 Eliza, 323g Phillemore, Ebenezer, go Hannah, go PhUHpi, PhiUipie, Catharine, 1335 Gian Battiste, 1335 Josiah, ig36 Maria, 1937 Mary Jane, 1936 PhiUipie, see PhiUipi. PhiUips, Philips, judge, 1718 mr., 2109 mrs., 1930 Aaron Longfellow, 1404 Aimee, 1922 Alraira, 1404 Angeline, 2262 Angus, 2262 Ann, 1397 Anne, 1580 Battiste Sarauel, 1325 Betsey, 269 Caroline Jeanette, 1404 Carrie Mabel, 1751 Charles Augustus, 1404 Christopher, 1612, 1930 D. Esther, 1524 Delia Marion, 1751 Dora, 1763 Eleazer, 1580 Eliza, 1971 Elizabeth, 2466 Elizabeth Cleveland, 1325 Ella Howard, 1335 George, 331, 1613, 1930 Hannah, 331, 2119 Hannah E., 2012 Henry, 1580 Ida C, ig22 Jane, 1037, 1202 Jerusha, 908 John, 14, 1063, 1613 John Lewis, 1325 Joshua, 483 Juliette, 3137 Laura, 1410 Lettie, 1303 Margaret, go Mary, 1580, 1718 Mary Austin, 1335 Mary Eizabeth, 1331 Maud Alice, 1404 Morris and Company, 1006 Morton HiU, 1751 Myron Anthony, 1404 Nathaniel, g8 Nelson, 1404 Nicholas, 3iig Patience, ig30 Philip, 369 Prudence, 176 Rachel, 3iog Ruth, g8 Sally Mallous, 833 Samuel, 1331, 1613, ig3o Sarah, 1063, ig3o Sarah Bertha, 1751 Sarah Jane, 1331 Sarah Sopshire, 3137 Silvia, 483 Stephen B., 3137 Susan, 1971 Thomas George, 1751 Wendell, 1613 Will T., 1932 William, 1612, 1971 William Henry, 1404 Zilpha, 315 PhilHs, Edith May, 981 Phinney, Finney, Aaelbert, 974-5 Ann, 463 Annette, 569 Annie Loyd, 1178 Benjamin, 569 Bessie Eveline, 975 Betsey A., 974 Catharine, 56g Clara Abbie, g74 Elijah, 567, 56g Eliza Pulsipher, 34g4 Elizabeth, 463 EUa Ermina, 569 EUen, 569 Eunice, 569 George O., 974 Hallet Leander, 569 Harvie, 569 Hepzibah, 567 Isaac, 396 James, 462 John, 569 Kate, 569 Leander, 569 Margaret, 569 Olivia, 56g Sarah, 569 Sarah Matilda, 567 Susan, 56g Temperance, 395 Thomas Guilford, 975 Tristram Cleveland, 975 Phippen, Fippenny, Fitz pen, Phippenny, Phippin, Alzada Alice, 1965 Benjamin, 711 Chauncey Walter, 1965 David, 503 Dorcas, 503 Elvira, 1965 Emogene Alvaria, 1965 George, 503 George D., 233 Horatio, 1965 Joseph, 503 Owen, 503 Robert, 503 Sarah, 502-3, 711 Walter MontravUle, 1965 Wilmot, 711 Phippenny, Phippin, see Phippen. Phipps, Esther, 146 James R., 3149 Laura Virginia, 2149 Samuel, 146 Phoenix, Mary Ann, 529 Stephen Whitney, 856 Phyllyppes, see Phelps. Piatt, Jemima, 1018 John, 1018 Sarah, 1018 William, 1018 Richard, miss, mr., 856 Pickard, Betsey, 1931 Edward Louie, 1034 Elizabeth, 864, 866, igzi Jane, 1931 Martha Barton, 1034 Mary Ann, 1675 Mattie Barton, 1034 Samuel, 1931 Sarah Martha, 1034 Pickel, Elizabeth, 716-17 Pickens, Nancy, 2186 Pickering, Alice, 170 Catherine, 1746 Elizabeth, 170 Ellen, 2472 Eunice, 165 GUbert, 170 James, 170 John, 170 Lois, 1070 Sarah, 170 Theophilus, 167 Timothy, 170 Picket, see Pickett. 2732 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Pickett, Picket, Eliza, 828 Lizzie, 828 Mary, 1416 Pickthall, Anna, 1938 Arthur, 1938 Sarah, 1938 Pickwick, Eli, 783 Mary, 783 Sarah Jane, 783 Pickworth, John, 1835 Rachel, 1835 Picts, the, 266 Pidgeon, Benjamin, 952 Mary, 952 Piedge Exrog, sir, 856 PiekeUs, Natilie, 1817 Pier, Amy Amelia, 1130 Ethan, 1130 Samantha, 1130 Pierce, Pearce, Peirce, mrs., 445, 824 Abigail, 51 Adaline, 824 AHce EUzabeth, 988 AHce F., 1711 Amelia, 1834 Amie Ann Seabury, g88 Ann Augusta, 1735 Anna, i45g, i8go Anstres Emerson, 7gi Antoinette, 480 Benjamin, 51, 7gi Benjamin T., 1733 Bethia, 445 Betsey, ig2i Caleb, 67s Caroline, i45g, 24gs Catharine Elizabeth, 1733 Charles N., 824 Charlotte, 1415 Chloe, 445, g87 Clothier, 445, g87-8 Comfort, 987-8 Corrina C, 988 Cyrus Franklin, 1641 David, 988 David Cleveland, 824 Dean, 496 Delos, 1333 Dorinda, 1292 Ebenezer Weaver, 96, 831 Edward, 987 Edward Lillie, 1074 Edward Lord, 791 Elijah, 985 Eliza, 1641 Elizabeth, 50-1, 335, 651, 988, 1641, "1890, 3471 Elizabeth A., 3430 Elizabeth H., 834 Elizabeth Winslow, 985 Ella M., 1711 Ellen, 834 Emma Adelia, 1333 Ephraim, 675, 3430 Esther, 613 Fanny, 1393 Fannie ArdeU, 651 Francis WiUard, 791 Frank, 987 Frank A., 1711 Franklin, 1134, 1574 Frederick, 834 Frederick Clifton, 446, 1449 George, 834 Gracie May, 1513 Hannah, 51, 445, 675, 692, 1618 Hannah Elizabeth How land, 988 Harriet, 834, 1018 Henry, 791 Henry Stewart, 791 Jacob, 651 Jacob WiUard, 496 Pierce, cont'd, James Dugald Stuart, 1134 James M., 834 Jennie Maria, 651 Jesse Calvin, 1834 John, 51, 217, 445-6, 947-8, 1248, 2471 John Cleveland, 988 John Douglas, 1124 John Spaulding, 651 John Wesley, 987 Jonathan, 51 Joseph, 39, 51, 58 Josiah, 39 Joshua, 1571, i8go Judith, 675 Julia Ann, 651 Julia Luella, 1513 Lodema Adelia, 1641 Louisa H., 496 Love, 1336 Lucia, 791 Lucia Annie, 791 Lydia, 791 Lydia G.. 088 Maria, 818 Martha, 675 Martin, 389 Mary, 50-1, 58, 317, 335, 675, 947-8, 988, 1348, 1641, 1724 Mary Ann, 824, 1124, 1571 Mary Augusta, 1571 Mary Barney, g88 Mary Boardman, 4g6 Mary Eliza, 1336 Mary M., 702 Matilda, g77, 1641 Maud, 981 Mercy, 675 Mertie Amelia, 1834 Mial, 675 Michael, 445-6 Milton, 1292 Minerva Adelaide, 987 Morris Deming, 982 Nancy Ann, 289 Nathaniel, 1336, 1415 Noah, 1018 OlHe Edna, 1513 Patience, 445-6, 675 Persis, 51 PoUy, 1415, 1535 Robinson, 982 Royal, 1641 Samuel, 50-1 Sarah, 484 Sarah Caroline, 1574 Sarah Jackson, 982 Sarah Jane, 1513 Sarah White, 947 Seth, 484 Summers, 29 Susan, 1294 Susan Ardell, 651 Sylvester, 675 Theodore, 1834 Theodosia, 1333 Thomas, 26-7, 51, 58, 235 Thomas Edward, 1513 William, 29, 446, 824, 1415, 1459, 1641 WUliam Cleveland, 988 William Frank, 1415 Wyle King, 1513 Zeruiah, 217 Piercefield, Ann, 1477 Pierceon, see Pearson. Pierpont, de Pierrepont, Peare Poynt, Anna, 1779 Annora, 1613 David, 1779 Edmund, 1613 Elizabeth, 1613 Ellen, 1613 Evelyn, 1613 Frances, 1613 Frances Anne, 1778-9 I Francis, 1613 Pierpont, cont'd, George, 1613 Henry, 1613 Hugh, 1613 James, 1613, i779) 1814. Jane, 1613 Joan, 1613 John, 1779, 1814 Jonathan, 1613 Margaret, 1613 Mary, 1779, 1814 Robert, 1613 SaUy, 1779 Sarah, 1613, i779. 1814 .Sarah B., 1599 Thankful, 1779, 1814 Tomasin, 1613 William, 1613 Winnefried, 1613 Pierre de Vermandois, surnomme Siger ou Sohier, 1615 Pierson, Piersons, see Pear son. Pieterse, see Paulison. Pietersen, Gillis, JUHs, 1809 Pigsley, see Peiksley. Pike, Pyke, Spight, Spike, mr., 409 mrs., i6gg Abigail, 12S Amanda B., g42 Austin Franklin, i6g9 Barton A., 1387 Betsey, 1707 Calvin, 1514 Carlisle, 794 Caroline Frances, 1699 Charies, 794 Edward Austin, i6gg EHsha, iig7 Eliza Jane, 1663 Emeline B., g43 Ezra, 704 Fannv Lucretia, 1514 Hannah, 410 Hannah Sharpe, i44g Harriet Ann, 7g4 Plarriet B., g43 Helen Farley, 1699 IsabeUa Amelia, 1387 Isaiah, 410 Isel, 411 Israel, 334 James, 128, 1663 Jane, 794 Jeremiah, 12S Jerome, i44g John, i44g John Dwight, igsg Jonathan Keyes, 411 Lorinda, igsg Lucretia, 241 Lydia Hayes, 1018 Lyman, 1392 Mary Jane, I3g2 Nancy, g43 Naomi, izS Nathaniel B., g43 Rhoda, 410 Rozella A., 334 Rufus, i44g Ruth, 4og Sarah, 128 Susan, 252, 2^34 Susannah, iig7 Sylvia Jane, igsg Uriah, g42 Uriah Drury, 410 William, 128 Pillgryme, see Dummer. Pillsbury, Mary, i6og Mary Smith, i6cg Oliver, i6og Pincerna to Edward the Con fessor, 4go Pindar, Abraham, 1351 Alice Bethia, 1351 Charity, 1351 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2733 Pindar, cont'd, Daniel WeUington, 1351 Henry Abraham, 1351 Jane Ann, 1351 Mary Elizabeth, 1193 WUHam, 1193 Pine, Edgar Benjarain, i42g Josephine Elizabeth, i43g Pineo, see Pinneo. Pingree, Beulah, 638 Mary, 638 Sylvanus, 638 Pinkham, mr., 1833 iulia Juanna, 1833 lary, 430, 303g Nahum, 303g Obed, 430 Sarah Greene, 303g Pinks, Esther, 661 Jonathan C, 661 Mary Ballard, 661 Pinneo, Pineo, Olivia, 567 Peter, 567 Phebe Gore, 567 Pinney, Abigail, 658 Eleazer, 512 Elizabeth, 90 Plumphrey, 658 Mary, 513, 658 Nathaniel, go ;Pipe, Charles, 814 Harriet Jeannette, 814 Piper, Annie Maria, 33g4 Clark Matson, 33g4 Frazer Horner, 33g4 Harriot, 1697 Helen Cowen, 3294 James Alexander, 2294 Lucy, 1866 Minnie AHce, 3394 _Pirne, see Perne. Pitcher, Carrey, ggg EHas, ggg EHza Ann, ggg Elizabeth, ggg Eugene Tod, ggg Frank, ggg Henry, igg6 Laura Virginia, 1853 Mary Rhoda, 1333 Nazareth, ig96 ^Pitkin, Peterkin, of Scot land, 1970 Albert Hastings, 1970 Albert Palmer, i96g-70 Caleb, 781 Content, igg8 Damaris, 781 Denison Palmer, ig69-7o Dorothy, 781, 1526 Elizabeth, 1930, I9g8 Euphemia, ig7o Ezekiel, ig7o Godsgift, ig98-9 Hannah, ig7o Howard Seymour, ig7o Jane Ann, ig70 Jemima, 781 Jonathan, 1970 Julia, 1456 Julia Louise, 1969 Lucy, 1970 Martha, 1426 ¦Ozias, 1998-g Phoebe Dunham, ig6g-70 Rebecca, ig7o Roger, ig7o Sarah, ig3o Sarah Howard, ig7o Stephen, 781 Susan, r66g Theodosia, 1998-9 WilHam, 1426, 1930, i970 "WUHam T,, 1970 Pitman, Thankful, i8g Pitt, Pitts, Anne, 248 Benjamin, 348 Benjamin V., 555 Eliza, 1706 Elizabeth, 145, 248, 1830 Hannah liale, 878 James, 554, 878 James Joseph, 878 John F., 554 John H., 3174 Joseph, 878 Lodema E., 1608 Lucy, 554 Marion, 554 Martha, 1830 Mary, 1804 Maud, 1063 Olive, 555 Rachel, 1323 Sarah Jane, 555 Thomas, 348 Wilhelmina Bertha, 2174 WUHam, 1062, 1804, 1820 Pitts, see Pitt. Pittsley, Alexander, 446 Charles Henry, 607 George, 607 Sarah Malvina, 607 Sylvia Davis, 446 Pixley, Abigail, 1S57 Chelian Agnes, 1226 Chelius Sumner, 1226 Elmira Adaline, 1236 Emma Agnes, 1326 Helen Isabel, 1326 Suraner, 1226 Plain, Mary E., 1403 Plaisted, Eliza Jane, 1405 Plank, Harriet, 1188 Plant, judge, 577 Bathsheba, 1210, 1212 Betty, 1210 Dorothy, 1210 Ebenezer, 1210-11 Esther, 1210-11 Hanah, 1310, I3i3 Jaraes, 1310, 1313 John, 1310, 1313 Samuel, i3io Ursula, 577 Plantagenet, Alice, 265 Blanche, 266 Edmond, 266 Edward, 366, 1068 Eleanor, 365-6 Elizabeth, 1068 Geoffrey, 366 Gundred, Gundreda, 265-6, 2045 Hameline, 265 Henry, 266, 1068 Isabel, 266 Joane, 265-6 John, 365-6 Matilda, 366 Maud, 365-6 Richard, 19, 266, 686 William, 14, 265-6, 800, 1068; 2034, 3045, 2175 see also Warren. Plasters, mr., mrs., 3095 Plater, Margaret, 3177 Platner, Dexter Smith, 840 Lydia, 840 Platt, Platts, Araminta D. 1306 Elizabeth, 321, 449 Hannah, 449 Isaac, 449 Josiah. 932 Lucinda, 1326 Mary, 522 Sarah, 932, 1752 Platts, see Platt. Plenman, mr., 3437 Mary, 3437 Plimpton, Plympton, Abigail, 3434 Betsey, 1683 Catharine E., 1683 Clarissa, 1537 Elizabeth, 2424 Joseph, 1683 Julia Bacon, 1527 Linus Bacon, 1527 Mary, 179 Sarah, 2119 Thomas, 2424 Plinley, Jared, 801 Rebecca, 801 Plum, Plumb, Plurabe, Plume, colonel, 2023 family, 2023 Ann Milledge, 3316 Ann Smith, 2316 Annah, 1837 Daniel Berroni, 2216 David Daniel, 2316 Dorcas, 1833 Emma, 3033 Isaac, 1837 Johannah, 1837 John, 1833, 1837 Marie Cordelia, 3316 Mary, 1837 Rosa Milledge, 3316 Samuel, 1837 Plumb, Plumbe, Plume, see Plum. Plumley, Ada CaHsta, 1237 Adah CaHsta, 1337 Angeline, 1338 Eleanor, 637 Isaac, 636-7 Lucina, 636 Pulcheria, 626 Pulcheria Marcia, 1337 Susan, 1238 Tamason, Tamson, 626-7 Tamson Charlotte, 1237 Plummer, mr., 733 Ann, 723 Annie D., 484 Caroline, 484, 1433 George, 1433, 3468 Josephine, 3467-8 Margaret, 3468 Mary Caroline, 484 William PL, 484 Zuba, 1433 Plunkett, earl of Fingall, 1743 lady Harriet, 1743 Plympton, see Plimpton. Pocahontas, princess, 2334 Poindexter, Augusta Ann, 3043 John H., 2043 Vesta Ann, 2043 Poland, Carrie Belle, 1861 Frances Ellen, i86i Sophronia, 1710 Sylvester Morton, 1861 Pole, see Poole. Polk, Paulk, raiss, 2108 James Knox, 1638 Sarah, 310-11, 1637 Wratchel, 1636, 1638 Pollard, EmeHne Claressa, 2031 Margaret Elizabeth, I9g6 Polle, PoUey, see Polly. PoUington, Isabel, 4g3 Thomas, 493 WilHam, 493 Pollock, Ann, 1702 Elizabeth, 2175 Elizabeth Jane, 2444 EUen, 2444 James, 2444 Margaret, 559 Robert, 2175 2734 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Polly, Polle, PoUey, PoIIye, Poly, mr., 537 Abigail, 2423 Ebenezer, 2422 Elizabeth, 27, 30, 537, 2421-2 George, 27, 30, 537, 2421-3 Hannah, 304, 537, 3421-2 Jacob, 2433 John, 304, 537, 3431 Jonathan, 3422 Joseph, 2432 Lucy, 537, 3421 Mary, 537, 3431-3 Matthew, 537 Mercy, 2422 Miriam, 2422 Priscilla, Prisilah, 2422 Samuel, 2422 Sarah, 3422 Susanna, 304 Thomas, 2422 Pollye, see Polly. Polton, see Pelton. Poly, see PoUy. Pomeroy, de Pomeroy, Pom roy, Pummery, Pumry, ? mrs., 910 Bertha Agnes, iggs Caleb, iggs Charlotte, 1630 Chloe, gi3 Edward, 910 Eldad, 910 Eldred, gio Elijah, iggs Elizabeth, iggs Eltweed, gio Eltwood, gio Enoch, iggs Experience, gio Henry Clay, iggs Hepzibah, iggs Jesse, iggs Jonathan, 1567 Joshua, 1660 Lemira, gi3 Lucy, 1504 Martha A., iggs Mary, iggs Medad, gio Mindwell, gio Nancy, gi3 Ralph, gio Ruth, iggs Ruth Perkins, 1567 SaUie, 1118, 2460 Samuel, gi2, iggs Sarah, gio Submit, 909 Thankful, iggs Timothy, gi3 Pomroy, see Pomeroy. Pond, mrs., ngg Abby Ann, 830 Abigail, sgg Adam, 3116-17 Adelia Maria, 830 Adeline, 1417 Allie Josephine, 1300 AngeHne, 1201 Arthur Sanford, 820 Ashel, sg8, 1203 Bartholomew, 783, 1417, 1516 Bessie, i3oo Betsey, sg8, 783 Beulah Olevia, 2116 BiUious, 1417 Birchard, 2116 Brittiana, 730 Bushrod Washington, 1200 Caroline, 2116 Carolin e Frances, 1200 Caroline Ofelia, 2116 Charles Delos, 1201 Charlotte, 1202 Clara Kendrick, 1200 Clarie Jane, 1200 Clarissa S., 1516 Clark Kendrick, 1200 Curtis, 782 Cynthia Ann, 2178 Dan, 5g8-g, 1200-1 Daniel Streator, sgg Durlin Brayton, 1300 Ebenezer, 3116 Edward Francis, 820 Pond, cont'd, , Eleanor Westcott, 1200 Electa, 1201 Elenor Axa, 2117 Elizabeth, 782, 1516 EUen Baker, 820 Ellen Temperance, 2177 Emily, 1417 Emma B., 2116 Erasmus Clark, 820 Esther R., ngg Evelina, 1302 Eveline, 1202 Fannie, Fanny, 420, 2177 Fannie EUen, 2116 Frank Nelson, 820 Frederick, 420 Frederick Lewis, 1301 Frederick Skinner, 1200 George Harvey, 21 16 George Nelson, 820 Gulian Verplank, ngg Hannah, 820 Helen Baker, 820 Henry, 1434 Henry Asahel, 1200 Henry Wilson, 2116 Henry Wright, 2116 Hiram, 5g8, 730 Horace Ransom, 1200 Jane, ngg Jesse Ebenezer, 3116 John, 5g8 John L., 730 John Philip, 1301 Joseph Ebenezer, 3177 Josephine J., ngg Julia, 1300 Julia Ann, 1300 Leavitt, 782 Leverett, 782 Linnseus Cuvier, 1200 Louisa, 598, I30I Lovisa, 598 Lucinda, 1301 Lucy, 1417 Luther, 3116 Lydia, 730 Mabel, 598, 1301 Madora, i3oo Martha, i30i, 1434 Martha Ann, 3116 Martha M., 730 Martha Paulina, 1300 Mary, 2116 Mary F., 1199 Mary J., 730 Mary Jane, 1200 Mehitable, 598 Melvina, 820 Milo, 1516 Minerva L., 1300 Minnie, 3116 Minnie Claire, 1200 Miriam, sgg Mollie J., 2116 Monson, Munson, ngg Myron C, 730 Nancy Elvira, 1200 Nathan, 820 Nellie Baker, 820 Nelson, 830 Noel Dewey, 1300 Oscar Ira, 1303 Paulina, sgS Paulina C, 1201 Perlina, 5g8 Philip, sgg, 782, 1300 Phineas, 730 Rachel, 830 Rhoda, 730, 1417 Robert, sgg Robert Emmet, 730 Samuel, 5g8-g, 783 Samuel Sweezy, 1417 Sarah, sgS, 783, 2116-17 Sarah Alphonsine, 1199 Sarah Gates, 1200 Sarah J., 730 Silas, 1201 Sophia E., 1201 Pond, cont'd, Sophronia, 1516 Thankful, 599 Thomas, 599" Timothy, 782, 1516 Warren Nelson, 820 WiUiam David, 2116 WUliam Ebenezer, 2177 William Larkin, 2116 Zelima, 1201 Ponder, Alice, 203g Pontaudemar, Turlophe, lord of, 2175 Pont-Briendlet, Lodviska, 1490 Pooke, see Apuke. Pool, see Poole. Poole, Pole, Pool, Abigail Stevens, 361 Adelaide, 1230 Asa, 23g Betty, 2437 Ebenezer Cleaveland, 361 Eliza, 3133 Elizabeth, 236^ Francis, 362 Frederick, 1355 Henry Coleman, 2123 Isaac, 361 Jemima, 361 John, 361 Lois, 362 Mary Adeline, 1355 Nabby Stevens, 361 Olive, 361 Olive Cleaveland, 361 Rachel, 23g Robert Coleman, 2123 Sabina, 2123 William Frederick, 2383 WUliam Pitt, 361 Poor, Poore, Alice, 364, 201E Ben: Perley, 2187 Daniel, 364, 8S4 David, 23ig Deborah, 884 Elizabeth, 23 ig John, 364 Mary, 884, g52 Minnie, 2431 Olive, 2431 Rebecca, 364, gsz Samuel, 364, g53 Sarah, 364 Thomas, 2431 Poore, see Poor. Pootman, Cornelius, i3g7 Maria, i3g7 Pope, Ann, 3173 Anzoletta, 1430 Charles, 1334 Cleveland Ball, 1430 Elizabeth, 1430 Euretta, 1430 Jane, 131 John, i3i, 466> Lathrop Gardner, 1430 Martin, 1430 Mary, 1430 Nathaniel, 3173 Patience, 121 Ralph Brisbin, 1430 Sarah, 1334 Sarah Jane, 1334 Popejoy, mr., 2132 Matilda Geraldine, 2132 Popkin, John, 2308 Porsune, see Pearson. Porter, Delaport, De La Porte, , 1031 colonel, 330S families, 337 miss, 385 miss or mrs., 270' mr., 651, 1047 mrs., gog, ig3o Aaron, 108-10 Abby, 651 Abbie Fenner, 1304 AbigaU, 2338 Adelaide, 1134 Albanus Beckwith, ig78- Albert, 1978 Albina Monilla, 1047 Albro C, 603 Alexina Mifflin, 1093, INDEX OF PERSONS. 2735 Porter, cont'd, Alfred Stuart, 1093 Amanda C, 603 Amy, 564 Ann, 120, 321, 686, 1211, 1978 Anna, 1211 Annette, 2040 Barber, 1135 Candace, 1978 Charles, ig78 Charlotte Ann, 2178 Clara, 1802 Clark E., 603 CHfford Lester Cleaveland, 2040 CHfford Winship, 2040 ¦Damaris, 781 Daniel, 1134 David, ig78 Deliverance, 837 Edith, i8o3 Edward, 120 Edward C, 2013 Edward Cobb, 2014 Edwin, 1134 Eleazar, ig30 EUot, 602 Elisha, igso, 2269 Eliza, 321, 1134 Elizabeth, 87, 507, 1033-3, 1308 EUzabeth Adaline, 3178 Elizabeth Amelia, 1308 Elizabeth Bonar, 1801 Elizabeth Edith, 1894 Emily, 1524 Emma Hortense, 1134 Esther, 3014 Esther Elizabeth, 1802 Eunice, 251, 1093 Florence Nightingale, 1803 Francis, 1978 Frederick Downer, 1093 George Searls, 1534 Grace Cleveland, 1093 Hannah, 109-10, iig-30, 566, 781, ig78, 30II Hannah L., iig8 Harriet A., 2014 Henry, iBo3 Henry Alfred, 1093 Henry' Chester, 1093, 1112 Plezekiah, 907 Hiland Cleveland, 1134 Ida Amelia, 1134 Isabel, 938 Israel, 507 Jacob, 2014, 2338 James A., 2014 James Spencer, 1047 Jane, 236 Jerusha, 1497 Joanna, 108-10, 1930 John, 108, 507, 564, 686, 837, 1093, "OS, 1134, I3II, 1497, 1660, 2014 John EUis, 1134 John S., 1894 John Stuart, iin, 1801 John Wheaton, 331, 1534 Joseph Whitcom, 837, 877 Julia Huntington, 1093 Justina F., 1524 Kathryn Isabelle, 2040 Lansing, 1308 Laura, 1534 Levi, 331, 1534 Lodovinska Abigail, 3013 Lorinda, 1134 Lucilla, 1093 Lucy, 907, 1047, 1496-8, ig3o Luther, 351 Luther Henry, 1801 Lydia S., 603 Mabel, ig78 Manly, ig78 Margaret, 1660 Margaret Jav. 1801 Maria, 603 Martha, 389 Martha Amelia, 1135 Mary, 507, 837, S73, 1093, 1105, 2014 Porter, cont'd, Mary Ann, 600, 1134 Mary E., 2168 Mary Jane, 1134 Mary Louisa, iin, iSoi Mary M., 603 Matthew, 120 Mehitabel, 1093, 1968 Mercy, 837 Nancy, 2325 Naomi, go7 Nathaniel, 1093, 1211 Nathaniel Buell, 1093 Nehemiah, 837 Norman White, 1802 Pamela, igso Peter, 3330 Polly, 3014 Prudence, 564 Ralph Cleveland, 1803 Rebecca, 1123, ii6g, 2338 Richard, 837, 2014 Rose, log, 686, 1105 Ruth, 1147, 1211 Samuel, log-io, go7, gog, 1135, 1930, 3014, 2338 Sarah, 337, I4g7, 1776, igso Sarah AHce, 1557 Sarah Ann, 1134 Sarah Cleveland, logs, 1112 Sarah Jane, 1803 Sarah Maria, 1894 Sarah MerrUl, 836-7 Sarah Phillips, 1930 Seth, 1497, 2014 Seward, 837 Sidna, 603 Spratley Jefferson, 2178 Susan, 1135 Susan Spring,' 1093, 1112 Susannah, 108-10 Tamar, 603 Timothy, 781 Warren C, 603 Wilfred W., 603 Willard B., 603 WUliam, 108, 1304, 1557, 1978, 2040, 2325 William Chapin, 1894 WUHam Dodge, 1093 William E., 603 William Stuart, logs, 1801 William T., 1444 Zeruiah, logs Portman, Elizabeth, ig84 Joseph, ig84 Mary Louise, 1984 Post, Abraham, 1915 Anna, 1684 Catharine, 3355 E., 1130 EUzabeth, 1356 Esther, 232 George A., 1256 Hannah, 1915 Hannah M., 1739 Harriet Eliza, 1504 Helen Minerva, 1256 Hester, 233 Jane, 1737 John, 149, 333 Kate H., 1683 Margaret, 153, 232 Mary, 1915 Ruth, 2013 Samuel, 2013 Sarah, 129, 148-9, 332 Sarah EHza, iizo Sarah May, 1256 Stephen, 333, 1915 Tunis, 1684 Potchett, Margaret, 957 WiUiam, 957-8 Potter, raiss, 1579 rar., 349, 341 Abby EUza, 837 Abel, 838 Abigail, 838, 1354 Adaliza, 1683 Almira, 923 Alvira, 894 Amelia, 933 Amos Leslie, 3474 Potter, cont'd, Aylmer Eugene, 933 Benjarain, 837-8, 935 Betsey Minerva, 3461 CaroUne Frances, 1390 Celinda, 1379 Charles Edward, 838, 2290 Christopher, 1863 Constant, 1379 David Hobby, 1539 Dorothy, 151, 1838, 3333 Edna, 3474 Eleanor Ann, 1397 Elisha, 1297 Eliza, 1846 Elizabeth, 925, 1670, 1838, 1883, 1998 EmeHne, 1292 Erama, 3474 Estelle Amelia, 1529 Esther, 1863 Fannie Elizabeth, 1379 Frances, 3463 George, 349, 838, 894, 933,. 2461-2 George Harvey, 923 George Hodge, 1379 Harriet Almeda, 1513 Harriet Minerva, 1397 Henry Ridley, isgo Hortensia, 1513 Ichabod, 3333 Ida May, 1297 Isabel, 1670 Isabella, 1390 Jemiraa, 403, 838, 3486 Jerusha, 1565 John, 1883, igg8, 3333, 346? iohn Rowley, 1500 .aura Janette, 1500 Lavinia, 249 Levi George, 1512 Levina, 249 Luke, 3390 Lydia, 837-8 Lyman, 923 Margaret, 1066 Maria, gss Martha, 3333 Matilda, i23g Mary, 8g4, g23, 1838, 22go* Mary Jane, 1862 Mercy, 2322 Miles Brunson, I2g7 Minerva, I3g7 Nathaniel, 1838, 3332 Orville, 923 Paul, 2474 Penelope, 2322 Phcebe, 3474 Polly Melissa, 1500 Prescott Burden, 1513 Rachel, 828 Ralph, 933 Rebecca, 8i8 Rhody Ellis, 804 Robert, 1670 Ruth, 1670- Sarah, issg, 3333 Thankful, i53g Theresa, 34g Thomas, 8g4 Waitstill, isgo Webb Henry, isgo William, 3333 WilHam Burgess, i3g7 Zuriel, 838 Pottle, Clarissa, 838 David, 838 Rachel Caroline, 838 Potts, Christiana, 1212 Gertrude Maria, 6g5 Joanna, gg2 Joseph C, 457 Poulin, Bridget, gso Charles, gso Luke, gso- Temperance Cook, gso Poulton, Elizabeth, 3187 Pound, Bersheba, 1018 Elijah, 1018 2736 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. .Powell, Angeline, 1578 Ann Jeanette, i57g Annis, i57g Catherine, 1578 Charlotte, ngo, igss Elizabeth, 1033-3 Ella, 1578 .Emily Rosaline, 1578 Henry Augustus, 1578 Lyraan, 1578 .Mary, 1579 Mary Elizabeth, 1033-3 .Permelia, 1638 PrisciUa, 1998 Reuben, 1578 Sarah Jane, 1579 Stephen Henry, 1032-3 Thoraas, igg8 William, 1578 WilHam Plenry, 1033 ;Power, see Powers. J*owers, Power, captain^ 2308 mr., 1362 mrs., 434 Abigail, 74, 145-6 Agnes E., 716 Battery, 145 Battery Manning, 145 Betsey, 704 Betsey Stevens, I58g Caleb, 704 Calvin Griffith, 1410 D., 1362 Dolly, 704 Dorothy, 704 Dorothy Cleveland, 704 Ebenezer, 1410 Eliza, 74 Eliza Gray, 199, 434 Elizabeth, 295 Ellen, 434 Emily, 1410 Eugene, 1410 Eunice, 587 Fannie, 1362 Gideon, 564 Harriet, 1410 Hepzibah, igg, 434 Honora, 2488 Isaac, igg, 434 Joanna, 145 John, 74 Joshua, 704 Margaret, 120-1 Mary, 145, 553, 1362, 1410, i58g Mary A,, 1410 OHve E., 1841-2 Olivia, 1130 Prudence, 126 Rachel, 1925 Sarah, 74, 145, 641 Sarah Luana, 564 Stephen, 1589 Susan Augusta, 1410 Thoraas, 74, i3i, 145, igg, 4.34 William, 553, 1410 William Cleveland, 704 Powhatan, king, 3336 Powis, Powys, baron, 319 prince of, 1603 lord Ed., 319 Elizabeth Barkley, 319 Plowel Dda king of, 3415 Powis and North Wales and South Wales, Howel Dda king of, 3415 Powys, see Powis. Towys and North Wales, Marchudd-ap-Cynan founder of the VIII Noble Tribe of, 3415 Owen ap Edwyn founder of the XII Noble Tribe of, 3415 Towys Fadoc, Powys-Fadog, Madoc last prince of, 2415 Poythress, Jane, 2336 jPraiseworthy, Jane, 85 Prall, Prawl, Abraham, 1094 Elizabeth, 672 Jeanne Godwin, 1094 Prat, see Pratt. Prather, Emma, 2169 Pratt, Prat, raiss, 1677 mr., 2438 mrs., 512 AbigaU, 226, 512, 704 Abigail Cook, 1105 Albert Houghton, 1812 Alice Cleveland, 1108 Amos, 874 Ann, 1702 Anne, 336 Bathsheba, 743 Betsey S., 2331-2 Caroline A, ino Charity, 1599 Charles, 704 Charles Cleveland, 1104 Charles Dexter, nio Charles Spencer, ino Clara Lyman, 1813 Cleveland Forsyth, 1813 Cornelia E, nog Cornelia Minerva, 2302 Daniel, 1124, iisg, 2426 Dorcas, 1526 Edith Lilian, 1240 Edmund, 226 Edward William, 2303 Eleanor Louisa, i3sg Eliab, 1536 Elijah, 846 Elizabeth, 409, 513, 515, 1134 Elizabeth Laura, 2131, 2193 Elsie Cleveland, i8i3 Ellen, 983 Ellen Geneva, 3015 Emilie Brace, 1104 Emily, 1536 Eva Lovina, 1340 Fanny Cordelia, 874 Francis Williara, 1340 Freddie Nelson, 1340 George Dwight, 1812 George W., 1103 George Walter, 1812 Hannah, 226, 447, 512, 743 Harry, 511 Plenry Cleveland, 1812 Henry Edwards, 1812 Plenry Zachariah, 1104, no6 Ida, 1491 Isabella, 1069 James, 511-12 James Hamilton, 1106 James Hyde, 1106 Jennie, 1240 John, 226, 512, 515, 983, 1702 John Morrison , 1 107, 24go John Scott Boyd, no6 Joseph, 428 Joshua, 743 Judith, 2331-2 Julia Cleveland, 1106 Julia Dodge, 1104, 1110 Julia Harriet, 1564 JuHa J., gSs Kate Cleveland, 2035 Katherine Berry, 1812 Lena Caroline, 1812 Linda Howard, 1812 Louisa Maria, 1124 Lucetta, 846 Lucy, 2438 Lucy Brace, 1812-13 Lucy Coit Huntington, 1106 Lucy Elizabeth, 1104 Lucy Orne, 1812 Luella, 2301 Lydia, 236, 704 Marcilla Houghton, 1813 Margaret, 226, 874 Margaret Ann, 1702 Maria Edgeworth, 1106 Marie, 1746b Mary, 226, 288, 511-12, 580, 1103, 1812, 2436 Pratt, cont'd, Mary Burr, 1103 Mary BurrUl, 1708 Mary Hazlet, mo Mary Jane, 1108 Mary Tudor, 1108 Mary Watson, 1107 Maverick, 226 May, 1240 Miner E., 1491 Nettie L., 1933 Ola M., 1848 Paul, 704 Phebe, 703 Phebe AmeHa, 983 Robert James, 1106 Ruth, 221, 226 SaUy, 1708 Sarah, 428, 1253 Sarah Eleanor, 1240 Sarah Elizabeth, 1107 Sarah Haviland, 1106 Sidney Cowen, 1812 Sidney Kirtland, 2301-2 Susannah, 1661-2 Sarah Jennie, ino Sophie, 1106, 1240 Susan, 511, 846 Susan Cleveland, 1103-4 Susannah, 511 Tamerson Aurila, 1239 Thomas, 1708 Timothy, 2331-2 Wilfred Tudor, 1813 Williara, 409, 512, 515 William Brace, 1812 William Hall Brace, 1812 William Tudor, 1813 Zechariah, 512 Prawl, see Prall. Pray, Dorothy, 3351 Martha, 382 Preble, Almira, 1426 Eunice, 974 Jemima, 1149 Mary, gss Predmore, Christina, ngo John, 1190 Susan, ngo Preis, Constance, 856 Grii^ith, 856 Prence, see Prince. Prentice, see Prentiss. Prentiss, Prentice, Printiss, rev. mr., 2437 Abigail, 1147 Adoniram, 651 Alice, noo, 1147 Betsey, 1147 Caleb, 2437 Charles, 1146-7 Charles Kellogg, 1510 Charlotte, 1570 Christopher, 1147 Clarinda, 1146-7 Cordelia, 1656-7 David, 1656-7 EHza Alma, 1146 Elizabeth, 1147 Eunice, g36 Grace, 522 Grace Gardner, 1570 Harriet, 1527 Henry, 335, 1570 Joanna, 335 John, 1147 Leroy, g36 Lucy Adelaide, 1527 Martha, 338 Marvin O., 1510 Mary, 335, 2437 Nathaniel, 651 Permelia, 651 Sarah Almira, 1547 Sherman, 1657 Sophia, 315 Sophia Eliza, 1510 Susan, 1657 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2737 Prentiss, cont'd, Susan Cordelia, 1656 Thomas, 522 Valentine, 1100, 1147 WilHam, 1527 Presbry, Presby, George, 127 Louisa A., 1463 Lydia, 137 Presby, see Presbry. Prescott, Abigail, 522 Adelia Amanda, 3453 Allen C, 2453 Anna, 409 Benjamin, 522- Benjamin Marcellus, 1713 Catharine Greene, 522 Charles Frederick, ing Charles Wesley, 1713 Elizabeth Goodrich, 1713 EmUy, mg Eraraa, 1119 Frederic William, nig Harriet Almeda, 1512 James Addison, nig Jessie, mg John, 4og, 533 Jonas, 522 Lavinia Maxwell, nig Leslie Cleveland, 1713 Lucy Ann, 1713 Lydia, 521 Margaret, 531 Margaret Cleveland, 531, iiig Mary, 533 OHver, 531-3, 1119 Samuel Jackson, 531 Sarah, 18 15 Susanna Oliver, ni8 Thankful, 532 Thomas Oliver, mg William, 533 WUHam Hickling, 533 Prescott-Hiller, Charies Frederick, 1119 Emma, mg James Addison, mg Jessie, 1119 Margaret Cleveland, mg Oliver, mg Thomas Oliver, mg see also Pliller and Pres cott. Presley, Albert, 1677 Andrew C, 1676 Charies W., 1676 Elizabeth Mary, 1676 Emma EHza, igsg Frederic Eugene, igsg John, 1676 Louisa, 1676-7 Maria, 1676 Mary Elizabeth, 1677 MUly, 3055-6 Solomon, 1959 WiUie S., 1677 Pressey, Mercy, 390 Prest, see Preston. Preston, Prest, miss, 3g4 mr., 320 A. H., 1675 Abigail, 1361 Almira, 683 Amanda B., 1361 Ann, 1626 Betsey, 320, 1307 Carl Webber, 3465 Charles, 683, 1307 Chester, 1626 Clara Louise, 1338 Daniel, 1563 David Jerome, 1337 Edward, 3345 Eleanor Garnitt, 1763 Emma Jane, 1675 Ernest Johnston, 3466 Eunice, 1307 Frances Helen, 3466 Franklin Wells, 3465-6 172 Preston, cont'd, George W., 1636 Harriet, 1338 Jane, 1350 Jennie E., ngs John, 2465 Justin, 3465 Justin Campbell, 3466 Lovina, issg Lucius Lelwyn, 1636 Lydia Elizabeth, 1850 Maria, 667 Marie, 3466 Martha Susannah, 2465 Mary Theresa, 1337 Norbert Elsworth, 1626. Randilla, 1563 Robert, 1675 Submit, go3 Susan Angeline, 1631 Walter, sgs Washington, 1261 WiUiara, 1338 Pretgue, Charles, 1402 Frances, 1402 Sarah, 1402 Prett; Zeriah, 2472 Prettiman, Jane Araanda, 1653 Price, mr., 345 mrs., 3238 Albert Cady, 1534 Alice, 3235 Alien Cleveland, 1534 Andrew, 993 Anna, 241 Anna Elizabeth, ggs Anne, 2236 Asa, ggs Betsey, 1534 Brackey, ggs Catherine HaU, 993 Charles Henry, 1524 . Charles Nelson, gsi Dorothea, 3236 Electa Garrison, 2024 Eliza, 2239 Eva Frances, 1525 Eva PrisciUa, 1524 Ezra, 1534 Fanny, 3138 Francis, 3335 Francis Parry, 3235, 3338 Francis Richard, 323g Francisca, 3338 Frank Allison, ggs Frederick A., 3ii Frederick Owen, 931 George Bates, 1534 Gertrude Mabel, 1535 Hannah, 311 Harriet Gordon, 993 Hester, 1874 Isaac, 3138, 3141 James Britton, 931 Jane Winter, 3136 Jeremiah , 211 John, 3024 John N., 931 Kesiah, gsi Lanning Harrison, ggs Laura Elmira, 3138, 3141 Maria, 211 Martin Reeve, ggs Mary, 245, 993, 2034 Mary A., 931 Mary Ann, 931 Miranda, 931 Parry, 3236 Philena, 1534 Priscilla, 1534 Richard Parry, 3236, 3338 Robert, 341 Ruth, 1551 Samuel, 342 Samuel Given, 1534 Sarah, 311 Susan, 3339 Theresa M., 3138, 3141 WilHam, 3138 Pride, Anne, 307 Ruth, 3100 Prideaux, Elizabeth, 1212 Humphrey, 1212 Priest, Abigail, 29g Benjamin F., gsg Charlotte Jane, gsg Chauncey, 2gg Clara, 2gg, 724 Elizabeth, 127 Erastus, 2g9 Noah, 2gg, 734 Philip, 3gg Sarah, 1355 Trubey, 3gg Priestly, Margaret, i64g Mary Ann, 1033 Prime, J. L., 332g Samuel Irenaeus, 518 Prince, Prence, , 3g4 mrs., 540, 5sg Aggie S., 1174 Ann A., ssg Annie Celia, isgg Benjamin, 1174 Charles A., 1174 Charlotte, 1173, isgg Christopher, ssg Christopher Kiraball, ssg Elida Kannon Petite, 1173 Ella P., 1563 George Benjamin. 1173 Grace Andrews, 1599 Plarriet, 1174 Henrietta, 1173, 1563 Ina, 1173 James PL, 1563 Jennie, 1563 Jessie Bishop, 1174 John Christopher, 11 73 Joseph, 333 Josephine M.. 1563 JuHa Etta, 1174 Lena Maud, isgg Lucy Maria, 1563 Lydia, 333 Mary, 540 Mary Anna, ssg Mary E., 1563 Mary Eliza, 1174 Olivia Sophia, ssg Parker Cleaveland, 1599 Paul, isgg Rebecca, 1136 Sarah Ann, 560 Sarah Olivia, 1173, 3sgi, 3404 Seth Bent, 1173 Thomas, 540 WiUiam NeweU, isgg WiUiam Richmond, 1174 Prindle, Pringle, Augusta Jane, 1338, 3355, 3404 Clarissa Adelaide, 2015 David, 1518 Elinzer, 133S Eunice, 783, 1518 Harriet, 730 Plenry Ezra, 1338 Katie, 2156 Nancy Ann, 1238 Paulina, 1514 Pringle, see Prindle. Printiss, see Prentiss. Prior, Pryer, Pryor, Augustus, isgs Caroline, 806 Charles Robinson, i5g5-6 Charlotte, 2355 Elizabeth, i8g Eva, 1478 Hiram G., 1109 Jane Elizabeth, 1857 Lillian, 1596 Louisa, 1746b Martha Maria, nog Mary Ann, 1595 Mary Anna, 1596 Olive Bradford, 1595 SaUy, 3^7 2738 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Pritchard, AbigaU, 330 Abraham, 330 Alice, i3ii Ann, 717 Charies, 1303 Clarissa, i04g Cornelia, 1050 Frances, 1311 JuHa, 783 Julia Elizabeth, 1303 Roger, I3I1 Thomas, 337g Probst, Adelia, 1354 Albert, 1354 Benjamin, 1354 Charles, 1354 Nelson, 1354 Rosella, 1354 Proctor, mrs., ii3i Aaron, 2334 Abigail, 354 Antoinette, 1851 Arthur Munroe, i6g8 Charles Sullivan, 1300 Charlotte Elizabeth, 1777 Clarence M., 1851 Eaton, 69 Edmond, i6g8 Elizabeth, 354, 542, 1121, i6g8 Emma Elizabeth, 1698 Emmeline, 1698 Ernest Keyes, 1698 Fanny, 354 Florence L., 1698 Francis Adams, i6g8 Francis Howard, i6g8 Freddie, igos Hannah, 6g, i8s8-g Harriet Stebbins, 857 Henry Martyn, 857 Isaac, 354 Jane, iSsg Joan, i83g John, 69, 1903 John Cleaveland, 857, 3404 Jonathan, 6g, 354 Julia, 2334 Julia Ann, 1300 Justina F., 1524 Leonard, i8sg Lucia, 856 Lucy, 354 Mary, 354, 857, i83g Mary Abbie, i6g8 Mary Cleaveland, 857 Melissa, igos Nancy, S57 Nathaniel, 354 NeUie Goodrich, i6g8 Olivia, 1777 Robert, iSsg Samuel, i83g Sarah, 69, 687, 1 122, 1839, 2324 Susannah, sg7 Thoraas, i8sg WilHam, 1121 WiUiara A., 1177 Proper, Mary D., 2472 Prosens, Caroline, ig66 Mary, ig66 Peter, ig66 Prosser, Gertrude, 1302 Jeremiah, 1302 Marthia, 1238 Mary, 1302 Proud, AbigaU, 151 Proudfit, Alexander, 1046 Martha, 1046 Prous, Charles, 1274 Lucinda Frances, 1274 Prout, Caroline, 1728 Prouty, Phineas, i8ig Sarah Augusta, i8ig Pruett, Pheba, 1274 Provence, Eleanor, lady, 266 Raymond, count of, 266 Provoost, family, 1837 Catharine, 1837 David, 1760, 1837 Grietje Gillisen, 1837 Margaret, 1837 Provoost, cont'd, Margaret Gillisen, 1837 Mary, 1760 Samuel, 1760 Tam, 1837 Tryntje, 1837 WiUiam, 1837 Pruden, Hannah, 2011 Rosa Laodicea, 2011 William Adelmer, 2011 William James, 2011 William Martin, 3011 Pry, Maria, 2i5g William, 2i5g Pryer, Pryor, see Prior. Ptolemy, Claudius, g Pudsey, Annie E., 1165, 1168 Cynthia Alma, 555, 1181 Elizabeth, 555 Eunice, 34g, 571 Hugh, 34g, 252, 555 Hugh Seth, 1165, 1168 Lorraine Araelia, 555 Mary A., 252, 555 Olive, 555 Roxalena, 24g Sarah, 252, 555 Selina, 555 Puffer, Elijah, ;8s4 Eliza, 2417 Martha A., 1854 Puleston, mrs., 2238 Anne, 2236 John, 2236 Richard Parry Price, 3338 PuUen, miss or mrs., 847 Pulliam, see PuUum. PuUura, Pulliam, Betsey, 3078 Joseph, 2078 Rebecca, 2154 Pulsifer, Sarah, n7g William, 1179 Pulver, Ardella Jane, 2016 Caroline, 1184 David Cushing, 2016 Mary Jeanette, 2016 Pummery, Pumry, see Pomeroy. Purchas, see Purchase. Purchase, Purchas, Purchis, Ann, 1278 Jane, 659 Oliver, 466, 659 Purchis, see Purchase. Purday, see Purdy. Purdy, Purday, Annie Laurie, 2473 Bullins, -2473 Clarine, 1733 Charlotte, 140 Deborah, 753 Eliza, 667 Emma, 582 Fred Williara, 2473 Isaac, 667 Jaraes, 667 Jaraes M., 2473 John, 140 Margaret Jane, 2473 Phebe, 667 Rachel, 664 Robbie Love, 2473 Sally, 1304 Sarah, 983 Susan, 582 Thomas, 582 WiUiam Augustus, 2473 Purinton, Charies Plorace, 1866 Corrina C, 988 Mary Helen, 1866 Zadie Ethel, 1866 Purkeiser, Nancy Anna, 3301 Purple, Edwin Ruthven, 1809, 1837, 3419 Pushee, Alice Maria, 2439 Etta Maria, 3439 Frank Murray, 3439 Sarah, 3439 Sylvester, 3439 Putnam, de Puttenham, Put tenham, Puttnara, Put- tynhn, rar., 1139 mrs., 1 135 Aaron, 1123-4 Ann, 1449, 2425 Anne, 1125 Annie, 1125 Putnara, cont d, Caroline, 1125 Caroline Lucetta, 1125 Charies Chandler, 1449 Clara Maria, 1449 Cora Estella, 1249 Eben, 1126, 1792 Eleazer, 1126 Elijah, 1125-6 EHza Temple, 1449 Elizabeth, 5o7> 1125-6 Elizabeth Avery, 1123-4 Erastus Gaylord, 1126, 1830 Ernest BoUes, 2039 George Washington, 1449 Hamilton,. 1125 Hannah, 1126 Helen Louisa, zosg Henry, 1135-6 Henry Cleaveland, 1828 Israel, 175, 507, 806, 1124, 2308, 2326 James George, i44g James Jackson, 1766 Jane Eliza, 1828 Jeannette, 1125 Jeannette C, 1125 Joan, 1126 John, 1135-6, 2425 John Cleaveland, 1125 Joseph, 507 Julia Elizabeth, i44g Margaret, 1135-6 Marian, 1766 Marion Cleveland, I44g Mary, 507, 1123-6, iisg Mary Ann, 1688 Mary Jeannette, 1832 Mary Nicoll, 1830 Mehitable, 507 Nicholas, 1126 Olive, 486 Phoebe, 1125-6 PrisciUa, 1126, i44g Prudence, 2425 Ralph, 1125 Rebecca, 1126 Richard, 1125-6 Roger, 1 125 Samuel Adams, i44g Sarauel Cleaveland, 1125 Sarah Lynn, 203g Simon, 1125 Thomas, 507, 1125, i44g, 3425 William, 1125 Zadock, 1449 Putney, Eliza, 1289 Matilda, 711 Walter, 711 Puttenham, Puttnara, Fut- tynhn, see Putnam. Pyke, see Pike. Pyldrem, Pyldrem alias Domer, Pyldrem alias Dummer, Pyldren, Pyl drim, Pyldrim alias Dommer, Pyldrym alias Domer, see Dummer. Quackenbos, see Quacken boss. Quackenboss, Quackenbos, Quackenbush, progenitor, 1532 Ada, 1531 Alice Mary, 1739, 1973 Blanche, 1973 Caroline, 1531 Catherine, 1364 Edwin Forest, 1531 Fannie Louise, 1531 Florence, 1973 George Washington, 1531 Gerritt, 1531-3 Gertrude, 1397 Henry, 1531, 3271 Isaac Anthony, 1973 Jeanie Maria, 1973 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2739 Quackenboss. cont'd, ¦"John, 1531 Mary, iS3i Mary Ann, 1972 Maud M., 1531 Millie, ig73 Sarah, ig73 Sarah Isabella, 1531 Spencer, ig73 Teneyck, 1531 WiUiam, ig73 Quackenbush, see Quacken boss. Quaife, George, 1870 Mary Ann, 1870 Quapladde, Margaret, 686 Quarles, A. W., 883 Caroline Thompson, 2134 Charlotte HiU, 882 Edward Rutledge, 3134, 2404 Eliza Williams, 2134 Fannie Hamilton, 3134 George McDuffe, 3134 Hugh Cleveland, 3135 James Williamson, 2134 , John Esten, 2135 Lucy Emma, 3135 Mackie Means, 2135 Mary Susanna, 2134 Richard, 2134 Robert, 2134 Sarah Eliza, 2134 William Lowndes, 2134 Quick, Charlotte, 1973 "Elba Curtis, 1651 George Washington, 1651 John, 1651 Magdalena, 535-6 Mary Etta, 1651 Nancy, 1651 Quien, Elizabeth, 1651 James, 1651 John C., 1651 Mary Etta, 1651 Quiet, W. B.,,,2088 Quimby, EHza Douglas, 826 Elizabeth, 1406 Enoch Russell, 1864 Henrietta, 1408 Henrietta Janette, 1864 Mary Jane, 1864 Quincy, de Quincy, baron, 492 earl, 492 farailies, 4g2 Ann, 4g2 Dorothy, 4g2-3 Edmund, 4g2-3 Elizabeth, 4g2-3 Judith, 4g2 Roger, 4g2 Saier, 4g3 Quine, Nellie, 1145 Quint, John, 416 Lydia, 416 Rosanna, 416 Quintin, Sarah, 625 Thankful, 625 Thomas, 625 Quirk, Joanna, 1450 - Quotmore, see Coitmore. Rabbit, Kate Emraa, i735 Race, Catherine, 723 Clarissa, 723 Elijah, 723 Isaac, 723 Peter, 723 Rhoda, 733 Russell, 723 Samuel, 733 Sarah, 733 Rackett, Jennette, 1036-7 Rackham, Mary, 2335 Robert, 3335 Mary, 3335 Rackliff, see Radcliffe. Radcliffe, Rackliff, Rad- clyffe, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, ¦ , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Douglas, 2330 Eunice, 2321 Ezekiel, 2321 .Tane Ann, 536 Radcliffe, cont'd, Sarah Jane, 3330 Susan Thompson, 836 Susan Winship, 3321 Radclyffe, see Radcliffe. Radford, Nathaniel, 351 Sarah, 351 Ragan, see Ragon. Ragatz, Jacob, 1646 Jacob Bartholomew, 1646 Lillian Veranna, 1646 Margaret, 1646 Ragenwald, prince of Nor way, 1108 Ragon, Ragan, Aley Mathis, 2133 Bettie, 3133 Daniel, 2133 Dora, 2133 Florence, 2133 Harriet Lela, 2142 Jesse Bartlett, 2142 Paulina, 2142 Polly, 1^087 William, 2133 \yiHiam H. H., 2133 Rail, Johanna, 3033 Railing, mr., 3038 Clemma Delvin, 2037 EHza, 3037-8 Ella May, 2028 Frank, 202S Ida, 3037 John Henry, 3037-8 John WiUiam, 3038 Kate Gertrude, 2028 Martha BeUe, 2027 Mary Jane, 2027 Mazie Fay, 2027 Milroy, 2027 Sarah Ann, 2027 - Solomon Morris, 2027 Stella Alice, 3038 Thaddeus Henry, 3028 Raimbaut, 1615 Rainbury, Nicholas, 2416 Rainey, Betsey, 1333 Betsey Jane, 1333 John, 1333 Rainsford, chief justice, 1075 Dorothy, 1074-5 Edward, 1075 Elizabeth, 1075 Jonathan, 1075 Mary, 1075 Richard, 1075 Ralph, see Rolfe. Ramdall, Ramesdell, see Ramsdell. Ramsdell, Ramdall, Rames dell, Alice, 1077 Gideon, 547 Jemiraa, 547 Joanna, 547 John, 429 Mary, 938 Obed, 439 Phebe, 429 Susan, 439 Ramsey, Jannett, 1676 Judith, 2163 Lula Jarvis, 2163 Riley, 2159 Sarah, 2159 William Harvey, 2163 Rand, AbigaU, 145-6, 1451, 1453 Alice, 146 Benjamin, 112, '145-6 Elizabeth, 295-6 Esther, 146 Hannah, 417 John, 146 Jonathan, 145-6 Lizzie, 957 Mary, 146, 296, 1369 Mehetabel, 146 Mellecent, 145-6 Nathaniel, 295-6 Persis, 51 Robert, 146 Sarah, 51, 145-6 Thomas, 51, 146 WiUiara, 51 Randale, see Randall. RandaU, Randale, Randel, Randell, Abby Ann, 445 Annie, 1330 Augustus, 445 Avery, 1493 Barbara, 309 Cleveland, 1565 Corydon C, 450 David, 1564 David Cleveland, 1565 Elias, 6g8-g Elizabeth, 1034, ig6s, 2485 Elizabeth Jane, 2166 Fannie Lee, 2166 Frank E., go ITannah, 256, 6g8-g Plarriet Douglas, 698 Hopeful, 1493 Ira W., 3166 John, 837 Kate, 1565 Laura, 1565, Laura Matilda, 1564 Lora Ann, 1933 Louisa, 1565 Lucinda Jane, 3i66 Marinda, 1338 Mary, 138, 837, 1720. Mary IsabeUa, 1944 Mary Luanna, 3166 Melinda, 1493 Mercy, 837 Ona Richard, 3166 Phineas, 1034 Ruth, 1564 SaUy, 1336 Samuel, 1965 Sarah Margaret, 2166 Sophronia Ann, 450 Thoraas Arnette, 1564 WiUiam Reeves, 2166 Randel, Randell, see Ran daU. Randlet, Susan, 854 Randolph, , 699 miss, ggs Bert, i64g Eliza, ig2i Elizabeth, 1034 Hattie, i64g Hattie Louisa, 1648 Mary L., 1797 May, 151S Phineas, 1034 Rachel, igzi RusseU, 1648-g William, 1921 WiUiam Fritz, 1648 WiUie, 1649 Randulpho filio Hulin, 2242 Rankin, Albert, 726 BeUe, 1115-16 David, 1115-16 Deborah, 725 Elvery, 726 Emraa Jane, 2023 John, 725, 1116 Mary Ann, 1115-16 Mary Anne, 1115-16 Mattie E., 2108 Sarah Jane, 726 Ranna, Ranne, see Ranney. Ranney, Ranna, Ranne, Catharine, Catherine, 1184, 1336 Clara Wesley, 32g3 CordeHa, 2393 Joseph, 3393 Laura May, 3293 Maria, 1307 Martha Ann, 3393 Mary, 1999 Mary Jane, 2292 Mary Lulu, 2292 Rachel, 503 WiUiam Edgar, 2292 Ransdale, Mary Elizabeth, 1265 2740 clp:veland genealogy. Ransom, Alice, 215 Fanny B., 1434 Harriet, 725 Jaraes, 1813 John, 1200 Julia, 1200 Lois, 1813 Nelson, 1434 Rosamond, 1617 Sarah, 1813 Ranulphus, 383 Raraden, see Kardon. Rardon, Raraden, Johannah, 1164 Mary Ann, 2011 Rarey, EUen, iig2 Fannie, iig2 Frances Ann, iig2 Frederick, iig2 Grover Cleveland, iig2 Helen, iig2 Hiram, 1192 John, 1192 JuHa, 1192 Leon Don, 1192 Nellie, 1192 Oscar, 1 192 William Henry, 1192 Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, see Rad cliffe. Rathbon, see Rathbone. Rathbone, Rathbon, Rath bun, Abigail, 398-9 Chaplin, 580 Dorcas, 1645 Emerette EUzabeth, 1185 Hitty, 39g Jeannette, 580 Job, 3g8 John, 2g9 Joseph, 1244 Josiah, 299 Louisa Phidella, 1244 Lucinda, 580 Lucius, 1185 Martha, 298-g Rhoda, 1185 Russel, 2gg Sally, 299, 1244 Saxton S., 581 Solomon, 299 Sylvia, 3g9 Thomas, 399 Whitfield, 3gg William, 2gg Rathbun, see Rathbone. Rattenbury, Charity, 2313 Rattery, Janet, 1314 Rau, Margaret, 2453 Rauda, Groa, 2203 Turstain, 2203 Raught, Hannah, 608 John, 608 Maria, 608 Raulin, see Rawlings. Raun, Annie Redman, 2206 George W., 2206 Rausch, Adaline, 1336 Adaline Augusta, 1336 Caroline Emelia Elizabeth, 1336 Eraily Christiana Thomas ine, 1336 Henry Phillip, 1336 WUHam Charles Augustus Emil, 1336 Rausin, see Rawson. Ravenson, see Rawson. Ravenswath, lord of, 2203 RavHu, see Rawlings. Rawdon, Ethel, 2178 Jefferson Davis, 21 78 John Potts, 2178 Sarah Buchanan, 2178 Rawlings, Raulin, Ravlin, Rollin, Rollins, Cordelia E., g45 Elizabeth, 823 EmUy, 1552 John, igSg Mabel, igSg Mary Jane, 945 PrisciUa, 1359 Rawlings, cont'd, Rachel Burns, 945 Samuel, 945 Tryphena Ann, 1989 Walter, i98g Rawson, Rausin, Ravenson, families, 477 Asa, gsg Bridget, 477 Catalina, 7go-i Charlotte, gsg David, 477-8 Dorothy, 477 Edmund Grindal, 477, 791 Edward, 477-8 Elizabeth, ig8, 3186 Grindel, 477-8 Hazel Marie, 3467 Helena Maria, 3467 Henry Hubbard, 3467 James, 477 John, igS, 477,* 2186 Margaret, 477-8 Maria, 7gi Martha, 2467 Mary, gsg Nancy Jane, 2186 Polly, 434 Rachel, 477 Richard, 477 Sarah, 477 Sarah Andrews, 477 Susanna, 477-8 Thad F., 2467 Zera, 2467 Ray, Rea, Rhea, mr., 2287 mrs., 2ogo Abigail, 2287 Ada, 1750 Albert, 700 Alexander, gsg, 2090 Ann, gsg Anna, g58-g Archie Anna, 230g Bernham, 841 Betsey French, 2287 Caleb, 168 Caroline, 973 Charles, g73 Charlotte, 426, i74g-so Corlista EHza, 23og Cornelia, 1395 Elizabeth, 3085 Elizabeth Ann, 958, 1143-4 Ellen Columbia, 700 Fanny, 1749 Frank, 1750 FrankHn, 3308 Frederick, 1749 George, 1749 Plenry C, 958 James, 1749-50 Jessie, 1749 Lizzie, 1750 Lizzie C, 1143 Marcia, i68g, 3026 Margaret, 1750 Mary, 213, i74g, 3287 Mary Caroline, 23og Mary Ann, 2208 Myrtie Isabel, 700 Nancy, 418 OHve, 841 Peleg, g58 Samantha, 750 Sarah, 491, 958 Susan A., 21 18 Thomas, 418, 426 WiUiam, 2309 William B,, 1750 WUliam Edward, 1143 see also Wray. Rayment, see Raymond. Raymond, Rayment, count, 266 mr., 281 rars., 1561 Abigail, 2254 Alice, 281 Angeline, 2253 Betsey, 3331 Catharine, 2254 Raymond, cont'd, David, 3150 David Webster, 1330 Delia, 3353-4 Edith, 1683 Elizabeth, 383, 1075, 1330, 1386, 3354 Ellen, 3150 EUen Adella, 1330 Ellen Angionette, 1560 Elsie, 281 Frances Jane, 1330 Frank, 769 Gershom, 2253-4 Hannah, 383, 984, 1561 Henry Jarvis, 2.483 Isaac S.,' 1683 Jacob, 1330 John, 984, 1075, 1561, 2354 Joshua, 1075 Judith, 383, 107s, 1386 Lyman, 1560-1 Marcius D., 764 Martha, 76g Mary, 1075, 1561, 3354 Mary M., 1052 Melinda, 1330 Paul, 1561 Richard, 383, 1075, 1386, 1561 Samuel, 1561 Sarah, 1561 Tabitha Dorcas, g84 Thoraas, 281 Tryphena, 562 William, 1075, 1561 Zeruah, 1560 Rayner, Raynor, Reinor, Reyner, Cornelia, 1035 Esther, 60, 103 Frances, 86g Ida Jane, 1323 Jane Le Count, 1323 John, 60, 869 Judith, 869 Nathan WoodhuU, 1323 Raynolds, see Reynolds. Raynor, see Rayner. Raze, Mary, 1345-6 Rea, see Ray. Read, Reade, see Reid. Reader, see Reeder. Reading, Deborah, 1579 Mary Eloise, 1579 Samuel Ryerson, 1579 WilHam Anderson, 1579 Ready, Reddy, Anna, 1070 Ellen, 1332 Frank M., 1569 J. T., io7g John C. is6g Josephine Victoria, i56g Reagh, Ellen, io6g McCarthy, io6g Reagles, Abraham, 1641 Elizabeth, 1641-2 Reaves, see Reeves. Reaviel, Fannie O., 1153 Hattie Estelle, 1153 Jennie May, 1153 John Francis, 1153 Recard, see Reckard. Reckard, Recard, Anna, 1303 Charles. 1822 Rector, Elizabeth Boyd, 665 Fanny Jane, iig4 Jane, 583 Jessie, 2069 John, 66.5 Lewis, 2o6g Porter Cunningham, 665 Sarah, 2c6g Tamasin Marv, 665 V'^innifred, 1264 Red, mr.. mrs., 232g Charlotte, 232g Clory. 2329 Mahala, 2329 Sabre, 2329 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2741 Redding, Abbie, 1426 Eliza Jane, 1426 Lemuel, 1426 Reddy, see Ready. Redfen, see Redfield. Redfern, Abby E., 3431 Barnet W., 3431 Lucy, 3431 William C, 3431 Redfield, Redfen, Redfin, Redfyn, Redfyne, Elizabeth, 1738 Isaac Tuttle, 1738 James, 1833 John Ploward, 1833 Lucy, 1738 Lydia, 1831-3 Rebecca, 1833 Sophronia, 678 William, 1833 Redfin, see Redfield. Redford, Curtis, 1436 Deborah, 1436 Edward Everett, 1436 Elizabeth, I7g8 Frederick, 1436 James, i7g8 ohn Henry, 1436 Matilda, I7g8 Minnie Pearl, 1436 Mollie Annis, 1436 Victor, 1436 Washington, 1436 William Jarrott, 1436 Redfyn, Redfyne, see Red- field. Redhach, Agnes, nog Rediat, Deborah, 1151 Redman, Redmon, families, 3306 Nancy, 1351 Sarah, 3305-6 Redmon, see Redman. Redwood, Minnie, 1560 Redyard, Asa, 738 Benjamin, 738 Elizabeth, 738 Ezer, 738 Reed, Reede, see Reid. Reeder, Reader, Adella, 1870 Charles, 1870 Clara, 2107 Cynthia Ann, 1870 David, 1870 Dorcas, 1870 Jacob FrankHn, 1870 Jane Elizabeth, 1870 Jennie M., 1870 Johnathan, 2104 Joseph Oliver, 1870 Julia, 1870 ' Juliette, 1870 Mary, 2104, 2145 Mary Ann, 1870 Nathaniel M., 1870 Oscar, 1870 Phoebe, 677 Sarah, 1870, 2104 WiUiam C, 1870 Reel, Barbara, io88-g Rees, see Reese. Reese, Rees, rar., g45 Anna, 666 Anna DrusUla, 1338 ChappeU DeWitt, 1338 Charles Keller, 3302 Christopher Colurabus, iigi Clara Marcia, 1338 David Miller, 666 Drusilla, 666 Elizabeth Weisiger, 2202 EUen Adelia, 1338 Emma, iigo-i Reese, cont'd, Emraa Gertrude, ngo Emma Grace, ngi Frank DeWitt, 1338 Harriet, 2202 Harriet Hite, 2303 Haskell Galusha Cleveland, 1338 Helvetia Lucinda, 34g4 Ida, iigi Jacob, 666 Jacob Gillett, 666 Jennie Marilla, 1338 John MiUer, 1190-1 John Warley, ngo Joseph, 24g4 Joseph Perry, 2203 Lovina Adelaide, 1338 Lucy Orcelia, 666 Mary Ann, g4S Mary Randolph, 2302 Meral, iigx MiUer, ngo Minnie, zzcz Minnie Reese, 2202 Nora EUen, 1338 Olen Ray, ngo Peter Gardner, 1338 Phebe, 24g4 Rachel EmeHne Clarinda, 666 Samantha Estella, ngo Sarah Caroline MariUa, 1338 Sarah Jane, 1181 Sarah Tate, 2203 Simeon DeWitt Clinton, ^ 1338 ^ Simeon Gilbert, 666 Simeon Gillett, 666 Susan lone, 3156 —Ihomas Singleton, 3156--*- pW illiam Perry, 2202 t William Rodolphus, 2156 ¦ Reeve, see Reeves. _ Reeves, Reaves, Reeve, mr., 2ogg Adda, 2151 Alexander, 1020 Allen Howel, 2156 Carrie Baxter, 1020 Celinda, Sgo Charles W., 8ig Deborah Alice, 2156 Deliverance, g8 Eby Eugene, 2156 Elizabeth, Sgo Emma Jane, 2156 Hannah, 1357 Harriet E., Sig Harriet Eraraa, 1877 Harriet Jane, 2156 Jaraes Clark, 2503 Jane, 2156 Jemima, 46S John, 1877, 2151 John Harris, 2156 Luther, 8go Mary, 3503 Mary Adelia, 3464, 2503 Mary Hannah, 1020 Mary Lovinia, 2156 Mildred, 2ogg Milly, 2ogg Rose, 2017 Roy Vernon, 3156 Sarah, 46g, 3482 Sylvia, igs8 Reganald, earl of Gothland and Vigin, 1108 Regen wald, earl, lord of North and South Mura, 1108, 3303 Regenwald of Caith ness, 1 108 Reicher, Mary Ann, 1323 Reid, Read, Reade. Reed, Reede, miss, 17.2 mr., 1733, 3437 Abby Maria, 1042 AbigaU, 45, 61 1, 2^23-4, 3443-4 Abner, 776 Abner Burt, 1230 Ada, 5S4 Ada EsteUa, 674 Adelaide, 1230 Adella Isabell, ngo Agnes, 345 Agnes Rosetta, ng2 Albert, 584, 1043 Albert Avery, 584 Albert Oliver, 1042 Alexander, 745, 1802 Alma, 584 Alonzo, iigi-3 Alpha, ij;gi Alvin, 584 Amos Fish, iigi Andrew, 347 Ann, 1673 Ann Eliza, isgo Anna, ngi, 1520, 1547 Anna Delight, 1673 Annie Pearson, 1172 Annis Rosetta, 1 192 Ansley Bedell, 2355 Anstris Ruth, 1540 Armenia Marietta, 1043 Arminda Mornilva, 1190 Arthur Charles, 1042 Asa AUen, 1193 Aurelia Augusta, ngi Austin Orriel, iigi Barbara, iigi Barney, 444 Barzillai Hines, 1874 Benjamin, 477 Benjamin S., 363 Bertha, 1043 Bertha M., 1673 Bethia, 63-4, 417 Betsey, Bettey, 443, 448, 1517, 1S74 Betsey Cleveland, 448 Brayton, 444 Brigham, 3443 C. Ann, sSg Caroline Dutton, i53g Caroline Mehitable, 1043 Caroline Pratt, g86 Catharine. Catherine, 1683, 2255 Charles, 584 Charles Albert, 674 Charles Fay, 2443 Charies Henry, 584 Clara May, 1042 Clarence, 1042 Clarence Delbert, 1230 Clarence Manning, 1191 Clella, iigi Clifford Ezra, 1673 Content, 202 Cora Arvilla, 1193 Cordelia, 584 Cornelia Jane, 1747 Daniel, 584 Daniel Tyler, 1673 Delphia, 3443 Delphina, 2443 Edgar Card, 1191 Edward, 1043, iigi, i53g EHza, 5S4, 1635 Elizabeth, igo, 584, 674, 1752, 2466 EUa, 584 EUa Jane, ngi Ellen Annette, 584 EUen Gertrjide, 722 Elmina, 1335 Emeline Dorothy, 477 Emeline Usher, 1747 2742 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Reid, cont'd, Emma Grace, iigi Emogene, ngi Ephraim, ngo Esther Elizabeth, i3o2 Eunice Ann, 1165 Euphania Isora, ngo Eva Adella, 1230 Evie, ngi Ezra W., 242g Fanny, 242g Florence Burleigh, I5g4 Frances Gertrude, 1042 Frederick, isgo Garrison, i5g4 George, iigi, 1752 George A., isgo George Brayton, 1230 George Edwin, 1190 George Nelson, 1330 George RUey, ngi George Roswell, 1043 George W., g87 Georgina, 1746a Geraldine Amelia, 1746a Gertrude Mary, 1746a Grace, 584, 1043 Grace Viola, 1191 Grace Vivian, 1746a Gracie Viola, 1191 Grant, 584 Hannah, 817, 1533 Henry, 584 Holsey Edward, 1193 Horace HaU, 1539 IsabeUa, 3323 Israel, 3466 Iva Grace, ngi Jacob, 780 Jacob B., 776 James, 5S4, 733, 1173, iig2, 2247 James Adelbert, 11^1 James Allan, 1547 James B., 722 James H., 77^ James Marcellus, 584 Jane, 1746a Jean, 1547 Jedediah, 850 Jerusha, 776 Job, 304 John, 837, 2ii25 John Alexander, ngi John Marshall, 1330 John Usher, 1043 John Watt, 1746a' Jonathan Usher, 1042 Joseph, 448, 674 Josiah, i65g Kesiah, 3435 Laura A., 1330 Laura M., g87 Leonora Alvena, iigi Lemuel, 1335 Lillian Amelia AngeHne, 2255 Lily Virginia, 1193 Louisa Burton, 584 Louisa Catherine, i igo Lovisa Aurelia, 1330 Lucy, 304. 745 Lucy Parish, 850 Luke, 2M3 Luke Winn, 2443 Luther, ngo Lydia, 3x7, 780 Mabel, 6% 2433, 3466 Mabel Louise, 3355 Margaret, 3347 Margaret Louise, 1746a ^'^aria Antoirrette, g87 ^''arilla Christina, 584 Mar'rida, 584, 1T02 MarllKi. 2"3 Reid, cont'd, Martha Ann, ngi Martha Caroline, 3443 Martha Jane, iigi Mary, 351, 584, 1071, 1501, 3443, 3466 Mary Ann, 584 Mary Beatrice, i594 Mary Bridge, 3443 Mary Catharine, 1043 Mary Christina, ngo Mary E., 77^ Mary Elizabeth, 733, i8c3 Mary Howard, 1746a Mary L, i559 Mary Jane, 262 Mary Lillian, 584 Mary Lucia, iS2g Mary Torry, 2053 Maryetta, 1874 Mathias, iig2 Matilda SuUivan, gS7 Matthias, 584 Maud, 584 MUlison, 584 Minnie Orpha, 1191 Nathan, 1625 Nellie M., 1230 Nettie Arvenia, 1192 Nettie May, ngi Olive, 2438 Orpha, ngi Orvil, 584 Parney, 776 Paulina, 584, ngi Paulina Malvina, 1190 Periin M., 1230 Phebe, 901 Philip, 723, 780 Polly, 347 Priscella, 103 Prudence L., 1717 . Rebecca, Rebekah, 1190, 2422 Reginald, 1 594 Robert, 351, 1547 Rodney, 1717 Rose, 584 Romulus, z%43 Roswell, 1043 Ruby, 200 Ruth, 448, 2437 Ruth Smiley, 2178 Sally, 745, i3o6 SaUy Barnaby, 444 Sallie Pree, ngi Salome A., 776 Samantha Estella, ngo Sarauel, goi, 1165, 3308 Samuel Chester, I5g4 Sarah, 583, 1054, iigi, 1335, 1736, 1843, 3443 Sarah Ann, ngo Sarah E., 1330 Sarah Grace, ng3 Sophia, i53g, 34g6 Sophronia, 1538, 1717 Stephen, 45 Submit, goi Susan, 1 190 Susan Cornelia, 1673 Sylvia, 204, 1659 Theodore H., 776 Thomas, 2308 Thomas Buchanan, logg Udora Diana, 584 Vorah, iigi Walter Perley, 1043 William, 64, 1753, 3433-4, 2466 ¦ WiUiam Benjamin, 2255 WiUiara Bergoin, ngi William Henry, 1230, 1672 WiUiam Plerbert, i52g William Johnson. 1591 ^^'iUiara Lawrence, 1190 Zan-m. 5^4 Reilly, Riley, mr., 192 Anna, 132+ Ellen, 648 John, 216^, 2274 Joseph, 9g6 Lena, 193 Mary Ann, 2164 Mary Annie, 2164 Sarah, 996 Thomas Dolan, 3164 Reinfrid, prior, 3325 Reinor, see Rayner. Relinda, Soffa, 3483 Remaly, Jacob, 1162 Minerva, 1163 Sarah, 1162 Williara, 1162 Remer, Henriette, 1519 Remick, Abigail, 59 James, 59 Mary Ann, g6g, i7ig Remington, Remraington, Rimmington, Abbie Ann, 1474 Ann, 4g7, ig62 Charles Edgar, 1474 Deborah Mansfield, 2320 Elizabeth, 497, 1218 Ellen Gertrude, iziS Henry, 497 James, 1474 Jane, 1527 John, 497 Jonathan, 4g7-8 Jonathan Munroe, 1474 Lucy, 497-8 Martha, 497, 1818 Mary, 44 Minnie Phebe, 1474 Phebe Ann, 1474 Polly, 44 Reginald, 497 Rufus, i3i8 Sarah, 1474 Z., 44 Remmington, see Reming ton. Reraore, Caroline Cordelia, 1409 EUen CordeHa, 784 James, 784 Rerason, Rosamond, 1617 Renaud Rosel, 1615 Reneker, EUzabeth E., ajv Jacob, 2337 James R., 2337 Jerem W., 2337 Mary Belle, 2337 Robert L., 3337 T. J., 2337 Renet, mr., 1833 Phebe Janette, 1833 Renfield, captain, 1309 Emily, isog Renier, Edna, i74g George Wicks, 1749 Kitty Mabel, 1749 Renne, Frances Elizabeth, 3016 Renton, major general, I7'l6 mrs., 1746 Colin CampbeU, 1746 Margaret Elphinstone. 1746 Renwick, Elizabeth, 1338 Reoser, Elizabeth, isgi Replogle, Aaron Bennett, 1873 AHce Maria, 1873 Bertha Harriet, 1S72 Caroline CordeHa, 1873 Charles Demeters, 1873 Charles Elmer, 1872 Clarence, 1873 Elizabeth, 1871 Emma Jane, 1873 Flora Fredonia, 1873 Frederic George, 1871 George Plorace. 1873 Grace Edna, 1873 Tohn Stout, 1P72 I eona, 1872 Replogle, cont'd, Louisa Editha, 1871 Lucy, 1872 Mary AHce, 1873 Mary Ellen, 1873 Mary Jane, 1871 Moses, 1873 PhUip, 1871 Rebecca Alice, 1872 WUHam Clyde, 1872 WUliam Malcolm, 1872 Requa, Austin, 1623 Daisy Alice, 1623 Elizabeth Erickson, 1623 Rerik, king of Holmgard, 2204 Rexford, Betsey, 439 William, 439 Reynals, see Reynolds. Reyner, see Rayner. Reynolds, Raynolds, Rey nals, Runolds, mr., 2169 Abigail Samantha, 67g Adelia, 1231 Alice, 281, 679, 684, 1697 Alma Louisa, 708 Almira, 1193 Amy, 679-80 Amy Adelia, 679 Andrew, 283-4, 680 Andrus, 681 Ann Glover, 6g6 Anna Eliza, 67g Annie Mariah, 6g5 ArabeUa Amanda, 708 Arnold, ngs Artelissa M., 1472 Azra Hibbard, 1418 Barney, 1143 Caroline Medora, 6g5 Catharine, Catherine, 652, 680, 1312, 3308 Charles, 383, 6S0-1 Gilbert David, 67g Cleveland Harvey, 6g6 Clinton Roselle, Sgi David, 433 Dean, 680 Deborah, 433 Delilah, i3g3 Devillon, 1472 Edgar, 283 Edgar Fudge, 708 Egbert, 681 Eleanor, 754 Eliezur Cleveland, 708 Eliza, 708, i29g Elizabeth, 681 Ellen, 3476 Elnora Adelie, 891 - Elsie, 381 Elvina, igo6 EmeHne Claressa, 3031 Emily Tryphena, 1418 Eunice Catharine, g68 Fannie, 6g6 Frances, 384 Francis Frederick, 708 Francis Garner, i2gg Frank Stanley, 3476 FrankHn, 8gi George, 8gi George W., 383, 680, 3404 George Washington, 6gs Gilbert David. 67g Gnudall, i6g7 Halsey, 680 Harriet, 680 Hattie, 681 Hattie May, 8gi Henry, 68p Hepzibah, 283, 680 Hiram G., 680 Horace, ,681 Hosea, 680 Isaac, 679 INDEX OF PERSONS. Reynolds, cont'd, Jackson, 680 Jaraes, 281 James Latham, 432 Jane, 433, i2gg Jennie May, 2476 Jeremiah, 432 Jerusha, 681 John, 283, 708 John Andrew Thomas, 3476 John Sprague, 433 Jonathan, 695 Joseph VVarner, 708 Josie JDidama, 1418 Juliet Maria, 1796 Laura EUen, 708 Leocadie Soule, 696 Levi, 695 Lois, 681 Loring Henry, 1796 Lucina, 681 Lucinda, 680 Lucy, 283, 1697 Luther, 680 Lydia, 6S0 Maggie, 679 Marcus, 681 Maria, 680, 891 Marie Louise, 6g6 Martha, gn Martin Luther, 679 Mary, 138, 680, 695, 708, 1193 Mary Elizabeth, 695 Mary Ellen, 2476 Mary Hibbara, 708 Mary Jane, 1398 Mattie Coppage, 2031 Mercy, 741, 2484 Mina A., 679 Mina Elizabeth, 679 Nancy, 679, 2069 Otis Walker, 433 Patty, 681 Patty Delilah, 679, 1363 Phebe, 680-1 Phebe Ann, 679 Polly, 383, 680-1, 708, 1413 Puella Sprague, 433 Ransom, 708 Rebecca, 680 Reuben, 383 Rhoda, 586 Robert, 138 Robert Edward Lee, 695 Robert Francis, 2476 Roxy, 680 Ruth, 138 SaUy, 283, 679-80 . Samantha, 1143 Sarah, 149, 680-1, 1718 Sarah Ann, 8gi Silas Deroy, 67g Sophronia Smith, S16 Sylvester, 8gi Theodore Watson, 695 Thoraas, 3476, 3484 Thomas Marshall, 2031 Walter, 816 William, 680-1, 8gi Zada, 67g Zada Ann, 679 Zoe Eraily, 1418 Rhea, see Ray. Rheingar, mother of Athels tan or Elystan Glodrydd. 1603 Rhoadermel, Keturah, 1293 Rhoades, de Rodes, Rhodes, Roades, raiss, 2479 mr., 260, 2204 AbigaU, 1149 Amanda Helen, 1656 Amphillis, 2204 Anna E., 1656 Anne, 260 Annie, 1365 Armelle Persis, 1656 Cornelia Electa, 1657 ' 2743 Rhoades, cont'd, Daniel Williams, 837 David Prentice, 2031 Dinah, 1149 Edward H., 907 Edward Henry, 1656 Eleazer, 1149 Electa, 907 Elizabeth, 1149 --^ Eunice, 3014 Fanny Fletcher, 1656 Fordyce, go7 Francis W., 837 Gerard, go7 Hannah Sophia, 1656 Hattie L.,-1656 Henry, go7, n4g Isabel, 1653 IsabeUa, 303i James, n4g Jemima, n4g John Dickinson, 1656 Joseph, go7 Josiah, 1149 Julius, 007 Julius Parsons, 1656 Laurette Fay, 1656 Lewis Addison, 1656 Lewis Hunt, 1656 Lucy, go7, ii4g Lucy Porter, go7 Mabel Carter, 3031 Margaret, 1893, 3500 Mary, 383, gog, 1653 Mary Prentice, 1656, 2021, 2405 Massilon Fay, 1656 May, 1240 Minerva, go7 Nancy C, 837 Parsons, 1656 Rachel, 1656 Rachel Parsons, 1656 Relief Elizabeth, 837 Robert, 1652 Samuel, go7, ii4g Samuel Porter, go7 Sarah, go7 Saraji Frothingham, go7 Sophia, 1656 Sumner, 1656, 2031 Susan Cordelia, 1656 Walter Irving, 837 Walter Parsons, 1656 Rhoane, Lucy, 1471 Rhodes, see Rhoades. Rhodri Mawr, Rhodwri Mawr, king of all Wales, 1035, 3415 Rhood, see Rood. Rhyn, lord of Regain, 1603 Rhys ap David Lloyd, 1613 Rhys Chwith, esq., 1613 Riblet, CordeHa Melinda, ig67 Florence AmeHa, ig67 Hattie BeU, ig67 Ida May, 1967 Reuben, ig67 Ricardo, Abbie Lavinia, 1734 AbigaU, ggg Adaline, 1734 Adaline Pitcher, 1734 Andrew Bird, ggg Carrie Lavinia, 1734 Eliza Ann, ggg Eraraa Demarest, 1734 George, ggg, 1734 George Parcells, 1734 James, 1734 James Nelson, 1734 james Oscar, ggg Joseph, ggg Margaret, ggg 2744 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ricardo, cont'd, Mary Augusta, 1734 Norton Cleveland, 1734 William ' Fritz, ggg Rice, Royce, miss, go7 mr., 1553, 1574-5 widow, 136 Abigail, 1152 Ada Helen, 1575 Adeline, 874 Andrew Benedict, 1396 Ann, 1202, i57g Annette Sophia, igsg Annie, 1330 Arra, go7 Avery, 907 Calista Maria, 1278 Caroline Cushman, 1579 Caroline Dutton, 1529 Catharine, 1579 Catherine Cushman, 1579 Christopher, 1754 Claude Hoyt, 1553 Clayton H., 1575 Cleaveland Jocelyn, 1850 Cora E., 1579 Cornelia, 1666 Cornelius Archibald, 1522 Daniel, 1330 Daniel Cushman, 1579 Dorcas, 245 Ebaa Elizabeth, 1533 Edith Margaret, 1533 Edraund, 137 Edward, 1754 Elisha Hubbard, 1666 Eliza, 1553 Elizabeth, 136-7, 390, 1930, iggS, 3390 Elizabeth Carr, 1S65 Elizabeth Miller, 1396 Ella Maria, 1722 Erastus, 1378 Esther, 1930 Eveline J., 1553 Frances Maria, 1278 Franklin, 1292 Frederick Richard, 1522 G. W., 2165 George, 1522 George Cady, 1575 George Goldie, 2503 George Mead, 1533 Hannah, 3390 Hannah L., 1308 Harriet Elizabeth, 1693 Harvey, 368, 375, 2503 Hattie Olive, 1579 Henry, 1553, 1666 Herbert Alfred, igsg Hercules, 1553 Ida May, 2486 Isaac, 525, iggS IsabeUa, 2503 James, 1579 James C, 139 James Fielder, 1529 James Gaylord, 1579 Jasper, 390 Jesse James, 1865 Joel G., 1733 John, 1579 John AUen, 1865 Josiah, 1754 Joseph, 136-7, 525 Julia Ann, 1587 Julia C, 1579 Kate, 1579 Katharine, 17^4 Laura Elmyra, 1533 Laura Ermina, 1523 Levi, 1850 Lewis, 1666 Luann, 1666 Luann Naomi, 1666 Rice, cont'd, Lucretia, 917 Lucy, 534-5 Lucy Ann, 1396 Lura, 1553 Lydia, igsg Lydia Elizabeth, 1850 Madison, i6g2 Marcia A., i57g Maria Almyra, 1533 Marion, i52g Martha, 1240 Mary, 127, 1547, 1553, iggS Mary Elizabeth, 2165 Mary Jane, i2g2, 1574-5 Mary Lucinda, 1865 Maryette, 1552 May, i57g Minnie Viola, 1865 Nathaniel, 525 Nehemiah, 535 Nettie Evelyn, 3503 OriUa, go7 Oscar E., 2486 Porter, ig4S, i9S9 Roxanna Matilda, i6g2 Ruby Bell, 1865 RandaU, 1202 Relief, 1228 Robert, 525 Robert Levi, 1850 Rosina, 1330 Ruth, 126, io6g Ruth Robbins, 1329 Sally, 648 Samuel, 525, 1930, 2290 Sarah, 1474 Sarah Maria, 1894 Stephen, 1754 Susan Trowbridge, 1850, 2404 Susannah, 1880 Tena, 1865 Thomas, 345, 1152 Thomas AUen, 1865 Thomasine, 127 Walker, 1666 Walter J., 1553 Warren, 1579 William Alvin, 1865 Rich, captain, 1742 Abigail, 2278 Adis Frank, 1285 Alice Amelia, 1922 Betsey, 1742 Charles Albert, 1285 • Eli, 1285 Emily Frances, 1285 Fred WaUer, 1285 Hannah, 1943 Joseph, 1707 Lora Ann, 1933 Loria Ann, 1922 Lorinda, 1707 Louisa, 1650 Malvina, 1707 Maria, 1307 Mary, 154, 12S5, 1363 Samuel; 154 WiUiara Henry, 1922 Richard I., 266, 686 Richard IIL, ig Richard, chamberlain, 278 Richard, see Richards. Richards, Richard, rar.. 454 Abby, 382 Abigail, n4g Agnes, 85 AHce, 84-5 Alvin Heber, 1345 Araanda, 1536 Anthony, 85 Carrie, ion Clara Lillian, 1345 David, i4g4 Richards, cont'd, David Moss, i34S David WUlard, ion Edward, 85 Eleanor, 85 EHza, 690, 1536 Elizabeth, loio-ii, 149^ Erastus, 1536 Esther, 383, 956 Ezekiel, 475 George, 85, 383, 690 George W., 475 Giles, 1607 Goddard, 85 Guy, 382-3 Hannah, 382-3 Harry Edward, ion Henry, 475 Henry Edward, loio-n Hiram, 85 James, 85, i48g Jane, 85 Jane Alida, 1345 Jedediah, 475 Jemima, 781 Jerusha, 475 Joan, 85 John, 85, 350, 383 Julius, 475 Leonard, ion Lilian, ion Louis, ion Love, 383 Lowly, 475 Lydia, 383 Margaret, 85 Mary, 85, 663 Mary Cleveland, 350 Mary Maud, 1345 Mills, 475 Nelly, ion Patty, 475 Ransom Martin, 1345 Robert Usher, 475 Sarah, 475, i48g, 1607, 2096, 2460 Sarah Barton, 454 Solomon, 85 Sophia, 382 Susan, 1657 Susan Barton, 454 Thomas, 85, 383, ii4g, 1489 Welthean, Welthian, 85 Wesley Palmer, 1345 Willard, ion WiUiara, 85, 383 WiUiara Cullen, 475 William Henry, 6go WiUiara S., 475 Richardson, mr., 103, 2432 Abby, 2431, 2433 Abi Elizabeth, igi4 Abigail, 103, ggg, 3436, 2432, 2434 AbigaU J., 3430 Adaline, 747 Adeliza, 2432 Alfred Stephen, igi4 Alice, 328 Almira, 475 Alvan, 2431 Alvan Thomas, 2431 Amasa, 880 Amos W., 1626 Andrew, 1743, 2425 Ann, 120, 807 Anna, 328, 2434 Anna Steele, 2432 Augustus Luther, 2431 B. F., 1361 Bartholomew, 2438 Benjamin, 328 Benjamin Wallis, 807 Betsey, 747» 2434 INDEX OF PERSONS 2745 Richardson, cont'd, Betsey Maria, 1S80 'Bridget, igi C. H., 1361 Calvin, 2429, 2431, 3433 Caroline, 1262 Catharine, 2430 Charity, isgg Charlotte, 1766 Cheever, 1626 Dorcas, 64 Dorothy, .1513 Edward, 2428 Electa, 1626 Elijah, 3430 Eliza, 3439-30, 2432 EHza H., 2430 EHza Maria, 2431 Elizabeth, igi, 328, io6g-7o, 2425-6, 3434-5 Elizabeth A., 1361, 2430 Ellen, 2432 Emma Collamore, 2432 Eunice, 1880 Eva Harris, igi4 Ezekiel, 58, igi, 2438, 2440 Fanny, 2432 Fanny Lyman, 2430 Flora BeU, 1626 Francis A., 2431 George Partridge, isgg Hannah, i ig, 2425, 2434 Harriet, 2430 Henry, 3430 Huldah, 650 Ira C, 1852 Isaac, 1420 Jacob, 2426, 2428, 2438, 244s James Austin, 2431 Jeduthun, 2427, 243g, 2431-3 Jesse, 2428, 2430 Jethro, 2428 Joanna, 64, 335 Job, 64 John, 64, 1513, 1766, 2426-8, 2438, 2445 John Bucknam, 2430 John Calvin, 2431 John S., 2432 John Winslow, 2432 Jonathan, 2434 Joseph, i6g8, 3438, 3430, 2433-4» 2439 Josiah, 2440 Judith, 2434 Julia Elizabeth, 3431 Lavinia, 2432 ^ Linda, 2431 Lois, 2438 Louisa Cabot, 1766 Louisa Storrow, 1766 Lucy Adaras, i6g8 Lucy Jane, 2431 Lucy Marinda, 1698 Luke, 2430 Luther, 2430-1 Lydia, 1512, 2434, 2440 Lydia Abigail, 3433 Lydia W., 2^33 Marcia, 2445 Margaret, 64, ig86 Margaret Ann, 1744 Martha, isgg Martha Jane, 2430 Martha Page, 2430 Mary, 58, igi, 235, 1250, 1626, 1986, 2433, 3437-9, 2432-3 Mary Ann, 747, 3430 Mary Dale, 3430 Mary E., 2430 Mary Elizabeth, 807, 2431 Mary Hannah, 1420 Mary Jane, 1743 Mary V., 1361 Richardson, cont'd, Mercy Ann, 1512, 2497 Moses Pearson, 2430 Myra, 880 Nathan, 29 Nathaniel, 2423 Nellie L, 2310 Nicholas, 64 Oliver, 242S, 2435 Olivia, 2434, 343g Orra M., 1S52 Pamela, 2433 Polly, 747, 2434 Rebecca, 242g, 2431 Rebecca Bucknam, 2430 Rebecca R., 2432 Reuben, 2430, 2433 Reuben Kendall, 2434 Ruth, 3438 Samuel, 27, 58, 64, 235, 2426-8, 2430, 3433-4, 2438-9, 2445 Samuel Meade, 3433 Samuel Steele, 3432 Samuel Tidd, 2428 Sarah, 64, 1743, 2427-8, 3431-3, 3434, 3438 Sarah Elizabeth, 1636, 3431 Sarah S., 3433 Sarah Winslow, isgg Seth, 747 Sophia, 3433 , Stephen, 1512, 2430, 24g7 Submit, 2430 Submit Brooks, 2428 Sumner, 2430 Susan, 2432 Susan Burbeen, 2430 Susan Jane, 807 Susanna, Susannah, 58, 3437, 3430-1, 3433-4, 2439 Susanna Albina, 2430 Sylvia, 747 Theophilus, 27, 58 Thomas, 807, 2423, 2425, 3437, 3429-30, 2434, 2438 Thomas F., 2435 William Henry, 1626 Willing, 119 Zachariah, 3430, 2440 Zebulon, 2426 Richerson, Elsie Jane, 1232-3 Richison, Adelaide, 1136 Richmond, Adelaide, 1874 Albert George, 1874 Alice Almira, 1.874 Alraira, 1874 Amanda, 1900 AngeHne, 1341 Betsey, 821 Betsey Maria, 1874 Elizabeth, 1762 Elizabeth NeweU, 1761 Eva Arabell, 1137 Frances Mary, 1354 Galen, 1762 Ichabod, 1874 Julia, 1341 Layton, 1137 Lucinda, 902 PoUy, 2266 Ruth, 1595 Walker, 1341 William S., 1874 Richter, Caroline Bowman, 1756 Frederick Anton, 1756 George Diedrich, 1756 Gertrude; 1756 Rickard, see Ricker. Rickcords, Elizabeth, 1347 Ellen, 1347-8 John, 1347 Ricker, Rickard, Ricket, Ricketts, Aaron, 1463 Amy, 1 183 Catharine, 1183 Charles, 1183 Charlotte, 1426 Danville Alphonso, 1183 Eleanor, 1463 Eliza, 452 Ephraim, 1463-4 Frances, 1183 ' Frederick Alphonso, 1183 George, 1463 George S., 1854 George Washington, 947 Georgia Lee, 947 Harriet Ann, 1183 Henry Grovernor, 1183 Ida May, 1854 Josie Sylvester, 947 Laura Frances, 947 Lucinda, 1183 Mary, 1183, 1463 Maturin, 1463 Maud Emma, 947 Mehitable, 812 Ray Maynard, 947 Sally, 1183 Sarah, 808, 1463-4 Sarah Ann, 1183 Serina, 947 Susan Dorcas, 1048 Timothy, 947 Tobias, 1183 Vernum Orlando, 1183 Ricket, see Ricker. Ricketson, Alray Gifford, 96g Cook, g6g Elizabeth, 1660 Elizabeth West, 1660 Eunice Elvira, 558 Havilah, 558 Mary Reese, g6g Shadrach, g6g Walter, 558 Ricketts, see Ricker. Riddell, Riddle, Catharine Wheeler, 1616 Charlotte, 2442 Chariotte Margaret, 3443 David,' 1338 Eliza Harr, 1436 Elizabeth, 1616 James, 3442 John, 1616 Lovina Adelaide, 1338 Mary Ann Lincoln, 2442 Polly, 1338 Rebecca, 1436 WiUiam, 1436 Riddle, see RiddeU. Rider, Rvder, mrs., 1838 Ann, 1838 Clajk H., gi6 Esther, 1838 Harriet, 1838 Harriet Louisa, gi6 John, 1838 Jonathan, 2374 Mariah, gi6 Mary, 3g2, ngs Mary Ann, 426 Mehitable, 1554 OHve, 155s Olive Ayres, 1555 Patience, 1838 Rebecca, 1838-9 Sally, 161S Samuel, 1555, 1838-9 Sarah, 1838 Susannah, 766 Timothy, 1838 Whitcomb, 436 Zachary, 1838 2746 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ridge, Grace, 1986 Ridley, Isabella, 1390 Riegel, Maria Louisa, 439 Ries, Araalie, 1756 Caroline Bowman, 1756 Cecilia AmeHa, 1756 Heinrich, 1756 Heinrich Victor, 1756 Pauline Augusta, 1756-7 Wolf Ludwig, 1756 Rieshaw, Elizabeth, 1856 Mary Ann, 1856 Noel, 1856 Rifenburg, Duane, 981 MeHssa Jane, g8i Rigg, see Riggs. Riggle, George Clinton, 2501 Maria Marr, 2501 Mary Georgia, 2501 Sarah, 1624 Riggs, Rigg, Alice, 1760 Edward, 1211 Elizabeth, 1211 Eunice, g25 Jaraes "Levering, 1760 John, g2S Kate, 2ig9 Lorena, 682 Marietta, 1760 Phebe Ann, 679 Ruth M., 935 Sarauel, 1311-13 Sarah, 1311-13 Riick, Annie Isabel, ig44 Harriet Jenet, ig44 John Jacob, 1944 Riker, James, 466 MatUda, 926 Riley, see Reilly. Rimbault, E.* F., 2403 Rimmington, see Reming ton. Rindge, AngeHne, 1241 Rinehart, Aaron, 674 Christopher, 1265 Frederick Earl, 674 Hannah, 1892 Plarry, 61^4 Harvey Martin,, 674 Isabella, 1265 Lewis Melven, 674 Lydia, 674 Lydia Ann, 1265 Maggie BeU, 674 O. F., 674 Samuel Mortimer, 674 Sarah Jane, 674 Ring, Hring, mr., 915, 2284 EsteUa, 2273 Mary, 915, 1174, 2384 king Sigurd, 3304 Susannah, ^915 Ringe, Linda, 218 Ripenbergh, Caroline, 586 Hiram, 586 Julia Ann, 586 Ripley, miss or mrs., 429 mrs., 844 Abigail, 874, 1461 Alathea, 360 Alice, Alicea, 2259 Carrie, 753 Charles Johnson, 607 Cordelia, 1461 David, 360, 844 Ebenezer, 607 Edward Smith, 1721 Elisha, 3359 Elizabeth, 843-4 Elmer Eben, 607 Ephraim, 1721 Esquire Ebenezer, 607 Eunice, 1804 Gamaliel, 843 George, .85g Ripley, cont'd, George Henry, 607 Hannah, 360, 681, 844 Jacob, 1365 John, 843, 1365 Joseph, g4 Joshua, 360, 844 Judith, 84s Julia Marena, 607 Louisa, 1365 Lydia, g4, 844 Maria, 1721 Mary, 94 Mehitable, 607 Perez Franklin, 607 Preserved, 681 Rachel Fenner, 985 Sarah, 1365 Sarah Malvina, 607 Sarah Marena, 607 Sophia, 607 Susan Matilda, 1731 Vinnie Louis, 1365 WilHam, S44 WilHam Washington, 1461 Risbridger, George, 1904 Hannah Maria, 1904 Sabina, 1904 Risden, Clarinda, 3483 Riseley, see Risley. | Rising, major, 965 Eliza Maria, 1993 Esther Ann, 965 Fanny, 1315, 1541 Justice, 1977 Major, 965 Mary Roxana, ig77 Sofia, g6s Sophia, ig77 Risley, Riseley, A^'risley, mrs., 781 Alice Maud, 536 Arthur Leroy, 1566 Ashbel, 1565-6 Aurelia, 1566 Benjamin, 760 Bessie Lucinda, 1566 Caroline, 536, 1566 Caroline Gertrude, 1566 Charles, i30i Edna Nicholson, 1566 Elizabeth, 760 Erama Frances, 1565 Plenry Lincoln, 1566 Honor, 1915 John Ezra, 1566 Lewis P., 536 Louisa, I30I Lucinda, 1565-6 Lucius Lafayette, 1565 Lyman, 1565 Maria Louisa, 1565 Mary L.. I30i Meltrie Beebe, 1565 Nellie Aurelia, 1566 Olive, 1565 Olive Ada, 1565 Richard. 781 Robert, 1566 Rufus Hart, 536 Rufus HoweU, 536 Sarah, 550 Sarah Adelia, 536 SUas, 1201 Ritchie, James, 2309 Jane, 2357 Jeiuiie Chambers, 2309 Jennie McKensie, 3309 Lula, 33no Mary, 561, 610, ig84 Robert, 3309 Robert WilHam, 330g Ritter James. 1266 Lucinda Alice, 1266 Lydia, 2205 Ritterson, mr., 1675 Almira Malissa, 1675 Rivers, earl, 2000 Rix, Anne, 327 Daniel, 337 Grace, isg Lyraan, 327 William, isg Roa, Luceta Dele Luz, 408 Roach, Rotch, Rouch, Adelia, 1834 Arthur Dana, 1834 Catherine, 1264 Clara Gertrude, 1834 Edward, 474 Ernest Alfred, 1834 Flora L., g6o Gracie E., g6o lona May, 1834 Iva BeUe, 1834 John, 856 Jennie M., 960 John Elmore, 960 Margaret, 474 Marshall Dana, 1834 Mary, 856 Nancy N,, 975 Rebecca Nickells, 960 Roades, see Rhoades. Roarix, SaUy, 2105 Roat, Angeline, 1139 Charlotte Hulet, 1139 Joseph, iisg Mary, nsg Roath, Susan, 1637 Robb, Robbs, miss, 3ogo mr., 2cgo Calista Christine, 1342 Calista Lavinia, 1894 Caroline, 1894 Catherine, 559 Elizabeth, 186, 886 Mary, 2090 Thomas, 1894 Robbins, Robins, mr., gss Albert Adams, 887 Albert Cleaveland, 1625 Annie Louisa, 2016 Benjamin Newport, 887 Bethia, 788 Celia Blanche, 1625 Charles Cleaveland, 1625 Christopher Mason, 788 Daniel C, 1663 Delight, g2i Dorcas, 1588 Edward Gardner, 7S8 Eliza, 886 Eliza M., 565 EHza Payne, 887 Elizabeth, 887 Emma Frances, 873 Eppah M., 565 Frances, 1582 George, 921 Gideon, g2i Harriet Louisa, 788 Helen, 788 ITelen Theodotia, g2i Jennie Louisa, 1625 Jerusha, 480 Job, 1646 John, 887 John Francis, 788 Keziah, 1554 Josiah, 886-7 Joshua, 887 Laura Maria, gzi Laura Newport, 1634 Louisa Matilda, 1663 Lydia Cleveland, 788 Mandana, 480 Martin, 143S MatUda Louisa, 1663 Matilda Lydia, 886 Mary, J5. 565, 887, gss, 23g3 Mary Elizabeth, gsi Nancy, 1435 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2747 Robbins, cont'd, Nancy Jane, 1435 Nathaniel, 45, 2440 Patience, 179 Polly, 921 Rebecca, S3 Richard, 83, 3440 Robert, 480 SaUy, 1646 Samuel, 788 Sarah, 45, 931 Sarah EUen, 1646 Solomon, 45 Tabitha, 3440 Tabitha I., 3440 Theodore Francis, 788 Thomas, 3440 Robbs, see Robb. Robe, Abigail, 1138 Jeffrey, 1138 Mary EUen, 1128 Roberson, Robertson, mr., 2094, 233s Abigail, 1395, 2335 Andrew Jaraes, 1971 Archibald, 1971 Constance Cleveland, ig34 David, 1746a Edgar Wallace, 1106 Eliza, 1 97 1 Elizabeth, 3336 Emily, 1865 Emraa CecUia, 1971 Francis Malloch, 1746 Gertrude Mary, 1746 Grace Mary, 3495 James, ig7i James McRea, 1106 Jane, 1433, ig7r Margaretta, ig7i Martha Davis, isgs Minnie, 1934 Nancy, 3313 Sarah, yg4-5, 2og4 Sarah Truax, ig25 Susan, g46 Susan Cleveland, 1106 Thomas, 1106 Wilbur Wade, 24g5 William, ig7o, 2336 William Cleveland, ig24, 2501 William Henry, isgs see also Robinson. earl Robert, 2241 Robert de Bruce, king of Scotland, 15 Robert, duke of Normandy, 1108 Robert, earl of Mellent, earl of Leicester, 2175 Robert, earl of Moriton, 265 Robert, king of Holmgard, 2204 Robert, son of Winian, 1741 Roberts, miss, i ig4 Abby, 1572 Abi Augusta, 1587 Abigail, s28-g Abram, ig2 Absalom E,, 3314 Ada, 1048 AHce, 1068, 3igg Alonzo, 1387 Ambrose, 3iog Amos, 283 Ann, 683 Anna, 2485 Arthur, 1587 Benjamin, 2igg Betsey, 723 Candace, i36g Caroline, 2323 Celia, 2170 Corlis, 2485 Roberts, cont'd, Daniel G., 1287 David, 1370 Delos, 283 E. T., 2333 Eleanor Almira, 6g8 Eliza AVeeks, igig Elizabeth, 452, 1069-70, 2i9g EUen Amanda, 1287 Emily, isgo Emma, 383 Erama Adelia, igig Emma EHza, 1387 Ernest Albert, igig Esther, i47g Ethel, 979 Eunice, 233 Franklin, 3315 Grace, 1833 Hannah, 964, 1287 J. Cleveland, 283 Jacob, 1572 Jaraes, 1368 Jerusha, 681 Jessie, 1587 John, 233 John B., 698 Jonathan Martin, igig Lizzie A., i66g Lucy, 283 Lydia, 233, 1370 Mabel, 979 Marietta, 2319 Martha Ann, 2214 Mary, 1367-8 Mary Alice, 1572 Mary Frances, 1287 Mary Janette, 1531 Mary W., 3314 Octavia, 3sig Pelatiah, 1885 Percy Lucius, igig Phebe, 1370 Philena Walsworth, 2319 Polly, 192 Ralph, 1587 Ruth Paine Goodwin, 34S5 Sallie, 3iog Sarah, 6g8, 1068, 1315, 1885 Sarah Fisher, g7g Stephen, 333, 3315 SybU, 382 Sylvester Florendo, igig Thomas, 333, i47g Toombs, 3315 Truraan, 1587 Ursuline, 1885 Warren H., 1885 WUliara, g7g WiUiara Augustus, 3314 WilHam Culver, 2319 Robertson, see Roberson. Robey, Charles, 1750 Margaret, 1750 Mary Ray, 1750 Robins, see Robbins. Robinson, Robison, miss, 247, 18-10 mr., 2073 mrs., 905 Abby, 2073 Abby Maria, 1157 Abner, 366 Alphonso, 1928 Ambrosia, 1131 Amy Roberta, 3475 Ann, 527-8, 1031 Ann Eliza, g63 Anna, gos Anna Mary, isgs Annie, 560 Asenath, 515 Bertha D., 1507 Bessie Gilbert, 1314 Bridget, 538 Caleb, 833 Caroline Pease, 1131 Carrie, 3163 Robinson, cont'd, Catherine, igso Charles, 515 Charles Barstow, 7g, 853 Charles Blake, 1157 Charles Henry, 1131 Charles Lynae, 1133 Christian, 3335 Clara Eunice, 1132 Clarissa, 1336 Cleveland, 1131 Coraline Maria, 1638 Darwin Aiigustus, 1131 Delevan, isgs Ebenezer, 7g Ebenezer Bradford, 853 Edward, gos Edward Augustus, 1131 Edward M., gos Edwin King, 1132 Eleanor, sog Elijah, 1813 EUzabeth, 515, 823, 1106. 2336 Elizabeth Cornelia,- 1314 Elizabeth Lovell, 1254 EUis, 1507 Elnathan, i8g Emeline EHza, 79, 1596 Emma Florence, 1354 Eraraa Gertrude, isgs Ephraim, 823 Erasmus Darwin, 1131 Esther, 713 Esther Benson, 2i2g Faith, 872 Fanny Bell, 1214 Frances, 1074, 1157 Frances Helen, 1157 Frank Eugene, 1254 George Ernest, 1628 George W., 905 George Whitfield, 853 Gove Benjamin, 1336 Gregory, 2304 Plannah, 872, 974-5 Harriet 961, 1295 Harriet CooUdge, gsg Harry Cleveland, 1214 Henrietta Jaraes, 2304 Plenry Lee, 537 Hope, 1157 Ida Maude, 1938 Isaac, 538, 1843 Jacob, 537-8 Jaraes, 79, 497, 873, 8g6, 1395, 1596, 163S James Burgess, 1395 james Franklin, 1639 Jane, ggs, 1254, 1596 Jane May, 1131 jemima. 366, 2247 Tennie May, 1131 John, 52^^, ?23, 873, 1IS7-8, 1354, 1600, i8j3 John Albert, 1.^36 John Cleveland, 1131 John Fisher, 1157 John MarshaU, 1131 John Preston, 1157 John Tracv, 113^ Jonathan. 823 Joseph, 713 Julia Lois, 1354 Levi, 79, 852-3 Lewis, 1336 Livonia, 527 Lockie L. G., 1131 Louisa, 3304 Lucv, i8g Lvdia, 411, 1813 Margaret, 1843 Maria, 8<^3 Maria Ella, 662 2748 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Robinson cont'd, Maria Jane, 1887 Mary, 4g7, 528, 823, 872, 1131-3, 1157-8, 1638, 3322 Mary Ann, 853 Mary Cleveland, 7g, 1596 Mary Elizabeth, 1629 Mary Louisa, 1157 Mary Lydia, 853 Mary Martin, 1131 Mary Olive, 1596 Mary Pamelia, 1131 Mehitabel, 963 Mercy, 2322 Nancy, 823, 1157-8 OHve, 79, 852 OHve Bradford, isgs Orin, 1214 Parthenia, 1813 Permelia, 1628 Permelia Jane, 1628 Peter, 528 Phebe, Phoebe, 8g6, 1333, igso Phebe Elizabeth, 1336 Rebecca, 662, 1295, 1930 Rebecca Ann, 1295 Rowland, 2322 Ruth, 52S Samuel, 366, 1158 Sarah, 366, 527, 823, 2029 Sarah Catherine, ig2S Sarah Maria, 1131 Sidney Thompson, 527 Susan, g6s Thoraas, 662, g74, 1031, 1507 Thoraas Calvin, 1295 Thoraas HoUand, 1295 Timothy, 1929-30 Tracv, 527 Waldo Gilbert, 1214 Walter S., gsg Walter W., 2475 WiUiara, 963, 1158, 1254, 2336 William Erasmus, 853 WilHam Plenry, 1132, 1628 WiUiam Orval, 1295 see also Roberson. Robison, see Robinson. Robitoy, Marv Louisa, 1820 Roblyn, Sarah, 2219 Robotham, Maria, 1840 Sarah Jane, 1840 William, 1840 Rocester, see Rossetter. Rochard. Elizabeth Ann, 1688 Roche, Francoise Jacqueline Jouvet, 3489 Rockafeller, see Rockaf el- low. Rockafellow, Rockafeller, Rockaf el t, Rockefellow, Rockerfeller, Rockfellow, AHce, 1146 Caroline Maria, 536, 1143 Effie, 639 Ellen, 536 Esther Ann, T146 Eveline Mercv. 536 Helen, 536 Hiram, 536 Hiram Harvey Plowell, 536 Howell, 535-6 John D., 536 John WUliams, 536 Magdalena, 535-6 Maria, 535 Mary EUzabeth, 1145 Nancy, 536 Nelly, 536 Peter, 536 Sarah Adelia, 536 TeU, 536 Williara, 535-6 Rockaf elt, Rockefellow, Rockerfeller, see Rocka fellow. Rockett, see Rockwood. Rockfellow, see Rockafellow. Rockwell, de Rockville, miss, igis mr., 2267 Alraira, 565 Benjarain, 1758 Cynthia, 1442 Deborah, 1103 Elias Burnham, 565 Elizabeth, 1403 Hannah, 307, igis Isabella Alice, 3367 James, 71 Jerusha, 475, 777 Joan, iggs John, nog, 1471, i9i5 Julia Fenton, 1758 Lavinia Brush, 1758 Lucy Mariah, 1504 Margaret, 565 Mary, 6g7, nog, 1618, 3484 Mary Anzoletta, 1430 Mehitabel, 1471 Miles, 1504 Ralph, 71 Reuben, 565 Rhoda, 1965 Ruth, 71 Samuel, 777, 1965 Sarah, 777, 430 Susan, 1403 Susanna, Susannah, 71, 1995 Thomas H., 1403 Timothy, 697, 3484 William, 71, iggs William Wallace, 1430 Rockwood, Rockett, Agnes, ng, 333 Beulah, 1136 Celia Ann, i2g4 Hannah, 332-3 Jane, 333 John, 333 Lorenzo F., 1294 Lydia, 119 Nicholas, 333 Perley, 595 Prudence, 595 Richard, ng, 333 Samuel, 333 Rodarmor, Charles Cleveland, 1116 John FrankHn, 1116 jones Safford, 1116 Laurallen, 1116 Margaret, 1116 Semarimis, 1116 Roddy, mrs., 2i3g Annie, 3i3g EHza Douglas, 3isg Thomas A., 2i3g Roden, earl of, 1210 Rodenburgh, Catrina Roeloffse Van Maesterlandt, iSig Lucas, 1819 Roderic, lord Shochelach, 319 Ro(Jerick, lord Anglesey, 3415 Roderick, the Great, 3415 Rodgers, see Rogers. Rodman, Lucy, 742 Mary jane, 743 Thomas Scott, 743 WilHam Woodbridge, 742 Roe, king of Denmark, 3304 Roe, see Rowe. Roebuck, Ann Eliza, 3311 Caroline Milissie, 3311 Eppy White, 3311 Mildred Harriet, 3157 Roeters, Abraham, 1830 Susanna, 1830 Roger surnamed De BeUo mont, earl of Warwi.:k, 2175 Rogers, Rodgers, . 2335. misses, 2114 mr., 1174, i88g, 2335 mrs., 176S, 3I1I rev. rar., 1768 Abigail, 2435 Alva, 154- Amy, isgS Ann, 1626 Belinda Caroline, 782 Betty, 3435 Catharine R-, 676 Charles, 1525, i533 Charies Edward, 1348 Charles Taliaferro, 3170 Charlie Ora, 2214 Charlotte, 1154, 1157 Charlotte A., 1344 Clara Dell, 1853 Clarinda, 1853 Daniel, 1157 Deborah, 188^ Dorcas, 154 Edgar F., g75 Elizabeth, i8g, 933, 1 157, 1313, 1525, 1768 Elizabetli Waterman, 1805,. 1808 Elkanah, 1157 Emma Lucinda, 1348 Esther, 1767-8 Eunice, 43a- Eunice Clarinda, 1885 Eva, 1849 Eva Annette, 1853 Ezra, 975, 2435 Fanny Louisa, 1495 Fitz Glenn, 1853 Frances Jenett, 1569 Frederick WiUiam, 1569 Gardner, 1495 Grace Howard, 975 Grant Alonzo, 1348 Hannah, 1756, 2435, 3442- Helen, 2043 Plenry Franklin, 2170 Plenry Josiah, 1569 Hester Ann, 1307 Hezekiah, 154 Hugh Franklin, 3171 Ida, 1174 Ira Slayton, 1555 Isadore, 1980 Isaiah, 1431 James, 423, 1768, 3043, 3111^ 2171 James Leftwich, 2171 Jeremiah, 3435 John, 433, IIS7, 1660, 1853,. 2435 John James, 2170 Joseph, 1157, 3III Joseph Johnston, 3170 Joseph Ponsonby, 3170 Josiah, 1157, 2435 Julia Ann, 154 Julius, 154 Junius, 154 Leander, 154 Lucius, 154, 782 Lucretia, 1889 Lucy, 343S Maria, 975, i4g5, 1840 Martha, 423, 636 Martha Ann, 1555 Mary, 1343, 1431, 1884, ig40r 3043, 3111 Mary A., i26g Mary Brown, 2171 Mary E., 3171 Mary Elizabeth, 1533 Mary Ella, 3170 Mary Frances, 2170 Mary Mariah, 1525 Mary Matilda, 2171 Matilda, 2111, 2171 Matilda Caroline. 2170 May Frances, i56g Micajah, 2435 Minnie Blevins, 2171 Miriam, 880 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2749 Rogers, cont'd, Nina Louise, 1723 Orrin De Witt, 1853 Patience, 233, 966 PoUy, 1555 liachel, 458, 2435 Rebecca, 3435 Rhoda, 1660 Roy Mortimer, 1348 itufus Nutty, 3171 Russell, 430 Ruth, 640 Samuel, 1768, 3435 .Sarah Catharine, 3i 14 Thirza Ewel, 1703 Thomas, 1157, 1660, 3435 Thomas Amis, 2111, 2171 Tryphenia Jones, 1853 Uriah, 1768 Wallace B., 1723 WUliam, 2435, 2442 WiUiam A., 2114 Zebadiah, 2435 Zenas, 1157 Rogerson, Alice, 2234 Elizabeth, 2234 John, 2234 Rogvald, j ari or earl of Moere, 1108, 2203 RogyeU, see Ruggles. Rolavah, Elizabeth, 1646 ItoH, see Rolfe. Rolfe, Ralph, Rolf, Rolph, the Fleming, 856 Apphia, 1126 Benjarain, 1126 Coralin Adelia, 1288 Elenor, 1382 Elizabeth, 1126 Eirama, 1279 Esther, 22S7 Frank, 1288 I-Iannah, 863 Plenry, 1126 Honour, 1126 Jane, 2336 John, 1126, 3287 Pocahontas, 2336 Ralph, 1136 lady Rebecca, 2336 Rebecka, 2336 Richard, 1051 Rolf, 1126 Sarah, 1051 Sarah Louisa, 2287, 2503 Thoraas, 2336 Williara, 1288 'Rolf-ganger, duke of Nor mandy, 2175-6 Rolison, SaUie, 2105 RoUin, Rollins, see Raw lings. RoUo, duke of Normandy, 2175-6 lioUo, Ebenezer, 316 Plarriet, 316 Susanna, 316 liolph, see Rolfe. 'Rolston, Eliza Jane, 1816 Ploraana, Catharina, 1019 Romanus IL, emperor, 3176 Romer, see Roome. Kood, Rhood, Roods, rar., 307 Lucy, 1537 Polly, ig44 Susan, 307 Wealthy R., ngS WilHam, 1198 P.oods, see Rood. JRooke, Avis, 618 Robert, 618 .Roome, Romer, Anna, 1032 Hannah, 1032, 1961 Hester, 1033 Jacob, 1032 Peter, 1032 Peter Willemse, 1032, 3503 Pieter Willemse, 1033, 3503 Sarah, 1033 William, 1033 IRoop, Ann, 1733 Elijah, 252, 555 Eugenia Clara, gig Roop, cont'd, Plenry Parker, 555 Isaac, 1733 John, 919 Lorraine Amelia, 555 Lydia, gig Mary A., 253, 555 Sarauel, gig Roosa, Elizabeth, I3ii Roosevelt, Alida, 1831 Cornelius, 1831 Root, mr., 600, 670, 1660 Anna, 677, 1048, 1237, 348g Asenath, 1334 Calista Augusta, 1337 Charles Edwin, 1237 Charles EUsworth, 1660 Delia, gio Eliza, 600 Elizabeth, gn Elmer Lyman, 1660 Emma Fern, 1660 Esther, 5g7, 1666 Eva Rosalie, 1661 Fanny Olivia, 1661 Fidelia, 911 George Sumner, gn Grace NelUe, Grace NeUy, 1660-1 Plenry, gn Plope, 1666 James AUen, 1660 James Plarry, 1661 James Pierce, gn John, gn, 1503 Joseph, gio-ii * Joseph Henry, 1660 Laura Ann, 1660 Lovina, issg Lucinda, 670 Lydia Fidelia, 1661 Lydia Olivia, 1660 Lyman, 1237 Maria, 1430 Martin, 1430 Mary, gn Mary Ellen, 1660 Mary Ina, 1661 Myra Chri stin e, 1660 Nancy, 625 Pliny, 624 Rhoda, i63g Ruth, 624 Ruth E., 635 Sarah, 635, 1503, 1666, 1742 Sarah Joanna, issg Simeon Pliny, 625 Susan E., 625 Timothy, 625, 1743 Tryphena, gio Ward, 600 WiUiam, 635, 1339 Rope, see Ropes. Roper, Rebecca, 2178 Ropes, Rope, Elizabeth, 236, 502 George, 236 John, 236 Lydia, 236, 1063 Mary, 236, 507 Nathaniel, 236, 502 PrisciUa, 336, 503 Samuel, 555 Selina, 555 Roraback. Ada Belle, 1884 Duane L., 1884 Roscoe. Betsey, 598 Rose, Adoniram, 3483 Almira Ellen, 2483 Anna, 901 Bertha Viola, 3013 Caroline Amelia, 1660 Cassius Marcus, 1885 Catharine, Catherine, gig, 1930 Charity Ellen, 3013 Clinton Irving, 3013 Clinton W., 3013 Cornelia Paraela, 1304 David, 1930 Edward Alonzo, 681 Eliphalet Stratton, 1498 EUzabeth, izii Rose, cont'd, Ernest Sheldon, 3013 Harriet Maria, 3013 Herraan, 681 James, 1617 Jennie, 1885 Jerusha Conklin, 1498 John Wesley, 3013 Lizzie White, 1498 Lucy, 1660 Margaretta, 63i Margery, 1311 Martha Ann, 681 Mary, 392, 1367-8, 1617 Minnie Almira, 3013 Myra, 1304 Nancy, 34S3 OHver, 1660 Polly, 1052 Rebecca,, 1277 Robert, 1211 Ruth, 2440 Seneca, 1304 Stephen, 2440 Rosecrans, Rosencrantz, Almon, 1867 Caroline, 1867 Daniel, 1891 Emma Jessie, iSgi Jennie Maria, 2006 Maggie H., 1867 Margaret, 1891 Mary, 839 Nicholas, Ssg Thankful, iSgi William Arthur, 2006 WilHam Henry, 2006 Williara Starke, i8gi Rosel, fille, 1615 Renaud, 1615 Rosencrantz, see Rosecrans. Rosey, Samantha, 2155 Rositer, see Rossetter. Ross, forefathers, 1192 mr., 1137 mrs., 2109 Alexander, 1971 Alice Emma, 2143 Almeda Hannah, 706 Andrew Jackson, 1265 Benjarain Cleveland, 2143 Benjamin Franklin, 2143 Blanchie Emma, 1414 Cynthia, 1193 Eleazer Gilbert, 706 Elizabeth Winnifred, 1365 Emily Jane, 1874 Fannie S., 2iog Frances Ann, 1192 Plannah Maria, 1S75 Harriet Adelia, 1874 Henry, 1365 James, 1088, 1192, 2iog Jaraes Anderson, 2143 James Jackson, 1573 jane, 1022, 1088, ig7i Jean, 2143 Jemima, isgS Jesse, 1265 Joseph Clarence, 706 Julia Jackson, 1573 Leslie Merrill, 1414 Lizzie Vine, 3143 Louise Leonora, 1365 Lucinda, 1573 Lucy Ann, 1414 Maria, 1364 Martha Ella, 3143 Mary, 1088, 1244 Mary Esther, 706 Robert Collins, 1573 Robert R., 1414 Ruby, 1 137 Sarah, 1573 Sarah Grace, iig2 Sarah Maria, 708 WilHam, 1265 William Baskin, iig2, 1264 WiUiam Samuel, 1874 Winnifred, 1264 Rossetter, Rocester, Rositer, Rossiter, Bray, Bryan, 1148 Edward, 1148 2750 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Rossetter, cont'd, George, iigi Harriet Anne, 2034 Hugh, 388 Jane, 388 Joanna, iggg Mary Jane, ngi Mindwell, 782-3 Orpha, iigi Susanna, 1147-8 Rossiter, see Rossetter. Rostiau, Isabelle, 1776 Rotch, see Roach. RothweU, Nancy, igo7 Rouch, see Roach. Roucy, comtes de, 1615 Rouen, Abigail, 1261 Jacob, 1261 Joshua, 1261 Lydia Elmina, 1862 Sarah, 1261 Sarah Abigail, 1863 Rouille, baron, 487 Smplice, 487 Roundebush, Charles Franklin, 1333 Clara MatUda, 1322 EH, 1333 James Lewis, 1323 Martha Belinda, 1323 Mary Ann, 333 William, 1322 Roundkettle, Betty, 1210 Rounds, Rouns, Albert, I3g8 Alvah Bush, 1298 Arthur, 1298 Betsey, 139S Catherine, i2g8 Eleanor, 1207 Ellen Josephine, I2g8 Emma, 818 Jerusha, g6 Josiah, 1207 Lovina, 618 Mary Ann, i2g8 Miriam, i2g8 Philip, I2g8 Roundy, Augustus, 343g Betsey, 3439 John, 1604 Ruth, 1604 Rouns, see Rounds. RounseviU, Rounseville, Rounsvell, Jane H., 830 Tohn, 831 Mary, 820-1 Philena, 821 Philip, 821 Silas, 820-1 Thomas, 821 WiUiam, 831 Rounseville, Rounsvell, see RounseviU. Rourke, Achsa Jane, 707 Cornelius, 707 Rouse, Sena, Senie, 2162 Rousey, see Roushey. Roushey, Rousey, Rouzee, Amerial Catharine, 2154 Frances, 3154 Hiram, i6gi Louisa, 3100 Lydia Ann, i6gi Susan Ann, i6gi Thomas M., 3100 Winslow, 3IS4 Routh, mrs., 3137 Alfred Lee, 3137 Alfred Woodville, 3137 Amanda Elizabeth, 2137 Ann Virginia, 2137 Annie Eliza, 2137 Clarissa Amma, 2195 Clarissa Harlowe, 2136 Clarissa Plarlowe Adelia, 2137 Elmo, 2195 ¦ Eugene Coke, 2196 Evaline Elizabeth, 2138 Frances Adelia Josephine, 2137 Frances Eugenia, 2220 Harvey Cleveland, 2137 Isaac Miller, 3197 Routh, cont'd, James Cannon, 2136 James Hazel, 2197 James Henry Leonadas, 2136 Joseph, 2136 Joseph Edward, 2ig6 Judson Burson, 2ig6 Kate Eliza, 2137 Kenzie Lafayette, 2136 Leila Irene, 2ig7 Louanna, 3136 Mary, 2136 Mary Adelaide, 2ig6 Mary Alice, 2136 Mary Anna, 2137 Mary Josephine, 2137 Mattie Lula, 2137 Nancy Margaret, 2105, 2igs Narsissus, 2138 Pleasant Mills, 2136 Rice Judson, 2137 Rosanna Vashti, 2195 Robert FrankHn, 2197 Samuel Houston, 3137 Tabitha, 2197 Walter Cleveland, 2137 William, 2197 William Findley, 2105, 3195 WilHam Frank, 3195 Roux de Vermandois, 1615 Rouzee, see Roushey. Rowan, Abrara, 1503 Daniel, 1501 Eliza, 767 John, 768 Sarah, 767, 1501 Stephen, 767-8 Susannah, 1503 WiUiam Levi, 1501 Rowe, Roe, mr., 1830 Abiah, 801 Abijah, 914 Alfred S., 2473 Alva Morton, 1820 Alva Newberry, 1820 Anna Davis, 366 Bianca, 801 Charlotte, 1227, 1853 Clarinda, 1853 -Daniel, 801 Deborah, 913-14, 916 Edward Austin, 1227 Elizabeth Ann, 1227 Emraa CecUia, 1820 Plenry, 1227 ¦ Ida DeU, 1227 Jason Douglass, 1227 Jason Elmer, 1227 John, 362 Joseph, 360 Laura Emogene, 1510 Louisa, 1227 Marcy, 880 Mary, 1227 Patty, 362 Sarah EUzabeth, 360 Sebastian Henry, 1237 William F., 1510 Rowell, Abigail Crane, 1385 Annie Louise, 2215 Christopher, 2215 Don Carlos, 1386 Eliphalet, 1173 Elizabeth Clifton, 3315 Ellen Frances, 1173 Florence Underwood, 3215 George P. & Co., 2408 Joseph, 948 Martha Ann, 3315 Martha Cheatam, 3315 Mary Wyly, 3315 Melvin, 1386 Neal, 3215 Ophelia Cleveland, 1386 Sarah Jane, 948 Sarah Louisiana, 3215 Selden, 1386 WiUiara Sinclair, 2215 Zuar, 1385 I Rowland, Clara, JI19 of] Elizabeth, 925 ^ Jane Tudor, 1800 Lucinda, 680 Martha Columbia, 2048 Mary, 675, 2112 William, 680, 2119 Rowlee, see Rowley. Rowles, Joseph R., 2150 Mary Catherine, 2150 Rowley, Rowlee, Abijah, 22S0 Ann, 380 Betsey, 602 Catharine, 380 Elizabeth, 380 Florence Rowena, 1342 Hannah Myra, 1415 Henry, 380 James Grey, 1342 Jane,^ 603 Mary Annetta, 1414 Mary Malvina, 1415 Mehitable, 380 Moses, 380 Orie M., 1414 Phebe Ann, 1415 Phineas, 602 Randolfe, 380 Richard Parce, 1415 Sarah Elizabeth, 1342 Shubael, 380 WilHam PL, 1414 Roy, Plannah, 1819 Jennet, 603 John, i8ig Royal, Royall, see Ryall. Royce, see Rice. Rozzell, Harriet Amanda, 2480 Zachariah, 3480 Ruark, James, 1436 Rachel, 1436 Rachel Ann, 1436 Rubadieu, Mary, 1680 Rucker, Frances, 3100, 3154 Permelia, 3153 Ruckles, Maryette, 585 Ruckman, Eldora, 1333 Isaac, 1322 Mary E., 1332 Rudd, Abigail, 3333 Jonathan, 1834, 3333 Mary, 1834, 2333 Ruddock, Ruddyk, John, 104, 106 Joliff, 106 Sarah, 104 Ruddyk, see Ruddock. Ruden, Almira, isSg Rudes, Emma Lucretia, 1511 Orrin Lorenzo, 1511 Rudesil, Harriet, 1278 Jacob, 1378 Margaret, 137S Rueckert, J. Louis, 1348 Lucinda Runett, 1348 Rugg, Arthur Guernsey, 1311 Charles H., 1448 Clifford Richard, 1311 Edith May, 1311 Edward Adams, 1310 Edward Payson, 1311 Elbert Pieman, 1311 EUzabeth White, 1311 Erastus Root, ig64 Finette, 1311 Frankie Tristina, ig64 Harlan Page, 1311 Louisa Melinda, 1473 Lucy, 1150 Lucy Elizabeth, ig64 Martha Elizabeth, 1448 Mary Cleveland, 1310 Mary White, 1311 Sabrina, 1310 Seth, 1310 Urania White, 1311 Ruggles, RogyeU, rev. mr., II31 Adolph, 1868 Alice, 1838 Barbara, 318 Benjamin, 318 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2751 Ruggles, cont'd, Elizabeth, 1753 Ermina L., Sgg Esther M., Sgg F., 360 Francis, 1868 George Washington, Sgg Hannah, 1838 Harriet, 1508 John, 318, 1838 Martha, 183S Mary, 1121, i46g, 1838 Mercy, 318 Rachel, 132 Reuben Cleveland, Sgg Roswell, Sgg Samuel, 1838 Sarah, 318, 1838 Sarah Frances, 1S68 Susan, Sgg Thomas, 133, 31S, 1838 Timothy, 1838 Rumery, Abigail F., 874 Rummer, Rhoda, 7g6 Rumph, Annie, 3igo Rumsey, Alfred T., 458 Ann, 1003 Bronson C, i8ig-2o Charles Sidney, gSs Elizabeth, 458, 985 Lawrence D., 1820 Lucy Roth, 985 Mabel Elizabeth, 985 Mary Barney, 985 Mary Cleveland, iSig Mary Maria, i6go Samuel Hawkins, i6go Sarah Delight, i6go Thomas Erastus Roth, gSs Rundel, see Rundell. Rundell, Rundel, Diana, 1165 Phebe, igo6 Seth, igo6 Susanna, 2458-9 Victoria, 1906 Runlett, Lucinda, 1289 Runnels, Moses Thurston, 1S67 # Runner, Isaac, 1193 Jay WiUie, 1193 Luna Melissa, ngs Mary Elizabeth, ngs Michael, ng^ Runolds, see Reynolds. Runyan, see Runyon. Runyon, Runyan, George, 673 George Washington, igSi Grace, igSi Hannah, 673 Martha, igSi Rupert, Louis Alva, 1704 Mary Harriet, 1704 Nancy Elizabeth, 1704 WiUiam Henry, 1704 Ruprecht, Amaile, 1756 Riirick, czar of Russia, 2176 Rush, Edward, 1746 EUis Ellsworth, ig4i Plattie Adiel, ig4i Henry Mortimer, 1746 Lilias Mary Vivian, 1746 Mabel Victoria, 1746 Mabel Vivian, 1746 Melvina, ig4i Peter, 1941 Samuel, 1941 Susan, 1625 Vina Goldien, 1941 Rushmore, Hannah, 1022-3 Rusk, mr., 2176 mrs., 2176 EUen, 2304 Hugh, 2304 John, 2176 Nancy Elizabeth, 2304 PoUy, 2176 Thomas J., 2176 Russ, see Rust. Russel, see Russell. Russell, Russel, mr., 2315 mrs., 903 Aaron Dewitt, 1545 Abel, gos Abiah, 6g6 Abigail, 42S, 1062-3, 2434 , Albert, gos, 1400 Aletheia, 696 Alfred B., 903 Alfred Barnum, 903 . Almira, 6g6 Andrew Ellery, 801 Andrew Herbert, 801 Ann, 154s Anna, 23g2 Anne, 2434 Ansel Cleveland, gos Asenath, gos Aurelia Louisa, 1401 Azuba, 1677 Belmah Grace, 33g3 Benjarain, 1333 Benjamin Redding, 1401 Benjamin W., 3363 Betsey Cleveland, 3363 Bessie Ann, 1401 Betsey, 1530 Caroline, 1400 Caroline Sophronia, 605 Carrie, 1545 Carrie Estella, 1649 Chandley, 1545 Charles, 1062-3 Chester Blain, 2292 Cordelia, 2393 Daniel, 696, 9S5, 1063-3, 3434 David Craig, 1457 Diana Elizabeth, 801 Dorothea Ann, 6g6 Edith Am elia, 1401 Edward, 3434 Edwin, 903, 1648 Edwin Larue, 801 Edwin Perry, 1648 EHsha, 393 Eliza, 954 Elizabeth, 235, 590, 765, 954, 1063-3, 2292, 2437, 2434 Elizabeth Mary, 2034 Elizabeth Vassall, 1062 Ellen, 903 Elsie E., 1145 EmeHne, 590 Emily, 535 Emma Jane, Soi, 2455 Esther, 852 Esther Van Etten, 1401 Evelyn Augusta, 1401 Flora May, 1481 Florence Annette, 1481 Florence P., 1145 Francis Marion, 1401 Frank, 903, 1140 Frank G., 1145 George, 605, 903 George Nathaniel, 1481 Gurdon Wadsworth, 317 Hannah, 693 Harriet, i66g Harriet Amelia, 1400 Plarriet E., 1648 Harvey, 1400 Hattie Louisa, 164S Henry, 6g6 Horace Greeley, 14S1 Ira, 1520 Isaac, 535 Isaac Earl, 535 IsabeUe, 1457 Jack Rogers, 1457 James, g67, 1062-3, 2434 Jaraes PL, 801 James Lewis, 1401 Jane, 6g6 Jason, gos Jason Cleveland, 1648 Jedediah, 428 Jenetta, 856 Joanna, 2437, 2429 John, 26, 90s, 2371, 2292, 2427, 2434 John C, i457 Russell, cont'd, John Cireno, 2292 Joseph, 954 Joseph Adaras, 2392 Josephine, 1481, 1648 Joshua, 696 Juene, 1545 Julia, 1623, 1648 Juliaette, 1451 Katharine, 1062-3 Laura E., 1933 Lester Phelps, 1145 Lillie May, 1476 Lizzie C, 967 Lottie BeUe, 1457 Louisa Chittenden, 903 Lucille, 1457 Lucinda, 6g6 Lucy, 1306, 2315 Luke, 1545 Lydia, 3g2, 535, 1400, 33g3 Lydia Ann, 1873 Margaret, 535, 1400 Maria, 800, 1305, 1648 Maria Melcena, 6g6 Marion Sophia, 30ig Martha EUen, 1457 Martha Jane, 22g2 Mary, gSs, 1145, iS7g, 2271, 3427, 2429, 3433 Mary Elizabeth, 14S1 Mary Emily, 1457 Mary Jane, 903 Mary LuHe, 1145 Mary Walker, 985 Mattie M., 1145 Maud, 1063 Miriam Frances, 1401 Nathaniel, 1481, 2271 Nettie, 1140 Noadiah, 535 OHve Leona, 1401 Oliver, 6g6, 1401 Otis L., 1145 Paul, 1062 Persis, 2271 Phebe, 1233 Phebe Louisa, ig26 PoUy, 535 Ralph, gos Ralph Wheelock, 903 Raymond Henry, 1401 Rebecca, 428, 1063-3 Rebecca Coffin, 428 Richard, 1063 Ruth Eastman, 1530 Sallie, SaUy, 1145, 1233, 1427, 1706 Sarah, 1069, 2436 Sarah Ann, 801 Sarah Elizabeth, 801 Seth, 428 Silas Elezar, 535 Silas H., II4S Solomon Henry, 1400 Stephen, 1481 Submit, 765 Susanna, Susannah, 1545 2434 Tamer, 428 Theadora Caroline, 1648 Thomas, 856, 1069, 3393 Thomas Lawrence, 3393 Ulysses Grant, 1481 Vinnie E., 1145 Wealthy, 3293 Webster, 1648 William, 765, 903 William Congreve, 3034 WUliam D., 3455 WiUiam Jaraes, 14S1 Williara S., 590 William Shaw, 85 see also Trussell. Russia, Anne, empress of, 3176 Arlogia, lady of, 1108 Igor, prince of, 3176 2752 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Russia, cont'd, Jeroslaus, cz^r of, 3176 Rurick, czar of, 3176 Swatoslaus, prince of, 3176 Waldamar, Walodomir, czar or duke of, 1108, 3176 Hust, Russ, Albert D., 358 Anna Cleaveland, 879 Calvin, 879 Deliverance, 393 Elijah, 393 Experience, 2483 Henry, 358, 393 Israel, 393 Joanna, 358 Joseph, 357-8 Mary, 357-8, 393, 2483 Miriam, 393 Nathaniel, 358, 2483 Rachel, 358 Rebecca, sgs Rosanna, 686 Sarah, sgs liutan, Carrie Elizabeth, 1032 Rutgers, Catharine, 1761 Petrus, 1761 Kutherford, Harriet, 2170 Rutledge, Carrie, 1126 Rachel Araanda, 3212 William, 2212 Rutter, Ann, igS2 Celia Ann, ig82 Emma Mary, 204S Frank Howard, igS2 Plorace Cady, ig82 Howard Horace, 1982 Jennie Sophia, 1982 Kate AmeHa, ig83 Maria Louisa, ig83 Maud Rachel, ig83 Thomas, ig82 Thomas Jefferson, igS2 Ryall, Royal, RoyaU, Caroline Choice, 2118 Elizabeth, 1063 Elizabeth Sims, 211S Isaac, 1063 Mary, 1063 Penelope, 1063 Phebe, 1063 Sarah, 2483 Thomas Coleman, 2118 \\'alter Sims, 2118 WiUiam, 1063 Jiyan, Adella, 2488 Andrew, 2488 Catherine, 1327 Joanna, 1450 Laura Ida, 3331 Margaret, 2331 Mary Erama, 1450 Nora, 1327 Paraelia, 2488 Patrick, 2331 Philip, 1327 Thoraas, 1450 Ryckman, Celinda, 2014 "Ryder, see Rider. Ryece, Mary, 493 Robert, 493 Ryer, Araanda Fitzallen, ggs William B., ggs Ryman, Abraham, 3051 Edith Louise, 3051 Edna Marion, 2051 Jemima, 2051 Jessie, 2051 John Jacob, 2051 Lynde Hunter, 3051 Mary Cornelia, 3051 Rymer, Thomas, 3342 Rysse, Rose, 1792 •s- , Phcebe, 785 Sabeans, miss, 153 :Sabia, queen, 1068 Sabin, mrs., 295 Asuba C, 1448 Augusta May, 733 Betsey, 733 Billings, 295 Camel, 295 Carrie, 1448 Charles, 295, 733 Charles Thomas, 1448 Donn, 1448 Elizabeth Hyde, 733 Eraily, 1446 Emraa, 1448 Everett Chandler, 1446 Faith Augusta, 1448 Faith* Cleveland, 1448 Frederick, 1448 George Frederick, 1448 Georgia, 1448 Griffin, 295 Henry, 733, 1446 Plorace, 1446 Huron, 295 Ida May, 144S John, 39s, 1448 John Grosvenor, 1446 John Palmer, 1448 Jonathan, 733 Joseph, 506 Lucia Hutchins, 807 Martha Elizabeth, 144S Mary, 733 Mary Elizabeth, 1446 Mary Lesley, 1448 Mary May, 1448 Mercy, 1454 Noah, 733 Olive, 395 Portia, 395 Rachel, 808 Sophia, 295 William, SoS, 1454 Sacket, see Sackett. Sackett, Sacket, mr., mrs., 2334 Abigail Mosely, 1339 Almira, 600 Ann, 1S09 Anna, 761 Betsey, 602 Cynthia, 602 Elizabeth, i8og Fanny Maria, 600 Isabel, 1809 Jennie, 1373 Joel, 602 John, 1339 Joseph, 392, iSog Leon, 600 Lucinda, issg Mary, 2334 Mercy, iSog Patience, i8og Philinda, 3g2 Sarah, i8og Sarah Case, iggo Simon, i8og WilHam Ward, 600 Sackrider, Sacrider, Charles, 581 Charles Clesson, 5S1 Christian Peter, 581 Louisa, 5S1 Sarah, 581 Sacrider, see Sackrider. Sactell, see Sawtell. Saddler, Sadler, Anna, 287 Bathsheba, 126 Benjarain, 126 Catharine, 1296 Lydia, 1296 Michael, 1296 Sadler, see Saddler. Safford, Abby Jane, 1223 Clarissa, 142 Eleanor Cleveland, 1222 Ephraira, 1591 Esther, 390 Frank Porter, 1592 Harriet, 1591 Herbert, 1592 Jane Elizabeth, 1233 Jerusha Smith, 390 Joseph, sgo Marietta, i5g3 Mary, isgi Mary Lucina, i5g3 Grrin, 1323 Orrin Platt, 1333 Reuben, isgi Safford, cont'd, Reuben Pascal, i5g2 Roswell, sgo WiUiam, 390 Safreed, Frances, 2011 Frances Leura, 2011 John, 201 1 Mary Ann, 201 1 Nora May, 2011 Samuel Dinsmoor, 2011 William Lewis, 2011 Sagars, see Seegars. Sage, Charies Truraan, 2304 Eben Balfour, 2304 Ebenezer Charles, 2303-4 Elvira A., 1310 Florence, 45 Pliram, 1310 Lucy, 1310 Nora Amanda, 2303-4 Sophia Elizabeth, 2304 Vermund the, 2204 Sagur, Catharine, isgS St. Clair, Agnes, lady, 1108 Eva Leonora, 1570-1 Gilford, 1571 Katharine, 22gg Leonora, 1571 Waltheg, earl of, noS St. John, mrs., 856 Albert, 1551 Ann, 856, 114s Anna, 1357 Annette, 2464, 2503 Clarissa Sabrina, 1551 Earl Vaughn, 1551 Elizabeth, 2254 Harriet Eliza, 1550 Plarriet Newell, 2254 Jane Ann, 1357 John, 856, 2280 Leroy Elliott, 1551 Llewellyn Northgrau, 1551 Mabel, 855-6 Mary, 2306 Matthew, 856 Matthias, 855-6 Polly, i6g2 Romaine Albert, 1551 Sabra, 856 Sarah, 1598 Stephen M., 2306 Sylvester Samuel, 1550 William, 13*57 St. Leonards, baron, 2345 St. Margaret, queen, 366 Saint-Simon, seigneur de, _ 1615 Saint Veran, marquis de, 2338 Salinas, rar., 1748 Delila, 1748 Salisbury, de Salusbury, Salusbury, eari of, 265 Abigail, 509 Adam, 492 Alice, 285, 679, 684, Alva, 2006 Araanda, 1137 Amy, 385 Andrew, 385 Araminta Jane, 685 Bridget, 493 Candace Maria, 684 CeHa Euphemia, 685 Cornelius, 285 Daniel Dewitt, 1137 David, 983 Edward E., 109 Elijah Cleveland, 6S5 Eliza, 983 Elizabeth, 491-2, 509 EUen Ann, 983 Elsie Adelia, 684 Emma Abi, 2005 Eva Arabell, 1137 Fannie, 685 Fanny Maria, 684 Frances, 685 Frances Maria, 684 Frank, 1137 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2753 Salisbury, cont'd, Genevieve Plenrietta, 685 Grace Anna, gSs Helen Ann, 983 Henry, 2S5, 4g2, 67g, 684 Henry Cleveland, 6S5 John, 4g3, gSs Joseph, 1137 Lavinia Maria, 685 Leander Milton, 684 Martha, 491-2 Mary, 2S5 Maude Iowa, 685 Melinda, 684 Milton Fletcher, 684 NelUe Ann, gSs Nelson, 285 Nicholas, 4g3 Olive, 3006 Phebe Ann, 684 Rebecca, 285 Robert, 4g2 Robert Edward, 4g2 Rose Ann, 685 Samuel, 491-2, 509 Sarah jane, 684 Sophronia Ardell, 1137 Thomas, 492 Waitstill Cleveland, 2S5 Zada Adelia, 684 "Sails, Alvira Rosanna, 1441 James, 1441 Lydia, 1441 'Salmons, Sammon, Nancy, 2190 Rebecca Ann, 3141 Salter, Saulter, Elizabeth, 1071 Hannah, sng Jabez, 1071 Martha, 3468-g Mary, 1071 Mercy Ann, 1513 WiUiam, 1071 "Saltonstall, Richard, 1071 Saltren, miss, 3344 Augustus, 3344 Thomas, 2244 WiUiara, 2244 "Salusburyt see Salisbury. "Salverte, Eusebius, 32 Salvine, 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Samborn, Samborne, see Sanborn. Samelson, Alfred Sigmond, 766 Amy Frederif-a, 766 Frederica, 766 Isaac, 766 Laura AUen, 766 Mathilda Elizabeth Pertania, 766 Zerlina Pauline, 766 Samerlad, prince, 1108 Sammis, Lester, 1658 Sarah, 1658 Sarah Elizabeth, 1658 Sammon, see Salmons. Sampson. Samson, Barclay, 683 Betsey Jane, 1144 Clair, 14P0 Claudia E., 1144 Delphene, 683 Devern, 683 Elizabeth Church, 82g Elrene, 653 Exra Weston, 83g Frances Althea, 1557 Fremont, 683 Hannah Fling, 1557 Ira, 1480 James, 1557 Jaraes B., 1144 James Henry, 1144 John Seaver, 14S0 Jennie R., 1480 Leroy James, 1144 Martha Ellis, 1480 Mary Cole, 721 173 Sampson, cont'd, Mary Patience, 1144 Nancy Louisa, 683 Selina, 83g Samson, see Sampson. Sanborn, Samborn, Sam borne, mr., 155, 3Sg mrs., 1583 AdaHne, 1360 Alden Edson, 1224 AHce Amelia, 1922 Almira, 3485 Anna, 1360, 3485 Anne, 3469 Beulah, 3469 Caroline R., 1324 Charles Plenry, 1922. Charlotte, S47 Cornelia, 1224 Daniel, 690 Daniel Cleveland, 1387 Daniel Miles, 1224-5 Diana Eliza, 1385 Dorothy, 847 Ebenezer, 845, 2468-9 Ebenezer Cleveland, 2485 Eliza, 6go EHza Ann, 1360 EHza Prudence, 1387 Elizabeth, 246g, 2485 Elnora, ig22 Enoch, 347, 2468-g Enoch Cleveland, 1583 Enoch T., 1324 Ernest, 1385 Esther, 347. 2468 Esther Maria, igo7 Flora Ordelia, isSg Frances Emery, 2486 Frank Fred, isSg George, 1360 George Milton, 1360 Gertrude May, ig22 Hannah, S47 Plattie E., 1235 Helen Amelia, 1387 Herbert Martin, ig22 Ira G., ,3485 Irene, 6go Israel, 690, 13S3 Israel Gilman Smith, 3485 Jerusha Maria Tuttle, 13S7 Jessie Williams, 1922 John, 1360, 3469 John C, 1224 John jGilman, 1389 John Martin, 1Q33 Josiah Fisher Wilson, 3485 Judith, 3469 Juliaette, 1387, 1933 Kate, 1324 Laura, 1224 Lee Randall, 1583 Liva B., 1334 Lois, 847, 346S Lora Amelia, 1923 Loria Ann, 1933 Louisa L., 872 Lucien L., 1385 Lucy AmeHa, 1387 Lucy Beulah, 1387 Lucy Eraeline, 138S I^ucy Livonia. 1387 Mark, 347, 3468 Martha, 2468-g Martha Ann, 1205 Martin. 13S7 Mary, 346g Mary Althea, 1324-5 Mary AmeHa, isSg Mary Ann, 22gg Murza, isSg Myra Ann, 3485 Nabby, 38g Orson Daniel, ig33 PrvsriUa, 2468 Rhoda, 1387 Sanborn, cont'd, Ruth Paine-, 2468 Ruth Paine Goodwin, 2485 Salena Huntington, 2485 Sarah, 6go, 1244, 2468 Sarah Adaline, 1387-S Sophronia, 1383 Tamasin, 155 Tryphena, 3468 V. C, 2469 WiUiam, 847 William Daniel, 1387 William Orlando, 1387 Sanchez, Carmen, 1770 Sanders, see Saunders. Sanderson, Abby, 3431 Algernon Phillip, 1376 AHce Elvira, 1376 Almira, 1276 Andrew Jackson, 1276 Arthur Erwin, 1376 Asenath, 1276, 1278 Augustus, 1520 Benjamin, 1277 Calista Maria, 127S Charles William, 1276 Charlotte EsteUa, 1279 Clara May, 1278 Electa, 1273 Elizabeth, 1278 Elizabeth Jane, 1276 Erama Frances, 1276 Estella Calista, 1376 Eva, 127S Flora Belle, 1520 George, 2431 George Washington, 1378 Gracie, 1378 Harvey, 1277 Harvey HoUister, 1277 Henry Clay, 1377 J- G., 1475 Jaraes, 641, 1276, 1278 Joel, 1378 Joel Erastus, 1378 Lola, Lowly, 1272 Marion Washington, 1278 Martha D., 1378 Mary, 1277 Mary Ann, 127S Mary Catherine, 1276 Mary Elizabeth, 1278 Mary Jane, 1276, 1520 Mary Rose, 1277 May Maria, 1278 Melissa, 641 Mina, 1278 Minerva, 1275 Myrta Eliza, 1278 Rebecca, 641, 1274, 137S Robert, 3343 Sally Ann, 1276 Sarah, 641, 1377 Sarah Ann, 1378 Sarah Eloise, 1475 Sheldon, 1277 Thoraas MiUer, 1376 Wilbur Fisk, 1378 Sandford. see Sanford. Sands, Hiram, 1103 Josephine Maria, 1102 Sarah, 1103 Sanford, de Sanford, Sand ford, mr., 1158 Abial, 1236 Abigail, 969 AHce Clarinda, 3483 Almira, 79g Alson Chester, 7gg Amelia, 562 Andrew, 1625 Anne, 1398 Annie, 1005 Anthony, 1081 Benjamin, 564 Bridget, 564 Calista Amy, 1397 2754 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Sanford, cont'd, Charles Henry, 1005 Clarinda, 2483 Clark, 761 Deborah, 1915 Ebenezer O., 2485 EHas, 799 Elizabeth, 564, 1081, 1236, 1625 Emily, 562, 564 Eston, 564 Ezekiel, loSi, 1625 George, 948 Gertrude Paulison, 1005 Hannah, 513, 1915 Henry, 1336 " Henry P., 1081 Jacob, 800 James, 1081 Jane, 1081 John, 564 John Granger, 1005 Jonah, 24S3 Joseph, 1398 Joseph Munn, 1005 Lerauel L., Soo Lydia, 1336 Margery, 1149 Mary, S84, 1149, isgS Mary H., 1158 Mary Jane, 7gg Mary L., 1005 Mary Reese, g6g Myra Ann, 3485 Nathan, 1081 Nicholas, 564 Oliver C, 330S Philemon, 7gg PoUy, 724 Rebecca, 1081 Reuben, 734 Richard, g6g, ii4g Ruth, 562, 564 Samuel, 562, 564 Sarah, 564, 761, 1081, 1172 Stewart, 800 Thaddeus, loSi Thomas, 564, 1081 Thomas Dorraan, isgS William, 800 Zachariah, igis^, Sanger, Aden, 722-3, Adin, 722-3 Adin Alfonzo, 733 Alba Cleveland, 723 Alma Ann, 722 Alraira, 721 Amelia, 723 Burdette, 723 Caroline P., 723 Charlotte, 723 Clarissa, 722 Clarissa Cleveland, 722 Cyril Chaffee, 723 Dorcas, 261 Elizabeth, 733-3 Ellen Gertrude, 722 Emma, 733 Ephraim Cleveland, 722 Eunice, 723 Frederic Judson, 723 Harry, 733 James Henry, 723 John Niles, 733 Joseph Bushkirk, 722 Judson, 723 Lovisa, 723 Lydia, S2g-so Martha, 722 Martha Brace, 723 Martha Mariah, 733 Mary, 431-3 Mary Elizabeth, 733 Maud L., 733 Sanford Chester, 723 Sidney Bushnell, 723 Simeon Lyon, 723 Walter, 723 Sangster, Alice Jerusha, 568 Benjamin, 567 Bertha, 568 Cynthia, 56S Cyrus, 568 Sangster, cont'd, Elijah, 567 Eunice, 251 Frances, 568 Herbert, 568 James Vail, 567 James Williara, 567 John, 251 John Warren, 568 Letitia, 567-8 Olivia, 56g Sarah Ann, 567 Sarah Matilda, 567 Sansbury, Andrew J., 425 Anna, 425 Harriet G., 425 IsabeUa, 425 Jaraes, 425 James C, 435 Lydia, 425 Martha F., 425 Obed C, 42s Sarah J., 425 Sarah G., 424, g67 Susan S., 425 Thomas, 425 WiUiam P., 435 Sares, see Sears. Sargeant, Sargent, Sergeant, lieutenant, 3270 Aaron, 6go, 1083 Anna Esther, 1136 Caroline, i28g Delight L., I4g5 Edward E., 1854 Elenor, 1114 Eliza, 690 Elizabeth Ann, 1114 EUa M., 1854 Ellen Columbia, 700 Frances Arabella, 1016 George W., 700 Plugh, 1083 Ida Ellen, ig69 James Walwyn, 1016 Jane, 1468 John, 1083, 1969 John Smith, 1083 Lemuel, 842 Lizzie Louisa, 2003 Louisa, 1468 Louisa Ladd, 3003 Lydia, 1083 Margaret, 1463 Mary Ann, 1390 Mercy, 843 Myrtie, 700 Nancy Maria, 1969 Olive, 843 Rhoda, 1578 Robert, 1468 Samuel, 1136 Sarah, 1083 SUas, 843 Thomas Irving, 1290 WiUiam, 10S3, 1114 Winthrop, 2003 Sargent, see Sargeant. Sart well, Betsey, 1433 George, 1433 Sarver, Lucinda, 1387 Satall, see Sawtell. Sauer, Mary Wilhelmena Charlotta, 1563 Sault, Alfred George, 1464 Ethel Eutoca, 1464. Lewi s Maynard, 1464 Lucy El eanora, 1464 Malcolm Maynard, 1464 Mary MatUda, 1464 Saulter, see Salter. Saunders, Sanders, Amanda, 3ogo Ann Maria, issg Charles, ngg Charles Horatio, 1076 Daniel, 1076-7 Earnest McGregor, i7g7 Edgar Camra, I7g7 Saunders, cont'd, Edward, 449 Eli Grant, i437 Elisha, gs EHza Day, ii59 Elizabeth, gS, 449, ff)6o, 3093, 3126, 2371 Franklin, 2090 Helen, i797 Henrietta, 718 Henry, i437 Henry Tucker, 1076 James Henry, 1437 John, 1076, 2271 John Camm, 1797 John M., 1797 Jonathan Peele, 1076-7 Laura E., 1797 Lavina, 1437 Levi, 1437 Lillie May, 2138 Louisiana Plughes, 1707 Lucy B., 1773 Lydia, 553 Mariam, 1773 Marion, 1797 Martha, 479, 492 Marvin, 1437 Mary, 449, 1076, 1437 Mary Adams, 1076-7 Mary Elizabeth, 1797 Mary Jane, 2127 Mary Louisiana, 1797 Melvina, 3101 Nathaniel, 1437 Oliver Hubbard, 1076 Philip. 1076 Pollie, 2127, 2138 Rhoda, 433 Robert, 1773. Ronald Camm, 1797 Samuel, 1437 Sarah, 1076-7, 1437 Sarah Alphonsine, ngg Sarah Jane, 1437 Tabitha, 2126 Thomas, 1060 William, 2127, 2138 William Anderson, 1437 William Liftridge, I7g7 Willie May, i7g7 Savage, Abigail Jones, 1840 Abram, g47, g54 Albert Buckley, 1840 Almira Houck, ig6s Anna, 1530 Arthur Harold, 1840 Bryant, 953 Caroline, 1713 Catherine, 1530 Charles Albert, 1840 Charles C, 1863 Edward, 948 Elizabeth, 622, 2000 Ellen A., 956 Esther, 947- Faith, 490 Francis Joseph, 1840 Frederick Adams, 1840 George, 956 Habijah, 489-90 Hannah, 413, 489-90 James, 32 Jennie Crane, 1862 John, 633, 1530, 1703, 1999 Joseph, 1840 Maria, 1862 Mary, 221, 948, iggg Olive Grove, g47 Philorael, gss Rachel Frances, 1703 Ruth, g47 Sally, g48 Sarah, 220-1, 1703 Sarah Williaras, 1840 Susan, g54 Thoraas, 231, 48g-go, iggg,- 3000 WiUiam, 321, 48g see also de Courcy. INDEX OF PERSONS. 2755 Savercool, mrs., 1623 Joseph, 1633 Lewis, 1623 Lucius A., 1623 Mary A., 1623 Mary Earned, 1623 Savery, Derdamia, 1175 Sawdey, Sarah, 439 Susannah, 439 William, 439 Sawens, see Sawin. Sawer, see Sawyer. Sawin, Sawens, Atosa, 1649 Hattie Estella, 1649 Mary Ann, 824 Warren, 824 WiUiam, 1649 Sawtell, Sactell, Satall, Saw- telle, Edwin, 569 Elizabeth, 2423 Frank, 569 Hannah, 2423 Lena, 569 Mary, 940 Richard, 3423 Sarah, 569 Susan, 569 Sawtelle, see Sawtell. Sawyer, Sawer, miss, rars., 671 Abigail, 364, 670, 1392 Allen, 873 Ann, 1613 Anna, 873 Annie, 1392 Augustus J., 1709 Cleveland, ggs Charles, 2473 Charies Cleveland, 672 Clarence Kellogg, 1919 Daniel, 670 Edmund T., 1570 Elijah, 1393 EHza Ann, 1357 Eliza L., 87s Ella Maranda, igig Enoch, 1613 George, 671 George Washington, 672 Hannah, 671 Hannah Farnham, 1613 Helen Johnston, ggs Henry, 671-3 Henry Joseph, 673 Ida EUen, 673 James Iredell, 451 John, 364 John Patterson, igig Julia, 581 Katherine, 670 Lemuel, 450-1 Louisa, 1613 Louisa Antonetta. 450 Lpuisa Cleveland, ggs Lucy, 567 Margaret, 451, 672 Marisa, 371 Mary, 638 Mary Elizabeth, 2473 Mary Jane, isg2 Micajah. 1613 Mollie," 670 Pansy Luciaella, 1919 Rose Evelyn, 1709 Ruth, 364, 1603, 1613 Sarah, 363-4, 673, 1107, 1570, 1608, 1613, igig, ig6o Stephen, 1613 Sybil, 1613 Willard WiUiam, 1392 WilUam, 364, 1613 WilHam Eaton, igig Willie Augustus, igig Saxon, Carle the, 2223 Drago the, 1060 prince Edward the, 266 Eugenia Rebecca, 2454 Louis, 2og3 Suuen the, 3224 Tabitha, 2og2 king Thor the, 2223 Thorkjell the, 2223 Thorkil the, 14-17, 3323 I Saxon, cont'd, I Tor the, 2223 Torchil the, 3333 Turchil the, 3323 L^chtred the, 2224 Uctred the, 14-17, 2224-5 Ulchel, Ulchil the, 2224 \''ctred the, 3334 Saxton, see Sexton. Sayer, Sayers, Sayre, Sayres, Abigail Wood Crane, ggS Benjamin, isgS Betsey, 1035 Damaris, i3io David, 3184 Elizabeth, 1035, 1251 George Benjamin, 2010 Job, 454 John, 1093, 1251 Lelia Bertha, 2010 Lucilla, 1093 Mary, 453-4, 3184 Phebe, 454 Samuel, 453-4 Sarah, 453, 1398 Sayers, see Sayer. Sayles, Camilla, 1333 Juelma Maria, 1339 Mary Frances, 1233 O. R., 1333 Phebe Celestia, 1222 Sayre, Sayres, see Sayer. Scales, mrs., 3107 Jacob, 857 Maria, 857 S., 3107 Scammon, Ann, 227 Plumphrey, 227 Jane, 496 John, 337 Prudence, 496 Richard, 327, 496 William, 337 Scandinavia, Fridulf of, 3204 Odin first king of, 3304 Sigge first king of, 3304 Scandlan, see Scanlan. Scanlan, Scandlan, Scanlon, Ann Teresa, 3007 Dominic, 3007 Mary, 1715, 2007 MeHssa, 1S64 Robert, 1864 Sarah, 1864 Scanlon, see Scanlan. Scant, Joanna, 1216 Scarbarrow, see Scar borough. Scarborough, Scarbarrow, Bethia, 388 Caroline, 387 Catharine Louise, 3S7 Charlotte Elizabeth, 387 Delia Ann, 3S7 Ebenezer, 388 Edwin, 387 Emily, Sg6 Emily T., 387 Frances EUa, 3S7 George, 896 "^ Hannah, 387 Jereraiah, 38S John, 388 Joseph, 38S Kate Louise, 387 Lizzie, 896 Mary, 388 Nancy B., 387 Nancy Dixon, 387 Perrin, 387 Samuel, 387-8 Schaefer, Schaeffer, Shaeffer, Shafer, Anna Lida, 1957 Annie, 1075 Annie Maria, 1278 Benjamin, 1870 Columbia, 962 David L., 3460 Donna, 3460 Florence, ig43 Jacob Henry, ig57 Schaefer, cont'd, John Cramer, 1871 Juliette, 1870 Mary, 1871 ¦Mary Margaret, ig57-8 Rebecca, 1871 WiUiam Henry, ig43 Schaeffer, see S: haefer. Schearman, see Sherman. Scheerburch, Geertje, 180Q Schellinger, Abraham, 1 151 Joanna, 1151 Rachel, 1151 Schenck, Alexander Du Bois, 1837 Ann Aletta, 1836-7 Anna, 1837 Catharine, 1671 Garret A., 1837 Gerret, 1837 Koert, 1837 Martin, 1837 Mary, 1837 Nultje, 1837 Roeloff, 1837 WiUiam, 1837 William Edward, 2483 Scherman, see Sherman. Schermerhorn, Cornelius, 6gS PTarriet Amanda, 698 Lucy Ann, 6g8 Schiefflin, Mary Theresa Bradhurst, 1803 Sch obey, Scholey, Shobey, Anna, 1234 Louisa, 1235 Sc hofield, Scofield, Bertha A., 1686 Celia Euphemia, 6S5 Earnest Ulissius, 1686 Edward Lane, 1480 EUen Clair, 1480 Emma, i6gi Helen M., 1686 Henry, i6gi Plerbert Cleveland, 685 James, 386 James H., 1686 Janet Ophelia, 1688 Julia Maria, 1688 Lester Warren, 1686 Lewis David, 1688 Louise Adeline, 168S Lucy Etta, 1686 Mary Ann, 16S8 Mary Elizabeth, 168S Melissa Amelia, 168S Merold, 1686 Sarah, 386 Simeon D., 685 Susannah, 1480 Valentine, 1686 Walter Plenry, 1686 Scholey, see Schobey. Scholl, Annie M., 1780, 2499 Schoonover, Mary, 1297 S''hott, see Scott. Schrick, Maria, 1760 Paulus, 1760 Schryer, Margaret, 1383 Schulte, Amelia, 1764 Schurraan, see Sherman. Schut, see Schutt. Schutt, Schut, Anna M., 1456 Barbara, 1837 Catharine, 1226 Catharine Emmergene, 1336 Don Cutter, 1336 Ellen Armilda, 1326 Emma Agnes, 1326 Plannah, 1133 Plarriet, 1236 James Van Orden, 1326 John, 1133 John Plardin, 1326 2756 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Schutt, cont'd, Mary, 1132 Mary Frances, 1336 Roy Eugene, 1336 Schuyler, Van S. huyler, Alida, 731 Catherine, 2176 Elizabeth, 3176 Frederick, 1940 Nancy, 1940 Petrus Johannes, 3176 Phebe Eaton, 1940 Philip, 3176 Philip Pieterse, 731 Philip Pietersen, 2176 Schwarzler, Rosa, igog Seism, Mary Ann, 1222 Ritie Louise, 1233 William, 1333 Sclater, Frances Ann, 3417 John, 2417 Scofield, see Schofield. ScoUay, Mary Elizabeth, ig26 Scomp, Susanna, 1435 Scotland, Alice princess of, 1108 Bethoc princess of, 266 Caenmohr, Canmore king of, 266 Culen king of, 266 David Bruce king of, 15 Donald of, 266 Lhincan I. king of, 266 Isabel princess of, 1108 Kenneth II. or III. king •of, 366 Macbeda, Macbeth, king ¦of, 266 MacDonald king of, 266 Mackeneth king of, 266, 2303 Malcolm L king of, 366 Mai, olm IL king of, 366, iiroS, 2203 Malcolm III. king of, 366 Margaret queen of, 266 Maud princess of, 366 Robert de Bruce king of, ^ 15 St. Margaret queen of, 366 Stewards kings of, 15 the Lion king of, 1108 Walter third lord high Steward of, 15 WiUiam king of, 1108 Scots, the, .266 .Scott, Schott, mr., 335, 1465 mrs., 33,54 Abigail, 1093 Alice, 3igg Alice Ann, 2146, 2199 Almira, iigS Almira R-, 1198 Amanda, 2146 Amanda Hughs, 2220 Angeline, 2253-4 Ann, 1031, 1147, 1678 Anna, 1031, 1147 Anna Ladocia, 1678 Benjamin, 399, 2081 IBenjamin FrankHn, 1199 Bettie Reunick, 3320 Calista PhUinda, 1684 Carrie Elizabeth, 1292 Carrie Lovina, 1678 Cassandrew, 2098 Chandler Ward, ngg Charles Sherwood, 2254 Charlotte, 1138 Chasteen, 1093 Chauncey Ward, 1198 Clarissa, 733, 803 Clarissa Adelia, 803 Cleveland, 2146 Scott, cont'd, Daniel, I2g2 David, 2og8-g Delia Raymond, 2254 Diana, 1426 JEHlian, 925 Eliza, ngS EHza Cleveland, 2135 Elizabeth, 1031, 16S4, 2035 Ellen, 2254 Ellen Janette, 1292 EUiott Goslee, 3330 Elmore, 2146 Emma, 2154 Emily Abigail, 1395 Emily C, 2135 Enos Ames, i2g3 Ephraim, 1138 Esther, 1198 Esther A., 1198 Florantha Cordelia, 717 George Washington, 2220 Grizzell, 1985 Hannah, 399, iigS Hannah Elizabeth, 2145 Harrison, ngS Harvey, S03 Helen, 2353 Henrietta Esther, iog3 Herman Melvin, 1138 Hirara, 717, 1436 Hugh, igSs Isabel, 3330 IsabeUe, 3135 Jacob, 2145 James, 733 James Cooke, 3354 Jane, 733, g94, 1985 Jessie Corinne, 2135 John, 1678, igSs, 2154, 3253-4 John AUen, 3igg John Winfield, 3353 Jonathan, iigS Joseph Cleveland, sigg Katherine, 717, 1436 Levi, 717 Lidie Cleveland, 3135 Lydia, 3354 Madison, ng8 Mansfield, 1684 Margaret, sgg, 733, 3018 Maria, iigS, 1757 Martha, iigS, isgs, 1465 Mary, 335, igSs Mary Annie, 2164 Mary BeUe, 2135 Mary Burr, 2254 Mary Jane, 1537 Mary Louise, 1985 Matthew, iSig Matthew Coolen, 1678 Melda R., 1138 Mercy, iSig Milton, 2319 Nancy, 2098-9, 2231 NeUie EUzabeth, zigg Nelson, iigS Nelson Jackson, 3135 Norman F., 1138 Parlay L., ngg Paul, ngg Perley L., ngg Pollie, 2146 Prudence C, iigS Prudie Watts, 2199 Rachel, 3153 Robert, 3135 Roby Ann, 1392 Rufus, 1395 Sallie, 2081 Sarah, 335, 811, 1147, ngg Spencer, 723 Susan, 2145 Thankful, i8ig Thomas, 1031, 1147, 1465, 3035, 2o8i Ursula, 1465 Viola, 3sig Walter, 1432, ig86 Warren Elmore, 3146, 3igg William, 1684, 1985 William Elmore, 3i9g William Winfield, 3164 Winfield, 1757 Zeruiah, 1198 Scottaway, see Scotto. Scotto, Scottaway, Scottow, mr., 916, 3436 Mehitable, 915-16 Joan, 916 Joshua, gi6, 2426 Lydia, 2426 Thomas, gi6, 2426 Thomasine, gi6, 2426 Scottow, see Scotto. Scougal, Helen Fowler, 1745 James, i745 Scovell, Scovill, see Scoville. Scoville, Scovell, ScoviU, Alida May, 1520 Amasa Unruh, 1653 Barzillia, 1520 Byron Cleveland, 320 Calista A., 320 Charles Augustus, 1520 Charles Batchelder, 1520 Charlotte Cyrene, 320 Clyde Chauncey, 1530 Cora May, 1520 . Cyrene, 320 Delilah, igs4 EUen Maria, 1520 Eva Belle, 1520 Flora Belle, 1530 Florence Olive, 1653 Harriet, 783 Helen Marion, 1530 Henry Wheaton, 1530 Marinus, 330 Mary Amanda, 1653 Mary Elizabeth, 1653 Matilda, 1520 Nelford Charles, 1520 Phebe Ann, 1844 Philo, 320 Philo L.. 320 RusseU, 782 Sabra Maria, 320 Sally, 1516 Sarah Nora, 1530 Sherman Birdsey, 1530 Thomas Leon, 1520 Walter Amasa, 1653 Washington Liberty, 1653 William Philander, 330 Willie Cleveland, 1530 Scowden, Josephine Amelia, 1827 Rosetta, 1827 Theodore Ransom, 1827 Screven, Ellen, 33ig Fanny Leonard, 33ig WiUiam James, 2219 Scribbins, Jemima, iSg6 Mary Araelia, i8g6 Thomas, i8g6 Scribner, Anna Towns, 413 Charles and Company, 861 Esther, 413 Hettie Araelia, 1373 Pamelia, 1652 Robert, 473 Thomas, 413 Walter, 1373 Scrimshaw, Charles, 24g7 Edith Edwards, 1034, 24g7 Plazel, 1034 John Charles, 1034, 24g7 Jflabel Edna, 1034, 24g7 Olive May, 1034, 24g7 Scripture, Elizabeth, iSsg Mary, i83g Samuel, iSsg Scritchfield, Esther, 1428 Hiram, 143S Margaret Elizabeth, 1438 Scruggs, Matt, 3183 Nannie Jones, 3183 Sallie Elizabeth, 3183 Scrymgeour, lady, nog John, nog Scudder, Elizabeth, 2ig, 409, 2260 Elizabeth Sims, 211S John, 219, 466 Polly, 2274- INDEX OF PERSONS. 2757 ScuU, Gideon Delaplaine, 2344 Scutt, Elizabeth, 670 George, 1545 Hiram, 1545 Jane, 668 Loma, 1545 Mary, 669 Omer, 1545 Philip, 668, 670 Rebecca, 1163 Rosella, 1545 Ruth, 668-70 WiUiam, 669-70 Williara Henry, 668-9 Seabury, Sebra, IBenjamin, 642 Betsey, 436 George Pierce, 436 Lucretia, 643 Nancy, 642 SaUy, 426 Seag, see Seaggs. Seaggs, Seag, Apalana, 2093 Mary, 209g Seagur, Elsie Adeline, 1213 Irene, 1213 Soloraon, 1213 Sealis, Seals, Sellice, Eglin, 1842 Hannah, 545 Judith, 2163 Richard, 545, 1842 Seals, see Sealis. Seamans, Seamon, Albert PhUUps, 2011-12 Alvin, 1431 Betsey Maria, 1431 Elenor, 1114 Florence Adelia, 2011-12 Hannah E., 2013 Mary A., 3480 Rebecca, 1545 Silas A., 2012 Seamon, see Seamans. Searing, Sereign, Sering, first wife, 2S2 Amos, 282 Elizabeth. 283 Searl, see Searle. Searle, Searl, Searles, Searls, Abigail, 13S Anna, 1557 Beulah, 346g Caroline Eliza, 786 Catharine, Catherine, 792, 1068 Christopher, 2469 Constant, 128 Daniel, 3469 Deborah, 1068 Delight, 3469 Dorothea, 924, 1679 Edward, 3469 Edward Dean, 2469 Edwin Byara, 2469 Elijah, 7S6 ' Flora Jane, 787 Garry, 1143 George, 489, 786, 1057, 1067-8 Hannah, 2469 Plarriet, 7S6 Henry Arunah, 1030 Jabez, 1068 Jane Hannah, 786 Joanna, 2457 Joel Cady, 786 John, gio, 2457, 246g Joseph, 246g Laura, 1535 Lewis, 7S7 Madalene, 346g Margaret, 1755-6 Marietta Beulah, 3470 Marietta Lucrecia, 246g Mary, 787 Mary Ann, 786 Mary Russell, 48g, 1067-S Mehetable, 649 Miner, 128 Searle, cont'd, Nancy, 534, 1143 Nancy Sarah Maria, 3,460 Nettie Lucrecia, 2470 Phineas, 787 Rachel, 639 Robert, 1068 Roger, 12S, 3460 Sallie, 3460 Salter, 786 Samantha, 1143 Sarah, gio, 3457 Susan Cleveland, 1067 Susan Coffin, 1068 Susanna Coifin, 1057, 1068 WilHam, 13S Zebiah, 786 Searles, Searls, see Searle. Sears, Sares, mr. , 2478 miss or mrs., 4go Amanda Germond, 1531 Andrew Haskell, 1251 Antoinette Ophelia, 1251 Charlotte, 2478 Dorothy, 1351 Eleanor, i3g6 Elizabeth, 1251 F. B., 1296 Freeman, 1251 Hannah, 1351 Irene Sarah, 1053 Jennie T., 1337 John, 1251 Joseph, 1251 Mary, 490, 1351 Mary Cabot, 3033 Mary Eliza, 1251 Mary Janette, 1531 Mehitable, 1251 Philip, 2032 Rachel, 1251 Richard, 1251 Roland, 1251 SUas, 1251 Simeon Blackman, 1531 Turner, 1251 Seaver, Sever, Severs, • Abigail, 1151 Abrara, 1535 Allyn Delos, 1237 AUyn M., 1237 Alvan, 1385 Amanda, 1385 Ann, noo Caleb, 1069 Cassius B., 1337 Charlotte Maria, 1535 Direxa, 1535 Edwin Snow, 1535 Elizabeth, io6g Ella Maria, 1337 Fanny FlaviUa, 1385 George, 1237 Harry WendeU, 13S5 Ida T., 1337 James Tyeartus, 1337 John Ryland, 1385 John Trumble. 1237 Lydia Bradford, 1535 Martha EUis, 1480 Minnie M., 1535 Nicholas, 1069 PoUy, 1535 Pulcheria Marcia, 1237 Robert, 1069 Sarah, 1069 Susannah, 1237 WUliara, io6g, 1535 WilUam Taylor, 1535 Seavey, Ada, 1413 Addie Rose, 1413 George, 14.13 George Alba, 1413 Jemima, 704-5 Josephine, 1413 Luther B., 1413 Seavey, cont'd, Luther Benjamjn, 1413 Lydia, 704 Mabel, 1413 Mark, 1413 Mark Lesstie, 1413 Mary Jennette, 1413 Nancy, 705 Polly, 1413 Sallie, 1413 WiUiam, 704-5 Sebley, see Sibley. Sebra, see Seabury. Secomb, Joseph, 2426 Ruth, 2426 Secord, miss or mrs., 316 Sedgewick, ' see Sedgwick. Sedgwick, Sedgewick, mr., 3g6 Anna, 1123 Benjarain, 1133 Elizabeth, 1132 Erepta 'Mariva, 1536 Plannah Clark, i6g4-s Joanna, 1133 Kate Lydia, i6g5 Lucy, 1526 Maria, 1694 Mary, 1122 Polly, 396 Robert, 1133 Sarauel, 1133 Sarah, 1131-3 Theodore, 1133, 1694-5 Timothy, 1536 William, 1122 Seegars, Sagars, Segar, Seger, Abigail, 520 Elizabeth Couden, 19S4 Henry, 2430 Joseph, 67 Minerva, 1337 Rebecca Bucknam, 2430 Thankful, 67 William, 1984 Seeley, Seely, miss, 1330 mrs., 1421 Annie, 963 Cynthia Dutton, 1431 Huldah Ann, 963 Jeduthan, 1072 John, IJ2I Mary Elizabeth, IC72 Sarah, 1073 Silas, 963 Susannah, 1534 T. J., 1431 Seely, see Seeley. Seeney, Margaret, 1632 Segar, Seger, see Seegars. Segourne, see Sigourney. Seguine, EsteUe, 459 P'lorence Catharine, 459 Francis, 458 Martha Catharine, 458 Rachel, 458 Sehly, Jenny, 1831 Seigfred, rar., 1506 Ellen, 1506 Selby, Mary. 1850 Selden, Seldon, Ann, 478-g Anna, 478-g Esther, 47g Hester, 47g Jane, 479 Joseph, 479 Rebecca, 479 Thomas, 479 Seldon, see Selden. Selfridge, AHce Demott, 600 Sellars, Elizabeth, 3195 Sellen, Beersheba, 216 SeUice, see Sealis. Sellinger, Ann Eliza, 1396 Barnhardt, 1396 Cora Belle, 1296 Elmer Mechlin, 1296 Flora Delia, I2g6 George Henry, 1396 MatUda, 1396 Selvidge, .Elizabeth, 3195 George Washington, 3195 Rosanna Vashti, 2195-6 2758 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Semmor, Mary, 1641 Senn, Frederick, 23 ig James Lewis Grant, 2219 Mary, 2219 Susan Jane, 23ig Sephors, Christina, ngo Serdam, Abigail, 1212 Sereign, see Searing. Sergeant, see Sargeant. Sering, see Searing. Serven, Benjamin, 45 Sarah, 45 Sessions, Alexander, go Elizabeth, go Setchfield, Eliza, i8gS Sever, see Seaver. Severance, Severans, Abigail, gsg, g68 Almira Samantha, 1652 EHza, g48 • Elizabeth, 811 John, gsg, g68 Mary, 968 Miles Marlow, 1653 Reuben, 948 Sarah, 948 Severans, see Severance. Severs, see Seaver. Sevier, Plavia, Xavier, mr., mrs., 3114 Elizabeth, 3113-14 Joanna, 31 14 John, 3114 Katharine, 21 14 Sarah, 31 14 Valentine, 3114 William, 3114 Sevine, Swime, Susan, 97 Sewall, Sewell, Suell, Anne, log Elizabeth, 4gi-3, sog EUen, log Plannah, 4g3, 1083 Plenry, log Isaac, 1643 Iva, 1643 John, 1083 Joseph, 4g3 Margaret, log, 330-1 Mary. 1635, 1643 Mary Adelia, 1643 Samuel, 26, 27, 355, 4g3 Stephen, log Susannah, loS, log, no William, 1643 Seward, Electa, 67S Harriet, 1335 Lucy, 1335 Nancy, 1142 Nathan, 1225 Thomas W., 182S Sewell, see Sewall. Sexton, Saxton, Clarissa, 780 Edward, 780 Henry, 780 Henry Griswold, 780 John A., 1350 Julia A., 1350 Lucy, 1321 Sarah, g6s Simeon Niles, 1350 WiUiam, 1350 Seybold, Gilbert Lafayette, 133S James, 1338 Olive, 1338 Seymor, see Seymour, Seyraour, Seyraor, Abigail, 1657 Alva Noyes, 1382 Amelia, 1514 Andrew, 460 Anna Garthwaite, 1093 Annie, 1306 Caroline, 1123 Cassander Wallace, 13S2 Charles Martin, 1306 Seymour, cont'd, Chester, 692 Edward Wallace Cassan der, 13S2 Elizabeth, 1664 Ella Amelia, 1382 Emeline, 692 Emily, 692 Fannie, 1306 Florence, 1306 Florence Matilda, 1306 Hannah, 1664 Harriet, 1123 Henry FrankHn, 1306 James Orson, 1123 John, 693 Julia Huntington, 1093, iSoi Katie. 1306 Lucy W., 1923 Lydia, 692 Mary, 460, 1641 Mary Ann, 1382 Mary Eliza, 1123 Mary Halsey, 1093 Mary Janette, 1306 Melona, 1306 Mercy, 1664 Myranda, 1306 Orson, 1123 Richard, 1641, 1664 SaUy, 1306 Sarah Cleveland, 1093 Silas, 1306 Simeon, 1514 Thomas, 1664 William Lewis, 1093 William North, 1093 Shackleford, Deborah, 1436 Shade, Elijah, 1292 Emeline, 1292 Lucy Brewster, 1292 Shaeffer, see Schaefer. Shaen, Mary Frances, 2023 Shafer, see Schaefer. Shaftsbury, earl of, 1736 Shake, Mary Alice, 1435 ¦ Nancy, 1435 Shakespeare, William, 1071 Shaler, mr., 1325 Mabel Louisa, 1335 Shands, Edward Wright, 1798 Kittie Virginia, 1798 Virginia Frances, 179S Shannon, Eleanor, 1336 Elizabeth J., 1558 John, 1558 Lizzie Lemon Prentice, 1863 Martha Ann Prentice, 1863 Mary, 155S Samuel Tibbits, 1862 Shappee, Abner, i2gS Carrie May, 1398 De Vere, 1398 Howard Abner, 1398 Jane, 1398 Leon Delos, I2g8 Mary, i3g8 Share, Barbara Leah Ann, 3316 Sharer, John, 851 Lydia, 851 Sharp, Sharpe, Abigail, 301 Abraham, 735 AHce, 146 Barbara, 772 Edward Rawdon, 3117 Elenor, 1114 Elizabeth, 24gg Elizabeth Ann, 1114 Esther, 725 FeHx Little, 2117 Gershom, 300-1 Plannah, 300-1 ITenry, 2000 James, 725 James S., 2117 Jemima, 725 Sharp, cont'd, Lois, 301 Lovina, g47 Lucy, 131 Mabel C, 2117 Mary, 2000 Mary Douglas, 2117 Maurice M., 2117 Nicholas, 146 Robert, 301, 1070 Sarah, io6g-7o Stephen, 725 Sydney B., 2117 Victor v., 2117 William, 301, 1114 Sharpe, see Sharp. Sharp Eyed, Olaf the, 2204 Sharpies, see Sharpless. Sharpless, de Sharpies, Sharpies, mr., 2045 Adam, 2045 Cicely, 2045 Elizabeth, 2045 Geoffrey, 2045 Plannah, ii3g Jane, 2045 Jeffry, 2045 John, 3D45 Joseph, 3045 Lydia, 3045 Margaret, 3045 Richard, 2045 Samuel, 2045 Susanna, 3045 Sharpsteen, Eliza Ann, 1133 Sharrett, Sharrott, Abrahara, 3252 John WiUiam, iSsg Lydia Elvira, i8sg, 2499 Sarah Elizabeth, 1859 Sarah Jane, 2252 Sharrott, see Sharrett. Sharswood, George, 1056 Jane D., 1056 Sharts, families, 541 Andrew A., 539, 541 Andrew N., 541 Catharine, 539, 541 Cornelia, 541 Polly S., 539, 541 Shathock, see Shattuck. Shatswellj Mary, 1709 Shatta, see Shotta. Shattuck, Shathock, mr., 1438 Agnes, 550 Alfred, 550 Anna, 551 Annis, 550 Belle, 14^ Caroline L., 1166 Emeline, 550 Esther L., i3g3 Esther Lucinda, 646 Eva, i6gi Foster H., 550 George M., 551 Harlyn, 550 Harriet, 550 Jemima, igs Jeptha, 1166 John, 138 Lerauel, 551, io6g Livonia, 1438 Lucy, 808 Maria, 551 Mary, 1166 Mercy, 48g Nancy P., 550 Noah, 193 Polly, 1166 Robert, 550 Ruth, 138 Ruth E., 550 Samuel, gsg Sarah, igs, gsg Susanna, 551, 1751, iSsg William, 551, 1166, 1751 Shaver, Anthony, 1543 Elizabeth, 1545 Erama, 2274 Maria, 2274 Mary, 1543 Sally, 1543 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2759 Shaw, miss, 877 mrs., 2058 Abba Frances, issg Abiah, g28 AbigaU, ig37 Abraham, 837, S77 Abram, iggg Anna Jane, issg Benjamin, 3058 Betsy, 3058 Britannia, 1306 Charies H., Sn Clarissa, 803 Cora Lenna, 1414 Cornelia, 648 Deborah, 420 Edith Lulu, 1305 Edward Harvey, 1339 Eliza Ann, 1305 Elizabeth, 315, 66g, 1468 Eugene B., 1339 Eunice Cobb, 836 Fannie Caroline, 1305 Flora M., 8n Fluvia Bissell, 811 George Thomas, 3166 Gilman A., 8n James, 66g James Benjamin, 3166 James Thomas, 3166 Jemima, 704-5 Jessy, 2058 Jimmy, 3058 John, 305S John Thaxter, 1305 Joseph, 3C5S Joshua, 633, 336g Joshua Berry, 3300 Laleah, 565 Louisa Ann, 2166 Louise, issg Lucy, 1381 Lucy Arabella, 1306 Martha, 86g, iggg Martha Susannah, 837 Martha 'West, 1740 Mary, 714, 823, ggo-i Mary Arabella, 3300 Mary J., 439 Nora Elizabeth, 2166 Polly, 623 Roland, 1306 Ruby E., 62}i Sarah, 633 Sarah Catharine, 3166 Sarah Jane, 3300 Sebrane, 795 Selina D., 836 Thaxter, 1305 Thomas Jefferson, 3166 WUHam, Sn WiUiam B., 797 William PL, nco Shay, see Shays. Shays, Shay, rars., 2335 James, 2335 Phebe, 703 Shea, Betsey E., Sgg Daniel, Sgg Elizabeth E., 8gg Mary, Sgg Mary Ann, Sgg Sheafe, Edward, i3ii Margaret, 1311 Sheahan. Mary Jane, 630 John Patrick. 630 Sarah Ann, 630 Shealds, see Shields. Shearer, Sherer, Sherrer, Shuar, Bertie Weston, 837 Bradish Danforth, 837 Char'es Lvman, 837 Dana Albert, 837 Helena, 483 Shearer, cont'd, John, 1141 JuHa Maria, 1337 Louisa Maria, 837 Maria Charlotte, 1237 Mary, 1141 Periin Marcus, 1337 Sarah, 1585 Susan Trussell, 837 Shearman, see Sherman. Shed, see Shedd. Shedd, Shed, Almira, 243g Altena, 1466 Elizabeth, 2435 Enoch, 1466 Francis, ig45 John, 2440 Lucy, ig45 Mary, ig4S Rachel, 2440 Sarah Medora, 1466 Sheets, see Sheetz. Sheetz, Sheets, Louisa, 1265 Susannah, gig Sheffield, Shefield, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Hannah Allyn, 2361 Sarah, 1638 Tamezin, 331 Shefield, see Sheffield. Shelden, Shelding, see Sheldon. Sheldon, Shelden, Shelding, ancestors, 3040 mr., 680 Abigail, 611 Alicia, 2260 Anna, 1378 Asa, 538 Carrie B., 1495 Catharine, 2260 Charles, 3360 Charles Plenry, 2260 Cynthia, 669 Edward, 2360 Eliza. 1334 Elizabeth, 2260 Elizabeth Bellamy, 2260 Elizabeth E., 423 EUa Maria, 1334, 1495 EmUy, 772 Enos Benjamin, 1493 Enos P., 1493 Eunice, 53S Ezra, 611 George, 2360 George Sumner, 1334 Harriet, 3360 Plarriet Anne, 3034 Plenry, 3360 Herbert F., 1495 Hettie Eliza, 1493 Isaac, 394-5 Jane, 2260 Jonathan, 538 Jonathan H., 1334 Julia Edwards, 1378 Julia Pastoria, 1234 L. A., 433 Lansing, 772 Laura, 611, 1495 LUlian Marie, 1493 Lucinda, 1332 Lucy, 742 L-ucy H., 1493 Marie Louise, 1493 Mary, 3g4-5 Mary Almira, 1334 Mary EHza, 1334, iggs MindweU, 1823 Minnie Edna, I4g3 Phebe, 680 Ruth, gio, 1332 Sarah, 394, 777, 2260 Shade, 1334 SUas, 1378 Smith, 1493 Timothy, 1333 Warren J., 1495 William Lawrence, 3360 Shelley, Sarah, 1344 Shellharamer, John, 1354 Lavinia, 1354 Sarah Jane, 1354 Shelton, Charity, 1776 Jane, 2088 Lucy, 1365 Shenstone, Elizabeth, 1006 Joseph W., 1006 WilHam Thomas, 1006 Shepard, Shephard, Shep- heard, Shepherd, Shep pard, family, 1907 raiss, 2500 Abbie, 1148 Alice Celecta, iSSi Alice Clarinda, 2483 Alraira, 1676 Almira Medora, 594 Almon Clark, 1881 Andrew, 922 Ann, 1388 Ann Elma, 1299 Ann Stow, 940 Anna, 1008, 3482 Annie, 1676 Benjamin, 302 Betsey, 303 Betsey Hamblin, 1399 Bette, 188 Catharine, Catherine, 593, 1008 Charles, 4og Charles Plamblin, 1399 Charles Sprague, i3gg, 3500 Charlotte, 594 Clarissa, 739, 1300, 3493 Claude Eugene, 1 146 Cynthia, 1429 Cyrus L., 1840 Daniel, 5g4, 1148 Daniel Cleveland, 922 Daniel Perry, 5g4 David, 303 Deucy Melissa, 5g4 Dorothy, 4^, g2 Earl Simeon, 18S1 Edgar, 922 Edward, 1676 Eliza, 484, i2gg Eliza Maria, 4og Elizabeth, 79, 188, 516, 520, 1676, iggg Elizabeth Mary, 1676 Elizabeth Williams, 4og Emeline, 1543 Emerson Henry, 24gg Emily Cleveland, 485, 2482 Emma, 1676 Enoch, 1677 Esther, 485, 2482 Eugene Simeon, 1146 Eunice, 1300 Kva Belle, i2gg Fannv, 770 Fannie May, 1299, 2500 Frances Elizabeth, 1502-3 Frances Rebecca, 1300, 3500 Freddie, 1676 Frederic WiUiam, 1153 George, 1676 Gustavus, 407 Hamblin, i39g Hannah, 51, 18S, 303 Harriet, 1300 Harrv, 1655 Hazel Campbell, 3500 Helen, 407 Helen Delano, 34gg Henrietta, 1148 Henry, aog Henry Campbell, I3gg, 34gg Henry Delano, i3gg, 34gg Henry H., 1840 Henry Severance, g33 Henrv Sprague, i3gg Hezekiah, 783 Hiram, isno, 34gs Hiram Fish, 1881 2760 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Shepard, cont'd, Hulsa Waioridge, 594 Ichabod, 1300 Ida, 1840 Ida Jerusha, 1880 Ida Sarah, iSSo Isaac, 1148 Isaiah, 79 J. C, 3500 Jane, 407 Jennie, isgg Jennie Armstrong, 24gg Joanna, 2437 Joel Hamblin, 1300, 24gs John, 51, sgs, iggg John Creath, i2gg John Hannibal, 4g5 John Milton, 1148 Jonathan, 7g Jonathan Lewis, 1676 Joseph, 1676 Kate E., 1840 Laura Shepard, 1502-3 Lee Harlan, 1S81 Lester Clarence, 2483 Lovina Richardson, 5g4 Lura, 1300 Lydia, 770, i2gg, 1503, iSgs, 24g3 Lydia Ellen, i2gg Lydia M., 1146 Lydia Martin, 1880 Lyraan, 4S4 Mara, 24gg Margaret, log Marcia Ann, 2483 Maria, 626 Maria Elizabeth, 1676 Maria Moore, 485, 2482 Marietta, 2500 Martha, 302, gi4 Martha Patty, gi4 Mary, g40, 1676-7 Mary A., 3483 Mary Arabella,' 1399 Mary F., 1S40 ' Mary Hannah, 1677 Mary Lavinia, 1655 Marv Mildred, 1146 'Mason ClieUis, 594 Matilda Elizabeth, i39g, 34gg MiUicent, 1351 Morris F., 3322 Myron Joseph, sg4 Nancy Ann, 1677 Nathaniel. 7gs Nina Christine, 2483 OHve, 79 Orvis. 407 Patty, 914 Persis, 51 Phebe, Phoebe, 793, g22, 3488 Phebe S., 1676 Pierce, 484-5, 24S2 Polly, 647, 13.13 Rachel, 647 Ralph, 1148 Ralph WUton, 1881 Rebecca. 2g3, 1676, iggg Robert Lewis, 2500 Rosina, 1881 Roswell, 647, i2gg, 24g3 Roxana, 1300 Roxy A., 7S2 Russell, 15C2-3 Ruth, 11^8 Samuel, 1148 Samuel Warren, 1148 Sarah Frances. 2040 Sarah, 484, 2483 Sarah AmeHa, 1311 Sarah Ann, 485, g33, 3483 Sarah Hook, 1153 Sarah Margaret, i3gg Semira Rosina, sg4 Simeon, 6a'7. 1146, 1300 Solomon White, i2gg Stanley Lewis, 2483 Steny, 302 Susan, 3go, 1007, 3333 Susan Cordelia, 1881 Shepard, cont'd, Susan Teruah, 485, 2482 Susannah, 484 Thanks, 1148 Thoraas, 51, log, 4og, 1148 Timothy, g40, 2483 Turner, 770, 1503 Walter H., 1840 Warren Samuel, 1 148 Whiteraore, 302 Wilbur, 18S0 WilHam, 1008, 1300, 1676, 2500 Wii.iam Armstrong, i2gg, 2500 Williara Henry, 1676 \Villiam Langdon, i2gg William Pierce, 485, 2483 Willie, 1676 Shephard, Shepheard, Shep herd, Sheppard, see Shepard. Shepraan, rar., 533 PoUy, 533 Sherard, Margaret, 2220 Sherbun, see Sherburne. Sherburne, Sherbun, Charles, 1648 John, 813 Josephine, 1648 Mary, 813 Mary Elizabeth, 1260 Reuben Butterfield, 1260 Sarah Rackleifte, 1260 Warren, 1260 Sherer, see Shearer. Sherman, Schearman, Scherman, Schurraan, Shearman, branch, 1660 ran, 1757 of German origin, 1660 Abby, 630 Abigail, 7go, 3000 Agnes, 1660 Alanson, 1360 AHce, 1660, 1838 AUen D., g63 Almira, 47g Amy, 1353 Ann, 1S18 Anna, i77g Birdsey L., 1757 Caleb, 7go, 1660 Catharine, 673, 1333 Catharine Cleveland, g62 Charlotte, igss Chloe Ann, 1544 Columbia, g62 Dorcas, i87g Eber, 1818 Edmund, 1 147, 2000, 24go Edward Tucker, 830 Electa L., 1360 EH, ig20, igss EHphal, 1660 Eliza, 773 Elizabeth, 1147, 1660, 2490 Elizabeth Ann, 1935; 2501 Elizabeth Watkeys, 830 Ellen Dora, 1233 Emma Jane, 1380 Frances, 3360 Gertrude, 1494 Plannah, 445, 1493 Helen, i4g4 Helen Dora, 1232 Helen Plamilton, 830 Henry, 1660, 1818 Ira, 479 James, 13S0, igiS Jane, i4g3, 1838 Joane, 34go John, 673, 1 147, 1838, 2000, 24go John Emmett, 1232 John F., 2128 Sherman, cont'd, Judeth, Juduh, 1147, 2490- * Lucy, 1818 Leta, 1494 Lewis, 1493-4 Malinda, 212S Malinda Niel, 212S MarUIa, 1188 Martha, 1380, 1818, igi8 Mary, 829, 1293, 1818, 2000 Mary Palmer, 1918 Mary R., i4g3 MeHssa, 118S Miriam, 89S. Nathaniel, 1818 Nellie Dora, 1232 Olivia, 1818 Peleg, 773, 1660 Permelia, ig20 Phebe C, g88 Philip, lObo Phillipa, 1660 PhilHs, 1660 Prudence, 1S3S Samuel, 1147, 1660, 24go Sarah, 43g, 1147, 1660, 1818^ 1838 Sarah Permelia, ig30 Sterling, i4gs Susan, 1660 Susan Thatcher, 962 Susan Tyng, 1757 Thomas, 962, 1660 Welcome, 1188 William, 1493, 1838 WilHam Edwin, 1233 WilHam R., 829 see also Shoreman. Sherod, Minnie, 1897 Sherrer, see Shearer. Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle, 1617, 2405, George Washington, 1616 Irene Plorton, 1617 Lucy Cleveland, 1617 Lucy Proctor, 1616 Matilda Jane, 1616 Sherrill, see ShirrUl. Sherwin, Cynthia Robinson, 1468 Elizabeth, 1348 Ellen, 1347-8 Erama Lucinda, 1348 Emma PriscUla, 1348 Ezra Thompson, 1348 Hannah Kimball, 1468 John, 1347-8 Louise, 1348 Lucinda, 1348 Lyman Barrows, 1468 Marion, 1348 Sherwood, Amy, 1717 Carl George, 1718 Cephas G., 1305 Charles, 1128, 2254 Chloe, 1433 Cyrus, 1049- Denning, 1649 Diadama M., 1305 Elizabeth, 582, 1483 Florence, 1717 Frank Abbot, 1113 George F., 1718 George Isaac, 1717 Grace Eliza, 1718 Harriet, lodg, 2008 Harriet EUen, i64g Ida Celestia, 1471 Isaac, 1717 Jacob, 582 Joseph B., 1113 Lemira, 1659 Margaret, 336 Mary, 1049, 3254 Mary Ann, 1717 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2761 Sherwood, cont'd, Mary Burr, 2254 Mary C, 1718 Mary Cleveland, 1433 Mary Lundie, 1113 Myra M., 1305 NeUie Cornelia, 1718 Rebecca, 1433 Reuben, 1433 Sarah Elizabeth, 1128 Stephen, 1433 Stephen Philo, 1433 Theresa Louise, 1883 Viola, 1717 Williara Jeffords, 1718 Zadock, 1659 Shetland Isles and Orkneys, Gailcota, countess, 1108, 3303 Grelota, iioS, II 08, countess. 3303 Torfidur, eari of the, 1108, 2203 Torfin, earl of the, 3303 Shields, Shealds, miss, 1041, 1151 Elizabeth, 3153 Elizabeth Howard, 2483 James, 1151 John, 3153 Sarah F., 2172 Susannah, 1151 Shierling, Jack, 2161 Mattie, 2161 Shingledecker, Mary, 1534 Shinholser, Mary Annie, 2105 Shipboy, Eunice, 547 Joseph, 547 . Shipley, Augusta, 10S9 John, 2270 Leicester, 1089 Shipman, rar., 1522 Carl Cleveland, 1187 Caroline, 1675 Dawn Janette, 1187 Ejizabeth, 1674 Elizabeth Ann, 1675 EmeHne, 1675 Emily, 1675 Grace Kirtland, 1326 Henry Preston, 1326 Plester, 1187 James Wesley, 1187 John, 1674 Jessie Lee, 1326 John Henry, 1187 Louisa, 1675 Martha, 1675 Maria, 1674 Mary Avarilla, 1675 Marv Elizabeth, 1187 Oritha, 1431 Sarah Elizabeth, 1522 Susan, 167s Triphenia Jones, 1853 William, 1674 William Nelson, 1675 Shipp, Ann Luten, 1723 Shippee, Sbippey, Shippie, Adaline Freelove, 1475 Caleb Brown, 1475 Caleb Williara, 1475 Diana, 739 Elizabeth, 51, 1134 Mabel AdaHne, 1475 SaUy Ann, 1475 Shippen, Mary, 2145 Shippey, Shippie, see Ship- pee. Shires. Annette, 2300 Maria, 2300 Thomas. 2300 Shirev. Elizabeth, 34gg Mara. 211.99 Martin, 2|gg Shirley, Huldah, 2152 Mamie, 2167 Margaret, 888 William, 2281 Shirrill, Sherrill, Katharine, 2114 Martin Gayney, 1747 Mary Eliza, 1747 Shobey, see Schobey. Shochelach, Grilfin, lord of, sig Isabel, lady, 319 Roderic, lord, 319 Shockley, A. J., 2327 Shoe, Susan, 2145 Shoemaker, raiss, i^gs Amanda, 1637 Daniel, 1672 Daniel Lawrence, 1672 Egbert Plapiz Courtland, 1673 Elizabeth, 585, 1673 John, 1441 Lazarus D., iggi Martha Alice, 1673 Mary Ann, nsg Mary Catherine, 1672 Sarah, 1441 Susan, 1441 Shoop, Shoup, Jessie Thorp, 3462 Mary, 1295 Sarah Melissa, 3463 WiUiam N., 2462 Shore, see Shores. Shoreman, Catharine, 673 John, 673 see also Sherman. Shores, Shore, Burdette,, 69S Charles A. J., 743 Charlotte, 3343 Francis, 6g8 John, 743, 2343 Lucinda E., 743 Mary, 1SS4 Mary Ann, 1884 Mary H., 743 Nancy, 6g8 Samuel, 6g8 Sarah, 698 Sarah Ann, 6gS WiUiam, 698, 1884 Short, Abigail, 1186 Archie, 1635 ArthLir Cleaveland, gSg Ezra P., 989 Florienes, 1186 FrankUn William, 1186 Granville, 1635 Hannah Gray, 989 Harry. 1635 Lena Ledta, 9S9 Lydia Pierce, 98g Maryette, 1635 RandaU, 1635 Rebecca, 68 Shorten, Archie, 1635 Christopher, 1635 Eveline, 1635 ShorthiU, F.annie May, 3500 Lois A., 3500 Lydia May, 3500 R. S., 3500 Rollie S., 2500 T. Verno, 2500 Shotta, Shatta, Sarah Jane, 1331 Shotwell, Bersheba, 1018 Elijah, 1018 Elizabeth, 1058 Elizabeth Lidel, 1836 Elmina, 1836 Greenleaf, loiS Harriet, 1018 Ida, 1836 Jacob, 1018 Shotwell, cont'd, Jemima, 1018 John, loiS John Leonard, 1S36 Joseph L., 1836 Mary, 1018 Sarah, loiS William J., 1018 William Piatt, 1018 Shoup, see Shoop. Shourds, Almira, 1675 Daniel, 1675 Eraraa Jane, 1675 Ephraim Hammond, 1675 Mahitable, 1675 Showalter, Abraham, 1882 Christina, 1882 Margaret, 1882 Shower, ancestry (Pa. Dutch), 1855 Daniel, 1856 Hannah, 1856 Mary Catharine, 1855 MatUda, 1856 Sarauel, 1855 Waltina, 1855 Shreder, Celia, 1680 Shreves, Anna, 2148 Shrewsbury, ancestor, 2045 Shrigley, Augustus Wilford, 1138 Enoch, 1 138 Eugene Wilford, 112S Eunice Augusta, 1128 Janette Cleveland, 1128 Janette Eliza, 112S Julia Eliza, 112S Julia Wilford, 1128 Shrimpton, EHnor, 1670 Elizabeth, io6g-70 Henry, io6g Samuel, 1060-70 Shuaur, see Shearer. Shubert, EUa Augusta, 1518 Elsie Louise, 151S Mary Ann, 151S Theodore, 1518 Shubrick, raiss or rars., 3317 Shufelt, mrs., 716 Cyrus, 71S Cyrus Cleveland, 716 Elizabeth, 716-17 George, 716-17 Harriet, 716 Katherine, 717, 1426 Lucy, 71S Mary Ann, 716 Sally, 716 Sarah A., 716 Thomas, 716 Thomas F., 716 Shugart, Eva EHza, 2127 Shultus, Adaline, 1363 John M., 1363 I PhUena, 1363 Shultz, Margaret, 1 187-8 Shumway, Frank, J234 Helen Adelie, 1234 Lucy, 1686 Mary, 1373 SaUie, 1145 Shurtleff, ShurtUff, Caroline, 1380 - Horace Wales, 1380 Lucy Jane. 1380 Nathaniel Bradstreet, 85 Roswell, 364 Timothy Wales, 1380 ShurtUff, see Shurtleff. Shuster, Eraraa, 3466 Sibley, Sebley, Sybley, Anna Maria, 1360 Charles Mallaby, 1835 Edward F., 1563 2762 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Sibley, cont'd, Ella P., 1563 Eraily Mott, 1835 Fanny, 376 Jaraes, 1835 John, 1835 John Langdon, 1570 Lois, 421 Lucretia Cargill, 1360 Mary Augusta, 1835 Mary Lawrence, 1835 Oscar Easterly, 1835 PoUy, 2330 Rachel, 1835 Richard, 1835 Richard James, 1835 Royal, 1260 Sarah, 1835 Siceiler, see Sickler. Sickelmore, CHfford, 1013 Frances Abigail Jane, 1013 Frances Ann, 1013 Sickels, Sickles, mr., 1314, 1736 Annie' M., 1736 Catharine, 1736 Charles Ravraond, 1736 David Banks, 1736 Frederick Elsworth, 1736 Plester, 225g Hester Ann, 1736 Johannus, 1736 John, 1736 Kate Lincoln, 1736 Mary Elizabeth, 1736 Rebecca Phebe, 1314 Robert, 1736 William Elsworth, 1736 Zacharias, 1736 Sickler, Siceiler, Lydia, 442 William, 442 Sickles, see Sickels. Siddons, Henrietta, 2049 Siegrist, David, 3495 - Edith Annis, 3495 Hazel Barrett, 3495 Sigeferth, husband of Algitha or Ealdggyth, 366 Siger, Pierre, 1615 Sigge, king, 3304 Sigler, Sarah, 457 Signor, Amelia, 1514 Simeon, 1514 Sigournay, Sigournie, see Sigourney. Sigourney, Cigournai, Seg ourne, Sigournay, Sig ournie, Andre, 1488 Andrew, 148S Anthony, 1488 Charlotte, 1484 Lydia Pluntley, 507 Mary, 1488 Susanna, 1615 Sigurd, earl of the Orkneys, 1108, 3303 Sigurd Ring or Firing, king, 3304 Sill, Abigail, 547, 1160 Addison, 547 Alpheus, 547 Asenath, 547 Daniel, s^7, 1160-1 David Fithian, 3330 Eunice A., 547 Jemima, 547 Joanna, 547 Nancy Ann, 547 Susan. 1160 Sillee, Andrew, 45 I-, 45 Silliman, Beniarain, 861 Sarah Elizabeth, 1079 Silva, John, 431 Sophia, 431 Silver, Almeda, 813 Mary Adeline, isgi P., 812 Silvernail, mr., 1331 Fanny, 1331 Mary Lillian, 1345 Richard Perry, 1345 Silvester, see Sylvester. Simex, Crista Eliza, i33g Simraens, see Simmons. Siraraerraan, Elizabeth, 1675 Siraraons, Fitz Symonds, Simmens, Simonds, Simons, Simonse, Simon- son, Simonton, Symonds, Symons, Symonse, Sy raonson, rars., i486 Ada Frances, issg Adelia, 16S5 Alfred Alston, 1858 Allen G., 3ogg Almira, 6g6, 1360 Amos, 72 Ann, 1038 Ansel, 404 Benjamin, 2280-1, 2330 Betsey, 551 Calvin C, 696 Caroline, 387 Catherine, 2484 Charles Ezra, 1685 Clyde Cleveland, 1551 D. W.. 3165 Daisy Ethel, 1858 Deborah, 349 Dorcas Bagley, 836 Ebenezer, 72 Elbert D., 1551 Elizabeth, 340, 349 Emma Derby, 1947 Ethel, 1551 Eunice, 1564 Frances Jane, 1329 Francis, 72 Garret Alston, 1858 George Earl, 1551 Gertrude Elizabeth, 1594 Plarriet Frances, 3165 Plarvey B., 546 Helen Sabra, i486 Plezekiah. 3165 Howard Lisle, 1685 Ichabod, 1685 Ida Eunice, 1551 J. S., 1603 Jaraes, 836-7 Jane R., 546 jnanna, 838-9, gio Joel, i486 John, 54, ig47, 3484 Jonathan, 346S ¦ Joseph, 551 Laura, 1603 Laura Gardner, 1601 Lavinia Dorothy, 1018 Lucy Jane, 16S5 Lvdia, 72, 404 Margaret, 2i7g Margriet, Margrita, 24ig Mark, gio Martha, 54, 34g Mary, 546, i33g, 3099, 3119 Mary Ann, 14S6, ig47 Mary Eliza, 1336 Maryette, 1163-3 Melissa Martha, i486 Mercy, g5-6, 1339 Molly, 73 Moses, sng Nancy Ema4ine, 3165 Oatman Strong, i486 Ossian Hurd, i486 Pauline, 1858 Priscilla, Pryscilla, gio, 246S Simmons, cont'd, Rebecca, 795 Reuben, 72 Richard, 349- 1038 Ruth, 48g Sarauel, 34g Sarauel Curtis, 1329 Sarah MerrUl, 836-7 Selinda M., 546 Ursula, 2108 Varnum P., 1594 Warren Cowdrey, i486 WilHam, 31 Ziba, 546 Zipporah, 72 Simms, see Symraes. Simonds, Simons, Simonse, Simonson, Simonton, see Simmons.' Simpkins, Jackson, 1906 John, 1545 Juene, 1545 Lena, 1545 Palmyra, 1906 Rebecca, 1906 Simpson, mrs., 474 Annie, 1923 Charles Sanford, 975 Dean Lee, 2470 Edward Mortimer, 474 Elizabeth, 474, 6g7 Esther, g75 Herbert Melville, g75 James, g75 Jaraes Cleveland, 474 Jennie, 1752 John, 474 ^ Joseph, 2470, 3477 M. J., igSo Margaret, 1752 Maria, 975 Marietta Beulah, 2470 Mary, 1752 Mary Eliza, 975 Mary Sprague, 975 Maud Annie, 2477 Nettie Beulah, 3470 Sarah, 474, 3477 Sarah Mortiraer, 474 Warren Atwood, g75 M'^illiam, g75, 1753, 2470 WiUiam Sprague, g75 .Sims, see Symmes. Sinclair, mrs,, 2303 Ada Maria, 2303 Catharine, 1180 David, 2303 Elfleda Blanche, 2303 Elizabeth, 2303 fjrace EHza, 2303 Levi Miller, 2303 Nellie Cowen, 2303 OrviUe Greer, 3303 Sophia, 600 Sine, Charity, 1036 Mary Ann, 1036 Peter, 1036 Sarah Sibella, 1026 William, 1026 Sineer, Adam, 798-9 Christiana, 7g8-g Isaac Mastin, 7gg Ruth, 79S-9 Sarah Catharine, 3486 Sidney, 24S6 Singletary, Eunice, 703 Molly, 442 Richard, 703 Susannah, 703 Singleton, Chingleton, Ann, 2077 Mary, 615 Richard, 2077 Sinsel, Adelbert, 1348 Mary Elizabeth, 1348 Sipp, Maria, 1015 Sipple, Anna, ig6g Georgie E., 241S INDEX OF PERSONS. 2763 Siric, Svein,_,i74i Sisson, Charles H., 1189 Cornelia, 1189 Edward J., 1180 Frances, ii8g Frances A., n8g George, ii8g Hannah, 1189 Harriet E., n8g Julia A., 1189 Mabel E., 1189 Mary Rosanna, 1877 May E., iiSg Oscar, 1877 Sophia, iiSg Thomas, nSg Sitton, Carry, 2ig6 James Tarrant, 2ig6 James Washington, 2ig6 John Luty, 2196 Joseph Henry, 2196 Mary, 2196 Rosanna Vashti, 2195-6 William Franklin. 2196 Skeels, Elizabeth, 584 Skelton, Skilton, Deborah, 193 John, 2437 Margaret Hannah, 2160 Mary Ann, 2159-60 Matthew, 2437 Noel, 2160 Pamelia, 2437 Skidmore, Almira, 161 1 Skiff e, captain, 429 Sarah, 429 SkiUette, Ariadna Soper, 786 Edward, 7S6 Edward Day, 7S6 Susannah, 786 Skillicome, mr., mrs., 1985 SkiUington, Kenelm, 520 Rachel, 520 Skilton, see Skelton. Skinner, mr., 1677 mrs., 444, 606 Affhia, 205 Albert IToratio, 1677 Araanda C, 589 Anne, 1 122 Anson, 1409 Calvin, 745 Carrie, 16S2 Castilla, 1375 Catherine, 606 Charles A., 1534 Charles Arthur, 606 Charies P. S., S16 Charles Warren, 1534 Clarence Burdette, 1682 Clarissa, 745 Clayton Porter, 1683 Cornelia Anna, 606 Dwight Livingston, 606 Elizabeth Maria, 1677 EUen, 1677 EUian, 1677 Emeline, 1677 Emraa Jane, 1677 Flora Hattie, 1682 Florence Electa, 1682 George, 606, 1677 George Nelson, 745 Harriet Sophia, 1683 Helen Penoyer, 606 Henry, 1677 Ina Sarah, 1682 Isaac Pardee, 589 John, 520, iioS Jonathan, 305 Lizzie, ig6g Leon, i4og Loretta Ann, 1677 Marietta, 1534 Mary, iioS Mary Clark, 816 Mary E., 589 Mary Elizabeth, 606 Minerva L.. 1200 Nancy, 520 Skinner, cont'd, Nancy Ann, 1677 Nellie S., 1409 Oliver, 444 Philip Byron, 1682 Reuben, i30o Sarah PL, iggs Sarepta, 205 Solomon Parker, 1682 Sophronia G., 13S6 Susan, 745 Siisanna, i7gg Skiold, king of Zealand and Jutland, 2204 Skioldunger race of kings, 2204 Skipworth, of Cotes, 25, 2054, 2247 Skure, Emily Florence, igss John, igss Skutt, Rosanna, 1633 Skutter, Alice, 87 Slack, Ann Eliza, i6g3 Charity, s8g Huldah, s8g James, 589 Lucinda, 650, 1303 Sarah, i2gi Slade, mr., 1844 Anabel, 2108 Ann P., 310S Annie, 210S Chauncey B., 1420 Edward, 1660 Eleanor Virginia, 1844 EHphal, 1660 Jesse Franklin, 2108 Margaret, 1420 Mary Louisa, 1420 Meeky Hardin, 2108 Mercy, i65g-6o Samuel, 1660 Sarah, 1660 Susan, 2108 Thomas, 2108 Thomas Howard, 2108 William, 1660, 3108 WiUiara B., 3108 Slafter, Dorothy, 603 John, 664 Mary Pearson, 664 Persis, 664 WUliam, 664 Slate, see Sleight. Slater, mr., 361 Abigail, 361 Grace EHza, 3303 Helen L., 1360 Kate, 1632 Mary Ann, 1333 Mary EHza, 1333 Salmon, 1333 William, 1360 Slaughenhaupt, Catharine Eudora, gig Ida Louisa, gig James DehofI, 919 Jane Louisa, gig Kate Eudora, gig Mary Ann, gig Sarauel, 919 Slawson, see Slosson. Sleavey, Edy, 45 Florence, 45 Sleeper, Alice Elsie, 1923 Charles W., 1923 Lydia, 806 Sleight, Slate, Angelo Cleaveland, 1213 Carrie Eugenia, 1213 Electa, 1305 Elizabeth, 1212 Ella C, 130S Frederick Stephen, i3i3 Frederick Wilson, 1212 George, go7 George W., go7 John Henry, 1213 Jonathan L., 1305 'Mary May, 1313 Lydia Diadama, go7 Sleight, cont'd, Stephen Plenry, 1213 Susan Ophelia, 121 2 Sleswick and Stormarch, Gundella, dtichess of, 1 108 Thebotaw, duke of, iioS Sloan, see Sloane. Sloane, Sloan, family, 1041 miss, 1041 Harriet, ig47 Isabel, 1466 Lucretia, 1471 Sarah, 1041 Slocum, Slokera, Achsa, 750 ApoUos, 74S, 750 Benjamin Franklin, 750, Britania, 750 Christiana, 750 Cynthia, 1311 Deborah, 74S, 750 Elvina, 750 Pliram, 750 John I)uty, 1406 Jerusha, 750 Lorin, 750 Margaret, iigi Maria, 750 Maria Boren, 1406 Maria Dawson, 831 Mary, 750, 1470 Mary EUza, 1406 Mary White, 131 1 Matilda, 1387 Otis, ^50 Rebecca, 748 Richard, 1311 Samantha, 750 Simon, 750 Sophia, 750 WUliam Augustus, 750 Slokem, see Slocum. Slosson, Slawson, David, 897 Electa, 1598 Enoch, 1598 Esther, 897 Ezbon, isgS Julia, 897 Margaret, 1598 Mary Elizabeth, 743 Nathaniel, 1598 Rachel, 743 Reuben, 742; Sarah, 1597-8 Sloura, Catharine, 2083 Sluraan, Margaret, 700 Mary, 2471 Slusser, Charles, 1438 Frederic, 1438 Gordon Preston, 1438 Jacob, 1437 Jane, 1437 Jesse, 1437-8 John, 1437 Kate, 1438 Mary, 1437-8 Sarauel, 1437 Slygh, Georgiana, 1048 Small, raiss, 1004 mrs., 1735 Adelia, 1004 Adelia Claudine, 1004 Alice, 1004 Alvin, 414 .iVnn, 414 Benjamin Buckbee, 1735 Benjamin Stiles, 1735 Charies F., 1735 Claudine Louie, 1004 Eunice Alvaretta, 1167 Frank Austin, 1004 George D., 1004 Harry Herbert, 1004 Helen T., 1004 Ida P., 1004 John J., 1004 Lewis Burnet, 1735 Louisa F., 1735 Maria, 1004 Warren, 1167 WilHam, Unger, 1004 Sraalley, Abel, 1467 Abigail Slocum, 1467 Abraham, 3393 Carrie Maria, 1467 David, 1936 Edna Isadore, 1467 Elmer Alonzo, 1467 Etta Josette, 1467 Herbert Abel, 1467 Isaac N., 1936 2764 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Smalley, cont'd, Lydia, 2292 Martha, 1936 Sarah, 771-3, 1467 Smallpiece, Martha, 60 Smallwood, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 James, 958 Mary, 958 Nancy, 958 Smart, Sally, 844 Smead, Smeed, mr., 466 Deborah, 1657 Elihu, 1657 Eliza Ann, 1657 Eunice, 1305 Harriet, 1965 Judith, 466 Ruth Tryphosa, 1657 Sidney Smith, 1657 VisUlah, 466 WUliara, 466 Smedley, Abigail, 2339 AHce, 1642 Irene, i3gi Mary, 1310 Rebecca, 1043 Sraelser, Betsey, 2151 Smith, Smythe, raiss, 763, 1018, 1730, 3114, 3437, 245s mr., 3i8, 763, gsS, 1438, 1574, I7g3, ig66, 3108, 2266, 2455 mrs., 1374, i6g6, i7g3, 3349 Aaron, 87, 413, 1589 Abbal, 678 Abby Kelley, 1315 Abiah, 6g6 Abiel, ^7 Abigail, 87, 5sg, 541, 876, 1213 Ada, g44, nSo Ada Louisa, 1005 Addie, i6g6 Adelaide Juliana, 1646 Adeline, 1405 Adin, 338 Aggie Jane, 1180 Agnes, i7gi Albert, 1803 Albert H., 334g Albert James, 1171 Alexander, 6S3, 2068 Alfred, 434 Alfred James, iiSo Alice, 87, 383, sSg, 713, 1382, 3173 Alice Celecta, 18S1 AHce Lawrence, 383 Allen, 1405 Almira, 1171, 1533, 2485 Alonzo, 638 Alvin Fuller, 18S1 Ama Ann, 1180 Amanda, 1363, 1541, 2052 Ambrose, 483 AmeHa, 1038, isSg* 1507, 3487 Amos, 1646, 3044-5 Amy, 317, sig Amy Ann, iiSo Andrew, ig7g Angeline, 1338, 1684 Ann, 129, 139, 364, S4I, 683, 763, 1696, ig26, 2046, 2115, 3i4g Ann Eliza, 682 Ann Elizabeth, 34go Ann Maria, 370 Anna, 383, 3g4, 480, 2040, 34g4 Anna D., 813 Anna Kinne, 1313 Anne, i3g, isg Annette Robitoy, 1830 Annie, 633, 1037 Annie M., 1736 Annie Maria, 1180 Annie Rebecca, 1742 Ansel Soules, 485, 3483 Antoinette, 480 Archie Lloyd, 3044 Arthur, ig88 Arthur Gilbert, 18S1 Arthur Monroe, 1S76 Arthur Payne, 1038, 3487-8 Smith, cont'd, Asa, i7g Augusta Bowen, 1476, igsi Augustus Edwin, 1384 Augustus Fitzalan, 1106 Aurelia, 1313 Avire E., 678 Azubah, 2g6-7 Barbara, 1641 Baxter Perry, 173 Belila, 270 Benjarain, 588, 6S1, 684, g78, 1978, 2271, 2278, 2337 Benjarain Cleveland, 2177 Benjamin Franklin, 1876 Bertie A., 684 Bessie Plines, 1175 Betsey, 270, 333, 536, 591, 679, I3g8, 1362, 2431 Beulah, i4gg Bixler, gi4 C. S., 725 Caleb Blood, 1282 CaHsta Philinda, 1684 Caroline, 63g, 683, 1334, 1542, ig66, igS7, 2sog Caroline A., 628 Caroline C, g7o Caroline Kelden, 1167 Caroline Matilda, 6go, 1390 Carrie Kel den , 1 1 67 Carrie Louise, 629 Catalina, 790-1 Catalina Eliza Maria, 790-1 Catharine, 1180, 1221, 1343, 3393 Catharine Cleveland, 419 Charles, 62S, 683 Charles Ellis, 1244 Charles Fremont, 2044 Charles Gilman, 1837 Charles H., 334g Charles L., i6g6 Charles ^McKnight, 1735 Charles Martin, 1362 Charles S., 1362 Charles Stanley, 784, 3451 Charlotte, 746 Charlotte Marshall, 6gi Charlotte Rose Cleveland, ig53 Chester, 1635 Chileab, 2034 Christopher, 383, 1147, igso Clara Thomas, 713 Clarissa, 1006, 1477, 3366 Clarissa Alexander, ig3g-3o Clarissa Caroline, ig53 Clarissa Congdon, 713 Clarissa Crane, isSg Clarissa Maria, 600 Cleveland, 3177 Cleveland Houghton, 3044 Cleveland Wead, 1564 Clinton, 1363 Content, 413 Cornelia Ann, 1050 Cornelius, 1844, 3457 Cynthia, gn, i88g Cyril Greenwood, 1735 Damia May, 1175 Dana R., 678 Daniel Cleveland, 384 Darius, 1684 David, 363, 1820 David Arthur, 1180 Deborah, 4S0, 735 Delilah, 1292 Delos, 6S1 Derdamia, 1175 De Witt Miner, 1736 Dodridge, 790-1 Don George Alexander, 1952 Dorcas, 284 Dorathy, 2343 Dorothy, 451, 480, 1270, 1777 Smith, cont'd, DrusiUa, 334 Dudley, 1930 Ebenezer, 179, 536-7. 22go^ 2431, 3451 Edgar Ferdinand, isSg Edie DeU, 3044 Edmund, 3021 Edmund J., 1532 Edward, 623, 633, g6i, 1167,. 1374, 1862, Edwin Fernando, i38g Edwin G., 1238 Effie A., 1238 Electa, 678 Electa Lucina, 67g Elihu Johnson, 1564 Elijah, 480, 691 Elijah Cleveland, 678 Elijah Luce, 419 Elijah Martin, 1362 Eliza, 317, 623, 1131, 1359,. 1384, 1443, 1661, 2115 Eliza Cleveland, 2145, 2177 EHza Cromwell, 2177 Eliza Pierce, 1464-5 Elizabeth, 161, 371, 331, 334, 402, 477, 480, 543, 681, 712, 856, g73, 1030, 1075, 1047, 1163, 1167, 131^, 1386, I4sg, 1915, 1935, ig2g-30, 2017, 2045, 2igg, 2251, 22g2, 2457- Elizabeth A., 628, 1362 Elizabeth Ann, 1143-4 Elizabeth Hines, 1 175 Elizabeth Jane, 3165-6 Elizabeth Wilsey, 1735 Ellen, 338, ipi4, 1363, i43g EUen Cordelia, 784 Ellen E., 1238 Ellen Elizabeth, ig66 EUen Frances, 1173 EUen M., 774 Elliot, no6 Elliott Iverson, 3116 Elraina Wait, I4g4 Elvisa Tracy, 1306 Emeline, 1184, 1363 Emerett, ig78 Eraily, 6S1, 3013 Eraily Louisa, 1646 Eraily Maria, 1S03 EmUy Stuart, 1803 Emma, 774, 1416, 1735-6" Emma Adelia, 2453 Emraa C, 1374 Emma Jane, 2167 Erastus, 1184 Eric Vernon, 1735 Ernest M., 1574 Esther, 125, 3S9-90, 558,. noS, igso Ethel lone, 1735 Etta Eunice, i42g Eunice, 408, 1315, 1640 Eva May, 1876 Experience, 510 Ezekiel Niel, 3166 Ezra, 1244, 2013 Fannie, Fanny, 47g, 1362,. 1541 Fannie M., 1844 Fideliaj iigS Finley L., 2014 Flora Ann, 1224 Flora N., 1736 Frances, isSg. 1827, igSi Frances Amelia, isSg Francis H., 480 Frank, 1507 Frank Ervin William, i88e Frank Poillon, 1005 FrankHn, 784 Frederick, 784, 1 167 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2765 Smith, cont'd, Frederic Stevens, 1862 Frederick W., ggo Freelove Wiggins, 1071 Freeman, 628 George, 1147, 1588 George Cleveland, 1363 ¦George Plenry, i8gs ¦George Lyman, i6g6 George Wilson, 3453 Georgia Louise, 3044 Gershom, 1085 Gertie, 1180 Gertrude, 1004, 1303 Gertrude Elizabeth, 2048 Gertrude Paulison. 1005 GUbert Orman, 18S1 Grace, 1746b Grace H., ggo H. B., szg Hamilton, 683 Hannah, 87, igg, 243, 345, 35S, 6i3, gi6, g84, 2034 'Hannah Stanford, 22go Harriet, 483 Harriet A., 1611, 2014 Harriet Augusta, 1737 'Harriet Elizabeth, 1S62 Harriet IsabeUa, 370 Harriet M., 684 Harriet M'aria, 629 Harriet Rebecca, 1837 Harvey S., 324g Hattie Maud, ig79 Hector, 784 Helen, 1987 Helen E., 1338 Helen Marion, 746 Helena Doremus, 1005 Henry, 87, 245, 331, 547, i792 ' Henry Clay, igSi Henry Griffin, 270 Henry Melville, 1363 Herbert, g44 Herbert James, 713 Herbert! Rusher, 1736 Hiram, gi4 Hiram C, 684 Hiram Fish, 18S1 Horace Henry, 364 Horatio A., 3433 Howard Clarence, ig79 Huldah, 678 Ida, 1393, 2053 Ila Estelle, 3167 Ira, 3S4 Ira M., 1050 Irene, 1611 Isaac, 317 Isabel Alice, 1313 Isobel Houghton, 3044 Israel, 1541 Israel Jordan, 1315 Ivan Leroy, ig7g .J. DeWitt, 1363 Jabez, 774 James, 345, 394, 396-7, 677, 1167, 1180, I3I3, 1334, 1342, 3040, 3115 Jaraes Aramitigus, 1389 Jaraes Edward, 1863 Jaraes Fairchild, 1334 James Hanford, 1334 Jaraes Harris, 383, 67S James Madison, ig7g James Ovette, 1564 Jaraes P., 1050 James Sloan, 3115 Jane, 383, 938, 1005, 1212, 1333. 1844, 304S Jane Ann, 576 Jane Julia, 1574 Jane L., 1238 Jane Wood, 1175 jedediah, 87, 602, 1661 Jennie L., 1338 Jennie Wood, ii75 Jenny Wright, 3ig7 Jere, 336g, 3381 Smith, cont'd, Jeremiah, 384, 317, sig, 684, i3i5> 1939, 236g, 33S1, 2482 Jesse, 2048 Jessie, iS8g Jessie Sophronia, 1952 Joan, 217s Joanna, 1030, igso Joel, sSg John, 178, 245, 270, 362-4, sSg, sg8, 48g, 623, 684, 743, g44, 1030, 1175, 1476, 1641, i7g2, ig2g-3o, 2173, 3351, 226g, 3451, 3483 John B., 684 John Calvin, 513 John Clark, 678 John Cleveland, 370 John D., 1131 John PL, 1344 John Harvey, 3053 John Lenard, 1416 John Lyman, 1476, ig53 John Sprague, g78 John Thomas, 3167 John Warner, 370 John Wesley, 1180 John Wheelock, 364 John William, 1171 Johnston, 1180 Jonas, 317 Jonathan, 3483 Joseph, 363-4, 4ig, 1108, 1147, igso, 2488 Joseph Drake, 1006 Josephine Zabriskie, 1735 Josiah, 317, 3044 Josiah Demming, 67g josiah Gilman, 1837 Josiah Granville, 3044 Josiah Lyraan, 911 Judith Esther, 1244 Julia, 1257, 1862, 1953 Julia Ann, 1893, 1995 Julia Cleveland, 1106 Julia Eliza, 3393 JuHa Maria, 1953 Juliet Ann, 3176 Junius Augustus, 1889 I Erasmus, 878 Esther, g4g, 1122-3 Eva Lydia, 1633 Eva Maude, 1633 Eve Ann, 1329 Eveline, 928 Fannie, 742 Fannie Donizetta, 2453 Frances Amelia, 1923 2772 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Stevens, cont'd, Frances Augusta, 1948 Francis, 1039 Francis Asbury, 1255 Francis Milton, 2145 Frank Carroll, 705 George, 637 George Plenry, 1934 Gertrude Olney, 1443 Gilman, 637 Grace, 878 Greenleaf, 637 Hannah, 597, 1461 Hannah Elizabeth, 2145 Hannah Jane, 950 Harriet Eleanor, 2453 Hattie Louisa, 1461 Helen Isadore, 709 Henry, 705, 928, issg Herschel, 3453 Hiram, 1461 Huldah, 3S3 James, sgs, 1633 james Alexander, i75g-6o James Harvey, 1254 James Henry, 2145 James Nelson, 1255 Joanna, 2032 John, 878, 1760, 2236, 33oS-g John Irving Inskip, 3453 John White, 2017 Jonathan, igs Joseph, 414, 955, 1705 Joseph T., g4g Julia Ann, 2145 Judith, ii4g Judson N., 1461 Julia, 1862 Laura, 705 Laura Shackelford, 2145 Leslie, 2243 Lizzie S., gso Louisa, g4g, 1103 ' Lucy, i7g Lydia, 2g3 Lydia Matilda, 2017 Malvina, 1384 Marcia, 716 Mare E., igs4 Maria, i7Sg-6o Martha Ann Prentice, 1862 Martin H., 1503 Mary, 2g3, 414, 1173, isSg, 1934, 2145 Mary Agnes, 1461 Mary Alice, 710 Mary Frances, 2145 Mary Luis, 2145 Nabby, 363 Nancy Ann, 3145 Nancy Jennett, S145 Nason, 710 Nehemiah, 1166 Nettie F., 1503 Nye, 1034 Olive Orta, 2145 Oliver, 361-2 Oren, 1385 Orlando, 415 Oscar, 637 Pauline, 637 Pedee Taylor, 1254 Phebe, 863 Purlina, 1461 Rachel, 808, g4g, 1760 Rachel Merrill, gso Rebecca, 1166, 1465 Reuben, 5g7 Rhoda Anna, issg Robert, 4sg, g6S, 3453 Robertha Youngs, 3453 Rosanna, gss, 1705 Ruth, 1254 Ruth P., 87g Salena Huntington, 2485 Samuel, 1254 Stevens, cont'd, Sarah, igs, 415, 637, g4g Spencer Benjamin, 2017 Susan, 346, 637 Susan Marian, 7og Susan Olive, 2145 Susannah, 710, 87S Temperance Cook, 950 Theodore, 148 Thomas, 175 Thomas G., 2487 Walter Webb, 1948 Waterman, 179 Williara, 1613 WiUiara Henry, S145 William W., 1933 Zareph, 148 Zelotes, 709 Stevenson, Steavenson, Stephenson, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13, 2141 Abigail, 1761 Ada Ethelyn, 2475 Adeline, g48 Ann, ssg Caleb, 1534 Caroline, 1534 Elizabeth, 1187, 2184 Florence, 1534 George, 1534 George L., 1753 Henry J., 430 Ida, 1534 Jane G., 430 John, 1534 Julia Emily, 2isg, 2141 Luella Jessie, 3475 Mabel Ethelyn, 3475 Martha, 1703 Mary, 1703 Nancy, 3374 Nellie Louise, 1753 Nettie, 1534 Permelia, 1534 Philander, 1534 Rebecca Ann, 1175 Ruth, is6g Shubra, g48 Thomas, 1761 Vernon King, 3141 WiUiam, 1703 William Edgar, 2475 Steves, Elizabeth, 1166 WiUelmina, 1845 Steward, see Stewart. Stewart, Steward, Stuard, Stuart, kings, 15 miss, 1553 mr., 1003 mrs., 2200 royal, sog Abashi, g74 Abbie Hillman, g74 AbigaU, 215 Adelia, 1003 Alexander, 2g3, 1267, 1342 AHce Rebecca, 2022 Alraira, g73 Alvin, g73 Angeline, g72 Ann, 1057 Ann Maria, 2221 Anna A., ig4g Anstres Emerson, 7gi Archibald, 1003 Benjamin, g7s Betsev Claghorn, g72 Caroline Maria, isgi Chester Vadgate, isgi David, 7gi, nog Earl Davis, isgi Edmundt g74 Eliza Jane, 137S Elizabeth, g72, nog Emma, 570 Esther, 1708 Ethelenda, 972 Fidelia Lovejoy, 1378 Fletcher, 1378 GUbert Charles, 1057 Stewart, cont'd, Hannah, igs. 432. 95i, 139^ Harriet, 1086 Harriet Lewis, 974 Hector, 3200 Isabel, nog Isabella, 1120 Isabella Alice, 2267 Jaraes, 414, 972-3. "66, 1391, 1820 James Bigelow, 951 Jane, 1258, 1553 Jane Ann, 973 Joan, nog John, S15, 570, nog John McNiell, 2200 Joseph Jewett, gsi Laura Agnes, isgi Lemuel, 1378 Lizzie A., isSg Lucia S., 1708 Lurana, g73 Margaret, 789, 1547, 1985 Margery, 15 Martha, 2200 Mary, 507, 509 Mary A., 550 Mary Davis, 789 Mary J., 1362 Mary Jane, 2022 Matilda Elizabeth, 1820 Mina A., 67g Myrtle Martha, isgi Nancy, 1820, 2267 OHve, gso Philander, g73 Polly, 1343 Prudence, 43s Robert, nog Rosetta, 1837 Sally, 973-3, 1378 SaUy Ann, 550 SaUie Wharton, 2200 Samuel Wilson, 2022 Sarah, 171, 475, 1267, 1481 Sarah L., 1166 Sarah Parker, 951 Solomon, 1708 Sophia Cleveland, 972 Sophronia Eliza, 1904 Susan, 414 Susannah, 791 Taylor, 2267 Thankful, 292-3, 972 Theresa, 134s Thomas, 432, 789, 950 Thomas H., 550 Walter third lord high, 15 Wilkes C, 550 William, 974 Sticknee, see Stickney. Stickney, Sticknee, miss or mrs., 348 Abial, 1919, ig2i AbigaU, 1583, igig Abraham, igig Adaline, 845 Addie Laura, igsi Alpheus Beede, 303g-4o Amanda, 348, 845 Amos, 34S, 845, g52 Andrew, 348-g Ann, 1583 Anna, 2040 Annette Melissa, 1864 Barzillai, ig2i Benjamin, ig2i Betsey, ig2i Carver, 1583 Charles, ig2i Charies Sumner, 15S3 Charlotte Bell, 2osg Christiana, 1584 Cleveland, 1583 Corwin Dewitt, 1583 Daniel, 2040 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2773 Stickney, cont'd, Darwin, S45 Edwin, 845 Egbert, 845 Eleanor, 348 Electa, S45 Elinor, igig Elisha, 348, S45 Eliza, 845 Elizabeth, 34S EUa Maranda, igig Elvira Sophia, 1583 Elvy Ingalls, igig Emma, 1583 Emma Adelia, igig Erastus Parker, 1583 Eva Florence, igig Fannie, Fanny, 845, gS2 Francis Hollis, iggs Frederick Harailton, 1584 George, 1583 George Edward, iggs Hamilton, 1584 Hannah, ig2i, iggs Harriet, 1583 Helen Adelaide, 1583 Henry, ig2i Plenry Hubert, ig2i Hubert Henry, ig2i Ira Carver, 1584 Israel, 845 James, 348, 845 Jane, 1583, ig2i John, gS2 Joseph, 1921 Jotham, iggs Juliaette Abigail, igsi Julian, igig Katharine Wilts Herzog, 2osg-4o , Laurence Charles, 203g Lavinia, 845 Levi, iggs Lorane, Lorena, 348, 845 Lottie, iggs Lucia, 845, 1583 Lucia Caroline, igig Lydia, 348 Margaret, 348, 1995 Martha, 1583 Mary, 952, igig, igsi, 2040 Matthew Adams, 348 Mehitabel, 874 Molly, iggs Moses, ig2i, iggs PoUy, 845 Reona Culver, 1584 Reuben, 348, 845 Reuben C, 845 Reuben Elijah, 1583 Robert, 348 Robert Adams, 203g Ruth Payne, 348 Sally, igig Samuel, igig Samuel Crosby, 203g Sarah, 348, gS2, 1995, 2040 Sarah Cleveland, 348 Sarah H., iggs Skeriah, 845 Sophronia, 348, 845 Thomas, 2040 Ursula Moriah, 2040 Wade, iggs William, 348, gs2, 2040 WiUiam Henry, 1583-4 Stidd, Jonathan Owen, 1472 Julia, 1472 Sally, 1472 Stierwalt, Ada Eva, 1268 Andrew, 1268 Martha, 1268 StUes, Henry Reed, 71 Louisa F., 1735 Mary, 417 Mary Louisa, 614 Moses, 173s Roxanna, 1647 StiUman, Ann, 664 Annie Dell, I47g Elias Anson, 2038 Elizabeth, 2034 Florence Irene, 2038 George, i47g J. D. B., 1155 Mary, 664 Mary Jane, I4g2 Nathaniel, 664, 2034 Saberah, 1375 Sadie Stanton, 2038 Sarah, i4g2 Willett, i4g2 Stillwell, see StilweU. . Stilson, Lucy, 1362 Philena, 1363 Stilwell, StiUweU, Alexander, 1243 Alice, 1730 Almira, gg7 Alton, 1243 Ann, gg7 Caroline, 997 Catharine, 997 Charles Cleveland, 1243 Charles Francis, 1733 Dora, 1243 Elizabeth, 2457 Emily, 1243 Emily Elizabeth, gg7 Eugenie Laudra, 997 George Green, gg7 George Lewis, gg7 Harriet Smith, 997 Jasper, 2467 Jemima, gg6 ICate, gg7 Louisa, 1733 Margaret, 996-7 Mary, 1731 Nellie, 1731 Nicholas, 9g6 Persis, 1243 Sadie, 1733 Wealthy, 1243 Stimson, Edward Dwight, 1024 Lilian Cleveland, 1024 Lucinda, 1024 Sanford Joseph, 1024 Sarah Eunice, 1024 Stinger, Elizabeth, 1635 Hannah, 1635 Robert, 1635 Julia, 548 Pauline, 1617 Peter, S7g Polly, 587 Sallie, 57g Sarah, 548 Sylvia, 54g WilHam, 548 Stirling, earl of, 1760, i8ig lord, 1760, iSig Stiteler, Stitler, Catharine, i63g Hannah Elizabeth, 1085 Stitler, see Stiteler. Stitt, Eliza EUen, 1265 William, 1265 Stockhara, Mary, 1330 Stockholm, Stokholm, Andrew, 1030 Jane, 1030 Stocking, Camilla, 1222 Charles Henry Wright, 2490 Eunice, i486 George, i486 Jeremiah, 1341 Mary E., 1487 Sabra, 1485-6 Samantha, 1340-1 Stockirg, Daniel, i8n Julia AristeUa, 1811 Mary, 1811 Stockman, Elizabeth, 1917 Stockton, Betsey, 2077 Betty, 3077 Davis, 3077 Elizabeth, 3077 Prudence, 1449 Stockum, Louisa, 1669 Stockwell, Amelia Melvina, 1530 Asa, 1334 Betsey Elizabeth, 443 Cora May, 1530 Elizabeth, 1353 George, 1352 Harriet, 1352 Mary, 943, g84, 1334 Polly, g84 Sally, 1334 Williara, g43 William Wright, 1520 Stoddard, Stodder, mrs., g77, igss Ada Althea, ig23 Adeline, igss Ann, 775 Annie, ig2s Anthony, 264-5, io6g Ariel Burnham, 1291 Barbara, 1069 Caroline Lucy, 1923 Cecil Alba, 1933 Charles, igss Charles Escott, igss Chauncey, 621 Clarissa, 621 Cordelia Mindwell, isgi Daniel, io6g Elizabeth, io6g, 1215 Elizabeth Perkins, i2gi Elmer Ellsworth, igss Emma Flavilla, i2gi Esther, 364 George Rodney, igss Hannah, 775 James, 1215, 3378 James F. L., ^77 Jaraes Loton, g77 John, 775. 1215 King Solomon, isgi Lucy W., 1933 Lydia, 977 Martha, 977 Mary, 364, 878, 977, 1069, 1215, 1291 Mehetable, 1069 Nancy, 977 Olivia, 1167 Ora, ig23 Rhoda, 1215 Sampson, 878 Simeon, io6g Solomon, 1291, 1814, 2483 Susanna, 878 Williara Albert, 1923 ' WUHam Cleveland, 977 Zelpha Viola, 1291 Stodder, see Stoddard. Stoffer, Frances, 678 Stoke, see Stokes. Stokes, Stoke, lady, 1837 Alexander, 1439 Elizabeth, 1838 Elizabeth Collens, 2030 Emma, 1119 Frederick, 1439 Hannah Hill, 2109 John, 1837 Lorinda, 1439 Stokholm, see Stockholm. Stoll, Henry George, 1948 Margie Udellah, 1948 Stombaugh, Mary, 1558 Stombury, Luther Martin, 1693 Mary Ellen, 1693 Stone, colonel, 2458 Aaron, 1204 AbigaU, 577, 1149 Adeliza, 2432 Albert MUton, 1250 Alice, 1658 Alvin B., 1198 Annie Crafts, 808 Britania, 750 2774 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Stone, cont'd, C, 577 Caroline Candace, 676 Carrie Jane, 1351 Catharine, Catherine, 550, 1637 Charles, 591, 808 Charies H., 1658 Charles Henry, 808 Charlotte, 1303, 1742 Chauncey, 591, 1353 Clara J., i797 Clarissa, 676 Clarissa Davenport, 1508 Cornelia, 2221 Daniel, 3221 Darius, 676 Dorothy, 760 Ebenezer, 1114 Edgar Francis, 1352 Edward I., 1658 Edwin Hirara, 1130 Eliza A., 1304 Elizabeth, 358, 1122 Ella, 1251 Ella Mitchell, 1351 Ellen Elmira, 1678 Ellen Maria, 86g Elson, 750 Elvinia, 750 Emeline, 783 Estella, 1334 Eugene, sgi Florence, 1130 Florence F., 1351 Frances Abby, 1153 Gregory, 87 Hannah, 783-4, gi6 Harry Branch, sssi Helen Marian, 1742 Henry, 1658, 1742 Henry Arthur, 1252 Henry Clay, 2221 Herbert Everett, 1251 Hiram, 1130 James, 1251 James Matthew, 1251 Jane, 87, 3180 Jason Edwin, 1S53 Jehiel, 784 Jennie Delia, 1253 Joan, 87 John, 87, 1637 John Seeley, 1060 Joseph, 3432 Julia, 808 JuHa A., 1658 Leah, 1627 Letitia U., 1204 Levi H., 3320 Libbie, i67g Lottie, 1303 Louie, 591 Lucy, 808, 869 Lurana E., 3330 Lydia, 591 Mary, 87, 1 114, 1234, 1250, 125s Mary Ann, 2120 Mary Eliza, 2330 Mary Elizabeth, 2460 Matilda, 1251 Matthias, 550 Miranda J., 1198 Nancy, 2130 Nancy P., 550 Orlando B., 1658 Orrin, 676 Phebe Jane, 1351 Polly, 1353 Rebecca, 797 Rebekah, 797 Ruth, 784 SaUy, 484 Samuel, 87, 257, 784, 797, 808, 1114, 1123, 2021 Sarah, 784, 1915 Sarah Elizabeth, 2120 Sarah Gilbert, 1252 Sarah Maria, 1130 Simon, 87, 1114 Susannah, 357 Theodore W., 1203 Thomas J., 1153 Stone, cont'd, Thomas Jefferson, siso Timothy, 783-4, 1353 WiUiam, 784, 86g William Clarence, 1130 Stonhard, Stonnard, see Stannard. Storer, David, 854 Ebenezer, i8go Ehzabeth, 4g2, 1758 Hannah, i8go John, 573 Louisa, 573 Lucena Brewster, 854 Mary, i8go Nancy, 854 Storey, Story, miss, 557, 233S Abiah, 2485 Abijah,. 313 Adaline, 1216 Amanda Bates, isgi Asa, 2485 Betsey Ann, 6og, 1216 Calvin Delray, 610 Elizabeth Ann, 6og, 1216 Emeline, 1215 Emily, 1863 Ephraim, 6og Estella, 6og Frances, 6og Helen May, 6og Pliram, 313 Isaac, gsg Jemima, 6og Justin, 313 Laura, 313, 810 Lois, 362 Lucy, gsg Martha, 2437 Mary, 1163 Mary Ann, 808, 2485 Mary Jane, 6og Merritt, 313 Milo Clark, 610 Nathaniel Clark, 6og Norman, 765 Olga, 610 OpheUa, 609 Pelatiah, 609 Pelatiah Perrit, 6og Perrit Percy, 610 Rebecca, 2137, 2197 Roxanna, 765 Roxy Ann, 765 Ruth, 153, 313 Sleeman Shumway, 6og Solomon, 313 Thomas C, 1163 William, 313 Storra, see Storms. Stormarch and Sleswick, Gundella duchess of, 1108 Thebotaw duke of, 1108 Storraont, Esther, S004 Frederick Irving, 3004 Plarriet Esther, 2004 John, 3004 Lewis Alfred, 2004 Mary Malvina, 3004 Riley McMiUan, S004 Samuel Harvey, 3004 Samuel Rutherford, 3004 William Porter, 3004 Storras, Storm, Abram, 1014 Cornelia, 1224 Eliza Ann, 1014 George Anna, 1014 Henry, 2316 Jane Melvina, ii2g Polly, 2316 Mary Catharine, 1014 Staats, 1014 Storrow, Ann, 491, 493 Louisa, 491, 493 Thomas, 491, 493 Storrs, mrs., 1668 Abigail, 917 Addie, 1668 Adelaide Eudora, gi8 Ann Townsend, gi7 Asahel, sg6, gi7, i66g Betsey, 917, 1668-9 Bezaleel, 181 Caldwell J., i66g Storrs, cont'd, Carrie, 1668 Catharine, gi7. 2501 Catharine EUza, gi8 Charles, 181, gi7» i66g Charles Avery, 1668 Charles Bigelow, 2501 Charies F., 1668 Charles H., i66g Chester, 3g7-8 Clarissa, 1668 Constant Williams, 1669 Cooper, 397 Cornelia, 917, 1669 Damaris, 397 Daraaris Clark, 398 Dan, 1668 Daniel Chester, gi8 Delia, 398 Edwin Pratt, 1668 Electa Ann, gi7 Eliza, gi7 EUzabeth, gi7 Ellen, 917 Esther F., 1668 Eunice R., 1668 Evelyn Munson, 918 Experience, 2308 Fannie, 917, 1668 Fanny Almira, gi8 Frank S., 1668 Frederick, 181, gi7 Frederick Wightman, 918 George, 304, 917 George W., 1668 Gertrude Maria, 2501 Harriet, 304, 398, i66g Hattie E., 1668 Henry, 3g6, sgS Henry A., i66g Henry Cheseborough, i66g Henry Justus, gi7 Henry Martyn, 2501 Henry Utley, i66g Hiram S., 1668 James, gi7 Jane M., i66g Jennie E., 1668 Jennie M., i66g John, i8g, 917 John P., 396 John M., 1668 John P., 1669 John Spaulding, 1668 John W., 1669 Joie, 1668 Joseph, 917 Judah, 181, 2456 Julia Emeline, gi8 Justus, 3g7 Katie L., 1668 Laura, sgS Lizzie A., i66g Louisa, i66g Lucretia, gi7 Lucy, 181, sg7, 2456 Lucy Elvira, gi8 Lydia, 3g6 Mahala, 1669 Maria, 1669 Marietta, 917, 1668 Marion JuHa, 398 Martha, 304 Martha A., gi8 Martha L., i66g Mary, i8i,_3g6, sgS, 917 Mary Louisa, gi7 Mehitable, 181 Milton L., 1668 Minerva L., 1668 Olive, 181, 3g6 Orrin S., i66g Polly, 3g6 Reuben, gi7 Rhoda, 1668 Richard Alsop, gi7 Samuel, 181 Sarah, 3g7, igi6 Sophronia, 1668 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2775 Storrs, cont'd, Stephen P., 1668 Susan, i66g Susan M., i66g Thankful, i8g, gi7 Thoraas, 181 Williara, gi7 William C, i66g WUHam F., 3g6 WUUam Fitch, 181 WUliam W., 1668-9 Story, see Storey. Stoughton, de Stocktun, AbigaU, 2040 Albany S., 467 Ann, 467 Anthony, 467 Emm.', 467 Gilbert, 467, 3483 Goodwin, 467 Israel, 466-7 John, 467, 3040 Judith, 466-7 Lawrence, 467 Margaret, 467 Maria Charlotte, 3040 Mary, 467, 3040, 3483 Nicholas, 467 OHver, 3040 Owen, 2040 Samuel, 467 Shera, 2040 Thomas, 467, 3040, 3483 VisiUah, 466 WilHam, 467 Stourton, Dyonice, 348 Henry, 348 Stout, rars., 1895 Alice Araelia, 964 Jane, iSgs John, i366 Laura M., 1665 Ruth, 1366 Thoraas, iSgs Stouthenburgh, Elizabeth. 1080 H., 1080 Stow, see Stowe. Stowe, Stow, Ada, 1531 Anstres Emerson, 7gi EUzabeth, 1041. i779. 2107 Henry^ 1531 Jeremiah, 7gi Joel, 7gi John, 1041, i77g Keziah, iSsg Lucy, 384 Mary, g40 Rebecca, 7gi Roxalena, 340 Sarah Elizabeth, 7gi Thankful, i77g, 1814 Stowell, Catharine, 1376 Cynthia Maria, 1565-6 Jaraes Converse, 1565 jerusha, 1565 Mary, 1348 Stoy, Margaret Elizabeth Moore, 1728 Margaretta, 1738 WiUiam, 1738 Strachn, see Strong. Strain, mr., 680 Lydia, 680 Strait, Amanda, 1303 Stramler, Frances Ann Elizabeth, sig6 Mary EUen, 3ig6-7 WilHam Calhoun, 3ig6 Strangwayes, , 13 pedigree raentioned, 13 Stratton, mrs., 201 Charles, 1433 Elinor, 838 Elizabeth, 201-2, 241, 510, 2421 Esther Jane, 1540 Frank, 828 Frederick, 828 Frederick Sawin, 828 Hannah, 200-1 James, 828 James Frederick, 828 John, 201-2 Maria Edwards, 828 Mary, 201 Mary Ellen, 827-8 OHver, isog Polly, i433 Sarauel, 200-1 Sarah, soo Thomas Dinser, 8s8 Strauss, Strous, Marion Augusta, 1616 Meyer, 1616 Straw, Plarriet Leonora, aisg Leonard, 2159 Strawcamp, Mary Elizabeth, 1268 Stream, see Streame. Streame, Stream, Benjamin, 770 Elizabeth, 675, 770 John, 933 Martha, 932 Mary, gss Thomas, 770 Streepy, Maria, ig37 Street, Bathsheba, 1548 Caleb Munson, 1548 Clara Ethel, 1548, 24g6 Clara Rose, 1548, 34g6 Eunice Elmina, 1548, 34g6 Fitch Roy, 1548, 34g6 John Glenni, 1548, 34g6 John Lucius, 1548, S4g6 Orville Warren, 1548, 34g6 Robert Guy, 1548, 34g6 Susan Theresa, 1548, 3496 Victoria Mary, 1548, 3496 Warren Allen, 1548, 34g6 William Alonzo, 1548, 24g6 Streeter, Streetor, Cordelia, 66g Cynthia, 669, 902 Eleazer, 66g Erlunia S., 2323 Esther, 1205 Guy D., 6gs Hannah, 1205 Pliram, 1305 Ida Lucina, i860 Lucius Woodruff, i860 Lyraan, 3385 Maria E., 6gs Naomi Plelen, i860 Westley William, gos Zeruiah, 32B5 Streetor, see Streeter. Strehle, mr., 2303 mrs., 2303 Amelia, 2303 John, 2303 Strickland, Rachel E., 1511 Strode, Juliann, i48g Stronach, Ada Baker, 1175-6 Annette, s6g Asaph Bent, 1176 Isaac Morris, 1176 Lucinda, 1176 Wylie Churchal, 1176 Strong, McStrachn, Strachn, mr., 3g4 mrs., 3g4, 1827 Aaron, gi2 Abby Julia, 1662 Abigail, 3g4, 410, 554. gi2, i486, 1837, 1885, 3370 Abijah, i486 Adonijah, 1341 Amasa, 1885 Ambrose Caldwell, 3365 Ann Eliza, i486 Anna, 3265 Anna Maria, 2365 Arabella Jane, gi6 Asahel, 1340-1, 1885, 3370 Asahel Watson, 1885 Augustus Bela, 1663 Baxter, 1885 Bela, 1885 Benoni Osborn, 1341 Betsey Charlotte, 1341 Braddock, 1041 Caleb, 2033, 2258-g Caroline, gi6, 1662 CaroUne Mehitable, 1041 Catharine Campbell, i486 Catharine Cecile, 1064 Charles, 1747 , Charles Cleveland, 1581 Charles Fitch, gi6 . Chariotte Esther, 1885 Strong, cont'd, Clara Maria, 2265 Cornelia Ann, 1041 Cornelia Usher, 1042 Davis Swift, 1042 Deborah, gi3-i4, gi6 Delia Araanda, gi2, 1658, 2407 Delia Ann, 1340-1 Demas, 1041 DeWitt Clinton, 1543 Dwight Cleveland, gi6 Ebenezer, 2270 Edward Augustus, 1662 Eleanor, 131, 3g4 Elihu, 531 Elisha, 1837, 3370 Eliza Adelaide, g76 Eliza Y., 1747 Elizabeth, 394, 912, 914, 1836-7, 3033, 3358 Elnathan, 510 ¦ Emeline Jerusha, 531 Emily Johnson, 1581 Emraa Caroline, 3370 Enoch, 1543 Esther, 510, 1666 Eunice, 557, logg, 1885 Ezra, i486 Finlay Marcellus, 1485 Florence, 1043 Frederic, 3265 Freedom, gis, gi4, i486 Gelston Gilson, gi3-i4, gi6 George Lee, 2270 George Lewis, g28 George Sylvester, 3265 Gilson, gi3-i4> 916 Gustavus Adolphus, i486 Hannah, 394, 1837, 3365 Harriet, 1704 Harriet Aurelia, 1663 Helen Aurelia, i486 Helen Marr, 1958 Horatio, 1665-6 Hugh Gelston, 916 Ida Eraily, 1581 Isabella, gi6 Jane, gi4 Jane Lorayra, 1662 Jedediah, gis, 914, i486 Jerijah, 1885 jerusha, 205 John, 131, 394. SIO, 797, 1485-6, 1543, 1837, 1885, 3270, 3377 John Clifford, 3365 John Marshall, 976 John Warhara, 1837 Jonathan, 2270 Joseph, 509-10, gis, gi4, 3033, 2258 Joseph William, gi6 JuHa Ann, gi2 Juliana, gi2, 1885 Katherine, 1064 Katie May, ig57 King, 2265 Landaff, 1064 Laura McNaughton, i486 Lewis, g28 Louisa Jane, 2265 Lucinda, 916 Lucinda Ann, 928 Lucy, 1581 Lydia, 928, 1543 Lydia Eveline, 928 Marena, 607 Maria, 554-5 Marius, 1747 Martha, 928 Martha Alice, 2265 Mary, 509-10, 554, 797. 9io, 1041, 1341, 1837, 1885, 3370 Mary Abigail, 1341 Mary Ann, 1543 Mary Pluntington, 509-10 Mary Margaret, igs7-8 277^ CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Strong, cont'd, Mary Smith, 1042 Mehitable, 3270 Melissa Martha, i486 Milton, 1581 Miranda, 976 Miriam, 393, 1485 Nancy, 912, 1485, 2265 Nancy Drusilla, 1341 Nathan, 510 Noble, 3265 Oliver, 597 Olivia, 2270 Orra, 916 Parmenas Beriah, 1662 Parmenas Lysander, 976 Patience, 510 Phebe, 1485 Phebe., 1485 Phebe Jane, g28 Preserved, gi2, gi4 Rachel, 510, sg7, gi2, i486 Ralph, 1581 Rhoda, 1666, 1885 Richard, 131, 3g4 Roswell, gis Rowena Maria, 1665 Ruhama, 1543 Ruth, gio Sabra, 1485-6 Sabra Elizabeth, i486 Samantha, 1340-1 Samuel, gio, 1663 Samuel Bergen, 2265 Sarah, gi3-i4. i543. 1665-6, 1885, 2270 Sarah Ann, 1543 Sheldon Milton, 1581 Sophia, 1372 Susan, 3370 Susan Stocking, 1041 Susanna, 1663 Tabitha, gis, gi4 Thankful, 1885 Theodore, gis Thomas, 510, 537, 554 Thoraas Jefferson, ig57 Tiraothy Follett, 3370 Van Rensselaer, 928 WaitstUl, 1666 Walter, i486 Weltha, isgo William, 510 William Albert, 2270 William Hall, 3365 Strongbow, Gilbert, 366 Stroup, Henry, 1188 Margaret, 1188 Melinda, 1188 Strous, see Straus. Strowbridge, raiss, g8i rars., 441, g8i Ann, g8i Betsey, 441 Clarence Suraner, g8i Cortland, 441 Edith May, g8i Eliza, 440 Fanny, g8i Frances, 981 George Lyman, 981 Hannah, 440 ¦ Harriet Augusta, g8i Henry Perry, g8i James, 440 John Winslow, g8i Lola Edith, gSi Lucina, gSi Lucy, g8i Lydia Ann, g8i Martha Cleveland, 441 Mary, 440 Melissa Jane, g8i Potter, 441 Sarah Augusta, 981 Silas Hammond, 981, 3408 Thoraas Henry, 440 Stryker, Aeltie, i8og Jan, i8og WUliam Scudder, 208 Stuard, Stuart, see Stewart. Stubbs, Rebecca, 1864 Studley, Amanda Merry, g62 Anna, 577 Annie Cleveland, 1184 Annie Mariah, 1184 Benjamin Kelly, g62 Charles Coffin, g6s Eliphalet Cleveland, 1184 Eliza Coffin, g6s Lucy, i58g Luther, 577 Mary Elizabeth, 1184 Robert Sidney, 1184 Sarah Folger, 962 William Joseph, 1184 Studraan, see Stedman. StudweU, Fannie A., 156S Frances A., 1568 Stump, mr., 2098 Betsey, 2151 EUzabeth, 2098, 2151 Jacob, 3151 Sturdevant, Sturtevant, Austa, 1750 Frances Eloise, 1750 Hannah, 647 Harrison Taylor, 1690 Jaraes Francis, i6go Jaraes Warner, 1750 JuHa Ann, i6go Winifred, 1750 Sturges, Sturgess, Sturgis, Ann Eliza, 1181 Beatrice, 1183 Caroline Harriet, 882 Corie Ethel, 1182 Delia, 1182 Delia Anna, 1182 Edmund RusseU, 1182 Fear, ssg Frances Josephine, 1183 Grace, 1183 Henry, 1181 James Cleveland, 1182 John Cumberland, 1181 Lucille, 1183 Lucius C, 883 Luella G., 1406 Mary Lewize, 1181 Russell, 4g5 Sarah, 1181 , Susie Louise Morrice, 1182 William, 1181 WUson Hubbard, 1182 Wilson Norton, 1182 Wilson Page, 1183 Sturgess, Sturgis, see Stur ges. Sturtevant, see Sturdevant. Suell, see Sewall. Sugden, Edward-Burten shaw, 324s Sophia, 224s Winifred, r'345 Sugett, Ann, 1501 Richard, 1501 Robert, 1501 Sulfrege, Martha, ngi Sullivan, O'SuUivan, ancestors, 1068 Anra-ny Lacken , 1068 Aodd Duff, 1068 Catherine, los Cornelius, los Daniel, 1068 Derraod, 1068 Donel, 1068 Donnel, 1068 Donnel More, 1068 ' Elizabeth, 3335, 343g Ellen E., 1004 Hannah Page, 642 Hetty, io6g Honora, Plonorah, 1068, 2034 James, 1069 Joan, io6g Joanna, 102 John, 366 Josephine, 1413 Julia, 1068 Marganne, 1068 Sullivan, cont'd, Margaret, io68-g, 1592- J Maria, 1241 Martha Whittlesey, 243? Marvin, 642 Mary, 1068, 1241 More, 1068 Owen, 1068 Philip, io68-g Richard, io68-g Sarah, 106S-9 Sarah Sever, 1068 Sullivan, 1068 Thomas Valentine, 2439 Williara, 1241 Summers, Henry, 64 Mabel, 64 Mary, 1203 Suraner, , 466 mr., 466 Abigail Peabody, 1337 Charles Richard, io6g Edna Mudget, 1854, igso Edward, io6g-70 EUzabeth, 36, io6g-70, igg? Flora Ethel, 1854 George, io6g Harriet, i46g Plarriet Ursula, igso Honour, i77g Increase, 1069-70, iggg Jane R., 546 Joan, io6g John Bird, 1069 Lucina, 476 Mary, 1069, ins Mehetable Stoddard, 1068-9' Raymond D., 1854 Roger, io6g Rufus Henry, 1854 Sarah, 1069-70 Verne C, 1854 Waitstill, 1670 William, 36, 1069 William Hylsop, io6g Wyatt, 1854, 1950 Sunderland, Benjamin, 1337 David, 1631 Dorothy, 1075 Emma Gertrude, 1237 John, 1075, 1227 Mary, 1075, 1337 Phebe, 1631 Thorfin, earl of, 3293 Sunderland and Caithness, Thorfin, earl of, 3303 Surrey, earl of, 265-6, 2045 Surrey and Warren, earl of, 265-6, 3045 Sussex, earl of, 365-6 Sussex and Arundel, earl of, s66 Sussex and Chichester, earl of, 366 Surts, Ella, 1878 Suter, Rosanna, 1580 Sutherland, Abigail, 352 Adelbert Irving, 1334 Adelia Louisa, 1332 Agnes, 1331 Albert, 1331, 1333 Alice Medora, 1333 Alraira, 1331 Alonzo Lafayette. 1333 Alonzo Wheelock, 1334 Araelia Elizabeth, 1333 Ammi, 1330 Ann, 1331, i8ig Ann Bryan, 1331 Ann Priscilla, 1331 Anna, 664 Anna Bryan, 1331 Annie, 1330 Annie Cleveland, 1330 Benjamin, 664, 1331 Betsey Jane, 1333 Byron, 1332 Charles, 1333 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2777 Sutherland, cont'd, Charles Duncan, 1332 Charles Henry, 1333 Charles Frank, 1333 Chariotte, 1328 Clara Cornelia, 1332 Clara Elvira, 1332 Clarence MarshaU, 1331 Crista Eliza, iszg Cyrenius Marcius, issg David Morrison, 1330 Delia, issg Dennis Taylor, 1338 Donald, 350s Donald Grant, 3502 Edgar, 1330 Elizabeth, 1330 Elizabeth Beacum, 1331 Elja Jane, 1334 Ellen Adella, 1330 Elon Galusha, 664 Elwin, 1334 Emeline, 664 Emily Celia, issg Emily DeEtte, 1333 Emma Adelia, 1333 Eveline, 1331 Fannie Fidelia Theresa, 1334 FideUa, 1333 Frances Elizabeth, 7333 George Herbert Eugene, 1333 GUes, 1332 Harriet, 1334 Harriet Ruth, 1332 Helen Maria, 1334 Herbert, 1331 Hermon Albertis, 1334 Irene, 1333 Ichabod Ellis, 1333 Jack, 1331 James, 1332 James Monroe, 1333 james Wheaton, 1330 Jane, 1331 Jane Purie, 1331 Jemiina Adalinej 1333 Jesse, '1331 John, 1331 John Ammi, 1331 Jonah, 664, 1330 Julia, 1339 Lafayette, 1333 Lee Nelson, 1331 Lotta, 3503 Margaret Elizabeth, 3503 Marcius, 1338 Margaret Jane, 3502 Maria Lucinda, 1333 Mark, 1333 Martha, 1330 Mary, 664, 1328, .1333 Mary A., 1328 Mary Ann, 1331, 1892 Mary Annie DeEtta, 1334 Mary Augusta, 1330 Mary Elizabeth, 1331, i333 Mary Frances, 1330 Mary Jane, 1331, 1333 Mary Maria, 1333 Mary Mitchell, 1330 Mary Pearson, 664 May, 1331 Melinda, 1230 Minnie Ruth, 1332 Miranda, 1332 Miriam, 1332 Morris Scott, 1332 Orlando Bennett, 1332 Orrin Kidder, 1330 Otis Tilden, 1334 Paul, 1330 Priscilla, 1331 Rachel, 664 Ruth, 1332 Samuel, 664, 1330-1 Samuel Henry, 1330 Samuel MitcheU, 1330 Sarah Ann, 664 Seth, 664 Susan, 1331 Walter, 1331-2 Sutherland, cont'd, Walter Earl, 1332 Walter Elmer, 1333-4 Walter Mason, 1332 Walter Scott, 1331 Williara, 1331 Williara Henry, 1329 William Hughes, 1331 Winnie Lee, 1331 Zenas William, 1333 SutUff, Deborah, 1518 John, 1518 Lucinda, 580 Sutphin, Catharine, 1128 Fanny, 1128 Jacob, 1128 Sutton, lord of, 318 mr., 3383 David, 1379 Elizabeth, 1395 George, 711 Maria, 1379 Martha Smith, 3283 Melvina, 1279 Rosa, 711 Suzanne, Caroline Sainte, 2050 Sveide, the Viking, 3203, 3503 Svein Siric, 1741 Swain, Swaine, see Swayne. Swan, Swann, faraily, 1794 Abigail, 1358 Alraira, 1331 Ann, 270, 364, 872, I3g4, igig Eleanor, 754 Gurdon, 1333 Julian, igig Lucy, 1332 Martha, logo-i Mary, 364, 1940 Olive, 746 Richard, 370, 364, 872, igig Richraond, I3g4 Samuel, 754 Sarah, i3g4 Sarepta, 754 Swankey, Hattie, 1853 William, 1853 Swann, see Swan. Swart, Sarah, 630 Wesley Cornelius, 630 Swarthout, Swartout, see Swartwout. Swartwood, Eleanor, I3g7 Emily, isgS Fannie Jane, 1398 Frederic, 1397 Horace Frederic, 1398 James, i3g7 Jane, 1397 Julia EUen, 1397 Lucetta, 1398 Mary, 1397 Ruth, isgS Sidney, isgS Swartwout, Swarthout, Swartout, Andrew, 583 Carry, 583 Denna, 583 Emeline, 583 Freemy, 583 Harriet Cordelia, 583 John, i8og Judah, 583 Lomey, 583 Rachel, i8og Roeloff, 1809 Zetus, 583 Swartz, Helen Emmaretta, 1679 Oliver, i67g Swartzel, Andrew Patrick, 1872 Charles Daniel, 1871 Edward Lord, 1872 Emma Jane, 1871 Frank Lewis, 1872 Jeremiah, 1871 John Charles, 1871 John Coleman, 1871 Louisa Editha, 1871 Mary Elizabeth, 1871 Mary Louisa, 1871-2 OHver Jeremiah, 1872 Peter Robert, 187s WiUiam James, 1873 Swasey, Swazze, Alexander M., 426 Anna, 436 Anthony, 436 Swasey, cont'd, Benjamin, 1675, igss Charles Jay, 436 Charlotte, 426 Elizabeth, 426 Elizabeth D., 426 EmUy, igss Emily Augusta, 1933 Henry, 426 Jerusha, 426 Jonathan, 426 Judith, 426 Margaret, 1675 Martha, 426 Mary Ann, 426, 1675 William Hand, 426 Swatoslaus, prince of Russia, 2176 Swayne, Swain, Swaine, rar., S3 Albert, 430 Anna, 196 Dinah, 196 Elizabeth, 53 FrankHn, 196 Gilbert, 430 Grafton, 196 Jethro, 196 Joanna Johannah, 1837 John, 54 Joseph, 54 Mary, gsg, g86 Prudence, 813 Reuben, ig6 Richard, 54 Samuel, 1837 Sarah, 430 Sarah Emily, 430 Susannah, ig6 Swazze, see Swasey. Sweden, Ivar Vidfame king of, 3304 Sweeney, Plattie, 2148 Jane Catharine, 34g3 Mary Ann, 34g3 Patrick, 24g2 MoUie, 2148 Sweet, miss, 251 mrs., 774 Almon Griffin, igsi Anna, 1321, 1325 Benjamin, i7gg Benoni, 774 Byron, 774 Charles E., g43 Clemantine, g43 Eliza, 1531 Ida Elizabeth, igsi Lydia Diana, igsi Mary, 774 Sophronia, 3468 Stephen, 774 Susannah, i7gg Sweetier, George, 1485 Mary, 1485 Sweetland, Betsey, 1874 Sweetser, Switzer, Abigail, sg, 60, 103 Benjamin, sg, 60, 103 Bethia, sg, Elizabeth, sgs Mary, 59 Sarah, sg, 103 Seth, sg, 103, sgs Swerdferger, Christiana Ann, 618 Swett, Deliverance, 42S Moses, 428 Swift,' miss, i4og Alden Cleveland, i4og, 24g4 Charles A., 1706 Cynthia, 1311 Daniel Shays, 703 Dean, 4go Delia, sgS Eliza, 1487, 23og EUen, ig8s - Hannah, 1660 Heman, 2281, 2Sog Jennie M., 1706 Joanna, 743 John, 1660, 2483 Jerusha, 24S3 Josephine Luther, g66 Judith, 703 Julia, 1534 Maria, 1706 Mary, 1041 Olive Elizabeth, 1706 2778 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Swift, cont'd, Orra, i4og Phebe, 420, 703, 24g4 Polly, 1409 Rebecca, 1573 Richard, 1706 Richard Blake, 1706 Susan, 4SS Susannah, 2482-3 Whitfield, 70s William, 966, 1660 Swime, see Sevine. Swineford. Melinda, 118S Switzer, see Sweetser. Switzler, J. P., 1090 Mary, 1369 Michael, 1369 Minerva, 1369 Swodel, Hannah, ggs Sybley, see Sibley. Sydnor, families, 2206 Annie Redman, 2206 Clarence Dodridge, 2206 EUen Fauntleroy, 2205 Eraraa Jackson, 2306 Fannie Mitchell, 2205 Frank Clifford, 2206 Gertrude Fillraore, 2205 Mary Cleveland, 2206 Matilda Jane, SS05 Richard Mitchell, 3305 Sarah, 2205-6 Virginia Lemoin, 2205 William Chinn, 2205-6 Sygurt, earl of the Orkneys, I 108, 2203 Sykes, Calvin Slate, igg6 Clarissa, 8gg Hattie Augusta, igg6 Margaret Elizabeth, igg6 Sally, 6g4 Sylbaugh, Melvina, ig4i Sylvester, Silvester, mrs., 1768 Charles, 838 Constant, 1768 Griselda, Griselle, 1768 Grizzele, 1768 Joseph P., 838 Joshua, 1768 Lizzie Frances, 838 Lucinda, 838 Maria, 1681 Mary, 2260 Nathaniel, 1768 Symmes, Simms, Sims, Abigail, 2433 Andrew, 878 Carrie Choice, 2183 Charles, 2433 Charles Carey, 2433 Eliza, isgi, 3178 Elizabeth, 878, siSs, 3433 Elizabeth Abby, 3433 Hannah, 878 Henry Richardson, 2433 Jeremiah Cleveland, 2182 John, 2433 John Albert, 2433 John Green, 2182 Luther Richardson, 3433 . Lydia Fletcher, 3433 • Lydia Maria, 3433 Mary, ssi, 2182 Mary Wright, 3433 Nancy, sgi Pamela, 2433 Sarah, 221, 363 Sarah Philadelphia, 2182 Susannah, 878' Thomas, 878 Walter Plightower, 3182 William, 331, 878, 3433 WilHam Gilraore, 2068 Zechariah, 221, 878, 2433 Symonds, Symons, Sy racuse, Syraonson, see Simmons. Synk, Victoria, 576 Tabaux, Tabeaux, see Tar- box. Taber, Tabor, mr., 1771 mrs., 284 Abraham, 284 Amy, 384 Bertha May, 1037 Charles E., 1771 Edward P., 1037 Elizabeth, 1371 Grace Darling, 1771 Lydia, 1453 Mary, gsg Mary Ann, gsg Patty, 384 Rescom, gsg Rhoba, 1653 Sarah Pope, g88 Tabor, see Taber. Taffe, see Taft. Tafflemire, Jasper N., 1643 Jesse, 1643 Saloma, 1643 Samuel, 1643 Taft, Taffe, Aaron, 384 Aaron Post, 384 Abigail, 340 Abigail Susan, 1361 Charlotte, gs4, 1691 Deborah, 340 Elizabeth, 340 Hannah, 239 Harriet Maria, 384 Joanna, 340 Lucy, 384 Lucy M., 1509 Mary, 240-1 OHve Cleveland, 384 Orrin L., 1361 Robert, 340-1 Sarah, 340 Tailecoat, see Talcott. Tailer, see Taylor. Taintor, Tayntor, Charles, 1432 Mary, 1432 Michael, 143s Talbert, Elizabeth, 1136 Talbot, Talbott, Amelia Elizabeth, 1332 Amy, 554 Anne, 856 Caroline, 1365 Deforest Grain, 1365 Eleanor, 1523 Elizabeth, 3045 baron Geoffrey, 3045 Gilbert, 856 Hannah, 3045 Helen Maria, 1334 Hiram, 1334 Hugh, S045 Jacob, 1332, 2045 John, 2045 John Quincy, 1365 Joseph, 2045 Mary, 1508, 2045 Philany, 98 Rachel, 2045 Ralph Cleveland, 1365 Rebecca, g8 Reuben, 1334 Richard, 856, 2045 Ruth Permelia, 1332 Samuel, g8 Sarah Ann, 1365 Silvia, 1334 Susanna, 2045 Thomas, 3045 Talbott, see Talbot. Talcott, Tailecoat, Taylcoat, Anne, 1132 Dorothy, 1133 Edward Baker, igss Eraeline, 1821 Frederick Lyman, ig24-5 Hannah, 1121-2 Harriet Newell, 1924-5 Helena, 1122 Howard, 2277 John, 1122 Joshua, 1471 Mary AHce, 1924 Mary Kingsbury, 318, 478 Olive, 1535 Rachel, 2310 Sarah, 777 Sarab Truax, 1925 j Sarissa, 1471, 34g6 I Sebastian Visscher, 7g3 I Talgarth and Emrys Castle, lord of, 856 Taliafero, see Tahaferro. Taliaferro, Taliafero, Charles Franklin, 2i6g Charlotte, 328 James, 328 John, 3081, 2169 John Wood, 2169 Judith, 2081 Maggie M., 2169 Martha, 2169 Mary, 2110 Rachel Maranda, 2169 William Hardin, 2169 Talley, Benjamin Franklin, 1369 Calvin Malcora, 1369 Edwin Pease, 2417 Helen Octavia, 1369 Mary Jane, 2417 Susan Maria, 1369 Tallman, see Talman. Talmadge, see Talmage. Talmage, Talmadge, Elizabeth, 1311, 1883 Mary, 1823 Sophia, 1823 Thoraas, 1823 Talman, Tallman, Calista Louise, 2497 Catharine, 2254 Cornelia A., 1606 Emma, 2354 James, 3354 Laura, 3254 Mary, 1303 Mary Eliza, 2254 Nathan, 2354 Sarah, 1S17 Susan Jane, 835 Talphey, Almira, iggs Taney, Ann, g20 Tanfield, Thorfin, lord of, 3303 Tankerville, counts, 278 Tanner, rar., 2139 Eliza, 3139 Hiram, 750 Jerusha, 750 Taplin, Ca'tharine, 569 Kate, 569 Tapp, raiss, 933 Ann, 530 Edmund, 530, gss, 1105, sooo Jane, 1105, sooo Tappan, Tapping, Alexander, 1303 Frances Ronaldo, 1763 George, 1303 Henry, 1303 Hezekiah, 1303 Jeremiah Pearson, 1762 Lucy, 1203 Mary, 1203 Tapping, see Tappan. Tarback, see Tarbox. TarbaU, Tarbell, Tarbole, Ann, 1607 Anna, 1607 Hannah, 1607 Martha Davis, isgs Mary, 1607 Thomas, 1607 Whitcomb, isgs Tarbeaux, Tarbock, Tar- bocke, see Tarbox. TarbeU, see TarbaU. Tarbole, see TarbaU. Tarbox, Tabaux, Tabeaux, Tarback, Tarbeaux, Tar bock, Tarbocke, Tor- bock, Torbocke, Alfonso, 753 Amanda Malinda, 1474 Bertha Maria, 753 Curnell, 1458 Dav'd, 1474 Edward Alfonso, 753 Elizabeth, 1458 EUa May, 1474 Esther, 1458 Eunice, 1458 Fonse Whitford, 753, 1474 Hiram, 1458 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2779 Tarbox, cont'd, Increase Niles, 176 IsabeUe Maria, 1458 John, 1458, 1474 Joseph, 1458 Lois, 1458 Margaret, 1458 Mary, 1458 Orman Elmer, 1474 Orville Dexter, 1474 Oscar, 1474 Otho, 1474 Rebekah, 1458 Sally, 1458 SaUy Ann, 753, 1474 Sally Maria, 1474 Samuel, 1458 Sarah Jane, 1474 Susan Elizabeth, 753 Tarbush, Hiram, 1207 Nancy, 1207 Polly, 1207 Tarr, 'Aannah^ 3^ -^^b James, siJ^^Laura, 366 Lucy, 3^V$ Tasker, Helen, 1543 Joseph, 1543 Sarah, 1543 Tate, Edward Charles, igss Margaret Murray, 1315 Mary, igss Mary Elizabeth, igss Thomas, 1315 Tatman, David, gsg Jane, gsg Mary, 357 Raymond, gsg Tattersall, Joanna, 1074 Tatum, mr., 3186 Mary, si86 Tawney, Araelia, 1465 CorneliLfs, 1465 Tay, Toy, Benjamin, 2440 Ebenezer, 2439 Grace, 1815-16 Jerusha, 3440 Joshua, 3439 Nathaniel, sg Samuel, 3437 Sarah, 3427, 343g. Susannah. 2439 William, 1816, 3439 Taylcoat, see Talcott. Tayler, see Taylor. Taylor, TaUer, Tayler, mr., 1170 mrs., igi6 A. Z., 248 Abigail, 433, gsi, 1647, 1768, 22S4 Abigail Minerva, 1647 Adelia, 1535 Adeline Sarah, 3253 Alice, 1750 AHce Verona, igo7 Amanda Eariy, ssii Amanda Melvina, 1543 AmeHa, 1466 Ann, 555, 571, 1404 Ann Butler, 1959 Ann Lodema, 697 Anna, 1161 Annette Sophia, igsg Annie E., 1535 Archibald, gs6 Arvilla, 1551 Asa Barnes, 805 Asenath, 1339 Bayard, 1548 Bessie, 556 Betsey, 637, 3454-5 Caroline, 1305 Catharine, 1768 Charles, 1863 Charles Davenport, 556 'Charles Lee, 3311 Charles W., 1703 Clarence Cleveland, S136 Clarence Plorace, 1535 David, ggs, 1535 David Young, 433 - X)ennis, 1338 Desire, igi5 Taylor, cont'd, Dorcas, 186S Edward, 1107 Edward Louis, 1535 Effie Clyde, 3136 Eldad, 1107 Eliza, 556, 1116 Elizabeth, 6g7, 1406, 2208, SSII, ssgs Elizabeth H., 331s EUa Cleveland, igsg Ellen, 1506 Ellen E., 1362 Elraira Marie, 1406 Eraeline Cora, 1504 Emery, 1161 Erama, 556 Eunice, 581 Eunice Eliza, 804 Eva Louise, igo7 Eveline lone, 2353 Fanny, 410, 1750 Fanny Jeanette, 581 Frances, ii8g Frances E., 1633 Frederick Clark, 3312 Gabriel, 1333 George, 555 George Sylvester, 581 George Washington, 2135 Guilford Dudley, 546 Plannah, 556, 794, 1836 Harriet, 570, 1703 Harriet Gordon, ggs Harriet Parker, 875 Harriette, 570 Harvey L, 1833 Henry, 556 Plomer, 1749 Horace, 581, 1535 Howard, 1750 Howard D., 1633 Isaac, 869 Isabel, 2392 IsabeUa ElHott, 1846 Isaiah, 1703 James, 433, 875, 2393 James Calvin, 875 Jane, 1333 Jennie, 1535, 3090 Jennie Simonton, 1226 Jeremiah, 867, 869, 1647 •Jesse, 2211 John, 7g4-5, 1226, 1335, 1768, 1863, igo7, igi6 John A., 1633 John Burnham, issg John Henry, ssn, 3352 John Smith, 1535 John Syng Dorsey, i32g John Wilder, ig6o John William, 555-6 Jonathan, i32g Joseph, 570, 1752 josiah, 1471 Julius, 7g5, 830 Kathleen Mavourneen, 2136 La Royal, igsg Laura, 556 Lester, ig5g-6o Lewis, 556 LUy, 556 Louisa, 556 Louise, 1364 Lucinda, 580 Lucy, 659 Lucy Arabella, issg Lucy Burgess, i32g Lydia Ann, 1265 Mabel A., 1633 Mabel Marie, 1907 Margaret, 1715, i;'52 Marinda, 936 Martha, 805, 1338, 1430 Martha Marilla, 1335 Martha Morgan, 2211 Martha Shaw, 867, 86g Mary, 556, 830, 867, 86g, I3I7, 1328, 1535, 1653, i74g, 1768, 32gi-3 Mary Alice, igsg Mary Ann, 1333 Mary EHza, 1535 Taylor, cont'd, Mary Elizabeth, 1170 Mary Eunice, 581 Mary I. Goodwin, igsg Mary Jane, 1364 Mary Martha, 3311 Mary Wilder, 1959 Matilda, 926 Maude, 2136 Mercy Etta, 1703 Mindwell, igi6 Minnie, 556 Nancy, 1052 Nathan, 410, 2308 Nellie jane, 1832 OHve, 555, i535 Oliver Alden, 867 Pamelia, 7g4 Paul, 2455 Persis, 87s Polly, 637 Prince, 6sg Prudence. 556 Rachel, 1284, 1753 Ray W., ii4g Rhoda, igso Rebecca M., 1832 Robert, 1170 Robinson Milton Newton, 831 Royal Cleveland, igsg Rufus, 86g Ruth, 1107, 1197 Sally, 659 Sarauel, 1406, 2292 Sarah, 1107, 1471, 1752, 2455 Sarah Abigail, 1863 Sarah Angenette, 546 Sarah Erama, 2135 Sarah J., 1161 Sarissa, 1471 Selina, 556 Sophronia, 433 Stephen, 805 Susan, 1907 Susannah, 1197 Susie Verona, 1907 Sylvester, 581 Svlvia Jane, igsg Thaddeus T., 805 Thankful, 1107, 1471, 1916 Thomas, 697 Thomas Davis, 697 Timothy, 637 Timothy Alden, 867 V. N., 795 Viola, 3311 W. PL, 795 WiUiam, 556, 1364, 1535, 1768 William Belcher, 1329 William L, 1907 WiUiam R., 1749 WiUiam Terrel, 2211 WiUiam Warren, 1535 Tayntor, see Taintor. Teachout, Alice, 935 Tead, Ted, Tedd, Teed, Tidd, Abigail, 3436, 3438 Augustus J., 721 Benjamin F., 411 Delmar Edson, 721 Ebenezer, 3428 Elizabeth, 1767 Hannah, 30 John, 30, 1767, 2438 Lester Elisha, 731 Letitia Bonaparte Strong, 731 Mary, 3466 Nancy, 411 Rebecca, 1767 Samuel, 3426, 2438 Sarah, 3438, 3444 Teague, Clarissa, 947 Teasdale, John, 1081 Mary, 1081 Teasley, mrs., ssog Alfred James, 22og Alice Amerial, S30g Bevily Allen, ssog Eliza Catharine, 33og Elizabeth, 33og Elizabeth Carroll, 3217 George Alfred, 22og Gercy, 2217 2780 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY Teasley, cont'd, Isham, 2217 John Adams, 2317 John Andrew, ssog Mary Elizabeth, ssog Mary Frances, ssog Mary Jane, 3217 Minnie Lee, 22og Sarah Jane, 22og Thomas Weston, 22og Williara Early, ssog Teater, see Teetor. Ted, Tedd, see Tead. Tedford, Laura, 1610 Teed, see Tead. Teeple, Biansa Matilda, 1545 Edey, 154s FloriUa Biansa, 1545 Frank William, 1546, 3408 George Montanyea, 1545 Jacob, 1545 Louise Frances, 1546 Rosaria Elizabeth, 1545 Teeter, see Teetor. Teetor, Teater, ieeter. Amy Adell, 1538 Betsey Emeline, 615 Carrie May, 616 Clara Artiemisha, isso David Fleming, 1220 David L., 615 Eliza, 615 Elizabeth, 1674 Ella May, 616 Erama Eliza, 616 Emma Maranda, 1230 Floyd Melvin, 616 Frances Melvina, 616 George David, 616 George Lawrence, I330 Hannah, 615 Jacob Henry, 616 James Monroe, 616 Jennie Elizabeth, 616 Louise Naomi, isso Mary Ellen, 616 Mary Hall, 616 Melvin John, 616 Sarah, 616 Sylvester, 616 William Rowland, 615 Zachariah, 615 Teft, miss, 3333 Tegaingl, lord of, 3415 Teignmouth, lord of, 3343 Teigue, lord Muskerry, 1068 Teraple, Temples, Elizabeth, 733 John Hancock, gsg Louisa Jane, gsg Margaret, i65g Mary, gsg, 3310 Polly, 800 Robert, 3s6g WiUiam, 3304 Terapleman, Elizabeth, i7g6 Terapler, Ephraira , 1465 Fannie Grace, 1465 Harriet Waller, ig47 Jaraes Henry, ig47 Jane Frances, ig47 Melissa Helen, 1465 Myrtie May, 1465 Temples, see Temple. Templeton, Bruce, S138 Laura Blanche, 2138 Milton Bird, S138 Teneyck, see Ten Eyck. Ten Eyck, Teneyck, Achsa, 7gs Ann, 7g3 Coenraedt, 7gs Joseph, 333, 7g3 Maria, 7gs Mary, 1118, 1531 Tennant, Agnes EsteUa, 2i4g Alexander, 2i4g Alice Virginia, 2i4g Anna Cloredine, 2149 Eliza Matilda, 2149 Francis Joseph, 2i4g Maggie Cecilia, 2i4g Margaret, 1378 Tennery, Mary, 148S-3, 1995 Michael, 1483 Tenney, Tenny, Araos, 1414 Ann, 3040 Anna, 357 Anselm, 1811 Calista; 1467 Daniel, 3040 EUen Celina, 807 Elvira Jane, 1467 Frank Minard, 1414 Hannah, 1414 Henriette Ackland, 806 Henriette Lydia, 807 Hermann Jonathan, 807 Jennie, 1414 Jesse Cass, 1414 Jonathan, 807 Julia Clark, 1811 Lewis Solomon, 1414 Lorin, 1467 Mary Philena, 1467 Mary Samantha, 1414 Mary Seavey, 1414 Minerva Belle, 1811 Nancy Jane, 1414 Phebe, 1935 PhUena Briggs, 1467 Sarah, 3040 Solomon Amos, 1414 Truraan, 1467 William, 1935 Tenny, see Tenney. Terhune, Albert, ggS Gertrude, 456-7 Jane Tompkins, gg8 John B., ggS Mary Jane, 1733 Terpenning, Avaline Amelia, 1410 Dwight, 683 Elwina, 683^ Friend, 683 Harvey, 683 Lovina, 1411 Metta, 683 Peter, 1411 William Henry, 1411 Terrell, see TerriU. Terrill, Terrell, Tirrell, Tur- rall, Turrell, raiss, 348 Ann, gsS Betsey, 1147 Betsey Minerva, 3461 * Bridget Ann, 3461 Buck, 2074 Charles jaraes, 2461 Elihu FrankHn, 2461 Elizabeth, 1662, 34go Florilla, i8g6 Henry, i6g8 James W., g58 Joseph Horace Virgil, 2461 Lucy, i6g8 Lucy A. M., 2157 Lucy Agnes, 2461 LLicy Ann, i6g8 Roger, 1147, 24go Sarah, 1147 Susan Alice, 2461 Thomas, 348 Thomas Elihu Franklin, 2461 Thoraas Lawless Edward, 2461 William John, 2461 Terry, Abigail, gg, ii4g Ann, 1742 Belila, 270 Dorothy, 1741-3 Ebenezerj 1743 Elizabeth, isgi, 1832 EUen M., IS30 Terry, cont'd, Helen M., 1230 Jacob, 1742 Janette, I793'' Jennie Clarissa, 1836 Jonathan, 471 „ . LoueUa Eugenia, 1836 Lydia, sos M. C, 2104 Martha, 1742 Mary, gg, 206, 1742, ig66' Mary Ann, 471 Mehitable, 2452 Nellie M., 1230 Rebecca, 471 Richard, gg( Robert, gg Ruth, 3453 Samuel, 1742 Sarah, 444, 1742 Sarah E., 1330 Seth, 1836 Silas, sos Stephen, gg, 1149 Thomas, gg Uriah, 99: Terwilliger, mr., 6g6 Dorothea Ann, 696 John, 1400 Margaret, 6g6, 1400 Mary, 187s Teufel, Anna Margaret, 1719^ Eva Elizabeth, i7ig Paul, i7ig Teunise, Dirkje T., 1837 Teunis, 1837 Tewk, see Tuke. Thacher, Thatcher, dr., 14SE mrs., 1451 Anthony, sooo Bethia, iggg, 2000 Charles Henry, 1451 Clara, sosg David Henry, 1451 Ebenezer, 1772 Elizabeth, sooo Eva, 1451 Evelina C, 485 Hannah, 177s John, 3000 Lucy Flucker, 1772 Margaret, 1066 Mary, 1772 Mary Emily, igi4 Mary Henrietta Knox, 177* Mary Minard, 1451 Mary Potter, 1066 Peter, 1066, 2000 Rebecca, 2000 Samuel, 1772 Stephen D., 485 Thomas, 203g Thackeray, William Makepeace, 2343-, Thair, see Thayer. Thakel, Beatrice, 4g3 Gilbert, 4g3 Thatcher, see Thacher. Thatford, Mary, iSsg Thaxter, mrs., 1730 Annie, 1730 Elizabeth, iggS Jane Margaret, 1720 Jane West, 1730 John, 1730, igg6 Joseph, 1730 Joseph Henry, 1730 Mary, 1730 Thomas, igg6 Thayer, Thair, , 103 miss, 360, 725 rars., 2251 Abel, 2314 Abigail, gn Abraham, ig7o Alfred Edward, 1118 Calista Lucina, 64g Chapin, 1657 Charlotte Johnston, 2465 Cora Estelle, 2465 Deborah, 2251 Dorothy, 2251 Ebenezer, 471 Elizabeth Clement, 1118 Elizabeth Russell, 1118 EmUy, 1056 Ephraim, ig70 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2781 Thayer, cont'd, Eunice S., 633 Eva Mae, 2465 .Fanny Maria, ig34 .Frank Jerome, 2465 Gerald Russel, 1118 Jonathan, ig7o Linus S., 2465 Lydia, ig7o .Mary, 947-8, 2465 Mary Elizabeth, 1563 Mary George, 1779 _Mary Nash, 1970 Mary Weston, ig70 J!^athaniel, ig70 Neoma, 2286 Olive, 1118 Phebe, 471 Patience, 1603 Rebecca, 64g, 3351 Richard, ig70, 3351 Richard L., 3465 ^oxy, 1540 Russell John, 3465 Ruth, 630, i77g Ruth Tryphosa, 1657 Samuel White, i77g Sarah, ig7o Shadrach, 1970 Stephen Howard, 11 18 Theron, 649 Thoraas, 1970 WiUiam Cleveland, 1118 Zilpha, 471 'Thebotaw, duke of Sleswick and Stormarch, 1108, 3490 Theraber, Joanna, 429, 968 Thibault, Edward Joseph, 1311 Elizabeth White, 1311 John B., 1311 Joseph, 1311 Josephine, 1311 Thickstun, Martha, 1046 Thing, G., 45 Thirla, see Thurlow. Thirston, see Thurston. "Thomas, earl of Desmond, 1987 "Thomas, miss, 516 mr., 1089 Addison, 516 Alfred C, 1039 Ann, 9g7 Ann Sophia, iS6g Annie Lawrie, 34go Annie M., 1780, S4gg CaroUne, 1577, ig4i Charles, 24go Clarence Hovey, i2gs Darlot Huff, s4go Deborah, 3336 Dorothy, 3336 Eliza Margaret, 1740 Elizabeth, gg7 Elizabeth Myfanwy, 1740 Ellen, 994-s Euphemia, 997 ¦George, i577 ¦George Points, 1393 James, 1577, 3113 Jane, 1780, 3042 Jett, 2113 John, 1780 Joseph, 1740 Katherine Elizabeth, 1039 Luella Clarette, i2gs Lydia, 1543 Mahitabel, 2323 Martha, S144 Mary, 584, g33, 1577, 2113 Mary Ann, I2g3 Mary Butts, g23 Mary St. Clair, losg Nathaniel, 2336 Paulina T., 2172-3 Peleg George, 1577 Phebe Ann, gso Roland D., i86g : Sarah, 713, gg7. i33o Thomas, cont'd, Sarah Jane, io8g Sarah Maria, 1541 Sarah T., 1577 Susan, 810, nsg, 2113 Susan Roe, 516 William, 997, 2326 William Goodell, 1577 William Washington, I2gs Thomond, Donogh, earl, 1068 Margaret, lady, 1068 Thompsin, see Thompson. Thompson, Thompsin, Thomson, Torapson, Tornson, rar., 414, 538 mrs., 1022 Aaron, 1022 Abbie, 1284 Abigail, 240, 1023-3, 1384, 1502, 1828, 2438 Ackley, 587 Albert, 3428 Alexander, 1140, 1764 Alice Ann, 1637 Allen, 757 Alraa, i486 Almira, i486 Alpheus Benjamin, 1763-4 Alverda, io8g Amanda, 388 Anable, 600 Andrew, i57g, S4g3 Andrew J., i57g Ann Jeanette, iS7g Anna, 388, 1132 Anthony, 600, 1211 Arminella, 1507 Asa, 388 Augusta, i486 Barbara, 414 Benjamin, sg, 30, 340, 1764, 2110 Betsey, 2110, 2428 Bettie, 2110 Bridget, 30, isii Celinda, 3444 Charity, 1132 Charles, 1140 Charlotte, 2478 Chloe, 1505 Clara, 1241, 1542 Clarinda, 1S41 Clarissa, 6gs, 956 Columbus, 3110 Cynthia, 1245, 1247 Cyrus, 2428 David, 2145 David Beers, 2493 Deborah, 1542 Delia, 757 DoUy M., 538 Dorcas, 3478 Dorothy, 389, isn Ebenezer, 39, 30, 3423 Electa, i486, 2015 Elena Anita, 1763 Elijah, 2110 Eliza, 1334, 1811 Elizabeth, go, 1337, igg8, 3438 Elizabeth Mariah, ig48 Emily, 8g6, 2428 Esther, i43g Eunice, 1764 Ezra, i486 Frances Sanders, 2i3g Francisca, 1763-4 Franklin, i486 Frederick, 1140 George, io8g, 1637 Grove, 538 Hannah, 1022, 2434 Harriet, 2288 Harriet Newell, 1727 Hattie, 1492 Helen Johnston, 993 Helen M., 600 Pieman, 1948 Henrietta Bonnell, 1730 Henry, 1211 Hezekiah, 1022 Hiram, 2g, 30 Thompson, cont'd, Plugh, 1507 Hugh S., 2ogo ITur, 1022-3 Isaac, 1663 IsabeUa, 1386 Isaiah W., 693 James, 388, 2424, 2428, 2478 James Ward, 600 Jane, 1022, 1677, 2463 Jane Nancy, 1663 Jeanette, Jennett, 1484-5, 1630 Joel, 1241 John, 430, 741, gso, ggs, I03S-3, 1133, 131 r, 1384, i486, 1630, 1776, igg8, 3388 John Wood, 2478 Jonathan, 2428 Joseph, igg8 Josiah, 1439 Juliaette, 1234 Kimbro, 2110 Lavinia, 1341 Lelia, i57g Letitia, 453 Lois, 388 Louis, 388 Love, 1570 Lucinda Ann, S145 Lucy, 3II0 Lucy M., 600 Luke, 3438 Lydia, 721, 1764, 2428 Margery, 2428 Maria, 24g3 Martha, 587, 1165 Martha M., Sos Mary, 664, 757, 920, 1140, 1663, 1764, 182S, ig36, 3110, 3433, 242S, 2478 Mary Elizabeth, 600, 62g, 1637 Mary Malinda, 1438 Matilda, 62g May Josephine, 24g3 Mirable, 1776 Moses, 103s Nancy, 1633 Nancy Ann, S145 Patsy, 2110 Pauline Augusta, 1756 Penelope, 993 Phebe, 1485-6 Phillis, go Polly, 587 Polly Ann, isgo Priscilla, iggS Rachel, 129S Rebecca, 1211 Rebekah Jane, 887 Robert Emmet, 600 RoUin, 538 RosweU, 178, 388 Rowland, 1140 Roxanna, ngs Ruth, 29 Sabrina, 1543 Sabrina Campbell, 1541 SaUie, Sally, 178, si 10 Samuel, 29, 30, 2428 Samuel Walker, 1841 Sarah, 43g, 546, gso, 1023, 1214, i486, 1677, 1776 Sarah Anna, 1841 Sarah Grace, 1841 Sarah W., 2ogo Saviah B., 3438 Selina, 3476 Sewall, 30 Shadrach, siio Simon, 2434 Susan, 430, 1144, 2388 Susanna, 340 Tamar, iggS Thomas, 1033-3, isn, 1677 Thomas L, 1541 Truman, 3S8 Waddy, sogo William, go, 340, 452, 63g, gso, 1S41, i4g3, iSsS Thomson, see Thompson. Thor, Saxon king or gen., 3333 Thorj s. of Odin and Freya, 32S4 Thora, countess, princess, 1108, 3203 2782 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Thorburn, rar., 1315 Alexander, 1315 Allan Campbell, 1315 Augusta, 1314 Chariwood, 1315 Ebenezer, 1315 Eliza, 1315 Elizabeth, 1314-15 Elizabeth Craufurd, 1315 Fairlie, 1315 George Cleland, 1314 Grant, 1314 Hannah, 1314 Isabella, 1315 Jaraes, 1314-15 James Monroe, 1314 Jemima Maria, 1314 Jessie, 1314 John, 1315 Margaret Murray, 1315 Mary, 1432 Phebe, 1315 Rebecca Phebe, 1314 Sarah, 1314 Virginia, 1314 Williara, 1315 Thorfin, the Dane, SS03 Thorkil, the Saxon, 14, 3233 Thorkjell, the Saxon, 3333 Thorley, see Thurlow. Thorn, see Thorne. Thorndike, Eveline, 1571 Thorne, Thorn, AHce, 1573 Anna Valentine, 1565 Betsey Olive, 3483 Cleveland May, 1565 EHas Dorland, 3483 Eraily Cleveland, 1565 Hannah, 676 Harriet, Soi Ida, 1565 Lydia, 183s Maria, 1565 Perraelia, 1475 Rebecca, 1637 Sarauel, 1565 Susanna, 1761 WiUiara, 1761, 183s Williara EHas, S483 Williara Hicks, 1565 Thornton, mrs., 3317 Abel, 1303 Ann Fannie, 3155 Asahel Pond, isos Benjarain, 3217 Daniel, sogg Elizabeth, 2154-5 Ella, 1053 Elraira, sogg Emilia Minnie, 2155 Emillia, siss Evelina, 1202 Florella C, 1203 Frances, 3317 Harriet, 1420 Helen, sogg Jaraes Goodlett, 2217 Jane, i303 Janie, 3317 John, 2217 John Wingate, 490 Joseph, 1202 Lucretia, 2217 Martha, 209g Mary, 2416 Mary Elizabeth, 2155 Mary Jane, 3317 Priscilla, sogg Rena, isos Reuben, 2155 Reuben Benjamin, 2217 Reuben Thomas, 2317 Robert, 3416 Sarah, 3153 Sarah Wesley, sogg William D., 2153 WiUiam Early, 2155 Thorp, Thorpe, doctor, go7 mr., 281 mrs., go7 Abigail, 1149 Alice, 155 Beatrix, 686 Edward, 1602 Ira Sanford, 2462 John, 686 Margaret, 686, 1047 Thorp, cont'd, Margery, 686 Mary Augusta, 2462 Ruth Perkins, 15(57 Sarah, 281 Sarah Jane, 304s, 3463 Sarah MeHssa, 3463 Sylvina, i6os Wheeler, sSi WUliam, s8i, 686 Thorpe, see Thorp. ThraU, Abigail, 1837 Harriet Jenet, 1944 Sarah, 1827 Timothy, 1837 Thrandia, princess of, 3303-4 Eisten Glumru king of, 2303-4 Eisten Glumru prince of, SS03 Vors prince of, 2203 Thrandia or Frondheim, princess of, 2204 Eisten Glumru king of, 2204 Thrasher, see Thresher. Thresher, Thrasher, Betsey, 1228 Margaret Nace, 1853 Throgmorton, Agnes, 515 Evesham, 515 John, 515 Throop, Benjamin, 2032 Charles, 1231 Florence, 1321 Helen, 1331 Jane, issi Joseph, issi Octavia, S033, 3359 Samuel B., issi Sybil, 3032 Throud, k. of Frondheim, 2204 Thurber, Cynthia, 811 Eliza, 811 Eliza Jane, 931 Elvira, 811 Eunice, 1551 George B., gsi Hannah, 1445 Henry, 811 Lucina, Sn Mary, 811 Orville, 931 Sementha, 931 Susannah, 1688 Sylvester, 811 Whitford, 931 Thiirenge, Susanna, 2034 Thurla, Thurlo, Thurloe, see Thurlow. Thurlow, Thirla, Thorley, Thurla, Thurio, Thurloe, ThurreU, Abigail, 364 Ann, 364 Francis, 364 George, 863 Jane, 364, 863 John, 2330 Jonathan, 364 Judith, 863 Mary, 364, 863 Phebe, 863 Richard, 364, 863 Sarah, 861, 863 Thomas, 863 Thurman, Thurmand, Thur mon, Amelia, siis G. E., S083 Sallie, soSs Thoraas, 3o8s Thurraand, Thurmon, see Thurman. ThurreU, see Thurlow. Thurston, Thirston, rar., 8g8 Ann, 1401 Bethia, 341 Clarissa, i87g Cyrus, 1511 Daniel, 1400, 1604 Edward, i^ii EHza, SgS Elizabeth, 1511 George, 1511, 1734 Hannah, 444 Jane Ann, 1511 Jane Selona, 1511 Thurston, cont'd, John, 341, 3431 Jonathan, 1511 Margaret, 341, ^9^^ 1400 Maria Ophelia, 1511 Martha Amelia, 1511 Mary, 241, I449. 1604, 2431; Mary Lavinia, iS7g Mehitable, 1604 Miriam Frances, 1401 Pardius, ssg PhUander, 1511 Richard, 1604 Sarah, ssg, 1511 Solomon, iftjoi William, 1879 Thwartes, WilHam, 1613 Winnefried, 1613 Thwenge, Twenge, , ij pedigree raentioned, 13 Tibbets, Tibbids, Tibbits, Tybbott, Almira, 888 Ambrose Angus, 1940 ¦Angie Ethel, 888 Asel Cleaveland, S87 Camden Halford, SSS Chariotte Maria, 887 Esther, 1356 Hannah, 888 Harriet Anna, 1940 Henry, 1707 James, 607- Jane, 1356 Jerry, 8S7 jeremiah, 887 Jessie Lenora, 888 John, 753 John Ferris, SSS Laura Edith, 888 Laura EHza, 888 Louisa Martha, 1940 Mary, 1600, 1705, 1707 Mary Ann, 888 Mary Matilda, 1464 Nacy Almira, 887 Rebecca, 1707 Rubie, 753 Sarah, 887 Susan, 607 Thankful Almira, 887 Thomas, 1356 Walter, 1600 WUHam 887 WilHam Cleaveland, 888 Tibbids, Tibbits, see Tibbets, Tibbs, Charles 13., 3306 Fanny, 3so6 R. H., sso6 Tiee, Millie, ig7s William, ig7s Tichenor, George, i73g Helen Isabella, i73g Isaac, 3458 Walter Clifton, i73g Tickens, Jane, 538 Raynulph, 538 Ticklie, Marget, 3504-5 Tickner, see Ticknor. Ticknor, Tickner, Elizabeth, gsg Francis Orray, gsg George, 4g4 Harriet, gsg Hepsibeth, 1653 James Henry, gsg Lucy Elizabeth, 939 Orray, gsg Rosalie, gsg Tidd, see Tead. Tiebout, Caroline Holmes, 460 David Crane, 460 Hannah Maria, 460 James Morrison, 460 John, SIO, 460 Lucetta Gould, 460 Margaret Bruce, 460 Margaret Morrison, 460 Mary Agnes, 460 Mary Ann, 460- Mary Isabel, 460 Phebe Jane, 460 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2783 Tiebout, cont'd, Phebe Thompson, 210 Sarah Elizabeth, 460 Sarah Potter, 460 WUHam, 460 William Byers, 460 William Todd, 460 Tier, Ann, 2454 Elizabeth, 2454 Jacob, 2454 Tiffany, mr., 848, 1045 Gilbert, 3007 Harriet Almira, 2007 Henry B., S48 Louisa Annis, '1045 Lydia, 848 Peddy W., 851 Sarah, 2007 Tilbury, Esther, 1403 Harriet Louisa, 1403 William, 1403 Tilden, Sarah, 1427 Tileston, Elizabeth, 1842 Ruth, 1842 Thomas, 1843 TiUet, Anna, 3158 Tilley, Ann, 44g Bridget, 541, 3484 Edward, 541 Elizabeth, 540-1 Elizabeth H., 3313 G. H., 2312 John, 541, 2484 Tillinghast, Sarah, 1252 TUlotts, George, 686 ' Hellena, 686 Tillottson, Alfred, 1658 Sarah Elizabeth, 1658 Tilmon, Winifred, zogs-s Tilson, Benjamin, 3444 David, 3444 Eddie, 3444 Marcia, 3444 Mary Bridge, 3444 Susan, 3444 Tilton, Abashi, g74 Abigail, 431 Ann Plomer, 3474 Deborah, gSo Florence, 1731 George Oliver, 1731 Helen Marion, g65 Mary, 861 Shadrach D., g65 Thankful Gray, g65 Timlow, Heman Rowles, S050 Timmerraan, Catherine, 1513 Cecilia Amelia, 1756 Timmons, Eliza, 1551 Tincum, see Tinkham. Tindall, Anna Louise, 3367 Elizabeth, 2267 George Phillips, 2266 Lizzie Howell, 2267 Louisa Amanda, 3366 Thomas, 3366 Ting, see Tyng. Tinker, Giles, g64 Zilpha, g64 Zilpha Louisa, g64 Tinkey, Eleanor, 773 Tinkham, Tincum, Cephas, sgs Euremia, sgs Hannah Clark, sgs Johanna, S485 Miranda Betsey, 1232 Miranda Elizabeth, 1232 Tinsley, AUen B., igss EUender, igss Mary Frances, igss Tippett, Hillary Hayden, 210S Mary Ann, zioS Tiptoft, John, baron, sig Joyce, sig Tirrell, see Terrill. Tisdale, see Tisdall. Tisdall, Tisdale, miss, ran, 1588 John, 537 Joseph, 1818 Lucy, 181S Sarah, 537 Titcomb, see Titcome. Titcome, Titcomb, Ann, 1613 Charity, 1707 Joanna, 507 Sarah, 507 William, 507 Titeware, EHza, 706 John, 706 Tittemore, Mary, 11S3 Titus, miss, 3354, 3384 mrs., 3383 Abigail, ssSs Alraira, 3384 Araanda, 3384 Ann, 3282 Anna, 2384 Anson, 3383, 3384, 3451 Beiden, 3383 Belle, 3384 Betsey, 338s Caleb, 3383, 3388 Cynthia, ssSs DrusUla, 3388 Eleazer, 2282 Elizabeth, 747 Ellen, 1352 Ernest Anson, 2282, 2284 Plenry, 2284 Hiram, 2282 J. B., 46 Jane, ssSs John, 1353 John Cleveland, ssSs Katharine, 2282 Marcus Aurelius, 3384 Martha, 33S2 Mary, 1353, 3384-5 Mary Ann, 3384, ss88 Mehitabel, ssSs Samuel, 3282 Sarah, 2284 Solon, 2282 Virginia, 46 Tjerkse, Turks, Hester, 1837 Tobey, Toby, Clyffie Hannah, 1748 Eliza A., 2478 Emraa, 174S George B., 1748 Harriet, 742 Leon Horace, 174S Marcellus, g7g Margaret, 843 Milton, g7g Sarah Maria, g7g Toby, see Tobey. Toccotes, see Tocketts. Tocketts, Toccotes, , 13 pedigree raentioned, 13 Tocone, Mary, 1358 Todd, mr., 3151 Ed P., sogS Elizabeth, 350, 483 Jacob H., 4SS James, 761 Lydia Modora, 1693 Maria, 452 N., 350 Nancy J., 2098 Nancy Louisa, 3151 Sarah, 761 W. J., sogS Todhunter, Allison Douglas, 1773 EHza, 1773 Joseph, 1773 Toler, Cynthia, S143 Toles, see ToUes. Tolf, Louvisa, ig6s ToUes, Toles, Emeline, 1335 Eugene, 1335 Lucy, i6gS Nancy PoUesca, 1335 Orson, 1335 Tolman, mrs., 554 Cornelia, 1573 J. R-, 554 Mary Lesley, 1448 Melinda Margaret, 838 Randall, 838 Reliance, sg4 Sarah, 1448 Thoraas, 1448 WaitstiU Nightingale, 838 Tomb, Tombs, Ann, 463 Benjamin, 46s Mary, 2460 Tomblin, Ira, 1360 John W., 1360 Mary B., 1360 Tombs, see Tomb. Tomkins, see Tompkins. Tomlinson, AHce, isn Beach, 1776 Charity, 1776 Hannah, 1776 Henry, isn Lillie Beatrice, 347g Lillie May Cynthia, 3479 Russell, 3479 Tabitha, isn Tompkins, Tomkins, goodman, 466 Albert Tuttle, 1222 Delia Annie, isss Eliza Thomas, gg4 Elizabeth, ssgs Ellen, 994-s Emily, 1309 Emily Mehitabel, isss Eva Amanda, 1333 Flora, isss Francis Alexander, 1223 Frank, isss Henry Lewis, 1222 Jaraes, 1333 jereraiah, g94-5 John, 55 John Tuttle, 1222 Mary, 55, 123s ' Mary Ann, 1222, 2214 Mary Ann Brower, 9g4 Mary Frances, isss Miranda, 786 Myra Leah, 1222 Phebe Celestia, 1222 Ritie Louise, isss Rose Celeste, isss Sarauel, isss William David, isss Torapson, Tomson, see Thompson. Ton, Mary, 1134 Peter, 1134 Tonkin, Mary, 3474 Tooley, Hannah, 1335 Tooper, Ann Eliza, 1014 Ellen, 1014 Genevieve Louise, 1014 Henrietta, 1014 Ida, fioi4 Mortiraer Granville, 1014 Mortiraer Shipraan, 1014 Peter, 1014 Willena Hattie, 1014 Williara, 1014 Topliff, AdaUne, 650 EHsha, 650 Elisha Crane, 650 Zilpha, 650 Topping, mr., 3117 Edward, 3117 Elenor Axa, SI17 Emily B., 1583 Jennie, 3117 Paulina, 584 Tor, the Saxon, 2323 Torbert, Elizabeth Kieth, 168s Torbock, Torbocke, see Tar box. Torchil, the Saxon, 3223 Torfidur, Torfin, earl of Ork neys & Shetland Isles, 1108, 3303 Torkill, of Richmondshire, ssos Torrance, Susanna Hardin, 2307 Torre, De Turri, family, i4og Torrey, miss, 1140 . Amy, go Anna, goi Arthur, goi Benjamin, sgo Elizabeth, isgs, 1614 2784 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Torrey, cont'd, EUina, i4og Elsie Lois, 1310 Eunice, goi, 1310 Harland, goi Henry, goi Huldah, sgo Ira, goi Jane Ellen, i4og John, i4og Lewis Butler, 1310 Luthera P., goi Lydia, 1633 Maria Isabel, 1395 Marinda, goi Martha Elizabeth, 1310 Mary, iig6-7 Mary Cecilia, 1604 Mary Elizabeth, 1310 Nathan, goi Phebe Vandeveve, i4og Philena, goi Polly, goi Relief, goi Sarah, 237, 1132 Seth Lewis, 1310 Susan, goi Thomas, goi Tryphena, goi WUliam, 1310, isgs, i4og Tothill, see TuthiU. Tottingham, Anna, 2425 Totyl, see TuthiU. Touchett, Constance, 856 James, 856 Touhey, Marie Louise, 2502 Tours and Vian, lord of, 800 Tourtellotte, Amy, 322 Anna, 745 Augustus, 74S Betsey, 322 Freeman C, 745 Hannah, 745 Joshua, 745 Martha C, 745 Michael, 333 Sarah, 1353 Sarah E., 745 Tousey, Tousley, rar., 3147 Alanson, 22g8 Arial Gousby, 22gS Ida Frances, 22gS Loretta Victoria, 22gS Mary, 22g8 Mary Ruth, 22g8 Moivre, 2147 Rose Josephine, 22g9 Sarah Sophia, 2298 Van Vechten, 3147 Tousley, see Tousey. Tower, Towers, Adeline Sarah, 3252 Albert P., 824 Albert Rice, 1228 Ambrose, 620 Ann Rebecca, 824 Augustus, 986 Caroline Cynthia, 630 Charles, 1353 Freeman Pratt, 1353 George Augustus, g86 Gideon, 1573 Hannah, 1473 Harriet Cleveland, g86 Hazel Juna, g86 Hosea, 834 IsabeUe Reed, 3106 James White, issS Jotham, ssSg-go Julia Ann, 1353 Laban, S014 Laura, 1343 Leavitt Jacob, g86 Lucy Ann, g86 Lucy Narcissa, 1338 Martha Aurelia, 3014 Mary, ssSg-go Mary Ann, ssSg Mary Ayers, g86 Mary EUzabeth, issS Mary Jane, 1573 Tower, cont'd, Narcissa Amanda, issS Olive Freeraan, 1353 Patty Barnes, 3014 Polly, 338g-go Relief, issS Samuel Stone, issS Sarah Libby, 1573 Warren N., 834 Towers, see Tower. Towle, Bessie, nsg Eliza Ann, nsg Eliza Day, nsg Elizabeth, nsg George C, nsg Joanna, 744 Rossiter Blake, 1159 Simeon, 1159 Town, Towne, miss, mr., mrs., SS84 Albert, 3284 Ann, 683 Ann Rebecca, 834 Anna, i84g Catherine, 3484 Edna, 1880 Elihu, 683 George, 3384 Jacob, 3484 Joanna, 3484 John, 3484 Jonathan, 3484 Katherine, 3484 Lina, 33S4 Mary, 33S4, 3484 Mary Hammond, 3384 Orlando, 3384 Phebe Ann, 683 Reuben, 3384 Sarah, 3384 Taraar, 3484 WiUiam, S484 Towne, see Town. Towner, Elijah Pitt, S47 Sally Ann, 847 Salorae, 1044 Sarah Ann, 847 Sewall, 847 Townley, family, 1058 Catharine, 996 Jane, 105S Maria Antoinette, gg6 William, gg6 Townsberry, Mary, 1177 Townsend, Townshend, Almira, 605 Aura Ann, 600 Caleb, 600 Charles Hervey, 686 Clarissa Maria, 600 EHza, 600 Emily, 1461 Gideon Howe, S026 Grandison, 600 Grotius, 600 Harriet Matilda, 1461 Henry, 1461 Lydia, 546 Mary, 3os6, 3304 Mary Ella, 2026 Miranda S., 334 Patience, 605 Polly, 6gi Richard, 2204 Robert S., 334 Sylvester, 605 Virginia Frances, i7go Zelima, 600 Zeruiah, 600 Townshend, see Townsend. Towzer, see Tozer. Toy, see Tay. Tozer, Towzer, Mary, 3g2 Samuel, 3gi-2 Sarah, 3gi-2 Tracy, Andrew WUUams, 1821 Ann, 2g2, 527-8 Arabel L., 702 Archibald, ig44 Civil, ii4g Edward Nathaniel, 1136 Elijah, 702 Elijah S., 702 Elisha, 1136 Elizabeth, 515, 2333 Tracy, cont'd, EmeHne, iSsi Emma, i8si-s GUbert Ely, 1137 Gracie Jane, 1136 Hannah, 1071 Isaac Storrs, 703 Jerusha, 70s Joanna, 702 John, 515, 540, 702 Lelia Andelucia, 1136 LUy Iness, 1137 Louise, 1213 Lucretia, ig44 Lucy, 363 Marietta, 3015 Martha M., 703 Mary, 515, 540, 1136, ig44, 3333 Mary A., 70s, ii4g Mary Allen, 703 Mary Jerusha, 1136 Mary M., 70s Mehitable, 141, 299 Miriam, 305 Patrick, 1071 Phineas, sgg Rebecca, isg Ruby, sgg Sada, 1760 Sarah, sSS, 540, 1149 Seth W., 702 Sibbil, 287 Simon, 1149, 2333 Solomon, ii4g Stephen, 28S Thomas, 305, 515 Trifasa, 288 Tryphosa, 288 William, ig44 Trafford, James, 137 Trahman Goeh, chieftain, 241 5 Train, Traine, Electa Ann, 1487 Elizabeth, 201-3 Hannah, 2050 John, 202, 2050 Margaret, 202, 2050 Mary C, 1487 Phoebe, 1658 Samuel, 14S7 Traine, see Train. Trammell, EHza Hannah, S173 William Thilman, 2173 Tranesa, Alexander, 2483 Anne, 34S3 Soffa Relinda, 3483 Traphagen, Clarissa, 1006 Trapier, Alicia P., 3317 Trask, Abigail, i37g Althea Loretta, 643 Ebenezer, i37g Eliza Melvina, 643 Hannah, 563 James Alexander, 64s James Edgar, 642 James Gray, 64s Mary, 1606 Mary Dodge, i37g Nancy, 1570 Sally, is4g William Blake, io6g, 3369 Traver, Adam, 894 Alvira, 894 Amanda Malvina, 717 Fanny, 717 Frances, 717 Henry, 717, 894 Travis, Hannah, 356 John, 1333 John Lewis, 1340 Martha, 1S40 Mary, 356, 1340 Melinda, 1322 Melinda Wilson, 1322 Miles W., 1323 Sally Ann, 1886 Sarah, 559 Sylvanus, 256 Treadway, Thirza, 1958 \ INDEX OF PERSONS. 2785 Treadwell, .Vmanda, 1345-6 Barnum, 1345-6 Dorothy, 507 Edward, 507 Hannah, 507 John, 505, S07 John Dexter, 507 John Goodhue, 507 Mary, 507, 1345-6 Mehetabel, Mehitabel, 505 Sarah, 507 Thomas, 507 Treat, Treet, miss, 1105 Abigail, sooo Alice, 1070 Catharine, g4g Emma C, isgg Evinice, iggg, 2000 Ezekiel, isgg George MandeviUe, isgg George W., g4g Hannah, 1105 Jane, 1105, sooo Joan, 1070, 1105 Joanna, 1070, 1333, ig7o Richard, 1070, 1105, 1333, 3000 Robert, 1105 Ruth, isgg Samuel, sooo Sarah B., isgg Sarah Josephine, isgg Sarah Winslow, isgg Susannah, 1333 Winfield Scott, isgg 'Tredgold, Margaret, 56g William, 56g Tredway, Sarah, 1813 Tree, mr., 1588 Lucy, 1588 Treet, see Treat. Tremain, Anna, 1168 Anna Susannah Dunsier Breadalbane, 1168 Barclay E., 1168 John Lewis, 1168 Sylvina, 1603 Trembley. Clarissa, 7ig Trerice, Nicholas, 177s Rebecca, 1772 Trevor, Tudor, 1108 Trew, mr., 631 Laura, 631 Trezevant, Amanda, i7g4 Estelle, i7g4 Nathaniel Macon, 1794 Trideau, Almira Sophronia, 1378 Trimble, Sarah E., 1936 Trip, see Tripp. Triplett, Frank, 1790 Tripp, Trip, Trippe, Abiel, 76 Benjamin Franklin, 848 Caroline, 979 Catherine, 85s Charity Ann, 1678 Clarissa, 1540 Daniel, 848 Deborah, 76 Ida Maria, 84S Lurie, 848 Lydia Elizabeth, 848 Maud Irena, 848 Pamelia, 15S1 Peari, 848 Rose, 659 Saloma, 1643 Sarah Dorcas, S48 Thoraas, 852 Trippe, see Tripp. Trott, Almira, 1426 Donna Caroline, 1426 Francis, 1426 Preserved, 332 Sarah, 333 Thomas, 333 Williara james, 1426 Trotter, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Troup, Sarah E., 1761 Trout, miss, mr., mrs., 3334 175 Troutfetter, Annie Margaret, sooS Elizabeth, 3008 Peter, sooS Trowbridge, mrs., 1114 Frank, SsS James, 1114 Margaret, 1114 Thankful, 1114 Thomas, 1114 Trowers, Alice Thomas, sigS India, 1908 Sarah Ann, igoS Thoraas, igoS, sigS Troy, Martha W., sigs Truax, rar., igo Angelica, 1634 Ann, 1835 Edwin Armstrong, 3033 Florence Birney, 1634, S4g7 Florence Downs, 34g7 Isaac, 1634 James, 1634 James Cleveland, 1634, S4g7 John, 1835 Lovina, 1634, S4g7 Lucretia, S033 Marjorie Leslie, 34g7 Mary Adelaide, 34g7 Mary Lovina, 1634, 34g7 Minnie Blanchard, S033 Nancy Maria, 1835 Sarah, igo True, Abigail, ssS-g, 1075-6 Dorothy, 1380 EHas R., ssg Josiah Bartlett, 338-g Mary, ssg Moses, 1380 Reuben, ssg Rhoda, ssg Rhoda Bartlett, ssg Ziba, ssg Ziba R., ssg Trueblood, Jason, i86g MatUda H., i86g Truell, Amelia, ig47 Cynthia A., ig47 Kneeland, ig47 TruesdeU, Trusdale, mrs., 618 Betsey, ig34 Harvey, 61S John, ig34 Lucy, 1341 Mariliaette, 1338 SaUy Webster, ig34 Trujillo, Digna Maria de la Concepcion Arzola y, 1356 Trull, Algernon, 3443 Charles, 3443 Delphina, 3443 George, 3443 Truman, Christine Victoria, ggo Cleveland, ggo Grace H., ggo James C, ggo Jaraes Christie, ggo Loretta, ggo Marjorie Cleveland, 990 Mattie E., 990 Nathan, ggo Serena, ggo Serena Loretta, ggo Trumball, Trurabell, Trum ble, TrumboU, see Trum bull. TrurabuU, TrumbaU, Trura bell, Trumble, TrumboU, Truramell, Arami, nog Ann, 370, 87s, nog Anne, nog Benjamin, 4g Charlotte Lucretia, 1466 Ella, 1341 Faith, S72 George Albert, 1466 Hannah, 872, 1827 Isaac, 1466 Jaraes Hammond, 68, 478 Jane, 181-2, 2457 Trumbull, cont'd, John, 370, 872, nog, I3i3, 1837 Jonathan, 872, 1212 Joseph, 872, 1109 Judah, 270 Leila, 1466 Mary, 370, 872 Mary Caroline, 1964 Richard, 270 Sarah, 1466, 1805 Walter, 181, 3457 Truramell, see TrumbuU. Trusdale, see Truesdell. Trussell, Jenetta, 856 Thomas, 856 Tryhey, Cordelia, 712 Donna, 71s Thoraas, 713 Tryon, miss, 618 David, 618 Huldah, 1364 Minerva, 618 Oliver, 1364 Phebe, 1364 Tubbs, mr.,. 1488, 1638 Adelaide Louisa, 1535 Charles AUen, 1535 Charlotte, 1347 Cynthia, 1443 Dorothy, 1535 Elisha, 1443 Elizabeth, 1638 Elma Ann, 1638 Francis, 1638 Freddie Allen, 1535 ¦Hannah, 1488, 1536 Hattie Laura, son Jaraes, 1638 Joseph, 1525 Laura, 1638 Laura Alice, 163S Leura Laodicea, son Lorenzo Dow, 1638 Lucinda, 1638 Lucy, 1442 Mary, 697, 1638, 3484 Mary Elizabeth, son Periieth AdeH, 1638 Sarah, 1181, 1638 Sarah Jane, 1638 Ulysses Cleaveland, 2011 Williara, 1638, son William George, 2012 Tucke, see Tuke. , Tucker, miss or mrs., 1647^ 2207 mr., 1578 Abbie Louise, 1270 Abigail, 1431 Abraham, 1660 Adelbert Caswell, 7og Adelbert Jay, 710 Alexander Wolcott, 701-3 Alfred, 533 AHce, 701-3 Alice Herrick, 701 Alice Lucy, 1448 Alleck, 533 AmeHa, 1578 Anna Amory, i8go Birdie Relief, 710 Carll, nn Catharine Hay, iSgo Cornelia Lucinda, 1111 Cornelia Strong, nn D., 103 Diantha Cleveland, 732 Edward, 1244 Elizabeth, 1112 Elmer E., 2466 Elnora Jane, 1417 Emeriah Jane, 1417 Ephraim, 732, 1112 Eva Alice, 710 Ezra, 7og Ezra Cleveland, 710 Florence, nn Frances Arietta Lee, 732 2J^ CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Tucker, cont'd, Frank, 533 Frank Leroy, 2303 George W., 1417 Gertrude Effie, 3466 Gilbert MiUigan, 365, 1814, 2408 Grace Witherbee, 1815 Grove, 3466 H. W., 533 Hannah, 703, nis, 1660 Harriet Daisy, 710 Jane, 7g4 John, 3303 Julia Naomi, 1111 Katherine Barnard, nn Lela Lucile, 3303 Lois, 63g-40, 733, ins Lutheda, 733 Luther, iiio-ii, 1801 ¦ Luther Henry, nn Margaret Cleveland, 1814 Margaret Lucinda, mo Maria, 7og Maria, R., 834 Marion, 533 Mary, 103, 1111-12, 1801 Mary Ann, 7og Mary Elizabeth, 710 Mary Jane, 3303 Mary Louisa, 1111, 1801 Mary Page, 1815 May, 1814 Mehitable, 73s Mildoed Susie, sois Mira Jane, isSs Myron, sois Naomi, 1111 Nathaniel, iSgo Olive, IIIO, ins Perraelia, 3320 Perry, 7g4 PoUy, 533 Rachel, 834 Robert, ms Sara Edwards, 1814 Sarah BeU, 3303 Sarah Rebecca, 1344 Stephen, 639-40, ino, ins Susan, 1033 Timothy, 834 Walter, 733-3 Wentworth , i n 1 William, 2370 Willis Gaylord, 1S14-15 Tudor, Mary, iioS Mary Dalrymple, iioS-g Mary Watson, 1107 Naomi, 1108 Owen, Owyn, 1108 Sarauel, 1108 Trevor, 1108 Tudor Trevor, iioS William Watson, iioS-g Tuers, Cladius O., 1015 Irena, 1015 James H., 1015 Jennie, 1015 John, 1015 Maria, 1015 Sarah Louisa, 1015 Tufton, Agnes, 4go Nicholas, 490 Tufts, mr., 956 Elizabeth, 335 Erama, 956 Mary, 51, 335 Peter, 51, 335 Tuke, Tewk, Tucke, Joanna, ¦s46g Mary, 346g Robert, S46g Tupper, Abigail, ssg Althea Maria, i6gi Benjamin, 42g Charles, 559 Charlotte, 934, i6gi EUjah, g34, i6gi Elmira Adaline, 1226 Emma Geno, g34 Harriet Olive, g34 Lucius M., gs4 Miles Adelboro, g34 Sophia, 315 WUlis Jay, g34 Turchil, of East Rounton, 2203 Turck, Turk, Addie A., igo6 Almira, 683 Ann Eliza, 6S2 Carl, 683 Catharine, 6S2 Daniel Dibble, 683 EUa, 68s Elwina, 683 Frank E., igo6 FrankHn, 683 George, 683 Guann, 683 Henry, 682 Henry C, 683 Katy, 682 Lucy Jane, 683 Lucy L., 6S3 Margery, 682 Margery A., 683 Mary, 683 Nancy Louisa, 683 Phebe Ann, 683 Philip, 683 Philip Brink, 683 Turff Eynor, earl of the Ork neys, 1108, 3303 Turfus of Tourville, 3175 Turk, see Turck. Turks, see Tjerkse. Turlofus of Tourville, 3175 Turlophe, lord of Pontaude mar, 3175 Turnbull, Mary, logs WilHam, logs Turneaure, Amy, 1748-g Turner, , 13 miss, 1778 pedigree mentioned, 13 Abbie Howe, 874 Abigail, S74, ii4g Alfred Parsons, 1338 Alice Mabel, 708 Alma Louisa, 708 Araos, 744-s Ann Maria, sssi Annie, 1435 Asa, 633 Augustus, ii4g Benjamin, ig7o Bettie Scanlon, 1864 Caressa, 1338 Caroline, sssi Charlotte Della, 1543 Clark, 708 Cora Amarintha, ssio Cornelia Amanda, 1333 David, 1864 Deborah, 334 Delphurnia Adelia, 1338 DoUy, 460 Edward, ii4g Elizabeth, 334, 1864, S045 Eraeline Mehitabel, 874 George, 874, 1333 Granville Bowman,. 1864 Hannah, 744-5 Henry Marshall, sssi Horace, 1338 Isaac, 818 James, 3156 Jaraes Neill, 3156 jane, 3310 Jennie, S156 John, 334, 818, 1149, 1561, S04S, 3375 John WiUiara, ssio Joseph, 874 Katurah, 156 Laura. 708, 2374 Laura Ellen Lucille, 708 Laura Emeline, 1313 Leander, 708 Lemuel, 3145 Libbeus, 359 Lucy, ii4g, 1435 Lucy Marshall, sssi Lydia, 333 Marinda, 133S Martha, 1149 Martha Cleveland, sssi Martha Dinah, 1149 Mary, 530, S18, ii4g, 1542, 1561, S045, 3346 I Turner, cont'd, Mary A., 3145 Mary Ann, ig68 Mary Isabella, 1864 Mary King, 2155-6 Mathen Parmer, 1543 Mercy, 3370 Minnie, 1338 Nancy G., 633 Nancy Jennett, 3145 Nathan, 333 Nathan Albert, 1338 Nathaniel, 530, 1210 Noah De Loss, 1542 Phoebe Dunhara, ig6g-70 Rebecca, ssg, isio Robert, 24ig Ruth EUen, 1864 Sabina, 2123 SaUy, 803 Sallie Stewart, 22SI Sarauel, 818, ii4g Sarah, 633, ii4g, 1873 Sarah Louann, 1S64 Simeon Allen, 1864 Susanna, ii4g Thomas, 1435 Virginia, 1864 WUliam, 2145 WilUam Plenry Harrison, 2145 Turney, miss, 1080 Turrall, Turrell, see Terrill. Turstain Rauda, and his daughter Groa, 2203 Turstin, the Fleming, 856 Tustison, Clara DeU, 1853 Glenn Claire, 1853 Nelson Rogers, 1853 Olive Myrtle, 1853 Oliver, 1853 TuthiU, Tothill, Totyl, Tut- tel, TuttiU, Tuttle, mr., 494, 597 mrs., gg Abiah, Sgs Abigail, 3453 Addie, isss Albert Frederick, 1223 Amanda, 747 Annie De Mott. ig73 Arad, 577 Arvilla, Sgs Betsey, 747, 1363 Bridget, 3453-3 Caroline, 1738, 3452 Chester, i4g3 Cleveland, Sgs Clifford BiU, 1728 Daniel, 1518 Delia Jane, isss. Deliverance, 2453 Dora Irena, 1505 Edgar, 1587 Edna Josephine, 2137 Edward Marion, 1728 Edwin Hardin, 1222 Eleanor Cleveland, 1223 Elizabeth, 364, 266, 1965 EUa Jane, 1333 Elvira, ig65 Enos, 751 Ephraira, 1738 Eunice, 1518 Francis Adelia Josephine, 3137^ Francis Marion, 3137 Fred Goodwin, 1223 George, 747 George Frederick, ig65 George Washington, S137 Gershom, 1965 Hannah, isn Halsey, 747 Hattie Meigs, 1587 Helen Baker, 2137 Henry, gg, 3452-3 Henry David Cleveland, 1222 Jaraes, gg INDEX OF PERSONS. 2787 Tuthill, cont'd, Jeanie Maria, ig7s Joan, 478, 4g4 John, gg, 747, 2452-3 John Eadie, ig7s John Laton, 1222-3 Jonathan, isss, 3453 Joseph, 1311,' ig65 Laura, isss Laura Hall, 1738 Loretta, 577 Louie Eugene, ig73 Marcus, Sgs Margaret Jane, ig7S Maria, sg7 Martha, 577 Mary, 98-9, los, isss, 1641, 1895, 2453 Mary Althea, 1222 Mary Ann, 2137 Mary Catharine, 1223 Mary R., 1493 Mehitable, Mehitabel, 2452-3 Merritt, 1973 Nathan, 747 Olive Gehila, 892 Ralph, 15S7 Rhoda, 1965 Sally, 751. 1334 Sarauel, 1211 Sarah, 751, 1211, 1965, 1973 Sarah Celinda, 892 Simon, 1965 Solomon, 1965 Susannah, 751 Thankful, 1965-6 Timothy, 1965-6 Uriel, 320 William, gg, 266, 478, 8g2, 1965 William Gray, 1222 Tutt, Anna Belle, 1412 Edward S., 1207 Iva E., 1207 John EUiot, 1412 John Francis, 1412 Lillian Ploward, 1412 Margaret Eleanor, 1307 Martha Frances, 1413 Sarah Ann, 1412 Tuttel, Tuttill, Tuttle, see TuthiU. Tweedie, Tweedy, Araanda, 1352 Anne, 1092 Nathaniel, 1352 Thomas, 1092 Tweedy, see Tweedie. Twenge, see Thwenge. Twing alias Winne, Increas, 2423 see also Winn. Twining, Ann, 1157 Clifford Homer, 1311 Elizabeth, 1157 Horaer Philander, 1311 John, 697 Mary Bissell, 1311 Philander, 1311 Polly, 1313 Rebecca, 697 Sarah, 697 Sarah Amelia, 1311 WiUiam, 1157 Twiss, Elizabeth, 2425 Hannah, 2425 Molly, 2425 Timothy, 3425 Twist, Amelia Margaret, 957 Twitchel, see Twitchell. Twitchell, Twitchel, Amy, 1367, 1373 Mary Bland, 1779 Mary L. D-, i779 Sophronius, 1779 Twombly, mrs., 3297 Mary, 2395 WilHam, 3397 Tybbott, see Tibbets. Tykill, Margaret, 17 Richard, 17 Tyler, le Tyler, ancestor, 1151 genealogy ment., 3464 three brothers, 1151 mr., 748, 1151 Abiel, 7S1 AbigaU Jelina, 1354 AHce, 1757 Alpheus Williams, 1746b Alton Boyd, 1553 Ann, 1151 Anne, 1151 Archibald Bradford, 1593-3 Caroline, igo4 Caroline Eleanor EUa, 1594 Charles, 1864 Charles Andrew, 18S6 Edith, 614-15, 1593-3 Edwin S., iSis Elizabeth, 1151 Elva May, 18S6 Frances Maria, 1593 Frank, 1594 Frederick, iSis George P., 1812 Hannah, 68, 340 Helen, iSis Henry, 1151 Hirara, 1886 Jehial, 1904 Jemiraa, 781 Job, 340 John, 366, 1151-3, 1757 John B., ISSS Julia, 1151-3 Juliana, 1151-3 JCimbaU, 1864 Letitia, 1757 Lucien Eugene, 1886 Lucinda, 2503 Lucy, 1746b Lydia, 1553. 1864 Major Meade, 614-15, isgs-s Major Milton, 614-15, isgs-s Margaret, isgs-s Maria H, isgs Marie, 1746b Martha, 436 Mary, 340, 1151 Mary Ann, 614 Mary Esther, 1886 Mary Jane, 1864, igo4 Mary Marott, 1151 Mary Noyes, 1746b Melissa, 1746b Mortimer Le Verne, 1553 Nina, 1553 Phebe, ii4g Robert Ogden, 1812 Rollin Usher, 1746I) SaUy, 1313 Sally Ann, 1886 Samuel, igo4 Sarah Amarett, 1886 Sarah Ann, 748 Sarah Aramentia, 74S Sarah Elizabeth, isig Sarah Sophia, iSis Selden Williams, 1746b Simon, 1746b Thomas, 1151 Viola Ann, 1886 Warren, 1746b Wat, 1151 Wat Henry, 1151 WiUard Edgar, 18S6 Tyllye, miss or mrs., 333 William, 333 Tyng, Ting, Alexander Griswold, 1760 Alice, 1760 Anita Elizabeth, 1061, 34og Ann De Wolf, losg Anna Amelia, 1060 Anna Elizabeth, ipsg, 1071 Anna Griswold, i75g Anna S., 1060 Arthur, i75g Caroline Wheelwright, ^763 ,, . Catherine Maria, i75g Tyng, cont'd, Charles, 1060, 1763 Charles Dudley, 1061, 3409 Charles Rockland, 1060, 1763, 34og Constance Dudley, 1766 Dudley, i75g Dudley Atkins, 487, 4gs, 1759-60, s4og Edith May, 3033 Edward, 488, 4go, S6g Effie Christie, 1763 Effie Welles, 1763 Eleanor Garnitt, 1763 Eleazur, 488, 4go Elena Anita, 1763 Elizabeth, 4S8 Elizabeth Mcjimsey, 1763 Elizabeth NeweU, 1761 Emma Degen, 1764 Erama Louisa, 1761 Euphemia WeUes, 1763 Fanny, 1766 Frances Higginson, 1765 Frances Ronaldo, 1762 Francis Carrillo, 1764 Francis WUUam Edmonds, 1763 George, 1763, 34og George McAlpine, 1763 Grace Royal, 1766 Griswold, i75g Hannah, 488-go Harriet Cornell, 1766 Harriet Matilda, 1766 Ida May, i75g James, 488 James Alexander, i75g James Higginson, 1062 Jonathan, 4go, S6g Judith, 86g Julia Griswold, 1761, 3409 Julian, i7sg Juliet, 3032 I-Catherine, i75g Lizzie, i7sg Lucie Catharine, 1760 Lucien Hamilton, 1761 Maria Fowler, i75g Mary, 49o, i759 Mary Cabot, 1061 Mary Emma, 1763 Mary Rockland, 3033 Matilda Augusta Temple,. 1063 Morris Ashhurst, 1763 Philip Brotherson, 1760 Pierre Rutgers Kissam, 1760 Rebecca, 48S, 490 Russell Degen, 1766 Sada, 1760 Sarah, 487-8, 490 Sarah Winslow, 1056 SewaU Tappan, 3033 Stephen Higginson, 1059, 1759-60, 176s, 3032, 3409-10, 2498 Susan Maria, 1763 Susan Wilson, 1059, 1763 Susanna Cleveland, 1057 Theodosius Stevens, 1759 Thomas Mitchell, 1761, 3410 Walworth, 1759 WiUiara, 4go see also Atkins. Ucthred, earl of North umberland, 3335 Uctred, the Saxon, 14, 3334-5 L^dall, Anne, nn L'dney, John, 3344 Selina, 3344 Uestis, see Eustis. 2788 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ufford, Elizabeth Dwight, 1135 Marcia A., is6g Sophia Huntington, is6g Thomas Jefferson, i26g Ulchel, Ulchil, the Saxon, 3334 Ulerich, see ^^^oolery. Ulf, the Saxon, iggs Ulfadha, monarch Cormac, Sss LUman, Angeline, igso Mary June, 1950 Mayer, 1950 Ulmer, Nancy, 1368 Ulrey, AdeUne, 3480 Edward, 3480 Ulrick, Ariaantje, 1397 Ulster, earl of, ssi Umphrey, Umphrys, see Humphrey. UnderhUl, Abrapi R., 3468 Alfred, nsg Alvah, 391 Aurilla, 391 Caroline Haxton, 1129 Charles, 391 Clarissa, 1344 Eleazer, 1345 Harriet, 391 Hattie Electa, 3468 Honor, 391 Margarette, ii2g Mary, 1345 Nellie, 1487 Owner, sgi Ransom, 391 Sarah, igsg Sidney, sgi, nsg Sophronia, 3468 Stephen, sgi WiUiam C, ii2g Underwood, Alexander, S175 Charles Walton, 3216 Florence Wyly, 3315 Hannah, iSs, sgs Helen Adelaide Josephine, 2215 Ida Virginia, 2316 John, 3316 John ^\'illiara Henderson, 3068 Joseph R., 3175 Lucien Marcus, 3175 Marie Cordelia, 3316 Martha Jones, 3si6 Mary Ann, 1502, S173 Nancy, 3173, 3175 Rosa Tallulah, 3si6 Sarah Louisiana, 3315 Warner L., 3175 WUhelmina Bertha, 3174 William Henderson, 2173, 2175, 3216 William Thomas, 2175 Unemund, count of Feoden, 1 108 Unfreville, Robert, 800 Unruh, Mary Elizabeth, 1653 Unthank, James Hardin, 2108 Jonathan, 2108 Mary Ann, sioS Rufus, S108 Ruth A., 3108 Sarah Panill, sioS Williara Franklin, sioS Upcher, PhiUipa, 1660 Phillis, 1660 Uphara, de Uphara, Abigail, 363, 595 Elizabeth, 107, 335 Hannah, 1083-3 Horace, 595 Hugo, 107 John, 107, 335 Martha, S95 Mary, 595, 10S3 Patty, 595 Phineas, 595, 1083 Priscilla, 107, 145 Uphara, cont'd, Ruth, 595 Sarauel, 595 Thomasine, 1083 William, 595 Upjohn, Anna, 1765 Anna Michell, 1765 Charles Babcock, 1765 Dudley Tyng, 1765 Edwin Parry, 1765 EUzabeth, 1765 Emma Degen, 1764 Emma Tyng, 1765 Francis Jaraes, 1765 Hobart Brown, 1765 James A., 1765 Joseph, 1765 Maud Elizabeth, 1765 Richard, 1765 Richard MicheU, 1765 Richard Russell, 1765 Samuel, 1765 Upland, countess of, 3304 lady of, 3303 Eisten Glumru, earl of, 3203 Eisten Vors, earl of, ssos Ivar earl, jarl of, 3303-4 Upp, Allen Roy, 1371 Lewis J., 1371 Marion, 1371 Mary Alice, 1371 Philip J., 1371 Lepper, Joseph, 1674 Maria, 1674 UpshaU, Dorothy, 659 Nicholas, 659 Upson, Betty, 1194 Calvin, iig4 Elizabeth, 1370, 1518 Freelove, igss Lucina J., 1781 Lyman Davis, 1781 Mary, 1370, 1518 Rachel, 687 Stephen, 1370, 1518 Susan Angeline, 1781 Sylvia, iig4 Thoraas, 1370, 1518 Upton, C. O., i5g7 Charles, iig7 Electa, iig7 Mary Ella, i5g7 I7rban, Sylvanus, 105 Usher, mrs., 1043 Aaron Cleveland, 315 Abby Mandana, 480 Abigail, io6, 315-6, 480 Abigail Jane, 475 Alice, 315 Alraira, 479 Almira B., 475 Almira Maritta, 1042 Alvin L., 476 Amelia Augusta, 477 Anna, 3i6, 479 Anna Jane, 476 Antoinette, 480 Arthur Patterson, 1040 Betsey Ann, 479 Caroline Mehitable, 1043 Catharine Meroa, 4S0 - Catharine Rawson, 477 Charles Cleveland, 477 Charles Edward, 476 Charles Lee, 315 Clarissa D., 476 Cordelia R., 47g Cornelia Ann, 1041 Cynthia,. 476 Cyron Jonathan, 1041 Daniel, 476 Delia, S15 Delia A., 476 Deodate Johnson, 316 E. Corydon, 1043 Edward F., 476 Usher, cont'd, Edward M., 476 EHsha M., 476 ?! Elizabeth, 106-7, 215-6 ! EUzabeth M., 1042 Elvira, ^76 Emeline Dorothy, 477 Eugene John, 476 Fanny, 317, 477, 47g Flora Adele, 47g Frances, 107, 4go Frederick R., 47g Freelove, S15, 476 George H., 476 Guert E., 1043 Harkless S., 476 Harriet, si6 Harris, 315 Hezekiah, 106-7, 215, 4go Horace, 1042 Horace B., 476 Huldah, 476 Jaraes, 315-7 James Chauncey, 480 James Henry, 476 James S., 476 Jane, 106, 315 Jenny, 106 Jerusha, 1041 Jerusha Cadwell, 477 Jessie, 1041 John, 106-7, 215, 476 John Linton, 1040 John Palraer, 1040 John Sumner, 476 Jonathan, 478 Jonathan Philetus, 47g Joseph, 476 Joseph Selden, 1041 Josiah Cleveland, 480 Julia Maria, 476 Linton J., 1040 Liscomb R., 47g Lucina, 476 Lucy, 315, 475, 47g, 1040 Lydia, S15 Mandana, 475, 480 Margaret, 1040 Martha, 47g Mary, 106 Mehitable, 478 Melissa, 1746b Moses, 475 Moses Craft, sis, 475 Nathaniel, 315, 475-6 Newell F., 479 Olive, 104s OHver, 476 Ozro P., 479 PameHa, 476 R. Melville, 104s Rachel, 315, 476 Rebecca D., 476 Revilo Cone, 480 Robert, 106-7, 216, 479-80 Robert Bela, 480 Robert Cleveland, 4S0 Robert Oliver, 477 Robert R., 479 Rosetta, 479 Roxanna, 476 Ruth, 4S0 Ruth Ann, 480 Samuel Chambers, 1040 Samuel L., 476 Sarah, 315, S17, 490 Sarah Andrews, 477 Sarah Johnson, 1041 Selden, 478, 1041 Sophron, si6 Statira, 216 Stephen, 215, 476 Susan J., 476 Susan R., 476 Susanna, 215-6, 480 Timothy A. T., 476 Ursula, 479 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2789 Usher, cont'd, Watrous, 215 Wheaton, 476 WiUiara, 479 ^^^ilHam D., 476 William Devereatix, -i7g William H., 476 Zilpha, 215 Utley, Uttley, Anna, 57g-8o Clarissa E., ngs Delight, 401 George Sheldon, ngs Hannah, 68, 401 Jane M., 1669 Lydia, 67, 68 Mary, 666 PoUy, 666 Samuel, 68, 401 Sherman, 4S5 Stephen M., 1193 Weltha, 1139 Utt, Jacob, 3303 Margaret, 3303 Mary, 3303 Utter, Ann EUza, 1356 Bani, 1357 Catharine, 1356 Cynthia, 1357 Elizabeth, 1356 Elizabeth Dyantha, 811 James, 1356 John, 670, 811 Katherine, 670 Ruth, 1357 Uttley, see Utley. Vadere, Martha, 1663 Vahan, Vaheh, see Vaughan. Vail, Aaron, 1537-8 Anne, nn Cornelia Strong, n 1 1 Cynthia Plooker, 1590 Egbert Janson, isgo Elizabeth, ig4s Fanny, isgo Hannah, 717, 1521-2 Hannah Josephine, 1531-3 Harriet Jane, 785 Harvey Wentworth, 11 n Ida, 153S John Alexander, 1531-3 Lucy, 1537 Lucy Jane, 1538 Mary, 1538 Nathan Smith, isgo Philander, 785 Rhoda, 1537 Urenia Maria, 785 William, 1528 Valentine, AngeHne, 794 David Thomas, 870 Henry, 1533 John, 7g4 Josephine, 1532 Mary, 1533 VaUery, Ida M., 1071 Jacob, 1071 Vallett, Jeremiah, 65g Mary, 65g Valois, Hugh Magnus, earl of, si 75-6 Valpey, AbigaU, 1427 Van Aduard, Catharina Lewe, losi Cornelia Ebelina, lOsi Scato-Ludolp Lewe, ios2 Van Alstine, see Van Alstyn. Van Alstyn, Van Alstine, Abram, 1364 Abram C, 1364 Agnes, 1364 ' Albert Thomas, 1498 Egbert Benson, 1498 Fanny Elizabeth, 1498 George Washington, 1304 James Lucus, 1364 John, 1364 Van Alstyn, cont'd, John Wesley, 1364 Lucy Almira, 1498 Martha Ann, 1364 Martha Eliza, 1364 Minnie Delia, 1364 Oren Eugene, 1364 Priscilla, 1364 Willie Russell, 1364 Zada Corinna, 1498 . Van Amee, Charlotte, 1337 Van Ancker, Catharine Ann, 1340 EUen Louisa, 1340 Henry Burnard, 1340 Van Antwerp, Emilie Jane, 1471 WiUiam E., 1471 Van Arsdell, Ellen, 1506 Jaraes, 1506 Mary, 1506 Van Auken, Charity, 3039 Helen Louisa, sosg Philander G., 3039 Van Baal, Van Bael, Van Bale, Jan Hendrickse 1831 Margaret, 1830 Margrietje, 1830 Van Bael, Van Bale, see Van Baal. \"an Beuren, see Van Buren. Van Brugh, Verbrugge, Barbara, 1837 Catharine, Catherine, 1819, 1837 Catrina Roeloffse Van Maesterlandt, iSig Gillis Jansen, 1S37 Grietje Gillisen, 1837 Johannes, 1837 Johannes Pieterse, iSig Margaret, 1837 Margaret Gillisen, 1837 Peter, i8ig Sarah Hendrickse, iSig Van Buren, Van Beuren, Abrahara, sgS Agnes, isgs Catharine; sgS Hendrick, sg8 Henry, sgS Maria, sgS, 7gi Martin, sgS Rebecca, sSs Van burgh, Anna, 4g3 Van Buskirk, Elizabeth Ann, 722 Mary Emeline, igsi Mercy Ann, 1507 Van Bylant. see Van Bylet. Van Bylet, Van Bylant Hellegonda, HiUegonda, 1831 Vance, Elizabeth, ion, igsi Georgina Florence, 1746 John M. G., 1373 Laura, 1373 Mary Patterson, 1373 Thomas, 1746 Van Cleve, Catharine, Catherine, gg7 Cornelius Ackerman, gg7 Plarriet Smith, gg7 Harry Milton, gg7 Plenry, gg7 Kate, gg7 Llewella, gg7 Van Cortlandt, Anneken, 1831 Catherine, 1S31 Maria, ^1831 Marritie, 1831 Oliver Stephen, 1831 Oloff Stevensen, 1831 Phillipp, ssog Steven, 1831 Van Couenboven, Van Cou venhoven, Van Couwen hoven, see Couwenho- Van de Carr, Anna Higley, 1335 Bethia, 1335 Harry Shenkel, 1325 Henry Shenkel, 1335 WilHam Plenry, 1325 Vandemark, Abram, 1403 Ann Eliza, 1403 Archibald Burnett, 1506 Asa Albert, 1403 Beryl Winnifred, 140s Byron Winfield, 1403 Charity, 1506 Clara Elizabeth, 1403 Cynthia Ellen, 1403 Plarley Duane, 140s Isaac, 6g7 Lucy Leverna, 1401-3 Luke, 1403 Luke Mahlon, 1402 Mabel Grey, 1402 Mary Elizabeth, 1506 Maurice Halbert, 1402 Minnie, 1^102 Rachel Ann, 697 Rebecca, 1403 WilUam, 1506 Van Denbeek, miss, 1018 A., 1018 Van den Berg, Vandenburg, Vandenburgh, Vander- burg, raiss or mrs., 1441 Garret, 3371 Gerrit, 1S37 Huybert, 1837 Lucinda, 1664 Maria,' 1837 Martin, 1664 Mary, 1664 Teuntje, 1837 Vandenburg, Vandenburgh, see Van den Berg. ^'^anderbeck, Ann, 1012 Belinda J., 1015, i73g Vanderbilt, Sarah Elizabeth, 1859 Vanderburg, see Van den Berg. Vanderlip, mrs., iig4 Frank, ng4 WUliam, ng4 Van der Veide, Van der Velde, Bridget, 541, 3484 Van der Velde, see Van der Veide. Van Deusen, Van Dusen, Barbara, 772 Catharine Frances Melissa, 772 Charles Edward, 1336 Frances Harriet, 1336 Jane, 6g5 Jannetje, 6g5 Peter, 772 Phebe, 613 Robert I., 772 Torry Mason, 1336 Wealthy, 307 Vandewalker, Margaret Ann, 1646 Van de warker, Catherine, gss Catherine Ann, gss WiUiam, g23 Vandine, Van Tine, Van Tyne, Vantvne, Alfred C, 1234 Charles, 1875 Charles Hovey, 1875 Emma Almira, 1334 Henry, 1406 Lola Irene, 1875 Maria Ann, 1405, 1407 Orvilla, 1S75 Susan, 1406 Van Dorn, Ella Cornelia, 2312 Henrietta, 231s Thomas Jefferson, ssi's Vandozen, Vandozer, James, 735 Jemima, 735 \''andozer, see Vandozen. Van Dresar, see Yan Dressar. 2790 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Van Dressar, Van Dresar, Alfred P., 1801 Catharine, 1800 Elida, 1801 Frederick. 1801 Isaac, 1800 Martha Minerva, 1800 Marv Benedict, 1801 WilHam Thatcher, 1801 Van Dusen, see Van Deusen. Van Duser, mrs., 3335 Catherine, 1010 Harvey, 3335 Van Dyck, Vandyke, Barbara, 398 Susan Temperance, 1330 Vandyke, see Van Dyck. Vandyzer, Cornelia, 404 Van Etten, Rachel Des, 1401 see also Des Van Etten. Van Gelder, mr., 684 Amy, 684 Hester, 1032 Jane, 1032 John, 1033 Van Giesen, Catharina, 1031 Van Gorder, see. Van Gordor. Van Gordor, Van Gorder, Ella, 6og Keturah, sosi Vanhart, Charles Batey, i6go Percis Melissa, i6go Vanhees, Shern, 2374 Van Hise, Mary Gertrude, 1030 Van Horn, Van Home, Eliza, 1041 Eva, Sgo Harriet Newell, 751 Maria, 386 Martin, 751 Rachel, 455 Van Plorne, see Van Horn. Van Houten, mr., 1314, igsS Cat'narina, 1031 Egge, 1031 EHza Almeda, 1314 Fanny, 1314 Frances, 1314 Helraigh, 1031 Maria, igsS Martha, igsS Martha EmeHne, 1881 Van Imyck, Swene, 1831 Van Inwegen, Charity, sosg Van Kirk, miss, gos Prudence, sgs Van Klinken, Mary, 1134 Van Liew, Nelly, ion Van Lupoel, Derykebia, 1S31 Van Ness, Ada May, 708 Chester Eugene Hurd, 708 George Henry, 708 Ira Wellington, 70S Isadore Jenny Lind, 70S Milton Isaac, 708 Sarah Maria, 708 Van Norden, John J., 6g3 Sarah C, 6g3 Van Noy. see \'annoy. Vannoy, Van Noy, Vanoy, ancestors, 30S6 Elias, 1403 Elizabeth, S0S5 Hannah jane, 1403 Nathaniel, 3085-6 SaUie, 30S5 Sarah, 1403, 3085 Van Nydeck, Martin Schenck, 1837 Van Orden, Elmira, ig74 Henry ig74 Phoebe, ig74 Van Orman, Joel, 1348 Margaret Jane, 1348 Philip P., 1348 Vanoy, see Vannoy. Van Patten, Bessie Muriel, 140S Charlotte, 1403 Cora, 1403 Deborah, 1403 Emma DeUa, 140s Frederick, 1402 John J., 1403 Vedder, 1403 Vanpelt, see Van Pelt. Van Pelt, Vanpelt, Eliza, 1116 John, 1116 Lydia I., sogs Mary Lucretia, 553 Reuben, 553 Sarah Jane, 1116 Van Rensselaer, family, 9S7 Alida, 731 Anne, 1831 Aimie, 1830-1 Catherine, 3176 De Heer' Kiliaen, 1831 Derykebia, 1831 Elizabeth, 1831 HeUegonda, 1831 Hendrick, 1S31 Hendrick Wolters, 1831 Henry Wolters, 1831 HiUegonda, 1S31 Jan Baptist, 1831 Jeremias, 1831 Johannes, 1831 Kiliaen, 1831 Maria, 1S31 Marritie, 1831 Nelle, 1831 Nicholas, 731 Robert, 2310 Stephen, 2176 Swene, 1831 Van Schaick, Maria, 1S14 Van Schuyler, see Schuyler, Vansicklen, Phebe Vandeveve, i4og Vanslyke, see Van Slyke. Van Slyke, Vanslyke, Alice S., 1412 Bessie, 1412 Emma, 1702 Eva Jane, 1413 Florence, 1703 Isaac, 1413 Jay, 1413 Jenny, 1413 Martin Cleveland, 1413 Phillie Ann, 1413 Richard, 1703 SaUy, 1413 Sally, 1413 William, 1413 Van Steenburgh, Abigail, 1014 Henrietta, 1014 James, 1014 Van Storre, see Von Storre. Van Swearingen, Julia Emily, 2141 Lemuel, 2141 Van TasseU, Polly, 538 Van Tine, see Vandine. Van TwiUer, Elizabeth, 1831 Van Tyne, Vantyne, see Vandine. Van Valer, Lavinia, 998 Van Valkenburg, Van Val kenburgh, see Van Vol- kinburgh. Van Veghton, Sophia, 1823 Van VIeet, Albert, 1189 MariUa, 1189 Nellie Marilla, iiSg Van Volkinburgh, Van Val kenburg, Van Valken burgh, VoUinburg, Anna, Sgi Franklin, 8gi James, 8gi Margaret; 2315-16 Mary, S91 Peter, g44 Sarah, Sgi Viana, 944 WilHam Henry, S91 ^''an Voorhees, Van Voor- Hees, Van ' Voor-Hies, Van Voorhis, mrs., 398 - Barbara, 398 Catharine, 398 Coert, 398 Coert Alberts, 398 Coert Stevense, 398, 1837 Elias William, 398 Johannes Coerte, 398 Marretje Garretse, 398, 1837 Van Voorhees, cont'd, Marretje Gerritse, 398, 1837 Nultje, 1837 Stephen Coerte, 398 Stephen Coerten, sgS WUliara Roe, sgS Van Voor-Hees, Van Voor- Hies, Van Voorhis, see Van Voorhees. Van Vranken, Von Francke, Von Franke, Abraham, I3g7 Adriantje, i3g7 Alida, isg7 Anne, 1397 Ariaantje, 1397 Catharine, 1396-7 Claas, 1397 Claus, 1397 Cornelius, 1397 Derrick, 1397 Eleanor, 1397 Gerrit Claus, 1397 Gertrude, 1397 Gertrude Maria, 1396, 2494 Harmon, 1397 Isaac, 1397 Jacob, 1397 Jacobus, 1397 Johannes, 1397 John, I3g7 Lanie, isg7 Magtel, 1397 Maria, 1397 Maritia, 1397 Martin, 1397 MatUda, 1397 Neeltie, 1397 Nicholas, 1397 Peter, 1397 Rachel, 1397 Rick Claus, i3g7 Rickert, i3g7 Sarah, I3g7 William, i3g6-7 Van Vrenokura, Nelle, 1831 Van Wagenen, Altje, 1837 Annah, 1837 Clara Evertson, 1837 Gerret Aertsen, 1837 Gerrit, 1837 Jacob, 1837 Neeltje, 1837 Teuntje, 1837 Van Waggoner, see Van Wagner. Van Wagner, Van' Wag goner, Adelia, 483 Cornelia, 1050 Delia, 483 John, 730 Lewis, 483 Martha Ann, 730 Mary E., 1050 Nicholas, 1050 Oscar, 730 Van Weely, Van Wely, Anne, 1831 Johannes, 1831 Leonora, 1S31 Van Wely, see Van Weely. Van Winkel, see Van Winkle. Van Winkle, Van Winkel, Annie, 1010 Elizabeth, loio-i Eunice, 457-8 Harrison, 458 John Walling, 458 Linford, 458 Mabel, 45S Margriet, Margrita, 24ig Mary Elizabeth, 458 Mary Jane, 458 Walling, 457-8, 1010 Van Witbeck, see Witbeck. Van Woglum, see Woglum. Van Wyck, misses, 1755 Ann, 1755 Van Wythorst, Elsje, iSiS Wouter, 181S Vanzandt, Amanda, 1137 Varney, Abigail, 1456 Laura, g45 Mary, 170, 1456 Mercy, 170 Thoraas, 170, 1456 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2791 Varnum, James Mitchell, 3378 Vars, De Vars, ancestors. 3333 genealogy mentioned, 3323 Lorinda. 2333 Nelson Byron, 3333 Varus, Maria, igso Rebecca Jane, 1930 Valentine, igso - ^, Vary, Verah, Very, ' Abial Thoraas, 3333 Bridget, 1771 Daniel, 7g5 Direxa, 1535 Francis, 7g5 Harriet Lorinda, 3333 Horace, 7g5 Lorinda, 3333 Mahitabel, 3333 Maria, 7g5 Minerva, 79^ Nancy, 7g5 Oratus, 7g5 Rebecca, 7g5 Samuel, 3333 Sophia, 795 Vasce, 1615 Vassall, Du Vassall, Ann, 385 Anna, 1063, 1768 Elizabeth, 1063-3 Frances, 384-5 Henry, 1063 John, 385, 1063 Leonard, 3S5, 1063, 1768 Penelope, 1063 Phebe, 176S Ruth, 1063 Samuel, 3S5, 1063 Spencer Lambert Hunter, .385Spencer Thomas, 385 WUliam, 385 Vaughan, Vahan, Vahen, Vaughn, rars., 1636 Araelia, SgS Araelia E., 1636 Ann Eliza, i486 Benjamin, 740-1, 3484 Christopher, 741 Cornelia, 1636 David, 1636 Deborah, 741 Deborah Reeves, 740 Dennis, i4sg Edwin Alfred, i486 Edwin G., 1853 Elijah, i43g Esther, Sg7 Ettie Marie. igsS Frank Estelle, i^ Frederick £^^^1636 George, 741 Gillian, 741 Hannah, i486 Ida, 1636 Jane, 856 Jennie Eleanor, 1636 Johanna, 740-1, 3484 John, 741 Laura, i43g Marcus, i486 M^argaret, 741 Merritt, 1439 Nannie Strong, i486 Olive, 1429 Patience, 605 Roger, 856 Sarah, 1636 Simeon O., 898, 1636 Thomas Swift, 14S6 WUHam Finlay, i486 Vaughn, see Vaughan. Vaun, Constance, S56 Margery, 856 Richard, 856 , Thomas, 856 Vaux. Francis, 3331 Vctred, the Saxon, 3324 VeaU, Clara AdaHne, 1366 Isabella Gum, 1366 Samuel Shannon, 1366 Veatch, Charles, 1281 Charlotte, 12S1 Henry Abbott, 1381 Jessie, 1281 Jolm Oatman. isSi Veatch, cont'd, Joseph Ross, isSi Margaret Abigail, 1281 Philip Claudius, 1281 Thomas Stone, 1281 Virgil Stone, 1281 X^elvick, Eliza Prudence, 1387 Fidelia Beulah, 1387 William, 13S7 Vengue, Bridget, 950 Venn, Cady, 1982 Frank Hubert, igSs Hubert, ig82 Jane, igSs Virginia Triplett, igSs Venterus, see Ventres. \'entres, Venterus, Ventris, Ventroos, Ventrous, Grace, 1370 Moses, 123, 1370 Sarah, 1370 Susannah, 123 William, 123 Ventris, Ventroos, Ventrous, see Ventres. Verah, see Vary- Verbrugge, see Van Brugh. Veren, Vering, see Verrin. Verge, Henrietta, 2250 Vermandois, famille Sohier de, 1615 EUzabeth Isabella, lady, 2175 Eudes, comte de, 1615 Herbert L, IL, IIL, IV., comte de, 1615 Heribert, comte de, 1615 Hugh Magnus, earl of, 2175-6 Odon, comte de, 1615 Othon, comte de, 1615 Pepin, comte de, 1615 Pierre de, 1615 Roux de, 1615 Vermillion, Louisa Jane, 1 142 Richard, 1 142 Vermilye, Martha, 472 Vermund the Sage, king, 2204 Vernam, Addie, iog4 George Craraer, iog4 \''erner, mr., 2173 -Mary Hannah, 2173 ^''ernon, mr., 2117 E. R., S117 Elizabeth, S117 George Robert, 3117 Mary, 3130 Vernoy, see Jhernoy. A^erplanck, mr., 1073 Maria, 107s Verrin, Veren, Vering, Ver sin, John, 438 Mary, 507 Penelope, 438 Versin, see Verrin. Very, see Vary. Vespasian, emperor, g Vest, Annie Laurie, 2138 C. C, 2138 Vian and Tours, lord of, Soo Vick, Mary Ann, 71S Vickerman, Sarah, 560 Vicroy, Caroline, 601 Victoria, queen, 15, 2502 Victory, mr., 385 Abigail, 385 John, 386 Meraory, sS6 Sally, 286 Vidal, Dorothy, 544 \^idfame, king Ivar, 3304 Vierth, Ellen, 3474 Henry, 3474 Henry Frederick, 3474 Herbert Leroy, 3474 Homer Marcus Grover, 3474 ^^iets, Alexander, 1060 Catharine, 1060 Eunice, 75g, 1060 John, 1060 Lois, 1060 Lydia, 75g Roger, 1060 Seth, 75g Vignier, Alice Charlotte Amelee Marie Anoek, 348g Francoise Jacqueline Jouvet, 3489 Prosper Philibert Philippe, 3489 Viking Barnard the, 3175 Rollo, Rolf-ganger the, S175 Sveide the, 3303 Turfus, Turlofus the, 3175 Village, Lena Caroline, iSis Rhoda, iSis WiUiam, i8is Villard, see Willard. Villiers, Anne, 856 Ralph, 856 Vilott, Mary Jane, 2267 Vinal, Cora Angeline, 157s Ettovera, 1573 Ezekiel, 1573 Fred, 1573 Henry Young, 1572 Tabitha, 18S3 Vince, Martha, i6s8 Vincent, see Vinson. Vine, see Vines. Vines, Vine, Dorathea, 3417 Mary, 161 1 Vinhaegen, Vin Hagen, Alida, 1837 Eva, Eve, 1S31 Vin Hagen, see Vinhaegen. Vining, Albert MiUer, 313S, 3 164 Amanda Clarissa, 3138 Benjarain James, 3138 Clara, S13S Crosby Littleberry, 213S Dorothy, 1513 Elizabeth Ann, 313S, S164 Evaline Elizabeth, 3138 Fanny, 3432 Fannie Ida, 2138 Fanny Richardson, 3433 George, 3433 John, 3433 John Richardson, 343s John W. Eastman, S164 Lizzie Berlin, 313S Luther Richardson, 3433-3 Margaret Ann, 3138 Martha A., 3433 Martha B., 3433 Mary, 3433-3 Mary Eliza, 3432 Melvina Elizabeth, 2164 Minnie Cleveland, 3164 Miranda, 3433 Reuben Alexander, 3164 Willard, 3433 Vinson, Vincent, Abner, 434 Alanson, 1904 Angenette, 1904 Anna Pease, 435 Charies, 1904 Charles McCreeding, 1730 Cordelia, 971 Daniel, g7i Edward Thomas, 1733 Elizabeth, 434, 1353, igo4 Ella, igo4 Elmer, igo4 Eraraa, 438 Hannah, 4g7 Hannah Robinson, 1733, 3031 Harriet, 17S0 Ida Melinda, 1470 Jaraes, 1353 John, 435 John Neal, 435 Julia, 433 Leroy, 1730 Louisa CeHa, isgo Lydia, 433 Malvina Burgess, 1733 2792 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Vinson, cont'd, Margaret, 435, 1719 Margaret Pease, 435 Marion, 1720 Martha, 435 Mary, 54, 1722, 1904 Mary Jane, 1904 Matthew, 1719 Miles, igo4 Phebe, i2go Phebe Walker, 434 PhUip, 1720 Prudence, 432 Rebecca, 433 Reynolds, 1353 SaUy, 1352 Samuel, 1353, 1904 Sarauel Gifford, 1720 Sarauel Warren, 1722 Sarah, 497 Sarah CofKn, 1720 Stephen, i2go Sukey, g7i Susan, 435 Thankful, g73 Thomas, 54 Warren, 1732 Wellington Adolphus, 1470 William, 43s, 497, 1600 Vinton, Ann, igi Charles H., 1341 Charles W., 1341 Ellen M., 1341 Emraa W., 1341 John, igi John Adams, 64, igi, sgg, 2433 Virgil, Albert Daniel, 730 Andrew Johnson, 730 Daniel Southworth, 730 Elizabeth, 730 Hetty Frances, 730 Jacob Valentine, 730 Martha Elizabeth, 730 Martha Pauline, 730 Sarah Louisa, 730 William Henry, 730 Virgin, Louisa, I4g8 Visscher, Alida, 1837 Annacha, Annetje, 1837 Bastiaen, 1837 Dirkje T., 1837 Harraan Bastiansen, 1S37 Hester, 1837 Johannes N., 1837 Manning, 1837 Neeltje, 1837 Vitellan, lord of Bellansted, 1 108 Vittetoe, Elizabeth, sigs James, sigs Matilda Cordelia, sigs Voar, Vore, Mary, gio Richard, gio Vogel, Charles, 1906 Emma, 1906 Voice, mr., 1575 Frank, 1575 Isabell Monica, 1575 Kate, 1575 Laura, 1575 NeUie, 1575 Walter, 1575 VoUinburg, see Van Volkin burgh. Voltz, , 14 von Becker, Maria, Elisa, 1744 Paul Adam, 1744 von Bismarck, Johanna, S037 Otto Eduard Leopold, 3037 von Biiltzingslowen, Cornelia Isabella, 1744 Ferdinand, 1744 Friedrich, 1744 Wulf, 1744 Von Francke, Von Franke, see Van Vranken. Von Heerdt, Sarah T., baroness, 1064 Von Metzke, Metzke, Albert Max, 1174 Erederick Julius Leopold, N74 Plenry, 1174 Von Metzke, cont'd, Henry Malcolm, 1174 Hennan Leopold, 1174 Marie Louise, 1174 Olivia Anne Matilda, 1174 von Oertzen, Grace Hoffman, 1961 Victor, ig6i von Puttkamer, family, 3037 Alice Tracy, 3036 Anna Marie Clara Henriette, S037 Franz Gustav Carl Heinrich, 3037 Franz Ulrich, S036 Johanna, S037 Ottony Kriemhild, 3037 Von Storre, Van Storre, Susan, 3i3g, 3131 von Trebra, Anna Marie Clara Henriette, 3037 Voorhees, see Voorhies. Voorhies, Voorhees, Anna Louisa, 34g8 Albert, 1000 John B. H., 1000 JuHa Antonetta, so6 Louise, 1000 Margaret Jane, 1000 Philip P., S06 Richard, 306 SaUy, 1635 Vorce, Ruth, 1334 Vore, see Voar. Vors, Eisten, earl of Upland, 1108, 3203 Vosburg, Clauchie, 262 Eugene, 1471 Eva Jane, 1471 Vose, Abigail Glover, noi Benjamin, 437 Charies H., 437 Elisha, 337 Eliza D., 437 Elizabeth, iisi Emraa, 437 Hannah, 337 Lydia, 1660 Mary, 437 Orrin, 437 Rebecca Brundage, 1101 Richard, 1660 Robert, 437 Thoraas, 1101 Verona V., 437 Zebiah, 337 Vreichvras, Caradoc, 346g Vroman, Vrooman, miss, 2316 rar., 1528 Alice, 1877 AmeHa, 1S77 Benjamin, 57g Blanche Amelia, 1877 Catharine, 1538 Daniel PhUlip, 1877 Ellen, 57g Frederick, 534 George Henry, 1877 John, 1877 Laura, 534, io4g Mary Elizabeth, 1877 Myrtle, 1877 Nancy, 1S77 Nancy Jane, S7g PhilUp, 1877 Polly, 3316 Salmon Weldon, 1877 Vrooman, see Vroman. Vychan, Elsbet., 715 Hopkin John, 715 Waart, Tam, 1837 Wadams, see Wadhams. Waddell, Wodel, Wodell, Wpodle, Alice, 1660 Mary, 564, 1660 Sarah, 564, 1660 WiUiam, 564, 1660 Wade, Alexander, g46 Ann, 1310 Ceylon, 1365 Charles, g46, 138s Wade, cont'd, Elizabeth, 360, g46, iggSr 3433 EUa Amelia, 1382 Eraraa Cleveland, 1107 Ephraira, 6S3 Francis, g46 Horace Dwight, 1106 James, 3431 Jane, g7i Jenny, g7i John, g46, 1107 Jonathan, 1107, iggs, 242^ Lessora Augusta, 138s Lucy Coit Huntington, 1106 Lydia, 3433 Mary, 1107 Mary Ann, g46, 1383 Mary Elizabeth, 2431 Mercy, 1107 Nathaniel, 1107, 3423 Phebe Ann, 683 Rebecca, 3035 Robert, 3035 Ruth, 1107 SaUy, 1365 Samuel, 3423 Sarah, g46, 1107 Simon, 3433 Susan, 3431 Susanna, 1107, iggs Thankful, 1107 Thomas, 1107 WilUam, g46, 1107 William Albert, 138s William Dwight, 1107 WilHam Robertson, g46 Wadham, see Wadhams. Wadhams, De Wadham, Wadams, Wadham, Wadom, Wadoms, Alvira, 1634 Calvin, iggo, iggs Clorinda Starr, iggo, 1992 E. C, iggi Edward Prindle, 1991 Elizabeth, 1992 Esther, iggs Frances Delphene, iggo Hannah, iggs John, iggs Moses, iggi Nicholas, iggs Noah, iggz Raymond Lynde, iggo Samuel, iggo, iggs Samuel F., iggi Susanna, iggs William, iggs Wadkins, David, 727 Hannah, 727 Martha, 727 Wadleigh, Ephraim, 181 1 Henry Webster, 1811 Sarah Anna, 181 1 Wadom, ^^'¦adoras, see Wad- haras. Wadsworth, de ^^'^adworth, de Wurdesworth, Wad- worth, Abigail, iisi AHce, IISI Christopher, iisi Clark Baker, 1185 Clinton, 1185 Clinton Samuel, 1185 Electa Mariah, 743 Elizabeth, nsi Emma Elizabeth, 1185 Everette, 1185 FrankHn, 1185 Grace, iisi Henry, iisi Horace Andrew, 1122 Jabez L., 433 James, 366, 726, 237S John, list John Wesley, 742 Lewis, 726 Lucinda, 1185 Marcia, 1311 Mary, 3040 Nicholas, iisi, 1185 Peter, nsi PoUy, 736 Rachel, 1121-2 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2793 Wadsworth, cont'd, Rebecca, 2466 Richard, 1121 Samuel, nsi-s Sarah, 1121-2 Sarahette Lucy, 743 Selina, Ssg Thomas, iisi Vernon, 1185 Wealthy Ann, 433 William, 2040 Zeruiah, logs Wadworth, see Wadsworth. Waffe, Whafe, Wbaff, Wharf, Alice, 146 Ann, 146 Anne, 146 Catharine, 146 John, 146 Katharine, 146 Thomas, 146 Wagar, Amy Ethel, 3335 Anson Orlando, 3335 Elizabeth Sarah, 3335 James Herbert, 2335 John EHas, 2325 Tamar, 3335 Waggener, see Wagner. Wagner, Waggener, Wagoner, Catherine, gss Mary, 1833 Mary Ann, 1355 Mattie, 2151 Richard H., 2276 Susan, 588 Wagoner, see Wagner. Wagor, Plenry, 1655 Lucinda, 1655 Mathiable, 1655 Wahunsenacawh, king, 2336 Waight, see Waite. Wainwright, Eliza, 1067 Elizabeth, 1067 Francis, 48g John, 4Sg Jonathan Mayhew, 1067 Mary, 48g Peter, 1067 Wait, see Waite. Waite, Waight, Wait, Weight, rar., ssgS Aaron, 107 Aldora, 1468 Almira, igSs AmeHa, 1136 Betsey, 402 Charles, 56g Charles Phinney, 56g David, 40S Elizabeth, 107, 146S Eunice, 569 Frank, 1468 George Henry, 1349 Hannah, 1083 Hiram, 1349 Jane, 1370 John, 1083 John W., 1349 Joseph, 403, 1083 Lucinda, 1349 Lunetta Maria, 1349 Lydia, 1083 Martha, 403 Mary, 1083, 1150, 1983 Oliver, 403 Sarauel, 1083 Williara, 40s, 790 Wake, Adelaide Bowles, 1715 Baldwyn Eyre, 1715 Caroline Elizabeth, 1715 Hereward Eyre, 1715 James Hare, 1715 Margaret Gladys Hermione, 1715 Torfida Mary, 1715 Wakefield, Ann, 1915 Hannah, 1416, 1915 John, igis Mary, igis Orin, 833 Susan Newton, 833 Wakelee, see Wakely. Wakely, Wakelee, Wakley, Anna, 34g4 Dorcas Fidelia, S4g4 Wakely, cont'd, Florence Deidaraa, 24g4 Hepzibah, 1351 Laura Fidelia, 24g4 Mary Ann, i8g4 Philip Smith, S4g4 Rachel, 3457 William James, S4g4 Wakeman, Esther, 47g Helena, iiss Plester, 47g James, 477 Jerusha Cadwell, 477 John, 1133 Wakley, see Wakely. Walbridge, mr., mrs., 385 Abigail, 385-6 Adaline, sgs Adelia, 1585 Ebenezer, 3458 Elizabeth, 1585 Solomon, 1585 Walcott, see Wolcott. Waldamar, czar or duke of Russia, 1 108, S176 Walden, Sarah, 850 Walderne, see Waldron. Waldo, Waldus, ancestors, 163 mr,, i6s Abigail, 180-1, 183 Cornelius, 70, 161-3, 183, loSs Edward, 161-3 Elizabeth, go Plannah, go, 161-3, 1083, 1773 Johanna, 160, i6s John, 161-3 Laura, 1461 Nathan, 161-3 Nellie Sarah, 1461 Parker Plooker, 1461 Peter, 161, 3456 Petrus, 3456 Rebecca, 161-3, loSs Susanna, i7gg Thankful, 161-3 Waldron, ^^'^alderne, mrs., 543, 3437 Abigail, 384, 2437 Ann, 227 Caroline Augusta, 384 David, 384 Dorothy, 543 Dwight, 384 Edward, 543 EHza Brook, 3437 Elizabeth, 327, 543, 2437 Frederic Edward, igs4 George, 543 Hannah, 543 James, 1207 Jeremiah, 2437 Joanna, 3437 John, 543, 3437 Lydia, 1307 Margaret, 3437 Mary, 543, 2437 Mary Bowers, 3437 Noah, g73 Pamelia, 2437 Prudence, 4g6 Richard, 337, 543, 3437 Sally, g73 Sarah Jane, ig34 Susan, 3437 Timothy Winn, 3437 William, 4g6, 543 Waldus, see Waldo. Wales, Cadelh prince of, 3415 Caradoc Vreichvras prince of, S46g Elystan-Glodrydd prince of, 1603, 346g Howel Dda king of North Wales and South Wales, 2415 Howell prince of Caerleon and Elvarch, S46g Madoc last prince of Powys Fadoc, S415 \\'ales, cont'd, ilarchudd-ap-Cynan founder of the VIII Noble Tribe of North Wales and Powys, 3415 Owen ap Edwin founder of the XII Noble Tribe of North M'ales and Powys, 3415 Owen Gwynedd prince of North Wales, 3415 Rhodwri Mawr king of all, 2415 Roderick the Great king of all, 3415 Trahman Goeh chieftain of, 3415 Wales, Aaron K., 1417 Asaph, sgs Deliverance, sgs Elizabeth, 103, 1417, 3351 Hannah, 103 Isabel, 103. John, 103 Nathaniel, 103, 2262 Sarah Ann, 1417 Walford, Edward, 2344 Walker, mr., 267, 537 widow, 537 Aaron Thomas, 787 Abby J., 414 Abigail, 1147, 1235, 2444 Abigail MarUla, 1235 Ada Elizabeth Billings,, 1837 Adaline, 2440 Adeline Eliza, 1837-8 Adeline Marilla, 1235 Aldis, gss. 1705 Alexander, I4g8 Alfred, 414 Almira, 1673 Almira EHza, 1235 Ann Shields, 2148 Anna Ethel, 1707 Annie, 1463 Ansel, g63 Artemas Barnard, 1837-8 Augustine, 3425 Aurelia, 267 Austin, 3435 Benjamin, 2370 Bertha Harwood, ig46 Betsey, 7S7, gss, 1707, 1713. Billings, 1838-9, 3440 Caleb, 1335 Caroline, 3127, 3134 Charles Osmyn, 1240 Charles Warren, 1946- Clarissa Ann, 1463 Comfort, 787 Cora Parker, 1707 Delia Lucilla, 7S7 Dependence, 1463-4 Edward, 1838-40, 2444 Elbina, 955 Eleanor, 1838-9 Eleanor Page, 1765 Electa HaUeck, 16S5 EHza, 1393 Elizabeth, 1147-8, 1151, 1325, 134S, 183S, 1S40, 2134 Ellen Maria, 1240 Elmore R., 414 Emily, 1623- Eraily Adaline, 1673 Eunice, 955 Ezekiel, 3435 Frances Higginson, 1765 Francis Amasa, 1S27 Frederick Bryant, 1765 Freeborn J., 1673 Frost, 1576 George, 1322, 1707 George Harrison, 1463 George W., 414 Gertrude Louisa, 1289 Gideon, 1838-9 Grace, iggS^ Grace Alice, ig46 2794 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Walker, cont'd, Hannah, 1621, 1838-g, 1998, 2424 Hannah Elizabeth, 1946 Hartly, 955 Henry Clarence, 1S40 Henry O., 1755 Horace Dimock, 1335 Independence, 1463-4 Irinda, 955 Isaac, 3435 Isabell, 1340 James Bryant, 1765 Jane Adaline, 1340 Jennie, 1610 J'ohn, gss, 1670, sssg j'ohn Marquand, 1755 John Winn, 3440 Joseph, gss, 3137, 3134 Julia, IS40, 1576 Katharine, 1670 Laura Margaret, 1755 Leonard Bradbury, 1707 Loana, 1444 Lodusky, 3137, 3134 Lois L., gs5 Lorinda, 1707 Louise, g63 Lucinda, gs5 Luke, 1348 Lydia, gss, 1705 Mabel Hurd, i4gS Margery, 1172. 3435 Maria Bartholow, 1765 Mary, 335, 570, gSs, 1670, 3034, 3300 Mary Ann, is7S-g Mary Irene, ggi Moses Billings, 3440 Nancy, 358 Nancy A., gss, 1705 Nancy Shields, 3148 Naomi, 963 Nathan, 1463, ig46 Olive, 2440 Orlando, 414 Rachel, ig7i Rachel Parker, 1707 Robert, 1147 Rosanna, gss, 1705 Rowena, gs5 RusseU Tyng, 1765 Ruth, 414 Sarauel, 335, gss, 3435 Sarah, 537, 647, 743» ii47» 3031 Sarah Anne, 414 Sarah Shatttick, 1313 Sophia, 1463, ig46 Stephen W., 414 Susanna, Susannah, 1147-S Timothy, 1765 Thomas W., ggi Venetia Rebecca, I4g8 Washington Lafayette, 1707 William Ceylon, IS40 Zechariah, 1147-8 Zechary, 1147-S Wall, Thomas, loSs Wallace, mr., 1077 Anne. 2298 Charles, ssgS Elizabeth, 3304 Emeline, 637 Ethelwyn, ssgS Euphan, 3304 Frances CecUia, 1369 Grace Grosjean, 1816 Ida Frances, ssgS James, 3304 Jane Brower, gg4 Jonas, 857 Lerauel, gg4 Maria AdaHne, 834 Mary, 857, 1434 Mary Jane, 338S Nancy, 857 Olive Parker, ssgg Robert W., ssgS Sarauel, 1363 Sarah, 1077 W^allace, cont'd, Susan, 857 Susanna, 3447 Theodore F., 3376 Theodotia, 1363 Walter Thoraas, 1816 William, 834 Wallen, Woolen, Jane, iggS John, iggS, si66 Mary, 3166 Mary Elizabeth, si66 WaUer, Warier, mr., S177 rars., 1616 Ann Maria, 1616 Charles Denniden, 1616 Daniel James, 1616 Edwin Ruthvin, 1616 Elizabeth, 1086 Esther, iggs George W., 1616 Lydia, 1137 Margaret, 1086 Mary Lewis, 3177 Mary N., 1515 T. D., 1515 Thomas, 1086 Walley, Anna, 3004 Elizabeth, 4g3 Hannah, 4g3 John, 4gs Mary Elizabeth Feroline, l6l3 Miriam PhiUips, 1613 Sally, 1613 Samuel, 1613 Sarah, 4gs Thomas, 4g3, 1613, 3004 Wallgate, miss, 350 Emma, 350 Richard, 250 Sarah, 250 Walling, Carrie Lou, igS2 Wallis, mrs., i68g Abigail, 1776 Charies H., i68g Elsie Mary, i68g Fanny Maria, i68g Flora Elizabeth, . i4gi Flora Winnifred, i4gi George D., i68g George Washington, i68g Harriet, i68g John, i4gi, 1689 John Wesley, 1689 Lydia E., i68g Mary, i68g Mary Jane, i4gi Ophelia M., i68g Persis A., i68g Richard D., 1491 Wallop, Avice, 120-1 John, 121, 577 Newton Fellows, 577 Urania, 576 Walradt, Elizabeth, 765 Walrond, Amabel, nog Humphrey, nog Nathaniel, nog Walsh, miss, 1762 Walsworth, see Walworth. Walter, third Lord High Steward, 15 Walter, see Walters. Walters, Walter, miss or mrs., 552 Erama Jane, 247g John Jackson, 305g Josiah M., 347g Lillie May Cynthia, 347g Mary, sosg Mary Araanda, S47g Minnie A., 347g Patsie, 307g, 3107 Rebecca Elizabeth, 347g Sarah Elverdia, 347g Waltheg, earl of St. Clair, 1108 Walton, Charles. 1103-4 Eleanor, 577 Eliza, 1715 Elizabeth, S77 Elizabeth Jemima, 1715 John Leidger, 1715 JuHa Ann, 3043 Martha, 877 Mary, 1103 Mary Amelia, 1104 Sarah Ann, 1853 Susan Elizabeth, 1103 Thoraas, 1103, 1715 WiUiara, 877 Waltz, Elizabeth, 1164 John, 1164 Walworth, Walsworth, James J., i7sg Lizzie, i7Sg Lucy M., 1656 Margaret Henry, 1761 Reuben Hyde, 333 Wands, Wans, Alexander, 2327 Joseph Seth Cleveland, 3337 Josephine, 3337 Margaret, 1764 Maria, 1764 Siarah, 2327 WiUard, 1764 WiUiam, 2327 Wannamaker, mrs., 2igo Annie, 2igo Jacob, 2igo John Jacob, 2igo Mary Magdalen, sigo Selina Pierce, 2igo-i Wans, see Wands. Wansley, W^anslow, see Wensley. Wanzey, Roxa, 623 Ward, de la Ward, faraily, 1576 miss, ig86 mr., 1083, 2017 mrs., 883, 1114, 3049, 2316 Aaron, 2316 Aaron Augustus, 883 AbigaU, 136, isS, 257-8, 298, 596. S99» 6oi> 671, 1197. 304g-so Abner, 137, ssg Adaline, sgs, sgS, 603 Adaline A., ngg Adelia D., ngg Adelia Jane, ngg Admiral, 338 Adra P., 602 Alanson WendeU, iig6 Albert E. S., 1761 Alcenas, 5g7 Albert Pease, 1203 Albert Sumner, iig6 Aletta, 1575-6 Alfred L., ng6 Alice, 127 Alice Demott, 600 Alicia, 107S Almira, sg6, 600, iigS Alpha MiUer, 5g6 Alzora, ii2g Amanda, 778 Aray, 5g7, 846, 1531 Andrew, 3g4 Andrew Henshaw, 36, 358 Ann, 1303, i8go Ann Eliza, g34 Ann Maria, 3048-g Anna, 357, ssg, sgg, 600, 671 Anna MariUa, sgs Ansel Hill, iig6 Anthony, S017 Arthur, 600 Arunah, 603 Asahel P., sgS Atarah, sgg, 1302 Augustine, sg7 Austin, 1534' Azubah, 5g6 Bathsheba, 66, 126 BeUa E., 1015 Benjamin, 14S8 Bernard, 5g7, 1576 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2795 Ward, cont'd, Bethia, ssg Betsey, Betsy, Betty, 127, 257, 603 Betsey D., 1500 Betty, 257 Caleb, 458 Calvin, 257 Calvin Judson, ngS Camilla, i73g Candace, sg7 Carlos, 6o3 Caroline, 601, iig6 Caroline Amelia, 8S2 ¦Caroline Sophia, S83 Caroline Zeruiah, 602 Carrie, 1203 Catharine, Catherine, sgs, "97 Catharine Amelia, iig6 •Catharine Isadore, 1196 Cecilia, 598 Ceylon, 601 'Chandler, 5g7 Chapman Denzelo, 601 'Charles, 137-8, 603 Charles Augustus, 1834 Charles Edward, 603 'Charles Ephraim, 5g6 Charles Kendrick, 600 Charles P., 600 Charlotte, 5g4, 1203 Chauncey, 601, ngg Chauncey Church, 1S04 Chauncey Eddy, 1304 Chester W., S93 Clarinda, 597 Clarissa. 597) 603, 1328 Columbia, 597 Comfort Ingraham, SSs Cornelia, 601-3 Cynthia, 603 Cynthia Eliza, 1196 Davis, 357 Deborah, ssg, 1197 Delia Pease, isos Delilah, 596 Deliverance, 136 Deucy, 593. "97 Deucy L., 593 Dexter, 597-8, 60s Eari, 593 Earl J., 593 Edgar, 597 Edward E., 596 Edward Josiah, 596 Edward S., 1196 Edwin, 338, 597 Edwin R., 594 Elcy, 601 Electa, 6o3, iig7 Electa R., 597 Elijah, sg6, 671 Elijah S., 596 Elisha, 126, 357, 600, i303 Eliza, 458, 596, 600-1, 846, 1131, 1302-3, 1347 Eliza Ann, iigS Eliza Pease, isos Elizabeth, 67, 127, 208-g, 25S-g, sgs, 883, 204g-5o Ella, 600 Ellen, 60s Ellen Elizabeth, ng6 EUen M., 598 EUen Sophia, 107S Elvira, 5g4, 60s Elvira Eliza, iig7 Emma M.. 1304 Emeline, 60s Emily, 597, "97 Emily A., 603 Emily EUzabeth, 593 Emma Jane, 1834 Eneas, ssg Ephraim, 137, sgs, "i4 Esther, 107, 145. 597. 1203 'Esther Jane, 1304 Ethelyn Eudora, 2475 Ward, cont'd, Ezra, 137, 59^ Fanny, sgs, 600 Fannie Louise, 1531 Fanny Mears, 1304 Fannie Minerva, 1303 Fidelia, 5g6 Frank Howard, 1531 George, 5g7, 1015, 107S, 1576 George Atkinson, sos Georgie Mabel, i6si Geraldine, 5g6 Gershom, 136 Gertrude, 883 Gratia, iig7 Hamilton, iSgS, 3500 Plannah, 66-7, 137, 357, 5g7, 1078, 1114, 1196, 1631, 3017 Hannah S., 598 Hannah T., ngg Harriet, 602 Plarriet Elizabeth, 1347 Plarry Cleveland, 153 1 Harvey, 5g7 Plelen Elizabeth, 1834 Helen Lovisa, 60s Plelen S., 600 Henry, 1078 Henry A., sgS Henry C, 6o3 Henry Clay, iig6 Henry Cleveland, 1203 Hepzibah, 66, 126, ssg Plester, 107 Hezekiah, 136, 356, sgs, iig7 Hezekiah C, 5g4 Hiriam O., 593 Hirara Pond, 1304 Hoderah, 357 Ichabod, ii4g Irving, 1761 Isaac, 5g7, 3316 Jane, 66, 127, ssg, 600, iig6 Jane Ann, sg7 Jasher Taylor, ng7 Jemiraa, 357, 5gs-4 Jennet, 603 Jereraiah, iig6 Jeremiah Sumner, iig6 Jesse, 593 Jessie Winnifred, i6si Joanna, 3049-50 John, S46, 1083, 1114, 1 196-7, 1576, 3017, 3049 John Chamberlain, 1898 John G., 1 197 John Graham, 1197 John Henry, 1834 John Ingraham, 883 John T., 60s John W., 601 Jonas, 3049-50 Jonathan, 66, 174, S57, 363, 595, "97 Jonathan Erwin, iigS Josiah, 137, iig6 josiah Perkins, iig6 Joshua, 1078 Joyce, 3017 Judith, 883 Julia, 597, 1197 JuHa Adaline, 5g4 Julia Griswold, 1761, 3409-10 Kate Elizabeth, i860 Kate Frances, 1631 Kerley, 593 Kerly Grahara, 1197 Laura Alraira, iig6 Letitia U., 1S04 Levinah, 137 Lois, sgs Lorenzo, sg8, 601-3 Lottie, 1203 Louisa, 5g8, 60s Lovisa, sgS Loyal, 60s Lucretia Smith, 1145 Lucy, 257, 360, 1S03 Ward, cont'd, Lucy Ann, 5g6 Lucy Jane, iig6 Lucy M., 600 Lucy P., 1733-4 Luke Augustus, iig6 Luman, 846 Luther, 357, 934 Lydia, 137, 603, 3049 ' Lyman, 596 Mabel Kempton, 1533 Madison, 5g7 Mandana, 5g6, 603 Margaret, 603, 1015, 1078 Margaret Henry, 1761 Marguerite Estelle, 1761 Maria, 5g7, 1347 Marietta, 338 Martha, 51, 66, 357, 338 Martha Maria, 5g6 Martha Tuttle, 1S03 Martin, iig6 Mary, 137, 357, 260, 315, 458, 595-7, 775, 846, 883, 1083, 1 1 14, -1149, "96-7, IS03, 1488, 1576, 304g Mary AdeHa, i8g8 Mary Ann, 600, 1196, 1500, 1880 Mary Elizabeth, 596 Mary Jane, 597, 1534 Mary Lawrence, 603 Matilda, 597 Melinda, 596-7 Melinda Hinsdale, 3049 Melissa Ann, iigS Melita, S95 Mendana, 5g6, 602 MUcah Melita Selina, sgs Mercy, 882 MUes, 1078 Minnie, S83 Moultrie, 883 Myra, 1203 Nahum, 25g Nathan, sg6 Nathaniel, 1083 NeUe, 137 Nelson, sg8 Noah Church, 603 Obadiah, 8S3, 304g-5o Obadiah Lorenzo, 601 Oren J., 1500 Orlando, 603 Orlando Cady, 576 Orson, 6o3 Oscar, 5g7 Parlay L., ngg Parley, ngg Patty, 137 Patty C, ngg Paul Scott, ngg Perla Melinda, 603 Perley, 1199 Perley Jane, 1199 Perley L., ngg Peter, 1347 Peter Hamilton, 1347 Phebe, 603, ii4g Phebe Miller, 596 Pherson, 603 Philander, 60s PhUlipa, 1660 PhUlis, 1660 Polly, 137, 596 Porter, 597 Prudence, 136, 595 Publius G., 601 Rachel, 531, 597, 648, 883 Rebecca, ssg, iig7 Relief, iig7 Reuben, 5g7-8 Richard, 1114, iSgo, 304g Richard Walker, 1631 Robert, ssg, S017 Rollin, 601 Rosalie, S83 Rosella, iig6 Rosetta, 601 Rosette R., 5g4 Royal Pease, isos Rufiis, so4g-5o Ruth, is6, ng7 2796 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ward, cont'd, Ruth Lumira, iig7 Sabra, ng6 Sabrina, ssg Sally, 137, sgs, iig6, 3345 Sally Maria, iig6 Salmon, 5g7 Sarauel, 107, 137, sgs, 107S, "97 Samuel Ashniun, iig6 Sarauel Newell, ngg Sarah, is6, 358-9, 601, 883, 1078, iig6, ngg, S017, 3104, 2483 Sarah Ann, 600, 603 Sarah E., 5g4, 1761 Sarah Jane, 563 Selina Melita, iigS Sidna, 603 Simon P., 1631 Solomon, 137 Sophia, sg6, 600 Sophronia, 358 Spencer, isos Stella, 1761 Stene, 603 Stephen, 137 Sumner, iig6 Sumner P., iig6 Sumner Wayne, iig6 Susan, sgS, 1114, 1410 Susan C, 594 Susanna, Susannah, 137, 257, 597, "97 Susanna Kelley, 1197 Tertullus, 594 Thankful, 1114 Theresa, 603 Thoraas Wilmot, 1303 Tirzah, 137 Uriah, SS3-3 Verres, 603 W. Cleveland, S076 Waldo Flint, iigS Walworth, 1761 West, 338 Whipple, 597 Whitman Rathbone, IS03 William, 66-7, 257, 260, sgS-g, 883, II 14, iig7, i7sg, 1761, 3017, so4g, 2242 William C., 600 Williara Cleaveland, 883 WilUam E., 563, sgs WiUiam Griffin, 1761 William S., 600 William W., sgg WiUiam Wanklyn, 1531-2 Winthrop, 257 Zalucus, 5g4 Zelina, 600-1 Zeruiah, 257, 603 Zettie, 1534 ^^'ardall, see Wardell. M^ardeU, Wardall, Wardhall, Wardle, WardweU, Werd- aU, Woodell, Wordell, Abby, 438 Abram, 444 AHce, 358, iggs Clara Adeline, 444 Clarissa, 438 Edmund, 444 Eleanor Jane, 1440 Elihu, iggs Elizabeth, iggs Hannah, 438, 444 Jane Fogg, 1617 John B., 1617 Lucy Cleveland, 1617 Mary, 358 Mary Anjanet, 444 Mary Anngenet, 444 Sally, 438 Sarah, iggs William, 358, iggs William WUson, 1617 Warden, see Worden. Wardhall, see Wardell. Wardlaw, see Wardlow. Wardle, see Wardell. \\''ardlow, Wardlaw, Abbie, 1177 Daniel, 565 James Arthur, 1177 Mattie, 565 Sarauel, 1177 Sarah Marsden, 1177 Susan, 565, 1177 Susie Aimee, 1177 Wardrobe, Daniel, 33S3 Sarah Jane, 3383 WardweU, see WardeU. Ware, Alraa, Sgo Alonson C, 8go Amanda Corning, Sgo Ann, 761 Curtis james, Sgo Esther, 544 Gilbert, Sgo Joanna, 33S John, 338 Joseph, 338 Lydia, Sgo Margaret, 338 Martha, 338 Persis, 338 Robert, 338 Sarah, 1S60 Susan Lavona, g64 Warfield, Abijah, 3471 Aurilla, S471 Ebenezer, 3471 Lorana, 3471 Lydia, 3471 Mary, i74g Warhara, Esther, 364, 510 Jane, 364 John, 364, 510 Warick, see Warwick. Waring, Rachel, 1433 Warins, see Warren. Warier, see Waller. Warne, Jane, 856 Thoraas, 856 Warner, col., 3468 gen., 1580 raiss, S4gi rars., 3g4, gio Abigail, gio, "So-i Ada, 34gi Adeline, 1518 Albert, 1518 Almira, ggs Alton Ernest, 1247, 34g3 AmeHa, gn Amory C., 632 Amory Pollard, 3491 Andrew, 394, 479, 781, 1663 Angeline Lucy, 632, 2491 Ann, 1151 Arabella Lana, 1346, 1350, 2492-3 Augustine, 3173 Belle, s4gi Benjamin, 1151 Cemira C, 34gi Charles, 1567 Clara EsteUe, 24g2 Daniel, 3g4, 1246 Drusilla, 2288 E. O., ig62 Ebenezer, 911, 1151 EH, 1246, 2491 EHas Burchard, 1673 Elizabeth, gn, 1545, 1665, 2480 Emerson, 632, 24gi Emraa Lemira, 1370 Esther, 47g, 1151 Eunice Graves, 1665 Eva Adeline, isig Fanny Evelyn, 34g3 Francis Wesley, ggs Frank Leslie, ggs Franklin Orange, 1346-7, S4g3 Georgia Anna, 1567 Gertrude, 3316 Plannah, sgs Hester, 479, "Si Homer Appleton, 1673 Jerusha, isig John, 3g4, 781, SsS, gio, 1151 Josephine, ig63 Joshua, 395 Josiah, 1518-ig Laura, 1630-1 Lavinia, 1S46 Lemira Maria, 1370 Leona AHce, 34g3 Louisa Juliene, 1566 XA'arner, cont'd, Lucia Caroline, 1246, s4gr Lucia Viola, 1S46, S4gi Lucio Ludwig, 24g2 Lucy, gio Lucy Venelia, 1246, 24gi Luna Effie, S4g2 Lura Velraa, 1246, 34gi Luthera Julia, 1246, 34g2- Lydia, gio Marcella, 3492 Margaret, ii^i Mark, gio Martha, ggs, 1151 Martha H., 46 Mary, 393-4, 781 Mary EHza, 1333 Mary Elizabeth, iggs Mary Josephine, 1247 Matthew, 46 May Josephine, 1347, 34g2 Mehitable, 1305 Melzar, 1665 Mercy, 1663. Mildred, 3173 Myron Alton, 34g3 Nabby, 1150 Naomi, sgs Orson, 46 Peggy, 34g3 Peter Roome, 1033 Priscilla, 461-s, SsS, gio Rachel, SsS Rhoda, 1579-80 Royal, 633, 1246, 2492 Ruth AHce, 632, 34g3 Sabrina, 1567 Sarah, 3g4, 541 Sarah Buckingham, 1370 Sarah Catharine, 2273 Sarah Mary Marsh, IS46-7,. 34g3 Selden, 1370 Seth, 1151 Silence, 1151 Sophia, 750, 1518 Statira Leonie, 1673 Sylvia Genevieve, 1673 Tamar, 3335 Thomas, 462- Thomas Jefferson, 1370 Vestene Elijah, 34gi Virgil Eli, 1346, 34gi Walter Louie, 3492 Walter Winthrope, 633, 3493 WiUiam, gio, 1545, WUliam Colton, ggs WilHam Swain, 3273 WiUiam Wallace, 1566 Willie Vestene, 34gi Warren, de Warren, De Warrene de Warrenne, Warins, earl, 365-6, 3040 miss, 672 mr., g72 Abigail, i7g-8o, 3436 Achsah, i4g2 Ada, 365 Ada May, 1834 Adelaide, 1S34 Adelia, 1834. AHce, 365, 743 AUen Baker, 1833 Almira, 1133 Ambrosia, 1833 Amelia, 1834 Benjamin, 3436 Bessie Marguerita, 1546 Betsey, 143s Caroline, 972. Charies, 1967, 2502 Charles Lincoln, 1834 Christopher, 743 Clara Elenor, 3155 Diadamie, 3503 Dixon Henry, 3154 Edraund, 1545 Edward Savage, 1694 Eleanor, 1047 Eliza Ann, 1133 Eliza MUdred, 2154 Elizabeth, 67, 365, 647, 1069,. 3154 Ellen, 1834 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2797 Warren, cont'd, Eltheria, goo Erama Jane, 1834 Ephraim, 3440 Esther, 3440 Ethel Clare, 1834 Eugenie Rebecca, 3155 Fannie E., 1834 ' Fannie Mildred, 3155 FloriUa Biansa, 1545-6 ; Frank Allen, 1S34 1 Frederic Edmund, 1546 George, 2162-3 George Washington, 3155 Georgia, 2163 Hameline, 265 Henry, 480 Ida Adell, 1834 Ira, 1133 Isaac, 1432, 1834 Isabella, 265, 3436 Israel Perkins, no Jacob, i7g-8o, goi, 2440 James, io6g, 2163 Jane, 647 Jeremiah S., 2154 Jesse, S2i8-ig Jessie Rosalie, 1546 John, 67, 265, 3S2, goo, 3486 John R., 3gi Jonas, 595 Jonathan, 3374 Joseph, 391, 143s, 1996, 3315, 3440 Joseph Milton, 3154 Lavinia, 3503 Leslie Teeple, 1546 Levi L., ngg Lizzie Beach, i6g4 Lois, 595, 1578 Lucy, 391 Lucy Diadama, 1967, 3503 Lydia, 900, 1834, 1967* 2440, 2502 Margaret, 383, g43 Maria, i6g4 Martha, 164, 2163, 23i8-ig ' Martial, 1578 Mary, 383, goo, 3486 Mary Eliza, 1333 Mary Elizabeth, 3155 Mary F., ngg Mary Jane, 1546 Mary Miranda, 1432 .Mary R., 1376 Mary Theodosia, 2162 Matilda, ig6o May Estella, 1546 .Mercy, 1996 Minnie May, 1834 Nathaniel, 647, 74s, loeg, 2502 Pamelia, Permelia, 4S0-1, 651 Penelope, io6g- Peter Jeremiah, 2155 PriscUla, 145S, igg6 Rachel, i7g-8o, sgi Rebecca, 2436 Rhoda, 15" JRichard, 647, 74s, io6g, 1838, igg6 Ruth, ngg Ruthie, ngg Sarah, iSo, 340, 647, 743. 888, io6g, 1432, 2436 ¦Stephen, goo Steven R., i6g4 Susan, 1510 Susanna, g56 Tabitha, 2436 Thomas, 2502 Thomas Henry Martin, 2155 W. H., 1171 WiUiam, 265-6, 686 WUliam Cleveland, S9i Williara Eariy, 2154 William Spalding, i6g4 see also Plantagenet. "Warrener, see Warriner. Warriner, Warrener, AbigaU MariUa, 1235 Abigail S., 625 Addie Cleveland, 635 Adeline L., 1335 Amos, 1S33 Clarissa T., 635 Daniel, 1748 Elias, 1333 EHas Turner, 1333 Ella Francis, 635 George Edward, 635 Hannah, 634, 1316, 1333, 2457 Henrietta AdaHne, 1335 Ida, 1333 James, 3457 Jaraes Monroe, 1335 Jennie Louise, 635 Joanna, isi6, 3457 Joseph, 634, 1333 Josephine Hannah, 1333 Levi Clark, 1335 Lillie Agnes, 1335 Louisa Jane, 635 Louisa Maria, 1855 Lucy, 1748 Martha, 635 Martha Annette, 635 Martha MariUa, 1335 Mary Abby, 1335 Mary Ann, 1333, 1335 Mary Jane, 1747 Mary Lovina, IS33 Miriam Cleveland, 1333 Naomi, 634 Naomi Maria, 624 Nathan, 624-5 Patience, 1233-3 Periin Clinton, 635 Periin Nathan, 635 Sarah Elvira, 1333 Williara, isi6, 2457 Wilson Joseph, 1233 Warton, see de Warton. Warwick, Warick, Anne, countess of, 365 Augustus Williara, 1440 Charlotte Eva, 1440 Cicely Fitzhugh, countess of, 36s George, 1440 Henry, earl of, 365 James Joseph, 1440 Jane, 1440 Jeanette, 338 John Dudley, earl of, 365 Lafayette, 33S Lois Maria, 1440 Roger De Bellomont, earl of, 2175 Ursula Angela, 1440 Washbon, Washborne, see Washburn. Washburn, Wasbon, Wash borne, Washburne, family, 1637 mr., 3386 Achsa, 750 Alfred H., 1415 Alfred James, 1415 Algernon Sidney, 1670 Alice Lucinda, 1637 Alvin, 1631 Alvira Leura, soio Amanda, 1637 Anna Wesley, 1637 Betty, 141 Bezaleel, 1415 Buchanan Elbridge, 1637 Cadwallader Colden, 1670 Carrie Maud, soog Cassius Marcellus, 1415 Charles Ames, 1670 Clarke Purdy, ssSg Cora Pearle, 1637 Cynthia Ann, 1637 Washburn, cont'd, Deborah, 1670 Deborah Elizabeth, 1637 Eleazer, 1636, 1638 Elihu Benjamin, 36s, 1670 Elizabeth, 1638, 3153 Elizabeth Rachael, soio Eraily, 1415 Erama Celinda, ssSg Eva May, 1415 Flora Marinda, 1637 Francis Marion, 1637 Hannah, io8i Hester, 1670 Ida May Roxana, 1637 Israel, 1638, 1670 Jackson Gordon, 1637 Jackson Gordon Holraes, 1637 John, 1085, 163S John Wilson, 1637 Jerusha, 1415 Laura Minerva, soog Laurentius Constantine, soog Lavina, 1637 Leah, 1670 Leura, 1636 LUian, 1670 Lucretia, 1562 Lydia, 341 Malvina Laura, soog Margaret, 1638 Marion WaUace, i6si Martha, 1670 Mary, 1085 Mary Caroline, soog Mary Elizabeth, 1637 Mary Susan, 1637 Melancthon Eleazer, 1637 Myrtle lone, 1637 Neoma, ss86 Rebecca, 1344 RoseUa Amanda, 1637 RosweU, 1636 SaUie Catherine, 1670 Samuel, 1081, 1670 Samuel Benjamin, 1670 Sarah Arsina, 1415 Seth, 354 Sylvan Cynthia, 1637 Thurlow, 1670 Waitstill, 1670 Welcome, 1563 Williara Drew, 1670 Williara Gordon, 1637 WiUiam Roswell, soog WUHam WaUace, 1636 Wratchel, 1636, 1638 Washburne, see Washburn. Washington, de Washington, de Wassyngton, mrs., 3303-4 Agnes, 2203 Aimee, 2203 Alianna, Alianora, 2203 Amercia, 2203 Amphillis, 2204 Ann, ssos Anne, 3303 Augustine, 2173 Bailey, 2204 Bondo, 2203 Charles, 213 Courtenay, ssos Courtenay Cleveland, 3303 Elizabeth, 3173, 3303 Euphan, 3304 George, 363, 2173, 2203-4, 237g, 3416, 3503 Georgianna Langhorne, 3303-4 Henry, 3304 Jane, 3304 jane Riley, 3304 Jessie Hale, 3302 Johanna, 2203 John, 137, 2203-4 Joyce, 3304 Laurence, Lawrence, 2173, 2203-4 Leonard, ssos Margaret, ssos Martha, 3173 2798 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Washington, cont'd, Mary, sis, 3173, 3304 MatUda, 137 Mildred, 3173 Robert, ssos Temple Mason, 3303-4 Thomas, 3303 Walter, 2203 W^illiam, 2203, 2416 William Augustine, 2203 Wasson, John, g54, g56 Susan Ann, g54, g56 Waterbury, Anna, 1816 Antoinette Lawrence, ig43 Caroline Antoinette, 1443 Catherine Livingston, ig43 Cleveland Livingston, ig43 David, 3s8o, 3336, 3330 Eliza Jane, 1816 Elizabeth, ig43 Fannie, ins Gertrude Cleveland, 1941 Hannah, 1664 James Montaudevert, 1943 John Cunningham, 1943 Julia Livingston, 1941 Kate Anthony, 194s Lawrence, 1443, ig4s Mary, g6g Noah, 1443, ig4s Sarah, 1443 Stephen White, 1816 Waterhouse, see Watrous. Waterman, Watterman, mr., 1S8, 807, 32g7 mrs., 22g7 Amelia, 8g7 Anne, S26 Caroline Elizabeth, i56g Eliza, 8g7 Elizabeth, 305, 700 Emily, 305 Fanny, 1300 Frances, Ssg Frances Rebecca, 1300, 3500 George Francis, 897 Harriet, 304 Harriet Elizabeth, 744 Harriet Lauretta, 3306 Harry, 304 Harvey, 3306 Joanna, 744 John Calvin, 1569 Jotham, 439 Kate Douglas, 1569 Laurence B,, 8g7 Lewis, 1300 Louisa, 305 Lydia, 153 Mabile Louise, ig7s Maria, 43g Martha, 188, 304 Mary, 304, 807 Miriam, 305 Nehemiah, iSoS Nellie Gray, 1816 Olive, 439 Phebe, 304 Robert, 305 Ruth, 3297 Sally, 304 Sarah, 305, 439 Sarah J., i56g Silas, 304-5 Silence, 304-5 Susanna, 304 Thomas, 304-5, 744, 8g7, 3410 William, 43g Waterous, see Watrous. Waters, Abigail, 60 Ann, 62 Caroline Elizabeth, 335 Catharine, 1371 Charles, 963 EHza Jane, 335 Elizabeth Jane, 963 Ellen Maria, 335 U'aters, cont'd, Henry Fitz-Gilbert, log, 2203 Jane, 1818 John, 181S John Bradford, 335 Laurence, Lawrence, 62 Lewis John, 963 Lucy, 335, 648 Mary, 60, 62, 343, 14SS Minnie Dunlap, 3141 Samuel, 60, 62 Sarah, 537, 1818 Susan, g6s Sylvanus, g6s WUliam, 2141 Zebulon, 335 see also Watrous. Watkins, miss, 2139 rars., iSSg Alfred Moore, 2i3g Annie Laurie, 2138 Cecilia, sogi Clarissa Harlowe, 3136 Claude Wright, sig7 Cleopatra, 3138 Edward Bryant, 3091-2 Edward Minerva, sisO, 2141 EH Bryant, 2139 Eliza, 2i3g Eliza Douglas, sisg Elizabeth, isn Eolene Alfred, S138 Ethel Theresa, S197 Eugene, 3197 Fanny, sogi Fanny Lou Elen, 3141 Finley Patterson, 3138 Florence, 3197 Grover Cleveland, 3197 Hannah, 719 Harvey Cleveland, sisg Jaraes Edward, S141 Jane Douglas, sisg Jenny, 2ig8, 2411 Jenny Wright, sig7 Johanna, 1311 John, sigS John Cleveland, 3141 Joseph, ISII Josephine Adelaide, 2ogi Laura Elmira, 2138, 2141 Lillie May, 2138 Mary Blanche, 2ig7 Mary Elizabeth, 2141 Mary Josephine, 2138 Reese Kelso, 2ig7 Robert, 2ogi Robert Franklin, 2138, 2141 Samuel Clifford, 2141 Sarah, 2173 Stonewall Jackson, 2i3g Susan Douglas, 2i3g Theresa M., 2138 Vida, 2138 Walter Kendall, I7g2 Zachary Taylor, 2138 Watrous, Waterhouse, Wat erous, Abby, 620 Betsey, 666 David, 666 Fannie Esther, 1375 Harriet, 1133 Hepsibuth, 422 Josiah, 664 Mary, 664, 823 Mary Pearson, 664 Mercy Anne, 6so Minerva, 666 Randall, 6so Sarah, 537 Truman Martin, 664 see also Waters. Watson, miss, 1070 rev. rar., 2286 Abigail, nog, 1314 Alice, noo Watson, cont'd. Ann, 1314, i67g Anna, g24 Anne, nog CalelD, iS^S- Charles Henry, 1S57 Chloe, 1315 Cyprian, 1314-15 Ebenezer, nog Elijah, 22ig Elizabeth, 1314 Esther Ann, 1057-S Harvey, 1314 Hirara, gs4 James, 1058 Jane, 1058, 3ig4, ssS6 jane Elizabeth, 1857 Jemiraa Maria, 1314 John, noo, nog. ii4g, 13 14 John W., gSg Julia, 1466 Laura Jane, 1857 Lena Leota, gSg Levi, 1314-15 Lucinda, 1679 Lucy, 1314-15 Margaret, ii4g, 1314 Margaret Louise, 1746a Mary, 695, noo, 1108-9 Mercy, 135 1 Nellie Margaret, g24 Rebecca Yercus, 1472 Reuel Arnold, 1314 Robert, nog, 1314 Ruth, i7og Sally, 13 14, Sarah, ii4g Sarah Jane, g24 Susan, igso Susan Jane, ssig Thomas, 1314 WiUiara, g34, i67g WilHam Clarence, 1746a Zachariah, 1315 Watt, see Watts. Watterman, see Waterman.. Watterson, John, 1361 Susan C, 1361 Wattles, Augustus, 1351 Harriet, 1351 Hepzibah, 1351 Watts, Watt, Charles Wicks, 3463 Eliza Louise, 3463 Elizabeth, 1041 Fanny, 650, 1305-6 Mary, 1505, SS04 Richard, 1041 Ruth, isgg Williara, 1505 Waugh, Abigail Elizabeth,. isgi Albert Freeman, isgi Daniel, isgi Emma Letitia, 1293 Fannie Elizabeth, isgi Frank Albert, isgi Harrison M., 3168 Irene, isgi Lena, isgi Luther Graves, 2168 Mary Lena, isgi-s Mary Ursula, 2168 Way, Waye, family, 1030, 1427 mr., 1427 AbigaU, 427-8, 1427, iSi9r A ^533 Alexander, 736 Alphea, isig Ann, 1386, isig Benjamin, 1030 Caroline Beach, 1533 Cassie, 2336 Charity, 736 Charles Granville, 438 Charles S., 1427 Clara Henrietta. 1519. Clarissa, 1386 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2799 Way, cont'd, Daniel, isig, 1532-3 Delia A., isig Demice, Demise, Dimmis, 1030-1 Ebenezer, 13S6 Elijah B., 3336 Elizabeth, 438, 726, 1030, 1386 Elizabeth E., 3337 Elizabeth Meigs, 1037, 1030 Ella E., 1437 Ellen, 1386 Ellen A., 3336 Estella, i5ig Francis, 726 George, 1030, 1386 George Meigs, 1030 Grace Ann, 1136 Henry, 438, 726, 1030, 1386 Hezekiah, 736 Horace, 13S6 Horace M., 3337 James, 726 Jerusha, isig Jarvis, isig Jerusha, 1533 John, 428, 726, 1030, 1386 John Austin, 1386 John B., 3336 John Fletcher, 3336 John Herbert, isig Joshua, 1437 Lucy Ann Stearns, 1386 Lyman, 736 Mabel Moss, 2337 Mary, 428, 1030, 1150, 1380, 2336 Mary Elizabeth, 112S Mary F., 3336 Maria V., 3336 May, 1519 Penelope, 43S Polly, 2336-7 Rebecca, 1519 Robert, 3337 Samuel, nsS Sarah, 726, 1030, 1437 Silas C, 3337 Stephen, 1386 Stuart Clark, 1519 Susannah, 1030 Theresa, 1533-3 Thomas, 1030, 1386, 1519 WiUiam, 438, 1030-1, 3336-7 WUliam J., 3336 WiUiam T., 2336 Waye, see Way. Wayman, Sarah, 1533 Wavne, Anthony, 1613, 304g Lucy Maud, 1858 M. C, 1858 Virginia Waldbury, igii Waynes, Irving, 1610 Mary Erailine, 1610 Weage, Elvira Jane, iisS Harvey, iisS Weakley, Isabella Gurn, 1366 Wean, Weon, Arraanda Arraona, 905 Barbery, 905 Blanche, 905 Lucena, 905 Luther Washington, 905 Mary Angeline, 905 Samuel, 905 William, 905 Weqre, Anna, 1557 Chariotte Barlow, 1557 John, 1557 „, , ^ Weatherbee, see Weatherby. Weatherby, Weatherbee, Wetherbee, Wetherby, Wethersby, mr., mrs., 668 Artemisia, 668 Elsie Whitney, "67 Weatherby, cont'd, Hannah, 534 Isaac, 534 Sally, 534, 830 Sarah, 314 Weatherford, MiUie, 2194 Weatherwax, David, 146S Hannah, 1468 Janette EsteUa, 146S Weaver, mr. , 1643 Abbie, 1977 Absalom, 580 Caroline Cordelia, 1409 Catharine, 1538 Charles Waterman, 986 Diana, 580 Elizabeth, 922 Eveline, 18S7 Jaraes, 3163 Jennie Ann, i4og Kate Loifise, gS6 Martha Elizabeth, 2162 Martha Elvira, 1877 Mary, 793, gss Orpha, 1643 Susan, 580 William, gss, i4og WilHam H., 1877 WUliam L., 66 Webb, rars., 2480 Adeline, 3480 AUce, 743 Alice Marietta, igsi Araanda Ann, 2214 Araanda C, 24S0 Anna, 2185 Anna E., 3480 Anna EHza, 1953 Anna Norris, 1811 Annie, 3479 Benjamin, 399 Caroline, 1390 Caroline Amelia, igsi Catherine, 247g Catherine Margaret, 3480 Charles Nathaniel, 3480 Charlotte, sgg, 3478 Chester Albert, igsi Christopher, sgg, 546 Clara Adelphia, igsi Clara Arnold, 3480 Claxton Sarauel, igss Clyde Duane, igsi Content, sgg Cornelia, 1681 Cynthia A., 347g David Crockett, 3480 David WiUiam, 34go . Edward, 347g-8o Edward Marcellus, igsi Edward Milo, igsi Eliza Malinda, 3479 Elizabeth, 564, 3480 Elizabeth Bassick, 3479 Elvira Ann, 1953 Emily Ann, 3480 Esta Augusta, 1951 Frederick Cleaveland, 3479 Hannah, sgg, 1681 Harriet, 3478 Harriet Amanda, 3480 Harriet Ann, 347g Henry Albright, 3480 Henry Sylvester, 3480 Ida, 3480 John Lyman, 1951 Jonathan, 503 JuHa Agnes, S480 Lydia P., 2479 Malinda, 2480 Malinda A., 2481 Marcellus Horace, 1951 Margaret EraUy, 2479 Margaret Rebecca, 2480 Martha, 2480 Mary, 546, 3478 Mary A., 3480 Mary Abbie, 24S0 Mary Abigail, 2479 Mary Elizabeth, 2480 Mary Ellen, 3480 Mary Jane, 3480 Webb, cont'd, Mary Jane Elizabeth, 1811 Minnie, 3480 NapthaU, 1681 Nathan, s47g-8o Nathan Edward, 347g Nathaniel, sgg, 3478, 3480 Nora L., 34S0 Olive, sgo Priscilla, 503 Rebecca Elizabeth, 347g Roscoe, 3479 Rufus, 3480 Rufus Henry, 3480 Samuel B., 3368 Sarah Jane, 3479-80 Sarah Marietta, 1951 Shepard, sgo Sophia Andrews, 3480 Stephen, sgg Sylvester Frederick, 3480 Thomas, 743 Thomas Myers, i8n Timothy, sgg WiUiara Warner, 34S0 William Watson, 347g Webber, Weber, miss, 765 mrs., 305 Aaron, 846 Alice B., 305 Almira, 1352 Betsey, 1867 Charlotte, 1143 Elijah Phelps, 1588 Emme M., 573 Hannah, 34g, 846 Henry, 57s Henry R., 305 Hosea, 305 John K. , 305 Lucy, 1867 Lurinda, 305 Marlin Cleveland, 305 Mary L., 1588 Ocea, 305 Susan Araelia, 305 WUliam, 1867 WiUiam Kinsman, 1588 Weber, see Webber. Webster, Abigail, 364 Alfred, 3374 Agnes, 370, 3g4 Alexander, 3363 Amny, 1536 Anna Curtis, I7g4 Anne, 370 Arthur, isgi Benjamin, 1103-4 Betsey, 1934 Caroline Cornelia, 1104 Caroline Edna, 1736 Charles Edwin, 1736 Charles Elijah, 181 1 Charles Tenney, iSn Chestina, ggi Clara May, 1811 Cleveland, 21S2 Dana Charles, 1726 Daniel, ggi, igSS Edith, 6S1 Edna Lurena, 1726 Edward Pratt, 1811 Elijah, 1103 Elijah Dexter, i8n Ella MatUda, 1811 Eliza Dawkins, siSs Elizabeth, 1330 EmUy, igS7-8 Eraily Matilda, isgi Erama Stockirg, 1811 Fanny Elizabeth, isgi Francis, 651 Francis Cleveland, 1811 Frank Emerson, ggi George Pratt, 1103, 1811 Grace De Ette, ggi Henry Cleveland, 1810 James Griswold, ggi jared Pitkin, ggi Jenny Lind, 1S73 Jessie Brazier, 1811 28oo CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Webster, cont'd, John, 370, 364, 394, 1105 1709, 1873, igSS John Green, siSs Julia, 348g Julia AristeUa, 1811 Lois Emeline, 651 Lucy Emily, 1104 Luellar, 677 Martha Bancroft, iSgs Mary, 364, 3g4, loiS, 1105, 1709 Mary Araelia, 1104 Mary Blair, ggi Mary Jane EUzabeth, 1811 Matt Scruggs, 3183 May Ernestine, iSii Mercy, igSS Minerva BeUe, 1811 Miriam, igSS Nannie Elizabeth, 3i8s Nelson, isgi Noah, 861, igSS Ophelia, 48s, 34S9 Polly, 1S07, 1S93 Rachel Louise, 1811 Rebecca, ig88 Robert, 1333 Robert Pinkney, siSs Royden Erastus, isgi Sally, 1403 SaUie Elizabeth, S1S3 Samantha, 853 Sanford, 248g Sarah, 1103-4, 1333, igSS Sarh Ann, 187s Sarah Anna, 1811 Sarah Henry, siSs Solomon Savage, iSgs Susan Cleveland, 1103 Susan Elizabeth, 1103 Susannah, 133s Theodore, ggi Vannoy Cleveland, siSs Walter Joseph, ggi William Henry, 1811 Weddell, Isabella, 570 Maud, 570 Millicent, 570 Richard, 570 Wedge, Woodg, Amanda, 1516 Bertha Leonora, issS Bridget, Ss Cyrus, 1516 Emily, 164 George Whitefield, issS Hattie Eola, issS Henry D., issS Joseph, 164 Maria, issS Maryette, 1516 Sophronia, 164 Thomas, 164 Walter Gedrge, issS William, Ss Weed, Abiah, 801 Addison, 1473, 3496 Alfred Cleveland, 1472 Bianca, 801 Caroline Cushman, 1579 Charles, iS7g Flora, 1579 Hannah, 2455 Henry, iS7g Ida Jessie, 1472, 24g6 Irene Rebecca, 34g6 James, 801, i57g Jonas, 3455 Marilla, 147s Mary, 1136, 143s, 3455 Mary Jane, 1546 Olive, 1585 Oscar, 147s Oscar Smith, 34g6 Rebecca Yercus, 1473 Ruth Sarissa, 24g6 Weeks, mrs., 3354 AbigaU, isgs AbigaU Elizabeth, i5gi> 1595 Abram, isgs Ammiel, 137 Caroline, g37 Delia Raymond, 3354 Elizabeth, 127 George, 127, 2254 George Edgar, 2254 George Keith, 2254 Jane, 127 Julia, 3354 Lewis, 435 Lydia, 435 Mare E., igs4 Nathaniel C., gs7 Nelly Louise, 3354 Permelia, 1535 Rosanna, igo .Supply, 127 Susannah, 127 Weichfras, lord Cardoc, 1603 Weiderhold, Weiderholt, Anna Jane, 1447 Benjamin Peter, 1533 Carrie, 1533 Loiza Marie, 1447 Theodore Frederick Ernest, 1447 Weiderholt, see Weiderhold. Weidler, Benjamin Bender, 1533 Emeline, isgs Jacob, I2g5 John, isgs Leonora, 1533 Sarah, 1533 Susan, 1395 Weidman, Wideraonn, Wiedman, Ertraunda, 1361 Frederic Albert, is6r Hattie Araelia, 1361 John, is6i John Frederic, 1361 Mary AHce, 1361 Rhoda Lucinda, 1361 Sophia, 1S70 \Veight, see Wait. Weightrnan, see Whitraan. Weingardner, mr., 2254 Jenny, 2254 Weintz, mrs., 2213 Barbara Catherine, 2213 Elizabeth, 3313 Jacob, 2213 Weise, Catherine E., 1337 Gretta Fetter, 1327 Jaraes H., 1327 Weiser, Susan Ann, nSS Weist, John Henry, 2093 Nancy, 2093 Nancy Ann, 2093 Weitz, Elizabeth, 2008 Welborne, Wellborn, colonel, 2080, 20S4 Ann Perkins, 2082 Catherine, 2084 Rebecca, 2080 WiUiam, 20S2 Welch, Welsh, Abigail, 337, 1637 Amanda, 1637 Ann, 1630 Ann EHza, 1637 Anna, i3g-40 Betsey, 1333 Clarissa, 1454 Daniel, 1454 Deshler, i7go Ebenezer, 3457 Eleanor, issg Elizabeth, 335 Hannah, 334-5, iS9i James, 1454 John, 1630 Jonathan Ashley, 1453-4 Joseph, 181 1 Judith, 140 Welch, cont'd, Lois, 140 Mary, 1677 Mary Charissa, i453 Mary Devotion, 1453-4 Mercy,- 1454 Moses Cook, 1454 Nancy, sogS-g Nathan, 1627 Rachel Louise, 1811 Sarah, 2457 Thomas, 335, 1454 Weld, Anne, S6g Benjamin, io6g Elizabeth, 313 Habijah, S69 Joseph, io6g, 1488 Mary, S6g, 885, 1488 Sarah, 86g Thomas, 86g, 1488 William, 86g Welding, Caroline, 1537 Wellborn, see Welborne. Welleburne, see de Welle burne. WeUes, see Wells. WelHngton, Charles R., 3478 Charlotte, 2478 Erastus, 247S Louisa L., 2478 Maria Eunice, 82g Nodiah, 2478 Sarah Elizabeth, 2478 Zachary Taylor, 2478 W^ellman, , mg Arthur, ssg Bertha Elizabeth, 2022 Charles Henry, i6io, 2032 Ellen, mg EUen Margaret, 11 iS Eraily Augusta, 1S20 Erama Lydia, 1610 Fanny, 1118 Florence Prescott, 1830 Francis Joseph, 1610 Frank, 539 Frederic Oliver, 1118 Grace Adelaide, iSso Harley, 539 Helen, 11 19 Henry Cleveland, 1119, 1 830 Jennie, 1610 Jessie Etta, 1610 Joseph HiUer, ing Lydia, 1610 Mary Abigail, 1610 Mary Esther, ssg Matilda Gouvernier, 1119 Mattie Viola, 1610 Mercy, 158 Milan, 539 NeUie, nig Reno Burnside, 1610 SaUie, ni8 Samuel K., 1610 Sarah, 1118 Susannah Oliver, 1118 Thomas, 1610 Tiraothy, 1118 WiUard Lee, 1118 William Augustus, 1118-19 WilHam Prescott, 1820 Wellmark, Shubael, 2281 Wells, WeUes, genealogy mentioned, 1835 rar., 1386 1742, 23ig miss, 704 miss or mrs., 462 Abbal, 678 Adaline Electa, 1286 Adelia Caroline, 1753 Albert, 2203 Albertie May, 1382 Alice Louisa, 1382 Ann, 704, iSss INDEX OF PERSONS. 2801 Wells, cont'd, Anna, 1054, ig7o Anna Fernanda Victoria, 1327 Anthony, 2060 Arzelia, i6g3 Asa, 1314 Benjamin, io6S-g Bethia, gg Betsey, 3060 Cordelia, i6si Cornelia Electa, gis Cynthia, 1383 De Ette, 1386 Dorothy Cleveland, 704 Douglas James, 1053 Durward Franklin, 1382 Elizabeth, 477, 1068-70, 1776, ig70 Ella Amelia, 1382 Emily Seraantha, 1053 Frances, 1743 Frances M., 1053 Frances Minerva, sigs Francis, 1337 George Pendleton, 1054 Gilbert, 3453 Hannah, 8gi, 1742 Harriet, 1475 Helen Mar, 1383 Henry Arteraas, ' ig6g Henry H., 1054 Horace, 1383 Horace Delano, 1383 Isabella, 1054, io6g Isabella Frances, ig73 James Pendleton, 1053-4 Jane, isn John, gis, io6g John Cleveland, 13S2 Joseph, Sgi Joshua, 704 Laura Maria, 13S3 Lily May, 1382 Lois, ssig Lovewell, 858 Lucella BeUe, 1383 Lydia,^ 336 Lydia Eraeline, 1331 Malinda, 24S0 Maria, 1054 Martha, 7g7, gs8 Mary, 181, 641, 718, isSo, 1327. 1635, 1742, 245s, 3466 Mary Augusta, 1835 Mary EHza, ig6g Mary Elizabeth, 1383 Mary J. G., 1053 Mary Louisa, 1383 Mehetable Stoddard, io6S-g Mehitabel, 3453 — Minnie PermeHa, ig6g MyrtiUa Alberta, 1382 O. H., 3085 Richard, 1835 Richard Brainard, 1383 Roxanna, 3452 Rupert Mears, 1053 Ruth, io6g Sally, 1314 Sarauel, io6g-7o, 1970 Sarah, 1030, 1938 ¦ Sarah Gennette, 1335 Sarah Jane, 1610 Sophronia, 3306 Susan, 1194 Thomas, 477. ^°^9, '^742, 1970 WUliam, gg, 3453 WUliam Clinton, ig6g WilHam Manchester, 704 WUraer C, 1054 Welsford, Annie, 1178 Annie Josephine, 1178 Joseph, 1178 Welsh, see Welch. Welsheimer, Clara Matilda, 1333 Clarissa Belinda, 1322 176 Welsheimer, cont'd, Eldora, 1323 Frederick Homer, 1332 James, 1333 ICatherine, 1333 Philip, 1333 Welstead, Clara Geralthine, 1053 Jaraes ' Ernest, 1053 John, 1053 Margaret, 1053 Myrtie May, 1053 Welton, AbigaU, ig68 Caroline, 783, 1518 Chauncey P., 1518 Deborah, 1518 Dwight, 1518 Eliakira, 1370 Ella, 151S Eunice, 783, 1370, 1518 Hannah, 1370, 1518 Plattie Cleveland, 783 Herschel, 783, 1518 Jeannette, 1518 John, 1370, 1518 Julia, 7S3 Lydia, 1370 Mary, 1370, 1518 Richard, 1370, 151S Sherman E., 783 Stephen, 1518 Thomas, 1518 Wendel, see Wendell. Wendell, Wendel, Abraham, 4g3 Elizabeth, 4g3-3, S003 Evert Jansen, 49s John, 493 Katharine, 493 Mary, 3003 Matilda, 154s Peter, 3003 Susanna, 3458-g Wendt, Augusta, ig77-8 Henrietta Wilhelmina, ig78 John Friedrich, ig7S Wenman, Agnes, iSso Emily Augusta, iSso Richard Newton, iSso Susan Ann, 1017 Wensley, Wansley, Wans low, Elizabeth, io6g, 3076 John, io6g JuHa Ann, sogg Martha, 3153 Martha Lee, sogg Nathan, 3076 Sarah, io6g St Wiley, sogg Tandy, 3153 Wenstone, see Winston. Wentworth, de Wentworth, de Winderwade, de Wyn terwade, de Wynterword, mr., 1746b Agnes, 4g3 Ann, 1647 Anna .Maria, I04g Beatrice, 4g3 Benjamin, 543, gs6, 1464, 2437 Betsey, 1707 Catharine, 4gs, 1647 Charity, 1463-4 Christopher, 4g3, 2416 David, i04g Deborah, 1714 Dionisia, 4g3 Dorothy, 2437 . Dyonisia, 4gs Edward Franklin, 1647 EUzabeth, 4g3-4- 543, 95^, 1707, ig6i, 2416, 2437 F.llen, 4g3 Elvira Frances, 1647 Emraa, 493 Emraa Maremna, 1961 Ezekiel, 543, 1707, ig6i, 3437 Fannie, Fanny, 1707 George Adams, ig6i V\'^ ent worth, cont'd, Gershom, 1464 Hannah, gs6, 1464, 1714, ig6i Harriet, i04g Henry, 4g3, ig6i Hugh, 493 Isabel, 493 James, 956, 1714 Jane, 493 Jerry, 1714 Joan, 493 Joanna, 3437 John, 493-4, gs6, 1707, ig6i, 2437 Joseph, 1464, 3437 Joseph Fuller, 1647 Lewis Franklin, 1647 LiUian Martha, 1647 Louisa, 1746b Lydia, isgi, 3437 Margaret, 3437 Mark, 1707 Martha, 543, g56, 1647, 1707, ig6i Martha C, 1183 Mary, 4g3-4, 1647, 1707, ig6i Mercy, 1707, Mesheck Weare, 3437 Michael, 4g3 Moses, g56 Nathaniel, 1707 Octavia, gs6 Oliver, 4gs Parmelia Ann, 1707 Patience, 1707 Paul, 1647, 3437 Rachel, g56, 1464 Reginald, 4g3 Reynold, 4g3 Richard, 4gs Robert, 493 Rynold, 493 Samuel, 494 Sarah, 494, 543, 1463-4 Sarah M., 1714 Shubael, ig6i Susanna, Susannah, 4g4, 956, 1707 Sylvanus, 1647 Tamsen, 543 Thomas, 493, 1707 , William, 493-4, 1464, 1647, 1707, 1961, 3437 Weon, see Wean. Werdall, see Wardell. Werden, Eliza Arabel, 709 Phebe, 938 Werner, Dorothy, soso George, soso Louise Catherine, soso Wescott, Westcoat, Westcot, Westcott, Amelia^ 776 Ann Lourette, 1567 Anna Caroline, ssSg Benjarain, is4g Caroline Maria, rs4g Damaries, iggg David Henry, 1567 Elizabeth, 775 Eva Marie, 1712 George Edwin, 238g Harriet A., 1384 Hattie Cleveland, ssSg Ida May, 171s Jacob R., 775 Joanna, 1513 John, 1712 John James, 1712 Julia Amanda, 3353 Letitia, 775 Lucinda, 775 Mary, 775 Mary J., 1384 Nancy, 775, 1435 Parney R., 776 Richard, 1513 Robert, 775 Samuel, 775 Sarah A., 776 Seth, 1384 Stukely, iggg Susan, 775 Thankful Blackwell, 1713 Walter Scott, 1713 \A''essel, see Wessels. Wessels, Wessel, Catrina, 4g3 Ellen, S7g Jochem, 4g3 2802 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wesson, James, 3314 West, mr., sssg Abby, g75 Abby A., 1731 Ada, 430 Augustus Lemacy, 430 BaUey C. H., 1158 Betsey, 420 Carlos Augustin, g64 Carrie, sig6 Celia Ann, 1501 Charlotte, 3185 Clarence, g7i Deborah, 420, g7i Dorcas Hiller, io7g Ebenezer H., 2461 Edna Lucy, g64 Eghiel, 1501 EHza Coffin, g63 Elizabeth, 1660 Elnore, 433 Etta Messenger, g64 Ezekiel, 3446 Fairabe, sssg Fanny, 430 Filpher, 1501 George Homer, 430 Hannah, 777 Hazen Moses, isSo Hepsie L., 1731 Herbert, 1865 Horace, nS8 IsabeUa, 1865, sois James Shaw, 433 Jeruel, 430, ¦g7i Joan, 1644 John Calvin, 1865 Julia Parks, io7g Levi, 1865 Lucretia Warren, 434 Luna EsteUa, is8o Luther Pember, 433 Lydia, g64 Maggie Ann, 3461 Margaret, 451 Margaret Ann, 3461 Mary, 433, io6g Mary Ann, 12S0 Mary Cleveland, 433 Mary EHza, g75 Mary H., 1158 Nancy, 1467 Nathaniel, io7g Oliver, g64 Pamelia, 1158 Phebe Fidelia, g64 Philander Daggett, 423 Richard, i07g Sadie Folger, 430 Sally, 431; 1380 Sarah, 611, gsg Silas, 430 Susan, 1467 Susan Ann, 11S8 Susan Caroline, 1865 Susan Thatcher, 963 Wealthy Eva, 964 WilHam, 975, 1731 WiUiam Cleveland, 1079 Westbrook, miss, 1883 Thomas, 3369-70 Westcoat, Westcot, West' cott, see Wescott. Westerfield, Catharine, 1003 Elizabeth, 455, 1004 Ellen E., 1004 Emeline, 1003 Emraa D., 1004 James, 455 James Cleveland, 1003 james HuU, 1004 Jane, 1003 Josephine Craft, 1004 Maria, 1003 Sarah, 1004 Sarah Jane, 1004 William Underbill, 1004 Westervelt, Ellen, ssoo James, ssoo Margrietje, 456 Stephen Mealy, ssoo Westfield, Elizabeth, ssos Ralph, S203 Westgate, Emily, gos Gifford B., gos Mary Frances, g86 Mary Inez Frances, g86 Robert, 986 Westmeier, Wilhelmina, 1050 Weston, Alraira, igSs Anna Kendall, ig77 Inez May, ig77 Julia, 1160 Leonard, igSs Louisiana Woodford, igSs Lydia, 535 Mary, Sso-i Ruel Lothrup, ig77 Westover, Elizabeth, 175s Hannah, ig4S Jerusha, 1753 Oliver, 1753 Westwood, Bridget, no Elizabeth, 3304 Humphrey, 3304 Sarah, no WUliam, no Wetherbee, Wetherby, Wethersby, see Weath erby. ^^¦etherell, Witherell, Aurilla, losi EHza, 446 Hannah, 447-8 Lloyd, 446 Wetherly, Jerusha, 1415 Wetmore, see Whitmore. Wetsel, Mary, 1637 Wett, Bertha Ellen, 1570 Sarah Elizabeth, 1570 Solomon, 1570 Wettenhall, Anne, 86g Nicholas, 869 Weylder, see Wilder. Weyman, see Wyman. Weymouth, George, 1618 Mary Folsom, l6i8 Polly, 161S Whafe, Whaff, Wharf, see Waffe. Whalesborough, Elizabeth, 1136 John, 1126 Whaley, EUen, sioi Esther Adaline, 1517 Harriet, 2101 Jaraes, 2100-1 John, 1517 LUlie, 1517 Sarah, 2100-1 Wharton, Wharton Myddle ton, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Araanda, 1660 Myra Christine, 1660 WiUiara T., 1660 Wharton Myddleton, see Wharton. Whaten, SaUie J., S150 W. C, 2150 Wheadon, Wheaton, Whe don, Ann, 331, 1312 Betsey, ngs Burt Denison, i4gi Charles ^indon, i4gi Charles Ogden, i4gi David, i4gi Elizabeth, 1330 Ellen Frances, 1491 Elmira, 2453 Esther Ann, 1491 Flora EUzabeth, 1491 Hannah, isio, isis Harry Marcellus, 1491 Jaraes Seth, 1330 Joseph Plenry, i4gi | \Mieadon, cont'd, Loama, 757 Loana, 757 Lottie Eraraa, i4gi Lydia, 1,333, 1334 Maggie EUa, i4gi Martha, S050 Mary Amelia, i4gi Nathan Lindon, 1491 Nathan Wilson, 1491 Olive, i4gi Sarah, 1330 Thomas, isis Wheat, Ada Fidelia, 588 Charies, 588 Elizabeth, 3443 EUen, 1363 Joseph, 3443 Mary Lucy, 16S1 Wheatland, Henry, sso Wheatley, Mary Ann, 755 Wheaton, Whedon, see Wheadon. Wheeler, mr., 783 Aaron, 188 Abigail, 713, 1466, 1713 Albert, 713 Aletheia, 1466 AngeHne, nSg Ann, 1603 Anna, 335s Benjamin, 67 Bert, igSg Betty, 2313 Charity, 710 Charles, 2gr Chloe, 633-4 Clarissa, 1386 Clarissa Ann, 1270 Cora Livingston, 1778 Cordelia, 712 Daniel, 2313 David, 1163 Deborah, 1916 Dinah, 1149 Donna, 712 Dorcas, 1879 Edmund Bunce, 2253 Edraund Francis, 3353 Edwin, 3353 Edwin J., i49g Eliza, 7S3, gss Elizabeth, 36g, 1616 Eunice, 6g4-5, 1499 Eunice B., 1713 Experience, 881 Fannie, 1509 Flora H., i4gg Frank, igSg Frank Hovey, -1270 Frederick Cleveland, 118s George Anthony, 2252 George Hartwell, 1270 Hallie, 1244 Hannah, 188, 390 Plenrietta, igSg Henry Eliphas, nSs Huldah, 712 Isaac, 881 James, 11S9 James Henry, 1182 Jane, 1211 Jennie E., i4gg Jessie, 1182 John, 163, 3313 John Hill, 2068 Jonathan, 1270 Jonathan Hartwell, 1270 Joseph, 712 Joshua, 1466 JuHa, 4S6 Kate, i57g Lewis, 2gi Lloyd Bliss, 1499 Louis, igSg Lucy, 7og Luther, igSg Lydia, 162, 1163 Mabel, 1344 Margaret, 1847 Maria, igSg Maria Abigail, 875 Maria Louisa, 2252 Martha, 675 Mary, 1S8, gss, 202g, 2278, 2313 Mary Adelaide, 2253 Mary Eliza, 1182 Mary Lovina, 1879 Mehitable, 291 Miriam, 1211 Wheeler, cont'd, Moses, iS8, 694-5, I.2H Nancy D., 1903 Ophelia, 763 Parley, 712 Patience, 675 Phebe M., 1256 Polly_, 1270 Priscilla, 1449 Prudence, 67 Rebecca, 132, 1815, 2034 Richard A., 68 Robert Clyde, 1182 Rollin, 1244 Royal, 712 Samuel, 1712 Sarah, 636, 694 Sarina, 1244 Simeon, 955 Sylvester, 1244 Thaddeus B., 87s Thankful, 522 Thomas, 132, 1603, 1879, 2313 Timothy, 1815 Vernon L., 1499 William, 1182 William James, 1182 Zenas, 1149 Wheelock, Abel, 315, 775 Amelia, 1507 Anna, 905 Celinda, 1880 Ebenezer, 2471 Elizabeth, 775 Elvira, 476 Ephraim, 2269 Etta Mildred, 1174 Frank Elbert, 1174 Gershom, 775 Hannah, 775 Henry Lester, 1174 John, 315 Joseph, 77s Love, 1 174 Lydia, 2049, 2471 Mary, 1507, 2471 Mary Eliza, 1174 Mittie, 315 Parney, 315 Polly, 821 Ralph, 775 Rebecca, 773 Rufus Augustus, 905 Samuel M., 1174 Sarah, 775, 1507 Wallace, 1507 William, 1174 Wheelon, see Whelan. Wheelwright, John, 1917 Laura, 1755 Mary, 1917 Rebecca, 1917 # Whelan, Wheelon, mr., 897 Amelia, 897 John, 1205 Margaret, 1205 Margaret Agnes Elizabeth, 1205 Whelply, John, 562 Mary Ann, 562 Tressa, 562 Wherry, Gertrude, 1861 Whetstone, Catharine, 400 Henrietta, 400 Roger, 400 Whider, Elizabeth, 452 Thomas C, 4S2 Whippey, Ann, 418 EHza B., 418 Hannah, 418 Jane, 418 Lucy G., 4t8 Nathaniel, 418 Reuben L., 418 Susan, 418 William, 418 Zebulon, 418 Whipple, Abigail, 2308 Amy, 1818 Annis, 310 Catharine Caroline, 2308 Charles, 310 Charlotte Sabin, 1880 Clarissa, 597 Dolly, 268 Dorothy, 268, 877 Edwin, 310 Eleanor, 3" INDEX OF PERSONS. Whipple, cont'd, Eunice, iSSo Gardner, 310 Jacob, 268 James, 268, 310 Job, 310 Joel, 1880 John, 87, 310 Lydia, 26S Mary, 87, 333 Matthew, 268, 877 Phebe, 310 Rose, 268 Rufus, 310 Samuel, 31O Sarah, 87, 310 Thomas, 368, 3371 Waters, 3308 William, 310 William G., 333 Zady, 310 Whitaker, see Whittaker. Whitbeck, Martha, 1541 Whitcomb, mr., 13S5, 1501 Betsey, 146S Elizabeth, 1380, 1947 Harriet, 1468 Jane Lucy, 1385 Lois Louisa, 1947 Mary Elizabeth, 1468 Sally, 1468 Sarah, 1501 Simeon, 1468, 1947 Sylvester, 1468 White, families, 186 miss, 770, 838, 1503, 1588 miss or mrs., i7gg rar., 3075, 3481 Abi, 846, 1588 Aira Millicent, soi6 Alexander, 383 Alice Lawrence, 383 Almira, 3016 Amos, 347^ Andrew Dickson, 1836 Ann, 1 105, 1334 Ann Loomis, isss Anna, isn, i45g, iSsg Anna Barnard, 1804 Anna Elizabeth, 2016 Anna H., logg Arubah,' 617 Arvilla, 1556 Azubah, 617 Benjamin, 1838, 1868 Benjamin Lyon, 65s Bertha Adella, 1338 Bessie Alice,' 653 Betsey, 1465 Betsey Farrington, 1635 Betsey Jane, 1333 Beulah King, 437 Bridget, 538, isn Calvin Richardson, 3433 Carl , 1328 Caroline, 1334 Caroline Frances, 653 Caroline Maria, 1388 Catharine, 770 CeHa, 1334 Charles J., 770, 1503 Charles Trumbull, 1804 Charlotte, 6s3 Charlotte Elizabeth, issS Christiana, 1184 Christina, 45 Clara Dickson, 1836 Clarence, 1636 Clarissa, 651 Clarissa AmeHa, 1311 Coraline Maria, 163S Cornelia, 541 Daniel, 651-3, 769, logS-g Ebenezer, 6s3, sng Edith Norman, 1804 ^ Edward Le Grand, 652 Edwin Merrill, i4ig Elijah, ng4, 24g5 Elisha, i77g Eliza Tracy, 1803 Elizabeth, 185-6, 584, 618, 622, 1031, 1063, iig4, 1311, issS, igoS, 3371, ssgs Elizabeth Alice, 653 2803 W'hite, cont'd, EUen, 1636, 3184 Emanuel, 186 Eraeline, 1146 Emily, 1310 Emma, IS34 Emma Hale, 1S04 Erskine Norman, 1803 Ethan, isSo Esther Elizabeth, 584 Eunice, 1098-9 Eunice R., 1668 Eunice S., 899 Ezra, 621 Fanny, so7& Fannie Lucretia, ssn Florintha, 3481 Frances, 1868 F'rances CromweU, 1743 Francis Marion, 3479 Frederick B., logg Gaylord Starin, 1804 George, 651-3, sioi George A., 585 \ George Hale, logs George L., 3430 Georgiana, 1804 Grace, 1933 Grace Stanley, 1805 Hampton Winton, 3479 Hannah, 345, 6so, 1743, 1839, sng Harriet, 651, 2430 Harriet Annette, 1335 Harvey Gridley, 3016 Hattie AmeHa, 1647 Helen, g7i, 3353 Helen Clement, logS Helen Maria, i4ig Helen Wellsley, 1804 Henry, 1465, 1743 Henry George, 1743 Henry H., 1668 Plenry Halladay, 3016 Henry Herbert Roland, 1743 Honour, i77g Horace Cleveland, 1311 Horace Wolcott, 1311 Plortense Eugenia, 1701 Howard, 1804 Irene Cleveland, i4ig Isaac, 186 James, 1676, 1701, sioi Jane, 538, 582-3 Jane Caroline, 653 Jannett, 1676 Jay C, 584 Jemima, 346 Jerusha Conklin, I4g8 •^oel, logg John, 617, 622, Sgg, 1031, 1063, ng4, i4ig, 1743, 1868, 3075, SIOI, 3371 John C, 1334 John Frederick, S47g John Quincy Adams, igsj Joseph, 618 JulPii, 45 Julia Cleveland, logS JuHa Pastoria, 1334 Julia Trumbull, 1S04-5 Laura, 1234 Lavinia, 1310 Leonard, 45 Lewis Wheelock, i6s8 Lillie Grace, i4ig Lois, 618 Lora, 45 Lorenzo, issS, 3411 Louisa, 76g Louisa A., 1171 Lucretia, 2211 Lucy, 1369 Lucy Coit, logs Lydia, 170 1 Lydia P., S47g Lydia Perraelia, isSo Mahala, 2165 Margaret, 755, 1S04 Margaret Bonnett, 1804 28o4 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. White, cont'd, Mariaette, 347g Martha, 1741-2 Martha Amelia, igss Mary, 233, 621-3, 651-2, 725, 769, 1211, 1779, 1838, i8g3, SIOI, 34g5 Mary Abiah, logS Mary Bissell, 1311 Mary Catherine. 652 Mary Cleveland, 1310 Mary Frances, 2154 Mary L. D., i77g Mary Stuart, 1803, 2405, 2411 Mason Augustus, igss Merrill John, 1419 MiUie, :207S Mina Adell, 1693 Mortimer Franklin, 769 Nancy, 1335, 1465 Nancy B., 876 Narcissa Amanda, issS Nathaniel, 584, 62s, 2271 Nelson Walter, isSo Nettie, 170s Norman, logg, 1S04 OHve Tewksbury, igss OHver, 653 Orville C, 1334 Paulina, 3184 Pembroke, 653 Peregrine, io6g Philenda Miller, 1311 PoUy, 735, i4ig, 34g5 Prudence, 335 Ralph, 620 Rebecca, Rebecka, sioi, 2154 Relief, i4ig Rhoda, 2184 Richard, 2184 Robert, isn Roger, 538 Rosetta, isSo Ruby, 617 Ruth, 633, 784 Rutb Stebbins, 630 Sabrina, 1567 Sally, 1437 Salome Benton, 1311 Sarauel Bartlett, 3431 Sarah, 633, 652, S46, 1161, iig4, 1742. 2431 Sarah Adelaide, 1427 Sarah Fidelia, issS Sarah Richardson, 3433 Spencer Ezra, i6g3 Stanley, 1804 Stephen, 3016, 3154 Susan Amelia, 1311 Susan Hamilton, 3453 Susanna, Susannah, loGg, 1838, 1868 Sybil, 1743 Sylvester, 846 Theresa Lavinia, 131 1 Thomas, 345, 633, sng, ssn Thomas Joyce, 1437 XJrania Clarissa, 653 Weltha, 45 William, 584, io6g, 1703, ssSi "William Avery, 1335 William Barber, "igss WiUiam P., Sgg WilHam Henry, 3431 William Lyman, soi6 Whitefield, see Whitfield. Whitehead, Abigail, 1761 Daniel, 1761, 1768, i8og Deborah, 1761 Jemiraa, 312 Jonathan, 1761 Mary, 1768, iggS Mercy, i8og R.ichard, iggS Sarah, 467, 1761 Williara Adee, 206 Whitehouse, Emily, 1677 Whiteman, see Wliitraan. Whiteside, - 21 sg mr., 2077 rars., 2159 Adam, 2077 Anderson, 2101, 2159 Ann, 3077 Betsey, 3077 Betty, 3077 Charles, -3159 Davis, S077 Elizabeth, 3077, sioi Ellen, 3444 Florence, sisg Foster, sisg Glenn, sisg Frank, 3077 Helen, sisg Henry, 2101 Hugh, 2i5g James, 2077 Jaraes Anderson, 2i5g Jaraes Leonard, 2i5g John, 2077 John B., 2i5g Jonathan, sioi Margaret, 2077 Penelope, 2isg Robert, 2077 Sallie, 2077 Samuel, 2077 Thankful, 2101 Thankful A., 2i5g Thomas, 2077 Vernon, 2i5g Williara, 2077 WiUiam Bolen, 2101 William Mowbray, 2i5g Whitfield, Whitefield, mr., 85 Abigail, S4-5, 165 Henry, 85, 165, 220, 1S17, iggg John, 85 Robert, 85 Sarah, sso, siSi Whitford, Dina, 1458 Esther, 1458 George, 1458 Hannah, 1458 Julia Adeline, 1535-6 Nicholas, 1458 Pasco, 1458 Trow, 1536 Whitgift, Whitgifte, Elizabeth, 1083 John, 1083 Whitgifte, see Whitgift. Whitheare, Whitheire, see Whittier. Whiting, mr., 1387 Adelaide, 1315 Alice Augusta, 1506 Amelia Ann, 1406 Ann, 34SS, 3473 Anna Buckinghara, 885 Anne, 885 Augustus, 3435 Catharine, 3435 Charles Augustus, 885 Charles Edward, 1506 Clara. igo6 Cornelius, 48 David, 1506 i Eliza, ssg, 1315 Elizabeth, 7ig Elizabeth Erickson, 1633 Ellen, 1506 Ellen Ann, 1506 Ellen Bascom, S85 Frances Hall, 1634 Gertrude Hortense, 1506 Harriet, 3435 Harriet Elizabeth, 885 Henry, igo6 Henry Plerpaine, 885 Herbert, 3475 Homer, 1406 Jeanette Cleaveland, 1633 Jonathan, 1433 Joseph, 885 Leah, 1637 Lillian Violet, 3475 Lucia, 334 Margaret, 1315 Marshall, 1315 Mary, 142s, S033, 3354 Mary Ann, 3435 Mary Elizabeth, 1506 Rachel, 3435 Samuel, 3033, 2435 Sarah, 1333 Sarah Adaline, 1387 Sarah Elizabeth, 1623 Whiting, cont'd, Stisannah, 1322 Sybil Ann, 1506 Williara, 1322, 1506 Williara Arthur, 1506 Williara Bradford, 2308 William Pitt Cleaveland, 1625 Zeruiah, 48 Whitlock, Calphurnia Reed, 443 Celia, 3170 Charles, S170 Lewis, 443 Martha, S170 Rebecca, 443 Stephen, 443 Whitraan, Weightman, Whiteman, Abigail, iggg Bion Samuel, isiS E. Bertha, isiS Elizabeth, 146, isiS, igo4 Francis, 407 Fred Henry, isiS Henry Niver, 1S17 Isadore Mariah, 1317 James Francis, isiS John, 315-16, iggg, sng Joseph Eldred, 407 Judith, sng JuHa, 407 Kate, 407 Mary, Si5-i6> 73i Salome, 315 Samuel, 1218 Sarah, 316 Susannah, iggg Thomas, iggg William, igo4 Zechariah, 316 Whitmarsh, mrs., 2335 Avery, 2335 Cynthia, 1580 Edward, 1580 Elizabeth, 1580 Mercy, 2014 Whitmore, Wetmore, Whit temore, Whyttemorc, lord, 343 Abel Samuel, 1310 Almon Everett, Sss Amy Florence, 1868 Anna Elizabeth, Szs Bridget, isi6 Caleb, 1868 Charles De Witt, 1310 Daniel, I3i6 Dorcas, 1868 Edna Carolyn, Sss Edwin, Sss Elizabeth, 215, 2484 Elizabeth Kiraball, 1868 Ellen, 247s Elsie Lena, 2475^ Esther, 6g3 Florence Maud, 3476 Francis, 343 Hannah, 341-3, 6g2, 1215, 24S4 Harriet, 1215-16 Hiram, S22 James, 6g2 Jane Catherine, 1310 John, 342 Lewis Dwight, 3475 Lucia Elizabeth, 1S68 Lucy, 1310 Luther Leigh, 1S68 Margaret, 343 Mary, 343, 1531, 3484 Mary Beecher, 1310 Mehitabel, Mehitable, 686-7 Myrtle Evelyn, 3476 Olive Elsie, 3476 Peter, ' 186S Richard, 2484 Sally Mallous, 822 Samuel Abel, 1310 Sarah, 6S7 Thomas, 342, 687, 2484 William Henry, 107, 121, 2438 WilHs LeRoy, 1310 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2805 Whitney, de Whitney, De Whitney, Witenie, branch, iSSg lord of, 856 miss, iSSg, 2286 miss or mrs., 1137 mr., 1220, 1636 mrs., 856, 2307 Aaron, 1883 Abbie Briggs, g65 Adah May, 1301 Adelia Frances, 96$ Agnes Edith, g65 Agnes Electa, g64 Alice, 18S3 Alice Amelia, g64 Alice Eveline, g6s Alraa Elizabeth, 965 Alvah W., 1301 Araelia, 758, ngi Amy, 1773 AngeHne, 1392 Anghard, 856 Ann, 856 Ann Clarissa, g6s Anne, 856 Anne, 856 Arthur Eustace, g6s Asa, 432 Asa Waterous, g64 Asa Watrus, g64 Augusta Hawley, 2271 Baldwin, Baldwinus, S56 Baldwinus, ap Baldwin, lord of Talgarth and Emrys Castle, ap Morgan lord ap Eustace ap Bald win ap Eustace ap Bald win ap Sir Hector ap Arthyr ap Emrys ap Baldwin ap Emrys afore said, 856 Bascom, 533, 1889 Bethia,'' g6 Betsey B., 1235 Carlos Alva, g64 Caroline P., 1138 Caroline Sofia, g65 Carrie P., 1138 Catharine, 1361 CeHa, g64 Charles, g65, iSSg Charles Alanson, 1889 Charies Milton, 964 Charles Perrine, 1888-9 Charlotte, 1138 Clarence J., 1139 Clarissa Weller, 433 Constance, 856 Cornelius, 48 Cynthia, 533, 1392, 1889 Daniel, 1359 David, 1335 Drayton M., 1138 Earl M., 1139 Ebenezer, ngi Edmund Mould Cleveland, 965 Edna IsabeUe, 964 Edward, 964, i88g Electa Naramore, g65 EH Monroe, 1644 Elinor, 138 Eliza, 1235 Elizabeth, 856, 1430, i772-3> 3307 Elizabeth E., 423 Elizabeth M., i7og EUa M., 1138 Elmer Daniel, g64 Elmer Louis, g64 Emma, 856, g64, 1259 Emogene, iigi Ephraim Jefferson, i88g Erasmus Montague, 3371 Esther, i64g Esther Ann, g65 Esther Minerva, 1644 Eustace, 856 Finlay, 758 Florence, 3371 Florence Ethel, 1301 Frances Lavinia, g64 Whitney, cont'd, Frances Maria, 834 Frank Estelle, 1636 Frank Irving, 1301 Frank William, 3371 Frederick Center, 433, g64 George, 856 George Cassius, g64 George Washington, 1393 George Watkins, iS8g Grace, 1773 Grace Mansfield, iS88-g Hannah, 758, 1470-1, i4go, 1773 Harriet, isso Plattie Larimore, g64 Henry, 856, 1483-3, 3307 Henry Charles, 433 Henry Cleveland, 1335 Henry Rollin, g64 Hepsibuth, 433 Hezekiah, 1470-1 Hobart Binghara, i88S-g Hugh, 856 Ida Elizabeth, 1335 Ida Louise, igg4 Ira L, iSSg Isaac, 2271 Isabel, S56 Isabella Graham, iSSg James Jay, g64 james R., iSSg Jane, 856 Jenetta, 856 Jennie Perrine, iSSg Jessie, iSSg Joane, 856 John, 138, 856, g65, 2286, 2307 Joice, 856 Joseph, 1470-1 Joseph S., isgs Julia, issg Katie, g65 Laura, 3370 Libbeus, 3386 Lorenzo Milo, 1644 Lottie BeU, 964 Louisa, 758 Lovina, 836 Lucinda, S14 Lydia, 333, 433, 964 Lydia Emily, 964 Mahala M., 1301 Margaret, 758, 856, 1470-1 Margaret G., 1490 Maria Louisa, 1483 Martha, 1883 Mary, 816, 856, 1430, 1482-3, iSSg Mary Ann, g64 Mary E., g7o Mary Elizabeth, 1571 Mary Lucretia, i888-g Milton, 422, g64 Moses, 1S83 Myron R., nsg Nancy Arilla, 1335 Nellie Elizabeth, 964 Nicholas, 856 Nora Edna, 964 Oliver Wolcott, 964 Oscar FrankHn, 3371 Oscar Parker, 3386 Parmelia, 758 Penelope, 856 Peter, 1773 Rebecca, 649, 3386 Richard, 1773, 1883 Robert, 856 Ruth, 138 Ruth Lorette, 3sS6 Samuel^ 1773 Sarah, 856, 1471, 1883 Sarah Marelda, 1335 Sibyl, 856 Silas Dagget, 965 Sophia, 533 Stella Marion, g64 Susan, 834 Susan Jane, i88g Susan Lavona, g64 Sybil, 856 Thomas, 856 Timothy, 834 W. A., 1348 Whitney, cont'd, Walter PL, 1138 WiUiam, 758, 1430, i4go, 1889 William Montague, 3371 William Wallace, isgs William Williams, i88g Wealthy Ann, 433 Wesley, iSSg Zeruiah, 4S Zilpha Loisa, g64 W^hiton, Fidelia, 1363 Plelen, 1363 John Milton, 1363 Otis C, 3435 Polly G., 3435 Whitsett, WiUiam H., ig86 Whittaker, Whitaker, raiss, 371 Clara Bertrand, sigg Ephraim, 470 Jaraes, sigg Minerva, 1337 Olive, 371 Olivia Sophia, sigg Sarah, 1S70 SUas, 371 Sophia, 1618 Susan, ggs WilHam, 371 WhitteU, Elizabeth, 1755 L. R., 1756 W^hittemore, see Whitmore. Whitten, Eliza, 808 Lizzie, 8ig Whittier, Whitheare, Whitheire, Whittle, Whityeare, Alice Lavinia, 1303 Amanda, 1303 Asa Martin, 130s Celia, 130S Clarissa, g47 Ellen Hastings, 1302 Elvira, 1302 Elvira Anna, 1303 Frank Bean, 1303 Jesse Cass, 1303 Joel Hamblin, 1303 John FrankHn, g47 John Greenleaf, 1716 Josephine Breck, 1716 Lettie, 1303 Mabel Anthony, 1302 Mary Lucinda, g47 Olive Alberta, g47 Oscar Pulaski, 1302 Richard, 1302 Ruth, 1716 Thaddeus Strait, 1302 Thomas, 1716 Thomas Flint, g47 Whittingham, Baruch, 4g4 Elizabeth, 4g3-4 John, 4g4 Martha, 4g4 Mary, 4g4 William, 4g4 Whittington, lord of, noS Lucina Jane. ig84 Whittle, see Whittier. Whittlesey, Charles, s6g Parna, 1283 Whitwell, Betsey, 441 Chloe, S03 Elizabeth Winslow, gSs Eloise, gSs Lois, g8s Oliver, gSs Whitwortb, Albert Cleveland, 185S Charles W., 1857 Charles Warren, 1858 Clarence Wilson, 1858 Jaraes, 1857 Lena Maria, 1S57 Roy Virgil, 1858 Susan, 1857 Whityeare, see Whittier. Whyttemore, see Wetmore. Wick, see Wicks. 28o6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wicker, Betsey, 1750 Catharine, 1046 Charlotte, 1749-50 Clarissa, 1046 Edna, 1749 Effie Narcissa, 1046 Elmer, 1750 Emily C, I749 Fannie, Fanny, 1046, 1749 Eannie E., 1046 Fanny Eliza, 1750 Frederick G., 1749 George Ray, 1046 Ida, 1749 James Compton, 1046 james J., 1046 J'erome, 1049, 1750 J'ohn, 1046 Johnson, 1046 Jonah, 1046 J'osephine, 1046 Lorinda, 1046 Lorinda M., 1046 Luther, 1046, 1749 Margaret, i74g Mary, i74g Mary Josephine, 1046 Mary Leach, 1046 Narcissa, i04g, 1750 Wickenden, Wickington, Plain, Plarae, 383 William, 383 Wickes, see Wicks. Wickham, Wickum, Wicom, Wicum, Wikehara, Abigail, S7g Anthony, S7g Daniel, 37g John, S79 Richard, 379 Sarah, 379 Wickington, see Wickenden. Wickman, Catharine Dora thy Christiana, igg3-4 Froaichime Christine Fredericka, igg4 Ida Marita, iggs John, igg3 Lewis, igg3-4 Lewis Ward, iggs Wicks, Wick, Wickes, Wiecks, miss or mrs., 1836 Adelia E., 1050 Albert A., 1050 Charles E., 1050 Cora L., 1050 Herbert N., 1050 John, 616 Margaret, ii4g Mary P., iioi Minerva E., 1050 Pheby, 1836 Sarah, 616 Wickum, see Wickham. Wickware, see Wickwire. Wickwire, Wickware, Catharine, 1530 Elizabeth, 57g George Riley, 57g Lydia, '1337 Melancthon, 458 Prudence, 573 Sarah, 458 Wicom, Wicum, see Wick ham. Wideraonn, see Weidraan. Widner, Emma Jane, 1855 Jacob, iSss Sarauel, 1855 Wiecks, see Wicks. Wiedman, see Weidman. Wieman, see Wyman. Wiggin, see Wiggins. Wiggins, Wiggin, Alexander C, 1308 Alice Nelson, 130S Anna, 1036 Catharine, 1036, 1800 Charles, 956 David, 3453 Wiggins, cont'd, Edith, gs6 EUen, isSS Emily Frost, 1036 Ezekiel Halsey, 1036 Hannah Blackman, g56 Herbert Elmer, 1308 Ida Florence, 1036 James, 1307 Lydia F., g56 Mary, 13S5 Mary Cleveland, 1036 Mary Frances, 130S Mehitable, 3453 Rachel C, 1308 Ruth, 3453 Sarah Sophia, 1307 Sumner W., gs6 Thomas, 1036 Wigglesworth, Abigail, sg, 60, 103 Edward, 60, 103 Esther, 60, 103 Wight, Abigail, 363 Abigail Farrington, 115s Abigail Uphara, 263 Alice, ng, 8ig, sng Bathsheba, 630 Catherine, g43-3 Ceny, 2079 Charlotte, 631 Clara, 3118-19 Clarissa, 3118-19 Danforth Phipps, 943 Elsie, Sig Ephraira, 363-4 Fanny Leonard, si i8-ig Hannah, sng Henry, sng Jonathan, 3iig Marcia, 113S Margaret, sng Mary, ng, 6si, Sig Mehitable, 8ig Orange, 363 Patience, 263, 620 Rachel, 1138 Sarauel, sng Sarah, sng Seena, Seney, 3079 Silbon, S079 Thomas, 119, Sig, g43 WilHam W., 1138 WiUiam Ward, 8ig Wightman, Hannah, g64 Mary Ann, g64 Samuel Titus, g64 Wigmore, baron of, 319 Wigton, earl of, 1048 Wikehara, see Wickham. Wikoff, Plenrietta, 1046 Martha, 1046 Nancy, 1046 WiUiam, 1046 Wilber, see Wilbour. Wilberforce, Wilberfoss, Emma, 350 William, 350 Wilberfoss, see Wilberforce. Wilbor, see Wilbour. WUbour, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbur, rar., 33S3 Abby, 292 Abby Frances, 292 Abigail, 447 Abigail Ann, 447 Ada Spencer, 527 Agnes, 527 Alexander, 1686 Almira C. G., 754 Amasa, 527 Andrew, ggo Annis, 537 Arnold, sgs Charles A., 1686 Duane Wellington, 537 Elizabeth, 1863 Etta A., 1687 Everett Bolles, 537 Fannie Maria, 537 George, 33S, 537 Wilbour, cont'd, George Herraan, 1686 George Warren, 527 George Washington, 44° Gertrude W., 1526 Hannah, 447-8, 1838 Helen M., 1686 Henry, 447-8 Henrietta, ssis Hepsibah, 3473 James, 976 John, 447, 1440 Juliaette Abigail, igsi Laura L., 16S6 Lucy Ann, 1686 Luella, 754 Marcy, 338-g Maria, 1686 Maria Louisa, 990 Maria Louisa Wilkie, 990 Martha Smith, 3383 Mary, 648, 1838 Mary Frances, 447 Morris Cleveland, 537 Nancy Brown, 984 Nathaniel, 849 Rachel, 849 Roxana, 1440 Samuel, 183S Sarah, 976 Serena, ggo Siraeon, 1686 Simeon Lewis, 1686 Sophronia Hortensia, 1440 Susannah, 338 Warren W., 16S6 WilUam, 1838 WUliara R., 754 Wilbur, see Wilbour. Wilcks, see Wilks. Wilcock, Wilcocks, see Wil cox. Wilcockson, Willcoxson, Hannah, 3361 Harriet Elizabeth, 883 John B., 88s Margaret, ss6i William, 3361 Wilcolyne. see Wilkins. Wilcox, Wilcock, Wilcocks, Willcocks, miss or mrs., 103 mr., 535 Aaron, 3044 Aaron Moriey, 3044 Ahira, 780 Alfred Edward, 785 Almira, 3330 Alonzo, i6g3 Araelia, 440 Amos, 1515 Ann, 687, 6g3 Arna Bell, 144s Azubah, 780 Betsey, go6 Betsey Elizabeth Clement, 232 Birdsey, 46 Charles, giS, igss Charles Henry Harrison, 1443 Charlotte CaUender, 46 Cherissa, 780 Chester, 1513 Cliirissa, 1515 Clarissa, 780 Clarissa jerusha, 785 Cyrus, 1443 Daniel, 1838 Dorothy, 1838 Edward, I3i6 Eliza, 440, 1442 EHza Jane, 2044 Elizabeth, 717, 1515, i68g EUa v., igss Elmore H., 1515 Eraily, 1653 Eunice, 535 Frank N., 1514 Frederick, 1514 George, 1183 George C, 1515 George Washington, i68g INDEX OF PERSONS. 2807 WUcox, cont'd, Giles, 1653 Guy Eugene, 1443 Hannah, 1515, 1838, ig78 Harriet A., 1513 Helen Mar, 1693 Helen Mary, 3044 Henriet Eleanor, 1693 Henry, 3330 Hester Ann, 1653 Hira, 780 Plorace Wilder, 2044 Hugh Bernard, 786 Ida Eunice. 1905 Jaraes, 717 James Monroe, 1689 Jane Lincoln, 1216 jehuel, 780 Jennie Lincoln^ isiS John, 687, 786, ig78 jTosiah, 440, Julia, I3i6 Julia Emeline, gi8 Eucile Elizabeth, 1317 Lumund, 333 Marcia, 1668 Margaret, 1053, igos , Martha, i65g Martha Ann, i68g Mary, 687, 7S0, 786, isSS, 1515 ^ Mary Azora, 1443 Mary Elizabeth, i68g Mary Frances, 118s Mary N., 1515 Nancy, 1513 Nancy T., 1736 Nelson H., 1515 Oscar P., i68g Philo, 1689 Philo Clapp, i68g Polly, 3330 Raymond Harrison, 144s Rebecca, i68g Royal Benson, 144s Samuel, 1515 Sarah, 1515 Sarah Ann, i68g Seth, 1513 Sylvia, 1513 Sylvia Ann, 1515 Thankful, iSgi Viola M., 1515 WaUace J., 1514 WiUiam, 700, I3i6, 1515. 181S, 1838, igos Witsel Horton, 1689 WUd, Wildes, Jane, 1764 John, 1764 Lydia, 1764 Margaret, 85 Sarah A., 8ig WUder, Weylder, mr., 63g Agnes, ig6o Alice, ig6o Anna, ig6o Betsey, ig34 Daniel, 1373 Edward, ig6o Eli, ig6o Elizabeth, 1273 Emma Mabel, isSg Eri Wood, 1373 Eunice, ig6o Hannah, 636, ig6o Harrison. 1589 John, i960 Jon-as, i960 Leah, 743-3 Eevina, 1373 Lois Rosella, 1589 Liouisa, 1349-50 Lucy, 1589 I^ucy B., 3154 Lydia Ann, IS36 Martha, 1960 Mary, 639, ig6o Mary Agnes, 460 Mary I. Goodwin, ig59-6o Morris Cleveland, is8g Moses Hale, i960 "Nicholas, i960 WUder, cont'd, Rachel, 1350 Sarah, ig6o Silas, 1350 Thankful, gs Thomas, ig6o Wales, 1336 Wildes, see Wild. Wildman, Mary, 1045 Wilerasen, Willemsen, Dericke, 1118 Deurant, 1118 Mary, 148, inS Wiles^ Harriet, I3g4 Wiley, see Wyly. Wilford, Alice Maud, iisS Arthur Corwin, iisS Catharine, 1138 Chester Eugene, iisS Cola, II38 Eugene Beauharnais, iisS Eunice, 1137 Hannah, iisS Herbert Edwin, iisS Janette Cleveland, 1138 John Barker, nsS John Chester, 1 137-5 Joseph, 1137 Joseph Edwin, iisS Joseph Sutphin, 1 isS Josephine Bonaparte, 1137 JuHa Eliza, 1138 Mary Elizabeth, 1138 Mary EUen, iisS Mary Gertrude, nsS Mary Louise, iisS Mercy, 1137 Sarah Elizabeth, iisS Sarah M., iisS William Chester, 1128 Wilkerson, see Wilkinson. Wilkes, see WUks. Wilkeson, see Wilkinson. Wilkey, see Wilkie. Wilkie, Wilkey, WUIkey, mrs., 3306 Carter, 3306 Chlorinda, ^543 Christina, 1543 Christina M., 1543 David, 1543 Deborah, ggo De Loss, 1543 James, 34S8 James H., 3306 jane Eliza, i6g4 Jeptha, 990 Malinda, 3306 Maria Louisa, ggo Marion Margaret, 3488 Rachel Jane, i6g4 Robert Kay, 1543 Thoraas, 1543 Thomas "Kay, 1543 William Camp, i6g4 Wilkins, De Winton, de Wintona, Wilcolyne, Wilkyn, Abigail, 4g7 Albert Avery, 3317 Amanda, 1333 Ann, 3318 Archibald, ssiS Elizabeth, szi8 Emma Mary, sigs, 3317 Emma May, sig3, 3317 Plarriet Dawkins, 2184 John, 4g7, 2184, 3318 John William, ssiS loseph, 1333 Martha, 1865 Mary, ssiS Mary Holdman, 3184 Mary Louisa, ssiS May, 3ig3, SS17 Rachel, 1223 Robert, 2218 Sarhuel Bellinger, 2218 William, 21S4, 3ig3, 3217 WUkinson, ^^'ilkerson, Wilkeson, mr., 858 AHce Amelia, 1693 Benjamin, 3S3 Betsey, 1314 Caroline, 1631 Elizabeth, 858 Jerusha Dickerson, si6i John Conway, 6og Joseph, 383, 8sg Lawrence, 38s Lorenzo A., i6g3 Lydia Modora, i6g3 Margaret, 1432 Martha, 382 Mary, 382, Ssg Mary Tane, 6og Plain, '383 Plame, 382 Prudence, 858 Rebekah, 380-2 Ruth, 1148 Sarah, 1595 Susannah, 382 Wilks, Wilcks, WUkes, Ann, igsi Margaret, 2136 Sarah, 1738 Wilkshire, George, ig67 Georgie May, ig67 Ida May, ig67 Lulu Linn, ig67 Wilkyn, see Wilkins. WiUard, Villard, family, i77g miss, 1448 Abigail, sooo Almira Araminta, 1713 Alonzo, 1343 Alta Sarah, 1343 Ann, ssg Bertha Leonora, issS Betsie Louise, 3478 Bruce Edward, 1343 Caroline Harriet, 88s Carrie Bell, 1243 Catey CaldweU, 1779 Charles, 797 Charlotte Rebecca, SSs David, 1258 Ellen Maria Claflin, 3478 Emma, 1703 Fidelia, 6ig George, 3478 George Harrison, 3478 Harriet, 3478 Plarriet Elizabeth, SSs Helen Hicks, i77g Henderson, 630 Iram Whitehead, 134s Jaraes Nutting, i77g John Hare, 630 John Harry, i77g John Lord, 1047 Jonathan, 44 Joseph, 63, 630 Lucia* 797 Margery, 1813 Mary, 44, 1677, 1779, sooo Mary E., SSs Mary George, 1779 Mary Lamed, 1633 Melvin Warren, issS Mercy Anne, 630 Miranda Content, issS Nancy Maria, 1358 Phineas, 8ig Richard, 1S13 Sally Thompson, 1866 Samantha, 1343 Samuel, sooo Sarah, 44, 6so, 1077, 1358 Sarah A., Sig Sarah Ann, 1343 Sidney Dayton, 6so Simon, 44, 3000 Sylvester D!, 6g5 Thomas Emery, 883 Vernon Ellsworth, 1343 Warren, 123S WiUiam P., SSs 28o8 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. WUlcocks, see Wilcox. Willcoxson, see Wilcockson. Willcutt, Hannah Clark, 766 Luther L. L, 766 Willee, see WiUey. WUlemsen, see WUerasen. Willen, Florence, 1674 Isaac, 1674 Willet, Willets, WiUett, Augustus Saltren, 3344 Esther, 493 John, 3344 Joseph E., 381 Mary, 4g3, i779 Mary Ann', 3053 Mary Pearsall, ig72 Sarah M., iisS Thoraas, 493 WUliam, nsS WUlets, Willett, see WiUet. WUley, Willee, Willie, miss, 1556 AdeUne Eliza, 1838 Albert Nelson, 811 Anson, 703 Benjamin, 810 Benjamin Franklin, 811 Charles Nathan, 811 Chester Bissell, 811 Clarinda, 811 Cynthia, 810 Cynthia Sophronia, 810 Edward, 811 Eliza Jane, 811 Elizabeth, 1838 Esther, 637 Fluvia Bissell, 811 Harriet, 1838 Hosmer, 8n Isaac, 1838 Joanna, 183S John, 1838 Joseph, 1838 Lucy, i8s8-g Maria, 811 Mary, Sn, iSs8-g Miriam, 1838 Moses, 1707 Nancy, 1707 Nancy Dutton, 1707 Nathan, 811 Priscilla, 811 Rebecca, 1S38 Ruth Alma, 703 Sarah, 811 Sylvester, 811 Titus, iSsS-g" WeUington, Sn Wilson, 1838 William, duke of Normandy, 14, 365-6, 800, 1068, S034, 2045, 2175 William, earl of Warren and Surrey, 365-6, 3045 William First, bishop, 3341 WiUiam L, the Conqueroi-, 14, 365-6, 800, io§8, 3034, 2045. 217s William the Lion, king of Scotland, 1108 WUliam, see Williams. Williams, William, family, 2033 miss, 466, 1421 mr., 773, i86g, 2033, siss mrs., 3316 A. B., soSS Abbie Briggs, g6s Abiah, isgs Abigail, 225S Abraham, 1767 Ada Calista, 1237 Adaline, 1360 Adelbert Devello, 1852 Alanson, 1350 Albert, 1514 Alfred Brockenborough, 2123 AUce, 1378 Amanda Frances, 2314 Amanda Melvina, 1653 Ann, 1674, i8s8 Anna, 1183, 1370, 1767, i7gg, 2184-5 Anna Louisa, 34g8 Annie Cleveland, 1777 Williams, cont'd, Apolydore, 361 Arthur Whitney, g65 Azariah, isgS Benjamin, 1685, S033, sioi Benjamin Franklin, 3161 Benjarain Jennings, isgs Beryl, 1410 Beulah, isg8 Bingham, 1434 Bridget, 4g3 Calista, 1653 Calista Augusta, 1337 Caroline, ig37 Caroline Matilda, 1378, igso Caroline Rebecca, igso Carrie Carroll, 1853 Carrie Louisa, igso Catharine, 440, 1671 Charles, 836, 1003, 1270, 2023, 2133 Charles Allyn, 1237 Charles Augustus, 1237 Charles David, 1777 Charies Ralph, 1735 Charies Thoraas, 1337 Chariotte, 2033-3 Charlotte Elizabeth, 1867 Clarissa, 1370 Clark Marcious, 1410 Corinne Lucy, 1853 Cornelia Jane, S70 Dan, 1141 David, 1777 Delia, 1334 Della, SS14 Dennis, 1350 Dennison, igzo Didaraa, isgs Dorcas, ng, 1536 E. Frederick, 11S3 Ebenezer, 510 Edith Clementine, 16S5 Edith Grant, 34gS Edward, igso Edward Evans, igso Edward Marcellus, igso Edwina G., 1853 Electa, isg8 , Elias, 3314 Elijah, 3358 Eliphalet, 1093 Elisha, logs, 1163, 1378 Eliza, 1133, 1777 Eliza Ann, gse, 1316 Eliza Devereaux, 1735 Eliza Tallula, S184 Elizabeth, ng, 18s, 1S4, 341, S42, 345> 400, 502, 510, 700, 782, 1020, 2125, 3431 Elizabeth Adams, 1316 Elizabeth Kieth, 1685 Elizabeth Thomas, 3133, S135 Ellen, 174S EUen Ball, 10S3 EUen Ryerson, loss Elsie Irene, 1410 Emma, 2023 Emmaline, 2214 Ephraim, 1055 Ernest, 1183 Esther, 510 Ethel, 2214 Eugene L., i7og Eunice, 510, 1635, 3013 Ezekiel, iSsS Fanny, 307 Fannie E., 1537 Fannie EsteUe, 2161 Florence, 1023 Florus Cook, g65 Frances Juliett, 1237 Frances Louisa, 1237 Frances Maria, 1237 Frank, ig48 Fred Daniel, 24g8 Freddie Leary, 1237 George, 2071 Gladys Maud, 34g8 Williams, cont'd, Hannah, 510, 1119-20 Harley, 2214 Harold Percy, iiSo Harriet, 870, 873, 1163 Harriet King, ig68 Harriet NeweU, i8s8 Harriet T., 340 Hattie, ig4S Helen, 1141. i434 Helen Louisa, 1531 Helen M., 1514 Henry Albert, 1514 Herbert Clifford, 1033 Hiram, 3316 Ida, 3133 Ida Corene, 3161 Isaac, S73 Jacob, 1337 James, siss, ssis, 2214 James Calvin, 2214 James Thomas, 2184-5 Jane, 1517 jane Amanda, 1003 Jason, 207 Jemima, 82S, 1632 John, 127, 207, 446, 502, 510^ g7i, 1130, 1224, 1S2S, 3363. John Chandler, 1057 John Crothers, igso John Edward, igso John Smith, 1653 John WiUiam Kline, 307 John Word, 2161 Jonathan, 1546 Joseph, ng, 773, SsS, 1653 Joseph Merrell, 1653 Josephine, 3161 Julia Ann, igso Julia Benedict, 1777 Juliann, 3314 Lavernia, 773 Lois Wiley, 1616 Louisa, 2161 Louisa M., 1653 Louise Frances, 1546 Lovina Malissa, 1410 Lucia Steward, i7og Lucy, 1738, 2161 Lucy CaHsta, 1653 Lucy Victoria, 1777 Lula, 1653 Lydia, 1920 Lyman, 1378 Margaret, 3316 Margaret Electa, 965 Mark, 1852 Martha, S72, 1313, 1828 Mary, ng, 212, 241, 446, 872^ g7i, 1093, 1252, 1514, 2421 Mary Alice, igso Mary Amanda, 1653 Mary Ann, ig20 Mary C, 1653 Mary Catherine, ig2'o Mary D., 1055 Mary E., 1537 Mary Ellen, 1130 Mary Jane, 1852' Mary Louisa, 2133 Mary Louise, 2133 Mary Oliver, 1777 Mary Orrena, 1350 Matthew, 1632 Mattie, 2161 Meriam, ng Minerva Parallee, 1937 Minnie Ola, 2161 Moses, 312 N. Jack, 2161 Nancy, 788, 1725, 1828, 2212' Nathaniel Harper, 3161 Nelson, 1395 Obediah, ng Olivia, 1130 Patsy, 2101 Peter Bent, 1316 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2809 Williams, cont'd, Phebe, 304 Phenia, 1139 Phineas, 1656 Polly, ISSS, 1350, 1433, 1853 Pollydore, 361 Rachel Parsons, 1656 Rany, 3314 Raymond Storm, 1653 Rebecca, 971, 1033 Rebecca Jane, igso Rhoda, 2316 Robert, 241, 510, n8o, 3421 Roger, igso Roger Llewellyn, igso Royal Seneca, 1853-3 Rozel, ng Ruth, 773, ii7g-8o Sallie, Sally, 137, 218, S7g, 1635. 1656 Samuel, ng, 466, 510-11, 1020, 1671, SIOI, SISS Sarah, 466, 503, 510, 1410, 1767, iSsS, iS6g, 3181 Sarah Edith, 1410 Sarah Elizabeth, 1671 Sarah Elva, 2214 Sarah Jane, 835-6 Sarah Phebe, 1205 Sarah Tileston, 1057 Solomon, 218, 870, 872, logs Sophia, igo8, 2167 Stephen, 1828 Stephen West, ssg Stonewall, 3161 Susan, 1857, igso Susan Thompson, 836 Susannah, 1 ig, 1376, 1632 Theoda, 510-11 Thomas, ig37 Thoraas Blackburn, 2123, 2125 Timothy, 1635 Tryphena, ig68 Walter John, 1748 William, 788, 872, logs, igo8, SIOI William Chatterton, 1033 WiUiara Cozzens, 1033 William Gordon, 1968 William Henry, 349S William Wallace, 1653 Winnifred, 1853 Zurviah, 361 Williamson, esq., 3333 Alice Jane, 1314 Ann Eliza, 1431 Anna, 1036 Anne, 2233 Benjarain, 1037 Betsey, 1214 Dericke, iiiS Deurant, 1118 Edith Estelle, 1037 Ella Isabel, 1037 Experience, 1037 Jaraes Gilbert, 1431 Maggie, 679 Mary, 148, mS Nellie Maud, 1214 Or.ange Henry, 1214 Parnel, 1037 Ralph Vaughn, IS14 Robert, 1431 Sarauel, 1037 Samuel Orange, 1314 Willie, see WUley. Willing, Margaret, 64 Margrett, 64 Willis, Willoes, Willow, Willows, Wyllys, rars., 1657 Abiel, 68g Abigail, 387, ssSg Abigail Crane, 1385 Adrianna Ursula, 1385 Almira, 1387 Ambrose, 1107 WiUis, cont'd, Azariah, 1657 Benjamin, iggg Bridget, 1107 Charity, 68g Charles M., 1385 Clark Chamberlin, 1385 Cleopatra Igou, 3ig4 Cordelia, 1656-7 De Ett, 1386 Deidamia, 1657 Don Lothrop, 1385 Dyar, 1386 Edward Alden, 1385 Edward Lawrence, 1386 Elj,za, 6go, 843, 1385 Elizabeth, 1684, iggg Eugene W., 1385 Frances, 46 George, 1J07, 1815 Grace, 1815-16 Guild, 843 Harden, 2ig4 Helen Mar, 1385 Hester, ri07 Irving Edward, 1385 Jane, 474, 1815 Jane Lucy, 1385 Jerusha Newcomb, 68g Joanna Julia, 1385 John, 474, i36g, ig36, iggg John Palsgrave, 33S0 Julia A., i4ig Lothrop, 1385 Louisa, 3ig4 Lucia, 6go Lucy, 1369 Lucy Ann Stearns, 13S6 Luella, 1386 Maria, 3194 Marietta, 1336 ¦ Martha jane, igsG Mary, 1107, 1385-6 Mary Thompson, 1386 Marquis Lafayette, 1385 MatUda, ssSg Nancy, 13S5 Polly, T38o Ralph, 1386 Richard, 1107 Roger, 68g Ruth, 1107 Samuel, 1107 Sarauel Cleveland, 1385 Sarah, i37g Sarah E., ig36 Sidney, 46 Simeon Harrison, 1385 Soloraon, 366, 1657 Sophronia G., 1386 Susannah, iggg, 3173 Thoraas, 1S15-16 Uretha Mercedes, 3ig4 WiUiara Cooper Davidson, 2ig4 WUIkey, see Wilkie. Willraarth, see WUmarth. Willoes, see WiUis. Willoughby, Catharine, ii8g Cecily, sig William, 319 Willow, Willows, see Willis. Wills, mrs., isSg Annie, isSg Benjamin Porter, isSg Caroline Estella, isSg Eliza Lucretia, isSg Elizabeth, 1387 Elizabeth Frances, 314s EUen Lavinia, i87g Eraraa, isSg Ethelinda, i87g Ezra, 128& Ezra Herraan, i28g George MUls, i87g George Washington, I28g Gertrude Louisa, 1289 Helen Maria, 1289 Joel, 1289 John, 2417 Josephine, 12S9 Lois, i28g WUls, cont'd, Lucy, i7sg, 3417 Mary, isSS-g Mary Lavinia, 1879 Mary Lucina, isSg Miles Cary, 314s Rebecca Mitchell, 3143 SaUy Ann, sogs Thoraas Perigo, rsSg WilHam Wallace, i87g Xula Ethel, 1879 Willsman, Catherine, 1871 Willson, see Wilson. Wilraarth, Willraarth, Arteraas, 1673 Ezra, 1665 Ira, 1S57 Lucy Lane, 1857 Maria, 3318 Mary, 1665, 1857 Maryette, 167s Otis, 1665 Paulowna Lavinia, 1665' Sarah Delight, i6go Sophronia, 1665 Wilmer, Wilraers, Ann Maria, 1368 George Thornton, 1773 John Ringgold, 1773 Joseph Pere BeU, 1773 ICatharine Cleveland, i773"- Mariam, 1773 Marion R., 1773 , Mary, 1773 Mary Teasdale, 1773 William H., 1773 William Holland, 1773. Wilmers, see Wilmer. Wilmot, Ann, isos Thomas, 1202 Wilsey, Ann, 1736 Wilson, Willson, miss or mrs., 1336 mr., 3073, siog mrs., 1171, 1550, 3333, 3S3& Adeline, 637 Agnes J., 1689 Almira, isiS Amanda M., 1675 Amy, 1353 Ann, 31 16 Ann Eliza, siog . Anna, 335, 936 Benjamin, 335, 1437 Caroline, 161S Caroline AmeHa, 1778' Carrie Salome, 616 Cassandra, iS6g Celestine, gSs Charles E., sg Cora Scott, ssso Cynthia Almira, 1533 David, 310, 758 Dorcas, 36 Edith, 1734 Eleanor, 348 Electra, 177S Eli, 310, 758 Eliza Ann, 1305 Elizabeth, 47S, 1170-1, iigs,- 1764, 2021, 2338 Elizabeth Helen, 1982 Elizabeth Peed, 1982 Ephraim, 1523 Ervin J., i68g Esther Maria, 1887, 2364, 24II' Eunice, 406 Eveline, 1887 Fidelia, 126? Florence Gilbert, ig82 Floyd Baker, 1887 Frances, 2073 Frances Anne, 1778-g Francis Marion, 1499 Frank, 1563 Freddie G., i68g 28lO CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wilson, cont'd, Frederick Anton, 1764 Frederick Robert, 1764 Gilbert, 1778 Grafton, 406 Gustave Franz, 1 764 Hannah, 36, sg, 2451 Helen, 74S Helen Jane, ig37 Henrietta, 1563 Henry, 3074 Horace Cady, igSs Isabel, 478, S330 James, 557, 1193, 1618, ssSi james Cleveland, igSs Jaraes Holt, igSs James Madison, 758 Jaraes Price, igSs J"ane, 1017 J'erusha, 785, 1523 John, sS, 36, sg, 311, 478. 785, 10T7. 1218, 1533, 3451 John Dudley, 1764 Jonathan , 1 1 7 1 , 3338 Josie Cleveland, ssso Julius, ?ii Lee E., i68g Eettie, Letty, 311, 758 Lizzie, ngs Lois, 311 Lona, gss Lucy Nichols, igSs ¦ Lydia, 1800 Madison, 310 Marcius, 1778-g Margaret, g4, 310, 477-8, 1430, 3074 Marian Hunter, ssso Martha, 1304 Martha Ann, 16S9, sn6 Mary, 786, 1550, 3107, 3153 Mary Alta, i4gg Mary Elizabeth, ngs Mary Jane, 1764 Mary "Letitia, igSs Melinda, 1322 Nancy, 557, 2152 Nannie Yellman, 2220 Nathan, 311 N'athaniel, 1778 OHve, 1491 Peari Cleveland, 1888 T'eggy, 2074 Rebecca Swift, 1982 Richard Spaulding, 2330 Robert James, 2220 Roger, 38, 3451 Rose English, 1983 Ruth Sherman, 1353 Sally, 1618, 3074 Sallie C, ssso Sallie Robertson, igSs Samantha, 1437 Samuel, 3333 Sarah, 478, sosi, 3333 Sarah Annetta, isiS Sarah Cleantha, 785 Sarah Weeden, 1734 Scott Spaulding, ssso Seaborne, sosi Sophronia S., i4gg Stella Roberts, 3330 Susan Ann, 1017 Susannah, 477-8 Sylvester H., 1353 Theophilus, sosi Thoijias, i86g Wealthy, 447-8 Wilbur, 3153 Wilbur Fiske, 315s WUlard Kent, igSs WilHam, 478, 3343 William A., 3116 William Henry, 1887-8, 198s Zellah. 1764 Zilpah, 406 WUt, Elizabeth, 1555 Wilterton. see Wolterton. Wilton, David, 8S4 Henrietta, 1519 Mary, 884 Wiltse, Wiltsee, see Wiltsie. Wiltsie, Wiltse, Wiltsee, judge, Sgo mr., issg mrs., 1033 Albert Ernest, 1376 Ann Elizabeth, 1376 Anna, Sgo Anthony, 103s Carrie May, 1376 Charlotte, issg Cornelius, Sgo Electa, Sgo Elizabeth Jane, 1376 Ellen, 1030, 1033 Emily Matilda, isgi Hendrick, 1033 Hendrick Martensen, 1033 Hester, 1376 Isaac Brork, 1376 Jacob, 1033 John, 1033 Levi, Sgo Margaret, 103s Maria, 1033 Martin, 103s, 1376 Mary, 683 Myndert, 1033 Nellie, Nelly. 1030, 103s Royal Russell, 1376 Teunis, 1033 WilHam Erwin, 1376 Wiman, father of Robert, 1741 Winans, Amy, 6g7 Anne, 1033 Benjamin E., 1371 Betsey, 1355 Catharine, 1371 Charlotte E., 1371 Charlotte Esther, 1371 Clarence R., 1371 Darius, 1355 Edwin Russell, 1371 Eliza Thankful, 1355 Elmer Judson, 1371 George Luther, 1371 George Stephen, 1371 James, 1851 John, 1371 Judson, 1371 Louisa R., 1371 Lovisa, 1371-2 Lucina, 1371 Maria, iSsi Marion, 1371 Russell Humphrey, 1371 William, 1371 Winburn. Susan, io6g Winch, Deborah, ig78 Electa, 1636 Winchell, Deborah, gss Diantha, gss Mary Brown, S07 Raymond, gss Wincher, Elizabeth, 1650 Winchester, earl of, 4g3 Alexander, 541 Carrie M., 1153 Charlotte Maria, 1153 Edgar, i486 Elhanan, 545 Elvira, 603 Hannah, 545 Helen Sabra, 14S6 John, 545 Jonas, 1155 Josiah, 545 Julia Ann, 1513 Lydia, 541 Mary, 544-5 Robert Fulton, 1153 S., 602 Sarah, 544-6 Sarah Augusta, 1153 Sarah Blake Kidder, 1153 Silas, 544-6 Sophia, 546 Uriah, 1153 Windle, W. E., 1741 Windsor, Anna, 2106 John Sumner, io6g V/inegar, Louisa, 1226 Sarah, 6S1 Winfield, Charles Hardenbergh, 45° Lydia, iig4 Wing, Winge, family, 1660 mr., 646, 7S2 Abraham, iSig Anstis, i8ig Benjarain, 1660 Betsey, 646 Catharine, 1660 Content, 1660 Conway Phelps, 1660 Cynthia, isSg Daniel, 1660 Deborah, 1660 Edward, t66o Elizabeth, 1660 Elizabeth West, 1660 Eunice, 646 Experience, 1752 Freeraan, 646 Hannah, 1660 Harriet, 7S2 Ichabod, 1710 John, 1660 Joseph, 1660 Mary Frances, 1710 Matthew, 1660 Phebe, 1819 Polly Baker, i6ig Rhoda, 1660 Sarah, 1660 Sophronia, 1710 Wingate, Annie Mariah, 6g5 E. C, i45g Elizabeth, 6g5 Elizabeth Caroline, i45g, 2495 Robert Harrison, 6g5 Winge, see Wing. Wingfield, Elizabeth, 264-5 John, 365 Margaret, 365 Thomas, 265 Win : man, mr., 24ig see also Winn. Winn, ap Edwyn, ap Llew elyn, Llwyd-y-Penwyn, M^inne, Winnie, Wyn, Wyne, Wynn, Wynn, Wynne, Wynns, , 2415 / families, 2415, 2418 man, 24ig mr., 2417, 24ig mrs., 2417, 2420, 2438 pedigree mentioned, 2415 sergt., 2416 Abel, 2438-g Addie B., 2447 Abigail, 2425-6, 2428, 2444 Abigail Maria, 2447 Addie E., 2418 Agnes Margaret, 3418 Alice Maria, 243g Alis, 2416 Almira, 243g Ann, 23, 30, 32, 2417, 2420-1, 2424 Anna Gaines, 2417 Annah, 2435 Anne, 3415 Benjamin, 3433, 243g Betsey, 243g Bettie, Betty, 2417, 2437 Catharine, 2416 Charles, 2417 / Charles Bowers, 2448 Christopher, 3416 Cora, 2417 Damaris, 2415-16 David, 2425' David D., 2444 David Watson, 2417 Dorathea, 2417 Ebenezer Bridge, 2443 Edmund, 2415, 3417 Edmund Thomas, 2417 Edward, 23, 26-7, 30, 32, 64, 537, 3430, 3433 Edwin Archer, i73g, 2418 Eliza, 2417, 2437-8, 2443 Eliza Timberlake, 1366 EHza Wills, 2417 INDEX OF PERSONS. 281I Winn, cont'd, Elizabeth, 27, 30, 537, 1365. I36g, 3416-17, 34ig, 2421-27, 244S-4 Elizabeth C, 2417 Elizabeth Dabney, 2417 Elizabeth Jane, 2444 Elizabeth M., 3417 Ellen Pollock, 3445 Frances, 1365-6, 1371, 3417 Prances Ann, 3417 Transoys, S4ig Fred Hartwell, 3445 Ereelove, 34ig Geertruytje, 34ig George, S415-17, 3438-g George W., 3424 •George Wills, 241S Georgie E., 241S 2437 EUa Louise, 1055 Ethel Jane, 1055 Eunice C, 1535 Eva Lena, g8g Eve, 1388 Eveline Gertrude, isog Frances Harriet, 939 Francis, sS, 943, 3433-5, 3433 Frank Fred, 1388 George, gSg George Harrison, gSg George Luther, gSg Hannah, 3434 Helena Maria, 1388 Plette, Hetty, igsi Hiram, 1055 Increase, 3425 Jacob, 3434 Jerusha, 3437 Jesse, 3433 Johanah, 3435 John, 1867, 2423, 2434 John Kirby, 1055 John WiUiara, 138S Joseph Gray, g8g Josiah, 2433 Julia EUis, 1055 Julia Jane, 1055 Kesiah, 3435 Lucinda, 3044 Lucy, 3437 Lucy Eraeline, 1388 Mabel Avis, ggo Margaret Lee, ggo Mary, 989, 1867, 2423-4 Mary Frances, 1881 Michael Nicholas, 1388 Nathaniel, 2423-4 Nehemiah, 3437 I^araelia, 3437 Peter, 3434 Phebe, 943, 3435 Phineas, 3433 Prudence, 2425 Rebekah, 3435 aSi6 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wayman, cont'd, Rebecca Eliza, 939 Ruth, 3434 Sarah, 9S9, 3435 Seth, gSg, 3434 Stephen, 1388 Susan, 3430 Susanna, Susannah, 2433-4, 2437 .Susannah Gifford, gS2 Sylvanus, gS3 Thomas, 3433 Thomas Bellows, 46, 3g4. sgs Thomas Hiram, 1055 Tiraothy, 3433-4 Walter Webster, 138S Wilbur Frances, ggo WilHam, 2435 Zebadiah, Zebediah, 3433, 2437 Wyn, Wyne, ^^'^ynn, Wynn, Wynne, \\''ynns, sec Winn. "Wynslowe, see Winslow. Wyon, miss, 618 David, 618 Minerva, 618 Xavier, see Sevier. 'Yale, Yales, Ann, 400, 530 Corsygedol, S2g David, 400, S2g-30 Elihu, 530 Ellis, ssg Einion, S2g Griffith, Ssg Griffith ap Einion ap Cor sygedol, ssg Joseph, ssg-so Lydia, 52g-30 Mary, 530 Mary Catherine, i67g Rebecca, 530 Theophilus, 530 Thomas, 530 see also Fitzgerald. "Yales, see Yale. Yancey, Alexander Kincdale, 1366 Isaac W., 1701 Jeconias, 1366 Julia Lee, 1366 Laura A., 1701 Yaple, mr., 851 Abigail, 851 Charlotte, 1347 Henry, 1347 Julia A., 1347 Yarm, pedigree of baron of mentioned, 13 Yarmouth, baron of, 3045 "Yarnell, Mary Jane, 3138 Yarrington, Alice, 3454 Ann, 3453-4 Ann Eliza, 3454 Anna, 3454 Anna Maria, 3454 Benjarain Cleveland, 3453 Benjamin Mowalt, 135, 3454 Charles Wright, 3454 Chloe, 135, 2453 Daniel, 3454 Desire, 3454 Elizabeth, 3454 Eugenia Rebecca, 3454 Frederic, 2453 Jacob Tier, 2454 Jonathan, 2454 Margaret King, 2454 Margaretta W., 2454 Mary, 2453-4 Phcebe Ann, 2454 Rachel, 2454 Rebecca, 2453-4 Uriah, 2454 William, 125, 3451, 3453-4 William Robert, 3454 "Yates, family, isiS Charles Clow, isiS Clarissa Antoinette, isiS Yates, cont'd, Eliza, 3069 Elizabeth, isiS, so6g Horatio, isi8 Jacob Peter, 1218 Jane, 121S Jennie, 1218 Jesse, 2o6g John, 2o6g, 2327 Louella, 1218 Marilla, 1218 WiUiam Gibbs, 1218 Yeager, Jeager, Dora, 1680 Elizabeth, 1680 Hiram, 1680 Yearner, Rhoda, 1812 Years, Margaret, 1180 Yeaton, Mary, 2438 Yellman, Alice Cleveland, 2221 Grace Elmore, 2221 John George, 2221 Jo.hn Henry, 2221 John Scott, 2331 Nancy, sssi Sophia Cathrina, sssi Yeo, Frankie Maria, 1476 James Henry, 1476 Ruhama, 1476 Yeomans, ancestry (Mohawk Dutch) mentioned, 754 Anna Gertrude, i7gs Charles, gsS David, gsS Deborah, 753 Elizabeth, 408, 938, 1695 Ellen Louise, 1793 Elon Leslie, 1793 George, 938 Harriet, 1695 Isabel, gsS Jane, gsS-g John, gs8 Joshua, 408, gs8 Laura, 408 Lucien Ingraham, I7g3 Lucien Theron, I7g3 Lydia, i7g3 Mary, gsS Mary Cleveland, i7g3 Rachel M., 753 Ruth, 938 Sarauel, 753-4 Sarah, 938 Susan Sophia, 1793 Theron GUbert, 1793 Theron Grover, 1793 Tryphenia, 40S Yingling, Lydia, 918 Yocura, Duncan, 1089 Laura, 1089 Margaret T., 1591 Yonge, Yonges, see Young. Yonker, see Yuker. York, Yorke, Anna, 413 Daniel S., 950 Dorothy, 319 Eben, 949 Ephraim, 94g Ezra Herbert, 1703 Fred Mallery, 1703 John, 2225 John C, 1703 Joseph, gss, 1705 Lydia, 1705 Mercy Etta, 1703 Mildred Corrina, 1703 Nancy A., gss, 1705 Osgood Sumner, 1703 Rachel Merrill, gso Roxanna Clark, 1703 Samuel, g4g Sarah, g4g Selden Clark, 1703 Sidney Amherst, 1703 William, g4g, 1107 Yorke, see York. Young, Yonge, Yonges, Youngs, mr., 1148 rars., 557, 1622, 2338 Abbie, 1148 Abigail, 557, 2452 Abihail, 415 Adelia, 1231 Adelia Araanda, 2453 Young, cont'd, Albert Jaraes, 1170 Alexander, 85, 557, 2314 AUine, 2338 Amanda, 2452 Araelia Emily, 186S Anna, 2323 Anna Maria, n6S Anna Susannah Dunsier Breadalbane, 1168 Anne, 2338 Annie Behan, 1845 Anthony, 557 Asel, IIS7 Augusta Maria, 1168 Bernard Herbert, I2sg Betsey, 1468 Bridget, 1107 Caroline, 2452 Catharine, Catherine, 141, 1 144 Charity, 1026, 1707 Charles Davis, i23g Charles Edward, 1170, 1845 Charles Edwin, I23g Charlotte, 1170 Chariotte Catherine, 957 Charlotte Mary, 2223 Christopher, 57 Clara Araelia, 187S Clarence Arthur, 1845 Clarence Bishop, 1168, 2413 Clarissa, 3338 Clarke, 557, 333S Cynthia Elizabeth, 3452 Daniel, 1878, 2451-2 Daniel K., 57 David, 415-16, 557, 1622, 3306, 2452 Deborah, 1374 E. W., 845 Edward, 557, 1168, 2413 Edward William, 1170-1 Eleanor May, 1845 Electa, 637, 84s, 1339 Elias Titcomb, 1707 Elijah, 24S0 Elisha, 1707 Elizabeth, 1170, 1351, 1513, 1947, 2338, 2452 Elizabeth Young, 1170 Elkanah, 557, 1170, 2338 Elraira, 2452 Eve, 1239 Evelyn Augusta, 1239 Fitz John, 56, 2451 Florence L., 1698 Frances Jane, 2314 Freddie Lemie, 1239 Frederick Edward, 1S45 Frederick Maurice, 1708 George, 14, 1239 George H., 1231 George Jay, 1239 George Johnson, 1168 Hannah, 557 Harriet, 1583 Harriet Levan, 2452 Henry, 557, g57, 2338, 2452 Isaiah, 1505 James, 2452 James F., igos James RUey, 1868 Jane, 416, 2306, 2452 Joan, 2452 John, 557, 1231, 2igo, 2452 John Fritz, 2452 John Russel, ig32 John Thomas Hull, 2452 John WUson, 1171 Jonathan Andrew, 2452 Joseph, 557 Joshua, 445 Judah, 2451-2 Julia Ellen, igs2 Julia Ette, Juliette, ig78 Lester Norris, 170S Lillie Blanche, 1845 Louis, 1137 Louisa, 1239 Louisa Maria, 1868 Louise, 1137 INDEX OF PERSONS. 2817 Young, cont'd, Lucinda, 1978 Lucius Alfred, 186S Lucretia, 2189 Lucy, 1878 Lydia, 341, 416, 1413, 16S6, 2453 Malinda, 3480 Margaret, 636 Margaret Allison, 1170, 3413 Maria Alice; 1170 Martha, 56-7 Martha Jane, 944 Mary, 1169, 1505, 1677, 1988, 3452 Mary AHce, 1171 Mary Elizabeth, 445 Mary Esther, 1622 Mary Frances, 1845 Mary Harris, 1622 Matilda, I2g6 Mehitabel, Mehitable, 56, 2451-2 Melvina, 2453 Moses, 557, 944, 1978 Nancy, 1505, 3 igo, 3314, 3338 Nathaniel, 557 OHve, gss Ophelia, 1231 Peter, 557 Priscilla, 557, 2338 Rachel, 415 Rebecca, 2338 Rensselaer, 2323 Richard, 557 Robert, 557 Rose EUen, 1231 Rosie Evelyn, 1708 Roxana, Roxanna, 2323, 2452 Sally, igo3, 2452 Samuel Cliferd, 2314 Samuel Clifford, 2314 Sarah, 557, 1138, i2gi, 2452 Sarah Ann, 1707 Sarah Bacon, 1622 Young, cont'd, Sarah EUzabeth, igos Sarah Frances, 186S Sarah Jane, 1686, 2480 Sarah Maria, 1171 Sarah Wallgate, 557, 2338 Susan, 1 171 Thomas, 557, 2338, 2453 Thomas Hull, 2452 Thomas Ogden, 16S6 Waity, 2452 William, 1677, 2453 WilHam Charles, 3314 WUliam Henry, n6S, 1845 William Mayhew, 1170-1, 2338 Younglove, Almira Araminta, 1712 Celestia, ngo Clark, 1712 Glendore Bayard, ngo Irving, ngo Jay J., ngo John Mires, ngo Mary Louise, 1712 Paulina Malvina, ngo Youngs, see Young. Yoward, , 13 pedigree mentioned, 13 Yuker, Yonker, Hannah, 1521-2 Zabriskie, Adolphus Dykeman, isgs Agnes, 1393 Albert, 1012-13, ^393 Anna, 1973 Anna Bentley, 1032 Carrie Elizabeth, 1032 Delia, 1393 Eleanor Fransena, 1393 Ida Louisa, 1393 Zabriskie, cont'd, James Barnes, 1393 John Hopper, 1032 Juliette Fulton, 1393 Margaret, 1012-13 Maria, 1012-13 Maria Louisa, 1393 Mary Barnes, 1393 Sarah Amelia, isgs Thomas Henry, isgs Zahner, Emily Cleveland, 1776 Kenyon Benedict, 1776 Robert, 1776 Robert Benedict, 1776 Zealand and Jutland, Skiold king of, 2204 Zeller, Erama, 12S7 Henry Harrison, 1287 Lucinda, 1287 Zellweger, mr., mrs., 2500 J. C, 2500 Zerniko, Julius E., ig45 Marie Antoinette, ig45 Zieber, Eugene, 1576 Zimbro, Ann, 1671 Zimmerman, Coro Virginia, 2igo Daniel, 2igo-i Elizabeth, 2igo-i James, 2igo John, 2igo John Conrad, 2igo-i Margaret, 2igo Selina Pierce, 2igo-i Zimmers, Benjarain, 43g Rhoda, 4sg Zufelt, Henry, 1337 Henry A., 1337 Louise, 1337 Rhoda Minerva, 1337 Zurawaldt, Caroline, i7gS 177 INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENEALOGIES. Abbe, Abbee, Abbey, 1743 Abbitt, Abbot, Abbott, isis Abby, 1743 Abell, 153, 333, 510^ Abrarase, Abrarase, ig7i Adair, igS7 Adams, 53, 78, ng, isg, 157, 159, 162-S, 179, 33^, 334» 338, 384, 410, 595, 658, 6g3, 818, S4g, 1076, 1151, 1458, 1868, ig45, igS3, 2033, 3351, 2358, 24go Adgate, 71 Adkins, 48g, 3378 Agassiz, 1767 Ainsworth, 70 Alborough, Alborow, Albroe, 151 Alcock, 316, 87s Aldbury, 151 Alden, 86g, 873, 991, 1S68, 1970, sng Aldis, 544 Aldrich, Aldridge, 1358 Alexander the Great, 3176 Alexander, 1760, i8ig Alford, gio AUdridge, 1358 Allen, 44, 107, sSS, 657, 668, 8ig, gi4, ggs, 1072, 1078-g, 1088, is6s, 1736, 1743 AUerton, 615 Alline, 557, 1846, 3338 Ailing, 163s Alsberrie, 151 Alsop, AIsopp, ISIS Alvord, gio, 1885 Amis, sin Anderson, 1757 Angell, sog, 184S Angier, 1613 Anthony, 1660, i7gS ap Cynan, 3415 ap Edwyn, 3415 ap Harry, 1613 ap lorwerth, 3415 ap Jevan, 3415 ap Llewelyn, 3415 ap Meredith, 3415 Appleton, 4g3, 184s, igso Arnold, ig70, iggg Ashley, Ashly, I4g7 Aspenwall, Aspinwall, 714, 1423 Atkins, 48g, 106S, 1554, 3378, 34g6 Atwater, isio, 3051 Atwood, 1 868 Austin, 145 Avery, 540, 1063, sigs Aylesworth, 1988 Aylsworth, 1645 Bachelder, Bacheller, Bache lor, Bachiler, 1866 Backus, 14S, 409, 515, 3013 Bacon, 530, 686, 1811, iSsS Bagg, 3305 Baguley, 383 Bailey, 1831, 2034 BaUy, 1831 Baineis, 633 Baker, 333, 580, 1838, iggs, 3045, 2437 Baker alias Lyon, 1035 Balcom, iSsg Baldwin, sog, 711-13, gss, isn, 1513, 1635, S017, 3457 Baldwyn, sog Ball, 505, 3471, 3484 Ballentine, loig Bangs, 76 Bankes, Banks, 1507 Banning, sosg Banta, 455 Barber, 313, 780, 1431 Barbour, 780, 1661, 3035 Barnam, 13S1 Barnard, g4, igso Barnes, 633, 304g, 3484 Barnham, 1331 Barns, 633, 3484 Barnum, 1331 Barrett, ssgo-i Barron, iSsg Bartelot, 1147 Bartholomew, 87 Bartlett, 1147, 1150, 2sg7 Barton, 333, 1034, i7g8 Barttelot, 3sg7 Bascom, 3483 Bass, 1868, ig7o, ig96 t Bassett, isn Batchelder, 1867 Batcheller, 1751 Batchelor, Batchilor, 1S67 Bate, 3485 Bateman, 1563 Bates, 50, 3485 Batt, 1613 Baxter, 345, 1347 Bayard, 1788 Bayeux, 1S31 Bayley, 1S31 Beach, 1914 Beadsley, 1776 Beal, Beale, 3171 Beamond, 47g Beardsley, Bearsley, 1776 Beattie, 3184 Beauchamp, 2259 Beaumont, 2175 Beckley, 66 Bedall, Bedewelle, iggg Bedfield, 1613 Bedford, 1025 Beech, igi4 Beeckman, Beekman, 1831 Belcher, 105, 878 Belknap, 3437 Bell, sosg, 2455 Bellamy, 2260 Bemis, 47g Benedict, i65g, 2458 Benjamin, sg, 315, 1512, 1670 Bennet, 1086 Bennett, 1086, isii Bent, S040, 3484 Berdewelle, iggg Berdsley, Bersley, 1776 Betfield, 1613 Beverly, i8ig Biddal, iggg Bidfield, 1613 BidoU, iggg Bidwell, iggg, 3483 Bigelow, 38s, 480, 1839 Biglow, s8s 28j8 Bill, sog, ggs Billin, i8sg Billing, 103 Billings, 103, 539, i83g Bingham, 1824, 18S9, S013 Bird, 1788, 1925 Birdseye, 1776 Bishop, 1147, ^^72, 'i'i77 Bissell, 330, 2023, 2040, 2482 Blackwell, 462 Blagg, Blagge, 1776 Blair, 2040 Blake, 120, 710, 1102 Blakeman, isn Blanchard, 131, 2039 Bliss, 2ig, 232, 477, 47g, 780, igi5, 2035, 2274 Blodget, Bloggett, 2422 Blois, Blosse, 78 Blossingame, 2088 Blott, sgs Blowers, 878 Bloyce, Bloyse, 78 Boardman, isig, i84g Bockius, 515 Bodge, g86 Boleyn, 335 Bolles, 1453 Boiling, 3336 Book, i4g7 Booth, 6sg Boradale, log Bordman, Boreman, isig Borland, 1768 Borman, isig Borodale, Borodell, Borro dale, Borrowdale, 109 Boswell, 69 Bosworth, 69, 537, 3421 Boudinot, 1831 Boughton, 1664-5 Bouk, 1497 Bourne, 305 Bouton, 1664 Bowen, 715 Bowes, 2416 Bowman, 1058 Boyington, 279 Boylston, 1868, 2436 Boynton, 379, 1394 Brace, Bracie, Bracy, 1105 Bradbury, 1083, 1917 Bradford, 84, 139, 139, 164* 844, 849, 1593, 183S, 1988, igg6, 3040 Bradish, 103 Bradley, 966, isn Bradstreet, 4g8, 1077, 1107, igso Bragaw, 1030 Brainard, 133, 380, 1041, isog, 1948 Brainerd, 133, 380, 1041 Brainwood, 123 Braiosa, Braos, Braose, Braus, Breause, Brehuse, 1108 Breijandt, 1020 Brenton, 1S14 Breos, Breosa, Breous, Breouse, Breuhosa, Breuse, 1108 Brewen, 2og INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENE.ALOGILS. 2819 Brewes, Brewis, Brewosa, Brewose, Brews, 1 108 Brewster, 307, 1612 Breyosa, 1108 Briant, loso Briggs, 967, 1838 Brigham, 1839 Brimmer, 1615 Brinckerhoff, iSog Brinley, 1768 Briouze, 1108 Brockway, 380 Brois, 1108 Brokaw, 1030 Bronson, 1370 Brookes, 3436 Brooks, 58, 1733, 2426-7, S43g Broosa, 1108 Brotherson, 1761 Broucard, ipso Brouncker, 3173 Brown, 180, 79s, 839, 1157, 1160, 1645, 1836, 1843, 1944, 203s, 2323 Browne, 1425 Brownell, 1724 Brownson, 1370 Bruce, 15, no8, 2435,^3490 Brueis, Brueix, 1108 Bruen, 209 Brues, Bruex, Brueys, Bruis, iioS Brunson, 1370 Brus, Brusce, 1108 Brush, 3435 Bruster, 307 Bruys, no8 Bryan, 914, 933, siSi Bryant, 877, loso, sooo Buck, Bucke, 1497 Buckinghara, 1482, 1687 Bucknam, 3439 Bulclogh, 1083 Bulkeley, 10S3, 1773 Bulkley, 1083 BuU, 1147, iggS Bullard, 543 BuUen, 335, 537 Bunker, 87, igi Burge, 647 Burgess, 634, 647 Burgett, 3316 Burleigh, 6ss Burlingham, 1563 Burnett, i65g Burnham, nog, 1313, 1456, 1 84 1, igs4-5 Burnura, 1313 Burpee, 44g Burr, 8S5 ^ ,. Burslem, Bursley, Burslin, 810 Burt, 55, igis, 2S70 Burton, 1814 BushneU, 338, sgs, 735, 191S Bussell, Buswell, 6g Butler, 14SS, 1742, 1915 Butt, 78 Butterfield, 83, 85, igr Buttolph, ig44 Button, 147 Butts, 78 BuzweU, Buzzell, 6g Byam, 346g Byington, 279 Byram, 837, igg6. iggg Byssel, 330 Cabot, 1071 Cade, 341 Cady, 323, 341 Calhoun, 1603 Call, 107, 145-6 Callahan, 1074 Campbell, I4g3, 2457 Candage, Candish, isi Capen, Capon, 6sg Capron, 7g7 Carr, 3454 Carrier, Sg Carrillo, 1764 Carroll, 1445 Carter, 1S67, igss, 303i, 3425, 3501 Carteret, loso Caruana, 1757 Cary, 2173 Case, 780, 1751, 24S1-2, 2485 Cash, 2148 Caswell, 1464 Cathcart, ig6 Catlin, Catling, 1517 Cavendish, 121 Chace, gs Chaffee, 1359 Chamberlain, 278, 1561, 1848, 19 I 5, 2484 Chamberlin, 27S Charabers, 1041, 1063 Charapion, 380, 67S Champney, 58 Chandler, gs, 30s, 515, 733, 1074, 1600 Channing, 4g7, 1067 Chapin, 341, 477, 3035 Chapman, 479 Charlemagne (emperor and king), 366, 1615 Charles, 1497, 1500 Charter, Charterise, Charters, 143 1 Chase, 95, 1063 Cheesbrook, Cheesbrough, 539 Cheever, 65, 1497 Chenevard, 3359 Cheney, 1774, 1965, 3437 Cheseboro, Chesebrough, Chessbruck, 539 Chew, i8ig Chickering, 87 Child, isgs, 1603, 17S8, 3050, 2356, 3484 Childs, 1603, 1788 Chipman, 10S3 Choate, 170, 358, 875 Choice, SISI Christian, igSs Church, 66, 479, 959, 2337 Chute, 348, 1604, ig65 Cigournai, 1488 Clap, 2032 Clapa, 76g Clapp, 76g, 810, 826, go7, 1070, 1305, 1384. 1658, 2270, 2334 Clark, 331. 334, 394, 5io, 797, 815, 8ig, gg2, 1075, 1550, 2050, 2216, 2434 Clarke, 117, 364, 908, gi5 Clemence, Clemens, 337 Clement, 33s Clements, 337, igo4 Clendenning, 453, 994 CHfford, S008 Coalborne, 339 Cob, 44 Cobb, 44, 1999 Cockayn, 489 Coevers, i8og Coffee, 2056 Coffin, 42g, g68, 1988, 2469 CogsweU, 141, 360, 566, 1175, 1606 Coit, 514, SSi, 1816 Cokain, 489 Colbron, Colburn, 339 Coldwell, 252, 1507 Cole, 121, 819, 2010, 3318, 3332 Coleman, 438, 1 1 14 Coles, ISI, 1736 Colkin, 489 Collier, 540, siSi CoUignon, 1015 Colman, 1613 Cologran, 1015 Colquhoun, 1603 Colt, 1641 Colton, 1839 Colville, 252 Comstock, 541 Conant, 509, 877 Concklin, Conckline, 1117 Cone, 123 Conkelyne, Conklin, Conk line, Conkling, 1117 Connett, 457 Conover, iSog, 1837 Constantine (emperor), 2176 Convers, Converse, 203g, 2438-g Cook, no, 1083, 1660, 1838, igg6, iggS, 2251 Cooke, no, 1083, 1883, igso, ig88 Cooley, ig2g Copn, 768 Copeland, 546 Coquhoun, 1603 Coree, Corey, 102, 2453 Corwin, 1214, 2270 Cory, 102, isgS Cossett, 1447 Cotton, igso, iggg Coulthurst, 2415 Coultman, 42S Counce, Counts, S3 Courcon, 1755 Couree, 102 Coutiler, g43 Couwenhoven, iSog Covert, iSog Covin, 2007 Cowen, 3385 Cowles, i4g7, 1536 Cox, Coxe, sso Cradock, 3415 Craggan, Cragin, Cragon, 193 Crail, 3031 Grain, 207 Crandall, 686 Crane, 207, 454, 102s, 1411, I8S7 Craw, 2415 Crayne, 307 Croade, Crode, 170 Cross, 778 Croswell, 107 Crow, 653, igso Crowdus, 2141 Crownishield, 17S8 Cumin, Cumming, 1837 Cumraings, 2445 Cumyn, 1S37 Cune, 6g4 Currier, 8g Curson, 1755 Curtice, 304 Curtis, 133, 304, 1776 Curtise, 304 Curtiss, 304, isn Curtize, 304 Curwen, Curwin, 1063 Curzon, 1755 Cushing, igg6, iggg Cushman, 615, 7g3 Cutlar, g43 Cutler, g43, 1570, 1771 Cutt, 1114 t" 2820 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cutter, 700, 1S07, igss, 2422, 2433 Cutts, 1 114 Dade, 3304 Daggett, sosg Dains, 1505 Dane, 144 Danforth, 47g, 878 Daniel, isn Daniels, isn, igss D'Annay, 2470 D'Arcy, Darcy, 2000 Davenport, 1114 Davie, 14S9 Davis, 96, 15s, 363, 606, 1447, 1561, 1813, 1816, 1S36, 2484 Davison, sg, igsS Day, igis Dayton, 2454 de Adreci, 2000 De Albini, 266 De Als, 1023 de Alsop, de AIsopp, 1212 Dean, 131, 4g6, 537, 1840 Deane, 131, 2119 de Arcie, sooo de Bacons-Thorp, 686 de Beauchamp, sssg De Bellomont, 3175 De Blanchemains, 3175 Deble, igis de Booth, 659 de Braosa, de Brawse, de Brus, 1108 de Bruce, de Brus, De Brus, de Brusce, 15, 1108 De Bruse, De Bruys, 1108 de Charters, 1421 De Clare, 365 De Dene, 4go De Denne, 4go de Douglas, 687 Deeble, igis de Exter, 507 de Ffarington, 543 De Forest, 1775 Degen, 1063 de Gifford, i65g De Hamilton, 3175 de Hampden, 1136 de Heydon, 2261 de Hungerford, iSsg Deighton, 4go de Johnston, igSs de Johnstoun, de Jonistoun, 2459 de Karry, 2173 de Klyne, ig7i de Knap, 1321 De Kuype, De Kype, 1808 De la Barr, 2484 de la Feld, i7gg De la HaUe, 6S7 Delano, De la Noye, igi7 Delaport, De La Porte, 108 de Launey, Delauny, igi7 de Law, de Lawe, 2236 de Longneville de Charters, 142 1 De MaranviUe, 727 De Montacute, 265 De Monthermer, 265 de Mors, 160 Den, 4go Denison, 140, 4S5, 539 Denman, 466 Denne, 490 Dennis, 1838 Dennison, 485 Denton, 1842 De OigHi, De OiUy, 2185 de Olmsted, 1741 | De Oyly, 2185 de Parke, 510 de Peyster, 1760 de Pierrepont, 1613 de Puttenham, 1135 de Quincy, 493 de Rodes, 907 de Salusbury, 493 de Sanford, 564 De Say, 366 De Turri, 1409 De Vars, 3333 De Vaution, Devotion, 3484 De Wadham, iggs de Wadworth, iisi de Walcot, 1060 de Warren, De Warrene, de Warrenne, 365 de Washington, de Was syngton, 3173, 3303 de Wentworth, 4gs Dewey, 1S15-16, 1837, 3333 de Whitney, 856 de Winterwade, 4g3 De Winton, de Wintona, 3318 de Wurdesworth, nsi de Wynterwade, de Wynter word, 4gs Dexter, 507 Dibble, 1915 Dickerman, isn Dickinson, 1915, 1930 Dickson, 793 Dighton, 490 Dike, 1470, 1854, 1950 Dilkes, 1476 Dinsmoor, son Doane, 75, 1074, 2451 Dod, Dodd, 1632 Dodge, 170, 50S Doilly, 21S5 Dole, 863 Domer, Dommer, log Donald, isg4 DooHttle, ig66, iggS Dorchester, 2270 Dore, 1463 Doremus, 1031 Dorman, 1211 Dorward, 265 Doten, Dotey, io6g, 1236 Doud, 1217, 1501 Doude, 1217 Douglas, 6S7, 732, 1 122, 2034 Douglass, 687, i66i Douinelle, 1076 Dowd, Dowde, Dowdy, 1217 Dowlittle, ig66 Downing, 264, gio, 2034 Dowse, 184s D'Oyley, siSs Drake, 777, 1060, isis, 1436, 2035 Dryden, 4go Du Bose, 33ig Dudley, 318, 4go, 4g8, - 1031, 1107 Duer, i8ig du Fosset, 1776 Dulin, igss Dumar, Dumere, Dummer, log Dunham, 1734 Dunnel, Dunnell, Dunnels, 1076 Dunster, 1683 Dupee, Dupuis, 345 Durant, isi Durkee, 1233-4 du Trieux, 1776 Du Vassall, 384-5 Dwight, 884 Dwinel, Dwinell, 1076 Dyar, 44, 345 Dyer, 44, 345, i342 Dyke, Dykes, 1470 Eadward (prince), 266 Eales, 510 Earle, 1670 Easley, 20S8 East, 2045 Easterbrook, 146 Eastman, gSo Eaton, 86, 400, 703, 1470, 1683 Eddy, 1204 Edgarton, ss6o Edgerly, S23 Edgerton, 2260 Edison, 1733 Edson, 731, 877 Edward (prince), 366 Edwards, 364, 4og, 907, gio, 1035, 1657, 1814, S040, ssig, 2487 Eells, 510 Eggleton, 3432 Eggleston, 2035 Einion Efell (lord), 2415 Eisten Glumru (king), 2204 Elderkin, igi5 Eliot, 4Sg, 544, 1814 Ellery, 497, 1067 EUiot, 2025 Ellis, 119, 331, 1866 Ellesworth, EUisworth, 1988 Ells, 510 Ellsworth, 1988, 2261 EUsworthy, Elsmere, 1988 Emerson, 10S2, 10S5, 2026 Emery, 1708-g, 202g Endicott, 1788 Endsworth, Enisworth, 70 Eno, 2035, 2482 Ensworth, 70 Epes, Eppes, 34g Estabrook, 146 Este, Estey, Esty, 1258 Eustace, Eustis, 1771 Everett, 2032 Evertsen, Evertson, 1830 Eyrick, 702 Fackson, 131 Faille, 505 Fairbanks, 1561 FairchUd, 178S Fairfax, 1772 FaUey, 505, 1088 Fanning, 1612 Fargie, 183 1 Fargo, 236 Farmer, 2434 Farnam, 262 Farrington, 543, 1157, igsg Farwell, 1203 Faunce, io6g, igg6 Faxon, 131, 2351 Faxson, 131 Fay, 1751, iSsg Felch, 857 Fellowes, Fellows, 576 Felt, 857, i6ss Feltch, 857 Fergo, 237 Ferguson, 1811 Ferrington, 543 Field, 1761, i7gg Filbrick, 813 Filley, 1432 Fippeny, sq2 Firgo, 237 Fish, 44, 14s Fisher, 334, 537, 815 Fiske, 87, 141, 2021, 22g2 INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENEALOGIES. 2821 Fitch, 84, 141. 16s, 345, 384, 1768, 2023 Fitz-Alan, 265 Fitz Lewis, 265 Fitzpen, 50s Fitz Walter, 14SS Fleming, 494^, 1048 Flint, 170, 493 Floyd, 1831 Flucker. Fluker, 1772 Flynt, 493 Focks, 1726 Foley, 3007 Folger, gsg Folsom, i7gi Foorde, 3g4 Foote, 477, igi5 Forbes, 1151, 3344 Forbush, 1151 Ford, 394, 1915, ss6o Forsyth, 1814 Fosdick, 3437 Fosket, Foskett, 47 Foster, 171, 743, 775, 1580, 1752, 1842 Foulger, gsg Foulsham, i7gi Fowlar, 932 Fowle, 2425 Fowler, 932, 1147, 1760, 2310 Fox, 869 Franklin, go6, 2060 Fraser, Frazer, 1873 Freeman, 306, 315, 636 Freligh, 695 French, 70, 2434 . Frost, 6sg, 2437 Frothingham, 146, 4gs, 2437 Fuller, sg, 45, 380, 1236, 1767, 1840, 2050 Furman, iig2 Gager, 510 Gaillard, 686 Gale, 141 Gallard, 686 Galucha, Galusha, 637 Gamage, 87g Gardiner, 1118, 1151 Gardner, 333, gsg, loss, 1S6S Garey, 3435 Garfield, S050, 3471 Garnzey, 747 Garrard, Garret, Garritt, Garwood, 1372 Gates, 8g, 1978 Gay, 830, 2094 Gaylord, 686, 1060, nog, 1123, ngS, igso Geary, 3435 Gedney, i4Sg Gelston, gi4 Gerald, Gerould, 1835 Gerrish, 226, iSgo Gerry, 3425 Getzwiller, 2034 Gibbs, 211, 606 Gibson, 1S18 Gifford, i65g Gilbert,. 387, 636 Gill, 769, 2032 GiUet, GiUett, GUlette, ino, 3040 Gilman, I7g2, 2437 Gleason, Gleison, Glezen, 3040 Glover, 337 ^ Glumru (king), 2204 Gockin, 489 Goddard, 1443 Godfrey, 721 ¦ Gokin; 489 Gold, II3I-2, 3424-5 Goodlett, 2igo Goodnow, 2484 Goodrich, ig7o Goodwill, 1965 Goodwin, 781, 1124, 1526, 1968, 1970, iggg, 2185 Gookin, 48g, 4gs Goold, 2424-5 Goram, 540 Gore, 106S Gorham, 540, 1210 Gorton, 1758 Gorum, 540 Gould, 1121, 2424-5 Gousell, 265 Gracie, 1767 Granger, 7g8 Grant, 43, sig, 1105, nog, igS8 Graves, 162, 765, 878, 1063, 1551, 2052, 210S, 2457, 2484, 3487 Gray, 162, 766, g66 Grazebrook, log Greeley, 1550 Green, 1890 Greene, 1074, 1644, 1798, iSgo Greenfield, 2034 Greenhill, iggg Greenleaf, 1867, igSS Greggorie, Gregory, 1664 Grele, 1550 Gresham, i7go Gridley, 1641 Griffin, 144, sig, noo, i7g7 Griffing, 144 Grindall, 478 Griswold, 1060, iSsg, 2261 Grover, sgs, 878 Guernsey, 747 GuUifer, GuUiford, Gulliver, i7gg Guriey, 2483 Gwiss, 1S28 Gwyn, 21 12 Hafeman, ig78 Haiden, Haidon, 2261 Haight, 1471 ITaines, 307 Plains, 1733 Plait, 126, 1471 Halcott, 663 Plale, 365, 522, 2032, 2259 Plalgrave, 873 PTalkett, 663 Plall, 687, 700, 1147, 1354, 1659, 1774, 1799, 1815, iggS, so4g, 3433 Halle, 687 Halley, iSgg TTallock, 57 I-Iallsy, Hals, HalsaU, Hal sey, 10S3 Halstead, Halsteed, 1183 Ham, 543 Hamant, 334 Plamilton, 758, 3175 Hammond, Hararaons, 65g Hampden, iis6 Plarapstead, Hampsted, 1741 ITampton, 57 Hamsted, 1741 Hancock, 335, 833 Handasyde, 4g5 Handford, Hanford. 1843 Hanna, Hannay, 3470 Hannum, 65g Hanson, 57 Plaralson, i4go Plarden, 335 Harder, 886 Hardin, 2303 Plarding, 335 Hardon, i7gg Harlakenden, 1107 Harman, Harmon, i7g3 Plarris, 515, 1386, 148S, 1603, 2173 Harrison, 8g6, 1757 Harsie, 170 Hart, gis, isii Hartshorn, 335 Harvey, 1838 Harwood, 1463 Hascall, 743, 202s Plaskell, 743, 1600, 2033 Haskins, loSs, 1085, 3036 Hassard, 3333 Hassen, 153 Hastings, ig7o Hatch, 68, 1838, ig6s Hatherly, 1843-3 Haugh, 333 Haven, 1114, 1458 Havia, 3114 Hawes, 543, 546, 1158 Plawkins, gss Plawley, 8S4 Hay, Hayes, 543 Hayden, Haydon, 3361 Haynes, 307, 1107, 1830, 2217, 2416 Plays, 543 Playward, sgs, 833, 1771, iSsg Plazard, 2333 Hazeltine, Hazelton, igig. Hazen, 153 Heald, igi Heard, 543 Heiden, 3s6i Heinsher, 36 Hendershott, iig6 Henry, sosg Henshaw, Hensher, 36 Herbert, 1866 Herman, i7g3 Herrick, 35, 70s, S03S, 2054 Hersey, 170 Heseltine, igig Hetherly, 1S42 Hewett, 68, 554 Hewitt, 68, 554, 1612 Heydon, 2261 Heyricke, 702 Heyton, 2261 Hicks, 76, 1085, 3451 Hides, 70 Higginson, 220, 1071 Highland, 1147 Higley, 872, 1212, 2035 Hiland, 1147 Hildreth, Hildrick, 44 Hill, 332, 4g6, 1083, 2032, 2039, 3471, 3483 PlUler, 235 HiUs, 781, 10S3 Hin'cher, 36 Hinchliffe, 1968 Hinkley, 2039 Hinshaw. Hinshew, 36 Hitchcock, 505, 55s Hoar, 4g3 Hobart, S44 Hobby, 1613 Hodges, 503 Hoiden, 2261 Ploit, 1471 Hoker, 478 Holbrook, 675, 1838 Hoicomb, 780, 2035 Holgrave, 872 HoUand, 1831, 1S42 HoUey, HoUes, iSgg Hollicoke, i44g, 2435 Hollis, iSgg HoUister, 1070, 1603, 1970, 3300 2822 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Holman, sigi Plolmes, ssg, 1S38, 2305 Holmestead, Holmested, Holmsted, 1741 Holt, 810, 3334 Holway, i8gg Holyoke, 57, i44g, 2435 Homes, ssg Hooker, 478, 1779, 1S14 Hopkins, 76, 311, 763, 1122 Hopkinson, 364 Horn, 3039 Horton, 57, gg, S07, 1358 Hoskins, S035 Hosmer, sg4, 1483, igis Hough, 232, 1133 Houghton, 1813 How, IS7, 3484 Howard, sgs, 833 Howe, 137 Howel Dda (king), 3415 Howland, 540, 615, 831, 1083, isgs, 1838 Howlett, ISS Hoyt, 135, 1471, 1660, S4SS Hubbard, S44, 1041, 1077, isig, igso, ssgo, 3483 Hubberd, S44, 1041 Hubbert, isig Huckins, 181 Hudson, 6s, 4gs, 1147 Huet, 68, 554 Hughes, 1091, 2305 Hulbert, 117 HuU, 493, iggS Humphrey, 318, 779-So, 1149, 1313, 1371, 2035 Plumphries, 318 Hungerfoot, Hungerford, 1839 Hunnewell, iSsg Hunt, 3g4 Hunter, 1613, 2040 Huntington, 71, 304, 307, 510, 514, 743, logs, I 149. 1422 Hurd, 33s, 1463, 1776 Hurlbut, isig Hurlbutt, 117 Hutchins, 1840 Hutchinson, 4go, sosg Hutson, 63 Hyde, 70, 73, 333, 360, 487, 1080, iog4, 1161, 1634, i88g, 2333 Hyland, 1147 Hylsop, io6g Iggleden, 2452 lngersoll, 1771, 3483 Ingraham, Ingram, iSog Inkersall, 1771 Ireland, 3440 Ives, iggS Jackman, 357 Jackson, gso, 1071, 1114, iggg, 3I4g, 2333 Jacob, 3336 James, iggg, ssig Janes, 792, 1584, 1666 Jans, Janse, 3487 Jefferson, 747 Jeffords, 433 Jeffrey, Jeffry, 226 Jeffs, Jefts, 3435 Jellett, IIIO Jenks, n7g Jenner, 1772 Jenny, 3451 Jerauld, 1835 Jeroslaus (czar), 2^76 Jewel, Jewell, 816 Jewett, 1930 Jocelyn, isio I Johnson, 44, 63, 67, 77, 86-7, j 14s, 17s, 350, 71S, ISIS, 1836, 2015, 3427 Johnston, 1073, 1943, igSs, 3171, 34sg Jonas, 3487 Jones, 400, loss, 1215, 1611, 1915 Jordan, 1576, igSs, S416 Joslin, Josselyn, Jostlin, isio Joyell, 816 Judd, 554, ISIS, 1666 Judson, ISII, 1776 Jule, 816 Kasson, 715 Keep, 1839 Kees, Keies, 43 ] Keith, 1081 Kelley, 833, 1936 Kellock, 1149 1 Kellogg, n4g, 1813 ' Kelly, 44g, 833 , Kelsey, i4g7 Kemball, 1464 Kendall, 3050, 3466 Kennedy, 1813 Kent; 48g Kettell, 107 Keyes, 43, 6g, 358, isgS Keys, 43, 6g, 358, 772 Kidder, 70 Kilborne, Kilbourne, gn Kile, 1313 Killoch, ii4g Kiraball, 1464 King, 546, gog-io, 1661, 1741, 3iig, 3318 Kinge, 1741 Kinne, 1411 Kinney, noi i Kip, 1036, 1808 1 Kipp, 1036 I Kissam, 1761 ! Kitchell, 1311 Kittredge, go4 » Knap, 1331 , Knapp, 343, 1331 i Knight, 60, 105, 3435 I Knowlton, s4go ! Knox, 1707, 177s riColb, ssig I Kouwenhoven, iSog i Kype, 1808 La Lang, i6is Lamar, 17SS Lambert, Soo, 1077 ; Lambuth, igs7 i Lamont, i7go Lane, 1753 I Lanier, 3173 j Lansing, 1818 i La Pagerie, i6is Lappingwell, 58 Larnard, Earned, Larnet, ! Larnit, 381 Lathrop, siS, 4og, sog, 700 Launce, sooo I Laurens, 137, 4g4 I Laurie, 171 Lawes, 171 Lawrence, 137, 4g4, 1607, iSog, I Ssg, sssg 1 Lawthrop, si8 , Leach, 715 i Leamond, 1580 , Learnard, 381 Learned, 381, 1561, 1839 I Leavenworth, 914 j Le Bosquet, Lebosquet, 2426 \ Lc Botiler, 1488 Le Bruen, sog Le Child, 1603 Le Cotelar, Le Cotiler, g43 Lee, 233, gi3, gi4. 1070, 1370, 1613, 1737, 1S04, 2150 Leeds, 1070, 2251 Leffingwell, 58 Leftwich, 2171 Leman, 800, 1580 Lemraon, Lemon, Lemond, I T580 L'Enfant, 1603 I Leonard, 1799, i999, 21 ig I Leppingwell, 58 I Lerned, Lernet, 381 , Leson, 3040 L'Espenard, ig7i I Lester, sog4 Lewis, 311, 735, 766, I4g6, j 1813, iggS : Lincoln, isgS ' Lindblom, 1962 I Lindley, 546, 1158 ' Lindsay, 389 , Linsley, 2050 I Linton, 62 ; Lippingwell, 58 ( Lispenard, 1971 j Littell, 1023 ; Little, 1032, 2011 Livingston, 731, 1S19 Lloyd, 1768 Llwyd-y-Penwyn, 2415 I Locke, 2427 ' Lockwood, 105 Loloa, g6g I Loraas, Lomax, 1031 Lombard, 647 i Lomes, 1031 Long, 877 , Longley, 1607 Loomas, Loomax, 1031 Loomis, 1031, IIIO, 1433, 1640, 1915. 1970, 3035, 2s6s, 3310 Loomys, 1031 Lord, ssg, 4g6 Loring, iggg Lothrop, 318, iggS Lovell, 340, 1561 Lovett, 240 Lowber, 20sg Lowden, 4gs Lowe, 2236 Lowthroppe, siS Luce, ig4, ig6, 4ig-20, g66, 1718 Lufkin, 2305 Luist, 1772 Lumax, 1031 ' Lumbard, 647, 766 Lumbart, Lumbort, 647 , Lummis, Lummus, 1031 Lumsden, 2303 Lyman, Soo, 1378, 1477, 1742, 1816, 1833 ; Lynde, sg, 235, 1580, 1613, 1772 I Lyon, 133, gss, 1035, 1837 Lyon alias Baker, 1035 Mabee, 403 Mabie, 403, i74g McCarthy, 1069 McChristen, 1985 McClellan, 1485 McClury, so3i McCoskry, logs McCune, 694 McCutchan, 1433 McDonald, 1394, 3113 McDowell, 1985 Mcintosh, 1800, 3si8 McKinne, 141 1 MacLean, 2279 McPherson, 1769 McStrachan, 394 Madoc (prince), 2415 INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENEALOGIES. 2823 Maies, 510 Makepeace, g6 Makin, iggg Malcolm III. Canmore, 266 Maltby, gi4 Maltravers, 365 Man, 544 Mann, 544, 858, 1883, 2438 Mannering, 383 Manning, ssg, 1113, 1788 Manwaring, 383 Mapes, 1183 MaranviUe, 727 Marbury, 4go March, 863 Marchant, gs Mareschall, 265 Marquand, 1057 Mars, 160 Marsh, 370, 944, 174s, 1930 Marshall, 232, 265, 1434, 1971, 2039, 3317 Marsiglia, 1019 Martin, sg, 73g, 1479 Marvin, 71, 1664, 2300 MasheU, 58 Mason, S78, 1077 Massey, 1078 Masters, 106 Mather, 510, 1105, 1926 Mattison, 1458 Maverick, 226 May, 510 Maybee,- 402 Mayes, 510 Maygott, 1322 Mayhew, 196, 973, 1067 Maynard, 316, 1088 Mayo, 1757 Meacham, 510, 1150 Mead, 784 s Meaken, Meakin, Meakins, iggg Mears, 1204 Meekins, iggg Meggott, 1333 Mellent (counts and earls of), 3176 Mellhouse, Mellowes, Mel lows, 1071 Merchant, gs Meroney, 3144 MerriU, 364, ii4g, 1603, 1661, 2465 Merrills, 364, ii4g iVlerriman, 1458 Merritt, 1818 Meserve, Meservy, 346S Michelson, Michenson, i8go Miles, isn Miller, 956, 1337, 1S14, 3317 MiUs, sig, 3044 Miner, Miners, *linor, 540 Minot, 1815, ssgo Mirick, Mirricke, 59 Mitchell, log, 1866, igg6 Mitchelson, Mitchenson, i8go Mix, I3I0 Mixer, Mixter, S050 Moak, 1350 Moffett, igSs Molines, 87s Monsall, 58 Montague, 365, gio, 3034, 337r Montefiore, 1588 Moody, loSs Moogh, 1350 Moore, 70. 143s, 3035 More, 1068 Moreton, 400 Morey, 1713 Morgan , 400, 735 , S44, 88 1 , 3037-8 Morrice, 1603 Morrill, 1414 Morris, 1431, 1603 Morrow, igSs Mors, 160 Morse, 160, 331, 815, Sig, 103s, 1603, iSsg • Morss, 160, 1032, 1607 Morton, io6g, i7go, 3337 Morys, 1603 Moss, 160, ig66 Mosse, 1033 Mott, 1133 Moulton, 833 Mousall, 58, SSS Mousehole, 58 Mullins, 873 Murfee, Murphy, 3318 Murray, igSs Mygate, 1333 Mygatt, 13SS, igSS Myner, Mynors, 540 Myrick, sg Nash, 7g7, igSS, 3014 Neal, io8g Neale, 170 Newberry, Newbury, 1837, 3033 Newcorab, isg, 1443, i4Sg Newcorae, isg Newell, 2049 Newhall, 1670, 3433 Newlin, 3045 Newman, 336, 1815 Newton, 1057 Nicholls, 478 Nichols, 478, 3484 Nicoll. Nicolls, 1S30 Nisbet, 109s Noakes, S78 NobU, I3i6 Noble, 405, i3i6, 1503, 1S37, 3365 Nock, 1707 Noise, 365 Northrop, Northrupp, ggS Norton, 35, 434, 998 Norwood, 3186, ssiS Noyce, 365 Noyes, 365, 3424 Nuberry, 1S27 NycoUs, 1S30 Nye, 647 Obits, Obitts, 2464 Odiorne, io6g Old, 1150 Oldham, 146 Olds, 1150 Oliver, 52s, 1521 Olmstead, 370, 1741 Olmsted, 1741, ig34, iggS Ondeby, Oneby, Onebye, 3239 Opits, Opitz, 3464 Orcutt, 877 Orne, iSis Orr, igg6 Orton, 57 Osgood, 337, S84 Ossgood, 337 O'SuUivan, 1068 Otis, 770, S03S, sosg, 2336 Ould, 1150 Owen, 2035 Owen Gwynedd (prince), 2415 Pabodie, 872 Packwood, 1031 Paddy, io6g Page, I2I3, 1773, 1815, 1867 Paige, 1751 Paine, 73, 87, 97. 176, 1074, 1999 Palmer, 84, 539, 1612 Palmerly, 1146-7 Park, 510, S72 Parke, 510, 87s, 1832 Parker, 170, 316 Parkhurst, 3471 Parks, 510, S73 Parmalee, 1146-7, 1518 Parmarly, 1146 Parmelin, Parmely, 1 146-7 Parmetar, 1659 Parry, i6is Parsons, 394, 1600, 1930 Partridge, 388, 334. 1930 Partrigg, igso Patterson, 460, 1041 Paulison, 456 Paybody, 87s Payne, 75, 87, 97, 176 Peabody, 873 Pearce, 51 Peare Poynt, 1613 Pearse, 51 Pearson, 380 Pease, 94, 97g, 1132, 1743 Peck, 566, isn, 1340. igoo, ig66 Peel, 1077 Peirce, 51 Peirson, s8o Pellate, Pellet, 183 PeUett, SS4 Pelton, sgs Pemberton, 1114 PenhaUow, 1114, 1768 Percy, 3334 Perigo, ig44 Perkins, 4g4, 510, 735, S77, 1074, 3460 Perne, 478 Perry, isn Pers, 51 Person, sSo Peterkin, 1970 Pettibone, 319 Phelps, gog-io Philbrick, Philbrook, Phil brucke, 813 Phillips, 1580, 1612, igso Phippen, Phippenny, 502 Phippin, 503, 711 Phyllyppes, gio , Piatt, 1018 j Pickering, 170 I Pierce, 51, 675, 791, 948, gSS I Pierpont, 1613, I77g, 1814 I Pierson, 280 j Pieterse, 456 I Pike, 138 Pirne, 478 I Pitkin, 781, 1536, igso, ig7o, ! 1998 I Plant, 1310 I Plantagenet, z66, 1068, 2034 ' Plum, Plumbe, Plume, 1S37 Plummer, 346S , Polley, 537 I PoUington, 4gs , Polly, 537 [ Poraeroy, gio, 1568, iggs Porame-roi, Pomroy, gio I Pond, 598, 783, ISOI, 1417, 1516 ; Poore, 364, 8S4 Pope, isi ; Porsune, sSo j Porter, 108, iso, 336, 337, 507, j 837, 873, 907, logs, "47, 1211, 1 1497, ^776, igso, 1968, 1978, I 2014 I Post, 333, 1915, 3013 2824 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Potter, SsS, 1670, 1838, ssgo, 2333 Powell, 1033 Power, ISI Prat, 226, SIS Pratt, 226, 513, 515, 1134, 1663, 2333 Prence, 540 Prentice, 1147, 1657 Prentiss, 1147 Prescott, 5S3 Preston, 3465 Price, 3335 Proctor, iSsg Provoost, 1760, 1837 Puleston, 2236 Pummery, Pumry, gio Putnam, 507, 1135, i44g, 3435 Puttenham, Puttnara, Put- tynhn, iiss Pyldrem, Pyldrym, log Quackenbush, Quackenbos, Quackenboss, 1533 Quincy, 4g3, 1071 Railing, sosS Rainsford, 1075 Ralph, 1 136 Rand, 146 Randall, 6gg, i4gs Rankin, 1116 Rathbone, sgg Ravenson, 477 Rawson, 477, 7gi Raymond, 1075, 1561, 3354 Rayment, 1075 Read, 64 Redfen, Redfield, Redfin, Redfyn, Redfyne, 1832 Reed, 64, 1752, 2423-4, 2466 Remington, 4g7 Rhoades, go7, 1149 Rhodes, 907 Rhodri Mawr, Rhodwri Mawr (king), 2415 Rice, 127, 535, igso Richards, 85, 383 Richardson, 58, 64, igi, 1512, 3433, 2425-30, 2432-4, 2438-40, 2445 Rickard, Ricker, Ricket, 1463 Ricketson, g6g Rider, 1838 Rigg, Riggs, 1211 Rimraington, 4g7 Ripley, 844 Roads, go7 Robbins, 45, 887, 2440 Roberts, 233, 1370 Robertson, ig7i Robinson, 528, 823, 872, 1031, 1813, 1843, igso Rocester, 1148 Rockett, 333 Rockwell, 71, ig6s, iggs Rockwood, 333 Roderick (king), 2415 Rogers, 1157, 176S, 2111 Rolfe, 1126, 2336 Roome, 1032, 3503 Root, gn Ropes, 336 Rose, ISII Rosecrans, 1891 Rossiter, 1148, iggg RounseviU, Rounseville, Rounsvell, 821 Rowan, 768 Rowley, 380 Royall, 1063 Royce, 535 Ruddock, 106 Ruddyk, 106 Ruggles, 318, 1838 Rush, ig4i Russ, 358 RusseU, io6s, io6g, 3371, 3427, S4sg Russia (Jerbslaus czar of), S176 Rust, 358, sgs, 3483 Rutgers, 1761 Ryall, 1063 Sackett, iSog St. John, 856 Salisbury, 4g3 Salter, 1071 Salusbury, 4gs Samborn, Samborne, 346g Sanborn, 847, S46g Sanders, 1076 Sandford, 564, g6g Sanford, 564, loSi, isgS, igis Sares, 1351 Sargeant, 1083 Saunders, 1076 Savage, ssi, 48g, 2271 Sawer, 364 Sawyer, 364, 1613 Sayer, 364, 1251, isg8 Sayers, 1251 Sayre, isgS Scarbarrow, Scarborough, 3SS Schearman, 1660 Schenck, 1837 Scherman, 1660 Schrick, 1760 Schurraan, 1660 Schuyler, 2176 Scott, 1031, igSs, 2035, 2ogg Scottaway, Scotto, Scottow, gi6 Scutt, 668, 670 Sealis, 545, 1S42 Searl, 246g Searle, 1068, 1756, 246g Sears, 1251 Sebley, 1835 Sedgwick, 1122 Seely, 1441 Segourne, 1488 Selden, Seldon, 479 SeUice, 1843 Senn, 3319 Sergeant, 1083 Sever, 1069 Sevier, 3114 Sewall, log, ssi, loSs Sewell, log, ssi Seymour, 1664 Sharp, 301, 735, 1070 Sharpe, 301 Sharpless, 2045 Sharts, 541 Shathock, Shattuck, 551, 1166 Shaw, iggg Shelden, Shelding, 394 Sheldon, 394, 538, 910, 2039 Shepard, 1148, 1503 Shephard, Shepheard, Shep herd, Sheppard, 1148 Sherman, 1660, 1818, 1838, 2000, 2490 Shotwell, 1018 Shower, 1855 Shrimpton, 1069 Sibley, 1835 Sickels, 1736 Sigournay, 1488 Sigourney, 1488, 1615 Sigournie, 14SS Silvester, 1768 Simmons, Simones, 55 Simonton, 837 Sinclair, 3303 Sine, 1036 Singer, 799 Slade, 1660 Slawson, Slosson, i5g8 Smith, 245, 33^, 334, 364. 537» 541, 1147, 1212, 1343, 1464* i7go, ig2g, ig66, ig87, 2034, 2040, 2173, 3483 Smolk, i8g5 Smythe, 2173 Snelling, ng Snow, 76, 1S80, 2466 Soal, igi7 Sohier, 1066, 1615 Sole, igi7 Soule, Soule, 1400, igi7 Sowle, igi7 Spalding, 85, 239 Sparhawk, 236, 1063 Sparlden, 85 Sparrowhawk, 236 S paul den, 85 Spaulding, 85, 239, 840 Spencer, 133, 1839 Spenser, 133 Sperry, 1631 Spight, Spike, isS Spolden, 85 Spooner, 743, 1753 Sprague, 507, 2429 Spratt, 1760 Staats, 493, 1837 Stage, 1670 Stanard, 1357 Standish, 990 Standley, no Stanley, no, 1147, 1930, ig7o Stannard, 1357 Stanton, 541 Stark, 2258 Starke, 44 Starr, 87, 1611, 1752 Start, 44 Stearns, 382, 818 Stebbins, gio, 1216, 1885, 2270 Stedman, noo Steel, 1124 Steele, 1 124, 1321, 1663, 1760, ig7o, ig88, 2040 Stevens, 175, 878, 1760 Sticknee, 348 Stickney, 348, gss, igig, igsr, 1995. 2040 Stoddard, 264, 878, io6g, isis Stoke, Stokes, 1837 Stone, 86, 784, 1114, 1123, 1915 Stonhard, Stonnard, 1357 Storrow, 493 Storrs, 181 Stoughton, 467, 3040, 24S2 Stout, 1S95 Strachn, 394 ' Stratton, soi Streeter, 66g Strehle, 3303 Strong, 3g4, 510, 554, gio, 912, 914, 916, 1341, i486, IS43, 1666, 1827, iSSs, 2032, 2265, 2270 Studman, noo Sugden, 2245 SulHvan, 1068 Sumner, 1069, iggg Swain, Swaine, 54 Swan, 364, 873 Swann, 872 Swayne, 54 Sweetser, Switzer, sg, 103 Sybley, 1835 Sydnor, 2206 Sylvester, 1768 Symraes, 221, 878, 2433 INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENEALOGIES. 2825 Symonds, 34g, gio Symondson, Symons, 55 Tabaux, Tabeaux, 1458 Taffe, Taft, 340 Tailecoat, 1122 Taintor, 1432 Talbot, 3045 Talcott, 1133, ig34 Tarback, 1458 TarbaU, 1607 Tarbeaux, Tarbock, Tar bocke, 1458 Tay, 1S16, 343g Taylcoat, iiss Taylor, 86g, igo7, igi6, ssgs Tayntor, 1432 Tead, 1767 Teasdale, 1081 .Teasley, 2217 Ten Eyck, 7g3 Tennery, 1483 TerrUl, 1147 Terry, gg, 1742 Thacher, 1772, 2000, sosg Thatcher, 1772 Thaxter, igg6 Thayer, ig7o, 2251 Thirla, 364 Thirston, 241 Thomas, 2113, 3173, 2326 Thompsin, 1211 Thompson, 340, 1033-3, isii, 1764, 1998, 2090, 2423-4, 3438 Thomson, 340 Thorburn, 1315 Thorley, 863 Thornton, 2217, 2416 Thorpe, 1568 Thurla, Thurlo, 863 Thurlow, 364, 863 ThurreU, 863 Thurston, 341, 1511, 1604 Ticklie, 2505 Tidd, 1767, 2426, 242S Tileston, 1842 TiUey, 541, 2484 Ting, 490 ¦ Tisdale, Tisdall, 537 Titcomb, 507, 1613 Titcome, 507 Todhunter, 1773 Torapson, Tomson, 240 Torbock, Torbocke, 1458 Torre, 1409 Torrey, 901, 1409 Towne, 24S4 Townsend, Townshend, 2304 Toy, 1816 Tracy, 388, 515, 540, 1149, I944, 2333 Trahman Goeh (chieftain) , 2415 Treadwell, 507 Treat, 1105, 2000 Trott, 332 Trowbridge, 1114 TrumbaU, Trumbell, 270 Trumble, 270, 872 TrumboU, 270 TrumbuU, 270, 872, nog Truramell, 270 Tucker, 640, 1112, 2303 Tudor, 1108 Tufts, 235 Tupper, 42g Turner, SiS, 1149 Turral, 1147 TuthUl, gg, ig65, 2452-3 Tuttel, 99 '^ Tuttill, 2453 Tuttle, gg, 266, isn, ig65, 3452 Twining, 1157 Tyler, 1151, 1746, 1812 Tyng, 4go Uestis, 1771 Ulerich, 2151 Uraphrys, 318 Underwood, 2175 Upham, 107, sgs, 1083, 2026 Upjohn, 1765 Usher, 107 Utley, 68, 401 Utt, 2303 Vahan, Vahen, 741 Vail, 1533 Van Baal, Van Bael, Van Bale, 1831 Van Brugh, iSig, 1837 Van Buren, sgS Van Cortlandt, 1831 Van Couvenhoven, 1809, 1837 Van den Berg, 1S37 Vannoy, Vanoy, 3oS6 Van Rensselaer, 1831 Van Voor-Hees, Van Voor hees,. 398, 1837 Van Voor-Hies, Van Voor his, 398 Van Vranken, I3g7 Van Wagenen, 1837 Van Weely, Van Wely, 1831 Van Witbeck, 6g5 Van Woglum, 3007 Vars, Vary, 2323 Vassall, 384, 1063, 1768 Vaughan, Vaughn, 741 Venterus, Ventres, Ventris, Ventroos, Ventrous, 123 Verbrugge, iSig Viets, 1060 Vilas, 17S8 Villard, I77g Visscher, 1837 von Bismarck, 2037 Von Francke, Von Franke, i397 von Puttkamer, 2037 Wadams, igg2 Wade, 2035, 2423 Wadham, Wadhams, Wadom, Wadoms, iggs Wadsworth, 1121-2, 2040 Wadworth, 1121-2 Waffe, 146 Waight, 1083 Wainwright, 48g, 1067 Wait, 1083 Waite, 403, 1083 Walcott, 1060 Waldo, 161, 3456 Waldron, 227, 543, 3437 Wales, 103 Walker, 1147, 1463, 1838, ig46, 2425 WaUace, 3304 Walley, 49s Wallop, 131 Walrond, nog Walton, 877 Wannamaker, 3igo Ward, 67, 127, 671, S46, 883, 1078, 1114, iig7, 1576, 3017, 204g Wardall, Wardell, iggs Warden, Sio Wardhall, Wardle WardweU, 1995 Ware, 33S Warham, 264 Warins, 180 Warner, 36, 3g4. 910, 1151, 2502 I Warren, iSo, 647, 743, io6g, 1996 Warrener, Warriner, 2457 Washborne, 1637 Washburn, 1637, 1670 Washington, 2173, 2203, 2490, 2502 Waterman, 305 Waters, 62, 343 Watkins, 1211 Watson, noo, nog, 1314-15 Way, 428, 726, 1030, 1386, 1427, , 1518, 1533, 2337 Waye, 1030 Webb, sgg Webster, 270, 1104, 1322, ig88 Weed, 2455 Weight, 403 Welch, 335, I4S4 Weld, 86g Welles, gg, io6g, ig7o WeUs, gg, 1742 Welton, 1370, 1518 Wendall, WendeU, 4gs Wensley, io6g Wentworth, 4g3, 543, g56, 1464, 1647, 1707, 1714, ig6i, 2437 Werdall, iggs Westwood, no, 2204 Wetmore, 342, 6S7 Weylder, ig6o Whaff, 146 Whaley, 2101 Wheadon, 1212, 2050 Whedon, 1213 Wheeler, 6g5 Wheelock, 775, 1507 Wheelwright, igi7 Whipple, 87, 368 White, 633, 653, 1031, ISII, 1743, i77g, 1805, 1868, 2iig, 3371 Whitehead, 1761 Whiteman, 316 Whiteside, S077 Whitefield, 85 Whitford, 1458 Whitheare, Whitheire, 1716 Whitman, 316, iggg Whitmore, 34s, 687, 3484 Whitney, 138, 856, 1470, 1483, 1773, 1788, 1854, 1883, i88g, igso, 3371, 3307 Whittemore, 3484 Whittier, 1716 Whittingham, 4g4 Whittle, Whityeare, 1716 Wickham, Wickum, Wicom, Wicum, S7g Wigglesworth, 60 Wight, 8ig, 943, sng Wikeham, 379 WUbor, Wilbour, 1838 Wilcockson, 3361 Wilcolyne, ssiS Wilcox, 1838 Wilder, 1960 Wiley, 1S36 Wilkeson, 383 Wilkins, Wilkyn, S2i8 Wilkinson, 382, 839 Willard, 1779, 1813, sooo Willet, Willett, 493, 1779 Willey, 1^38 Williams, 50s, 510, 873, 1093, 1633, 1838, i86g, 3023, 3135, 3185 Willing, 64 WiUis, 1107, 1657, 1815, iggg Willoes, Willow, WiUows, 1815 WiUson, 38, 1778 Wilson, 38, 478, 3451 2826 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wilterton, 364 Wiltse, Wiltsee, Wiltsie, 1032 Winans, 1371 Winchester, 545-6 Wing, 1660, iSig Wingfield, 265 W^inn, 64, 2415 Winne, 2415 Winslow, 515, Sio, 1069, 1839, 2000 Winthrop, 265 Wise, 1828 Wiswall, 873, 3437 Witbeck, 695 Withington, 333 Woglum, S007 Wolcott, 1060, 1436, 1827, 1842, 1988 Wolery, 2151 Wolfe, 153 Wolterton, 364 Wood, 341, 1935, igsS, igss Woodbridge, 318, 4g8, 1814, 1838 Woodburn, 1550 Woodbury, 864, 1064 Woodell, iggs Woodford, 3g4 Woodhall, 478 Woodman, i7og Woodroffe, Woodroofe, Woodrow, Woodruff, 3050 Woods, 341, igss \\'^oodward, 83, gis, 1830 Woodworth, 1363, 1808 Woolery, 3151 Woolfe, 1737 Woolsey, 1768 Wooster, isn Wright, 618, 675, 1018, 1031, iS4g, 3370, 3437, S42g, 3433 Wyer, 54 Wyley, Wylie, S083 Wyllys, 1107 Wyly, 2083 Wyman, 1867, 2424-5, ,^433-4 Wyn, Wyne, Wynn, Wynne, 2415 Wynslowe, 5^5 Xavier, 2114 Yale, ssg Yarrington, is5, 3454 Yates, isiS Yonge, Yonges, 57, 245s Yongs, 57 Young, 57, 557, "71, 2190, 2339, 2453 Youngs, 57, 3453 I Ziraraerraan, sigo INDEX OF PLACES. (places not raentioned), army (American), 185, 308-9, 338, 407, 440, 480-1, 549, 606, 632, 663, 672, 706, 823, 923-4, gsS, g43, g54, gSi, 1061-3, 1183, ng7, 1300, 1227, i34g, is66, 1377, isSo, 1340, 1344, 1385, 1438, 1465-6, 1473, 1510, 1578, 1637, 1676, i6gi, I74g, igso, ig44, 3104-5, 2108, siio-ii, S113, SIS4, 3156, sisg, 3170, 33o8, 3361-3, S36s, 3367, S36g-7i, 3373, 3378-81, ssoS-g, 3333, 3336, 3328-30, 2333-6, 241S, 3435, 3463, 2486, 2503 army (British), 4gs, 4g5, 558, 606, 663, 823, 181S, ig6o, 2243, 1744 army (CromweU's), 495 army (French), 672, 3034 array (Hessian), 606 battlefield Va., 3104 battle of Bosworth, Eng., i960 battle of Boyne River, Ire land, 35 battle of Brandywine, Pa., 2335-6 battle of Bull Run, Va., 1510, 2170 battle of Caloochan, P. L, 2503 battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., 1068 battle of Chancellorsville, Va., 2154 battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., 1465 battle of Cold Harbor, Va., 934, 1524 battle of Culloden, Scot land, 1152, ssiS battle of Fredericksburg, Va., 706, 943, 1061-3, 314 1, 2159 battle of Gettysburg, Pa. , gsS, g8i, igso, sio8 battle of Hastings, Eng., 3223 battle of Lake Erie, U. S., 2253 battle of Lake George, N. Y., i7g battle of Manassas Junction, Va., 1510, 2170 battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., 2156 battle of Plattsburgh, N. Y., 324 battle of Poictiers, Poitiers, ^ France, 76, 2242 battle of Resaca, Ga., 2136, ,' 2462 battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Va., 1553 battle of StiU water, N. Y., 22gi battle of Vicksburg, :\Iiss., 1648 battle of Wilderness, Va.. Sog, 1385, 1466, 3418 battle of YeUowstone Dis trict, U. S., 1340 cars, 891, 1348 central Ireland, 1769 church, siog (places not raentioned) cont'd, civU service (U. S.), 3258, 2364 coast of Africa, i45g, 3267 coast of China, 3036 coast of Cleveland, Eng., n, 14 coast of Pacific, ggo colonial militia, 2so8-g east, i7g, 318, go7, igis eastern New Jersey, 1147 eastern shore, Md., 530, sosg eastern shore Va., ig4i-s eastern Tennessee, loio, 307g, 3ogi-3, 2162-3, 2276 en route, S131, 346g expedition (exploring) , i6ss expedition (Modoc), 1344 foreign country, 88 gauger (U. S.), 3358 guerillas, 1337 hospital, i6gi Indians (warfare), 62, 537, 549, 557, 569, 743, 959. 1018, 1376, 1340-1, 1439, 1839, 1916, igSs, 34S1 island, coast of China, 3036 left home, ssg lower Elbert County, Ga., 2157 mail carrier (U. S.), 3364 man of war, 308, 948 march, 3105 mate of vessel, 357 mines of Colorado, isSg navy (American) , sog, g48, 1633, 3353, 3358, ss6g, 3337-8, 2498 navy (British), 308-g, igSS never heard from, 88, 340, s4S-g, 355, 357, 267-8, 334, 328, sso, ssg, 440, 451-3, 480-1, 530, 563, 5S8, 747, 760, 831, S63, gos, g33, gs4, g68, g70, g74, g83, i34g, isgs, ^3^9, 1541, 1565, 1570, i6ss, 1628, 1637, i67g, 1720, 3058, 3077, 3096, S131, 3158, 3305-6 northern Britain, 1837 northern Devonshire, 816 northern England, 510, 538 northern Georgia, 3143 northern Illinois, 1749 northern Ireland, 311, 1904, 1943, igSs northern Michigan, 1137 northern Wales, 1035, 1603 northwestern Canada, igoS northwestern Missouri, sni northwestern Nebraska, 1538 northwestern Texas, 3117 on way home, S131 overland, 549 parts foreign, 88, 353 parts unknown, 88, 240, 248-g, 255. 257, 267-8, 334. 338, 330, ¦339, 440. 451-^. 480-1, 530, 563, 588, 747. 760, 831, 863, gos, 92s, 934, 968, g70, g74, gSz, 1249, isgs, I36g, 1541, 1565. 1570, 1633, 1638, 1637, i67g, I 730, 3058, 3077, 3og6, 3131, 3158, 330S-6 picket, 3486 pirates, 541 2S27 (places not raentioned) cont'd, plains (U. S.), 1651 port (foreign), 71s prison (British), soS-g prisoner of war, 4S1, 4gs, gss, 1554, 1677 prison ship, 308-g railroad, 8gi, 1348, 1648, i67g rails, soSi sailing vessel, 753 scout, 1465 sea, 33, igS, 305, sog, 348, 308, 335, 357, 361, 400-1, 418-31, 436, 433, 435-441, 444, 480-S, 497, 523, 541, 557, 563, 67s, 718, 750, 753, 823, 831, 842, 857, 876, g6o, g6S, g74, i03g, 1057, 1080, logg-noi, iiso, IT47, 1161, 1177-9, 1266, 1353, 1382, 1489, 1604, 1623, 1716, 1720, 1730, 1744, 1781, 1793, 1844, 1867, 1916, 3036, 3439, 2437-S, 2481-2, 2498 service (United States), 1869 service (U. S.), Va., 2435 siege of Damietta, Egypt, 493 slope of Pacific, U. S., 1344 soldier, 481 south, 305, 314, 454, 477, 533, 543. 968, 1433, 1541, 1730, 1833, 1866, 3154, 3353, 3313 southern Africa, 915, 1658, 1743 southern Alabama, 3078 southern England, 35s southern France, 523 southern Iowa, 895 . southern Kentucky, 2158 ¦ southern Michigan, 2338 southern State, 523 southern Wales, 1671, iggS southwest, i3g6 southwestern Arkansas, 1538 started for California, 12^2 states, iSSg storm, 3081 swamp fight, 1915 trace lost, 1864 trainband, 3308-9 voyage, 418, 2490 war (Civil), 934, 1385, 1465-6, 1510, 1749, 2104-S, 2113, 2154, 2156, 3308, 3364-5, 3269, 3371, 2373, 3379-80, 3309, 3329, I S333-4, 3418, 3486 i war (iSis), 179, SIIO, 3269, 2274, 230S I war (Filipino), 3503 I war (Mexican), 54g, i74g, 3309 war (old French), 433, 3369-70 j war (Revolution), 185-7, 393, I 606, 663, 672, 1944, 3358, 3262-3, 3365, 3367-71, 2273, 3278-81, 2308, 3336-8, S330, , 2334-6 war (with Spain), 3498 ! wars (Indian), 63, 537, 959, 1340, i8sg, igi6, 3421 i well, 1440 I west, 44, 103, loS, S04, 240, sgs, 314, S18, sgo, 401, 403, 436, 430, 475, 481, 552, 62g, 680, 7(i9, 779, 794, 831, Ssg, 844, ¦ 852, 857, goi, go3, go7, g22, I g25-6, gss, 984, 1071, 126s, 2828 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. (places not mentioned) cont'd, west, cont'd, is66, 1377, isSS, 1385, 1420, a495^ 1541, 1553, 1570, 1585-7. 1615, 1628, 1648-50, 1720, 2013, 2os8-g, 2071, 2096, 2101, 2208, 2306, 2308, 2316, 2333, 2440, 2443 western New York, 809, 844, 857, 1304, ISSS, ^(^72, 2308 western Pennsylvania, 1041 western State, 1587 western Tennessee, 3060 west of England, 566 west of Scotland, 2470 whaling voyage, 41S woods, 956 woods of Pennsylvania, 1242 Aaronsburg, Pa., 1154-7 Abaco Island, Bahamas, 1781, 1792 AbbeviUe, S. C, 2185, 2217 AbbevUle County, S. C, 2186, ssso AbbevUle District, S. C, 2075-6, 3100 Abbot's Corners, P. Q., 703 Abbots Leigh, Eng., 35 Abbotsham, Eng., 3344 Abeih, Syria, iog4 Aberdeen, O., 1368 Aberdeen, Scotland, 1676 Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1744-5 Aberjona River, Mass., 3431 AbUene, Kan., 1685-8 Abingdon, Eng., 279 Abington, Conn., 327, 385, S04, 849, 1456, 1547, 1595 Abington, 111., SoS Abington, Ind., 1340 Abington, Mass., 1349, 1861, 1866, iggg Abington, Pa., 1611 Abington Parish, Conn., 337, 385, 804, 84g Academia, Pa., 1345-6 Acadia, N. S., 349, 1845-6 Acapulco, Mex., 1749 Accomack, Va., 3135-6 Acerton, N. Y., 577 Achurch, Eng., 493 Acken, Prussian Saxony, 456 Acklam, Eng., 13 Acklam Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS Acquackanonk, N. J., 456-7, 1009, 103 1 Acquackanonk Landing, N. J., 1009 Acra, N. Y., 1355 "Active " brigantine, U. S. N., 3358 Acton, Mass., 53, gs-s, igi-4, 4og, 1698, 170S, 3io6, 3313 Acton, Tex., 3373, 3378 Acushnet, Mass., 1753 Acworth, Ga., 3ig6 Adaras, IU., g36, 1336 Adaras,' Ind., 3313 Adaras, Mass., g64, 1356, 1417, 1563, 1640, 1858, igSo, 30i6, 3053, 33s I Adams, Mich., S4g .Adams, N. Y., 316, 687, issg, 1375-7, i5og, 151S, 1644-5, igi7-iS, igsS, iggs, 350Z Adams, Wis., 1713 Adams Center, N. Y., 1645, 1995 Adaras County, Mass., 766 Adaras County, Neb., 3145 Adams County, Pa., gso, 3457 Adamsville, Mich., 1853 Addison, Mich., 118S-9, 3S7g Addison, N. Y., 440, s8g, gsi, 934, i3i6, 168S, i6gi Addison, Pa., 408 Addison, Vt., 841, 1044 Addison County, Vt., 6g4 Adobetown, Mont., 1303 Adrian, Mich., sgs, Sgo, 1347-8, i4og, 1598, 1637, 1731, 1835, 1S77, iSgg, 3041 Africa, 357, i45g, 1658, 1743, 2267, 2444 Africa coast, Africa, i45g, 2367 Afton, N. Y., 6og, 647, gss, i2gS, i6gi, 1718 Agawam, Mass., 153, 735, 1135, 1233, 1252 Agenda, Kan., 7go-i, i52g Agercroft, Eng., 137 Ainsfield, Scotland, 1421 Airy Mount, N. C, 2108 Aisholt, Eng., 121 Akron, Mo., 1443 Akron, O., 665, 762, 765-6, 1275, 1336, 1380, 1482-3, 1488, i4g6, 1641-2, 1663, 1733, 1852, igsi, igss, 1961, 2017, 2043, 2333 Alabaraa, N. Y., 527, 1344-5, 1380, 162S, 2013, 2034 Alabama, State of, 533, 618, g67, 1963, 2078-g, 2ogo, 2og5, 2117, 2136, 2152, 2172, 3331, 3S73, 3378-g, 3424, 2474 Alabama Center, N. Y., 1344-5 Alabama Corners, N. Y., 1344-5 Alabama Township, N. Y., 1344-5 Alameda, Cal., 631, 1044, 1353, 1685 Alamosa, Cal,, 1436 Alarston, Eng., iisi Alban Hall, Eng., 310 Alban Wood, Ala., 3315 Albany, Ga., 8S3, 1633 Albany, Ind., 1638, 1S53 Albany, Mo., 2125 Albany, N. H., 1520 Albany, N. Y., iSg, 3g4, 333, 351, 493, Si^-13, 520, 593, 616, 631, 646, 6g4-5, 731, 7gs-4, Soi, 84s, S48, Sgs-s, loio, 1014, 1035, 1044, 1054, 1074, logg, 1106, 1108, ino-ii-, iig7, 1315, iSgS-S, 1444, 1485, ISOS, 1531-3, 1580, 1593-4, 159S, 1634, 1737, 1775, 1779, i783-g3, 1801, i8oS-g, 1S14-15, iSi8-ig, 1831, 1837, 1870, igoo-3, igi7, ig35-6, ig7i-3, igg7, 2016, 2176, 2268, 2271, 2374, 2310, 23ig, 34ig, 3487, S4g4, 2501 Albany, O., 1517 Albany, Vt., 385, 641, 68g-go, 1268-73, i27g, is86, 1385-7, 1874-7 Albany, Wis., ig6g Albany County, N. Y., igo7, 2308, 2310, ssig Albdale, Isle of Man, igSs • Albemarle County, Va., 1365-6, 1371, 'i-773, 1907-9, S043, 3055-7, S060, 3070, 2074, 3093-4, 3 143 Albert, N. B., 1166 Albert County, N. B., 253, 556, 572 Albert Lea, Mmn., 1440, 1670 Albion, la., goo Albion. Me., 2478 ^ , Albion, Mich., 422, 726, 1602, 2053 Albion, Neb., 1764 Albion, N. Y., 586, 1104, i39i, iSii, 3008 Albuquerque, N. M., 1440, 1749 o Alcester, Eng., 237, 543, logo Alcona, Mich., igso Alcova, Wyo., 3501 Alden, la., 1307-8, 1231, 1336, '^49 ,^. Alden, Mmn., 1351 Alden, N. Y., 720, 1566-7, 3286, ssgS-g Aldenham, Eng., 180 Aldermanbury Parish, Eng., 467 Alexander, N. Y., 3g6, 731, 831-3, 1S43, 1444, 1568, 2485 Alexandria, Ind., 1635 Alexandria, La., S150 Alexandria, Minn., 1373, 2268 Alexandria, Mo., 1652 Alexandria, Neb., 1665 Alexandria, Pa,, 2260-1 Alexandria, Va., 634, 68g, 781, loSo, 1706, 177s, 2004-s, 3148, 2443 Alexandria Bay, N. Y., 1653-4 Alford, Eng., 364, 490, 493-4, iggS Alford, Mass., 2316-17 Algiers, Africa, sSo Algiers, Vt., 1666 Algonquin, 111., 1336 Allegan, Mich., 1304, 1338, 1553 Allegany, N. Y., 1163 Allegany County, Md., 1354 Allegany County, N. Y., 704-5, loss Alleghany County, Va., 1333 Allegheny, Pa., I5g4 Allen, Kan., 1592 Allen, N. Y., 1322 Allen's Grove, Wis., 1542 AUen's HUl, N. Y., 1778-9 AUenton, R. L, 886 Allentown, 111., 2461 Allentown, N. Y., 773 Allentown, Pa., gig AUen Township, Pa., i2g4 AU 'hallows, London, 2336 AUington, Conn., 1254 Alliston, Can., 2007 AUston, Mass., 6g4, 2476 Alma, N. B., 353-3, 573-4, "66, I i7g-8o Almira, Mich., 1441 Almond, N. Y., ngs, 1334, 1344 Alna, Me., 633 Alpena, S. D., 1231 Alpine, N. Y., 1051 Alsace, France, 2464 Alsop, Eng., 1313 Alsop-in-the-Dale, Eng., 1212 Alstead, N. H., 635, 647, I37g, i2gg, i37g, 1535 Alta, la., isg4 Alta California, Mex., 1764 Altamah River, Ga., 1777 Altamont, S. D., 1861-s Altdale, Isle of Man, igSs Alton, Eng., 147 Alton, 111., 648, 754-5, 804, g6i, 1477, 1555, 2034, 3378, 228s Alton, Mich., 1417 Alton, N. H., 710, 1463-4, 1707 Alton, N. Y., 616 ^ Altona, 111., 671-2 Altona, Mich., 1627, 2006 Altona, Mo., 1567-9 Altoona, Fla., 1644 Altoona, Pa., 601 Alum Creek, O., 1292 Alverstoke, Eng., 1746 Alwington Parish, Eng., 429 Amador, Cal., 1678 Araboy, III., 1591, igso, 3330 Araboy, N. J., so8, ig68-g Amboy, N. Y., 1533 Amboy, O., 547, 33S2 Araelia, O., 514, ni6 Amenia, N. Y., go, 137, 163-4, 317, 440, 4S1, 1161 Araerica, 207, 263, 264, 311, 442, 48g, 537, 558, 1020, 1314, 1350, 1397, 1423, 1550, 1612, 1615, 1631, 1660, 1733, 1736, 1741, 1753, 1799, 1815, 1965, 3034, 2111, 3173, 2357, 2305, 3464, 3466, 3484, 2487, 3501 Americasville, N. Y., 3333 Americus, Ga., 3330 Amersfoort, Utrecht, 1S09. 1837 Ames, Kan., 1965 Ames, N. Y., 1541 Amesbury, Mass., 171-5, 365, 1061, 1068 Amesville, O., ngg Amherst, Mass., 378, 622, 650, 818, 1305, 22^ Amherst, N. ©s,' 558 ^l/»Si Amherst, N. H„ 7gi, 864, 1270, 1548-50, 3050, 3441-S Amherst, N. S., 574, 1039 Amherst, O., g64, 1377-8 Amherst County, Va., 2056, 2185 Amsterdam, PloUand, 528, 7g3, 1020, 1026, 1053, 1147, 1527, 1761, 1775, iSog, 1830-1, 1837, i86g, 20sg, 2454 Amsterdam, N. Y., 21, 78g-go, 1351, 1543, 1903-4, 2042, 2313, 2328, 2464 Anadarko, Okla., i2ig-20 Anceley HaU, Eng., 2434 Ancient Windsor, Conn., 318 Ancram, N. Y., 576, nSi-3 Ancram, Scotland, 731 Anderson, Ind., 1127, 1635 Anderson, Kan., 1302 Anderson, S. C, 2105, 2217, 2220, 2328 Anderson, Tex., 1312 Anderson County, Kan., 614, ^592-S ^ „ Anderson County, S. C, 2137, 2i5g, 2166, sigo, 2208, 3357, 2263, 2273, 2312, 2331 Anderson Court House, S. C, ig53, 2137, 2ig6 Anderson District, S. C, 2059, 2166 Andersonville Prison, Ga., 851, 1239, 2208 Andover, Conn., 144, 786, logS, 1524, ig6g Andover, Eng., 120, 337 Andover, Mass., sg, 69, go, 144, 340^ 337, 364, 4g8, S43-4, 884, II7S, isSg, i4g6, 1607, 1S41, 2435, 2435 Andover, N. H., 875, 1867 Andover, N. Y., ngo Androssan, Scotland, 1745 Angelica, N. Y., 549, 1238, 1578 Angermiinde, Germany, ig78 Anglesea, Anglesey Island, North Wales, 400, 2034, 2415 INDEX OF PLACES. Angola, Ind., sg7, 747, gsS, 1265, 1466, 1664 Animas, Col., 247g Anna, 111., 2305 Annabelle, Ireland, 4gs Annandale, Eng., 24sg Annandale, N. J., 1886 Annandale, Scotland, iioS, 1421-2, igSs Annapolis, Md., 206, 613, 1312, isgo, 1819, 2311 Annapolis, Mo., 1618 Annapolis, N. S., 253, 1172, 1846, 2307, 2491 Annapolis Royal, N. S., 2307 Ann Arbor, Mich., 617, 861-3, 88s, 1231-3, 1256, 1308, 1371, 1656, 1847-8, 3041, 3313, 2317, 3330, 3487 Annawan, III., 1473, soio Ann Cape, Mass., 171-5, 333, 873. 877, 959 Anne Arundel County, Md., 1143, ISIS Annex, Va., 1907-8 Annsville, N. Y,, 785, 3487 Anoka, Minn., 1984 Ansley Hall, Eng., 3434 Anson, Me., 413-6, 430, 948, 954-7, 1706, 1713-13, sosg Ansonia, Conn., 635, 663, 1334, 2330, SSSS Anstell, Ga., S164 Anstey Pastures, Eng., 59 Anthony, Kan., soig Anthony, R. I., 1475 Antietam, Md., 833, gss Antigo, Wis., igSS Antigua Island, W. I., 1063, iSig Antioch, Ga., 2161-2 Antioch, 111., 614, 983 Antioch, Ky., S151 Antrim County, Mich., 1137 Antwerp, Mich., 1137, 1391 Antwerp, N. Y., 777, 1476, 1511, 3463 Apalachicola, Fla., 789 Apalachin, N. Y., 853, 1315 Aphington, Eng., 1600 Apje's Island, N. Y., 695 Appledore, Eng., 348 Apple River, N. S., 575 Appleton, Me., 836 Appleton, Wis., 1339, 1464, 165s, ig88-g, 3334 Appleton City, Mo., i63g Appleton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS Appleton-upon-Wisk, Eng., 12 Appling, Ga., igss Apuldrefield, Eng., iiss Aquidneck, Mass., 3333 Aquidnesuk, R. I., 1645 Ararat, Pa., 750 Arbela, Mich., igos ArborvUle, Neb., isgi Arcade, N. Y., 737 Arcadia, La., 3135, si6o Arcadia, N. Y., 1S77 Arcadia, N. S., 563, 1175 Archer's Fork, O., sosS - , ^..„ , — „., ^^-^ Archiat, N. S., 1168 /i>-/u/\\tt Ashport, Conn., 387 Arctic Ocean, g63, g7i, g74 Ash Rock, Kan., i74g Ardea, Ireland, io6g 2829 Argus, Ala., 3178 Argyle, Minn., 185^2 Argyle, N. Y., 669, i486 Argyle, N. S., 1174 Argyle, Vt., 355, 584-5 ' Argyle Patent, N. Y., 389 Argyleshire, Scotland, 389, 1108, 3379 Arizola, Ariz., 1704 Arizona Ter., U. S., 1843-3, 1987 Arkansas, State of, 44, 453, 6si, 1086, 1161, i4gi-2, 153S, S0S9, 3107, 3130, 3473 Arkansas County, Ark., 2197 Arkport, N. Y., 255-6, 586, 589, 626-7 Arlington, III., gis Arlington, Mass., Ssg, sos6, ss63, 3433 Arlington, Mich., 1344 Arlington, N. S., 1174 -^ Arlington Court, Eng., 3344 Arlington Heights, 111., 1353 Arlington Heights, Va., 1853 Armagh County, Ireland, 1710 Armenia, Pa., 607, 1685 Arms College, London, 18 Arnecliffe, Eng., 13 ArnecHfle Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Arnold Parish, Eng., iggg Arnwell Township, N. J., 536 Aroma, III., 785 Arran, Scotl., 1745 Artesia, Cal., 1346 Arundel, Me., 1764 Asaheim, Turkestan, SS04 Asaland, Turkestan, 3304 Asbury Park, N. J., g68, i7ig, 2276 Asfordby, Eng., 1664 Asgard, Asaland, 3304 Ash, Mich., 1345 Ashburnham, Mass., issS, 1389, 1698, 343s Ashburton, Eng., 394 Ash Church, Eng., 1743 Ashe, Eng., isis Ashe County, N. C, 1938, 308 1 AshevUle, N. C, 1773, 3085-6, 2118-19, 2i6g Ashfiel'd, Mass. , 258, sg4, 626-7, S67-g, 976, 1647, 1657, 1722-3 Ashfield, N. S. W., 2280 Ashfield HaU., Eng., 141 Ashford, Conn., 216, 3g6, 745, 84g, ii4g, 1358, 1462-4, 1644, 1683 Ashford, Eng., 87, 1114, 1157, 3173 Ashford, Mass., 1082 Ashland, Mass., 684, 824, 2473 Ashland, N. Y., i6gi Ashland, O., 601, I2g5, 1337, 15 16, 3460, 3465 Ashland, Ore., 1428 Ashland, Wis., 1336 Ashland County, O., isgs Ashover, Eng., 3g4 Ardea Castle, Ireland, 10 Ardee, N. Y., I4g9 Arena, Wis., 1343-3 Arendel, Norway, 3i7g Argate, Vt., 1376 Argentine, Mich., 1346 Argo, Minn., 136s Argos, Ind., 1663 Ashtabala, O.,, 1340-1, i4g5-6, 1653, 1854, igoo, 1933, 3358, 3481 Ashtabula County, O., 549, 1304, 1341, 1350, 1433, 1678, i8gg, ig40, 3363, 2282-4 Ashton, Eng., 1613 Ashton Hall, Eng., 137, 4g4 Ashuelot, N. H., 1880 2830 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Ashville, O., 611 Asorby, Eng., 1664 Assonet, Mass., Ssi Asten, Germany, 1615 Aston, Eng., 3g4 Aston Abbotts, Eng., 1136 Aston Clinton, Eng., 309, gi4, I3II-13 Astoria, N. Y., 1314-15 Astoria, Ore., igS6-7 Asuncion, Paraguay, 1670 Atalissa, la., 586-S, iig4 Atascosa, Tex., 1S65 Atchison, IU., 1655 Atchison, Kan., 8g6, 1330, 1592 Atchison County, Kan., 1533 Athdare, Ireland, ig87 Athens, Ala., 6gs Athens, Ga., 763, 1776, 2082-3, 3113, S161 Athens, 111., I3g7 Athens, Ky., 3075 Athens, Me., g4g, gss, 1158, 1703-6, 1710 Athens, Mich., 1344, i8g7 Athens, N. Y., sSo-i, 526-7, 668-70 Athens, O., 1077, ngg, 1517, 1637, ig68 Athens, Pa., iSsi Athens, Tenn., 3i3g-43, 3i6s Athens County, O., goo, 1638, son Atherstone, Eng., 3434 Athol, Mass., 156, ssg, 633, iig7, IS2S, 1348-54, 1310, i85g-6i, S4gg Athol, N. S., 574-5 Atkins, Ark., S104 Atlanta, Ga., 3S1, 853, 883-3, 938, 114s, 1183-4, 1323-4, 1422, 1487, 1596, 1633-3, sogS, 3113-14, S141, 2162-4, 3167, 2173-7, 2igs-3, 3317, ssSi, 2312, 3331 Atlantic, la., 806 Atlantic City, N. J., 1165 Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1033 Atlantic Ocean, 453, S16, 1057, logg, 1533, 1730, 3453, 3490 Atlantic Township, N. J., 1683 Atlas, 111., 807 Attica, IU., 587 Attica, Ind., 1340, 3470, 3480 Attica, N. Y., 338, 1303, i4gS-g Attica, O., 553, 1164 Attleborough, Mass., 650, 86g, g7o, ii4g, i7gg, ssSs Atwater, O., 1400, 3017 Auburn, Cal., 1177, 1333 Auburn, Ind., 3313 Auburn, Me., 837, 1167, 1183. 1377, 1713-15, 2478 Auburn, N. Y., 313-13, 515-30, 749, 774, 792, 1103, 1110-13, II iS, 1308, 1444, ¦ 1448, I4g4, 1637, 1803-5, 1817, iSSg, iSgs, igS4, 3354, 3503 Auburn, O., 1051 Auburn, R. L, 834 Auburndale, Mass., 3434 Auckland, N. Z., 1038, 3488 Audlem, Eng., 856 Audley, Eng., i7gg Augusta, Ark., soSS Augusta, Ga., 381, 881, 883, 1431, 1483-3, igS3-4, 3078, 3103, 3113, sng, 3173-3, 3316, S37g Augusta, 111., 537 Augusta, la., issg Augusta, Kan,, 33g3 Augusta, Ky., 1115-6, 3151 Augusta, Me.. 945, 953, g77, g8g, 1750, 1765 Augusta, N. Y,, 1335 Augusta, Ont., 1332, 15SI Augusta County, Va. . 1 1 27, 1637, igoS, igSs, 2042, SI 14, 2149 Augusta Township, Ont., ISSI Aurora, IU., 430, 772, 907, gis, g37-8, IIOS, 1338, 1379, 1392, 1413-14, 1654-5, 1845, 1979, ¦ soso, 3381 Aurora, Ind., ssig Aurora, N. Y., ii8g Aurora, O., gis, 1335 Ausable, N. Y., igiS-ig, 3043, 2053 Ausford, Eng., 394 Austerfield, Eng., 360, io6g, 2337 Austerlitz, N. Y., 614, 1313, 1592-S Austin, Me., 1044-5 Austin, Minn., is7g, 1410 Austin, Neb., 1650 Austin, Pa., ngo Austin, Tex., logo-i, i7g4-7, 3o6g, 3366 Austintown, O., 886-8, 3303 Austintown Township, O., 886 Austria, Europe, 1615, sigi Autauga County, Ala., 3077 Avesnes, France, 1775 Avion, Md., igso Avoca, N. Y., 77s Avon, Conn., 77g, 1314, 1513, 1727 Avon, III., 614-15, isig, 1570 Avon, Mass., 3475 Avon, Mich., 1375 Avon, N. Y., 363, 664, 3334 Avon, O., ssgs, 2466 Avon, Wis., 1410-13, igsS Avondale, O., 1777 Avondale, Pa., 1733 Avonia, Pa., 34go Avon Lake, O., 3463 Avon Point, O., 3463 Avonsport, N. S., 556 Avon Springs, N. Y., 735 Avon Township, IU., 614 Awarm, IU., 1570 Axrainster, Eng., iggg Ayer, Mass., g43 Ayer Dingin, Java, 1744 Ayers HiU, Pa., 586, ngs Aylesbury, Eng., gi4, gss Aylesford, Eng., 833 Aylesford, N. S., 566, 575, 1173, 1176, 1178 Aylmer, C. E., 3433 Ayr, Scotland, iSsg Ayreshire, Scotland, 1603 Ayrshire, la., 1443-3 Ayton, Eng., 13 Ayton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS Bach Grove, la., i6g3 Back River, Va., 3304 Baddeck, N. S., n6S Baden, Germany, 1367 Badesly, Eng., 109, 1083 Bagnall, N. Y., 351 Bagtor, Eng., 394 Bahia, South America, 419 Baileyville, Kan., 1709 Baileyville, Me., 2492 Bainbridge, Eng., 99 Bainbridge, N. Y., 405-6, 647, 752, 931-5, 1044, 1295, 1298, 1656 Bainbridge, O., 1909 Baker City, Ore., 2495 Bakersfield, Cal., 1170-1 Bakersfield, Yt., 1383 Balcombe, Eng., 1829 BaldwinsviUe, Mass., 1S50 Baldwinsville, N. Y., 393, 1304 Balehoult, Eng., 1083 Ball Creek, Tenn., 3133 Ballew Springs, Tex., 3106 Ballston, N. Y., 391, Sgo, 1181, 1307, 1398, 1465 Ballston Spa, N. Y., 7go, 1351 Ballston Springs, N. Y., 1430 Ballville, O., 1377, 1877 Ballymena, Ireland, ig87 Balmain, N. S. W., 3371 Balnagowan, Scotland, ig7i Balston, Eng., 478 Baltiraore, Md., sio, 513, 533, 630, 668-g, 747, 940, 957, 993, 1041, 1044, io88-g, logs-s, 1106, II 13, 1116-17, 1131, 1143, isis-14, 1310, 1348, 1355, 1433, i52g-so, 1554, 1560, 1740, 175s, i76g, 1773, 1776, i8i8-ig, 1840, 1844, 1851, igos-6, igso, 1941-3, ig68, ig85, sois, 3114, 3305-6, 3363, 336g-7i, ssSi, 2313, 2337, 34ig, 3435, S480 Baltrenon, Scotland, 1746 Banbury, Eng. , 236, 1041 , iSig, 3333 Banff, Scotland, 1087, 1753 Bangor, Ireland, 1576 Bangor, Me., 343-5, 544, 546, g45, g48, 1073, 1075-6, 1152-4, 1158-60, i7og-ii, 1843, i8g6, 3375, ssSS Bangor, Mich., isgi, 1636 Bangor, N. Y. , 1540, 1578, iggo Bangor Castle, Ireland, 1576 Bangour, North Britain, 3344 Banks County, Ga., 2113, 2153 Banks' Mountain, N. S., 21, 315 ¦ Banner Township, III., 587 Bantam, Eng., 382 Bantam Falls, Conn., 1324 Baraboo, Wis., 703-4, 730, gss, i4og, 1410, 1537, 1646, ig27 Baragot, N. Y., 281 Barbadoes Island, W. L, sg, 103, 385, 4go, 533-3, nog, 1114, 1447, 3416, S4Gg Barcelona, Spain, g67 Barford, P. Q., isSg Bar Harbor, Me., 1153 Barker, N. Y., 673 Barkhamstead, Eng., 137 Barkhamsted, Conn., 276-9, 635, 651-7, 661, 781, 1313-13, 1883-S Barkin Parish, London, 2336 Barksland, Eng., 57 Barkstone, Eng., 957-8 Barlborough, Eng., 907 Barmston, Eng., 379 Barnaby, Eng., 2345 Barnard, Vt., sSo, 389, 666-7, 703, 742-3, 880, 1380, l63I, 1948 Barnard Castle, Eng., g57-8, 1715 Barnard River, Tex., 3147-8 Barnard's Bay, N. Y., 1433 Barnegat Shoals, N. Y., 831 INDE.V OF PLACES. 2831 Barnes, Pa., 1551 ' Barnes' Corners, N. Y., 1645 Barnesville, Ga., S156 Barnesville, N. B., 1844 Barnesville, O., sosS Barnet, Eng., 1743 Barnet, Vt., 813-13, 1248, i4og, 1867 Barnham, Eng., 1083 Barnstable, Eng,, no, sSS, 770, 1S43, 3344, 3336 Barnstable, Mass., 44, 68, 181, sig, 3S0, 4g3, 5og, 52S, 557, 636, 766, 810, gsS, 1022, 1083, 1210, 1813, iggg Barnstaple, Eng., no, 288, 770, 1842, 2344, 3336 Barnstead, N. H., 985-6, 1463 Barnston, Eng., 379 Barnston, P. Q., sgi-s, 709, 711-13, 1380, 1408, 141S, 1430, 1635 Barnston Corners, P. Q., 710-11 Barnwell County, S. C, 3369, 3379, 3339 barony of De Welles, Scot land, nog barony of Shanbody, Scot land, nog barque " Emerald," Indian Ocean, 1604 barque " Stamboul," at sea, 1730 Barranquilla, U. S. of Co lombia, i76g-7o Barre, Mass., 357, 5g7, 633-6, 1345, 1247-54, 141 1, 1667, -1857-61, S4g3 Barre, N. Y., sgi, 730, i37g, 3008 Barre, Vt. , 306, 700, 834, 1284-S, I2g9, 1300, 1385, 1387, 1630, 1879-81, 3493 Barre "Plains, Mass., 1349 Barre VUlage, Vt., isSs Barrington, III., 1352 Barrington, N. H., 861-3, 986, 1463, 1946 Barrington, N. Y., 1398-9, 1400, 2322 Barrington, N. S., 561, 1174 Barron County, Wis., 1857 Barry, Can., 228g Barry, 111., 1351 Barryhead, Wales, 715 Bartlett, Tenn., 1836 Barton, Eng., 65g, 717 Barton, N. Y., i2gs, 1580 Barton, Vt., 6go, 701, 812-13, 1204-5, I2g7-S. 1386 Barton HaU. Eng., 233 Barton Landing, Vt., 701 Bartow, Fla., 1746b Bartow County, Ga., 3106 Bartow-on-the-Sound, N. Y., ^941 _ ' Barwick, Eng., 1751 ' Basconham, Miss., soiS I Bashall, Eng., S040 Basking Ridge, N. J., S06-7, 995-6 Bass River, N. S., 1175 Bastrop County, Tex., 3ig6 • Batand, N. Y., 1350 Batavia, Germany, 1863 Batavia, 111., 796, nos-s, 1414 Batavia, Java, 431, 1038, 1744 Batavia, Mich., 583, 1S25-6 Batavia, N. Y., 486, 525-7, 765, 791-S, 851, 1054, 1127-9, 1534, 1530, 1602, 1833, 1889, 1933, 2018, 2052, 2307 Batavia, O., 514-15, 1114-16. 1267 Bates County, Mo., is66 Bath, Eng., 1643, sigo Bath, Me., 414 Bath, Mich., 1313-13 Bath, N. H., 163-4, 347. 349-50, 813-13, 844-s, 847, 888, ISSS, 1866, ss8i-8, 3468-g, 3485 Bath, N. Y., 7ig, 774, 1540, I 60s, 3316 Bath, Va., 3143 Bath Township, Ind., 2022 Bathurst, N. B., 474 Baton Rouge, La., g6o, 1283, 1596 Battersea, Eng., 4g3 Batticotta, Ceylon, i77g-So, SOSS Battle Abbey, Eng., log Battle Creek, Mich., 664, 721, 1188, 1314, 1335, 1641, i64S-g, 1666, igo4, 3366-7 Battle Creek, Neb., 1353 Bawtry, Eng.,igi7 BaxterviUe, N. Y., ig6s Bay Chesapeake, Va., 4S1 Bay Delaware, Del., si4g Bay City, Mich., 1045, 1141, 1598, iggs Bayhara, Can., g45, 1733 Baylis, 111., 807 Bay Matagorda, Tex., 1261 Bayonne, N. J., 1478 Bay Pelham, N. Y., 1443-4 Bay Saint Louis, Miss., i77g Bay St. Margarets, N. S., 3350 Bay Side, N. Y., ig73 Bayswater, London, Eng., S2 Bayswater, N. S., 3350, 3355 Bazile, Neb., 3334 Beach HiU, N. S., 568 Beaconsfield, Eng., 477 Beadle County, S. D., 1331 Beakesbourne, Eng., 4Sg-go' Bearaesville, Ont., 1675 Bean Hill, Conn., 504, 1422 Bean's Station, Tenn., 2ig4 Bear River, N. S., 568, 1170, 1S46 Beatrice, Neb., i36g, 17S1, 1852, 2021 Beau Desert, Isle of Jersey, 2468 Beaufort, Eng., 265 Beaufort, S. C, 1255, 2173 Beaumanor, Eng., ss, 703 Beaumanor Park, Eng., 35, 3054 Beaumaris Castle, Eng., 57 Beaumont, N. H., 1456 Beaver, Pa., 447, gos Beaver City, Utah, 1337 Beaver Dam, Ont., gsi Beaver Dam, Wis., 675, 1660, 181 I, ssgg Beaverdam Creek, Ga., 3154-5, 3sog-ii Beaver Daras, N. Y., isgs Beaver Island, Lake Mich., 1638 Beaver MiUs, Wis., 1387, igss Beaverwyck, N. Y., i3g7, i8ig, 1837. 24S7 Beccles, Eng., 566 Becket, Mass., 1313, 1631, 1640, ,1657 Bedford, C. E., 1584-5 Bedford, Mass., 1815, 3433, 3434, 2437, 3443 Bedford, Mich., 1476 Bedford, N. H., 4og, ig47, 344s Bedford, N. Y., gss-s, i8og Bedford, O.,' 778, 1504, 1513 Bedford, Pa., Ssg, I3g4 Bedford, Tenn., 131s Bedford County, P'enn., siso, 3180 Bedford County, Va., 3171 Bedfordshire, Eng., 83, 103, S6g, iis6, 1771 Bednall Green, Eng., 107, io6g Bednigo, Victoria, 116S Beebe, Ark., 1637 Beebetown, O., 3461 Beekraan, N. Y., 450 BeeraerviUe, N. J., 307, 453 Behorney County, Can., Sg6 Beirut, Syria, iog4 Bekesborne, Eng., 489-90 Belair, Va., 3478 Belcher, Ark., 3ig7 Belchertov^n, Mass., 178, 3Sg-6o, 364, 388-g, 596-7, 637-8, 785, Sg6-g, i04g, 1304, 1233-5, 1332 Beiden, Mich., 1345 Beiden, O., 345g-6o Belfast, Ireland, 463, 715, gi4- 141 6 Belfast, Me., 1377, 1571, 1701, 1711, igg6 Belfast, N. Y., 1315 Belgrade, Me., sgs, 945, 1370, I 63 I, 1707 Bellansted, Gerraany, 1108 Belleau, Eng., 1917 Bellefontaine, O., 1267-8, 1651, 1683, 1873-4 Bellefonte, Pa., 1359 Belle Plaine, la., 927, isSg, 3006, 3051 Belle Plaine, Minn., 1845 BeUe Plaine, Wis., iggo BeUe Vernon, Pa., i3g4 Belleview, Ga., S156 Belleville, 111., 3386 Belleville, N. J., 1004, 1756 Belleville, N. Y., gos, 1358 BeUevUle, O., 1186, 1703 Bellevue, la., igo7, 2500 Bellevue, Mich., 1466 Bellevue, O., sgo, 1777 Bellevue Cottage, N. S., 1181 Bellingham, Mass., 333, Sso, issg, 1517 Bellona, N. Y., 801 Bellows FaUs, Vt., 1348 Bellowsville, Pa., 447 Bell Park, IU., 1376 Bell's, Tenn., 2S7g Bells Run, Pa., gSs Bellville, Tex., igio-i i Belmond, la., 1199, isoo Belmont, Ky., 3144 Belmont, N. Y., 1347, 13S3, iSgS-g Belmont County, O., g47-8, 1704, sosS Beloit, Kan., 1437 Beloit, Wis., s8g, 667, 1133, 1300, i33g, 1410-1S, 1643, 1654, igsS Belstone Parish, Eng., 3374 Belton, Tex,, 451 Beltwood, Neb., 622-3 Belvidere, 111., 481, 550-1, 810, 851, 1434, 1643, 1650, 1748-9 Belvidere, N. J.. 1808-10 Belvidere, Vt., 639, 1467, 3334 Beman, Kan., 1638 Bemis Heights, N. Y., 1578 2832 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Benefield, Eng., 540, 1210 Benfield, Eng., 1813 Bengal, India, 3343 Benicia, Cal., iiS4-7 Bennane, Scotland, 1813 Bennett's Corners, O., 3464 Bennington, N. Y., 799, 1935 Bennington, Vt., 153, 309-10, 313-14, 636, 725, 77'^-2, 777-^, 7go, 1150, 1353, 1371, i43g, 1848, ig37, 3037, 3370, 3384, 2330, 3457, 3503 Bennington County, Vt., 1105, 3338 Benson, N. Y., ssg Benson, Vt., gSs, 1150, 1430-s, i433» 1932-3, 2473 Bentley Creek, Pa., 930 Benton, Ala., 3078 Benton, IU., 474 Benton, Mo., 20S9 Benton, N. Y., 615, 705, 773, 1505, 2315, 2317-33, 3335 Benton, Vt., 15s Benton Center, N. Y., 3315, 2317, 2321 • Bonton County, la., 1852 Benton County, Mo., 2166 Benton Harbor, Mich., 386, 1242 Benvenue, Pa., igso Beoly, Eng., 3g4 Berea, O., 422-3 Berg, Germany, 1978 Bergen, N. J. , 455-6, 1736, 2252 Bergen County, N. J., 208-g, 45S, 458-9 Bergen Township, N. J., iSoo Berkeley, Cal., 1S24 Berkeley County, W. Va., 1662 Berkhampstead, Eng., 856 Berkley, Mass., 55, 97-8 Berks County, Berkshire, Eng., 171, 307, 319, 365, 3S0, 489, 63s, gio, 1218, 1443 Berkshire, N. Y., 666, I2g4, 1402 Berkshire, O., 720 Berkshire, Vt., 603, 702 Berkshire County, Mass., 754, 1712, 2277, 2280-1, 2310, 2315-16, 2326, 232S, 2330 Berlamont, Mich., 547 Berlin, Conn., 661, 831, noS, 1209 Berlin, Germany, 1744, 1945 BerHn, Md., 1184, 1246 Berlin, Mass., 2435 Berlin, Mich., 620, issS Berlin, N. Y., 731, 2333 Berlin, O., 483, 1146, 1276-7, 1303, 1413 • Berlin, Prussia, 766, isg7 Berlin, Vt., 5g4 Berlin, Wis., 533, 535-6, 1143, 1648, 1713 Bermuda Islands, W. I., 333, 466, 563, 1031, 3033 Bernaldby, Eng., 3336 Bernardston, Mass. , 1358, 1305, 1666, 1848 Berne, N. Y., 6g6-7, 1363 Bernhard's Bay, N, Y., gsS, 1634-5, 2034 _ Bernicia, Britain, g Berrien, Mich., 1686 Berrien County, Mich., gss Berrymerbert, Eng., 715 Berry Pomeroy, Eng., 1664 Berryville, Va., 1876, 2i4g, 3305-6 Berwick, Me., 416, io6g, 1181, 1707 Berwick, Mass., gs Berwick, N. S., 134, 563-3, 1170, 1172, 117S Berwick, Pa., 1089 Berwick Town and County, j Scotland, 191, 1079, 1744-5, I 1930, 2303 i Berwick Township, 111., 1367 ! Besthorpe, Eng., 1791-2 Bethany, 111., 1515 Bethany, N. Y., siS, 486, 798 Bethany, Pa., 1063, 1310 Bethany, W. Va., 2Z06-7, 2417 Bethel, Me., 1167, 1933 Bethel, N. H., 163 Bethel, N. Y., 273-4 Bethel, O., 1986 Bethel, Vt., i3g-40, I4g, 261, 28S-go, 301-4, 306, 703, 730-1, 740-3, 1206, 1273, 1377, 1386^ I 631, 2284 Bethel Lymus, Vt., 1386 Bethlehem, Conn., 1310, 1657, 2260 Bethlehem, N. H., 1073-4, 1420 Bethlehem, N. Y., 333, 1350, 1580, igSs, 34ig Bethlehem, O., ssgs Bethsalem Church, Tenn., siSo Betton, Eng., 66 Bettows parish, Eng., S033 Beverley, Eng., 3083 Beverly, IU., 807 Beverly, Kan., 2267 Beverly, Mass., 170, 365, 48g, sog, 531, 703, 864, 877-8, 1070, 1075-6, I27g, 1606, igig, 3439 Beverly, O., 1937 Beverly Manor District, Va., igo7-8 Beverston Castle, Eng., 540 Beverwyck, N. Y., 4g3, Ggg Bevy Pomeroy Castle, Eng., gio B exl ey , Eng. , 1 70 Bezer, Miss., 2118 Bicester, Eng., io6g, 163S Bickling, Eng., 844 Bicknell, Ind., 1435, 1936-7 Biddeford, Eng., igig Biddeford, Me., 838, 3038 Biddulph, Eng., sio Biddulph Castle, Normandy, iggg Bideford, Eng., igig Big Bend, Wis., 1703, 3351 Big Bone Springs, Ky., 3146 Big Creek, Tenn., sm, ssig Big Foot, Tex., 1865 Biggs, Cal., 1408 Big Island, O., gos Big Lake, Minn., 141 1 Biglerville, Pa., 1671 BignaU Park, Eng., 183 Big Pine, Cal., gsi Big Rapids, Mich., 1400 Big Rock, III., 1413-14, 1683, 2034 Big Rock, la., 1441 Billerica, Mass., 70, 89, 107, 278, 342, sgg, 743, 861-3, 1071, 1126, i5gS, 1752, 2040, 2435, 2434-7, 2440-2 Billingham Parish, Eng., 2341 Billings, Mont., 1207, igsi Biloxi, Miss., 1457-g, i4gs Binfield, Eng., gio Bingham, Me., gS4-s, 1713 Binghara, Pa., i6sS Binghamton, Cal., 553 Binghamton, N. Y., sSS, 318, 527-8, 634, 673, 6S0, 6g7-8, 751, 848, 851, gos, 963, ggo, 1131-3, 1251, I3g8, 1383, 1402, 1471, isgo, 1717-18, 2139-41, 2273, 24g7 Birch Cooley, Minn., 730 Birch Plain, Mass., 70s BirdsaU, N. Y., 634, 1335, 1339 Birkenhead, Eng., 22, 1745, igso, 3333-6, 3339-40 Birkett, Eng., 3333, 3339 Birmingham, Ala., S262-4, 2373, 2329 Birrainghara, Conn., 1775 Birrainghara, Eng., 710, 8g6, 2235 Birmingham, N. Y., 2248 Birmingham, O., i2gs Bishoptake, Eng., 145 Bishopwearmouth, Eng., 162, 382 Bismarck, N. D., ig40 BittsviUe, O., 1187 Bivingsville, S. C, 2129 Blackberry, III., 796, 1413-15, 1692 Blackbird, Neb., 1668 Blackburn, Eng., 180 Black Creek, N. Y., 1485 Black Earth, Wis., 1491, 1856 Black HaU, Conn., 1861 Black Hills country, U. S., 1439 Black Jack Grove, Tex,, 2162-3 Black Jack Springs, Tex., 1043, 1748 Blackmore, Eng., 87 ~ Black Point, N. S., 2262 Black River, N. Y., 390, 777, 1511 Black River, N. S., 556, 1167, 1844 Black River Country, N. Y., 2458 Black River Falls, Wis., 6og Black Rock, N. Y., 503-4, 632, 10S7-S Black Rock, N. S., 1507 Blackrock House, Ireland, 1746 Blackstock, S. C, 22ig Black Township, Ind., 1281 Blackwell Grange, Eng., 13 Bladensburg, O., 1638 Blain's Cross Roads, Tenn., 2131-2, 2ig4 Blair, Neb., 1138 Blakenhall, Eng., 2045 Blakesley, Ala., 1774 BlanchevUle Park, Ireland, 497 Blanchard, Me., i7og-io Blanchard, N. D., 1402 Blanchard, O., 1164-5 BlanchevUle Park, Ireland, 497 Blanco County, Tex., 1797-S Blandford, Mass., 346, 588, 772, 1340, 1372, 1446, 2040 Blandford, N. S., 2249-50, 2255 Blarney Castle, Ireland, 1068' Blarney Stone, Ireland, 1068 Blaxhall, Eng., 2247 Bleecker, N. Y., 1^46 Bliss, N. Y., i49g Bliss Station, N. Y., i4gg Block Island, R. I., 2gg, 1S29 Bloody Brook, Mass., 147, 658, 1465, 1831 INDEX OK PLACES. 2833 Bloom, O., 1164 Bloomfield, Cal., 1612 Bloomfield, Conn., 1042, io8z, 1149, 1208-9, 1213, 1640, 2264 Bloomfield, 111., 873 Bloomfield, Ind., 1665 Bloomfield, Me., 192-3, 414, 950-2, 1705-6, 1709 Bloomfield, Mo., 2132 Bloomfield, N. J., loio-i, 1098, 1478-9, 1632, 1653, 1758 Bloomfield, N. Y., 511-3, 514, 521, 843, 88s, 93S, i045> 1106. 1529, 1531. 1581, 2315-17, 2321 Bloomfield, O., 913, 1662-3, 2021 Bloomfield, Vt, 690-1, 1385, 1389-91 Bloomfield, Wis., 1835 Bloomfield Township, O., 913 Bloomingdale, N. J., 1972 Bloomingdale, O., 1295 Blooming Grove, N. Y., 1590-3 Bloomington, 111., 32S, 757, 1482, 1529, 1551, 1555, 1609, 1658, 2470 Bloomsburgh, Pa., 1951 Bloomsbury, N. J., 1760, .-3328 Bloom Township, O., 1331 Bloomville, N. Y., 67S, 681, 935, 1363, 1544. 1687, 2324 Bloomville, O., 1164 Blore, Eng., 1212 Blossburgh, Pa., 1231 Blount County, Tenn., 959, 2045, 2083, 2169-70 Blue Brook, N. J., 466 Blue Earth City, Minn., 785 Blue Hill, Me., 835, 2475 Blue Lake, Mich., 1134 Blue Run, Va., 2055-6, 2060, 2068-70 Bluff Point, N. Y., 1139 Blyville, Neb., 1492 Boardman, O., 1624-5 Boca, Cal., 1393 Booking, Eng., 84, 165, 1660 Bodie, Cal., 1122, 1556 Bohemia, Europe, 1852 Boiling Springs, Ga., 2162 Boligpoor, India, 2243 Bolivar, O., 535-6 Bolivar, Tenn., 2107 Bolivia, N. Y., 773 Bolle Hall, Eng., 1453 Boiling Hall, Eng., 2336 Bolney, Eng., 183 Bolton, Conn., 760, 1520, 1741, 1827, 1929 Bolton, Eng., 2045 Bolton, Mass., 92, 160, 772, 1945-6 Bolton, P. Q., 328-9, 814, 1559, 2276 Bolton Centre, P. Q., 814. 1559, 2276 Bombay, India, 1714 Bombay, N. Y., 764 Bon Air, Va., 2417 Bondhead, C. W., 388, 897-8 Bonham, Tex., 1457-8, I945 Bonsall, Bonsol, Eng., 364. 1212 Bonus, 111., 726. 1434 Boone, la., «85 Boone, Neb., 1764 , Boone County, Ky., 1092, 12S3, 2146-7, 2199 Boonesborough, la., 648, 1300 Boone's Creek, Ky., 2072 Boonville, N. Y., I347, 1364, 1413, 1780-1, 2501 178 Boothbay, Me., 2474 Bootle, Eng., 546 Bordeaux, France, 221-6, 2^5, 2173, 2272 Borie, Pa., 584, 1190-2 Borlam, Scotland, 1800 Borodino, N. Y., 314, 772-3 Borodino Village, N. Y., 772 Boscawen, N. H., 647-9, 807, 875, 2436 Boscobel, Tex., 1797 Bossier County, La., 2135-6 Boston, Eng., 490, 528, 539, 1613, 1930 Boston, Mass., 21-3, 44, 50 58, 60, 6s, 73, 87, 89, 90, 104 106-8, 117, 119-21, 132, 138-9 145, 147. 153, 15s. 160, 163 165-71, 179, 181, 197, 200-1 212, 214, 219-^1, 226, 233-5 240-2, 245-6, 261-2, 264, 266; 268, 276, 279, 296, 318, 321 331, 335, 337, 350, 362-4, 38s 388, 392, 400, 426-30, 445, 461 477-8, 484, 487-501. 503. 505 509, 511. 515. 522-3, 530 540-2, 554, 556-7, 559, 564 567-71, 599, 605, 622, 63s, 638. 686-8, 694, 699, 700, 711, 715; 717, 741, 744, 76s, 776, 787 797, 800, 807, 810, 816, 819 822-3, 827-8, 838-9, 857-8 867-9, 872, 876-8, 880, 910-11 913, 915-16, 937. 943. 948, 959 960-2, 968-9, 970, 973, 976-9 987-8, 1030-2, 1034, 1055-7, 1060-77, 1082, 1090-4, 1100-3 II07, 11x4, I118-19, II2I-4; II3S, I147-9, I167, 1174-8. 1180 I184, 1204-6, 1211-12, 1216; 1228, 1251, 1260, 1372, 1277; 1280, 1288, 1290-1, 1294, 130S 1309, 1316. 1370-2, 1385. 1390 1394, 1404-5, 1406, 1408, 1417, 1426, 1445. 1449, 1451. 1454 1456, 1461, 1463, 1480-2, 1488 1496-7, 1508, 1525. 1527-8; 1535, 1554, 1562-3, 1572, 1580, 1584-9, IS94-6. 1599-1603, 1607, 1610-17, 1631, 1645, 1660, 1664 1670, 1701, 170S-13, 171S-21 1732, 1741, 1746a, 17SI. I7S4-5. 1759, 1766-74. 1779-81. 1792; 1799, 1804, 1810, 1814-16; 1828, 1838, 1862, 1867-8, 1890 1904-5, 191S-17. 1925-30, 1943-5 1966, 19S0, 1988, 1994-200O: 2032, 2035, 203S-40, 2043-4 2119, 2159, 2198, 2150-I; 2250-1, 2255, 2257, 2259: 2262-4, 2266, 2268-9, 2271-3 2275-7, 2279-80, 2287, 2303 2307, 2312, 2314-IS, 2318, 2322 2326-7, 2329, 2331-2, 2334 2338, 2426, 2430-8, 2442-ricksburg, N. J., is6o firide Brook, Conn., 1834 Bridgehampton, N. Y., 176, 634-5, 1035, igi7 Bridge House. Eng., isi Bridgenorth, Eng., 3333-6 Bridgeport, Conn., 330, 386, 445, 468, 54g-50, 577, 8g3, giS, ggi, 1033-3, 1036, 1077, Iisg, 1149, 1181-3, 1311, 1346, 1463, 1519-30, 1545-6, 1771, 1803, 1831, 1840-1, 1847, 1883, 2037, 2353-4, S280, 347g Bridgeport, 111., ssg4-5 Bridgeport, Md., 1673 Bridgeport, N. Y., 1892 Bridgeport, Pa., 1297 Bridge's Creek, Va., 2173, 2204 Bridgetown, N. B., 1171 Bridgetown, N. S., 250-4, 558-61, 566-S, 575, 1171 Bridgewater, Barbadoes, 4g4 Bridgewater, Eng., 288 Bridgewater, Afass., 131-2, 26g, 276, 388, 816, 833, 837, Bridgewater, Mass., cont'd, 86g, 874, 877, g70, 1081, iiio, 1183, 1338, 1531, 1554, 1638, i7gg, igi7, igg6, iggg, 3301, 3463 Bridgewater, Mich., 1848 Bridgewater, N. H., 1608, 1866-8, 3383-3 Bridgewater, N. Y., 775, 1105-6, 3301 Bridgewater, N. S., 1180 Bridgewater, Pa., 1481 Bridgewater, Vt., 140, 1466, 1948 Bridlington, Eng., 1506 Bridport, Eng., 1030 Brierby Hill, Eng., 448 Brier Dale Farm, Va., 1371 Brigantia, Britain, 8 brigantine "Active," U. S. N., 3358 brigantine " Rising States," U. S. N., 2327 Brigantium, Britain, 9 brig " Eagle," Boston, 3337 Brigg's Station, Cal., igso Brighthelmstone, Eng., 1013 Brighton, Eng., 1013, i76g Brighton, 111., 1446 Brighton, Me., g46, g4g, gss, 170S-5 Brighton, Mass. , 476, 6g4, 1177, 158s Brighton, Mich., i8g8 Brighton, N. Y., 45, 431, g63 Brighton, O., isgs, 1373 Brighton, Ont., isg8 Brighton, Vt., 710 Brighton, Wis., 1387 brig " Manson," Atlantic Ocean, 1716 Brillion,. Wis., 1138-g Brimfield, 111., 367, 630 Brimfield, Mass., 103, 313, 536, 648, 744, 831-3, 1399, 1463 Brimfield, O., 1357 Brimsfield, Eng., 1659 Brineston, Eng., 17 Brington, Eng., 3303 Brintinghar Lake, N, Y., 683 Brinypiece, Eng., 3335 Bristol, Conn., 138, 385-6, 317, 320, 685-6, 1354, 1337, 1518, 1965, 1968-g, 2277-8, 3503 Bristol, Eng., 103, log, 161, 170, 226, 343, 4gs, 533, 863, gio, 1031, 1045, 1063, 1070, 1083, 1768, 1837, i8go, igsi Bristol, Ind., 730, igo5 Bristol, Me., 361, 87g Bristol, Mass.. sgs, 1454 Bristol, N. H., i4ig, 1700-1, 1866-8, 3383 Bristol, N. Y., 481-3, 1045, 1344, 1404 Bristol, Pa., 1314 Bristol, R. I., 54, 340, 338, 837, 844, 1059, 1060, 1074, ISIO, 1547, 3ii8-ig, 3356 Bristol, Vt., 1302 Bristol, Wis., 1432 Bristol Center, N. Y., 1045 Bristol Hollow, N. Y., 481 Britain, Europe, 8 Britbane. Queensland, 21 British Brigantia, G. B., 8 British Museum, London, 467, 1660 British State Paper Office, London, 466 Brittany, France, 1210 Brittsville, Kan., 578 Brixham, Eng., 1988 Brixton Parish, Eng., 429* 968 Broadalbin, N. Y., 240, 322, 788-91, 1527-8, ig7i-2 Broad Brook, Conn., 715, 1422-3, i5g2 Broad Cove, Me., 857-8 Broadfield, Eng., mo Broad Lands, N. B., 1702 Broadoak, Eng., 544 Broad River, Ga., 2154-5, 2210 Broadwell, 111., 1126 Brockport, N. Y., 1128, 1656, ig66, 246g Brockton, Mass. , 567, g70, 975. 9^^, 1654, 2S2g Brookville, C. W., 753, 1475-6 Brockwayville, Pa., 1578-g Brodhead, Wis., 1330, ig6g, 3374 Bromerton, Eng., los Bromley Hall, Eng., 3416 Brompton, Ont., 1130 Bromsgrove, Eng., 3336 Bronson, Mich., 1165, i3s6, 1343, 1378, 1853 Bronson, O., 4S1-2, 1165, iigg, 1534 Bronxville, N. Y., 515-20, ig36 Brooke Walden, Eng., 856 Brook Farm Phalanx, near Boston, 1683 Brookfield, Me., ii5g Brookfield, Mass., 58-g, 103-4, 213, 270, 476, 633, gio, 1114, 1150-1, 1341, 1351-2, 1372, 1598, i6g6, 1838, i860, 3484, S4gi-s Brookfield, N. Y., 315, 475, 664-6, 687-S, 1040, 1333-7, 1377, 1637, iSgs, 228g-gi Brookfield, N. S., 315, 568, 1172, 1181 Brookfield, Pa., i75g Brookfield, Vt., 273-4, 640-9, i25g, 1268-71, 1374, 1379-80, 1384-91, 1300, 1385, 1618, 1638, 1863, 1866, 1875-6, 1879, 3003-4 Brookfield, Wis., 936 Brookhaven, N. Y., 1089, 1831 Brookings, S. D., 1851, 2299 Brookline, Mass., 322, 492-7, 521, 545, 714-15, 850, 1057. 1064, 1067, 1070-2, 1094, IIOO, iii8-ig, 1207, 1512, 1561, 1603, 1607, 1754-S, 1766, 1803, 1810, 1868, 1997-2000, 2032, 2422, 3484 Brookline, N. H., 2314 Brooklyn, Conn., 48, 80-2, 137, 154-6, 161, 176-8, 247, 302, 321-3, 346, 352, 3S3, 3S7-9, 507-8, 608, 732, 739-40, 786-8, 791-3, 882, 895-6, 1453, 1456-8, 1525-6, 1563, 1593-4, 1608, 1812, 1945, 2310 Brooklyn, Mich., 583, 803 Brooklyn, N. Y., 22, 210, 381, 4og, 453, 460-1, 472, 511, 515-20, 625, 662-3, 7ig, 733-4, 741, 789-90, 794, 835-7, 854-S, 864-6, 870, 883-4, 968, 987, ¦g98, 1003, 1006, I0I3, 1014, 1016-18, 1021-2, 1036-7, 1057-8, 1062, 1075-6, 1079-85, 1104-12, iiig-20, 1215, I2SS, 1258-9, 1315, 1324-S, 1327, 1339, 1361, 1373, 1393, 1395, 1398, 1429, 1443-6, 1450-1, 1453-4, 1458, -. 1487, 1494, 1524, 1528-g, I53T-S» 1564, 1598, 1608, 1622, 1663, i6g4-6, i7ig, 1730, 1735-9, 1742, 1747, 1750, 1756-8, 1763-5, 1771, 1777-8, INDEX OF PLACES. 2835 Brooklyn, N. Y., cont'd, 1780, iSoi-s, i8og, i8is-i6, i8so, 1833, i86s, i886-g, igog-10, igso, ig43-s, ig7s-s, igs4, ig84, 3003, soio, 3018, 2139-41, 3357, 2361-5, S36g-7s, 3376, 3s8o, 2288-g, 23og-io, 2319, 2326, 2S2g, 2331, 245s, 2488 Brooklyn, N. S., 571, 1174, 2263, 3304 Brooklyn, O., 1336, 1583 Brooklyn, Pa., 383 Brooklyn Pleights, N. Y., 1943 Brooklyn Village, O., 2365, 2430 Brooksville, Fla., 2i6g Brooksville, Me., 1212, iggs Brookville, Ind., 2470 Brookville, Pa., 801 Broome, N. Y., 336, 801-2, 1528, 1544-5, 1906, 1978, SS55 Broome, P. Q., 393-4, 717-18, 1436, 1495, igsi, 1948 Broome Center, N. Y., 2255 Broome County, N. Y., 1274, IS39, 1978, 3308 Broome Township, P. Q., 1437 Broomhill, Eng., 533 Brothertown, Wis., 1138, 1556, 1631 Brotton, Eng., is, 3334 Brougham, Can., 1441 Broughton, Eng., 12, 1868, 2224 Broughton-Sulney, Eng., 1664 Brown County, Kan., 1522 Brownhelm, O., 1278, 1341, 1894, 3331 Brownington, Vt., 701, 1304-6, 1277, 1635 Brownsburg, Va., 1333 Brown's Gap, Va., sigs Brown's Lake, Wis., ig87 Brownsville, O., isg7 Brownsville, Pa., 887 Brownsville, Tex., 1154 Brown Township, O., 692 Brownville, N. Y., 753-4, 778, gos, iSio-13, ig65 Brownwood, Tex., 3S7g Broxton, Eng., igss Broyles, S. C, S137, 2ig6 Bruen Stapleford, Eng., 2og Brunswick, Ga., 477, 2417 Brunswick, Me., 22, 858-61, i5gg-i6oi, 1764, 2011 Brunswick, Mo., is6g, 1796-7 Brunswick, N. Y., ig2, 412, g44-5, i7or-2, S037 Brunswick, O., 1487, 245S-g, 2464-5 Brunswick, Vt., 743-4, 1288 Brunswick Center, N. Y., g44 Brunswick County, Va., 3og7 Brushville, N. Y., 585 Bryan, O., 1465-6, 1546, 1871-2 Bryn Mawr, Pa., ig36 Bryn-y-Pys, Eng., 2235-8 Brythlyr, Wales, 346g Buchanan, Mich., 3459 Buchanan County, la., 1874-5 Buchlyvie, Scotland, i745 Buck Creek Township, la., 1259 Buckfield, Me., 1183, 1236 Buck Grove, la., 1693 Buckhurst, Eng., 490 Buckingham, Eng., 1482 Buckingham County, Va. , 2107, 2143 Buckinghamshire, Eng,, 35, 64, 2og, 340, S7g, 337, 38s, 492, 818, 878, 1076, 1083, 1148 Buckland, Mass., is6, 258-g, 593-5, 1196-7, i8g4 Buckley, 111., 1555 Buckroe, Va., 1151 Bucks County, Eng., 35, 64, 2og, 240, 27g, 337, 382, 4g2, 818, 878, 1076, 1083, 1148 Buck's Hill, Conn., 1370 Bucksport, Me., 335, 544, 1152, 1554, 1599, 1842, igSg Bucyrus, O., 600, 1871 Buda, III., 1376 Buda, Neb., ig7g Budleigh, Eng., 877 Buellville, N. Y., 1653 Buena Vista, Va., 1776 Buenos Ayres, S. A., isgs Buffalo, Kan., 810 Buffalo, N. Y., 21-2, 45-6, 382, 527. 585-6, 591, 601-3, 654, 6g4, 754-5. 758-g, 785-6, 830, Ssg, 885, 8gs, 900, gss, 934, loss, 1049, 1080, 1087-8, 1 1 16- 1 7, IISO, 1140-1, ii8g, iig6, 1S04, 1359, 1369, 1381, 1388, ''i4og, 1430, i43g, 1444-5, 1465, 1477, i486, 1533, 1546, 1578, 1584, iSg7, 1633, i68g, 1757, 1760, i78s-gs, 1803-4, 1817-30, 1835, 1841, ig3i-6, ig8o, ig88-g, igg4, S006-7, S044, S053, 3347-8, 3361-2, 2268-72, 2277, 3380-1, 331S, 3333 Buffalo Bayou, Tex., 1366-7 Buffalo Grove Township, la., IIS7 Buffalo Park Grove, Kan., 34gi Buffalo Township, Pa., igso Bugbroke, Eng., isi Buljo, 0., 1188 Bulkeley, Eng., 1083 Bull Ferry, N. J., 455 Bullock, Ala., 3155 Bullock County, Ala., 2155 Bull Run, Va., gg6, 1510, 2055-7, 3060-8, S170 Bull Run battle, Va., gg6, 1510, S170 Bulwick, Eng., 1864 Bumsted Parish, Eng., 1741 Buncombe County, N. C., 3i6i, 3177 Bunker Plill, 111., 1446-7, 3311-13 Bunker Hill, Kan., 1687 Bimker Plill, Mass., 181, 1150 Bunwell, Eng., i7g3 Burcester, Eng., io6g Buren, Holland, 1831 Burgh wallis, Eng., 4g3 Burke, N. Y., igig ¦ Burke, Vt., 1305-6, i6g4 Burke County, N. C, S077 Burlington, Conn., 138, 385-6, 685-7, 783-4. 1366-71, 1518, 1530, 1536, 1811, 1840 Burlington, 111., 707-8 Burlington, la., 701, 874, 88s-4, 1070, 1633, i76g-7i, 1855, 2ogs Burlington, Kan., 81S-13, 1413, 1558 Burlington, Mass., 27, 1102, 1810, 3438, 3431. 2437-40, 2443-7 Burlington, Mich., issg, 2320-1, 2465 Burlington, N. J., 498-501, 8s6, 107S-6 Burlington, N. Y., gi6, 1044-5, 1332-4, 2283 Burlington, Pa., 5g7, 936, 1297-8 Burlington, Vt., 45, 2gg, sag, 593. 604, 725, 927, 1083-5, 1177, Iigg, 1287, 1383, 1433, 1466-8, 1587, 1621, 1627, 1630, i668-g, 1778-g, ig27, ig49» 2270, 2320 Burlington, Wis., 20ig Burlington Centre, Conn., 685 Burlington Flats, N. Y., 1334 Burnham, Eng., 1313, 1792 ¦ Burnham Parish, Eng., gio Burnham Thorp, Eng., 1313 Burniston, Eng., 17 Burnley, Eng., gio Burns, N. Y., 585-6, sgi, 626-7^ 1234-5 Burnside, Minn., IS07 Burnt Plills, N. Y., 3300 Burntland, Scotland, i65g Burnwood, Pa., 1470 Burritt, 111., 1046-7 Burr Oak, la., 707-8, 1418, 2334 Burr Oak, Kan., i36g Burr Oak., Mich., 1165, 1304, 1401 Burton, Eng., 309 Burton, 111., 135s Burton, Mich., 1345 Burton, N. Y., 1340-1 Burton, O., 1316, 1488, 1886-7, 1958-60, 3378 Bury, Eng., 510, 1083 Bury Saint Edmunds., Eng., 1603 Bury shade, Wales, 715 Bushnell, III., S146 Bushnellsville, N, Y., 1906 Bushwick, N. Y., 7gs, 1030, 1532-3 Buskirk's Bridge, N. Y., 1702 Busti, N. Y., 7gg, 1641-3 Butler, Ga., 3104 Butler, Mich., 633-3, 1234 Butler, N. Y., 725-6, i4gg Butler, Pa., I2g5 Butler County, la., i36g Butlers, Eng., 43g, g68 Butler Village, O., 1119 Butte County, Cal., 3152, 3307 Butte des Morts, Wis., 1667 Butternuts, N. Y., 631, ggo, i6cs, 1686 Butternut Township, N. Y., 631 Butts County, Ga., 3154, 2212 Buxton, Eng., 715 Buzzard's Bay, Mass., 861-3, 1783-gi Byefield, Mass., 279, 355-6, 358, 361-6, 1600 Byfield, Eng., 364 Byland Abbey, Eng., 3342 Byron, N. Y., 1138, i37g-Si Byron, Ont., 33g8 Bytown, C. W., 3334 Cabot, Vt., sgs, 813-13, 1386 Cabotsville, Mass., 476, 2438 Cadiz, O., 22g2 Cadmus, Kan., gi3 Cadott, Wis., 1703 Cadyow Castle, Scotland, 2175 Cadyville, N. Y., 1564 Caen, Normandy, i77g, iggs Caerleon, Wales, 400, 2469 Caernarvon County, Wales, 394 Cahaba, Ala., 1798, siii 2836 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cairo, 111., 670, logo-i, 1262, 1322, 1555 Cairo, N. Y., 801, 1353, 1355-6 Caister, Ont., 1120 Caithness, Scotland, 1108, 2203 Calais, Me., 1193, 1881 Calais, O., 948, 1703-5, 2027-8 Calais, Vt., 648, 1378, 1386-8, 1650, 1855, 1880, 2430 Calcutta, India, 963, 1715, 2243 Caldwell, N. J., 208-9, 108S-9, 1781, 1792 Caldwell, N. Y., 442, 467, 1765 Caldwell's Manor, N. Y., 484 Caledonia, 111., 810, 1643, 2277 Caledonia, N. Y., 579 Caledonia, N. D., 2029 Caledonia, N. S., 568, 1181 Calhoun, Ga., 2169, 2214-15 Calhoun, S. C., 2195 Calhoun, Tenn., 2136, 2162 Calhoun County, 111., 1856 Calhoun County, Mich., 2272 Calhoun's Mills, S. C, 2157 California, Mo., 2048 California, State of, 45, 204, 248, 291, 310, 337, 419, 428, 431. 434. 447, 534. 536, 549. 554. 560, 569-70, 582, 602, 709-10, 713, 718-20, 739, 753. 756, 821, 833, 835, 842, 857, 892, 927, 934, 948, 959-60, 969-70, 982-3, 1012, 1044, 1046, 1090, 1104, 1143, 1170, 1242, 1262, 1281, 1303, 1366, 1384, 1388, 1408, 1414, 1445, 1456, 1459-60, 1475-6, 1497. 1517. 1534. 1569. 1575. 1587. 1591. 1609, 1612, 1616, 1627, 1634, 1637, 1664, 1670, 1708-10, 1764, 1842, 1852, 1909, 1917, 1889, 1941, 2013, 2104, 2109-10, 2142, 2152, 2221, 2252, 2266-7, 2272, 2286-8, 2311-12, 2319, 2338, 2433, 2480 California Alta, Mex., 1764 California Township, Mich., 1438-9 Calladownhouse, Eng., 530 Callao, Peru, 960, 991-2 Callao, Venezuela, 1612 Calmar, la., 1418 Calne, Eng., 120 Caloochan battle, P. I., 2503 Calumet, Wis., 1631 Calumet County, Wis., 1857 Caluvian Lands, Eng., 10 Caluvium, Eng., 9, 11, 12 Calvin Township, Mich., 2045 Camanche, la., 904, 1650-1 Camborne, Eng., 2053 Cambray, France, 1B15 Cambria, Mich., 1162 Cambria, N. Y., 668-g, 1045, 1344-5, 1348-9 Cambridge, Eng., 316, 477 Cambridge, 111., 928, 2051, 2306-7 Cambridge, Md., 1112, 1683-4 Cambridge, Mass., 36, 44, 59-61, 64-5, 69, 70, 87-9, 91, 103-10, 116-17, 123, 144, 163, 191, 214, 232, 236, 335, 33S, 342, 357-8, 365, 394, 400, 478-9, 489-92, 497, Slo-3, 515, 522, 537, 544-5, 554, 560, 622, 657, 686, 700, 797, 829, 833, 858, 869, 872, 878, 912, 1056, 1062-7, 1069, 1071, 1075, 1077, 1082-3, 1107. 1113-14, 1118, 1122, 1124, 1126, 1147-51, 1322, 1370-2, 1394, 1427, 1432, Cambridge, Mass., cont'd, 1447, ,1458, 1482, 1496, 1551. 1586, i6oo, 1608, 1613, 1663, 1697, 1716, 1741-2, 1754. 1758-9, 1767, 1804-5, 1809, 1813-15, 1830-2, 1839, 1S90, 1899, 1915-16, 1925, 1970, 1994-5. 1999. 2040, 2050, 2262-4, 2276, 2292, 2422, 2426-7, 2438, 2446, 2457, 2484 Cambridge, N. Y., 138, 721-3. 769, 843, 1484-S. 1531 Cambridge, O., 1515 Cambridge, Vt., 258 Cambridge Farms, Mass., 658, 2021 Cambridgeport, Mass., 913, 1384, 1586, 1670 Cambridgeshire, Eng., 35, 270, 364, 382, 477-8, 537, 540, 792, 1462, 1741 Cambridge Village, Mass., 659 Cambuskeith, Scotland, 2175 Camden, Conn., 1044 Camden, Ind., 1305 Camden, Me., 160, 340, 546, 834-9, 1570-3 Camden, Mich., 1295, 1534 Camden, N. J., 22, 994, .998, 1158, 1506, 2030, 2268 Camden, N. Y., 154, 319-21, 784-5, 848, 892, 928, 1291-2, 1417, 1516, 1523-4. 1590, 1630-1, 1634, 2327 Camden, O., 645, 1277-8, 1291-2 Camden, S. C, 2156, 2179 Cameron, Mo., 535, 2126 Cameron, Scotland, 1772 Cameron, Tex., 1913 Cameron County, Pa., 1191 Camillus, N. Y., 911, 1217, 1474 Camonville, Ore., 2152 Campbell, Mich., 1922 Campbell, N. Y., 1690 Campbell County, Ga., 2161 Campbelltown, N. B., 945-6 Camp Dennison, O., 1145 Camp Douglas, Wis., 1896 Campgaw, N. Y., 1347 Camp on the Rappahannock, Va., 1277 Camp Robinson, Neb., 1986-7 Camp San Saba, Tex., 1090-1, 1797 Camp Supply, I. T., 1758 Campton, Eng., 123 Campton, 111., 388, 898 Camptown, Pa., 309, 756-7 Camp Victory, Va., 1427 Campville, N. Y., 608, 1215 Camp Wright, Cal., 1986-7 Canaan, Conn., 128, 138, 298-9, 400-3, 538, 577, 613, 687, 729, 1146-9, 1181-3, 1315, 1504. 1847-8, 1862, 2015-16, 2264 Canaan, Me., 2040 Canaan, N. H., 1258, 1262, 1611, 1933 Canaan, N. Y., 217, 682, 1217-18, 1644, 1664 Canaan, N. S., 570, 1169, 1172 Canaan, Vt., 1923 Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., 914, 1664 Canaan Valley, Conn., 792, 1504-5 Canada, B. A., 148, 152, 160, 289, 32S, 396, 443, 552, 618, 669-70, 690, 717, 724, 729, 748, 753-4, S06, S96-8, 921, 924-5, Canada, B. A., cont'd, 1122, 112S, 1141, 1244, 127s, 1288, 1313, 1391. 1405. 1418. 1427, 1475, 1500, 1508, 1554. 1580, 1591, 1611, 1702, 1725, 1856, 1874, 2256, 2282, 2433, 2488 Canada Corners, 111., 898 Canada East, B. A., 2433 Canada Parish, Conn., 144 Canada West, B. A., 897-S, I2§8 Canajoharie, N. Y., 523-4, 770, 923, 1316 Canandaigua, N. Y., 481, 532-4, 773. 791, 913-14. 993. 1139-41, 1506, 1530, 1662-3, 1778, 1S17-18, 1835 Canard, N. S., 252, 563 Canastota, N. Y., 650-1, 1634, 1645, 1892, 2008 Candell Marsh, Eng., 55 Candia, N. H., 986 Candiac, France, 2337 Candillac, Mich., 721 Candor, N. Y., 607, 779, 843, 1213-14, 129s, 1402, 1404, 1514, 1580-1, 1851 Canfield, O., 1351 Canisteo, N. Y., 586, 1194-6, 1637 Cannelton, Ind., 741 Cannelton, Pa., 2028-9 Canning, N. S., 569, 1167 Cannon City, Minn., 1419 Cannonsville, N. Y., 621, 1603 Canoe Camp, Pa., 1231-2, 1854 Canoe Camp Creek, Pa., 747 Canon City, Col., 921 Canons Ashby, Eng., 490 Canterbury, Conn., 39-45, 47-51, 62-4, 67-73, 75-91, 118-9, 121, 128-44, 147-50, 153. 15s. 160-76, 178-85, 188, 247, 254, 260-3, 267, 271-3, 288-9, 292-4, 299-305. 340. 342-7. 350-3. 366-84, 389-90, 399, 400, 407-8, 485-6, 606, 608-9, 617-9, 638-9, 712-4, 735, 739, 791, 839, 841, 843-4, 848-55, 880-1, 917, 1422, 1446, 1524, 1591-5, 1622, 225S, 2272, 2279, 2281, 2307-9, 2314, 2326, 2328 Canterbury, Eng., 63, 85, 221, 489-90, 544, 615, S78, 1069, 1083, 1210, 2433 Canterbury, N. H., 741, 1610-11, 1862, 1904-5 Canterbury Precincts, Eng., 87 Canton, Conn., 317-18, 779-Si, 869, 1183, 1371-2, 1513-15, 1661, 203s, 2264,' 2277 Canton, 111., 630, 1071-2 Canton, Me., 956, 1599 Canton, Mass., 445, 828, 1114, 1767 Canton, Mich., 1160-1 Canton, Mo., 2287 Canton, N. Y., 324, 779, 796-7, 1373, 1533, 1538-40, 1976-7. 2026, 2215, 2483 Canton, O., 21, 1187, 2292-3 Canton, Pa., 581, 255, 936, 1297, 1687, i6go, 2025 Canton Basel, Switz., 2034 Canton Point, Me., 1599 Canton Township, Pa., 2025 Cape Ann, Mass., 171-5, 233, 873. 877, 959 Cape Breton, N. S., 1168, 1508, 1845 INDEX OF PLACES. 2837 Cape Charles, Va., 2030 Cape Cod, Mass., 216, 402, 557, 970, 1069, io7g, 1153, ^ 1554, 2338 Cape Colony, Africa, gis Cape Girardeau, Mo., i6i8-ig, 2004 Cape Girardeau County, Mo., 1620 Cape Good Hope, Africa, 334 Cape Horn, S. A., 348, 1633 Cape May, N. J., gso Cape Palmas, Africa, gs7 Cape Poge, Mass., g4, g73 Capes of Virginia, 3368 Capestborn, Eng., 1576 Capetown, S. Af., 3465 Cape Vincent, N. Y., igi7-i8 Carberry, Ireland, ia68-g Carbondale, III., 3385-6, 33g7-8 Carbondale, Pa. , io6s, 1842 Carbury, Carberry, Ireland, 1068-9 Cardiff, Wales, logi-s Cardinal, Ont., ig66 Cardington, O., ssgs Carentum, Normandy, 83 Cargo Fleet, Eng., so Caribou, Me., 1153 Carles Manor, Eng., ss6 Carleton, Scotland, ig6 Carleton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS ¦ Carlinville, 111., ssg5-7 Carlisle, Eng., nog, 1743, 2237-8 Carlisle, Ind., 727, 1435-6, 1936-7 Carlisle, Pa., logi, 1327, igao, 1985 Carlowville, Ala., 3145-6 Carlsruhe, Baden, 1767 Cariton. N. B., 563 Carlton, Wis. , 738, 1440, 1939-40 Carlton Banks, Eng., is Carlton County, N. B., 1841 Carlyle, 111., 33g4-5, 3303 Carmel, N. Y., 403, 1385, i74g Carmi, III., ssis Carmichan, Eng., 380. Carnesville, Ga., sosg, 207g, 3105, S168 Carog, Wales, i6is Carolina, America, 878, loso Caroline Center, N. Y., 1851 Caroline Township, N. Y., 1401 Carondeiet, Mo., 449 Carpenteria, Cal., soSs, 3112, 3171 Carpenter's Eddy, N. Y., 631 Carralitos, Mex,, i8s6 Carri cknamarck, Ireland, i66g "' Carrie Bell Heyer vessel, off Florida reefs, 1861 Carrilon, Can., I743 Carroll, la., 1461 Carroll, N. Y., 1387 Carroll County, III., 1231 Carroll County, Ky., S146, sigg, 2230 Carroll County, Md., gig Carrollton, Ind., 728 Carrollton, Ky., 2146, 2199, 23S0-I Carrollton, Mich., i8g8 Garrollton, Mo., 3337 Carr's Creek, Va., 2184 Carson City, Nev., 1710, 3152 Cartersville, Ga., 1776, 2114 Carthage, 111., 1638 Carthage, Mo., 1143-4, 1636-7, 1701, 3013, 3373, 3376 Carthage, N. Y., 1448-1, igso Carthage, O., 1638, 1873, 3010- I I Carver, Mass., 1867 Caryville, N. Y., 601 Cascade, Minn., 711 Casco, Me., 543 Casco Bay, Me., 857-8, 1063 Cases* Farms, Conn., 3483 Caseville, Mich., 1863 Casey County, Ky., 3ig4 Cashtown, Pa., 1671 Caskieben, Scotland, 63 Casper, Wyo., 3501 Caspian Sea, Asia, 3304 Cass, Ga., S114 Cass County, 111., 707 Cass County, Mich., 673, ISSS, 1851, 3005 Casselton, N. D., i4g3 Cassenwager, Pa., 1341-3 Cassopolis, Mich., 674, 1388, i4S8-g, 1663, igsg, sssi Castalia, O., 355-6, 586-8, 1185, 1193-4 Ca'stigione, N. Y., i3g7 Castile, N. Y., 617, issg-so, 1748, 1838, S0S4 Castile, Spain, 1764 Castine, Me., 335, 875 Castle Ardea, Ireland, 1068 Castle Barnard, Eng., g57-8, 1715 Castle Beaumaris, Eng., 57 Castle Beverston, Eng., 540 Castle Bevy Pomeroy, Eng,, S83S Castle Biddulph, Normandy, igog Castle Blarney, Ireland, 1068 Castle Cadyow, Scotland, 3175 Castle Clackmannan, Scot land, nog Castle Coedmore, Wales, 856 Castle Coite, Castle Coity, Wales, 514 Castle Comrie, Scotland, 117 Castle Duard, Isle of Mull, Scotland, S37g Castle Dudley, Eng., sig Castle Dunboy, Ireland, 1068 Castle Elizabeth, Island of Jersey, loso Castle Emrys, Wales, 866 Castle Farley, Eng., iSsg Castle Finn, Ireland, 887 Castle Hamilton, Scotland, 2175 Castle Hereford in the marches of Wales, 877 Castle Hill, Pa., gig, 1671 Castle Plorn, Eng., go7 Castle Hyde, Ireland, 70 Castle Kary, Eng., 340, 3173 Castle-Levington, Eng., 13 Castle Lions, Castle Lyons, Ireland, 3335-8 Castle Lockwood, Scotland, 3459 Castle Lough Eske, Ireland, 1743 Castle Macroom, Ireland, 1068 Castle Malwood, Eng., 1744 Castle Mulgrave, Eng., is Castle Newark, Eng., 3330 Castle Oswaldestre, Eng., s6s Castle Oxford, Eng., 2185 Castle Peel, Isle of Man, 1986 Castle Pontefract, Eng., 943 Castle Richard's, Eng., 266 Castle Skelton, Eng., is, 13, 1 108, 2334 Castle Stoke, Eng., 1837 Castle Ward, Ireland, 1576 Castleton, Col., 1393 Castleton, N. Y., i7g Castleton, Vt., 140, sg8, 602, 728-g, 760, 793, isoi-s, 1383, 1434 Castle Windsor, Eng., 478 Caston, Eng., 1793, 3437 Caswell County, N. C, sio8 Catatonk, N. Y., 1581 Catawba County, N. C, ssso Cateau-Cambresis, France, 1615 Catharine, N. Y., 404, gso, 1051 Catharine Montour, N. Y. . 404 Catlin, N. Y., gso-i, 1143, 1684, 3034 Cato, Mich., g8o, sois Cato, N. Y., 8go-i, 1S17, 1465, 1534, 1660, 3335 Cato, Wis,, 6g2 Caton, N. Y., gss, i68g-go, 3044 Catoosa County, Ga., 3ig7 Catourah, S. C, 3378 Catskill, N. Y., 351-3, 469-71, 660-3, 668-9, 1181-3, 1334-7, 1356, i8gi, ssog Catskill Point, N. Y., 6g4 Cattaraugus, N. Y., gos Cattaraugus County, N. Y., 63g, 8g5, 1411, 1673, 3369 Catton, Eng., 57 Causton, Eng., 364 Cavan, Can., 1689 Cavendish, Vt., 1333, 1371, 1618 Cave Spring, Ga., 2182 Cawker City, Kan., 1245-6, 1858-g, 34gi Cawood, Eng., 1715 Cawood Mills, Mich., igss Cayuga, N. Y., 754 Cayuga County, N. Y., 346, 551. 673-4, 713, 14S0 Cazenovia, N. Y., sg6, 777, 796, 905-6, gi6, 1634, 1651-5, 2497 Cecil, O., 68g Cedar Creek Township, Ind., 731 Cedar Falls, la., 6g3, ig68 Cedar Mountain, Va., 1068 Cedar Mountain battle, Va., 1068 Cedar Rapids, la., 1303, 1887 Cedar Springs, Mich., 586, iig4 Cedar Swamp, Vt., 733-4 Cedar Vale, Kan., 1963, 3048 Cedar Village, Mich., 1375 Cedarville, III., 1330 Cedarville, O., 3004-5 Cefn, Wales, 3338 Center, Wis., 1308 Center Brook, Conn., 1336 Center Brunswick, N. Y., g44 Center County, Pa., 1155-7 Center Hall, Pa., i6g4 Center Harbor, N. H., 806-7 Center Mill, Tex., 2105-6, 2166-7 Center Point, la., 851 Center Rutland, Vt., 1392 Center Township, Ind., 1663 Center Township, O., 1465 2838 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Center View, Mo., 1937 Center Village, N. Y., 1361 Centerville, Cal., 756 Centerville, Ind., 1340-1, 1893 Centerville, la., 1811 Centerville, Mich., 1243 Centerville, N. Y., 1293, 1630 Centerville, Ont., 1821 Centerville, R. I., 346, 7S3» 1474-5 Central America steamer, at sea, 440 Central Bridge, N. Y., 1363, 1546 Central City, Col., 1616 Central Falls, R. I., 22 Centralia, 111., 539, sgo, 1570, 2286, 2305 Central Plains, Va., 2092-3 Central ViUage, Conn., 786-7, 1456 Centralville, Mass., 1977 Centropolis, Kan., 1811 Ceredo, W. Va., 874 Cery, Wales, 856 Chace's Mills, Pa., 1137 Chaddenwood, Eng., iig-so Chaddlewood Plympton, Eng., iig-so Chadlewood, Eng., iig-so Chagford, Eng., 3g4 Chagrin Falls, O., 1663, sosi-s Chambersburg, Pa., 536 Chamblee, Ga., S141 Chambly, P. Q., issg Champaign, 111., 678, i86g, 2272 Champaign County, III., 1683 Champaign County, O., 1S64 Champion, N. Y., 730, 1440-1, isog, 1511 Champion, O., gis Champlain, N. Y., 484, 8g6, 1053-4, 1753 Champlain lake, Vt., 386-7 Chancellorsville, Va., 2154 Chancellorsville battle, Va., 2154 Chanceville, N. J., 1032 Channahon, III., 54g Chantilly, Va., 2150 Chanute, N. S., 565 Chapel Hill, N. C, ig8o Chapel Hill, Tenn., 2118 Chapel Hill, Tex., igio Chapell Bar, Eng., 86 Chapinville, Conn. , 606, I3I3-IS Chaplin, Conn., 3g7-8, 7gg, 917, 1336, 1464, isgs, 1669 Chapman, Kan., 1415, 1686-7 Chard, Eng., 131, ssj, 2119 Chardon, O., 129, 3a8, 533-6, 1141-6, 1880, i960 ^ Chariton, la., 1159 ¦ Chariton County, Mo., 2134 Charlemont, Mass., 67, 258-g, 1196-7, 1392, 1656 Charles City, la., 684, 1193, 1362, i6gi Charles City, Va., 1757, 2173 Charles City County, Va., ^1757Charles River, Mass., 333 Charles River Village, Mass., 834 Charleston, Mich., 2465 Charleston, Pa., 268, 608-g Charleston, S. C, 206, 381, 522-s, 596, 665, 864-6, 880-S, 992, 1080-1, 1085, IIIO, 1771, i8i6, 1832, iggg, 2o6g, 2112-13, 2117-20, 2isg-4i, 2177, 2185, , 1103, 1634, si6g 1263, 1434, Charleston, S. C, cont'd, 3191, 3317-ig, 3365, 33&8, 2277, 3304-5, 3313, 3453 Charleston, Tenn., 3127, 2186 Charleston, Vt., 271, 813, 1S04-5 Charleston, Wis., 1138 Charlestown, Ind., 2314 Charlestown, Mass., 26, 33, 35. 5o-3» 57-64- 73-4, 83, 87-go, 103-16, 138, 131, 138-g, i44-6( i6s, 181, 3IS-IS, siS, SSI, 226, 2SS, 245, 2g5-6, 316, 335, S42-S, 365, s8i, 395, 472-3> 492, 495. 50S-10, 515, 539-40, sgs, 800, 813, 816, 838, 844, 857-8, 877-8, gio, g4o, 1062-4, io6g, 1071, 1083, 1088, 1107, II2S, 1136, 115s, 1167-g, 1360-1, issg, 1471, 1488, 1580, 1601, 1607, 1611-13, 1645, 1701, 1767-8, 1771-2, i8sg, 1835, 1838, 1861, 1866, igss, ig6o, 3000, S040, 2260-1, 2420-6, 2429-33, 2437-40, 3443 Charlestown, Mich., 1636 Charlestown, N. PL, iSsg-30 Charlestown, N. Y., 1545 Charlestown, R. I., 686 Charlestown, W. Va,, 106s, i7Sg-6o, 3og6, 3310-11, 2330 Charlestown Village, Mass., 26 Charlotte, N. Y, 3263 Chariotte, N. C. Charlotte, Vt., 1468, 1668, 1863, ig4g Charlotte County, N. Y., 2263 Charlottesville, Va., 1365, 1907-g, 2070, 2og3-4, 2136) 3144, 2ig8 Charlotteville, N. Y., 671-3, 1349-50 Charlottsburg, Ont., 1644 Charlton, Eng., igss Charlton, Mass., 73, 103, 213, 305. 331, 818, 1247, 1446, 1855, 2473 Charlton in Milpas, Eng., 1925 Chaseville, Fla., 1060-1 Chateau de la Feld, Alsatia, 1799 Chateau Gaillard, Normandy, 686 Chateaugay, N. Y., 1054, 1585 Chatfield, Minn., issg Chatham, C. W., 617, Sso, I 23 I, 3336 Chatham, Conn., 316, 476-7, "34. 1340-1 Chatham, Eng., 4g5 Chatham, la., 1875 Chatham, Mass., 1554, 3496 Chatham, N. H., 1933 Chatham, N. J., loso, 1079, 1735 Chatham, N. Y., 283, 678, 1183, 2452 Chatham, O., 1487, 1501, 1623 Chatham Center, O., 765-6 Chatham County, N. C., siog Chatham Village, N. Y., 1183 Chattanooga, Tenn,, 1130, 1142, 1373. 1465, 1485. 2101, 3127-8, 2141-2, 2i5g Chattanooga battle, Tenn., 1465 Chauga Creek, S. C, 2060-8, 2083 Chaumont, N, Y., 1780-1 Chautauqua, N. Y., 5g6 C^iautauqua County, N. \-y 19s, 327, 608, 684-5, 1231, 1689 Chavagacherry, Ceylon, i77g-8o Chazy, N. Y., 8g7 Cheapside, Ont., 717 Chebacco, Mass., go, 165-71, 354, 357-8, 863-4. 1456 Chebanse, 111., 1361 Chebogue, N. S., 560-3 Cheboygan, Mich., 1895, 2044 Cheboygan County, Mich., 1895 Cheddington, Eng., 83 Cheever, Kan., 1686-8, 1692 Chehalis, Wash., 2495 Chelmsford,- Eng., 478, 657, 1497. I 741 Chelmsford, Mass., 39, 43, 46-50, 53, 68, 8s, 85, go-s, isg, 161-4, 180, 270, 410-12, 765, 1082, 1609, 1708, 1839, 1S68, 2270, 3391, 3433, 2434-43 Chelsea, Eng., 533, 1746 Chelsea, Mass., 226, 232, 967, ¦ IIOS, 1385, 1417, i44g, 1701, 1766, 1771, 1810, 1859, 1994, 3251, 2425-6, 2453, 3476 Chelsea, Vt., 641-2, 646, 706-8, 1350, 1359, 1370-3, 1379-80, isSs-go, i3g3-4, 1300-1, 1417, 1863, 1866, 1876, i87g, 2376 Cheltenham, Eng., 1951 Chemung, 111., 1330 Chemung, N. Y., 933-4 Chemung County, N. Y., 930, ^^37, 2333 Chemung Valley, N. Y., 404 Chenango, N. Y., 537-8, 1403 Chenango County, N. Y., 200-1, 730, 752, 1337, I7SS, 1829, i8g8-9, 2oog, 2308 Chenango Forks, N. Y., 681 Chenango Point, N. Y., 288 Chenango Valley, N. Y., 527-8 Chenistone, Eng., 1126 Chenoa, III., g25 Chenvestan Manor, Eng., 1126 Cheraw, S. C, S3i8 Cheraw' District, S. C, 33i8-ig Cherokee County, Ga., 3083-3 Cherokee Nation, I. T., 3173, 2358 Cherries Brook parish. Conn., 3378 Cherry Burton, Eng., siS Cherry Creek, N. Y., 1335 Cherry Spring, Pa., 1191 Cherry Tree, Pa., 1307 Cherry Vale, Kan., 433 Cherry Valley, 111., 1963 Cherry Valley, Mass., i860 Cherry Valley, N. Y, , 335, 389. 797-8, go3-3, I33I, 1541-3, igoo-2, ssig Cherry Valley, O., isgs Chesapeake Bay, Va., 431 Chesham, Eng., sog, 1603 Chesham Parish, Eng., 1603 Cheshire, Conn., 885, IS53, igg8, 2260 Cheshire, Eng., 70, 2og, 232, 382-3, 508, 554, 610, 687, 3045 Cheshire, Mass., i64g Cheshire, O., 1637 Cheshire County, N. H,, 7g6 Chesline, Mass., 842 Chester, Conn., 1608 Chester, Eng., 67, 33s, 530, 856 Chester, 111., 1350-1 Chester, Mass., 1107, I3s8, i38g, 1390, 1650 Chester, N. PL, 348, 876, gs7, is88, son Chester, N. Y., 307, 1735 Chester, N. S., 57s, 1336, 1557, 324g-5o Chester, O., 672, 1651, 1673, ^ ^559 Chester, Pa., g84, 1047-8 Chester, Vt., 257, 263, 567, 1404-5, 1556 Chester County, Eng., 1576 Chester County, Pa., 1086, iog2, I2g6, 1427, 34ig Chester County, S. C, ig87 Chester Factories, Mass,, 1335 Chesterfield, Mass., 116-17, 238, 531. 803, goi, go7-g, 1474, 1547, 1566, 1657-8, 1853, 3334 Chesterfield, N. H., 795, 1134 Chesterfield County, Va., ssoo Chesterton, Eng., 305 Chester Valley, Pa., 1480 Chesterville, Ind., 3330 Chesterville, Me., 945 Chestnut Hill, Mass., 1766, 1780 Chestnut Mountain, Ga., i6ss-s Chew-Magna, Eng., 540 Chewton, Eng., i8ig Cheyenne, Wyo., 722, 1255, 1407 Chibli, China, 117S Chicago, 111., si-s, 320-1, sSg, 395, 442, 496, 534, 583, 589-91, 664, 677-80, 739, 743, 754, 760, 7go-i, 808-9, 8s6, 833-4, 854-6, 893, 8g7-8, 915, gss-s. 938, 961, 965, 983, 1040, 1043, 1048, 1056, 1064, 1071-3, 1075-6, 1083, logs, 110S-7, 1137, 1132, 1140-4, 115s, 1177, 1189-90, ngs, 1307, isso, 1334, 1353, 1356, i38g, 1303, 1308-g, 1339, 1332, 1335, 1347-8, 1352, 1360, 1369, i374> 1379-84, 1388-9, 139s, 1396-7, -1400-3, 1407-10, 1414, i42g, 1444, 1473. 1487, i4g3-8, 1506, 1520-2, ISSS, i53g-4i, 1546, I5S4-5. 1569. 1573-6, 1580, 1586, isgi, 1596, 1617, 1636, 1644, 1647, 1650, i6s4-6g, 1676-g, 1685-8, i6gi,, i6g4-5. '^727, 1739, i756f 1760-1, 1765, 1768-71. 1777-8, 1811, 1826-7, 1840-1, 1853, 1858, 1887-8, i8g3-5, ig24, ig27-g, igss, 1943> 1960-2, ig6g, ig82-7, iggs, igg6, 3018, soso-S, so3g-4o, S048-51, 3146, 2177, 2256, 2258, 2261, 2263-6, 2268-70, 2272-3, 2275-8, 2280-1, 22g8, 2305, 2307, 2310, 2312-14, .2324, 3336, 333S-30, 3333-4, 2465-6, 2473, 247g, 3503 Chiche, Eng., sooo Chichester, Eng., 266 Chickamauga, Tenn., 2139-42 Chickasaw County, la,, iig3-4, 1834. Chicopee, Mass., 604, 020, 6s4, 70s, 1S07, IS47-8, 1371, 1658, 1741, 2438 Chicopee Falls, Mass., 604, 1307, 138s, 3031 Chihuahua, Mex., 179S Childersburg, Ala., 3117, 2178 Chili, S. A., 1155-7 Chillicothe, 111., 59i INDEX OF PLACES. Chillicothe, Mo., 1143, nsg, 2273 Chillicothe, O., 1366, 1436, 1909, SOIO, 3017, 3053 Chilmark, Mass., 194, ig6, 420-1, 424, 432, 435, 528, 810, g6o-i, g73-5, g8o, 1717, 1731 Chilmark Township, Mass., g6i Chilton, Eng., 207 Chilton, Mass., 810 Chilton, Wis., ig63 Chiltonville, Mass., gis China, Asia, 3036 China, Cal., 833 China, N. Y., 551, ig8g China coast, China, 3036 Chinnabee, Ala., S107 Chippenham, Eng., 1744 Chippewa, Can., 8g5, 1674 Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1337, 1542, 1856, ig77, 2043-4 Chippewa Township, Mich., 553, "65 Chittenango, N. Y., g38, 1367, 1546, 1631, 176s, 3330 Chivelstone, Eng., 1136 Chiveric, N. S., 1173 Choconut, Pa., 851 Choctaw Corner, Ala., 3326 Choga Creek, S. C, 3060-8, 2083 Cholesbury, Eng., gss, 1211, 2457 Choulderton, Eng., 365 Chrisfield, Kan., 1848 Christ Church parish, Bar badoes, 2416 Christian County, 111., 1365, 1438, 20og Christian County, Ky., 1281 Christian's Creek, Va., igo8 Christine, Cal,, 1233 Churchill , Mich. , 1344 Church Stretton, Eng., 83 Cicero, N. Y., ig8s Cicero, O., 1355, igos Cincinnati, la., 635 Cincinnati, O., 22, sgs, 383, 404, 435-6, 444, 44g, 454, 456, 514, 531, sgg, 640, 670, 677-8, 68g, 747, 754, 816, 83g, 861-3, gss, g87-8, ggi, gg6, 1070, 1073, II 14-16, iisg-41, 1 145, 1160, iig8-g, 1S65-8, 1305, 1334, 1328, 1340, i3g8, 1431-S, 1436, 1478, 1506, 1514. 1573-5. 1601, 1637, 1730-4* 1759-63, 1765-6, i76g, \77^-7, 1792, 1817, 1870-s, 1877, ig6o, ig8i-4, S003, S033, sog6, 2134-5, 2147, sigg, 3357-8, 3363, 3368-71, 3377-80, ssog-io, 3313-is, 3326, 2331-3, 3460, S480, 3501 Cincinnatus, N, Y., 200, 43g, 440, 1717 Cinque Ports, Eng., 1813 Circleville, O., 1217 Circleville, Utah, 1337 " City of Columbus " ship to Fla., 1177 " City of Memphis " steamer, Mississippi River, U. S,, 1477 " City of New York " ship at sea, 1161 City Point, Va., 628, 1540 Clackmannan, Scotland, I io8-g Clackmannan Castle, Scot land, nog 2839 Cladou Parish, Ireland, i76g Claiborne County, La., 3135 Claiborne County, Miss., 2135 Claiborne County Tenn., 2o8g, SISS, sigs-s Claiborne Parish, La., 2135, S16I, 3314 Claimont, Vt,, i77g Clapham, Eng., 76g Clapp's Mills, N. Y., 769 Clare, Mich., igo4 Clare Manor, Eng., 266 Claremont, Cal., 1840 Claremont, Mass., iigS Claremont, N. H., soo-i, sgo, 316-17, 708, iig8, 1468, 1833, I SSg, 3434 Claremont, N. S., 575 Clarence, N. Y., 801, isgs, 3s86 Clarence, N. S., 353, 574-5, iiSi Clarenceville, P. Q., 1564 Clarendon, Ark., 1343 Clarendon, N. Y., 1136 Clarendon, Vt., 3476 Claridon, O., 1313, 1387, 1488, 1886, 1959-60, 34S1 Clarimont, Can., 813 Clarinda, la., 3503 Clarington, O., 1629 Clarion County, Pa., 1410 Clark, C. W., 388. 897 Clark, S. D., 1718 Clark County, Ark., 3166 Clark County, Ind., 728 Clark County, Ky. , 3057, 3074-5, sog7, 3373 Clark County, O., 1365 i86g Clarke County, Ala., 1957 Clarke County, Ga., 3084-5 Clarke County, Va., 3073-3, 3og6, 3i4g, ssos, 3322 Clarkesville, Ga., 2083, SIIS-15, 3173-5, 2315 Clarksboro, N. J,, ig68 Clarksburg, Mass., iig7 Clarksburgh, O., 1338 Clark's Falls, R. L, 2276 Clarksfield, O., 554, 646 Clark's Mills, N. Y., 1584, 1993 Clarkson, N. Y., 3469 Clarksville, Neb., 1164-5 Clarksville, N. Y., 626, gss, i6g2-3 Clarksville, O., 1328 Clarksville, Tenn., 1836 Claughton-cum-Grange, Eng., 3333, 3ssg-40 Claverack, N. Y., 354, 381, 284, 541, 575-7, i4og, i6s4, 3310 Claverli^ll, Eng,, 564 Claverly, Eng., 4g3 Clay, N, Y., 3034 Clay Banks, Wis., 1440 Claybrooke, Eng,, sso Clay Center, Kan., 1415 Clay County, 111., 727, 1437 Clay County, Ky., 1S64 Clay County, Mo,, 1143 Clay County, S. D., i26g Clay County, Tex., 3331 Claydon, Eng., isig Clayton, Ga., 1845 Clayton, Mich., 1637 Clayton, N. Y., i4g3, 1513, 1676, 1747-8, ig66, 3466 Clayton, Wis., 1655-6 Cleandries, Ireland, 1340 Clear Creek, Wis., 3464 2840 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Clear Lake, Minn., son Clear Spring, Tenn., soSS-g, 3igs-4, ssso Cleaveland, Ohio, si, 373-4 Cleaveland Village, Ohio, si Cleburne, Tex., si6o Clementsport, N. S,, 1^75 Clerkenleap, Eng., 515 Clermont, N. Y., 1760 Clermont County, O., 1S73 Clevedon College, Eng., 1746 Cleveland, Ala., ig Cleveland, Ark., ig Cleveland, Eng., 8-17, so, 914, 1 108, 333S-g Cleveland, Fla., so Cleveland, Ga., so Cleveland, Idaho, so Cleveland, III., so Cleveland, Ind., 30, 6i6-ig, 730, 757-S, I330-I, 1484, I9S5 Cleveland, la., 20 Cleveland, Kan., 30 Cl eveland, Ky. , so Cleveland, Minn., so Cleveland, Miss., so Cleveland, Mo., so Cleveland, Mont., so Cleveland, Neb., so, 1538-g Cleveland, Nev., so, 1710 Cleveland, N. M., so Cleveland, N. Y., so, 386, 893-4, 1533, 1630, 1634-5 Cleveland, N. C,, si Cleveland, N. S., si, 315, 1507 Cleveland, Ohio, 21-s, 388, 339, 367-80, 586, 653-7, 689, 7og, 743, 831, 845, 88s, 8g5, gss, g6s, 1043-5, 1056, 1081, 1085-6, 1133-4, 1141-S, 1153. I3I3, 1335-6, 1373, ¦f2g7, 1316-S1, 1337, 1380, 1416, 1430, 1441, 1444-8, i4gi-3, i5og, 1515-16, 1566-70, 1583, 1625, 1645, 1663, -^676-7, 1686, 1704, 1777. 17S0-1, 1819, 1823-30, 1S40. 1863-S, 1875-6, 1885-90, igoo, igs4-5, ig6o-2, ig67, 1996-7, 2021-2, 2038, 2043-4, 2256-8, 2261-5, 2268, 2273, 2277, ssSi, 2293, 3305, 3313, 3332, 3461-4, 3467, S4S1, S4gg Cleveland, Ore., si Cleveland, P. Q,, ig, Sii-is, 1560 Cleveland, Tenn., 21, 2o8g, 2137, 2186 Cleveland, Tex., 21, 744 Cleveland, Utah, 21 Cleveland, Va., si Cleveland, Wash., si Cleveland, W. Va., si Cleveland, Wis., si Cleveland Arch Deaconry, Eng., 30, 3235 Cleveland Bay, Queensland, 21 Cleveland coast, Eng., 11, 14 Cleveland County, Ark,, ig Cleveland County, N. C, 30, 3060 Cleveland County, Okla., si Cleveland Customs Port, Eng., 30 Cleveland Deanery, Eng., so, 2335 Cleveland District, Eng., 8-17, so, gi4, iioS, 3333-g Cleveland District, Ger many, 30 Cleveland Hills, Eng., 11 Cleveland Mills, N, C, si Cleveland on the Hill, N. V . , so Cleveland Park, Eng., so Cleveland Place, Eng., ss, SSSS Cleveland Place, S. C, siso Cleveland Port, Eng., so Cleveland's Corners, Pa., 21, 2315 Cleveland's Ferry, S. C, 2058-9, 2078-g, 2103-4 Cleveland's Mill, S. C, 3134 Cleveland Township, Ind., so, 1336, 1485, ig55 Cleveland Township, P. Q., 19, Sii-i3, 1560 Cleveland Tract, Germany, 30 Cleydon, Eng., 1519 Cliffe, Eng., 478 cliff land, Eng., 11, is Cliff-lane, Cliff-Lane, York shire, Eng., II Cliffs in Cleveland, Eng., 11 Clifton, Eng., 336, igSs Clifton, Kan., 3144 Clifton, N. Y., 1245, 1613 Clifton Park, N. Y,, iS35 Clifton Springs, N. Y., 1116, 1472, i88g, 1935 Climax, Mich., 3465 Clinch Mountain, Tenn., S058, 2132 Clinton, Conn., 1747, 3043, 3261 Clinton, Ga., 3084, sns, siig-so, S176 Clinton, 111., 1415, 1570, SS05 Clinton, Ind., 1611 Clinton, la,, gs, 733, 1357, 1718, 1723, igo7, 24g3, 3501 Clinton, Me., 416, 1714 Clinton, Mich., 45, isss Clinton, Mo., soog Clinton, N. J., 1338 Cl i nton, N, Y., 407, io88-g, i486, 1584, 1631, 1779-91, ss6o, 3337 Clinton, Ont., iiso Clinton, Pa., 1310 Clinton, Wis., 1413 Clinton County, Mo., S074 Clinton County, Tenn., 1865 Clinton Township, Mich., 1983 Clintonville, N. Y., 3053 Clintonville, Wis., 1578, igSg, 3051 Clio, Mich., igos Clipsham, Eng., sig Cliveland, Eng., 11, so, 3333-5 Cliveland District, Eng., 8-17, 30, gi4, 1108 Clockville, N. Y., Sgs Clonelly, Ireland, 233 Clontarf, Ireland, 3303 Closter, N. J., 45g, 1015, i73g Cloud, Minn., 1556 Clun, Eng., 365 Cluny Parish, Scotland, ig7i Clyde, N. Y,, Sgs, iSSg Clyde, O,, 354, 260, 350, 577-81, SSg-go, 848-g, 1051, 1185-8, iig4-5, 1375, 1848, 1878 Clyf-lane, Eng., 11 Clymer, N. Y., 327-8, 804-6, 1548, 1550-S, 1597. 2306 Coal Creek, Col., iSoo Coanicut, R. I., 1074 Coaticook, P, Q,, sgi, 7og-ii, 1418-30 Cobb's Court, Eng., 44 Cobleskill, N. Y., 351. 851, 1349, 1541-2 Coburg, Upper Can., 8g7 Coburn, Ont., is88 Cochecho, N. H,, 1463 Cod Cape, Mass., si6, 403, 557, 970, io6g, 1079, ii53. .^554 Codicote, Coddicot, Codi- cutt, Eng,, 365, 1107 Coe Township, Mich., 553 Coedmore, Wales, S56 Coedmore Castle, Wales, 856 Coesse, Ind., 660, 1337, 1333-3 Coeymans, N. Y,, soo-i, 385-6, 323-4, 793-4. 1350, ss8o Coey man's Landing, N. Y., soo- 1 Coeyman's Patent, N. Y., 323 Coffeeville, Tex., 3107 CoggeshaU, Eng., 467 Cog Hill, Tenn., sisS, 2279 Cohannet, Mass., 394, I79g Cohasset, Mass., 1614-15, sooo Cohocton, N. Y., 719-si, 1333, 1438, 3334-5 Cohoes, N. Y,, 1306, 1539, 1541, 1578, ssoo Cohos District, N. H., 173 Coite Castle, Coity Castle, Wales, 514 Colborne, Ont., igiS Colbrand, Eng., ssg Colby, Wis,, 1851 Colchester, Conn., 88, go, 215-17, 367, 391. 477. 550-1, 658-9, 713, 793, 841-4, 84g-5o, 854-5, 934. 99^, 1030-1, 1369-70, 1433, 1493, iSis, iSsg, igis Colchester, Eng., 144, 743, Iiss, 1351 Colchester, N. Y,, 536 Colchester, Vt., 735 Colchester County, N. S., 1171-3 Coldbrook, Mass., 1348-g Cold Creek, N. Y., 1047 Cold Harbor, Va., g34, isSg, 1524 Cold Harbor battle, Va., 934, 1524 Cold Spring, N, Y,, 967, 1047, 1064, 3483 Cold Springs, la,, g4S Coldwater, Mich., 58s, 694, ¦ 913, ii8g, ISSS, i37g, 3338 Coldwater Creek, Ga., 3157, ssog Colebrook, Conn., 651-3, 751, 1310-12, 1315, 1891 Colebrook, N. H., 1923, 3381-4, 3387-9 Colebrook, O., S47 Colebrooke, Eng., 477 Coleman, Mich., S041 Coleman, Tex., 1798 Coleman County, Tex., 1798 Coleman's Prairie, Ind,, ss8, 806 Colerain, Mass., 1305, i64g, 3016 Coleraine, Conn., 535 Colesburg, la., 1481 Colesville, N. Y., 1315-16 Colfax, Ind,, 1551 Colfax, Kan., 810 Colfax, Wash., 1466, 2133 Colingwood, Ont., 1533 . Colkin Hospital, Eng., 48g College Corner, O., 202z College of Arms, London, 18 College Pleights, i86g INDEX OF PLACES. 2841 College Hills, Mass., 1113 Collins, N. Y., 12S7, 1675 CoUinsville, Conn., 7S0, 1514-15. 1862 CoUinsville, HI., 1555, 3040 Colliton, Eng., 8g Collmar, Germany, ngi Colmar, Alsatia, i7gg Colo, la., 1471, igso, 34g5 Cologne on the Rhine, Ger many, isgs Coloma, N. S., 1168 Colon, Mich., 1855 Colorado, State of, gg7, 1341, i38g. 1477, ISSS, 1597, 1656, 1851, igS7, 3006, S474 Colorado Springs, CoL, 787, 1381, 1811, 3501 Colton, N. Y., 796 Coltonville, 111., 1461 Columbia, Conn., 3270 Columbia, Mich., 583, 1844, SOOS Columbia, Miss., igio Columbia, Mo., logo Columbia, N. Y., 23g, gn Columbia, N. H., isSg-go, I4g3, igss, 2383, 33S7-S, 3300 Columbia, O., 1863, 187s, 2463, 2466-7 Columbia, Pa., 1S31, i3g7 Columbia, S. C., 1845, sogo-x, 21 16, 3164 Columbia, Tenn,, sns Columbia, Tex., ssoo-s Columbia, Wis., 1685 Columbia City, Ind., 1375, 1323, 1416, 1878, ig55 Columbia County, N, Y., 256, 362, 385, 607, 683-6 Columbia Station, O., 1863 Columbus, Ala., 3145-6 Columbus, Ga,, gis, gsg, 1763, SOSS, 2176, 3sog Columbus, Miss., 1085 Columbus, Mo., 1086 Columbus, Neb., 1553 Columbus, N-. J., 1345 Columbus, N. Y., 537-8, g63, 1130, 1472-3 Columbus, O., 42s, 753, 1086, 114s, nsg, isgg, 1473, 1515, 1573, 1704-5. 1759-60, 1777. 1863, ig68, ss7g, 34gg Columbus, Pa., S06 Columbus, Wis., 696, 857, 1932, 1935 ^ Columbus Barracks, O., ig86-7 " Columbus City " ship, to Florida, 1177 Colusa, Cal., 554 Comanche Nation, Okla., i2ig-so Comb Martin, Eng,, 335 Combe, Eng., 1148, 3344 Combe Saint Nicholas, Eng., 1114 Combhay, Eng., 1071 Comeridge, Eng., isi3 Commerce, Mich., S316, 3318 Commercial Point, O., 611 Communipaw, N. J., 1033, Compton, P. Q., iSS7, 2371, 3383, 3288 Compton, R. L, 1386 Compton Centre, P. Q., 2271 Compton's Corners, N. Y,, 482 -no Compton's Corners, Pa., 483,' 248g-go •Comstock, Mich., 1476 Comrie Castle, Scotland, 117 Concord, Ga., 1622-3 Concord, Me., 954 Concord, Mass., 53, 58, gs, log, isg, 144, 146, 183, 191, igs, 371, 378, 3g4, 4gs, 780, g4o-i, 1083-3, 1148, 1151, 1183, 1203, 1263-3, 1301, 1551, 1563, i6g7, 1813-15, i8sg-40, sooo, 3036, S045, ssgo-s, 3436, 3438, 3436, S471-7 Concord, Mich., 43s, 1056, igs6, ig64 Concord, N. H., 34g, 637, 7og. 741, 744-8, 873-4, 87g, g4i, IISS, 1261-3, 1457, 1610, 1S6S, igo4, 2276, 2327, 2425, 2441 Concord, O,, 550-1, 1141-s, 1145-6, 1334, 1886 Concord, Tenn., si6g-7o Concord, Vt., g37 Concord, Wis,, 1163 Concordia, Kan,, 588, 1354 Concord Township, Ind., iss6 Concord Township,. Pa., S045 Conde, S. D., 1855 Condon, 111., 1584-5 Conesus, N. Y., 336, 1344 Cones ville, N. Y., 1545 Conewango, N. Y., 3468 Coney Island, N. Y,, 78g, 1409 " Confederacy " Continental frigate, off Capes of Va., 3368-9, 2338 Congresbury, Eng., 60 Conites, Pa., 1341-3 Connaught, Ireland, S33 Conneaut, O., 547, 584, 1160, 1330, 1349-50, 1429-32, igsi-6, 3358, 2262, 3384, 3332 Conneaut, Pa., isgs, igss Conneautville, Pa., 1360, igo7 Connecticut, State of, 45, 147, 153-4. 185, 188, 300, 308, 310, 317, 347, S53, 262, 271, 381-3, 388, sgi, 3g4-5, 307-8, 313, 315-17, 330-1, 335, 340, 358, 403, 483, 538-9, 541, 549, 551, 577. 6og, 611, 658, 677, 711, 725, 739-41, 804, 811, 834, 8gi, goi, gsi-3, g77-8, 1016, 1061, T080, II03, 1137-8, 1151, 1172, 1356-7, 1367, 1370, IS95, 1411, 1417, i486, i48g, 1505, 1578, i6o3, 1631, 1768, 1776, 1837, iS8g, iSgg, ig7o, ig78, 3073, 2259-62, 3365-73, 3378-81 , 3385-6, 3307-g, 3336, 3338, 2330, SS34, 3470, S4gi Connecticut Colony, N. E., 3378 Connecticut River, Conn., 144, igsg, ssSi, 3483 Connellsville, Pa,, 1836 Connerow's Creek, S, C, S105-6 Connersville, Ind., 2267 Conquest, N, Y-, 1465 Constable, N. Y,, 587, 6S8-g, 1377-9, 1380-3, 1530, igi8-3i Constable, O,, 755 Constance, Normandy, 1108 Constant, N. Y., 3374 Constantia, N. Y., 386, Sgs-s, gss-S, 1630, 1633, 1681-3, 3034 Constantia Center, N. Y. , 8g4, gs6, 16S1 Constantia Township, N. Y., 8g3 Constantine, Mich., 1851 Constapel's Island, N, Y., ,2419 Contereas, O., soss Continental frigate " Con federacy," off Capes of Va., 3368-g, 3338 Coiitoocook, N. H,, IISS Contra Costa County, Cal., 1374 Convis, Mich., 736 Conway, la., gs8 Conway, Mass., 358, 5g4, 796 iig7-8, 1563, 1733-3 Conway, Mich., 1346, i8g8 Conway Vale, Wales, 3415 Cooksburg, N. Y., ig78 Cooks Town, Ireland, srii Cooks Valley, Minn., igs7 Cooksville, Md., soog-io CooHdge, N. M., 2304 Coolville, O., goo, 1636-8, 2oog-ii Cooper, 111., 1264 Cooper's Plains, N. Y., 1438 Cooperstown, N. Y., 633-3, 774, 1327, 1350, ISS5, 1541, 1551, i8g8 Coopersville, N. Y., 1053, 1753 Cooper Township, Mich., 1136 Coos, N. H., 171-S, 36s, ss8i, 3385 Coosa, Miss., siiS Coosa County, Ala., 3084-5, 3117-18, S178 Coosawhatchie, S. C, ssiS Copake, N. Y,, 26s, 576, 613, I 183-4 Copake Flats, N, Y., 1184 Copenhagen, Denmark, 1033, 1952 Copford, Eng., 1107, 3416 Copford Hall, Eng., 1 107, 3416 Copley, O,, 665 Copperas Creek, 111,, 587 Copperas Hill, Vt., 1620 Copp's Hill, Mass., 4g5 Coral, 111., 1S69, 1874 Coram, N. Y., 135, 3453 Corfu, N. Y., 1491 Corinna, Me., 1707 Corinth, Kan. , i8s8-g Corinth, Me., 543-5, 949, 1153-4, "59 Corinth, Miss., 1277, sig6 Corinth, N. Y., 788 Corinth, Vt., 137, 746, 825, 1274, isgi, 1386 Cork, Ireland, log, 485, 48g, 1068, 1074 Cork County, Ireland, 70, 647 Cornell, 111., 1870 Corning, N. Y., 824, nsg, I3SS, isgS, 1540, 3025 Cornish, Me., 833 Cornville, Me., gsi, 1705-6 Cornwall, Conn., 613, 785, nsi-s, 1125, iSsi-s, 1843, 2035-7, 23og Cornwall, N. Y., 1154, 1157, 1997 Cornwall, Ont., 394, 3483-3 Cornwall, Vt., 931, 1304, 1439, 304g Cornwall Bridge, Conn,, 1183 Cornwall County, Eng, , 146, 163, 576, 7gs, 844, 1068, 1075, 1463, i4gi, 1603, 3474 Cornwallis, N. S., 1S4, 350-3, 559-67, 570-1. 574. 1167, 1173-S Cornwallis, W. Va., 3037 2842 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1997 Cornwallville, N. Y., 1441 Coroney Grove Township, la., gs8 Corotman, 3501 Corry, Pa., 706, 1540, 154S, 1551, 1751, 24g6 Corsham, Eng., S173 Corsicana, T^x., issg, i444'S, 1533, 314s Cortland, 111., I4g5 Cortland, N. Y., 440, 607, 748, 772-3, gSl, II35, I3I4, 1338, i46g, 1538, 180S, i8sS-9, 1833, I9S5 Cortland County, N. Y., 683, 749-51, 806, iS4g, 2328 Cortlandt, South Holland, 183 1 Cortlandville, N. Y., 440 Coryell County, Tex., 2137 Cosawauga, Pa., 1241-3 Coshocton County, O., 22g2 Coskerdale, N. Y., is8g Costello, Pa., ngo Cotaco Valley, Ala,, 2136 Cotes, Eng., 25, 2054 Cotopaxi, Col., iSii Cottage City, Mass., g7i, 974-5, 2472 Cottage Farm, Mass,, 2334 Cottage Grove, Wis., issg Cottage Plill, Ala., 1774 Cotton ville, la,, 4S1-3 Cottonwood, Mont., 3460 Cotton Wood, Utah, igss Coudersport, Pa,, 586, 1154-7, I igo-s Coulterville, 111., 3004 Council Bluffs, la., 665-6, io7g, 1331, 1308, 1470, 1476-7, 2461, 2463, 24g5 Counteswells, Eng., 731 Courteenhall, Eng,, 1083 Courtland, Ont., 534 Coutance, Normandy, 1108 Coventry, Conn., 276-g, sgS, 476, 510, 638, 744, 792, gi2, 1422, 1423, 1584, 2033, 2258, 228s, 2483 Coventry, Eng., 76, log, 327, 400, 700, I 107, 1815 Coventry, N. H., 847 Coventry, N. Y., 935-6 Coventry, R. I., 142, 713-14, 8s6, 1074, 1475 Coventry, Vt., 385, 888-90, 1307, 1635 Coventry Falls, Vt., 1635 Coverdale, N. B., 1845 Covert, Mich., 1333 Covington, Ga., 477, 3161 Covington, Ky., 1016, 1533-4, ig34, 3ogs-6, 3146-7, sigg Covington, N. Y., igSg Covington, Pa., 74g-si, logs, 1231, i46g-7o, 1854, igso, 3045 Cowansville, P. Q., 718-19, ig46 Cowas District, N, H., 173 Cowbridge, Wales, 3318 Cowinsville, Vt., 2334 Cowsfield House, Eng., 137 Coxsackie, N. Y., 324, 668, 793, 937. 1356, 1681, 1685, igo6, 2280, 2452 Craftsbury, yt., 6go, 1205, 1263, 1270, 1273, 1387, 1448 Craig, Scotland, 1081 Craigintnie, Scotland, iog2 Craig Park, Scotland, 1744-5 Cranberry, ,0., 1165 Cranberry Township, Pa. , I2g6 Cranbrook, Eng,, 1204, isii Crane's Brook, N. J,, 20S Cranston, R. I., 4g3, 835-7, 1106 Cranthorne, Eng., 13 Cranthorne Parish, Cleve land, Eng., IS Crary, N, D., S486 Crawfish Springs, Ga., 3137 Crawford County, Ga., 3099, 2153-3, ssoS Crawford County, Pa, , 1410 Crawford's Settlement, N. Y., 930-1 Crawfordsville, Ga., 1483-3, 1952-S Crawfordsville, Ind., 3454, 3479 Craycrofte, Eng., 348 Cream Hill, Conn., iisi-s, iSsi-s, 1842, 2037 Creedy, Eng., 1489 creek 13 eaverdam, Ga. , 3309-11 creek Boone's, Ky., 3073 creek Bridge's, Va., 3173, 2304 creek Carr's, Va., 2184 creek Chauga, creek Choga, S. C, 2060-8, 20S3 creek Coldwater, Ga., 2157, 22og creek Connerows, S. C, 2105-6 creek Copperas, 111., 587 creek Crocket, Tenn., 2111 creek Fork, Tenn., 313S creek German, Tenn., 3ig4 creek Knob, Tenn., siSo creek Occoquan, Va., 3og6 creek Polk's, Tenn., 3071 creek Pope's, Va., 3173 creek Richland, Tenn., 3071 creek Roaring, N, C, 3063 Creek Row, Conn., 380 creek Silver, Ky., 3074 creek Stewart's, N. C, S170 creek Sweetwater, Tenn., 3083 creek Three Mile, Ala., 3332 creek Vans, Ga., 2076, 2100, 2154-S Creighton, Neb., 1711-12, 2031 Crescent City, Cal., 1223, 1853 Crescent Springs, Ky., 2igg Cressona, Pa., 1480-1 Cresson Springs, Pa., 104S Crickhowell, South Wales, 2034 Cricksand, Eng., 76 Cripplebush, N. Y., 1030 Crixith, Eng., 2173 Crocket Creek, Tenn., sin Crofthead, Scotland, 34g8 Crogham, N. Y., 1441 Crompton, R. I., 413 Cromwell, Conn., 1S62, 1S81 Crooked Creek, Ind., 57g Crosshaven, Ireland, 1746a Crossingville, Pa., 1242-3 Cross Plains, Ala., 2117 Cross Plains, Wis., 1242-3, 1855-7 Cross River, N. Y., g2i Crosswicks, N, J., 1080 Croton, N. Y., 679, 1756 Crow Hill, Conn., 652 Crown Point, Ind., 721-2, 1428-g, igs I Crown Point, N. Y., 547, 714, 841-2, 1381-2, i42g, 1578, 176S Crowys Merchand, Eng., 1212 Croydon, N. H., ssg Crozet, Va., 1366 Cruixton, Scotland, 687 Crundall, Eng., 43 Crystal Lake, 111., gss, gSs Crystal Valley, Mich., 30o6 Cuba, N. Y., 70s, 1359, 1654, 1681, i6gs-3 Cuba, W. I., 303, 2431 Cuddington, Eng., is 11 Culleoka, Tenn., igss Culloden, Scotland, 1153, ssiS Culloden battle, Scotland, I 152, 2218 Culpeper, Va., 1016, 2263 Culpeper County, Va., 2056-60, 2075-6, 3083-4 Culpeper Court House, Va,, 3057-8, 3075-6, 2ig8 Culross, Scotland, nog Cumberland, Me., 836, 1572, i7og Cumberland, Md., 3042 Cumberland, N, S., 558, 1173 Cumberland, R. I., 786 Cumberland, Wis., 1851 Cumberland County, Eng., 1075, 1470 Cumberland County, New York Province, 144-5 Cumberland County, N. S., 556 Cumberland County, Va., 3417-18 Cumberland Gap, Ky., ii4g-5o Cumberland Gap, Tenn,, 3ig4 Cumberland Township, Pa., 1769 Cumming, Ga., 3136, 2167 Cummington, Mass., goi, 1657-8, iSgi, 2013-14 Currahee Mountain, Ga., 2115 Curryville, N. B., ii7g Custer, Mich., 1137 Cutchouge, N. Y., 57, 306-7 Cuyahoga Falls, O,, 758, isgs, 1330, 1336, 1750-1, 1837, 1S33, 2334 . Cynllaeth, Wales, 3415 Cynthiana, Ind., 2101, ssis-is Cynthiana, Ky., sogS Cypress, III., 893-5 Cypress, Wis., 894 Cypress Hill, N. Y., lois Cypress Mills, Tex., logo-i Cypress Springs, Tex., I7g6 Dadeville, Ala., 883, i6s3 Dadlington, Eng., sssg Dagenham, Eng,, 618, 1031 Dagsborough, Del., 3144 Dahlonega, Ga., 2174 Dakota, U. S., 571, 1213-13, 1374, ISIO, 1586 Dakota City, Neb., 684 Dale, N. Y., 1536, ig34 Dalkeith, Scotland, 1314 Dallas, Mich., 1851 Dallas, Pa., 3051 Dallas, Tex., 1444-5, i757» 1945, 213s, 2151, 2300, 2214 Dallas County, Ala., 2og5, 2145-6 Dallas County, Tex., 2154, 2214 Dalmahoy, Scotland, 1745 Dalton, Ga., 207g, sogi, 2103-4, 2130-1, 2138-41, 2154, 2164, 2ig2, 2ig5-6 Dalton, Mass., 143, 180-1, 294, 390-3, 6g5, 8gg-go4, go7, 1233, INDEX OF PLACES. 2843 Dalton, Mass., cont'd, 1504, 1613, i63g-44, 1647-50, 2012-15, 2oig, 2052, 2471 Dalton, N. Y., 1235 Dalton Norrays, Eng., 17 Damariscotta, Me., 1152 Damietta siege, Egypt, 4g2 Dana, la., 1442 Dana, Mass., 268, 370, 1348, 1353 Danark County, Scotland, 2242 Danbury, Conn., 350, 812-13, 892, 894, 1317, 1331, 1445-6, 1664, 1753, 3354-5, 2336 Danbury, N. PL, 647, 649, 666, 1301 -s Danby, Eng., 13 Danby, N. Y., 1395-6 Danby, Vt., 1556, i860, 2366 Danby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Dandridge, Tenn., 2089 Dane Cotmty, Wis., 1S57 Danielson, Conn., 1563 Danielson's Falls, Conn., 2280 Danielsonville, Conn., 73g-4o, 850, 1442, 1456, isg4 Danielsville, Ga., 1633-3 Dansville, N. Y,, 356, 58g-g3, 6s2-7, gs7-8, 1230, 1234-5 Danvers, Mass,, sg, 336, S55-6, 498-501, 507, 1075-6, iis6, 1570, 170S, 1767 Danvers Centre, Mass,, 1570 Danville, 111., 1366, 1655 Danville, la., 1673 Danville, Ky,, S151 Danville, N. Y., i6gs Danville, Pa,, 462 Danville, P. Q,, 811-14, 1560, 1567, 1875, 1979 Danville, Vt., 1273, i6g4 Danville, Va., 1016 Darien, Conn., 36s, 331s Darien, N. Y., 486, i64g Darien, Wis,, 1834 Darke County, O., 3051, 3144 Darlington, Eng., g57 Darlington, I.. T., i3ig Darlington, Okla., isig Darlington, S. C, ssi8-ig Darlington County, S. C, 2218 Dairlington District, S. C, 2218 Dartmouth, Eng., 64, 359 Dartmouth, Mass., 438, 445, 542, 647, 727, 830, g63, g68-g, 977, gSS, 1660, 1724, i8ig, 1838, 1883 Dartmouth, N. S., 555, 1038 Datchett, Eng., 1768 Datford, Eng., 540 Dauphin County, Pa., 1576 Davenport, la., 125, 883-4, 1327, 3455-6 Davenport, N. Y., 383-5, 670, 680-1, 684, i68g Davenport Centre, N. Y., 680 Davidson County, Tenn., 2og4 Davis Corners, Wis., 6ig Davison, Mich., 1894 Davis Patent, Can., 289, 702 Davisville, Mich., 1193 Dawn, Mo., 2493 Dawnville, Ga., 2137 Dawson, Ga,, 2102 Daysville, N. Y., 64g, 18S2 Daysville, Va., 2150 Dayton, Ky., 670 Dayton, Mich., 1044-5 Dayton, N. Y., 2473 Dayton, O., 514, nsg, 1305, 1573. 2366-7, 2314, 248s Dayton, Wash., 1256, 1265 Dayville, Conn., i45g Dead River, Me., 1711 Dead River Plantation, Me., 046-7 Deal, Eng., 1347 Deansville, N. Y., 2333 Deansville, Wis., 1432 Dearborn County, Ind., 1637 Dearing, Ga., 1483 Decatur, Ala., iig4 Decatur, Ga., 1081, 1633-3, 21 ig-20 Decatur, 111., 585, nsg, 1405-7, ^1515, 1555. 247g Decatur, Mich,, 1136, I5g8, 1626 Decatur, Miss., 2100, 2155-7, 330g-I3 Decatur, Neb,, 1668 Decatur, N. Y., g63, 1350, 1371 Decatur, O., soio Decatur County, Ind., 1367 Decatur Township, O., soio Deccan, India, 1746 Decherd, Tenn., 3164 Decorah, la., 3334 Dedham, Eng., 160, 884, 1147, 1613, 1660, 2000 Dedham, la., 785, 1523 Dedham, Mass., 86, ng, 131-2, 157-8, 160, 232, 336, 341, s68, 316, 331-9, 445, 537, 543-4, 817-g, 834-s, 839-30, 837, 864-6, 873, 884, 943-3, 1063, 1101-3, 1149. 1183, 146s, 1561, 1563, 1580, 1607, 1683, 1701, 1771, 1810, 1867, 1915, 3033, sng, 237g, 3307-8, 3454 Deep River, Conn., 1336, 3333 Deep River, la., 1363-4 Deep Spring, Ga., 3136-8, 3ig5-6 Deerfield, 111., iSgs Deerfield, Ind., soog Deerfield, la., 1894 Deerfield, Kan., 1647-8 Deerfield, Mass., 510, 594, 658, 765, 792, 797, 908-9, 1064, 1337, is6o, 1454, isgS, 1658, 1666-7, 2377, 3457, 3487 Deerfield, Mich., 1636, ig47 Deerfield, N. H., 413, 873, 876, gSS, 1S81, 3437 Deerfield, N. Y., 3503 Deerfield, Wis., ssgg Deering, N. H., 360, 873, ig48 Deering, Tenn,, igss-s Deer Island, Mass,, isgo Deer Isle, Me., 1730 Defiance, O., 601, 1871 Defiance County, O., 1373, IS54 De Graff, O., 1873 Deira, Britain, 8-10 Deir Land, Britain, g De Kalb, 111., 741, 1461, igi8 De Kalb, N. Y., 1534 De Kalb County, Ga., S141 De Kalb County, Mo., sis6, 3186 De Land, Fla., 1665-6 Delavan, 111., 1443-3 Delavan, Wis., 403, 538-g, 1133, 1543, 1701, 1833-4 Delaware, N. Y., 480-1 Delaware, O., 1473, 1516, 1653 Delaware, State of, sgg, g47, sosg Delaware Bay, Del., 3i4g Delaware City, Del., 4S1, 1043, si4g Delaware County, N. Y., 284, 310, 401, 483-3, 670, 677, 780, 1046, 1356, i6gi, i74g, 3314, S48g Delaware County, O., go6, isgs, 1653, i7g7, 2457 Delaware River, N. J., S48g Delft, Plolland, 478 Delhi, 111., soog Delhi, la., 589 Delhi, Kan., 3051 Delhi, N. Y., 383, 585, 6sr, 934, 1363, 1749, 3489 Delhi, O., 1267-8 Dell Monell, Tenn., 3170-1 Dell Rapids, S. D., 637, 1355, 1861 Delmar, Pa., 1232-3 Del Norte, Col., 433, 1265 Delphi, Ind., 1407 Delphi, N. Y., 1342 Delphos, Kan., 1341 Delta, la., 1660 \ Delta, Mich., 3465 Delta, N, Y., 930-3, 1673 Delta, O., 1052 Dement, 111., 1649-50 Demerara, S. A., 1031 Demopolis, Ala., 1955-7 Dene, Eng., 131 Denelands, Eng., 131 Denham, Eng., 1030 Denham, N. Y., 383 Denham Place, Eng,, 1030 Denison, Tex., 1637 Denmark, Europe, 308, 400, 466, 496, 703, 769, iioS, 2204 Denmark, N, Y., i43g-4i, iggs Denmark, O., 683, 1350, iSgg, igoo Denne Hill, Eng., 4go Dennington parsonage, Eng., 1741 Dennis, Mass., Sss Denton, Eng., 70, 364, 1613 Denton, Tex., 3163, 3373, 232g, S334 Denton Court, Eng., 364 Denver, Col,, 22, sgi, 586, 706, 833, 1343, 1407, 1484, 1487, 1616-17, 1624, i64g, 1701, 3003, ssso, 3356, 2261-4, 2267, 2310, 2313, 3314, 3326, 2329, 2465, 2499 Denver, Mich., 1382 Depauville, N. Y., 1042-3 Deposit, 111., 1362 Deposit, N. Y., 481, gss Derby, Conn., 617-18, 1210-12, iggS, 2012, 2308 Derby, Eng., igso Derby, Vt., 1207, 1376, 1386 Derby Line, Vt., 1371 Derbyshire, Eng., 67, 566, 86g, gio, g68, 1030, isii, 1613, 1734, iSog, 1988, iggS, S46g Derry, Ireland, 2279 Derry, N, H., 360, 874-6, i6og De Ruyter, N. Y., 7g6, 1505, 1598, 1654 De Sable, Prince Edward Isl., g70 Desborough, Eng., 3337 Deseret, Utah, igsi De Smet, S. D., 766 Des Moines, la., sgo, g64-5, gS8, 1050, 1165, 1343, 1428, 1585, 2301, ssig Desmond, Ireland, 1068 De Soto, 111., 1618-ig 2844 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. De Soto, la., 551, 1978 De Soto, Miss., 3018 De Soto, Mo., 1504, sosS De Soto County, Miss., sioS Des Plaines, 111., 784, 1353 Detroit, Kan., 3013 Detroit, Mich., 22, 369, 433, 585, 6o3, 861-S, 890-1, 8g8, gi6, 937-8, g63, 1053, I3I5, 1335, 1347, 1351-3, 1444-5. 153S, 1562, 1573-5, 1611, 1637-8, 1643, 1663. 1667-8, 1675, 1756, 1838. 1888-g, i8g4-5, i8g8-g, igSs-s, SOSS, 2348-g, 3363, 3375, 2279-80, 2284, ssgS-g, 2313, 2337, 3462, 34go Devonport, Eng., g57 Devonshire, Eng., 66, 68, 70-1, 85, gg, los, isS, 345, 266, 301, 305, 319. 335. 338, 478, 494. 541. 546, 616, 636, 715, 76g, 780, 7g8, 810, S16, 83s, gio, gi4, 1036, 1060, 1148, 1463, 1751, 1799, 1837, 1838, 1843, iSg6, iggs, S032, 3261, 2270, 2313 De Welles Barony, nog De Witt, III,, 833 De Witt, la., iig4, 1651 De Witt, Mich., 833 De Witt, Neb., sosi Dewitt County, 111., 833 Dews Hall, Eng., 105 Dexter, Mich., 937-8, 1333, 1897 Diamond Bluff, Wis., 1410 Diana, N. Y., 738-30, 1053, 1438-41, 1941 Dickinson, N. Y., 1333, 1892 Diddaston bailiwick of the Geld, Eng., SS03 Diddington, Eng., 1834 Dieppe, Normandy, ssig Digby, N. S.,'s66, 1733 Dighton, Mass., 55, gS, sos, 821, 1307 Diller, Neb., 17S1 Dillsburgh, Pa., 1515, 1671 Dimmitt, Tex., 3166 Dimondale, Mich., 1137 Dincklage, Holland, 3034 Dingley, Eng., 105 Dingman, Pa., 1473 Diss, Eng., 1756 Dix, N, Y., gso-i, 3034 Dixfield, Me,, 3303 Dixon, 111., 588, 663, 1044, 1194, 1386-7, 1591, 1852, SSS4 Dobson, N. C, 316S Doddridge County,' W. Va., 2143 Dodge, Tex., 3334 Dodge City, Kan., 1371 Dodlebury, Eng., sog Dombes, JPlace de, France, 364 Donegal County, Ireland, 1603, 3184 Doney, Mass., 1353 Dongan Hills, N. Y., 1857-g, 3041 Donrigge, Eng., sog, 3457 Dora, Ind., 1364, iS6g Dorchester, Eng. , 383, 388, 659, 769, 1030, 1083, 1580, 1837, 303s Dorchester, Mass., 50, 64, 68, 96, 103, 109-10, ISl, IS7, 146, 236, 241, 345, 364, 316-ig, 332-S. 337. 360, 383, 388, 393-4, 4s8, 445, 466-7, 493, 505-7, 510, 537-9, 565, 599, 659, 686, 700, 714, 726, 769, Dorchester, Mass., cont'd, 780, 793, 7g7, 810, 838, S47, 855, 873, 877, gos, gio-4, 956, 1030, 1060, io68-g, loSi, I 101-3, 1105, iiog-io, II 14, 1148-g, 1158, ISII, i3i6, 1305, 1386, 1433, 1463, 1470-1, is8g, 1759, 1779, 1799, 1810, 1815, 1837-8, 1837, 1843-3, iSgg, igiS, igs6, igSS, iggs, 3032, SOSS, S040, sng, 3351, 2261, 2370, 3431-3, 3434, 3438, 3476 Dorchester, Neb,, i37g Dorchester, N. B., 1170 Dorchester, N. H., 873-3, 1262-3, 1280, 1608 Dorchester, P, Q,, 1311 Dorchester, S. C., 2424 Dorchester County, Md., 1143 Dorking, Eng., 3340-1 Dorney, Eng., 365 Dorset, N. Y., 2263 Dorset, Vt., 764-8, 1495, 1963, 2266, 2476 Dorsetshire, Eng., 85, 265, 497, 509, 668, 1083, i4g7, isgS Dosoris, N. Y,, 176S Dota, Ark., 2146 Doty's Corners. N. Y., 1234 Douglas, Minn., 711 Douglas, Scotland, 687 Douglas Grove, Neb., g54, 1712 Douglass, la., 64g, 1046, 1303, 1333, rSgs Douglass, Mass., 818, 850 Dover, Del., 530 Dover, Eng,, 85 Dover, la., soig Dover, Ky., 2143-4, 2ig8 Dover, Me., iSg6 Dover, Mass., 158-9, 332, 336-8, S17, 824, 1890, 2337, 3436, 3442 Dover, Mich., Sgo, ii8g, 1635-7 Dover, N. H., 337, 4g4, 543, 770, gS9> 968, io6g, 1405, 1406, 1463-4, i47g, 1530, 1600-1, 1707-S, ig6i Dover, N. Y., 406 Dover, N. S., 336s Dover, O., 1378, 1336, 1676, 3463 T Dover, Vt,, 1134 Dover Plains, N. Y., 1756 Dowagiac, Mich., 1137, 1853 Down Ampney, Eng., iSsg Down County, Ireland, Ssg, 1576, igSs, 3470 Downe, Eng., ssg Downer's Grove, 111., 1384, igS3 Downey, Cal., 1345-6, 3033-4, S4gs Downieville, Cal., 717, 934, 1370 Downs, Kan., 632, 3492 Doylestown, Pa., 1480-1 Dracut, Mass., isgs, i7og, igig Drake's Mills, Pa., 631 Drakesville, N. J., isgi Drenthe, Holland, sgS, i8og Dresden, Germany, 1744, soss Dresden, la., 1834 Dresden, Me., 192-3, 1433, 1917 Dresden, N. Y., 734, 1374-5 Drew^'s, La., 2135 Drewsville, N. IT., 1766 Drinkstone, Eng. , 686 Droitwich, Eng,, 515, 1069 Dromondby, Eng., 13 Dromore, Ireland, 2237-8 ' Drowned Lands, N. J., S50 Drumboe Castle, Ireland, 543 Drummondville, P, Q-, 709 Drumnahoy, Scotland, 1971 Drury Cove, N. B,, 316 Dryden, Mich., 1056 Dryden, N. Y., 353, 7g6, g62-3^ IISS, 1133, iSsS-g Dry Grove, Miss., 695 Duane, N. Y., 1933 Duanesburgh, N. Y, , s88, 309-10, 333-4, 681, 685, 696-7, 755-7, 793-4, 1478, i82g-30 Duard Castle, Isle of Mull, 337g Duarte, Cal., 1715-16 Dublin, Ind., 1837 Dublin, Ireland, 364, 1735 Dublin, Mass., 3332 Du Bois, Pa,, gSi Dubois County, Ind., 1127 Dubuque, la., 256, 475, sgs, 677, 1123, II4S, iig6, 1256-8, 1404, 1413, 1S28, igSg, 3301, 3488 Ducktown, Tenn., 3138 Duckwater, Nev., 195 1 Dudhope, Eng., nog Dudley, Mass., 1360, i5g4 Dudley, Wis,, 1645 Dudley, Eng,, 2232-5 Dudley Castle, Eng., 319 Dukes County, Mass., 423, 2271, 24g6 Duluth, Minn., SgS, 1687, 2305, 2310 Dumbarnie, Scotland, 663 Dumfries, Scotland, 614, 1767 Dumfries-shire, Scot!., 245g Dummondville, Can., 1674 Dunbarton, N, H., 354, 857, 1263 Dunboy, Ireland, 1068 Dunboy Castle, Ireland, 106S Duncannon, Pa., igso Duncan's Island, Pa,, igso Duncantown, N. J., 45g Dundaff, Pa., 1449 Dundas, C, W., 1336 Dundee, 111., 3356 Dundee, N. Y., 549-50, 7ig Dundee, Scotland, 1707, 1715 Dundridge, Eng., sog, gss Dunellen, N. J., 1761 Dungannon, Ireland, 1433 Dunham, P. O., 3g3-4, 716-18, S7g, 1436, 1S34, igsi Dunkirk, N. Y., 762, gSo, 1132, 1444, 1492, 1513, 1723, 2473 Dunlap, la., sSg, 1343 Dunlap, Kan., 81S-13 Dunleith, C. W., igSg Dunnings, Pa., iSoo-i Dunville, Ont., iiso, 1584, ig88-g Dunstable, Eng,, 869, S77 Dunstable, Mass., 91, ssi, 409-11, 86g, g4o, i6g6, ssSo Dunton, 111., 1331-2 Dupage, IIL, 1383-4 Dupont, Ind., 1566-7 Dupont, Wis,, iggo Durand, 111., i3sg-42, i8g4 Durango, Mex,, 2iog Durant, Erig., 121 Duren, Prussia, 1325 Durham, Can., iiSg, 1556 Durham, Conn,, isoS-g, 1915, 1929-30, 3017 Durham, Eng., 8, 64, 67, 400, 494. 2341 Durham, N. H., 543, 823, 986, 1463 INDEX OF PLACES. 2845 Durham, N. Y., 282, 326, 673-7, 68s, 1332, 1356-7, 1544, 1906 Durham, P. Q., 1556 Durham Center, N. Y., 674-5, 1357 Durham County, Eng., 64, 67 Durhaip Magna, Eng., 265 Durham Township, N. Y., 1352, 1904 Durhamville, N. Y., 76:, 1492, 1635 Dursley, Eng., 1796 Dutchess County, N. Y., 202, 726, 851, 1032, 1133, 1183, 1371, 1403, 1409, 1830, 1978, 2051, 2264, 2269, 2313, 2319 Dutch Kills, N. Y., 1030 Dutch Point, N. Y., 1060 Duxbury, Mass., 288, 537, 540, 647, 821, 833, 991, 1121, 1 157, 1599, 1604, 161 1, 1813, 1838, 1917, 1996, 2119 Duxbury, Vt., 593-4, 746 Dwight, III., 1380, 1870, 2304 Dyberry, Pa., 1310 Eagle, N. Y., 704-5, 1412-13, 1499, 1500, 1536-8, 1989 Eagle, Wis., 707-8 " Eagle " brig, Boston, 2327 Eagle Township, III., 1S70 Eagleton, Wis., 1977 Eain, Prussia, 1261 Earl's Colne, Eng., 349, 1107 Earl's Colne Priory, Eng., 1107 Earlville, 111., 923-5, 948-9, 1678-So, 2279 Earlville, N. Y., 309, 552, 666, 1337-8 Early Grove, Miss., 2082, 2109-12, 2171-2 Easington Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Easley, S. C, 2129, 2217 East , N. Y., 616 East Abington, Mass., 1259, 1866 East Albany, N. Y., 616 East Albany, Vt., 1385-6 East Bagborough, Eng., 85 East bank of Tugalo River, S. C, 2083 East Berlin, Pa., 1669 East Bethel, Vt., 261, 290-1, 703, 1206, 1277 East Bloomfield, N. Y., 511-12, 843, 88s, 938, 1106, 1S3I, 1581 East Boston, Mass., 226, 819, 968-9, 158S-6, 1617, 1719. 1746a, 2250-1 Eastbourne, Eng., I779 East Boylston, Mass., 1683 East Bradford, Me., 94s East Bridgewater, Mass., 288, 1996 East Brookfield, Mass., 476 East Brookfield, Vt., 132, 270-5, 641-3, 64S-9, 1279-80, 1285-91, 1879 Eastbury, Conn., 1566 East Cambridge, Mass., so, 1995 East Canaan, Conn., 613 East Charlotte, Vt., i949 East Chatham, N. Y., 914 East Claridon, O., 1387 East Cleveland, O., 1533. 1566-7, 1862-3, 1962 East Cliff Lodge, Eng., 1588 East Coker, Eng., 170 East Constable, N. Y., 1378, 1381,^ 1920-1 East Council Bluffs, la., 2495 East Davenport, N. Y., 1689 East Deering, N. H., 1948 East Detroit, Mich., 963 East Dixfield, Me., 2303 East Douglass, Mass., 850 East Durham, N. Y., 673-6, I35S-7 Eastern Empire, Europe, 2176 East Falmouth, Mass., 425 East Farnham, P. Q., 41S East Fishkill, N. YT, 496 Eastford, Conn., 7'i'.7, 849, I2S3, 1525 East Freetown, Mass., 821 East Granby, Conn., 1447 East Granville, Mass., 329-30, 686, 1371-4 East Granville, N. Y., 1484 East Granville, Vt., 1205 East Greenwich., Eng., 7^, 1S13 East Greenwich, R. I., J51, 204, 341, 741, 752-3. 986, 1458, 1563, 1644, 1798, 2323 East Grinstead, Eng., 70, 1633 East Groveland, N. Y., 597 East Guilford, N. Y., 1547 East Hackensack, N. J., 455, 998 East Haddam, Conn., 108-18, 122-5, 215-16, 248, 380, 402, 477, 1S38, 2259 Eastham, Mass., 79, 142, 557, 1126, 1654 East Hamburg, N. Y., 585 East Hamilton, N. Y., 479, T042, 1792 East Hampden, Me., 948 East Hampsted, Eng., 270 East Hampton, Conn., 1042, 1916 Easthampton, Mass., 791, 899, 91S. 1237. 1323-4, 1567. 1666, 2326, 2328, 2334 East Hampton, N. Y., 1022, 1117-18, 1151, 1659, 2049-50 East Hartford, Conn., 45, 339, 599, 652, 719, 831, 1093, 1526, 1565-6, 1569-70, 1590, 1666, 1741, 1812, 1862, 1969-70, 1998, 2270 East Haven, Conn., 1210, 1386, 1837 East Hebron, N. Y., 763-5, 1497 East Horsley, Eng., 119 East Houndsfield, East Hounsfield, N. Y., 777, 1512, 1966-7, 2497 East Idvies, Scotland, 1750 East Indies, 1715 East Jersey, N. J., 1020 East Kendall, N. Y., 1633 East Kingston, N. H., 360 East Lebanon, N. H., 1618-20 East Lee, Mass., 1504, 2043 East Lexington, Mass., 957 East Longmeadow, Mass., 1 134-5 East Lyme, Conn., 1824, 1925 East Madison, Me., 950 East Margaretville, N. S., 1175-6 East Medway, Mass., 1881 East Meredith, N. Y., 670 East Montpelier, Vt., 1559 East Nassau, N. Y., 2274 East Newark, N. J., 996, 1730 East New York, N. Y., 10S2, 1738 East Northamptonshire, Eng., 1769 East Norwalk, Conn., 2254 Easton, Conn., 2271 Easton, HI., 552, 1163 Easton, Md., 1080, 1537-8 Easton, Mass., 202, 1081, 1228 Easton, N. Y., 1838 Easton, Pa., 1083-4 Easton Court, Eng., 2034 Easton Manduit, Eng., 2237-8 East Orange, N. J., 1004, 1730, 1888 East Orange, Vt., 847 East Otisfield, Me., 821 East Pembroke, N. Y., 1203, 1640, 2014, 2052, 2306 East Pepperell, Mass., 1696 Eastport, Me., 1353, 1863, 2029 East Portland, Ore., 1927-8 East Poultney, Vt., 298-9, 725 East Providence, R. L, 1253 East Rahway, N. J., 1737 East Randolph, Vt., 603, 699, 808, 879, 1279, 1289, 1408 Eaiit Retford, Eng., 466 East River, N. Y., 353 East Rochester, N. H., 1253 East Rodman, N. Y., 901-2 East Rounton, Eng., 2223 East Saginaw, Mich., 1144, 1897-8, 2270 East Saint Louis, 111., 799 East Salem, N. Y., 762, 1503, 1965 East Shelby,, N. Y., 2485 East Sidney, N. Y., 1546 East Simsbury, Conn., 2278 East Smithfield, Pa., 1835 East Somerville, Mass., 960-1, I 102, 1288, 1995 East Stoneham, Me., 1923 East Templeton, Mass., 1228 East Thetford, Mich., 1353 East Troy, Wis., 972 East Varick, N. Y., 439 East Vienna, N. Y., 848 Eastville, Mass., 971, 1720 East Wadham, Eng., 1992 Eastwell, Eng., 395 East Williamston, Vt., 602 East Wilton, Me., i6io East Windsor, Conn., 232, 264, 276-80, 329-30, 621, 652-60, 777, 788, 794-5, 811, 1105, 1109-10, 119S, 1641, 1814, 1988, 2022, 2035 East Wolcott, N. Y., 612 East Woodstock, Conn., 1594 East Worcester, N. Y., 1371 Eaton, N. Y., 525-6, 649-50, 928, 1302-3, 1307-8, 1409, 1668, 1 780- 1 Eaton, N. D., 1212 Eaton, O., 1656, 2093-4, 2144-5, 2462, 2466 Eaton County, Mich., 1164-5, ,1353 Eaton Rapids, Mich., 965 Eaton Rapids, Wis., 895 Eau Claire, Wis., 1242-3, 1542-3, 1702, 1828-30, 1857, 1977-8, 2039, 2459, 2464, 2503 Ebor, Eng., 2203 Eboracum, Eburacum, Britain, 9 Ecclesfield, Eng., 236 Economy, N. S., 2482 Ecton, Eng., 2237 Eddlesborough, Eng., 1126 Eddytown, N. Y., 2317-18 2846 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Eddyville, N. Y., 629, 1340 Eden, 111., i6ig Eden, Ja., 1331, 1650 Eden, N. Y,, i04g Eden, O., isgs-s Eden, Vt., 1305-6, 1386-7, ^919 Eden, Wis., 1883 Edenborough, Britain, g Edenton, N. C, 205-6, 45o-i> 993 Edgar, Ne^., 806 EdgartOWn, Mass., 35, 53-5. 94-5» 197-9, 42S» 426, 42g-36. 971-80, 1716, 1719-33, 3031 Edge, Eng., 1633 Edgefield, S. C, sogo-i, S134, 3Sl6 Edgefield, Tenn., S142 Edgefield County, S. C, 3183 Edgehill, Va., 3096, 3149 Edgehill Farm, Va., sog6 Edgeley, N. D,, 3474 Edgemont, Pa,, 3045 Edgerton, Col., io7g Edgerton, Mich., iig4 Edgerton, O., 706, 1416 Edinborough, Pa., 1047-g, 1416 Edinburg, III., 1364, 1365 Edinburgh, Miss,, siiS, S178 Edinburgh, N. Y., 482, 773 Edinburgh, N. S., 1743 Edinburgh, Scotland, 758-9, 1019, logs, 1445, 1461, i74s-6a, 1830, 3243, 3303, ssog, 34S8, 34gS Edinburgh, Tex., 1460 Edington, N. B., g46 Edison, N. J., 1733 Edmeston, N. Y., 664-5, 1331-4, 1337. 1563 Edmeston Center, N. Y., 1333, 1337 Edwards, N. Y., i4sS-g Edwardsburg, Mich., 1354 Edwardsburg, Ont., 3483-3 Edwardstone, Eng. , 365 Edwardsville, 111., 3311 Edwardsville, N. C, soSs Eel River, Cal., 1374 Eel River, Eele River, Mass., 38s, gis Egerton, Eng., 3ig, ggS Egginton Manor, Eng., ssos Eglwys Egle, Wales, 3415 Egremont, Mass., 771, 1850 Egton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS Egypt, N. Y., 3318 Eiderelsdorf, Prussia, 1641 Eifionydd, Wales, 3415 Eister Kennet, Scotland, nog Ela, 111., 1353 Elba, N. Y., 525-6, 1137-g, SSS4-6 Elba, Wis., 1361, 1864 Elbert County, Ga., sogg, 3100, 3153-6, 3173-5, S2I0-IS, ^?217Elberton, Ga., i6ss-s, 3075-6, SipO, 3153-7, SSOg-IS, 3333 Elbridge, Eng., 4go Elbridge, N. Y., 1656, ssgg Eldersly, Scotland, 3304 Eldorado, Dak., 1430 Elenor, O., 1366 Elexander, O., 1673 Eldred, Pa., iigi Elgin, 111., 583-3, gSs, igi8-ig Elgin, Mich., 1852 Elgin, N. B., 25s, ii7g ¦Elizabeth, Ind., 1477 Elizabeth, N, J., gg-ios, 310-13, 453-4, 457, 461-g, 719, gg4-8, ioiS-34, logs, 1100, ms, 113s, ISII, 1264, 1326-7, 1419, 147S-9, 1730, 1766, 1816, 1830, iSgi, igi4-i5, iggS, 3316, 3380, 3497-8 Elizabeth Castle, Island of Jersey, loso Elizabeth City, N. C, 811, 1406 Elizabethport, N. J, , 464-7, 1326 Elizabethtown, N. J., gg-ios, S07-13, 453-4, 461-g, gg4-8, 1018-34, IIOO, I31I, 1S64, 3316 Elizabethtown, N. Y., 841-2, 1578 Elizafield, Ga., 1777 Elkader, la., 1641-s Elk County, Kan., 722 Elk Creek, N. Y., 385 Elk Falls, la., 1510 Elkhart, Ind., sgs, 616-1S, 667, 674, 683, 1330-7, 1415, 1851-3, 2390 Elkhorn, 111., S004-5 Elkhorn, Wis., 1S34, 2488 Elkhorn Praine, III., S004 Elkin, N. C, 2111-12, 2172 Elkport, la., 1678 Elk Rapids, Mich., 3006 Elk River, Minn,, 833, soii-is Elk River, Tenn., 3070 Elk River Township, Minn., 833 Elksley Rectory, Eng., 515 Elkwood, Va,, 3311 Ellaville, Ga,, 3131 Ellenburgh. N, Y., 7g4 Ellendale, N. D., g54 EUerton, Eng., 350 Elleses Sirjinoury?, L. C, 896 Ellicott, N. Y., gse Ellicott's Mills, Md., 1062 ElHcottsville, N. Y., 1162 Ellington, Conn., S76-g, 7g4-5, 1336 Ellington, Pa,, 750 Elliota, Minn., 2334 Ellis, Mich., 2465 Ellisburgh, N. Y., 154, gos, isog, 1542 EUisville, Miss,, 3178 Ellsworth, Me., 543, Sss Ellsworth, O., 1751 Ellsworth, Wis., 1410-12, igsS Ellsworth County, Kan., 117S Elm Grove Township, 111., 1441 Elmlmrst, 111., 1071 Elmira, N. Y., 285, 607, g33-6, gg4, 1013, 1045, 1140, 1351, 1310, 1347, 1506, 1683, 1686-91, 1760, i8g8, 3035, 3363, 3368, 3378-80, 3313, 3336, 3333, 3338, 3330, 3483 Elmira Water Cure, N. Y., iSgS El Modena, Cal., 1345-6, i8sg Elmore, O., 1373, 34gi Elmore, Vt., 604, 13S6, ig4g Elm Store, Ark., S004 El Paso, 111., 1040 EI Paso, Mex., 1749 El Paso, Tex., 1740 Elphin, Eng., 445 Eltham, Eng., 84 Elvarch, Wales, 3469 Elwood, Ind., 1438 Ely Isle, Eng., 1809 Elyria, O., 743, IS78, i433i 1836, 3038, 3334, 3459, 3461, 3463, 3465-8 Elysian, Minn., 3031 Elysian Grove Plantation, La., i3gg Embden, Me., igs-s, 412-16, 945-8, 953-6, 1711-14 ' Embden, Netherlands, 4g2 Emble, Eng., 137 Emeral, Eng., 2236-8 " Emerald " barque, Indian Ocean, 1604 Emerald Grove, Wis., 1879 Emet, Wis., 1702 Eminence, Ky., 1983 Emlyn, Wales, 2415 Emmett, Mich., 1475 Emmettsville, Ind., 1638 Emmitsburg, Md,, gig, 1769 Emory Hospital near Wash ington, D. C, 1309 Empire City, Minn., 1303 Emporia, Kan., 1401, 1780, 1907, ig6i, 2500 Emral, Emrall, Eng., 2236-S Emrys Castle, Wales, 856 Emster Gerundegut River, Mass., 103 Enfield, Conn., 374, 323-4, 485-6, 529, 653-60, 833, 9g3, 1131-2, IISS, 1382, 1741-2, 1836, ig66, S040, 3459, 3461 Enfield, Eng., 146 Enfield, Mass., 471, 1335, 1300, 1673, 1880 Enfield, N. H., 64s, 649, 700, 746, 1501 Enfield, N, Y., sgi, 1050 England, G. B., 15, 43, 53-6. 5g-66, 6g-7i, 83-7, gi, 94-6, 103, 107-g, I3I-7, 131, isg, 144-6, i6s, 171, iSi, 1S6, 301-3, 3I0-II, SIS, sig-so, 333, 335-6, 340-1, 345, s4S-g, 35s, S65-6, 270, 37g, 304, 311, 316-8, 331, 334; 338-9, 342, 349* S59-6o, 364-5, 380, 383, 385. 388-9, 392-4, 399, 426, 429, 443, ¦ 445, 44S-g, 453, 46s, 466-7, 473-4, 477-9> 485* 48g-g5, 498, 503, 507-12, 51S. 528, 537-9, 540-4, 554, 557, 565, 599. 615-18, 633, 647, 6sg, 66s, 675, 686-7, 700, 703, 711, 715, 738, 732, 735, 741-3, 758, 765-6, 76g, 775, 780, 784, 7gi-2, 7g7-8, Soo, S13, S16, 8ig, 833, 836-8, 833, S44, 855-6, 863-6, 873, S77-8, 884, 887, gio, gi4-i6, gss, 95s, 968-g, 1018, 1030, loss, 1030-1, 1057, 1060-3, 1068-9, 1070, 1072, 1074, 1077, 1081-3, 1088, 1100-3, 1105-7, IIIO, III4, iiiS, IISS, 1147-51, 1157-8, 1185, 1304, isio-i6, 1243, 1358, 1333, 1343, 1357, 1370, 1386, 1388, 1413-1S, 1436, 1432, 1449, 1456, 1458, 1462-S, 1470-1, 1488, i4g6-7, 1507, 1517, 1519, 1522, 1536, 1547. 1551, 1554, 1568, 1588, 1603, 1607, 1613, 1617, 1632, 1641, 1644-s, i6sg-6o, 1670, 1708-9, 1724-^, 1730, ^741-2, 1752-S, 1760-1, 1768, 1772-s, 1779, 1794, 1799, 1813-15, iSig, 1827-32, i8s5-g, 1842-3, i84g, 1868, 1883, iSgs, igo8, igi4-i9, 1930, 1968-70, 1988, 1996-2000, 2021-3, 2035, 2041, England, G. B., cont'd, 2045, 2049-50, 2054-6, 2057, 2060, 2119, 2173, 2igo, 2204, 2218, 2243-4, 2248, 2251-3, 2256, 2260, 2279, 2290, 2297, 2304, 2309, 2315, • 2317, 2322, 2336, 2420-1, 2451-3, 24S7, 2460, 2469-71, 2478, 2481-S Englewood, 111., 1522 Englewood, N. J., 1013-5, 1101, 1132, 1739, 1808-10, 1973 English Kills, N. Y., 466, 726 English Neighborhood, N. ^J., 1013 Ennis, Tex., 2127, 2141-2 Enniskillen, Ireland, 1719, 198s Enoch, Mich., 163S Enon Church, Va., 1617 Enpsburgh, Vt., 639, 815, 15S4 Enosburgh Falls, Vt., 1377 Enterprise, O., 905 Entwistle, Eng., 2239 Eolia, Wis., 1432 Ephraim, Utah, 1337 Epsom, N. H., 1272, 1876 Epsom, N. Z., 2488 Epworth, la., 1258 Equinunk, Pa., 1470 Erie, 111., 1673 Erie, N. Y., 1395 Erie, Pa., 482, 703-4, 801, 839, 1049, 1064, 1 144, 1409, 1432, 1472, 1863, 2257, 2293, 2489-90 Erie Canal, N. Y., 439, 676 Erie City, Pa., 1407 Erie County, N. Y., 900 Erie County, O., 255-6, 586, 1052 Erie County, Pa., 920, 1241-2, 1863, 1951, 2145 Erie lake, U. S., 2253 Erin Center, N. Y., 16S9 Erith, Eng., 1078 Erncliye, Eng., 12, 13 Erwin, N. Y., 600, 1297-8 Eseby, Eng., 13 Esher, Eng., 478, 1060 Esopus, N. Y., 1809 Esperance, N. Y., 309, 1545 Espuela, Tex., 2166 Espytown, Pa., 1240 Essa, Can., 1689 Essex, Conn., 1325-6, 1746b, 2265, 2302 Essex, Eng., 198S Essex, Mass., 165-75, 357. 360. 363-4, 872-4, 1606 Essex, N. Y., 740 Essex, Vt., 599, "99, 1330, 1383 Essex County, Eng., 89, 94, 103, no, 144, 160, 232, 266, 338, 3S0, 394, 489, 494, 792, 798, 856, 1083, 1122, 11S5, 1613, 1641, 1741, 1772. 1839, 1988 Essex County, Mass., 144 Essex County, N. J., 208-9, 1022, 1025 Essex Junction, Vt., 700 Esshatesford, Eng., 87 Eston, Eng., 13 Etna, N. Y., 683, 1538 Etton, Eng., 219, 509 Euclid, O., 964, 1677 Eugene City, Ore., 648 ' ' Eureka, Cal., 144S-6 Eureka, Fla., 882 Eureka, 111., 1S47 Eureka, Kan., 999. I495, I537. 2267 INDEX OF PLACES. Eureka, Wis., 1748 Eureka Springs, Ark., 2264 Europe, 1057, 1465, 1592 Eustis, Me., 946-7, 1703 " Eustis " ship, at sea, 357 Eutaw, Ala., 1517 Euxine Sea, Asia, 2204 Evans, N. Y., 1287, 2014 Evans Mills, N. Y., 729, 1382 Evansport, O., 1266, 1871-2 Evanston, 111., 670, 931-2, 1159, 1269, 1688, 1754 Evansville, Ind., 589, 1281-3 Evansville, Wis., 1182, 1342, 1893, 1936 Evart, Mich., 924 Everett, Mass., 1213, 1280, 2273, 2476 Everly, la., 1255 Evesham, Eng., 515, 1638, 2225 Ewston, Eng., 333 Excelsior, Minn., 620, 1840, 2012 Exeter, Eng., 245, 264, 319, 394, 686, 775, S77, IIIO, 1112, 14S9, 1600, 1670, 2313 Exeter, Me., 544, 650, 950, 1707 Exeter, Neb., 1238 Exeter, N. H., 494, 6S0, 810, 823, 861, 864-6, 1062-3, 1765-6, 1792, 1827, 1917, 1988, 199s, 2251, 2437 Exeter, N. Y., 1331-3, 1602, 1838, 2284 Exeter, R. I., 151-4, 309-11, 752-4, 1474-5, 2273 Exmouth, Eng., 1060, 1212 Eye, Eng., 334, 537 Eyota, Minn., 1221 Fabius, N. Y., 548, 651, 904-5, 1218, 1340 Faceby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Factory Point, Vt., 2471 Fairbury, Neb., 536 Fairfax, la., 1137 Fairfax, Vt., 598, 1084, 1198, 1587, 1919 Fairfax, Va., 1925, 2076-7, 2148, 2330 Fairfax County, Va., 389, 2076-7, 2100-1, 2148-50, 2158 Fairfax Court House, Va., 1925 Fairfax Theological Sem inary, Va., 2148, 2330 Fairfield, Cal., 1446 Fairfi.eld, Conn., 177, 659, 85s, loSi, 1093-4, 1121, 1321, 1432, 1471, 1513, 1772-3. 2260 Fairfield, la., 581 Fairfield, Me., 192-3, 413-15, 950-2, 955, 1703, 1706-10, 1714 Fairfield, Mich., 1627, 2006, 2011, 2464 Fairfield, N. Y., 618 Fairfield, O., 2272 Fairfield, Tenn., 2182 Fairfield, Vt., 1377, 1920, 1964, 2458 Fairfield, Va., 1333 Fairfield, Wis., 955 Fairfield County, Conn,, 2268, 2309 Fairfield County, S. C, 2219 Fairfield Ranch, Cal., 1446 Fair Haven, Conn., 1254, 1556-7, 1592 Fairhaven, Mass., 420, 821, 961, 968, 1449 2847 Fair Haven, Minn., 1163 Fair Haven, Vt,, 147-8, 296-7, 723-9, I 199, 1203, 1334, 143s, 1441, 1936, 3366 Fair Haven Township, III., issi Fairmount, Ark,, 3137, 2197 Fairmount, Ind., S145 Fairmount, W, Va., 1048 Fair Plains, Mich-. 1933 Fair Play, S. C, 3078-9, S104, S107, 2162-6, 2307 Fairport, N. Y., 798 Fairsted, Eng., g57 Fairview, Ind,, 1638-g Fairview, la., 530-1, 652, 1311-12 Fairview, N. J., 1734 Fairview, O., 1705 Fairview, Pa., 1046-9, 246s, 3490 Fairview House, Vancouver, 1746a Fairville, N. 'B., 1846 Fall River, Mass., 55, sos-s, 438, 441-8, 701, g6i, gSs-go, 1064, 1330, 1360. 1736 Falls Church, Va., sog6 Falls County, Tex., ssoS Fallston, Pa., 1396 Falls Village, Conn., 575-6, 1181-3, 2015-16 Falmouth, Eng., 533-3, 1746 Falmouth, Ky., 1616, 3307 Falmouth, Me., 956, 3305 Fahnouth, Mass., 430, 435, 433. 52S, 539, 956, 1716, 1813 Falmouth, N. S., 349-51, 473, 555-9, 567-71, 1167-73, 2338 Falmouth Island, Mass., 1633 Falmouth Village, N. S., I 167, I 172 Fanning's Island, Pacific Ocean, 1613 Fargo, N. D., 1018, iiso, I4g2, 2474 Faribault, Minn., 1047, i4ig Farley Castle, Eng., 1S39 Farmer, O,, 1905 Farmersburg, Pa., 1393 Farmers Valley, Pa,, 1331 Farmers Valley, Tenn., 1865 Farmersville, Can., 1376 Farmersville, N. Y,, 608-g, IS15, isgs Farmingdale, N. Y., 1035-6 Farmington, Conn., 133-3, 152-4, 554, 781, 8S1, go7, gii-14, 1031, II33, 1147-51, 131 I- 13, 136a, 1370, i4g6-7, 1503, 1517-18, iss6, 1641, 1663, i77g, iSsS, ig7o, 2040, 3050, 3378-80, 3457 Farmington, la., iigg Farmington, Me,, g45, iioi, 1610, 2277 Farmington, N. Y., go4, i64g Farmington, O., 1388 Farmington, I'^tah, 1752 Farmington, Wis., 1163 Farmington Township, O., 888 Farms, Mass,, 332 Farnborough, Eng., 1743 Farnham, P. O,, 71S, igsi Farnumsville, Mass., 1385 Faskine, Scotland, 2344 Faulkner, Mass., 1177 Fauquier County, Va., 2010, 2068-70, 3073 Faversham, Eng., 107 Fawn River, Mich., 1378-g Faxon, Eng., sig 2848 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Fayette, Mich., 548 Fayette, Miss., 305-6 Fayette, Mo., logo Fayette, N. Y., 1344, 3335 Fayette County, Ga., sogg Fayette County, Ind,, 2267 Fayette County, Ky., S073-3, 3og7, 3147, 3151 Fayette County, Pa., 3478 Fayette County, Tex., 1331, 1747, sig6» Fayette County, Va., 2073-3 Fayetteville, Ark., 3005, 2377 Fayetteville, Mo., 1436, ig37 Fayetteville, N. C., ss66- Fayetteville, N. Y., go6, io88-g, 1781-gi Fayetteville, N. C, 426, 855 Fayetteville, Pa., 1671, i8g4, 3sg4 Fayetteville, Tenn., 2004, siog, 3164 Fayetteville, Vt., 771 Fayston, Vt., 594, bos-3 Featherstone, Eng., 107 Federal Creek, O. , soi i Feeding PTills, Conn., 1568 Feeding Hills, Mass., 1135, 1233 Feliciana Parish, La,, i4go Felicity, O., 514 Felsted, Eng., 1741 Felsted Grange, Eng., 1741 Feltham, Eng., 11S3 Felton, Ont., 1480-1 Felt's Mills, N, Y., 317, isog Fenner, N. Y., 404, gsS Fenny Compton, Eng., 1107 Fentongollan, Eng., loss Feoden, 1108 Fergusonville, N. Y., 671 Fermanagh County, Ireland, ig6i, igSs Fern Bank, O., 1777 Ferney, ig4i Ferreagles, Scotland, nog Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1377 Fieldon, 111., soog Fifeshire, Scotland, s8g Fillmore, Minn., gss, 1678 Fillmore, Mo., 3461 Fillmore City, Utah, igsi Fillmore County, Minn., 1678 Finchdale Priory, Eng., S241 Finchley, Eng., 333 Fine, N. Y,, i4sg Finel Hollow, Vt., s6o Finkton, Mich., 1137 Fisherburgh, Ind., 1341 Fisher's River, N. C, sue Fisherville, Conn., 476 Fisherville, Mass., 1305 Fish Hook, 111., 807 Fishkill, N. Y., sgS, 496, 615, 670, 835-6, 1014, 1073, 1574 Fiskdale, Mass., 745 Fitchburg, Mass., ss, 357-8, 634-5, 733, 1251, 1254, 1448, .1535, 2437 Fitchville, Conn., 1534 Fitchville, O., 1534 Fitz Roy, C. E., 1335 Fitzwilliam, N, -H,, s6o, 276, 733 Five Mile River, Conn., 3353 Five Points, N. J., 1683-4 Flanden, Eng., 933 Flanders, Belgium, France and Netherlands, s66, 1048, 1S31, 1917 Flanders, N. J., los Flatbush, N. Y., 398, 456, 1634, 1756 Flat Lands, N. B., 1703 Flatlands, N. Y,, sgS, 1809, 1837 Flatonia, Tex,, 3137, 3196-7 Flat Rock, la., sSs Flat Shoals, Ga,, 1776 Fleming, N, Y,, 653, 1313 Fleming County, Ky,, igSs Flemingsburgh, Ky., 1935 Flemingsville, N. Y., 1402 Flemington, N. J., ios6 Fletcher, la., 1856 Fletcher, Vt., iig8 Flint, Ind., 1664 Flint, Mich., 608, 668, 1314-15, I33S, 1343, 1345-6, 1566-7, 1664, 1758, iSg4-8, SS66-7 Flippin, Ky., 3331 Flora, 111., 1643 Florence, Ala,, 2og4, 3315 Florence, Col., ig77 Florence, Italy, 107S-9, logg, 1334 Florence, Mass., 1456, isgs Florence, N. Y,, 246, 785, 891-3, 3006, 3473 Florence, O., isgs Floresville, Tex., 2264 Florida, Minn., 1550 Florida, State of, sgS, 546, 6si, 775, 838-9, g68-g, 1061, 1177, i77g, 31S7, 33i6 Florida Reefs, Fla., 1861 Florida Township, N. Y., 14s I Flowery Branch, Ga., S162 Floyd, N. Y., 671, 786, 831-2, 923, 1349, 1918 Floyd County, Ind., isSi Floyd County, la,, iigs Flushing, Mich., 586, 1345 Flushing, Netherlands, 1660, 1809 Flushing, N, Y., 466, 1085, 1531, 1761, 1768, 3454 Flushing, O,, 3306 Fluvanna County, Va., 1365, 3043, 3093-3, S14S-S, S198, 3417 Folsham, Eng., i7gi Folsomdale, N. Y., i7gs Fonda, N. Y., 733, 78g, 1541, 1888, 3368 Fonda's Bush, N. Y., 789-90 Fond du Lac, Wis., S95, 1303-3, 1405-6, 1513, 1580, 1635, 1765, 1800-1, 1883, sooS, 3370, S483 Fontana, Kan., 1309 Fontanelle, la., 1193 Footville, Wis., 1308 Ford, Eng., 467 Fordmore, Eng., sg4 Forest, Pa,, iS7g Forest City, 111., 1443 Forest City, Pa,, 1470 Forest Glen, N. B., ii7g Forest Hill, Kan,, 1405 Forest Port, N, Y., 1780 Forestville, Conn,, 1422-3, 1510, 1737 Forge, N. Y., 801 Forge Hollow, N, Y., 33go Fork Creek, Tenn. , 3086-7, 3ogi-3, 3138, 3138, 3141 Fork Union, Va., sogs-s, 3143-3, 3418 Forsyth, Ga., 2154-6 Forsyth County, Ga., S167 Fort Adams, Miss,, sigg Fort Ann, N. Y,, 44, 385-6, 7g4, 890-1, 1439-30, 30s6 Fort at Big Creek, Tenn., SIII Fort Atkinson, Wis., 742, 1380 Fort Bliss, Tex., 1740 Fort Brown, Tex., 1150 Fort Clark, Tex., S050 Fort Collins, CoL, 3466 Fort Collins, Neb., 1164-5 Fort Covington, N. Y., 484, loss ^ ^ Fort Cumberland, N. S., 1038 Fort Decatur, Ala., or Ga., 3114 Fort Delaware', Del., 3149 Fort Douglas, Utah, ii4g-so Fort Edward, N. Y., 1041, i486, 1558, 1638, i8i2, igsS Fort Gibson, Mo,, 2S07 Fort Good Hope, Hartford, Conn., 1837 Fort Hamilton, Utah, 1150 Fort Hawkins, Ga., 3113-13 Fort Hunter, N, Y., 78g Fort Independence, Mass,, 1070 Fort Jones, Cal., 718 Fort Laramie, Omaha, 1150 Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1 150, 1841 Fort Lee, N. J., 1603 Fort Lyon, Col., 1740 Fort Madison, la., iggs Fort Madison, S. C, 2060-8, 20S3-4 Fort Mason, Fla., 2138 Fort Meade, S. D., 2050 Fort Miller, N. Y., 388 Fort Missoula, Neb., igS6-7 Fort Monroe, Tex., 1150 Fort Monroe, Va., 435-6, 447, 689, 6g8, iSSi, 2271 Fort Myers, Fla., 1682-3, 1732, 1797 Fort Niagara, Utah, 1150 Forton Prison, Eng., 2337 Fort Orange, Holland, 1118 Fort Orange, N. Y., 4gs, 1736, 1775, i8og Fort Plain, N. Y., 1883 Fort Porter, N. Y., 1841 Fort Reno, Okla., isig-so Fortress Monroe, Va., 435-6, 447, 68g, 6g8, 1881, 3371 Fort Riley, Kan,, 1561 Fort Robinson, Neb,, 1576 Fort Saybrook, Conn,, 1151 Fort Schuyler, N. Y,, 1471 Fort Scott, Kan., go4, gis, 1265, 3501 Fort Sidney, Tex., 1150 Fort Sill, Okla, Ter., isig Fort Snelling, Minn., 1307 Fort Stanton, N. M,, 1759 Fortuna, Cal . , 1939 Fort Wadsworth, Utah, 1150 Fort Wayne, Ind., 601, 619, 1327-8, 1378, 1304-5, 1731, 1853, 1967, 2313 Fort Wayne, Mich., 1740 Fort Whipple, Ariz., 1843 Fort William. N. H„ 1448 Fort Worth, Tex., 3136-7, 2331 Fort Wrangle, Alaska, 2502 Foster, R. I., 788, isgS, 1447 Foster Brook, Pa., 1407 Fostoria, O., 1164 Foulsham, Eng., i7gi Fountain County, la,, 600 Fountain Head, Tenn., 1957- Fountain House, Cal., igsg Fowler, N. Y., 728-g, 1043, 1438, ig38, 22S7, 3502-3 INDEX OF PLACES. 2849 Fowlerville, Mich., 1898 Foxboro, Mass., 159, 333, Sig, 1799, 2474 Foxeants, Foxearth, Eng., 331 Fox Lake, Wis., 703-4, i4og, ig37, ssgg, 3455 Foxle, Eng., 1135 Foxley, Eng., gss Fox River, N. S., 575 Foxton, Eng., loSs Fraliesburgh, P. Q., 703, 1588 Framingham, Mass., 53, gs-8, isS, 358, 570-1, 648, 1371-3, 1463, isgs, 1916, 2476, 3484 Framlingham, Eng., 47g, 878 Frampton, Eng., 170, 348 France, Europe, 83, 85, gg, 355-6, 366, 385, 403, 487, 5og, 533, 672, 727, 747, 792, 831. 833, 877, 1018, 1030, 1068, 1076, 1108, 1151, 1400, 1458, i486, 1488, i4go, 1613, 1659, 1664, iSog, igi7, ig6o, ig7i, S034, 21 I I, 2176, 2ssg, 3368, 3337, 2470, 2484 France isle, Indian Ocean, 1604 Francestown, N, H., 353, 1287 Franconia, N. H., 1255-6 Frankfort, 111., g34-6, 1685-6, i6g2-4 Frankfort, Ind., 1416 Frankfort, la., 64g, 1302 Frankfort, Ky., 1115, 1630, igSi, ssSg Frankfort, Me,, 1153, 1842 Frankfort, Mich., 1537 Frankfort, N. Y., 1592-3, 1735, 2276 Frankfort, Pa., 450 Frankfort, Va., 1333 Frankfort Station, 111., 936, 1693 Franklin, Conn,, 353, 774, 136s, 1577, 1592, i6g5, 1805, 1808, 34S1 Franklin, Ga., 3071 Franklin, Ind., 70s Franklin, la., 1243 Franklin, Ky., 2i3g-4i Franklin, Mass., 126, 159-60, 246, 333-4, 339, 355, 387, 544-6, 595, 816, Sso, 895-6, 917, logo-i, is6g, 1560, ig8o, 2313, 2478 Franklin, N, H,, 746, i699, 1700 Franklin, N. J,, ggS Franklin, N. Y., 401, 680, 684, 802-3, gs4, i2g8, 1495, i538, 1657, 1687-S, i6gi, 3047-8 Franklin, O., 1380, 1575-6, 1641-2, 1836-7, 2S7g Franklin, Pa., 1410 Franklin, Tenn., 3156 Franklin, Vt,, 701, 846-7, 1426. 1588-g, igos Franklin, Wis., 855 „ ^ Franklin Center, Vt., 846 Franklin County, Ga., sosS-g, 2077-g, 30S3-4, 2ogg, 2101-7, 3113-15, 2118, 3isg-6i, 3166-8 Franklin County, 111., 1864-5, ' ' Franklin County, Ind., 3213 Franklin County, la., 8g6 Franklin County, Mass., 650, Frinklin County, Mo., igSi Franklin County, N. Y., 1380 Franklin County, Pa., 2028 Franklin County, Vt., 1587, 2458 179 Franklin County, Va., 3174 Franklin Depot, N. Y., 1546 Franklin Grove, III., 1333 Franklinton, N. Y., 480, 801-3, 1544-5, T978 Franklinton Township, N. Y., 480 Franklinton Township, Pa., 104S, 167 I Franklin Village, N. H., i6g9 Franklinville, 111., 1678 Franklinville, N. Y., 551, 1037, 1133, ISIS, 1638 Fraser, Mich., 1983 Fraser's, 111., 3313 Frederica, Del., 1603 Frederick, Md., 533, 1355, SS05, 3480 Frederick, S. D., isis Frederick County, Md., 398, gig-20 Frederick County, Va., ssos, 2335-6 Fredericks Borough, N. Y., 617 Fredericksburg, Va., 634, 706, g43, 1061-3, i66g-7o, 3111, 2159 Fredericksburg battle, Va., 706, g4S, 1061-3, SIII, 3i5g Frederickton, N. B,, 304, 571, 1846 Fredoiiia, N. Y., 806, 1553, 1996-7 Fredonia, Wis., isgs, 1878 Fredville, Eng., 48g Freeborn County, Minn., i38g Freedom, Me., 1336 Freedom, N. Y., 8gi, 1410, 1578, 1638, igSg Freedom, O., 747 Freedom, Pa., 3005 Freedom Township, Mo., 1937 Freehold, N. J., i7g9, 1837 Freehold, N, Y., 675 Freeman, Me., 416, g36 Freeman Run, Pa., iigi Freeport, 111., i4sg, 1686 Freeport, la., 1864 Freeport, Me., 836, g4g, 1601, 1917 Freeport, N. S,, 117s Freeport, O., 1S77 Freetown, Mass., 54, 95, 300-4, 443-6, 8so-i, 985-6, 1561, 3363, 3481 Freeville, N, Y., 796, 1538 Fremont, Mich., 550, isgs Fremont, Minn., is6s Fremont, Neb., 1053, 3307 Fremont, O., 57g-8i, 1145. 1185-8, iig4-s, 1S73-5, 1511, 1848, 1877-8, i8g7 French Creek, N. Y., 804-6, 1553, S4g6 French Creek, Pa., 1338 Freseley, Eng., 1664 Friendship, Me., 1861 Friendship, N. Y., 773, gss, 123S, i6gs Friendship, Wis., 1302, 1882 Friend's Meeting House, Pa., 204s Friend's settlement, N. Y., 2322 frigate *' Confederacy," off Capes of Virginia, 2268-g, 2328 Frimley, Eng,, 872, i3is, 1035 Frio, Tex., 1865 Frio County, Tex., 1865 Frisbye, Eng., 478, 1664 Fritham Lodge, Eng., 1038, 1746 . Frith House, Eng., 57 Frith of Edenborough, Britain, g Frizzellburg, Md., giS Frolibay, Eng., g40 Frome, Eng., 7ig, 1636 Frondheim, Norway, 3304 Front Royal, Va., is6o Frost, O., 3oog-io * Frostburgh, Md., 304s Frothingham, Eng., 146 Fryeburg, Me., I4g7, 1500, 2485 Frymgton, Eng., 1741 Frystone, Eng., 477 Fuddletown, N. Y., 577 Fullbrook, Eng., 1316 Fullertown, O., 1578 Fulton, 111., 813-1S Fulton, Ind., 1364 Fulton, la., 586 Fulton, N. Y., 383, 505, 1131, 1543-4, 165s, 1677, 33ig Fulton City, IU., 1854 Fulton County, 111,, 587, iig4 Fulton County, N. Y., 855, 141S Fulton County, O., gii Fultonham, N, Y,, ssig Fulwell Hache Heath, Eng., no Furnace Village, Mass., 8si Gaddesby, Eng., 478 Gadsden, Ala,, 3145-6 Gads Hill, Mo., 1618 Gageborough, Mass., 180, 391, 2330 Gaillard Chateau, Normandy, 686 Gaines, Mich., i6s6 Gaines, N. Y., 1633, 1811, 3045 Gaines, Pa., 1333 Gainesborough, Ont., 1675 Gainesborough, Tenn., 1865 Gainesville, Ala., iioi Gainesville, Fla., 1485 Gainesville, Ga., 1622-3, 2083 Gainesville, N. Y., 690, 1536-7, 1934 Gainesville, Tex., 3135, 3178 Gains Park, Eng. , 493 Galatine, Mo., 1331 Galbraith's Springs, Tenn., S170-1 Galdon Manor, Eng., 1060 Gale, Wis., S031 Galen, N. Y,, 895 Galena, III,, 383, 677, 1811, ig68, 2301 Galena, Kan., 1341 Galena, Mo., 799 Galena, O,, 755 Galesborough, N. C, 1043 Galesburg, III., 339, 537, 684. 1373, i43g, 1446, isgs, sog6, 3365 Galesville, III., 1373 Galesvjlle, Ore., 730, 1438 Gallon, O., 1515-16, 1751, ig67 Gallia, O., 1637 Gallia County, O., ngg, 1637 Gallipolis, O., ngg, sosS Galveston, Tex., g43, 1043, 1444-5, 1909, 1945, 211S, 2134-5, 2147-8, 2163, S173, 3300-3, 2331-3, 3368-g, 3313 Galway, N. Y., 153, sgi, 1343* 1933 Galway County, Ireland, 3357 Gamaliel, Ky., 1864, 3331 Gambier, O., 1763 2850 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Gansevoort, N. Y., 2494 Garden Prairie, 111.,. 842, 1650 Gardiner, Me., 977 Gardiner's Island, N. Y., 1075, 1118, 1151 Gardner, Kan., 1704 Gardner, Mass., 132 Gardner's Lake, Conn., 2323 Gardnersville, N. Y., 1351 Garfield, Kan., 1854 Garioch Chapel, Scotland, 1746 Garland, Me., 968, 1707 Garner, Tex., 2106 Garnett, Kan., 1136, 1218-19, 1303. 1592-3, 1628 Garnett, Ky., 2101 Garratsville, N. Y., 1925 Garrett, Ind., 1764 Garrettsville, O., 1146 Garrison Hill, Mass., 543 Garrison's, N. Y., 1765, 1980-1 Garthewin, Wales, 2415 Garthmeilo, Wales, 2415 Gartlett, Scotland, 1109 Garvald Parish, Scotland, 1092 Garvock, Scotland, 1081 Garwood, N. Y., 1234-5 Gary, S. D., 1556 Gaspereaux, N. S., 253, 556, 566, 571, 574. 775-6. 1167-8, 1507, 1844 Gaspereaux Mountain, N. S., 571 Gasthorp, Eng., 1999 Gates, N. Y., 1307, 1371-2. 1916 Gateshead, Eng., 1742 Gay Head, Mass., 434, 961 Gay Head, N. Y., 1682 Gay Head Light House, Mass., 1723 Gayton, Eng., 105 Geauga, O., 1138 Geauga County, O., 653-7, 1138, 1313. 2278. 2326, 2328 Geddes, N. Y., 1627, 2021 Genesee, N. Y., 532 Genesee, Wis., 725-6, I434> 1490- 1 Genesee County, Mich., 1353 Genesee County, N. Y., 218, 486, 532, 690, 720, 800, 831-3, 1072, 1160-1, 1342, 1749, 2306, 2465 Genesee Valley, N. Y., 1611, 2459 Geneseo, 111., 1673, 1751. 2304 Geneseo, la., 1420 Geneseo, N. Y., 241, 255, 317, 529, 581-3, 707-8, 794-7, 1046, 1054, 1072-4, 1533, 1543. 161 1. 1835. 1878 Geneva, 111., 1333, 1413 Geneva, Mich., 1626 Geneva, N. Y., 511-12, 799, 1104-9, 1214, 1505-6, 1653-6, 1682-3, 1803, 1818-19, 2316-17, 2319-20, 2322 Geneva, O., 683, 1301, 1338, 1515, 2279, 2284 Geneva, Switz., 1529-30, 1862, 1797-8, 2259, 2489 Geneva, Wis., 1138, 1834-S Geneva Lake, Wis., 685, 1833-4 Genoa, 111., 1346, 1655 Genoa, Italy, 1063, 1273, 1325 Genoa, Neb., 1764 Genoa Junction, Wis., 1694 Gentryville, Mo., 2125 George Lake, N. Y., 179, 1911 George Messenger's Planta tion, Miss., 2018 George's Banks, Me., 1723 George's River, Maine Dis trict, 505 Georgetown, Col., 620 Georgetown, D. C, 1059-60, 1080, 1925, 2096, 2313, 2330 Georgetown, Idaho, 1336 Georgetown, Ky., 2023 Georgetown, N. Y., 1472, 1536 Georgetown, O., 1116 Georgetown, S. C, 2218 Georgetown, Tenn., 2186 Georgeville, P. Q., 709 Georgia, Ind., 193S Georgia, State of, 156, 298, 481, 523, 1422, i486, 1776, 1953, 2058-9, 2076-9, 2083-4, 209s, 2099, 2107, 2113, 2116, 2121, 2135-6, 2142, 2163, 2176, 2219, 2222, 2458 Georgia, Vt., 349, 845-6, 1083-4, 1377, 1585-8, 1918-19 Georgiana, Ala., 2117 Gerlingham, Eng., 1074 German, N. Y., 200-1, 440, 1717 German Creek, Tenn., 2194 German Ocean, 12 Germantown, N. Y., 536 Germantown, O., 640, 1266, 1871 Germantown, Pa., 1089, 1413, 1709, 1765, 1804-S, 19S2, 2029-30 Germantown, Wis., 766 German Township, N. Y., 440 Germany, Europe, 160, 493, 536, 851-2, 914, 974, 997, 1030, 1060, 1089, I 108, 1337, 1388, 1400, 1635, 1660, 1812-13, 1964, 1969, 2028-9, 2039, 2171, 2190, 2213, 2223, 2439 Gerry, N. Y., 600 Gettysburg, Pa., 928, 981, 1671, 1768, 1920, 2108 Gettysburg battle. Pa., 92S, 981, 1920, 2108 Geyserville, Cal., 2208 Ghent, Flanders, 2419 Ghent, N. Y., 1409, 2323 Ghent, O., 1921 Ghent Blunt, 111., 927 Ghestborough, Ghigesburgh, Cleveland, Eng., 8-17, 1108, 2223-7, 2415 Gibraltar, Europe, 217, 480-1, 1745 Gibson County, Ind., 2101, 2158, 2212-14 Giddings, O., 1900 Gilbert's Place, Eng., 387 Gilbertsville, N. Y., 990, 1828 Gilbertville, Mass., 1236, 1S59 Gilderstone, Eng., 60 Giles County, Tenn., 2070, 2094, 2196 Gill, Mass., 665, 1253 Gillespie, Kan., 1352 Gillett, Pa., 1690 Gillett's Station, Pa., 1137 Gillingham, Eng., 477-8, 1074 Gilman, 111., 1379-80, 1555 Gilman, Tex., 1458 Gilmanton, N. H., 746, 1550 Gilmer County, Ga., 2160 Gilmer County, W. Va., 2143-4 Gilmore, Tex., 2106 Gilroy, Cal., 1635, 1678, 2023, 2278 Gilsborough, Eng., 105 Gilsum, N. H., 630 Girard, Ala., 1622 Girard, 111., 1447 Girard, O., 382-4, 886-7, 1624 Girard, Pa., 691, 1630 Girsby, Eng., 493 Gisborne, Gisborough, .Eng., 8-17, 1108, 2223-7, 2415. Gisborough Abbey, Gisbor ough Monastery, Eng., 9, 10, 14, 15, 1108, 2225-7 Gisborough Parish, Cleve land, Eng., 12 Gisborough Priory, Eng., 9, 10, 14, 15, 1108, 2225-7 Gisbourne, Gisburgh, Gis- burghe, Eng., 8-17, 1108, 2223-7, 241S Gisburgh Priory, Eng., 9, 10, 14, 15,, 1108, 2225-7 Gisburne, Giseburn, Gise burne, Eng., 8-17, 1108, 2223-7, 2415 Giseburne Priory, Eng., 9, 10, 14, 15, 1108, 2225-7 Glade, Pa., 2269 Glade Spring, Va., 2173 Glamorganshire, South Wales, 514, 2045, 2218 Glantin Temple, Limerick, Ireland, 1419 Glanusk Park, South Wales, 2034 Glasford, 111., 587 Glasgo, Conn., 443 Glasgow, Scotland, 697, 1092, 1119, 1204, 1315, 1745, 1985. 1989-90, 2038, 2190, 2258, 2279 Glassenbury, Eng., 233 Glastonbury, Conn., 781, 991, 1041-2, 1069, 1105, 1312, 1372, 1485, 1592, 2300 Glastonbury, Eng., 473, 770, 1041 Glenbervie, Scotland, 687 Glen Cove, N. Y., 917, 1565, 1768, 2139-41 Glendale, Mich., 2006 Glendale, O., 1116, 1677, 1817 Glendale, Ont., 2298 Glen Elden, Kan., 1858 Glenn Springs, S. C, 2190 Glenny, Scotland, 1745 Glenora, N. Y., 1683 Glens Falls, N. Y., 442, 982-4, 1328, 1394-5. 1430. 1491. 1819, I9S7-8, 2305, 2332 Glenville, Ala., 939 Glenville, Conn., 2454 Glenville, N. Y., 1329 Glenville, C, 831 Glenville, S. C, 1380 Glenwood,. Ia., 649, 1866 Glenwood, Utah, 1337 Glidden, Wis., 1989 Gloucester, Eng., 162, 26s, 490, 493, 540, 1081, 1316 Gloucester, Mass., 171-5, 210, 232, 361-2, 365, 497, 514, 540. 566, 628-9, 687, 743, 873, 878, 943, 1386, 1470, 1524, 1600, 2273 Gloucester, R. I., 215 Gloucester County, N. J., 1736 ^ Gloucester County, New York Province, 144-5 Gloucester County, Va., 2336 Gloucestershire, Eng., 162, 341, 489, 914, 1083, 1497, 1644, 1674, 1792, 1999 Glover, Vt., 690, 1205-6, 1269. 1273, 1386 INDEX OF PLACES. 2851 Gloversville, N. Y,, 773, ^ IS4I-4 Glyndon, Minn,, 8g8 Glynn County, Ga., 1777 Gobleville, Mich., 5S5, isgi Godfrey, 111., 3386 Goemoenma (Communi paw), N. J., 1033, 3503 Goffstown, N. H., 1363, ig48 Golden City, Cal., 833 Golden City, Mo., 1333, 3126, 21S6 " Golden Gate " steamer, Mississippi River, 3433 Gold HiU, Nev., 1444-5 Goldington, Eng., 1083 Goldsworthy, Eng., 830 Goldthwaite, Tex., 2033-4 Goliad, Tex., sogs Gonzales, Tex,, i7g8 Goochland County, Va,, 3175 Goodell, 111., 1387 Good Hope cape, Africa, 334 Goosepond district, Ga., 2210 Goquack Lake, Mich., igo4 Gorbals of Glasgow, Scot land, logs Gorham, Me., 864-6, 1180 Gorham, N. H., 1462 Gorham, N. Y., 116-17, 238, 531-3, 912-14, 1506, 1663 Gorleston, Eng., 3469 Gorran, Eng., 1660 Gorran, France, isio Gosberton, Eng., 89 Gosfield, Ont., 1674 Goshen, Conn., 548, 626, 662, IISI, 1147, 1161, isoS-g, 1324, 1663, 1831-3, iggs Goshen, Ga., 3076 Goshen, Ind., 1465, 1485, 1853-4 Goshen, Mass., 6s6, g65, 1196, 1237, 15665" 1644, 1S89 Goshen, N. J., 615 Goshen, N. Y., 46g-7i, 876, 1017, 1S40-1, isgo, i6i3 Goshen, Pa., i63g Gosport, Eng., 8g Gosport, Va., 107s Gothland, Sweden, 1108 Gottingen, Germany, 1104 Gouldesworth, Eng., 830 Gouldsboro, Me., 544 Gouverneur, N. Y., 7g6-7, 1137, 1540-1, S503 Gowdeysville, S. C, siss-s 'Gowen, Mich., gs4 Gower, Wales, 715 Gower Wallicana, Wales, 715 Goxhill, Eng., 493 Gracechinchstral, Eng., 3345 Grade's Point, N. Y., 1767 Greece Roman Empire, Europe, 3176 Grafton, III., igi8, 2051-2 Grafton, Mass., 45, 126, 2s6-g, 268, 596, 733-4, 817, 1449, 2334, 2475 Grafton, N. H., 888, 1303, 1608, i6ig, 1777, 2332 Grafton, O,, 681, g64-5, "65, 2458-68, 2503 Grafton, Vt., iszg Grafton Center, O,, 2459 Grafton County, N. H,, 1262, 2385 Grafton Township, O., 1165 Grainger County, Tenn., 3o88-go, S133, sigs, ssso Granbury, Tex., 3106, 3166-7 Granby, Conn., gis, 1036, 1043, 1146, i3o8-g, ISIS, 1447, 1850, 2317 Granby, Mass., 6si-s, 1333, 1436 Granby, P. Q,, 70s, 718, 1464 Granby, Vt., 146s Grand Blanc, Mich., 1307 Grand Cane, La., s3ig Grand Detour, 111., 355 Grand Gulf, Miss., 450, 141S Grand Haven, Mich., 1646 Grand Island, Neb., 748, 833, 1570 Grand Island, N. Y., 1087 Grand Isle, Vt., 387, 8g7, 3358-60 Grand Junction, la., 1442-3 Grand Junction, Mich., 1636 Grand Lodge, Mich., i6ss Grand Pre, N. S., 350, ii6g Grand Rapids, Mich., si, 46, 311, 431, 6so, 1064, iiii, isSo, i2g6, 1353, 1434, 1439, 1476-8, SS65, 2272, 2276, 23S0, 3330-1, 2333. 2455 Grand Rapids, Minn., 3503 Grand Rapids, O., 2272-3 Grand Rapids, Wis., igSg Grand Ridge, 111., 1634 Grand River, la., 1678 Grandstom, 111., 1444 Grand Tower, III., 1555 Grand Traverse City, Mich., 927 Grange, Scotland, 3175 Granger, Minn., 1851 Granger, O., 1045-7, 1441-2, 1488 Granite Village, N. S., 561 Grant, W. Va., son Grant County, Ky., 2151 Grantham, Eng., 417, g57 Grantham, N, H., 1286 Granville, 111., i4gi Granville, Mass., 246, 54S, 686, 1371-4, i92g-30 Granville, N. Y., 263, 599, 617-18, 758-g, 8go-i, 98s, ISOO, I303-S, ISS0-4, isgi , i37g, 1484-6, I5S4) 1542, 1579 Granville, N. $,, 775 Granville, O., 933, 1198, isss, 1473 Granville, Pa., 1690 Granville, Vt., 735, 937, 1305, J sog, 1466, 1948 Granville County, N. C, 1325 Grape Vine, Tex., 3154 Grass Lake, Mich., 1635 Grass Valley, Cal., 1384, 1678, 1754, 1794-6, 2372 Gravesend, Eng., 466, 1664, 1953, 2336, 3416 Gravesend, Greater N. Y., i8s7, 1857-8 Graveston, Tenn., soSg Gray, Me,, isgg Gray's Inn, Eng,, 3303 Grayson, Va., 2171 Grayson County, Tex,, 3109, 3165 Grayson County, Va., 1437, 3045 Grayville, III., 3338 Great Baddow, Eng., 1133 Great Badworth, Eng., 400 Great Barrington, Eng., 394 Great Barrington, Mass., 137, 671, I1S3, 1148, 1313, 1734, 2310, 3315-18 Great Bend, Kan., 1330, 1553 Great Britain, Europe, 495, 5sS, 1451, 1799, 1837, 1988, 3430 Great Ellingham, Eng., 87 Greater N6w York, N. Y., 1393 Great jMilton, Eng., 394 Great Neck, N. Y., 1761 Great Powton, Eng., 1660, 1714 Great Saint Albans, Eng., 494, 1809 Great Torrington, Eng., 1Q30 Great Valley, N. Y., 551, 603, 1162 Great Valley, Pa., 161 1 Great Village, N. S., 1846 Great Yarmouth, Eng., 388, 3351, 3452 Great Yeldham, Eng., 349 Greece, N. Y., 1306 Greeley, Col,, S145 Greeley, Kan., 1S17, I5g3 Greeley County, Neb., igsg Green, Pa., 1553 Green Bay, Wis., 61S, g54, 1131, 1335, 1464, 1533, 3S66 Green Bay Country, U. S., 747 Greenbrier County, Va., igSs Greenbrier County, W. Va., 905, 1985 Greenburgh, N. Y., 731 GreenbusH, Mich., ig4g-So, 3045 Greenbush, N. Y., 757, 1036, 1541, igSs Greenbush, Wis., 1343, 1635, 1SS3 Greenbush Heights, N. Y., I 106-8 Greencastle, Ind., 3057 Greencastle, Pa., 381 Green County, Wis., 415, 946, 953, 1712, 1S70 Green Creek, O., 354-5, 1053-3 Green Creek Township, O . , 57g-8o, I 185-7, 1848 Greene, la., 844 Greene, N. Y., 1130, 1471, 1654-5 Greene, O., 1313 Greene County, Ala., ig55-7 Greene County, 111., 3385 Greene County, Ind., 1435, 1937 Greene County, N. Y., 673, 1400, i7gs Greene County O., 640, 677-8, 1367, 1333 Greenfield, 111., i6s8 Greenfield, Ind,, 1378-g Greenfield, Mass., 471, 703, iigS, 1347, 1358, 130S, 1535, 1666, 1733, 2269, 2494 Greenfield, N. Y., 147-8, 3g6-7, 333, 676, 788-go, 3356 Greenfield, O., 584-5, ngs, 1610, 3003 Greenfield Center, O., i igs Green Hill, Ind., iSSs Green Island, Wis., 33615 Green Lake, Wis., 181 1, 1989 Green Lake County, W^is., 533, 536 Greenland, N. H,, 813 Greenland, O., 1316 Green Mountains, Vt., 617 Green Oak, Mich., 7gg, 1333 Greenock, Scotland, 1093, 1740-S, 1746 Green Point, N. Y., 1766, 2253 Greenport, N. Y., 1036-7, 2451-3 Green River, N. Y., 1593 Green River, Wyo., 722, 3501 Greensborough, Ga., 1953-3 Greensborough, N. C, 3i6g Greensboro, Vt.,- 1304, 1411 2852 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Greensburgh, Ind., IS67 Green's Farms, Conn,, 1773 Green's Fork, Ind., igsS Green Spring, O., 581, 1186-8 Green Spring Plantation, Va., 1347 Green Township, Ind., 1663 Greenup County, Ky., iS6g Green Valley, 111., 144S-3 Greenview, 111., 707,, 1417 Greenville, Conn., isg6, 1S08 Greenville, Ga. , 3331 Greenville, Mich., 616, 1056, ISSS, ^263, 2013 Greenville, N. J., gs7 Greenville, N. Y., 675, i355, I Sog Greenville, O., 1873, 3480 Greenville, Pa., 3488 Greenville, S. C, 1380-1, so8s-gi, siig-sg, 3i7g-85, sigo, 3316-18 Greenville, Vt., isos Greenville County, S. C, S278 Greenway, Va., 1151 Greenwich, Conn., 135, 1085, 1331, 1340, 3454 Greenwich, Eng., sSo Greenwich, Mass., 370, 633-6, I2SS, i34g-5i, 1880, 3308, S4gs Greenwich, N. Y., 76g Greenwich, N. S,, 34g, 353-3, 555-8, 56g-7o, 574, "65, 1168, 1 173, 1844-6 Greenwich, O., i3gs, 1877, 1947 Greenwich, R. I., 151-3, 308, 741, 752-3, 986, 1458, 1474-5, 1563, 1644, 1798, 3333, 3335 Greenwich Hill, N. S., 351 Greenwich Plains, Mass., 635 Greenwich Ridge, N. S., S4g, 556 Greenwich Station, Mass., 635 Greenwich Village, Mass., IS51 Greenwood, Pa., iSgg Greig, N. Y., 68s, 1364 Gretworth, Eng., SS03 Grey's Inn, Eng., ssos Griffin, Ga., sisg-41, 3156, SI 73, ssog Griggsville, III,, 663, 808-9, 1350-1, 1554-5 Grimes County, Tex., si66, ssoS Grimsby, Ont., iiso Grimstead, Eng., isi Grindon, Eng., 856 Grindstone Isle, N. Y., 1043-3 Grinkle, Eng., 13 Grisby, Eng., 490 Griswold, Conn., 3g3-3, 3sg-6o, 443, 786, 881, 886, ig44 Grosmont Bridge, Eng., 12 Grosse Point, Mich., 1341 Groton, Conn., 171-S, 305, sgs, 605-6, 652, 774, gi6-i7, g40, ggi, mg, 1611-is, 1830 Groton, Eng., 365 Groton, Mass., 138, 316, 341, 409, 533, 633, 1S03, 1607, 1696, 1767, 1813, 1839, 1919, 3000, 2437 Groton, N. H., 1867 Groton, O., 588, 1053, iig3-4 Groton, Vt., 1385 Groton Center, O,, 1187, 1S77 Grove, Ireland, 333 Grove, N. Y., 636-7, 725-6, 1334-5, 1SS9 Groveland, 111., 1551, 1753 Groveland, N. Y., 355, 581-3, 597, 187S Grove Lawn, Conn., igsg Groveport, O., S4gg Grundsberg, Eng., 364 Grundy County, 111., ig6i Guanajuato, Mex., 408 Guernhayled, Eng., 3335 Guernsey, G. B,, 1660 Guernsey County, O., g47 Guernsey Isle, English Channel, 505, 1660 Guestborough, Eng., 8-17, 1108, 2223-7, 2415 Guilford, Conn., sso, 503-4, 784, 797, 1031, 1041, 1070, II34, 1147-8, 1151, ISII, 1513, 1633, I7g7, 1814, 1833, igis, 3033, 3036, 3050, 3360, 3457 Guilford, Eng., 467, 1317 Guilford, Ind., 1637 Guilford, N. H., 1600 Guilford, N. Y., 158, 1044-5, 1547 Guilford, O., 766, 1501 Guilford, Vt., 633, 706, nog, 1666, 3378 Guilford County, N. C, sioS, 2144 Guisborough, Eng., 8-17, iioS, 3333-7, 2415 Guisborough Priory, Eng., g, 10, 14, IS, 1 108, SS25-7 Gulf Stream, U. S., g4S Gulick, N. Y., 1344-5 Gulph, N. D., 1313 Gunnison, Col., isgs Gunnison, Utah, 1337 Guyandotte, Va., W. Va., sgg, 3478, 3480 Guyaquil, Equador, 1988 Guysboro, N. S., 561 Gwedir, Wales, 3415, 3419 Gwinnett County, Ga., S141 Gwydir, Gwydyr, Wales, 3415, 34ig Gysbrough, Gysburgh, Gys- burna, Gysburne, Gyse- burne, Eng., 8-17, 1108, SS2S-7, 3415 Habersham County, Ga., soSs, sogg, 3113-15, 3153, 2167, 3 173, sig6 Hache, Eng., sssg Hackensack, N. J,, 308, 4S3-g, ggS-ioo6, 1011-13, loso, 1347, 1733-S, 1997, 2419 Hackettstown, N. J., 1479 Hackford, Eng,, i7g3 Hackney, Eng., 1613, 1867, 346g Haddam, Conn., 60, 108-18, iss-s, S17-18, 337-33, 380, 5sS-g, 1041, 1357, isog, 1578, 1743, i746b-7, iSsg, sssg, 3333, 3483 Haddam Neck, Conn,, 104s Haddington, Scotland, logs, 1743 Haddock, Ga,, 3474 Haddon, Eng,, 540 Haddon Township, Ind,, 1435 Hadeh, Idaho, igs3 Hadley, Conn., Ssg Hadley, 111., igos Hadley, Mass., 66, log-io, 370, 478-g, 505, 60s, 631-S, 651-S, 7g7, 831, Sgg, 910, 1045, 1306, 1395, 1496, 1519, 1566, 1640, 1673, 1743, 1866, 1915, ig3g-3o, ig7o, 3013-14, 3371, 3465 Fladley, Mich., 1878 Hadley, N. Y., 728-9 Hadlyme, Conn., 477-9, I370» 1838 Haerlem, Holland, 1760, 1819 Flagadorn Hollow, N. Y., 1528 Hagerstown, Md., 533, ii93, 1381, 1341, 1871 Hague, Holland, 1744 Hague, N. Y., ig33-3 Hainesville, 111., 262, 614, 1387 Hainesville, Wis., 3334 Halbeck Woodhouse, Eng., 1613 Halberstadt, Germany, 1744 Half Moon, N, Y., 40S-3, 406, gs7, 3384, 3300 Halfway, Ark., 3166 Halifax, Eng., 57, 533 Halifax, N. S., 104-5, 108-16, 134, 214-1S, 257, 361, 473:4, 561-3, 569, 572, 1038-40, 1057, 1168, 1171-4, 1178, iiSl, i743-6b, 1833, 2249-50, SSSS, 3307, S314, 3488 Halifax, Va., igis Halifax County, Va., 1747 Hall County, Ga., 2141 Halle, Saxony, 687 Hall Hill, Scotland, 663 Hallow-bien, Eng,, 1613 Hallowell, Me., 1173, 1554 Hallsville, N. Y., 1543 Halsey Parish, Eng., igos Halstead, Eng., Soo, 1741, i8og Hamblen County, Temi., 3170-1 Hambleton, Eng., 2175 Hamblin, Conn., 1520 Hamburg, Germany, 1756 Hamburgh, la., 1369, 2016-17, 241S, 3501 Hamburgh, N. Y., 585, isg6, 1936 Hamburgh, S. C, 1482-3 Hamden, N. Y., 684 Hamden Plains, Conn., 1556-7 Hamelward, Holland, 1831 Hamersby Fork, Pa., iigz Hamer's Corners, O., 577 Hamilton, Can,, 1731 Hamilton, Mass., 1077 Hamilton, N. Y., 247-8, 480, 550-3, 666, 1043, iis6, 1131, I33S-8, 1472, 1792, 1892, 3483 Hamilton, O., 1337 Hamilton, Ont., 403, 534-5, gsi, 3347-8, ssgo Hamilton, Tenn., si6g Hamilton Castle, Scotland, 2175 Hamilton County, O,, 640, 1872-3 Hamilton County, Tenn., 3is8, si6g Hamilton Park, Conn., iiSi Hamlet, Mass., 1077 Hamlet, O., 1116 Hammersmith, Eng., 1 179, 1814 Hammond, Ind., 1439, igsi Hammond, Pa., isg7 Hamrnondsport, N. Y., 314, 775 Hammondsport Village, N. Y., 775 Hampden, Eng., 1136 Hampden, Me., 1153, 1842 Hampden, Mass., 543-3, 6s6, i3sg-30, 1SS7-9 Hampden, N. Y., 346s Hampden, O., 534 Hampshire, Eng., 264, 348, 758, 856, 1083, 1746, 2245, 2469 Hampshire, 111., 1400, 1498 Hampshire County, Mass., 395, 2308, 2314 Hampton, Conn., 143, 149, 267, 301, 346, 353, 387, 734-9, 787, 841, 850, IIOO, 1450-6, 1525, 1591. 1916, 2328 Hampton, la., 896 Hampton, N. B., 1508 Hampton, N. H., 246, 328, 428, 496, 735, 744, 810, 813, 877, 1204, 1253, 1263, 1430-2, 1603, 1792, 1867, 1890, 1917, 1930, 2469 Hampton, N. Y., 147-8, 296-8, 723-6, 1932-3. 1936 Hampton, Vt., 299 Hampton, Va., 918, 1421, 1566, 1607, 1722, 1925, 2204 Hampton Court, Eng., 1464 Hampton Falls, N. H., 221, 2423, 2468-9 Hampton Flat, N. Y., 723 Hampton Gay, Eng., 830 Hampton Hill, Conn., 1456 Hampton Roads, Va., 2279 Hampton Village, N. Y., '^79 ^ Hanau, Germany, 1814-15 Hanau Munzenburg, Ger many, 1815 Hancock, 111., 1654 Hancock, N. H., 894, 1919 Hancock, N. Y., 621 Hahcock, Vt., 306, 1621, 16S3 Handale Abbey, Eng., 13 Handsboro, Miss., 2266 Hankelow, Eng., 2045 Hankow, China, 2455 Hannahatchee, Ga., 2160-1 Hannibal, Mo., 917 Hannibal, N. Y., 323, 3S6, ¦612, 753, 763, 793, 890, 923, 1217-18, 1388, 1476, 1626, 1656 Hannibal Center, N. Y., 612 Hanover, Ala., 2117 Hanover, Conn., 45, 1089-90 Hanover, Germany, 1615 Hanover, 111., 283 Hanover, Mass., 2485 Hanover, N. H., 171-5, 362-4, 385, 638-9, 688-91, 874-7. 1621, 1833, 2334 Hanover, N. J., 1018 Hanover, N. Y., 1292 Hanover, Pa., 128, 381, 666, 1669, 2261 Hanover County, Va., 1366, 1957 Hanover Court House, Va., 1 183, 1957 ^ Hanoverton, O., 2303 Hanover Township, Pa., 1576 Hanson, Mass., 204 Hanson, O., 2499 Hants County, Eng., 264, 348, 758, 1083, 1746, 2245, 2469 Hants Green, Eng., 2460 Hantsport, N. S., 1178 Haralson County, Ga., 1483 Harbour Creek, Pa., 1604-6, Hardeman County, Tenn., 2108-9 Hardin City, la., 956 Hardin County, la., 1307 Hardin County, O., 554 Harding, 111., 16S0 Hardingham, Eng., 1996 Hardjngville, N. B., 1171 INDEX OF PLACES. Hardin Hill, N. Y., 585 Hardinsburg, Ky., 2147-8 Hardwick, Mass., 131-2, 268-71, 632-6, 665, 1245-8, 1248-52, 1299, 15S0, 1752, 1S57-60, 1880, 2313, 2492-3 Hardwick, N. Y,, 1334 Hardwick, Vt., 193, 648, 689-90, 1383-5 Hardwicke, Eng., 1830 Hardwick Furnace, Mass., 1247 Hardwoodmyres, Scotland, 1521 Hardy County, W. Va., 1299 Hardy's, N. Y., 1934 Harehatch, Eng., 2245 Harford, N. Y., 683, 1125, 1410, 1718 Harford, Pa., 851, 1592-3 Harford Mills, N. Y., 6S3 Harlan, la., 535, 1145. Harlan County, Neb., 1414 Harlem, Holland, 1760, 1819 Harlem, N. Y., 739, 1736, 1776, 1888-9, 1954, 2252 Harlingen, Holland, 45s Harmony, N. Y., 1548 Harmony, Wis., 1308 Harnett County, N. C, 2200 Harney, Md., 919-20, 1672 Harnsville, O., 1938 Harold, Dak., 1536 Harper, la., 1323, 1891 Harper, Kan., 1293 Harper's Ferry, Md., 480, 533 Harper's Ferry, W. Va., 684, 1141-2, 2149 Harpersfield, N. Y., 607, 671, 683-4, 1547 Harpersfield, O., 762, 1143, 1492-3, 1840 Harper's Station, O., 1872 Harrietstown, N. Y., 841, 1225 . Harrington Township, N. J., lOIS Harrisburg, N. Y., 1439 Harrisburg, Pa., .381, 883, 1286, 1893-4, 1920 Harrisburg, Va., 1777 Harrison, 111., 290, 704, 1340, 1410-12 Harrison, Mo., 2127 Harrison, N. J., 21, loio-ii, 1730-1 Harrison, Tenn., 2139 Harrison, Wis., 1988-90 Harrisonburgh, Va., 1547, 2143 Harrison County, Ky., 2073, 2095, 2097-2101, 2150-1, 2158, 2206, 2266-7, 2335-7 Harrison County, Va., 1659 Harrisville, N. Y., 1441, 1940 Harrodsburg, Ky., 1115, 1127, 1436, 1482-3, 1630, 1952-3, 1987, 2045 Hart, Mich., 1674 Hart County, Ga., 2101-3, 2107, 2159-60, 2163, 2167, 2209, 2217 Hartford, Conn., 45, 65-6, 70-1, 84, 87, 110, 117, 123, 182, 205, 215, 219, 232, 238, 264-6, 270, 293, 339, 359, 364, 380, 384, 394-5, 399, 475-9, 505-8, SII-12, 515-20, 532, 541, 554, 610, 622, 647, 652, 657-9, 676, 686-7, 715, 735-9. 765, 774. 780-1, 788, 797, 800, 830-4, 903, 910, 914, 918, 932, 960, 967, 982, 991-2, 1027-31, 2853 Hartford, Conn., cont'd, 1041-3, 1069, 1093-5, logg, 1 100, 1 104-10, 1116-17, 1 123-4, 1133, 1147-51, 1183-4, isii-is, issS, 1358-60, 1305, 1313-14, 1321-4, 1366-7, 1370-5, 13S4, 13S7, 1404, 1423-5, 1432, 1451-6, 1463, 1472, 1483, i48g, 1496, 1514, 1517, 1519, 1525-7, 1535, 1565-6, i56g-70, 1577, 1590, 1593-4, 1641, 1661-4, i66g, 1717-ig, 1736, 1741-2, 1760, 1775-6, i77g-So, 1803-8, iSis-is, 1836-7, 1847-g, 1858, iS6s, 1884, i8gi, igi5, ig24, igsg-30, ig44-6, ig6S-7o, ig87-8, 1997-g, 3013, 3033-5, 2040-3, S050, SI 17, 3355, 3S5g-68, 3371-3, 3S7S, 3377, ssSo, 3300, 3303, 3308, 3310, 2323. S337-S, SSS7, 3434, 3457, S482-3, 34gi, S4g8, 3503 Hartford, Mich., go4 Hartford, N. Y., 443-3, 533-4, 759, 800, g84, 1365, 1485-6, 1510, igsS Plartford, Vt., 641, 744, 879-80, isSo, 1617-1S, 1741, 1876, 3331 Hartford, Wis., 403-4, 1641 Hartford City, Ind., 3035-6 Hartford County, Conn,, 2308, 3336 Hartland, Conn,, 346, 659-60, 1514 Hartland, 111., 1834 Hartland, Mich., 1636 Hartland, N. Y., 707-8, 796-7, 134^, 1348, 1538, ig74 Hartland, Vt., 338, S07-10, 1355, i37g, 1555-6, i779, 1876 Hartourville, N, S., 1175 Hart's Grove, O.. i4sg, i6gs-3 Hartsheath, North Wales, 241 5 Hartsville, N. Y., 584-6, iigo-i Hartsville, S. C, 3318 Hartwell, Ga., igss, 207g, 3i6o, 2317 Hartwell, O., 1735-6 Hartwick, N. Y., 704, 1350, 1363, 1415 Harvard, 111,, 1833-4 Harvard, Mass., 772, i6g8 Harvey, N. B., 253, 573, 1166 Harvey's Lake, Pa., iggo-s Harwich, Mass., 810, gis, 1654 Harwinton, Conn., 153-4, 3ig-3i, 781-4, 1105, 1161, iiSs, 1315, 1324, 1516-18, ISSO, 1640-1, 1843-4, ig68-g, 3360 Hashamommock, N. Y., 856 Hassel, Province of Overys- sel, 1818 Hastings, Eng., 3333 Hastings, Mich., 31S, 583 Hastings, Minn., gsg, gss, issg, 164s, 3017 Hastings, Neb., 856, 3145, 2257 Hastings battle, Eng., 3333 Hastings Center, N. Y., 1360 Hatch, Eng., 68 Hatfield, Conn,, 47g Hatfield, Eng., 3g4, 781 Hatfield, Mass., 66, 370, 394, 604, 7gs, 800, 83s, 884, g76, 1031, IIIO, IS48, 1305, isig. 1526, 1665, 174s, 3052, 3337, 3483, 3487 Hatherly Parish, Eng., 1842 Hatherton, Eng., 3045 Hatley, P. Q., 6gi, 718 2854 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Hattiesburgh, Miss., 3178, sssg Haubstadt, Ind., 3314 Haulbowline Naval Hospital, Queenstown, Ireland, 1746a Hansen, Cal., 730 Havana, Cuba, 194, 333, 509, 1061, 1780, 3357, 3334 Havana, N. Y., gso-i, 1683-3 Haverford Township, Pa., 3045 Haverhill, Eng., 844, 1083, 1388 Haverhill, Mass., 86, 147, 335-6, 37g, 3g6, 327, 4sg, 473, 703, 719, 811, S23, 858-61, 875-6, 968, IIOI, isg4, i6ag-ii, i7og, 1716, S4S4 Haverhill, N. H., 688-go, 1361-S, 1S64-6, 3468 Haverstraw, N. Y., 1004-5 Havilandsville, Ky., 3074, sog7-8, S150 Havre de Grace, Md., 1386-7 Hawaii Territory, TJ. S. , g6g-7i, g74 Hawkesbury, Ont., 617, 1054-5, 1753-4 Hawk Eye, Neb., 1344 Hawkhurst, Eng., sg4, 1482, 1915 Hawkins County, Tenn., soSi, sogi-s, SIII, 2x26-7, 2171 Hawkinsville, Ga., siSo Hawley, Mass., iig6, soig Hawley, Pa. , 1472 Hawleyville, la., 1303 Hawnes, Eng., loso Hawstead, Eng., 1741 Hawthorne, Wis. , 3043-4 Hay, Eng., 856 Haydenville, Mass., Sgs, 1*^40, 3013-14 Hayfield, Va., 3073-4 Hayne, Eng., 515 Haynersville, N. Y., igs, 41s, 944 Hays City, Kan,, 1665 Hay Springs, Neb., 1543 Hayward, Wis., 2043-4 Haywood, Cal., 1374 Hazardville, Conn., 1042 Hazel Hill Township, Mo,, 1937 Hazelhurst, Miss., i48g Hazel Ridge, Mo., logo-i Hazelton, la., 1400, 1874, so 19-30 Headley Hall, Eng., 68 Headquarters, N. J., ggs Healdsburgh, Cal., g83-3, i56g Heard County, Ga., 3314 Heath, Mass., 132, 1338 Hebron, Conn., 1370, 1914-16, 3381 Hebron, N. H., 943, 1363-3, 1688 Hebron, N. Y,, 311, 599, 758-9, 762-s, 767-70, 1303, 1484-5, 1491, i4g4-5, I4g7, I 501, 1503 Hebron, N. S., 563 Hector, N. Y., g2g, 1540, 1683-4 Hector, Pa., 636-7 Hector Township, N. Y. , gsg . Heemstede, Holland, 1809 Heidelberg, Germany, 1736 Helena, Ark., 1090 Helena, Mont., si, 1171, S103, 3165, 336s, 2276 Helion, Eng., 1741 Hellgate, N. Y., 1033 Helvetia, Wis,, 1593 Hemegseet, Holland, 1831 Hemingford, Can., s8S-g, 8g6-7 Hemphill, Tex., igis Hempstead, Eng., gss, 1660 Hempstead, N. Y., s8o, 450, 4g4, 1036, 1085, 1358, 1761 Hempstead, Tex., 1367-8, igis Hemvard, 111., 337 Henderson, N. Y., 778-g, 1359, 1376, 1493 Hendricks County, Ind., sogs Henllys, Eng., 57 Hennepin, 111., 1048 Henniker, N. H., 360, 857, 873-6, i6og-io Henrico County, Va., 3173, S416 Henrietta, O., ssgs Henrietta, Tex,, 3143 Henry, O,, 1331 Henry County, Ga., 2100, 2154 Henry County, Ind,,. i86g Henry County, Tenn., 645 Henry County, Va., sssi flenryville, P. O., 1436 Heppner, Ore., is6s Herald's Office, ¦ Herald's College, London, England, 18, ig Hereford, Eng., 1063, 1136 Herefordshire, Eng., gg, 345, 357, 784, 797, 1063, iSog Herenburg, Germany, 3463 Herkimer, N. Y., 618-g, 880 Herkimer County, N, Y,, 483, 1543, 1655, sssg, 2458 Hermitage, N. Y., ig34 Hernlon, Me., 1153 Hermon, N. Y., i43g-4o, 1538, ig39 Heron Hill, Eng., 63 Herrell, Eng., 327 Herrington, Eng., 50s Hertford, Eng., 87, 365, 797 Hertford County, N. C, 3418 Hertfordshire, Herts, Eng., 266, 38s, 477, 533, 545, 1033. IISS, 1147, 1313, 1633, 1771, 1867, 3485 Heruteu, Britain, 3335 Hervey Street, Durham Township, N, Y., 1904 Hesper, la., 707-S, 1418 Hesperia, Mich,, 1383 Hesse, Germany, 406, 1151, 2171 Hesse Cassel, Germany, 1336 Hessett, Eng,, 686 Hestholme in the Field, Eng., ig86 Flethleton, Eng., losg Heywood, Eng., 364 Hiawasse, Tenn., 1483 Hickory, 111., Sgs Hicksville, 0-, 1355, 1871-2 Hies, Holland, 3g8 Higganum, Conn., 477-g, 1041-2, 1747 Higginsport, O., 3003-4 Higginsville, Mo,, 3307 Higginsville, N. Y., 1230 High Bridge, N. Y,, 631 Highgate, Vt., 307. 846 High Hill, Tex., 1747 High Holbhaberd, Eng., 3S44 Highland, III., 1335 Plighland, Me., 1711 Highland, Minn., 1404-S, 1927 Highland County, O., 1873 Highland Lake, Col., 1145, 1836 Highlands, N, C, 1847 Highlands, Scotland, 142s, 1677 High Legh, High Leigh, Eng., 232, 1576 High Ongar, Eng., 800, 1823 High Point, N. C, 1527-8 High Range, N. H., 1550 Highrock, N. C, 2108 Hightower Valley, Tex., 2106 Hilderwell Parish, Cleve land, Eng., IS Hill, N. H., 1414 Hill County, Tex., 2117-18 Hillsboro, 111., 1138 Hillsborough, N. B., 573-4, 1 166 Hillsborough, N. H., 7gi, 1064 Hillsboro, N. C, 2077 Hillsborough, N. S., 717, 1173, 1844 Hillsborough, O., 1116, 1573 Hillsboro, Ore,, 3483 Hillsboro, Tex., S143, sig8 Hillsdale, 111., g43 Hillsdale, Kan., iioi Hillsdale, Mich., 533-4, 548-g, .1143-4, 1243, isSo, isgs, iS4g, 1379, 1409, 1844 Hillsdale, N. Y., 137, 363-3, s8o-i, 538-41, 549-50, 667, 671-3, 1183-4, isg3, 2308 Hillsdale, N. $., ii7g Hillsdale County, Mich., 7g4 Hill's End, Eng., 333 Hilly Home, S. C., 3133-5, si8s Hilton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Himley,., Eng,, 3335 Hinckley, Eng., 15, 223S:g, 3232, 22S7-g Hinckley, 111., 1681 Hinckley, O., 7Sg-6i, 1487, 1491 Hinderwell Parish, Cleve land, Eng., IS Hinds County, Miss., igss Hinesburgh, Vt., 1377 Hinesville, Ga., 3434 Hingham, Eng., 57, 87-g, 358, 566, 844, i7gi-3, igg6, iggg, 3416 Hingham, Mass., 35, 50, 87, 99, 142, 171, 278, 358, 393-4, 445, 494, 503, 507, 510, 537, 545, 566-7, 65g, 67s, 770, 775, 844, 877, g43, g86, 1511, 1792. 1814, i960, igg6, iggg, 3033, 2336, 3453, 3485, s4go , Hingoli, India, 1746 Hinksville, Mo., i36g Hinsdale, 111., 383 Hinsdale, Mass., 8gg-go3, 1353, 1547, 1643-4, 1647, 2015, 3460 Hinsdale, N. H., 1308 I-Iinton, Mich., 1383 Hinton, Va., 3143 Hinton, W. Va., 1336 Hinton Blewitt, Eng., 3361 Hirosaki, Japan, 3037 H. M. S. "Terrible," R. N., 2327 Flobart, Ind,, 1931 Hobart, N. Y., 680, 1324 Hoboken, N. J., 456, 459, 1000, 1004, 1081, 1450, i7sg, 2i3g-4i, 2176, 3353, 3s6i INDEX OF PLACES. 28SS Hockanum, Conn., 1566, 1569 Hockingport, O., 1637 Hocking River, O., 899, 900, 1638 Hocknaton, Eng., 2185 Hockwold, Eng., 226 Hofenheim, Baden, 1726 Hogansburg, N. Y., 1052-3 Hogesthorpe, Eng., 348 Hogg Island, Mass., 170, 875 Hog Pen Ridge, N. Y., 1818 Holborn, Eng., 400, 1839 Holden, Me., 542-6, 1152, 1154, 1157-8 Holden, Mass., 815, 821, 828, 1539, 1877, 1886-7, 2049, 2426 Holderness, Eng., 798 Holford, Eng., 210 Holgate, O., 1877 HoU, Mass., 336 Holland, Conn., 792-3 Holland, Eng., 348, 1831 Holland, Europe, 147, 186, 36s, 398, 402, 451, 455, 541, 629, 668-70, 695, 886, 1031, 1060, 1 157, 1350, J397, 1409, 1532, 1600, 1733, 1760, 1768, 1775. 1809, 1819, 1829, 1837, 1S67, 1883, 1895. 1915, 1971. 2000, 2151, 2176, 2419, 24S4, 2487 Holland, Mass., 992, i359, 2021 Holland, O., 1293 Holland, Vt., 605, 1205-6, 1386, 1849 Holland Patent, N. Y., 269, 392, 671, 1088-9, 1781-3, 1791-3 Holland's Store, S. C, 2220 Holley, N. Y., 800, 1633 Hollidaysburg, Pa., 536, 1920 Hollis, N. H., 193, 1925, 2425. 2436 Hollister, Cal., 1678 Holliston, Mass., 335, 648, 820, 1247, 1449, 2475, 2477-8 Holly Hill Farm, N. Y., 1997 Holly Springs, Ark., 2330-1 Holly Springs, Miss., 2418 Holme, Eng., 1613 Holmes Hill, Eng., 1030 Holmes Hole, Mass., 19S. 622, 975 Holmes Hollow, Mass., 419 Holmesville, N. Y., 1415 Holmgard, Scandinavia, 2203-4 Holm Pierrepont, Eng., 1613 Holmside, Eng., 494 Holmwood Park, Eng., 2240-1 Holshocken, Switzerland, 1 871 Holt County Neb., 1383 Holy Land, Palestine, 265, 492 Holyoke, IMass., 539, "SS. 1204, 1373> 1381, , 1503-4, 1840-1, 1859. 2255, 2265, 2272, 2310, 2326, 2330 Home, Eng., ii57 Homecastle, Eng., 226 Home City, O., 2205 Homer, Ga., 2106 Homer, 111., 1521 , Homer, La., 2134-5, 211°, 2135-6, 2161, 2214 Homer, Mich., 553. 2^92 Homer N. Y., 189, 247-8, 352-3, 441. 552, 855-1. 893. ¦1163, 1269, 1299. <389. 1490. 1598, 1658-60, 1802 Homer, Tex., 2083, 2209 Honeoye, N. Y., 632 Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1106, 1409 Honesdale, Pa., 1062, 1310, 1498 Honey Creek, Mo., 2103 Honey Grove, la., 1165 Honey Grove, Tex., 1913-14 Honeywood, Eng., 1211 Honfleur, Normandy, 1659 Honington, Eng., 211 Honiton, Eng., 211, 877, 1060, 2243 Honolulu, Hawaii, 753, 1715 Hontyville, Pa., 1688 Hood County, Tex., 2106 Hood River, Ore., 1297 Hookset, N. H., 1288 Hooper, N. Y., 697-8, 1402-4, 2279 Hoopeston, 111., 1340 Hoorn, Holland, 1837 Hoosick, N, Y., 309, 716, 770, 1223, 1531 Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 149S Hop, Mass., 336 Hope, Ark., 2135-7 Hope, Me., 836-7, 1571 Hope Cottage, N. Y., mo Hopedale, O., 2206-7 Hope Valley, Conn., 1914 Hopewell, N. B., 572-3, 1166, 1179, 1508, 1845 Hopewell, N. Y., 116-17, S31-4, 792-3. 1307. 1889 Hopewell, Va., 2045 Hopewell Cape, N. S., 556 Hopewell Township, Pa., 1046 Hopkins, Mo., 1592 Hopkinton, la., 1552 Hopkinton, Mass., 66, 338, 596, 821, 940, 1062, 2423, 2473, 2477-8 Hopkinton, N. H., 289, 703, 1153, 1408 Hopkinton, N. Y., 841, 1540, 1935, 2483 Hopkintin, R. I., 686, 1333 Hopkinton, Vt., 703 Hopperstown, N. J., 1240-1 Hopton, Eng., 769 Horbling, Eng., 498 Horn cape, S. A., 248, 1622 Horn Castle, Eng., 907 Hornchurch, Eng., 357, 618, 1031 Hornellsville, N. Y., 255, 584-92, 609, 708, 1190-2, 1195, 1215, 1239, 1262, 1298, 1472, '^37 ^ . .„ Horse Fair, Eng., 2242 Horseheads, N. Y., 650-1, 936, 1307, 1598, 1682 Horsemonden, Eng., 1813, 2000 Horseshoes, N. Y., 1898 Horsington, Eng., 279 Horsley, Eng., 119, 1210 Hortense Lake, Col., 1701 Horton, Eng., 57 Horton, la., 1333 Horton, Mich., 62S-7 Horton, N. S., 123, 24S-53, 555-9. 564-9, 775. "67-9. "72, I I 76-8, 1507, 2334 Horton Mountain, N. fa., 555, 1167 Hortonville, Wis., 1146 Hot Springs, Ark., 621, 693, 1393. 1661, 2293 Hot Springs, Va., 1926 Houghton, Eng., 1838 Houghtonburgh, Wis., 1139 Houghton Hall, Eng., 1743 Houlton, Eng., 821 Houlton, Me., 1152, 1570-1 Houndsfield, Hounsfield, N. Y., 390, 777-8, 899-902, 1042-3, 1376, 1509-12, 1645. 1966-7, 2502, 2497 Houndsfield Township, Hounsfield Township, N. Y., 1042 Housatonicville, Mass., 1597 Houston, Tex., 834, 1366-8, 1459, 1909-14, 2137, 2176, 2200, 226S, 2276, 2328 Houtown, Cal., 1641-2 Hovey lake, Ind., 1283 Howard, N. Y., 1441, 1637 Howard City, Mo., 1631 Howard County, Mo., 1090-1, 1794-8 Howardsville, Va., 1365-6 Howell, Mich., 1626, 1898 Howe's Cave, N. Y., 799 Howland, Me., 1599, 1995 Howley, Eng., 493 Hubbard, O., 2021 I-Iubbardston, Mass., 1249-50 Hubbardsville, N. Y., 479, 1472 Hubbardton, Vt., 1204, 2045 Hubbell, Neb., 2016-17 Huddersfield, Eng., 570 Huddington, Scotland, 1069 Hudsell, Eng., 84 Hudson, Ind., 831 Hudson, Mass., 817 Hudson, Mich., 1052, 1127, 118S, 1325, 1847-8 Hudson, N. H., 1550, 1697 Hudson, N. Y., 254, 262, 575-6, 982, 1092, IIOI, IIII, 1181-4, 1324, 1677, 1801, 2310 Hudson, O., 910-11, 1226, 1296-7, 2017 Hudson, Wis., 1329, 1343-4, 1828-9, 1893, 1896-7 Hudson City, N. J., 459, 469-71, 1012, 2252 Hudson River, N. Y., 351, 695 Hudson's Bay, B. A., 1270. Hudson's Point, Mass., 495 Hull, Eng., 94, 348, 479, 555, 778, 1419 Hull, Mass., 121, 316 Humbird, Wis., 1138 Humboldt, Kan., 552, 924 Humboldt Park, 111., 1650 Hume, 111., 1672-4 Hume, N. Y., 1133, 1628, 1922 Humly, Scotland, 1069 Humphrey, N. Y., 551-2, 1162-3 Humphreysville, Conn., 663 Hundred of Macclesfield, Eng., 1576 Hundred of Tendring, Eng., 1077 Hundred of Wangford, Eng., 87 Hundred of Willey, Eng., 1083 Hundred of Wirral, Eng., 2243 Hundrick, Eng., 1603 Hungary Plain, Woburn, Mass., 28, 2421 Hungary Plain district, Wo burn, Mass., 28, 2421 Hunterdon County, N. J., 1026 Hunter's Point, N. Y., 2254 Hunterston, Scotland, 1612 2856 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Huntingdon County, Pa., i86g Huntingdonshire, Eng,, 370, 357, 576 Huntington, Conn., 1776 Huntington, Md., 1485 Huntington, Mass., 901, 1665 Huntington, N. Y., 331, 856, 1037, 1 761 Huntington, O., 1373 Huntington, Utah, 1951 * Huntsburg, O., 653-7, 1313-16, 1331, 1488, 1885-7 Hunt's Corners, N. Y., 683-4, 1364-5 Hunt's Corners, O., 1376 Hunts Hollow, N. Y., 1344 Huntsville, Ala., 3046-7, sisg-41, 2364 Huntsville, Conn., 1181-2 Huntsville, Mo., 1796-7, 3311-13 Huntsville, N. S. W., 2276-7 Huntsville, O., 600, gos, 1651 Huntsville, Tex, , 1432 Hurley, N. Y., 1837 Hurley, S. D., 3455 Hurlgate, N. Y., 1767 Huron, Ind., 1438 Huron, Mich., iigs Huron, N. Y., 615, isiS Huron, O,, 483, 600, ggs, 1051-3, 1473, 1753 Huron, S. D., 3455 Huron County, Mich., 3338 Huron County, O., 354-5, 578, 581, 641, 748, 1476, 3338, ^ 23SS Huron lake, United States and Canada, 1476 Hutchinson, Kan., 5S8, 1364 Hutisford, Wis., 1668 Hutton-Lowcross, Eng., 3334 Hutton Rudby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., is, 3333 Hyannis, Mass., 430, 1177 Hyatt, Tex., ig63 Hyattsville, Md., 1630 Hyde, Eng., 70 Hyde Castle, Ireland, 70 Hyde Park, Mass., gss, 1370, igSo, 24g7 Hyde Park, N, Y., 73g, isis, igSo-i Hyde Park, Vt., 604, 748, 1305-6, 1466-8, ig47-g Hyderabad, India, 1746 Hydeville, Vt., 729-30 Hymany, Ireland, 833 Iberia, O., 1443 Ichang, China, 3456 Ida County, la., 1853 Idaho, State of, 730, ,1843 Idaho Springs, Col., 1761 Jdaville, Ind., i7ig Idaville, Pa., gig Idvies, Scotland, 1750 Ightfield, Eng., 383 Ilion, N. Y., 681, 1363, 1634, 1754, 22go, 24g7 Illinois, State of, 253, 304, 347 382, 436, 486, S7g, 6og, 664 6gs, 707, 7s8, 753, 797, 831 ¦ 888, Sg7, g63, 1343, isSs, 1343 1350-1, 1367, 1413-14, 1417-18 1438, 1521, 1552, 1592, 1634 1706, i74g, 1840, 1865, i86g, igos, 2077, 3096-S, sisS-g, 2213, 3383, 3305-6, 3308, 347g Illiopolis, 111., 1661 Ilminster, Eng., isi Independence, Ark., i67g Independence, la., is6g, 1874-5, 2316, ssig, 347g Independence, Mo., i36g " Independence " steamer, off Margarette Islands, 1616 India, Asia, S57, 1745-6, iSig, 3343 Indiana, State of, 44-5, 338, 642, 753, 798, g36, g52, 1040, I 137, 1367, 1374, isSs, 1353, 1407, 1457, 1565, 1570, 1745, 1870, igse, si58-g Indianapolis, Ind., 677, 718, 1364, isSs, 1406, 141S, 1437, 1663, 1731, iSsg, ig3S, 3146, 3367, 3384, ssgs, 2305, 3337, 3470, 3483 Indiana Township, Pa,, I2g6 Indian Creek, Va., S0S7 Indian Ocean, g68, 1604 Indianola, Tex., 1163, i4go Indian Orchard, 3333 Indian Springs, Ga., siSo-i Indian Ter,, U. S., 3470 Industry, Kan., gs4, i6gs lngersoll, Ont., 535, 1675 Ingham County, Mich., 527 Inglase's, Eng., 743 Ingleby, Eng., is, 13 Ingl eby- Arn cliffe Parish, Cleveland, Eng., is Ingleside, O., 1873 Ingraston, Scotland, 3037 Inkerman, South Russia, 2244 Inland, la., 535, 114*5 Inland, Mich., 7gg Inneresk, Scotland, 7g3 Intwood, Eng., 844 Inverness, Ga., 1800 Inverness, Scotland, iSco, 187s, S018, 3483 Inverness County, Scotland, I76g Inyo, Kan., 1848 lola, Wis., isgi, 1833 Ion, la., 1311-13 lone, Cal., 1713 Ionia, Mich., S56, isso, 1387, 1867, 3455 Ionia, Neb., 1681, 3486 Ionia County, Mich., 583 Iowa, State of, 307, 440, 534, 554, 570, 591, 635, 652, 703, 707, 813, 8gi, Sg5-6, 8g8, 903-4, 943, 952, 1243, 1276-7, 1303, 1352, 1396, 1404, 1414, 1488, I4g4, isgs, 1634, ig3o, 1950, igg4, 30IS, ssSs, 33gg, SS16, sssg, 3443, 347g, 3485 Iowa City, la., 873, 1376, 1503, 1673, 34S0 Iowa Falls, la,, 956 Iowa Territory, U, S., 1376 Ipswich, Eng., 15, 33-6, 45, 78, S3, 146, 151, S64, 1083, 1133, 1183, ISII, 1S16, 1464, 1743, 1915, igsg, 1988, 3050, 3344, 3347-8, 3430, 3504-5 Ipswich, Mass., 87, go, 105, log, 141, 144, 147, 153, 160-1, 165-71, 368, 37g, 337, SSI, S4g, 354, 357-60, 364, 493-4, 489, 503, S07-10, 577, 735, 775, 798. 833, 863-6, 873-4, 877, gio, gss, gg3, 1031, 1071, 1076-7, 1083-3, 1107, 1133, 1314, 1465, 1519, 161S, 1741-2, 1792, 1867-8, ig6s, iggs, sooo, sosi, S033, 33gs, 3314, 3433, 3445, 3460, 34go Ira, N. Y., 613, 8go-i Ira, Vt., ISOS Iradell, N. J., 1000 Irasburg, Vt., 371, 385, 701-2, Sii, is6g, 1S73, 1383, 1386 Irby, Eng., 3416 Iredell County, N. C, 3083 Ireland, G, E., 15, 6s, 70, 75, 83, 85, 93, 107, 144, 330, 350, 310-11, 338, 394, 477, 489, 507, 557, 606, 767, 793, 797, 811, 833, S51, gio, 1041, 105S, 1068, loSg, I 124, 1367, ISSS, iSg4, 1445, 1488, 1550, 1568, 1576, 160S, 1751, i76g, 1773, 1813, 1840, igo4, ig43, 3:g8s-7, son, 3031, 3056, S077, S083, sin, S171, 3175, 3184, 33i8, 3343-5, 2355, 2279, 2457, 2470, 2482 Irene Mount, South Africa, 1743 " Iron Duke " man of war, Shanghai, 3346 Iron Hill, Can., 71S Ironton, Mo. , 3364 Ironton, O., 1115-16, 1877 Iroquois, S, D,, 588 Irvine, Pa,, iSgs Irving, N. Y., 176s Trvington, Neb., 635 Irvington, N. J,, 1133, isgi, 1763 Irvington, N. Y., 1763 Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., io5g-6o, iSiS-ig Irwinton, Ga., 2474 Isanti County, Minn., sois Isidore, N. S., 104 Isia Island, Scotland, 38g island Abaco, Bahamas, 1781, 1792 island Anglesey, Eng., 2415 island Antigua, W. I., 1063, i8ig island Apje's, N. Y., 6g5 island at Falmouth, Mass., 1633 island Barbadoes, W. I., 1447, 246g island Beaver, Lake Michi gan, Wisconsin, 1638 island Bermuda, W. I., 2033 island Cape Breton, N. S.. 1168, 1508, 1S45 island Constape^s, N. V., 2419 island Fanning's, Pacific Ocean, 1613 island Gardiner's, N. Y.. 1075, 1118, 1151 island in Hudson River, N. Y., 351 island Isla, Scotland, 389 island Long, N. Y,, 396-8, 714, 890-1, 1023, 1033, 1659, ^730, 1733, 1837, 245s ^ island Long, N. S., 566 island Luzon, P. I., U. S., 2503 island Mackinac, Mich., 1895 island Malta, Europe, 1745. 1746a, 1757, 1831 island Margaretta, S. A., 1616 island Martha's Vineyard, Martin's Vineyard, Mass.. 35, 94, 194-6, 422-s, 429, 433. 959, 973, 979, 1033, 1067, 1138, 1197, 1733, 3371, 2278, 2327 island Merritt's, Fla., 1086. 1779 island Nantucket, Mass. , 54, 93, 193-7, 417-18, 431, 424-9, 433, 479, 675, 958-g, g66-7o, INDEX OF PLACES. 2857 island Nantucket, Mass., cont'd,973-6, loSi, 1384, 1535, 1718-19, 1988 island Nashawan, Mass., 1717, 2482 island Nevis, W. I., 2175-6 island Neiy Foundland, New. foundland, B. A., 1039-40, I 741, 2498 island Noddle's, Mass., 226 Island of Guernsey, English Channel, 505, 1660 Island of Jersey, English Channel, 220, 1020, 1615, 2259, 2468, 2488 Island of Man, Irish Sea, 1985-6 island of Nassau, N. Y., 2452 Island of New Orleans, La., 2076 Island of Rhode Island, R. I., 1660 Island of Santa Cruz, W. I., 496, 881, 1099, IIOO, 2176, 2339 island Partridge, N. S., 558 island Pea Patch, Del., 2149 Island Pond, Vt., 710, 1462 island Prince Albert's, Lake Champlain, Vt., 386-7 island Put-in-Bay, O., 1877 island Raratonga, Cook Islands, 958 island Sable, N. S., 1038 island Saint Christopher, W, I., 523 island Saint Croix, W. I., 496, 881, 1099, IIOO, 2176, 2339 island Saint Eustatius, W. I., 1031, 1772 island Saint George s, Alaska, 1576 island Saint Lucia, W. I., 523 island Shelter, N. Y., 1768, 2452 Islandshire, Eng., 2241 islands Margarette, S. A., 1616 islands Philippine (U. S. .\.), Asia, 715 island Staten, N. Y., 210, 364, 995. 1612, 1801, 1804, 1812, 2255 islands West Indies, N. A., 242, 417, 426, 491, 541-2, 831, 1031, 2243, 2429, 2437 island Terry, Conn., 1230 island Tobago, W. I., 1830 island Tortola, Virgin Is lands, 522 island Van Couver, B. A., 1053, 1745. 2271 island Wolfe, St. Lawrence River, 1918 . „, , Isle Anglesea, North Wales, 2034 Isle Grindstone, N. Y., 1042-3 Isle La Motte, Vt., 794, 1378 Isle of Ely, Eng., 1809 Isle of France, Indian Ocean, 1604 Isle of Guernsey, English Channel, 50S. 1660 Isle of Jersey, English Channel, 220, 1020, 1615, Isll'of Man, Irish Sea 1985-6 Isle of Mull, Scotland, 2279 Isle of Shoals, N. H., i74i Isle of Thanet, Eng., 49o, Isle of Wight, Eng., 85, 490, 819 Isle of Wight, N. Y., 1075, 1118, 1151 isles Orkney, Scotland, 1108, 2203, 2398 isles Shetland, Scotland, 1 108, 2203 Isleworth, Eng., 2416 Islington, London, Eng., 22, 1704, 2245 Islington Road, Eng., 1628 Islip, N. Y., IIII, 1830 .Italy, Europe, 1615, 1831 Italy, N. Y., 721, 805, 1138, 1428, 2325 Ithaca, N. Y,, 454, 591, 647, 796, 1113, 1132, 1214, 1294-6, 1398, 1432, 1513-14, 1538-40, 1566, 1597, 1656, 1826, 1830 Ivorytown, Conn., 1326 Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris, 997 Ixonia, Wis., 1129 Jackson, Cal., 1465, 1475 Jackson, Ind., 914, 1276, 1665 Jackson, la., 1461 Jackson, Kan., 1291 Jackson, Mich., 383, 617, 624-7, 895, 1144, 1223, 1516, 1567, 2248, 2332, 2467 Jackson, Miss., 592 Jackson, N. Y., 312-13, 340, 769-71, 1502-3, 1965, 2262, 2271 Jackson, O., 888, 1248, 1268 Jackson, Oregon, 1405-6 Jackson, Pa., 307-8, 7501, 932-3, 1295-8, 1689 Jackson, Tenn., 1810 Jackson County, Ala., 21 16 Jackson County, 111., 1619-20 Jackson County, Ind., 1665 Jackson County, Mich., 1143, 1635 ¦ Jackson County, O., 577 Jackson County, Tenn., 1864 Jacksontown, N. B., 448 Jackson Township, Ind., 641, 1411 Jackson Township, Kan., 1302 Jackson Township, N. Y., 770 Jacksonville, Ala., 2113-14 Jacksonville, Fla., 1653, 1667, 1688, 2023 Jacksonville, 111., 289, 843. 1555. 2009, 2439 Jacksonville, Ind., 1638 Jacksonville, N. Y., 742 Jacksonville, Tex., 2139 Jaffna, Ceylon, 1779-80, 2033 Taffrey, N. H., 530, 1696 Jamaica, N. Y., 339, 856, 1004, 1079, 1083-4, IIIO-Il, 1147, 1761, 1768 Jamaica, Vt., 2472 Jamaica, W. I., 198, 1031. 1063, 1152, 15S0, 2499 Jamaica Plain,' Mass., 304, 838, 1064, 1072-4, 1091-2, IIOI, 1 180, 1205-6, 1443, 1601-2, 1713, 1779, 1980, 1996, 2044, 2315, 2498 Jamaica Pond, Mass., 1603 James City, Va., 2336, 2416 James City County, Va., 1151, 2108, 2336, 2416-17 James County, Tenn., 2127-8, 2133-4, 2138, 2186 James River, Va., 1347, I757. 2096 Jamestown, N. Y., 534, 1105-6, 1297, 1334, 2471-2 Jamestown, O., 640 Jamestown, Va., 2336, 2416 Jamesville, N. Y., 1218 Jamesville, Wis., 637, 650-1, 693, ii8s. I25S-6, 1279, 1307-8, 1539, 1550-1, 1861, 1879 Japan, Asia, 1485 ^ Jarnac, France, 1809 Jasper, Ind., 1833 Jasper, Mich., 553 Jasper, N. Y., 1723 Jasper, Tenn., 2117 Jasper County, Ga., 2099 Java, E. I., 431, 1743-4 Java, N. Y., 831-2, 1499, 1536, 1744, 2485 Jay, N. Y., 724-5 Jay, Vt., 1385 Jeddore, N. S., 104 Jefferson, Ga., 1622, 2212 Jefferson, 111., 1332 Jefferson, Me., 1570 Jefferson, Mich., 548 Jefferson, N. Y., 672, 682, 696, 1351, 1405, 1492 Jefferson, O., 547, 1341, 1350, 1663 Jefferson, Tex., 2214, 2334, 2480 Jefferson, Wis., 704, 742-3, 1409, 1461, 2265, 2299, 2300 Jefferson City, Mo., 2089, 2303, 2459 Jefferson County, Ky., 727, 1436 Jefferson County, N. Y., 778-9, 848, 1376, 1439, 1466, 1838, 2278, 2328, 2458, 2462 Jefferson County, Pa., 1243 Jefferson County, Tenn., 2045 Jefferson County, W. Va., 1 164, 2096, 2149-50, 2303 Jefferson County, Wis., 1163, 1217 Jefferson Township, O., 1466, 2303 Jeffersonville, Ind., 1982 Jemper City, Pa., 1336 Jenny, Wis., 1882 Jericho, Vt., 599, 602, 746, 1202, 1369, 1377, 1586 Jerry City, O., 1331 Jersey City, N. J., 456-8, 693, 755-6, 980, 998, 1005, 1010-13, 1021, 1031, IIOI, 1184, 1478-80, 1591, 1596, 1630-2, 1733-4, 1735-8, 1810, 2016, 2252, 2257, 2261, 2328, 2330, 2333 Jersey City Heights, N. J., 458-9, 1012-13, 1735 Jersey County, 111., 2285, 2297 Jersey island, English Chan nel, 320, 1020, 1615, 2259, 2468, 2488 Jersey Shore, Pa., 462 Jersey Shore Township, Pa., 1296 Jerseyville, 111., 753, i475. 2009, 2285, 2293-5, 2303 Jerusalem, N. Y., 2317, 2322 Jerusalem, Palestine, 492, Jessamine County, Ky., 1090-1, 1985, 2096-8 Jessup, la., 1866, 1874 Jessup, Neb., 1856 Jesuits' Bend, La., 2018 Jewell, Kan., 1046-7 Jewett City, Conn., 881. 1098 2858 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Johnsburg, N. Y., 443, g8s-4, i4g8, 1734 Johnson, Vt., 1383, 1468, igig, 1948 Johnson City, Mo., 1638-g Johnson City, Tex., i7g6-8 Johnson County, la., 554 Johnson County, Mo., 1436, ig37, 3153 Johnson County, Neb., 1413 Tohnson's Creek, N, Y., 1538, iSgs Tohnsonville, Tenn., 1S64 Johnston, O., 1886 Johnston, R. I., sog, 1547 Johnstown, Mich., igo4 Johnstown, N. Y., goi Johnstown, Pa., 601, 1733-4, 2028 Johnsville, P. Q., 711 Joliet, 111., S4g, 565, gs4, iigg, 168S, i6gs-4 Joliet, N. Y., 16S5-6 Jonesboro, Ind,, 3145 Jones County, Ga,, S177 Jones County, la,, 3503 Jonesville, Mich., 1046-7, 105s, I 133, 1936 Jonesville, N. Y., 1703 Jonesville, N. C, siog-ii " Jonkoping, Sweden, 1764 Joplin, Mo., i67g Jordan, N. Y., 1435 Jordan, Wis., 953, 1713-14 Jourvaulx Abbey, Eng,, ssos Joy, N. Y., 736 Juab, Utah, 1951 Jubilee, HI., 367 Julian Gap, Tenn., 3091-2 Junction City, Kan., 1561, 1S66 Junction City, Tex,, i7g7 Tuniata, Neb., 3145 Junius, N. Y., 138, 385-6, 8gi Jutland, Denmark, 3304 Kading, China, 1957 Kalamazoo, Mich., 32, 314, 547, 1128, 1378, 1339, 1391, 1476, i6g4, iSsS, 2006 Kanawha, Cal., 1920 Kandy, Ceylon, 1746 Kane County, III, Sg6-8, ^1414-15 Kaneville, 111,, 705, 1412-15 Kankakee, 111., 1574, 1685-6, 1984 Kankakee County, III., 413, 1376 Kanona, N, Y., isgS I Kansas, State of, 337, 534, j 547-9, 674, 7go-i, gsi, 953, 1013, 1044, 1136, 1163, 130S-S, 1341-3, 1352, 1396, 140S, 1415, 1465, 1539, 1685-g, 1733, 1848, 1858, 1873, 2101 Kansas City, Kan. , 3463 Kansas City, Mo,, si-s, 46, 340, sgi, 813, 885, gis, 1136, 1177, 1216, 1365, 1558, 1567-8, 1575-6, i6g3, 1704, iSsg, ig6o-i, S074, 3144, S147, 3358, 3361-2, 3373, 2277-8, 2305, 2307, 2310, 2312-13, 232S, 2330, 333s, 3463, 3474 Karry Castle, Kary Castle, Eng., 340, SI7S Kaskaskia, HI., i6ig Kasson, Mich,, 1440-1 Kasson, Minn., 1774 Kayaderosseras, N. Y., 1S31 Kearney, Neb., issS,' 1551, 1979 Kearney, N. J., 1730, 3361 Keating, Pa., iigi Kecelpictes, Eng., sss6-7 Keene, N. H., 7g4-5, 1535, 1618, 1631, 1666, 1867 Keene, N, Y,, 7g7, isgg Keesville, N. Y., 1430 Keewaydin, N. Y., 1S30 Kekoskee, Wis., 1764 Kelleys Cove, N. S,, 563 Kelly, Eng., 44g Kelly's Ford, Va., 1105 Kelvedon, Hatch, Eng., 618 Kempenhaugh, Eng. , 1664 Kempsey, Eng., 515, 103S Kendall, 111,, iS47 Kendall, N. Y., 734, isgi, 1633 Kendall County, N. Y., 1414 Kendall's Mills, Me,, 955, 1714 Kendallville, Ind., 1665 Kenedon, Eng., 1033 Kenilworth, Conn., 48, 146, 3361 Kenilworth, Eng., loS, 1060 Kennard, Neb. , 1535 Kennebec County, Me., g45-6 Kennebeck, Me., 4g3 Kennebunk Port, Me., 1764 Kenner, N. Y., gs8 Kennet, Eng., 1108 Kenosha, Wis., 673, 1256, 1388, 1530, 164S, 3465, 348S Kensico, N. Y., 2i3g-4i Kensington, Conn. , isoS-g, 1841 Kensington, London, Eng., 23, 523, 1746a, iSso Kent, Conn., 600, 1963 Kent, O., 1751 Kent County, Del., 530 Kent County, Eng., 43, 63, 85, 170, 266, 379, 30s, 348-g, 467, 48g-go, 544, 653, 6S7, 700, 877, io6g, 1 147, ISIO, I3I7, 1488, i4go, 1517, 1613, 170S, 1776, 1813, 184s, igg8, 3351, S485 Kent County, Mich., issi, 1637, i67g Kenton, O., gos Kenton County, Ky., 3og5-6, 3146-7, sigg Kent's Island, Mass., 48g Kentucky, State of, 356, 807, g78, 1116, 1144, 1343, 1S64, is74j 1366-7, 1428, 1457, 14S6, 1611, 1616, 1869, igog, igss, ig87, 3056, S060, 206S, 2072-7, S081, 2094-6, 2ogg-2ioi, 3110, 3133, 2147, 3158, 3163-3, S173, S173, 21S4, 2305, 3s66, 3373, 3376, S37g, 3304, 3314, 3336 Kentucky River, Ky., 2073 Kentville, N. 3., 1S4, 252, 570-1, 1T71 Kenyon, N. Y., 1734 Keokuk, la., 475, 1341, 1364, 1660, 1855 Kerbyville, Mo., ssg Kerneford, Eng,, ssos Kerry County, Ireland, 1138, 1164 Ketchum, Idaho, i4gi Kewanee, III., 139s Keyes Mountain, Col., 1701 Keyes Pond, Mass., 410 Key West, Fla., 616, 803 Kidhall, Eng., ng Kieff, 'Russia, 1744 Kielator, Scotland, 1743 Kildale, Eng., 13 Kildare, Lower Can., 1646 Kilkenny, Ireland, 253 Kilkenny, N. Y., 1043 Killeen, Tex., 451 Killin, Scotland, 1742 Killingly, Conn., 48, 86, 138, 171, 187, 341-3, 405, 787, 83g-4i, 850, 866, g77, "21, 1 146, 144s, 1447, 15^3) 1944* 3484 Killingworth, Conn., 146-7) 2g6, 318, 1060, fi46, 1326, igiS, 3360 Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1314 Kilnwick Percy, Eng., 485 Kilton, Eng., 13, 2223 Kilvay, Wales, 715 KiJworth, Ont., 534 Kimball, S. D., 1481 Kimball, Tex., ssog Kimberly, Eng., 265 Kimberton, Pa., 1593 Kincardine, Scotland, 2038 Kincraig, Scotland, 2483 Kinderhook, 111.,' 1353 Kin.derhook, Mich., 588, 1371 Kinderhook, N. Y., 263-3, SgS, 407, 1117, igSs Kindgeword, Scotland, 175s Kinetsford, Eng., 554 King and Queen County, Va., 3304 Kingsbury, N. Y., gS3-4, i486 Kingsbury, Norway, 1591 Kings County, N. B., 776 Kings County, N. S., 566, 570-1, 1177 King's Court, Eng., 1644 King's Cove, Mass., sng Kings district, N. Y,, 3308 King's Ferry, N. Y., 1802 Kingsley's Corners, O., 2450 King's Mountain, N. C. and S. C, 20, 2060-71, S184 King's Norton, Eng., 35 King's Oak Hill, Mass., sng Kingston, Eng., 4go Kingston, III., 1350-1 Kingston, Jamaica, 450, is6o Kingston, Mass., io6g Kingston, N. H., 360 Kingston, N, Y., 453, 996, ,,1837Kingston, N. S., 1507 Kingston, O., iSgi Kingston, Ont., 847, 1475, igi8, ig66 Kingston, Pa., is8, 1057-8, 1340 Kingston, R. I., 150-2, 3gs, 713-13, 886, g86, 1353, 1430, igSS Kingston, S. C, sigs Kingston, Wis., 1833-4, 1922 Kingston Hall, Eng., 1107 Kingston-upon-Thames, Eng., 3345-6 Kingsville, O., 547-g, 585-6, 6g3, 1146, 1160-1, i3g3-3, 2384, 34go, 24g5 King's Walden, Eng., 365 Kinhilt, Scotland, 1987 Kinholt, Eng. , 1449 Kinmundy, III., 1367 Kinross, Scotland, 154s Kinsella, Scotland, 1151 Kinston, N. C, g42 Kiowa and Comanche Na tions, Okla., i3ig-3o Kippax, Va,, 3336 Kip's Bay, N. Y., iSog Kipsburg, N, Y., i8og Kirkby, Eng., is, 333, 3234 Kirkby Baden, Eng., 1078 Kirkby Moor, Eng., isii Kirkby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS, 3334 INDEX OF PLACES. 2859 Kirkby Ravenswath, Eng.. 2203 Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 1485 Kirkintellough, Scotland, 1432 Kirkland, 111., 983 Kirkland, N. Y., 2333 Kirkleatham, Eng., 12, 13, 2224 Kirkleatham Parish, Cleve land, Eng., 12 Kirklevington Parish, Cleve land, Eng., 12 Kirk Maughold Parish, Isle of Man, 1985 ICirkpatrick's Landing, Ala., 1955 Kirkwood, Mo., 2311 Kirtland, O., 263, 617-20, 1220-1, 1224-6, 1316, 1851, 1886-7, 1959-60 Kirton Wapentake, Eng., 348 ICirwin, Kan., 1651 Kittery, Me., 227, 240, 543, 810, 956, 986, 1507, 1707-8, 2437, 2484 Kittery Point, Me., 971 Klamath, Cal., 1642 Kliflond, Eng., 10, 11 Knaresborough, Eng., 394 Knighton Chapel, Eng., 2236 Knightstown, Ind., 1869 Knob Creek, Tenn., 2180 Knowland's Brook, Conn., 163 Knowlton, P. Q., 1426-7, 1931 Knox, N. Y., 1364, 1402 Knox County, 111., 1048, 119? Knox County, Ind., i435 Knox County, O., 2049, 2207 Knox County, Tenn., 20S1, 2089, 2170, 2220 Knoxville, Ga., 215^ Knox'ville, 111., 1680, 2093-4 Knoxville, la., 423 Knoxville, Tenn., 22, 663, 1325, 1667, 2089-90, 2132, 2170 Kobe, Japan, 1955-7. 2046-7, 2276 Kogarth, N. S. W., 2277 Kortright, N. Y., 155. 281-5, 326, 677-81, 684, Soi-3, 934. 1363, 1544-7. 1685, 2318 Kosciusko County, Ind., 1276 Koshkonong, Wis., 1461 Koszta, la., 1629, 2006 Kraskaan, Java, 1744 Labette County, Kan., 549 Lachute, Can., 1053 Lacock, Eng., 877 Lacon, 111., i447 Laconia, N. H., 1594 La Crosse, Wis., 1343. i49o. 2279, 2299 Laddonia, Mo., 1706 Ladieton, Scotland, 2175 La Fayette, Ind., 1128, 1266, 1405-7, 1658, 1688, 1885. 2479-80 Lafayette, la., 1323. i333 La Fayette, N. J., 1105-6 La Fayette, N. Y., 906, 1653 Lafayette, Wis., 1834, 2271 Lafayette County, Mo., i937 La Fayette Township, la., La Fontaine, Ind., 1287 Lafox, 111., 1539 Lagenith, Wales, 715 Lagos, Africa, 1716 I,agrange, Ga., 1487 Lagrange, Ind., 1665 I^a Grange, Me., 949 La Grange, Mo., 2305 La Grange, N. Y., 600 Lagrange, O., 423, 1510, 1875, 2458, 2462-3, 2467-8, 2472 La Grange, Tenn., 2110 Lagrange, Tex., 1043, 1747-8 Lahaira, Sandwich I., 436 La Harpe, 111., 1329 Laingsburgh, Mich., 1244 Laings Nek, South Africa, 1743 Lake Brown's, Wis., 1987 Lake Champlain, Vt., 386-7 Lake City, Fla., 1665-7, 2023 Lake City, la., 742, 1442, 1461 Lake City, Minn., 810, 1404, 1927 Lake Como, Pa., 1751 Lake County, 111., 893, 1685, 2020 Lake County, Ind., 577-8, 1891 Lake County, Tenn., 2081 Lake Erie, U. S., 2253 Lake Erie battle, 2253 Lake Gardner's, Conn., 2323 Lake George, N. Y., 179, 1911 Lake George battle, N. Y., 179 Lake Goquack, Mich., 1904 lake Harvey's, Pa., 1990-2 Lake Hortense, Col., 1701 Lake Hovey, Ind., 12S3 Lake Huron, U. S. and Can., 1476 Lakeland, N. Y., 1103 Lake Mahopack, N. Y., 1749 Lake Megantic, P. Q., 710 Lake Michigan, U. S., 1677, 1881 Lake Mills, Wis., 2286, 2299, 2300 Lake Moosehead, Me., 1750 Lake Neufchatel, Switzer land, 1767 Lake Newfound, N. H., 1699 Lake Nicaragua, Panama, 664 Lakeport, Mich., 1242 Lake Powers, Wis., 1694 Lake Salt, Utah, 1444-5. 2262 I Lake Sarah, Minn., 1406 Lake Saratoga, N. Y., 714 Lake Seneca, N. Y., 482-3 I Lake Seneca country, N. Y., 482-3 Lake Shawanese, Pa., 1990-2 I Lake Shetek, Mlinn., 1405, 1407 Lakeside, Mich., 1048, 1750 Lakeside, Minn., 1283, 1389 ! Lake Station, Ind., 577 Lakeview, 111., 1102, 1685 Lakeville, Conn., 610-3, 1217, 1504-5 Lakeville, Minn., 1641-2, 1958, I 2017 Lakeville, N. S;, 1177 Lake Willoughby, Vt., 1420 Lake Whitmore, Mich., 1222-3 Lakewood, N. J., 1260, 1535. 1818 Lakin, Kan., 1648 Lambertville, N. J., 451-2. 535-6. 993. IS79 Lamb's Creek, Pa., 606 La Mesilla, N. M., 2109 Lamington, N. J., 1041 Lamoille, 111., 910-12, 1658-9 Lamont, 111., 1522 Lanark, Ark., 2464 Lancashire, Eng., 8, 58, 137, 240, 309, 477, 497, 522, 797, 833, 990, 1 147. 1458. 1799. i960, 2035, 2203 Lancaster, Eng., 797 Lancaster, Mass., 62, 89, 234, 258, 316, 411, 498-502, 513, 522, 658, 943, 1075-6, 1113, 1701, 1805, 1883, i960, 2471 Lancaster, N. H., 1405, 1867 Lancaster, N. Y., 1523, 2299 Lancaster, O., 2272-3 Lancaster, Pa., 991, 1286, 1524, 2199, 2305 Lancaster, Tenn., 536 Lancaster, Wis., 693, 1292 Lancaster County, Eng., B, 58, 137, 240, 477, 497, 522, 797, 833, 990, 1147, 1458, 1799, i960, 2035, 2203 Lancaster County, Pa., 1092, 1576, 1986, 2026 Lancaster Gate, London, England, 1746a Landaff, N. H., 163-4, 271, 362, 637, 1222, 1255, 2282, 2468 Landgrove, Vt., 1255 Landin, Tenn., 2113-14 Lane County, Ore.,' 1889 Lanesboro, Mass., 390, 1578, 2019, 2459 Lanesboro, Minn., 2459, 2503 Langar, Eng., 127 Langbargh Wapentake, Eng., II Langdon, Eng., 270 Langdon, N. PL, 700 Langley, Eng., 428 Langley Marris Parish, Eng., 477 Langston, Eng., 400 Languedoc, France, 1835 Languian Manor, Wales, 2218 Lansing, 111., 1654 Lansing, Mich., 486, 784, 792-3, 1056, 1137, 1212-13, 2045 Lansingburgh, N. Y., 945, IIIO, 1306-7, 1702, 1926, 2309 Laona, 111., 1339-42, 1893-4 ' Lapeer, N. Y., 284, 683, 1364-5 La Platte River, Brazil, 2267 La Pointe, Wis., 652 Laporte, Ind., 1227, 1389, 2021-2 Laporte, la., 475, 1361 La Porte, O., 2020 La Prairie, Wis., 1580 Lapwai Agency, Idaho, 1842 Larchwood, la., 1 195 Larimore, N. Dak., 927 Larkbury, Eng., 492 Larne, 0., 1651 Lamed, Kan., 924 Larned District, Conn., 380 Larrabee, Wis., 1990 La Salle, 111., 587. IS55 La Salle, Mich., 1382 La Salle, N. Y., 1344 La Salle County, 111., 1269, 1870 L'Asne, Mich., 1653 Las Vegas, N. M., 1123, 1461, 1758-9 La Tanniere, France, 1210 Lathrop, Mo., 808 Lauderdale County, Ala., 1865 286o CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1635. Ind., isiS 559-60, 1303, Lauenbiirg on the Elbe, Ger many, 1744 Laurel, Del., 1184-5 Laurel, Md., 1141-3 Laurel Hill, Va., 3043 Laurens, N, Y,, 1543 Laurens County, Ga., siSi Laurens County, S. C,, sogs, 3137 Laurens Court House, S. C, 3378 Laurens District, S. C, sogs Lavaca County, Tex., 1043-3 Lavenhara, Eng., 378, 6sg Laverne, Minn., i37g Lavinia, Neb., 1538 Lawefield, Eng,, 3336 Lawrence, 111,, 1834 Lawrence, Kan., 1040, isig-so, 1359-30, 1587, 1688-9, 1756, SOIS Lawrence, Mass., 558, 814, 835, S47, 1061, 1360, isSg, 1419-30, I5S7, 1560, 1701, 1706, 1715) igs8-g, ss63, 3375-6, sssg Lawrence, Mich., 813-13, 1344, 1558, i8g7, 3006, 3368 Lawrence, N. Y., 7g7-l igsi Lawrence, Pa. , I3g7 Lawrence County, 737-8, 1436-8, ig37-8 Lawrence County, Pa. Lawrencetown, N. S 574. I 173-4 Lawrenceville, Ga. , sogo- 1 , 3ii8-ig, S141, si7g-8o Lawrenceville, Ind., iS8s Lawrenceville, N. J., 3366 Lawrenceville, Pa., 608-g, I3l6 • Lawton, Eng., 380 Lawton, Mich., 1136-7, i3gi, 1626-7 Laxfield, Eng,, 87 Laxley, Eng., 1660 Leacock, Eng,, 3345 Leacote, N. Y., 1818 Leadclune, Scotland, 1873 Leadville, Col., gsi, 1388, 1407, 1437, 2364, 3330 Leake County, Miss., 3178 Leamington, Eng., 3034 Leavenworth, Kan., S85, 1137, 1144, 1473. 1756, 3418 Leavitt, Mich., 1383 Lebanon, Conn., 84, 138, 141, 153, 161-3, 355. 477> 565. 774. 804, 840, 870-3, io6g, logs, i36g, 1577. 1592, 1666, 2016-17, 2332-3 Lebanon, Me., 543 Lebanon, Mo., 123S Lebanon, N. H., sSg, 303-5, 366, 644, 683, 68g-go, 700, 744, 87g-8o, gi7, 1377, 1386, 1408, 1618-S1, i87g, S003, 3383 » Lebanon, N. Y., 1136, 1306, 1338, 1472, i63g, 1647, 1816, 3034 Lebanon, O., 54g, 1431, 1575, 1871, 3461 Lebanon, Oregon, 1415 Lebanon Springs, N. Y., 3034 Lechlade, Eng., 540 Lechyd, Leckryd, Wales, 856 Le Claire, la., go4 Ledra, Zealand, 3304 Ledyard, Conn., ggi Ledyard, N. Y., 1537 Lee, 111., isgi Lee, Me., son, 33S8, 3300 Lee, Mass., 603, 77s, 1107, 1311, 1503-4. 1565, 1884, S016, S04S, 3373, 3334 Lee, Mich,, 3465 Lee, N, Y,, 403, gss-s, 1678-g, 3338, 3457, 3486, 3503 Lee, O., 1517 Lee Center, 111., 1474 Lee Center, N. Y., gss, 1647 Lee County, 111., isgi Lee County, Miss., si8g-go Leeds, Eng., 1115, 1745, 1746a, 3351 Leeds, Me., 1075-6 Leeds, Mass., 1456 Lee Estate, Eng., 564 Lee House, Eng., 110 Leeke, Eng., 856 Leesburgh, Va,, 3150, 3so6 Leeuwarden, Vriesland, S4ig Leganier, Ind., S144 Leghorn, Italy, io6s, 3344 Leicester, Eng., 4g3, 703, 1664 Leicester, Mass., 357-8, 476, 595, 1054-5, is48-g, 1563 Leicester, N. Y., 337, 48s, 528-g, 534. 1046-g 1132-4. 24sg Leicestershire, Eng., 15, sg, 26s, 335, g46, IIOS, isii, igso, 3476 Leipsic, O., 706, 1416 Leire, Denmark, 3304 Leiston, Eng., 731 Leitersburgh, Md., gig Leith, North Britain, 364 Leitrim County, Ireland, 717 Le Mars, la., 1356 Lemington, Ont., 1674 Lemington, Vt., iS7g, isgo-i, igss Lemont, 111., 7S4, 1530-1, 1679, SOSS Lempster, N. H,, 1386 Lena, 111., 1933 Lenawee, Mich., 1046-7 Lenawee County, Mich., 583-3, 1046, 137s Lenham, Eng., isio-ii Lenox, Mass., 118, 340, 803, 1767 Lenox, Mich., 1535-6. Lenox, N. Y,, 667, 894, gsS, 1339, 1633-4, 3334 Lenox Castle, N. C, sioS Lenton, Eng, , iSog Leny, Scotland, 537 Leola, S, D., 1513 Leominster, Mass., 1354, 1508 Leona, Pa,, 531, 1137 Leonardsville, N. Y,, 1377 Leon County, Tex,, igio Leoni, Mich., 583 Leonidas, Mich,, 1343, 1417 Leroy, III., 1643 Le Roy, N, Y., 515-30, 665-6, 703, 763, 1144-5, 1383, 1500, 1511-13, 1568-g, 1636, 3306-7 Leroy, O,, 1141 Le Roy, Wis,, 586 Lester, N. Y., 3s86 Letheringham, Eng., 365 Letheringsete, Eng., 686 Levan, Utah, igsi Levant, Me,, 956-7 Leverett, Mass., 635, 650-1 Levington Castle, Eng., 13 Lewisburg, O., 1137, 1130 Lewis County, Ky., 1331 Lewis County, N. Y., 1364, 1376, 3458 Lewis County, W. *Va., 2143 Lewis Creek, Cal., 3033 Lewis' fork, N. C, 3068-70 Lewiston, Me., 808, 1713. 338S-g Lewiston, N. Y., 407-S, 668, gsi, 937-8, 1346, 1674 Lewistown, Pa,, 1893 Lewisville, O., 1377 Lexington, Ga., 3136 Lexington, Ky., 1436, 1530, 307s, SISS, S151-S, sigg, ssso-i Lexington, Me., 413-4, g56 Lexington, Mass., 146, 343. 417, 658, g57, 1360, 1607, igss, SOSI, S044, 3351, ssgs, 3431, 2443 Lexington, Mich., issg Lexington, Miss., si8s Lexington, Mo., 3304-5 Lexington, N. Y., 1334, 1356, igo6 Lexington, O., 1333 Lexington, Va., sog3-4 Lexington Township, N. Y., igo6 Leyden, Holland, s8-g, 84, s88, 307, 380, 4gs, 538, 615, 743. 797, 991. io6g, 1638, 1776, igi7, igg6, 3451 Leyden, Mass., 353, 1375 Leyden, N. Y., 2458 Leys, Scotland, i65g Lezayre Parish, Isle of Man, , 1985 1 Libertswell, Eng., 544 ; Liberty, Me., 1571 Liberty, N. Y., isgs Liberty, O., 383-4, 887, 1651 Liberty, Pa., 1230, 1S80 Liberty, Tex., 744, 1457-9^ 2200-2, 2221-2 Liberty County, Tex., ssoo-s Liberty Hall, Ga., igS4-s Liberty Hill, Tenn., S131 Liberty Township, Pa., 1S80 Licking County, O., sgi, 1651, 1873 Licking River, Ky., 3097 Lily Lake, 111., 38S Lima, 111., 587 Lima, Ind., 1378 Lima, Mich., 1950 Lima, N. Y., 46, 650-1, 1308, S333 Lima, O,, 1053 Lima, Peru, 537, ggi-3 Lima, Wis., 536-7, 1551 ^ Limerick, Ireland, i4ig j Lime Ridge, Wis., i6g3-3 I Limestone, Me., 1711 Limestone, N. Y., 1143 Limestone County, Tex., 3308 Lincklaen, N, Y., 1505 Lincoln, Cal., 1444 Lincoln, Eng., 467, 4g3 Lincoln, 111., 808, 1126, 1554 Lincoln, Mass., 106s Lincoln, Me., 1153, 1167 Lincoln, Mich., 1686 Lincoln, Neb. , 1073, i4gi, 3041, 2322, 34gs Lincoln, R. I., 1565 Lincoln, Tenn., 1483 Lincoln, Vt., 1377 Lincoln County, Ga., SSs, S161 Lincoln County, Kan., 3367' Lincoln County, Ky., 3077 Lincoln County, Tenn., 3071. siog Lincolnshire, Eng., 348, 48g-go, 4g7, 813, 877, 884, 1035, 1063, 1134, i37g, 1402, 1734. 1741, 1S43 Lincolnton, Ga., 1483-3 INDEX OF PLACES. 2861 Lincolnton, N. C, sisg Lincoln ville, Me., 835, 838, 1573 Lindale, O., 1336 Linden, Ala., 2311-13 Linden, N. J., 1033, 1813 Linden, N. S., 3004-5 Linden, Tenn., 1864-5 Linden, Wis., 1883, sooS Lindley, N. Y., 6gS Lindridge, Eng., 3335, 3336 Lindsborg, Kan., isgs Linesville, Pa., 24g3 Linn County, la., i26g Linn Comity, Mo,, Sgs Linton, Scotland, 2037 Linwood, Kan., sois Linwood, Pa., 117s Lions Castle, Ireland, 3335-8 Lisbon, Conn., 371, 384, 734, S13, 881, io8g, 1458 Lisbon, Me., 1076 Lisbon, N. H., 637-8, 1354-5, 1363, 1868, 3387 Lisbon, N. Y., 317, 1386 Lisle, III., 1383, 1433 Lisle, N, Y., 314, 353, 538, 963-4, 1192, 1215, 1339, 1365, 1403, 1633-4 Lissa, Prussia, I5g7 Litchfield, Conn., iss, 346-8, 381, 668, 88s, 918, 1103, 1323-S, 1350-1, 1776. 1779. iggs, 3368, ssog, 3318 Litchfield, Eng,, 400, 1868 Litchfield, 111,, ssg4-5, 3303-4 Litchfield, Mich,, 1133, 1304, 1637 Litchfield, N. Y., 74s, 245g Litchfield, N, S., 1172 Litchfield, O., 7^^, 8S2, 3464 Litchfield, Pa. , S73-4, 646, I3g4, 1397 Litchfield County, Conn., 1060, 3368, 3378 Lithgow, N, Y., 107s Lithopolis, O., 1873 Little, Neb., isiS Little Baddow, Eng., 121, 478 Littleboro, N. H., 888-go Little Britain, Can., 1418 Little Britain, N. Y., igg7 Little Busby, Eng., 13 Little Chute, Wis., igSg Little Compton, R. L, iS9S, 1724, 1838 Little Falls, Minn., 1424, 1643 Little Falls, N. Y., 66g, 1592-3, 20S4, 3331 Little Ferry, N. J., 456 Little Hocking, O., soio Little Holston River, Tenn., S184 Little Gunpowder, Md., igso Little Mead, Pa., 851 Little Meadows, Pa., 351-2- 851-3 Little Nine Partners, N. Y., iSsg Little Paxton, Eng., 164S Little Porland, Eng., g4 Little River, N. S., isSg Little Rock, Ark., 1316, 1637 Little Rock, 111., 927, 16S1-3, 3034 Little Sodus, N. Y., Sgs Littleston, Pa,, gig Littleton, Col., 1303 Littleton, III., 1367 Littleton, la., i36g, 1874 Littleton, Mass., igo-i, i6g7 Littleton, N. H,, 708-g, 875. 3387, 3300 Little Valley, Minn., 1851 Little Waldingfield, Eng., 493, 510 Little Westkill, N. Y., 1906 Little Wolf, Wis., iggo Little York, Can., 1533 Little York, la., 1678 Little York, Pa., gig, sogs Livermore, Cal., 1374 Livermore, Me., 1463, 1670 Livermore Falls, Me., isgg Liverpool, Eng., ss, igs-4, 714, 1073, IIOS, 14SI-3, 174a, 1745, 3164, 2233-4, 2310, 2335 Liverpool, N. S., 253 Liverpool, O., 2462-3, 2466-7, 2503 Livingston, N. J., 1035-6 Livingston, N. Y., 538-g, 608, 772, 1513 Livingston County, III., 3304 Livingston County, N. Y., 589, 707, iisS Livingston Manor, N. Y., 716, 731, 1760 Livingstonville, N, Y,, S03 Livonia, Mich,, 1391 Livonia, N. Y,, 7gi-3, isog, 1633 Llanarth Court, Eng., 1743 Llanerchrugog, Wales, loss Llangenydd, Wales, 715 Llanidloes, North Wales, 3010 Llanigen, Wales, isii Llanllwni, Wales, 1304 Llanolian, North Wales, 3414 Llanrhiader, Wales, 4g3 Llanrust, Llanrwst, Wales, 493 Llantarnam Abbey, Eng., 400 Llewellyn Park, N. J., 996-8, 1731-3 Lleweni, Lleweny, Wales, 4g3 Llwyn, Wales, 3415 Loch Lomond, N. S., 560 Lochwinioch, Scotland, igg6 Lockbourne, O., 34gg Locke, Eng., 387 Locke, N. Y., isiS Lockerby, Scotland, 1433, 2459 Lockhartville, N. S., 554-5. 564, I I 76 Lock Haven, Pa., i7og-io, sosg Lockington, O., I3g7 Lockport, 111., gss, 934, 1014, IS93, 1521-S, 1969, SOSS Lockport, Ind., is66, 1869-70 Lockport, Mich,, 1343 Lockport, N. Y., 407, 486, 6ig, 66g, 670, 8g6, gsi, gs7-8, 1045, 1233, 1S27-S, 1342, 1345-6. 1349, 1521-2, 1673, 1773, 1833, iSg4-5, igig, 3307 Lock Port, N. S,, 561 Lockwood Castle, Scotland, 2459 Lodi, Mich., 1056 Lodi, N- Y,, 615, gsg Lodi, O., Sgg, goo, 1377, 1636-8, soil Lodi, Wis., 1S4S Lofthouse, Eng., is, ig65 Lofthouse Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Logan, la,, 3500 Logan, O., iSg6 Logan County, O,, isgs, 1873 Logansport, Ind., 1401, i4sg, i67g, 1853-4, 3145, 3480-1 Lombard, 111., 1430 Lonaconing, Md., 3043 London, Eng., 18, 33-4, 51, 53-4, 58-g, 71, 87, g4, 99, 103, 107-16, 131, 138, 16s, 170, ig6, 2ig-si, 340, 351, 364, SOI, sog, 327, 332, ssg, 364, 384-5, 3g4-5, 400, 417, 466-7, 478, 48g-g6, 505-7, 515, 530, 532, 540-1, 546, sgo, 615, 618, 633, 686, 70s, 718, 733, 786, 814, 826, 86s, 86g, 887, 878, 8g6, gio, g57-6o, ggs, 1033, 1035, 1038-40, 1063, io6g-73, 1077-81, 1085, IIOO, IIOS, iii8-ig, 1I3I-3, 1 147-8, 1159, 1178, 1181, I3I0-I2, ISSS, 1357. 1364, 1483, 1488, 1497, 1518, 1536, 1531, i5g4, 1603, 1630, 1633, i6sg-6o, 1667, . 1688, 1704, 1741-3, i746-6a, 1751, 1756-7, i76g, 1773, i77g, iSog, 1814, i8ig, 1830-1, i8sg, 184s, 1863, 1867-8, iSgg, igiS, igsS, ig43, 1953-4, 1968, 1970, 1988, 1998-g, 3003, son, SII4, SISS, 3173, sssg-si, 3340-s, 3345-50, 3356, sssg, ssgo, S2g8, 3336, 3415-16, 34ig, 3484, 3488-go, 3498 London, Kan., S194 London, Ont,, ssgS-g London, Tenn., 3133, 2196 Londonderry, Ireland, 1550, igS6, ig7s-s, 3355 Londonderry, N. H., 360, 875, 878, 1160, 1550, 3358 Londonderry, N. S., 574, 1175, 1846 Londonderry, Vt., 1356, 1406-7 London Township, O., 1164 Londonville, la., SQ14 Lonetree Lake, Minn,, 730 Long Bar, Cal., 739, 1450 Long Beach, Cal., 3491 Long Branch, N, J,, 3339 Longford, Ireland, 814 Long-hill Wapentake, York shire, Eng., IS Long Island, N, Y,, sg6-8, 714, Sgo-i, loss, 1033, i65g, 1730, I7S3. 1837, 3452 Long Island, N. S., 566 Long Island Sound, N. Y., 1037 Long Lake, Minn., 1374 Long Marston, Eng., 11S5 Long Meadow, Mass., 450, 530, 658, 788, 1134-5, 1237, i83g Longmont, Col., 1145, 1836 Long Run, Ky., 727 Longton, Kan., 733 Lookout Mountain, Tenn., SIOI, sisg Lookout Mountain Park, Tenn., sisg Lorain, O., g64 Lorain County, O., isgs, i337, 3458, 3460, 3463 Lordsburg, N. M., 1440 lordship of Whitney, Eng., 856 Lordstown, O., 886 L'Original, Can., 1754 Lorraine, N. Y., isgs, 1510, 1646 Los Andes, Cal., 1917 Los Angeles, Cal., Sgs, 1133-3, 1346-7, 1310, 1451, 1576, i6s9, 1716, 1764, 1859, 3358, SS75, 3378-9, 3483, S491-S Los Gatos, Cal., 105s Lothville, Pa., 1138 2862 CLEVELAND GENEALOGV Lot 161 nth Dist. Haber sham County, Ga., 3115 Loudon, Tenn,, sogi-s, siio Londonville, N. Y., igss Londonville, O., 742 Loudoun County, Va., 1435, 2058, 2073-7, 3097-S100, 3379, 2303, 2305 Loughborough, Eng., 35, 703, 8g4, 3054, sssg, 3347 Lough Eske Castle, Ireland, ^ '743 Loughton, Eng., 515 Louisa County, Va., 3417 Louisburg, N. S., is8 Louisiana, Mo., 533-4, 1143-4 Louisiana, State of, 310, 753, 1086, I3g6, 1773, 2076-7, 2083, sogg, 3153, 3314, ssig Louisville, Del., iois-3 Louisville, Ky., 45, 727, 755, 809, 822-3, 1 1 19, isig, ISSS, 1336, 1400, 1436, 1575, 1630, 1733, 1837, igss, ig53-5, igSs, ig86, 3053, SIIO, 2277, 3301-3, 3313, 3336 Louisville, N. Y., 683, 7g7, ISSO Louth, Ont,, 1120 Loveland, CoL, ig77, 3466 Loveland, O,, gSS Lovington, 111., isgg, s4gs, 3500 Lowe, Eng., 2235-6 Lowell, Eng., 246g Lowell, Ind,, 722-3, 1639 Lowell, Mass,, 213, 416, 542, 546, 596, 646, 706, 835, 847, 861-6, 879-80, 913, 943, 953, g86, 1160, isgs-4, 1386, 1405, 1408, 1417, 1437-9, 1501, 1540, 1589, i6g7, 1716, 1S54, 1S68, i87g-8o, igig, ig'77, 2364, 3370, S373, 3377, 3315, sssg Lowell, Mich., 1417, igsg Lowell, Vt., 1272, isgg, 1385, ^ 1877, 3334 Lowenston, Pa., is86 Lowe Parish, r.-ng., 2236 Lower Brook Agency, Dak., loSs Lower Horton, N. S., ssg, 1507 Lower Meckfield, Pa,, i6go Lower Sandusky, O,, 1373 Lowestoft, Eng., 3346 Lowthorpe, Eng. , si8, 4og, ^ 5og Lowton, Eng., 510 Lowville, N. Y., sgi, 1435, 1673-3, 33gs Loyal, Wis., iisg Loyd, Wis., i4og Lubec, Me., 573, ii7g Lucas, Kan,, S051-S Lucas County, O., s6i Lucerne County, Pa., 1521 Ludington. Mich., 1384, 1513 Ludlow, Ky., 1305 Ludlow, Mass., 178, 263, 267, SSI, 630-8, 1337-40, 3334 Ludlow, Vt., isgi, i37g, 161S, 3331-3 LuJing, Tex., S4g Lullington Parish, Eng., 387 Lumberville, Pa., ggs Lumpkin, Ga., S163 Lunenburgh, Mass., 35S, issS, i6g8, 1S05, 3oi6, 3431, 3437 Lunenburg, N. H., 1S67 Lunenbvirg, N. Y., 700 Lunenburg, N. S., 568 Lunenburg County, N. S. , 2350 I Lunesboro, 433 Luther, Mich., 1345 Lutheranville, N. Y., sSs Luton, Eng., ssos .Luzerne, N. Y., igs, 603, 1701 Luzerne County, Pa,, i8g4 Luzon Island, P. I., 3503 Lycoming, Pa., 750 Lycoming County, Pa., 730, I3g6, 1880, ig7S Lydbury Parish, Eng., 1060 Lydd, Eng., 4go Lydiard Parish, Eng., 1060 Lyman, N, H., 637, ssSs, ssSg Lymansville, Pa,, 1191 Lyme, Conn, , gs, 140, S07, 360, 380, 678, 85s, 1030, 1337, 1370, 1596, 1834, I SSg, igoo, ssso Lyme, N. H., 133-6, 371-3, 63S-43, 87g, go6, gii, 1358-64, 1618, 1863-4, 24sg Lyme, O., 1376 Lyme, Wis., 1333 Lynchburg, va,, I7g7, 2073, 3339, 3417-18 Lyndeborough, N. H., 3430, 2440 Lyndehurst, N. Y., iSi8-ig Lyndhurst, Eng., 1744, 1746 Lyndon, 111., 1673 Lyndon, Mich., iisg Lyndon, Vt., 743, 81s, 1377, 1383, 1406, i6g4, igsi Lyndon, Wis., 1475 Lyndonville, N. Y., issg Lyndonville, Vt., igsi Lynd Township, Minn., 710 Lynn, Eng., sg, iSsg Lynn, Mass., gg, 170, 433, 436, 485, 505. 530, 563, 566, 605, 636, 647, 659, go7, g48, 1033-3, io6g, ii4g, 1175, ii7g, I3g4, i44g, 1458, 1607, i6sg-6o, 1670, 1677, 1772, i860, 1863-4, 1867, 18S3, 18S9, 1915, 1959, 2427, 2439 Lynn Magna, Eng., 170 Lynxville, Wis., gos Lyon, Minn,, 1404 Lyon Office, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3343 Lyons, France, 161-3 Lyons, Mich., 1133, 1S67, 201S Lyons, N. Y., 7g8, 1054, 1136, iSgS, i88g, ig73 Lyons, Tex., 1747 Lyons Castle, Ireland, 3335-8 Lyons Farms, N. J., 1018, 1025 Lysander, N. Y., 1S17, ig37 Lythe Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Mabon, N. S., 1168 McArthur, O., 1160 McDonald County, Mo., 3153, 3307-8 McCauleyville, Minn,, 898 Macclesfield Hundred, Eng., 1576 McConnellsville, N. Y., 848, S007 McConnellsville, O., 1937 McCracken, Kan., 1493, ig6s McCuIloch Coimty, Tex., 1797 McCune, Kan., ig37 McDonald County, Mo., sogg McDonough, N, Y., 440, 1717 McDonough County, 111., 1951 Ma(cdon,, N. Y., 1302, I4g3, Macedonia, HI., 3306 McGhee's residence, Ga., sios-3 McGrawville, N. Y., 441, 2503 McGregor, la., 65s, 1635, 1688, i6gi, S008 Machias, Me., 1066 Machias, N. Y., S5i, 704. 1410-is, 1638 McHenry, III., 1388 McHenry County, 111., gsS Mclndoe Falls, Vt., ig4g Mcintosh County, Ga., iSoo McKean, Pa,, 705-6, i04g, i4og, 1415-16, igss McKeesport, Pa,, loSg McKeever, N. Y., 1396 Mackinac, Mich., 1895 Mackinac Island, Mich., iSgs Mackinaw, Mich., 346 Mackinaw, O., g64 Mackinaw Straits, Lake Michigan, 1677 McKinney, Tex., soSs Mackintosh, Scotland, i8oo McLane, Pa., i04g McLean, N. Y., 856 McLennan County, Tex., 2195-6, 3330 McMeekin, Fla., 1484-3 McMinn County, Tenn., ssoS McMinnville, Tenn., 1639 McNairy County, Tenn., 3130 Macomb, N. Y., 3287, 2503 Macomb County, Mich., 1574-5 Macomb Township, Mich . , 1573-4, 198S-S Macon, Ga., 476-7, 763, 1493, 1666, 31 13-16, 2iig-20, 2138, 3177, 2417 Macon, 111., 3480 Macon County, Ga., 2137 McPherson County, Kan., i2gi-2 Macroom Castle, Ireland, 1068 McWilliams' residence, Ky., S073 Madagascar, Africa, g7s Madeley, Eng., 1243-3 Madford, Eng., 345 Madison, Conn., 1041 Madison, Fla., 1666 Madison, Ga., 3083-3 Madison, Ind., 947-8, 1895 Madison, la., 1311 Madison, Kan., 703, 1405 Madison, Me., 416, 947, 950, 1705-6, 1714-16 Madison, N. J., 10s, 469-71, gi7, 1031 Madison, N. Y., 46g-7i, 533-61 II3I-7, 1306, 1833, 24g4 Madison, O., SSs, 1136, 1143-3, 1 146, 1272-3, 1548, 1877, ig63 Madison, S. D., 1085 Madison, Wis., 675, 1104, IISS, 14", 1491, 1856, 1935. 2434 Madison Bridge, Me., 94g, 956 Madison County, Ala., sogs Madison County, Ark., 2308 Madison County, Ga., 1633-3 Madison County, 111., 33g4, 2303, 2306 Madison County, la., 835. Madison County, Ky., 2073-4 Madison County, Miss., i7g4, 1957 Madison County, N. Y., 386, 525-6, 666, gs8, 1432, i62g, 3317 INDEX OF PLACES. 2863 Madison County, Wis., 925-6 Madisonville, O., 988, 1872 Madisonville, Tenn., 2086, 2091-2, 2127, 2134 Madly, Eng., 1242-3 Madnan's, N. Y., 1761 Madras, Hindostan, 311 Madrjd, N. Y., 828, 2483 Madrid Bend, Tenn., 2109 Maenan, Wales, 2415 Magog, P. Q., 717 Magomiscock Hill, Mass., 336 ' Mahon, Ind., 1306 Mahone Bay, N. S., 1746a Mahopack Lake, N. Y., 1749 Maiden Rock, Wis., 1272 Maidstone, Eng., 833, 2171 Mail Route No. 5564, Ala., 2278 Main, HI., 1252 Maine, France, 1210 Maine, N. Y., 698, 1401-3, 1926 Maine, State of, 171-5, 195, 204, 430, 490, 505, 942, 950-1, 977, 1180, 1183, 1497, 1550, 1707-8, 1854, 1865, 2269-70, 2423, 2500 Maine, Va., 2416 Maine District, U. S., 505 Mainesburgh, Pa., 624, 1297, 1546 Maines Parish, Scotland, 1978 Maine Township, N. Y., 1401, 1926 Maize Hill, Eng., 280 Majuba, South Africa, 1743 Maiden, Eng., 545, 1083, 1837 Maiden, Mass., 44, 53, 59, 102, 107, 235, 507, 559, 595, 858, 1082-3, 1112, 1148, 1406, 1491, 1560, 1752, 1771, 1928, 2043, 2423, 2443 Maiden, N. Y., 739, 854-5, 1592-3 Maiden, Ont., 1138, 1574 Maiden Bridge, N. Y., 1504 Maldon, Eng., 1083, 1837 Malone, N. Y., 217, 347. 484-6, 688-9, 722, 825, 1207, 1380-3, 1918, 1921-2, 2256, 2482 Malpas, Eng., 1925 Malta, Europe, 1745, 1746a. 1757, 1831 , ^ Maltby, Cleveland, Eng., 914 Malvern Hill, Eng., 1060 Malvern Hill, Va., 2177 Malwood Castle, Lyndhurst, Eng., 1744 Mamaroneck, N. Y., 1818 Mamhead, Eng., 236 Manassas Junction, Va., 1510, 2170 Manassas Junction battle, Va., 1510, 2170 Manchester, Conn., 400, 833, 849, 918, 1525, 1590-2, 2016 Manchester, Eng., 109, 251, 484, 1 147, 1474, 1613. 1947 Manchester, Ind., 1484 Manchester, la., 589, 637, 925, 1195, 1254-S. 1433. 1933. 2328 Manchester, Mass., 170, 358-9, Manchester, Minn., 1940 Manchester, N. H., 708-9. 873-6, 888, 1113, 1263-4, 1286, 1417, 1572, 1608, 1947-8 Manchester, N. Y., 922, 1674-6 „ ,, Manchester, Vt., 279-80, 664-5, 1105, 1329-30, 1496, 1503, 2039, 2467, 2471-2, 2476 Manchester, Wis., 1834 Manclerk's, Eng., 745 Manepy, Ceylon, 1779-80 Manhasset, N. Y., 1762 Manhattan, 111., 413 Manhattan, Kan., 610, 742, 1491, 2032 Manhattan, N. Y., 1074 Manhattan, Wis., 1834 Manheim, Germany, 1030 Manila, Manilla, Luzon Isl and, P. I. (U. S. A.), 715 Man isle, Irish Sea, 1985-6 Manistee, Mich., 1384, 1967 Manitoba, Can., 1753 Manitowoc, Wis., 692, 1393 Mankato, Minn., 929, 1359, 1419, 1636, 1695, 1745 Manlius, N. Y., 395-6, 665, 903-6, 916, 1648-9, 1653, 1765 Manning, la., 885 Manning, Mich., 1136 Mannsville, N. Y., 905, 1512 Mann Township, P. Q., 945-6 man-of-war "Active," U. S. N., 2258 man-of-war " Confederacy," U. S. N., 226S-9, 2328 man-of-war " Iron Duke," Shanghai, China, 2246 man-of-war, " Shannon," H. M. N., 2243 man-of-war " Terrible," H. M. S., 2327 man-of-war " Windsor," H. M. N., 2243 Manor, N. Y., 262-3 Manor Hill, Pa., 1364 Manor of Carles, Eng., 226 Manor of Chenvestan, Eng., T126 Manor of Clare, Eng., 266 Manor of Egginton, Eng., 2203 Manor of Languain, Wales, 2218 Manor of Livingston, N. Y., 716, 731, 1760 Manor of Otes, Eng., 770 Manor of Peldon, Eng., 392 Manor of Saint Albans, Eng., 659 Manor of Saint George, Setauket, N. Y., iiii Manor of 'Taunton, Eng., 348 Manor of Tichmarsh, Eng., 170 Manor of Whitby-Lathes, Cleveland, Eng., 2225 Manse, Scotland, 1744 Mansfield, Conn., 83, 179-81, 278, 390, 396-8, 625-6, 791, 917. 1236, 1454, 1916, 1946, 1970, 2270, 2272, 2283, 2308, 2456-7, 2471, 2483 Mansfield, La., 2319 Mansfield, Mass., 546, 820, 1799 Mansfield, N. Y., 1527 Mansfield, O., 423, 638, 1295, 1515 Mansfield, Pa., 623-4, 1232, 1470, 2013, 2313 Mansfield, Tex., 2153 Mansfield, Vt., 1405 Mansfield Four Corners, Conn., 1236 Manshead, Eng., 26 Manson, la., 741-2 " Manson " brig, Atlantic Ocean, 1716 Mantonville, Minn., 1047 Mantua, O., 1224 Maple City, Mich., 1440 Maple Plains, Minn., 1440 Maplewood, Mass., 1631 Maquoketa, la., 1254, 1294. 1852, 2326 Marans, France, 1831 Maranthon, N. Y., 855, 114.?. 1365, 1592-3 Marble, Wis., 1989-90 Marblehead, Mass., 64, 144, 360, 476, 877, 907, 910, 943, 1070, 1251, 1479, 1604-5 Marbletown, N. Y., 1350 Marcellus, la., 806 Marcellus, Mich., 1939 Marcellus, N. Y., 314, 773, 895, 914, 1434. 1476. 1661 Marches of Wales, G. B., 877 Marcus Hook, Pa., 1172 Marengo, 111., 1189, 1232, 1658 Marengo, la., 1660, 2051 Marengo, Mich., 722 Marengo County, Ala., 1910 Maresfield, Eng., 70 Marfield, Eng., 478 Margaretta, O., 587-8 Margaretta Island, S. A., 1616 Margarette Islands, S. A., 1616 Margaretville, N. S., 562, 1 175-8, 1846 Marietta, Ga., 1324, 1372-3, 177^-7, 2112-13, 2118-19, 2172, 2180 Marietta, O., 1390, 1629, 2010 Marietta, S. C, 2123-5, 2181-2, 2185-6 Marinette, Wis., 1440 Marion, Ala., 2135-6 Marion, Ind., 861, 1287, 1485, 1869, 2145 Marion, ta., 1502 Marion, Kan., 1678 Marion, Ky., 1309 Marion, Mass., 1616 Marion, Mich., 1137 Marion, Minn., 1047, 1448 Marion, O., 1515, 1652, 1967 Marion Cotmty, Ga., 2162, 2208 Marion County, Ind., 1663, 2145 Marion County, la., 631 Marion County, Miss., 1062 Marion County, O., 906 Mariposa, Cal., 1686 Market Bosworth, Eng., 75 Market Harborough, Eng., 492 , Markham, Can., 1188 Marlborough, Eng., 160, 428, 959, 1032 Marlborough, Mass., 52, 66, 106, 126-7, 216, 258-60, 316, 772, 816-7, 1151, 1174, 1869, 1930, 2313, 2484 Marlborough, N. H., 156, 1448 Marlboro, N. J., 1032-3, 1837 Marlboro, N. Y., 667, 1919 Marlboro, O., 906, 1515, 1652 Marlborough, Vt., 1204, 184S Mars Bluff, S. C, 2218 Marseilles, France, 2237 Marshall, 111., 1952 Marshall, Ind., 913-4 Marshall, la., 1360 Marshall, Mich., 667, 726, 861-3, 1124, 1339, 1432, 2323, 2329 Marshall, Minn., 701-2, 710. 1061 Marshall, Mo., 2336 Marshall, N. Y., 1335 2864 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Marshall, Tex., SS14 Marshall County, Miss., 3io.g Marshall County, Tenn., 3i6g Marshalltown, la., 1307, igss Marshallville, Ga,, 2136-41 Marsh Creek, Pa., i76g Marshfield, Mass,, sio, 305, 384, 515, 743, 810, 1083, 1660, 183S, 2326, 24ig Marshfield, Vt., 1377, 1880 Marske Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Martha's Vineyard, Mass., SS, g4, 194-6, 422-s, 43g, 433, 959, 973, 979, 1033, 1067, 1138, iig7, 1733, 3371, 3378, 3337 Martin, Eng., 1883 Martin, Ga., 3105-7, S166-7 Martin County, Ind., 1437 Martindale, N. Y., 1184 Martinico, Martinique, W, I., ig4, 435, 533, 1612, 3353, 3368 Martinsburgh, N. Y., 1465, 1503 Martinsburgh, W. Va., 515, 1063, 1708, 3311 Martin's Ferry, Cal., 164s Martinsville, 111., 1671 Martin's Vineyard, Mass., 35 Martinton, III,, 1336 Martintown, Ont., ssgg Marton, Eng., is, 17, 370, 3336 Marton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., IS, 3334 Martville, N. Y., 6is, 1317 Maryland, State of, 513, 1354, 144s, 1637, i76g, igss, 2010, sosg, 2171, 3184, 3380, sssg Maryport, Eng., 436 Marysville, Cal., 356, 73g, 1414, 1617, igog-io, SS08, ssig Marysville, Ind., 1873 Marysville, Midi., iS4g Maryville, Mo., 3016 Mashapaug, Conn. , 745-6, 2314 Mason, Mich., 486, 1334, 1853 Mason, O., iigg, i6sg Mason County, Ky., 1116 Mason County, W. Va., 6g6 Masonville, N. Y., 336, 406, g3i-6, 1684-8 Maspeth Hills, N. Y,, 466 Massachusetts, State of, 47, 138, 143, 147, 160, i7g, 246-8, 270, 2g5, 304, 323-4, 338, 388, 48g-go, 547, 557, 604, 634, 63g, 703, 833, 853, goi, g77-S, 1031, 1043, 1151, isog, 1336, 1339, 134s, 1351-3. 1385, 1395. 1427, 1504, 1628, 1637, 1640, i65g, 1670, 1704, 1776, i88g, soog, 3154, S347-8, 2262-3, 2269-72, ,, 2277, 3380-1, 3308-IQ, 3314-15, 2326-7, 3330, 3333-4, 3416, 3436, 3481, 3484-6, 3503 Massachusetts Bay, Mass., 4go, i6sg Massachusetts Bay Colony, N, E., 4go, i6sg, 3370-1, 3314, 2484 Massachusetts Bay state, 23 IS Massachusetts Coast, Mass., 48g Massaco, Conn., 31S, 143s, 3481 Massena, N. Y., 1540 Massilon, O., 766, g6s, 1333, i48g, 1643, iSss, ssgs Massington, Eng., igss Masstown, N. S., 574 Masterland, Holland, 3487 Matagorda, Tex., 1163 Matagorda Bay, Tex., 1361 Mataket, Mass., 437 Matealapan, N, J., 1837 Matlock, Eng., 4gs Mattapoisett, Mass., 4S0, 861-3, gSS, i6o3 Mattawan, Mich., 1137 Matteawan, N. Y., 1005 Mattison, Mich., I37g Mattituck, N. Y,, 46g-7i, 2483 Mattole Valley, Cal,, 1374 Mattoon, 111., 1406 Maui, Hawaii, U, S. A., g69 Maumee, O., 1813, 1877 Maumee City, O,, 1813 Maumee country, O., ssgs Maury County, Tenn., 1865, 3130, 3303 Maw, Scotland, nog Maxwell, Cal., 672 May, Mich., isgs Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1757 Mayfield, Eng., 510 Mayfield, N. Y., 78g Mayfield, O,, ig59 Maynardville, Tenn,, sogo, 2ig3 Mayo County, Ireland, 1576 Maysville, Ark., S173 Maysville, 111., 1554 Maysvillfe, Ky., 1573, igSi-s, 3143-4, 2igg Mayville, N. Y., S04-6 Maywood, N, J., ggg, loso Mazeppa, Minn,, 3501 Mazo Manie, Wis., 1855-6 Meadowbrook, Pa., sosg-so Meadow Plain, Conn., 3482 Meadville, Pa., 483, 7gg, 863, 1046, 107s, 1142, 1540, 1750, 3455, 3488-g Meaford, Ont., 1533 Mearemore, Eng., 3045 Meath County, Ireland, 507, 3357 Mechanicsburg, 111., is6s Mechanicsburgh, O., 1081 Mechanicsburgh, Pa., 1671 Mechanicsville, la., isSS Mechanicsville, N. Y., g44, 1703, 3476 Mecklenburgh, N. Y,, 1050, 1752 Mecosta, Mich., 138s Medbury, N. H., 1600-1 Medfield, Mass., ng, 157-60, 241, 330-S. 775, 817, Sss, 1301, 1561, 1564, 183s, 1881, sng, 2S33 Medford, Mass., 60-3, 103, 106-16, 163, ig6, sig, 341, 337-9, 365, 505, 700, 7'^7, 1063. I 107, IIIS, iis6, isg4, 1582, 1754, 1815, 1863-4, 1927, ig4S-6, 2421-S, 2426-7, 3433 Medford, Wis., 3365 Medford Bridge, Mass., 106 Media, Pa., 1833 Medicine Lodge, Kan., 1430 Medina, N. Y., 797, 1538, iSgs, ig74, 3461 Medina, O,, 7sg, 1045, 1543, 1643, i64g, 3465 Medina, Tex., 1865 Medina County, N. Y., iSSg Mediterranean Sea, Europe, 3367 Medusa, N. Y., 1353, issg, igo6 Medusa Township, N. Y., 1353 Medway, Ga., 3424 Medway, Mass., 156-60, S3i-4, 818-20, g40, 18S1, 2473, 2478 Mehoopany, Pa., 6si Meigs County, Tenn., 3137 Melai, Wales, 3414 Melbourne, Australia, 3357 Melbourne, P. Q., 712, i4ig Melcombe Regis, Eng., 503 Melksham, Eng,, 3173 Melrose, III,, 1352 Melrose, Md,, 1669 Melrose, Mass., 22, 680, 1181, 1406-7, 1601, iSio, 1845, 3326 Melton Mowbray, Eng., 3g4 Memphis, N. Y., iSgs Memphis, Tenn., 663, 701, 883, 1130, 1477, i6ig-3o, 1733, I7g4, 1801, 1836, 1S64, ig63, igSs, sioS, SISS, 2147-8, 3433 " Memphis City " steamer, Mississippi River, U. 'S,, 1477 Menasha, Wis,, 164S, I98g, SOSI Mendham, N. J., 451, 462, 468, 515-20 Mendippe Hills, Eng., 540 Mendon, III., 1352 Mendon, Mass., 240-1, 336, 366, 816, 1082, iig7, 1304, 1603 Mendon, Mich., 1243 Mendon, N. Y., 1581, 2315-18 Mendon, Vt., i3g2 Mendota, 111., gog-is, i6s8-g, 1680 Menemsha (Chilmark), Mass., 1715 Menlo Park, N. J,, g96-8, 1730-S Menominee, Mich,, 1737 Menomonee, Wis., 766 Menomonee Falls, Wis., 766 Menopionie, Wis., 805 Menotomy, Mass., 700 Menstrie, Scotland, 1760 Mentor, Minn., 1345 Mentor, O,, 338, 631, gsi-s, 1141-S, isig, IS34-5, 1343, 1316, 1675-7, 1851, 1886 Mentor, Wis., 113S-9 Mentz, N, Y., isi8, 1440 Mercaston, Eng., 121s Mercer, Pa., 1296, 1641 Mercer County, 111,, 2500 Mercer County, Ky., 1953 Mercer County, Pa., 1855 Mercersburg, Pa., 1942 Merchant Tailors, Eng. , 221 Merchiston Lodge, Edin burgh, Scotland, 1746 Mercy, N. Y., 1792 Meredith, Del., 607 Meredith, Mass., 623-4 Meredith, Mich., iigi Meredith, N. Y., 283, 670, 67S-g, 6S4, gs3-4, 1304, 136s, 1542, 1551 Meredith Bridge, N, H., 1600 Meredith Square, N. Y., gss-4 Meriden, Conn., Sgg, 918, ggs, 1148, 1353-4, 1311, 1388, 1446, iggS, 2454, 2456 Meridian, Mich., 1213 Meridian, Miss,, 3155 Meridian, N. Y., 1317 Merionethshire, Wales, 529 Meriwether County, Ga., 3153-3 Merrick County, Neb,, 1164-5 Merricksville, N. Y., 2047-8 INDEX OF PLACES. 2865 }\Ierrillon, Wis., 1139 ]\Ierrilton, Ont., 1821 Merrimac, Mass., 1277 jNlerrimac, N. H., 1270, 2430, 2440-1 Merrimack, Wis., 1279 Merritt, Wis., 1643 Merritt's Island, Fla., 1086, 1779 ^lerrittsville, S. C, 2185 Merton, Wis., 972-3 Merwen, Holland, 456 Mesopotamia, O., 1625 Messenger's Plantation, Miss., 2018 Messengerville, N. Y., 607 Messing, Eng., 1211 Metapedia, P. Q., 945-6. 1702 ilethuen, Mass., 703, 913, 1291, 1419-20, 1461, 1716, 2262 Metropolis City, 111., 645 Metuchen, N. J., 1730-1 Mexico, Mex., 1763-4, 2180-1 Mexico, N. Y., 650, 1303. 1677, 2024 Mexico, N. A., 990, 1117, 1270, 1341, 1749, 1763-4, 1961, 198S, 2ogo, 2266 Miami, O., 874, 1268 Miami County, Ind., 2145 Miami County, O., 1264 Michigan, State of, 255, 269, 289, 307, 349, 440, 455. 534, 582-5, 602, 622-3, 631, 674, 727, 739. 774, 778, 792-3. 816, 847, 853, 892, 895, 904, 1003, 1092, 1129, 1133, 1137-8, 1148, 1 162, 1242-3, 1276, 1349, 1388-9, 1400-1, 1411, 1485, 1509, 1510, 1571. 1625, 1648-9, 1852, 2013, 2272, 2278, 2286, 2291, 2338 Michigan City, Ind., 618 ilichigan lake, U. S., 1677, 1881 Micklenox, Scotland, 1485 Mickleover, Eng., 1212 Middleborough, Mass., 288, 515, 546, 647, 985. 1236. 1612, 1832, 1867, 18S3 Middlebourne, W. Va., 2028 Middleburgh, Eng., 498, 2226 Middleburg, Holland, 1031 Middleburgh, N. Y., 326, 1138, 1499. 1543-5. 1978, 2315-16, 2318-19 Middlebury, Conn., 1237 Middlebury, Mass., 440 Middlebury, N. Y., 1535, i934 Middlebury, O., 758, 1442, 1482-3, 14S9, 1491, 1641, 1961 Middlebury, Vt., 299, 307. 397, 444, 503-4, 642, 694, 730-1, 846, 1080-3, iiio-l, 1308, 1357. 1396, 1573, 1932-3, 2J58 Middle Chinnock, Eng., 170 Middlefield, Mass., 909, 1647, 1657, 2015 Middlefield, N. Y., 666, 1350. 1547 Middlefield, O., 673-4 Middle Granville, N. Y-, 1224, 1291, 1485 Middle Haddam, Conn., 1041-2, 1747 . ,, Middle Plantations, Va., 1151 Middleport, N. , Y., 1346, 1717. 189s „ Middleport, O., 2010 Middlesborough, Ky., 2465 Middlesex, N. Y., ii39. "34. 1 513, 2335-6 Middlesex, Vt., 746, 1206, 1618 180 Middlesex County, Conn., 2278 Middlesex County, Eng., 38, 121, 493, 554. 1204, 1757. 1771. 1839, 2242, 2245, 2260 Middlesex County, Mass., 2263 Middleton, Eng., 2224 Middleton, Mass., 1070, 1767 Middleton, N. H., 1707 Middleton, N. S., 555, 559. 563 Middleton, Scotland, 1890 Middleton, Wis., 631, 1242-3, 1856-7 Middleton Prairie, Wis., 1242-3 Middletown, Conn., 137, 510, 520, 596, 603, 622, 632, 638, 658, 686-7, 918, 932, 992, IQ41-2, 1108, 1149, 1322, 1488, 1504, 1716-17, 1728, 1747, 1810, 1992, 2017, 2023, 2271, 2278, 2315. 2321. 2491 Middletown, Del., 1062 Middletown, N. J., 1867 Middletown, N. Y., 382, 536, 801, 1138, 1347. 1857-8, 2283 Middletown, Pa., 1298, 2045 Middletown, Vt., 152, 841, 983, 2324, 2457 „,. ., Middletown Point, N. J., 1867 Middletown Township, N. Y., 1857 Middleville, N. Y., 851 Midhope, Eng., 236 Midland City, Mich., 1353 Midlothian, Scotland, 1744-5 Mifflin, Pa., 1470 Mifflin County, Pa., 1481 Milan, 111., 1415 Milan, O., 586-90, 600, 1051. 1 194, 1199. 1731-3 Milan, Pa., 728-9 Milbank, Dak., 1419 Miles' Grove, Pa., 1553 Milford, Conn., 117, 209, 409, 509, 711, 831, 885, 914, 931-2, 998, 1041, 1081, 1105, 1121. 1147-9, 1211-12, 1254, 1482, 1513, 1524. 1687. 1742 Milford, Del., 1845-6 Milford, Eng., 385. 2457 Milford, Mass., 336, 430, 47°, 530, 567, 650, 819, 824, 937. 2471, 2473-5, 2477-8 Milford, Mich., 1899, 2318 Milford, N. H., 1113, 2430 Milford, N. Y., 285, 1829 Milford, Pa., 1648 Milford Haven, Eng., 417. i960 , . _ Milford Township, O., i355. 1905 Millburn, 111., 473, 1040 Millburn, N. J., 339, i530 Millbury, Mass., 1836, 2472 Milleburne, Eng., 2203 Milledgeville, Ga., 762 Miller Corners, N. Y., 843, 2317, 2320-1, 2323 Millersburgh, O., 1297 Millersburgh, Pa., 2101 Miller's Falls, Mass., 1291 Millers Mills, N. Y., 1551 Millerton, N. Y., 606, 1182 Millerton, Pa., 932 Millford, N. B., 1846 Mill Hall, Pa., 2029 Millington, Conn., 116-17, 122-3, 216 Millington, Eng., 1715 Millington, Mass., 1857 Mill Point, Mich., 1646 Mill Port, N. Y., 930 Mill River, Mass., 538-9, 1149 Millston, Eng., 936 Mill Village, Vt., 1392 ' Millville, Cal., 808 Millville, Mass., 878 Millville, N. B., 1846 Millville, N. J., 1362, 1530 Millville, N. Y., 2503 Milntown, Isle of Man, 1985 Milo, N. Y., 314, 600, 615, 773, 1427, 150S, 1598 Milpitas, Cal., 1427 Milroy, Pa., 936, 1694 Milton, Conn., 1518 Milton, Eng. 1112 Milton, Mass., 332, 388, 688, 834, 1070, 1121, 1600, 1770, 1799, 2324 Milton, N. H., 1463 Milton, N. Y., 788, 1302, 1379, 1398, 1682 Milton, N. S., 575 Milton, O., 1623 Milton, Vt., 645-6, 1054, 1084, 1586-7 Milton, Wis., 1672 Milton Junction, Wis., 1551 Miltown, Isle of Man, 1985 Milwaukee, Wis., 22, 602, 676, 694-5, 719, 768, 798, 895, 902-3, 972-5, 1270, 1289, 1343-4, 1374. 1390, 1397-S, 1409, 1440, 1444-5, 1492-3. 1635, 1641, 1646-8, 1666-7, 1962, 1986, 2248, 2261-3, 2272, 2312, 2326, 2492 Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad, U. S., 1648 Milwaukee Country, Wis., 892 Minas Basin, N. S., 1844 Minden, La., 2090-1, 2134-6, 2177 Minden, Neb., 1379 Mineral Point, Wis., 2301 Mineral Ridge, O., 887-8 Miner's Run, Pa., 1505 Minisink, N. Y., 708 Minisink Patent, N. Y., 1831 Minneapolis, Kan., 1628 Minneapolis, Minn., 357, 622, 741-2, 845, 945, 949, 1075-6, 1 142-3, 1193, 1213, 1308, 1360, 13S5, 1423-4, 1432, 1440, 1474. 1492, 1635, 1641, 1655, 1658, 1661, 1670, 1688, 1709, 1770, 1828, 1837-8, 1840, 1932, 1940, 1961-2, 2026, 2039, 2044, 2261-4, 2269, 2273, 2276-9, 2305, 2310, 2312-13, 2329-30 Minneola, Kan., 1811 Minnesota, State of, 46, 542, 709-11, 903, 971, 1262, 1374, 1405, 1419, 1720, 1869, 2248 Mirabile, Mo., 1870 Mirimachie, N. B., 473-5 Mishawaka, Ind., 1186, 1343-4, 1400, 1415 Mission, 111., 1628 Mission Valley, Cal. or Tex., 2276 Missisquoi Bay, Can., 484 Mississippi, State of, 1130, 1457-8, 1797, 1955, ¦ 2071, 2080-2, 2097-9, 2109, 2115, 2153-4, 2176, 2211-12 Mississippi River, U. S., 903, 1438, 1477, 2076, 2081, 2148, 2432 2866 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Mississippi Sound, Miss., 3366 Missouri, State of, 1044-5, 1086, 1136, 1144, 134I) 1352. 1446, 1485-6, 1532. 1619, 1637-8, 1S55, 185S, 2075-7. sogo, sog4-6, sios-s, 2110-11, 3133, 3153 Missouri City, Mo., siii Missouri River, U, S., 334 " Missouri " steamer, off Abaco Island, Bahamas, I 781, I7g3 Mitcheals River, N. C, soSi, siio Mitchell, Ind., igsS Mitchell, la., 1693 Mitchell, S. D., 637, 1355 Mitchell Creek Township, Pa., 1397-8 Mithe, Eng., 3333 Mittineague, Mass., 1385 Moberly, Mo., 1936 Mobile, Ala., 503, 693-5, 754. 830, 833-4, g56, 959-60, 1081, 1085, 1394. 1567-8 1773-4. igog, 1957, 2077-8, S106, 3160, 2333, 3371, 2376, 3307, 3310, 3338, 2330, 2332-3, 2435 Mobile Bay, Ala., 876 Mobile County, Ala., 2332 Modbury, Eng., 1114 Modoc Expedition, U. S., 1344 Moere, Scandinavia, 2203 Moffat, Scotland, 1745 Mohawk, N. Y,, 1334 Mohawk Country, N. Y., 534 Mohawk Dam, N. Y., 1578 Mohawk River, N. Y., 314 Moingona, la,, 685 Moira, N, Y., 1377-8, igiS-ig Mokena, 111,, 16S5, 1690 Moline, III., 962 Moline, Kan., 3305 Molsey, Eng., 1758 Molsonby, Eng., ssos Moncornet, Picardy, 1775 Moncton, N. B,, 776, 1173, 1180, 1508-g Mondovi, Vt,, 604 Mongo, Ind., gi4 Monimusk, Scotland, 1971 Monkton, Vt., 1933 Monmouth, 111., 1553, 1667, 3ogs-4 Monmouth, Me., 1713 Monmouth County, N. J,, 1680 Monmouth Township, Kan., I9S7 Monongahela River, Pa., 1041 Monroe, Conn., nsg, isig Monroe, Ga., 3136-7, 3154-5 Monroe, la., 1635 Monroe, Kan., 614, isgs, 2267 Monroe, Mich., 48, sSg-go, 790, I2SS, issg, i8gg, ig94, 3386 Monroe, N, H., 3287 Monroe, N. Y,, g28, isg7 Monroe, O., 547, ss7g Monroe, Wis., 415, 651, 953, iisg, 1309, 1497, i49g, 1500, 1711-IS, ig76 Monroe City, Mo., isgs Monroe County, Ala., igog Monroe County, Fla., soog Monroe County, Ga., 2103, 2136-7, 3154-5, 2208 Monroe County, Ind., 2140 Monroe County, Ky., 143S, 1864 Monroe County, N. Y., 310, 325. 352-3. 1349 Monroe County, O., g47-S Monroe County, Tenn., 20S6-7, 2ogi-2, 2is6, 3133, S136-8, 3i86, 2ig6 Monroe Township, Kan., 1592 Monroeville, N. Y,, 677 Monroeville, O., 57g, 1274, 1877. 2333 Monrovia, N. Y., 1448 Mons, France, 1776 Monson, Mass., 620-30, 745. 831, SS2-3, ggs, Iisg, isss-41, 135s, iSss, 3053 Montague, Mass., 107, 375-6, 353-4, 64g-5i, 1305-6, i3og, 1883, 2271, 3486 Montague, N. Y., 1403 Montana, State of, igSS, igg7 Montcalm, Mich,, i67g Montclair, N. J,, iog4, 1833 Monterey, Mich., 116s Monterey County, Cal., 1764 Montevallo, Ala., S145-6 Monte Video, Montevideo, Uruguay, 385 Montezuma,- la., 1477 Montgomery, Ala., 2114-16 Montgomery, Mass., 1107 Montgomery, Mich., 3335 Montgomery, N, Y., 8g7 Montgomery, O., 553, 1164, 1S70, 1877 Montgomery City, Mo., sigg Montgomery County, Ala., S084-5, 3116-1S Montgomery County, 111., 2sg4 Montgomery County, Ky,, 3057 Montgomery County, N. Y., II 17, iSgs Montgomery County, O,, 1872, 304g Monticello, Ga., 476-7, si8o Monticello, 111., 5g8 Monticello, la., 8gi Monticello, Minn., soii-is Monticello, N. Y., iggo Monticello, Wis., 1309 Montier, Switzerland, 1941 Montour, N. Y., 1684 Montpelier, France, 1761 Montpelier, Vt., 313, 263, 374, 304, 338-g, sg4-s, 631-3, 643, 648, 688, 6gg, 746, 812-13, 847, IIOI, 1S06, 1328, is8o, isSS, isgg, 1350, 1377-8, 1408, issg, 1617, i66g, igsi, 3484 Montrathtown, Ireland, 6g7 Montreal, Can., 3g4, 301, 340, 388-g, 747. 814, Sg7, 1053. 1077, 1171, 1366, 1346, 1508, 1559-60, 1635, 1680, 1733, 1743, 1840, 1931, 20S7-8, ss6s, 2379, 3332, 2482 Montrose, Can., 1674 Montrose, Mich., 585 Montrose, Mo., goo Montrose, N. J., 1766 Montrose, Pa., 353, gSs, 1533 Montrose, Scotland, logs, 1837 , Montville, Conn., 65g, 715 Montville, Me., ss88 Montville, O., 536, 54g, 780, 1 146 Monument Beach, Mass., 974-5. 1079 Monymusk, Scotland, ig7i Moody, Te.\-., si8o-i, 21956, 3320 Mooers, N. Y., 1753 Moon, Mich., 2348 Moorefield, Neb., 3017 Moorefield, O., i8g7 Moore Hall, Eng,, no Mooreheadville, Pa., 1604-5 Mooresburg, Tenn., 31 11, 3 170- I Moore's Hill, Ind., Ssg Moore's Prairie, III., 3306 Moores Station, Cal., 184s Moorestown, N. J., 1158 Moorsham, Moorsholm, Eng., 2324 Moors Run, Pa., ngo Moose Brooke, N. S., 1175 Moosehead Lake, Me., 1750 Moosetown, Ont., iiso Moravia, la., S031 Moravia, N, Y., 895, 1S17-18, 1334 Moreland, N. Y., 930-1 Moreland Township, Pa., ss66 Moreleigh, Eng., 3342 Morenci, Mich., 134s Moreton Hampstead, Eng. , 394 Moretown, Vt., 306, 746, 1386, iSis Morgan, Ind. , 69s, 1393 Morgan, O., S4S-9 Morgan, Vt., 1304-5, 1436 Morgan, Wis., i439, 1939-4° Morgan County, Ga., SI15-16 Morgan County, Mo., 1194 Morgantown, Va., W. Va., 3478 Moriah, N. Y., 1578 Moriey, Mo., 1282 Moriey, N. Y,, 1386 Morningside, Scotland, 1745 Morocco, Ind,, 641, 1S76 ' Morrill, Me., 171s Morris, Conn., 1213, 1334, 1833-3 Morris, 111., 1473-4, 1547, 1646, 2272 Morris, Minn., igig Morris, N. Y., 1334 Morrisania, N. Y. , 401-3, 1079. 1594 Morris County, N. J., gg5-6, 103s, igis Morrison, 111,, 1338, 1672-4 Morrisonville, N. Y., 3476 Morris Plains, N. J., lOsO Morristown, N. J., los, 451, gg6-8, io6s, 1099, iioi, 1314, 1612, 1670, 1764-6, 1810 Morristown, N. Y., 753, 1483, 1977 Morristown, Tenn., 2igs, 22S0 Morristown, Vt., 307-8, 604, 641, 748-50, 1305-7, 1467-9. iS4g, ig48 Morrisville, N. Y., 336-7, 526, 650, 1130-1, 1306-7, 1792, 1833 Morrisville, Vt., 749, 1387, 1467,, 1949 Morrow County, O., 905-6 Morse's Corners, O., igo4 Mortlake, Conn., 44, 2280 Moscow, Idaho, 1843 Moscow, Me., 946, 954, 1713-13 Moscow, N. Y., 45, 48S-3, 1046, I 133, 1749, 1833-4. 3488-g Moscow, W. Va., sosS Moseley Chapel, Eng., 2235 Mosiertown, Pa., 631 INDEX OF PLACES. 2867 Mosquito Creek, Idaho, 1952 Moss Bank., Eng., 70 Mossy Creek, Tenn., 2088-90, 2193, 2219 Motcomb, Eng., 399 Motiers parish, Switzerland, 1767 Mottram, Eng., 2238 Mottville, Mich., 295, 720, 1428 Mottville, N. Y., 1653 Moulton, Ala., 832, 2177 Mound City, 111., 2480 Mound City, Kan., 759 Mound Prairie, Minn., 720 mountain Cedar, Va., 1068 mountain Clinch, Tenn., 2058, 2132 mountain Currahee, Ga., 2115 mountain Gaspereaux, N. S., 571 Mountain Home, Tex., 1747 mountain Horton, N. S., 555, 1167 mountain Keyes, Col., 1701 mountain King's, N. C., and S. C, 20, 2060-71, 2184 Mountain Lake, Minn., 1273, 1407-8 mountain Lookout, Tenn. , 2101, 2159 Mountain Meadows, Utah, 2102 mountains Green, Vt., 290, 617 mountains- Springfield, N. J., 466-7 Mount Airy, N. C, 2108-10, 2168-70 Mount Auburn, O., 1777 Mount Carmel, Pa., 1286 Mount Carroll, HI., i753 Mount Clemens, Mich., 1533, 1537. 1573-4, 1675, 1982-3, 2459 Mount Eden, Ky., 2276 Mountesford, Eng., 2469 Mount Holley, Mass., 899 Mount Holly, N. J., 1246 Mount Holly, Vt., 1392, 1410, 1419 Mount Irene, South Africa, 1743 Mount Joy Township, Pa., 1671 . ,, Mount Lebanon, La., 2069, 2134 Mount Lebanon, Syria, 1094 Mount Mascal, Eng., 84 Mount Melick, Ireland, 2045 Mount Morris, N. Y., 254-S. 577. 580-3. 1297, 1307, 1611. Mount Pleasant, la., 1881, 1894. 2093-4 ,,. , Mount Pleasant, Mich., 1165 Mount Pleasant, Pa., 2030 Mount Pleasant, Wis., 1388 Mount Prospect, N. J., I735 Mount Pulaski, 111., 1265 Mount Repose, O., 991 Mount Rock, Pa., 920 Mount Savage, Md., 1141-2, 1835-6 . _ Mount Sterling, p., 1299 Mount Summit, Ind., 1908 Mount Tabor, Neb., 2503 Mount Upton, N. Y., 631 Mount Vernon, III., 2478 Mount Vernon, Ind., 642, 1281-4 Mount Vernon, Me., i554 Mount Vernon, Miss., 2157 Mount Vernon, N. H., 1919 Mount Vernon, O., 554, 1045, I 163, 1297, 2049 Mount Vernon, Tex., 2162-3 Mount Vernon, Va., 1959, 2072, 2173, 2204 Mount Washington, N. H., , 548 Mount Wollaston, Mass., 492 Mount y brough, Wales, 715 Mount Zion, La., 2135-7 Mousley, Eng., 57 Moussovrie, North India, 957 Muddy Brook, Mass., 492, 545 Muddy Creek, Tenn., 2133 Muddy River, Mass., 492, 714-15, IIOO, 1868, 2422 Mud Springs, Cal., 1795 Muir, Mich., 676 Mulberry, Tenn., 692 Muletown, Cal., 1642 Mulfordtown, N. J., 454 Mulgrave, Eng., 13 Mulgrave Castle, Eng., 12 Mulliken, Mich.,. 1905 Mull Isle, Scotland, 2279 Mulsetter, Orkney Isles, 1082 Mumford, N. Y., 2320 Muncie, Ind., 1054, 1130, 1529, 1638 Muncy, Pa., 1689 Mundy, Mich., 1905 Munroe, Kan., 614 Munroeville, 0., 1410 Munroeville, N. Y., 677 Munson, O., 535-6, 1138-9. 1146, 1220, 1887 Munsonville, N. Y., 934 Munster, Ireland, 1068 Mura, Denmark, 1108 Murfreesboro, N. C, 216 Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1144, 2109, 2156 Murfreesboro battle, Tenn., 2156 Murphysborough, 111., 161S-19, 1653, 2004 Murray, N. Y., 593 Murray County, Ga., 2077, 2102-5, 2136-S, 2195 Muscatine, la., 1335, 1659 Muscatine County, O., 586-7, 1052 Muscosh Township, O., 1193 Muscotah, Kan., 1522 Muskegon, Mich., 1133-4, 2318 Muskingum County, O., 947. 1442 Musquodobit, N. S., 1746 Myra, Wis., 766 Mystic, Conn., 487 Mystic, Mass., 60-1, 107, 507 Mystic Bridge, Conn., 746, 2320 Myton, Cleveland, Eng., 13 Nacogdoches, Tex., 2090, 2176, 2200 Nacoochee Valley, Ga., 2115 Nailsworth, Eng., 461-2 Nance County, Neb., 1939, Z044 Nankin, China, 195S-7 Nantasket, Mass., 121, 394, 877, 968-9, 1030, 1060, 1070 Nantucket, Mass., 54, 93, 193-7, 417-18. 421. 424-9. 433. 479. 675, 958-9, 966-70, 973-6, 1081, 1384, 1535, 1718-19, 1988 Nantwich, Eng., 2416 Napa, Cal., 1157, 1445-6, 1843 Napance, Ont., 962 Naperville, 111., 550-1, 13S3-4, 1433, 1933 Naples, Italy, 1019 Naples, N. Y., 143. 294-5, 631-2, 719-23, 775. 1244, 1427-8, 2324-5 Napoleonville, La., 753 Narragansett, R. I., 293, 1057, 1644, 1839 Narraganset Bay, R. I., 47 Narrows, Mass., 102 Nashawan Island, Mass., 1717, 2482 Nashua, la., 684, 1193, 1333, 1419, 1718, 1892 Nashua, N. H., 332, 791, 874, 1072, 1247, 127Q, 1609-10, 1698, 1708, 1826, 1919, 2429, 2439 Nashville, Tenn., 22, 663, 719, 756, 1324, 1373. 1436, 1658, 1794, 1865, 1952-5, 2046-7, 2095, 2109, 2114, 2134-5, 2159, 2177, 2182, 2261, 2270, 2276-8, 2280, 2298, 2301-2, 2308, 2318, 2324, 2326, 2328-9, 2333, 2424 Nasing, Eng., 132, 304, 318, 544, 1147, 1603, 1776, 1814, 1838 Nassau, Germany, 160 Nassau, New Providence Is land, Bahama Islands, 1781, 1792-3, 2260, 2328 Nassau, N. Y., 1415, 2274-5 Nassau Island, N. Y., 2452 Nassau Village, N. Y., 2275 Natchez, Miss., 1490, 1756, 1797 Natchitoches, La., 2134 Natick, Mass., 824, 828, 1394. 1599, 1654, 2476 Nauchooche Valley, Ga., 2115, 2173 Nauchotee Indian Station, Ga., 2160 Naugatuck, Conn., 662, 1254, 2453 Naumkeag, Mass., 702, 877 Naumkeeke, Mass., 220 Nauvoo, 111., 1476, 1951 Navarre, O., 2292 Navarro County, Tex., 2160 Navasota, Tex., 1312 Navistoke, Eng., 781, 800 Nayatt Point, R. I., 1597 Nayland, Eng., 1603 Nazeing, Nazing, Eng., 132, 304, 318. 544, 1147, 1603, 1776, 1814, 1838 Naziang, China, 1957 Nazin, Eng., 132, 304, 318, 544, 1147, 1603, 1776, 1814, 1838 Neal, Kan., 1410 Nebraska, State of, 547, 6og, 1072, 1362, 1487, 1538, 1570, 1576, 1657, 2101, 2266, 2459 Nebraska City, Neb., 1369, 1509 Neck-of-Land, Va., 2173 Necton, Eng., 878, 1791 Needham, Mass., 131. 336, 345, 824, 1601, 2472, 2476 Needles, Cal., 2305 Neenah, Wis., 1194-5, 1654-5, 1765, 1989-90 ^leillsville. Wis., 1748-9 Nelson, N. H., 1618 Nelson, N. Y., 649-50, 796, 1218, 1303-4, 1538 Nelson, New Zealand, 1744 Nelson Center, Kan., 1510, 1965 2868 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Nelson County, \'a., 1908 Nelsonville, Tex., 1914 Neodesha, Kan., 565, 1177, 1330 Neosho, Mo., 807, 1367 Neosho Valley, Kan., 1638 Nepaug, Conn., 783-4 Nepera Park, N. Y., 990 Neponset, 111., 806, 954 Neponset, Mass., 1601 Neshoba County, Miss., 2178 Nesidah, Wis., 1922 Ness, Kan., 1978 Netherlands, Europe, 565, 1831, 1883 Nether Provid'ence, Pa., 2045 Neufchatel lake, Switzerland, 1767 Neunham, Eng., 1489 Nevada, 111., 1931 Nevada, Mo., 1592, 1736, 2209 Kevada, O., 2282, 2292 Nevada, State of, 951, 1444, 1449 Nevada City, Cal., 1650, 1658, 2019, 2261 Nevis Island, W. I., 2175-6 New Albany, Ind., 1781, 2020, 2263, Z313, 2329 New Albany, N. S., 571 INew Amersfoort, N. Y., 1809 New Amsterdam, N. Y., 455-6, 695, 793, ioz6, 1032, 1760, 1768, 1775-6, 1809, 1818-19, 1831, 1837, 1971, 1988, 2487 Newark, 111., 1548, 1978 Newark, Md., 11S4 Newark, N. J., 205-9, 450-3, . 457, 461-8, 487, 515-ao, 610, 816, 854, 994-1000, 1004, loio-ii, . 1018-33, 1062, 1090, lioo-i, 1105, 1147, 1211, 1266, 1314, 1478, 1531, 1567, 1596, 1603, 1632, 1685, 1728-40, 1778, 1803, 1810, 1836-7, 1974, 1980-1, 2024, 2034, 2254, 2259-61, 2264, 2272, 2279, 2309, 2312, 2497 Newark, N. Y., 697 Newark, O., 905, 1297, 1612 Newark, Vt., 1205-6 Newark, Wis., 1989 Newark Castle, Eng., 2230 Newark Valley, N. Y,, 1215, 1294, 140Z, 1597 New Ashford, Mass., 1641 New Baltimore, N. Y., 323-4, 793 New Bedford, Mass., 241, 420, 430, 436-7, 542, 820, 823, 959-62, 965-8, 970-2, 975-80, 987-9, 992, 1510, 1654, 1716-19, 1722, 1765, 1815 New Bedford, Pa., 1624 New Berlin, N. Y., 665, 751-4, 963-4. 1334-7. 1342, 1892, 2269, 2279, 2444 New Berlin, Wis., 761-2, 1490-2 Newbern, 111., 2285 Newbern, N. C, 456, 1036, 1810, 2265 Newberry, Ind., 1534 Newberry, Mich., 1354 Newberry, S. C, 2217 Newberry County, S. C, 2137, 2219 Newberry District, S. C, 2049 Newbiggin, Eng., 13 Newbliss, Ireland, 2319 New Bloomington, O., 1652 New Boston, N. H., 1609 New Braintree, Mass., 632-3, 1246, 1251, 1253, 2492 New Bridge, Mass., 28 New Bridge, N. J., 1000, 1733 New Bridgefield, Mass., 27 New Britain, Conn., 22, 480, 661, 918, 998, 1259-60, 1518-19, 1535, 1862, 1884, 1916, 1970, 2279,^^2329, 2482 New Brunswick, Can., 93, 204, 316, 474, 570, 1508, 1702 New Brunswick, N. J., 452, 462, 854, 998, 1020, 1041, 1315, 1760 New Buckenham, Eng., 331 New Buffalo, Wis., 1387 Newburg, 111., 1569 Newburgh, Mich., 1354, 1938-9, 2044 Newburgh, N. Y., 458, 469-71, 496, 854, 918, 1081, 1323-4, 1395. 1597, 1690, 1867, 2025-6, 2254 Newburgh, O., 895, 903, 1085 Newbury, Eng., 449, 507 Newbury, Mass., 43-4, 54, 69, 107-9, 160, 226-7, 279, 327, 362, 365,, 428-9, 477, 489, 497, 510, 522, 557, 798, 861-6, 874, 880, 952, 959, 968, 1032, 1068, 1082-3, 1088, 1126, 1598, 1603, 1613, 1708-9, 1716, 1867, 1890, 1921, 1965, 1988, 1995, 2011, 2032, 2297 Newbury, O., 1315 Newbury, Vt., 888, 1262, 1271, 1589, 1863, 2287 Newbury "Town, Mass., 1755 Newburyport, Mass., 261, 304, 361, 364, 487-9, 495, 521, 820, 823, 832, 861-3, 867-9, 1056-8, 1060-2, 1066-8, 1071, 1394, 1418, 1603, 1613, 1656, 1755, 1810, 1999, 2021 New Cambridge, Mass., 70 New Canaan, Conn., 1929 New Carlisle, O., 2457 New Castle, Del., 110-16, 1845, 2278 New Castle, Eng., 946 New Castle, Ind., 1660 New Castle, Me., 361, 1390 New Castle, N. B., 558 New Castle, N. H., 107, 1069, 1808, 2437, 2469 New Castle, Pa., 1 10-16, 19S6 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng., 59, 64, 153, 181, 417, 700 New Cheshire, Conn., 2260 New Concord, Conn., 1808 Newcut, Eng., 877 New Dorp, N. Y., 1338, 1857-8, 2041 New England, U. S., 199, 467, 489, 528, 714, 1768, 1890, 1970, 2021, 2261 New England Village, Mass., 1449 Newent, Eng., 510, 733 New Fairfield, Conn., 177, 386, 894 Newfane, N. Y., 602 Newfane, Vt., 1829 Newfield, Me., 823 New Forest, Eng., 1038, 1744 Newfound Lake, N. H., 1699 New Foundland, Newfound land, B. A., 1039-40, 1741, 2498 New FrankHn, O., 1672 New Franklin, Pa., 1671 New Germany, N. S., 572 New Glasgow, N. S., 561 New Gloucester, Me., 1600, 2305 Newhall, Eng., 1210 New Hampshire, State of, 107, 144, 152, 163-4, 226, 316, 490, 638, 704, 796, 844, 900, 1 166, 1251, 1394, 1550, 1600, 1923, 2258, 2276, 2282, 2285, 2424, 2469 New Hampton, N. H., 1419 New Harmony, Ind., 1282, 2158 New Hartford, Conn., 661, 687, 780-2, 1208-9, 1313-15. 1496, 1520, ,j66i-2, 1844, 1885 New Hartford, la., 1694, 1964 New Hartford, N. Y., 309-10, 523-4, 587, 619, 1227, 1338, 1471-2, 1950, 2280, 2496 New Haven, Conn., 57, 60, 66, 99, 109, 117, 160, 220, 227-32, 238, 266, 320, 34^, 400, 408, 426, 505, 515, 520, 530, 541, 596, 606, 610, 615, 625, 686, 76s, 772, 792-3, 7ff!, 811, 854-5, 870-2, 892-3, 910, 914, 932, 998, 1063, 1091-2, 1105, 1114, 1122-3, 1147, 1181, 1184, 1208-12, 1234, 1254, 1314, 1323-7, 1348, 1454-5. 1482, 1497, 1514, 1519, 1535. 1556-7. 1564, 1622, 1632, 1771-2, 1776-9, 1808, 1814, 1826, 1837, 1847-50, 1883, 1888-9, 1914-15. 1965-8, 1992, 1998, 2017, 2052, 2260, 2271, 2280, 2293, 2304, 2307, 2312, 2321, 2330, 2452-3 New Haven, 111., i8z New Haven, Ind., 1227, 1853 New Haven, N. Y., 725, 1359, 1476 New Haven, O., 1983-4 New Haven, Vt., 694-5, 725, 1377^^ New Haven, W. Va., 2010 New Haven Colony, N. E., 56 New Haven County, Conn., 2308 New Hudson, Mich., 1235 Newhyre, Ga., 1622-3 Newington, Conn., 409, 2326 Newington, Eng., 1038 Newington, N. H., 1463 New Inverness, Ga., 1800 New Ipswich, Mass., 5285 New Ipswich, N. H., 1836, ^1925 New Jefferson, la., 1963 il ew Jersey, State of, 129, 160, 337, 350, 455. 631, 1020, 1089, 1149, 1241, 1421, 1441, 1478-9, 1485. 1592, 1648, 1659, 1733, 1759-60, 1808, 189s, 1971, 2017, 2073, 2084-6, 2266, 2482, 2489-91 New Jerusalem, N. Y., 1505 New Kent County, Va., 2173 New Lebanon, N. H., 1643 New Lebanon, N. Y., 179, 742, 1322, 1644, 1843-4 New Lebanon Springs, N. Y., 1643 New Lenox, 111., 934, 949, 1686, 1692 New Lisbon, N. Y., 774, 1333 New Lisbon, O., 2207 New Lisbon, Wis., 1343, 1896 New London, Conn., 22, 44, 85, 102, 128-9, 144, 147, 187, 210, 227, 232, 236-7, 307, 380-3, 400, 405-6, 409, 498, 509-11, 51S, 524-7, 539-41, 606, 630,- 640-1, 664, 687, 735, 774, 881, INDEX OF PLACES. 2869 New London, Conn., cont'd, 884-6, 976, 1030-1, 1075, 1120, 1 122, 1133, 1147, 1386, 1425, 1464, 1506, 1519, 1532-3, 1611-12, 1723, 1768, 1830-2, 1838-9, 1866-7, 1882-3, 1889, 1915, 1945, 2259-63, 2267, 230S, 2322, 2326, 2330, 2452, 2457, 2481 New London, la., 2093-4, 2145 New London, N. Y., 785, 927, 1589-90, 1682 New London, O., 1274, 1322 New London, Wis., 1146 New London County, Conn., 485, 2309 New London Township, Pa., 1733 New Lyme, O., 549 New Market, 111., 707, 1417 New Market, Md., 1106 New Market, N. H., 1599 New Market, Va., 2114 New Marlborough, Mass., 62, 118-19, 239-40, 536-9, 771-2, 1148-9, 1310, 1503-5, 1840-1, 2313 New Marlborough, N. H., 156 New Martinsville, W. Va., 2042 New Mexico, State of, 1255 New Milford, Conn., 1519, 1992, 2269 New Milford, 111., 1928 New Milford, N. J., 1000 New Milford, Pa., 850, 1311, IS9I, 1595 New Minas, N. S., 252, 555, 570, 1169-70 New Monmouth, N. J., 1032 Newnan, Ga., 882 New Netherlands, N. Y., 493, 1775, 1831. 2487 New Offenburg, Mo., 1268 New Orange, N. Y., 1971 New Orleans, La., 310, 337, 398, 451. 546. 695-6. 762, 839, 943, 1019, 1081-2, 1085-6, 1120, 1239, 1266-7, 1270. 1373, 1398-9, 1400, 1444-5, 1459, 1487, 1490-2, 1601, 1732, 1773. 1779. 1819, 1823, 1926, 1983, 2000, 2018, 2050, 2076, 2113, 2273, 2276-7, 2301-2, 2333, 2424, 2473, 2490 .,,.,. New Orleans island, La., Z076 New Paris, O., 1853 New Park, Eng., 138 New Philadelphia, O., 2292 New Pittsburgh, O., 1226 New Plymouth, Mass., 2419 Newport, Eng., 109 Newport, Ga., 2424 Newport, Ky., 1268, 1624, 1984 Newport, R. I., 53. 93, 97, 106, 150, 203-4, 292, 497. 510, 516, 686, 700, 741, 826-8, 1066-7, 1085, 1113-14, 1511, 1644-5, 1670, 1724, 1768, 1814, 1838, 1945, 2218, 2265, 2322, 2328, 2335. 2338. 2454, 2466 Newport, N. H., 1166, 1697 Newport, N. Y., 1498 Newport, N. S., 565. S7i. 1167-8, 1746b Newport, Vt., 605, 701, 1207-8, 1272-3, 1625 Newport Center, Vt., 1207-8 New Portland, Me., 192-3. 415. 947.,953 ,, ^ Newport News, Va., 489 New Preston, Conn., 359 New Providence, N. J., 467 New Providence, R. I., 1421 New Richmond, O., 2003 New Richmond, P. Q., 1180 New Rochelle, N. Y., 402, 1098, 1803-4, 1971. 2260 New Roxbury, Conn., 388, 1603 New Roxbury, Mass., 714, 1603 Newry, Ireland, 1058 New Salem, Mass., 1150, 1228, 1245-7, 1561, 2263 New Scotland, N. Y., 1545 New Sharon, la., 2293 New Sharon, Me., 968 Newsom Temple, Eng., 13, 1809 Newstead, N. Y., 937-8, 2013 New Suffolk, N. Y., 99 Newton, Eng., 12, 490, 1057, 2243 Newton, 111., 1936 Newton, la., 1711-12 Newton, M. V., 962 Newton, Mass., 70, 131, 233, 319, 498, 622, 659, 823, 828, 872, 957, 962, 1066, 1102, 1114, 1119, 1197, 1448, 1563, 1601, 1766, 1828, 1832, 1988, 2040, 2050, 2119, 2275, 2310, 2427, 2434, 2477 Newton, Mich., 2465 Newton, Miss., 2211 Newton, N. S. W., 2276 Newton Burguland, Eng., 2239 Newton Center, Mass., 2275 Newton County, Ind., 1276 Newton County, Miss., 2100. 2153, 2156 Newton Ealls, O., 1639-40 Newton Lower Falls, Mass., 188 Newton Parish, Cleveland. Eng., 12, 14 Newtonville, Can., 1309 Newtonville, Mass., 807 Newtonville, N. Y., 695 Newtown, Conn., 2140, 2278 Newtown, N. Y., 44, 402, 466-7, 494, 607, 726, 1030, 1761. 1809, 2322 Newtown, O., 640, 1267 Newtown, Pa., 1074 Newtown (Cambridge), Mass., 622 New Vineyard, Me., 955 New Washington, 0., 11S7 New West " Springfield, Mass., 2328 New Windsor, N. Y., 1503 New Woodstock, N. Y., 906-7, 1655 New Wrentham, Me., 543 New York, N. Y., 44-6, 207, 210, 227-32, 262, 382, 389, 402, 407, 450-63, 482, 487, 493-4, 507-8, 511-21, 527. 593. 610-11, 622-3, 661-2, 669, 693-6, 714, 718-19, 731-4. 739, 760, 778, 791, 825-31, 848, 852-4, 864-6, 869, 876, 883, 897, 916-17, 920-1, 956, 982, 990-1, 994-1000, 1003-11, 1015-22, 1025-6, 1032-5, 1041, 1055-64, 1070-2, 1077-8S, 1091-9, 1103-7, 1110-20, I133, 1141, 1144-5. 1151, 1160, 1183, I197, 1214, 1216, 1244-6, 1249, 1256, 1282-3, 1314-16, 1323-5, 1347-9, 1373-4, 1377, 1393, 1395-8, 1409, 1421-2, 1426, 1443-5. 1451, 1453-4. 1456. 1457-8, 1460-1, 1479, 1485-7, 1490-2, New York, N. ^^, cont'd, 1494, 1506, 1514-15, 1519, 1527-32, 1542-3, 1546-50, 1558, 1564-5, 1577. 1582, 1593-4. 1602, 1606-8, 1611-14, 1630-2, 1653, i666-7, 1670, 1679, 1683, 1696-8, 1716, 1719, 1727-40, 1745, 1746a, 1753-68, 1771-82, 1789-93, 1799-1820, 1826, 1830-2, 1835-9, 1841, 1846-7, 1852, 1857-62, 1885-90, 1899, 1900, 1917-20, 1924-5, 1929-32, 1941-5, 19S3-4, 1960-2, 1967, 1971-3, 1980-1, 1984, 1987-8, 1994, 1997, 2025, 2030-6, 2044, 2050-2, 2075, 2139-41, 2176, 2192, 2198-2200, 2216, 2247-8, 2251-63, 2268-9, 2271, 2276-7, 2280, 2288-9, 2299, 2305, 2309-10, 2312-13, 2319-20, 2324, 2326, 2330, 2335, 2419, 2438, 2452-4, 2469, 2475. 2487-9, 2493-4, 2499, 2503 New York, State of, 94, 103, 149, 15s, 216, 237, 254, 269, 295, 314. 325. 328, 346, 382, 391, 398-402, 431, 440-1, 444, 453, 461, 481, 485-7, 535-6, 547, 580, 585, 617-19, 626-7, 631-2, 665-9, 688, 694, 721, 809, 831, 839, 844, 857, 891, 894-5, 901, 904-5. 920, 939, 982, 985-7, 1023, 1049, 1053-6, 1072, 1080, 1128, IT43-4, 1152, 1178, 1197, 1222, 1235, 1245, 1303, 1325, 1341, 1348, 1353, 1389, 1400, 1409, 1438-9. 1475-6, 1542, 1580, 1602-3, 1618, 1626-9, 1641-3, 1649, 1691, 1761, 1776, 1837-9, 1846, 1878, 1904, j 1907-9, 2009, 2013, 2030, 2075, i 2243, 2267, 2271, 2281, 2285-6, I 2308-10, 2313-14, 2316, 2325, I 2329, 2423, 2488 ! " New York City " ship, at I sea, 1161 i New York Colony, N. A., 144. 152 New York Mills, Minn., 1492 New York Province, X. A., 70, 144, 152 Next, W. Va., 2027 Neyland, Eng., 381-2 Niagara, N. Y., 2247 Niagara, Ont., 1346 Niagara City, N. Y., 1639 Niagara County, N. Y., 586, 937-8, 1883 Niagara Falls, C. \\ .. 1144 Niagara Falls, N. Y., 617, 1221-2, 1359, 1674-S, 2018, 2451 Niagara River, N. Y.. 1674 Niantic, 111., 1265 Nicaraugua lake, Panama, 664 Nice, France, 1808, 1941, 1997 Nice, Italy, 1997 Nicholas County, Ky. , 1331 Nicholasville, Ky., 1653 Nichols, N. Y., 607, 676 Nicteaux, N. S., 153, 315, 775. 1 170 Niles, Mich., 885, 1764, 2495 Niles, N. Y., 2307 Niles, O., 886, 1893 Nine Partners, Nine Partures, N. Y., 151,-2. 163-4 Nine Towri, Cal., 1939 Ninewaz, North Britain, 2244 Niobrara, Neb., 2334 Nisbet's Corners, N. V., 402 Nishabotany River, la.. 1476-7 Niskayuna, N. Y., 1396-7 Nismes, France, 2338 2870 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Nissourie, Ont., 1675 Nixburgh, Ala., 2084-5, 2117-18 Nixon, Kan., 1689 Nixonton, N. C, 206 Noank, Conn., 979 Noble, 111., 1797 Noble, Mich., 1165 Noblesville, Ind., 1299 Noble Town, 2262, 2310 Nobletown, N. Y., 137, 281-2, 615, 669, 723-6, 2262, 2310, 2315-16 Nocton, Eng,, 2000 Noddles Island, Mass., 226 Noel Road, N. S., 1175 Nomansland, Mass., 961 Nonotuck, Mass., 1641 Norbury, Eng., 70 Nordland, Dak., 1406, 1556, 2334 Norfolk, Conn., 318, 475, 597, 884, 1149, 1310 Norfolk, Mass., 257 Norfolk, N. Y., 1279, 1541 Norfolk, Va., 22, 257, 1210, 1622, 1683-4, 1722, 1754 Norfolk County, Eng., 57, 87, 99, 196, 266, 327, 337, 382, 388, 576, 819, 1071, 1147, 1695, 1756, 1838, 1899, 1995, 217s, 2261, 2304, 2336 Normal, IIL 808, 1547, 1554 Normanby, Lng., 13, 2224 Normandy, France, 13, 35, 67. 75, 109, 131. 232, 265-6, 394, 490, 576, 686, 792, 877, 910, 1020, H08, 1147, 1151, 1488, 2045, 2175-6, 2203, 2297, 2470 Noroton, Conn., 1996-7 Norridgewock, Me., 414, 947, 956, 1703, 1706-7 Norris, Wis., 1990 Norris Creek, Tenn., 692 North Abington, Mass., 1249 North Adams, Mass., 964, 1356, 1417, 1562, 1858, 1980, 2016, 2052, 232T Northam, Eng., 2244 North American Phalanx, N. J., 1682-3 North Amherst, O., 1277 Northampton, Eng., 53, 85, 146, 319, 490, 510, 1746, 1838, 2203 Northampton, Mass., 110, 131, 264, 270, 393-6, 531, 537, 554, 652, 658, 691, 715, 752-3, 765, 791-2, 797, 861-3, 872, 884, 907-12, 957, 968, 1063, 1105, 1147, 1196, 1198, 1216, 1382, 1384, 1456, 1496, 1565, 1639-41, 1665-8, 1814, 1823, 1838, 1915, 1930, 1995, 2032-3, 2251, 2259, 2483 Northampton, N. H., 222 Northamptonshire, Eng., 85, 266, 307, 392, 1074, 1076, 1 107, 1855 North Andover, Mass., 884 North Anson, Me., 415, 954-7, 1706, 1712-13 North Ashford, Conn., 849 North Bay, N. Y., 927, 1629-30, 2006-7, 2272, 2310 North Bend, O., 600 North Bend, Pa., 751 North Bennington, Vt., 2027 North Berlin, N. Y., 963 North Berwick, Me., 1181 North Berwick, Scotland, 1746 North Bloomfield, Cal., 1612 North Bloomfield, O., 1662-3, Northborough, Mass., 821, 1088, 1562, 1604 North Braintree, Mass., 103 North Branch, N. J., 206-7, 452 Northbridge, Mass., 1253, 2471 North Bridgewater, Mass., 632, 877, 970, 1521 North Brierly est., Eng., 64 North Britton, Scotland, 1485 North Brookfield, Mass., 633-5, 1246, 1251, 2491-2 North Brookfield, N. S., 1181 North Cambridge, Mass., 1586, 1759, 1916 North Canaan, Conn., 687, 1847-8 North Canterbury, Conn., 346-7 North Carolina, State of, 196, 451, 1127, 143s, 1985, 2045, 2056-9, 2079, 2085-92, 2108, 2111, 2114, 2264, 2285, 2313, 2418 North Chelmsford, Mass., 1609 North Church, Eng., 856 Northchurch Saint Marys, Eng., 1615 North Coaticook, P. Q., 710, 1419 . North Cohocton, N. Y., 721, 1428, 2324-5 North Columbia, N. H., 1288 North Coventry, Conn., 2483 North Creek, N. Y., 1725 North Dakota, State of, 1212-13 North Dartmouth, Mass., .445, 977, 1838 North Dorset, Vt., 2476 North East, N. Y., 606, 611 North East Harbor, N. S., 561 North Easton, Mass., 1228 North Eaton, O., 2462, 2466 North Egremont, Mass., 630 North Elmsall, Eng., 493 North Enfield, N. H., 700 North Evanston, 111., 670, 676 Northfield, Conn., 320, 1213, 1325, 1850 Northfield, Mass., 127, 132, 271, 651, 792, 1253, 1816 Northfield, Minn., 709, 1419, 1758-9 Northfield, N. J., 467 Northfield, O., 758 Northfield, Vt., 746, 879, 1228, 1270, 1273, 1290, 1534, 1618, 1876, 1881 North Fields, Mass., 171 Northford, Conn., 2308 North Franklin, Conn., 1695 North Garden, Va., 2094 North Granby, Conn., 1213 North Hadley, Mass., 651, 1395 North Hampton, N. H., 222, 2338 North Hartford, Vt., 1618 North Hartland, Vt., 1779 North Haverhill, N. H., 1864 North Hempstead, N. Y., 1761 North Jasper, N. Y., 1723 North Java, N. Y., 1536 North Kilvington, Eng., 13 North Kingston, R. I., 47, 74, 146-52, 308, 754, 886, 986, 1644, 1988 North Kingsville, O., 585 North Lawrence, N. Y., 1921 North Leach, Eng., 1885 North Lee, Mass., 602 North Lyme, Conn., 1370 North Manchester, ind., 1484-5 North Middleborough, Mass., 877, 1612 North Milford, Mass., 2471 North Montpelier, Vt., 274, 648, 2484 North Mura, Denmark, 1108 North Muskegon, Mich., 1134 North New Portland, Me., 415, 947 North New Salem, Mass., 816 North Park, Col., 1145 North Pawlet, Vt., 841, i486 North Pembroke, N. Y., 1682, 2024 North Peoria, 111., 1659 North Platte, Neb., 1522, 1623 Northport, Me., 160 Northport, N. Y., 1658, 1886 North Providence, R. I., 625, 713-14 North Ridge, N. Y., 1222, 1343-4, 2265, 2275 North Riding of Yorkshire, Eng., II, 12, 2203, 2228-g North River, Mass., 384 North River, N. Y., 983 North Rome, Pa., 1192 North Rose, N. Y., 1472 North Saint Paul, Minn., 1927 North Salem, Me., 947 North Salem, N. Y., 917, 1395 North San Juan, Cal., 2019 North Scituate, R. I., 1108 North Scriba, N. Y., 1476, 2052 North Shaftsbury, Vt., 2027 North Sheffield, O., 1900 North Sherburne, Vt., 1289 North Shore, Mass., 195, 423 North Society, Conn., 162 North Springfield, C, 1643 North Stoneham, Eng., 109 North Stratford, N. H., 1288 North Swansea, Mass., 447, 989 North Tisbury, Mass., 419, 435. 960-1, 966, 973 North Troy, Vt., 1467 North Tunbridge, Vt., 1270, 1876 Northumberland, N. H., 698-9, 1405-7 Northumberland, N. Y., 2458 Northumberland, Pa., 1920 Northumberland County, Eng., 345, 714, 920, 1170 Northumberland County, Pa., 1293, 1611 Northumberland County, Va., 389, 2171 Northup, O.,, 1637 North Uxbridge, Mass., 476 Northville, N. Y., 1204, 1363 North Wales, G. B., 2415 North Warren, Me., 245-6 North Wayne, Me., 1270 North West, O., 1164-s Northwest Territory, U. S., 652 North Wharton, Pa., 1190 Northwick Eng., 1603 North Wilbraham, Mass., I 134, 1241 North Woburn, Mass., 26-30, 2428, 2443 North Wood, N. H., 1707, 2437 North Yarmouth, Me., 1063, 1917, 2305 INDEX OF PLACES. 2871 Norton, Eng., 769 Norton, Mass., 35, 512-13, 906 Norton, O., 475, 780, 905-6, 1515, 1642, 1652 Norton, Vt., 710 Norton Hill, N. Y., 1357, . 1544, 1906 Norton Mills, Vt, 710 Norwalk, Cal., . 1246, 1251, 2491 Norwalk, Conn., 479, 715, 852, 856, 869, 1075, 1253, 1321, 1470-1, 1550-1, 1596-8, 1659, 1664-5, 1737, 1752, 1768, 1773, 1866-7, 2253-5, 2333, 2454-5 Norwalk, O., 248, 421-2, 483, 554, 747-8, 885, 1165, 1228, 1274-6, 1465-6. 1534, 1877, 1947, 2332 Norway, Europe, 432, 1108, 2257 Norway, Me., 334, 2297 Norway, Mich., 1439 Norway, N. Y., 1359 Norwich, Conn., 44, 50-1, 60-1, 84, 87-90, 98, 110-17, 129, 148, 153, 161, 185-90, 218, 227-32, 236-9, 247, 288, 303-7, 313. 359, 408-9, 482-3, 486-7, 503-10, 513-15, 523-5, 528-31, 541, 566, 693, 735-9, 774, 804, S44, 881, 915, 932, 938-40, I04I, 1077, 1086-94, 1098, 1 149, 1422-3, 1425, 1458, 1506, 1525, ,1527, 1556, 1594, 1622, 1659, 1696, 1793-4, 1804-8, 1816, 1824, 1866-7, 1889, 1915, 1944-6, 2013, 2260, 2268-70, 2275, 2279-80, 2308, 2332 Norwich, Eng., 58, 64, 71, 87, 94, 170-1, 264, 510, 910, 916, 959, 1337, 1456, 1526, 1741, 1791, 1970, 2230, 2421 NorwicB, Mass., 1592 Norwich, N. Y., 667, 963-4, 1371 Norwich, Ont., 581 Norwich, Vt., 141-2, 596, 664, 688, 781, 879, 1280, 1291, 1305, 1467, t6i8, 1621, 2281 Norwich Town, Conn., 939, 991^2, 1696. 1727 Norwood, O., 1981 Norwood Park, 111., 1654, 1982, 2020 ' Nostell Priory, Eng., 2415 Nottawa, Mich., 1241-2, 1853 Nottingham, Eng.. 659, 1664 Nottingham, N. H., 639 Nottingham borough, Eng., 1999 Nottinghamshire, Eng., 382, 1613, 1659, 1809, 1999, 2458 Nottingham-West, N. H., 1550 Novales, Spain, 1764 Nova Scotia, Can., 124, 155, 163, 248, 337, 491, S04, 832, 1254, 1443. 1451, 1507. 1746b, 1768, 1846, 1860, 2249-50, 2281 Novi, Mich., 799 Novadd, Wales, 1612 Nunda, N. Y., 422, 725-6, 1234, 1297, 1305. 1434. 2495 Nunda Grove, N. Y., 725, 2495 „ Nunhide, Eng., i960 Nunica, Mich., 1629, 1646, 2008, 2018 Nuntride, Eng., i960 Nupis, N. B., 1172 Nutwell, Eng., 394 Nyack, N. Y., 869-70, 1012, 1494, 1607 Nydeck, Netherlands, 1837 Oakengates, Eng., 2477 Oakfield, N, Y., 527, 1103-4, 1128-9, 1325-6, 1380, 1628, 2013 Oakford, Ind., 2314 Oak Grove, Miss., 695 Oak Grove, Wis., 2283 Oakham, Mass., 1248, 1326-7, 2308 - Oak Hill, N. Y., 673-5, 1011, 1352-3, 1356-7. 1737. 1906 Oakington, Eng., 123 Oakland, Cal., 562, 665, 960, 1152-3, 1374-5, 1407, 1457, 1623, 1705, 1754, 1917, 1933, 2262, 2456, 2467 Oakland, Md., 2042 Oakland, N. Y., 1297 Oakland Church, Ky., 2073-4 Oaklawn, N. Y., 2319 Oak Lawn Ranch, Tex., 1798 Oakley, Eng., 1031 Oakley, Idaho, 1477, 1952 Oakley Hall, Eng., 2245 Oak Park, 111., 962, 1498, 1685-6, 2024-5 Oak's Corners, N. Y., 1982-3 t.vakville. Conn., 1844 Oakville, Ont., 1120, 1911 Oberlin, O., 766, 965, 1260, 1278, 1322, 1577, 1875, 2282, 2293 Obion County, Tenn., 2081, 2109 Oblong, N. Y., 217, 480-1, 1045, 1819 Ocala, Fla., 2157 Occidental, Cal., 1275 Occoquan, Va., 2072 Occoquan Creek, Va., 2096 Occoquan River, Va., 2072 Ocean, 483, 1382, 1522 Ocean (Atlantic), 452, 816, 1057, 1099, 1522, 2452, 2490 Ocean Grove, N. J., 997, 1478 Ocean (Indian), 968, 1604 Ocean (German), 12 Ocean (Pacific), 431, 816, 1532 Ocean View, Del., 1184 Ocheyedan, la., 1136 Ockham, Eng., 85 Ockley, Eng., 85 Oconee County, S. C, 2058-68, 2079, 2104, 2107, 2165, 2220, 2335 Oconomowoc, Wis., 856-7, 1490, 1961 Odell, Eng., 1083 Odell, Neb., 1964 O'Fallon, 111., 2304 Oiford, N. Y., 1377 Ogden, 111., 1638 Ogden, Kan., 610 Ogden, N. Y., 45, 1307 Ogden, Utah, 22, 1347-S Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 731, 902, 1197, 1431, 1475, 1494, 1540, 1921, 1932, 2262, 2482 Ogdensburg, Pa., 1687 Ogdensburg, Wis., 1580 Oglethorpe County, Ga., 2084, 2091-2, 2113 Ohio, 111., 954 Ohio, Mo., 1639 C)hio, State of, 45, 194-5, 203, 240, 263, 267, 288, 321, 326, 330, 346-7, 425, 534. 538. 547-9, 631, 640, 670, 725, 755, 807, 832, 844, 849, 905-6, 964, 978, II 16, 1127, 1214, 1263, 1266, 1276, 1339, 1409, 1443-4, 1510, Ohio, State of, cont'd, 1514, 1528, 1566, 1576, 1616, 1638, 1649, 1671, 1692, 1790, 1939, 1972, 2028, 2039-40, 2084-5, 2095-6, 2144, 2265, 2268, 2293, 2303, 2333, 2460 Ohio River, U. S., 1090, 1266, 2146, 2280 Ohltown, O., 1624 Oil City, Pa., 1296, 2270 Okehampton, Eng., 219 Okely, Eng., 85 Olanburg, Can., 1675 Old Bridge, N. J., 1000 Old Bridgewater, Mass., 132 Old Buckenham, Eng., 382 Oldbury, Eng., 2232 Old Canaan, Conn., 403 Old Castle, Ireland, 2257 Old Castle, N. Y., 98 Old Charlton, Eng., 1746 Old Franklin, Mo., 1090, 1369 Old Furnace, Mass., 1247 Old Hackensack, N. J., 456 Old Hall, Eng., 120 Oldham, Eng., 146 Old Hold, Eng., 2416 Old Lisle, N. Y., 963 Old London, Eng., 466, 2249 Old Lyme, Conn., 678 Old Saybrook, Conn., 1326 Old Short Hills, N. J., 1025 Old Tappan, N. Y., 1015 Old Town, Me., 1462, 2288-9 Oldtown, Mass., 863 Old Windsor, Conn., 1566 Olean, N. Y., 608, 1191, 1234, 1238 Olena, O., 587 Olin, la., 1072 Olive, N. Y., 583, 1906 Olive Branch, O., 1114-1S Olmstead, Eng., 1741 Olmstead Hall, Eng., 1741, 1998 Olney, Eng., 1959 Olney, 111., 2098 Olney, Pa., 1154-7 Omaha, Neb., 545, 856, 1071-2, 1131, 1159, 1178, 1506, 1537. 1616, 1666-7, 1704, 1764, 1855, 2016, 2301, 2326, 2328, 2333, 2480 Omaha Barracks, Neb., 1986-7 Omes, Wis., 768 (Dmro, Wis., 1225, 1989-90 Onarga, 111., 1379 Onawa City, la., 1225 One hundred and sixty one lot. Eleventh District, Habersham County, Ga., 2115 Oneida, N. Y., 800, 926, 1122-4, 1127, 1306, 1311, 1630, 1634-5, 1828 Oneida Castle, N. Y., 1634 Oneida Community, N. Y., 905 Oneida County, N. Y., 205, 721, 893-4, 923-6, 931, 1150, 1492, 1629, 1632, 2264, 2269, 2277, 2282, 2311, 2326-8, 2333, 2458, 2503 Oneida Valley, N. Y., 928 O'Neill City, Neb., 1976 Oneonta, N. Y., 283, 680, 897, 1332, 1371, 1471, 1547, 1901, 1959, 2047, 233s Onion River, Wis., 1291 Ono, Wyo., 1811 Onondaga, N. Y., 577, 781, 1653, 1661, 2013 Onondaga County, N. Y., 579, 903, 906, 914, 1574, 2872 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Onondaga County, N. Y., cont'd, 1653-4, 1661, 2266, 2305-6, 2314, 2503 Onondaga Hill, N. Y., 1661 Onondaga Hollow, N. Y., 328 Onondaga Valley, N. Y., 1308 Onslow, N. S., 1181 Ontario, Can., 484, 1451 Ontario, N. Y., 295, 325, 1899 Ontario County, C. W., 167S Ontario County, N. Y., 577, 1140, 1663 Ontonagon, Mich., 1597 Ooltewah, Tenn., 2091-2, 2125-8, 2133-4, 2138-42, 2186-7, 2197 Ooltewah Blue Springs, ¦Tenn., 2139-41 Ooroomiah, Persia, 1832 Ophir, Cal., 1337 Oramel, N. Y., 1597-8 Oi*ange, Cal., 1859 Orange, Mass., 336, 338, 816, 1306, 1309-10, 1644 Orange, N. J., 22, 321, 503, 516, 996-8, 1004, 1081-2, 1085, 1120, 1397-8, 1564, 1568, 1633-4, 1730-3, 1766, 1774-6, 1799. 1800, 1881, 1888, 2139-41, 2490, 250X Orange, N. Y., 931, 2024 Orange, O., 673-4, I353, 1638, 1904 Orange, Tex., 1327, 1459, 2277, 2495 Orange, Vt., 847, 1386 Orange, Wis., 1896 Orangeburg, O., 2093 Orangeburg County, S. C, 2190 Orangeburg District, S. C, 2190 Orange County, Ind., 297, 728, 1437-8, 1938 Orange County, N. Y., 742 922, 980 Orange County, N. C, 2218 Orange County, Vt., 2270 Orange County, Va., 2055-60, 207s, 2079-S3 Orange Court House, Va., 1796 Orange Town, N. Y., 931 Orange Valley, N. J., 1093 Orangeville, Ind., 1438, 1938 Orangeville, N. Y., 1496, 1498 Orchard Lake, Mich., 1983 Ordway, S. D., 1418 Orebro, Sweden, 1962 Oregon, State of, 346, 549, 1255, 1642, 1850, 2267 Oregon City, C5re., 701 Orfordville, Wis., 1521-2 Orient, N. Y., 57, 471, 1037, 2452 Orion, Mich., 1382 Oriskany, N. Y., 923, 1461 Orkney Islands, Scotland, 1108, 2203, 2298 Orland, Cal., 1920 Orland, Me., 823 Orleans, Mass., 1604 Orleans, Mich., 1228 Orleans, N. Y., 1649 Orleans County, N. Y., 200, 2460, 2503 Ormesby, Eng., 13, 16, 17, 20, 2224-6 Ormesby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Ormeston, Eng., 1664 Orono, Me., 1152 Oronoco, Minn., 1958 Oroville, Cal., 1407 Orrell, Eng., 327 Orrington, Me., 242-5, 543-4, 948, 1705 Orshan, N. Y., 547, 1160 Orwell, Ont., 1631 Orwell, Pa., 756-7, 1480-1 Orwell, Vt., 44-5 Osage, la., 1693, 2299 Osage, Kan., 552, 1177, 1437. 1938 Osage City, Kan., 1437, 1938 Osage County, Kan., 1437, 1938 Osage Mission, Kan., 1177 (Dsaka, Japan, 1759 Osakis, Minn., 1272-3, 1876 Osborn, Mo., 2110, 2132-3 Osceola, Ind., 1415 Osceola, la., 1537 Osceola, Mo., 1638-9 Oshkosh, Wis., 306, 403, 747, 776, 902, 1142-3, 1193, 1270, ¦ 1485-6, 1508, 1580, 1610, 1634, 1645-6, 1884, 2031, 2262, 2488 Oskaloosa, la., 1477 Osneburg, Germany, 987 Ossian, N. Y., 549, 2473 Ossineke, Mich., 1583 (Dssining, N. Y., 2031 Osten, (jermany, 1615 Osten (Weston) hanger, Eng., 2173 Osterley, Eng., 492 Oswaldestre Castle, Eng., 265, Oswaiyo, Pa., 261, 609, 983 Oswegatchie, N. Y., 1834 Oswego, 111., 1548-50, 1655 Oswego, N. Y., 323-4, 611, 672, 763, 799. 893, 898, 1123, 1214, 1475, 1494, 1543, 1580, 161 1, 1645-6, 1666-7, 1677, 1687-8, 1717, 1768 Oswego, Pa., 945 Oswego County, N. Y., 386, 631, 784, 805, 1552, 2258 Oswego Falls, N. Y., 612 Otego, la., 1205 Otego, Kan., 1848 Otego, N. Y., 803 Otes Manor, Eng., 770 Otisco, Mich., 1163 Otisco, N. Y., 912, 1369-70, 1658-60 Otisco County, N. Y., 909, 928 Otisfield, Me., 334, 821 Otsego, Mich., 1349, 1553 Otsego, N. Y., 1350, 1425, 1542, 1602 Otsego County, N. Y,, 797-8, 839, 897, 1332, 1541, 2306 Ottawa, Can., 797, 1941, 2335 Ottawa, 111., 924-5, 929, 1048, 1266, 1310, 1555, 1646, 1685-6, 1870 Ottawa, Kan., 536, 809, 1218, 2480 Ottawa, Minn., 1565 Otter River, Mass., 1250 Otterton, Eng., 1212 Otterville, 111., 2285 Otterville, la., 1262 Otterville, Ont., 534-5 Ottey, Eng., 210 Otto, N. Y., 603 Ottrey, Eng., 2261 Ottumwa, la., 544-5, 1159, 1323, 1477 Ottumwa, Kan., 1293 Ouchita River, Ark., 2136 Outermost Ledge, N. S., 563 Overbroughton, Eng., 1664 Over Peover, Eng., 383 Overstowey, Eng., 120 Overton, Eng., 109, 2235 Overton, La., 2135-6 Ovid, N. Y., 694, 800, 1683, 1772, 2266 Ovid Landing, N. Y.. 2266 Oving House, Eng., 76 Owaneco Purchase, Conn., 138 Owasco, N. Y., 1218, 1296 Owasco Lake, N. Y., 516 Owego, N. Y., 342-5, 518, 608-9, 676, 843, 852, 898, 1214, 1297, 1357, 1042, 1401, 1476, 1579-80, 2261, 2335 Owego 'Township, N. Y., 852 Owensborough, Ky., 896,, 1925 Owslebury, Eng., 109 Oxford, Conn., 661, 925, 1208-10 Oxford, Eng., 210, 26^ 1118, 2230 Oxford, Kan., 1339 Oxford, Me., 334, 821 Oxford, Mass., 73, 8s7, 1385, 1462, 1488, 1561, 1943, 2484 Oxford, Miss., 2311 (Oxford, N. H., 1290 Oxford, N. Y., 317-18, 440, 547, 921, 963, 1 123, 1160, 1490, 1828-9, 1893 Oxford, O., 601, 641, 906, 1123, 1274-6, 1340, 1652, 1665, 2022 Oxford, Wis., 969, 2464 Oxford Castle, Eng., 2185 Oxford County, Can., 229S Oxford Plains, Mass., 850 Oxfordshire, Eng., 87, 121, 492, 576, 2232 Oxted, Eng., 1082 Oxwich, Wales, 715 Oxwich parish, Wales, 715 Oyster Bay, N. Y., 397, 917, 1768 Oyster Ponds, N. Y., 57, 471 Oyster River, N. H., 823 Pacific coast, U. S., 990 Pacific Ocean, 431, 816, 1532 Pacific Slope, U. S., 1344 ' Packers Factory, Conn., 850 Packington, Eng., 2203 Packwood, Ala., 2116 Pacolet, S. C, 21S9-90, 2217-19 Pacolet Mills, S. C, 2189-90 Paine, Eng., 75 Painesville, O., 532-3, 618-19, 1139, 1142-4, 1220, 1316-17, 1415, 1862-3, 2044 Painted Post, N. Y., 932-3, 1297-8, 2316 Paint Rock, Tex., 1797 Paisley, Scotland, 1100, 1427, 2190 Paita,, Peru, 1715 Palatinate of the Rhine, Ger many, 1030 Palatine, 111., 1252, 1331, 1879 Palatine, N. Y., 403-4, 534 Palatka, Fla., 1484, 2023, 2216 Palermo, Me., 986, 1236 Palermo, Sicily, 1019 Palestine, O., 1299 Palestine, Tenn., 1863 Palestine, Tex., 1913 Palestine, Turkey, 265, 402 Palisades, N. Y., 1735 Palmas Cape, Africa, 957 Palm Beach, Fla., 1926 Palmer, Mass., 130, 263-4 267 389, 396, 449, 622-30, ' 899' 1229-30, 1233, 1237, 1240, 12:2 2040 ' INDEX OF PLACES. 2873 Palmer, N. Y., 624-5 Palmerston, N. Y., 3458 Palmyra, Me., 413 Palmyra, Mich., gsS, i6g4 Palmyra, N. Y., 681-3, 8go-s, gsS, II 10-11, 1140, 1347, i4g3-3, 1631, 1833, 2007 Palmyra, O., sosi Palmyra, Va., sogs Palo Alto, Tex., 451 Palo Pinto, Tex,, S37g Palos, 111., 1521-S * Pamelia, N. Y., 778, 1510, 1539, 2483 Pana, 111., 2311 Panama, Colombia, 1770, igSS Pandora, La., S135 Panola County, Tex., 2165 Panton, Vt., sgS, 1301-3 Paola, Kan., gis, isog, 2460, 2465, 2500 Paoli, Ga., 163s Paoli, Ind., 11S7, 1418, 1438, 1938 Papinsville, Mo., 2461 Papsknee, N. Y., 6g5 Paradise, N. S., 353, 1174 Paradise Valley, Nev., 1713 Paramus, N. J., 1013, 1733 Pardeeville, Wis., ig6s, ssgg Paris, France, 45, 453, 487. 52S» 727, 791, 8gi-2, gg7, 1513, 1607, 1763, 1830, 1837, ig4i, 2050, 2113-14, 2488, 34g8 Paris, Ky., i52g-30 Paris, Me., 2388 Paris, Mich., 1878 Paris, Mo., I7g8 Paris, N. Y., 786 Paris, Tenn., 645 Paris Hill, N. Y., 786, ssgo Parish, N. Y., 784 Parish Ray, Ireland, 1603 Parishville, N. Y., 485, 1386, 1263, 3482-3 Parker, S. D., 2455 Parker County, Tex., 2106, S166 Parkersburg, la., 386 Parkersburgh, W. Va., 1365, soog- 10 Parker's Landing, Md., iigo Parker's Prairie, Minn., 1335 Parker's Store, Ga., 3103, 2163 Parkham, Eng., 3344 Parkhill, Ont., ssgS Parkhurst, Eng., 1031 Park Ridge, N. J., gg7 Parma, N. Y., 734, 1307, igso Parmiey, N. Y., 1630 Parsborough, N. S., 558, 570 Parshallville, Mich., 1636, 3005 Parsippany, N. J., 1736 Parsonfield, Me., g4g Parthia, Asia, 3176 Partown, O., go6 Partridge Island, N. S., 558 Pasadena, Cal., Sgs, 1061, 1661, l7g6-7, 1S13, 30SS-4 Pasbehaighs, Pasbehays, Va., 2416 Pascagoula, Miss., 1457 Paschalia, N. Y., Sgi-s Pascomac, Pascomuck, Mass., 7g3, igi6 Paskack, N. J., 1014. i734 Passadumkeag, Me., I5g9 Passaic, N. J., 456-8, S36, 1004-11, 1478, 1734, -^73^-7, 1995 Passaic County, N. J., 459 Pass Christian, Miss., S76, 1085 Passumpsic, Vt., S88-go Passy a Paris, France, 3050 Patten, Me., g48 Paterson, N. J., 457, 610, 6sg, gg7, icoo, 1031-s, iog4, 1316, 1340-1, isSi, I3g7, 1478, 1537, 1736 Patterson, N. Y., 401-3, gss Paugusset, Conn., isis Paulding, Miss., 6g5 Pavilion, N. Y., 1537, i56g Pavilion Center, N. Y., 831-3, 1567 Pawlet, \'t., 44, 163, SOS, 363, 343, 581, 616-30, 757-g, 763, 841-3, 1005, 1045, 1333-5, i48s'-8, i4gi, i57g, 3258-60, 2270 Pawling, N. Y., go5 Pawnee County, Kan., i68g Pawnee Rock, Kan. , 1343, i8g6 Pawpaw, 111., g34, 1680 Paw Paw, Ind., 3145 Paw Paw, Mich., 547, 73], 937-8, 1137, 1344, 1558, 1636, i8g7, 3005 Pawtucket, R. I., ss, 15S, 304, 713, 821, gS6, gSg, 1133, i43r, 1716, 1726, 1747 Pawtuxet, R. L, 714 Paxton, 111., 24g6 Paxton, Mass., 356-7, 15CS, ssgo Paxton, Minn., 730 Payens, France, 75 Payson, 111., 365-6, 67s, 135s Peabody, Kan., iiSg, 1678 Peabody, Mass., 813 Peach Tree, Cal., 2023 Peagscomsuck, Conn., 714 Peapack, N. j., gg6 Pea Patch Island, Del., 3r4g Pearl River, La. and Miss., 1955-7, 2076 Pease's Point, Mass., g4 Pecatonica, 111., 705, ig65 Peckleton, Eng., 1664 Pedee River, S. C, so88, ssiS Pee Dee Section, S. C, ssiS Peekskill, N. Y., isgS Peel Castle, Isle of Man, ig86 Pekin, China, 1178 Pekin, 111., 73g-so, 1441, 1551, 1563 Pekin, N. Y., 1053, 3486 Peldon Manor, Eng., sgs Pelham, Mass., 388, 636, 8g8, 1150, 1436 Pelham, N. H., 1550, S036, 3433 Pelham, Ont., 1675 Pelhamville, N. Y., 10S4 Pemberton, N. H., 1608 Pembroke, Mass., 3430-3 Pembroke, N. H., 875 Pembroke, N. Y., 534, 75g, 1S03, 1387, 1530, 1640, 3013-14, 3034, S052, 2361, 3306-7, sssg, Pembrokeshire, Wales, ssig Penacook, N. H., 3377, 3435 Pencoed, Eng., 400 Pendleton, N. Y., 1045, i2ss Pendleton County, Ky., 2074-5, 20g7-8, 3150-1, 3306-7 Pendleton District, S. C, 3058-68, 2103-5, 3113, 3152, S163 Pendleton Village, S. C, 3165 Pendomer, Eng., log Penfield, Ga., 1086 Penfield, N. Y., 335, 7g8-8oi, 1146, 1307, 1633 Penfield, O., 766 Penhallow, Eng., 1114 Peniston, Eng., iisi Penmachno, Wales, i6j r Penn, Eng., 1135-6 Penn, Mich., igsS, 3044 Pennacook, N. H., 3435 Penne, Eng., log, 11S5-6 Penne-Domar, Eng., log Pennepeck, Pa., ssig Penn's Creek, Pa., i35g Pennsylvania, State of, 138, 170, 348, 360, 331, 350, 403, 486, 58g, 5g4, 636-7, 631, 646, 679, 725-6, 739, 8sg, 853, g4S, g67, gSo, 1057, loSo, 11S5, 1233, 1343-S, 1353, isgs, 1407, i4cg, 1437, 1434, 1470, 1511, 1551, 1611-13, 1630, 1637, 1677, 1703, 170S, 1855, 1S7S, ig4i, 3043, 3077, 3084-5, sog7-g, S151, sigo, 3308, ssig, 3380, 2303, 2314 Penn Township, Ind., 6g6, 1400 Penn Yan, N. Y., 314, 615, 775, 913-14. 930-1. 980, 1045, iig4, issg, 1505, i539-40, 1647-8, 1683-4, 1723, S317-18, 3330, 3333, 3335 Penobscot, Me., 1377 Penris Point, Eng., 3343 Penrose, Wales, 346g Pensacola, Fla., 1857 Pensaukee, Wis. , ig3g-40 Penton, Eng., 307 Pentwater, Mich., ig23, 3006 Pen-y-Clawdd, North Wales, 241 S Penzance, Eng., i4gi Peoria, 111., ssS, 444, 587, 5gi, 5gS, 661, 806, g87, ^ 1044-5, 1051, 1137, 1303. 1396-7, 1551, 1558, i6og, i65g, 1760-1, 1867, 1873, 3364 Pepperell, Mass., igs, 4^7- 433, g40, 1108, 1166, isg4. i6g6-7, igg4, S440 Pepson, Me., gs, igs-s Perdowe, Scotland, nog Perinton, N. Y., 1307, 1543 Perkins Township, O., 105s, 1243 Perkinsville, O., i3gg Perry, Ga., 3i3g-4i Perry, 111., 661-4, 807. 1338, 2335 Perry, la., 1874 Perry, N. Y., 5s8-g, 618-20, 6go, 792-3, 1133-4, 1243, 1328, 1837-S, S377 Perry, O., 1148, 1840. 2040, 3481 Perry, Okla., 1410 Perry Center, N. Y., 3377 Perry City, N. Y., gsg Perry County, 111., 1630 Perry County, Tenn., 1864-5 Perry Court, Eng., 50s Perry Township, la., 1874 Perry Township, N. Y., 617 Perryville, N. Y., gsS Pershore, Eng., 3334 Persia, la., 3301 Perth, C. W., 3335 Perth, Scotland, 1431, 1745 Perth Amboy, N. J., 45S, 1034, 1857-S, 34g3 Peru, 111., 1474 Peru, Ind., 1356 Peru, Mass., i6sg, 3015 Peru, N. Y., 1468, igi8, 3043 Peru, 0., 1610 Peru, Vt., 1503 Pescadero, Cal.; 16S6 Petaluma, Cal., 1851 2874 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Petaluma Valley, Cal., 761 Peterborough, N. H., 534, 1327 Peterborough, N. Y., 386, 892-4, 1126, 1307, 1634 Petersburgh, Ind., 1833 Petersburg, Pa., 918, 1671, 2272 Petersburgh, Va., 5^4-5, 833, S82, 1246, 1401, 1757, 2257, 2491 Petersham, Mass., 271, 411, 633, 10S8, 1134-5, 1 1 50, 1247-8, 1252, 1880, 1883 Petitcodiae. N. B., 1179 Petoskey, Mich., 1103-4, 2320 Petrolia, Cal., 1274 Petrolia, Pa.. 1295, 1407 Pettisville, O., 1627 Pewamo, Mich., 1263, 1867 Pewaukee, Wis., 1374 Pharsalia, N. Y., 1337 Phelps, N. Y., 843, 1383, 1506, 2273 Phelps Mills, N. Y., 729 " Phenix " ship, G. B., 2243 Philadelphia, Pa., 22, 102, 110-16, 181, 239, 350, 427, 440, 491. 503. 520, 533, 610, 627, 659-60, 739, 770, 774, 848, 884, 920, 990, 994, loio, 1021, 1040, 1056, 1059, 1061-2, 1071-2, 1082-6, 1091-2, 1116, 1119, 1140, 1154-8, 1168-9, 1184, 1238, 1278, 1284, 1286, 1294, 1358, 1363, 1398, 1480-1, 1483, 1506, 1524-5, 1527, 1532, 1593-5, 1611, 1651, 1675. 1709-10, 1729-34. 1737. 1757-60, 1765, 1770-1, 1774, 1799, 1800, 1803-4; 1812, 1822, 1S42, 1859, 1863, 1879, 1930, 1974, 1996, 2029-32, 2039, 2111, 2176, 2184, 2257-9, 2264-5, 2268-70, 2273, 2276, 2280, 2309-10, 2326, 2328-30, 2335, 2344, 2419 Philadelphia, Tenn., 2086-7, 2089-92, 21 10, 2125-8, 2132-41 Philippine Islands (United States), Asia, 715 PhilHp River, N. S., 556 Phillips, Me., 836, 1712 Phillipsburgh, N. J., 1017 Phillipsburgh, Pa., 1694 Phillips County, Ark., 1090 Phillipston, Mass., 1248, 1859 Philo, 111., 1683 Phoenix, Arizona, 1846 Phcenix, Ore., 1428 Phcenixville, Pa., 1480 Picardy, France, 245, 1615, 1775 Picatonica, 111., 1499 Piccadilly, London, Eng., 1743 Pickatello, Idaho, 1347-8 Pickaway County, O., 1299 Pickens County, Ala., 2214 Pickens County, S. C., 2058-9, 2079, 2105, 2129 Pickens Court House, S. C, 2129 Pickens District, S. C, 2058-9, 2078-9, 2083, 2104-5, 2160-2, 2165 Pickensville, S. C, 2090 Pickering, C. W., 924, 1679 Pickering, Eng., 1745 Picktown, N. Y., 798 Picton, N. S., 561, 569, 898 Picton, Ont., 1918 Piedmont, Mo., 1619 Pierce, O., 2292 Pierce City, Mo., 2195 Pierce's, N. Y., 1543 Piermont, N. H., 232 Pierpont, O., 692, 1393 Pierre, S. D., 1974-6 Pierrepont, N. Y., 797, 1383 Pierson, Mich., 586 Pike, N. Y., 290, 605, 703-5, 1046-7, 1409, 1412-15 Pike, O., 1053, 2292 Pike County, Ga., 2330 Pike County, 111., 1351 Pike County, O., 2297 Pike Grove, Wis., 1042-3 Pike Hollow, N. Y., 704 Pike River Township, P. Q., 1426 Pike's Peak, Col., 1369, 1961, 2103, 2163 Pike township, O., 2292 Pikeville, Tenn., 2loi, 2159 Pilot Grove, Ind., 1276 Pinchinthorp, Eng., 13 Pinckney, N. Y., 901-2, 1376, 1644 Pine Bluff, Ark., 1366, 1909, 2307 Pine City, N. Y., 932-3 Pine Grove, Mich., 585, 1391 Pine Grove, O., 1299 Pine Grove, Pa., 1642 Pine Grove Farm, Australia, 1710 Pine Hill, N. Y.. 2284, 2289 Pine Island, N. Y., i8i8 Pine Plain, N. Y., 403 Pine Plains, N. Y., 549, 85s, ii8i Pine Ridge, N. C, 2110, 2170, 2215 Pine Ridge, .S. D., 1576 Pine Ridge Agency, S. D., 1576 Pine River, Wis., 1748-9 Pine Run, Mich., 1905 Pineville, Mo., 2208 Pineville, N. Y., 1304 Pinkie, Scotland, 731 Pinkneyville, Miss., 2018 Pin Oak, Tex., 2137 Piqua, O., 839, 124I-2, 1574-6, 1984-5, 2048-9 Piscataway, N. J., 1018 Pitcairn, N. Y., 1439 Pitcapel, Scotland, 1746 Pitcher, N. Y., 855 Pitcher Springs, N. Y., 1337-8 Pitfirrane, Scotland, 663 Pit Hole City, Pa., 801 Pitrainster, Eng., 121 Pittsburgh, Ind., 1404, 1406, 1407 Pittsburgh, Pa., 22, 256, 774, 1088, 1092, 1142, 1160, 1296, 1593-4. 1703. 1713. 1836. 1881, 1935, 1962, 2272, 2326, 2332, 2336, 2459 I'lttsburg, Tex., 1081 Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn., 601, 1343, 1883 Pittsfield, 111., 809, 1328, 1335 Pittsfield, Mass., 119, 179, 195, 350, 390-2, 421, 537, 803, 807, 902, 963-4, 1057, 1 107, 1149-50, 1 182, 1 197, 1323, 1409, 1430, 1503, 1643-4, 1647, 2014-16, 2019, 2052, 2265, 2271, 2273, 2335 Pittsfield, N. H., 129, 328, 1427, 1996 Pittsfield, N. Y., 1182, 1334-5 Pittsfield, O., 422-3, 964-5, 2467 Pittsfield, Vt., 289-90, 1386, 1466 Pittsford, Mich., 1345, 1627 Pittsford, N. Y., 421-2, 892-4. 963, 1106, 1630-3, 1811 Pittsford, Vt., 1046, 1063, 1080, 1C85, 2049 Pitt's Grove, N. J., 1837 Pittston, Pa., 128, 963. 1089, 1240, 1800, 2051 Pittstown, N. Y., 699, 904, 2010, 2026-7 Pittsylvania County, Va., 1773 Place de Dombes, France, 3*1 Placentia, New Foundlajad, 1039 ' Placerville, Cal., 328, 534, 1361, 2267 Plainfield, Conn., 41-4, 62-3, 67-9, 81-4, 87, 90, iig, 138, 147-9, 160, 179-80, 183, 188, 217-18, 292-3, 302, 383, 399, 400, 406, 484-5, 625, 687, 713-16, 719, 739-40, 787-8, 843-4, 849, 852-4, 881, 936-7, 1122, 1423-5, 1425, 1590-6, 2034, 2280-1, 2313, 2326, 2330, 2494 Plainfield, Eng., 120-1 Plainfield, la., 1333 Plainfield, Mass., 623-4, ii97. 1306, 1647, 2333 Plainfield, N. H., 303-4, 328-9, 688, 1377-80 Plainfield, N. J., 454, 917. 1014, 1018, 1093-4, IIOI, 1733, 1800, 1808, 1822-3 Plainfield, N. Y., 1333-4, 2284 Plainfield, Pa., 1781 Plainfield, Vt., 1355, 1377 Plain Hill, Conn., 487 Plainsville, N. J., 1525 Plainview, Minn., 795, 1221, 1851, 1927 Plainville, Conn., 216, 320, 480, 1514 Plainville, Ga., 2169 Plainville, Kan., 1665 Plainville, O., 902 Plainwell, Mich., 1878 Plaistow, N. H., 700 Plankinton, S. D., 1941 Plank Road, N. Y., 1511 Piano, 111., 1414, 16S2 Plaquemines Parish, La., 2018 Plas-Neuadd-yn-Bodlith, Wales, 2415 Plas-yn-Yale, Wales, 529 Plattekill, N. Y., 994-5, 1216-17 Plattsburg, Mo., 808 Plattsburgh, N. Y., 324, 547, 640, 723, 825, 1 160-3, 1329, 1564, 1768, 2473, 2476, 2483 Plattsmouth, Neb., 1071 Pleasance, N. Y., 1443-4, 1941 Pleasant Dale, Kan., 2501 Pleasant Garden, N. C, 645 Pleasant Grove, 111., 382 Pleasant Grove, la., 684 Pleasant Grove, Utah, 1336-7 Pleasant Hill, Ala., 1366-8, 2145-6, 2292 Pleasant Hill, Ga., 1622-3 Pleasant Plain, Kan., 1685 Pleasant Plains, N. Y., 1212 Pleasant Ridge, N. B., 1193 Pleasant Ridge Township, O., 1267 Pleasant Valley, Conn., 1311 Pleasant Valley, Ga., 2136-7 Pleasant Valley, N. J., 1837 Pleasant Valley, N. Y., 1203, 1214, 1966, 2419 Plum, Tex., 2196-7 Plumpton, Eng., 956 INDEX OF PLACES, 287s PKinder's Neck, N. Y., 466 Plymouth, Conn. , 433, 480, 781, 1333-4, 1337, 1516, i5ig, i86s, ig67, 3370, 3460 Plymouth, Eng., isi, 686, gog-io, 103S, IIIO, 1148, 1386, 3343, 2305 Plymouth, 111., 754 Plymouth, Ind., gis, 1663-4 Plymouth, la., 3486-7 Plymouth, Mass., 23, 39, 45, 84, 146, sSS, 305-7, 360, 380, 3S3-4, 448, 477, 493-4= Si5, S28, 540-1, 557, 615, 647, 743. 793> Sio, 86g, 873, 877, gi5, g73, g88-go, 1035, io6g, 1074, 1083, ii4g, 1157, n8i, 1304, I3s8, 1S36, 1251, 1400, i48g, 1600, 1638, 1724, i77g, 181S, 1838, 1S43, 1S6S, 18S3, 1917, igg6-8, SOSS, Z040, 2iig, 3363, 3451 Plymouth, Mich., 1567 Plymouth, N. H., 1868 Plymouth, N. Y., 667, 1473 Plymouth, O., 1187, 1341 Plymouth, Pa., 128, iggo-s Plyraouth, Vt., 1371, 1686 Plymouth, Wis., isg3, 1475, 15SS, 1635, 1765 Plymouth Colony, Mass., igi7, 2039 Plyraouth County, Mass., iggg Plymouth Hollow, Wis., 1518 Plympton, Eng., 832 Plympton, Mass., 817 Plympton, N. S., 1175 Pocasset, Mass., g74 Poge cape, Mass., g4, 973 Poictiers battle, France, 76, 3343 Point Pleasant, W. Va., soio Poitiers, France, 76, 3343 Poitiers battle, France, 76, SS42 Pokagon, Mich., issi Poland, Me., 1643 Poland, O., 384. 1643 Poles Belcham, Eng., 364 Polk, la., i8gs Polk, O., 1515 Polk County, Ga., 207g Polk County, N. C, 22ig Polk's Creek. Tenn., 3071 Pollington, Eng., 493 Pomerania, Germany, 2036-7 Pomeroy, O., 1118 Pomfret, Conn., 47, 80, isg, 138-40, 144, 140-g, 154-6, 161, 176, 275, 300-2, 321-4, 328-30, 358-60, 366, 387-8, 397, 507-10, 538, 666, 731-5, 739, 788, 804, Sog-ii, 825-7, 84g, 88s, 888, 1088-g, IIOO, 1S34, 1337, 1445-9, 1525. 1547, 1943-4, ss6g, 2280, 3330 Pomfret, N. Y., 706 Pomfret, Vt., 327, 33o-i, 1330, 233^ ^ Pomfret Center, Conn., 1547 Pomham, R. I., 85 Porapanoosuc, Vt, i6si Pompey, N. Y., 156, S9i-3, 587-8, 902-3, 906-7, 1217, 1652-S, 2S06 Pompton, N. J., 1033, 1216 Pompton Plains, N. J., 1033 Pond Hill, N. Y., 1590 Ponds, N. J., 9g7 Ponsted, Eng., s2i Pontaudemar, Normandy, 2175 Pontefract, Eng., 1715 Pontefract Castle, Eng., g43 Pontiac, 111., 1777 Pontiac, Mich., 1538, ig75, ssgS, 2318 Pontotoc, Miss., 1078, 1081 Pontypool, Eng., i7gg Poole, Eng., 623, 1533 Poolesville, Md., gn Poolville, N. Y., 666, 1338, ssgo Pope's Creek, Va., 2173 Poquatuck, N. Y., 57 Poquonock, Conn., 1060, loSi, iioS Poquonock Bridge, Conn., ^ 774 Portaferry, Ireland, 221 Portage, Ind., issg Portage, N. Y., 725-6, I4g6 Portage, Wis., i^og, 1801 Portage Township, O., 1165 Portageville, N. Y., 1227 Port Allegheny, Pa., iigi Port Arthur, Tex., 1780 Port Byron, N. Y., 1444 Port Chester, N. Y., 3354 Port Cleveland, Eng., so Port CUnton, O., 1052, 11S5 Port Colborne, Ont., ig44 Port de Paix, St. Domingo, 522 Port Edwards, Wis., igSg Porter, Mich, 1 136-7, 1354, isgi, 1626 Porter, N. Y., 2S1, 668-70, 673-4, 1342-8, i8g4-8 Porter, O., 1637 Porter County, Ind., 578, 1185 Portersville, Ind., 1127 Porter Township, Mich., 1354 Port Gibson, N. Y., 541 Port Hawksberry, N. S., 1171 Port Henry, N. Y., 388, 763, 1494, 1578 Porthill, Eng., 2344 Port Hood, N. S., 1168 Port Hope, Ont., 1531 Port Hudson, La., i6og, 1658 Port Huron, Mich., 1141, I3I4, 1433, 1680, 1731-3 Port Jackson, N. Y., 1538 Port Jeffersoii, N. Y., 1461-s Port Jervis, N. Y.^ 631, 7og Portland, Conn., 991-s, 1336, 1738, 1S83-4 Portland, Me., 153, 436, 4gi, 837, 864-6, 86g, 87g, g46, 1063, 1 103, 1 167-8, 1276-7, 1418, 1571-2, i5gg, 1864, igi6, igg5, 2363, 2277, 2280, 2433, 3468 Portland, Mich, igo5, soiS Portland, N. B., 1171 Portland, N. Y., 337-8, i4g5-6 Portland, Ore., 5go, 701, gis, 1406, i4og, 1446, 1451, 1637, 1781, ig37-8, ig86-7, 3363, 3374 Portland, Vt., isgs Portland, Wis., 1440, 1750 Portledge, Eng., 4sg Port Medway, N. S., 1171, 1 178 Port Mitchell, Ind., 1S76 Port Monmouth, N. J., 1737 Port Morris, N. J., isgi Porto Rico (U. S. A.), W. I., 1614 Port Perry, Ont., 1674 Port Reyes Station, Cal., 3503 Port Richmond, N. Y.. 1012-13, 1858 Port Royal, Va., iSig Port Sanilac, Mich., 2326 Portsmouth, N. H., 107, 151, 219-20, 226, 4g3-4, 813, 833, 1063, I I 14, 1375, 1283, 1463, Portsmouth, N. H., cont'd, 1561, 1757, 1815, ig4S, 1995, 3 438, s468-g Portsmouth, O., 640, 1086-7, 1573, 1733-4, 2331 Portsmouth, R. I., 445, 564, 83S, 1074-5, 1405, 1564, 1660, 1670, 1734, I7g8, 1S38, iggg, 3333 Portsmouth^ Va., ioS8-g Portugal, Europe, 436 i'ortville, N. Y., 1334 Posen, Germany, 1174, 1361 Posen Province, Prussia, 1 1 74, 1361 Posey County, Ind., 643, sioo-ij 2158-g, 2212-13 Poseyville, Ind., 1383 Post Creek, N. Y., isiS Post Oak, Mo., 1937 Post Oak Spring, Tex., 3050 Potomac River, Va., 3173, 3304 Potosi, Wis., 747 Potsdam, N. Y., 217, 484-6, 796-7, 1036, 1054, 1539-41, 1977, 2444, 2483, 2503 Pottawattamie County, la. , 1476-7 Pottawattomie Creek, Kan., 1592 Potter, N. Y., 2321 Potter County, Pa., 608-9 Potter's Hollow, N. Y., 801, 1356, 1544 Potton, P. Q., i3o6, 1467 Pottstown, Pa., 1579-80 Potunk, Conn., 1313 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 151-3, 323-4, 351, 442, 606, 668-9, 739-41, 744, 793, 1004, 1014, 1047, 1131, 1183, 1408, 1606, '^^93, 1768, 1778, i8og, 1815, 1830, ig6i, ig7i, ig8o-i, 2364 Poultney, Vt., s6o, 3g8-g, 5g7-6os, 723-30, ngg, 1300-4, 1434, 1442-3, 1458-60, i486, 1493, 2499 Pounsford, Eng,, 1030 Powder Spring Gap, Tenn., 3o8g, 3131-S, 2ig3-5 Powers Lake, Wis., i6g4 Powhatan County, Va., logi Powis, Wales, 3415 Pownal, Vt., 1848 Pownall, N. Y., 1143 Powys, Wales, 2415 Powys-Fadoc, Powys-Fadog, Wales, 2415 Prarie County, Ark., sig7 Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1044, XI 53, 1636 Prairie du Sac, Wis., 1856 Prairie Lodge, Minn., 1406 Prattsburg, N. Y., 7g2, 1428 Prattsville, N. Y., 1324 Preakness, N. J., 1000, 1031-3 Preble, N. Y., 667-g Preble County, O., 3144 Prentiss, Me., ssSS Prenton, Wis., nsg Presbury, Eng., 378 Prescott, Ariz., 1843 Prescott, Kan., 1333 Prescott, Mass., 1352 Prescott, Ont., 1522 Prescott, Wis., 633, 636, 784, 7go-i, 1411, i52g Presteby, Eng., 2225 Preston, Conn., 8s, 116-17, isg, iSs, SS7-8, 307, 342, 358, 606, 6g3, 702, 786, 1146, isgs, 1534, 16S5, 1S16, ig44, 3336 Preston, Eng., 62, 137, 1105 Preston, Md., 1106 2876 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Preston Deanery, Scotland, 2245 Preston Hollow, N. Y., 802, 1371, IS45 Pries Hall, Eng., 1985 Prince Albert's Island, Lake Champlain, Vt., 386-7 Prince Edward County, Va., 2134 Prince George County, Md., 1059-60 Prince George County, Va., 1737, 2336 Princess Anne County, Va., 1722 Princeton, Cal., 1920 Princeton, 111., 47S, 910, 1310 Princeton, Ind., 536, 1145 Princeton, Mass., 877, 1301, i860 Princeton, Mo., 1369 Princeton, N. J., 1448, 1782, 1791, 1814 Princeton, Wis., 2044 Prince William County, Va., 18, 2054-70, 2202 Pritchardville, Mich., 441 Probolingo, Java, 1744 Proctorsville, Vt., 1839 Prompton, Pa., 663-4, 1310 Prophetstown, 111., 920-1, 1072, 1672-4 Prospect, Conn., 991 Prospect, O., 1652 Prosser Brook, N. B., 252 Proven, Germany, 1380 Providence, Pa., 2045, 2051 Providence, R. I., 45, 119, 128, 203, 232, 280, 294, 309, 336-7, 381-3, 386, 421, 426, 429, 435, 441, 515-20, 541, 625, 631, 686, 713-14, 753-4, 786, 804, 825-9, 840, 853, 861-3, 878, 883, 937-8, 955. 970, 979, 981-2, 985, 992, 1035, 1060-1, 1074, 1106-7, 1118, 1186, 1247, 1253, 1260, 1342, 1421-2, 1423, 1511, 1525, 1547,. 1554, 1562-4, 1573. 1586, 1595, 1645, 1654, 1709, 1713, 1716, 1721-4, 1761, 1798-9, 1863, 1915, 1998-9, 2119, 2261, 2269, 2275, 2313, 2469, 2475-6, 2489 Province of Quebec, Can., 701, 1378 Provincetown, Mass., 1554 Provo City, Utah, 1337 Prussia, Europe, 468, 1964 Pubnico, N. S., 561, 1 174-5 Pueblo, Col., 721, 1328, 1332, 2304, 2483 Puerto Rico (U. S. A. Ter ritory), West Indies, 1614 Puget Sound, Wash,, 2288 Pulaski, Mich, 923-4, 1679 Pulaski, N. Y., 1304, 1817 Pulaski, O., 1465 Pulaski, Pa., 1851 Pulaski, Tenn., 2094, 2109 Pulaski County, Ind., 578 Pulaski County, Ky., 2101 Pultneyville, N. Y., 1220 Pumham's Land, Mass., 241 Purdy Creek, N. Y., 584 Purleigh, Eng., 2203-4 Pushmataha, Ala., 221 1 Put-in-Bay, O., 1274, 1877 Put-in-Bay Island, O., 1877 Putnam, Conn., 85, 149-50, 713, 732, 1445-8, 1453. 1525-6. 1595. 2274, 2310 Putnam, N. Y., 1431 Putnam, Vt., 1430 Putnam County, Ga., 2176-7 Putnam County, 111., 806 Putnam County, 0,, 1164-5 Putnam Place, Eng., 1126 Putney, Eng., 365 Putney, Vt., 347, 585, 1579-80 Puttenham, Eng., 1125 Pytchley, Eng., 319 Pyt House, Eng., 1086 Quaker Hill, N. Y., 1818-19 Quaker Springs, N. Y., 1702 Quaker Street, Schenectady County, N. Y., 755-6, 1480 Ouantico, Md., 1106 Quarantine Village, N. Y., 2252 Quarter, Scotland, 1092 Quas Plain, Conn., 1998 Quasset, Conn., 732 Quatt, Eng., 2232 Quebec, Can., 701, 1348, 1496, 2338 euebec Village, Vt., 879 ueemans, N. Y., 200-1, 285-6, 323-4, 793-4, 1350, 2280 Queemans Patent, N. Y., 285-6 Queensboro patent, N. Y., 1831 Queensbury, N. Y., 443, 1819 Queenstown, Ireland, 1746a Oueenstown, N. Y., 1674 Oueen's Village, N. Y., 1768 Ouemberford, Eng., 120 Quensan, China, 1957 Quidnesset, R. I., 1645 Quincy, 111., 361, 365-6, 535, 671-2, 754, 762, 808-9, 878, 1350-2, 1451, 1477, 1554-5, 1616-17, 1661, 1671-2, 1903, 2003, 2262, 2327 Quincy, Mass., 493, 857, 1861, 2442 Quincy, Mich., 589, 1278 Quindaro, Kan., 450 Quinebaug, Conn., 1443 Quinebaug River, Conn., 2280, 2313 Quinnesec, Mich., 1193 Quinnipiac, Conn., 1482 Quinsigamond, Mass.. 1829 Quintana, Tex., 2202 Quito, Peru, 1988 Rabun County, Ga., 2152, 2165 Rabun Gap Junction, Ga., 2113 Racine, Wis., 684-5, 704, 856, 1332, 1339, 1388, 1638-9, 1666-7, 1833, 1889, 1896-7, 1928, 1943 Racine County, Wis., 1043, 1389 Ragged Island, N. S., 563 Rahway, N. J., 462, 515-20, 1027, 1032-4, 1082, 1762, 1774-6, 2139-41, 2216, 2497 Rainham, Eng., 1930 Rainham, Ont., 717, 1820 Rainhill Parish, Eng., 337 Rainsburg, Pa., 905 Raisin, Mich., 581, 1188-9 Raleigh, N. C, 1985 Ramapo, N. Y., 1240-1 Ramsgate, Eng., 1588, 1953-S Ranchito, Cal., 1246, 2491 Randolph, N. Y., 1162, 1627 Randolph, Pa., 1292 Randolph, Vt., 104, 347, 395, 603, 646, 688, 699-702, 709, 743, 808, 879, 1205, 1277, 1279, 1288-90, 1301, 1407-8, 1461-2, 1668, 1876, 1945-8, 2019, 2286, 2327 Randolph, Wis., 1404, 2299 Randolph County, 111., 1620 Randolph County, Ind., I955 Randolph County, N. C, 2152 Range at Los Andes, Cal., 1917 Rangeworthy, Eng., 863 Rankin County, Miss., 1955-7 Ransoraville, N. Y., 281, 668, 1342, 1895-6 Rapidan River, Rapid Ann River, Va., 2055-6 Rappahannock County, Va., 2204 Rappahannock River, Va., 1277, 2204 Raratonga Island, Cook Is lands, 958 Raritan, N. J., 1328 Ratcliffe, Eng., 162 Ratho, Scotland, 1744-5 Rat Portage, Manitoba, 574 Ratton, Eng., 170 Raught, France, 1015 Ravendale, Eng., 493 Ravenna, O., 1203, 1490 Ravenswath, Eng., 2203 Ravenswood, Va., 2011 Ravensworth, Eng., 2203 Rawdon, P. Q., 2476 Raynham, M^ss., 447-8, 546, 1670, 1799, 2218 Raysville, Ga., 882 Raysville, Ind., 1869 Raytown, Ga., 883 Raywick, Ky., 1982 Read, O., 1275 Readfield, Me., 1616 Reading, la., 1939 Reading, Mass., 26, 30, 128, 170, 235, 714, 1613, 1771, 1864, 1915, 2429, 2432-4, 2437 Reading, Mich., 549-50, 553, 579, 1 162 Reading, N. Y., 600-1, 930, 2319 Reading, Pa., 918-9, 14S0, 1669-70, 2030 Reading Center, N. Y., 2319 Readsboro, Vt., 213 Ream's Station, Va., 545, 1526 Rechibucto, N. B., 777 Red Bank, N. J., 458 Red Bank, O., 1776 Red Clay, Ga., 2162 Reddle's River, N. C, 2078 Redding, Conn., 1103, 2253 Redfield, N. Y., 899, 900, 1541, 1965 Red Hill, Tenn., 2088-90, 2131, 2195 Redington, N. J., 207 Red Oak, la., 1301 Red Oak Junction, la., 1302 Red River, Ark., La., "Tenn. and Tex., 1749, 2069, 2077, 2088-91, 2134-6 Red River, Wis., 1Q40 Red River Parish, La., 2136 Red Rock, Pa., 1407 Red Sea, Africa, 1746 Redway, Eng., 2203 Red Wing, Minn., 702, 710, 1207 Red Wing, Neb., 1439, 193S-9 Redwood City, Cal., 1754-5 Reed, O., 1164-5 Reedbury, Vt., 213 Reed City, Mich., 721, 1485 Reed's Ferry, N. H., 875 Reedsville, Pa., 934, 936, 1694, 2019 Reed Township, O., 1164 Reed Township, Pa., igso Rehoboth, Mass., 35, 55, 64, 96. 336, 493, 537-9, 747, 1074, 1 148, 1359, 1454, 1660, 1778, 17QS, SS74 Remsen, N. Y., 1541, i67g Reno, I. T., i3ig Reno, Nev., 1615-16 Reno, Pa., 1584 Rensselaer, Ind., 778, 2013, 3479 Rensselaer, N. Y., igs, 413 Rensselaer County, N. Y., g35, 121S, 2274-5 Rensselaerville, N. Y., 335, 681, 801-3, 843, 1353, 1356, 1363, 1371, IS44-6, ig78, 3307 Rensselaerwyck, N. Y., 4g3, i8og, 181S, 1831, 1837 Repps, Eng., i7gi Republic, O., 247-8, 553, 1187 Resaca, Ga., 2136, 346s Restigouche, N. B., g46, 1703 Rexford Flats, N. Y., i58g Reydon, Eng., 57 Reynolds, Ga., 3105 Reynoldsburg, O., 7S8 Rhinebeck, N. Y., iSS, 407-8, 6g5, 1SS7, 181S Rhode Island, State of, g7, IS4, 146, 150-3, igs, 302, 338, 2g6, 307-8, 311, sgo, 433, 4sg, 490, 608, 76s, g6o, g77-S, 117S, 1470, 1475-6, 1496, 1505, 1550, 1660, 1818, 1998, 336g, 3378 Rhodes, Asia, 1831 Rhome, Tex., 883 Rhual, North Wales, gio Rice County, Kan., 2305 Ricelake, Can., i68g Richard's Castle, Eng., 366 Richburg, N. Y., 636-7, 1338 Richfield, 111., 671, 1351, igos Richfield, Mich., 1345-6 Richfield, N. Y., io4g, iSg7-S Richfield, O., 54g, 1145, isgs, 137s, 1487, 1837 Richfield, Wis., i6g3 Richfield Springs, N. Y., 1764 Richford, N. Y., 1403, 3335 Rich Hill, Ireland, I4g7 Richland, Kan., ii5g Richland, N. Y., 64g, 130S-4, 1883, 2269 Richland Center, Wis., 1950 Richland City, Wis., iSsS-g Richland County, 111., i4S7 Richland County, O., 1274, 1967 Richland Creek, Tenn., 3071 Richmond, Ky., 3074 Richmond, Me., 1940 Richmond, Mass., 118, gi6, ISOO Richmond, Mich., 1533, 1538, 1974 Richmond, N. H., i5g, 271, 747, 1564, i860 Richmond, N. Y., s68-g, 631, 1341, 1344-6, 1778-9, 1803-4 Richmond, O., 1164 Richmond, Pa., 607, 633-4, 750-1, 1230-2, i46S-g, 1470, 1854, 1949-50 _ Richmond, P. Q-, 811-15, 1559-^0, 2338 Richmond, R. L, 935 Richmond, Vt. , 393-4, 594, 1054 Richmond, Va., 443, 524, 8S0, 883, loi^, 1078, IIIO, 1151, 1366, 1366, 1371, 16^7, 1670, 1738, 1757, 1907-9, 1925, 2103, INDEX OF PLACES. Richmond, Va., cont'd, 3ii6, SISO, 3ig8, SSSI, 3373, ssSS, 3417-18 Richmond, Wis., 1343 Richmond County, Ga., 3103 Richmond County, Va,, 3143 Richmondshire, Eng., 3303 Richmondville, N. Y., 851, 1349, 1363, 1903 Richview, III., 1555 Richville, O., 1164 Richwood, O., 165s Ridge, N. Y., 3375 Ridgefield, Conn., 403, 548, 3368, 3380 Ridgefield, O., 3oig Ridgefield Park, N. J., 456, 1003 Ridge Mills, N. Y., 3374 Ridgeville, O., i4g6, igoo, 346 1-3 Ridgeville, Wis., i8g7 Ridgeville Corners, O., 1488 Ridgeway, Kan., nsg Ridgeway, Mich,, 1536-7 Ridgeway, N. Y., 8g3-4, isso, 1379, 1413-14, 1643, 1895, 1898, 3457, 3460 Ridgewood, N. J., i888-go Ridley, Pa., 1086 Rifle Creek, Col., 1429 Rigsby, Eng., 4g3 Riker's Hollow, N. Y., 1428 Riley Center, Mich., 1536 Rill, Eng., 1313 Rindge, N. H., 2435 Ringgold, Ga., 2131-2, 2141-2, si6s Ringgold Parish, Ala., 1163 Ringstead, Eng., 6S7 Ringworthy, Eng., 863 Rio Janerio, Brazil, 4g7, gsS Ripley, O., 1115 Ripon, Wis., 536, 747, 1303, 1578, 1648, igSg, soig Ripple Court, Eng., 48g Ripton, Vt., 1308-g, 1776 " Rising States " brigantine, U. S. N., 3337 Rising Sun, O., 1185 Rivenhall, Eng., 1083 river Aberjona, Mass., 3431 river Altamah, Ga., 1777 river Apple, N. S., 575 river Black, Va., 3304 river Barnard, Tex., S147-S river Boyne, Ireland, 35 river Brazos, Tex., 2106, 2167 river Broad, Ga., 2310 river Connecticut, Conn. , 144, igsg, 3381, 3483 Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1802 river Delaware, N. J., 248g river Elk, Tenn., S071 river Emster Gerundegut, Mass., 103 River Falls, Wis., 1272, 1410-11, igsS river Fisher's, N. C, siio river Five Mile, Conn., 3353 river Fox, N, S,, 575 river George's, District of Maine, 505 Riverhead, N. Y., 46g-7i, 6g3, 1461-S river Hocking, O., Sgg, goo, 1638 river Hudson, N. Y., 351, 6g5 river James, Va,, 1347, 1757, sog6 River John, N. S., isgo river Kentucky, Ky,, 2072 2877 river La Platte, Brazil, 3367 River Lee, N. Y., 10S7 river Licking, Ky., 3og7 river Little Holston, Tenn., 3184 river Mississippi, U. S,, go's, 1438, 1477, 2076, S081, S148, .2432 river Missouri, U, S,, 334 river Mitcheals, N. C., so8i, SIIO river Mohawk, N. Y., 314 river Niagara, N. Y,, 1674 river Nishabotany, la., 1476-7 river Occoquan, Va., 3072-3 river Ohio, U. S., icgo, is66, 3 146, 3380 river Ouchita, Ark., 3136 river Pearl, La. and Miss., 1955-7, 2076 river Pedee, S. C. 208S, ssiS River Phillip, N. S., 556 river Potomac, Va., 2173, 3304 river Quinebaug, Conn., ssSo, 2313 river Rapidan, river Rapid Ann, Va., 3055-6 river Rappahannock,. Va., 1377, S304 river Red, Ark., La. and Tex., i74g, 3o6g, 3077, 3o8S-gi, 2134-6 river Reddie's, N. C, 307S river Rock, Wis., Sgs river Royall's, Me., 1063 river Saint Francis, Me,, g46 river Santee, S. C, 33ig river Savannah, Ga. , so58-g, 3100, 3155-7 river Shenandoah, Va., 3og5-6, S147-8 Riverside, Cal., 164s Riverside, 111., 165s, i6g5 Riverside, Mass., 1353 Riverside, Mich., isSg Riverside, O., 1777 river Sudbury, Mass., 304g river Susquehanna, Pa., 1992 river Tallapoosa, Ala. and Ga,, 2084-5. SI 14 river Tay, Scotland, g river Tees, Eng,, is, so river Tennessee, Tenn. , 3113-14, 3170 river Thames, Conn,, 3368, ssSo river Tine, Eng., g Riverton, Mich., 1364 Riverton, Neb., gS3-4, i6g3, 1947 river Tugalo, Tugaloo, Ga., S. C. and Tenn,, 3058-68. 3071, 307S-9, 2083, 2101-3, 21 13-14 River Vale, N. J., 459, 1014-15, 1739 River View, Ky., ssso river Wabash, Illinois, In diana and Ohio, 1346 river White, Vt., sgo river Whitewater, Ind,, 3470 river_Wood, Idaho, 3373 river Wood, R. I., 154 river Yadkin, N. C, S060-70, scSo Rives, Mich., igsg Rives, O., ig67 road Islington, Eng., i6s8 Roane County, Tenn,, si 10, 3i6g Roann, Ind., ig55 Roanoke, Tex., 3314 2878 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Roaring Creek, N. C, 2063 Robbins Hill, Mass., 2291 Robeline, La., 2136 Robertson County, Ky., 2097, 2151 Robertson County, Tenn., 1937 Robins Island, N. Y., 2453 Rochelle, France, 402, 1971 Rochelle, 111., 1625, 1649 Rochester, Eng., 87, 478 Rochester, 111., 1047-8, 1265 Rochester, Ind., 588, 1322 Rochester, Mass., 810, 1236, 1752, 1838, 2022 Rochester, Mich., 1244 Rochester, Minn., 711, 1692, 1702 Rochester, N. H., 812-13, 861-3, 1253 Rochester, N. Y., 22, 45-6, 300, 347, 511-12, 591, 676, 690, 693, 731. 757. 774-5, 79i. 798-9, 800, 807, 833-4, S94, 911, 915, 981, 1049, 1072. 1103-11, 1128, 1130, 1140, 1235, 1302, 1306, 1343, 1359-60, 1371-2, 1378-9, 1380, 1391. 1401, 1444-5, 1502, 1523. 1529-30, 1623-4, 1632-3, 1636, 165s, 1691, 1694, 1765, 1772, 1801, 1811-12, 1817, 1835, 1855, 1899, 1920, 1976, 200S, 2018-20, 2247-9, 2262-3, 2284, 2312, 2322, 2469-70 Rochester, Pa., 2005 Rochester, Vt., 746-7. n". 1621 Rochester, Wis., 603 Rochfort, France, 1488 Rockaway, N. J., 1124 Rockaway, N. Y., 1085, 2313 Rockaway Beach., N. Y., 2313 Rock Bluff, Neb., 1302 Rockbridge County, Va., 1869, 2144, 2184 Rock Castle County, Ky., 2184 Rock County, Wis., 897, 1711 Rock Creek, N. Y., 1907 Rock Creek, O., 2481 Rockdale, N. S. W., 2277, 2331 Rockdale, N. Y., 1829 Rockdale, Pa., 1292, 1750, 1805 Rockdale Township, Pa., 1750 Rockford, Ala., 2084, 2116-18, 2177-8 Rockford, 111., 589, 733, 799. 806, 1159, 1195, 1199, ¦ 1346, 1361, 1395. 1482, 1496, 1498-1500, 1541, 1568, 1650, 1658, 1685-6, 1781, 1963-4, 2335, 2494-5 Rockford, Kan., 1333 Rockford, N. C, 2110 Rockford Court House, Ala., 2084-5 Rock Glen, N. Y., 1244 Rockhampton, Queensland, 1710 Rockingham, Vt., 585-6 Rockingham County, Va., 1547, 2114 Rock Island, 111., 426, 632, 799, 962, 1093, 1575-6, 1587, 1801, 1881, 1994, 2332 Rock Island County, 111., 1194 Rockland, Me., 834-8, 1570-2, 2479 Rockland, Mass., 1259, 1861 Rockland, Pa., 1407 Rock Ledge, Fla., 1086 Rocklin, Cal., 1177 Rock Parish, Eng., 2246 Rockport, Me., 1329 Rockport, Mass., 171-5, 361-2, 365-6, 878-9 Rockport, O., 800 Rockport, Tex., 1162 Rock Prairie, Wis., 1964 Rock River, Wis., 892 Rock Springs, Ga., 2047, 2162 Rocktown, N. J., 616 Rockville, Conn., 476, 713, 1821-2, 1947 Rockville, O., 1330 Rockwell Hall, Eng., 71 Rocky, Tex., 1910 Rocky Hill, Conn., 205, 449-50, 676, 887 Rocky Hill, N. J., 1941 Rocky Hill, N. C, 2091-2 Rodman, N. Y., 901-2, 936, 1441, 1645-6, 1693 Rodney, la., 2299, 2305 Rogers Park, 111., 2307 Rogersville, N. Y., 1230 Rogersville, Tenn., 2081, 2111, 2170-1 Roken Logn, Norway, 1952 RoUesby, Eng., 1183 Rollcs-Cross, Eng., 12 Rolvendue, Eng., 1147 Romald Kirk, Romaldkirk, Eng., 957-8, 1714-15 Rome, Ga., 2139-41, 2160, ¦2173-5, 2179, 2197- 8, 2211, 2215-16, 2266 Rome, N. Y., 45, 402-3, 485, 676, 753-4. 786, 831-2, 892, 920, 923-7, 1335, 1357, 1380, 1475, 1567, 1590, 1678-82, 1811, 1828, 1918, 2008, 2023, 2460, 2472, 2486, 2500 Rome, O., 1638, 2009 Romeo, Mich., 1982, 2048, 2053, 2260 Romney, Eng., 337 Romney Marsh, Mass., 1771 Romsey, Eng., 364, 1708 Romulus, N. Y., 439, 553 Ronaldsway, Isle of Man, 1986 Rondout, N. Y., 996, 1072 Roodhouse, 111., 1143-4 Rooks County, Kan., 214^ Rope, England, 237 Roscoe, 111., 1343-4, 1361-2 Rose, N. Y., 616, 1139, 1472 Rosebank, N. Y., 1812 Roseberrye Toppinge, Eng., 14 Roseboom, N. Y., 1541-2 Rosebud Agency, S. D., 1085, 1576 Rosebury Topping, Eng., 14 ' Roselle " steamer, Ohio River, 1266 Rosendale, N. Y., 1397 Rosendale, Wis., 1203, 2455 Rosenkillen, Ireland, 1769 Roseville, N. J., 457, 461, 995, 1018, 1021, 1603, 1729 Ross County, Q., 1227, 1323 Rosses Landing, S. C, 2012-13 Ross-hire, Scotland, 813, 1971 Rossie, N. Y., 754 Ross-shire, Scotland, 1971 Rossville, la., 1941 Rossville, Kan., 2012 Rossville, N. Y., 876, 1216-17 Rossville, Pa., 1297 Rosythe, Scotland, 1109 Rotham, Eng., 508 Rotherhite, Eng., 2243 Rotterdam, Holland, 47S, 522, 731, 1744 Rotterdam, N. Y., 893 Rouen, France, 1057, 1261, 1987 Rouergue, France, 2338 Roughara, Eng., 686, 1930 Roulette, Pa., 1191 Round About Tract, N. C, 2064 Round Lake, N. Y., 933, 2026 Round Mountain, Tex., 2033-4 Rounthwaite, Manitoba, 573 Rousby, Eng., 2224 Rouse's Point, N. Y., 2476 Route of United States mail No. 5^64, Ala., 227S Routhwell, Ont., 1896 Rowan County, N. C, 514. 2060 Rowden Hill, Eng., 1744 Rowe, Mass., 1197 Rowell, Eng., 146 Rowley, Mass., 44, 54, 109, 153, 270, 279, 348-50, 355-7, 362-4, 449, 515, 775, 848-9, 858-63, 872, 1032, 1077, 1394, 1919, 1930, 2040, 2435 Rowley Hall, Eng., 1038 Rowley Regis, Eng., 394 Rowsham, Eng., 1126 Roxborough, Pa., 1480 Roxbury, Conn., 613, 1519 Roxbury, Mass., 87, 95, 120, 131-2, 144, 155, 213, 233, 241, 270, 301, 304-S. 316-19, 345. 385, 388, 395, 400, 485, 490, 497, 510-I1, 521-2, 544, 635, 715, 732, 781, 800, 818-19. 822-3, 857. 872, 878, 884, 913. 969, 1064, 1069-70, 1074-5, 1088, 1100-2, II13-14, 1147, 1167, 1211, 1357, 1488, 1497. 1561, 1603, 1613, 1660, 1670, 1697, 1752, 1779, 1810, 1814, 1818, 1828, 1838, 1868, ¦ 1883, 1915, 1926, 1998, 2251, 2261, 2307, 2421, 2431, 2484 Roxbury, N. Y., 285, 622-3, 1213, 1226 Roxbury, O., 263-4 Roxbury, Vt., 290, 412, 943, 1876 Roxby, Eng., 2224' Royall's River, Me., 1063 Royal Oak, N. S., 1172 Royalston, Mass., 258-61, 943, 1880, 2291, 2485 Royalton, Mich., 934, 1686 Royalton, N. Y., 1345-6, 1630, 1635, 1665 Royalton, O., 1442 Royalton, Vt., 129, 139-40, 189, 261, 288-90, 304, 327, 604-5, 698-9, 700-3, 706-S, 741-3, 1204-7, 1287-9, 1408-9, 1416-17, 1443, 1461, 1618, 1879, 2262, 2482 Royden, Eng., 1603 Royton, Eng., 1210 Royton Chapel, Eng., 1211 Ruckersville, Ga., 2075-6, 2100, 2153-6, 2211, 2262, 2276 Rudby, Eng., 13 Rudby Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Rudd, la., 1536 INDEX OF PLACES. 2879 Rugel, Germany, 1296 Rumburgh, Eng., 137-8, 494 Rumney, N. H., 823, 1867 Rumney Marsh (Chelsea), Mass., 1449 Rupert, Vt., 311, 762-3, 768, 1493-4. 1501-2 Rural Vale, Ga., 2104, 2137, 2165, 2195-6 Rush, N. Y., 791 Rush, Pa., 851, 1690 Rushall, Eng., 364 Rush County, Md., 1428 Rushford, Minn., 1891 Rushford, N. Y., 1597-8 Rushford, Wis., 1748 Rush Lake, la., 1136 Rush Township, Pa., 1688 Rushville, 111., 1650 Rushville, Neb., 1542, 1971 Rushville, N. Y., 1138 Rusk County, Tex., 2106 Russell, Kan., 1049 Russell, N. Y., 1539, 1645 Russell County, Ala., 1622, 2155 Russell County, Va., 2220 Russia, Europe, 1108, 2176 Rutherford, N. J., loio-ii Rutherford County, N. C, 2077 Rutland, Mass., 648, 818-19, 1088, 2040 Rutland, N. Y., 90-2, 153-4, 316-17, 327, 777-8, 804-6, 1493. 1509, 1511, 1645, 1958 Rutland, O., 1139 Rutland, Pa., 1231 Rutland, Vt., 325, 642, 691, 718, 760, 806, 1046, 1053, 1083-4, 1199, 1200, 1308, 1381, 1391-2, 1404-5. 1431. 1488, 1489, 1494, 1538, 1776-7, 1924, 1939, 2264-6, 2271, 2309, 2332, 2472, 2476-7 Rutland County, Eng., 2017 Rutland County, Vt., 185, 2328 Rutledge, Tenn., 2088-90 Rye, Eng., 1771 Rye, Mass., 705 Rye, N. H., 1610 Rye, N. Y., 283, 1098, 1321, 1479, 1803, 1818 Ryston, Eng., 226 Ryston Hall, Eng., 226 Sabetha, Kan., 1709 Sable Island, N. S., 1038 Sable River, N. S., 561 Saccarappa, Me., 1180 ¦ Sac City, la., 900, 1243, 1856-7 Sac County, la., 1243 Sachsen, Germany, 84, 1580, 1659, 2223-5 Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., 122, 390, 632, 804, S95, 899-901, 1106, 1376, 1510, 1512, 1645-6. 1918, 1986 Sackville, N. B., 315, 568, 2335 , , Saco, Me., 120, 227, 515, 605, 659, 1063, 1633, 1862, 1867 Saconesset, Mass., 528 Sacramento, Cal., 694-5. 1200, 1395, 1794-6 ,^ ^ Saddle River, N. J., 459, 1031 Sadora, la., 2006 Sadsbury, Pa., 1626 Saegerstown, Pa., 2489 Saffron Walden, Eng., 1815 Sagadahoc, Me., 1764 Sal Harbor, N. Y., 991-2. 1727 Saginaw, Mich., 890, * 938, 1044, 1144, 1236, 1872, 1897-8, 2270 Saginaw County, Mich., 1353 Saint Agniss, Eng., 226 Saint Albans, Eng., 1867 Saint Albans, Me., 1557 Saint Albans, Vt., 289, 299, 349. 84S-6, 1329, 1374, 1441, 1584-8, 1618-20 Saint Albans Bay, Vt., 1919 Saint Albans' Manor, Eng., 659 Saint Alexander, P. Q., 1426 Saint Amanda, Can., 2492 Saint Andrew, Eng., 400, 2238 Saint Andrews, N. B., ,491 Saint Anthony Park, Minn., 2438 Saint Armand, P. Q., 289, 700-3 Saint Armon, P. Q., 289, 700-3 Saint Augustine, 1092 Saint Austell, Eng., 1038 Saint Austin's, Eng., 1933 Saint Bernice, Ind., 1611 Saint Catharines, Ont., 534-5, 1675, 1769, 1821, 1833, 1894, 1966 Saint Charles, 111., 898 Saint Charles, Minn., 1046-7 Saint Charles, Mo., 790 Saint Christopher, W. I., 523 Saint Clair, Mich., 1221, 1433 Saint Clair County, Mich., 1221 Saint Claire, P. Q., 1311 Saint Clement's, Eng., 489 Saint Cloud, Minn., 811, 1688, 1758-9 Saint Cloud, Wis., 1883 Saint Croix, W. I., 496, 881, 1099, IIOO, 2176, 2339 Saint David, Eng., 717 Saint Dunstan in the East Parish, London, England, 2242 Saint Edmunds, Eng., 2000 Saint Edmund's Bury, Saint Edmondsbury, Eng., 700, 1121 Saint Edward, Neb., 1537 Saint Eustatius Island, W. I., 1031, 1772 Saint Francis River, Me., 946 Saint Francisville, La., 1490, 2147 Saint Genevieve, Mo., 1268, 2335 Saint George, Can., 950, 1171 Saint George, Me., 835, 1571 Saint George, N. B., 1171 Saint George, Utah, 1477, 1952 Saint George Parish, Eng., 522 Saint George Parish de Henryville, P. Q., 1426 Saint George's Island, Alaska, 1576 Saint George's Manor, Setau- -ket, N. Y., IIII Saint Helena, Cal., 1303 Saint Helen's Parish, Lon. don, England, 1071 Saint Hilda de Midlesburg Church, Eng., 2226 Saint Imier, Switzerland, 1767 Saint Ives, Eng., 1348 Saint James, Minn., 1751 Saint James Park, Eng., 137 Saint Jo, Tex., 1797 Saint John, N. B., 97, 203-5, 253, 449. 558-62, 567, 571, 776-7, 1170-1, 117s, 1508, 1689, 1768, 1846, 2257, 2322, 2502 Saint John's, Mich., 1346, 1950, 2045 Saint Johns, Newfoundland, 1742-3 Saint Johns, P. Q., 1559 Saint Johnsbury, Vt., 1285, 1290, 1327, 1385, 1558, 1849, 2052 Saint Johns' County, C. E., 896 Saint Johnsville, N. Y., 1528 Saint John the Baptist Church, Eng., 2226 Saint Joseph, Mich., 937-8, 1188, 2051 Saint Joseph, Mo., 885, 2289, 2331 Saint Joseph, Wis., 1402 Saint Joseph County, Ind., 1400 Saint Joseph County, Mich., 720, 1242-3, 1428 Saintlands parish, Eng., 1839 Saint Lawrence, Eng., 1060 Saint Lawrence, N. Y., 904, 2483 Saint Lawrence County, N. Y., 796-7, 1 138, 1413-14. 1655, 1963 Saint Leonard's, Eng., 492 Saint Leonard's Chapel, As ton Clinton, Eng., 209 Saint Louis, Mo., 46, 449-50, 462, 514, 754-5, 774, 792-3, 878, 995, 999, 1072-4, 1118, 1143-4, 1149-50, 1160, 1198, 1207, 1233, 1266, 1302, 1315, 1328, 1330, 1352, 1359, 1366, 1369, 1371-5. 1405-6, 1444-5. 1477-8, 1567, 1585, 1604, 1615-19, 1658, 1663, 1768-9, 1773, 1863, 1870, 1881, 1908, 1916, 1981-2, 1994-5, 2034, 2050, 2134, 2175, 2263-5, 2273, 2275, 2277, 2280, 2295, 2307, 2311-12, 2331, 2417, 2438 Saint Louis Bay, Miss., 876 Saint Lucia, W. I., 523 Saint Mabyn, Eng., 1114 Saint Margaret's, Eng., 490, 1151, 1988 Saint Margaret's Bay, N. S., 2250 Saint Margaret's Church, Suffolk Co., Eng., 2452 Saint Maria de Bradenstock, Eng., 107 Saint Martins, Eng., 400, 540, 1930 Saint Martins, N. B., 1173 Saint Martins, N. S., 2278 Saint Martins in the Field, Eng., 400 Saint Mary, Eng., 467, 492, 856, 1988, 2261 Saint Mary-at-the-Tower parish, Eng., 1988 Saint Mary's, Eng., 1321, 2234 Saint Mary s, Ga., 409, 2253 Saint Mary's, O., 1638 Saint Mary's Landing, Mo., 2335 Saint Mary's Parish, La.. 1932 " Saint Mary's " vessel. Gulf Stream, U. S. coast, 943 Saint Matthews, S. C, 2190 2880 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Saint Matthews Parish, S. C, sigo Saint Michael, Azores, io7g Saint Michaels, Eng., log Saint Nathans, Wis., ig4o Saint Nicholas, Eng., 1603 Saint Nicholas Parish, Ips wich, Eng., 15, 3504-5 Saint Pancras, Eng., 4go Saint Paul, L. C, isss Saint Paul, Minn., ss, 607, 822-3, Sgg, 114s, 1146, ii7g, 121S, i359-6o> 1424, 1430, 1440, 1444, 1513, 1563, 1605, 1774, 1837-8, 1840, i8g6, igs7, igsi, igg4, sosg, 2364-5, 2373, 2277, 3310, 3336, 3331, 3333 Saint Paul's cathedral rec tory, Eng., 478 Saint Peter's, Ind., 1368 Saint Petersburg, Fla., igg4 Saint Sauveur Parish, Isle of Jersey, 3468 Saint Saviour's, Eng., 715 Saint Thomas, Ont., ssgS Saint Trinity Parish, Isle of Man, ig85 Salado, Tex., 1747 Salamanca, N. Y., iigi, 1330, 1 334, soig Salcombe, Eng., 76g, 1070, 3370 Salem. 111., 684 Salem, la,, 3455 Salem, Mass,, 53, 56, 68, g4, 107-10, 147, i6s, 165-71, 3ig-36, 33S-6, 364, 305, 311, 355-6, 363-4, 383, sg4, 466, 498-5og, 513-15^ 521-3, 647> 714, 743, 813, 836, 858, 861-3, 866, 873, 875-8, gio, gis, g5g, 1063-4, 1070-1, 1074-8, 1117-18, iis6, 1133, 1150-1, 1166, iiSo, isiS, 1358, 1471, 1488, i4g7. 1561, 1570-1, 1601-8, 1613, 1658, 174s, 1767, 1770-1, 1835, 1845, 1S83, igso, iggS, 3036-7, 3054, S247, 3351, ss6s, 3435, 3437-44, S453, 3460, 3484 Salem, N, H,, 863-4, i4ig-so, 1466 Salem, N. Y., 151-3, 310-is, 53g, 6g4-5, 757-71, issg-so, 1395. 148S-5, 1488-g, i4gQ-i, 1494-5* 1501-3. 1965, S371 Salem, N, C, siog Salem, O., 1537-8, i6gs Salem, Ore., 1353 Salem, Vt., 583-4 Salem, Wis., 6go, 13S7 Salem Village, Mass., iis6 Salem Village, N. Y., 763, 76g Saline, Scotland, S037 Saline County, HI., 3158 Saline County, Neb., sosi Salisbury, Conn., 6g, isB, 177, 185-6, 36s, 3S5-6, sgi, 400-1, 404, 433, 606, 611-13, 65g-6o, gss, 1183, I3I3, 1317, i5g8, 1657, 184s, 1847-8, 3S7S Salisbury, Eng., 365, 540, 1074, 1603, 1613, I7g8, igs7, sooo Salisbury, Md., 1184-5 Salisbury, Mass., 86, 187, S7g, 42g, 4g3, 543, 703, g5g, loSs-s. 1464, 1550, 1603, 1613, igi7 Salisbury, N. H., 330, 4g6, 806, g5g, g68, 3383 Salisbury, N. Y., 66g, 1346-7, 2005, 2s6S, 34g7 Salisbury, Vt,, 765, 1500-1 Salisb'ury Center, N. Y,, 34g7 Salisbury Mills, N. Y,, igg7 Salladasburgh, Pa., isg6 Salmon Creek, Cal., 1374 Salmon Falls, N. H., 1867 Salmon River, N. S., 573-4 Salop County, Eng,, 86, 9^^ 121, 47S, 775, 1060, 1151, igi5, 3171, 2236, 2246, 2415 Saltfletby, Eng., isg Salt Lake, N. Y., 1475 Salt Lake, Utah, 1185, 1444-5, 3363 Salt Lake City, Utah, ss, 1 185, 1336, 1443, 1444-5, 1476-7, 1841, igoS, ig5i, 2272, 2278, 3307, 3334, 34g5 Saltmarshe, Eng., sso Salt Point, N, Y., ig7i Salt River, Mich., 553 Saltrum, Eng. , i030 Sampson, O., 1375 San Antonio, Tex., 740, 1174) 1457-60, i7g6-8, 3134, sigs, SS14 Sanborn, N. Y., isss, 1583, 3470, 3485-6 Sanbornton, N. H., 1608, ssSS Sanbridge, C. E., 1585 San Buenaventura, Cal., isgs Sancho, W. Va,, 3037-8 Sand Beach, Mich., issg Sand Cove, Mass., 102 Sand Creek, Neb., 1053 Sand Crosse, Eng., S64 Sandford, Eng., 564 Sandgate, Vt., 355-6, 584, 757-8, 761, Iigs, i494, 150s, 3376 Sand Hills, Ga., 3078 Sandhurst, Australia, 1710 San Diego, Cal., gii-is, 1446, 1457-60, 3376 Sandisfield, Mass., 651-3, 660, 1310 Sand Lake, Mich., 534 Sandon, Eng., 1213 Sand Point, Fla., I77g Sandusky, O., 255-6, 548, 584-51 600, 1185, iig4, 1S34, 1375, isgs, 1677, 1875-7, 20S5-6 Sandusky County, O., 577-S, 848, 1185-7 Sandwich, Eng., 63, 68, 401, 48g, 615, 1311 Sandwich, 111., 1308, 1547 Sandwich, Mass., 44, 634-6, 647, 674, 1157, i3s8, 1601, 1660, 1767, iSgg, 31 ig Sandwich, N. H,, iggs, 3040 Sandwich Islands Territory, U S. g6g-7i, g74 Sandy Bay, Mass., 361-3, 366 Sandy Creek, Ga., 1633 Sandy Creek, N. Y., 3330 Sandy Hill, N. Y., 6ig, gSs, ISOS, i42g-33, 1485-6, igsi, 19S7-8, 2471 Sandy Hook, N. J., igss San Felipe, Cal,, 1678 Sanford, N. Y., 1361 San Francisco, Cal., ss, 45, 291, 365, 434. 444, 461, 483, 530, 569, 631, 661, 6gs, 706, 7^7, 739, 742-S, 78g, S30, g34, g48, g66-g, 1008-10, 1016, 1044, 1153-7, 1S03, ISSS, i23g, i2g4, ISIO, 1366, 1374-S, 1384, 139s, T406, 1436, 1444-S, 1450, 1456, 1485, 1532, iS6g, 1576, I 1606-7, 1615-17, 1623, 164s, 1658, 1667-8, 1686, 170S, I San Francisco, Cal., cont d, 1718- ig, 1754, 1759, 1768-g, 1773, i7g4-7, 1808, 1824-5, 1843-3, 1851, igog, igi7, 19^8, 1933, 1986, S023, 2033-6, 2263-6, 2269, 2275, 2278, 3313-13, 2324, 2336, 3338, 2333, 2467-8 San Gabriel, Cal., igi6-7 Sangamon County, IU., 1264-5, i86g, 2304 Sangerfield, N. Y., s8o, 438, 666-7, "23, 1306, 1332-S, 1339, 1683, 1838, 1S93, ss64, S377, ssgi San Jose, Cal., 1551, 171s San Juan, Cal,, soig San Juan, S. A., gsg San Leandro, Cal., 1686 San Miguel, Cal., 1346 San Pablo, Cal., 536 San Saba, Tex., 1797 San Saba County, Tex., 1797 Sanson, N. Z., 1744 Santa Ana, Cal., 1346, 3491 Santa Barbara, Cal., Sgs, "53, 1763-4, 31 13, 217s Santa Clara, Cal., iisS Santa Cruz, W. I., 4g6, S81, logg, 1100, 2176, 3339 Santa Cruz, Cal., 1310, issg Santa Cruz County, Cal., 1 396 Santa Fe, N. M., 1270, ig6i Santa Fe de Bogota, Colom bia, 1770 Santa Paula, Cal., 2112 Santa Rosa, Cal., 773, 1006, 1374, I 686 Santee River, S. C, ssig Santiago, Cuba, 1356 Saperton, Eng,, 1076 Sarah lake, Minn., 1406 Saranac, 111,, 1380 Saranac, Mich., 1387-8, 1933 Saratoga, Minn,, isGs Saratoga, N. Y., 44-5, 312, 403, 714, 7go, 926, 944, 1041, I 122, 125s, 1380, 1433, 1824, 2291, 2319 Saratoga County, N. Y., 402-3, 923-3, 937-8, 3455 Saratoga lake, N. Y., 714 Saratoga Springs, N. Y,, 693, 8go-i, g44, 1430, i486, 1702, 1812, 2264, 2313, 23ig, 24g4 Sardinia, Europe, iioo Sardinia, N. Y., 1478 Sardis, Miss., 2082, 2112 Sargent, Neb., 1964 Sarum, Eng., 1126 Satartia, Miss., 1171 Saticoy, Cal., 2171 Satinas City, Cal,, 1642 Satterly, Eng., 1613 Saugerties, N. Y., 336 Saugus, Mass., 636, 1604 Sauk Center, Minn., 1160-1, 3368 Saunders County, Neb., 1053, 1636 Savannah, Ga., iSg, igs, S03, 37g-8o, sg3, 408, 449, 533-5, 883, ggs, io8g, 1334, 1431-2, 1540, 1614, 1776-7, 1780-1, igio, igss-S, 2211, 2253, 2262, 2377 Savannah, O., 554, 2462 Savannah River, Ga., 2058-g, 3100, 2155-7 Savoy, Mass., 1647, 1658 Savoy, Tex., 1457-8 Sawtell's, Tenn,, 3089 INDEX OF PLACES. Sawtry Abbey, Eng., 1108 Sawyer, Wis., 1440 Saxeville, Wis., 1964 Saxlingham, Eng., 99, 2452-3 Saxmundham, Eng., 1204 Saxon confederacy, Britain, 266 Saxony, Germany, 84, 1580, 1659, 2223-5 Saybrook, Conn., 58, 71, 109, 141, 144, 232, 238, 304-s, 317, 359, 380, 383, 409, 485, 510, 515, 566, 675, 735, 1030, 1060, 1075, 1118, 1151, 1211, 1326, 1357, 1386, 14S2, 1742, 1824, 1915, 2017, 2260 Saybrook, O., 682-3, 549, 1143 Saybrook Fort, Conn., 1151 Sayre, Pa., 1717 Scampton, Eng., 1453 Scandia, Kan., 1412 Scandinavia, Europe, 2204, 2257 Scarborough, Eng., 388, 1501 Scarborough, Me., 2468 Scarborough, N. C., 2429 Scarborough Park, N. S. W., 2331 Scarsdale, N. Y., 1761 Schell City, Mo., 1446-7 Schenectady, N. Y., 202, 694-5> 790-2, 1016, 1394-7. 1402, 1527, 1564, 1702, 1947 Schenectady County, N. Y., 755-7, 2316 Schenevus, N. Y., 1546, 1903-4, 2042 Schlachtensee, Germany, 1744 Schleswig, Denmark, 1108, 2203 Schodack, N. Y., 695, 2274 Schoharie, N. Y., 323, 761, 852, 1295, 1592-3, 1834, 1957-8, 2316 Schoharie County, N. Y., 281, 284, 1352, 2281, 2315-16, 2319 Schoharie Valley, N. Y., 2316 Schoolcraft, Mich., 1309 Schroon, N. Y., 690, 841-2, 1578 Schuyler County, 111., i477 Schuyler County, N. Y., 404 Schuylersville, N. Y., 790, 1429-30, 1529 „ Schuylkill Haven, Pa., 1480-1 Scio, Mich., 1848 Scioto, O., 611 Scipio, Mich., 1133-4 Scipio, N. Y., 673-4, 980, 1328 Scipio, O., 552-3 Scipio, Utah, 1337 „ „ Scituate, Mass., 44. 08, 85, 95, 146, 219, 309. 380, 384. 401, 445-6, 528, 545, 647. 706, 769, 840, 877. 970, 1063, IIOO, 1471, 1507, 1589. 1611, 1808, 1813, 1838, 1842, 1883, 2326 Scituate, R. L, "07-8 Scone, Scotland, 217s Scotch Plains, N. J., 1018 Scotia, N. Y., I479 Scotland, Conn., 123, 237, 247, 350, 399. 528, 609, 734-5, 804, 843. 853-4, "60, 1455 Scotland, G. B., 15, 62, 103, 107, 123, 184, 193. 233. 251. 266, 389, 452-3. 489, 495, 509, 543, 546. 557. 603. 640. 687. 71I; 731, 758, 768-9. 793. 895, 959, 968, 994. 1022, 1031, 1041. 181 Scotland, G. B., cont'd, 1048, 1068-9, 1081, 1092, 1108, 1116, 1149, 1152, 1192, 1266, 1314, 1386, 1394, 1421, 1458, 1483, 1493, 1505, 1511, 1521, 1542, .1550, 1659, 1676, 1745, 1760-1, 1768-9, 1772, 1794, 1811-13, 1837, 1970, 1985-7. 1996, 2021, 2141, 2175-6, 2184, 2190, 2203, 2218, 2279, 2303, 2322, 2425, 2470 Scotland, N. )3., 559, 2113 Scott, 111., 1199, 1200 Scott, N. Y., 748, 7S0-I, 137s, 1469, 1598 Scott, O., 1652 Scott, Pa., 750 Scott County, la., 2455 Scott County, Ky., 2098, 2335 Scottish Settlement, Ireland, 1972-3 Scotts, Mich., 2274 Scottsville, Ky., 2141 Scottsville, Va., 2312, 2326 Scott Township, N. Y., 747, 1402 Scottville, Mich., 1442, 1941 Scowville, N. Y., 1364 Scranton, la., 1552, 1682, 2024 Scranton, Pa., 1240-1, 1350, 1598, 1618, 1800, 1841, 1990, 2051 Scray Lathe, Eng., 219 Scriba, N. Y., 305, 646, 1293, 1476, 2052, 2325 Scrooby, Eng., 38, 307 Scruggedale, Eng., 2226 Scruton, Eng., 141 - Scuffletown, S. C., 2092 Scythia, Asia, 2223 Sea Bright, N. J., 1531-2 " Sea BuU " ship off Cape Horn, S. A., 1622 sea Caspian, Asia, 2204 sea Euxine, Asia, 2204 Seaford, Del., 1106 Seaforth, Ont., 2298 sea Mediterranean, Europe, 2267 Seamer, Eng., 89 Seamer Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 sea Red, Africa, 1745 Searsboro, la., 53s Searsburgh, N. Y., 1683-4 Searsport, Me., 1223 Seaton, Eng., 877, 1151 Seaton, Scotland, 557 Seattle, Wash., 2040, 2272, 2277, 2459, 2464, 2503 Sedamsviile, O., 1267-8 Sedan, France, 1775 Seely Creek, N. Y., 935 Seguin, Tex., 2166 Selling, Okla. Ter., 1858-9 Selby, Eng., 1714 Selkirk, Ont., 1820-1 Selkirk, Scotland, 2253 Selma, Ala., 1368, 1483, 2079, 2095, 2145-6, 2151 Semer, Eng., 12, 89 Sempronius, N. Y., 1469, 1 534, 2307 Seneca, 111., 1870 Seneca, N. Y., 439 Seneca, S. C, 2217, 2220 Seneca County, N. Y., 1144 Seneca County, O., 980, 1164 Seneca Falls, N. Y., 128, 798, 928-9, 1103-4, 1404, 2439 Seneca Lake, N. Y., 482-3 Seneca Lake country, N. Y., 482 Seneca Township, O., 947-8, 1164, 1703 Sennett, N. Y., 910-11, 1217-18 Setauket, N. Y., 1111, 1183, 1831 Settin, Germany, 1977-8 Sevastopol, Wis., 1940 Seven Islands, Va., 2093 Seven Mile Creek, Wis., 1922 Seville, O., i486, 1501 Sewanee, Tenn., 1773, 2264 Seward, 111., 1498-1500, 1963-4 Seward, Neb., 1581 Seward, N. Y., 1351, 1903 Seward Station, N. Y., 798 Sewickley, Pa., 1257 Sexhowe, Eng., 13 Seymour, Conn., 661-2, 1257, 1888-9, 2320 Seyton, Scotland, 557 Shadesley, Eng., 235 Shadeville, O., 1299 Shaftsbury, Eng., 1765 Shaftsbury, N. H., 118-19, 312 Shaftsbury, Vt., 118-19, 2027 Shaftsbury in the New Hampshire Grants, Vt., 118- 19 Shalford, Eng., 1211 Shamokin, Pa., 1286 Shanbody Barony, Scotland, 1 109 Shandakin, N. Y., 1906 Shanghai, China, 1080, 1178, 1485, 1955-7. 2046-7, 2246, 2455 " Shannon " ship, H. M. N., 2243 Sharledoes, Eng., 478 Sharon, Conn., 188, 605-6, 855, 1141, 1208-9, 1531. 1842 Sharon, 111., 1679 Sharon, Mass., 1370 Sharon, Mich., 1213 Sharon, N. Y., 1102, 1370, 1900 Sharon, O., 1644 Sharon, Pa., 1296-7, 1662, 2021 Sharon, Vt., 444, 700, 1206, 1280 Sharon, Wis., 1330, 1333, 1834 Sharon Meeting House, - Del., 1043 Sharpies, Eng., 2045 Sharpsburgh, Pa., 1296 Shasta, Cal., 1642 Shaston, Eng., 307 Shawanese Lake, Pa., 1990-2 Shawnee, Kan., 1637 Shawneetown, 111., 1282 Shawsville, Va., 541 Shawtown, Wis., 1542 Shaytown, Mich., 553 Sheboygan, Wis., 1056, 1133. 1387 Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1291-2, 1389 Shediac, N. B., 776, 1171 Shedore, N. S., 104 Sheffield, Eng., 1751, 1824, 1850 Sheffield, 111., 1547, 1727 Sheffield, Mass., 119, 147-8, 296, 325, 771-2, 842-3, 848-9. 1503-4. 2272, 2314 Sheffield, N. B., 204, 448-9 Sheffield,. O., 1349-50, 1899, 1900 Sheffield, Pa., 805, 1551-2 Sheffield, P. Q., 718 Shefford, Can., 1965 Shelburn, Ind., 1341 Shelburne, Mass., 1493 2882 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Shelburne, N. Y., 1963, 2290-1 Shelburne, N. S., 1174, 2490 Shelburne, Vt., 593, 1082, 1467, 1949 Shelburne Falls, Mass., 471, 976 Shelburne Light, N. S., 563 Shelby, la., 2301-2 Shelby, Mich., 2318 Shelby, N. Y., 1342, 1379. 2458, 2463, 2485, 2503 Shelby County, Ala., 2109-11 Shelby County, Ky., 297, 728, 2058, 2098 Shelby County, Tenn., 1836 Shelby Iron Works, Ala., 2116, 2178 Shelby Township, N. Y., 2503 Shelbyville, Tenn., 2276 Sheldon, Vt., 825, 1063, 1080, 1344, 1564, 1588 Sheldrake, N. Y., 929, 1684 Shell Rock, Minn., 1413 Shelter Island, N. Y., 1768, 2452 Sheme Hall, Eng., 1122 Shenandoah, Va., 2096 Shenandoah County, Va., 2010, 2335 Shenandoah River, Va., 2095-6, 2147-8 Shepardsville, Mich., 2008 Shepherd Plain, P. Q., 718 Shepody, N. B., 1166 Shepperton, Eng., 180 Sherborn, Erig., 233, 959 Sherborn, Mass., 156, 332, 818-19, 1561 Sherborne, Eng., 233, 959 Sherbrooke, P. Q., 709, 1559 Sherburne, N. Y., 279-80, 665-6, 893, 963, 1337-8, 1472, 1688, 1735 Sherburne, Vt., 1289, 1948 Sherfield on Loudon, Eng., 1 125 Sheridan, Kan., 1332 Sheridan, Mich., 1679 Sheridan, N. Y., 479 Sherman, N. Y., 764, 1495, 1874 Sherman, O., 641, 1274-6, 1278,, 1877-8 Sheshequin, Pa., 404, 929, 1294-5 Shetek, Wis., 1242-3, 1856-7 Shetland Islands, Scotland, 1108 Shickshinny, Pa., 1240-1 Shiloh, Ga., 2474 Shiloh, la., 1145 ship "Active," U. S. N., 2258 ship " City of Columbus," going to Florida, U. S., 1177 ship City of New York," at sea, 1161 ship " Confederacy," off Capes of Va., 2268, 2328 Shipdon, Eng., 770 ship " Eagle," Boston, 2327 ship " Emily," to Santa Cruz, W. I., 1100 ship " Eustis," at sea, 357 ship_ " Iron Duke," Shang hai, China, 2246 Shiplake, Eng., i960 Shipman, 111., 2304 ship " Phenix," G. B., 2243 ship " Rising States," U. S. N., 2327 ship " Saint Marys," Gulf Stream, U. S. coast, 943 ship " Sea Bull," off Cape Horn, S. A., 1622 ship " Shannon," H. M. N., 2243 ship " Splendid," Pacific Ocean, 960 ship " Terrible," H. M. S., 2327 Shippan Point, Conn.; 1568 Shipton, P. Q., 329-30, 810-14, 1556-9. 1979, 2337 ship " Undine," Indian Ocean, 968 ship " Windsor," H. M. N., 2243 Shirley Village, Mass., 2026 Shoreham, Vt., 44, 246, 547, 770, 1383 Short Hills, N. J., 467, 1025, 1082, 1774 Short Tract, N. Y., 2052 Shreveport, La., 1299, 1398- 1400, 2134, 2263, 2319, 233s Shrewsbury, Eng., 210, 1,122 Shrewsbury, Mass., 258, 315, 335. 772, 821, 1088, 1561, 1829, 1883 Shrewsbury, N. J., 869 Shrewsbury, Vt., 2472 Shropshire, Eng., 86, 96, 121, 775, 1060, 1151, 1915, 2171, 2236, 2246, 2415 Shushan, N. Y., 1330, 1503 Shutesbury, Mass., 267, 1240 Sibley, 111., 1377 Sicily, Italy, 1019 Sidney, 111., 1705 Sidney, Me., 950, 1703 Sidney, Mich., 1679 Sidney, N. S. W., 1715 Sidney, N. Y., 326, 406, 802-3, 934-S, 1295. 1546. 1691-2 Sidney, O., 2009 Sidney Centre, N. Y., 326, 802-3, 934-S, 1S46 Sierra Valley, Cal., 717 Sigourney, la., 1660 Silesia, Germany, 2464 Siloam, N. Y., 2335 Silver City. Cal., 2319 Silver Creek, Ky., 2074 Silver Creek, N. Y., 600, 673, 1202-3 Silver Creek, O., 2472 Silver Lake, Kan., 2012 Silver Lake, Minn., 1374 Silver Lake, Pa., 756 Silver Plume, Col., 1476 Silverton, Ore., 1580 Simcoe, Can., 1670 Simpson, P. Q., 1557 Simsbury, Conn., 153-4, 317-19, 399. 520, 613, 658, 730, 759, 779-80, 872, 1060, 1095, 1212, 131S, 1371, 1432, 1447, 1513-15, 1679, 1803, 1858, 2035, 2278, 2317, 24S1-2 Sing Sing, N. Y., 1633-4, 1756, 1958, 2031, 2499 Sinnamahoning, Pa., 1190 Sinus Phari, Eng., 2225 Sioux City, la., 684, 746-7, "53, 1256, 174s, 1933, 1989, 2264, 2307, 2455-6 Sioux Creek, Wis., 1242-3 Sioux Falls, S. D., 769 Six Oaks, Minn., 1221, 1851 Sixteen Mile, O., 2022 Skaneateles, N. Y., 393-4, 907-14, 1339, 1647-8, 1656-61, 1667, 1805, 1863 Skelton, Eng., 13, 943 Skelton Castle, Eng., 13, I5, 1108, 2224 Skelton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12, 2223-4 Skinner Howe, Eng., 12 Skinningrave, Eng., 13 Skottoe, Eng., 110 Skowhegan, Me., 414, 950-1. 989-90, 1703, 1707-9, 2029 Skutterskelfe, Eng., 13 Slade, Wales, 715 Slapton, Eng., 1126 Slaterville, N. Y., 129S Slaugham, Eng., 2245-6 Sleswick, Denmark, 1108 Sligo, Ireland, 573, 1217, 2007 Slippery Rock Township, Pa., 1296 Sloan, la., 1225 Sloansville, N. Y., 1545-6 Slottiscombe, Eng., 1828 Slough Wapsie, N. Y,, 1907 Smethwick, Eng., 175 Smith Center, Kan., 1432, 1935. 2502 Smith Creek, Mich., 1433 Smith County, Kan., 1947, 2502 Smith County, Tenn., 1957, 2331 Smith County, Tex., 2173 Smithfield, Eng., 1660 Smithfield, Me., 413 Smithfield, Minn., 1927 Smithfield, N. Y., 891-3, 905, 1102, 2335 Smithfield, Pa., 1546, 1835 Smithfield, R. I., 215, 476, 608, 825, 1409 Smithfield, Wis., 1404 Smithfield Township, N. Y., 233s Smithills Hall, Eng., 70 Smithland, la., 2286 Smithsburg, Md., 919 Smith's Mills, N. Y., 2472 Smithtown, N. Y., 1151, 1545, 2453-4 Smithville, Mass., 1248-9, Smyrna, Del., 1062 Smyrna, N. Y., 309, 751-3, 1338, 1471-6, 1602, 1950 Snachwine, 111., 328 Snohomish, Wash., 2288, 2459, 2464 Snow Hill, Ala., 2145-6 Snow Hill, Ind., 1870 Snow Hill, Md., 887 Snyder Township, Pa., 1578, 1856 Society Hill, S. C, 1910, 2219 Sodus, N. Y., 295, 615-16, 1220, 1584, 1966 Sodus Point, N. Y., 615, 846, 895, 1636, 1972 Soerabaya, Java Isl., 1743-4 Solano County, Cal., 2208 Solon, Me., 413-14, 949-50, 956-7, 1703, 1713 Solon, N. Y., 346, 441, 1045 Solon, O., 1862 Solsberry, Ind., 1639, 2012 Solsborough, Eng., 85 Solvert, Holland, 1021 Somers, Conn., 529-30, 831, 1135, 1388, 1633, 1742 Somers, Wis., 1387 Somerset, Eng., 796 Somerset, Ind., 1264 Somerset, Mass., 446, 988-9, 1726 Somerset, Mich., 624-7 Somerset, N. Y., 1222, 1346, 1521 Somerset, Pa., 2206 Somerset County, N. J., 1026, 1315, 1830 Somerset House, London, England, 170, 466 Somersetshire, Eng., 85, 103, 109, 120-1, 131, 170, 265, 330, 348, 540, 543, 910, 1020, 1030, 1148-50, 1211, 1278, 1598, 1992, 2023, 2173, 2261, 2469 Somers Lane, Pa., 1297 Somerton, Pa., 14S0-1 Somerville, Ala., 2136 Somerville, Conn., 339, 831 Somerville, Mass., 960-1, 1177, 1249-50, 1288-90, 1406-7, 1586, 1756, 1861, 1980, 1994-5, 2251, 2329, 2438, 2483 Somerville, N. J., 206-7, 1822-3 Somonauk, 111., 936, 1692-3 Sonoma, Cal., 1920 Sonora, Cal., 416, 1470 Soochow, China, 1955-7, 2046-7 Sorel, Can., 1743 Sorento, 111., 2303 sound Long Island, N. Y., 1037 sound Mississippi, Miss., 2266 sound Puget, Wash., 2288 Sourabaya, Java, 1744 South Albany, Vt., 1385-6 South Amboy, N. J., 1830, 1968-9, 2268 South America, 588, 747, 2221 Southampton, Eng., 109, 160, 196, 307, 327, 364-S, 863, 884, 1038, 1074, 1716, 1743, i746-6a Southampton, Mass., 909, 912, 1237, 1378, 1662 Southampton, N. Y., 57, 2S0, 914, 1023, 1037, 1780-1, 2050, 2216 Southampton County, Eng., 109, 264, 348, 758, 856, 1083, 1746, 2245, 2469 South Apalachin, N. Y., 852 South Ashfield, Mass., 594, 976, 1722-3 South Ballston, N. Y., 1602 South Bend, Ind., 670, 1412, 1961 South Bergen, N. J., 2252 South Berwick, Me., 876, 1069, 1173 South Berwick, N. S., 562-4 Southborough, Mass., 66, 126-7, 257-9, 595-6, 2443 South Bosque, Tex., 1304 South Boston, Mass., 638, 707, 838, 1176, 1260, 1701, 1777-8, 1946, 2434-S South Boston, Mich., 1417 Southbridge, Mass., 817, 991, 1233, 1249 Southbridge, N. Y., 1882 South Brimfield, Mass., 309. 832. 1107 South Britain, Conn., 612 South Brooklyn, N. Y., 1730 Southbury, Conn., 612-13 South Canaan, Conn., 1146-7, 1181-2 South Carolina, State of, 121, 523, 557, 820, 883, i486, 1809, 2049, 2056-7, 2068-71. 2078-9, 2083-5. 2090, 2099, 2130, 2154, 2157, 2164-6, 2176-8, 2192, 2218-19, 2252, 2263, 2285, 2304, 2313. 2329, 2335, 2337. 2470 INDEX OF PLACES. South Columbia, N. H., 1390, 1462, 1923 South Coventry, Conn., 398, ^ 1592-3 South Creek, Pa., 1137 South Dakota, State of, 1212-13 South Dansville, N. Y., 590, 622-7, 930, 1230 South Dartmouth, Mass., 830, 968-9, 988, 1719 South Deerfield, Mass., 908-9, 915, 1658, 1666-7 South Dover, N. Y., 1421 South Durham, N. Y., 676-7, 1352 Southeast, N. Y., 401-2, 1321 South Egremont, Mass., 613, 1208-9, 1212, 1850 South Elmham, Eng., 138 South English, la., 910-11, 1660 Southern Pines, N. C, 1868 Southerton, Eng., 494 South Evanston, 111., 1269, 1811 Southfield, Mass., 539, 1149, 1741 Southfield, N. Y., 1245-7, 1612, 1997 Southfleet, Eng., 364 Southford, Mass., 2477 South Franjingham, Mass., 1371. 1916, 2476 South Franklin, Mass., 334 South Frothingham, Eng., 146 South Granville, N. Y., 1223 South Hadley, Mass., 621-2, 1045, 1566, 1640, 1866, 2013-14 South Hadley Falls, Mass., 772, 1204, 1382 South Hamilton, N. Y., 1338 South Hero, Vt., 1584 South Hope, Me., 835-8 Southington, Conn., 661, 780, 991, 1210, 1517, 1641, 2049-50 South Jackson, Mich., 625-7 South Kensington, London, 1746a South Killingly, Conn., 341, 839-40, 1121 South Kingston, R. I., 292, 312, 712-13, 1253, 1420 South Lee, Mass., 1565 South Lewiston, Me., 1713 South Manchester, Conn., 1590 South Milford, Mass., 2471 South Minneapolis, Minn., 1474 South Munster, Ireland, 1068 South Mura, 1108 South New Berlin, N. Y., 840 South Norwalk, Conn., 1253, 2253-4, 2321 Southold, N. Y., 32, 35, 55-7, 98-102, 144, 205-7, 212, 450, 469-72, 856, 1035-7, 1151, 1183, 1214, 1358, 1659, 1768, 1797, 2216, 2307, 2451-3, 2458, 2482, 2487 South Orange, N. J., 11 12, 1530, 1568, 1633-4, 1766, 1816 South Pasadena, Cal., S92 South Plymouth, Mass., 1181 Southport, Conn., 1772-3 Southport, N. Y., 932-5, 1686-92, 1026 Southport, Pa., 269 South Pueblo, Col., 1329 South Reading, Mass., 1864 2883 South Richland, N. Y., 1304 South River JDistrict, Va., 2042 South Royalton, Vt., 703, 708, 1205, 1288-9, 1408-9, 1879 South Rutland, N. Y., 1646 South Salem, Mass., 221-6 South Salem, O., 1537-8 South Scituate, Mass., 970, 1589 Southsea, Eng., 1746-63 South Stanhope, N. J., 1291 South Valley, N. Y., 851 Southville, Mass., 2475 South Wales, G. B., 2419 South Walpole, Mass., 822, 1662 Southwark, Eng., 715 South Waterford, Me., iioi South West Cove, N. S., 2250 South Weymouth, Mass., 2282 South Whitley, Ind., 757-8, 1484, 1955 Southwick, Mass., 524-5 South Windham, Conn., 739-40 South Windsor, Conn., 620, 658, iiio, 1236, 1426 South Woburn, Mass., 27, 2430, 2433 Southwold, Eng., 56 South Woodstock, Conn., 1447, 1944 South Worcester, N. Y., 672, 680, 1877 South Worthington, Mass., 1228 Sowerby, Eng., 522, 1561 Spafford, N. Y., 313, 772-3. 1298 Spafford Hollow, N. Y., 313-14, 773 Spain, Europe, 408, 1068, 2252 Spark Hill, N. J., 459 Sparkill, N. Y., 459 Sparta, Ga., 1622-3 Sparta, 111., 1619 Sparta, Mich., 1415, 1939, 2248 Sparta, N. J., 1015, 1277, 1884 Sparta, N. Y., 589-91, 1279 Sparta, O., 2284, 2292-3 Sparta, Wis., 766, 2314 Sparta Center, Mich., 1415 Spartanburg, S. C, 2087-8, 2117, 2120, 2123, 2129-31, 2184, 2187-92, 2219 Spartanburg County, S. C, 2187-90, 2219 Spartanburg District, S. C, 2187-9 Speaker, Mich., 1439-41, 1940 Spearfish, Dak., 2281 Spearville, Kan., 1371 Speedsville, N. Y., 1597-8 Speedwell, N. J., 1099 Spencer, la., 1259 Spencer, Mass., 66, 291, 476, 593, 817, 1240, 1498, 1561 Spencer, Mich., 2013 Spencer, N. Y., 325, 1296, 1514 ^ Spencer, O., 1939 Spencerport, N. Y., 885, 1307 Spencertown, N. Y., 137, 281, 325, 395. 2452 Spenceville, Cal., 2019 Spice Valley, Ind., 1436-7 Spindle Hill, Conn., 1370 Spirit Lake, la., 1691 2S84- CLEVELANb GENEAtciGV. " Syien3. ' - . '. ¦' - Spring--Valley, . Wi,s., 1521-2,. .1969 •- - . . .'y Spring -Valle^ Farm, Va'.,- 1365-6, 137' '-'¦ SpringvUle, N.',Y.; '1335, 147-8; Springville,' Orit.,- 1120 ' ~ ; Springwater, N. Y., 1S38 Spring WeUs,. Mieh., 1628 ". Sproxton,^ng.,' 395 ., " '. Spuyten' DiiyWl Cretk, N. Y:-,'S63 , '-^ .f - - Squakeag, Mass., 127 ' ¦ '.' Squiain (ileri, Mass., ^^5 ', ' ' Stabley, Eng., 137 • ', ' Stadhampto'n, Eng;, ' ^237" Stafford, Coniu, 184. 237. .286, 321-2, 396, 528-31, 661; 744-5. 788, 807, 832, 1 132, 1 135, 1229, 1462-4, 1946, 2280, 2503- ' Stafford, Eng., 856, 2415 Staffoj-d County,'N. H., ,69^ Stafford County, Pal, 769 . Stafford County, Va.^; .727, Staffordshiire,' Enfe., loS, 301, 314.- 540.,9iq.'io83,. i2i|[, 1458,- 1580-' ' '- ¦ - . Stafford Sprin_gs,. ,Conn. , . 739. - 744-5,'- 807, 14163; • 1553,- 1644.; i8B3. 1947- - - .- ^ Staffordville, Conn.,- 1233 Stainfeou'ch'Hall, Eng., 943- St'ainsby, Eng., 13, 2i24 Stainton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., !'2 -- - "Stamboul" bafque,jat sea,. 1720 '- - Stamford, Can. ,,1674. ., , Staniford,'- Cohn.; 107-9! 126, 342, 747,. ,1147, IJ2J,. 1340, 1443,- 1471^, 153'. 1568, 1924, 2253-4, 2260, 2280-1, 2312, 2324, 2455V 2475 - Stamfqrd, Vt., 1647 . Staribridge,"R.- O., 289, 605 Stanchford,,.N." H., 947 Staiidin'g'StQne, Pa.,. 852 Standish, Eng., 990^1' Standish, Me., 1063 Stanford, N; ,.Y., 351, ,6ii2, .1340 Stanhope, .Can:, 710 ' Stanhope, Eng., '1114 ,' Stanhope, N.* J., 1291 Stannar;!, V*., i'62S ,-/ Staiistead, -P. ,0., 256, .691,: 1379-80, l'40S; 2283 f . " ¦ Stanstead- Halt, Eng.,' .1741 '- Stanstead Plains, Can.^ 1077,' 1408 - , ^ Stanstill, Eng., 2777 ;. St'an'ton,l-Eng., 318 ' ' Stanton, 111., 248 ^ Stafivaer,' -Stotland, 1461 Stanwood,. Ia., 1288, 1907, 2500 "^ •'¦ Staple, JEng^-"236 ¦ - . Stapleford, , Erig.,- ,209 '- Staple'tori, N. Y,.'; 1345^7, .1857^ Stark, ^e.,-' 1703" Stark, N. H„ 1273 - . . ' Start, N: Y.-, 1581 , :¦ Stark County,- O.", 1329, 2284 Starkey, N. Y-, 614, 775, 1219, 2317 '- . ,¦ Starksborough, '.Vt., 593 . Starucca, Pa., 1471 - - State Line, Ind,, 1287, 1340' State Line, N. Y.; 1441 Staten Island,^ N,.-'Y., ,210,. 364, 995, ' 161-2, 1801, 1804, 181.2, 2255 '. ' . ' Staughtori, Erig.', 467, 546 - Staunton, Va.,-" 190S-9, ^1986, 2009, 2198, 23ii '-'¦'-'- Stauntoi^, W^. "Va., 2009 Stayanger, Norway, ^537 Sta-vely WoodtKorpe,' Erig., 907 - ', '¦ .\ .Stawley, Fing., 2416 - ^ Steamboat^ Roct,-' la.,' 1231 steariier "Central Ainerica,'"' at sea, 440 . steamer " City of.^Memphis." Mississippi River, .XT. S., 1477 steamer '• -" Gblden -5^^^t3 Mississippi Rivpr, _U. o.,^ 2A32 .-' - _'- - '- ^ steimer'" Iridep.^nldence," dip Margarette Islands,-' i6i6' steamer ^ '' Missouiri,"-. ' d|Jt ' Abaco Island-, -i7Sii 1792"^ ^ steataiei? *? KoselTe," ; ; Ohio - Riveir, '^1265' -"'-^ '¦ " ' SfeeJ S'ta'tiori; JAla.; 2106 . ¦ SteeFville,,"-Mo.->"f7^o '- '" Steep -Brook, Mass., 44-1, 447'8j Stephen Malle*, Engl, -103 ' ,- StephentownJ N-ilJ., 2034 '' j Stephentown, N. Y., 438,^ 831-2, 2Qb8 " - -\ ' .; Ste^hey, , Eng.', 316, 522, 714,- 718^, 1071,' ^1122, 1148, 2232 ' Stepney Patish," 'Eng.^ 718' Sterling, .Conn., 346, 406, 687,. '.715'. = -886.- '- ,'> -. • Sterling, IWi, 1629 , ; Sterling, Mass., 8i7-j8, 1316 .; Sterling,- ' 'N. "Y., 612, 1217,^ 'i68i,- 2451-2' ' -' . - Sterling, Vt., 307-8, ^749-Si,; 1468-70, 1949 '- ¦ . 'r- -^ ,' Stealing 5tisTj,-JN. Y., 1441 ; Sterlirlgshire, 'Scotland, 474- * Steulj^n, Pa.,. 1274 ,, . ¦ ' Steuben CounTy,' 'Ind., 747-8 • Steuben Coun,br, N. Y., 256, 585, 589, 663,'iiwi 113^,1218,; 1472, .l8^SJ7, J23I6 -.¦. - . ; Steu-Beri-^lle^'^O.; 1114,'' 1777-5 Steuben-iill-e,' Pa., . i'StS - ''' ' Stevenage,. Eng.,, 515 .'-', ' ^ Steyen's-^^oulila?,- 'WaVft., 1265^ Stewar'd^on,'- Pa., -1470 ' '- ' Steijraf.t -County,' Ga,') 2101-i, 2i6b'-2 ' ,% -• ^ . ' 3 Stfe^art*^ Creek, N. C, 2170- Stewartstawri, , N. H.,' 1923,5 15148,' ^288 •'.-,¦' _ ' Stewartstow^,'Pa., 1476 .-'? Stewiacke, N. ^., 1173 , "^ , Starrfan ¦ Valliy, " ' 111., r2ob.- '12^, 1686 -i ¦-; '¦ , ' Stillwater, ,Minri., .1448, I5^,j 2039'<^ ¦'' ¦',.--. . - ', '; ; Stillwater, N. Y.-, 44,'297, 312,' 349, 406. 769, 848, lioSfS, .22J13 StilWate^ bkttle, N.. Y., .2291J Stirichcdmbe; 'Eng., 'ib70, ' - ' Stirling, Scotland, 1745 - ' , li'^^^'ilP^-'^'^' » ¦ -i stockbridge, Ma^s,, 240, .290,' 536-7, K)24„ii29,. ii46-,7, 177S,, i8i'4, 183;;-'^, 23J7 : , . ,,- StdckbridK^ . N. - Y.., 676-/,' 1358-60, 2324- ¦- - - . . ' , Stockbridgfj ^ Vt., 152, , 288,; 290, 1461 ^ - - ', ' Stockbridge, Wis., '809-10, I55S-6, 2J34 ,,- ,. - ' , Stockholm,. N. ,Y., 904,- 1386,, 1540, 2483 ¦ - Stockport, J^.-,Y.,. .3^5, 442,, 885-6, iiSf, 1J25, 1624, J Stockton, Cal.', 1514 ;^ '¦ ' Stockton, 111., 1522,- '.' . ¦ , Stocktup, Erig., 467 i ¦ 3 Stoddard, N. H 1263,. 1294,/ 1329,, 2015-16 ¦ .; Stoke,- Eng., ''301, 467, -'2229 ' ' Stoke- Castle, Eng., 1837 • ' Stokes ' County, "N, ' C?, 1367,' 2oSfi, 2108-10, ; 2169' - - ' Stokesley, Erig.,' 13, '-20 . '¦ Stokesley-- Parish, Clevel-an'd, En-g., 12, 2224 Storre, -Eng., 2244 - : ¦Storieborb,-N. -H., i'^^'- ¦¦"¦ Stonebridge, p. Q.s, 709 , Stoneham^ Eng., -109- ' Stoneham, ^e.,i 1923 ', Stoneham, ^ -M!ass.',-. 47,- 354, 970, i?72, il863-4,; 2425,. 2-429-31 Stone Hquse 'j'lain; N. . J., ^457-,- ' : ',- Stoney River, Mas^/,' 1741 Stonington, ¦ Conn., ' 44, - 67, ;125, ,215-18,, 2^7, .298-9, 460, 485, SIO, 537-41, 577, 742i 787, 881, 886, 1055, .1080, n6i, a37S, ,1425, 1483, 1580, 1593-4, 1612-13, 1777, 1830, 1988; 2313, „ 24S3 Stony, Creefc, N, Y., 984, 1724 Stony Point, N. Y., 1954 . Stony Stratford, Eng.-, 400 , Stopham,': Eng,,- 2297 , Stopworth, Eiigi, .508 Stormarch, Denmark, rio8 Storm Lake, la., ' 14^, 1964 Story County;' laJ, j^so '. Stoughton,- Eng:, ,'46^, 540 Stoughtpn, Mass.,; 335, ¦ 1149, 1228, J4ir .-,-', Stow, .'Mass., 89,' 816, 940 . Stow, -O., 2017 ," . /-. Stowe, Eng.,, 1212- ,< ^,' Stowe, Vt., ,604, 1205-6, 1468, ¦ 1829 , -. . , ¦. . , ¦ . . : Stowells Corners, N. Y..-,-,2497 Stracuftnnie, I'reland, 497 . Strafford, N.-H., 1463-4- : Strafford, , 'Vt.,' 880, , 1413, .''1626-1, 2283. - . ,' .'--.'.. straits Mackinalw, Lake Michigan, U. S.,'1677 Str-and,' Etig., '21242 ' . Strangle Thorpe, Eng., ^1211 Strasburg; .; Fra'rice,' 1680 StrasburgJ ' Vt;, 926 --. Strasburg, Va.V 1161, 2216 ' ' Stratfield, Conn., 2253 - ' ', Stratford, s; Conn,, 477-8, '¦ 525, 1035, 1060, 1-121, 1147,- i2rd-'ii, 1664, '.1776,' '1831,- 1914-15, [I998y 12650, 2253, ^27-8 ¦ Strafford, la., 1050 Stratford; N. H.;, 1S88, 1390, 1923 c - ,'- '' Sfratford, N. Y..,- 59'3 Stiratfora,. Onf., 1731-3, 1798-9 St-ratfoid-upo'n-Aydn', Eng., iSi, 348, 1776 ',¦',. Strattonville, P'a., 801' Strawberry Point, la.,/ 1680, 2014 ' ¦ - . - - StjawB, :Kari., 1445 Straw'sburg,' Pa.,'2028 Strawtowni Ind., 1209 '-¦ Strfeator, 111., 1336, 1870 . ¦ Streetsbfcro, O., 1641-2 ^ . BtreetSyille, Corin;, 5332 - ' Streoneshalh,, Eng., ,2225 Stretfiri, Erig,,- 702, Stretton, "Erig., 520 Stretton Church, Eng.,- 83 gtreitori Parish, Eng., 686 Strickland Ketfeill,- Eng.-, ,2203 Strong Brook, .Vt., -1386 ': Strongvflle,- O., ; 847, /J589. 1 1658, 2460, ^62 - , , ' , . ' Stroud, Eng.; 1644, 2012, J019 Stroudsbui-g, . Pa. , , 1021 . Stuart, 'Neb.,. i-S3?. ' " -' Stuart's Creek, -N. C,, 2I08, Stukelejf, Eng.,,ir26 Stukeley, P. Q., .7I7 ' • Sturbridge, Mass;, 73.. i^o. 213, 263, 306, 83^,1 90,0,- 1373. 2279,' 2324;S„ XI ' ' j ¦-- - Sturbri.difc'.P. &, ¦193* .IJSIPEJC PFi PLACES. Stijrgeon. Bay,' \Yis., -.1440, 1940 ' . Sturgis, Mich., 937-8,-1278, 1305,. 140'a, 1664-5, 1695 - Stuttgart, Germany, 1744- . Stuyvesfint, N. 'Y., 616 ' , Sublett, Idaho, 1477, 1950 ' SubWtt , Qreek, Idaho, 1551-2 Su'ckasunny,-N. J^, -1291-- Suckasuni^y Plains, N. J:. 1015-16 - , Sudbury, Eng., 170, 478' ' •" Sudbur'yy Mass., 52, 89, 92, 103, ,106,. 127, .144, 258, 306-7, 316, 492, 522, 878, 1088, 1607, ,-1751, 1829, 1839, 18S3, .1930, - 2040, 2049, 2424, 2484 Sudbury, Vt,, 1329, 1698!. Sudbury Ej-ver, Mass.,, 52049 Suffieldi -Conn-., ' 270, - -318, 324-5, .520,- iS89, 798, 8ii,'872, 1134, IISI, ;464.'I527, .1741, 1839,. 1914, 2260, 2323 Suffield, Mass., i374i 1741 Suffolk County, Eng,, 56, 83, 87, 95, J37,' 141, 160; 19.6, '201, 264, 348, 493! 497, 668, 675, 1083,^ 1122, 1489, ,1563,. 1613, 1660, 1741, 2452 . , . , . Suffolk County, Mas.s., 11988 Suffolk County, N.Y., 1831, 1886 , Sugar Greek, Pa.,- 404-5 - Sugar- Creek,' W.' Va., 2027 Sugar- Grove, 111., 1412-13, 149s, 1963. Sugar Grove, 'Pa., 1287 - . Sugar, Hill, N. H., 1092, i'79'9 Sugar Loaf,- N^' Y., 206-7 - Sugartown,lN: Y., 551^ ' i;i62-'3 Suisun Valley, Cal'., i68fi - '. Sulgrave, Eng., 2203 C- : Snlharft Estate,' Eng.,' 1960 '- Sulham House,^ Elig^, T960 - Sullivan, 111., 1299' - .-.- Sullivan, N. Y., 928, ' 1475, 16^5, i8jj,;,i892- ' •- , Sullivan,^ Oi,- 777, 1473, ''1509, 1510 • - Sullivan, Pa.^, 607-8, '623-4, 749, 1230-2, i468-'7o, 1854, i9.-ft-50, ^ 2045 ¦'-' ' ¦ ; Sullivan County, Ind.,-' 1435, , 1936-7 ' • •"¦- . Shlliv-an County, N. Y.-,' 629- Sullivan .County, Pa'.,''- ' 75Q, 1294 ^ ' -' -"¦',¦ - Sullivan Cpiinty, Tenn., '6x4 .Sulphur Springs^ 0.,'iS53 Summer County, Kan.,- '2184 .Summerfield, O.,"' 1164-5, -1705 Syfnmerbill; Ireland^ 2488 Sfimriier 'Hill, N. Yi, 55-1 - Summer Hill .Township! Pa,, 58S-- ' Summy-side,' N. B-!- 1680 - . Sumihersid^,' Prince Edward Island, ' 946 ¦ '. - '. Sulrimerville; Ala., - Io8fj' I774 Summerville, N. Y., 1376 . Summit, Miss,, ,695, 1398 ''- Summit, Mont., 1339 ¦'-. Sumihit, N.. J., 208,''}68j, 1099^.' 1775', 1778-9, iSor,' rSio Su'mm'it, N; Y., 281-25 284, 626-7, 671^ 681-2, 1349-51, 1903, 2319 Summit, Pa., 1190-2 ' :;; Summit, '\A?is., 1384, ¦;,I490, 233s- ' . '. ,'. ' I .'.'';.- Summit, City, , Pa;, 584. f . -' Suriimit' Township, Pa„ 1583 Sumner, Mi., "1183 - ^.].-'- '¦ - ' -¦¦¦- ¦¦>! ):; '-¦- ,2885 Sumner„ Wis., 1S57 Sumner Cb^-irity, Tenn., 1957 Sumpt'er, Mich'., 1345. Sumter, ,S. C.,.1698 Sunbur.y'; Ga., 1800 ' Sunbui-y, O'., 1292 . Sunbury, -Pa., 2205 Suncook,' N. 'H., 1249, 1286, I i860 ..... j Sunderlandl, Ma'ss.,- 765. 915, j ",-1309, 248!? • ,, Simderla'nd, Vt., 118 Surifleld, -Mich., 553 i Sunkiang, China, 1957 i Su'nrieby, . Sv^ed'en, 1887 I Sunhirig,'-Eng., -2245 Sunnyside,- Pa,, 1595 Sun Prairie, "Wis.,' 1432, 1516 Superior, . Wis,, J411, 1928,, 2043- ' . -. . Surprise Valley,- , Minri., ¦ 1642-3 , Surrey County; ; Eng., 57, 76, 119, '266, 467, 540, 1 147, 1613, 2249 , i Siirry, N. B., 1166' ' : I Surry, .N. H., 635 - ' Surry CitV,'. N; C, 2681 Surry Couril-y, ;Eng., .57, -^k, -119, 266, .467, 54oi -1147, 1613, 2249 .-.'--, Surry County, N.,-p., 2059-60, 2063, 2080--1, 2ib8-ii, 2169-79 Surry County,- Va'., ^1910 '- ¦-, Susanville,. Cal., .1642 . Suspension Bridg^, ¦ N. Y., 1 '359 , I ,' Susquehanna, Pa., 850 -Susquehanna -, County, Pa.-, ,247, 310 ¦ '.' , .Susquehaniia Depot, .' Pa., ; 1471 - . • . . Susquehanna River, Pai, 1992 Sussex,. N. B.,,iS3, ii6, 776, 1508 , ¦ , ¦ Sussex. Coiint'y, 'Del.,'. 1733, ^2144'-- ¦ ,. -. Sussex County,- Eng.-, 85, 162, 266, 348, ,359, 490, 1321, 1772, 1779, 2299, • - . Sussex^ County, N. J., 150S - Sussex .County, Va:, 1925 Sutherland, la., .1219 , Sutherland-, Springs, Tex., „ i33i , Suttoii, Eng., 1715 .' Sutton; Mass., 854, 943, 1076, I 1249, 1449^,' 1462, 15,60, 1883', 2049 .':.--- Sutton, P. Q.; 289, 703-4, 717, 1272, 2335, 2475' Sutton, yt., 808,-/205.6,. 1386, ,; 184S. - - .' ^ ' ¦ ' ' Sutton Bingham, Eng.,. 1S24 Sutton "Colfield, Eng., .1S39- Sutton Mandeville, Eng., 307 Sutton-on-'the-Forest, Eng., ¦ 1715'' Sutton-on-tWe-Hill,-; Eng.,, 174^ - "' ¦• ' ¦ -„¦ ¦ Sutton-uppn-Trent; Eng,, 318 Swallcliffe, Eng,, 579 Swallowiield, Eng., '1670 Swampscott,- . M^ss., ; - 1394, 1614, 2.43b - ' . Swan Lal^e, .;I.a,, ^92, 1196.- S'wan Lake; -Dak., 2455 , . Swan .Lake Qity, la., 592 Swansea,, Mass., -'442. 446-7, 492, 987-9, no's, 1454. 1813 .' Swanton, Eng., ' 180 ' Swanton, la., 1269,' 1873 Swantbn, Vt-., .1294, 1586, 1S56 2886 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. S-v\'anzey, N. H., 146, 438, 442, 493, 537. 540, 795, 987-8, 1204, 1535 Swathling, Eng., 109 Sweden, Europe, 425, 1962, 2204, 2257 Sweden, N. Y., 348, 845. 848, 1 128 Sweden, Pa., 1190-2 Sweden Township, Pa., 1192 Sweetland, Cal., 1612 Sweetsburg, P. Q., 717-8, 1426-7 Sweet Water, Tenn., 2091-2, 2032-3, 2125-8, 2132-4, 2186, 2195 Sweetwater Creek, Tenn., 2087 Sweetwater Valley, Tenn., 2086-7, 2133 Switzerland, Europe, 541, 1012, 1350, 2303 Sycamore, 111., 742, 898, 1569, 1688, 1918, 2303 Sydenham, Eng., 153, 1828 Sydney, Cape Breton, 250 Sydney, N. S. W., 22, 2271, 2276-7, 2280, 2331 Sydney, N. S., 1168 Syleham, Sylesham, Sylham, Sylsham, Eng., 334, 437 Sylvania, O., 1372 Sylvania, Pa., 1190-1 Sylvester, Mich., 1382 Symco, Wis., 1580 Symmes' Corner, Mass., 2433 Syracuse, 111., 898 Syracuse, Neb., 1650-1 Syracuse, N. Y., 22, 353, 404, 672, 676, 798-9, 852, 855, 906-7, 916, 928, 1008-10, 1214, 1543, 1546, 1593-4, 1631, 1648, 1653-6, 1661, 1667-8, 1677, 1835-6, 1983, 2026-7, 2021, 2222, 2248, 2253, 2261, 2271, 2275, 2277, 2290, 2307, 2310, 2312, 2314, 2319 Taberg, N. Y., 321 Tabley, Eng., 2236 Tacoma, '\Vash., 2018, 2262, 2275, 2280, 2324, 2329, 2333 Taggart, Mo., 2474 Taghkanick, N. Y., 262, 576,' 607, 1 183 Tahlequah, I. T., 2207 Talbot, Ga., 2155 Talbot County, Md., 520 Talcahuanna, Talcuanha, Chili, 1715 Talgarth, Wales, 856 Taliaferro County, Ga., 1954 Talladega, Ala., 2114-17, 2178 Tallahassee, Fla., 1062 Tallapoosa, Ga., 1483 Tallapoosa County, Ala., 883 Tallapoosa River, Ala. and Ga., 2084-5, 2114 Talleyrand, la., 1660 Tallmadge, Mich., 1228 Tama, la., 785-6, 1517 Tamaqua, Pa., 1480-1 Tampa, Fla., 592 Tampico, 111., 1269 Tampico, Tenn., 2220 Tamworth, Eng., 530, 1449, 1744 Taneytown,^ Md., 918-19, 1672 Tanfield, Eng., 2203 Tangier, 1151 Tankerton, Eng., 280 Tannerigge, Eng., 1125 Tannington, Eng., 2204 Tapeley, Eng., 2244 Tapeley Park, Eng., 2244 Tapley, Eng., 2244 'X'appan, N. Y., 459, 1012, 1015 lappantown, N. Y., 459, 1000, 1014, 1394 Tarbrook, N. S., 1174 Tarpaulin Cove, Mass., 2482 Tarrytown, N. Y., 694-5, 1075-7, 1181, 2280 Tartary, Asia, 2223 'farves, Eng., 210 Tatamagouche, N. S., 1173 Tathwell, Eng., 1714 , Taunton, Eng., 68, 121, 221, 348, 394, I I 14, 1804, 2119 Taunton, Mass., 54-5, 131, 388, 436, 443-7, 489, 537, 9o6, 914, 971-7, 987, 1060, 1479, 1480-1, 1525, 1720-1, 1799, 1814, 1999, 2119, 2308, 2473, 2481 Taunton Dene, Eng., 131 Taunton Grant, Mass., 1799 Taunton Manor, Eng., 348 Tauranga, New Zealand, 1038 Tavares, Fla., 977-8 Taylor County, Ga., 2104-5 Taylorville, 111., 1265, 1981 Tay River, Scotland, 9 Tazewell, Tenn., 2132 Teaneck, N. J., 458 Tecumseh, Mich., 396, 581, 721, 916, 1188-9, 1418, 1694 Tees River, Eng,, 12, 20 Tegaingl, North Wales, 2415 Tehuacana, Tex., 2090 Teignmouth, Eng., 2243 Tekamah, Neb., 1668 Tekonsha, Mich., 1229, 2320 Temple, N. H., 1323, 2469 Temple Glantin, Ireland, 1419 Temple Newsom, Eng., 13, 1809 Templeton, Mass., 748, 1228, 1248-50, 2432 Tenafly, N. J., 1006-8, 1733, 1737 Tenbury, Eng., 2034 Tendring Hundred, Eng., 1077 Tennessee, State of, 539, 727, 863, 978, 1618, 1658, 1865, 2058-60, 2076, 2079-80, 2084-7, 2092, 2107, 2127, 2130, 2136-8, 2162-3, 2276, 2418, 2424 Tennessee River, 'Tenn., 2113-14, 2170 Tenterdon, Eng., 85 Terling, Eng., 1488 Terre Haute, Ind., 328, 806, 1281, 1436 Terrell, 'Tex., 1913 Terrell County, Ga., 2077 "Terrible" ship, H. M. S., 2327 Terry Island, Conn., 1230 Terryville, Conn., 2451 Terwhitfleld, Ens., 2203 Tewksbury, Eng., 515 Tewksbury, Mass., 904, 2425, I 2433 I Texana, Tex., 1162 ; Texarkana, Ark., 2136, 2459 I Texas, State of, 306, 823, 836, 1161, 1341, 1366-7,-1382, 1418, 1422, 1438, 1459-60, 1638, 1749, 1798, 1987, 2069, 2079, 2089, 2092, 2095-6, 2106, 2214-18, 2130-1, 2136-9, 2153, 2158, 2163, 2168, 2173, 2176, 2190, 2200, 2221, 2258, 2331 Texas Line, Tex., 2166 Thames-Ditton, Eng., 2245-6 Thames River, Conn., 2268, 2280 Thanet Isle, Eng., 490, 1588 Thaxstead, Eng., 1998 Thaydon, Eng., 2251 The Dalles, Ore., 2495 the Farms, Mass., 332 the Forge, N. Y., 801 The Grove, N. Y., 2319 the Hague, Holland, i744 The Hay, Eng., 856 The Home, Eng., ii57 The Horse Fair, Eng., 2242 the Lowe, Eng., 2235-6 the Maine, Va., 2416 The Manse, Scotland, 1746 the Mithe, Eng., 2232 Thenborough, Eng., 1212 the Oblong, N. Y., 217, 480-1, 104s, 1819 Theresa, N. Y., 1781 Theresa, Wis., 1638 Thermalite, Cal., 1407 the Strand, Eng., 2242 ¦Thetford, Eng., 1999 Thetford, Mich., 1353, 1905 Thetford, Vt., 699, 700, 1385, 1754, 1779, 2439, 2503 Thistleworth, Eng., 2416 Thomaston, Conn., 320, 1161, 1254, 1327, 1518, 1823, 1844, 1862, 192S, 1967-8 Thomaston, Ga., 2154-5 Thomaston, Me., 835, 1173, 1571, 1771-2 Thomasviile, Ga., 1493 Thomey Abbey, Eng., 1977 Thompson, Conn., 300, 322, 380-1, 732, 745, 788-9, 808, 882, 1446, 1603 Thompson, Ga., 2137 Thompson, O., 1146, 1277, 1316 Thompson, Pa., 751, 1471 Thompsontown, Pa., 1967 Thompsonville, Conn., 992, 1741, 1946 Thordisa, Eng., 12 Thornaby, Eng., 2224 Thornbury, Pa., 2045 Thornby Abbey, Eng., 2203 Thorndike, Mass., 992-3 Thornton, Eng., 2224 Thornton, 111., 1654-5 Thornton, N. H., 810, 1160 Thornton, Tex., 2208, 2222 Thornton Curtis, Eng., 2420 'fhornton Hall, Eng., 1745 Thorold, Ont., 921-2, 1674-6, 2298 Thoroldby, Eng., 278 Thorp, Eng., 1497, 2241 Thorpe Morieaux, Eng., 87 Thorp's Spring, 'Tex., 2105-6 Thrandia, Norway, 2203-4 Thraston, Eng., 2453 Three Mile Creek, Ala., 2332 Three Mile Point, N. Y., 1541 Three Notch, Ala., 2155 Three Oaks, Mich., 1388-9, 1764 Three Rivers, C. E., 2433 Three Rivers, Mass., 628, 1252 Three Rivers, Mich., 527-8, 937-8, 1241-2, 2281, 2316 Three Rivers, P. Q., 1556 Thrbwly, Eng., 131 Thurrock Greys, Ene 221Q Thurston, N. Y., 1977 Tichmarsh, Eng., 170 Tichmarsh Manor, Eng 170 Ticonderoga, N. Y., '1005 2262 Ticonic, la., 2286, 2299 Tien-Tsin, China, 1178 Tiffin, O., 588, 606, 1271, i87=;.7 Tighes, Eng., 2203 INDEX OF PLACES. 2887 Tillestone Vicarage, Eng., Tillinghast, Wis., 3356 Tilsonburgh, C. W. , 1 144, 1940 Tilton Parish, Eng., 478 Tincall Abbey, Eng., 1108 Tine River, Eng., g Tingwick, Can., 811 Tinterne, Eng., 1866 Tioga, N. Y., 676, B43, I3g8, 1580-1, 3485 Tioga, Pa., 254-5, 577, i540 Tioga County, N. Y., 676, 2335 ^ Tioga County, Pa., 607, 1880 Tipperary, Ireland, 1171, 1710 Tipton, Eng., 33g Tipton, la., 1071, 1303, 1S53 Tiptonville, Tenn., 3081 Tisbury, Mass., ig4-5, igg, 4ig-2i, 435, 438, 528, g6o-3, 966, 972-5, 97^-9, 1715-17, 1730-1, 3307 Tiskilwa, 111., 1047-8 Titicut, Mass., 876, 1613 Titusville, Fla., 1042 Titusville, Pa., 735, 1553, ig6o Tiverton, Eng., 477 Tiverton, R. I., 447, 715, S31, g87, ggo, 1736 Tivoli, N. Y., 739 Tobago Island, W. I., 1830 Tobasco, O., 1267, 1873-3 Toccoa, Ga., 1623, 2107, 2368 Toccotes, Tocketts, Eng., 13, 2224 Todd County, Ky., 2417 Toddsville, N. Y., 1334 Toilsome Hill, Conn., 1182 Toledo, la., isSg, 1853 Toledo, N. Y., i7g2 Toledo, O., 22, 45, 310, 483, 831, 916, 938, 1051, 1160, 1336, 1372, i^^6, 1384, 1656, 1667, 1924, 1962, igg4, 2033, 2248, 2363, 2460, 2465 Tole En 429, 570-1, 672, 1166, 1178, 1508, 1543, 2077, 2249 United States man-of-war, 948 United States service, 1869 United States service, Va., 2435 Unity, N. H., 873-4, 1748 Unity, Pa., 1671 University Hill, 1869 Upham, N. B., 1171 Upham Estate, Eng., 107 Upland, Sweden, 2203 Upleatham, Eng., 13, 2415 Upleatham Parish, Cleve land, Eng., 12 Upper Canada, B. A., 1874 Upper Coos, N. H., 2281 Upper Falls, Md., 1920 Upper Lisle, N. Y., 963, 1717 Upper Londonderry, N. S., ^574 Upper Marlborough, Md., , 1445 Upper Sussex, N. B., 153, 316 Upson County, Ga., 2154-5 Upton, Eng., 1745 Upton, Mass., 126, 259, 595, 816, 1196-8, 1562, 2474 Upton Cressent, Eng., 2234 Upway, Eng., 507 Urbana, 111., 1683, 2304 Urbana, O., 1264-5, 1299, 1651, 2019 Urmeston, Eng., 70 Ursa, 111., 1616 Utah, State of, 271, 673, 2306 Utica, 111., 587 Utica, N. Y., 152-4, 321, 453, 716, 786, S94, 903, 921, 984, 1113, 1117, 1122, 1418, 1433, 1439, 1523-4, 1584, 1602, 1648, 1680, 1725, 1792, 1824, 1833, 1864, 1993, 2007, 2023, 2290, 2419 Utica Township, 111., 587 Uvalde, Tex., 2178 Uxbridge, Mass., 126, 744-7, 820, 1260, 1385, 1560, 2308, 2478 Vacaville, Cal., 2208 Vail's Gate, N. Y., 1830 Vail's Mills, N. Y., 789-90, 1527-8, 1971 Valatie, N. Y., 1217, 1528, 2016 Valdosta, Ga., 1665 Vale of Conway, Wales, 2415 Vallejo, Cal., 1712 Valle's Mills, Mo., 2004 Valley Forge, Pa., 239-40 Valley Nachoochee, Ga., 2115 Vallonia Springs, N. Y., 1298 Valognes, Normandy, 1108 Valois, France, 1615 Valparaiso, Chili, 1988, 2261 Valparaiso, Ind., 1264, 1931 Valparaiso, Mex., 453 Van Buren, Ark., 83s Van Buren, Ind., 1278 Van Buren, N. "Y., 1304 Van Buren, O., 1331 Vancluse, Va., 1772 Van Couver Island, B. C, 1053, 1746a, 2271 Vandalia, 111., 1597, 2305 Vandalia, Mich., 1905, 1938 Vanderburg, Ind., 2212 Vanderburg County, Ind., 2213 Van Deusenville, Mass., 1592 Van Epp's land, N. Y., 1907 Van Kleek's Hill, Ont., 484, 1053-4. 1753 Vanlue, O., 578 Vanport, Pa., ^03 Vans Creek, Ga., 2076, 2100, 2154-5 Varick, N. Y., 438-9, 929, 1256 Vassalborough, Me., 412, 952, i8i|3, 2289 Vaudoeuvres hamlet, Switz erland, 1997-8 Veincash, Ireland, 1109 Venango, Pa., 1242, 1307, 1552, 1674 Venango County, Pa., 422 Venango Township, Pa., 1552 Venice, N. Y., 1537 Venice, O., 1164-5 Ventura, Cal., 1629-30 Vergennes, Vt., 1608 Vermandois, France, 1615 Vermillion, 111., 1882 Vermillion, la., 1269 Vermillion, O., 1276-8 Vermillion, S. D., 1269, 2486 Vermillion County, 111., 1629 VermilHon County, Ind., 1870 Vermillion Parish, La., 1459 Vermont, State of, 138, 204, 245, 255-6, 263, 287-8, 290, 298, 309-10, 323-5, 385-6, 416, 617, 620, 638, 672, 688, 694-5, 711, 721, 72s, 728-30, 747-50, 794, 824, 846, 895, 977-8, IIOS, 1182, 1243, 1280, 1289, 1292, 1302, 1380, 1406-9, 1466, 1469-70, 1611, 1629, 1813, 1838, 1857, 2116, 2269-70, 2274, 2277, 2308, 2321, 2328, 2334, 2424 Verndale, Minn., 1194 Vernon, Conn., 400, 475-6, 794> 1535, 1916 Vernon, 111., 1892 Vernon, N. Y., 44, i6o9 Vernon, Tex., 1219-20 Vernon, Vt., 651, 1250, 1309, 1874 Vernon County, Mo., I437 Verona, N. Y., 894, 1376, 1589, 1679, 1682 Versailles, Ind., 1401 Versailles, Ky., 2331 Versailles, O., 1636 Vershire, Vt., 825, 1269, 1291-3, '*^'' ^ Versin, Germany, 2036-7 Versin bei Barnow, Pomer ania, Germany, 2036-7 vessel " Carrie Bell Heyer," ofiE Florida Reefs, 1861 vessel " Saint Marys," 943 Vestal, N. Y., 692, 1340-1 Veteran, N. Y., 936 Vevay, Ind., 1688 Vickery, O., 1857 ' Vicksburg, Midi., 1193 Vicksburg, Miss., 1648, 1794, 2113, 2279 Victor, N. Y., 800, 843, 913, 1105-6, 1633, 1664-5, 1690 Victoria, Australia, 1 r68 Victoria, N. S., 1181 Victoria, Tex., 1331, 1763-4 Victoria Vale, N. S., 573 Victory, N. Y., 693, 1218 Victory, Vt., 743 Victory Village, N. Y., 693 Vienna, Austria, 1736, 1793 Vienna, Me., 947 Vienna, Md., 1106 Vienna, N. Y., 785, 848, 891-2, 927, 1537, 1589-90, 1629-31, 1634, 1674, 1681, 2006-8, 2266, 2327 Vienna, Ont., 1733 Vienna Corners, N. Y., 1630 Vienna Township, N. Y., 2006 Vienne, France, 2242 Vigin, Sweden, 1108 Villanova, N. Y., 1139, 1878 Vincennes, Ind., 2480 Vineland, N. J., 387, 850, 884, 896, 1377. 1778 Vineland, Wis., 1656 Vineyard Haven, Mass.; 195, 419-24, 433, 437-8, 960-1, 965-6, 971, 974-5, 979, 1716-18, 1775 Vinita, I. T., 2258 Vinton, O., 1637 Viola, Minn., 1851 Viola Center, la., 1523 Virden, 111., 2285, 2293-8, 2303-4 Virgil, N. Y., 284, 682-4, 855, ,,.1364, 1592-3 Virginia, State of, 25, 94, 139, 297, 399, 489, 541, 686, 700-2, 769, 811, 863; 910, 993, 1048, 1082, 1151, 1267, 1323, 1354, 1366, 1369, 1401, 1435, 1437, 1445, 1514, 1523, 1551, 1577, 1799, 1819, 1942, 1985-6, 2054-9, 2068-75, 2078, 2084-s, 2088-91, Z094-6, 2101, 2104, 2108, 2113, 2125, 2171-5, 2184-5, 2190, 2203-6, 2218, 2247, 2304-5, 2311, 2326, 2335-7, 2339, 2416-18, 2435, 2470, 2486, 2501 Virginia capes, Va., 2268 Virginia City, Nev., 1444. =- Vly, N. Y., 802, 154!; *^ Volcano,^ Cal., 1475-6, 1686 Volga City, la., 5641-2 Volina, Mich., 1626, 1930 Volksberg, Germany i2qt Volney, Mich., 1382 INDEX OF PLACES. 2889 Volney, N. Y., 505, 785 Voluntown, Conn., 181, 346, 443> 715. 886, 1454, 3376, 2281 Voorhees, N. Y., 891-3 Vox, N. C, 2172 Wabash, Ind., 2145, 2492 Wabasha, Minn., 1408, i57g Wabash County, Ind., 2145 Wabash River, Illinois, In diana, and Ohio, 1346 Wabaunsee County, Kan. , 22g2 Waco, Tex,, i30g, 1866, igi4 Waconda, Kan., 1341 Wadbury, N. H., g86 Waddington, N. Y., 485-6, 1053, 2482 Wadena, Minn., 1273 Wadham, Eng., ig92 Wadhurst, Eng., 85 Wadsworth, O., 475, 1442-3 Wahoo, Neb., 1051 Wahsatch, Utah, 1559 Wailuku, Hawaii, g6g Waitsfield, Vt., 306, 746, 808, 043, 1386, 1701 Wakefield, Eng., 566 Wakefield, Mass., 2298, 2439 Wakefield, N. H., 2432 Wakefield, R. I., 1526 Wakefield, Va., 2173 Wakeman, O., 800, 1293, 1534, i8g3-4 Walcot, Eng., 1060 Walden, Eng., 478, 1815 Walden, Vt., 1273, 1386 Waldingfield, Eng., 4g3 Waldo, Fla., 692 Waldo, O., 780 Waldo, Wis., 1475 Waldoboro, Me., 1571 Walea, Eng., 2225 Wales, Great Britain, 23, 44, 8g, 144, ,400, 5og, 530, 650, 686, 715, 741, 857, 866, 877> 881, gio, 968, gg7, 1025, 1033, 1082, logi, 1108, 1114, ii47j 1234, 1432, 1463, 1488, 1603, 1611-12, 1645, 1660, i7g7, iggS, 203s, 2111, 22i8-ig, 2305, 2332, 2415-16, 34ig-2o, 2454, 2462, 24S4 Wales, Mass., 3g7, 626, 745, 1233 Wales Marches, Wales, 877 Walesville, N. Y., igg4 Walhalla, S. C, 2105-6, 3166 Walker, Kan., i3i8 Walker, Mich., 6ig, 1328 Walker County, Ga., 2ig7 Walker Township, Kan., 614, 1218 Walkerville, 111., 2igg Walkin's Grove, 111., 553, 1163 Wallace, la., 64g Wallace Station, N. Y., 3316 Wallasey, Eng., 2333, 2239-40 Wallasey Parish, Eng., 3335 Walla Walla, Wash., g6o Walled Lake, Mich., 3318, 2323 „ Wall Grange, Eng., 1212 Wallingford, Conn., 524-5, 530, 781, 1122, 1387-8, 1726, 1862, igi4, ig66, ig98, 2260, 2308 Walling Hill, Conn., 1312, 1885 Wallis, N. S., 1846 Wallop, Eng., 577 Wallop Parish, Conn., 9g2 Walnut, la., 806 Walnut Fork, la., 1072 Walnut Hill, Tenn., 3171 Walpole, Mass., 156-g, 345, 330-5. 546, 821-2, 1158, 1358, 1564, 1662, 336g, 2281 Walpole, N. H., 1448 Walpole, Ont., 717 Walpole Plains, Mass,, 332 Walpole Township, Ont., 717 Walshville, 111., 22g4 Waltham, Eng., 4g3 Waltham, Mass., 358, 648, 1508, 1586, i6g7 Waltham Abbey, Eng., 1603 Walthamstow, Eng,, 3344 Walton, Eng., 877 Walton, Ga., 2214-15 Walton, Kan., 1665, 1678 Walton, Neb., i6g2 Walton, N. Y., 679, 1045, 1136, 2033 Walton County, Ga., 305, 3314-15 Walton's ford, Tenn., 3113-14 Walworth, N. Y., 1793 Walworth, Wis., 1333, 1833-4, 1892 Walworth County, Wis., 1550 Wangford Hundred, Eng., 87 Wapakoneta, O., 1984 Wapa Valley, Cal., 1686 Wapella, 111., 1570 Wapentake or Wapontake of Langbargh, Yorkshire, Eng., 13 Wappa, Cal., I56g Wapping, Eng., 3416 Wapsenonoc Indian Village, la., 1376 Wapsie Slough, N. Y., igo7 Warbleton, Eng., 1125 Warbonnet, Neb., i64g Ward, Mass., 2472 Ward, Pa,, 1231, 1546 Wardsborough, Vt.', 547 Wardsville, Ont., 1343, 1896 Ward Township, Pa., 1330, 1546 Wardville, Eng., gio Ware, Mass., 364, 36g-7o, 3g3, 635-7, 630, 636, 648, 715-16, 8g8, 1134, 1235-8, 1247, 1253-3, 1286, 1326-7, i85g, 3473, 34gi Ware, N. H., 1276 Wareham, Mass., 437 Warehouse Point, Conn., 377, 658-60, IIIO, i8go, ig46 Warner Hall, Eng., 3g4 Warnerville, N. Y., 1545-6 Warren, Conn., 1516-18 Warren, Del., 483-3 Warren, 111., 1444, 1522, ig68 Warren, Me., 245-6, 834-5. I 158, 1354 Warren, Mass., 636, 648, 1333, 1346, 1353, i5g8, 1863, igo7, 3036 Warren, N. H., 1263, 1864 Warren, N. Y., 4^6 Warren, O., 384. 547. 760, 887-8, gi3, i48g, 1495. 1634-5. 1662-3, i960, 2026, 2281, 3463 Warren, Pa., 853, 1403, 1553 Warren, R. I., 618, 1736 Warren, Tex., 14S7-8 Warren, Vt., 834, 1205, 1408 Warren, Va., 1366 Warren County, Ga., 2ig7 Warren County, Ind., 1883 Warren County, Ky., 3077 Warren County, Miss., 3018 Warren County, N. Y., 1701 Warren County, O., 1264, 1576, ig83, 2144 Warren County, Pa., ig7g Warrensburgh, Mo., 1569 Warrensburgh, N. Y., 442, 1330, 1724. i8g4 Warren's Corners, N.Y., 1346 Warrens ville, O., 674. 1353 Warrenton, N. C, 1204 Warsaw, Ind., 1242, 2145 Warsaw, la., 1811 Warsaw, Mo., 1341 Warsaw, N. Y., 116-17, 727, 857, 1105-6, 1334, i4^9» 1431-2, 1434-5, 1496, 1537, 1933-4, 3044, 3380 Warsaw, O., 665 Warton, Eng., 3173. 2303-4 Wartrace, Tenn., 3090-2. 3ii8-30, 3180-3, 3igi, 22 ig, 2276, 3314 Warwick, Eng., log, 265 Warwick, Mass., 648, 1247 ' Warwick, N. Y., 773, 1763 Warwick, R. I,, 3og, 675, 752, 836, 1074, 1474, 1563, 1660, 1733-4, i7gS, iggg, 326g, 346g Warwick County, Va., 3417 Warwick Neck, R. I., 1724 Warwickshire, Eng., 6g, 105, 108, 123, 127, 151, 211, 270, 304, 394, 489, 530, 687, 703, 1031, II33, i8og, 2484 Washbourne, Eng., 1637 Washington, Conn., i8g, iggs Washington, D. C, 22, 206, 323, 485, 585-6, 59S, 735-9. 8og, g84, 1016, 1040, 1057-8, 1080, 1 103, ii2g, 1138, 1142, 1146, ii6S-g, 1204, 1257, i3og, 1356, 1424, 1445, 1480-1, 1577, 1602, i6og, 1634, i6gg, 1700, 1733, 1754-8, 1774, i783-g3, 1800, 1808, 1817, 1845-6, 1853, 1871, 1876, i8g8-g, 1959-60, 1974-6, igSi, ig88, igg4, 3034-7, 2og6, 2204-6, 3148-50, 3363, 3368-g, 2376, 3380, 2307, 3311, 2334, 2330, 2332-3, 2441, 2443, 3451, 3467-8, 3470, 3473, 3477, 2483 Washington, Engj, 137, 2203 Washington, Ga., 3S1, 881-3, 1622 Washington, III., 1704 Washington, Ind., 1928 Washington, la., 761, S83 Washington, Mass., 143, 421, 1643, 1647, 3014 Washington, Miss., So8-g Washington, N. H., i6g6 Washington, N. J,, i3gi Washington, Pa., 1046-g, iizs^ 1750, 348g-go Washington, State of, 700, 3288, 3503 Washington, Tenn., 3ogo Washington, Vt., i25g, -1270, 1384-S, 1388, i2gi, 1468, 1867 Washington, Wis., 1531, 3464 Washington County, la., i3gg Washington County, Ky., 1374 Washington County, Md., 1364, 2305 Washington County, Mo., 2166 Washington County, N. Y., 442, 7Sg, i8ig, 2281, 3308 Washington County, O., 1637, 3010 Washington County, Pa., 351, 1535 Washington County, Tenn., 21 13 Washington County. Va., 3184 2890 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Washington Court House, O., 1227, 1618, 2003-4 Washington Mills, N. Y., 2326 Washington Mount, N. H., 548 Washington Territory, U. S., 700 Washington Township, Pa., 1046-8, 1671 Washington Village, R. I., 713-4 Washingtonville, N. J., 459, 1015 Washingtonville, N. Y., 1592 Wassyngton, Eng., 2203 Watcombe, Eng., 1769 Waterbury, Conn., 154, 285, 317-20, 548, 661, 1152, 1212, 1224, 1254, 1311, 1370, 1431, 1516, 1518-20, 1821-2, 1882, 2262, 2265, 2269, 2312-13 Waterbury, O., 263-4 Waterbury, "Vt., 593, 604, 1386, i6ig-2o Waterbury Center, Vt., 1386 Waterford, Conn., 1882 Waterford, Ireland, 1839 Waterford, Me., 873, 1082, IIOI, 1152 Waterford, N. Y., 313, 442, 944, 1092-3, 1106, 2034, 2300, 2335 Waterford, O., 263 Waterford, Pa., 1551, 1604-5 Waterford, Vt., 155-6, 385, 888-90, 1644 Waterford, Wis., 1128 Water Hall, Eng., 1121 Waterham Heme, Eng., 63 Waterloo, Can., 1692 Waterloo, 111., 2303 Waterloo, la., 757, 1420, i486, 1875, 2299 Waterloo, Mich., 1635 Waterloo, N. Y., 798-9, 1127, 1347, 1654, 1802, 1898-9, 2014 Waterport, N. Y., 904, 1811 Watertown, Conn., 320, 914, 1161, 1323, 1529-30, I54S-6 Watertown, Dak., 2335 Watertown, Mass., 58-60, 62-4, 69, 87, 94, 127, 138, 141, 146, 196, 200-2, 258, 315, 331, 335, 341, 382, 477, 496, 510, S22, 543, 551. 563, 658-9, 772, 775, 813, 819, 830, 838, 884, 959, 1041, 1058, 1088, 1114, 1147-8, 1203-4, 1212, 1215, 1308, 1321, 1464-5, 1572, 1603, 1607, 1660, 1664, 1670, 1697, 1709, 1751, 1772, 1839, 1867-8, 1915, 1929-30, 1999, 2000, 2021, 2032, 2040, 2049-50, 2263, 2421, 2423, 2445, 2471, 2490 Watertown, Mich., 2013 Watertown, N. "Y., 232, 320, 390, 690, 729, 777-8, 924, 927, 963, 1103, 1213, 1327, 1376, 1382, 1511-12, 1642, 1725, 1825-6, 1925, 1965-7, 2497, 2502 Watertown, Ont., 1120 Watertown, S. D., 2012 Watertown, "Wis., 1673, i747, 2455 Watertown Farms, Mass., 1925 Waterville, Me., 1270, 1713, 2295, 2297 Waterville, N. Y., 665, 1828, 2289, 2301-2 Waterville, N. S., 1507 Waterville, O., 1877 Waterville, Vt., 1383, 1426 Watervliet, N. Y., 694-5, 793-4, 1887, 2289-91 Watford, Eng., 235 Watkins, N. Y., 799 Watseka, 111., 1336, 1379 Watson, N. Y., 1364 Watsonville, Cal., 1296, 1392, 1708 Watton at Stone, Eng., 522 Wattsburg, Vt., 246, 547, 1468 Waucoma, la., 664, 1331, 1410 Waukau, Wis., 1631 Waukechon, "Wis., 673, 2334 Waukegan, 111., 474, 666, 879, 89s, 1040, 1252, 1396-8, 1685, 2024 Waukesha, Wis., 532, 762, 973, 1140, 1203, 1339, 1893, 2492 Waupaca, Wis., 1261, 1833, 1864 Waupun, Wis., 1475, 1490-2, 1800, 1962 Wauregan, Conn., 739-40, 787, 1456 Wausemon, Wis., 415 Waushara County, "Wis., 536 Wauwatosa, Wis., 925-7 Waverly, la., 1333, 2455-6 Waverly, Kan., 812-3 Waverly, Mich., 2271 Waverly, N. Y., 486,. 751, 1382, 1927 Waverly, S. C, 2217 Wawekas Hill, Conn., 524-5 Waxahachie, Tex., 2138, 2142, 2147 Waycross, Ga., 2417 Wayland, Mass., 1293, 1879 Wayne, 111., 1414 Wayne, Me., 1554 Wayne, Neb., 2481 Wayne, N. Y., 1139, 1192, 1215, 2052 Wayne, O., 585 ^Vayne, Pa., 1548-51, 2496 Wayne County, Ind., 1955, 2045 Wayne County, Mich., 1643 Wayne County, Mo., 1619, 2004 Wayne County, N. Y., 538, 582, 1051, 2261 Wayne County, O., 1355, 2126, 2284 Wayne County, Pa., 663-4 Waynesburg, O., 2292 I Waynesville, O., 1421 Wayne Township, O., 585 Weare, N. H., 358, 873-4, 880, 1276 Weatherford, Tex., 210S-6, 2166 Weathersfield, Vt., 1461, 2117 Weatogue, Conn., 186, 24S1 Weaver's Corners, O., 641, 1274-S, 1877 Weaverville, Cal., 1795 Weber's Falls, Cherokee Na tion, 2127 Webster, la., 588, 1660, 1692 Webster, Mass., 157, 2026, 2433 Webster, N. Y., 798-801, 1543, 2265 Webster, S. D., 1939 Webster City, la., 588, 1692 Weedsport, N. Y., 1217-18 Weis Baden, Germany, 1325 Welch Neck, S. C, 2219 Weld County, Col., 1836, 2145 Welland, Ont., 1128, 1966 Welland Canal, Can., 618 Wellebourne, Eng., 2203 Wellesley, Mass., 2472 Wellington, Eng., 2236 Wellington, O., 423, 964. 1188 Wellington, N. Z., I744 Wells, Eng., 99, 144 Wells, Me., 494, 910, 1082, 1917. 2423 Wells, Neb., 1692 Wells, N. Y., 1659- Wells, Pa., 1298 Wells, Vt., 982, 1223-4, 1269, 1529 Wellsborough, Pa., 283, 678, 681-2, 730, 1298 Wellsbourne, Eng., 478 Wellsburg, N. Y., 933 Wells River, Vt., 1921 Wellsville, N. Y., 1359, 1536 Wendell, Mass., 276, 581, 634-5. 649, 651, 1305 Wendell, N. H., 1276 Wendesley, Eng., 1069 Wendover, Eng., 209 Wenham, Mass., 85, 364, 492, 509, 1890 Wentworth, Eng., 493 Wentworth, N. H., 1261, 1289, 1741 Wentworth, N. S., 1746 Wentworth Woodhouse, Eng., 493 Wessagasset, Mass., 1112 "Wessex, Eng., 266 "Wesson, Miss., 69s Wessyngton, Eng., 2203 West Albans, Vt., 1044 West Albany, Vt., 1874 West Almond, N. Y., 1234 West Ansonia, Conn., 662, 2335 West Avon, Conn., 1727 West Bloomfield, N. J., 208 West Bloomfield, N. Y., 323, 791-2, 843, 1529-30, 2317, 2321 Westborough, Mass., 67, 258-60, 1088, 1586, 2433-4, 2444. 2474-5 West Boston, Mass., 1584 West Boxford, Mass., 1607 West Boylston, Mass., 330, 815, 817-18, 1561 West Braintree, Vt., 700, 1205 West Brattleboro, Vt., 795 West Bretton, Eng., 493 West Bridgewater, Mass., 132 Westbrook, Conn., 597, 1326, 1883 Westbrook, Me., 413, 1180, 1572 West Brookfield, Mass., 103-4, 213. 1251-2, 1373. 1696, i860 West Burke, Vt., 1205-6 West Burlington, Pa., 936 Westbury Leigh, Eng.,' 90 West Cambridge, Mass., 829, 1126 West Camden, Me., 834-8, 1570-2 West Camden, N. Y., 154, 785 West Camp, N. Y., 1592 West Charleston, "Vt., 1204-5 West Charlotte, Vt., 1468 Westchester, Conn., 106, 216-17, 476-80, 1813 Westchester, Eng., 232 West Chester, Westchester, N. Y., 826, 1443-4, 1941--! West Chester, Pa., 1^7 Westchester County, N. Y., 515-20, 826, 1032, 1443-4 West Chesterfield, Mass., 908-9, 1547 West Clarksville, N. Y., 626-7, 1238 West Colesville, N. Y., 1216 West Constable, N. Y., 1520 West Constant, N. Y., ->274 West Copake, N. Y., 576 West Cornwall, Conn., 1125, 2036-7 West Cornwall, Vt., 931 Westcourt, Eng., 544 West Creek, Ind., 1393, 1429 West Davenport, N. Y., 681 West Dedham, Mass., 388-9, S24 West Dorset, Vt., 764 West Eau Claire, Wis., 1542 West Edmeston, N. Y., 1332-4 West Elizabeth, N. J., 453 West Embden, Me., 947, 1714 West End, Ga., 2162 West End, N. J., iijo Westerdale, Eng., 12, 13 Westerlo, N. Y., 675-6, 1357, 1906, 2318 Westerly, R. I., 311, 539, 686, 854, 886, 1375, 1645, 2038 Western, Mass., 1598, 2471 Western, Neb., 748 Western, N. "Y., 205, 299, 401-3, 920-1, 925-7, 1672, 1800, 2008, 2269, 2307-8, 2313 Western Canterbury, Wind ham County, Conn., 2314 Western Reserve, O., 366-S4, 514, 521, 1372 Westernville, Neb., 748 Westernville, N. Y., 923, 1677 West Fairlee, Vt., 823, 1301 West Farmington, Me., 2277 West Farms, Conn., 153 West Farms, Mass., 2333 West Farnham, P. Q., 718 West Feliciana, La., 1490 Westfield, Eng., 2203 Westfield, Mass., 110, 492, 504, 910, 1087-8, 1105-7, 1216, 1228, 1237, 1240, 1323, 1373, 1471, 1497, 1502-3, 1568, 1662, 1665, 1813-15, 1885, 2321, 2323 Westfield, N. B., 1878 Westfield, N. J., 466-7, 854, 1020-3, 1398, 1477-9 Westfield, N. Y., 1088, i477< 2039 Westfield, O., 905-6, 1651 Westfield, Pa., 626-7, 75i, "39 Westfield, Vt., 701, 1272, 1385 Westfield Farms, Mass., 1726 West Florence, O., 2144 Westford, Conn., 1359, 1462 Westford, Mass., 43. 52, 92, 190-3, 409-12, 940-3, 1394. 1698, 1815, 1838, 1839, 2291 Westford, N. Y., 1349, I370, 'S''3„ , , West Fork, la., 943 West Freetown, Mass., 820 West Friesland, Holland, 455 West Gloucester, Mass., 873 West Granby, Conn., 1213 West Greenwich, R. I., 151-2, 308-12, 752-3. 757-8, 1474-S, 2335 West Groton, Mass., 1919 West Hackensack, N. J., 999, 1020 West Hall, Eng., 232 \\'estham, Eng., 647 INDEX OF PLACES. Westhampton, Mass., 1666, 1885, 2032, 2259 West Hartford, Conn., 832-3, 991, 1149, 1369-70, 1526, 1592-3, 1661, 1776-7, 1988 West Hartford, Vt., 1876 Westhatch, Eng., 70 West Haven, Conn., 1254, 1889 West Haven, Vt., 152, 299, ,,,''24', 1432-3, 1550, 1932 West Hector, N. Y., 929 West Homdon, Eng., 265 West Houses, Scotland, 1314 West Indies, N. A., 242, 417, 426, 491, 541-2, 831, 1031, 2243, 2429, 2437 Westkill, N. Y., 1356, 1906 Westland, N. J., 1782-91 Westleigh, Eng., 2244 West Liberty, O., 1651 West Linton, Scotland, 2037 West Lowell, Eng., 2469 West Medway, Mass., 2478 West Meriden, Conn., 1311 West Middleton, Wis., 1856 Westmill, Eng., 912 Westminster, Conn., 351-2, 390, 848, 853-4, 895-6, 1591, 1595, 1882 \A^estminster, London, 992, 1151, 14S8 Westminster, Md., 918-19, 1670 Westminster, Mass., 895, 1839, 2291 Westminster, Ont., 2298 Westminster, S. C, 2103, 2107 Westminster, Vt., 585 Westminster Palace, Lon don, England, 1122 Westminster Parish, Conn., 351 Westminster Township, Ont., 2298 "West Molsey, Eng., 1758 West Monroe, N. Y., 928 Westmoreland, Eng., 8 Westmoreland, N. H., 795, 1258 Westmoreland, N. Y., 1993-4, 2283-4, 2289-90 Westmoreland, O., 1409 Westmoreland, Pa., 67, 12S Westmoreland County, Eng., 8 Westmoreland County, Pa.. 2021 Westmoreland County, Va., 2173, 2204 West- Nassau, N. Y., 2274 West Needham, Mass., 1601 West Newbury, Mass., 1068 West Newton, Mass., 1066, 1174, 1828, 2477 West Nottingham, N. H., 1550 Weston, Eng., 333, 2173 Weston, Mass., 200, 440, 704, 1613, 1925, 1999, 2471 Weston, Mich., 1627 Weston, N. S., 1176 Weston, Vt., 2473 Westons Zoyland, Eng., 1977 West Parish, Mass., 1228 West Paskack, N. J., 1014 West Pawlet, Vt., 1005 West Perry, N. Y., 1133 Westphalia, Prussia, 1268, 1978 West Philadelphia, Pa., 1480-1 West Pittston, Pa., 1800 2891 I West Point, Ind., 1404 West Point, N. Y., 2333 West Point, Tex., 1748 W'est Point, Va., 2417 Westport, Conn., 863-70, 1393, I 1606, 2253 West Port, Ireland, 1522 Westport, Mass., 426-7, 438, 1659 \\ estport, N. H., 795 : Westport, N. Y., 1534, 1894, 1971 Westport, S. D., 1221 Westport Harbor, R. I., 990 West Randolph, 'Vt., 149, 709, 729, 808, 1205, 1407, 1461-2, 1876 West Riding of Yorkshire, England, 1147, 1561 U'est Roxbury, Mass., lloi, 1697, 1883 West Royalston, Mass., 1880, 248s West Rupert, Vt., 762, 768-9, 1493, 1502 West Rutland, Vt., 1199, 1381, 2309 West Salisbury, Vt., 765, 1501 West Sheffield, P. Q., 718 Westside, Minn., 1279 West Simsbury, Conn., 1371 West Somerville, Mass., 2329 West Springfield, Mass., '325, 530-1, 1107, 1134-5, 1145, 1196, 1229, 1814, 2305, 2323 West Springfield, Pa., 1899 West Stafford, Conn., 531 West Stockbridge, Mass., 1024, 1129, 1665, 1778 West Superior, Wis., 1411, 2043 West Swanzey, N. H., 1535 West Tisbury, Mass., 194, 419, 962, 975, 1715-17, 1720-1 Weston, Mass., 258 West Town, N. Y., 930 West Townsend, Mass., 942 West Troy, N. Y., 793-4, 1502, 1881, 2309 West Twyford, Eng., 1025 West Union, la., 1331, 1488 West Upton, Mass., 2474 Westure, Eng., 2173 West Vienna, N. Y., 847-8, 894, 1589-90 Westville, Conn., 1224 Westville, N. Y., 1378, 1381-2 West Wadham, Eng., 1992 West Walpole, Mass., 332 West Waterville, Me., 1270 West Webster, N. Y., 798 West "Windsor, Vt., 1290 West Winsted, Conn., 610, 781, 1183, 1313, 2312 Westwood, N. J., 1015, 1734 West Woodstock, Conn., 1727, 1944 West Worthington, Mass., 2015 Wethersfield, Conn., 66, 116-17, 205, 318, 325, 342, 405, 449, 477. 505, SI1-12, 515. 541, 658, 687, 910-11, 969, 991, 1031, 1041, 1069-70, 1083, 1 105, 1147, 1211, 1215, 1322, 1372, 1388, 1432, 1496-7, 1519. IS3S, 1632, 1718-19, 1742, 1813, 1837, 1841-2, 1849, 1862, 1915, 1929-30, 1970, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2017, 2034, 2268, 2300, 2457, 2484, 2487 \A'ethersfield, N. Y., 763-5, 795, 1497-1500, 1536-7, 1712, 1934, 1964 2892 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Wethersfield, O., 887-8 Wethersfield Springs, N. Y., 1893 Wetmore, Kan., 1756 Wetmore, Vt., 772, 1204 Wetona, Pa., 1136-7 Wetumkeh, Ga., 2152 "Wetumpka, Ala., 1812, 2107, 2116-17 Wetzel County, W. Va., 2042 Wexford, Mich., 891, 1628 "Wexford County, Ireland, 85 Weybridge, Vt., 503-4, 1079 Weymouth, Eng., 107, 503, 1112 Weymouth, Mass., 32, 35, 107, 235-6, 241, 316-18, 335, 345. 510, 543, 595, 675, 743, 769, 810, 837, 877, 1111-12, 1130, 1148, 1386, 1561, 1899, 1999, 2119, 2282 Weymouth, N. S., 567, 1733 Weymouth, O., 1487 Whalesborough, Eng., 1126 Whalley House, Eng., 58 Wharleton, Eng., 2203 Wharton County, Tex., 133 1 Whately, Mass., 915, 1382, ¦ 1487, 1519, 2337 Wheatfield, Eng., 119 Wheatfield, N. Y., 1222 Wheatfield, Pa., 1920 Wheatland, Cal., 1678 Wheatland, Mich., 386, 583, 1189 Wheatland, N. Y., 2469 Wheaton, 111., 903, 1430-1, 1433, 1933 Wheaton, Wis., 2043-4 Wheatsheaf, N. J., 1023 Wheeler, N. Y., 2318 Wheeling, 111., 1252, 1332, 1892 Wheeling, W. Va., 410, 1629, 1889 Wheelock, Eng., 775 Wheelock, Vt., 1921, 2299 Wheledale Moor, Eng., 12 Wherwell, Eng., 327 Whigville, Conn., 1520 Whitby, Eng., 10, 15, 17 Whitby-Abbey, Cleveland, Eng., 17, 2223-6 Whitby-Lathes Manor, Cleveland, Eng., 2225 Whitby Monastery, Cleve land, Eng., 2225 Whitchurch, Eng., 564 White, Mich., 1295, 1534 White Chapel Parish, Lon don, England, 492, 1071 White Creek, N. Y., 770, 1813, 1702, 1819 Whitefield, Me., 948, 955 Whitefield, N. H., 744, 1405, 1420, 2283, 2485 Whiteford, Eng., 107 Whitehall, Eng., 2173 Whitehall, N. H., 744 Whitehall, N. Y., 125, 3S6, 724, 1200, 1433, 148S, 1924, 1933, 2477 White Hall, Vt., 1650 Whitehall, Va., 1907 Whitehead, N. S., 250 White House, N. J., 207, 451 Whitehouse, O., 1877 White House, Va., 2173 White Lake, S. D., 1442-3, 1941 White Oak Ridge, N. J., 464-8 White Path, Ga., 1482-3, 1953-5 White Pigeon, Midh., 720, 1354 White Pine, Pa., 1295-6 : White Plains, N. Y., .1055, 1295 - ¦ White River, Vt., 290 White River Junction, Vt., 879, 1753 White Rock, N. S., 557,; 564 Whitesburg, Ark., 2088 ! White's Corners, Pa., 609 Whiteside, Tenn., 2139 " -' Whiteside County, 111., '920 "Whitesides, 111., 401 Whiteside Settlement, N. C, 2077 Whitestone, N. Y., 997- Whitestown, N. Y., 347-8, 386, 525, 1048-9, 1509, 1511, 1580, 1631, 1679, 1994 ' Whitewater, Minn., 1851 Whitewater, Wis., 74^, 1475, 1749, 1834, 1932, 2299 ¦ ". Whitewater river, Ind.,T24"70 Whitfield, Eng., 2203 Whitfield, Ga., 2165 ¦ ' Whitfield County, Ga., 2104, 2138, 2141, 2196 Whitfield Hall, Eng., 83^ Whiting, 111., 1332 Whiting, Kan., 1219, 1308 Whiting, Vt., 307 • i ' Whitinsville, Mass., 1698:.", Whitley, Ind., 1484, 1955 ,^ ' Whitley, O., i486 Whitley County, Ind., 1322-3, 1484-5 Whitley Hall, Eng., 493 Whitmore Lake, Mich;, . 1222-3 Whitney Court House, Tex., 2118 • ¦ Whitney Lordship, Eng., 856 Whitney's Crossings, N. Y.; 1235, 1239 Whitneyville, Conn., 2293'.' Whittington, Eng., iioS-',' Whittonstall, Eng., 1715 '. Whorlton, Eng., 13 Whorlton Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Whyttemore, Eng., 342: Wiard Hill, Conn., 6S5 : "." Wicasset, Me., 947 Wicasset, Mass., 2251 - ' '." ' Wichita, Kan., 22, 2264,' 2268, 2278 Wichita, O., 2003-4 3 Wicken Bonant, Eng., 1083 Wickford, R. I., 292, 308,, 741, 1644 ¦ -^ Wickham, Eng., 278 v Wightford, N. Y., 1438-9 ',' Wight Isle, Eng., 39, 85,- 490, 819 Wight Isle, N. Y., 1075, •ni8, 1151 '-- Wigsthorpe, Eng., 492, igg's" Wigton, Eng., 1760 Wilbraham, Mass., 130; 218, 264, 267, 620-8, 745, 788,' 992, 1044, 1229-30, 1233-8, 1241, 1855, 2323 Wilbur, Kan., 1433 Wilby, Eng., 2237-8 Wilcox, Pa., 968-9 '¦ 1 ', Wilcox Cotinty, Ala., 2208' Wilderness battle, Va.,- 869, 1385, 1466, 2418 Wildwood, Fla., 2117 ^ , Wildwood, S. C, 2185 1. ¦",',' Wilhelmshoh, Germany,' ' 1993-4 Wilkes-Bkrre, ta.'i 128. 842-3, 994,J : 1057-8, i240, 1448, 1579-80, 4990-2, 2051 ', Wilkesboro, N. C, 2086 , Wilkes County, Ga., 2210 . "VVilkes , County,' N.' C, ' 2059^60, 2o64,'2o68-7o, 2083-91, 2108, ^217^' ' Wilkesville,- O'., 1704 Williinson Cbunty, -Ga., 2193 Wilkinson ' County, Miss., 1501 Will, !lll., 796 ' : . , Will County, 111., 034t 1692.', Willef, N. .Y., :i7l'7 / -'- - Willey Hundred, Eng., -1033 Williams, Ia.,.1231 "Williamsburgh, Mass., i;^-So, 393-6, '651,- 907-16, 1228, ^1248, 1656, ¦ 1665-6, 2654, 1 .2J14: '¦ Williamsburgh, Mich., 1629 Williamsburgh, N. Y.,^ .719, 733-4, '794.- ?9l-2,; 1003, :i079, : 1082;. Ii,l2, 1196, 1324, -1326, 1443-6, t4S0,. ' "¦ ' . Williamsburg', O., 1704: WilliStnetiurgh," Va., 1080, '" ii5i/'i773 ' "-' Williams Center, O., 1872. Wilh^msGote,. Eng., <" 1107 Williams'County, O"., 1164-5 Williamson County," Tenn.', 1865 > , -¦ ¦ . . Williafnsport, Md., ,1089 Williamsport, Mass., 1666-" Williamsport, Pa.,' 932-3', 98^, -3 1294, 1690, 2476 ' t - ' Williams Ranch, 'Tex'., -2135 AVilliamstown, - Mass:, 907-9, 1149-50, 1220, 1488, .20I5,.*2321 Williamstown, Mich., 1193- Williamsto'wn; N. "Y., 785 "•' Willianisto*ri, Vt!, 366, 347, 599,- 602', 641, 942, 1043, "1268, I27t-4, 1279-80, '1284-6, I2Q0, I3SO,- ^ 1386-8,' "1467,'- :i876, 1881,. S493-' ¦" ' , - " Williams.ville,.'Mo"., 1619 WilliegK Eng., 1125' ' Willimansettr, Mass.', i'i34-5 Willimatilic, .Cdnn.,'293,'746, ¦ 1258,,' 1273,' I370,.".i464,<' 1525, , I59i,'2483i- " . ,". ' ,1, I Willing, N: Y.,,-eo9 ' y Willin^DH, ,Goiui,, i8i,' 305-6, ¦"339-'fo;'744'6; 799, 8;^i'-3; 113^, 1237-8, 1463, ' 1565-6 '':'-'- -. W'ilHn,4ton,. Eng', i,io' -¦:/'' Williston, Vt., 329, 1778^ WillblJghBjf, 0.,'6i6l.i7,; 1 146, 1220^1, ' 1226,. ' 1316! 18S6, ¦ 1959-60 .1 , ' " ;. Willoughby .Lake;' Vt., 142*0' Willow, Cal., ,1920 ¦-" Willow Springs, Mfji, 2482" Wills. Purchase, N.,1 Y., 181S Wilmington, Del., 1086; 1177, 1480-1,'' "i68j'-6, i 1845-6, / 2630, 2039, '-2278,, 2470' ,' . ' ; '/. Wilmington, 111., 565, 4653 Wilmington, , ¦ 'Mass.', ' 30, 858-61', 2447 ,' ' '.1 : Wilmington,' N.' Y..,'.. 1540 . '/.' V/ilmington, N. C., 2108, 2209; 2ii8 ,'i : '.',' Wilmingt!Dn;i' O.', 1114 Wilmip|t*i„'Vl., 125^' J, ", Wil"mot„?N< nS.,'. -153, 559, ' 563, 567-9, 574 ,^ ; Witaot„Pa^J'85?':Wjlmfe't, Wis.i'i6'38'l, : Wilna, N. Y., 2^8, 728-9, .1304, 1440 •-;- . ¦ ""' ¦' "1 1 ; " WiiseyviHe"; N.. 'Y.,,- izi'3-1^- Wilson, -N. jY.,; 602, 1J46 , , , Wifsoil" 'County, Tex,, 1331 Wilson' Tovirnship, N. Y., 1344, 1347". - ' 5 cf Wilsonville, Nep., 1553 M'ilton, Conn., 856,' logi „ ( "Wilton, Eng., 13,' 1' ,-j " WiTton, la., 1071 i Wilton, Me., 334, 1610", 2040, ¦' Wilton, >s[. H.,r 1550, ,2290-1 {_ Wilton, N. Y., '693, 2458 Wilton , Parish, . Cleveland, Eng., ly , , ,-/' Wiltsi^ire, El^., 84, 99, i2p, -Mi.'jrto, 364, 489, 497, 540,' ;Sqo, -',1126, 1809, 18^8, ^204^, "Wi'5'wyck, N. Y., 1809' ' Winjbledon, Eng.", 2232, 2249 Wincharrt,. Eng-, 2204." ^Vinchenaon, ,; MasSj j ^S96i7, 817, "1207,-1566, ^290-1-, 2331-2, 2423 .-'./",': ,;-";-'. ,." Winchester, ,-- ¦ Conti,, j 325, 653-60, 1310--13, "1J17,' 1322J5, -1884-5, ^265 ,- ", ,; ^- ¦ , > Wi'ljchester, .Eng.-j' 8^', 409,' 1069 ' ' - Winchester,, Ky... 1685,. ,21*^ Winchester,' .- MSss„.". .' 1 1197^- .2459-36., .2432-3, r'iVii ' : - " ,' Winchester, N.' H,,: 324-ii 795-6. 12531,1535 f '- '•' - .; ,, Winchester,"' 'O ,, ' 1^50 "• "¦ , ' V "Winchester,^ Tex., "21^7 -' ';- "WincliestAr, Va., '314, - 19^; 2045, 2073„ 2096, 2105, 2134,,- :ii'49, 2'205-6,; ?222 ' - ; ^> Winderwath, Eng.;. 170- ^f Windham, Ccj'nn., '44,- 65^, 121-s', 128, J43-4.- 154-5, 1S2.- 180, 183,- 245'j 271,- 324, ^27,. 345., 527-8, S4p,'-.6o7, 638, 643,^ 734-5, 856, I0S8.9,' Jl454-6r 1592, 1780^*, 1813, 1824, 20l-3i 2032, 2262, 2281, 2309. 2334,- 24^:-i .--'. ! .-'] ¦¦ ": --¦- '¦> Windham; Engf, '1792; ; Windham,' N.' H.-, 1262, 1611- Windham, 'N. -Y., 135^,. 1363,. 1400, 1904 ' Windham," 0:,E 964, i%9-40, 1873" I ' -" ¦ ¦ Windham, Vt., 646, 1256-8, 1272, 1824 Windham County, Conn., 147, 340, 527-8. 639, 839, 2279, 2308, 2313, 2326, 2328 Wind Mill Point, Va., 1224 Windom, Kan., 2305 Windsor, Can., 1187-8 "Windsor, Conn., 71, 90, 109-10. 144, 232, 264, 276-80, 304, 318-19, 394, 467, 510, 520, 543. 554, 565, 598, 620-1, 652, 658-60, 686, 777, 780, 788, 800, 855, 910-12, 1031, 1036, 1060, 1105, 1108-10, 1132, 1149-51. 1211, 1216, 1260, 1305, 1321-2, 1325, 1372, 1378. 1426, 1432, 1456, 1471, 1566, 1641, 1660, 1741, 1776, 1814, 1826-7, 1842, 1849, 1885, 1915-16, " 1930, 1988, 1995, 1998-9, 2022-3, 203s, 2040, 2261, 2277, 2455, 2482 • „ ^ Windsor, Eng., 478, 1069, 1212 Windsor, Mass., 179-S0, 390-2, 902, 1640, 1647-9, 2015, 2441 Windsor, N. H., 1301 Windsor, N. Y., i44, 283, 678, 1717-18, 2497 INDEX OF PLACES. Windsor, N. S., 251, 473, 561, ,5®, 1038-9. 1167-9, 1 178, 1746 Windsor, 0., 2040 Windsor, "Vt., 640, 760-1, ¦8Q7-10, 1290, 1555, 1598 Windsor Castle, Eng., 478 Windsor County, Vt., 1432, . i23g6-7 Wjndsor Forest, Va., 2204 Windsor Forks, N. S., 1039 Windsor Locks, Conn., 1196, i«g9. 1463, 1862, 1946, 2264-5 " "Windsor " ship, H. M. N., 2243 Wnjfield, la., 680 Winfield, Mich., 2013 Wingrave, Eng., 1126 Winnebago, 111., 1395 Winnebago City, Minn., •1359-60 Winnebago County, 111., 1200 Winnecoma, Wis., 1648 Winpesimmet, Mass., 226 Winnsville, Va., 1369, 2418 Winpna, Minn., 784, 915, 1047, 1071, 1159, 1748, 1891, 1982 - Wioooski Falls, Vt., 1668 "VVin^ush, Eng., 1839 "Winsgrave, Eng., 477 Winsted, Conn., 137, 276, 610, *5i-tio, 771, 781, 1183, 1310-14, 1316, 1516, 1805-8, 1847-8, 1883-5, 1891, 2270, 2272, 2307, ' 2'3I2 Winston, N. C, 993 Wint"enburg, Mass., 764 Winterport, Me., 542, 1152, 1842: Winterset, la., 551, 2144 Winthrop, la., 1874 Winthrop, Mass., 2331 Winthrop, Me., 1713 Winton, Eng., 1216 Winwick, Eng., 240, 510 Wirral Hundred, Eng., 2243 Wirt, N. Y., 313, 773 Wisbeach, Eng., 1839 Wiscomb, Eng., 1060 Wisiombe Park, Eng., 1212 Wisconesus, N. Y., 1192 "Wisconsin, State of, 269, 306-7, 403. 598-9, 667, 673, 690, 712, 72s, 747, 766, 779, 927, 954, 972-3. 981, 1197, 1199, 1203, 1243, 1303, 1341, 1389, 1444. 1485. 1510, 1578. 1670, 1747-8, 1935, 2283 Wiscoy, N. Y., 1922 Wisset, Eng., 138 Wissinoming, Pa., 2030 Witbeck, Holstein, 695 Withainsville, O., 1114, 1873 Woburn, Mass., 15, 17, 18, 23-53, 57-8, 62-5, 83, 103-5, 123-4, 191-3. 278, 537, 690, 743, 869, 943. 1203, 1427, 1752, 1767, 1867, 1925, 2040, 2415, 2420-40, 2443-50, 2466, 2504-S Woerden, Holland, 1118 Woking, Eng., 467 Wolcott, Conn., 317-19, 661-2, 1324, 1518, 2274, 2278 Wolcott, Eng., 1060 Wolcott, N. Y., 240, 611-12, 615, 667, 726, 798-9, 1434-5. 1499 Wolcott, Vt., 604, 1206, 1387, 1408, 1467. 1848-9. 1949 Wolcottville, Conn., 785. 1325, 1516, 2277, 2331, 2483 Wolfborough, N. H., 861-3 2893 Wolfe Island, Saint Law rence River, 1918 Wolfville, N. S., 123-5, 248-53, 55S-6i, 569-70, 1165-73, 1176-8, 1845-6 Wolfville Ridge, N. S., 1165, 1844 Wollaston Mount, Mass., 492 Wongdu, China, 1957 Woodbridge, N. J., 996, 1022, 1032 Woodbridge Point, Mass., 279 Woodburn, III., 1446 Woodburne, Md., 1772 Woodbury, Conn., 44, 90, 187-9, 40s, 914. 1147. 1151. 1519, 1771. 2279 Woodbury, N. J., 1517, 1968 Woodbury, O., 1990 Woodbury County, la., 1307 Woodcock, Pa., 482, 1046-9, I7S0 Woodcock Township, Pa., 482 Wood County, O., 552, 748, 758 Wood County, Tex., 2116 Wood Ditton, Eng., 911 Woodford, Eng., 394-5 Woodford County, Ky., 1985, 2073, 2096, 2146, 2199 Woodforde, Eng., 394-5 Woodham Mortimer, Eng., 2173 Wood Hill, dist., Mass., 30 WoodhuU, N. Y., 934-5, 980 Woodland Center, Minn., 1164 Woodlawn, Ga., 2103, 2162 Wood River, Idaho, 2272 Wood River, R. I., 154 Wood's Holl, Mass., 424, 1614 Woodside, N. J., 1024-5 Woodstock, Conn., 86, 155, 160, 163, 421, 639, 647, 714-15. 732-5, 748, 850, 1075, 1112, 1445-7, 1594, 1600, 1603, 1683, 1727, 1794, 1944 Woodstock, 111., 982, 1289, 1857 Woodstock, Mich., 255, 582-3 Woodstock, N. B., 563 Woodstock, N. Y., 1655, 1961 Woodstock, O., 1651 Woodstock, Vt., 307-8, 547, 641, 717, 747-51. 1621, 1948, 2284, 2331-2 Woodton, Eng., 2204 Woodvale, Eng., 543 Woodville, Miss., 1917 Woolstock, la., 1693-4 Woolveston, Eng., 2241 Woolwich, Me., 954, 1426, 1703 Woonsocket, R. I., 333, 1713 Woonsocket Falls, R. I., 820 Worcester, Africa, 915 Worcester, Eng., 1038, 1521, 1999, 2235-7, 2420 Worcester, Mass., 337-9, 349-50, 445, 553, 632, 637, 716, 733. 817-18, 821, 847, 941, 1000, 1046, 1066, 1075, 1240, 1245, 1248-9, 1316, 1326-7, 1416-17, 1442-4, 1447-9, 1508-9, 1539, 1561-2, 1578-80, 1586, 1589, 1600, 1848, 1858-61, 1880, 1958, 1980, 1994, 2048-9, 2262-4, 2272, 2277-8, 2280, 2313, 2335, 2439, 2473-8, 2485, 2491 2894 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. Worcester, N. Y., 672, 680-3, 1349-50, 1363, 1371, 1877 Worcester, Vt., 1386 Worcester County, Mass., 371 Worcestershire, Eng., no, 332, S15, 743, 1063, 1105, I21I, 1809, 1999 Worden, 111., 3334 Workington, Eng., 1063, 1314 Worth, Mich., 1193 Worth, N. Y., 1646 Worthin, Eng., 1453 Worthington, Mass., 138-9. 404, 691-3, 769, 1338, 1566, 1640, 1649, 1934, 3014-15, 337s Worthington, O., 752, 1473-4, 2474 Worwicks Chapel, Tenn., 2195 Woughton, Eng., 1126 Wraxall, Eng., 554, 877 Wraxhall Abbey, Eng., 108 Wrentham, Eng., ng, 241, 382, 3031 Wrentham, Mass., 120-1, 157-9, 242-5, 335, 338, 354-5, S42-4, 824, 857-8, 864-6, 1560, 1835, 2275 Wright County, la., 956 Wrightsbridge, Eng., '618, 1031 Wrightstown, Wis., 841 Wrightsville, Mo., 2474 Wu Chang, China, 2456 Wurtsboro, N. Y., 1445 Wyalusing, Pa., 2260 Wyandotte, Kan., 1365 Wyandotte,- Mich., 1387 "Wyandotte County, O., 1652, 2292 Wymondham, Eng., 1793 Wynbury, Eng., 2045 Wynnstay, Wales, 3415 Wyoming, 111., 587 Wyoming, la., I33i Wyoming, N. Y., 1144 Wyoming, Pa., 67, 138, 1493, , 1853-3 Wyoming, State of, 1649, 1987, 2301-3 Wyoming County, N. Y., 551, 704, 831-3, 1433, 1535 Wyoming County, Pa., 1464 Wythe County, Va., 297, 737-8, 1435, 3168 Xenia, O., 1333, 1422, 1658, 2145, 2479 Yadkin College, N. C, 2114 Yadkin River, N. C, 2060-70, 3063-4, 2080 Yalca, Australia, 1710 Yamhill County, Ore., 1265 Yancey's Mills, Va., 1366 Yankee Hill, 111., 707 Yankee Settlement, la., 1680 Yankton, S. D., 2454 Yantic, Conn., 1805 Yardley, Yardly, Eng., 477 Yarm, Eng., 13 Yarm Parish, Cleveland, Eng., 12 Yarmouth, Eng., 227, 241, 523, 538, 1087, 1655, 1768, i8go, 2045 Yarmouth, Me., 1063, 1599, 191 7, 2305 Yarmouth, Mass., 93-5, 106, 434, 447, 540, 766, 810, 858, 867-9, 1083, IIS7, 1210, 1351, 1451, 1813-15, 1838, 1867, 2000 Yarmouth, N. S., 560-5, 1174-6, 1380, 1426 Yarmouth, Va., 1151 Yarmouth Harbor, N. S. , 560, 1426 Yarum, Eng., 13, 13 Yates, Mich., 2045 Yates, N. Y., 784, 1521-2 Yates County, N. Y., 1505 Yellow Springs, O., 1114 Yellowstone District, U. S., 1340 Yeovil, Eng,, 109 Ynysymaengwyn, Wales, 530 Yokohama, Japan, 1118, 1329, 2027 Yonezawa, Japan, 2037 Yonkers, N, Y., 837, 854, 1098, mg, 1333, 1565, 1597, 1756-8, 1763, 1820, 3354, 2336, 2473 Yordy, Kan., 1115 York, Eng,, 8, 16, 279, 3°7> 1260, 1506, 1714, 2303, 2338, 2243 York, Me., 240, 858-6i> 956, 1052, 1082, 1507 York, Neb., 748 York, N. Y., 348, 54£> 76s, 792, 1530 York, O., 883, 1487, 1623 York, Wis., 1433, 1933, 1935, 3320 York County, Me., 494, 1707 York County, Pa., 1576 York County, Va., 1151, 2417 Yorkshire, Eng., 8-10, 50, 57, 67, 84, 146, 162, 218, 249, 279, 319, 364, 466, 477-8, 489, 494-5, 497. 522, 560, 659, 747. ^^3^ 914, 998, 1069, 1077, 1121, 1147, 1394, 1507, 1561, 1612, 1637, 1744, 1751-2, 1838-9, 2303, 2228, 2242, 2251-2, 2255 Yorkshire, N. Y., 386, 704-5, 891, 1412, 1638-9, 2044 Yorkspit, Va., 1347 York Springs, Pa., 1S1-2, 398 York Sulphur Springs, Pa., 398 Yorktown, Me., 971 Yorktown, N. Y., 1631 Yorktown, Va., 1347, 1421, 2057, 2417 Yorkville, 111., 1547 • Yorkville, S. C, 476 Young Hickory Township, III., 587 Youngstown, N. Y., 668, 1344 Youngstown, O., 384, 886-7, 1624-5, 1851, 1966-7, 3005 Ypsilanti, Mich., 348, 1046-7, I3I2-I3, 121S, 1847-8, 2366-7 Yreka, Cal., 2267 Yuba City, Cal., 1534 Yuma, Arizona, 1763-4 Zanesfield, O., 321-3, 1651-3 Zanesville, 111., 2304 Zanesville, O., 905, 947, 10S6-7, 1158, 1651, 1704, 1803 Zeandale, Kan., 3032 Zion Mount, La., 2135-7 Zurich, Switzerland, 1499 . THE END. SUPPLEMENT. igoo. ILLUSTRATIONS AND PORTRAITS CONTINUED. ISee page 5.] Number Page Rev. James Bradford'' Cleaveland, . . . 4019 1208 APPENDIX continued. [See page 2505.] [53 continued further. See page 245 i.J EDWARD' CLEVELAND (Edward^, Mosesi). Hicks ancestry, amended further : — Johni. || Thomas^ Hicks. [Ac. to English Baron etage frinted for Tho. Wotton, London, 174J, Vol. 1 : 341 — Pedigree of Hicks of Bevers ton, Gloucestershire, Eng. (William, Esquire,) created baronet July 21, i6ig. Family anciently seated in Gloucestershire. It appears by a fine, temp. Edw. VI, wherein Thomas Hicks is mentioned to hold lands at Barkeley, in co. Gloucester, for which was a contest in law, but concluded by the judges, and Robert Hicks was to pay 20I. to sd. Thomas on which consideration he and his wife Margaret (daughter and heir of James Atwood and Alice his wife daughter and heir of William Payne) releas'd and quit claimed all their pretence to a certain house and lands. This Robert Hicks (presumed to have been a younger brother of above-mentioned Thomas Hicks), was a wealthy citi zen and mercer of London, Eng., living in Cheapside, where, by his trade, he rais'd a considerable estate, and by Juliana, his wife, daughter of William Arthur of Clapham in Surry, Eng., Esq.; had issue, 3 sons : Sir Michael, b. 21 Octob., 35 Hen. VIII, Francis, b. 36 Hen. VIII, and Baptist Hicks, etc. [1040 continued. See page 468.] ROBERT LUTTON" CLEVELAND (Benjamin Norton^, Benja min Norton*, lohabods, Moses^, Moses') born at EHzabethtown (now Eliz abeth), N. J., August 17, 1824, died at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 7, 1900. Mr. Robert Lutton' Cleveland, residence and merchant at Elizabeth, N. J., the rernainder of his life. Mr. Cleveland con tinued active in the church and in the community, and was one of those of whom it can truthfully be said that life was spotless integrity, sustained by Christian fortitude. The funeral ser vices were largely attended by citizens generally, at Saint James Methodist Episcopal Church, Elizabeth, N.J,. Thursday, January 11, 1900, at 2.30 p. m., the church of which he was a founder, and long a most useful trustee and devoted member. Interment in his lot in Evergreen Cemetery near Elizabeth, N. T Appropriate obituary notices appeared in the Elizabeth Jour nal and Elizabeth Herald. The last survivor of the 6th genera tion in his line. Mrs. Christina (Christopher) Cleveland still lives at Elizabeth, N. J. (1900). 2895 2896 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. [2963 continued. See page 994. J Job Sayre' Crane {Matthias'' Crane, PolIyS, Benjamin Norton*, Ichabod', Moses', Moses'), died May i6, 1899, aged 75 years, 2 months, and 8 days. Mr. jfob Sayre'' Crane was, for many years, a promi nent and respected merchant of Newark, N. J.,, and latterly was President of the J. S. Crane Hardware Company, Newark, N. J. Obituary notices were printed in the newspapers. [3056 continued. See page 1035.] NATHANIEL HUBBARD' CLEVELAND (Moses conkiin', Mosess, Ichabod", Ichabod', Moses^, Moses'), married 2d, by ReV. Ephet Whitaker, D.D., at Southold, N. Y., December 31, 1899, Miss Helen Virginia Horton, born at Southold, July 22, 1857, only daughter of William Fuller and Anna Elizabeth (Farrington) Horton, of Southold, and granddaughter of Jeremiah (m. Nov. 24, 181 1) and Nancy (Hart) Horton, and a lineal descendant from Barnabas' Horton [see +20, page 57] the original emi grant. Residence, Southold, N. Y., 1900. [3381* continued. See page 538.] Dolly Jf.' Adams ( warren> Adams), m. Mr. Thompson. An other son : 19648, 'Warren^ Thompson, whose daughter, Miss f^ary K.' Thompson, resides (1899) Winsted, Conn. [4019 continued. Seepage 1208.] JAMES BRADFORD' CLEAVELAND (john», Perez», Sleazer*, Samuel', Samuel", Moses'). Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah (Jocelyn) Cleaveland (widow of the Rev. James Bradford' Cleaveland), residence still in New Haven, Conn., 1900. This poetess has just published a new edition of JVo Sects \ in Heaven \ and \ Other Poems \ By \ Mrs. E. H. J. Cleaveland \ Hartford, Conn.: \ The Case, Lockwood Cr Brain ard Co. Print, igoo. Rubricated title, cloth, full gilt, 16°, pp. 94, containing most of the poems included in the previous collection (published some years ago), but with some omissions and many additions. [8321 continued. See page 1033.] Ida M.ay' HaTeer (Lucretia Farber', Robert Lutton', Benjamin Norton', Benjamin Norton", lohabod', Moses', Moses'), married Walter Hamilton Leveridge, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 10, i2,6-] , son of George Pul- yon and Catharine Matilda (Davis) Leveridge. Residence still ^•'i l^^^r®*^^' '9°°> photographer. Children: Edna 3faf Lever idge, b. Mar 15, d. ij, 1890 ; 19649, Helen Irene' Leveridge, b Apr I, i8gij 19650, Eveline Elizabeth'' Leveridge, b. July 10, 1896, [8850 continued. See page 1823.] JAMES DOUGLAS' CLEVELAND (OanieF, Erastus«, Moses' Moses*, Aaron', Aaron', Moses'), died at Cleveland, Ohio, June 29, i8oo' aged 76 years, 9 months, and 14 days. Judge James Douglas' Cleveland continued his residence and law office in Cleveland the rest of his days. His usefulness will never be forgotten in that community, of which he was a SUPPLEMENT. 2897 responsible member. Memorial biographical sketches were duly published by the press. Mrs. Charlotte Jane (Bingham) Cleveland still lives in Cleveland, O., 1900. [9670 continued. See page 1850.] SUSAN TROWBRIDGE' CLEAVELAND (Rev. james Brad ford', John", Perez', EleazerS Samuel', Samuel', Moses'), married Robert Levi Rice. Residence still Granby, Conn., 1900. Their children, all born at Granby, are: [14886] Cleaveland Jocelyn' Rice, born November 28, 1885, attending Granby Central Academy. 1965 1 John Levi' Rice, born December 2, 1887, attending school in Granby. 19652 Arthur Livingston' Rice, born June 10, 1890, attend ing school in Granby. 19653 Foster Wild' Rice, born May 23, 1892, attending school in Granby. 19654 Nathaniel Hayes' Rice, born December 20, 1894. In No Sects in Heaven, by J\Lrs. E. H. J. Cleaveland, edition of igoo, p. 3, the inscription — Affectionately dedicated to the five little grandchildren of the author, Cleaveland, John, Arthur, Foster, and Nathaniel, the subjects of the last poem. This beautiful tribute is here given. Pages 93-4 : — CHILDREN ASLEEP. A SEA of little faces Upturned as if in prayer, I stood and gazed upon them As they lay dreaming there. A sea of little faces All tranquil in their sleep, As if an angel floated Above the dimpled deep. And touched each cheek with carmine. Each lip with holy flarae. On which had scarcely died away Their dear Redeemer's name. Dream on your downy pillows, Smile in your murm'ring sleep, And He who calmed the billows Will guide you o'er the deep. [12747 continued. See page 1574.] Marqaret Newman' Cady {Henry Hutchins'' Cady, Josefh Cleue- land' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), married Alfred Daniels. Residence still Chicago, 111., 1900. Children : 19655 Joseph Alfred' Daniels, born April 25, 1864, at Kan kakee, 111., unmarried, of Chicago. 4-19656 George Collins' Daniels, born September 25, 1869, at 19657 Mary Eleanor' Daniels, born December 2, 1872, at Chicago, unmarried, resides at home. 4-19658 Elizabeth Couden' Daniels, born January 4, 1875. -1-19659 Orinda Cady' Daniels, born January 4, 1875. 2898 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 19656. George Collins' Daniels {Margaret Newman' Cady, Henry Hutch ins'' Cady, Joseph Cleveland* Cady, Lois', Josiah", Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), bom at Chicago, 111., September 25, 1869, unmarried. Sergeant George Collins' Datiiels resides with his parents in Chicago, 1900, and is manager of a department of the Nelson Morris Packing Com pany, Chicago. Sergt. Daniels served in Company C, Illinois National Guard, March 19, 1889, to April 26, 1898; enlisted at Springfield, 111., April 26, 1898, in the war with Spain, as cor poral in same company, being now Company C, First Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; mustered into United States service at Camp Tanner, Springfield, 111., May 13, 1898; promoted ser geant May 13, 1898; stationed at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Walker co., Ga., May 17 to June 4, 1898; Port Tampa, Picnic Island, Hillsboro co., Fla., June 4 to 30, 1898 ; at sea June 30 to July 9, 1898; Siboney, Cuba, July 9, 1898; in trenches before Santiago de Cuba July lo to 19, 1898, being two days after city surrendered, July 17; guarding prisoners July 19 to August 24, 1898; at sea August 25 to 31, 1898; Camp Wikoff August 31 to September 8, 1898; Chicago, September 10, 1898; mustered out of service at Chicago, 1898; length of service, April 26 to November 17, 1898; also served in Company C, First Infantry, Illinois National Guard, i year after coming home, making over 10 years in the Guard. 19658. FjlizahetJl Couden' Daniels {Margaret Newman^ Cady, Henry Hutchins'' Cady, Joseph Cleveland'' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), mar ried 3.1 Chicago, 111., November 4, 1897, Robert E. Forsyth, son of Col. Robert and Sarah K. ( — ) Forsyth. Child: 19660, Robert Alfred" Forsyth, born .February , 1899, at Chicago, 111. 19659. Orinda Cady' Daniels {Margaret Newman^ Cady, Henry Hutch- insi Cady, Joseph Cleveland' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses') married at Chicago, 111., June 7, 1899, Ralph Edgar Fox, born at'Chicago, July 4, 1876, son of Orvin L. and Ancella Melissa (Faunce) Fox. [12740 continued. See page 15 73. J Lucinda' Cady {/ohn Cleveland'' Cady) m. Maj. James Jackson Ross. Children born at Maysville, Ky. : rs-u- ^9661 /«/2« Jackson' Ross, b. Dec. 18, 1867, married at Chicago, 111., about 1896, Mr. Francis E. Marbury. (Tan 1900.) s. p. ^-^ 19662 Robert Collins' Ross, b. Mar. 15, 1870, unm., of Chicago, 1894. ' ['2757 continued. See page 1984.] Collins Hansberger' Jordan {juUa Ann'' cady, Joseph cieve- land> Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), bom at Piqua Ohio November 28, 1826, died a.t Chicago, 111., Aug. 13, 1897. SUPPLEMENT. 2899 Mr. Collins J-Lansberger" Jordan resided in Chicago until his decease. A very prominent member of the Protestant Episcopal Communion, in which he usefully served in responsible offices, and at time of his deajh was junior warden of the Church of the Epiphany, Chicago, 111.; many times delegate to the gen eral conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and from time to time served faithfully in the offices of the various benevolent institutions of the Church. Mr. Jordan was a mem ber of the Illinois Club of Chicago, of the Church Club of Chicago, and of the Ohio Society of Chicago. Necrological notices appeared in the leading Journals. Mr. Jordan was interred in Forest Hill Cemetery, Piqua, O. His son, Mr. Scott' Jordan, writes: I will soon have some photographs of my father, taken before his illness, and will send you one. No doubt you are deluged with such things, but my father was one of the best men that ever lived, and his loss has been felt very greatly in Chicago, he having been one of the most esteemed and best known citizens. Mrs. Mary Louise (Scott) Jordan, residence still in Chicago, 1900. [12758 continued. See page 1575.] John Ward'' Jordan {julla Ann-' Caiiy, Joseph Cleveland' Cady, Lois', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'). Col. John ^^ard' Jordan, residence still in Louisville, Ky., 1900. Is totally, disabled from effects of injuries received in Civil War {locomohr ataxia), and draws a large pension from the government. Although physically help less his mind is as bright as ever. A member of the Indiana {not Oregon as stated on page 1575) Commandery, Military Order, Loyal Legion. Is a prominent Mason, member of De Molay Commandery, Knights Templar, Louisville, 32° A. A. S. R., Louisville, and Mystic Shrine, Louisville. [12760 continued. See page 1986.] Julia Ann' Jordan {Mi" Ann'' Cady, Joseph Cleveland'. Cady,-^'^^', Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), married Lieut. George Rogers Grithth, who died at Sandusky, Ohio, April 9, 1899. [12761 continued. See page 1986.] William Henry' Jordan {juUaAnW Cady, Joseph Cleveland' Cady, Lois' Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), Col. William Henrf Jordan, U. S. A. (retired), residence still at Portland, Oregon, January, 1900. [15787 continued. See page 1983. J Hnrrn Blinn' Jordan {Frances' Cady, Horace Harvey Cady Joseph ClevelZd'cidy, Lois'. Josiah*, Josiah', Josiah', Moses'), born at Mount Clem ens Mich August 19, 1858, died at Chicago, 111., December 10, 1897, unmkrried; interred in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chicago. [15797 continued. See page 1984. J 7ir.r.*.^/ Cfnltl' Moore {Lucy Ann' Cady, Henry Hutchins'' Cady, Joseph r, 5rJLwjofatTosiL', josiah', Moses'), married Harry Mc- ?:rTan; bornlprii 2, 1857, died at Kankakee, 111., November 9, 2900 CLEVELAND GENEALOGY. 1899. Mr. Harry McFarlan removed from Anoka, Minn., in 1898, to Kankakee, 111. [15799 continued. ^See page 1984.J Alfred David' Moore {Lucy Ann' Cady, Henry Hutchins'' Cady, >i«;>A C/«»«/3«^, for Caluvium read Caluvium ; p. 70, 1. 14, 16, i<),for Elsworth read Ensworth ; p. 89, line 28, for improp. /'^aa? improbably ; p. 1025, line 2 5-6, /(^r three Honorary Deacons to serve for life, and the other Deacons, read Deacons to serve for specified terms, three of the Deacons to serve for life ; p. 1027, 1. 45, for There read They ; p. 1034, 1. 49, add Child : ; p. 157s. 1- 37, P- 1984, 1- 50, .and p. 1985, 1. 5, for Hausberger' read Hansberger" ; p. 1986, line 44, dele d. S. F., 1896; p. 2048, 1. 35, and p. 2050, line 41, for Hausberger' read Hansberger' . INDEX OF PERSONS CONTINUED. [See page 2817.] See Corrigenda continued, page 2902. (surnames not men tioned), Sarah K., 289S Adams, Dolly M., 2896 Arthur, Juliana, 2895 William, 2895 Aspenwall, Mary Davison, 2500 Atwood, Alice, 2895 James, 2895 Margaret, 2893 Baker, Ida May, 2896 Bastians, Hachin^ 2902 Bingham, Charlotte Jane, 2897 Byrne, Mary Elizabeth, 2900 ' Cady, Lucinda, 2898 Margaret Newman, 2897 Christopher, Christina, 2895 Cleaveland, see Cleveland. Cleveland, Cleaveland, Charlotte Jane, 2897 Christina, 2895 Edward, 2895 Elizabeth Hannah, 2896-7 Helen Virginia, 2896 James Bradford, 2896 Janies Douglas, 2896 Nathaniel Hubbard, 2896 Robert Lutton, 2895 Susan Trowbridge, 2897 Crane, Job Sayre, 2896 Daniel, see Daniels. Daniels, Daniel, Alfred, 2897 Elizabeth Couden, 2898 George Collins, 2898 John Warwick, 2502 Joseph Alfred, 2897 Margaret Newman, 2897 Mary Eleanor, 2897 Orinda Cady, 2898 Davidson, Bruce Jordan, 2902 Eva Leona, 2902 Frank Bruce, 2902 Davis, Catharine Matilda, 2896 Deeves, Cassie Mae, 2900 Rebecca Grace, 2900 Thomas Stevens, 2900 Deurcant, Derike Wilamson, 2902 Hachin, 2902 Mary, 2902 de Vere, Vere, captain, 2902 the fighting, 2902 Edison, Blanche Fowler, 2502 William Leslie, 2502 Farrington, Anna Elizabeth, 2896 Faunce, Ancella Melissa, 2898 Forsyth, Elizabeth Couden, 2898 Robert, 289S Robert Alfred, 2898 Robert E., 2898 Sarah K., 2898 Fox, Ancella Melissa, 2898 Orinda Cady, 2898 Orvin L., 2898 Ralph Edgar, 2898 Gardiner, Lion, 2902 Mary, 2902 Garretson, Punce, 2902 Griffith. George Rodgers, 2899 Jesse Jordan, 2900 Julia Ann, 2899 Hall, Clifford Moody, 2900 Hampton, Rebecca Grace, 2900 Hart, Nancy, 2896 ' Hicks, , 2895 family of Gloucestershire, 2895 of Beverston, 2895 pedigree mentioned, 2895 Baptist, 2895 Francis, 2895 John, 2895 Juliana, 2895 Margaret, 2895 Michael, 2895 Robert, 2895 Thomas, 2895 William, 2895 Horton, Anna Elizabeth, 2896 -Barnabas, 2896 Helen Virginia, 2896 Jeremiah, 2896 Nancy, 2896 William Fuller, 2896 Jocelyn, Elizabeth Hannah, 2896-7 Johnston, ancestors mentioned, 2900 Jordan, Cady Morrow, 2900 Cassie Mae, 2900 Clifford Moody, 2900 Collins Hansberger, 2898 Ella, 2901 Eva Leona, 2902 Harold Scott, 2900 Harry Blinn, 2899 Jordan, cont'd, John Ward, 2899 Julia Ann,, 2899 Julia Cady, 2901 Mary Adair, 2901 Mary Louise, 2899 Scott, 2899, 2900 William Beaumont, 2900 William Henry, 2899, 2902 Kendall, Adeline de Valcourt, 2901 Henry Fletcher, 2901 Mary Adair, 2901 Leonardson, mrs., 2902 Wouter, 2902 Leveridge Catharine Matilda, 2896 Eveline Elizabeth, 2896 George Pulyon, 2896 Helen Irene, 2896 Ida May, 2896 AValter Hamilton, 2896 Lytle, family mentioned, 2900 McFarlan, Harry, 2899 Mary Cady, 2899 Marbury, Francis E., 2898 Julia Jackson, 2898 Moore, Alfred David, 2900 Mary Cady, 2899 Mary Elizabeth, 2900 Palmer, Mary Davison, 2500 Payne, Alice, 2895 WilHam, 2895 Rice, Arthur Livingston, 2897 Cleaveland Jocelyn, 2897 Foster Wild, 2897 John Levi, 2897 Nathaniel Hayes, 2897 Robert Levi, 2897 Susan Trowbridge, 2897 Ross, James Jackson, 2898 Julia Jackson, 2898 Lucinda, 2898 Robert Collins, 2898 Scott, Mary Louise, 2899 Thompson, mr., 2896 Dolly M., 2896 Frederick Diodati, 2902 Mary K., 2896 Warren, 2896 Travers, doctor, 2502 Blanche Fowler, 2502 \'ere, see de \'ere. Wotton, Tho., 2895 INDEX TO ANCESTRIES AND GENEALOGIES CONTINUED. [See page 2826.] Gardiner, 2902 I Hicks, 2895 I Horton, 2896 2903 2f INDEX OF PLACES CONTINUED. [See page 2894.] (places not men tioned), irmy (American), 2898-9, 2901-2 army (Dutch), 2902 war (Civil), 2899 war (Filipino), 2902 war (Tagalog), 2902 war (with Spain), 2898, 2902 Anoka, Minn., 2899, 2900 Barkeley, Gloucestershire, Eng., 2895 Bethel, Ohio, 2900 Beverston, Gloucestershire, Eng., 289s *brig " Wilmington,'' at sea, ^435 Camp Robinson, Neb., 2902 Cheapside, London, Eng., 2895 Chicago, HI., 2897-2902 Clapham, Eng., 2895 Cleveland, O., 2896-7 Cuba, W. I., 2899-2901 Elizabeth, N. J., 2502, 2895-6 Elizabethtown, N. J., 2895 Enniskillen, Fermanagh County, Ireland, 2900 Gardiner's Island, N. Y., 2902 " (Jladiator " ship, at sea, 965 Gloucestershire, Eng., 2895 Granby, Conn., 2897 Hartford, Conn., 2500, 2896 Holland, Europe, 2902 island Gardiner's, N. Y., 2902 island Manchonake, N. Y., 2902 Isle of Wight, N. Y., 2902 Kankakee, 111., 2897, 2899, 2900 London, Eng., 2895 Louisville, Ky., 2899 Lynchburg, Va., 2502 Manchonake Island, N. Y., 2902 Maysville, Ky., 289S Mount C?lemens, Mich., 2899 Newark, N. J., 2896 New Haven, Conn., 2896 New York, State of, 2902 Omaha Barracks, Neb., 2901 Piqua, Ohio, 2898-9 Portland, Oregon, 2899, 2901 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., 2900-1 Sandusky, Ohio, 2899 San Mateo, Cal., 2901 ship " Gladiator," at sea, 965 Siboney, Cuba, 2900-1 Southold, N. Y., 2896 Wight Isle, N. Y., 2902 " Wilmington " brig, at sea, 435. Winsted, Conn., 2896 Woerden, Holland, B902 END OF SUPPLEMENT, 1900. 2904 00491 9313