YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Roy G. Wilcox. Yale 1916 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, COPPER, AND SHEFFIELD PLATE liU eaurtesy of the Eastman Kodak Company "I have basins, ewers ot tin, pewter, -and glass, Great vessels of copper, fine latten and brass, Both pots, pans, and kettles such as never was." 15(13 OLD PEWTER BRASS, COPPER, AND SHEFFIELD PLATE BY N. HUDSON MOORE HI AUTHOR OF 'The Old China Book," "The Old Furniture Book,' "The Lace Book," etc. With One Hundred and Fi-ve Illustrations NEW YORK FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1905, By Frederick A. Stokes Company Published in November, IQ05 PREFACE Old pewter is becoming daily of greater interest to the householder, since the fancy for using this attractive ware in country houses has become so widespread. Old plates, platters and chargers that have not seen the light for scores of years, or that have been subjected to indignities, such as covering the flour barrel or catching rain-water leaking into the garret, are now brought forth and treated with pride and consideration. " Hollow-ware " — jugs, mugs, tankards, and the like — is even more in demand, and if not wanted as ornaments for the shelves in the dining-room, may be used on the table, in appropriate proximity to " Old Blue China " and ancient mahogany, which also have been hauled forth from undeserved obscurity. Much of the pewter is marked ; but in some cases the " touches," as these marks were called, have become al most undecipherable from use. Some of it was made in this country and bears the names of American makers, though much was imported and sold here that had no mark at all. To facilitate the classification of this ware, a list of Continental, English, Scotch and such American names as could be found, has been added to the book; so that in many cases if even part of the name remains, the piece can be identified. The details of manufacture, the style of decoration, the correct weight of the different pieces of ware are all vi PREFACE given. More than a hundred pieces of old ware are illus trated, most of them here reproduced for the first time. Many famous collections have been drawn upon for this purpose, and the author has been able to secure some pieces in use both at home at Mount Vernon and in the field during Washington's lifetime. Only one piece of modern pewter is shown ; a ewer and basin by M. Jules Brateau, the well-known French sculptor, who is often confused by writers on this subject with Francois Briot, who preceded him by some hundred years. The household articles in copper and brass in use at about the same period as the pewter are also treated, and as in the case of the latter, splendid collections have fur nished the objects used as illustrations. Attention is given to the fancy for the antique Russian articles of these metals, many of which are brought into the country by peasants coming to our shores. These are shown, and the would-be collector is warned of the spurious articles made by the dozen in the dark cellars and back rooms of the East Side, in New York. Sheffield Plate, a name that has been applied indis criminately to all old plated ware, is also considered; its manufacture is explained ; the manner of identifying it is pointed out; and the names of some of the best known makers are given. Like the other subjects treated in this book, Sheffield Plate is finely illustrated. ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece {By Courtesy of the Eastman Kodak Co.) Part I. — Foreign Pewter Facing Page Fig. i Chinese pewter . . .4 2 Chinese pewter vase . . 6 3 Chinese pewter . . . 8 4 Japanese pewter and Chinese pewter jug . . 8 5 Japanese pewter. Engraved decoration . . 10 6 Modern French pewter by Jules Brateau . . 10 7 French antique punched work . . .12 8 German cavalry cup ... 14 9 German tankard . . . . .16 10 German soup tureen .... 16 II German tankards and jug ... 18 12 German pewter. Engraved and wriggled work 18 13 Flemish pewter, marked "Ghent" . . 20 14 Eighteenth-century Benitier. Flemish . . 22 15 Swiss plate . . . . .24 16 Kaiserteller. Ferdinand III. . . .26 17 Group of Austrian pewter . . . 26 Part II. — English and American Pewter Fig. 18 Kitchen at Mount Vernon . . . .34 " 19 Pewter group . . . . .60 " 20 English pewter . ... 64 " 21 Various types of bowls. English . . .68 " 22 Chargers, bowls, ladle, and taster 70 " 23 Collection of pewter in Concord, Mass. 70 " 24 Three candlesticks with bell-shaped bases. {By courtesy of The Connoisseur) . . .72 {The Connoisseur) x ILLUSTRATIONS Facing Fig. 25 Candlesticks of various types. {The Connoisseur) " 26 Pewter candlesticks " 27 Candle-moulds " 28 Pewter lamps " 29 Oil lamp " 30 Oil lamp " 31 Pewter group " 32 Three saltcellars " 33 Pewter group 34 Pewter and Britannia teapots 35 Church flagon. Dated 1753. {The Connoisseur) " 36 Communion cup. " Presbyterian." {The Connois scur) 37 The Pirley pig. " 38 " Tappit Hens.' 39 Pewter spoons " 40 Ewer and basin " 41 American pewter " 42 American pewter teenth century " 43 American pewter teenth century " 44 General Washington's strong-box, mess-chest and bellows ... . . {The Connoisseur) {The Connoisseur) pitcher Reed & Barton. Reed & Barton. Early nine- Early nine- Page 74 76 767878 80808284848688 90 102 102 106108 114 Part III. — Brass Ware Fig. 45 English brass knocker . . 118 46 American brass knocker 118 47 Fireplace and fender. Langdon House, Ports mouth, N. H. . 120 48 Fireplace and andirons. New England Colonial House . . 120 49 Brass fire-set. From the Collection of Mr. Latti- more . 122 SO Old brass andirons. From the Collection of A. Killgan , Esq. . . 122 51 Brass and copper brazier. From the Collection of Mr. George Brodhead . 124 52 Spanish brasero and bowls. From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry . . 124 ILLUSTRATIONS xi Facing Page Fig. 53 Kitchen of the Whipple House at Ipswich, Mass. . 126 " 54 Brass candlesticks (Russian) . . .126 " 55 Brass candlesticks (Russian) . . . 126 56 Brass candlesticks (Russian). From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry . . 128 57 Brass utensils. From the Collection of Mr. Wilford R. Lawshe . . . 128 58 Brass cooking utensils and candlesticks. Deerfield Memorial Hall ..... 130 59 Brass candlestick and lamps. From the Collections of Mr. George Brodhead and Mrs. E. Wetmore 130 " 60 Pair of brass lamps. From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt . ... 132 61 Tall brass lamp. From the Collection of Mr. WiUiam M. Hoyt . . . 132 " 62 Girandoles. From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt . . . . . .134 " 63 Handles and escutcheons. Chippendale's designs . 136 " 64 Handles and escutcheons. From 1750 to 1800 . 138 " 65 Pipkins and fenders. Chippendale's designs . 140 " 66 George Washington's hall lantern. In the National Museum, Washington . . 142 " 67 Brass chandelier in St. Michael's Church, Charles ton, S. C. . . . . .142 " 68 Brass kettles and pitcher. From the Collection of Mr. George Brodhead . . . 144 " 69 Milk-can and cooking-utensils. Mechanics' Insti tute, Rochester . ... 144 " 70 Brass kettles. From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt . . .146 " 71 Sugar-bowl and pitcher. From the Collection of Mr. George Brodhead . . . 146 " 72 Russian samovar ..... 148 " 73 Urn ....... 150 " 74 Russian samovar. From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry ..... 152 " 75 Russian brazier ..... 152 xii ILLUSTRATIONS Part IV. — Copper Utensils Facing Page Fig. 76 Kitchen at Van Cortlandt Manor . . .158 " 77 Copper thurible. In the Chicago Museum of Fine Arts . .... 158 " 78 Copper warming-pan, kettles, etc. From the Collec tion of Mr. Wilford R. Lawshe . . . 160 " 79 George Washington's warming-pan. In the Na tional Museum, Washington . . 160 " 80 Copper utensils. In Deerfield Memorial Hall . 160 " 81 Paul Revere's copper chafing-dish. In the Rooms of the Antiquarian Society, Concord, Mass. 160 " 82 Copper kettle and furnace. In the Rooms of the Antiquarian Society, Concord, Mass. . . 162 " 83 Copper utensils. From the Collection of Mr. Ralph Burnham . 162 " 84 Copper pot. From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt .... 162 " 85 Copper kettles (Russian). From the Collection of Mr. Dudley . . .162 " 86 Copper utensils (Russian). From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P Barry . . . .164 " 87 Copper utensils (Russian). From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry . 164 " 88 Copper coffee-pots and kettle (Russian). From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry . 164 " 89 Copper coffee-pot and bowls (Russian). From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry . . 164 " 90 Coffee-urn. From the Collection of Mrs. David Hoyt . ... 166 " 91 Longfellow's fireplace at Bowdoin College . . 168 Part V. — Sheffield- Plate Fig. 92 Sheffield-plate trays and tureens. From the Collec tion of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England 176 93 Sheffield-plate castors and dishes. From the Collec tion of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . 176 94 Urns, wine-coolers, and trays. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . . 180 ILLUSTRATIONS xiii Facing Page Fig. 95 Trays and wine-cooler. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . . . 184 96 Table articles and candlesticks. From the Collec tion of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . 184 97 Tea and coffee-pots. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland , Sheffield, England . . . 188 98 Candlesticks and covers. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . 188 99 Table utensils and candle-cups. From the Collec tion of Mr. H. Coopland , Sheffield, England . 190 100 Cake-baskets and trays. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England . . 190 101 Candlesticks. From the Collection of Mr. H. Coop land, Sheffield, England . . . .192 102 Teapots . . . . . .192 103 Coffee-urn ...... 194 104 Venison-dish. From the Collection of Mrs. David Hoyt ...... 194 CONTENTS I. Foreign Pewter .... II. English and American Pewter III. Brass Ware . ... IV. Copper Utensils ¦ V. Sheffield Plate Sheffield Manufacturers of Close Plate Appendix Marks and Names Found on Foreign Pewter List of English Pewterers Scottish Pewterers . . .... Some American Pewterers 3 3» 117 '57 173 196 201202 216 218 Index. • 223 PART I FOREIGN PEWTER OLD PEWTER, BRASS, COPPER, AND SHEFFIELD PLATE PART I FOREIGN PEWTER Why is it that old pewter has such a charm? I ask myself again and again why I so admire the few pieces which I own, and why there is such a pleasure in handling them, speculating about them, and in feel ing their satiny grey sides, — a feeling not given by any other metal. The very fact that they are so hard to clean calls your attention to them with a per sistence that they would not claim if they were suscep tible of taking polish quickly, and you rub and rub, and then bend your back and rub again, all too thank ful for the slow gleams of silver-like hue which reward your efforts, like the smile on the face of an old friend. The law of contraries seems operative in regard to the treatment of pewter; for though we restore our china, and have our antiques in the furniture line carefully mended, when we come to our pewter we leave it pretty much alone, with its scratches and batters, its broken-down sides, and the corroded look which so much of it wears. No true lover of this ware will allow his treasures to be burnished, for every 4 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. time that process is applied to a piece it loses more and more the air of age which was one of its most pleasing allurements, and you might as well have a brand-new piece of modern ware or even of tin. The use of pewter for household utensils takes it back to the Middle Ages and beyond. Indeed, one cannot go far' enough back to find when it was first used in China and Japan, — those lands to which we are bound to turn for so many of the " beginnings of things," and which many of us are pleased to call barbarous countries, because we know no better. So, before examining any of the pewter made in the countries of the West, let us turn to the beautiful specimens which were made hundreds of years ago by those workers who excel in everything that they undertake. Just how old these pieces are it is impossible to say, yet it is known that pewter ware was made in China two thousand years ago, the composition of the alloy being of lead and tin. There are specimens of Japanese pewter on exhibition in England which are known to be eleven hundred years old, and they are not unlike the pieces presented here, which are on exhibition at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Japanese pewter is often of such a curious tint that it seems impossible to believe that it is pewter. But after an article left the hands of the artisan it was never polished, the only treatment allowed it being a gentle rubbing with a cotton rag. After a time the surface became coated with a faint green rust of two tints, — the lighter forming the ground, and Fig. 1. CHINESE PEWTER Boston Museum of Fine Arts FOREIGN PEWTER s the darker showing in mottled patches, — which gave it a very artistic appearance, but which must have been unpleasant to eat from, I should think. In general the vessels were not flat, but hollow ware, and some of them were modelled from the ever-present form of the lotus, and some of them bear the figure of Buddha the Mysterious. The pewter used by the Japanese contains so much lead that it was susceptible of much working, and in some of the illustrations shown, the familiar dragon is on guard. A harder and more brittle quality of pewter, containing a large proportion of antimony, was also made by them, and this was admirably adapted for casting or stamping in intricate and delicate forms. Occasionally a piece is found which has been coated with some other metal, but in many cases the coating is carelessly done and flakes off. Both Japanese and Chinese use engraving as a form of decoration, and the grace and simplicity of the pat terns employed do credit, as usual, to their innate love of beauty, and present a marked contrast to the patterns employed by other nations working at the >ame period. The Chinese added to the decorative appearance of pewter by introducing both copper and brass in various patterns, as can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. The grotesque figure bearing a basket is entirely of pewter. The composition of pewter varies, not only in the different countries where it was made, but also as regarded the purpose for which it was designed. Below is given a slight table, showing not only the 6 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. ingredients which entered into the composition of the metal, but the proportions used. Tin Lead Antimony Copper Plate Pewter, best quality . IOO 8 4 Plate Pewter, poorest quality »9-3 7-1 1.8 Common Pewter, "Trifle" 82 18 Tin and Temper 100 26 Pewter, called "better" . 56 8 6 Pipe Metal . . . 60 43 Metal for Salts and Ewers 90 10 Metal for dishes, etc. . . . 96 4 Ley Metal 80 20 Tin, which has always been the metal entering most largely into the composition of pewter, has from an early period played an important part in the manu facture of domestic utensils. The Egyptians used it as early as 3700 B.C., and it is mentioned at least twice in the Bible, and also by Plautus and Pliny. The English pewterers drew their supply of tin chiefly from the Cornish mines, and the output averaged about 8,000 tons per annum. Lead, another component part of pewter, was also drawn from places near the tin mines, and England was known as the " classic land of lead and tin." Herodotus speaks of the trade in lead as the chief inducement which brought the Phoenicians to the shores of Britain, and a writer on the subject of lead says : Fig. 2. CHINESE PEWTER VASE Boston Museum of Fine Arts FOREIGN PE WTE R 7 "These two metals [tin and lead] made the early fame of Britain; they brought here the Phoenician trader, and had doubtless much to do with the Roman occupation of this distant island." The Romans used pewter for seals of office, and some years ago there were many of them to be found in the county of Westmoreland, England, left there by the Roman legions. They were of all shapes, round, oval, or rectangular, and it is a pity that, owing to their making excellent solder, they have been entirely destroyed by the enterprising tinkers of the neigh bourhood. For use at home, the Romans carried tin from Corn wall both by ship and overland, and when material for the proper alloys failed them, they made pewter of pure tin. The metals were transported in the form of ingots, and not only did Rome get her share, but France too, received her quota, by means of either caravan or boat. Holland got hers through the city of Bruges; and Barcelona sent out so much to Venice and other parts of Italy that it was found necessary to regulate the trade, and as early as 1406 the first of these regulating statutes was framed. The word " Pewter " has its equivalents in many languages, peautre dating from 1229 in France, while the Dutch used speawter, or peawter, and in old English inventories I find it spelled in half a score of ways, according to the fancy and degree of education of the writer. The French, ever more elegant and refined than the English in matters relating to household furnishing 8 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. and domestic utensils, had fine pewter in their homes before it was made in England. By 1390 not only the nobles, but the wealthy ecclesiastical dignitaries had large supplies of pewter plate, and in 1401, Isabeau of Bavaria, wife of Charles VI of France, bought for her kitchen nine dozen dishes and twenty-three por ringers. This queen, whatever view you may take of her morals, may at least have the credit for intro ducing many improvements into palaces, which had hitherto been bare and cheerless enough. Among the existing records of items of expenditure for herself and her household are charges for the " making of a large box of wood and iron, with holes in it, to burn a candle by night in the room of Madame Jehanne." This was the first approach to a night-lamp, and " Ma dame Jehanne " was one of the younger princesses. Isabeau at this same time had made for her use great baths of oak, and she was the first one to use a " suspended carriage." Those vehicles, which were made under her direction, were elegant and luxurious to a degree never seen before, and had four wheels. She had heaters made in the form of little iron chariots, which were filled with red-hot ashes and were wheeled about her rooms to warm them. She also had made balls of gold or silver, to be filled with ashes and held in the hand for warmth. Although she bought much pewter for her kitchen, her own personal plate was gold, and as a charm against poison she used an Eastern talisman which was chained with a silver-gilt chain to her goblet and saltcellar. She did not place such entire reliance on this talisman as Fig. 3. CHINESE PEWTER Boston Museum of Fine Arts Fig. 4. JAPANESE PEWTER AND CHINESE PEWTER JUG Boston Museum of Fine Arts FOREIGN PEWTER 9 might at first appear, since, despite its supposed efficacy, she had every dish of which she partook tasted by an officer of her household before it approached her lips. In 1500, in Paris, it was stated that the necessary number of pewter dishes for a state dinner was six dozen large porringers, the same number of small plates, two and a half dozen large dishes, eight quart and twelve pint tankards, and two dishes for scraps for the poor. The period of the most showy development of pew ter began in France about 1550, and Frangois Briot was its most celebrated worker. Originally a maker of dies and moulds, he became a worker in metals, and wrought with the greatest success in soft alloys. Examples of his work are to be seen in many of the museums of Europe, and his most noted production was a flagon and salver, with figures, emblems, masks, and strap-work. These elegant pieces were cast in sections, joined together, and then finished in the most careful manner in delicate relief. Jules Brateau, a modern French sculptor, has used pewter in somewhat the same manner as his prede cessor, Briot, and in Figure 6 is shown an example of his work which may be seen at the Chicago Museum of Fine Arts. Like the work of Briot, it consists of a salver and ewer, and the salver contains in the centre a large round boss on which is a winged globe, the symbol of Fame. About this boss a line of Cupids disport themselves, bearing a ribbon on which are inscribed the names of those celebrated in the arts of 10 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. Music, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. The body of the salver has four panels, with figures repre senting the above-mentioned arts, each panel being separated from those on either hand by the tools and emblems of the various arts and crafts. The rim is moulded with a scroll border, which is lightened by the introduction of flower-buds at certain places in the design. The ewer has for a handle a nude female figure hold ing a mirror, and the body of the vessel is decorated with seated female figures representing Science, Liter ature, and the Drama. The base of the ewer is hardly in keeping with the rest of the composition, which on the whole compares favourably with the work of the earlier master. M. Brateau has chosen for his " touch " the singular device of a gallows with two rows of figures hanging thereon ! Frangois Briot was followed by Gaspar Enderlein, a Swiss, and by 1600 the Nuremberg workers entered the field with richly worked plates and platters, — those with religious subjects being used as patens, while those with secular designs were for ornament on the heavily carved dressers of the middle classes, in imitation of the collections of gold and silver plate which were displayed by the wealthy nobles. These ornate pieces, if of French origin, were called by the specious name of " A fagon d'argent," and, like the modern " art novelties " from the same source, brought good prices. During the century from 1680 to 1780 much pewter was made in France, though the greater part of it Pig. 5. JAPANESE PEWTER. ENGRAVED DECORATION Boston Museuxn of Fine Arts Fig 6 MODERN FRENCH PEWTER BY JULES BRATEAU Chicago Museum of Arts FOREIGN PEWTER n was made in the first three-quarters of that time. Louis XVI appointed a royal pewterer, and he made the nobles give up to him much of their silver plate. To make the use of pewter more satisfactory, he granted special permission that it might be adorned with gold or lacquer, which privilege had hitherto been given exclusively to the dignitaries of the Church. As in England, French workmen had been gathered into guilds or corporations, but these were abolished by Turgot on the ground that the free right to labour was a sacred privilege of humanity. With the dis persion of the guilds the quality at least of the pewter declined, and, though it kept its place among the mid dle classes, with the wealthy its use was relegated to the kitchen. Then, too, after 1750, the use of pottery and porcelain gradually increased, and the beauty of these wares made them easily favourites. As a proof of their skill the French workmen had to make a piece of the ware of the class to which they belonged, before they could be admitted to the Guild. They were divided into special classes as early as the fourteenth century, and the " potiers d'etain" con sisted of three classes : those who made vases, " potiers dit de rond" then those who made the hammered ware and had to present a dish or bowl as a specimen of their work, and were known as " les potiers maitre de forge," and lastly the "potiers menuisiers," who made little things like pilgrims' and beggars' badges, toys for children, rings and buttons, and who had to make for their entrance piece an inkstand or a salt cellar. 12 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. Many of the rules which governed the French pew terers were substantially the same as those which were in force in England. In fact the French claim that the English pewterers took their regulations as the model on which they framed their own rules of the Pewterers' Company. In 1613 Louis XIII gave a set of statutes to the French pewterers, at the same time that he gave a set to the Guild of Armourers. Before a man was qualified to become a master work man, he was obliged to serve an apprenticeship of six years, to serve three years as a journeyman, and then make his admission piece. The sons of masters were exempt from serving an apprenticeship, provided that they worked three years with their father. They did not have to make an admission piece and they did not have to pay dues. As in England, each pewterer had to have his pri vate mark, which was registered with the King's Pro curer as well as in the guild room. Each master had two marks, the larger containing the first letter of his Christian name and the whole of his surname, while the smaller mark gave only the initials of both names. Besides this, each mark contained the device of the master, the choice of which was left to his own fancy. Works in the common metal were marked on the upper side ; works of high quality, antimony, tin, or of resonant metal, were marked on the lower side. Saltcellars, small measures, and little articles were to have ten per cent of lead, while small plates and saucers were to have but four per cent. Fig. 7. FRENCH ANTIQUE PUNCHED WORK Collection of Mrs. Charles Barry FOREIGN PEWTER 13 According to Boileau the regulations for the Paris pewterers were as follows : " 1. Whatever persons wish to be pewterers in Paris may be so without restriction, if only they do good and lawful work. They may have as many workmen and apprentices as they may wish. " 2. No pewterer may work at night, or upon a festival day. Whoever does so will have to pay a fine of five sols, to the King. The light at night is not enough for him to do good and lawful work. " 3. No pewterer may or should by law work at any work of his trade which is not well and lawfully alloyed according to the requirements of the work. If he does so he forfeits the work and incurs a fine of five sols to the King. "4. No coppersmith nor other person may sell wares belong ing to the pewterers' trade, either in the town or outside, nor in his house, unless it is of good and legal alloy. If he does so he must forfeit the work and pay a fine of five sols, to the King. "5. No one may or ought to sell wares belonging to the pew terers, or is to sell old pewter as new. If he does he must pay a fine of five sols, to the King. " 6. The masters of the pewterers require that two experienced masters of the trade be elected by order of the Provost of Paris. The said masters are to swear solemnly that the men of the said trade will keep the above regulations, well and loyally. "7. The pewterers are liable to serve on the watch if they are under sixty years of age. "8. The two experienced masters, elected as above, are exempt from serving on the watch. "9. The pewterers are to pay taxes and other dues, as paid by the other citizens of Paris to the King." The master pewterers were allowed to make all kinds of work provided that they used fine and reso nant pewter, alloyed with copper and bismuth. It was, however, forbidden that they should use either gold or silver on their pewter ware, except such as was intended for use in churches. Patens and chalices 14 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. were always to be of the best quality, and this was a rule which was carried out in all countries. Master pewterers were not to begin work with the hammer before five in the morning, nor to continue it after eight in the evening. Nor were they allowed to put on sale in their shops any pewter which, was not made by a Parisian pewterer in Paris. Widows were allowed to continue the business of their husbands, and to keep open shop as long as they continued widows. In 1776 the guilds of pewterers, coppersmiths, and scalemakers were all combined, and from this time on the industry of pewter-making slowly and steadily declined. Some of the best French pewter is marked " blanc" which indicates its superior quality; the bluer the colour, the more lead in its composition. French pewter does not seem to have been held in such high esteem as that made in Germany or the Netherlands. In 1709 various foreign pewters were tested at Pewterers' Hall in London, French and Spanish showing from 14^ to 29 less than " fine," while a piece of English pewter taken at random from a shop was but i1- grains less than fine, or the standard quality. No doubt the inferior quality was because the manufacture was very general all over France, and because the corporation was not so " close " as in England. Lyons was known abroad for its excellence in pew ter ware by 1295, and Paris had Gautier at work as early as 1300, while other less famous names were Fig. 8. GERMAN CAVALRY CUP Collection of Mr. Browne FOREIGN PEWTER 15 Robert (1313); Guillaume de Liloies (1315); Adan l'Escot; Huguein de Besangon (1531), pewterer to the royal household; Michelet Breton (1580), also purveyor to the house of the king; and in 1401 we find the name of Jehan de Montrousti, who furnished the kitchen ware for Isabeau of Bavaria, already men tioned. In Poitiers, Limoges, Tours, Amiens,- Rouen, Dijon, as well as in Montpellier, Angers, Bordeaux, Tou louse, and in many other cities, there were pewterers at work early in the fourteenth century. In the orna mentation of pewter the French excelled in engraved work, though they had a fancy for figures in high relief, which were either cast solid, or punched out from the back and then filled in with lead. The plates shown in Figure 7 have the edge moulded on after ward by hand, and they are further ornamented by engraving. One has a coat of arms, while the other is merely decorative. Such pieces were of course never used on the table, but were for ornament only on the wall or dresser. Badges or tokens of pewter were favourite relics of pilgrims, to show that they had actually made a pilgrimage. The shape of a cockle-shell in memory of St. Michel was the usual device, and pilgrims wore these in their hats by the twelfth century. In the Cluny Museum at Paris is an old mould for casting such badges, and this one is in the shape of a heart, with a cross and the letters I.H.S. In no country did the custom of wearing these tokens prevail to a greater extent than in France; indeed some authorities con- 16 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. tend that it originated there. St. Denis was the favourite saint in the north, while in the south St. Nicholas prevailed. There were, besides, many local saints, of which little images were cast, and these were worn on hat or coat. Mont St. Michel was the chief place for the dis tribution of these badges, and it is said that the cockle shells found on the beach there served for the first models. A thriving business was done in these badges, and by the fourteenth century it was brought to the notice of the king, who thereupon imposed a tax on these articles. This called forth so loud a protest from the pewterers that the king, Charles VI ("the Well- Beloved"), exempted these badges from all tax for ever. Such badges, brought home from a pilgrimage, had an honoured place in the house, and were pointed to with reverence and pride by their owners. Little vessels for containing holy-water or the oil of extreme unction were also made of pewter, and sometimes made long journeys to the Holy Land on the persons of the devout, who brought home in them various kinds of sacred relics, a little dust from Calvary, or, if the pilgrimage had been made to Rome, some earth from the Catacombs. These little bottles or relic-holders had wide mouths, and were closed by pressing their lips hard together. They were then hung on a string and suspended from the neck. An interesting relic found during the last century was enclosed in a box made of a material which was called lead, but which was actually composed of lead mixed with some harder metal which gave it more Fig. 9. GERMAN TANKARD Collection of Mrs. George Brodhead Fig. 10. GERMAN SOUP TUREEN Cooper Union Museum, New York FOREIGN PEWTER 17 body and durability. In the fine cathedral of Rouen, France, is a suite of four rooms containing what is known as the " Tresor." This collection of very valu able and interesting relics forms quite a little museum, and may be seen upon the payment of a small fee. To an Anglo-Saxon the most notable object in the collec tion is the so-called leaden casket in which was buried the heart of the famous King, Richard Cceur de Lion, who was slain by a bolt from the crossbow of Bertrand de Gourdon at the siege of the castle of Chaluz. His body lies at the feet of his father at Fontevrault, near Tours, but his heart, encased in two leaden caskets, was buried in the cathedral at Rouen, " the faithful city." The exact place of its burial seems to have been forgotten in the lapse of years, but it was rediscovered in 1840, put in a new casket, and once more buried in its old resting-place in the choir. The old leaden cases, the outer one of which was much corroded, were placed in the " Tresor," or treasure-chamber, and on one is to be seen this inscription : Cercueil et Boite de Plomb ou fut renferme lors de sa sepulture en 1 199 le Cceur de Richard Cceur de Lion Trouves en 1840 dans le sanctuaire de la Cathedral de Rouen. The inner casket, after all these centuries of time, is still in good condition, the inscription it bears being 18 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. perfectly legible. The Latin is quaint enough, and though the art of working on metals was quite advanced at that time, and rare and beautiful objects were wrought, the man selected to do this piece of work could not have been a skilled workman, even if his casket was to hold the heart of the mightiest king on earth. He worked so ill that he did not leave room enough on the line to put the whole of the king's name, but had to carry over one letter to the next line. Richard's title is given as " Regis Anglorum," King of the English, while no mention is made of either Normandy or Aquitaine. The inner box is about a foot long, eight inches wide, and five inches deep. The fashion of burying the heart was a not unusual one, for in those days it was well-nigh impossible to transport the body to some loved spot; but the heart, a small thing, could be brought home, from even the scenes of the Crusades, and laid to rest where its onetime owner desired. A less romantic but also interesting article which is occasionally met with in museums is a " cymaise," a kind of drinking-cup. These were in use as early as 1370, when mention is made of some of them in the inventory of the Bishop of Troyes. When any dig nitary came to visit a city, were he of the Church or State, it was customary for a deputation of the nobles of the town to go out and meet him and offer him wine, the attendants of the visitor receiving as a per quisite the cup from which the wine was drunk. These great cups were frequently made of pewter, fitted with two handles, one for grasping the vessel when the Fig. 11. GERMAN TANKARDS AND JUG ' Collection of Mrs. Charles Barry Fig. 12. GERMAN PEWTER, ENGRAVED AND WRIGGLED WORK Collection of Mrs. Charles Barry FOREIGN PEWTER i9 liquor was taken to the mouth, the other a swinging handle fastened near the top of the cup. The fixed handles were plain and solid, while the swinging ones were very richly ornamented. Such cups were also offered as prizes for feats of skill, and when given at shooting contests bore, besides the name of the town, a bow and arrow or a gun. This old custom holds good to-day, and the prizes at Oxford and Cambridge for rowing contests are still called "pewter pots," though now they are only Britannia metal. In Germany the chief places where pewter was made were Nuremberg and Augsburg, records of enact ments at the latter place showing that the pewterers' workshops were inspected by the masters of the craft as early as 1324. Nuremberg had her famous workers too, — at this time Carel, and Sebaldus Ruprecht being among the best known. One of the earliest ordinances regulating the making of pewter in Nuremberg is dated 1576. In this it is expressly stated that pew terers were forbidden to make anything with English tin or beaten tin, only pure tin being recognised, with out the addition of any lead. Such articles as were made according to these regulations could be marked with an eagle and a crown, while those which were made after the English fashion were to have, in addi tion to the eagle and crown, a rose as well. Each member of the craft had to make a sample plate and have it approved by the master craftsmen, after which he was allowed to punch it with his private mark, which consisted of the eagle (the town mark), in the field of which he added his own device. The ao OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. plate so marked might then be hung in some public place where his mark could be seen and noted, so that his ware could be recognised by those who had it in use in their households. Apparently this was as near as it was allowed for merchants to advertise their wares. The ordinance closes with this order : " The masters must go at least four times a year into all workshops, cellars, and shops, to see if the alloy is pure. If they find in their inspection defects in work caused by careless cast ing or bad turning, the article is to be broken up, and if the pieces weigh more than half a pound the owner of the workshop is to pay a fine of one twelfth. If the pieces exceed half a pound in weight, they are to be put into the melting-pot." A fine example of one of the great flagons or drink- ing-vessels is shown in Figure 8. It is of German manufacture, and an inscription on the front shows that it belonged to a German cavalry regiment, though there is no date. The figure on the top is a cavalry officer in uniform, and it is to be regretted that there is no maker's mark. This style of flagon was familiar in the seventeenth century, and they were extremely heavy, from twenty-five to thirty pounds being not uncommon. The pewter was made of great thickness in parts, and, as they were almost too bulky to pass around, a tap was often added later. The one on the cavalry cup is more ornamental than useful, and in keeping with the cherubs' heads which answer for feet. This piece is twenty-two inches high and in excellent condition, although the cherubs' noses are somewhat battered. A small and more modern drinking-tankard, six Fig. 13. FLEMISH PEWTER, MARKED "GHENT" From the Collection of Mr. Browne FOREIGN PEWTER 21 inches high, simple in form, and with a fine thumb- piece, is shown in Figure 9. It has a splendid maker's mark on the inner side, — a crowned figure standing in a circle. I have found only one soup-tureen ; it is of German make, and is shown in Figure 10. The mark on the bottom is much worn, but the piece may be seen at the Museum of Cooper Union, New York. The bowl is fine in shape, moulded in panels, and stands in a tray, also moulded in panels, and rather deep. The quality of the pewter is excellent and readily takes a high polish. Two German tankards and a pitcher are shown in Figure 11, all of good workmanship. The smallest tankard bears within the name of Ruprecht, which was famous among pewter-workers in the fourteenth century, though this piece is not so old, of course. It is, however, one of the old types, before the lids began to rise, the modern tankard having a bell-shaped lid, years adding successive degrees of height till they were often several inches high. This lid has a medallion set in the top, — a favourite form of decora tion, a coin sometimes being used instead of the medal lion. The second tankard is of rather unusual shape, the bottom looking more like a pitcher than a tankard. It is dated 1789 on the ornamental band which goes around the top. This kind of ornament was known as " wriggled " or " joggled " work. Owing to the character of the alloy, engraved work wears out very quickly, since it has to be very lightly done, as deeply cut work weakens the ware. The tool which makes 22 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. the. wriggled work is of the nature of a chisel, the blades being of varying width, the common size meas uring about an inch. The pattern is impressed on the object by rocking or joggling the tool along, and although this work is found on the pewter of all countries, the German and Dutch pewterers seem to have had a particular preference for it. The Dutch put much of it on pewter for church use, covering the chalice or flagons with long stories from the Bible, the quaint figures having below them a few words to indicate what they are intended to represent. For such purposes the tool may be as fine as one thirty- second of an inch broad. A running pattern is often chosen for secular vessels, and the lines seem to be composed of dots, as on the tankard, but on close inspection the connecting line can be discov ered. On the little pitcher with the wooden handle, a small beading is seen around the lid, produced by a stamping or milling process. In Figure 12 is shown some handsome work done with an engraver's tool. In this work some of the pewter is removed with each stroke of the tool, and a tracing-tool is used besides, the graver making the deeper lines. All three of these pieces have elaborate coats of arms on them, and the bowl is plainly marked " Graf von Ehren, 1735." They all are marked with the rose and crown, which is found on Dutch, German, French, Flemish, and Scotch as well as English ware, though the idea is prevalent that the mark is exclu sively English. I would feel inclined to say that the Fig. 14. EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BENITIER, FLEMISH FOREIGN PEWTER 23 lip on the beaker had been added later, but on it are to be found some of the maker's marks. The use of the graver can always be distinguished from the tracing-tool by the appearance of the orna ment. The graver removes some metal with every stroke, while the tracing-tool is held in a vertical po sition and is struck with a mallet, a small portion of the alloy being displaced and standing up on each side of the pattern, like a furrow. As the pattern progressed, the tool was moved along in the proper direction and was regularly struck with the mallet, and if the object on which the ornament is applied be examined with a magnifying-glass, the marks of the mallet may be plainly seen. To make this style of ornamentation there were curved punching-tools as well as straight ones, but if the decorator were a man of skill he could produce nearly all his effects with the straight tool. Another form of ornament was called " pricked " work, and presents a similar appearance to the wrig gled ornament. It was often finished with a slight engraved line on either side of it, and if kept to severe and simple curves was not a bad ornamentation. Pewter at its best is plain, relying for its pleasing appearance on its form, on the quality of the alloy, and en its colour. Some of the Corporation or Guild cups are very handsome, being tall, stately vessels, the simple lettering in script, either on the body of the cup or on a shield, being all that was necessary. There were many calls, however, for more elaborate work, and there were masters of the craft who wrought in 24 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. this simple metal in what we must confess was a pleas ing style. Many of the European museums and some of America have specimens of this ancient cast and worked pewter, and the Nuremberg Museum, besides the collections in the lower halls, which consist of splendid cups and tankards which belonged to Guilds and Corporations, has in the upper story a kitchen furnished after the fashion of the seventeenth century. Here may be studied many wonderful examples of domestic articles in pewter, as well as some which were used on state occasions only. These articles are so arranged that the visitor has every opportunity to study them, and it is a way vastly superior to placing them in cases, where it is impossible to see more than one side of an object, and never the markings. Figure 13 is a salver or tray which measures ten inches in diameter, with a good rococo border of carved and pierced work. It is marked on the back, " Ghent," and the maker's name is plainly stamped in two places, " Charnold Lucas," in an oval-shaped touch'-mark, the name coming at the bottom, while on the upper side of the oval are the words, " Fin blok Zin." In the centre of the touch is the figure of an angel with a sheaf in its hand, and somewhat abbreviated' garments, as the feet are plainly to be seen. It is not the figure of St. Michel, which was sometimes used by the Ghent pewterers, though it was the Brussels mark also. The Lucases were well- known English pewterers, Robert Lucas being a Fig. 15. SWISS PLATE Boston Museum of Pine Arts FOREIGN PEWTER 25 master in 1667, and Stephen being one as late as 1824. Charnold Lucas must have been one of the family who settled in Ghent and carried on his busi ness there, and very beautiful work he did too, treat ing the material as if it were silver. The fine scale- work in portions of the pattern is worthy of note. At the Museum of Ghent there is a touch-plate of the Ghent pewterers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The commonest mark was the rose and crown, with the initials of the maker placed just below the crown, or even in it. There was another mark which seems to have been an equal favourite, and that was a small hammer having on either side of its handle a shield, one bearing a lion, and the other a lamb with a flag. A crown is placed above the whole device. There are still workers at the pewterer's trade in Ghent, the most famous being members of the De Keghels family. There is a touch-plate at Ghent which shows many of the ancient family marks, among them being the rose and crown o-f course, with the initial letters sometimes going across the rose, but more often in the crown. Another mark of this fam ily was an oval containing a fleur-de-lys and the letters I. D. K. Then there are a Maltese cross within a circle, a sheep in an oblong, a heart in an oval, a heart pierced with two arrows, and — perhaps the hand somest mark of all — a lion within a circle. The Flemish workers in pewter often produced works of great delicacy and beauty, and did not con fine its use to domestic utensils and corporation pieces. 26 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. They also used it for church vessels, although this was protested against very strongly by the Roman Catholic Church on the ground that pewter was not sufficiently precious metal from which to fashion sacred vessels. In 847 the Council of Rheims, and in the thirteenth century the Synod of Canterbury, for bade its use for making the paten and chalice. In 1252, at Nismes, these two decisions were confirmed, but poor communities were permitted to continue the use of their pewter vessels. Even at the present day in Belgium the Eucharistic vessels for every-day use are made of pewter, and down to the times of the Revolution in France it was the custom to reserve the vessels of precious metal for special services and great occasions. You may find to-day hanging in Flemish churches the bcniticr, or Holy-Water cup, and it may be made of pewter, though it will not be so ornate or finely wrought as the one shown in Figure 14, which was made in the eighteenth century. It is fashioned with almost the fineness of silver, and so carefully finished after it was removed from the mould that it looks almost like hand-work. These small articles were sometimes hung beneath the shrines at the wayside, but most of them were much cruder objects than this one. One of the most famous examples of cast-work is shown in Figure 15. It is a plate, or Kaiserteller, eight inches in diameter, with a border of thirteen lobes, each one displaying the arms of one of the Swiss Cantons. It is presumably of Swiss workmanship and Fig. 16. KAISERTELLER, FERDINAND III Boston Museum of Fine Arts Fig. 17. GROUP OF AUSTRIAN PEWTER FOREIGN PEWTER 27 is dated 1 508. Between the three upper lobes, lettered Bern, Zurich, and Lucern, may be distinguished three shields. These bear, first the letter G; next a mono gram made up of the letters I. S. ; and then a mer chant's mark, T. Z. which is repeated on the back. Around the medallion in the centre is the legend : " DO . MAN . 1508 . ZELT . DER . ERSTE . PUNDT . WARD . VON . GOTERWELT." The alloy is extremely soft and has suffered somewhat, as may be seen, but in the main the plate is in excellent preservation, considering its age, though it has been used for ornament only. Another very choice piece of pewter is the plate shown in Figure 16. This specimen is some of the famous Nuremberg work, and has for its central medallion the figure of Ferdinand III. On the border are the six Electors, with their coats of arms. On the back is the date 1645, and between the 16 and the 45 is the letter S pierced by an arrow. In another place are the letters I. G. L. This, like the previous plate, is of extremely soft alloy, but still shows its fine work. The excellence of the moulds in which such show-pieces were cast left little work to be done when the castings were removed. PART II ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER PART II ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER The use of pewter for utensils of the household suc ceeded wood, and their manufacture had become of sufficient importance in England by the end of the thirteenth century to be mentioned in official docu ments. By 1290 King Edward I had " leaden " vessels for cooking the boiled meats for the coro nation feast, and had a supply of over three hundred pewter dishes, salts, and platters in his possession. He seems to have had no silver plate at all. In the " Rolls of Parliament " there is a curious document called " State of the Poor," and in this are given some valuations of furniture and stock in trade of some of the merchants of Colchester, England, for the year 1296. A carpenter's stock was valued at one shilling, and consisted of five tools only. The lists of the other tradesmen were almost as small; the only one which exceeded one pound in value was that of a tanner, whose stock was estimated at £9 ys. iod., showing that his was the principal trade, a fact which is easily understood, as the chief part of men's dress was leather. Most of the lesser cities drew upon London for their necessaries, and the lists of household goods among even the nobles were won derfully poor and mean. Some hundreds of years 31 32 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. later Harrison wrote a " Description of England in Shakespeare's Youth," in which he says : " It has mines of gold, silver, and tin (of which all manner of table utensils are made, in brightness equal to silver and used all over Europe), of lead and iron alsoe, but not much of the latter. . . . Tin and lead, mettals which Strabo noteth in his time to be carried unto Marsilis from hence, the one in Corne- wall, Devonshire (and elsewhere in the north), the other in Darby Shire, Weredale, and sundrie places of this Island; whereby my countrymen doo reap no small commoditie, but es- peciallie our pewterers, who in time past imploied the use of pewter onlie upon dishes, pots, and a few other trifles for use here at home, whereas now they are growne unto such ex quisite cunning that they can in manner imitate by infusion anie fashion or forme of cup, dish, salt bowle, or goblet, which is made by goldsmith's crafts, though they be never so curious, ex quisite, and artificiallie forged." Tin by itself is not so durable and ductile as lead, and the two metals combined will not shrink so greatly as either taken separately, a quality which had to be considered when the object under consideration had to be cast in a mould. Because of its fusibility pewter was much used by goldsmiths to take the first castings of medals or other objects, so that they could be shown to customers for approval. Benvenuto Cellini is known to have used pewter for obtaining the first proofs of his medals and coins, and also used it to make his bronze flow more easily. The earliest pewter of best quality was made of tin with as much brass as the tin could take up, the pro portion being about four to one. In this quality, which was called " fine," were made many small articles like salts, cruets, pitchers, also platters, char- ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 33 gers and church vessels. A less fine quality consisted of tin and lead, and the proportion here was also four to one. This alloy was used for candlesticks, bowls, and pots. The tankards and mugs used in public houses had a still greater proportion of lead, and were sometimes known as " black metal," because they tarnished so easily. The composition of Japanese pewter of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is almost identical with the second quality of pewter already spoken of, — that is, about one to four of lead and tin. It is impossible to tell easily, and without applying a chemical test, how much lead a piece of pewter con tains. If you pass a piece of pewter across a bit of white paper, the presence of lead will be indicated by a dark mark, — the greater the amount of lead the darker the mark. If there is as much as ninety parts of tin to ten of lead, there will be no mark, but seventy- five per cent of tin, and twenty-five of lead will give a faint mark. Between these two points it is all guess work, and with less than seventy-five per cent of tin all pewter will give this mark. The methods of making pewter have always been the same, and it depended upon the nature of the object whether it was cast, or hammered, or both, and then finished by being put upon a lathe and burnished. The most necessary thing for a pewterer was a set of moulds, and as these were made, if possible, of gun- metal, they were costly and could not be easily obtained. Probably this was one reason for the gath ering of the pewterers into guilds or fellowships, for 34 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. in that case the moulds were owned by the company and were loaned or rented to members, some guilds, like those at York, England, making a special rule that the moulds were to be loaned without charge to the members. Although pewter was sometimes cast in sand or in moulds of plaster-of-paris or metal, the best moulds, as already stated, were of gun-metal. These were fitted with wooden handles for convenience in lifting, and after a pewter object was taken from the mould it was made bright by polishing. If possible, the article was cast in one piece, and this was the case with small objects, such as spoons, small salts, porringers, bleeding-dishes, etc. When it came to large ewers, or tankards with bulging sides, it was necessary to cast the piece in sections, solder them together, and then finish them off, but it is almost always possible to detect the joints. Tankards with straight sides were also cast in three pieces, and in some the bottom was made of glass, so that the customer could keep an eye as to the quality of liquor he was getting. If the handles were hollow, they were cast in two pieces, joined, and then soldered to the body of the tankard. Plates, properly made, were first cast and then hammered, four or five rows of hammer-marks show ing on the under side. The hammering gave strength to the metal and a good finish. This rule, however, applies solely to the smaller sizes of plates, for large platters, or chargers, were made entirely with the hammer from rolled sheets of metal. It was the ancient custom to fashion small dishes or bowls with Fig, 18. KITCHEN AT MOUNT VERNON ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 35 " ears " all in one piece, and those pewterers who made the ears separately and soldered them on were repri manded if the fact were discovered by the company. Saltcellars were either cast in a mould and then hand- finished, or cast in two pieces, then soldered, and fin ished. This is usually the case with those which have a foot. The tools used by the pewterer were comparatively simple and few in number. After the moulds, the lathe was the most important implement. It con sisted of a head-stock and a tail-stock, with a simple mandrel, the motive power being supplied by a boy or an unskilled workman, who was called a " turn- wheel." Then came, in order of value, the hammer, the anvil, chisels, gouges, hooks, and the tools used in burnishing. Notwithstanding that the lathe was considered a tool in the pewterers' craft, its use was restricted, and an edict dated 1595 enacts that no saucers shall be sold save those which are beaten with hammers. The most valuable records of the English pew terers and their craft are contained in the books of " The Worshipful Company of Pewterers," which go back as far as 1348, — about the middle of the reign of Edward III. The Company is described as the " Craft of Pewterers," and the ordinances deal exclusively with matters relating to the trade. These records, which contain the history of the Company down to 1760, have recently been transcribed, — a task of almost unending difficulty, which has been accom plished by Mr. Charles Welch, librarian of the Guild- 36 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. hall, London. The earliest regulations (1348) seem to have been drawn so as to enforce the making of a high quality of pewter, a reputation for which has always been the aim of " The Worshipful Company." The original ordinances, which were drawn up and submitted to the mayor and aldermen for their approval, are still a part of the records, and are written in both Latin and Norman French, according to the ancient custom of the city. I give the first paragraph as it runs translated by Mr. H. T. Riley, in his " Memo rials of London," printed in ii " First for as moche os the crafte of peuterers is founded vppon certaine maters & metales as of brasse tyn & lede in pte of the wheche iij metals they make vessels that is to saie pottes salers dysshes platers and othir thinges by good folke be spoken wheche werkes aske certaine medles & alays aftir the maner of the uessels be spoken which thinges can not be made without goode auisement of the peuterere experte and kunnynge in the crafte. Therevppon the crafte goode folk of the crafte praien that it be ordeined that iij or iiij moste trew & cunnyng of the crafte be chosen to ouersee the alales and werkes aforesaide. And by thaire examinacion and asay amendement to be made where the defaute is hastely vppon the dede and if any rebel ayenst the wardeins or assaiours than the dafaute and the name of the tres- passour rebelle to be sent to the maire and to be iuged in the presence of the goode folke of the Crafte that have take the de faute. And be it vnderstonde that al maner vessells of peauter as disshes Saucers platers chargeours pottes square Cruettes square Crismatories and othir thinges that they make square or Cistils that they be made of fyne peauter and the mesure of Brasse to the tyn as moche as it wol receiue of his nature of the same and al othir thinges of the saide crafte that be wrozte as pottes rounde that pertaine to the crafte to be wrouzte of tyn with an aiay of lede to a resonable mesure and the mesure of the alay of an C tyn xxvj lb. lede and that is called vessels of tyn for euer." ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 37 The ordinance goes on to state : That none may become a member of the craft unless he " wirke truely " and hath been an apprentice. That none may sell pewter ware in the city till it has been assayed by the wardens and found satisfactory. That neither is it lawful to send ware out of the city for sale, unless it has been assayed by the wardens. If such be done, he shall " be ateint afore the maire and aldermen be he punished bi theire discrecion aftir his trespasse whan he is atient at the sute of the goode folke of his crafte." Then come the penalties to be enforced on appren tices who are dishonest, on members of the craft who do bad work, and also the rule which savours of the " closed shop," — that none may work at night! No man is to entice away another man's workmen, and no one is to take a workman who has not been apprenticed. The earliest name by which this Company was known was " The Craft of Pewterers " ; by 1528 it was altered to "The Craft or Mystery"; and in 161 1 the words Craft and Mystery disappear, and from that date the name was " The Company of Pewterers." Although great care is taken to give the proportions of lead and tin used in the inferior quality of pewter, which made what was known as "vessels of tin," the proportions used in " fine pewter," which is a mixture of tin and brass, is left very vague and was doubtless a trade secret. The regulations which governed the craft were most jealously guarded and enforced, for the credit of the 38 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. trade, and this was not peculiar to the pewterers alone, but common to all the guilds. By a statute passed in 1363 it was enacted that "two of every craft shall be chosen to survey that none use other craft than that same which he has chosen," which prohibited any " handy man " from getting more than his share of business. For seventy-five years the craft prospered and grew very powerful (it was fourteenth in the list of guilds), and the Company kept taking to itself new privileges without laying the matters before the mayor and alder men. It was brought up with a round turn by this latter body, which had no idea of seeing perquisites and power slipping from itself, and all the ordinances made previous to the year 1438, without the authority of the mayor or aldermen, were annulled. It was further enacted that every pewterer should attend at the Pewterers' Hall when summoned, and a " bedel " was appointed to see to this matter. At the same time a table of regulations for the standard weight of vessels was drawn up, and offenders who did not make their wares conform to this standard were to be dealt with accordingly. The different kinds of ware were made by different workmen, — plates and chargers by one set, called " Sad-ware men " ; pots and vessels for liquids by another class known as " Hollow-ware men " ; and spoons, little salts, and other small wares by the poorer members of the trade, who were designated " Triflers." So great were the powers exercised by the body of pewterers that it was enabled to ask and obtain the ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 39 privilege of getting a fourth part of all the tin which was brought into London, and the wardens of the craft had to see that enough tin for their use was brought from the mines of Cornwall and Devonshire, and that the merchants of the stannaries did not abuse their rights and adulterate its quality. From time to time the fact crops out that the quality of the tin sent up to London was tampered with, and there are many com plaints and petitions regarding it. So many trades were affected that in 1707 the Company petitioned the Lord Treasurer with reference to the abuses in certain mines in Cornwall and Devon. The petition states that the mines produced — — " oar of three Qualityes all verry useful . . . which qualityes render it preferrable to all other Tin in the World." And then it goes on to relate that the — — " constant practice & usage of the Tinners had formerly been to smelt or blow the Oar from eache mine by itselfe, at some con- tiguos Blowinghouse whch kept their sevrall Qualityes intire." But it seemed that large proprietors had acquired, under Letters Patent, the right to buy from different mines and smelt down the various qualities, and thus rendering it unfit — — " for abundance of uses wherin Tin is wholly consumed. Its quality and lustre being changed, An Scarlett Dyers, Tin ffoyl workers, Potters for all white Ware, Pinmakers, Founders, Plumbers and Glasiers . . . nor is the sd Tin of itself soe fitt to be sent to Turky and other places in Barrs nor for making fine Pewter or for Dyers Kettles &etc. And although the Pew terers of London at this time are obliged to take the Tin as it riseth or yet stand still Yet when Tin shall be free there will be a difference made in price between Tinn blown as formerly and this now complained of." 40 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. And the petition prays for some remedy of these evils. The first record made in these books for the pur chase of a number of moulds is dated 145 1 ; they were for the use of the members, and they consisted of " plat molde, dyshe molde, Sawsyrmolde, medyl molde, Saly- dyshe molde, quawre molde, and Trenchor molde." At this period (about 1450) the members of the craft seem to have been divided into two if not more classes, — the " bretheren," who took a share in the government of the craft, and the " freemen," who had to be content with the trade privileges only. •" Sust- ren " were admitted to the craft, not only to the religious fellowship, but as working members, since the audit books show that they made their contribu tions, which are included in the accounts. Yet, even so, in 1590 it was ordered that — ¦ — " whereas Andrew bowyar hath herto fore byne admonyshed for settynge a worke a woman to graue vppon his pewter con trary to the ordynaunce of the house and hath payed his fyne for it, at this court he is charged agayne for the lyke offence and now he is adiuged to paye V.s. for a fyne and yf ever he be found to do the lyke then he shall paye the vtmost of the fyne whch is iij. Ii." Many functions were observed by the Company other than those of mere business. Its members always attended the funerals of those of the craft who died, and the charges for " drynke " are duly set down. Before the Company took possession of its " Greate Hall," it rented a hall of the Austin Friars, and from the Grey Friars the use of a hall for the three great religious festivals of the year, — Christmas, Easter, and the Feast of the Assumption. The altar was kept ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 41 bright at the expense of the craft, although it is noted that some half-burned candles were returned to the chandler who furnished them, and were duly allowed for in his account. Even before its incorporation, the Guild had owned a seal, and, as its patroness was the Virgin Mary, part of the device of the Company was two lily pots, which appeared on either side of the Virgin's figure. The Company also paid for the " Bedel, his gown," and as he was the most important paid official of the company it was a good one. He lived at the Hall, and went with the masters and wardens when they were on searches for pewter which was not up to the standard, and sometimes he went on searches by him self. Besides hunting down delinquent pewterers he kept the Hall in order, summoned all the " bretheren " to the meetings, paid the alms, and, under the charge of the master and wardens, superintended the purchase of tin, lead, etc., saw to the renting of moulds, stamp ing of wares, and, in fact, kept up all the trade relations of the Company. The guilds of London were great and important bodies, bound by their charters to render many duties to the city. They were called upon to defend it, as well as to act in concert with the governor of the Tower and furnish men for its defence in times of war or civil commotion. There are numerous entries for such service in the interesting records of the Pewterers' Company, and one of the first of these is in 1460, when the Company furnished two men fully armed, whom they maintained at London Bridge for thirty days. 42 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. The history of these great guilds is really English history, and in the pages of their records we see reflected the struggles and turmoils which were agitat ing England. About this same time (1463) Edward IV was coming from Sheen to London by water, and the citizens of London, who had given him great assistance, went joyfully forth to meet him, and all the g'uilds and corporations combined to give him a fitting and stately welcome. The Pewterers' Guild was not behind the other and more powerful guilds, hiring a boat and a barge, " for to goo wt the kyng to resceiue hym atte his comyng." The companies gave their attendance to the mayor seven times a year when he went to church, or, as it is recorded, "to Paules," — St. Paul's being the church where services were held with the greatest state. These seven occasions were Allhallow's Day (Novem ber 1), Christmas Day, St. Stephen's Day (December 26), St. John's Day (December 27), New Year's Day, Twelfth Day, and Candlemas Day. They also attended the mayor when he went to take the oath of office at Westminster on St. Simon's and St. Jude's Day (Octo ber 28), and the wardens of the Pewterers' Guild had a place at the mayor's feast, being fourteenth in the order of precedence, and being represented by five persons besides the wardens. Those who were not invited to the Guildhall, where the dinner was held, had a dinner provided for them elsewhere at the cost of the stewards. On January 20, 1473, Edward IV gave a charter to the Company, by which it became a corporation. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 43 This charter greatly enlarged its powers and extended its control over all England. By this means its searches for inferior ware were carried on throughout the whole country, and much " ley-metal," or under- quality pewter, was brought to London, where it was bought by the wardens and used again with sufficient good metal added to bring it up to the requirements. That there was need for these frequent searches, the following item, taken from that valuable reposi tory of manners and customs, " The Paston Letters," goes to show. Madam Paston, writing from Norwich, England, in 1452, to her husband in London, says: " Right worshipful husband, I commend me to you. I pray you that ye will buy two dozen trenchers, for I can get none fit in this town." In 1 46 1 the same conditions apparently still exist, for he is in London as before, and she writes him : "Alsoe if ye be at home this Christmas it were well done ye should purvey a garnish or train of pewter vessels, two basins, two ewers, and twelve candlesticks for ye have too few of any of these to serve this place." Although this lady seems very subservient and meek to her husband, she was a terror to her family. One of the family friends was a certain Stephen Scrope, and to show how lax were the ideas of the times, I quote a line from one of his letters : " For very need I was fain to sell a little daughter I have for much less than I should." In after years, when this same Scrope was quite an old man, he wished to marry Madam Paston's young daughter, and the girl was 44 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. quite willing to take him provided he could show that his land was not burdened with debt. Her readiness does not seem so singular when we read that the poor girl was kept in confinement by her mother, who beat her at least twice a week, so that she writes to her brother, " My head is continually broken in two or three places ! " She also says that if the Scrope mar riage cannot be arranged she hopes he will hurry and find some one else for her. It is pleasant to know that she did find somebody, and seems to have been reason ably happy. Madam Paston was by no means a person of low degree, but the whole thing is typical of the low and material view of life which prevailed during the period of the Wars of the Roses, and indeed for many years after. It is well-nigh impossible to conceive how at this time the barest necessaries were limited. The daily bath was a thing unknown, for, though centuries before, in the southern countries, the elegance and convenience of the splendid baths, where both hot and cold water were supplied, were notorious, the abuses engendered by them had brought about their suppres sion. Soap-balls and cleansing-balls were in use, to be sure, but they rather glossed over than remedied evils. The houses were kept in a condition which can only be guessed at, since such morsels as were not eaten at table were thrown among the rushes with which the floor was strewed, and were shared with the dogs, whose leavings were in turn devoured by rats and mice. Often these rushes remained on the floor for a week at a time, or perhaps more, and when they ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 45 grew too dusty they were sprinkled. One may guess why " essences and flower-waters " were chosen for this sprinkling. The rich prelates, whose furred and silken garments were the mates to those of royalty itself, did not allow their tables to be any less richly spread. They owned pewter very early, for when John Ely, vicar of Ripon, died in 1427, he left, among other things, " di.dus. games de vessel de pewdre cum ij chargiours." The College of Auckland had in its storerooms in 1498, "xx pewder platters, xij pewder dyshes, viii salters, ii paire of potclyppes, j garnishe of vessel, j shaving basyn." In the Convent of the Holy Cross, at Erfurt, Sax ony, as far back as 1470, there were found one hundred and fifty pewter amphorae, seventy cups, jugs, por ringers, etc., and at St. Cyr, two hundred pewter amphorae, with a number of flagons and tankards. In 1575 the Archbishop of Canterbury possessed — — " eighteen score and ten pounds of pewter vessels in the kitchen, in jugs, basins, porringers, sauce-boats, pots, and nine teen candlesticks ; also pewter measures in the wine cellar, eight pewter salts in the pantry at Lambeth, and two garnishes of pewter with spoons, at Croyden." The demand for pewter vessels, which had crowded out wooden utensils and those of horn, continued, and it was as early as 1474 that the marking of pewter is first noted. All inferior pewter was to be stamped with a "broad arrow," which showed that it was to be forfeited, and then consigned to the melting-pot and recast with new metal. 46 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. The " touch-mark," which is so often spoken of in connection with pewter, is the mark of the maker of each particular piece, and it may be his name, or his name accompanied by some device, like a rose, a figure, or an animal. At first no list of these marks was kept by the Company, nor was there any regis tration fee. There are, however, at the Pewterers' Hall in London, five great boards on which many marks are stamped. The earliest marks are very small, and were initials only, so that it is impossible to identify many of them, though the marks on these plates went back as far as the middle of the fifteenth century. There is a record in the books, in the year 1492, of a charge of two shillings for " markyn Irons for hollow ware men," and this must have been for official use by the Company, though what the device was, is not known. In 1503 there was made the first compulsory enact ment for the affixing of the name of the maker upon all articles of pewter, though the practice had been in use for years without compulsion. If a pewterer declined to mark his ware he was fined five shillings or more, probably according to the will of the master. The great fairs which were held in various parts of England, like the fair at St. Albans or at Stourbridge, were also " searched " for illegal pewter, and in 1558, at both these places, fines were levied. At " Saynt albones " was " taken of George bate of alesbury a sawcr." The second fining is more curious still, for at " sturbridge fayer of harry Ratclyf was taken a ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 47 platter not marked, and he marched in company wth a french woman." There are given many inventories, taken from time to time, of the contents of the Company's Hall and of all their property. These are extremely interesting, but very long, and in every one is mentioned, " A Table of Pewter wt euery man's marke therein." As early as 1552 it was customary to make pewter covers for the coarse stone pots which were used as drinking-vessels. In order that these lids should come up to the standard, it was ordered that — — " all those that 1yd stone pottes should set their own marke on the in syde of the 1yd & to bring in all such stone pottes in to the hall wherby they maye be vewed yf they be workmanly wrought & so be markyd wt the marck of the hall on the owt syde of the Lyd. Also euery one that makyth such stone pottes shall make anew marck such one as the mr and wardens shalbe pleasid wtall whereby they maye be known from this daye forward. Theise pottes to be brought in wekly vpon the satterdaye and yf the satterdaye be holly daye then to bring them in vpon the ffrydaye. And loke who dotd the contrary shall forfayte for euery stone pott so duely provyd iiij d. in mony over and beseyde the forfayte of all such pottes as be not brought in according to this artycle."The payment for marking these pots was small, for apparently some were brought to the Hall for marking. "At the same Courte the mr Wardens and assystants wth the hole clothing hath graunted that John Curtys shoulde haue ffor markyng of every dosyn of stone pottes whosesoever brought them to marck one ffarthing." The rules for the marking of wares were constantly before the Company, and many were the fines imposed. By 1564 the rose and crown had become so important 48 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. a mark that the following regulation concerning its use was framed : " Also it is agreed that euery one of the saide felowship that makith any warre shall set his owne marke theron. And that no man shall geue for his proper marck or touch the Rose and crown wt lettrs nor otherwise but only to whome it is geuen by the felowship. Nor that no man of the saide craft shall geue one anothers marck nother wt lettrs nor otherwise, but euery one to geue a sondry marck such one as shalbe alowed by the maister and wardens for the tyme beinge vpon payne to forfaite and paye for euery tyme offendinge to the Crafte's boxe xiij s. iiij d." In the year 1592 it was ordered by the court — — " that all the company shall set ther tuches vppon a new plat and that they shall paye ii.d. a pece and one penny to the clarke ane one to the bedel." Pewter was by this time pretty generally distributed over the kingdom, and where, a century before, it had been owned chiefly by the rich, now it appears in the wills of the middle classes. James Flynt, Jr., died in 1561, at "ye piche of Matloke " (Derbyshire). Among other things he leaves — — " to Sonne & heyre harry my gretest brasse pott, a greit arke, a greit satt & Ironspytt, and a greit Dubler of Pewtr & Iron Crowe and a mattocke." At the end of the sixteenth century Harrison wrote: "Such furniture of household of this mettall, as we com monly call by the name of vessell, is sold usually by the garnish which doth containe 12 platters, 12 dishes, 12 saucers and these are either of silver fashion, or else with brode or narrow brims and bought by the pound, which is now valued at sevenpence or peradventure at eightpence." The court took into its hands many other things ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 49 besides the business affairs of the members. Of course this was true of the other guilds as well. For instance, it was set down — — " tuchyng how that all howsholders shall governe ther ser- vauntes and howshold accordyng vnto the precept sent fro my L maier dated the XXII of Apryll." In order to keep the business still further in their own hands, and suppress the sale of pewter by hawkers, the whole company promised at this court, under a penalty of five pounds for default, that they would serve " no ware to any man who they knowe to be hawkers or mayntayners of hawkers." In 1602 the Company chose to make an example of a certain " John frethene," who, being only a journey man, still bought and sold as a householder, even though he did not give his touch to the Company or ask leave to open a shop. For these offences the court fined him seventeen shillings on four counts, and took his note that he would pay the fines before Candlemas. By 1663 there were so many pewterers both in and out of London that it became necessary to keep a sharp lookout on the touch-marks, and the " Genii Court " ordered " that all tuches bee made wth the date 63 and yt they bee registered in a boke at ye hall wthin a month." This book has been lost, so that unfortunately the only touch-marks are those which are to be found on the five touch-plates which still remain to the Company. The Company, under the supervision of the master and wardens, continued to exercise the greatest care 5o OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. that the wares which were made by its members should be of standard quality. Severe penalties were laid on any erring brother who was discovered : he was not only fined, but imprisoned, brought before the Company, and made to confess his fault and to pray for leniency that he might become a member once more, and to bring in and yield up his old touch, and " haue for his tuch a duble ff," which meant false ware. Besides all these penalties already mentioned, he had also to give up all the wares which he had already made and which were in his shop. The Company not only seized the false ware made in England, but it also exercised control over all that was sold, — in London at least. In 1656 the court ordered that all the ware seized should be melted " downe and Sould for Lay except the frenchmans ware and ye dutch ware and Marsh ware." Although the maker of inferior ware was always obliged to change his " tuch," the terrible " ff " was not always the punishment. Sometimes a knot was ordered to be added to the old touch, and sometimes the offender had to take an entirely new device. On other occa sions the fraudulent makers were obliged to add the year to their touch-mark, so that it " maie be knowne whoe were the offenders therein." No member of the Company was allowed to have more than one mark at a time ; and if the mark was too large to be conveniently put on small pieces, then the pewterer was allowed to have a smaller copy of his great mark made, but he had to leave the impressions of both marks with the Company. When a man ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER Si bought out the business of another, by the permission of the court he was allowed to use the first man's touch, provided he had his permission also. At one time the members of the Company got into trouble by stamping their ware with the mark of the Goldsmiths' Company, and rules were duly framed to meet this need. We often hear the term " silver pewter," used no doubt with a view to enhancing the value of the object, but it is hardly likely that a metal like tin should be mixed with silver. Of itself, tin is extremely brittle, and to add silver enough to give it any value would be but to increase this quality. Sebaldus Ruprecht, working in the fourteenth century, made himself and his wares famous, because they so closely resembled silver, while another German, Melchior Koch, had a process by which he made his pewter look like pure gold. Such workers as these caused the Goldsmiths' Company to become uneasy, and in 1579 they secured an enactment that no pewterer should work in any metal but pewter, binding themselves at the same time not to work in that metal themselves. They had made a similar regulation in Paris as early as 1545, and in Nuremberg in 1579, the same year as in England. A Major Purling invented in 1652 an alloy which he called " Silvorum," but the Pewterers' Company would have none of it, and would not consent to allow one of their members to work with its inventor. The Company also prohibited Lawrence Dyer from selling " untoucht ware, and making of false plat called Silvorum, the which ware is ceased and detayned by the Company." 52 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. The order not to use the word " London " on the touch of any maker was issued in 1676. This was modified by 1690, and it was agreed that a member might add the word " London " to his touch in addi tion to the rose and crown, and to the letter " X," denoting extraordinary ware. Country pewterers had the bad habit of adding the word " London " to the stamp of their own name, and as their wares often did not come up to the standard demanded by the Company there were many com plaints. Although this practice gave the Company much trouble, and came before it from time to time for a hundred years, the matter was finally dropped in 1740, when a committee which had been appointed to investigate reported that nothing could be done to pre vent country pewterers from striking " London " or " Made in London " on their ware, without application to Parliament. Just about this time a protest was sent over from Philadelphia that the " Guinea Basons " sent from the city of Bristol to America were of inferior quality, and some redress was demanded. Another source of trouble to the pewterers came from the " Crooked Lane " men, the name of whose place of business was indicative of their methods. Whether in some underhand way they imported ves sels of inferior metal, or whether they themselves made some kind of tin ware, is not now known; but that they were a serious annoyance to the craft is evident from the fact that £50 (a large sum in 1634) was paid for the — ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 53 — '" suppressing of the excesse and abusive making of Crooked Lane ware, whereby the so doing and counterfeiting of the reall commodity of Tynn is to the greate deceit or wrong of his Ma'ties subjects." Although the Crooked Lane men tried to get a charter for their goods in 1669, nothing seems to have come of it. While it was obligatory that each maker should place his name on his ware, it was not necessary that he should put on the rose and crown. In some cases certain articles were stamped with certain marks ; as, for instance, the pewter lids of drinking-pots, which it was ordered should have on them a Heur-de-lys. This rule had been in order since 1548. There were very definite regulations as to what the standard weight of pewter vessels should be. I give the " new table," which was made April 14, 1673, since it most nearly approximates the time which would be of peculiar interest to us in America. Dishes, 15 sizes from 20 lb. to one half pound weight, weights as implied in their description, i.e., a 20 lb. dish to weigh 20 lb., and so on. Plates, ii lb., each dozen 15I lb. ; 1 lb., each dozen 13 lb. ; I lb., each dozen 10 lb. Guinie Basons, 6 sizes from 4 lb. to 1 lb. weights as de scribed. Bedd Panns, great 4} lb., middle 34 lb., small 3 lb. Lavers, great 5 lb., middle 4 lb., small 3 lb. Flaggons, great pottle 8 lb., small pottle 6 lb., three pint 4 lb., quart 3 lb. Efram and other Potts, three quart 44 lb., two quart 3 lb. 2 oz., three pint 2 lb. 2 oz., quart 1 lb. 10 oz., pint I lb. 2 oz., half pint I lb. Winchester Quart, each shall weigh ii lb. 54 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. Guiney Potts or Tunn Pintes, each dozen 12 lb. Long and Short Cann, each I lb. New Fashioned Tankards, great quart 2i lb., small quart 2 lb., four inches i| lb., pint i4 lb., ordinary four inches 1 lb. 6 oz. Stoole Pans, 5 lb. 4 lb. 3 lb. 22 lb. of same weight. French and Square Candlesticks, great, middle, small, smallest, 54 lb., 4* lb., 34 lb., 2-J lb., each pair. Flat Candlesticks, great, middle, round, smallest, 44 lb., 34 lb., 2I lb., ii lb., each pair. Bell Candlesticks, i lb., I lb. to weigh 2! lb., i4 lb. each pair. Porrengers. Great pints, each dozen 9 lb. ; small pints each dozen 74 lb. Bosse, six sizes varying in weight each dozen from 7 lb. to 2 lb. Ordinary blood porrengers, each dozen l4 lb. Guinney, each dozen 34 lb. Great corded, middle, small, each dozen respectively 9 lb., 8 lb., 6i lb. Sawcers. Slight, great per gross 22 lb., small per gross 14 lb. New fashioned swaged ; great, middle, small, each dozen re spectively 7 lb., 5 lb., 4 lb. Lay. Wine measures ; gallon 10 lb., pottle 6 lb., quart 3 lb., pint 2 lb., half pint 1 lb., quarter pint 8 lb. each dozen, half quarter pint 4 lb. each dozen. Still Heads, being 9, 10, 11, 12, inches at bottom to weigh 9, 10, 11, 12 lb., 13 inches 15 lb., 14 inches 17 lb. And it is by this Court further Ordered that the weight of Standishes shall be as followeth (vist) : Great water large with Lyons 24 lb., great Water plaine 2 lb., middle Water wth Lyons 2 lb., middle water plaine I lb. 10 oz., Small water wth Lyons if lb., Small water plaine I lb. 6 oz., Long Till with Lyons 1 lb. 6 oz., Long Till plaine 1 lb., Round Water wth Lyons 1 lb., Round Water plaine I lb. Merchants who sold these vessels were to charge four- pence more than cost price, and transportation, except for some special objects like " guinney basons." ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 55 Admission to the Company of Pewterers and per mission to follow the trade was by no means the simple thing it seems. There were only two ways by which a would-be pewterer could gain a foothold in the body, — by serving his time as an apprentice with a member of the craft, or by patrimony. In 1688 two men applied for the freedom of the Company and were denied, although one of them had a brother who was a member, and the other conducted the business for a relative whose death had left it in his hands. This latter man, a merchant tailor by trade, though he had gained " competent skill " in the trade of pewterer, was not allowed to become a trader " upon any terms what soever." At this same time one Getters, a " Free pewterer of Corke who had fled thence from danger of his life through persecution, prayed Leave to work or be releived." The Company would not allow him to work, but granted him twenty shillings in relief. Another case was that of a French pewterer who had suffered so much for his religion that he had barely escaped from France with his life and had lost all his property. He prayed to be allowed to continue his work, but was permitted only to do so "privately in his own chamber," and that but for the space of a few months. The practice of putting the address of one's shop or place of business on the ware was much frowned upon at first, and it was not allowed to be placed on the ware at all. Indeed you might not even extol the quality of your own ware, and in 1590 there appears this entry in the books : " A fyne of Richard Staple 56 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. ffor boastyng his wares to be better than the other mens, iij s. iiij d." Nor was it allowed to disperse " tickets," with name and abode on them, about the city, and in 1690 one Robert Lock was reprimanded for so doing, but denied the charge. By the eighteenth century the members of the Com pany were divided into three classes: the Livery or Clothing men, — " brotheren that paien quarterege " ; the Yeomanry or Freemen, that were not " brotheren," but paid quarterage all the same; and the Covenant men or Apprentices, who served the second class, who were their masters. The lot of the apprentices was by no means one of ease, for they were liable to be punished by being put in the stocks or kept in the pillory all the market time. They were not allowed to be absent from work, nor to take part " at any unlawful game as dising bowling and Carding." If they did, and were caught, they were brought before the Lord Mayor, who could mete out such punishment as he deemed proper. They were obliged to attend church with their masters, and to have their hair cut, not being allowed to " weare unseemly haire not befit ting an apprentice"; and in 1572 a proclamation was issued "tendinge to the reformacion of the greate abuse Iatelie practized by Apprentizes in excesse of appar- raile." This was some of the rulings of " Good Queen Bess," who would not allow the wearing of " ye Ruffes " by her subjects except in such widths as she deemed proper. Her own ruffs, of finest lawn and lace, stiffened with " devil's broth," as starch was called, and held out with underproppers of wire, were ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 57 as extravagant as fancy could devise. They swelled with the " proper arch of pride," and encircled her auburn head like a halo, but all city folk, even the clergy, had to conform to the width of ruff she deemed proper for them, and such as offended were likely to have the objectionable ruff measured by the guard and its superfluity lopped off. The apprentices were punished for purchasing metal privately, for refusing to work for former masters, for making any articles " free," and they were not permitted to receive wages. They were also expected to serve as " whifners " at pageants and processions, — that is, they had to run ahead and keep the way clear ; and they served at banquets ; so, as may be seen, their position was hardly enviable. The members of the craft brought into the trea sury generous sums from the renting of their pewter plate. A " garnish " was a small supply, — a dozen each of platters, plates, and small plates; and there were not many households which owned more, so " feast vessels " were often rented. The members became too free in borrowing the Company plate, for in 1656 this rule was laid down: " It is ordered that the pewter of the Hall shall not bee lent to any of the Membrs of this Company or to any but vpon Spetial occasion for his or there pticular vses as in case of wed ding or other grand occasion of their one, nor then neither wthout Spetill lisence of the Mastr and wardens first had been obtayned." No new pewter was rented out, but only that which had been in use. Even royalty was not above renting 58 OLD PEWTER, BRASS', ETC. it in their need, and all the city companies owned more or less, which they were as ready to rent as the Pew terers themselves. At Queen Anne's coronation feast much pewter was used, and the tale has come down that quantities of it were stolen. From time to time we And records of large stocks of private pewter, and some of them very early too. Edward I had more than three hundred pieces in his own use. The Universities of Cambridge and Oxford had services and cups of pewter as early as 1470, but it is nearly all gone now, silver plate having taken its place. Drinking-vessels, whether in the form of beakers, mugs, tankards, or earthen pots with lids of pewter, early formed an important part of the pewterers' trade. Harrison, in his " Description of England," says: "As for drinke it is usuallie filled in pots, gobblets, jugs, bois of silver in noblemens houses, also in fine Venice glasses of all formes, and for want of these, elsewhere, in pots of earth of sun- drie colours and moulds, whereof manie are garnished with silver, or at the leastwise in pewter." The Pewterers' Company wished to control the trade with regard to taverns, and the weight of pots, pottle pots, and tankards was definitely decided upon. To show that the Company had more than the silver smiths to contend with, I quote from' Heywood's " Philocothonista," published in 1635, in which he speaks of the cups then in use : " Of drinking cups divers and sundry sorts we have ; some of elme, some of box, some of maple, some of holly, etc., maziers, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 59 broad-mouthed dishes, noggins, whiskins, piggins, crinzes, ale- bowls, wassell-bowls, court-dishes, tankards, Cannes, from a pottle to a pint, from a pint to a gill. Other bottles we have of leather, but they are most used among the shepherds and harvest people of the country. Small Jacks we have in many of the ale-houses of the cities and suburbs, tipt with silver, besides the great black jacks and bombards at the court, which when the Frenchmen first saw they reported at their return into their own country, that the Englishmen used to drink out of their bootes. We have besides cups made of the homes of beasts, of the eggs of ostriches, others made of the shells of divers fishes brought from the Indes and other places, and shining like mother of pearl. Come to plate, every taverne can afford you flat bowles, French bowles, prounet bowles, beare bowels, beakers; and private house-holders in the citie when they make a feast to entertaine their friends can fur nish their cupboards with flagons, tankards, biere-cups, wine- bowles, some white, some parcell gilt, some gilt all over, some with covers, others without of sundry shapes and sizes." Although our author does not mention pewter in all this list, it is very certain that most of the tavern ware was of this useful metal. The weight of a pottle pot, which was one that held two quarts, was to be seven and a half pounds, and the others in proportion. Per haps no articles made by the Company were so rigor ously made to conform to the standard as these same tavern measures, and severe fines were inflicted when its members offended, as may be seen from the follow ing regulation: " Also it is agreed that none of the felowship shall make any tankerd quarte nor tankerd pinte nor sell of those kynd of potte for any mony or otherwise but only the therdendale and half ther- dendale accordinge to the Lawes and constitucion of this Citie. And also the pot called the brode pynt And that no holowaremen shall make any potte of Just quarte or pynte for ale and beare measure but only the stope pottell the great stope quart and the great stope pynt, and the great pynt with the Brode Bottam the 6o OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. greate English pottell the greate English quarte and the great English pynt and none other. And as for taverne ware to make them according to the assice and as by example remaynyng in owre hall And who so euer offendeth to the contrary and true meanyng heareof shalbe comitted to the warde there to remayne vntil he haue paide xl s. for euery tyme offending the one moitie of which forfaiture to be to the Chaumbrlayne of london and the other moitie to the Crafte boxe." In the latter part of the sixteenth century it was found that measures were being made which did not conform to the standard agreed upon, and the man who made them was thereupon disciplined, as it was ordered — — " that from hence furthe, Roger Hawkesforde, shall not make any moe wyne pottes, wherebie to sell or vtter the same, of that molde or fasshion, nowe at this presente daie, shewed, before the maister, Wardeins, and assistaunces, for that by there greate breadthe in the mouthe and shortness, throughoute, there ap- pearethe, a manifeste deceite in measure, to all other the queenes majesties, subiectes, receyvinge wyne, by suche their saide cur tailed, and uniuste measure." In the next year (i$75) an offender was still more severely dealt with, as he made pots of ley metal. On account of his humble subjection he was excused this time, but warned that on the second offence he should be expelled from the Company for ever, and, as it was, he was obliged to give up his touch and was given a new one. There were constant alterations in the making of tavern ware, and by 1638 there were so many dif ferent kinds in use that the Pewterers' Company drew up a petition to the king concerning the matter. Fig. 19. PEWTER GROUP 3, 4, 5, Tea Service Formerly Belonging to Sir Walter Scott, 6, 7, Tumblers 8, 9, Toddy and Soup Ladlea ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 61 " Certaine Articles or propositions were read [December 12, 1638] wch are desired to be propounded to his Matie, and ye same by his Gracious pleasure to be graunted. The whch were all well liked by the Genii Comp. 1st. That ye Measures for Beare, Ale, Milke, and ye like be of pewter and sealed according to a statute in ye case prouided. 2d. That noe Candlesticks, Pye Plates, Pie Coffins, chamber potts, Pastie platts, potts, or other dishes be made of white plate whch doth hinder ye consumption of Tynne. 3d. That all forragn Ware, from ffrance, Holland, etc., be prohibited. \th. That ye Comp. of Pewterers of London may have power and Authoretie to search and sease all falce mettal and wares in Ireland and Scotland, according as in England is Prouided by Statute." The " pie coffins " referred to were moulds in which pies were baked, and the " white metal " which they desired suppressed was silver. All the time new ves sels were coming into use, and the struggles which the pewterers made to keep their wares well to the front were unceasing. The use and sale of liquor was grow ing more and more, and at last the Company informed the Court that " there was a great increase of Muggs made of Earth and a Mark impressed thereon in imitacon of Sealed Measures to sell liquid Comodities in." This was about 1702, when the pottery Bellar- mines were beginning to be freely made, and the Elers Brothers were potting too, and ware was being brought into England by every ship which came from the Orient. There were also what were called "knot bowls," and " mazer bowls," these latter being drinking-bowls made from maple-wood (the old name of maple being "mazer"), and these were bound or tipped with 62 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. silver or pewter, and indeed were frequently lined with these metals. I know of one such bowl, bound with silver and standing on delicate little legs, which was the property of a wealthy Dutch fvrozv in Sche nectady in 1736. It has come down through various members of the family, together with some of her silver, and makes a much-treasured heirloom. At an auction sale in London in 1905 one of these mazer bowls, which dated from the seventeenth century, was sold for several thousand dollars, many collectors being anxious to secure it. Besides the mugs which are so constantly spoken of, there were beakers and tankards. The former was a drinking-vessel generally without handles, small at the bottom, and sloping outward at the top. These are found in inventories at the very beginning of the seventeenth century. In England at the present day one will be more likely to find them in the collector's cabinet than among the heirlooms of great people or even among the treasures of corporations. These are the beakers of English make, for it is much easier to find those of Dutch origin or from the countries of northern Europe. Dr. Johnson suggests that the origin of the name was " beak," and defined the " beaker " as " a cup with a spout in the form of a bird's beak." Other authorities say that it was a kind of vessel derived from Flanders or Germany, without fixing its shape ; and Forby claims to trace it to the Saxon " bece " (beech), — "ordinary drinking-vessels being made of beech-wood." De Laborde gets the English word ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 63 " byker " from the French word buket, giving as his authorities the cases where the latter is used to mean a holy-water bucket or a large cup with a cover. In Scotland the beaker seemed to be a favourite form of communion-cup in the seventeenth century. Some early references are as follows : "1346. — " ciphum meum biker argenti." — From the will of a canon of York. 1348. — "Bikers, cups intended for ladies." — Memorials of the Order of the Garter, by Beltz. 1399- — "Two bikers of silver gilt, 29 oz., one other biker gilt, 16 oz. — From the list of a jeweller's stock in Cheapside. 1625. — " One white beaker." — From the inventory of Edward Waring of Lea, Esq." These references are to utensils of silver, but beakers were made of pewter as well, and in some cases it was sought to conceal the nature of the metal with paint. In 1622 a search was conducted at Lambeth Marsh; where were found " divers peece of painted pewter " of bad workmanship. They were taken from two " aliens," John Heath and Anthony Longsay, and the pieces are referred to in the following manner : " 1 great Beaker pte white_ marked wth the Starre. Starton." " Afterwards in Bedlam, in the house of Paull Dickenson, Heath and Longsays ptner weare some smallest paynted beakers and salts." Tankards, on the contrary, were large at the base and sloped up to a smaller mouth, and had handles and lids. This was the commonest type, but there were also tankards with straight sides and with bowl-shaped bodies. On the handles of many tankards are to be 64 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. found whistles. These date from Jacobean times, and were used to summon the drawer when " fresh drinks all round " were wanted by the company. Little by little the whistles fell into disuse, but the tankard- makers kept on in their old fashion and made the handles of just the same shape. There were also " puzzle " handles for the confusion of a green customer. If he failed to put his finger over a hole, the liquor either failed to come out, or spilled over, or did some other unexpected thing which tended to his confusion and to the mirth of the company, which was always alive to all species of horse-play and con sidered the stranger fair game. Before the days of individual cups of all kinds it was the custom to pass among the company the cup which cheered as well as inebriated, and there was difficulty in so arranging that each guest should have his due share and no more. This was 'finally obviated by having, in the inside of the cup, pegs or marks upon the side, so that each drinker could tell how much was his portion, and the company looked to it that each one drank fair. The correctness of the use of the word " tankard " as referring to a drinking-vessel is seldom questioned, but Mr. Cripps, in his interesting volume on "Old English Plate," shows a different origin. "The use of the word 'tankard' in its now familiar sense of a large drinking-vessel with a cover and a handle is of com paratively modern introduction. No article of plate is called by that name in any of the volumes of wills and inventories pub lished by the Surtees Society, which carry us to the year 1600 The word seems to first occur in this sense about 1575, and from ¦ ¦——^^ B ^Wai^'^i flf pi ^ «¦*-* » * -^ i fe "f f ~ Fig. 20. ENGLISH PEWTER Collection of Mrs. Charles Barry ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 65 that time is constantly applied to the vessels that have been ever since known as tankards.1 " In earlier days it was used for the wooden tubs bound with iron, and containing some three gallons, in which water was carried. The men who fetched the water from the conduits in London were called ' tankard bearers,' and in a Coroner's Roll of 1276, for the ward of Castle Bayard, tankards are mentioned as the vessels they bore. This roll sets forth that one Greene, a water-carrier, who had come to St. Paul's Wharf, ' cu quodam tancardo,' intending to take up water with it, entered a boat there, and, after filling the tankard, attempted to place it on the wharf, but the weight of the water in the tankard making the boat move away as he was standing on its board, he fell into the water between the boat and the wharf, and was drowned, as the coroner found, by misadventure. " Again, in 1337, the keepers of the conduits received a sum of money for rents ' for tynes and tankards,' thereat ; and in 1350 a house is hired for one year at 10s. to put the tankards in, — les tanquers, — and two irons were bought for stamping them. " Similar utensils are found in farming accounts of the same period. In 1294 at Framlingham, Suffolk Co., the binding with iron of thirteen tankards cost 3s., and six years later a three- gallon iron-bound tankard is priced in Cambridge at is. At Leatherhead a two-gallon tankard is valued at 2d. in 1338, and two such vessels at Eltham together cost 4d. in 1364." Yet even in the sixteenth century the word " tankard " was not exclusively applied to a drinking-vessel, for in 1567, in a church account, I find a notice of " lether " tankards, which had nothing to do with drinking-cups, for these objects were used as fire- buckets. There is still another application of the word to be found in a churchwarden's inventory of about the same period (1566), in which he mentions "a penny 1 Mr. Cripps is hardly correct here, for " tankard pots " were frequently mentioned in the Pewterers' Company's records as early as 1480, nearly one hundred years before the time given by him. 66 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. tanckard of wood used as a holy-water stock." Some times, even in the seventeenth century, tankards appear in the inventories of household goods among the kitchen utensils, as " two tankards and one payle," and this was as late as 1625. However, the transference of the word used to express a water-tub, to a small vessel for holding liquid, does not seem at all out of the way, and is so entirely natural that the work of many learned doctors in tracing the word from other derivations appears most far-fetched. For example : " Duchat and Thomas would bothe derive 'tankard ' from ' tin-quart,' and Dr. Thomas Henshaw from the twang or sound the lid makes on shutting it down ; but after all, if tank is de rived, as it surely is, from the French estang, a pond or pool, it is not necessary to go further for a derivation of the name of a vessel which was originally intended to hold water, than to con nect it with tank, and derive it from the same source." Johnson's Dictionary describes a tankard as " a large vessel for strong drink," and cites Ben Jonson : " Hath his tankard touched your brain?" Another form of drinking-vessel which I have fre quently found in this country is called a " noggin," and is often in pewter; indeed, I have never found it in any other metal. It holds a gill, and quite a num ber of them may be seen in the large group depicted in Figure 19. They look something like egg-cups. The word " noggin " is an old one, and is said to be derived from the Irish word no i gen, or the Gaelic noigean, and the cup has long been in use among the peasantry in the English country districts. There ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 67 are some of these noggins at the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., where, among a large collection of pew ter, there are some interesting specimens. Before leaving the group in Figure 19, which has some pieces of early Britannia ware as well as pewter, notably the tea-set which belonged to Sir Walter Scott, I would call attention to the different tankards, many of them of an early type. Among other drinking-cups of some centuries ago were what we should call " loving-cups," but which were really caudle-cups, posset-cups, or posnets. They had two handles, were often provided with covers, and sometimes stood on trays or stands. They were some what pear-shaped, swelling into larger bowls at the base, and were used for drinking posset, which was milk curdled with wine and other additions. The curd floated above the liquor, and, rising into the narrow part of the cup, could be easily removed, leav ing the clear fluid at the bottom. Their fashion differs slightly with their date. A fine specimen is shown in Figure 20. It is a solid piece, and is marked on the outside with a crown, a star, and the word " quart." The dish with handles beside it is marked " Made in London " and " Hard metal," though there is no maker's mark on it. The decoration is very crude, a sort of wriggled work, showing a boar's head in a shield. These handles are movable, and are very different from the ears, or stiff handles, which were common on dishes and bowls at this time. In Figure 21 are depicted what we in America are apt to call porringers, though in England they are 68 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. variously known as ear-dishes, bowls, bleeding-dishes, or posnets, as well as porringers. They are of extremely ancient make, and in an inventory dated 1537 they are spoken of as " counterfettes or pod- ingers," " iij counterfettes therwise called podingers of pewter, whearof on is olde." These little bowls are strongly made, generally have large ears or handles of punched work, and are said to be of Dutch origin. However, many of them were made in England of varying sizes, and there were rules and regulations in abundance with regard to their manufacture. It was particularly forbidden to solder on the ears, but this rule was evaded and at length disused, so that we often find these bowls without one or both ears, the solder having been melted out or given way to use. Bleeding-dishes were often made in nests, and were marked on the inside with rings, so that the " chicur- geon " could tell how much blood he was letting. Those of the early years of the eighteenth century measure about four and a half inches across ; they have but one handle, and are by no means uncommon. The graduated rings on the inside always proclaim their use. When the bowl has but one handle and no rings on its interior, it is called a taster, and reference to these utensils may be constantly found in inventories from the time of Queen Elizabeth down. Rarely more than one is mentioned in the belongings of one person, and possibly they were originally used when poisoning was not uncommon, and the " taster " was an official in every royal household. Fig. 21. VARIOUS TYPES OF BOWLS. ENGLISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 69 In the inventory of Dr. Perne, Master of Peter- house, Cambridge, England, dated 1589, there are the following items : " Item, a white taster xiij ouncs, Item, a white taster with a cover, xiiij ouncs." " White metal " was silver, but tasters were more com mon in the baser metal. A silver bowl called " le taster " is mentioned in a Bristol will of 1403, and in another of 1545 occurs a " taster of silver waing by estymacion vi ounces." Half-way between these two dates is a " taster with a cover," included in an inventory of 1487 attached to the will of Robert Morton, Gent, in the third year of Henry VII's reign. One of these tasters with a singularly handsome handle is shown in Figure 22. You will observe that it is slightly smaller at the top, which is made firmer by a moulded ring. The large dishes in this picture are chargers, and are quite similar to the style of dishes which were used as alms-dishes both in this country and in Great Britain. The ladle seems too small in size for soup, and has not a long enough handle for toddy, so no doubt it was used for gravy, perhaps in one of those interesting " Old Blue " dishes made about 1800 and later, which had such deep wells in them. The deep dishes in this same figure were almost bowls, and took the place of vegetable- dishes. In different places in this country I have found hot- water dishes made of pewter, for keeping food warm. They were almost like bowls, with a fixed dish in the 70 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. top, and in this top or at one side was a little square bit of the pewter which could be withdrawn, so as to admit the water or pour it out. In Figure 23 is shown one of these, which belonged to William, the grandfather of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mr. William Emerson built the " Old Manse " at Concord, Mass., which was celebrated through being the home of the Emerson family for so many years, and was further distinguished by sheltering Nathaniel Hawthorne, who, in an upper chamber, wrote some of those romances which have become a part of American classic literature. William Emerson, it is delightful to remember, was a patriot first and then a preacher, and no doubt was often late to his meals in those days when at every opportunity men met and talked about the imposition of England, and when every New Eng land soul was awake and preparing to strike out for its own. How often did this dish repose on the hob while waiting for the goodman to come home ! The coffee-urn was his too, but not the other cups, though in those days minister and ploughman alike took his N. E. rum more times a day than I like to set down, and never was seen the worse for it. The tankard which stands modestly withdrawn into the background has quite a bit of romance connected with it, though its appearance is prosaic enough. It was owned originally by a retired sea-captain of Charlestown, Mass., who gave it, filled with gold coin, to his eldest daughter on her marriage. He also made the request that it should be handed down to her eldest daughter on her marriage, and so on, and that on Fig. 22. CHARGERS, BOWLS, LADLE AND TASTER Collection of Mr. Willium M. Hoyt Fig. 23. COLLECTION OF PEWTER IN CONCORD, MASS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 71 every occasion it should be filled with gold coins. Unfortunately the family fortunes were on the top of the wave when the sea-captain's daughter was married, and though thrice or more times it has been handed down filled, it was with silver, not with gold, and the last time it passed it was quite empty, save with love and good wishes. This photograph and the history of the pieces shown in it were obtained for me by one who has now passed on. He was one of those kind souls who took an infinite deal of pains to help and be of service whenever it came in his power, and to his con scientious work I am indebted for many of the choice photographs which were taken for me of china, fur niture, and pewter, in Concord and its neighbour hood. One of the earliest and most important objects made in pewter was the candlestick. Torches made of pine- wood or other inflammable material, stuck in a ring in the wall, was one means of lighting, the high-piled fire was another, and " early to bed " was put into practice oftener than it is now. In the Pewterers' Company's books the first mention of a " bell Candil- stikke " is in 1489. Several of these candlesticks are shown in Figure 24, each one of them having its grease-tray part way down its stem. The three to the left belong to one collection, and are much battered and marred, having been left as they were found many years ago in a moat, where they had been immersed in water for nobody knows how many years. They are extremely heavy, and designedly so, since it was , necessary to make them firm enough to avoid the 02 02 " " 03 " '' 03 " " 02 " 01 " " 00 " 03 04 " 00 03 " 00 02 " " 72 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. danger of having them tip over. The standard weights of candlesticks in 1612 were as follows: Ordinarie highe candlesticks to weighe by peare, 03 lb, 00 qtr. Grete middle SmaleGrete new fashion " " bell Lowe bell Grete Wryteinge Smale Wryteinge Grawnd with bawles " Ordinarie highe Smale middle Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the candlestick was of a somewhat dwarf pattern, con sisting chiefly of a socket on a short neck, mounted on a heavy base. When, however, they began to be used on the table, they assumed greater height, and from about 1670 onward they grew rather taller and more ornate. The earliest of these tall candlesticks were copied from those used in the churches, which in turn took their shape from the cathedral pillar. The bases are heavy and generally dished, and somewhere on the stem is the grease-ledge. This lasted till 1708, when the ledge finally departed, leaving often an ele mentary ledge decorated with gadrooning in the higher-class candlestick, as seen in the second one from the left in Figure 25. Domestic candlesticks were rarely more than nine inches in height, the tallest one in Figure 25 being but twelve inches. Of course those made for the guilds or city companies were very much taller, but these Fig. 24. THREE CANDLESTICKS WITH BELL-SHAPED B-VSFS From the Collection of 8. Chisenhale Marsh, Esq.; the Fourth from Messrs. Fcutoit & Sons '" ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PEWTER 73 hardly interest us, since they were commonly made of silver. The heavy candlestick fell more and more into disuse when something was required on the dining- table, and also on the still smaller tables which were used for cards in the reigns of William III and Anne. The columns became more slender, ornament was sparingly introduced, and the pewter sticks modestly followed the style set by those of finer metal. There are items constantly occurring in the Pew terers' Books of sums paid to the " waxchaundeler " for torches and tapers supplied by him " at the buriy- ing of Brethern and Sustren here bifore named and for the masse of our lady and for the makyng of the braunch at ii times wth iiij of newe wax," etc. But such candles and candlesticks as these were for the prosperous middle classes, or even for those of . higher rank. The poor people could not afford either candlesticks of such quality or the wax candles to burn in them. They had to be content with rushlights, and a special kind of holder came for these, specimens of which are very rarely found now, even in the remote cottage districts of England. I have never found one in America. Miss Jekyll, in her " Old West Surrey," says that we can hardly — —"realise the troubles and difficulties in the way of procuring and maintaining artificial light for the long dark mornings and evenings of half the year, that prevailed among cottage folk not a hundred years ago. Till well into the third or fourth decade of the nineteenth century many labouring families could afford nothing better than the rushlights that they made at home, and these, excepting the firelight, had been their one means of light ing for all the preceding generations." 74 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. In the summer-time the children were sent into the marshy ground to gather the rushes, which were then at their full growth. The tough skin was peeled off, leaving the pith within, which was dried, the rushes being hung in bunches either out of doors or in the fireplace. Then all the fat that could possibly be spared was gathered, and melted down in grease-pans, which were pointed at each end and stood on three short feet among the ashes, which kept the grease melted. Eight or ten rushes at a time were drawn through this grease and then put aside to dry. The rushes were grasped in iron holders which held them upright between two jaws, and, when the light was new and long, a bit of paper was laid on the table to prevent the grease from spreading. Many were the devices practised by the cottagers to make the holders steady, the most common being to insert the holder, which was of the nature of a bit of iron bar with jaws at the top, into a heavy block of wood. " Two pins crossed would put out a rushlight, and often cot tagers going to bed — their undressing did not take long — would lay d lighted rushlight on the edge of an oak chest or chest of drawers, leaving an inch of light over the edge. It would burn up to the oak and then go out. The edges of old furniture are often found burnt into shallow grooves from this practice." The candles which it was customary to use in the sticks shown in Figure 24 could not have been made of a very excellent quality of grease or wax, hence the necessity for a bracket to hold and catch it. More modern ones are shown in Figure 25, the fluted one coming under the head of " Queen Anne," and show- a O CO m jQCC5" BRASSWARE 139 found in many countries, with a curved indentation of the rim for the throat to fit into. Travellers to-day are often amused to see a barber pursuing his voca tion by the roadside, the customer holding the basin under his chin while the barber works. In looking once more at Figure 59 the old brass lamp seems quaint enough. It is made from sheet brass, and is ornamented with a punched design. These lamps were made either to stand, or to hang by means of the device seen on the body of the lamp. The long wick gave but a feeble flicker, and smoked beside. Yet such things as this were used for the only luminary of a family for an evening, when their entire energies were devoted to making it burn and keeping the wick at a proper distance out of the oil. No wonder that our ancestors invented that old saw, " Early to bed and early to rise ! " The third object in the picture is a cast brass candle stick of unusual design. The central portion is a bell which swings slightly to and fro and gives a pleas ing note when struck. It is possible that this was used for a table light or at an inn, where the bell became useful in summoning an attendant. I have seen only two pairs like this, and both came from New Eng land. When I look at these candlesticks I often think of an experience I once had in the lovely old cathedral city of York, England. When I went there I carried letters of introduction to one of the old families, whose ancestor some one or two generations back had mar ried an American girl, some time before the so-called 140 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. " American Invasion." They had a house, built into the walls of the city, which stood on ground once be longing to the cathedral, and which had been in pos session of the family about six hundred years. Of course we were anxious to see the house, and sent our letters. Members of the family came to call, but we were out, and then they sent us an invitation to dine. This we accepted, mentioning, in the note,, that we begged to be excused for not appearing in evening gowns, as we were travelling, and had left most of our baggage in London. The messenger returned with a note in which the invitation was changed from dinner to lunch ! If that house had not been six hundred years old we would not have taken the second cut, but interest dominated pride and we went. On the walls of the great hall in which we were received were suits of armour and numerous brass plates inscribed with the names of the kings, queens, and princelings who had visited the place. The host, who held the position of High Sheriff, and whose ancestors for many genera tions back had held the same office, was attired in small-clothes and a wig, as he had just been officiating at service in the minster, in attendance on some digni taries of the city. When we went into the dining- hall, — and " hall " it was truly, with a clerestory with small stained-glass windows through which the light filtered softly down, and in which the dining-table seemed like an oasis, so large was the apartment, — I noticed beside the host's chair a huge brass gong hung on a standard. On this he struck when he wanted the butler or any of the numerous footmen who were in Fig. 65. PIPKINS AND FENDERS The Fenders are Chippendale's Designs; the Pipkins of the same Period BRASSWARE 141 attendance. The stick which he used for this purpose was laid beside his plate. My curiosity getting the better of me, he told me that the gong had been in use some hundreds of years by his forebears, and that the old custom was retained by him. When I look on these candlesticks I wonder if some old Englishman in a more humble walk of life smote on the bell when he wanted Betty to come and take away the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, and bring his pipe and grog, and light the candles with a hot coal from the fire place ! The tall arms from which the fire utensils hung were also generally provided with two or more places for candles, showing that the popular seat was within reach of both fire and light. Sea coal was introduced about 1744, and at the same time " Pennsylvania fireplaces " came into use, Ben jamin Franklin having invented his grate shortly be fore. Steel hearths and stove-grates could be bought here by 1751, and iron stoves with feet and handles of brass were also in use. Lamps came in pairs, and were frequently made of cast brass, like those in Figure 60. These were for burning sperm oil and had double wicks, and though by no means givers of much light they were vastly better than candles. It is not com mon to find a pair, — indeed they are almost as un usual as a pair of china pitchers, — though many of these were sent over here for a period of eighty years or more. Now a single pitcher of one pattern is all we think of buying. This pair of lamps sold for fif teen dollars, but if you owned a pair you probably 142 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. could not get half that amount for them, — and rightly too, for the dealer has his profit to make. Very elegant lamps were sent over here for sale, both from England and France, and I show one in Figure 61. In most cases they were made of bronze or brass water-gilt. Such lamps as these were often ornamented with a row of glass prisms hanging from the shade, and sometimes girandoles and sconces for the wall, holding candles, were of this same material. Very elegant ones were sent here from France, having as a centre ornament a china plaque beautifully deco rated either with a head or with figures a la Watteau, and such were choice parlour ornaments. The " best room," " south parlour," or " drawing- room," — no matter what it was called by the stately lady who presided over it, — was never considered com plete unless it had on the mantle-shelf a set of cande labra or girandoles with prisms, or "lustres," as they were called. Three candles in the middle one and two each in the side ones were deemed the proper pattern, and very ornamental they were, although they have been banished to the attic for some decades. Now we are beginning to haul them forth again, and have to hunt about to find the prisms, for these are often fewer than they should be, owing to the depredations of the children, who love to watch the play of colours as they filter through the sparkling glass. A quaint pair with room for more than the usual number of candles is seen in Figure 62. Even the great makers of furniture, Chippendale, Sheraton, Hepplewhite, Adam Brothers, and Hope Fig. 66. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S HALL LANTERN In the National Museum, Washington Fig. 67. BRASS CHANDELIER St. Michael'i Church, Charleston, S. C. BRASSWARE 143 himself, did not consider it beneath their dignity to design fenders, girandoles, escutcheons and handles for furniture. When once you begin on the subject of metal mounts, which were chiefly of brass, you open the doors to a subject so vast that it would take a whole book to cover it properly. I have had many requests for light on this subject, as many people are anxious to restore to their furniture the handles and keyholes which properly belong to them, so I have had copied from the books of Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton some pages of designs showing these mounts. They even drew patterns for "pipkins" (scuttles) of copper and brass (as shown in Figure 65), and their wine-coolers were often bound with bands of these metals, sometimes handsomely wrought. These fenders were usually made from sheet brass, cut into the desired patterns. When small ornaments and mounts were cast, the moulds were of wood. The Dutch as well as the English and French made hand some mounts,, though the rage for these additions to furniture never reached such proportions in any other country as in France, and no maker ever gained the proficiency and skill in using them of Riesener, who be gan to make his elegant pieces during the period of Louis XV, but who is better known by his straight- legged pieces which have come to be called " Louis XVI style." Every house with any pretensions to " gentility," or even comfort, had in the entrance-hall a lantern, either square or round, mounted in brass, and holding either a candle or a small lamp. The lantern in Figure 66 144 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. belonged to General and Mrs. Washington and hung in the hall at Mount Vernon. It has some handsome brass work on it. It was probably imported from England with most of the other household goods, and is now in the National Museum at Washington, where so many interesting relics of the Father of his Coun try are to be found. These lanterns hung from the ceiling by either chains or what were called " lines and tossels." Joseph Cox was a fashionable upholsterer from London, who had as his sign, " The Royal Bed." He was first in Dock Street and then in Wall Street, New York, and in 1773 had for sale " lines and a few very handsome balance tossels for hall lanthorns." He had also fire-screens and " voiders " (crumb- trays), both of brass. All public buildings were lighted in the same primi tive way as were private houses, and in most cases candles were the means used. Churches had large chandeliers of brass or bronze, and the one shown in Figure 67 still hangs in Saint Michael's Church, Charleston, S. C. It was made by G. Penton, a well- known maker in London, and was imported in 1803. It had holders for forty-five candles, and hung by a chain. It has recently been bronzed and fitted for gas, (1879), but still preserves its old look. It was quite a business to light all those candles and keep them snuffed, and the office of sexton was no sinecure. In this church there is a fine brass dove which forms a balance for the cover of the font when it is raised and in use. This also was of English make. Many domestic utensils were of brass, not only tea- Fig. 68. BRASS KETTLES AND PITCHER From the Collection of Mr. George Brodhead Fig 69. MILK-CAN AND COOKING-UTENSILS In the Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y. BRASSWARE 145 kettles, but jugs, sugar-bowls, and small pitchers as well. In Figure 68 are presented two kettles and a pitcher. The kettle with the coat of arms on it is of a pattern seldom seen, and has been much used. When it was new it had a wooden handle, but this has all been burned away, leaving only the iron pin which went through its centre. The other kettle is older yet, a battered veteran, made of hammered sheet brass and having a brass handle. I hope the pitcher was used only for hot water as a shaving jug, for I cannot con ceive of drinking milk or any other fluid which had stood in such a receptacle. Our ancestors generally, however, were not very particular on this point, and to-day in Holland the favourite milk-cans are of brass, similar to the one shown in Figure 69, which is a nice old Dutch piece, long in use. As usual it is of hammered brass, and seems a finer quality of metal than any of the other pieces, except the little perforated stand with feet. This stand is a beauty. It is made from a single piece of brass perforated in a pretty pattern, and once used to stand among the hot ashes to hold some object which was not suitable to be exposed to their heat. Perhaps the best " chaney " teapot was kept warm in this when company came of an afternoon, or the baby's milk was heated in it, in a little pipkin or an earthen mug. We shall never know just how useful it was; but it was often used, that is certain, for the feet, which were wooden knobs with iron pins through them, are all burned away, and the bottom shows frequent contact with hot coals. The teakettle in the same picture is a 146 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. graceful one, and the two dishes in the same illustra tion were used for cooking or heating, after the food had been once thoroughly cooked in the great iron pot which hung in every fireplace. There was another object in brass made by the Dutch which far exceeded the milk-can in usefulness, but in size is quite at the other end of the scale. This is the thimble. These articles were invented by a Dutchman or a Dutchwoman — and first brought to England in 1695. Thimbles were then worn on the thumb, and were called thumb-bells — after this mum bles, then thimbles, a very easy and natural transition. The early thimbles were made of brass or iron, but a more luxurious age demanded them of gold, silver, horn, glass, or even of mother-of-pearl. You will find the latter in the Flowery Kingdom, where the little brown ladies use them in making their matchless em broideries, these tiny articles having a top and rim of gold, both metal and pearl-shell being exquisitely carved. Paul Revere, of Lexington fame, was noted for his handsome silver and gold thimbles and gold beads, as well as for the larger pieces of silver, copper, and brass ware which he made. Handsome brass boxes were made in England, in Flanders, and America, with either raised or engraved decoration on them. They were used to hold tobacco, snuff, or small articles, sometimes served as money boxes, or were hung at the church door to receive of ferings. The word " tip " originated in the old coffee houses, which were so popular in London. At the door was a brass box with a slit in it. Engraved on Fig. 70. BRASS KETTLES From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt Fig. 71. SUGAR BOWL AND PITCHER From the Collection of Mr. George Brodhead BRASSWARE 147 the top were the letters " T. I. P.," an abbreviation for the words, " To insure promptness." As customers departed they dropped into the box a small coin for the benefit of the waiters. More precious to the housekeeper than little dishes and boxes and pitchers and pans were the great brass kettles, which were her pride and delight, even though it did require such a world of care to keep them polished to a proper state of brightness. Three sizes are shown in Figure 70, all of them in good condition. Since this picture was taken two of them have been sold for five dollars each. But there is another side to this picture, and if you are in luck you can find them for less. Within a few weeks I have seen three about the size of these, which were bought at a junk-shop in western New York. When the antique-lover saw one of them in the window, she went in, and, pursuing the collector's usual tactics, asked the price of almost every thing before she came to the kettle. When she said, "And how much is that?" and the dealer answered " Fifteen cents," she could hardly believe her ears. She hesitated, as if debating, and then said in an off hand manner, " well, I suppose I might as well take it." Just as she was leaving she said, " You haven't any other, have you ? " The dealer brought out another, somewhat smaller, and, watching her face with the shrewdness of his race, saw that she could not conceal her pleasure, and went up five cents in his price ! She was preparing to carry off her spoils when he brought out a third, which was in splendid condi tion, and the smallest of the three. When she asked 148 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. " How much ? " she found that the market had risen, for he demanded thirty-five cents. It is needless to say that she paid it cheerfully, and I do not think that it would be possible to pick up any more bargains in brass kettles of that junk-man, at least. If you get or have kettles of this kind, do not make the fatal mis take of having feet put upon them, or of having the bail handle taken off and lion's heads put in its place. If you do you will absolutely destroy the whole charm of the thing, and might as well go to any house-fur nishing or department store and get a brand-new one. These brass kettles are highly prized to stand on the hearth to hold coal or on the piazza to hold plants. They take a splendid polish, and are brilliant ornaments anywhere. I have spoken of sugar-bowls of brass. One of these is shown in Figure 71. It is quite pretty, with a pattern on it, and with cast brass handles, which are soldered on. By it stands a brass pitcher, quite a crude affair with an awkward handle, but it is hand made, and as I turn it over I wonder if some " handy man " did not make it for his wife, to eke out their scanty supply of table furniture. But almost more beloved and sought by the collec tor than these old articles which we have just shown, and which should be of the first importance with us, are the Russian brasses and coppers which are being brought into the country by every arriving vessel with emigrants, and which are also being made in many a dark cellar on the East Side, New York. It is only a few years since the first of these articles was seen here, Fig. 72. RUSSIAN SAMOVAR BRASSWARE 149 when a wise Russian who had lived here some years made a return trip to his home and brought back all the old brass objects he could lay his hands on. So successful was his venture that he repeated it many times, and now he is on hand when the ships arrive and buys much of the best that is brought by the immi grants. The every-day Russian kitchen is enough to make the average collector wild with envy, for hang ing in rows on its walls are all the kitchen utensils, copper and brass being the common metals in use, the bride bringing enough on her marriage to last all her life. These kitchen utensils are the gift of the bride's mother, who begins to get them together while the daughter is yet a child. Among the articles most in use in a Russian house hold is a samovar, and three styles are illustrated in Figures 72-74. In Figure 74, besides the samovar, there are a queer Chinese candlestick and a vessel used at Jewish feasts for sprinkling the guests at table wTith incense. The vase on the other side is a fine piece of work, and has an inscription of some sort upon it. In Figure 75 is a Russian brazier, very solid and heavy, with a wrought cover perforated to permit the heat to escape. It is ornate, and on the handles is a mask of a man's face, while on the upper part of the cover is some fine engraving. It seems hardly proper to leave the subject of brass without at least a reference to one of its most impor tant uses. This was the making of bells. From re mote times these were used in religious ceremonials, iSo OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. and their antiquity is unmistakable. In Exodus xxviii, 34, we read a description of the robe of the high priest at the celebration of sacrifices. He was to wear " a golden bell and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe round about." Apparently it was more than an embroidered ornament, for the next verse says, " His sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lord, and when he cometh out." The early bells used in the Christian Church were hand bells, and some very ancient ones are preserved in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. They are four-sided, nearly square, and of beaten brass bronzed over. In ancient and more superstitious days the bells of a church were baptised for the purpose of " driving away divils and tempests," as one old writer puts it, though with what success he neglects to state. The union of copper and tin in different proportions brings about wonderfully different results. In one case it produces bronze ; in another speculum-metal, which is brilliantly white and is used for the reflectors of telescopes ; while in other proportions it makes bell- metal. Some bells are cast with a proportion of four parts of copper to one of tin. Others have thirty-two per cent, of copper to nine of tin. Lead, zinc, or ar senic are added also. Peter Van der Gheyn was the most famous bell-founder in Flanders in the seven teenth century. He used the choicest metal in his bells, — red copper. Drontheim (called " Rosette," owing to a certain rare pink bloom which seems to lie all over it, like the bloom on a plum or a Fig. 73. URN BRASS WARE 151 grape) combined with the purest tin. Enthusiasts watching the casting of bells have thrown into the cauldron rings, bracelets, and even bullion. At a cer tain critical moment zinc and other metals in certain proportions — secrets of each bell-founder — are cast in. Later the bell-pit is flooded, and when the metal is cooled the bell is extracted from the mould. A perfect bell, when struck, yields one note. Even the greatest makers were not exempt from failure, and sometimes, though the bell be perfect, it will crack when being hung, or shortly after. The bells of Belgium were used for other than religious purposes, since that country was for years a battle-ground. The first necessity in a fortified town was a tower from which the approach of an enemy could be seen ; the second, a bell to call the citizens to gether. In fact the bell in many a church tower did not belong to the cathedral chapter, but to the town. Thus the Curfew, the Carolus, and the St. Mary bells in Antwerp cathedral belong to the town, while the rest belong to the chapter. The Carolus, the best beloved of all the forty bells in Antwerp cathedral, was given by Charles V, and weighs seven and a half tons. It is actually composed of gold, silver, and cop per, and is estimated to be worth $100,000. From always striking in the same place, the clapper has worn the two sides greatly, and so careful are the Anversois of their treasure that it is now rung but twice a year. Two of the most famous English makers of bells were the Penningtons, and Abel Rudall, of Gloucester, whose Christian name was often used in punning 152 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. fashion on his bells. Latin and rhyming inscriptions were the most popular, and a favourite one was, " I to the Church the living call, And to the Grave do summon all." Another favourite inscription in both English and Latin wording was : " Jesu mercy, Lady help." The bells of St. Paul's, London, are four in number, and the largest bears the inscription : " Richard Phelps made me 1716." In Westminster Abbey are seven bells. On the largest is this inscription: " Re member John Whitmell, Isabel his wife, and William Rus, who first gave this bell, 1430." Then below comes this one : " Newcast in July 1599, and in April 1738, Richard Phelps and T. Lester, Fecit." The oldest bell in this tower dates from 1583. The famous big bell in this same Westminster Tower is cracked, but it is nevertheless dearly loved by the London folk who are used to hear it, even though it does not ring true. Although England and Belgium seem to be abund antly supplied with bells, it is in Russia that the greatest number and largest-sized ones are to be found, every church having a complete set. Moscow alone is said to possess seventeen hundred. There are many bells with histories in America, where they served to warn the settlers in the field of the approach of his deadly enemy, the Indian, as well as to call to prayer on Sunday. Few sets of bells have, however, lived through so many vicissitudes as those which now hang in St. Michael's Church, Charleston, Fig. 74. RUSSIAN SAMOVAR From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry Fig. 75. RUSSIAN BRAZIER BRASSWARE 153 S. C. This in brief is their history. The bells are eight in number, and the first time that they were tolled was for the funeral of Mrs. Martha Grimke, Septem ber 22, 1764. For nearly twenty years their work seems to have been more or less peaceful, and when next we hear of them it was as follows : " At the evacuation of Charles Town, December, 1782, Major Traille, of the Royal Artillery, took down the bells and carried them away as being public property. The next year Sir Guy Carleton ordered them restored immediately." The bells, however, had been sold in England, and, as it happened, were purchased by a former merchant of Charleston named Ryhiner, as a commercial adven ture, and shipped back to that city. On their landing, " the over-joyed citizens took possession of them and hurried them up to the church and into the steeple, without thinking that they might be violating a private right." " In 1838 two of the bells were found to be cracked ; they were sent to England, recast, and returned August, 1839. In June, 1862, they were sent to Columbia, S. C, and stored there. When that city was burned during the occupation by Sherman's army, the bells were burned too. In 1866 the fragments were gathered together and sent to Mears & Steinbank of London, England, the successors of the original founders, and recast in the same moulds. They were sent back to Charleston, and on March 21, 1867, the familiar music of the chimes was heard again, in the strains of ' Home again, home again from a foreign shore.' " PART IV COPPER UTENSILS PART IV COPPER UTENSILS Though brass is but a compound of copper and another metal, I treated it first, since, in considering the use of the two materials for domestic utensils, I find brass greatly preponderating over copper in the production of such vessels. Copper is as widely distributed in nature as iron, but owing to the difficulty of reducing iron from the ore, an acquaintance with that metal comes after the use of copper, silver and gold. Copper occurs in all soils and in many substances as well, such as sea-weed, also in many food-stuffs, etc. The methods of working it vary according to the nature of the ores treated and to local circumstances. It is abundant in America and has been worked from very remote periods. It is exceedingly malleable and ductile, and exceeds both silver and gold in its tenacity. As we know, it takes a beautiful polish, and I have found that it was used for vessels and ecclesiastical objects almost as much as brass. In an inventory of what were called " Jewels," belonging to the Church of St. Peter, Woking, England, in the year 1587, I find a number of different metals in use, among them copper. Nor was this unusual. 157 158 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. " Imprimis. A pix of silver. VIII oz. Item, four chalices, parcell gilte thirti oz. Item. Ill corporax clothes and their cases. Item. Ill alter clothes of velvet and silke. Item. Ill aulter clothes of lynnen. Item, vestimentes. Item. II coopes of velatt. Item, a surplice and IIII rochettes. Item, a desk cloth. Item. II canype clothes, 33 crosse clothes, a crosse staffe. Item. V towells, a red silke cloth quilted. Item, a canype of silke. Item. IIII tumacles and III albes, a crose of copper, a senser. Item. II waterpooles. Item. V candlestickes. Item, a latten bason and an ewere. a crosse cloth. Item. VIII streamars and banners, a font cloth. Item. II braunches of yron for tapers. Item. V grete bells in the stepule, IIII little smal bells. Item, a saunce bell, a payre of orgaynes." The only article of silver in this enumeration is the pix, and even iron was not deemed too humble a metal for use on the " aulter." Before touching on the domestic vessels of copper with which we are most likely to be familiar, I wish to show a thurible or encensoir (Figure 77) supposed to belong to the fourteenth century, and now in the United States. The common form of censer was either car ried in the hand or swung from the hand by chains. This one stands upon a tray, the very beautifully pierced top allowing the incense to escape. It is of a rosy copper colour, heavy and hand made, the de sign being decidedly Oriental in conception. It looks as if at some time it might have belonged in a mosque, and have looked down on prostrate worshippers with Fig. 76. KITCHEN AT VAN CORTLAND MANOR Fig. 77. COPPER THURIBLE In the Chicago Museum of Fine Arts COPPER UTENSILS 159 flowing robes and turbaned heads. It is very heavy, and the workmanship, notwithstanding its beauty, is extremely crude. It shows the traces of long use, for the incense was sprinkled on hot coals to make it give forth its odour. The Japanese and Chinese worked in copper cen turies ago, and produced many beautiful forms. The Japanese got their copper from China in the shape of ingots, although the metal was well known in Japan from the seventh century. The Dutch were also workers in copper and ex ported much of it in ingots as well as in manufactured articles. The uses to which copper was put were not always creditable, for in some instances it was used to debase the coinage. In 1547 the English ordered " 2000 kyntales " -of copper from Flanders, to be used in their silver coins. A set of Prussian coins was of copper, silver-coated only, and when, after a time, the silver began to wear off, the accident provoked the remark that " the king's cheeks were blushing for the character of his silbergroschen." The early adventurers who reached the American continent found that the natives had copper ornaments and implements. Columbus, when at the Cape of Honduras, was visited by a canoe of trading Indians. Among the various articles of merchandise which made up their cargo were " small hatchets, made of copper to hew wood, small bells and plates, crucibles to melt copper, etc." When the Spaniards first entered the province of Tuspan, Bernal Diaz says: 160 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. " Each Indian had beside his ornaments of gold, a copper axe, which was very highly polished, with a handle curiously carved, as if to serve equally for an ornament and for the field of battle. We -first thought that these axes were made of an inferior kind of gold ; we therefore commenced taking them in exchange, and in two days had collected more than six hundred, with which we were no less rejoiced, not knowing their real value, than the Indians with our glass beads." La Vega says of the Peruvians : " They make their arms, knives, carpenter's tools, large pins, hammers for their forges, and their mattocks, of copper which they seek in preference to gold." Raleigh noted copper ornaments on the Indians of the Carolinas. Granville speaks of copper among the Indians of Virginia. " It was of the colour of our copper, but softer." This was as early as 1585- Robert Juet, in his account of Hudson's discovery of the river which bears his name, asserts that the savages " had red copper tobacco pipes and other things of copper which they did wear about their necks." He makes mention in another place of " yellow copper," as being distinct from " red copper." In an Indian grave in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., were found spearheads, pointed, double-edged, and a foot long. Two copper-bladed knives were found in the same region. The Indians of New England, New York, and Vir ginia had copper implements and ornaments, which were obtained from native deposits, not by smelting the ore. The English pioneers found in the copper Fig. 78. COPPER WARMING-PAN, KETTLES, ETC. From the Collection of Mr. Wilford R. Lawshe Fig 79. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S WARMING-PAN In the National Museum, Washington Fig. 80. COPPER UTENSILS In Deerfield Memorial Hall Fig. 81. PAUL REVERE'S COPPER CHAFING-DISH In the Rooms of the Antiquarian Society, Concord, Mass. COPPER UTENSILS 161 mines, or pits, masses of copper already at hand, which could be easily worked by the hammer-men who were coming so constantly to America. Heriot says : " In two towns 150 miles from the main are found divers small plates of copper, that are made, we are told by the inhabitants, by people who dwell further in the country, where, they say are mountains and rivers which yeild white grains of metal which are deemed to be silver. For confirmation whereof, at the time of our first arrival in the country, I saw two small pieces of silver grossly beaten, about the size of a " tester," hanging in the ears of a Wiroance. The aforesaid copper plates we found to con tain silver." A " tester " was an old coin about the weight of a silver sixpence. When Massasoit first appeared in Plymouth, in 1 62 1, Edward Winslow, as messenger from the Pil grims, presented him with some gifts. They were a pair of knives, a chain of copper with a jewel attached ; and for Quadequina, the chief's brother, he brought an earring, a pot of strong waters, a good quantity of biscuit, and some butter. The " strong waters," you see, made their appearance early in our bartering with the Indians. Trading went on steadily, and by twenty years later the Indians had acquired some of the vices as well as some of the articles demanded by civilisation. In 1647 some Nipmuck Indians complained that Uncas's brother, in a raid, had carried away ten of their copper kettles. Copper beads were made by the Indians themselves, and mines are being worked to-day in Mexico which were worked in prehistoric 162 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. times, as is indicated by the remains of more than two hundred ancient furnaces. While it is true that copper was found and worked in America, it is also true that it was brought here from other countries in the sheet, or made into uten sils. In the ship " John and Sarah," which sailed from London, November ii, 1651, there were shipped to Thomas Kember, of Charlestown, Mass., provisions, iron, metal-work, household utensils, and merchan dise. The same merchant, a year previously, had re ceived a cargo of linens and cloths valued at over £2,000. Not only were utensils made of copper, but buttons were not uncommon. There were snuff and patch boxes, tea-caddies, and other " toys," besides personal ornaments. Kemp, in his " Nine Days' Wonder," describes the host at Rockland with " his black shoes shining and made straight with copper buckles of the best, his garters in the fashion," etc. Among the articles which I find most often in cop per are warming-pans, and they are often very orna mental and have fine handles. We are apt to forget how much suffering must have been caused by the cold houses of a couple of centuries ago, and while it is true that no nation keeps such hot houses as we do, it is also a fact that the houses themselves are warmer. Among the " Exchequer Papers " in London are many charges for the expenses of " Poor Nelly " Gwynne, who certainly did not come near starving while her royal lover was alive, if these papers are to Fig. 82. C0ITER KETTLE AND FURNACE In the Rooms of the Antiquarian Society, Concord, Mass Fig. 83. COPPER UTENSILS From the Collection of Mr. Ralph Burnham Fig. 84. COPPER POT From the Collection of Mr. William M. Hoyt Fig. 85. COPPER KETTLES, RUSSIAN From the Collection of Mr. Dudley Hoyt COPPER UTENSILS 163 be trusted. Among the bills for the year 1674 there are charges for a French coach and for a great cipher from the chariot-painter; for a bedstead with silver ornaments; for great looking-glasses; for oats and beans ; for " chaney " oranges at threepence each ; and for cleansing and burnishing the warming-pan ! It is somewhat strange that among the few relics of Nelly which are still preserved is a warming-pan, perhaps the very one which was "cleansed and burnished." Nathaniel Pearsall, of Hempstead, L. I., in 1703 left by special bequest to his five daughters, each a warming-pan, " to be provided by my executors." He does not state whether they were to be of copper or brass, but let us hope that they were of the former metal, since those were so much handsomer. A rather plain example of one of these pans is shown in Figure 78, which has upon it some engraving, and is possibly of Dutch make. In the same picture are some other copper utensils ; the long-handled ladle is more often found of brass than of copper, but this one is entirely of copper. A far handsomer warming-pan is shown in the next illustration, Figure 79, and it has a historical interest as well, for it belonged to George Washington and was in use at Mount Vernon. It is of splendid hue, with a carved mahogany handle, and, besides having seen service, it is worn by frequent cleanings. The pierced work on the cover is fine. Within recent years it has been the fashion to collect such old covers and have them mounted for sconces, with branches for candles arranged on either side. I first saw this use 164 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. for them in Brussels, but the thrifty Dutch have sent many over here, and you may find them hanging in many a house, the owner of which has not the faintest idea of the homely origin of her " antique " sconces. They have the merit, however, of being really antique. A third pan, with some pretty engraving on it, is shown in Figure 80. The work on these pans is usually of a conventional character, but the engraving on this specimen shows a bird holding what is presumably an olive-branch in its mouth, sitting upon a twig bear ing many flowers. The handle is of fine wood, cherry, but is not carved. The copper candlesticks in this picture have a pattern about the base and top, and are not common articles. The pan with the heavy handles was to be used on some sort of a trivet, while the other is merely a bowl. All the articles have seen much service and belong in New England. Another New England relic is the chafing-dish, or brazier for charcoal, and the kettle which goes with it, to be seen in Figure 81. These were made about the year 1780 by Paul Revere, and in 1875 were given to the Concord Antiquarian Society by his grandson, John Revere. They are of handsome work, as may be seen, the handles of the dish being graceful and massive. We are used to think that the chafing-dish is a product of the modern cooking-school, but it is a very ancient utensil, and there were numerous instances of it in America from the earliest days of the colonies, like the one owned by the widow Cotymore, which is named in her inventory as a " cop. furnace." Governor Montgomerie's belongings were auctioned Fig. 86. COPPER UTENSILS, RUSSIAN From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry Fig. 87. COPPER UTENSILS, RUSSIAN From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry Fig. 88. COPPER COFFEE-POTS AND KETTLES, RUSSIAN From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry Fig. 89. COPPER COFFEE-POT AND BOWLS, RUSSIAN From the Collection of Mrs. Charles P. Barry COPPER UTENSILS 165 off about 1 73 1. Among them were "a large fixt Copper Boyling pot. A large Iron Fire-place, Iron bars and Doors for a Copper." Copper " furnaces " and grates could be bought here by 175 1. In 1760 " polished copper chafing-dishes and copper kitchens with stands " were advertised for sale in New York. Another form of furnace or brazier stands under the copper kettle in Figure 82. This is a more ordinary form of kettle than that made by Paul Revere. The quaint little iron brazier on which it rests is not usual, and was probably made by some workman for his own family. The hot coals were put in the upper perforated part, and the whole contrivance could stand on the floor, the iron shelf preventing the heat from scorching, or hot coals from falling on the boards and setting things on fire, since one of the deadliest enemies of our forefathers was fire, which had to be fought by the most primitive methods. This kettle and stand are also at Concord, but the kettle and measures in the next picture (Figure 83) are at Ipswich, Mass. This style of kettle was quite general, and there were some examples which had an extra part added for standing among the coals. In some instances this lower part was of iron, but in the oldest vessels copper was the metal used throughout the entire kettle, and it was shaped by hand. I call the two cup-like vessels on the end, " mea sures," for lack of a better name, and metal measures were in use for dealing out " cyder " as well as " N. E. rum," and every storekeeper was supposed to have a set. The two articles next the kettle have heavier 166 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. bottoms and show the effects of heat, but they are all fine things, and handsome pieces of metal. In Figure 91 are shown some quaint old kettles hanging on the crane in the fireplace in Massachusetts Hall, the original building of Bowdoin College. This hall was built in 1802, and in this capacious fireplace, which has remained unchanged since the day the first logs blazed upon its broad hearth, Longfellow did his cooking. The college records do not say whether he was a good cook or not, but he had the best facilities which the college afforded, — an open hearth with swinging crane and glowing coals being considered far superior to the cooking-stoves of that day. He was but fourteen when he entered Bowdoin in the year 1821 and commenced living in this quaint old room. Another cooking-utensil of primitive make is that in Figure 84, showing most plainly of all the marks of the hammer, and having a cover of similar stout make. It is capable of holding a couple of gallons, and the handles, which are of course rivetted on, are susceptible of lifting a heavy weight. This piece was recently picked up in New York State, and is a most interesting find. Many of these odd pieces were the work of domestic tinkers, or of metal-workers who filled individual orders or made articles which they thought would suit the local market. They are much more interesting to the collector than the conventional shapes, and consequently command higher prices. All the pieces in the next illustration (Figure 85) have a foreign look, except the old teapot at the end. They were spoils from some Polish Jews who were only Fig. 90. COFPEE-URN From the Collection of Mrs, David Hoyt COPPER UTENSILS 167 too glad to exchange them for granite-ware or even tin, and they are now ornamenting a collector's studio. If you create a demand a supply will spring up to meet it, and the enthusiasm which has developed over Russian coppers and brasses is being catered to. Undoubtedly much fine old ware is being brought into the United States, and if you have the opportunity and desire to seek some pieces from the arriving immigrants, you may obtain them. But to see the artist-artisan at work on his " antiques," visit New York's great Russian quarter, and you will see shop windows shining with thousands of pieces. In Allen Street you will hear the sound of the metal-worker as he swings his mallet, and if you are allowed to pene trate the dusky recesses of the back shop you will find at work a swarthy man with dark eyes, and hanging around him are shears and pincers, hammers and mal lets, sheets of copper and patterns by which to cut out his metal. He works at a long rough table, and near at hand is a crude furnace at which he heats his metal, and when it is at the proper temperature to make it malleable, he begins to hammer it into shape, stroke by stroke. As it slowly takes form you see the grace ful shapes you admire growing before your eyes, with the hammer-marks which are always so esteemed as showing the work to be hand-made rather than machine-made. To suit " the trade," some of these newly made goods are battered and dented, and hung in the smoke to darken. A sight by no means uncommon in these shops 168 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. in the Ghetto, is that of an old woman of foreign aspect, poking among the articles of brass and copper with which the corners are filled, and muttering to herself in a strange, foreign tongue, as she sets forth one article after another : a great tea-kettle, a cooking- vessel, a pot or two-handled cup, — something that is like the things she was used to at home. She asks the prices, she tries to beat the dealer down, and at last almost sadly replaces the things she has picked out, not able to understand why, as they are old, they should cost so much. Her pennies are few, and the push cart man just outside has things which will answer her purposes quite as well, and for which she will pay so little. Figures 86 and 87 show some of these Russian brasses, all of them obtained directly from the peas ants themselves. Most of these articles are made from a single piece of copper, but in the worn old kettle in Figure 87 a new bottom has been added, and the upper part has been patched many times. The copper, from much subjection to heat, is almost like parchment and seems ready to crumble at a touch, but it is a beauti ful colour, and one wonders at its history. Who knows, perhaps it was carried along in " The Flight of a Tartar tribe." It may have touched Siberia, and come back, but few things even so sturdy as copper kettles have done that! The tall, graceful, and Oriental-looking coffee-pots shown in Figures 88 and 89 were obtained from the same sources, those in Figure 88 seeming the older. Such pieces as these are great ornaments and seem to ; .¦mm. r m; ". ^vj0%- ¦¦• J-'adfay .¦¦ .'iflfll , Hi i Fig. 01. LONGFELLOW'S FIREPLACE AT BOWDOIN COLLEGE COPPER UTENSILS 169 show best in a dusky corner, whence the gleam of the red copper is very effective. As the last illustration in this part (Figure 90) I give an American coffee-urn, as widely different in form from the preceding ones as can be imagined. It is about a hundred years old, and was made at the time when " green ivory " was so fashionable for knife-handles, a fancy which did not last long. The knob of the handle of the spout is of this green ivory, and looks very well against the copper hue of the urn itself. One curious detail is that the body is set on at right angles to the base, so that the spout comes at a corner. The coffee is kept hot by putting a hot iron into a receptacle in the inside of the urn, a common way before the use of spirit-lamps. Coffee has had many bad names applied to it, among them being " Polititian's Porridge " and " Mahometan Gruel." Perhaps the latter name could be applied to the fluid which came from the vessels in the former pictures, but I am assured that nothing but the most fragrant beverage ever flowed from this last antique, which even to-day is of use. The hammer-marks are plainly visible on its inner sides, and the pierced work at the top is made by hand and allows the aroma to escape. The collector who owns it worked for months before she could obtain possession of it, and when you come to the matter of price, she becomes very reticent! PART V SHEFFIELD PLATE PART V SHEFFIELD PLATE The city of Sheffield has long been famous for its manufactories, and is known to the world as the place where the best cutlery is made. It was famous for its knives as early as 1380, for at that time Chaucer wrote of the Sheffield " whyttles," as they were then called. In this town, as in so many in England, the changes, both economic and social, from the eighteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century, seem more far-reaching and considerable than those from the six teenth to the eighteenth century. From the former period (about the year 1700), England progressed by leaps and bounds, and in no one place was this more noticeable than in the smoky city on the Don. It was not until nearly the close of the first half of the eighteenth century that merchants began to send their wares beyond the narrow confines of their own county, and to seek wider sales for their goods than could be obtained at the annual fairs held in the neigh bourhood. Joshua Fox is said to have been the first merchant of Sheffield to enter into personal relations with London, and when in 1723 he started out to make the journey thither, he left behind him a weeping wife and children and uneasy neighbours. He walked the first day as far as Mansfield, and rested there that night and part of the next day, " until travellers met together 173 174 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. in sufficient numbers to brave the perils of Notting ham Forest, dreaded both for its robbers and the intricacies of the road." Even by 1771 London methods were not understood, and Sheffield merchants declined to give a discount, preferring the smaller sales at home. The trade was of course much circumscribed, and consisted chiefly in the preparation of the raw material for the manu facturer. The goods which were made there were sent out to the neighbouring towns by pack-horse, and all the manufactories were small ones. By 1747 a Mr. Joseph Broadbent took the first step in opening business relations with foreign houses, and his example was followed by other merchants. In 1742 a new trade was added to the large number already practised in the town, which added much to its importance and prosperity, and tended to raise Shef field to a place among the great industrial centres of England. This trade was the manufacture of plated articles to take the place of silver ones, and though the story of the discovery of silver-plating is an old one, I shall tell it here for the benefit of those who have not heard it before. " Mr. Thomas Bolsover, an ingenious mechanic, when employed in repairing the handle of a knife, composed partly of copper and partly of silver, was, by the accidental fusion of the two metals, struck with the possibility of uniting them so as to form a cheap substance which should have an exterior of silver, and which might be used for the manufacture of articles which had hitherto been made of silver only. He consequently began a manufac ture of articles made of copper, plated with silver, but confined himself to buttons, snuff-boxes, and other light and small articles. SHEFFIELD PLATE 175 Like many other inventors he did not see the full value of his discovery, and it was reserved for another member of the" Cor poration of Cutlers of Sheffield, Mr. loseph Hancock, to show to what other uses copper, plated with silver, might be applied, and how successfully it was possible to imitate the finest and most richly embossed plate. Workmen were secured from among the ingenious mechanics of Sheffield, who in a few years, aided by Mr. Tudor and Mr. Leader and a few other operative silver smiths from London, soon equalled, in the elegance of their de signs and the splendour of their ornament, the choicest articles of solid silver." The manufacture of Old Sheffield Plate has long since died out, and the present metal on which silver is plated is composed of copper, nickel, and zinc, and is white in its tint, while the old ware was plated on copper. The process was interesting, and from an old account of the manufacture, I give the following details. A number of pounds of copper, say twenty-five or thirty, were put into a melting-pot with some hand- fuls of charcoal. When the copper was all melted (some manufacturers adding a little brass, the copper alone being too flexible) it was run into a mould of ingot shape, the common size being two and a half inches broad by one and a half inches thick, and in length according to the size of the piece to be made. This ingot was then planed, scraped, and polished perfectly clean and smooth. A sheet of silver, which varied in thickness from one sixteenth to one half of an inch, was then taken, made exactly the same size as the copper ingot to which it was to be applied, and, like the ingot, scraped and cleaned, and made free from any imperfections. The two cleaned surfaces 176 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. were then put together, great care being taken to avoid handling them. The next step in the process was to place upon the silver another sheet of copper, about half an inch thick, and somewhat smaller in size than the silver, and then upon the whole was put a strong iron plate, also some what smaller than the silver, and not more than half an inch in thickness. These plates were then bound securely together with heavy iron wire, so that they should maintain their relative positions when put into the fire for the. process of soldering the silver on the copper. Borax and water was then applied to the edges of the silver, the ingot was placed in a plating- furnace heated with coke, and kept there till the silver was flush around the edge. The ingot was then removed with a pair of specially constructed tongs which did not press into the metal, was placed in a position which kept it perfectly level, and left there till the silver had set. This process was repeated if both sides of the piece to be made required plating, such articles as dish-covers, which were immensely popular at one time, being plated on one side only, the inner side being tinned when the article was made up. After the ingot was coated with silver, the second step was to roll the ingot to the required thickness, and this was done by passing the ingot through rollers in the usual way. Having got the ingot into sheet metal of the required thickness, the next step was to cut it in a pattern of the article to be made. It is at this stage that the silver shield, which is the best test Pig. 92. SHEFFIELD-PLATE TILVYS From the Collection of Mr. H. Coopland, Sheffield, England Fig. 93. SHEFFIELD-PLATE, CASTORS AND DISHES SHEFFIELD PLATE 177 of Old Sheffield Plate, was added. If the article to be made was round ware, like cups, teapots, jugs, or urns, the two edges were brought together, being dove tailed into each other, and then soldered together with filed solid silver. The article then presented the form of a tube, and was put upon what was known as a "stake," and the joining was thoroughly hammered till it was flat and smooth. The pattern was then given to the workman, and with a tool known as a " belly ing-hammer," he brought the body to its greatest diameter, and the other portions to their required shape. It can be seen that this work required a high class of mechanics, and some of these had a habit of going on " sprees," the proprietor advancing the money, often in considerable sums, even a hundred pounds, as the only condition on which the workmen would return, so secure were they of their ability to obtain places. This state of things became intolerable, and as more men learned the work the conditions improved. All the second step of the work — the bringing the article to its required shape — was called " raising," and the tool was a mallet of horn, while the stake was of steel. After the required shape was obtained, the article was hammered over a number of times, first with a bare hammer, and afterward with a hammer with a steel facing strapped to it, while a pad of cloth was wrapped around the stake, so as to give the article a fine smooth surface. The feet, handles, or mounts were then added, and this was an elaborate and difficult process, as these 178 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. pieces were made of a thin sheet of silver struck in a steel die which required great care and expense to get to the proper state of perfection. After being struck, the mounts were filled with solder, and bent, on some soft substance like lead, to the proper shape. They were then soldered on to the article, such as a tray or any round piece like a teapot, a sugar-bowl, etc., the surface around the site of the mount being carefully painted over with whiting, so that the solder should not run on the silvered surface. The object was then care fully heated, and the mounts pressed in place by some thing soft, like cork, the heat being kept up till the solder was just at the melting-point, but not running, which would ruin the article. After cooling, the whit ing was washed off, and the piece was ready for the next step. This was the addition of the silver edges, which were applied to the body of the article on one side, and passed under the mounts on the other edge, being soldered down on both sides. The article was now ready for the decorator, if it was to be chased, and finally passed into the hands of the burnisher and polisher. The burnishing was done by women with a bit of fine polished steel, worked by hand in different ways. It can be seen that this process of manufacture was elaborate and necessarily expensive. For the first sixty years after Bolsover's discovery copper was plated on one side only, and when any article had to be plated both inside and out it was made of two sheets of plate, the edges being drawn over so as to expose the silvered sides to view. After a SHEFFIELD PLATE 179 time it was found possible to coat the copper on both sides, and so well do some of these old pieces wear that they are still in splendid condition, showing at the edges only any signs of the copper. In England the term most frequently applied to this plated ware is " Close Plate," and when the copper shows through at the edges it is known to the trade as " bleeding," — a very comprehensive term. Although we in America are apt to associate this kind of ware with the city of Sheffield only, the fact remains that it was also made in Birmingham. In that city they seemed to confine themselves largely to the smaller class of articles, like snuff-boxes, buttons, and boxes. In fact Sheffield says that Birmingham has been remarkable for three things only, buttons, buckles, and riots ! Certainly when we come to read the history of the city it seems to have made its share of the former, and undoubtedly it had more than its share of the latter. I have mentioned what an important article of trade buttons were, and though they held the field longer they did not at any time arrive at the importance which buckles held. For at least one hundred and fifty years, buckles played an important part in the dress of every man, woman, and child in Great Britain, and thousands of pairs were exported annually. They first made their appearance about 1659, and were about the size of a bean, for at that time the metals employed were either gold or silver, and while the nobility sported diamonds in their buckles, the middle class were content with paste. In 180 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. few fashion-books can be found any reference to buckles, yet they flourished till about 1800, rising and falling from the hat to the foot, and they were some times to be found on foot, knee, and cap, in the same costume. If you consult the pictures of the old masters, you will find that buckles are lacking in those painted by Van Dyck, are occasionally present in those of Lely and Van Loo, and are ever present in the lovely portraits of Gainsborough, while Sir Joshua Reynolds painted his admirals in small-clothes with long stock ings and buckled shoes, a costume which has now dis appeared from the navy except on the stage. In Hogarth's striking pictures of life in his time in Lon don, you will find buckles alike on his drunken soldiers, on his apprentices, on the women of that class, and on the " lady-friends " of the soldiers. But among women of the higher classes, such as are pictured in " Marriage a la Mode," they are absent, though in the songs of the period they are often satirized, and one of the dances was called "Cover the Buckle." Pepys, the indefatigable, mentions in his diary for January 22, 1659, " This day I began to put buckles on my shoes." In the " Toilet of England," it mentions for 1670: " The Spanish leather boot introduced under Charles I still con tinues to be the fashion, but the immense Roses on the shoes have gradually declined, and are replaced by wide strings and buckles." In order to supply those persons who wished, as far as they could, to follow the mode set by the court, the buckle-makers of Sheffield, Birmingham, Wol- Fig. 94. URNS, WINE-COOLERS, AND TRAYS SHEFFIELDPLATE 181 verhampton, and many other towns made immense numbers. When the fashion was at its height 2,500,- 000 buckles were made at Birmingham alone, and when there was a change in the fashion it caused the greatest apprehension. In the " Annual Register " for December 14, 1791, appears the following note: " Several respectable buckle-makers from Birmingham, Wal sall, and Wolverhampton waited upon H. R. H. the Prince of Wales with a petition setting forth the distressed situation of thousands in the different branches of the buckle trade, from the fashion now and for some time back so prevalent of wearing shoe-strings instead of buckles. H. R. H, after considering the petition very attentively, graciously promised his utmost assis tance by his example and influence." The " Gazette " announces after this appeal : " The unmanly shoe-string will henceforth be thrown aside for the buckle. On his birthday, his Royal Highness, and all his sisters, appeared in the Soho new-invented shoe latchets, and have since continued to wear them. Indeed no well-dressed gentle man or lady now appears without these buttons, and the orna ment of the buckle." But for all this the shoe-buckle died, and the effeminate shoe-string came in. At the time of their greatest popularity buckles were made from gold, silver-gilt, silver, Sheffield plate, paste (both French and Eng lish), brass, copper, glass, jet, pinchbeck, gun-metal, steel, and sometimes wood. Sir S. Ponsonby Fane, long a collector of brass and iron work, has made a collection of these buckles, and has about four hundred. Many of them are of this Old Close Plate and are very ornamental, the plate in some cases being decorated with knobs or buttons of cut steel. 182 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. I have, myself, a pair of these old plate buckles which I got years ago in Holland, and which have the two stars of the Soho Plate Works of Birmingham. They have hand-wrought steel points to hold the leather, and beautiful tiny raised stars are the orna ment. Every half inch all around the top, there are, besides, cut steel facets, which gleam brightly when they are polished. These buckles " bleed " in many places, and plainly show the silver edges. They are not very large, measuring only two inches across the long way, and they are oval in shape. In the early days of the Colonies buckles were much worn in America, and many of them were of good gold plate, for it was only the few who could squander much coin on such frivolities as these. What has become of all these millions of shoe-buckles it would be hard to say. As they were small, they were probably thrown into the scrap-heap as entirely worthless, unless they were of paste or some of the more precious metals. In many of the illustrations of this subject you will see that the article is marked with either initials or a crest. Heraldry has long been a hobby with our English cousins, and we are now taking up the cry, having crests and quarterings made to suit our fancy if we have no such belongings rightfully in the family. To meet this demand for marking one's possessions which was felt by nearly every would-be purchaser, the Sheffield manufacturer imbedded in his Close Plate a shield of pure silver, so that engraving would not SHEFFIELD PLATE 183 cause " bleeding." The manner in which this was inserted was a delicate process requiring the most care ful handling. The object to which the shield was to be attached had a hole cut from a copper scale which fitted over it, of the proper size and shape, and a piece to fit it exactly was cut from a sheet of silver, and the edges bevelled off for about an eighth of an inch all around, which process was called " tapering off." It enabled the workman afterward to hammer the joining so that it could not be perceived. Both the shield and the article to which it was to be attached was dipped in vitriol and water, and carefully cleaned with very fine brickdust. The shield was then fitted to its place, and with the article was taken to a hearth. As in the previous work, a fire of charcoal supplied the heat, and the workman increased this at his convenience by a pair of bellows which he worked with his foot. The article was made red-hot, pains being taken that it did not get too hot, which would cause the silver plate to blister. At exactly the right moment, when both article and shield were at the proper degree of heat, the workman took a steel instrument and began to rub around the edges of the shield, keeping both articles red-hot, and subduing the heat in the steel tool by plunging it constantly in water. He gradually rubbed it over the surface of the whole shield till the latter became firmly attached to the metal below. Of course great care was taken that no air remained between the shield and the metal, for in that case the silver would blister. This could be remedied by pricking the blister and rubbing the smoothing-tool over the 184 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. surface. The article was then put on a steel stake and well hammered, so that it was quite impossible to detect the joint. No solder was ever used, the work man who did this branch of the work having to be an expert in his craft. On a large tray the shield had to be about four inches by three in size, and was usually in proportion to the size of the article on which it was to be placed. Small articles did not have these shields as a rule. The patterns in the Sheffield plate followed right along after the fashions of the same period in silver ware. When it became the style to have the inside of pitchers, sugar-bowls, and cups gilded, the Shef field makers were no whit behind the silversmiths, and their ware was gilded too. In the gilding, fine gold and mercury were used. An amalgam was made by boiling the gold in about five times its weight of mercury, the process taking place in an iron ladle which had been coated with whiting and water and then dried. After the boiling had been completed the amalgam was poured into cold water, which brought it to a semi-fluid condition. Then it was put in a leather bag and squeezed, this simple method getting rid of the mercury, which was forced through the leather, the gold alone remaining in the bag. When the mercury was extracted, and the lump of gold was felt to be rather hard, it was taken out, weighed, and valued. The proper consistency of the gold was about that of stiff clay, and it was divided into portions sufficient to cover the article which it was designed to gild. As i. - <^w^ v\ (1 ^f^; y l|li| YiifiBHS IBto^f . 'iSw^ 7 ^W \ / j H ^Mj ^«j t^ '", L '] WWi^i. &$fv^ \ ; «> Ly£ -T -&M ,-nc - ¦ TrfWlfWfl ^ |! "'— ¦ %¦ - -- ~ JP^^^'-: J?^^^v|^^(Ej ¦ 1 '^"^^*».. M. ¦¦;¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ; ' • ' t,",I -'¦, ' ^A - ; %i ¦ Fig. 98. CANDLESTICKS AND COVERS SHEFFIELDPLATE 189 some nice old plated teapots, which, though unmarked, I believe to be Sheffield, since they have all the proper characteristics, silver mounts, silver headings, and are plated on copper. They are not so old as the specimens given in Figure 97, for this squatty pattern was pop ular after 1800. The central teapot is not to be con sidered, as it is silver; but all three pieces belong to one collector, and he had that one put in too. Several times within late years it has been possible to get fine old Sheffield plate at Washington, where English ambassadors or members of their embassy have sold off many of their household goods before returning to England. I know of two dishes that were obtained in this way. They have on them a well- known crest, and are handsome and fine pieces, similar in pattern to the little one on the right in the upper row of Figure 99. The handles of most of these dishes unscrew, and the cover can be used as a dish also. Figure 99 contains many interesting pieces, the splendid caudle-cups on the lower row, and the quaint old egg-stand, a pattern once seen on every well- appointed breakfast-table, standing cheek-by-jowl with the toast-rack. The two little saltcellars standing on the same row with the toast-rack were favourites too, and contained red or blue glass cups to hold the salt. The tall perforated basket near one of the salts was for sugar, and also had a glass receptacle in it. There are two mustard-pots in the row below, the one with the flat cover being a pattern which was copied in both pewter and Britannia ware. 190 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. I regard as the handsomest pieces of all, those shown in Figure 100. Note the exquisite chasing on the two waiters, as well as the heavy moulded borders, which are of silver. The two cake-baskets speak for them selves, and the cover, though not very large, is vastly more elegant than was common. Two other cake- baskets — very choice specimens, too — may be seen in Figure 94, this style of dish seeming to be one on which much ornament was lavished. It is a pity such pretty articles of table furniture are no longer " the thing." In its best days Sheffield plate was by no means con sidered " second cut," so to speak, for articles made in it were presented to dignitaries on great and special occasions. Lord Nelson had an inkstand of Sheffield plate, which consisted of an oval stand with a perfo rated rim which stood up all around, and inside were two round, plain bottles, one for ink and one for sand. In the centre was a cup for wafers, and forming a cover to it was a bell. The admiral used this inkstand on board the " Elephant," at the battle of Copenhagen in 1 80 1. There is a little story connected with this inkstand which the owner of it tells with unction. Just before the battle a Danish officer came aboard the flagship, to see if the British admiral had any pro posals to make to the king of Denmark. Having occasion to express his errand in writing, he found the quills blunt, and, holding one up, is reported to have said, " If your guns are no better pointed than your pens, you will make little impression on Copen hagen." Later in the day, when the victory was Fig. 99. TABLE UTENSILS AND CANDLE-CUPS Fig. 100. CAKE-BASKETS AND TRAYS SHEFFIELD PLATE 191 practically accomplished, Lord Nelson himself had occasion to use the inkstand to dictate terms to his opponents, and the story does not say that he found any difficulty with the pens. The result of this victory was the capture of six line-of-battle ships, eight prams, all of which were either burned or sunk, except the " Holstein," which was sent home under the charge of Captain James Clarke, to whom Lord Nelson gave the inkstand as a memento of the occasion. On it is engraved, " Admiral Lord Nelson to Captain James Clarke, H. E. I. C. S." On the handle of the bell is "Copenhagen, 1801." On the other side is the monogram of the admiral, H.N. surmounted by a coronet. It is pleasant to know that this trophy has never passed out of the hands of the family of Captain Clarke, and that it is now treasured by one of his descendants. It was not possible to obtain a photo graph of this inkstand, which is in England, and I think it must have been made on a special order, for I have never seen any other like it or resembling it. The collection on which 'I have drawn most heavily for illustrating Sheffield plate is that which belongs to Mr. Henry Coopland, Glossop Road, Sheffield, England. He has had unusual opportunities for col lecting specimens, and he began to gather them before they had become as popular as they are now. Only a small part of his immense collection is shown, and it is known throughout England as the finest one outside of London. The Viscountess Wolseley is another great collector, and many of her specimens are marked, as are Mr. Coopland's, with the best-known names 192 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. of makers of this ware. W. & G. Siddons, whose firm goes back to 1784, is represented in both collections, and so are Fenton, Creswick, & Co., and Holy, and Hoyland. I have often been asked how it is possible to know Sheffield plate. The copper body is always one of the sure tests, as well as the silver edges and mounts, and the presence of the silver shield, which often stands out boldly when the rest of the silver is much worn off. You can see it plainly in the tray on the left hand in Figure 92, and even when the silver- plating is quite intact you can detect the presence of the shield by breathing upon the place where the crest or initials are engraved. The moisture will stand longer on the shield than on the surrounding surface. The urn in Figure 103 is not a common pattern, yet it is Sheffield ware, and what our grandmothers would have called " the best plate." The shield is quite evident with the lettering and a wreath of ornament surrounding it; the beading and lions' heads are of silver; and the only places where it "bleeds" is on the base. The coffee was kept hot by the iron piece inside, and the urn is far handsomer than it looks in the picture. This urn is owned in New York State, but I know of another in California, exactly like it, with the same ornament around the shield, but of course with different initials, which was brought home from England by a sea-captain to his wife, as a present after a prosperous voyage. This was early in 1800, and it is now owned by the grandson of the original purchaser. None of the really old urns had lamps to keep the Pig. 101. CANDLESTICKS Fig. 102. TEAPOTS SHEFFIELDPLATE 193 coffee warm, and those which have were among the latest pieces of this plate made. The subject of candlesticks is one of much interest, for there are so many patterns to be had, some of them of much beauty, like the one in the centre of Figure 94, which was also an epergnc, down to the bedroom lights, one of which may be seen in Figure 101. The one to which I refer in this picture is the small one standing on the box. It is of Sheffield plate and was bought within a few months at a sale of an old Eng lish manor-house. The tall shade is an ample pro vision against drafts, and the extinguisher has a handle so long that it can be dropped down even if the candle has burned down quite into the socket. Even though it has no place here, I should like to mention that the other stick is one of a pair got at the same time and place as the little one, and is of solid mahogany, the shade being of old English ground glass. Nobody knew how long they had been fixtures in that old house, but the wood is quite black and has a superb polish. These candlesticks stand thirty inches high. The last illustration which I show is what is known as a venison-dish. The cover rolls back under the bottom when not in use, and there is a receptacle for hot water in the bottom. There is a perforated tray on which the venison is placed, and the whole thing is a choice piece of work. An ivory button in the handle stands out so that the cover could be turned over without burning the fingers. There is a shield which has never been used. This piece was secured in America by a collector 194 OLD PEWTER, BRASS, ETC. who has the gift of finding much that is rare and beautiful. She can no longer get her things for that " song " which was once so proverbial, but pays quite high prices, since owners have a better idea of the value of what they wish to sell. Besides having much old furniture, pewter, plate, and glass, she has a col lection of eighteen mirrors, those delightful old things with pictures painted in the upper panels. Some of these mirrors are in mahogany frames, some in gilt, some combine the two, but all of them are handsome, one or two are elegant, and all are desirable. When you point out to her that she has far too many for her own good, she always answers that when she has twenty-four she is going to stop, and that then per haps she will part with some. She has collected so much that she has got the speech, no one ever " sells " an antique; they always "part" with it. Among the small things in good old plate which are not uncommon in America are snuff-boxes and patch- boxes. I come across them frequently, and they are almost always examples of choice work. There were some manufacturers in Sheffield who made nothing but these small articles, and as it was so much the mode to take snuff, every one with any pretensions to style had to have one. Among the advertisements in our old papers I do not find any allusions to Sheffield plate. The term " plate " is sometimes used, but in England this refers to silver, not to plated ware, and I have taken it for granted that the advertisers meant the solid ware, as they were in most cases merchants from London. There is one article which we know Fig. 103. COFFEE-URN Fig. 104. VENISON DISH SHEFFIELDPLATE 19s was much esteemed during the times of the Georges, when this old plate was in its prime, which I do not find mentioned in any list of articles made at Sheffield, nor have I ever seen an old one, though modern examples are plenty. That is a punch-bowl. That there were plenty of them is true, but they seem to have been made of silver or china, and there are a number of very rich silver ones to be found among the old families in America. Another article — small, this time, — is to be found very rarely. It is also connected with the flowing bowl, and by its means it was possible for the traveller at any time to have a cup of negus, or any other of those spiced drinks with which our ancestors were wont to solace themselves. This small article was a nutmeg-holder, or spice-box. It was trifling in size,- with a lid the interior of which was rough enough for the nutmeg to be grated upon it. No drink from " Bishop's Sleeves " to " Oxford night-caps " but had its final touch added by the spice-box, and these pretty trifles of Sheffield or sterling silver were popular enough with the fashionable blade, who regarded him self as quite a la mode when he had his spice-box in one pocket and his snuff-box in the other. The spice-box, the snuff-box, and the patch-box have long since lost their usefulness, but we treasure them the more for the pictures they bring to the mind's eye of those brave old days under the Georges. SHEFFIELD MANUFACTURERS OF CLOSE PLATE FROM THE LATTER PART OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TO 1845 Ashworth, Ellis & Co. Banbury, Thomas,, Norfolk St. Elliott, Thomas, Jehu Lane Ellis, Thomas, Norfolk St. Fenton, Creswick & Co., Mulberry St. Greaves, Johnabab, Snuff-box Maker Hancock, Rowbottom & Co. Holy, Daniel, Wilkinson & Co., Mulberry St Hoyland, John & Co., Mulberry St. Kirk, Joseph, Mulberry St. Law, Thomas & Co., Norfolk St. Margrave, Marsden & Co. Marsden, William Marton, Thomas Roberts, Eyre, Beldon & Co., Union St. Rowbottom, I. & Co. Tonks, William Tudor & Leader, Sycamore Hill Wilson, James Winter, Pearson & Hall W. & G. Sissons. 1784 Walker, Knowles & Co. Fenton, Creswick & Co. Watson (now W. Padley & Sons). Henry Wilkinson & Co. Soho Plate, Birmingham. 8 Daniel Holly & Co. Boulton, Birmingham. APPENDIX APPENDIX The following lists have been compiled from Masse's " Pewter Plate " ; Welch's " List of Freemen " ; Touch-Plates in Pewterers' Hall ; Wood's " Scottish Pewter '' ; and from many specimens of ware. MARKS AND NAMES FOUND ON FOREIGN PEWTER Brussels Gothic B, crowned, in a shield St. Michael and the Dragon in a beaded circle Six-petalled rose, crowned G. Pierre, Bruxelles, in oval with two stars J. B. Y., with crowned rose (Eighteenth century) Lille Albert et Mulie a Lille Liege Angel in oval Rose with L. L. Antwerp Arms with hand Rose alone or crowned Joseph Berton, 1777 M. A. Hagen's Blok Zinn Germany Melchior Koch Nuremberg Jorg Christian, 1550 Nicholas Horcheimer, 1570 Melchior Horcheimer, 1583 Paulus Bohem, 1585 Sebaldus Reuter, 161 1 Michael Rossner, 1620 Lorenz Appel, 1630 France Paris marks : An angel with " Paris " in crown Crowned rose Fleur-de-lys French makers of pewter : Jehan de Montrousti, 1400 Jehan Lampene, 1484 Hector Drouet, 1487 Jehan Anot, 1555 Christofle Fromont, 1668, Pewterer to the King Guillaume Couetteau, 1677 Geoffroy et Helot, 1745 Renaud et Cie, 1760 Boileau fils, 1772 Parain, 1789 201 APPENDIX LIST OF ENGLISH PEWTERERS FROM 1500 TO 1600 Abraham, Henry, 1571 Afferton, John, 1506 Alexander, Paul, 1516 Anayson, John, 1523 Ashlyn, Lawrence, 1559 Astlyn, John, 1514 Astlyn, Lawrence, 1504 Astlyn, Walter, 1534 Baker, William, 1558 Barker, John, 1585 Baxter, John, 1513 Bennett, Ph., 1542 Beswick, Thomas, 1533 Blackwell, Thomas, 1547 Boultinge, John, 1575 Burton, John, 1513 Cacher, Edward, 1556 Callie, William, 1510 Carnadyne, Alex., 1595 Carrye, John, 1543 Catcher, John, 1585 Chamberlayn, Thos., 1517 Chawner, Robt, 1573 Chyld, John, 1534 Clark, Henry, 1555 Clark, Thos., 1543 Crostwayt, Rich., 1541 Crostwayte, Nich., 1557 Crowe, Wm., 1512 Crowson, John, 1586 Curtis, Thos., 1538 Curtis, Wm., 1573 Curtys, Peter, 1525 Curtys, William, 1566 Draper, James, 1598 Droke, William, 1528 Dropwell, Robt., 1570 Eastwell, Abraham, 1591 Elyot, Thos., 1579 Emmeston, Wm., 1591 Fenn, George, 1588 Ferner, John, 1595 Flood, John, 1537 Foster, Boniface, 1574 Foull, Thos., 1541 Gardner, Allyn, 1578 Gartwell, Abraham, 1595 Gasker, Percival, 1593 Goodman, Philip, 1596 Greenfell, George, 1579 Haroye, John, 1555 Harper, Edward, 1572 Hawcliff, Symon, 1568 Hawke, Thomas, 1588 Hawkins, Stephen, 1543 Haynes, William, 1560 Heythwaite, Mighell, 1553 Hustwaite, Robt, 1571 Hustwayte, Wm., 1548 Hyll, Wm., 1599 Hylyngworth, Clement, 1553 Isade, Roger, 1569 Jackson, John, 1589 Jann, Thos., 1535 APPENDIX 203 Jardeine, Nicholas, 1573 Jaxon, William, 1512 King, Richard, 1593 Langtoft, Nicholas, 1524 Langtoft, Robt, 1519 Loton, William, 1567 Machyn, Thos., 1539 Makyns, Walter, 1554 Mannynge, Rich., 1574 Mansworth, Thos., 1585 Mathewe, John, 1569 Mears, William, 1598 Mills, Nicholas, 1534 Mylls, William, 1564 Newes, Robt, 1578 Nicholls, Thos., 1566 Nixon, Robt, 1589 Nogay, Thos., 1580 Norton, John, 1583 Onton, John, 1513 Outlawe, Thos., 1504 Pecke, Nicholas, 1548 Pecok, Thos., 1511 Pecok, William, 1510 Perkyns, Rich., 1593 Ponder, Simon, 1555 Redman, William, 1574 FROM W. A., 1663 W. A, 1682 Abbott, John, 1693 Adams, Henry, 1692 Adams., Nath., 1692 Adams, Robt, 1667 Renston, John, 1527 Reo, Edward, 1582 Rowe, William, 1507 Rowlandson, Stephen, 1563 Roysdon, John, 1526 Royston, John, 1558 Scott, Rich., 1562 Sherwyn, John (!), 1547 Sherwyn, John (2), 1578 Steward, John, 1595 Stode, Joseph, 1530 Straye, Ralph, 1587 Taylor, Richard, 1524 Taylor, Robt, 1551 Thompson, R., 1576 Thurgood, John, 1503 Urswyke, Thos., 1533 Waddoce, Thos., 1565 Wargnyer, Rich., 1561 Waryng, John, 1555 Whytbe, Thos., 155 1 Williamson, Rich., 1553 Willis, Nich., 1529 Wilson, John, 1502 Wood, Robert, 1551 Wood, Thos., 1592 Wood, William, 1589 Wynsley, John, 1525 1600 TO 1700 Adams, William, 1671 Alder, Thos., 1667 Allen, John, 1671 Allen, Richard, 1668 Angell, Philemon, 1691 Archer, William, 1653 204 APPENDIX Atlee, W., 16— Austin, Samuel, 1693 Austin, William, 1677 Aylife, William, 1667 D. B., 1670 I. B., 1665 I. B., 1699 Baker, Samuel, 1678 Balleson, Thos., 1667 Barrow, Richard, 1667 Barton, Dan., 1678 Baskerville, John, 1695 Bateman, John, 1670 Beard, Sampson, 1691 Bearsley, Job, 1678 Bennett, John (1), 1653 Bennett, John (2), 1679 Bennett, William, 1662 Benton, Ralph, 1681 Blackwell, Daniel, 16 — Blagrave, Wm., 1664 Blunt, John, 1681 Bonkin, Jonathan, 16 — Bowyer, William, 1642 Boyden, Benj., 16 — ¦ Bradstead, H., 16 — Brailsford, Peter, 1667 Brettell, James, 16 — ¦ Brill, Henry, 16 — Brocklesby, Peter (1), 1629 Brocklesby, Peter (2), 1637 Brocklesby, Peter (3), 1667 Brooks, John, 1637 Brooks, Rich., 1667 Browne, Martin, 16— Byran, Edgerton, 16 — Bull, John, 1678 Bullevant, Jas., 1667 Burt, Luke, 16— Burt, Thos., 1630 Burton, William, 1685 Butcher, Gabriel, 1633 Butcher, Robt., 1639 Butcher, Thos., 1652 Buxton, Robt, 1619 Byrd, John, 1654 B. C, 1651 C. C, 1672 G. C, 1676 T. C, 1663 W. C, 1663 Cambridge, Job, 1687 Campion, John, 1662 Carter, Thos., 1648 Castle, John, 16 — Chassey, Jos., 1650 Chesslin, Rich., 1682 Chester, Geo., 1628 Childe, John, 1643 Claridge, Benj., 1672 Clark, John, 1667 Cliffe, Thomas, 1639 Clyffe, John, 1602 Cock, Humphrey, 1670 Cole, Benj., 1683 Cole, Jeremiah, 1692 Collier, Nich., 1604 Collyer, Rich., 1669 Cooper, Benj., 1684 Coursey, John, 1667 Cowdwell, John, 1620 Cowes, Henry, 1640 Cowes, Thomas, 1605 Cowley, William, 1695 Cowyer, Nicholas, 1607 Cox, John, 1679 Cox, Richard, 1656 Cranley, Charles, 16 — APPENDIX 205 Crookes, William, 16— Cropp, William, 1667 Cross, William (!), 1659 Cross, William (2), 1668 E. D., 1672 F. D., 1672 I. D., 1668 R. D., 1677 W. D., 1668 Davis, Rich., 1664 Dawes, Rich., 1652 Dawkins, Pollisargus, 1628 Dickenson, Thos., 1669 Dimocke, William, 16 — Diston, Giles, 1667 Ditch, William, 1669 Drinkwater, Timothy, 1676 Drury, John, 1673 Duffield, Peter (i), 1672 Duffield, Peter (2), 1697 Dunne, Rich., 1696 Dunninge, Thos. (*), 1604 Dunning, Thos. (2), 1617 Durand, Jonas, 1699 Duxell, Rich., 1616 Dyer, Lawrence, 1675 Dyer, William, 1667 B. E., 1664 G. E., 1663 I. E., 1686 Eames, Rich., 1697 Elliot, Thos., 1604 A. F., 1646 H. F, 1668 Fly, William, 1691 Fox, Edward, 1617 Freeman, Henry, 1669 French, John, 1687 Fullham, Andrew, 1614 Fullham, John, 1637 Gavokeford, 1601 Gilbert, Edw., 1662 Gisborne, Robert, 1691 Glover, Edw., 1620 Glover, Henry, 1620 Glover, Richard, 1606 Glover, Roger, 1615 Godfrey, Stephen, 1679 Graham, Basill, 16 — Grainger, William, 1638 Graunt, Joseph, 1659 Graves, Francis, 1629 Green, William, 1684 Gregg, Robt, 1683 Gregg, Thos., 1671 Groome, Randell, 1624 Gruwin, Gabriel, 1693 I. H, 1663 R. H, 1664 T. H., 1676 Hadley, Isaac, 1668 Hale, Geo., 1675 Hamilton, Alexander, 1646 Hand, Samuel, 16 — Harding, Robert, 1668 Harendon, , 1664 Harford, Henry, 1696 Hartshorne, Michael, 1693 Hatch, Henry, 16 — ¦ Hatfield, Wm., 1627 Haveland, Miles, 1664 Haward, Thos. (!), 1666 Haward, Thos. (2), 1667 Hawkes, Edw., 1667 Heath, Edw., 1656 2o6 APPENDIX Heath, John, 1618 Heath, Richard, 1699 Henson, Thomas, 1614 Hickling, Thomas, 1698 Hicks, Thomas, 1698 Hill, Hough, 1625 Hill, William, 1672 Hills, William, 1636 Hodges, Jos., 1667 Hodgkis, Arthur, 1635 Hollford, Stephen, 1668 Holt, John, 16— Hopkins, Jos., 1667 Howell, Ralph, 1623 Hull, Thos., 1650 Hulls, Ralph, 1682 Hunton, Nich., 1670 Hurdman, Wm., 1622 Hyatt, Humphrey, 1681 Hyll, Walter, 1601 E. I., 1675 H. I., 1675 I. I., 1666 R. I., 1696 lies, Rich., 1697 Ingles, John, 1678 Ingole, Dan., 1688 Jackson, Sam'l, 1684 Jackson, Thos., 1660 Jackson, William, 1668 Jacobs, John, 1663 Jacomb, Josiah, 1675 Jarrett, John, 1656 Johnson, John, 1666 Jones, James, 1628 Jones, Owen, 1647 Jones, Robt, 1667 Jones, Thos., 1632 Jones, William, 1676 T. K, 1672 Kelk, James, 1687 Kelke, Nicholas, 1665 Kent, William, 1623 King, Abraham, 1693 King, Thomas, 1687 Knight, Francis, 1692 Knowles, Tobias, 1664 I. L., 1663 I. L., 1684 Lackford, John, 1664 Langford, William, 1679 Langley, Adam, 1680 Larkin, Francis, 1685 Lawrence, Stephen, 1684 Lea, Francis, 1664 Leach, Thomas, 1691 Leapidge, Edward, 1699 Leapidge, Thomas, 1696 Leeson, John, 1680 Leeson, Robert, 1648 Lock, Robert, 1692 Long, Sefton, 1680 Long (2), Sefton, 1692 Lucas, Robert, 1667 A. M., 1679 I. M., 1662 N. M., 1640 W. M„ 1666 Mabbes, Sam'l, 1685 Major, John, 1657 Mann, John, 1688 Marsh, Ralph, 1662 Marsh (2), Ralph, 1679 Marshall, Thomas, 16 — APPENDIX 207 Marten, Robert, 1674 Mason, John, 1695 Mason, Richard, 1679 Mathews, Peter, 1632 Mathews, William, 1689 Mathews, William, 1699 Maundrill, Richard, 1693 Mayor, Anthony, 1668 Meares, John, 1657 Meares, Ralfe, 1643 Meggot, George, 1655 Mellett, Rich., 1660 Mills, Nathan, 1668 Milton, Wheeler, 1650 Mitchell, John, 1619 Modson, Richard, 1667 Molton, John, 1665 Momford, John, 1641 Moulins, Robt, 1676 Mullins, R., 1647 Munns, Nathaniel, 1667 I. N., 1678 Needham, Thos., 1665 Newman, Michael, 1652 Newman, Michael, Jr., 1670 Newman, Thos., 1660 Newnam, Thos., 1642 Newton, Hugh, 1616 F. P., 1680 I. P., 1693 P. P., 1668 W. P., 1663 W. P., 1698 Page, John, 1697 Paine, . 1661 Palmer, Roger, 1642 Paltock, John, 1627 Parke, Peter, 1666 Parker, Joseph, 1679 Parrett, Thomas, 1609 Pauling, Henry, 1659 Paxton, William, 1696 Perris, Henry, 1678 Peltiver, William, 1679 Philips, James, 1651 Piddle, Joseph, 1685 Pight, Henry, 1678 Piatt, Thomas, 1619 Porter, Luke, 1679 Powell, Ralph, 1621 Priest, Peter, 1667 Pritchard, Polydore, 1649 Procter, Francis, 1631 Pycroft, Walter, 1624 I. R., 1676 N. R., 1679 O. R., 1676 Rack, Charles, 1691 Randall, Lewis, 1609 Raper, Christopher, 1694 Rawlins, William, 1668 Reade, Simon, 1660 Redding, Theodore, 1687 Redhead, Anthony, 1695 Redhead, Gabriel, 1689 Relfe, Edward, 16 — Renton, John. 1687 Reynolds, Thos., 1669 Ricroft, Walter, 1622 Ridding, Theophilus, 1679 Ridding, Thomas, 1697 Roaffe, George, 1600 Roberts, Oliver, 1644 Roberts, William, 1618 Robins, John, 1638 Royston, Ambrose, 1609 Royston, , 1620 208 APPENDIX Rudd, Anthony, 1629 Rudsby, Andrew, 1692 Russell, Thomas, 161 1 I. S., 1685 R. S., 1669 T. S., 1663 Scott, Benj., 1656 Seabright, Charles, 1685 Seddon, Charles, 1669 Seears, Roger, 165 1 Seeling, John, 1656 Shackle, Thos., 1686 Shath, Thos., 1680 Sheppard, Robt., 1619 Sherman, Richard, 1693 Shurmes, Richard, 1641 Siar, William, 1640 Silk, John, 1658 Simkin, James, 1659 Singleton, Lewis, 1615 Skinn, John, 1679 Skinner, John, 1670 Smackergill, Wm., 1610 Smalpiece, Rich., 16 — Smite, George, 1672 Smith, George, 1623 Smith, John, 1656 Smith, Thomas, 1669 Smith (2), Thomas, 1689 Smithe, Thomas, 1631 Smyth, Geo., 1660 Snow, Samuel, 1681 Staples, Richard, 1623 Steventon, Richard, 1608 Steward, John, 1600 Steward (2), John, 1634 Steward, John, 1641 Steward, Rowland, 1694 Steward, Thomas, 1692 Steward, Toby, 1630 Stone, Howard, 1698 Stribblehill, Thos., 1693 Sturt, Walter, 1679 Sweeting, Charles, 1658 Sweeting (2), Charles, 1685 Sweeting, Henry, 1646 Sweeting, John, 1661 H. T., 1680 I. T„ 1698 R. T., 1668 Taylor, Abraham, 165 1 Taudin, James, 1679 Teale, John, 1690 Templeman, Thomas, 1697 Thorogood, Nicholas, 1634 Titterton, Robert, 1698 Tough, Charles, 1667 Tough (2), Charles, 1689 Turner, Nicholas, 1606 Turner, Stephen, 1694 W. V., 1678 Vernon, Rich., 1650 Vile, Thomas, 1675 Vincent, John, 1685 A. W., 1698 R. W., 1692 R. W., 1677 W. W., 1662 Walker, John, 1617 Webb, Christopher, 1669 Webb, Richard, 1699 Westcott, Henry, 1640 Wetwood, Katherine, 1633 Whitaker, Benj., 16 — White, Joseph, 1658 APPENDIX Wiggin, Henry, 1690 Willett, Richard, 1666 Winchcombe, Thomas. 1697 Withebed, Richard, 1678 Withers, William, 1667 Witter, Samuel, 1682 Wood, John, 1612 Woodford, John, 1669 Woodward, Robert, 1699 Wycherley, Thos., 1626 209 FROM 1700 TO 1800' Abbott, Thomas, 1792 Ackland, Thomas, 1728 Alderson, John, 1771 Alderwick, Richard, 17 — Allanson, Edward, 1702 Allen, James, 1740 Ames, Thomas, 17 — Appleton, Henry, 1751 Appleton, John, 1779 Altergood, Thomas, 1700 Atwood, William, 1736 Babb, Bernard, 17 — Bache, Richard, 17 — Bacon, George, 1746 Bacon, Thomas, 17 — Bailey, John, 1789 Bampton, William, 1785 Barber, Nathan, 1782 Barker, Joseph, 1797 Barker, Samuel, 1786 Barlow, John, 17 — Barnes, Thomas, 1738 Barron, Robt, 1786 Basnet, Nathaniel, 1777 Bathhurst, John, 1715 Bearsley, Allinson, 171 1 Bearsley, Job, 171 1 Beaumont, W., 17 — ¦ Beckett, Thos., 1715 Beckon, Thos., 17 — Beeston, Geo., 1756 Belson, John, 1748 Bemsley, Edward, 1749 Bennett & Chapman, 17 — Bennett, Thomas, 17— Benson, John, 1740 Bishop, James, 17 — ¦ Blake, John, 1783 Bland, John, 1734 Blenman, John, 17 — Boardman, Thomas, 1746 Boos, Samuel, 1715 Boost, James, 1758 Borman, Robt, 1701 Boteter, John, 1748 Bourchier, Cleeve, 1736 Bowley, Henry, 17 — Box, Edward, 1745 Bradstreet, Richard, 17 — Brick & Villars, 1747 Bromfield, John, 17— Brown, Richard, 173 1 Brown & Swanson, 17 — Broxup, Rich., 1793 Buckby, Thomas, 1716 Budden, David, 17 — Bullock, James, 1752 Bullock (2), James, 1758 Burford, Thos., 1779 Burford & Green, 17 — Burges, Thos., 17 — ¦ Buttery, Thos., 17 — APPENDIX I. C, 1723 Caney, Jos., 1748 Carpenter, Henry, 1786 Carpenter, John, 1739 Carpenter & Hamberers, 17- Carter, Sam'l, 1794 Cartwright, Thos., 1745 Cator, John, 1752 Chamberlain, Thos., 1765 Charlesby, Wm., 1764 Chawner, Wm., 1761 Child, Lawrence, 1702 Clack, Richard, 1754 Claridge, Charles, 1758 Claridge, Joseph, 1739 Clark, John, 1788 Clark, Thomas, 171 1 Clarke, Samuel, 1732 Clarke, William, 1750 Clarke & Greening, 17— Cleeve, Alex., 1719 Cleve, Edward, 1743 Clements, John, 1782 Cole, Richard, 17 — Collett, Thos., 1737 Collier, Richard, 1737 Collins, Sam'l, 1768 Cooch, Wm., 1782 Cook, Wm., 1707 Cooke & Freeman, 17 — Cooke, Edw., 1701 Cotton, Jonathan, 1750 Cotton (2), Jonathan, 1759 Cotton, Thomas, 1778 Cowley, John, 1736 Cowley, Wm., 1734 Cowling, Wm., 17— Cox, Wm., 17— Cripps, Mark, 1762 Crossfield, Robt., 1707 Cudley, Robt., 17— Curd, Thos., 1756 T. D., 1732 Darling, Thos., 1758 Davis, John, 1747 Deane, Robert, 17 — De Jersey, Wm., 1773 Digges, Wm., 17 — Dodson, Thomas, 1775 Donne, John, 1727 Donne, Joseph, 1740 Dove, John, 1713 Drinkwater, Richard, 17 — Durand, Jonas, 1726 Durand (2), Jonas, 1763 Dyer, John, 1703 Dyer, Lawrence, 1726 I. E., 1714 Eden, William, 1737 Edwards, John, 17 — ¦ Egan, Andrew, 1783 Elderton, John, 1731 Ellicott, Barth, 17— Elliot, , 1746 Ellis, John, 1770 Ellis, Samuel, 1748 Ellis, William, 17— Ellwood, Wm., 1733 Elwick, Henry, 17 — Ernes, John, 1700 Emmerton, Thos., 1736 Engley, Arthur, 17— Evat, Thos., 1797 Ewsters, Thomas, 1753 Farmer, John, 1736 Farson, John, 1745 Fasson, John, 1762 APPENDIX Fasson, Wm., 1787 Field, Edward, 1771 Fieldar, Henry, 17 — Fletcher, Richard, 1701 Floyd, John, 1787 Fly, Timothy, 1739 Fly & Thompson, 1740 Fontain, James, 1786 Ford, Abram, 1719 Ford, John, 1772 Foster, John, 17 — Franklyn, Richard, 1730 Frith, Thomas, 17 — Fryer, John, 1710 I. G, 1765 Gale, Rich., 17— Giffin, Thomas, 1766 Giles, Wm., 1769 Gillam, Everard, 17 — ¦ Glover & Annison, 17 — Goater, Thos., 1758 Gooch, William, 17 — Grant, Edward, 1741 Green, Jas., 1778 Green, Wm., 1737 Greenwood, Thos., 17 — ¦ Grendon, Daniel, 1700 Grigg, Sam'l, 17— Groce, Thos., 17 — ¦ Groves, Edmund, 1773 Grunwin, Rich., 1729 Gwilt, 1709 Gwyn, Bacon, 1709 H. H., 1709 W. H, 1709 Hagshaw, Rich., 17 — Hammerton, Henry, 1733 Hamond, Geo., 1709 Hancock, Samuel, 1714 Handy, Wm., 1746 Harris, Jabez, 1734 Harrison, Wm., 17 — Hasselborne, Jacob, 1722 Hawkins, Thomas, 17 — ¦ Hayton, John, 17 — ¦ Healy, William, 17— Heath, John, 1720 Heme, Daniel, 1767 Highmore, Wm., 1742 Higley, Samuel, 17 — • Hinde, John, 1796 Hislopp, Rich., 17 — Hitchins, John, 1786 Hitchman, James, 1716 Hitchman (2), James, 1761 Hoare, Thos., 1728 Holley, John, 1706 Holman, Ary, 1790 Holmes, George, 1746 Home, John, 1771 Hone, Wm., 1713 Hosier, Joseph, 1700 Howard, Wm., 1702 Hubbard, Robt, 1717 Hudson, John, 17 — Hulls, John, 1709 Hulls, Wm., 1744 Hume, Geo., 17 — Hutchins, Wm., 1732 Hux, Thomas, 1739 Hux, William, 1728 F. I., 1713 I. I., 1700 lies, John, 1709 lies, Nath., 1719 lies, Robt, 1735 APPENDIX Jackman, Nicholas, 1735 Jackson, John, 1712 Jackson (2), John, 1731 James, Anthony, 1713 Jeffreys, Joseph, 17 — Jeffreys, Sam'l, 1739 Jenner, A., 1700 Jennings, Theodore, 1741 Johnson, Luke, 1723 Johnson & Chamberlain, 17- Jones, Clayton, 1746 Jones, John, 1750 Jones, Seth, 17 — Joseph, Henry, 1771 Jupe, John, 1761 Jupe, Robt, 1737 T. K., 1709 Kendrick, John, 1754 Kent, John, 1749 Kenton, John, 171 1 King, Joseph, 1709 King, Richard, 1746 King (2), Richard, 1796 King, Robt., 1711 King, W. H„ 1786 Laffar, John, 1720 Lamb, Joseph, 1738 Langford, John, 1757 Langley, John, 17 — Law, Sam'l, 1700 Lawrence, Edw., 17 — Lawrence, John, 1723 Lawson, Daniel, 17 — Leach, Jonathan, 17 — Leach, Thomas, 1747, Leapidge, Edw., 1724 Leapidge, Thos., 1763 Leggatt, James, 1755 Leggatt, R., 1746 Lindsay, J., 17 — Little, Henry, 1755 Loader, Chas., 17 — Lockwood, Edw., 1790 Long, William, 1707 N. M., 1782 Mart, John, 17— Masham, Hugh, 1713 Massam, Robt., 1740 Mathews, Edw., 1728 Mathews, James, 1746 Mathews, Philip, 1743 Mathews, Wm., 1741 Maxey, Chas., 1752 Maxted, Henry, 17 — Meadows, Wm., 17 — Meakin, Nath., 1768 Merefield, Ed., 17— Middleton, Leon, 1752 Miles, Wm., 17 — Millin, Wm., 1786 Mitchell, John, 1755 Morse, Robt., 1709 Moulins, Robt, 1704 Moxon, Samuel, 1799 Mudge, Walter, 1793 Munday, Thos., 1767 Munden, Wm., 1771 Murray, Wm., 17 — Nash, Edw., 1738 Newham, John, 1731 Newham, Wm., 1727 .Nettlefold, Wm., 1799 Newman, Rich., 1753 Nicholls, Thomas, 1786 Nicholson, Jas., 1730 Nicholson, Robt., 1725 APPENDIX 213 Norfolk, Jos., 1764 Norfolk, Rich., 1776 North, George, 1703 O'Neal, Richard, 1728 Osborne, John, 1715 Oudley, Robt, 1725 H. P., 1707 T. P., 1700 Padden, Thomas, 1705 Pandal, John, 17— Parker, Dan, 1710 Parr, Robt, 1767 Partridge, Richard, 17 — Patience, Robt., 1772 Pattison, Simon, 1733 Pawson, Richard, 17— Peacock, Samuel, 1785 Peacock, Thomas, 1783 Peake, Richard, 1700 Peircy, Robert, 1760 Peisley, George, 1719 Peisley, Thomas, 17 — Pender, Charles, 17 — Perchard, Hellier, 1745 Perchard, Sam'l, 1752 Perry, John, 1773 Peter, John, 1714 Phillips, Wm., 1783 Phipps, Wm., 17— Pidgwin, John, 1785 Piggott, Francis, 1770 Piggott, John, 1738 Piggott, Thomas, 1725 Pilkington, Robt., 1709 Pitt, Richard, 1781 Pitt & Dadley, 1780 Pitt & Floyd, 178- Pole, Robt., 1748 Poole, Richard, 1746 Porteous, Robt, 1790 Porteous, Thos., 1765 Powell, Thos., 1706 Pratt, Joseph, 1720 Price, John, 1781 Priddle, Samuel, 1798 Prince, John, 17 — Puleston, James, 17 — ¦ Pullen, Sam'l, 1714 Quick, Edward, 1756 Quick (2), Edward, 1772 Quick, Hugh, 1708 J. E. R„ 178- Raindell, Charles, 17 — ¦ Randall, Edward, 1711 Read, Isaac, 17 — Redknap, Peter, 1720 Reynolds, Robt., 1767 Rhodes, Thos., 1746 Richards, Timothy, 17 — Ridding, Joseph, 1735 Ridgley, Wm., 1731 Righton, Samuel, 1737 Roberts, Philip, 1753 Robins, James, 1725 Rogers, Phillip, 17 — ¦ Rolt, John, 17— Rooke, Richard, 1777 Rose, Samuel, 1701 Rowles, Thomas, 1732 Rudsey, Andrew, 17 — I. S., 1703 I. S., 1726 W. S., 1706 Sandys, Wm., 1703 Savage, John, 1741 214 APPENDIX Savage (2), John, 1758 Scarlet, Thos., 1765 Scatchard, Robert, 1761 Scattergood, Thos., 1733 Seabroke, Robert, 1794 Seawell, Edward, 1797 Sellon, John, 17 — Sewdley, Henry, 1738 Shackle, Thos., 1701 Sharrock, Edmund, 1742 Sharwood, James, 1776 Shaw, James, 1796 Sheppard, Thos., 17 — Sherwin, Joseph, 17 — ¦ Shorey, Barth, 1747 Shorey, John, 171 1 Shorey (2), John, 1720 Sidby, Edw., 17 — Silk, John, 1700 Skynmer, Robert, 17 — ¦ Slaughter, Richard, 1742 Smalley, Sam'l, 1701 Smallman, Arthur, 17 — Smith, Anthony, 1702 Smith, Charles, 1789 Smith, Geo., 1795 Smith, John, 1709 Smith, Joseph, 1706 Smith, Richard, 1705 Smith, Sam'l, 1753 Smith, William, 1799 Smith & Leapidge, 1750 Snape, William, 17 — Spackman, Jas., 1742 Spackman, Joseph, 1761 Spackman & Co., 1765 Spackman & Grant, 176 — ¦ Sparrow, Francis, 1746 Spateman, Sam'l, 1750 Spooner, Rich., 1749 Spring, Penry, 17 — Spring, Thomas, 1720 Stafford, Geo., 1740 Stanley, Francis, 1722 Starkey, Joseph, 1748 Steevens, James, 1754 Stevens, James, 1774 Stevens, Philip, 1716 Stevens, Thos., 1732 Stevens, William, 1710 Stiles, John, 1730 Stout, Alex., 17— Strong, Francis, 1746 Sturton, Anthony, 1702 Summers, John, 1747 Swanson, Thomas, 1777 Sweeting, Chas., 1717 Taylor, Geo., 1783 Taylor, Sam'l, 1748 Taylor, Thos., 1704 Thomas, Walter, 1756 Thompson, Thos., 17 — ¦ Thompson, William, 1738 Tidmarsh, James, 1750 Tidmarsh, Thos., 1721 Tilyard, John, 1752 Tisoe, James, 1764 Tisoe, John, 1774 Toms, Edward, 1783 Tonkin, Mathew, 1749 Townsend, John, 1748 Townsend & Compton, 1750 Trahern, Edw., 1712 Tribblewell, Thos., 17 — Tumberville, Dawbeny, 1714 Ubly, Edward, 1727 Ubly, Thos., 1751 Underwood, Mathew, 1752 APPENDIX 215 G. V, 1712 Vaughn, John, 1792 I. W., 1715 W. W., 1721 Walmsley, John, 1712 Warkman, Rich., 1727 Watson, Joseph, 17 — Watterer, Thos., 1709 Watts, John, 1760 Watts (2) John, 1780 Webb, Joseph, 1726 Webb, Thomas, 17 — Welford, James, 1754 Welford, John, 1788 Westwood, Joseph, 1706 Wheeler, Thos., 17 — White, Rich., 1729 White & Bernard, 17— White, Wm., 1743 Whittle, Francis, 1731 Wiggins, Abram, 17— Wilks, Rich., 17 — Willey, Mary, 17— Williams, John, 17 — ¦ Wingood, John, 1766 Wingood, Joseph, 1767 Winter, George, 17 — ¦ Withers, Benj., 1730 Wood, Henry, 1786 Wood, Robt, 1701 Wood, Wm., 1744 Wood & Hill, 17— Wood & Mitchell, 17— Woodeson, John, 17 — ¦ Wright, John, 1743 Wright, Joseph, 17 — Wright, Wm., 1772 Wynn, John, 1763 Yates, Lawrence, 1757 Yates, Rich., 1783 Yewen, John, 17 — Yorke, Edw., 1772 FROM Alderson, Geo., 1817 Arden, John, 1821 Ashley, James, 1824 Ashley, T. J. T., 1824 Bache, Richard, 1804 Bagshaw, Richard, 1809 Bagshaw, Thomas, 1810 Barnett, Robt, 1815 Basnett, John, 1821 Bathhurst, John, 1800 Blake, John, 1832 Bowring, Chas., 1820 Burt, Andrew; 1802 Carter, Jos., 1812 1800 TO 1847 Cocks, Sam'l, 1819 Collins, Dan'l, 1805 Collins (2), Dan'l, 1812 Collins, Jas., 181 1 Compton, Thos., 1807 Cooper, Geo., 1819 Cooper, Rich., 1818 Cooper, Thos., 1838 Dackombe, Aquila, 1818 Dadley, Edwd., 1804 Fasson, Benj., 1815 Fasson, Thos., 1803 Field, Dan'l S„ 1830 Fisher, Paul, 18— 216 APPENDIX Gibbs, Wm., 18— Godfrey, Jos. Hen., 18 — Grainge, John, 1816 Grattan, Joseph, 1839 Groome, Wm., 18 — Hall, John, 1810 Hall (2), John, 1823 Hinde, John, 1800 Hodge, Robt. P., 1802 Hudson, John, 1804 Hurst, Richard, 1826 Jackson, R., 1801 Joseph, Rich., 1805 Mister, Rich., 1827 Morning, Randall, 1821 Moser, Roger, 1806 Mourgue, Fulcrand, 1807 Mullens, John, 1805 • Palmer, Ebenezer, 1818 Palmer, Rich., 1822 Parker, Wm., 1809 Perry, John, 1808 Phillips, John, 1815 Phillips, Thos., 1817 Pierce, Jas. H., 1825 Potter, George, 183 1 Reeve, John, 1818 Reeve, Joseph, 1807 Reeve, Wm., 1833 Robinson, G., 1808 Robinson (2), G, 1818 Ruffin, Thomas, 1808 Sansbry, Wm., 1810 Smith, Isaac, 1813 Stanton, Robt., 1818 Staples, Henry, 1817 Taylor, Ebenezer, 1847 Toulmin, Geo., 1805 Tovey, Wm., 1801 Towers, . 1807 Towers, , 1809 Weaver, Wm., 1801 SCOTTISH PEWTERERS FROM 1600 TO 1700 Abernethie, Wm., 1649 Andersone, Robt., 1697 Borthwick, Andrew, 1620 Bowal, Robt, 1621 Bryce, Jas., 1654 Burnbell, Robt., 1633 Burns, Robt, 1694 Christie, Wm., 1652 Cortyne, Thos., 1630 Coutie, Wm., 1619 Edgar, Thos., 1654 Edgar, Robt., 1684 Gledstane, Geo. (1), 1610 Gledstane, Geo. (2), 1634 Gowat, Robt, 1621 Graham, Alexr., 1654 Guld, John, 1677 APPENDIX 217 Hamiltone, Wm., 1630 Harvie, John, 1643 Harvie, Jas., 1654 Harvie, Wm. (1), 1672 Hernie, Jas., 1651 Herrin, Jas., 1686 Herrin, Jas., 1692 Herrin, John, 1686 Hunter, Alex., 1682 Inglis, Robt, 1663 Inglis, Thos. (!), 162 1 Inglis, Thos. (2), 1647 Inglis, Thos. (3), 1686 Lyndsay, Alex., 1648 Moir, Wm., 1675 Monteith, Jas. (i), 1634 Monteith, Jas. (2), 1643 Munro, Andr., 1677 Napier, John, 1666 Penman, Wm., 1693 Ramsay, John, 1659 Scott, John, 1621 Sibbald, Alex., 1613 Sibbald, Jas., 1631 Simpsone, Robt, 1631 Somervell, Jas., 1616 Syde, John, 1680 Symountson, Jas., 1696 Thompsone, Gilbert, 1669 Walker, Jas., 1643 Walker, Patrick, 1607 Walker (2), Patrick, 1637 Walker, Robt., 1676 Watson, John, 167 1 Weir, Robt., 1646 Weir, Thos., 1631 Whyte, Geo., 1676 FROM 1700 TO 1800 Affleck, Jas., 1741 Affleck, Robt., 1741 Andersone, Adam, 1747 Ballantirie, John, 1755 Brown, John, 1761 Bruce, John, 1749 Burton, Mungo, 1709 Bunkell, Ed., 1720 Chalmer, Roedrick, 1750 Clarkson, James, 1717 Clerk, Jas., 1721 Cockburn, Thos., 171 1 Coultard, Alex., 1708 Coulter, Wm., 1751 Cowper, Jas., 1704 Cunninghame, Wm., 1740 Cuthbert, John, 1712 Drum, Geo., 1740 Edgar, Jas., 1709 Erskine, Alex., 1770 Finlay, Robt., 17 — Fleming, Wm., 17 — Folly, John, 1714 Fraser, Simon, 1740 218 APPENDIX Gardiner, Gibson, — - 1764 1719 Gourlay, David, 1800 Grier, John, 1701 Harvie, Wm., 1706 Herdrig, Thomas, 1741 Hunter, William, 1749 Kello, Robt., 1715 Kinbrick, John, 17 — Kininburgh, Robt, 1794 Kinnear, Alex., 1750 Letham, John, 1718 Lockhart, James, 1792 Mitchell, Hugh, 1720 Mitchell, Thos., 1705 Monteith, James, 1767 Nail, Thos., 1792 Napier, John, 1700 Paterson, Walter, 1710 Peddie, Andrew, 1766 Prentice, Robt., 1781 Rait, John, 1718 Reid, Robt, 1718 Scott, Wm., 1794 Simpson, Thomas, 1728 Stewart, Thomas, 1781 Tait, Adam, 1747 Tait, John, 1700 Tait (2), John, 1747 Tennent, Geo., 1706 Waddel, Alex., 1714 Weir, John, 1701 Wilsone, John, 1732 Wright, Alex., 1732 Wright, James, 1780 SOME AMERICAN PEWTERERS Richard Graves, 1639, Boston, Mass. Henry Shrimpton, 1660, Boston, Mass. James Leddel, 1744, Sign of the Platter, New York Robert Boyle, 1755, Sign of the Dish, New York Francis Bassett, 1786-1799, Queen and Pearl Sts., New York William Kirkby, 1786-1792, Great Dock and Old Slip, New York Henry Will, 1786, Water St., New York Thomas Badger, 1789, Prince St., Boston Thomas Green, 1789, Dock Square, Boston Joseph Roby, 1789, Three doors of Drawbridge, Boston Frederick Bassett, 1792-1798, Pearl St., New York George Coldwell, 1792-1808, Gold St., New York William Elsworth, 1792, Courtlandt St., New York APPENDIX 2.19 Robert Pearse, 1792, Chatham St., New York Richard Austen, 1796, Marlboro St., Boston John Skinner, 1796, Newbury St., Boston John We'ch, 1796, Union St., Boston Malcom M'Ewen & Son, 1794, Beekman Slip, New York Michel Andre, 1796, 255 Broadway, New York George Youle, 1798-1821, Water St., New York Philip, Fields, 1799, Bowery Lane, New York Moses Lafetra, 1812-1816, Beekman St., New York Anthony Allaire, 1815-1821, Hester St., New York Lafetra & Allaire, 1816, Water St., New York Thomas Youle, 1816, Water St., New York James Bird, 1820, Harman St., New York Widow Youle (of Thomas), 1821, Water St., New York Boardman & Co., 1824, Water St., New York Boardman & Hart, 1828-1841, Water St., New York (Later they moved to 6 Burling Slip, and made block tin and Britannia ware.) Thomas Wildes, 1832-1840, Hester and Second Sts., New York George Richardson, 1825, Oliver Place, Boston Homans & Co., Cincinnati, O. Padelford & Palenthorpe, Philadelphia, Pa. INDEX INDEX Alms-dish AmericaAndirons" Annual Register ' Antimony Apprentices pages . 138 24, 52, 53, 93, 121, 137, 159, 164, 169, 188, 194 130 181 5, 12 56,57 Badges Basins Bassett, Francis " Bawles " BeakersBells . Benitier Betty lamp Beverley, Robert Birmingham . " Black Horse " Tavern " Bleeding " . Bleeding-dishes Boardman & Co. Bolsover, Thomas Boston Bowdoin College Boyle, Robert Bradford, Gov. Bradford, William Brasenose College Brass . Brass boxes Brass-founders Brateau, Jules Braziers 58,62 149, 150, 151, 152, 92 99 112 84 ,63 153 26 . 78, 137, 138 75 182 121, 124, 180, 181104 174: 96-99, 5, 32, 36,37,48, 78,82, 117- 129, 128, 129, 131, 1 os 183 68 in178 76 166 112 137 112 125 -157 146 130 9 132 223 224 INDEX PAGES Briot, Francois ...... 9 Bristol 52, 121 Britannia ware in, 189 Broadbent, Joseph ¦ 174 Brown & Englefield . ¦ 113 Buckles 179, 180, 181, 182 Buttons 124, 179 Cadman, George . 185 Camphine • i3S Candelabra 142 Candle-moulds 76, 77 Candles 75-77 Candlesticks . 70-75, 82, 131, 133-137, 139, 141, 164, 186, 193 Candle-wood . . . . . 133 Carriages . . . .8 " Cast brass " ... 123 Catacombs 16 Censer 158, 159 Chafing-dish 164, 165 Chandeliers . 144 Charleston . 144, 152, 153 Chastellux, Marquis de 127 China • 4,5, 134, 159 " Church plate of Dorset " . 87 " Church plate of Leicestershire " . 87 Cleaning pewter 95, U4 " Close plate " ¦ 179 " Collector's Manual " no Communion services . • 87, 89, 93T9S Communion tokens • 92, 93 Composition of pewter a 6, 32, 33 Coopland, Henry . 191 Copper 7, 123, 150, 151, 157-172, 174-176 Cox, Joseph . • 144 Cripps, Mr. . 64 " Crooked Lane Men '' 53 " Cymaise " . . 18, 19 Damascus . 138 " Description of England " . . 32, 58 INDEX 225 PAGES Diaz, Bernal . . . . . . 159,160 Dixon & Sons .85,86 Drinking-vessels 58-69, 104 Dutch brass 119 Dutch copper . ¦ 159 Dutch pewter . • 159 Ear dishes 68 Early use of pewter . 3i " Early Western Travels " 78, 129 Earthenware . 61 Ecclesiastical,pewter 8, 10, 13, 14, 22, 26, 32 , 33, 45, 86, 87, 92-94 Edward I. . . 58 Edward IV. . 42 Emerson, James 123 Emerson, William 70 Enderlein, Gaspar 10 Ewers and basins 109-111 False wares 50 Fane, Sir S. P. . 181 Fenders • 143 Fenton, Creswick & Co. 192 " Fine pewter " 37 Fines .... ¦ 56 Fire-dogs 127 Fire-sets . 128 Flagons • 87, 99 Flemish pewter • 25 , 26 French pewterers . n-16 Furniture-makers 142, 143 "Garnish" . • 48, 57 German pewter . 20-22 Ghent pewter • 24, 25 Girandoles 142 Goblets • 135 Goldsmiths' Company 51 Graves, Richard • H3 Guilds • • • 12, 14, 33 38,41,42,49 "Guinea Basons" • 52-54 226 INDEX PAGES Gwynne, Nell 162, 163 Halden, John 112 Hamlin, in Hancock, Joseph • 175 Heriot . 161 Hewes, Mrs. Mary 105-107 " Hollow-ware Men " • 38 Holy . 192 Homans & Co. • "3 Hot-water Dishes • 69 Hoyland 192 Inferior pewter 45 Inkstands 84 Isabeau of Bavaria 8 Japan 4, S, 33. 159 " Joggled work " 21 Kaiserteller 26 Kettles 129, 130, 145, 147, 148, 165, 166 Kip, James 129 Kirkby, William 112 Knockers 125, 126 Koch , Melchoir Si Lamps 78, 79, 85, 135, 137-139, 141, 142 Lancaster 129, 130 Langdon , John 126, 127 Langdon House 126, 127 Lanterns 143, 144 Latten . 118 Lead . 6, 14, 31-33, 37. no Leddel, James 112 Ley metal . 6,60 London 14, 36, 39. 40, 43. 46, So, 52, 62, 79, 122 Making of pewter 33 Manchester 124 Manufacture of brass 120, 121 Marks on pewter 12, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 45-53. 67, 89 Marks on Sheffield pi, ite . 186, 188, 192 INDEX 227 PAGES Mazer bowls ..... 61 Measures 60 " Memorials of London " 36 McEwen, Malcolm . 112 Middle Ages . 4 Montayne, Abram 129 Mont St. Michel 16 Monumental brasses 1 18-120 Moulds for pewter 33, 34, 40 Nelson, Lord . 190, 191 " New England Rarities " 77 " New England's Prospect " 133 Noggin 66 Nuremberg 10, 19, 20 " Old English Plate " ¦ 64, 65 " Old West Surrey " • 73,74 Oxford • 125 Palimpsests . 119 " Paston Letters " • 43, 44 Pearsall, Nathaniel 163 Penton, G. • 144 Pewterers' Hall • 38, 46 Pewter pots 19 " Philocothonista " . 58 Pie-coffins 61 Pins . 121-123 Pipkins • 143 "Pirley Pig" . 91 Plates 34 Porringers 9 Posnets . 67 Pottle-pot 59 Price list "3, H4 Pricked work 23 Purling, Major Si Quaich 91 Queen Anne . • 58, 74 228 INDEX PAGES "Rat-tail" ....... 102 " Red Metal " 124 Reed & Barton . 113 Renting pewter 57 Re-plating . 186 Revere, Paul . 164, 165 Richard, Coeur de Lion . 17, 18 Roberts, Samuel . 185 Roman use of pewter 7 " Rose and Crown " . . 22,25,47,48,53,102 Rosette 150 Rose-water dishes 104 Ruprecht 19,21,51 Russian brasses 148, 149, 167, 168 " Sad ware men '' . 38 Saltcellars 8, 12, 32, 34-36, 80-84 Scotch pewter 22, 87-93 Sea coal 141 Searches 41, 43, 46 Sewall, Judith . 130, 131, 133 Shakespeare's tomb 120 Shaving-boxes • 84 Sheffield 124, 174 , 180, 181, 185 Sheffield plate . 173-195 Shrimpton, Henry • "3 Siddons, W. & G. 192 " Silver pewter " Si Silvorum 5i Snuffers • 135 Spoons 100-103, 134 Standish, Miles • 137 Stoves . 141 Sugar bowls . 148 Swiss pewter . . 26, 27 Tankards . 8, 34, 58-66, 70, 71 " Tappit-hen " 90 Tasters . 68, 69 Tazzi . . 85 Teapots • 85 INDEX 229 PAGES Thimbles ..... Izl6 Tin . 6, 7, 19, 32, 33, 37, 39 Tips 147 Tokens . 15, 16, 92, 93 Tools . • 23, 35, 177 Touch-marks ¦ 46, 49-51 " Triflers " . 38 " Vessels of tin " 37 Warming-pans 162-164 Washington, General 105, 122, 127, 144, 163 Washington, Mrs. 105, 107-109, 122 Weight of vessels • 53. 54, S8-60 Welch, Charles 35 Whale oil • 77, 78 Whipple House 133 White metal . . 69 Will, Henry . 112 Winslow, Edward . 161 Woking ¦ 157 " Worshipful Compan; 1 of Pewterers " . . 35-41,49,50,55-60,71,80-84 " Wriggled work " 21 Wright, Lemuel 123 Yeomanry 56 York . . . 139 3 9002 00494 3222